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A fire hydrant in front of a graffitti written brick wall.
A fire hydrant has been painted to look like it has a face.
A vandalized red fire hydrant in front of a brick wall
Fire hydrant sitting by a brick wall covered in a mural.
The fire hydrant sits in front of the grafitti splattered wall.
A black and white picture of a bird flying over a ocean
A mountain under a cloudy sky near the sun.
a large bird flying over a mountain and river at sunset
A black and white image of a bird flying over the lake.
A body of water in front of a mountain.
A fire hydrant is placed in a wooded area
A red teddy bear standing in a forest on dry grass.
Picture of a fire hydrant in front of a large group of trees.
Red fire hydrant next to fence and trees.
A red fire hydrant placed by a broken fence and trees
a man sitting in a chair next to a giraff
A fire hydrant that has the stars and stripes on it.
A red, white and blue fire hydrant on a city sidewalk.
A fire hydrant painted exactly as the patriotic flag
A fire hydrant is decorated with an American flag design.
A american flag painted fire hydrant with chains hanging at it side.
A fire hydrant that is spewing water in the middle of a city.
Water sprays from a fire hydrant on the sidewalk in front of a brick building in the city.
An open fire hydrant in an industrial city area squirts water
A city street with a brick road and a fire hydrant that has a hose connected to it and it is spraying water into the air.
A fire hydrant on a street is spraying water.
A crowd of people standing near a fire hydrant.
a fire hydrant surrounded by a large crowd.
People stand on a street near a fire hydrant that is leaking.
A leaking fire hydrant with groups of people in the background.
A large group of people are gatherer together on a street.
this school bus is yellow and black with dark windows
A school bus on the road behind a truck.
A large yellow school bus on a road.
A large yellow school bus driving down a road.
a school bus is stuck in traffic behind a truck
An older white motorhome pulled over on the side of a highway.
A van on the side of a two lane road
A bus on the side of a desert road..
The van with a trailer on the back is parked by the side of the road.
A white van parked on the side of a road.
A large herd of sheep stands on the edge of a field.
Flock of white sheep huddled together in a brown field.
A large herd of sheep walking across a dry grass field.
A herd of sheep in a field behind a barbed-wire fence.
Sheep are gathered together in a dry, grassy fenced-in area.
People walk on the side of the street past a bus.
Pedestrians, cars and buses pass by a busy street.
People walking down the street doing different things
A crowd of people walk along a sidewalk near a busy road.
A group of people walk alongside a bus in the city.
A bus driving in a city area with traffic signs.
The bus is pulling off to the side of the road.
Bus coming down the street from the intersection
a public transit bus on a city street
A bus pulls over to the curb close to an intersection.
A road and traffic sign that reads "motorcycles use caution."
an orange warning street sign on a metal tripod base on the side walk next to a partially paved, unfinished, street.
an image of a cautionary construction sign
A sign reading "Motorcycles Use Caution" on a road.
The sign on the side of the road is telling motorcycles to use caution.
A group of sheep standing in a field.
Three sheep in a a grassy field with more sheep in the background.
A flock of sheep are on a green sloping field.
A group of sheep standing in a rocky field of grass.
sheep look towards the camera as the stand in a field
A couple of sheep standing on a lush green field.
A few sheep eating and grazing in someone's yard.
Several sheep in a grassy field by a car.
Some sheep are in the grass next to a house.
Animals standing in the green yard of a house.
The bikes are parked along the side of the building.
A family mart store with several bicycles parked outside
a building with some bikes on the outside
A busy corner market with many bicycles parked in front of it.
A corner store has a row of bicycles outside.
A couple of people walking down a sidewalk with stars.
A row of stars on the Hollywood walk of fame.
a couple walking in the rain using and umbrella
The sidewalk with stars names on the sidewalk with shops on one side.
Two people under an umbrella on a wet sidewalk with stars.
Three white storks with black legs and beaks wading in some water.
A group of birds with large beaks in the water
Three water birds wading and fishing in shallow water.
Three long legged white birds walking through the water.
several birds are walking in a line through some water
A street sign is posted to watch for senior citizens.
A yellow street sign warns to watch for senior citizens.
a close up of a street sign with a sky background
a black and yellow sign and a red and white sign
A sign that reads "WATCH FOR SENIOR CITIZENS" sits on a pole on a residential street
A yellow street sign sitting on the side of a road.
Two signs on a curb near a street.
A sign warns motorists to watch out for older people walking.
A parking and traffic sign are on the same pole.
A "No Parking Sign" sitson top of a "Watch For Senior Citizens" sign.
Many cages of birds are stacked at a pet store.
Stacked bird cages with a variety of birds in them.
Stacks of cages with small birds in them.
Many cages of birds in this pet store