wine vaults
store and age wine
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wine vaults', list all concepts for which 'wine vaults' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] store and age wine </s>
aerodynamics, airplanes, bird, birds, bug, counting combat planes, flapping, fly, fly away kind of, flying, flying objects, form part of airplane, generating lift, lift aeroplane, plane, providing lift, supporting aircraft, supporting airplane, supporting bird, aircraft, flight, raise
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wing', list all concepts for which 'wing' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] aerodynamics, airplanes, bird, birds, bug, counting combat planes, flapping, fly, fly away kind of, flying, flying objects, form part of airplane, generating lift, lift aeroplane, plane, providing lift, supporting aircraft, supporting airplane, supporting bird, aircraft, flight, raise </s>
dividing buildings, eating, flapping, fly, flying, furling, glide, hockey symbol, soaring
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wings', list all concepts for which 'wings' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] dividing buildings, eating, flapping, fly, flying, furling, glide, hockey symbol, soaring </s>
winning baseball game
advancing in league standings, advancing team, advancing team during play offs, advancing to tournament, beating opposing team, bragging rights, competition and sports, defeating other team, earning money, enhancing status on campus, fun, getting famous, getting sense of achievement, gipper, having fun, helping team, making playoffs, pleasing fans, pleasing team owners, pride, pride of accomplishment, proving better skill, rising in standings, satisfying competitive urges, satisfying fans, staying employed as ball player, stroking ego
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'winning baseball game', list all concepts for which 'winning baseball game' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] advancing in league standings, advancing team, advancing team during play offs, advancing to tournament, beating opposing team, bragging rights, competition and sports, defeating other team, earning money, enhancing status on campus, fun, getting famous, getting sense of achievement, gipper, having fun, helping team, making playoffs, pleasing fans, pleasing team owners, pride, pride of accomplishment, proving better skill, rising in standings, satisfying competitive urges, satisfying fans, staying employed as ball player, stroking ego </s>
winter jacket
keeping warm in winter
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'winter jacket', list all concepts for which 'winter jacket' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] keeping warm in winter </s>
conducting electricity, fasten, fastener, shape
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wire', list all concepts for which 'wire' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] conducting electricity, fasten, fastener, shape </s>
wire conductors
conduct electricity
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wire conductors', list all concepts for which 'wire conductors' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] conduct electricity </s>
wire fencing
keeping animals in field
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wire fencing', list all concepts for which 'wire fencing' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] keeping animals in field </s>
wire nut
connecting wires
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wire nut', list all concepts for which 'wire nut' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] connecting wires </s>
wireless networks
link computers together
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wireless networks', list all concepts for which 'wireless networks' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] link computers together </s>
conduct electricity, provide tensile strength
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wires', list all concepts for which 'wires' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] conduct electricity, provide tensile strength </s>
mixing batter
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wisk', list all concepts for which 'wisk' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] mixing batter </s>
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'witch', list all concepts for which 'witch' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] burning </s>
get out of trouble
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wits', list all concepts for which 'wits' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] get out of trouble </s>
fry food, frying food, make fried rice, stir frying food
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wok', list all concepts for which 'wok' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] fry food, frying food, make fried rice, stir frying food </s>
woman to teach how
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'woman to teach how', list all concepts for which 'woman to teach how' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] human </s>
boats, build bird house, build boat, build boats, build bridges, build docks, build furniture, build things, building, building material, building things, building walls, building wood houses, burning, burning to gain energy, campfires, construct buildings, creating paper, fence in property, fireplaces, fuel fire, houses, make constructions, make fire, make furniture, make tinker toys, picture frames, produce lumber, skis, trees, whittle while, wood products
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wood', list all concepts for which 'wood' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] boats, build bird house, build boat, build boats, build bridges, build docks, build furniture, build things, building, building material, building things, building walls, building wood houses, burning, burning to gain energy, campfires, construct buildings, creating paper, fence in property, fireplaces, fuel fire, houses, make constructions, make fire, make furniture, make tinker toys, picture frames, produce lumber, skis, trees, whittle while, wood products </s>
wood and lether
make chairs
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wood and lether', list all concepts for which 'wood and lether' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] make chairs </s>
wood pulp
make newspapers, make paper
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wood pulp', list all concepts for which 'wood pulp' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] make newspapers, make paper </s>
wooden rod
aid in walking, connecting pieces of wood, creating table leg, hit, holding clothes in closet, holding up curtains, make closet, support, using as fishing pole, using as walking stick, walking stick, weapon
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wooden rod', list all concepts for which 'wooden rod' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] aid in walking, connecting pieces of wood, creating table leg, hit, holding clothes in closet, holding up curtains, make closet, support, using as fishing pole, using as walking stick, walking stick, weapon </s>
wooden spoon
stirring batter
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wooden spoon', list all concepts for which 'wooden spoon' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] stirring batter </s>
cut trees, deer, gather wild mushrooms, go camping, hiking
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'woods', list all concepts for which 'woods' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] cut trees, deer, gather wild mushrooms, go camping, hiking </s>
create human like sound in music, jazz improvisation, make beautiful music, make music, making music, making sound, marching bands, play, play music, playing in band, playing in orchestra, playing instrument, playing music
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'woodwind', list all concepts for which 'woodwind' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] create human like sound in music, jazz improvisation, make beautiful music, make music, making music, making sound, marching bands, play, play music, playing in band, playing in orchestra, playing instrument, playing music </s>
woodwind family
add liveliness to music, chamber music, create woodwind sounds, enhance orchestra, music, orchestral performance, organizing musical instruments, part of school band, play music, quintet recitals, swing, tone colors contrast with strings
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'woodwind family', list all concepts for which 'woodwind family' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] add liveliness to music, chamber music, create woodwind sounds, enhance orchestra, music, orchestral performance, organizing musical instruments, part of school band, play music, quintet recitals, swing, tone colors contrast with strings </s>
woodwind instrument
being in symphony, blowing notes, creating lovely melodies, enjoyment, marching band, music, performing in band, performing in orchestra, play jazz, play music, playing, playing to make music, playing tune, practicing scales, resonating column of air, sale in musical instrument stores, solo performances, sound
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'woodwind instrument', list all concepts for which 'woodwind instrument' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] being in symphony, blowing notes, creating lovely melodies, enjoyment, marching band, music, performing in band, performing in orchestra, play jazz, play music, playing, playing to make music, playing tune, practicing scales, resonating column of air, sale in musical instrument stores, solo performances, sound </s>
clothes, kint cardigan or sweater, knit sweater, knit warm socks and sweaters, make clothes, make sweater, make yarn, making woollen clothing, pulling over eyes, sweaters
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wool', list all concepts for which 'wool' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] clothes, kint cardigan or sweater, knit sweater, knit warm socks and sweaters, make clothes, make sweater, make yarn, making woollen clothing, pulling over eyes, sweaters </s>
woolen fabric
burning, construct clothing warm, feeling comfortable while touching, keep warm in winter, keeping warm, make clothes, make sweater, making clothes, making sweater, staying dry, sweaters, winter clothing
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'woolen fabric', list all concepts for which 'woolen fabric' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] burning, construct clothing warm, feeling comfortable while touching, keep warm in winter, keeping warm, make clothes, make sweater, making clothes, making sweater, staying dry, sweaters, winter clothing </s>
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'word', list all concepts for which 'word' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] insult </s>
word aggressive
describe persons disposition
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'word aggressive', list all concepts for which 'word aggressive' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] describe persons disposition </s>
word cooler
describe temperature of rain
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'word cooler', list all concepts for which 'word cooler' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] describe temperature of rain </s>
communicate thoughts, communicate with, make sentences, spread memes
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'words', list all concepts for which 'words' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] communicate thoughts, communicate with, make sentences, spread memes </s>
work of art
admiration, admire, admiring, ages, analyzation, appreciating, appreciation, art's sake, attracting po, buying, cogitating on, contemplation, conveying impressions information and feelings, conveying mood, decorating wall, expanding mind, expressing ideas, expressing inner life, expression, inspiration, inspire, selling, sometimes mentally wrestling with, thinking about
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'work of art', list all concepts for which 'work of art' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] admiration, admire, admiring, ages, analyzation, appreciating, appreciation, art's sake, attracting po, buying, cogitating on, contemplation, conveying impressions information and feelings, conveying mood, decorating wall, expanding mind, expressing ideas, expressing inner life, expression, inspiration, inspire, selling, sometimes mentally wrestling with, thinking about </s>
accomplishing goal, all of us, connecting with peers, creating, doing with purpose, earing money, earning living, earning money, earning respect, earning respect of peers, exercising mind, feeding family, feeling productive, gaining experience, getting done, getting job done, getting things done, helping others, keeping people from getting into trouble, keeping up economy, making living, making money, occupying mind, padding resume, people who desire to support themselves, people who enjoy working, people who need job, people who not rich, people who wernt born rich, poor people, producing, providing income, providing opportunity to advance, providing personal income, providing stable income, staying engaged in life
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'working', list all concepts for which 'working' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] accomplishing goal, all of us, connecting with peers, creating, doing with purpose, earing money, earning living, earning money, earning respect, earning respect of peers, exercising mind, feeding family, feeling productive, gaining experience, getting done, getting job done, getting things done, helping others, keeping people from getting into trouble, keeping up economy, making living, making money, occupying mind, padding resume, people who desire to support themselves, people who enjoy working, people who need job, people who not rich, people who wernt born rich, poor people, producing, providing income, providing opportunity to advance, providing personal income, providing stable income, staying engaged in life </s>
working box office
calculating ticket cost, collecting money, collection of funds, discussing available seating with customers, giving information about performances, greeting public, making living, people employed by theatre, selling tickets, selling tickets to customers, taking money in exchange for tickets, theatres, ushers
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'working box office', list all concepts for which 'working box office' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] calculating ticket cost, collecting money, collection of funds, discussing available seating with customers, giving information about performances, greeting public, making living, people employed by theatre, selling tickets, selling tickets to customers, taking money in exchange for tickets, theatres, ushers </s>
all resources except sunlight, crush man, exploring, gathering detritus from space, growing food on, inhabiting, live, live in, living on, play science fiction games, sell products to, society, terraform
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'world', list all concepts for which 'world' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] all resources except sunlight, crush man, exploring, gathering detritus from space, growing food on, inhabiting, live, live in, living on, play science fiction games, sell products to, society, terraform </s>
bleeding, get sympathy, getting sympathy, harm opponent, healing, inflict pain, injury, lose blood
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wound', list all concepts for which 'wound' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] bleeding, get sympathy, getting sympathy, harm opponent, healing, inflict pain, injury, lose blood </s>
wound to remember what not
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wound to remember what not', list all concepts for which 'wound to remember what not' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] do </s>
wrapping paper
cover present
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wrapping paper', list all concepts for which 'wrapping paper' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] cover present </s>
tighten bolt
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wrench', list all concepts for which 'wrench' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] tighten bolt </s>
affectionate play, amusment, being in olympics, children, close in fighting, competitive sport, determining winner, enjoyment, entertainment, entertainment of spectators, exercise, expressing exhuberance, fighting with rules, finding out who strongest, fun, getting control, increasing strength, participating in sport, physical contact, play, pleasure, public entertainment, self defense, sport, sumo, sweatting lot, violent playing
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wrestling', list all concepts for which 'wrestling' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] affectionate play, amusment, being in olympics, children, close in fighting, competitive sport, determining winner, enjoyment, entertainment, entertainment of spectators, exercise, expressing exhuberance, fighting with rules, finding out who strongest, fun, getting control, increasing strength, participating in sport, physical contact, play, pleasure, public entertainment, self defense, sport, sumo, sweatting lot, violent playing </s>
wrist watch
telling time
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wrist watch', list all concepts for which 'wrist watch' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] telling time </s>
accesorizing outfit, awareness of time, coordinating events, keeping time, keeping track fo time, keeping track of time, know what time, looking good, piece of jewellery, reminding of appointments, showing off, showing personal status, tell time, telling date, telling time, timing events, timing or, timing things
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'wristwatch', list all concepts for which 'wristwatch' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] accesorizing outfit, awareness of time, coordinating events, keeping time, keeping track fo time, keeping track of time, know what time, looking good, piece of jewellery, reminding of appointments, showing off, showing personal status, tell time, telling date, telling time, timing events, timing or, timing things </s>
creating books, magazine company to employ, write book, write boring life story, writing advertisment, writing book, writing magazine article, writing newpaper article, writing play, writing stories
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writer', list all concepts for which 'writer' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] creating books, magazine company to employ, write book, write boring life story, writing advertisment, writing book, writing magazine article, writing newpaper article, writing play, writing stories </s>
authors, buying from catalog, communicate, communicating, communicating feelings to others, communicating infomation, communicating thoughts, communicating with people, communicating without speaking, communication, comunicating ideas, conveying ideas, conveying message, creating record of events, creative expression, detailing history, earning living, education, entertainment, espressing information and facts, explaining concepts, expressing emotions, expressing feelings, fun, humor, information, informing family members of personal news, jotting notes, leaving record, passing on infromation, pleasure, preserving things for posterity, producing masterworks of literature, putting ideas down on paper, recording data, recording events, recording information, relaxation, sharing intelligence, telling story, tracking statistics, writing novel
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing', list all concepts for which 'writing' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] authors, buying from catalog, communicate, communicating, communicating feelings to others, communicating infomation, communicating thoughts, communicating with people, communicating without speaking, communication, comunicating ideas, conveying ideas, conveying message, creating record of events, creative expression, detailing history, earning living, education, entertainment, espressing information and facts, explaining concepts, expressing emotions, expressing feelings, fun, humor, information, informing family members of personal news, jotting notes, leaving record, passing on infromation, pleasure, preserving things for posterity, producing masterworks of literature, putting ideas down on paper, recording data, recording events, recording information, relaxation, sharing intelligence, telling story, tracking statistics, writing novel </s>
writing brush
caligraphy, calligraphy, drawing, jotting, probing, scribbling, write chinese and japanese, writing
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing brush', list all concepts for which 'writing brush' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] caligraphy, calligraphy, drawing, jotting, probing, scribbling, write chinese and japanese, writing </s>
writing case
carry pens, holding writing materials, write
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing case', list all concepts for which 'writing case' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] carry pens, holding writing materials, write </s>
writing instrument
cats to play with, chewing, communication, conveying information, drawing picture, drawing pictures, drawing sketch, expressing concepts, expressing ideas, keeping records, letters, making notes, marking, practicing penmanship, scratching, scribble, scribbling, solving word problems, write, write letter by hand, write note, write with, writing, writing letter, writing note, writing story
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing instrument', list all concepts for which 'writing instrument' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] cats to play with, chewing, communication, conveying information, drawing picture, drawing pictures, drawing sketch, expressing concepts, expressing ideas, keeping records, letters, making notes, marking, practicing penmanship, scratching, scribble, scribbling, solving word problems, write, write letter by hand, write note, write with, writing, writing letter, writing note, writing story </s>
writing letter
almost obselete due to e mail, answering letter, communicating, communicating feelings, communicating thoughts, communicating with another person, communicating with friend, communicating with people, communication, connecting with friend, contacting person, conveying information to aanother person, corresponding with another person, entertainment, expressing anger, expressing condolences, expressing love, expressing opinion, friend, getting information across, interaction with friends, keeping in touch with, keeping in touch with family, letting another know care, love, meeting new friends, self expression, sending information, sending information to, sharing news with others, staying in touch, story telling, talking to friend, telling, telling about day, thanking for, transferring ideas
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing letter', list all concepts for which 'writing letter' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] almost obselete due to e mail, answering letter, communicating, communicating feelings, communicating thoughts, communicating with another person, communicating with friend, communicating with people, communication, connecting with friend, contacting person, conveying information to aanother person, corresponding with another person, entertainment, expressing anger, expressing condolences, expressing love, expressing opinion, friend, getting information across, interaction with friends, keeping in touch with, keeping in touch with family, letting another know care, love, meeting new friends, self expression, sending information, sending information to, sharing news with others, staying in touch, story telling, talking to friend, telling, telling about day, thanking for, transferring ideas </s>
writing letters
communicating events and ideas
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing letters', list all concepts for which 'writing letters' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] communicating events and ideas </s>
writing poem
annoying parents, being artistic, being creative, being poetry, capturing emotion onto paper, communicating feeling, communicating with other people, creative expression, creative writing class, creative writing student, entertaining people, express feelings, expressing anger, expressing creativity, expressing emotion, expressing emotions, expressing feelings, expressing grief, expressing human condition, expressing idea, expressing joy, expressing love, expressing oneself, expressing onesself, expressing yourself, hobby, making lots of money, painting word pictures, passing class, passionate expression, relief and relaxation, sharing experiences with other people, tickling fancies, using beautiful words, using language effectively, winning award, wooing women, writing literatur
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing poem', list all concepts for which 'writing poem' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] annoying parents, being artistic, being creative, being poetry, capturing emotion onto paper, communicating feeling, communicating with other people, creative expression, creative writing class, creative writing student, entertaining people, express feelings, expressing anger, expressing creativity, expressing emotion, expressing emotions, expressing feelings, expressing grief, expressing human condition, expressing idea, expressing joy, expressing love, expressing oneself, expressing onesself, expressing yourself, hobby, making lots of money, painting word pictures, passing class, passionate expression, relief and relaxation, sharing experiences with other people, tickling fancies, using beautiful words, using language effectively, winning award, wooing women, writing literatur </s>
writing program
accomplishment, achieving goal, class assignment, creating new, creating software tool, designing software, developing software application, doing job, entertainment, expressing ideas, expressing logic, expressing yourself, getting computer's help, getting paid, giving credit, giving programmer to do, grade, instructing computer, letting other people use program, mental discipline, mental exercise, ordering steps, practical end, programmer, programmers to do, programming computer, translating thoughts to computer code, trying to debug, using computer
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing program', list all concepts for which 'writing program' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] accomplishment, achieving goal, class assignment, creating new, creating software tool, designing software, developing software application, doing job, entertainment, expressing ideas, expressing logic, expressing yourself, getting computer's help, getting paid, giving credit, giving programmer to do, grade, instructing computer, letting other people use program, mental discipline, mental exercise, ordering steps, practical end, programmer, programmers to do, programming computer, translating thoughts to computer code, trying to debug, using computer </s>
writing story
assignment for students, authors, being creative, communicating, completing assignment, completing english assignment, describing event, earning living, enjoyment of others, entertaining readers, entertainment, explain, expressign ideas, expressing creativity, expressing idea, expression, fun, getting in touch with emotions, getting published, having fun, illustrating point, information, job for story writers, making money, money, prestige, publishing, relating incident, representing experience, representing world, schoolwork, sharing, teaching, using talent
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing story', list all concepts for which 'writing story' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] assignment for students, authors, being creative, communicating, completing assignment, completing english assignment, describing event, earning living, enjoyment of others, entertaining readers, entertainment, explain, expressign ideas, expressing creativity, expressing idea, expression, fun, getting in touch with emotions, getting published, having fun, illustrating point, information, job for story writers, making money, money, prestige, publishing, relating incident, representing experience, representing world, schoolwork, sharing, teaching, using talent </s>
writing term paper
apptitude asessment, birds, college, completing course, completing degree, course requirement, demonstrating competence, demonstrating knowledge of learned topic, demonstrating knowledge of subject, demonstration of knowledge, english, expressing ideas, finding out more about subject, getting good grade, getting good grade in school, getting grade, getting grade in class, getting graded, grade, impressing professor, learing to use resource material, learning, learning about subject in depth, learning new information, learning to analytical, meeting course requirement, passing class, passing course, practice writing research paper, practicing writing skills, presenting views on topic, receiving grade, research, researching topic, school, school requirement, showing what know
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'writing term paper', list all concepts for which 'writing term paper' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] apptitude asessment, birds, college, completing course, completing degree, course requirement, demonstrating competence, demonstrating knowledge of learned topic, demonstrating knowledge of subject, demonstration of knowledge, english, expressing ideas, finding out more about subject, getting good grade, getting good grade in school, getting grade, getting grade in class, getting graded, grade, impressing professor, learing to use resource material, learning, learning about subject in depth, learning new information, learning to analytical, meeting course requirement, passing class, passing course, practice writing research paper, practicing writing skills, presenting views on topic, receiving grade, research, researching topic, school, school requirement, showing what know </s>
x ray machines at airports
detect bombs or weapons, prevent drug smuggling, prevent gun smuggling
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'x ray machines at airports', list all concepts for which 'x ray machines at airports' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] detect bombs or weapons, prevent drug smuggling, prevent gun smuggling </s>
anxiety, fun
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'xanax', list all concepts for which 'xanax' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] anxiety, fun </s>
transporting water and mineral salts
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'xylem', list all concepts for which 'xylem' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] transporting water and mineral salts </s>
make music, make sounds, making music, play
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'xylophone', list all concepts for which 'xylophone' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] make music, make sounds, making music, play </s>
y mx b
line graphing
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'y mx b', list all concepts for which 'y mx b' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] line graphing </s>
cruise, race, sail, transport, travel
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'yacht', list all concepts for which 'yacht' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] cruise, race, sail, transport, travel </s>
area for business activity, behind house, cook outs, cutting grass, distinguish property ownership, enclose area, enclose poultry, family gatherings, guard prisoners, hanging washing in, have sale, having garden, hold in animals, hold in chickens, in front of house, keep out animals, keep out pests, looking kempt, maintain railroad cars, measure curtain, measure distance, measure running track, measuring, measuring distance, park trucks not in use, place for children to play, place for garden, place for lawn, plant flowers and enjoy out of doors, playing, playing games, playing in, storage, storing things in
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'yard', list all concepts for which 'yard' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] area for business activity, behind house, cook outs, cutting grass, distinguish property ownership, enclose area, enclose poultry, family gatherings, guard prisoners, hanging washing in, have sale, having garden, hold in animals, hold in chickens, in front of house, keep out animals, keep out pests, looking kempt, maintain railroad cars, measure curtain, measure distance, measure running track, measuring, measuring distance, park trucks not in use, place for children to play, place for garden, place for lawn, plant flowers and enjoy out of doors, playing, playing games, playing in, storage, storing things in </s>
expressing boredom
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'yawn', list all concepts for which 'yawn' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] expressing boredom </s>
personal integration
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'yoga', list all concepts for which 'yoga' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] personal integration </s>
amaze friends, doing tricks, enjoyment, entertain children, entertainment, impressing friends with yoyo tricks, learning to make sleep, play, play with, sleeping, spinning, walking dog, wearing on finger
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'yoyo', list all concepts for which 'yoyo' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] amaze friends, doing tricks, enjoyment, entertain children, entertainment, impressing friends with yoyo tricks, learning to make sleep, play, play with, sleeping, spinning, walking dog, wearing on finger </s>
fasten pants
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'zipper', list all concepts for which 'zipper' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] fasten pants </s>
fasten coats, fasten jackets, fasten pants
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'zippers', list all concepts for which 'zippers' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] fasten coats, fasten jackets, fasten pants </s>
zombie programs
attack other computers
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'zombie programs', list all concepts for which 'zombie programs' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] attack other computers </s>
zoom lens
bringing distant object into focus, capturing distant object on film, examine in greater detail, get better photographs, making objects appear closer, observing distant object, photography, procure better shot, see things bigger, seeing distant object more closely, take pictures, varying camera focal point
<s> [INST] Given the concept 'zoom lens', list all concepts for which 'zoom lens' is used for, in the form of a comma-separated list [/INST] bringing distant object into focus, capturing distant object on film, examine in greater detail, get better photographs, making objects appear closer, observing distant object, photography, procure better shot, see things bigger, seeing distant object more closely, take pictures, varying camera focal point </s>