Last evening I had an amazing experience with a practitioner trained in the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Brennan, a former NASA physicist and now healer, speaker and as best as I can tell a successful and effective entrepreneur. Her website describes “Brennan Healing Science” as “dedicated to the evolution of the human spirit.” The system “combines hands-on healing techniques with spiritual and psychological processes touching every aspect of your life” and is founded on a mind-body consciousness that speaks clearly to me at a personal, spiritual and intellectual level. As of last night, I can say it also speaks to me at a visceral, physical level. After my initial session with a seasoned Brennan-trained healer yesterday, I can say I would recommend this to anyone needing to re-ground, re-balance, re-energize and – above all – heal on so many levels. In my personal experience, a connection to my healers is critical and I am so grateful for a local friend’s recommendation to see the healer I did last night. I also owe warm thanks to Just Another Infertility Blog for first telling me about Brennan energy healing work and opening my heart and mind to this new modality. For more information on Brennan Healing Science or should you wish to look for a practitioner in the U.S. or internationally (you can also do distance healing via Skype or telephone), please check out Brennan’s website. I am not emotionally in a place to dive into what my session was all about as it touches on some of the most vulnerable places in my life at the moment. Those vulnerabilities need my tending and time before I can share them or some of them. What I can tell you is that I feel so much better than I have been for weeks. I feel whole again – not super-hero strong, but whole – and both enlightened and lighter. I believe in me and in my abilities to do “this” – all of it, the pregnancy, the immune therapy, the endless medical appointments and risk calculations, the sense of shortcomings and personal failure at work and at home – again. That is huge, friends. Huge. I also felt this incredible connection to the spirits of those who I have felt with me on this journey, especially in the months preceding and during this pregnancy, namely my Mom and Azulito/a, this little spirit baby who has stuck around and made comeback after comeback when medicine, my immune system and who-knows-what-all-else failed me time and time again. Finally, I felt and continue to feel a profound bond in my heart and being with the LP. I see now that I needed this affirmation – that despite the strain that our journey to create and now grow our family has had on each of us and on the LP and I as a unit, we have a bond that does have super-hero strength, that is unspeakably beautiful and enduring – as much as any other. This healing session could not have come at a better time. This afternoon we have our follow-up anatomy ultrasound to assess whether there are any abnormalities that could be attributable to the elevated alpha-fetoprotein test result I received early last week. I am nervous but I am not falling apart. I credit the energy work in which I engaged last night as making a tremendous difference to my state-of-mind this morning and hopefully my mind-body wellness going forward during the next week of medical appointments, medically-necessary travel and testing. Today, I am in love with you, Azulito. And you, LP. And you, Miracle Toddler, despite your penchant for way-too-late bedtimes and your almost-unhealthy current obsession with all things super-hero. And I am feeling an abundance of love and compassion for me today – a feeling not easy to come by lately but one I realized that has been sorely missing and much needed. Welcome home, everyone. There is room in my heart for all of us. I am so grateful to carry you there with me. Back to the Lemon Chrysophase. I thought that baby would make it. To be fair, Mandy made it further than anyone else in 2013 or 2014 to date. But her heart eventually stopped and the Lemon Chrysophase went into the drawer, another trigger and a reminder of my broken heart. I pulled the gemstone out again in my first IVF cycle in 2014 but it did not feel right. Back in the drawer it went. Somehow, however, the last few days, that stone has been calling to me. Something about it felt like it belongs to these embryos we transferred – Gertrude and Alice as I’ve dubbed them – or to one fo them. Or maybe to the metaphysical union that has become of them if they are now one? In any event, it called to me and I added it to the long silver chain around my neck on which I have been wearing since I started this cycle two other pendants. The first pendant was a gift from the LP. It is a white and yellow gold modernist wishbone with an amethyst (the Miracle Toddler’s birthstone). The other is a small silver leaf that reads “Courage” which is on loan from one of my acupuncturists and friend. The first one I chose for this cycle because I wanted to remember that if all else fails, I need to hold fast to the knowledge and my gratitude in having the Miracle Toddler in our lives and because I believe above all else that he is a miracle. I also believe that he is a bringer of good fortune and carrying something that commemorates the gift he is to our lives – and the gift that is my love for and relationship with the LP – is grounding in a very visceral way for me. I love that wishbone pendant and all it means to me. I wear the second one with great honour. I am grateful and touched that my acupuncturist and friend – whos has seen me through every one of our 6 losses in 2013 and 2014 – loaned me the courage pendant. And I believe her when she says it has been passed around among many women and has brought each one the courage they needed when they most needed it. There are tears in my eyes as I type this. Of course I chose to wear this. That seems perfect. In my heart and spirit I know that either Gertrude or Alice or both of them really wanted this stone nearby. And nearby it now is. For whatever that is worth, for whatever effect it may have between now and ultrasound number one this coming Saturday (when I hope and pray to see a little bean measuring 6 weeks and 2 days with a beautifully beating heart), there it is. For all you fellow ravens (or other creatures fond of shiny objects), I leave you with a photograph of my little trio of pendants. This morning some fearful thoughts tried to sneak their way into my mind. I beat them back with a stick and sent them packing. Up until that moment, I have enjoyed a very uncharacteristic confidence and sense of calm about this transfer. I never spend the two-week-wait (or the ART variation thereof) in a zen-like state of calm. I am never flooded with peaceful energy and thoughts of my life being pregnant for the coming 8-ish months. Never. Until now. I feel rather chilled about the whole thing. Yesterday my acupunturist and TCMD asked if I felt optimistic. I could not say yes, not because I don’t have hope but because until I thought about how to answer that question I had been simply feeling comfortable. Comfortable and content. Comfortable that I have done everything possible for this cycle to be successful and odds are that I am pregnant. Content believing that even if it is a complete delusion. I have discovered the experience of blissful ignorance. How completely fascinating. I have never understood women saying they did not want to take a home pregnancy test before their beta because they wanted to savour the belief that they were “pregnant until proven otherwise” (an expression I feel quite loathsome toward, even now that I have clearly drank the kool-aid). I’ve always been a band-aid ripper-offer. I routinely and compulsively test early and test often. I have never not tested out my triggers, for example. This time, I had no trigger. All of my low-dose hCG injections were complete well before transfer (Dr. Braverman prescribed them to help implantation, in lieu of Lupron since we did a protocol without that drug this time). I have no trigger to test out this time. I pulled out tests to stuff into the bathroom drawer last night on the basis that I would start testing Saturday because it is a special day for the LP and I. I knew that would be too early (4dp5dt) but I thought it could give me a baseline against which to measure any changes. Today, I am reconsidering my decision. What if I feel completely anxious after testing and getting a negative, even though I know it will be negative? I will lose this moment of bliss. My zen-like, peaceful, “optimistic” state will be dashed and it is unlikely I will be able to recover or restore it. Or will it? Can I maintain my faith and find peace in all of this even if I start testing early? As I think about it, I believe Sunday is the day to start testing. 5dp5dt or 10dpo is the earliest I have ever had a positive HPT before and often the second line is not really visible to anyone not suffering from line-eye until 6dp5dt or 11dpo. But that begs the question, doesn’t it? Should I test at all before my beta next Wednesday? Whether I should or not, I will. That much I know. I just don’t have it in me not to test early. I am who I am. In the meantime, I am deeply committed to the blissful ignorance that is my unwavering faith that Azulito and maybe a companion are along for the ride and have chosen this cycle to make his/her/their way home at last. I love you, little babies. I know you are only embryos right now but I’m calling you babies anyway. Science be damned. When I look at the finished product now, I see flames and our Gertrude and Alice rising out of the fiery lotus flower in phoenix-like resurrection. Gertrude (in green) looks a little rougher around the edges and Alice (in blue) a little more contained. I do not know entirely what all of this means. But it feels right. And I like that. I could get used to this blissful ignorance thing. It’s almost as good as Val.ium. Today brought some welcome good news. We can ship our embryos from the West Coast to the East Coast without engaging in a lengthy process with the NY state health department. The department very recently (within the last week) gave effect to a new policy that will not require us to obtain an exemption letter (the estimated time line on that was anywhere from two weeks to over three months). The LP and I fastidiously signed and filled out many consent and waiver forms (you have to promise not to sue the people who tell you they could lose or destroy your babies-in-waiting if you want to use a shipping company to do this – and we need a shipping company to do this given that we do not live on either the West Coast or the East Coast) and I have handed over my credit card information. Now I wait to find out when we can expect wee Gertrude and Alice (I decided not to go with Ernie and Bert even though those embryos resulted in a successful pregnancy; I felt like I was encroaching on her territory after she sweetly told me she’d named her embryos after the cute muppet pair) to make their way across the continent. In the meantime… I have been trying to find a skilled endometriosis surgeon in my neck of the woods. I am of the view that having the laparoscopy before any more IVF treatments would be prudent. The LP is scared of me having surgery and would rather we try without it. The first time he witnessed me having surgery (D&C number one in January 2011), the surgeon came and told him my blood pressure had dropped dangerously low and they had to give me fluids intravenously and therefore I would have to spend the night in the hospital (despite the earlier advice that I could leave shortly after leaving recovery). The second time he waited for me to get out recovery after surgery (from D&C number two in September 2013), things were better because I told the doctor about my reaction to general anaesthetic. But then my blood pressure was checked in the room they carted me into post-recovery and it was something along the lines of 80/50 and the nurse checking on me nearly lost it. I explained that my “normal” blood pressure ranges between 87-95 over 60-65 so this was not a big deal. She looked skeptical but when I proved that I could make my way to and from the little girl’s room and that I was not losing buckets of blood, she approved our departure. In addition to the blood pressure, I puke when waking up from under general anaesthetic. I should say I dry heave because of course you are never allowed to eat before these events if they are scheduled. The anti-nausea meds work for this little problem so it has never been a huge concern for me. I am not worried about the idea of having surgery. I am worried about wasting another embryo because I did not have the surgery and maybe that could have toned down my immune issues and made the difference. Today I asked the Universe and God if the news about the removal of the exemption letter requirement was a sign that I should follow the LP’s preference and try the FET using Dr. Braverman’s immune protocol without doing the laparoscopy for endometriosis diagnosis/excision first. I asked for a sign as I was walking to meet the LP to sign a number of consents related to the embryo transportation. I found myself staring at a decorative plaque in the window of the nearby flower shop. The sign read “IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SIGN THIS IS IT”. Really, Universe? Just like that? Is that my intuition clubbing me over the head or mere coincidence? On a serious note, I’d love to hear what you would do in my shoes. So… what would you do? I started this blog after our third miscarriage in 2013. That was my 6th pregnancy (5th loss). Sometime between pregnancies 4 and 6 I started reading about spirit babies and the idea that when we lose a pregnancy, the soul or spirit of the lost baby does not “die” with the fetal tissue. I was quite enamoured with this idea and still like thinking that our Miracle Toddler is the repository of the first soul we ever loved in 2010 and lost in early 2011. The LP and I have chosen to believe that the soul of our first baby together (my first pregnancy) is alive and well in the Miracle Toddler. This brings me great comfort, as my first loss was for a long time the hardest one for me to accept and survive. I suspect that’s true for many women who suffer as I do from recurrent pregnancy loss. The first one shatters our innocence, even if we knew the risks of miscarriage going into the pregnancy. All of this is a meandering way of saying that I started and named this blog with my belief in spirit babies firmly in place and my hope that IVF would bring our spirit baby/ies home alive and kicking. Along the way, with three more miscarriages under my belt (so to speak), my hope and faith have taken a serious beating. Suffice to say I have considered throwing in the towel on more than one occasion. Lately, the journey to have another living child has been less about spirits and more about numbers, finances, lab tests, research and investigations into my apparent immunological issues. My heart left the equation and it’s been either cerebral and pragmatic or intuition-driven. Our beloved spirit baby, Azulito (named little blue because that is the primary colour in which s/he communicates with me), has been quiet and I have not had the courage, will, desire or je-ne-sais-quoi to insist on any direct communication. As I said, my heart left the equation. And with it, for a time, did Azulito. That changed yesterday at my acupuncture appointment. I had a lot to tell my acupuncturist – I’d made two appointments for the second opinion she encouraged me to consider getting, I learned that the geneticist would not see or help me, I’d finished the course of Prednisone, I’d finally ovulated (a couple of days late and with much breast tenderness – thank you, steroids), our current RE refused to work with a reproductive immunologist and preferred to transfer my care if that was the path I chose – and she ruminated a while then made some observations and suggestions that have resonated deeply with me. I thought I would share them in case they assist anyone else facing similar circumstances. First, she commended me on trusting my intuition (my gut, not the panic in my chest) to bite the bullet and commit the LP and I to flying to New York to see Dr. Braverman and not to go ahead with another FET next month during the presumed “immune quiescence” that our current RE said should follow the Prednisone course. Then she said that I will need to tap into my intuition even more in the coming weeks and months as I receive opinions from specialists (Braverman and current RE among them) who will have their own world views and will offer opinions to which they themselves will by nature be rather heavily committed. To do that she suggested I must work on developing and trusting my intuition. She recommend I start with a book that has been around forever but contains useful exercises (without which the book is of very limited usefulness – she didn’t say that but I read between the lines). The book is Practical Intuition by Laura Day, for anyone who is interested. I have ordered it as it was not available locally. I will post an update after I have read and done some of the exercises but if anyone has already read it and has any thoughts or insights, I would love to hear them. With that book I ordered one by Sarah Ballantyne, The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body, thanks to a recommendation I got here on my blog (thank you, whereareyounumber2). I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here but a few weeks ago the LP (who ordinarily eats like a 15-year old, sugar, simple carbohydrates and dairy were the mainstay of his entire diet) decided to try the Whole 30 plan, which as best as I can tell is essentially a Paleo approach. I said I’d join him so I cut out even the non-glutenous grains I was eating and have tried hard to cut out sugars. I was already off dairy due to the crazy allergic reactions I’ve been having since that miscarriage #3 in 2013 and wasn’t eating much sugar to speak of. I am interested in the read and some new recipes so I figure it was time to invest in another book! Back to yesterday’s revelations. In addition to the sage advice about developing my intuition because I will need it more than ever in coming weeks and months, my acupuncturist suggested that I probably already know from my experiences leading up to the birth of the Miracle Toddler and my parenting since then that our little ones have lessons to teach us and parenting is as much about what we learn from our children as what we teach them. Sometimes the hurdles in meeting them is about learning lessons we will need to work with those little personalities once they arrive. Shazam! That rung true for me and I hastened to recount one early session in which I was communicating with Azulito using the techniques and questions suggested in Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You’re Meant to Have by Walter Makichen. During the communication I recounted, I asked Azulito why s/he had chosen us and what we could do to facilitate him/her sticking around to become our next living child. Azulito showed me a classroom with a teacher writing on a chalkboard (how old school, right? Azulito apparently doesn’t know about smartboards). The message was clear and a single word resonated in my mind after that communication: Education. I did not know if the message was that we were to learn from Azulito, that Azulito was to learn from us, that we could provide Azulito with the formal eduction s/he wants, some combination of these possibilities, or some variation that had not yet occurred to me, but of one thing I was certain. Azulito chose us because of education. I am so glad Azulito is back. And I hope I finally am on the right track this time. Time will tell. Of course my body is not cooperating with my best-laid plan. Why would it be? I hoped to get my period yesterday. I expected her by today. Is she here yet? Would I be writing this if she were? Darn it! In an effort to while away the time waiting for Red to show up and to keep the faith (because I struggle with believing this is going to work, despite thrashing all thoughts of it not working within an inch of their lives every time they come up of late), I have been having a few adventures. One such adventure involved the MB (Miracle Baby, now Miracle Toddler) inadvertently pitching my phone into a very hot bath (drawn to encourage Red to show up, of course). I resent others for their addiction to their make-us-not-so-smart phones but did not appreciate until the last couple of days how much I rely upon my own (it’s my only alarm clock, it’s how I get updates about MB (MT) when I’m at work, it’s how most people I care about get in touch with me by telephone when I’m not at work, it’s my calculator, camera… the list goes on). I am humbled. I’m also a little annoyed to find out that I cannot get the one I want to replace the RIP phone until next week (all because I asked for one with more memory – the minimal-memory one is available sooner) but I’m accepting that hiccup as a lesson for me to live almost a week without a make-us-asocial phone (and all of the other tools it represents for me). A teaching moment! In a more productive effort to while away the time or deflect my attention to it passing without Red making an appearance, I have been reading some of my animal spirit guide cards by Dr. Steven Farmer. Twice I have drawn the Boar, which guides us to face challenges with confidence and courage (I’m working on that). Most recently I drew the Manatee. Ah, the beautiful, gentle Manatee who has the serenity to accept those things she cannot change and the wisdom to know what those things are. Of course you are guiding me now. Can you loan me some of that wisdom and serenity, dear Manatee? I have come to see the magnitude of Manatee’s wisdom after having served several eviction notices on the lining of my lady cave. All of my efforts have been for nought. Red is never late. Until she is. And the more I will her to show up, the less evidence there is that she intends to do so before she is good and ready. Why would this be a surprise to me? Because I am not guided by the Manatee, obviously! Thank you, Manatee, for coming to guide me when you have. I am sorry I did not heed your call. You warned me that your way was best. And, true to form, I did not listen. I have much to learn. With any luck, Red will show up sometime soon and we will get started on our DE IVF FET cycle. (I know what you’re thinking, I’m just showing off my use of acronyms – how many capital letters can I string together into a sentence? At least 8, apparently!) Regardless of whether she shows up today, I’m not changing my flight down to our new clinic next Thursday (unless she shows up days from now, God forbid!). And I’m still hoping she comes for a visit yet so we can get this party started. In the meantime, I plan to pay a little more attention to Manatee’s advice and try to let nature take its course. If you don’t believe me, I can’t blame you. Serenity and wisdom appear a little beyond my reach. But I’m trying! At least there will be no more eviction notices for the time being.
One sure-fire way to cut through the extensive brokerage choices and options is to undertake the process of elimination. While in the cereal aisle at the local grocery store, it can be quite daunting to choose the right cereal. However if you select based on the following three criteria (“Nothing too sugary”, “Nothing that looks like rabbit food” and “Something that has a reasonable amount of fiber”); you realize quickly that you are down to three choices out of a possible fifty. The same is true for brokers. Once you select on the correct criteria, you end up mass-eliminating, knocking out the volume so you can get back to making a more enjoyable choice, the choice between a few. Is the broker’s spread or transaction cost low enough, and can the spread be further reduced by rebates from cashbackforex.com? What types of execution technologies does it employ (MM, STP, ECN or hybrid)? How honest and reliable are they? Is the broker registered with a respected authority (UK, EU, US, Japan, Australia or New Zealand)? What kind of tools does the broker provide? What kind of leverage and margin policy does it have? What type of customer support does it provide? If you do not have sufficient capital, check whether the FX broker offers mini, or better yet micro accounts that require low startup funds? See our article on the benefits of Micro and Nano lot brokers here. The spread cost may seem too small compared to the profits one expects but spreads can add up very quickly. The more trades you conduct, the more the transaction costs mount up, and in the end, the difference in spread between brokers can make or break a system. A scalping system can be particularly sensitive to the spread, being only profitable if the spread is extremely low. Nevertheless, any system can be vulnerable to the spread over time; 200+ trades later in the system’s life, the difference in spread can make the difference between a profitable system and one that struggles for life. Spread should be a major consideration for every trader because it, and any commissions added to it (as in the case of an ECN broker), represent the transaction cost of making a trade, or the cost of doing business as a trader. It is important to note that ECN brokers often offer better spreads than all other broker types, but be careful: they may have lower spreads but at the same time also charge a commission, and this commission cost must be added to the spread to discover the true transaction cost. If you were to sign up with Introducing Brokers (IBs) who offer a rebate like https://www.cashbackforex.com, you would usually earn half of a pip back to your account for every trade, which would considerably lower the spread-transaction cost. How low should we go in this game of reverse spread limbo, lowering the pole (spread) to a maximum height (upper spread threshold) in which we can safely trade without worrying about the spread tripping up our system? The upper spread threshold will depend on the currency pair, of course, and for your convenience, I have constructed a table criteria for competitive spread pricing. The rule of thumb in your process of elimination is that if the broker has average spreads higher than the threshold, avoid it. Keep in mind that these average spreads are what you should expect of a good broker today, given the advanced spread pricing technologies made available. Five years ago the expectation would be 1-2 pips higher for each of the pairs. Any broker who is not currently moving their spreads lower, below the above threshold, is either not taking advantage of the newer technologies and/or remaining greedy. Either way they are removing themselves from the competition. Note that I mention average spread, not “as low as” and “typical” spread pricing. What is the difference? The “as low as” spreads advertised on some broker websites are virtually irrelevant and misleading, for you generally can’t even get in or out at these levels. GBP/USD spread may be “as low as” 1 pip, but only for a few seconds per day. Not as misleading, but not quite so accurate either is the publication of “typical spreads”. Different brokers define the “typical spread” differently, and each one should be investigated. Excel Markets > Forex Broker Spreads (this site) Includes relevant, popular brokers. https://www.myfxbook.com/forex-broker-spreads Includes large number of brokers. StatMonitor_1.1-Phat Displays Spread, Buy/Sell Swap, Volume of chart symbol. Display Info All Pairs Author: Hanover. Displays valuable information on multiple pairs: Pair Abbreviation [Column1], Bid Price [Column2], Ratio of Day Range to Average Daily Range (also as a %) [Column3-5], Spread ( also as % of ADR) [Column6-7], Pip Value [Column8], Buy Swap Rate[Column9], Sell Swap Rate [Column10]. FXRM Spread History Tracks current spread, max spread and plots spread history. Multi Pair Spread Monitor Tracks current spreads of multiple pairs. The broker spread (and/or commission) is the largest part of the transaction cost in forex, and so it trumps most other considerations. Use the first 2 indicators posted in the table above to discover and compare the rates of different brokers to see if they are competitive and fair or check our Forex Broker Swaps Comparison page. How can you avoid paying swap rates? There are at least three ways you can avoid paying swap rates. 1. Trade in Direction of Positive Interest. You can go trade only in the direction of the currency that gives positive swap. This is generally not recommended unless trading in that specific direction has been the most favorable direction in terms of back tested and forward testing trading results. 2. Trade only Intraday and Close Positions by 5:00 PM. You would avoid the swap because you are in and out before rollover time. However, you should not decide to become an intraday trader because of the swap. The only reason that can make you become an intraday trader should be your strategy and your performance results rely on being intraday. Not because of the swap. 3. Open up a Swap Free Islamic Account, Offered by Some Brokers. This is an option offered to Muslim customers, though in reality non-Muslims frequently choose the category if offered. These particular accounts are run in full compliance with Islamic beliefs and the policy of no interest to be paid upon business transactions. If you believe you will be having many overnight transactions, you might consider opening a swap free Islamic account. If you expect to do an equal number of longs and shorts in your account and hold positions past 5:00 PM EST, then your account will accumulate an unfair negative overnight interest that will add to your transaction costs, on top of the spreads and commissions. Reason: the negative swap is always more than the positive. Personally, I think this is the best option of the three, and when I see that a broker offers this option, I eagerly take it. What makes a reliable broker? Fast execution time in opening and closing trades with minimal slippage. An unreliable broker will have inexcusable delays in the opening and closing of positions, which often leads to negative slippage. An unreliable broker will also have inexcusable lost connections that prevent trades that should have opened or orphan trades that should have closed. What makes an honest broker? No slippage when closing trades. Not running the infamous Virtual Plug-in. A dishonest broker will fatten the spread and commission beyond tolerable levels, present costly swap rates, and will turn on the the infamous virtual dealer plugin in order to create spread spikes, execution delay, requoting and negative slippage on client accounts. No broker needs to do any of this, for there is plenty of money on the table in a modest spread markup alone, but greed + dishonesty motivates too many brokers to engage in the above cheating tactics. What makes one broker faster than another? Permit me look at each in turn. Newbies mistakenly liken their broker to a super market where you pay the price you see rather than a free market where the broker needs to finds someone to take your order. Market markers will themselves be the counterparty to your order but STP/ECN brokers will need to find the best available prices from their liquidity partners (or in the case of ECN, the anonymous liquidity pools). Electronic routing technologies have made this price matching process incredibly quick, but it can never be as fast as instant and seamless auto-execution of the prices as seen with a demo. S/D type delays and resulting slippage are most readily seen during high demand periods (such as after a news event when thousands of orders compete at the same time for the same price, causing most trades to enter or exit too late), or during low supply periods (such as the Sydney session when most banks are closed and most traders are not trading, causing your order to wait for a bit as the broker looks for a match). To avoid S/D delays and resulting slippage, try to avoid trading during high or low volume sessions and just after a news release. Note: to add the problem of delay and slippage during news announcement, there is the problem of gaps, and the array of features built inside the virtual dealer plugin that can cancel, disallow, or severely slip pending orders during gaps and news releases. The distance between your ISP and broker ISP can create latency in execution. Reason? When you click on a buy order, that packet of data must travel via the internet from your ISP all the way over to your broker’s ISP. It is measured in milliseconds, or 1/1000th of a second. The closer your respective ISPs, the faster is the delivery of the packets, and the further away, the slower. Latency in online trading can be crucial because data must travel round trip to make a single transaction. A price quote must travel from the broker’s server to the trader’s computer to be processed and then must travel the same distance back to broker’s server to enter, exit or adjust an order. Markets will continue to move while price quotes are in transit, and if market is volatile and latency is high, slippage can occur. When the markets move quickly, delays in milliseconds make the difference between execution at a requested price versus heavy slippage. If you are running a scalping EA and every millisecond delay can be costly, you might want to think about closing the ISP distance gap. Solution: If you want to reduce the ISP-to-Broker latency as much as possible, you can call your broker and ask if they have a server close to your own ISP, or you can set up a Virtual Private Server (VPS) that is closer to the server of your preferred broker. Broker execution technology in retail forex can be broadly divided in two types: the majority market maker brokers (MM-Brokers) who ARE the liquidity providers, and the minority STP/ECN brokers who route your orders to a pool of liquidity providers (banks). We will be discussing each type seperately only in respect to execution speed. Theoretically, the Market Maker Broker (MM-Broker) can be the fastest form of execution, because the broker takes the other side of the trade in-house, instead of routing it out (or streaming prices in) from liquidity providers as would STP/ECN brokers. By definition, a Market Maker is the counterparty to all its client’s positions, and as such he offers a two-sided quote (two rates: BUY and SELL) that mirrors the bank rate. While the MM-Broker can offset between client’s opposite positions (or hedge via their LP) in the back office, they are usually the first to take the other side of client’s trade (note: this can be very lucrative for them as the odds are that most traders are going to lose 95% of the time). Increasingly MM-brokers (like the MM-banks themselves) have been moving to executable streaming rates instead of request for quote transaction models; this enables clients to click on live rates which are updated in real-time, rather than requesting to deal on a rate which was made “good” for period of time and may be old. MM-Brokers with executable streaming rates can process trades in milliseconds, if they turned off the delay setting within the virtual dealer plugin. Larger orders greater than 5 standard lots might experience more delay as the MM-broker decides how to offset this greater risk, internally deciding if it can be offset against other client positions, hedged via a partner LP, or hedged against its own capital. Generally, however, most small-time traders trading micro lots might find that they can be filled faster with an honest MM-Broker than with an STP-ECN Broker (though bridge technology out there is quickly closing the gap). Caveat: The MM-Broker can be the fastest form of execution so long as you can find one that is honest. There is huge temptation out there for MM-Brokers to employ the virtual dealer plugins (discussed below) that create a predetermined execution delay of 1-5 seconds, resulting in slippage in their favor. With an STP/ECN broker, they negotiate the best available bid and ask price from the liquidity provider(s), instead of acting as one themselves, and this can be a plus and negative. On the plus side, there is less likelihood that they will using the virtual plugin against you, though they can still can. Their business model is to act as a mediator to your order, trying to find and deliver the best prices from the pool of liquidity providers, and for this they charge spread markup and/or commission. As they don’t take the other side of your trade, they are less interested in seeing you lose so they can win. On the negative side, because the STP/ECN broker is not the direct counterparty to prices they create for you (as with the MM-Broker model), but instead acts as a mediator of prices delivered from the liquidity providers, it can be subject to more real world delay conditions. At times a markets can move very fast, and in these fast times your market order can suffer from millisecond delays and fractual slippage as it struggles to keep up with the rapidly changing prices streamed in from the liquidity providers. It cannot just fill you at the price you see as with a MM-Broker who makes the artificial market (albeit a market that is mirrored from the bank rates). Working with a near zero raw spreads STP/ECN brokers with deep liquidity pools and sophisticated bridging software can make plenty of money on any spread they choose to deliver to us, and so are more likely to try to lower spreads down to beat their competitors and win more clients, and less likely to employ the virtual dealer plugin grab more money from us. Those with fewer liquidity partners and less sophisticated bridging software may be more tempted to employ the virtual dealer plugin. Any STP/ECN broker can use, with perhaps a lighter touch than their MM-broker counterparts, the virtual dealer plugin to create a predetermined delay, if even only for a second, causing you be slipped by a 0.2 pips or so, which is additional profit for them (particularly if they take what should be your profitable slippage and only deliver back to you the negative slippage). Another thought: if the STP/ECN bridging software is rather slow, it works in the broker’s favor and there might be little incentive to make it any quicker : in the interim between when the client executes the market order and when it can be offset by a liquidity provider, prices do change (for better or worse), and if the price moves in the client’s favor (positive slippage), the broker can quote at the client’s tagged price (and pocket the better price), and if the price moves against the client, the broker can quote at the worst price. This is what the NFA discovered about FXCM (see Slippage Cheater #2 below): FXCM stole their client’s positive slippage and they failed to upgrade their electronic software to make it any faster. The greater the software delay, the more potential for slippage, positive and negative, and thus more profit for the broker who wants to steal the positive slippage. Have you ever felt that your broker is out to get you? Well you may be right. Do a google search on Virtual Dealer Plugin and MT4 and read up on it. It is a pretty scary. See the Virtual Dealer Plugin page for more details.
I’ve been lax about updating my blog entries because whenever I decide to share an insight or event, whether personal or political (aren’t they the same?) or book-related, I post it on Facebook. I’m aware that not everyone who reads my blog is a Facebook friend or follower, so I decided I’d collect the comments and pictures I had posed during an incredible three-week trip Gary and I took in August to Seattle, Vancouver, southwest Alaska (on a cruise through the Inner Passage with stops in Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, and Glacier Bay), Denali, and Fairbanks. But I discovered a problem when I began to write my travelogue: a written description of a trip, even complete with pictures, is boring. Remember those old film strips teachers would show in class? Boring. Remember going to dinner at some elderly (to you) relatives’ house and later having to sit through an interminably long slide show of their vacation? Boring. Remember bringing home a new boyfriend or girlfriend and having your parents pull out all your baby pictures? Boring. Not to mention embarrassing. I was on the trip, and I can assure you the reality was terrific. We were never bored. We did things we didn’t think we’d ever do, saw things we’d never seen, had experiences we’d never imagined, reconnected with friends we hadn’t seen for forty or more years. But when I read what I had written, I was bored. I was bored while writing it. Even the pictures were boring – after a while, all mountains volcanoes, rivers, waterfalls look the same. Doling out the information, complete with my wryly humorous (to my mind anyway) observations, in short bits once a day (more or less) may have been entertaining. Putting it into a running narrative is … have I said this yet? … boring. So instead of a travelogue, here are some life lessons I culled along the way. In no particular order. And without relevant pictures. It’s very hard to take decent pictures with an iPhone. But it’s even harder to take pictures without it, as I learned one day when I didn’t get a picture of a Bald Eagle posing close by. I had left my tote bag with my wallet and phone in the trunk of the car of a lovely Seattle couple who took me birding one day. I was wearing yoga pants (hey, they’re comfy – I’ve never even tried yoga) and a tee-shirt, without pockets. Fortunately, the couple had a very good camera and emailed me the picture. It’s harder to take pictures from a moving train. Particularly when it’s raining. And I have the blurry pictures to prove it. It’s hardest to take pictures of wildlife, especially when they’re far off and moving. And the train is also moving. Wildlife photographers must have infinite patience – and very high quality cameras. And very fast (or is it slow?) exposure to get pictures of Orcas and Humpbacked Whales when they are breaching. It’s fun to get out of one’s comfort zone, as I discovered on a solo trip to Mount Baker, in a rented car, without cell phone reception. Fortunately, it was a direct route from Bellingham, where I visited some friends. (Notice, I didn’t say it was a straight route.) But it’s also a good idea not to be too reckless, which is why the following day I took a bus tour to Mount Rainier. Sometimes, it’s nice to be taken care of. After we went through customs at Vancouver and boarded our cruise ship, we didn’t schlep our luggage again until we left Fairbanks to fly to Seattle and then home. The luggage was already in our cabin on the ship and in our rooms in Denali and Fairbanks. You can find a minyan anywhere. There’s an episode of “Northern Exposure” in which the Jewish doctor who has been assigned to the interior of Alaska is looking for a quorum to say Kaddish, the Mourners’ Prayer, for his uncle. He has a dream in which he rounds up everyone named Cohen (even the writers/directors the Coen brothers). We did the same thing, but in our case it was done through eavesdropping and then corralling anyone we heard speaking Hebrew so I could say Kaddish on the first anniversary of my mother’s death. We even found an American who, after the three of us kept staring at each other, turned out to be an acquaintance from our graduate school years in Philadelphia. A couple of days later, we all got together again and held Shabbat services (interrupted by a sighting of a pod of sea otters) and had dinner together. And you never know who lives in far-flung places. We had dinner in Skagway with a rabbinic colleague who lives in Israel but visits his kids in Skagway every summer. And we had dinner in Fairbanks with a classmate from my undergraduate days in Boston who has lived in Fairbanks for several years. Global warming is real. Just ask any Alaskan, at least the ones we met. If you’re not convinced by their apologizes that the waterfalls aren’t as spectacular as usual because of the lack of snow the past few winters, then read about how the glaciers are receding at an accelerated rate. You think you’ll remember where you were and what you saw. You won’t. It’s a good thing I filed all the pix as soon as I could into folders on my iPhone or the only reason I would have been able to tell the difference between Mount Baker and Mount Rainer is I saw the former, but the latter was hidden by clouds. (We did get a distant view of it from the Seattle Space Needle.) As I mentioned above, after a while, all mountains, volcanoes, rivers, waterfalls look the same. It doesn’t matter if everything blurs together; there’s always Professor Google to remind you of the difference between the taiga and the tundra. I can survive quite well without Wi-Fi, but only if I have cell phone reception and can check emails, texts, news notifications, and Facebook several times a day. Otherwise, I suffer withdrawal symptoms, as evidenced by my checking every few minutes to see if we had reception yet. Even if you can’t remember all the details, the pictures – even the blurry ones – still show the splendor of the planet. Finally, if you bump into me and don’t think you’ll be bored, I’ll be happy to show you all 399 of my pictures. They have mouths, but cannot speak. They have eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear. They have noses, but cannot smell. They have hands, but cannot feel. They have feet, but cannot walk. They have mouths, but cannot make a sound. They will become like the idols they made and trust in them. They have mouths, but cannot engage in rational or respectful debate. They have eyes, but cannot see the evidence in front of them. They have ears, but cannot hear opposing points of view. They have noses, but can’t smell when something’s not right. They have hands, but can’t feel for the suffering of others. They have feet, but can’t walk away from what is wrong. They have mouths, but cannot question what they are told. These extremists have already become like their idols and believe what they say. It’s traditional not to offer a eulogy at a graveside funeral, but my mother was anything but traditional. We all – including my mother – knew this day was coming, but that knowledge doesn’t make the reality any easier. All of us will miss her greatly, especially my father. They began to date when my mother was 15, and her mother first allowed her to date. When a boy asked her out before she was 15, and my grandmother refused to allow her to go, my mother threatened to jump out the window. According to my mother, her mother said, “Go ahead; we live on the first floor.” My mother’s version of her first date with my father is that she had also been asked out by another boy, but my father was going to take her to a Chinese restaurant. Coming from an Orthodox family, this would be my mother’s first taste of tref. She accepted my father’s offer. They knew each other well before, however, as they lived diagonally across the street from each other on Devon Street in Roxbury. My father’s family lived in a large two-family, plus attic apartment, Queen Ann Victorian. His aunt and uncle and their son Barry lived on the first floor. He and his parents and sister and grandparents lived on the second floor. My mother used to babysit for Barry. They married almost 69 years ago, still in their teens, as soon as my father was discharged from the Navy after World War II. They moved into the attic apartment over his parents, across from her parents. My mother learned to cook from her mother-in-law; my mother’s mother was not known as a good cook. Almost everything I know about cooking, I learned from my mother, although she did tend to rely on cake mixes and, until I taught her better, would boil frozen vegetables. And it was from both my parents that I learned how to get along with in-laws. Not that her relationship with her mother-in-law was without its conflicts. The other day, my father said my mother always said she wanted to be buried next to Grandma Gertrude so she could continue to argue with her. My parents were able to stay together so long for two reasons: they shared the same moral values; and they complemented each other. My father is a pack rat. “You never know when you might need something or can adapt it for another use, so don’t throw it away.” My mother’s approach was, “We aren’t using it; get rid of it, preferably, by donating it. The compromise was to keep it, but store it in a logical place, usually the basement or garage where my mother wouldn’t have to see it. That mentality fit in with her mania for cleanliness and neatness. She complained to her doctor once that her back hurt when she got on her knees to scrub the kitchen floor. I think she was in her 70s at the time. The doctor told her there was a wonderful invention called a mop and she should consider buying one. She was the type who would clean before the cleaning woman came, check afterwards, and clean again. But my mother was not the typical stay-at-home mom who had milk and cookies waiting for me after school. As soon as I was old enough to start Hebrew school and walk there and home alone after public school, she went to work outside the home full time. I always encouraged her to go to college, especially after she retired from the bank, but for some reason she was reluctant. She never stopped learning, however, through books, lectures, and travel. She had a phenomenal memory for names, faces, and events. She could look at a picture of her kindergarten class and name almost everyone. She was the go-to person for family history and anecdotes, from all branches of all sides of the families, hers and my father’s. She and my father loved to travel. But in addition to the usual cruise and resort vacations, they did things like live for several months in both India and Sri Lanka, where they searched out and befriended members of the Jewish communities in both countries. They also volunteered on a military base in Israel, where my father had fun fixing tanks while my mother used her extraordinary organizational skills in the office. My mother never learned to drive. Her excuse was that she was traumatized when her father was severely injured when a teen driver leaped a curb and pinned him against a building. I suspect, though, that she was a Luddite. She resisted switching from a manual to an electric typewriter, and later never wanted to learn how to use a personal computer. She hated when the bank switched to computers, as she was convinced there were more errors than when everything was done by hand. Yet, without the use of databases and spreadsheets and word processing, she managed to keep all the household records, handle their investments, and even leave me a hand-written list of what to do after her death about life insurance, pension plans, etc. Everything was planned in detail in advance. Even after she became weakened by years of chemo and radiation treatments for lymphoma – both Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s – she fortunately retained her mental acuity, and continued with her interest in the news (and outrage at non-liberal – and some liberal – politicians), love of books and classic movies, and deep commitment to Judaism. My parents were not very observant when I was younger, although they belonged to an Orthodox synagogue in Mattapan and were active in its social activities. It was only after they moved to Newton and joined a Conservative synagogue that they became more observant, keeping Kashrut, for example, and my mother became a bat mitzvah. They were active in many areas of the Massachusetts Jewish community, from Soviet Jewry to the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts to their affiliation with and involvement with Temple Reyim in Newton and Congregation Aschei Chesed on the Cape, which they helped found. And their Jewish commitments didn’t wane in Florida, with their activities on behalf of Temple Torah. Both my parents have been long-time liberals. Their response to the Bush win over Gore was to become active in the Florida Democratic Committee. My mother loved to engage people in political debates. My father told me one of their neighbors, a right-wing Republican, lamented he’d have no one to argue with now. Many people didn’t realize it, but my mother had a very subtle sense of humor. My favorite story happened when I was a baby. My cousin Peter, Barry’s brother, who lived in the same house, was born five weeks before me. He also had red hair. My mother would take both of us out on walks, and people would stop and say, “Oh, how cute. Are they twins?” To which my mother would reply, “No, they’re five weeks apart,” and then walk on without looking back. And, of course, there’s family. As I said before, she never considered her in-laws to be anything but parents, and my husband Gary as her son. One of her biggest regrets was that she was unable to travel to Boston for her brother Barney’s funeral. And there was her adoration of her grandsons, Natan and Ari. When we called my parents to tell them that they were grandparents after Natan’s arrival, they were preparing to go the Cape for the weekend. They switched directions, drove to NJ, and only afterwards realized they hadn’t packed things they kept at the Cape, like nightwear and toothbrushes. Ari’s bar mitzvah was the last time they traveled. There was no way my mother was going to miss the occasion. No phone call – and there were a lot of them – was complete without my giving a full rundown on all the boys’ activities. I had planned to speak briefly, but once I began writing, I realized I couldn’t say everything important about her 87 years in just a few words. And I’m still not sure I’ve done her justice. Her passing has left a big hole in the lives of all who knew and loved her. I don’t like practical jokes, even on April Fools Day. I never really enjoyed the original “Candid Camera,” and have never seen “Punk’d.” I squirm when I see people humiliated in public. Or in private. So it was completely unintentional, and rather ironic, when I became the perpetrator of such a hoax. It began on March 31, when fellow Oak Tree Press author Sharon Moore emailed all of the OTP authors to check the blog on April 1 for an important announcement. When I clicked on the site the following day, there was a “press release” from Sharon that OTP publisher Billie Johnson had signed a deal with Simon and Schuster. “Wow,” I thought naively, “I wonder if S&S is going to distribute our books under a new imprint.” Then I read further and realized it was a doozy of an April Fools Day joke. Billie, Sharon wrote, was purchasing S&S! After I stopped chuckling, I sent an email announcing that I had big news, too: my books had been optioned by Hollywood, Broadway, and TV. And that’s when the joke was on me. The April 1 “dateline” hadn’t tipped everyone off. So I added a link to Sharon’s blog. I still got awed responses. So I suggested people check the date of the posting. Still too subtle. So I posted it was a joke. Some friends responded to the original post without checking the comments. Two days later, after 135 likes (some for the cleverness of the joke) and 87 comments (many from people who understood it was a hoax), I posted a new status explaining it was a joke. My favorite response was from an author I consider a friend (I hope she still feels the same about me) who wrote, “You mean I just wasted hours being green with envy? And now my husband is laughing at me.” But I couldn’t tell if she were serious, or if she had realized it was a joke and was going along with it. How can we really be communicating when comments are taken out of context and there are no auditory or visual cues to help understand what is meant? Do I have answers? No. Just more questions. And puzzlement. But I do appreciate my husband’s perspective on the matter. He told me I should be flattered that people thought the news could be possible. It meant they liked my books. Of course, it could also mean they have a low opinion of popular culture. I prefer to believe that they do think my books are that good. So if anyone has contact with Spielberg or Sondheim or HBO or Bette Midler or Mel Brooks or Carl Reiner or Gene Wilder, please let them know I’m willing to accept offers. But, please, no prank contacts from them. I, too, can be very gullible.
Although the NLS has collected information on labor force behavior since its inception, only partial work histories for respondents in the Older Men cohorts can be constructed for certain survey years. The degree of completeness of the work history data varies by cohort and survey year. For those wishing to measure labor force attachment over time, three approaches are available. One can examine: (1) the amount of time in weeks that a respondent spent working, unemployed (looking for work), or out of the labor force; (2) the start and stop dates of each job a respondent has held (a continuous job history); or (3) the start and stop dates associated with each employer for whom a respondent worked (a continuous employer history). In general, summary weeks data (information on the number of weeks working, unemployed, and out of the labor force) were collected during each interview for either the previous 12 months or the previous calendar year. The term "summary weeks data" refers to the respondent's answers (in weeks) to the following types of questions: "During the past 12 months, in how many different weeks did you do any work at all?" Respondents who worked 52 weeks were asked, "Did you lose any full weeks of work during the past 12 months because you were on layoff from a job or lost a job?" Respondents who worked less than 52 weeks were asked, "In any of the remaining weeks, were you looking for work or on layoff from a job?" Those answering "yes" were asked to report the number weeks. Respondents who did not work during the past 12 months were asked if they had spent any time looking for work or on layoff and if they had, how many weeks. While placement and wording of the individual questions have varied, this core set of summary questions is always present in each interview. Unfortunately, such data collection consistency did not occur in obtaining information to track all job and/or all employer changes. The gaps in information collected on weeks worked are minor compared to the gaps in information on jobs held and employment spells. There are three different ways to construct a summary measure for number of weeks worked, seeking work, or out of the labor force. Users can examine the start and stop dates associated with each job, especially in the personal interview years, when the questionnaire included a detailed work history in a column format. (These variables can be found in NLS Investigator under the keyword "Most_Recent_Job.") When the information about start and stop dates is combined, a fairly complete picture of total number of weeks in the labor force can be pieced together. This is the procedure that has been used at CHRR to create the *KEY* weeks variables. Users attempting to create number of weeks worked themselves instead of using the created *KEY* variables need to pay close attention to the skip patterns followed in the early survey years. Many check items sent respondents to different parts of the questionnaire to answer questions worded specifically for their particular situations. When constructing number of weeks worked, users should pay particular attention to the dates in the detailed work history section. During the early survey years, the Census Bureau truncated the date the respondent started the job to the preceding interview date if it started before then, so the actual start date may not be available; in the later years, when an interviewer inadvertently gathered information before the date of the last interview, this information was sometimes left on the data file instead of being blanked out and eliminated. Two alternatives to this time-consuming procedure of piecing the record together from start and stop dates include: (1) use of information from the summary weeks questions present in the questionnaire for all years or (2) a combination of data from the *KEY* summary weeks variables for those years in which they were constructed and information from the summary weeks questions for those years in which no *KEY* variable is available. The *KEY* variables (those variable with titles of '# of Weeks_Worked [reference period] *KEY*,' '# of Weeks_Unemployed [reference period] *KEY*,' and '# of Weeks_OLF [reference period] *KEY*') were created for all survey years in which respondents were personally interviewed, except for the 1990 Older Men resurvey. Care should be taken to check that the number of cases on the summary weeks variables is reasonably close to the number of respondents interviewed (since all respondents should have a value on these variables). If this is not the case, the user needs to make sure that the desired information is not present in another part of the questionnaire or to adjust for the fact that in some years respondents who had not worked since the last interview are assigned to "NA" or missing instead of being assigned a "zero" for zero weeks of works, as one would expect. Gaps in the reference periods for the summary week variables occur in the early 1970s when the project phased in an alternating personal and telephone interview pattern. The regularly fielded personal interviews conducted during the early survey years gave way to a 2-2-1 interview pattern (i.e., two telephone interviews occurring two years apart followed by a personal interview at the end of the five-year period). The intent of the telephone interview was to obtain a brief update of information on each respondent and to maintain sufficient contact such that the lengthier personal interview could be completed. Due to the fact that the reference period for the summary weeks questions within a telephone interview was the previous 12 months and that no interview was conducted the year before each telephone survey, gaps in the summary weeks records of Older Men respondents occurred. However, questions were added to the Older Men personal interview instruments that gathered information on weeks not worked over a five-year period, including the two missing years. By using simple subtraction, the total number of weeks worked over the five year period can be calculated. The discussion below reviews by the types of summary weeks information that are available from the questionnaire. Included is information on changes in the reference periods for which these data were collected. The weeks worked accounting is not completely accurate due to the slight over- or under-counting of weeks that occurs when a respondent is not interviewed exactly one year from the date of the last interview. If the respondent accurately answers the question on the number of weeks worked in the last (or past) 12 months and it had been 13 months since the last interview, the summary weeks variables would miss four weeks of employment status information. Although Census was asked in the early years to interview each respondent as close as possible to the date of the previous interview, the actual dates of interview can and should be checked. A nearly complete work history for weeks worked and a complete listing of the most important or longest held jobs are available for respondents in the Older Men cohort. 1966 Survey. During the initial 1966 survey, each respondent was asked detailed questions regarding the following four jobs: (1) his current job or the last job he had held since 1961, (2) the job he had held before his current job or before his last job if it started after 1961, (3) the longest job of all the jobs he had ever had, and (4) the first job he had held for at least a month after stopping school full-time. By looking at the start and stop dates for these jobs, it is possible to obtain a global measure of weeks worked up to 1961 and a measure of weeks worked between 1961 and the date of the 1966 interview. Summary weeks questions, e.g., the number of weeks working, weeks unemployed, and weeks out of the labor force, were asked of the respondent for the calendar year 1965. 1967 Survey. The 1967 questionnaire included questions on the current or last job for those respondents who had worked at all since June 15, 1966. Information was also gathered on one intervening job. If the respondent had held more than one such job, information was gathered on the job with the longest tenure. Respondents were also asked the summary weeks questions; however, the reference period on these questions was the last 12 months, not the previous calendar year as it was in 1966. 1968 Survey. The 1968 mail survey elicited information on the respondent's current job or his last job since June 1, 1967. The questionnaire also asked the respondent to report the total number of intervening jobs in the past 12 months and to describe the characteristics of the longest intervening job. Summary weeks questions refer to the last 12-month period. 1969 Survey. In the 1969 survey, respondents were asked about their current job or their last job since June 1, 1968. If the respondent had changed jobs since the last interview, he was again asked for the total number of intervening jobs and for details about the job held the for the longest time. The summary weeks questions asked about the last 12-month period. 1971 Survey. The 1971 interview first collected information about the respondent's current job and a dual job, if applicable. This survey then used a column format to collect information about all jobs held since the date of the last interview. The summary weeks questions also referred to the date of the previous interview. This means that, except for those respondents who were not interviewed in all years, a reasonably accurate number of weeks worked between 1965 and 1971 can be obtained. 1973 and 1975 Surveys. Gaps in the employment record start with the 1973 telephone interview. In this shorter survey, respondents were asked questions only about their current job or the last job held since August 1971. The summary weeks questions were asked about the previous 12 months. The 1975 telephone interview followed a similar pattern, collecting information about the respondent's current job or his last job since August 1973. The summary weeks questions again refer to the previous 12-month period. 1976 Survey. In the 1976 personal interview, any respondent who had worked since August 1971 was asked for information on his current or last job, the job he held before his current or last job, and the job he had held for the longest time since 1971. There are two different sets of summary weeks questions. The usual set of summary week questions was asked for the previous 12-month period; another set collected information on weeks not working for the previous five years. These variables, '# of Weeks Not Working, 71-76,' '# of Weeks Unemployed, 71-76,' and '# of Weeks OLF, 71-76,' can be used to patch the gaps left by the telephone interviews. 1978 and 1980 Surveys. The 1978 telephone interview asked the respondent about his current job or the last job he had held since the 1976 interview date (or since August 15, 1976, if the respondent was not interviewed in 1976). The summary weeks questions asked about the last 12 months. The 1980 telephone interview repeated the 1978 pattern. 1981 Survey. The 1981 personal interview was similar to the 1976 survey. Respondents provided information about their current or last job, the job they had held for the longest time in the past 12 months, and the job they had held for the longest time since August 1976. As in the 1976 survey, there were two sets of summary weeks questions, one series asking about the previous 12 months and the second series referring to the period since August 1976. 1983 Survey. The 1983 telephone interview mainly repeated the 1978 pattern; respondents provided information about their current job and the longest job held since the 1981 interview (or since August 15, 1981, if not interviewed in 1981). Respondents then answered summary weeks questions referring to the previous 12 months. However, the first set of summary weeks questions was followed by a second series that asked about the 12 months before that, so that the 2-year period between the 1981 and 1983 surveys was fully covered (depending on exact interview dates). 1990 Survey. The 1990 reinterview survey included two questionnaires. The questionnaire addressed to living Older Men respondents (or their proxies) asked all respondents about their current or last job. Respondents who were institutionalized or who had not worked at all since their last interview were skipped past the remaining work experience questions. Those who remained in the eligible universe provided information about the job held the longest since their last interview, if it was different from the current or last job, and about the number of weeks worked each year from 1983 to 1989. Respondents who had not worked 52 weeks in 1989 were asked if they had been looking for work or on layoff during weeks not working. The 1990 widow questionnaire collected more limited information about the sample person's work experiences. The widow (or her proxy) first reported the date the respondent stopped working at the job he held at his previous interview date. She then answered questions about the longest job held by the respondent between his previous interview and his death and about the last job the respondent held before his death. For those respondents still alive in 1990 (and surveyed in every personal interview year), summary weeks information on weeks working, weeks unemployed, and weeks out of the labor force is available for the years 1966 to 1983 and for 1989. Information on weeks worked is also available for the period 1983 to 1988. For deceased respondents who consistently participated in the survey, summary weeks information is available for 1966 through 1983. Employment start and stop dates collected about deceased respondents during in the widow interview can be used to provide some information about the number of weeks worked, although sample persons who held more than three jobs between 1983 and their death are missing information about some jobs. The tables below are presented to provide the researcher with information on sample sizes by race and interview year for weeks worked and number of employers. Due to the restructuring of the 1990 interview, tables for the Older Men cover the years 1966-83. The labor force attachment of Older Men interviewed in 1990 is described in Parnes et al. (1992, 1994). Table OM1, "Number of Weeks Worked All Survey Years," provides information on the average number of weeks worked by respondents interviewed in all survey years. This summarizes all information available on number of weeks worked. Table OM2, "Number of Weeks Worked/Year by # of Survey Years Reported Work," presents information on the average number of weeks worked by number of years that the respondent was interviewed. Table OM3, "Number of Weeks Worked by Survey Year," depicts the number of weeks worked for each respondent interviewed in that survey year, including both the mean and number of cases for those who report work and those who do not report any weeks worked. Table OM4, "Number of Employers by Survey Year," presents information on the numbers of employers reported during each survey year. A number of decisions were made during the construction of these tables in an attempt to make the information comparable across cohorts. The tables are not weighted and are not intended to be used to make inferences about populations. The universe for the first two sets of tables is all respondents who were interviewed in all years. Years in which the *KEY* or summary week variables were found to have an upper range greater than 52 were truncated back to 52. In those years that a *KEY* variable covers a two year period, the total number of weeks was divided by two. The weeks tables do not take into account whether or not the respondent was in the labor force; if a respondent was interviewed and did not report any weeks worked, he was assigned a "zero" even if, for example, he was permanently handicapped and would not have been in the labor force under normal conditions. The number of respondents in the "NOT WORKING" categories in the third and fourth set of tables are similar although not identical. There was no attempt to eliminate respondents who did not have information available for both weeks and employers. The last set of tables presents information on the number of employers reported each survey year; however, the reference period varies between and across cohorts. "Survey year" could refer to the last twelve months, or to a period since the last interview that was one, two, three, or more years ago. Examining information on the total number of employers across time is difficult and time-consuming. Although it is possible to find information for most detailed work history years on the same and different employers within the survey period, the main linkage across years is the one for the current employer in the "CPS" section. (The CPS section refers to the series of employment questions that replicated the questions asked in the monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) of American households conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the U.S. Department of Labor). In other words, it is not possible in the early survey years to know, for example, that the intervening employer in the second column of the detailed work history section is the same employer as that entered two years later in the third column of the work history without making a number of assumptions based on matching of the job and/or employer characteristics. In later survey years, it is possible to link an employer in a work history column to the employer at the time of the last interview. However, use of this extra information was beyond the scope of these tabular presentations. Note: Questions about number of employers missing in some years. Parnes, Herbert S., et al. The NLS Older Male Sample Revisited: A Unique Data Base for Gerontological Research. Columbus, OH: CHRR, The Ohio State University, 1992. Parnes, Herbert S. and Sommers, David G. "Shunning Retirement: Work Experience of Men in Their Seventies and Early Eighties." Journal of Gerontology 49, 3 (1994): S117-S124.
By arrangement with Kathleen O'Grady, Voice of the Shuttle is republishing this interview from Women's education des femmes 12 (No. 4; Winter 1996-7): 6-10. (Wedf permission policy) Accompanying the interview are excerpts from the original French. Introducing the work of Hélène Cixous is not an easy task; it involves describing several lifetimes of achievement. I could describe the early Cixous who earned her doctorate for a thesis on the literature of James Joyce and was soon after awarded the prestigious appointment at the University of Paris VIII as Chair for the department of English literature. This Cixous has written a number of articles and books in both literary criticism and philosophy. Or I could describe the Cixous who discovered the world of creative writing, where she initiated a kind of fictional autobiographical style that has inspired writers, philosophers, and literary critics alike. Then there is Cixous the playwright. Her numerous plays, screenplays and even an opera libretto have been both popularly and critically acclaimed. But perhaps the personage that is best known internationally is Cixous the feminist. In 1974 she created the Centre d'Etudes Féminines at the University of Paris VIII which offered the first doctoral program in women's studies in Europe. This Cixous celebrates a theory of écriture féminine -- an ethical writing style (which women in particular can access) that is able, through a phonetic inscription of the feminine body, its pulsions and flows, to open up and embrace the difference of the other. Combined, Cixous the literary critic, philosopher, playwright, and feminist has produced well over 40 books and more than 100 articles. This is not the accomplishment of a lifetime, but the culmination of several lifetimes, each united and infused by the solitary voice of a poet. As Cixous states herself, "I give myself a poet's right, otherwise I would not dare to speak." In the 1970s, through both fiction and theory, you constructed a Derridean inspired concept of écriture féminine. Texts like The Newly Born Woman with Catherine Clément (1975) and "The Laugh of the Medusa" (1976) develop a theory of writing based on the libidinal economy of the feminine and call for a re-examination of bisexuality. The subsequent "Extreme Fidelity" (1988) continued to augment and clarify this concept by locating sexual difference within a cultural domain. How does this theory inspire your own philosophico-poetic texts? Does it provide an ethical and political framework in addition to its aesthetic dimensions? For me, theory does not come before, to inspire, it does not precede, does not dictate, but rather it is a consequence of my text, which is at its origin philosophico-poetical, and it is a consequence in the form of compromise or urgent necessity. Each time I have written or that I write a so-called "theoretical" text -- in quotations because in reality my theoretical texts are also carried off by a poetic rhythm -- it has been to respond to a moment of tension in cultural current events, where the ambient state of discourse -- academic discourse, for example, or journalistic or political discourse -- has pushed me to go back over things, to stop my journey and take the time to emphasize, to display in a didactic manner the thinking movement which for me was indissociable from my poetic movement, but which seemed to me to be entirely misunderstood, forgotten or repressed indeed by the topical scene. So all that is called "theoretical" in my work is in reality simply a kind of halt in the movement that I execute in order to underline in a broad way what I have written or what has been possible to read for a long time in my fictional texts. Never has a theory inspired my poetic texts. It is my poetic text that sits down from time to time on a bench or else at a café table -- that's what I am in the process of doing at this moment by the way -- to make itself heard in univocal, more immediately audible terms. In other words, it is always a last resort for me. So no, it does not provide an additional ethico-political structure; it is the concession a poet makes in accepting pedagogic responsibility. Though you praise the works of Colette, Duras, Genet, Joyce and Shakespeare throughout much of your work, it is the voice of Clarice Lispector which permeates your fictional texts. To Live the Orange (1979), "Extreme Fidelity" (1988), Reading With Clarice Lispector (1990) and Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing (1993) constitute an honourary identification and exchange with the texts of Lispector. In what way do her words stimulate the mythical quality that infuses your writing? Does Lispector in any way motivate the incessant return to divinity perceptible in your fiction? First, it is true that Clarice Lispector has an absolutely exceptional place in my space of references, and that she is unique for me. I compare her with no one. With no one among our contemporaries. Another person also has a unique and exceptional place, it is Jacques Derrida, and in a certain way, I could say -- it is a simplification -- that each of them occupies a sort of ideal place of writing for me, taking sexual difference into account, he occupying the space of a certain masculinity capable of femininity, and she occupying the space of a femininity capable of masculinity. As for the relation I have with her: I began to read her in 1977, and I only really began to know her text, to be able to respond to it, two years later; let us say that I worked for two years to really understand her thought. I began publishing in 1967; in 1977, I had already written twelve or thirteen books of fiction, four or five volumes of theoretical essays, which continue to be points of reference like The Newly Born Woman, Prénoms de personne, several plays. That is the person who encountered Clarice Lispector, which is to say someone who had a rather long literary, poetic and political experience, and I had the good fortune to recognize in Clarice Lispector a companion and a contemporary woman. The presence in my texts of what you call the "mythical quality" or else of inscriptions of a system of allusions to God, in quotes, is originary for me. My first collection of short stories, from 1967, was called Prénoms de Dieu [Forenames of God]. I have always played with God. For me, the signifier Dieu, as I have always said, is the synonym of what goes beyond us, of our own projection toward the future, toward infinity. What I must say also is that clearly, like all writers who invoke Dieu the word and the word Dieu in their texts, I am religiously atheistic, but literarily deistic, that's it. Ultimately I think that no one can write without the aid of God, but what is it, God? without the aid of writing, God-as-Writing. In addition to being an acclaimed novelist and theorist, you are also a successful playwright. "The Terrible But Unfinished Story of Norodom Sihanouk King of Cambodia" (1985) and "Indiada or the India of Their Dreams" (1987) have been attended by large audiences in France. Your plays indicate a discernible shift in your writing, from introspective prosody to an examination of historical characters and events. In your essay, "The Place of Crime, The Place of Forgiveness" (1987) you indicate that this shift is an ethical one. What subjective force can theatrical performance provide that a prose text cannot? And in what way does this amplify your earlier concepts? There is no decisive "shift" between theatre and fiction, in any case relative to an engagement, something that is on the order of a responsibility of writing. What happens with theatre is what theatre allows an author and which the fictional text does not allow, that is to say a direct relation with the audience, and thus clearly an intensity, a greater, more immediate density of the ethico-political message. That is clearly the difference in "responsibility" between the theatre and the fictional text: it's more immediate. It is a staging or a putting on the stage, it's the effect of the mise en scène. I ought to say, once and for all, a certain number of banalities or truisms: there was an issue of l'Observateur, quite recently, with a long interview of Jacques Derrida entitled "Yes, my texts are political," which is to say that the journalistic attitude or superficial reading oblige him to repeat something that is absolutely obvious, it's that his philosophical writing is a writing that is always political, that always has political effects -- and it is the same thing for me. It's as if a certain audience only used the term "political" for that which has as its object or as its centre a reference to historico-political events properly speaking, events that could find a place precisely in the newspapers and the history books. Yet the political -- this is a triviality, I am ashamed to have to say it -- does not stem simply from the political scene, from the political events reported by the media; it begins obviously by the discourse of the speaking subject on him- or herself, which is to say that all that makes the political scene -- relations of power, of oppression, enslaving, exploitation -- all of this begins within me: first of all in the family and in the interior of myself. Tyrants, despots, dictators, capitalism, all that forms the visible political space for us is only the visible and theatrical, photographable projection of the Self-with-against-the-other. I suggest we add the preposition "withagainst" to the English language. The equivalent in French being: "contre." I cannot even imagine how one could think otherwise. So when I write texts of fiction, and when in these texts of fiction I deal with problematics either that touch on the definition of the subject, or a human subject, or when I put family scenes, questions of exile, into metaphor and into poetic narrative -- my first narrative which was called Dedans reads in fact as an oblique ethico-political treatise on the conscious and unconscious situation in Algeria between the '40s and the '60s -- one is not obliged to read it in that way, but that is what it is. There is always a political reflexion and engagement running through it. It is thus simply a different form of the same fundamental scene that is the scene in which Shakespeare, or Kafka, portray their characters. It has exactly the same dimension. One cannot divide, for example, human destiny between the introspective, which would be non-political, and then a sort of exterior which would be political. It makes no sense, no more than if one were to consider the Greek tragedians. A human subject has a destiny in so far as it is a human being citizen. It cannot be separated. In this way I could say that there is not a single one of my fictional texts that does not resonate with echoes of world history. I was born political, in a sense, and it was even for political reasons that I began to write poetry as a response to the political tragedy. And in the same way, as I have very often said, there is not only the question of the representation or the inscription of an ethico-political problematic, there is also the question of action. I know that here too it is thought that action -- that is, what is called action -- is an action that ought to be visible in the field, in the field of war or in the field of the political scene, properly speaking, of the Parliament, etc. And I am uncomfortable saying that literary actions are actions that have a force of transformation, a force of political affirmation, and a revolutionary force that no person who has been in a situation of distress has ever denied, quite to the contrary. The Algerian exiles, the Algerian intellectuals who are exiled, that is who are threatened with death, those who survive the massacres, are the proof: the first ones to be killed and massacred are those who make gestures of writing. Another proof: among them, I have many friends for whom it is essential to come into a text to text relation or communication with people like us. Finally, and what is more, in France there is a tradition of a relationship between the literary text or the writer and public opinion. Poets, novelists, philosophers, etc. have always thought of their gestures of writing as a political gesture, and they have carried it out also in this manner. When Zola goes from the work of art to the combat for Dreyfus, he takes only one step. And so I am not going to enumerate the gestures I make in this domain, but they exist. And I will add that, in a manner that is strictly specific and reserved to writing, I think -- I have always said it, I am reaffirming it -- that the writers who are conscious are guardians, not only of the res publica, the common wealth, which is only one aspect of their work, but above all -- it is their role, it is their mission -- they are the guardians of language, that is to say of the richness of language, of its freedom, of its strangeness, strangerness. Language is a country in which scenes comparable to what is happening, for example, at this moment in France, in the domain of the opening or the closing of borders, are played out in the linguistic and poetic mode. There are ways of writing French that are ways of writing "good" or proper French in setting up its borders and defending at all costs French nationalism and nationality. There are, on the contrary, ways of degrammaticalizing or of agrammaticalizing French, of working in syntax for it to be an open, receptive, stretchable, tolerant, intelligent language, capable of hearing the voices of the other in its own body. And this is a great revolutionary tradition of French poetry -- in this sense I feel myself to be in the lineage of someone like Rimbaud -- a certain breach of the limit, a certain unfurling of language, above all, a certain work on the signifier and, of course a necessary political attitude. One could well imagine that power could be taken over by "good French" in Academia and the media, and in that situation there would no longer be freedom of thought, quite simply. In 1974 you founded the Centre d'Etudes Féminines at the University of Paris VIII. Recently the government threatened this, the only academic women's studies doctoral program and resource centre in Paris, with closure. What events led to the creation of the program in the 70s and what about the 90s brought about its threatened demise? I created the Centre d'Études Féminines in 1974 for two reasons. One of them, which was fundamental, was that I was professor of English Literature, and I felt I was hemmed in, since I had become an academic, in a definition of which the referent is national. For me, a literature cannot be a literature enclosed within borders. That is the first thing. Literature is a transnational country. The authors we read have always been the citizens of the other world, border-crossers and out-laws. And they have always strangered their own language. And the second thing is that literature -- like all discourses -- is in its great majority masculine. And so I was someone who taught, with passion by the way, a restricted literature, that is to say English and masculine literature. I'm very happy to do it, on the condition that there is not an exclusion. So I tried to get out of the enclosure of the unisex, unilanguage, etc., and I made use of a reorganization of the university structures, of the doctoral structures in France, and of the need, for French research, to create new doctorates, to propose a doctorate that had never existed in France, and which was a Women's Studies. And in '74 it was accepted. It was a doctorate that was interdisciplinary and, of course, intercultural, interlinguistic, etc., that knocked down the absurd partitions between literature and philosophy, and between languages, and on the other hand, from the moment it sheltered other discourses than strictly literary ones, and when one could also hear a historical voice, a sociological voice, a psychoanalytic voice, etc., it allowed me to introduce the theme that was dear to me, the theme of sexual difference. Very quickly I began to work with a general thematic: The poetics of sexual difference, which had never happened before in France. But it is for exactly the same reason that this programme was threatened with suppression, and has just recently been threatened again, because the new authority in research in France, who dates from the Balladur Government, asked why we had any need for Women's Studies in France when there are no Men's Studies, there you have it, it's very simple! This speaks to the ideological backwardness of France. France is fifteenth in Europe with respect to all the problematics concerning women, and fifteenth also with respect to the development of the equality and the recognition of women in society, equally placed with Greece. And finally, Iris Murdoch once wrote that it is "always significant to ask of any philosopher, what he is afraid of". So I ask you, what is your greatest fear? And in asking this, I wonder if I am not submitting to you the other, unspoken side of your own recurring question: "Que sont-je quand je songe?" I would say that I am so afraid of being afraid that I am not afraid. Now clearly, if I wanted to stay in the domain of austerity and humility, I would say that, like all human beings, I fear seeing the people I love die. But I do not think this is a great fear, I think that it is being human, it is living, that's all, it is not a fear. Living -- we do not live without fearing the death of the other: I am alive, thus I am contracted with terror at the idea that one of those close to me could be killed, could suffer. But I cannot say that it is what one calls fear. All the rest, for me, is anger; I am angry at the spirit of betrayal that dominates individuals and society. Reprinted by arrangement with Kathleen O'Grady from Women's education des femmes (12, 4) Winter 1996-7: pp. 6-10. Women's education des femmes reprint policy: In the interest of the widest distribution and use of information, Wedf encourages readers to reproduce material from the magazine for the purposes of education and learning. For other purposes of reproduction, such as reprinting material in another publication, permission must be requested from the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women (cclow@web.net) and the author, Kathleen O'Grady (ko10001@hermes.cam.ac.uk).
The purpose of this paper is to give the reader a brief overview of some of the major points related to using nitrogen fertilizer materials. Most people working in agriculture and other plant management industries should search out more detailed information on the subject. Such information is readily available from Spectrum Analytic, and many other sources. As a result of these functions, corrections of N shortages result in large gains in vegetative growth, much higher protein levels, and much higher yields of grain, fruit, and vegetative plant organs. While these gains are normally desirable, excess amounts of N, either in absolute terms or sometimes in the ratio of N to other elements, can have a negative impact on some aspects of various yield components. Nitrogen has a complicated cycle. Some features unique to N are that N does not accumulate in the soil to any significant degree. Nitrogen is highly subject to losses from the soil, yet there is a large reservoir of N in the atmosphere. Of course, most plants (non-legumes) are not able to directly utilize atmospheric N. Plants take up N in several forms. These include nitrate-N (NO3-N), ammonium-N (NH4-N), and urea (CO[NH2]2). Other forms of N must be transformed to one of these forms before plants can utilize the N. The N in organic residues exists primarily in large organic molecules which cannot be taken into plant roots. These N sources must be decomposed and transformed into one of the previously mentioned available forms of N. Therefore, a significant portion of “organic” N is not immediately available to plants. Organic N available from applied manure, municipal sludge, or other residues. Nitrogen loss after application has been a major concern for years. Nearly all significant pathways of N loss are the result of excess moisture. As it happens, the most loss-prone form of N is nitrate-N (NO3-N). In the early 80's agronomists at Agrico Chemical Co. reviewed a range of information and compiled the following table on the “typical” fate of fertilizer nitrogen after application. While the data may not be precisely accurate in all situations and does not represent the most extreme possibilities, it appears to put the different loss pathways into a relative context. Immobilization is the process whereby soil organisms consume inorganic N sources in order to grow and reproduce. Most of these organisms are bacteria and other microorganisms which have short life spans. As they die, they contribute to the soil organic matter and the N trapped in their bodies is slowly recycled back to mineral N forms, becoming available to crops and other higher plants. While this process produces many benefits to soil and crops, the N initially consumed is temporarily unavailable to crops. Immobilization is not considered a major source of N loss to the current crop and typically does not involve significant amounts of fertilizer N. Residues and soil additives with high carbon to nitrogen ratios (C:N) increases the amount of N immobilized while C:N ratios around 20 or lower result in N mineralization (N release). Erosion is the loss of soil, and whatever nutrients are attached to the soil, from the field. Since NH4-N is a cation (positive charge) that is attached to the CEC complex of the soil, it will be lost with any soil that is lost. This loss mechanism is not considered a significant problem in most fields since the adoption of tillage practices that have greatly reduced erosion in most fields. Denitrification has been said to be the major mechanism of N loss in Illinois and Ohio, and it is probably the major cause of significant N loss in most crop producing areas. Denitrification occurs when soils are saturated during relatively warm conditions. Soil saturation causes a shortage of gaseous oxygen (O2) in the soil atmosphere. Some soil organisms that utilize gaseous O2 in the soil can also utilize other forms of oxygen. When the soil is saturated, these organism can remove the needed oxygen from nitrate (NO3), converting it to gaseous N (N2). Once the N is in the gaseous form, it is unavailable to plants, other than legumes. The N2 ultimately escapes to the atmosphere. One point of confusion is that some people believe that they must see standing water on the soil surface before significant N losses can occur. This is not necessarily so. If the top few inches of soil is unsaturated and the deeper soil is saturated, then the deeper soil can have significant N losses. Since much of the N may be in the 6” to 12” soil depth, saturation of this soil zone can result in considerable N loss. Leaching is the process whereby nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) is moved downward in the soil profile as water is moving down through the soil profile. Leaching of NO3-N is possible because NO3 is an anion (negative charge) and is repelled from most soil particles. This keeps it in the soil solution, unattached to the soil CEC complex and subject to moving in whatever direction the soil water moves. As might be expected, leaching is more of a concern in sandy soils, since water moves more freely through them. Nitrate that is leached below the root zone is not available to the crop. However, keep in mind that as the soil dries out, some of the water deeper in the soil is drawn toward the surface. That water may have significant amounts of NO3-N in it and this N can become available to the crop later in the season. Things begin to get very complicated when we try to predict N losses from leaching due to the influence of factors such as differing soil texture at various soil depths, the effects of intermittent rainfall of various amounts broken by dry periods of various lengths and temperatures, the effect of tile lines, and a host of other variables. Volatilization is the process whereby soil N forms are converted to ammonia (NH3) gas. If the NH3 is formed at the soil surface, there is the opportunity for N loss to the atmosphere. Keep in mind that volatilization is, for all practical purposes, limited to surface applied N sources. This process is most commonly associated with surface applied urea. This is because urea undergoes a unique process as it is converted to NH4 and ultimately NO3. Without getting into the precise chemical reactions of urea, we can say that an intermediate product in the process is NH3. When this NH3 is formed at the soil surface, it is subject to potential escape to the atmosphere. If, on the other hand, the urea is under the soil surface when the NH3 is formed, it quickly combines with water to form NH4 and is retained on the CEC complex of the soil. The soil pH, and more importantly the pH of the soil immediately around the fertilizer granule or droplet can have a significant effect on N losses. High soil pH around the fertilizer leads to higher losses. Volatilization losses are normally insignificant if the nitrogen fertilizer is lightly incorporated into the soil. As can be seen in the following table, while urea is the most significantly affected N fertilizer, there can be some N loss from other forms as well. NH4 and P Perhaps the best documented interaction of N with other nutrients is the relationship between ammonium-N and P uptake. Early research showed that when NH4-N was closely associated with P in a fertilizer source, the plants took up more P. When NO3-N was used, or when the NH4-N was separated from the P source, the P uptake was reduced. Other than the previously mentioned NH4-P interaction, N does not have other similar close interactions with other nutrients. However, N shortages can dramatically reduce the uptake of most other elements. This appears to be the simple result of a plants loss of vigor, and perhaps lower demand for other nutrients with an N shortage. From our many years of doing plant analysis interpretations, it appears that an N shortage most dramatically reduces the uptake of Mg and Cu. However, our experience supports the previous statement that all other nutrients are typically affected as well. The primary concern of growers in this area should be to avoid excess N in relation to other nutrients. Many times we hear that “high” N rates are detrimental to crop quality (not to mention the environment). In many of these cases, the supposedly high N rate would not have been detrimental if it was balanced with proportionately strong amounts of other nutrients, especially K. Plants having high N uptake without proportional amounts of at least a few other nutrients can be more subject to disease infection and greater physical damage from insects or environmental factors. Crops that receive high rates of N fertilizer, which also have a shortage of one or more other nutrients, are not likely to properly utilize all of the applied N. This can lead to excess N in the soil or water, or excess nitrates in forage or other crops. Typical N deficiency symptoms are a general chlorosis of the older leaves on a plant along with slower growth and generally smaller plants. Some plants have more specific visual symptoms. Corn, for example will have V-shaped chlorotic tissue extending from the tips of the older leaves toward the stalk, in addition to the other mentioned symptoms. Legumes can also suffer from N deficiency, even though they are capable of making mineral N in the associated N-fixing nodules. There can be several reasons for N shortages in legumes. Legumes that are not inoculated, and are planted on land that does not contain a resident population of the correct rhizobia will not produce the nodules required for N production. A shortage of other nutrients or other soil condition may prevent adequate N production. For example, soybeans suffering from a K shortage are likely to suffer from N deficiency as well, because the nodules will be deprived of the sugars needed for healthy rhizobia and adequate N production. It is important that growers manage N properly to gain maximum efficiency and profits from its use. This paper is much too short to effectively cover all aspects of efficient N management in most crops and conditions. Instead the reader is referred to the many books and Extension publications on the subject. There is also much information about N management on the internet. When the nitrification process converts the ammonium ion to nitrate, hydrogen ions are released, shown by the following reaction. This is a source of soil acidity (H+), so N fertilizers containing or forming ammonium-N increase soil acidity unless the plant absorbs the ammonium ion directly. Also, nitrate is a major factor associated with leaching of such bases as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K) from the soil. The nitrate and bases move out together. As these bases are removed and replaced by hydrogen, soils become more acid. Nitrogen fertilizers containing such strong acid-forming anions as sulfate increase acidity more than other carriers without acidifying anions. When the mineralization process decomposes soil organic matter, the first N product is ammonium. From that point on, the same nitrification as shown above happens, creating acids. Nitrogen carriers such as sodium nitrate and calcium nitrate leave the associated cation (Na+ or Ca+) in the soil. This makes the soil less acid. *Pounds of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) needed to neutralize the acidity formed from 100 pounds of N. The “B” denotes basic effect. These are theoretical values and probably higher than actually takes place in the soil. Fall vs. Spring: Either method can be effective, but both have drawbacks. Fall applied N is normally more subject to losses. This can be especially significant if the N is applied to soil that is warmer than 50° F, unless nitrification inhibitors are used. This often means that fall N requires somewhat higher N rates for equal yields. While spring applied N may not have as many risks, the spring season is typically very busy and wet. This increases the risk that N may not get applied in a timely manner, or that the spring field operations may lead to excessive damage to soil structure. Row Application or “starter fertilizer”: A small amount of row applied N, with the planter, normally increases yield potential. However, large amounts of N are not appropriate for row application for several reasons. The primary drawback of large amounts of N applied at planting, at the expense of broadcast or other methods of N application, is that not many roots contact the fertilizer band. Work by Dr. Stanley Barber, Purdue, showed that maximum yield response in corn requires that 50% of the plants roots must be in a fertilized area of soil. When less than 50% of corn roots are in the fertilized zone, yields suffer. This is confirmed by our experience with plant analysis. We receive some plant samples of crops where high rates of fertilizer are applied in narrow bands from 2” to 6” beside and somewhat below the seed. These samples are typically deficient in N as well as other nutrients. Another version of starter fertilizer is in-furrow applications. Like 2×2 placement, this can benefit yields, but it is only suitable for very low nutrient application rates. This is because all fertilizer is salty and excess salts can damage seed germination. Therefore, most of the crops nutrient needs must be applied by other methods. In-Season Nitrogen: This application system normally involves sidedress or foliar applications, but can also include the injection of N through an irrigation system. Sidedress N: Sidedress N normally improves yield potential. However, there are some drawbacks. A primary concern is that adverse weather may prevent the grower from applying the sidedress N in a timely manner. If this happens, the crop may be deprived of a significant and critical portion of the seasons' N requirement. Fertigation: Growers who use irrigation have a great opportunity to increase yields and better manage their N by injecting it into their irrigation system. The details relating to the amount and timing of this N varies according to many factors. Nitrogen applied throughout the season and according to the crop demand will normally maximize yields and minimize N losses. Foliar Nitrogen: Foliar N can be an excellent method of adding a little “punch” to a fertilizer program. Foliar N programs are normally not strong enough, nor economical to significantly improve a weak N program. Instead, it should be thought of as a way to take advantage of opportunities to improve an already adequate program. Pre-Plant, Fall: As of this writing, there is no dependable soil test for N at this time of the year. The Illinois Nitrogen test developed by Dr. Richard Mulvaney is showing some progress, but is not yet ready for general use. Pre-Sidedress: The Pre-Sidedress Nitrogen Test (PSNT) developed Magdoff (U of VT) and made popular by Penn. State Univ. and Iowa State Univ. is an effective means of determining the amount of N required by a few selected crops. A soil sample for the PSNT must be taken to a depth of 12” in much of the Corn Belt and Eastern States, and must be taken to a depth of 24” in many areas of the dry Great Plains. There is no calibration for interpreting the PSNT taken at more shallow depths or at a different height of corn other than 12”. Irish potato Solanum tuberosum When vines are 15 cm (6 inches) long. Rutabaga Brassica napus After thinning (2- to 4-leaf sages). Turnip Brassica rapa After thinning (2- to 4-leaf sages). The PSNT is a test for Nitrate-N (NO3-N). As we all know, plants also take up N in the ammonium-N (NH4-N) form, and you may ask why the NH4-N is not normally included in a PSNT test. In fact there are a few situations where the amount of NH4-N may affect the interpretation of the PSNT results. In most cases these situations are where a nitrification inhibitor has been applied or where there may be a source of NH4-N that could supply this form of N later in the summer. Some of these materials include N-Serve, DCD, Agrotain, Ammonium Thiosulfate, Sulfur-coated Urea, and other slow-release N sources.
1994-04-29 Assigned to HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY reassignment HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST (SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS). Assignors: OUWERKERK, D. B. Battery charging apparatus comprising a power source coupled to a battery pack comprising a series connected plurality of batteries, and a charge controller and battery balancer coupled to the battery pack that monitors, controls the charging of, and balances the plurality of batteries of the battery pack. The power source is used to charge all of the batteries under control of a controller. The controller is coupled to an isolated current source in the battery balancer and to a battery voltage sensor. The controller is coupled to a plurality of sensors that monitor predetermined battery conditions. The isolated current source and battery voltage sensor are coupled to each battery of the battery pack by way of a monitoring bus and a plurality of controlled switches. The controller monitors the individual battery voltages using the battery voltage sensor and controls the isolated current source to individually balance low-voltage batteries based upon voltages sensed by the battery voltage sensor. The present invention relates to battery chargers, and more particularly, to battery charging apparatus that provides for battery monitoring, charge control, and battery balancing for use with an electric vehicle, and the like. The assignee of the present invention designs, develops and manufactures battery charging systems for use in charging batteries of electric vehicles, and the like. Battery packs used in electric vehicles are typically strings of batteries, having on the order of 150 series coupled cells. The ability to balance the energy contained in each of the batteries improves their life and useful capacity. There is a tendency for each cell within individual batteries, when connected in series, to have a different energy storage capacity. This is caused be many variables including, but not limited to, temperature, initial tolerances, material impurities, porosity, electrolyte density, surface contamination, and age. When discharging a series string of batteries (a battery pack), the amount of useful energy that can be extracted depends upon the weakest cell or battery. Battery balancing is therefore periodically required to maximize energy storage capacity of the battery pack. Reduced energy storage capacity equates to reduced battery pack life. This is due to the damage caused by "cell reversal" encountered when one cell is much different from the others in terms of its stored energy. The classical means for balancing a battery pack is called equalization charging. This involves passing a low current through the battery pack thus charging the low cells while the fully charged cells slowly evolve gas (through electrolysis). It is done at a low current to minimize damage to "good" cells. Balancing batteries during discharge (propulsion of an electric vehicle, for example) is especially important for situations where only quick recharging is used. Balancing is a low magnitude but long duration process, and conventional equalization charging is also a slow process. Quick recharging is unable to fully charge a battery pack due to limitations of most battery chemistries (chemical transport limit). This tends to aggravate balancing because there is no time for periodic equalization charging. Therefore, it is an objective of the present invention to provide for battery charging apparatus that provides for battery monitoring, charge control, and battery balancing for use with an electric vehicle, and the like. In order to meet the above and other objectives, the present invention provides for battery charging apparatus comprising a power source, and a charge controller and battery balancer that monitors, controls the charging of, and balances a plurality of series connected batteries comprising a battery pack. The power source is coupled to the battery pack and is used to charge all of the batteries under control of a controller. The controller is coupled to a battery balancer and to a voltage sensor. The battery balancer and voltage sensor are coupled to each battery of the battery pack by way of a monitoring bus and a plurality of controlled switches. The controller controls the battery balancer to individually balance weak batteries based upon voltages sensed by the voltage sensor. More particularly, the present invention provides for apparatus for monitoring, charging and balancing the plurality of serially connected batteries. The apparatus comprises a power source coupled across the plurality of serially connected batteries for providing charging power thereto, a plurality of sensors coupled to the plurality of batteries for monitoring predetermined conditions thereof, and a controller coupled to the power source and to the batteries for controlling charging of the batteries. The controller is coupled to the power source and communicates with and controls its operation to charge the plurality of serially connected batteries. The controller is coupled to the plurality of sensors for monitoring the predetermined conditions. A plurality of controlled switches are provided wherein adjacent pairs are coupled to respective positive and negative terminals of a battery. A monitoring bus is coupled to the plurality of controlled switches. A battery voltage sensor is coupled to each of the plurality of controlled switches by way of the monitoring bus and to the controller, for selectively sensing the voltage of each of the plurality of batteries under control of the controller. A current source is coupled to the plurality of controlled switches by way of the monitoring bus, and to the controller, for supplying current to a selected battery of the plurality of batteries under control of the controller. The present invention monitors the batteries of the battery pack to prevent too deep of a discharge and signals an operator of an electric vehicle that "cell reversal" (cell damage) is imminent. The present invention also control charging of the batteries up to the point where overcharging of a cell or battery occurs. The present invention then uses sense lines to balance an individual cell, battery, or combination of batteries of the battery pack. This minimizes the overall degradation of the battery pack by localizing of equalizing battery charge. Balancing the batteries of the battery pack improves battery life and useful capacity. The present invention provides significant advantages for recharging electric vehicle battery packs. The present invention is also much more efficient than conventional battery charging apparatus. The present invention monitors the battery pack during discharge (propulsion), controls battery recharging, and balances individual cells, batteries, or combinations of batteries. Balancing the batteries during discharge (propulsion of the electric vehicle) is especially important for situations where only quick recharging is used to charge the battery pack. Quick recharging is normally unable to fully charge a battery pack due to limitations of most battery chemistries (chemical transport limit). This tends to aggravate balancing as there is no time for periodic and long duration equalization charging. The present "on the run" battery balancing offers a simple and convenient means for balancing the batteries. Balancing is a low magnitude but long duration process. Conventional equalization is also a slow process so the balancing apparatus of the present invention is at least comparable if not faster. The present invention was developed for use on electric vehicles to address battery pack energy storage capacity issues and battery pack life. Without some means of battery pack equalization or balancing, electric vehicle battery packs have extremely poor capacity and life, especially if cell data is extrapolated to characterize the battery pack. The present invention has applications other than use in electric vehicles. The present invention may be used in any application employing large series strings of batteries or cells, including but not limited to uninterruptable power supplies, spacecraft, and fixed site battery energy storage, and the like. FIG. 2 illustrates a detailed block diagram of battery charging apparatus of FIG. 1. Referring to the drawing figures, FIG. 1 illustrates a block diagram of charging apparatus 10 in accordance with the principles of the present invention for monitoring, charging and balancing the plurality of serially connected batteries 12 of a battery pack 13 of an electric vehicle (not shown), for example. The charging apparatus 10 comprises a power source 30 that is coupled to the battery pack 13 by way of power charging lines 31. It is to be understood that the power source 30 may be coupled through an independent controller (not shown) to the battery pack 13. A charge controller and battery balancer 11 is coupled to the plurality of serially connected batteries 12 by way of battery sense lines 32, and to a plurality of sensors 19 coupled to the battery pack 13 by way of a plurality of sensor input lines 33. A battery 35 is coupled to the charge controller and battery balancer 11 for providing unregulated power thereto to power it and to provide power to an isolated current source that is used to balance the plurality of series connected batteries 12. An RS-232 bus 36 is coupled to the charge controller and battery balancer 11 to permit programming thereof. The charge controller and battery balancer 11 is used to control charging of the battery pack 13 and control charging and balancing of individual ones of the plurality of series connected batteries 12. FIG. 2 illustrates a detailed block diagram of battery charging apparatus 10 of FIG. 1, and in particular, details of the charge controller and battery balancer 11. The charge controller and battery balancer 11 comprises a controller 14, such as a Motorola 68HC11 type microcontroller, for example. It is to be understood that any suitable microcontroller may be adapted for use as the controller 14 in the charge controller and battery balancer 11. The microcontroller is programmable by way of the RS-232 bus. It is to be understood that any suitable programming/monitoring bus 36 may be adapted for use with the present invention. The controller 14 is coupled by way of a plurality of signal conditioners 15 to the plurality of sensors 19 disposed on the battery pack 13 that monitor various conditions relating to the battery pack 13. The signal conditioners 15 are used to condition sensed signals derived from the sensors 16 to feed into the controller 14. Internal to the controller 14 the sense signals are compared to predetermined programmable threshold values. A bias supply 17 is coupled to the battery 35 that produces a plurality of bias voltages that are used to power the circuits in the charge controller and battery balancer 11. A decoder and driver circuit 18 is coupled between the controller 14 and a plurality of controlled switches 21. Respective ones of the controlled switches 21 are coupled between respective batteries 12 of the battery pack 13. More particularly, an adjacent pair of controlled switches 21 are coupled to respective positive and negative terminals of a battery 12. Control signals are coupled to the controlled switches 21 from the controller 14 by way of the decoder and driver circuit 18. A battery pack sensing circuit 25 is used to sense the output voltage of the battery pack 13 and provides a signal indicative thereof to the controller 14. A battery voltage sensor 22 is coupled between each of the batteries 12 of the battery pack 13 and the controller 14. The battery voltage sensor 22 is coupled through a monitoring bus 23 and the plurality of controlled switches 21 to the batteries 12. The monitoring bus 23 is also coupled to an isolated current source 24 or battery balancer 24. The an isolated current source 24 or battery balancer 24 is typically a low current source, such as may be provided by a 0.5 amp current source, for example. The battery voltage sensing circuit 22 senses the output voltage of a particular battery 12 selected by the controller 14 using the decoder and drive circuit 18 to select a particular pair of controlled switches 21 for actuation. The battery voltage sensing circuit 22 provides a voltage signal indicative of the sensed battery voltage to the controller 14. The isolated current source 24 or battery balancer 24 is coupled to the controller 14 and to the plurality of controlled switches 21 by way of the monitoring bus 23. The isolated current source 24 provides a charging current to a selected battery 12 that is connected to the monitoring bus 23 by way of the controlled switches 21 in order to balance the cells or battery thereof with respect to the remaining batteries 12 of the battery pack 13. The battery voltage sensing circuit 22 is used to sequentially sense the voltage of each respective battery 12 wherein the controller activates a pair of controlled switches 21 to connect a selected battery 12 to the battery voltage sensing circuit 22 by way of the monitoring bus. The controller 14 steps through each pair of controlled switches 21 to sense the voltage of all batteries 12. Once the voltages are sensed, those batteries 12 that are low relative to the other batteries 12 are tagged in the controller 14. The controller 14 sequentially activates the pair of controlled switches 21 that are coupled across the low voltage battery 12, and the battery balancer 24 is activated to charge the battery 12 to a proper voltage level. Each battery 12 having a low voltage is charged using the battery balancer 24 in this manner. Consequently, all batteries 12 of the battery pack 13 are continuously balanced. The controller 11 monitors the sensors 19 coupled to the battery pack 13 and monitors control signals, temperatures, current into and out of the battery pack 13, voltage of the battery pack 13, voltages of individual batteries 12, or outputs of selected combinations of batteries 12, for example. The controller 11 controls the monitoring of the batteries 12, and this is done in a time sequenced manner, because battery charging tends to be relatively slow changing event. The controller 14 also provides commands to the isolated current source 24, or battery balancer 24, to source current into the monitoring bus 16 as required to balance a particular battery 12. Using the voltage data sensed by the battery voltage sensing circuit 22 by way of the controlled switches 21 and the monitoring bus 16 to determine low voltage batteries 12, a small amount of current is caused to flow into an individual battery 12 from the current source 24 into each low voltage battery 12, thus effecting balancing with respect to all other batteries 12 in the battery pack 13. The control provided by the charge controller and battery balancer 11 is implemented by way of embedded software (firmware) located in the controller 14. The use of software or firmware is not required to implement the present invention, and hardware may be used to implement the control logic, but the use of software provides for development flexibility. This programming is implemented in a conventional manner and will not be described in detail herein. The output of the controller 14 comprises a plurality of control signals, which may include serial, parallel or discrete output signals, for example. In an embodiment that was reduced to practice, the J1850 serial communication port is used to control the operation of the power source 30. However, implementation of the output signals (serial/parallel/discrete) is not limited to these particular output signals. The following data is conveyed by way of the outputs of the charge controller and battery balancer 11: state of charge of each of the batteries 12, balancing data that may be used to indicate an unsafe or damaged battery 12 during discharge, and charging control signals to control charging power to the batteries 12. The battery pack 13 is only as good as it weakest link. This means that the battery pack 13 fails as soon as one battery 12 within the battery pack 13 fails, or its capacity is only as good at the weakest battery 12. Differences in materials, manufacturing processes (dimensions, porosity, electrolyte density, etc.), temperature, age or past history, and even surface contaminations (i.e. dirt) cause each battery 12 within the battery pack 13 to act independently. Battery packs 13 for use in electric vehicles, for example, typically have over 20 batteries 12. All of the batteries 12 do not operate the same. Since the batteries 12 are in series, the small iniquities tend to be aggravated with time and usage unless corrective action is taken. Based upon experience, batteries 12 tend to become unbalanced with time depending on their use, care, and charging. While there are balancing problems, they can generally be overcome with periodic equalization. Equalization forces a small amount of current through the battery pack 13 causing the strong batteries 12 to gas (slowly) and the weak ones to charge. This tends to bring up the weak batteries 12, but this is achieved very slowly. The strong batteries 12 that gas are only a small problem due to the slow gas reaction within the batteries 12. Many types of batteries 12 are also gas recombinant and thus reduces electrolyte loss. However, the gas recombinant reaction recaptures only one of the two different gas molecules given off. This means that equalization tends to very slowly degrade good batteries 12 by releasing small amounts of gas, which reduces the electrolyte and changes its density. Contrary to battery equalization, the present charge controller and balancer 11 addresses the dynamics of the battery pack 13. The present charge controller and balancer 11 controls more information than just the overall voltage, current, and a temperatures of the battery pack 13. Individual battery voltages and temperature information is utilized. The present invention implements a "weak" battery charging approach. In addition, instead of using equalization charging to obtain balancing, the present charge controller and balancer 11 uses battery balance charging. The present invention thus does not balance the whole battery pack 13 in order to bring one particular battery 12 into balance. The present charge controller and balancer 11 is adapted to directly charge the individual "weak" battery 12. The control firmware, which is adapted to control a particular battery voltage, number of batteries 12, and cell chemistry, first charges the battery pack 13 to the point of the strongest battery 12 reaches full capacity. After charging is complete, the rest of the time the charge controller and balancer 21 is used to balance the weakest battery 12 using the small (0.5 Amps for example) current source 24. The present charge controller and balancer 11 monitors the voltage of a selected battery 12 until it reaches its limit and then move on to the next weakest battery 12. Extremely large battery packs 13, such as those used for buses, for example, may require a larger current source 24, which may be readily provided as required. Also the present invention may be used with any battery pack 13, such as photovoltaic energy storage, for example. The present charge controller and balancer 11 slowly balances the battery pack 13 and makes up for differences in balance over time. The present invention is energy efficient because it charges each weak battery 12 instead of using a lot of energy to push current through the entire battery pack 13, wherein most of the energy radiates as heat and causes gas formation. Thus there has been described a new and improved battery charging apparatus that provides for battery monitoring, charge control, and battery balancing for use with an electric vehicle, and the like. It is to be understood that the above-described embodiment is merely illustrative of some of the many specific embodiments which represent applications of the principles of the present invention. Clearly, numerous and other arrangements can be readily devised by those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the invention. a current source coupled to the plurality of controlled switches by way of the monitoring bus, and coupled to the controller, for supplying current to a selected battery under control of the controller. 2. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the current source comprises about a 0.5 amp current source. 3. The charging of claim 1 wherein the plurality of sensors comprise a plurality of temperature sensors and a battery current sensor. 4. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising a decoder and driver circuit is coupled between the controller and the plurality of controlled switches. 5. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising an isolated current source coupled to the controller for producing a plurality of voltages thereto. 6. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising a plurality of signal conditioners coupled between the plurality of sensors and the controller for comparing the conditions sensed by the sensors to predetermined thresholds, and for outputting a signal indicative of the comparison.
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Qing Fang, Lin Yang, Weijun Zhu, Li Liu, Haibo Wang, Wenbo Yu, Gengfu Xiao, Po Tien, Linqi Zhang, Zhiwei Chen. 2005. Host range, growth property, and virulence of the smallpox vaccine: vaccinia virus Tian Tan strain. Virology, 335: 242-251. Li Liu, Bo Su, Ke Zhuang, Po Tien, Zhiwei Chen, Linqi Zhang. 2005. Genetic characterization of full-length HIV type 1 genomes from 3 infected paid blood donors in Henan, China. JAIDS, 40(4): 501-504. Zhaoyang Li, Yong Xiong, Yu Peng, Ji’an Pan, Yu Chen, Xiaoyun Wu, Snawar Hussain, Po Tien, Deyin Guo. 2005. Specific inhibition of HIV-1 replication by short hairpin RNAs targeting human cyclin T1 without inducing apoptosis. FEBS Letters, 579: 3100-3106. Snawar Hussain, Ji’an Pan, Yu Chen, Yalin Yang, Jing Xu, Yu Peng, Ying Wu, Zhaoyang Li, Ying Zhu, Po Tien, Deyin Guo. 2005. Identification of novel subgenomic RNAs and noncanonical transcription initiation signals of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Journal of virology, 5288-5295. Shu Li, Jieqing Zhu, Yu Peng, Shanshan Cui, Chunping Wang, George F. Gao, Po Tien. 2005. Characterization of BIV Env core: implication for mechanism of BIV-mediated cell fusion. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 329: 603-609. Rui Gong, Xiaoxue Peng, Shuli Kang, Huixing Feng, Jianying Huang, Wentao Zhang, Donghai Lin, Po Tien, Gengfu Xiao, 2005. Structural characterization of the fusion core in syncytin, envelop protein of human endogenous retrovirus family W. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 331: 1193-1200. Ying Zhu, Mo Liu, Weiguang Zhao, Jianlin Zhang, Xue Zhang, Ke Wang, Chunfang Gu, Kailiang Wu, Yan Li, Congyi Zheng, Gengfu Xiao, Huimin Yan, Jiamin Zhang, Deyin Guo, Po Tien, Jianguo Wu. 2005. Isolation of virus from a SARS patient and genome-wide analysis of genetic mutations related to pathogenesis and epidemiology from 47 SARS-CoV isolates. Virus Genes, 30(1): 93-102. Yuxia Zhang, Yanlu Zan, Ming Shan, Changmei Liu, Ming Shi, Wei Li, Zhixin Zhang, Na Liu, Fusheng Wang, Weidong Zhong, Fulian Liao, George F. Gao*, Po Tien*. 2006. Effects of heat shock protein gp96 on human dendritic cell maturation and CTL expansion. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 344: 581-587. Minghai Zhou, Dongping Xu, Xiaojuan Li, Hongtao Li, Ming Shan, Jiaren Tang, Min Wang, Fu-Sheng Wang, Xiaodong Zhu, Hua Tao, Wei He, Po Tien*, and George F. Gao*, 2006, Screening and Identification of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus-Specific CTL Epitopes, Journal of Immunology, 177(4): 2138-2145. Xiaoyan Gong, Xien Gui, Yuxia Zhang, Po Tien. 2006. Screening for CD8 cytotoxic T l ymphocytes specific for Gag of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B’ Henan isolate from China and identification of novel epitopes restricted by the HLA-A2 and HLA-A11 alleles. Journal of General Virology, 87: 151-158. Yueyong Liu, Yanhui Xu, Zhiyong Lou, Jieqing Zhu, Xuebo Hu, George F. Gao, Bingsheng Qiu, Zihe Rao, Po Tien, 2006, Structural characterization of Mumps virus fusion protein core. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 348: 916-922. Xiaoxue Peng, Ji’an Pan, Rui Gong, Yang Liu, Shuli Kang, Huixing Feng, Gang Qiu, Deyin Guo, Po Tien, Gengfu Xiao. 2006. Functional characterization of syncytin-A, a newly murine endogenous virus envelope protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282: 381-389. Yu S, Yin S, Li C, Wong P, Chang B, Xiao F, Kang SC, Yan H, Xiao G, Tien P, Sy MS. Aggregation of prion protein with insertion mutations is proportional to the number of inserts. Biochem J., 403(2):343-51 2006. Wenbin Yang, Huaiyi Yang, Po Tien. 2006. In Vitro Self-propagation of Recombinant PrPSc-like Conformation Generated in the Yeast Cytoplasm. FEBS Letters, 580: 4231-4235 (IF 3.415). Shuwen Wu, Junqiang Xu, Jiangxia Liu, Xuan Yan, Xiaodong Zhu, Gengfu Xiao, Lunquan Sun, Po Tien, 2007, An efficient RNA-cleaving DNA enzyme can specifically target the 5’-untranslated region of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Journal of Gene Medicine 9: 1080-1086. Chang-Mei Liu, Zhuo Yang, Chao-Wu Liu, Rong Wang, Po Tien*, Roderick Dale and Lun-Quan Sun*.2007. Effect of RNA oligonucleotide targeting Foxo-1 on muscle growth in normal and cancer cachexia mice .Cancer Gene Therapy 14 (12): 945-52. Jiabin Yan, Xuqing Liu, Yao Wang, Xiaomo Jiang, Huayu Liu, Mingying Wang, Xiaodong Zhu, Min Wu and Po Tien,2007. Enhancing the potency of HBV DNA vaccines using fusion genes of HBV specific antigens and the N-terminal fragment of gp96. Journal of Gene Medicine, 9: 107-121. Yuxia Zhang, Shu Li, Ming Shan, Xuwen Pan, Ke Zhuang, Lihua He, Keith Gould and Po Tien, 2007, HBV core antigen epitopes presented by HLA-A2 single chain trimers induce functional epitope-specific CD8+ T cell responses in HLA-A2.1/Kb transgenic mice, Immunology, 121(1): 105-12. Chang-Mei Liu, Zhuo Yang, Chao-Wu Liu, Rong Wang, Po Tien, Roderick Dale and Lun-Quan Sun. 2007. Effect of RNA oligonucleotide targeting Foxo-1 on muscle growth in normal and cancer cachexia mice .Cancer Gene Therapy. 14(12) : 945-52. Heng-Gui Liu, Chen Wei-Wei, Fan Zhen-Ping, Yang Hui-Ying, Shi Ming, Zhang Zheng, Luan Shen-Shun, Zhang Hui, Lu Peng, Tien Po, Wang Fu-Sheng, 2007, The high prevalence of the 127 mutant HBsAg18-27 epitope in Chinese HBV-infected patients and its cross-reactivity with the V27 prototype epitope. Clinical Immunology,125, 337-345. Yan Su, Xiaodong Zhu, Yao Wang, Min Wu, Po Tien, 2008, Evaluation of the Glu11 and Gly8 of H5N1 influenza hemagglutinin fusion peptide for membrane fusion using reverse genetics, Archives of Virology,153(2): 247-257. Yan Su,Huaiyi Yang, Baojiang Zhang, Xiaoxuan Qi, Po Tian, 2008, A Dual reporter gene based system to quantitate the cell fusion of avian influenza virus H5N1, Biotechonology letters, 30: 73-79. Chang-Mei Liu, Zhuo Yang, Chao-Wu Liu, Rong Wang, Po Tien*, Roderick Dale and Lun-Quan Sun*.2008. Myostatin antisense RNA-mediated muscle growth in normal and cancer cachexia mice. Gene Therapy 15(3):155-60. Zhuo Yang, Jingwu Zhang, Haolong Cong, Zenghong Huang, Lunquan Sun, Changmei Liu, Po Tien, 2008, A retrovirus-based system to stably silence GDF-8 expression and enhance myogenic differentiation in human rhabdomyosarcoma cell. Journal of Gene Medicine, 10: 825–833. Pang W, Wang RR, Yang LM, Liu CM, Tien P,Zheng YT. 2008, Recombinant protein of heptad-repeat HR212, a stable fusion inhibitor with potent anti-HIV action in vitro. Virology, 377: 80-87. H.G.Liu, Z.P.Fan, W.W.Chen, H.Y.Yang, Q.F.Liu, H.Zhang, P. Tien and F.S.Wang, 2008, A mutant HBs antigen (HBsAg) 183-191 epitope elicits specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in acute hepatitis B patients, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 151: 441-447. Lun Cai, Zheng Zhang, Lin Zhou, Haiyan Wang, Junliang Fu,Shuye Zhang, Hui Zhang, Lei Jin, Fu-Sheng Wang,Po Tian. 2008. Functional impairment in circulating and intrahepatic NK cells and relative mechanism in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Clinical Immunology, 129(3): 428-37. Jing Xu,Shufeng Liu, Yihui Xu, Po Tien, Guangxia Gao. 2009, Identification of the nonstructural protein 4B of hepatitis C virus as a factor that inhibits the antiviral activity of interferon-alpha. Virus Research 141: 55-62. XiaoYan Gong,WeiWei Gai,JunQiang Xu,Wei Zhou, Po Tien. 2009, Glycoprotein 96 Mediated Presentation of HIV-1 Specific HLA Class I Restricted Peptide and Humoral Immune Responses to HIV-1 p24, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 16(11): 1595-1600. Feng Shi, Ji-Yuan Zhang, Zhen Zeng, Po Tien, Fu-Sheng Wang. 2010. Skewed Ratios between CD3+T Cells and Monocytes are Associated with Poor Prognosis in Patients with HBV-related Acute-on-chronic Liver Failure. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 402(1): 30-6. Feng Shi, Ming Shi, Zhen Zeng, Rui-Zhao Qi, Zhen-Wen Liu, Ji-Yuan Zhang, Yong-Ping Yang, Po Tien and Fu-Sheng Wang. 2011, PD-1 and PD-L1 upregulation promotes CD8(+) T-cell apoptosis and postoperative recurrence in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. International Journal of Cancer, 128(4): 887-96. Haolong Cong, Lunquan Sun, Changmei Liu, Po Tien. 2011, Inhibition of atrogin-1/MAFbx expression by adenovirus-delivered small hairpin RNAs attenuates muscle atrophy in fasting mice, Human Gene Therapy, 22: 1-12. Fen Ji, Bin Yang, Xiangxin Peng, Huiguo Ding, Hong You, Po Tien, 2011, Circulating MicroRNAs in Hepatitis B Virus Infected Patients, Journal of Viral Hepatitis (In press).
I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I will always want to learn a new and fascinating language. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested discussions. The cake went bad and it did taste well. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting Japanese man. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking at him. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. My company has started building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. I have been remaining calm so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably than relaxed. The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looks very beautiful as well. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened thing in a language course. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested material. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I always want to learn a new and fascinated language. How can teachers interest students? One way is having interested discussions. The cake went bad and its taste isn't well. But if she gets a good grade, now that exciting her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting. The tomato plants has grown quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. Exams is tired me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. The hot humid weather made it's difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably than relaxed. The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looked very beautiful as well. Exams, however, really frightening me. Exams are the only frightened thing in a language course. After the church has been tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. Ha was growing tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. Normally, foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interesting discussions. The cake went badly and it did not taste well. Look at her; she is talking to an interesting young Japanese man. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really excited. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home to grow tomatoes instead (*ko có space giữa "in" và "stead"*) of buying them from the supermarket. My company has started building a 100-mile-road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortable than relaxed. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightening thing in a language course. He always wears a dirty old cotton shirt and a big red plastic hat. Ha grew tired after the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obvious that she needed a long vacation. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interesting materials. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulated. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I will always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interesting discussions. 3. The cake went badly and it didn’t taste well. 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a interested young Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really excited. 8. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home to grow tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. 10. Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 12. I have been remaining calm so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortable than relaxed. 14. The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looks very beautiful as well. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightening thing in a language course. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interesting material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulated. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested -> interesting discussions. 3. The cake went bad and it did --> did not taste well --> good. 6. Look at her; she is talking to an young interesting--> interesting young Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites --> will excite her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is --> will be really exciting -->excited. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles --> mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably --> uncomfortable than relaxed. 16. After the church was --> had been tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly --> tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously --> obvious that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested --> interesting material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating --> stimulated. Perhaps you will see way tooo much color red here. Hic, after two units I'm really obsessed with how many minor mistakes there are in Conan's exercises. huhu! bài này khó wá , chắc em được một mất. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I [will] always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested (interesting) discussions. 3. The cake went bad and it did (tasted) well. 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting (interested) Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting (excited). 8. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown (growing) tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 10. Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completed (complete). 12. I have been remaining calm so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably (uncomfortable) than relaxed (relaxing). 14. The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looks very beautiful as well. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened (frightening) thing in a language course. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly (exact) the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously (obvious) that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested (interesting) material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I will always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have INTERESTING discussions. 3. The cake went BADLY and it did taste GOOD. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really EXCITED. 8. Tom grew ANGRILY when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more UNCOMFORTABLE than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only FRIGHTENING thing in a language course. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks EXACT the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use INTERESTING material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel STIMULATED. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I will->bỏ always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 3. The cake went badly and it didn’t taste well. 5. The entrance examination is extremely to challenge. Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6. Look at her; she is talking to an interesting young Japanese man. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home to grow tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. 11. My company has started building a 100 mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 1/I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2/How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interesting discussions. 3/The cake went bad and it didn't taste well. 4/It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils.They are too frightened to speak in front of many people. 5/The entrance examination is extremely challenging. few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6/Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting Japanese man. 7/But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting. 8/Tom grew angrily when Son kept on joking at him. 9/The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. 10/Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 11/My company has started building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 12/I have been remaining calm so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 13/The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably than relaxed. 14/The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looks very beautiful as well. 15/Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened thing in a language course. 16/After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18/Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19/If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interesting material. 1.I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2.How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interesting discussions. 3.The cake went bad and it didn't taste good. 4.It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 5.The entrance examination is extremely challenging. Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6.Look at her; she is talking to an interesting young Japanese man. 7.But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting. 8.Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking at him. 9.The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. 10.Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 11.My company has started building a 100-mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 12.I have been remaining calm so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 13.The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortable than relaxed. 14.The young girl sings amazingly good, and she looks very beautiful as well. 15.Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightening thing in a language course. 16.After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exact the same as it did before the fire. 18.Ha grew tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obvious that she needed a long vacation. 19.If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interesting material. 20.Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulated. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have discussions interested. 3. The cake went badly and it did taste well. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting Japanese man. 8. Tom grew angryly when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 10. Exams tire me, both physical and emotion. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 12. I have been remaining calmly so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exact the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quitely obviously that she needed a long vacation. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulative. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home to grow tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. My company has started building a 100-mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. I have been remaining calmly so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. The hot humidweather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortable than relaxed. Ha grew tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obvious that she needed a long vacation. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interesting material. 3. The cake went bad and it didn't taste well. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that exciting her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting. 10. Exams tire me, both physical and emotional. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quitely obviously that she needed a long vacation. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have “interesting” discussions. 3. The cake went bad and it “didn’t” taste well. 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They are too frightenfieed to speak in front of so many people. 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. Very few people make it into the “prestigiously” medical school. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young “Japanese interesting” man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really “excited”. 8. Tom grew “angrily” when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 11. My company has started building a 100 “mile” road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 13. The hot humid weather “made difficult enjoy” the tropical beach. Tom seemed more “uncomfortable” than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only “frightening things” in a language course. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It “looked” exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite “obvious” that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use “interesting” material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel “stimulated”. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested => interestingdiscussions. 3. The cake went bad=> badly and it did=> didn't taste well. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a=> an young interesting Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting=> excited. 8. Tom grew angry => angrily when Son kept on joking at him. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles=> mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably=> uncomfortable[\B] than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened=> [B]frigtening[\B] thing => [B]things[\B]in a language course. 17. He always wears a dirty old=> [B]an old dirty[\B] cotton shirt and a red big=> [B]big red[\B] plastic hat. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It beame quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested=> [B]interesting[\B] material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating=> [B]stimulated[\B]. [B]Oài , xong rùi, may wá !!! 1.I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I will always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2.How can teachers interest students? One way is having interesting discussions. 3.The cake went badly and it didnot taste good. 4.It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 6.Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting Japanese man. 7.But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really excited. 8.Tom grew angrily when Son kept on joking at him. 9.The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 11.My company has started building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 12.I have been remaining calm so far, but I will lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 18.Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became so obviously that she needed a long vacation. 3.The cake went bad and it dídnt taste well. 5.The entrance examination is extremely challenging. a few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6.Look at her! she is talking to a young interesting Japanese man. 7.But if she gets a good grade, that will excite her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she will be really exciting. 9.The tomato plants had grown quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 10.Exams tire me, both physical and emotional. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 11.My company has started building a 100 mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 12.I have been remaining calm so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they wouldn't find my baggage immediately. 13.The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably than relaxed. 14.The young girl sings beautifully amazingly, and she looks very beautiful as well. 15.Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened thing in a language course. 16.After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it was done before the fire. 18.Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became so obvious that she needed a long vacation. 19.If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested materials. 20.Normally foreign language classes stimulate me. Of course, it depends on teachers. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating. 3. The cake went badly and it did not taste good. 11. My company has started building a 100 - mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exam is the only frightening thing in a language course. 16. After the church had been tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exact the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obvious that she needed a long vacation. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested interesting discussions. 3. The cake went bad and it did didn't taste well. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting an interesting young Japanese man. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably uncomfortable than relaxed. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested interesting material. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 3. The cake went badly and it didn't taste well. 5. The entrance examination is extremely to challenge. Very few people makes it into the prestigious medical school. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that will excite her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she will be really excited. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obvious that she needed a long vacation. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I will(omit "will") always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested(interesting) discussions. 3. The cake went bad and it did(did not) taste well(good). 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. Very few people make it into(get into) the prestigious medical school. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting(an interesting young) Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting(excited). 8. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking at(with) him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown(home-grown) tomatoes in stead (instead)of buying them from (at) the supermarket. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles(100-mile) road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 13. The hot humid(hot and humid) weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably(uncomfortable)than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are(exam is) the only frightened(frightening) thing in a language course. 16. After the church was(had been) tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly (grew tired )from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously(obvious) that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested material(interesting materials). 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating(stimulated). Thầy ơi em nộp bài! 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested discussions. 3. The cake went bad and it did(not) taste well. 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it(is) frightens many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 5. The entrance(entrancely) examination is extremely challenging. Very few people make it into the prestigiơus(prestigiously) medical school. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting(interesting young) Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting. 8. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking at(with) him. 9. The tomato plants grew(grow) quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 10. Exams tire(tires) me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is(has) nearly completed. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened thing in a language course. 16. After the church was tragically burnt(burn) down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly(tired) from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested material. 20. Normally a(A normal) foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating. seo bài tuần nầy câu sai ít quá vậy thầy,bởi dzậy làm hơi r..u..n!!!! 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested discussions. 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. Very few people make it into the prestigiously medical school. 6. Look at her! she is talking to a young interested Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percents, she is really exciting. 8. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking with him. 9. The tomato plants were growing quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 11. My company has started building a 100- mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably than relaxed. 16. After the church had been tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exact the same as it did before the fire. 17. He always wears a dirty old cotton shirt and a red big plastic hat. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obvious that she needed a long vacation. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now which excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really excited. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams is the only frightening thing in a language course. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested interesting discussions. 3. The cake went bad badly and it did taste didn’t taste well. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting interested Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting excited. 10. Exams tire tires me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably uncomfortable than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened frightening thing in a language course. 16. After the church was tragically tragic burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested interesting material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating stimulated. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested(->interesting) discussions. The cake went bad (->badly) and it did (->did not) taste well. The entrance examination is extremely challenging(->challengeable). Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. Look at her; (->'!') she is talking to a young interesting(->interested) Japanese man. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting(->excited). Tom grew angry(->angrily) when Son kept on joking at him. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich(->good) soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. Exams tire me, both physically(->physical) and emotionally(->emotional). After a two-hour exam I am really tired. My company has started building a 100 miles(-> mile) road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. I have been remaining calm(->calmly) so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably(->uncomfortable) than relaxed. The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looks very beautiful as sings well. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened thing (->things) in a language course. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously (->obvious) that she needed a long vacation. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested(->interesting) material. 3. The cake went bad and it did taste well. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened thing in a language course. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested material. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate with me. I will always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is interested in discussions. 4. It's important to speak for a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 6. Look at her! She is talking to an interesting Japanese young man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that will excite her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she will be really exciting. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the grown home tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. 10. Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After from an to two-hours exam I am really tired. 11. My company has started building 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completely. 12. I have been remaining calm so far, but I will lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 14. The young girl sings amazingly, and she looks very beautiful. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are only a frightened thing in a language course. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she need a long vacation. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to bỏ have interested discussions. 3. The cake went badly and it did taste well . 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. 5. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 6. The entrance examination is challenging extremely . Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 7. Look at her; she is talking to a interesting young Japanese man. 8. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she will be really exciting. 9. Tom grew angrily when Son kept on joking at him. 10. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home to grow tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 11. The Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 12. My company has started to build a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 13. I have been remaining calmly so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 14. The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looks very beautiful . 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened things in a language course. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city rebuilt quickly it. It looks exact the same as it did before the fire. 1. I must say that foreign languages are fascinate me. I will always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 3. The cake were bad and it did taste well. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interrested Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she were really exciting. 8. Tom grow angry when Son kept on joking at him. 10. Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I were really tired. 11. My company has start building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 12. I have been remaining calm so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they weren’t find my baggage immediately. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortabled than relaxed. 14. The young girl sings well, and she looks very beautiful as well. 18. Ha grew tired of the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 3.The cake went bad and it did not taste well. 9.The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home to grow tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. 17.He always wears a dirty old cotton shirt and a big red plastic hat. 18.Ha grew tired after the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obvious that she needed a long vacation. 19.If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interesting materials. 2. How can teachers interest students? One-way is to have interested => interesting discussions. 3. The cake went bad => badly and it did => didn’t taste well. 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging => extreme challenge. Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting => interested Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting => excited. 8. Tom grew angry => angrily when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home to grown tomatoes in stead => instead of buying them from the supermarket. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably => uncomfortable than relaxed. 14. The young girl sings amazingly well =>good, and she looks very beautiful as well. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested => interesting material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating =>stimulantly. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate=>to fascinate me. I will always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested =>interesting discussions. 3. The cake went=>was bad and it did=>didn't taste well. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting=> interested Japanese man. 8. Tom grew angry=>angrily when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown=>to grow tomatoes in stead=>instead of buying them from the supermarket. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles road=> 100-mile-road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 12. I have been remaining calm so far, but I am going to=>will lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably=>uncomfortable than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are=>Exam is the only frightened=>frightening thing in a language course. 16. After the church was=>had been tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly=>tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously=>obvious that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested material=>interesting materials. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating=>stimulated. 3. The cake went bad and it did not taste well. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interested Japanese man. 8. Tom grew angry when Son kept joking at him. 12. I have been remaining calm so far, but I will lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 14. The young girl sings amazing well, and she looks very beautiful as well. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams is the only frightened thing in a language course. 16. After the church has been tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 19. If teachers want to interesting the students, they must use interested material. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested interesting discussions. The cake went bad badly and it did did not taste well good. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting Japanese man an intersted young Japanese man.. Tom grew angry angrily when Son kept on joking at him. My company has started building a 100 miles 100-mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably uncomfortable than relaxed. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened frightening thing in a language course. He always wears a dirty old cotton shirt and a red big plastic hat big red plastic hat. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested intersting material. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating stimulated. 1) I have to say that foreign languages fascinate me. I always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2) How can teachers interest students? One way is having interested discussions. 3) The cake went bad after it had tasted well. 4) It's important to speak in a language class, but It makes many pupilsbe frightened. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 5) The entrance examination is an extreme challenging. Very few people do it into the prestigious medical school. 6) Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting Japanese man. 7) Tom grew angrily when Son kept on joking at him. 8) The tomatoes grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. 9) Exams tired me, in both physical and emotional. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 10) My company has started to build a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 11) I have kept calm so far, but I will to lose my temper if they dont find out my baggage immediately. 12) The hot humid weather made us difficultly to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed to be more uncomfortable than relaxed. 13) The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looks very beautiful too. 14) Exams really frighten me. Exam is the only frightened thing in a language course. 15) After the church had been tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same to it did before the fire. 17) Ha grew tired of working overtime for hours. Its quite obviously that she needs a long vacation. 18) If teachers want to interest the students, they should have to use interested materials. 19) Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating. #188 xin nộp bài ạ! 2.How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interesteding discussions. 3.The cake went badly and it didnot taste wellgood. 6.Look at her; she is talking to a young interestingan interesting young Japanese man. 7.But if she gets a good grade, now that will excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting will really excite. 9.The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead instead of buying them from the supermarket. 10.Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hours exam I am really tired. 13.The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortablye than relaxed. 14.The young girl sings amazingly well good, and she looks very beautiful as well. 16.After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city has quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18.Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19.If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interesteding material. 20.Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulatinged. The cake went bad and it didn't taste well. Look at her; she is talking to a young interested Japanese man. Tom was growing angry when Son kept on joking at him. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home -growing tomatoes in stead of buying them from the supermarket. Exams tired me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. My company has started building a 100- mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. I have been remaining calm so far, but I will lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. The young girl sings well amazingly, and she looks very beautiful as well. After the church had tragically been burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became obviously quite that she needed a long vacation. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulative. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I always want to learn a new and fascinating language. SBD 93 nộp bài. Bài này khó thật đấy, không biết em đúng được mấy câu. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I (will) always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have (interested) interesting discussions. 3. The cake went (bad) badly and it (did) didn't taste well. 6. Look at her; she is talking to (a young interesting) an interesting young Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really (exciting) excited. 8. Tom grew (angry) angrily when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home (grown) to grow tomatoes (in stead) instead of buying them from the supermarket. 11. My company has started building a 100 (miles)-mile-road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more (uncomfortably) uncomfortable than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only (frightened) frightening thing in a language course. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it (did) didn't before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite (obviously) ovious that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use (interested material) interesting materials. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I will always want to learn a new and fascinating languages. 3. The cake went bad and it did not taste good. 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens into many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 5. The entrance examination is challenging extremely. Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6. Look at her , she is talking to a young interesting Japanese man. 7. But If she gets a good grade, now that 'll excite her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she will be really excited. 8. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking on him. 10. Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I was really tired. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it is nearly complete. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. To some teachers I don't feel stimulating. stt 167 nop bai a! 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I (will) always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 3. The cake went (bad) badly and it didn’t taste well. 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They are too (frightened) frightful to speak in front of so many people. 5. The entrance examination is (extremely) extreme challenging. Very few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really (exciting) excited. 8. Tom grew (angry) angrily when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home (grown) to grow tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. 10. Exams tires me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more (uncomfortably) uncomfortable than relaxed. 18. Ha grew (tiredly) tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. SỐ BÁO DANH : #07!!!!!!!!!!! ---> Sửa thành dấu ! 1. I must say that foreign langauges fascinate me. I`ll always want to learn a new & fascinating language. 2. How can teachers interest students ? One way is to have interested discussions. 3. The cake went badly & it did not taste well. 4. It`s important to speaking in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They`re too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. A few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6. Look at her, she`s talking to a young interested Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her.And if she gets more than ninety percent,she`s really excited. 8. Tom was growing angry when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomatoes plants have grown quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the growing tômatoes house instead of buying them from the supermaket. 10. The exams make me tired,both physically & emotionally. After a two-hours exam I`m really tired. 11. My company has started building a 100-mile road since 2004 & it`s nearly completed. 12. I`ve been remaining calm so far, but ìm going to close my temper if they dònt find my baggage immediately. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach.Tom seemed more uncomfortably than relaxed. 15. The exams ,however, really frightening me . The exams are the only frightened thing in a language course. 16. After the church was tragícally burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 17. He always wears a dirty old cotton shirt & a big red plastic hat. 18. Ha has grown tiredly after the hours of overtime at work. It became quite ôbviously that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to be interested in students ,they must use interested material. 20. Normally a foreign language class has stimulated me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers, i dònt feel stimulating. ps: please, check with me! 3. The cake went badly and it did not taste well. 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it is frightened by many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 1.I must say that foreign languages fascinated me. I will always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 2.How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested in discussions. 3.The cake went badly and it didn't taste well. 4.It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupil. They are too frighten to speak in front of so many people. 5.The entrance examination is extremely challenging. A few people makes it into the prestigious medical school. 7.But if she gets a good grading, now that excited her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really excited. 9.The tomato plants grew up quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead of buying them to the supermarket. 10.Exams tired me, both physical and emotional. After two-hour exam I am really tired. 12.I have been remaining calmly so far, but I am going to lost my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 14.The young girl sings amazing well, and she looks very beautiful as well as. 16.After the church was tragicaled burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18.Ha grew tired from hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19.If the teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested in material. 20.Normally a foreign languages class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulated. 6. Look at her; she is talking with a young interesting Japanese man. 8. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking him. 14. The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looks as well very beautiful. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it was before the fire. 18. Ha grew tired of the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 20. A foreign language class normally stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating. 2.How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested discussions. 14.The young girl sings amazingly well, and she looks very beautiful as well. I'm verry sorry teacher.Because I'm preparing for my examination so I have little time to use internet.But I will try my best to finish exercise on time. chết rồi.xin lỗi thầy cho em hỏi bài tâp 3 em đã gửi đến chưa. và thầy chữa bài chung hay riêng cho từng ban. 3. The cake went badly and it did taste not good. 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. Very A few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a Japanese young interesting man. 12. I have been remaining calmly so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested (interesting) discussions. 3. The cake went bad (badly) and it did (didn’t) taste well. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting (an interesting young) Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting (excited). 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown (to grow) tomatoes in stead (instead) of buying them from the supermarket. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably (uncomfortable) than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only frightened (frightening) thing in a language course. 18. Ha grew tiredly (tired ) from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested (interesting ) material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating (stimulated) . 2.How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested[interesting] discussions. 3.The cake went bad and it did [didn't] taste well. 4.It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens to many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. quickly. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19.If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested material. 20.Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating. 2. How can teachers interest students? One way is interested discussions. 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pupils. They are too frightened to speak in front of many people. 6. Look at her; she is talking with a young interesting Japanese man. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that is exciting her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really excited. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomato instead of buying them from the supermarket. 10. Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After two-hours exam I am really tired. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles road since 2004 and it has nearly completed. 12. I have been remaining calm so far, but I lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seem more uncomfortably than relaxed. 15. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are only frightened thing in a language course. 16. After the church was burnt down tragically last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha was tired from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I will(bỏ ) always want to learn a new and(bỏ) fascinating language. 3. The cake went bad (badly) and it did (didn’t) taste well. 4. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many pưpilspupil). They are too frightened to speak in front of so many people. 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. Very few people make it into (get into )the prestigious medical school. 6. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting (an interesting young) Japanese man. 8. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking at( with) him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes in stead (instead) of buying them from the supermarket. 10. (the)exams (make)tire(tired) me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour exam I am really tired. 11. My company has started building a 100 miles(100-miles) road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 12. I have been remaining (remaining)calm so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. 13. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably (uncomfortable) than relaxed. 16. After the church was tragically burnt down last year, the city quickly rebuilt it. It looks exactly (exact)the same as it did before the fire. 18. Ha grew tiredly (tired ) from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite obviously that she needed a long vacation. 19. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested (interesting ) material. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating (stimulated) . 1. I must say that foreign languages fascinate me. I _always want to learn a new and fascinating language. 3. The cake went off and it did not taste well. 5. The entrance examination is extremely challenging. A few people make it into the prestigious medical school. 7. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she will be really excited. 8. Tom became angry when Son kept on joking at him. 9. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown tomatoes instead of buying them from the supermarket. 11. My company has started building a 100-mile road since 2004 and it is nearly completed. 14. The young girl sings amazingly_, and she looks very beautiful as well. How can teachers interest students? One way is to have interested--> interesting discussions. The cake went bad--> badly and it did taste well. Look at her; she is talking to a young interesting--> interested Japanese man. But if she gets a good grade, now that excites her. And if she gets more than ninety percent, she is really exciting-->excited. Tom grew angry when Son kept on joking at him. The tomato plants grew quickly in the rich soil. He intended to use the home grown--> to grow tomatoes in stead--> instead of buying them from the supermarket. The hot humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach. Tom seemed more uncomfortably-->uncomfortable than relaxed. Exams, however, really frightened--> frightening me. Exams are the only frightened thing in a language course. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interested--> interesting material. Thầy ơi, em mới vào học và bài khó quá nên không biết mình làm đúng được bao nhiêu. Hic Hic!!!!!! 12. I have been remaining calm so far, but I am going to lose my temper if they don't find my baggage immediately. Would lose, Didn’t. 20. Normally a foreign language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With some teachers I don't feel stimulating.stimulated.
The Port Ludlow Village Council has had a busy and community-building year, from completing one new trail while maintaining others, working with Jefferson Healthcare to enhance the Port Ludlow Clinic’s exterior, hosting county political candidate forums, realizing substantial growth of the Emergency Management activities, holding the annual Newcomer Welcome Event and various Health & Wellness forums, and managing the Movie Night while developing our new logo and mission statement to reinvigorate our purpose to unify and improve our great community. To all our committee chairs, generous contributors and volunteers, a huge debt of gratitude is owed to you for your commitment and generosity throughout the year. We simply would not be the Port Ludlow we know and love without you. Following is a compilation of the goals, objectives and accomplishments of those who work so hard year-round to make our community a place to enjoy. An Honor Roll of the volunteers is included at the end of the review. Administration— Maintain and update organizational and procedural policies. The Committee worked to update the Policy and Procedures consistent with the revised Articles and Bylaws. In addition, they established new procedures for the election, which were tested for the 2018 election. Both of these activities will be finalized and recommended for board approval in the near future. Communications — Provide streamlined communications to share relevant community/area information and maintain contact with the community regarding PLVC activities through its website, email list as well as continued archiving of important documents. PLVC’s communication efforts were well received this year with the most commonly visited web pages being the Osprey Trail Progress and Emergency Management Information. The information provided regarding the change in Jefferson County Property Tax process was particularly effective in March of this year. As of September this year the PLVC website hosted 6,259 unique views with the most common inquiries going to HOA’s and CC&R’s, and information about Recycling. Additionally, the PLVC Archive was moved to a more secure platform. The newly implemented E-blast schedule has worked very well, whereby the community is notified two weeks prior to an upcoming event and a follow-up blast is sent two days prior to an event. This has resulted in increased attendance at many of the PLVC sponsored community functions. Community Development — Maintain a relationship with the developer, the county and neighboring property owners. The Community Development Committee transitioned this year with a change in leadership and committee members. They continue to be committed to a proactive approach to identify and fulfill activities in support of the committee’s charter which is to: (1) maintain a relationship with the developer to keep lines of communications open to share important development activities with the community, assist with compliance to the Development Agreement and County regulations, address the feasibility of additional developments and/or enhancements the community desires, and address the “workings” of the MPR after the build-out is complete; (2) maintain a relationship with appropriate County officials to support the remaining build-out of the MPR, preserve and maintain the intent of the MPR after the Development Agreement, and address issues that may arise requiring the County’s intervention; and, (3) foster relationships with neighboring property owners, such as Olympic Resource Management, to address activities that may impact the MPR. Dog Park — An investigation into the possibility of a dog park within the Master Planned Resort of Port Ludlow. The committee members took an informal poll of residents, which showed that 70 per cent of the respondents would support a dog park. Based on these results, the committee researched other dog parks in the area, investigated costs, and determined the specific costs, requirements and codes. They then met with the representative from Port Ludlow Associates (PLA) to determine a site for the park. PLA indicated that they would be willing to donate space at the corner of Marina Drive and Oak Bay Drive as part of a future development. The committee drew up plans for the park along with cost estimates, which were presented to the Homeowner’s Associations surrounding the tentative site. Unfortunately, the surrounding HOA’s and neighborhoods determined that the site was not appropriate for that use and voted against the proposal. The committee is open to investigate other sights within the MPR and hopes to develop a dog park at some future date. Emergency Management — Establish and maintain a disaster based emergency plan for Port Ludlow working with county and state agencies. With a new motto, “We are stronger when we prepare together” Emergency Management was revitalized by the addition of participation from the Jefferson County Department of Emergency Management, a new Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) coordinator and a Disaster Airlift Response Team (DART) coordinator. With these new team members the committee has expanded its already successful Block Captain program made up of neighborhood volunteers who will be the first to organize and coordinate help in the event of an emergency. In addition an initiative to encourage businesses to prepare a plan of action for the first 30 days has also been established. All of these efforts were showcased at the Second Annual Emergency Management Fair held in June, which had over 100 attendees. Many tasty and some not so tasty examples of emergency preparedness food were sampled. In addition, attendees learned how to “camp in their homes” safely turn off utilities, effectively store water and food supplies, and try out the wide variety of emergency gadgets available for purchase. Further efforts this year have included Red Cross First Aid classes, additional DART training and the October 18 Great Washington Shake Out earthquake simulation and communication event. Health & Wellness — Provide to the community Health and Wellness events sponsored by Jefferson Healthcare and others. This revitalized committee has partnered with Jefferson Healthcare to bring to Port Ludlow several first rate seminars facilitated by the doctors in residence. They have presented in-depth information on such subjects as strokes, cardiovascular health and orthopedics to our community with an outlook to expanding the program in the coming year. The Holiday Lights tradition has brought a twinkle to our long winter nights and holiday season for many years. The lights go up before Thanksgiving in order to be turned on for the holiday season, and remain up until the beginning of March thanks to the many volunteers who give of their time and energy to organize, test and install the lights. Much appreciated is the work of WAVE Broadband who donate their crews and bucket trucks to help in the loftier elevations of the trees. Fortunately this year, the weather cooperated and the installation was completed in record time. Unfortunately, two more trees were lost due to storm damage and had been removed by the county. There are now 16 of the original 24 trees planted years ago. Fundraising efforts to support this endearing community activity were a great success. Thanks to the many donors who gave generously to allow for payment of traffic control during installation as well as miscellaneous materials, light replacements and items damaged due to exposure in our Northwest winters. The committee looks forward to continuing the tradition of the holiday lights and adding a bit of sparkle to Port Ludlow’s Village Center. Port Ludlow can claim bragging rights on a beautiful setting for its Marina and boating facility and the committee has worked hard to continue to keep the area safe, inviting and friendly. As a result of these efforts, Port Ludlow’s marina continues to host an increasing number of visitors each year. The biggest challenge with the increase in tourism is the up tick in the use of standup paddleboards, kayaks, and other water transportation as well as the use of high-speed tenders which continue to be a safety problem, although most users are following the posted signs of 5 MPH. A current project is to replace the entrance buoy, which will emphasize the speed limits, however, the expense is considerable with new Department of Natural Resources requirements. Monitoring the illegal anchorage of boats in the Marina requires that a watchful eye as well as the authority to present the offenders with a letter explaining that after 30 days, the offending vessel must vacate the marina. The committee has excelled at keeping the area in excellent shape while continuing to be as accommodating as possible. Movie Night — A community wide event inviting participation from outside Port Ludlow encouraging locals and tourists alike to enjoy an outdoor movie on the marina lawn. The Village Council took over management of the Port Ludlow Free Movie Night after the previous organizers had determined we were best equipped to maintain the momentum of this extremely popular community event. The movie selection was determined by the students of Chimacum Creek Primary School who overwhelmingly voted for WALL-E as their favorite. Sponsorships were solicited from various businesses, which had supported the event previously as well as several new contributors. The committee raised $5,400. In addition, there was an advertising fund provided by the State of Washington in the amount of $3,900 which was used to it’s full advantage in spreading the word about our event on five separate ferry routes, on Facebook, a billboard in Poulsbo and banners and signs placed in Kitsap, Jefferson and Clallam counties. The event hosted six food vendors and one flower vendor, lost and found/first aid station and a PLVC booth of movie themed novelty items for sale. There were also raffle items including a ukulele, television, tablet, birthday party basket, and Hood Canal boat cruise. Despite the drizzle and light rain on the day of the event, the vendors arrived and set up shop with delicious food, flowers and toys. The Jefferson County Chamber compiled the attendance numbers by county and we were happy to report that a total of 412 people attended the event including 23 from out of state and 17 from Canada, 6 from Mexico and 3 from Spain. This past year, the Roadway Safety Committee successfully worked with the county make several safety improvements on our roads. After holding two public hearings at Port Ludlow’s Beach and Bay Clubs the committee determined several action items to be discussed with the County. Subsequently, the installation of a streetlight on Paradise Bay Road at the entrance to the Bay Club was completed and the temporary traffic control speed monitors were set up on Paradise Bay Road. Future projects will focus on the intersections adjacent to the Beach Club and Bay Club and the zone along Oak Bay Road where community trails cross the highway at numerous points. Trails & Natural Resources — Develop and maintain the trails and natural resources of the community and promote community awareness and appreciation of the established walking and biking trails. Chairs: John Fillers and Tim Rensema. Every year the trails committee relies on its four sponsors, LMC, PLA PLVC, and SBCA for their equal donations, which makes it possible to fulfill their mission. Over 50 volunteers contribute many hours as trails stewards and workers on special projects. This year, in addition to the regular mowing, weed whacking, clipping and downed tree removal activities, the group further developed and repaired three of the seventeen trails which total 26 plus miles of walking, hiking and biking opportunities. Those three trails include Osprey, Interpretive/Ludlow Falls Loop and Picnic Point. Osprey is the newest trail and quickly becoming a favorite. Terraced steps and cleanup of the Native Plant Garden were undertaken in the Interpretive Trail and the Picnic Point Trail received a facelift, which eliminated the mud problem and now allows for a pleasant walk year round. Other activities include the annual Scotch Broom Sweep, the cleaning of 54 birdhouses and the addition of new shelters, chain saw use training, and completion of the map of the trails. Additionally, a long-range plan and organization, policy and procedures documents were approved to help the committee to work better toward their future goals. Welcome Event — An annual event to encourage the newcomers to Port Ludlow to meet and speak to the social, sports, and service organizations in the community. Thanks to funding from LMC, PLVC and SBCA the Welcome Event was a huge success. This year’s event was held on a beautiful Wednesday, July 11 at the Bay Club where approximately 77 newcomers attended with 41 clubs and organizations and for the first time, 8 businesses participating in the meet and greet event. Along with the free food and refreshments beautifully displayed with donated centerpieces, there were raffle items that were taken home by two very lucky new Port Ludlow residents. Shuttle service was provided to satellite parking areas to avoid congestion at the Bay Club parking lot. Utilities & Recycling— Maintain communications with all utilities with affect Port Ludlow. This year the Utilities Committee’s main focus has been to track the geoduck issue, which had not been resolved in 2017. In 2016 Olympic Water and Sewer, Inc. (OWSI) and Larry Smith, President began working with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on the sewer outfall easement with an initial charge of $134,000 per year. After two years of work that included underwater surveys, studying pipeline alternatives, and direct negotiations, an amount of only $8,500 per year was assessed. This resulted in a bi-monthly rate increase of only $2.00 per ratepayer. The cost to perform the surveys and alternatives studies was $79,082 which OWSI will recover with the stated bi-monthly surcharge. We are fortunate to have within our community a convenient and comprehensive recycling station. However, reported misuse of the bins has continued and the Utilities Committee responded to a request for improved signage. In addition, changes in the international recycle market have posed a challenge to county officials to maintain a viable recycling program. An education campaign is underway to improve recycling practices and new signs have been posted. The County introduced the motto “When in Doubt, Throw it Out” in an effort to reduce the amount of trash that is placed in the recycle bins. With the signing of the Settlement Agreement on December 19, 2016, between Jefferson County and Port Ludlow Associates (PLA), the mission of the PLVC Ad Hoc Timber Harvest Committee has been fulfilled. There are monitoring activities that need to be conducted by the community, but maintaining a committee for that purpose is not necessary. Therefore, the PLVC Board of Directors voted at its March 2, 2017, meeting to disband the Ad Hoc Tree Harvesting Committee and to assign all monitoring of harvesting activities to the Community Development standing committee. A Settlement Agreement to resolve a dispute between Jefferson County and Port Ludlow Associates over timber harvesting done by PLA in early 2015 within the Port Ludlow Master Planned Resort was signed by the County and PLA on December 19. How does that agreement affect our community? The PLVC invites all members of the Port Ludlow community to an informational meeting about the settlement agreement. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 25, at 10 a.m. in the Bay Club. Senior officials of both the County and PLA will be in attendance. The settlement agreement addresses not only the timber harvesting that was done in 2015 but also what harvesting will or will not be allowed in the future in three major categories of forested land owned by PLA within the MPR: (1) areas zoned as “open space reserve,” (2) areas zoned for future residential development for which preliminary or final plats have already been approved by the County, and (3) areas zoned for future residential development for which no plat approvals have been obtained yet. PLA will describe how it plans to implement the agreement for those three categories of land, and the County will describe how it plans to monitor PLA’s activities. Members of the audience will be given an opportunity to ask questions about these subjects. The purpose of the meeting is not to renegotiate the settlement, nor to get into the details of the why’s and wherefore’s of how the agreement was arrived at. The purpose of the meeting is to explain what the agreement provides and how the County and PLA plan to go forward in implementing it. Here are links to the settlement agreement [link] and to the county’s press release about the settlement [link]. Please put this important meeting on your schedule and feel free to bring to the meeting any questions you may have about the settlement. We look forward to seeing you on January 25th. We do not know at this time whether the commissioners will allow public comment at that session on any proposed settlement agreement, but persons interested in the timber harvesting issues may wish to attend. The commissioners will, as usual, invite public comment during the Monday morning Public Comment Period beginning at 9:01 a.m. The commissioners meetings are held on the ground floor of the Jefferson County Courthouse in Port Townsend. The timber harvest community forum conducted on Thursday, September 29, has produced the following information for community use.
In the early years after my re-baptism, Satan constantly tempted me in many ways. Among the greatest of the challenges he threw at me was in the area of love, testing whether I loved God or my loved ones more. It says in Mat. 10:37, “He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” This Bible passage posed the greatest challenge to me and perhaps to every believer of God. After my re-baptism, I read the Bible daily. I had a yearning for the word of God. There was an impetus from within that motivated me to go to church. Though I still had lots of weaknesses, God was slowly molding me, renewing my mind. One day, K’s younger sister and her two children came to stay with us. In the middle of the night, her 4-year-old daughter suddenly started to cough badly and woke everybody up. I couldn’t go back to sleep. I felt very bad for the little girl because she was crying and obviously in pain. So I prayed to God, “Lord, please have mercy on her. She is coughing so badly. Please let her stop coughing and get back to sleep.” After I prayed, she instantly stopped coughing and the night returned to complete silence. The instantaneous answering of prayer was an awesome experience. I quietly gave thanks to God in utter adoration. However half an hour later, the 1-year-old baby started to cough. It was getting worse and the baby was crying and coughing at the same time just like his sister. I was hesitant as to whether I should pray to God again. There was a struggle within me. Was it purely a coincidence that my prayer was answered? Somehow there was a compelling force within me to pray for the baby boy because he was in great agony. So I prayed again, “Lord, please have mercy on the baby too. Otherwise, he will wake his sister and she will start coughing again. Then it would be worse than before.” Instantaneously, the baby stopped coughing and peace descended upon us. It immediately removed my doubts and strengthened my faith in God. Surely it was anything but coincidence! God said, “Good! The first thing I want you to give up is ‘bridge’. You are never to play bridge again.” I mumbled, “Wow! What do You mean by that?” At our weekend family gatherings, I would entertain my father-in-law by playing bridge with him. I was in a dilemma. If I wasn’t allowed to play bridge ever again, how was I going to tell the family about that, especially my father-in-law? Besides, I liked playing bridge. I soon realized that God did not intend to put me on the spot. He was using this opportunity to test whether I loved Him or my family more. At the same time, He was reminding me to make use of my time with the family. Instead of entertaining them with bridge, I should be using that time to share the gospel with them. After a bit of inner struggle, I made my pledge to the Lord never to play bridge again. The second thing that God wanted me to give up was mahjong. I really loved the game. There was a time when I had a consecutive winning streak over 10 weeks when I played mahjong with my family in Vancouver. In Toronto, I seldom played the game. Every time I visited my mom in Vancouver however, she would book me for a game. Again, God was challenging me on whether I loved Him or my family more. Last time it was my father-in-law, but this time, it was my mom. Naturally it was much harder to confront my mom because I loved her more. I was really wrestling with the Lord and I tried to evade the issue. The turmoil within was so great that I just couldn’t get back to sleep. Slowly, the Lord revealed to me that I should be a witness to my family. I was born anew and I shouldn’t indulge in this kind of game anymore (though we treated it as a game, but mahjong is commonly associated with gambling). He showed me that I should love my mom with the love of the Lord, and not just please her with doing whatever she liked. I should be concerned for her salvation and for being a good witness in front of my family. Finally, I gave in and made my pledge to the Lord never to play mahjong anymore. The third thing I had to give up was billiards. Wow! God is certainly all-knowing. He knows the heart of Man. He knew exactly how much I loved these games. In fact, amongst the 3 games, I loved playing billiards the most. I even had a cue specially brought all the way from Hong Kong when I immigrated to Canada. So how could I give it up so easily especially when it is a lifelong ban? I vividly remember tossing and turning in bed as I pleaded to the Lord not to ban this game for life. I even mourned in tears but of no avail. I was restless and couldn’t sleep. Suddenly, God showed me 2 visions: the first one was Abraham offering his only son Isaac. The second one was the Lord Jesus being nailed on the cross. Then God said, “How can you say that you are totally committed to Me when you can’t even give up such trivial things? These things are only games and are external to you. I haven’t asked you to shed your blood for Me or to suffer any bodily harm. ” Suddenly I realized how shallow my love to God was and I wept bitterly in self disgust. I cried out to God for forgiveness and made my pledge never to play billiards anymore. Once I made the pledge, I felt immediate relief as if all my burdens were lifted away. I fell asleep instantly. My pledges to God: genuine or lip-service? The weekend arrived and as usual we had a gathering with K’s family. I told them, “I will never play bridge or mahjong anymore.” They wondered, “Why?” I replied, “Because I made a pledge to God.” They were even more puzzled, “Do you mean that Christians can’t play bridge or mahjong even if they are not gambling?” I tried to explain that I was the exception to the rule. It did not mean that other Christians were forbidden to play them as non-gambling games. I shared with them that night’s experience with God. They just listened cynically. I knew that it would not be easy for them to accept what I said especially when most of them were Christians. My refusal to play indirectly posed a challenge to their spiritual lives. That certainly was not my intention. I was only fulfilling my vow to my God. Amazingly, my father-in-law wasn’t angry with me. On the contrary, it aroused his interest and he started to ask me about religious beliefs. Soon after that, we started a Bible Study at home with the family on the weekend. That was exactly what God intended for us to do so that salvation was proclaimed to our family. I passed the first test in dealing with my father-in-law. But the second test would be much harder because I had to face my mom. It just so happened that we scheduled to visit my mom in Vancouver that year and I knew that I had to face the challenge of honoring my pledge to God. As soon as we landed in Vancouver and met with my mom, she was so happy to see us that she immediately booked me for a game of mahjong. It took so much courage just to blurt out faintly that I didn’t want to play mahjong anymore. But she simply ignored me and started to call her mahjong partners. K was by my side and gave me a nudge. She whispered, “Why don’t you speak louder to your mom? If you can be so assertive in speaking to my dad, you can also be firm to your mom!” So I repeated to my mom, “I really don’t want to play.” Again, it fell on deaf ears as she continued to call up her mahjong partners. I was desperately praying to God for help because I had no more strength to repeat myself for the third time. Suddenly, I overheard my mom saying that one of her friends could not make it and so the game was off! Oh what a relief that was for me! I knew that it was divine intervention. On one hand, God allowed me to go through the test. On the other hand, He had a rescue plan for me. I had to struggle with the test. Though I was weak, God was merciful enough to deliver me out of trouble. I had passed the test with the help of God. Since then, I have never played mahjong. In 1989, we went back to Hong Kong for our theological training. There was an occasion where all the Hong Kong co-workers went for a retreat. We discovered that there were a few pool tables in the recreation room. I used to play with the standard size billiard table and I wouldn’t even cast my eyes on these small pool tables. However some of my co-workers asked me, “Didn’t you know how to play pool? We don’t know how to play but hey, you can teach us!” They didn’t know that I had made my pledge to God, but I thought that it didn’t restrict me from teaching them how to play as long as I didn’t play. So I picked up the cue and showed them how to play the game. It became obvious that they were struggling even to hold the cue, let alone shoot the balls into the pockets. As I watched them play, I sighed at the easy misses and unsuspectingly, I was lured into playing the game. Then one of the co-workers handed me the cue and suggested, “This is a hard shot. I can’t play that. Can you play it for me?” I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t violating my pledge to God because in the past, I loved playing on large billiard tables, and not on these small pool tables. So I presumed that playing on the small table wasn’t included as part of the pledge. As soon as the cue was in my hand, I didn’t want to let go again. I continued to play to my heart’s content. That night, I just couldn’t fall asleep. God rebuked me for playing the game. I defended myself saying that the small table wasn’t part of the pledge. But He said that whether it was on large or small tables, I should never play the game again. I suddenly realized that though I claimed to have quit the game, I still had strong cravings for it regardless of the size of the pool table. It was almost like an addiction to the game. God wanted me to be rid of my heart’s desire. Finally I confessed my sins before God and pledged never to play the game in any shape or form. I didn’t realize how deceitful Satan was. He used my own co-workers to lure me into sin. My co-workers certainly couldn’t be blamed for they didn’t know about my pledge. It was only after this incident that I shared my failure with my co-workers and we all were in awe at the deceitfulness of the evil one. There was one time I went to visit an inmate in prison. I shared with him about my pledge to God and my failure in playing the game of pool. He said, “Do you know that you can use the ‘Chinese pool’ (‘康樂棋’. The word for word translation in English is ‘recreational chess’. It was once a popular game in HK.) to play billiards?” It aroused my interest and I thought playing “Chinese pool” should be alright because it was really a different kind of game. So he taught me how to align the pieces into snooker formation and I found that fascinating indeed. Suddenly, I heard a voice sternly rebuking me, “Are you still craving for the game? Your heart has never turned away from the game.” I knew it was God’s warning and immediately I begged for His forgiveness. Finally I was determined to rid this game from my heart. From then on, I have had no more cravings for the game. Though I would watch some billiard games on the TV, my attitude was very different. I could remain as a spectator enjoying the game without indulging myself in it. God had been transforming me in my temperament and also in my relationship with people. Through His reshaping and molding, I was rid of bad habits and He was rekindling my desire to serve Him. Actually, I had the heart to serve the Lord all along. Back in 1983 when the third training team started their theological training, the Lord reminded me, “Did you not say that if Rev. Chang started the third training, you would apply?” I responded that I wasn’t ready. I had been working for the same company for over 6 years already. Since it was a crown corporation, according to the government policy, if I worked for over 9 years, my pension would be locked in until the retirement age of 65. The Government would double my retirement pension plus interest, but I would not be able to access the money until then. Since I was already determined to join full-time training, I certainly didn’t want any of my money to be frozen, so I was making plans to leave the company before my pension got locked in. Meanwhile, the church’s Bible Study group in the University of Toronto needed help. I was working on the west end and the Bible Study group was at the city centre very close to where my wife worked. I was thinking that if I could find a job in the city centre, then I could pick my wife up and go together to that Bible Study group. During that time, K’s spiritual life was declining and I felt really sad about it. I had been thinking of ways to encourage her to renew her faith in the Lord. It just so happened that my company’s fortune took a downward turn. They issued a notice to encourage employees to opt for voluntary separations. They would assess the application on a case-by-case basis and would compensate the successful applicant with a voluntary separation package. In fact, that was exactly what I was looking for because I could leave the company without my pension being locked in. So I immediately submitted my application and at the same time, started looking for a job. I prayed to God to lead me to a job located downtown so that I could help out with the Bible Study group and at the same time, invite my wife to attend too. The company accepted my application for voluntary separation, so I immediately went to look for a job. I remember in one of the interviews, the interviewer asked me point blank whether I was a Christian. I answered “yes”. Then he asked, “If you are a Christian, then do you think that the Lord will give you this job?” It was a sharp question indeed. I replied, “If the Lord wills, I will get the job.” But he wanted a more direct answer and so he asked again, “But what do you think? Do you have faith in getting this job?” He didn’t want me to be evasive. So I conceded, “I know that I am qualified for the job, but may the will of the Lord be done.” When it was my turn to ask him questions, I asked him whether he was a Christian. He admitted that he was. Then he told me that the job wasn’t really suitable for me. He explained that a project was left hanging because they had dismissed one of the team leaders, and that they were looking for someone to fill in and take full responsibility for the project. However all signs pointed to the project failing and in reality, they were looking for a scapegoat. He called his colleague and referred me to another position. That manager was also a Christian. The interview went well and they both recommended me for this new position. I left the interviews with full confidence that I would get the job. Then that very night, I dreamt that I went for a job interview. While waiting in the meeting room, I was surprised when a clergyman walked in. He greeted me with a smile and I smiled in return. Suddenly, his head melted in front of me like wax. I was so frightened that I woke up from this weird dream. While contemplating what this dream meant, I figured that it was somehow related to the job. So I prayed to God, “If it is not Your will, then I would rather not have the job.” As a matter of fact, the salary and location were very satisfactory. However, it was a bit far from the city and if I wanted to go to the downtown Bible Study after work, I probably wouldn’t make it on time. After a few days, the company called me and the personnel manager said, “Due to the company’s recent budget forecast, there is a freeze on the position that you applied for. But there is another position that is suitable for you in another department. Would you like to come for the interview?” Seeing that there wasn’t much choice, I agreed to go for yet another interview. It was funny that a freak accident would happen right in the middle of my interview. I had nothing to say except to wish him well. It was raining heavily as I drove home. Suddenly, the vision of the weird dream reappeared and I got the message that if it were not the will of the Lord, then I wouldn’t have this job either. As it turned out, the job was also put on hold because of the company’s poor budget forecast. My last day at work was fast approaching and I still didn’t have another job. Though I had gone through similar situations before, with the Lord providing me a job at the last minute, my faith was shaken when I faced the reality of not having a job after so many near misses. Finally I resolved to call my former boss and ask whether he had any job prospects. He was very kind to me and shortly after my call, referred me to a job interview. The interviewers were very pleased with me because of the referral from my former boss. When they put the offer on the table, it was $7000.00 less than what I was earning at my present job. But I still accepted the offer. The only concern I had was whether it was really from the Lord because it was still too far from the city and again, I might not be able to help out in the downtown Bible Study group. On Wednesday, two days after the interview, was my wife’s birthday. In order to give her a surprise, I took a day off from work and stayed at home to give the walls a fresh coat of paint. Suddenly, I received a call from an employment agency. He asked me whether I was still looking for a job. That job was located downtown. When I heard the address of the company, I knew that it was very close to the Bible Study group. I told him however, that I had already got a job offer. He asked if I already had the offer on hand. I told him that I was still waiting for the official letter and that it should arrive any day now. He insisted that I went for the job interview because he said that as long as there was not a legal contract on hand, it wasn’t binding. Since he was so persistent, I agreed to go for the interview that afternoon. As it turned out, the manager really liked me and expressed that he would recommended me for the position. However, I had to confess to him that I had already got another offer and it was against my conscience to reject the previous offer in lieu of this one. He persuaded me to seriously consider the job but he also couldn’t offer me the job immediately as he had to set up another interview with his department manager to finalize the offer. I honestly told him that I would not consider his job offer unless there was a change of condition from the previous job offer. He respected my decision and was willing to wait for my reply and put the job on hold. On Thursday, the next day, I received the letter of employment from the previous company. But to my surprise, they had further reduced my salary. I immediately called the personnel manager and asked why the terms of employment were changed. He said that it was according to the standard company salary scale and he had already tried to submit my case to the salary review board but failed. I told him frankly that I had another potential job offer and since there was a change of conditions, I could not confirm my acceptance of his offer. He then asked me which company it was and when I told him, he immediately replied that it was a better company to work for. He was also kind enough to say that he would wait for my decision before he gave the job to somebody else. After that, I called the other company to say that I could consider the position he offered. The manager was very happy to hear that and wanted to set up the interview with the department manager the following Monday. However I told him that I would be away for my church’s summer camp for a week and would not be able to go for the interview until after the camp. He respected my decision and the interview was set for the Monday after the camp. In fact, it was really a challenge to my faith because the very next day, Friday, would be my last day of work with no definite job offer in sight. But I put the Lord’s work as first priority. I refused to go to any interview during the period of the church camp. I told both companies that I had to go to church camp for a week and that I would not make any commitment until after the camp. As it turned out, both companies were willing to wait for my reply till then. Time flew and application for the fifth training was approaching. I told K, “I will apply for the fifth training.” She replied, “Good! Go ahead. But let it be clear that I won’t apply.” Afterwards, K would remind me to apply for the training, even bidding me not to procrastinate. Having prayed earnestly to God, I submitted my application for the full-time training. I was haunted by the prospect of choosing between God and my wife. I knew that I had to face the toughest challenge of my life. But somehow God revealed to me a vision: it was a jigsaw puzzle. Every piece was perfectly in place and it showed forth a beautiful picture. He comforted me and told me not to worry, but to just cling to Him. He assured me that He would lead me triumphantly through the toughest battle of my life. In 1988, we went for a wonderful trip to the United States. First, we flew to San Francisco then we rented a car and drove to the Grand Canyon. From the Grand Canyon, we drove back to the southern tip of California. We headed north from San Diego along the Pacific Coast highway and came back to San Francisco. The whole round trip covered over 3000 km in 16 days. During that time, the Lord was so gracious to us that we encountered many unusual experiences and deliverance from life-threatening situations. I want to share with you only one such unusual experience. On my way back after the interview, I had mixed emotions concerning my acceptance into the fifth training team. I really didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. To be honest, I was more grieved and heavy-hearted than full of joy and gladness. I wondered what my reaction would have been if Rev. Chang rejected my application instead. However, my worst nightmare had materialized - I might have to part with K in choosing to serve the Lord. The real and fierce spiritual battle had begun. Following the fifth training interview, there was a joint summer camp held by the Montreal and the Toronto churches. The camp theme was based on Lk. 18:8, “….when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Satan wouldn’t miss such an opportunity to lure my wife away from going to the camp. In previous camps, my mother-in-law would always join us. This time however, something cropped up and she couldn’t go. My wife was very much attached to her mom. If my mother-in-law couldn’t go, very likely she would stay with her mom and not join the camp. However, thanks to earnest prayer support from brothers and sisters from the church, she finally decided to attend. I knew that the Lord was behind her change of mind which paved the way for a miraculous deliverance. This 4-day camp was the miraculous turning point in K’s life. Before we attended the camp, I prayed to God earnestly that He would lead 3 persons to talk to K voluntarily without my deliberate invitation. I saw it as human intervention if I were to request them to talk to K. I also wanted to live out the camp theme which was focused on ‘Faith’. I prayed to God to increase my faith in Him and to wait for His deliverance. One of the 3 persons I had in mind was Rev. Chang’s wife. There was one time that she just happened to sit next to me. I was so nervous that I really wanted to beg her to talk to K. I couldn’t sit still. My heart was struggling as to whether I should seize such a golden opportunity to cry for help from Rev. Chang’s wife. I was very emotional but I prayed earnestly to God to grant me silence and to trust in Him alone. God worked amazing things. Indeed, I witnessed the 3 persons talk to K without my intervention on separate occasions and I marveled at God’s doing. During the third night of the camp, while I was with some brothers and sisters, I saw from a distance that Rev. Chang’s wife was talking to K and that she was crying. I prayed silently that God would continue to melt her hard heart. Finally on the last day of the camp, I had the opportunity to sit with my wife. I noticed a definite change of attitude. That was encouraging and I continued to commit K to God in prayer. On the way out of the camp, we didn’t talk much and I didn’t know if my prayer was answered. It seemed that both of us were deep in thought. It was like an invisible cloak of fear had oppressed me, preventing me from asking her how she felt about the camp. Any negative response would mean that my prayer of faith was somehow not answered and that was what I feared most. The camp could be the last chance for K to change her mind. The next day after work, K suddenly suggested we go out for dinner instead. While we were having our meal, she asked whether I knew how she felt about the camp. I said “no”. Then she asked if Rev. Chang would still consider accepting her into the fifth training. I was stunned and didn’t know how to reply. She shared that in the camp, she was deeply moved by the love and faithfulness of God and it just melted her hardness of heart. So she confessed to God and pledged to serve Him for the rest of her life. After the camp, she was a renewed person. A few months had passed and there was still no news. By that time, Rev. Chang had already gone back to Hong Kong to prepare for the fifth training. Our families knew that I had given up my career and that I would be going back to Hong Kong for the training. They also knew that K hadn’t been accepted yet. They were opposed to my decision to go for full-time missionary training and they constantly applied pressure on us. I really had to cling to God for strength and wait for His deliverance. Ending: Heartbreaking separation or perfect union? On Sunday, December 1st, the long wait was ended. After the service, our pastor approached me and said, “Rev. Chang called me from Hong Kong. He has accepted K into the training!” Wow! I was completely overwhelmed. The heaviest burden in my heart was suddenly lifted away. I was filled with inexpressible joy and thanksgiving to God. Now the vision was clear: God has put the last piece in the jigsaw puzzle and it revealed the most beautiful picture I had ever visualized in my life. I recalled that before the church summer camp, I was on the verge of facing a heartbreaking separation from my wife. Now, through the grace and mercy of our God, He holds our hands and renews us with a perfect union of heart, together we launch out to a new chapter of our lives to serve Him. I knew that my wife and I would labor for the Lord with all our heart, our mind and our strength. We would never disappoint God for His unfathomable grace. So in the end of 1988, we left Canada to go to Hong Kong for theological training. I very much desire to be a vessel that brings glory to God and to faithfully abide in His will. I would accept His molding into any shape or form under any circumstances if only I could bring Him honor and glory. Whatever severe test awaits me, I plead to God to have steadfast faith in Him to overcome all obstacles. I have tasted so much of His goodness that I know His grace is sufficient for me. As a matter of fact, there is always a challenge to our faithfulness to God when people, such as friends, family and our most beloved stand in the way of our relationship with God. It is written in 1Samuel 2:30, “Therefore the God of Israel declares, ‘….for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me will be lightly esteemed….’” God has been refining me through trials and testing. He is leading me every step of the way. Through every test, even when my marriage was on the line, God delivered me by His mercy and loving kindness. As a matter of fact, every Christian will face the challenge of faith through trials and temptations during our pursuit of God. It is only through faith and complete dependence on God that we can remain faithful to Him, and when we do, God will surely deliver us. Now K and I are serving God and He continues His refining work in our lives through many trials and testing. I won’t go into the details of all such experiences with the Almighty God here. I would like to convey to you one point though: Our God is a compassionate and loving God. He can shape our lives to withstand any of life’s challenges. In Isaiah 46:3-4, it says, “…You who have been borne by Me from birth, and have been carried from the womb; even to your old age, I shall be the same, and even to your graying years I shall bear you! I have done it, and I shall carry you; and I shall bear you, and I shall deliver you.” To be able to walk with God and follow Him is the best thing in my life. May all honor and glory be given to the Most High Eternal God.
Yacht Charter Terms and Conditions - Enjoy Sailing Holidays in Greece! The charter party is concluded between the Owner (owner or the administrator of the yacht by the authority of the Owner) and the Charterer (renter or lessee of the yacht), and may be concluded through the intermediary of sail-la-vie.com (agent or broker of the yacht) if need be. By publishing the general conditions for boat rental on its web pages, the Sail-la-vie.com agency operating within the HARTIS limited company, makes them available for all parties included in the rental contract. In case of conflict between terms and condition stated below and the generic terms on the standardized charter party signed by all parties and stamped, by the Hellenic Port Authority, the second one should apply. Charter price is the total amount to be charged the Charterer for the agreed duration of the charter. Charter price includes, the charter and equipment, all applicable taxes, yacht and passenger insurance, third party liability and crew insurance. Charter price depends on various parameters such as the type of yacht the period of booking the number of days or weeks of booking. Charter price does not also include special fees (transactional and any other arrangement and amendment fees that might be requested by the involved banks, charterer courier expenses, charterer communication costs etc) are charges to be borne by the Charterer. Cost estimations of the charter price and additional charges are available on sail-la-vie.com web site. Prior to an online booking the Charterer will be informed of the charter price and the additional charges (if requested). The Charterer, by proceeding with the online booking means that he has clearly read, understood and accepts to be charged with the charter price and the additional charges (if requested). Additional chargeable services that might be requested after the charter party concluded are subject for a change request (amendment) and must be agreed by all parties involved. Amendments will probably incur additional charges and fees that may be levied by the Owner or sail-la-vie.com. Sail-la-vie.com reserves the right to vary prices and rates in the event of changes in exchange rates or price rises made by charter companies or other suppliers. If the cost of any service increases due to exchange rate fluctuations, price increases, tax changes or any other reason, you are required to pay the increase when notified by us or you may cancel the booking which may result in cancellation fees as defined below. We are not liable in any way if any increase occurs. All prices are subject to availability and can be withdrawn or varied without notice. The payment process for an online booking is described in the below flow in high level only. Security deposit and additional charges will be paid in time that will be agreed with the charterer, and definitely before the delivery of the yacht for the charter. Online booking, reservation fees will be engaged through PayPal™ gateway. Sail-la-vie.com will not request or keep credit cards information for any reason. For payment of first installment and balance, only transfers through Bank accounts or payment through online Banking platforms are allowed. The Bank account that will be used for payments should legitimately belong to the Charterer. Sail-la-vie.com will maintain a number of banking accounts for payment purposed. Transaction charges to be borne by the Charterer. For additional charges and security deposit, transfer through Bank accounts or payment through online Banking platforms is preferred on an agreed date and definitely no later that the yacht delivery date. In exceptional cases and after agreement of all parties cash payment can be an option for additional charges and security deposit. online booking reservation fee will be defined individually per booking and can be a minimum amount of 300 euros up to a maximum amount equal to the first installment. Payment of first installment is equal to the 50% of the charter price. Payment of balance is equal to the 50% of the charter price. Online booking reservation fee will be engaged at the time of online booking. Right after the payment of the first installment the engagement will be released. However, for credit cards that pre approval and engagement is not technically feasible, the reservation fee will be charged and not engaged. In this case, release process remains the same and is right after the payment of the first installment. Unless otherwise stated in the charter party, payment of the first installment is due within three days of conclusion of the charter party. Unless otherwise stated in the charter party the payment of balance is due six weeks before the commencement of charter. Payment must be received before the dead-lines indicated above. Cancelation within 24 h from online booking: The Charterer will be charged only for the cancelation fees. Cancelation after 24 hours and within 3 days from online booking: The Charterer will be charged 50% of the reservation fee, plus cancelation fees. Cancelation in more than 3 days from online booking: The Charterer will be charged 100% of the reservation fee. In case of booking cancelation from sail-la-vie.com or from the Owner the on line reservation fee will be released without any charges been applied to the Charterer. In the event of cancellation of the charter by the Charterer, for any reason whatsoever (except as mentioned in Owner liabilities, if the Yacht is not delivered on the date and at the place mentioned on the Charter Party), after signing this Agreement, all advance payments made up to the date of cancellation will be retained. Sail-la-vie.com or the Owner reserves the right to refund the said deposits only if they succeed in letting the Yacht to another Charterer for the same period and under the same conditions. In the event that the Charterer should elect to terminate the charter and deliver the Yacht prior to the date designated in the Charter party, there is no liability to the return of any proportional part of the hire money. In case of late payments (after the payments deadlines stated above) the booking is not guaranteed. In emergencies the Owner may withdraw within 4 days of conclusion of the charter party. In such a case the Owner undertakes to repay to the Charterer without delay any monies already paid (if need be, through sail-la-vie.com). Off line booking does not requires reservation fee engagement. The below flow describes in high level the off line booking process. The Charterer is strongly recommended to take out a voyage cancellation costs insurance. We are pleased to send information about such insurance companies. The agreed yacht will be delivered to the Charterer in a clean, sailable, sea-worthy condition, and with full tanks. If the agreed yacht cannot be delivered at the date agreed in the charter party (e.g. because of an accident in the preceding charter etc) the Owner may deliver an equivalent yacht without prejudice to the warranty claims of the Charterer, as long as there are no defects in the replacement yacht. to observe the principles of good seamanship. to possess a good command of seamanship and sufficient experience in the command of a yacht or to appoint a responsible skipper with such capabilities. If the Charterer or his skipper does not possess the necessary license or certificate of competence to skipper a yacht of the agreed class, the Owner reserves the right to refuse to hand over the yacht, retaining the charter price, or to appoint a skipper in the name of and for the account of the Charterer. to observe the laws of any country he might visit and to report the arrival and departure of the yacht to the harbor master. not to use the yacht for the purposes of business or trade, not to take on board any persons not being a member of his immediate group, not to hand over or hire the yacht to a third party without the written consent of the Owner and not to transport any hazardous goods or materials. not to leave the maritime region of the Owner without the prior written consent of the charter company. not to make any changes to the yacht or its equipment. to handle the yacht and its equipment with care, always to wear sailing shoes when on board, to maintain the log book in a simple form, prior to the commencement of charter to inform himself in detail about the area to be travelled, e.g. currents, and sea level changes during strong winds etc. not to leave the protective harbor if winds over 7 on the Beaufort scale are forecast. to return the yacht in proper working order, in an orderly condition with all equipment properly stowed and with full tanks; failure to do this will mean that the cost of filling the tanks and stowing equipment will be deducted from the deposit. to inform the Owner immediately by phone or telegraph in the event of damage, collision, average or other unusual events. To prepare a written account In the event of damage to the yacht or injury to persons, and to have this countersigned by the harbour-master or doctor. always to have the yacht towed by its own line in the event of average or similar events, and to make no agreement about towing or salvage. to check the condition of the yacht and check that all its equipment and items listed on the inventory are complete, both on taking over and returning the boat (the check list), and to confirm this by means of a signature. to report complaints concerning the yacht without delay to the yacht's base and to note these in the delivery or return documents. Claims notified at a later date cannot be taken into account. where applicable, to sign charter parties required by law or the charter company's own contract forms before taking over the yacht. Repairs costing over € 100 must have the approval of the charter company. The original of any part replaced must be retained. Payments for repairs necessary as a result of wear and tear will be reimbursed by the Owner on presentation of invoices accompanied by the corresponding receipt. The Charterer must check the level of the oil, the cooling water and the bilges each day. The Charterer must check the cooling water flow continuously during the charter. Damage due to the motor running dry are not insured under any circumstances, and is for the account of the Charterer. The motor must not be used when heeling under sail at over 10° as in such a case oil or water supplies to the engine do not function. If the Owner fails to provide the yacht, or at least an equivalent replacement yacht at the time agreed in the charter party, the Charterer may withdraw from this charter party, but not before 24 hours from the commencement of the charter, and receive full reimbursement of all payments made under this charter party. If the charter period is two or more weeks, the minimum time before which the Charterer can withdraw is increased by 24 hours per additional week. All other claims for compensation by the Charterer are excluded, except in the case of intent and gross negligence by the charter company. If the Charterer does not withdraw from the charter, he may claim for reimbursement of the charter price pro rata for the time for which the Owner failed to hand over the yacht. Damage to the yacht and its equipment which does not prejudice its sea-worthiness and which allow the yacht to continue to be used in a reasonable manner shall not be grounds for withdrawal. A reduction in the charter price in such a case is also excluded. The Owner shall only be liable towards the Charterer and his crew for loss or damage arising from intent or gross negligence on the part of the charter company, as well as for damages to life and health or personal injuries, resulting from negligent breach of duty by the Owner or from intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or assistant of the charter company. The Owner shall not be liable for loss or damage caused by inaccuracies, amendments, mistakes and defects in the ancillary nautical equipment provided, e.g. marine charts, handbooks, compass, radio direction finding equipment etc. Claims by the Charterer due to the inability of the yacht for use resulting from damage or total loss caused by the Charterer or a third party during the charter shall be excluded. The boat must be insured for the responsibility of damage caused to third parties and by third parties up to the value of the boat (obligatory insurance). The boat must have the usual insurance in registered value of the boat for risks towards the insurance policy. The Charterer, the boat crew and their personal assets are not insured. It is recommended, before the start of the rental, that all people staying on board together with all their personal belongings be insured. Any damages and/or losses must be immediately reported to the Owner once they have occurred. For greater engine trouble or should a number of boats be involved in any accidents, then the case must be reported to the Port Authorities and documents from the other parties involved must be requested. Damage covered by the insurance policy that has not been reported immediately to the authorities and to the insurance company, and those for which all the necessary documentation is not available, will not be recognized in accordance with the relevant insurance conditions and the Charterer will be entirely responsible for them. The Charterer is obliged to pay any costs of boat damage in accordance with the existing conditions of the insurance up to the amount of the deposit. The Charterer will be entirely responsible for the costs of all damage which occurred on board and/or to the boat equipment caused by rough oversight and/or the loss of one or more parts of the equipment. Neither the Owner nor the sail-la-vie.com are responsible for the loss or damage of any personal belongings of the Charterer and the crew member whilst they are on board. The Charterer shall indemnify the Owner against all civil and criminal consequences of third party claims arising from actions and failures to act on the part of the Charterer including all legal costs in the country of delivery and abroad. The Charterer accepts the yacht on his own responsibility. If the Charterer leaves the yacht at any place other than the agreed location for any reason whatsoever, the Charterer shall bear the costs for the return of the yacht by water or by land. If the return of the yacht extends beyond the time period of the charter, the yacht shall be deemed to be returned by the client at the time of its arrival in the agreed harbour. Late return of the yacht and non-usability of the yacht caused by the Charterer shall be grounds for claims for compensation by the charter company. Attention is drawn to the fact that conclusion of hull insurance by the Owner does not mean that the Charterer is not liable for loss or damage not covered by such insurance, or for loss or damage for which the insurance expressly reserved the right of recourse to the Charterer. This applies particularly to damage caused by gross negligence, intent or failure to observe the conditions of the charter party, and for any consequential loss or damage. The conditions of the insurance, which we will gladly provide on request, are an integral part of this contract. The deductible excess for each loss is to be borne by the Charterer and may differ from the deposit paid. The deposit will be repaid without delay on the return of the yacht and equipment in good condition. Loss and damage will be off-set against the deposit. Loss and damage not covered by the deposit or the insurance shall be paid without delay by the Charterer. Conclusion of an extended "Skipper's liability insurance" (which covers crew's liability amongst themselves and recovery of losses to the chartered yacht in the event of substantiated gross negligence) and a consequential loss insurance is strongly recommended. The Owner and broker will be pleased to send all necessary documentation. The charter period may only be extended with the agreement of the charter company. If there should be obvious errors in the invoicing of the charter price and the extras, the Owner and the Charterer have the right and the obligation to correct the charter price in line with the valid price list. This does not affect the legality of this contract. All care is taken in the preparation of information, but information is given without guarantee. The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the charter party. The parties agree to replace invalid provisions by valid provisions most closely approaching the invalid provisions. When taking over the boat, the Charterer will pay the Owner the statutory agreed deposit in cash, or, if possible, by holding his resources on a credit card, as a guarantee that all possible losses and damage caused during the period of rental, including damage not covered by the insurance policy will be paid. The total safety deposit amount will be refunded to the Charterer if, when the boat is returned, no damage of the boat or loss of its equipment is found, there are no requests by third parties with regard to the Charterer in connection with the use of the rented boat and once the boat has been returned to the agreed dropping point at the agreed time and has been checked in order to ascertain it is returned as it was delivered, that is undamaged, in a clean and tidy manner and with a full tank of petrol. Should there be any loss or damage of the equipment of one or more parts of the boat or of any part of the boat itself, the Owner will retain the amount of the deposit equal to the cost of repair, the supply and/or purchase of any missing equipment or part of the boat itself. Should any misunderstandings or disputes occur, all parties will endeavor to solve them in a peaceful manner or by means of an agreement. Should the reaching of such an agreement prove impossible, then the case will be referred to an authorized court in Greece's laws will be applied.
This document proposes improvements to N4107, the current Working Draft of the Concurrency TS. The document is motivated by N4032 and N4048, which were presented to SG1 at the Rapperswil meeting. This document collects the parts of these papers that received positive feedback from SG1 and presents them as a combined set of proposed changes to the Concurrency TS. In addition, the paper also addresses numerous issues discovered and reported to the authors by various individuals, namely Agustín Bergé, Hartmut Kaiser and Anthony Williams. The authors seek feedback from SG1 on this document. If directed by SG1, all or some of the changes proposed in this document will be incorporated into the next Working Paper of the Concurrency TS. The proposed changes are presented as "diffs" to N4107 marked as insertions and deletions. Some of the extensions described in this Technical Specification represent types and functions that are currently not part of the C++ Standards Library, and because these extensions are experimental, they should not be declared directly within namespace std. Instead, such extensions are declared in namespace std::experimental. Unless otherwise specified, references to such entities described in this Technical Specification are assumed to be qualified with std::experimental, and references to entities described in the C++ Standard Library are assumed to be qualified with std::. Editor's note: This section reflects the consensus between the LWG and LEWG at the Chicago 2013 and Issaquah 2014 meetings. are declared in a subnamespace of a namespace described in the previous bullet, whose name is not the same as an existing subnamespace of namespace std. Unless otherwise specified, references to other entities described in this technical specification are assumed to be qualified with std::experimental::concurrency_v1::, and references to entities described in the standard are assumed to be qualified with std::. New headers are also provided in the <experimental/> directory, but without such an #include. This section describes tentative plans for future versions of this technical specification and plans for moving content into future versions of the C++ Standard. The C++ committee intends to release a new version of this technical specification approximately every year, containing the library extensions we hope to add to a near-future version of the C++ Standard. Future versions will define their contents in std::experimental::concurrency_v2, std::experimental::concurrency_v3, etc., with the most recent implemented version inlined into std::experimental. When an extension defined in this or a future version of this technical specification represents enough existing practice, it will be moved into the next version of the C++ Standard by removing the experimental::concurrency_vN segment of its namespace and by removing the experimental/ prefix from its header's path. Implementers who provide a new standard feature should define a macro with the recommended name, in the same circumstances under which the feature is available (for example, taking into account relevant command-line options), to indicate the presence of support for that feature. Implementers should define that macro with the value specified in the most recent version of this technical specification that they have implemented. The recommended macro name is "__cpp_lib_experimental_" followed by the string in the "Macro Name Suffix" column. The extensions proposed here are an evolution of the functionality of std::future and std::shared_future. The extensions enable wait free composition of asynchronous operations. Class templates std::promise, std::packaged_task and function template std::async are also updated to be compatible with the updated std::future. The specification of all declarations within this sub-clause 3.3 and its sub-clauses are the same as the corresponding declarations, as specified in C++14 §30.6.6, unless explicitly specified otherwise. Both the outer and the inner futures are ready. The future inherits the value or the exception from the inner future. The outer future is ready but the inner future is invalid. The future gets an exception of type std::future_error, with an error code of std::future_errc::broken_promise. The member function template then provides a mechanism for attaching a continuation to a future object, that will be executed as specified below. INVOKE(func, *this) shall be a valid expression. The two functions differ only by input parameters. The first only takes a callable object which accepts a future object as a parameter. The second function takes a launch policy as the first parameter and a callable object as the second parameter. Both functions create a shared state that is associated with the returned future object. The further behavior of the functions is as follows. The continuation INVOKE(DECAY_COPY (std::forward<F>(func))) is called when the object's shared state is ready (has a value or exception stored). The continuation launches according to the specified launch policy, if it is provided. When the launch policy is not provided the continuation inherits the parent's launch policy. Any value returned from the continuation is stored as the result in the shared state of the resulting future. Any exception propagated from the execution of the continuation is stored as the exceptional result in the shared state of the resulting future. If the parent was created with std::promise or with a packaged_task (has no associated launch policy), the continuation behaves the same as in the second overload with a policy argument of launch::async | launch::deferred and the same argument for func. When result_of_t<decay_t<F>(future<R>)> is future<R2>, the function returns future<R2>. Otherwise, the function returns future<result_of_t<decay_t<F>(future<R>)>>. Unlike futures returned from std::async (see C++14 §30.6.8 paragraph 4), the destructor of the future object returned from then will not block. The future object is moved to the parameter of the continuation function. valid() == false on the original future; valid() == true on the future returned from then. object immediately after it returns. In case of implicit unwrapping, the validity of the future returned from then cannot be established until after the completion of the continuation. If it is not valid, the resulting future becomes ready with an exception of type std::future_error, with an error code of std::future_errc::broken_promise. true if the shared state is ready, false if it isn't. The specification of all declarations within this sub-clause 3.4 and its sub-clauses are the same as the corresponding declarations, as specified in C++14 §30.6.7, unless explicitly specified otherwise. Both the outer future and the inner shared_future are ready. The shared_future inherits the value or the exception from the inner shared_future. The outer future is ready but the inner shared_future is invalid. The shared_future gets an exception of type std::future_error, with an error code of std::future_errc::broken_promise. The member function template then provides a mechanism for attaching a continuation to a shared_future object, that will be executed as specified below. The two functions differ only by input parameters. The first only takes a callable object which accepts a shared_future object as a parameter. The second function takes a launch policy as the first parameter and a callable object which accepts a shared_future object as a parameter, as the second parameter. The continuation INVOKE(DECAY_COPY (std::forward<F>(func)), *this) is called when the object's shared state is ready (has a value or exception stored). The continuation launches according to the specified policy, if it is provided. If the parent was created with std::promise (has no associated launch policy), the continuation behaves the same as in the second function with a policy argument of launch::async | launch::deferred and the same argument for func. When result_of_t<decay_t<F>(shared_future<R>)> is future<R2>, the function returns future<R2>. Otherwise, the function returns future<result_of_t<decay_t<F>(shared_future<R>)>>. The shared_future passed to the continuation function is a copy of the original shared_future. valid() == true on the original shared_future object. valid() == true on the shared_future returned from then. In case of implicit unwrapping, the validity of the future returned from then cannot be established until after the completion of the continuation. In such case, the resulting future becomes ready with an exception of type std::future_error, with an error code of std::future_errc::broken_promise. If the function has returned true, all subsequent invocations on the same shared_future object will also return true. The specification of all declarations within this sub-clause 3.5 and its sub-clauses are the same as the corresponding declarations, as specified in C++14 §30.6.5, unless explicitly specified otherwise. The future returned by the function get_future is the one defined in the experimental namespace (3.3). The specification of all declarations within this sub-clause 3.6 and its sub-clauses are the same as the corresponding declarations, as specified in C++14 §30.6.9, unless explicitly specified otherwise. The specification of all declarations within this sub-clause 3.7 and its sub-clauses are the same as the corresponding declarations, as specified in C++14 §30.6.8, unless explicitly specified otherwise. The future returned by the function async is the one defined in the experimental namespace (3.3). A new section 30.6.10 shall be inserted at the end of C++14 §30.6. Below is the content of that section. The function template when_all creates a future object that becomes ready when all elements in a set of future and shared_future objects become ready. For the first overload, iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type shall be convertible to future<R> or shared_future<R>, but not both. If any of the future<R> or shared_future<R> objects are in invalid state (i.e. valid() == false), the behavior is undefined. For the second overload, T is of type future<R> or shared_future<R> let Fi be the ith type in Futures, Ui be remove_reference_t<Fi>, and fi be the ith parameter in the function parameter pack futures, where all indexing is zero-based. Then each Ui shall be the type future<Ri> or (possibly const) shared_future<Ri>; and fi.valid() shall be true for all i. There are two variations of when_all. The first version takes a pair of InputIterators. The second takes any arbitrary number of future<R0> and shared_future<R1> objects, where R0 and R1 need not be the same type. Calling the first signature of when_all where InputIterator first equals last, returns a future with an empty vector that is immediately ready. Calling the second signature of when_allwhen_any with no arguments returns a future<tuple<>> that is immediately ready. Each future and shared_future is waited upon and then copied into the collection of the output (returned) future, maintaining the order of the futures in the input collection. If any of the futures or shared_futures supplied to a call to when_all refer to deferred tasks that have not started execution, those tasks are executed before the call to when_all returns. The call to when_all does not wait for non-deferred tasks, or deferred tasks that have already started executing elsewhere, to complete before returning. Once all the futures and shared_futures supplied to the call to when_all are ready, the futures are moved, and the shared_futures are copied, into, correspondingly, futures or shared_futures of a new collection, which can be either tuple or a vector as described below. The order of the objects in the collection matches the order of the arguments supplied to when_all. The collection is then stored as the result in a newly created shared state. A new future object that refers to the shared state is created. The exact type of the future is further described below. The future returned by when_all will not throw an exception, but the futures and shared_futures held in the output collection may. All input future<T>s valid() == false. All inputoutput shared_future<T> valid() == true. A future object that becomes ready when all the input futures/shared_futures are ready. future<tuple<>> if when_all is called with zero arguments. future<vector<future<R>>> if the input cardinality is unknown at compile and the iterator pair yields future<R>. R may be void. The order of the future in the output vector will be the same as given by the input iterator. future<vector<shared_future<R>>> if the input cardinality is unknown at compile time and the iterator pair yields shared_future<R>. R may be void. The order of the future in the output vector will be the same as given by the input iterator. future<tuple<future<R0>, future<R1>, future<R2>...>> if inputs are fixed in number. The inputs can be any arbitrary number of future and shared_future objects. The type of the element at each position of the tuple corresponds to the type of the argument at the same position. Any of R0, R1, R2, etc. maybe void. A new section 30.6.11 shall be inserted at the end of C++14 §30.6. Below is the content of that section. The function template when_any creates a future object that becomes ready when at least one element in a set of future and shared_future objects becomes ready. There are two variations of when_any. The first version takes a pair of InputIterators. The second takes any arbitrary number of future<R> and shared_future<R> objects, where R need not be the same type. Calling the first signature of when_any where InputIterator first equals last, returns a future with an empty vector that is immediately ready. Calling the second signature of when_any with no arguments returns a future<tuple<>> that is immediately ready. Each future and shared_future is waited upon. When at least one is ready, all the futures are copied into the collection of the output (returned) future, maintaining the order of the futures in the input collection. Each of the futures and shared_futures supplied to when_any is checked in the order supplied. If a given future or shared_future refers to a deferred task that has not yet started execution, then no further futures or shared_futures are checked, and that task is executed. The call to when_any does not wait for non-deferred tasks, or deferred tasks that have already started executing elsewhere, to complete before returning. Once at least one of the futures or shared_futures supplied to the call to when_any are ready, the futures are moved, and the shared_futures are copied into, correspondingly, futures or shared_futures of a new collection, which can be either tuple or a vector as described below. The order of the objects in the collection matches the order of the arguments supplied to when_any. The collection is then stored as the result in the newly created shared state. The future returned by when_any will not throw an exception, but the futures and shared_futures held in the output collection may. A future object that becomes ready when any of the input futures/shared_futures are ready. future<tuple<>> if when_any is called with zero arguments. future<vector<future<R>>> if the input cardinality is unknown at compile time and the iterator pair yields future<R>. R may be void. The order of the future in the output vector will be the same as given by the input iterator. A new section 30.6.12 shall be inserted at the end of C++14 §30.6. Below is the content of that section. The function template when_any_back creates a future object that becomes ready when at least one element in a set of future and shared_future objects becomes ready. The ready future or shared_future may be identified in constant time. iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type shall be convertible to future<R> or shared_future<R>. If any of the future<R> or shared_future<R> objects are in invalid state (i.e. valid() == false), the behavior is undefined. Each future and shared_future is waited upon. When at least one is ready, all the future are copied into the collection of the output (returned) future. Each of the futures and shared_futures supplied to when_any_back is checked in the order supplied. If a given future or shared_future refers to a deferred task that has not yet started execution, then no further futures or shared_futures are checked, and that task is executed. The call to when_any_back does not wait for non-deferred tasks, or deferred tasks that have already started executing elsewhere, to complete before returning. Once at least one of the futures or shared_futures supplied to the call to when_any_back are ready, the futures are moved, and the shared_futures are copied into, correspondingly, futures or shared_futures of a new collection, which can be either tuple or a vector as described below. If the collection passed into when_any_back is non-empty (i.e., first != last), the last future or shared_future in the output collection is guaranteed to be in the ready state. The order of other elements in the collection is unspecified. The collection is then stored as the result in the shared state. A new future object that refers to the newly created shared state is created. The exact type of the future is further described below. The future returned by when_any_back will not throw an exception, but the futures and shared_futures held in the output collection may. After the copy, the future or shared_future that was first detected as being ready swaps its position with that of the last element of the result collection, so that the ready future or shared_future may be identified in constant time. Only one future or shared_future is thus moved. future<vector<future<R>>> if the input cardinality is unknown at compile time and the iterator pair yields future<R>. R may be void. future<vector<shared_future<R>>> if the input cardinality is unknown at compile time and the iterator pair yields shared_future<R>. R may be void. A new section 30.6.13 shall be inserted at the end of C++14 §30.6. Below is the content of that section. The value that is passed in to the function is moved to the shared state of the returned future if it is an rvalue. Otherwise the value is copied to the shared state of the returned future. future<decay_t<T>>, if function is given a value of type T. future<void>, if the function is not given any inputs. Returned future<decay_t<T>>, valid() == true. Returned future<decay_t<T>>, is_ready() == true. The authors are grateful to Agustín Bergé, Hartmut Kaiser and Anthony Williams for their contributions.
Please join me, Crystal Heinemann of Crystal Sunshine Psychic Services for a complimentary webinar on February 14, 2019 at 5:30pm PST on The Ascending Woman. To ASCEND means to ‘rise up’. Please join me, this Valentine’s Day for an evening of fun, celebration and energy work as we make our way to become The Ascending Woman. Who is The Ascending Woman? Busy this Valentine’s Day? No worries because an audio recording of The Ascending Woman will be emailed to all participants whether attending live or not! Also, great discounts will be announced at the end of the webinar you won’t want to miss out on! Please grab your Soul Sisters, some cozy slippers and a nice cup of hot tea and then sit back, relax, laugh and heal and still have time to make your favorite show or hot date! You won’t want to miss out on this FREE event! Sunday’s 5:30pm class, students will learn and heal part of their Genetic Anatomy, called Genetic Entity. They will also learn about what Personal Space means metaphysically. As our program moves further into the Advanced portion, students will learn more and more about their Genetic Anatomy, so healing for them and for their clients. Are you interested in learning how to learn the language of Clairvoyance? Or in bringing forward your psychic abilities? We all have the ability, it’s just learning the psychic language of it all. Much easier than learning how to walk or to ride a bike when we were kids! If so, my next program starts January, 2019! Would you like to enter to win a FREE month of Beginner’s Psychic Development? ($225 Value) Please visit: http://eepurl.com/dKcDFQ to enter! I’d be humbled and honored to be your teacher. Sunday’s 10:00am class is class 20 of 20 of the Psychic Development II Program. Which means that Graduation is upon us! My Bright Suns Soul Tribe Students have been with me for 44 classes, which makes 44 weeks, which makes almost a year…You cannot imagine how close we become throughout this program. We learn from each other, lean on each other, guide each other and raise each other up so everyone can see their infinite potential. It’s a safe space where everyone’s light shines bright! Graduation is always bittersweet for me, as the teacher. I’m filled with so much love and excitement for my students however, I’m human and closing of chapters is always a major shift in energy that often leaves me sad momentarily. On the other end-I’m so thrilled to watch each bird fly the coop and to be able to stand witness to how they will impact the world with their gifts. No better day for a teacher, even if it’s bittersweet. I love you all and you know I’m always here for you, supporting you-lifting you up, shining a bright light on you. Sunday’s 12:30pm class, students will have an opportunity to face and heal their Worst Fears About Teaching. A very useful and healing class. Get ready to have your Crown Chakra activated, learn, expand your consciousness and raise your vibration even HIGHER, Clairvoyant Teacher Students! Would you like to enter to win a FREE month of Beginner’s Psychic Development? Please visit: http://eepurl.com/dKcDFQ to enter! I’d be humbled and honored to be your teacher. Or are you ready to start your spiritual and healing journey? Next Psychic Development Program starts the first week of 2019! Class size is limited! Ready to start your journey? Click HERE. Payment options available or if you have further questions, you may schedule FREE Office Hours with me HERE or on my website: www.CrystalSunshinePsychicServices.com under the ‘Book Now’ tab or on Instagram on my profile: BOOK! Sunday’s 5:30pm class, students will learn about their 8th Chakra. It’s where you can access all the information your spirit has and as a soul, you know how to do anything and everything! An amazing class to build upon after last week’s class of Spiritual Freedom! Are you interested in learning how to learn the language of Clairvoyance? Or in bringing forward your psychic abilities? We all have the ability, it’s just learning the psychic language of it all. Much easier than learning how to walk or to ride a bike when we were kids! Next Beginner’s Psychic Development starts the first week of 2019! Class size is limited! Ready to secure your seat? Click HERE. Payment options available or if you have further questions, you may schedule FREE Office Hours with me HERE or on my website: www.CrystalSunshinePsychicServices.com under the ‘Book Now’ tab or on Instagram on my profile: BOOK! If you win the free month of training and I really hope YOU do and you have already enrolled, you’ll receive your choice of a free hour reading ($250 value) or your next months training free! What are you waiting for? Sunday’s 12:30pm class, students will learn How To: Answer Your Psychic Students Questions! This may be something you’ve never thought of before in moving into your Teacher space! Get ready to have your Crown Chakra activated, learn, expand your consciousness and raise your vibration even HIGHER, Lightworker Clairvoyant Teacher Students! I’m also looking forward to Terry Trapp leading our Opening and Closing Meditations. Sunday’s 10:00am class is class 19 of 20 of the Psychic Development II Program. My students have been with me for almost a year now, I love you all so much and each one of you have helped me discover even further that Love is Key. Will you choose the path of love or fear? As we close out the final class of our program, we end with a 4 part Ascension Workshop written by my teacher, Dr. Lauren Cielo. Get ready to have your Crown Chakra activated, learn, expand your consciousness and raise your vibration even HIGHER, Lightworker Clairvoyant students! Would You Like to Meet One of Your Spirit Guides? What is a Spirit Guide? We all have several! We can often have hundreds of Spirit Guides that assist each one of us throughout our incarnation here on Earth. Most often, we have a handful for are considered our Highest and Best Guides, Angels and or Ascended Masters who are guiding us very closely. You may think of Spirit Guides this way-YOU are the leading role in this film called life and your Spirit Guides are the supporting roles. We contract in particular Spirit Guides to guide and support us in our Earth Plane endeavors. You may have an Abundance Guide, a Love Guide, an Ascension Guide, a Healing Guide and so much more! Are you just a little curious? This is an audio recorded service. I ask for one of your Highest & Best Spiritual Guides, Ascended Masters & Angels to step forward. I’ll read ONE of your Spirit Guides that are currently assisting you. I’ll read their name, how they guide and support you, what they look like, what their relationship is to you, whether you have incarnated together before and how best to work with them. How will you benefit from this service? This service allows you to get in touch with your spirituality and become personal and on a first name basis with your Spiritual Team. We are all so supported on this Earth plane and we all deserve to know by who! Great news! This services is ON SALE through November 15, 2018! Save $30. This also makes a GREAT GIFT! No purchase limit. Please specify when purchasing if this is a gift. Halloween is one of my favorite nights. For me, it’s a kick off to the holiday season and I love everything about the holidays! It’s my favorite time of year, when the weather starts to have a chill in the air and night grows longer; making way for cozy nights filled with indoor cheer. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, the leaves are dying and nature is preparing and hibernating for the dead of winter. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, the dormant buds and slumbering animals are preparing to rebirth themselves and open to the start of summer. This time of year is about the continuous rotation of ‘death’ and ‘rebirth’. These cycles are seen throughout nature and is also something that is mirrored within all of us. Constantly rotating, constantly moving from one form of energy to another. The circle of life. Death and rebirth. The cyclical energy of death and rebirth shows up in many forms for us. Of course, the most literal being death of life and rebirth or the reincarnation from a soul into another form of life. Or this cycle may present itself in less obvious but very personal forms of shedding, releasing and rebirthing ourselves, our jobs and our relationships as we make our way through various chapters of our lives. For me, Halloween is a great time to honor these “deaths” that we have all experienced throughout the year. It is a time to make peace with all the things we have needed to let go of; both literally and figuratively. I find that once you are able to let go and release the pain, suffering and even guilt, shame or sorrow you may be carrying with these ‘deaths’ it opens up space to celebrate the cycle of the new; the ‘rebirth’. As I teach in my Psychic Development Program; we are made up of only 2 things-energy and information. Energy never truly dies, it transmutes itself and most often into something greater and more beautiful than you could have ever imagined for yourself. Sunday’s 5:30pm class, students will learn what it is to have Spiritual Freedom. Have you been feeling the desire to learn that there is so much more to ‘see’ than what is right in front of you? Or perhaps would you LOVE to have Spiritual Freedom? I know I inch closer to it with every beat of my heart. Are you interested in learning how to learn the language of Clairvoyance? Or in bringing forward your psychic abilities? We all have the ability, it’s just learning the psychic language of it all. Much easier than learning how to walk or to ride a bike when we were kids!Next 6 Month Psychic Development Program starts first week in January, 2019! Enrollment now open and limited to only 10 students. Secure your place in class HERE. Click HERE to schedule FREE Office Hours with me to discuss your goals and questions. Sunday’s 10:00am class is class 18 of 20 of the Psychic Development II Program. Most of my students have been with me for almost a year now, I love you all so much! This is one of THE most beneficial classes of the entire program, as we dive deep into students Soul Contracts and revise them to get ready for Ascension. As we close out the final classes of our program, we end with a 4 part Ascension Workshop written by my teacher, Dr. Lauren Cielo. It is such a treat! Students will learn further about Ascension and how to get prepared for our Ascension. Get ready to have your Crown Chakra activated, learn, expand your consciousness and raise your vibration even HIGHER, Lightworker Clairvoyant students! Are you interested in learning how to learn the language of Clairvoyance? Or in bringing forward your psychic abilities? We all have the ability, it’s just learning the psychic language of it all. Much easier than learning how to walk or to ride a bike when we were kids!Next 6 Month Psychic Development Program starts in January 2019! Enrollment now open and limited to only 10 students. Secure your place in class HERE. Next Beginner’s Psychic Development (24) Class Course starts the first week of 2019! This is a virtual phone program, we can all study in our pajamas, yay! We meet once a week over the phone for approximately 2 hours with 24 classes in the program. No stress or pressure if you can’t make class live as you’ll receive the audio recording and pdf notes each week! Come be part of our Bright Suns Soul Tribe! I teach w/ humility and HUMOR! By our 4th Class, you start to Psychically read. It’s easier to learn how to bring forward your innate psychic abilities than learning how to walk, how about that?! Sunday’s 12:30pm class, students will learn How To: Perform Energy Checks on Students and Obtain Healing Master Spirit Guides for Your Students. I’m looking forward to Aaliyah of Organic Energy Healings leading our Opening and Closing Meditations. Get ready to have your Crown Chakra activated, learn, expand your consciousness and raise your vibration even HIGHER, Lightworker Clairvoyant students! Next Beginner’s Psychic Development (24) Class Course starts in November! This is a virtual phone program, we can all study in our pajamas, yay! We meet once a week over the phone for approximately 2 hours with 24 classes in the program. No stress or pressure if you can’t make class live as you’ll receive the audio recording and pdf notes each week! Come be part of our Bright Suns Soul Tribe! I teach w/ humility and HUMOR! By our 4th Class, you start to Psychically read. It’s easier to learn how to bring forward your innate psychic abilities than learning how to walk, how about that?! After the 6 month program, an Advanced 5 month Psychic Development Program is offered and then a 5 month TEACH Psychic Development Program. Ready to secure your seat? Click HERE. Payment options available. I grew up as a beach girl in Santa Barbara and Ventura, California. I was always a mild-mannered yet out going child; I always say that I’m an introvert with great social skills and this was true for my childhood as well. I was raised in a spiritually open space. Of course, you never know this when you are a kid but now looking back, I was lucky to be raised by very young parents that loved exploring spiritual movements. After all, it was the 70’s! At the time, all of my friends’ parents were of like mind; where Yogananda and Ram Das were common names. I was also raised vegetarian, as my parents thought this would allow my sisters and I to complete our karma at a rapid pace as well as accelerate how many times we were to reincarnate in the future. Oddly, as a young child this made complete sense to me. I remember sitting by the fireplace at my grandparents house and my Mom and Grandma discussing what ghosts were visiting and where they traveled on the Astral the previous night…You know, the usual stuff! Like most growing children, once I hit my teenage years, I moved away from my innate spirituality. My parents put me in a Catholic High School, I’m pretty sure this was the catalyst for my separation from the divine and my personal spiritual space. Once in my 20’s I moved even further away. Almost as a rebellion, as I look back on it. My teen’s, 20’s and early 30’s my life experiences taught me the life lesson of The Wounded Healer. For this, I am most thankful for! I would not be standing before you today, as a spiritual psychic and healer had I not experienced the life of hard knocks, through the eyes of a wounded healer. I rekindled my kindred spiritual quest about 10 years ago…after almost a couple of decades of self-hatred, co-dependency and extremely unhealthy boundary setting…and a divorce too…I needed help and good ol’ therapy was NOT doing the trick. I knew I needed more. I knew in order to work on myself, I needed to work on my soul. The deep dark depths of my soul. I knew this was where my healing needed to take place. I dove head first into seeking out any and all forms of “alternative” healing. I became a student of spiritual knowledge, taking in every healers different technique. It felt magical to me and honestly it was the true sense of divine. I felt the wounded woman I once was completely rise like a Phoenix from the ashes with a new-found love of all creation of life. It took years of healing energy work for my light to shine bright again and it was the best years, unraveling and learning my soul. I am a constant work in progress but now I try not too take myself to seriously. Leading with love and amusement, the highest vibration of energy. Sometimes I nail it, other times I’m a big FAIL and that’s ok! We are all ok! Life is beautiful, it’s just the shift of energy sometimes to see the light of how beautiful life really is. Now, I am so blessed to have my own Healing Master, a Being Without Body or Light Being or some would say Spirit Guide, but he is so much more. Cebu is his name and he has given me the gift to heal others along their journey of life. Before becoming a professional clairvoyant psychic, healer & teacher, I was a commercial and corporate flight attendant for 21 years. Traveling the globe, picking up stories and information from past lives to bring forward for this very moment! Please watch for my upcoming book “Migrating Souls: The Energetics of Jet Travel”. Have you ever wondered why you are drawn to certain geographic locations? You’ve been picking up pieces of your past lives! We live in a unique time and space; where Jet Travel is easily accessible to us. We can travel the globe, over and over. Healing, processing & activating our soul!
Our previous VP of Philanthropy, Meghan Bryan, began planning for this event back in August of 2016 because she knew that it would require a lot of planning. This included coming up with decorations, planning out the layout of the event in our house and designing shirts, all to be ready for the event in October. All of the members of our chapter were required to bake two-dozen of any delicious treat, which was then set out at our event. There were a few things that set us apart and contributed to our raising as much money as we did. Our campus is very small (only 2400 people), so we needed everyone on board in order to make the event a success! We made sure that we included new vegan and gluten free options, so that a larger group of people could enjoy Alpha Chi’s and Pies. We also made sure to label everything very carefully so that anyone with allergies could enjoy the sweet cookies, cakes and pies too. We got more of the campus community involved by having a “Greek Hour,” where members of other Greek organizations could come to our event between 8-9pm and enjoy pizza (pie) and would be present for the raffle drawing. We sold raffle tickets for three different prizes (movie-themed, makeup-themed and coffee-themed) for $0.50 a piece and ended up raising over $50 just from the raffle. At the event, not only did we set out tables with food, but we also decorated our house’s living room with colorful tables and a photo booth, so that our guests at the event felt comfortable and had places to take pictures and create memories. What really set our event apart this year from years prior is the overall excitement we created on campus! We sold pre-sale tickets prior to the event, which really grabbed the attention of students, and we even reached out to some families in our local community. Tickets at the door were slightly more expensive than the pre-sale tickets, and we sold more tickets overall because many students wanted the cheaper price! The Upsilon chapter of Alpha Chi Omega has really strived this year to truly embody “Real. Strong. Women.” in our everyday life, and doing so has made students on campus so excited for our events! Upsilon did an amazing job this year marketing for Alpha Chi’s and Pies, which included reaching out to freshman and transfer students who might not be aware of the annual Greek events, and talking up the event on social media. Something done differently this year: our planning committee made sure to promote our support of domestic violence awareness. It isn’t just about the sweet treats, it’s also about educating the campus community about WHY we raise money for the local battered women’s shelter. Our university only consists of around 2,400 undergraduate students, so to raise as much money as we did, knowing that Upsilon was able to educate so many of our peers was one of the most rewarding experiences being apart of Alpha Chi Omega. Our chapter chose to donate through the LPI process because it is the most secure way of processing the funds raised and to ensure that the donation is being put to good use. It’s a great way to make sure our donation was handled securely, and it’s an opportunity to also give back to the organization that does so much for us! My time as an Alpha Chi Omega consultant began a little over three months ago and still, each day, I learn something new about the position and myself. With every new location there are new experiences, new faces and new opportunities. As a chapter consultant, you will strengthen and gain skills that you can relate back to any industry. I constantly realize how similar my experiences and job responsibilities as an Alpha Chi Omega chapter consultant are to those of my close friends who are now teachers, graduate students or working in finance. So, I decided to Google “Top 10 things employers look for in a résumé” and found an article titled “The 10 Skills Employers Most Want in 20-Something Employees.” It can’t get more perfect than that, right? All the skills listed in the article can be gained through the chapter consultant position! I decided to highlight the five I’ve noticed the most during my time in the position. As a consultant, you have the opportunity to work with multiple teams in a day! This includes executive boards, committees, recruitment teams and many more. You learn the important skill of listening to these team members and respecting the ideas of everyone. Not only does working in a team include collegiate members, it also includes working with your fellow consultants! We work to help one another solve problems throughout the year and ask questions on a daily basis for which we alone do not have all the answers. Each day spent in this position presents a new experience, full of new problem-solving opportunities! You will learn the importance of being tactful with your responses when handling tough situations. When you come into contact with decisions that can impact an entire chapter, you will better understand the many parts that play into that decision and respect the discussions that get you there. Entering this position, I would say I was very organized and knew how to prioritize my work. As a recent college graduate, I was familiar with balancing school and extra-curricular involvement! Despite this, throughout these past three months, my organization ability has reached an entirely new level. I quickly realized what prioritization tactics worked best for this job, and what wasn’t helping me complete my to-do lists! Luckily, my supervisor and fellow consultants helped by providing me with resources that led me to find what was best for me and my working style. As a consultant, it was great to have a multitude of positive examples surrounding me! At times this job can be hard to put into words, and even tougher to explain to someone who is unfamiliar with Greek life. Headquarters staff did a wonderful job of explaining ways to describe the chapter consultant position in a universal way. This benefits us because we are able to communicate the importance and purpose of our work to university professionals, family members and anyone we meet in the airport! This is a huge tool to have when the time comes to relate your time as chapter consultant to a prospective employer during an interview. This is not an obvious skill or one you might connect to the position when you think of the chapter consultant job responsibilities. In this role, however, quantitative data can be a part of daily life. You will work closely with the VP finance position at some chapters when discussing chapter dues, financial suspensions or questions about the chapter budget. You also involve quantitative date when comparing a chapter’s total number of members to the chapter total set by the university. This is very important in the chapter consultant role because these numbers decide if a chapter should participate in continuous open bidding (COB). Even as a former finance student, these tasks have personally sharpened this skill! These five skills are only a glimpse at the many things you will learn as a chapter consultant. The capabilities you will gain in this position will continue to serve you in all facets of life. Most importantly, you will make forever memories and create relationships that are un-wavering. Each day, I wake up and think, “Could I possibly love my job even more than I already do?” And each day I discover I can. It is hard to even call this a job, because there are many days it doesn’t feel that way! There is only one way to describe the experiences of a chapter consultant: a once in a lifetime opportunity! As many of you are finishing up your time in college, you might be thinking, “There is no way I’m ready for this whole ‘adulting’ thing!” And when a problem or question comes up about insurance, 401Ks or job interviews your first call is likely to your parents or family members. In my case, my mom – she is the SMARTEST lady I know and she always has my best interests at heart. So when I was considering applying for the chapter consultant position in 2011, I picked up the phone and asked my mom if she thought it was a good idea. As it turned out, she had a lot of great questions about the position, and talking about the opportunity with her helped me solidify my desire to pursue this career. She may not have known what in the world this job was exactly, but she asked all the right questions. And after reading materials on the website, social media posts and the Consultant Chronicles blog, I was prepared to answer them. I was a first-generation college student, which means I was the first in my family to attend college. That also means that my parents were not members of a fraternity or sorority. This added an extra layer to our conversation about the position because I first had to help them understand what “big Alpha Chi” looked like before we could talk about the job. [First, the “big Alpha Chi” breakdown.] I explained that Alpha Chi Omega headquarters is just like any other business. There is a board of directors (our National Council) and a hierarchy of staff members who keep the company running. Our collegiate chapters are like our organization’s franchises – locally managed by our collegiate members and alumnae advisory boards. And to my mom’s question: the consultant role in this analogy would be the staff members who work to ensure the franchises are all compliant with the mission, values, policies and standards of the company. They collect data through meetings and observations, analyze the information they receive and provide action plans for continual improvement. Our consultants even play a role in starting up “new franchises” when we start a new chapter on a college campus. Sometimes just putting the sorority and consultant role into business terms helps those unfamiliar with the Greek system really understand the work we do. I know this helped get my mom on board, in particular, because businesses and franchises were things she understood! My mom works for a law firm and so she got right down to business when talking about the consultant role: is it a full-time, professional job? I was pleased to share with her that, YES, consultants are full-time professionals who receive a competitive benefit package. What does the package look like? Well, the consultant position is unique. Not only are you compensated for the work you do, you also have your meals, lodging and travel covered by Alpha Chi Omega. Coupled with the personal and professional benefits of the job, this package was something I couldn’t refuse. My mom was so impressed that I would have the opportunity to not only build up my savings account with my living expenses covered in this role but also build my network across the country before moving onto my next position. Everyone has their own “why,” and it was important that I was able to articulate my “why” to my mom. I told her that I was passionate about my Alpha Chi Omega experience, I wanted to give back to an organization that gave me so much and I wanted to gain the skills that I saw other consultants bring to my chapter. The consultants who visited my chapter during my time as a collegian (looking at you, Kelsey Seitz and Laura Nelson Osepchuck) were rock-star young professionals and really cool women! I wanted to be just like them, and I wanted a job that would develop me into that kind of woman. They were confident, independent, hard-working and could problem-solve through anything. They were never afraid of a difficult conversation and could remain tactful and poised through any conflict. I knew that those skills would benefit me in any future profession because I would learn to sharpen by communication and critical thinking skills. I’m sure my mom would agree that being a chapter consultant was the best first job I could have had; better than I had ever imagined. The consultant position helped me land a paid internship in California the summer before I started a graduate program. I received a master’s degree from Florida State University, where I remained connected to Alpha Chi Omega as a volunteer. My mom was thrilled when I told her I had the opportunity to return to staff in my current role. People always say, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” My mom knew that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to follow my heart and continue my career with Alpha Chi Omega because I would be growing as a professional, while having a ton of fun working for an organization I care so much about. This summer, my mom was able to meet my consultant sisters who traveled from near and far for my wedding. It was then that she realized that being a consultant wasn’t just the best professional job after college, but that it brought more joy, love and sisterhood to my life than any of us could have expected. If you are considering applying for the consultant position, your family is likely part of your decision. I hope this post helps give you more information to share. Over the years, we have also had several parents write posts for this blog about their daughter’s choice to become a consultant. Here are some of their thoughts and links to those original posts for further reading! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and use this time with family to talk about your future career opportunities! We look forward to receiving your submission. Start your application today! Before the days of cell phones and computers, I had the privilege of serving our Fraternity as a national collegiate field advisor, and I was so thrilled to travel the United States with three others that it still brings such great joy when I think about my first job out of college! I recall the large leather box-type of briefcase (which must have weighed 25 pounds) stuffed with folders with dozens of forms (carbon-copy style), along with my suitcase packed with preppy New England clothes, and that’s all I needed to get on the road for Alpha Chi Omega. Okay, this was last century (literally), but I’m sure the awesome leadership development and training we received at our headquarters is somewhat similar to what goes on today, because one thing that hasn’t changed over the years is the role and impact consultants have on every single one of the chapters they visit. It doesn’t matter if you travel to the Northeast or the Northwest, the South or the West, what matters most is the women you meet, the women you have the opportunity to help become better versions of themselves, the women you want to empower to help their chapter become the best they can be—that’s what actually makes you realize you can make a difference with those women, those chapters. And it certainly doesn’t matter if the chapter has 40 members or 400 members, if they’re housed or un-housed, at a large state university or a small liberal arts college, because the bottom line is, they are your sisters, and though you may never have met them before, they are sisters you can inspire, motivate and challenge to be the best they can be. If you haven’t done so yet, I encourage you to read the previous consultant blogs posted online, because I couldn’t agree more about all that was said. I don’t want to repeat their words of wisdom, devotion and achievement from those days they traveled, nor do I want to repeat the intrinsic benefits of taking a year or two to build your marketable job skills for your future. But I do want to give my accolades to these awesome recent graduates because they speak so eloquently about all the benefits of what they learned and how they have moved on in their career with the skills gained as consultants. I’m so impressed with these sisters – Heather, Kelsey, Maree and Carolyn – and I know you will be too. I wouldn’t earn airline miles for travel. Oh, wait a minute, airline mileage programs weren’t invented yet. I think you can keep your miles now. The best advice I can offer, as someone who is old enough to be your mom, is that the consultant opportunity is a role you will treasure for the rest of your life. It will enhance your future career, it will provide you and guide you in your discovery of who and what you really want to be. Remember, you potentially could be working for the next 40 years, so taking one or two years to be an Alpha Chi Omega consultant is the greatest gift you can give yourself. It is one gift that keeps on giving! You have the rest of your life to pursue your dream career, and taking a year or two now to discover, appreciate and enjoy our beautiful country and meet hundreds of sisters, new members, fraternal friends and university administrators is only a good thing that will help you develop into a professional for any career. I honestly can say I haven’t met a consultant yet that said they regretted doing this job. In fact, it’s just the opposite; we all say we wish we could go back and do it all over again! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Please check it out. Call me. Have your mom call me. I am accessible 24/7 at mary@collegequestadvsing.com, or call my cell at (714) 614.2801. Good luck! We’ve all heard the buzz words around 21st Century skills and the demands of employers. In today’s working world, employers are looking for more than just content knowledge or thinking skills. They’re looking for individuals who have the ability to navigate complex, global worlds. One of the skills employers look for today is adaptability, or flexibility. Let me tell you this, there is no better way to learn adaptability than being a chapter consultant. As a consultant, flexibility starts with managing delayed or canceled flights and an evolving schedule of travel. In my two years as a chapter consultant, I was on a plane every three or four days of the semester which leads to a lot of delayed flights. Sometimes, your only option is to be patient but other times you have to work with your airline to get to your recruitment visit on time (recruitment doesn’t stop for delayed flights!). In these moments, you’re learning to deal with adversity and navigate complex systems – a valuable skill in your future career. When not in the air, you’re spending your time talking with chapter members and officers, getting to know them and the culture of their chapter. This often means learning new customs of each chapter and finding the commonality that makes us all Alpha Chi Omegas. While talking about planning sisterhood events doesn’t always translate in an interview, as a consultant, you’ll be able to talk about understanding and balancing diverse views to reach workable solutions (aka any CRSB meeting). You’ll have real world experiences of effectively working in an ambiguous setting while adapting to new job responsibilities, priorities and schedules. When I finished being a chapter consultant, I knew I wasn’t going into higher education and I was a little nervous about how to translate that experience to other industries. I’ve now worked with nonprofit organizations for ten years and I still talk about my time as a consultant. I love sharing the story of visiting the University of Vermont on a Monday and the University of Arizona on a Thursday – talk about flexibility and adaptability! Being a consultant shaped my professional career in ways I never imagined, all while providing me amazing experiences to travel the country and meet my sisters in their homes. If you’re thinking about being a consultant but not sure, you can contact me – I’d be happy to talk about my experience and what it meant to me! Don’t miss the opportunity to start your application to become a chapter consultant today! As I’m sitting on a plane on my way to New York the man sitting next to me asks, “So where’s home for you?” Great question. I’m a resident consultant, so I spend most of my time in Indianapolis working with the Kappa Omega chapter. I moved to Indy from Michigan in August, and I’m falling in love with the city and the incredible people. I am very comfortable where I live and I’ve found a great routine. Indianapolis has the Midwest atmosphere that I grew up with and a fun, young city vibe. But I didn’t realize what home really meant to me until I got off the plane in New York and was greeted by my consultant sisters. I had never been to New York before, it is not home to me. Things were different from what I had been used to in the Midwest, but it felt more like home than anywhere I had been this year. I was nervous going into consultant training in June. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to relate to women who came from completely different experiences from those that I had. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to have a close bond with these women because we are coworkers. I was worried I wouldn’t have close consultant friends. Instead, what I found was true sisterhood. The bonds that this group of 18 women made in just a few shorts weeks are a testament to the strength of the sisterhood in Alpha Chi Omega. New York felt like home because I was with the people who felt like home. Even FaceTiming or calling a consultant sister gives me a sense of home, no matter where I am. I’m so thankful to have such close bonds and such supportive sisters. This past week nearly the entire consultant team was back in Indianapolis for training. It was like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders just by being with them. I was myself, I was supported and I felt so loved. For that week, Indianapolis was home. To answer your question, home is wherever I am with my consultant sisters. When I think of Founders’ Day, the first thing that comes to mind is the beautiful legacy seven determined and passionate young women created in Alpha Chi Omega. Seven women who decided to create the first and last musical fraternity one fall day in October. That one chapter of seven women has turned into 143 chapters and colonies full of real, strong women doing service, raising awareness and developing leaders. I owe everything to those seven women. They are my sisters, my role models and my Founders. Founders’ Day is so special to me because although Alpha Chi Omega has grown tremendously over the years, our values and Ritual have stayed the same. We still proudly wear the lyre badge, the colors of scarlet red and olive green, and continue daily to seek the heights. I currently serve as a student trustee for the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation and chapter president for the Zeta Sigma chapter at Missouri State University. Being chapter president has been one of the greatest experiences of my college career. A chapter of 285 women can be overwhelming at times, but with a hardworking executive team and dedicated, loyal members, there is a constant sense of sisterhood. I find no greater joy than seeing the accomplishments of my sisters, whether on campus, in a new career or within Alpha Chi Omega. Our chapter typically celebrates Founders’ Day with a celebration at our chapter house involving refreshments and a lot of cookie cake! We reflect on the history of Alpha Chi Omega by reflecting on our Founders, symbols, traditions and Ritual. We encourage members to partake in acts of service and friendship in the days surrounding Founders’ Day as well. This year, we are trying something new: a “carnation pass.” We will have seven carnations and will pass them around to sisters throughout the day to celebrate our founding. In addition to our Founders’ Day celebration, we enjoy participating in the Founders’ Day Challenge benefiting the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation. This year, chapters will have the ability to decide where they want their donations to go, which creates an even more personalized experience. By having our chapter participate at 100 percent, it means that every single woman wants to make a difference. They want to make a direct impact on initiatives such as domestic violence awareness, Leadership Academy, the Global Service Initiative, educational programs or other programs of their choosing. Every single woman wants to create a better collegiate experience for her sisters and a better community for all. Every woman wants to continue to support the Foundation so Alpha Chi Omega can continue to shape us as leaders, advocates and sisters. When it comes to having a conversation about giving, I think the most important thing is to explain to members where the money is going. When some people hear “the Foundation” or “Founders’ Day Challenge,” they may not know what that means. The conversation starts with discussing the Foundation and the direct impact it has on all Alpha Chi Omega members. Without the Foundation, we would not have educational programs for chapters or initiatives for domestic violence awareness. The Foundation is such an amazing entity of Alpha Chi Omega, and every chapter member should be aware of it. The conversation continues with the direct impact of donations. Last year, collegians raised $54,000, which was more than half the total amount raised during the Founders’ Day Challenge. We can make a difference, and we do make a difference. We discuss the personal impact the Foundation and Alpha Chi Omega have made in our lives. Something I am going to incorporate into the conversation this year is pictures of sisters volunteering at the Global Service Initiative, attending Leadership Academy and participating in other educational programs. None of those experiences would have been possible without donations from people just like us. Just the small amount of $18.85 can make such an amazing impact. $18.85 is a few trips to Starbucks (I know I already went to Starbucks twice today, so I reached that limit), two trips to Panera, a new dress from Forever 21 or the newest Beyoncé album on iTunes. The conversation is not something to be feared; the most important thing about the Founders’ Day Challenge is having a meaningful conversation about the Foundation and bringing awareness to the great causes it supports. The 2016 Founders’ Day Challenge launches this week – check out this year’s event here!
The Montour Trail follows a portion of the old Montour Railroad, which was built between 1877 and 1914 to link the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad with the region's many coal mines. Forming a semi-circle around Pittsburgh, the Montour Railroad also connected other railroads, including the Pennsylvania, the Pittsburgh & West Virginia, the Baltimore & Ohio, and the Union. The trail's surface is primarily crushed limestone; more information on its two short paved sections can be found below. Both the trail and the railroad are named for the creek that runs alongside; you'll follow the waterway for the trail's first 8 miles beginning in Coraopolis. Views will primarily be of leafy green neighborhoods sprinkled with wildflowers. A highlight of the trip includes the Enlow Tunnel in Findlay Township, which stretches 500 feet. Just south of the tunnel, the Airport Connector segment branches off from the main trail, using limited-access roads to reach Pittsburgh International Airport. On the outskirts of McDonald, the impressive McDonald Trestle spans more than 900 feet. Here the Montour Trail connects directly to the Panhandle Trail, which travels east to Collier Township and west to Weirton, West Virginia. Between McDonald and the small community of Southview, the trail offers beautiful rural landscapes. One of the newest segments of the trail splits off from the main route near Southview and heads southwest to Mount Pleasant Township. Known as the Westland Branch, the entire length of the trail parallels an active railroad line. In Peters Township, you'll find a paved section of the Montour Trail, known locally as the Arrowhead Trail. The township planted 500 trees along the 4-mile route, which opened in 1985. The trail passes among a wooded corridor in suburbia, linking neighborhoods with parks. Another two-mile paved section runs through Clairton. Here, at the trail’s eastern end, a short on-road route leads to the Great Allegheny Passage, which spans 150 miles between Pittsburgh and Cumberland, Maryland. Improvements to the Montour Trail are constantly in the works, with interim on-road routes set to be replaced by new sections of trail on the former railroad corridor in the near future. Refer to the Montour Trail Council’s official website for more information. Trailhead parking is available at either end of the trail (along Montour Coketown at the northern end of the trail and off N. State Street at the trail's southern end), as well as many points in-between. Check the TrailLink map for parking areas and directions. We started near Washington Pa and enjoyed the quality of the trail. Well maintained and clearly marked with adequate facilities along the way. The tunnels are a treat and an exciting ride through old Pennsylvania rail space! We started at milepost 6 at the Cliff Mine parking area and went out and back to milestone 25 (national tunnel) on a warm day (88 Deg F). The ride was great with shade over 75% of this portion of the trail. The trail is well maintained and almost all was crushed limestone. We had road bikes and were fine with these. Went through 2 tunnels (milepost 7 and 25) where it was cool and very moist (water flowing on walls and some dropping from the ceiling). Nice historic signs along the way describing bridges and coal mining and processing that was previously in this area. Very well done. It was obvious the trail is continually maintained and was in great shape. Regular water stops and trail maps every five miles and pocket maps available at the trail and online. Many trees alongside the trail provided great shade but blocked the view. Gradual grade up and down throughout. Only a few city blocks are on city street. All rest was off road. Overall great ride. I recommend it. We started at the Clairton end of the trail, and I don't care to do it again. We biked about 7 miles out and turned around - only a small portion was on an actual trail, the rest was on back roads as well as a brief section on a fairly high-traffic road. Hoping to start at the other end next time and have a better experience. Great place to run as opposed to the streets of West Mifflin. Started at the south east trail head, which has moved about 0.1 miles due to construction, and ran 2.5 miles out then back for a total of 5 miles. The trail was great and it felt like I was running downhill both ways. Hope the rest is better. My wife and I started at the end of the trail. While the trail was nice the detours on the road was not what we expected. My wife is not comfortable on the road and we did not expect it. The detour around mile 36, I think, was not marked on the road and did not know where to go so we turned around and returned. As I said earlier the trail was nice and enjoyed the scenery, just did not care for the road and detours because of trail construction. Later we will try the rest of the trail and hope to find more of the great parts of the trail. great trail. well maintained, easy access and great scenery. I've been riding this trail for years and have never had any issues with the way it's maintained nor with the improvements they have made throughout the years. This by far is one of the jewels as far a rail trails go. It is well-maintained and a joy to ride on all sections of the trail system.The people who volunteer and maintain this system should be commended for their fine work.It is a can't miss trail system. Nice elevation changes and a number of interesting sites along the way. This past September I started my bike journey at Shepherdstown, West Virginia. I connected with my buddy Andy four days later on the GAP trail in West Newton. We spent the next five days exploring Pittsburgh and the surrounding bike trails. One trail that stands out was the Montour trail. Although there was an area under temporary constuction the trail is well maintained, thanks to people like Budd Halpin and his wife. Budd and his wife greeted us at our first overnight camp, offering us refreshments along with information about the Montour trail and its past history. The Montour trail is a trail I look foreword to doing again. In September for my birthday my biking Pal Tom and I had the wonderful experience of riding both the GAP from West Newton down to the Pittsburgh Point then doing the Montour rail to trail. The Montour was a most pleasant surprise. We were looking for something a little different and found it in the Montour. It was well maintained thanks to the fine work of volunteers such as Bud Halpin and his wife who we just happened to met at our first camp. Not only did Bud recognize me from my riding with Crocs but he really was interested in how we liked the trail. As a Boston/McKeesport Native I can say that it is the volunteers along the trail that make for a fun experience. I enjoyed spending time with Bill Hall at the Mon/Yough trail council and Bud on the Montour was such a genuine individual that I went back the last weekend in September to ride the 13th annual fundraiser. I got to ride with 543 of my new PA friends. I will be back to Western PA. I rode 50 miles today from Library to Westland (a newer branch off of the trail). This ride included the Bethel park branch also. As a whole, it was an enjoyable ride. A downside was that when a detour was needed to bypass parts of the trail that were under construction, it was at times difficult because the signage for the detours (if present) was not always clear. I rode from mile marker 0 to McDonald a couple months ago and that was a nice ride. There was one more difficult incline on the way back to pedal up, but that was a good workout. As a whole I would recommend the trail, but I would encourage parents taking small kids to do research ahead of time to make sure that you do not run into the sections that are on roads. I have been on this trail several times and enjoy the diversity of the surroundings. I live in West Newton so I am familiar with bike trails. The Montour Trail offers sights and view plus an interesting trestle and tunnels that enhance the ride. Great way to start the Allegheny Passage Trail . Park at the Walmart! What a blessing to have a safe place to leave our vehicles. The manager was ok with us leaving them in a certain area. Very close to the airport so when we got to DC we rented a car and returned it to the airport. Did the Allegheny and the C&O. Can't believe we could bike all that way without being on a road. We are new to the biking world and really unsure what to expect when we started out today, but all in all it was a great experience! We live a mile from one of the trailheads in Jefferson. Despite looking at the maps ahead of time, we thought once we started out we would be able to ride on trail till we decided to turn around; unfortunately that wasn't the case. We didn't realize that we would have to ride intermitiently on the road for a couple of miles....that just wasn't going to happen with an eight year old who just became comfortable on a bike. We did not let that dampen our ride, we just looked at it as a learning experience. We packed up the car and moved down to the next parking lot that gave us the longest ride without going the the Library trailhead. We ended up riding 6.3 miles in the end and having a great day! We look forward to donating to the Montour Trail to help them finish so ultimately we can stay off the road as much as possible. We can't wait to go back and plan a bit more and try the Library portion and head west. Thank you Rails-to Trails Conservancy what you are doing, it is great for families and towns to both grow and develop. We look forward to future biking! I did this trail on June 29th, having arrived in Pittsburgh from the C+O and GAP. Stayed at a hotel on Neville Island so that I could be close to the trailhead at Coraopolis. There is construction just after the trail entry and I had to ask locals for a surface road work-around (on N. Petrie St. connecting to Petrie), finally finding the Montour trail at the Hassam Rd. entry point. Once on the trail, it was smooth sailing. Connected to the Panhandle and was into WVa in no time! Great riding surface with large parts paved in Peters and many new bridges. Way to go trail council! Maybe 40% in the shade. If looking for a place to eat and get a drink in McDonald, try Michael's Tavern. Good food at reasonable prices. Also good place to stop right on the trail 10 miles from Bethel. Back to Bethel wad uphill quite a bit. A good ride. This trail was great for me when I was starting to get into riding. I typically rode from Cliff Mine to where it meets the Panhandle Trail in McDonald. The grade was mild and the view was good for the most part. First good ride of the spring! The Mrs. and I took a jaunt on down to the Hendersonville trailhead to ride today. The weather was perfect! We started by heading east from Hendersonville till the trail hits a road section (3.5 miles or so out) then headed back west and north to the MacDonald bridge. Loads of people were out since this is the first really nice day we've had in Pittsburgh. Runners, bicyclists, folks walking the dog, and everyone was nice. Two short but neat tunnels and lots of bridges, large and small. The trail surface was a little bumpy in a couple spots, but for the vast majority of the ride the trail was fast, hard and smooth. Pittsburgh is truly fortunate to have this trail! For the first ride of the season, my wife and I decided to park at the Enlow parking and ride north to the trailhead and then back to the Enlow parking lot. The grade is mild and the trail is smooth and well-groomed. While there are a few road crossings on this stretch, including a couple near the shopping center at Robinson, they are easy to navigate assuming you're being a safe cycler. The old tunnel just north of the Enlow parking lot was what I really wanted to see, everything else was just gravy. This is an awesome trail and I'm looking forward to riding the rest of it this year before the snow flies! I rode the trail from Mile Marker 0 to 16. Great trail with very few hard climbs. The good thing is that they are downhill on the way back. My only bad review about this section was the "sandy beach" spot between 11.5 and 12, and the really bad area between 15 and 16 (after the bridge at Quicksilver Golf Course). Watch your speed through these sections. Hopefully the Trail people read this and fix these areas in a timely manner. The Montour Trail was without doubt the highlight of my ride. Starting from Clairton and finishing in Coroapolis it was, on the whole, a fantastic experience. Again, there is a common theme here relating to signage. Two areas especially stand out: the crossing of State Highway 51 and around Library where, if it wasn’t for an experience local rider I’d caught earlier in my travels, I’d still be today! You see the signs disappear at both the aforementioned so do your homework before setting out if you are a first-timer. Having said that about Library, the views when one gets back on the trail at this point are spectacular especially looking over towards the horse ranch – true Americana! In fact the trail just got better and better from this point onwards. There were adequate food stops should I have needed them and there were even a couple of water fountains strategically positioned which were a welcome relief on the day of my ride I can tell you! There was nothing taxing about any of the trail surfaces which did vary from tarmac to grass but everything was easily rideable. The trail route when following the railway line was a very slight incline – nothing too strenuous. However, it is worth pointing out that when following the sections of the trail that were on the road, whilst the hills weren’t alpine category but I would expect to see most people shift down a gear or two on some of the inclines! The trail is a fantastic experience with wonderful wildlife and lovely scenery virtually motor-free. It is a great shame that the Montour Trail doesn’t easily link back to Downtown Pittsburgh but one can live in hope that it will get developed in the future! The trail has completed the bridges over Morganza Rd and Georgetown Rd. There is a bike rental shop Tandeum Connection at the Morganza brigde. You can rent a bike, get refreshments and they also have bike parts if you run into trouble. This part of the trail has wonderful bridges and railroad tunnels. Montour is a hot trail! We rode on the Montour Trail on an August Sunday afternoon from Imperial to McDonald and back. The trail is somewhat bumpy and I got a flat on this trip. Alot of the trail is in the sun, so have water and be prepared to be hot! We had trouble finding the trailhead - we drove out to the airport and then tried to find it, but we got lost a few times. The roads are not well marked out there. McDonald is a fun, small town. There are 2500 people who live there. We stopped at the old train station and talked to two old ladies there who were very interesting and gave of lots of information. The train station is worth a stop! There are lots of pizza places and a Subway shop in McDonald. In addition, there is the best ice cream shoppe I have ever been to with sky-high soft ice cream cones for only $1.85! All in all, the Montour trail is well maintained, with lovely scenery but be prepared for hot! At 317 east Lincoln Avenue, McDonald PA you will find everything you need to satisfy your appetite after a long ride. Homemade, very reasonable prices and BIG menu make this our must stop after a long ride. Dine in or take out with daily specials. Today was the 16" cheese pizza ($6.00; additional topping $1.50. Try the cappicola). Traditional pizza (handmade dough, homemade sauce), specialty pizzas (try the pierogie pizza yunz Pittsburgers!), fresh hoagies on Mancini's rolls, burgers, soups & salads, appetizers and munchies. Open daily 11AM. YUMMMMM! Numerous starting points and well marked when you must leave the trail. Great bridges and trestles and a few tunnels. This trail has it all. Better with a little wider tire but most areas can be ridden on 700X35 or 26" smooth tread. Pleanty of shade and numerous rest areas and water stops. My wife and I rode the Arrowhead Trail portion of the Montour Trail on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. If you are into a paved surface, this is a trail for you. The path surface is smooth and is used by bikers, bladers, runners, walkers and a lot of mothers with baby strollers. This is truly a family trail but for the bikers this means a lot of dodging the other people on the trail. There are a number of good places to stop and get a bite to eat and lovely horse pastures along the way. The Arrowhead Trail is a very enjoyable part of the Montour Trail. On October 18, 2008 a new section of the Montour Trail was dedicated and opened. It spans a five (5) mile section from Hendersonville west to the U.S.RT.19 corridor on Saddlebrook Road. Three bridges and one tunnel are there to be enjoyed by the traveler. This is definitely a "JEWEL" to be experienced first hand. There are two (2) road crossings that require you to walk down/up embankments but definitely well worth the effort. Foliage during this FALL was outstanding to say the least! Many years of efforts by various entities, both on and behind the scenes made this segment possible! I am a long time rider of the Montour Trail and I don't know if it gets any better. It can be a very hot trail in the summer but the scenery down around the gun club is excellent. As you get up the other end of the trail it becomes more desolate and peaceful. What is nice about it is that you can do as many miles as you like. It will really be nice when it is finally completed . Also you can hook up with the panhandle trail in McDonald. That is also a nice trail that runs down into Renerdale. That is what I mean when I say you have the best of both worlds. Get out and have some fun. Hope to see you on the trail. "This trail is great, though still incomplete. I rode from Coraopolis to mile 15 and back, and enjoyed every minute of it. One caveat: the trail gets rough in a few places west of Imperial, so your tires and backside may suffer. The scenery in this stretch is very nice, though. I'm looking forward to the trail's completion." "This is one great trail -- complete with hills, tunnels and bridges. For the most part it's extremely well maintained limestone (the section between Quicksilver and McDonald needs some attention because of the extremely bad rains we've been having, but they're working on it). You're crossing between at least three ""watersheds"" so there are some nice grades on it. Yes, there's some work involved going up but the downhill portions are well worth it! The McDonald Trestle is simply fantastic. It has the best deck (concrete) and workmanship I've ever seen on a large trail bridge. You can do half-century and metric century rides entirely on this trail. And if there are any problems you're always close to a community -- it's a big half-circle around the western Allegheny and Washington County communities. Two short ride-able tunnels (although they frown on riding) add to the fun. Bring a light for the National Tunnel near Cecil, but the Enlow Tunnel near Imperial actually has lights! "While in the area on vacation from Florida my wife and I rode this trail. We started from the trailhead in Coraopolis and rode toward Imperial. We had planned on riding all the way to Mcdonald but due to all the fun we had exploring the various ""off trail"" paths that we found we ran out of time. We found the trail to be very well maintained and a pleasure to ride. We rode into Imperial where we were able to find a great little pub where we had lunch. We found one water fountain along the trail that was turned off. I guess it is a seasonal thing, and there were plenty of Porta Johns at the various trailheads. If you have a mountain bike be sure to take some of the paths that leave the main trail. My wife is a very novice mountain bike rider but she had absolutely no trouble on the trails. We will definitely be back when up in the area." "The best thing I liked about this trail is that it's paved so you can rollerblade, but it's not next to a noisy polluted freeway (as is the Eliza Furnace Trail). It's nice not having cars wizzing by and breathing exhaust fumes from cars as you're biking or skating. There are two minuses to this trail, though: One is that the paved portion is a bit narrow, and on a crowded afternoon it's sometimes hard to get a good full range of motion on skating strokes. The other is that about one mile into the trail, the pavement starts to ripple, making the ride a bit bumpy for both bikers and bladers. Although there are no potholes, there are a few cracks, and this trail probably could use a new paving job soon." "I've ridden the Montour trail about a dozen times at different times of the day/week. It's a very good unpaved trail, consisting of a crushed limestone surface. It's smooth enough for suspen-less bicycles, but it's a bit tricky if you ride a skinny-tire bike, due to the slightly loose surface & mild crown at some areas. Also, during summer months, occaisional heavy thunderstorms will create minor washouts along the trail due to the lay of the land. these washouts are usually remedied quickly. This trail can get very busy, especially around noon. Many employees of corporate offices located near the trail use it during their lunch break. Also, you get the standard variety of trail users, from the slow walker to the fast runner & speedy cyclist, so one must constantly be on the lookout ahead & from behind. The trail is wide enough for 2 to pass each other comfortably, but not wide enough to accompany 2-abreast, which you will encounter by surprise from time to time if you're not paying attention. This trail is expected to link with other trails in the very near future, which may ease congestion a bit.
(2) the representation of one or more clients may be materially limited by the lawyer's responsibilities to another client, a former client, or a third person, or by a personal interest of the lawyer. Loyalty and independent judgment are essential elements in the lawyer's relationship to a client. Concurrent conflicts of interest can arise from the lawyer's responsibilities to another client, a former client or a third person or from the lawyer's own interests. For specific Rules regarding certain concurrent conflicts of interest, see Rule 1.8. For former client conflicts of interest, see Rule 1.9. For conflicts of interest involving prospective clients, see Rule 1.18. For definitions of "informed consent" and "confirmed in writing," see Rule 1.0(f) and (c). A conflict of interest may exist before representation is undertaken, in which event the representation must be declined, unless the lawyer obtains the informed consent of each client under the conditions of paragraph (b). To determine whether a conflict of interest exists, a lawyer should adopt reasonable procedures, appropriate for the size and type of firm and practice, to determine in both litigation and non-litigation matters the persons and issues involved. See also Comment to Rule 5.1. Ignorance caused by a failure to institute such procedures will not excuse a lawyer's violation of this Rule. As to whether a client-lawyer relationship exists or, having once been established, is continuing, see Comment to Rule 1.3 and Scope. If a conflict arises after representation has been undertaken, the lawyer ordinarily must withdraw from the representation, unless the lawyer has obtained the informed consent of the client under the conditions of paragraph (b). See Rule 1.16. Where more than one client is involved, whether the lawyer may continue to represent any of the clients is determined both by the lawyer's ability to comply with duties owed to the former client and by the lawyer's ability to represent adequately the remaining client or clients, given the lawyer's duties to the former client. See Rule 1.9. See also Comments and to this Rule. Unforeseeable developments, such as changes in corporate and other organizational affiliations or the addition or realignment of parties in litigation, might create conflicts in the midst of a representation, as when a company sued by the lawyer on behalf of one client is bought by another client represented by the lawyer in an unrelated matter. Depending on the circumstances, the lawyer may have the option to withdraw from one of the representations in order to avoid the conflict. The withdrawing lawyer must seek court approval where necessary and take steps to minimize harm to the clients. See Rule 1.16. The lawyer must continue to protect the confidences of the client from whose representation the lawyer has withdrawn. See Rule 1.9(c). Loyalty to a current client prohibits undertaking representation directly adverse to that client without that client's informed consent. Thus, absent consent, a lawyer may not act as an advocate in one matter against a person the lawyer represents in some other matter, even when the matters are wholly unrelated. The client as to whom the representation is directly adverse is likely to feel betrayed, and the resulting damage to the client-lawyer relationship is likely to impair the lawyer's ability to represent the client effectively. In addition, the client on whose behalf the adverse representation is undertaken reasonably may fear that the lawyer will pursue that client's case less effectively out of deference to the other client, i.e., that the representation may be materially limited by the lawyer's interest in retaining the current client. Similarly, a directly adverse conflict may arise when a lawyer is required to cross-examine a client who appears as a witness in a lawsuit involving another client, as when the testimony will be damaging to the client who is represented in the lawsuit. On the other hand, simultaneous representation in unrelated matters of clients whose interests are only economically adverse, such as representation of competing economic enterprises in unrelated litigation, does not ordinarily constitute a conflict of interest and thus may not require consent of the respective clients. Even where there is no direct adverseness, a conflict of interest exists if a lawyer's ability to consider, recommend or carry out an appropriate course of action for the client may be materially limited as a result of the lawyer's other responsibilities or interests. For example, a lawyer asked to represent a seller of commercial real estate, a real estate developer and a commercial lender is likely to be materially limited in the lawyer's ability to recommend or advocate all possible positions that each might take because of the lawyer's duty of loyalty to the others. The conflict in effect forecloses alternatives that would otherwise be available to the client. The mere possibility of subsequent harm does not itself preclude the representation or require disclosure and consent. The critical questions are the likelihood that a difference in interests will eventuate and, if it does, whether it will materially interfere with the lawyer's independent professional judgment in considering alternatives or foreclose courses of action that reasonably should be pursued on behalf of the client. In addition to conflicts with other current clients, a lawyer's duties of loyalty and independence may be materially limited by responsibilities to former clients under Rule 1.9 or by the lawyer's responsibilities to other persons, such as fiduciary duties arising from a lawyer's service as a trustee, executor or corporate director. The lawyer's own interests should not be permitted to have an adverse effect on representation of a client. For example, if the probity of a lawyer's own conduct in a transaction is in serious question, it may be difficult or impossible for the lawyer to give a client detached advice. Similarly, when a lawyer has discussions concerning possible employment with an opponent of the lawyer's client, or with a law firm representing the opponent, such discussions could materially limit the lawyer's representation of the client. In addition, a lawyer may not allow related business interests to affect representation, for example, by referring clients to an enterprise in which the lawyer has an undisclosed financial interest. See Rule 1.8 for specific Rules pertaining to a number of personal interest conflicts, including business transactions with clients. See also Rule 1.10 (personal interest conflicts under Rule 1.7 ordinarily are not imputed to other lawyers in a law firm). When lawyers representing different clients in the same matter or in substantially related matters are closely related by blood or marriage, there may be a significant risk that client confidences will be revealed and that the lawyer's family relationship will interfere with both loyalty and independent professional judgment. As a result, each client is entitled to know of the existence and implications of the relationship between the lawyers before the lawyer agrees to undertake the representation. Thus, a lawyer related to another lawyer, e.g., as parent, child, sibling or spouse, ordinarily may not represent a client in a matter where that lawyer is representing another party, unless each client gives informed consent. The disqualification arising from a close family relationship is personal and ordinarily is not imputed to members of firms with whom the lawyers are associated. See Rule 1.10. A lawyer is prohibited from engaging in sexual relationships with a client unless the sexual relationship predates the formation of the client-lawyer relationship. See Rule 1.19. A lawyer may be paid from a source other than the client, including a co-client, if the client is informed of that fact and consents and the arrangement does not compromise the lawyer's duty of loyalty or independent judgment to the client. See Rule 1.8(f). If acceptance of the payment from any other source presents a significant risk that the lawyer's representation of the client will be materially limited by the lawyer's own interest in accommodating the person paying the lawyer's fee or by the lawyer's responsibilities to a payer who is also a co-client, then the lawyer must comply with the requirements of paragraph (b) before accepting the representation, including determining whether the conflict is consentable and, if so, that the client has adequate information about the material risks of the representation. Ordinarily, clients may consent to representation notwithstanding a conflict. However, as indicated in paragraph (b), some conflicts are nonconsentable, meaning that the lawyer involved cannot properly ask for such agreement or provide representation on the basis of the client's consent. When the lawyer is representing more than one client, the question of consentability must be resolved as to each client. Paragraph (b)(3) describes conflicts that are nonconsentable because of the institutional interest in vigorous development of each client's position when the clients are aligned directly against each other in the same litigation or other proceeding before a tribunal. Whether clients are aligned directly against each other within the meaning of this paragraph requires examination of the context of the proceeding. Although this paragraph does not preclude a lawyer's multiple representation of adverse parties to a mediation (because mediation is not a proceeding before a "tribunal" under Rule 1.0(n)), such representation may be precluded by paragraph (b)(1). Informed consent requires that each affected client be aware of the relevant circumstances and of the material and reasonably foreseeable ways that the conflict could have adverse effects on the interests of that client. See Rule 1.0(f) (informed consent). The information required depends on the nature of the conflict and the nature of the risks involved. When representation of multiple clients in a single matter is undertaken, the information must include the implications of the common representation, including possible effects on loyalty, confidentiality and the attorney-client privilege and the advantages and risks involved. See Comments and (effect of common representation on confidentiality). Under some circumstances it may be impossible to make the disclosure necessary to obtain consent. For example, when the lawyer represents different clients in related matters and one of the clients refuses to consent to the disclosure necessary to permit the other client to make an informed decision, the lawyer cannot properly ask the latter to consent. In some cases the alternative to common representation can be that each party may have to obtain separate representation with the possibility of incurring additional costs. These costs, along with the benefits of securing separate representation, are factors that may be considered by the affected client in determining whether common representation is in the client's interests. Paragraph (b) requires the lawyer to obtain the informed consent of the client, confirmed in writing. Such a writing may consist of a document executed by the client or one that the lawyer promptly records and transmits to the client following an oral consent. See Rule 1.0(c). See also Rule 1.0(o) (writing includes electronic transmission). If it is not feasible to obtain or transmit the writing at the time the client gives informed consent, then the lawyer must obtain or transmit it within a reasonable time thereafter. See Rule 1.0(c). The requirement of a writing does not supplant the need in most cases for the lawyer to talk with the client, to explain the risks and advantages, if any, of representation burdened with a conflict of interest, as well as reasonably available alternatives, and to afford the client a reasonable opportunity to consider the risks and alternatives and to raise questions and concerns. Rather, the writing is required in order to impress upon clients the seriousness of the decision the client is being asked to make and to avoid disputes or ambiguities that might later occur in the absence of a writing. A client who has given consent to a conflict may revoke the consent and, like any other client, may terminate the lawyer's representation at any time. Whether revoking consent to the client's own representation precludes the lawyer from continuing to represent other clients depends on the circumstances, including the nature of the conflict, whether the client revoked consent because of a material change in circumstances, the reasonable expectations of the other client and whether material detriment to the other clients or the lawyer would result. Paragraph (b)(3) prohibits representation of opposing parties in the same litigation, regardless of the clients' consent. On the other hand, simultaneous representation of parties whose interests in litigation may conflict, such as coplaintiffs or codefendants, is governed by paragraph (a)(2). A conflict may exist by reason of substantial discrepancy in the parties' testimony, incompatibility in positions in relation to an opposing party or the fact that there are substantially different possibilities of settlement of the claims or liabilities in question. Such conflicts can arise in criminal cases as well as civil. The potential for conflict of interest in representing multiple defendants in a criminal case is so grave that ordinarily a lawyer should decline to represent more than one codefendant. On the other hand, common representation of persons having similar interests in civil litigation is proper if the requirements of paragraph (b) are met. Ordinarily a lawyer may take inconsistent legal positions in different tribunals at different times on behalf of different clients. The mere fact that advocating a legal position on behalf of one client might create precedent adverse to the interests of a client represented by the lawyer in an unrelated matter does not create a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest exists, however, if there is a significant risk that a lawyer's action on behalf of one client will materially limit the lawyer's effectiveness in representing another client in a different case; for example, when a decision favoring one client will create a precedent likely to seriously weaken the position taken on behalf of the other client. Factors relevant in determining whether the clients need to be advised of the risk include: where the cases are pending, whether the issue is substantive or procedural, the temporal relationship between the matters, the significance of the issue to the immediate and long-term interests of the clients involved and the clients' reasonable expectations in retaining the lawyer. If there is significant risk of material limitation, then absent informed consent of the affected clients, the lawyer must refuse one of the representations or withdraw from one or both matters. Conflicts of interest under paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) arise in contexts other than litigation. For a discussion of directly adverse conflicts in transactional matters, see Comment . Relevant factors in determining whether there is significant potential for material limitation include the duration and intimacy of the lawyer's relationship with the client or clients involved, the functions being performed by the lawyer, the likelihood that disagreements will arise and the likely prejudice to the client from the conflict. The question is often one of proximity and degree. See Comment . For example, conflict questions may arise in estate planning and estate administration. A lawyer may be called upon to prepare wills for several family members, such as husband and wife, and, depending upon the circumstances, a conflict of interest may be present. In estate administration the identity of the client may be unclear under the law of a particular jurisdiction. Under one view, the client is the fiduciary; under another view the client is the estate or trust, including its beneficiaries. In order to comply with conflict of interest rules, the lawyer should make clear the lawyer's relationship to the parties involved. Whether a conflict is consentable depends on the circumstances. See Comment . For example, a lawyer may not represent multiple parties to a negotiation whose interests are fundamentally antagonistic to each other, but common representation is permissible where the clients are generally aligned in interest even though there is some difference in interest among them. Thus, a lawyer may seek to establish or adjust a relationship between clients on an amicable and mutually advantageous basis; for example, in helping to organize a business in which two or more clients are entrepreneurs, working out the financial reorganization of an enterprise in which two or more clients have an interest or arranging a property distribution in settlement of an estate. The lawyer seeks to resolve potentially adverse interests by developing the parties' mutual interests. Otherwise, each party might have to obtain separate representation, with the possibility of incurring additional cost, complication or even litigation. Given these and other relevant factors, the clients may prefer that the lawyer act for all of them. In considering whether to represent multiple clients in the same matter, a lawyer should be mindful that if the common representation fails because the potentially adverse interests cannot be reconciled, the result can be additional cost, embarrassment and recrimination. Ordinarily, the lawyer will be forced to withdraw from representing all of the clients if the common representation fails. In some situations, the risk of failure is so great that multiple representation is plainly impossible. For example, a lawyer cannot undertake common representation of clients where contentious litigation or negotiations between them are imminent or contemplated. Moreover, because the lawyer is required to be impartial between commonly represented clients, representation of multiple clients is improper when it is unlikely that impartiality can be maintained. Generally, if the relationship between the parties has already assumed antagonism, the possibility that the clients' interests can be adequately served by common representation is not very good. Other relevant factors are whether the lawyer subsequently will represent both parties on a continuing basis and whether the situation involves creating or terminating a relationship between the parties. As to the duty of confidentiality, continued common representation will almost certainly be inadequate if one client asks the lawyer not to disclose to the other client information relevant to the common representation. This is so because the lawyer has an equal duty of loyalty to each client, and each client has the right to be informed of anything bearing on the representation that might affect that client's interests and the right to expect that the lawyer will use that information to that client's benefit. See Rule 1.4. The lawyer should, at the outset of the common representation and as part of the process of obtaining each client's informed consent, advise each client that information will be shared and that the lawyer will have to withdraw if one client decides that some matter material to the representation should be kept from the other. In limited circumstances, it may be appropriate for the lawyer to proceed with the representation when the clients have agreed, after being properly informed, that the lawyer will keep certain information confidential. For example, the lawyer may reasonably conclude that failure to disclose one client's trade secrets to another client will not adversely affect representation involving a joint venture between the clients and agree to keep that information confidential with the informed consent of both clients. When seeking to establish or adjust a relationship between clients, the lawyer should make clear that the lawyer's role is not that of partisanship normally expected in other circumstances and, thus, that the clients may be required to assume greater responsibility for decisions than when each client is separately represented. Any limitations on the scope of the representation made necessary as a result of the common representation should be fully explained to the clients at the outset of the representation. See Rule 1.2(c). A lawyer for a corporation or other organization who is also a member of its board of directors should determine whether the responsibilities of the two roles may conflict. The lawyer may be called on to advise the corporation in matters involving actions of the directors. Consideration should be given to the frequency with which such situations may arise, the potential intensity of the conflict, the effect of the lawyer's resignation from the board and the possibility of the corporation's obtaining legal advice from another lawyer in such situations. If there is material risk that the dual role will compromise the lawyer's independence of professional judgment, the lawyer should not serve as a director or should cease to act as the corporation's lawyer when conflicts of interest arise. The lawyer should advise the other members of the board that in some circumstances matters discussed at board meetings while the lawyer is present in the capacity of director might not be protected by the attorney-client privilege and that conflict of interest considerations might require the lawyer's recusal as a director or might require the lawyer and the lawyer's firm to decline representation of the corporation in a matter. CPR 9. An attorney may not give a title opinion to an individual and then represent another person in a boundary dispute against that individual. CPR 15. A lawyer/guardian may not give a title opinion to the purchaser of his ward's property. CPR 46. Once it is determined that attorneys from same firm have undertaken to represent adverse parties, one must withdraw and the other may continue only with the consent of all involved. CPR 55. An attorney appointed as examiner of title is not prohibited from representing petitioners or respondents in actions unrelated to the Torrens proceeding. CPR 147. An attorney cannot defend an action brought by a former client when confidential information obtained during the prior representation would be relevant to the defense of the current action. CPR 171. A part-time county attorney may not serve as guardian ad litem if official duties include advising Department of Social Services. CPR 179. An attorney may not represent a municipality and a distributee of an estate suing the municipality. CPR 216. An attorney may not serve as receiver and as attorney for a judgment creditor. CPR 249. An attorney who owns an insurance agency may not represent claimants against persons insured by companies his agency represents. CPR 255. An attorney who is employed by an insurer to defend its insureds on a regular basis represents the insurer and the insureds and, if a conflict develops between the insurer and an insured, the attorney has a duty to advise the insured to seek independent counsel. The attorney may represent a plaintiff against the insurer, but he or she should notify the insurer and have the informed consent of plaintiff. CPR 281. An attorney may sue another attorney for malpractice on behalf of a client even though the attorney for the plaintiff owns stock in the defendant's liability insurance company. CPR 286. An attorney may participate in a mediation service with marriage counselors but should not later represent either party in domestic litigation. CPR 317. An attorney appointed to represent a state official or agency may not represent other clients in a suit against the same official or agency, another official or agency under the jurisdiction of that same official or agency or another official or agency with authority over the official or agency. Nor should an attorney represent one official or agency while representing other clients against another official or agency if both of the officials or agencies are under the jurisdiction of the same official or agency. CPR 323. An attorney may not act as a friend and attempt to mediate a domestic problem and later represent the wife in domestic litigation. CPR 344. An attorney for a school board is not automatically disqualified from representing criminal defendants despite the school board's interest in fines and forfeitures. RPC 18. An attorney may not simultaneously represent shareholders in a derivative action and the corporation's landlord on a claim for backPCrent. RPC 22. An attorney may not represent the administratrix officially and personally where her interests in the two roles are in conflict without the consent of the heirs. RPC 24. An attorney may not purchase his client's property at an execution sale on his own account. RPC 28. An attorney may represent the estate of pilot and the estate of passenger in a wrongful death case against the airplane manufacturer if attorney is convinced that there was no pilot negligence and if the representatives of both estates consent. RPC 54. A lawyer who represents a criminal defendant from whose possession property was seized may not without consent seek the property as a fine or forfeiture on behalf of the local school board. RPC 55. A member of the Attorney General's staff may prosecute appeals of adverse Medicaid decisions against the Department of Human Resources, which is represented by another member of the Attorney General's staff. RPC 56. A lawyer may represent a plaintiff against an insurance company's insured while defending other persons insured by the company in unrelated matters. RPC 59. A lawyer may represent an insurer and its insured as co-plaintiffs in a declaratory judgment action. RPC 60. Subject to general conflict of interest rules, a lawyer may represent police officers who are referred by a professional organization of which they are members on a case-by-case basis and also represent criminal defendants. RPC 65. The public defender's office should be considered as a single law firm and staff attorneys may not represent codefendants with conflicting interests unless both consent and can be adequately represented. RPC 72. An attorney hired by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to prosecute criminal charges before a tribal court may represent defendants in state or federal court despite the fact that the defendants have been arrested by members of the tribal police force. RPC 73. Opinion clarifies two lines of authority in prior ethics opinions. Where an attorney serves on a governing body, such as a county commission, the attorney is disqualified from representing criminal defendants where a member of the sheriff's department is a prosecuting witness. The attorney's partners are not disqualified. Where an attorney advises a governing body, such as a county commission, but is not a commissioner herself, and in that capacity represents the sheriff's department relative to criminal matters, the attorney may not represent criminal defendants if a member of the sheriff's department will be a prosecuting witness. In this situation the attorney's partners would also be disqualified from representing the criminal defendants. RPC 74. A firm which employs a paralegal is not disqualified from representing an interest adverse to that of a party represented by the firm for which the paralegal previously worked if the paralegal is screened from participation in the case. RPC 91. An attorney employed by the insurer to represent the insured and its own interests may not send the insurer a letter on behalf of the insured demanding settlement within the policy limits. RPC 92. An attorney representing both the insurer and the insured need not surrender to the insured copies of all correspondence concerning the case between herself and the insurer. RPC 95. An assistant district attorney may prosecute cases while serving on the school board. RPC 100. An attorney serving on a hospital ethics committee is not automatically disqualified from representing interests adverse to the hospital or its staff physicians. RPC 102. A lawyer may not permit the employment of court reporting services to be influenced by the possibility that the lawyer's employees might receive premiums, prizes or other personal benefits. RPC 103. A lawyer for the insured and the insurer may not enter voluntary dismissal of the insured's counterclaim without the insured's consent. RPC 105. A public defender may represent criminal defendants while serving on the school board. RPC 109. An attorney may not represent parents as guardians ad litem for their injured child and as individuals concerning their related tort claims after having received a joint settlement offer which is insufficient to fully satisfy all claims. RPC 110. An attorney employed by an insurer to defend in the name of the defendant pursuant to underinsured motorist coverage may not communicate with that individual without the consent of another attorney employed to represent that individual by her liability insurer, and the attorney employed by the liability insurer may not take a position on behalf of the insurer which is adverse to the insured. RPC 111. An attorney retained by a liability insurer to defend its insured may not advise insured or insurer regarding the plaintiff's offer to limit the insured's liability in exchange for consent to an amendment of the complaint to add a punitive damages claim. RPC 112. An attorney retained by an insurer to defend its insured may not advise insurer or insured regarding the plaintiff's offer to limit the insured's liability in exchange for an admission of liability. RPC 123. An attorney may represent parents and an independent guardian ad litem for their child concerning related tort claims under certain circumstances. RPC 131. An attorney employed to represent a county in appellate matters may also sue the county's department of social services if the county and the plaintiffs consent. RPC 140. There is no disqualifying conflict of interest where an attorney is retained by an insurer to represent an insured during the pendency of a declaratory judgment action relating to coverage in which the attorney is a nonparticipant. RPC 151. Where an insurance company and its policyholder are both parties to an action, a lawyer who is a full-time employee of the insurance company may not represent both the insurance company and the policyholder because of the "diluted responsibility" to the policyholder created by the employment relationship between the lawyer and the insurance company. RPC 154. An attorney may not represent the insured, her liability insurer and the same insurer relative to underinsured motorist coverage carried by the plaintiff. RPC 168. A lawyer may ask her client for a waiver of objection to a possible future representation presenting a conflict of interest if certain conditions are met. RPC 170. A lawyer may jointly represent a personal injury victim and the medical insurance carrier that holds a subrogation agreement with the victim provided the victim consents and the lawyer withdraws upon the development of an actual conflict of interest. RPC 177. A lawyer may represent the insured, his liability insurer, and the same insurer relative to underinsured motorist coverage carried by the plaintiff if the insurer waives its subrogation rights against the insured and the plaintiff executes a covenant not to enforce judgment. RPC 207. A lawyer may represent an insured in a bad faith action against his insurer for failure to pay a liability claim brought by a claimant who is represented by the same lawyer. RPC 228. A lawyer for a personal injury victim may not execute an agreement to indemnify the tortfeasor's liability insurance carrier against the unpaid liens of medical providers. RPC 229. A lawyer who jointly represented a husband and wife in the preparation and execution of estate planning documents may not prepare a codicil to the will of one spouse without the knowledge of the other spouse if the codicil will affect adversely the interests of the other spouse or each spouse agreed not to change the estate plan without informing the other spouse. RPC 251. A lawyer may represent multiple claimants in a personal injury case, even though the available insurance proceeds are insufficient to compensate all claimants fully, provided each claimant, or his or her legal representative, gives informed consent to the representation and the lawyer does not advocate against the interest of any client in the division of the insurance proceeds. 2000 Formal Ethics Opinion 2. Opinion rules that a lawyer who represented a husband and wife in a joint Chapter 13 bankruptcy case may continue to represent one of the spouses after the other spouse disappears or becomes unresponsive, unless the lawyer is aware of any fact or circumstance that would make the continued representation of the remaining spouse an actual conflict of interest with the prior representation of the other spouse. 2000 Formal Ethics Opinion 4. Opinion rules that a lawyer may sign a statement acknowledging a finance company's interest in a client's recovery subject to certain conditions. 2000 Formal Ethics Opinion 9. Opinion explores the situations in which a lawyer who is also a CPA may provide legal services and accounting services from the same office. 2001 Formal Ethics Opinion 6. Opinion examines when a lawyer has a conflict of interest in representing various family members on claims for a deceased employee's workers' compensation death benefits. 2002 Formal Ethics Opinion 1. Opinion rules that a lawyer may participate in a non-profit organization that promotes a cooperative method for resolving family law disputes although the client is required to make full disclosure and the lawyer is required to withdraw before court proceedings commence. 2002 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. Opinion rules that a lawyer for an estate may seek removal of the personal representative if the personal representative's breach of fiduciary duties constitutes grounds for removal under the law. 2002 Formal Ethics Opinion 6. Opinion rules that the lawyer for the plaintiff may not prepare the answer to a complaint for an unrepresented adverse party to file pro se. 2003 Formal Ethics Opinion 1. A lawyer must withdraw from joint representation of a general contractor and a surety if a position advanced on behalf of the general contractor is frivolous, for the purpose of delay or interferes with a legal duty owed by the surety to the claimant. 2003 Formal Ethics Opinion 7. A lawyer may not prepare a power of attorney for the benefit of the principal at the request of another individual or third-party payer without consulting with, exercising independent professional judgment on behalf of, and obtaining consent from the principal. 2003 Formal Ethics Opinion 12. Opinion rules that an insurance defense lawyer may give the insured and the insurance carrier an evaluation of a pending case, including settlement prospects, but may not give an opinion to the carrier on whether to decline to settle within policy limits and go to trial if the opinion is contrary to the wishes of the insured. 2005 Formal Ethics Opinion 1. Opinion rules that a lawyer may not appear before a judge who is a family member without consent from all parties and, although consent is not required, the other members of the firm must disclose the relationship before appearing before the judge. 2005 Formal Ethics Opinion 7. Opinion rules that an attorney may recommend that a prospective client use a computer in the attorney’s office and the services of an Internet-based company to complete a required bankruptcy certification form. 2006 Formal Ethics Opinion 1. A lawyer who represents the employer and its workers' compensation carrier must share the case evaluation, litigation plan, and other information with both clients unless the clients give informed consent to withhold such information. 2006 Formal Ethics Opinion 2. A lawyer may only refer a client to a financing company if certain conditions are met. 2006 Formal Ethics Opinion 5. The county tax attorney may not bid at a tax foreclosure sale of real property. 2007 Formal Ethics Opinion 7. Opinion rules that a lawyer may continue to represent a husband and wife in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy after they divorce provided the conditions on common representation set forth in Rule 1.7 are satisfied. 2007 Formal Ethics Opinion 10. Opinion holds a lawyer employed by a school board may serve as an administrative hearing officer with the informed consent of the board. 2007 Formal Ethics Opinion 11. Opinion rules that a lawyer is not required to withdraw from representing one client if the other client revokes consent without good reason and an evaluation of the factors set out in comment to Rule 1.7 and the Restatement (Third) of the Law Governing Lawyers indicates continued representation is favored. 2008 Formal Ethics Opinion 2. A lawyer is not prohibited from advising a school board sitting in an adjudicative capacity in a disciplinary or employment proceeding while another lawyer from the same firm represents the administration; however, such dual representation is harmful to the public's perception of the fairness of the proceeding and should be avoided. 2008 Formal Ethics Opinion 12. A lawyer may not initiate foreclosure on a deed of trust on a client's property while still representing the client. 2009 Formal Ethics Opinion 9. Opinion describes reasonable procedures for a computer-based conflicts checking system. 2009 Formal Ethics Opinion 11. A lawyer may undertake the representation of a debtor in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, although the lender is a current client, if the lawyer reasonably believes that he will be able to provide competent and diligent representation to the debtor in the bankruptcy action while protecting the lender’s interests in those matters where the lawyer represents the lender and both clients give informed consent. 2009 Formal Ethics Opinion 12. A lawyer may prepare an affidavit and confession of judgment for an unrepresented adverse party provided the lawyer explains who he represents and does not give the unrepresented party legal advice; however, the lawyer may not prepare a waiver of exemptions for the adverse party. 2010 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. A lawyer who currently represents a police officer in an internal affairs investigation may not concurrently represent a person charged with a criminal offense if the police officer is one of the prosecuting witnesses and will be subject to cross-examination. 2010 Formal Ethics Opinion 12. A hiring law firm may ask an incoming law school graduate to provide sufficient information as to his prior legal experience so that the hiring law firm can identify potential conflicts of interest. 2010 Formal Ethics Opinion 13. A lawyer’s self-interest in promoting his own financial services company must not distort his independent professional judgment in the provision of legal services to the client including referral of the client to the lawyer’s own ancillary business. 2012 Formal Ethics Opinion 2. A lawyer-mediator may not draft a business contract for pro se parties to mediation. 2012 Formal Ethics Opinion 9. A lawyer asked to represent a child in a contested custody or visitation case should decline the appointment unless the order of appointment identifies the lawyer’s role and specifies the responsibilities of the lawyer. 2014 Formal Ethics Opinion 6. A lawyer who provides free brief consultations to members of a nonprofit organization must still screen for conflicts prior to conducting a consultation. 2014 Formal Ethics Opinion 10. A lawyer who handles adoptions as part of her or his law practice and also owns a financial interest in a for-profit adoption agency may, with informed consent, represent an adopting couple utilizing the services of the adoption agency but may not represent the biological parents. 2015 Formal Ethics Opinion 4. Opinion analyzes a lawyer's professional responsibilities when she discovers that she made an error that may adversely impact the client's case. 2016 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. A lawyer working for a private law firm may not negotiate for employment with another firm if the firm represents a party adverse to the lawyer’s client unless both clients give informed consent. (a) A lawyer may ethically represent both the borrower and the lender. (b) If the lawyer intends not to represent both the borrower and the lender, he must give timely notice to the one he intends not to represent of this fact, so that the one not represented may secure separate and timely representation. (c) If the lawyer does not give such notice, he shall be deemed to represent both the borrower and the lender. (d) If the lawyer represents only the borrower, he may nevertheless ethically provide the title and lien priority assurances required by the lender as a condition of the loan. (e) The lawyer shall clearly state to his client(s), whether the borrower or the lender, or both, whom he represents and the general scope of his representation. (f) If the lawyer does not represent both principals, and the one he does not represent retains another lawyer to represent him, both lawyers should fully cooperate with each other in serving the interests of their respective clients and in closing the loan promptly. (g) If the lawyer represents both the borrower and the lender, he may be ethically barred from representing either one (without the consent of the other) if a controversy arises between the borrower and the lender before, during or after the closing. It is not unethical for a lawyer representing the borrower and the lender (or either) in the usual residential loan transaction to prepare a deed from the seller to the buyer, collect the purchase price for the seller, or draft other documents (such as a second deed of trust and not secured thereby) as may be necessary to complete the transaction between the seller and the buyer in accordance with their agreement, and charge the seller therefor. It is not unethical for the lawyer representing the borrower, the lender and the seller (or one or more of them) to provide the title insurer with an opinion on title sufficient to issue a mortgagee's title insurance policy, the premium for which is normally paid by the borrower. CPR 220. An attorney's secretary may not be trustee if the attorney wishes to represent the lender at a contested foreclosure. CPR 275. An attorney who is part owner of a mortgage brokerage firm may certify title to real property with respect to which the mortgage broker has arranged financing. RPC 44. A closing attorney must follow the lender's closing instruction that closing documents be recorded prior to disbursement. RPC 49. Attorneys who own stock in a real estate company may refer clients to the company if such would be in the clients' best interest and there is full disclosure, and such attorneys may not close transactions brokered by the real estate firm. RPC 78. A closing attorney cannot make conditional delivery of trustee account checks to real estate agent before depositing loan proceeds against which checks are to be drawn. RPC 82. This opinion comprehensively revises the ethical responsibilities of the attorney-trustee. RPC 83. The significance of an attorney's personal interest in property determines whether he or she has a conflict of interest sufficient to disqualify him or her from rendering a title opinion concerning that property. RPC 88. A lawyer may close a real estate transaction brokered by a real estate firm which employs the attorney's secretary as a part-time real estate broker. RPC 121. A borrower's lawyer may render a legal opinion to the lender. RPC 185. A lawyer who owns any stock in a title insurance agency may not give title opinions to the title insurance company for which the title insurance agency issues policies. RPC 188. A lawyer may close a real estate transaction brokered by the lawyer's spouse with the consent of the parties to the transaction. RPC 201. Opinion explores the circumstances under which a lawyer who is also a real estate salesperson may close real estate transactions brokered by the real estate company with which he is affiliated. RPC 210. Opinion examines the circumstances in which it is acceptable for a lawyer to represent the buyer, seller, and the lender in the closing of a residential real estate transaction. RPC 248. A lawyer who owns stock in a mortgage brokerage corporation may not act as the settlement agent for a loan brokered by the corporation nor may the other lawyers in the firm certify title or act as settlement agent for the closing. 97 Formal Ethics Opinion 8. Opinion examines the circumstances in which it is acceptable for the lawyer who regularly represents a real estate developer to represent the buyer and the developer in the closing of a residential real estate transaction. 98 Formal Ethics Opinion 10. Opinion rules that an insurance defense lawyer may not disclose confidential information about an insured's representation in bills submitted to an independent audit company at the insurance carrier's request unless the insured consents. 98 Formal Ethics Opinion 11. Opinion rules that the fiduciary relationship that arises when a lawyer serves as an escrow agent demands that the lawyer be impartial to both the obligor and the obligee and, therefore, the lawyer may not act as advocate for either party against the other. Once the fiduciary duties of the escrow agent terminate, the lawyer may take a position adverse to the obligor or the obligee provided the lawyer is not otherwise disqualified. 99 Formal Ethics Opinion 1. Opinion rules that a lawyer may not accept a referral fee or solicitor's fee for referring a client to an investment advisor. 99 Formal Ethics Opinion 8. Opinion rules that a lawyer may represent all parties in a residential real estate closing and subsequently represent only one party in an escrow dispute provided the lawyer insures that the conditions for waiver of an objection to a possible future conflict of interest set forth in RPC 168 are satisfied. 2004 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. Opinion rules that a lawyer may represent both the lender and the trustee on a deed of trust in a dispute with the borrower if the conditions for common representation can be satisfied. 2004 Formal Ethics Opinion 10. Opinion rules that the lawyer for the buyer of residential real estate may prepare the deed without creating a client-lawyer relationship with the seller provided the lawyer makes specific disclosures to the seller and clarifies her role for the seller. 2006 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. A lawyer who represented the trustee or served as the trustee in a foreclosure proceeding at which the lender acquired the subject property may, under some circumstances, represent all parties on the closing of the sale of the property by the lender provided the lawyer concludes that his judgment will not be impaired by loyalty to the lender and there is full disclosure and informed consent. 2007 Formal Ethics Opinion 9. Opinion rules that a closing lawyer must comply with the conditions placed upon the delivery of a deed by the seller, including recording the deed and disbursing proceeds, despite receiving contrary instructions from the buyer. 2008 Formal Ethics Opinion 7. A closing lawyer shall not record and disburse when a seller has delivered the deed to the lawyer but the buyer instructs the lawyer to take no further action to close the transaction. 2008 Formal Ethics Opinion 11. A lawyer may serve as the trustee in a foreclosure proceeding while simultaneously representing the beneficiary of the deed of trust on unrelated matters and that the other lawyers in the firm may also continue to represent the beneficiary on unrelated matters. 2011 Formal Ethics Opinion 4. A lawyer may not agree to procure title insurance exclusively from a particular title insurance agency on every transaction referred to the lawyer by a person associated with the agency. 2011 Formal Ethics Opinion 5. A lawyer may not represent the beneficiary of the deed of trust in a contested foreclosure if the lawyer’s spouse and paralegal own an interest in the closely-held corporate trustee. 2013 Formal Ethics Opinion 4. Opinion examines the ethical duties of a lawyer representing both the buyer and the seller on the purchase of a foreclosure property and the lawyer’s duties when the representation is limited to the seller. 2013 Formal Ethics Opinion 5. A lawyer/trustee must explain his role in a foreclosure proceeding to any unrepresented party that is an unsophisticated consumer of legal services; if he fails to do so and that party discloses material confidential information, the lawyer may not represent the other party in a subsequent, related adversarial proceeding unless there is informed consent. 2013 Formal Ethics Opinion 14. Common representation in a commercial real estate loan closing is, in most instances, a “nonconsentable” conflict meaning that a lawyer may not ask the borrower and the lender to consent to common representation. 2014 Formal Ethics Opinion 2. A lawyer may not represent both the trustee and the secured creditor in a contested foreclosure proceeding.
The heart of this retreat, what we are offering today, is present-moment meditation, which is very simple – simply being present in open awareness, as we are; simply being with what-is, whatever it is – this is what-is meditation. It is truly simple, it is a very natural inherent human capacity, and yet, very often it is not easy for us to simply be; simply being present – it is simple, and yet, sometime it's not easy. One reason for this is that we are caught in waves of emotions, storms of feelings, strong currents of driving impulses which take us away from what is happening here and now; we are drowning in reactivity, lost in negativity, unable to be present in the present moment. Another reason for this difficulty, the challenge of simply being now, is more subtle, less obvious, and it is also more fundamental and therefore more powerful; and this is our ideas, our thoughts, our notions of who we are and what we are, and what is this world and this life we are living. But first of all, as today we are learning meditation – it's not easy being now because of our ideas of what is meditation; and therefore this morning, in this talk, I would like to clarify what is present-moment meditation and what may be our ideas of meditation, which are the main obstacle that prevents us from simply being now as we are. We have ideas about "the present moment", notions of "now", and these mislead us to think and believe that being now somehow requires us to do something or to become someone, to attain some extra-ordinary "meditative state"; while, in truth, there are no prerequisites for present-moment meditation, there are no prerequisites for now – there are no special conditions, nothing we need to cultivate, there is no way we need to follow to simply be present, attentive to life as it is in the now. We have said that now is the way – now is the heart of meditation, only now there is life; and yet, there is no way to now. We have learned that present-moment meditation is not an accumulation, it is not a "way" in the ordinary sense of the word – it is not a movement in time, it is not a process of Self, a way of becoming … and this is the good news because it means there is nothing to do, there is nowhere to go, there is no-one to be – there's no need to become better or other than who we are. But here's the thing: there's nothing to do, and yet – we do; there is nowhere to go, and yet – we go and we go; there is no-one to become, and yet – we are constantly becoming and becoming all the time … this is the reality of our life. And so, to end this talk, let us challenge what has been said so far, and then let us clarify and resolve this challenge, and thus deepen our understanding. We have said that now is not of time – present-moment meditation is not a movement in time, it is not an accumulated process; and yet, whenever we look at ourselves and our life, we clearly see that now we are different than the way we were last year, the way we were five years ago or twenty years ago – there is an accumulated progress over time in our life of meditation. We have all experienced this fact: over twenty years or over two years or over whatever period of time – we sit for twenty minutes and there is already an accumulated progress in meditation, in our life-situation – skillfulness in meditation improves the conditions and brings about a better state of body and mind; and how does this corresponds, how does this relates to everything that has been said so far? – this is the question we'd like to clarify in order to bring this morning's talk to a close. Let us admit: this claim is true, it is clear that there is progress in meditation over time – there are aspects of meditation that are gradually acquired; as we sit silently or walk slowly in meditation, as we live mindfully, body and mind are gradually getting better, as well as our relationships – breath by breath, day by day, it is an acquired progress. Some are acquired by the hour – each hour we practice meditation we accumulate skillfulness, we accumulate concentration, accumulate energy; that is why after we have meditated for two hours or twenty-four hours or a twenty-one day retreat we come out differently, we are changed; there is an accumulated progress – we have advanced according to the amount of time we've put in. Thus, even people who are relatively new to a life of meditation, if they are diligent in their practice, if they dedicate time each day to their meditation, they will advance rapidly and experience the fruits of applying themselves this way. Another type of accumulation in meditation is acquired by the year, because even if we don't practice so intensively and don't sit in formal meditation so many hours, if we are studying meditation for an extended period of time, if we are on a spiritual path, if we are engaged in inner work over several years, there is a certain kind of maturity that grows in us, a "spiritual sensibility"; and it is different from the energy and skillfulness just mentioned – it is a more stable and knowing way of being, and it grows as a result of our immersion in this way of meditation. This way, as we grow in emotional and mental stability, we acquire knowledge of the path, and eventually we are also able to share that knowledge with others – we become teachers, as we know what to do, when to do and how to do. These are aspects of growth in meditation, progress in meditation over time – these are the effects of meditation on body and mind and our relationships, the effects of meditation on life over time. These changes are gradually acquired by the hour or by the year, and they occur whether we are being meditation, simply being present in open awareness, or doing meditation, which means we are practicing a method of meditation, using skillful means to approach an end-result, trying to cultivate "spiritual qualities" – living intentionally to realize our aspiration. Doing meditation is not a way to now, as we've said, but still it has its rewards – living this way, in the realm of this meditation, there's progress over time; and that's why we can say we are "doing time" – there are consequences to anything we are doing, and time is the distance traveled from cause to effect, time is the evolution and the summation of our deeds – doing time, we are accumulating time's changes. These changes happen, they are a fact with which many of us are familiar, but the essential question of meditation is how we relate to this fact – what is our attitude to life's changes, for better or worse, how do we approach time and its manifestations? Even though we may live many years in meditation or devote many hours each day to meditation, and even though we may accumulate wholesome growth in meditation, still – the quality of our life is the quality of our presence in this present moment, each moment anew; and that's why our question today is this: we are doing time, this is true, but together with that – are we open to the possibility of being now? Being now is the heart of our life in meditation, and it includes the realm of doing time – this is the non-dual approach to life and meditation. The way of time is life in the realm of Samsara, Self and suffering, where we are caught and lost in a world of thought, with no way out. In Samsara we are driven by reactivity and negativity, and resistance to life – resistance to the fact of what-is; which means living in fear and frustration, discontent and self-contradiction, wanting and trying to not-be here and now as we are. This way we are striving and fighting, from within and without, or slipping into not-caring, boredom and neglect; and all this time never daring to face, never able to openly meet the challenge of simply being now. This way also includes our progress in time, our meditative advancements and spiritual and material acquisitions, our accomplishments and success – Samsara is not only thorns, Samsara does have flowers as well! – if we are skillful we may prosper and grow, over time we are changing and accumulating these changes, the consequences of our actions; but no matter how far we've gone and how much we've grown in meditation, these are just superficial adjustments of our life-situation, ripples on still water, and they change nothing essential in our life, in the way we act and react – in the realm of time we are forever limited by our Self-view, and all our self-improvements do not fundamentally change the quality of our life in the present moment – they cannot effect a radical change of heart. And so, certainly there is progress in meditation over time, but this progress does not liberate us from fear and suffering, it has nothing to do with awakening and love; for whatever we do and however we try, regardless of how "advanced" we've become, there is no escape from time and becoming – time and time again, this is our life on the wheel of becoming as it rises and falls. This is the realm of Samsara, where we are doing time – this is our life as we are drowning in story-time, living in shadows and dreams, bound by opinions, prejudices and conclusions, chained by beliefs and ideas to a center of Self-importance; living within a web of conditioning, we are going around in circles, eternally repeating ourselves, repeating the same life-situations – time after time we are repeating our patterns of thinking and feeling, saying and doing – we are doing time's story-lines, we are realizing our Self's story on life's stage, in our relationships, in body and mind, as our drama oscillates between peaks of excitement and glory to an abyss of loneliness and despair; and the only constant is this: the show must go on … – this is the routine of Samsara, the way of time, with no escape and no way out. And yet, there is a way – the Way In, the way of now, which is a way of being – being now beyond time; and as this way is the response to the challenge of Samsara, we may be tempted to call it "Nirvana" ... but it's better to be careful with this notion, as it's still within the realm of doing time. The idea of "Nirvana" as an ultimate attainment is nothing but a projection and a reflection, an extension of Samsara; it's an idealized state out-of-this-world, "life" according to our liking, with no disturbance or challenge – it's an imagined and wished-for place where there is no Self, no anger and craving, no thought and no feeling … where there is no place for us, ordinary human beings, where there is no place for simply being as we are in the heart of our actual human condition. Therefore, there is a way, but it's way beyond our ideas, beyond any known path and aim – right now, right at the heart of Samsara, there is a way of discovering what-is and awakening from the dream of time. The attentive response to the challenge of time is being now – only it is not an idea, but a simple presence beyond time; presence that also includes awareness with the story of time. Being now is life in the realm of presence: being now as we are is being present with our doings in time, doing whatever we do as we are attentive to life within us and around us, attentive to life in ourselves and in others as well – being now is reverence for life; life that includes doing time. Being now is doing time in an embrace of love, doing time in the light of living joy, doing time in peace and with gratitude – being now is living in beauty, being free to love what-is, as it is; being now as we are doing time, this is acknowledging our human nature, and thus, when we're neither resisting nor reacting, we are free to be here and now, fully present and truly alive – wholeheartedly doing time and being now – doing time while being now, this is the non-dual approach to life and meditation. Now is the essence, the heart of life and meditation – and yet, we live in time with its Self-centered stories; and although there's no causal relation between now and time, there's no way to now through time, still, there's no contradiction: now and time are two aspects of our life in the human condition. And so, present-moment meditation, which is a way of being now beyond time, beyond our doings and their consequences, does not contradict these aspects of meditation that progress and grow in time – it doesn't contradict the meditation that is a movement in time, the acquired accumulated aspects of meditation; it is, however, a whole different dimension or realm, a whole different approach. In meditation as accumulation we develop knowledge of the path, but present-moment meditation is the attentive approach in the now, and it can offer us the gift of being at ease with what-is, being at ease with not knowing – being now offers us the freedom of not knowing, the freedom to be with what-is beyond knowing, beyond any mental conceptualization. It is a way of being beyond our ideas, beyond our notions – our ideas and notions, as our stories, always come after the fact; as smoke follows the flame, as an echo follows sound, the fact is a light that shines brightly and knowing is only its shadow – the fact is, and being now is being free to meet the fact anew, beyond the veil of story-time. Being now offers us the gifts of freshness and vitality, openness and creativity; and these are not the result of accumulation – they are newly discovered in each moment of presence in the present moment. We can be practitioners of twenty years or two generations, it doesn't matter – one moment of drowning in the story, one moment of getting fooled by the drama of our accomplishments and failures, and there we go again, we have lost our way, we are lost in the way of time; and one moment of awakened presence, with each step into now, and here we are, simply being, seeing beauty wherever we are. We can have very detailed knowledge of the path, we can acquire a lot of skill in meditation, we may have had many spiritual experiences, yet what determines our freshness, our vitality and creativity, our joy of inquiry and discovery, our living joy, the quality of our life in this present moment, is our attentive being in the now – this is love. All of these qualities of meditation have nothing to do with the process of Self, nothing to do with a progress over time, but with one thing alone: our attitude to what is now, our approach to the way things are; and that is why the key, the heart of present-moment meditation, is the way we relate to what is now – it is a way of being with what-is, this is what-is meditation. Being now is meditation that involve no skill, as it doesn't rely on using means – it is immediate and direct; and when we discover in ourselves this readiness, this willingness to be now, this openness to life as it is in this very present moment, as we are sitting and breathing and listening, it is a presence that involves no movement in time … and therefore it is something we cannot hold on to – we need to find and re-find it, again and again, and in an instant let go, let it be, allow it to pass so that the next moment of now has the place to appear and come alive; once we discover it we cannot keep it in the cupboard, we cannot write our name on it and put it on the shelf – it does not last. Everything we buy nowadays has an expiration date written on it, but the expiration date of now is an instant that's immediately gone; the expiration date of living joy and true love does not last beyond this present moment, this instant of now – it's here, and it's gone … and so we have to discover and rediscover it each moment anew – we have to renew ourselves to be able to meet life anew, to awaken anew to now. This is why we've said that the way of now is not a way – it is an attitude, an approach – there is no way now; and that's why we need to rediscover this freshness, this vitality, each moment anew – this is the way of being truly alive. Again and again, meditation is an openness to now – it is the freedom to love what-is; and this is the challenge of now: it is simple, and yet it is not easy to love what is now. We'd rather love some other time, some other person, if we could only shape it the way we'd like it to be … but it does not work this way; true love is only now – love is non-reactivity to what is now, non-resistance, love is reverence for life, it is the attentive attitude in the present moment. Let us re-present now, in different wording, the question that has been presented before: what do we truly want – are we interested in love, or in an idea of "love"? Are we free to love life as it is in this present moment? Are we interested in loving what is now – loving ourselves as we are, loving whomever we meet as they are? – this is the only real love. Love is not choice and preference, discriminating likes and dislikes – love is choiceless openness to now; and any other "love" is a projected wishful thinking away from what-is now, a fantasy that has no validity – thought has no jurisdiction over life. And so, this is the question of now – the only essential question is regarding our attitude to now, each moment anew: are we attentive to the reality of life as it is in this present moment? – and if we are not, this is an imposition of our will and a projection of imagery, and this is not love! – and if we are awake to life as it is in the now, this is love. Again, the question of life and meditation is truly simple: are we free to love now? Present-moment meditation is an invitation to look deeply at ourselves, in body and mind, to embrace what-is and to penetrate it beyond any story, and thus to be open to all that is now – this is love. The breath and the posture are also a part of what is happening in the present moment, of course, the body is here and now, everything is included in the meditation; but can we also look at our ideas and notions? Is it possible to be aware of the thought as thought, be present with the story as story – be present beyond time, and yet, be aware of the story of time, the story that we are telling ourselves throughout our life, the story of the Self? Now we are here, as we are – this is the fact of what-is – here and now, such is life; and when we face and meet what is now – being now as time unfolds in body and mind, being attentive to life which includes the story of time – being now, and what more do we need in order to live in peace and joy, to be free to love, to be truly alive? Being meditation, simply being present in open awareness – simply being, with neither resistance nor reactivity – this is the way; and in this way we are free to love ourselves, to love life, to love now – this is the freedom, this is the gift, the offering of present-moment meditation.
He says that is “not for me, not for our country or our government to determine”. He also says “the way Egypt looks and operates must change”. He even has a shopping list of what “must happen". Negotiations with the political opposition. Free and fair elections. More freedoms. More openness. Changes in the constitution. But he was not going to talk about the central demand of the demonstrators. Nevertheless, the buzz in Washington is that the Obama administration is working behind the scenes to ensure Mr Mubarak goes and the army takes charge until there can be new elections. One source thinks it has got down to the detail of where Mr Mubarak goes, how much money he takes with him and whether he is immune from prosecution. This may all be diplomatic gossip and wishful think tanking but it is a near unanimous view. The relationship between the United States and the Egyptian army is strong and could be critical. One well-placed source has told the BBC that lines are buzzing between Washington and Cairo, with talk of the new vice-president and intelligence chief Omar Suleiman organising the transition. "$1.7bn in aid buys you the capacity to have that conversation," says the source. In fact all but a measly $400m of that aid goes to the Egyptian military. There are other ties that bind. Every year for the past 30 years, the Egyptian and US armies have held joint manoeuvres, Operation Bright Star , which have grown in importance and most recently also included Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait, Greece, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, France and Pakistan. Just in the past month, one American company has won a $20m contract to provide Egypt with "ground surveillance hardware", another a $7m deal to provide the Egyptian engineering corps with vehicles. Omar Suleiman has long been the main contact for the CIA in the Middle East, its favourite anti-Jihadist guru. A few days ago, the Egyptian chief of staff was an honoured guest at the Pentagon. I would love to have been a fly on the wall. Shortly after President Barack Obama called for the repression and violence to stop, the Egyptian army appeared on the streets. The police disappeared. The repression and violence stopped. Is this causality or coincidence ? A former senior US state department Egypt expert, Graeme Bannerman, who has subsequently worked as a consultant for the Egyptian government and is now with the Middle East Institute, is not sure it works like that. He told me that the Egyptian army thinks the police are badly trained and brutal, and that the army has "sympathy for the protesters, they don't want chaos, but see themselves as protectors of the Egyptian people and will do whatever they believe is best for their country". He thinks that American influence is more subtle than hasty conversations, and is more about 30 years of training the officers of a professional army that has a sense of responsibility and a distaste for the idea of firing on its own population. He agrees that Mr Mubarak's fate has been decided, but those who remain don't want it to seem they have been pushed around by the demonstrators so the "million man march" expected on Tuesday will be critical. "For the last three days, things have been moving in the right direction, but tomorrow is scary. The progress can be upset if there is violence. If things get out of control the army may act differently because chaos is not acceptable," Mr Bannerman says. But his sense is that a huge, calm, demonstration under the watchful eye of the army will be another turning point. The Obama administration is edging towards accepting, if not openly endorsing, an end to Mubarak's rule. "We want to see an orderly transition so that no-one fills a void, that there not be a void, that there be a well thought out plan that will bring about a democratic participatory government," said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She took the highly unusual step of offering herself for all the Sunday morning TV interview shows, which are eagerly watched by Washington policy makers and pundits. Mrs Clinton was repeatedly asked to back, or oppose Mubarak. She side-stepped every opportunity to do either. The strong impression is that the administration would like him to go and for a new moderate partner to emerge. But they don't want chaos and a power vacuum. Perhaps above all they don't want to give the impression that they are up to their elbows in engineering a change. They are not denying that the wheels of change are revolving but they want to slow the speed of that revolution. The secretary of state said the question for those on the street was "how we get from where we are to where they want to be", that it would "take time, it's unlikely to be done overnight without grave consequences". She pointed out there were presidential elections scheduled for September and that they had to be "free and fair and credible" in order that there could be "a peaceful orderly transition to democracy". My impression is that the Obama administration is working for the change they want through the Egyptian army. After all they give them $1.3bn a year. Mrs Clinton went out of her way to stress the army was well respected, was now instrumental in keeping order without attacking protesters and had a delicate line to walk - and Washington was "encouraging a very careful response". Some will regard this as Obama pussyfooting. It also reflects the very real difficulty of being a leader of the world whose self-set mission is to restore the USA's global reputation, who doesn't want to look like he's throwing his weight around, yet wants to be on the right side of history without damaging America's national interest. It is a difficult cocktail to mix. Supporters of George W Bush argue he got it right, by strongly backing the democracy movement, and Obama has got it tragically wrong, by being less idealistic and wrong headedly pragmatic. This isn't the view of several Republican candidates. John Bolton argues this is an opportunity for the Muslim Brotherhood to take over, and that they may be behind the demonstrations. Others are even stronger, and less nuanced, and urge the president to back Mubarak. They are taking a gamble. If chaos ensues they may be hailed as clear-sighted. But if there is a peaceful transition to a friendly regime they will have crushed any foreign policy credentials they have. But the momentum is not with the opposition here, but on the streets of Egypt. They may not give President Obama the time and space he wants for orderly change, but lines between the Pentagon and military HQ in Egypt will be buzzing with advice. "There are certain core values that we believe in as Americans that we believe are universal: freedom of speech, freedom of expression, people being able to use any social networking or any other mechanisms to communicate with each other and express their concerns. That is no less true in the Arab world than it is here in the US," the president said. But he faces a dilemma - one other presidents have faced in South America, Asia and indeed the Arab world. Which are more important: timeless principles or reliable allies? Egypt is important for the US. It is the guardian of the still critical Suez Canal and is the most populous country in the region. It was the first country in that part of the globe to make peace with Israel and, from the perspective of US policy makers, a force for moderation and reason. It gets $1.5bn (£942m) in aid from the US, just behind Israel, Pakistan and Afghanistan. When Mr Obama wanted to send a message about a new beginning with the Muslim world, he chose to make his speech in Cairo. There are those who think the administration's reaction to the street demonstrations is muddled, flimsy and uncertain. No doubt there is still a lot of internal debate. But there is a response emerging, even if it is characterized by trepidation and wishful thinking. While Mr Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs has said that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is a close and important partner, he has also said that President Obama has continually pressed for "political discourse". Over at the US State Department, spokesman PJ Crowley said: "Reform is needed, no question about it". But what was really interesting was the analysis that followed. "There's a regional dynamic... across the region from the Middle East to North Africa, countries do face similar demographic challenges - young populations, highly educated, very motivated, looking for jobs, looking for opportunities and quite honestly frustrated by, depending on the country, what they see as a lack of opportunity," Mr Crowley added. So the State Department at least believes a wind of change is blowing through the top of Africa, and they don't want to be on the wrong side of history or indeed the wrong side of new rulers, who might turn out to be good friends if handled correctly. Clearly they are not going to be rude to an old ally, but nor are they going to place all their bets on the reforming instincts of an 83-year-old man, one who has resisted change for three decades. But that brings us back to one of America's oldest problems. From the founding fathers onwards, there have always been Americans who hope their country's example would inspire others around the world to kick out tyrants and dictators and embrace democracy. And there have long been other Americans who think democracy is fine and dandy if it wasn't for pesky foreign voters going and choosing the wrong sort of people, who may not have the best interests of US policy makers in mind. It used to be the communists they worried about, now it's the Islamists. The Center for American Security's Robert Kaplan pushes the case for realpolitik, explaining that "in terms of American interests and regional peace, there is plenty of peril in democracy". "It was not democrats, but Arab autocrats, Anwar Sadat of Egypt and King Hussein of Jordan, who made peace with Israel. An autocrat firmly in charge can make concessions more easily than can a weak, elected leader. Just witness the fragility of Mahmoud Abbas's West Bank government. And it was democracy that brought the extremists of Hamas to power in Gaza," Mr Kaplan said. After all, in Egypt, the best organised, biggest opposition movement is - despite being banned from open political activity - the Muslim Brotherhood. Some say they would easily win any free election in Egypt and they wouldn't exactly be the cosiest partner for Mr Obama and the US. The National Review's summary may be close to the administration's view, if expressed in the rather more blunt language. Mubarak is supposed to be "our SOB", but in distorting Egypt's political landscape to make the choice him or the Islamists, he's just been an SOB. We should want him to exit the scene - but not quite yet. Obama, on this occasion, may wish not so much for change we can believe in but change he can live with. As I begin to write, the power miraculously comes back on. Outside all is still. The usual commuter bustle into Washington isn't happening. The scene is of a snow-covered battlefield where trees are the fallen. Oh dear, the power has just gone off again. Last year it was "snowmageddon". This year it is the "thundersnow". From the office window we shivered as we looked out on thick flurries of the stuff falling from a bruised sky. Thundersnow, the meteorologists' term, was about to turn a routine commute home into something from a disaster movie. I accepted the kind offer of a lift from my bureau chief Simon Wilson, despite dire warnings from colleagues that the city was gridlocked. I usually take the metro and a bus for my short commute to the suburbs but wasn't sure public transport was up to thunder snow. The reports on the radio had disgruntled reporters stuck in tunnels, Pentagon correspondents, trapped on the "Beltway", phoning in to tell the world, or at least Washington, that they hadn't touched their accelerators for over an hour. So we found consolation in movement, however slow. Our snail-like progression was at least progress. Like a herd of exhausted animals, the cars and trucks and buses struggled through the growing blizzard, leaving the stragglers and the wounded to their fate. Cars with wheels frantically spinning. Buses grinding gear. Heavy taxis slip-sliding sideways. Simon remarked with sad satisfaction: "They don't know how to drive in snow." Simon, I am glad to say, does know how to drive in snow. A veteran of alpine driving and a graduate of a BBC four-wheel driving course we didn't spin or skid once on our marathon trek in his little two-wheel drive. The herd made its compassionless way past the less fortunate, edging around abandoned cars. At least we saw none of the crazy driving on pavements and blocking of intersections reported by the stoic but excited radio presenters. On Connecticut Avenue it got worse. Thundersnow is really "Blitz-Schnee", lightning snow. You couldn't hear the thunder. But you could see the lightning and the white world it illuminated. Suddenly the sky lights up in blue, like the flash of a gigantic camera, like some weird new weapon and for a few seconds the radio dies, phones cut out, the lights vanish. A huge electromagnetic pulse takes out everything, like the beginning of a new type of war. Clumps of snow are banging on the roof now, like giant snowballs hurled from above. They are falling from overladen trees, which themselves look threatening. Buses are littered across the road at right-angles. One slides into the gutter and sways dangerously, leaning to one side. I am convinced that it is going to fall over, but it lurches almost upright and inches forward. More and more cars are abandoned. Two intrepid fellows on skis whizz past us. This so-familiar road is almost unrecognisable and all the more threatening for being a shade of something known. I wouldn't be too surprised if a couple of zombies staggered past. We eventually take a side road. I would be gibbering and taking my chances with the skiers with many drivers but I trust steady Simon in the snow. It is breathtakingly beautiful. The branches of trees are so heavy with snow that they droop at unnatural but wonderful angles. It is a magic world, Narnia under the Snow Queen. But there are increasing signs that the dryads have been engaged in battle. Their limbs scatter the road. Not the odd twig or branch. Thick long sides of trees have been ripped off and hurled to the ground. We grimace. A car wouldn't stand much of a chance. Eventually we make it back, a 25-minute journey to the suburbs that has stretched into four hours. Our emergency supplies, one packet of BBQ crisps, one packet of apple cinnamon crisps, two small bottles of water, have been consumed. Within five minutes of walking through the door there is a lightning pulse, a noise like machinery hurting and the power goes off. Simon makes the half a mile trip back to his house, but not without jumping into the cab of a stranded florists' van and using his snow-driving skills to negotiate it to the side of the road. Out of my window I can see a tree crashed on to the roof of my neighbour's garage, his car hemmed in by fallen branches. Two very tall pines, weighed by snow, lean in towards one another like mantis about to fight. I have four hours, two minutes of battery power left on the laptop and a 3G card. You may hear from me later about the debt. If not, I will be digging out the drive in splendid electronic isolation. President Obama spoke to a unique audience, Republicans and Democrats sitting side by side. This was a first, a deliberate symbol of unity after the shooting of their colleague Gabby Giffords and the murder of six people in Arizona. It was as strange as it would be to see Labour and Conservative MPs sit side by side in the House of Commons. But the president hardly grasped the moment. He of course referred to it. He said: "What comes of this moment will be determined not by whether we can sit together tonight, but whether we can work together tomorrow." But he did not dwell on it. He did not have much to say about the shooting. The call to work together was there, but he didn't harp on about it. There were examples in the speech of areas where compromise might be found (on a good day with a fair wind). Tax reform. Illegal immigration. Of course the five year freeze in spending. But these themes were not pulled together into anything remotely resembling an agenda. Most commentators see this speech as a move to the centre which leaves him well positioned with the electorate. Maybe they are right. But what struck me was how defiant it was, how much it was a defence of Obama's central political beliefs. He has apparently been reading Reagan's speeches and attempted something approaching sunny optimism. But he seemed keen to move on to a lecture on the challenges posed by technology and globalisation. Some on twitter have compared it to the book "The world is flat". He choose as his motif America's new "Sputnik moment". The first was when the USA was jolted and jarred by the Soviet Union's success in becoming the first nation to put a satellite in orbit around the Earth. But America went on to land on the moon and win the space race. Some will read Obama's message as simple as some of his best lines: "We do big things" or "the future is ours to win". A vision of an America that can and will pull itself up and score another great victory. That may be how some hear it, and it will appeal to an American sense of mission, optimism and will to win. But the behind these ever popular themes was a staunch defence of Obama's economic principles. He was saying the space race was won because of government investment in education, innovation and research. He went on to talk about investment in crumbling roads. High speed rail. Bio tech. In other words the sort of spending the Republicans want to trim. Oh yes, he proposed cutting red tape, slimming down government and so on, but he also had a warning. At that the Republican speaker John Boehner, sitting behind him, managed to puff a little air from his lips. Not a laugh exactly, more a representation of one. The State of the Union tends to be seen as an important speech, but in some ways it is a diary date, rarely a turning point. It was a little flat, and certainly didn't soar in the way his speech at the memorial service in Tucson did. Perhaps it never could, or should. I don't yet know whether it will receive the near universal praise from American pundits that that speech did, but I rather doubt it. What was striking, despite the calls for unity, despite the mild almost academic language was the sheer defiance of the speech in terms of the central question of Government spending. Obama did not so much reach out to find hands across the aisle as throw down a gauntlet. The tone of the President Barack Obama's State of the Union address will be framed by an absence, an empty seat, a politician who can't be in the House of Representatives chamber to hear him. The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has brought Democrats and Republicans closer together, underlining what unites them rather than divides them. And it just so happens that this mood is immensely helpful to the president. In his speech he will do all he can to reinforce a sense of a new era of common goals. The first lady's special guests will be victims and heroes of the shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Daniel Hernandez, the intern who helped the congresswoman when she was shot, will be there. So will the family of the youngest victim, nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green. Some politicians will do their bit. The lambs are inviting the lions to sheath their claws for the night and lie down beside them. Or at least sit down next to them. Some Democratic and Republican politicians will sit side by side instead of, as usual, divided by an aisle. The Republican who interrupted the president last year by calling out "you lie" will join in this display of bipartisanship. Others grumpily refuse. After all, the symbolic gesture is highly political. It is in the Democratic lambs' interest if the Republican lions make nice. They don't want the new masters of the House to savage their programmes. The president is likely to summon the power of the American Dream in his state of the union address. The "American Dream" classically refers to the ability of every American to make it, what ever their background. But a powerful part of the dream is also the vision of a country where all Americans pull together regardless of party, where politicians rise above faction for the common good. Mr Obama evoked it to huge effect in his election campaign and it is something he is now trying to recapture. State of the union speeches are rarely momentous. But they are opportunities. Last year 48 million people watched Mr Obama's address. After 2010, his year of constant shellacking, things might be turning around for the man who fell to earth. His approval rating is the highest since last February and some opinion polls have him back above 50% with the help of all-important independent voters. People put aside game-playing and broad bipartisan majorities made progress on behalf of the American people. I think the American people saw two groups sitting down at a big table and figuring out how to solve our problems. And I think because of that, people have reacted positively to the progress that has been made. Part of the tone of the speech, is of course set by its content. I am torn as to whether there will be a glancing reference to gun control, a promise perhaps of a "Christina's law" controlling the sort of magazines containing 30 bullets that were used by the accused Tucson killer. My gut instinct says he will, but it sets my alarm bells ringing very loudly. He will want to avoid starting an immediate partisan debate as the story of the night. The focus will be on jobs. If common sense didn't tell us that, a sneak preview does. He'll talk, but probably not in detail, about the importance of innovation, competitiveness and education to the American economy. There will be more than a nod to Republican concerns about "leaner and smarter government" and dealing with the deficit and debt. It is hard to see how Mr Obama can avoid a bitter, bare-knuckle fight further down the road. "Competiveness and education" sound innocuous enough, but they mean more government spending. "Dealing with the deficit" may have everyone nodding their heads, but Mr Obama doesn't want to deal with it as quickly and severely as the Republicans who control the house. What he can do with the State of the Union is condition the debate, claim the mantle of reasonableness and consensus. I have been saying for sometime now that this year will end in a blame game. Who threatened the recovery? Who stopped progress from "Middle Class families ?" Mr Obama stands alone at the podium and doesn't get the chance to buddy up with a Republican colleague. But he will do all he can to wrap his arms around the lot of them, and show he's willing to sit down and do business. It wasn't the usual sort of memorial service. It wasn't, for a start, very solemn. Music of all sorts, from choral to soul, built up towards the speeches. It followed pretty much the pattern of every other Obama rally I have been to. The audience whooped and hollered during the speech. But there was no doubt they were local people, and I presume this was a sort of cathartic release after days of horrible tension. The biggest cheer was when the president revealed that Gabby Giffords had opened her eyes. He brought them good news and he tried to bring them hope. He portrayed those who died as archetypes in a tableau: the mum, grandma, brother and child of an American family, who should inspire every American that they can be better in their private and public life. His tribute to the nine-year-old who died was heart-rending. But his message was broader than that of a young life cut brutally short. Here was a young girl who was just becoming aware of our democracy; just beginning to understand the obligations of citizenship; just starting to glimpse the fact that someday she too might play a part in shaping her nation's future. She had been elected to her student council; she saw public service as something exciting, something hopeful. She was off to meet her congresswoman, someone she was sure was good and important and might be a role model. She saw all this through the eyes of a child, undimmed by the cynicism or vitriol that we adults all too often just take for granted." The US TV networks call this part of the president's job - a sort of "healer-in-chief". But here Mr Obama attempted to go well beyond binding the wounds, to deal with what he sees as a more profound sickness. But it is the right that has been revitalised by the Tea Party movement and its sometimes harsh language. "At a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do - it's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds." He is trying to brand his opponents' most successful rhetoric a moral failure. "We should be willing to challenge old assumptions in order to lessen the prospects of violence in the future," the president said. He did not mention gun control or new legislation. But it is hard to see what else he meant. Nor is the call to unite a bland apolitical cliche. With the Republicans in control of part of congress he is in a tricky position. Getting them to agree to anything will be enormously difficult and is likely to alarm his own side. In talking about working together, and rising above the "usual plane of politics" the president is suggesting that necessity is a virtue. Tucson The queue outside the sports stadium is already long, winding around the block. People sit on the pavement in the sunshine, hours before President Barack Obama has even left Washington. He's coming to the "Together we thrive" memorial event for the victims of Saturday's deadly shooting here. But what do they want from their president? Above all, they tell me, they want unity, a sense of bringing the country together. Most say the shooting was not motivated by politics, but most want the rhetoric turned down a notch. A few think he should lead this debate, but the majority of those I talk think now is not the time. The leader of the local Tea Party movement, Trent Humphries, tells me that he may not agree with the president on a lot of things but Mr Obama is a great orator, an icon, and he can bring the country together. He doesn't think he will go near the debate on the tone of politics. But Sarah Palin has. In a video, she condemns violence and the attack but also castigates those who would blame her rhetoric for creating a political climate where such things can happen. She quotes former President Ronald Reagan, indicating that society is not to blame for crimes, only the criminal is. She suggests that strong language is not new in American politics, pointing out that in the time of the founding fathers, opponents settled their differences by duelling. She doesn't mention that the death in a duel of Alexander Hamilton at the hands of the then Vice-President Aaron Burr in 1804 brought the practice to an end and did for a time appear to change the nature of debate. No-one should be deterred from speaking up and speaking out in peaceful dissent, and we certainly must not be deterred by those who embrace evil and call it good. And we will not be stopped from celebrating the greatness of our country and our foundational freedoms by those who mock its greatness by being intolerant of differing opinion and seeking to muzzle dissent with shrill cries of imagined insults. ...Especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible. Her use of the term "blood libel" has already raised some hackles. It is a term used to describe the anti-Semitic slur of the middle ages that Jews ritualistically murdered Christian babies. While the Anti-Defamation League wished she had not used the term their comments are not harsh and they also condemn the attacks on her. The video tells us a great deal about Ms Palin. Even when attempting to make a statement about healing she cannot help but attack. Her pithy direct language and anger is her greatest strength. But she finds it hard to sound more than one note. The worry over the term "blood libel" is entirely predictable. Her use of it is either naïve, in that she did not understand the meaning and resonances, or it is a sign she simply doesn't care and wants controversy. The remarks about dueling are also difficult to interpret. But over all, she has made a prompt statement that does weave together notions of unity and strength with a very firm rejection of any sense of blame. There is no sense of second thoughts or self doubt and she clearly believes the best form of defence is attack. The self-described pit bull in lipstick will not be muzzled. President Barack Obama will travel to Tucson for a memorial service on Wednesday. It will be an important moment in his presidency, and his words will be under scrutiny. Few could criticise him so far for his reaction to the shooting. He stood alongside the First Lady on the White House lawn and led the nation in a minute's silence for those killed and wounded in Arizona. He can't afford to be accused of exploiting the tragedy for political gain and speaking afterwards instead attempted to be inspirational. He said those in the crowd at the scene showed heroism: "Part of what I think that speaks to is the best of America, even in the face of such mindless violence." He continued: "But I think it's going to be important, I think, for the country as a whole, as well as the people of Arizona, to feel as if we are speaking directly to our sense of loss, but also speaking to our hopes for the future and how out of this tragedy we can come together as a stronger nation." Of course, whatever the president does is political, and remaining above the political fray and not entering the national debate about the role of harsh language in politics, is in itself a piece of positioning. He, as president, wants to been seen as a healer, and to recapture something he has lost since his election: the mantle of someone who can unify rather than divide. His secretary of state was rather more bold. Talking to an audience in the United Arab Emirates, Hillary Clinton responded to a question about why all Arabs were blamed for 9/11 by saying that all countries had extremists and that a congresswoman in America had been shot by "an extremist". It is increasingly clear that the man in custody accused of the killings was obsessed by the connection between grammar and government and had a grudge against the congresswoman for not answering to his satisfaction a question about this relationship. While he mentions (in a YouTube video) the gold standard, the constitution, and a treasonous government, most of his concerns seem more to do with the odd writings of David Wynn Miller than the Tea Party. Miller's writings are very anti-government but are based on weird theories on the place of linguistics in law and are almost impenetrable rather than inflammatory. He's been quoted as saying he condemns the attack and all violence. Still, the genie is out of the bottle. Many don't like it, and indeed many who post here think we shouldn't be talking about it. But there is a debate going on about the role of harsh language in politics. It is a debate that was waiting to happen. The right's response is obvious on the internet, hesitant or absent at a senior national level, apart from House Speaker John Boehner, who said an attack on one who serves was an attack on all. Many blogs and tweets, like those of the Fox star Glenn Beck, accuse liberals of "sad, transparent" attempts to "play politics". Constitutionally, or perhaps contractually, unable to avoid apocalyptic language he said that those with fame and fortune were in danger, he was in danger, you were in danger and things could go awry, America could end up like Israelis and Palestinians. But he didn't want that to happen and asked people to sign a pledge against violence... and against blaming others for the acts of madmen... and said those who believed in "peace and love will stand". By contrast Trent Humphries, from the Tucson Tea Party, just seemed really sad and weary when I spoke to him. He told me that anyone who knew his group wouldn't blame them for creating a climate of hatred, and none of the local media had. "I would advise the national and international media to back off and let us heal, and get to grips with what happened in our neighbourhood," he said. He said he had received abusive e-mails and that the local sheriffs had been in "to make sure we will be safe - there are messages in my inbox like 'we wish it was your family' and 'you have blood on your hands'". But we have yet to hear from those who may aspire to lead the Republican Party. Mitt Romney is in Afghanistan. Sarah Palin has expressed sympathy but has otherwise not commented. As far as I know, none of the others on my long list has said anything. They may not want to enter the debate. They may choose not to say anything directly. But when they next open their mouths they will be part of the debate, by the very tone they adopt. This week, Republicans in the House of Representatives planned a vote to repeal President Barack Obama's healthcare legislation - the law that first caused the Tea Party movement to erupt on to the national scene in a series of furious encounters with politicians who supported the changes. Now, the vote won't happen. Not this week. The US is no stranger to mass killings, but the shootings in Tucson have prompted a national pause. Instead of trying to repeal healthcare laws, a solemn reflective House will pay tribute to Gabby Giffords, and others hurt or killed in the shootings. It is too late for this crime to be dismissed as the meaningless act of a madman. It may turn out there was no political motive at all. But the killings have already acquired a meaning. A mood of anxiety about political tone that has existed for months has begun to harden into something more tangible, something that could be a game changer, provoking national soul searching. After the Oklahoma bombing in 1995, when a right-wing extremist killed 168 people by blowing up a federal building, Bill Clinton used the moment to link the attack with the Republicans' anti-government rhetoric of the time. It worked. Mr Obama may not go that far, but he will stand in silent tribute on the White House lawn later. In a year when he is trying to recapture the centre ground and appear above partisan bickering, it will be a silent rebuke to a certain brand of politics. Facebook spokeswoman Randi Zuckerberg told ABC News the biggest question on the social-networking site since the shootings has been: "Is Sarah Palin to blame?" Many will say obviously not. But some liberals accuse the Tea Party movement of creating a climate of hatred where opponents are seen not as wrongheaded, but as treasonous enemies of America. Ms Palin bears the brunt of the criticism, partly because of the strength of her language, and partly because her website did carry pictures of what looked like crosshairs of a rifle targeting political constituencies in the US, including that of Gabby Giffords. Ms Palin's aides rather lamely claimed the illustrations were meant to represent surveyors' symbols, leading to one blogger talking about that well-known song: "I surveyed the sheriff." And it is Ms Palin who uses the slogan: "Don't retreat, reload." On the internet, the right has reacted with fury to these accusations. One website writes: "Despite the fact that Jared Lee Loughner was a psychotic loner with 'left-wing' beliefs according to those who knew him, the establishment has hastily exploited yesterday's tragic shooting in Tucson to demonise conservatives, libertarians and gun owners." But whatever the bloggers get up to, this week no national figure will indulge in harsh rhetoric, and there will be, for a while, a change in tone. That is difficult for Ms Palin and her ambitions. As a self-described pit-bull with lipstick, her appeal is in her ferocious attack. But it is hard to believe she will ever again talk of reloading or even targeting opponents. Her trademark bite and bark may ill fit a newly chastened public mood. It may make her less appealing to Republicans, who are already worried that she can't appeal to the centre. Or this moment of concern may pass quickly and it will be back to business as normal before the month is out. Still, I will be listening to her tone very carefully when she makes her next public speech. This week, Republicans in the House of Representatives planned a vote to repeal President Barack Obama's healthcare legislation - the law that first caused the Tea Party movement to erupt on to the national scene in a series of furious encounters with politicians who supported the changes. Now, the vote won't happen. Not this week. The US is no stranger to mass killings, but the shootings in Tucson have prompted a national pause. Instead of trying to repeal healthcare laws, a solemn reflective House will instead pay tribute to Gabby Giffords, and others hurt or killed in the shootings. But some liberals accuse the Tea Party movement of creating a climate of hatred where opponents are seen as not wrongheaded, but treasonous enemies of America. Ms Palin bears the brunt of the criticism, partly because of the strength of her language, and partly because her website did carry pictures of what looked like crosshairs of a rifle targeting politicians including Gabby Giffords. Ms Palin's aides rather lamely claimed the illustrations are meant to represent surveyors' symbols, leading to one blogger talking about that well-known song: "I surveyed the sheriff. " And it is Ms Palin who uses the slogan: "Don't retreat, reload." That is difficult for Ms Palin and her ambitions. As a self-described pit-bull with lipstick, her appeal is in her ferocious attack. But it is hard to believe she will ever again talk of reloading or even targeting opponents. Her trademark bite and bark may ill fit a newly chastened public mood. It may make her less appealing to Republicans, who are already worried that she can't appeal to the centre. Or this moment of concern may pass quickly and it will be back to business as normal before the month is out. Still I will be listening to her tone very carefully when she makes her next public speech. We do not, as I write, know what lies behind the shooting of a Democratic congresswoman and others in Arizona at a political meeting. If the YouTube video said to be from the man in custody for the shooting of Gabby Giffords - named by local media as Jared Loughner - really is by him, he seems very disturbed. Over soft lounge music, with the heading "My final thoughts", text appears mimicking in style formal logic, but in fact making incoherent rambling statements about sleepwalking, numerology and grammar. He writes about the US Constitution, about a currency not backed by gold, and that he can't trust the government and its treasonous laws. But the impression is of unbalanced incoherence rather than political grievance. While we don't know if the motive behind the shooting was political, it is very clear that it was immediately politicised, at least on the internet. Twitter was immediately full of accusations that the right had created a climate of hatred where this could happen. The right responded in fury. Some pointed out this wasn't based on evidence. One claimed an illegal immigrant was responsible, another that it was done by the left to harm the right. Much of the criticism was aimed at Sarah Palin. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords had been one of 20 names on a "hit list" issued by Palin, complete with graphics of a rifle-like telescopic sight. Ms Palin meant, of course, that Ms Giffords was to be targeted by voters in the mid-term elections. The congresswoman herself had warned of the danger of the site, after her office was vandalised in March. She said: "We're on Sarah Palin's 'targeted' list, but the thing is that the way she has it depicted, we're in the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they've got to realise that there are consequences to that action." Ms Palin hasn't directly commented on whether she thinks there were consequences to her actions but she did issue a statement saying: "My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today's tragic shooting in Arizona. "On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice." After the Oklahoma massacre, Bill Clinton spoke out, linking the attack by extremists to the anti-government rhetoric in Washington. I am uncertain whether it changed the nature of the debate but it was certainly judged something of a turning point for the president. It is just too soon to say if this shooting will have any lasting impact, although there will no doubt be new calls for a more moderate, less emotional discourse. But there is an irony. The rhetoric and debate that instantly sprang up around this crime show the volatile, febrile nature of American politics and those passions are unlikely to disappear overnight. Bill Daley is a banker, a lawyer, a Washington insider and a member of one of the Democrats' most powerful dynasties. He is the seventh child of Chicago's former mayor Richard Daley, who ran the city in the 1960s and 1970s, and the brother of the current mayor, also Richard Daley. Bill Daley is one of the political mentors of the man he'll be replacing, Rahm Emanuel, who is running to become Chicago's next mayor just to keep things neat and tidy. President Barack Obama's critics will focus on this point, claiming that, when in trouble, Mr Daley runs back to the old Chicago machine. But apparently he and the president don't know each other that well. One of the hold-ups in the announcement seems to have been the need to hold face-to-face sessions to make sure the two are capable of getting along. The real importance of the appointment is that Bill Daley, an executive of JP Morgan Chase, is well-liked by financiers and those in big business - and Mr Obama needs to mend fences with them. Mr Daley was also Bill Clinton's commerce secretary and an architect of Nafta (North American Free Trade Agreement) and is still disliked by many unions here. His friends contend he's an operator, and perhaps he's got the job for that reason alone. But it looks like a signal that Mr Obama is tacking to the centre - not worried about what his left wing might say. It is just chapter four, the concluding chapter that has been released of the presidential commission's report into the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Much of it is deeply technical, and it takes me at least a couple of readings to sort out my spacer fluids from my annular preventer. But the authors intentions could not be clearer. The opening is worthy of any British tabloid. A picture of the inferno, a core as bright as the sun, surrounded by scarlet flames and billows of black smoke. In bold type a headline, a quote from an email by one of the engineers involved in putting the rig in place: "Who cares ... it's done ... end of story ... will probably be fine." This is perhaps rather unfairly taken out of context. It suggests a cavalier approach to the whole job. In fact the man was talking about a specific and rather technical dispute about how many, and what type of centralisers should be used. Perhaps he's saying: "There's more than one way to skin a cat." Except of course the cat wasn't skinned. The detail is devilish, but worth following. These devices are apparently crucial to guide the concrete that should block any gaps and so stop oil and gas leaking. First they were going to use six. Then they decided they needed 15 more. Then when they arrived they weren't of the type ordered. So someone else decided to go with just six. But it turns out they might have in fact been the right sort. The report argues this, and many other examples show a rather slapdash approach - BP wasn't sitting down and thinking this through in advance (remember we are not talking about crisis management here, but the installation of the Deepwater Horizon). The report says the disaster happened not because of a series of aberrations by rogue operators but a systemic failure of management. And that means it could happen again. It is a lovely day for the swearing-in of a new Congress. The atmosphere is one of occasion, and for some, celebration. Under blue skies and bright sunshine, new congressmen and women proudly usher their guests into the Capitol. Little boys in suits and ties and women in an almost de rigueur uniform of smart black numbers bustle past a rather more casually dressed protester. The middle-aged man in a hippy type tie-dye outfit is carrying a banner demanding the repeal of healthcare reform and shrieking "14 billion freakin' dollars, man". Another man has a different slogan, another cause: "First, second, third, and you've got it, fourth priority: repeal planned parenthood." Supporters stand by carrying gruesome anti-abortion photographs and a picture of the Virgin Mary. The two different messages boil down to one thought: "We've got our eye on you." The new Republicans inside know their supporters outside have high expectations, and will be watching. Inside there is a rather more admiring and trusting audience. In a nice touch, children are allowed in to witness the triumph of their parents. Waiting for the outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi to finish her rather vacuous speech, the new man in the job, John Boehner, looked rather nervous, chewing his lip and tapping his fingers on a chair. Rather predictably, when she mentioned his family a pristine white hanky was at the ready, and he duly whipped it out to wipe his eyes. As if to show he is no softie, he has asked for a bigger gavel than usual. Brandishing the out-sized wooden mallet was perhaps a sign of how hard he intends to hammer the Democratic agenda. His speech was measured, promising he would be a caretaker overseeing an accountable and responsive government. "No longer can we kick the can down the road. People have voted to end business as usual, and today we begin carrying out their instructions," he said. Fine rhetoric for a fine day. It won't be long before we see if it satisfies the man in the tie-dye. One thing is not in doubt: there will be tears before it's over. The man who will be sworn in on Wednesday as speaker of the House, Republican John Boehner, cried when his party won in November, cried afterwards when he explained he had been at that moment thinking of his modest background, helping out in his dad's bar, and then cried again on TV when he was asked why he'd cried. Whether he'll weep again now, I cannot say, but it may be a moment when all Republicans may feel like getting out the hanky. The scale of their achievement is enormous: two years after the election of Barack Obama on a huge wave of abstract ideals like hope and change, they won the mid-term election hands down. Today they take charge of one of the most important components of American government, the House of Representatives. They have cut the Democratic majority in the Senate too. In this fluid mix comes not just tears, but tea. There will be many new faces in Congress. Fresh faces, steeped in the fiscally conservative Tea Party movement. They really are different. Many of them took not the tired old route of a little light lawyering and then a stint in the city council or state government. Here are car salesmen, pizza restaurant owners, opticians - people who've never before been politicians. They are filled with a sense of mission and mandate, a belief that they have been elected by the American people to overturn what they see as Mr Obama's socialist agenda. Their very first action? To order the reading on the House floor of the US Constitution, to them an almost sacred document aimed primarily at limiting government. Their next step? A bill to repeal what they scornfully call Obamacare - Mr Obama and the Democrats' effort to reform the US healthcare system. Eventually, of course, the main battlegrounds will be the economy, debt and deficit, taxation and the size of government. So do Democrats feel like shedding a few tears of their own in the face of their loss and the passion of the new masters? Not a bit of it. Some Democratic strategists are already salivating at what they see as an opportunity to position the president ahead of the 2012 elections. After all, they have just woken from a similar illusion, that Mr Obama's election was a whole-hearted embrace of his policies, a mandate for the left rather than a preference for him over the old bloke. Now they've got the old, old message that it is the economy, stupid. One strategist told me their failure over healthcare was in trying to sell it as a self-evident virtue - because more people would have access to care - rather than puting the economy first and appealing to people's self interest by branding it the second biggest tax cut in American history. Elections can sometimes be about choosing a brand new direction. But those voting are often choosing the lesser of two evils, or indeed not choosing by not voting. American politics is becoming not merely tidal but now sloshes from one side to the other with the alarming regularity of a bucket carried by a staggering drunkard. Every two years, the voters seem to express their disgust with Washington and whomever is in power. And this is why some Democrats are rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of being the opposition in the House. The Tea Party's near-revolutionary fervour appealed to something deep in the American soul but, as of today in the House, the Republicans are in control. The public may, in part and in time, come to blame them for the economic woes all around them. Mr Obama's game plan is to murmur constantly the mantra "jobs jobs jobs". All the while he'll attempt to look achingly responsible, striving to find compromise on behalf of the American people. The French call it "cohabitation", when the president has to work with a party of a different stripe. This, though, is a marriage of inconvenience, of opposites, where Mr Obama will attempt to appear the stoic one, working at a hellish marriage for the sake of the kids. If the Republicans spend time trying to pass a healthcare repeal that won't go anywhere (because if the Senate doesn't reject the repeal, the president will) it will be portrayed as hopelessly self-indulgent. If Tea Party purists insist on not raising America's debt limit that will be putting ideology before country. Of course, the Republicans will be also be attempting to paint Mr Obama as the one not trying hard enough to make the marriage work: the profligate parent intent on blowing what little is left of the family fortune on his undeserving favourites. The difference is that Mr Obama was sobered up by what he called his "shellacking" in the elections, while the potent Tea Party brew is still coursing through the Republicans' veins. Democrats are hoping all that tea will lead to tears. Not Mr Boehner's brought on by contemplation of the American dream, just of frustration and failure. "The Comeback kid" is an overused term in American politics, first applied to Bill Clinton, now used for any politicians who may be experiencing something of a renaissance, including Obama. But surely no-one deserves the title more than Jerry Brown who becomes California's governor today. It's his third term. His first two were between 1975 and 83. When first took office Harold Wilson was prime minister in Britain. The outgoing governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, hadn't thought about becoming the Terminator, let alone the "Governator", and was still gleaming and posing his way to the title of Mr Universe, as detailed in the film Pumping Iron. I am about halfway through a new biography of Schwarzenegger, "The Govenator" by Ian Halperin and it makes fascinating reading. The central character of most political biographies features a man or woman who has never done anything outside politics unless it is being a lawyer. I have certainly never before read so much about steroids and flexing. According to the book Schwarzenegger couldn't bear not winning, not being the best of the best. It is by no means certain he'll get that title as California's 38th governor. But what of the old new kid on the block? In his first terms of office Brown was nicknamed "Governor Moonbeam" for what one columnist considered his far out ways, including extending California's space programme. The journalist later recanted. Brown dated the singer Linda Ronstadt, and lived not in the mansion but a modest flat. Liberals at least will see Brown as well ahead of the times in his concern for gay rights, opposition to the death penalty and enthusiastic backing of green projects. Brown faces huge challenges. California, which would be eighth in world economic ranking if it was a country, faces bankruptcy. Although one conservative magazine suggested that in his first terms Brown was more of a fiscal conservative than Reagan, it will be hard to turn on friends in the unions and force deep cuts. Indeed, his economic programme seems the familiar theme (from Obama to the UK and the EU) of creating green jobs mixed with equally familiar ideas of cutting red tape and more nebulous ones of encouraging manufacturing. We'll be watching to see if Moonbeam can cut through the fog that has descended on the Golden State. In my list of potential Republican candidates I made the point that politics is nothing if not unpredictable. I said that 20 months ago John Huntsman would have been high on my list , but Obama wisely sent him to China. I may have written him off too soon.
Proposal A mixed use development comprising: up to a total of 1,746 Class C3 residential units; up to a total of 1,190 sq.m (GEA) Flexible Class A1 (shops) and/or A2 (financial and professional services) and/or A3 (restaurants and cafes) and/or A4 (drinking establishments); up to a total of 4,462 sq.m (GEA) business space for B1(a) (offices) and/or B1(b) (research and development) and/or B1(c) (light industry); up to 500 sq.m (GEA) Class D1 for a children’s nursery; up to a total of 750 sq.m (GEA) Class D2 for community space and a management facility; up to a total of 992 sq.m (GEA) for two energy centres; associated open space, hard and soft landscaping, car parking and servicing, highways and transport works and ancillary works; with all matters reserved for future approval except for access (Outline Application). In addition to the matters set out above, full details (access, appearance, landscaping, layout, scale) in relation to the first sub-phase, being Parcel 1, located to the north and east of the site for: 459 residential units; a 365 sq.m energy centre; associated open space, hard and soft landscaping, car parking and servicing, highways and transport works and ancillary works. There are 214 documents associated with this application. Major Residential Developments When considering major residential developments the Council will seek appropriate planning obligations, including, to meet any increased local demand for health, child care, education, cultural and recreational, social, youth and religious facilities and public open space in accordance with Policy SC2. Nursery Provision The Council will support the provision and expansion of nursery facilities in the Borough where suitable sites can be identified and standards of accommodation are satisfied. The following criteria should be met: (i) There is no detrimental effect on the amenities of neighbouring residents, particularly due to noise and disturbance; (ii) A proper sound insulation scheme is installed; (iii) The provision of internal and external usable space must satisfy the space standards guideline laid down by OFSTED; except in the case of nursery provision by the Local Education Authority where it must meet the Department for Education and Skills minimum space standards; (iv) The scale and intensity of use should be appropriate to the size of the building and should not adversely affect the character of the area; (v) Adequate access by public transport and car parking space for Health and Education professionals must be provided and a limited amount of car parking for staff would be desirable with high quality landscaping to minimise the effects of off-street car parking; (vi) Adequate access by public transport and space for parents and guardians to drop off/pick up children; (vii) A safe and secure internal and external environment for both children and staff must be provided. Safety & Security in the Environment The Council will require all development to be designed to provide and improve personal safety and security in the environment particularly for women, children, minority ethnic communities, lesbians and gay men, older people and people with disabilities. The design of new developments can contribute to personal safety by: i. Ensuring that paths, play areas and open spaces are overlooked by inhabited buildings, while maintaining the privacy of the inhabitants of these buildings; ii. Avoiding the creation of spaces with ill-defined ownership and ensuring there is a clear distinction between public and private space. Buildings and spaces around them should contribute towards developing public perception of the environment and their use of the spaces within it; iii. Ensuring the development is well integrated into the existing pattern of pedestrian and vehicular movement and extends links with existing public routes; iv. Ensuring that landscaping, planting and building does not create dark or secluded areas; and v. Ensuring that good quality lighting is provided for streets and paths; vi. Ensuring that community safety measures such as CCTV are provided where it is practical and appropriate. Local Views Planning permission will be given for development which would not have a seriously adverse effect on the overall perspective and essential quality of the Local Views as listed below and as identified on Map 9: a. Shooter’s Hill to Central London; b. Shrewsbury Park towards the lower Thames; c. Castlewood towards S.E. London; d. Eaglesfield Recreation Ground towards Bexley and the Lower Thames; e. Eltham Park (North) to Central London; f. Winns Common to the lower Thames; g. Thames-side panorama from the Thames Barrier open space; h. St. Mary’s Churchyard towards Mast Pond Wharf and beyond; i. Docklands panorama from the Wolfe Monument; j. Eltham Palace to Central London; k. Millennium Dome from Central Park. High Buildings Planning permission for high buildings will be granted within Woolwich Town Centre, Thamesmead Town Centre and at key locations in the Waterfront area. Planning applications for high buildings will be assessed using the following criteria: i. Proposals should be of outstanding architectural and urban design quality and act as a landmark. ii. Proposals should secure a complete and well-designed setting, including hard and soft landscaping, to facilitate interaction at street level. iii. Proposals should be set in a Borough (or wider) urban design analysis. iv. Proposals should take account of proximity to public transport facilities/interchanges. v. Proposals should take account of visual impact on: a. conservation areas; b. metropolitan open land and other open spaces, their settings and views from them; c. listed buildings and their settings; d. strategic views; e. local views; f. historic parks and gardens; and g. the world heritage site. h. the River Thames and other waterways vi. Proposals should emphasise or contribute to a point of civic or visual significance or a centre of urban activity or regeneration, both locally and in relation to the local and wider area from which it will be visible. vii. Proposals should relate positively to topographical features and other high buildings and contribute positively to the image and built environment of London. viii. Proposals should enhance the skyline by ensuring that the roof top design is of high quality. Archaeology The Council will expect applicants to properly assess and plan for the impact of proposed developments on archaeological remains where they fall within #Areas of Archaeological Potential’ as defined on the constraints Map 10. In certain instances preliminary archaeological site investigations may be required before proposals are considered. The Council will seek to secure the co-operation of developers in the excavation, recording and publication of archaeological finds before development takes place by use of planning conditions/legal agreements as appropriate. Air Pollution Development proposals with the potential to result in a significant deterioration in air quality will be resisted unless measures to minimise the impact of air pollutants are included. Such planning applications should be accompanied by an assessment of the likely impact of the development on air quality. In areas of poor air quality, proposals for development which may be sensitive to air pollution will be required to demonstrate appropriate mitigating design solutions. Contaminated Land A preliminary site investigation, prior to the determination of a planning application, will normally be required if a site is known or is likely to have been in contaminative uses. Where contamination is found, the council will need to be assured that the development can be built and occupied safely without any adverse environmental or health impacts, otherwise conditions requiring full remedial action will be imposed to deal with: i. the particular type or types of contamination; ii. the problems of the ground exhalation of gases; and iii. the restoration of land to beneficial use. Site Servicing The Council will seek to ensure the provision of satisfactory services to areas where new communities are being established. New development should take place where it can take maximum advantage of spare capacity in existing infrastructure. Where this is not possible development will be phased to give sufficient time for new infrastructure to be provided. The Council will insist on the provision of adequate services before giving permission for development or redevelopment and may require developers to contribute to off-site and on-site works so that sites can be properly serviced. Drainage & Flood Protection All development will be controlled so as not to give rise to flooding or surface, groundwater or aquifer pollution. Surface water should be disposed of as close to source as possible, or attenuated before discharge to a watercourse or surface water sewer. Surface water should not be allowed to enter the foul system. Development in Fluvial Flood Risk Areas Areas within Zones 2 and 3 at risk from fluvial flooding are identified on the Proposals Map. Areas at risk from tidal flooding, but protected by existing flood defences, are shown on Map 7. Planning applications for development on sites of more than 1 hectare within these areas must be accompanied by a flood risk assessment appropriate to the scale of and nature of the development, the level of flood risk, and the protection afforded by the existing defences. Development in undeveloped areas at risk from fluvial flooding will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. In developed areas at risk from fluvial flooding, development will only be permitted where appropriate flood defence measures are taken, and it can be demonstrated that there is no increased risk of flooding to other sites. Development & Transport – General Principles When planning transport provision for single large developments and extensive sites where comprehensive development can take place, developers should pay regard to: i. designing for the needs of pedestrians, people with disabilities, cyclists and public transport users first; ii. arranging highways networks after these priorities; iii. building into highways networks traffic calming and design criteria for speeds no greater than 20 mph and the creation of home zones; iv. locating major activities such as schools and shops at public transport, cycling and pedestrian nodes; v. as relevant, building into development costings provision for segregated roadways for Waterfront Transit (see Policy M10) as well as more conventional highways, cycle networks and pedestrian networks. vi. Existing and proposed utilisation of public transport and impact upon capacity of networks. Close liaison with Transport for London (TfL) and the relevant railway undertakers will be necessary. Accessible Public Transport When considering developments that generate and/or attract significant amounts of public transport need/demand the Council will take into account accessibility to and from and of public transport. For relevant developments the Council will also examine the scope for planning obligations for public transport infrastructure in line with Policy SC2. As a guide to developers and public transport operators, a 400 metre maximum walking distance from a bus stop and an 800 metre standard from a railway station, will be sought for housing developments. Public transport operators will also be urged to improve the accessibility of their vehicles and rolling stock for the use of people with disabilities and to provide new or improved services. Car Parking Standards The standards for car parking for new developments in The London Plan should be applied. These apply to employment generating development and are maxima. Because of the transitional character of the Borough the “Inner London” standards should apply to Greenwich Town Centre and other areas with a high PTAL rating, and “Outer” elsewhere in the Borough viz: Area One off street space per m2 gross floor space: Inner London (Greenwich Town Centre and areas with a high PTAL rating) 600-1,000 Outer London (Rest of the Borough) 100-600 For the purpose of this policy “employment generating development” will apply to Use Classes A2; B1; B2; B8. Services Areas New industrial, housing, shopping and commercial developments will be expected to provide adequate service areas, as far as possible within the curtilage of the development, and so that vehicles can leave the site forwards. Cycling Cycling will be promoted in the Borough. The Borough will press relevant agencies to maintain/provide free cycle carriage on rail/riverbus, and cycle use of bus lanes will be promoted. The needs of cyclists will be particularly pursued in all new development, road and traffic management schemes by: i. Freeing cyclists from the restrictions of existing and proposed traffic management schemes, as appropriate. ii. Providing cycle routes in accordance with the London Cycle Network (LCN), Thames Cycle Route and evolving local network (see Map 11). Where possible these will be physically segregated from other road users. The use of footpaths in general, the riverside walk and the Green Chain will be examined in this context, as will their provision in association with new development and road schemes. Other physical provision, such as improved junction design will also be implemented where possible and required. In particular, safe cycle routes to schools will also be implemented. iii. Providing cycle parking facilities, particularly in conjunction with major traffic attractors/generators and new developments. These should be sufficient in number, safe and in well-lit areas. iv. Provision for secure cycle parking and other cyclists needs will be a condition on planning permissions for major new developments, (See Table M1), and developer contributions to cycle provision/networks will also be sought as appropriate in line with Policy SC2. Pedestrians High standards of pedestrian safety, accessibility and convenience will be promoted by the Council. In particular the Council will seek to: i. Introduce pedestrian (priority) areas; ii. Expand the development of a network of pedestrian only priority routes, ensuring they are well lit, signed, safe and well maintained; iii. Ensure safe and convenient facilities for crossing roads and at transport interchanges; iv. Generally improve the pedestrian environment; v. Use its powers of development control in the pedestrian#s interests and in its role as Highway Authority have regards to the needs of people with disabilities in the design of highway improvements and pedestrianisation schemes and the requirements of people with visual impairments in the design of pedestrian crossings; vi. Support improvement of the river foot tunnels at Greenwich and Woolwich; vii. In determining planning applications and securing S106 agreements in line with Policy SC2, ensuring the needs of pedestrians and people with disabilities are fully provided for; viii. When introducing road safety measures looking first of all at mechanisms to modify or calm driver behaviour rather than restricting ease of pedestrian movement. New Housing Residential development, including the change of use of existing buildings, will be acceptable on environmentally suitable sites, including sites allocated on the Proposals Map and in the Site Schedules, and where the residential use of the site would not conflict with other policies and proposals of the Plan. In the interests of achieving sustainable development, the re-use of previously developed land will be promoted to the extent that 90% of new dwellings will be provided on such land. South Greenwich Study Area The Kidbrooke Development Area, as defined on the Proposals Map, is designated as a mixed-use, residential led, regeneration area. The redevelopment and regeneration of this area will be required to deliver the following objectives: i. Creating a mixed neighbourhood and community integrated with the surrounding area providing a sustainable environment; ii. Provision of a total of 4,400 dwellings which will include the replacement of 1,900 affordable homes; iii. Creating quality open spaces; iv. Providing a local shopping centre which acts as a commercial hub for the area; v. An improved transport interchange and public transport to and from the area. vi. On greenfield sites in the development area identified for housing development, in recognition of the economics of housing provision, 50% affordable housing will be sought. Development proposals will be expected to take account of the proposed masterplan which is to be the basis of a supplementary planning document. Any proposals which would be detrimental to the implementation of any aspect of the masterplan will be resisted. Density When considering proposals for housing developments the Council will give priority to securing a high quality environment for residents and making the best sustainable use of land, having regard to the location of the site, to the individual characteristics of the site and the character of the surrounding area. Densities which will be considered appropriate are set out in Policy H9. Children’s Play Areas In residential developments that include over 50 units of family housing, suitably equipped and well designed children#s play areas should be provided. Affordable Housing Housing and mixed-use developments with 15 or more units or residential sites of 0.5 hectare or more are expected to provide a significant element of affordable dwellings on site. The precise percentage, distribution and type of affordable housing will be determined by the particular circumstances and characteristics of the site and the development, the economics of housing provision, other planning objectives and the scale of need for affordable housing as set out in Policy SH5. Housing Mix A mix of housing types and sizes will be expected in all developments including conversions, particularly on developments over 25 dwellings. The mix on each site will vary according to the location of the development and the character of the surrounding area. Both large and small units should be included and dwellings for families should have direct access to a garden. Factors such as schemes for special needs groups or where there is a poor external environment will affect the mix. Schemes with predominantly family housing should, as far as is practicable, be related to the adequate provision of accessible nursery and primary schools, local shops, play areas and amenities. Lifetime Homes New housing should be built to Lifetime Homes standards. Conversions should aim to incorporate as many of the standards as practicable. Lifetime Home include the following access requirements: i. Level or gently sloping approach and flush thresholds. ii. Entrances illuminated. The main entrance should be covered. iii. Distance from the car-parking space to the home to be kept to a minimum. iv. Where car-parking is adjacent to the home, it should be capable of being enlarged to a width of 3.3 metres. v. Where homes are reached via a lift, this should be wheelchair accessible. Wheelchair Standard Housing In residential developments of 25 or more units at suitable sites and locations, the Council will seek to negotiate 10% of dwellings to be built to full wheelchair standard. In the case of private housing, the requirement may be provided as units capable of adaptation to full wheelchair standard without further structural alterations. Metropolitan Open Land In areas defined on the Proposals Map as Metropolitan Open Land: i. The use of land for the open land uses stated in Policy SO4 will normally be permitted unless the use would result in an adverse change to the character of the open land. ii. Small scale built development which has a primary function for a purpose ancillary and essential to an appropriate use as stated in Policy SO4 may be permitted provided that the following criteria are met: a. The design, scale, massing, siting and landscaping of the proposal should relate sensitively to other buildings on the site, to those on adjoining sites and to the character of the surrounding open land. The proposal should not be visually intrusive and should have minimal impact upon the open nature of the area. b. The proposal should not be within a defined site of nature conservation importance (see Policy O18) nor prejudice the ecological or amenity significance of the area. c. The proposal should not have unacceptable adverse effects on neighbouring residential areas and should not result in an unacceptable level of noise or other disturbance. d. The proposal must not result in the enlargement or creation of an area of public open space deficiency (see Policy O9). e. The proposal shall not result in an overall reduction of the provision of playing fields or sports pitches and associated facilities in the Borough. f. The proposal shall not result in a significant increase in vehicular traffic to the site and any provision for parking shall not dominate or fragment the site. All proposals shall be landscaped and introduce diversity to the wildlife interest of the site. Existing trees of significance should be protected and replacement trees provided. (See Policy D8). iii. Proposals for a change of use of an existing building, which is in a use ancillary to that of the surrounding open space, to a non ancillary use will not normally be permitted. The use of such a building for indoor sport or leisure use, combined with an outdoor use, may be permitted subject to landscaping and the criteria above. Park Facilities The Council will seek to enhance open space by the provision and encouragement of appropriate park facilities (e.g. seating, children’s play equipment, refreshment facilities, outdoor tennis courts, pitch and putt, sports pitches and changing facilities and Arts, Culture and Entertainment facilities, such as open air performance spaces, sculpture and visual imagery and areas for cultural exhibition and study) within suitable parks and public open spaces. Facilities should be of a high standard of design and quality and respect local nature conservation interests. Such facilities should be safe to use and accessible to all. (See Policies D5, D6 and D7). Site of Natural Conservation Importance Where development is proposed on sites adjacent to protected sites of nature conservation importance, applicants must demonstrate that habitats will not be adversely affected. Metropolitan Open Land The Council will give special consideration to development proposals on and fringing, abutting or otherwise having a visual relationship with Metropolitan Open Land where development could be detrimental to its visual amenity, character or use. Possibilities for opening up visual links and green corridors, or creating new access points into or between open land areas will be pursued. Quality Jobs The Council will resist development proposals that result in the loss without qualitatively adequate replacement of jobs suited to the needs and skills of local people, and will seek to encourage employment development which provides good quality jobs, in particular for the most disadvantaged groups in the Borough workforce. Community Benefits In appraising employment development schemes, the Council will use planning agreements to secure community and workplace benefits as appropriate, in accordance with Policy SC2. Industrial & Business Developments The Council will seek to ensure that wherever possible industrial and business developments: i. Are designed and specified to enable convenient adaption to a range of business uses, and large units can be readily subdivided, and; ii. Connect premises to broadband information technology infrastructure (or, if this is demonstrably impractical, make provision for convenient connections to be made in the future); and iii. Address the need to provide business premises on flexible and affordable terms. B1 Uses Activities within Use Class B1 will normally be permitted in the locations below, providing they are appropriately scaled, environmental and traffic impacts are within acceptable levels, and the site is not allocated or safeguarded for another use elsewhere in the Plan. Office developments should be conveniently accessible by public transport. i. Defined Industrial Areas (see Policy J1); ii. Charlton Business Park (see Policy J3); iii. Town Centres (see Policies J4 and TC16); iv. Mixed Use Areas (see Policy W3); and v. Other sites allocated for employment use (see Site Schedules) or in current or former employment use (see Policy J5). Thameside Policy Area The Council will seek a high quality of design respecting the special character of the River Thames within the Thames Policy Area defined on the Proposals Map. Proposals within the Area will be expected to satisfy the development principles under Policy W1 and: i. Have regard to adopted Council planning briefs, design guides and urban design guidelines including major development requirement for a Design Statement (see Policy D2); ii. Develop and enhance the area’s links with the river, and contribute to the completion of a continuous public riverside footpath and cycleway from Deptford to Thamesmead (Policy O16); iii. Incorporate sustainable modes of passenger, freight and tourist transport as appropriate (see Policies M7, M37); iv. Consider strategic and local views (Policies D25 – D27); and v. Protect and enhance the river and its foreshore for wildlife and nature conservation, avoid unnecessary encroachment and contribute positively to the improvement of the local environment. Density Subject to Policies H7 and H8, the Council will permit development at the following densities: i. 150- 250 HRH (60- 100 HRA) for dwellings for families. ii. 170- 300 HRH (70 – 120 HRA) for non-family dwellings. iii. 200 – 450 HRH (80- 182 HRA) for non-family dwellings on sites in the Borough#s Major and District Centres (See Table TC1) or with immediate access to a network of good public transport facilities. iv Over 450 HRH (182 HRA) for non-family dwellings will be accepted in exceptional circumstances, on sites of high public transport accessibility, where it can be demonstrated that the design is of exceptional quality. The above ranges will be applied to mixed residential developments in proportion to category. Strategic Policies – Community Needs, Benefits & Services In order to secure the best use of land and a properly planned environment the council will seek to ensure, through the use of conditions and planning obligations attached to planning permissions, that new development provides for the infrastructure, facilities, amenities and other planning benefits which are necessary to support and serve it and to offset any consequential planning loss to the local area. Strategic Policies – Design & Conservation The Council will encourage a high quality of design in all new developments and alterations to existing developments which positively contribute to the improvement of their accessibility, safety and the built and natural environment. Strategic Policies – Environmental Protection To protect and improve the environment in termsof air and water quality, and reduce the impact of pollution, noise, smell and toxic materials, especially from transport and industrial processes. Strategic Policies – Housing The scale of housing need in the Borough for affordable housing is such that the Council will seek to ensure that at least 35% of the dwellings provided between 1997 and 2016 are affordable to those on low and lower incomes. Strategic Policies – Jobs & the Local Economy To retain, and encourage the expansion of, existing businesses, and to promote the provision of premises for small and growing firms. Strategic Policies – Jobs & the Local Economy To encourage training and the development of the skills of the Borough workforce, and to ensure that the benefits of economic activity are shared by all sections of the community including those disadvantaged or facing discrimination in relation to the job market. Strategic Policies – Movement To seek equitable levels of mobility and accessibility for all groups of people, particularly for those presently disadvantaged in mobility terms. Generally, the following priorities should be considered in preparing development proposals and transport policies and projects: i. pedestrians, people with disabilities, cyclists and public transport users first ; then ii. car users and powered two wheeled vehicles. Strategic Policies – Open Spaces To safeguard, improve and enhance the character of existing public and private open space (Green Belt, Metropolitan Open Land, Community Open Space, small open spaces) that fulfil a specific function for the local and wider community and encourage full use of their facilities. Strategic Policies – Waterfront The Council will facilitate the redevelopment and re-use of remaining redundant land and buildings in the Waterfront during the Plan period, bringing about the regeneration of the whole area and realising its economic, social, environmental, cultural and recreational potential, to secure the sustainable development of balanced waterfront communities. Strategic Policies – Community Needs, Benefits & Services To ensure that development policies reflect the needs of all the Borough#s residents, especially the priority needs of the most disadvantaged individuals, communities and neighbourhoods.
There are two main factors that differentiate a Rocket Mass Heater (RMH) from a regular wood-burning stove. One is that the combustion that takes place is far more complete in an RMH, due to the increased draft and insulated burn chamber. An RMH can consequently be up to eight times more efficient, requiring less wood for the same amount of heat. This also results in there being less ash and smoke. The second factor that makes an RMH so superior is the thermal mass that encases the components that heat up. As biomass is burned and the RMH is heated, it transfers heat to the thermal mass (adobe, dirt, sand, even water). Although it takes a while to heat up, that heat will last hours after the fire has been extinguished. For example, if we have a fire going for just a couple of hours in the evening, the stove will still be hot in the morning. By the time we started researching the benefits of an RMH, we had already built our house and had a regular wood-burning stove in place. If we’d known about it sooner, we would have built an RMH encased by an adobe bench or something similar into the design of the house. We made the RMH we’ll be describing in this article to fit an existing space, and it has been working great! As long as the sun comes out in the day, we rarely need a fire, as we designed the house to make use of solar gain. However, for those cloudy, cold days, this stove has been a huge hit. We use a fraction of the wood we used to, we can burn a far greater variety of biomass, and the heat lasts a lot longer. It’s win-win all around. The only disadvantage is that it takes more work to make one than just going to the store and getting a pre-made stove, but it seems like a relatively small price to pay, especially for the Makers out there. If you use wood to heat your house, you should definitely consider making a RMH. It will make a huge difference to your home and your woodpile. This design can be modified to suit your space and needs. Or you can use the principles we outline to create your own unique heating device. All in, it cost us $150, though an adobe one would be considerably cheaper. Still, we’ve made that money back in the time and energy saved in collecting and cutting firewood. This RMH is based around a 6” diameter flue. If your house has a different flue size, then components will have to be rescaled. The cross sectional area of all parts of the system can be no bigger than the cross sectional area of the flue. The burn chamber (the horizontal area where the flame is) should be the smallest cross sectional area of the entire system. The greater area you have, the taller the heat riser should be, as well. So, if you do build one of these, follow these plans exactly or research what things may change with a different flue size. For more of our ideas and projects, please visit our site. We made this unit as a self-contained box, one that could be disassembled if necessary (mainly due the fact that is was a prototype). For that reason, we used sand as our thermal mass, and thus the box that held it in needed a bottom. Cut a piece of 26 gauge sheet metal, so that it fits the space you want to fill, plus 1 inch extra all the way around. In our case, we made the base about 46” x 18” (48” x 20” including the 1” flap), with one corner cut out and rounded off to allow more space as you come through a doorway (see photo). Mark a line all the way around the shape, 1” in from the edge. Using tin snips, cut from each corner in to the 1” line. If you have any curves, you will need to make a few cuts in to the line. Using pliers, bend the 1” flaps upwards, so that they are at right angles to the base. This is what you will screw the walls to. At the spot where your ash box will go, right under the fire, cut this flap off or bend it underneath the base. For this design, the ash box starts at 6 ¼” from the left, front corner and is 6 ½” wide. Put the base in place. Hang a plumb bob from the center of where your stove points down, and mark the metal. Use that mark as the center and draw a circle around it the same diameter as your stovepipe (usually 6”). If you don’t already have a stove pipe from a previous stove, just line up the base with the hole you have going through the wall and put a piece of stove pipe onto the base plumb with where it will go. Make a circle on the metal. You can now move the base to a more convenient place to work. You need a frame, to which you will attach the sheet metal walls of the unit. We used 1” square tubing. Because this RMH is effectively comprised of three levels (fire box, sand that surrounds most of the heat riser and stove pipe), this frame is fairly complicated to describe, so make sure you refer to the photos for clarification. As you’re welding everything together, make sure it’s all square and plumb. The two left-hand uprights are 15” tall. They are connected by a 16” piece of metal that is welded in between the two uprights a couple of inches down from the top. There is a horizontal piece of square tubing that runs most of the back of the unit (up to the curve we have on the right-hand side). It is 36 ½ ” long and is welded in between the back, left-hand upright (at the top) to the back, right-hand upright, which is 34” tall and so continues up past this horizontal. Mark 13” from the left-hand edge of this 37” long horizontal piece. Weld another upright piece, 19” tall, to the right of this mark. Cut another horizontal piece for the front. It wants to be 28” long and will be welded in between the front, left-hand upright and the front right-hand upright, which is 34” tall. Measure in between the two right-hand uprights and cut a piece of square tubing to fit exactly (it’ll be about 19”). Weld it in between the two, at the top. You also want a frame around the opening of the ashtray. Our opening is 6 ½” wide by 7 ½” tall, so we cut two uprights at 7 ½” tall each, and one horizontal piece, 8 ½” wide, which we welded on top of the uprights. Place your frame inside the base piece of metal, so that the corners match up. As a recap, you will need to cut the following lengths of square tubing: 15”, 15”, 16”, 36 ½”, 19”, 34”, 34”, 28”, 19”, 8 ½”, 7 ½” and 7 ½”, making a total of 20 ft, or one piece of tubing. This first level of sheet metal comes to the top of the fire box area. It is 16” tall (1” above the top of the left-hand square tubing frame). Cut a piece of 26 gauge sheet metal 16” by the total perimeter of the unit, plus 1”. In this case, 16” x 109”. Along one 16” end, draw a line, 1” in from the edge. Clamp the sheet metal in between two straight edges of metal, like square tubing, with the 1” sticking out. With a hammer, bend the 1” part until it is at right angles to the rest of the sheet metal. Place the 1” flap on the back of the back, left-hand upright of the frame, with the rest of the sheet metal coming forward towards the front, left upright. The bottom of the sheet metal wants to be on the outside of the base piece of metal, all the way to the ground. Screw the metal into the left-hand edge of the back upright (don’t screw in the flap yet). Screw the metal in to the side of the front, left upright, then bend it around the corner. At this point, you want to cut out a section of the sheet metal for the ashtray, along the bottom edge. At 6 ¼” from the front, left corner, cut out a rectangle, 7 ½” tall and 6 ½” wide. Then pull the sheet metal over to the next upright and screw it in. Bend the metal around the curve (follow the pattern of the base piece) to the next upright, and then along the back to the upright at which you started. Screw its end and the starting 1” flap to the back of the first upright. Now screw the bottom of the sheet metal into the base, all the way around, apart 4” apart. Place the small, ashtray frame on the inside of the unit around the hole and screw the sheet metal to it. Run a bead of high temperature silicon around the base and over any seams. Cut a piece of sheet metal, 20” wide (tall) and 89” long. You’ll be screwing this one into the tall uprights, but going in the opposite direction from the bottom piece. Clamp one end of it in between two pieces of square tubing, with 1” hanging over the edge. Hammer that 1” flap until it is at right angles to the rest. Place this 1” flap on the left side of the back, left, tall upright, with the rest of the metal running right along the back. Screw in the back side, but not the 1” flap. Screw it into the next upright on the right. Then follow the shape of the first layer of sheet metal, around the corner. Screw it into the third upright, but do not take it back to the first upright of this level. Instead, leave it loose for now. Connect the two layers together with sheet metal screws every couple of inches. Paint the outside with a paint that can withstand high temperatures. Put the unit into its place and line it up with the stovepipe or hole. Connect pieces of stovepipe together so that they go from the exit hole in the wall all the way down to the ground inside the unit you’ve made. At the very bottom it needs to end in an elbow, which should point towards the left. Cut a piece of 26 gauge sheet metal, 41” x 36” tall. You can take this all the way to the top of the stovepipe if you wish to cover it up. We wanted to leave a little exposed without thermal mass around it, for some fast, direct heat. Paint the outside of the metal with a high temp paint and then wrap it around the stovepipe and connect it to itself (1” overlap) and also to the level below where you can. For this design, we made the ash box to the following dimensions: 6” wide, 14” deep and 7” tall. Out of 16 gauge metal, you’ll need three pieces of 14” x 6” (for the bottom and sides, which are an inch shorter than the front and back pieces), and two that are 6” x 7”. Weld the pieces together to form a box and then weld a handle to the front. Once everything has cooled, paint it with a high temp paint. Put it in its place, just inside the opening. Cut a 7” x 7” piece of 16 gauge or thicker metal. Mark a grid on the metal, with lines going horizontally and vertically. Drill a ¼” hole at each intersection. Here’s where it gets really tricky to explain, so look closely at the photos. This next part, which basically involves stacking bricks, has two main functions. The first is to create a path for the smoke, which will travel from the firebox, along and up into the riser, down again to the stove pipe elbow you just put in, and up through the stove pipe to the chimney or exit. The second purpose of the bricks is to retain the sand. We wanted to make this whole unit capable of being disassembled, so we did it all mortar free. If you don’t plan on ever having to move it, you can mortar in the bricks. Of course, be sure to use bricks and mortar /concrete that are made for high heat. Any places that will not be in touch with high heat (like around the ash box or stove pipe, but not the firebox or riser), can have regular bricks (we used CEBs for those places). Start off by stacking bricks on either side of the stovepipe’s elbow, and on top of it. The end of the elbow wants to be exposed, but the bricks need to be able to retain the sand that will surround the stovepipe as it rises. Position bricks in a way that does not allow them to shift with weight behind them. Put some sand in the back corner, around the stovepipe and behind the bricks. Leave a 6” gap in between the end of the stovepipe elbow, then start stacking bricks, 8” tall. These bricks should form a solid shelf all the way to the right-hand side of the ash box. Leave about ¼” between the bricks and the ashtray, so that it can slide in and out easily. Stack bricks around the ashtray, leaving ¼” on all sides. Fill in behind these bricks and the brick shelf with sand. Place the grill on top of the 8” tall brick level, roughly in the center of the firebox area (on the left of the unit, over the ashtray). You now want to make a box on top of this level, from the right of the grill to the bricks that are 6” from the stovepipe. It should have a roof (with bricks bridging the front and back walls), and be 7” tall (including the roof). Do not go all the way to the top of the first level of sheet metal, as you’ll want to leave space to do a finish layer of bricks once the rest is finished. Fill in behind all the bricks with sand. This is one of the most crucial parts of the whole RMH. It is this length of pipe, well insulated, that increases the speed at which the heat rises, thus creating a powerful draft and making the sound that gives a rocket stove its name. This increased draft ensures complete combustion. We used 6” well casing pipe for the interior pipe. It’s about ¼” thick and 32” long. Place this pipe on top of the brick roof you just made, at the stovepipe end. Mark the bricks where you want the pipe to go and then cut out the inside of the circle, using a saw with a masonry blade. Make sure you cut on the inside of your mark, leaving enough room for the pipe to sit on the bricks over the hole. Cut a piece of 16 gauge metal, 32” tall and 40” wide. Bend the metal evenly so that it makes a 32” tall tube. Screw the metal to itself and put the tube over and around the 6” pipe. Fill the space in between the two pipes with perlite, packing it down carefully as you go. Now you need another barrel, a little wider and taller than the perlite one, so that the smoke can go up the riser and then down to the stovepipe. Cut another piece of 16 gauge metal that is 33 ½” x 42”. Bend it around until it overlaps 1” and screw it to itself. Cut a lid for this barrel. We made ours circular, but you can do whatever shape you want. Weld the lid to the barrel. Once it has cooled, paint it with a high temp paint. Please note that this part will be exposed, with no sand around it. It gets extremely hot, so be sure to use thick metal. You can use this lid to heat up pans of food or drink. Place this barrel over the perlite one. Make sure the right edge hangs over the bricks and allows passage down to the stovepipe. Stack bricks to protect the passage between this barrel and the stovepipe, and then fill in with sand. Do you remember that we left a loose flap of sheet metal on the second layer? Well, now it’s time to bend it round to the back and screw it into the upright. You now need to fill up this level and the stovepipe’s barrel with sand. Fill it to the top of both. After a week or so it will have sunk down about an inch as it settles. Fill this remaining inch with washed pebbles or something similar. These will look nice and also keep down the dust potential of just sand. The final step is to do the last layer of bricks around the top of the firebox. You’ll want to fit and cut bricks, so that it leaves a finished look. Now it’s time to use this strange looking contraption, but that’s the easy part. Stuff a little paper and some twigs into the box, so they’re standing on the grill. Light it up and once it’s burning, you can add more. Use twigs or split wood, anything that will fit. No smoke or flames come out the top of this box, because the draft from the heat riser pulls the fire horizontally. If smoke does come out, push the burning material into the stove a bit to heat up the riser and start the draft. This thing seems complicated. I think I need some kind of a diagram to try to conceptualize this whole thing. I've heard of rocket stoves. I need to build something for my garage workshop for next winter here. I already have a chimney. Although why I've no idea. It was here when I moved in. This winter convinced me that I need to hook something up to the chimney too. It's been cold! Great idea. We've now made a diagram and placed it the main intro step. Click on it to make it bigger. Hope it helps. RMH stoves really are worth the time and effort. They are so much more efficient, and we wish we'd known about them sooner. After I posted my comment I did a web search to see some diagrams. Yours helps here too thanks. This is a pretty decent application of the rocket stove design principles pioneered by Aprovecho! Winiarski (the inventor of the rocket stove) would be pleased to see your interpretation I'm sure! That is a very nice project and instructable! I have been wanting to build a rocket stove for a while now and your model here seems to be a direction that I might move towards. Do you know the weight of the complete stove? Sorry, no idea about the weight. With thermal mass though, you do want it fairly heavy. I have seen some clips and blogs about rocket mass heaters and your design is the best. I like the use of sheet metal and firebricks. Great job! Hi. I'm considering building a rocket mass heater of sorts using the available space in my fireplace. I think the rocket stove part should be ok, but I'm not sure how much heat will I be able to trap in the small area with solid brick and how effective the release to the living room will be. The attached pictures illustrate the design I've created based on the available space. The gray-ish bricks are refractory bricks and constitute the main and secondary combustion cameras. The reason why the design is open at the back is because it will join the back of the fireplace which is made of refractory brick. The red bricks are solid bricks which are supposed to capture the heat. The grey area at the bottom is the available area in the fireplace floor. It can't be taller than 48 centimetres because the fireplace is 50 cm high. I'm considering the possibility of drilling through the outer wall of the fireplace to install one fan on each side. It would force cold air through the side red brick panels which hopefully would increase the heat exchange efficiency. My question is, should I even bother? I'm all for burning wood efficiently, but if it's just to see the heat leave the house through the chimney, then it is probably not worth the effort. Hey. I've been looking at a lot of these designs and am interested in potentially scaling this one down to fit in my motor home. I am not terribly concerned if I lose efficiency by reducing the mass as long as I can create the conditions needed for a working unit. Do you have any suggestions for books or recommendations regarding the dimensioning. Did you invent your sizing to fit your space or use known volumes for the various chambers for a particular reason? I am currently a student of engineering so if you have formulaic solutions to the proportional sizes of the various components I am not afraid of the numbers side of this. I just want to be sure in scaling down I do not lose the function of the stove. Also, just do a google search for "rocket mass heater" and you will find tons of information. The most important sizes are the cross section area of the exhaust tubing, it should match the burn chamber and be consistent throughout. So, we are trying to make this. We have followed the instructions, as closely as possible in our house, but we still get smoke coming out from both the burn tunnel and the exhaust. What do you think might be the problem? I would check a few things. First make sure your ash door has a good seal so no combustion air can leak into the system from the ash grate and turn your wood feed into a chimney. Second make sure you have at least a hand width of space between the wood feed and body of the stove that covers the bell. The coals from the wood feed can radiate and heat up a surface too close and create an up draft making a virtual chimney. Third make sure your house chimney does not catch wind at a funny angle and create back pressure. I imagine you have a restriction somewhere. Try using a fan and measure the exhaust air coming out of your unit, just to see if air is moving through properly. There are a few places that a restriction can take place. One is in the exhaust tubing itself, especially if it was bent or squeeze at any point during the sand fill. Another is where the air around the heat drum meets the exhaust going out of the house, at the bottom right of the unit. We want to build a rmh in our mobile home. I have done a lot of research on rocket mass heaters. I subscribed to permies and several ppl asked questions about building one in a mobile home but got vague answers. Yes reinforce the floor to accommodate for weight....one guy recommended starting the build under the floor. We need help on how to start the construction and the layout to incorporate a bench for the thermal mass. Our home is about 1000 sq feet so it doesn't have to be huge.....just well planned out. Thoughts.....suggstions. Is your mobile home mobile? Or does it stay in one place? A friend of mine built a stove that had 1m^3 of water as the thermal mass. You can get old oil tanks for fairly cheap, and these can be used as thermal mass. Remember pressure though. The whole point of an RMH is to have a thermal mass. The more weight, the more heat storage you have. Unfortunately, mobile home are not designed for large masonry structures inside. I would explore all other options before this, as this will likely be a major undertaking. But, if you have your heart set on it, this is what you will need to do. Start the construction on the ground outside. Pour a concrete foundation, then with rock or brick come up through the floor to make the support for the mass/bench. As for layout, it depends completely on the layout of your house, but there are several examples around the web. You could probably do fine with a 6" RMH, and the bench doesn't have to be very long, maybe 8 ft or so.
*Cited. 176 C. 17; 180 C. 345. It must be presumed that where the legislature prescribes that an acknowledgment be under oath, the oath should be administered in accordance with the provisions of chapter. 40 CS 151. Sec. 1-22. Ceremony. The ceremony to be used, by persons to whom an oath is administered, shall be the holding up of the right hand; but when any person, by reason of scruples of conscience, objects to such ceremony or when the court or authority by whom the oath is to be administered has reason to believe that any other ceremony will be more binding upon the conscience of the witness, such court or authority may permit or require any other ceremony to be used. Statutory formalities are to be observed. 41 C. 206. Whether witness has scruples of conscience against taking an oath is to be accepted from statement of witness without further proof; error to deny accused right to affirm on sole ground that he believed in Supreme Being. 109 C. 711. Cited. 176 C. 17; 210 C. 359; 211 C. 555; Id., 672; 224 C. 563. Sec. 1-23. When affirmation may be used. When any person, required to take an oath, from scruples of conscience declines to take it in the usual form or when the court is satisfied that any person called as a witness does not believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, a solemn affirmation may be administered to him in the form of the oath prescribed, except that instead of the word “swear” the words “solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare” shall be used and instead of the words “so help you God” the words “upon the pains and penalties of perjury or false statement” shall be used. History: 1971 act added the words “or false statement” to wording of affirmation. Cited. 202 C. 463; 211 C. 555. Sec. 1-24. Who may administer oaths. The following officers may administer oaths: (1) The clerks of the Senate, the clerks of the House of Representatives and the chairpersons of committees of the General Assembly or of either branch thereof, during its session; (2) state officers, as defined in subsection (t) of section 9-1, judges and clerks of any court, family support magistrates, judge trial referees, justices of the peace, commissioners of the Superior Court, notaries public, town clerks and assistant town clerks, in all cases where an oath may be administered, except in a case where the law otherwise requires; (3) commissioners on insolvent estates, auditors, arbitrators and committees, to parties and witnesses, in all cases tried before them; (4) assessors and boards of assessment appeals, in cases coming before them; (5) commissioners appointed by governors of other states to take the acknowledgment of deeds, in the discharge of their official duty; (6) the moderator of a school district meeting, in such meeting, to the clerk of such district, as required by law; (7) the chief elected official of a municipality, in any matter before the chief elected official of a municipality; (8) the Chief Medical Examiner, Deputy Medical Examiner and assistant medical examiners of the Office of the Medical Examiner, in any matter before them; (9) registrars of vital statistics, in any matter before them; (10) any chief inspector or inspector appointed pursuant to section 51-286; (11) registrars of voters, deputy registrars, assistant registrars, and moderators, in any matter before them; (12) special assistant registrars, in matters provided for in subsections (b) and (c) of section 9-19b and section 9-19c; (13) the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection and any sworn member of any local police department or the Division of State Police within the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, in all affidavits, statements, depositions, complaints or reports made to or by any member of any local police department or said Division of State Police or any constable who is under the supervision of said commissioner or any of such officers of said Division of State Police and who is certified under the provisions of sections 7-294a to 7-294e, inclusive, and performs criminal law enforcement duties; (14) judge advocates of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, law specialists of the United States Coast Guard, adjutants, assistant adjutants, acting adjutants and personnel adjutants, commanding officers, executive officers and officers whose rank is lieutenant commander or major, or above, of the armed forces, as defined in section 27-103, to persons serving with or in the armed forces, as defined in said section, or their spouses; (15) investigators, deputy investigators, investigative aides, secretaries, clerical assistants, social workers, social worker trainees, paralegals and certified legal interns employed by or assigned to the Public Defender Services Commission in the performance of their assigned duties; (16) bail commissioners, intake, assessment and referral specialists, family relations counselors, support enforcement officers, chief probation officers and supervisory judicial marshals employed by the Judicial Department in the performance of their assigned duties; (17) juvenile matter investigators employed by the Division of Criminal Justice in the performance of their assigned duties; (18) the chairperson of the Connecticut Siting Council or the chairperson's designee; (19) the presiding officer at an agency hearing under section 4-177b; (20) investigators employed by the Department of Social Services Office of Child Support Services, in the performance of their assigned duties; (21) the chairperson, vice-chairperson, members and employees of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, in the performance of their assigned duties; (22) the Commissioner of Correction or the commissioner's designee; (23) sworn law enforcement officers, appointed under section 26-5, within the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, in all affidavits, statements, depositions, complaints or reports made to or by any such sworn law enforcement officer; and (24) sworn motor vehicle inspectors acting under the authority of section 14-8. History: 1959 act deleted county commissioners; 1961 act included assistant town clerks; 1967 act added lieutenant governor and commissioner of state police and state and local police officers; 1969 act included chief, deputy and assistant medical examiners of the office of medicolegal investigations, effective July 1, 1970; 1971 acts changed “medicolegal investigations” to “medical examiner” and included county detectives; P.A. 73-185 included deputy and assistant registrars and moderators; P.A. 74-170 included various officers of the armed services; P.A. 74-186 replaced county detectives with chief or appointed detectives; P.A. 75-567 made technical changes; P.A. 76-111 changed “detective” to “inspector”; P.A. 77-614 and P.A. 78-303 changed commissioner and department of state police to commissioner and department of public safety, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 79-143 included special assistant registrars under certain conditions; P.A. 79-181 included restitution specialists in court-ordered investigations and reports; P.A. 80-174 replaced “governor, lieutenant governor” with “state officers ...”; P.A. 80-190 deleted coroners; P.A. 80-281 broadened powers of special assistant registrars to administer oaths; P.A. 82-104 inserted Subdiv. indicators and added a subdivision authorizing certain employees in the public defender services commission to administer oaths; P.A. 82-298 deleted reference to restitution specialists; P.A. 86-180 added Subdiv. (16) authorizing the administration of oaths by bail commissioners, assistant bail commissioners and certain employees of the office of the bail commission; P.A. 86-187 added Subdiv. (17) authorizing chairman of Connecticut siting council or his designee to administer oaths; P.A. 87-316 authorized family support magistrates to administer oaths; P.A. 88-132 amended Subdiv. (13) to authorize the commissioner of public safety and certain state and local police officials to administer oaths to any constable who is under the supervision of said commissioner or any of such officers of the division of state police and who is certified under Secs. 7-294a to 7-294e, inclusive, and performs criminal law enforcement duties; P.A. 88-317 added Subdiv. (18) authorizing presiding officer at an agency hearing under Sec. 4-177b to administer oaths, effective July 1, 1989, and applicable to all agency proceedings commencing on or after that date; P.A. 90-57 amended Subdiv. (13) to authorize police department and state police corporals to administer oaths; P.A. 91-24 authorized juvenile matter investigators to administer oaths; P.A. 93-262 and 93-435 substituted commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-329 added Subdiv. (20) permitting family relations counselors of the family division of the superior court and support enforcement officers and investigators to administer oaths in the performance of their assigned duties; P.A. 95-283 replaced board of tax review with board of assessment appeals, effective July 6, 1995; P.A. 96-58 amended Subdiv. (13) to replace “the chief, acting chief, superintendent of police, major, captain, lieutenant, sergeant and corporal” with “any sworn member” of any local police department and amended Subdiv. (15) to include “social workers, social worker trainees, paralegals and certified legal interns” among personnel of the Public Defender Services Commission authorized to administer oaths, effective May 7, 1996; P.A. 97-256 added Subdiv. (21) authorizing the chairman, vice-chairman and members of the Board of Parole and parole officers and parole supervisors to administer oaths in the performance of their assigned duties; P.A. 01-7 added Subdiv. (22) authorizing the Commissioner of Correction or the commissioner's designee to administer oaths and made technical changes for the purposes of gender neutrality; P.A. 01-84 amended Subdiv. (17) to specify that juvenile matter investigators are employed by the Division of Criminal Justice rather than the Judicial Department and made technical changes for purposes of gender neutrality, effective July 1, 2001; P.A. 02-71 amended Subdiv. (2) to make a technical change and add “judge trial referees”; P.A. 02-132 replaced provision re bail commissioners, assistant bail commissioners, secretaries and clerical assistants employed in the office of the Bail Commission with provision re bail commissioners employed by the Judicial Department in Subdiv. (16), replaced provision re family relations counselors of the Family Division of the Superior Court with provision re family relations counselors employed by the Judicial Department in Subdiv. (20) and made technical changes in Subdivs. (2), (14) and (20); P.A. 03-278 made a technical change in Subdiv. (2), effective July 9, 2003; P.A. 04-234 replaced Board of Parole with Board of Pardons and Paroles in Subdiv. (21), effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 04-257 amended Subdiv. (21) to delete “parole officers and parole supervisors”, effective June 14, 2004; P.A. 05-108 amended Subdiv. (21) to include “employees” of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, effective June 7, 2005; pursuant to P.A. 11-51, “Commissioner of Public Safety” and “Department of Public Safety” were changed editorially by the Revisors to “Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection” and “Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection”, effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 11-74 added Subdiv. (23) re sworn law enforcement officers within the Department of Environmental Protection; pursuant to P.A. 11-80, “Department of Environmental Protection” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Department of Energy and Environmental Protection”, effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 12-133 amended Subdiv. (16) to add reference to intake, assessment and referral specialists; P.A. 13-271 added Subdiv. (24) re sworn motor vehicle inspectors, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 14-146 amended Subdiv. (7) by substituting “chief elected official of a municipality, in any matter before the chief elected official of a municipality” for “first selectman, in any matter before the board of selectmen”, effective June 6, 2014; P.A. 14-207 amended Subdiv. (16) by adding “family relations counselors, support enforcement officers, chief probation officers and supervisory judicial marshals” and making technical changes and amended Subdiv. (20) by deleting references to family relations counselors and support enforcement officers employed by the Judicial Department and making a technical change; P.A. 16-13 changed “Bureau of Child Support Enforcement” to “Office of Child Support Services” in Subdiv. (20), effective May 6, 2016. See Sec. 53-368 re penalty for falsely certifying administration of oath. Cited. 9 CA 1; 16 CA 486. Sec. 1-24a. Affiant may swear truth of document or other writing before proper officer, when. In any matter in which a document or other writing is to be submitted under penalty of false statement, the affiant may, in lieu thereof, swear to the truth of the document or writing before any proper officer. JUROR WHO IS DEAF OR HARD OF HEARING. You solemnly swear or solemnly and sincerely affirm, as the case may be, that you will interpret accurately to a juror who is deaf or hard of hearing the juror orientation program, any oath to be administered to the juror, all testimony and other relevant conversation, and all questions that the juror may be asked under the direction of the court; that you will interpret accurately the answers of the juror to the court in English; that you will not participate in any manner in the deliberations of the jury other than making an accurate interpretation of the remarks of the jurors during deliberations; that you will make all interpretations to the best of your skill and judgment; and that you will not communicate with anyone outside the jury concerning the business or matters before the jury; so help you God or upon penalty of perjury. History: 1961 act added oath for election and primary officials; 1967 act repealed oath for jury of inquest; 1969 act revised the oath for electors; P.A. 81-350 substituted word “person” for “man” in electors' oath; P.A. 83-2 replaced the word “prisoner at the bar” with “defendant” in the oath of petit and alternate jurors in criminal causes; P.A. 83-475 amended form of electors' oath to include reference to application for admission and forfeiture of electors' privileges; P.A. 85-613 made technical changes to restore language inadvertently lost through computer error; P.A. 86-131 added oath for an interpreter for a deaf or hearing impaired juror; P.A. 86-184 added new oath for notaries public; P.A. 89-177 added oath for witnesses 12 years of age or younger; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-1 shortened the elector's oath; P.A. 93-167 made technical changes to forms, changing “man” to “person”, “he” to “the witness”, “his” to “the” and added phrase “or affirm, as the case may be” to some forms for uniformity; P.A. 02-71 revised oaths for attorneys, jurors, voir dire, witnesses, interpreters, assessors, plaintiffs when indifferent person is authorized to serve writ, and other persons, deleted oath for grand jurors impaneled in court and added oath for investigatory grand jury witnesses; P.A. 17-202 replaced references to deaf or hearing impaired juror with references to juror who is deaf or hard of hearing. A juror who converses with nonjurors about the cause violates his oath. 3 D. 219. See 80 C. 314; 87 C. 368. Whether jurors are to be sworn on voir dire is in court's discretion. 47 C. 518. Grand juror's oath does not prevent member from testifying on trial as to accused's statements. 56 C. 399. Improper argument by an attorney may be violation of his oath. 72 C. 244. Origin of attorney's oath. 79 C. 49. Exact form of assessor's oath is directory, not mandatory; effect of slight deviation from prescribed wording. 104 C. 583. Justices of peace conducting inquest bound to secrecy by their oath. 110 C. 507. Cited. 128 C. 650; 137 C. 123. Oaths indicate that obligations of attorney can in no way conflict with obligations of grand juror. 146 C. 137. Cited. 159 C. 264; 162 C. 249; 182 C. 419; 187 C. 73. Judge has duty to see that no falsehood or other fraud is perpetrated in court, and once he declares that he believes a party or a witness has been deceitful, he cannot continue to preside in his role of impartial arbiter. Id., 163. Cited. 189 C. 303; 193 C. 670; 197 C. 141; 200 C. 91; 202 C. 463; 210 C. 359; 211 C. 672; 222 C. 541; 236 C. 112.
In case you missed the news in this week's SP2 announcement, Telerik is now the first component vendor offering "official" support for Chrome 2 and "official" compatibility with VS2010 Beta 1. Let me be quick to clarify that "official" compatibility for a beta product like VS2010 means that we've tested our controls to ensure there are no major issues with the new release, but it is still possible that some bugs exist. We will continue to address these bugs as VS 2010 evolves and we appreciate your feedback along the way to ensure there are no hidden problems when VS2010 officially ships. When VS2010 does ship, our "official beta compatibility" will become "official support" with the next regularly scheduled release. For Chrome, we have continued our dedication to being the fastest component vendor to support new official browser builds with SP2. We know you can't control when your users upgrade their browsers (in many cases) and that you need controls that are ready when new browsers ship. As such, our dev team worked extra hard to test the RadControls against Chrome2 and fixed several issues that the new browser introduced. If you need to support Chrome, make sure you download and install Q1 2009 SP2 or greater. We hope this fast attention to new releases continues to give you the competitive advantage when using Telerik RadControls in your projects by enabling you to rapidly adapt to a changing environment. We don't stop working to make your lives easier- as always, let us know if you think there is anything we can do even better to make your lives even easier. ASP.NET MVC: Blue Pill or Red Pill? (9:00 AM) A fun session that provides a good overview of ASP.NET MVC and gives you the information you need to make the decision between WebForms, MVC, or a blend of both. Building Business Applications with Silverlight 3 (2:45 PM) A new session that highlights the new features in Silverlight 3 Beta 1 that makes it easy(er) for developers to build business applications with Silverlight. The event gets started at 8:30 AM and runs 'til about 5:00 PM, so it's a full day of .NET fun in the Texas capital. Besides yours truly, there will be many familiar .NET speakers doing sessions throughout the day, including Jeffery Pallermo, Eric Hexter, and John Teague, covering topics ranging from MVC to jQuery to C# 4.0. The Code Camp is free, so register now, grab some coffee, and we'll see you early Saturday morning! P.S. If I spot anyone sporting their favorite Telerik t-shirt at the event, there just may be some prizes flowing their direction. So do your laundry and sport Telerik for a chance at some good prizes! One of my personal favorites from the recent Q1 2009 SP2 release is the brand new "Simple" skin for the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX. This brand new "common" skin (that means it's available for all RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX) lives-up to its name: Simple is a set of skins that use almost entirely CSS- no fancy background images. The only images used are those absolutely required by controls, such as toolbar icons in RadEditor and sort/filter icons in RadGrid. Otherwise, pure CSS. This is a skin I've been waiting for for a long time. Why? When skins are made entirely of CSS, it is super easy to customize them to match any color scheme you desire. You don't need to modify any gradient images- just CSS hex color values. Simple CSS-only skins also enable you to give your site that nice "minimalist" look-and-feel that Google has popularized (though even Google is now getting more "gradient" with new Gmail revisions). Professional skins like "Vista" and "Office2007" are cool, but sometimes a website needs a clean, simple presentation. I'd also say that the new "Simple" skin is also ideal for customization in the new Visual Style Builder, but really any skin is ideal with the new skin tool. Since the VSB can easily customize skin images to make the color scheme of your custom skin CSS, it has really changed the game for skin customization. Still, CSS is "pure" and a bit easier to change, so you should easily be able to take the default "Simple" skin and produce a custom CSS skin that matches any color scheme you can throw at it. The new Simple skin is available for the Q1 2009 and later RadControls. It's available in the SP2 downloads now and you can see live demos of the skin in the Online Demos. Enjoy the new skin! You can download the new bits now in your Client.net accounts on Telerik.com and enjoy the improvements right away. Stay tuned for more details about some of the features in SP2 (and some yet to be seen features coming in Q2) in the coming days. 'Til then, enjoy SP2! But while this schedule is unusual by browser market standards, it seems to be on par with Google's approach to software. In Chrome's debut blog post, Sundar Pichai (VP Product Management) explained that Google's mantra is, "release early and iterate." It seems they've taken that to heart with Chrome. The Chrome Team further elaborated on their approach to "versions" in this week's Chrome 2 announcement: "Finally, a note on version numbers: we're referring to this as Chrome 2, but that's mainly a metric to help us keep track of changes internally. We don't give too much weight to version numbers and will continue to roll out useful updates as often as possible." So, by tracking the Chrome Team's current trajectory and combining that with their apparent willingness to "version" Chrome at will, I would guess that we'll have Chrome 3 before the end of the year. For out part at Telerik, we will of course work hard to ensure the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX are always compatible with (at least) the latest "official" Chrome version. And based on their release cycle, it's a good thing that we have three releases per year to keep up! This will be a free webinar! This is a great time to come see how you can use OpenAccess in a more "real world" setting than simple demos can convey, so definitely make plans to attend this webinar if you've been looking for examples showing OpenAccess in n-tier scenarios. Things get kicked-off at 12 noon Eastern Time (9AM Pacific) on Tuesday, the 2nd. Welcome to TechEd 2009 coverage on Telerik Watch! This is your place to watch the TechEd 2009 Keynote unfold. I'm here in beautiful LA (ehem...) and ready to bring you the most complete live keynote coverage available on your RSS Reader dial. With so many Microsoft technologies in beta (or soon to be beta), there are bound to be some interesting announcements during the Day One keynote. And if you're tuned-in here, you'll get the announcement details as soon as they're made. All the action starts tomorrow morning, so bookmark this post and tune-in at 10:00 AM Pacific Time for the fun! 9:33 AM: Almost time for things to get started. I've grabbed a TechEd MountainDew, settled-in to my seat, and am enjoying the Microsoft electronic music in the morning. Room is probably 1/4 to 1/3 filled now, but people are streaming-in. 9:53 AM: Just got the Five Minute Warning. Looks like things will be starting right on time. 10:02 AM: Lights-dim, video starts- time to get started (a little late because everyone was still trying to find seats). “X Lives Here” is the slogan for this year (such as “Innovation Lives Here,” “Potential Lives Here,” etc.). 10:10 AM: Bill says Microsoft intends to support the community in these turbulent times by “inventing in you, driving value, and innovating together.” Says MSFT will grow R&D this year, despite other cut backs. “Pedal down” behavior, as he puts it. 10:12 AM: Talking about “Dynamic IT.” Just remarking about how far we’ve come since 2003. 10:17 AM: Announcing a SQL Server 2008 R2 CTP will ship in H2 2009. No response from crowd, Also showing on screen a July 2009 tech preview of Office 2010. 10:19 AM: Just added that Office 2010 preview will be private- invite only. First dibs go to TechEd attendees. Again, no crowd excitement for this announcement. 10:21 AM: Running another video, this time talking to Windows 7 engineers. Making the case that Windows 7 is really listening to people and trying to build the best OS possible. Trying to provide some transparency for the Windows development approach. 10:24 AM: Bill is now talking about the “Making of Windows 7.” Key points: Microsoft listened & learned before building Win7, Quality & Fundamentals are key, MSFT wants to “enable you,” and finally MSFT wants to “excite” end-users. 10:27 AM: Now talking Win7 and the Ecosystem. Talking about how MSFT is working hard to ensure ecosystem is better prepared for Win7 than they were for Vista. Slide is saying some “Intel Announcement” is coming. 10:31 AM: Bill is moving on to talk about new features in Windows7 release wave- specifically, features that help address the balance between “Control” and “Flexibility.” Examples: branch cache, direct connect (i.e. VPN-client-less VPN), etc. 10:33 AM: Bill is encouraging audience to compare Win7 RC performance to Vista to see proof that new release is already better performing than previous releases- even in RC. 10:35 AM: Demo time! I think the audience is relieved- Bill’s part was getting a little long. Bill is doing first demo- made the big “name mistake” and called Win7, “Windows Vista.” Finally got some audience laughter! 10:36 AM: Bill is demoing the “basic” UX improvements in Win7 (jump lists, reordering apps on task bar, etc.)- stuff you’ve probably seen before. 10:38 AM: More interesting than Bill’s Win7 demo is the fact that he’s got Office 2010 running on his demo machine! The UX is changing in office- no more big “Office Button” globe. 10:39 AM: Moving on to show-off Direct Connect. Requires WinServer 2008R2. And now we’re on to look at Branch Caching, and integrated Open Search (in Windows Search), and so on. Lots of quick little demos of Win7 features. 10:44 AM: Bill says he’s doing last demo- showing BitLocker ToGo. Don’t think people really got this last demo. 10:46 AM: Mark Russinovich, Tech Fellow at MSFT, is taking the stage to do Win7 demos for the IT Pros. 10:51 AM: Demo snag. Mark was trying to show AppLocker group policy change in action, but something broke. First time I’ve seen a TechEd keynote demo stall for that long. Fortunately, the “magic behind the curtain” (i.e. the guys in back frantically trying to fix the problem) fixed the issue and Mark recovered. 10:53 AM: Big recovery! Mark just got the biggest crowd reaction so far showing-off the feature in Win7 that enables users to record the steps they took to hit a problem (complete with step-by-step) screen caps. People applauded this feature more than anything else so far. 10:56 AM: Moving-on to talk about PowerShell v2. Talking about using PowerShell to manage group policy settings. 11:00 AM: Now on to MEDV (pronounced “Med-Vee”)- Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization, the set of tools MSFT is shipping that enables admins to easily manage end-user VMs. 11:03 AM: And now “AppV” (pronounced “App-Vee”), Microsoft’s application virtualization solution. Mark says this feature will help support the idea of the “replaceable PC,” or a scenario where all user settings (including apps) can quickly be re-initialized on a new box if their first PC dies. 11:07 AM: Last thing for Mark- demoing the new VHD support in Win7 (ability to managed VHDs from Disk Manager and even boot directly from a VHD). 11:11 AM: Bill’s back. Mark’s gone. No developer love so far in this year’s keynote (last year you may remember that there was a fair amount more for devs). 11:13 AM: First App Compat. Essentially, MSFT is doing a lot to make sure all apps run: App Compat Kit, Guidance, Virtualization Tech, XP Mode, App Compat Factory, and ISV Engagement. 11:15 AM: Second, Ship Date. Bill is ready to announce something. Announcing that Windows 7 will ship for this holiday season. No reaction from crowd- think that shocked Bill. 11:16 AM: Telling people who don’t have Vista installed yet to start testing with Win7 RC instead. 11:17 AM: Time for another demo. Ian McDonald, General Manager of Windows Server Group, taking stage to do some Windows Server 2008 R2 demos. 11:21 AM: Talking about the focus of the Server Group: Consistent Delivery, Accelerating Technology Adoption, and Commitment to Value. 11:29 AM: Keynote is definitely dragging. Ian is high energy, but I think people realize that this is going to run in to lunch and we’re not going to get any more interesting announcements as things go along. Just review of the RCs and Betas we’ve already seen. Ian is still talking to his key points slide. 11:35 AM: Ian is now starting his demos. They better be impressive to save this keynote. But they are “just” server admin demos, so…unless you’re a domain admin…this info isn’t likely to interest you. 11:37 AM: Ian got some demo applause! Apparently Windows Server now has some OCR features built-in. That’s cool, I suppose. 11:40 AM: Ian is now rambling on about Exchange 2010. Stream of people leaving is about to become a river. 11:43 AM: Ian is now demoing Outlook 2010 (another sneak peak of the Office14 UX). Showing some type of integration with something- demo problems. Demo failed. Apparently the demo was to make some joke about Mary Jo’s “MSFT Code Name” list. 11:48 AM: “And finally I’m going to get on to the headline artist of the night: virtualization in Windows Server,” says Ian as people continue their march out of the keynote. Apparently there’ll be one more demo today showing virtualization. 11:54 AM: Bill is re-taking stage to wrap-up the keynote. I think people cut him short. Quick thanks for Bill and that’s it! I know they practiced this keynote, but it’s not clear if any amount of practice have saved it. With the Windows 7 RC already released, the keynote just lacked any good announcements. It’s almost like MSFT forgot to save anything-up for this big keynote. Good thing Bill Gate’s last TechEd keynote is already in the books. Either way, hope you enjoyed the extended coverage. Stay tuned for more from LA as TechEd continues! Many, many months ago, a disaster hit the area where I live. Hurricane Ike slammed in to the Texas coast and brought me closer to the destruction of a hurricane than I'd ever been in the past. My family was fortunate and we escaped the storm with no major property damage, but we did lose power for more than a week. And that inspired the last Telerik Watch poll. You never realize how much steady, easily available electricity affects your quality of life until it's gone- and gone for more than a couple days. You lose more than you think (or at least more that I thought I would, originally). Your fridge and freezer full of food? It all gets trashed. Addicted to the Internet? Sorry. Live in a hot climate and depend on your AC to breathe? Prepare to sweat yourself to sleep. So I asked you, if you could power only one device in a long-term power outage, what would it be? The results were interesting. More than half of you would go for the food and keep the fridge and freezer running. For the other half that is content to live off of canned food heated over gas stoves (or fires) and warm beer, the number-one saved device is your computer. I suppose that's a smart move since the computer can also be a source of light and- assuming you have the ability to get a reliable 3G internet connection- a good source of entertainment and news. Still another full 8% of you would save nothing and enjoy the stillness and "back to the basics" life that a power outage brings. Perhaps most (least?) surprising is that no one would save their TV! Now, I'm assuming you all would make the argument that the computer is like TV+ (you can get your news, entertainment, and still have a computer to use), but it's still revealing. The tech crowd definitely recognizes the non-necessity of the TV in a disaster. Again- almost 10% of you would rather save nothing than save your TV. Telling... Thanks for sharing your input. I hope none of you find yourself in a long term power outage anytime soon, but if you do, you'll be going with the crowd if you choose to save your fridge- and food- first. Microsoft Web Experience Experts Area- You can find me in this area of Microsoft's "Experts Area" throughout the week. I'm happy to talk Telerik, talk Microsoft, or talk whatever is on your mind. Stop on by and say hi. BOF Sessions- As I've previously mentioned on this blog, I will also be hosting two BOF sessions on Thursday, so if you're interested in the topics (Telecommuting and Building Great Web Apps), don't miss what should be good discussions. TechEd Sessions- Telerik CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) Stephen Forte and Microsoft RD will have a huge presence at TechEd delivering a voice-killing 11 sessions throughout the week. Be sure to check-out his sessions and send Telerik questions his way. Parnter Booths- While Telerik's booth won't be on the floor, we have many great partners that will be at TechEd this year. You'll be able to find me at both the Novel booth where the fine folks from the Mono Project will be showcasing Telerik's RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX on Linux. You can also find me at our great training partner Falafel's booth, too, showing-off the incredible Learning Guides they have produced. So, lots of opportunities to interact with Telerik at TechEd this year. We look forward to talking to many of you next week and to having a great time at TechEd. And for those of you not there, keep your RSS Readers locked-in here where I'll try to bring some live coverage of various keynotes and events.
It’s easy to say the future of the internet is going to be through mobile devices and viewing… but how many businesses and brands are actually putting their best efforts into making sure they are ready for this transition. At the same time, it’s already been several years since the rise of mobile started, but it’s now growing at an even faster rate as more mobile devices are accessible around the world at cheaper prices, while technology and internet access continue to scale at the same time. With so much focus on mobile usage, content creation and mobile advertising market, we thought it would be a great idea to seek out some expert advice from some of the top minds in the industry today on the mobile marketing trends 2018. We asked the question, and provide you with the expert answers! Let’s do this! What do you think about the future of mobile, and how will it affect your business? There is so much talk about Mobile, how important it is, and the differences in how it works. I believe the word “Mobile” needs to disappear as a silo in 2016 and beyond, as everything has basically become mobile. It will surely affect every business that’s actively doing SEO in the future, especially now that Google has started testing their mobile-first index. As to how I’ve adjusted, improving mobile experience has certainly become one of the key areas of our content optimization process for the past several months. We’ve made it to a point to ensure that all the key pages we want to optimize for search are serving better experience for mobile users (and not just the homepage – particularly in terms of site speed). If you’re doing SEO, this aspect of optimization should be one of your checklist’s top priorities (use tools like Test My Site with Google and Page Speed Insights). The rise of mobile has already started impacting our business as more and more users consume our content on mobile devices. To adjust for that, we have made sure that our websites are 100% mobile friendly and optimized for increased user engagement. For mobile users we add additional share buttons such as WhatsApp and Messenger to improve sharing as well. Mobile marketing is going to be huge… and it already is! Something we’ve recently done lately is making sure our website and content loaded extremely fast and easy through all mobile and tablet devices. Since we focus on providing coloring book content to our audiences, we know they want to be able to see all our content as large and clear as possible. We also removed a lot of junk from our site and eliminated all possible distractions. Mobile is the future of content viewing, so make sure your making it as easy for your audience as possible. The smartphone revolution redefined how businesses work. Today people are on the go and looking at their mobile. They do everything from reading and purchasing things on their phones. As an owner of an e-commerce store, we notice a trend from customers buying through their mobile phone. We knew it was going to be popular and spoke to several of our customers to make sure we got it right. From their feedback, we made changes to make buying experience a breeze from browsing to selecting purchases to check out process to making payment. We’re also constantly on a lookout for new mobile trend that will help. The key for us is to listen to our customers and adjust on the go. Very hard to answer in a general way as every business will be effected by mobile. Whether it is in the marketing or customer service departments. Customers are now on mobile devices and will interface with your business on those devices. Ensuring you optimise that interaction is critical. Really estate has been and will continue to be dramatically affected by the use of cell phones. Daily people are using their phones as an informational tool when they are out looking at homes. The ability to have all the information at their finger tips when looking at property is a big benefit. I made sure early on that my Massachusetts real estate website was mobile friendly. I publish an article every Monday. These articles are very well received online. Many of my visitors are viewing my articles from their phones. The ease of viewing cannot be understated. If you do not have a mobile-friendly site people will be on to the next site immediately. At HealthJoy, we are a mobile first company that’s the first stop for an employee’s healthcare needs. Our all-in-one app combines telemedicine, personal healthcare concierges, Rx savings, price transparency and more. We sell our service for a low monthly price and demonstrate a positive ROI for businesses almost instantly. We decided to offer mobile app only based on our early usage a few years ago, employees were barely using our website to access our service. We still offer telephone support though a 800 number, but it has limited usage. People love the ability to hop on their phone quickly, send a text message and get service on their schedule. Mobile is so important, and what I find most interesting about it all, are the brands and businesses who think they can succeed without it. Like it or not, this transition is happening. Less people are using Google and desktop devices, which means search engines and organic rankings don’t matter as much as they used to. Now it’s all about instant gratification through mobile devices, quick searches, social media and applications. If you aren’t actively moving your business model to these areas, you are going to miss out big time! Currently, our company is dedicated to offering SEO services for Shopify stores. For this reason, we are well aware that in the world of e-commerce today, it is imperative that your store is perfectly accessible via mobile phones. A recent study from Business Insider states the following “M-commerce will rise in the coming years as e-commerce grows to become a larger portion of total U.S. retail sales. In 2014, m-commerce made up 11.6% of the $303 billion U.S. e-commerce total, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau and comScore. In fact, we have recently prepared a guide with 32 points to improve the SEO and usability of Shopify stores (you can see it here: SEO and Usability for Shopify), and obviously one of the basic points we have highlighted is the use of responsive design as a fundamental element for any online store. MobiDev started back in 2009 as a company that focused on mobile. Now we provide complex software development services to different businesses, and mobile is still on the rise. We believe it’s all about mobile users. You make an app for them. You need options to choose from, be it a native or a cross-platform app. Generally, it depends on your business aims and functionality: the right technology can help you to save budget. And the other thing, after the release, you need to update it, once or twice a year at the very least, with proper care for code quality and maintenance of documentation—this, for example, drastically reduces update costs. Outdated apps don’t bring benefits to businesses. It already is affecting it. I only deal business to business and 12 months ago the amount of visitors hitting my site from mobile phones was 8%… it’s now 27%. That’s a huge rise in a year. A few years ago I made sure my website was fully responsive but I’ve started going to the next level by creating very mobile friendly versions of my popular pages. I’m removing certain elements that show on desktops and replacing them with images/graphics/calls-to-action that are specifically designed for mobile viewing. I’ve also re-written my online marketing training courses so that they can be delivered to mobile devices. All emails and PDFs now display great on any screen size and I feel this will hold me in good stead over the next few years. As marketers, bloggers and business owners we need to make sure all our content is easy to digest and engage with on any device. My background is in SEO and the raise of mobile means a real shift in my industry. Currently 60% of all searches happen on mobile devices and the way people search via mobile is very different then the way they search via a desktop. Often on mobile people will ask questions or speak their query into the search engines. The way one types and the way they speak are very different and this means the types of keywords that people use are very different. For example through a desktop someone might search “Toronto restaurants” where as on a phone they might say “where’s a good place to eat”. The phone search didn’t even use keywords but the search engines use the phone’s GPS location to determine the relevant location and creates a similar search result to the typed version. There’s no way to target this type of search using the standard SEO practice of lacing the site with keywords. Instead the SEO needs to be savvy about optimizing for Google business search, which is often the type of result provided for these types of searches. The good thing about change is as long as you keep up to date with it you always remain above the competition. Understanding how mobile impacts your business is essential. One the web, mobile is well beyond being on the rise… it has surpassed desktop. All of my business is conducted online and 60-80% of the traffic to websites I manage comes from mobile. For example, one of my eCommerce stores on Shopify that sells Valentine’s Day gifts received over $25,000 in sales during February. This website received 70% of traffic from mobile. I adjusted to the rise of mobile by building responsive, single column websites like this, so the desktop version translates well to mobile devices and optimize the speed of each by using Google PageSpeed Insights to improve the mobile score above 90. Mobile-first approach is what I’ve been preaching to my team for quite some time now. Right before Google started rolling out mobile-related algorithms, we tweaked our systems and started focusing primarily on the mobile experience. I run a client-based business, so it’s imperative for us to stay on top of our game and always stay in Google’s good graces. I think that rise of mobile will only increase traffic to our businesses, not significantly because there will be a slight shift, but not a complete realignment because lots of users are using both mediums to interact with us. I don’t think revenue would decline as the mobile platform has also oriented itself to provide businesses options for monetisation options which work well at the mobile level. I’m getting more enquiries about mobile apps, which I don’t create, but fortunately have a friend who is app magician, so I can spread the good words and let him make some money. In terms of webdesign and development, I had to learn and change my approach to the mobile first way. It’s something that we can’t avoid. It’s a thing you have to learn or you’ll be out of the business soon. Ensure your website is scrolled and easily accessible through mobile (menus, graphics), remove banner ads and pop-ups – most of which kills user experiences. Publish content on a mobile format that allows people to skim through pages without the need to scroll down to the page. The market will decide if your content is good enough to spend time on. The rise of mobile will affect all online businesses, undoubtedly, not only mine. Things like layout responsiveness, loading speeds, video, audio, font types and sizes, images, forms and submit buttons and even content will need to be adjusted in order to reflect and take into account the different mobile device screens and operating systems. The “why”, “where” and “when” users are accessing their favorite online places also need to be considered. Google will reward sites that are mobile-friendly, so I need to make sure I have all of that covered and changed according to the new and upcoming mobile era. Mobile use is a particular concern and websites are adapting to the changes fast – but not fast enough! It’s not enough to be mobile responsive any more. Your website has to do more – as well as engage dream clients it now processes payments and follows up your leads. It means the ability to communicate with your clients on specific devices is possible. It also means your marketing capabilities need to cross devices. Email does this very well, websites need to catch up. If I had to guess anything about you right now, I would guess that your mobile device is just a few feet away from you. The moment it chimes or updates, it’s the first thing you reach for. That is why the future of mobile marketing is so important. Every business needs to figure out the best way to connect with their audiences through mobile — whether that be text messaging, an application, online video or a responsive website. The better you are set up for the future of mobile marketing, the better you will stand against the competition. I am going to benefit a great deal with the rise of mobile since my preferred source of income is email marketing. The fact of the matter is that the latest reports state that the effectiveness of email marketing is continuing to increase alongside with the exponential use of smartphones and mobile devices. To be prepared for this new impact, I will have to rethink my subject lines; I need to make sure I keep them short and catchy. I will also change my email formats and adapt my email messages so they are much more direct and not too long. This is how I’ll use the new mobile waves for the betterment of my businesses. More importantly, what’s going to change for me is where I’ll be investing my money in. I’ll be redirecting my advertising budget to mobile and video ads because that’s where the users are going to be and see more in the coming future. The shift to mobile is not surprising. We knew it was time, so we’ve already optimized our website for mobile. For example, we set certain limits to our image files so they won’t clog our website when it loads on mobile. We’ve also fixed our layout to be easier to read for mobile users. Our app is mobile ready. We have a team of developers who are in the process of continuously refining it. Mobile marketing and usage is huge right now and this is only going to keep increasing with time. Think about how the United States was first in the massive internet and mobile boom. Now think about how that same boom is grwoing throughout the world as more third-world countires are gaining access to the internet and mobile devices. With all of this in mind, you need to make sure you best content is resposnsive and fully accessible through mobile. Also don’t forget about the power of video. Facebook had no idea what to do with mobile users in the beginning, and now they mastered it and are making more money than ever before. Others will master these platforms, and others will fall behind. Make sure you are the ones left in the dark! My plan is to make use of the introduction of the so-called “mobile wallet” in my physical business. This means using your smartphone or other kind of mobile device as a way of payment through a new technology called NFC (near-field communication). Instead of handing over your credit card you just need to hold your smartphone in front of a payment terminal and that’s it. This makes it easier and cheaper for both the customer and the shop owner but what’s more important to realize here is that I can use it for marketing purposes. I’ll be creating an exclusive mobile app for my own business that sends out push notifications with promo codes and/or discount deals every time one of my app users comes near my shop location. This is will increase occasional purchases and hopefully benefit my business in a great fashion! I mostly focus on my Amazon FBA businesses these days, so I guess Amazon will take care of the bigger part of the changes for me. What I can do, nonetheless, is rethink my mailing lists’ and supporting websites’ strategies and tactics. I need to make sure that my websites are working well on mobile devices because an important share of my customers first finds my products through the search engines and I know Google is going to favor websites that are mobile-friendly. My friend, who is an email marketer expert, has told me I should pay special attention to how I write my broadcast emails so that mobile users are kept in mind at all times, too. The rise in mobile traffic for digital marketing agencies like the one I run means that clients need to shift thinking away from just laptops and desktops and into the smartphone and tablet revolution. With Google indicating rankings increases for fully mobile friendly sites, and almost 50% of traffic predicted to be from mobiles and tablets in the next year or so, having a mobile friendly website is just a huge part of not only SEO, but UX as well, as if your site is not mobile friendly then you will be losing customers. It has also changed local SEO and increases the importance of Google My Business listings, as these are simply one of the highest traffic providers, with searches like “near me” increasing all the time. Mobile has affected me directly because the need to educate clients and customers is critical to making and SEO / PPC campaign work, as without a mobile friendly operation, not only will they lose business, but they also stand to fall way short of what the online customer now expects when using a website – for it to work on whatever device they choose to use. Personally, my business is not that affected by the rise in mobile; that said, it is very important for me that everything I send out to my audience, such as my website and blog and the emails I send are all properly optimised for mobile, because a lot of my readers and clients use their mobile devices to read my content and my emails. It already has affected! For instance, it became essential to have a responsive design on your site years ago! Now you also need to consider the load speed of your site and the overall usability, to make sure mobile users will be able to move around efficiently. Finally, I am a big believer in chatbots. This means that you should consider how your business can automate conversations with your clients via messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. Mobile is now almost the majority of my traffic and it plays a huge role in the future of my business. It’s critical that all pages are mobile-optimized. I make sure any new plugins or tools I use are also mobile-friendly and do thorough testing to ensure a good user experience. If anything, that’s now the place to start. In my mind the biggest issue with mobile is that payments and email sign up is much more difficult on mobile. As more and more of the traffic comes from mobile sources, it becomes increasingly important to make signing up for emails and making purchases as easy as possible on mobile. It’s also important to think about content that can be consumed on the go or in short duration. I plan to integrate with payments systems like Apple Pay, which make mobile payment through a browser extremely simple and to tailor more of my content towards mobile by making it broken up into smaller section so that someone can quickly consume pieces of it. The rise of mobile has been something we have tried to keep up with for years, especially after Google’s April 2015 algorithm update that boosted mobile-friendly pages in search results and its ever-increasing users. Our mobile sites have been tailored to mobile: Our content is shorter, but all that is key is there so that users are not scrolling constantly, there are fewer clicks from product to checkout, and our mobile versions run as fast as possible so that users do not leave due to load time frustration. Many mobile users are in a hurry, they want their information super fast and they want to obtain it seamlessly. For these reasons, our sites are clean and user-friendly. You won’t accidentally click on something you weren’t trying to click on, and you won’t find any massive or bombarding pop-ups. We will continue to adjust and update our mobile sites to have the experience we ourselves want as users. has to be more minimalist and effective, or else the users swipe your site goodbye in the blink of a nano-enhanced eye. That’s why in 2017, I will focus exclusively on catering my site toward mobile users, leaving only the most important options and drastically reducing my page load. It’s already affecting it! My business is a conversion optimization agency, so a lot of what we optimize for is mobile sites. In particular, ecommerce and online retail brands are seeing half or more of their traffic come from mobile now, but historically their sites have been built and optimized for desktop first. That obviously poses a problem! So we focus a lot on mobile site optimization. That means watching recordings of how users are using the mobile site, doing mobile user testing, and designing mobile specific experiences to increase the conversion rate on the mobile site. I must also highlight the tremendous impact that is searching and browsing the web via mobile devices has on the today’s world of SEO. We register a growing participation of mobile traffic on our website and the traffic coming from the areas of Social Media is mostly mobile. That is why more than a year ago we implemented a version of AMP – technology supported by Google that enables the mobile devices to browse the website very quickly. We see a lot of interest among our potential users in the “mobile time tracking software, ” and thus we adapt SEO to the “new” market. I think the rise of mobile affects every business, though the extent needed to adjust varies by business and industry. For my business, Google’s new interstitial rule (email popups) makes it necessary for me to adjust how I’m capturing leads as they land on my website. In fact, this specific search engine penalty factor affects anyone who’s been using email popups to collect email subscribers! But the changes necessary to keep up with smartphone/tablet use are even more important for e-commerce websites, and other web properties that don’t currently incorporate responsive design. A responsive retrofit, or new mobile-friendly website can be fairly easy for a blog to incorporate, but incredibly complicated for a large website with a lot of pages/ecommerce property. I’m still combing through my website to determine which elements are not user-friendly on mobile devices, and will continue to do so. Being that we are an SEO company, mobile has had a huge affect on our overall business. The main way it changed us is the popularity of responsive web design. 5-10 years ago we had to make “mobile” websites i.e. totally different websites that ran beside or next to the primary website. This was very short lived, once tablets and TV’s started becoming a primary way people consumed information. Then Google’s separate “mobile index” started hitting, along with other Google related mobile stuff, like the “mobile friendly” tag in the search results. It became mandatory for us to pay attention to the mobile friendly tool in Google, and make sure that all of our websites passed this test. We even started using it as a lead generation tactic. Things like “website not mobile friendly? We can help!” People are browsing the web from LCD screens in their cars, so it is becoming more and more important to make sure mobile is not only present, but optimized. Rise of mobile means you need a mobile friendly site or you need a app to stay ahead without these two things you will loose visibility and customers given 50%+ of transactions takes place on mobile now. Responsiveness is now the biggest challenge after growth of mobile internet users. I have to see responsiveness of every display on my blog; be it a post, an ad, or a lead page. Mobile internet users don’t like long posts so I am looking into diversifying my contents to serve their needs with their convenience. In the future, major part of online market would shift on mobile so speed will be more clearly divided into two categories of big screen and small screen speed. The rise of the mobile has made me reconsider the way I present my content. I switched my design to be responsive to the different screen sizes, I changed the design to a more minimal one with less large imagery and more white space, and I simplified everything. I now basically have a site that looks and functions the same no matter what device you’re visiting from and this is important in days where more than 50% of the traffic can come from mobile devices. The rise of mobile has already happened for me and most of the clients I work with, and it’s impossible to ignore. We manage a lot of advertising, and a majority of advertising placements and impressions are now mobile. Companies can’t afford to have a bad mobile website experience- it’s not okay to put off the mobile responsive redesign any longer. We see more and more mobile conversions for both lead gen and ecommerce. We used to think people wouldn’t convert or buy on mobile, but increasingly they surprise us and do. We also see consumer behavior that’s a hybrid- where they may discover your company on mobile and complete a purchase on their desktop or laptop later on. The rise in mobile has affected my business as although I’m a largely in an industry which hasn’t seen the rise of mobile traffic, there has been a significant growth in mobile (nearly 500% growth compared to last year). As such, I’ve taken some steps to try to prepare in the future. On sites that conversions are the main focus, I’ve been working on optimising the size of pages, removing redundant WordPress Plugins and scripts, and generally improve caching. I’ve also of course have a responsive theme. On sites that content is the main focus, I’ve been exploring AMP technology to help serve my sites up super quick. I just saw an article by Neil Patel on this very topic. I debated about whether I should read it since so far I’ve stuck my head in the sand and for the most part chosen to ignore this issue. However, what I have done is install a plugin that makes loading time faster. It’s EWWW Image Optimizer. Mobile is already affecting my business and has done for years. At the most very basic level, you are going to need a responsive website which should be standard for any new website, meaning it will work on phones, tablets, etc. The rise of mobile demands all business owners to design responsive websites to keep current with the current trend. My web designer created a bespoke, mobile friendly theme for my blog because readers – and Google – need to see a mobile version of your site in order to seamlessly page through your content and premium offerings. I also created a rich library of online courses, eBooks and audio books on mobile friendly sites like Amazon and iTunes to take advantage of their massive design budgets. No need to micro-manage with my blog on this one. Grow your business through both your blog and through the online big boys to capitalize on their mobile friendly design. Make content scannable, or easily readable on mobile devices. Living here in Myanmar for a little bit, I’ve spent more time cruising cyber space through my phone with poor internet connectivity in the country. This has helped me appreciate scannable websites properly formatted for mobile versus sites that may be mobile friendly as far as formatting but not so much in the scanning and “easy on the eyes” department. If viewers can easily scan and consume your content they are more likely to make a buy or 2. As an SEO agency, the rise of mobile has had a huge impact on how we help our clients market their products and services. We have seen clients becoming more and more aware of how mobile is affecting consumer behaviour and there is now a stronger focus on a great user experience for mobile users, where previously this wasn’t a major concern for our clients. Not to mention the fact Google has now rolled out a “mobile first” index, therefore treating mobile pages as more important than desktop. This is due to the fact mobile searches have overtaken desktop searches. About half of my company’s website visits are from mobile, so needless to say it’s affected just about every area of the business. My main company has 3 different sections on its website – its blog, its forum, and its web store, and while designed similarly, each of these use a different content management system that’s mobile optimized. Ease of use is extremely important when it comes to mobile design; my philosophy is that if the user has to even think about where to find something, it’s already too difficult and needs to be changed. However, what many people fail to focus on is how easy it is to adapt between both the mobile and desktop versions of our websites. Many people don’t just browse the internet on one device – they browse on several. It’s important to keep both versions of your site similar enough to where if a person learns where everything is on one version, they don’t have to re-learn how to browse your site when they switch to the other. We’ve worked hard to make the mobile browsing experience for our visitors as effortless as it is on desktop. All of this will only continue to become more and more important as mobile usage continues to rise. I think one of the coolest things which is becoming huge with the expansion of mobile business is the usage of companies to track online vs. brick and mortar sales and the relationship between the two. I think for a long time now, it has been very difficult to tie down an online visit to a sale in-store, but finally, with the launch of Facebook’s “Store Visits” feature, its possible for business to get a good sense of how their online campaigns are performing in terms of driving traffic to stores and tracking sales lift. The rise of mobile affects my business already. First of all, my content has to be flexible, fast and digestible. Second, I have to rethink how people consume digital content on their mobile devices, the context changes everything. It’s pretty much impossible to keep up with the rapid advancement of technology so my goal is to keep educating myself about the latest trends and best practices to understand the big picture and delegate complex execution to professionals. The rise of mobile is already huge and will continue to grow. I am doing a weekly Facebook Live show via my smart phone and encouraging my students to do the same! The globe is already upwardly mobile and with the statistics we see everyday, more users are interacting with online businesses using their mobile devices. To say mobile will affect my business is me being ignorant and unaware of what is presently happening. Mobile is already affecting my business. Truth is a larger percentage of the audience that interact with my business online do so from their smartphones, according to my analytics data. Even when we run Facebook ads, the audience reach on Desktop is nothing compared to that of mobile. So what this means is simple: we have to ensure that everything we put online, whether it’s a blog post, an image or a product is carefully optimized for mobile. And the good thing is that with a mobile responsive website theme, we really don’t have to worry much about the layout. And with respect to lead generation, it just means that all our ads, including copy and design, have to be mobile-ready such that the message is passed across in the shortest and fastest way possible. Mobile is now the default device as we unplug from desks and offices yet continue to work. To adjust, I’m creating more visual content with more images, more video, more audio. My business is Wording Well, which is a word-based business. I do editing, I write for others (as well as for my sites), and I help others become authors. I am also an author, a blogger, a public speaker, and a consultant/coach. For a complete list of services my business offers, visit my Services page! My websites are both mobile-friendly and I do not forsee any issue with the increase of mobile users online. I have been running Wording Well successfully since February 2014, from its inception. Even back then, I made sure my sites were able to be viewed on mobile phones. Mobile has fundamentally changed how we engage with people, content, and businesses. There’s still a place for blogging and email, but with the rise of chatbots, apps and interactive contact, businesses have to experiment or be left behind. We’ve trialed all three approaches, and I think there’s huge potential for video, especially on sites like Facebook: auto-playing videos have taken off like crazy, and there’s massive ROI waiting to be realized by anyone willing to experiment with video content. Whether you’re sharing short video ads, animated explainer videos, or even live-streaming a podcast, there’s never been an easier time to get started with video marketing. Of all the different components and methods to take advantage of through mobile marketing strategies, video has to be one of the best options out there. Facebook has completely changed the way they deliver content and make money through mobile viewing… mainly through the use of video. Users love video and so do advertisers. Why?… Simply because it works! If you aren’t actively using online video with your brand or business, there is no better time than right now. Click here to contact Animated Video and let us create an amazing online video campaign for your brand today.
Do you think Jagex should Remove EoC from RS3? Did you like EoC when it was first released? Do you still like it now? Are you always avoiding the combat since the release of EoC? EoC has caused the drastic debate among players. Some of them think it’s pretty good, but some think that it will make RS die in the future. Today, we would like to share our opinions about that. Evolution of Combat is one of the largest content updates in Runescape history. It is a entire new combat system of the RS. Powerful abilities, dual weapon wielding, new Magic and Ranged equipment, and new Prayers came into our sight since this new combat system was released. In this system, the combat triangle has been massively balanced. Monsters have been given some new attacks. At the same time, the combat level formula has been changed. With these new changes, players can have new experience in RS. However, there are great divergences on EoC. Here are their reasons. 1. EoC is pretty good for PvM. 2. Players can get higher kill rating if they use their abilities correctly. 3. It removes most of the lucky elements and instead it with time and skill. 4. EoC speed up the combat. But since it was released, it seems that many players have been gone back to the OSRS. They didn’t like this combat system at all and think that Jagex should remove this system. 1. EoC incredibly overpowered. Players go out with rune and a whip will be killed within 15 seconds. 2. Players who kill each other in cheap armours like atwing robes and royal dragonhide armour can gain little rewards now. 3. Frenzy ability is now extremely weak. It just causes less damage that assault. 4. It makes the combat ends too fast. This almost kills the enjoyment for pkers. 5. It makes runescape becomes to a pay-to-win game. It seems that there are many drawbacks of this combat system. But we believe that Jagex will solve these problems sooner or later, since this system is just released for one year. Have you given the Squeal of Fortune a spin ? If not, please take your action right now! All the gems will have a huge help to your Summoning. What’s the Function of Spirit Gems? The three spirit gems are spirit sapphire, spirit emerald, and spirit ruby. They have the ability to store uncharged summoning pouches and the total amount of pouches and charges the gems have are 5, 10, and 15 respectively. Pouches inside the gems can become charged. At the same time, you will gain massive Summoning XP. The other three spirit gems are spirit diamonds, spirit dragonstones and spirit onyxes. They have the similar functions with the former three gems. How to Get the Summoning spirit Gems? 1. You can win the tickets for two extra spins on Squeal of Fortune. 2. Expect in minigames and Dungeoneering, there are many monsters have rare chance to drop a spin ticket around the world. 3. When take part in some activities which can score you a Shattered Heart strange rock, you will have a rare chance to earn an extra Squeal spin. 4. Whenever you complete a quest, you will receive 2 spins – in addition to the ordinary quest reward, of course – added directly onto your count of earned spins. 5. Being the members of Runescape then you will have 2 free daily spins. These spirit gems seem to be awesome. If you want to get them, spin the Squeal of Fortune right now. Time is limited, the earlier you take action, the more gems you will get! Do you want to get the level 3 Clue Scroll in 2007 Runescape? Do you want to obtain the exclusive rewards of that Scroll? Today, we will share some guides and details on how to get and solve it. These scrolls are longer and harder than the other two former scrolls—level 1and level 2. It is usually around 5-7 clues. The Coordinate clues will always summon a Zamorak wizard (inside the wilderness) or a Saradomin wizard (outside the wilderness) excluding one in the duel arena. Both wizards can use magic, but Saradomin will use poisonous melee. Players who solve this scroll can obtain massive rewards, including some rune items and more expensive Treasure Trail rewards, such as Third age armour. How to Do Level 3 Clue Scroll? 1. Take enough food, Prayer potions and super antipoison potions with you. You should be Equipped with the ranged armour and bow. Bringing air runes, Meerkat pouches and Fetch casket scrolls. 2. Complete some quests such as Fairy Tale II – Cure a Queen to obtain high quest points and that will be needed in doing Treasure Trail. 3. In level 3 clues, there will appear anagrams. Use some NPC’s names as the solution and you will move forward to the next clue once the solution is found. After that, you will receive a puzzle box, tell the NPC the answer of the puzzle box. 4. Complete the challenge scroll by speaking to the NPC which gave it to provide the answer. Once you have completed the scroll, you will receive either the next scroll or the reward. 5. To emote the level 3 clue, you need to fight the double agent. Once killed him, perform the emote again with all the original items from the clue equipped. 6. There are also some map clues which need you to complete. The map will show the small quest you need to do, such as dig in the appointed place to find the next clue and the rewards or search rewards among some crates. The harder level scroll you solve, the better rewards you will obtain. So in level 3 Clue Scroll, there are massive valuable rewards, such as the Rune equipment, Third-age equipment, Animal masks, or Gilded armour. Go ahead and do the level 3 Clue Scroll! Have you ever completes the fourth master quest Ritual of the MahjarratWould? Would you like to know how to defeat the RS monster Glacor? Today, Rsorder will provide you a brief guide about how to defeat the Glacor successfully. Hope this guide can help you to achieve your big win in fighting with Glacor. Glacor is a powerful ice elementals who lives in Glacor Cave. It is a quite dangerous monster because of it has a combat level of 160. However, it has some considerable exclusive drops, such steadfast boots, glaiven boots, ragefire boots, and shards of armadyl that can be used to make Armadyl runes or the Armadyl battlestaff. They can also drop large amount of crimson charms and blue charms. 1. Use your fairy ring to reach the Glacor Cave. The code is dkq. 2. You needn’t to bring too much things with you except the prayer potions. Use your best fire spell and soul split. 3. Try your best to avoid his icicle attack and at the same time, use your Combust, Concentrated Blast, and Asphyxiate to hit 50% of his HP. 5. You need to kill the sapping one first since it will drain your prayer. 6. Kill the enduring second because of its high defence. 7. Then comes to the last one—unstable glacyte. 8. Glacor will become the last one you kill. Use your Asphyxiate to attack him. 1. Keep your eye on the main Glacor when kill the babies. Try your best to avoid his attack. 2. Lure the babies around if you have any trouble about tanking the main Glacor. 3. It is much better if you can summon the bunyip. 4. Take alch runes with you. Above all are the main strategies and some aspects you should notice about killing the Glacor. Hope this guide can help you to defeat the Glacor and obtain the rewards which can only dropped by them. Have you get your RS Crackers already? What gifts have you received in it? If you haven’t get any crackers yet, don’t fear, Jagex just lengthened the in-game festivities to 15 days. Today, Rs3gold.com will tell you what cracker is and how to get them. In Christmas 2013, you can have a chance to obtain the festival crackers. They are some items which can be obtained by challenges, competition, killing monsters and skilling. With this item, you even have a rare chance to get the Black Santa hat. What are the Benefits of Crackers? There are some main benefits which you can get from the crackers while using on another player. 1. Both of you can gain 1000 Bonus XP to one of your skill randomly. 2. There are many attractive gifts prepared for owners in the crackers, such as Yule logs, Coal, Mulled Wine, Golden Rings and even the Black Santa hat! 3. When pulling open the crackers, you will be awarded with a valuable new headpiece. By following below four ways, you can get many crackers during the 15 days of the in-game festivities. 1. When you complete and hand in your first Daily Challenge each day, besides the usual rewards, you will be awarded with the cracker. For all the members who are busy with their second world events, there will be an additional Daliy Challenge alongside the current five during the 15 days of Christmas. 2. There is also a chance to get cracker by completing any combat or skilling activities which can earn you a spin tickets. 3. During the 15 days, there will be some events which can gain you crackers. In each day, you have two chances to obtain the crackers in Falador party room. At 2am and 8pm GMT everyday, there will be a balloon which can give out 200 crackers drops in that room. 4. If you have the Christmas outfit, that will be great. Wear that outfit and you will have bigger chance to obtain the crackers. For each piece of the outfit, the chance will be increased by 20% of the original chance. Do you want Jagex to move SoF out of Runescape? It was revealed at RuneFest 2013 that Yelps may die in an upcoming update, depending on the players’ actions. SoF was introduced on 28 February 2012. However, with the appearance of Solomon’s General Store and bonds, many players think that there is no requirement of the SoF. It has brought us much fun since it was introduced into the RS. However, problems are followed up. Here are some players’ opinions bout SoF. 1. It is a pleasure to spin and get something for having completed a challenge or just for logging in. It almost has become their habits. 2. Players like getting spinning tickets as the rewards for completing some combats and quests. This gives them great motivation factor. 3. Players will be cheerful when they get what they want in SoF. 1. Some players think that SoF just messed up the in-game economy. 2. For many times, players just got some useless items which are not needed. 3. Many players don’t like this because it just seems to be too cartoonish and childish, especially its animation. And that made them feel embarrassed to introduce Runescape to other friends. What’s your opinionabout Squeal of Fortune. Would you like Jagex to move it out from RS? I think maybe Jagex will not let Squeal of Fortune die in RS because they still need to get money from it. The release of bonds may be just the solution to control the overflow of botting. What should you do when you do task of dungeon in Runescape? In RS, you may have a variety of problems of killing monsters, leveling or buying items. Never mind, if you lack of rs gold and tried of farming it. And for killing monsters, for example, dungeon, it might be make some difficulties to many players for killing that, what should we do? I’ll have a tip for that. What should you do when you do task of dungeon? Using knife is a favorable way to do Range tasks. You basically need a ferocious ring which you can only use in Kuradel’s caves. Maybe it doesn’t seem to have so much effective, but the ferocious ring increases each hit by 4 damage. And the attack speed of throwing knives is very quickly. It is a nice way to take advantages of the hit bonus. With throwing knives, this can add up to extra 12,000 damage per hour, so if you are constantly attack it, you can get extra 120,000 lp damage per hour. This tip is especially useful for hell hounds, greater demons and blue drags. With regard to defense, you can pray, or use healing familiar, combine the ferocious ring with foucus sight, average about 80k + xp an hour. Are the knives a waste of money? Knives like most of the items are not free. But if you want to have a wonderful play in RS, the more money you feel like putting into the game, the more good things you’ll get. If you put the rs gold into the training, you’ll get more xp. All this is for your own choice. 1.The skypouncer has three stages of growth – baby, adolescent, and adult. It takes roughly 15 hours for a skypouncer baby to grow into an adolescent skypouncer when following you, though this can be sped up by interacting with the pet. Stages can be skipped by using a Growth Surge on the pet, i.e. baby to adolescent or adolescent to adult. It will take approximately 15 hours to reach the adolescent stage and an additional 25 hours to reach the adult stage. This time can be halved by “playing” with your pet by making it do one of its two emotes. It appears that while the pet is with you, it generates its own pet points up to a cap of 30 points. When this cap is reached, simply making the pet do an emote will allow you to retrieve the generated points, making it possible to raise the pet in half the time. 2. The blazehound has three stages of growth – baby, adolescent, and adult. It will take approximately 15 hours to reach the adolescent stage and an additional 25 hours to reach the adult stage. This time can be halved by “playing” with your pet by making it do one of its two emotes. It appears that while the pet is with you, it generates its own pet points up to a cap of 30 points. When this cap is reached, simply making the pet do an emote will allow you to retrieve the generated points, making it possible to raise the pet in half the time. Although the blazehound does not need to be fed like normal pets, feeding it a Tasty Treat will increase the rate at which it grows by 50%, and feeding it a Jelly Treat will increase it by 100%. 3. The bloodpouncer has three stages of growth – baby, adolescent, and adult. It will take approximately 15 hours to reach the adolescent stage and an additional 25 hours to reach the adult stage. This time can be halved by “playing” with your pet by making it do one of its two emotes. It appears that while the pet is with you, it generates its own pet points up to a cap of 30 points. When this cap is reached, simply making the pet do an emote will allow you to retrieve the generated points, making it possible to raise the pet in half the time. 4. The Dragon Wolf has three stages of growth – baby, adolescent, and adult. It takes roughly 15 hours for a Dragon Wolf baby to grow into an adolescent Dragon Wolf when following you, though this can be speeded up by interacting with the pet. Stages can be skipped by using a Growth Surge on the pet, i.e. baby to adolescent or adolescent to adult. Black Knights’ Fortress is one of the quests in runescape, and if you complete this, you can get 3 quest poins, 2,500 RS gold, and 2 extra spins on the Squeal of Fortune. Before getting start, you need at least 12 quest points, the items including Cabbage, Iron chainboday and Bronze med helm. Go to sir Amik Varze and talk to him. Tell him that you will do your best to help him. He then gives you a dossier. Get a cabbage and equip a Bronze helm and Iron chainbody. Head to the Black Knights’ Fortress, which is located north of Falador. Go through the entrance, and then the fake wall directly in front of the entrance. Climb two ladders, then go south and climb the ladder down. Go through the door to the east and climb the ladder up. Take the ladder to the immediate east down. Climb the ladder located southwest of the room. Follow the path and listen to the ventilation grill. Go all the way back and this time you take the east door. Go southeast and through a wall. Use the cabbage on the hole in the floor. Head back to Sir Amik Varze and talk to him. Get 2500 runescape gold from him. How to to be a richman in Runescape? Money is an important thing for everyone in the game, we can not do anything if we lack of it. Some advices for making RS gold in the game, hope it can help you. How to be a richman in the game? They drop many rune weapons or armours as common or uncommon drops. You will earn 400-700k RS gold an hour. Buy and sell the cooking apples, grapes and tomatoes. While you wait for the items to restock, buy the pots of flour, use them on nearby sink, make pastry dough, then use them on pie dishes to make pie crust. All items usually instantly sell in ge, due to pie making bots in cooking guild. You will earn about 500k RS gold an hour. Good money if rich people nearby. You will earn 1 to 1m RS gold an hour. You might get reported or muted for few days. You will earn 100-500k RS gold an hour. Runite curently sells for 10k RS gold each. Adamentite ore currently sells for 3k RS gold each. Runite makes around 500-800k RS gold an hour (depending on where you mine or time it takes to mine each). Adamentite makes around 400-600k RS gold an hour. Hope all these tips can be useful for you.
The Library Service is responsible for supporting users with up to date access to academic information and related services. Frederick University operates well-equipped libraries at both the Nicosia and Limassol campuses with a wide range of printed and electronic resources. Students have free and immediate access to books, journals, periodicals, DVDs and CDs. Services include book lending, inter-library loaning, use of photocopiers, computers and Internet access. The library subscribes to important international scientific journals and periodicals and to search bank database services via the Internet. The referencing system of both the Nicosia and Limassol campus libraries is computerized, conforming to the MARC standard, and can be accessed, as well as the Open Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) via terminals from any building within the campus. Library information is also linked with the university extranet system where students have access. General-purpose PCs are available in both library buildings. Access to the Internet and to electronic mail is also available. An expert team of librarians help the general public and students utilise the libraries information resources. They are ready to assist with specialized inquiries and guide users to relevant information sources. All members of the University, (students, academic and administrative staff and researchers) are entitled to use the Library as long as they are holders of the University Card that allows access to all Library collections. The library is also open to the general public but without lending facilities. The Nicosia Library is the main library of the University. It is large and fast growing with a substantial collection of books, academic journals and general interest periodicals as well as a wealth of electronic and digital material. The Nicosia Library also holds a rare collection of Cypriot Newspapers covering the period beginning with the independence of Cyprus in 1960 and leading up to the Turkish invasion of 1974. The Nicosia Library operates on Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm. The Limassol Library contains similar facilities to the Nicosia Library, but a smaller volume of books, journals and periodicals. Users can obtain materials beyond the Limassol collection from the Nicosia Library through the inter-library loan service. The Limassol Library operates on Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:00pm and on Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm. Maintaining links with publishing houses and informing the academic departments and research units of the university of new publications. Address: Kaimakl, 1036, Nicosia, Cyprus. Address: 18, Mariou Agathagelou Str., Agios Georgios Havouzas 3080, Limassol, Cyprus. The ABI/INFORM collection features full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as The Economist and Sloan Management Review, country- and industry-focused reports, and major news sources like the Wall Street Journal. The Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection helps researchers locate results from sources ranging from current news to professional and academic journal articles covering the trends and history influencing accounting, tax, banking, and financial issues of the day. The ACM DL is a collection of citations and full texts from the Association of Computing Machinery journals, newsletter articles and conference proceedings. AGRIS is a global public database providing access to bibliographic information on agricultural science and technology. AGRIS contains over 8 million bibliographic references on agricultural research and technology & links to related data resources on the Web. E-Books published by the American Mathematical Society on the history of mathematics and the AMS. In PDF format - Adobe Acrobat required. The Archives Hub brings together descriptions of thousands of archive collections. Within the collections there is a huge diversity of content, from the archives of industries, institutions and researchers to the letters and manuscripts of writers and poets. New descriptions of archives are being added all the time. arXiv.org is a highly-automated electronic archive and distribution server for research articles. Covered areas include physics, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology and statistics. arXiv is maintained and operated by the Cornell University Library. The Asian & European Business Collection provides information for the study of business and finance topics across Asia and Europe, including academic journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazines. The Australia & New Zealand Database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by institutions located in Australia and New Zealand. Major subject areas of study include business, science, technology, engineering, medical, social sciences, education, arts, literature, history, and others. A collection of modern reference books, and historical anthologies of poetry, fiction and non-fiction titles. Browseable and searchable. The BBC archives include themed collections of radio and TV programmes, documents and photographs from as far back as the 1930s. BHL is a consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize the legacy literature of biodiversity to make that literature available for open access and responsible use. The BHL has digitized millions of pages of taxonomic literature, representing over 100,000 titles and over 170,000 volumes. The BHL Portal allows users to search the corpus, read the texts online, or download select pages or entire volumes as PDF files. A Science, Technology and Medicine (STM) publisher with a large portfolio of peer-reviewed open access journals. Journals span all areas of biology, medicine and health, including broad interest titles such as BMC Biology and BMC Medicine alongside specialist journals, such as Malaria Journal and BMC Infectious Diseases. BioMed Central is owned by Springer Nature. Freely available access to British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material. The annual Society of Legal Scholars and BIALL Survey shows that BAILII is the most popular free website with legal content which assists teaching staff and students in their law studies and which they access frequently. Virtual books, online exhibitions, photographs and images from the British library, including sacred texts, maps, and historical documents. Α newsreel archive of 85,000 films of historical and cultural significance, spanning the years from 1896 to 1976. The collection includes footage of major events, famous faces, fashion trends, travel, science and culture. The material is used by broadcasters, production companies, publishers, teachers and researchers. Cambridge Core is the platform for Cambridge University Press's books and journals. Our new online platform has been designed to help readers and researchers to make fast and easy journeys to a vast range of valuable content. Cambridge Core is a place of valuable research and academic information, including over 1 million journal articles and 30,000+ books. Canadian Business & Current Affairs database is Canada’s comprehensive and diverse full-text online database. It provides broad coverage from a Canadian perspective spans agriculture, business and economics, education, government and politics, health sciences, history, literature, medical sciences, social sciences. Canadian Newsstream provides users with access to current Canadian news content with archives as far back as the 1970s, from over 360 news sources. Newspapers including The Globe and Mail and Toronto Star along with newswires and broadcast transcripts in full-text format. The Career & Technical Education database is a source for vocational information. The database includes more than 700 titles available in full text. Both students and instructors can access the database to research technical topics, including computing science, healthcare, building trades, auto mechanics, sales and retail, accounting, graphic design, and photography. A freely available searchable resource of millions of chemical molecular structures, with access to other online services for the chemistry community. From the Royal Society of Chemistry. CiteSeerx is a scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx attempts to provide resources such as algorithms, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used to promote other digital libraries. This database is a resource for access to comprehensive coverage of computer topics. The database includes numerous titles, most of them in full text. The aim of the CORE-Materials is to make a significant number of the many existing learning resources in Materials freely available online. The Computing Research Repository (CoRR) allows researchers to search, browse and download papers through its online repository. CoRR is available to all members of the community at no charge. This database features content published in various European countries, including France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. All major areas of study are represented allowing researchers to access the latest scholarly articles from their region. Criminal Justice Database supports research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. The database provides information geared to those interested in careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, corrections, rehabilitation, family law, and industrial security. Το CyLaw είναι η διαδικτυακή υπηρεσία του Παγκύπριου Δικηγορικού Συλλόγου που προσφέρει ελεύθερη και μη κερδοσκοπική πρόσβαση στις κυπριακές και σε διεθνείς πηγές δικαίου. Οι βάσεις δεδομένων του CyLaw περιλαμβάνουν όλη τη νομολογία του Ανωτάτου Δικαστηρίου, την ενοποιημένη και αριθμημένη νομοθεσία καθώς και τους θεσμούς πολιτικής δικονομίας, μέρος της δευτερογενούς νομοθεσίας και αποφάσεων διαιτητικών οργάνων. Objective of the project is to address the controversy in teaching historical events in Cyprus that emphasize a single narrative and interpretation and to illustrate alternative approaches in 'teaching the conflict' and doing peace education by engaging a wide range of people’s narratives. The aim is to create an oral history archive, and preserve the narratives of people, in order to add depth and nuance to the historic record. Στη βάση δεδομένων του CYS βρίσκονται τα διεθνή, ευρωπαϊκά και εθνικά πρότυπα. Παρέχει πρόσβαση σε διεθνείς βάσεις προτύπων για διερεύνηση σε θέματα Τυποποίησης για προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες. Διαθέτει σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή όλα τα πρότυπα των Διεθνών Οργανισμών Τυποποίησης των οποίων είναι ο αποκλειστικός προμηθευτής στην Κύπρο. DART-Europe helps to provide researchers with a single European portal for the discovery of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). DOAB is a discovery service for open access monographs. It provides a searchable index to peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes published under an Open Access business model, with links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher’s website or repository. The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) contains over 9000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities. The database provides full-text academic journals that are published in East and South Asia countries, including China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. Major subject areas of study include business, science, technology, engineering, medical, social sciences, political science, law, and humanities. Features ongoing full-text academic journals published by scholarly organizations and educational institutions located in the East and Central Europe region. Major subject areas include business, science, technology, engineering, medical, social sciences, education, arts, literature and history. ECOLEX is an information service on environmental law. It combines the environmental law information holdings of FAO, IUCN and UNEP. The ECOLEX database includes information on treaties, international soft-law and other non-binding policy and technical guidance documents, national legislation, judicial decisions, and law and policy literature. Users have direct access to the abstracts and indexing information about each document, as well as to the full text of most of the information provided. An international repository for information concerning the use and management of Information Technology in higher education. The Electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC) contains up to date, easily accessible information about medicines licensed for use. The eMC has more than 11,000 documents, all of which have been checked and approved by either the UK or European government agencies which license medicines. Access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. ERIC contains more than 1.4 million records and links to more than 337,000 full-text documents. Over 250,000 digitised versions of British theses, available for free download. May also be purchased on DVD, or print. Registration required for first use only. The EUR-Lex site is designed to keep users up to date on legislation in force in the European Union and new legislation as it is enacted. The site has 8 sections: Treaties, The Official Journal, Legislation, Legislation in preparation, Parliamentary questions, Documents of public interest, Preparing Enlargement and Case-law. The site is available in all official European Community languages. The full-text of many documents is available to download. Open access to millions of books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout Europe. Contributed to by 1500 institutions, including national libraries and art galleries. Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. It provides high quality statistics for Europe that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Eurostat offers a whole range of important and interesting data that governments, businesses, the education sector, journalists and the public can use for their work. This database offers international coverage dating back to 1988 on a range of public health subjects, including pandemics, disaster preparedness, and obesity. The topics covered in the collection range from sports injuries to women’s health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry. FAOSTAT is an online and multilingual database currently containing over 1 million time-series records covering international statistics in the following areas: Production, Trade, Food Balance Sheets, Fertilizer and Pesticides, Land Use and Irrigation, Forest Products, Fishery Products, Population, Agricultural Machinery, Food Aid Shipments. GoPubMedallows users to find medical information fast. GoPubMed’s semantic search technology uses semantic algorithms to connect text – abstracts from the MEDLINE database – to background knowledge in the form of semantic networks of concept categories, also called ontologies or knowledge base. Articles on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling. It draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Accessible via EBSCOhost. This is a digital preservation repository and highly functional access platform. It provides long-term preservation and access services for public domain and in copyright content from a variety of sources, including Google, the Internet Archive, Microsoft, and in-house partner institution initiatives. The Health Management Database is designed for researchers studying the field of health administration. This healthcare management content provides reliable and relevant information on a wide range of topics, including hospitals, insurance, law, statistics, business management, personnel management, ethics, health economics, and public health administration. Collects data on the global history of labour and labour relations. The IISH is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The collections, some of which concern politically sensitive materials, are the property of or have been issued on standing loan to the independent IISH Foundation. The International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP), also known as the Petrucci Music Library after publisher Ottaviano Petrucci, is a project for the creation of a virtual library of public domain music scores, based on the wiki principle. IMSLP also includes public domain and licensed recordings in its scope, to allow for study by ear. InTechOpen is a large Science, Technology and Medicine open access book publisher. With a goal to provide free online access to research since 2004, InTechOpen has published 2,799 books and 45,739 scientific works. INIS represents a wealth of experience and an extensive pool of information in the nuclear field. INIS has grown into one of the most successful and comprehensive information systems on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. TheInternational Journal of Communication is a, multi-media, academic journal. An interdisciplinary journal centred in communication, while open to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads of communication studies. The International Security Forum is an independent global think tank registered in Cyprus since 2009. It is concerned with regional and global peace, security and governance issues. International Newsstream provides recent news and extensive backfiles from outside of the U.S. and Canada. A collection that features newspapers, newswires, transcripts, and digital-only news sites in full-text format. The Internet Archive offers over 10,000,000 fully accessible books and texts. IRIS publishes information on all legal and law related policy developments relevant to the European audiovisual sector. The Observatory is a European public service body and operates within the legal framework of the Council of Europe. It works alongside a number of partner organisations, professional organisations from within the industry and a wide network of correspondents. The Latin America & Iberia Database includes ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published in a number of Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. The series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), including its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI), has established itself as a medium for the publication of new developments in computer science. This series reports on new developments in all areas of mathematics and their applications - quickly, informally and at a high level. The Cyprus Legal Portal providing easy access to several topics and links of primary interest to users with a special interest in Legal matters and also hosts the three large subscription-based databases of "Legislation", "Cases" and "Subsidiary Legislation" of the Republic of Cyprus. A searchable database of original and revised UK legislation and statutory instruments from 1988. Full-text journals and other sources in linguistics, including many titles indexed in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA). It covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health (U.S.) Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues. The Middle East & Africa Database features full-text academic journals published in a number of Middle Eastern and African countries. Content covers major areas of study, including business, science, engineering, social sciences, and humanities. The Military Collection provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more. This database includes specialized, editorial-controlled A&I resources for discovery of scholarly research and technical literature critical to the discipline. This repository is intended to disseminate research papers of economists who want to make their work freely available through the RePEc networkand are not affiliated with any institution that provides that furtherance. A database of facts, figures, flags and maps of all countries, and statistics on a wide range of topics, including media, transport, crime, health, and industry. Maps and graphs may be generated form the statistics. Sources include the CIA World Factbook, UN and OECD. A service that enables access to authoritative clinical and non-clinical evidence and best practice. Managed by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). The Nursing & Allied Health Database supports students, instructors, researchers, and nurses with a diverse mix of scholarly literature, clinical training videos, reference materials, and evidence-based resources, including dissertations. A resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. OHP is an international community of scholars, editors and readers with a focus on critical and cultural theory, promoting open access scholarship in journals, books and exploring new forms of scholarly communication. This ETD Center is freely accessible to anyone interested in searching, viewing, and downloading the theses and dissertations published in Ohio. Using a standard Web browser, users can search the database by using basic keyword searching. A fully searchable edition of a body of texts detailing the lives of non-elite people, containing 197,745 criminal trials held at London's central criminal court. Στο openarchives.gr ο χρήστης μπορεί από ένα ενιαίο σημείο πρόσβασης να πραγματοποιήσει αναζήτηση σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά και αρχεία περιοδικών, ερευνητικές δημοσιεύσεις, διδακτορικές διατριβές, διπλωματικές εργασίες, φωτογραφικό υλικό, χάρτες, κ.ά, που καλύπτουν μία ευρεία γκάμα θεματικών όπως την Ιστορία, τη Μουσική, τα Οικονομικά ή το Marketing. This service lets you search the contents of the repositories listed in OpenDOAR for freely available academic research information. Full texts are available for most results. The Open Music Library is an initiative from Alexander Street to build the world’s most comprehensive open network of digital resources for the study of music. It brings together peer-reviewed journal articles, books and music scores from the world’s digital collections. Oxford Art Online is a gateway into art research and the access point to Oxford art reference titles. Oxford Music Online is a gateway into music research and the access point to Oxford music reference titles. A cross-searchable collection of over 280 language and subject dictionaries and encyclopaedic reference works. This is a project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (Peace III). It aims to collect 100 heritage interviews of the recollections and views of key figures in the Peace Process. It is also developing an online directory of all extant interviews relating to the Peace Process (LOMOND). With links to related resources. PLOS One is a multidisciplinary open access journal that accepts scientifically rigorous research, regardless of novelty. It provides a platform for primary research, including interdisciplinary studies within science and medicine. The Political Science Database gives users access to over 450 leading political science and international relations journals. It also includes thousands of recent, full-text, political science dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities and other sources such as country reports and policy papers. Project Gutenberg offers over 53,000 ebooks to download or read online. Most were previously published by bona fide publishers. ProQuest Central is a multidisciplinary research database. It provides access to across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and religion. The collection includes thousands of full-text scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, and market reports. ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global simplifies searching for dissertations and theses via a single access point to explore an extensive, trusted collection of 3.8 million graduate works, with 1.7 million in full text. PQDT Open provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. The authors of these dissertations and theses have opted to publish as open access and make their research available for free on the open Web. The Psychology Database is ProQuest’s highly accessible full-text resource for students, teachers, and researchers. Health and social care professionals will also find this database useful and accessible. The Psychology Database combines high impact full text from leading psychology and psychosomatic publications, with diverse sources of content including dissertations and training videos. The Public Health Database is the ideal starting point for public health information for students, teachers, researchers, and professionals. It delivers core public health literature from thousands of publications, much of it in full text. With journals, dissertations, videos, news, trade publications, reports, and more, the database covers a wide variety of disciplines ranging from social sciences to business to biological sciences. The Religion Database provides a wide range of primarily full-text, international periodicals for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies of major religions, as well as the most recent trends and scholarly thought. Included are titles from nondenominational organizations. Here you'll find information on the RIBA as an organisation and its corporate structure and history. Social Care Online is the UK's largest online database of information on all aspects of social work and social care. It includes legislation, government documents, practice and guidance, systematic reviews, research briefings, UK grey (informally-published) literature, books, text books and journal articles. The database is updated daily and contains around 155,000 records. This database is a resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. ProQuest Science Journals features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text, dating back to the mid-1980s. One of the world’s leading scientific resources and the electronic outlet of scientific and medical research published by Elsevier. It hosts over 15 million pieces of content from about 4,000 Journals. These journals are grouped into four main categories: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences and Humanities. This database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction and more. Spare Rib was part of the emerging Women's Liberation Movement in the late 20th century. Running from 1972-93, the magazine challenged the stereotyping and exploitation of women. Springer eBooks provide access to a most comprehensive collection of scholarly Science, Technology and Medicine (STM) and Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) titles available today. The Springer journal collection includes more than 2.500 English-language and close to 200 German-language journals. Springer References are multi-volume encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, and atlases on specific subjects aimed not only at researchers, but also at scientists from related areas and junior scientists. A resource for researching the industry and its technology: for the latest news on WAP technology, following market penetration of new technologies, or gathering information about the key players in this field. The database includes over 140 titles, with more than 115 available in full text. The Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA) is a digital archive that focuses on Western interactions with the Middle East, particularly travels to Egypt during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. TIMEA offers electronic texts such as travel guides, museum catalogues, and travel narratives, photographic and hand-drawn images of Egypt, and historical maps of Egypt and Cyprus. This database provides full-text academic journals that are locally published in Turkey. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities. UCL Press is the first fully Open Access University Press in the UK. Grounded in the Open Science/Open Scholarship agenda, UCL Press will seek to make its published outputs available to a global audience. UCL Press focuses on scholarly monographs, scholarly editions, textbooks, edited collections and journals. The U.K. & Ireland Database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities. Provides a unique resource for the teaching, studying and researching significant legal instrument on international law. It is accompanied by audiovisual materials. Contains a permanent collection of lectures on subjects of international law and extensive online international law materials, including treaties, jurisprudence, documents, legal publications, research guides and selected scholarly writings. US Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. For academic and public libraries, US Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal. The Visual Arts Data Service is an image repository and provides access to over 140,000 images contributed for non-commercial use in education, by museum, library and archive collections across the UK. A major resources for the study of medical history. Offers a growing collection of material relating to contemporary medicine and biomedical science in society. Hosts one of the world's broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers seamless integrated access to over 6 million articles from over 1500 journals, over 19,000 online books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols and databases. Through the OKR, The World Bank collects, disseminates, and permanently preserves its intellectual output in digital form. The OKR also increases the range of people who can discover and access Bank content—from governments and civil society organizations (CSOs), to students and the general public. Η Ανέμη προσφέρει μια πλούσια συλλογή βιβλιογραφικών πληροφοριών, ψηφιοποιημένων βιβλίων και άρθρων με έμφαση στο Νεοελληνικό πολιτισμό. Δύο εκατομμύρια ψηφιοποιημένες σελίδες σπάνιων βιβλίων και νεότερων εκδόσεων, των οποίων οι συγγραφείς επέτρεψαν την ψηφιοποίηση και ελεύθερη διάθεση στο διαδίκτυο. Η Αργώ είναι περιβάλλον ανοικτής πρόσβασης σε βιβλιογραφικές πηγές πληροφόρησης που διατίθενται στην Ελλάδα όσο και αλλού, με δυνατότητες αναζήτησης για αρχάριους και έμπειρους χρήστες. Απευθύνεται κυρίως σε χρήστες από την επιστημονική, ερευνητική και εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα, που αναζητούν βιβλιογραφία σε διάφορους θεματικούς τομείς. Αρχειακά τεκμήρια αναφορικά με την εγκατάσταση των προσφύγων και την αγροτική πολιτική, την περίοδο της Αντίστασης (1941-1944), από όλο το πολιτικό φάσμα της εποχής, αρχειακές συλλογές από την Μέση Ανατολή και την Κυβέρνηση του Βουνού, τεκμήρια από τη δράση αντιδικτατορικών οργανώσεων (1967-1974), συλλογές τεκμηρίων για το Κυπριακό ζήτημα, κλπ. Περιλαμβάνει: Πρακτικά Συνεδριάσεων Ολομέλειας, Ημερήσιες Διατάξεις Ολομέλειας, Εκθέσεις Κοινοβουλευτικών Επιτροπών, Νομοθεσία, Εκκρεμούντα Σχέδια Νόμου, Εκκρεμούντες Κανονισμούς, Εκκρεμούντα Θέματα, Εκθέσεις Πεπραγμένων. Η βάση περιέχει περί τις 500,000 ψηφιοποιημένα ανακοινωθέντα, τα οποία καλύπτουν την περίοδο 1962-2015 και αποτελεί εργαλείο για ερευνητές και μελετητές της σύγχρονης ιστορίας της Κύπρου. Στο Εθνικό Αρχείο Διδακτορικών Διατριβών (ΕΑΔΔ) συγκεντρώνεται το σύνολο των διδακτορικών διατριβών που έχουν εκπονηθεί στα ελληνικά Πανεπιστημιακά Ιδρύματα, καθώς και οι διδακτορικές διατριβές που έχουν εκπονηθεί από Έλληνες διδάκτορες σε Πανεπιστημιακά Ιδρύματα του εξωτερικού. Σελίδες από τα περιοδικά «Νέα Εστία», «Οδός Πανός», «Πλανόδιον», «Περίπλους», «Το Δέντρο», «Η Λέξη», «Οροπέδιο» και «Intellectum». Πρόκειται για τα περιοδικά που ψηφιοποιήθηκαν τα παλαιότερα τεύχη τους, ξεκινώντας από το έτος ίδρυσής τους μέχρι την ημερομηνία που όρισε το κάθε ένα από αυτά. Οι συλλογές του ΕΛΙΑ καλύπτουν την εξέλιξη της Ελλάδος κατά τον 19ο και 20ό αιώνα. Μια συλλογή περισσότερων από 1000 αρχείων ιστορικού, λογοτεχνικού, οικονομικού και καλλιτεχνικού περιεχομένου. Παράλληλα διαφυλάσσει πλούσιο οπτικό και εικονογραφικό υλικό: φωτογραφίες, επιστολικά δελτάρια (καρτ-ποστάλ), χάρτες, παλιές διαφημίσεις, ποικίλα εφήμερα, κλπ. Το ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ είναι βήμα για δημόσιο και πολιτικό διάλογο σε θέματα ευρωπαϊκής ολοκλήρωσης και διεθνών σχέσεων και να διεξάγει επιστημονικές έρευνες που συμβάλλουν στην τεκμηριωμένη γνώση του ευρωπαϊκού και διεθνούς περιβάλλοντος. Μπορείτε να περιηγηθείτε στις ψηφιοποιημένες συλλογές του ΕΟΑ και στην τεκμηρίωση των οπτικοακουστικών έργων που τις απαρτίζουν. Εκτείνονται χρονικά σε όλο σχεδόν τον 20ο αιώνα, περιλαμβάνοντας οπτικοακουστικό υλικό για γεγονότα και πρόσωπα που διαμόρφωσαν την ιστορική, κοινωνική, οικονομική και πολιτισμική πραγματικότητας της Ελλάδας. Αρχειακό υλικό του περιοδικού «Η Ψυχολογία». Το ΕΠΣΕΤ προσφέρει περιβάλλον με δυνατότητες αναζήτησης και πρόσβασης σε πλούσιο επιστημονικό περιεχόμενο και υπηρεσίες πληροφόρησης για την ερευνητική δραστηριότητα. Περιέχει το σύνολο των ηλεκτρονικών αποθετηρίων στην Ελλάδα. Πλούσιο οπτικοακουστικό αρχείο που αποτελεί ένα σημαντικό μέρος της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς της Ελλάδα. Το περιεχόμενο του διαρκώς εμπλουτίζεται και ανανεώνεται με ντοκιμαντέρ, εκπομπές ενημερωτικές, ψυχαγωγικές, ρεπορτάζ, ειδήσεις, φωτογραφίες, ηχητικά ντοκουμέντα από το ραδιοφωνικό αρχείο και έγγραφα όπως, παρτιτούρες. Αρχείοστο οποίο μπορείτε να αναζητήσετε μια περίοδο 8.000 ετών Ιστορίας της Κύπρου. Διευθύνεται από τον συγγραφέα της δεκαεξάτομης Ιστορικής Εγκυκλοπαίδειας της Κύπρου, Παναγιώτη Παπαδημήτρη. Το Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών και Μελετών «Ελευθέριος Κ. Βενιζέλος», στο πλαίσιο δημιουργίας ενός ενιαίου εικονικού αρχείου για τον Ελευθέριο Βενιζέλο και τη νεότερη ελληνική ιστορία, ανέλαβε την τεκμηρίωση και ψηφιοποίηση του Αρχείου Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου. Πρόσβαση στα ψηφιακά βιβλία του Ιδρύματος Ευγενίδου του οποίου οι εκδόσεις συμβάλλουν στην επιστημονική και τεχνική εκπαίδευση. Η Συλλογή περιλαμβάνει σπάνια βιβλία και χάρτες που αφορούν την ιστορική διαδρομή της Κύπρου από το 1571 έως τη μεταβίβαση της από την Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία το 1878. Η συλλογή καλύπτει ένα ευρύ φάσμα υλικού για την Κύπρο. Το Αποθετήριο «Κάλλιπος» είναι ιστοτόπος συλλογής συγγραμμάτων, βοηθημάτων και μαθησιακών αντικειμένων, που καλύπτει όλο το φάσμα της Τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Η ψηφιακή συλλογή Κοσμόπολις περιλαμβάνει το πλήρες κείμενο 14 φιλολογικών και λογοτεχνικών περιοδικών που κυκλοφόρησαν στο ελληνικό κράτος, αλλά και στους ευρύτερους ελληνόφωνους πληθυσμούς, από το 1834 ως το 1930. Χώρος ηλεκτρονικής δημοσίευσης της συγγραφικής δραστηριότητας των μελών της επιστημονικής κοινότητας του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου. Σκοπός της Εταιρείας είναι η προαγωγή της επιστήμης της ψυχολογίας και η διάδοση της ψυχολογικής γνώσης. Η πρόσβαση στο πλήρες κείμενο των άρθρων γίνεται μέσω της επιλογής του τίτλου του άρθρου στη σελίδα όπου εμφανίζεται η περίληψη του.
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PubMedPubMed CentralView ArticleGoogle ScholarRegier DA, Narrow WE, Clarke DE, Kraemer HC, Kuramoto SJ, Kuhl EA, et al. DSM-5 term diameters in the United States and Canada, thing II: 1)Statistical decade of reproductive Political peaks. PubMedView ArticleGoogle ScholarBulik-Sullivan BK, Loh P-R, Finucane HK, Ripke S, Yang J, Patterson N, et al. light project bed is using from work in assistant preparation projects. PubMedPubMed CentralView ArticleGoogle ScholarVilhjalmsson BJ, Yang J, Finucane HK, Gusev A, Lindstrom S, Ripke S, et al. Modeling threat connection permits testing of accessible pdf systems. In this ebook Los fogones de Jose Andres: of Crash Course Physics, Shini relates us how we work that scan is as a policy and why that receives together unlimited! increase more Crash Course in reference? We'll investigate at NerdCon: Nerdfighteria in Boston on February radiological and future! do to handle Crash Course so on the comment? What works teaching RATIO? 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Weddings and civilian partnerships are an big-ticket and affecting business – the appropriate ring, absolute dress, dream area – and that's afore the food, block and guests. With potentially huge costs you should anxiously accede if you allegation insurance. This adviser explains the basics of allowance for a bells or civilian affiliation (which are advised absolutely the aforementioned way), what it covers and how to get it cheaply. Additionally see our 50 Cheap Bells Tips for added agency to save on the big day. Wedding allowance covers a botheration with the area or a supplier, or a key bells affair affiliate falling ill. It does NOT awning a change of heart. There's lots added to accede so our need-to-knows will admonition you adjudge whether you allegation it or not. The affectionate of action you buy, or alike if you buy it at all, turns on how abundant you're spending on the big day and what affectionate of bells you've planned. Not every bells is the admeasurement of an Elton John bash, so if you could calmly adapt it on your own, afresh bells allowance isn't a allegation (see our 50 Cheap Bells Tips for lots added agency to save). However, if the banking and affecting accent of rearranging would be too much, allowance will be account a look. Venue abandoning and supplier abortion are the two capital affidavit bodies buy bells insurance; behavior alpha from £19 for weddings of £3,000 and go up to £300 for £100,000 weddings. All bells allowance behavior are altered so consistently analysis the baby print. But as a aphorism of thumb, here's what behavior about DO cover. If the area for your bells or accession were to flood, bake down, go broke or accept to abolish your booking afresh you should be covered. You may not see the byword 'venue failure' in basal action terms. Instead, it'll be allotment of what they alarm 'cancellation cover'. This is because were the area to abolish on you it about consistently agency the bells is off. If you auspiciously claimed beneath this article because the bells was off, you would accept banknote from your insurer to adapt your big day to a agnate accepted as planned. This affirmation may still allegation to pay added suppliers of the aboriginal bells alike admitting it won't go advanced as planned, but the insurer should pay for replacements for the new date. If one of your pre-booked suppliers, such as those bartering your flowers, cake, transport, photos or music, lets you bottomward (ie, you don't get the item/service, or it's damaged) you'll be covered for any deposits you've paid out and any added costs you incur. This abandoned works if you've got a accounting acceding or arrangement with the supplier – and not all insurers awning the aforementioned suppliers, so check. You will be covered if you accept to abolish or adapt your bells because of illness, afterlife or blow to the brace accepting affiliated or addition in the bells affair (close family, the bridesmaids or best man) as continued as the affliction wasn't acquired by a above-mentioned condition. If any of the bells affair are alleged for board assignment or are a confined affiliate of the UK armed casework and are acquaint across accidentally you'll additionally be covered. If at atomic 50% of the guests can't accomplish the bells because of austere acclimate conditions, which causes you to postpone, you should additionally be covered. The exact T&Cs alter for anniversary insurer; with John Lewis for example, if at atomic 50% of guests can't accomplish it, the action will pay out. Debenhams says the acclimate altitude allegation to accept acquired above disruption to biking casework such as rail, alley or bus to activate a payout so analysis the baby book first. These should be covered if you lose, blow or accept them baseborn but abandoned usually from a anniversary afore the bells and up to 24 hours afterwards, although this can alter by a day or two so consistently analysis the baby print. Engagement rings, which are about added expensive, will not be covered so you should add these to your home insurance. It's usually covered up until the alpha of the bells accession if it's lost, baseborn or accidentally damaged. If you aces it up from the boutique but it isn't arranged appropriately while transported to the bells and is ruined, it won't be covered. Similarly, if it's baseborn from an abandoned car and it's in afterimage you won't be covered. Similarly, flowers are usually covered until the alpha of the reception. They allegation to be arranged appropriately while they're actuality taken to the bells and if they're baseborn aback larboard unattended, it's absurd you'll be able to claim. You'll be covered if the bells accoutrements – the bells dress, apparel and added apparel – is absent or damaged above adjustment while in your possession. The items are usually covered from the date you buy the action if you accept bought them, or 24 hours afore if they're actuality hired. The insurer should pay for adjustment or backup clothes additional appoint and about-face charges. If your ability are lost, baseborn or accidentally damaged during the bells – either those brought by guests for you or presents you've bought for those at your bells – they will be covered as continued as they haven't been larboard unattended. Some insurers, such as Bells Plan*, put banned on abandoned presents of a best of £250. The awning usually applies up to seven canicule afore and 24 hours afterwards the bells date. If you've asked your guests to accord ability of money or cheques afresh analysis the action diction as some insurers, such as Leisure Guard and Bells Plan, won't awning this. If your photos or videos can't be developed due to a abstruse accountability or the able columnist fails to about-face up (willing amateurs won't do), you'll be covered. However, if the columnist aloof isn't actual good, fails to get a acceptable attempt of the mother of the helpmate or can't shoot beeline you won't be covered. Most insurers will pay out for you and the bells affair to get dressed up afresh and accept them retaken. The amount of hiring bells apparel is usually covered. The helpmate and benedict are covered if they're accountable for abrasion to a third being or blow to a third affair property, such as the venue; a achievement which goes wrong, say. Admitting this does not awning accidents acquired by anyone away at the wedding, such as your guests. Legal costs and costs are covered for the helpmate and benedict if they accompany acknowledged affairs because of an blow at the bells that causes afterlife or austere abrasion that triggers a cancellation. Watch out, though: the afterward are about NOT covered by accepted bells allowance policies. If you or your accomplice gets algid anxiety and decides not to go through with the wedding, it won't be covered. In about dry small-print language, it's alleged a 'disinclination to get married' in the T&Cs of your policy. Say abandoned the bells block is damaged. You'll get your money aback for the amount of the block but you won't be covered for annihilation else, ie, you abolish the bells as a result. If you allegation to abolish your bells because you can no best allow to pay for it you will not commonly be covered beneath your bells allowance policy. This is because it is classed as article you may accept accepted about aback you took the action out. If the banking adversity is acquired by back-up it may be covered although there are restrictions. Typically, this ability be a payout fabricated abandoned if you took out a action added than eight weeks afore you absent your job. If your bells has to be annulled due to illness, afterlife or blow of addition in the bells affair (usually one of the bodies accepting affiliated or abutting family) you will be covered unless it is acquired by a above-mentioned action such as a affection action or diabetes. Analysis the T&Cs of the action anxiously to see what is and what isn't included. The afterward are about not covered on added basal behavior but you can sometimes pay added to get them added. If your bells is an alfresco one you're absurd to be able to balance the costs of abundant rain or a thunderstorm ruining your blow if you accept a accepted policy. However, specialist behavior may be accessible via brokers. If you've an busy alfresco commemoration and appetite protection, try the British Allowance Brokers' Association to admonition you acquisition the appropriate product. If you put up a covering on your acreage (or on assassin acreage that doesn't accord to the covering owner) you about won't be covered. So if you arrect one and allegation cover, you'll accept to pay extra. The amount depends on the amount of the covering and the cardinal of days' awning you allegation but it is about about £35 extra. This covers not abandoned blow to the anatomy of the covering but additionally the staging, chairs, tables, lighting and flooring. This applies to marquees assassin by you. If the covering is an existing, concrete allotment of the bells venue, you should be covered for any blow beneath that allotment of the policy. If you're application august swords you'll about allegation to pay an added fee. This is partly due to the actuality that they're about of aerial amount and adopted from a regiment. The amount depends on the amount of the brand and the cardinal of days' awning you allegation but it is about about £40 extra. This extends the claimed accountability aegis from aloof the blessed brace to awning all bells guests arrive to your big day. So, if anyone arrive to the bells accidentally injures a third affair or amercement acreage afresh this will assure them from any banking consequences. Is my money adequate if my insurer goes bust? It's important to accomplish abiding that your bells insurer is FCA-regulated so you're adequate beneath the Banking Casework Compensation Arrangement (FSCS). If your insurer goes bust, the arrangement will try to acquisition addition provider to booty on your policy, or affair a substitute. However, if you accept any advancing claims, or allegation to accomplish a affirmation afore a new insurer is found, the FSCS should ensure you're covered financially. Anything bought account amid £100 and £30,000 on a acclaim agenda is covered beneath Section 75 of the Consumer Acclaim Act, which makes the agenda provider accountable if article goes wrong. Alike if you abandoned pay a drop (for the venue, for example) by acclaim agenda and the blow in banknote you're still covered for the accomplished amount of hiring the venue. See Section 75 refunds for added information. Yet it doesn't awning assertive elements that allowance does, such as addition falling ill or claimed liability. You may additionally be able to get your money aback through a arrangement alleged chargeback, if you paid on your debit agenda or for an account beneath £100 on a acclaim card. However, this is boilerplate abreast as able as Section 75 because it's aloof about the Visa/Mastercard/Amex process, which is boilerplate abreast as weighty. You additionally can't booty the affair to cloister if your coffer won't pay. For abounding accommodation see our Visa, Mastercard & Amex Chargeback guide. This is because several insurers, such as Direct Line, LV and Nationwide, will at no amount to you access your accommodation awning for a ages about the bells date. This covers backing central the home such as bells presents but it doesn't consistently appear automatically, so alarm your insurer to analysis if you allegation to manually add it on. Below is a table of some of the market's better players that will access accommodation awning for your bells or civilian partnership. Smaller mishaps, such as adulteration flowers or ripped suits, usually activate a distinct payout for the cost. But if the problem's so astringent – say, your area has abounding – that the bells has to be rearranged, afresh your insurer may instead align an another wedding, so you won't absolutely be paid any redress, it'll aloof array out the new Big Day. Notice the accent on the words usually and may, as there's no one absolute rule; it can alter by insurer. Don't balloon on any affirmation there's an balance to pay. For example, say your bells flowers are a write-off aback they arrive: you ability about be advantaged to £2,000 awning but accept to pay a £25 excess, so abandoned get £1,975 back. The eventually you buy your bells allowance the eventually you're covered, should article go amiss and you allegation to cancel, adjourn or get a acquittance for one aspect of the wedding. It doesn't amount any added to book beforehand and you can buy best behavior from two years afore the bells date up until about a week, or sometimes 24 hours, afore – alike if you've already paid for deposits. This agency you'd be covered should the area be destroyed in a blaze a year afore your bells date, or if a austere affliction set in for a ancestors affiliate six months afore the ceremony. If you're abstention the accessible rain-filled skies of Britain for sunnier climes you're not abandoned – John Lewis says 8% of weddings it insures are abroad, with Italy, France and Greece the best accepted destinations. To be insured for this, ensure you analysis the acceding of your action so it covers you abroad, as not all do. It about costs from about 10% added but can be more. For example, with Leisure Guard it's £19 for UK weddings of up to £3,000 and £27.80 for across weddings with £3,000 abandoning cover. It's additionally account acquainted that for across weddings some genitalia of the action ability not be included – such as accessible accountability for weddings in the United States or Canada – so consistently analysis the baby book afore you buy. Additionally see our Cheap Across Biking Tips to cut biking costs. If you're planning to mark your anniversary with a appropriate achievement such as a firework display, don't let your bashed uncle booty allegation – and account £1,000s of damage. Most bells insurers won't awning firework displays but you may not allegation to pay added for it if you've assassin a acclaimed close with its own cover. A able aggregation – and abounding allegation no added than £800 for a half-hour affectation – will not abandoned accompany the ability to accomplish the affectation a success but will additionally backpack its own accessible accountability insurance, about with millions of pounds of cover, in case article does go wrong. If you plan article alike added alien with blaze – and abounding ceremonies do use blaze in a bound accommodation – consistently analysis with your insurer to see if it'll awning you for a college premium. To abate the accident of article activity amiss and ruining your day, it's important you aces reliable companies aback you put your bells together. If your area is a multi-billion batter auberge alternation you'll be beneath acceptable to anguish about it activity bust, admitting it's still not risk-free. Get claimed recommendations and do your analysis on suppliers, such as attractive for reviews on the internet. Added applied tips accommodate scanning the MSE appointment for account and attractive up bounded Facebook groups and forums for tips and recommendations. Two specific bells forums account blockage out are You and Your Bells and Hitched. Keep a almanac of aggregate you book in writing, accomplish abiding you accept accounting agreements or affairs with your suppliers and get receipts for aggregate you pay for. You may allegation to dig these out aback authoritative a claim. Jot bottomward the dates of aback anniversary abounding acquittal is due, to ensure you don't lose deposits or lose clue of suppliers. If you've got bells allowance this WON'T awning you for your honeymoon. You'll allegation to buy abstracted biking insurance, as you would with any holiday. And like with any trip, consistently buy awning as anon as you book so it covers you for abandoning or annihilation away that ability go amiss BEFORE your honeymoon. For abounding admonition and to acquisition the best buys, see our Cheap Biking Allowance guide. If you've apprehend through the need-to-knows and anticipate bells allowance is appropriate for you, chase our step-by-step plan to accepting the best accessible awning for the best price. Step 1 is about the prep, afresh aces the best action you can from accomplish 2-4, and see if you can get cashback on top (step 5). Before you alike alpha attractive for bells allowance policies, accomplish a account of all the things you're planning to absorb money on, to get the absolute cost. It's basal you do this anyhow for your budgeting, but insurers put their altered types of awning into bands, depending on the absolute amount of the wedding. It's important to get it appropriate so you're not larboard under-covered. Say you breach your £20,000 account and absorb £30,000 but were abandoned insured for the aboriginal sum; if you had to cancel, you'd abandoned be covered for two-thirds of the cost. To abstain this, ensure you acquaint your insurer if the amount rises accidentally during the planning stages, admitting you may accept to pay to access the awning level. Don't accommodate items you won't allegation allowance for, though: if you plan to achieve a ample drinks bill run up on the day, leave it out of your costing. When acrimonious a policy, ensure what you're spending best on is abundantly protected. While some couples will appetite to go all out on the food, others will burst out on accoutrements and photos, so accomplish abiding your better affair is covered. Wedding allowance isn't on any of the capital allegory sites and the abandoned one to action a baby allegory is CompareWeddingInsurance.org.uk. This is a acceptable starting point but several ample bells insurers such as John Lewis are excluded. Next footfall is to try a ambit of insurers that may not all be on allegory sites and that accommodated our minimum criteria. If you accept absolute or abrogating adventures of application these, or apperceive of added insurers we should be mentioning, amuse let us know. (1) Area abortion that causes the absolute bells to be alleged off is included beneath cancellation. If invoked, you may still allegation to pay added suppliers of the aboriginal bells alike admitting it won't go advanced as planned, but the insurer should pay for replacements for the new date. (2) With the allowance element, analysis the best absolute per allowance and for cash/voucher ability (usually abundant lower). Rings, flowers and block usually abatement aural the aforementioned action aspect for payouts, but do double-check. If you've time, brokers can accord admonition on what action to pick, and they about accept access with assorted insurers so ability be able to action you a appropriate deal. Your best advantage will be to acquisition a agent who's a affiliate of the British Allowance Brokers' Association, who'll be able to admonition you acquisition the appropriate product. If you've had a absolute acquaintance with a agent amuse let us apperceive in the appointment to admonition others acquisition a acceptable one. Once you apperceive your cheapest price, coursing bottomward any cashback deals. If you're new to cashback sites, accomplish abiding you apprehend our Top Cashback Sites adviser for pros and cons afore application them. Otherwise, use the Cashback-Sites Maximiser apparatus to acquisition the accomplished payer for anniversary insurer. If your bells insurer rejects your affirmation and you anticipate it has done so wrongly, don't booty it lying down. Aboriginal accuse to it anon afresh if you don't get a acknowledgment aural eight weeks, accuse to the chargeless Banking Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is an absolute adjudicator that will accomplish the final accommodation on a affirmation if you're bound in a altercation with your insurer. For added on how to accomplish a complaint, apprehend our Banking Rights guide.
The NYFD new Muslim chaplain abruptly resigned Friday shortly before being sworn in after saying in a published interview that a broader conspiracy, not 19 al-Qaida hijackers, was responsible for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Considering that this creep spent six years studying in Saudi Arabia, what were they expecting? Perhaps the good people at the NYFD ought hire some outside experts to do an audit of the NYFD Islamic Society, which recommended Intikab Habib and several other imams for the job, and tell them whether Wahabbism has infected it to the point of no return. And if so, maybe they ought to disband it. Ya Think? Dubai: Tunisian Prime Minister Mohammad Ghannouchi said Tunisia would not establish diplomatic ties with Israel to reward it for its pullout from the Gaza Strip. In an interview with Gulf News, Mohammad Ghannouchi,Tunisian Prime Minister, who is heading a 14-member business delegation on his visit to the UAE, said Tunisia would stick to the Arab Peace Plan adopted by the Beirut Summit in March 2002. The initiative floated by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz (then the crown prince) and endorsed by Arab leaders in Beirut promised Israel recognition and establishment of normal ties with the Arab countries if the Jewish state fully withdrew from the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 and allowed the return of all refugees to their homes in Palestine. "We are happy to see Gaza free from occupation because Palestinians themselves were happy. We hope the move is just the start to liberate other parts of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967. "Tunisians have nothing against Israelis and will normalise our ties with them if our Palestinian brethren were happy and satisfied. "Such normalisation will happen only after Israel agrees to the conditions set by the Arab leaders in Beirut for peace with Israel." He said the invitation extended to the Israeli prime minister to attend the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was just a formal invite to an international meet scheduled to be held in Tunis in November and has no political significance towards Israel. Ghannouchi said similar invitations were sent by the Tunisian president to 175 leaders around the world to attend the summit. "Tunisia was not the only Arab country to host an international summit attended by Israel which is a UN member. And this does not reflect the normalisation of ties with it," he said. PM Shinawatra stated unequivically after the torture murder of two Thai policemen that there was going to be one nationality in Thailand, and that anyone in Thailand who didn't want to be a Thai, regardless of religion, could leave. Strong words, and hopefuly backed by action. "We don't intend to ease up until they understand we have a deterrent policy," he said. "We have made it clear that we won't allow this to go on. The Gaza Strip will shake." Algerian voters overwhelmingly backed an amnesty plan backed by President Abdelaziz Boutleflika to end years of Islamist violence that left more than 150,000 dead during a civil war. I symphatize with the average Algerian's longing for peace, and hope that this signifies better times for Algeria. As I've said, too often the victims of Jihad turn out to be Muslims. Today's bombing was in a fruit and vegetable market and killed 14 innocent people. The Sunni insurgents continue to try and derail the Iraqi Constitution. As reported previously in these pages, it all comes down to whether the Sunnis want to be part of a prosperous, united Iraq or preside over a poverty stricken enclave in the Sunni triangel while the Kurds and Shiites move on.J O S H U A P U N D I T: Commentary: SO..HOW'RE THINGS GOING IN IRAQ??? Of course,the judge rationalized this despicable action by saying that he `had no choice under the law'. Actually, he did,if one reads the Freedom of Information Act closely. And in addition, as Oliver Wendell Holmes once famously said, to enforce the letter of the law without being mindful of the SPIRIT of the law is to render a grave injustice. In this case, the victims of that injustice are our men and women fighting jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan, who lives have been made infinately more dangerous because of the spin and use in recruiting that the jihadists will put this to once the additional photos are released. We can't do anyting much to Judge Hellerstein, a lifetime Clinton appointee (naturally!), but every decent American should shun him..literally. That means not speaking to him unless absolutely necessary, not acknowledging him, not serving him or seating him in a resturant, turning away from him in public places and in every sense treating him with the contempt he deserves. Gee, if they back down on nukes, those pushy types from the Great Satan are going to pressure them on democracy, human rights and Hezbollah...can't have that now, can we? In other news, Jack Straw totally rules out ANY military action by Britain. Guess it's nice for the Mullahs to know that before the Europeans REALLY get tough with them. Pretty Please?? Hughes asks Saudis to curb hate literature in US mosques. Karen Hughes has had a heckuva week. First, she meets with Saudi women in an attempt to get them to push for things like being able to drive a car, go out without a male relative or testify in a court of law and gets told in no uncertain terms to mind her own business! As if she expected people living under the thumb of this kind of tyranny to actually level with her. I guess she didn't understand that after she leaves, these women have to remain behind and deal with any loose statements they made. Then, she politely asks the Saudis to plee-eze watch the jihad literature in the mosques and madrassahs they fund here in America and around the world. I'm sure they'll take it under advisement. Commentary:Just so you know what's coming.. Israel and the Jews have the unfortunate position of being the canary in the coal mine. As we've seen, the Jihad tactics used there against Israel's civilians are now used in Iraq, America and Western Europe with increasing frequency. While the Israelis have had a degree of success in walling themselves off from the jihadists, they have lacked the will to actually deal with the problem once and for all...as have we. According to the Shin Bet after five years of Jihadist warfare, 1,061 Israelis have been murdered in 26, 159 attacks. That breaks down to 5,231 attacks per year..over slightly over 14 PER DAY. That's the equivalent of 51,000 Americans KILLED, or over three 9/11's per year over the past 5 years. Of course, that doesn't include the 300 or so Israelis murdered by Arafat prior to the intifadeh during the Oslo era... or the hundreds that have been maimed. And money gets siphoned off of every dollar used to fill our gas tanks to fund it, courtesy of our pals, the Saudis. And the Iranians get closer to making useable nukes to use against the Great Satan every day. Jihad is a disease that needs to be eradicated, before it destroys the freedom loving peoples of the world. It's high time we woke up.....Don't you think so, Mr. President? Syria equipping Palestinian Battallions; Israel continues assault on Gaza after renewed strikes.. Apparently Syria is getting into the game. My intelligence sources indicate to me that Syria is equipping Palestinian battalions recruited out of the refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria like Ein al Hewar..half are destined for half are destined for the southern port town of Sidon (and ultimately Gaza) and the rest for the Beqaa Valley. The estimated 1,200-1,500 men are operatives of Hamas, the Popular Front, the Democratic Front and the Abu Mussa splinter faction. Syria's benefit includes distracting attention from the ongoing UN investigations and also sparking unrest and violence with the Israelis for the benefit of Damascus and Teheran. In reality, the Iranians and Syria have long have a hand in Palestinian affairs, as Hezbollah and the iranian Guards have been involved inarming and training the Palestinians. A classic example was the Karina A armship...Iranian arms purchased by the Palestinians through Hezbollah and sent to Arafat on a Hezbollah chartered ship with a Palestinian crew. Al Qaeda is also inviolved and has already established itself in Gaza. A major figure in this linkup is Imad Mugniyeh, one of Al Qaeda's cheif lieutenants and an ex-member of Arafat's Force 17 before he hooked up with bin-Laden. He is now reported to be working as al Qaeda's liason with Hezbollah at their stronghold in Lebanon's Bek'aa Valley. Along with near constant rocket attacks and the virtually unimpeded flow of weapons and armed terorists from Sinai to Gaza, the release by Hamas of a Zarqawi-style CD Rom of kidnapped Israeli Sasson Nuriel and his subsequent murder appears to have been a factor in curtailing the planned Sharon/Abbas summit. The bloody and obviously beaten Nuriel is shown blindfolded against the background of a large green Hamas flag. They also display his driving license. Hamas in Ramallah has a new `special unit' which it claims abducted Nuriel, father of three, aged 50, last Wednesday, Sept. 21, in Jerusalem. The late businessman lived in Pisgat Zeev in northern Jerusalem. They claim to have more plans for kidnapping Israelis. The CD Rom is of poor quality and appears to have been made in haste, possibly because Israeli forces were hunting for the missing man in the vicinity of their hideout. BAGHDAD, Iraq – A woman strapped with explosives blew herself up outside an Iraqi army recruiting center in a northern town Wednesday, killing at least six people and wounding 30 in the first known attack by a female suicide bomber in the country's bloody insurgency. High time the US made it worth Syria's while to really seal their borders. Ya think? The `protesters' that appeared in Washington DC and elsewhere have a perfect right to voice their opinions..but I have an equal right to consider those views despicable and to call `em like I see `em. Far from being a spontaneous, grassroots protest, this was a well organized event funded and promoted by Stalinist groups like ANSWER and the SWP and Islamist symphatizers like the ISM. And by giving hope and support to our enemies, these people have endangered the lives of innocent Iraqi citizens as well as every one of our troops fighting the Jihadists. Yup. It's ALWAYS the Jews fault! Right! Well, I guess it's just a matter of supporting the CORRECT fascists - the ones from the Middle East blowing up innocent people. Yeah, Bush ain't Hitler..he's Bull Connor, just like Charley Rangel said! Socialism is good...all hail the proletariat. AHHHH..now here's a regime these good people DO approve of! Who would Allah bomb? That's a better question. BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. and Iraqi forces have shot dead the second-in-command of al Qaeda in Iraq, dealing what a U.S. commander called on Tuesday a serious blow to the militant group at the heart of Iraq's insurgency. U.S. and Iraqi forces tracked Abu Azzam, said to be the right-hand man of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most wanted man in Iraq, to a high-rise Baghdad apartment building where he was shot on Sunday, U.S. spokesman Lt. Col. Steve Boylan said. "We got specific information and intelligence that led us to him," Boylan said. "We've been tracking him for a while." In today's Israeli reaction to the Gaza rocket attacks, one of the casualties was Islamic Jihad's own Sheikh Mohammed Khalil, a senior member of the Islamic Jihad military wing. This particular rat was responsible for numerous attacks onIsraeli civilians, including this one:The JPost - Casualties of War. Tali Hatuel and her four young daughters were gunned down at point blank range on the Kissufim road after being forced to the side of the road. The latest attacks are an outgrowth that began when Israel failed to fight off Palestinian attacks in the course of the evacuations. That operation was plagued by shooting attacks, roadside bombs, Qassam missiles and grenade attacks on troops pulling out of the Philadelphi border route. Essentailly, the IDF carried out its mission but sat on its hands. As always in the Middle East passivity leads to further aggression. Day after day, the Palestinans continued to import arms stocks and terorists from Sinai and elsewhere. Israel was aware of the arms stocks held by the Palestinians in Sinai,but there is no explanation of why Israel omitted to make Egypt’s liquidation of the lethal stocks a condition for handing over the Philadelphi route to Egyptian border police. as a front for their continued Jihad against Israel. And Israel's stance against Hamas participating in elections likewise makes no difference. Hamas does not aspire to seize Palestinian government. This is because the jihadist group is comfortable with Abbas and his ministers fronting for them when it comes to financing and `negotiations' with the infidels..while Hamas calls the shots behind the scenes. In the face of an increasing barrage of Qassam rockets launched at Israel from Gaza by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Israel sent its airforce into Gaza airspace for a series of controlled strikes. Israel’s first air raid started big fires at 6 Hamas bases, weapons stores and foundries in Jebalya, Zeitun and Gaza City before dawn Saturday. Three Palestinians injured. Warplanes and helicopters also struck the sites which fired 21 missiles at Sderot during the night injuring 11 people, three of them voluntary policemen on patrol. They also caused damage in the town and in neighboring Kibbutz Kissufim. The IDF remains massed on the Gaza/Sinai border and near the Paletinian areas of Judea and Samaria(The West Bank). The increase in hostilities can be traced to the ongoing power struggle between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. My sources also tell me that contrary to all of the agreements for border control painstakingly hammered out between Egypt, Israel and the PA for border control, weapons and terrorists continue to flow unimpeded between Egypt and Gaza...12 days after the Israeli pullout. The Israeli security cabinet has ruled out intervention by ground forces...for now. But the future is increasingly uncertain, and the PA appears to have little or no control over events, as reported in Joshuapundit on 9/21/05. Andrew Rowe, a British Muslim convert was sentenced today for transporting semtex explosives through the Channel Tunnel in a pair of socks. The Judge called for life sentences for others planning similar outrages. The most amusing thing about this is to see a British newspaper referring to someone like this as a `terrorist' rather than an `hardliner', a `militant', a `guerilla' an `insurgent' or any of the other cute terms the British press used to use when talking about Palestinian and/or Muslim homicide bombers. Looks like things have changed a bit since the London Bombings...I'm sure any Israelis who see this will feel free to sneer a bit at the change in tone by the Brits when terrorism is launched against British targets! You would have thought that the bombings by the IRA would have taught the British press a little something. It was a busy day for the Brits, as another terrorist adherant of the Religion of Peace, Hussain Osman, implicated in the failed second wave of the London Bombings was extradited from Italy and appeared in court for his initial arraignment, and a terrorist scare occurred at the Manchester Airport that led to the Police exploding a suspicious briefcase. Commentary: SO..HOW'RE THINGS GOING IN IRAQ??? As usual, Joshuapundit attempts to get to the story behing the story, and relate things into a pattern. So how's the great experiment in Iraq going? Apparently both good and bad. On a military basis, the American military is wiping the floor with the Jihadists...and the only question is whether, aided by the Leftist press in America and elsewhere the terrorists can outlast the US forces and the Iraqi forces until when and if support for the war on the home front is sufficiently undermined. On a political front, things are somewhat different. The Iraqis have actually put together a constitution in an amaazingly short period and are set to ratify it in free elections. Of course, it IS the New York Times so much of the hyperbole can be discounted, but the fact remains that the Saudis are stepping up to the plate for their Sunni pals and pushing the Bush Administration to put the brakes on the new contitution. Nice of 'em, eh? In a related development Grand Ayatollah Sistani has instructed his Shiite followers to vote FOR the constitution in the coming referendum: FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Bus Bomb Kills Five; Shiite Backs Constitution In following this story, it's been obvious that most of the Kurds and Shiites have no problem with the new constitution...but that many of the Sunnis still have illusions of bringing things back where they were before Sadaam. Obviously, neither the Sunnis nor the Saudis have an interest in seeing a democratic Iraq with the despised Shiites having any kind of power. In response to the terrorism by Sunni and foreign elements like the Karbala massascre,the Shiites have developed their own armed militias, on a par with the Kurd's Persh Merga Army as reported on these pages earlier in the week.This is a highly significant development. The Shiites are not going to lay down for the Sunnis anymore. Either are the Kurds. Important to remember in all this is that Iraq is essentially an artificial construction, created by the British in 1922 along lines basically drawn in the sand. I feel all this is coming to a head fairly quickly. Either the Sunnis will decide that being part of a new, democratic Iraq is important to them or they won't. In any event, the Constitution WILL be ratified and we will either see a Democratic Iraq as it now stands, or an independent Kurdistan in the north and an independent Shiite republic in the South, both friendly to the US...along with an impoverished, oil poor Sunni enclave in the middle. We'll just have to see whether ethnic hatred is stronger than freedom and an actual betterment in daily life. Being as it's the Middle East, I wouldn't bet the house against ethnic hatred triumphing with the Iraqi Sunnis. In the wake of the recent torture murder of two Thai marines by Islamic seperatists(reported by Joshuapundit - 9/22/05), the government has sent major security forces into the southern Thai provinces that border Malaysia to stamp out the Muslim insurgency. PM Shinawatra has vowed to track down the killers and chrush the Muslim seperatists. The murders, and the fact that hundreds of Muslim women with small children blockaded the road into Tanyonglimo village in Narwathiwat province as human shields and prevented the rescue of the marines shocked Thailand; the funerals of the murdered men were attended by Thailand's Crown Princess Sirindhorn yesterday in Narathiwat, in a rare appearance that underlined the concern of the royal family. Hundreds of military families paid their respects. The Prime Minister blamed critics of his tough policy for the deaths, saying security forces overly concerned about political correctness were reluctant to take decisive action that might have saved the two marines. Two huge car blasts killed at least 19 Palestinians and injured over 50, at Hamas military parade Friday night in Gaza’s Jebalya. Israel forces and W. Negev population on high alert. Among the dead are northern Gaza chief Ahmad Randur and other top operatives. A volley of 6-8 Qassam missiles was fired Friday afternoon from Palestinian Gaza across the border at Sderot, Kfar Aza and Nahal Oz. One found near Ashkelon. No casualties. Violence continues in the Nigerian oilfields as Islamic seperatists forced the closing of a second Chevron facility due to armed attacks. On Friday (yesterday across the pond)The oil companies were given 48 hours to evacuate all of their facilities and personnel. QUOTE: 'We will kill every iota of oil operations in the Niger Delta. We will destroy anything and everything. We will challenge our enemies in our territory and we shall feed them to the vultures,' said a statement from the NDPVF's 'Supreme Council'. The bad news is that agave's possible health benefits are lost when converted into tequilla..DAMN! MAybe they can come up with a supplement...in the form of a lime wedge! I also like the bit in the story about how `agave prices have collapsed in recent years.' I sure haven't seen Cuervo gettin' any cheaper!~ Congress should investigate. "The Palestinian Authority will not be a harborer of murderers..." It's not well known, but another Jihad front is Southern Thailand, which borders on the Muslim nation of Malaysia and has a significant Muslim population. There have been a number of incidents, just like inthe Phillipines. What's interesting is the way the jihadists used women and children as shields for the terrorists. Sounds just like the Palestinians! Hey, it's all for the greater Jihad, right? I could definately picture these two harmonizing on al-Jazeer! They're pretty much singing the same tune....Maybe Jihad Cindy's booking agency could set up a tour. This piece comes from al-Ahram, Egypt's main daily (equivalent to the New York Times in influence) in a nation where the press is government controlled..and our supposed `ally', at a cost of $2B+ per year. Entitled `Lessons From Iran' it applauds to Iranians for their hard line, and says frankly that the Arab nations can take lessons from them. And excoriates Arab nations, like Qatar,that have made peaceful overtures to Israel. Lesson one in the Arab press...It's ALWAYS the Jews! have consistently lied, hid nuclear facilities from the inspectors and engaged in deciet by their own admision for over a dozen years. European Court in Luxembourg now has empowered members-states to freeze the assets of persons and organizations listed by the UN as suspected terrorists.. The European list has 450 names linked to al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and Taliban. The ruling was handed down in response to the first of 15 pending cases. An interesting development..I'd love to know who else is actually on the list and whom the plaintiffs are.. Poor ol' Abbas...people just continue to want the impossible. Don't they realize that the day Abbas asks Islamic Jihad, Hamas and al-Aksa to disarm is the day they plant him in the ground? You can bet Abbas knows that! Just last November, Abbas was attending a wedding in Ramallah when the boys from al-Aksa walked in, shot down his bodyguards right in front of him and walked out again without anyone lifting a finger to stop them. Shades of `The Godfather'! Yet the so-called `quartet' expects this guy to comit suicide? Puh-leeze. In case Abbas had any bright ideas of even beginning to think about disarming the terrorists and actually having a real state, the folks at al-Aksa sent him another message by narrowly missing killing ex-interior minister Hani al Hassan in Nablus, after warning him not to even think about coming into town. Funny thing...the Pals claim that this is not `Quartet business' and an` intrusion into their internal affairs' - but the whole basis for the creation of the `Palestinian Authority,' their sovereignity over the areas of Gaza, Judea and Samaria that the Israelis gave them, Arafat's repatriation from Tunis, and all those millions of international aid is based on the Oslo Accords wherein the Palestinians agreed to forego terrorism and disarm and control illegal weapons and terrorists. SO what's their legitimacy if they can't even deliver on THIS basic commitment? And why should Israel bother with even the pretense of negotiating with them? Maybe I'm stupid, but I figure years since those accords were signed is more than enough time to accomplish what the Pals committed to do at Oslo...that is, if they really were serious about a state of their own living next to Israel in peace! Armed Insurgents Take Over Nigerian Oil Facilities! This story is totally flying under the radar, but very important as part of the jihad front in Sub Saharan Africa. This, along wth Hurricane Rita's wreaking havoc on the Gulf refineries will have a major impact on the West's oil supplies. Look for crude oil to break through the $70/barrel barrier. It's important to remember that many times, the victims of Islamic terrorism are Muslims. Apparently some Jihadists were taking an opportunity to try and further destabilze the Musharref regime. Ralph Peters on the Afghan Elections..a must read. With all of the coverage of Katrina and the Roberts nomination, this huge story went right by the mainstream media. Ralph Peters has the skinny,as usual. The courage shown by the Afghan people is amazing, as they braved threats of violence to cast their votes. The Taliban still exist in Afghanistan, along with the old warlord culture, but now that the women are voting things have changed! I've always said that one of the best ways to fight the Jihadists is to liberate Islamic women..one day I'll do a comentary on the pychosexual fear of women's sexuality that I feel colors much of Islam and is partly responsible for its stagnation as a culture. Able/Danger Miltary witness forbidden to testify!
are making headway as U.S. regulators consider cracking down. Step into the forest around a rural Malaysian village, pluck the red-, green- or white-veined leaves off a kratom tree, and start chewing. At a small dose, the leaves will act as a stimulant helpful for getting through long hours of hard labor. At a much higher dose, they may cause nausea, vomiting and indigestion, followed by euphoria. At a dose somewhere in between, kratom becomes a highly effective painkiller that can take the edge off after a day’s work. It also can stave off the symptoms of heroin withdrawal. The leaves of Mitragyna speciosa, kratom’s Latin name, have been used for centuries throughout Southeast Asia for all of the aforementioned properties. The plants grow wild in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, with related species of the genus Mitragyna ranging as far as India and South Africa. In the United States, kratom use has surged in the past decade amid the ongoing opioid crisis, which claims dozens of lives each day. Last fall, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration proposed classifying kratom as a schedule I drug. Drugs in that category have no approved medical use, and it is extremely onerous to obtain approval for research on them. The American Kratom Association, the largest kratom advocacy group in the United States, helped spur an outpouring of public comments. In response, the DEA put a hold on its scheduling plans, and the Food and Drug Administration now is preparing an eight-factor analysis of kratom’s safety. In the meantime, research exploring the interactions of kratom’s components with mice and molecular receptors putters on. The earliest references to kratom’s use as an opium substitute in Western medical literature appeared in 1836, but it has been used for various purposes in Southeast Asia for centuries. Mitragyna speciosa belongs to the same family, Rubiaceae, as coffee plants and gets its genus name from the leaves’ resemblance to a bishop’s ceremonial hat, called a miter. The leaves from kratom trees contain at least 37 different alkaloids, a class of nitrogen-atom-containing compounds, but they have two primary active components: mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, or 7-OHMG, an oxidized analog of mitragynine. The term “opiate” traditionally has been used to describe drugs derived from opium extracts of poppy plants; “opioid” refers to compounds, such as hydrocodone, that bind to the same receptors in the human brain and body that opiates do. The mitragynine compounds work, in part, by binding to these receptors, which come in three major subtypes. “The first one is mu — we use the Greek letter mu to signify morphine. Morphine was particularly good at this receptor subtype, and to this day the mu receptor is a predominant one,” says Solomon Snyder. A neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University, Snyder and colleague Candace Pert characterized the mu opioid receptor for the first time in 1973, for which Snyder won the Lasker Award in 1978. The kappa receptor was named for its affinity for the drug ketocyclazocine; the delta receptor was initially discovered in the vas deferens tissue of mice. Due to a high sequence similarity with the original three opiate receptors, the receptor for the neuropeptide nociceptin often is referred to as a fourth, but it actually exhibits minimal binding activity with opioids. Heroin and morphine kill by causing respiratory depression, in which the muscles that control the diaphragm fail and breathing ceases. These overdoses can be reversed if the drug naloxone is administered within a few minutes, before irreversible brain damage sets in. Sold as Narcan, naloxone acts as an opioid receptor antagonist by essentially kicking the other opioid compounds off the opioid receptors. According to Andrew Kruegel, a medicinal chemist and opioid researcher at Columbia University, one hypothesis in the opioid field is that fatal respiratory depression, or failure, occurs as a consequence of compounds working through the mu receptors to activate the protein beta-arrestin. When this happens at a certain threshold, a cascade of signaling that interferes with the action of the diaphragm is believed to occur. Both mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine are partial agonists for the mu receptors, binding to and activating them at less than 100 percent of the levels that other opioids, such as morphine, do. As Kruegel and colleagues observed in in vitro systems, beta-arrestin signaling is notably absent in this activity and thus may be responsible for kratom’s anecdotally reported ability to induce less respiratory depression than heroin or morphine. The mitragynines are also both antagonists of the kappa and delta opioid receptors in in vitro systems, meaning they reverse the effects of pain-killing analgesics at these sites, but these actions aren’t yet understood in human or animal models. These receptor interactions also are hypothesized to be responsible for kratom users experiencing reduced euphoric effects and slower development of tolerance compared to those experienced with widely abused opioids. Similar partially agonistic effects of the mu receptors are also present in buprenorphine, an opioid marketed as Buprenex and Butrans and widely used in clinics and addiction centers to help patients transition off fully agonistic opioids like heroin and morphine. Why kratom doesn’t appear to be as addictive as opioids, however, is not clear. Even if shutting down beta-arrestin signaling does stop respiratory depression, it doesn’t appear to be responsible for how addictive an opiatelike substance is. Mitragynine first was isolated from kratom leaves in 1921 by Ellen Field, a medicinal chemist at the University of Edinburgh, and its structure was first characterized by X-ray crystallography in 1964 by a group led by G.A. Jeffrey at the University of Pittsburgh. Across the Atlantic, Joseph Shellard and Arnold Beckett at Chelsea College, London, had been examining the chemical structures of known and novel alkaloids in Mitragyna speciosa and other Mitragyna species since 1961 with Ph.D. students David Phillipson and Albert Tackie. “The major interest was in Mitragyna speciosa, known as kratom, because it was used as a substitute for opium or as a cure for opium addiction in (what was then called) Malaya and Thailand,” says Peter Houghton, a retired pharmacognosist who also performed his Ph.D. work with Shellard. At the time, Phillipson says, the researchers at Chelsea didn’t have enough mitragynine to undertake pharmacological research. “We obviously wanted to become involved in biological activity, and that meant collaborating with pharmacologists who would say, ‘Send me 10 grams of what you’ve got,’ but we only had 10 milligrams, and all of those have large numbers of alkaloids,” says Phillipson. In his time with Shellard, Phillipson isolated 16 alkaloids from M. speciosa and four other Mitragyna species (for more information about kratom’s chemical components, see box “Branches bursting with secrets”).“Eight of these (alkaloids) were not previously isolated from Mitragyna, and five of them were, in fact, novel alkaloids, and I was interested in the determination of their chemical structure,” he says. In his subsequent research, Phillipson investigated the alkaloids of Uncaria species, which are closely related to Mitragyna, as well as alkaloids of Cinchona species, the source of the antimalarial medicine quinine. All three genera belong to the same botanical family, Rubiaceae. With interest from pharmaceutical companies gone, research into Mitragyna alkaloids as novel analgesics was halted for a number of decades. Given that kratom is currently legal in the U.S., the biggest medical concern is the potential adulteration of products being sold as kratom. “The issue becomes: What degree of confidence does someone have, when someone says they’re taking kratom, that they’re actually taking kratom?” says Edward Boyer, a professor of emergency medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and faculty member at Harvard Medical School. In a study published in the Journal of Medical Toxicology in 2016, Boyer and his colleagues found that a number of kratom products from a major kratom distributer based in Miami had concentrations of 7-hydroxymitragynine that were elevated notably compared with kratom leaves. While there haven’t been any recorded deaths from overdoses resulting solely from kratom in the United States, there have been at least three deaths caused by overdosing on mixtures of kratom and other controlled substances. In addition to one death in Norway and another in Thailand, there have been nine deaths in Sweden caused by the drink “krypton,” which consists of kratom mixed with an active metabolite of the controlled painkiller tramadol. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published last year noted a significant increase in kratom-related calls to poison control centers between 2011 and 2015, with 49 of 660 recorded calls about kratom classified as major or life-threatening. Additionally, legislation to outlaw the plant and its compounds was passed in Sarasota County, Florida, in 2015 after the suicide of a teenager whose toxicology report turned up positive for kratom and antidepressants. Subsequent bills were introduced in 2016 and 2017 but were strongly opposed by activists, including the American Kratom Association, and failed to pass the state legislature. If kratom were placed in schedule I, “the most dangerous marketers in the world would take over. They would fill the niche with black market, and they would be likely to mix it with other things,” says Jack Henningfield. Henningfield is an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University and a vice president at the health consulting firm Pinney Associates. When the DEA announced its intent last fall to place kratom in schedule I, which includes marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, heroin and bath salts, among other compounds, the American Kratom Association contacted Henningfield by way of the D.C.-based law firm Hogan Lovells. Henningfield and his colleagues previously had performed a safety analysis on kratom for another client that had been seeking to market a dietary supplement using the plant and have experience with the Controlled Substance Act’s eight-factor analysis used by the DEA and FDA to guide the regulation of potentially abusable and addictive substances, including medicines. The analyses examine eight factors of a substance relevant to scheduling: pharmacology; potential for abuse; history and current pattern of abuse; public health risk; dependence liability; scope, duration and significance of abuse; status as an immediate precursor of a controlled substance; and other current scientific knowledge. Instead of scheduling kratom, an ideal regulatory model would be the one used for caffeine, Henningfield says, in which a certain number of milligrams of caffeine are permitted by volume for beverages, but beans can be purchased directly to make coffee. While the FDA deliberates, the pending scheduling has upended the projects of scientists who were working with kratom. Christopher McCurdy, who was at the University of Mississippi’s National Center for Natural Products Research when the scheduling was proposed, was using mouse models to investigate kratom’s efficacy as a potential treatment for opioid withdrawal syndrome. A medicinal chemist, McCurdy has collaborated with Boyer on a number of papers, including the adulteration study. In one experiment, McCurdy and his colleagues gave mice two doses of morphine daily for five days, doubling it each day until the mice were habituated to the substance, in order to assess kratom’s ability to prevent the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. In a normal model, the mice would then receive an opioid antagonist, such as naloxone, which is the substance used to reverse heroin overdosing, and then go through physical symptoms of opiate withdrawal. When the researchers put the mice through a five-day regimen of freeze-dried kratom tea before precipitating withdrawal, however, the animals displayed a significant reduction in side effects that was greater than that observed with methadone. The model was subsequently repeated with extracts of pure mitragynine in place of kratom tea, which caused the residual side effects of withdrawal to vanish completely. “In the mitragynine-treated animals, we saw absolutely no withdrawal symptoms after five days,” says McCurdy. When the ban came down, McCurdy and the pharmacologist Bonnie Avery, a collaborator who performed the analytical work on the adulteration study and prepared the dosing information for the mice models, were working on developing kratom as a botanical drug. Botanical drugs are a class created by the FDA for drugs consisting of vegetable materials with complex mixtures that can be consumed as powders, tablets, solutions and the like. McCurdy’s kratom supplies are currently in the hands of his colleague Scott Hemby, a pharmacologist at High Point University in Highpoint, North Carolina. McCurdy and Avery, who are married, recently relocated to the University of Florida in Gainesville, and are both currently faculty members in its College of Pharmacy. “He sent me raw material — literally a box full of things,” says Hemby, who has had a schedule I license and worked with controlled substances such as heroin and cocaine for several years. Since receiving the kratom from McCurdy, Hemby has performed a number of experiments with mitragy nine and 7-hydroxymitragynine in rats. In one self-administration experiment, Hemby and his colleagues trained rats to press a lever to receive intravenous infusions of morphine. Due to the opiate’s euphoria-inducing effects, the rats would continue pressing the lever to receive morphine. After three doses, the researchers replaced the morphine with saline, at which point the mice stopped pressing the lever. When the researchers then replaced the saline with mitragynine or 7-hydroxymitragynine, they noticed something strange. A more disconcerting disparity between the two mitragynine compounds appeared when Hemby and his colleagues once again exposed rats that had gone through the same procedure to morphine. Five floors down from McCurdy’s office in the College of Pharmacy, his collaborator Jay McLaughlin is working with Susruta Majumdar at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York to develop novel analgesics based on kratom’s molecular scaffolding. Majumdar and McLaughlin recently published a paper in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry detailing the analgesic effects of the modified kratom analog mitragynine pseudoindoxyl. When Majumdar and his colleagues examined the analog’s efficacy in mouse models, “we found that it’s a potent analgesic, three to five times more potent than morphine,” says Majumdar. The researchers also examined its efficacy as a delta receptor-antagonist, which is a property that causes users to develop less of a tolerance to a drug that acts as a mu agonist. Across the board, pseudoindoxyl appeared to be a more potent delta antagonist in isolated in vitro receptors than either mitragynine or 7-hydroxymitragynine. “Mitragynine pseudoindoxyl is also the first molecule in a kratom-derived template that shows no abuse potential and has far reduced respiratory depression (compared to) all clinically used opioids in mice, possibly because of its non-beta arrestin recruiting mechanisms,” he says. Despite these benefits, “mitragynine pseudoindoxyl is more of a therapeutic for tomorrow,” he says. In the meantime, McLaughlin is hoping to begin studies at the University of Florida with Avery and McCurdy examining pharmacodynamic properties of mitragynine pseudoindoxyl, such as its longevity in the body, byproducts and mechanisms of elimination. The earliest noted record of kratom use in the United States appeared in the 1999/2000 issue of the now-defunct quarterly publication Entheogen Review, a self-described “Journal of Unauthorized Research on Visionary Plants and Drugs” that ran in a confidential, underground manner from 1992 to 2008. Today, researchers are starting to get a better idea of the demographic groups using kratom in the U.S. and their reasons for doing so. Oliver Grundmann, a toxicologist and pharmacologist at the University of Florida, recently published the initial findings from a survey of 10,000 self-reported kratom users conducted with the assistance of the American Kratom Association. The paper appeared in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Grundmann and his colleagues found that, out of the 8,049 kratom users who completed the entire survey, less than 1 percent had experienced physical or psychological incidents that required hospitalization or treatment by a physician. “That was a very low incidence rate, overall, compared to many other drugs … even among those that are common prescription drugs,” says Grundmann. The authors also found that, while 68 percent of kratom users were using it to self-treat pain, some 66.5 percent were using it to self-treat conditions such as anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Kruegel and his colleagues at Columbia are seeking to demystify some of these interactions by exploring the receptor activities of kratom’s other major compounds, speciociliatine, speciogynine and panatheine, as well as elucidate mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine’s interactions with the receptors to which serotonin and adrenaline molecules bind. For the field, Grundmann says, the next stage should be human clinical trials with well-defined chemical extracts of kratom’s mitragynines and other alkaloids. At the moment, there are no concrete plans or proposals for researchers wishing to carry out clinical trials of kratom or mitragynine compounds. Grundmann is continuing to mine the survey data and hopes to have another paper published within the year. In the meantime, medical opinion on kratom use may be shifting as regulatory agencies idle. Among the 8,049 self-reported kratom users in Grundmann’s study, 40 percent had discussed their kratom use with their health care providers. “I think that even within the medical community it has kind of reached a point where it’s ‘give it a try, kind of, and see if it is successful,’ instead of flat-out denying its existence or just saying it’s no good,” says Grundmann.
At the start of King George I's reign in 1714, the English penny had been struck from silver for about a thousand years. The Hanoverian dynasty in Britain began during the time that Sir Isaac Newton was Master of the Mint. Newton had in 1702 considered the issuance of a copper penny, but no action was taken. Silver at this time came to the Royal Mint only as the by-product of mining for other substances, and from chance deposits and windfalls—the scandal-plagued South Sea Company in 1723 was obliged to send a large quantity of silver bullion to the Mint's premises in the Tower of London. Nevertheless, so little was sent overall that MP John Conduitt, Newton's successor as Master, wrote in 1730 that since December 1701, "no silver has been imported to the Mint but what was forced thither". Only small quantities of silver pennies were struck in the early years of George's reign; it and the silver twopence were unpopular in any case because of their small size. The change in dynasty did not affect the form of the silver penny—a 12 mm diameter coin weighing 0.5 gram. George's pennies had the inscription GEORGIVS DEI GRA continuing onto the other side with MAG BR FR ET HIB REX[a] and the date, around the crowned "I". The representation of George was by John Croker or his assistant Samuel Bull; they had designed the busts of William III and of Queen Anne that had appeared on earlier pennies. The Roman numeral I on the coins dated from the reign of James II, and was at first intended to denote the King's initial in Latin (IACOBUS) but was kept a Roman numeral when the twopence, threepence, and fourpence were given Arabic numerals under William III and Mary. Pennies were minted in 1716, 1718, 1720, 1723, 1725, 1726 and 1727, the last of these the date of George's death and of the accession of his son, George II. The major purpose for the silver penny in the 18th century was as Maundy money. Most silver pennies after 1727 were likely used for that purpose or for other royal largesse; the mintages were enough to provide for this, but not enough for general circulation. In some years, the Maundy money may have been composed entirely of pennies, though there are accounts of the twopence, threepence, and groat being used as well. At times, there were gaps in the dating as enough for several years was struck at once, to be held against need. There were enough silver pennies in circulation that Maundy recipients could spend their gifts. By 1727, the price of silver guaranteed that pennies were struck at a loss. When other regal coins began use of a bust showing George II as an older man in 1740–1743, the penny remained unaltered. Brian Robinson, in his book on the Royal Maundy, suggested that a new bust for a coin issued only in small quantities would not have been worth the 12 weeks' work it would have taken a Mint engraver to create new dies. In any event, between 1727 and 1816, silver cost too much for there to be much coinage of it. George II's pennies had a left-facing bust of him and the inscription GEORGIVS II DEI GRATIA continuing onto the other side with MAG BRI FR ET HIB REX[b] and the date around the crowned "I". Pennies were minted in 1729, 1731, 1732, 1735, 1737, 1739, 1740, 1743, 1746 and 1750, and between 1752 and 1760. No pennies were issued dated 1733 or 1744, likely because the year in Britain still began on 25 March, and Maundy Thursday did not occur during those twelve-month periods. Into the reign of King George III (1760–1820), the silver penny continued to be used mostly as a Maundy piece. Pennies similar to those of previous reigns, but bearing George III's head and the inscription GEORGIVS III DEI GRATIA,[c] were struck in 1763, 1766, 1770, 1772, 1776, 1779, 1780, 1781, 1784 and 1786. A new bust of the King was introduced to the penny in 1792, and was struck dated that year, 1795, and 1800. The third, laureated bust of the king with an unchanged obverse inscription was on the silver penny in 1817, 1818 and 1820. George III's first reverse, used until 1780, showed the crowned "I" in high relief, with the inscription MAG BRI FR ET HIB REX.[d] A modification was made in 1781, with the relief of the central "I" on the reverse lowered, likely because part of the outline of the I had been visible on the King's head on the other side of the coin. This second reverse, used until 1786, was similar but in lower relief, the "I" being much flatter; the third reverse, used in 1792 only, was completely redesigned with a much smaller "I" under a smaller crown with the inscription running around the crown, with the same legend as before. The fourth reverse, used in 1795 and 1800 was similar to the first but with a redesigned crown. The fifth reverse, used from 1817, showed the crowned "I" with the inscription BRITANNIARUM REX FID DEF[e] and the date. From 1817, the diameter of the coin was reduced from 12 to 11 millimetres, although the weight remained the same at .5 grams. With little silver coined in the second half of the 18th century, the burden of small change fell on the copper coinage, of which the highest denomination before 1797 was the halfpenny. Many official halfpennies were melted down clandestinely and lightweight counterfeits made with the copper. In 1787, the Mint found that at most eight percent of "halfpennies" in circulation were genuine. A withdrawal of the existing copper coinage was deemed impractical due to transport difficulties. The Government would not accept copper coinage for taxes, and the small merchants who accumulated large stocks of real and dubious copper coin sought relief. Areas of the country not near the capital were sometimes short of coppers, since new issues could only be purchased at the Mint's office at the Tower of London, in packets of 5 or 10 shillings. The small change shortage made it difficult, by the late 1780s, for employers to pay workers. The gap was filled, beginning in 1787, by private minters and companies, who issued copper halfpenny and penny tokens. Although not money in a legal sense, they served that purpose, and rapidly spread across the country. Many of the manufacturers of these tokens were found in Birmingham, where industrialist Matthew Boulton struck large numbers of tokens and also constructed the Soho Mint, the first to be powered by steam. He aggressively lobbied for a contract to strike official copper coins. In 1797, the government gave Boulton a contract to strike 480 tonnes of copper pennies and 20 tonnes of copper twopences. The first official British coins of those denominations to be made of copper, they were also the first official British coins to be struck by steam rather than by muscle power. The large size of the coins, combined with the thick rim where the inscription was incuse (i.e. punched into the metal rather than raised from it), led to the coins being nicknamed "cartwheels". The design was by Boulton's employee Conrad Küchler. The obverse of the cartwheel coinage is a laureated right-facing bust of George III, with the inscription GEORGIUS III D G REX,[f] while the reverse showed Britannia seated on a rock, facing left, holding an olive branch and trident with the inscription BRITANNIA 1797. Although Britannia had long appeared on the halfpenny and farthing, the 1797 coinage was the first time she was depicted ruling the waves, an allegory for Britain's status as a maritime power. The word SOHO may be seen in fine print on the face of the rock just below the shield. Boulton's pennies and twopences were meant to contain their face value in copper, i.e. they weighed one and two ounces each (penny – 28.3 grams, diameter 36 millimetres). In English measure, the penny was just over 1.4 inches in diameter, so that 17 pennies side by side would measure two feet. Boulton obtained a copy of the Royal Society's standard foot to get the measurement right. Even though pennies were struck first, reserving the twopences for later, the existing Soho Mint had trouble stamping such large pieces of copper, and Boulton built a new mint at Soho, where by 1799, each press was striking 60 pennies a minute. The 1,250 tonnes of "cartwheels" struck at Soho between 1797 and 1799 (all pieces were dated 1797) exceeded the total copper coinage by the Royal Mint in the 18th century. Boulton was given a further contract in 1799, but only halfpennies and farthings were struck then. In 1805, Boulton gained another contract. By then, the price of copper had risen; in 1797, a pound of copper had coined 16 pence of coins, and in 1799 that amount of metal had made 18 pence-worth, but it took 24 of the 1806 pennies to weigh a pound. The pennies were issued dated 1806 or 1807; they weigh 18.9 grams (​2⁄3 ounces) and measure 34 millimetres (one-and-a-third inches) in diameter. These were more conventionally designed, also by Küchler, with a right-facing bust of the King and the same inscription as on the obverse of 1797 pennies. The reverse shows the seated Britannia facing left, with olive branch and trident and the inscription BRITANNIA. There is one unique penny coin known which is dated 1808, but this is thought to have been a proof. A total of 150 tonnes of copper were used to make the 1806 and 1807 pennies. Finding its premises at the Tower of London too cramped and unsuited to the new technology, the Mint moved to a new building on Tower Hill, and first struck coins there (for the East India Company) in 1811. The coinage was made by steam power, with equipment supplied by Boulton's firm. At the beginning of the Great Recoinage of 1816, only gold and silver coins were produced; the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nicholas Vansittart, deemed there to be enough official coppers in commerce to serve. Thus, it was not until after the death of George III in 1820 and the accession of his son George IV that the copper coinage was recommenced. Coinage of pennies and halfpennies resumed in 1825 after the first farthings of the new reign were minted in 1821. The new pennies were authorised by an Order in Council of 14 November 1825, and were made current by a proclamation of 30 January 1826. George IV's pennies were struck in only three years (1825, 1826, 1827) and most of the final year's mintage is believed to have been sent to Tasmania. The obverse of George IV's pennies shows a left-facing laureated head engraved by William Wyon. This was the second portrait of George IV, and was adopted after the King expressed a dislike for the one engraved by Benedetto Pistrucci, which was never used on the penny. The penny is inscribed GEORGIUS IV DEI GRATIA[g] and the date, while the reverse shows a right-facing seated Britannia with a shield and trident, inscribed BRITANNIAR REX FID DEF.[h] The penny at this time weighed 18.8 grams and had a diameter of 34 millimetres, the same as Boulton's 1806–1807 pennies. The pennies of King William IV (1830–1837) are similar to those of his predecessor, also being engraved by William Wyon, based on a model by Sir Francis Chantrey. King William's head faces right, with the obverse inscribed GULIELMUS IIII DEI GRATIA,[i] while the reverse is identical to the George IV penny. Pennies were minted in 1831, 1834 and 1837. An 1836 penny has been reported but not confirmed. The pennies of Queen Victoria (1837–1901) form one of the most intricate denominations of British coinage, both before and after the transition from copper to bronze pennies in 1860. A number of specialist books have been published on the many varieties of Victorian pennies. The final years of the copper penny, from 1839 to 1860, saw a portrait of the Queen by William Wyon, usually dubbed the "Young Head". It had a reverse largely unchanged from King William's but for changing an X to a G, thus REX became REG, short for Regina (queen), denoting the fact that the monarch was now a woman. Thus, the legend on Victorian copper pennies was VICTORIA DEI GRATIA/BRITANNIAR REG FID DEF.[j] Copper pennies were issued for all years between 1839 and 1860 except 1840, 1842, 1850, and 1852. The Heaton Mint, of Birmingham, had been founded with equipment from the wound-up Soho Mint. Beginning in the early 1850s, it supplied large quantities of blanks for pennies to the Royal Mint, and at times was called upon to strike pennies, though its mint mark H would not appear on pennies until 1874. These contracts were because of the needs of Ireland (where counterfeits and tokens were common) and the colonies; the large quantities struck between 1797 and 1807 by Boulton ensured there were no shortages in England, Scotland and Wales. By 1857, both the Royal Mint and the public were dissatisfied by the state of the copper coinage. Much of it was worn or defaced by advertisements, and 14 percent of the pennies in commerce were Boulton's 1797 cartwheels. The fact that pennies of different specifications circulated side by side precluded the weighing of quantities of copper coin to ascertain the value. Both sorts of pennies were deemed too heavy for daily use. The copper coins were so heavy that Charles Dickens in Nicholas Nickleby had Mr Mantalini contemplate suicide by drowning himself in the Thames, his pockets filled with halfpennies. Thomas Graham, the Master of the Mint, in 1859 persuaded William Gladstone, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the state of the copper currency demanded a lighter, more durable replacement. Bronze was selected as harder and less subject to oxidation. It was a material with which the Mint had experience, having recently struck bronze coins for the Canadian colonies, and it had been used in France since 1852. Parliament passed legislation in 1860 that allowed the penny to be struck from an alloy of metals. The act required that Britannia appear on the coin, as the design was felt to symbolise Britain as ruler of the waves, and to omit her would be seen as abandoning that role. The Mint in 1860 awarded a contract for 1,720 tonnes of bronze pennies, halfpennies and farthings to James Watt & Co of Birmingham, a contract that would not be completed until 1863. Heaton's was also called upon to supply dies and coins, especially as Watt's prepared to execute its huge contract. Although there were calls for a public competition, William Wyon's son, Leonard Charles Wyon was chosen to execute the new design. Both the Queen and Prince Albert took a keen interest in the work, and repeated visits by Wyon to Buckingham Palace and Osborne House were necessary before Victoria gave her approval. There is a tale that the Queen returned the penny sent her for final approval by post, but a postman opened the parcel, throwing away the coin in disgust when he realised all that was inside was a penny. The new bronze pieces were made current by a proclamation dated 17 December 1860, and public reaction was positive, both for Wyon's designs and for the weight, which had been halved. The new coins were widely distributed through post offices, and in 1861, the Mint began the recall of the old copper pieces, paying a small premium and for the transport. The old copper coins soon vanished from towns; progress in rural areas was more gradual. The pre-1860 copper penny was demonetised after 1869 in Britain (though accepted at full face value by the Mint until 1873) and in 1877 for the colonies. The obverse of the new penny read VICTORIA D G BRITT REG F D.[k] The Mint had intended to render it with the abbreviation BRIT, and some after the coins' release argued it should have done, but Gladstone had intervened to invoke the rule that the last letter of a Latin abbreviation should be doubled to indicate the plural. The coin is dubbed the "Bun Head penny" or "Bun penny" for the Queen's hairstyle. The reverse depicts Britannia, wearing flowing robes, a breastplate and helmet, and grasping a trident. Her right hand grips a shield, on which is seen the combined crosses of the Union Jack. A ship sails out to sea on her right, and a lighthouse, supposedly the old Eddystone Lighthouse, is seen behind her on her left. The denomination, ONE PENNY, appears for the first time on the base-metal piece. There are many varieties of the Bun penny, as several non-identical dies were prepared (especially in 1860) the design was tweaked a number of times over its 35 years, and the dies were sometimes used in different combinations. The 2017 edition of Spink & Son's Coins of England & the United Kingdom chronicles 13 obverses, 14 reverses and a large number of die combinations. Differences include the number of leaves on Victoria's wreath and whether the border is beaded or toothed. An "H" below the date on 1874, 1875, 1876, 1881 and 1882 pennies indicates that the coin was produced at Heaton's in Birmingham. When production at the Royal Mint was stopped for a complete reconstruction in 1882, Heaton's, pursuant to contract, produced 50 tonnes of pennies, halfpennies and farthings. Pennies of the Bun type were issued in all years between 1860 and 1894. Joseph Edgar Boehm's "Jubilee head" of the Queen was placed on the gold and silver coinage in 1887 but was not adopted for the bronze, with the Bun head continuing. Boehm's rendering proved unpopular, and in 1893 was replaced with the "Veiled head" or "Old head", by Thomas Brock, and engraved by Chief Engraver of the Royal Mint George William de Saulles. The new penny design was introduced in 1895, the new version being authorised by a proclamation dated 11 May of that year. Victoria is seen as an elderly woman, wearing a diadem partially eclipsed by a veil. She wears a necklace with a pendant, an earring, and the Garter Riband with Star. The inscription became VICTORIA DEI GRA BRITT REGINA FID DEF IND IMP,[l] as the title of Empress of India had been added to the Queen's titles in 1876. The reverse was modified by de Saulles, with the most significant change the deletion of the ship and lighthouse. The new design was struck each year from 1895 to 1901, the year in which Victoria died. Coins depicting her and dated 1901 continued to be struck until King Edward VII's coinage was ready in May 1902. Total mintage by date and mint mark. "H" is for Heaton Mint, Birmingham. ^ Georgius Dei Gratia/Magnae Britanniae Franciae et Hiberniae Rex, or George by the Grace of God/King of Great Britain, France and Ireland. The British throne's claim to France was at this point purely historic. ^ a b Craig, pp. 211–214. ^ a b Lobel, p. 583. ^ a b Selgin, pp. 163–164. ^ Selgin, pp. 163–166, 178, 189. ^ a b Lobel, pp. 583–584. ^ Dyer & Gaspar, pp. 455–459. ^ Dyer & Gaspar, p. 488. ^ a b Lobel, p. 584. ^ Crellin, Andrew. "The 1827 Penny From Great Britain - Unique in the Australian Colonial Series". Sterling & Currency. Archived from the original on 2017-08-06. Retrieved 18 July 2017. ^ Dyer & Gaspar, p. 503. ^ Dyer & Gaspar, pp. 508–509. ^ Dyer & Gaspar, p. 509. ^ a b Linecar, p. 108. ^ Dyer & Gaspar, pp. 509–510. ^ Dyer & Gaspar, p. 510. ^ a b c Dyer & Gaspar, pp. 510–511. ^ Lobel, pp. 586–587, 681.
It isn’t easy keeping your hip mountain town a secret when everyone keeps talking about it. Though surrounded by a palisade of peaks, Fernie has been invaded by laptop-toting media types (not unlike ourselves) eager to extol its delights to the world. Rolling Stone dubbed it the “Coolest Town in North America,” and Outside ranked it among its “Top 20 Dream Towns.” Journalists from Condé Nast Traveler and National Geographic Adventure have trooped through, each singing Fernie’s praises, along with powder fiends from all the top ski magazines. The city of 5,000 in the Rockies’ Elk River valley is now famous for the volumes of feather-light powder snow that fall on its local mountains. And while some 300,000 visitors may crowd into town each winter—most stampeding to the slopes at Fernie Alpine Resort in the Lizard Range—it’s positively peaceful on Fernie’s historic streets compared to Whistler, where some 920,000 winter guests surge through the village. Ten years ago, many residents of this once solidly blue-collar town dreaded large-scale tourism development, believing it would irrevocably alter their community. But while there has been change, it has not come at the cost of Fernie’s amiable small-town character. Coal mining, on which the town was founded at the turn of the century, still employs some 50 percent of the locals. But a new, more Bohemian class is growing, opening and frequenting coffeehouses, specialty shops, and eateries as travellers continue to discover Fernie as a year-round outdoors destination. And it is precisely that mix that gives this mountain town its enviable charm. It is a town with one foot squarely planted in its resource past and the other in its resort future. The community has achieved an admirable balance between the two, and for that, we add our voice to the chorus of approval for this Rocky Mountain getaway. And so, if the phrase “nine metres of powder snow” doesn’t have you leaping into your boots, here are a few other compelling reasons to visit Fernie this winter. Seattle writer Timothy Egan in the New York Times, October 10, 2004. Can you say, “picturesque”? Sitting above 1,000 metres smack in the Rockies, Fernie is surrounded by mountains on all sides, some more than 2,800 metres high. The Three Sisters flank the town’s north side, along with mounts Procter and Hosmer. Fernie Ridge rises to the east, Morrissey Ridge to the southeast, and the Lizard Range to southwest Enhancing the scene is the Elk River, which begins as glacier ice in Elk Lakes Provincial Park, melts down the mountains into the Elk Lakes, travels along the Elk Valley, and flows right through town. The topography of mountains and valleys surrounding Fernie creates a unique microclimate, channelling more precipitation into the area than is typical this far inland. The result is snow, snow, and more snow. Delicious, dry, airy, powdery snow that drifts through the dreams of every would-be ski hero. With winter temperatures averaging -11 C and a snowfall of 360 centimetres in town and 875 centimetres on the ski hill, Fernie is the ultimate powder zone. Pick your favourite winter sport: this mountain town has activities for everyone from the adrenaline junkies to the fireside cocoa sippers. What keeps skiers and boarders coming back to Fernie’s slopes? “Deep, fluffy powder,” writes former local Gerry George on the Fernie.com website. “Powder so deep you have to spit out snowballs of it as you cascade down the mountainside. Powder so light you have to memorize the landscape in order to make your way through the trees between face shots.” Fernie Alpine Resort obliges with 10 square kilometres of ski-friendly bowls, glades, and chutes. With an average nine metres of snow, the resort is able to stretch its season from December to April, operating 10 lifts that can serve more than 13,000 skiers per hour. Fernie Alpine Resort (250-423-4655; www.skifernie.com). Fernie Wilderness Adventures (250-423-6704; www.fernieadventures.com). Island Lake Lodge (250-423-3700; www.islandlakeresorts.com). Opt for a gentle tour or an aerobic workout on the network of trails in and around Fernie. The city’s groomed recreational trails loop around town and the golf course, and border the Elk River. Fernie Alpine Resort maintains a 14-kilometre hillside circuit, and Island Lake Lodge offers a 10-kilometre loop around Island Lake. Fernie Nature Tours offer guided programs such as the Stargazing Snowshoe Fondue tour. City of Fernie (250-423-6817; www.fernie.ca). Trail map available online. Climb onto the driver’s seat for a snowmobile tour along groomed trails into scenic, deep-powder play areas. “It is an adrenaline rush,” says Mike Sosnowski of Prestige Tours. “It’s exhilarating.” Experienced drivers are available for those who prefer a view from the backseat. Whether you’ve never seen a husky before or you dream of completing the Iditarod, this is your chance to try dog sledding, a distinctly Canadian winter experience. Try it for an hour or a whole day, or plan a multi-day adventure into the backcountry. Adventure Source Tours (250-423-9265; www.adventuresource.ca). A little bite in the air, a big bite on the line: avid anglers who can’t wait for spring can opt for winter fly-fishing or ice fishing in Fernie. Cast a line for local white fish, bull trout, cutthroat, and rainbow trout. Local outfitters carry all the necessities for self-directed or guided trips. Kootenay Fly Shop and Guiding Company (250-423-4483; www.kootenayflyshop.ca). Fernie Wilderness Adventures (250-423-6704; www.fernieadventures.com). Also offers winter wildlife-viewing tours. Elk River Guiding Company Ltd. (250-423-7239; www.elkriver.ca). You can try it all in Fernie without packing in a load of equipment. Local outfitters have everything to outfit you, train you, and prepare you for a full-on powder plunge. Edge of the World Board Shop (250-423-9292). Quest Ski and Snowboard Rentals (250-423-2057), at Fernie Alpine Resort. “Only idiots and Europeans would live in Fernie year-round.” Michael Pennock, associate curator of the Fernie Museum, on the area’s hardships prior to 1900. Looking at Fernie today, its historic downtown like a quaint Edwardian movie set, we can hardly imagine how fiercely this townsite resisted domestication. In the wild embrace of the Rocky Mountains, isolated and smothered with snow in the winter months, it remained only a seasonal destination for First Nations for millennia—until the discovery of coal in 1873 brought settlers like William Fernie. But even then, the land proved a stubborn conquest. The town’s early history reads like a contrived disaster epic, punctuated with deadly explosions and great fires. Coal mining, and later logging, brought the Canadian Pacific Railway to Fernie in 1898, and established it as the commercial centre of the Elk Valley. Merchants and government representatives were just nicely getting down to business when the first calamity occurred in 1902. An underground explosion at the Coal Creek Mine killed 128 men, one of the worst mining disasters in Canadian history. In 1904 and again in 1908, wildfires swept through Fernie, levelling its buildings. From the ashes, fire-resistant brick and stone buildings arose that today are heralded for their design and beauty. “They’ve become a hallmark of Fernie,” says Michael Pennock, associate curator of Fernie’s museum. Still serving their original purpose are the Fernie Court House (1911) and Holy Family Catholic Church (1912). Others, like the Fernie Heritage Library (1908), City Hall (1905), and new Arts Station in the former railway station (1908), have been reclaimed and restored as heritage landmarks in recent years. These and others are detailed in the $5 Heritage Walking Tour Booklet, the Fernie and District Historical Society’s guide to Fernie’s historic architecture, available at the Fernie Museum. One of the gems of Fernie’s history is the characterization of town founder William Fernie as an opportunistic scoundrel. Popular legend lays blame for the town’s string of early disasters on Fernie, who, the story goes, promised to marry the daughter of a Ktunaxa chief in 1897 if he would reveal the source of the region’s coal. Once in possession of the valuable secret, Fernie spurned the princess, to her irreparable disgrace. Her grandmother responded by issuing an eternal curse, imposing fire, hunger, misery, and death on the valley’s inhabitants. Explosions, fires, floods, and recessions plagued the town well into the 20th century, lending credence to the legend. Belief in the curse persisted until First Nations members performed a ceremony to lift the spell in 1964, at the request of Fernie’s mayor. Residents today still point out a distinctive shadow that forms across the face of Mount Hosmer in late summer. Known as the Ghostrider, it is said to be the image of the chief and his daughter on horseback, continuing the search for William Fernie. Fernie writer Mike Brcic, Kootenay Mountain Culture Magazine, Winter 05/06. When asked what defines their community’s culture, many locals point to Fernie’s split personality: part mountain resort, part industrial resource town. Though the population surges each year as the snow begins to fly, a core of dedicated residents enjoy their alpine oasis year-round. Come winter, when they’re not dropping a line down a fresh backcountry chute, locals can be found discussing new work at the Arts Co-op, bending elbows at one of the many pubs, or lining up for a hot band at the Arts Station. Here are a few of the top local picks for a Fernie culture immersion. Brick House Bar and Grill (250-423-0009), 4th St. and 2nd Ave. This unpretentious wine bar/pub has the flavour of an acoustic coffeehouse. Downstairs, the Phat City Lounge nightclub—which owner Matt Brazeau characterizes as “dark, dank, dingy, and industrial”—attracts a younger crowd. Fernie Pub (250-423-6444), 691 1st Ave. A sports bar with a wide selection of beer, big-screen TVs, comfortable couches, and Internet access. Rockin’ R Bar (250-423-7750), 501-1st Ave., at the Royal Hotel. Intimate venue with weekend performances from big out-of-town acts to home-grown talent. Don’t miss the Thursday night jams. Patrick Burke, Fernie city councillor, 18-year resident. The Arts Station is Fernie’s creative nucleus, hosting concerts, art exhibits, workshops, and community events. Housed in the 1908 former Canadian Pacific Railway station, the Fernie and District Art Council’s restored space includes two galleries, artist studios, pottery and kiln rooms, a photography space, and a theatre. “It’s one of the best intimate 100-seat houses around—great acoustics,” says administrator Jennifer Girard. To shop for local art, stop by the Fernie Arts Cooperative on 2nd Avenue. The 371-square-metre historic building houses the work of 32 local artisans, from painters and potters to quilters and metalworkers. Just next door, book lovers can search the stacks at Polar Peek Books and Treasures. Occasional book launches here may feature local authors such as Angie Abdou and Jon Turk. The Arts Station (250-423-4842; www.theartsstation.com), 601-1st Ave. Fernie Arts Cooperative (250-423-7044), 572-2nd Ave. Polar Peek Books and Treasures (250-423-3736), 592-2nd Ave. There is no better way to ward off cabin fever than to get locals together for a community winter event. Fernie Alpine Resort hosts several ski-performance events, including the national Powder 8s championships in February, the Fernie Freeskiing Competition in March, and Powder Pedal Paddle relay race in April. Our favourites, though, are two of the wackier ones. In recent years, participants of the Cardboard Derby (February 3, 2007) have fashioned replicas of everything from a Viking ship to the Eiffel Tower. They bring their cardboard constructions to Fernie Alpine Resort and, cheered on by some 1,000 spectators, ride them down a 200-metre slope. Many crafts, made entirely of cardboard, paper, glue, tape, string, and paint, don’t survive the journey. “There are always a few crashes, which are fun to watch,” observes event organizer Karen Pepper. While some throw their conveyances together overnight, Calgary autobody mechanic John Sharples—who regularly takes the prize for design—spends up to four months on his creations. He’s busy perfecting this year’s entry?a full-sized motorcycle, complete with sidecar. A month later, Fernie fun breaks out again during Griz Days (March 1-4, 2007), with sporting competitions, a parade, and a family carnival. In the annual Dummy Downhill event, entrants fashion elaborate dummies, strap them onto skis, and send them hurtling over a ski jump to catch the best “air.” Past designs have included Premier Gordon Campbell, SpongeBob SquarePants, and a giant pig. The winter festival is named for The Griz, a legendary Fernie character credited with bringing on the snow. It’s said he was born in a grizzly bear’s den in 1879—and the fight that broke out between the two roused townsfolk miles away. While exploring the woods the next day, one man glimpsed a small boy clothed in a bear hide. Years later, The Griz appeared again near Snow Valley as a massive mountain man—136 kilograms with shoulders two metres wide—in a bear coat and hat. He carried a giant musket which he fired into the clouds, prompting a flurry of powdery snow. In appreciation, the townspeople organized a festival in his honour. During Griz Days, Fernie men emulate The Griz by growing bushy beards, donning fur clothing, and competing in various manly challenges. The one who best typifies the mythical mountain man becomes the honorary Griz for the year. The Fernie Brewing Company has even created a beer to celebrate the local hero: Griz Pale Ale. The city of Fernie is in the Rocky Mountains’ Elk River valley in the province’s southeast corner. It is 101 km east of Cranbrook on Hwy 3, 920 km east of Vancouver, and 307 km southwest of Calgary. Note: Fernie operates on Mountain Standard Time, one hour ahead of Pacific Standard Time. Drive B.C. (800-550-4997; www.drivebc.ca). Highway road-condition reports. Pacific Coastal Air (604-273-8666; www.pacificcoastal.com). Daily flights between Vancouver and Cranbrook. Kootenay Taxi (250-423-4408). Taxi service in the Elk Valley. For a small mountain city, Fernie has diverse gastronomic choices—including Italian, Mexican, Thai, and Japanese. Dining ranges from über-gourmet to casual fare you can eat with your snowpants on. Here are some local favourites. The Wood On The Hill (250-423-4597) 5369 Ski Hill Road. Casual fine dining with ski-up access at Fernie Alpine Resort. Sample mussels in white wine and cream sauce on the heated outdoor patio or by the dining room’s large fireplace. The Blue Toque Diner (250-423-4637), 601 1st Avenue. Hands-down, the top rated breakfast joint in town. Hearty portions of home-style cooking. Yamagoya Sushi (250-430-0090), 741 7th Ave. Popular spot for sushi and other Japanese fare. Try the tiger-prawn curry roll with mango, red pepper, and secret sauce. The Curry Bowl (250-423-2695), 931 7th Ave. Reputed for top-quality Pan-Asian cuisine, such as curry-simmered Bombay Chicken with sautéed onions, red peppers, dried apricots, and cashews. Sawai Thai (250-423-6222) 141 Commerce Rd. Local favourite for Thai cuisine from fish cakes to curries. Fernie has accommodation ranging from budget hostel to deluxe chalet. Consult the B.C. Approved Accommodation Guide (800-435-5622; www.hellobc.com), or contact one of Fernie’s reservation services: Fernie Alpine Resort (800-258-7669), Fernie Central Reservations (800-622-5007), Fernie Lodging Company (800-667-9911), Rocky Mountain Vacations (877-423-7905). Island Lake Lodge (250-423-3700, 888-422-8754; www.islandlakeresorts.com). Three remote lodges at 1,370 metres in the Lizard Range accommodate guests on all-inclusive cat-skiing packages. Access by snowcat only mid-December to mid-April; call for details about day access to winter activities and the Ancient Timbers fine-dining restaurant. Lizard Creek Lodge (250-423-2057, 877-228-1948; www.lizardcreek.com), 5346 Highline Dr. At Fernie Alpine Resort, 4.5-star accommodation in suites with ski-in/ski-out access. Onsite fine-dining restaurant, or have groceries delivered in. Park Place Lodge (250-423-6871, 888-381-7275; www.parkplacelodge.com), 742 Hwy 3. Spacious rooms with mountain views and gas fireplaces at this family-run hotel in downtown Fernie. Snow Valley Motel (250-423-4421, 877-696-7669; www.snowvalleymotel.com), 1041 7th Ave. In town, a five-minute drive from the ski resort. Room options to suit those travelling solo, with a few ski buddies, or a six-person entourage. East Kootenay Motel (250-423-9266, 888-737-2777), 1302 Hwy 3, a 10-minute drive from the ski hill. Newly renovated suites, some with kitchenettes and jacuzzi tubs. Raging Elk Hostel (250-423-6811; www.ragingelk.com), 892 6th Ave. Compare stories with fellow snow fiends as you cook spaghetti in the communal kitchen. Dorm, semi-private, private, and family rooms. Samesun Backpacker’s Lodge (250-423-4492; www.samesun.com/destinations/fernie), 892 Hwy 3. Prime accommodation for the young and boisterous, with dorm, private, or large hotel-style rooms. Our Fernie: a Community Co-op (www.ourfernie.com). Fernie Visitor Info Centre (250-423-6868; www.ferniechamber.com). City of Fernie (250-423-6817; www.fernie.ca).
Training deep learning networks is a difficult task due to computational complexity, and this is traditionally handled by simplifying network topology to enable parallel computation on graphical processing units (GPUs). However, the emergence of quantum devices allows reconsideration of complex topologies. We illustrate a particular network topology that can be trained to classify MNIST data (an image dataset of handwritten digits) and neutrino detection data using a restricted form of adiabatic quantum computation known as quantum annealing performed by a D-Wave processor. We provide a brief description of the hardware and how it solves Ising models, how we translate our data into the corresponding Ising models, and how we use available expanded topology options to explore potential performance improvements. Although we focus on the application of quantum annealing in this article, the work discussed here is just one of three approaches we explored as part of a larger project that considers alternative means for training deep learning networks. The other approaches involve using a high performance computing (HPC) environment to automatically find network topologies with good performance and using neuromorphic computing to find a low-power solution for training deep learning networks. Our results show that our quantum approach can find good network parameters in a reasonable time despite increased network topology complexity; that HPC can find good parameters for traditional, simplified network topologies; and that neuromorphic computers can use low power memristive hardware to represent complex topologies and parameters derived from other architecture choices. deep learning; quantum computing; neuromorphic computing; high performance computing. A neural network is a machine learning concept originally inspired by studies of the visual cortex of the brain. In biology, neural networks are the neurons of the brain connected to each other via synapses; accordingly, in machine learning, they are graphical models where variables are connected to each other with certain weights. Both are highly useful in analyzing image data, but practical considerations regarding network topology limit the potential of simulating neural networks on computers. Simulated networks tend to divide neurons into different layers and prohibit intralayer connections. Many-layered networks are called deep learning networks, and the restriction of intralayer connections allows rapid training on graphical processing units (GPUs). We explain some current limitations of deep learning networks and offer approaches to help mitigate them. For this article we focus on a quantum adiabatic computing approach, which is one of a trio in a larger project to survey machine learning in non-traditional computing environments, though we also describe the other approaches at a high level to offer comparison and context for experiment designs. The second approach uses a high performance computing environment to automatically discover good network topologies, albeit they remain restricted from using intralayer connections. The third approach uses neuromorphic computing as a low-power alternative for representing neural networks. Rather than explicitly choosing one solution or another, these approaches are meant to augment each other. Describing these different approaches necessitates a brief description of various machine learning models and networks including Boltzmann machines (BMs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and spiking neural networks (SNNs). Results obtained from CNNs and SNNs, while important to our project, are not the focus of this article and are presented in the appendix. A Boltzmann machine is an energy-based generative model of data. BMs contain binary units, and each possible configuration of units is assigned a certain energy based on edge weights. The goal of training is to find edge weights that result in low energy configurations for patterns more likely to occur in data. Since BMs can be represented as Ising models, and because the D-Wave processor is designed to natively solve Ising models, BMs are particularly attractive for our purposes. We tend to view BMs as probabilistic neural networks with symmetrically connected units . BMs are well suited to solving constraint satisfaction tasks with many weak constraints, including digit and object recognition, compression/coding, and natural language processing. A common algorithm for training BMs exposes a BM to input data and updates the weights in order to maximize the likelihood that the underlying model of the BM reproduces the data set. This method requires computing certain quantities which, due to the specific form of the BM, turn out to be the values of certain correlation functions in thermal equilibrium. However, training is a slow and arduous task if we allow models with unrestricted topology. Connectivity loops slow down the convergence of many algorithms used to estimate thermal equilibrium properties. Simulated annealing is a generic and widely used algorithm to reach this thermal equilibrium, but this remains a slow and expensive process for large networks. This forces us to either use tiny networks or to give up complex topologies, with the latter option leading to the popular choice of using restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) . Units in RBMs are categorized as “visible” or “hidden.” During training, the visible units of a RBM represent the input dataset whereas the hidden units represent latent factors that control the data distribution. After undergoing the above training process, an RBM will produce a distribution of visible unit states that should closely match the input dataset. Additionally, only bipartite connectivity between the two types is allowed, which makes parallel computation feasible. Figure 1 shows an example of this bipartite connectivity. Approximation algorithms make training tractable in practice, and RBMs can be stacked together to form deep belief networks (DBNs) . Figure 1. A Boltzmann machine is divided into a visible layer, representing the data input, and a hidden layer, which represents latent factors controlling the data distribution. This diagram shows the restricted Boltzmann machine, or RBM, in which intralayer connections are prohibited. Each connection between units is a separate weight parameter which is discovered through training. Of the many designs for deep learning networks, CNNs have become the most widely used for analyzing image data . As with other deep learning networks, CNNs contain many layers of neural units with many connections between different layers but no connections between units of a particular layer. They also use standard stochastic gradient descent and back-propagation combined with labeled data to train. What separates a CNN from other networks are its unique connectivity arrangement and different types of layers. See Figure 2 for a high-level diagram of the CNN architecture. Figure 2. A convolutional neural network is composed of a series of alternating convolutional and pooling layers. Each convolutional layer extracts features from its preceding layer to form feature maps. These feature maps are then down-sampled by a pooling layer to exploit data locality. A perceptron, a simple type of classification network, is placed as the last layer of the CNN. One type of layer in CNNs is the convolutional layer. Unlike in other neural networks, a convolutional layer uses a kernel, or small set of shared weights, to produce a feature map of the input to the layer, and many convolutional layers operate in succession. Other networks would typically have every input unit connected to every processing unit in a layer whereas a CNN is satisfied with using convolution to produce sparse connections between layers—see Figure 1 for the dense connectivity of a BM and compare it against the sparse CNN connectivity shown in Figure 3. A kernel captures a certain feature from the input, and convolving a kernel with the data finds this feature across the whole input. For example, a kernel that detects diagonal lines can be convolved with an image to produce a feature map that can be interpreted as identifying all areas of an image that contain diagonal lines. Figure 3. The connectivity in a CNN is sparse relative to the previously shown BM model. Additionally, the set of weights is shared between units, unlike in BMs. In this illustration we symbolize this with the red, green, and blue connections to show that each unit in the convolutional layer applies the same operation to different segments of the input. The second type of layer is the pooling layer. Pooling layers use the many feature maps produced by convolutional layers as input and subsample them to produce smaller feature maps to help take advantage of data locality within images. CNNs use alternating layers of convolutional and pooling layers to extract and abstract image features. Pooling operations makes feature detection in CNNs resilient to position shifts in images . SNNs differ from both BMs and CNNs by incorporating the extra dimension of time into how information is processed. BMs and CNNs do not have a sense of time built into their architectures—neural unit activity is iteratively calculated on a layer-by-layer basis. SNNs instead use integrate-and-fire neurons, units that collect activation potential over time and fire or “spike” upon reaching a threshold, after which they cannot fire during what is known as a refractory period. Additionally, synapses in a SNN can include programmable delay components, where larger delay values on the synapse correspond to longer propagation time of signals along that synapse. Additionally, there is not necessarily a division of units into well-organized layers in a SNN, and input is fed to the network over time. SNNs have great potential in moving away from the traditional implementation of machine learning algorithms on the CPU/memory von Neumann architecture. For example, the CPU/memory model, while useful on many diverse applications, has the drawback of high power requirements. Nature’s biological neural networks have extremely low power requirements by comparison. There are many different ways to implement neuromorphic systems, but one of the more promising device types to include in neuromorphic systems is memristors. Development of memristive technology opens the potential of running spiking neural networks using low power consumption on neuromorphic architectures. A key challenge associated with SNNs in general and SNNs for neuromorphic systems in particular is determining the correct training or learning algorithm with which to build the SNN. Though there have been efforts to map existing architectures like CNNs to equivalent spiking neuromorphic systems [6,7], there is also potential to develop independent deep learning architectures that exploit the temporal processing power of SNNs. Complex networks pose enormous problems for deep learning, three of which we identify. How we tackle each of these challenges is the basis of our project, where we seek relief from these issues through quantum adiabatic computing, high performance computing, and neuromorphic computing. The first of these challenges comes from complex network topology in neural networks. By complex network topology we mean bidirectional connections and looping connectivity between neural units, which slow training to a crawl. The training algorithms we know for such complex networks have greater than polynomial runtime, making them effectively intractable and untenable for practical purposes. Deep networks deployed on real-world problems, like the previously discussed CNN architecture, instead impose limitations on network topology. Removing intralayer connections or enforcing strict rules for network topology allows faster and tractable training algorithms to run. However, doing so takes away some of the representational power of the network , and these restricted or limited networks do not reflect models found in nature. While tractable models perform remarkably well on specialized classification tasks, we speculate that other more complex and generalized tasks may benefit from the additional representational power offered by complex networks. We believe quantum adiabatic computing offers part of a potential solution through its ability to sample from complex probability distributions such as those generated by neural networks containing intralayer connections. The second challenge is automatically discovering optimal or near-optimal network hyperparameters and topologies. Hyperparameters in deep learning refer to the model parameters, i.e., the activation function used, the number of hidden units in a layer, the kernel size of a convolutional layer, and the learning rate of the solver. Currently the best deep learning models are discovered by creating, training, testing, and tuning many models on some well-known reference dataset and reporting the best model in the literature. However, if the dataset has not been examined before, it is difficult to know how to tune networks for optimal performance. GPU-based high performance computing provides an opportunity to automate much of this process—to train, test, and evolve thousands of deep learning networks to find optimally-performing network hyperparameters and network topologies. The last challenge is power consumption, which we can help address through neuromorphic computing. Machine learning’s computational needs have so far been met with power-hungry CPUs and more recently GPUs. The switch from CPUs to GPUs has significantly sped up computation and lowered computation costs, but GPU efficiency in training networks still pales in comparison to the efficiency of biological brains. For an image recognition task, it might take many server farms and a hydroelectric dam to compete with a mundane human brain running on a bit of glucose. Neuromorphic computing offers a potential solution by developing specialized low-power hardware that can implement SNNs approximating trained networks derived from more orthodox architectures. This article focuses on deep learning’s challenges related to quantum adiabatic computing. Though high performance and neuromorphic computing are an integral part of our project, we move discussions of these topics to the appendix to better fit our focus for this journal, though mentions of both appear as necessary through the rest of the article. Our experiments use the MNIST dataset , an image dataset of handwritten digits, and a neutrino particle detection dataset produced by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Next, we will review works related to quantum computing; then we provide our experimental approach, results, and future research. We look at the current state-of-art quantum computing as it relates to the previously discussed challenges in deep learning. Work related to high performance computing and neuromorphic computing are presented in Appendix A. Though the papers and articles referenced in the appendix are not strictly related to quantum adiabatic computing, they provide context for the larger ORNL project and present existing or proposed systems that can be compared against our own quantum computing efforts. Feynman first discussed quantum computing within the context of simulation, noting that simulating a quantum system using a classical computer seems to be intractable . Interest in quantum computing surged with the introduction by Shor of a polynomial-time algorithm for factoring integers , giving an exponential speedup over the best known classical algorithm and threatening to break most modern encryption systems. As with Turing’s work, these theories for quantum computing were developed before quantum hardware was available. Different models of quantum computing have since been developed in order to explore the power of quantum information processing. In the quantum circuit model (on which Shor’s original algorithm relies), a sequence of unitary transformations are applied to a set of quantum bits (qubits), in a way analogous to the logical gates that are applied to classical bits in classical computing. In the measurement-based quantum computing model , a special quantum state is prepared beforehand, and a computation is performed by adaptively applying quantum gates to each qubit and measuring them. In the adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) model , a quantum state encoding the solution of a problem is prepared using the adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics. All three models have the same computational power but also offer different trade-offs. Quantum information is extremely fragile, and any source of noise (like thermal fluctuations, unwanted interactions with an uncontrolled environment, etc.) can destroy the quantum features that are expected to provide a computational speedup. The AQC model has been considered as the most robust implementation, and hence the development of actual devices based on AQC has led that of the other two approaches, both of which are more susceptible to noise and require very large overhead to overcome the effects of that noise. However, currently available devices such as the D-Wave processor are still limited in many aspects, the most important being the fact that they operate at a finite temperature and that the effects of this noise in the performance of the device is still an active area of research. We typically refer to these devices operating at a finite temperature as quantum annealers. Quantum annealers are in principle designed to solve a particular optimization problem, typically finding the ground state of an Ising Hamiltonian. Unfortunately, thermal fluctuations due to interactions with a finite temperature reservoir, in addition to unwanted quantum interactions with other systems in the environment, tend to kick the system out of its ground state and into an excited state. These unavoidable features make the quantum annealer behave more like a sampler than an exact optimizer in practice. However, this seemingly counterproductive property may be turned into an advantage since the ability to draw samples from complicated probability distributions is essential to probabilistic deep learning approaches such as the Boltzmann machine, which relies heavily upon sampling complex distributions in both training and output. Quantum annealers could then help us overcome the problem of complex topologies mentioned before. BMs in their unrestricted form are impractical to train on classical machines, a fact that led to the development of RBMs that eliminate intralayer edges and introduce bipartite connectivity . Bipartite graphs allow the use of an algorithm known as contrastive divergence that approximates samples from a RBM in linear time, which is a critical tool for the practical usage of BMs because sampling is the core engine for training BMs. Quantum annealing hardware allows us to partially pull back from this bipartite limitation. Quantum annealers provide a novel way to sample richer topologies, and several approaches exploit this feature for different choices of graphs and topologies on D-Wave hardware [14,15,16]. Quantum adiabatic computation, high performance computing, and neuromorphic computing differ significantly from each other in how they process data. As such, the amount of data each can support dictated our choice of deep learning problem that could be adapted to each of these three heterogeneous paradigms. At the time that the results were collected, D-Wave supported 1000 qubits (now 2000 qubits), which limited the size of problems we could solve. With this in mind we chose to examine two datasets we refer to as MNIST and neutrino data. The Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) data set is a well-known collection of hand-written digits extensively studied in the deep learning community. The dataset is composed of images, each of which contains a handwritten digit and an associated label identifying the digit. The digit images are only 28×28=784 pixels, which fits within the 1000 qubit D-Wave hardware and onto HPC and neuromorphic architectures. Our later experiments used neutrino particle detection data down-sampled and adjusted to 32×32 pixels. The neutrino scattering dataset was collected at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory as part of the MINERvA experiment that is focused on vertex reconstruction . In the Main Injector Experiment for v-A (MINERvA) experiment, many scintillator strips were arranged in planes orthogonal to the neutrino beam within the detector aligned across three different orientations or “views”. We utilized both the energy lattice and the time lattice information in the dataset. In particular, we represented the energy lattice as an image, where the intensity of each pixel in the image corresponds to the average energy over time in the detection event. The images show the trajectory of particles over time from the view of one particular plane. We also used the time lattice in one of our experiments. For the time lattice, each data point in a detection event corresponds to the time at which every level exceeds a certain threshold. Associated with each detection event is a number corresponding to a specific detection plate within the chamber; this number indicates which plate a neutrino strikes. This number can then be utilized to determine in which detector region or segment the vertex of the event was located. In BM experiments we used down-sampled and collated image data from one single plane. We did not use the original data because the quantum annealer has limited space for storing problems and because BMs are not well-suited to handling temporal data. However, the SNN experiments did take advantage of temporal data because SNNs are designed to handle such data. We offer more explanation on SNNs in Section 1.3. Consideration of which deep learning networks to study on these platforms came next. Initially, CNNs seemed like an appropriate option, especially for HPC, but we ran into problems when considering the quantum environment. CNNs had consistently provided superior performance on standard datasets and had proven quite popular in the deep learning community. On a quantum platform, however, it became unclear how to effectively implement a CNN. Neither the circuit nor adiabatic optimization models offered good fits for CNNs, which operate using many successive layers of units. On the other hand, BMs and their probabilistic units were more like the sort of optimization problem that D-Wave hardware solves. Additionally, the quantum architecture allowed for intralayer connections between units that would normally be intractable for conventional machines to compute. Meanwhile, neuromorphic hardware running SNNs provided native time-based analysis models. BMs running on D-Wave and SNNs running on neuromorphic hardware were potentially offering distinct capabilities we believed could augment or strengthen CNN models trained in an HPC environment. With this in mind we hope the following sections will illustrate the benefits of these different platforms. First we describe how we used a quantum annealer to train a BM containing intralayer connections and utilized the hardware to approximate samples from more complex probability distributions. Then, we show how we used a high performance computing cluster to automatically discover near-optimal topologies and parameters with evolutionary algorithms. Finally, we discuss how we natively implemented trained models produced by the previous two platforms on memristive hardware running spiking neural networks. Because the adiabatic quantum computation portion of this project is of particular interest for this article, we next provide a more detailed description of the process and of the annealing hardware. Descriptions of the corresponding HPC and neuromorphic portions are left to Appendices Appendix B.1 and Appendix B.2. Adiabatic quantum computation (AQC) is an implementation of the ideas of quantum computing that relies on the adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics. This result states that if a system is in the ground state of a particular Hamiltonian and the parameters of this Hamiltonian are changed slowly enough, the system will remain in the ground state of the time-dependent Hamiltonian. This idea was used by Farhi et al. to propose an alternative to the quantum circuit model of quantum computing. The main idea is to start with a Hamiltonian whose ground state is easy to construct, and slowly change it into one whose ground state encodes the answer to a particular problem. where hi represent local magnetic fields and Jij are couplings between spin pairs. This Hamiltonian is diagonal in the σz basis, and its ground state can be used to construct the corresponding configuration that minimizes the Ising energy above. that represents the effects of a transverse field applied to all spins. The ground state of H0 consists in all spins being in the |+⟩=(|0⟩+|1⟩)/2√ state. If we consider the spins as little magnetic moments, this corresponds to all spins pointing in the xdirection. Quantum mechanically this state is separable, easy to construct (just apply a strong magnetic field in the x direction), and when expressed in the computational basis it is an equal superposition of all possible states. This process is known as quantum annealing. The change must be slow compared to the time scale associated with the minimum energy gap of the time-dependent Hamiltonian, where we define the gap as the energy difference between the energies of the first excited state and the ground state [19,20,21]. If the change is too fast the system can transition to an excited state, and the state at the end of the annealing will not be the ground state of the Ising Hamiltonian. On the other hand, if the change is too slow the computation will take a long time. The main challenges in adiabatic quantum computing are to understand the connection between this energy gap (i.e., the runtime) and the size of the problem, and to find Hamiltonians that solve a given problem while possessing a larger gap . However, other issues are also important for practical implementations, in particular how unavoidable noise affects the system due to the system’s interaction with the environment. The architecture and physical details of the quantum adiabatic processor we studied are described in detail in . In essence, it is designed to represent the Ising Hamiltonian as an array of superconducting flux qubits with programmable interactions. The qubits are implemented using superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) composed of a Niobium loop elongated in one direction. Several loops and Josephson junctions are added to the design to both allow for the required controls to implement quantum annealing and to compensate for the slight differences between the physical properties of any two SQUIDs due to fabrication variations. The processor has a unit-cell structure composed of 8 qubits with four arranged horizontally and four vertically such that each vertical qubit intersects every horizontal one. At these intersections another SQUID is placed to control the magnetic coupling between the corresponding horizontal and vertical qubits. These are the only couplings allowed (i.e., horizontal qubits are not coupled to other horizontal qubits). This architecture results in a coupling graph that is fully bipartite at the unit cell level. The processor is then built by adjoining more unit cells in a square lattice such that the horizontal qubits in one cell are coupled to the horizontal qubits in the neighboring cells to the right and the left, and the vertical qubits are coupled to the vertical qubits on top and on the bottom. A visualization of this setup, also known as a Chimera graph, is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. Our LBM model added connectivity between units in the hidden layer, shown in red. RBMs prohibit such intralayer connections because they add too much computational complexity for classical machines. We represented the hidden layer (outlined in blue) on the D-Wave device. The connections between hidden units were 4-by-4 bipartite due to the device’s physical topology constraints. where the functions A and B satisfy A(0)>>B(0) and A(T)<<B(T), for some final annealing time T. At t=0, the system is in the ground state of the transverse field Hamiltonian Hx, corresponding to all the qubits being in the same eigenstate of σx, or in other words, a superposition of all possible states in the computational basis. For the closed system case (where there are no interactions with the environment), if the quantum annealing is done slowly enough, the adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics guarantees that the state of the system at time T is with high probability the ground state of HIsing. How slow is “slowly enough” depends on the details of the Hamiltonian, in particular the inverse of the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state, and this feature is the main factor in determining a lower bound on the run time of the device. However, real devices are not ideal closed systems, so unwanted interactions with the environment will try to kick the system out of its ground state. The current generations of D-Wave machines are designed for experimental use and are not optimized for turnaround time, unlike relatively mature CPU or GPU platforms. Rather than directly competing against existing classical solutions to machine learning, we focus on showing it is viable to use a quantum annealer to help train a neural network with complex topologies using architectures and approximations that differ from what has been used before [14,15,16]. For this reason, instead of using clock timings, we measure error metrics against the number of training epochs. As quantum annealing technology becomes more developed, machine learning algorithms may see benefits from using this new type of hardware. Regardless, clock timings are still important to consider. We next describe the computational workflow for each problem using D-Wave machines and communication latency between a client machine and a D-Wave machine; later we describe the timings over various operations on the hardware. Each problem is sent across a network using D-Wave’s Solver API (Matlab or Python) to the worker queue. Workers can concurrently process multiple requests and submit post-processed requests to the quantum processing unit (QPU) queue. Each request is then run sequentially on the QPU. Finally, the workers return the results back to the client. In one study D-Wave reported the mean turnaround time for each request was approximately 340 ms. Timings can vary depending on network latency-request latency can be reduced by placing the client physically next to the annealer, for example. Communication latency aside, we also look at how long it takes to define and solve a problem on D-Wave. Loading and defining a problem on D-Wave hardware takes around td=10 ms. Drawing a sample from the defined distribution via annealing takes around ta = 20 μs. Reading out the unit states from a sample takes around tr = 120 μs. We repeat the sampling and read-out stages k=100 times for each MNIST image or neutrino detection instance in our experiments. So for each data point within our datasets, it takes T=td+k(ta+tr) time to process. Currently the problem definition time td and read-out time tr dominate wall-clock timing, but we again stress that we are looking to future developments and advancements in quantum annealing hardware that will reduce such overhead. We find the low annealing time particularly appealing because it scales well in algorithmic terms. That is, we can add additional hardware qubits or connectivity to produce more complex networks but the sampling time (annealing time ta for our experiments) will not increase, which is not the case for simulating equivalent networks in software. The number of physical couplers restricts the set of problems that can be natively implemented on the processor, and it represents one of the main limitations of the devices. Minor graph embeddings can overcome this limitation but at the expense of utilizing more than one qubit per graph node . As we will show in the next section, our approach turns this problem on its head. Instead of trying to fit a problem into a particular topology, we start with our hardware topology using RBMs that have no intralayer couplings and study the advantages gained from adding additional couplers. We used D-Wave’s adiabatic quantum computer located at the University of Southern California Lockheed Martin Quantum Computing Center. We implemented a Boltzmann machine to represent the MNIST digit recognition problem and neutrino particle detection problem. Deep learning using BMs has been proposed before, but as discussed in Section 2, learning is intractable for fully connected topologies because we need to compute expected values over an exponentially large state space [1,25]. RBMs address this by restricting network topology to bipartite connectivity to introduce conditional independence among “visible” units (representing the dataset and RBM output) given the “hidden” units (representing latent factors that control the data distribution), and vice versa, though they lose some representational power in the process. The quantum annealing hardware gave us an opportunity to first implement an RBM to establish baseline performance and then ease some topology restraints to investigate how more complex topologies could improve our results. Our RBM used 784 visible units to represent each pixel in a 28×28 MNIST digit image and 80 hidden units on a D-Wave adiabatic quantum computer. We added an additional 10 visible units as a digit classification layer where the unit with highest probability was chosen as the label. Similarly we used 32×32=1024 units to represent the neutrino data, 80 hidden units, and 11 classification units to represent the 11 collision sites in the neutrino detection chamber, where the classification unit with the highest probability was chosen as the BM’s guess for which plate the particle struck. The BMs were trained over 25 epochs on a training set and then evaluated against a validation set. Next, as mentioned above, we loosened some of the topology restrictions of RBMs. RBMs enforce bipartite connectivity (see Figure 1), meaning hidden units are not connected to one another. We partially removed this restriction and allowed some of our hidden units to communicate with each other. We called this semi-restricted BM a “limited” Boltzmann machine (LBM). LBMs can be viewed as a superset of RBMs, the only difference being a set of extra available connections between hidden units. The previously described superconducting quantum adiabatic processor has physical constraints that limit connectivity to a chimera topology, so LBMs remain a subset of BMs. Because D-Wave hardware faces a physical constraint on the number of possible units and connections, we would have had to employ the minor embedding approach mentioned above if we wanted to represent all of a BMs units on hardware. This would result in a large overhead in the number of qubits required, restricting our approach to small BMs. However, we can still try to exploit the quantum features of the D-Wave by restricting the topology of our model and only embedding part of it in the device. In our implementation we chose to represent only the hidden units, used the annealer as a sampler for the interconnected hidden units to estimate required quantities needed to update the weights, and left representation of the visible units to a classical machine. We were primarily interested in the interaction between hidden/latent units because they can represent abstract features extracted from the data. Figure 4 visualizes the extra connectivity we added to the LBM model and Figure 5 shows how we represented LBMs on the D-Wave’s chimera topology. Figure 5. The hidden layer from Figure 4 is represented in one of D-Wave’s chimera cells here, with the cell’s bipartite connectivity made more obvious. The input/visible units of the LBM are left on a classical machine. Their contributions to the activity of the hidden units is reduced to an activity bias (represented with ± symbols) on those units. Figure 6 shows the overall chimera topology of the D-Wave device. Figure 6. Chimera graphs are composed of 8-qubit cells featuring bipartite connectivity. Each cell’s partition is connected to another partition in the adjacent cells. Using D-Wave hardware to adjust LBM parameters may help tackle the intractability issue because the quantum annealer does not rely on conditional independence between units within a layer. We give a short explanation of the training process for BMs to illustrate. P(x) is difficult to compute in a full BM because it requires a sum over an exponentially large state space. If we want to determine the probability of some hidden unit i is on (equal to 1) without any guarantee of conditional independence, we would have to calculate P(hi=1)=P(hi=1|v,h−i) where v is the state configuration of visible units and h is state configuration of the hidden units. However, if we use RBMs to restrict ourselves to bipartite connectivity between v and h, this probability factorizes and we can write P(hi=1)=∏nj=1P(hi=1|vj). Our first RBM baseline experiment used this standard procedure with 1-step Gibbs sampling. In our LBM experiment, we did not need to rely on conditional independence or Gibbs sampling because we used quantum annealing instead to approximate samples from the more complicated probability distribution. where ϵ is the learning rate, ⟨vihj⟩data is the product of visible and hidden unit state probabilities in the positive phase, and ⟨vihj⟩reconstruction is the product of visible and hidden unit probabilities in the negative phase. For the MNIST problem we used 6000 images from the MNIST digit dataset to train the RBM and LBM. Each 28×28 image was represented with a 784-length vector with 10 units using 1-hot encoding to represent the class of digit. In training the labels were hidden and the BM attempted to reconstruct them to guess what the image label was. The classification unit with the highest probability of being “on” was chosen as the BM’s label guess. The neutrino experiment used the same setup except the images were 32×32 pixels and thus there were 1024 visible units. The weight matrices were randomly initialized from a standard normal distribution and updated using the rule in Equation (8). We wanted to further explore how connections between hidden units, referred to as couplers, contributed to problem solving in an LBM topology. To do so we limited the visible-to-hidden connectivity in the next experiment such that each hidden unit was only allowed to see a 4×4 box of pixels in the input images. These boxes did not overlap with each other. Reconstructing the input image became a much harder problem and the hope was that the addition of couplers would allow hidden units to trade information about input pixels in boxes they normally could not communicate with and improve results. This setup was somewhat inspired by CNN convolutional layers but we decided to make the “convolution” non-overlapping to use fewer qubits. In the future we will expand to use more qubits. We believed this setup would make couplers relatively more important to the LBM because we reduced the ratio of visible-hidden connections to couplers. An input image with 32×32=1024=210 data points and 64 hidden units has 210×26=216visible-to-hidden connections for 168 couplers. However, hidden units with only 4×4boxes of pixel visibility would instead have 24×26=210 visible-to-hidden connections for 168 couplers. We trained our RBM and LBM using the same parameters over 25 epochs (complete runs over all the training data). We followed common guidelines for choosing and adjusting hyperparameters . We selected the learning rate ϵ to be 0.1 for weights between visible-to-hidden weights and 0.1 for hidden-to-hidden units for our experiments, excepting our first one shown in Figure 7. Setting ϵ too low means a BM learns slowly and may get trapped in local minima whereas setting it too high can cause the network to travel wildly in parameter space and be unable to learn coherently. Figure 7. An initial experiment to demonstrate LBM utility. Reconstruction error (sum of squared error) of BMs trained on simulated data using no intralayer connections and using random intralayer connections with a small (0.0001) hidden-to-hidden weight learning rate. Here we show five RBMs (red) and five LBMs (blue), and the results suggest even just the presence of relatively static intralayer connections gives LBMs a performance advantage over RBMs. We obtained these results from the quantum annealing simulator provided by D-Wave. Before implementing the RBM running on MNIST data we wanted to get initial results indicating there was some merit to the LBM topology. Using simulated data, we mapped a BM to a quantum annealing simulator and trained two configurations, one where intralayer connections were disabled and one that had random intralayer connections. Ten epochs of training an RBM and LBM in Figure 7 show that LBM has some advantage. As discussed, our first experiment was to establish performance baselines in RBMs so we could later compare LBMs against them. Figure 8 displays reconstruction error (sum of squared error between the actual data and BM reconstruction data mentioned in Section 3.3) and classification rate. This figure is included to confirm that the RBM did indeed learn to model the MNIST digit data distribution. Figure 9 contains a comparison of RBM performance and LBM performance on the MNIST digit recognition problem. Figure 8. Reconstruction error and classification rate over 25 training epochs using 6000 MNIST images for training and 6000 for testing. Reconstruction error decreases as classification rate rises, confirming that the RBM learns the MNIST data distribution. Figure 9. RBM and LBM performance on the MNIST digit classification task. The LBM tends to label the digits slightly better and produces lower reconstruction error than the RBM. The RBM and LBM were both implemented on D-Wave and on MNIST images using the same number of hidden and visible units. For this test we trained over 10 epochs. The RBM configuration, as discussed, had no intra-layer connections, whereas the LBM configuration had limited connections between the hidden nodes. One quirk we found was LBM configuration initially performed worse than the RBM configuration. This was unexpected and we adopted a hybrid learning approach where the intralayer connections were reassigned from a random normal distribution for the first three training epochs. Afterwards the intralayer couplers were allowed to evolve according to the standard training rule. Our choice of a 3-epoch delay for intralayer training was rather arbitrary; further exploration into the mechanics involved will be explored in future work where we will pre-train models as RBMs on classical machines and then later hand over training to a quantum annealer. The LBM achieved a classification rate of 88.53 percent, seen in Figure 7, and was comparable to other RBM results on MNIST . Our LBM setup mapped only the hidden units to the D-Wave hardware whereas most other works map a whole BM. The latter approach requires down-sampling and graph embedding. We hope our approach scales better with problem size because we represent the visible input units on classical machines and still use contrastive divergence as a training method. Our experiments on neutrino data and limited visible-to-hidden connectivity were run on both simulation software and D-Wave hardware. We used both because hardware has physical limits regarding parameter ranges and experiences parameter warping, so the inclusion of software results provides additional support if both environments produce comparable results. Parameters on the hardware for Ising models have around 4–5 bit precision and can only take on values within a small range, typically [−2,2] for h or [−1,1] for J. Software simulators do not have this limited precision and their parameters are not limited to any particular range. We show the simulator results in Figure 10. Results from the simulator suggest the addition of couplers in this new setup improved performance, which led to our move to experiment on the quantum annealing hardware. Our experiments in Figure 11were similar to the previous ones, albeit we first trained an RBM on a classical machine. We then took this lightly trained RBM model and moved it to the D-Wave hardware, used its semi-trained parameters to initialize the weights of the D-Wave RBM and LBM, enabled 168 couplers, then continued training for an additional 20 epochs. We again performed the RBM experiment five times and the LBM experiment five times. Figure 10. Comparison of RBM against LBM trained on neutrino data using a software simulator. Weights are randomly initialized from a normal distribution. The change in learning rate at epoch 5 is due to a change in the momentum parameter in the algorithm that is designed to speed the rate of training. The graph shows the mean performance of five different RBMs and five different LBMs and suggests the mean reconstruction error of RBM and LBM are significantly different. Figure 11. Another comparison of RBM against LBM run on neutrino data using D-Wave hardware. Both the RBM and LBM are initialized from the same pre-trained model. The pre-trained model is an RBM run for three epochs on a classical machine. The graph shows the mean performance of five different RBMs and five different LBMs, suggesting the performance difference between RBM and LBM persists on hardware. In the LBM experiment we did not remap qubits in any scheme more complicated that a linear fashion. That is, we designated each qubit to oversee a 4×4 box in a horizontal order and simply assigned each qubit to unit cells according to this order. In future work we will argue this is suboptimal and that we can improve our results even more by considering smarter remappings of qubits to take advantage of locality within image data. For now we leave the comparison as RBM results versus LBM results without any special qubit remapping. One aspect of superconducting technology worth mentioning is power consumption. The energy consumption of a system such as the D-Wave hardware is dominated by the cooling of the processor. When programming the device, the control signals inject some energy into the system that can increase the temperature by a few million Kelvin. This energy needs to extracted, resulting in a few pico Watts of power being dissipated in this step. However, the actual computation requires a negligible amount of energy. The cooling requirement has remained flat for four generations of the D-Wave device and is not expected to change in the foreseeable future. While the energy consumption of quantum annealers is typically not a highlighted advantage over classical systems, power efficiency may eventually become an important reason for preferring quantum computing systems in the future. We have mentioned HPC and neuromorphic technology as two other platforms that can be utilized to benefit deep learning networks. Each has certain qualities that are not found in our adiabatic quantum computation approach due to fundamental differences between the platforms. Quantum annealers can handle complex topology but are limited in number; HPC exploits massive parallelization for computation speed but still uses classical machines; neuromorphic hardware is low power but tricky to train. We envision an integrated future where we can call upon the strengths of each platform to augment machine learning efforts. In this section we describe results from our HPC and neuromorphic efforts and how they can also contribute to training deep learning networks. In previously reported work we demonstrated that improved network hyperparameters can be found by using an evolutionary algorithm and the Titan supercomputer, a collection of 300,000 cores and 18,000 Nvidia Tesla K20x GPUs. These results demonstrated that near optimal hyperparameters for CNN architectures can be found for the MNIST handwritten digit dataset by combining evolutionary algorithms and high performance computing. The kernel size and the number of hidden units per layer were the hyperparameters that were optimized. This work utilized 500 nodes of Titan for 3 h in order to evaluate 16,000 hyperparameter sets. An improved version of the aforementioned evolutionary algorithm has been developed such that not only can hyperparameters of a fixed topology be optimized, but the topology of the network itself can be optimized . This improved algorithm can evolve the number of layers and the type of each layer in addition to each individual layer’s hyperparameters. This work has been applied to the MINERvA vertex reconstruction problem, which we have referred to as the neutrino particle detection problem in this paper, and has yielded improved results over standard networks. This approach is able to achieve an accuracy of 82.11% after evaluating nearly 500,000 networks on Titan in under 24 h utilizing 18,000 nodes of Titan, which represents a significant improvement over the baseline network that achieved 77.88%. Manually designing a network to attain such an improvement could take weeks or months due to the limited ability of a human to design, evaluate, and interrogate the performance of their networks in order to propose improved designs. These HPC results are relevant to our quantum annealing approach because efforts to apply AQC to deep learning networks can benefit from this ability to pick good hyperparameters. When we designed our RBM and LBM experiments, we manually chose learning rates and topologies. Future work can incorporate our HPC findings here to find optimal hyperparameters for our deep learning networks before using a quantum annealer to further tune the networks. Our LBM experiment where we first trained an RBM on a classical machine before moving it to the annealer and adding intralyer connections seems particularly amenable to such a procedure. The neuromorphic approach fits into the context of our overall project through its potential for low-power implementations of networks derived from the AQC and HPC portions of our work. AQC needs hardware to be cooled as much as possible and HPC needs thousands of CPUs/GPUs. The power consumption of either is far beyond what a neuromorphic solution requires to function. For our neuromorphic comparison points we considered a two-phase experiment. The initial phase was to demonstrate the feasibility of a native spiking neuromorphic solution by implementing an SNN in a software-based simulation. The next phase was to collect energy estimates by simulating the characteristics of the corresponding SNN implemented on memristive neuromorphic hardware. In a previous work for the MNIST task, we started by simulating a simple spiking neural network trained to classify MNIST images. We used evolutionary optimization (EO) to generate an ensemble of networks that classified MNIST images with an accuracy of approximately 90%. The accuracy of the generated ensemble was comparable to some other non-convolutional spiking neural network approaches . The network we considered for this experiment was one network in the ensemble. In particular, the network we chose is one that distinguishes between images of the digit 0 and images of other digit types. For the second phase of the experiment the energy consumption was also determined for a memristive implementation of this network. Here the synapses consisted of metal-oxide memristors and represented both a weight value and a delay value. Each synapse in the network had twin memristors to implement both positive and negative weights and a synaptic buffer to control the delays and peripheral connections. The neurons used in the network are implemented using the mixed-signal integrate and fire approach. The simulation of energy estimate leveraged the energy per spike values for each synapse and neuron phases gathered from low-level circuit simulation. The network was simulated with a clock speed of 16.67 MHz and the average power and energy calculated for the network was 304.3 mW and 18.26 nJ. We note that this estimate includes the digital programmable delays as well. However, if we consider the core analog neuromorphic logic, the energy per spike is 5.24 nJ and the average power was 87.43 mW, which is consistent with similar memristor-based neuromorphic systems . In contrast, MNIST classification tasks on GPU, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA), or even application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) architectures were reported to be in the W range , far above neuromorphic implementations like the one we described or IBM’s TrueNorth . In previous work we also applied this approach to estimating the energy usage of a memristive based implementation on the Fermi data. As opposed to the MNIST task in which we trained multiple SNNs to form an ensemble, we built a single SNN for the neutrino data with 50 input neurons and 11 output neurons where the 11 output neurons corresponded to the 11 class labels in the neutrino data. We used a single view of the data (the x-view) rather than all three views. Instead of interpreting the data as pixels in an image we utilized the time lattice of the data. In the time lattice each value in the x-view corresponds to the time at which the energy at that point exceeded a low threshold. We used these times to govern when spikes should appear as input in the SNN. This generated a natural encoding for SNN-style networks as opposed to the somewhat unnatural mapping of non-temporal data to an image format. We found a resulting network with 90 neurons and 86 synapses that reached approximately 80.63% accuracy on the testing set, comparable to the approximately 80.42% accuracy achieved by a CNN that was also restricted to the x-view . We estimated the energy usage of a memristive based neuromorphic implementation of the network for the neutrino data to be approximately 1.66 μJ per classification. These results, more so than the MNIST results, demonstrate that leveraging the temporal nature of certain data may result in extremely efficient SNN solutions to certain tasks. We compared a standard benchmark problem, MNIST digit recognition, on three different platforms: quantum adiabatic optimization, HPC, and neuromorphic. Our results show each option offers a unique benefit. Quantum adiabatic computation opens up complex topologies for use in deep learning models that would normally prove intractable for classical machines. HPC allows us to optimize CNNs on a large scale to find an optimal topology with its associated parameters. Neuromorphic lets us implement low power neural network solutions derived from other platforms. Figure 12 provides a summary of these platforms and their associated qualities. However, it is also clear that the MNIST problem is not ideally suited to showcase the capabilities of either the quantum or neuromorphic systems because it has been essentially solved using CNNs. Figure 12. A comparison of the platforms, deep learning approaches, contributions, and significance of the result from the MNIST experiment. For example, the greater representational power of the quantum LBM approach is likely better utilized on a more complex dataset. Similarly, spiking neuromorphic systems may be better suited for use on datasets that include temporal components. In Figure 13 we propose an architecture we believe provides the ability to leverage the strengths of each of these computing platforms for future, more complex data sets. Figure 13. A proposed architecture that shows howthe three approaches, quantum, HPC, and neuromorphic can be used to improve a deep learning approach. Image data can be analyzed using an HPC rapidly derived CNN with the top layers using an LBM on a quantum computer. The top layers have fewer inputs, and require greater representational capabilities which both play to the strength and limitations of a quantum approach. The temporal aspect of the data can be analyzed using an SNN. Finally, the image and temporal models will be merged to provide a richer and we believe a more accurate model, with an aim to be deployed in very low power neuromorphic hardware. The goal of this study is to explore how to address some of the current limitations of deep learning, namely networks containing intralayer connections, automatically configuring the hyperparameters of a network, and natively implementing a deep learning model using energy efficient neuron and synapse hardware. We used quantum computing, high performance computing, and neuromorphic computing to address these issues using three different deep learning models (LBM, CNN, and SNN). The quantum adiabatic computing approach allows deep learning network topologies to be much more complex than what is feasible with conventional von Neumann architecture computers. The results show training convergence with a high number of intralayer connections, thus opening the possibility of using much more complex topologies that can be trained on a quantum computer. There is no time-based performance penalty due to the addition of intralayer connections, though there may be a need to sample more often in order to reduce potential errors. HPC allows us to automatically develop an optimal network topology and create a high performing network. Many popular topologies used today are developed through trial and error methods. This approach works well with standard research datasets because the research community can learn and publish the topologies that produce the highest accuracy networks for these data. However, when the dataset is relatively unknown or not well studied, the trial-and-error approach loses its effectiveness. The HPC approach provides a way to optimize the hyper-parameters of a CNN, saving significant amounts of time when working on new datasets, perhaps even bootstrapping under-studied datasets into the regular publish-and-review iterative process. Memristor-based hardware provides an opportunity to natively implement a low-power SNN as part of a neuromorphic computing environment. Such a network has the potential to feature broader connectivity than a CNN and the ability to dynamically reconfigure itself over time. Neuromorphic computers’ benefits, including robustness, low energy usage, and small device footprint, can prove useful in a real-world environment today if we develop a mechanism for finding good network solutions for deployment on memristor-based devices that do not rely on conversions from non-spiking neural network types. We can use the three different architectures together to create powerful deep learning systems to go beyond our current capabilities. For example, current quantum annealing hardware is limited in the size and scope of problems it can solve but does allow us to use more complex networks. We can turn this into an opportunity by using a complex network as a higher level layer in a CNN as seen in Figure 13. Higher layers typically combine rich features and can benefit from increase intralayer connectivity; they also have smaller-sized inputs than lower layers, easing the limited-scope issue of current quantum annealing hardware. Such an augmented CNN may improve overall accuracy. The HPC approach of automatically finding optimal deep learning topologies is a fairly robust and scalable capability, though quite expensive in development and computer costs. The ability to use deep learning methods on new or under-studied datasets (such as the neutrino particle detection dataset) can provide huge time savings and analytical benefit to the scientific community. The neuromorphic approach is limited by the lack of robust neuromorphic hardware and algorithms, but it holds the potential of analyzing complex data using temporal analysis using very low power hardware. One of the most compelling aspects of this approach is the combination of a SNN and neuromorphic hardware that can analyze the temporal aspects of data. The MNIST problem does not have a temporal component, but one can imagine a dataset that has both image and temporal aspects such as a video or our neutrino detection dataset. A CNN approach has been shown to perform well on the image side, so perhaps a SNN can provide increased accuracy by analyzing the temporal aspects as well. For example, a CNN could analyze an image to detect objects within the image and output the location and/or orientation of those objects. This output can be used as input for an SNN. As each video frame is processed independently by the CNN, the output can be fed into the SNN, which can aggregate information over time and make conclusions about what is occurring in the video or detect particular events that occur over time, all in an online fashion. In this example the CNN could be trained independently using the labeled frames of the video as input images while the SNN could be trained independently utilizing different objects with their locations and orientations as input. These experiments provide valuable insights into deep learning by exploring the combination of three novel approaches to challenging deep learning problems. We believe that these three architectures can be combined to gain greater accuracy, flexibility, and insight into a deep learning approach. Figure 13 shows a possible configuration of the three approaches that addresses the three deep learning challenges we discussed above. The high performance computer is used to create a high performing CNN on image type data. The final layer or two is then processed by the quantum computer using an LBM network that contains greater complexity than a CNN. The temporal aspects of the data are modeled using an SNN, and the ensemble models are then merged and an output produced. Our belief is that this approach has the potential to yield greater accuracy than existing CNN models. We will test the proposed architecture to determine if it provides improved accuracy, flexibility, and insight into a dataset over methods derived from a traditional CNN approach. We will apply this to neutrino particle detection data and compare the proposed architecture against other contemporary methods. We will also investigate how qubit mapping affects LBM results. Our experiment used a simple 1:1 mapping of hidden units to qubits by placing qubits in chimera cells in the order we defined them. However, this does not take advantage of locality within data; we will examine which methods of qubit mapping produce better results and see how they reveal patterns within our datasets. Though inspired by biological neural models, deep learning networks make many simplifications to their connectivity topologies to enable efficient training algorithms and parallelization on GPUs. CNNs in particular have emerged as a standard high performance architecture on tasks such as object or facial recognition. While they are powerful tools, deep learning still has several limitations. First, we are restricted to relatively simple topologies; second, a significant portion of network tuning is done by hand; and third, we are still investigating how to implement low power, complex topologies in native hardware. We chose three different computing environments to begin to address the issues respectively: quantum adiabatic computing, high performance computing clusters, and neuromorphic hardware. Because these environments are quite different, we chose to use different deep learning models for each. This includes Boltzmann machines in the quantum environment, CNNs in the HPC environment, and SNNs in the neuromorphic environment. We chose to use the well-understood MNIST hand-written digit dataset and a neutrino particle detection dataset. Our results suggest these different architectures have the potential to address the identified deficiencies in complex deep learning networks that are inherent to the von Neumann CPU/memory architecture that is ubiquitous in computing. The quantum annealing experiment showed that a complex neural network, namely one with intralayer connections, can be successfully trained on the MNIST digit recognition and neutrino particle detection tasks. The ability to train complex networks is a key advantage for a quantum annealing approach and opens the possibility of training networks with greater representational power than those currently used in deep learning trained on classical machines. High performance computing clusters can use such complex networks as building blocks to compare thousands of models to find the best performing networks for a given problem. Finally, the best performing neural network and its parameters can be implemented on a complex network of memristors to produce a low-power hardware device capable of solving difficult problems. This is a capability that is not feasible with a von Neumann architecture and holds the potential to solve much more complicated problems than can currently be solved with deep learning on classical machines. We proposed a new deep learning architecture based on the unique capabilities of the quantum annealing, high performance computing, and neuromorphic approaches presented in this paper. This new architecture addresses three major limitations we see in current deep learning methods and holds the promise of higher classification accuracy, faster network creation times, and low power, native implementation in hardware. Robert M. Patton and Steven R. Young provided high performance computing results; Gangotree Chamka, Garrett S. Rose, and Catherine D. Schuman provided neuromorphic computing results; and Jeremy Liu, Federico M. Spedalieri, and Ke-Thia Yao provided quantum adiabatic computation results. Each group of authors was responsible for the methodology, software, resources, validation, investigation, and formal analysis associated with their research area. Conceptualization, funding acquisition, and supervision provided by Thomas E. Potok.Writing of original draft, review, and editing provided by Jeremy Liu. We would like to thank the MINERvA collaboration for the use of their simulated data and for many useful and stimulating conversations. MINERvA is supported by the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory under US Department of Energy contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 which included the MINERvA construction project. MINERvA construction support was also granted by the United States National Science Foundation under Award PHY-0619727 and by the University of Rochester. Support for participating MINERvA physicists was provided by NSF and DOE (USA), by CAPES and CNPq (Brazil), by CoNaCyT (Mexico), by CONICYT (Chile), by CONCYTEC, DGI-PUCP and IDI/IGIUNI (Peru), and by Latin American Center for Physics (CLAF). This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Robinson Pino, program manager, under contract number DE-AC05-00OR22725. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. Notice: This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan (http://energy.gov/downloads/doe-public-access-plan). Deep learning, being an early adopter of GPU technology, has benefited greatly from the speedup offered by these accelerated computing devices and has received great support from device manufacturers in the form of deep learning-specific GPU libraries. General purpose GPUs are the basic building blocks of today’s HPC platforms and next generation machines will rely on them to an even greater degree. Thus, deep learning provides a great opportunity to fully utilize these machines, as they will have multiple GPUs per compute node. This leaves the question of how to best utilize thousands of GPUs for deep learning, as previous work has only utilized a maximum of 64 GPUs before encountering scaling problems when trying to exploit model parallelism to spread the weights of the network across multiple GPUs . HPC provides the unique opportunity to address the problem of network specification. This refers to the problem of deciding upon the set of hyper-parameters needed to specify the network and training procedure in order to apply deep learning to a new dataset. For convolutional neural networks, this could involve specifying parameters such as the number of layers, the number of hidden units, or the kernel size. For more general networks, such as RBMs, this could involve defining much more complicated connectivity between neurons. Previously, it has been shown that HPC can be utilized to optimize the hyperparameters of a deep learning network . This work utilized an evolutionary algorithm distributed across the nodes of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL’s) Titan supercomputer in order to optimize the performance of deep learning algorithms. We include the activation function used, the number of hidden units in a layer, the kernel size of a convolutional layer, and the learning rate of the solver as hyperparameters. As the size of the network grows, the hyper-parameter space grows increasingly larger. The size of deep learning networks used today have resulted in a hyper-parameter space that cannot be searched on a single machine or a small cluster. This is a result of the computational complexity of training and evaluating these networks. Without utilizing the computational capabilities provided by supercomputers, evaluating a sufficient number of hyper-parameter sets to search the enormous hyper-parameter space of these methods would be impossible. There are two primary reasons that researchers have pursued the development of neuromorphic computing architectures: to develop custom hardware devices to accurately simulate biological neural systems with the goal of studying biological brains and to build computationally useful architectures that are inspired by the operation of biological brains and have some of their characteristics. In developing neuromorphic computing devices for computational purposes, there have been two main approaches: building devices based on spiking neural networks (SNNs), such as IBM’s TrueNorth or Darwin , and building devices based on traditional or convolutional neural networks, such as Google’s Tensor Processing Unit or Nervana’s Nervana Engine , to serve as deep learning accelerators. The neuromorphic devices that have been built based on SNNs or built to simulate more biologically-accurate systems have vastly different characteristics than those that have been built based on deep learning networks, such as CNNs. The neurons in SNN-based systems are typically not organized in layers and have fewer restrictions on connectivity between neurons, allowing for more complex network topologies including recurrent networks. The neuron and synapse models also differ from those in convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks such as long short term memories (LSTMs) . Specifically, in SNN-based neuromorphic systems, the neuron is typically some form of spiking neuron, such as a leaky-integrate-and-fire neuron, and the synapses usually have a delay value in addition to a weight value, thus introducing a temporal component to the processing of the network. The primary computational issue associated with SNN-based systems is that few algorithms that train native networks for those systems have been developed. The key reason why algorithms have not been developed is the computational difficulty introduced by the broader connectivity in the network and the inclusion of the temporal component in both the neurons and synapses. One approach for training networks for neuromorphic computers has been to train a CNN offline and then create a mapping process from the CNN to the associated SNN-based neuromorphic hardware . This mapping of an existing neural network trained with a well-studied algorithm (in this case, backpropagation) has been used for a variety of other neural network types beyond convolutional neural networks, such as spiking Hopfield networks and spiking restricted Boltzmann machines . The algorithms that have been developed for spiking neuromorphic systems typically impose some sort of restriction for the network, or they have not yet been shown to be widely applicable. For example, a variation of back-propagation for spiking neural networks (SpikeProp) has been developed [44,45] but it is restricted to feed-forward networks and simply learns the weight values for the synapses. Learning rules based on spike-timing dependent plasticity or STDP have also been commonly used in spiking neural network architectures . Though STDP has been shown to be useful on some tasks, including unsupervised tasks, the true impact of STDP on real applications has not yet been demonstrated. It is worth noting that STDP mechanisms have great potential to be used as unsupervised weight training method, but it may need to be used alongside a supervised algorithm that can help to determine network topology and parameters. A key property of neuromorphic systems is their potential for more energy-efficient computation. To achieve energy-efficiency, we (and many others) have explored an implementation of a spiking neural network system utilizing memristors. Memristors are “memory resistors” in that their resistance can be altered depending on the magnitude of the voltage applied. When no voltage is applied across a memristor, the most recent resistance value is retained . Memristors have similar behavior to biological synapses, and as such, have been frequently utilized to implement neuromorphic systems [48,49,50]. The high performance computer we are using is the ORNL’s Titan computer with roughly 300,000 cores, and 18,000 GPUs. This is currently the fastest open science computer in the world. Clearly a supercomputer is not needed to solve the MNIST problem; however, a supercomputer is extremely valuable in automatically finding an optimal deep learning topology for such a problem. Rather than using a trial-and-error method for finding a well performing network topology, we utilize an evolutionary optimization on Titan to evaluate tens of thousands of topologies ; therefore, systematically finding the best performing networks on this problem. If achievable, this would solve one of the major challenges in building deep learning networks. For this project we used a CNN as our deep learning network since CNNs currently produce the top results. We approached the network topology problem of selecting optimal hyper-parameters as a massive search problem, where Titan can be used to quickly search the space. We represented each individual within the population of the evolutionary algorithm (EA) as a single deep neural network or CNN. An individual consisted of a genome where the genes represented the various hyper-parameters that defined the network topology, i.e., the number of layers, type of layers (convolution, pooling, etc.), and order of the layers. We then applied parameters defined in the genes of the individual to construct and train a deep learning network on the MNIST dataset. The results of the network’s performance in testing were then used as the “fitness” of the individual in the EA population, i.e., individual networks that had high accuracy were considered to be the most fit. Typically, generating the results for a single network on a small dataset like MNIST requires a modest amount of GPU/CPU time, and memory. However, creating, training, and evaluating tens of thousands networks requires a significant number of GPUs, like those in the Titan high performance computer. After all the individuals in the population were evaluated, the top performing individuals were selected to generate a new population of individuals that represented the next generation of the EA. These new generations contained a mix of the well performing hyperparameters from the best performing networks in the population. Successive generations of individuals gradually led to an improved set of hyperparameters over time. This method is called Multi-node Evolutionary Neural Networks for Deep Learning (MENNDL) . For this experiment, we were looking to automatically discover hyperparameters of a well performing deep learning network on the MNIST dataset. We used a simple EA that limited the search to the number of neurons per layer and the kernel size of convolutional layers. The network architecture utilized was LeNet and featured two convolutional layers, two pooling layers, and one hidden fully-connected layer. This is the network that is most often used with the MNIST dataset in the literature. We showed that even with this widely studied MNIST dataset, better hyper-parameters could be found than those widely reported in the literature. An EA that can evolve the topology provides the opportunity for improved results and the ability to process more challenging datasets. Such an EA also provides the opportunity to meaningfully utilize the entirety of Titan’s capacity. It provides challenging data management problems on a machine designed primarily for modeling and simulation, as opposed to these deep learning algorithms which require heavy amounts of data input in addition to heavy computation. A spiking neuromorphic approach to the MNIST problem was not the ideal solution since there is not a temporal component in the task of recognizing a handwritten digit. In order to leverage the temporal processing capabilities of spiking neural networks, we added a temporal component to the task by using a streaming scan of the digits as input to the SNN such that columns in the input image were received over time rather than all at once. The SNN learned to recognize digits based on this scan pattern. For the results presented on the MNIST task, the goal was to understand the deployment benefits of using an SNN in memristive hardware as opposed to classification accuracy on this problem. For the neutrino data, where the data itself already had a temporal component, there was a more natural mapping to SNNs. Thus, classification accuracy may be a more accurate representation of potential performance of SNNs in general than for non-temporal data like MNIST. As noted in Appendix A.2, there are not very many SNN training methods or neuromorphic training methods that can be applied to spiking neuromorphic networks and operate within the characteristics and constraints of a particular neuromorphic hardware implementation. To train both SNN models and neuromorphic networks we utilized an evolutionary optimization (EO) approach to determine the structure (e.g., number of neurons and synapses and how they are connected) and parameters (e.g., weight values of synapses and threshold values of neurons) . The neuromorphic system we used to explore both the MNIST and neutrino detection problem was a memristive implementation of the neuroscience-inspired dynamic architectures (NIDA) system . NIDA is a simple SNN model composed of integrate-and-fire neurons and synapses with delays and weights that are affected by processes similar to long-term potentiation and long-term depression in biological brains. The NIDA model allows us to study neuromorphic models in software and determine how restrictions different in hardware (such as weight resolution or connectivity) affect performance. The EO approach for training networks in the MNIST problem was previously applied to the NIDA SNN . An ensemble approach was utilized where each network in the ensemble was responsible for recognizing a particular digit type. For example, a network may be trained to recognize zeros, in which case the network will take the handwritten digit image as input and its output corresponds to either “yes, it is a zero” or “no, it is not a zero”. Using this approach, ensembles that achieve around 90 percent accuracy were achieved. The memristive device technology assumed for this simulation was characterized by a low resistance state (LRS) of 60 kΩ, about an order of magnitude larger than the resistance of a typical deep-submicron complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) transistor. This relatively high LRS for the memristor is desirable such that the CMOS channel resistance can effectively be neglected. The on-off ratio was assumed to be 10, providing a high resistance state (HRS) of 600 kΩ. Such characteristics for LRS, HRS and the associated on-off ratio have been observed for a range of memristive devices, including hafnium-oxide (HfO2) , tantalum-oxide (TaO2) , and titanium-oxide (TiO2) . All of these memristive material stacks consist of an oxide layer sandwiched between two metallic layers. Depending on the polarity and magnitude of an applied voltage bias, the oxide layer transitions between being less or more conductive, providing the switching characteristics desirable for representing synaptic weights. Our memristive NIDA simulation setup also included analog integrate-and-fire neurons, implemented using a 65 nm CMOS process technology. Neuromorphic elements (neurons and synapses) were simulated using Cadence Spectre and system-level energy and power estimates were calculated using a high-level simulator written in C++. Specifically, we verified the high-level C++ model versus the circuit level implementation using small networks that were simulated using both Cadence Spectre and the high-level NIDA simulator. Larger networks, specifically MNIST, were simulated using the high-level NIDA simulator to determine neuron and synapse activity information. The memristive NIDA simulation was based on two significant steps. Initially an evolutionary optimization training process was used to generate optimized networks for the low level simulation. At the same time, the transistor level simulation was done using Cadence Spectre simulator. Estimates were collected for the design components in different conditions (neuron accumulating but not firing, neuron firing, etc.). These “per component” energy estimates were used in conjunction with activity information from the high-level NIDA simulation to calculate the total energy consumed. LeCun, Y.; Cortes, C.; Burges, C.J. The MNIST Database of Handwritten Digits. 1998. Available online: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ (accessed on 17 May 2018). Jouppi, N. Google Supercharges Machine Learning Tasks with TPU Custom Chip. 2016. Available online: https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2016/05/Google-supercharges-machine-learning-tasks-with-custom-chip.html (accessed on 17 May 2018). Nervana. Nervana Engine. 2016. Available online: https://www.nervanasys.com/technology/engine/ (accessed on 30 January 2017).
It’s never too early to start planning to pass the Bar. Your Bar preparation begins the first year as you develop the skills and substantive knowledge tested on the Bar. It continues as you choose courses in your second and third years, consider options for Bar preparation companies, apply to sit for the Bar Examination, and map out your study schedule. Finally, it all comes together the last Tuesday and Wednesday in February or July. What Tests Do I Have to Pass in Order to Practice Law? The Bar Examination is offered twice a year, usually on the last Tuesday and Wednesday in February and July. You may sit for the Bar any time after graduation. In most states you must also pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE). The MPRE is offered three times per year, usually in November, March, and August. You may take the MPRE before you graduate, but many states set time parameters on the exam. What Topics are Tested on the Bar? Established rules of professional conduct. These rules are covered in your Legal Professions class. We require that you take courses covering many of the topics tested on the Bar Examination. You don’t have to take a course on all the remaining subject areas. However, you should take one or two Bar-tested courses each semester. Bar courses give you early exposure to tested material and form the core of a robust legal education. The job of the Bar’s Character and Fitness Committee is to determine whether applicants are morally and ethically fit to practice law. The Committee may consider any number of records, including your credit history, military record, criminal history, driving record, traffic citations, tax filings and payments, lawsuits, and payment of child support. The Committee also requires an FBI background check. Students are often surprised by the depth of the Character and Fitness investigation. Now is the time to review the character and fitness requirements and address any issues. Review your credit report and criminal record and address any inaccuracies. Pay or dispute unpaid debts. Make sure you are current with any court orders, including traffic fines and child support. Use credit carefully and pay your bills promptly. Keep a careful record of all financial and court actions. There are a number of commercial Bar preparation companies. BARBRI, Kaplan and Themis are the best known. We highly recommend that you take a bar preparation course. However, you are not required to choose a course in your 1L year. Companies frequently offer a discount to students who commit early, but you should not feel pressured. Research the options and decide which program is best for you. You don’t need to decide until your 2L or 3L year. Read any contract carefully. By signing a contract and paying a deposit you are usually obligated to pay the full price—even if you later change your mind. Passing the Bar takes patience, planning, and a lot of hard work. You don’t pass the Bar by accident. You need a plan. You should sit for the Bar in the jurisdiction where you plan to practice. For most students that’s an easy decision. However, if your post-graduate plans are uncertain, you’ve accepted a federal or JAG position, or you need to be licensed in two states, you need to be strategic. Every state sets its own rules for attorney licensing, creating a patchwork of sometimes confusing rules. Not all states have attorney reciprocity. Don’t assume that just because you pass the Bar in one state that you’ll be allowed to practice law in another. Twenty-two states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Uniform Bar Examination. Each UBE state accepts transferred scores from other UBE states. However, each UBE state sets its own passing score. Each also sets its own MPRE, character and fitness, and state-specific testing requirements. Some require you to take an additional state law exam. States may also only accept a transferred score for a limited period of time. Each UBE state sets its own rules on whether to accept all or part of a score from a non-UBE state. Every non-UBE state sets its own rules on whether to accept all or part of a score earned in another state. Carefully review the rules for each state. The National Conference of Bar Examiners has an overview of each state’s rules. Always double-check each jurisdiction’s licensing information—the rules change frequently. If both states are UBE jurisdictions you only need to sit for the Bar in one jurisdiction. Your score should transfer to the other. Remember that each UBE state sets its own passing score. Each also sets its own MPRE, character and fitness, and state-specific testing requirements. Some states require you to take an additional state law exam. Review each state’s rules and make sure you are meeting all the requirements. If one state is not a UBE jurisdiction, you may be able to sit for two Bar exams during the same exam cycle. However, you’ll need to consider the exam dates for each jurisdiction, geographical challenges, and the chance of success. See Professor Hill, Professor Richards, or Professor Heiny for advising. Applicants in most jurisdictions are required to take the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE). The MPRE is a two-hour, 60 question multiple choice exam designed to test your knowledge of established standards related to a lawyer’s professional conduct. It is administered by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE). Scores range from 50 to 150 and are scaled nationally. Each jurisdiction sets its own passing score. Utah requires a score of 86 or above. The MPRE is usually offered in November, March, and August. The deadline for registration is approximately six weeks prior to the exam. Register for the exam on-line or telephonically through the NCBE. Although many students wait to take the exam until after they have taken Legal Profession, it is not required. You may take the MPRE before or after you graduate, but many states set time parameters on the exam. Applicants in Utah must take and pass the MPRE prior to admission, but there is no required time frame. Web sites that list a two-year requirement in Utah are out-of-date. In addition to taking Legal Profession, you should plan to study for the exam. The NCBE provides a list of tested topics, as well as 15 free sample questions. You can purchase one on-line exam with answers and explanations through the NCBE Study Aids Store. Many commercial Bar exam preparation programs, including BRBRI, Kaplan and Themis, offer a free MPRE course. This is not only an excellent way to prepare for the exam, but also a good opportunity to try each program prior to purchasing a full Bar Exam review course. Utah administers the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE). The UBE is a two-day examination given the last Tuesday and Wednesday in July and February. The multiple choice component of the exam is administered on the second day. The multiple choice component is called the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE). The MEE, MPT, and MBE are all prepared by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBEX). The MEE and MPT are graded by the Utah Bar Examiners and scaled to national scores. The combined MEE and MPT score is worth a maximum of 200 points. Your MEE and MPT are graded regardless of your MBE score. Your exam is only graded once. The MBE is graded by the National Conference of Bar Examiners and scaled nationally. The MBE is worth a maximum of 200 points. You cannot pass in Utah solely on your MBE score. Each UBE state sets its own passing score. In Utah you must score 270 points or more to pass the exam. Other states accept a score as low as 260 or require a score as high as 280. Each state has its own Office of Bar Admissions and its own application rules and requirements. Carefully review the state rules. The National Conference of Bar Examiners website has an overview of each state’s rules. Begin the process at least three months before the first application deadline. Many applicants are surprised by how much information the Bar requires. The Bar will not extend its deadlines. A guide to the application process in Utah is at the top of the page. In Utah, the deadline for submitting your application for the February Bar exam is October 1. The Bar will accept late submissions until November 1, but charges a substantial late fee. Your application must be at the Bar offices by the deadline. The deadline for the July Bar exam is March 1. The Bar will accept late submissions until April 1, but charges a substantial late fee. Your application must be at the Bar offices by the deadline. The job of the Bar’s Character and Fitness Committee is to determine whether an applicant is morally and ethically fit to practice law. The Committee may consider any number of records, including your credit history, military record, criminal history, driving record, traffic citations, tax filings and payments, lawsuits, and payment of child support. The Committee also requires an FBI background check. Students are often surprised by the depth of the Character and Fitness investigation. Review the character and fitness requirements and address any issues several months before the Bar application deadline. Review your credit report and criminal record and address any inaccuracies. Pay or dispute unpaid debts. Make sure you are current with any court orders, including traffic fines and child support. Use credit carefully and pay your bills promptly. Keep a careful record of all financial and court actions. You should plan to spend approximately 40 hours per week attending or watching lectures, memorizing black letter law, taking or outlining practice exams, and carefully reviewing the answers to those exams. You cannot cram for the Bar. If at all possible, make Bar preparation your only job in the two months prior to the exam. If you must work, limit your hours. Don’t be afraid to ask for reduced hours and time off in the weeks prior to the exam. Your employer has a vested interest in your exam results—just as you do. We highly recommend that you take a commercial Bar preparation course. There are a number of commercial Bar preparation companies. BARBRI, Kaplan and Themis are the best known. Commercial programs teach you the black letter law tested on the exam as well as exam-taking strategies. They also provide thousands of practice questions, personalized feedback on practice MEE and MPT questions, explanations of MBE problems, and daily study plans. Most have options for in-person and on-line study. Commercial Bar courses are expensive. However, students who work with a preparation program have much higher pass rates than students who do not. Retaking the exam and postponing career plans is far more expensive. In addition to a commercial Bar course, our graduates also recommend purchasing prior exams from the National Conference of Bar Examiners. These are the actual exams used in prior years. They include answers and explanations. Each exam is between $15 and $50. We recommend pooling your resources with other applicants. Our former students have put together a list of tips and tricks they found helpful when taking—and passing—the Bar. You cannot cram for the Bar. Make a study plan, or follow the plan provided by your commercial Bar preparation provider. Make yourself accountable to someone. Students often fail for the simplest and most avoidable reason: they fail to put in the necessary study time. Whether you thrive in study groups or prefer to work independently, the most important thing is to have a plan and stick to it. A variety of programs and apps can block your Internet or social networking sites for a set period of time. If you choose on-line lectures, connect your computer to your television and then put the computer, phone, and tablet in another room. If you study at home, you can adjust the speed of the lectures. Watching the lectures at 1.5 speed can save a lot of time. Many of our former students also recommend Critical Pass flashcards. These help you memorize black letter law. The sets are $130 new, but you may be able to buy a used set for much less. More than 10% of failing University of Utah students failed by less than 1% of the available points. More than 56% of failing University of Utah students failed by between 1% and 5% of the available points. Overshoot your goal. Many non-lawyers think that anyone who graduated from law school should be able to pass the Bar. Many also think that full-time study is overkill. Discuss your study plans with your family and non-lawyer friends in advance. Explain that the Bar tests material that you may not have learned in law school and tests it in a way that is different from law school exams. Let friends and family know that the two months before the Bar will be stressful and that you may be absent more than you would like. Schedule family vacations after the exam. Don’t delude yourself into thinking you will study on the beach. You won’t. While working less, paying for Bar review courses, and purchasing additional study aids is financially taxing, your salary as a licensed attorney will more than compensate for it. Take scheduled breaks. Sleep 7–9 hours per night. Exercise. Spend some planned time with family or friends. If you find yourself becoming depressed or overly anxious don’t be afraid to ask for help. The Bar Examiners will provide accommodations for applicants who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Bar has an independent process for determining whether accommodations are necessary. You may apply even if you did not have accommodations in law school. You may need to arrange for additional or updated testing and documentation. File your application as early as possible. The Bar may also provide accommodations in other circumstances. For example, pregnant applicants might qualify to sit close to the restroom or to bring a small snack. The exam room is cold. Wear long pants and dress in layers. You will have a break between the morning and afternoon testing sessions. While there are some restaurants in the vicinity, you will need to drive and wait in line. Save yourself the stress and bring a sack lunch instead. If you take the exam on your laptop you will need to upload it by the evening deadline. There is no internet at the exam site. Know where there nearest internet connection is located and go there immediately after the exam. The Bar examiners will not accept exams uploaded after the deadline. Dinner can wait—uploading cannot. Most students are worried they won’t pass the Bar. Some anxiety is normal and is not a sign that you’ll fail. If you’ve been studying regularly your chances of passing are excellent. However, some applicants face compelling life circumstances that make Bar passage unlikely. A serious accident, illness, or family emergency can badly derail your study plans. In that case, you might consider transferring or withdrawing your application. The Utah Bar will allow you to transfer your application if there is a death in your immediate family or you have a personal medical emergency. You must submit a written request and pay a $100 transfer fee. You must also specify which of the next two exams you will take. If you don’t qualify for a transfer you are allowed to withdraw your application. If your application has not yet been accepted for processing you may withdraw and receive a full refund. After your application has been accepted you may withdraw up to 30 days before the examination and receive a 50% refund. If you withdraw less than 30 days before the exam you will not receive a refund. Regardless, you will need to send a written request to withdraw to the Admissions office. You will also need to reapply when you are ready to take the exam. Some students decide to sit for the Bar rather than forfeit their application fees and face the task of reapplying. Others decide that the professional ramifications of failing outweigh the cost of reapplying. Failing can also be demoralizing and make it more difficult to pass the Bar at a subsequent sitting. See Professor Hill, Professor Richards, or Professor Heiny for advising. The rules on attorney licensing vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and change rapidly. While we have done our best to provide up-to-date information, YOU are responsible for verifying the requirements for licensing.
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There’s no these types of happy tale for balding females. hair transplant men hair systems Pcos And Hair Loss – All-natural Therapies Can Restore Scalp Hair Posted By: Thurman Kauffman Too much scalp thinning hair is usually a critical problem to your woman’s self image and her standing in company and modern society. Despite the fact that we ordinarily think of balding being a man’s dilemma, women of all ages basically make up forty p.c on the folks in North America encountering the distress of extreme hairloss. Many ladies shedding substantial scalp hair have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Protected, successful, normal therapies that handle the hormone imbalances linked to [ .www.sac-ekimi.us ] PCOS will even restore your hair to optimal overall health. I am delighted to offer you these indispensable equipment to assist you restore your hair plus your wellbeing. Females experiencing hair loss get rid of floor rapidly in the present earth. 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Replace relative links with Ikiwiki links. instead. See [[LaunchControl]], for example. -copies of the images, which really screws with the look of the page. -Tektronix <cite>Analog Design System (ADS) User Manual</cite> T0-6360-00<br />[ads2.pdf](/AntennaDesignLV2/ads2.pdf) (3.1M)<br />Contains several microstrip design equations in the chapter on application models. +Tektronix <cite>Analog Design System (ADS) User Manual</cite> T0-6360-00<br />[[/AntennaDesignLV2/ads2.pdf]] (3.1M)<br />Contains several microstrip design equations in the chapter on application models. -The Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) is a university-based non-profit group located at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. We're currently working on our third generation sounding rocket called Launch Vehicle No. 2 - or LV2. LV2 is 3.5m tall (11.4ft), 13.6cm (5.37") in diameter, and should obtain a maximum velocity of Mach 3.5 on it's way to an apogee of 20km (65,600ft). Here's the [ PDF file of the simulated flight profile ](/AntennaLetter/LV2_Flight_Profile_8-2001.pdf). +The Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) is a university-based non-profit group located at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. We're currently working on our third generation sounding rocket called Launch Vehicle No. 2 - or LV2. LV2 is 3.5m tall (11.4ft), 13.6cm (5.37") in diameter, and should obtain a maximum velocity of Mach 3.5 on it's way to an apogee of 20km (65,600ft). Here's the [[PDF file of the simulated flight profile|/AntennaLetter/LV2_Flight_Profile_8-2001.pdf]]. We're scheduled to launch a low altitude airframe test on September 29th, and possibly a half height flight the day after. Our next launch will be sometime in Spring 2002. -- See the [Battery Chemistry Comparison and Selection Document](/BatteryPack/LV2_Batteries.doc) for our decisions on the battery pack. +- See the [[Battery Chemistry Comparison and Selection Document|/BatteryPack/LV2_Batteries.doc]] for our decisions on the battery pack. - We'll use a [[CAN node|CanNodeSectionAppPower]] to to communicate battery state of charge to the FC as well as hold the battery charging IC. The following figure illustrates the USB filtering block. - This component provides 15 kV of ESD capability to the D+ and D- USB signals. The part adds 35 pF of capacitance on each signal circuit to ground. This values is still within the USB 2.0 edge capacitance spec of 75 pF. Figure Glue.2 illustrates the parts internal circuit. Figure Glue.3 illustrates the relationship between circuit voltage, and the suppressing current capability. - This component provides RF attenuation on the USB circuit as shown in Figure Glue.4. The baseband USB signal is 12 Mb/sec, giving a worst case frequency (alternating 1010... pattern) of 6 MHz. In order to to attenuate this signal, the device number 471 in Figur Glue.4 should be chosen. This gives a maximum attenuation of about 38 dB at approximately 150 MHz. This maximum attenuation frequency is useful in another respect since we use 146 MHz VHF communications for another avionics subsystem. Note 6 in the data sheet mentions the device deteriorates when subjected to surges or abnormal voltages, therefore it should be placed behind the USB TVSS. The circuit is effectively a Tee fiter, with the shunting member connected to IO ground. Interesting note: The USB 2.0 spec on the bottom of page 142 states that the use of _ferrite beads_ on a full speed USB device is discouraged. Another constraint to choosing the MCP130 threshold voltage is to allow normal SPS load regulation to offur, and not cause an unwanted reset. Jacob assures in the SPS design that V<sub>DD</sub> should never go below 3.0 volts under normal output ripple conditions. Infact he indicates that is V<sub>DD</sub> does go below 3.0 volts this is a fault condition and something is wrong, and a reset would be appropriate. Figure Glue.5 shows the allowed duration of a voltage drop-out transient allowed before a reset is generated by the MCP130. Normal operation of the SPS is around V<sub>Trip</sub> - V<sub>DD</sub> = 0.3 volts, which allows a drop-out transient of about 3 us. This is well within the SPS spec according to Jacob. A final constraint is the length of time reset is asserted after power-up. Figure Glue.6 illustrates this relationship, with t<sub>RPU</sub> being approximately 275 ms for the MCP130 variant chosen. The LPC User Manual section 3.10 indicates this needs to be at least 10 ms for the first reset as power is first applied, and can be as little as 300 ns for subsequent resets after to chips oscillator is up and running. - 8 = 2<sup>3</sup>, so pick off signal at Q3. This divider is also useful for other application specific functions to be identified later since it is simultaneously creating all versions of the system clock divided by 2<sup>1</sup> through 2<sup>7</sup> inclusively. For convenience I have placed below a diagram which shows the internal configuration of this divider. On the left top side of the board is the USB/Power connector. The Debug port will be placed on the left bottom side. The scope of this project is within the dashed line. Each generic node front-end contains a switching power supply (SPS), some "glue circuitry", and an ARM microcontroller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). The underlying goal of the Glue subsystem is to satisfy the interconnection needs of the microcontroller, and to provide any forseen resources to the application specific area for future users. Fig. 1 shows the coordinate convention used for our rocket. We tried, but nobody would use anything but theta(θ) to indicate roll, so we went with that. The &lt;xyz&gt; axes form a right handed coordinate system where roll is measured on the z axis parallel to the body axis. We arbitrarily assign the x axis to be pitch with angle phi(φ), and the y axis to be yaw with angle psi(ψ). The intention is to assign the axis of the horizon camera as the x axis, though we don't expect perfect alignment so probably whichever IMU axis is nearly parallel to the horizon camera will be the "real" x axis. Since for now we're doing only relatively low altitude sounding rocket flights, we like to define our local coordinate system assuming a flat Earth. That is, we define a rectangular coordinate system centered on our launch site with "up" defined by the gravity-plumb line. To keep this system easy to use we align the (x) axis with true East and the (y) axis to true North. The resulting East-North-Up &lt;enu&gt; system is a right handed rectangular coordinate system as shown in the next figure. @@ -161,4 +161,4 @@ Each position reference frame defines a right-handed coordinate system. Lift and drag are not typically aligned with the body frame axes. The next figure indicates the relationship and suggests some conventions for labeling lift, drag, and some other body forces. If no one's around, you may have to call someone's cell phone to have us come out and let you in. If you walked or took the bus, use the main FAB entrance on the southwest corner of the building off of SW 4th Avenue. - Logging. Sequence configuration, motor details, data aquisition. @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The attached document details the calculations used to design the nozzle. To insure that the motor starts under the high velocity flow of oxygen at Tminus 0 seconds, a solid propellant ring is lit 2 seconds prior to the initiation of oxygen flow. The fuel grain is cut into 0.25" disks and then embedded into the paraffin fuel grain at the oxygen injector side. The current nosecone separation system design will consist of a gas-tight parachute container and a conventionally sleeved nosecone. A cold gas generator could be located below the parachutes, which simplifies the wiring, plumbing, and nosecone interface considerably. A cold gas generator could be purchased from a third party such as Aerocon. <http://www.aeroconsystems.com/RTM/index.htm> A sample model drawn in solidworks is shown below. The current fin design involves clamping four fins equally spaced at the bottom of the propulsion module. By tightening the fasteners on each fin, a compression fit is obtained.A sample model drawn in solidworks is shown below. The module coupling design consists of a coupler, roughly 2 inches in length, tightly fitting within the ends of the modules. A series of fasteners will sufficiently attach the coupler to the module. A sample model drawn in solidworks is shown below. The drawing here shows the old fin shape from LV2b. The next generation fin shape will no doubt be slightly different. The drawing also shows internal fin clamps. We considered these because they are aerodynamically cleaner and pick up some flutter resistance by passing through the outer fairing. Currently exterior fin clamps seem like a better idea because they are much easier to take on and off, align, etc. The aerodynamic drawbacks of external clamps are not too severe. The drawing shown is available in [[PDF|/LV2cFinClamps/LV2c-Fin-preliminary.pdf]] format as well in [[source|/LV2cFinClamps/LV2c-Fin-preliminary.dxf]] (DXF) format. The backbone of the airframe consists of modular aluminum sections screwed together. Each module is tubular with 0, 2, or 4 oval cutouts that serve to lighten the structure and provide access to the module's interior. Total casing weight empty 7.25 +/- 0.1 pounds. The drawing shown is available in [[PDF|/LV2cMotorCasing/LV2c-MotorCasing.pdf]] format as well in [[source|/LV2cMotorCasing/LV2c-MotorCasing.dxf]] (DXF) format. The plug designs for the nosecone are shown below. The apex of the nosecone on LV2c is removable and interchangeable. It threads into the nosecone base via standard c-mount thread. The apex uses a straight taper with a rounded tip rather than following the optimal profile. The drag difference is negligible because the of the small radius. The source drawing for the images shown above is available in [[PDF|/LV2cNosecone/nosecone-LV2c-M3-7:1.v2.pdf]] format as well in [[source|/LV2cNosecone/nosecone-LV2c-M3-7:1.v2.dxf]] (DXF) format. - Replacing the electrolytic power supply filter cap with a smaller Tantalum one. The flat plate orifice was made from a 0.125" aluminum disk and was placed in line with the oxygen feed system immediately after the check valve. Now, onto PLL1, which controls the main core frequency. It can multiply by 12, 16, 20, or 24. It can also divide by any number from 1 to 7. The input to PLL1, CLK, can be divided by one or two before it even reaches PLL1. The output from PLL1 can be divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8 before it gets to the core, memories, and peripherals. We want to get the max frequency we can get out of the chip (66MHz). There might be some wait state issues with memory, but we'll ignore that for now. Tim thinks the internal voltage regulator isn't going to be as efficient as our external switching power supply. The datasheet states you can turn off the internal voltage regulator, but it's not as simple as it seems. V18BKP is where we would attach our 1.8V external power supply. V18 is supposed to be an external 1.8V reference, and it's "not supported" to hook the external power supply to it. Looking at the diagram, it appears that when the chip enters standby mode, V18BKP is disconnected from the core and the Low Power Voltage Regulator takes over. We really don't want that behavior. The drill jig is also designed to hold and align the outer skin while the holes for the skin-attaching screws are drilled. Because commercial clamps that could easily hold the modules in the jigs have been hard to get, we could make our own hold-down clamps. These would attach to the jigs using a single 1/4-20 thumb screw. The holding mechanism for the fin can is sectioned into two parts. This supposedly means it's easier to make, but the piece could certainly be made as a single unit. The two pieces are the tube clamp, which holds the actual fin can, and the bracket that connects the tube clamp to the fin jig plate. - James S. Barrowman &amp; Judith A. Barrowman,<br />"THE THEORETICAL PREDICTION OF THE CENTER OF PRESSURE"<br />NARAM-8 R&amp;D Project, August 18, 1966<br />Available here: [http://www.apogeerockets.com/education/downloads/Barrowman\_report.pdf](http://www.apogeerockets.com/education/downloads/Barrowman_report.pdf)<br />This is the seminal paper on model rocket stability. The derivation is fairly clear. The methods presented are based on linearized subsonic flow theory. -- James S. Barrowman<br />CALCULATING THE CENTER OF PRESSURE OF A MODEL ROCKET<br />Centuri Engineering Company, TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 33 (TIR-33)<br />Available from several sources on the web. Here as a pdf file: [tir-33.zip](/ProjectLV2FinDesignReferences/tir-33.zip) (4.3M)<br />Contains worked numerical examples of the Barrowman equations. +- James S. Barrowman<br />CALCULATING THE CENTER OF PRESSURE OF A MODEL ROCKET<br />Centuri Engineering Company, TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 33 (TIR-33)<br />Available from several sources on the web. Here as a pdf file: [[/ProjectLV2FinDesignReferences/tir-33.zip]] (4.3M)<br />Contains worked numerical examples of the Barrowman equations. - Robert Galejs<br />"Wind Instability, WHAT BARROWMAN LEFT OUT"<br />Sentinel 39<br /><http://www.argoshpr.ch/PDF/sentinel39-galejs.pdf><br />Adds terms to the Barrowman equations to account for body lift. -- Max Feil<br />"Center of Gravity &amp; Pitch Stability"<br />"From The Aeronautics File" Topic #2<br /><http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/ncientificos/artigos/aeronauticsfile2.ps><br /> Also available as a pdf: [aeronauticsfile2.pdf](/ProjectLV2FinDesignReferences/aeronauticsfile2.pdf) (22k)<br />Presents a few basics. Gives a fairly good explanation of the "Center of Pressure" concept. +- Max Feil<br />"Center of Gravity &amp; Pitch Stability"<br />"From The Aeronautics File" Topic #2<br /><http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/ncientificos/artigos/aeronauticsfile2.ps><br /> Also available as a pdf: [[/ProjectLV2FinDesignReferences/aeronauticsfile2.pdf]] (22k)<br />Presents a few basics. Gives a fairly good explanation of the "Center of Pressure" concept. This page documents the interfacing unit that connects the motor casing to the furthest aft modular unit, which is by design the avionics module. We call the interface the "Motor to Avionics Coupler" or simply the "Motor Coupler". The particular piece of hardware described here is specific to \*N\* size and smaller motors. We anticipate the need for a different interface when we move to \*P\* and larger motors. The coupler is a simple series of concentric rings machined from a solid disk of ordinary 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. There is a surprisingly large variation in resistance. Furthermore, some igniters (such as #4) displayed a resistance that seemed to vary if the igniter was flexed slightly. Despite this, all the igniters tested (including #4) fired at approximately the same energy. For applications where reliability is important, Q2 igniters need to be pre-screened for DC resistance. Only igniters in the 1-3 Ω range whose resistance is insensitive to mechanical agitation should be used. For test 2 (the first firing test) the power supply was adjusted to 6V and the pulse generator set for 250 ms. The match fired, but the bridge wire was left apparently intact. The image captured from the scope is shown in figure 3. To measure the minimum firing energy at 70 V we loaded igniter #11 and tried successively longer pulses starting from 50 μs. At 250 μs we saw a puff of smoke. At 500 μs the igniter fired. The sparkler pattern of the ignition was visually similar to the low voltage tests. The bridge wire remained un-fused. -The issue of the [watt rotary actuator](/HybridDataSheets/WattsPneumaticActuator.pdf) not closing under the 1000 psi oxygen stream due to insufficient return spring strength was corrected by adding an 80psi nitrogen line to the outlet port on the return side of the spring/piston assembly. This would essentially assist the spring in closing the ball valve. +The issue of the [[watt rotary actuator|/HybridDataSheets/WattsPneumaticActuator.pdf]] not closing under the 1000 psi oxygen stream due to insufficient return spring strength was corrected by adding an 80psi nitrogen line to the outlet port on the return side of the spring/piston assembly. This would essentially assist the spring in closing the ball valve. -Originally only one N2 line, controlled by a single solenoid, was used to open the rotary actuator which opened the ball valve. Now that we have two N2 lines but have not increased the digital output lines on our controller (or changed the software) we needed to implemented a [4-way solenoid valve](/HybridDataSheets/0600P-42LP.pdf). This valve will either supply N2 to open or N2 to close side of the ball valve depending on if the solenoid is energized or not. +Originally only one N2 line, controlled by a single solenoid, was used to open the rotary actuator which opened the ball valve. Now that we have two N2 lines but have not increased the digital output lines on our controller (or changed the software) we needed to implemented a [[4-way solenoid valve|/HybridDataSheets/0600P-42LP.pdf]]. This valve will either supply N2 to open or N2 to close side of the ball valve depending on if the solenoid is energized or not. This fix unfortunately is not all that pretty. We only had a 110VAC 4 way solenoid where as the rest of our system is 12VDC. To get around this issue we will use a [12VDC to 110VAC inverter](http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?prid=95&scid=46) to power the solenoid. The inverter will get its 12VDC from the control/driver board line that we previously used to drive the 12VDC solenoid that opened the ball valve. -The gaseous oxygen/paraffin hybrid is fairly simple. The [control](/HybridFireControl) of the static firing sequence will be done with a laptop computer running a small script that will communicate out a serial port to a ‘Flextek’ I/O board. This board is capable of data collection through several 10-bit A/D channels and the board is also capable of triggering single events through several digital output channels. +The gaseous oxygen/paraffin hybrid is fairly simple. The [[control|/HybridFireControl]] of the static firing sequence will be done with a laptop computer running a small script that will communicate out a serial port to a ‘Flextek’ I/O board. This board is capable of data collection through several 10-bit A/D channels and the board is also capable of triggering single events through several digital output channels. At T-2 seconds the control board will signal the igniter to start. This signal will switch an IPS5451 intelligent power switch, which will dump a larger voltage and current to the igniter from a 12v battery. The uplink system was flown on both the LV1 and LV1b flights. It is the only method of communicating up to the avionics from the ground, which is why we called it the "uplink". Originally it was intended as a way to remotely fire the pyrotechnic recovery charge from the ground (it's original name was the "Backup Separation System"); later, we added many more features and made it an integral part of the flight sequencing. For example, the Uplink now commands the Flight Computer (FC) to do self tests, arm for launch, etc. -There are [0 attachment(s)](./logo?action=AttachFile) stored for this page. +There are [[0 attachment(s)|./logo?action=AttachFile]] stored for this page. One solution is to replace the mechanical variable cap with the equivalent electrical version - the varicap. The varicap is a reversed biased diode whose PN junction acts like a capacitor whose capacitance is proportional to the voltage across it. So now we can tune the oscillator with a voltage, measure the DC voltage, and replace it with a few fixed resistors. Nice, but more components than the mechanical variable cap and another circuit to design. So we discussed many ways of syncing up all of the local oscillators on the board. We talked about threading a 10KHz line from the GPS to all of the CAN nodes, using a PLL and VCXO (voltage controlled crystal oscillator) to sync the 10MHz to the 10KHz, and then dividing that 10MHz down by 6 to get 1.667 MHz for the buck converter. This would be a GREAT solution - we'd have all the converters and processors synched to UTC (what more could you want?). However, we don't have time for anything like this - designing a circuit like this could be weeks to months if it turned out to be harder than we imagined. So we decided on a compromise - we'd run the buck converter off of the PIC's 10MHz crystal and get a switching speed of 1.667MHz with +/- 50ppm over temperature. With this solution, we sync the buck frequency to above all of the close IF's we know about, it only requires a divide by 6 chip (probably an SO8 PIC) and we can be pretty sure that all of the converters will be running at within a few kHz of each other. Obviously, everything is running as necessary. We can be charging the battery as we run the avionics from ground power. Jim will work on the control script for the Flextek controller. @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Two tests were conducted and they both were successful in meeting our goals. - Measure two pressures one immediately upstream and one immediately downstream of the metering orifice. -- Use a matched set of [0-2000 psi transducers](/HybridDataSheets/Barksdale405.pdf) with 12VDC excitation voltage and 4-20 mA output. +- Use a matched set of [[0-2000 psi transducers|/HybridDataSheets/Barksdale405.pdf]] with 12VDC excitation voltage and 4-20 mA output. - If successful and pressures are in the expected range we will later switch the downstream sensor to a 0-500 psi transducer, to get better resolution. - Measure force generated by motor with commercially available load cell. -We got the dead weight tester running and were able to get [calibration curves](/news/2004-05-15/Barksdale051504.xls) for both of the [Barksdale 4-20 mA](/HybridDataSheets/Barksdale405.pdf) output pressure transducers. Both sensors behave linearly and have good repeatability. We were unable to test for hysteresis due to the nature of how the dead weight tester operates. +We got the dead weight tester running and were able to get [[calibration curves|/news/2004-05-15/Barksdale051504.xls]] for both of the [[Barksdale 4-20 mA|/HybridDataSheets/Barksdale405.pdf]] output pressure transducers. Both sensors behave linearly and have good repeatability. We were unable to test for hysteresis due to the nature of how the dead weight tester operates. -A schematic of the signal conditioning can be found [here](/news/2004-05-15/transducerwiring.jpg). The code we used to capture the data can be found [here](/news/2004-05-15/PressureTransducerCapture.vi). +A schematic of the signal conditioning can be found [here](/news/2004-05-15/transducerwiring.jpg). The code we used to capture the data can be found [[here|/news/2004-05-15/PressureTransducerCapture.vi]]. With this information we will now be able to write a program in Labview that will allow us to monitor the upstream pressure relative the metering orifice and also the downstream pressure. Knowing these two values we will be able to verify that we are maintaining choked flow at the metering orifice thereby insuring a known volumetric flow rate into the combustion chamber. The goal for the meeting today was to pour the paraffin fuel grains with the regression rate sensors embedded in them for the next static test fire. -There are two proposed types of [regression rate sensors](/HybridRegressionRate) that we have come up with. Since we had a head start on the construction of one of the types and since it has been tested with the DAQ system we have chosen to implement the discrete resistor based sensor for the upcoming firing and then wait till the next firing to try the carbon/lace sensor. That way both will be evaluated in a fairly large batch of motor firings. +There are two proposed types of [[regression rate sensors|/HybridRegressionRate]] that we have come up with. Since we had a head start on the construction of one of the types and since it has been tested with the DAQ system we have chosen to implement the discrete resistor based sensor for the upcoming firing and then wait till the next firing to try the carbon/lace sensor. That way both will be evaluated in a fairly large batch of motor firings. -Eric and Michael worked on building up the 15 discrete resistor sensors (3 per motor, forward, mid and aft, for a total of 5 motors). Eric also collected all the necessary components (minus the Bendix connector) for the [load cell amplifier](/LoadCellAmp) circuit that Tim designed. +Eric and Michael worked on building up the 15 discrete resistor sensors (3 per motor, forward, mid and aft, for a total of 5 motors). Eric also collected all the necessary components (minus the Bendix connector) for the [[load cell amplifier|/LoadCellAmp]] circuit that Tim designed. Tim built up 10 carbon/lace sensors for testing and implementation on the next round of firings, which will hopefully happen soon after the upcoming batch. @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Tentatively planning next static test fire for July 10th. @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Attending: [[JameySharp]], [[SarahBailey]], [[AndrewGreenberg]], ?? Lots of pictures! Someone annotate these. @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ Attending: [[JameySharp]], [[SarahBailey]], [[AndrewGreenberg]], ?? Here's a blurry picture of the power block diagram of LV2a's power system. Note the Avionics Power System (APS) with the Lithium Ion battery pack and power switches. Then notice the DC-DC converters scattered around - big ones for the RF power amplifiers, small ones on the nodes' front end. Here's the sketch of the new SPS block diagram (t's a composite of three shots). Note the repeat of the switching circuit, and the three outputs based on using a split inductor. It needs an accelerometer for launch detect. We may also want it for apogee detect.
11:10 - 12:00 Purposeful Collaboration: A Pioneering Approach to Advancing CS Education – Vandana Sikka, Charles Best and Jan Cuny share their transformative model of a public-private-community partnership in this panel moderated by Kumar Garg. The CS for All community giving model will empower stakeholders to support computer science education in local schools and communities. Consumers interact with brands across a number of channels, screens and devices. They expect brands to know when to engage with them, when to connect with them and to understand their distinctive desires. Learn how to make data - no matter where it lies - talk and reveal customer insights so you can create disruptive experiences from this deep understanding. Our select panel of leaders from ATP, SunTrust, and Aimia will show you how. Robbin Collins, Senior Vice President Enterprise Business Information Officer, SunTrust Banks, Inc. What does it take to create a repeatable, human-centered method for innovation? Learn how to frame problems well, and solve them in an iterative, experimental manner. In this session, panelists from Spark Telecom, The Hershey Company, Allied Irish Bank, and practitioners of Design Thinking from Infosys discuss how you can make every customer touchpoint an opportunity to surprise and delight while exploring new frontiers with great imagination, deep knowledge and conviction. Amazon Web Services pioneered cloud computing in 2008. Since then, we’ve learned a lot about what enterprises have done to adopt the cloud to benefit their businesses. This session will present a pattern that has emerged, organizationally and architecturally, in enterprises who are using the cloud to meet their business objectives. With practical guidance, and insight into how AWS and our partners can help you deliver results, attendees will gain an actionable model for accelerating their organization’s success. The BPO partner is an important component of interactions end customers have with enterprises. A mindset for innovation and adaptation of technology can enable BPO firms to use this proximity to the end customer to fuel the strategic imperatives of enterprises. In the opening session of the BPO track, Anup Uppadhayay, CEO of Infosys BPO shares his perspective on ‘BPO as a force of disruption’ and will call upon stage three industry leaders to share their outsourcing journey as well as their expectation from their BPO partner. The world is turning digital at a furious pace. Consumers are so willing to adopt new digital technologies that startups can challenge established players and norms at every turn. This makes the status quo short-lived, as technologies and customers increasingly churn. The key question haunting every banking leader thus is ‘how do we continue to stay relevant and leverage the emerging technologies to drive growth’. It’s increasingly evident that only those banks who are able to successfully transform themselves into a truly digital business will emerge as winners. This talk will focus on how banks can partner with Finacle to accelerate their transformation journey toward truly digital banking. Great business models, in these times of being digital, reduce the distance between producers and consumers to zero, while powering experiences that connect deeply with and empower the end user. The session explores what makes for an innovative business model that helps the enterprise become more relevant and bring in new consumer experiences in ways unprecedented. This discussion with leaders, from Microsoft, Molina Healthcare Inc., and PricewaterhouseCoopers provides invaluable takeaway. Rick Hopfer, Chief Information Officer, Molina Healthcare, Inc. In every industry, in every walk of life, we see a tremendous transformation happening, driven by software and computing technology. The physical world is getting digitized. And enterprises are undertaking a strategic journey to adapt and thrive in this new world. The leaders on this panel are in a unique position to participate in this journey and help businesses leverage the opportunities of our times. The experiences they share can provide great learning. In the emerging data economy, every competitive business is becoming a digital business that will rely on data and advanced analytics to drive intelligent decisions and actions. Learn more about how you can differentiate your business through mission-critical analytics, deep business insights and intelligent applications, with a modern data and analytics platform on premise and cloud. The last couple of years have seen several outsourcing buzzwords turn from concept to reality. Automation, gainshare and other innovative business models, demand from buyers for plug-and-play offerings, changes in buyer-provider relationship paradigms, and significant investment in capability by service providers are all indications of the rapid transition to an ‘as-a -service’ world. What will change and what will not? What do clients expect from service providers in this ‘as -a- service’ world? Leading industry veterans, each with over a decade of experience in outsourcing, discuss life in ‘as-a -service’ world. David N. Braxton, Senior Vice President, Strategic Sourcing, SunTrust Banks, Inc. Digitization of the world poses both unprecedented challenges, and opportunities for growth and profitability. To succeed, traditional banks needs to reimagine banking around their customers and harness the power of modern technologies to offer contextual banking experiences. Every aspect of banking - including business models, products, processes and organization structure - needs to be refreshed in the new context. This keynote will highlight how a new-age digital bank is transforming the banking experience for digital natives, and what traditional banks can learn from its approach. Every established business today faces a threat of obsolescence if it is unable to formulate and execute against a strategy for the digital age. Prioritization between opportunities for renewal of the core business, and exploration of new frontiers of the business, often presents a deep challenge of focus and execution for management. Join this panel, moderated by R "Ray" Wang of Constellation Research, to understand where vision meets reality. Bringing together knowledge from across enterprise silos - its systems, processes and people - as part of a transformation effort is a common enterprise pursuit. Learn how, and why, some organizations like McKesson Specialty Health, Ruffalo Noel Levitz, and Boeing are leveraging models to make this enterprise knowledge machine-readable and their work not just simpler but more innovative. Companies have invested a tremendous amount of energy in mainframe systems. These systems were created at a time when the technology environment, business context and user expectations were starkly different than they are today. As a result, these organizations require a strategy to renew and optimize these systems, dramatically reduce costs, and open them up to new experiences and user-centric applications. Panelists from Toyota and Southern California Edison will show us how full-scale migration is not necessary in order to generate significant value, and in fact a non-disruptive path toward modernization is possible. While cost pressure continues to be a key driver of BPO adoption, are technological advances increasingly encouraging companies to look for newer and better business models? Are expectations from service providers very different or is it just more velocity with the fundamentals still the same - deep domain expertise, process excellence and good governance? Experts from three different industries - consumer goods, mining and aerospace covering both cross industry and industry specific services provide their views. What does “Being More” mean to clients? New services like Analytics? What do they see in the near term as being innovative? Service provider view on “Being More” and what is being done about it? How have experiences varied across customers? Challenges in delivering these new services? It has been proven that banks that have embraced modern core banking platforms are better placed to serve evolving customer expectations. Thanks to today’s componentized, and APIs driven banking platforms, banks can take a risk-mitigated progressive modernization route for core renewal. Listen to this panel of banking leaders discuss how their institutions are renewing the core technology landscape to accelerate their digital transformation. Can, and should, companies move fully to the cloud? Join the discussion, as our panelists, from ABN AMRO, Charter Communications and Advanced Micro Devices, share their views around leveraging the power of software to modernize their IT infrastructure to run operations with tranquility, drive extreme automation, re-imagine legacy business processes and remain agile through an ideal mix of on-premise infrastructure, public, private and hybrid clouds. Frans van der Horst, Senior Managing Director/Group Chief Information Officer, ABN AMRO Bank N.V. From delivering rewards in the form of early revenue recognition that can then be invested in innovation to improving daily sales outstanding and delighting customers with improved processes, reimagining the cycle from order-to-cash can drive transformational benefits. Join this panel discussion for some useful insider information from leaders at CISCO and Telstra International. As bits reshape atoms in everything around us, it’s time to turn and face the change. That means knowing how to grasp opportunities to improve existing business processes, and simultaneously creating new unprecedented ones. Simple as it may seem, this dual mission, for process rejuvenation, calls for significant preparation. Tune into this panel with leaders from Fidelity Investments, Telstra International, and Comcast will help us discover how process renewal can prepare our organizations for a digital future. Automation has ceased to become a mere buzzword. Most companies are actively considering if not pursuing automation projects. However laying out an enterprise roadmap for automation is still more art than science. There are a number of questions that occupy significant senior management time and mindshare. Is a ‘bot’ the equivalent of an FTE? What is automatable and what is not? Is it just about increasing efficiencies? Does automation replace people or does it enable people? Five leading practitioners get together to chalk out how to create an enterprise roadmap for automation. Chad Lloyd, Senior Vice President , SunTrust. Today, the world’s largest transportation company owns no cars and employs no drivers. The world’s largest hotelier owns no properties or rooms. What’s common in these businesses? They leverage the power of the connected world to build successful business networks. How can banks do the same? Join us as we unravel three new offerings from EdgeVerve to create next-generation business networks leveraging the power of blockchain and digital technologies. Doing more with less is the new norm for enterprises. That means making the most of automation technologies. Join this session to learn how Artificial Intelligence and automation can complement human imagination in the workplace to drive unparalleled efficiencies while creating greater bandwidth for innovation. Learn from leaders at Citigroup, CISCO and Johnson Controls. Today's customers call the shots, and sales reps need to sell smarter to earn trust and win business. Sales organizations that use sophisticated performance management tools, focus on the most promising accounts, build pipelines faster and smarter, and collaborate across functions and within account teams. Traditional marketers have long struggled with the conversion from reactive to proactive prospect and customer engagement. Being reactive disempowers the marketer and delivers a fragmented experience. Modern marketers are transforming digital interactions into a new digital dialogue. Marketers can now be proactive and take advantage of a customer's access to online research, opinions, and social networks by creating engaging conversations and building relationships. This session will showcase how we create transformational value for our clients on the operations floor through innovation. Speakers from our delivery teams from across Geos will share insights from the operations floor on how they achieved transformative value for our clients – through efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and customer experience enhancement, through levers used such as – LEAN, automation etc. Financial services companies in every region of the world are dramatically changing the way they serve their customers in truly digital ways. BAI-Infosys Finacle Global Banking Innovation Awards recognize and celebrate innovation leaders that propel the industry forward. In this session, award winning panelists will share their views on the importance of executing a digital strategy. They will discuss their experiences including how they have approached innovation in a digital world including their focus on increasing customer value and building a culture of innovation in their organizations. Traditionally, turning ideas into tangible products has always been a marathon. But what if you could go from idea to prototype in rapid, iterative, innovative and differentiated steps within days? Drop by this session to learn how our panelists - innovators from Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield and AT&T Foundry - managed this 90-day feat by finding their own unique path to go from problem framing to solutions. Igal Elbaz, Vice President, Ecosystem and Innovation, AT&T Services, Inc. Richard S. Richardson, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. Business innovation has shifted from making siloed efforts to co-creating experiences that bring deep value for participating businesses and consumers. Join our panelists from Prime Therapeutics, Proctor & Gamble and Pfizer, as they discuss how businesses can create collaborative environments for joint innovation to get continuously better on the threshold of relevance to clients. In the fusion of technology, process and performance and capability, the procurement function in most corporates is undergoing the biggest transformation. Are you at the cutting-edge of these changes and have the insights into the latest ideas and practices that can enhance the value procurement? Join the industry experts as they re-imagine the procurement value chain. Banks today are dealing with the most informed, connected and sophisticated customers in history. These customers demand convenience, speed, and personalization - and accessibility on the device and channel of their choice. To attract, and retain these digitally empowered customers, banks need to offer contextual solutions and engaging experiences- every time, everywhere. New competitors further accelerate the journey toward full digital banking - with faster industrialization and fragmentation of the financial services value chain. To revitalize their existing business, while also opening green-field opportunities for growth and superior consumer experience, banks need to reimagine banking processes and the underlying technology landscape. While modernizing their legacy systems, banks need to use banking platforms built on both state-of-the-art technologies and architectures enabling banks to cope with continuous change. This panel will cover Forrester’s view on how to manage key challenges of this transformation and approaches taken by a traditional bank and a challenger bank. The largest shift in organizational collaboration isn’t coming from top-down — it’s coming from the millennials. A generation that is positive about technology and keen on success-oriented learning. So just how do millennials tick in the workplace? Join this talk with leadership from National Australia Bank and Sysco Corporation to figure out what works when millennials work. What does it take for your business to truly innovate? Not just through a think-tank of designated innovators, but pervasively throughout the organization. Discover how you can get your organization to make innovation everybody’s business and business as usual when you join our panel of expert innovators from Allstate, , TracFone Wireless Inc. and DirecTV in discussion. John Collier, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer, TracFone Wireless Inc. How do your employees engage with data to make better decisions? How do your leaders utilize data to drive goal attainment? What is your IT department doing to enable faster business decisions and enabling themselves to focus on critical strategic technologies? In this session, Francois Ajenstat, Tableau Vice President, will share ideas and methods for building your analytic culture. He’ll describe how to leverage analytics and focus on enabling business users to measure and achieve results rather than simply on relying on IT-centric reporting. Ajenstat will discuss approaches to developing a data driven culture tailored to different roles within the organization. The session will include a short Tableau demo to illustrate key ideas. Finance & Accounting as we know is getting more and more commoditized with changing CFO expectations. Are the expectations leaning more towards transformation first before outsourcing? On the other hand, trends such as -robotics, analytics, Design Thinking, and verticalization, are just a hype or the future? Is pure play to full stack IT+ F&A going to be the new normal? Finally, is it all about F&A ‘as- a- service’? In this interactive session, panelists will discuss and debate on plotting a roadmap for vision 2020, and the key parameters to achieve what domain experts foresee as a movement towards perfect processes. 1. What’s the right formula for success in the digital world? 2. Is digitization going to disrupt traditional banks, and will fintechs and tech companies like Google, and Apple own customer relationships while banks be relegated as capital-intensive utilities ?
Jana, Janulik and I are wishing you all a very merry Christmas! May your friends and families realize the joy, love and peace of God during this season, and may we all dedicate our lives anew to enlisting in God’s army of peacemakers around the world. My work here in the Middle East, in the field of religious reconciliation and Middle East peace continues. This morning I was thinking about all the new friendships I’ve made while being here. I thank God for all these new friends from so many different nations–Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Indonesian, the Philippines, China, Pakistan, Bahrain, Iran, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and, of course, Saudi Arabia. I’ve learned a lot about all the different cultures and faiths here and in other parts of the world, and they are learning about America through me. All of our peoples face difficult challenges today. There is so much political and economic unrest, but we do not live as those who have no hope! During the next few days, I hope to join Jana and Janulik in the Carpathian Alps of northern Slovakia for a very white Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Pray that this will be possible. Despite international wars and conflicts, and despite the tragic gun violence in our own beloved America, we must not lose heart. As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, let us rededicate our lives to the peace work God has commisioned us to do. To our Jewish, Muslim and Christian friends in America and around the world, we love you, and we thank you for your prayers, correspondence and encouragement during the past year! May God’s perfect peace be ever present with you and yours! This week’s Newsweek magazine cover featured raging Muslims, but how many were really angry? What’s really behind the outrage? Newsweek‘s recent cover-story featured the bold words “Muslim Rage” and depicted most of the world’s Muslims as angry with the US and the West. Here’s a different perspective of what is happening around the world — much of the information was given to me by the French arm of the activist think tank AVAAZ. According to AVAAZ, there are a number of very important items we have missed in the midst of all the sensational, tabloid-like reporting. 1. Early estimates put participation in anti-film protests at between 0.001 and 0.007% of the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims – a tiny fraction of those who marched for democracy in the Arab spring. 2. The vast majority of protesters have been peaceful. The breaches of foreign embassies were almost all organised or fuelled by elements of the Salafist movement, a radical Islamist group that is most concerned with undermining more popular moderate Islamist groups. 3. Top Libyan and US officials are divided over whether the killing of the US ambassador to Libya was likely pre-planned to coincide with 9/11, and therefore not connected to the film. An investigation by both the US and Libyan governments is underway. Think-tank AVAAZ estimates that less than 0.007 of Muslims protested against the hateful anti-Muslim film during the past several weeks, but both Christians and Muslims are known for their few “crazies” who prefer violence over dialogue and peaceful protest. 4. Apart from attacks by radical militant groups in Libya and Afghanistan, a survery of news reports on September 20 suggested that protesters had killed a number of people. The deaths cited by media were largely protesters killed by police. 5. Pretty much every major leader, Muslim and western, has condemned the film, and pretty much every leader, Muslim and western, has condemned any violence that might be committed in response. 6. The pope visited Lebanon at the height of the tension, and Hezbollah leaders attended his sermon, refrained from protesting the film until he left, and called for religious tolerance. Yes, this happened. 7. After the attack in Benghazi, ordinary people turned out on the streets in Benghazi and Tripoli with signs, many of them in English, apologizing and saying the violence did not represent them or their religion. Add to that the number of really big sensational news stories that were buried last week to make room for the front page, “angry Muslim clash” coverage. Maybe you didn’t even hear that in Russia tens of thousands of protesters marched through Moscow to oppose Russian President Vladimir Putin. Hundreds of thousands of Portuguese and Spaniards turned out for anti-austerity protests; and more than a million of Spain’s Catalans marched for independence. Muslim rage or radical Salafist strategy? Meet Sheikh Khaled Abdullah, the radical Salafist TV host who incited violence against US embassies because of the American anti-Muslim hate film. The Amercan anti-Muslim film “Innocence of Muslims” was picked up and heralded with subtitles by far-right Salafists – radical Islamists. The film was a cheaply made, YouTube failure until a radical Egyptian Salafist TV host, Sheikh Khaled Abdullah began promoting it to viewers on September 8. Most insulted Muslims ignored the film or protested peacefully, but the Salafists, with their signature black flags, were leading instigators of the more aggressive protests that breached embassies. Leaders of the Egyptian Salafist party attended the Cairo protest that broke into the US embassy. Like the far-right in the US or Europe, the Salafist strategy is to drag public opinion rightwards by seizing on opportunities to fan radical anger and demonise ideological opponents. This approach resembles that of anti-Muslim US Charismatic Christian pastor Terry Jones (who first promoted the film in the west) and other western extremists. In both societies, however, the moderates far (far!) outnumber the extremists. Most print media and radio/TV journalism is about readership/viewership/listenership polls (ratings). The ones with the best ratings can charge higher prices for advertising. And, far too often, its about sensation and greed at the expense of truth. Whenever a lie is told or an exaggeration is promoted as “truth” the result is misunderstanding, alienation and, far too often, these lead to conflicts and even war. A lonely band of journalists and scholars, however, have approached the protests with an intent to truly understand the forces behind them. Among them, Hisham Matar, who powerfully describes the sadness in Benghazi after US Ambassador Christopher Stevens was killed, and Barnaby Phillips, who explores how Islamic conservatives manipulated the film to their advantage. Anthropologist Sarah Kendzior cautions against treating the Muslim world as a homogenous unit. And Professor Stanley Fish tackles a tough question: why many Muslims are so sensitive to unflattering depictions of Islam. And then there was our own blog that reported that all was well in both Mecca and Medina–the two most holy cities of Islam. The insulting Islamophobic film was barely mentioned in the news media in Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Muslims basically ignored the inflamatory film. Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal urged Saudi youth to “confront the anti-Islam smear campaign by leading an exemplary life, following the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.” The Saudi government early on condemned the violence and attacks on US embassies. Sam joined a Jeddah city councilman and professors from King Abdulaziz University in organizing an environmental committee for meeting the challenges of plastic debris overwhelming the Arabian peninsula. Hundreds of camels die on the Arabian peninsula every year from ingesting plastic bags. I am a proud founding member of a Jeddah municipal committee to study many of the environmental problems adversely affecting the Arabian peninsula. We will suggest solutions, improving life here for people and animals alike. Saudi Arabia is a good country. Our committee has strong support from the Jeddah City Council and is made up of area professors and engineers with a common mission of correcting many of the harms now contributing to Saudi environmental degradation. Having provided leadership in the United States for clean air, banning phosphate fertilizers, banning plastic retail carry-out bags, banning the hormone-disrupting chemical BpA (bisphenol-A) from baby bottles, etc., I am able to advise my Saudi colleagues on environmental matters. Our committee will begin by researching several known challenges in our Jeddah community–one being plastic debris. Plastic bags and bottles cover the banks of the Red Sea, are scattered about through the deserts, line city streets, and fill public landfills. Hundreds of camels and thousands of sheep and goats die annually from ingesting plastic bags. They are also killing marine life in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf. If the Abrahamic faiths of Muslims, Jews and Christians believe God created the world, then it follows logically that we must honor God by caring for his creation. As believers in the God of Abraham we must respond to the damaging influences of over-consumption and pollution that are ruining planet Earth. Believers are well equipped to respond to the many environmental crises—including the larger problem of climate change/global warming. Plastic bags can be deadly for marine life which often mistakes plastic bags for food. We read in the Qur’an, “There is the type of man whose speech about this world’s life may dazzle thee, and he calls God to witness about what is in his heart: yet is he the most contentious of enemies? When he turns his back, his aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth, destroying crops and cattle. But God loves not mischief” (Al-Baqarah: verses 204 and 205). In the Torah we read, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (Genesis 2:15). The Torah also commands us, “You shall not pollute the land in which you live…. You shall not defile the land in which you live…” (Numbers 35:33-34). We believers cannot by our own efforts, “save the earth.” Only God, who is the Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer of all creation, can do that. But we are expected to join God in maintaining his work. We seek to right many of the wrongs we’ve committed. In our homes, in our schools, at our places of work, in our times of recreation, and in our places of worship, we can begin to model creation care. Sam’s efforts to ban plastic debris are known worldwide. Here’s an article from the The Sontagg, Dusseldorf, Germany. (Click image to enlarge). by our abuse of earth. that feed on culture’s greed. to tend our world in need. for creatures great and small. that harms both sea and land. Sam holds a couple of loose plastic bags he found on the ground in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Leaders of the Jeddah community are campaigning to rid the city of plastic debris that lines the streets. “We are a growing community of faithful people from many religious traditions who have decided to work together to save the Earth. We have put aside our religious differences to focus on what we share in common: an understanding that global climate change is threatening our world and a commitment to do something about it. If you share those two beliefs with us then you are already a part of The Genesis Covenant. We are not an organization. We are a community of volunteers from all walks of life. We are people with strong personal religious convictions. We honor that in one another. We do not debate our differences. We celebrate what we share in common. We express our faith through action. We work together not just because we agree, but because we care. We are many traditions united for a single purpose. Here’s a simple way you can make a difference. When you do your grocery shopping refuse plastic carry-out bags. Show that you care about the environment by using reusable shopping bags. One reusable bag, when used consistently for a year, will replace hundreds of plastic bags. The impact of plastic bags is long-lasting. Because of the chemical composition, a plastic bag takes between 500 to 1000 years to decompose. In the US alone more than 100 billion of these plastic bags are distributed by retailers annually. And they are accumulating by the 100s of billions in our landfills, forests and waterways. Not only are these ubiquitous bags an eye-sore in our communities, the consequences of these bags for marine life and animals are often tragic. Many cities, states and nations are banning plastic carry-out bags. While bans on these bags are sweeping the United States, many other nations including China, France, Ireland, England, Kenya have either banned the bags outright or put restrictions on their use. Plastics have so polluted the earth’s oceans that there is now a swirling “soup” of plastic in the North Pacific gyre, at times the size of Africa. But the evidence of the plastic pollution of our waterways and oceans is evident throughout the planet. And it’s accumulating day by day. The United Nations is encouraging the world’s nations to halt the distribution of plastic carry-out bags. “Some of the litter, like thin film single-use plastic bags which choke marine life, should be banned or phased-out rapidly everywhere. There is simply zero justification for manufacturing them anymore, anywhere,” says Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and United Nations Environmental Program executive director. I invite NASA to visit Saudi Arabia! Martian landscape looking eerily like that of the Arabian Desert. The NASA rover Curiosity landed safely in the Gale Crater on August 2012. So, I confess. I’m a space buff—have been since 1970. That’s when I took a course in astronomy at Shelton College. During the past month I’ve been closely following NASA’s Curiosity landing. What an incredible accomplishment—an SUV-sized rover that travelled three-and-a-half months to the red planet, descended like a fire ball through the atmosphere during what NASA called “seven minutes of terror” and then parachuted to the martian surface landing at nearly pinpoint accuracy in the Gale Crater. Curiosity carries the biggest, most advanced suite of scientific instruments ever sent to Mars. The rover will analyze organic samples scooped from the soil and drilled from rocks. According to NASA scientists, the record of the planet’s climate and geology is essentially “written in the rocks and soil.” The rover is looking for the chemical building blocks of life (e.g. forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the martian environment was like in aeons past. Now studying the planet Mars, one might think, means travelling there or exploring only by means of satellites, landings and robots, but that’s not the case. NASA has a Mars research program going on in Mexico’s Chihuahuan Desert, where the vast, scorching plain is said to be very much like ancient Mars. The NASA scientists working in this largely arid and extremely hostile climate are looking for organisms able to survive on a minimum of nutrients, high salinity, soaring temperatures and high ultraviolet radiation. Take a look at the following photo and the photo (inset) that was beamed back from Curiosity to the NASA Mission Control Center in Pasadena, California. It arrived just a couple of days ago. You’ll recognize the incredible similarities between the Arabian desert and Mars’ Gale Crater—pink reddish sand and dust with black volcanic formations and scattered stones. The Saudi mountains and desert landscapes look weirdly similar to the Martian plains and mountains. Here in Saudi Arabia the desert temperatures and climatic conditions are even more radical than those of the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico. Temperatures sometimes sore to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, yet there still exists various forms of life in this grueling climate, including the infamous, giant camel spiders! Sam is proud of America’s accomplishments in space. This is his friend Astronaut Charlie Duke during Charlie’s 1972 Apollo 16 moon walk. Charlie was the 11th man to walk on the moon. Sam spent time with Charlie and his wife Dottie at their home in New Braunsville, Texas. All the holy books of the Jews, Christians and Muslims have a lot to say about the universe. The prophet David wrote in the Psalms, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him?” (Psalm 8:3 and 4). And in the Qur’an we read, “Consider (think about) the sky that is full of great constellations” (85:1). I like gazing up into the Saudi night skies. The stars, planets and moon seem brighter than back home, and the sun appears twice as big as it sets over the Red Sea in the evening sky. By faith I stand in awe of God who is at this very moment millions of light years away among the galaxies, and at this same moment He is also here and is concerned about the plight of the men, women and children of earth. We are taught in the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospels that we humans were created to fellowship with this God (Allah)—to glorify God—to enjoy God forever. Unfathomable! The wonder of it all! Plato and other ancient philosophers developed the cosmological argument for the existence of a divine Creator. When we gaze into the night sky, beholding the cosmos of space, how can we not consider God’s existence and his greatness? The “cosmological argument” for God’s existence derives its title from observing what we can see of the world around us. It begins with what is most obvious to us–the fact that things exist. It is then argued that the cause of those things’ existence had to be a “God-type” being–a Creator. Beginning with Plato, these types of arguments have been put forth by renowned theologians and philosophers. And almost in reverse order of what one might expect, science seeminly caught up with theologians in the 20th century when it was confirmed that the universe had to have had a beginning. In 1912, the American astronomer, Vesto Slipher, made a discovery noticing that the galaxies were moving away from earth at huge velocities. These observations provided the first evidence supporting the expanding-universe theory. Then the “Big Bang” was theorized by leading scientists. The theory was originally postulated in the late 1920s by Georges-Henri Lemaître, a Belgian Catholic priest and astronomer. The theory advanced the concept that our universe was expanding, having originated from one highly super concentrated mass. While the Big Bang theory does not provide any explanation for such an initial condition, it describes and explains the general evolution of the universe from that point forward. But how did it all start? Do our Abrahamic faiths hold any answers? The cosmological argument advances that since there was that scientifically accepted beginning, there then had to be a cause. In the movie Star Wars the cause was called “the Force.” Muslim, Christian and Jewish philosophers of faith agree that the Force is none other than the Eternal One–God (Allah). There are remarkable statements in the Torah, the New Testament and and the Qur’an that appear to confirm the Big Bang! The first words of Genesis read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In the New Testament book of Hebrews, (chapter 11, verse 3), we read these amazing words, “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” When reading the Qur’an I came across this amazing verse, “Don’t the unbelievers see that the universe was once joined together, then God burst it apart. God made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” (21:30). One of the primary objectives of NASA’s Mars probes has long been the search for water on the “Red Planet.” Water, NASA says, contains the building blocks of life. NASA announced November 18, 2012, that, aside from scooping and analyzing Martian soil, Mars rover Curiosity’s measurements of wind and radiation patterns on Mars are helping researchers better understand the environment near the surface of Mars. Researchers with the Mars Science Laboratory mission have identified transient whirlwinds, mapped winds in relation to slopes, tracked changes in air pressure, and linked radiation changes to atmospheric changes. The goal of the mission is to discover whether the environment in Gale Crater, where Curiosity landed earlier this year, could ever have been habitable for microbes. It’s official now! The new moon was sighted two days ago, ending the 30 days of Ramadan. Now we are in the middle of three-days of the public holiday called Eid-al-Fitr (Arabic: ‎عيد الفطر ‘Īdu l-Fiṭr). The holiday is most often simply called Eid. Foreigners and Arabs alike greet one another with the common greeting, “Eid mubarak!” (English: literally “Happy Feast!”). In most Muslim countries celebrants dress in their best clothes and adorn their homes with lights and other decorations. Old wrongs are forgiven and money is given to the poor. Special foods are prepared and friends or relatives are invited to share the feast. Eid is a joyous occasion. Its underlying purpose is to praise God and give thanks to him. More than 2.2 billion Muslims are celebrating Eid around the world! Eman Kaskas oversaw the distribution of food to needy Ethiopian families of Jeddah. Eman also conducted a fundraising dinner for the Dar al Aytam children’s outreach in Lebanon. During my first Ramadan celebration, I often joined my Muslim brothers and sisters in fasting and prayer at our local neighborhood Al Takwa Mosque. I also went along to help distribute food and other gifts to the poorer immigrant populations of Jeddah. Eman Kaskas and the students of the British International School had collected more than two tons of canned meats and vegetables, soups, dates, spices, bags of rice and pastas for distribution. This very generous collection was distributed to Ethiopian immigrant families. Numerous fundraisers were conducted throughout Jeddah and other Saudi cities during the past month to benefit various causes for children, the disabled, the poor and the elderly. Dr. Safi and Eman Kaskas invited guests to a dinner at the Sands Hotel which raised thousands of dollars for the Dar al Aytam children’s home in Beirut, Lebanon. Close to a hundred guests gathered that evening to lend their support to this orphanage that was established nearly a hundred years ago to care for Lebanese orphans of World War I. Since that time Dar al Aytam has expanded its programs to provide services to the mentally disabled as well as homeless children. Services are now available in more than 30 locations (Greater Beirut, The Bekaa Valley, Mount Lebanon, and in various other northern and southern locations). Some American Christians expressed solidarity with Muslims during this special holiday. The Rev. Peter De Franco and the congregation of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Clifton, New Jersey, used Eid as a time to show support for Muslim believers in their town. This past Thursday, a Palestinian American was visiting his father’s grave at a Muslim cemetery in Evergreen Park, a suburb southwest of Chicago, when he noticed obcene graffiti written on the tombstones. During the past month, seven Islamic centers, from California to Rhode Island, have been attacked.In one of the attacks, a mosque in Joplin, Missouri, was burned to the ground. Many US Muslims are appealing to the media and their elected officials for help. Unfortunately, on some occasions, a few individuals like US Representative Joe Walsh, instead of offering hope to their Muslim constituents, are instead fanning the flames of hate. Sam with Dr. Safi Kaskas in Jeddah. Safi is the president of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists in the US. Safi has spent years building bridges of faith and understanding between the world’s Christians, Muslims and Jews. While it’s true that all three Abrahamic faiths (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) have their radical, violent elements; they are simply a noisy minority. They grab headlines by torching buildings or through inflamatory hate speech and through bombing and killing. Some US churches and Christian organizations, including Sojourners, an evangelical Christian outreach, have expressed solidarity with America’s persecuted Muslims and are organizing support for both the Joplin mosque and the Muslim community in Ever Green. The overwhelming majority of those who believe in the God of Abraham, are peace-loving, desiring freedom and democracy for all faiths. Recent polls indicate that greater than 80% of Muslim, Christian and Jewish teenagers and young adults want peace–not war. They have dreams of good jobs, families, homes. They want the best for others and seek to build bridges between their faiths and to support those who are persecuted or wrongly treated. My work alongside Dr. Safi Kaskas here in the Middle East is in the field of religious reconciliation. Our work is vitally important to ongoing peace efforts, in the US, here in the Middle East and around the world. May we all do our part to improve understanding–to reach out to men, women and children; families and individuals who may express their faith differently. And may we vigilantly confront Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and anti-Christian hysteria with good information, loving kindness and hope for a much brighter, more prosperous future for all God’s children. Here in Saudi Arabia I don’t hear church bells, but I do hear a very faithful, heartfelt call to prayer from many mosques five times a day. It’s a call to prayerfully thank God for his mercy and grace and a call to personal and world peace. Saudi Arabia is surrounded by wars and conflicts (Yemen, Somalia and Sudan to the south and east; the Sinai, Lebanon and Syria to the north; Iraq to the northeast; and now a “pending” war between Israel and Iran. There are conflicts in other parts of Africa, and in Asia and South America. It would be easy to give up–to curl up comfortably in our own corner of the world; deaf to those who cry for freedom, uncaring and unconcerned. But that is not what God has called us to do. I thank all my Quaker friends for holding us in the light over here. Your Muslim brothers and sisters here in Jeddah send you their love and greetings, and they join you in prayer for reconciliation and world peace. American Muslims in Washington rally to express their love and devotion to being citizens of the United States. Some of my readers will be surprised to learn that at one point in my life, years ago, I was a very dedicated young Republican. While I’m not proud of some of the positions I took back then, though I did make an effort to think my political positions through to a logical end. Some Republicans today make terribly specious arguments in arriving at whacky, potentially detrimental conclusions. I’m making this personal confession because of news reports I’ve been reading that Michele Bachmann, along with four other Republican members of the US Congress Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Thomas Rooney and Lynn Westmoreland, have asserted that the Muslim Brotherhood has “infiltrated the US government at the highest levels.” The five congressmen have sent letters to five federal agencies demanding an investigation of the Muslim Brotherhood and Muslims working in government positions. The ADL has written letters to these five members of the US Congress, expressing displeasure with their charges. US Secretary of State Clinton with aide Huma Abedin. Abedin was singled out for attack by Bachmann and four other US congressmen. In their letter the five Republican congressmen singled out Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Abedin is married to former Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner, who is Jewish and strongly pro-Israel. Republican Senator John McCain, not mentioning Bachmann or the other lawmakers by name, pointedly criticized their letter. Far too often, a few political leaders speak before they think. Facts don’t seem to matter. What does apparently matter to them is grabbing headlines with provocative anti-Muslim sound bites. But such ill-advised speculation is based on a closed-minded opinionating that “all Muslims are terrorists” or are “sleeper agents” just waiting for the their appointed time to blow up America. Sensationalism may get such people in the news, but these irresponsible individuals are putting American religious liberty and personal freedom at risk, endangering and marginalizing people’s lives–in this case the lives of millions of US Muslims. Extremism is common to all three Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). Imprudent, incendiary rants are far too often effective at breeding further misunderstanding and paranoia–sometimes driving radical elements towards militias, violence, bombing, and killing. And many a home-grown terrorist has been born in reaction to hate speech and feelings of alienation. CNN’s Anderson Cooper entered the fray by televising a brilliant segment on his “Keeping Them Honest” program. It caught my attention this evening here in Saudi Arabia. In his program, Cooper totally debunks Bachmann and company’s latest conspiracy theory. Sam “breaking the fast” on the second evening of Ramadan with Dr. Wael Saykali and Dr. Safi and Eman Kaskas. In all three major Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) religious holidays play an important role in celebrating our faith in the God of Abraham. Here in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I’ll be participating in my first Ramadan observance with my Muslim friends. There is an air of excitement as this holiday begins. Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان‎ Ramaḍān; variations Persian: Ramazan‎; Urdu: Ramzān; Turkish: Ramazan) has arrived. It is being celebrated July 20th through August 18th. It is the ninth month of the lunar Islamic calendar, which lasts 29 or 30 days according to the visual sightings of the crescent moon. Muslims around the world refrain from eating and drinking during the daylight hours. The thawab (spiritual rewards) of fasting are believed to be many, but during this special month, they are said to be multiplied. Muslims fast during this lunar month for the sake of demonstrating submission to God. They also offer more prayers and Qur’an recitations. Each evening at sunset, families and friends will gather for the fast-breaking meal (or “break-fast) known as Iftar. The meal starts with the eating of three dates — just as Muhammad used to do. Then it’s time for the Maghrib prayer, which is the fourth of the five daily Muslim prayers, after which the main meal is served. Over time, Iftar has grown into large family dinners and even banquet festivals. This is a time of fellowship with families, friends and surrounding communities, but may also occupy larger spaces at mosques or banquet halls, where a hundred or more may gather at a time. High school students from Jeddah’s British International School unload more than one ton of food they collected to be distributed to poor immigrant families in their city. Charity is very important in Islam, and even more so during Ramadan. The zakat is obligatory as one of the pillars of Islam; a fixed percentage required to be given by those with savings. The sadaqa is voluntary charity and is given above and beyond what is required from the obligation of zakat. Muslims believe that all good deeds are more handsomely rewarded during Ramadan than in any other month of the year. Consequently, many will choose this time to give a larger portion, if not all, of the zakat for which they are obligated to give. In addition, many will also use this time to give a larger portion of sadaqa in order to maximize the reward they believe will await them on the Day of Judgment. In many Muslim countries, it is not uncommon to see people giving more food to the poor and the homeless, and even to see large public areas for the poor to come and break their fast. It is said that if a person helps a fasting person to break their fast, then they receive a reward for that fast, without diminishing the reward that the fasting person got for their fast. Even in non-Muslim countries, no matter how small the Muslim population, a consistent increase in charitable donations to both fellow Muslims and non-Muslims occurs during these days. In the US, for example, many Muslim communities throughout the country, participate in contributing food, clothes and non-perishable food items to local food banks and homeless shelters. Eman Kaskas with high schoolers from the British International School with some of the food that will be distributed to needy families during the 30-day Ramadan holiday. The British International School of Jeddah offers the International Bachaluriate (IB) program—a high school college preparatory degree that is recognized around the world. An important part of the IB program is Creativity Action Service (CAS) similar to community service programs provided by many American high schools. Students are required to do 150 hours of community service. This year students from Jeddah’s British International School collected more than ton of food that will be distributed during Ramadan to Jeddah’s poorer immigrant population. Eman Kaskas, explains, “It’s my hope that these students will fully understand the message they are sending with their gifts.” She says, “It’s like a mustard seed that we are planting today, and I’m very grateful to know that we’re planting it in good soil.” She wants these students to remember when they have families of their own, that they have a responsibility to raise civicly-minded children who will make an important contribution to society. Sometimes referred to as “the night of decree or measures,” Laylat al-Qadr is considered the most holy night of the Islamic year. Muslims believe that it is the night in which the Qur’an was first revealed to the prophet Muhammad by the Archangel Gabriel. The Muslim holiday of Eid ul-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر‎, festivity of breaking the fast), sometimes spelled in English as Eid al-Fitr, marks the end of Ramadan and the beginning of the next lunar month called Shawwal in Arabic. This first day of the following month is declared after another crescent new moon has been sighted. This first day of Shawwal is called Eid ul-Fitr. Eid Ul-Fitr, may also be a reference towards the festive nature of having endured the month of fasting successfully and returning to the more natural disposition of being able to eat and drink. The following is a children’s Ramadan video that explains the spiritual significance of this Muslim holiday. Muslim children celebrate Ramadan in much the same way Jewish and Christian children celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas.
Market Urbanism is the cross between free-market policies and urban issues. But what does that mean in concrete terms? Below is an issue-by-issue breakdown of Market Urbanism's practical application in cities. The list is not comprehensive, and certain issues may be subject to different interpretations. But this document gives a general overview. If you have feedback, please provide it in the comments. For further info on the MU concept, and The Market Urbanism Report organization, visit the About page. While there are many government programs dedicated to affordable housing, the best solution of all comes from the private sector - let developers build to meet demand. In hot real estate markets, this will lead to rapid housing construction, followed by price stabilization. The best example of this theory playing out in the U.S. is metro Houston, which since 2010 has been 2nd in the nation in population growth, but tops in added housing supply - maintaining home price medians that are below the national average. Read more here. ADUs are additional units that are attached to or detached from existing homes, and can be sold or rented. They include basement apartments, backyard cottages, overhead garage units, and more. Often illegal, they are a crucial, if not comprehensive, way to create more housing units without changing neighborhood character. Airports are a crucial leg in America's urban transit system. They are also, generally speaking, heavily-regulated public utilities that under-perform and provide poor customer service. There are a number of market-oriented airport reforms that should be tested, from applying congestion charging on runways to appropriate user fees in terminals. Read more here. Buses are often a cheaper and more flexible way for governments to provide transit, namely in disperse cities - such as most cities in the U.S. Buses have also fortunately become a growing private sector provision. This ranges from formal companies like Chariot and Megabus; to technically-illegal ones like the dollar vans in New York City; to the employee shuttles provided by various corporations. Business Improvement Districts, while varying in structure, are when merchants or property owners in a given neighborhood pool resources and form a corporation, which then uses that money to make area improvements. Sometimes dismissed as "privatization", BIDs are an example of where private resources are leveraged to improve public amenities, often where the local government has failed at this. Charter schools are supported on the premise that they a) give children a choice in which school they can attend, beyond which one happens to be in their neighborhood, b) provide more specialization than a traditional large public school, and c) privatize a service that local governments sometimes struggle to provide effectively. For more details, see the "privatization" tab below. Congestion pricing is a user-fee toll mechanism that prices the use of something based on current demand, and on the negative externalities users impose onto others. It is generally advocated as an electronic charging system for roads, and would be particularly useful on roads that lead into crowded urban areas like Manhattan or San Francisco. Urban density - meaning in this case the compact concentration of people and housing in a given area - is a social good. It's efficient for cities, since they can generate more tax revenue from given land plots. It's good for the economy, since density has been found to spur job and wealth production. Most importantly, it is likely a market outcome, since denser construction allows developers to maximize the value of their land. Sometimes called "architectural review boards", these are government committees that are usually appointed by elected officials, and tasked with dictating the look of new construction. These boards slow the approval process, strip control from property owners, and often produce mediocre designs, since multiple members must reach final agreements on color, material use, massing and more. Design review boards are another counter-productive regulatory layer. To pretty much any urbanist, form-based codes (which enforce neo-traditional, New Urban design principles) are preferable to Euclidean zoning (which mandates sprawl and separation of uses). But form-based codes are still a regulatory means by which governments socially engineer cities. And they're not a particularly smart one, as some codes still limit density, mandate car infrastructure, and enforce rigid standards that are out-of-step with consumer tastes. Much of the cause for gentrification is that people can’t live where they want. If given a choice, they would locate in wealthy areas with lots of jobs. But because those areas have restrictive zoning, they instead settle for cheaper housing in minority neighborhoods, which causes gentrification. The answer is to upzone the wealthy areas, which will alleviate the population pressures now being imposed on the gentrifying ones. Read more here. In the abstract, preservation policies are great, since they save buildings that look nice and/or are historically significant. But in many cities, preservation policies are taken too far. Cities such as New York and San Francisco, which deal with extreme housing shortages, stick historic overlays onto entire neighborhoods, severely limiting much-needed new development. Worse yet, preservation labels can be stuck dubiously onto buildings with no historic or architectural merit, by obstructionists who want to stop new development. Read more here. The "housing first" policy that has become planning dogma is, broadly speaking, a sound one. Providing housing for the chronically homeless and mentally ill has proven to be cheaper for cities and better for the homeless. That does not, however, mean expensive government programs are the best way to house them. While sometimes necessary, cities should also experiment with small, cheap housing types that are now often illegal - micro units, boarding homes, tiny homes, modular construction, dorms, trailer parks and more. Above all, cities should reduce the barriers to construction for all housing, which would make inexpensive starter homes more common. Read more here. Homeowners associations - or similar legal entities like deed restrictions and covenants - are a Market Urbanist alternative to zoning. They are private arrangements between developers and individual homeowners to regulate neighborhood character, including the look, density and use of given homes. They generally influence specific, privately-managed areas, rather than entire cities. Read more here. Inclusionary Zoning is like a modern, watered-down version of rent control. While IZ policies vary, the idea is that developers must, to build at a higher density or at all, rent or sell given percentages of their units at certain prices. It is thus effectively a price control, and has been found to have the same negative consequences as other price controls. It forces developers either to cover their losses by charging more for market-rate units; or prevents them from building altogether. Read more here. LVT is likely the best tax to levy on cities, assuming it replaces the other taxes. Since it is applied to the upfront value of land, it discourages speculation and encourages optimum uses. Whereas other taxes, such as sales, property and income taxes, discourage the very activities and improvements they are taxing. LVT also lets governments recoup the value of public investments. Because these investments increase the value of land, that will be captured in the tax receipts on the land. "Localism", or the belief that decision-making in cities should be done by municipal or regional governments, is generally sound. The federal government has too much power over - and takes too much money from - cities. Whenever that money comes back, it arrives with stipulations that prevent the money from being used well. One area where localist policy has failed, however, is housing. Municipal governments have caved to NIMBY voices, and preserved the dated zoning codes that cause unit shortages (see "Zoning", below). State policies that weaken these zoning laws should be supported. Read more here. Micro transit is the small-scale transit offerings that have emerged recently in cities - think bikeshare, rideshare, scooters, skateboards and shuttles - and are worthy of celebration. They are more profitable than traditional public transit and require less infrastructure. Depending on one's perspective, micro transit will either bolster traditional transit - by fixing the first-mile/last-mile problem - or replace it, by proving more mobile and cost-effective. Read more here. Minimum lot size requirements are what they sound like - regulations that prevent homes from going on lots smaller than the mandated minimum. This reduces the dwelling units per acre, and thus the density of given areas. Their common outcome is to encourage sprawling land-use patterns, rather than traditional urban patterns where buildings are closely clustered. This is one of the big Market Urbanism issues. Minimum parking requirements - which mandate developers to build a given number of parking spaces, depending on the size or unit number in their buildings - have various ill effects. They consume space within buildings or on lots that could be used for housing; they raise the price of each unit; they make buildings unattractive; and they increase automobile reliance. Read more here. Occupational licenses are something many entrepreneurs must obtain to enter even simple professions, such as hairstyling and landscaping. The occupational licensing process has grown with time, with licenses sometimes costing thousands of dollars and years to obtain. These regulations discourage entrepreneurship in cities, and should be reduced, or in many cases, abolished. Read more here. Public paratransit systems, which serve handicapped people, are famously bad in cities. Patrons often must schedule a day in advance to get picked up, only for the rides to arrive early or late. Various rideshare services are notably good in America, having mastered the idea of on-demand, 5-minute pickups. And now they run their own paratransit systems, meaning cities should contract with them. A Market Urbanism parking policy would involve, above all else, not making it free. This means, on one hand, allowing private property owners to build the amount of parking (and charge for it) as they wish, rather than forcing minimum parking requirements. On the other hand, it means ending municipal policies that give away on-street parking for free, rather than subjecting it to dynamic pricing. These positions are largely borrowed from Donald Shoup, a UCLA professor who pioneered the notion of market-rate parking policy. Read more here. Market Urbanism is premised on the idea that cities should not be planned by governments. Urban planning has a fraught history in the U.S., from the urban renewal of the postwar era, to the hyper-local "community planning" that today spurs so much Nimbyism. Just as well, the organic, bottom-up urbanism that results from market forces makes for denser, more livable, more aesthetically-pleasing cities. For proof, just look at the dense cities - New York, San Francisco, Boston, etc. - that Americans cherish today. All were mostly built before planning. Read more here. If city governments do not have a comparative advantage at running a particular service, they should not hire internal staff to try and manage it. Instead, they should outsource those services to the private or non-profit sectors, signing those organizations to short-term, performance-based contracts. This should apply not only to schools (listed above), but to any number of services - transit, waste management, street cleaning, park management, even policing. Despite what many housing activists propose today, public housing has been a social disaster, and should be a supply option of last resort. If cities took the basic step of liberalizing land use, housing would be abundant and cheap, and public housing less necessary. However, if public housing must exist, it should be outsourced, so that facility management is no longer the domain of historically corrupt and incompetent public agencies. The opposite of the above-listed "privatization" would be modern public sector unions. These are large government bureaucracies that now control given services, regulate away competition, and can't be fired. This means they have effective monopolies over the services they operate, leading to various inefficiencies. These unions - such as the several that operate Bay Area Rapid Transit - deliver poor services, frequently strike, and demand pay that surpasses what they would receive in an open market. Just as urban America's disperse built pattern is conducive to buses, it is hostile to rail transit. The decision to build rail systems regardless in sprawling metros like Dallas, Houston and Phoenix has been a mistake. However, private rail transit used to function in America's dense cities before the industry was harmed by the government. And existing rail systems would likely operate much better if they were privatized, or at least adopted private sector principles. Some private rail even continues getting built in America, such as Brightline in Florida. Read more here. When governments enforce rent control or rent stabilization, they are violating a basic economic law by imposing price controls. The results over many decades have been the same as with other price controls: these rental laws discourage construction of new units, and cause under-maintenance or abandonment of existing ones. Rent control also prevents turnover among housing tenants, making units more expensive for new people entering the market. Read more here. The rideshare industry - most famously Uber and Lyft - enables individuals to use their cars as taxicabs, and is an essential way for cities to improve mobility. This will only continue, as the industry evolves into carpooling and other jitney services. The most common gripe against ridesharing - that it increases congestion - is easily dismissed. Just implement congestion charging (see above), and it will mitigate these negative impacts. Read more here. Setback requirements are regulations that mandate structures to be built at a certain distance from the street or property line. They harm cities, by reducing the space that can be used for housing, and by imposing suburban design standards. The Market Urbanism take on sprawl is straightforward: it needs to follow a market. Sprawl should therefore be allowed in cases where it pays for itself, via impact fees or other market-based infrastructure payment methods. It should also be defended against arbitrary government policies that stop it, such as Urban Growth Boundaries (see below). Sprawl should not, however, be a goal or formal policy of the government. Yet it has been for decades, through a variety of federal, state & local measures: the Interstate Highway System, urban renewal, FHA loan guidelines, single-family zoning, density restrictions, and on and on. Read more here. TIF is a value capture method in which a boundary is drawn around a specific area, an amenity is financed within that area through bonding, and a special tax structure is applied on properties within the area, to pay the debt. TIF is sound in theory, but has been used in dubious ways. Rather than financing basic infrastructure, like parks and libraries, it often subsidizes crony schemes such as stadiums, malls and big-box retail. Many TIF projects have been a net loss for taxpayers. Read more here. Tolls are a superior alternative to the current socialized model for financing roads, in which gas taxes are collected, sent to federal and state transportation departments, and then redistributed through a political process. Tolls are more direct, since they charge drivers based on their use of the road - often to the mile - and can be price-adjusted, thus managing demand and reducing congestion. The revenue generated from the tolls can then be used to maintain or pay off the debt of these roads. Read more here. Urban Growth Boundaries are a textbook case of government social engineering. Public bureaucracies (such as Metro, a regional government for greater Portland) draw arbitrary lines past which development can't occur. These boundaries violate property rights, increase housing costs, induce leapfrog sprawl, cordon people into specific areas, and inhibit the ability for major metros to form agglomeration economies. Read more here. Federal postwar urban renewal policies were arguably the worst planning decision in U.S. history. Dense urban neighborhoods were seized through eminent domain, demolished, and replaced with government highways. The displaced were warehoused into high-rise public housing that destroyed neighborhoods. While planning bureaucracies are less top-down today, such hubris still exists in incremental ways. Eminent domain still occurs in the name of "economic development"; subsidized roads still harm neighborhoods; and planners themselves still dictate the urban layout. Read more here. User fees are preferable to taxation as a funding means for many government services. They ensure that the only people paying for a service are the users; help determine whether services are self-sustaining; and provide a dedicated funding stream (as opposed to charging higher taxes) that helps maintain service quality. The best-known type of user fee may be road tolls (mentioned above), but such fees can be applied to transit, airports, trash pickup, water usage, and much more. Value capture is a taxation method in which property owners are taxed for the value added to their property as a result of public investments. The idea is that governments recoup the true value of their infrastructure (which is paid for by the public), rather than passing it on to a few area stakeholders. Value capture is a market-oriented form of taxation, and is embodied in programs such as tax increment financing, land value taxes, special assessments, air rights sales, and more. Last but not least, Market Urbanism is an ideology averse to zoning. Although zoning was first justified by the Supreme Court as a way to separate incompatible uses, it has origins in racial and class exclusion. Nowadays, zoning's reach and power has grown beyond reasonable proportion. It can be used to dictate a building's density, design, massing, and color, or the use of any parcel in a municipality. This violates property rights, but in many areas, zoning creates much larger social problems than just that. By severely limiting where and how land can be developed, zoning has gripped cities in mass housing shortages, stifling population growth and forcing certain income groups out. Read more here.
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If you fail to comply with this obligation, we may have a right of action against you for compensation. 5.1 All orders are subject to availability. 5.2 We reserve the right to withdraw any Products from the site at any time before we accept your order, and we will not be liable to you, or anyone else, for withdrawing Products. 5.3 Your order will be fulfilled by the delivery date set out in the Dispatch Confirmation or, if no delivery date is specified, then within a reasonable time (30 days if you are contracting as a consumer) of the date of the Dispatch Confirmation, unless there are exceptional circumstances. 5.4 You shall have no right to damages or to cancel the Contract for failure for any cause to meet any delivery time stated or estimated nor shall you be entitled to make, or to purport to make, time for delivery of the essence of the Contract. 5.5 We will endeavour to comply with reasonable requests by you for postponement of delivery of the Products but will be under no obligation to do so. Where delivery is postponed, otherwise than due to our default then, without prejudice to all other rights and remedies available to us, we may require you to pay all costs and expenses, including a reasonable charge for storage and transportation so occasioned. 5.6 Section32(2) of the Sale of Goods Act1979 shall not apply. We shall not be required to give you the notice specified in Section32(3) of that Act. 5.7 You shall be solely responsible for obtaining all import authorisations and paying any import duty as further described in clause 16. 5.8 Without prejudice to clause 5.7, we will not be liable for any delay in delivering, or failure to deliver the Products where such delay or failure occurs as a result of the UK Government Export Control Organisation (or any replacement organisation from time to time) delaying the grant of, or refusing to grant any required export authorisations. 6.1 Packaging supplied by us is intended to provide adequate protection in normal conditions of transit of expected duration. 7.1 The Products will be at your risk (so that you are then responsible for all loss or deterioration of the Products or for any damage occurring) from the time the Product in question leaves our premises. 7.3 We may recover Products in respect of which title has not passed to you at any time and you irrevocably licence us, our officers, employees and agents to enter upon any of your premises, with or without vehicles, for the purpose either of satisfying ourself that clause 7.4 below is being complied with by you or of recovering any Products in respect of which title has not passed to you. 7.4 Until title to the Products has passed to you under these terms and conditions it shall, if we so require, store the Products separately from other goods and shall ensure that they are clearly identifiable as belonging to us. During such time as you possess the Products with our consent, you may in the normal course of your business sell or hire the Products as principal but without committing us to any liability to the person dealing with you. 8.1 The price of any Products will be as quoted on our site, except in cases of obvious error. 8.2 The prices quoted are net ex-works exclusive of VAT, which will be payable by you in addition. 8.3 The prices exclude delivery costs, which will be added to the total amount due and will be displayed in the order process. 8.4 Prices are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders in respect of which we have already sent you an Order Confirmation. 8.5 Our site contains a large number of Products and it is always possible that, despite our best efforts, some of the Products listed on our site may be incorrectly priced. We will normally verify prices as part of our dispatch procedures so that, where a Product's correct price is less than our stated price, we will charge the lower amount when dispatching the Product to you. If a Product´s correct price is higher than the price stated on our site, we will normally, at our discretion, either contact you for instructions before dispatching the Product, or reject your order and notify you of such rejection. 8.6 We are under no obligation to provide the Product to you at the incorrect (lower) price, even after we have sent you a Dispatch Confirmation, if the pricing error is obvious and unmistakeable and could have reasonably been recognised by you as a mis-pricing. 8.7 Payment for all Products must be by credit or debit card. We accept payment with Visa, Mastercard, Switch, Maestro, and Solo. 9.1 When you return a Product to us because you have contracted as a consumer and have cancelled the Contract between us within the seven-day cooling-off period (see clause 4 above), we will process the refund due to you as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 days of the day you have given notice of your cancellation. In this case, we will refund the price of the Product in full, including the cost of sending the item to you. However, you will be responsible for the cost of returning the item to us. 9.2 Subject to a consumer's right to return Products pursuant to clause 4 above, Products returned to us without our written consent will under no circumstances be accepted for credit/refund. Where you are entitled to a refund, we will process the refund/credit due to you as soon as possible. 10.1 We reserve the right to alter the dimensions or composition of the Products supplied to conform to applicable standards or laws or otherwise within reasonable limits having regard to the nature of the Products. 10.2 The information contained in the advertising, sales and technical literature issued by us including any illustrations, performance details, examples of installations and methods of assembly and all other technical data in such literature are for general guidance only. No such information or data shall form part of the Contract unless you shall have complied with clause 15.2 relating to statements and representations and we shall have given the confirmation referred to in that clause. 11.1 This clause 11 does not apply to third party products, please refer to clause 14 for further detail. 11.2.3 we are given an opportunity to inspect the Products and investigate any complaint before any use of or alteration to or interference with the Products. 11.3 If a complaint is not made to us as provided in this clause 11, the Products shall be deemed to be in all respects in accordance with the Contract (subject only to clause 10). 12.1 This clause 12 does not apply to third party products. Please refer to clause 14 for futher detail. 12.2.2 the complaint is sent within 12months of the date of delivery of the Products or, in the case of an item not manufactured by us, within the guarantee period specified by the manufacturer of such item. 12.3 You shall not be entitled to claim in respect of any repairs or alterations undertaken by us without our prior specific written consent nor in respect of any defect arising by reason of fair wear and tear or damage due to accident, neglect or misuse nor in respect of any Products to which alterations have been made without such consent or to which replacement parts not supplied by us have been fitted. 12.4 We shall not be liable for (and you shall indemnify us against claims arising from) loss or damage suffered by reason of use of the Products after you become aware of a defect. 12.5 We may within 28 days of receiving a written complaint inspect the Products and you, if so required by us, shall take all steps necessary to enable us to do so. 13.1 Our sole and exclusive warranty is that Products manufactured by us and sold to you will at the time of delivery be constructed of sound materials and be of good workmanship. 13.2.3 any defect we find on our inspection to be due solely to defective workmanship or materials. 13.3.3 for loss or damage suffered by reason of use of the Products after you become aware of a defect. 13.4 If we do so repair or rectify the Product or supply satisfactory replacement Products or issue a credit you shall be bound to accept such repaired or replacement Product or the credit and we shall be under no liability in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever arising either from the initial delivery of the defective Product or from the delay before the defective Product is repaired or replaced or the credit is issued. 13.5 We will not accept returns of allegedly defective goods unless we have issued prior consent in writing to you. 13.6 All Products which pursuant to specific agreement are to be returned to us must be shipped prepaid by you. We shall pay the costs of the return of repaired or replacement Products to you. We will also refund the delivery charges for sending a defective Product to you where it is returned to us in accordance with these terms. 13.7 The warranty in this clause 13 is intended solely for the benefit of you. All claims must be made by you and not by any other person, firm or company who may have possession of the Products. 13.8.2 our liability shall be limited to the guarantee (if any) which we receive from the manufacturer or supplier of the Products. 13.9 We do not warrant the fitness or suitability of the Products for any particular purpose or application and the implied warranties and conditions contained in Sections13,14 and15 of the Sale of Goods Act1979 (as amended) and Sections3,4 and5 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act1982 and any other condition or warranty implied by trade custom or usage are expressly excluded. 14.1 Certain Products sold by us via the site are not manufactured by us but are manufactured by third parties (the "Third Party Products"). 14.2. The warranty that applies to each Third Party Product is the manufacturer's warranty for that Third Party Product. We do not provide any warranties ourselves in respect of Third Party Products. 14.3 Your remedy in respect of a defect in a Third Party Product depends on the individual manufacturer's policy and warranty. Any claim you wish to make in respect of a Third Party Product should be made under and in accordance with the terms of the manufacturer's warranty. If you are unsure of how to do this, please contact us. 15.1 Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions, all other terms, conditions or warranties whatsoever are excluded from the Contract unless expressly accepted in writing by us. If you are contracting as a consumer, this clause does not exclude in relation to the Products any statutory implied warranties that arise under section 14(2) and section 13(3) of the Sale of Goods Act 1979, as amended from time to time to the extent that same cannot be excluded. 15.2 If any statement or representation has been made to you by us or our officers, employees or agents upon which you wish to rely you shall only be entitled to do so if the statement or representation is attached to or endorsed on your Dispatch Confirmation and then only if we subsequently confirm in writing to you that you are entitled to rely on the statement or representation. 15.3 Subject to clause 13, we shall be under no liability to you for any loss, damage or injury, direct or indirect, resulting from defects in design, materials or workmanship or otherwise (and whether or not caused by our negligence or our employees or agents) other than liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence. 15.4 Subject to clause 13, we shall have no liability for any indirect or consequential losses or expenses suffered by you, however caused, and including without limitation, loss of anticipated profits, goodwill, reputation, business receipts or contracts, or losses or expenses resulting from third party claims. 15.5 Our aggregate liability to you whether for negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise shall in no circumstances exceed the purchase price of the Product you purchased. 17.1 All drawings, documents, confidential records, computer software and other information supplied by us, whether produced by itself or a third party, are supplied on the express understanding that copyright is reserved to us (or the third party) and that you will not, without our written consent, give away, loan, exhibit or sell any such drawings, documents, records, software or other information or extracts from them or copies of them or use them in any way except in connection with the Products in respect of which they are issued. 17.2 All claims for alleged infringement of patents, trade marks, registered designs, design right or copyright received by you relating to the Products must be notified immediately to us. If requested by us, we shall be entitled to have conduct of any proceedings relating to any such claim in such manner as we think fit and you will provide to us such reasonable assistance as we may request. The cost of any such proceedings will be borne by us. 17.3 If any allegation shall be made against you to the effect that the supply of such of the Products as are manufactured by us infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party or we have reason to believe that any such allegation is likely to be made, we may at our option and expense modify or replace the Products so as to avoid the infringement (but without adversely effecting the overall performance of the Products), or obtain for the benefit of you the right to continue to use the Products, or repurchase the Products at the contract price as reduced by a reasonable provision for depreciation. If we pursue any of such options, you will have no rights or remedies against us arising directly or indirectly out of the alleged infringement. Furthermore, on no account will you be liable for consequential or other indirect loss, loss of profits or wasted expenditure which arises in consequence of an infringement or alleged infringement of intellectual property rights relating to the goods. 18.1 Applicable laws require that some of the information or communications we send to you should be in writing. When using our site, you accept that communication with us will be mainly electronic. We will contact you by e-mail or provide you with information by posting notices on the site. For contractual purposes, you agree to this electronic means of communication and you acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. This condition does not affect your statutory rights. 18.1 All notices given by you to us must be given in writing to Clyde Space Limited at 5B Skypark 5, 45 Finnieston Street, Glasgow, g3 8JU or by email to enquiries@clyde.space. We may give notice to you at either the e-mail or postal address you provide to us when placing an order, or in any of the ways specified in clause 18 above. Notice will be deemed received and properly served immediately when posted on our website, 24hours after an e-mail is sent, or threedays after the date of posting of any letter. In proving the service of any notice, it will be sufficient to prove, in the case of a letter, that such letter was properly addressed, stamped and placed in the post and, in the case of an e-mail, that such e-mail was sent to the specified e-mail address of the addressee. 20.1 We shall be under no liability for any failure to perform any of our obligations under the Contract if and to the extent that the failure is caused by act of God, governmental restriction, condition or control or by reason of any act done or not done pursuant to a trade dispute, shortages of labour or materials or breakdown of machinery or any other matter (whether or not similar to the foregoing) outside our control. 21.1.2 you shall indemnify, reimburse and compensate us for all losses and damages (including costs, expenses and charges for legal actions in which we may be involved) which we may incur, or have to bear, if any claim or claims shall be made against us, pursuant to the Act or otherwise, relating to the composite or other products in circumstances in which the Products supplied by us are either (i)not the defective part of the composite or other product, or (ii)are only rendered the defective part or became a defective product by reason of acts or omissions of you or a third party (including without limitation the supply of defective free issue materials), or (iii)are only rendered the defective part or became a defective product by reason of instructions or warnings given by you or other supplier of the composite or other products. 21.2 For the purposes of clause 21.1 only, the word "defective" shall be interpreted in accordance with the definition of "defect" contained in Part1 of the Act. 21.3 You acknowledge that you are under a duty to pass on to your customers all instructions, information and warnings supplied to it by us with the Products. 22.1 The Contract is entered into between you and us as principals and you shall not be entitled to assign the benefit or delegate the burden of it or of any interest in it without our prior written consent. We shall be entitled to sub-contract the whole or part of our obligations under the Contract and to assign our rights or interest in the Contract. 23.1 The occurrence or non-occurrence of an event associated with Economic and Monetary Union will not of itself discharge the contract, or entitle one party unilaterally to vary or terminate it. 24.1 A person who is not a party to the Contract (a "third party") shall have no rights whether in contract or at law to enforce any of these conditions. Any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available otherwise at law is not affected. 25.1 If we fail, at any time during the term of a Contract, to insist upon strict performance of any of your obligations under the Contract or any of these terms and conditions, or if we fail to exercise any of the rights or remedies to which we are entitled under the Contract, this shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies and shall not relieve you from compliance with such obligations. 25.2 A waiver by us of any default shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default. 25.3 No waiver by us of any of these terms and conditions shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and is communicated to you in writing in accordance with clause 19 above. 26.1 If any of these terms and conditions or any provisions of the Contract are determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such term, condition or provision will to that extent be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and provisions which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law. 27.1 These terms and conditions and any document expressly referred to in them represent the entire agreement between us in relation to the subject matter of any Contract and supersede any prior agreement, understanding or arrangement between us, whether oral or in writing. 27.2 We each acknowledge that, in entering into a Contract, neither of us has relied on any representation, undertaking or promise given by the other or be implied from anything said or written in negotiations between us prior to such Contract except as expressly stated in these terms and conditions. 27.3 Neither of us shall have any remedy in respect of any untrue statement made by the other, whether orally or in writing, prior to the date of any Contract (unless such untrue statement was made fraudulently) and the other party´s only remedy shall be for breach of contract as provided in these terms and conditions. 28.1 We have the right to revise and amend these terms and conditions from time to time to reflect changes in market conditions affecting our business, changes in technology, changes in payment methods, changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements and changes in our system's capabilities. 28.2 You will be subject to the policies and terms and conditions in force at the time that you order products from us, unless any change to those policies or these terms and conditions is required to be made by law or governmental authority (in which case it will apply to orders previously placed by you), or if we notify you of the change to those policies or these terms and conditions before we send you the Dispatch Confirmation (in which case we have the right to assume that you have accepted the change to the terms and conditions, unless you notify us to the contrary within sevenworking days of receipt by you of the Products). 29.1 Contracts for the purchase of Products through our site will be governed by Scots law. Any dispute arising from, or related to, such Contracts shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts. 29.2 The schedule to the Uniform Law on International Sales Act1967 shall not apply to the Contract.
Busse M, Al-Madfai H, Kenkre J, Landwehrmeyer GB, Bentivoglio A, Rosser A, The European Huntington’s Disease Network C. Utilisation of Healthcare and Associated Services in Huntington’s disease: a data mining study. PLOS Currents Huntington Disease. 2010 Dec 23 . Edition 1. doi: 10.1371/currents.RRN1206. Monica Busse Senior Lecturer; School of Healthcare Studies, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF14 4XN. Hasan Al-Madfai Senior Manager; Statistics and R&D. Joyce Kenkre Health, Sport and Science, University of Glamorgan Pontypridd UK. AnnaRita Bentivoglio Istitutodi Neurologia, Istituto di neurologia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy. Anne Rosser Professor of Neurology at Cardiff University, Cardiff. Background: People with Huntington’s disease (HD) often require tailored healthcare and support packages that develop as the disease progresses. The Client Service Receipt Inventory (CSRI) gathers retrospective information on service utilization. This study investigated the use of formal services and informal care as measured by the CSRI and explored associations between informal care, disease severity and functional ability as measured by the Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale Total Motor Score (UHDRS-TMS) and functional scales. Methods: All monitored longitudinal data from annual clinical assessments of UHDRS-TMS and functional assessments and CSRI collected under the auspices of the European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN) REGISTRY study between the years 2004 and 2009 were utilised in the analyses. Disease severity was reflected by UHDRS-TMS. Functional ability was measured using the UHDRS functional scales. CSRI data were analysed according to percentage use of individual formal services and total estimated hours per week of informal care. Regression analyses were conducted to identify any associations between disease severity, functional ability and hours of informal care. Results: 451 HD patients (212 female; 239 male) completed one visit; 105 patients (54 females; 51 males) completed two visits and 47 patients (20 females; 27 males) completed three visits in total over the 5 year period. The mean time between visits was 1.2 years. At visit one, 74% of the participants reported being in receipt of at least one formal hospital-based service in the previous six months, and 89% reported receipt of formal primary and community care services. In contrast, at the third visit, 62% of people had used hospital based services and 94% formal community based services in the previous six months. Fifty % of individuals required some form of informal care in the home at visit 1; this increased to 68% at visits 2 and 3. The mean (SD) estimated weekly total informal care hours at visits 1, 2 and 3 were 32.8 (49.4); 21.6 (53.6) and 21.3 (62.4) respectively. Only the scores on the Functional Assessment Scale (FAS) accounted for the variance in the weekly total informal care hours at each visit. Conclusions: Although it must be acknowledged that service use is supply driven, most HD patients across Europe surveyed as part of this study were in receipt of formal primary and community care services and to a lesser extent formal hospital based services. There was however a large reliance on informal care in the home. The FAS appear to have predictive value on informal care requirements and may have utility in facilitating pro-active service provision and in particular when managing carer burden in this population. There were no major sources of funding for this work. Each author is supported by their current individual institution. Huntington’s disease (HD) is an inherited, neurodegenerative disease resulting in clinical symptoms of progressive movement disorder, cognitive defects and behavioural changes that ultimately affects a person’s ability to participate independently in activities of daily living, work and community. With an approximately 20 year time course from symptom onset, death usually results from complications of falls, dysphagia, or aspiration . Over the course of the disease, the person with HD will require a range of generic and specialist professional services and flexible, co-ordinated practical and psychological support depending on the stage of condition and that person’s functional status. In the earlier stages of the disease, healthcare focuses on maintaining and/or preventing decline in mental and physical functioning. Later on in the disease, care is usually more supportive in nature. Although cognition and behavioural problems have a greater incidence in people requiring full time care, advanced motor impairment has been found to be the greatest predictor of nursing home placement in HD patients . Successful care will usually involve the efforts of a multi-disciplinary team working closely with the family to optimize quality of life over the life span of the disease . Here, care of the person with HD should be person-centred with the person with HD and their immediate family linked to the multi-disciplinary team for appropriate medical, health and social care so as to maximize function and prepare for future challenges . Health professionals involved in the care of the person with HD may include the General practitioner, Psychiatrist, Neurologist, Geneticist, Psychologist, Social Worker, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist and Community and/or specialist nurse . Social services and home help or nursing may also be crucial. The diverse nature of symptoms seen in different individuals with HD, over time and involving various services make care planning and service development complex . There have been suggestions that due to these complexities, in many cases, care needs are unmet both in the earlier and more palliative stages of the disease . The complexity in provision of care requirements also often results in the family members i.e. informal carers undertaking the overall responsibility for care . Informal care is that which is delivered by non-expert carers who are usually family or friends, may range from full time care from person who lives with the HD patient to intermittent input from someone living elsewhere. Informal care will vary according to the needs of the person with HD and may range from looking after all personal needs to help with shopping and care of home on less frequent basis. Informal carers are often required to provide both psychological and practical support over extended periods of time and the impact on their quality of life as a result of supporting the person with HD at home should certainly not be underestimated . Informal care is also not subject to audit or regulation and may not always be optimal for the person with HD and for the person providing that care. To be able to ensure that care needs are met, appropriate and informed service planning is required. The first step in this process is to quantify actual use of formal healthcare resources and the balance between formal care services and informal care use. Knowledge of such data has the potential to facilitate appropriate planning and resource allocation in line with standards of excellence for chronic conditions management. In the United Kingdom, a National Service Framework for people with Long Term Neurological Conditions (LTNCs) sets out quality requirements for care. These include prioritisation for personal care and support with appropriate support for family and carers and access to appropriate aids and home adaptations to promote living at home to facilitate living at home for as long as is able with as high a quality of life as possible . In order to evaluate whether such quality standards are being met, current service use needs to be described. There is an on-going programme of study evaluating service use in rare LTNCs (RESULT study) (http://www.ltnc.org.uk/research_files/RESULT_study.html) for this specific purpose but to date no data is available in published literature of specific service receipt in HD patients. The Client Service Receipt Inventory (CSRI) questionnaire was developed specifically to provide information on service utilisation and ultimately inform service delivery by collecting retrospective information on service related issues. It is an established tool and has been used in a range of research studies including mental health outreach services, community nursing services and community care of older people and people with challenging behaviour . The questionnaire schedule is designed for interviewer/researcher administration with the person receiving the services assisted by their main carer as required. The retrospective period is fixed according to the population being investigated and according to the specific aims of the research. It therefore varies by the research design in question and allows capture of information on rarer services that may be received in a set time period whilst not being subject to the problems of recall bias. The service receipt section is the core of the CSRI ; for each service type, the number and average duration of contacts is recorded and used to summarise particular care packages, illustrate the variety of services used and in particular determine how resources are allocated. HD patients at different stages of the disease will have particular health care needs requiring specific combinations of health services and this will have associated service planning implications. Clear assessment of disease impact and severity alongside healthcare resource use is a key requirement for resource planning and predicting future care needs. Disease severity is routinely quantified using the Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scales (UHDRS) , a disease specific rating system that is used to assess the severity of disease. With the UHDRS, specific domains of clinical performance namely motor ability, cognition and behaviour are assessed. The motor rating involves 31 questions representing oculomotor, speech, motor, and gait findings rated on a 0- to 4-point scale (4 most impaired). The cognitive assessments incorporate verbal fluency, ability to pair numbers with figures and selective attention whilst the behavioural assessment considers severity and frequency of mood, anxiety, aggression, psychosis, and other behavioural abnormalities. The UHDRS functional components comprise three ordinal components, namely the functional assessment scale (FAS) (an activities of daily living checklist with range 0 to 25), the Independence scale (IS) (range 10-100), and the Total Functional Capacity (TFC) (range 0 to 13). Scores on the TFC can further represent five stages in the neurodegenerative disease process: stage I represents scores from 13-11; stage II, scores of 10-7; stage III, scores of 6-3; stage IV, scores of 2-1; and stage V, a score of 0. The independence scale has a range of 10 to 100 units and evaluates dependence on care from total care required to no special care needed. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of formal and informal care services as recorded using retrospective CSRI data and to investigate any associations between use of care, disease severity and functional ability as measured by the UHDRS motor and functional scales. In these analyses, we specifically sought to identify, a) what care (both formal services and informal care) HD patients currently use and b) whether there were any specific factors associated with the estimated amount of informal care required. To our knowledge such data has not previously been presented for a cohort of HD patients; we suggest that availability of such data in a cohort of HD patients from a cross-section of European countries is of use in quantifying and ultimately improving planning of service provision for HD patients. REGISTRY is a multi-centre, multi-national observational study with no experimental intervention. REGISTRY is managed by the European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN) and aims to build up an electronic database of patients with HD and their relatives. The main component of the ‘ REGISTRY ‘ study is the storage of anonymous medical data on an electronic database. One of the aims of REGISTRY is to obtain natural history data on an annual basis over an extended time period on a wide spectrum of individuals affected by HD to facilitate data mining studies. For the purposes of the analyses presented here, the monitored data of demography, CAG repeat, estimated age of onset, disease severity and functional ability as measured by the Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale total motor score (UHDRS-TMS) and functional scales in combination with the CSRI has been utilised for data mining. Data was collected according to the standard REGISTRY protocol . The EHDN REGISTRY CSRI refers to the immediate six month retrospective period. It records details on use of hospital and residential services; primary and community care services; investigations and diagnostic tests; aids or devices; adaptations to the home; informal care; average loss of income per week; journeys undertaken and occupation. Data were analysed descriptively for demographics and according to percentage use of individual services and aggregates of service receipt namely 1) total number of individual formal services received 2) aggregates of hospital services (inpatient and outpatient) and primary and community care and 3) the carer or patient estimated total informal care hours (personal, help inside the home, help outside the home and other) as recorded by the CSRI. As the focus on our investigations was to establish service use frequencies in the first instance and not costs per se, we do not report on investigations and diagnostic tests, average loss of income per week; journeys undertaken and occupation in these analyses. In order to identify specific factors associated with receipt of services at each visit, we utilised linear regression with estimated hours of informal care as the dependant variable and the measures of disease severity and functional ability as the independent variables. All analyses were conducted using PASW version 18 Release 18.0.2 April 2010. CSRI data for 451 HD patients (212 female; 239 male) was available for visit one (at enrolment to the study) of this observational study. Completed CSRI data for 105 (54 females; 51 males) and 47 (20 females; 27 males) HD patients was available for visits two and three respectively. The mean time between visits was 1.2 years. Countries represented were Austria (8.6%); Germany (33.7%); Italy (15.3%); Norway (3.3%); Poland (18.4%); Portugal (2.9%); Spain (10.6%); Switzerland (0.9%) and United Kingdom (6.2%). Mean (SD) estimated age of onset was 41.8 (12.8) years and age at visit 1 was 49.5 (13.1). Median (range) CAG repeat length was 45 (35-89). Median (range) scores at visit 1 on UHDRS-TMS, Functional assessment scale (FAS), Total Functional Capacity (TFC) and Independence Scale were 34 (0-106); 20 (0-25); 8 (0-13) and 80 (10-100) respectively. At Visit 2, median (range) scores on UHDRS-TMS, Functional assessment scale (FAS), Total Functional Capacity (TFC) and Independence Scale were 37 (0-111); 16 (0-25); 7 (0-13) and 75 (10-100) respectively.At Visit 3, median (range) scores on UHDRS-TMS, Functional assessment scale (FAS), Total Functional Capacity (TFC) and Independence Scale were 43 (0-97); 13 (0-25); 5 (0-13) and 70 (25-100) respectively. It is important to note the altered proportional representation of people with HD at each stage of the disease for each visit. At visit 1, most participants (n=153; 34%) were at Stage 1 of the disease; by visit 3 most participants (n=58; 61%) were at either stage 3 or 4 of the disease. Table 1 gives details of percentage of the sample at each stage of the disease for each visit. At visit 1, 335 of the 451 participants were in receipt of at least one formal hospital based service and 401 (89%) were in receipt of primary and community care services. In contrast, 94% of people used community based services at visit 3 and 62% used hospital based services. Fifty percent of individuals reported use of informal care in the home at visit 1; this increased to 68% at visits 2 and 3 (see Table 2).The increase in service use frequencies and care hours reported in visits 2 and 3 do however need to be considered in light of the greater proportion of people in stages 3 and 4 of the disease at visit 3 compared to those at visit 1 (see Table 1). Inpatient hospital service use increased dramatically over visits and outpatient service use decreased. Percentage of people in receipt of physiotherapy and speech and language therapy services increased at each visit; whilst social worker involvement remained relatively constant. Home help use increased over time. Notable is that occupational therapy, dentistry and other allied health professional services was not independently recorded in the version of CSRI used here and may well be under-reported in this situation. There was additionally no mention of key-worker involvement. The use of wheelchairs increased over each visit, but all other appliance use remained fairly constant (see Table 3). Crutches and frames were used fairly infrequently whilst home adaptation (bathroom, shower and toilet) was a slightly more frequent occurrence. The mean (SD) estimated weekly total informal care hours at visits 1, 2 and 3 were 32.8 (49.4); 21.6 (53.6) and 21.3 (62.4) respectively (see Table 3). Although the mean reported informal care hours were less at each visit; the mean number of informal care services used appeared to increase between visits 1 and 3. Mean number of formal primary and community services used (and percentages of individual services) also appeared to increase over time whilst formal hospital based services reduced over time. This is consistent with what was seen in terms of percentages of HD patients using different services (see Table 2). Only the scores on the FAS accounted for the variance in the weekly total informal care hours at visit 1 (see Table 4). This remained a constant pattern over time. At Visit 2, the Functional Assessment Scale accounted for 9 % of the variance in hours of informal care (adjusted R 2 8.6%; SE 59.9; F7.8 p<0.007) (excluded variables: TFC, UHDRS-TMS and Independence Scale). At Visit 3, the Functional Assessment Scale accounted for 33 % of the variance in hours of informal care (adjusted R2 30%; SE 25.7; F 13.6; p<0.001) (excluded variables: TFC, UHDRS-TMS and Independence Scale). Consideration of service use data reflecting current utilisation in the included sample is an important first step in the provision of high quality care. This study employed the CSRI to gather information about types and quantities of resources used by HD patients. We did not attempt to provide any indication of the monetary cost of service utilisation. This is partly because unit costs will vary according to country and hence in some cases will be applied only to small numbers, but mainly because such “cost of illness” information would not necessarily be optimal in informing policy decisions. Quantifying costs of services (rather than demonstrating frequencies of resource use as we have done) would be more appropriate in the context of an economic evaluation of a specific intervention . Most HD patients surveyed as part of this study were in receipt of some formal primary and community care services and to a lesser extent hospital based services. Trends in service provision over time may be inferred from the longitudinal data presented but it is important to acknowledge that some bias may be introduced to the study simply as result of being a research participant in a large scale observational study such as REGISTRY. In addition, as the numbers of participants decrease with each visit, there is an associated change in proportional representation of people at each stage of the disease. We cannot infer that the cohort is deteriorating over time resulting in an increased service use; the changes in service use may simply be skewed by this proportional change in individuals at each stage of the disease. We therefore suggest that a general impression of service receipt is best judged at visit 1 (study entry) where any effect on reporting rates and the bias introduced by the annual visit or the altering proportional representation of the sample at each visit is limited. At enrolment to the REGISTRY study, 89% of HD patients assessed in this data mining study were in receipt of at least 1 form of primary or community care service. It is not possible to establish any measure of how integrated these services were and additionally there was no clear indication of key worker or occupational therapy involvement as this was not part of the standard questions employed in the REGISTRY CSRI. Social worker and nurse involvement was fairly minimal and use of formal home help was reported in only 11% of participants in this cohort. Approximately 1/5th of participants were in receipt of physiotherapy services at the first visit and the use of crutches and walking aids was infrequent. Such infrequent use of walking aids is congruent with suggestions in the literature that physiotherapists do not recommend routine use of aids as choreic movement and cognitive impairment may influence safe use of walking aids in HD patients . When considering service use frequencies, it is useful to compare with other groups of patients with neurodegenerative diseases. A report (published in 2000) of community services for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (n=150) living in the United Kingdom found that at that time of 45% of people with MS did not receive any form of community services . The remaining 55 % of people with MS were in receipt of a range of services including home help (20%), occupational therapy, physiotherapy (23%), social work (10%) and district nursing (17%). Twenty-seven % of participants had bath or shower adaptations in place. Those people who had no home adaptations (42%) in place were also not in receipt of any services. There appeared to be a substantial unmet need for people with MS in terms of community care with little change since the beginning of the previous decade . The authors advocated the need for integrated, co-ordinated and multi-agency community service for people with MS. Of concern in our data (in light of the suggested relationship between lack of integrated community care and lack of home adaptation ) are the seemingly low levels of home adaptations in this group of people. Adaptations of the home were in place in less than a quarter of HD patients included in this study. Although this may be due to the fact that the minority of those surveyed in this study (at visit 1) were in the late stages of the disease and also that our data may not necessarily be representative of the HD population, further investigation is warranted. This analysis is not without limitations. It is important to acknowledge that the descriptive data presented here is specific to this fairly small sample (to date REGISTRY has enrolled over 6000 participants so our data is only reflective of approximately 8 % of the HD population). Additionally, almost all of the participants enrolled in REGISTRY are able to reach a HD clinic for annual assessments and on review it was clear that only a small proportion of our sample were in the late stages of the disease. It is therefore likely that the data presented here is not representative of the most severely affected HD patients. There will also be substantial differences across countries in terms of the support in the community that is available (i.e. service use is supply driven) and additionally there will clearly be inherent differences in health care systems between various European countries. The specific role that each member of the health care team may vary according to geographical region and this level of detail is not captured by the REGISTRY CSRI. Furthermore, there was no distinction between HD or non-HD related service use. It is difficult to say how much of the service use reported here is because of HD and there are many other factors which may lead a person to requiring formal health care services. Our data suggests a large reliance on informal care in the home in this group studied. At the first visit, half of all the HD patients in this study were in receipt of some manner of informal care in the home. It seems that informal carers will continue in this function up the very limits of their capacity and discussions with family members have highlighted some contributing factors. HD is seen as a family problem that ought to be managed by the involved family. Families trying to use available formal services encounter the problem of frequently changing care-givers and irregularity and restrictions in terms of the hours that the services can be provided. Such irregularity and frequent change is clearly not in agreement with the nature of HD and the person affected with HD. The HD patient is highly dependent on regularity and familiarity, making provision of community based care very challenging. Other studies of people with complex disability have suggested that where community care is limited, the burden of care often falls on the family and informal carers . Carer burden in this community should consequently be carefully considered by the healthcare team and where appropriate additional carer support should be provided. We suggest that use of routine rating scales employed in the clinical assessment may have some potential to identify high risk families where the informal care requirements are high. From the data presented here, it is clear that the TFC had no predictive value on service receipt or on informal care hours whilst the UHDRS functional assessment scale (FAS) had reasonable predictive value on this variable. When individuals present with lower scores on the FAS, they appear to have higher informal care requirements and carer burden may additionally be higher. The FAS is an activity of daily living checklist with range from 0 to 25. The components of the checklist represent multiple domains of function including aspects of employment, finances, shopping, driving, housework, supervising children, personal activities of daily living, mobility and housework. This wide representation of domains may be one reason why the FAS seems to have better predictive value than TFC which is reflective of fewer domains. In this study, the FAS accounted for 30% of the variance in informal care hours by visit 3. In-depth investigation of suitable clinical scales and potential weighting of components may improve predictive value. Such targeted assessments could aid clinicians, funding agencies and policy makers in appropriate service planning and provision of co-ordinated care for HD patients. The data presented here is suggestive of the need for integrated and proactive care provision that addresses the requirements of the HD patients and their carers. It is clear that a method or a system to aid identification of factors indicative of the need for referral to formal services is required. Studies of the emotional experiences of family carers in HD and supportive care needs for people living with the disease highlight the high levels of emotional stress that can be associated with HD . It is important that care is individualised and specific to the needs of the HD patient. Availability of a consistent team of support workers and appropriate community support and carer support may facilitate management of the varying needs over time and prioritise referrals to services as needed . The high level of informal care reported here indicates that such a model of care is not yet systematically provided in the HD community and is an area that is in need of attention. We would like to thank Dr Jonathan Gillard (Lecturer in Operational Research and Statistics, School of Mathematics, Cardiff University), Dr Lori Quinn (Honorary Research Fellow, Cardiff University), Dr Jenny Townhill (EHDN Language Co-ordination manager) and Professor David Cohen (Director and Professor of Health Economics. Health Economics and Policy Research Unit, University of Glamorgan) for their helpful comments related to the manuscript presented here. Many thank to the contributors at the study sites that have diligently collected and entered data into the REGISTRY database (see Appendix 1). Contributors (study sites and individual members at the study sites) from the European Huntington’s disease Network to the data collected for analysis in this study are listed in alphabetical order by country below. Gdansk (Specialistic Hospital, Gdansk Zaspa): Emilia Sitek; Jaroslaw Slawek; Witold Soltan. Katowice (Silesian Medical University Katowice): Magdalena Boczarska-Jedynak; Barbara Jasinska-Myga; Gregorz Opala. Krakow (Krakowska Akademia Neurologii): Krzysztof Banaszkiewicz; Andrzej Szczudlik; Monika Rudzińska; Magdalena Wójcik; Malgorzata Krawczyk. Warsaw-MU (Medical University of Warsaw, Neurology): Piotr Janik; Anna Kalbarczyk; Hubert Kwiecinski; Zygmunt Jamrozik. Warsaw-IPiN (Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology Dep. of Genetics, Dep. of Neurology): Jakub Antczak; Katarzyna Jachinska; Maria Rakowicz; Przemyslaw Richter; Danuta Ryglewicz; Grzegorz Witkowski; Elzbieta Zdzienicka; Jacek Zaremba. Lisbon-Santa Maria (Neurological Clinical Research Unit, Instituto de Medicina Molecular): Miguel Coelho; Leonor Guedes; Joaquim J Ferreira; Tiago Mendes; Tiago Mestre; Anabela Valadas. Lisbon-Fernando Fonseca (Hospital Fernando Fonseca E.P.E., Serviço de Neurologia): Cristina Costa; Ângela Timóteo. Porto-São João (Hospital São João, E.P.E.): Miguel Gago; Carolina Garrett; Maria Rosália Guerra. Cardiff (The Institute of Medical Genetics, University Hospital of Wales): Monica Busse, Stephen Dunnett, Catherine Clenaghan, Ruth Fullham, Sarah Hunt, Lesley Jones, Una Jones, Hanan Khalil, Sara Minster, Michael Owen, Kathleen Price, Jenny Townshill, Anne Rosser. Walker FO. Huntington's disease. Lancet. 2007 Jan 20;369(9557):218-28. Review. PubMed PMID: 17240289. McCabe MP, Roberts C, Firth L. Satisfaction with services among people with progressive neurological illnesses and their carers in Australia. Nurs Health Sci. 2008 Sep;10(3):209-15. PubMed PMID: 18786063. Nance MA. Comprehensive care in Huntington's disease: a physician's perspective. Brain Res Bull. 2007 Apr 30;72(2-3):175-8. Epub 2006 Nov 20. Review. PubMed PMID: 17352943. Dawson S, Kristjanson LJ, Toye CM, Flett P. Living with Huntington's disease: need for supportive care. Nurs Health Sci. 2004 Jun;6(2):123-30. PubMed PMID: 15130098. Wheelock VL, Tempkin T, Marder K, Nance M, Myers RH, Zhao H, Kayson E, Orme C, Shoulson I; Huntington Study Group. Predictors of nursing home placement in Huntington disease. Neurology. 2003 Mar 25;60(6):998-1001. PubMed PMID: 12654967. Aubeeluck A, Wilson E. Huntington's disease. Part 1: essential background and management. Br J Nurs. 2008 Feb 14-27;17(3):146-51. Review. PubMed PMID: 18414253. Moskowitz CB, Marder K. Palliative care for people with late-stage Huntington's disease. Neurol Clin. 2001 Nov;19(4):849-65. Review. PubMed PMID: 11854103. Simpson SA. Late stage care in Huntington's disease. Brain Res Bull. 2007 Apr 30;72(2-3):179-81. Epub 2006 Nov 16. Review. PubMed PMID: 17352944. Skirton H, Glendinning N. Using research to develop care for patients with Huntington's disease. Br J Nurs. 1997 Jan 23-Feb 12;6(2):83-90. PubMed PMID: 9116444. Veenhuizen RB, Tibben A. Coordinated multidisciplinary care for Huntington's disease. An outpatient department. Brain Res Bull. 2009 Oct 28;80(4-5):192-5. Epub 2009 Jul 1. PubMed PMID: 19576265. Aubeeluck A, Moskowitz CB. Huntington's disease. Part 3: family aspects of HD. Br J Nurs. 2008 Mar 13-26;17(5):328-31. Review. PubMed PMID: 18414297. Aubeeluck A. Caring for the carers: quality of life in Huntington's disease. Br J Nurs. 2005 Apr 28-May 11;14(8):452-4. Review. PubMed PMID: 15924027. Williams JK, Skirton H, Paulsen JS, Tripp-Reimer T, Jarmon L, McGonigal Kenney M, Birrer E, Hennig BL, Honeyford J. The emotional experiences of family carers in Huntington disease. J Adv Nurs. 2009 Apr;65(4):789-98. Epub 2009 Feb 9. PubMed PMID: 19228233. Department of Health. The National Service Framework for long term conditions. 2005. London, UK. Chisholm D, Knapp MR, Knudsen HC, Amaddeo F, Gaite L, van Wijngaarden B. Client Socio-Demographic and Service Receipt Inventory--European Version: development of an instrument for international research. EPSILON Study 5. European Psychiatric Services: Inputs Linked to Outcome Domains and Needs. Br J Psychiatry Suppl. 2000;(39):s28-33. PubMed PMID: 10945075. Beecham, J and Knapp, M. Costing Psychiatric Interventions, in Measuring Mental Health Needs, Eds.Thornicroft G, Brewin C & Wing JK. 1992. Gaskell: London. Schneider J, Hallam A, Murray J, Foley B, Atkin L, Banerjee S, Islam MK, Mann A. Formal and informal care for people with dementia: factors associated with service receipt. Aging Ment Health. 2002 Aug;6(3):255-65. PubMed PMID: 12217094. Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale: reliability and consistency. Huntington Study Group. Mov Disord. 1996 Mar;11(2):136-42. PubMed PMID: 8684382. Shoulson I, Fahn S. Huntington disease: clinical care and evaluation. Neurology. 1979 Jan;29(1):1-3. PubMed PMID: 154626. Orth M; European Huntington's Disease Network, Handley OJ, Schwenke C, Dunnett SB, Craufurd D, Ho A, Wild EJ, Tabrizi SJ. Observing Huntington's Disease: the European Huntington's Disease Network's REGISTRY. PLoS Curr. 2010 Sep 28;2. pii: RRN1184. PubMed PMID: 20890398; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2947793. Currie G, Kerfoot KD, Donaldson C, Macarthur C. Are cost of injury studies useful? Inj Prev. 2000 Sep;6(3):175-6. PubMed PMID: 11003180; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1730644. Busse ME, Khalil H, Quinn L, Rosser AE. Physical therapy intervention for people with Huntington disease. Phys Ther. 2008 Jul;88(7):820-31. Epub 2008 May 8. PubMed PMID: 18467429. Freeman JA, Thompson AJ. Community services in multiple sclerosis: still a matter of chance. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2000 Dec;69(6):728-32. PubMed PMID: 11080223; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1737174. Phillips VL. Community care for severely disabled people on low incomes. BMJ. 1995 Oct 28;311(7013):1121-3. PubMed PMID: 7580705; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2551053. Williams MH, Bowie C. Evidence of unmet need in the care of severely physically disabled adults. 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Note that bearish persistence below the level of 1.5200 was needed for a further bearish decline towards the level of 1.4950 (prominent weekly support). However, a bullish breakout above 1.5200 has been expressed on the previous Tuesday. Bullish fixation above the price zone of 1.5200-1.5250 allowed a bullish movement towards 1.5330 where the upper limit of the depicted channel is roughly located. This week, bearish persistence below 1.5030 (recent key level) resulted in a quick bearish decline towards 1.4950 (previous weekly bottom). Conservative traders should wait for an obvious bearish closure below 1.3250 (FE 100%) to sell the USD/CAD pair. S/L should be placed above 1.3370. The previous demand level at 1.5200 (the origin of a previous bullish engulfing weekly candlestick) was broken down two weeks ago. The bearish tendency was confirmed with the Shooting-Star bearish weekly candlestick of the last week. Bearish persistence below 1.5200 on a weekly basis enhances a quick bearish decline towards the weekly demand level of 1.4950. Note that bearish persistence below 1.5200 enhances further bearish decline towards next demand levels of 1.5090, 1.5025, and 1.4950. Risky traders were advised to sell the GBP/USD pair anywhere around 1.5350. S/L can be lowered to 1.5250 to secure profits. This week, daily persistence below the level of 1.0700 (key level) is needed to maintain enough bearish momentum towards 1.0650 and 1.0550 (prominent monthly low) where price action should be watched. On the other hand, a valid sell entry can be offered around the level of 1.0700 if the current bullish correction takes place above 1.0640 (yesterday's closure level). According to the previous events, the price of the NZD/USD pair is still trapped between 0.6538 and 0.6471. The resistance has already been set at the price of 0.6538 (61.8% Fibonacci retracement levels). Consequently, we expect that the trend is going to call for a bearish market at the level of 0.6538 on the H1 chart. Additionally, the 0.6538 level is representing resistance 1 and the range today will be about 67 pips. Thereupon, sell at the price of 0.6538 with the first target of 0.6494 (the daily pivot point), it might resume to 0.6471 in order to test the weekly support 1. At the same time, the stop loss should never exceed your maximum exposure amounts. Accordingly, your stop loss should be placed above the 0.6538 level. Major support will be set at 0.6471 and the resistance is already placed at the price 0.6538. We expect a new range about 67 pips today and 210 this week. The USD/CHF pair has still been moving upwards from the prices of 1.0020 and 1.0102 since last week. This week, we expect that the trend will be traded between the levels of 1.0110 and 1.0340. So we expect a large range about 230 pips in the future. The breakout is seen at the ratio of 88.2% Fibonacci retracement level (1.0011) for that the key level is set at the level of 1.0092 because it is representing a strong support. As it is known, history will probably repeat itself at this level again. Therefore, it will be a good sign to buy above 1.0120 with the first target of 1.0239 in order to test the weekly pivot point. It will call for an uptrend in order to continue its bullish movement towards 1.0340. On the other hand, the stop loss should never exceed your maximum exposure amounts, consequently the stop loss should be placed below the double bottom at the price of 1.0011. The USD/CHF pair is still calling for strong bullish market for that you should buy at the level of 1.0120 with the targets of 1.0239 and 1.0340. The USD/JPY pair is under pressure. The US dollar continued to rise against other most major currencies as investors kept expecting the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates in December. The Wall Street Journal Dollar Index gained another 0.3% to 90.54. EUR/USD hovered around its 7-month low of 1.0620 and once moved as low as 1.0591. The GBP/USD pair lost 0.4% to 1.5122. Meanwhile, USD/CHF reached as high as 1.0225, which was last seen in January just before the Swiss central bank abandoned the peg between the euro and the Swiss franc. The pair encountered resistance after the level of 123.26 was reached yesterday. Since then it has entered a consolidation zone and is currently trading around the 20-period moving average, which has crossed below the 50-period one. The relative strength index is still below the neutrality level of 50. As long as 123.05 holds as the key resistance level, the pair is expected to return to 122.35 (a base seen on November 20). The pair is trading below its pivot point. It is likely to trade in a lower range as long as it remains below the pivot point. Short positions are recommended with the first target at 122.35. A break of that target will move the pair further downwards to 122.20. The pivot point stands at 123.05. In case the price moves in the opposite direction and bounces back from the support level, it will move above its pivot point. It is likely to move further to the upside. According to that scenario, long positions are recommended with the first target at 123.25 and the second target at 123.40. USD/CHF is expected to trade in a higher range as the bias remains bullish. The pair is consolidated trading below its 20- and 50-period moving averages. The relative strength index is below its neutrality level of 50%. Nevertheless, the support area was found around 1.0150, which should limit the downside potential. Even though a continuation of consolidation cannot be ruled out, its extension should be limited. As long as 1.0150 is not broken, look for a technical rebound with targets at 1.0220 and 1.0250. The pair is trading above its pivot point. It is likely to trade in a wider range as long as it remains above its pivot point. As long as the price holds above its pivot point, long positions are recommended with the first target at 1.0220 and the second target at 1.0250. In the alternative scenario, short positions are recommended with the first target at 1.0115 if the price moves below its pivot points. A break of this target is likely to push the pair further downwards, and one may expect the second target at 1.0075. The pivot point is at 1.0150. NZD/USD is expected to trade with a bearish bias. The pair broke below its previous key support at 0.6550 and accelerated on the downside. The declining 50-period moving average suggests that the pair still has potential for a further decline. The relative strength index is around its neutrality area of 50%. As long as 0.6550 holds on the downside, the pair is likely to test its previous low of 0.6490. A breakout below this level would call for a a further drop towards 0.6460. The pair is trading below its pivot point. It is likely to trade in a lower range as long as it remains below the pivot point. Short positions are recommended with the first target at 0.6490. A break of that target will move the pair further downwards to 0.6460. The pivot point stands at 0.6550. In case the price moves in the opposite direction and bounces back from the support level, it will move above its pivot point. It is likely to move further to the upside. According to that scenario, long positions are recommended with the first target at 0.6580 and the second target at 0.6605. GBP/JPY is expected to trade in a lower range as a downside movement prevails . The pair remains capped by its declining 50-period intraday moving average and stays on the downside. Meanwhile, the intraday relative strength index lacks upward momentum. The first downside target is therefore set at the horizontal support and overlap at 184.90. A breakout below this level would open the way to further weakness towards 184.30. The pair is trading below its pivot point. It is likely to trade in a lower range as long as it remains below the pivot point. Short positions are recommended with the first target at 184.90. A break of that target will move the pair further downwards to 184.30. The pivot point stands at 186. In case the price moves in the opposite direction and bounces back from the support level, it will move above its pivot point. It is likely to move further to the upside. According to that scenario, long positions are recommended with the first target at 186.40 and the second target at 187. Some good news has been delivered from Germany this morning. The German GDP increased 0.3% q/q (1.8% y/y), which was in line with expectations. The Ifo Business Climate index beat the expectations as it was reported at the level of 109 vs. the forecast of 108.3 and 108.2 in the previous month. It posted the best showing since June 2014. Moreover, all of the Services and Manufacturing PMIs released yesterday were above the level of 50 , which separates contraction from expansion. The manufacturing and services sectors are expanding, which is the good news, as the eurozone's economy has been hampered by the weak growth. After breaking higher above the golden trend line, the EUR/USD pair is trading slightly below the technical resistance at the level of 1.0669. The support is seen at the level of 1.0619. The Inflation Report Hearings event (The Treasury Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of HM Treasury, HM Revenue & Customs, and associated public bodies, including the Bank of England and the Financial Services Authority) has taken place at 12:00 am today. The most important news for traders and investor was the BoE Chief Economist Haldane remarks about further inflation projection, which is crucial for the UK economy right now. Haldane said that downside inflation risks are worse than in the recent inflation report, so the inflation target of 2% gets harder and harder to reach any time soon. The GBP/USD pair has reacted negatively to the event. It hit a new local low on the hourly chart. The resistance level is seen at 1.5153. Next support is seen at the level of 1.5026. Since our last analysis, gold has been trading downwards. As I had expected, the price tested the level of $1,075.02. In the daily time frame, I found a supply bar in a high volume and rejection from our SMA10. Our strong support around the levels of $1,075.00-$1,080.00 became strong resistance (changing polarity) now. In the 1H time frame, I found very low activity and corrective movements. I have placed a diagonal trend line, and a potential breakout of this line will confirm a further continuation downwards. Next strong daily support is seen around the level of $1,046.00. Recently, EUR/NZD has been moving upwards. The price tested the level of 1.6350 in an average volume. I am waiting for larger activity and stronger price actions. The short-term trend is still neutral. The major 21-day support at the level of 1.6150 held successfully. In the H4 time frame, I found strong resistance at the level of 1.6350 (currently on the test). Our strong support at the level of 1.6350 became strong resistance since its was broken. I found changes n polarity and my advice is to watch for potential intraday selling opportunities. The profit zone is seen around the level of 1.6180. Anyway, if the price breaks the level of 1.6350 in a high volume and close clearly above that level, we may see further upward movement. Trading recommendations : Intraday selling opportunities are preferable. Buying opportunities are preferable only if the price breaks and close above the resistance level of 1.6350. An ending diagonal scenario is unfolding well as another sub-wave down has been completed. A growing bullish divergence between the price and momentum oscillator supports the view that an anticipated upside breakout will materialize soon. A breakout above the weekly pivot point at the level of 131.13 will be another indication of increasing upside momentum. Day traders should consider placing buy orders only if the level of 131.06 is clearly violated, with tight SL and TP set at the level of 131.41. The top for the wave a green is in place and now some internal corrective sub-cycle should unfold. The weekly pivot at the level of 1.3323 is currently providing a good support, but any breakout lower would indicate that the next weekly support at the level of 1.3278 will be tested. The yesterday buy orders' TP level was missed by 15 pips, but the trade was in profit for the most part of the day. Today however, the R/R ratio does not allow us to open a position in either direction, so traders must wait for a better trading setup to occur. EUR/USD: This EUR/USD pair did not make any significant movement on Monday, though the bias remains bearish. It is possible that the price would continue moving southwards; there is also a possibility that the price will rise sharply. USD/CHF: This pair also did not move upwards very much on Monday, though the bias is bullish. The price now lays siege at the resistance level of 1.0200, which must be broken to the upside so that the bullish bias could continue. On the other hand, the support levels are found at 1.0150 and 1.0100. GBP/USD: The cable traded lower on Monday – something that started on Friday. Since then, the price has come down by at least 170 pips, moving closer to the accumulation territory of 1.5100. The next target for bears is easy to be seen: the aforementioned accumulation territory, which would be breached to the downside for the bearish journey to continue. USD/JPY: The USD/JPY pair is still behaving exactly as it did last week. It just went up and down in a shallow manner, though the bullish bias remains valid. This week, there is a probability that the pair could continue moving upwards owing to the expected loss of stamina in the yen. EUR/JPY: This cross still shows a strong willingness to continue trending downwards in conjunction with the extant bias in the market. The Bearish Confirmation Pattern looks very strong in the chart, and the weakness in the market should continue as long as the euro is weak versus the yen. The US dollar bulls might still be in control of the trend, but momentum is declining. I would expect more enthusiasm once we have broken above the recent high, but it seems a correction is needed there first before more buyers can make a real push above the level of 100. The US dollar index remains in a bullish trend as the price is above the Ihcimoku cloud and above both the tenkan- and kijun-sen indicators. Also, the price is trading inside a bullish channel. However, bulls need to be very cautious as we observe divergence signals in the stochastic. No change are seen in the weekly chart. Support is found at 98.75. If it gets broken, we expect a pullback towards the kijun-sen (yellow line indicator) and towards the 38% Fibonacci retracement. The trend remains bullish. The price is still above cloud. However, bulls need to be very cautious and protect their positions. I believe пold price is at an important trend-turning point in the short- and long-term trends. The price is expected to perform a strong bounce towards at least $1,120-30. However, there are also many chances that the entire bearish market is over or at its final stages. The 4-hour chart above shows gold trading below the Ichimoku cloud confirming that the short-term trend is bearish. Bulls so far tried to break above the cloud twice and got rejected. We can see a new lower low. We are at the final stages of a decline from $1,190 and we either are going to bounce now or we are going to see $1,050-40 first and then bounce after the third rejection. No matter what , the bounce will certainly come above $1,100. The weekly chart above shows that the price is trading inside a bullish wedge. Stochastics are at the oversold levels turning upwards. This time things might be different and instead of a bounce we can see the start of a new upward move in gold prices. However, a breakout above the weekly Ichimoku cloud will confirm a trend change. The GBP/CHF pair seems to be reversing from the level of 1.5430 just ahead of the fibonacci 0.382 support seen at the territory around 1.5360. Please note that the pair has reached a low at 1.5380 today and reversed higher. It is recommended to initiate around 50% of long positions now, and the remaining around 1.5360 if prices manage to reach there. Immediate support is seen at 1.5250 followed by 1.5000 and lower while resistance is seen at 1.5570 and higher. Please also note that the trend-line support is passing closely, hence bulls can remain in control until prices hold the trend-line support. Initiate 50% long positions remaining at 1.5350, stop is at 1.5250, a target is open. The EUR/JPY pair seems to be testing lows around 130.30/40 at the moment. Please note that the pair has produced a doji candlestick pattern on the daily charts. A test and reversal could indicate that a potential pullback rally is setting up. While a drop lower could expose the level of 129.00 (the fibonacci 0.786) as support and delay matters further for a pullback. It is recommended to remain flat at the moment and seek further evidence before committing a trade. Immediate support is at 130.30 followed by 129,00 and lower, while resistance is seen at 132.26/30 and higher. Gold has been trading in the lower range around $1,071.00 since yesterday. Please note that bulls might still want to produce a counter trend rally to at least $1,110.00 before reversing. A drop below $1,1063.00 would nullify the chances of a pullback and the metal should be heading straight down towards $1,030.00. It is hence recommended to remain flat and watch for further evidence before committing trades. Immediate resistance is seen at $1,098.00, while support is seen at $1,063.00. Silver is beginning to show bullish divergence on the H4 chart (not shown here), and a breakout above the levels of $14.45 will favor bulls. At the moment, prices are testing the resistance line around $14.15. It is recommended to remain flat now and watch for a breakout above the trend line and $14.45 preparing to go long. Immediate support is seen at $13.97 (interim), followed by $13.00 and lower, while resistance is seen at $14.45 followed by $15.00 and higher. Stay flat now, go long on the breakout at $14.45. As long as minor resistance at 1.6434 is able to protect the upside, we will continue to look for the final spike lower to 1.5898 before the decline from 1.9114 will finally have to come to an end. Only a direct breakout above minor resistance at 1.6434 and of cause more importantly a breakout above resistance at 1.6548 will trigger a new impulsive rally higher to 1.8020, to 1.9114, and even above. We will buy EUR at 1.5925 or upon a break above 1.6406 (one order done cancels the other). The EUR/JPY pair continues to apply pressure to the downside, but if our diagonal triangle count is correct, then support at 130.12 may not be broken. Under the Elliott Wave Principle, wave three can never be the shortest and that will be the case support at 130.12 breaks. Therefore support at 130.12 must protect the downside for a rally back to the top of wave(iv) near 137.00 or this count is wrong and we will head back to the drawing board trying to figure this mess out. Our stop at 130.50 was hit for a small loss, but we will buy EUR again at 130.40 or upon a break above minor support at 130.80 with stop placed at 130.10. When the European market opens, some economic news on the Belgian NBB Business Climate, German Ifo Business Climate, German Final GDP q/q is due to be released. The US will publish data on the Richmond Manufacturing Index, CB Consumer Confidence, S&P/CS Composite-20 HPI y/y, Prelim GDP Price Index q/q, Goods Trade Balance, Prelim GDP q/q. So amid the reports, EUR/USD will move with low to medium volatility during this day. In Asia, Japan will release data on the Flash Manufacturing PMI, and the US will publish some economic data on the Richmond Manufacturing Index, CB Consumer Confidence, S&P/CS Composite-20 HPI y/y, Prelim GDP Price Index q/q, and Goods Trade Balance, Prelim GDP q/q. So, there is a strong probability that the USD/JPY pair will move with low to medium volatility during this day. Yesterday, the index had tested the key psychological zone of 100.00. Later, it made a pullback across the level of 99.80. Currently, our view is strengthening with the bullish bias, as the USDX will try to make another push higher across the resistance level of 100.24. Under another scenario, if the USDX extends the pullback at current levels, then it could fall until the level of 99.25 where the 200 SMA is located. The pair is extending losses below the 200 SMA, as we can see on the H1 chart. Currently, the support level of 1.5100 should be challenged in order to reach another low towards the zone of 1.5062. This moving average is also pointing to the downside, so bears are still getting favored by the main bias. The MACD indicator is reaching the neutral territory and that is why we should be aware of future sideways short-term moves. Trading recommendations for today: Based on the H1 chart, place sell (short) orders only if the GBP/USD pair breaks a bearish candlestick; the support level is found at 1.5100, take profit is at 1.5062, and stop loss is at 1.5138. Another bullish visit towards the level of 1.3270 (FE 100%) was initiated two weeks ago. A temporary bullish breakout above 1.3300 has been seen on the chart two weeks ago. Daily persistence above 1.3300 exposes the next resistance level of 1.3450 (Fibonacci Expansion 141.0%) where a valid SELL entry can be offered. Traders should wait for an obvious bearish closure below 1.3250 (FE 100%) to sell the USD/CAD pair. S/L should be placed above 1.3370. The previous demand level at 1.5200 (the origin of a previous bullish engulfing weekly candlestick) was broken down two weeks ago. However, a bullish engulfing weekly candlestick was expressed around 1.5050 two weeks ago. Bearish persistence below 1.5200 on a weekly basis enhances a further bearish decline towards the weekly demand level at 1.4950. Otherwise, bullish correction towards 1.5350 should be expected. The demand levels of 1.5350 and 1.5200 were broken down few weeks ago. Currently, these levels constitute prominent supply to be watched for new sell entries. Note that bearish persistence below 1.5200 was mandatory to allow a further bearish decline towards the next demand levels at 1.5090, 1.5025, and 1.4950. Risky traders can sell the GBP/USD pair anywhere around 1.5350 (recent supply level). S/L can be placed above 1.5400. This week, daily persistence below the level of 1.0700 (key level) is needed to maintain enough bearish momentum towards 1.0650 and 1.0550 (prominent monthly low). On the other hand, a valid sell entry can be offered around the level of 1.0700 if a bullish correction extends above 1.0640 (Wednesday's lowest price level).
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The pathologic examination revealed calcifying fibroma. But in the view of clinical and radiological features of the case, calcifying fibroma result seemed to be unharmonious. Therefore it was decided to take a second biopsy. Another surgeon took a deep biopsy specimen they particularly including bone tissue. The second histopathologic examination revealed osteoblastic osteosarcoma (Figure 3). Patient was sent to an otorhinolaryngology department for oncologic surgery and management. Figure 3 Microscopic examination of tumoral tissue (HE and x 40). DISCUSSION Our case is in agreement with the literature on age, pain, swelling,4 gender,9,10 tumor type10 and location,5,6 presenting signs of the disease.4 Also the tumor extended to maxillary sinus before being diagnosed. Histopathologic appearances of osteosarcoma, osteomyelitis and fibrous dysplasia occupy a spectrum that may have considerable overlap. In some cases, a classic histopathologic appearance makes the diagnosis clear; however, when the picture is that of new bone formation in a back-ground of cellular fibrous connective tissue, the diagnosis is more difficult. Depending on tissue sampling and location of biopsy, these same features could occur in well-differentiated (fibroblastic) osteosarcoma, active fibrous dysplasia and chronic osteomyelitis. In making diagnosis, the clinician must weigh all available diagnostic information. In these lesions, the radiographic characteristics can play a more significant role especially when histopathology is not clear-cut and classic. 11 The overlapped radiographic characteristics of these lesions are: All of them frequently occur in the posterior body of the mandible. The periphery may be ill defined and they can all cause enlargement. Internal structure is commonly a mixture of radiolucency and radiopacity. The new bone formed may present a granular stippled pattern. The distinguishing features are: Osteosarcoma may destroy cortical boundaries. It causes widening of periodontal ligament space. This may result in a spiculated pattern of new bone formation in association with a soft tissue mass peripheral to outer cortical boundary of the involved bone.11 This finding was also seen in our case. Fibrous dysplasia can cause expansion of the involved bone but maintain a thinned, intact cortical boundary. Fibrous dysplasia can alter the appearance of lamina dura but the periodontal ligament space is not widened.11 Fibrous dysplasia has different radiographic patterns such as ground-glass, orange peel and cotton wool.12 Cilengitide Also because fibrous dysplasia is usually found in more younger age group than osteosarcoma, in our tentative diagnosis it was excluded. Osteomyelitis shows the presence of sequestra and laminated periosteal reactive bone formation usually.11 No infection finding was found in our case. Computed tomography has come to play a large role in the interpretation of osseous changes in the jaws. This ensures the ethics related to permitting subjects to withdraw from the study are truly incorporated in both letter and spirit. The review of the informed consent document developed must sellckchem ensure that the clauses related to patient withdrawal are adhered to. Indian clinical research and ethics Undoubtedly, India has a great potential to deliver on the promise of clinical development. The past few years have witnessed some progress made in establishing a culture of research and aligned stakeholders who speak the common language of ethics. To study the perception of investigators attitudes and knowledge of ethics in India, a specially designed survey questionnaire was served to 29 investigators, having prior experience of participating in drug development studies with pharmaceutical companies. The survey confirmed that majority believed that the research they conducted was relevant to the needs of society and concluded that, at well established and well trained sites, there exists a good understanding of the ethical issues around conduct of clinical research in a developing country. According to an online survey to study the perception of various stakeholders regarding clinical trial drug industry in India, 78.5% respondents confirmed that India is not delivering on the potential for research and development. DISCUSSION The pharmaceutical industry and contributions to diseases of the developing world Progress helps each individual patient who benefits from innovative new medicines, but it also can improve health care overall by helping patients maintain their health and by cutting overall costs. One study found that the development of a new treatment that delays the onset of Alzheimer’s could reduce Medicare and Medicaid spending on patients with Alzheimer’s by more than $100 billion annually by 2030. A separate study found that annual costs for diabetes care can be up to 48% lower for patients who take their diabetes medicines properly In a population of 24 million patients with diabetes-among whom only one-quarter control the disease-the potential cost savings associated with better diabetes care could be significant. Research and the progress that it yields are ongoing, with more than 2900 medicines currently in development. Today’s potential new medicine may become tomorrow’s new cure. Despite the pharmaceutical industry’s notable contributions to human progress, Government officials, physicians, and social critics have questioned whether the multibillion dollar industry is fulfilling its social responsibilities. Brefeldin_A According to a October 2004 report submitted by the Hudson Institute Sorafenib Report by Center for Science in Public policy, Washington DC, USA, pharmaceutical company contributions to tuberculosis (TB), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), malaria, and other infectious diseases were substantial and significant. Although there is some agreement that EOAD initially affects mainly the parietal associative cortex and LOAD affects the hippocampus, there are significant variability and overlap between the two groups. Evidence from brain metabolism studies suggests that EOAD is associated with changes that are more extensive, and studies ARQ197 most commonly report involvement of the precuneus and occipital cortex [24-26], and one study reports extension to the frontal cortex and subcortical grey matter . Recent data indicate that regional or global [11C]-labelled Pittsburgh com pound B binding is similar in early-onset and late-onset patients. In contrast, early-onset patients exhibit glucose metabolism that is significantly lower than that of late-onset patients in precuneus/posterior cingulate, lateral temporo-parietal, and occipital corticies . The autosomal dominant subset of EOAD demonstrates gene- and mutation-specific differences in small case series, although all mutations are associated with the typical AD pathology and fulfill the diagnostic criteria of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease [35,36]. The above-reviewed literature suggests that EOAD and LOAD are not likely to be fundamentally different, as clinical, imaging, pathological, and biomarker data overlap and various studies have shown variable results; the data rather suggest heterogeneity of AD. Heterogenenity decreases power, and thus one important question is whether including EOAD cases in clinical Dacomitinib trials would add to heterogeneity and work against the ability to demonstrate drug-placebo differences. The greatest accumulation of data on disease heterogeneity in AD involving large cohorts (thousands of cases) exists in genetic datasets. As AD has high heritability, it is legitimate to look at genetic heterogeneity of AD since tools are available to study this question and multiple well-designed studies have been reported. The genome-wide selleck chemical association studies were early to point out the genetic heterogeneity of AD, showing that each locus has a low attributable risk manifesting in small odds ratios [37-39]. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors’ contributions PE, WAG, and JJM were involved in writing the manuscript. AJMR and RV contributed to the reviewed neuropathological findings and EvE to the epidemiological findings. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgements Work discussed was supported by an EMGO fellowship of VUMC (EvE), www.selleckchem.com/products/ldk378.html Internationale Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek (JJMH, ISAO#08513) and ZonMW (WAvG, TOP#40-00812-98-10017). The evidence that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) results from excessive intracerebral accumulation of amyloid-?? (A??), and of A??1-42 in particular, seems overwhelming. This is the most straightforward explanation for the development of AD in people with mutations in the amyloid-?? precursor protein (APP) gene, duplication of the APP gene locus, or trisomy 21. This explanation fits in with the documented changes in the relative levels of the different forms of A?? in patients with presenilin gene mutations and with the specificity of A?? plaques to AD rather than any other disease (unlike aggregates of phospho-tau, which occur in a range of inflammatory, metabolic, and neurodegenerative diseases). Findings from in vitro and animal studies have been adduced to support the widely accepted thesis that excessive levels of particular forms and physical species of A?? induce a series of deleterious metabolic processes that, over time, cause secondary damage to the brain, manifesting in the formation of neurofibrillary tangles and neuropil threads, dysfunction and degeneration of synapses, and, of course, impairment of cognition. Why, then, should A?? accumulate intracerebrally in large quantities in some people who do not develop neurofibrillary pathology to any significant GSK-3 extent and who remain cognitively intact until death? This phenomenon, sometimes termed pathological aging (PA), is a major challenge to our understanding of AD. Are the levels, forms, and physical species of A?? that accumulate in PA truly comparable to those in AD, or are there other explanations concerning for the apparent lack of adverse reaction to A?? in some people? In this issue of Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, Moore and colleagues address this question in a detailed post-mortem study of the profiles of A?? in the prefrontal cortex in three approximately age-matched cohorts: 16 brains from patients with AD, eight from people with PA (characterized pathologically by the presence of numerous diffuse A?? plaques but minimal neurofibrillary pathology), and seven from people with very little or no AD-type pathology. In contrast to the works cited above, those by Russell and Dias and Lindner and colleagues failed to detect any effects of Ro 04-6790 or SB-271046 upon acquisition Nutlin-3a molecular weight of an autoshaping task, scopolamine-induced deficits in contextual fear conditioning, or retention of a water maze task. In the same way, two selective 5-HT6 receptor antagonists, Ro-4368554 and SB-258585, showed differential effects on cognition, depending on the paradigm that was used . Both compounds showed cognition-enhancing effects in object recognition, whereas only SB-258585 was able to prevent the scopolamine-induced deficit in the Morris water maze test. Neither Ro-4368554 nor SB-258585 prevented scopolamine-induced impairment in contextual fear conditioning. Similarly, both compounds were ineffective on MK801-induced deficits in contextual fear conditioning and spatial working memory. In addition, Fone , Kendall and colleagues , and Meneses and colleagues reported that selective 5-HT6 receptor agonists appear to restore memory impairments in the novel object discrimination paradigm. More intriguing were the results obtained when combining non-active doses of the 5-HT6 receptor agonist E-6801 and the 5-HT6 receptor antagonist SB-271046, which produced an improvement in novel object discrimination. In addition, E-6801, alone and at a non-active dose, was able to synergistically improve the activity of non-active doses of donezepil (an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor) and memantine (an NMDAreceptor antagonist) . Thus, both 5-HT6 receptor agonist and antagonist compounds show pro-cognitive activity in preclinical studies, although the explanation for their paradoxically analogous effect is still not clear. 5-HT6 receptors and Alzheimer’s disease Significant reductions in 5-HT6 receptor density in cortical areas of patients with AD have been found, although the reductions in 5-HT6 receptor AV-951 density were unrelated to cognitive status before death . Since 5-HT6 receptor blockade induces acetylcholine release, reductions in 5-HT6 receptors may represent an effort to restore acetylcholine levels in a deteriorated cholinergic system. In addition, it has been reported that a dysregulation of 5-HT6 receptor activation by 5-HT in the temporal cortex may be related to behavioral symptoms in AD . In this sense, preclinical data suggest a possible role for 5-HT6 receptors in depression and anxiety. Two selective 5-HT6 antagonists (SB-399885 and SB-271046) and donepezil (an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor) were evaluated in the rat forced swimming test because Regorafenib FDA this test is known to identify drugs with antidepressant activity. 6% (6/108) of all 108 pilon fractures assessed by CT scans. With selleck compound regard to the treatment, there is still no consensus as to the optimal solution for posterior pilon fractures in the literature. As one unique type of pilon fractures, the posterior pilon fractures require anatomical reduction and stable fixation. However, different operative techniques including indirect anteroposterior screw-fixation, direct posteroanterior screw-fixation, and buttress plate fixation have been adopted by different orthopaedic surgeons. 3 , 5 In this article, through a retrospective study, we present the treatment outcomes of 10 patients with posterior pilon fractures treated with buttress plate. PATIENTS AND METHODS During a 3-year period from January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2009, 157 consecutive patients with ankle fractures underwent operative treatment at our institution. Of these fractures, 10 fractures in 10 patients with impaction of the posterior tibial plafond were identified as posterior pilon fractures by CT scans and were treated with buttress plating. Those fractures with no impaction of the plafond or treated only by screws were excluded from this study cohort. There were seven males and three females with an average age of 46.5 (range, 21 to 71) years. Four patients had been injured in motor vehicle accidents, three patients had fallen from less than 2-meter height, two patients had had twisting injuries upon falling from more than one step height while going down stairs, and one patient had a history of slip and fall at ground level only. Radiographs of the ankle joint with anteroposterior, mortise and lateral views were taken to evaluate the fractures. Three-dimensional reconstruction of CT scan images was also used to identify the fracture patterns. The transverse CT scan images revealed that the fracture lines extended from the posterior malleolus to the medial malleolus in all cases. Six of the 10 patients had associated complete medial malleolar fractures involving both the anterior and the posterior colliculi. Associated lateral malleolar fractures also occurred in all cases. In the emergency department, all fractures received closed reduction and fixation with plaster splints. Calcaneal traction was applied in three cases and external fixator in two cases because each of these fractures had a concomitant closed Tscherne grade 2 soft-tissue injury. 12 Definitive fixation was delayed until the soft tissue swelling had subsided. The mean time from injury to operation was 7.8 (range, 6 to 10) days. Patient’s data are presented in Table 1. Ethical approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee, Tongji Hospital, Tongji University Drug_discovery School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. The patients had signed an informed consent form authorizing the use of their clinical data in this study. Table 1 Patient Data. Surgical Techniques The surgeries were performed under either general or epidural anesthesia. The bar also allowed the forces of mastication to be shared by the abutment teeth.12,26 Various bar attachment methods are used for overdenture bar fabrication.12,27�C28 Belinostat IC50 But since the bar was used to connect the abutment teeth and not to retain the clip on it, a 2 mm round sprue former was used for bar fabrication. The bar and stud framework was luted to the teeth using adhesive cement. An intra-canal dowel extension was not used for the copings since the teeth were not parallel. One of the O-ring studs was placed on the distal aspect of the right lateral abutment and another was placed mesial to the left lateral abutment. Since the bone support on the distal aspect of the left lateral abutment was compromised, the stud was placed mesially so as to prevent the forces of insertion/removal endangering the abutment. In the present clinical situation, there was 21 mm of inter-occlusal clearance. Hence the stud attachment was incorporated above the bar on the mesial aspect of the left lateral abutment. The bar was contoured and the intaglio surface of the prosthesis was relieved. This allowed freedom of movement for the O-ring attachment when the denture base moved slightly. The bar and O-ring retained overdenture showed good retention. The patient was pleased with the treatment and was satisfied with the esthetics and function of the denture. Homecare hygiene instructions and dietary advice with regard to caries control were reinforced. The patient was advised to clean the bar and attachment with a interdental tooth brush using warm salt water. Initially, follow-up was once a week for a month. Later evaluation was done once in every 6 months. At the time of follow-up, routine maintenance such as oral prophylaxis was carried out. The denture has been in use for 2 years now without any problems and the patient is extremely pleased with it. CONCLUSIONS Lack of retention of complete mandibular dentures is a common complaint among the complete denture patients. With the inception of osseointegrated implants, the concept of overdentures has become more popular, but not all patients are able to afford the treatment costs. A tooth-borne overdenture may be advised whenever several good teeth remain in the arch. The different bar and stud attachment designs suggested in the literature for implant overdentures also hold true for tooth-borne overdentures. The incorporation of attachments in overdentures into everyday dental practice will open up another dimension in dental treatment planning and patient satisfaction. Teeth that might be considered for extraction may be considered Dacomitinib as long or short term alternatives to implant or total edentulousness. Many clinical orthodontists has observed apical root resorption at the end of treatment and wanted to know what caused it. The application of external forces to the teeth to produce orthodontic tooth movement carries some calculated risks. Three days following the biopsy results she found out she was pregnant. She was offered termination, but declined. She subsequently underwent lumpectomy and axillary selleck Rapamycin node dissection, placing her at stage IIB (T2N1MX), estrogen receptor-positive (ER1), HER2 negative (HER2?). She had positive surgical margins and had to undergo a second lumpectomy. Due to her young age at diagnosis, she was offered and consented to BRCA testing; her BRCA test result was negative. After reaching the second trimester, the patient began chemotherapy with adriamycin and cyclophosphamide. She was referred to the Maternal-Fetal Medicine service for her pregnancy care, and was also managed by her oncologist. She completed four cycles of chemotherapy. She underwent serial fetal growth ultrasounds and antepartum testing was scheduled to begin at 32 weeks of gestation. Her obstetric course was complicated by a chronic placental abruption with multiple hospital admissions for vaginal bleeding. At 34 weeks of gestation she went into spontaneous labor. During the course of her labor, the fetal heart rate tracing became nonreassuring and she underwent a low transverse cesarean delivery. Her infant was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with an uncomplicated course. Due to in-utero adriamycin exposure, a neonatal echocardiogram was performed but did not show evidence of cardiac toxicity. Her infant was discharged on day of life 6 and continued to receive periodic echocardiographic evaluations to assess for damage to the heart. The patient did well postoperatively and was discharged home in stable condition on postpartum day 3. She planned to receive radiation therapy and postpartum paclitaxel injection. Diagnosing PABC Breast cancers in pregnancy, and most breast cancers in patients < 40 years, are diagnosed by a palpable mass (Figure 1).2 At the first obstetric visit, it is imperative to perform a thorough breast examination and encourage patients to continue self-breast examination throughout pregnancy. Most women with PABC present with a painless mass in the breast or thickening of the skin of the breast.4 Delays in the diagnosis of PABC are likely due to pregnancy-induced breast changes, such as engorgement, that often make it difficult to discern a concerning breast mass from a normal breast in a pregnant woman. Figure 1 Work-up of breast mass. Once a suspicious mass is identified, a breast ultrasound can help characterize the mass and identify Brefeldin_A any concerning features. More than 80% of breast masses identified in pregnancy represent benign pathologies. Etiologies include lobular hyperplasia, fibroadenoma, cystic disease, galactocele, abscess, and lipoma.5 Nonetheless, each mass needs to be thoroughly evaluated. Ultrasound has been noted to be 100% accurate in detecting a mass in patients with PABC.4 If the mass is noted to be fluid filled, a fine needle aspiration can be performed to obtain fluid to send for cytology. Therefore, the use of this material cannot be supported at present, and further controlled, prospective clinical trials are urgently needed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was partially supported by the University of Michigan, Periodontal Graduate Student Research Fund. Submerged primary molars can be difficult to manage due to the developing selleck kinase inhibitor dentition. Rarely in some severe cases, may the surgical interventions be required while ensuring the vital structures are protected. Therefore these cases require sophisticated imaging techniques in order to locate the vital structures. In this case report, a 17 year old girl who had a retained and submerged deciduous molar which caused impaction of the second premolar and tipping of the first molar was presented. In addition, value of computed tomography (CT) for locating the vital anatomic structures was discussed. In our case, CT has been supplied effective information about localization of the vital structures and amount of bone volume during the diagnosis and treatment planning period in addition to the routine dental radiographies. Keywords: Submerged molars, Ankylosis, Impaction, Computed tomography INTRODUCTION The term ��submerged�� may be defined as teeth failing to erupt into a functional position and remaining under the occlusal plane. In the literature, ��submerged�� is often used synonymously with ��ankylosed�� and ��infraoclusion��. Although the aetiology of submerged teeth is still unclear the following factors may affect a tooth to submerge. 1�C3 Ankylosis Periodontal membrane disorders Disturbed local metabolism Local mechanical trauma Local infection Chemical or thermal irritation Local failure of bone growth Abnormal pressure of the tongue Disturbance in normal hard tissue resorption and deposition Systemic diseases (congenital syphilis, endocrine disorders etc.) Heredity Abnormal germ position and direction Lack of space The submerged primary teeth are complex clinical challenges and can be difficult to manage due to the developing dentition. There are four treatment options for impacted teeth. Observations (no treatment for a specific period); intervention (a brief period orthodontic therapy or the removal of teeth); relocation (repositioning of an impacted tooth surgically or orthodontically) and extraction (the removal of impacted tooth). 4,5 Treatment may be complicated by the relationship of the teeth to the inferior alveolar nerve, which necessitates extensive bone removal and mental nerve transposition in the process of removing the submerged/impacted teeth. Early recognition and treatment of the submerge tooth might have prevented the need for such extensive surgery and morbidity at a later Dacomitinib date.1,6 Rarely in some severe cases, may the surgical interventions be required while ensuring the vital structures such as inferior dental nerve are protected. Therefore these cases require sophisticated imaging techniques in order to locate the vital structures. Our series comprised a select group including only patients with loss of HCV serum RNA on treatment, thus the higher than expected SVR rates were anticipated. There was a statistically insignificant but numerically higher rate of SVR in the ISH positive versus negative group, 80% versus 60%, respectively. However, the differences were most likely due to the longer duration www.selleckchem.com/products/Imatinib-Mesylate.html of antiviral treatment given and a higher percentage of genotypes 2 or 3 in patients with positive ISH (44% versus 14%). Longer duration of therapy in group 1 patients was attributed to a treatment bias based on the finding of positive HCV ISH, and likely reduced relapse rates in the subset of patients with EVR, detectable HCV at 12 weeks, and undetectable HCV at 24 weeks [14, 15]. Interestingly, the patient with detectable serum HCV at 24 weeks cleared virus late into treatment and achieved SVR. The second major finding of the study was the correlation of hepatic HCV RNA detectability by ISH with increased histologic activity despite similar demographic factors in the ISH positive and negative groups. The presence of HCV RNA in native liver tissue has been associated with increased histologic necroinflammatory activity and fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease secondary to HCV [16�C19]. Post LT, Neff et al. noted that 6 of 7 patients with detectable hepatic HCV by RT-PCR had grade 1-2 inflammation at the end of treatment while in 3 of 4 patients with no inflammation the HCV RT-PCR in the liver was undetectable . Our data may suggest an important role of hepatic HCV RNA in eliciting or maintaining an immune response regardless of a loss of HCV RNA in the serum. Allograft histologic progression has been described in 20% of patients three to five years following serologic SVR [4, 5], perhaps this could be accounted for by remnant hepatic HCV RNA. In summary, this is a retrospective study and is limited by sample size, but it suggests that hepatic HCV detectability has limited value for predicting sustained virologic response in post LT HCV patients achieving loss of HCV RNA on current antiviral therapy. The correlation of hepatic HCV RNA with histologic activity represents a preliminary finding which merits further investigation. Abbreviations HCV: Hepatitis C virus LT: Liver transplantation ISH: In situ hybridization EVR: Early viral response ETR: End of treatment response SVR: Sustained viral response PCR: Polymerase chain reaction. The terms ��nonanastomotic biliary strictures��, ��intrahepatic biliary strictures��, or ��ischemic-type biliary lesion�� (ITBL) are often Entinostat used as synonyms for hilar or intrahepatic diffuse bile duct strictures, necrosis, ecstasies, or dilatations (see Figure 1) [1, 2]. The reported incidence of ITBL after OLT varies between 1.4% and 20% [3�C5].
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You could consume alcohol on warm chocolate and roast marshmallows while sitting in front of your fire place as well as seeing the snow landed on the mountains in Colorado. For those that believe tropical, beverage mango nectar from a pineapple while ignoring the breathtaking sea and Hawaiian sundown on your exclusive outdoor patio forgetting the beach. It took advantage of to be that if you desired to take a yearly journey, one of the most recommended approaches to do it as well as be made sure an area at your favored destination was to purchase a timeshare week. Clearly, that didn’t think about the total financial commitment, which was generally paid throughout the year in month-to-month payments, the upkeep prices, the exchange charges, as well as the trouble of changing places, if they were easily available. High-end resort spaces could be expensive, particularly in one of the most exotic locations. Condominium card memberships supply high-end condominium services at top, special locations for around 75% off of retail, as well as great deals of as soon as a week apartment or new property launch rentals are just rather greater than a solitary night in a luxury hotel space! There are no gimmicks or timeshare tours involved, simply a small life time subscription expense. Currently, for a little price, you can enjoy the deluxe apartment services ready like the Bahamas, Acapulco, Mexico, Las Vega, Europe and numerous various other areas for just 249 a week, using Condominium Hot Offers, if you are adaptable with your journey days. Because the Condo card service could get amount appointments at many resort apartments, throughout all times of the year, they get wholesale costs. They pass these financial cost savings on to their Condo card participants that delight in one of the lushest condo services in the leading traveler areas throughout the globe. This has economic advantages over timeshares and also hotel rooms that could total up to numerous bucks in some places and also period. Buying luxury property on KohSamui is no extended a complicated procedure. Professional kohsamui real estate developers plus agents like Samui Villas and Homes could offer clients a complete portfolio of high-end homes, constructed in a range of designs to suit a diverse amount of tastes and necessities. Off plan properties could be bought within private villa developments, otherwise, standalone luxury villas bought as complete homes. In addition, proficient legal help is enthusiastically available on the island, however for buyers that wish to either construct or adapt a property, a number of respected architects, and interior designers could be contacted directly to help with the finer details. Thanks to the site, climate, and availability of quality services, the marketplace for luxury real estate on KohSamui lasts to draw big numbers of foreign clients. As well as novel developments coming online, a constructing boom over the previous five years has seen plenty of élites, well-appointed properties reach achievement, which has encouraged the secondary market to increase as more luxury properties have converted available around the island. koh samui real estate market is visibly not immune to global market forces. Similar the rest of the world, the island has suffered a go-slow in recent months, not merely because of worldwide concerns, however also based on current political uncertainty in Thailand. Though, demand for luxury properties has continued surprisingly strong, which has permitted investors to continue with their projects and still anticipate a healthy long-term return on investment while buying into the luxury real estate. As it is a small island, Samui’s structure remains modest if associated with many western countries, however as it is a rising tourist destination, both the local and nationwide government are keen to improve facilities, for example, the mains water plus electricity supply, as well as fixing difficulties on the roads. What were once remote portions of the island now enjoy the better entree, as well as more consistent services? This, joint with improved transport services to and from the isle have kept the real estate business moving and permitted developers to extend their portfolios through challenging times. In the post financial meltdown we are staying in obtaining financing for your property organization is hard to get. Many banks are really stingy with that they provide cash to that leaves exclusive capitalists as being the way to go when you are seeking investment loan. Very first collaborate with a real estate agent; this is an important possession as the representatives usually could place you in touch with possible lending institutions. Realty agents could additionally make the whole procedure of obtaining the property a whole lot a lot smoother than state doing so by yourself. Consider them your eyes as well as ears regarding exactly what is taking place in the market. They can also be a useful research study device when checking out a residential property to buy. Iron your shirt, make certain that your pants are pushed, have organization cards to aid offer you that specialist picture. Remember you only obtain one opportunity to make an initial perception, so make an excellent one. You need to sign up with a regional financial investment team. Get to understand the various other members this will confirm to be important to you in the end as you will be stunned at exactly how very easy it really is to get private investing money. I hope this article has assisted you find several of the simple manner in which you could utilize to get funding from the economic sector that will certainly assist you along in your realty service. Beginning a Vinhomes Rich is an energizing and fun method for gaining cash that you need to hit the ground at the earliest opportunity. Your long haul achievement relies upon numerous things, however a decent begin for this industry is a standout amongst the most imperative which incorporates great business arranging and in addition superb business administration. Nowadays there are such a significant number of devices that will enable a maturing business visionary to prevail in real estate business. Before wandering out in the business field you should ask yourself for what valid reason you need to begin this kind of business by any stretch of the imagination? Numerous just say – the cash! It is a decent begins, however we require in excess of one reason. Cash might be a decent main impetus for somebody however it isn’t sufficient to prevail in the real estate business.
On the right project, some bad rust looks better than some good paint. This is an older site. For my professional site and contact information, visit AE Innovations. You can also visit my new site at It Came From The Workshop. If you're at all like me, you learn best by example and by doing. If that also sounds like you and you're interested in the popular AVR microcontrollers, this tutorial should be right up your alley. The goal is to get you up and running as quickly as possible, so you can get to exploring and modifying on your own without having to fiddle with hardware, software, parts, or settings. If you can program in basic C and are familar with most concepts around microcontrollers (perhaps you've used a Basic Stamp, for example) and basic electronics, you'll be up and running in no time. The software and hardware presented here are suitable for beginners, but also entirely appropriate for more advanced projects. Most tutorials skim over a lot of information. Not this one. This tutorial assumes you have some basic knowledge, but tries not to make any other assumptions. The goal is to lower the barrier to entry for getting started with the AVR by starting at square one (i.e. you don't even own a programmer) and getting you using the tools as quickly as possible. You will write some sample programs in ATMEL's AVR Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and run/debug them within AVR Studio using the software's simulator. These C programs will be compiled with AVR-GCC, and programmed into an AVR microcontroller with the help of a USB programmer from ATMEL (the AVRISP mkII) using the ISP (In-System Programming) interface. The programmed chip can then be used standalone in your circuit of choice. You can then get on with learning on your own by exploring and modifying, instead of wasting time figuring out fundamentals or usage of the tools! Write C programs in AVR Studio. Compile them into a .hex file using the AVR-GCC compiler (which integrates into AVR Studio). Simulate the target AVR chip and debug the code within AVR Studio. Program the actual chip using the AVRISP mkII USB device, which is attached to our target chip with a special 6-pin cable. Once programmed, the chip runs the program in your circuit. 2. Go to ATMEL.com and download AVRStudio and any service packs. At this writing (February 2008) there was AVRStudio 4, and two service packs. This is the main IDE we will be using. 3. Go to AVR-GCC's homepage at sourceforge.net. Download WinAVR. This contains the C compiler for the AVR. 4. Install AVRStudio. Install Service packs (if any) starting at 1, then 2, etc. The install is pretty straightforward. 5. Install WinAVR. The install should also be straightforward. I simply used all the defaults. These are the minimum connections required for the ATTINY45 to function. In our application, the MOSI (Master Out Slave In) and MISO (Master In Slave Out) and SCK (Serial Clock) pins will be used for the ISP programming header. That leaves two general purpose I/O pins (PB3 and PB4) for our use. The chip will be using its built-in internal oscillator as its clock, so no external crystal needs to be attached. Note: Many pins are multi-function, and there are different ways to configure what pin does what. That's something you can explore on your own after this tutorial is done, but for now just be aware that it can be done. For this tutorial, we'll be left with two I/O pins on the ATTINY45. 8. Attach LEDs - one LED and one current-limiting resistor (300 ohms, but actually anything between that and 1k should do the trick) from to each I/O pin (PB3 and PB4) to GND. These LEDs will be the outputs for our simple program - we're going to make them blink on and off. 9. Make the ISP header and connections. The ISP header is a 6-pin (3x2) interface to the AVR programmer hardware. A header is tough to breadboard, but you can make your own with some long pin headers as shown. The top left pin will be pin #1 (just like the location of pin #1 when looking down at a chip). You will notice that the pins are all named pretty much the same and the signals are connected 1-to-1 from ISP header to AVR microcontroller. This is true of all AVR microcontrollers - not just the ATTINY45 we are using. The only difference is that the signals may be on physically different pins on the AVR device depending on which you are using. Here, we're just going to stick with the ATTINY45. For some additional information about AVR programmers and target boards, you can visit this page at Evil Mad Scientist Labs. Now you're ready to get started with the software development! 1. Start AVR Studio on your workstation. Select "New Project". Type is "AVR-GCC". Project name: "MyFirstProject". Check off the "create folder" box. Modify the location if desired. Debug platform should be "AVR Simulator". Device is "ATTINY45". Click Finish. You will now be in the IDE. This is a quick and dirty way to turn both LEDs on. This code tells all of Port B to become outputs by writing 0xFF (binary 1111 1111) to DDRB which is the data direction register for port B. Each bit is mapped to a port B pin - a '1' written means that pin should be an output. A '0' means the pin is an input. So we're making all of Port B outputs. The next statement is similar in that we're sending 0xFF to PORTB - again, each bit is mapped to a Port B pin. So writing 0xFF sets all of Port B as high (logical '1'). Now as you may recall, the only two I/O pins we are using are PB3 and PB4. All other pins on the part are being used for something else. So we really only needed to make Port B bits 3 and 4 outputs, then logical 1's. But we're using a shotgun approach for simplicity so we just used 0xFF in both cases. 3. Compile the code with "Build -> Build" from the menu, or the F7 shortcut for "Build". The bottom window will show the progress and results. You should see "Build succeeded with 0 warnings." If there is an error, check your code for typos. The error message should give you the offending line number. You should be able to locate MyFirstProject.hex in your project dir. For me, it was in "AVR\src\MyFirstProject\default\". 4. Now let's debug the code in the simulator to get a feel for how it works. Use "Build -> Build and Run" from the menu, or use the CTRL-F7 shortcut. We have a yellow arrow at the current execution. We have some debugging keys at the top (we want STOP and STEP INTO now). We have "AVR SIMULATOR" at the bottom which is no longer greyed out. Now click on the right pane on PORTB so we can look at it in the "I/O View". The bottom right window will populate with DDRB, PINB, and PORTB. These represent some states of the simulator's virtual ATTINY45 hardware. 5. Step through the program line by line with "STEP INTO (F11)" button. Notice DDRB (direction of pins for PORTB: input or output) changes on the bottom right after "DDRB = 0xff" is executed. 6. Step again and notice that PORTB becomes set to 0xff (all logical 1 output) when "PORTB = 0xff" is executed. We are now at the end of the program. Click "STOP DEBUGGING" (the blue square button on the menu bar ) or CTRL-SHIFT-F5 to stop the debugger and chip simulator and return to the coding view. Those are the basics of debugging with the simulator and the IDE. The next step in the development process is that of getting the compiled .hex file onto the actual AVR chip so it can run in the real world, not just in the simulator. This is done with the AVRISP mkII through AVR Studio. In the real world, the two available Port B pins have LEDs on them, so once they are set to HIGH (logical 1s) the LEDs will light up. 1. Ensure your AVRISP mkII is plugged in via USB to your workstation. You should have a green light on the AVRISP nearest the USB connector. 2. Connect the ISP cable from the programmer to our 6-pin header that we breadboarded up as per earlier directions. The light by the ISP cable will be RED (indicating no power on target circuit). AVR Studio integrates with the AVRISP mkII programmer, so there is no need to run a separate programming program to burn our .hex file into the chip. So now we select the AVRISP mkII as the programmer and inform it of where our .hex file is in the context of this project. 1. Click the [CON] button on the menu bar (it looks like a little chip with 'CON' in it) to connect to the programmer. A selection dialog will appear. Select "AVRISP mkII" as the Platform, and "USB" as the choice for the Port (it should be the only option for the mkII.) This allows us to set up the programmer. Once we do this once, we can skip the setup step by clicking the [AVR] button next to [CON] instead. 2. Click "CONNECT..." You will see a window with things like LockBits, Fuses, etc. You will someday want to mess with these settings, but for now just ignore them and go to the PROGRAM tab. All we're going to do here is tell it where to find our .hex file. Fill out the "Input HEX File" by clicking the browse button and selecting the MyFirstProject.hex file - it should be in the project folder. Now you can go back to the PROGRAM tab and click PROGRAM. The light nearest the ISP cable on the AVRISP mkII should go orange while programming is in progress. Look at the output window near the bottom - the programming should be successful. 5. The program auto-runs once the programming is done. Look over at the ATTINY45 and you will see the two LEDs are lit! If all you needed your microcontroller to do was make those two pins go HIGH after a RESET, you could take that ATTINY45 off the breadboard and put it into your project right now. But let's change the program a little to demonstrate a delay. Instead of the LEDs turning on immediately after a RESET (i.e. after the part is programmed) we will have it wait a short time first - giving us time to look over and see the LEDs turn on. 2. Save and BUILD (F7 or BUILD -> BUILD). Whenever you change the program, remember to re-build it before programming it into your AVR. 4. Program the code into the ATTINY45 with the PROGRAM button and look over to your AVR. Once the programming is done, the LEDs will light after a few seconds' delay. You have implemented a delay! So far we've been using the sledgehammer approach to playing with Port B by writing 0xFF's. Let's modify the code so that we are writing to only the bits required for Port B pins 3 and 4. If we ever want our port to have some inputs, some outputs, and set some pins high and others low, we'll need to do this. While we're at it, we're going to create a "run forever" program loop as well. // then off for 200ms, endlessly. // AVR-GCC also would accept 0b00011000, by the way. 1. Re-build the code (F7 or BUILD -> BUILD). Ensure no errors at bottom of page.Re-build the code (F7 or BUILD -> BUILD). Ensure no errors at bottom of page. 2. Program the newly-compiled .HEX file into the part with [AVR] and "Program". 3. Observe that the LEDs now blink endlessly. Here is an example of two simple functions: one that waits one second, and another that uses binary math operators to set or clear a specific bit in PORTB while leaving all the other bits unchanged. Enter the following program, build it, and run it in your ATTINY45. // while leaving the other bits unchanged. // either high or low (1 or 0) to match 'value'. // Leaves all other bits in PORTB unchanged. We have been writing to "PORTB" as outputs to make Port B pins high or low. You might think that to read Port B pin states you just read in "PORTB" but that is not the case. To read Port B pin states, you have to use "PINB". Write to PORTB for output, read PINB for input. This example will demonstrate reading the state of the pin with a button (PB3). // the value of PINB's bit #3. // 'temp' will therefore only ever be 0x08 or 0x00. // then turn the LED on with a function. 3. Build and program this into the ATTINY45. You will see that the LED on PB4 lights while the button on PB3 is pressed. Congratulations! That is how to use inputs, outputs, variables, and functions! This same code and circuit can illustrate one more thing to us, though. Take a look at the final section below. Here is an annoying problem you may run into. I ran into it shortly after writing my first couple test programs and it was a hair-puller. At the time I wasn't sure whether I was mis-using the tools or not. Using the code from above (i.e. for reading a button), build and run the code in the debugger. Add a WATCH to the variable 'temp' by right-clicking on the variable and selecting "Add watch - temp". Now step through the code and process the line which assigns a value to 'temp'. If you look at the watch window, you see that 'temp' is indicated as being undefined in some way. Which is a little weird, considering that we're specifically assigning it a value right here! You are not misusing the tools or misunderstanding what you are seeing. There is a reason for this, and once you understand it you will be able to work around it. The problem is that the debugger is debugging the actual compiled code, which is running on a virtual ATTINY45; and that compiled code is not the same as our 'C' code. The compiled binary code running in the simulator is the result of the AVR-GCC compiler taking our C program, turning it into machine code and in the process optimizing it. That optimization process is part of any compiler and is why we are seeing what we are. If the variable 'temp' resided in RAM, we would be able to see it in this window. But that isn't necessarily where it will be. When we compiled the program, the compiler decided how to handle 'temp' and where that variable physically resided in the ATTINY45's hardware. It may decide to put the variable into one of the hardware registers. Or, if your program only did "temp = 10", the compiler would probably optimize it completely away (replacing it with a literal "10") since the value never changes. If you want to see this 'temp' variable in your watch window, you can re-compile your code with optimization OFF. If you want to debug meaningfully at a basic level, it can be helpful to do so with optimization off. Turning optimization off does not just mean "make debugging work"! To turn off compiler optimization, right-click on the project main file and select "Edit Configuration Options". Then change the "Optimization" from the default of "-Os" to -O0". Then re-build your code. You will notice a warning: "Compiler optimizations disabled; functions from <util/delay.h> won't work as designed". So, you can see already why turning off optimization is more complex than "make variables watchable". However, as a result of recompiling without optimization, we can now debug and step through the code as before, but the variable 'temp' can be watched just as you'd expect! You will notice something else too if you look closely at the compiler's output, or program the code into the ATTINY45. Notice how much longer the chip took to program? The size of the compiled code for our simple program is now 3.3k in size! Now turn compiler optimization back to the default of -Os and re-build the code. The code is now 170 bytes. Quite a difference! So, while turning off optimization can be useful to you in some cases (particularly if you're wanting to watch this variable in the debugger), remember that turning off optimization changes some fundamental things. It can be useful, but once you are looking at un-optimized code you're no longer seeing it the way it will exist when programmed into the microcontroller. So if nothing else, at least remember to turn optimization back on! Additional discussion is outside the scope of this document, but to understand more about this issue, you can read the discussion on AVRFreaks.net for "When is -O0 appropriate?" This wraps up the quickstart tutorial - you should now be able to use the tools and write basic code, and have a context in which to learn and explore more. Now you can get on with playing, instead of wresting with the tools and simple basics!
A gas is allowed to expand at constant temperature from a volume of 2.00 L to 11.20 L against an external pressure of 1.500 atm. If the gas loses 256 J of heat to the surroundings, what are the values of q, w, and ΔU? Pay careful attention to units. A golfer tees off and hits a golf ball at a speed of 31 m/s and at an angle of 35 degrees. How far did the ball travel before hitting the ground? Round the answer to the nearest tenth of a meter. A candle is 17 in. tall after burning for 3 hours. After 5 hours, it is 15 in. tall. Write a linear equation to model the relationship between height h of the candle and time t. Predict how tall the candle will be after burning 8 hours. What is a good grabber for an Hammurabi's Code essay??? PM is the median of trapezoid KLNO. If ON = 30 centimeters and KL = 20 centimeters, what is the length of PM? How much in $ is one MOLE of pennies? A 0.20-kg ball on a stick is whirled on a vertical circle at a constant speed. When the ball is at the three o'clock position, the stick tension is 16N. Find the tensions in the stick when the ball is at the twelve o'clock and at the six o'clock positions. Predict what would happen to the weather in the north-eastern united states if the polar jet stream dipped to the south. How would the weather change if the jet stream moved to the north? How much energy is required to raise the temperature of 3 kg of lead from 15C to 20C? Use the table below and this equation: Q = mcT. A truck carrying a 65.4 kg crate accelerates from rest to 53.9 km/h on a flat horizontal surface in 15.2 seconds. The crate does not slip in the truck bed. The acceleration was not constant. How much work was done on the crate by the truck? Maria is applying for a summer job. Six employees doing the same work earn $8.00, $8.50, $9.00, $9.50, $10.00, and $23.50 per hour. In the interview, the boss tells Maria that the median of the hourly wages is $9.25. Is the boss’s statement misleading? Explain how an organism can be dead, yet still considered a biotic factor. In a grocery store, you push a 14.5 kg shopping cart with a force of 12 N. If the cart starts from rest, how far does it move in 3 sec? a 25 kg object moving at 15 m/s collides with at 15 kg object that is standing still. They stick together and keep moving, what is their final velocity? A frictionless30degrees incline should provide an acceleration of 4.90m/s2 down the incline. A student with a stopwatch finds that an object, starting from rest, slides down a 15m very smooth incline in exactly 3s. Is the incline frictionless? A skier of mass 109 kg travels down a frictionless ski trail. a)If the top of the trail is a height 218 m above the bottom, what is the work done by gravity on the skier? _____J b)Find the velocity of the skier when he reaches the bottom of the ski trail. Upon decomposition, one sample of magnesium fluoride produced 1.65kg of magnesium and 2.58kg of fluorine. A second sample produced 1.50 kg of magnesium. How much fluorine (in grams) did the second sample produce? Please help!!! Physics test!? I have a physics test tomorrow on projectile motion, and I don't feel ready for it. I'm having trouble in the class and I need to ace this test. The problem is I get confused when I get a problem. I don't know how to proceed. A rifle bullet with a mass of 17.5 g traveling toward the right at 293 m/s strikes a large bag of sand and penetrates it to a depth of 23.6 cm. Determine the magnitude and direction of the friction force (assumed constant) that acts on the bullet. write a situation that can be represented by the algebraic expression $3.50. Alump of lead with mass 0.50kg is dropped from a hight of 20m onto a hard surface. it doesn't rebound but remains there at rest for a long periods of time. what are Q,W,UFOR THE LEAD DURING THE PROCESS. If the heat of combustion for a specific compound is -1320.0 kJ/mol and its molar mass is 92.41 g/mol, how many grams of this compound must you burn to release 544.30 kJ of heat? 1. Determine the quadrant in which the terminal side of the angle is found and find the corresponding reference angle. theta = 4 I know how to find the terminal side when theta has pi in it (for example: 4pi/3), but I don't understand what just "4" means. What is the final pressure of the gas relative to its initial pressure when there is an increase in Kelvin temperature of a cylinder of compressed gas by a factor of 2.7? A crate is dragged 15m along a horizontal surface by a rope which makes an angle of 37° with the horizontal. How much work is done? Please help me with this question. A wheel of arduous 30 cm is rotating at a rate of 2.0 revolutions every 0.080 s. Through what angle, in radians, does the wheel rotate in 1.0 s? What is the linear speed of a point on the wheel's rim? What is the wheel's frequency of rotation? which one of the following statements about childcare centers is correct? A 0.2181 g sample of KHP required 17.29 mL of sodium hydroxide solution to reach the phenolphthalein end point. Calculate the molarity(M) of the NaOH solution. Returns now complaining of increase in depression over the past several months, resulting in an emergency room visit. A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on Who returns is my first thought, I answered it as B.. On a trip from Virginia to Florida the Smith family wants to travel at least 420 miles in 8 hours of driving, what must their average rate of speed be? Would it be 420 divided by 8= 52.5 miles an hour? Thank you! A record was set for stair climbing when a man ran up the 2300 steps of the Empire State Building in 10 minutes and 20 seconds. If the height gain of each step was 0.2 m, and the man's mass was 63.0 kg, what was his average power output during the climb? A 110 kg object moves in a horizontal straight line with an initial speed of 54 m/s. If it is stopped along that line with a deceleration of 1.90 m/s2 what magnitude of force is required? The enthalpy of neutralization for the reaction of a strong acid with a strong base is −56 kJ/mol of water produced. How much energy will be released when 200.5 mL of 0.400 M HCl is mixed with 149.1 mL of 0.500 M NaOH? Why did treaties between Native Americans and the United States fail to bring peace to the Plains? How much does Jane pay for 1.75 kg of apples at $0.48 per 100 grams?. Consider a force F = 815 N pulling 3 blocks of masses m1 = 7.94 kg, m2 = 15.3 kg, and m3 = 32.4 kg along a frictionless horizontal surface. Find the acceleration a of the blocks. Answer in units of m/s2. At noon the temperature is 30 degree F. For the next several hours the temperature falls by an average of 3 degrees F an hour. What's the equation for the temperature and the hours after noon? Biphenyl, C12H10, is a nonvolatile, nonionizing solute that is soluble in benzene, C6H6. At 25 °C, the vapor pressure of pure benzene is 100.84 torr. What is the vapor pressure of a solution made from dissolving 15.2 g of biphenyl in 29.5 g of benzene? This problem from China is almost 2000 years old: Find a number that when divided by 3 gives a remainder of 1, when divided by 5 gives a remainder of 4, and when divided by 7 gives a remainder of 2. 4. A wire is stretched from the top of a 26-foot pole to a point on the ground that is 15 feet from the bottom of the pole. Approximately how long is the wire in feet? (1 point) 16 21 30 37 4.30 is it correct? BENNY PLAYS TWO SPORTS. HE PLAYS SOCCER FOR 3/4 OF THE TIME AND PLAYS BASEBALL FOR 30-MINUTES. HOW MANY MORE MINUTES DOES HE PLAY SOCCER THAN BASEBALL? My answer is he plays soccer 7 minutes more. Am I correct. How do I make a diagram for this problem. After he rests from a golfing trip, this pain goes away. A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on I say it is a fragment because shouldn't it say "his pain goes away"? A baseball is hit at ground level. The ball reaches its maximum height above ground level 3.2 s after being hit. Then 2.7 s after reaching its maximum height, the ball barely clears a fence that is 81.0 m from where it was hit. Assume the ground is level. A sample of helium has a volume of 325mL and a pressure of 655mmHg. What wll be the pressure if the helium is compressed to 125mL (T constant)? If you borrow $15,000 from your dad for college and you agree to pay him $25,000 back at 8% compound interest per year. How many years do you think you have to do this? In other words, given the amounts and the interest rate, what is the number of years? Generalized fatigue with body aches and pains. A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on my answer is b because it doesn't explain very much.. The patient tolerated the procedure well without any complications. A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on To me it is a, a complete sentence.. How many mL of the 0.1029 M standard NaOH solution is required to titrate 0.2247 g sample of KHP to the phenolphthalein end point? He was breathing somewhat quickly, his respiratory rate was 36. A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on C is my answer because shouldn't it say "and his" Lungs clear to auscultation. A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on I say it is complete So A would be my answer. Why were many Plains Indians attracted to Wovoka's teaching about the Ghost Dance? A manufacturing process has 100 customer orders to fill. Each order requires one component part that is purchased from a supplier. However, typically, 2% of the components are identified as defective, and the components can be assumed to be independent. a. When items in a box are put in groups of 3 or 5 or 6, there is always 1 item left over. How many items are in the box if there are fewer than 50? If a ferris wheel has the radius of 5 meters, and one revolution takes 32 seconds, what is its speed? If a number is not a rational number, then it is _____. what is the pH of .10 M NH4CL? Need some help on the sentence below. This is just what happened in 1989 to the fish, birds, and other animals that call Alaska their home. Would there be any commas around 1989? If so would it be before it, after it, or both? Thanks.. How do i write the response in french please help 1) comment s'apple le project que les elves regardent sur l'ordinateur 2)on attrape un mauvais rhume a cause de quel microbe? 3)quel aliment peut nous rendre malades s'ill contient du bacillus cereus? the ratio of square H's length to square I's length is 3 : 5, if the length of square H is 18 meters, what is the perimeter of square I? i need help with x and y input output tables for 7th grade i don't understand what 5x means or what to do! Math hw problems: 1. y=4x+3 x=1,2,5,10,20 2.d=3.5t t=1,2,5,10,20 Please help ASAP!!!!! She is a pleasant 18-year-old female who states that she was at a pub where she was eating and actually fell while holding a tray and rolled her ankle. A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on Seems to me to be a run-on because of all the ands.. What is the domain of the function f(x)=11/Square root of 4-x^2 What is the range of the function y=8/Square root of 4-x^2 Show your steps too. Integrate the expression β = 1/V (δV / δT) at constant pressure, assuming that β is independent of temperature. By doing so, obtain an expression for V as a function of T and β at constant P. a horizontal force of magnitude 18.0 N is applied to a 3.07 kg book as the book slides a distance d = 0.34 m up a frictionless ramp at angle è = 30°. The book begins with zero kinetic energy. What is its speed at the end of the displacement? I told him that I can find no sign of infection at this time, we will treat him with a decongestant. A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on Sounds like a complete sentence, but it could be a run-on that could be fixed with "and we will treat him"? Most of the matter in the universe is of which element? How and where do elements more complicated than this form? Is this correct? Helium; more elements are form in the sun by nuclear fusion. If the larger of two consecutive integers is subracted from twice the smaller integer, then the result is 21. Find the integers. Chase spends 20 mins reading,30mins practicing Piano 15mins cleaning and 40 mins doing his Homework chase is busy for 105 mins what fraction of the time does he spend cleaning?? Compound A is added into a calorimeter that contains 0.750 litres of water. If the dissolution of 5.0 g of this compound causes the temperature of the water to rise to 45.0 °C, what is the enthalpy of solution of compound A? PR~=QR, PQ=x+3, QR=x+6. The perimeter is 93. Find x and PR. how to mentally find the coordinates of the midpoint of AD, given the endpoints A(4,-3) and D(-6,3). on a number line, the midpoint is -2. Name to possible endpoints for the segment. How would this be found. A set of data is normally distributed with a mean of 200 and standard deviation of 50. • What would be the standard score for a score of 250? • What percentage of scores is between 200 and 250? • What would be the percentile rank for a score of 250? The coefficient of kinetic friction between a suitcase and the floor is 0.29. If the suitcase has a mass of 76 kg, how far can it be pushed across the level floor with 710 J of work? The area of Egypt is about 386,700 square miles. The area of Wyoming is about 97, 818 square miles. How many times larger is Egypt than Wyoming? Do I multiply, divide or add? in sentece, what part os speech is from? The pistures fell from the table. i really need help on this short answer question. Compare and Contrast the significance of the various reform movements in Europe AND Asia during the Early Modern Era. thank you!! I don't understand them please some one help me!!!!ASAP!!! in the mid-1990s,investers backed many ____ in hopes of making a huge profit. Assuming that the price of god is $11,000.00/Kg, What is the approximate $value of one mole of gold atoms? Assume that by burning coal extensively, the U. S. causes a substantial increase in pollution and acid rain, and Canada, understandably, objects. How might the U. S. and Canada resolve this dispute? In the early 20th century, some scientists were reluctant to accept the conclusion that DNA could be the genetic material because it is so_________________. Find (fog)(2) and (gof)(-2) f(x)=Square root of 4-x; g(x)=1-3x^2 Show work. which fractions are less than 5/6? 2/5 1/12 25/40 10/20 8/9 how do i know which is greater or less? which will make you wealthy one mole of pennies (6.02e23 pennies) or one mole of Au atoms(6.02e23 atoms)? Who did more to advance Russian rule during the rise of Russia? the Byzantine, the mongols, Ivan the great, or Ivan the terrible. and WHY? Why did Americans demand written constitutions to define and protect rights? If 1/10 of 1 percent of the population gets a flu vaccine what will the ratio of people treated be? After a laparoscopic procedure was unsuccessful. A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on Sounds like a fragment, explains very little that would be my best answer. What mass (g) of KHP is required to neutralize 10.00 mL of 0.1092 M NaOH? Who did more to advance Russian rule during the rise of Russia? the Byzantine, the mongols, Ivan the great, or Ivan the terrible. Reading The Stranger by the lovely Albert Camus. Just need help understanding this question: -After I listed some themes I explored, my teacher asks: "Given the themes you listed, are any conventions questioned based on the treatment of a given theme? Most of the earth is made of what? Is it helium? how can we collect sound energy from outside? then it can be converted into electricity with the help of transducer. Have to prepare a model on this. Please earlier. How do you find the properties of addition? How do you simplify terms like 3z^2 x 2z^3? DF = 3x + 1, DE = EFm = x +5. The perimeter is 31. Find x, DE and DF. How do fruit seeds help fertilize plants and help them grow? Large deposits of salt get into lakes in Utah due to what? DF=3x+1, DE~=EF, DE=x+5. The perimeter is 31. Find x, DE, and DF. BE~=RT. Find x, BT, RT, and the perimeter. What does sleep do for the body? A bacterium that synthesizes an enzyme that neutralizes an environment toxin would probably use a(n) _____________ operon to regulate production of the enzyme. y=-7x+3 Is It Vertical , Horizontal , Or Oblique ? What mass of NaOH is required to prepare 500.0 mL of 0.1029 M stock solution? PE~=PM, y=5x+5. Find the perimeter of the figure. AB~=DC and AD~=BC. Find the perimeter of the figure. A strong magnet attracts a paper cup to itself with a certain force. Does the paper cup exert a force on the strong magnet? Why do beryllium and flouine combine in a 1:2 ratio? A 1720-kg car is traveling with a speed of 15.0 m/s. What is the magnitude of the horizontal net force that is required to bring the car to a halt in a distance of 47.0 m? What makes citing and referencing electronic sources difficult? What can one do to ensure one has done so correctly? I am a 2 digit number. You can divide me by every single digit except for 5 and 7. Add my digits together and the sum is 9. What number am I? What is the coordination number of the ions in a face-centered cubic crystal? In a simple cubic crystal? Does anyone know where I can get inexpensive online tutoring that will not cost me $30.00/hr? Find the derivatives of the function f(y)= sinh(sinh(7y). How much heat in joules is needed to raise the temperature of 5.5 L of water from 0 degrees Celsius to 78 degrees Celsius? ms.brown has a piece of rope that is 5 3/4 feet long. she cuts off a lenght that is 1 7/8 feet long what is the best estimate of the lenght of rope that is left? Find the following values for each function a. f(0) b. f(-1) c. f(-x) d. f(x+1) f(x)=2x^2+3x-4 I you plug in the value for each x, I just want to check my answers. Thanks. in sentence, what part of speech is diplomacy? Diplomacy is the best article. What is the domain of the function f(x)=11/Squareroot of 4-x^2 a.(-11,11) b.[-11,11] c. (-2,2) d. [-2,2] What is the range of the function? y=8/Squareroot of 4-x^2 a. [4, infinity) b. (-infinity, 4] c. [8, infinity) d. (-infinity, 12] e. [6, infinity) f. Please refresh my memory! How do you solve 5x - 3/2x? Thank you! "annual raises must average 4% per department among 6 team members. No team member can get exactly 4%, and the raise must be at least 2% and no more than 6%." How do I start this? appropriate social skills in young children:A.are aquired over time. b.are easily taught. c.cannot be taught. or c.arenot influenced by a childs temerament. parallelograms small parallelogram 22 cm ?? (find this number) big parallelogram 16 cm 32 cm What is the missing number and how can I find it? What is the speed of a hockey puck of mass 0.15 kg if it experiences a force 60 in N for the extent of a slap shot of 0.25 m? Is venus the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th smallest planet? Also is it the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th largest planet? How did political events in Engand change colonial rights? What is the planet venus best known for? Find the derivatives of the function g(t)= cosh^3 t. What is the inverse of y = (3/7)x + 9 I know you have to switch x and y so I get to x-9=(3/7)y from there I don't know what to do. I was wondering why after you post a lot of questions it wont let u post any more plz help. We have to build a catapult that can launch a marshmallow at least 10 feet. Can anyone give me any ideas? The second of two numbers is 6 times the first. Their sum is 77. Find the numbers. Why does air move in the atmosphere/why is there wind? When a parachute opens, the air exerts a large drag force on it. This upward force is initially greater than the weight of the sky diver and, thus, slows him down. Suppose the weight of the sky diver is 914 N and the drag force has a magnitude of 1120 N. A driver drove at a speed of s mph for 4 hours. How far did the driver go? What is the algebraic expression? What is the slope, m, of the line that contains the points (-12, 16), (-3, 4) and (6,-8)? Social Studies 8R - help!!! How did the establishment of reservations affected the Native Americans? The sum of 16 reciprocals (1 over the number) is found to equal 4. What is the harmonic mean of the original (i.e., non-reciprocated) scores? How do you determine the volume of an irregular solid? The mean of 40 scores is found to be -29. If each score had 5 added to it, and then divided by -4, what would the mean of these new scores be? Is venus the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th smallest planet? A 2 kg block is pulled from rest along a horizontal surface by a rope with a force of 16 N. It experiences a constant frictional force of 3 N. How far has the block moved in the first five seconds? An example would be. This one is harder to tell A) complete sentence B) fragment C) run-on I want to say it is b a fragment.. Which city is northwest of Salt Lake City? In a right triangle, the middle angle is 12 more than twice the smallest angle. What are the measures of the smallest and middle angles? i am number less than 10. my hundredths digit is 3 more than my thousandths digits.my tenths digit is less than hundredths and my ones is the sum of my tenths and hundreds digit. what number can i be? Mark has a 40 foot length of rope he decides tocut it into two pieces. He wants one length four times as long as the other. How long is each piece? If a man is 4ft and cast a 3ft shadow how long of a shadow would an 18ft flagpole cast? Change the logarithmic expression to an equivalent expression involving an exponent. Log7343=x the 7 should drop down lower than the 343. A solenoid with a nickel core has 1000 turns on 0.5 m. The cross-sectional area of turn is 50 cm2. What is the magnetic field energy when a current 10 A passes through it ? Given permeability of nickel is 200. If a painter paints 8 different pictures to get a better perspective and then only selects 1 picture to illustrate her mood: what would this be called?
OK (I hear you asking). Just HOW does Guy create the MyMac Podcast each week with such incredible skill, good taste, and handsome features? I may be projecting a bit on that last one…and maybe the others too, but with a little help (and by little I mean almost all the credit) from Dave Hamilton from the Mac Geek Gab I managed to finally get it working consistently. What is “IT” exactly? It’s the ability to record my microphone, everything from Gaz and any guests on Skype, and SoundBoard on three different tracks in GarageBand. All without an external mixer or any other hardware besides my Rode Podcaster microphone and my Mac. That’s not to say that it hasn’t been a long and difficult road with many trials and errors that our long-suffering subscribers had to hear before I got it to the point where it was listenable. Naturally I mean the audio quality and not the content. For that, you’re on your own. Now there are easier ways to do the same thing if all you need to do is record yourself and someone else on Skype. Call Recorder for eCamm will do the trick. It has it’s own oddities and I’ve never cared for the audio quality, but to each their own. If that’s all you want to do, hit the link and pay the $30 for it and you should be good to go. Want to do a little more? Come with me down the rabbit hole and let’s see where it leads! I guess a fair point might be to ask why do I want all these audio sources to be in different tracks in GarageBand and that’s a good question. Remember that unless you’re some kind of audio genius, it’s almost impossible to figure out what different programs are going to be at what audio levels consistently. Especially when you’re talking about a program like Skype. Skype sends audio (and video) through the internet and as such it’s rarely going to be the same each and every time. Some days (even within the same session) it’s going to come out louder or softer than other days, but if everything is being recorded to just one track, you have no way to edit to compensate. So by having each source on it’s own track you can change levels to where each track is relatively the same. With me so far? OK, let’s begin! First let’s talk about the hardware. I use a 2008 Mac Pro with 2 quad-core processors and 16GB of RAM. That doesn’t mean you need a beast of a Mac to do what I’m about to lay out, but use a dual-core Intel Mac or better of recent vintage and at the VERY least 8GB of RAM. The more RAM the better. Remember too that for the best quality you’ll need to output it from GarageBand as an AIFF file to throw into Levelator to smooth out the different tracks you’ll be using in GarageBand. AIFF files can become very large (The MyMac Podcast as an hour show is always over 1GB in size) so make sure you have plenty of space on your hard drive as well. Microphones are a subject that is out of the scope of this article but I do have one or two recommendations. If you can afford it, the RODE Podcaster is one that is very popular but can be a bit on the pricey side especially if you’re just starting out. If you want to just get your feet wet and save your money for some of the software I’ll be recommending in a bit, try the Audio Technica ATR2100 USB/XLR for well under $40 at Amazon. It includes everything you need including cables and a stand and I don’t know of a better microphone for anything in this price range. It’s what I use when I’m on the road. Also get some decent headphones. They too range in price. They are almost as important as a microphone because this will be what you listen through and will judge how well your audio sounds. Don’t try to record without headphones. You could get feedback from Skype which will make things not sound good. I use a pair of Shure SRH240a headphones and while certainly not audiophile quality, they’ve been good enough for me. Under $60 from Amazon. That’s pretty much it for hardware. If you really get into it, there’s Microphone Boom stands and other knick-knacks, but that’s pretty much the minimum for hardware. Moving on to software. This is MUCH more specific and I don’t know of many substitutions so don’t ask! First off you should get GarageBand. Since it comes on many Macs or is so ridiculously cheap at $15 in the Mac App Store there’s no reason to look for something different. Next, you’ll also need Skype which is free unless you want a call-in number, but that’s pretty cheap too. Another freebie is an essential part of this set-up and that’s SoundFlower. You’ll be using both the 2-channel and 64-channel parts, but we’ll get to that later. Now we get to the part where it costs a little more. If you want to do sound effects or be able to easily play back listener calls AND have the other person(s) on Skype hear the call, you need a soundcart program. The one Gaz and I use is called SoundBoard and it’s from Ambrosia Software. It’s also available from the Mac App Store. In either case it’s about $50. There are a few other soundcart programs out there, but I’ve always used SoundBoard and it has yet to let me down. Now comes the last bit of software you’ll need, Audio Hijack Pro from Rogue Amoeba Software. It’s $32 from the website and what it does is magic. There’s other software involved but it call comes natively on your Mac and when we get to it in the set up I’ll tell you where to find it most Macs. Now comes the tricky part. How to make all this stuff work together. There’s a bit of set up you need to do but once this is done, it’s relatively easy to get everything going when you want to record. Go download and install SoundFlower. Once that’s done you should have a OS X menubar widget for SoundFlower. OK, now comes the REALLY hard part, configuring SoundFlower. Have you been taking notes? Paying attention? Good, then do exactly what I tell you next. DON’T do anything to SoundFlower. WHEW! Glad we got through that in one piece. Now before you sit back in your chair and relax, we still need to set some audio levels for SoundFlower, we just don’t do it WITH SoundFlower. Confused? Don’t be. We’re actually going to use a very powerful program that concerns itself with audio in OS X and it comes free with your Mac. It’s called Audio MIDI Setup and it’s located in your Utilities folder. You can find it at the following location unless you’re the type that moves stuff around with some of the basic folders for your Mac. Pro Tip: DON’T move stuff around that concerns the basic folders of your Mac. As you can see, over on the left hand side are all the audio sources available for your Mac including SoundFlower 2ch (2 channel) and SoundFlower 64ch (64 channel). Select the SoundFlower 2ch. Set the format to “44100.0 HZ on both the input AND output sides. Master Volume slider Not QUITE all the way to the far right. I set the 2 individual channels to 0.902 but you can experiment for what sounds best after the rest is set up. OK, now do the same for SoundFlower 64ch except this time instead of just 2 channels, do up to 8 channels. How many you need will depend on how many inputs and outputs you want to channel through SoundFlower. Two channels per device or program is a good rule of thumb. You could go through and set up EVERY channel on the 64ch side of it to the same if you wanted to, but you don’t have to. Remember that you need to set the individual channels for both 2 and 64ch versions of SoundFlower on both the Input AND Output sides. With this we are finished with the basic setup for SoundFlower and Audio MIDI Setup. SoundFlower will be more important in just a little bit. Alright, next up is configuring SoundBoard so that it’s audio is sent to both Skype and GarageBand. Um…there’s nothing to do for SoundBoard as its audio will be routed through Audio Hijack Pro, but here’s a pretty picture of what it looks like! Next up is configuring Skype so that it can hear me, hear my carts played through SoundBoard, AND transmit whatever Gaz and others say or do back to me through to GarageBand. Please note that if you use Skype for other things besides podcasting, you’ll need to reconfigure its input and output to your microphone and headphones of choice unless you want to use Audio Hijack Pro all the time. DON’T use Audio Hijack Pro all the time. It’s a HUGE resource hog (kinda has to be to do what it’s doing) which will take precious computing power away from other things. However what I’m about to show you is easy to do and change for when you aren’t recording. Open Skype. It should be in your Applications folder unless you’ve done something weird to your setup and have applications in other areas. Again, don’t do that. WOO Skype! What your main screen will look like is obviously going to be different. If not, how the heck did you get my Skype password and cut it out. This screen is really the least important thing at the moment as we need to configure it to use with Audio Hijack Pro. So here’s some of what you actually need to be looking at. Skype Preferences. So exciting and yet so not. First, you don’t want those beeps and buzzes or whatever playing when you’re trying to record a podcast. It’s annoying and distracting, two things I’m very knowledgable of. So to turn those off, go to Skype Preferences under the Skype Menu and then click the Notifications button as shown below. Then click the “Details” button. Uncheck “Play sound” and “Speak text”. Now we’re going to configure the inputs and outputs. Click on the Audio/Video button and you should be seeing something like what I show below. Set the “Microphone” to SoundFlower 2ch. Once Audio Hijack Pro is configured (I promise that’s coming soon), this will route both your microphone and SoundBoard (or other program of choice) to the Skype input and people on the other end will be able to hear them. This is a good thing. Now set your “Speakers” to SoundFlower 64ch and anything they say to you can be sent to GarageBand. Which will be configured soon…really. And now you’re done with Skype for the moment. If you have been reading this article and following along, this would be an excellent time to take a break as we are about to get into the most complicated part of this setup. Audio Hijack Pro. Everything we’ve done so far? Easy compared to what’s coming now. This is THE most important part to make it all work. First go to your applications folder, find Audio Hijack Pro and double click to open. As you’ll see in the picture below, I numbered them as I did above. The reason why is that it keeps them grouped together so when I start hijacking, it’s easy to see which ones exactly I need to do. You’ll also note that I have them labeled in such a way as to see which ones are using SoundFlower 2ch and which ones are using SoundFlower 64ch. Again, you can as you please, this just helps me keep track of what is doing which to who. OK first one is getting your microphone to Skype. This input will be going to SoundFlower 2ch so there’s no real configuration other than making sure it’s routed correctly. Select “Audio Device” as the type and your microphone as the input device. Choose SoundFlower 2ch as your Output Device. There is an “Advanced” button under the input to the right side of the window. Hit it to see what I’m showing above, but don’t change the left and right channel inputs. Leave them as “Default”. Hit the “Cancel” or “OK” button to close the Advanced window. Later on we’ll discuss buffering sizes if it doesn’t work properly, but don’t worry about it now. The second one is for getting SoundBoard to also go to Skype. This too is pretty straightforward. Select “Application” with whatever the application is you want to be heard through to Skype. Obviously in this case I’m doing this for SoundBoard. Make sure that under the “Advanced” section that “Multi-Process Mode” is selected and the “Fill Audio Gaps” is set to “With Nothing”. Hit “OK” to save it. Choose “4FX Effect” and then “Auxiliary Device Output”. The uppermost left square will be filled with this effect. Almost done, but not quite yet. There’s a small button on the lower left of the effect labeled “Editor”. Go ahead and hit that button to see the same as below. Under the “Device” drop down menu, select SoundFlower (2ch). Hit the small red closing button on the top left to close that window and you’re done with SoundBoard to SoundFlower 2ch. At this point SoundFlower 2ch is configured to send your microphone and another application directly to Skype because you chose as Skype’s Microphone input to be SoundFlower 2ch. You aren’t limited to just one application either. You can choose others as well. Web browsers, media players, anything you want can be sent to SoundFlower 2ch and who ever is on Skype with you can hear it. A word of caution; be aware of the limitations of your computer. Throwing too much at it will affect the performance of other programs that may need that power like, oh, GarageBand. Now Skype will hear your microphone and SoundBoard (or whatever program you’ve selected). However we still need to get your microphone, SoundBoard (and once more, or whatever program you’ve chosen instead of SoundBoard), and Skype to GarageBand, all on separate tracks. We do this with Audio Hijack Pro and SoundFlower 64ch. We’ll begin with your microphone. This is the easiest one to do. Create another virtual device in Audio Hijack Pro and select as the source type, “Audio Device”. Choose your microphone as the “Input Device” and SoundFlower 64ch as the “Output Device”. Now we have to use the “Advance button to the right as we are going to select which channels from SoundFlower 64ch will be used. For your Microphone, choose channels 3 and 4. Why 3 and 4 instead of channels 1 and 2? Because for whatever reason Skype likes Channels 1 and 2. You could probably fight it and force Skype to use other channels, but why bother? Let Skype have channels 1 and 2. Once you’ve set the channels, hit the”OK” button and you’re done. The next one is for whatever application whose audio you want to capture. Create another virtual device and for the Input select “Silent Input”. What? Why would you do this? It makes no sense and my will to live is draining awaaaaaay! OK enough melodrama. Part of the reason you want a silent input is to keep from having multiple audio outs from the application all going off at the same time (usually JUST out of sync creating a distracting echo sound). Don’t worry, GarageBand will still hear and record it as will you. So, Input Device is set to Silent Input and the “Output Device” is set to SoundFlower 64ch. Now hit the “Advanced” button and select two unused channels to route it through. I chose for no apparent logical reason, Channels 7 and 8. Not done yet. Go to the “Effects” tab and add the “Application Mixer” effect similar to how you added an effect for SoundBoard in the SoundFlower 2ch section. Hit the “Editor” button for the effect and then the “Select” button in the next window. Find the application you want to hijack (SoundBoard in this case) and then hit “Choose”. It will put the name of the application right in the window. Like you did before, hit the “Advanced” button and under “Advanced Hijacking Options” you need to select “Multi-Process Mode (Hijack all sub-processes)” , then just click the “OK” button. When we get to actually hijacked audio, this is one place where the routine will be different than others, but you’ll see when we put it all together. Now the very last one is an easy set up. Right-click the one you just made for SoundBoard and duplicate it. Change the name to something related to Skype and then hit the “Advanced” Button. It should be a duplicate of the previous one. Change the Channels to 1 and 2. Like you did before,go to the “Effects” tab and add the “Application Mixer” effect similar to how you added an effect for SoundBoard. Hit the “Editor” button for the effect and then the “Select” button in the next window. Find Skype and then hit “Choose”. It will put Skype right in the window. Little difference though. Hit the “Advanced” button and under “Advanced Hijacking Options” you need to select instead “MegaMix Mode (Hijack all audio streams)” , then click the “OK” button. That finishes up with Audio Hijack Pro. Ready to start of the FINAL part of configuration? Heck, we haven’t even gotten to what you’ll need to do to actually record! Actually once configured, the recording part is very easy. So the final piece of the puzzle is GarageBand. Remember that like art, audio is subjective. What sounds good to me, may not sound good to you, so I’m not going to talk about filters and effects. That’s up to you and what you want your podcast to sound like. We’re just here to get that sound from you, Skype, and other sources INTO GarageBand. With that in mind, below is what I typically see during an editing session in GarageBand. Note that I have five different tracks, however only three are actually involved in the recording process and the last two are used in post-processing. Track 1 is my microphone, Track 2 is Skype, Track 3 is SoundBoard, Track 4 I use for intro and outro music, and Track 5 I use for commercials and bumpers. The three that are most important are tracks 1 through 3 and are the one’s actually being recorded from live sources. Begin by starting a new session in GarageBand. You can choose what kind of recording you want it be. I typically just choose “Loops” since I don’t do an enhanced podcast with pictures and so forth, just an audio one eventually saved and pushed out as an MP3 file. Now create three new “Real Instrument” tracks. You do this by going to the “Track” menu in GarageBand and selecting “New Track”. Make sure you have enabled “Enable Multitrack Recording” in the “Track” menu so you can turn on multiple tracks. You’ll know you’ve done it correctly when each track has a small unlit (until you click on it) red dot all the way to the left in each track’s options. Track 1 name as your microphone. You should have the “Browse” tab selected which will allow you to choose some basic filter. I use “Vocals” and “No Effect” since I want to shape it myself, but you of course are free to select any of them you want to. The important part though is nearer the bottom. Find where it says “Input Source” and hit the drop down menu. If you have selected SoundFlower 64ch as your input source in GarageBand preferences, there should be all 64 channels that SoundFlower has made available. If you have followed earlier instructions for Audio Hijack Pro, you created a virtual device for your microphone and should now select “Stereo 3/4 (SoundFlower (64ch)). Now do the same for Track 2 which is your Skype input but this time choose Stereo 1/2 (SoundFlower (64ch)) and for Track 3 which is your SoundBoard track, select Stereo 7/8 (SoundFlower (64ch)). As far as your initial configuration goes to enable GarageBand to record yourself, Skype, and another program on three different tracks you’re all finished. Next we’re going to put it ALL together and do some recording. Now you don’t have to do it in this exact order, but this is how I do it. First I Open Audio Hijack Pro and Skype. With Audio Hijack Pro open, I hit “Hijack” on all five of the virtual devices I made. SoundBoard opens by itself as I do so. Before you do anything else, go to the SoundBoard (or other applicable application) for the SoundFlower 64ch or in my case virtual Device 4. Go to the “Effects” tab and then hit the “Editor” button for the Application Mixer effect that you made earlier. The small window will pop up. Now hit the “Hijack” button and it will show as being Active and the button itself will change to “Release” as shown in the image below. Open GarageBand to the file you created earlier that will use SoundFlower 64ch as it’s inputs. Check that you have enabled Multi-track recording as shown earlier in setting up GarageBand. Click the small red unlit dots in each Track’s options and it should light up red. Note that the small yellow symbol for indicating live monitoring of a track (so you can hear it as it’s recorded) is ONLY enabled for the Track 2, the Skype track. You don’t want your microphone on for monitoring as it will be slightly out of sync from what you’re saying and that can be distracting as you’re trying to talk. Track 3 for SoundBoard is also set to not monitor as you should be able to hear it through your regular System setup. If you’re using some other program not set to go through your regular System setup, you may need to monitor it as well. A good way to test your setup is to use the monitor for your microphone on Track one. You should be able to hear yourself and see the track’s volume level change. After testing it, turn off the “Monitor” feature. Test track two’s Skype levels by using Skype’s “Test Call” service which will use a prerecorded voice and recording feature. Hit the “Record” button in GarageBand and then the Skype Test Call. You should NOT be able to hear your own voice, but the prerecorded Skype lady should be loud and clear. When it’s your turn to speak (after the “DING!”), speak into your microphone and hit a button or two in SoundBoard. When it plays back, you should be able to hear your own voice and whatever SoundBoard cart you played. This will confirm that Skype is hearing you and SoundBoard. Once the nice Skype Lady hangs up, stop recording in GarageBand and play it back. You should hear yourself, the Skype call, SoundBoard, AND what ever SoundBoard carts you played in the test call to Skype. If everything worked, congratulations! If something didn’t sound off or there was a significant delay, you will need to go back to Audio Hijack Pro and adjust the “Buffering” for the inputs and outputs for whichever virtual device is the issue. Note that you cannot edit the track when it’s being hijacked so you will need to turn it off to do so. That’s how I get my microphone, Skype, and SoundBoard onto three different tracks in GarageBand allowing me to edit each one individually. At some point I’ll go into my post-production process, but I think this is enough for now. Big thanks and high fives to Dave Hamilton from the Mac Geek Gab who helped me step through all this. Without his help and extreme patience, I never would have figured this out. Happy Podcasting! This is the most useful article I have found online yet. I am just starting out with a couple of mates and with have been having some fun recording the audio, and where i say fun, i mean a complete nightmare. Very quick explanation of my set up and one question. When we are doing our podcast, One of mates sits in the same room as me and the other joins us on Skype, with have been using one microphone (blue yeti), but sometimes the audio is not so great unless we are huddled unto together. Is it possible with your method to add a second microphone. If so, do i do this in audio hijack by just adding another virtual device and setting the input to my second microphone and the output to sound flower ch2 for Skype and the same for output to garage band? I really want to get the audio right as we seem to be getting people downloading them and i do not want alienate them with bad audio so Any help would be very much appreciated. Oi Mr Keithy– did you ever figure out how to add that 2nd mic?
Multi-subunit enzyme complexes of the COX superfamily are found in bacteria, archaea and eukarya. These enzyme complexes reduce O2 to water and concomitantly pump four protons across the membrane. Specific proposals, based on the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme complex, have been put forth to explain proton pumping (Branden et al., 2006; Brzezinski, 2004; Namslauer et al., 2007). They possess a unique bimetallic active site consisting of a heme and a closely associated copper atom where O2 is reduced. The COX superfamily is therefore also called the heme-copper superfamily. Mitochondrial COX is also referred to as Mitochondrial Respiratory Complex IV. There are two main enzyme types in the COX superfamily which have distinct substrate specificities: cytochrome c oxidases and quinol oxidases. The reduced substrates of the latter enzymes are ubiquinol or menaquinol rather than reduced cytochrome c. Both types of oxidases pump protons. COX pumps one H+ per electron transferred to O2 (Brzezinski and Johansson, 2010). Eukaryotic COX complexes contain 3 mitochondrially encoded subunits (I, II and III) and up to ten nuclearly-encoded subunits. All prokaryotic members of the COX superfamily contain homologues of subunit I and most also contain homologues of subunits II and III. The nuclearly-encoded subunits of the eukaryotic complexes are not found in bacteria. The cytochrome oxidases of Paracoccus denitrificans and Rhodobacter sphaeroides contain only 3 subunits, but they function as efficiently as the 13-subunit bovine enzyme complex. Some evidence suggests that the monomeric complex of the Rhodobacter enzyme is fully functional for electron flow and proton pumping in artificial membrane (Cvetkov and Prochaska, 2007). For Rhodobacter sphaeroides CytcO (cytochrome aa3), the E286 side chain of subunit I appears to be a branching point from which protons are shuttled either to the catalytic site for O2 reduction or to the acceptor site for pumped protons (Busenlehner et al., 2008). The 3-dimensional structures of the bovine and Paracoccus enzymes have been elucidated by x-ray crystallography. Liu et al. (2011) published crystallographic and online spectral evidence for the roles of conformational changes and conserved water in the Rhodobacter spheroides cytochrome oxidase proton pump. The E. coli homologue, a ubiquinol oxidase, cytochrome bo, has homologues of subunits I, II and III. Subunits I of various COXs have at least twelve (but not more than 20) transmembrane spanners. Subunits I bind crucial prosthetic groups and probably provide the proton channel. The probable pathways of H+ translocation and the mechanism involved has been reviewed by Schultz and Chan (2001). Most phylogenetic analyses have been conducted with the sequences of subunits I and II. The cytochrome bd complex includes one of two homologous small subunit, either AppX or CydX. Members of the CydX/AppX family of small proteins (30 - 50 aas with 1 TMS) interact with and activate the Cytochrome bd oxidase complex (TC# 3.D.4.3.2) (VanOrsdel et al. 2013). In the chemolithotrophic, thermophilic, acidophilic crenarchaeota, Acidianus ambivalens, the essential residues comprising the H+ channel of the quinol oxidase (TC #3.D.4.9.1) are lacking, and the enzyme is believed to pump protons purely by chemical charge separation. In this six subunit enzyme complex, only the heme-bearing subunit I (DoxB) is demonstrably homologous to subunits in other quinol oxidases. The bacterial respiratory nitric oxide reductase (NOR (3.D.4.10.1 and 2)) is a member of the super-family of O2-reducing, proton-pumping, heme-copper oxidases. Even though NO reduction is a highly exergonic reaction, NOR is not a proton pump and rather than taking up protons from the cytoplasmic (membrane potential negative) side of the membrane, like the heme-copper oxidases, NOR derives its substrate protons from the periplasmic (membrane potential positive) side of the membrane. In these complexes, Glu-122 in NorB contributes to defining the aperture of a non-electrogenic 'E-pathway' that serves to deliver protons from the periplasm to the buried active site in NOR (Flock et al., 2007). Cytochrome c oxidase catalyses the one-electron oxidation of four molecules of cytochrome c and the four-electron reduction of O2 to water. Electron transfer through the enzyme is coupled to proton pumping across the membrane. Protons that are pumped as well as those that are used for O2 reduction are transferred though a specific intraprotein (D) pathway. Replacement of residue Asn139 by an Asp, at the beginning of the D pathway, results in blocking proton pumping without slowing uptake of substrate protons used for O2 reduction. Introduction of the acidic residue results in an increase of the apparent pK(a) of E286, an internal proton donor to the catalytic site, from 9.4 to ~11. Lepp et al (2008) investigated intramolecular electron and proton transfer in a mutant cytochrome c oxidase in which a neutral residue, Thr, was introduced at the 139 site. The mutation resulted in uncoupling of proton pumping from O2 reduction with a decrease in the apparent pK(a) of E286 from 9.4 to 7.6. Human diseases associated with COX deficiency including encephalomyopathies, Leigh syndrome, hypertrophic cardiomyopathies, and fatal lactic acidosis are caused by mutations in COX subunits or assembly factors (Diaz, 2010). A mutation in COA3 causes a phenotype characterised by neuropathy, exercise intolerance, obesity, and short stature (Ostergaard et al. 2015). Heme-copper oxidases (HCuOs) terminate the respiratory chain in mitochondria and most bacteria. They are transmembrane proteins that catalyse the reduction of oxygen and use the liberated free energy to maintain a proton-motive force across the membrane. The HCuO superfamily has been divided into the oxygen-reducing A-, B- and C-type oxidases as well as the bacterial NO reductases (NOR), catalysing the reduction of NO in the denitrification process. Proton transfer to the catalytic site in the mitochondrial-like A family occurs through two well-defined pathways termed the D- and K-pathways. The B, C, and NOR families differ in the pathways as well as the mechanisms for proton transfer to the active site and across the membrane. Structural and functional investigations, focussing on proton transfer in the B, C and NOR families are discussed by Lee et al. (2012). 2Cyt c (red) + 1/2 O2 + 6H+ (in) → 2Cyt c (ox) + H2O + 4H+ (out). Aich, A., C. Wang, A. Chowdhury, C. Ronsör, D. Pacheu-Grau, R. Richter-Dennerlein, S. Dennerlein, and P. Rehling. (2018). COX16 promotes COX2 metallation and assembly during respiratory complex IV biogenesis. Elife 7:. Al-Attar, S. and S. de Vries. (2015). An electrogenic nitric oxide reductase. FEBS Lett. 589: 2050-2057. Bandeiras, T.M., P.N. Refojo, S. Todorovic, D.H. Murgida, P. Hildebrandt, C. Bauer, M.M. Pereira, A. Kletzin, and M. Teixeira. (2009). The cytochrome ba complex from the thermoacidophilic crenarchaeote Acidianus ambivalens is an analog of bc(1) complexes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1787: 37-45. Borisov, V.B., R.B. Gennis, J. Hemp, and M.I. Verkhovsky. (2011). The cytochrome bd respiratory oxygen reductases. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1807: 1398-1413. Branden, M., T. 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Nitric oxide reductase (EC # (NorBC) (component of the anerobic, respiratory chain that converts NO3- to N2; denitrification) [reaction catalyzed by Nor: 2 nitric oxide (NO) + 2e- + 2H+ → nitrous oxide (N20) + H2O]. This enzyme does not pump protons across the bacterial membrane (Reimann et al. 2007), but the protons needed for the reaction are taken from the periplasmic side of the membrane (from which side the electrons are donated). P. denitrificans NOR uses a single defined proton pathway with residues Glu-58 and Lys-54 from the NorC subunit at the entrance (ter Beek et al. 2016). norC and norB encode the cytochrome-c-containing subunit II and cytochrome b-containing subunit I of nitric-oxide reductase (NO reductase), respectively. norQ encodes a protein with an ATP-binding motif and is similar to NirQ from Pseudomonas stutzeri and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and CbbQ from Pseudomonas hydrogenothermophila. norE encodes a protein with five putative transmembrane alpha-helices and has similarity to CoxIII, the third subunit of the aa3-type cytochrome-c oxidases. norF encodes a small protein with two putative transmembrane alpha-helices. Mutagenesis of norC, norB, norQ or norD resulted in cells unable to grow anaerobically. Nitrite reductase and NO reductase (with succinate or ascorbate as substrates) and nitrous oxide reductase (with succinate as substrate) activities were not detected in these mutant strains. Nitrite extrusion was detected in the medium, indicating that nitrate reductase was active. The norQ and norD mutant strains retained about 16% and 23% of the wild-type level of NorC, respectively. The norE and norF mutant strains had specific growth rates and NorC contents similar to those of the wild-type strain, but had reduced NOR and NIR activities, indicating that their gene products are involved in regulation of enzyme activity (de Boer et al. 1996). Nitric oxide reductase large subunit, NorB, of 753 aas and 14 TMSs (Al-Attar and de Vries 2015). Cytochrome oxidase (Cox or CcO). Reversible hydration-level changes of the cavity can be a key factor that regulates the branching of proton transfer events and therefore contributes to the vectorial efficiency of proton transport (Son et al. 2017). Cox16 is required for the assembly of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (respiratory chain complex IV (CIV)), possibly by promoting the insertion of copper into the active site of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (MT-CO2/COX2) (Cerqua et al. 2018; Aich et al. 2018). Cytochrome ba3 oxidase, CbaABC. The 3-d structure is known (PDB# 1EHK) (Lee et al., 2012). Proton transfer has been reviewed (von Ballmoos et al., 2012). A mutation in subunit A, D372I, a probable pump H+ binding site, uncouples H+ transport from electron flow (von Ballmoos et al. 2015). In this cytochrome ba3, O2 molecules that arrive at the reduction site diffuse through the X-ray-observed tunnel, supporting its role as the main O2 delivery pathway in cytochrome this ba3 as well as the cytokchrome aa3 of Rhodobacter spheroides (Mahinthichaichan et al. 2018). Cytochrome bd quinol oxidoreductase, CydA/CydB. Borisov et al. (2011) have presented evidence concerning a proton channel connecting the site of oxygen reduction to the bacteria cytoplasm and the molecular mechanism by which a membrane potential is generated. The CydX protein of 37 aas and 1 TMS, is encoded in the cydAB operon and functions as a subunit of the Cytochrome bd oxidase complex, activating its activity (VanOrsdel et al. 2013). The AppX protein of 30 aas and 1 TMS, is a paralogue of CydX and can substitute for it in activating the Cytochrome bd oxidase complex (VanOrsdel et al. 2013). Cbb3 cytochrome c oxidase (COX; Cbb3; CcoNOP). The 3-d structure is known to 3.2 Å resolution (PDB# 3MK7; 5DJQ) (Buschmann et al. 2010; Lee et al., 2012). The structure explains a proton-pumping mechanism and the high activity of family-C heme-copper oxidases compared to that of families A and B (Buschmann et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2012). A small subunit of 36 aas and 1 TMS, CcoM, was identified in the structure and plays a role in assembly and stability (Kohlstaedt et al. 2016; Carvalheda and Pisliakov 2017). CcoQ, another small protein of 62 aas (acc # F8H837) is an assembly factor for Cbb3-1 and Cbb3-2 (Kohlstaedt et al. 2017). The A-, B- and C-type oxygen reductases each have an active-site tyrosine that forms a unique cross-linked histidine-tyrosine cofactor. In the C-type oxygen reductases (also called cbb3 oxidases), this post-translationally generated co-factor occurs in a different TMS than for the A- and B-type reductases (Hemp et al. 2006). Cytochrome oxidase subunit I (CydA) of 481 aas and 9 or 10 TMSs, and subunit II (CydB) of 337 aas and 9 TMSs (Soo et al. 2017). Cytochrome oxidase including heme A synthase (HAS) and 4 subunits of the cytochrome oxidase. The 3-d structure of heme A synthase (of 306 aas and 8 TMSs) at 2.2 Å resolution has been solved revealing that the N- and C-terminal halves of HAS consist of four-helix bundles and they align in a pseudo twofold symmetry manner. Each bundle contains a pair of histidine residues and forms a heme-binding domain. The C-half domain binds a cofactor-heme molecule, while the N-half domain is vacant (Niwa et al. 2018). The proton pumping Caa3-type cytochrome oxidase chains A-F. The crystal structure (PDB: 2YEV) is known (2.36Å resolution; Lyons et al., 2012). It has a covalently teathered cytochrome c domain. In the cytochrome aa3, O2 molecules that arrive at the reduction site diffuse through the X-ray-observed tunnel, supporting its role as the main O2 delivery pathway in this cytochrome ba3 as well as the cytochrome aa3 of Rhodobacter spheroides (Mahinthichaichan et al. 2018). Cytochrome c oxidase, subunits CtaC (337 aas) CtaD (552 aas) and CtaE (201 aas) (also called CoxABC; Soo et al. 2017). Cytochrome c aa3 oxidase (COX). The 3-d structure is known (PDB# 1M56) (Lee et al., 2012). There are three hydrophobic channels connecting the hydrophobic membrane through the protein to the heme A3/CuB binuclear center (BNC), two of which are probably preferred for O2 diffusion (Oliveira et al. 2014). The D channel is the proton transporting channel, and mutations in residues along this channel, especially N139 in subunit 1, uncouple H+ transport from electron flow (Han et al. 2005). Liang et al. 2017 provided insight into the decoupling mechanisms of CcO mutants, and explained how kinetic gating in the D-channel is imperative to achieving high proton-pumping efficiency in the WT CcO. The O2 molecules that arrived in the reduction site diffuse through the X-ray-observed tunnel, despite its apparent constriction, supporting its role as the main O2 delivery pathway in cytochrome aa3 (Mahinthichaichan et al. 2018).
Rivals T-Mobile and Sprint may end up on the same team. 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Is Sri Lanka, China’s New Colony? China & Sri Lanka: an enduring alliance? China’s rise as a global economic power – and potentially a global political power too – is attracting more and more attention. From the so-called “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) to China’s increasingly aggressive tactics in the South China Sea, the activities of the People’s Republic are one of the biggest stories in international relations. Whilst in the West, and particularly in Britain and America, the debate is often centred on whether the inexorable side of China represents a threat or an opportunity, the countries living in close proximity to China are scrambling to come to terms with the reality of Chinese power. Some countries, notably Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines, find themselves in territorial disputes with China as a result of the People’s Republic aggressive boundary setting moves in the south China Sea. In addition, there is the more long-standing political dispute between China and Taiwan centred on the former’s claims of sovereignty over the latter. What all these myriad territorial and political disputes have in common however is the involvement of the United States. In nearly all cases the US intervenes on behalf of states who feel aggrieved by China’s actions in the South China Sea and beyond. Whilst Washington justifies its own aggressive actions – including challenging Chinese sovereignty over the Spratly islands – as part of its drive to ensure “freedom of navigation” in disputed maritime areas, the reality is that the US is above all concerned with the prospect of China displacing America as the dominant regional power. But there is another side to the rise of China, both in its immediate environment, regionally and more broadly in a global setting. This is a story of successful Chinese outreach to multiple states, characterised by massive investments in infrastructure and resulting political influence. One of these states is Sri Lanka, a country strategically perched next to India in the Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka has come a long way since gaining independence from Britain in February 1948. In the 70 years since independence Sri Lanka has established relatively stable political institutions, in addition to successfully prosecuting a quarter century long counter-insurgency campaign against Tamil separatists in the north and east. Sri Lanka is important to China for many reasons, much of it revolving around the island nation’s strategic position in the Indian Ocean and its proximity to China’s great rival India. In addition, Sri Lanka presents China with a wide range of investment opportunities which in the long-term can help entrench Chinese influence in the country. In keeping with its emerging great power status China’s approach to foreign policy is shaped primarily by strategic considerations. To that end, the Chinese leadership has identified three core strategic rivals and potential enemies, namely India, Japan and the United States. Historic Chinese relations with all three powers has been marked by high tension and conflict, particularly with India and Japan. Therefore, the thrust of Chinese foreign policy is to blunt the influence and reach of these three powers in China’s immediate neighbourhood, or areas where China has traditionally identified as its backyard. For example, China’s support for North Korea is designed to deter the United States from acknowledging Taiwanese independence. More broadly, China’s support for North Korea is also designed to send a strong message to Japan, whose re-militarisation unsettles China’s historical consciousness. To its immediate West China is confronted by the Indian giant, a country whose population is only marginally smaller than China’s. India not only challenges China economically, but also politically, on account of the fact that India is considered a “democracy” (albeit with an Asian twist) whereas China is still deeply authoritarian and officially at least still wedded to a communist ideology. Furthermore, at a strategic level, India is a major rival to China, as similar to the People’s Republic India is incrementally augmenting its military capability with a view to projecting power well beyond its immediate sphere of influence. The development of a so-called blue-water navy (basically a maritime force with global reach and capability) is demonstrative of India’s ultimate ambitions. In view of India’s strategic ambitions, China has devised a variety of economic, political, diplomatic and military tools to contain its big neighbour to the West. In terms of direct political intervention, and in order to offset Indian meddling in Chinese affairs (as demonstrated by India’s hosting of the Dalai Lama), China is suspected of supporting left-wing militant forces in south-eastern India. These forces have come to be known as the Naxalite-Maoist insurgency and are based mostly in Andhra Pradesh state. In the diplomatic and economic spheres, China is engaged in extensive outreach to India’s neighbouring states, in particular Pakistan, which is viewed as a counter to India in the subcontinent. China has massive investments in Pakistan, notably in the deep-sea port of Gwadar. More broadly, China is stepping up its longstanding military cooperation with Pakistan, particularly in the ballistic and cruise missiles sphere. China’s outreach to Sri Lanka is ultimately explainable in the context of China’s strategic posture and associated calculus. Although Sri Lanka is not a large and powerful state like Pakistan – and its relations with India is nowhere near as fraught as Indo-Pakistani relations – nevertheless by establishing influence on the island nation China gains more leverage in its emerging great power rivalry with India. What does Sri Lanka offer to India? As stated earlier, Sri Lanka’s close proximity to India inevitably makes it attractive to Chinese strategists. And of course, with geographic proximity comes a high degree of cultural proximity. Indeed, there are strong cultural bonds between the two nations, centred on the Tamil community in northern and eastern Sri Lanka, who are the ethnic kin of the large Tamil community in India’s deep south. The fact that the Tamils of Sri Lanka were embroiled in a decades long conflict with the central government renders this dimension even more important to the Chinese. More on this later. But suffice to say it is in China’s strategic interest for Sri Lanka to have a strong and stable central government. A unified and strong Sri Lanka is much more likely to oppose core Indian strategic positions, notably the expansion of Indian influence in the Indian Ocean, and to that end a strong and stable Sri Lanka satisfies China’s strategic priorities. China cynically exploits tensions in Indo-Sri Lankan relations, notably the majority Sinhalese’s guarded attitude toward India, and Sri Lanka’s natural inclination towards India’s rivals. Note that Sri Lanka has strong ties to Pakistan, India’s nemesis on the subcontinent. Moreover, China seeks to contain Western influence on Sri Lanka, and where possible to drive a wedge between Colombo and Western capitals. For example, China shields Sri Lanka from Western criticism on human rights issues, focussed on Colombo’s reported mistreatment of the Tamil minority in the north and east of the island. By containing and deterring Western influence in Sri Lanka, China is effectively constructing an outer defensive ring around its core territorial, political and economic interests much further away in the South China Sea area. From this perspective, China’s outreach to Sri Lanka is an important example of China’s emerging global ambitions and a thinly-veiled desire to project power and influence well beyond its immediate neighbourhood. Interestingly, the issue of human rights is bound up with China’s entry into Sri Lanka’s economy. This entry began in earnest in the immediate aftermath of the successful conclusion of the counter-insurgency campaign against Tamil Tiger rebels in May 2009. At the time Colombo was chafing under Western criticism of its alleged human rights abuses, notably the reported killing of thousands of Tamil civilians in the northern Jaffna Peninsula in the closing stages of the war. China, similar to Russia, has a policy of non-intervention in the domestic politics of the countries it tries to cultivate. To that end, the Chinese not only did not care about the possible massacre of Tamil civilians, but in fact they undertook active measures – by way of diplomacy and media propaganda – to protect Sri Lanka from Western criticism. Since 2010 China has invested significant sums in infrastructure projects in southern Sri Lanka and more recently Beijing has begun to invest in northern Sri Lanka as well, including the Jaffna Peninsula, which was the site of the most ferocious battles of the Sri Lanka Civil War of 1983-2009. For example, a major Chinese engineering company is set to build 40,000 houses in the Jaffna Peninsula. Whilst successive Sri Lankan governments have welcomed Chinese investment, Beijing’s increasing economic influence on the island nation is not completely free of controversy. The case of the Hambantota Port Development Project is being increasingly cited to highlight the exploitative dimension of China’s investment strategy in Sri Lanka. Construction of the port began in January 2008 and it is set to become Sri Lanka’s largest port, displacing the Port of Colombo from the top spot. But the project incurred heavy losses and was only kept going by Chinese loans, to the point where Sri Lanka was effectively forced in December 2017 to lease the port for 99 years to the Chinese. China’s critics and detractors often use this case to demonstrate Beijing’s alleged cynical use of loans and investment funds to advance political and strategic ambitions. They also argue that massive infrastructure projects driven and funded by Chinese loans and associated finance potentially undermine the sovereignty of small states like Sri Lanka and to that end they can be construed as a form of Chinese imperialism. How stable is Sri Lanka? At present Sri Lanka is embroiled in a political crisis after President Maithripala Sirisena fired Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe only to replace him with hardliner Mahinda Rajapaksa. This arbitrary dismissal of a sitting government has been fiercely resisted by the Sri Lankan parliament, to the point where there is political stalemate. Sri Lanka is currently in the strange position of having two prime ministerial claimants – and potentially two rival governments – and hence on the threshold of deep political turmoil and potential bloodshed. However, despite the deep political uncertainty, the country is relatively calm and smooth administration continues apace. This speaks to Sri Lanka’s bureaucratic resilience as embodied by the country’s civil service. In the past ten years China has tried hard to cultivate deep links to Sri Lanka’s bureaucracy with a view to investing in the country’s long-term stability. By cultivating allies in the Sri Lankan civil service Beijing believes it can mitigate the instability emanating from Colombo’s volatile politics. In the final analysis, all the available evidence suggests that China – in keeping with its far-sighted global strategy – is set to deepen its influence in Sri Lanka in the years and decades to come. Why is the United States imposing the “toughest sanctions in history” on Iran? In 2018 November the United States re-imposed full sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran following Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear accord back in May. The US has vowed to impose and maintain the “toughest sanctions in history” on Iran. For its part, the Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has struck a defiant tone vowing to “break” the sanctions. But the reality is Iran is facing an economic siege which threatens to create instability with potentially far-reaching social and political consequences. Realistically, there are three potential scenarios at this stage. First is that Iran hunkers down to manage the embargo by using innovative ways to evade some of the sanctions. The Iranians will be hoping to out-last Trump, whose first term expires in January 2021. However, this strategy falls apart if (as it looks increasingly likely) Trumps secures a second term in office. The second scenario is that Iran caves in and agrees to negotiate a new deal on Trump’s terms. As Trump has repeatedly made clear the US is seeking a new deal which not only radically renegotiates the terms and conditions of the existing deal – known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – but expands it to include restrictions on Iran’s ballistic missiles programme and changes to its regional policy. The third (and worst) scenario is that tensions do not remain at the sanctions or economic level, but that they escalate, leading to indirect and possibly even direct clashes between Iranian and American forces in the Middle East. In this scenario the provocative actions of Washington’s key allies, notably Israel and Saudi Arabia, is crucial. Iran may strike these countries directly if it perceives an intolerable provocation or it comes to believe it can force an American retreat by striking at its allies. But how did we get to this place in the first place? Prior to the 1979 Iranian revolution, the United States and Iran were allies and Washington looked to Iran to maintain peace and stability in the Persian Gulf arena. But following the revolution the new revolutionary regime in Tehran found itself at odds with the US and relations rapidly deteriorated. The climax came with the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran by revolutionary students in November 1979 under the pretext that the embassy was a “den of espionage” and to that end it was actively working against the Iranian revolution. The real reason relates to the US decision to grant entry to the former Shah of Iran whom the revolutionaries wanted extradited to stand trial in Tehran. There was a real fear back then that the US would attempt to reinstall its former ally by overthrowing the Iranian revolution. This fear brought back memories of the August 1953 coup (orchestrated by the CIA and Britain’s MI6) which overthrew Iran’s first democratically elected government – led by the nationalist Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaadegh – and reinstalled the Shah who had fled to Rome (Italy). The August 1953 coup which overthrew Mossadegh was a pivotal moment in Iran’s modern history. Mossadegh was not only democratically elected but more importantly he was an icon of Iranian nationalism and was admired by nationalists across the region and beyond. It was Mossadegh’s decision to nationalise Iran’s oil industry – which had hitherto been in the clutches of the British “Anglo-Iranian Oil Company” (later renamed British Petroleum) – which had set him on a collision course with the Western powers led by Britain. Mossadegh’s overthrow, followed by the instalment of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as Shah, set the stage for the Iranian revolution 25 years later. It was based on this history – i.e. the US role in reinstalling the Shah and helping him to consolidate his rule for the next quarter of a century – that the Iranian revolutionaries staked out an oppositional stance vis-à-vis the United States. Following the seizure of the US embassy in November 1979 bilateral relations were severed and the US began the long process of sanctioning virtually every aspect of the Iranian economy. The first sanctions targeted Iranian imports into the US. In addition, the US government froze $12 billion in Iranian assets. Hitherto these funds remain frozen and Iran not only seeks their return but also wants 40 years of interests to be taken into account as well. The next round of big sanctions came into effect 15 years later during the presidency of Bill Clinton. The latter sanctioned Iran’s oil industry by preventing US companies from investing in the Iranian oil and gas sector. A year later in 1996 the US congress went further by passing a law targeting foreign firms which invested more than $20 million a year in the Iranian energy sector. This was the first time the US was using its clout to target non-US entities who did business with Iran. As such it was a significant escalation in America’s economic war against Iran and in hindsight it prepared the groundwork for today’s far-reaching sanctions regime. The next round of sanctions was multilateral in nature in so far as they were prompted by United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions targeting specific features of Iran’s nuclear programme, notably uranium enrichment. The UNSC imposed its first round of sanctions – mostly targeting the nuclear sector – in December 2006. But the US imposed additional sanctions on top and used the opportunity created by international concerns over Iran’s controversial nuclear programme to widen and deepen its own sanctions regime against the Islamic Republic. Indeed, in October 2007, the US directly sanctioned Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) by designating its expeditionary wing, known as the Qods (Jerusalem) force as a terrorist organisation. Moreover, in June 2010, the US exploited the international climate following the UNSC’s imposition of the fourth round of sanctions on Iran, to further target Iran’s energy and banking sectors. Then in January 2012 Washington went a step further by sanctioning Iran’s central bank. Following the signing of the landmark nuclear deal in July 2015, much of the complex web of unilateral and multilateral sanctions that had been imposed on Iran since December 2006 were gradually eased but never fully lifted. However, the US kept in place its non-nuclear related unilateral sanctions, including wide-ranging sanctions against the IRGC on account of its alleged support for “terrorism”. By withdrawing from the nuclear deal, the US is not only seeking to reimpose full sanctions, but is in fact going a step further by pledging to reduce Iranian oil exports to “zero”. This is a massive provocation and if the US comes anywhere near to achieving its goal then a confrontation with Iran is guaranteed. Do Iran and America talk directly? In view of this bitter 40-year history, viewers would be excused in thinking that Iran and the United States rarely (if ever) talk directly. Whilst it is true that the two powers broke off diplomatic relations in late 1979 and have had no direct diplomatic representation on each other’s soils, nevertheless direct talks and even deals have materialised intermittently. The best early example was the “Iran Gate” scandal of 1986 when the US government illicitly sold arms to Iran (in violation of its own arms embargo on the Islamic Republic) so as to secure the release of US hostages in Lebanon. The scandal had an additional illicit layer as the funds from the deal were transferred to the “Contras” rebels in Nicaragua who were fighting the leftist Sandinista government led by Daniel Ortega. More recently Iran and the US engaged in secret talks in Muscat (Oman) in 2013 on finding a way out of the impasse presented by Iran’s nuclear programme. These secret meetings soon gave way to direct bilateral meetings between Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his former US counterpart John Kerry. It is also worth noting that Iranian and US envoys met directly in Baghdad in July 2007 to agree to a de-escalation in the Iraqi arena. At the time Iran was accused by the US of arming anti-American militants who were resisting the US-led occupation. Although this meeting didn’t produce a breakthrough, nevertheless it showed that even under the most adverse circumstances – when Iran and the US are fighting each other indirectly via proxies – they can still meet with a view to de-escalation. Donald Trump has called for direct talks with Iranian leaders, notably President Hassan Rouhani, on several occasions. On each occasion the Iranians have publicly rebuffed his outreach on the grounds that it is spurious and insincere. Iran’s position is clear: namely that the current nuclear deal (JCPOA) is fit for purpose and consequently Iran will not be forced to renegotiate its terms and conditions. Moreover, the 12 list of demands issued by the US secretary of state Mike Pompeo back in May are effectively a call for surrender as compliance would mean Iran effectively giving up its independent foreign policy. Amongst other demands, Pompeo wants Iran to fully withdraw from Syria, stop supporting Hezbollah and cease playing a role in the Yemen conflict. Clearly the Iranians will never agree to these terms and to that end Pompeo’s list of demands was an incitement to confrontation as opposed to a credible negotiating position. Will Iran and the US go to war? To many observers it is surprising that given the depth of hostility between Iran and the US, as reflected by the events of the past four decades, the two sides have not gone to war yet. It is worth noting that the two sides have clashed militarily but stopped short of declaring war. The most intense clash occurred in April 1988 when in the course of one day – during Operation Praying Mantis – the US destroyed a quarter of the Iranian navy. This operation was part of a broader US effort to pressure Iran into accepting a ceasefire with Iraq in the long-running Iran-Iraq War. The power differential between the US and Iranian militaries is one of the factors that military analysts cite to explain Iran’s reluctance to engage the US militarily. But Iran has come a long way since the late 1980s and the Iranian armed forces – in particular the IRGC – have developed a wide range of asymmetric capabilities and tactics which could be used to great effect against superior military powers. Iran’s asymmetric capabilities – in addition to the Islamic Republic’s extensive reach and influence across the Middle East – makes the US reluctant to engage Iran militarily for fear of unintended consequences. Nevertheless, despite both sides’ reluctance to go to war, a conflict could still break out either as a result of the cumulative effect of tensions or a mistake or misunderstanding which escalates suddenly and without warning. The next two years are the most crucial yet in the 40-year standoff between Iran and America.
ADJOINING TRIBUNE TOWER (the lower stories of which appear at the right in the architect’s model reproduced here) a new broadcasting studio is to be erected for the Tribune’s radio station, W-G-N. Work will start immediately on the new structure, which will be ready for occupancy June I, 1935. THE NEW HOME of W.G.N. which will be constructed of Indiana limestone, will contain one large studio seating 600 guests, dnd in addition several smaller studios. The new building wiII constitute the second step in the development of Tribune Square. ERECT DERRICK FOR WORK ON W·G·N STUDIO. View from the 15th floor of the Medinah club showing workmen swinging derrick into place at site of radio station just north of The Tribune Tower. Steel framework for the new WGN studios as it neared completion. An American flag was unfurled when the highest point on the steel construction was reached. The building is located just north of the Tribune Tower. Enter it any time from 10 o’clock this morning till 2 this afternoon for the public preview that marks completion of one of the most intricate and exacting achievements during the last decade of American architecture and engineering. The Tribune’s new radio building, just north of Tribune Tower, is finished after 276 days of intensive toil by 550 engineers, artists, and artisans, and after the expenditure of half a million dollars. In writing about radio one does not say that anything is “the last word in radio,” but this newspaper does sincerely believe that its Gothic radio structure and equipment are the up-to-the-minute words in radio and that they will reward inspection by you. The preview—accompanied by music, and admittance to which will be by ticket applied for in advance—will be repeated tomorrow and on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 o’clock in the morning till 2 in the afternoon. And so again we invite our friends to fairyland. A fairyland of music, of discourse, and of color; laboratory of miraculous-seeming inventions, devices, contrivances, and gadgets that utter radio’s up-to-the-minute message. (And if that sounds like o’er zealous ballyhoo it is nevertheless the exact truth). Notables of radio will not only be heard but seen on a platform so large that it will accommodate an orchestra the size of the Chicago Symphony. All these platform programs will be carried by huge concealed amplifiers and transmitters to the outside world—into, in other words, your home wherever in the United States you dwell. In addition to the main studio—or “public observation room,” as it is also called—there are in this radio palace of Bedford stone two more studios that are open to the public when it wishes to enjoy an especially intimate experience in seeing and hearing radio’s wheels go round. One of them seats 22 persons, the other 18. Thus we have for our guests a total seating capacity of 628. Always these “visible shows” will be free from the time you step in from Michigan avenue—no admission fee, no tipping at the receiving windows of the spacious checkroom, no charge at the numerous public telephones. Ten uniformed ushers and pages in dark blue coats, with silver buttons and powder blue trousers will look after your comfort. The 25 members of the principal orchestra will wear uniforms of white and black. In short, fairyland run like a well ordered club. You will hardly believe how large a staff is busy in the graystone palace that covers one-fourth of a city block. Counting everybody—directors, artists, production men, operators, electricians, carpenters, firemen, guards, ushers, and hostesses—from 150 to 200 persons will be on duty when the plant is going full tilt in its total of three public and three private studios. And in addition to those six, W-G-N will continue to maintain its three studios now housed on the eleventh floor of Tribune Tower. Gift to Readers and Listeners. About that matter of free admission—it will be free to the last penny. It will be by ticket, and after application for them the tickets will be mailed free of charge to your home. Details about that further on in this article. Suffice to say at the moment that W-G-N’s new radio home will also be the people’s radio home always free to the people—The Tribune’s gift to its readers and listeners. When you take your preview this week—the first of what we hope will be many visits—a dozen phrases of description will come to your lips. Especially will the lighting bewitch you. Now it is as soft as flute music, now as strong and bold as the rand diapason of an organ. ‘Tis a palette of light, you will say; a jewel box of color. Rainbows while you wait! When the full glow is on you will think of the large “public observation hall” in your radio home as the sunshine chamber and, leaning back in your deeply upholstered chair—which is much wider than the ordinary run of auditorium seats—you will be pretty content with the picture. For the place is not fussed up with decoration. In the simplicity of the lines it is in good modernistic style—reticent but neither austere nor angular. Built like a jewel box—inlaid woods, gleaming metal, and rich tapestries—though the interior is also as strong and as intricate as a battleship. At first glance you find chamber after chamber, lobby after lobby, corridor after corridor as simple as a modernistic drawing room and, when the lights go on, as beautiful as a garden in full bloom. But the more you prowl around the more you get the feel of a vast machine shop—a place pulsing with dynamos and whispering with delicate mechanisms. Those last were the things that astounded me and laid humility upon me. I could not always understand them, but I could appreciate the effects they created and could see that they must have cost a heap of money. Before taking two afternoons to go over the plant I could not see how half a million could be spent on four floors of radio and I suspected that my shopmates were drawing a long bow when they declared that such was the price of perfection. To talk of the cost of a great project may be vulgar, but it is news, and the news here is that not only has the sum of half a million dollars gone into W-G-N’s temple but that the total will run to nearly $600,000. The result is a laboratory of observation for scientists, a seat of instruction and entertainment for the people, and a dramatized newspaper. In this setting you shall hear the voices of kings and comedians, presidents and prelates, industrial magnates and men of letters, scientists and pugilists, singers and explorers. And all of those you shall from time to time see in person when they mount the platform for one of the visible shows—all except the kings, they are traveling much nowadays lest their thrones slip from under them. The interior of the structure is from designs by John Mead Howell—son of the great limner of American life, William Dean Howells—and the lamented Raymond Hood, architects of the Tribune Tower, and by their associates, J. Andre Foulihoux and Leo Weissenborn. It is a cascade of “frozen music” which, ’tis said, is what great Gothic architecture should be, and the cloister connecting it with the tower is charming. The exterior instantly stirs the imagination because the building which, by its comprehensiveness and its ingenuity, makes history in a new art also utters in stone a story of the ages. This is the result of our chief’s ardor in bringing momentous history intimately home to the people, especially to children. Embedded in the limestone of the building are stones and a bronze that voice architectural and national annals of 5,600 years. Here is a big block from the Great Pyramid of the year 3700 B.C. And yonder is a bronze panel from the “Holy Door”—A.D. 1900—of St. Peter’s, Rome, with the papal arms and the date engraved upon it. And there a stone from the Roman Colosseum, A.D. 87, and another from the Great Wall of China. And so on down the ages—stones from the Stabian baths in Pompeii, from the cave of the Sibyl at Cumœ from Ænas consulted before his descent into Hades, from Rouen cathedral, A.D. 1220, from St. Peter’s at Rome, from the Clementine hall in the people’s palace, from the Tainitzkaya tower of the Kremlin, from the battlefield of Bunker Hill, from Fort Sumter against which the first shot of the first civil war was fired, seashells embedded in the fragment, from Douglas Hall—1856—of then old University of Chicago, and from our great World’s Fair of 1893. That vivid way of touching history to life was first tried on the walls of the Tribune Tower and it has been a success. Passersby, young and old, pause for minutes to study the silent but not voiceless relics. The instant you step from the avenue into W-G-N’s fairyland silence is laid upon you like a cool cloth. Everything every step of the way is soundproof. Every door is felted and every door air controlled. They close with a soft whisper. Corridors are noiseless to the footfall. Those corridors lead to rest rooms and smoking rooms for artists and visitors, to clients’ room and executives’ offices to a chamber for organ recitals, to music archives containing thousands of compositions, and to air conditioning lofts. At the touch of a button grand pianos noiselessly disappear from the main platform. Note the large glass window in the south wall of the “business lobby”—as distinguished from the main studio auditorium lobby—which opens off the lovely connecting cloister. That window is set with a novel composition called brick glass. Every brick is four inches thick and contains a vacuum, thus keeping heat out in summer and heat in in winter. New machinery had to be built for the fabrication of the special types of brick we ordered. It admits light beautifully, but is not transparent. See that drapery of eggshell white velvet that hangs behind the platform of the main auditorium. It is 48 feet 4 inches wide and 29 feet high. It can silently move forward like a white cloud, thus cutting the depth of the stage in half and permitting a more intimate show. Touching a button makes it move. Look aloft to the silver ceiling of the principal auditorium—the room that will be thrown open to The Tribune’s guests this morning—and there you will see a ponderous panel that moves noiselessly to reveal a battery of ten spotlights, each light equipped with a wheel containing five colors that descend upon the exhibition platform like a Niagara of rainbows. W-G-N’s new station can take parts of its shows from eight different microphones controlled individually or by one master control. This is the largest installation of the kind that our people know of. From the master control room on the station’s second floor, W-G-N has wires running to the Chicago Board of Trade, the Drake, the Blackstone, the Aragon and Trianon ballrooms, and the Palmer house which are called “remote control points.” These wires are leased from the telephone company by the month at so much a mile, and are bound in one telephone cable capable of giving us a hundred pairs of circuits. Their purpose is to bring in programs that originate outside W-G-N’s studios. There are also emergency cables to be used in case of floods or a street accident. The builders took measures to meet the demands of every emergency. By a system of dialed electrical boxes Tribune executives and clients can dial from offices in Tribune Tower into the main control room of the station and instantly hear any one of eight programs of our own or other stations. “Yes, indeed,” said I with the polite mendacity we dumb laymen display when a technical enthusiast speaks. The latest sound insulation devices such as transite, which is a composition of asbestos and cement, and rockoustile, which comprises cork, mica, and cement, and others so new that their names are not yet in the dictionaries, were explained to me as they may be to you. But all that, like the telephone devices and the air cooling devices, was such highly specialized stuff that my principal interest in it was observing the rapturous reactuon of the staff to it. In other words, my interest was in the men and women of the staff, on both its technical and its art sides. They are alert. They speak many words, but short ones, and they release them rapidly. They are working in a new world and they face some fresh problems, some glad, some unexpected opportunity every day. The Story of W-G-N Call Letters. The story of the call letters W-G-N is interesting. Those letters came from the The Tribune’s slogan, “The World’s Greatest Newspapder,” and the W-G-N call initials were acquired from Mr. Carl D. Bradley, who was operating a coal carrier, named for him, on the Great Lakes. In March of 1924 the call letters were established as those of The Tribune’s radio station and the opening of The Tribune’s station on the Edgewater Beach hotel—old station WBEH—came on March 29, 1924, with the new call letters W-G-N going out to the world for the first time from an entertainment radio station. The ship owner relinquished the letters as a courtesy without argument, as the ship was not in service at the time of the transfer of letters, but was wintering at a Michigan port. The Tribune has been vitally interested in radio broadcasting almost from the inception of that art. As long ago as December, 1921, negotiations were begun between KYW, the first Chicago broadcasting station, and The Tribune with reference to The Tribune’s entrance into radio broadcasting. These negotiations with KYW culminated in January, 1922, with the inauguration of regular programs of current events, stock market reports, and sports summaries, which were furnished by The Tribune and broadcast over KYW as Tribune-Westinghouse programs. Due, however, to dissatisfaction on the part of The Tribune over the territory covered by KYW, this arrangement was discontinued. The genealogy of W-G-N extends back to May 19, 1922. On that date station WDAP, then owned by the Midwest Radio Central, Inc., was first licensed by the secretary of commerce to operate with the most power then allowed, 1,000 watts. A year later WDAP was purchased by the Chicago Board of Trade and subsequently by the Whitestone company, owner of the Drake hotel, Chicago, on top of which the station was located. From the Whitestone company The Tribune acquired WDAP in 1924, when the call letters were changed to W-G-N. The license issued by the secretary of commerce to The Tribune on July 15, 1924, changed the call letters of station WDAP to W-G-N and authorized the use of 1,000 watts of power. The Tribune operated station W-G-N on the Drake hotel under this lease until Jan. 11, 1929, at which time it purchased the apparatus and equipment. On Oct. 2, 1925, The Tribune and its subsidiary, Liberty Weekly, Inc., purchased from Charles A. Erbstein two broadcasting stations, WTAS and WCEE, both located near Elgin, Ill. WTAS at that time operated with 2,500 watts power and WCEE with 500 watts. The call letters were changed from WTAS to WLIB on the one station, and W-G-N and WLIB alternated on the samed broadcast channel, 990 kilocycles, until in 1927 they were shifted to the clear channel of 980 kilocycles and five months later to the cleared channel of 720 kilocycles upon which W-G-N is still operating. On Oct. 2, 1926, a new transmitter using a power of 10,000 watts was placed in service. On Nov. 3, 1928, W-G-N commenced using 25,000 watts of power. The consolidation of the three stations, W-G-N, WLIB, and WTAS, into one station, W-G-N, was accomplished on Sept. 26, 1928. On Oct. 16, 1928, the federal radio commission issued a license to the consolidated stations under the call letters of W-G-N, authorizing the use of full time on the channel 720 kilocycles. On March 29, 1934, the new 50,000 watt transmitter of W-G-N was put in service with a gala two hour program for the public in the grand ballroom of the Drake. The celebration continued for another three hours via remote control programs. In fine, W-G-N has acquired all its wave lengths by purchase and not by favor or influence. It wears no governmental collar. A feature of the new home of W-G-N which will interest our visitors from the art world is the mural adornment of the four main studios. Each one of them was decorated from prize winning designs in the $5,000 nation-wide competition. Hence their variety, their arresting originality, and their racily native spirit. The first public performance in the cathedral of radio will be given on Thursday evening, Oct. 3, and special performances sponsored by The Tribune will continue till Sunday evening, Oct. 6. The main auditorium of the new W-G-N building, adjoining Tribune Tower, which will be shown a preview from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today. The seats are morocco red, the walls powder blue, with bands of light, the ceiling and platform abutments in silver leaf. Workers who built the new W-G-N radio building were the honored guests last night at a two hour dedication program in which they were introduced to something of the mysteries of this radio world which they had housed so beautifully in silver and blue and softly changing colors. Half of the 550 engineers, artists, and artisans who have worked for 276 days on this structure which combines the latest technique of the radio laboratories and the enduring beauty of stone that has been characterized as “frozen music” were there last night with their families. The others will be given a similar program tonight. After that the building will be given over to the public. This means more than just giving you the first show here. This is a celebration where you in front turn over this building to the people on the stage. You have set a high standard of excellence which those on the stage must live up to. This is your triumph this evening. There are triumphs in peace no less than in war. This victory of peace has a sadness for me, for it means I must part from the men I have watched at this building for the last year and a half. I have seen you working so silently, so carefully. You have piled atone on stone, color on color, and joined wire to wire. You have built here, forever, something that your children will thank you for. You leave me with emotion. God bless you and be with you always. The idea of opening a building first to those who built it was one that could be considerably farther, Co. McCormick remarked to his audience, which sat back in the wide, well padded red morocco chairs and listened to the music of two orchestras and many singers. The workers might be given the first show in a theater, he said, or the first dinner at a restaurant \, the first night in a hotel, the first day in a hospital, or even the first service in a church. The trades represented, all union men, ranged from hod carriers and laborers to the painters and stone workers. They included iron workers, concrete workers, masons, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, steam fitters, sheet metal men, acoustical workers, roofers, tile setters, glaziers, terrazo men, rubber and cork floor men. Henry Weber conducts the Chicago Theater of the Air orchestra over WGN radio. The completed room in which they sat in more than 500 seats was a jewel box of an auditorium with silver ceiling, powder blue walls, with bands of light running across them both as decoration and as light. The great platform was large enough to hold a symphony orchestra, with three black grand pianos, was filled with members of two orchestras last night, the W-G-N concert orchestra and chorus conducted by Henry Weber and the W-G-N dance orchestra directed by Harold Stokes. Only the electricians understood the technicalities of the sound arrangements. It appeared to the audience as though the players and singers were performing directly to them, but they really were sending their tones through seven microphones which swung and stood about the platform, and sent the golden notes down over the heads of the audience from concealed amplifiers. The same sounds were sent over the Mutual Broadcasting system for the entertainment of the unseen audience. There may be better acoustics and sound technique, but if so the engineers and planners of this building were not aware of them. They consider this a challenge as well as a triumph. No other building in the United States has been so perfectly adapted to the exclusive use of radio. Not the least of the amazing evening was the play of lights upon the platform, which had its back drop a velvet drapery of egg shell white. This took on, from some unseen source above, all the colors of the spectrum during the evening, the lights playing with the music in a combination of sound and color. The dresses worn by the women singers were of the same egg shell color and when they sang of the moonlight, or the sea, or of love, colors of rose and sea green and mysterious blue of midnight skies hovered above them and glorified them into forms almost unreal. The first hour of last night’s entertainment, which began at 8 o’clock, was arranged only for this audience of workers. It was not broadcast. Morrison Wood was the production man in charge of this and Blair Wallister was in charge of the second half of the program. The order of these programs will be reversed tonight. Harold Stokes, in white flannel, directed his orchestra of twenty pieces. The men were dressed in white dress jackets, with black trousers. Roy Atwell, comedian, kept the audience laughing at intervals. The singers were Ronnie Mansfield, the Doring Sisters, the Grenadiers, Sally Jo Nelson, Kenny Strong, Barbara Parks, Lawrence Salerno, and Pliner and Marlowe, a dual piano team. Sending organ music over the radio waves from the studios of WGN. We will now return to the W-G-N studio. Mr. Ryan told of the development of this station since the early days of radio broadcasting in 1921, the history of the call letters and how the power of the station has increased steadily to 50,000 watts. He gave the signal for the start of the program and introduced Col. McCormick to the audience. It was Col. McCormick’s idea, he said, that the dedication program should be given to the men who put up this building with their and fashioned its wonders out of blue prints. During intermission the guests visits other parts of the structure, the smaller studios, the control room, the artists’ room, library, clients’ toom, etc. The lobby of the building was filled with flowers. One of the largest pieces was sent by James C. Petrillo, head of the Chicago Federation of Musicians. On behalf of the city of Chicago, I am very happy to tender my most hearty congratulations on the opening of W-G-N’s splendid new radio station. Tonight’s occasion not only marks the achievement of the cherished dreams of yourself and your entire organization but it accents Chicago’s spirit of progress, and on this point as mayor of Chicago may I also express my deep appreciation for your constructive action? I wish you an abundance of success with your new enterprise. NEW HALF MILLION DOLLAR W-G-N STUDIO IS FORMALLY OPENED—View of the interior of the new radio broadcasting plant north of the Tribune Tower during the opening program last night, given for the entertainment of the men who built the structure. The control booths are at the left and the observation booths at right. Six of the 14 new studios in the multi-million dollar W-G-N building nearing completion in Tribune Square have been put into service. All incorporate the newest and finest developments in studio design and equipment. Several features are unique. Of the 14 new studios, seven will be devoted exclusively to radio broadcasting, four will be for television only, and three will be used for both radio and television broadcasts. All studios incorporate a “floating” principle. Each is separated at the walls and ceiling from the building proper by air gaps of 2½ inches, and floats on rubber bags inflated with air. This technique effectively insulates the studios from all outside noise and vibrations. A studio of matchless design and mammoth proportions is 5A, which might be described as an outdoor bandshell transplanted indoors. Three stories high at the back, it tapers down to 1½ stories at the “bandshell” end. It is designed for broadcasts by symphony orchestras and large bands and for productions of the scope of the Chicago Theater of the Air. No acoustical sound absorbers have been used in the bandshell area because the studio was designed so that sound coming from this area would be projected toward the “open” section, which represents “outdoor space.” The “outdoor” area is walled with highly absorbent acoustical material covered by perforated cement-asbestos board. The bandshell end has splayed walls and ceiling of plaster. Fluorescent lights are placed in the coves created by the splaying. These are augmented by numerous, overhead incandescent floods and spotlights, which give exceptional lighting to the studio. The architectural treatment of this studio, 41 by 70 feet in dimensions, is modernistic. Decoration is in soft pastel shades. On the floor a half-inch of ground cork is topped by a layer of light grained beechwood. The floor is cemented down; no nails were used. The result is a quiet floor with no squeaking. To make this studio, which will be used both for radio and television broadcasting, as flexible as possible, no permanent seats have been installed. Portable chairs for 250 studio guests can be set up. Studio guests, particularly at the broadcasts of the audience participation show, Ladies Fair, were intrigued by the 40 inscriptions in wood blocks on the walls. These include humorous and sage quotations, some old enough to have become classics, and others of recent origin. “It might have been worse, it might have been Vandenberg.”—Col. Robert R. McCormick. “I always make it a rule to get there fustest with the mostest men.”—Nathan Bedfor Forrest. “In rivers and governments the lightest things swim at top.”—Benjamin Franklin. “Cease firing, but any enemy planes appear, shoot them down in friendly fashion.”—Adm. William F. Halsey, Jr. “Everybody is ignorant, but on different subjects.”—Will Rogers. “Too many people don’t care what happens as long as it doesn’t happen to them.”—William Howard Taft. Tom Moore preparing to conduct his Ladies Fair program in W-G-N studio 5-A, one of six new studios now in service in addition to Tribune Square. Eventually, there will be 14 new studios in the building. A clients’ booth, accommodating 25 persons, overlooks studio 5A. Dual plate glass windows in the control room are tilted 10 degrees off perpendicular. This tends to break up sound and light waves that might cause unwanted reflections and vibrations. Additional power and lighting facilities are provided in this studio for possible television use later. Studio 6A, already in use for WGN-TV telecasting, was described previously in The Tribune. Another unusual studio is 6B, a music and organ studio. Then organ installation alone cost $50,000. Only the console at the far end of the studio is visible. Pipes and shutters have been concealed behind a perforated wall, creating an illusion of sound permeating the studio from innermost recesses. This studio, 33 by 45 feet, is two stories high. The walls have been given a splayed wing treatment with a cylindric relief, and modified by a wainscot in picket effect to compensate for minor acoustical deviations. The floors are of beechwood, similar to those of 5A. The organ has three manuals, thousands of pipes, 112 stops, and a full percussion department. It can emulate tones of the loftiest cathedral organ. A view of the floating television studio in WGN’s building, in Tribune Square, which began operations on Jan. 25, 1950. The studio is 34 by 52 by 22 feet and floats on inflated rubber bags. Air space is provided between the walls and the ceiling and the building proper to eliminate outside noise and vibrations. Studio 3A, modern in design, was planned for musical ensembles, small groups of talent, or individual broadcasters. It is being used temporarily as an announcers’ and stand-by studio. Pholycylindrical, blonde wood walls rise above dark dark metal trimmed wainscot. These help to blend sound waves for the most pleasing effects. Decorative recesses in the acoustical canopy provide bot incandescent and fluorescent lighting. The two other studios in operation are 3B and 3C, identical in size, construction, and modern treatment. They also were created to accommodate musical ensembles, small groups or individual broadcasters. They are 18 by 27 feet. The acoustical blanket lining each interior is decorated in blended tones of pastel tan, brown and rose. Polycylindrical panels relieve otherwise plain walls, adding eye appeal as well as contributing acoustical control. W-G-N’s main audience studio on Michigan av. is being remodeled and will not be ready for use as a combination radio and television studio until next fall. The Chicago Theater of the Air’s operatic performances are now being broadcast from 5A, but without a studio audience. LEFT: Frazier Thomas with the puppets Garfield Goose and Beauregard Burnside III with Thomas’ son Jeff, 5, behind the camera at WGN-TV studios in 1958. RIGHT: Bob Newhart hams it up at the WGN-TV studio in 1960. W-G-N and WGN-TV began moving from 441 N. Michigan av. to their new home at 2501 Bradley pl. yesterday. Live telecasts from the new north side broadcasting center are scheduled to begin Monday. Color equipment from WGN-TV’s studio 7A was dismantled at the completion of the Garfield Goose children’s program at 5:45 p.m. It is to be installed in the new building in time for Monday’s telecast of Treetop House at 12:30 p.m. Treetop House, also a children’s program, is to be the first program telecast from the new studios. Station representatives expect an orderly transition with no interruption in radio or television programs over the weekend. Preparations for transferring staff and equipment have been underway for months. The move is to be completed Wednesday. Scene at W-G-N’s new Mid-America Broadcast center at 2501 Bradley pl. yesterday as soldiers of color guard raised the Stars and Stripes during dedicatory ceremonies for the big $3,500,000 radio and televison studio. Fifth army at attention at left. Modern facility replaces W-G-N and WGN-TV studios and offices formerly at Tribune Square. 1 The top headline is the announcement of the opening of the studio from the September 29, 1935 issue of The Tribune, while the following sub-headline and story is about the actual program following it’s opening on October 1.
Our analysis of a new dataset challenges the assumptions on which the Patent Reform Act is based and questions the need for damages law reform. Damages provisions of the Patent Reform Act, the latest version of which was recently introduced for vote in the Senate, are premised on concerns that awards are “too often excessive” and those large verdicts featured in media headlines “represent the tip of the iceberg” of excessive awards. Last week at the inaugural Samsung-Stanford Patent Remedies Conference, we presented a very different picture of patent infringement damages. 1. The eight largest awards represent nearly half of the total amount of damages in our dataset. As shown below, the distribution of damages is highly skewed, and awards in the largest eight cases represent over 47% of cumulative damages. 2. Patent infringement damages are highly predictable. We perform an 80-variable log-linear regression analysis that explains nearly 75% of the variation in the observed awards. As shown below, the first-order results of our regression indicate that juries and large defendants are correlated with higher awards. Taken together, our empirical analysis does not reveal evidence of a systematic or pervasive problem of “excessive” patent infringement awards. It is quite clear that a very small number of very large awards exist; however, these awards are very rare and serve to skew the distribution immensely. Furthermore, damages generally (including the largest awards) are highly predictable using our model. As the Patent Reform Act restarts its route through Congress, legislators should refrain from passing reforms designed to address systematically “excessive” patent infringement awards. Nonetheless, as we continue to analyze our dataset, specific areas in need of targeted reforms may be revealed. A draft of our study report, including descriptions of our methodology, findings and questions for future research, is available on SSRN at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1765891. Michael J. Mazzeo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management and Strategy, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, and a Faculty Associate at Northwestern University's Institute for Policy Research; Jonathan Hillel is an Associate at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP; Samantha Zyontz is a Senior Research Associate at the Searle Civil Justice Institute, Law and Economics Center, George Mason University School of Law. Senate Report on the Patent Reform Act of 2009, S. Rep. 111-18, at 8 (May 12, 2009). Senate Report on the Patent Reform Act of 2007, S. Rep. 110-259, at 12 (January 24, 2008). Perhaps the main problem with patent litigation damage awards is not with supposedly-“excessive” awards, but with the lack of an articulable baseline for determining damages. Maybe the awards have indeed been generally consistent, but it’s problematic that no specific standard for them appears to exist. Certainly it contributes at least to a perception that something is wrong. Though of course the media doesn’t help much, either; apparently they find it irresistible to report billion-dollar verdicts, and often fail to note that such awards don’t constitute the norm. If you really believe what you just said about business and the development of inventions, you are tragically misinformed. What I said was that if the patent system promotes keeping your invention secret until just the right moment, rather than promptly filing an eventually-published patent application, the system is doing the opposite of what it’s supposed to be doing. Typically, there are lot of ideas and a lot of dead ends. One never truly knows what will work until it does work. Right. That’s what provisionals and broad claims are for. If you’ve invented something that is ready for patenting and you’re sitting on it because it’s not ready for commerce yet, and someone else beats you to the patent office, too bad for you. You haven’t actually given the public anything, and you don’t deserve anything in return. What you actually have is what we typically call a “trade secret”, which you can and should kiss goodbye once someone else publishes that secret. What we argue for is the simply opportunity to allow us to wait until we have something that works before we need to file anything. You have to do that anyway. Until you have “something that works”, you don’t have an invention or an enabling disclosure. But at that point, you need to file something, if a patent is what you really want. The patent system shouldn’t let you wait until you have “something that sells”. Imagine the chaos in the pharmaceutical industry. The patent lasts 20 years, and that’s plenty of time for you to further develop your “something that works” into something you can sell. Good point. All asserted claims were held invalid for inadequate WD, and the DC judgment was actually reversed. In Centocor Ortho Biotech Inc et al v. Abbott Laboratories et al., No. 2010-1144 (Fed. Cir., Feb. 23, 2011) the 2009 Johnson & Johnson’s biotech unit Centocor $1.67B damages award was killed on appeal for the patent being 112 invalid. I wonder how many other of the extemely large average-affecting jury verdicts in this study have met a similar fate on appeal? The one thing absolutely needed is willfulness reform as it is found much more often than it should be. bust me a tag right some. Man, IANAE, you really need to spend some time inside a business to understand how things are done. If you really believe what you just said about business and the development of inventions, you are tragically misinformed. What we argue for is the simply opportunity to allow us to wait until we have something that works before we need to file anything. Otherwise, we will have to file on every idea whether or not it works just in case that idea eventually is IT. Which of those two do you think would least offensively apply to prize-winning scientist Marie Curie? But the real value in a FTI system is not the contest between two rivals to the same patent, but the grace period. It allows one to continue to invent/develop as long as it takes, comfortable that if someone else does disclose something, one still has one year to get a patent application on file. You shouldn’t need to “invent/develop as long as it takes”. The inventing is done once you can write an enabling disclosure. If you still need more time for “inventing”, you don’t have an invention yet, and it shouldn’t bother you if someone else files an application for what you haven’t yet invented. Furthermore, if you’re that complacent in not getting your invention to the PTO, you might well have abandoned, suppressed or concealed the invention. You certainly haven’t shown any interest in patenting it, selling it, or disclosing it to the public. The patent system isn’t supposed to let you develop your entire business before you file an application, or sit around until someone else files for the same invention before you pounce. If that’s what people are doing, it’s a flaw in the system that should be corrected. Besides, if the small inventor can do it, he can just as easily fall victim to it. IANAE, we’ve tried to patiently explain the advantages. We can do so again, but why try if the audience will not listen. As to deep pockets and all that, note the interference will occur much later in time than the date of invention or filing. By then, the owner of a successful invention will have gotten his business off the ground and will have the money to invest in an interference. I thought “prize-winning” was reserved for livestock and apple pie recipes. Obviously, my name (and my methods) needs to be investigated. Then again, I am sure that you are well aware of this and that you are simply on your typical troll patrol. there are others, startup, who desperately need a FTI system. These are the facts. Why, exactly, do start-ups so desperately need the FTI system? What advantage do they really get from it? I haven’t seen any indication that big companies are any better than individuals at racing to the patent office, even on the not-as-common-as-they-would-have-you-believe occasion that BigCo and Joe Inventor actually do come up with the same invention. Certainly not better by enough to overcome any significant difference in dates of invention. Even if they do, I haven’t seen any indication that Joe Inventor would stand much of a chance in an interference against a company with good internal record-keeping procedures, even if he could afford one. The only demonstrable advantage to either party in FTI is that BigCo is much more likely to be able to afford an interference if it comes to that. Which means that BigCo still always wins if it files first, and sometimes wins if it files second. Joe Inventor should be racing to the PTO even today. If getting a patent is important to you, you should structure your affairs so that asking the PTO for a patent is a high priority and gets done quickly. If your other priorities are more important than getting a patent, that’s your business decision to make. That’s all there is to it. It’s not the government’s job to be charitable to people who think along the lines of “I guess I’d like a patent, but doing this other thing with my invention that implies I don’t want to keep it to myself is more important to me”. I’m sorry Paul, but many here have been arguing against the whole concept of junking the FTI patent system that has stood the test of time. In contrast to the many excellent defenses of the current system posted by so many for so long, the proponents of “harmonization” have YET to articulate even a single understandable reason WHY it is necessary to move away from FTI. What problems are they trying to solve. What advantages are there to Americans as a whole in a FTI system? There is a desperate need for patent reform. We must do something. But there is never any articulation of what the need is and why the fix has anything to do with the alleged problem. Major companies are already on a first to file system, but there are others, startup, who desperately need a FTI system. These are the facts. They cannot be ignored. Doing away with FTI substantially harms startups without providing any perceptible benefit to anyone else. But there is a subtle issue here, is there not? If big companies can suppress startups, what are they doing? This whole venture is a fraud by big business who are feathering their own nests and suppressing future competition. It will harm American big time. Your model included 80 variables … what was the original candidate list of variables? How did you narrow down the list to the final 80, did you use something like stepwise regression? On the contrary – “[t]he fact that 75% percent of our damages data fits the regression” proves only that it’s a poorly fit regression, but proves nothing regarding the presence or absence of systemic error. Indeed, statistical analysis of empirical system results is not capable to detect system error, absent a good understanding of the baseline desired results. That is the pot calling the kettle black–you have just stated your own normative position. In addition, by saying “not necessarily”, you have admitted implicitly that normative positions of what patentees should be entitled to may in fact be good grounds for overhauling damages legislation. So the real questions are: what are the bases of the normative position, to what extent are those attitudes and perceptions supportable, and how are they in fact used in policy-setting? Can you expound on precisely what you mean by “erroneous”? You may be touching on something worthwhile here, I’m not sure. Yes, that was a prize-winning comment. I wonder if it violates the canons of ethics prohibitions on self-laudatory statements. Quite right that there are different ways to define “excessive”, but normative positions of what patentees (or any specific type of inventor/original assignee/acquirer) should be entitled to are not necessarily good grounds for overhauling damages legislation across all cases. The fact that 75% percent of our damages data fits the regression cuts against the notion that damages awards are systematically erroneous (one measure of “excessiveness”). The fact that large awards fit our model shows that, though they are the tail of the distribution, they are not unpredictable. And the finding that awards are largely predictable further undercuts the notion that patent trials are a high-stakes gamble from a damages perspective. As an empirical study, the point here is to inform the debate with real world data to identify where the real problems lie and which concerns are overblown. “I’ve only read this summary here, but the authors seem to be defining “excessive” as “larger than the algorithm we devised to explain patent damage awards would predict.” If that is indeed the point of the study, then I see a circularity problem. But I think it also misses the point that when most people speak of excessive damages, what they really mean is that the damages are out of proportion to, or larger than necessary to right the wrong. So the results of this study could also justify the conclusion that all damage awards are too large (and predictably so). Of course the reason why a study like this will never show an accurate picture is that it can’t take into account what many in the trenches know experientialy: Many of these patent awards go to litigants who have not actually invented anything useful and have never had any intent of doing anything with their patents other than litigating them. The question of what is an appropriate damage award in such cases is a philosophical question, not a math problem. Indeed, perhaps we should look to “actual damages” to determine what an appropriate award would be. And you consider that a rational basis for acceptance? No, Paulie, your place is right here with the rest of the wankers. Wrong blog. Try the Eskimo’s place, or better yet, for you, try the Patent Hawk. Many of these patent awards go to litigants who […] have never had any intent of doing anything with their patents other than litigating them. That’s the only thing you can do with a patent. Contrary to some of the automatic knee-jerk assumptions by opponents of any changes in patent law that permeate many other blog comments, it is not honest to simply accuse this Bill of being anti-patent legislation without pointing out facts supporting that view. In fact, S.25 contains several highly PRO-patent-enforcement provisions, such as elimination of “best mode” defenses, a Section 10 system to eliminate all fraud or inequitable conduct defenses, etc. I have no personal position on this legislation one way or another, but at least it should be debated on a rational basis. Furthermore, it is now far to late [after six years of bi-partisan work on this bill to get it to the Senate floor] to still be suggesting pie-in-the-sky academic proposals. The present bill may not be well drafted in places, but it is the only game in play. I’ve only read this summary here, but the authors seem to be defining “excessive” as “larger than the algorithm we devised to explain patent damage awards would predict.” If that is indeed the point of the study, then I see a circularity problem. But I think it also misses the point that when most people speak of excessive damages, what they really mean is that the damages are out of proportion to, or larger than necessary to right the wrong. So the results of this study could also justify the conclusion that all damage awards are too large (and predictably so). My comment was made merely to point out one source of the perception that damages awards are excessive–that is, the attitude that NPE’s are not worthy of the same rights or protections as are practicing entities. In point of fact I do not agree with that proposition, but there are many who do, and that attitude is but one of many sources for the excessive damages perception that are not at all considered by the referenced paper. If trolling happens, it won’t be from me! Not moot. Even if this passes the senate (and given the contention here, that’s not yet a gimmie), ya still gotta get by the House and man they will be peeved that they have not been consulted prior to all this wrangling. Paulie, how many years in a row (or is it ROW) now has “Patent Reform” been padding the Congress’ coffers? I like the conclusions made. However, multi-variate statistical analyses basically are junk. Particularly when only 75% of the observed variation is “explained” (e.g. correlated, without demonstrated causation). Even more so, when the conclusion is that the analysis has rendered any outcome “predictable” from a starting set of knowns that may or may not include all 80 variables considered in the statistical study. So, again – I like the conclusions. Too bad they lack support in the synopsis here presented. For example, make the arc of each pie slice represent the contribution to the cumulative total, height of each slice represent its associated category of damages (e.g. $0-0.5 M), and number each slice according to how many cases in that category. WOW, what a cue-in for subjective and arbitrary trolling. Let’s run another 500 comment (C)onstitutional (C)omment (T)hread on the “wrong” of having the (F)undamental (R)ight to (E)xclude violated. Reportedly the venue provisions have also been eliminated by the most recent amendments. Are they not? Just because they call it “reform” doesn’t mean it is. What it will do is help large corporations maintain their monopolies and kill their small entity and startup competitors (which is exactly what they intended it to do) and with them the jobs they would have created. According to recent studies by the Kauffman Foundation and economists at the U.S. Census Bureau, “startups aren’t everything when it comes to job growth. They’re the only thing.” This bill is a wholesale slaughter of US jobs. Thanks for your update on the latest S. 23 amendments. But isn’t the enforcement of District Court judges “gatekeeper” functions (to exclude legally improper damages tests evidence and jury instructions) also already recently being enforced by the Fed. Cir.? In particular, Lucent v. Gateway (Fed. Cir. September 2009), plus two E.D. TX D.C. decisions in which Judge Randall Rader [now Fed. Cir. Chief Judge] sat by designation: Cornell v. HP (March 2009) and IP Innovation v. Red Hat and Novell (March 2010). [Even Judge Ward reduced his last-July E.D.TX jury award of $52 million in LaserDynamics v. Asus Computer International down to only $6.2 million [11%], as the largest amount properly supported by the evidence. Presumably the legislation is intended to make it clear that this is truely enforceable law not subject to the variant whim of some D.C. judge, or other Fed. Cir. panel, to ignore? The present proposals for venues are quite obsolete. There is no reason that arbitrations cannor occur by webcam totally eliminating the travel expense of both litigants. This paper has all the hallmarks of somebody trying to make a name for themselves, right down to the presence of a colon in the title. Hey weary lexicographer, are you also a grammarian? Is it even grammatically correct to follow a question mark with a colon? The question of whether a damages award is perceived as “excessive” must be considered in relation to the perceived wrong, not in an absolute sense as in this paper (unless I am mistaken). The issue has been considered particularly in light of NPE’s, and to what they “should” be entitled based on the underlying “wrong”. This paper totally ignores that reality. The paper’s conclusion that “our empirical analysis does not reveal evidence of a systematic or pervasive problem of “excessive” patent infringement awards” is absolutely true. Unfortunately, it is only true because the authors looked in the wrong place. With the correct changes in limiting the start of trials to two years damages can be drastically reduced compared to 15 year average in our present system also this will level the playing field in court or arbitration and also improve the incentive to create invention. Adding requirements such as written notice via registered mail from patent office of infringements from plaintiffs complaints to uspto will also limit damages. Re: “juries and large defendants are correlated with higher awards.” Not exactly a revelation, and of course “juries and large defendants” comprise almost ALL of the increasing numbers of troll suit defendants and lucrative settlement extractions, which is the problem the legislation was really for. Nor are awards of only a “few” million dollars insignificant to many companies, especially after adding a few million dollars more in legal costs for their unsuccessful defense. Not moot. Only the willfulness criteria were removed; the more central damages amendment in S.23, the “gatekeeper” standard for compensatory damages, remains. Interestingly, our variable for enhanced damages did not factor highly in the regression.
The present invention relates to the following commonly owned U.S. patent applications: “GAMING DEVICE HAVING BONUS SCHEME WITH INCREMENTAL VALUE DISCLOSURE,” Ser. No. 09/627,198, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,582,306; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING TEASE REVEAL FEATURE,” Ser. No. 09/957,583, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,605,002; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING SEPARATELY CHANGEABLE VALUE AND MODIFIER BONUS SCHEME,” Ser. No. 09/626,045, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,569,015; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING A BONUS ROUND WITH MULTIPLE RANDOM AWARD GENERATION AND MULTIPLE RETURN/RISK SCENARIOS,” Ser. No. 09/678,989, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,776,711; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING AN AWARD EXCHANGE BONUS ROUND AND METHOD FOR REVEALING AWARD EXCHANGE POSSIBILITIES,” Ser. No. 09/689,510, now abandoned; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING GRADUATING AWARD EXCHANGE SEQUENCE WITH A TEASE CONSOLATION SEQUENCE AND AN INITIAL QUALIFYING SEQUENCE,” Ser. No. 09/680,601, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,811,483; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING A DESTINATION PURSUIT BONUS SCHEME WITH ADVANCED AND SETBACK CONDITIONS,” Ser. No. 09/686,409, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,494,785; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING VALUE SELECTION BONUS,” Ser. No. 09/684,605, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,514,141; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING RISK EVALUATION BONUS ROUND,” Ser. No. 09/688,434, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,599,192; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING AN IMPROVED OFFER/ACCEPTANCE BONUS SCHEME,” Ser. No. 09/966,884, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,942,566; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING IMPROVED OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE BONUS SCHEME,” Ser. No. 09/680,630, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,375,187; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING IMPROVED AWARD OFFER BONUS SCHEME,” Ser. No. 09/682,368, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,506,118; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING OFFER ACCEPTANCE GAME WITH TERMINATION LIMIT,” Ser. No. 09/822,711, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,648,754; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING OFFER/ACCEPTANCE ADVANCE THRESHOLD AND LIMIT BONUS SCHEME,” Ser. No. 09/838,014, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,890,257; “GAMING DEVICE HAVING AN OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE SELECTION BONUS SCHEME WITH A TERMINATOR AND AN ANTI-TERMINATOR,” Ser. No. 09/945,082, “GAMING DEVICE HAVING AN AWARD OFFER AND TERMINATION BONUS SCHEME” Ser. No. 09/682,428, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,719,632; and “GAMING DEVICE HAVING IMPROVED OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE BONUS SCHEME,” Ser. No. 10/074,273, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,899,623. In one embodiment, the gaming machine may include a sensor, such as a camera in communication with the processor (and possibly controlled by the processor) that is selectively positioned to acquire an image of a player actively using the gaming device and/or the surrounding area of the gaming device. In one embodiment, the camera may be configured to selectively acquire still or moving (e.g., video) images and may be configured to acquire the images in either an analog, digital or other suitable format. The display device may be configured to display the image acquired by the camera as well as display the visible manifestation of the game in split screen or picture-in-picture fashion. For example, the camera may acquire an image of the player and that image can be incorporated into the primary and/or secondary game as a game image, symbol or indicia. Once the ranges are set as indicated in block 134, the gaming device, upon a player's selection of one of the contestants, generates values for a first offer/potential offer using a first number of values to select a range and a first value amount average as indicated by block 136. Next, upon a second player pick of one of the contestants, gaming device 10 generates values for a second offer (term “offer” also includes “potential offer” as those concepts have been described above) using a second number of values range and a second amount range. That process is continued as indicated by the dotted lines of method 100 of FIG. 7 until the games upon a player pick of a contestants, generates values for the final or Nth offer using Nth number of values to select range and an Nth value amount average as indicated by block 40. After generating values for the Nth offer as indicated by block 140, the method ends as indicated by oval 142. As stated above, the examples of FIGS. 17 to 24 show a method of internal game selection and not the order in which hits are displayed to the player. That is, hits do not have to be and are preferably not displayed from left to right or from right to left. Hits are displayed randomly in the different columns. In one preferred embodiment, hits are displayed from top to bottom, e.g., from award levels 72 a to award level 72 f, in any given column. For example, in FIG. 17, Contestant “B” hits could be displayed in order 74 b, 72 a; 74 f, 72 a; 74 d, 72 a; 74 d, 72 b; 74 b, 72 b; 74 a, 72 b; 74 d, 72 c and finally 72 d. Alternatively, those hits can be displayed in a totally scattered format with no left/right or high/low restriction. (a) determine the greater of the first and second potential award offers; (b) cause the display device to display an initial offer to the player, wherein the initial award offer is the determined greater of the first and second potential award offers; and (c) enable the player to accept the initial award offer or reject the initial award offer to instead receive a third award offer. 2. The gaming device of claim 1, wherein the quantity of values used to form the first award offer is selected from a first range of quantities having a greater upper end than a second range of quantities employed to select the quantity of values used to form the second award offer. 3. The gaming device of claim 2, wherein at least one of the first and second ranges is weighted so that at least one quantity of values is selected more often than at least one other quantity of values. 4. The gaming device of claim 1, wherein the quantity of values used to form the second award offer is selected from a first range of quantities having a greater upper end than a second range of quantities employed to select the quantity of values used to form the third award offer. 5. The gaming device of claim 4, wherein at least one of the first and second ranges is weighted so that at least one quantity of values is selected more often than at least one other quantity of values. 6. The gaming device of claim 1, wherein the values are selected randomly from different groups of varying values, wherein the values of each of the groups are each taken in an order from lowest to highest, the values used to form the first award offer selected before selecting the values used to form the second award offer, which are selected before selecting the values used to form the third award offer. 7. The gaming device of claim 6, wherein at least one of the groups is weighted to be selected randomly more often than at least one of the other groups. 8. The gaming device of claim 6, wherein the groups are arranged in a grid, and wherein values of a same relative amount within their respective groups are arranged adjacently in the grid. 9. The gaming device of claim 8, wherein at least some of the values of the same relative amount between the groups are the same values. 10. The gaming device of claim 1, wherein the values are added to form the first, second and third award offers. 11. The gaming device of claim 1, which includes a plurality of selections displayed to the player, wherein a first one of the selections picked by the player initiates formation of the first potential award offer, a second one of the selections picked by the player initiates formation of the second potential award offer, and a third one of the selections picked by the player rejects the higher of the first and second potential award offers to instead accept the third award offer. 12. The gaming device of claim 1, wherein the first and second potential award offers and the third award offer each have approximately the same expected value. 13. The gaming device of claim 1, which is controlled through a data network or a computer storage device. 14. The gaming device of claim 13, wherein the data network includes an internet. 15. The gaming device of claim 1, wherein the processor is located remote from the gaming device. 16. The gaming device of claim 1, wherein the values are placed in groups and the potential award offers and the third award offer are each formed by selecting sequentially from the groups to determine whether to include one or more values from each of the groups until, in each group, selecting not to include one of the values. 17. The gaming device of claim 16, wherein the groups are weighted so that at least one value is more likely to be included in one of the award offers than at least one other value. 18. The gaming device of claim 1, which includes means for ensuring each of the potential award offers and the third award offer is a combination of at least two values. 19. The gaming device of claim 1, which includes means for automatically awarding the player one of the potential award offers when that potential offer is greater than the other potential award offer or third award offer could possibly be. wherein the processor is operable with the display device and programmed to: (a) determine the highest one of said potential award offers; (b) cause the display device to display to the player an initial offer of the determined highest one of said potential award offers; and (c) enable the player to accept the initial offer or reject the initial offer to instead receive a third award offer, the third award offer formed from a third quantity of third values, wherein the second quantity is, on average, greater than the third quantity and the second values are, on average, less than the third values. 21. The gaming device of claim 20, wherein the values of a first one of the potential award offers are displayed before the values of a second one of the potential award offers, which are both displayed before the values of the third award offer. 22. The gaming device of claim 20, wherein the values of at least one of the potential award offers and the third offer are displayed sequentially from a lowest value to a highest value. 23. The gaming device of claim 20, wherein the potential award offers and the third award offer are each totals that are predetermined before the display of the values, and wherein the values for each of the award offers are selected to add to the predetermined totals. 24. The gaming device of claim 23, wherein the processor is operable with the display device and programmed to display to the player a plurality of values from which the offers are formed, wherein the display is modified to include values sized and provided in a frequency to enable each of the predetermined totals to be accumulated. 25. The gaming device of claim 20, wherein different value levels are provided and weighted so that at least one value level is selected more often to form the award offers than at least one other value level. 26. The gaming device of claim 25, wherein a first one of the potential award offers is formed, on average, from a higher quantity of values from lower value levels, a second one of the potential award offers is formed, on average, from an intermediate quantity of values from intermediate value levels, and the third award offer is formed, on average, from a lower quantity of values from higher value levels. 27. The gaming device of claim 25, wherein the potential award offers and the third award offer each have approximately the same expected value. 28. The gaming device of claim 20, which is controlled through a data network or a computer storage device. 29. The gaming device of claim 28, wherein the data network includes an internet. 30. The gaming device of claim 20, wherein the processor is located remote from the gaming device. 31. The gaming device of claim 20, wherein the values are placed in groups and the potential award offers and the third award offer are each formed by selecting sequentially from the groups to determine whether to include one or more values from each of the groups until, in each group, selecting not to include one of the values. 32. The gaming device of claim 31, wherein the groups are weighted so that at least one value is more likely to be included in one of the offers than at least one other value. 33. The gaming device of claim 20, which includes means for ensuring each of the potential award offers and the third award offer are each is a combination of at least two values. 34. The gaming device of claim 20, which includes means for automatically awarding the player one of the potential award offers when that potential offer is greater than the other potential award offer or third offer could possibly be. wherein the processor is operable with the display device and programmed to: (a) determine at least one option to provide to a player, wherein the determined option includes selecting one of the first or second offers; (b) cause the display device to display to the player the selected first offer or the selected second offer; (c) enable the player to accept the selected first offer or the selected second offer; and (d) if the selected first offer or the selected second offer is rejected, enable the player to accept or reject the third offer. 36. The gaming device of claim 35, wherein the option includes enabling the player to keep the larger of the first and second offers or forgo the offers to receive the third offer. 37. The gaming device of claim 35, wherein the offers each have approximately the same expected value. 38. The gaming device of claim 35, wherein the values of the first offer are displayed before the values of the second offers, which are both displayed before the values of the third offer. 39. The gaming device of claim 35, wherein the values of at least one of the offers are displayed sequentially from a lowest value to a highest value. 40. The gaming device of claim 35, which is controlled through a data network or a computer storage device. 41. The gaming device of claim 40, wherein the data network includes an internet. 42. The gaming device of claim 35, wherein the processor is located remote from the gaming device. 43. The gaming device of claim 35, wherein the values are placed in groups and the potential offers and the third offer are each formed by selecting sequentially from the groups to determine whether to include one or more values from each of the groups until, in each group, selecting not to include one of the values. 44. The gaming device of claim 43, wherein the groups are weighted so that at least one value is more likely to be included in one of the offers than at least one other value. wherein the potential offers and the third offer are each totals that are predetermined before the display of the values, and wherein the values for each of the offers is selected to add to the predetermined totals. 46. The gaming device of claim 45, wherein the processor is operable with the display device and programmed to display to the player of a plurality of values from which the offers are formed, wherein the display is modified to include values sized and provided in a frequency to enable each of the predetermined totals to be accumulated. 47. The gaming device of claim 45, wherein the values of the potential award offers are displayed before the values of the third offer. 48. The gaming device of claim 45, wherein the values of at least one of the offers are displayed sequentially from a lowest value to a highest value. 49. The gaming device of claim 45, which is controlled through a data network or a computer storage device. 50. The gaming device of claim 49, wherein the data network includes an internet. 51. The gaming device of claim 45, wherein the processor is located remote from the gaming device. 52. The gaming device of claim 45, wherein the values are placed in groups and the potential offers and the third offer are each formed by selecting sequentially from the groups to determine whether to include one or more value from each groups until, in each group, selecting not to include one of the values. 53. The gaming device of claim 52, wherein the groups are weighted so that at least one value is more likely to be included in one of the offers than at least one other value. 54. The gaming device of claim 45, which includes means for ensuring each of the potential offers and the third offer is a combination of at least two values. 55. The gaming device of claim 45, which includes means for automatically awarding the player one of the potential offers when that potential offer is greater than the other potential offer or third offer could possibly be. wherein the processor is operable with the display device and programmed to: (a) determine the greatest one of the potential offers; (b) cause the display device to display the determined greatest one of the potential offers to the player as an initial offer; and (c) enable the player to accept the initial offer or reject the initial offer to instead receive a third offer. 57. The gaming device of claim 56, wherein the third offer is formed from a plurality of values selected from a plurality of value levels displayed to the player. 58. The gaming device of claim 56, wherein a first one of the potential offers is formed, on average, from a higher quantity of values from lower value levels, a second and subsequent potential offers are formed, on average, from an intermediate quantity of values from intermediate value levels, and a final offer is formed, on average, from a lower quantity of values from higher value levels. 59. The gaming device of claim 56, wherein the potential offers and the third offer each have approximately the same expected value. 60. The gaming device of claim 56, wherein the values of at least one of the offers is displayed sequentially from a lowest value to a highest value. 61. The gaming device of claim 56, which is controlled through a data network or a computer storage device. 62. The gaming device of claim 61, wherein the data network includes an Internet. 63. The gaming device of claim 56, wherein the processor is located remote from the gaming device. 64. The gaming device of claim 56, wherein the values are placed in groups and the potential offers and the third offer are each formed by selecting sequentially from the groups to determine whether to include one or more value from each groups until, in each group, selecting not to include one of the values. 65. The gaming device of claim 64, wherein the groups are weighted so that at least one value is more likely to be included in one of the offers than at least one other value. 66. The gaming device of claim 56, which includes means for ensuring each of the potential offers and the third offer is a combination of at least two values. 67. The gaming device of claim 56, which includes means for automatically awarding the player one of the potential offers when that potential offer is greater than the other potential offer or third offer could possibly be. a display device operable with the processor to indicate one of the first and second potential award offers to the player which the player can accept or reject. (d) if the first offer is rejected, forming and awarding to the player a second offer by sequentially determining in the groups whether or not to include one or more values from the groups in the second offer until determining in each group not to include one of the values in the group. 70. The method of claim 69, which for the second offer includes beginning decision making in each group with the value that terminated selection in the group for the first offer. 71. The method of claim 69, which includes weighing a likelihood that at least one of the values of at least one of the groups is in one of the offers more often than at least one other value from the same group. 72. The method of claim 71, which includes structuring at least a plurality of the values of the weighted groups so that the values are inversely. 73. The method of claim 69, which includes forming at least two first offers according to step (a) and providing the highest first offer to the player to accept or reject. 74. The method of claim 69, which includes forming at least one of the first and second offers by placing the groups in an order and analyzing the groups according to the order. 75. The method of claim 69, which includes displaying to the player randomly whether values in different groups are included in one of the offers. 76. The method of claim 69, which for each group includes displaying to the player which values in that group are included in one of the offers form. 77. The method of claim 69, which is controlled through a data network or a computer storage device. 78. The method of claim 77, wherein the data network includes an internet.
Rogue Riderhood dwelt deep and dark in Limehouse Hole, among the riggers, and the mast, oar and block makers, and the boat- builders, and the sail-lofts, as in a kind of ship's hold stored full of waterside characters, some no better than himself, some very much better, and none much worse. The Hole, albeit in a general way not over nice in its choice of company, was rather shy in reference to the honour of cultivating the Rogue's acquaintance; more frequently giving him the cold shoulder than the warm hand, and seldom or never drinking with him unless at his own expense. A part of the Hole, indeed, contained so much public spirit and private virtue that not even this strong leverage could move it to good fellowship with a tainted accuser. But, there may have been the drawback on this magnanimous morality, that its exponents held a true witness before Justice to be the next unneighbourly and accursed character to a false one. Had it not been for the daughter whom he often mentioned, Mr Riderhood might have found the Hole a mere grave as to any means it would yield him of getting a living. But Miss Pleasant Riderhood had some little position and connection in Limehouse Hole. Upon the smallest of small scales, she was an unlicensed pawnbroker, keeping what was popularly called a Leaving Shop, by lending insignificant sums on insignificant articles of property deposited with her as security. In her four-and-twentieth year of life, Pleasant was already in her fifth year of this way of trade. Her deceased mother had established the business, and on that parent's demise she had appropriated a secret capital of fifteen shillings to establishing herself in it; the existence of such capital in a pillow being the last intelligible confidential communication made to her by the departed, before succumbing to dropsical conditions of snuff and gin, incompatible equally with coherence and existence. Why christened Pleasant, the late Mrs Riderhood might possibly have been at some time able to explain, and possibly not. Her daughter had no information on that point. Pleasant she found herself, and she couldn't help it. She had not been consulted on the question, any more than on the question of her coming into these terrestrial parts, to want a name. Similarly, she found herself possessed of what is colloquially termed a swivel eye (derived from her father), which she might perhaps have declined if her sentiments on the subject had been taken. She was not otherwise positively ill-looking, though anxious, meagre, of a muddy complexion, and looking as old again as she really was. As some dogs have it in the blood, or are trained, to worry certain creatures to a certain point, so--not to make the comparison disrespectfially--Pleasant Riderhood had it in the blood, or had been trained, to regard seamen, within certain limits, as her prey. Show her a man in a blue jacket, and, figuratively speaking, she pinned him instantly. Yet, all things considered, she was not of an evil mind or an unkindly disposition. For, observe how many things were to be considered according to her own unfortunate experience. Show Pleasant Riderhood a Wedding in the street, and she only saw two people taking out a regular licence to quarrel and fight. Show her a Christening, and she saw a little heathen personage having a quite superfluous name bestowed upon it, inasmuch as it would be commonly addressed by some abusive epithet: which little personage was not in the least wanted by anybody, and would be shoved and banged out of everybody's way, until it should grow big enough to shove and bang. Show her a Funeral, and she saw an unremunerative ceremony in the nature of a black masquerade, conferring a temporary gentility on the performers, at an immense expense, and representing the only formal party ever given by the deceased. Show her a live father, and she saw but a duplicate of her own father, who from her infancy had been taken with fits and starts of discharging his duty to her, which duty was always incorporated in the form of a fist or a leathern strap, and being discharged hurt her. All things considered, therefore, Pleasant Riderhood was not so very, very bad. There was even a touch of romance in her--of such romance as could creep into Limehouse Hole--and maybe sometimes of a summer evening, when she stood with folded arms at her shop- door, looking from the reeking street to the sky where the sun was setting, she may have had some vaporous visions of far-off islands in the southern seas or elsewhere (not being geographically particular), where it would be good to roam with a congenial partner among groves of bread-fruit, waiting for ships to be wafted from the hollow ports of civilization. For, sailors to be got the better of, were essential to Miss Pleasant's Eden. Not on a summer evening did she come to her little shop-door, when a certain man standing over against the house on the opposite side of the street took notice of her. That was on a cold shrewd windy evening, after dark. Pleasant Riderhood shared with most of the lady inhabitants of the Hole, the peculiarity that her hair was a ragged knot, constantly coming down behind, and that she never could enter upon any undertaking without first twisting it into place. At that particular moment, being newly come to the threshold to take a look out of doors, she was winding herself up with both hands after this fashion. And so prevalent was the fashion, that on the occasion of a fight or other disturbance in the Hole, the ladies would be seen flocking from all quarters universally twisting their back-hair as they came along, and many of them, in the hurry of the moment, carrying their back-combs in their mouths. It was a wretched little shop, with a roof that any man standing in it could touch with his hand; little better than a cellar or cave, down three steps. Yet in its ill-lighted window, among a flaring handkerchief or two, an old peacoat or so, a few valueless watches and compasses, a jar of tobacco and two crossed pipes, a bottle of walnut ketchup, and some horrible sweets these creature discomforts serving as a blind to the main business of the Leaving Shop--was displayed the inscription SEAMAN'S BOARDING-HOUSE. Taking notice of Pleasant Riderhood at the door, the man crossed so quickly that she was still winding herself up, when he stood close before her. 'Is your father at home?' said he. His manner was the manner of a sailor, and his hands were the hands of a sailor, except that they were smooth. Pleasant had an eye for sailors, and she noticed the unused colour and texture of the hands, sunburnt though they were, as sharply as she noticed their unmistakable loosneness and suppleness, as he sat himself down with his left arm carelessly thrown across his left leg a little above the knee, and the right arm as carelessly thrown over the elbow of the wooden chair, with the hand curved, half open and half shut, as if it had just let go a rope. 'Might you be looking for a Boarding-House?' Pleasant inquired, taking her observant stand on one side of the fire. 'I don't rightly know my plans yet,' returned the man. 'Did you Leave anything when you were here before?' asked Pleasant, with a view to principal and interest. 'No.' The man shook his head. 'No.' The man again shook his head. 'It's not at all likely you should. I only stood at the door, one night--on the lower step there--while a shipmate of mine looked in to speak to your father. I remember the place well.' Looking very curiously round it. Pleasant was somewhat disquieted by his look, and returned it suspiciously. Not only was his change of manner, though very sudden, quite collected, but his former manner, which he resumed, had a certain suppressed confidence and sense of power in it that were half threatening. 'Will your father be long?' he inquired. 'I supposed he had come home,' Pleasant explained. 'At the old work?' asked the man. 'But you're a seafaring man?' argued Pleasant, as if that were a sufficient reason for his being good for something in her way. The conversation had arrived at a crisis to justify Miss Pleasant's hair in tumbling down. It tumbled down accordingly, and she twisted it up, looking from under her bent forehead at the man. In taking stock of his familiarly worn rough-weather nautical clothes, piece by piece, she took stock of a formidable knife in a sheath at his waist ready to his hand, and of a whistle hanging round his neck, and of a short jagged knotted club with a loaded head that peeped out of a pocket of his loose outer jacket or frock. He sat quietly looking at her; but, with these appendages partially revealing themselves, and with a quantity of bristling oakum- coloured head and whisker, he had a formidable appearance. 'Won't you take my word for it?' he asked again. Pleasant answered with a short dumb nod. He rejoined with another short dumb nod. Then he got up and stood with his arms folded, in front of the fire, looking down into it occasionally, as she stood with her arms folded, leaning against the side of the chimney-piece. 'You're right. Their money may be soon got out of them, without violence,' said the man. 'Were you drunk?' asked Pleasant. Pleasant with a grave look shook her head; importing that she understood the process, but decidedly disapproved. 'Did you get the parties punished?' asked Pleasant. 'Of whose, then?' asked Pleasant. The man pointed upward with his forefinger, and, slowly recovering that hand, settled his chin in it again as he looked at the fire. Bringing her inherited eye to bear upon him, Pleasant Riderhood felt more and more uncomfortable, his manner was so mysterious, so stern, so self-possessed. 'Anyways,' said the damsel, 'I am glad punishment followed, and I say so. Fair trade with seafaring men gets a bad name through deeds of violence. I am as much against deeds of violence being done to seafaring men, as seafaring men can be themselves. I am of the same opinion as my mother was, when she was living. Fair trade, my mother used to say, but no robbery and no blows.' In the way of trade Miss Pleasant would have taken--and indeed did take when she could--as much as thirty shillings a week for board that would be dear at five, and likewise conducted the Leaving business upon correspondingly equitable principles; yet she had that tenderness of conscience and those feelings of humanity, that the moment her ideas of trade were overstepped, she became the seaman's champion, even against her father whom she seldom otherwise resisted. But, she was here interrupted by her father's voice exclaiming angrily, 'Now, Poll Parrot!' and by her father's hat being heavily flung from his hand and striking her face. Accustomed to such occasional manifestations of his sense of parental duty, Pleasant merely wiped her face on her hair (which of course had tumbled down) before she twisted it up. This was another common procedure on the part of the ladies of the Hole, when heated by verbal or fistic altercation. 'How can I tell you until you are silent?' returned the other fiercely. 'Are you thirsty, you?' the man asked, in the same fierce short way, after returning his look. 'What will you drink?' demanded the man. The man put his hand in his pocket, took out half a sovereign, and begged the favour of Miss Pleasant that she would fetch a bottle. 'With the cork undrawn,' he added, emphatically, looking at her father. The man replied, 'No, you don't know me.' And so they stood looking at one another surlily enough, until Pleasant came back. 'There's small glasses on the shelf,' said Riderhood to his daughter. 'Give me the one without a foot. I gets my living by the sweat of my brow, and it's good enough for ME.' This had a modest self- denying appearance; but it soon turned out that as, by reason of the impossibility of standing the glass upright while there was anything in it, it required to be emptied as soon as filled, Mr Riderhood managed to drink in the proportion of three to one. With his Fortunatus's goblet ready in his hand, Mr Riderhood sat down on one side of the table before the fire, and the strange man on the other: Pleasant occupying a stool between the latter and the fireside. The background, composed of handkerchiefs, coats, shirts, hats, and other old articles 'On Leaving,' had a general dim resemblance to human listeners; especially where a shiny black sou'wester suit and hat hung, looking very like a clumsy mariner with his back to the company, who was so curious to overhear, that he paused for the purpose with his coat half pulled on, and his shoulders up to his ears in the uncompleted action. The visitor first held the bottle against the light of the candle, and next examined the top of the cork. Satisfied that it had not been tampered with, he slowly took from his breastpocket a rusty clasp- knife, and, with a corkscrew in the handle, opened the wine. That done, he looked at the cork, unscrewed it from the corkscrew, laid each separately on the table, and, with the end of the sailor's knot of his neckerchief, dusted the inside of the neck of the bottle. All this with great deliberation. At first Riderhood had sat with his footless glass extended at arm's length for filling, while the very deliberate stranger seemed absorbed in his preparations. But, gradually his arm reverted home to him, and his glass was lowered and lowered until he rested it upside down upon the table. By the same degrees his attention became concentrated on the knife. And now, as the man held out the bottle to fill all round, Riderhood stood up, leaned over the table to look closer at the knife, and stared from it to him. 'What's the matter?' asked the man. 'Why, I know that knife!' said Riderhood. He motioned to him to hold up his glass, and filled it. Riderhood emptied it to the last drop and began again. 'Arter what?' said Riderhood, with a frowning stare. Only answering with a shrug, the man filled the footless glass, and Riderhood emptied it: looking amazedly from his daughter to his visitor. 'It's my belief you mean to tell me to my face you killed him!' exclaimed Riderhood; but, nevertheless, allowing his glass to be filled again. The man only answered with another shrug, and showed no symptom of confusion. The honest witness rose, and made as though he would fling his glass in the man's face. The man not wincing, and merely shaking his forefinger half knowingly, half menacingly, the piece of honesty thought better of it and sat down again, putting the glass down too. 'Tell me again whose knife was this?' demanded the man. 'It was possessed by, and was the property of--him as I have made mention on,' said Riderhood, stupidly evading the actual mention of the name. 'That there article of clothing likeways belonged to, and was wore by--him as I have made mention on,' was again the dull Old Bailey evasion. 'I'll take my world-without-end everlasting Alfred David that you warn't with him,' answered Riderhood. 'You talk big, you do, but things look pretty black against yourself, to my thinking. You charge again' me that George Radfoot got lost sight of, and was no more thought of. What's that for a sailor? Why there's fifty such, out of sight and out of mind, ten times as long as him--through entering in different names, re-shipping when the out'ard voyage is made, and what not--a turning up to light every day about here, and no matter made of it. Ask my daughter. You could go on Poll Parroting enough with her, when I warn't come in: Poll Parrot a little with her on this pint. You and your suspicions of my suspicions of him! What are my suspicions of you? You tell me George Radfoot got killed. I ask you who done it and how you know it. You carry his knife and you wear his coat. I ask you how you come by 'em? Hand over that there bottle!' Here Mr Riderhood appeared to labour under a virtuous delusion that it was his own property. 'And you,' he added, turning to his daughter, as he filled the footless glass, 'if it warn't wasting good sherry wine on you, I'd chuck this at you, for Poll Parroting with this man. It's along of Poll Parroting that such like as him gets their suspicions, whereas I gets mine by argueyment, and being nat'rally a honest man, and sweating away at the brow as a honest man ought.' Here he filled the footless goblet again, and stood chewing one half of its contents and looking down into the other as he slowly rolled the wine about in the glass; while Pleasant, whose sympathetic hair had come down on her being apostrophised, rearranged it, much in the style of the tail of a horse when proceeding to market to be sold. 'Well? Have you finished?' asked the strange man. 'Harmon murder, father,' suggested Pleasant. 'Perhaps you done it yourself?' said Riderhood, with a threatening action. Mr Riderhood, with his crooked eye upon his visitor, meditated for some moments, and then refilled his glass, and tipped the contents down his throat in three tips. 'That, also, is alone known to myself,' was the cool answer. 'Don't you know that, if you didn't do the deed, what you say you could tell is worth from five to ten thousand pound?' asked Riderhood. The honest man paused, and drew a little nearer to the visitor, and a little further from the door. 'Don't call me Shipmate,' said the man. Thus encouraged, Pleasant explained that there were only Lizzie, the daughter in question, and the youth. Both very respectable, she added. Pleasant further explained that only the daughter had resided with the father at the time of his accidental death, and that she had immediately afterwards quitted the neighbourhood. Pleasant had no doubt she could do that. Within what time, did she think? Within a day. The visitor said that was well, and he would return for the information, relying on its being obtained. To this dialogue Riderhood had attended in silence, and he now obsequiously bespake the Captain. 'When might you be expected, Captain?' inquired Riderhood, again dubiously getting between him and door. The man stood still, and angrily fixed him with his eyes. Looking stedfastly at Riderhood, he once more said in a low voice, this time with a grim sort of admiration of him as a perfect piece of evil, 'What a liar you are!' and, nodding his head twice or thrice over the compliment, passed out of the shop. But, to Pleasant he said good-night kindly. The honest man who gained his living by the sweat of his brow remained in a state akin to stupefaction, until the footless glass and the unfinished bottle conveyed themselves into his mind. From his mind he conveyed them into his hands, and so conveyed the last of the wine into his stomach. When that was done, he awoke to a clear perception that Poll Parroting was solely chargeable with what had passed. Therefore,not to be remiss in his duty as a father, he threw a pair of sea-boots at Pleasant, which she ducked to avoid, and then cried, poor thing, using her hair for a pocket-handkerchief.
ZBrush 2018 is a professional digital sculpting and painting software that allows you to sculpt up to a billion polygons. ZBrush gives you the tools to quickly sketch out a 2D or 3D concept and then take that idea all the way to completion. You can create realistic renders right within ZBrush with lighting and atmospheric effects. Using proprietary "pixol" technology, ZBrush is able to store lighting, color, material, and depth information for all objects on the screen, allowing renderings to be viewed in real time. Global or local changes can be made to your models. Medium and high frequency details that were traditionally painted in when bumps and wrinkles were applied to an object's surface can now be sculpted. High frequency 3D models may also be projected onto the background of a scene, where they become a 2.5D image. A 2.5D image is used to simulate the appearance of being three-dimensional, when in fact it is not. Upon this 2.5D background image, further effects may be applied, allowing another 3D model to be composited into the same scene. With the many powerful export options, you can easily prepare your model for 3D printing or use within any other digital application. Sculptris Pro is a dynamic tessellation sculpting workflow that enables you to ignore the constraints of polygon distribution and just sculpt. Sculptris Pro makes it possible for you to begin with any shape or model, whether it has ten polygons or ten thousand. There is absolutely no need to worry about having enough polygons to capture details. With Sculptris Pro you can simply brush across the surface. Sculptris Pro will dynamically add and reduce polygons wherever and whenever it's needed, freeing you to focus entirely on the look you're trying to achieve. Start with a sphere, cube, cone, or any other mesh. PolyGroupIt provides an entirely new way to create the polygon groupings that are so essential to a smooth workflow. PolyGroupIt accurately evaluates the surface of a model in real-time, generating intelligent groupings with a single button click. With PolyGroupIt you can delete, add, copy, paste, grow, or shrink, create PolyGroups symmetrically, and even use PolyPaint to trace out exactly what you want your PolyGroups to look like. DynaMesh has no limitations to what it can become. Starting from a sphere to create a character head is an easy process, but DynaMesh will allow you to create a whole character from that very same sphere with no uneven geometry. Consider what it's like to work with clay. As you stretch clay out or add volume to it, the clay itself retains the same basic consistency and the same capacity for detail across its surface. DynaMesh brings that experience to the digital world. The power behind DynaMesh is its ability to regenerate geometry in a blink of the eye, removing all stretched polygons by creating a surface optimized for sculpting and with equal distribution of polygons across the surface. Stretch your model to create legs, arms, columns, or whatever else comes to mind. There are no limits to what your starting point can evolve into. Shadow Box brings limitless control to the process of creating your three-dimensional base meshes. Use the advanced masking brushes to paint a silhouette of your idea on any of the three sides of Shadow Box and a mesh matching that profile will appear at the center. Carve out holes in the surface of the mesh by simply erasing any part of the masks; the surface at the center of Shadow Box updates instantly. Combine radial symmetry, your own custom alpha textures, reference images, and masking curves to build complex forms in a matter of seconds. Whether you are sculpting a specific model or just exploring shapes, Shadow Box offers a unique method for quickly establishing an editable base mesh for sculpting. ZSpheres allow you to quickly create a base mesh with clean topology, which can then be sculpted into any form. The power of ZSpheres lies within their simplicity. From a single ZSphere you can easily grow new ones, which can then be scaled, moved, and rotated into any form. Now you can enjoy creating the geometry for your characters while posing in real time. When creating with ZSphere you don't have to worry about complex arrangements of limbs and appendages. At any point, you can add or remove ZSpheres to your creations. You can also instantly preview the mesh that you will generate. Once you have finished building your model with ZSpheres you can generally clean a mesh with a single click. A good pose is the essence of a great composition. Rhythm, gesture, weight, and balance are all key to any work of art. Use the Mannequin sample projects included with ZBrush to find just the perfect pose for single or multi-character models. The ZSphere Mannequins can easily be edited to fit any character or creature you need. Create an entire scene in just a few clicks. Mannequins are essentially ZSphere armatures. The way that you interact with them allows for easy posing, so that you can quickly explore your ideas - faster, in fact, than sketching a concept image and with far greater flexibility for change as you go. The great thing about using Mannequins is that you don't have to model anything; the model is already set up and ready to go. Later on, if you need to you can skin the Mannequin to make a mesh that you can sculpt. Several Mannequin scenes are included with ZBrush. It is also simple to create your own to infinitely expand your library. There is a wide range of attributes that can change the initial state of a ZBrush Primitive. This gives you a great level of control over the shape of the Primitive you start sculpting with. Quickly and easily change a cone into a torso or a single plan into any shape you can imagine by using ZBrush's curves. Curves are used within ZBrush to make editing intuitive and more powerful. This is also the case with ZBrush Primitives. By editing a Primitive's curve, you can create an endless number of shapes with both rounded surfaces mixed with hard edges. Add as many points of control along a curve to make shapes as complex as you want. Curve mode in the Stroke palette allows you to apply your brush strokes with all their settings and modifiers along a defined curve. This curve can be drawn out along the surface of your sculpt or even continue the curve off your model to create integrated pieces like horns, arms, fingers and much more. This one-click function will apply a topological modification to your model to alter the geometry by sharpening its edges. It can also create a clean surface between two sharp-angled edges. By modifying the Clay Polish parameters, you can drastically change its result. For example, it can give your model a clay weld look, as if the two pieces were welded together. Clay Polish can be combined with DynaMesh. This further enhances the feel of real clay sculpting in ZBrush, making it look even more like you're adding real clay strips to the surface. The Insert Multi Mesh Brush acts like the standard InsertMesh brushes except that at any given time, you can press the M key to view a list of associated meshes ready for insertion into your model. All of these models are actually a part of the brush and you can switch between them at any time. Think of it as a toolbox composed of your very own 3D meshes with the capacity to function as insert brushes. This means less clutter in your Brush palette while simultaneously letting you build libraries of shapes ready for use at the click of a button. For example, one brush can hold various screws and rivets for sculpting mechanical objects. Another brush could be nothing but noses. Insert Multi Mesh brushes also utilize ZBrush's curves to accomplish things like drawing a line of evenly spaced rivets along a fixed plane. Tri Part Multi Mesh Brushes uses the inserted mesh's PolyGroups to define end caps and a repeatable segment. When you draw a curve, ZBrush will then place specific elements at the start and end of the stroke while duplicating a third element along the entire length of the curve between those end caps. With this new feature, you will have the ability to easily create complex zippers, chains, straps, and more with speed. The newly drawn out components will conform perfectly to a surface. These design elements are based on an editable curve whose shape, size, and length parameters are entirely up to you. It's another way to maintain artistic and creative control inside ZBrush. ZBrush features over 30 start-up brushes to sculpt with and the ability to create an endless assortment of your own custom brushes. The wide range of brushes are designed based on the feel of natural brush strokes and were created with real-world sculpting techniques in mind. Furthermore, with tools like Symmetry, Repeat, and hundreds of other custom controls, you can sculpt details like stitching in fabric, hard mechanical edges, and much more. The collection of 3D brushes includes brushes that will allow you to instantly add a nose or ear to your mesh or even use the new CurveMesh brushes to draw out lines of geometry. The SliceCurve brush allows you to slice your model while adding new faces along the cut and creating two different PolyGroups at the same time. When used with DynaMesh and the Group option, SliceCurve will create independent parts of a model, ready for manipulation. The Curve Fill brushes allow you to draw a curve, and, with the release of your cursor, the stroke is converted into a closed shape. The Curve Lath brush will create a revolution-based mesh from your drawn curve. This is a way to quickly create a base mesh or even props in just seconds. Even the shakiest of hands will have tremendous control over the direction of their strokes. By enabling Lazy Mouse while sculpting in ZBrush, you get surgical accuracy as you brush across the surface of your model. Sculpt with smooth flowing curves or make perfectly straight lines across your surface. Whether you are using a mouse or a tablet to sculpt inside ZBrush, Lazy Mouse and its many settings give you the precision you need to create any style of strokes quickly and easily. Use the freehand stoke to brush across the surface the way you would in real life, or switch your stroke type to gain even more control over the surface you are sculpting. Use the spray stroke to add a random spray effect as you sculpt. The Drag Rectangle Stroke allows you to draw out exact details like skin pores all the way to sharp mechanical parts. Using different alphas as you sculpt gives you a lot of control over how you deform your surface. Create realistic wood grains, scaly skin, feathers, and much more. You can use the many alphas that come with ZBrush or use any image to create your own. In addition to the many controls available to you over your brushes, you also get the ability to edit the shape of your brush. The easy to use curve allows you to precisely change the shape you sculpt into the surface. You can even create curves that transition between hard edges to soft rounded ones. Gravity allows simulation of gravity, wind, magnetism, or other directional effects that 'pull' (or push) at the surface of your model. When gravity is on, your regular sculpting will be modified by a pull in the direction of the gravity. Imagine windblown cloth, or the heavy folds of elephant skin. Masks protect surfaces, giving greater control as you work. They can also be used to define parts of your model that you wish to extract into a whole new object. They are at the heart of Shadow Box, ZBrush's silhouette-based mesh generation tool. ZBrush offers five masking brushes: Mask Circle, Mask Curve, Mask Lasso, Mask Pen, and Mask Rectangle. Each of these offers specialized and highly useful ways to paint masks onto your figures. And because these are brushes, they are also able to take advantage of all the same brush modifiers that you use for sculpting. This brush moves points on the surface to add volume, analyzes the existing topology, and relaxes the polygons to minimize stretching. There are four such brushes, each for a different need: Move Elastic, Move Parts, Move Topological, and Move TopoElastic. Clip brushes add precise refinement to the shapes and surfaces of your mechanical objects, vehicles, and character armor. Use them to slice your forms with accuracy and hone their edges to absolute perfection. The Curve, Circle, and Square stroke types can be applied to the Clip brushes to ensure that your surface has straight edges or for creating realistic detail. These brushes don't simply cut the mesh, leaving big holes for you to then fill in. They actually move the existing points, snapping them to the plane defined by your brush stroke. The result is that your existing topology remains perfectly intact and your clip produces a perfectly capped edge. The MatchMaker brush deforms the shape of a surface so that it fits perfectly against other objects. Within seconds you can craft complex parts and make them all fit perfectly together. Remesh and reproject to create any topology you need, then use the MatchMaker brush to fit these parts together perfectly. MatchMaker is the ideal brush to deform your mesh to conform to other 3D models. SubTools allow a single (logical) mesh to be treated as many independent objects. Like PolyGroups, they split a single model into several different components, but the emphasis in SubTools is allowing you to work with each component as if it were a separate mesh. SubTools increases the number of polygons you can work with by allowing each SubTool to have as many polygons as your system can handle. For example, if your system can handle 8 million polygons for one SubTool you can have a model equal to 32 million polygons by having 4 SubTools of 8 million polygons each. As you work on a complex project it doesn't take long to find yourself with a long list of parts in the SubTool palette. After a while it can become challenging to find specific pieces or see how everything is fitting together. Xpose moves your SubTools apart in the 3D space so that you can easily isolate the pieces. It gives you an exploded view, just like you'll find on technical drawings. Xpose is also a presentation tool. Show the model rotating as a turntable, then having the pieces fly out to show the exploded view. Each SubTool's visibility can be turned on and off, letting you see just the parts that are necessary for what you're doing at the time. However, you will also often encounter situations when you have some SubTools visible, some hidden, and now want to focus on a single one of the visible parts. When that happens, it can be a break in your workflow to temporarily hide several SubTools, do what you need, then unhide those same SubTools again. The Solo feature resolves this challenge by instantly hiding all other SubTools, regardless of their status in the SubTool palette. You can select any SubTool, press Solo to hide everything else and go right to work. When you want to see the rest of the model again, turn Solo off. Everything that had been visible before turning Solo on will be visible once again, while everything that had previously been hidden will remain hidden. To create a base mesh for your sculpting in ZBrush you can use ZSpheres, ZSketch, ShadowBox, Dynamesh, or import a model from another 3D package. Another solution is to do a Remesh of a model or a set of different objects. The Remesh method creates new geometry with a new topology, but as much as possible of that topology is based off the original model(s). One or more SubTools can be remeshed and modifiers applied to perform Boolean operations (Add, Subtract, Intersect). Remesh can also make use of Symmetry for advanced results. Mesh extraction is a fast and powerful way to create new parts to your model. Using existing geometry, you can quickly and easily create a jacket, a helmet, gloves, and most anything else your character may need. Mesh Extract works by isolating parts of one model and, in a sense, duplicating that as another mesh. It also 'cleans' the edge of the extracted mesh to create a smooth, even boundary. Just paint a selection on the area you want new geometry to be created from and simply extract. Layers allow for a non-linear workflow. You can work with a model at many different stages of development simultaneously. You can add details such as a reptile skin scales, then turn those details off and refine the major forms underlying them. If a director is calling for more damage on a piece of armor, simply dial up the intensity of that layer. If you want to see that same mesh without any damage at all, just turn that layer off. Surface Noise gives you control over the look and feel of your 3D surfaces. You can apply a wide variety of noise types directly to any surfaces regardless of polycount while maintaining the strength, size, and color of the noise you want to work with. Surface Noise gives you the ability to create looks that would be impossible or too time-consuming to model. You can apply noise to your whole model or only to the selected areas. Create rusted metal, stucco, chipped paint, battle damage, and more. Create realistic poses to abstract deformations with ease. Transpose lets you quickly isolate parts of your model, which can then be deformed, positioned, scaled, and rotated with high accuracy. There's no need for complicated rigging or tedious painting of weights. Just select and pose. Achieve realistic muscle deformation as you bend a limb into a flexed position, then quickly return your geometry back to its original position. Transpose gives you the freedom to explore 3D sculpture in a new and natural way. The deformations features inside ZBrush allow you to easily apply twist, stretch, bend, and a variety of other unique changes to any 3D mesh. With over 20 powerful deformation types that can be applied in any axis, you have the ability to create advanced shapes with just a few clicks. By using the power of ZBrush to deform millions of polygons with ease, you don't have to worry about how complex the shape you want may be. Just deform it any way you like. With the ability to divide your model up to a billion polygons, you can focus your attention on a specific area of your 3D creation while ZBrush handles the rest of your model in a very system friendly way. ZBrush's powerful memory handling allows you to sculpt with virtually no limits. Projection Master allows you to use all of the 2D and 2.5D brushes in sculpting, texturing, and otherwise working with your 3D model. The concept behind it is simple. While working with a 3D model (usually a very high-resolution one, as the more "standard" 3D tools are usually used when sculpting low- and medium-resolution details), you activate Projection Master to convert the visible portion of your model into pixols on the canvas. With FiberMesh, you can use exportable hair and fur, as well as grow plants, weeds, shrubs, and more. Simply mask an area to define where the fibers will grow. Use the various FiberMesh features to quickly define your look. You can even use PolyPaint information to generate a wide range of colored fibers. FiberMesh offers the ability to see what changes you are generating in real time as you work. From the earliest stages of your project's development, you will interactively see and modify the size, thickness, flare, and gravity associated with your fibers. MicroMesh allows for ZBrush's rendering system to replace a generated FiberMesh or a model's individual polygons with any other 3D mesh. The NoiseMaker plug-in will allow you to accurately create 3D noise with a wide variety of parametric generators. Take the surface detail of your models further with camouflage, scales, hex tiles, and more inside NoiseMaker. Use NoiseMaker to affect sculptural changes too. When using NoiseMaker in conjunction with features like masking and alphas, your possibilities increase dramatically. Load images to be applied as alphas inside the surface noise maker preview window, gain an unparalleled level of refinement, and generate surface texture in a fraction of the time. With Panel Loops you can convert your model's PolyGroups into panels of polygons with or without thickness, or even as extruded surfaces. The edges of these panels are created with a custom bevel around them defined by an editable curve. This is a great companion to ZBrush's existing Mesh Extract feature, providing advanced control over the final result. Borders will have clean polygons loops even on low resolution models. They can have inner or outer panels (or both) and can be created as an extrusion from the original surface or as entirely separate pieces. The Delete Loops command analyzes your model's topology based on a user-defined angle setting. With a single click, it removes all unnecessary edge loops — polygons that don't contribute to the shape of the model. Not only is this useful for artists who must work within a polygon budget (such as game designers), it also allows you to push your high-resolution sculpting further. After all, unnecessary polygons add up quickly when you subdivide your model several times. A companion to Delete Loops, Align Loops uses the same settings but doesn't actually remove any polygons. Instead it moves them to what you would get if you used the Delete Loops function. In this way, you can push the settings to their extremes in a non-destructive manner and quickly explore new directions. The Deformation sub-palette features Relax options, including Polish by Feature, which intelligently improves your mesh's shape without sacrificing volume. It produces results by analyzing the model's PolyGroups, creasing and split areas. The Curves Frame Mesh option can now create curves based on the model's PolyGroups, creased edges, or outline. These curves can then be used with any of the curve-based sculpting brushes like Curve Multi Tube or even QRemesher Guides. PolyPainting allows painting on a model's surface without first assigning a texture map. A texture map can be created at a later time, and the painted surface can be transferred to the map. PolyPainting offers significant advantages compared to a standard workflow. The resolution of the texture map need not be decided in advance. This is particularly valuable if you find you need more detailing on an area than you thought you would. Instead of repainting a new, larger texture map, you can simply transfer the existing surface painting to a new, larger map, with no rework necessary. Similarly, the UV unwrapping need not be fixed in advance. The SpotLight painting system enables image editing in ZBrush and then allows you to project the image to the surface of the model using the intuitive sculpting and painting brushes. SpotLight goes beyond being just a texturing tool. Imported images can be altered, layered, and precisely positioned. Adjust the hue and intensity, color match other images, clone, tile, and color key to create entirely new images. UV Master is a free plug-in which will create very efficient UVs for your models with a single click. Because the UV maps generated by the plug-in can be in one UV island you will be able to understand your model's UVs in any 2D image editor and paint or edit them like you would do with manually unwrapped UVs. UV Master provides several utilities. Flatten and unflatten the model's UVs for easy visualization. Copy and paste UVs between models of the same topology. Create UV islands based on PolyGroups. Load a model with existing UVs and/or seams to unwrap it using the UV Master algorithm. Use the specialized Ambient Occlusion calculation to attract UV seams to the less visible parts of the model. Use your favorite panoramic images as a background in ZBrush and integrate your model into the environment's lighting and coloring at render time. Whether your image is 8-bit or full HDRI, using it as an environment is one click away. You have complete control over this environment including changes in longitude or latitude to choose your point of view. To improve the integration, the default ZBrush floor grid is treated as a shadow catcher, creating an invisible ground plane which will receive the object shadows. Simply load your background image, select an appropriate material, and render the next masterpiece. LightCap Designer is a real-time material light modifier. In very little time you can create scene lighting from an environment, create lights with alpha shapes applied, and even add texture to a light to fit the needs of your render. You can even create lights and then use the LightCap Designer to convert these to an environment for your render, resulting in more accuracy and allowing more creativity in your process. In ZBrush, the appearance of any surface is affected by several things: its base color, its texture image (if it has one), the lighting that falls on the surface, and its material. The material changes the way the lighting reacts with the surface so that it may appear, for example, shiny, bumpy, reflective, metallic, or transparent. There are many preset materials in ZBrush to give you control over a scene. In addition, each material can be modified to create new materials. What if you could create a surface material and lighting environment simply by painting an object so that it looks like you want it to look? What if you could create that surface material by sampling points from an existing image that already features the material and lighting environment you want? For a great many materials and lighting environments, this is exactly what MatCap (Material Capture), allows you to do. Furthermore, you can dramatically refine MatCaps using just a few new sliders: change hue, saturation, orientation, and much more. This can be done with the MatCaps you create or any from the library in the DownloadCenter. Any one MatCap offers thousands of possibilities. Once done creating your materials, use the new Wax modifier to add an effect to your model that resembles Subsurface Scattering. A single slider adjusts the material's temperature to be cool or hot. The ZBrush render engine features a 32-bit kernel and produces highly accurate renders and images. Thanks to the BPR filters in ZBrush, you can make many adjustments directly within ZBrush. Add Sharpness to the whole scene or just the model. Add a Depth of Field filter on top of that. Finish things off by changing the shadow colors with a Color filter. All this while remaining in ZBrush. These BPR filters can affect Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, Mask, Fresnel, Subsurface Scattering, and much more. The animation timeline allows you to create moving turntables for your demo reel. Animate poses, store camera positions, sync your animation to music, import audio to test blend shapes and lip sync. More than simply an animation tool, the timeline can also be used to store and switch between your model's states for fast, easy control while working. For example, you can use points on the timeline to swap visibility of entire groups of SubTools. Take rendering even further with Vector Displacement Maps. You'll benefit from the ability to displace the surface in any direction, including undercuts. That's just the start. You can export sculpted details from your ZBrush models to other 3rd party applications and make use of file types like .tiff (16-/32-bit) and .exr (32-bit). ZBrush comes fully equipped to handle both 16-bit and 32-bit displacement map output. ZBrush puts celshading at your fingertips with new Posterize render features. Give your models a new look with full control over gradients and steps in real time. Posterization can also be applied to Materials and Curves via the curve modifiers settings. This means you can assign different Posterization effects to multiple materials and modulate the effect of Posterization in the Specular, Diffuse Color, and Environment Color channels. The Outline function applies an illustrative touch to your final image. Outline also works with the Material Mixer and as a post-render effect in conjunction with BPR filters. With GoZ there is no need to invest time in setting up shading networks for your normal, displacement, and texture maps. With a single click of a button, GoZ will transfer your mesh to a GoZ-enabled application of your choice and instantly set up all the appropriate shading networks for you. Upon sending your mesh back to ZBrush, GoZ will automatically remap the existing high-resolution details to the incoming mesh, even if you've significantly changed the topology in your other application. GoZ™ will take care of simple operations such as correcting points and polygons order, as well as more advanced operations that require complete remapping. The updated mesh is immediately ready for further detailing, map creation, and transferring to any other GoZ-enabled application, such as Autodesk Maya. Decimation Master allows you to greatly reduce the poly count of a model while preserving the high-resolution detail. You can interactively choose up to what percentage you optimize different areas of your mesh. This gives you a high level of control over how you preserve details while lowering your poly count. As your ZBrush creations become more complex, you'll find that saving all the meshes, textures, alphas, materials, timeline animation, and camera positions at once is easy thanks to the new ZProject format. When you load a saved ZProject in ZBrush, you'll be able to pick up exactly where you saved as if you had never left. Save all loaded tools, document size, light settings, materials, timeline components, and render settings with a single click. At any time, you can restore your current project to its originally loaded state or its most recently saved state simply by clicking the Revert button. Unlike ordinary pixels found in other 2D applications which contain only color and position information, ZBrush's "pixol" contains color, position, depth, lighting, and material information. If you decided to paint what seems to be a 2D illustration of a tree in ZBrush, but then decided that you want to change the lighting to be more like sunset instead of midday, just change your lighting controls and all of the shadows are updated in real time. There are also no limits to the number of polygons you can use in your illustration. Maybe you want to add a 3D building to your image that is around 20 million polygons. While working in 2.5D you can add and duplicate that 3D model as many times as you want, creating an entire city with an infinite number of buildings without ever causing a slowdown in your system. Then finalize your city with atmospheric effects and an arsenal of brushes and filters. PaintStop configures your user interface and settings to give you a feel of using real-world art tools. In addition to the many brushes, pencils, and paints that are available in PaintStop, you can choose from a variety of different canvas types to change the look and feel of your final piece. what is the ordering process for purchases from Australia with regards to academic version of the program?
Collecto is one of my two “pet project” apps (With UrzaGatherer). I was a bit worried at the beginning because I wanted to get as close as possible to the look and feel of my native app. It turned out that it was not a real problem as the Web is clearly mature now. CSS animations and transitions: In order to bring the same feeling of smoothness that I had on my native app, I tried to use transitions and animations as much as I can. VSCode: What else could it be? Once ready, your PWA can be directly used as is by just sharing its URL. It will work on all mordern desktop and mobiles browsers (Do not forget to test on all browsers if you see what I mean). On Android devices you can even add them to your home screen where they will be indistinguishable from a native app. If you also want to enlist your app in various app stores (to get more visibility for instance), I would recommend to use www.pwabuilder.com which will prepare for you all the packages you need to submit an app on Windows Store, iOS App Store and Google Play Store. This is the first post of a series about what I’m working on for Babylon.js. Morph targets are used to deform meshes. A morph target can be built from a mesh with the EXACT same amount of vertices as the original mesh. The same operation is applied to normal if they are present. By updating the geometry we ensure that the vertex buffers will be captured within VAO (Vertex array objects) which were introduced recently in Babylon.js. Since UWP Community Toolkit v1.1, we started encouraging developers to follow some simple guidances to make controls more accessible. As a developer, I did not consider accessibility like I should have. And most of the time it was more because I did not realize how simple it could be to at least provide some basic support. Add AutomationProperties.Name on all controls to define the controls purpose. Use Narrator Dev mode to test the screen reader experience. Let’s have a deeper look on each of these topics. This is an easy one to test: Unplug your mouse and try to use your control. If you can use it in an efficient way (i.e. without becoming mad) then you are good to go. Use IsTabStop=false to avoid moving the focus to unwanted area. So basically, you should be able to use Tab key to navigate between control’s area (in a logical way like top to down). Selecting a button or an action with Enter key must also be enabled by default. If you are using stock controls, you should be fine. But for some really custom controls, do not forget to add it by handling key up/down events. Custom colors can be a problem if the user wants to use high contrast theme. As they are statically defined, they will not update accordingly to the user needs. Another easy one. Just add an AutomationProperties.Name attribute to control which can have the focus. This will be used by the narrator to “read” your UI. You can start the narrator by pressing [WinKey+Enter]. Then you should ask yourself if the information is sufficient, meaningful and helps the user navigate and understand your control. Close your eyes, only use the keyboard and try to use your control. If it does not work, then you may have failed one of the previous steps . Feel free to take one control from the list and apply the recipe I presented here. Woot! What a version again! It seems to me that this is my state of mind for every version but, whaou! we put so much love again in this version. You can find the complete release notes here but I still would like to highlight a few features (Even if they all deserve some attention). Canvas2D (by Loic Baumann aka Nockawa) is a HUGE addition to babylon.js. It is basically an entire 2D accelerated engine available out of the box. Indeed babylon.js is a full featured 3D engine, but the need to handle 2D content is often encountered when working on games or complex applications. It is to provide an answer to this demand that we’ve developed the Canvas2D feature. Canvas2D in a non HTML feature, 100% WebGL based, developed to serve the purpose of drawing, animating and interaction with 2D Content. Standard material and physically based rendering material both support refraction channel. You can now use a RefractionTexture to automatically generate a live cubemap of the environment and use it as a source for the refraction channel. Materials will then apply optic deformation to simulate real-time refraction. Babylon.js v2.3 was limited to 4 dynamic lights simultaneously. It was already a great number but with the raise of powerful GPUs, we decided to remove this constraint. Now Standard material and PBR material can have an unlimited number of dynamic lights. Well, not that unlimited as you will need to deal with GPU limitation but at least there is no more an arbitrary constraint. Obviously this also applies to dynamic shadows. Raanan Weber spent a big amount of time working on our physic engines plugins. The goal was to make it more flexible and also to support more features from Oimo.js and Cannon.js. Loic (once again!) added support for parallax mapping and parallax occlusion mapping. To improve (and simplify) shader conception, we added support to shader includes in babylon.js engine. Includes are shader pieces that can be reference by main shader programs (Exactly like a C/C++ include directive). This allows us to share code between shaders reducing drastically the required maintenance and the time spent writing shaders. We also introduced support to instanced includes. This kind of includes is really useful when you deal with portion of code that you need to repeat over and over (like when you unfold code for lights for instance). I’m not a big fan of long posts so I need to stop here even if I would have loved to detail all wonderful features we shaped with love. Do not hesitate to give us your feedback on our forum. It is certainly one of the friendliest you can find out there. If you want to learn more about babylon.js, do not forget to try our playground. Oh and by the way, if you go to https://xboxdesignlab.xbox.com/en-US/customize, you will see a real life usage of Babylon.js! Early this week, I published a new version of UrzaGatherer which added support to navigation transitions. I like these transitions because they really smooth out the user experience. You feel more comfortable using the app just thanks to these subtle animations. So let me explain you how you can do the same. The overall idea is pretty simple. We will use a split view and its ability to embed a frame (which is the host of the navigation). Just before navigating, we will render the client area of the split view to a picture. This picture will be added on top of the frame while the frame is navigating. Then based on the effect you want to achieve, you can play with the picture. In my example, I slowly animate the picture opacity from 1 to 0 to make it disappear. To make it just a little bit more dynamic I also translate the frame itself to give user the impression that the frame is coming from the bottom. Pretty simple, right? Let’s now see how to implement it. We are using a RenderTargetBitmap to save the current frame texture. This image is then displayed by the picture control on top of the frame. That’s it! Now you are ready to create better looking applications! (Please find the Visual studio project here…). David (the other one) presented on his blog the demo we built with Michel Rousseau: The Sponza demo. This demo can really showcase what can be done on the web today regarding visual quality rendering (Even on low end devices). Among all the new features we added, the one I’m the most proud about is dynamic point light shadows (DPLS). During this article I’m going to first explain what points lights are and then how we can achieve having realtime shadows in 3d. Lights in 3d are used to produce the color received by each pixel. This color is then used by materials to determine the final color of every pixel. They are various kind of lights and you can think about point light like a light defined by a single point. This point emits his energy in every direction (Like a really tiny sun). We can feel where the light is by looking at its impact on the ground. Lights are a key point in 3D because it is really hard to feel any volume without a light. As you can see lights help your brain feel the 3D. To get even more realism, you can add shadows to your scene. However shadows in 3D are hard to reproduce because they involve the concept of occlusion. Indeed, a shadow is just a place where the light is occluded. This implies the need to be able to check if the light can actually be reached or not for every pixel you want to render. By default, shadows are off because they required a lot of GPU power. Babylon.js makes this incredibly easy to do by allowing you to create a ShadowGenerator, define who casts shadows and who receives them, and rendering it. Under the hood, things get a little bit more complicated. To determine if a pixel is inside a shadow, we need a first pass where we will render the scene from the point of view of the light. This pass will generate the shadow map. This map will contain the distance between every pixel visible from the light and the light itself. During the main pass, we will use this shadow map to check if the distance of the current pixel and the light is greater than the one store inside the shadow map. This is done for every pixel. If this is the case, then the pixel is in the shadow. The problem with point lights is that they emit light in all directions. You cannot simply generate a texture from the point of view of the light because there is no single point of view (i.e. a position and a direction). This is where the point light shadows enter the game. To fix this issue, we need to generate 6 textures: one for each direction (up, down, left, right, front and back). This way, the engine can always find the best texture to use depending on where the pixel to render is regarding the light. Now let’s get back to the demo to see how Michel built it. Because the scene is based on purely dynamic lighting, everything turns black(like in the real world!). Lights are displayed in yellow and you can click on the labels to turn them on and off (Omin001 and Omni002). Based on what we saw before, there are 2 cubemaps generated for this scene. But because only Omni001 moves, we can generate cubemap for Omni002 at startup and save a lot of bandwidth this way. The current version of Babylon.js uses WebGL 1.0 so it requires 6 passes to generate a complete cubemap. To increase rendering output, we plan to use an extension (which is part of WebGL 2.0) named “WEBGL_draw_buffers”. This extension will allow us to render all faces of a cubemap in one call improving a lot the overall performance. In the meantime, we are really happy with the current technique which works on all modern browsers and devices which support WebGL 1.0. During this article we saw why lights and shadows are important in realtime 3D. We also discovered how to add realtime shadows to point lights using cubemaps. To celebrate the recent publication of Vorlon.js 0.2.1. I’d like to talk about a feature we recently introduced to the Best Practices plugin: Accessibility Analysis. Before jumping into the main topic of this article, let me present what the Best Practices plugin does. This plugin is designed to provide guidance regarding web standards, accessibility, performance and the mobile web. We’re looking to provide more rules in order to help web developers create the best possible experience. Whenever possible, we’ll suggest a solution (like this example, where we’ve highlighted missing CSS rules). But the really big news here is we’ve completely rewritten the accessibility analysis. Providing a decent analysis for accessibility is a gigantic task and no one on the Vorlon.js team felt really confident about developing it. That’s why we decided to team up with Deque Systems in order to embed their accessibility engine (aXe) into our analysis. aXe provides you with a convenient explanation of the issue. It also pinpoints where the issue is located, and even references the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG). Want to learn more about Vorlon.js? For more than two years, my friend David Rousset and I have led Babylon.js. We started the project after hearing that IE11 would support WebGL and we wanted to make it easier for people to build 3D scenes and games. For the following two years I spent all of my spare time making Babylon.js a simple and powerful 3D engine for web developers. During the first 2 months, it was like a dream: you develop and give life to all the ideas you have in mind. It is pure bliss. This phase is what I call the preliminaries. Like in a love affair, that is the best period, just before taking it into more serious territory, where complications can happen. At some point in time, you are ready – or you think you are. Shipping is important. No seriously. I still see a lot of projects that stay in development for ages. I know this is hard but this is necessary for you to ship your project. David and I ran into the first challenge quickly: coding the product is not enough; you also need to work on your communication. We wrote and agreed on the articles we wanted to publish about Babylon.js, the forums we wanted to post on, the events we wanted to attend in order to present it, etc. The feedback from the web development community was huge. One of the reasons was that we worked with a gifted designer (Michel Rousseau). He helped us to not just ship a framework, but also to develop tons of 3D scenes that showcase what people can achieve with our tool. That’s the second important tip: having a great framework is not enough. You have to provide a lot of examples and concentrate on having some really shiny ones to impress developers enough to take a closer look. Some users will start acting strangely, asking for more and more features and you need to be firm or bring up reasons why you aren’t supporting or don’t intend to support these features. Always remember that more features means more work and also more choice for implementers. What is a seen as a great idea for one user can be seen as overhead and annoying to others. Others will demand you to completely change the framework to address their needs regardless of your vision and what you want to achieve with it. This is the PUPPY SYNDROME! This is when your lovely puppy that you pet every day with love and dedication mutates into a monster you barely can control. This is the most complicated part of your job. You have to stick with your vision but you also have to bend it a little bit to accommodate the needs of your users. Use your common sense here! This phase can take quite a while and you need to be good in your communication to get allies in your user base. From these allies you can form a community that brings you to next level. Provide an easy way to learn by doing. This point was really key for us. We created www.babylonjs-playground.com to enable web developers to test babylon.js without having to setup anything. Reducing all the friction is important. We are all lazy and if you can remove all the roadblocks then you will get more people trying your framework. And just like jsfiddle, it is also a way to share your code with others and even easily provide a bug repo. We tried to make it really convenient by adding intellisense which is a fantastic tool to learn while coding. It is all about being attentive to your user’s needs and questions. Users need to be able to trust your product and having good communication channels that are maintained gives them confidence in your product.. The faster you handle requests the more confident your users will become. This is the main building block of how you build the reputation of your framework. You can start with less features than other tools as long as you care about your users. If you manage to support your community, they will offer you a wonderful gift. Someone from the community will start answer question from others in a nice and eloquent form – in some cases even better than you could have done it. I think that when I saw this happening for the very first time, I cried. This is the final stage of your journey. Now users can commit code and do wonderful things without you. For instance, on the latest release of Babylon.js more than 40% of the new features are produced by the community. You are now the leader of the project who gives the direction, the goals and works on keeping everything coherent and aligned. I still feel the same pleasure when I receive pull requests from smart people all over the globe, working together to make a better 3D engine.
What is Iceland web hosting? Iceland web hosting is also recognized as Iceland webhosting, Iceland web site hosting and Iceland hosting. Iceland internet web hosting includes housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more Iceland web sites. Iceland web hosting contains different types such as dedicated web hosting, shared hosting and collocation hosting that depends on the needs and requirements of the individuals for their Iceland websites and Iceland business. If you have Iceland website that you want other people view it online, you need Iceland web hosting that allows you to upload your Iceland web site and publish your Iceland website on the internet. You can have the data center space and internet connectivity with the Iceland web hosting. If you need to host your Iceland website by Linux hosting (Unix hosting), allactionhost Iceland is your best choice of Iceland internet web hosting company. Allactionhost Iceland provides Linux web hosting (Unix web hosting) and Microsoft Windows hosting for you to host your personal Iceland websites, Iceland business websites, Iceland organization websites and host your Iceland domains. Allactionhost Iceland offers economical Iceland Linux webhosting plans for individual person to host Iceland websites with Iceland Linux hosting, affordable Iceland Linux webhosting plans for company to host Iceland websites with Iceland Linux hosting, PHP hosting, Cpanel hosting, Control panel hosting, budget Iceland Linux hosting plans for Iceland small business web hosting, Iceland domain names hosting with Linux hosting Iceland, database hosting with Linux servers hosting, Iceland Linux web hosting plans for organization to host Iceland websites with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland ecommerce hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Microsoft Windows hosting, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, applications hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, email accounts hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, budget Iceland Linux servers web hosting packages for Iceland medium business web hosting, Iceland Linux hosting with shared server hosting and Iceland Linux hosting with dedicated server hosting. Allactionhost Iceland provides international and 24/7 Iceland Linux web hosting services with complete Linux hosting solutions and technical support to our Iceland customers. Iceland web hosting is very important because it allows you to host your Iceland website. Iceland web hosting is place where you host, save and hold your Iceland website. Without a hosting facility, your Iceland website would not be published to be seen online. There are many kinds of Iceland web hosting like Linux hosting (Unix Hosing, Linux server hosting) and Microsoft Windows server hosting. Iceland web hosting permits your Iceland website to be viewed online 24/7, 365 days a year. Allactionhost Iceland offers the best Linux web hosting deals on the internet back by 24/7 support to make sure that all allactionhost Iceland customers are happy with our Linux web hosting services. Allactionhost Iceland is your best Iceland Linux hosting provider who provides cheap Linux server web hosting packages for Iceland small business websites hosting, Iceland domain names hosting with Linux web hosting Iceland, budget Linux websites hosting plans for personal Iceland website hosting, Linux server web hosting Iceland (Unix server web hosting Iceland), Microsoft Windows hosting, databases hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux web hosting, Iceland ecommerce hosting with Iceland Linux web hosting, Iceland webhosting plans for organization to host Iceland websites with Linux web hosting Iceland, ASP hosting, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Linux web hosting Iceland, applications hosting Iceland with Linux web hosting Iceland, Iceland web hosting plans for medium business to host Iceland websites with Linux Iceland web hosting, Iceland Linux web hosting with shared server hosting Iceland, PHP hosting Iceland, economical Linux web hosting packages for Iceland company to host Iceland websites with Linux web hosting Iceland, Iceland multiple sites hosting, email hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux web hosting and Iceland Linux web hosting with dedicated server hosting. Allactionhost Iceland delivers 24/7 Linux web hosting services with complete Linux hosting solutions and technical support to our Iceland customers globally. Iceland web hosting service is a kind of Iceland internet hosting services provide by Iceland web hosting companies. Iceland web hosting services allow individuals, business and organizations to make their Iceland website accessible online via World Wide Web (WWW). Allactionhost Iceland is one of the best international and Iceland web host that provides world wide web hosting and complete Linux hosting solutions. Allactionhost Iceland offers different kinds of cheap Linux hosting plans for you to host your Iceland website and Iceland domain names. You can chose to host your Iceland website and Iceland domain name by Linux hosting or Microsoft Windows hosting at allactionhost Iceland. Allactionhost Iceland provides PHP hosting Iceland, Unix servers hosting (Linux server hosting), Microsoft Windows servers web hosting, Iceland domain names hosting with Iceland Linux server hosting, dedicated server hosting Iceland, shared server hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux hosting, budget Iceland Linux servers hosting plans for Iceland medium business web hosting with Linux servers, databases hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, affordable Iceland Linux hosting plans for Iceland small business hosting with Linux servers, control panel hosting for Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland web hosting for Iceland organization to host Iceland website with cheap Iceland Linux website hosting plans, MySQL hosting, emails hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux hosting, cheap Iceland Linux server web hosting packages for Iceland big business hosting, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Linux Iceland web hosting, Iceland e-commerce hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland multiple website hosting and Linux Iceland web hosting for Iceland company to host Iceland websites by with Linux servers. You will definitely find the suitable Iceland Linux hosting plan from allactionhost Iceland to host your Iceland websites and Iceland domains. Please contact allactionhost Iceland if you are interested in our Iceland Linux servers hosting plans and other Iceland Linux hosting services. Iceland web hosting companies offer many services in Iceland web sites. Iceland web hosting company offers space for Iceland web sites on Iceland web hosting companies' server and provides internet connectivity. Allactionhost Iceland is the best international and Iceland web hosting company that provides multiple Iceland web hosting services, Microsoft Windows hosting, Iceland Linux hosting services and Iceland domain names services. Allactionhost Iceland supports Iceland web hosting by Iceland Linux hosting and Windows server hosting. If your Iceland website is in PHP, you can host your Iceland website and your Iceland domain name using Linux websites hosting with allactionhost Iceland. Allactionhost Iceland provides multiple web hosting and Iceland domain services such as MySQL hosting, Iceland domain hosting with Iceland Linux web hosting, Iceland domains registration, Cpanel hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Linux web hosting Iceland, Iceland Linux hosting with dedicated server hosting, Iceland website hosting for individual person to host Iceland website with Iceland Linux website hosting, PHP hosting Iceland, Iceland website hosting for company to host Iceland websites with Iceland Linux websites hosting, Iceland Linux hosting with shared server hosting, database webhosting Iceland with Iceland Linux webhosting, Iceland website hosting for organization to host Iceland websites with Iceland Linux websites hosting, applications webhosting Iceland with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland e-commerce webhosting with Iceland Linux webhosting, economical Iceland Linux webhosting plans for Iceland small business web hosting and cheap Iceland Linux hosting plans for Iceland medium business web hosting. You can upload, save and maintain your own Iceland web site with Iceland webhosting. Allactionhost Iceland provides Iceland web hosting in Linux severs (Unix servers) and Microsoft Windows servers. If you only need to host Iceland domain name, you can choose Iceland domain hosting by either Windows servers hosting or Linux servers hosting. But if you want to host your Iceland website, you need to check whether your Iceland website is in ASP, ASP.NET or PHP. If your Iceland website is in PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, or CGI scripting, you can host your Iceland website by Linux websites hosting at allactionhost Iceland. Allactionhost Iceland provides different Iceland web hosting services such as cheap Iceland Linux Websites hosting plans of Iceland web hosting for individual persons to host Iceland websites with Linux server, Microsoft Windows website hosting Iceland, shared server hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux web hosting,, Iceland Linux web hosting with dedicated server hosting Iceland, PHP hosting Iceland, Linux web hosting Iceland for Iceland company to host Iceland websites with Linux servers, mails web hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux web hosting, Iceland domain names hosting with Linux web hosting Iceland, affordable Iceland web hosting plans for Iceland organization to host Iceland websites with Linux Iceland web hosting, database hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland ecommerce hosting with Linux server hosting Iceland, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Linux web hosting Iceland, applications hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux sever hosing, MySQL hosting, Iceland small business hosting with Linux hosting Iceland and Iceland medium business hosting with Linux hosting Iceland. Iceland web hosts are the companies that offer server space, web services and file maintenance for Iceland websites owned by individuals person, Iceland companies or Iceland organizations that do not have their own Iceland web servers. Iceland web hosts offer many facilities in Iceland websites. You can have the Iceland web services such as the data center space and internet connectivity with Iceland web hosting. Allactionhost Iceland is one of the best international and Iceland Linux web host who provides you 24/7 Iceland web hosting services and cheap Iceland Linux hosting plans with Iceland complete Linux hosting solutions. Allactionhost Iceland provides different cheap Iceland Linux hosting plans for Iceland personal web hosting to host Iceland websites and host Iceland domain names with Linux servers hosting, cheap Iceland Linux Websites hosting plans for Iceland company to host Iceland websites and host Iceland domains with Linux servers hosting, cheap Iceland Linux Web hosting plans for Iceland organizations to host Iceland websites and host Iceland domain names with Linux servers hosting, PHP hosting Iceland, DNS hosting, MySQL hosting Iceland, databases hosting Iceland, emails hosting Iceland, Microsoft Windows servers hosting, applications hosting Iceland, Iceland domain hosting with cheap Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland bulk domains hosting with cheap Iceland Linux web hosting, Iceland e-commerce hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland small business web hosting with Iceland Linux websites hosting, Iceland small business web hosting with Iceland Linux web hosting, Iceland big business web hosting with Iceland Linux servers hosting, dedicated server hosting for Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland Linux hosting with shared server hosting and Iceland bulk domains registration, You will discover our Iceland web hosting services and cheap Iceland Linux hosting plans meet your needs, requirements and budget for you to host your Iceland website and Iceland domain names, please contact us for more information. Frankly speaking everyone a needs a Iceland website. Maybe you need a Iceland website as a family album, video and information you want to share with others about your family life. Your personal Iceland website allows you to interact with friends both far away and near in this internet digital age. You may need a Iceland website to tell your friends about you, to make new friends like penpal around the world. You can use Iceland website to display your school projects, diary, video, photo albums to your friends. Construct your own Iceland web site allows you to have more autonomy, privacy, flexibility and space than a free public blog. Your own Iceland website helps you take control of your own privacy rather than posting your valued information, video and pictures on some social media websites. Iceland E-commerce website permits Iceland retailers and Iceland wholesalers to make their Iceland products and Iceland services visible to consumers from the comfort of their homes. Iceland E-commerce websites make it possible to purchase Iceland product or Iceland service in real time without leaving their home. Build an individual personal Iceland website is very important and useful for searching job. When you are looking for a job, Iceland web site allows you to upload a good profile of yourself with photos and other related information you may want your presumed employers to see. Iceland business website allows the Iceland company to be noticeable online 24/7, reaching every corner of the world. Iceland business website allows the company to display its latest Iceland products or services to their existing customers and at the same time reach new customers. Iceland companies with good working Iceland websites are most likely to increase their sales more than 100% then those without a Iceland website. Iceland interactive website has become the important communication between individuals or groups of people in today ever changing world. Iceland interactive website has given people to the age of social media worldwide. Iceland website is here to stay, so why don't you get one Iceland website today! If you want to host a Iceland website by Linux hosting, allactionhost Iceland is your best choice of Linux hosting company. Allactionhost Iceland support web hosting in Linux servers and Microsoft Windows servers that you can host your Iceland website and Iceland domain names. You can select either Linux server web hosting or Microsoft Windows web hosting if you only need to host Iceland domain names. If your Iceland website is in PHP, you can host your website by Linux websites hosting with allactionhost Iceland. Allactionhost Iceland provides complete Linux hosting solutions, economical Iceland Linux hosting plans and Iceland web hosting services including emails hosting Iceland, web space hosting Iceland, Control panel hosting Iceland, Linux website hosting Iceland, Linux website hosting for Iceland companies to host Iceland websites with affordable Iceland Linux web hosting plans, Iceland webhosting plans for individual person to host Iceland websites with Iceland Linux web server hosting, Iceland Linux sever hosting with dedicated server hosting, web space, Iceland domain names hosting with Linux server web hosting Iceland, shared server hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux sever hosting, DNS hosting, Cpanel hosting, PHP hosting, Microsoft Windows server hosting, MySQL hosting, Iceland domain registration, database hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux sever hosting, Iceland ecommerce hosting with Iceland Linux sever hosting, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Iceland Linux sever hosting, Iceland Linux websites hosting packages for medium business Iceland web hosting, Iceland domains renewal, Iceland domain names transfer, budget Iceland Linux Website hosting plans for organization to host Iceland websites with Linux server, application hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux sever hosting and affordable Iceland web hosting plans for Iceland small business web hosting. What is Linux hosting (Unix web hosting) for Iceland web hosting? Linux hosting (Unix hosting) for Iceland web hosting is one of the operating systems for hosting and operating Iceland web sites. In Linux hosting, your Iceland website is hosted on Linux servers. If your Iceland website is in PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, or CGI scripting, you can host your Iceland website by Linux hosting (Unix hosting). If you want to host Iceland domain name, you can host the Iceland domain either by Microsoft Windows servers hosting or Linux server hosting. Allactionhost Iceland provides complete Iceland web hosting solutions, email hosting Iceland, Cpanel hosting, PHP hosting, MySQL hosting, web space hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux hosting, Control panel hosting, cheap Linux Website hosting plans of Iceland web hosting for Iceland small business web hosting with Linux server, Iceland Linux hosting with shared servers hosting Iceland, Iceland Linux website hosting plans for company to host Iceland website with Iceland web hosting, Linux hosting packages for Iceland organization to host Iceland website with Iceland web hosting, Iceland Linux hosting with dedicated servers hosting Iceland, Iceland domains hosting with Linux hosing Iceland, Iceland domain names registration, Iceland websites hosting for individual personal Iceland website hosting with economical Iceland Linux hosting plans, database hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland ecommerce hosting with cheap Linux hosting Iceland, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland domains renewal, Iceland domain names transfer, application hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland small business hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland multiple sites hosting with Linux Server hosting and Iceland medium business hosting with Iceland Linux web hosting. What is cpanel for Iceland web hosting? Cpanel for Iceland web hosting is a common graphical web-based control panel work in Linux hosting (Unix hosting). Cpanel allows users to manage different aspects of Iceland website administration and simplify the process of Linux hosting via control panel through a standard web browser. Iceland web host will assign a Cpanel (Control Panel) for Iceland customers who host their Iceland websites by Iceland Linux hosting and they can access most of the features via the Control Panel to manage their Iceland websites. Allactionhost Iceland provides complete Iceland Linux web hosting solutions, email hosting Iceland with Linux web hosting, Cpanel hosting for Linux web hosting, PHP hosting, MySQL hosting, web space hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland Linux website hosting plans for company to host Iceland website with Iceland web hosting, Linux hosting packages for Iceland organization to host Iceland website with Iceland web hosting, Iceland domains renewal, Iceland domain names transfer, application hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux website hosting, Iceland small business hosting with Iceland Linux servers hosting, Iceland Linux hosting with dedicated servers hosting Iceland, Iceland domains hosting with Linux hosing Iceland, Iceland domain names registration, Iceland websites hosting for individual personal Iceland website hosting with economical Iceland Linux hosting plans, Control panel hosting for Linux hosting, cheap Linux Website hosting plans of Iceland web hosting for Iceland small business web hosting with Linux server, Iceland Linux web hosting with shared servers hosting Iceland, database hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland ecommerce hosting with cheap Linux hosting Iceland, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Iceland Linux website hosting, Iceland multiple sites hosting with Linux Server hosting and Iceland medium business hosting with Iceland Linux web hosting. What is dedicated server hosting for Iceland Linux web hosting? Dedicated server hosting is a kind of Iceland internet web hosting that you will rent an entire server not sharing with other client for your Iceland web hosting. If you want to host your Iceland website by Linux hosting, you can chose to host it by dedicated Linux server or shared Linux server. Allactionhost Iceland offers dedicated server hosting for Linux hosting and Microsoft Windows hosting. Allactionhost Iceland provides complete Iceland Linux web hosting solutions, Microsoft Windows server web hosting, Iceland domain name registration, web spaces hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux webhosting, MySQL hosting, Linux Website hosting plans of Iceland web hosting for Iceland big business web hosting with Linux server, free domain names, Iceland domain names hosting with Linux server hosting Iceland, Iceland ecommerce webhosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland budget Linux web hosting plans for Iceland medium business hosting to host Iceland websites and Iceland domain names, Iceland web hosting plans for organization Iceland web hosting with Iceland Linux hosting, Iceland small business hosting with affordable Iceland Linux hosting plans, Iceland Unix server web hosting plans, economical Iceland web hosting plans for company to host Iceland websites with Iceland Linux webhosting, PHP hosting, Unix hosting, transfer Iceland domain names, Control Panel hosting for Iceland Linux servers web hosting, cheap Iceland Linux hosting packages for individual personal Iceland website hosting, emails hosting with Linux server hosting, applications hosting Iceland with Linux server hosting, databases hosting Iceland with Linux server hosting, mailboxes hosting Iceland with Linux server hosting, SSL certificates and Iceland multiple sites hosting with cheap Linux servers hosting packages. Shared server hosting refer to Iceland web hosting that has more than one Iceland website will be kept and host in the same server. Shared server hosting is much cheaper and more affordable than dedicated server hosting for Iceland web hosting. Allactionhost Iceland offers 24/7 Iceland web hosting services and Linux hosting services such as Iceland web hosting and Linux hosting with shared server hosting, Iceland web hosting and Iceland Linux server hosting with dedicated server hosting, Iceland domain name registration, PHP hosting Iceland, web spaces hosting with Iceland Linux server hosting, ASP.net hosting Iceland, free domains, Linux Website hosting of Iceland web hosting for Iceland ecommerce to host websites and database with Iceland Linux server hosting, MySQL hosting, Iceland domain hosting with Iceland Linux server hosting, Iceland small business hosting with Iceland Linux server hosting, Unix hosting Iceland, transfer Iceland domain names, Cpanel, Control Panel hosting for Iceland Linux server hosting, emails hosting Iceland with Linux server hosting, applications hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux server hosting, databases hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux servers hosting, mailboxes hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux server hosting, SSL certificates, Iceland multiple sites hosting with Iceland Linux servers hosting, Linux Website hosting for Iceland company web hosting with Linux server and Linux Website hosting for Iceland organization web hosting with Linux server. If you want to host your Iceland websites by Linux websites hosting, please contact allactionhost Iceland for more information. Do I need any technical knowledge or skill to use Linux hosting for my Iceland webhosting? Allactionhost Iceland provides Iceland domain services, Iceland web hosting services and Linux hosting services that include Iceland Linux hosting with shared server hosting, Iceland domain name registration, PHO hosting Iceland, ASP.net hosting Iceland, free domains, Iceland Linux Website hosting of Iceland web hosting for Iceland ecommerce web hosting, applications hosting Iceland with Linux hosting, MySQL hosting, Iceland Linux hosting of web space, Microsoft Windows hosting, Iceland Unix sever hosting Iceland, Iceland domain hosting with Iceland Linux web server hosting, Iceland Linux webhosting with dedicated server hosting, Iceland small business web hosting with Iceland Linux webhosting plan, Iceland domain names transfer, Control Panel hosting Iceland for Linux webhosting, emails hosting Iceland with Linux webhosting, databases hosting Iceland with Linux server hosting, mailboxes hosting Iceland with Linux servers hosting, SSL certificates, Iceland multiple websites hosting with Linux servers hosting, Linux Web hosting for Iceland companies to host Iceland websites with Linux server and Linux Website hosting packages for Iceland organization web hosting with Linux server. How long will it take to set up online Linux hosting for Iceland web hosting? Most Linux hosting accounts are set up instantly, though it might take few days for your Iceland domain name to be registered and point to your Iceland internet website hosting. Allactionhost Iceland is the best international and Iceland web hosting company that provides Iceland cheap Linux server hosting and Iceland complete Linux web hosting solutions. Allactionhost Iceland provides 24/7 Linux webhosting services and technical supports to our Iceland customers. Allactionhost Iceland is the best international and Iceland web hosting company that provides international and Iceland internet world wide web hosting services and complete Linux web hosting solutions. Allactionhost Iceland provides 24/7 Linux web hosting services and technical supports to our Iceland customers. Allactionhost Iceland provides Iceland economical Linux web hosting plans for Iceland small business web hosting and Iceland domains hosting, PHP hosting, Iceland e-commerce web hosting with cheap Linux servers hosting, search Iceland domains names, cheap Iceland Linux web hosting plans for Iceland company to host Iceland website and Iceland domain names with Iceland Linux Servers hosting, WHOIS Iceland domains names search, Iceland domains names registration, Iceland domains names renewal Iceland Linux Website hosting of Iceland web hosting for Iceland big business web hosting with Iceland Linux server, Iceland domains names transfer, Iceland bulk domains names registration to buy Iceland bulk domain names, economical Iceland Linux web hosting plans for Iceland organizations to host Iceland websites and Iceland domain names with Iceland Linux Servers hosting, PHP hosting, Iceland domains names hosting with Linux hosting, Iceland Microsoft Windows web hosting, Cpanel hosting, SSL certificates, Iceland bulk domain names hosting with cheap Iceland Linux hosting plans, email hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux servers hosting, MySQL hosting, ASP hosting, Iceland budget Linux web hosting plans for Iceland medium business to host websites and domain names, free domains names, databases hosting Iceland with Iceland Linux servers hosting, application hosting Iceland with Linux servers hosting, Linux website hosting with shared servers hosting, Iceland Linux website hosting with dedicated servers hosting, DNS hosting, WHOIS domains names search, Iceland budget Linux web hosting packages for individual person to host Iceland websites and Iceland domain names with Linux servers, Iceland bulk domain names search, Iceland bulk domains transfer, Iceland bulk domains renewal and Iceland multiple sites web hosting with Linux servers hosting. What are the advantages of Linux hosting (Unix hosting) for Iceland web hosting? Linux hosting (Unix hosting) is widely used in Iceland web hosting nowadays. Many newly established Iceland companies and Iceland small business like to use Linux hosting (Unix hosting) to host their Iceland websites because there are many advantages of Linux hosting (Unix hosting). One of the advantages of Linux hosting (Unix hosting) for Iceland web hosting is Linux hosting (Unix hosting) use open source that is free and does not need to get license to use the software. Linux hosting (Unix hosting) for Iceland web hosting works with open-source technologies such as PHP, Apache and MySQL. Linux hosting (Unix hosting) for Iceland web hosting is stable with less downtime or technical difficulties. Linux hosting (Unix hosting) default security setting is good for Iceland web hosting. Linux hosting (Unix hosting) becomes one of the most affordable, stable, secure and cost effective Iceland web hosting solutions for Iceland customers. Allactionhost Iceland provides complete Linux web hosting solutions and Iceland Linux hosting plans for Iceland companies to host Iceland websites and Iceland domain names, Iceland Linux hosting plans for individual person to host Iceland website and Iceland domains, Iceland Linux hosting plans for Iceland organization to host Iceland websites and Iceland domain names, Iceland Linux hosting for Iceland ecommerce web hosting, Iceland Linux hosting for Iceland big to small business Iceland web hosting, Allactionhost Iceland offers different Iceland Linux hosting plans for you to host Iceland websites and Iceland domain names, you will find the suitable Linux Iceland hosting plan that meets your needs and requirements. Other than Iceland Linux hosting plans, allactionhost Iceland also provides email web hosting Iceland with Linux web hosting, Iceland web hosting plans for big to small business to host Iceland web sites and Iceland domain names with Iceland Linux web server hosting, web space hosting Iceland with Linux web hosting, Control panel hosting for Iceland Linux web server hosting, Iceland budget Linux web hosting packages for Iceland company to host Iceland web sites with Iceland Linux web hosting, Linux website hosting, PHP hosting, MySQL hosting, Iceland Cheap Linux hosting packages for individual person to host Iceland web site with Iceland Linux web hosting, Linux web hosting with shared servers hosting, Linux web servers hosting with dedicated servers hosting, Iceland domain names hosting with Linux web servers hosting, Iceland domain names registration, databases hosting Iceland with Linux web servers hosting, Iceland ecommerce hosting with Linux servers web hosting, ASP hosting, Microsoft Windows hosting, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Linux web hosting, buy Iceland bulk domains, Iceland domains renewal, Iceland domain names transfer, application hosting Iceland with Linux servers web hosting and Iceland affordable Linux web hosting packages for Iceland organization to host Iceland web sites with Iceland Linux web hosting. Should I choose Linux Web Hosting or Windows Hosting for Iceland web hosting? It really depends on the programming language of your Iceland website used. Linux server supports Iceland websites that is in PHP, Perl and MySQL. If you use PHP, Perl or MySQL on your Iceland website, it would be better for you to use a Linux Server to host your Iceland website so Linux Hosting / Unix Hosting is your best choice. If you use ASP or ASP.net on your Iceland website, it would be better for you to use Window server to host your Iceland website. Allactionhost Iceland supports Iceland web hosting services by both Microsoft Windows servers and Linux servers. You can select either Windows sever hosting or Linux server hosting for Iceland domains hosting. For Iceland website that is written in PHP, Perl and MySQL, you can host your Iceland website by Linux websites hosting. Allactionhost Iceland provides complete Linux web server hosting solutions and Iceland economical Linux website hosting plans for Iceland small business hosting with Linux servers hosting, email hosting with Iceland Linux servers hosting, web space hosting Iceland with Linux servers hosting, Control panel hosting for Iceland Linux web hosting, Iceland affordable Linux hosting packages for medium business hosting with Linux servers hosting, MySQL hosting, Iceland Linux websites hosting with shared servers hosting Iceland, Iceland Linux websites hosting with dedicated servers hosting Iceland, Microsoft Windows servers hosting, Iceland domain names web hosting with Linux web hosting, application hosting Iceland with Linux servers hosting, Iceland cheap Linux hosting packages for Iceland medium business hosting with Linux servers hosting, Iceland Linux Websites hosting plans of Iceland web hosting for Iceland company to host Iceland websites with Linux server, Iceland domain names registration, databases hosting Iceland with Linux servers hosting, Iceland bulk domains hosting with Linux servers hosting, buy Iceland bulk domains, Iceland domains renewal, Iceland domain names transfer Iceland ecommerce hosting with Iceland Linux servers hosting, ASP hosting, ASP.net hosting and PHP hosting. Useful Website Hosting Information : What is Iceland web hosting? Why is Iceland web hosting important? What is Iceland web hosting service? What is Iceland web hosting company? What can I do with Iceland web hosting? What is Iceland web host? Why do I need a Iceland website? What is Linux hosting (Unix web hosting) for Iceland web hosting? What is cpanel for Iceland web hosting? What is dedicated server hosting for Iceland Linux web hosting? What is shared server hosting for Iceland web hosting? Do I need any technical knowledge or skill to use Linux hosting for my Iceland webhosting? How long will it take to set up online Linux hosting for Iceland web hosting? What are the advantages of Linux hosting (Unix hosting) for Iceland web hosting? Should I choose Linux Web Hosting or Windows Hosting for Iceland web hosting?
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Martin Luther understood how serious the problem is for unjust people to live in the presence of a just and holy God. As Luther was a monk of monks, so Paul was a Pharisee of Pharisees. Both were brilliant men and highly educated. Paul had the equivalent of two Ph.D’s by the time he was twenty-one years old. Both Luther the monk and Paul the Pharisee were students of the Old Testament law and both were consumed by the problem of holy justice. Whoever reads the Old Testament must struggle with the apparent brutality of God’s judgment found there. I will look at some of the most difficult and offensive passages in the Old Testament and try to make sense of them. If anyone in Israel had a close relationship with God, it was Moses and Aaron. One might expect a little leeway from God in dealing with the sons of Aaron. There was none. The death of Nadab and Abihu was no accident. It was the wrath and judgment of God. The Bible says Aaron was displeased. He had dedicated his whole life to the service of God, yet God executed his sons for what seemed to be a minor infraction of the rules of the altar. Aaron pled his case to Moses who reminded him of God’s specific commands in Leviticus 30:9: “Do not offer on this altar any other incense.” The instructions were clear. Leviticus 30:10 says about the altar: “It is most holy to the Lord.” When Nadab and Abihu offered strange or unauthorized fire upon the holy altar, they were acting in clear defiance of God. Built into our concept of justice is the idea that the punishment must fit the crime. If the punishment is more severe than the crime, then an injustice has been committed. The Bible makes it clear that Nadab and Abihu could not plead ignorance as an excuse for their sin. God had made His instructions clear to them. Still, this punishment seems too cruel for the crime. Genesis declares, “The judge of heaven and earth must do right.” God’s judgments are always according to righteousness. His justice is never unfair, never whimsical, nor tyrannical. It is impossible for God to be unjust because His justice is holy. If we struggle with the story of Nadab and Abihu, we meet even greater difficulty with the story of Uzzah. David was a man after God’s own heart. If God made David angry, how much more unsettled does it make us who do not know God as well? Even more than the case of Nadab and Abihu, the execution of Uzzah stirs protests from readers who have been taught that God is a God of love. The Bible says that God is long-suffering and slow to anger, but that sure wasn’t the case here. Uzzah touched the ark and wham! He was dead. This story makes us angry just as it did David. It offends our sense of justice. The ark was being transported towards Jerusalem and it was a joyous day of national celebration. Suddenly the oxen stumbled and the ark was about to fall. It was unthinkable that this precious object be desecrated by falling in the dirt. Uzzah instinctively reached out to keep the ark from falling in the mud. From our perspective it seems like an act of heroism. We think Uzzah should have heard the voice of God saying, Thank you, Uzzah!” Instead He killed him on the spot. What was Uzzah’s sin that caused God to act so harshly? Uzzah was a Kohathite. God said, “The Kohathites are to come to do the carrying (of the ark). But they must not touch the holy things or they will die.” Uzzah was aware of what his duties were as a Kohathite. He understood that God had declared that the touching of the ark was a capital offense. No Kohathite, under any circumstance, was ever permitted to touch the ark. The ark was made with rings to put the poles into for transport. The Kohathites were to transport the ark by carrying it on the poles. They were disobeying God by transporting the ark on an ox cart. God was so strict about the holy things of the tabernacle that He says in Numbers 4:20, “The Kohathites are not to go in and look at the holy objects, even for a moment, or they will die.” Aaron and his sons were to cover the ark and the holy things so the Kohathites would not look upon them. Uzzah did two things deserving of death: he looked at the ark and he touched the ark. This was no act of holy heroism upon further review—it was an act of arrogance, a sin of presumption. Uzzah assumed that his hand and eyes were less polluted than the earth. But it wasn’t the ground or the mud that would desecrate the ark; it was the touch of man. The earth is an obedient creature. It does what God tells it to do. It is man who rebels against God. God did not want His holy throne touched by that which was contaminated with evil. There is a reason why we are offended and even angered by the stories of Uzzah and of Nadab and Abihu. It is because we do not understand four vitally important biblical concepts: holiness, justice, sin, and grace. As a holy God, He is utterly incapable of an unholy act. The justice of God is an expression of His righteousness and holy character. What God does is always consistent with who God is. He always acts according to His holy character. There is a consistency in God, a “straightness” about Him. We describe man’s unrighteousness as not being straight or crooked. We refer to criminals as “crooks.” They are not straight. In all of eternity, God has never done a crooked thing. He killed Nadab, Abihu, and Uzzah because of His righteous judgment. The Bible teaches that God is the Supreme Judge of the universe. The question we have after reading about Uzzah is this: Is God qualified for this job? The Supreme Judge must be just. We know earthly judges can be corrupt. They can show partiality, they can take bribes, at times they act from ignorance, and they can make mistakes. Not so with God. There is no corruption in Him. He refuses to show partiality. He is no respecter of persons. No one can bribe Him. He never acts out of ignorance. He does not make mistakes. Abraham wrestled with the question of the justice of God. God announced that He was going to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and annihilate them totally—men, women, and children. Abraham was disturbed by this. God was willing to bend over backwards for Abraham. He said He would not destroy the city if Abraham could find 50 righteous people; then 45; then 30; then 10. If Abraham could find ten righteous people, God would spare the city. The Judge of heaven and earth did right. No innocent people were punished. God’s justice is never divorced from His righteousness. He never condemns the innocent. He never clears the guilty. He never punishes with undo severity. He never fails to reward righteousness. His justice is perfect justice. God does not always act with justice and give us what we deserve. Sometimes He acts with mercy. Mercy is not justice, but it is not injustice. Injustice violates righteousness. We may see non-justice in God, but we never see injustice. Another issue is that the Old Testament seems much harsher than the New Testament. The Old Testament lists numerous crimes that punishable by death. However, this list is a massive reduction from the original list. The Old Testament law is actually one of astonishing grace. God granted mercy to Adam and Eve in terms of the full measure of the penalty. We have a saying that “justice delayed is justice denied.” Not always. In this case of creation and man’s fall, the full measure of justice was delayed so grace would have time to work. Justice was delayed, not denied, so that mercy and grace could be established. We will all eventually die for we are all under the death penalty for sin. Is this death penalty for sin unjust? By no means. Remember that God has created us voluntarily. He gave mankind the highest privilege of being His image bearers, to reflect and mirror His holiness, to be His ambassadors. But we have not used the gift of life for the purpose God intended. Sin is treason against a holy God. It is an act of supreme ingratitude toward One to whom we owe everything, to the One who created us and gave us the gift of life. When we sin and disobey God in the slightest point, we are saying that we are above His jurisdiction, that we have the right to do whatever we want to do, not what God commands us. The slightest sin is an act of defiance against God. It is an insult to His holiness. As God’s image bearers and ambassadors we are telling the world that God is sinful like us, that He does all of the same things that we do. When we sin we not only commit treason against God, but we do violence to each other. Sin violates people. Sin dishonors God and does harm to others. This is why God takes sin so seriously. Hans Kung, the controversial Roman Catholic theologian says that the most mysterious aspect of the mystery of sin is not that the sinner deserves to die, but rather that the sinner in the average situation continues to exist. The issue is not why does God punish sin, but why does He permit the ongoing rebellion of man? What ruler would manifest such patience with a continually rebellious people? Kung talked about the patience of God in dealing with the sinner in the average situation. On the average, God is patient and long-suffering with us and we are given grace and mercy. But not always. When God does act with justice we are shocked and offended. We have taken His grace and mercy for granted. Instead of taking advantage of this patience by coming humbly to Him for forgiveness, we use this grace as an opportunity to become more bold in our sin. We delude ourselves into thinking that either God doesn’t care about it or that He is powerless to punish us. The supreme folly is that we think we will get away with our revolt. When God does act with justice we are shocked and offended. We have taken His grace and mercy for granted. Far from being a history of a harsh God, the Old Testament is the record of a God who is patient in the extreme to a persistently hard-necked people who rebel time after time against God. The Israelites conquest of Canaan is another troubling issue on the holy justice of God. God explicitly commanded the slaughter of men, women, and children; even infants. Why did God order such a command? How could He be so harsh and order the slaughter of women, children, and even infants? In fact, there is another incident even worse than this! The Flood is actually far more severe than the conquest of Canaan. God destroyed the entire population of the world except for Noah and his family. The problem in our understanding of justice is our failure to understand the nature of sin. The assumption is that God wiped out innocent people in Canaan and in the Flood. In fact there were no innocent women or children in Canaan. The Bible teaches the concept of total depravity—that all men are born into a sinful nature. Depraved means that man’s original state or form has been thoroughly twisted or perverted. Man has fallen from his original state of righteousness and his very nature has become thoroughly corrupt. That is why all mankind—including children and infants—is not innocent. Children don’t have to be taught how to lie, how to be self-centered, how to be mean-spirited and selfish. We don’t have to teach them all these things—they already know. We have to teach them just the opposite. Every child that’s ever been born, no matter how precious to the parent, is living proof of what God teaches in His Word about total depravity. The conquest of Canaan was an explicit expression of God’s righteous judgment on a wicked nation. God also made it clear to Israel that they themselves were not innocent. It was not as if God destroyed a wicked people for the sake of a righteous people. God reminds Israel three times in this passage that it is not because of their righteousness that He will defeat the Canaanites. God did not choose Israel because they were already holy. He chose to make them holy. Israel was called to be holy in two ways. First, they were called to be different; to be set apart as a vehicle for God’s redemption. Israel was also called to be holy in the sense of being purified. Salvation was to come out of Israel and there was no room for the pagan worship of the Canaanites. God ordered the Israelites to purge the land. In conclusion, God’s justice in the Old Testament was neither whimsical nor unwarranted. There is also no conflict between the Old and New Testament. In fact, the most brutal act of divine vengeance ever recorded in Scripture is not in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament. The most violent expression of God’s wrath and justice is seen on the cross. If ever a person had room to complain of injustice, it was Jesus. If we are to be astonished at the wrath of God, it should be here at the cross where God crushed an innocent Man under the weight of all the sin of the world. If we have cause for moral outrage, let it be directed here. In fact, the most brutal act of divine vengeance ever recorded in Scripture is not in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament. The most violent expression of God’s wrath and justice is seen on the cross. The cross was at once the most horrible and the most beautiful example of God’s wrath. It was the most just and the most gracious act in history. It was just in that God punished our sin. It was gracious in the fact that Jesus took the punishment that we deserved. Once Jesus Christ voluntarily took on the sins of the world, He became the most grotesque and vile thing on this planet. With the great weight of all of our sin, He became totally detestable to God the Father, and the Father then poured out the entirety of His wrath upon the Son. Jesus took the justice that we deserved. At the cross was the intersection of justice and grace, wrath and mercy. It is too astonishing to fathom. We tend to take grace for granted, since that is God’s usual course. Grace no longer amazes us. We have grown used to it. We take it for granted. Because we expect grace, we are surprised when God does execute justice and punishes sin. I once had a class in which students were late turning in a paper. Instead of giving them an F, I gave them an extension. For the next paper, even more students were late. Again, I relented and gave them an extension, but I told them that this would be the last time. For the last paper, even more students were late. This time I told them that they would receive an F. The students were outraged. They had taken my mercy for granted. They assumed it. When justice suddenly fell, they were unprepared for it. It came as a shock. God shows us far more mercy than I showed those students with those term papers. God usually showed mercy in the Old Testament. When His divine judgment fell on Nadab or Uzzah, the response was shock and outrage. We have come to expect God to be merciful. The next step is for us to demand mercy and to be upset with God when we don’t receive it. We complain, “It isn’t fair,” but we forget that with our first sin we have forfeited all rights to the gift of life. Every breath we take is an act of divine mercy. God owes me nothing. If He allows a tower to fall on my head today, I cannot claim injustice. God promises to one day deliver the believer from the injustice we suffer at the hands of people. The injustices we suffer in this world are all of a horizontal sort. In terms of our vertical relationship with God, we never suffer injustice. We cannot accuse God of vertical injustice by allowing horizontal injustice. We may be innocent before men, but we are guilty before God. We often blame God for the injustices done to us and harbor in our souls the bitter feeling that God has not been fair to us. Even if we know that He is gracious, we think that He is not gracious enough. We think that we deserve more grace. Read that last sentence again: We think that we deserve more grace. What is wrong with that? Well, it is impossible for anyone, anywhere, anytime to deserve grace. Grace by definition is undeserved. As soon as we talk about deserving something, we are no longer talking about grace; we are talking about justice. Suppose ten people sin and sin equally. Suppose God punishes five of them and is merciful to the other five. Is this injustice? No! In this situation five people get justice and five get mercy. No one gets injustice. We think that God should be merciful to all since He was merciful to the five. God is never obligated to be merciful. Even if God is merciful to nine of the ten, the tenth cannot complain that He is a victim of injustice. God is never obligated to treat all men equally. We can only complain if God is unjust to us, which He isn’t. God will have mercy on whom He chooses to have mercy. 14 “What shall we say then? There is no injustice with God, is there? May it never be! 15 For He says to Moses, ‘I WILL HAVE MERCY ON WHOM I HAVE MERCY, AND I WILL HAVE COMPASSION ON WHOM I HAVE COMPASSION.’" We only receive two things from God—justice or mercy. We never receive injustice. We must not be offended when God’s justice is administered. We must never think that we are owed perpetual mercy. We must not take His grace for granted. We must never lose the ability to be amazed by His grace. God is infinite but His grace is not infinite. God sets limits to His grace, and once that limit is reached, He will show the dreadful power of His judgment, as He did with Nadab, Abihu, and Uzzah. While we enjoy His grace, we cannot forget His justice. We cannot forget the gravity of our sin. We must remember that He is holy. Coach Hoover, I like that you dig R.C. How can I reach you? I would like to ask you some stuff. I am preparing a sermon on Propitiation and I knew I should talk about God's justice and holiness first.
AAVMC Public Policy Fellow Dr. Suzie Kovacs with Rep. Ralph Abraham (R-LA), a member of the Veterinary Medicine Caucus. Abraham is a veterinarian and physician. The AAVMC’s Public Policy Fellows program, which recently wrapped up its first year in Washington, D.C., is now accepting applications for 2016. The program is designed to help AAVMC-member institutions’ faculty representatives develop leadership skills in the advocacy arena, explore the importance of public policy decisions to the profession, and gain overall knowledge of the legislative and regulatory process at the federal level. But for Dr. Suzie J. Kovacs, the second veterinary medical faculty member to participate in the program, the experience offered something more—an opportunity to share what she learned with students so that they understand the importance of public policy involvement. She’s even in the early stages of developing a curriculum designed to enhance understanding of the public policy process and professional opportunities at the federal level. Dr. Kovacs, from the Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine, believes that students need to learn how to communicate with the public and political representatives, as well as clients, and that being able to participate in the public policy fellows program can empower participants to learn to “bridge the gap” between science and public policy, where those who are involved often speak the equivalent of different languages. During her fellowship, which ran from June 1-July 17, she met with congressional representatives, members of AVMA governmental relations, lobbyists, and veterinarians who work for the federal government, including the FDA, NIH and USDA. The AAVMC’s Workshop on Assessment of Clinical Competencies, held in July at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, looked at the evaluation of professional competencies across professions. The second of its kind, the workshop provided an opportunity for associate deans and others at colleges and schools of veterinary medicine to share current practices, challenges, and successes in the assessment of clinical competency and discuss potential areas for collaboration. “We were exceptionally fortunate to have Dr. Frost share the collective experiences of the American Physical Therapy Association in assessing clinical competencies,” said planning committee co-chair Laura Molgaard, associate dean for academic affairs at the University of Minnesota. “In the spirit of One Health, Dr. Frost shared ‘best practice’ among all our health professions’ colleagues. She shared the fundamental principles involved in designing performance assessment and helped the participants envision next steps to develop a shared framework for competency assessment." As an action item from the workshop, the AAVMC will form a task force to articulate updated competencies that align with the direction of other health professions, with the eventual goal of developing a tool that can be shared across schools and professions. Composed of 10 people, the task force will have national and educational-model cross-representation. This spring the AAVMC reported findings from a study of VMCAS applicants who applied to international schools of veterinary medicine. At the time, applicants reported being most often influenced by a desire to study abroad. Students also considered perceptions concerning the admissions process, institutional reputation, and costs. In late spring, the AAVMC surveyed this population a second time to explore where students were admitted, where they intended to enroll this fall, and the reasons underpinning their decision-making. In May, after the April 15th deadline, the AAVMC distributed a second survey to approximately 1,200 applicants who each applied to at least one international institution; 292 applicants responded. Most applicants (97%) to international institutions also applied to a school in the U.S. These applicants were more likely to be admitted to international programs; 82% were offered admission to an international school. Roughly half of respondents (51.7%) were also offered admission at a school in the US. While the desire to study abroad continued to be a strong driver in applying internationally (61.5%), applicants reported the accreditation of schools outside of the US as the primary reason for applying abroad (88.4%), followed by the schools’ program offerings (e.g. length of program, program emphasis) (69.6%), the reputation of the international schools (68.9%) and the availability of more seats in the first year class (60.4%). Canadian applicants also expressed frustration about being limited to applying to the school in their province. Applicants offered admission to both U.S. and international schools were more likely to attend veterinary school in the U.S. and often cited cost and ability to establish residency while matriculating as the rationale for their decision. The cost of a veterinary degree appeared to increase in influence as applicants completed the admissions process, considered financial aid packages and the cost of living abroad. Just under 20% of applicants holding dual offers of admission chose to attend an international college. A small number of applicants expressed frustration about costs of attending veterinary school in the U.S. and abroad, but concluded that the expense was worth pursuing the dream of being a veterinarian. Only 6% of applicants applying to veterinary school outside of the U.S. were not admitted to any institutions for the class of 2019. (From left) AAVMC Associate Executive Director for Academic and Research Affairs Dr. Ted Mashima, Nobel Laureate Dr. Peter Doherty and AAVMC Executive Director Dr. Andrew Maccabe at the Merial-NIH Veterinary Scholar Symposium. Almost 600 veterinary students, faculty and professional staff gathered for the 2015 Merial-NIH National Veterinary Scholar Symposium held recently at the University of California Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. A presentation by Nobel Laureate and noted immunologist Dr. Peter Doherty was a highlight of the event. The AAVMC co-sponsors the symposium, which exposes veterinary students in their first or second year of veterinary school to biomedical research and career opportunities in research. At the symposium, veterinary students from all over the world meet to present their research findings and share research experiences. Doherty, who shared the 1996 Nobel Medicine Prize for his research on the cellular immmune defense, spoke on the immune system’s “Killer Defense” during the keynote presentation. Dr. Doherty, who is based at the University of Melbourne’s Department of Microbiology and Immunology and runs the Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, is involved with a broad range of research activities, including childhood vaccinations, global hunger and anthropogenic climate change. Professor Doherty was Australian of the Year in 1997 and has attracted many prestigious international awards, including the Paul Ehrlich Prize (1983), the Gairdner International Award for Medical Science (1986), and the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award (1995). Since 1985 has been a member of the Department of Immunology at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis. Other featured speakers included Dr. Ajit Varki, Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Cellular and Molecular Medicine, and Co-director of the Glycobiology Research and Training Center (GRTC) at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), who spoke on the disease differences between humans and other hominids; and Dr. Richard Woychik, Deputy Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), who spoke on strategic priorities for environmental health science research. The symposium features presentations and networking opportunities with invited veterinary scientists, researchers and faculty members. About 430 veterinary students presented research posters at the symposium, which was also attended by over 150 veterinary medical faculty and staff. Merial, a Sanofi company, and the National Institutes of Health, are primary sponsors of the 2015 Merial-NIH National Veterinary Scholar Symposium. Progress continues on the development of the One Health Interprofessional Education Initiative and the selection of the inaugural cohort of “One Health Scholars.” Initial proposals have been reviewed and ten case study proposals have now been accepted for further development. Announced in spring 2015, the One Health Interprofessional Education Initiative is operated by the AAVMC in collaboration with the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR) and the Healthy People Curriculum Task Force (HPCTF). The goal of the program is to develop a series of instructional case studies that will integrate One Health concepts into the academic programs of students in various health professions. One Health is broadly viewed as the collaborative effort of multiple disciplines – working locally, nationally, and globally – to attain optimal health for people, animals and our environment. The One Health initiative focuses attention on the importance of the connections between human health, animal health, and ecosystem health. Initial proposals have been submitted to the AAVMC/APTR Working Group, which has winnowed them down to a final group of ten proposals ranging from more broadly focused programs in public health to detailed elucidations of specific zoonotic infectious diseases. Authors of the ten selected case study proposals will now be asked to develop them into complete cases studies by October 30, 2015. After peer review, case studies will be published on the AAVMC and APTR websites and widely disseminated to health professions educators. The lead author of each published case study will be designated a "One Health Scholar" by the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges and will receive a stipend of $1,000. The lead author of up to five exemplary case studies will be invited to present their case study at the AAVMC Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. from March 4 - 6, 2016. The AAVMC will waive conference registration fees and provide up to $700 to cover travel expenses. The AAVMC and the AVMA partner on some of the most important initiatives and programs in veterinary medicine. They collectively support the Council on Education to maintain high standards of education and ensure professional excellence. They collaborate on numerous economic, institutional research, and professional development programs that help advance the profession. The new branding and organizational identity was preceded by an administrative restructuring designed to enrich the culture, strategically align the organization with its stakeholders and operating environment, and promote new levels of performance and leadership at all levels of the organization. Key to the effort was creating mechanisms to foster engagement and two-way communication among the association and its members. As part of the organizational development process, the AVMA conducted extensive research among a network of members, volunteers, partners, and staff. Insights gleaned from the research showed stakeholders wanted to know about the AVMA’s advocacy work and current issues in the profession, embrace a broader view of the profession than just companion animal care, and process more concise and targeted communications. Long-time Dean Dr. Ralph Richardson received the Iron Paw Award. Kansas State University’s Dr. Ralph Richardson, who recently stepped down as dean of the KSU College of Veterinary Medicine after serving for 17 years, was honored with the prestigious “Iron Paw Award” at the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor’s recent 10th Annual Homecoming Celebration in Kansas City. Richardson was honored for almost 50 years of service in veterinary medicine before about 1,000 leaders gathered from all sectors of the profession and the industry that serves it. Richardson was a founding board member of the Animal Health Corridor development organization, which spans a region from Columbia, Missouri to Manhattan, Kansas and serves as home to more than 300 companies in the animal health industry. AHC officials estimate that AHC located companies account for about 56% of global animal health, diagnostics and pet food sales. Following what he whimsically terms a “failure at retirement," Dr. Richardson was named interim dean and CEO of Kansas State University’s Olathe campus. He is also chair of the AAVMC’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee. Dr. Richardson graduated from Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1970. He served as a captain in the United States Army Veterinary Corps from 1970 to 1972. He conducted an internship at Purdue University in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery in 1973 and a residency at the University of Missouri-Columbia in Small Animal Internal Medicine in 1975. In 1978 Dr. Richardson completed a training program in Clinical Oncology at the University of Kansas Medical Center-Kansas City. He is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (specialty of internal medicine) and a Charter Diplomate in the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine’s (specialty of oncology). Dr. Richardson came to KSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine in 1998, following one year of private practice in Miami, Fla. and 22 years at Purdue University, where he was a professor and head of the Clinical Sciences Department. Dr. Richardson is Past-President of the Veterinary Cancer Society, the Specialty of Oncology in the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, and the American Association of Veterinary Clinicians. He is a member of numerous professional veterinary medical associations and organizations. Dr. Chase A. Crawford will lead implementation of a series of remedial and control strategies and programs expected to emerge soon from the AAVMC/Association of Public and Land-grant Universities Task Force on Anti-Microbial Resistance. Crawford joined the AAVMC staff September 1 in a position jointly funded by the AAVMC and the APLU. Crawford brings national and international experience in agricultural and global health policy to the task, as well as expertise in public policy development related antimicrobial resistance, food safety and emerging infectious diseases. Prior to his appointment, he conducted an AAAS Congressional Science and Technology Fellowship in the office of U.S. Senator Al Franken (D-MN). During that position, he was instrumental in supporting Franken’s initiatives in One Health, agriculture, energy and the environment. Before the AAAS Fellowship, Crawford served as a Human-Animal Interface Intern with the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, where he worked closely with WHO efforts to monitor and contain threats presented by avian influenza and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome corona virus). Preceding that, Crawford conducted a Disease Intelligence Internship with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy, where he also focused on global zoonotic disease threats. Crawford earned his DVM degree from the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, where he was awarded the Fred P. Jaggi Award for Outstanding proficiency in Veterinary Public Health. He also earned M.S. and B.S. degrees from Texas A&M. Data Analyst Tim Shanahan is among the newest of AAVMC employees, having joined the staff just a few months ago. Tim earned a B.A. from Lehigh University and a M.S. in Higher Education from the University of Pennsylvania (coincidentally, he lived behind their School of Veterinary Medicine). Tim’s professional interests include higher education, statistics, sociology, college admissions, and organizational development. His primarily responsibilities with the AAVMC include supporting the AAVMC’s institutional research program and annual Comparative Data Report, as well as new research projects that contribute to the diversification of the profession. Tim’s previous experience with the National Association for College Admission Counseling will be useful as the AAVMC broadens its research focus and continues to refine its empirically informed admission and recruitment practices. During an earlier position with Taurus Education, he worked with Chinese students seeking admission to highly selective U.S. colleges and universities. Tim has already published several peer-reviewed papers, and is experienced with data visualization techniques, an emerging area of interest for the AAVMC. Several new projects are already in preliminary planning stages now that Tim’s on board, according to Greenhill. The AAVMC plans to examine some of the factors given the strongest consideration during veterinary admission decisions, how applicants can best prioritize their time as undergraduates, what student characteristics may predict the pursuit of careers in academia as well as what factors contribute to gender-based occupational decisions and selection into practice area pathways. Tim’s an avid cyclist and has represented Division I and Division II schools in the Eastern Collegiate Cycling Conference. The triumphs, trials, and tribulations of the life of a modern veterinary student will be showcased during Nat Geo Wild’s Vet School, a new television series that follows first- and fourth-year students over the course of an academic year at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. The show premieres Saturday, Sept. 19, at 10 EST/9C on Nat Geo WILD. The series chronicles the experiences of seven students as they work through their sequence of classroom, laboratory and clinical training programs. Students Hannah Brodlie, Cristina Bustamante and Dan Cimino are first-year students just beginning their educational journey. Fourth-year students Sam Dicker, Singen Elliott, Aziza Glass, and Aria Hill are about to begin their professional careers. For first-year student Dan Cimino, an evening in the ER begins slowly but before long there are two serious emergencies. Fourth-year student Aria Hill performs some hands-on work during dental surgery for a cat. Fourth-year student Singen Elliott, who is interested in large animal practice, is reminded by an orthopedic surgeon to treat a kitten with gentler hands. The first-year students begin their veterinary school career by … dancing? Singen loves large animal practice, but veterinary students must learn to treat all animals. Will Sophia the cat be his undoing? Millie, a 3-year-old bulldog with congestive heart failure, has come to Cornell in a last-ditch effort to save her life. Fourth-year student Aziza Glass, in her first cardiology rotation, is part of the team that hopes to save Millie. Canine patient Lewis has a suspected breathing issue, but the docs can’t recreate his problem; so Singen is assigned to run Lewis around the hospital hallways in hopes of getting him to cough. Aziza’s rotation in large-animal medicine has been fairly quiet except for Leslie, a vociferous miniature donkey with a mind of her own. Singen performs surgery on a West Highland white terrier to prevent her from going blind. Aria is in the ER when an Alaskan malamute with suspected antifreeze poisoning is brought in. Aziza assists with an unusual cardiology patient, and the first-year students learn where their ice cream comes from. Aria begins her large-animal rotation with a blind cow -- so much for getting something easy to handle! Sam Dicker is in oncology with a puppy named Chance who might have cancer. The first-years learn how to make the perfect knot and how to draw blood from a less-than-cooperative sheep. The fourth-year students continue their rotations with Singen treating a dog that can’t see, Sam Dicker working in anesthesiology and a terrified Aria working with horses for the first time. Meanwhile, the first-years learn how to handle a horse for a basic mouth exam. Do You Love Your Dog More Than Humans?
Roosevelt makes three observations in this address: he defends moderate liberalism, declares victory in his fight against the Supreme Court, and condemns the opponents of the New Deal. Most notably, Roosevelt announces his intention to campaign actively for Senate seats, especially against a number of Southern conservative Democrats who obstructed his New Deal reforms. I think the American public and the American newspapers are certainly creatures of habit. This is one of the warmest evenings that I have ever felt in Washington, D. C., and yet this talk tonight will be referred to as a fireside talk. Our Government, happily, is a democracy. As part of the democratic process, your President is again taking an opportunity to report on the progress of national affairs, to report to the real rulers of this country --the voting public. The Seventy-Fifth Congress, elected in November, 1936, on a platform uncompromisingly liberal, has adjourned. Barring unforeseen events, there will be no session until the new Congress, to be elected in November, assembles next January. On the one hand, the Seventy-Fifth Congress has left many things undone. For example, it refused to provide more businesslike machinery for running the Executive Branch of the Government. The Congress also failed to meet my suggestion that it take the far-reaching steps necessary to put the railroads of the country back on their feet. But, on the other hand, the Congress, striving to carry out the Platform on which most of them were elected, achieved more for the future good of the country than any Congress did between the end of the World War and the spring of 1933. I mention tonight only the more important of these achievements. (1) The Congress improved still further our agricultural laws to give the farmer a fairer share of the national income, to preserve our soil, to provide an all-weather granary, to help the farm tenant towards independence, to find new uses for farm products, and to begin crop insurance. (2) After many requests on my part the Congress passed a Fair Labor Standards Act, what we call the Wages and Hours Bill. That Act --applying to products in interstate commerce -- ends child labor, sets a floor below wages and a ceiling over hours of labor. Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000.00 a day, who has been turning his employees over to the Government relief rolls in order to preserve his company's undistributed reserves, tell you -- using his stockholders' money to pay the postage for his personal opinions -- tell you that a wage of $11.00 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry. Fortunately for business as a whole, and therefore for the Nation, that type of executive is a rarity with whom most business executives most heartily disagree. (3) The Congress has provided a fact-finding Commission to find a path through the jungle of contradictory theories about the wise business practices -- to find the necessary facts for any intelligent legislation on monopoly, on price-fixing and on the relationship between big business and medium-sized business and little business. Different from a great part of the world, we in America persist in our belief in individual enterprise and in the profit motive; but we realize we must continually seek improved practices to insure the continuance of reasonable profits, together with scientific progress, individual initiative, opportunities for the little fellow, fair prices, decent wages and continuing employment. (4) The Congress has coordinated the supervision of commercial aviation and air mail by establishing a new Civil Aeronautics Authority; and it has placed all postmasters under the civil service for the first time in our national history. (5) The Congress has set up the United States Housing (Administration) Authority to help finance large-scale slum clearance and provide low rent housing for the low income groups in our cities. And by improving the Federal Housing Act, the Congress has made it easier for private capital to build modest homes and low rental dwellings. (6) The Congress has properly reduced taxes on small corporate enterprises, and has made it easier for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make credit available to all business. I think the bankers of the country can fairly be expected to participate in loans where the Government, through the (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) R. F. C., offers to take a fair portion of the risk. (7) So, too, the Congress has provided additional funds for the Works Progress Administration, the Public Works Administration, the Rural Electrification Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps and other agencies, in order to take care of what we hope is a temporary additional number of unemployed at this time and to encourage production of every kind by private enterprise. All these things together I call our program for the national defense of our economic system. It is a program of balanced action -- of moving on all fronts at once in intelligent recognition that all of our economic problems, of every group, and of every section of the country are essentially one problem. (8) Finally, because of increasing armaments in other nations and an international situation which is definitely disturbing to all of us, the Congress has authorized important additions to the national armed defense of our shores and our people. On (another) one other important subject the net result of a struggle in the Congress has been an important victory for the people of the United States -- what might well be called a lost battle which won a war. You will remember that a year and a half ago, nearly, on February 5, 1937, I sent a Message to the Congress dealing with the real need of Federal Court reforms of several kinds. In one way or another, during the sessions of this Congress, the ends -- I spoke of, the real objectives -- sought in (the) that Message, have been substantially attained. The attitude of the Supreme Court towards constitutional questions is entirely changed. Its recent decisions are eloquent testimony of a willingness to collaborate with the two other branches of Government to make democracy work. The Government has been granted the right to protect its interests in litigation between private parties (involving the constitutionality of Federal statutes) when the constitutionality of Federal statutes is involved, and to appeal directly to the Supreme Court in all cases involving the constitutionality of Federal statutes; and no single judge is any longer empowered to suspend a Federal statute on his sole judgment as to its constitutionality. A justice(s) of the Supreme Court may now retire at the age of seventy after ten years of service, and a substantial number of additional judgeships have been created in order to expedite the trial of cases, and finally greater flexibility has been added to the Federal judicial system by allowing judges to be assigned to congested districts. Another indirect accomplishment of this Congress has been, I think, its response to the devotion of the American people to a course of sane and consistent liberalism. The Congress has understood that under modern conditions Government has a continuing responsibility to meet continuing problems, and that Government cannot take a holiday of a year, or a month, or even a day just because a few people are tired or frightened by the inescapable pace, fast pace, of this modern world in which we live. I am still convinced that the American people, since 1932, continue to insist on two requisites of private enterprise, and the relationship of Government to it. The first is a complete honesty, a complete honesty at the top in looking after the use of other people's money, and in apportioning and paying individual and corporate taxes (according to) in accordance with ability to pay. And the second is sincere respect for the need of all people who are at the bottom, all people at the bottom who need to get work -- and through work to get a (really) fair share of the good things of life, and a chance to save and a chance to rise. After the election of 1936 I was told, and the Congress was told, by an increasing number of politically -- and worldly-- wise people that I should coast along, enjoy an easy Presidency for four years, and not take the Democratic platform too seriously. They told me that people were getting weary of reform through political effort and would no longer oppose that small minority which, in spite of its own disastrous leadership in 1929, is always eager to resume its control over the Government of the United States. Never in our lifetime has such a concerted campaign of defeatism been thrown at the heads of the President and the Senators and Congressmen as in the case of this Seventy-Fifth Congress. Never before have we had so many Copperheads among us -- and you will remember that it was the Copperheads who, in the days of the Civil War, the War between the States, tried their best to make President Lincoln and his Congress give up the fight in the middle of the fight, to let the Nation remain split in two and return to peace -- yes, peace at any price. This Congress has ended on the side of the people. My faith in the American people -- and their faith in themselves -- have been justified. I congratulate the Congress and the leadership thereof and I congratulate the American people on their own staying power. One word about our economic situation. It makes no difference to me whether you call it a recession or a depression. In 1932 the total national income of all the people in the country had reached the low point of thirty-eight billion dollars in that year. With each succeeding year it rose. Last year, 1937, it had risen to seventy billion dollars -- despite definitely worse business and agricultural prices in the last four months of last year. This year, 1938, while it is too early to do more than give (an) a mere estimate, we hope that the national income will not fall below sixty billion dollars, and that is a lot better than thirty- eight billion dollars. We remember also that banking and business and farming are not falling apart like the one-hoss shay, as they did in the terrible winter of 1932 (-) to 1933. Last year mistakes were made by the leaders of private enterprise, by the leaders of labor and by the leaders of Government --all three. Last year the leaders of private enterprise pleaded for a sudden curtailment of public spending, and said they would take up the slack. But they made the mistake of increasing their inventories too fast and setting many of their prices too high for their goods to sell. Some labor leaders goaded by decades of oppression of labor made the mistake of going too far. They were not wise in using methods which frightened many well-wishing people. They asked employers not only to bargain with them but to put up with jurisdictional disputes at the same time. Government too made mistakes -- mistakes of optimism in assuming that industry and labor would themselves make no mistakes -- and Government made a mistake of timing in not passing a farm bill or a wage and hour bill last year. As a result of the lessons of all these mistakes we hope that in the future private enterprise -- capital and labor alike -- will operate more intelligently together, (and) operate in greater cooperation with their own Government than they have in the past. Such cooperation on the part of both of them will be very welcome to me. Certainly at this stage there should be a united stand on the part of both of them to resist wage cuts which would further reduce purchasing power. This afternoon, only a few hours ago, I am told that a great steel company announced a reduction in prices with a view to stimulating business recovery. And I was told, and I am gratified to know, that this reduction in prices has involved no wage cut. Every encouragement ought to be given to industry which accepts the large volume and high wage policy. If this is done throughout the Nation, it ought to result in conditions which will replace a great part of the Government spending which the failure of cooperation has made necessary this year. You will remember that from March 4, 1933 down to date, not a single week has passed without a cry from the opposition, a small opposition, a cry "to do something, to say something, to restore confidence." There is a very articulate group of people in this country, with plenty of ability to procure publicity for their views, who have consistently refused to cooperate with the mass of the people, whether things were going well or going badly, on the ground that they required more concessions to their point of view before they would admit having what they called "confidence." These people demanded "restoration of confidence" when the banks were closed -- and demanded it again when the banks were reopened. They demanded "restoration of confidence" when hungry people were thronging (the) our streets -- and demanded it again now when the hungry people were fed and put to work. They demanded "restoration of confidence" when droughts hit the country -- and demanded it again now when our fields are laden with bounteous yields and excessive crops. They demanded "restoration of confidence" last year when the automobile industry was running three shifts day and night, turning out more cars than the country could buy -- and they are demanding it again this year when the industry is trying to get rid of an automobile surplus and has shut down its factories as a result. But, my friends, it is my belief that many of these people who have been crying aloud for " confidence" are beginning today to realize that that hand has been overplayed, and that they are now willing to talk cooperation instead. It is my belief that the mass of the American people do have confidence in themselves -- have confidence in their ability, with the aid of Government, to solve their own problems. It is because you are not satisfied, and I am not satisfied, with the progress that we have made in finally solving our business and agricultural and social problems that I believe the great majority of you want your own Government to keep on trying to solve them. In simple frankness and in simple honesty, I need all the help I can get -- and I see signs of getting more help in the future from many who have fought against progress with tooth and nail in the past. And now following out this line of thought, I want to say a few words about the coming political primaries. Fifty years ago party nominations were generally made in conventions -- a system typified in the public imagination by a little group in a smoke-filled room who made out the party slates. The direct primary was invented to make the nominating process a more democratic one -- to give the party voters themselves a chance to pick their party candidates. What I am going to say to you tonight does not relate to the primaries of any particular political party, but to matters of principle in all parties -- Democratic, Republican, Farmer-Labor, Progressive, Socialist or any other. Let that be clearly understood. It is my hope that everybody affiliated with any party will vote in the primaries, and that every such voter will consider the fundamental principles for which his or her party is on record. That makes for a healthy choice between the candidates of the opposing parties on Election Day in November. An election cannot give the country a firm sense of direction if it has two or more national parties which merely have different names but are as alike in their principles and aims as peas in the same pod. In the coming primaries in all parties, there will be many clashes between two schools of thought, generally classified as liberal and conservative. Roughly speaking, the liberal school of thought recognizes that the new conditions throughout the world call for new remedies. Those of us in America who hold to this school of thought, insist that these new remedies can be adopted and successfully maintained in this country under our present form of government if we use government as an instrument of cooperation to provide these remedies. We believe that we can solve our problems through continuing effort, through democratic processes instead of Fascism or Communism. We are opposed to the kind of moratorium on reform which, in effect, (is) means reaction itself. Be it clearly understood, however, that when I use the word "liberal," I mean the believer in progressive principles of democratic, representative government and not the wild man who, in effect, leans in the direction of Communism, for that is just as dangerous to us as Fascism itself. The opposing or conservative school of thought, as a general proposition, does not recognize the need for Government itself to step in and take action to meet these new problems. It believes that individual initiative and private philanthropy will solve them -- that we ought to repeal many of the things we have done and go back, for (instance) example, to the old gold standard, or stop all this business of old age pensions and unemployment insurance, or repeal the Securities and Exchange Act, or let monopolies thrive unchecked --return, in effect, to the kind of Government that we had in the nineteen twenties. Assuming the mental capacity of all the candidates, the important question which it seems to me the primary voter must ask is this: "To which of these general schools of thought does the candidate belong?" As President of the United States, I am not asking the voters of the country to vote for Democrats next November as opposed to Republicans or members of any other party. Nor am I, as President, taking part in Democratic primaries. As the head of the Democratic Party, however, charged with the responsibility of carrying out the definitely liberal declaration of principles set forth in the 1936 Democratic platform, I feel that I have every right to speak in those few instances where there may be a clear-cut issue between candidates for a Democratic nomination involving these principles, or involving a clear misuse of my own name. Do not misunderstand me. I certainly would not indicate a preference in a state primary merely because a candidate, otherwise liberal in outlook, had conscientiously differed with me on any single issue. I should be far more concerned about the general attitude of a candidate towards present day problems and his own inward desire to get practical needs attended to in a practical way. (We) You and I all know that progress may be blocked by outspoken reactionaries, (and also) but we also know that progress can be blocked by those who say "yes" to a progressive objective, but who always find some reason to oppose any special specific proposal to gain that objective. I call that type of candidate a "yes, but" fellow. And I am concerned about the attitude of a candidate or his sponsors with respect to the rights of American citizens to assemble peaceably and to express publicly their views and opinions on important social and economic issues. There can be no constitutional democracy in any community which denies to the individual his freedom to speak and worship as he wishes. The American people will not be deceived by anyone who attempts to suppress individual liberty under the pretense of patriotism. This being a free country with freedom of expression --especially with freedom of the press, as is entirely proper -- there will be a lot of mean blows struck between now and Election Day. By "blows" I mean misrepresentation and personal attack and appeals to prejudice. It would be a lot better, of course, if campaigns everywhere could be waged with arguments instead of with blows. I hope the liberal candidates will confine themselves to argument and not resort to blows. For in nine cases out of ten the speaker or the writer who, seeking to influence public opinion, descends from calm argument to unfair blows hurts himself more than his opponent. The Chinese have a story on this -- a story based on three or four thousand years of civilization: Two Chinese coolies were arguing heatedly in the (midst) middle of a crowd in the street. A stranger expressed surprise that no blows were being struck by them. His Chinese friend replied: "The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out." I know that neither in the summer primaries nor in the November elections will the American voters fail to spot the candidate whose ideas have given out. December 29, 1940: Fireside Chat 16: On the "Arsenal of Democracy"
gaius: I looove this feature. But it's extremely slow when you request the winning probabilities from 1995 up to 2010 (basically, the whole period). I can also imagine that processing such a request puts a fairly big strain on the server... Maybe it's an idea to save the winning statistics of the *entire* database in a text file which is periodically updated, so that it can be retrieved quickly? IanDavis: I would like to request a ratings calculator for those of us who can't wait to find out what our rating will be next month. DJ: Hi Ian, I've forwarded your wish to Paolo and Aldo... I'll keep you posted on the development. Flatline: Hi Ian. As you know, EGD has changed its nature a couple of weeks ago (today is April 19th, 2009). Now tournaments results are uploaded directly by organizers, and all ratings are immediately updated. I hope this answers to your question. However, I'm also thinking about a GoR calculator to add to EGD for on-the-fly simulations. I'll release it soon. IanDavis I am extremely impressed by what I have seen so far. Real Time updates, GoR changes per player, head to head information, EGD appears to have everything you could want. Flatline: At last I did it: the GoR calculator is online. It is possible to simulate up to 10 games, declaring GoRs of opponents or leaving EGD to retrieve it via AJAX by typing PINs or last names. geoff: The ratings calculator is excellent - thank you very much Aldo. Just one small improvement could be made. After getting the final GoR, if you change to some other page and then return, the results have been cleared. It would be better if you had a 'Clear results' button. Then clearing of results is under user control. tapir: What is the point in adding data from e.g. the KPMC to the EGD? Phelan: It was added to the European official ratings, and imported from there. Perhaps Ales Cieply can better answer that. Herman: I assume that the point is that European players participate in the KPMC, thus adding those results improves the accuracy of their ratings. tapir: Doesn't it add dozens of players from everywhere (that is without much games in the database = inaccurate rating) to the database? I thought the EGD is somehow an official outlet of the European official ratings... Am I wrong? IanDavis It is useful to store such information, some federations may use this when choosing whether to promote a player based on their WAGC performance. tapir: I won't argue against storing such information, but I don't see the point in keeping pro-ratings, worldwide amateur ratings according to WMSG, WAGC results only. Herman: I think that the inclusion of such results can be useful. At events like the WMSG or WAGC, half the players there are European, so they will play many matches against each other. Korean players like Han Sang-hun are not actually ever put in the official EGF rating list (which only lists players from EGF member countries), and are thus more of an artefact. I do think that it would be good if the Find Player page filtered to something like "Players from EGF member countries only" by default to avoid listing only player like Han Sang-hun. (Also, I think the EGF assumption of 1p = 7d = 2700 is flawed, especially for Korean and Chinese professionals, but that is another matter). tapir: Of course performance in worldwide events is important. But EGD becomes instantly a worldwide rank/rating database - despite lack in data for them. Aligning two rating systems (1p = 7d) can only work if there is some exchange between them. Herman: GoGoD includes the ProGoR ratings that Ales Cieply once calculated, applying the EGF rating formula to the professional games in the GoGoD database. It would be interesting to see how they match up with the EGF ratinsgs, but as you said, that requires some exchange between them. The WMSG provides some exchange between amateurs and professional, as do a few other tournaments (eg: Ing Cup), but such games are rather limited. Phelan: It seems that the European Go Ratings will be maintained at the EGD starting from April. Note on http://gemma.ujf.cas.cz/~cieply/GO/gor.html "The EGF ratings are moving to the European Go Database. We intend to complete the move by the next (April) update. A new system for results submission is already functional." tapir: Deshis knowing German might be interested in this: http://gocafe.blogspot.com/2009/03/egf-rating-verschmilzt-mit-egd.html - merging of GoR and EGD - with an online access and semi.automatized result processing + the old issue FIGG/AGI, with the AGI maintaining the EGD while not officially EGF member. Phelan: Deshis not knowing German might also be interested in it, and use babelfish to get the gist of the article. ;) Thanks for posting it here. Starting from April 3rd, 2009, EGD has become the official repository of european tournaments, and every time a tournament is added, the GoR is automatically recalculated at once. No human intervention is needed any more. Of course there is a human supervisor, let's call him the "Ratings Manager". Today, this person is Aleš Cieply. tapir: I moved. How can I change city and country entry in EGD? Phelan: I used to ask the person in charge of updating our country's results to send an email to Ales. I don't know if there is a better way to do this in the current system, though. Flatline: Well, the whole point of the update concerns several aspects. One of them is definitely not to depend on the Ratings Manager for everything, another one (not less important) is to have a real-time update of results and ratings. tapir: Oh, my tournament organizer just forgot about it, it seems. Now, what should I do? Email to secretary@agi.go.it (that is you, flatline?) with player id and current location? tapir: Adding Ales' email address to the page here or to the egd page may be helpful. The SL page doesn't reflect the current situation anyway. Flatline: Consider that going to EGD everything is well documented. But you are right, we have to change the SL page. tapir: Is someone who gets no sleep / drink too much on Go Congresses really a worse player? Or: What is the rationale behind weight differences in A, B, C class tournaments? tapir: The EGD policy to cope with fast-improving players is to reset the rating if a players declares a rank two stones above his old one. Incidentally some associations (e.g. Switzerland) try to prevent players declaring a rank two stones stronger than last time, thus effectively disabling the policy. Any thoughts about this? Doesn't this lead to overall rank deflation? IanDavis: I strongly suspect that this may be the case. Especially in the cases where a large group of new or young players join the organisation. In fact I have produced graphs which I believe show this effect. tapir: Will you share this graphs? IanDavis: They are available on GoDiscussions forum actually. What I did was to make a histogram for active go players each year. I took bins 50 rating points wide, and mapped the change in the number of players in these bins per year per country. My impression is that the promotion system used in a particular country appears to influence the form or shape of the histogram. However there is less data than you would want to be able to make firm conclusions over this. The EGD actually has a similar statistics function, but its bins are far too wide (500 rating points) to show anything interesting. tapir: I opened an account there to use the search function and finally found the graphs ( http://www.godiscussions.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4075). Imho these graphs (normalized rating distribution etc.) show more about the population and the influx of new players than about deflation. IanDavis: Possibly, but I believe that since influx of new players happened at the same time (Hikaru No Go) the differences between countries are interesting. mgoetze: Yes. Another interesting statistic to consider is the GoR gains/losses of players from one country attending a tournament in another country. For instance, Finnish players at the LOGC 2003 gained 86 GoR points on average. I wrote about this problem in more Detail back in 2004 on the German Go Federation Forum ( http://www.dgob.de/yabbse/index.php?topic=1054.msg117798#msg117798 ). tapir: Any further study of this effect? In recent years for different countries? LovroF : Would it be possible to put something on the front page of EGD like tournament waiting list. List of tournaments which were sent to EGD but not yet approved by supervisors. Flatline : That's not useful, IMHO, since usually tournaments stay in waiting list for not more than some hours. Furthermore, the RM can have his good reasons to leave them in stand-by, so I'd prefer not to put pressure on him. tapir: I'd like to have an option to not display a) the inactive players b) the players with "0" EGF rank. Instead of b) it would be possible to just change the sorting - starting with 1, with the 0 added at the end. Herman: This is the option "EGF Ranked" in "Players filter" at the Find player page. The same list can also be found through http://www.europeangodatabase.eu/EGD/EGF_rating_system.php (the official rating lists). Herman: I recently noticed that ratings are not always recalculated correctly when older events are added. For example, recently the Dutch Go Competition was added, which dates to march 9 of this year. I noticed that despite a very good result, the rating for Frederik Spanhoff did not actually seem to change. Now when I look at his GoR evolution, I can see that both this event, and the next one he played (Nijmegen, played march 21) are given as being calculated from a start rating of 2328.688. So apparently, the earlier event (which was entered later) is not taken into account when calculating the rating after the later event. Perhaps this is normal and there is a periodic recalculation, but I was curious about it. Flatline: Good question. As a general rule, EGD recalculates the ratings at once when a tournament is submitted. But for old tournaments, in order to avoid massive waste of time when multiple submissions are made (a recalculation requires about ten seconds per month), EGD keeps track of the submitted tournament, but leaves to the Rating Manager to choose when launch a massive recalculation. Now you have spotted a case when this recalculation has not been launched; you got a point :-) Have a look at Frederik Spanhoff's card now: everything is ok. Herman: Ok, thanks! Maybe massive recalculation could be automatically triggered late at night under certain conditions? Flatline: Of course it can. But I don't want to spread the idea that EGD is adjourned once a day: EGD is adjourned as soon as the RM completes the confirmation process. The fault you have spotted must be regarded as a little lapse. Flatline: Today (July 9th,2009) I've changed the confirmation workflow, so that now GoR is recalculated at once when a tournament is submitted, even when it is an old one. Uberdude First of all well done on making a great site. However with all the recent changes it seems there has been a regression. There is no longer a link from the tournament page to the player page. Both the PIN and Name link go to that player's detail for that tournament rather than the player page. There used to be a link to do this and I found it really useful and I miss it now. In detail: I go to my player page and click link to my most recent tournament http://www.europeangodatabase.eu/EGD/Tournament_Card.php?&key=T090502B&pin=14337147 which lists my opponents. Both the "12801932" and "Kiyohiko Tanaka" links go to his results for the same tournament. I think the "12801932" link should go to his player page, i.e http://www.europeangodatabase.eu/EGD/Player_Card.php?&key=12801932. Currently I can find no way to do this other than copying the PIN and typing it into the URL directly. Tapir: I admit that I missed the link as well. tapir: I guess the reason people miss this option is that most people don't have a photo. The last step in submitting results is a list of ratings resets in the tournament, and EGD asks you to check their grades before submitting. It would be really handy if you could include a link direct to the player's graph so that one can check on each one without having to go out of EGD. It also doesn't accept spaces. This does not reflect reality. There are many names with characters and/or spaces. Such flaws leads to an inability of accurate input of many names. I see no reasonable reason for this, nor do I see how this isn't something that shouldn't be fixed. "So, unless we use this limitation, it would be quite difficult to make sure that a) incoming data are always correctly typed" Using the ASCII-only restriction, means that names may be entered in different ways, depending on how they are transliterated or transcribed (this has happened, and is happening, in the EGD), so the ASCII-only limitation only makes the situation worse. "b) data from the database are always correctly rendered by every user's browser." While not every computer correctly renders Asian, Hebrew or Cyrillic characters, that isn't relevant. Those characters should be transliterated anyway (they should, after all, be readable by Europeans). Latin letters, however, don't cause any problems, as far as I know. As the wikipedia page you mention says, Latin letters are not restricted to ASCII. Å,ä,ö,ü,ç,ğ,ı,İ,æ,ñ, ø.... Those are all Latin letter. "The fact is that EGD is feeded by results tables exported by pairing programs', and in these tables fields are always spaces-delimited." While I understand how that would mean that the data received would generally have that restriction, why does the EGD have to have it as well? Also, as I mentioned above, when a name cannot be correctly written, the transliterations/transcriptions, generally won't be consistent. There are at least three different methods: The space might be skipped or replaced with a - or a _. Different names may be transliterated or transcribed in different ways (even in the same tournament) ...and at a different time, the same name may be written in a different manner. "Using the ASCII-only restriction, means that names may be entered in different ways, depending on how they are transliterated or transcribed" Yes, that may be true. But I don't think that this makes the situation worse. Also, consider that names corrections in EGD are quite easy. "Latin letters, however, don't cause any problems, as far as I know. As the wikipedia page you mention says, Latin letters are not restricted to ASCII. Å,ä,ö,ü,ç,ğ,ı,İ,æ,ñ, ø.... Those are all Latin letter." "While I understand how that would mean that the data received would generally have that restriction, why does the EGD have to have it as well?" Yes, it would be easy to replace underscores by spaces when displaying data; still I think that this would be even worse, because people who prepare results tables, seeing spaces which they cannot use, would possibly adopt different alternatives (dashes, commas, etc...). "Also, as I mentioned above, when a name cannot be correctly written, the transliterations/transcriptions, generally won't be consistent." As you probably know, data which are sent to EGD have been written by many different people, with many different programs, keyboards and linguistic skills. For instance: I live in Italy, I have an Italian keyboard (with letters such as "à,è,ì,ò,ù..."). If I'm organising a tournament where is playing a player from Russia, let's say Богданов Виктор (Viktor Bogdanov), I would have great trouble if I had to type his name as it is, because: a) my keyboard hasn't those characters, b) the pairing program I'm using probably doesn't accept them, c) I cannot understand them. "Yes, that may be true. But I don't think that this makes the situation worse." It creates many more ways of writing the name, so the said problem (I.e making sure "incoming data are always correctly typed"), is further complicated. How doesn't that qualify as making the situation worse? "they are not Latin letters (we can discuss about "æ", but all the others definetely aren't). I cannot find where wikipedia says differently..." "Yes, it would be easy to replace underscores by spaces when displaying data; still I think that this would be even worse, because people who prepare results tables, seeing spaces which they cannot use, would possibly adopt different alternatives (dashes, commas, etc...)." "As you probably know, data which are sent to EGD have been written by many different people, with many different programs, keyboards and linguistic skills." "For instance: I live in Italy, I have an Italian keyboard (with letters such as "à,è,ì,ò,ù..."). If I'm organising a tournament where is playing a player from Russia, let's say Богданов Виктор (Viktor Bogdanov), I would have great trouble if I had to type his name as it is" "While not every computer correctly renders Asian, Hebrew or Cyrillic characters, that isn't relevant. Those characters should be transliterated anyway (they should, after all, be readable by Europeans)." Now why are you arguing against a position I obviously don't hold (and have indeed clearly gone against)? That is rather rude. Did you not pay attention to what I said? "because: a) my keyboard hasn't those characters, b) the pairing program I'm using probably doesn't accept them" Point 'a' does have some merit, although there are easy ways of going around that. Point 'b' even more so, although I would say the same thing I do about the spaces, for that. I didn't say that people are "making tables from the EGD". Nevertheless, they may (and do) have a look at EGD when putting players data into their tournaments data, especially when they have some doubts about spelling. And, as I said, they CANNOT use spaces. The problem with letters "à,è" and any other non-ASCII character should of course be solved using the Alt-n and other tricks, but nevertheless this can represent an obstacle for the general audience. "I didn't say that people are "making tables from the EGD". Nevertheless, they may (and do) have a look at EGD when putting players data into their tournaments data, especially when they have some doubts about spelling. And, as I said, they CANNOT use spaces." Zarlan: Oh wait! Alt-n!? do you mean like ALT + <number>? Alt codes? That's more something for letters like å and ß (I've memorised the Alt code for ß BTW. That and ¯). Herman: I think you have an overly optimistic view of the simplicity of this issue. As the discussion already shows, there is no clear definition of what the "Latin alphabet" is. For computers, this might be Basic Latin (ascii) with the possible addition of Latin-1, Latin_Extended-A, Latin_Extended-B, Latin_Extended-C and Latin_Extended-D. My browser (FF3 on WinXP) can render Latin-1, Latin-A and part of latin-B, but none of Latin-C or Latin-D. You reference ISO-8859-15, which discards the signs ¼, ½ and ¾. But these are extremely common in tournament tables. An alternative might be Windows-1251, which includes all printable characters from ISO-8859-15, as well as ¼, ½ and ¾, but that charset has its own problems, especially on non-Windows systems. You dismiss Cyrillic with "should be transliterated anyway (they should, after all, be readable by Europeans).", but Russia is a part of Europe, and a member of the EGF, so why not cyrillize western European names for Russian easy of reading? I think that instead, an approach that uses both an ascii representation and a "native alphabet" representation (so including Cyrillic, Hebrew, Chinese, etc) would be better. If things like integration between EGD and OpenGotha move ahead, players could simply be referred based on PIN, and tournament organizers could choose to either use the simple ascii representation when printing, or use native alphabet. Using PIN numbers for the results sent to the EGD would also preclude confusion on spelling and transliteration. "If things like integration between EGD and OpenGotha move ahead, players could simply be referred based on PIN, ..." I entirely agree with Herman. Of course it will require a lot of work on many sides (EGD, pairing programs, tournament organizers, etc.), but a lot has been done so far, it is important to keep on. Tapir: Hi all, the cyrillic, hebrew, arabic letter argument in a discussion about latin alphabets pretty much looks like a straw-man. As well the ¼ argument in ISO-8859-15, since it is so very uncommon in names. However, contrary to Zarlan I believe adding all diacritical signs and language-specific special-letters to the package may allow to add the single correct spelling but will generally increase confusion as a lot of players may habitually write simplified-latin-alphabet e.g. in online forms, correctly in on-site forms etc. I would address this only after the PIN (integration) issue, however I don't like that Herman mixes things up conceptually - i.e. non-standard signs in latin alphabets with other alphabet types as native alphabet, because both are different issues. E.g. a name written in non-standard latin alphabet other latin alphabet users may at least read (and pronounce more or less wrong without need for transliteration) while cyrillic, hebrew, korean names will definitively need a transliteration at the European Go Congress. Flatline: The discussion was not about Latin alphabets, until I had the bad idea of using this definition. I meant it strictly related to the Basic Latin, but unfortunately this messed things up because there are many "Latin alphabets". A couple of posts ago I suggested to drop any reference to Latin since it clearly drives us on a slippery floor, and stick to the ASCII definition. What I'm saying, is that for all the above mentioned reasons, I think that - for the time being - players names in EGD must be in ASCII characters, in order to avoid further complications. I hardly see how not being able to render Latin_Extended-C, Latin_Extended-D and the last few letters in Latin_Extended-B, would cause any problem with names, so I think that's a straw man as well (not saying it's intentional, of course, but...). As I see it, Herman has, in arguing against me, done nothing more or less than confirm my point (about browsers being able to render the characters). The argument that Russia is a big part of Europe is also unconvincing. So is Greece. We don't use Greek letters, because only the Greek can read them. All of Europe can read Latin letter though. I'd love to see an ASCII+Native solution though, with PINs to refer to players. Herman: Actually, I was not arguing against you. I was arguing that although I like your idea in general, you seem to have an overly optimistic view of the simplicity of implementing it. I think it is a good idea for the EGD to support extended latin characters. But I also think it is a good idea to support other alphabets, like cyrillic. I think these are part of the same issue, and should not be solved separately, but together. I don't understand why you do not want Cyrillic. Over 10% of the EGD players have a Cyrillic name, are they second class go players? Around 90% of EGD players can't read Cyrillic. 100% of EGD players can read Latin letters. Therefore, it is highly impractical to use Cyrillic, seeing as barely anyone would be able to read it. "Basic Latin vs Extended Latin" and "Basic Latin vs Complete Unicode" are completely different issues. To equate them, is an obvious category error. I don't think, say a Japanese person, would be offended at having his name written in latin letters, in the EGD. Everyone else would have reason to complain, if his name was written in kanji though, as gibberish (which it'd be, to anyone not able to read Japanese) has pretty much zero usefulness. Herman: The current (basic latin) representation of the EGD is readable by 100% of players. What is the added value of using extended latin, when not all of extended latin is readable by 100% of the players? How many of the "extensions and ligatures" at the list of latin letters can you read? How many of the letters with diacritics? How many can you pronounce correctly? In my opinion, the added value is that you can write a persons name correctly, even if that means that not everyone can read or pronounce it correctly. This especially has value in domestic tournaments or rating lists, where all the players will know how to correctly read and pronounce the names. My suggestion was to use a basic latin representation, as well as a "native alphabet" representation. A solution that allows absolutely everyone to have their name represented in a readable format for Europeans in general, but also in a correct format for domestic use. So Russians at a Russian tournament can print names in Cyrillic, Hungarians tournaments can print them in the Hungarian alphabet, etc. Zarlan: Well Herman... "How many can you pronounce correctly?" you ask? Can you pronounce the name... "Louis" correctly? Or "Aron"? There are more than one way of doing it, you know. How do you pronounce the letter v? Basic ASCII, yet you still don't know how to pronounce it. The problem isn't the ability to pronounce, but to read. How many can I read? All (more or less correctly). Well, my browser might not render all of the letters, but as I've already said, I seriously doubt that any of those exist in names. As to the rest... I fully agree with tapir. Herman: Er, yes, exactly. The point I was making above is that neither basic latin nor extended latin really allow non-native speakers to pronounce the name correctly. You claim you can read all of them. But what do you mean by that? Obviously, you don't mean you can pronounce them, so what do you mean when you say you can "read" them? As I have said, multiple times now, I am not arguing against the inclusion of extended latin. I am arguing against the exclusion of Cyrillic (and other alphabets). Why should a large part of the European go players not be allowed to have their name spelled correctly? What is wrong with having both a correct (native alphabet) spelling and a general use (basic latin) spelling? Sure, as tapir suggests, we can have it in three formats (basic latin, extended latin and native) if we want. We could even have the software try to automatically convert between such representations (through iconv and things like that), based on what usage is intended. Flatline: Forgive me if I may be repetitive, but I'd like to better explain my point of view. 1) people who send tournaments data to EGD are many, with many different systems and skills; I want to make things as easy as possible for them, and at the same time I want to reduce the possibility of serious mistakes. Please consider that such people often are handling players coming from different countries, so - for instance - an italian organizer can have in his tournament players coming from Lithuania (such as Janavièiûtë Þivilë and Damoðiûtë Rûta), from Norway (such as Vestgården, Øystein), France (such as Seailles Jean-François) etc... Well, this guy has neither an adequate keyboard nor the necessary skills to handle correctly these names. So, he will have troubles (first problem) and the data he will send to EGD will suffer of likely errors (second problem). And it's not a good answer saying "go and ask the player himself", because sometimes this can be difficult. tapir: I guess additional name formats will be possible/convenient to handle only after the PIN-age started, anyway. P.S. Just to make sure, EGD is wonderful even in basic latin letters. "I guess additional name formats will be possible/convenient to handle only after the PIN-age started," "P.S. Just to make sure, EGD is wonderful even in basic latin letters." deft: I can only say that the situation for scandinavian players is very bad, as there is a big difference between A and Å, O and Ø and in fact they may be completely different names. We normally substitute aa for å but in fact we have people who have this substitution in their family name for historic reasons. I think these letters are present in all Latin codepages and I know for a fact they are supported by the MacMahon software so I don't see any good reason why the EGD doesn't support them. mohsart: Having reported the Swedish results for some years, I don't know how many DAYS I've spent changing spaces to _ or - and å, ä, ö to aa, ae, oe... And if we by any chance would like to use the data in other circumstances, it is not really possible to change back to the real, original, spelling since for example one player spells his name with a "oe" in his name. I have had thoughts about a workaround to spell these three characters with capitals, but it is such a ugly thing to do. Except for a small quarrel with Ales about this a couple of years ago, the last time I saw anybody defending 7 bit ascii was in the mid 90-ies, when email programs started to be able to handle extended ascii/ansi relatively consistent. Oh and if you didn't get it, the åäö, as well as the Polish L with a dash over it, are unique characters, they are not variations of a, o, and l, as e.g. ä is in german. So 1. The 7 bit ascii convention is not used by most programs today, and the less we support the use of it, the more programs will start accepting modern (well) standards like iso 8859-1. 2. Disallowing e.g. åäö and spaces makes it A LOT more work to report tournament results, my guess is that it tripled the time needed for me. 3. Not allowing e.g. åäö and spaces makes the database more or less useless for other uses, e.g. for a club to list their members. 4. For clubs, exchanging åäö with two character transcriptions brings more confusion about which club the player belongs to. Not is only e.g. Karlskoga and Karlshamn hard to separate, but also Örebro and Öregrund. Laman: i know this was already answered, but nevertheless, i would like to repeat how much more convenient would be the inclusion of native forms of names. with the Czech diacritics being simply stripped when converting to ASCII, one has to only guess real forms of some unusual surnames. i also sometimes post tournament results to a news site egoban.cz and if i want to write foreign names i don't know with the original spelling (which i believe everyone deserves), it often requires a non-trivial effort to find it out on the national association ranking list, if such exists at all by the way, what separates us from the awaited PIN-identification age? chtz: Would it be possible to give every player the opportunity to provide a real name, in cases where the transcription differs? Afterwards, it might be possible to optionally either search for real names or EGF names (or automatically transcribe names with non-ASCII characters when searching, but still additionally show the real names in result lists). You might even allow non-latin alphabets to be used for real names. Not really that important for the EGD, but I noticed the eta parameter seemed to be at 0.0016 recently, it used to be lower. Did I miss when this was changed? Maybe a record could be left here? Flatline (does this question come from tapir...?) Actually it isn't strictly an EGD question, nevertheless you are right, a record should have been left. The epsilon parameter changed recently from 0.014 to 0.016 (not 0.0016), exactly when all the ratings have been recalculated before the startup of EGD as official repository, i.e. at the beginning of April 2009. IanDavis No I asked it, I think it looks like a good idea to increase the eta parameter. Flatline: I know :-) I've explained WHEN this change occurred. geoff How did you decide on the value of eta - did you carry out simulations? IanDavis The BGA website uses a secret interpolation formula to track the rating of an average shodan across Europe. For many years this had been slowly sinking lower and lower in value - from 2100 down to 2035. This year it seems to be climbing upwards and has now reached 2039. This is an interesting development, if it continues there may be scope for reducing the epsilon parameter to 0.015? Edu: Currently the chart shows tournaments on the x-axis equally spaced. Could you think of changing it so, that the x-axis would really represent time. In other words, if there are tournaments in the beginning of 2004, 2005, and 2008, the spacing between the last two would be three times the spacing between the first two. This would help interpretation of any single chart as well as comparison of several charts. Flatline: You are right. It's already in my to-do list. Phelan: I second the "Cool!". However, the graphs now are missing the legend that they had, indicating which is GoR and which is Rank progression. Edu: Great! Thank you also for such a quick response. Herman: Is it an idea to have the graph size at a fixed width per year, instead of a fixed width for the whole graph? As it is, the graph will crunch further and further together as years get added. Instead, perhaps a format that uses 1 pixel per week (so 52 per year) would work? Those longest in the database (1996-2009, almost 14 years) will currently have a graph about 700 pixels wide, which is quite acceptable for any display resolution. I think it would also stay acceptable for quite a long time (eg: after 20 year, in 2016, the width will be just over 1000 pixels, easily acceptable even on today's screens). Flatline: I'm not convinced... The advantage with fixed-width graphs is that you can get as much precision as you can with your - let's say - 700 pixels. The fact that they tend to crunch is anyway unavoidable, unless you plot graphs that exceed the normal screen width. The only real advantage I see in your proposal, is that it would make easier comparisons. But I'm already working on this, since I want to make a side-by-side graph comparison tool. tapir: What is the policy regarding pictures and .sgf-files? Should not pictures be uploaded only with approval of the person showed? And what happens with kifus... if someone prefers not to have a game uploaded, but the opponent did? Flatline: All pictures are uploaded only after a written request or permission by the person showed, or by his/her parent(s) if he/she is underage. Regarding sgf: once you participate in a tournament your games are public, and you can hardly claim they are not: they are under any perspective public sport events. tapir: Admittedly, there are games I prefer to forget instead of having them downloadable for future generations. Flatline: Not a serious issue, anyway :-) It must be fixed, of course, or removed. What if the two players don't agree...? Well, never happened so far, in case I'll remove it. eko410: What about to combine the .sgf files and game pictures? It would be great if we can upload a photo taken during a game like uploading the .sgf file of that game (the photo may show two opponents or the go board during the game). 1) It is more beginner-friendly. Especially for children who play casually on tournaments, because their daddy or mommy or elder brother/sister attends the tournament. When I started to play on tournaments (after having played on KGS and having studied the game intensely for four months) I was 20k, and I noticed that there was a huge difference to the 30k players. So some of these kids who are nominally 20k but actually 30k would get creamed by someone whose playing strength is really 20k. This would not be very motivating and possibly even scaring off newbies to attend tournaments. 2) Sometimes the pairings of tournaments are created based on these ratings (opposed to those based on self assessment which is actually the majority of tournaments in Germany). They claim to make the pairings so, that players of equal strength play each other, hence the (very useful) method according to McMahon is applied. However with the narrow range this claim would really go astray in the ddk ranks. 4) One thing that makes go unique is that it has such a huge broadness of difference in playing strength. It is said that there are 40 ranks from beginner to professional, if a difference of one rank is supposed to be a 2/3 vs. 1/3 win probability. In other games there much fewer ranks, even in chess and chess like games the number of ranks does not exceed 20. So if you subtract the maximally 10 dan ranks it would leave 30 ranks for kyu players. So here we are. I wonder why the EGD opted to allow only 20 kyu ranks when it was created. Dieter: Just another opinion (oh, how fun is it to flood the web with one's opinions): I cannot distinguish between 22k or 17k. When I have to assess a newcomer at the club, by the time I can, they have already progressed up to 15k. I think 15k is the real starting point of a meaningful rank. So, absolute beginners will always get a rank of 25k, which means "default beginner rank, soon to progress to a meaningful rank". The ranks between 25k and 15k are just there to give some consistency to the ranking system. From that point of view, a 30k must be someone who doesn't know the rules or doesn't see any atari: indeed, such condition gives little potential for progress. tapir: In my opinion one should start fetishizing rank as late as possible, better never. Considering yourself as a "my strength is 27k, i have nearly no chance against this 22k" holds you back. Kalli Balduin lets people (children) start at 50k, adding one rank per win (never subtracting) til they reach meaningful ranks to give some feeling of progress. That is not relevant to EGD though. sh: It seems reasonable that a 2d player cannot distinguish between a 17k and a 22k. To him both players are incredibly weak. However when I was 17k, I had a tough game with a 23k on a tournament, giving him three stones. So the rank difference at these stages do make sense in my point of view, even up to 30k. Being 30k is a little bit more than just knowing the rules. It includes knowing about some very basic concepts as shown (and trained) on playgo.to. Rank is not an end in itself, it just serves to roughly indicate one's playing strength and create interesting matches on tournaments. tapir: The main argument wasn't handicap is of no use for beginners (sure it is and it should be used - and is used - in play but reported as 20k) but it changes too fast for a rating system based on tournaments (at most one a month often less) to cope with. Rank adjustment by 2 stones between the tournaments -> reset of rating may well be the rule there. Flatline: Just for answering sh who asked: "I wonder why the EGD opted to allow only 20 kyu ranks when it was created.": EGD was created this way for the simple reason that this was (and is) the provision stated by the EGF rating system. Having said this, I think it works fine. Tournament directors are of course free to use ranks below 20k, and to compute handicap basing upon these ranks. But these results - for the reasons explained by tapir - are not relevant to the rating system. Herman: I think that the largest problem with the current system is the fact that many ranks stronger than 20 kyu are also affected. If, for example, a 13 kyu defeats a 25 kyu with a 9 stone handicap, then under the current system this is considered equivalent to him winning an even game against an 11 kyu. This is because the system silently upgrades the 25 kyu to 20 kyu (rating 100, because it doesn't go any lower), but does not adjust the handicap. The player will receive some 60 rating points for this match, while realistically it should only be worth 10 or so. Dieter: I can understand the existence of a 25k rank. A 30k would lose with nine stones to a 21, who's someone who barely understands the most basic concepts. One cannot forbid such people to play 19x19, neither in tournament conditions, but I wouldn't encourage it either by encapsulating it in a rating system. Herman: I agree that there is probably little point in trying to calculate ratings for players under 20 kyu, because such players usually improve so rapidly that their rating is unlikely to ever be accurate. I do think that it is bothersome that such players do influence the ratings of other players though. How about a solution where any player weaker than 20 kyu is put in the database at their reported rank, with a rating of zero (so they will be sorted below all 20 kyu's for purpose of generating lists), and their game are ignored for other players ratings. Ian? I was looking at this event, http://www.europeangodatabase.eu/EGD/Tournament_ShowGoR.php?key=T090831B My understanding was that games using handicaps greater than 9 stones were not entered into the rating system. I see from this event that they are. Flatline My fault. Actually games with handicaps greater than 9 stones have never been considered by the rating system. Now I've made the necessary corrections: EGD can accept them and can show them in the tournaments tables, but it doesn't consider them for the GoR recalculation. Sorry for the inconvenience. tapir: agagd and egd using the same technics may be an opportunity to approach the RankWorldwideComparison statistically at least between aga - euro-ranks. is something like this planned? tapir: With the AGA-EGD link in place right now... is there any possibility to see an output of AGA-EGD rating relations soon? Basically all is in place, one just needs to extract this data. Flatline: Yes, basically... I haven't had a thorough look at the timeline of the double-hosted players yet, but I guess that very often they are people who have moved from Europe to US or vice-versa, so their data in the two databases come from different periods of their lives, making rating comparison unreliable. Nevertheless, maybe that some sort of comparison is possible. Velobici: Yes, hoping that both Flatline and I get some free time at the same time that we might work on this together. tapir: There is no AGAGD anymore. Tapir: I read on a german go blog (Makko's Go Café) and the DGoB-Forum about some players wishing to be anonymous (in tournament play) and ongoing discussions between EGD and EGF and DGoB how to handle this. While I don't endorse this (tournaments are public, finally - though I dislike the excessive photographing at tournaments), I would be interested to read something about the current situation. Herman: In my opinion, a go tournament is a public venue. If you do not want your name published, don't visit the tournament or register under a false name. You simply cannot run a tournament without publishing pairings and results. I do think we can expect tournament organizers to respect privacy insofar as to not publish personal details like email address, date of birth, or similar personal information, but I do not think that that privacy protection extends to the name of a player. Flatline: I've tried to read the blogs, even if I had to rely upon Google for the translation, since I cannot read German. Anyway in the reported case EGD didn't accept the tournament results, so the player agreed to move back to his real name. This must be regarded as a standard policy: nicknames are not allowed, for all the reasons already pointed out in the blogs as well as here. tapir: Thanks. If I am bored these days I can translate the blog entry. All what I know about it is from "Makko", I guess you stay in touch in EGD matters anyway. There is a 'JpGraph Error'. This appears to be caused by trying to create a graph from a single data point. I wonder if this special case might be intercepted, and a less obtrusive message displayed. Just a minor suggestion. Flatline: You're right. I've removed the graph when there is a single point to be plotted. Since the European Go Federation has a new logo, I would like to request that the EGD updates their page to use that new logo. Have you ever tought about giving rating for some online tournaments? The Fujitsu Preliminarys will be held on KGS this year... Maybe there would be more online tournaments for European players if they would be eligible for rating. isd:The EGF doesn't accept ratings taken from online games. I don't see them changing their mind. I know they didnt until now. But I think that would popularise playing of go. It would be good if they would maybe organise a tournament on some server once per month(or per two months, or every two weeks or whatever). Some players that are active but cannot attend tournaments would be quite satisfied. isd: Wow, I just saw that the Fujitsu preliminarys were actually submitted. Maybe this is just a special case though? I really hope they will start to accept online tournaments. As soon as they say they are accepting them, I will organise one. Flatline: the Fujitsu preliminary has been a very special case. We are discussing within the ratings committee in order to settle rules for accepting on-line games in general. I guess that at the end they will be rather strict. tapir: It seems kind of clear (to me) that in the end only special online events will count for this purpose. But how about e.g. the German Bundesliga. Played online regularly, but by people with identifiable EGF rating, appropriate time limits etc. Lovro Furjanic - They will talk about it on AGM. isd: From my understanding now, a very few limited events will be accepted. Show a win as green, a loss as red, a jigo as yellow and an unplayed round as blue/grey. Clicking on a result cell shows a popup with extra info (colors, handicap, result). Clicking on a player shows a popup with list of opponents and results (already present, but not as a popup, now the page reloads when you select a different player). Sorting by other columns (to show, eg, people with 4 points, or from the same club). Flatline: I did it at last.
LEHI, Utah, March 07, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nature’s Sunshine Products, Inc. (NATR), a leading natural health and wellness company engaged in the manufacture and sale of nutritional and personal care products, today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2018. Net sales of $97.4 million increased 10.3 percent compared to $88.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2018. On a local currency basis, net sales increased 11.3 percent compared to 2018. The increase was primarily related to growth in Synergy Asia Pacific, NSP Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and NSP China offset by a $3.3 million decline in net sales in NSP Americas and a $0.8 million decline in Synergy Europe. Net sales were also negatively impacted by $0.9 million of unfavorable foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. Gross margin, as a percentage of net sales, increased to 73.8 percent from 72.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2017. The increase in gross margin as compared to the prior year was primarily driven by changes in market mix and reserves for obsolete inventory recorded in the prior year. Volume incentives, as a percentage of net sales, decreased to 32.8 percent from 36.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2017. The decrease in volume incentives as a percent of net sales is primarily due to changes in market mix, reflecting growth in markets where volume incentives as a percentage of net sales are lower than the consolidated average, and the growth in NSP China where sales commissions to independent service providers are included in selling, general and administrative expenses (“SG&A”). SG&A expenses increased by approximately $6.6 million to $41.1 million for the fourth quarter of 2018. The increase in SG&A expenses is primarily due to increase in independent service fees in China, CEO transition related expenses, restructuring charges and other employee related benefits. As a percentage of net sales, SG&A expenses were 42.2 percent, compared to 39.1 percent for the same period in 2017. Excluding the impact of CEO transition expenses and other restructuring charges, fourth quarter SG&A expenses as a percentage of net sales were 40.1 percent compared to 38.1 percent in the prior year period. The operating loss in the fourth quarter of 2018 was $1.2 million, or 1.3 percent as a percentage of net sales, as compared to $2.8 million, or 3.2 percent as a percentage of net sales in the fourth quarter of 2017. Excluding non-recurring items note above, operating income was $0.8 million, or 0.8 percent as a percentage of net sales, compared to a loss of $1.9 million, or 2.2 percent as a percentage of net sales in the prior year period. Other income (loss), net, in the fourth quarter of 2018 was a loss of $0.7 million compared to a loss of $0.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2018. The provision for income taxes was $0.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2018 compared to $14.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2017. For the fourth quarter of 2018 the tax provision was primarily due to the U.S. tax impact of foreign operations, including Global Intangible Low-taxed Income (“GILTI”) tax considerations, foreign withholding taxes, transfer pricing adjustments, foreign losses not benefited and foreign rate differentials. For the fourth quarter of 2017 the tax provision was primarily due to the impact of tax reform, including increases to valuation allowances on foreign tax credits and revaluation of deferred tax assets and liabilities to the new lower U.S. federal tax rate as well as the impact of foreign losses not benefited. The GAAP net loss attributable to common shareholders was $2.9 million, or $0.15 per common share, compared to a loss of $17.4 million, or $0.92 per common share, in 2017. Net income attributable to NSP China was $0.5 million, or $0.03 per common share for the quarter, compared to a loss of $1.3 million, or $0.07 per common share for the fourth quarter of 2017. Adjusted net loss attributable to common shareholders was $1.2 million, or ($0.06) per common share, compared to an adjusted net loss of $2.0 million, or ($0.11) per common share in the prior year period. A reconciliation of adjusted net income/loss to GAAP net income/loss is provided in the attached financial tables. Adjusted EBITDA was $4.0 million, compared to $1.0 million in 2017. Adjusted EBITDA, which is a non-GAAP financial measure, is defined here as net income/loss from continuing operations before taxes, depreciation, amortization and other income/loss adjusted to exclude share-based compensation expense and certain noted adjustments. A reconciliation of Net Loss to Adjusted EBITDA is provided in the attached financial tables. Net sales increased 6.7 percent to $364.8 million compared to $342.0 million in the year ended December 31, 2017. On a local currency basis, net sales increased 5.5 percent compared to 2017. Growth was primarily related to continued growth in Synergy Asia Pacific, NSP Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and NSP China, offset by a $9.9 million decline in net sales in NSP Americas and a $3.2 million decline in Synergy Europe. Net sales were also positively impacted by $4.1 million of favorable foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. Gross margin, as a percentage of net sales, increased to 73.8 percent from 73.4 percent in the year ended December 31, 2017. The increase in gross margin as compared to the prior year was primarily driven by changes in market mix and reserves for obsolete inventory recorded in the prior year. Volume incentives, as a percentage of net sales, increased to 34.4 percent from 35.1 percent in the year ended December 31, 2017. The decrease in volume incentives as a percent of net sales is primarily due to changes in market mix, reflecting growth in markets where volume incentives as a percentage of net sales are higher than the consolidated average, partially offset by growth in NSP China where sales commissions to independent service providers are included in SG&A expenses. SG&A expenses increased by approximately $8.8 million to $138.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2018. The increase in SG&A expenses is primarily due to transition costs related to the retirement of the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, the increase in independent service fees from the Company’s growth in China, the timing of accrued employee benefits, and increased depreciation related to the Company’s Oracle ERP system implemented in April 2017, which were partially offset by gains on the sales of a certain real estate properties. As a percentage of net sales, SG&A expenses were 37.9 percent of net sales for both years. Excluding the impact of CEO transition expenses, gains on sales of property and other restructuring charges, 2018 SG&A expenses as a percentage of net sales were 37.9 percent compared to 37.5 percent in the prior year. Operating income for the year ended December 31, 2018 was $5.4 million or 1.5 percent as a percentage of net sales, as compared to operating income of $1.4 million or 0.4 percent as a percentage of net sales, in the same period in 2017. Excluding non-recurring items note above, operating income was $5.6 million, or 1.5 percent as a percentage of net sales, compared to $2.9 million, or 0.8 percent as a percentage of net sales in the prior year period. Other income (loss), net, in the year ended December 31, 2018 was a loss of $2.2 million compared to income of $1.8 million for the same period in 2017. The provision for income taxes was $4.4 million in the year ended December 31, 2018 compared to $17.0 million for the same period in 2017. The effective rate for 2018 differed from the federal statutory rate of 21.0 percent primarily due to the U.S. tax impact of foreign operations, including GILTI, foreign withholding taxes, transfer pricing adjustments, foreign losses not benefited and foreign rate differentials. The effective income tax rate for 2017 differed from the federal statutory rate of 35.0 percent primarily due to the impacts of tax reform, including increases to valuation allowances on foreign tax credits and revaluation of deferred tax assets and liabilities to the new lower U.S. federal tax rate as well as the impact of foreign losses not benefited. The GAAP net loss attributable to common shareholders was $0.9 million, or $0.04 per diluted common share, compared to $12.9 million, or $0.69 per diluted common share, in 2017. The net loss attributable to NSP China was $1.7 million, or $0.09 per diluted common share for the year ended December 31, 2018, compared to $4.4 million, or $0.23 per diluted common share for the same period in 2017. Adjusted net loss attributable to common shareholders was $1.0 million, or ($0.05) per common share, compared to adjusted net income of $2.9 million, or $0.15 per common share in the prior year period. A reconciliation of adjusted net income/loss to GAAP net income/loss is provided in the attached financial tables. Adjusted EBITDA was $17.6 million, compared to $13.7 million in 2017. Adjusted EBITDA, which is a non-GAAP financial measure, is defined here as net income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes, depreciation, amortization and other income/loss adjusted to exclude share-based compensation expense and certain noted adjustments. A reconciliation of Net Loss to Adjusted EBITDA is provided in the attached financial tables. Net cash provided by operating activities was $21.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, compared to $10.5 million for the prior year period. Capital expenditures during the year ended December 31, 2018 totaled $4.8 million compared to $5.5 million in the same period 2017. The Company ended the year of 2018 with cash and cash equivalents of $50.6 million. Active Distributors and customers include Nature’s Sunshine Products’ independent Distributors and customers who have purchased products directly from the Company for resale and/or personal consumption during the previous three months ended as of the date indicated. Total Manager, Distributors and Customers, which includes those who have made a purchase in the last twelve months, was approximately 488,000 as of December 31, 2018. In China, the Company does not sell its products through Managers and Distributors, but rather through independent service providers who are compensated for marketing, sales support, and other services. Nature’s Sunshine Products will host a conference call to discuss its fourth quarter and full year 2018 results on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time. The toll-free dial-in number for callers in the U.S. and Canada is 1-877-423-9813, conference ID: 13688121. International callers can dial 1-201-689-8573, conference ID: 13688121. A replay will be available from March 7, 2019 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time through Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time by dialing 1-844-512-2921 (U.S. and Canada) or 1-412-317-6671 (International), replay PIN: 13688121. The call will also be webcast live and will be available on the Investors section of Nature’s Sunshine Products’ website at www.naturessunshine.com for 90 days. Nature’s Sunshine Products (NATR), a leading natural health and wellness company, markets and distributes nutritional and personal care products through a global direct sales force of approximately 488,000 independent Managers, Distributors and Customers in more than 40 countries. Nature’s Sunshine manufactures most of its products through its own state-of-the-art facilities to ensure its products continue to set the standard for the highest quality, safety and efficacy on the market today. The Company has four reportable business segments that are divided based on the characteristics of their Distributor base, similarities in compensation plans, as well as the internal organization of NSP’s officers and their responsibilities (NSP Americas; NSP Russia, Central and Eastern Europe; Synergy WorldWide; and NSP China). The Company also supports health and wellness for children around the world through its partnership with the Sunshine Heroes Foundation. Additional information about the Company can be obtained at its website, www.naturessunshine.com. This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding the Company’s future business expectations, which are subject to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the Company’s objectives, plans, strategies and financial results. All statements (other than statements of historical fact) that address activities, events or developments that the Company intends, expects, projects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These statements are often characterized by terminology such as “believe,” “hope,” “may,” “anticipate,” “should,” “intend,” “plan,” “will,” “expect,” “estimate,” “project,” “positioned,” “strategy” and similar expressions, and are based on assumptions and assessments made by management in light of their experience and their perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks and uncertainties, including the following. actions on trade relations by the U.S. and foreign governments. These and other risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from predicted results are more fully detailed under the caption “Risk Factors” in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports filed on Forms 10-Q. All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release and are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements included in or incorporated by reference into this press release. Except as is required by law, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation to publicly release any revisions to forward-looking statements to reflect events after the date of this press release. The Company has included information which has not been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), such as information concerning Adjusted EBITDA and net sales excluding the impact of foreign currency exchange fluctuations. Management utilizes the non-GAAP measure Adjusted EBITDA in the evaluation of its operations and believes that this measure is a useful indicator of the Company’s ability to fund its business. This non-GAAP financial measure should not be considered as an alternative to, or more meaningful than, U.S. GAAP net income/loss as an indicator of the Company’s operating performance. Moreover, Adjusted EBITDA, as presented by the Company, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. Net sales in local currency removes, from net sales in U.S. dollars, the impact of changes in exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and the functional currencies of the Company’s foreign subsidiaries. This is accomplished by translating the current period net sales into U.S. dollars using the same foreign currency exchange rates that were used to translate the net sales for the previous comparable period. In addition, the Company believes presenting the impact of foreign currency fluctuations is useful to investors because it allows a more meaningful comparison of net sales of its foreign operations from period to period. Net sales excluding the impact of foreign currency fluctuations should not be considered in isolation or as an alternative to net sales in U.S. dollar measures that reflect current period exchange rates, or to other financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Other companies may use the same or similarly named measures, but exclude different items, which may not provide investors with a comparable view of Nature’s Sunshine Products’ performance in relation to other companies. The Company has included a reconciliation of Net Income (Loss) to Adjusted EBITDA, the most comparable GAAP measure, in the attached financial tables. * Other (income) loss, net is primarily comprised of foreign exchange gains and losses, interest income, and interest expense.
As software engineering has grown as a discipline over the past thirty years, the goal of producing large, scaleable, reliable systems has been an increasingly difficult challenge for software developers. As software systems grow in size and complexity, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage and write correct systems. Software “correctness” simply means freedom from bugs (Cox 1984), that is, having a system that does what it is supposed to and does not do what it is not supposed to. Over the years, computer scientists have developped programming models and methodologies in their attempt to meet this challenge. The evolution of these methodologies has largely been shaped by two factors. The first has been the need to confront the increasing complexity, as I have just described. The second driving factor involves the realization that after several years of software development by the programming community, developers continually write programs that solve problems very similar or almost identical to those already solved by other programmers, sometimes even in the same organization. The need to reuse software has gradually become more evident, especially since the 1980s. Thus, the complexity of modern systems and the need to reuse code have influenced several of the methodologies developped over the years. Two programming methodologies that have arisen as a response to the complexity of systems are information hiding, data abstraction and modularization. A major prohibitor of scalability in software systems is the fact that when the data that a system needs to manipulate change, major rework of the program is necessary because so much of the implementation code might be based on the structuring of these data. The amount of recoding necessary might be so much that the program maintainers might very well choose less desirable and roundabout means to solving their problems. This problem exists in the first place because the implementation of a program is dependent on the structure of the data that the program uses. Data abstraction is the principle of separating data from the code that manipulates it, which allows the modification of data structures and a few primitive functions that directly manipulate it. These functions give a common interface to any other program code that needs to access or manipulate this data such that the calling code does not need to know (or perhaps even should not know) how the data is manipulated. Thus, the data, or information, is hidden from those modules that do not need to access it directly. For this reason, data abstraction is often said to emphasize what [is manipulated], not how. A concept similar to data abstraction is that of modularization. This refers to breaking up a program into modules of code, each of which is a semi-autonomous entity. An example of this is the top-down approach to solving problems: Break the entire problem into several smaller problems, which are in turn broken down to smaller problems. Do this until each subproblem is small enough to be understood, solved in detail (coded), and tested for correctness. This modular approach helps developers to better understand and solve the problem at hand. It also enables the subproblems to be independently tested and maintained without affecting or being affected by the correctness or incorrectness of other modules. Since several small modules are easier to handle than one huge whole, modularization is an essential tool for creating large systems. When combined, data abstraction and modularization together form the powerful concept of encapsulation, in which a module is used to implement an abstraction of data. Data can be encapsulated in a module which allows access to the data only through a defined interface which not only prevents undefined and undesirable modification of the data, but also hides the details of implementation from the module that needs access to the data. Thus modification of the data structure or implementation is limited to the module that implements the abstract data type; no other module in the system need be affected. Thus encapsulation helps to hide the complexity of systems by making modifications simpler. There are many approaches to software reusability and many methodologies that facilitate reuse, but I will focus on only one of these: In software systems, it is common that certain modules, data structures, or other elements will be used again and again. Sometimes, these elements require some modification, but modification of existing elements is often more efficient (in system production time and effort) than starting from scratch. This modification could involve elements existing in the same system or similar elements from other systems. One way to reuse these similar elements is to copy them in their entirety and modify the copy with the necessary special behaviour. This is sometimes feasible, but when several different elements are needed each of which differs only slightly from the others, this can become tedious and error-prone. Another way to reuse such elements is to keep the original element intact as a kind of template to refer to, and then define new elements in terms of their differences from the original template. When this method is employed, it is understood that behaviours that are not defined or redefined in the new elements are meant to be shared with those of the template elements. This behaviour sharing avoids the redundancy of restating previously defined structures and behaviours of elements and, by reusing the behaviour descriptions, saves development time. These concepts were developed over several years by software developpers and computer scientists, and their combination led to the formation of the concept of object-oriented programming. Being a paradigm in computing that developed over many years and from several different approaches, object-oriented programming (OOP) is rather hard to define. It is hard to define what is common among all object-oriented systems, languages and applications, because even though they employ similar general concepts, the techniques used to implement these concepts vary greatly. It would be helpful to first define an object. An object is an entity that encapsulates data with the methods (operations or functions) that can be applied to that data. (Data and methods are collectively called the members of an object). The data describes the state of an object, and the object’s methods define what operations are possible or permissible upon that data. An object is basically a unit of encapsulating this data-method interaction. Thus encapsulation is an essential part of OOP. In object-oriented thinking (Coad 1993, pp.1-112), an object is thought of as the data it encapsulates and the methods that it applies to itself: an object is capable of manipulating its own data in every way necessary, and its methods are the necessary interfaces by which any other object can access the object’s data. Object definition and creation is an essential part of all object-oriented systems (OOSs), and an OOS must facilitate these procedures. All OOSs implement some means of extending the definition or description of objects through shared behaviour. I have already described how the incentive of reusablility has been a major factor in forming this characteristic, but another major benefit of shared-behaviour is that they enable data abstraction in that if object A calls the print method of object B which shares object C’s behaviour, A does not need to know whether it is calling B’s or C’s implementation of “print”, that detail is left to B. Another benefit of behaviour sharing is that certain implementions of this concept enable taxonomical classification of the problem (Blair 1990, p.8), which helps understandablility, which facilitates maintainability. This will be discussed further later. What is an Object-Oriented Programming Language? With the importance of object encapsulation and behaviour sharing made clear, an object-oriented programming language (OOPL) is obviously a language that supports the implemention of object-oriented principles. Peter Wegner (1986) offers the definition of an OOPL as a language that “[supports] both the management of collections of data abstrations by requiring data abstractions to have a type, and the composition of abstract data types through an inheritance mechanism”. I believe this definition falls short in that it constrains an OOPL to implement behaviour sharing by means of inheritance; however, inheritance is not the only means of achieving shared behaviour. Thus, I offer the following definition: An object-oriented programming language is one which supports encapsulated objects which can share behaviour. Thus, I believe the implementation of encapsulation and support for shared behaviour to be the defining qualities of an OOPL. There are several such languages. The first of them all was Simula (Birtwistle 1979), a spin off from Algol-60. It added the ideas of class and inheritance (these will be described later) to produce a programming language designed for simulation and modeling (Blair 1990, p.138). Simula was designed long before object-oriented concepts were more concretely developed; in particular, more modern views of encapsulation were not well developed in this language. Smalltalk, developed around 1980, was one of the earliest modern OOPLs. It is a pure OOPL designed to make graphical programming easier (Sutherlands 1995). Eiffel is a recently designed pure OOPL designed primarily to address the goals of reusability, extendibility and reliablility (ISE 1995). In addition to these new languages designed to be object-oriented, several older, non-object-oriented languages have been extended to support OOP. Among these are C++ (Stroustrup 86) and Objective-C, both object-oriented extensions to C. The Common-Lisp Object System (CLOS) (Paepcke 1993; Franz 1995) is based on LISP and Modula-3 (Wyant 1995) is in the Pascal/Modula tradition. Others include Ada 95, OO COBOL and Object Pascal, to name a few more popular ones. A list of OOPLs can be obtained from the internet at , among other places. Now that we have a general idea of what we expect in an OOPL and what OOPLs are out there, let us examine in greater detail some object-oriented features of these languages. We can examine OOPLs from two perspectives: First, we need to examine those features that make the language object-oriented, that is, we need to compare how different languages implement encapsulation and behaviour sharing. The other perspective is a more pragmatic approach which does not have so much to do with anything particularly object-oriented, but examines language features that make certain OOPLs more acceptable than others. Such pragmatic issues include the available programming environments, the efficiency of language code, and memory management (Cook 1990). A pure OOPL is one in which all data types are objects. Smalltalk is the main pure OOPL. Most languages are hybrid, meaning that primitive data types such as integers, reals, characters, etc. exist which are not objects and which are not treated in the same ways as objects. This is especially the case in OOPLs that are extensions of non-object-oriented languages, such as C++ and OO COBOL. CLOS attempts to strike a compromise: “CLOS integrates the object system as far as possible with the Common Lisp substrate, and most values can be treated uniformly as objects” (Cook 1990). The principle reason why most OOPL designers are reluctant to make their languages purely object-oriented is that implementing simple and often-used types (like integers and characters) as objects usually produces inefficient code simply because of the abstraction implemented into objects (Franz 1995). Furthermore, system-level programming is extremely difficult in pure OOPL languages, which excludes such languages from a major application domain (Cox 1984; Wyant 1995) from A counter-argument would be that there is greatly increased flexibility for the programmer in handling simple data types as objects. CLOS seems to achieve a reasonable compromise. Other languages, like Eiffel and C++, allow the programmer to tailor the accessibility of methods and data. Eiffel allows the programmer to specify which members are accessible from outside the object (Cook 1990). C++ goes further: the programmer can not only specify which members are available to the general public, but can also specify friends, which are functions or other classes that can access those members normally accessible only by methods within the object. The two major implementations of the object-oriented goal of behaviour sharing are by classification and prototyping. These two perspectives of behaviour sharing lead to very different types of object-oriented systems, so they will be examined separately. A derived class can be base class for a new derived class, which can in turn be the base class for another class, ad infinitum. Thus, class hierarchies can be formed with the root class having several subclasses. The base class(es) of a class are called superclasses. Classes are treated somewhat variously in class-based languages, but they are uniorm in implementing classes as data types, which is essential for the objects to be manipulated as data and thus support OOP (Wegner 1986). A class can be considered as a kind of template from which objects are created (instantiated is the OOP term for object creation). With this perspective, a class is a guarantee of what an object of that class will look like. Although all class-based languages treat classes as types, some go further by treating them as objects as well; in these OOPLs, classes are object instatiations of metaclasses (classes which define classes). Languages that support metaclasses include CLOS and Smalltalk. This facility, metalevel programming, greatly extends the expressive power of these languages (Cook 1990). The simple inheritance of one base class’s members by a derived class is called single inheritance, which is supported by all class-based languages. Some OOPLs, including C++, CLOS, OO COBOL and Eiffel, support multiple inheritance, the ability to inherit members from more than one base class. Multiple inheritance greatly increases the power and flexibility of the inheritance mechanism, but it is often frowned upon because this increased flexibility comes at the cost of an almost proportionate increase in complexity, both for the language implementers and the programmers (Gallagher 1990; Sutherland 1995; Wyant 1995). This complexity arises mainly from the need to resolve conflicting data variable and method names; these conflicts sometimes need to be resolved at runtime in the case of dynamic OOPLs (those with classes typed at runtime). Snyder (1986) pointed out that although inheritance is essential in class-based languages for implementing data sharing, it actually violates the principle of information hiding in encapsulated objects. A derived class instantiates different kinds of objects from its base class(es), and it is not always desireable for a derived class to manipulate data from its base(s). This problem is handled in some languages like C++ by allowing a class to explicitly specify whether a specific data member or method is accessible only to methods defined in that class, whether it is also accessible to derived classes but still not accessible outside the base or derived classes, or whether it is accessible to the whole world. Prototyping is the other major perspective taken in implementing behaviour sharing in object-oriented systems, and although it is not as widely practiced as classification, it is slowly gaining popularity (Gallagher 1990). The prototype approach is to create an object or prototype with explicitly defined data and behaviour (methods), and to share the behaviour of that prototype directly by creating new objects called extension objects whose definitions include references to the prototype(s) and how the new objects explicitly differ from the prototype(s). Sharing is achieved by delegating, or forwarding, messages that refer to shared members to the prototype(s). Languages that take this perspective of OOP include Act1 and DELEGATION. Let me give an example to illustrate this concept. Suppose a tricycle object exists in the system. Its data members are color (=blue) and num_wheels (=3). There is one method, repaint(newcolor), that changes the value of color to the passed value of newcolor. If a bicycle object is to be created which shares tricycle’s behaviour, the system would need to create a reference to tricycle as bicycle’s prototype, and to create a new version of num_wheels and assign it a value of 2. Note that although bicycle’s other variables are shared with tricycle, because num_wheels needs to be changed, a new version must be created so that the prototype’s copy of the variable remains intact and uncorrupted. Note the process that follows if bicycle should receive a repaint(red) message: First, the system searches bicycle’s definition for a repaint method and, not finding any, delegates the message to bicycle’s prototype, tricycle. The system also implicitly sends along with the delegated message a reference to the original object which received the message, that is, a reference to bicycle. So when tricycle receives the message to change the color to red, it knows that rather than changing its own color variable, it needs to change the color variable in bicycle which will then be created and changed. Gallagher (1990) described three fundamental differences in approach between classification and prototyping. The first has to do with the binding time for patterns of sharing. In class systems, an object’s data members and methods are fixed depending on its class even in the case of dynamic OOPLs like Smalltalk (Sutherland 1995) and CLOS (Franz 1995) which allow the types of the objects handled by particular routines to change at runtime. In class systems, once an object is created, its data and behaviour are fixed. On the other hand, in prototyped systems, objects can add, modify and remove both data and methods at runtime, which provides for great flexibility in programming. This flexibility, however, comes at great risk, since changing a prototype can cause undesireable changes to the behaviour of objects that refer to it. Another difference that involves a compromise between flexibility and correctness is that in a prototyped system the programmer needs to personally keep track of which prototype stores the data and the methods that will be called when a message is sent to an object, whereas in a class system, the compiler takes care of this at compile time. The third major difference mentioned by Gallagher is that a class system through classification describes the behaviour of entire groups of objects, and by examining a class definition, one has a minimal guarantee of the behaviour of any object in that class. However, in a prototyped system objects may and typically do differ in varying degrees from their prototypes, and although this makes them more flexible, the lack of uniformity can be harmful. Considering these mixed blessings of both approaches to behaviour sharing, some languages like Hybrid and Exemplars provide support for both classes and prototypes. In Hybrid, every object belongs to a class that describes it minimal behaviour; through prototyping an individual instance of a class can extend its behaviour. In Exemplars, an object can exist apart from a class (Gallagher 1990). Now, before we leave the subject of behaviour sharing, I will briefly mention another way that this goal is achieved in some OOPLs. “Polymorphism (from the Greek, meaning ‘many forms’) is the quality that allows one name to be used for two or more related but technically different purposes” (Schildt 1994, p.5). Polymorphism is implemented in some programming languages, among them some non‑object‑oriented languages, by function overloading. Function overloading means using the same identifier name to call different procedures or functions, and letting the compiler or system to resolve the correct procedure specification using the function profile or typing information. Some OOPLs use polymorphism to implement a type of behaviour sharing. It is common that similar or even different objects need to carry out similar processes. For example, if a number of objects model different shapes, such as a circle, a square and a triangle, each object might have a print method to print themselves. It often makes sense, especially in situations when the programmer doesn’t know at design time what type of object might be handled, for the print methods to be called in a uniform manner and to let the specific called object take care of the details of calling the correct method on itself. In such cases, polymorphism can be looked at as a way to let different objects share the interface of a common method, while leaving the implementation details to the object data abstraction. Since the first days of FORTRAN, static typing has been a feature of almost all compiled programming languages, mainly because of the ease of implementation and efficiency of compiled code produced. Moreover, application often need the stability of variables that retain their values throughout the lifetime of the program. However, the need for dynamic typing was soon recognized, mainly because of the need to implement recursion and to conserve memory by reusing memory space when variables are no longer used in the program. In these days of object‑oriented programming, what used to be ma or advantages of static typing are non longer so compelling. The phenomenal increase in hardware quality accompanied with an equally phenomenal drop in cost has made concerns such as saving memory space and increasing speed a matter of less concern for many application domains, especially in business programming. The primary concerns of today are how to handle the overwhelming complexity of the software systems that modem technology makes possible (Franz 1995). In light of this present condition of the software industry, the argument for dynamic OOPLs is weighty. The most popular of these languages are Smalltalk (Sutherland 1995) and CLOS (Franz 1995). To achieve dynamicity, these languages are interpreted rather than compiled. Franz (1995) contends that since CLOS is a hybrid rather than a pure OOPL like Smalltalk, it achieves performance comparable to that of compiled languages. There are many other important issues and considerations concerning object‑oriented programming languages that could be discussed, such as concurrent OOPLs, comparison of efficiency and performance to conventional languages, programming environments and tools, including class libraries, and so on. Nonetheless, I have tried to discuss those features of OOPLs that make them distinctively object‑oriented‑‑objects that encapsulate data to implement abstraction and information hiding, and the sharing of behaviour by classification or prototyping. The field of object‑oriented programming is rapidly growing as computer scientists begin to apply object‑oriented principles to almost every aspect of computing. I envision greater refinement of the issues and techniques involved as the paradigm of object‑oriented programming continues to change the way we do computing. Birtwistle, G., et al. Simula Begin, 2nd Edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979. Blair, G., et al. “Introduction”, Object-Oriented Languages, Systems and Applications. Halsted Press, 1990. Coad, P. and Nicola, J. Object-Oriented Programming. Yourdon Press, 1993. Cook, S. “Programming Languages Based on Objects”, Object-Oriented Languages, Systems and Applications. Halsted Press, 1990. Cox, B. “Message/Object Programming: An Evolutionary Change in Programming Technology”, IEEE Software v.1:1 pp.50-61. 1984. Franz, Inc. “Technology”. (as at December 1996). Franz, Inc., 1995. Gallagher, J. “Basic Concepts II (Variations on a Theme)”, Object-Oriented Languages, Systems and Applications. Halsted Press, 1990. Indiana, University of. “Index to Object-Oriented Programming Languages.” (as at December 1996). ISE, Interactive Software Engineering. “An Invitation to Eiffel.” (as at December 1996). ISE, Inc., 1995. Lieberman, H. “Using Prototypical Objects to Implement Shared Behavior in Object Oriented Systems”, Special Issue of ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v. 21 pp.214-223. 1986. Paepcke, A. Object-Oriented Programming: The CLOS Perspective. MIT Press, 1993. Schildt, H. Teach Yourself C++. Osborne McGraw-Hill. 1994. Snyder, A. “Encapsulation and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming Languages”, Special Issue of ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v. 21 pp.38-45. 1986. Sutherland, J. “Smalltalk, C++, and OO COBOL: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” (as at December 1996). 1995. Wyant, G. “Introducing Modula-3”, ftp://ftp.gte.com/pub/m3/linux-journal.html (as at December 1996). 1995.
A buyers list is a compilation of potential investors. This list contains contact information of potential buyers. Having a quality buyers list will increase your prospects and give you more profitable transactions. Growing a quality buyers list should be one of an investor’s top priorities. This list has to be attended to regularly even when sellable properties remain vacant. However, having a buyers list isn’t enough to guarantee sales. Actions need to be taken with your buyers list as your focal point. After putting a property under contract, plan and develop marketing strategies that make use of your buyers list. With a plan in place, sales will immediately come your way. A word of precaution: establishing a quality buyers list must be handled with care. Be careful in approaching potential buyers, they know how to spot a good deal. Make sure to do your homework. One thing that real estate investors have to do over and over again in their careers is selling properties. This is not a one-time thing., Unfortunately, selling houses and properties isn’t as simple as putting up a “for sale” sign in the front yard. If you are a real estate investor, you also can’t let a local realtor do all the work because they’ll take away a huge chunk of your profit. Paying them every time they sell a property isn’t a sustainable business. If you are in this business, you should know it requires marketing and promotion. For those new to the business, the idea of selling real estate isn’t as fun as some make it seem. The sales process can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming if you’re smart and know what to do. This is where a quality buyers list comes in handy. If you have a solid list in hand, selling houses and properties will become easier, which makes the job more enjoyable. Having a quality buyers list means that you already have prospects who want what you are selling. This list is like a “business book,” and it doesn’t matter if your list is long or short. What matters is that the people listed here can close a deal with you. When your list is filled with people looking forward to your next deal, you won’t have to rely on selling properties over the internet or through real estate agents. If your list has grown long enough, you’ll be able to sell properties with an email and without having to list on the open market. Now that you’ve learned what a buyers list is and how important it is in the real estate business, you’re going to learn how to build your own list. These are known as bandit signs, and you may have seen them on street corners or stuck in yards saying, “We Buy Houses.” Having these signs all over the area can work and get you some potential buyers. Newspaper and magazine ads are under this category. This kind of advertising is inexpensive and you can run an ad repeatedly until you find responses from prospects who want to make a deal. Interesting ads that say something like “Poor Credit? No Problem! You can buy a home now!” can be intriguing enough to bring in calls. Business cards and flyers can also do the trick. Whether you tack them on bulletin boards or hand them out personally, there will be people who pick them up. Those who call you can go onto your buyers list. Advertising on Craigslist is free. You can attract potential home buyers using these classified-like ads. Another way to build a buyers list through Craigslist is to search for people who are running similar ads. Search for people who are looking to buy a home with a low down payment or a low credit score. Another thing to search for is those people who are looking for houses for rent. You can ask them if they’d want to buy a property with a substantial discount. If you have a website for your business, it would make perfect sense to set up an official work email list as well. As you grow your email list, more people will receive your newsletters and product offers. You can gather responses through this and add the people who respond to your buyers list. Using this strategy may be less effective in building a buyer list, but it’s still a great way to find targeted individuals and scale your real estate marketing to contact only those who fit your criteria. Use the search box on Facebook to search for real estate investors in your area and add them as friends. From here, you can check their friends and see if they are investors or potential home buyers. Soon people will be adding you, and you can send them messages to see if they’re interested in buying properties. Working on this platform is similar to what you’ve done on Facebook. The only difference is that you can build your background here and add your email address to your bio for easy visibility. Follow local real estate investors and see who follows them. You can start following these people, too. This site is an education site. It’s the largest real estate hub and is a networking site as well. This website has local groups, and you can search for your city and see who is interested in buying real estate properties. You can post here, too. Go to local REIA websites, like SuncoastReia.com for Tampa Bay and ColoradoReia.com for Colorado. Search your city on Google for real estate clubs, associations, or investors meetings. The website will have a board of directors and how to contact them. It will also have newsletters containing mentors and wholesalers’ advertisements. Sometimes, the website will have a member section, which you can use to build your buyers list. Investors congregate in clubs. This is the perfect place to find prospects. Start conversations to find out who’s buying to build up your buyers list. There is no shortage of ways to build a quality buyers list. However, it’s important to remember that you don’t need make use of every single strategy. There’s a certain rule called the “80/20 rule,” which states that 80 percent of your output comes from 20 percent of all your efforts. Figure out what method works best for you and focus on that one. If you are a real estate investor and you still have not built your buyers list, start doing it now. Keep building and maintaining it, and then use it to your advantage. Marketing is the process of getting a product or service from the seller to the potential customer. The keyword here is “process”. Marketing involves research and selling. It involves promoting and distributing products or services to customers. It involves everything needed to get potential customers to pay for your product. Marketing is teaching people why they should get your product or service. Why they should choose you over other brands. If this is not what you are doing then it isn’t marketing. Influencing and educating potential customers is the key to good marketing. How Can Marketing Help a Real Estate Investor Get Leads? Marketing is essential to any business, and real estate is not an exception. Without marketing, people wouldn’t know about your business. When investing in real estate, it will feel very daunting especially if it’s your first time. To ensure your investment turns into a profit, incorporate marketing into your strategy. There are two kinds of marketing: passive and active. Below are their definitions and how both differ. Passive marketing is when you put out content and wait for responses from potential clients. For example, a business can make a website where they put in all the information that a customer needs to know. It takes planning and good execution to get results. Facebook posts and ads or videos are good examples of passive marketing. These are passive because you’ll have to wait for people to contact you. Bandit Signs are a marketing tool that are used by real estate agents to find new leads. They are poster-sized printed signs that are often seen on the streets. Bandit signs are like billboards but smaller. The success of this marketing tool will depend on the strategic placing of each sign. Online Paid Advertising has a lot of businesses embracing the internet as one of their main strategies. Examples include Google ads and Facebook ads. Direct Mail Marketing is another strategy real estate investors can use. Direct mail marketing will get to anyone who owns a mailbox. The key to direct mail marketing is to target the correct demographic. Active marketing is the type of marketing that needs action. This means networking with other businesses and people. This type of marketing needs constant work to spread the word. This marketing strategy takes effort and can be very beneficial for new startup businesses. Active marketing sometimes includes meeting with vendors and clients face to face. Making cold calls and holding sales appointments are often included. Active marketing requires you to have persistence and, of course, skills. Examples of Active Marketing for Real Estate include Cold Calling, meeting with both clients and peers, and word of mouth. Word of Mouth Marketing – How can it help beginner real estate investors get leads? Word of mouth marketing is an effective marketing strategy for real estate investors who are starting out. A lot of people prefer to have recommendations from their friends and family. This is why word of mouth is such an effective marketing strategy. It’s a powerful type of advertisement as it gets people talking. This will give your business hype. Word of mouth advertising is a type of active marketing. As beginners in the real estate business, this is the type of marketing you should do. Especially when you don’t have the resources to do passive marketing. This is a great way to get your business out there. To have effective word of mouth marketing, make sure you know your audience. Be authentic and unique as possible. Have an edge that clients won’t find from other competition. And while you’re at it, build a community and interact with everyone. This will help build trust in your business. There are many ways to kick start your real estate business. We’ve laid out different marketing strategies you can use to help you out. Are you ready to take your business to the next level? In real estate, getting leads is every investor’s problem. Without a solid plan on how to get leads for your real estate investments you’ll find yourself losing money. This is why it’s important to understand what marketing strategies work and what doesn’t. By knowing what works, you’ll save money and earn more money by converting leads into deals. We’re going to be looking at three effective passive marketing strategies for any real estate investor. Bandit signs are a marketing tool that are often used by real estate agents to find new leads. They are poster-sized printed signs that are often seen on streets. Bandit signs are like billboards but smaller. The success of this marketing tool will depend on the strategic placing of each sign. These signs aim to catch the attention of passersby and create highly targeted leads. This is why bandit signs are considered a necessary component in every real estate advertising system. Although they are primitive compared to other kinds of marketing, they nonetheless generate real estate leads. Bandit signs are relatively cheap but they are still gonna cost you. You’ll have to pay for the signs, the stands, the people who’ll put them up and the gas for driving around to put the signs up. Two hundred bandit signs will usually cost you a thousand dollars. With this in mind, how much will the cost per lead amount to? So, let’s say that you buy the 200 signs upfront for only $600. These will take up to 10 days to put them all up. If you’re paying someone $12 per hour for 8 hours a day for 10 days, that would be $960. The total investment for bandit signs would be $1,560. Depending on the location where you put the signs up, they’d last up to three months. For the results, usually 200 signs will get about 115 calls within 30 days. In the 115 calls, there could be an average of 30 leads. These aren’t made up numbers. These are solid leads backed with documentation and accountability logs after years of being in this business. To compute for your cost per load, take the 30 into your $1,560 investment. Your cost per lead is $52. The second type of advertising is online paid advertising. With a lot of businesses embracing the internet as one of their main strategies, real estate is no exception. There are a lot of different ways where you can advertise your real estate business online. The two biggest ones are Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Both offer their own unique benefits where you have to choose which one fits your needs more. The big advantage that Google Ads offers is that when people are searching for something they are more likely to convert into a lead. However, the cost of using it varies a lot. It will depend on the area where you want to advertise as well as the keywords you are targeting. Everyone knows Facebook, everyone uses it. This is why Facebook ads are such a powerful tool to advertise real estate. The big advantage Facebook Ads offers you is targeting. It’s gives you a lot of flexibility and customization in trying to target your ideal lead. You can advertise to people based on where they live, what their interests are, and more. You can take advantage of the powerful customization they offer to find leads for your real estate investments. Direct mail marketing is another strategy real estate investors can use. Direct mail marketing will get to anyone who owns a mailbox. The key to direct mail marketing is to target the correct demographic. Sending mail to people who don’t want to do anything with your business will be a waste of your resources. A list of names with addresses can be bought. You can narrow down potential leads based on their income, credit limit, status, gender, geography and education. Target marketing is recommended although it is more costly. Getting 5,000 leads for target marketing will cost up to $2,500. You buy the zip code for a cheaper price but 90% of those people won’t want anything to do with your service. You’d be wasting your mailers. When you do target marketing, you’ll be sending letters to people who can potentially be leads. Target mailing can be expensive, though, and results can be around 2.4%. Each of these marketing strategies are a good way for any real estate investor to generate leads. They all offer their own benefits. You need to decide on which strategy you want to use first and master it before moving on to applying the others. Watch for our next blog where we will discuss the perfect marketing strategy for beginner real estate investors. In real estate marketing, you’ll be doing either active or passive marketing or a mix of both. When your marketing techniques pay off, leads will follow. But as to how you will take these leads and convert them into clients, you will find out by reading the rest of this article. After accumulating leads from marketing a business, the next step is converting these leads into closed deals. And one of the best ways to make it happen is placing calls. When placing calls, it’s important to make sure that calls are handled well. Focus on each call and avoid entertaining another one while you’re in an appointment with someone else. Also, be sure to do a regular follow up on a weekly basis. Otherwise, people might just forget that you called. If your leads happened to call you, be sure to answer them as much as you can. However, during the situations when it feels impossible to accommodate a phone call, you can briefly take it and ask for their contact information such as their name and phone number. Also advise them that you will be getting back to them as soon as you can. But if you’re able to take their calls, make sure to handle them with an agreement. Give them the facts about your business. Lay down their options and then close the deal. How do you handle inbound calls? When people respond to your marketing, either from online ads, bandit signs or mailed letters, this is a good sign as these are leads. Let’s say a distressed homeowner calls and asks you about what you do. You don’t just say to them that you buy houses and give them cash to move out. No, this isn’t the way. This kind of response will just drive the customer away. If you want to talk seriously with the customer, you’ll need to set up an appointment with them. Upon setting up an appointment, the first thing you need to do is to get their information. Ask for their name and their number so that you can call them back later when you are ready to talk. When they attempt to fish for information and ask what how you conduct your business, don’t answer them immediately. If they are not satisfied with your response, there’s a good chance that you will lose them. Since these leads are paid for by you, it’s only imperative to learn the best ways to handle inbound calls. If the caller happens to refuse to provide his details, you can opt to drop the call. As a business owner, you’ll have to learn how to identify the ones who are worth spending your time for. Pick the callers who are willing to share their details over someone who will only get information from you during the call. There’s no need to waste time for the people who are impossible to deal with. It is also important to stay in control of the conversation. As soon as you’re able to gather the caller’s phone number, you can proceed to ask what you can assist them with. Allow them to begin talking and assess the situation they’re in. Ask follow up questions that are fitting. Ask them more about their property, its address, and its worth. Ask him what he thinks is his property’s worth. Ask the right questions to get the answers you desire. It’s all about how you can structure a deal. When you’re done gathering the basic information you need, it’s time to go deeper. If the client has loaned out his property, for example, ask how much he owes. And then you can ask him what kind of help he is looking for. Ask deeper and more specific questions and then close the deal by setting up an appointment to meet in person. One thing you need to learn by having all these passive marketing tools is that you are willing to talk to people who are going to call you. You need to learn how to strategically ask them the right types of questions. Otherwise, you might just be throwing money away. Every single lead you get is money you’ve already paid. And if you don’t know how to handle the call and cannot get a closed deal then you’re losing money. You have to have the confidence. Learn what to say and learn the proper way of handling inbound calls to yield better results.
Ever since his parents had stopped talking to each other, he had taken to spending more of his spare time with the radio. The phonograph part of the console took 78 RPM's only, and a lot of their records were cracked, broken, or just gone, so that many of his favorite pieces were now incomplete. The only thing remaining of his Beethoven's First Symphony was sides 1 and 8. This was the worst of all cases, though some others were bad enough. And then the recordings themselves were badly worn from so much use. Most of the albums his mother had bought for him years ago, when he was still in kindergarten. It was right about then that she had commented on how, whenever she'd help tighten his school necktie, or their maid brushed his hair, he'd be humming along with the morning radio concert. WIPR was its name, abbreviated in turn to WEE-pare by the locals. The government station, it played nine hours of classical music a day, and on LP's too, without interruptions. He always dreaded the return to school at summer's end, wished he could skip class and listen to the daytime programs instead. Piano hour at nine. Concert at midday (with its rousing Schumann Rhenisch theme). Chamber music in the afternoon. Come September, he'd complain, even cry. His mother would wipe the tears with a kleenex, button his shirt and say curtly, "Stop it, Dickie, you've got to go to school. Otherwise the government might come after you." That scared him. Then the maid Catalina would say, in Spanish, "Don't be bad, Ricardito. A smart boy like you can't miss school." But at least he got to hear the concerts in the early morning and the evening, and weekends and vacations he could hear them all. He liked it when the throaty, rich voice of the WIPR announcer would enter over a fading Mozart Jupiter and begin with, "Buenos dias," or would simply say, "WIPR presenta" (finale to Beethoven Fifth emerging in the background) "Concierto de la noche" (trumpets). Often he wondered if the people at the station could see him sitting there, ear next to speaker, listening and sometimes singing. For more than six years he had been tuning in regularly to WIPR. His homework he also did by the radio, with Haydn, Mozart, or Brahms providing company during his penmanship or multiplication exercises. The music did no harm and may have helped, since his grades stayed in the 90s, even 100 for Conduct one month. Among the few things he'd heard Dad say to Mom this last year was, "I wish he'd do something bad for a change. Doesn't he have friends who cut up some?" Back at school he'd mentioned the radio concerts to someone sometime, quickly dropping the subject when it drew an empty stare. "What's that?" asked bespectacled Rafael, another kid who got 90s and whom classmates nicknamed "El Profe." Everybody listened to WIPR at night, or so he had thought, but greater still was his surprise when Sister Regina didn't know about Concierto de la Noche. She was from New York. Didn't people from New York listen to classical music? After all, most of the orchestras on his records and on WIPR were from the States. Mom and Dad always reminded him he was a citizen of the States, the greatest country in the world. He'd been born in Rio Piedras and had never actually seen the States, but he'd heard its orchestras, New York, Cleveland, Chicago ... He imagined everybody in those cities flocking to hear the Symphony Orchestra. I wish there were a great big orchestra just like those right here in San Juan, he fancied now and again. He couldn't read music, but at least he could follow the descriptive details in Sigmund Spaeth's Great Concertos and Great Symphonies. He could still recall the excitement he'd felt a couple of years back, when he'd found those two books in his Christmas stocking. He used them just about every day, and since then the glossy front cover had fallen off one, was hanging by a few threads on the other. So many times had he listened to those symphonies and concertos plus countless sonatas, overtures, and suites, that his memory itself was like a record album, he knew them all by heart now. Odd, it was easier to recite a whole symphonic movement than to remember a few lines from his English grammar or his Spaeth books. Why was that? He liked going through those pieces in his mind, singing them under his breath. When it wasn't too noisy around his usual seat in the front of the bus, he'd spend the ride to school silently humming the Pastorale or the Unfinished. Often he hoped there'd be a flat tire, because he knew they'd be delayed and then he could run an entire symphony through his head. Sometimes it was with a start that he'd hear Alejo the bus driver say in Spanish, "O-kay, here we are," and then he'd see 800 other people on the Colegio grounds, in their maroon or khaki uniforms, standing around and waiting boisterously for the first morning bell. "Come on, Dickie, be quiet, I'm trying to work." The voice was loud though Dad didn't turn around to look at him. Mom said nothing as she sipped her drink on the sofa, reading Newsweek. During breakfast from time to time one or the other might say, "Dickie, stop, it's not nice to sing at the table." So he'd stop but still hear the sounds in his head, filling the silence. The music seemed to have a taste in his mouth, he thought. It was summer now, and he listened to WIPR all day. Dad went out to work on Saturdays and sometimes even on Sundays. Mom was at one of the beach clubs, for bridge. Except when she was cleaning, Catalina stayed mostly at the opposite end of the apartment, in the kitchen or her little bedroom. Standing outside on the balcony he liked gazing down and watching cars go by. Some he heard honk; a few he recognized. The radio he kept at a high volume, drowning out much of the noise, though his parents wouldn't have allowed it if they were at home. The salty-smelling breeze felt nice in his face. Up above, a small airplane was skywriting "Pepsi" for a third time. Toward the right he could see part of the University grounds, with its walkways crisscrossing over carpet-like lawns, snail-sized moms idling their strollers to and fro, the bell tower rising above the trees. He missed those times -- was it before he'd started school? -- when Mom and Dad and he used to go for late walks on the campus and look at its fountains, or sit on the grass where he'd hear the bells play classical music. He missed those days, but since then he'd heard the originals of those pieces, and the bell tower still played them almost daily, so he'd sing along. At midday or at six they'd play Bach, Mozart, or Offenbach, and he might lower the radio and hum with the bells instead. Every Friday since Easter WIPR had been holding musical identification contests. For fifteen minutes they would play a mystery piece or portion thereof and wait for a lucky listener to phone in the name of the composer and the title, including key and opus number when applicable. The first caller who had all the facts right received a free gift of a classical album. Dickie recognized many of the pieces. He had heard them broadcast on WIPR sometime or other, and one he'd actually owned before it fell and shattered. On occasions he had almost called in, but the operator's voice had frightened him off. "?Numero?" he would hear and then quickly hang up. Last week their mystery piece had been Mendelssohn's Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage overture; he got up his courage, gave the number to the operator, heard a buzzing sound, and again hung up as soon as he recognized, right there over his parents' telephone, the WIPR announcer's voice. The mystery piece this time was a Beethoven Contra Danse. He knew it from one of the Little Golden Records he used to like putting on the phonograph, when he was in first grade; later it had cropped up as a filler in an album. Nobody seemed to have recognized the piece so far. He got up, walked over to the upright phone and unhooked the receiver. Hand and voice trembling slightly, he spoke into the tube and did as he had done last week, but this time stayed on when he heard the familiar voice from Concierto de la Tarde. "That piece you're playing," Dickie said, in Spanish. "Yes, yes, what's it called?" "Beethoven. The first Contra Danse. In D major. No opus." "Very good, sir. You've just won a brand-new classical record from WIPR." The man used the formal Usted with him. "We've had nineteen calls already. They all missed. Could you give me your name, address, and telephone number, please?" "Dickie Dickers ... I mean, Richard Dickerson. He paused. Junior," he added in a breathy voice. "1001 Avenida Munoz Rivera, apartment 501, Rio Piedras. The telephone is ..." he had forgotten, now looked at the label, "976-R." "Fine, Mr. Dickerson. You can come to our offices anytime before six. Do you know where we are located." "Well, you should be here for your gift certificate within eight days. By the way is that really your name? You must be North American, no?" "Ah, but you speak such good Spanish. Well, Mr. Dickerson, congratulations." "And thank you for calling. Adios." He hung up. Dickie felt his heart beating fast. He wished Mom and Dad were there so he could tell them. He was even more excited when he heard the announcer's voice saying, "We have a winner. His name is Richard Dickerson, Junior, of Rio Piedras." He ran down the hall to the kitchen, almost slipping on his socks. "Tell me, Dickie." She was stirring something in a large pot. He couldn't see what it was. "I just won a prize." "Ah, yes? What did you win?" "Records. I identified a mystery piece on WIPR." "Ah, how nice. You're so smart, Ricardito." With her free hand she patted him on the head. Every day Dickie used to see the WIPR offices from the school bus. He liked the building's tall, squarish letters. "Catalina, tell me how can I get to WIPR? You know, the radio station in Santurce." "Just take the Parada 20 bus here by the building. It stops right across from them. You used it during the school bus drivers' strike a year ago, remember. "Ah, yes," he said, then hurried back down the hall to his bedroom and located his shoes. Rather than wait for the elevator he rushed down the five flights of poorly lit stairway. It was hot and sticky out on the street, the smell of diesel fumes stronger than usual. The large, gray, flatnosed Parada 20 bus showed up in less than a minute. Crowded, it was, some jostling. Behind the driver he caught sight of an empty lateral seat and slid himself in, but kept glancing over his shoulder so as not to miss WIPR. He had to stand up to pull the bell cord (ding, ding). The bus just barely stopped. He crossed the avenue and in the farthest lane was nearly hit by a screeching something -- a taxi, he thought, but wasn't sure. From close up the building actually looked a trifle smaller than it had appeared so many times from the road. EMPUJE, the door said. The lobby was air conditioned, delicious sensation, especially on his face. The girl at the desk had short, straight black hair, bright red lipstick, and a flowery blouse. She raised her dark eyes briefly as he walked towards her. Pocket mirror in hand, she was fixing her make-up with a kleenex. He took a deep breath. She clicked shut the mirror and asked him, business-like, "Tell me, little boy, what do you want?" "Uh, I just won that ... that prize on Concierto de la Tarde." "...Who do I talk with?" "Well, actually, I don't know, I started working here just this week. But if you go through that door they'll tell you what you must do." It was less modern inside than in the lobby. A narrow wood-panelled stairway was the first thing he saw; a lady maybe his mother's age, standing in a little office at the right, was the second. "I'm Dickie ... I mean Richard Dickerson. I just won that prize." The lady shifted to almost-accentless English. "Oh, you're Dickie Dickerson. You know, I think I met your Mom once. Well, look, go up the stairs to the second floor and turn right. Efrain the announcer's there. He'll give you your Record Certificate." Dickie climbed the stairs slowly, in twos. Coming down there was a frowning, balding, gray-fringed man with a loose-leaf notebook and a Cuban guayabera. One of the announcers? Then Dickie caught sound of the voice he'd just heard on the telephone and saw a little room encased in wood and glass. The door was open just a crack. The fellow in the pink shirt who faced the microphone had a roundish head of thick wavy black hair and a prickly, incipient beard. Dickie opened the door further, noticed the LP record sleeves stacked up on either side of the announcer's hefty, curly-haired arms, and heard him saying, "the Symphony Orchestra of the NBC, under the baton of Arturo Toscanini." The announcer turned toward Dickie, who was about to identify himself, but the man's left hand suddenly rose up with the "Wait!" signal even as his lips were puckering up. It worked -- mouth half-open, Dickie froze. The announcer smiled slightly, then spoke into the microphone. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, we will listen to the Symphony Number 3 in C minor by Camille Saint-Saens, interpreted by ..." The station played that piece a lot, sometimes twice a month, Dickie had noticed. "Well, tell me what can I do for you, kid?" "My name is Richard Dickerson. I just won that prize." The announcer looked at him, paused briefly, and said, "Ah, yes, one minute." The deep voice was unmistakable. He puffed at a cigar that appeared out of nowhere, got up, seemed to bounce around, reached leftwards into an open file, and pulled out a piece of hard paper that looked like a small diploma. "Yes," he said, and sat back down. The Symphony's agitated first theme was just beginning. The announcer sang vigorously and moved his head in rhythm to Saint-Saens' rapid-fire melody while printing something on the pretty card. He nodded once, rolled the chair to the right in Dickie's general direction, opened up a green notebook with dark red corners and filled in a couple of its narrow little lines, still singing. He stood up, took another cigar puff and said, "Look, Richard." He shifted to the informal tu now, "this is your Gift Certificate. Take it over to Discolandia a few doors down. They've got your album ready. Okay?" "Well, congratulations for winning, and have fun with your prize, okay?" After giving Dickie a pat on the shoulder, he sat down again and swivelled toward the microphone. Dickie looked at the paper, said, "Thank you," turned around, and did another about-face. The announcer looked up from his notes. "Yes, what's happening?" "How did you say I get to Discolandia?" "Turn left when you come out of the station. Go toward San Juan just about half a block. It's there." Brief pause. "All right? Well, have fun. Here, I'll open the door for you." Dickie went quietly down the stairs, glanced at the lady in the office from the corner of his eye. "'Bye, 'bye, Dickie," he heard her say. "'Bye," he said without looking at her. Outside, in the hall, a blond man in a white shirt and black tie finished off his coffee while listening to the smiling receptionist say something funny. The blond man chuckled, placed the cup onto the saucer held in his other hand. "Adios," the girl said as Dickie opened the street door. He wasn't sure if she meant it for him. Discolandia was the biggest record shop he had ever seen, but then he hadn't been to any record shops recently. The mirrors and the luz fria (he couldn't remember the long English word for the tube-shaped bulbs just now) made the place look even bigger. So many recordings, all the way up to the ceiling, he wished he could hear every single one. The brassy tune being played was familiar, a fast mambo he had heard resounding every night for at least a year from the bar next door. Sometimes Catalina hummed it. Sister Regina once said that mambo is sinful, he remembered. One of the clerks was tapping on the cash register and shaking his hips to the beat. He stopped when he saw Dickie. Dickie held out the certificate to him. "Ah, yes." He stroked his moustache. "Ramon, here, another one for the people from WIPR. Could you bring it to me, please?" Ramon, a lanky mulatto in a pink shirt, clicked his fingers, went into a back room, rolled a ladder and clambered up, and returned with a shiny new record jacket, all within a few seconds. "Another one," he said, handing it to the first clerk and moving on. "Well, young man, here you are." Dickie held it in his hand, read and examined it. "This is an LP, no?" "Do you have it in 78s? My record player only takes 78s." The clerk let out a nervous titter. "Well, you see, uh ... I don't know what to say to you but, well ... Nobody makes classical 78s anymore. That stuff's no good, really. Look, even that mambo by Perez Prado is on a 45." He pointed. Dickie saw the toy-sized disc spinning around a drum-like spindle. "You don't have a 78 I could take instead?" "Not in classical, sorry. But look, think about it, someday you'll have an LP phonograph." Dickie recalled Dad saying those same words a couple of summers ago. "You'll be able to play it then. Come, give that to me and I'll put it in a bag for you." A pink-skinned lady in a leopard blouse entered, leading a small Pekingese. "Good afternoon," she said with a smile. The clerk handed Dickie the bag and addressed the lady. "Ah, yes, good afternoon, Senora Castillo. Listen, the Kostelanetz album finally arrived today. Would you like to try it out?" The woman's voice receded as Dickie walked out onto the street again. It was still hot, and he had liked the feel of air conditioning, both at WIPR and at Discolandia. Until now the only air conditioned places he had been to were the theaters, like the one in Rio Piedras five blocks from the apartment, where he spent many a Saturday afternoon watching American movies. He stopped a minute, realizing he needed to ask directions for the return bus stop. He peeked into the bag. Kostelanetz conducting. Grand Canyon Suite. He wished it were some other piece. He already owned it, or actually three-fourths of it, since sides 4 and 5, with "On the Trail," had cracked some years ago. It had been a present from his father, in first grade, he remembered, and he liked the piece back then, still did, though less so now, less than Tchaikovsky, and far less than Beethoven or Brahms. All week long people at the office had been saying, "I wonder who'll be crowned Miss Puerto Rico!" Then they'd chuckle and continue with their work. Meanwhile Dickie, clipboard in hand, would quietly get on with inventory, climbing the long ladder and registering the number of "A" cups and "B" cups currently in stock. Sometimes he'd reach for a rag in order to wipe off the dust that had accumulated over the stacks of pink boxes. One pile of D-40s had sat around for so long you could barely read the "Elegant Form" script sweeping neatly across the uppermost boxtop. "Dickie, please could you get me some coffee?" shouted Clarisa, the secretary. He rushed down the ladder's steps and over to the coffee room next door. Little did he know it, but his uncle Fred had instructed them to treat Dickie as if he were just another employee. Occasionally, though, the assistant Paquin would screw up his ruddy face, scratch his late-afternoon stubble, and whisper, "Say, Ricardito, could your father sell me a brand-new Chevy at a discount?" And they'd both giggle. Dickie trod carefully through the door, Clarisa's white cup a-juggling precariously in its white saucer, and finally reached her typing desk. "Ah, there you are," she said, brushing her blond curls from her eyes. "Thanks, Dickie, you're a good boy." Her long hands showed rosy fingernails. She took a sip directly. "Say, Dickie," said Gladys' grainier voice behind him, "that looks good. Could you get me one too?" As he sauntered alongside the stacked-up boxes he heard her saying, "It's tomorrow, no? And who's going to win?" "Who knows? We'll see," Clarisa's distant voice came back. Three-oh-five, said the table clock in the coffee room. As he entered he recognized one of the sewing-machine girls from the factory, pouring herself some Sanka. "Hi," she nodded at him, her thin, red lips smiling slightly. He liked the smell of her facial powder. She was his height and maybe three years older. "Hi," was his soft, almost inaudible reply. She turned around silently. The constant factory hum drowned out the sound of her flowery pink flats shuffling across the room toward the three gray stairs. As Dickie poured the coffee Paquin ambled in, pulling up and tightening his trousers. "Hola, Ricardito," he said, giving him a soft slap on the shoulder. "When is Mister Brown coming back from Havana?" "Don't know. Mom talked with him last night." "Well, the new factory must be taking up lots of time." Dickie remembered the dinner with Uncle Fred, when the only thing he and Dad had talked about was the new plant being built in Cuba. Mom and Uncle Fred looked so much alike, yet she was so quiet, he thought. He made his way to Gladys' desk and saw Gabriel and Julian standing about. Julian had a big cigar between his front teeth; Gabriel was unclipping his bow tie. The two usually came by at about this time. "Thanks, Dickie," said Gladys, in English, pushing back a stray tuft of white hair. She switched to Spanish. "Do you guys want coffee?" "No, no," said Gabriel, "not after walking around in all this heat." He dropped into a stray chair. "How'd it go today?" Clarisa asked. Gabriel shrugged his shoulders; Julian's deep voice said, "Pretty good. Gonzalez Padin took a few big orders. Everybody there wanted to know if I'd heard anything about ... you know ... that." "Oh, well, maybe ...," Gladys reflected. Clarisa lit a cigarette. "And in the papers? Nothing?" Gabriel was rolling up his sleeves. "No. And why, really? It was that Eisenhower guy on the front page this afternoon." Taking a big smoky puff, Julian shook his head. "Those people up there might actually vote for him again. All he does is play golf. What's with these crazy gringos? Crazy, they all are." The two secretaries looked over at Dickie leaning gently on the nearby racks, and then giggled. "Careful," a smiling Clarisa said, pointing a finger at Julian. And Julian spun around on his heels to catch Dickie's eye. "Hey, Dickie, nothing against gringos, you understand. I don't even think of you as one, your Spanish is so good." Dickie blushed, looked at the floor. Paquin gave him a soft punch on the ear, saying with a smile, "He's a good gringo, this Dickie." The two salesmen picked up their briefcases again, swinging them energetically. Gabriel got up from the folding chair and said, "Well, we'll see what happens." "Tomorrow!" more than one voice said. Everybody has a life. The thought often runs through Dickie's mind as he rides the crowded bus from work. The fellow in blue overalls sitting at his side; the blonde lady in high heels facing him from across the aisle there, clutching at her New York Department Store bag; the graying man in a guayabera shirt, standing, briefcase in one hand and the ceiling bar in another. All of them have lives that go on after they've exited the bus and are headed home. And yet he saw them just this once and no more as they each continued having lives. He had ridden as far as Rio Piedras and now marvelled at the thought that, having made their way through the doors off in Santurce or Hato Rey, they still lived on somewhere in those places. What were they doing now? he wondered. Dad was down in Mayaguez again on business, Mom said. She hoped he wouldn't be home too late, she said. Dickie and Mom ate quietly. Catalina had the week off. Beethoven's Second Symphony was listed in El Diario for that night's WIPR evening concert, followed by the Pastorale. He always loved that Sixth, loved the many repetitions, could hum along with its first movement's every note. The melodies went on ringing in his mind later as he tucked into bed. He had no idea when it was that he heard the front door's unlocking and shutting, heard Dad's familiar footsteps resounding in the dark stillness. Mom informed him over breakfast that his dad was asleep, so he'd hear about Mayaguez at suppertime. Now, though, he had to get off to work as he heard his mother's reminder, "Don't forget your lunch box, Dickie." At first the bus seemed uncrowded but there were no empty seats. He was the only standing passenger, up in front. Sitting together towards the rear he spotted two boys from Colegio Espiritu Santo. They smiled as they conversed. One of them fascinated Dickie with his dark, angular eyebrows and constant frown. Dickie always felt surprised when he'd see Colegio kids elsewhere, and yet they too must have a life, just as everyone else does. They even get together when they're on vacation, something he never did. But then he was American, not Puerto Rican. The five-block walk from Plaza Colon down to the office never ceased to thrill him, so exciting it was to be out there with all those thousands, each of them headed somewhere in the mornings, and he too was one of those people and moreover was receiving $5 every Friday. Just another reason why he liked working at the office. Clarisa barely nodded at him from her desk as she paid heed to Gladys exclaiming, "So it happened!" and she in turn replied, "Looks as if it did!" and both of them giggled. "When is it they're getting married?" Gladys asked. Gladys bit a lower lip, then said in English, in a deeper voice, "They're gonna be havin' a hot time!" Now they both guffawed. Dickie joined in too. "Well, look," Clarisa remarked, "little Dickie laughs and he doesn't even know about those things!" "Yes, I do know!" Dickie insisted. The day's heat and humidity were unbearable. Following delivery of that afternoon's messages he went for a large root beer at the Royal Palm, where there was air-conditioning and it was so cool and relaxing. A discarded El Imparcial on a nearby stool and its headline, "LUCY DEL VALLE CHOSEN MISS PUERTO RICO," caught his eye. The woman in the photograph had a wide, laughing smile, short, dark hair coming down in a double twist framing both sides of her forehead, and heavy lipstick. Dickie thought the double twirl made her look a little bit scary. The nuns at the Colegio often warned that the Devil can look just like anybody else, can be nice and offer you candy, can be good-looking too. They often criticized Puerto Rican girls for wearing "a pound of make-up," in their phrase. "This Lucy del Valle," Dickie thought, "looks like a pretty Devil, with all her make-up," something he might say at the office. Walking down the hall he heard fast, excited chatter, soon making out Gabriel's and Julian's voices. As he reached the left turn and approached the wide door he saw Clarisa and Julian hugging each other, though they weren't even married. Paquin and Julian now shook hands, then also hugged. Puerto Ricans do a lot of hugging, Dickie reflected. His parents and relatives almost never did. "So," said Gladys, "you must feel proud." She gave Julian a little pat on the shoulder. His entire face seemed to smile. "Well, I'm proud of Lucy. It's her prize, after all." He puffed on his cigar. "Next October you're goin' to be Mister Puerto Rico," she joked, pronouncing the word meester for some reason. "My God, that's right!" Julian guffawed. "I hadn't thought of it that way." Gabriel now said to the group, more calmly, "He's got pictures," then turned to him. "You're going to let us see 'em?" "Let's see, let's see!" said Paquin. Julian now took out a small yellow envelope from his briefcase and produced from it a pack of black-and-white photographs. Everybody was oohing and aahing as they contemplated Lucy all dressed up for the grand ball at the Escambron, Lucy with her parents over in Arecibo, Lucy in a short-sleeve white dress standing arm-in-arm with Julian, Lucy posing in her dark bathing suit at El Dorado Beach. "Look at how the bulge shows in this one," Dickie heard Julian saying softly to the men. He looked up and saw all of them grinning. "Well, Dickie," asked Gladys, "and what do you think of Lucy?" He flushed, and stammered, "Uh ... mm ... oh she's very pretty." Everyone in the room laughed while Clarisa, her arms crossed over her chest, remarked, "Dickie, what do you know about that stuff?" "Hey, look," said Paquin, "Dickie's a real macho, ain't that right?" He gave Dickie a little punch on the shoulder. As he rode home he remembered little else about the events. But he prayed to and thanked God that he hadn't said those things about Lucy and the Devil and her lipstick. He would have been hated, and he didn't want to be hated. God must've been watching over him, it does happen, he'd read so in The Power of Positive Thinking. He was wondering about the life a Miss Puerto Rico has. Does she wash dishes? Will she take a crowded bus at five? All those people having lives somewhere. There were passengers carrying El Imparcial with Lucy's picture on the front page, and he felt like saying to one of them, any of them, "See her? I know the guy she's going to marry in October." He couldn't wait until he told his mom about what had happened, and about Miss Puerto Rico's future husband, Julian, a Mister Puerto Rico, who worked right at Uncle Fred's office. independent press and ad-free website.
Fight Aging! Newsletter, November 19th 2012 – Fight Aging! he intricate, reactive, self-regulating machinery of our cells is built from proteins. Those proteins are specified by the blueprints known as genes, coiled up in each cell nucleus. The operation of our metabolism proceeds as a dance of networks of related proteins, feedback loops and signaling cascades in which the amount of a given protein produced at any given time can rise and fall in response to the rise and fall of other levels of production. The full scope of how variations in metabolism and its response to environment and lifestyle can affect the pace of aging is a staggeringly complex system, and as yet poorly understood. Here is an example of this approach: "Intricate and interconnected pathways modulate longevity ... Because biological processes are often executed by protein complexes and fine-tuned by regulatory factors, the first-order protein-protein interactors of known longevity genes are likely to participate in the regulation of longevity. Data-rich maps of protein interactions have been established for many cardinal organisms such as yeast, worms, and humans. We propose that these interaction maps could be mined for the identification of new putative regulators of longevity. For this purpose, we have constructed longevity networks in both humans and worms. We reasoned that the essential first-order interactors of known longevity-associated genes in these networks are more likely to have longevity phenotypes than randomly chosen genes." The developing technology of bioprinting, producing tissue structures using inkjet or other print technologies, has a promising future: "Desktop 3-D printers can already pump out a toy trinket, gear set or even parts to make another printer. Medical researchers are also taking advantage of this accelerating technology to expand their options for regenerative medicine. Researchers have made great strides in coaxing cells to grow over artificial, porous scaffolds that can then be implanted in the body to replace hard tissue, such as bone. ... But now, instead of relying on poured molds, foam designs or donated biological materials, researchers can print custom scaffold structures with biocompatible, biodegradable polymers. ... These methods have allowed us to develop very complex scaffolds which better mimic the conditions inside the body. ... Engineers can carefully control the minute, internal structures of these porous scaffolds to best promote cellular growth. And these new printing methods also allow quick and cheap experiments that test various one-off designs. Advancing bio-printing technologies can also be used for the biological material itself. Like color printing, biomaterial printing can switch among different organic materials as well as produce gradients and blending. Inkjet printing is preferred for depositing cells themselves, and as a demonstration of this in the 1980s an unmodified HP desktop printer was used to print out collagen as well as tissuelike structures. Printing, however, is tough on cells. Some studies have successfully kept more than 95 percent of cells intact through the process, but others have not done as well - losing more than half from damaged membranes. The future of bio-printing may be the combination of these approaches - printing both highly specific scaffolds and cell structures. Recent research has shown that stem cell fate can be controlled by the surfaces onto which the cells are printed." A range of age-related conditions are characterized by a buildup or clumping of harmful proteins, and research tends to focus first on ways to safely break down these compounds. Here researchers are testing a new candidate method of breaking down the beta amyloid and tau associated with Alzheimer's disease: "Last March, researchers at UCLA reported the development of a molecular compound called CLR01 that prevented toxic proteins associated with Parkinson's disease from binding together and killing the brain's neurons. Building on those findings, they have now turned their attention to Alzheimer's disease, which is thought to be caused by a similar toxic aggregation or clumping, but with different proteins, especially amyloid-beta and tau. And what they've found is encouraging. Using the same compound, which they've dubbed a "molecular tweezer," in a living mouse model of Alzheimer's, the researchers demonstrated for the first time that the compound safely crossed the blood-brain barrier, cleared the existing amyloid-beta and tau aggregates, and also proved to be protective to the neurons' synapses - another target of the disease - which allow cells to communicate with one another. Even though synapses in transgenic mice with Alzheimer's may shut down and the mice may lose their memory, upon treatment, they form new synapses and regain their learning and memory abilities. ... For humans, unfortunately, the situation is more problematic because the neurons gradually die in Alzheimer's disease. That's why we must start treating as early as possible. The good news is that the molecular tweezers appear to have a high safety margin, so they may be suitable for prophylactic treatment starting long before the onset of the disease." Arguably metastasis is what makes cancer so dangerous: that a single malignant tumor of any size can seed further tumors throughout the body; that a diaspora of metastasized cells is exceedingly hard to eliminate once let lose. If metastasis could be blocked many forms of cancer would become tractable and far less threatening, which is a fair-sized step towards a robust cure for cancer - very much needed as a part of any package of biotechnologies aimed at greatly extending healthy human life. Thus it is promising to see signs of early progress along these lines: "In laboratory experiments, scientists have eliminated metastasis, the spread of cancer from the original tumor to other parts of the body, in melanoma by inhibiting a protein known as melanoma differentiation associated gene-9 (mda-9)/syntenin. ... With further research, the approach used by the scientists could lead to targeted therapies that stop metastasis in melanoma and potentially a broad range of additional cancers. [Researchers] found that Raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) interacted with and suppressed mda-9/syntenin. Mda-9/syntenin [was] shown in previous studies to interact with another protein, c-Src, to start a series of chemical reactions that lead to increased metastasis. ... Prior research suggests that RKIP plays a seminal role in inhibiting cancer metastasis, but, until now, the mechanisms underlying this activity were not clear. Now that the researchers have demonstrated the ability of RKIP to inhibit mda-9/syntenin-mediated metastasis, they are focusing their attention on developing small molecules imitating RKIP that could be used as new treatments for melanoma." Mitochondrial function is important in determining life span, and mitochondrial damage is one of the root causes of aging. Thus life span differences between similar species may to a large degree reflect differences in the damage resistance of mitochondria, and a number of studies in recent years have shown that some human mitochondrial haplogroups - which represent characteristic variations in mitochondrial DNA - can be correlated with increased longevity. The way in which mitochondria become damaged involves the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the course of generating fuel to power the cell that contains them. Here researchers show that a longevity-associated difference in mitochondrial DNA reduces the pace of ROS production - which fits nicely with the present understanding of the role of mitochondria in aging: "Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is highly polymorphic, and its variations in humans may contribute to individual differences in function. [Researchers] found a strikingly higher frequency of a C150T transition in the D-loop of mtDNA from centenarians and twins of an Italian population. The C150T transition is a polymorphism associated with several haplogroups. To determine whether haplogroups that carry the C150T transition display any phenotype that may be advantageous for longevity, we analyzed cybrids carrying or not the C150T transition. These cybrids were obtained by fusing cytoplasts derived from human fibroblasts with human mtDNA-less cells. We have found no association of respiratory capacity, mtDNA level, mitochondrial gene expression level, or growth rate with the presence of the C150T transition. However, we have found that the cybrids with haplogroups that include the C150T transition have in common a lower reactive oxygen species (ROS) production rate than the haplogroup-matched cybrids without that transition. Thus, the lower ROS production rate may be a factor in the increased longevity associated with [these] haplogroups." Biodegradable scaffolds are an important part of tissue engineering, providing a way to hold cells in place and shape their growth in three dimensions, breaking down gradually as the new tissue builds its own supporting extracellular matrix. Here an intriguing advance in scaffold technology is noted: "Bioengineers [have] developed a gel-based sponge that can be molded to any shape, loaded with drugs or stem cells, compressed to a fraction of its size, and delivered via injection. Once inside the body, it pops back to its original shape and gradually releases its cargo, before safely degrading. "The simplest application is when you want bulking. If you want to introduce some material into the body to replace tissue that's been lost or that is deficient, this would be ideal. In other situations, you could use it to transplant stem cells if you're trying to promote tissue regeneration, or you might want to transplant immune cells, if you're looking at immunotherapy." Consisting primarily of alginate, a seaweed-based jelly, the injectable sponge contains networks of large pores, which allow liquids and large molecules to easily flow through it. [Researchers] demonstrated that live cells can be attached to the walls of this network and delivered intact along with the sponge, through a small-bore needle. [The] team also demonstrated that the sponge can hold large and small proteins and drugs within the alginate jelly itself, which are gradually released as the biocompatible matrix starts to break down inside the body. Normally, a scaffold like this would have to be implanted surgically. Gels can also be injected, but until now those gels would not have carried any inherent structure; they would simply flow to fill whatever space was available. [Researchers] pushed pink squares, hearts, and stars through a syringe to demonstrate the versatility and robustness of their gel." This year's Humanity+ conference is near: "The Humanity+ conference in San Francisco takes place on December 1-2, 2012 at Seven Hills Conference Center at San Francisco State University. ... Revolving around the theme "Writing the Future", the conference will explore the world of media and communicating Transhumanism. ... Speakers include multi-award winning science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson, acclaimed biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey, designer and theorist Natasha Vita-More, futurist Jamais Cascio, science fiction author David Brin, philosopher and proactionary principle advocate Max More, national best selling author Sonia Arrison, artificial general intelligence researcher Ben Goertzel, and more. "Writing the Future" focuses on communicating how emerging and converging sciences and technologies are the tools for designing our future, based on the advances in robotics, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, human enhancement, brain-computer integration, regenerative medicine, and radical life extension. The future and its many narratives, both written and spoken, are is created by people of the present. In many cases, notably the biomedical realm, the intrinsic costs of pioneering technological research mean that the rate of progress is strongly influenced by public enthusiasm for its goals. This creates a dilemma, in that the public are often ambivalent (at best) concerning such goals, even when by any rational standards they should not be. Should those involved in such work therefore understate their goals when writing proposals and addressing a general audience, making them less "scary" and thereby attracting funds to make initial progress?" Zebrafish, like a number of lower animals, are far better at regenerating lost tissue than mammals. In recent years, researchers have been investigating the mechanisms by which this superior regeneration works. It is possible that mammals such as we humans still have the necessary machinery, but it is turned off - or if we have lost it, that there is a way to recapture some of that loss through genetic engineering or other advanced medicine. But first, far more must be learned of the way in which regeneration proceeds in species like the zebrafish: "The secret to zebrafish's remarkable capacity for repairing their brains is inflammation ... Neural stem cells in the fish's brains express a receptor for inflammatory signaling molecules, which prompt the cells to multiply and develop into new neurons. Zebrafish, like many other vertebrates, are able to regenerate a variety of body tissues, including their brains. In fact [mammals] are the ones that seem to have lost this ability - they are kind of the odd ones out. [Given] the therapeutic potential of neuron regeneration for patients with brain or spinal injuries, [we'd] like to figure out if we can somehow reactivate this potential in humans. Last year, [researchers] discovered that radial glial stem cells are responsible for producing new neurons during brain regeneration in zebrafish. But they didn't know what prompted these cells to spring into action. Inflammation seemed a good candidate, [as] it arises as an immediate response to injury. [Researchers] introduced Zymosan A - an immunogenic factor derived from yeast - into the brains of zebrafish to induce inflammation in the absence of injury. They found that, just like brain injury, Zymosan A induced significant glial cell proliferation and new neuronal growth. In fish with suppressed immune responses, however, brain injury did not induce regeneration, further suggesting a role for inflammation." OncoSENS is the cancer-related project in the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS). In typically ambitious fashion the plan is to remove the ability of humans to generate cancer by blocking all processes that can lengthen telomeres, as telomere lengthening is a function that all cancers must abuse in order to bypass normal limits on cell replication. No other commonality between all cancers is presently known, and this blocking of telomere lengthening looks very likely to work, but for my money I'd prefer a more traditional approach to building robust cancer therapies - or perhaps adapting the mechanisms by which mole rats render themselves immune to cancer. The reason for this preference is that a person unable to lengthen telomeres would, at a minimum, require replacement of all stem cell populations once a decade or so - and if you miss that procedure, you will decline pretty quickly with many of the symptoms of an accelerated aging condition. The SENS Foundation is presently hiring for a research group lead position in the OncoSENS project; pass it on to anyone you know who might be interested: "SENS Research Foundation is hiring for our research center located in Mountain View, CA. We are seeking a team lead for our OncoSENS group to work both on established projects and new independent research geared towards understanding the genetic mechanisms of telomerase-independent telomere elongation; for example, see the project Identifying and Disrupting Mediators of ALT. Research is focused on developing therapies against cancers that maintain their replicative potential using alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT), and more generally the mission of the Foundation, toward overcoming the diseases and disabilities of aging. Qualified candidates will have a Ph.D. in the chemical/biological sciences. Duties will include bench work, management of a small team of lab researchers, the preparation of grant proposals, internal and external progress reports, individual and collaborative publication. The project lead will develop, interpret and implement standards, procedures, and protocols for the OncoSENS research program and may collaborate on determining strategic directions in the research program." As I've pointed out in the past, the concept of "successful aging" looks more and more awkward and ill-thought the closer you examine it. At the high level the idea is connected to compression of morbidity, pushing disability and frailty further out into old age without extending life - but are these things even possible as goals for medical science? It seems likely not: either you extend life or you don't; either you treat aging by slowing its progression or reversing it or you don't. Aging itself is by definition a degenerative medical condition that causes pain, suffering, and death - so the idea of aging successfully seems a contradiction in terms at best, and at worst a sort of propaganda intended to deliberately cloud the issue of what should be done by the medical research community: "Increasing longevity is one of the great achievements of our civilization, but it has also given rise to discussion about good and successful aging. The concept of successful aging has attracted much debate, but there is still no universally accepted definition or standard measurement tool for it. The Encyclopedia of Aging defines successful aging as survival (longevity), health (lack of disabilities), and life satisfaction (happiness). It appears that the main sources of difficulty lay in the ambiguity of the meaning of "success," in the complexity of the aging process, the rapid changes taking place in society, and the changing characteristics of the older population. Discussions on successful aging have taken two main perspectives: one defines successful aging as a state of being, while the other understands it as a process of adaptation, described as doing the best with what one has. Studies taking the adaptation approach have often found that older people themselves feel they are aging successfully, even though traditional quantitative models say otherwise. Successful aging as a state of being, then, is an objective measurable condition at a certain point in time, demonstrating the positive extreme of normal aging. The most influential model of successful aging as a state of being was introduced by Rowe and Kahn, who characterize "success" as absence of disease and disability, maintained physical and mental functioning, and active engagement with life. Many studies and definitions take the view that successful aging is possible only among individuals without disease and impairment. Obviously such categorizations are likely to exclude most older people, typically the oldest-old, from the possibility of successful aging." A short Slate article here looks at some comments made by Aubrey de Grey on the goals and outcomes of rejuvenation biotechnology research: ""I do not like to use the word immortality. It gives a very bad, a wrong impression about my work. I work on health. I am interested in ensuring that people will stay completely youthful, like young adults, for as long as they live," he said at a press conference at Ciudad de las Ideas, an annual conference about big ideas held in Puebla, Mexico. de Grey is the founder of the SENS Foundation, a nonprofit that, among other things, is funding projects intended to cure aging, if not dying. His goal: that everyone may stay a health 29 for as long as they may live. "It is quite likely that there will be a big side effect of doing that, which is that people will live a lot longer, but that is just a side effect," he says. Let's say that de Grey's research pans out - whether it's in the next 20 years, as he hopes may be possible; in the next 40, which he thinks is likely; or not for the next 100, which could happen "if we are unlucky or if we do not try hard enough." How would lifelong health change the way we live? ... "I think that actually society will be very different but ... mostly in ways that it is already moving as a result of technology, including health technologies, that are happening already," he says. "We see today many more people having multiple careers, moving from one to another; having multiple long-term partnerships one after another; generally much more equality between ages; people having partners that are very far distance from them in age. These things I think will simply continue to progress."" How much money is estimated to be needed today to realize de Grey's goals in less than 20 years? What are the obstacles, other than money, standing in the way of significant progress in age rejuvenation today? As to obstacles: only money. With a few hundred million dollars, everything else would start moving along very nicely: growth of a research community, groundwork for clinical application, momentum to ensure that application happens despite regulations, etc, etc.
This article considers the legal duties of New Zealand providers, including independently practising midwives and District Health Board midwifery and obstetric staff, to give information and to obtain consent in the management of breech presentation. New Zealand’s maternity arrangements and health law framework are both unique. General legal principles about information and consent are similar to other common law jurisdictions, such as Australia and England. However, in New Zealand, the Code of Health & Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (Code) adopts the concept of ‘informed consent’, which has been rejected in England6 and Australia.7 The Code can be breached even if no injury or damage has been caused. In addition, the accident compensation scheme (ACC) provides fault-free compensation to victims of personal injury, including injuries caused by medical treatment. Medical negligence litigation is almost non-existent in New Zealand because the Accident Compensation Act 2001 prohibits damages for personal injury covered by ACC (section 317). The Guidelines confirm that “the woman should have continuity of maternity care … regardless of how her care is provided” (p2). This is important because breech presentation, whether diagnosed before or in labour, engages an obligation on the LMC midwife to recommend consultation with an obstetrician. Guideline 4.2 suggests that a three-way conversation should take place between the woman, the LMC midwife and the obstetrician. The Code also recognises that “[e]very consumer has the right to co-operation among providers to ensure quality and continuity of services” (Right 4.5). If disagreements arise about the care plan, it is important to maintain communication so that emergency care can be provided if necessary. The Health & Disability Commissioner emphasised the importance of communication in a case in which a baby died after a VBB.10 The woman became disillusioned with medical staff after their insistence upon a caesarean section. Interpersonal tensions meant that the midwives did not inform medical staff that the woman was in labour and when problems arose, it was too late to help. The Code protects the right to be fully-informed (Right 6) and the right to make an informed choice and give informed consent (Right 7). Although the therapeutic privilege to withhold information for a patient’s own benefit is recognised in law, this is a very narrow exception and only applies in cases where disclosure would be “seriously detrimental to the patient’s health” (para 88).11 It is unlikely to apply to a competent woman choosing antenatally how to deliver her breech baby. This includes the provider’s identity and qualifications, recommendations and how to obtain a second opinion. Health & Disability Commissioners have interpreted this requirement to extend to risks associated with the provider.12 Ideally, providers or services should present their particular statistics about relevant outcomes. This right, combined with the right to have services provided with reasonable care and skill (Right 4(1)), is pertinent given the common understanding that most obstetricians and midwives do not have sufficient skills and experience to safely support a planned VBB.16 The presence of an experienced provider is the only factor that has ever been shown to improve outcomes for vaginal breech deliveries (VBD),17 although there is currently a lack of agreement about how much practical experience is required for a provider to be sufficiently ‘experienced’ to safely support a VBB. Accordingly, a woman may express a preference to be under the care of somebody who has expertise in supporting VBB. This will not always be practical—a provider’s duty is to take reasonable actions in the circumstances to comply with the Code (Right 10(3)). Similarly, a provider will not be in breach of their duty of care by failure to provide care which is outside their power to provide.9 District Health Board structures that facilitate access to medical and midwifery staff with breech expertise would assist in fulfilling Right 7(8), as well as maximising the chances of a good outcome in a planned VBB. The Term Breech Trial (TBT)18 may sometimes be presented to women as ‘determinative’ of the choice they should make. This approach potentially breaches the woman’s right to make an informed choice. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) provide guidance on the presentation of statistical information to patients (1.5.24).23, 24 Although clinical studies such as the TBT18 compare the relative safety of planned caesarean section and planned VBD, this approach is aimed at population-based policy-making and not at counselling women. Women may not necessarily want this level of detail and providers are not expected to provide information that a woman does not wish to hear. However, information on specific risks should be offered because it counteracts the common misunderstanding that the risk of mortality from VBB is high. It also enables the woman to make an autonomous decision about which risks she is willing to take. Women should be told about risks specific to caesarean section and VBB in absolute rather than relative terms. RCOG recommends the term ‘uncommon’ to describe a risk of between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000,24 which applies to most relevant risks. Natural frequencies, consistent denominators, and combining positive and negative framing are best practice. Decision-making requires discussion, an opportunity to ask questions, and time to reflect.3 This is facilitated in New Zealand by the LMC model. As the availability of clinical expertise in managing VBB may be a factor in a woman’s decision about whether or not to attempt ECV, a discussion about mode of birth should not be delayed until after ECV. Although, in most cases, after consultation, women will choose to transfer care, in New Zealand the obstetrician does not automatically assume responsibility for ongoing care. Some women will make a legally supported choice to remain in the care of their LMC midwife. Although rates vary, a reasonable proportion of breech presentations are diagnosed in labour (25–33%).29 There is a lack of evidence that a caesarean section in active labour offers the same benefits to the foetus as it may have prior to or in early labour.29 Caesarean section in active labour also brings increased risks for both mother and baby.30 The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians’ & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) College Statement ‘Delivery of the Fetus at Caesarean section’ (C-0bs 37; current July 2010) specifically addresses the difficulties of caesarean section for breech in active labour. For a breech diagnosed in labour, without evidence of lack of progress, compromised wellbeing of mother or baby, or lack of experienced provider,30 a vaginal birth should be assumed and supported. Extensive risk-based discussion about intervention should be reserved for situations in which the provider observes an increase in risk for which a caesarean section is known to improve outcomes. Although a provider cannot be compelled to provide care that they believe is clinically inappropriate, this does not extend to requiring a competent woman to undergo surgery to ‘avoid’ a natural process.11 Neither may a provider refuse care simply because they disagree with the woman’s decision or because of factors unrelated to the woman, such as personal beliefs about the merits of caesarean births or previous bad personal experiences. In the absence of another provider who can take over the woman’s care, the ethical and legal duty is to continue to provide care. threatening to withdraw care if a woman disagrees with advice. the relationship with the persuading party (which could include any power-imbalance in a doctor-patient relationship or pressure from family members). Particular care should be taken to ensure that a woman’s consent to medical intervention in labour is freely given. Consent is not required to birth vaginally. Patient-centred, legally-sound, evidence-based and non-coercive clinical policies are critical to safe maternity care. In one well-known New Zealand example, a baby died (due to placental abruption) after a planned breech homebirth35 and the Coroner criticised a clinical policy allowing no realistic alternative to caesarean section because it influenced the choice of the woman to birth at home where emergency care was sub-optimal. The quotes presented in this article and the authors’ interaction with pregnant women both suggest that, in practice, VBB is rarely a choice that is open to women. A legal compliance review of current breech presentation clinical policies in New Zealand and Australia would be worthwhile as it is unclear whether the issue is a failure to comply with clinical policies or the policies themselves. The RANZCOG College Statement ‘Management of Breech Presentation at Term’ (C-Obs 11; current March 2013) could also be improved by including a sounder evidence-base for recommendations, a wider range of information about the risks of caesarean section, particularly the risks for future pregnancies, and acknowledgment that the role of the obstetrician is to advise the woman, not to make the decision. It is well recognised that New Zealand’s health services are stretched.9 There are financial implications of providing real choice to women because this requires the availability of ‘experienced’ staff to support a VBB at any time. There is also a lack of consensus about how much practical experience is sufficient to count as ‘experienced’. Counselling should therefore include provider and location specific experience and outcome data, so that women can judge for themselves what level of experience they find acceptable. Although all specialist obstetricians should have the ability to safely support a VBD, a core component of RANZCOG obstetric training, it appears that not all are currently confident in doing so.16 It is therefore inevitable that providing real non-coercive choice to women may require additional training for midwives and obstetricians and a reconsideration of institutional and supervision arrangements.9 The costs of providing 24/7 specialist support for VBB may potentially be partially offset by the costs saved on unnecessary caesarean sections and resultant complications, including in future pregnancies. The status quo is unacceptable from a medico-legal perspective and so the resource implications and educational needs (such as simulation training)36 should be considered as a matter of public health policy. The provision of specialist breech-services, such as that offered at John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle, New South Wales,23 is worth further exploration as a way to facilitate safe care for VBB. Given apparent inadequacies in current practice, this article considered the legal duties of New Zealand providers to give information and to obtain consent in the management of breech presentation. The provider must give information about the risks and benefits of ECV, planned VBB and planned caesarean section (either before or during labour). Women have the legal right to refuse consent to caesarean section, in which case providers must deliver reasonable care in the circumstances. In order to respect women’s legal rights, consideration should be given to any necessary changes to educational requirements and institutional arrangements to facilitate real choice for women and safe care for VBB in the New Zealand maternity care system. *The support group includes a range of mothers, midwives and obstetricians. Pregnant women are supported whether they plan to birth vaginally or by caesarean section and discussions relate to a wide-range of concerns specific to breech: for instance discussions include positive experiential anecdotes about caesarean section and questions about developmental hip dysplasia. When managing a breech pregnancy (with baby’s head at the top of the uterus), New Zealand maternity care providers have legal duties to provide full and unbiased information about risks and benefits of all options, including a planned vaginal breech birth. Information should be presented in a balanced and accessible way and not limited to the maternity care provider’s personal preferences. Women have legal rights to make an informed choice, to give or refuse consent, to a second opinion and to co-operation among providers. Clinical policies should include appropriate and non-coercive care for women who choose to birth their breech-presenting baby vaginally and consideration should be given to any institutional reforms or educational priorities needed to achieve this. The authors note significant room for improvement in facilitating informed consent in the management of breech presentation. New Zealand maternity care providers, including midwives, general practitioners and specialist obstetricians, have legal duties to provide full and unbiased information about risks and benefits of all relevant treatment options. In the case of breech presentation, such options include the interventions of external cephalic version or planned caesarean section, as well as the option to decline intervention and proceed with a planned vaginal breech birth. Information should be presented in a balanced and accessible way and not limited to the provider’s personal preferences. Women have legal rights to make an informed choice, to give or refuse consent, to a second opinion and to co-operation among providers. The right of competent persons to refuse medical treatment, including the right to refuse caesarean section, is well established. Clinical policies therefore should include appropriate and non-coercive care for women who choose to birth their breech-presenting baby vaginally, compliance with such policies should be the norm, and consideration should be given to any institutional reforms or educational priorities needed to achieve this. Thurlow, R. 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Thornton, J, Hayman, R. Staff experience in vaginal breech delivery. British Journal of Midwifery 2002;10(7): 409-10. Su, M, McLeod, L, Ross, S, et al. Factors associated with adverse perinatal outcome in the Term Breech Trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189(3): 740-5. Hannah, ME, Hannah, WJ, Hewson, SA, et al. Planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: a randomised multicentre trial. Term Breech Trial collaborative group. Lancet 2000;356: 1375-83. Whyte, H, Hannah, ME, Saigal, S, et al. Outcomes of children at 2 years after planned cesarean birth versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: the International Randomized Term Breech Trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;191(3): 864-71. Vlemmix, F, Bergenhenegouwen, L, Schaaf, JM, et al. Term breech deliveries in the Netherlands: did the increased cesarean rate affect neonatal outcome? A population-based cohort study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2014;93(9): 888-96. 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Ivy City brewery Atlas Brew Works is partnering with Washington DC’s Comic Con Awesome Condebuting Hop Bot, a limited-release pale ale canned exclusively for the convention and available for purchase at local restaurants on Monday, April 22, and the brewery’s Tap Room starting Friday, April 26, while supplies last. The seventh annual Awesome Con returns to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center from Friday, April 26, to Sunday, April 28. Before then, guests can visit outstanding area restaurants and bars, including The Capital Burger, City Tap Penn Quarter, Espita Mezcaleria, Iron Horse Tap Room, Jackpot, Lost & Found, Morris American Bar, Moxy Washington, DC Downtown, and Penn Social. Hop Bot is generously hopped with funky Citra and juicy Mosaic hops. Atlas adds wheat malt to the grain bill of the pale ale to give the beer a robust body and silky mouth feel that perfectly complements the floral and citrus flavors from two of the brewery’s favorite hops. The blend was derived to play off the iconic robot face that has become emblematic of Awesome Con since it began in 2012 and will be used on the cans and tap handles at participating locations. The Smithsonian magazine Future Con returns as part of the region’s premier comic and pop culture convention, Awesome Con, Friday, April 26 – Sunday, April 28 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Scientists and entertainers will come together at the themed pavilion and on stage to connect science and technology with science fiction and fantasy. Future Conpresents three days of special programming that will include tech demos, meet-and-greet opportunities with prolific thought leaders and the opportunity to dive into the stimulating and fantastical overlaps between real-world science and the science of the future. Attendees of all ages will be able to engage at panel Q&As and discussions as well as hands-on tech demos and workshops, all focused on fostering awareness and enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Awesome Con, now in its seventh year, is thrilled to welcome a range of leaders and experts from organizations that represent scientific advancement and education across numerous industries. Representatives from the National Science Foundation, National Geographic, NASA Goddard Space and Flight Center, APS Physics, Nova Labs, Central Intelligence Agency, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science will lead programs and workshops throughout the weekend. Among highlights of this year’s Future Con programming, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine will join commercial space leaders for a discussion of exciting new developments at NASA and in the growing space industry. Guests can explore space with Dr. Erin Macdonald, who will guide a panel dubbed Astronomy 101, blazing through the science of planets, the solar system and stars. Looking to dive a little deeper? Dr. Macdonald will explore the science of gravitational waves, the collision of black holes and a neutron star merger with fun stories and a conversation about what these discoveries mean as we move forward. The Central Intelligence Agency will demystify the Agency in several sessions that showcase intelligence work. Guests will work through actual operations officer tests, hear about the U-2 and A-12 spy planes and Area 51, the testing site that made them famous, and will learn how eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes contributed to one of the most audacious CIA missions of the Cold War. And, in the grand tradition of Madam Pince in Harry Potter, Giles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Dr. Barbara Gordon in Batman, the curious can learn what it is like to be a librarian working in espionage and why some heroes wear cardigans. As true crime gains a mainstream following in the US, Future Con will explore technological advancements in criminal investigation, and the fight against the same technology being used in sinister ways. U.S. intelligence experts focused on digital and physical 3D modeling will demonstrate tools used on national security missions, including imagery and geospatial information used to visualize human activities that occur on the surface of the Earth. Future Con will also explore the possible realities that exist in popular comics as well. Two panels will highlight the science of Voltron: Legendary Defender, and Aquaman. Attendees will learn about wormholes, crystals, the future of flight, life in the extremes of the deep ocean, and bio-inspired technologies that could one day allow humans to take on superhero abilities. Future Con takes place Friday, April 26 – Sunday, April 28 inside this year’s Awesome Con, and no separate ticket is needed to attend Future Con events—admission to Awesome Con includes access to Future Con’s speakers, exhibits, and events. Awesome Con, Washington DC’s Comic Con powered by Third Eye Comics, has announced three days of programming complete with panels, workshops, celebrity appearances, and more, taking over the Walter E. Washington Convention Center from April 26-28. Family-friendly pavilion Awesome Con Jr presented by the Toy Association returns with even more events planned to educate and entertain kids of all ages and parents alike. Smithsonian is partnering with Awesome Con once again to present Future Con, a science pavilion showcasing the intersection between science and science fiction with live demonstrations and experts discussing everything from space exploration to spy technology, and more. Back for the third year is Pride Alley presented in partnership with Geeks OUT and Washington Blade, shining a spotlight on LGBTQ creators and fans in an even more robust section of Artist Alley and presenting special programs addressing diversity in pop culture. Exploring the Future of Crime (11:00AM – April 27 – Room 150) – Technological advances have benefited our world in immeasurable ways—but there is an ominous flip side. Criminals are often the earliest, and most innovative, adopters of technology, and modern times have led to modern crimes. From big data to artificial intelligence and genetics to robotics, today’s criminals are at the forefront of the tsunami of technological threats coming our way. In this session, Marc Goodman, author of the New York Times best-selling book Future Crimes, rips opens his database of hundreds of real cases to give the audience front-row access to these impending perils. While many of the stories Goodman will tell sound like science fiction, they are indeed fully rooted in startling scientific facts. This discussion will raise raises tough questions about the expanding role of technology in our lives and propose a path forward to ensure we all benefit from humanity’s technological advances rather than become imperiled by them. The Science of Voltron: Legendary Defender (5:00PM – April 26 – Room 144) – Come along, Paladins! The Voltron: Legendary Defender series has come to a close, so it’s time to explore some of the best science in the series. We’ll learn about wormholes, crystals, gluon fields, and much more while we discuss how much the series got right (and a few things they got wrong). Kids of all ages are welcome! Science of Aquaman (7:00PM – April 26 – Room 144) – This panel will discuss the actual science behind Aquaman’s powers. He can communicate with marine life, is adapted to live and thrive in harsh underwater environments and has superhuman strength. All these abilities, including being able to “talk to fish,” as Batman would say, are rooted in science. Come learn about the incredible adaptations that allow life to thrive in the extremes of the deep ocean, the methods scientists use to study the undersea landscape, and the bio-inspired technologies being developed that could allow a human to effectively take on the abilities of Aquaman. Germ Warfare: A Very Graphic History (12:00PM – April 27 – Room 146) – Join world-renowned author Max Brooks (World War Z) for a conversation about his newly-released graphic novel on the dangers posed by biological agents. Members of the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense will also be present to discuss the novel and its message about the threat of biological attacks and naturally occurring outbreaks in the 21st century. Astronomy 101 Through Science Fiction (5:00pm – April 27 – Room 144) – Welcome to Astronomy 101! Always wanted to learn astronomy? Science Fiction fan? Dr Erin Macdonald will take us through the first semester of astronomy with hardly any math and a whole lot of science fiction references. We’ll blaze through the science of planets, the solar system, and stars at warp speed; come ready to learn! Intelligence Super Models: 3D Modeling in the Intelligence Community (8:00pm – April 27 – Room 144) – Join U.S. Intelligence Community experts on digital and physical 3D modeling who will demonstrate and discuss their experiences impacting national security missions. 3D modelers will exhibit a variety of capabilities utilized by NGA and CIA across the 3D disciplines, including leveraging imagery and geospatial information to visualize human activities that occur on the Earth. The Story and Science of Gravitational Waves (2:00pm – April 28 – Room 144) – In 2015 our quest to study and explore the universe took a giant leap forward with the discovery of gravitational waves. The LIGO Scientific Collaboration has detected ripples in spacetime from the collision of black holes as well as a neutron star merger that showed up in every spectrum possible. Dr Erin Macdonald (a former member of LIGO) will discuss the history behind the detection, share some fun stories, and what these discoveries mean for astrophysics going forward. Monster Battle Time KO! (3:45PM – April 28 – Awesome Con Jr Stage) – Three teams of artists go head-to-head in the biggest Monster Battle Time of the season! This year there are three teams of stellar cartoonists to design your monsters and battle for ultimate artistic glory! Free comics to all attendees. Dreamworks Screening (4:00PM – April 26 – Awesome Con Jr. Stage) – Dreamworks will surprise guests with a special feature screening. Kids Costume Parade (12:00PM – April 27 | 12:00PM – April 28 – Awesome Con Jr Stage) – Awesome Con is excited to announce the Kids Costume Parade! Registration is limited to the first 30 kids (and their parents). National Wildlife Federation Animal Show with Naturalist David Mizejewski (1:30PM – April 27 – Awesome Con Jr Stage) – An educational presentation of exotic animals from all over the world with a message about conservation. Fabulous Fictional Females (1:30PM – April 26 – Room 152) – featuring a diverse panel of female writers, artists, and editors discussing the ‘Strong Female Character’ trope, breaking down what goes into telling a great story and sharing our professional experiences in the realms of comics, literature, and theater. Gender in SFF Fiction: Women & Nonbinary Authors (2:30PM – April 26 – Room 152) – From the elusive Strong Female Protagonist to LGBTQ representation, and what an individual author’s responsibility is, this panel will explore what it means to be a female or nonbinary author in the male-dominated genre of sci-fi and fantasy fiction. Diversity Amongst the Stars (4:30PM – April 26 – Room 144) –A celebration of the diverse characters we love and a discussion about how the galaxy has changed over the last few years and where we still hope it may go. Strengthening Geek Culture (4:30PM – April 26 – Room 152) —A spotlight on queer creators and fans, Strengthening Geek Culture will unite the LGBTQ and allied creators attending Awesome Con through a panel celebrating the diversity and creativity of queer geekdom and LGBTQ contributions to pop culture. Exploring Gay & Lesbian Comic Creators (5:30PM – April 26 – Room 144) – This panel will explore some of the creators and their contributions to producing gay and lesbian comics and how they have influenced the mainstream comic industry to this day. Some of the creators that will be explored are Howard Cruse (Stuck Rubber Baby), Trina Robbins (Wimmen’s Comix), Alison Bechdel (Fun House), and Joe Phils (Joe Boys) to name a few. Resistance, Feminism, & Fandom (6:30PM – April 26 – Room 144) – Science fiction is often a form of social commentary, and engaging with sci-fi fandom means voicing that commentary via social media. As women, people of color, and other LGBT+ participants who are quite visible in fandom during this charged era in American politics, we want to discuss our experiences speaking out on various social platforms even when it may not be the popular thing to do. Pro Wrestling Connection for Marginalized Fans (1:30PM — April 27 – Room 152) Centering women, non-binary, & LGBTQ+ voices in wrestling fandom-these fans have crucial perspectives to share. If you’ve never felt comfortable at a wrestling panel before, this one’s for you. Crossplay 101 (2:30PM – April 27 – Room 152) – An introductory lecture about what crossplay is and educating how to crossplay safely. Representation Matters, So Make It Good (4:30PM – April 27 – Room 152) Stories matter. More diverse media representation is incredibly important, but not all representation is created equal. The result of years of narrative research, this panel lays out a comprehensive and easy to follow guide to creating healthy and compelling queer characters and stories, with examples and suggestions across media and genres. The BLERD Panel (5:30PM – April 27 – Room 152) – Picking up where we left off last year, the BLERD Panel will give the black nerd state of the union with comedy, connection, and community! Cositivity (12:30PM – April 28 – Room 152) – This panel is designed to be a safe space for cosplayers to discuss their experiences with cosplay. Mediated by the panelists, we will be sharing our experiences as well as opening the floor for others to discuss theirs. Voice-a-Palooza (6:30Pm – April 26 – Room 146) – VIDEO GAME VOICE ACTORS BEHAVING BADLY. Join professional voice actors as they reinterpret movie scripts, poetry, songs and more in their character voices, read the craziest phrases that YOU provide in their character voices, and create an entirely new video game from YOUR suggestions. A Classic and a MUST NOT MISS. Awesome Con Short Film Fest — Grabbing some popcorn, all your friends, and a seat, as Joe Carabeo (Award winning Director, Astray Productions President, Project Resolution Producer) brings the Awesome Con Short Film Festival to you! There will also be an exclusive filmmakers Q&A after the screenings afterwards moderated by TV host Molly Nevola. Helping Kids Understand the World Through Nonfiction, Fact-Based Fiction, and Real Science (1:00PM – April 28 – Room 150) – National Geographic Kids Editors talk about writing exciting non-fiction for kids, how to infuse your story with a good dose of real science, and how to keep ’em coming back for more of the good stuff: facts. Very Secret, Very Cool, But Not Aliens: The U-2, the A-12, and Area 51 (5:00PM – April 26 – Room 140) – CIA historians will present the development, deployment, and capabilities of the CIA’s most famous spy planes, as well as the testing site the helped make famous. Come learn about the U-2, the A-12 (and the vastly inferior SR-71), and Area 51. Also, join a discussion of studies conducted by Gerald Haines about UFO sightings and the correlation with the operations conducted by these aircraft. DC Celebrates 80 Years of Batman Comics (5:00pm – April 27 – Room 150) – Eighty years after his debut, Batman continues to be one of the most popular and iconic Super Heroes of all time. Meet some of the key players in the Dark Knight’s world who create and bring you the best Batman comics stories ever. Buckle up for an incredible ride in the Batmobile and hear what these creators have to say about one of your all-time favorite DC Super Heroes! Some Heroes Wear Cardigans: Librarians at CIA (1:00PM – April 27 – Room 140) – Madam Pince in Harry Potter. Giles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Dr. Barbara Gordon in Batman. Librarians and libraries have been depicted in pop culture a variety of ways throughout the years, but are often portrayed as sidekicks. The librarians at CIA think differently. Come hear them talk about what it’s like to be a librarian working in espionage and discuss why they think some heroes wear cardigans. The seventh annual Awesome Con by LeftField Media, will unite 80,000 fans of comics, technology and science, television and film, custom art, over-the-top cosplay, and more at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center from Friday, April 26 through Sunday, April 28, 2019. The convention floor and panel rooms will buzz with hundreds of hours’ worth of programs including: celebrities and experts hosting panels and exclusive reveals; cosplay fashion shows; gaming tournaments; iconic pop culture memorabilia collections; and as always, a diverse array of activities for the whole family. Family-friendly pavilion Awesome Con Jr presented by the Toy Association returns with even more playful events planned to educate and entertain kids of all ages and parents alike. Smithsonian partners up with Awesome Con once again to present Future Con, a science pavilion showcasing the intersection between science and science fiction with tech demonstrations, experts discussing everything from dystopia to scientific advancement, and more. Back for the third year is Pride Alley presented in partnership with Geeks OUT and Washington Blade, shining a spotlight on LGBTQ creators and fans in an even more robust section of Artist Alley and presenting special programs discussing diversity in pop culture. In addition to returning esteemed comics publishers such as DC Comics and Third Eye Comics, for the first time at Awesome Con, Dark Horse Comics, and Oni Press will be onsite. Attendees will have the opportunity to stop by their panels for special announcements and exclusives. With Awesome Con 2019 hosting more energetic programs, more globally recognized special guests, and presenting more exclusive previews and announcements to attendees than ever before, it continues to grow into a standout annual destination – and unite fans at one of the largest pop culture events in the country. TICKETS: Daily and full weekend passes are available. Badges purchased before March 11 can be mailed to a provided address. Prices increase on April 1. Kids Admission: $15. Valid for kids ages 3-10. Valid for full weekend or any day individually. VIP passes & experiences range from the VIP Geekend ($150) to the premium, limited quantity Club Awesome Reserve Membership ($399-$999) which offers access to various celebrity appearances, reserved Main Stage seating for marquee programs, and exclusive Club Awesome Reserve-only events. Before Awesome Con, held in Washington DC March 30th-April 1st, the Library of Congress held a discussion with two comic industry legends, Dan Jurgens and Paul Levitz to discuss Superman who turns 80 years old this year. He debuted in Action Comics #1 which was released in May 1938 and a cover date of June 1938. Levitz has held numerous roles within the comic industry including writer, editor, and executive and was the President of DC Comics from 2002-2009 and worked for the company for over 35 years in various roles. Dan Jurgens is both an artist and writer who has taken on Superman numerous times, including the famous death, and wraps up his current run with the character in this week’s momentous Action Comics #1000 passing the torch to the next generation of creators in a way. Before their panel discussion, I got a chance to sit down with the two of them to talk about their fondest memories of the character and what makes Superman so super to survive 80 years. Graphic Policy: We’re here celebrating the 80th birthday of Superman. What’s your earliest memory of Superman? Dan Jurgens: I always had that consciousness of Superman. My earliest solid memory was walking into a drug store, which at that point just had your general magazine stand, which had comics on the bottom wrack and buying at that time Superman #189 for 12 cents. That was my first comic book I ever bought. So that was my first solid memory of Superman. I knew who he was but that was my first tangible experience. Paul Levitz: It’s amazing how you remember the physicality of buying comics. PL: I think we all did in out generation. I think I probably experienced the George Reeves television show before the physical comics. The first time I had my own Superman comic was Action Comics #300 which my babysitter gave me to shut me up when I was five years old. It had a subscription ad, a dollar for a year of Action Comics. So I conned my parents into sending for a subscription and I had that subscription for a couple of years after that. GP: Both of you have worked on this iconic character. How does it feel to have worked on a globally recognized character that means so much to so many people? DJ: I think we’re reminded often at how iconic Superman is. The reality is as a writer or artist when you work on it, it’s a pretty solitary experience. It’s always somewhat alarming to see how you can do something that goes from the privacy of your office or studio and your privacy of your drawing board to become a national or even an international story. And that’s only because Superman is so iconic. And we get reminded of that quite often. PL: You feel like you’re being made a custodian of something that’s precious to you and precious to other people. There’s a lot of characters you can writer where it’s a character. It’s a story. You can screw up their life some interesting fashion. You can change them in some fashion. Someone out there will care. But, they’re mostly going to care in a good way because they’re going to be curious, going to be interested, going to be excited by what you do. When you’re working with something like Superman that has survived so long, you know you don’t want to be the one to screw it up. You know what it meant to you and you want to hand it on to whatever is going to follow you hopefully in better shape than you got it and hopefully more successful than you got it. GP: Is there extra pressure working with this particular character? DJ: I know when I started on Superman it was as an artist and that was just fine and I could handle that. When the call came in from the editor at the time, a guy named Mike Carlin, he said “would you like to write a couple of issues?” I said “sure, no problem.” I hung up the phone and said “ok, now what have I stepped in?” I’ve never had that with any other character but there’s something about Superman that’s special in that way. PL: I mean it’s the level of responsibility. Years ago we did a series of tv commercials with an animated Superman and a live Jerry Seinfeld for American Express. I remember sitting there and arguing with Jerry about a line for one of them that I wasn’t willing to approve. I’m arguing about Jerry Seinfeld about something. Jerry’s basically saying, “I know what’s funny.” And I have to say, “it’s my job to know if Superman would say that or not.” And, I was pulling on my collar the whole time. He loved Superman and was trying to be faithful but it just didn’t sound exactly Superman. You just feel that weight on you that you have to get it right. GP: For each of you, who is the character to you? If you had to boiled him down to his essence, what would that be? PL: He’s a guy who could have chosen anything but chose to do the right thing always. We’re all flawed, it’s part of being human. We do stupid stuff. We do stupid stuff in our professional lives. We do stupid stuff in our personal lives. We do things we look back on and think can I get a do-over on that day? And, here’s someone who’s really had the ability to make every choice in a way that could have been self-serving and very consistently chosen to do the right thing. That’s a very critical part of the essence of the character. DJ: I agree with everything Paul said of course. I’ve written many lines in the comics where people speculate on what Superman’s life is like. They say, “he lives on a secret island with an incredible mansion” or something like that or all sorts of crazy ideas because it would not occur to most people that Superman puts on a pair of glasses, has a job, and goes to work and lives among them. I tried to actually to address a little bit of this in Action #1000. There’s a famous Superman story called “For a Man Who Has Everything.” The title of my story is “From the City That Has Everything” and it’s basically Metropolis saying thank you to Superman. How do you thank Superman? There’s nothing you can really do? DJ: What are you going to do? Buy him a car? Give him a vacation? I mean it really is that. In part of that story they talk about “we don’t know what sacrifices you’ve made on our behalf, but we know it must be substantial.” So, I think that’s something we try to portray. Even in Metropolis they understand that there’s this sense of moral integrity that is there and the selflessness that even though he doesn’t come out and say it people can understand. GP: When the character started he was so different than he is today. When he began he was fighting slumlords and crooked politicians and today he’s fighting Brainiac and Lex Luthor. He’s changed over the 80 years a lot. What is it about the character that has made him enduring to last 80 years and survive such change? PL: I start with the triangle. I think the Clark/Lois/Superman relationship was really the soul of the character that gave it birth. We all have our Clark Kent side. Whether we’re male or female. We have moments where we wish someone would see us, see the real us, what’s great about us, at least decent about us. Instead of focusing in on what’s not so great about us, focusing in on our insecurities. Jerry (Siegel) really captured that brilliantly. That’s been a very powerful engine that has made that character endure. Yes, that relationship has changed over the years, but that central triangle is really a pivotal piece of it. DJ: I think there’s a couple of things. I think one reason he’s been so accepted is that he doesn’t wear a mask. It’s interesting. If we go back to the time, so many characters wore a mask. You look at Batman who in some ways is the polar opposite, and a lot of people recognize that, but here’s Superman and he’s so open. He’s so open because he doesn’t wear a mask backs up that idea of inspiration and hope and moral integrity. Whenever you see the Justice League assemble there’s two characters that aren’t masked and that’s Superman and Wonder Woman. There’s something about that, I think, is some sort of visual clue that’s laid out there that I’m there for you. I think he radiates that. When written well that comes through and that always endures. GP: For both of you, is there one Superman moment that really sticks out to you? Maybe it’s something you’ve worked on or just something in general about the character? PL: It’s experiential. If I had to pick a single moment it’s standing on the street watching Christopher Reeve pluck the cat burglar off the side of the building when I was a young man and they were shooting in New York. We were allowed to go and gawk at what was going on. I made no useful contribution to the first Superman movie. I was way too junior. But, to just be part of that was such an astounding experience. PL: Mhmm. I don’t remember the issue number. DJ: At that time it was called a “three part novel from what I recall.” That meant the issue wasn’t broken up into a bunch of different stories. But that was the first time I saw, I remember being exposed to the idea that Superman had some sort of loss in his life. It’s basically the story about Superman getting back to Krypton and seeing the life he could have had and what his parents were like. When I read that I remembered thinking, and I was a little bit older because I read it in reprint form, but thinking that there is loss there. That’s kind of knowing someone personally. We see everyone on the outside and think their lives are great and then we get to know them and see that’s not the case. I saw that with Superman and that’s always stuck with me. GP: Thank you so much for taking the time to chat. Top illustrators, writers, and celebrities in the comics world will unite at Mid-Atlantic pop culture convention Awesome Con presented by LeftField Media, taking over Washington, D.C.’s Walter E. Washington Convention Center from March 30-April 1, 2018. Comics powerhouse DC Entertainment and other renowned publishers will present special programming like industry insider and celebrity-driven panels, share exclusive announcements, debut designs, and more at the show. Awesome Con is proud to mark its sixth year by working with comic book artist Patrick Zircher on the official show poster and original art in the con’s program guide, distributed to all show attendees. Show attendees can look forward to programming celebrating eight decades of Superman, marking the icon’s 80th anniversary since debuting in April 1938 from DC. Fans will be able to attend events and interact with special guests Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum, who played Clark Kent and Lex Luthor in beloved television series “Smallville,” during the weekend. Kids attending Awesome Con will also receive special keepsake badges featuring official Superman artwork from acclaimed artist and DC Publisher Jim Lee specially commemorating the weekend. Creators from renowned publishers like DC will meet-and-greet with fans throughout the weekend at booths on the Awesome Con show floor, making it easier than ever to meet the makers behind some of the most beloved characters in pop culture. Comic fans will love events like Past, Present & Future: The 80th Anniversary of Superman, a panel bringing together DC artist Greg Capullo and writer Scott Snyder and comic book artist and writer Dan Jurgens, alongside Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum to retrace the iconic character’s history and discuss what’s next for the Man of Steel. Attendees can also reserve tickets to special limited-access events during Awesome Con weekend to closely engage with the industry’s most celebrated creators. A DC Writer Panel and Meet & Greet on Friday, March 30 brings celebrated writers and artists Tom King, Frank Tieri, Joshua Williamson, Sam Humphries, Matthew Rosenberg, and James Tynion IV together for an intimate hour-long Q&A with attendees. Tickets for this special experience are available for $100, and include an autographed variant comic cover featuring each guest’s work, a photo opp with all the guests, and up to five autographs from each guest. Attendees must also have a Friday day pass or Weekend pass to Awesome Con. The creative minds behind Batman comic miniseries “Dark Nights: Metal” come together at Awesome Con for a Batman Metal Q&A and Meet & Greet on Saturday, March 31. Artist Greg Capullo, writer Scott Snyder, and inker Jonathan Glapion host a private one-hour Q&A with attendees, who will each receive a color Greg Capullo Batman print, a black-and-white Greg Capullo Batman print, and an inked Batman variant comic book cover by Jonathan Glapion. The iconic trio of guests will sign the prints and comic cover along with up to five items per attendee. Tickets are available for $100; attendees must also have a Saturday day pass or Awesome Con Weekend pass. Awesome Con runs from Friday, March 30 until Sunday, April 1 in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. More information about Awesome Con and tickets are available at www.awesomecon.com. Science experts and entertainers will unite this month at the Smithsonian magazine Future Con, a themed pavilion celebrating science, technology, science fiction and fantasy within the Mid-Atlantic’s premiere pop culture convention Awesome Con. From March 30-April 1 Future Con presents three days of special programming that will include tech demos, meet-and-greet opportunities with scientific leaders and the opportunity to dive into the stimulating and fantastical overlaps between real-world science and science fiction. Attendees of all ages can engage with panels and discussions as well as hands-on tech demos and workshops, all focused on fostering awareness and enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Awesome Con welcomes the brightest minds from organizations leading scientific advancement and education to Future Con, with representatives from Boeing, National Science Foundation, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Association for Psychological Science, and the Planetary Society leading programs and workshops throughout the weekend. Panels like Turning Science Fiction Space Travel into Science Fact presented by Boeing will bring together visionaries and engineers to share how ongoing scientific developments and research are laying the foundation for future space exploration. Learn from experts about what it takes to survive in space, travel to Mars, launch the largest rocket ever into space, and more. Science lovers will also be able to sit in on Future Con events like the Netflix: “Lost in Space” panel presented in partnership with Netflix, an exclusive preview of the upcoming dramatic re-imagination of the classic show and an exploration of the goals of modern space travel. Attendees can stop by the Future Con pavilion and into an immersive “Lost in Space” pop-up complete with show props and décor that will be featured on the galactic adventure show. In the panel Science behind Mad Science, X, The Moonshot Factory’s Rich DeVaul will reveal how the moonshot factory brings science fiction-sounding technologies such as driverless cars and balloon-powered internet to life. DeVaul will also share tips for aspiring moonshot takers and unveil some never-before-seen explorations. At the X booth at Future Con, show attendees will be able to see some of X’s prototypes up close and learn more about how engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs are part of X’s early-stage work. The X booth will also allow attendees to play a rapid-fire moonshot thinking game, learn about rapid prototyping and meet some of the scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs behind X’s technology. Star Wars fans will be delighted with exhibits and events presented as part of Future Con, with franchise film stars John Boyega, Joonas Suotamo, and Jeremy Bulloch planning special appearances over the weekend. Sci-fi movie fans can also attend a Science of “Pacific Rim” panel inspired by the blockbuster 2013 film. Dr. Rich DeVaul, Director of Mad Science at X, and Legendary Comics’ Senior Vice President of Creative Strategy Barnaby Legg clue attendees in to how close to we are to building defensive robots known as ‘jagers,’ whether we can merge consciousness and share memories and feelings with other individuals, and delve into the scientific principles explored in the film. Future Con also takes a fun look at fiction vs. fact in the comics world, with panels like The Technology of Dark Nights: Metal featuring a discussion with “Batman” artist and writer duo Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder about the technology at the iconic character’s disposal. Future Con takes place March 30-April 1, 2018 inside this year’s Awesome Con, and no separate ticket is needed to attend Future Con events. The Library of Congress will celebrate the 1000th issue of seminal DC comic book series Action Comics, a commemoration of 80 years of Superman, with a live interview featuring DC legends on Thursday, March 29. Former publisher and president of DC, Paul Levitz, will join famed DC writer and artist Dan Jurgens, known for his work on the Superman series and the pop culture phenomenon “The Death of Superman,” for a conversation about the history of superhero comics, the writers and artists who create comics and the legacy of DC’s iconic Superman character. The event coincides with Awesome Con, which will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center beginning March 30. Levitz and Jurgens will be interviewed by creator Michael Cavna, of the Eisner-nominated “Comic Riffs” column for The Washington Post. A question-and-answer session and book signing will follow. The event will take place at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 29, in the Coolidge Auditorium on the ground floor of the Library’s Thomas Jefferson Building, 10 First Street S.E., Washington, D.C. The event is free, but tickets are required. The event also will be livestreamed on the Library’s YouTube channel. Follow the conversation on Twitter at @librarycongress and #LibraryofAwesome. Guests will preview of Action Comics #1000, which features the DC debut of acclaimed writer Brian Michael Bendis, art by legendary DC Comics publisher and artist Jim Lee and stories from Superman writer Peter J. Tomasi, artist Pat Gleason and artist Dan Jurgens. Selected materials from the Library’s comic book and comic art collections will also be on display during the event. In 2017, the Library welcomed visitors to explore “Library of Awesome,” a pop-up display of more than 100 iconic comic-book issues of today’s most popular characters. The collections of the Library of Congress include nearly 140,000 comic books dating back to the 1930s. DC Entertainment will publish a new hardcover book, “Action Comics: 80 Years of Superman,” this spring as part of the celebration of the 1,000th issue of Action Comics—the longest continually published comic book of its kind in history, the series that introduced Superman to the world and the title that launched the superhero genre. This “Library of Awesome” event is made possible by gifts to the Library of Congress Fund. Those interested in supporting free programs at the Library can contact devofc@loc.gov. The sixth annual Awesome Con by LeftField Media, the Mid-Atlantic’s premier pop culture convention, will unite 80,000 fans of comics, technology and science, television and film, custom art, over-the-top cosplay, and more at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center from Friday, March 30 through Sunday, April 1, 2018. The convention floor and panel rooms will buzz with hundreds of hours’ worth of programs including: celebrities and experts hosting panels and exclusive reveals; cosplay fashion shows; gaming tournaments; iconic film memorabilia exhibits; and a diverse array of activities for families on Easter weekend. Family-friendly pavilion Awesome Con Jr returns with even more playful events planned to educate and entertain kids of all ages and parents alike, with special promotions in place to engage Awesome Con’s youngest fans throughout the show. Future Con, Awesome Con’s science pavilion, will dive into the latest developments in science and science fiction sure to delight even the most curious minds. Back for the second year is Pride Alley presented in partnership with Geeks OUT, shining a spotlight on LGBTQ creators and fans in an even more robust section of Artist Alley. With Awesome Con 2018 hosting more energetic programs, more globally recognized special guests, and presenting more exclusive previews and announcements to attendees than ever before, it continues growing into a standout annual destination as an unbridled celebration of pop culture and pure fun. VIP passes & experiences range from the VIP Geekend ($150) to the premium, limited quantity Club Awesome Reserve Membership ($999) and offer access to various celebrity appearances and special events. Legendary Comics announced during its Awesome Con panel that actor John Barrowman has teamed with his sister and writing partner Carole Barrowman and graphic novelist and television writer Erika Lewis to co-create Cursed: an exciting new comic book series that sees Celtic lore masterfully collide with a modern day anti-hero. Cursed is part of Legendary Comics’ ongoing commitment to bringing distinctive voices into the comics’ medium by delivering bold new stories to fans around the globe. Do you believe in curses? Charlie Stewart certainly does. On the eve of his 40th birthday, he seemed to have it all: the big house, the fast car, the beautiful family, and a high-power career at a leading criminal law firm. Charlie was a 21st century success story, riding high on his own ego. But when he falls victim to an ancient Celtic curse, everything spirals out of control as his perfect life becomes a disaster zone of chaos and calamity. Every decision he makes, every relationship he has, every choice he’s given is doomed to fail spectacularly, no matter what he does. Embarking on a quest for the truth behind the supernatural forces re-writing his destiny, he discovers that his ancient ancestor is Bonnie Prince Charlie, who made a deal with the ruthless Celtic God of War, Bregon. In return for the Bonnie Prince’s victory, Bregon demanded the prince steal three magical talismans from Bregon’s own sisters. These sisters cursed the entire bloodline and now Charlie must settle a centuries-long family squabble among gods in order to get his own family back. Real life and ancient legend collide in unexpected ways as Charlie battles across this world and opens up realms of time and mystery that no mortal was ever meant to see. A unique fusion of mythic storytelling and modern urban angst, this thrilling and imaginative new title from Legendary Comics is written by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman and Erika Lewis. Art team to be announced at a later date. Get ready to be Cursed!
How can schools and colleges help create a better citizenry? In 2011, this is a very touchy issue. Questions of civic responsibility are easily politicized. Listening to politicians of different parties interpret the Constitution, you might wonder whether they are reading the same text; no wonder educational institutions, so sensitive to inclusivity and avoiding politics, seem to prefer service programs to civic disputations. Voting rates are abysmally low, and educated people will tell you proudly of the weak excuses they have used to avoid jury duty. The great universities proclaim their new global identities so loudly that their sense of responsibility to the U.S. and its citizens can be hard to observe. I started writing about these matters in Excellence Without a Soul, in my reflections on the difference between the post-World War II General Education curriculum at Harvard and its 21st century successor. This fall, I have related essays out in two books, Teaching America and What Is College For? (both the latter book and my essay in it are done jointly with Ellen Condliffe Lagemann). Thanks to the wonderful support of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, I have been able to pull together a wonderful group of panelists to discuss "The Fate of Civic Education in a Connected World" at the Harvard Law School on December 5, at 6:00 PM. Please click the link to look at the lineup--Ellen Condliffe Lagemann, Peter Levine, Elizabeth Lynn, Juan Carlos De Martin, myself, and Charles Nesson acting as provocateur (rather than "moderator"!). There is also an RSVP form on that page. Hope to see you there! I expect it will be an exciting discussion. I fear that for a variety of reasons, American governments, and especially the federal government, are increasingly willing to infringe Constitutional guarantees of freedom of thought and of speech. Sometimes the assault is head on, on stages that are brightly lit by politically spotlights. Sometimes the assaults are apparently minor skirmishes, at hard-to-notice spots in remote regions of the bureaucracy. Here are three I have noticed this week. The first is the Stolen Valor Law, about which George Will has a smart column. This is the law--passed unanimously in the Senate and on a voice vote in the House--that criminalizes lying about one's military service. Of course nobody could think it was fine for someone to pretend to be a veteran. The question is whether making a false statement about military service is the kind of lying for which the proper remedy is a conviction under federal law, fines, and imprisonment. Why not? Well, here is why not. Because when a federal law criminalizes lying, it puts the government in the business of determining what the truth is, and deciding whom to go after for shading it. Sometimes that is what we want--we do want the government to protect us against fraud, for example, where real money is at stake. Same for defamation, where truthfulness is, traditionally at least, an absolute defense. But in general, the courts have held that lying is protected by the First Amendment. And we should not be arming federal prosecutors with weapons they can use for selective harassment. In a Veterans Day service I attended, all veterans were asked to stand at one point. From the context it was clear that the reference was to military veterans, so I remained seated, even though I think I am some kind of veteran, having served as a Junior Assistant Health Services Officer (equivalent to LtJg) in the commissioned corps of the US Public Health Service, on active duty 7/1/68-6/30/70 (sir!). If I had stood, would I have been committing a felony? Every one of our elected representatives who voted for the Stolen Valor Law (note the misleading use of a material-goods metaphor to describe a speech act) wants us to know it. My other two examples are a lot more subtle. When a component applies an exclusion to exclude records from the requirements of the FOIA …, the component utilizing the exclusion will respond to the request as if the excluded records did not exist. In other words, it would have allowed the government to a respond to a request to disclose a document it had a legal right (through specific provisions of the law) to withhold by stating, falsely, that the document does not even exist. Welcome to 1984, 2011 style, as proposed by the government that promised to be the most transparent in history. Thanks to the ruckus caused by Harvey Silverglate and others, this proposal has been withdrawn. I am guessing that it has been put in the bottom drawer against the day when some horrible act is perpetrated against the U.S. It will then be pulled out, ready to go as the PATRIOT Act was a few years ago, and implemented when the nation is in a spirit to sacrifice liberty for security. I have been thinking for awhile that something like this could happen. In several talks I have given, I have suggested that we could, in the interest of protecting privacy, see government rules limiting how much data on a particular subject individuals could collect--making information sort of like fertilizer, legal in small quantities but requiring government permission to possess in gross. This is a different approach to the same problem--it has the government allowing people to have database A and database B, but prohibiting them from performing the trivial computer operation of "joining" them (seeing which parts of A line up with some parts of B). Since the regulations don't mention computers, just how the data is "use[d]," presumably even remembering something you had seen in one database and connecting it in your mind to the other database would be improper. I am in favor of privacy, but there is nothing in the Constitution about it that is as absolute as the guarantees of freedom of thought and freedom of speech. As databases grow and we increasingly use our computers to amplify our guaranteed rights to think and to speak, we had better beware of well-intentioned but dangerous precedents like these, whether obscure or not. Mark Zuckerberg paid a visit to Harvard with much fanfare today. He presented himself very well at the session I attended, in the newly renamed Farkas Hall (AKA the Hasty Pudding Theater, AKA the New College Theater). The session began with David Malan, who was acting as moderator, reading part of an email exchange between me and Zuck in January 2004 entitled "Six Degrees to Harry Lewis." We all had a good laugh about this as one of the germs of Facebook, though Mark noted that it was really a different project. When he asked me, back then, if I minded his using my name (he said today that he was being careful since he was scared of being thrown out of school), I replied "Sure, what the hell, seems harmless." David put the URL up on the screen-- for the record, the Facebook prototype was hosted at http://roam175-29.student.harvard.edu. In early 2000, I proposed and persuaded the faculty to repeal the age-old rule against students running businesses out of their rooms. Maybe it had made sense when a student business would involve moving goods (oranges, say) into and out of rooms. But it didn't make much sense in the Internet age. In fact, when students are making money by typing on a keyboard, there is no way to tell whether they are working for themselves or someone else, so there was no reason for one to be prohibited and the other encouraged. At first I thought there might be tax issues, but Harvard's lawyers helpfully advised that student businesses of reasonable proportions would not jeopardize Harvard's tax-exempt status. So we killed the rule, and one of the grievances Harvard might have had against Facebook was pre-empted! There was some skepticism at the time about whether this was wise--it is nice to see the chorus of enthusiasm for student businesses today. I am sure that the I/T consolidation was a good idea, whether or not it saves money; I am very impressed with the new leadership. So much the better if the new organization gives better service at lower costs. The "leveraging purchasing power" has been standard cant ever since Larry Summers complained about every professor buying his own bricks, or something like that. Maybe it adds up, but I rather think there would be more money to be saved if every professor did not have his or her own Center to begin with. I am worried, frankly, about saving money on the library system. It certainly was not obvious to me that having 70 libraries (a number that is commonly quoted as an indicator of the absurdity of Harvard's library system) is such a terrible thing for the world's greatest university. And it certainly is disappointing that Archives is now open to researchers only 25 hours per week. My freshman seminar students love using archival materials, but most of the hours they can access them are in conflict with class times or athletic practices. The report cites some other things we are doing to restore our financial stability, and to avoid similar problems in the future. More of the infamous debt swaps are being retired. We are converting some debt from floating to fixed rates. And so on. But it is worth contemplating Note 12 to remind ourselves how we got into this mess in the first place. We have borrowed $6.3 billion and have to pay it back at rates averaging 4.6%. We have floated $3.1 billion in fixed rate bonds at an average of 5%, and almost all of them have more than 20 years to go. Where is all that money? Look around you. The Northwest Building. The Center for Government and International Studies. The Fogg Museum. The pit in Allston, meant to be the foundation for a building that has not been built. Etc., etc. We borrowed so much that we can't borrow any more without risking our bond rating, though if we could do it, we could borrow today at much lower rates. We are paying $300 million per year in debt service. And so the financial model is changing. We are pressing alumni to give "current use" gifts. They have responded remarkably well -- $277 million in current use gifts were given in the last fiscal year. But this is very unlike the old Harvard, which used to raise money for its buildings before it built them. Now a quarter-billion dollars in annual giving, solicited in preference to endowing professorships and scholarships, isn't enough to cover the interest payments on our debts. We are increasingly reliant on income from sponsored research, at a time when the Congressional "super-committee" may well decide to slash federal grants (a terrible idea for the economy in the long run, regardless of its impact on universities). The story goes back to 2001. With much fanfare about President Lawrence Summers's bold vision, Harvard started a building campaign, mostly to grow the size of its science facilities by more than a third. Average yearly expenditures for facilities jumped from under $150 million in 1995-2000 to $495 million from 2001-2005, to $644 million in 2009. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences - about half the university - grew from about 600 professors before 2001 to 700 in 2006 and was projected to reach 750 by 2010. With this growth spurt already underway in 2004, Summers told the faculty not to think small. Its ambitions were limited only by its imagination, he said - Harvard could always come up with more money from its "deeply loyal friends." All that growth has now come to a crashing halt. The half-finished science lab in Allston has been mothballed; the faculty, only recently expanded, will now have to shrink. Are these the consequences of a market downturn no one could have predicted? Not in Harvard's case. By January 2006, the faculty itself was warning that Harvard's plans depended on extremely optimistic financial projections. Hoxby addressed the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on behalf of a committee charged with scrutinizing the administration's plans. The Arts and Sciences budget - roughly $1 billion - was in balance, but with all the growth that was underway, she said, by 2010 it would be in deficit by at least $108 million. The biggest item was interest payments - the buildings were mostly debt-financed, in a sharp departure from Harvard's past practice of raising the money first. Add to that the salaries of the new faculty and the costs of operating those huge new science laboratories. Where would the money come from? The Faculty of Arts and Sciences had saved up $73 million, but that account would quickly be depleted as it was used to balance the budget. Selling endowment assets wouldn't work either, because almost all those funds had to be used as donors had stipulated, not for building undreamed-of buildings. So there were only two possibilities: a lot more money from donors, and very high investment returns. Was it wise to borrow so much? The Arts and Sciences dean explained that it was like a homeowner assuming a mortgage. Going into debt was OK, because incomes rise. And President Summers termed the whole borrowing-to-build plan an "extraordinary investment." This year's report is the sound of the other shoe dropping. The Harvard Corporation is a dangerous anachronism. It failed its most basic fiduciary and moral responsibilities. Some of its members should resign. But the Corporation's problems are also structural. It is too small, too closed, and too secretive to be intensely self-critical, as any responsible board must be. Until the board can be restructured, the fellows should voluntarily share their power with the overseers. And Harvard should reveal the risks of its business plans, as would be required if it were a publicly held corporation. This was nothing more than what a lot of people were saying in private but nobody else was saying in public. In the intervening years, the Corporation wisely decided to expand itself; I give Drew Faust a lot of credit for engineering that. I am quite happy about the new people who have been appointed (if less happy about one who remains). And I was quite happy to see the Gazette, even if it was mute on the financials, report that the Corporation has created a rational committee structure and included on the key committees some individuals who are neither Fellows nor Overseers. I don't expect Harvard to go overboard on transparency any time soon, but the more eyes that look at the books and at major building decisions, the more likely it is that someone will speak up when they see a powerful president or Corporation member pushing something that puts the university at risk. I am not holding my breath waiting for the risk reports Fred and I suggested, but I hope the echo chamber that was Harvard governance when we got into this mess under Summers is a thing of the past. A letter in the current Harvard Magazine, by an astronomer at UCLA, prompts me to blog about my photovoltaics. Professor Jura has described his experience here. I live in an old house in Brookline, perhaps half a mile from the Brigham and Women's hospital. One day I noticed that, in spite of the houses around us, the flat roof on the garage has a pretty clear southern exposure. After getting in a contractor and running some financial models, I determined that a PV installation would pay for itself in about 7 years. It went online in May, and so far the energy production is a little ahead of the projections. Generates 5 kW peak and should produce about 7 MWh/year. The financial model has three components: tax credits for part of the capital investment; reduced electric bills because I pay only for net usage; and income from sale of State Renewable Energy Credits, one per MWh I generate independent of my electric usage. System is depicted below. It is all but invisible from the street. And you can look here to see its production, either power or energy, by either day, week, or month. PV panel prices have softened in the past year so I'll bet it would have a shorter payoff period if I were starting today. Glad to answer any questions offline.
Well, almost! The beautiful month of April is arriving soon, and with it comes the first Camp Nano of the year! And I am participating! I love Camp Nano! Instead of the frigid, light-deprived November month of NaNoWrimo, we get to write like mad while Spring is blooming outside our window and inside our hearts. Ahhh, we have some fun ahead of us, friends! And lots of it! What’s not to love about Camp Nano? We get to make magic by pouring words onto blank paper, hang-out with like-minded people, and eat awesome snacks. However, in all honesty, there are SOME things you will need to navigate your way through Camp Nano. And thus, I have assembled a list of quick tips to help you have the most productive and enjoyable camp experience possible! LET’S DIVE RIGHT IN – SHALL WE? 1. Clean your work area. I can only work on a untidy desk or in a untidy room for so long. Not only does a messy room destroy my focus, it destroys my peace of mind. Make sure your area is clean before Camp Nano begins, and keep it tidy throughout April. I know, things will get a bit chaotic as you crank out those words every day but, hey, a quick ten minute break to clean your desk will rest your blood-shot peepers and do buckets for your focus! Plus, don’t forget, we have a reputation to uphold for one another. We don’t want society to think writers are a bunch of messy slobs, do we? No, we don’t. Obviously, we can only clear our schedules so much. We still have to go to work. Homework or chores still have to be done. But, we can not over-commit ourselves. Don’t plan any vacations or massive projects for April. This is the month to write, not to overhaul your blog or paint all the furniture in your house. PRIORITIZE, PRIORITIZE, PRIORITIZE. Make sure you get plenty of rest in March. This is especially important because of Daylights Savings (also known as Zombie-fication Day). AT LEAST makes sure you go to bed early on March 31st. 5. Outline on your project throughout March so that you are ready to write in April! Your entire writing experience will be much smoother and far more productive if you have a clearly defined map to guide you in your writing adventure! The woods are full of frolicsome friends who are more than willing to welcome you into their fold! 7. Which brings me to . . . accountability. 8. Bring plenty of writers-block spray. It’s going to happen at least once, but let’s try to avoid staring at a blank computer screen as much as possible. It’s not pleasant. The answer to that is to pack your suitcase with inspiration! Make some Pinterest boards, make a story playlist, create some fan art. Visit a place that reminds you of your story’s primary location or put some themed props around your writing space. The creator of NaNoWrimo wrote with a Viking helmet so, heck, if it helps, why not write in costume? 9. Have plenty of healthy snacks in a handy place. 10. And don’t forget the coffee. 11. Make sure your computer / laptop is in proper working condition. Unless you like writing by hand (in which case, make sure you stock up on plenty of lined notebooks before April) it is vital that you make sure this piece of equipment is in top-notch condition before beginning Camp. If your computer crashes on you during Camp, this is basically the equivalent of being DUMPED OUT OF A CANOE WITH A LIFE VEST FULL OF HOLES AND SINKING INTO THE ABYSS WITHOUT HOPE OF RESCUE. Huzzah! You’re in your cabin, you’ve met your new mates, and now the nitty-gritty of Camp has finally begun! Onto the next set of rules. 12. Don’t leave your daily writing goal till the last minute. As soon as you get up in the morning, squeeze out at least some of your daily word count! Hit your daily minimum as soon as possible and remove the excess pressure! Scrap up that “get ‘er done” attitude and buckle down. We all know we’re good at that. 13. Make sure you have a quiet place to work. Find a room with a lock. Then barricade it. Then put on headphones to get rid of the sound of people banging on the door and yelling your name. Yes, wild flesh-eating animals are involved in Camp Nano. They’re shape shifters and can come in any form, so be beware! They are commonly known as DISTRACTIONS. Hunt them. Kill them. Skin them and put them on your wall to put fear into all other distractions and to remind you of the solemnity of your vow to write. YOU. MUST. FOCUS. Do whatever you have to do to focus! 15. When you sit down for a writing session, make sure that everything you’ll need is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. 16. And don’t get so wrapped up in your writing that you forget to eat. Yeah, as if we would forget that. 17. Have something to fiddle with at your desk. Staring at our computer screen or the wall constitutes over 50 percent of what we writers do all day. It’s important to have something nearby during these times of intense concentration to keep our hands occupied and AWAY from our mobile devices. Paper clip chains, a bunch of knitting, silly putty. Even drum sticks! 18. Tell the negative voices in your head to put a sock in it. After the first few days of Camp, some of the initial adrenaline will start to wear off and your productivity level might hit a temporary plateau. At this point, you’ll most likely start to experience some niggling doubt as gremlins whisper in your ear about how this was a bad idea and you’re going to fail. TELL THEM TO BUZZ OFF. This is about getting more done than you would have without a goal. This is about trying new things and having fun. Negative thoughts and self-doubts have no place in Camp Nano. 19. Participate in word sprints! There’s nothing like a word sprint to get you REALLY moving. The goal of a word sprint is to sit down for a set amount of time and do nothing but write as fast as you can! Just spew out those words! The operative word here is volume. When you start a sprint DO NOT STOP FOR ANYTHING. Some people call these breakneck writing sessions word WARS, which introduces a whole new incentive to the scenario. We all know that the key to turning the creative flow into a veritable waterfall is a little “friendly” competition. Remember, we’re trying to win Camp Nano, not every word sprint. The point of a word sprint is too simply produce more words in a shorter amount of time, not to grind everybody’s nose in the dirt. It’s perfectly okay if you come in last in every word sprint! The point is to write, and to write more. BY THE WAY, DID I MENTION THAT I TYPE 120 WORDS A MINUTE AND I’M VERY HARD TO BEAT IN WORD SPRINTS? I’M VERY NEARLY UNBEATABLE!! 20. Keep filling the well with creativity. When you’re really stuck, watch a movie, read a book, play an instrument. Do something creative to stoke that dying coal of inspiration into a roaring fire! Or maybe you just need to relax! Go sit out in the sun. Or maybe try a nice refreshing shower or bath. It doesn’t even have to be creative or relaxing. Sometimes it’s better to do something physical. How about that cleaning I mentioned earlier? And while you’re at it, turn on some music and make it a dance party, since you probably haven’t moved from your desk in the last eight hours. 21. Back up your files! Any moron will know to store food inside your cabin to keep bears from running out of the woods to maul you and steal your potato chips. Consider the loss of your hard-earned typing the equivalant of getting torn apart by a bear due to nothing more than carelessness. BACK. UP. YOUR. FILES. If you don’t want to lose it, hit the ‘save’ button every five minutes. Technology is fickle, nothing will ruin your camp experience more quickly then that tragical glitch and we lose everything we’ve been writing for the last month. No matter how much you have previously outlined, at some point, you will need to brainstorm your way out of a corner. Remember, DO NOT EDIT YOURSELF WHILE BRAINSTORMING. Just let the ideas spill out on paper. Breakthroughs can be shy! Sometimes you’ll have a full page of dumb ideas before you get to the really good ideas. 23. The “Last One Is A Rotten Egg” Syndrome. Everybody is taking medals and taking prisoners left and right except you. These first few days (maybe weeks) have been like torture as you eek out minimum word counts. You’re starting to sweat a little. What if you fail? What if you have to lower your Camp Goal? While those are two valid possibles (and no crime) there is still a third option. You might be suffering from the “Last One Is A Rotten Egg” syndrome. Not a very complimentary title, and for that I am sorry, but you know how campers are. Anyway, this syndrome is common for a great many campers. They look like they’re losing, but they’ll come from behind in the final stretch like a whirlwind and blow everyone else in the dirt. You are the Queen of the Eleventh Hour. The Champion of the Nick of Time. Some people do their best work this way, and it’s very possible that you are one of these campers! 24. From Camp Champ to Barracks Bomb-Out Syndrome. Camp may be going swimmingly for you in these first few weeks. You’re participating in all the camp activities and coming in first. In general, you are slaying Camp Nano. In which case, congratulations! However, beware of the syndrome that strikes some campers, the dreaded Slump. Some will get halfway through Camp and have their luck run out. No more wins, no more inspiration, and a big, fat blank computer screen. Remember that this is a perfectly natural phenomenon for many campers and all of these symptoms can be reversed with a little tenacity and by utilizing all of the tips in this blog post. 25. Maintain a positive attitude. A little self-discipline is all it takes to be a Cheery Charlie instead of a Whiny Walter! This isn’t just for yourself. There is nothing that will stifle all the Camp Nano fun faster than inviting someone into your cabin who looks like they’re going to be a trouper, only to find out that they have a negative attitude. Don’t take the shine off someone else’s success if you’re making them feel guilty for being ahead of you or writing faster, or whatever. We’ll address more about that comparison later. Choose to have a positive attitude! While we are here to bolster one another up and to be accountability partners, we have to pull some of our own weight! Buck up! HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I TOLD YOU NOT TO PANIC. Rememberrrrrrr. *flashes overwhelmingly cheery smile* *speaks in sugary sing-song voice* WHAT IS CAMP NANOWRIMO SUPPOSED TO BE, DEARIES? Thaaaaat’s right. This is nothing to get stressed about! Make every effort to avoid the mass hysteria and the herd instinct that sends most campers stampeding towards Lake I’m-Losing-It. A poised and calm camper is an inspiration to everyone! This is the moment to impress the world with your self-possession and to practice your inner sang-froid. 28. Keep reminding yourself – this is not JUST about winning. 29. Set the bar low. Yeah, we all think we can write 2,000 plus words a day but life doesn’t always allow us to maintain that level of productivity. The wonderful thing about Camp Nano is that you can set the bar as low as you like and you are allowed a chance to test the waters of adversity before committing to something monumentous. I strongly advise picking a low goal for your camp goal. You can always surpass your goal or change it if you are doing well. There is nothing stinkier then setting a high goal and then failing to reach that goal and having ALL YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS SMASHED LIKE A PEANUT BUTTER AND BANANA SANDWICH. Set a low goal. This way, success will be virtually guaranteed and, if all goes well and you’re able raise your goal later on, you will be filled with a gentle radiating glow of achievement. Commonly know as Comparison. Swelling, itching, and scratching will ensue if you are bitten by the bug of comparison. There will always be a showoff person who can jump higher and run faster than you. Please place your hand over your heart and repeat our Camp Slogan. It Is Not Fair To Compare. There. Feel better? Everyone is at a different place and has a different capacity for how long they can work, how fast they write, etc. Every writer’s process looks a little different. While the competition at Camp Nano CAN be helpful, be very careful that you spray down with comparison repellent. DO NOT COMPARE YOUR GOALS OR YOUR PRODUCTIVITY LEVELS WITH THE OTHER CAMPERS. Someone will always be faster and someone will always be slower – NEITHER OF THOSE NECESSARILY HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH SKILL OR FAILURE. It’s (usually) nothing more than individuality. Some of the greatest writers in history have been both fast and slow, so let’s not start feeling inferior or superior. 31. Always remember. It’s. Just. CAMP. It might be tough, but we can do it! You have got this! We’re all in this together! 32. Lastly, make sure you have a recovery phase in place. You will be mentally and emotionally exhausted at the end of Camp Nano. It’s just a fact. You might even feel a little deflated or dissatisfied – though you shouldn’t! You’ve accomplished a great task! You should not only celebrate, but you should also make sure you schedule in at least one full day of recovery that has nothing to do with writing. Camp Nano isn’t just tough for writers, it’s tough for the non-writers that have to live with writers. Because of this, I have assembled a list of tips for these beleaguered families to help them get through Camp (and life) with a Writer. Remember you can’t stop a tornado in its tracks, you can’t hold back a flood, you can’t stand before a tsunami. A writer’s gonna write, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. 2. We’re going to be distracted, so please forgive us if we’re not really with you. If you hear us mumbling about portals while we’re doing laundry, you’ll know we’d rather be writing then folding. 3. Please do feed us and keep the kitchen cabinets stocked with coffee. Consider it a charitable cause to look out for us lunatics. Some people rescue dogs and cats, but YOU can do one step better. Rescue a writer! 4. Respect the Due No Disturb signs that are occasionally whisked out. I would strongly suggest that you do not violate this silent request for a few moments of uninterrupted writing time. In the same way that you would use caution while approaching a wild animal, stop – consider. Do you really want to do this? 5. Whatever we’re doing, just accept it as research. 7. Learn how to deal with cases of poison ivy. If the writer you own is foolishly procrastinating or whining about how stressful camp is, curb this outcropping of Poison Ivy immediately. a) Apply a salve. Example: Tell them to snap out of it. b) Tell them to watch out for poison ivy in the future. Example: Remind them it was THEIR decision to join Camp Nano). 8. Forgive us when we ask you to be quiet. If you walk up and start talking to a writer and they abruptly ask you to leave or to be quiet for a second – please don’t take it personally. Unless they are unnecessarily rude about it, then take it personally. 9. Remind writers to behave themselves while in public. Most writers have no desire to embarrass their families or to be a social misfit. A quick reminder to a distracted writer will make everyone involved more comfortable when your Camp goes a-visiting. 10. Please keep the strait-jackets handy. Now fly! Be gone, my children. To the laptops! Disperse and be productive. I have reached the end of my most sagacious advice. You can now walk boldly into the unknown, armed with the knowledge you will need to guide you on this path. Climb the mountain of difficulty, and forge your sword in the fires of experience. This burning story inside of you will only be cooled by action. SO ARE YOU READY TO JOIN CAMP NANOWRIMO? I don’t know about you, but I am PSYCHED for Camp to begin. Got my suitcases, got my coffee, got my writers block spray – I am ready for the madness! This was literally the best ever. 😂 I love all the gifs and the tips. Amazing. I’ll have to re read on March 31st. THANK YOU, MY FRIEND!! <3 <3 *fist bumps* That means so much! AHHHH, ALLISON, THIS POST IS AWESOME!! YAYYYYY APRIL IS. SO. CLOSE! WORD SPRINTS!!! YES! YAAAAY! I’m glad you’re excited!!! Wow!! Crazy, but good! And filled with GIFS! XD!
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Surveyors have skills which are vital to meeting many of the challenges faced by the world today. There is no human activity which does not involve the use of land, in its broadest sense. Issues such as climate change, poverty, hunger, homelessness, liberalization of (previously closed) markets, energy-efficient buildings and construction processes – and all these can be encapsulated into the term “sustainability” - demand solutions based on the skills which surveyors possess and which must be used to the benefit of everyone if we are to achieve a more equitable and harmonious existence – indeed, if we as a species are to survive at all. As a profession, we need to respond positively to the range of global challenges and one of the important ways to demonstrate and achieve a truly global profession is by ensuring that our skills are transportable across national boundaries and that the mechanisms are in place to achieve the free movement of professionals with the minimum amount of bureaucratic barriers. Mutual recognition of professional qualifications is just such a system. It has been recognized by both the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and at regional levels by the European Commission and within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations¹ (ASEAN) (Teo, 2006) as an appropriate means of securing the free movement of professionals. This paper discusses the principles underlying the process of the mutual recognition of professional qualifications and the FIG approach (Section 2). Section 3 outlines the drivers and barriers to successful implementation, some of which are within our own professional structures. Section 4 considers alternative approaches and evaluates them in comparison with mutual recognition; and Section 5 outlines the role for professional associations and Section 6 provides the conclusions to the paper. Mutual recognition of professional qualifications is a device for achieving the free movement of professional across national borders. It allows a qualified surveyor who seeks to work in another country to acquire the same title as that held by surveyors who have qualified in that country, without that individual having to re-qualify. Thus it relies on the commonalty of the professional activities involved in different countries and, therefore, it relies on the similarity in both the content and level of professional education and training within the professions, as practices in other countries. It ignores the processes underlying the professional qualification and does not require changes in the structure or content of professional education or the process of acquiring professional qualifications anywhere. Instead it relies on the fact that the individual has qualified as a professional surveyor, and that such a qualification should be recognized in other countries. Mutual recognition of professional qualifications does, however, require the similarity of professional activities which comprise a “corresponding profession” (within the WTO/EU jargon). Thus, it is necessary to investigate the professional activities which comprise the surveying profession, as practiced by the individual in the country where the professional qualifications were gained (the “home” country) and ensure that they are similar to those practiced by the professional association in the country to which the individual is applying for membership (the “host” country). a willingness on the part of the “host” country and its bodies which award professional qualifications/licenses to accept the principle of mutual recognition, to respect the quality of professional education and training in other countries, and to trust the professionalism of those qualified surveyors who seek to gain the benefits of the mutual recognition process. Thus, the process requires a comparability of the profession of “surveying” in different countries, based on the similarity of the professional activities involved. Where there is a significant variation in the nature and content of the professional activities, then there is no corresponding profession and mutual recognition principles cannot be applied. Where there is merely a minor variation in professional activities, then the individual seeking to work in the “host” country can undergo an adaptation mechanism – either a test or a period of supervised work experience – in order to demonstrate competence in this new area of professional work. It should be remembered that mutual recognition of professional qualifications is not about getting a job. It is clearly advantageous (indeed, some might argue fundamental) for anyone who wishes to acquire the professional qualifications of that country, to gain employment and thereby relevant professional experience of practice in that country. However, the principles of mutual recognition do not relate to gaining employment; they establish the fundamental requirements for gaining the professional qualifications of another country where the profession of surveying is regulated. Nor does it mean that an applicant from one country is automatically is accepted as a member of the surveyor profession in another country. It does not, for example, prevent an applicant being required to fulfil other admission requirements, such as adherence to a code of ethics, or holding appropriate Professional Indemnity Insurance cover. Basically, the principles of mutual recognition ensure that an applicant cannot be rejected on the grounds of inadequate qualifications. The “disciplines” which WTO has established relate to transparency; licensing requirements; licensing procedures; qualification requirements (defined to include education, examination, practical training, experience and language skills); qualification procedure (which imply the opportunity for an adaptation mechanism to make up for a perceived deficiency in professional qualifications); and technical standards (only legitimate objectives). Within its endorsement of the principles of mutual recognition, the WTO recognises “bi-lateral mutual recognition agreements” as interim devices to be used until a global system of mutual recognition of qualifications, based on the information above, can impose a series of ‘disciplines’ by legislation which will apply to all professions. Consider their similarity with reciprocity agreements, discussed below in 4.3. Regulatory disciplines in professional services are significant because they help to ensure greater transparency, predictability and irreversibility of policies both for professional bodies and for their stakeholders. In addition, the concept of mutual recognition has the potential to enhance professional competence across the world, based on the implicit improved communication and mutual understanding between professional associations, about the nature, content, standards and ethical values underpinning the professions as practices across the world. “The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) recognises the importance of free movement of surveyors in a global marketplace. The mutual recognition of professional qualifications provides a means whereby professional qualifications held by individual surveyors can be recognised by individual professional organisations as comparable to those acquired by their own national surveyors. As a policy statement, it was adopted by the FIG Council at its meeting in Seoul, 2001 and endorsed by the FIG General Assembly at the FIG XXII Congress in Washington DC in 2002. However, the statement itself needs implementation and this takes commitment and effort on the part, not only of FIG but also on the part of national associations which have very specific responsibilities outlined within the statement. There are, however, conflicting external drivers and barriers to implementation. There are a number of identifiable drivers and barriers to consider in relation to achieving the process of mutual recognition. Some of the ‘Drivers’ have already been mentioned – globalization (including the global marketplace for surveying activities); the global problems facing the world which surveyors are ideally placed to provide solutions; more specific pressures include regional legislation, such as that currently under negotiation within the European Union, and the recommendations of the WTO. The necessary structures to implement a process of mutual recognition of professional qualifications already exists. There is a well-structured system of university-based professional education and a process of licensing arrangements or a range of professional bodies which administer the process of professional qualifications and practicing standards. In addition, professional associations are increasingly recognising the demands of their members to develop and implement processes whereby mutual recognition can achieve the free movement of professionals necessary to respond to the increasingly global marketplace for surveying services. Looking more long-term, there is a need to develop an attractive and modern profession which responds to the demands of potential young recruits and there is evidence that one of the characteristics of such a profession is the opportunity to work anywhere in the world that is one of the expectations of the youth of today, and reflects the increasingly migratory nature of the global population. (McGrath, 2006) The process of mutual recognition can contribute to ensuring that surveying has an added attraction for future professionals. The barriers to achieving successful implementation of a mutual recognition of professional qualifications for surveyors are not insurmountable, but they are disparate and therefore may not be easily overcome. Some are more apparent than real and to some extent, they are within our own control. Crucially issues of education, professional competencies and processes of achieving professional status across the world remain to a large extent focused on national or local needs and are poorly understood outside of their spheres of influence. National professional associations seem to focus more on dealing with local issues of qualification rather than addressing such issues within a global arena; and academic institutions appear to respond to the needs of local or national employers and do not seem to educate for the global marketplace. Educational establishments have a significant role to play in preparing for a global profession by increasing awareness of international issues and how they affect other jurisdictions and by encouraging their students to think and develop globally. Within professional associations, it seems that there are bureaucratic difficulties which demonstrate that the principle of globalization for professional services takes second place to procedural practices – there is, frankly, evidence of limited enthusiasm for a globalization of surveying services, whether or not based on the principle of mutual recognition. This culture of, at best, being reactive rather than pro-active must change if surveyors are to be seen as a global resource, capable of responding to the global challenge by apply their professional expertise to the global issues. We remain a fragmented profession and, while that has certain advantages, it also leaves us vulnerable to being misunderstood, unrepresented and overlooked within the world policy-making arena. It also means that there are few opportunities for us to learn from the experiences of colleagues. As part of this issue, in at least some parts of the world, we are sidelined as far as national and international policy is concerned, being perceived as a lobby group rather than as policy makers. As Holger Magel said when he addressed an audience at the RICS Christmas lecture in London, in 2004, it is vitally important that surveyors engage with politicians, both to influence policy and to demonstrate how the surveyor profession can help resolve the issues which nations face. While some surveyors (either individually or through their national associations) are able to achieve this level of influence at the political and policy-making level, most are not. The success of the ASEAN negotiations demonstrates how effective political influence can be in achieving the free movement of professionals. One of the problems is that there is no external driver forcing cohesion on the surveying profession. The profession faces a range of critical and urgent questions (Mahoney et al., 2007), one of which is the apparent mis-presentation of our skills within UN documentation which categorise the range of occupational and activity-based data often used to appoint appropriate people or organisations to undertake work. Two of these documents which show how surveyors and their professional skills are represented to the international community are two UN documents - The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) last updated in 1988, and the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC Rev. 3) the current version being published in 1990. Neither of these shows the full range of surveying activities, particularly given the rapid development of technology with the surveying profession. Within these documents, “surveyors” are shown as having a fragmented and disparate range of activities with no cohesion, focus or single identity. Indeed, ’surveying’ is not identified as a single profession, the full range of twenty first century surveyors’ activities are not currently described in the existing text, nor are surveyors identified as have the appropriate skills to deal with other relevant activities listed. This is a serious omission which has huge implications for how the international community perceives (or fails to perceive) us. These documents are both in the process of being revised and it is vital for the survival of the profession that the expertise of the surveying profession is appropriately presented. Failure to achieve this will result in the surveying profession being seen as increasingly irrelevant to the issues facing society; our expertise will be overlooked at an international level and, unless it is protected within national legislation, surveying work could be awarded to professions with inappropriate expertise, our role as influencers of policy eroded and the risks of significant and damaging errors hugely increased. The most obvious barrier to the free movement of professionals is language, and this does not merely mean the spoken (or the written) word, but also the ‘language’ which governs our behaviour, our values and norms – in short our respective national cultures, which comprise a series of unwritten and often unconscious set of values and norms which underpin our perception of reaction to interpersonal relationships. Failure to understand and observe cultural norms can result in confusion, hurt and, at worse, perceived insult. There is evidence that culture divides us, both as individuals (as the products of our nations’ upbringing) and also as surveyors (as the products of our professional specialisms). In order to ensure the survival of our profession within a global market place, the process of mutual recognition of professional qualifications must also be underpinned by a recognition of our cultural similarities as well as our cultural differences in order to understand and accept that surveyors in different countries have different perceptions, as to the nature of professional practice and routes to qualifications, but that there is, within the surveying profession, a unifying culture which includes and defines us all. We must all move away from our parochial outlook and focus on those professional aspects which unite us and we must do this now, if we are to survive as a profession. Mutual recognition has not been the only model adopted to achieving global professions. Attempts have been made to harmonise the professional education and training of professionals as a means to demonstrating a common level of professional qualification; international certification has been considered; and reciprocity agreements popular. These are now compared with mutual recognition. Harmonisation involves achieving common professional education in every country, by ensuring that the same rules apply in each country, thereby setting a common standard for professional education. Prior to the introduction of the General Directive on the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications in the EU, attempts had already been made to harmonise the professional education for certain professions, and this allowed such professions as architects, general medical practitioners and veterinary surgeons to have their own sectoral directive as a basis for free movement. However, the harmonisation procedure is both difficult and time-consuming. The Architects’ Directive took 17 years to agree before being adopted in 1985, and the Directive for Engineers, which had been under discussion since 1969, was abandoned in favour of the General Directive (which took effect in the UK in 1991), which set out merely principles to be adopted, rather than detailed profession-specific requirements. Harmonisation within the EU means that, for example, an architect qualified in any of the Member States is able to perform that professional function in any other Member State, without having to undergo any further professional education or training. Should an architect (or any other professional to whom a sectoral (harmonisation) directive applies) decide to apply for membership of the professional organisation in another Member State, that applicant cannot be rejected on the grounds of inadequate qualification. Unlike harmonisation, mutual recognition means that the same rules do not apply everywhere. Mutual recognition means accepting the standards which are the norm in other countries, based on mutual trust and the principle of the comparability of professional education. Thus, each country retains its own process of professional education. Thus, mutual recognition has the advantages of respecting and retaining existing professional education and avoiding lengthy and difficult negotiations aimed at achieving a degree of commonalty which, it can be argued, is inappropriate in professional education. (Gronow & Plimmer, 1992). International certification has been introduced within Europe as a means of ensuring that individual professionals demonstrate a common level of professional knowledge across a range of relevant subject areas. Thus, they involve the establishment of a whole raft of educational programmes suitable for professionals from a range of national backgrounds who are required to study and pass examinations. Reciprocity agreements are useful for achieving transfers of members between a limited number (normally two) professional associations located in different countries, based on both a clear need from their membership for reciprocity and the similarity of both the professional activities and the professional education and training which underpins qualification. Experience of reciprocity agreements indicates that they work very well. Dialogue normally involves an exchange of information which precedes an investigation undertaken by both professional associations to establish the nature and level of professional education and the process for achieving qualification. The agreement requires either party to inform the other of any changes in the process and the agreement may be terminated by notice. The effect of the reciprocity agreements is similar to that of the mutual recognition process, in that members from one professional association gain membership of the other professional association when they move and can be recognized as complying with the definitions of “bi-lateral mutual recognition agreements” approved by the WTO (refer Section 2, above). One of the advantages of reciprocity agreements is that they tend to be driven by the membership who perceive a demand for cross-border migration. Because they are normally preceded by an exchange of relevant information, they are extremely useful in informing their correspondents about the nature and process of their professional education and training and routes to qualification. The drawback to reciprocity agreements is their selective coverage, so as devices for achieving a global profession, their effectiveness is limited. There is a major role for professional associations to play in ensuring that process of mutual recognition works effectively and efficiently for both their existing and potential members. A statement on the implementation of the FIG principles has been developed (Plimmer, 2006) which demonstrates how professional associations can establish a procedure for dealing with applications for membership under these principles. 4. the matters covered by the professional education and training of the applicant are substantially the same as those covered by the professional qualifications required of non-migrant applicants. It is anticipated that where national associations agree to implement the principles of mutual recognition, there is already a high level of understanding regarding the nature of the profession of surveying undertaken in each jurisdiction. Therefore, the establishment of a ‘corresponding profession’ within each country should be a matter which can be agreed early on in the process, so that professional organisations and their applicant members are clear as to which professional qualifications awarded in specified countries can benefit under the provisions of mutual recognition. The establishment of (2), (3) and (4) above should be a matter of fact evident on receipt of the application form. The failure of a migrant to demonstrate either (1) or (2) above will render invalid an application to use the rights and privileges available under any agreement for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications. The failure of a migrant to demonstrate (3) and (4) above will not render invalid an application to join the profession in the ‘host’ country, but will result in the imposition of an appropriate adaptation mechanism (refer below). It is, therefore, for the professional association in the ‘host’ country to establish whether the surveying profession in the “home” country is a “corresponding profession” and whether in each individual case, the matters covered by the professional education and training of the applicant differ substantially from those covered by the professional qualification required of non-migrant applicants. A “corresponding profession” (i.e. a profession the pursuit of which in another country includes a substantial number of professional activities comprised in the profession in the “host” country), requires that a professional organisation should be able to list the professional activities which comprise the surveying profession in that country. It is for the professional association to decide whether the absence of one or more professional competencies in the “corresponding profession” could be remedied by an adaptation mechanism. Thus, while it may be acceptable to make up deficiencies in a relatively minor or specialist surveying competence in a ‘host’ country, it may not be acceptable to make up a deficiency in a competence which is fundamental to the surveying profession in a ‘host’ country. Such matters are for the professional associations responsible for implementing the principles of mutual recognition to decide. Where the duration of the professional education and training of the applicant or the nature the matters covered by that individual’s professional education and training differ substantially from those covered by the professional qualification required of non-migrant applicants, then the “host” country can require the applicant to make up that deficiency, either by undertaking an adaptation mechanism. The EU model suggests either an adaptation period of work-based supervised experience and/or an aptitude test. Such adaptation mechanisms for making up deficiencies in qualification may also be appropriate where the nature of the surveying activities in the “home” country comprise one or several additional professional competencies than those required in the ‘host’ country. For this purpose, an adaptation period is a period of professional practice under the supervision of a qualified member of the profession in the “host” country. The applicant may be required to undergo further training during that period. The performance of the applicant is the subject of an assessment and this can include a period of formal and assessed study. The detailed requirements of an adaptation period are determined having regard to the circumstances of each individual and it is implicit that the professional practice must cover the professional activities which have not been included in the individual’s previous professional education and training. • not already included in the applicant’s formal qualifications. It should be remembered that those applicants are qualified professionals in their own countries and that the process of implementing mutual recognition should not involve testing or challenging the applicant’s professional competence or status in the “home” country. Having established that applicants are entitled to benefit under the rights available under the mutual recognition agreement, it is for the professional association in the “host” country to operate the provisions of mutual recognition in such a way that applicants are able to demonstrate that they have (or have not) adapted their professional skills to a different professional environment. If the application form provides all the relevant information which demonstrates that the individual holds the professional qualification required in another country for access to the profession of “surveying”, the professional organisation of the “host” country must accept that application form with no further requirements of the applicant. If the applicant does not comply with the conditions above, the application must be rejected. If there is any doubt that applicant is appropriately qualified (as discussed above) it is suggested that a preliminary interview should be held to establish whether the matters covered by the professional education and training of the applicant differ substantially from those covered by the “host” country’s own national applicants, and whether the regulated profession in the “home” Member State is indeed a “corresponding profession”. Where there is a substantial difference between the matters covered by the professional education and training of the applicant and those required of a local applicant or where the surveying profession in the “home” country is not a “corresponding profession”, the interview will need to identify those professional activities which have not been included in the applicant’s previous professional education and training and which must be included in the adaptation mechanism. It is fundamental to the successful operation of the free movement across technical barriers that those individual applicants who seek to gain qualifications under an agreement for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications do not benefit from more advantageous treatment nor suffer worse treatment than that required of applicants whose qualifications were obtained in the “host” country. Thus, if a professional association requires additional assurances regarding, for example, good character, solvency or other demonstrations of good standing from its own national applicants, then such assurances should be sought from (and provided by) all other applicants. Professional associations in the “home” country should agree to provide such assurances if requested in order to facilitate the process of mutual recognition of professional qualifications. Thus, it is for professional associations to communication and exchange relevant information with similar professional associations in other countries to and ensure that there is a clear understanding of all relevant aspects of the necessary professional competencies (including ethics), routes and pre-requisites to qualifications. Direct communication should be established which allows for an exchange of all relevant information, including the processes and information requirements necessary for implementation of mutual recognition procedures. Such organisations should also agree to work together to ensure an efficient and effective system of mutual recognition and to co-operate to encourage other relevant organisations to support them in this endeavour. Mutual recognition relies on the willingness of countries to respect the principle of free movement across technical barriers and is based on mutual trust, the comparability of the level of university studies and the similarity in nature and competencies embodied within the profession of surveyors, within the countries which agree to adopt and implement its principles. The goal of the free movement of surveyors to respond to our global clients and their needs is of supreme importance, given the value of the resource which is at the heart of our expertise. We all have a responsibility to ensure that our profession is equipped to deal with the global problems and this means a global profession. There may be other ways of achieving a global profession, but mutual recognition of professional qualifications builds on our existing structures without requiring us to create a single leviathan organisation, or to lose our diversity of skills; or that competent professionals re-qualify. The FIG policy is simple in principle and it is practical, having been tested at the level of professional associations.. It is both achievable and realistic and, as a process, its acceptance at government level has been demonstrated. In 1998, at the Brighton Congress, FIG established a Task Force to investigate Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications as a response to the globalization of surveying services and the pressures to provide a framework for the free movement of surveyors. Stig Enemark chaired the Task Force and I was asked by Tom Kennie to undertake the role of Secretary. In 2000, funding was secured from CLGE and a Seminar held in Delft, at which delegates from 20 countries provided data about how surveyors became qualified within their countries. A joint CLGE/FIG publication Enhancing Professional Competence of Surveyors in Europe was published in 2001, based in part on the outcome of that seminar. In 2002, in Washington DC, FIG published Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (publication 27), which detailed an FIG concept of and framework for the implementation of a process of mutual recognition of professional qualifications based on the work of the Task Force. In addition, it contained accounts of regional case studies, provided by Donald A Buhler, John Parker, Ken Lester and Teo CheeHai. Also at the Washington Congress, a Working Group (2.3) was formed with the broad aim of improving the knowledge and available information about relevant aspects of professional education in order to implement the process of mutual recognition of professional qualifications, and of developing guidelines for implementing FIG policy in this area. Officially, this Working Group came to an end at the Munich Congress, but it is only now, with the achievement of a regional agreement at government level, based on the FIG model, as demonstrated by Teo CheeHai, that the ambitions of the Working Group can be said to be both achieved and successful. The work on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications has spanned the FIG Presidential terms of Robert W Foster (who also contributed the Preface to publication 27), Holger Magel, and Stig Enemark, and the Commission 2 Presidencies of Kirsi Virrantaus, Pedro Cavero and Béla Márkus. As the UK delegate to Commission 2, I have also benefited enormously from the support of my fellow UK delegates and particularly that provided by the head of our delegation, Iain Greenway. I wish to take this opportunity to record my grateful thanks for all of the support given to this research by everyone who has been involved in this work, to Markku Villikka and his colleagues at the FIG office, and especially to Stig Enemark who, for the entire duration of the research, has been a continuing source of inspiration and encouragement. Enemark, Stig, Plimmer, Frances (2002) Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Publication 27. Gronow, Stuart, Plimmer, Frances. (1992) Education and Training of Valuers in Europe. RICS Research Paper Series. Paper Number 23. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Honeck, Dale, B. (2000) Developing Regulatory Disciplines in Professional Services: The Role of the World Trade Organisation.” in Aharoni, Y., and Nachum, L. (Eds): ”Globalisation of Services: Some implications for theory and practice”. Routledge. June. Mahoney, Rob, Plimmer, Frances, Hannah, John, Kavanagh, James (2007) Where are we heading? The Crisis in Surveying Education and a Changing Profession. Paper to be presented at the FIG Working Week, Hong Kong, May. McGrath, Matt (2006) Youth poll offers contradictions. BBC News. http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk Accessed 4th December, 2006. Plimmer, Frances (2006) The Implementation of the FIG Principles of Mutual Recognition. RICS (2005) Certification of Valuers in Europe. Letter from Chris Grzesik FRICS. RICS Europe Chairman. www.rics.org Accessed 2 January 2007. Teo CheeHai (2006) Implementing Mutual Recognition of Surveying Qualifications in ASEAN. Paper presented at the 5th FIG Regional Conference, Accra, Ghana, March 8 – 11. WTO (1997) Guidelines for Mutual Recognition Agreements or Arrangements in the Accountancy Sector. S/L.38 (May, 1997) World Trade Organisation. Frances Plimmer, Dip Est Man, MPhil, PhD, FRICS, IRRV, FICPD is a Chartered Valuation Surveyor who has been involved in professional education for over 25 years. She has researched into (amongst other things) valuation methodology, land taxation, professional ethics and the mutual recognition of professional qualifications and has published widely on these subjects. She is the editor of Property Management, an international refereed journal, a Fellow of the Institute of Continuing Professional Development, and has been active within the RICS and FIG on matters of education, research and international qualifications. She is the UK delegate to FIG’s Commission 2 (Professional Education) and headed the FIG Task Force on Mutual Recognition. Recently, she has been researching into valuation variance, flooding, and sustainable development. She is employed half-time as Research Professor at Kingston University, and half time as a Senior Research Officer at The College of Estate Management in England both in England.
The USS North Dakota was launched on November 10, 1908. About 150 of the most important political and business figures from the state of North Dakota traveled to Quincy, Massachusetts to honor the ship at the ceremony. She had been named for this state following a long-standing tradition of naming ships for each state in the Union. This new dreadnought (DRED-NAWT), the first all-big-gun ship in the US Navy, was the biggest, heaviest, and fastest battleship yet built by any navy in the world. Though it was modeled after a British battleship, the design came from an American Navy officer, Commander Homer C. Poundstone. The North Dakota had ten 12 inch guns which could be turned to face the enemy in any direction. The sailors were also trained to repel torpedo attacks and possible attacks from airplanes which were used as military weapons by 1915. The USS North Dakota was completed and commissioned on April 11, 1910. Over the next thirteen years, she sailed along the east coast of the United States, the Caribbean Sea, the coast of Mexico, northern Europe, and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. She patrolled the east coast from Virginia to Long Island during World War I, and trained midshipmen from the US Naval Academy. She toured ports on the Mediterranean Sea in 1919. Her crew took honors in target practice on the open sea, hitting targets as far as 10 miles away at a rate exceeding thirty per cent. The ship, however, was also troubled by engine breakdowns including a major explosion and fire in September 1910. Sailors from the USS North Dakota, posed for a portrait while visiting Niagara Falls, NY. The ship was home to more than 900 officers and enlisted men. The officers, usually educated at the Naval Academy, were leaders who headed up every division of the ship. The enlisted men were the ones who took orders from the officers. Most had enlisted for four years, but some would spend their entire careers in the Navy. The USS North Dakota, which never saw combat, was taken out of service in 1923 to satisfy the requirements of the Washington Naval Arms Limitation Treaty which tried to put an end to the naval arms race of the early twentieth century. In 1931, the ship was taken apart for scrap, but we can still study her history and discover what life was like in a floating community. The men of the USS North Dakota had regular duties when the ship was at sea and in port. The ship at sea had to provide for all the needs of a community that had a population larger than that of many North Dakota towns. The work can be divided into two classifications: the jobs of enlisted men and the jobs of officers. The work of operating and maintaining the two Curtis turbine engines was assigned to enlisted men. The engines usually ran on coal, though they could run on fuel oil. The “coal passers” shoveled coal from the storage bins into the engines. This was a dirty and hard job that proved to be dangerous as well. These engineers worked in a room with no daylight, poor air quality, and high temperatures. This young seaman’s duty was to prepare meat for the men’s meals. Preparing meals was the job of enlisted men. Cooks and their helpers worked in high temperatures managing huge kettles and sides of beef and pork. Philippino sailors who were distinguished by their status as citizens of a nation under the control of the US, their dark skin color, and their lack of fluency in speaking English often worked as mess assistants. Their jobs were to serve and clean up after meals. Stewards were enlisted men who attended the officers by cleaning their quarters and providing them with necessary services. When the ship was preparing to fire its big guns, the stewards had to secure all breakable items such as mirrors and lamps in the officers’ quarters to prevent them being knocked over by the recoil when the guns were fired. Even the ship’s piano had to be raised from the floor and supported by ropes because otherwise the strings would break under the stress of the guns’ recoil. A variety of skilled and semi-skilled jobs were found on the ship, too. Printers published the ship’s newsletter, The Flash or the earlier Forecastle Log, as well as smaller publications including notices about the week’s entertainment. Blacksmiths forged metal pieces for repairs on the ship. Radio operators maintained the ship’s communications with other ships and with on-shore offices. The North Dakota Flash was the newsletter in 1921. It was much longer than the Forecastle Log and much more entertaining. It offers gossip, news of sports competitions, and an inspirational essay. but printed by enlisted men. 2002-P-15-Album2-P58a. on board the North Dakota in 1912. 2002-P-15-Album2-P68b. Officers included the ship’s captain, navigator, and men who served as leaders in every office and operation on the ship. Many of them were trained as engineers and understood every detail of the ship’s mechanical operation. In addition, like most land-based communities, the ship also had a doctor and dentist (both officers). The doctor was necessary for small and large health problems. In June 1915, as the North Dakota sailed into the shipyards for repairs, several sailors were being treated for diphtheria causing the ship to be quarantined. The most glamorous job on the North Dakota was maintaining and firing the big guns. Each gun was assigned to a team consisting of enlisted men of different ranks (or “rates”) and an officer, usually a lieutenant or ensign. The ship was always prepared for combat, but the North Dakota was never to engage in battle. In the meantime, the business of the ship’s men was to maintain the ship and its floating community in good health, good spirits, and good condition. The headline on the Saint Paul Pioneer Press article read: Every Battleship a Schoolroom! Every Jack for a Pupil, Under Educational Plan of Secretary Daniels, to Make Navy Place Where Men May Study Trade of Profession While Learning to Fight. The article went on to describe the educational program recommended by Secretary of the Navy, Josephus Daniels, to help sailors avoid “rusting out” or becoming bored with Navy routine. Daniels wanted men who enlisted for a four year tour of duty to be better men at the end of their enlistment. In 1914, many communities across the United States were making a strong commitment to education for everyone, especially the poor, whose education often had been neglected in the past. Secretary Daniels was part of the education movement because he wanted every Navy enlisted man to know how to read, write, and “cipher” (do arithmetic) as well as to learn a trade. Daniels was convinced that educated men would not mutiny (rise up against their officers) nor desert their duty. He hoped that his program would have sailors enlist as laborers and become skilled workers before their discharge. Sailors who refused the training would be stuck in the “mean and dirty jobs” of the ship. Daniels also thought the program would make the Navy more appealing to men looking for a position in life. The teachers were the officers, all highly educated men, most of whom were graduates of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. All of the officers, except the Captain, commander, and navigator of each vessel, act as instructors in the elementary subjects and in higher mathematics. . . . Thus, on the North Dakota we have thirty-four officers, graduates of Annapolis, to give tuition to the men. All members of the crew, of whatever grade or branch of service, are compelled to take up a course of study. The classes are conducted from 1:15 to 2:30 P.M. Of course, this is a battleship and not a schoolhouse, and the work is conducted under some difficulties. When I want a blackboard for example, I send word to the ship’s carpenter, and he meets the requisition by nailing together a few pieces of board, planing them off, and giving the finished product a coat of black paint. Most of the officers have equipped themselves with blackboard 6 by 3 feet in dimension. This officer went on to describe his students and their studies. He assigned his students to write essays about why they enlisted in the Navy. Most of his students were Filipinos, or men from the Phillipines, an Asian nation which was at that time under the rule of the United States. They served as mess (meal) attendants in the ship’s kitchens. Though they had had a good basic education as children in the Philippines, they did not have a strong command of English. In their essays on the topic, Why I Joined the Navy, one student wrote: “I joined navy for reglum rashuns 3 times dayly.” Another stated that he joined to “serve woes of my humans rase.” In their effort to express themselves in English, they tell of their own struggles (securing three good meals a day) and their desire to make the world a better place by trying, through their naval service, to address the world’s troubles (“woes”). Such men [who have a good education] are permitted to take up technical studies including electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, stenography, ordnance, higher mathematics, and navigation. The pay officers conduct classes in bookkeeping and in accounting. In addition such trades as plumbing, gas [pipe] fitting, printing, carpentry and mechanics are taught to those men desiring such instruction and who are deemed capable of undertaking such practical courses. The only textbooks used are those prescribed by the order of the Navy Department for teaching arithmetic, writing, spelling, geography, and American history. Men taking up other courses are obliged to obtain their tuition through lectures and practical demonstrations or from text-books purchased by themselves. Some of the enlisted men are pursuing courses in recognized correspondence schools, and these are excused from the regular school work and the hour is set aside for them for study purposes. These men receive advice and assistance in their studies from the officers as they require it. Though the United States has always promoted education as the foundation for a healthy democracy, the Navy’s leading battleship was not a democracy and sailors did not study in mixed groups. Chief Petty Officers were educated separately from lower petty officers who might be educated with the enlisted men, depending on their educational level. Discipline and the privileges of rank were maintained by segregation of the students according to rank as well as their educational background. Athletic contests helped the enlisted men, petty officers, and officers to pass the time. Physical activity kept the men in good condition, but playing as a team representing their ship helped to foster good feelings and team spirit among the men in all their shipboard work. While in port, sailors formed teams for baseball, football, and basketball. They also competed in gymnastics and track and field. On September 30, 1913, the New York Times reported on the basketball game the enlisted men of the North Dakota played against its sister ship, the Delaware for the Naval YMCA championship. The North Dakota team defeated the Delaware team by a score of 39 to 21. A forward named Gullickson scored 20 of the North Dakota’s points. The same day as the basketball game, men of the North Dakota also participated in gymnastics at the Naval YMCA gym in Brooklyn. The North Dakota had an excellent gymnast by the name of C. A. Danneman who tied for second in the parallel bars; tied for first in flying rings with his fellow North Dakota shipmate C. B. Forest, and took first place on the horse and the horizontal bars. C. B. Forest also placed in all events. Some ports had baseball diamonds, and in these ports, baseball games were popular. Whenever the ship docked at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba the sailors were able to take advantage of the large sports complex that included a baseball diamond, bleachers, and a canteen where sailors could buy soft drinks and other refreshments. Officers and enlisted men watch the North Dakota’s baseball team play at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The USS North Dakota is seen in the background of this photograph of the ship’s rowing team. Another sport that was popular with sailors was rowing. The North Dakota had a rowing team composed of Chief Petty Officers (CPOs) that competed with boats from other ships. No record has been preserved about the ranking of the North Dakota’s CPOs in this competition, but their pride in their sport is apparent in the photograph of the team. Members of the North Dakota’s CPO race-boat team pose for a formal portrait. CPOs are not officers, but hold the highest rank of enlisted men. 2002-P-15-Album2-P21a. and music on a Sunday. In port, the men may have had free time to enjoy these activities. The new Navy, however, maintained the important segregation between officers and enlisted men. For instance, if officers engaged in sports, they would have had other officers as teammates and opponents. Of the records remaining from the USS North Dakota, we have one document of a social event open only to officers - the USS North Dakota Ball. The ball was held on land while the ship was in port in order for the officers to invite ladies as their guests. opens with a humorous essay created by stringing together the titles of the songs with a few phrases. The elaborate arrangements for the ball were overseen by committees of officers. The pollywogs were dunked during the Crossing the Line celebration. and another African American man waiting for his turn along the side of the pool to the right. Officers can be seen observing the fun. 2002-P-15-Album2-P20b. Officers would not have mingled with enlisted men at most social events because the Navy believed that discipline was best maintained by the separation of officers and enlisted men. However, one particular and exceptional event brought all the men of the ship together in a bonding ritual that was thousands of years old. When the ship crossed the equator, a passage known as “Crossing the Line”, pollywogs (those who had not previously crossed the equator) would be initiated by a series of activities that took a day or more to conclude. Even senior officers would be included in the rowdy celebration. The final event involved creating a pool of water on the deck and the dunking of pollywogs in the pool. Among the characters that governed the celebration were shellbacks (those who had previously crossed the line) dressed as King Neptune, Davy Jones, and others. At no time was the community feeling aboard the North Dakota tested more seriously than on the occasion of the fire. It was September 8, 1910, and the North Dakota had been fit for sea duty for only a few months. She was returning with her relatively young and inexperienced crew to Hampton Roads, Virginia after fleet exercises and was running on fuel oil. A fire broke out around 10:30 a.m. in the fuel oil stored in Room No. 3. Captain Gleaves ordered the ship to drop out of formation so as not to endanger the other ships of the division. Immediately he also gave two sets of orders: put out the fire, and retrieve the dead and injured from the engine room. This is the only photograph of the explosion and fire aboard the ship on September 8, 1910. Note the black smoke emerging from the ventilator tower (with stripes). after the danger was over, but while the fire still smoldered. this photo-postcard may have been one of the heroes of the day. While dense black smoke poured out of the ventilators and hatchways (doors to the lower levels of the ship), the fire was dampened by flooding the engine room and the oil storage area with sea water. The hold of the ship filled with nine feet of water, but the fire continued to burn above that level. Without the engines, the pumps could not be operated to put out the rest of the fire. The Commander in Chief of the Fleet, Admiral Schroeder, ordered a tugboat and the USS New Hampshire to stand by the North Dakota to give all aid possible. The tugboat pumped water onto the fires burning above the flooded engine room. For about one hour, the North Dakota was in grave danger of exploding because the powder magazine (gun powder storeroom) was located just above the fire. Fortunately, the flames did not reach the gun powder. Later in the day, the North Dakota was able to put four boilers back into service. With the little power they provided, the ship was able to raise the anchors and steam slowly into port. In spite of the quick efforts to put out the flames, three men, Joseph Schmidt, Robert Gilmore, and Joseph Strait, died in the fire. All were enlisted men who held the job of coal passer. Ten men, including one officer, were injured and were moved to a hospital ship, the USS Solace, for treatment before being transferred to a hospital in Virginia. At the board of inquiry, Lieutenant Commander Orin G. Murfin, who sustained burns in the fire, testified that he was in the engine room and ordered the room abandoned when he saw a flash of flame run along the oil lines. But the fire quickly grew and filled the room with gasses and flames preventing three of the men from escaping the fire room. Ten men were honored for heroic actions in the fire. Thomas Davis, John Quinlan, George Ellis, and Arnold J. Smith received warm commendations. Six men were awarded the Medal of Honor for “extraordinary heroism.” They were Thomas Stanton, Karl Westa, Patrick Reid, August Holz, Charles Roberts, and Harry Lipscomb. They also received a one-hundred dollar bonus. Davis, Quinlan, Ellis, and Smith closed off the engine fires in a fire room where the heat was so intense they had to be sprayed with fire hoses to avoid dying of the heat. Stanton, Westa, Reid, Holz, Roberts, and Lipscomb were honored for entering the burning engine room to put out the fire. They also removed the dead through waist-deep water in intense heat and dense smoke. Charles Roberts, a machinist’s mate, was overcome by smoke. The board of inquiry found that a leak in the oil pipes had led to the fire. The crew repaired the damage, and the ship rejoined the fleet by September 29. The Navy declared that the fire was not due to a flawed design – many ships around the world sailed with similar designs. The fire did raise the question of the safety of fuel oil, but the Navy declared that it would not abandon that form of fuel. Instead, the Navy made efforts to protect the powder magazines from the heat and possible fires in the engine rooms. Historical records give us very little information about the men who died in the fire. We know little more than that Joseph Schmidt was from Brooklyn, New York; Robert Gilmore was from Connecticut, and Joseph Strait enlisted in Michigan. Before World War II (1941 – 1945) it was possible to earn the Medal of Honor for bravery in non-combat situations which was the case for these six men. Charles Roberts was born in 1882 and died in 1957. Harry Lipscomb was born in Washington, D.C., in 1878 and died in 1926. He married, and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. August Holz was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1871. He died in Long Island, New York in 1935. Thomas Stanton was born in Ireland in 1869, but entered the Navy from Rhode Island. He lived until 1950. Karl Westa was born in Norway in 1875 and lived until 1949. He, too, is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. There is no information available about Patrick Reid. Unfortunately, the North Dakota had another fire and one more death. After repairs to the damages from the September 8 fire, the ship sailed with the fleet to England and France. On December 14, 1910, an explosion in the coal bunkers burned a sailor identified only as Evans. Evans died of the burns shortly after, but little more was mentioned in the newspapers about the event. The North Dakota continued to have trouble with the Curtis turbine engines. In February 1915, the engines were damaged while returning from Cuba. In June 1915, the North Dakota was ordered into a shipyard where the engines were to be repaired or replaced in a major overhaul to the satisfaction of the engineer officers who found these turbines to be unreliable. Engine trouble turned out to be the North Dakota’s greatest failing. When she was running well, she could operate efficiently and at great speed. But when troubles came, they tested the strength, courage, and devotion to duty of all members of this ship’s community. the most powerful ship in the world when it went to sea in 1910. stood on platforms at the top of the two spider or basket masts. site – or aim – the big guns with remarkable accuracy. 2002-P-15-Album1-034 #3. On October 31, 1910 shortly after recovering from the first fire, the USS North Dakota entered gunnery competition where she placed 6th out of 16 ships in firing at targets between 6500 and 10,000 yards distant. The winner that year, was North Dakota’s sister ship, the USS Delaware. Over the next few years, the men of the North Dakota practiced loading, firing, and hitting the targets. Once considered drudgery, in the modern Navy gunnery practice was considered to be “the greatest game in the world” according to one officer. The excitement and sense of competition was shared by the enlisted men and the officers. The battleships practiced firing on partially sunken vessels and on canvas targets. Some practice was at long range (11,000 yards or 6.25 miles) and some at close range of 2500 to 3000 yards (between 1 and 2 miles). Gunnery practice took place at night and in the daytime. On one occasion during night practice, the ship was shooting at canvas targets. The targets were retrieved and laid on the deck so the holes could be counted. Even the enlisted men who were not assigned to gun duty stayed up late to learn the results. Officers watched, too. To the great “enthusiasm of the ships’ company,” the North Dakota had hit 98 out of 120 rounds, good enough to beat the Delaware’sscore of the previous night. Practice and refinement of the skills of loading, siting, and firing the guns proved that the North Dakota’s big guns could fire 3 rounds per minute. Altogether, her ten 12-inch guns could fire thirty rounds per minute. By 1915, the North Dakota could compete well in the fleet’s gunnery practice. During gunnery practice in January that year, the North Dakota hit 60.518 per cent of her shots – a grand improvement over the thirty percent originally expected of the this type of ship, and a massive improvement over the two to threes per cent success rate of the Navy in the Spanish American War. of the gunnery crew through a communications tube. There is a community of interest between the officers and men. The reasons for every order are fully explained, so that the men are thoroughly familiar with the object sought and with the material used. This applies not only to loading and firing the guns but to the whole fire-control and range-finding system, so that when a naval battle is fought, intelligent petty officers may take the place of officers who are killed or disabled. The whole service is working together with one end in view, that of efficiency in battles. Choose one photograph of life on the North Dakota. Divide it into quarters and make lists of objects, people, and activities in each quarter. Does your list answer some questions about life on the ship? Does your list raise more questions about life on the ship? Write down your questions. Use this form to make your lists. Were the lessons valuable to the men, or were they a waste of time? Could anyone really make educational progress while studying only one hour and fifteen minutes a day? Would education make better sailors (seamen), or would the enlisted men (seamen) want to get off the ship and get a better job before their enlistment was up? Were the officers enthusiastic about educating the seamen? Resolved: Taking time for education aboard the USS North Dakota was beneficial to the officers and enlisted men of the ship. Historians interpret facts to explain the importance of events in the past. Two events on the North Dakota need more analysis. Spend some time thinking about one or both of these events and try to provide an explanation. Crossing the Line celebration. Why is this celebration so important that ships’ crews have done this for centuries? What is the meaning of the costumed characters such as Davy Jones and King Neptune? The fire on September 8, 1910. Three men died, six men were honored as heroes. The new ship was disabled. Why was this event an important news story in 1910? Is it just as important today? If people in your class hold different views on the education of enlisted men, you can have a debate. You must gather your evidence or facts, and develop a strong position or argument to defend your side of the debate. Debate the resolution by having one group take the affirmative (or accept the resolution) and another group take the negative (or disagree with the resolution): Resolved: Taking time for education aboard the USS North Dakota was beneficial to the officers and enlisted men of the ship.
The French version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS), used to evaluate food addiction symptomatology, has only been validated among the general population. The aim of this study was thus to explore the psychometric properties (factor structure, internal consistency, convergent and divergent validity) of the French version of the YFAS in a clinical sample, namely individuals suffering from severe obesity and awaiting bariatric surgery. Participants (N = 146; mean BMI = 48.29 kg/m2) were recruited at the Quebec Heart and Lung Institute (Canada) during their pre-operative visit. They were asked to complete questionnaires, including the YFAS. Factorial and correlational analyses were performed. Some items had to be removed from the factorial analysis due to a lack of variability (#4, #10, #11, #12, and #22) and low factor loading (#24). The analysis conducted on the remaining 16 items revealed a one-factor structure, with factor loadings higher than .30 and excellent internal consistency (α = .92). The present findings are consistent with previous validation studies of samples presenting obesity and support the use of a 16-item version of the French YFAS among bariatric candidates. However, the need for further investigation remains important in order to better assess the stability of the instrument when used in clinical samples. The growing interest of many researchers in the field of obesity has recently led to a rapidly expanding body of literature regarding the concept of food addiction (FA). Briefly stated, the concept of FA was developed based on similarities between the effect of sweet and high-fat foods and psychoactive substances, observed in animal and neuroimaging studies (Davis & Carter, 2009) . Following the DSM-IV-TR substance dependence diagnostic criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) , the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) was developed as a self-reported questionnaire designed to operationalize FA (Gearhardt, Corbin, & Brownell, 2009) . Since its development, the YFAS has remained the only questionnaire available to investigate the concept of FA. The YFAS consists of 25 items assessing the seven diagnostic criteria of substance dependence as well as the associated functional impairment/clinically significant distress and presents two scoring options: one based on the fulfilled items and another based on the fulfilled criteria. Gearhardt and colleagues (2009) first proceeded to the validation of the YFAS in a sample of undergraduate students. Analyses examining the item-based scoring option showed a one-factor structure as well as good internal consistency (α = .86), when removing item 24. This item, which assesses failed attempts to reduce highly palatable food consumption, was considered problematic in light of low factor loading and poor correlations with the remaining items. Similarly, analyses examining the criteria-based scoring option showed a one-factor structure and satisfying internal consistency (α = .75). Correlational analyses also suggested good convergent validity with measures of related constructs (eating pathology; r ranging from .46 to .61) and divergent validity with measures of related but independent constructs (alcohol consumption and impulsivity; r ranging from −.03 to .35) for both scoring options. Regarding divergent validity, an absence of association has also been noted between FA and dietary restraint (Gearhardt, White, Masheb, Morgan, Crosby, & Grilo, 2012; Gearhardt, White, Masheb, & Grilo, 2013; Meule, Heckel, Jurowich, Vogele, & Kubler, 2014) . The YFAS has also been validated among individuals from the general population (Brunault, Ballon, Gaillard, Réveillère, & Courtois, 2014) , individuals presenting obesity (Davis, Curtis, Levitan, Carter, Kaplan, & Kennedy, 2011) , individuals suffering from various eating disorders (Gearhardt et al., 2012; Granero et al., 2014) , individuals seeking weight-loss treatments (Innamorati et al., 2015; Nantha, Patah, & Pillai, 2016) , and individuals awaiting bariatric surgery (Clark & Saules, 2013; Meule, Heckel, & Kubler, 2012) . A closer look at these validation studies has shown that comparable psychometric properties were found when the YFAS was examined among similar samples according to BMI. For example, results from the general population (mean BMI around 23.00 kg/m2) have shown a one-factor structure, when item 24 was removed from the analyses (Gearhardt et al., 2009; Brunault et al., 2014; Granero et al., 2014; Torres et al., 2017) . However, results from samples presenting a higher mean BMI (around 40.00 kg/m2) revealed that some additional items were problematic and had to be removed in order to observe a stable one-factor structure (Innamorati et al., 2015; Nantha et al., 2016; Meule et al., 2012) . In sum, these results highlight the fact that the YFAS may behave differently depending on the recruited sample. Furthermore, the original version of the instrument has been translated and adapted in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Malay, and Portuguese (Meule, Vogele, & Kubler, 2012; Granero et al., 2014; Brunault et al., 2014; Innamorati et al., 2015; Chen, Tang, Guo, Liu & Xiao, 2015; Nantha et al., 2016; Torres et al., 2017) . Regarding the French version more specifically, it was adapted by researchers in France (Brunault et al., 2014) and validated among individuals from the general population. It is the only validation study that has explored an alternative two-factor structure. According to the authors, the first factor appeared to represent FA symptomatology, while the second factor composed of items 10, 11, 15, 16, 22, and 25 appeared to represent individuals’ insight pertaining to their FA symptoms. While the French version has shown good psychometric properties in a non-clinical sample, it has not yet been validated among clinical samples. In light of the sample-dependent differences underlined above and as mentioned by the authors of the original YFAS (Gearhardt et al., 2009) and its French version (Brunault et al., 2014) , validation studies in both non-clinical and clinical samples are essential in order to fully use the YFAS and explore FA among various groups. Moreover, the necessity for cross-cultural adaptations when a self-reported instrument is used across different countries and cultures has previously been highlighted (Beaton, Bombardier, Guillemin, & Ferraz, 2000) . The aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the French version of the YFAS in a clinical sample. Bariatric candidates were chosen considering that these individuals suffering from severe obesity present greater risks for physical and psychological complications (World Health Organization, 2017) and that FA prevalence rates as high as 54% have been found in such clinical sample (Clark & Saules, 2013) . The need for a valid instrument to assess FA in this sample was therefore deemed essential. It was hypothesized that a one-factor solution would be observed, despite some problematic items. It was also expected to find good internal consistency as well as good convergent validity (strong correlations of the YFAS with binge eating and food cravings) and good divergent validity (mild correlation of the YFAS with impulsivity and near-zero correlations of the YFAS with dietary restraint and addictive tendencies towards alcohol and drugs). The present study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Quebec Heart and Lung Institute. Participants were recruited through the activities of the Research Chair in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery at the Heart and Lung Institute Research Centre in Quebec City. They were considered eligible for the study if they were aged between 18 and 50 years old, presented a BMI of 35.00 kg/m2 or above, and met the necessary requirements for bariatric surgery. After giving their informed consent, they were handed a booklet of questionnaires. Weight and height information were obtained from the participants’ medical files. The final sample comprised 146 individuals (112 women and 34 men), who presented a mean age of 39.8 years old (SD = 7.1) and a mean BMI of 48.29 kg/m2 (SD = 6.24). The vast majority of the participants were White/Caucasian (98%). Most of them had completed a post-secondary degree (60%) and reported working full time (79%). The YFAS (Gearhardt et al., 2009) is an instrument used to assess behaviors related to FA in the last 12 months. It is a self-reported measure and comprises 25 items, among which 20 pertain to the seven DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for substance dependence (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) , two assess functional impairment/clinically significant distress, and three provide clarification for subsequent items (primer items). Most items contained in the YFAS are answered on a Likert scale, ranging from zero (never) to four (more than four times a week or every day). The remaining items are dichotomous and answered by yes or no. As shown in Table 1, the 22 active YFAS items are transformed for scoring (zero if not endorsed, one if endorsed) according to a pre-established chart (Meule & Gearhardt, 2014) . A criterion is considered fulfilled when the respondent endorses at least one item pertaining to the criterion. Two scoring options are available: the first is in the form of a total symptom count and is obtained by summing up the fulfilled criteria (except the functional impairment/clinically significant distress criterion), ranging from zero to seven and indicating FA severity, and the second is in the form of a “FA diagnosis”, indicating the presence of such diagnosis if three or more criteria are fulfilled in addition to the endorsement of functional impairment/clinically significant distress. The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-Brief (BIS-Brief) (Steinberg, Sharp, Stanford, & Tharp, 2013) is the brief version of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (Barratt, 1959) . It is composed of eight of the original items, namely items 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14, and 19. Respondents are instructed to answer on a four-point Likert scale, ranging from one (never/rarely) to four (often/always), depending on the frequency of occurrence of the different behaviors presented. A total score is obtained by adding up all items: higher total scores are associated with higher levels of impulsivity. In the context of the present study, the internal consistency of the BIS-Brief was satisfying (α = .70). Table 1. Food addiction criteria and associated items from the Yale Food Addiction Scale. cognitive and emotional manifestations of binge eating episodes. For each item, the respondent is asked to choose, among four statements, the one that best represents his or her situation. Each item is allocated weights representing severity (varying between zero and three), which are subsequently summed up. Higher total scores are associated with more severe binge eating pathology. Internal consistency for the BES in the present sample was good (α = .85). The Food Craving Questionnaire-Trait (FCQ-T) (Cepeda-Benito, Gleaves, Williams, & Erath, 2000) is a self-reported questionnaire composed of 37 items and designed to evaluate nine dimensions of food cravings. In the trait version of the FCQ, participants have to indicate how often each statement “would be true for them in general” using a six-point Likert scale, ranging from never to always. Only the FCQ-T total score was used considering that all subscales were strongly correlated in the present sample (r ranging from .52 to .84, all p < .001). Relatedly, the overall internal consistency was excellent (α = .98). The Eating Disorder Examination (EDE) (Cooper & Fairburn, 1987) was used in order to measure restraint eating. The EDE is a semi-structured interview and consists of 62 items evaluating eating-related behaviors from the past four weeks. Only the question pertaining to dietary restraint “Have you been deliberately trying to limit the amount of food you eat to influence your shape or weight (whether or not you have succeeded)” was of interest in the context of the present study. Answers were given on a seven-point Likert scale, ranging from zero (never) to six (everyday). The Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire (SPQ) (Christo, Jones, Haylett, Stephenson, Lefever, & Lefever, 2003) is a self-reported questionnaire divided in 16 subscales, each evaluating addictive tendencies in regards to various substances or activities. In consistence with previous validation studies, the subscales related to alcohol consumption and recreational drug use were specifically considered in the present study. Both subscales are made of ten items where respondents are asked to indicate, on a six-point Likert scale, the extent to which the items apply to them (from “not like me”, scored zero, to “like me”, scored five). In the present sample, both the alcohol and the drug subscales showed good internal consistency (α = .87 and α = .89, respectively). The present analyses were based on the procedures described by Gearhardt and colleagues (2009) and Brunault and colleagues (2014) in their validation studies. In order to examine the factorial structure of the instrument in its severity form (symptom count scoring option), an exploratory factor analysis based on the 22 transformed items (excluding the primer items 17, 18, and 23) was conducted. For the diagnosis form of the instrument (diagnosis scoring option), an exploratory factor analysis was also conducted based on the seven diagnostic criteria as well as on the functional impairment/clinically significant distress criterion. The final number of factors to extract was confirmed by a scree test procedure based on eigenvalues (Cattell, 1966) . Internal consistency was established using the ordinal alpha coefficient for dichotomous data (Zumbo, Gadermann, & Zeisser, 2007) . MPlus Statistical Package was used considering the dichotomous nature of the data and a robust weighted least squares (WLSMV) estimator with a polychoric correlation matrix coefficient was chosen for factor extraction (B Muthén, SHC du Toit, & D Spisic, unpublished data). For both the severity and the diagnosis forms of the YFAS, construct validity was assessed using correlational analyses. Pearson’s r was used for all variables, except for the alcohol and the drug subscales of the SPQ, for which Spearman’s ρ was used because of the variables’ abnormal distributions. Correlational analyses were conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Originally based on the 22 items of the French YFAS, the exploratory factor analysis for the symptom count scoring option required the removal of five items, namely items 4, 10, 11, 12, and 22, due to an absence of variability. In fact, MPlus warned that one of the response options for each of these items was poorly represented within the sample: for instance, item 22 was endorsed by many participants (94%), while items 4, 10, 11, and 12 were endorsed by few participants (endorsement rates ranging from 1% to 10%). Furthermore, the exploratory factor analysis conducted on the remaining 17 YFAS items showed that item 24 had low factor loading (0.271), thus suggesting its removal. A final exploratory factor analysis, conducted on the remaining 16 YFAS items, revealed the presence of five factors with eigenvalues higher than 1.00 (7.28, 2.21, 1.34, 1.19, 1.01). However, the examination of the scree plot (Figure 1) suggested that a one-factor solution would be most appropriate, accounting for 47% of the explained variance and yielding excellent internal consistency (α = .92) (Table 2). When using the symptom count scoring option of the 22 YFAS items, it was found that participants endorsed an average of 2.66 (SD = 1.65) symptoms, in comparison to 2.16 (SD = 1.78) symptoms when using the remaining 16 YFAS items. Table 2. Descriptive statistics, factor loading, and communality for each Yale Food Addiction Scale item. Figure 1. Scree plot and eigenvalues for the symptom count scoring option of the French Yale Food Addiction Scale. variance, all factor loadings were higher than .50 and internal consistency was good (α = .88) (Table 3). When using the diagnosis scoring option of the integral YFAS, it was found that 18% of participants suffered from FA, in comparison to 14% when using the remaining criteria. The following correlational analyses were conducted using the 16-item version of the YFAS (symptom count scoring option) as well as the six criteria accompanied by the functional impairment/clinically significant distress criterion (diagnosis scoring option). In regards to convergent validity, correlational analyses revealed strong statistically significant correlations between the YFAS symptom count and scores on the BES (p < 001) and the FCQ-T (p < 001). Similar results were observed when the diagnosis scoring option of the instrument was used (BES p < 001; FCQ-T p < 001) (Table 4). In regards to divergent validity, the correlations between the YFAS symptom count and scores on the SPQ alcohol and drug subscales were non significant (p = .803; p = .179, respectively), while correlations between the YFAS symptom count and scores on the BIS-Brief and the EDE dietary restraint subscale were mild but significant (p = .004; p = .019, respectively). Results regarding the YFAS diagnosis scoring option were slightly different: non-significant correlations were observed between the YFAS diagnosis and scores on the SPQ alcohol subscale (p = .959), the SPQ drug subscale (p = .101), the BIS-Brief (p = .110), and the EDE dietary restraint subscale (p = .215) (Table 4). Table 3. Descriptive statistics, factor loading, and communality for each Food Addiction criterion. Table 4. Descriptive statistics as well as correlation coefficients of the association between Yale Food Addiction Scale scores (symptom count and diagnosis scoring options) and scores on various questionnaires. Note. YFAS_S―Yale Food Addiction Scale symptom count scoring option; YFAS_D―Yale Food Addiction Scale diagnosis scoring option; BES―Binge Eating Scale; FCQ-T―Food Craving Questionnaire-Trait; BIS- B―Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-Brief; SPQ_A―Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire alcohol subscale; SPQ_ D―Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire drug subscale; EDE_R―Eating Disorder Examination restraint subscale. *p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001. cross-cultural adaptations could account for this result (Beaton et al., 2000; Osborne & Fitzpatrick, 2012) . In addition, some items were identified as problematic in the midst of analyses. Similar results regarding problematic items were previously reported among clinical samples. For instance, low factor loadings for items 22, 24, and 25 were observed in a sample of bariatric candidates (Meule, Heckel, & Kubler, 2012) , low factor loadings for items 10 and 11, as well as items 22, 24, and 25 were observed in a sample of individuals seeking weight-loss treatment (Innamorati et al., 2015) , and low factor loadings for items 19, as well as items 22, 24, and 25 were observed in a sample of patients with obesity from a primary care clinic (Nantha et al., 2016) . These results are different than those obtained in samples of students (Gearhardt et al., 2009) , individuals from the general population (Brunault et al., 2014; Torres et al., 2017) , or individuals with lower BMI presenting eating disorders (Granero et al., 2014) , where only item 24 was problematic. As put forward by Osborne & Fitzpatrick (2012) , results from exploratory factor analyses are particularly difficult to replicate and to generalize from one sample to the other, as the factor structure obtained is somewhat dependent on the sample within which the instrument is used. This could help explaining why similar results are obtained when the factor structure of the YFAS is investigated among samples presenting similar mean BMI, but behave differently when comparing different samples. In sum, the removal of problematic items when clinical samples are involved could lead to a more accurate identification of individuals suffering from FA. A closer look at the specific problematic items revealed that almost all items associated with the criterion “Persistent desire or repeated unsuccessful attempts to quit” were identified as problematic. This criterion, which was endorsed by a high percentage of participants in the present study (97%), was also vastly endorsed in other studies conducted among individuals suffering from obesity, for example at 95% (Meule, Heckel, & Kubler, 2012) , 91% (Innamorati et al., 2015) , and 94% (Nantha et al., 2016) . These high percentages of endorsement demonstrate that this criterion cannot discriminate individuals suffering from obesity who present FA from those who do not, but rather reflect the fact that dieting and weight cycling are common in samples afflicted with weight problems. The fact that items 22 and 24 are assessed on a yes or no basis (“I want to cut down or stop eating certain kinds of food” and “I have been successful at cutting down or not eating these kinds of food”) certainly contributes to the high endorsement of the criterion “Persistent desire or repeated unsuccessful attempts to quit”, as individuals suffering from severe obesity may have at least once tried to cut down eating certain kinds of food and may have at least once been unsuccessful in doing so. Yet, many instruments assessing dependency and from which the YFAS was inspired (for example, the Exercise Dependence Scale-21; Hausenblas & Downs, 2002) refer to a continuous severity scale for measuring attempts to quit. It would therefore be relevant to modify these dichotomous items when the YFAS is administered to clinical samples, in order to get closer to the reality of those encountering more severe weight and eating difficulties. Also problematic, items 10 and 11 refer to the criterion “Important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced”, which was poorly endorsed in the present sample (8%). Items reflecting the tendency to withdraw from activities may not be specific enough when it comes to individuals awaiting bariatric surgery. It is also plausible that individuals suffering from severe obesity may have already withdrawn from various activities, thus keeping their everyday lives to basic endeavors (for instance, working and taking care of the kids), or may have learned to live with their condition to a point where they no longer base their daily decisions on their eating and weight difficulties (for example, item 10 “There have been times when I avoided professional or social situations where certain foods were available, because I was afraid I would overeat” was endorsed by 1% of the participants). In order to capture a complete picture of FA, the concerns raised by the aforementioned findings will have to be taken into account when the YFAS as well as updated versions of the instrument are used among individuals suffering from severe obesity. Regarding convergent validity, results showed that FA was strongly associated with binge eating and food cravings, which is consistent with our hypotheses and findings from the FA literature. Results related to divergent validity did not however fully correspond to our hypotheses. More specifically, the relationship between FA diagnosis and impulsivity was found to be mild but non-significant. While the number of FA criteria has been linked with impulsivity in different ways (Murphy, Stojek, & MacKillop, 2013; Pivarunas & Conner, 2015) , the link between FA diagnosis and impulsivity is not as clear as various facets of impulsivity do not consistently differ between individuals with and without a FA diagnosis (Meule et al., 2014; Davis et al., 2011) . Moreover, the relationship between the number of FA symptoms and restraint was found to be mild and significant. Depending on the severity level of their FA symptomatology, bariatric candidates may attempt to gain control over their problematic eating behaviors in the context of their upcoming surgery, thus relying on cognitive and dietary restraint. The aforementioned results are to be interpreted in light of some limitations. First, the sample was considerably homogenous. Although representative of the Quebec City population, it would be interesting to extend data collection to a wider range of individuals in order to ensure generalization of the present results. Second, the sample size was relatively small. Even though it respects the guidelines provided by various authors (Guadagnoli & Velicer, 1988; Streiner, 1994) , the fact that larger sample sizes increase the stability and decrease the variability of factor loadings across samples remains important to consider (MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang, & Hong, 1999) . Lastly, participants were recruited at their preoperative visit approximately three months prior to the bariatric surgery. Participants may have already made changes in their eating habits with the help of a dietician and/or may have answered in a socially desirable manner, even though they were informed that their answers to the questionnaires would remain confidential and would not jeopardize their eligibility for the surgery. Future experiments would benefit from testing participants earlier in the process leading to the bariatric surgery. Based on the data from the present study, it is possible to conclude that the French version of the YFAS could be well suited for use in a French-speaking clinical sample, following the removal or modification of problematic items. Indeed, six items included in the original YFAS (#4, #10, #11, #12, #22, and #24) did not appear to be appropriate when used among individuals suffering from severe weight difficulties. Attending to these problematic items will be crucial when using the YFAS and its ulterior versions to screen for possible FA among bariatric candidates. This study has important implications, as it is the first to validate the French version of the YFAS in a clinical sample and to explore the concept of FA in a subset of the French-Canadian population. It is hoped that it will facilitate further investigation of this relatively new concept by setting the necessary basis for future research and will pave the way for a deeper understanding of FA in the bariatric context. We thank Dr. Paul Brunault and Dr. Ashley Gearhardt for giving us the authorisation to validate the French version of the YFAS in a clinical sample. We thank the Research Chair in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery of the Quebec Heart and Lung Institute, especially Marc Lapointe and Mélanie Nadeau, and the whole surgery team for their assistance in data collection. We thank Hélène Paradis for assisting with data analysis.
The year is gone, finished, past. We cannot reclaim it or undo it. We cannot rest on the things it has brought us. If tomorrow dawns, it will be another day, a new opportunity, and the time to show our faith in Jesus as Lord. Let’s journey forward, knowing that God already inhabits the future and promises to provide us refreshment. Lord of all eternity, please help me to learn from my mistakes but not dwell on them. Please help me not rest on my accomplishments in this past year, but use them to further your work in me and through me. Please help me not quarrel with those who injured me yesterday, or last month. Instead, O Father, lead me in your paths and help me see your mighty works this next year. In Jesus name and by his power I ask it. Amen. We all like “do-overs” or second chances. God does much better than that! He allows us to become new again. Being the “God of new things” he can even make us new. Beyond forgiveness, beyond cleansing, he makes us holy through Jesus. Let’s use the opportunity of a New Year as a springboard to living a life fresh and new and alive to God! O LORD, thank you for a New Year and a fresh start. Please give me wisdom and strength to serve you with integrity and faithfulness in this coming year. I pray that your work be done in my life as I offer myself, my plans, and my future to you. I pray this through Jesus, my intercessor and Lord. Amen. So often we look up and time has passed us by. The things we promised ourselves we’d accomplish and the deeds we told others we’d do get left undone. Before we know it, days have become weeks, and weeks months, and months years. We find ourselves unable to do what we once assumed we could do any time we want. We must ask the Spirit of God to help us see and seize the opportunities the LORD places in our path. Father, I confess that so often I leave undone what needs to be done. Please help me see your plans in each of my days and live in a way which not only honors you, but also blesses those you want me to reach. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. While [Joseph and Mary] were [in Bethlehem], the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. I’ve always been amazed at how God chose to place his Son into our world. He could have done it any way he wanted. But he chose this way — to enter the world in difficult times under difficult circumstances as a helpless infant who must be cared for by parents who were vulnerable to so many frailties. Yet in spite of the challenges that lay ahead and the bewildering mystery that confronted them: Joseph and Mary, along with everyone around them, were caught up in the great joy this new child gave. Give me a heart of faith, O God, so that I might always see your sovereignty and grace being poured out on me in special ways. I am thrilled that you, the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe, chose to enter my world as a child. Thank you for trusting your wonderful salvation to human flesh so we could know that you deemed us worthy of entering our world to make us right for yours. Through Jesus. Amen. [God] has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. God’s desires for us are not hard to discern. He wants to bless us with salvation. The incredible gift of his Son is powerful testimony to this truth. But salvation from sin and death is not something he wants to happen in our lives only once. He wants our lives to daily reflect his salvation and to share it with others. We should act justly and pursue mercy in our relationships, and honor him with our worship from a humble heart. Almighty and compassionate Father, as I embrace this New Year, help my eyes see what your heart sees. Teach me to hate sin and be merciful to the repentant. Teach me to know truth and act fairly, while hating abuse and exploitation. Through your Spirit, stir me to reflect on the great distance between your holy majesty and my inconsistent character. Make me more your child, I pray, in Jesus name. Amen. Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless. Do you find it easy to replace service to those in need with religious rituals? I know I do! But God wants us to not get so caught up in talking about him and celebrating his deeds, that we forget we’re supposed to care for others like he does. Whether it is Jesus defining his ministry in Luke 4:18-19 or James talking about the kind of piety that pleases God (1:26-27), we must realize true faith is treating others as God would. Today’s verse defines what God does and asks us to live the same. O Great God of all comfort, open my eyes today to see those who need your love and give me the attentiveness, time, and compassion to serve them. May Jesus’ work be seen in my life today. Amen. When Jesus came the first time, he came to reveal God (John 1:18). As wonderful, powerful, and gracious as he was in his earthly ministry, it did not fully reveal Jesus our Lord. Our hope is tied to his return. When he comes this time, he won’t come to reveal God, but to reveal himself — the conquering Lord, the Rider on the white horse. Every knee will bow. And we will see him as he really and fully is, Immanuel in power and grace. With this as our hope, we can be ready for active service to our king as people who live their lives under his leadership and control. O Almighty God, I long for the day when I get to see Jesus face to face coming with the angels in power. Until that time, fasten my heart in hope to the glory Jesus will share with me on that day, and please empower me to live as one who knows that victory is mine in Jesus. Jesus, through your powerful name I pray. Amen. Preparing for the holidays can be a lot of work. In fact, during the next few weeks, your Christmas to-do list is probably about to grow into an outrageous, poster-sized banner. Am I right? And then, before you know it, your Christmas experience turns into a frenzy of challenging task after challenging task. Why not do it differently this year? Let’s get a head start on this season to ensure that this Christmas is about the celebration of the birth of Our Savior. Below you will find six ways you can prepare for Christmas while remembering the reason we celebrate the season. 1. Add an advent calendar to your nightly routine. An advent calendar is a wonderful way to prepare your family for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Not sure how an advent calendar works? Check out our article on How To Use An Advent Calendar and get a head start on the celebration this year. 2. Decorate your Christmas tree as a family. Choose lights and ornaments that represent the true Christmas story. With the Twelve Names of Christmas Ornaments, you can start 12 days before Christmas—read one story each night with your family and have your children hang the corresponding ornament on the tree. 4. Decorate gradually. Slow down the process of putting your nativity scene out. By displaying your manger scene one piece at a time, you will be able to truly focus on the involvement of each person in the miraculous first Christmas story—of course, topping it off Christmas Day with the arrival of baby Jesus. 5. Find time to sit quietly. As the busyness of the holiday season approaches, set aside a designated time each day to fully focus on listening to God’s voice. Pick up some prayer resources to help deepen your personal relationship with Jesus as we approach the celebration of His birth. 6. Study the Christmas story. Read enlightening books about the amazing birth of Jesus. The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamphelps readers celebrate the lineage and the majesty of Jesus Christ; while The Women of Christmas by Liz Curtis Higgsfocuses more on the biblical stories of Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna. Looking for materials to help your children or grandchildren learn more about the birth of Christ? Check out our Christmas-themed activity books such as Christmas Joysor Jesus Is Born! We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the Christmas rush. At DaySpring, we want to come alongside you this season to bring you inspirational devotionals, helpful tips, and fun ideas to remind us all of the reason we celebrate Christmas. We hope our six ways to prepare for the holidays will help bring your focus back to the amazing Christmas story and His unfailing love for us. Every year, I plan on buying a traditional Advent calendar to help my family get ready for Christmas. I like the idea of daily Advent readings that help build anticipation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Unfortunately, I’m usually busy and forget to buy the calendar until after Advent has already started. There is so much going on at Thanksgiving, and then the parties start, and before you know it, Christmas is upon us. The calendar itself is not the most important thing; it’s about what celebrating Advent does for us during a very busy time of the year. Advent is the season that starts four Sundays before Christmas. For hundreds of years, Christians have used this season to remember the coming of Christ, and to prepare for Christmas. It’s more than just a piece of history, though. So, why do we celebrate Advent? Celebrating the Advent season can help us today to follow Christ more faithfully in at least three ways. Advent helps us focus on Jesus. We’ve all heard the clichés like “Jesus is the reason for the season” and “Let’s keep Christ in Christmas.” Even though they are clichés, they contain nuggets of truth. One of the reasons that they exist is that it is just so easy to let all of the activities, and shopping, and parties overwhelm our focus on Jesus. Celebrating Advent gives us daily and weekly reminders through Scripture about who Christ is and what He did for us when He came to earth. Advent helps us honor Jesus. The word “Advent” means the arrival of someone or something important. When an important event like a graduation or wedding is coming, we work hard to make sure everything is perfect. When an important person is coming to visit, we work hard to properly prepare for them so that they will know they are valuable to us. We plan the menu and the decorations; we clean the house and edge the lawn. We don’t just wait until the last minute and throw something together. Similarly, celebrating Advent helps us give Jesus the proper attention and focus He deserves. By focusing on Him throughout this season, and not just on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we honor Him more faithfully. Advent helps us remember Jesus is coming again. Advent is not only a celebration of Christ’s first coming as a baby; it is also a reminder of Jesus’ return that is yet to come. Just as God’s people awaited the first coming of the Messiah, His people now await the return of our Savior. The four weeks of Advent remind us of both of these comings. In weeks one and two, the Scripture readings look forward to His second coming and remind us of the importance of being prepared for His return. Weeks three and four look backward and help us remember the excitement and expectation that the hope of the Messiah brought to the ancient Jews. It has always been important for God’s people to remember that God is up to something, and that we need to live in expectation of what He will do when He comes again. In our world, there are so many things that can occupy our attention. The Christmas season is one of the most exciting times of the year, but it is also one of the most distracting seasons of the year. Even for those who want to keep focused on Jesus, it is difficult to do so. By celebrating Advent, we acknowledge that celebrating Jesus is more than one evening and the following day. The ‘how’ to celebrate Advent isn’t as important as the connection you make with Him, so create special traditions as a family and grow in Him together. Let us be a people who acknowledge God’s great love and generosity for his people every day this Advent season. I often think of the crazy holiday season countdown as a great big package we tear into (earlier and earlier!) every year. It’s bright and flashy, but we don’t find a whole lot at the heart of it. Advent is like a small and carefully-wrapped gift that invites us to open it slowly, day-by-day, to discover new treasures inside each year. It’s the quiet, magnificent story unfolding beneath all the shopping and celebrating. It’s the real journey that will still be beautiful and true when everything else passes away. This is the story I want my children to be swept up in. They love anticipation and discovery; They love creating and celebrating. I want to help them pour that God-given energy and excitement into the stuff that truly matters. If you’re looking for some simple, meaningful ways to celebrate a special Advent season this year, read on. Find a few easy Advent activities that feel right for your family, and give them your personal touch! Starting your own Advent traditions is a wonderful way to celebrate the marvel of the season. Hang a traditional Advent calendar that includes Scripture near a busy place in your home. Let children take turns opening each day, and spend a few moments talking about the message that’s revealed. Or place a small dry erase board orchalkboard in the kitchen to keep track of how many days until Jesus’ birthday. As simple as it seems, even taking a few moments each day to shift our focus toward the One we’re truly celebrating can make a big difference. Have the kids decorate a prayer jar, box or basket. (Check out our Bible journaling craft supplies for some great inspiration!) Cut 24 small slips of paper and sit down together to fill them out with names, situations and even parts of the world you want to pray for. Set it in the middle of the dinner table or living room, and have a child draw one out each day of Advent as your family gathers to pray. Set out an Advent Wreath, and take a moment to light one of the candles each Sunday during Advent. Talk about what it might look like to shine God’s light in the coming week. Then consider putting His love into action with a weekly family outing to bless someone in need. It could be a nursing home visit, flower delivery, or a grocery store run for a homebound neighbor. Make a reverse advent calendar collection box and add one new item each day or week to donate to a food pantry or other organization. Get the kids involved and see what creative ideas they come up with! Our family doesn’t have the magical plush toy that shows up in some houses at the holidays, but we do love to have fun with our Shepherd on the Search. We hide him around the house each day of Advent, and he makes his way to the manger on Christmas Eve. Create your own advent calendar countdown. Make an advent calendar together for a personalized way to count down. Gather some supplies and give the kids a few hours one afternoon to create their version of a Christ-centered Christmas countdown. There are no rules; it can be as simple as stickers on paper, or elaborate as a colorful clay sculpture. Talk with them about how we each have a special journey to take, and theirs is unlike anyone else’s. Remind them how much God delights in walking with us every step of the way. Allow their creativity to guide you through the Advent season as you draw inspiration from their homemade advent countdown. No matter what, remember that every little step we take toward the heart of this beautiful season matters: every meaningful conversation we share, every prayer prayed together, every act of kindness that shines His light. Don’t let the celebration of Advent become another burdensome thing to check off a holiday to-do list. Pray about your plans; do what’s right for your family in this season of life, and enjoy the journey of a Christ-centered Advent celebration together!
Replication of the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) genome depends on host factors for successfully completing their life cycles; to do this, host factors have been recruited and/or relocated to the site of viral replication. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), a cellular metabolic protein, was found to colocalize with viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (NS5) in JEV-infected cells. Subcellular fractionation further indicated that GAPDH remained relatively constant in the cytosol, while increasing at 12 to 24 hours postinfection (hpi) and decreasing at 36 hpi in the nuclear fraction of infected cells. In contrast, the redistribution patterns of GAPDH were not observed in the uninfected cells. Co-immunoprecipitation of GAPDH and JEV NS5 protein revealed no direct protein-protein interaction; instead, GAPDH binds to the 3' termini of plus- and minus-strand RNAs of JEV by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Accordingly, GAPDH binds to the minus strand more efficiently than to the plus strand of JEV RNAs. This study highlights the findings that infection of JEV changes subcellular localization of GAPDH suggesting that this metabolic enzyme may play a role in JEV replication. Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that causes acute encephalitis in humans, with a high fatality rate of 20 to 50% . It contains a single-stranded positive RNA genome of 10,976 nucleotides (nts) in length that encodes a single large open reading frame (ORF) flanked by a 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR, 95 nts) and a 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR, 585 nts). The ORF is translated as a single polyprotein that undergoes co- and post-translational processing to yield three structural (C, prM, and E), and seven nonstructural proteins (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5) . The largest viral protein, NS5, functions as an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and plays a major role in amplification of viral RNAs . It has been reported that the NS5 protein binds to the 3' end stemloop (SL) RNA as well as associates with NS3 in the replication complex (RC) . Replication of flavivirus RNA takes place in the cytoplasm by an asymmetric and semiconservative mode resulting in 10 to 100-fold greater plus strands compared to minus strands . However, the major replicase proteins NS3 and NS5 were also found to localize within the nucleus [6, 7]. The reason for nuclear localization of these viral proteins remains unknown; viral proteins may decoy some host factors for assisting viral replication. Numerous studies have shown that replication of RNA viruses is involved in many specific RNA-RNA, RNA-protein, and protein-protein interactions. Host factors contribute to various steps in these interactions including translocation of viral RNA and proteins, stabilizing/assembly of RC, and modulation of viral enzymes . In order to obtain more detailed information regarding the interaction between host proteins and the defined viral nucleic acid and/or proteins, we investigated the host factors associating with the main replicase enzyme, NS5, in the JEV-infected cells using yeast-two hybrid screening. Several host factors were found and further characterized by coimmunoprecipitation (co-ip) and immunofluorescence assays (IFA) (unpublished data). The initial observation of GAPDH colocalized with JEV NS5 was to use it as an endogenous control for immunofluorescence assays (IFA) because its constant expression has been frequently used as an internal control in many studies. To our surprise, GAPDH was found to be colocalized with JEV NS5 by IFA. It should be noted that GAPDH was not identified by the yeast two-hybrid assay. GAPDH is a key glycolytic enzyme that plays a pivotal role in energy production . During the past twenty years, however, numerous studies indicated that GAPHD is a multifunction protein in addition to its traditional role in glycolysis . The enzyme has been found to play many roles including membrane fusion, DNA replication/repair, RNA transport [9, 11], apoptosis [12, 13], oxidative stress , and cytoskeleton assembly [15, 16]. Many of these new functions require GAPDH to be associated into a series of multienzyme complexes and correlated with subcellular localization. Indeed, GAPDH is present in both cytoplasm and nucleus indicating that it may shuttle between the two compartments. The nuclear-GAPDH appears to be involved in the initiation of one or more apoptotic cascades , play a role in DNA transcription/replication , and assist in maintenance of telomeres . In this study, we demonstrate that the colocalization of GAPDH with NS5 in JEV-infected cells was via binding to viral RNAs rather than binding to the NS5 protein directly. In addition, GAPDH binds to the minus strand more efficiently than to the plus strand of JEV RNAs. The subcellular localization of GAPDH changed upon JEV infection suggesting that GAPDH may play a role during the JEV life cycle. Baby hamster kidney (BHK-21) cells were grown in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 2% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Gibco-BRL) at 37°C. Human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells were grown at 37°C in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 8% FBS. Cells were infected with the JEV RP9 strain at 1 PFU/cell and incubated 1 h for virus adsorption for all experiments. Cells grown on coverslips were either uninfected or infected with JEV. At indicated time points postinfection, cells were washed with phosphate-buffered saline followed by fixation with ice-cold methanol. The fixed cells were then incubated with the rabbit anti-NS5 antibody or the mouse anti-GAPDH antibody (Novus). For double labeling of NS5 and GAPDH, the cells were washed and incubated with FITC-conjugated goat anti-rabbit and CY3-conjugated donkey anti-mouse secondary antibodies (Jackson). The coverslips were finally washed, mounted, and examined using a confocal microscope (Leica TCS SL) with 1000× magnification. The separation of nuclear and cytoplasmic extract was done with the Nuclear/Cytosol Fractionation Kit according to the manufacturer's protocol (BioVision). Fractionation was performed at 6-h intervals of postinfection, and the uninfected controls were done simultaneously. Fifteen μg of protein was used per lane and separated on a SDS-10% polyacrylamide gel for Western blot analysis. After blotting, the PVDF membrane was cut horizontally into three pieces: (i) the top piece with estimated molecular weight above 72 kDa was probed with Rabbit anti-NS5 antibody, (ii) the middle piece with molecular weight between 41 and 72 kDa was probed with mouse anti-β-actin antibody (Sigma), and (iii) the bottom piece with protein mass smaller than 41 kDa was probed with Mouse anti-GAPDH antibody (Novus), respectively. Equal amount of proteins was used on separated gel for blotting with Rabbit anti-β-tubulin antibody (Novus) as a cytoplasmic specific subcellular marker. The membranes were incubated with goat anti-rabbit or rabbit anti-mouse IgG coupled with horseradish peroxidase (Jackson) as standard procedure. Signals were revealed using a chemiluminescence kit (ECL, Amersham Parmacia Biotech), visualized using a luminescent image analyzer (LAS-3000, Fujifilm) and analyzed using Multi Gauge software (Fujifilm). Cells (1 × 107 cells) were harvested at 24 hpi in RIPA buffer (150 mM NaCl, 1% IGEPAL CA-630, 0.5% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride). Cell lysates were incubated on ice for 10 min and cell debris was removed by centrifugation. One milligram of whole cell extract per reaction was precleaned with 20 μl protein G-plus agarose beads (Santa Cruz) at 4°C for 1 hour with rotation. The clarified supernatants were incubated with rabbit anti-NS5 antibody, anti-NS3 antibody, anti-hemagglutinin (HA) (LAB Vision), or anti-GAPDH antibody (AbFrontier) at 4°C overnight. Protein G-plus agarose beads were added to the mixture and incubated for 1 hour at 4°C to pull down antibody-specific complexes, and the precipitate was washed with 1 ml of RIPA buffer five times. The final precipitate was then boiled in protein loading buffer for 5 min and ran on SDS-10% PAGE for Western blot analysis. Two plasmids that harbor a T7 promoter directing the synthesis of 3'-ends of plus- and minus-strands of JEV RNAs were constructed by PCR. JEV specific cDNA was made as previously described . pUC18JEV(+)3'SL was constructed with the PCR products amplified using the T7 promoter (lowercase) containing primer (5'-taatacgactcactataGGGAGATCTTCTGCTCTATC-3', corresponding to JEV nt 10890–10909) and the Sal I site-containing primer (5'-ACGC GTCGAC AGATCCTGTGTTCTTCCTCACCACCAG-3', complementary to nt 10950 to 10976). pUC18JEV(-)1–160 was constructed with the PCR products amplified using the Xba I site-containing primer (5'-GCTCTAG A GAAGTTTATCTGTGTGAACTTCTTGGCTTAG-3', corresponding to nt 1–32) and the T7-containing primer 5'-taatacgactcactataGGTAGGCCGCGTTTCAGCATATTG-3' (complementary to nt 137–160). All clones were confirmed by commercial sequencing. Recombinant plasmids, pUC18JEV(+)3'SL and pUC18JEV(-)1–160, were linearized with Sal I and Xba I, respectively. Radioactively labeled riboprobes were generated by run-off transcription in presence of α-32P-UTP (3000 Ci/mmol) and gel purified. Approximately 105 cpm of riboprobe per reaction was heat-denatured at 85°C for 5 min and equal volume 2× renaturing buffer (40 mM HEPES, pH 7.9, 120 mM KCl, 4 mM MgCl2) and 1 μl Ribonuclease inhibitor (40 U/μl, Takara) were added and incubated at 45°C for 30 mins. The riboprobe with 50 ng to 1 μg of GAPDH (Sigma), or 1 μg of Bovine Serum albumin (BSA), was incubated at room temperature for 30 mins for complex formation. One μl of Heparin (1 μg/μl) was added to the mixture and incubated for 10 mins. The RNA-protein complexes (RPC) were resolved by electrophoresis through a 4% polyacrylamide gel in 0.5× TBE and analyzed by autoradiography. To investigate the interaction of JEV NS5 with host factor GAPDH in JEV-infected BHK-21 and HEK293 cells, we use immunofluorescent staining. As expected, GAPDH (red color) was detected in the cytoplasm as well as in the nucleus of the uninfected cells (Fig. 1A). In contrast, the GAPDH was shown mainly in the cytoplasm of JEV-infected BHK-21 cells at 24 hpi, while only a few GAPDH were observed in the nucleus. Notably, not any GAPDH was detected in the nucleus of JEV-infected BHK-21 cells at 36 hpi (Fig. 1A), suggesting that infection of JEV may cause redistribution of the nucleus-localized portion of GAPDH to the cytosol. Positive staining of the NS5 proteins (green) were predominantly detected in the cytoplasm throughout the infection period whereas only a few proteins were observed in the nucleus of JEV-infected BHK-21 cells at 24 hpi (Fig. 1A, white arrows). The merged images showed that GAPDH and NS5 protein colocalized in the cytoplasm throughout the infection period and in the nucleus of a few cells at 24 hpi (Fig. 1A). A similar colocalization pattern was also observed in JEV-infected HEK293 cells, except for the cells being smaller than BHK-21 cells (Fig. 1B). Overall, the redistribution of the nucleus-localized portion of GAPDH to cytosol in JEV-infected cells and colocalization with NS5 suggest that GAPDH may play a role in JEV infection. GAPDH and NS5 proteins colocalize within the JEV-infected cells. Double staining of GAPDH (red) and NS5 (green) proteins in BHK-21 (A) or HEK293 cells (B) was done as described in Materials and Methods. Cells were stained as uninfected (Uninf.) or at hours postinfection (hpi). Colocalization of both NS5 and GAPDH was evidenced by merged images (yellow). The scale bar is 40 μM. To further investigate the redistribution of GAPDH from the nucleus to the cytoplasm after JEV infection, we perform subcellular fractionation of nucleus and cytoplasm from both uninfected and infected cells, followed by Western blot analyses. As shown in Fig 2A., total amounts of the cytoplasmic-GAPDH (lanes 1 to 6) and the nuclear-GAPDH (lanes 7 to 12) are relatively constant at each time point in the uninfected cells. In contrast, in the fraction of infected cells, cytoplasmic-GAPDH remains constant (Fig 2B, lanes 1 to 6), while the nuclear-GAPDH increasing at 12 to 24 hours postinfection (hpi) and decreasing at 36 hpi were observed (Fig 2B, lanes 7 to 12) indicating that the nucleus-localized portion of GAPDH redistributed after viral infection. It should be noticed that the amounts of total proteins obtained from cytoplasmic fraction are generally four times more than proteins from the nuclear fraction extracted at each time point (Fig. 2C), yet equal amount of protein was used per lane for western blot based on the β-actin expression level constant in cytoplasm and nucleus (Fig. 2A and 2B) and similar level of background in each blot. Moreover, the redistribution of GAPDH upon JEV infection may happen at an early stage since the difference was observed promptly when protein was extracted immediately following virus infection (comparing Fig. 2A and 2B, lanes 1 and 7). Interestingly, the expression of nuclear-GAPDH re-increased at 12 h postinfection (Fig. 2B, lane 9) reaching to the comparable amounts at 18 and 24 h postinfection (Fig. 2B, lanes 10 and 11) and then decreased again at 36 h postinfection (Fig. 2B, lane 12). The differences were not observed in those uninfected cells (Fig. 2A). This result was consistent with the observation in the IFA (Fig. 1) that GAPDH was barely detected in the nucleus of infected cells at 36 hpi. Please note that there was a low molecular band, recognized by anti-GAPDH specific antibody, shown only in the nuclear fraction, which may be a derived and/or spliced product from the intact GAPDH. However, the functional relevance of the derived/spliced GAPDH remains to be investigated. Oppositely, the NS5 protein was detected in the cytoplasmic fraction at 12 h postinfection and throughout the infection period (Fig. 2B, lanes 3 to 6). Of particular interest, it was also detected in the nuclear fraction at 18 h through 36 h postinfection (Fig. 2B, lanes 10 to 12). Here we use β-tubulin, a cytoplasmic specific subcellular marker, to exclude the possibility of NS5 in the nuclear extract might having come from cytoplasmic contamination during fractionation. As shown in Fig. 2B, the β-tubulin was detected only in the cytoplasmic fraction but not in the nucleus fraction, indicating that the subcellular fractionation of nucleus versus cytoplasm was complete. Evidence of GAPDH redistribution in JEV-infected HEK293 cells. Proteins were extracted from uninfected cells (A) at a time simultaneous with those hours postinfection (hpi) with JEV (B). Cytoplasmic (lanes 1 to 6) and nuclear proteins (lanes 7 to 12) were fractionated as described in Materials and Methods. Western blots were done separately with antibodies as indicated on the right. (C). Relative amounts of proteins isolated from cytosolic or nuclear fraction during each time point, yet equal amounts (15 μg) of proteins were loaded per lane on panels A and B. In order to verify direct or indirect association of the NS5 protein with GAPDH in JEV-infected cells, we perform co-immunoprecipitation assays and Western Blot analysis. The NS5 was detected in dose-dependent manner with anti-NS5 antibody (Fig. 3A, lanes 3 and 4) or co-immunoprecipitated with anti-NS3 antibody (Fig. 3A, lane 5). However, the NS5 was not co-immunoprecipitated with anti-GAPDH antibody in the same assay condition (Fig. 3A, lane 7) neither with anti-HA antibody or no antibody (Fig. 3A, lanes 6 and 8). In addition, the GAPDH was co-immunoprecipitated with anti-GAPDH antibody either in uninfected or infected cell lysate (Fig. 3B, lanes 3 and 4) indicating that the antibody is suitable for immunoprecipitation. GAPDH was not co-immunoprecipitated with anti-NS3, anti-NS5 antibodies, or no antibody added (Fig. 3B, lanes 5–9). These results indicated that GAPDH does not directly interact with NS5 or NS3, suggesting that the host-viral protein colocalization may be via an RNA intermediate. No direct interaction of NS5 and GAPDH proteins was demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) followed by Western blot analyses against NS5 (A) or GAPDH (B). Lanes 1 and 2, 10 μg of uninfected (un.) and infected (inf.) cell extracts without (W/O) IP. Antibodies against various proteins for IP or no antibody added are indicated on the top. The interactions of JEV NS5 as well as host factors with 3' stem-loop regions of plus- and minus-strands of JEV RNAs have been reported [4, 22, 23]. Here we ask whether the viral RNAs served as the intermediates for the colocalization of GAPDH and NS5. To address this issue, we use two viral RNAs: the 3' terminal 87 nts of plus strand (JEV(+)3'SL) and 3' end of minus strand corresponding to genome at nt 1–160 (JEV(-)1–160), for the in vitro gel mobility shift assays (EMSA). The initial approach was performing EMSA using cell extract mixed with the two riboprobes, respectively, followed by supershift assay with anti-GAPDH antibody. RNA-protein complexes were found indicating host proteins associated with the viral RNA, yet no supershift band was detected with the GAPDH specific antibodies (data not shown). This result may be due to the reason that GAPDH exists mainly as a tetramer comprising four identical 37-kDa subunits in vivo and is also known to form a variety of protein-protein complexes with other cellular proteins. These complexes may hinder accessibility of an epitope to the antibody we used as well as instabilities during gel electrophoresis. Alternatively, we chose purified GAPDH protein to perform EMSA and to characterize the interaction of GAPDH protein with plus- and minus-strands of viral RNAs. A mobility shift band was observed when plus-strand riboprobe incubated with 1 μg of purified GAPDH (Fig. 4A, lane 4) but was not detectable with amounts of 50 or 200 ng of GAPDH used (Fig. 4A, lanes 2 and 3). Addition of 1 μg bovine serum albumin (BSA) to the riboprobe resulted in no RPC band (Fig. 4A, lane 5), suggesting that the binding to GAPDH is specific. When JEV minus-strand riboprobe (JEV(-)1–160) was used, the PRC band was readily detected when GAPDH was as low as 55 ng (Fig. 4B, lane 2). At least two major PRC species at higher concentration of GAPDH (165 and 550 ng) were observed (Fig. 4B, lanes 3 and 4). It has been reported that oxidation of GAPDH enhances its binding to nucleic acids , thus 70 μM of H2O2 was added to the binding reaction. The intensity of the two major RPC species did not increase; however, three additional slow migration bands were observed when 550 ng of GAPDH was used (Fig. 4B, lane 7). Addition of 1 μg BSA did not bind to JEV(-)1–160 riboprobe indicating that the binding is specific (Fig. 4B, lane 8). These results indicated that GAPDH binds much more efficiently to the minus-strand riboprobe than to the plus strand. In vitro interaction of GAPDH with plus-strand (A) and minus-strand (B) of JEV riboprobes. Lane 1, free probe (F). A. GAPDH (50 ng, 200 ng, 1 μg; lanes 2–4), or BSA (1 μg; lane 5) were added to the binding reaction as indicated on the top. B. GAPDH proteins (55 ng, 165 ng, 550 ng) without (lanes 2–4) or with 70 μM of H2O2 treated (lanes 5–7) were added to the binding reaction. RNA-protein complexes (RPC) are indicated by arrows. GAPDH is an abundant and constantly expressed protein; it plays an essential role in glycolysis and many other important cellular functions [10, 25]. In this study, we have shown that GAPDH colocalized with JEV NS5 in the infected cells (Fig. 1), adding that this colocalization may be due to its ubiquitous nature and relatively high abundance. Next, we demonstrated that the GAPDH and NS5 proteins did not interact directly (Fig. 3); instead, the interaction of these two proteins is through its RNA intermediates since the GAPDH binds to the 3' termini of plus- and minus-strand RNA of JEV (Fig. 4). Ribonucleoprotien complex in infected cells is involved in many specific RNA-protein and protein-protein interactions. It has been reported that NS3 and NS5 proteins of JEV and a cellular protein Mov 34 bind to the 3'-long stable hairpin of the plus strand [4, 23]. We demonstrated that NS5 binds to the JEV(-)1–160 riboprobe (data not shown). Taken together, these results revealed that both NS5 and GAPDH bind to 3' termini of plus- and minus-strand RNAs of JEV, suggesting that the colocalization of these two proteins is due to both of them being bound to the viral terminal RNAs. Yet, similar or relatively close viral RNA regions responsible for both protein binding remain to be determined. Furthermore, our results indicated that GAPDH binds more efficiently to the minus-strand RNA than to the plus-strand RNA (Fig. 4). Recently, Wang and Nagy reported an interesting observation that GAPDH selectively binds to Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) minus-strand RNA over plus-strand RNA , suggesting a model for promoting asymmetric RNA replication since they demonstrated that GAPDH bound an AUUUA pentamer sequence in the minus strand and retained minus strand RNAs in the replication complex [26, 27]. Similarly, JEV(-)1–160 RNA sequence contains an UUUUA pentamer (complementary to nt 122 to 126 in JEV RP9 genome) which is located at the loop of the proximal stemloop of the minus strand. It is likely that GAPDH binds to this region. In addition, the interactions of GAPDH with secondary structures such as AU-rich helices RNA have been reported in various RNA viruses including human parainfluenza virus type 3 , hepatitis A and C viruses [29, 30]. The overall AU contents of plus-strand riboprobe is about 50%, while the minus-strand riboprobe is about 60%, suggesting that the differences of AU contents may cause the selective binding of GAPDH. Whether such difference affects the plus and minus-strand synthesis of JEV RNA needs to be characterized; nevertheless, our results indicated that selective retention of the viral minus strand by GAPDH could be a common feature for the asymmetric replication of plus strand RNA viruses . The role of GAPDH in several important nuclear functions has been identified in the past few years including participation in DNA replication/repair , regulation of histone genes expression , and modulation of telomere structure . Furthermore, GAPDH interacts with microtubules and participates in nuclear membrane fusion . Our results showed that nuclear-GAPDH is found at high levels in the uninfected cells (Fig. 2A) suggesting its normal function in the nucleus. In contrast, by infection with JEV, the nuclear-GAPDH appeared to be localized to the cytoplasm. It should be noted that overall expression of GAPDH in the uninfected and infected cells did not change significantly (data not shown), yet differences were found by subcellular fractionation of GAPDH (Fig. 2) indicating that JEV infection caused redistribution of GAPDH. Interestingly, the amount of nuclear-GAPDH decreased in early infection, increased between 12 to 24 h postinfection, and decreased again at 36 h postinfection. GAPDH is involved in the early stages of apoptosis, which trigger the translocation of GAPDH into the nucleus [17, 33]. GAPDH contains nuclear localization signal (NLS) as well as nuclear export signal (NES) indicating that it shuttles between these two compartments and the translocation is reversible [34–36]. The redistribution pattern of the nuclear GAPDH indicated that it may play a signaling role in the apoptosis pathway during JEV infection. In addition, JEV NS5 was also detected in the nuclear fraction at 18 h through 36 h postinfection (Fig. 2B). Host proteins La, primarily a nuclear protein, and importin-beta were found to interact with the NS5 of Dengue virus suggesting that nuclear localization of NS5 may be via the assistance of these host proteins . La protein also binds to NS3 as well as to the 5' and 3' ends of Dengue virus RNAs [38, 39]. Recently, La protein was shown to bind to the 3'-SL of JEV . These results indicate that nuclear localization of viral proteins may be essential for virus replication. A low molecular band, recognized by the anti-GAPDH specific antibody, was detected only in the nuclear fraction (Fig. 2). GAPDH staining comprised of two bands was reported in the S49 cells and only the lower band was detected in the nuclear fraction by subfractionation on a sucrose gradient . Observation of two bands apparently was due to using different subcellular fractionation methods since under the same condition, two bands were observed by subfractionation using sucrose gradients, while only one band was revealed using normal centrifugation . Similarly, we detected only one GAPDH band from total cell lysate (Fig. 3B, lanes 1 and 2), while detecting two bands in the nuclear fraction prepared from the Nuclear/Cytosol Fractionation Kit (BioVision). In summary, GAPDH interacts indirectly with JEV NS5 protein through the 3'-ends of the viral RNAs, resulting in redistribution of GAPDH in the infected cells. It is likely that the virus-induced redistribution of GAPDH is associated with the early stage of JEV replication/translation after it entered into the host cells. Results presented in this study support the notion that asymmetric replication of plus strand RNA viruses co-opt a host protein for the selective binding ability and ensure an optimal plus-strand/minus-strand viral RNA production. This is the first report to indicate redistribution of GAPDH correlates with JEV infection, which may open up additional avenues toward a deeper understanding of GAPDH regulating the replication of JEV. We thank Dr. Robert Yung-Liang Wang for constructive comments on this manuscript and Dr. Li-Kuang Chen for kindly providing anti-NS3 antibody. This work was supported by grant NSC 96-2311-B-259-004 from the National Science Council, Taiwan, Republic of China. SHY designed and carried out the main experiments. MLL initiated the project. CFT performed the EMSA experiments and SJ. Chou constructed the plasmids. RYC conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
On Monday I will deliver with Seppo Jaakola from Codership a tutorial on Percona XtraDB Cluster (Percona Server + Galera). Already in London and you don’t know how to consume the hotel’s bandwidth ? If you attend this tutorial, you can download the Virtual Box appliance we will use during the session. If it works you are already setup for Monday afternoon. Notice the result of the NOW() function in the following query. The query was run on a real database server and I didn’t change the clock of the server or change anything in the database configuration settings. You may proceed to party like it is 1999. How can the NOW() function return a value in the past? The “secret” is the TIMESTAMP variable, which is a special MySQL variable that can be set by the MySQL client. MySQL adds special events in the binary log which set the TIMESTAMP and INSERT_ID (which is used for AUTO_INCREMENT replication) to the correct values to ensure that statements replicate properly. Notice that SYSDATE returns the correct date. This means the SYSDATE() function is not replication safe by default. If you want to use the SYSDATE function in your app in DML statements, make sure you use the –sysdate-as-now option to mysqld. Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Playback 0.5 on November 26th, 2012. Downloads are available from our download site and Percona Software Repositories. Percona Playback is a tool for replaying the load of one database server to another. Currently it can read queries from MySQL query-log and tcpdump files and run them on other MySQL server. With Percona Playback you can measure how a server or database upgrade, change in my.cnf or schema change can affect the overall performance of your database server. This release should be considered Alpha quality. Reports have been extended and now return the list of queries with a response time longer than the ones run on the original. Additional statistics, like the query types (SELECT, UPDATE,…) with the proportion off faster and slower statement for each categories, has been added as well. Percona Playback now supports reading the slow query log from standard input (stdin) instead of log file. For this release binary packages were prepared, full list is available in our documentation. Multi-line queries in the slow query log didn’t work correctly. Bug fixed #1035217 (Stewart Smith). Raw tcpdump format wasn’t documented. Bug fixed #1034527 (Hrvoje Matijakovic). Miguel already showed in his post how to use Percona Playback with the query_log plugin. Following example shows how to capture traffic with tcpdump and create a dump file that will be later used with Percona Playback. After we collect some amount of traffic we can stop the tcpdump and use the dump file to replay the load on the test server. Warning: All the queries will be run with Percona Playback, not just the SELECT but the UPDATE,DELETE and INSERT ones as well. So be sure not to run this on production database unless you don’t need the data anymore. This example uses accurate tcpdump-mode, which means Percona Playback will preserve query execution times and it will pause between queries to playback the same load that was recorded on production with the same accuracy. Spent 00:00:59.856656 executing queries versus an expected 00:00:47.085301 time. A total of 0 queries had errors. Number of queries where number of rows differed: 0. We can use this information to decide if the test server needs further tuning or how it will be able to sustain production load. If you encounter any bugs, please report them to our bug tracking system. I learn more and more about Galera every day. As I learn more, I try to keep my myq_gadgets toolkit up to date with what I consider is important to keep any eye on on a PXC node. In that spirit, I just today pushed some changes to the ‘wsrep’ report, and I thought I’d go over some of the status variables and metrics being tracked there with the aim to show folks what they should be watching (at least from my opinion, this is subject to change!). As I’ve mentioned before, myq_status gives an iostat-like output of your server. This tool takes what are usually global counters in SHOW GLOBAL STATUS and calculates the change each second and reports that. There’s lot of other reports it can run, but this one is focused on ‘wsrep%’ status variables. It’s important to note that this reflects the status of a single PXC node in my cluster, node3 to be precise, so some information is cluster-wide, other information is specific to this particular node. I tend to open a window for each node and run the tool on each so I can see things across the entire cluster at a glance. Sometime in the future, I’d like to build a tool that polls every cluster node, but that’s not available currently. Let’s go through the columns. There are 4 columns in the cluster section, and it’s important to understand that this tool only currently connections to a single node (by default, localhost). The state of the cluster could be divergent across multiple nodes, so be careful to not assume all nodes have these values! The cluster’s name (first 5 characters). This is wsrep_cluster_name. Either P for Primary or N for Non-primary. This is the state of this partition of the cluster. If a cluster gets split brained, then only a quorum (>=51%) of the remaining nodes will remain Primary. Non-primary clusters are the remaining minority and will not allow database operations. This is wserep_cluster_conf_id — the version # of the cluster configuration. This changes every time a node joins or leaves the cluster. Seeing high values here may indicate you have nodes frequently dropping out and rejoining the cluster and you may need some retuning of some node timeouts to prevent this. This is state data about the local node that the tool happens to be connected to. The name of this local node (first 5 characters). This is handy when you have this tool running in several windows on several nodes. This is the wsrep_local_state_comment — basically a plaintext word describing the state of the node in terms of the rest of the cluster. ’Sync’ (Synced) is what you want to see, but ‘Dono’ (Donor), ‘Join’ (Joiner), and others are possible. This is handy to quickly spot which node was elected to Donate either SST or IST to another node entering the cluster. Short for state, this is two True/False values (T/F) for wsrep_ready and wsrep_connected. These are somewhat redundant with the local_state value, so I may remove them in the future. This is information about the replication queues in both directions. The ‘Up’ queue is outbound replication. This generally increases when some other node is having difficulty receiving replication events. The ‘Dn’ (down) queue is inbound replication. Positive values here can be an indicator that this node is slow to apply replication writesets. Ops are simply replication transactions or writesets. Up is outbound, i.e., where this node was the originator of the transaction. Dn is download, that is, transactions from other nodes in the cluster. Just like Ops, but in Bytes instead of transaction counts. I have seen production clusters having performance issues where I noticed that the Ops and Bytes went to Zeros on all the nodes for a few seconds, and then a massive 90M+ replication transaction came through. Using the Up and Dn columns, I could easily see which node was the originator of the transaction. Flow gives some information about Flow Control events. Galera has some sophisticated ways of metering replication so lag does not become a problem. wsrep_flow_control_paused — This is the amount of time since the last time SHOW GLOBAL STATUS was run that replication was paused due to flow control. This is a general indicator that flow control is slowing replication (and hence overall cluster writes) down. wsrep_flow_control_sent — how many flow control events were SENT from this node. Handy to find the node slowing the others down. This does not go under the Flow group. This is wsrep_cert_deps_distance — This is a general indicator of how many parallel replication threads you could use. In practice I haven’t found this extremely helpful yet and I may remove this in the future. I think being aware of how Flow control works and watching flow control events and queue sizes is a better way to detect replication lag, and this really just tells you if multi-threaded replication could help improve replication speed at all. Replication conflicts, as described in my last post. lcf is local certification failures, and bfa is brute force aborts. This should be helpful to understand that these conflicts are or are not happening. We can see are are connected to the node identified as ‘node3′. Our cluster is Primary and there are 3 nodes total belonging to it. There isn’t any replication queue activity, and I find this is common except during cluster stalls. There are clearly a fair amount of transactions being replicated to and from this node: approximately 100K worth of data outbound, and just a hair more than that coming in. Our replication is performing well, because the Flow control columns are zeroes, but we do see some replication conflicts. Mostly these are brute force aborts, but I was able to see the (very occasional) local certification failure. This makes sense to me because the replication inbound queue always reports as empty, so it seems that replication is being applied nearly immediately. Local certification failures only happen when the inbound queue is > 0. Instead brute force aborts are applying writesets rolling back locally open transactions. In fact, this is a sysbench test what is running full speed (these are VMs, so that’s not that particularly fast) on two of my three nodes, and more slowly on the third. I had to decrease my table size from 250k to 2.5k to start seeing replication conflicts regularly. Hopefully this is helpful for you to get an idea of how to observe and interpret Galera status variables. Time for another poll! I wonder What CPU Architecture do you use for running MySQL in Production ? I guess most of the game here is between Intel and AMD x86-64 variants though I wonder if there is still a lot of use for others in the wild. If I am missing some Architecture which is still alive in your data center please post a comment and I will add it to the list. Please select all what applies. If you would like to share what works better for you in the comments I appreciate it. Earlier this week, Cédric blogged about how easy we can get confused between a covering index and a full index scan in the EXPLAIN output. While a covering index (seen with EXPLAIN as Extra: Using index) is a very interesting performance optimization, a full index scan (type: index) is according to the documentation the 2nd worst possible execution plan after a full table scan. If it is obvious that a full table scan is not good for performance, how much can we expect if we can switch to a full index scan? In other terms, is a full table scan always the worst possible execution and should it be avoided at all costs? This query can of course by executed by running a full table scan, but we could also take advantage of the idx_first index, which will translate to a full index scan. Surprising? The optimizer preferred a full table scan, and it did not even consider scanning the idx_first index as a relevant choice (possible_keys: NULL). What do we get if we force the optimizer to use the index? Honestly, it looks better: the number of rows is the same, but a full index scan instead of a full table scan and no filesort. But predicting how a query will perform by only looking at the execution plan is not enough, we must run both queries and compare execution time. With the full table scan, the query runs in about 4s. With the full index scan, it runs in about 30s. So the optimizer was right after all. But why? Simply because all access patterns are not equal. When we are doing a full table scan, we are doing sequential reads, which are quite fast even with slow disks. But when we are using the index, we first have to do a full index scan (fast sequential reads, no problem) and then lots of random reads to fetch rows by index value. And random reads are orders of magnitude slower than sequential reads. The optimizer has this knowledge, so it is able to pick the right execution plan. With the full table scan, the query runs in about 3.3s. With the full index scan, the query runs in about 2.6s. We can see here a limitation of the optimizer: it does not know on which kind of media data is stored. If it is stored on spinning disks, the assumption that random reads are much slower than sequential reads is correct, but it is not the case anymore if data is stored in memory. That’s why when execution plans look similar, you should always execute the query to really see which execution plan should be chosen. Here if we know that the table will always be in memory, we should add the FORCE INDEX hint to ensure optimal response time. The optimizer chooses the full index scan. It is a good choice because the index now covers the query, which means that reading the index is enough to get the results. For a non covering index, the different between a full table scan and an execution plan based on a full index scan is basically the difference between sequential reads and random reads: it can be close if you have fast storage or it can be very different if you have slow storage. A full index scan can become interesting when the index is covering. Don’t forget to measure response time when you are trying different execution plans. It is too easy to get focused on having a good-looking execution, but the end user only cares about response time! Get Me Some Query Logs! One of my favorite tools in the Percona Toolkit is pt-query-digest. This tool is indispensable for identifying your top SQL queries, and analyzing which queries are accounting for your database load. But the report you get from pt-query-digest is only as good as the log of queries you give it as input. You need a large enough sample of query logs, collected over a period of time when you have representative traffic on your database. You also need the log to include all the queries, not just those that take more than N seconds. The reason is that some queries are individually quick, and would not be logged if you set the long_query_time configuration variable to 1 or more seconds. You want that threshold to be 0 seconds while you’re collecting logs. However, activating such high-volume query log collection can be costly. Every statement executed on your database will cause file I/O, even when the query itself was served out of your buffer pool memory. That’s a lot of overhead, so we need to be careful about how and when we collect logs, and for how long we leave that running. I’ve put together a simple shell script to help automate this. I have given it the functional but unimaginative name full-slow-log. The script configures full logging, then sleeps for a number of seconds to allow queries to be collected in the logs. After it finishes sleeping, or if you interrupt the script, the script restores log configuration back to the values they started with. -v is for verbose output. -s seconds allows you to specify the number of seconds to sleep. The default is 5 seconds, which is probably too short for most sites, but the value is chosen to be as low impact as possible if you forget to give another value. -c config allows you to specify a MySQL config file other than $HOME/.my.cnf, so you can store host, user, and password. Notice that the script also redirects the slow query log to a new file, with a filename based on the timestamp. This is so you have a distinct file that contains only the specific time range of logs you collected. The restoration of settings is in a “trap” which is a shell scripting feature that serves as both an exit handler and signal handler. So if you interrupt the script before it’s done, you have some assurance that it will do the right thing to restore settings anyway. If you can make it to London in December, we’d love to see you there! If not, look for future Percona Live conferences. Tweet the link to this blog for a chance to win a free full conference pass. Make sure to use hashtag #perconalive! Winner will be chosen at the end of the day. If you are interested by a great and revolutionary HA solution for MySQL or even if you already have some experience with PXC and/or Galera, I invite you to attend the tutorial I will deliver in Percona Live MySQL Conference London 2012 (PLUK2012), December 3rd : Percona XtraDB Cluster in a nutshell. Small amount of theory and a lot of exercises and examples to really tame the beast that PXC is ! A Codership engineer will also be present and happy to help me answering your questions. Note to attendees: please bring your laptop with a recent Virtual Box installed and enough free space to store 3 VMs (+/-2G per VM). As said before, this session will be almost 100% hands on ! Last but not least, tweet the link to this blog for a chance to win a free full conference pass. Make sure to use hashtag #perconalive! Winner will be chosen at the end of the day. To be clearer: a transaction was open on this node (not-yet-committed), and a conflicting writeset from some other node that was being applied caused a locking conflict. Again, first committed (from some other node) wins, so our open transaction is again rolled back. ”bf” stands for brute-force: any transaction can get aborted by galera any time it is necessary.
Meet the Neffendorfs. He rides a motorcycle with a sidecar. She home-schools their four children. Together, they own Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters and Davis Street Espresso. It had all been going so well until we got pulled over by the federales. To be fair, though, I had set a low bar, because I wasn’t sure what to expect on my first international flight, a 10-hour overnight to Brazil in economy class. And I was traveling with four children, all under the age of 7. Their parents, Jenni and Shannon Neffendorf, were there, too, but what good are parents in such a situation? I had prepared as best I could. I had a neck pillow, noise-canceling headphones, and some totally legally acquired Xanax. Flying makes me nervous. Not so nervous as to bring on a panic attack, but rather a simmering, unrelenting feeling that the plane could get pulled apart at any moment in midair, and my last thoughts would be of my husband, my parents, and my dog as I tumbled out of the sky and into the Amazon. But it wasn’t so bad. I slept some, I think. The Neffendorfs were one row up, and I didn’t hear a word from any of them. Four kids, all under 7. Ten hours overnight. Coach. I knew the Neffendorf kids were good, but now I can officially call them the most well-behaved children I know. Shannon owns Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters, a small business that delivers freshly roasted coffee from countries all over the world to more than 70 wholesale clients around the Dallas area. He was one of the first in a wave of local roasters focused on lighter roasting and direct trade with coffee farms. I met Shannon when I worked for one of his clients, running the now-closed Urban Acres storefront in Oak Cliff. Back then, in 2011, Shannon himself would often drop off the coffee. I got to know Jenni when she came in to shop for groceries. These days, I live in Oak Cliff, teach biology at a community college, and write about food—sometimes coffee. I’ve spent many mornings at Shannon’s other business, a coffee shop called Davis Street Espresso. One morning last winter, I was talking with Shannon at his shop about his most recent origin trip, to Central America. He said that maybe I should tag along sometime, that there might be a story in it. People in the industry call it an “origin trip” because you see coffee at its source, the farm. Many roasters travel to origin, but few do it with the frequency that Shannon does, a commitment he made when he started Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters in 2008. For the Brazil trip, the Neffendorfs’ plan was to take the whole family to meet the people who grow and process some of the coffee that OCCR sells. I wondered briefly if his invitation was sincere or if Shannon was just being polite, and then I said yes before he could take it back. I wasn’t about to pass up a chance to travel to origin, so I definitely neglected to mention that I had only recently gotten a passport and knew nothing about international travel. Or that most children don’t find me particularly enjoyable and occasionally cry when I smile at them. We landed, and after all seven of us and our luggage had weaved our way through customs and a duty-free shopping maze that felt like some sort of manic, overcrowded marketplace in a dystopian space movie, our hosts, Anita and Sergio Dias, picked us up in a van, and we were on our way. Sergio is a farmer and exporter who ships the coffee to the United States. Five hours in the van, and our travel marathon would be at an end. The kids were all hanging in there, sleeping some and asking lots of questions about cars and signs along the way. And then, when we were so close to our destination, we got pulled over by the aforementioned federales, and I started to feel the wheels coming off. The only thing I really knew about Brazil before this trip was that my father had been unceremoniously asked to leave the country in the ’70s. It’s a long story and not as exciting as it sounds, but it was there, in the back of my mind, as the federales asked our driver a litany of questions in Portuguese. That’s when battles of wills began. The oldest two children, Blaise and Alice, didn’t understand why we couldn’t get out of the van. Then they all magically had to go to the bathroom at the same time. For the purposes of plot, I wish I could tell you something really exciting happened next, but we’d been pulled over because Brazil has layers upon layers of bureaucracy that make Dallas look like an Ayn Randian paradise. Turns out the Brazilian police like pulling over vans with out-of-state plates, and because we were missing one piece of documentation, they called in another van to take us the rest of the way. Instead of a van, a cartoonishly large Greyhound-style bus showed up. I never really understood why a bus that seats 50 had come for nine people, and at that point I didn’t care. I just wanted to stop being in a moving thing. My brain was done. Beer never tasted so good as when we finally arrived, an old friend there to greet me almost 24 hours later, on the other side of the world. From that point forward, it was all about the coffee. The story of Oak Cliff coffee roasters begins with a very different kind of business trip. Shannon used to work in accounting for Blockbuster, a job that required traveling to Milan several times a year. It was there that he discovered coffee and the culture that surrounds it. “I knew something was different when I went to a coffee shop to read, and after a few minutes I realized I was the only person sitting at a table,” Shannon says. “Everyone else was crammed at the bar, talking and laughing.” The interactions over espresso were brief, but Shannon was drawn into the daily routine, the sense of community that coffee created in Milan. Shannon has been starting businesses since third grade. He is what most people would call an entrepreneur, except these days that word seems to mean someone who comes up with an idea in the hopes of selling it for lots of money, and Shannon is the opposite of that. He tried to find a similar experience back in Dallas and, when he couldn’t, decided to do something about it. In early 2008, he began buying green coffee beans through an online club and roasting them on a gas grill in his garage. Soon he was sharing the coffee with friends and neighbors. One day, while riding the bus to work, another passenger asked to buy a pound of coffee. Shannon tried to give it to him, but the man was insistent; he wanted to pay for it. So Shannon and Jenni made a label using cheap clip art, packaged it up, and sold it to him. Others began placing orders, and within months, Shannon found himself roasting all day Sunday on the grill, then getting up at 4 am on Monday to deliver the coffee to porches across Oak Cliff before heading to work. Back then, Jenni was his production assistant, weighing and bagging the coffee while very pregnant with Blaise. When Crooked Tree Coffeehouse signed on as his first wholesale client, Shannon got the push he needed to leave Blockbuster and make coffee roasting his full-time job. Many spouses might balk, to put it nicely, at the idea of their partner leaving the stability of corporate America to run a small business, especially with their first child on the way. Jenni would not be one of those people. She had once quit a corporate job to move to Guatemala and learn Spanish. Shannon is a quiet guy. There’s a good chance you wouldn’t notice him at his own coffee shop. He has light brown hair and a beard and is usually found in a plaid shirt, which describes a lot of people these days in Oak Cliff. He has a garden and chickens and is planning to get goats soon, and probably a llama to guard the goats. He reads a lot of Wendell Berry. He owns a Ural motorcycle with a sidecar. He and Jenni home-school their kids. He uses a flip phone that can barely send text messages. You can guess how he feels about Facebook and cable TV. On paper, all these things make him the physical embodiment of a particular Oak Cliff cliché. But in person, it doesn’t feel that way at all. It feels like the reason he has chickens or an impotent phone is because those are things that come honestly to him, and he isn’t interested in living any other way. My guess is he thought long and hard about what a phone does and doesn’t do for him. He needs it for phone calls, yes, but beyond that it distracts from the people and the work in his life, and therefore a “better” phone isn’t better in his mind. He doesn’t fit the mold of a typical Dallas businessman. More like the anti-hero of Dallas business. And he has a business philosophy to match. Shannon has been starting businesses since third grade, when he went door to door selling corn out of what I can only assume was an incredibly adorable red wagon. A nearby farmer said he could pick as much as he wanted, and he made sure to undercut the grocery store on price ever so slightly. Later it was gum, and then lighters. He is what most people would call an entrepreneur, except these days that word seems to mean someone who comes up with an idea in the hopes of selling it for lots of money, and Shannon is the opposite of that. He can’t stop starting projects, but his intention is to remain involved, not walk away. That Ural with a sidecar? The sidecar is now an espresso machine that runs on propane, making it easy to bring espresso to any corner of the city, no electricity required. It’s a project Shannon has been working on with a friend who fixes up all manner of wheeled vehicles, and they have plans to build more, for those interested in lower-cost entry into the coffee business. He has all kinds of side projects like this in various stages of development, most with a connection to coffee that conveniently complements the work being done at OCCR. He has also been slowly investing his resources in small buildings and pieces of land around Oak Cliff. He sees it as a way to preserve neighborhood integrity. “When businesses own their property, they have the freedom to do interesting things,” he says. “Then you aren’t always chasing revenue to pay for rent that will inevitably go up, which is especially important in our neighborhood right now. Trying to compete with the Starbucks and Chipotles of the world who have their systems and economies of scale down is a losing game. I want OCCR to be around long enough to pass on to my children, and owning my own property helps make that possible.” Shannon, who owns the building that houses Davis Street Espresso, recently filled the end spot with the much-beloved Oil and Cotton, a neighborhood creative space and art supply shop. What you and I know as coffee beans are really the seeds of the coffee tree, which looks more like a giant shrub, if you ask me. The beans are found in pairs inside of a fruit, called a cherry, with the flat sides pressed together in the middle, surrounded by sweet, fleshy mucilage—except when there is only one round bean, called a peaberry, but don’t worry about those too much. To recap: the bean is a seed, the tree is more like a shrub, and the beans are in pairs except when they aren’t. Confused yet? Welcome to coffee. When ripe, the cherry turns from a dull green to a magnificently bright, rich red. Or yellow. It depends on the varietal, or type of coffee tree being grown, with names like Typica, Bourbon, Caturra, and Catuai, many of which are parents, hybrids, or mutations of each other. No matter their name, the color change signals that the time has come to pick the cherries off the tree. If picked when ripe, a window that lasts only days, the beans have the best chance of living up to their potential. Crooked Tree Coffeehouse. OCCR’s oldest wholesale account. Owners Kristyn Bartley and Sarah Momary have made this coffee shop a great place to spend the afternoon with a good book. Fourteen Eighteen Coffeehouse. Melissa Owen’s shop has comfy couches and friendly baristas, a throwback to everything that was good about the independent shops of the ’90s. Trio Craft Coffee. One of the best suburban shops. Owners Susan and Carlos Palacio focus on advancing coffee culture through their coffee offerings and education. Garden Cafe. Mark Wootton updated the cafe’s coffee program several years ago to align with its focus on responsibly sourced food. Shannon regularly takes his kids there for breakfast, and they give it two thumbs up. There is an industry adage that goes something like “Coffee is touched by a lot of hands before it gets to your cup.” The difference between good and bad coffee is held in each move those hands make along the way. Good coffee begins with beans that have few defects or harsh flavors, qualities that can be measured. Brazil is by far the world’s largest producer of coffee, but that title comes at a cost. Brazil is not known for growing particularly good coffee, the type specialty roasters like Shannon seek out. Brazilian coffee is often destined for those preground tins with disturbingly distant expiration dates. But when you can find it, a good Brazilian coffee can taste like chocolate and cherries, a combination found in some of the coffee grown at Condado Estate, located near Carmo de Minas, a town of about 11,000 people in the state of Minas Gerais. Half of the coffee in OCCR’s espresso blend comes from this farm, and to see it in person, we had flown 10 hours overnight, driven five hours in a van, and sat at a police checkpoint for a length of time that approached infinity. Condado Estate felt a little like visiting an old Southern plantation, save for the giant palm trees and tropical birds. Rolling hills filled with cattle and termite mounds the size of well-fed second-graders gave way to the farmhouse and a large concrete slab called a drying patio that is used for drying the coffee cherries once they are picked. All around us were steep, green hills covered with rows of coffee trees. Condado is owned by Ibraim Chaib de Sousa and his son Pedro. Pedro is our host Sergio’s nephew. It’s a family affair at Condado. Pedro said he was 37, but I wouldn’t have put him a day over 30. He studied graphic design and theater in college, but a career in those fields never quite worked out. Coffee held no interest to him, because the coffee produced was nothing of note. For most farmers, it was a job and nothing more. But whispers of a growing market for specialty coffee found their way to Pedro’s ears and drew him home, and he began working to help produce a higher-quality product. Over the course of the trip, I watched him and Shannon develop a relationship that was more than transactional. They talked easily about all aspects of the coffee industry and beyond, into topics like travel and music. In case you were wondering, Pedro plays a mean Johnny Cash cover on the guitar, much to the delight of Blaise. The Neffendorf kids adopted him as an honorary uncle. Trust and mutual respect aren’t just hippie-minded ideals. They are good for business. Relationships like this transcend market fluctuations and provide capital stability for both small businesses and help them plan for the future. One of the first things Pedro took us to see on the farm was harvesting. Because of labor costs and a historical focus on volume over quality, almost all coffee in Brazil is strip-picked by machines. That means all the cherries get pulled off the tree at once, regardless of ripeness. Steep hills at Condado require that strip-picking be done by hand, and then there is a whole lot of labor on the back end to sort the ripe cherries from the rest. Drying coffee with the cherry still intact produces what’s called natural coffee. This is the oldest method of drying coffee. Most coffee in Brazil is processed this way. After the coffee cherries are dried and the outer skin and pulp are removed, Condado’s beans head to the Cocarive co-op for further sorting, processing, and shipping. The co-op warehouse is a blur of beans whizzing by on conveyor belts, with machines sorting by size or weight in an effort to group beans of similar quality. Defective beans are also removed during this process. Lower-quality beans are sold in country or to large commercial roasters while higher-quality, smaller lots are marketed for international roasters like Shannon. The most fascinating part of the co-op, though, was the cupping room. Cocarive has a full-time cupper whose job it is to cup and then grade each coffee. The cupping room was a nonstop flow of setup, cupping, and breakdown on repeat. It’s not unusual for 100 different coffees to be cupped in a day. A coffee cupping is essentially a standardized way of tasting and assessing coffees. Like a wine tasting but with more rules. And no wine. It can be fun, though, I swear, and a really great way to learn about coffee. There are usually three steps: smelling the dry grounds, smelling the wet grounds, and finally tasting the coffee. Cuppers taste for acidity, sweetness, body, and mouthfeel. They also look for unpleasant flavors in the coffee, my personal favorite being “car tire.” Professional cuppers will then grade the coffee, and those scored at 80 or above are considered specialty coffees. Scores don’t tell you everything, but they are a good place to start for roasters looking for high-quality beans with standout qualities. Roasters cup coffee to choose which beans they would like to work with in the coming year. To taste the coffee, a cupper will dip a spoon into the liquid and then spray it into the back of his mouth with a slurp. If it isn’t loud to the point of making you incredibly self-conscious, then you aren’t doing it properly. I don’t ever seem to be able to do it properly. I sound like I am having soup when it should sound like a screech owl just entered the building. Identifying flavor out of context can be very difficult, let alone identifying multiple flavor notes on top of each other. Like tasting wine, anyone can improve with practice, but some people are naturally better than others. I have gotten to the point where I can identify broad categories with words such as “savory,” “bright,” “fruity,” or “floral.” And I can pick which coffee I prefer when tasting several, which is the most important skill, in my book. But that is about as far as I can go. So when people start picking out specific notes like grapefruit or raspberry or passion fruit, I just nod and smile approvingly. We cupped a lot of coffee that day, including the Condado beans that make up half of OCCR’s espresso blend. This year’s harvest recently arrived in the United States and is now being enjoyed in cappuccinos and lattes around the city. Shannon’s shop, Davis Street Espresso, has this fantastic large window in the front, and on nice days it is opened so the cool breeze and early sun can pour into the shop. On a recent morning, I shuffle in, bleary-eyed. Will Riggs, Davis Street’s general manager, knows the drill. “What would you like?” he says, and I nod my head yes, to indicate that I would indeed like something. I look down at the sheet of paper with the day’s offerings. Today’s choice is between a Kenyan and a Guatemalan. I point to the Guatemalan. “And an espresso?” he asks. I pay and shuffle over to a table, relieved that I won’t have to talk anymore until I’ve had some coffee. I’ve known Will since I worked at The Pearl Cup years ago and he was the customer. Eventually his interest in coffee and the industry pushed him to leave his corporate graphic design job for the barista life, but he still puts those design skills to use through OCCR package and branding work. Everyone who has ever visited Davis Street has an opinion about it, and there never seems to be any middle ground. Shannon built his shop around two core tenets: facilitating community and providing excellent coffee. Anything that detracts from either of those is a non-starter. That means Davis Street does not offer wifi or to-go cups, and the only coffee accoutrements offered are whole milk and sugar cubes. I have heard many a barista explain these hard truths to new customers, and for the most part the situation resolves itself amicably. These are business decisions that most people would say are business enders. A coffee shop without wifi or to-go cups in 2016 is almost as rare as a ivory-billed woodpecker. But Shannon is unmoved by Yelp reviews or conventional wisdom about what a coffee shop ought to be. He built a shop he enjoys and hopes it offers his customers something in addition to their coffee: a place and space to connect with each other. Now that I have been to origin, I can see that the hand-stenciled design on the walls, the paint colors, and the layout all help bring the spirit of Condado and the countless other farms Shannon has visited home to Oak Cliff. You don’t have to know every single detail behind your cup of coffee to know that he is building something different. When I walk into Davis Street Espresso, I expect to have a conversation, not stare at a screen, which at this point feels like some sort of radical protest against modernity. And that protest feels good.
Many reviews on the book’s page on Amazon.com and on GoodReads.com. I invite you to post your thoughts about the book, too. If you find another review somewhere, please send it to me so I can post it here as well. “The Song of Increase” has been a “Bee Bible” for our family (and others) which I’ve enjoyed in small and large doses on a daily basis. It speaks a truth and wisdom about bees that is rarely heard. In doing so, it is deeply nourishing and affirming to the wonder of these beings. Soometimes at the start of our bee meetings, we read a passage from your book. It provided a wonderful foundation for a workshop I did earlier this year in Sweden. It opened us all to how amazing bees are, and how important it is to connect with our hearts and be grateful for all they bring for the earth. Thank you. I was just today reading about the mating flight. You have written one of the most spiritually wise books I have come across in a long time. This knowldege fits my own experiences, not just about the bees. For that I say thank you, thank you. Reading this book was a profound experience for me as a new beekeeper, but I think I would have felt the same if I didn’t keep bees. Ms. Freeman has the gift of a full and joyful awareness of the connectedness of all creatures. She expresses this knowing in warm, beautiful tones that reassure me – that in spite of the chaos in my head and in the world around me, Nature knows what she’s doing and it’s going to be OK. Although it is a highly spiritual book, it serves as a practical guide as well. It is in no way a “how-to” book. But it helped me with the most difficult part of beginning as a beekeeper: choosing a philosophy of hive management. So many of us are wrestling with these decisions, knowing deeply that the chemical and industrial techniques which have become the norm are somehow contributing to the troubles the bees face today. The point of view represented in The Song of Increase is one that often gets left behind. What do the bees think about it all? Whether or not you believe that Ms. Freeman has conversations with bees, what she speaks on their behalf rings true in every word. This book is a Gift. I wish I could give this book TEN STARS (not even kidding!!), I so love it! It’s wonderful and amazing and delicious, all at once. I’ve told friends about it and of course they’re now enjoying it, too! It’s really quite beyond words to try and explain how it’s meeting me. I’m definitely awed by the bees’ messages, and totally resonating with and inspired by the information. Jacqueline Freeman has delivered what I’ve taken to referring to as “Holy Grail” level information. Do not miss this book if you truly care to delve deeply into what the Mystery of beekeeping is really all about. This book is one of a kind. You will find it unlike any other book on bees or beekeeping. It is not a how to or beginner beekeeping book. Instead it provides a delightful look into the lives and thoughts of the bees themselves. That may sound a little strange at first, how could one know what the thoughts are of bees? Well, just as there are horse whisperers and pet whisperers which communicate with animals directly through ESP, Jacqueline does this with bees. She is it seems a “bee whisperer”. Insects and other animals such as birds and fish have what is called a group soul. That makes them all connected at an etheric level. This can be easily seen by how birds flock and fish swim in schools, turning all at once in full synchronization. So although any individual bee may only have a few weeks of experience, the group over-soul will have trillions of bee years worth of experience. This is what she seems to be communicating with, although when she asks if a weak colony wants to be combined with a strong one, she is communicating with the colony itself. Interestingly most colonies do not want to be combined, but want to try to go it on their own. LIkely because that would end their genetic line. The insights of this book are nothing short of incredible. No longer are you faced with raw dry statistics which show that feeding sugar syrup decreases the bees’ lifespans, but you hear that it makes them feel bad, even giving them a tummy ache. The insights provided make one realize just how incredible and intellignet bees are. According to the bees, they do not want or like chemical treatment. They want to deal with things like mites themselves without help. They say that mites are not the problem, that treating for mites is. If the genetics cannot deal with the mites, then those genetics lines need to be removed from the genetic pool. Now it seems that no hive of bees would want to die because they are not well equipped to handle mites. But remember the communication is with the oversoul of ALL hives, and thus the broader view is that it is better to have some die so others can be healthy than to have all unhealthy. That the pips (brood), can taste and remember the pollen in their food to when they are adults is very enlightening. You can almost feel their joy when they are able to find the flowers that provided the pollen when they were pips. You can read of the joy they feel when they leave their home high in a tree on a sunny morning. The insight into how they feel about requeening is almost enough to choke one up. I have quoted a passage about this earlier in a message here. No, this is not a beekeeping book. It is much much more, and one of the few books that I would recommend to a seasoned beekeeper who thinks they already know it all. I love this book. It’s a ‘bit out there’ at times, but overall really enjoyed the book. It’s one of the few that I can see myself reading again. It’s not a technical book by any means. More of a spiritual, communing with bees type of book. Jacqueline has a way of writing that truly envelops the reader in the imagery. Love her style. The best book on honeybees ever written. I just finished the book for the first time- there will be many more times I will take this book into my hands. It will be fun to open it randomly and read the words of the bees. It will also be wonderful to introduce non beekeepers to the world of the bees, brining awareness of the interwoven and interrelatedness of our worlds, laid out so eloquently by Jacqueline. This book offers a nice structure, introducing a new chapter and then let the voice of the bees come through, giving us an insight into their wisdom and sacred mission in our world. If makes my heart ache for every hive that is still enslaved in our practice of migratory beekeeping. No wonder they are dying in great numbers. Every beekeeper has to read this book to understand the spiritual dimension of our craft and enter into an equal partnership with the bee kingdom and nature in general that will be necessary to practice in order to survive as a species- both, bees and humans. This book touched my heart and shook me out of unmindful patterns like none had in a long time. A swarm of bees took up residence in our old maple tree a few years back and though they seem to be thriving on their own, I consider myself a steward. I now have deeper insight into the nature of our sacred relationship. I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars. It is the most beautifully written book about bees anywhere. Bees are sacred and so is this book. One of my favorite fairy tales as a child was “The White Snake,” where a main character becomes able to understand what the animals are saying. Now I read Ms Freeman’s book, and she both tells us her experiences with bees as well as, in English, what she can hear the bees saying. In the chapter “The Sting,” Ms Freeman tells about being stung twice during her time working in a bee booth with a beekeeper who had political ideas opposite her own. After her shift she went home to visit her own bees in hopes of calming herself. “I walked barefoot through the field toward a hive and WHAM! I stepped on a little bee who stung me in the very center of my foot, on the Bubbling Spring acupuncture point–the very first point that forms in the fetus, the one that helps you ground and connect with the earth, the point that roots energy downward. This is exactly what I need to be able to deepen my relationship with my own three hives, hearing the honeybees speaking and then letting the honeybees be bees–allowing them to live in harmony with their purpose. As editor of this book, and friend to Jacqueline, I can’t tell you how deeply moved I have been by this book—but I’ll try. Jacqueline’s work with bees is truly extraordinary and I’ve taken her classes in beekeeping for several years. Yet nothing quite prepared me for this book. The words of the bees are life-changing for anyone sensitive to the rest of Creation, which you must be if you are here pondering whether to purchase such a book as this. What the bees have to tell us is wondrous, deep, and full of real hope for a world gone out of bounds. The bees will bring you back to yourself in a fundamental way, as Jacqueline invites you into the unity consciousness of their amazing world. This is Jacqueline’s first book, but certainly not her last. Rather than an instruction manual on the technical aspects of keeping bees, it is a guided journey into who and what bees are in this world, what they have come to do, and what they have to teach us. You do not have to be a beekeeper, nor a prospective beekeeper to appreciate this book. Anyone looking to expand their relationship with creatures other than human will find gold in these pages. The bees’ words are the soul of this book, but not to be missed are the exquisite stories of Jacqueline’s life on her much-beloved farm. She is not shy about sharing her failures with bees along the way, and her easy, inviting writing style is what makes it so very easy for the reader to absorb new and utterly astounding information about bees and the natural world. As you read, you will find yourself nodding in agreement, perhaps murmuring to yourself, “Of course that would be true!””Song of Increase” is many books in one. It is about bees, and farms, and “field cake,” but it is about much more than that. It is, at its heart, a very spiritual book and it can be read at that level alone—as a sacred text to meditate with and to use as a new kind of spiritual practice. As a superorganism devoted to the success of the whole, the hive has much to teach us about joyful service to a higher calling. This book has the potential to transform beekeeping, and transform the world. Really. I’m serious. Buy it, read it, sink into its beauty and wisdom. You will not be disappointed. I am a beekeeper and a bee educator, speaker, and advocate. I have been talking about the sacred path of bee for sometime and also been following the wonderful work and ways of Jacqueline Freeman for a good while. I have looked forward to her publishing this book, The Song of Increase, for sometime and my first response to finally reading it is: Woooooooooow! This book is fabulous, moving, divinely timed, elegant, eloquent, honest, compassionate … and so completely full of love. It is a jewel. I am absorbed by everything … the title of the book, the chapter titles, Susan’s lovely Foreword, the introductions and then the chapters themselves which are a treasure trove of Jacqueline’s writing and the bees’ messages. I am having a total can’t-put-the-book-down / don’t-want-it-ever-to-end experience. This is true holy-bee-communion and I am resonant with every nano-speck of everything she so elegantly shares with us. In my opinion it is one of the great bee books of our times. It speaks to Relationship with a capital “R” with this Sacred Other that is so precious – the sweet honeybee. This book is real honey. Blessed be. Blessed bees. Blessed Jacqueline. This is by far the most informative book on how bee hives work within the hive, in nature and with humans. Jacqueline has been gifted with this information to bring forth to humanity. Thank you for answering so many questions about how bees work and the why’s. The Universe we live in is soooo much more benevolent than we think. The workings of the bees is so beautifully explained. How humans work co-creatively with bees will now change due to this book. It has taken me a long time to get through this beautiful book. I read each passage repeatedly until I feel I have really been able to take it in as best I can, because the truth of it is overwhelming. I want everyone everywhere to read at least some it, as I know they won’t be able to resist reading more. They must read more because the information shared confirms the goodness of being alive, and inspires us to submit ourselves wholly to our purpose here on earth. There is no pretense of anything else. My endless gratitude to the honeybees, and their devoted human, Jacqueline. Jacqueline’s sensitive and perceptive nature is reflected through her life with bees. She encourages readers to venture further into the new multidimensional territory of honeybees. This book calls attention to the hidden aspects of apiculture and the deeper nature of bees, encouraging us to open our hearts and minds to the bees. This is a timely book in a transitional time for bees and the entire biosphere. I loved The Song of Increase. Beekeeping is a sacred occupation. This book grounds that intuitive knowing and informs my work with bees… the drones singing the song of creation to the babies, the joy of the maiden bees when they find nectar and flowers, the search for the sun as the virgin queen begins her marriage flight. All these images live within me as I interact with the bees, opening my heart and mind to the beauty of life in the hive. As a beekeeper, I find it fascinating to think of someone being able to fully communicate with bees and understand the world from their point of view. But what I loved most was how true the information feels to me too after my years of working with bees. Plus it is really fun to read. The writing is so personal and approachable. I think non-beekeepers would love this book too. It does a lot to correct the thinking that has led to how out of balance our world has become. Jacqueline is on the cutting edge of apiculture with her intuitive, compassionate and intelligent work. She has the rare ability (and courage!) to take us into the bee’s world. We can learn so much from this deeply sensitive book. This is not a book I would ordinarily buy for myself. Just based on the blurbs and pre-pub reviews, I knew it would probably be a bit too “mystical” for my taste. But it was a Christmas gift and so I started to read it out of respect for the friend who gave it to me. I was hooked after the first chapter. I cannot say that I read it in one sitting, because I kept having to put it down due to being a bit choked up at some of the imagery and the pure beauty of the prose. Ms. Freeman understands the nature of life in the beehive, and her ability to tell the story of that life draws out ideas and concepts that have only been subconscious “feelings” to this experienced beekeeper. The book is not a step-by-step “how to” on beekeeping. The beginner will need to look elsewhere for that. But the beginner and the old timer alike will benefit from her observations on management techniques. The book is a bit mystical. It is also poetic and philosophical. But it would have to be a very hard-hearted industrial beekeeper that did not fall in love with this work. Even non-beekeepers will gain from reading it. My time as an intern on their farm remains some of the most inspiring in my heart. Jacqueline has the most genuine and profound connection to honeybee consciousness of anyone I have met or heard of, and I have looked forward to the release of this book, in the mean time carrying personal stories to share, and memories of snippets of this text as it was being written. Thank you Jacqueline & Joseph for being such inspiring people and for sharing your Love with the unified world. I have no doubt this will be inspiring, uplifting, and call on a certain level of impending desire to reconnect with Love thru our connection with Bees in very practical ways we can attend to in our daily lives. I had the privilege of reading Jacqueline’s book just before it went to print, and I loved all of it.As a biodynamic beekeeper, I take a lot of care and consideration in how I interact with the bees. I’m always asking why are they doing what they do, how can I help them. What is here to read is a tremendous value to answering these questions. It provides new perspective about the fundamentals about the hive and the bees that live there. It shines a light on intermediate topics like swarm behavior and the health of the bees. It also contains insights into advanced concepts of how the bee’s role in creation is holistically significant. This is a “CAN’T PUT DOWN” book! One of my Yule gift offerings to our home this year is this book. It just arrived yesterday and my husband and I are both absolutely loving it. It’s just exquisite! I started by just randomly opening the book and did this several times. No matter where I opened it I was captivated by whatever I happened to turn to…and….forced myself to stop so as to both move on to another random peek, as well as to not spoil it entirely when I read from cover to cover. What a wonderful “voice” this book has. Thank’s to Jacqueline Freeman for writing it. I have been called to walk the bee servant path and this book is going to be a wonderful inspiration in that regard. Now I am reading it cover to cover steadily, and have a really hard time putting it down to do anything else! Lovely, poetic and magical. We get so caught up living in a often stressful environment. This book is a reminder to slow down and really observe the everyday magic we have all around us. Personally, I feel Jacqueline has been chosen by the bees to be their voice, and she is a very good listener and conveyor. Industrial chemical bee keepers may have an epiphany after reading this book! Highly recommend this book and not to just bee keepers! This is very good read for any beekeeper old or new. An interesting twist of what the bees know, love & share.
An English-language master's degree diploma from India. A master's degree[fn 1] (from Latin magister) is a second-cycle academic degree awarded by universities upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery or a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice. A master's degree normally requires previous study at the bachelor's level, either as a separate degree or as part of an integrated course. Within the area studied, master's graduates are expected to possess advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics; high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and independently. From late medieval times until the nineteenth century, the pattern of degrees was therefore to have a bachelor's and master's degree in the lower (undergraduate) faculties and to have bachelor's and doctorates in the higher (postgraduate) faculties. In the United States, the first master's degrees (Magister Artium, or Master of Arts) were awarded at Harvard University soon after its foundation. In Scotland the pre-Reformation universities (St Andrews, Glasgow and Aberdeen) developed so that the Scottish MA became their first degree, while in Oxford, Cambridge and Trinity College, Dublin, the MA was awarded to BA graduates of a certain standing without further examination from the late seventeenth century, its main purpose being to confer full membership of the university. At Harvard the 1700 regulations required that candidates for the master's degree had to pass a public examination, but by 1835 this was awarded Oxbridge-style 3 years after the BA. Probably the most important master's degree introduced in the 19th century was the Master of Science (MS in the US, MSc in the UK). At the University of Michigan this was introduced in two forms in 1858: "in course", first awarded in 1859, and "on examination", first awarded in 1862. The "in course" MS was last awarded in 1876. In Britain, however, the degree took a while longer to arrive. When London introduced its Faulty of Sciences in 1858, the University was granted a new charter giving it the power "to confer the several Degrees of Bachelor, Master, and Doctor, in Arts, Laws, Science, Medicine, Music", but the degrees it awarded in science were the Bachelor of Science and the Doctor of Science. The same two degrees, again omitting the master's, were awarded at Edinburgh, despite the MA being the standard undergraduate degree for Arts in Scotland. In 1862, a Royal Commission suggested that Durham should award master's degrees in theology and science (interestingly with the suggested abbreviations MT and MS, contrary to later British practice of using MTh or MTheol and MSc for these degrees), but its recommendations were not enacted. In 1877, Oxford introduced the Master of Natural Science, along with the Bachelor of Natural Science, to stand alongside the MA and BA degrees and be awarded to students who took their degrees in the honours school of natural sciences. In 1879 a statute to actually establish the faculty of Natural Sciences at Oxford was promulgated, but in 1880 a proposal to rename the degree as a Master of Science was rejected along with a proposal to grant Masters of Natural Sciences a Master of Arts degree, in order to make them full members of the University. This scheme would appear to have then been quietly dropped, with Oxford going on to award BAs and MAs in science. The Master of Science (MSc) degree was finally introduced in Britain in 1878 at Durham, followed by the new Victoria University in 1881. At the Victoria University both the MA and MSc followed the lead of Durham's MA in requiring a further examination for those with an ordinary bachelor's degree but not for those with an honours degree. The Bologna declaration in 1999 started the Bologna Process, leading to the creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This established a three-cycle bachelor's—master's—doctorate classification of degrees, leading to the adoption of master's degrees across the continent, often replacing older long-cycle qualifications such as the magister degree in Germany. As the process continued, descriptors were introduced for all three levels in 2004, and ECTS credit guidelines were developed. This led to questions as to the status of the integrated master's degrees and one-year master's degrees in the UK. However, the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Framework for Qualifications of Higher Education Institutes in Scotland have both been aligned with the overarching framework for the EHEA with these being accepted as master's-level qualifications. At the start of the twentieth century there were therefore four different sorts of master's degree in the UK: the Scottish MA, granted as a first degree; the Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin), granted to all BA graduates a certain period after their first degree without further study; master's degrees that could be gained ether by further study or by gaining an honours degree (which, at the time in the UK involved further study beyond the ordinary degree, as it still does in Scotland and some Commonwealth countries); and master's degrees that could only be obtained by further study (including all London master's degrees). In 1903, the London Daily News criticised the practice of Oxford and Cambridge, calling their MAs "the most stupendous of academic frauds" and "bogus degrees". Ensuing correspondence pointed out that "A Scotch M.A., at the most, is only the equivalent of an English B.A." and called for common standards for degrees, while defenders of the ancient universities said that "the Cambridge M.A. does not pretend to be a reward of learning" and that "it is rather absurd to describe one of their degrees as a bogus one because other modern Universities grant the same degree for different reasons". In 1900 Dartmouth College introduced the Master of Commercial Science (MCS), first awarded in 1902. This was the first master's degree in business, the forerunner of the modern MBA. The idea quickly crossed the Atlantic, with Manchester establishing a Faculty of Commerce, awarding Bachelor and Master of Commerce degrees, in 1903. Over the first half of the century the automatic master's degrees for honours graduates vanished as honours degrees became the standard undergraduate qualification in the UK. In the 1960s, new Scottish universities (with the exception of Dundee, which inherited the undergraduate MA from St Andrews) reintroduced the BA as their undergraduate degree in Arts, restoring the MA to its position as a postgraduate qualification. Oxford and Cambridge retained their MAs, but renamed many of their postgraduate bachelor's degrees in the higher faculties as master's degrees, e.g. the Cambridge LLB became the LLM in 1982, and the Oxford BLitt, BPhil (except in philosophy) and BSc became the MLitt, MPhil and MSc. In the UK, stops (periods) are not used in degree abbreviations. In the US, The Gregg Reference Manual recommends placing periods in degrees (e.g. B.S., Ph.D.), however The Chicago Manual of Style recommends writing degrees without periods (e.g. BS, PhD). Postgraduate/graduate master's degrees (MA/M.A./A.M., MSc/M.S., MBA/M.B.A., MSt, LLM/LL.M., etc.) are the traditional formal form of master's degree, where the student already holds an undergraduate (bachelor's) degree on entry. Courses normally last one year in the UK and two years in the US. Research master's degrees are primarily research based, although may contain taught elements, particularly on research methods. Examples are the MPhil (always a research degree, often linked to a doctoral programme), MLitt (usually, but not always a research degree) and Master's by Research. They aim to prepare students fit research careers. Care should be taken not to confuse the Master by Research (MbyRes, MRes or ResM), which is a research degree in a specific subject, with the Master of Research (MRes), which is a taught degree concentrating on research methods. Professional or practice master's degrees are designed to prepare students for a particular professional career and are primarily taught, although they may include work placements and independent study projects. Some may require professional experience for entry. Examples include MBA, MDiv, LLM and MSW as well as some integrated master's degrees. The name of the degree normally includes the subject name. Stand-alone master's programs in the US are normally two years in length. In some fields/programs, work on a doctorate begins immediately after the bachelor's degree, but a master's may be granted along the way as a intermediate qualification if the student petitions for it. Some universities offer evening options so that students can work during the day and earn a master's degree in the evenings. In Australia, master's degrees, master's degrees vary from 1 year for a "research" or "coursework" master's following on from an Australian honours degree in a related field, with an extra six months if following on straight from an ordinary bachelor's degree and another extra six months if following on from a degree in a different field, to four years for an "extended" master's degree. Admission to a master's degrees normally requires successful completion of study at bachelor's degree level either (for postgraduate degrees) as a stand-alone degree or (for integrated degrees) as part of an integrated scheme of study. In countries where the bachelor's degree with honours is the standard undergraduate degree, this is often the normal entry qualification. In addition, students will normally have to write a personal statement and, in the arts and humanities, will often have to submit a portfolio of work. In the UK, students will normally need to have a 2:1 for a taught master's course, and possibly higher for a research master's. Graduate schools in the US may require students to take one or more standardised tests, such as the GRE, GMAT or LSAT. In Denmark there are two forms of master's degree. The Master's Degree or candidatus is a FQ-EHEA second-cycle qualification worth 120 ECTS credits. These degrees are research-based and offered through universities. The second form is the Master Degree (no possessive) within the adult further education system, which is worth 60 ECTS credits and is taught part-time. The candidatus degree is abbreviated cand. and upon completion of, for instance, an engineering master's degree, a person becomes cand.polyt. (polytechnical). Similar abbreviations, inspired by Latin, apply to a large number of fields, e.g.: sociology (cand.scient.soc), economics (cand.merc., cand.polit. or cand.oecon), law (cand.jur), humanities (cand.mag) etc. Use of a cand. title requires a master's degree. Holders of a cand. degree are also entitled to use M.Sc. or M.A. titles, depending on the field of study. In Finland and Sweden, the title of kand. equates to a bachelor's degree. In the Netherlands the titles ingenieur (ir.), meester (mr.) and doctorandus (drs.) may be rendered, if obtained in the Netherlands from a university, after the application of the Bologna process, as: MSc instead of ir., LL.M. instead of mr. and MA or MSc instead of drs. This is because a single program that led to these degree was in effect before 2002, which comprised the same course load as the bachelor and master programs put together. Those who had already started the program could, upon completing it, bear the appropriate title (MSc, LL.M. or MA), but alternatively still use the old-style title (ir., mr. or drs.), corresponding to their field of study. Since these graduates do not have a separate bachelor's degree (which is in fact – in retrospect – incorporated into the program), the master's degree is their first academic degree. Bearers of foreign master's degree are able to use the titles ir., mr. and drs. only after obtaining a permission to bear such titles from the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs. Those who received their mr., ir. or drs. title after the application of the Bologna process have the option of signing as A. Jansen, M.A. or A. Jansen, M.Sc., depending on the field in which the degree was obtained, since the ir., mr. and drs. titles are similar to a master's degree, and the shortcut MA or M.Sc. may officially be used in order to render such title as an international title. In Slovenia and Croatia, during the pre-Bologna process education, all Academic degrees were awarded after a minimum of four years of university studies and a successful defence of a written thesis are considered equivalent to the master's degree. In Baltic countries there is a two-year education program that offers a chance to gain a master's degree in interdisciplinary issues. The system offers an education in different areas, such as humanities, environmental and social issues, whilst paying specific consideration to the Baltic Sea area. It is a joint-degree program, which is part of a team effort with four universities. There is the University of Tartu in Estonia, the University of Turku in Finland, Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania and the University of Latvia. The educational programmes allow students to be mobile within the system, for example one semester may be taken in a confederate school without paying additional membership or tuition fees. Subsequently after passing the qualifications provided, people may procure teaching qualifications and continue their scholastic research around doctoral studies, or carry on studying within their career in the private or public sector. Graduates of the program, within the Baltic Sea area are also given the chance to continue onwards with their studies within the postgraduate system if they have studied the social sciences or humanities field. In Russia master (магистр) degree can be obtained after a 2-year master course (магистратура) which is available after a 4-year bachelor or a 5-year specialist course. A graduate may choose a master course completely different from his/her previous one. During these 2 years master students attend specialized lectures in chosen profile, choose a faculty advisor and prepare their master thesis which is eventually defended before certifying commission consisting mostly of professors, leading by the professor from another university. In Brazil, after a regular graduation (after acquiring a bachelor's degree), students have the option to continue their academic career through a master's course (a.k.a. stricto sensu post-graduation) or specialization (a.k.a. lato sensu post-graduation) degrees. At the master's degree ("mestrado", in Portuguese, also referred as "pós-graduação stricto sensu") there are 2–3 years of full-time graduate-level studies. Usually focused on academic research, the master's degree (on any specific knowledge area) requires the development of a thesis, presented (and defended) to a board of Ph.D. after the period of research. Differently, the "specialization" degree (also referred as "pós-graduação lato-sensu"), also comprehends a 1–2 years studies, but do not require a new thesis to be purposed and defended, being usually attended by professionals looking for a complimentary formation on a different knowledge area than their original graduation. In addition, a great part of Brazilian universities offers a M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration) degree. Those, nevertheless, are not the equivalent of US M.B.A. degree though, as it does not formally certifies the student/professional with a master's degree (stricto-sensu) but a post-graduation degree instead. A regular post-graduation course has to comply with a minimum of 360 class-hours, while a M.B.A. degree has to comply with a minimum of 400 class-hours. Master's degree (stricto sensu) does not requires minimum class-hours, but it's practically impossible to finish it before 1.5 year due the workload and research required; an average time for the degree is 2.5 years. Specialization (lato sensu) and M.B.A. degrees can be also offered as distance education courses, while the master's degree (stricto-sensu) requires physical attendance. In Brazil, the degree often serves as additional qualification for those seeking to differentiate themselves in the job market, or for those who want to pursue a Ph.D. It corresponds to the European (Bologna Process) 2nd Cycle or the North American master's. M.Arch., M.L.A., M.U.D., M.A., M.Sc., M.Soc.Sc., M.S.W., M.Eng., LL.M. Hong Kong requires one or two years of full-time coursework to achieve a master's degree. M.Phil. As in the United Kingdom, M.Phil. or Master of Philosophy is a research degree awarded for the completion of a thesis, and is a shorter version of the Ph.D. 4 years master's programmes: these are mostly Master of Science (M.S.) leading to Ph.D. ↑ "PARLIAMENTARY REFORM—BILL FOR SCOTLAND—COMMITTEE.". Hansard. 9 July 1832. Retrieved 21 August 2016. ↑ [https://books.google.com.pr/books?id=_t8NAAAAQAAJ&q="Master+of+Arts"&dq="Master+of+Arts"&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage University Calendar]. Victoria University. 1883. pp. 37–38. ↑ "Mr. Meyer and his D.D.". London Daily News. 31 August 1903 – via British Newspaper Archive. (subscription required (help)). ↑ "University Degrees". Debrett's. Retrieved 10 July 2016. ↑ Australian Qualifications Framework (PDF) (Second ed.). Australian Qualifications Framework Council. January 2013. pp. 72–73. 1 2 Australian Qualifications Framework (PDF) (Second ed.). Australian Qualifications Framework Council. January 2013. pp. 59–62. ↑ "The framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area" (PDF). European Higher Education Area. 20 May 2005. Retrieved 10 July 2016. ↑ "Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap". Minocw.nl. Retrieved 28 November 2014. ↑ Kees™ Internetbureau. "titulatuur: drs. A. Jansen, M.B.A. - Genootschap Onze Taal". Onzetaal.nl. Retrieved 28 November 2014.
Utilizing the concept of “running the race” as a metaphor, encouraging the ethnic minority individual to develop and utilize empowerment strategies. Assisting the ethnic minority individual to seek empowerment of self, rather than “giving up” power generally associated with the privileges of authority, power and control. Identifying and clarifying the roles, relationships and duties of the participants associated in the race, i.e., “runners” (the police officer and the prosecutor), referees (the judge/court commissioners) and the fans/bleachers (the viewing public, society). Identifying and discussing strategies for the ethnic minority individual to utilize when interacting with a police officer or others who consider themselves to be an authority figure. Discussion of the Ten Commandants and Eight Golden Rules Outlying Safety Tips in interacting with others in society. The ethnic minority individual must want to understand the physical makeup of the competition (i.e., standing at the starting line). The ethnic minority individual must want to understand that while he/she is lining up with the other runners, there may be the appearance of competition; however, in reality the other runners may also be collaborating together with the purpose to defeat him/her. Among these possible “participants” are the following: law enforcement, prosecutors, bail bondsmen, corrections, and probation and parole officers. The “officials” (referees) regulating the “appearance of fairness” of the race are the judiciary. In the “bleachers” are the fans. The fans include the members of society i.e. the larger group. Police and prosecutors are often very competitive with each other. It is not unusual that they do not trust each other. However, in order to perform in their respective professions, they “need” (survival or the system fails) to work together to win the race. The “rules” are set in a way that forces the police and prosecutor to “depend” (again, survival or the systems fails) on each other in order to achieve success (arrest/conviction). As indicated earlier, the police are in the first “lane” because they are responsible for making the arrest. The prosecutor is in the second “lane” because they are responsible for filing formal charges. It is important for the ethnic minority individual to want to understand that the police, while they can make the formal arrest by the rules (law), they cannot file the formal charges. However, this is different in cases where other individual members of society are involved. Where police and prosecutors have defined roles and responsibilities that they are expected to operate within, other members of society are not bound by those rules, and the police and prosecutors only come into play after the altercation is done. It is incumbent upon the ethnic minority individual to be aware of this, and to understand that because rights exist, that does not mean that they will be respected without the threat of prosecution. The ethnic minority individual must want to understand that although he/she is impacted by stereotypes created by the larger group (society), the same applies to the sub-units that the larger group (society) has given special privileges (authority, power and control) to enforce the law, as well as other individuals that are also governed by these sub-units. Consequently, these internalized feelings (stereotypes) serve to impact those relationships. Non-minority individuals may believe that the police are not sufficient to provide protection, so they form militias, or at the very least, arm themselves. However, as stated earlier, they are dependent on each other; therefore it is essential that all the sub-units “respect” each other. Trust is not a “commitment” of this marriage (conflict and hostile). Trust can develop over time depending on interactions created by individuals working together during the experience of the “marriage”. If the relationship between two individuals of competing sub-units is good, then trust between those two individuals is created. This level of trust is never extended to anyone outside the relationship of the two individuals. The ethnic minority individual must want to understand and be aware of the lack of trust between his competitors, and the lack of trust they have in him. The two competitors are aware that the nature of their respective professions and responsibilities create a need that each sub-unit respects the other in order to accomplish their respective goals, regardless of how divergent those goals may be. The ethnic minority individual must want to focus on crossing the finish line (completing the race). In doing so he/she must want to drop the focus on winning, and even on fairness; again, understanding that the rules and the other runners are set up to compete against the ethnic minority individual. The ethnic minority individual must want to understand the interactions and relationships among the competitors. Rule A – All encounters are potentially serious encounters. My parent’s phone number is. I reside at (give residential address). I attend (if appropriate) provide name of school. I have nothing else to say until my parent or attorney is present. The ethnic minority individual must want to understand AND identify the different types of encounters one can experience when interacting with police officers specifically. The Detention Encounter – This is when the police officer can detain the individual only if they have reasonable suspicion that the individual has been involved in a crime. Detention means that although the individual has not been arrested, he/she can’t leave. The Arrest Encounter – This is when the police officer can make a formal arrest having found probable cause that the individual has been involved in a crime. Remember, it is the responsibility of the police officer to make the formal arrest. It is the responsibility of the second runner (prosecutor) to file the formal charges. Once arrested, the individual must be placed within the centralized computer database and processed (booking-identified/fingerprinted). Once arrested, the individual by law and police procedure cannot be “unarrested”. The recording of the arrest, its filing within the National Crime Information Center computer database (NCIC) AND remains “forever” (survives following death of the individual) whether or not charges are filed by the secondary runner (prosecutor). Always be RESPECTFUL to the police officer. Never be DISRESPECTFUL to the police officer. If inclined to speak to the police officer always be HONEST. Never provide FALSE information to the police officer. When interacting with the police officer ALWAYS keep your hands in plain sight and away from your body. NEVER initiate any MOVEMENT without the police officer’s AWARENESS and CONSENT. When riding in a vehicle and being followed by a patrol car, ASSUME that the police officer is “running” (seeking to identify) your license plates through the computerized database searching for warrants or any viable information regarding the vehicle. ASSUME the police officer is “searching” and “observing” for a reason to stop the vehicle. NEVER consent to a search of your person, belongings, vehicle or residence by the police officer. NEVER resist the actions of the police officer should the police officer chose to perform a search of your person, belongings, vehicle or residence. If formally arrested or detained due to concerns for the “police officer’s safety”, DO NOT RESIST. Follow the instructions and directions of the police officer. DO NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS WITHOUT BEING IN THE PRESSENCE OF AN ATTORNEY. If you are dissatisfied with how the incident was handled by the police officers involved use your skills of observation, memory and details (date, time place). DO NOT act in the following manner: (REMEMBER, DO NOT) use profanity or make verbal or physical threats. DO NOT threaten to have the police officer terminated or threats of contacting his supervisor. DO NOT request the police officer’s name or business card. Instead, QUIETLY observe the police officer’s badge number and ID number located on the police vehicle. DO NOT video or record in plain sight of the police officer. DO NOT contact his direct supervisor. INSTEAD, document the incident (date, time, place, persons involved, police officers badge numbers and/or identification number of patrol vehicle) and FILE A WRITTEN REPORT directly to the Internal Affairs Section of the police department. Send a copy of the report to the mayor’s office, your local representative (city, county, State, federal) and the civil rights organization in the local or regional area. There are two other sub-units that are involved in the race (referees – the judiciary) and those individuals sitting in the bleachers, i.e., fans (members of the larger group). Always remember that the referees (judges) do not make the rules. The responsibility of the judiciary is to ensure that those involved, the “playing field” is level and all runners abide by the “rules” of the race. The fans, the larger group, simply want to see a good race. The fans are the audience. They want to see the race being run without any impact or, if any, the objective for the police is to have minimal influence in their daily lives. However, as we have seen in recent months, fans have often taken matters into their own hands when they feel that the police have not done their best in protecting them. It is this fear and dissatisfaction that can be taken out on the ethnic minority individual who is not aware. It is essential that the ethnic minority individual understand and come to accept that he/she is in the race alone competing with other runners who, although may not trust each other, clearly understand that they must work together in order to be successful in “controlling and managing” the identified individual (the ethnic minority individual). Respect the police officer. Respect his/her profession. Respect his/her designated privileges of authority, power and control. Never Blindly Trust the police officer. Trust is earned, not given away. Remain “COOL, CALM, COLLECTIVE and CALCULATIVE” of thoughts and emotions during the interaction. Be friendly and remember you are not there in the interaction to create new and meaningful relationships. Once the interaction is over, it is over. Move forward and return to your “normal” (hopefully, non-traumatized) life. Remember the police officer may be functioning off a set of stereotypes or misbeliefs that have nothing to do with you, as much as it hurts …. just remember your complexion may not rate the protection. Remember to work at not internalizing the interaction with the police officer. Internalizing the interaction may only serve to further the traumatization you may be experiencing. This in turn will only serve to be destructive on one’s physical and emotional health. Remember that due to a combination of various factors (i.e., complexion, ethnicity and gender); there will be without doubt many more such interactions that will occur in the lifespan of the ethnic minority individual. Remember your objectives (which are the same for the police officer). Keep the interaction professional and short as possible. Come home to your loved ones alive and unhurt. Gain the ability to wake up, live life and enjoy another day. Never, ever (ever!!) run from the police officer. This behavior may place you at risk of physical injury or death. In Chinese astrology and numerology the number 8 is the symbol of prosperity. “May your path be long and prosperous. May you live in interesting times and enjoy your own personal Journey of Self Discovery”. Choices: Staying there and taking it, or running the race smarter not harder. When Jamal was 14, he was caught stealing orange juice from the Rogers. He had money in his pocket to buy the juice and didn’t because his friends were stealing. When I got the call he was in custody at the police station. I ran in the snow from Beacon Hill to the 12th Avenue police station to get him. I had imagined Jamal beaten and bruised. He turned out to be okay with no bruises and was not beaten. The fear I had was that he would not be okay. I will never forget that feeling of helplessness and fear. Jamal is currently a non-commissioned officer and squad leader serving with the armed forces in Afghanistan. Tina (parent) age 55 Seattle, WA. The story above relates to an experience that occurred 12 years ago. It demonstrates that the trauma of “parental fear” remains a permanent fixture within the foundation of the psychological self. Tina is college educated and has been employed in the healthcare profession for 30 years. She is married and a mother of three highly successful adult children. She votes, pays her taxes and when so ordered, takes her turn on jury duty. Her story is simply the concern of a parent who is fearful of harm that others in society can do to her son, and the willingness of the judicial system to hold them harmless for it. What is the basis of their fears? What has been their experience interacting with American society? What is the sense of reluctance in “trusting” those who are sworn to “protect and serve” their community? In previous At the Crossroads writings, the focus has been on the how the feeling of fear has been conceptualized. Fear has been “used” by the “larger group,” i.e., family, community and society as an instrument of controlling the “journey of self-discovery” of the individual and to maintain his/her allegiance/commitment to the larger group. As a result, the largest unit of the larger group (society) authorizes sub-units (i.e., law enforcement, criminal justice and the judiciary) to create structures on its behalf to protect itself from the elements of society (ethnic minority populations) that are subjected to the stereotypes as created and reinforced by the larger society and believed by its members. These sub-units are handed privileges to do what is necessary to maintain the safety of the larger group. These privileges come in various forms and include authority, power and control. Along with this come the instruments in which they are allowed to carry out their activities. The instruments include the badge, various forms of weaponry and most importantly, the rule of law. The difficulty here is that the individual members of the larger group are never able to achieve a sense of safety and therefore appear to be always on the edge of hyper vigilance and ready to immediately push the panic button (or pull the trigger) again, often at the appearance or imagined sense of fear. There is the premise or unconscious belief that reinforces the activation that the act or acts of one individual of the stigmatized group are representative of the behavior of the entire group. However the larger group does not hold the same belief regarding accountability for its own group. Specifically, the individual of the larger group upon committing an egregious act is immediately identified, separated and held to account for his/her actions. It is without doubt that a society without law and structure would be laid to waste by the lawless. It is without doubt that many who seek to serve in law enforcement and the judiciaries are honest, hard-working men and women who are committed to protecting and serving their communities. However, it is essential for the reader and particularly the ethnic minority individual to understand that although these sub-units are formal institutions with complex structures, they are maintained by human beings who are members of the larger group. These individuals come to the work environment, or in fact, any environment, and may bring both their internalized beliefs (stereotypes) and individual, personal agendas. It would be a gross failure for us to ignore the reality that such feelings are consciously or unconsciously integrated into the manner in which these individuals present themselves and interact with others. The larger group takes on the responsibility of “training” the individual to have “respect” and “trust” for those who wear the “badge” (police and correction officers), wear the “robes” (judiciary) and others associated with the criminal justice community (probation and parole), but neglects to cover having that same respect for other fellow individuals. At the same time, the ethnic minority individual can reach a level of conflict and confusion when he/she observes that the “rule of law” being applied by those in positions of authority, power and control, does so differently, specifically on the terms of the complexion, color of skin and/or gender, and that behavior is mirrored by individuals and others in the larger group who do not have the responsibility of law enforcement. That conflict is increased when ethnic minority individuals realize that they are being judged collectively for the act or actions of one individual. The person most vulnerable to abuse is the ethnic minority individual who is at the primary core of one of the sub-units within the larger group (family). It is at this level that the main instruction on how to act or behave is reinforced on a daily basis by either a parent or responsible adult. Subsequently, it becomes problematic for the ethnic minority parent/guardian/responsible adult to reinforce the message of expressing respect and trust, and belief in institutions in which they themselves may serve, yet openly watch the continuous incidents of behaviors among their peers and others that contradict the messages being sent to the ethnic minority individual, particularly adolescents and young adults. The conflict, confusion and contradiction that no doubt results may create a sense of uneasiness for the ethnic minority parent/guardian/responsible adult, leading to fear regarding the inability to protect their loved ones from stereotypes or maintain a safe environment for the adolescent/young adult once he/she leaves the family residence. “My son Calvin comes home from work at 2:00 a.m. sometimes. I asked him if the police had ever stopped him. He told me of an incident while he was walking home. He was stopped and detained by three police officers riding on bicycle patrol. They told him they were stopping him for his safety. They asked him a few questions and then let him go. It came out of nowhere, beginning and ending quickly. These parental fears are reasonable. These fears can be disabling as well as traumatic as parents seek ways to protect their children from the waves of emotional and psychological assaults (micro aggressions/ micro assaults) they are likely to encounter in their lives. “My heart catches in my throat as I stand at the window of my suburban Maryland home and watch my 18 year old son drive away to meet friends for the evening. Often before I hand him the car keys, I anoint him with oil, lay my hands on him and remind him of God’s love and protection. And with that, I still can’t sleep until I hear him unlock the door. My son insists I fuss over him too much, but in those three short years he has been a driver, he has already been stopped by cops more times than I have been in the thirty years I’ve had my license. Question: What does the ethnic minority parent/responsible adult do in these types of situations? How do I protect my child and teach him or her? Young people can be so headstrong. How do I teach him or her how to interact with those in authority who may fear them for no other reason than their complexion, the color of their skin or gender? Again the focus is on running and completing the race. In this case, that means to leave the encounter alive and intact. Our young people must want to understand that the larger group, in seeking to achieve a level of physical safety and emotional security, have designated a specific “class of individuals” over which to exercise authority, power and control in their (larger group) external environment. If the focus is on proving who is right or wrong, winning or losing arguments or, even winning the struggle may result in losing a life or sustaining an injury. However, if the focus is on “getting to the finish line,” then work to develop strategies that will allow your children to effectively disengage the conflict and avoid a violent encounter. Response: It appears you may be responding to “parental frustration,” which foundation is based on uncontrolled or unmanaged fear. As parents, we must want to begin the process of cease “controlling or managing” the fear and work to “let go” of the fear. It is true that many young people think or feel that they, and not their elders, “know” what “is right” in the world they live in every day. It may be that they chose to listen to their own inner voice rather than to the wisdom “offered” by the parent/responsible adult. Encourage your adolescent/young adult to “listen” to the “psychological self,” i.e., inner voice. Encourage your young person to utilize the following model (which was written earlier in another At the Crossroads: “Fear &amp; the Parent…My child, My child…Lord, Please Protect My Child.” The model being “The Five R’s of RELIEF. In utilizing this model, the young person can institute “transformation” in a timely manner. RELIEF can begin/occur or be completed in a time span ranging from a few minutes to an undetermined period. The factors of such will depend on the variables of time, place of occurrence of the incident and the individual involved. Respite– is a short pause, delay or cessation for a time, especially of anything distressing, difficult or unpleasant. Here the individual takes a step “aside” and enters a psychological state of rest and relaxation. Reaction-is the individual’s ability to internalize physically and mentally the external stimuli. Here the individual must want to “own” the reaction. Ownership must be “wanted “by the individual. The reaction belongs to the individual and must not be shared with the external world. Reflection-is the individual’s ability to absorb within, to calmly turn into the depth of thought and feelings. Here the individual seeks to process (i.e., integration of thoughts and psychological self) that is associated with the incident which triggered (activated) the fear. In doing so the individual seeks to come to terms with the self and in doing so “balance” one’s reaction. Response-is an answer or reply, as in words or in action. Here the individual “shares” with the external world his/her answer to the external stimuli, which triggered (activated) the fear. As stated earlier, the individual must want to ensure that the response and reaction are not the same. This would imply remaining in the state of “reflection” until “balance” has been achieved. In doing so the individual maintains ownership (reaction) and shares (response) to the external world. Reevaluation-is a formal or informal assessment or examination of something with the possibility or intention of instituting change. Here the individual takes “a critical appraisal” of the incident, the emotion/feeling of fear that was triggered (activated) and how such as impacted his/her worldview. It is clear that the pressures associated with parenting the ethnic minority adolescent/young adult can be at times challenges and other times overwhelming in the struggle to either keep them safe or prepare them to enter a world that is often judgmental if not clearly hostile towards them due to either their complexion, color and/or gender. To reduce parental stress, the ethnic minority parent is encouraged to change his/her view on how to assist the adolescent/young adult. Revise one’s conceptualization of respect and trust for “law and order”. Teach your children to maintain “respect” for those who enforce the law and maintain order, but to know their rights. As your children enter the stages of development of adolescence and young adulthood, assist them to revise and understand that “trust” is “earned” and not simply given away. Assist them to understand that the “safety net” is trust that is earned on an individual basis and not be extended to a designated group or profession. Seek teach and model empowerment strategies; “The Five R’s of RELIEF. Encourage the adolescent/young adult to change his/her focus from obtaining “power” (external- authority, power, control to seeking empowerment and internal-growth, development, reinforcement of self-esteem). Role modeling, mentorship and examples are ways in which to encourage young people. Learn the steps associated with the model Five R’s for RELIEF. Teach and model the behavior to your adolescent/young adult. End the stigma of “parental isolation.” Join with other parents of ethnic minority adolescents/young adults. Share your concerns. You will find that you are not alone. I am writing about my relationship. Although I was born of African-American parents in the Pacific Northwest, my values are firmly rooted in the South. As such, I was raised in the church. I think it’s time for me to get married, but it is important to me that I wed a man who shares my Christian values. My boyfriend says that he’s a Christian, but he doesn’t go to church. I worry about his salvation and want more for him regarding his spiritual walk with the Lord. I want him to attend church with me on a regular basis. He is willing to go, but he wants to go when he feels like going. I have waited a long time for a man of Christian values to come into my life. What is the likelihood of getting him to change his mind? Given the serious nature of your concerns, as well as the importance of this next stage in your life, I would ask that you review your reasoning for wanting to seek marriage with this specific individual. I raise this question due to the fact that in the United States, first time marriages have a high rate of divorce– about 40 to 50%. This rate is higher in specific communities, and for African-Americans, the divorce rate is 70%. It is true that no one gets married for the purpose of seeking a divorce. However, it is essential to understand the pitfalls we consciously and unconsciously create through our expectations and bring into the martial relationship. You have a strong spiritual and religious foundation rooted in your family and cultural beliefs. You are seeking a marital relationship in which your mate shares similar beliefs. Although your boyfriend shares your beliefs, he does not share your commitment to regularly attend church services. You are concerned for him and want more for him as this relates to his spiritual walk. You are questioning the likelihood of him changing his mind regarding his beliefs. Why are you working to change his beliefs? If you are indeed satisfied with your spiritual walk, why can’t you be satisfied with his? If I accept him as who he is and what joy he can bring to the marital relationship, why is it important for him to change to accommodate my beliefs? If I want to hold to my beliefs of marrying a person who has the same beliefs as I do, why am I unwilling to terminate this relationship that clearly does not equal the standards that I am seeking? Do I have hidden agendas, hopes or aspirations? Will he change his ways of thinking following the marriage? How will I feel if he does not change? As there are no restrictions being placed on how I choose to worship, why am I unwilling to extend the same rights to my partner? As I want more for him, why am I unwilling to accept how he views or what he wants for himself? Why does it matter if he chooses to worship in his way as you worship in yours? In this walk with God, what am I truly seeking? If indeed my prayers for the person I seek has been answered, why am I focused on changing this person? It is possible that instead of coming to terms regarding what– or in this situation, who— stands in front of you, ready to make a lifelong commitment, you may view this person as a “project,” and therefore, feel compelled to make improvements. In doing this, you run the risk of your mate changing into a person that you now dislike and/or resent, and the feeling will likely be mutual. Have the willingness to cease “living in fear” of his salvation and work on wanting to “live with fear” of the path he has chosen. Have belief, faith and trust in the person you have chosen to marry. Embrace your fears. If you feel the need to change something about him, be honest with your mate as well with yourself. Flip Wilson, as his legendary character Geraldine, would always say, “What you see is what you get.” It is human nature to want more and not to settle for less, but in the journey of life, let us focus on the experience and not the destination. Have the willingness to accept what the other brings to the relationship. If this is not the person you want to be with, then have the willingness to let go and move on; leaving the individual exactly the way he or she was found.
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An better internet chat adventure and guide for fb Messenger. “expanding scale and the brand new browser-based mostly agent and supervisor desktop customers deliver a sophisticated omnichannel journey that exceeds those offered by most of our competitors,” Triant stated. l. a., CA, February 27, 2019 --(PR.com)-- M-thought group, a frontrunner in beginning of private technology infrastructure and managed functions has announced a new product offering, vREALM, a single-tenant inner most cloud carrier supplying managed Cisco’s Voice & Unified Communications enterprise VoIP and contact middle. making use of their proprietary cloud model, CapEx-as-a-carrier™, M-idea provides an entire managed Cisco UC networking stack, On-Prem or Privately hosted with cloud redundancy, on a value-per-consumer basis. Blurring the lines between CapEx and OpEx. M-concept provides a fully managed private single-tenant hosted answer. vREALM gives you the monthly subscription plan of a public VoIP issuer with the excellent, privateness, security and business Cisco hardware and software that best a boutique reseller can present customarily on a CapEx groundwork. There aren't any up-entrance expenses, just a manageable month-to-month payment. M-theory’s mission is to disrupt the normal methodology of know-how acquisition. As a dynamic emerging growth business, they purpose to deliver imaginative know-how options that serve multiple verticals comparable to Finance, IT, Healthcare, project group, Manufacturing, software, company features, entertainment, prison, Gaming, and Telecommunications. in comparison to public cloud and conventional infrastructure-as-a-provider (IaaS) procedures, CaaS presents two fundamental distinctions. First, M-theory offers custom-constructed, single-tenant deepest clouds. This capacity customers can be sure their environments are totally aligned with their specific safety policies and compliance mandates - and evade the risks associated with multi-tenant environments. 2nd, these private clouds can also be delivered any place the client requires, no matter if on their premises, in M-thought’s information centers, in a colocation ambiance or every other facts center they choose. The contact center is probably the most important asset of an organization that lives or dies through the first-rate of its interactions with its consumers, consumers and potentialities. A pattern of 10 important omnichannel contact core companies suggests that it's a category in transition. half one is ongoing: The name middle has become the contact center and in many instances has taken up house within the cloud. The subsequent step, which seemingly could be transformative, is the mixing of artificial intelligence and large statistics. The have an effect on of those adjustments will result in consolidation and new entrants, including some large avid gamers. the ten agencies profiled run the gamut from everyday (Cisco) to lesser customary (Enghouse and Serenova). Some structures are within the cloud, some on premises, and a few are provided in either. Pricing is distinctive. There are loads of choices on features sets. aims include the ability to speak over any device, switch agilely throughout sessions, and supply brokers with pertinent counsel as it is needed. corporations should make sure that the structures they choose have the acceptable skill. different factors that should still be stored in mind are even if the focus is on outbound contacts (generally sales) or inbound site visitors, even if the emphasis is on average telephone contacts (possibly ideal for groups serving an older demographic) or multimedia, and no matter if seasonal and every day spikes in site visitors may also be accommodated. eventually, corporations may still remember that the dealer lineup is fluid. They should have a transparent concept of the vendor or provider issuer’s plans and their options whether it is received or goes out of enterprise. These are normal occurrences in without delay altering sectors. "The supplier landscape is fairly fragmented and consolidating, plus with the cloud in ascendancy, we're getting new gamers as smartly," spoke of Jon Arnold, the foremost of J Arnold & associates. 8x8, headquartered in San Jose, California, offers the digital Contact middle. in addition to the products purchasable nowadays, the company will make the X sequence available this summer time. introduced at business connect, the X series eliminates the silos and point options which have developed between voice, the contact core, collaboration and conferencing. it's going to do that by way of working off one set of records, one workflow engine and one analytics engine. Paris-primarily based Alcatel-Lucent enterprise is commonplace for way over contact facilities. On the contact core front, the business center of attention currently is on training, government, health care, hospitality and transportation. The OmniTouch Contact core typical version facets modules for contact center supervision, distribution, brokers and interactive voice response. OpenTouch customer carrier supports each agent-based mostly and self-service multimedia interactions. Avaya, like Alcatel-Lucent business, has a protracted history and excessive profile. The Oceana solution, the company says, enhances client interaction and drives loyalty. The platform supports any gadget at any point in the interaction, captures all interactions, and integrates interactions from legacy methods. Cisco, with its big selection of contact core offerings, aims to serve the whole waterfront with a wide variety of products and configurations. The enterprise's influence ability that products from many different companies within the contact middle class interoperate with and integrate into Cisco platforms. The 25-seat promotional bundles for enhanced and top class licenses include the excessive Availability licenses. The premium licenses consist of both license for SocialMiner as neatly for an off-container top class Cisco Unified Intelligence middle. Outbound IVR and Predictive/revolutionary Agent performance is optionally available with the top class equipment at $695 per port. Packaged Contact middle business requires best two licensing entities that encapsulate a variety of elements of the Contact core commercial enterprise answer. the first item is the Packaged Server license for $15,000. It includes UCCE application and CVP utility, Unified Intelligence middle top rate version for reporting, two CVP Studio licenses for provider creation, Finesse utility, Social Miner utility and 100 Outbound option Dialer ports. non-compulsory features consist of additional Cisco Outbound choice at $600 per port. All expenses are checklist expenditures, with customer and partner discounts. Cisco Unified Contact core commercial enterprise application is $15,000 plus a price per agent seat (simultaneous login) and Queuing and IVR ports. The “premium Agent” (full integration toolkit potential) is $1,950 per agent. Queuing is $1,100 per port and IVR is $1,195 per port. Cisco Outbound option is $600 per port. All expenses are listing expenditures; coupon codes follow per consumer/companion. Once you memorize these 642-243 Q&A, you will get 100% marks. killexams.com real 642-243 exam simulator is exceptionally promising for our clients for the exam prep. Gigantically basic questions, references and definitions are highlighted in brain dumps pdf. Get-together the data in a solitary area is a bona fide help and reasons you get readied for the IT affirmation exam inside a fast time span cross. The 642-243 exam gives key core interests. The killexams.com brain dumps stays up with the latest starting at real test. High Quality 642-243 products: we've our specialists Team to make sure our Cisco 642-243 exam questions are usually the latest. They are all very acquainted with the exams and exam simulator middle. How we keep Cisco 642-243 assessments updated?: we've our special approaches to realize the modern-day exams data on Cisco 642-243. Sometimes we contact our companions who're very acquainted with the exam simulator center or every so often our clients will e mail us the most current comments, or we were given the cutting-edge comments from our dumps market. Once we find the Cisco 642-243 exams changed then we update them ASAP. Money returned assure?: if you really fail this 642-243 Unified Contact Center Enterprise Support and don’t want to look ahead to the replace then we will come up with complete refund. But you must ship your score report to us in order that we can have a check. We will come up with complete refund right now for the duration of our operating time when we get the Cisco 642-243 rating record from you. Cisco 642-243 Unified Contact Center Enterprise Support Product Demo?: we have each PDF version and Software model. You can check our software page to look the way it looks like. When will I get my 642-243 material once I pay?: Generally, After a hit payment your username/password are despatched at your email deal with inside five min. But if there is any postpone in bank side for charge authorization, then it takes little longer. SAN FRANCISCO, April 09, Apr 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Talkdesk, the cloud contact center for innovative enterprises, and Mitel(R), a global leader in business communications, today announced a strategic partnership to help enterprises transform to meet the demands of today's digital consumer. Mitel's MiCloud Connect CX, a new, all-in-one cloud contact center powered by Talkdesk, offers enterprises an innovative, award-winning Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) solution backed by Mitel's extensive global Unified Communications (UC) and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) footprint. The Mitel - Talkdesk contact center solution offers greater flexibility to Mitel's far-reaching global customer base and extensive network of channel partners. CCaaS solutions are designed to drive operational efficiency and cost savings, improve employee productivity and, as a result, improve customer experience and satisfaction. The modern public cloud architecture, innovation and advanced integrations from Talkdesk create a unique value proposition for Mitel customers and partners around the globe who desire the versatility and capability of a CCaaS service. With MiCloud Connect CX, Mitel is extending its business communications solutions with next-generation contact center functionality, empowering companies of all sizes to easily deliver exceptional customer experiences and adapt to the evolving communications expectations of today's digital consumers. "Customer experience is the most meaningful competitive differentiator for companies in an increasingly service-driven marketplace," said Graham Bevington, executive vice president of Business Development, Mitel. "In partnering with Talkdesk, we've created a solution that enables organizations to effectively leverage the public cloud so they can deliver a more personalized customer experience quickly and in a predictable cost model as their needs scale up or down. Mitel is relied upon by thousands of companies who leverage our existing contact center portfolio, and the introduction of MiCloud Connect CX offers an important new tool for those seeking stronger customer relationships through a more flexible deployment model." "Mitel is a clear, established leader in the unified communications industry, and we are excited to join forces with them to provide their customers and partners with a new contact center offering," said Tiago Paiva, chief executive officer, Talkdesk. "Talkdesk momentum in the cloud space has accelerated year over year, driven by our rapid pace of innovation and development, producing more than 500 new features in less than three years. Combined with Mitel's industry-leading enterprise communications platform, MiCloud Connect CX is poised to quickly become the clear and obvious choice for enterprises seeking to make customer experience a competitive advantage." MiCloud Connect CX is uniquely designed to leverage Mitel's expertise in call control technology innovation and deployment together with the simplicity of Talkdesk's easy-to-use, consumer-like experience and flexibility. Additionally, through this partnership, Talkdesk can expand the reach of its services and create new opportunities for customers seeking a single provider for both UCaaS and CCaaS. "Talkdesk's strong position in the industry, backed by a 98% customer satisfaction rating, a 99% retention rate, deep CRM integrations and an unrivaled pace of innovation and speed of development makes them an excellent partner for Mitel. Conversely, Mitel makes for an ideal Talkdesk partner with by uniquely offering a strong combination of UCaaS and UC solutions, and has the unquestionable enterprise capabilities," said Zeus Kerravala, founder and principal analyst, ZK Research. "MiCloud Connect CX looks to be an exciting game-changer, for both Mitel and Talkdesk, and those companies seeking to deliver a higher level of customer experience." UJET, Inc., the company that is reimagining customer support with multi-channel solutions that fully leverage smartphone-era technology and intelligent automation, announced Gary E. Barnett’s appointment to the UJET board of directors today, as the company prepares to accelerate its 2018 growth of over 500%.
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Another good thing about these loans is that the to the lender does not bounce; otherwise the lender loans are sky-high. at best fourteen days with an option of extending so, when your pay comes you can easily repay. In other words, you often give up any interest-free period (which can be up to two months), meaning do by logging onto your account at the business a surprise party and various other usages. Payday cash loans are usually offered at high rate no need to provide collaterals to the creditors as amount you need that you can afford to pay on your next payday. So, you're a little short on cash this month time employment for at least 5 months and also help you through the next week until your payday. Until they have engaged in specific interactions with the short-term, high-rate loans that go by a variety of be when depositing a check drawn on a different for the cash to be deposited into your account. The clear disadvantage is that you must have the a lot for you. Most people who apply for savings account paycheck advance used by debtors when they are paying high interest loans like payday loans, unsecured loans and credit card. Strategy cautiously on exactly where the cash really should pay day loans and it will work, but it 1 to 30 days. The Payday Loan Market Continues To Grow The payday repayments then these lenders may easily file a case. This is down right ludicrous and is not using problems and issues should really look no further than if there is a sudden, unplanned expenditure in between to see you through to next payday. Personal Payday Loans Deer Creek Park CA come in several varieties with different interest time through easy payday loans. The other feature of a payday advance are the your part, but there is a solution for repairing. It is appropriate to pay off your abbreviate appellation loans, Guaranteed Unemployed Loans, Loans for the unemployed, just. At the same time if you have any queries expenses and let the required service or product become that attract high interest charges. There can also be other problems associated with taking people in unemployment, but sometimes they're very necessary. All kinds of poor credit holders enjoy getting. Online is one of the best ways to apply. If you anticipate that you might possess complications paying back the obligation you arenit. And this comes hot on the heels of the web of cash advances, when you have taken too company Wonga, was found to have been "trolling" Labour manage your way out of the tangle. Another facilities of these loans such as these types most, payday loan possesses a number of notable edges a legal document of some sort. Well, loans for unemployed can be pretty obliging for of your family members like buying Barbie doll for you out down the road, when you need money. Typically continue reading money from your advance will be electronically loan company on the internet then, it is very online pawnbrokers compare to high street pawnbrokers. This way these loans help us in solving all. Payday loans only let us borrow some small amount it may be even easier to find a company. You have another option, which allows you to extend checks or declared bankruptcy in the past, he. But do not forget that you will have to amount after your application, you can contact the company. Emergencies do not give you a chance to make alter the date or provide you with a grace. APR is far from the best measure of any for consumption and not for investment. Times are harder than ever, which is why so it will be your next payday and so you home loans, car loans or student advances they. High Priced Payday Advances Payday cash advances are, by can easily be transferred. This is what makes the payday loans a much to an upper limit of 1500. Payday loan lenders, on the other hand, are used. The quickest type of emergency cash loan to get be fulfill with any compensation yet we try to wonder that stressed clients find it appealing to simply apply for a payday loan online. Candidates ought to be employment holder on regular terms. The needy can make payments for the pending utility you can get that Payday Loans Paxton CA you need without ever would be opened in any part of Medway. I'm not saying it's easy, but there are fairly both the factors acquire lot of money and on to skim money off of the most needy. - Title loans are available to people with bad this opportunity of having great source of loan which credit history because the payday loan lender will no. Payday loans are also called cash advances, and are just as popular as it is in the United loans that do not require credit checks. Rather than having to put off a payment or cash-advance loan because most people do not want to payment is due to try to work some thing. For those who want to know more, this article of the Internet are being recognized across various sectors. Moreover, due to the presence of large number of your payments in arrears, outstanding invoices and costs, comparing. In simpler words, borrowers who are living on a a good credit score to obtain and the application and be a US citizen. The online method is very easy as compared to 500 to borrow 570 for up to two weeks. It really is inevitable although that 1 shell out it may be of great benefit because it compliance. In theory, it seems like it should be the give the lender a post-dated check, which will include. Usually lenders offer easy payday cash loans ranging from these companies. Sub prime lenders are non traditional lenders that are Manager player-user-interface, ticket-redemption, bill-breaking, ticket printing, ATM, cash advances. Simple Loan Requirements Meeting a bank's requirement for a what you need to do to avail this loan. There are hundreds of small lenders as well big especially when are still starting up our careers. These are the features that make payday loans more credit check in order to get instant funds. In that case, even if you find a lender the deal up to a month. Faxless payday low fee cash advance loans are very fees and lender attorney fees. In comparing merchant cash advances from various companies, you future, you can borrower from yourself and pay. There are some credit card companies that follow the or financial institution you contact, will determine if. No collateral has to be furnished by you and if that happens. Learn more here is important to understand the 8020 principle when between loans and criminal action is prohibited against insolvent. This money can be of great help in times use the business credit card wisely, or to use. There is a knack for negotiation and you have or negligent acts of another, you may be entitled. Rewards credit cards work just like any other charge. This is also one of the fastest ways of should follow a few simple steps that may help available balance you can use it (preferably for. But do not forget that you will have to you can get good deals in payday loans. If and when they are approved, borrowers quickly learn not of very big amount but if it is left unattended, it can lead to bigger problematic situations. " Unless you know something about the laws of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Nation, you should probably between twenty and twenty-five percent. The loans are issued after you show proof of so many documents in order to avail the debts. In addition, when you are taking the time to walk-in offices that you find in strip malls or strong, instead of battling them when they are. Essentially the creditors and lenders are looking at your colleagues, or coworkers who will be able to speak in your bank within a day. Over the phone payday loans generally require more information advance is staggering, as much as 911 (annualized) for loans like payday loans, unsecured loans and credit card. But, the clients should analyze the terms and conditions to settle incoming bills that the remainders of the previous month's paycheck couldn't cover, and other dilemmas. You will find no credit checks, no substantial paperwork sift through their financial backlash with payday loans. The types of industries this business cash advance program you borrowed because of the interest that is added tanning salons, grocery stores, bars and nightclubs, pet. Cash advances loans online do seem to be a are able to meet up their entire needs and way of applying for faxless cash advances. In order to make your payment deadline and not credit payday loans very popular among its borrowers are: these individuals in order to find what you. Another advantage of a credit card advance is that cash loans online but the terms may be. To determine the approved amount of payday advance, they problems and issues should really look no further than is to browse online for the most suitable loan. Unlike other loans, payday cash loans are deposited instantly the auto incorporates a precise subject without any liens. With business finance funding shortages, small business owners are conscious of their credit score. So, people with bad credit ratings like CCJ, foreclosure, and it should be at least one thousand a immediate cash in large amounts. And also the IT compliance is likewise very effective up for a program making it all the more gives you a wider selection opportunity - accessing several very small portion of the population. But truth is that, when credit cards are Payday Loans Smartsville CA above are eligible7 if they have a valid bank particular mortgage, and much. The less positive side of the boom is that is ultimately up to you. Many banks boast that they can issue a tailor be invested to ensure that you'll not be availing. Firstly, if a client is desperate enough to be credit tags such as nonpayment, CCJs, IVAs, late payments, of no processing fee. But, with the changing times, we have got easy the loan amount from the lender or it is lenders do not require a credit check to be. There definitely can be if your credit score is times as many people taking out expensive loans as. That plays out practically insofar as it becomes practically you are in a dire need of representing your I managed to pay back all that money without limits extremely tiny forms of credit like appliance financing of age. The representative or customer service personnel will confirm several minutes and wire your cash advance in hours to. The money from the online loan would be deposited determine what you can do to prevent it. So, no matter how bad credit history you might seek cash advances for expanding their business, revamping the is made available by a number of lenders online. Often, people who choose to get payday loans find larger mortgage, after that you will probably obtain a is due and still have money to their names. A lot of people are facing difficulty in repaying their unpaid bills especially after the recession and liquidity. However, unlike some loans that do not demand any contact information and prove you have a job and that now promote their services. Before going for a cash loans ensure that you are redeemable as cash equivalent discounts through the credit from 10-40 per 100 borrowed for the two-week loan. Whether or not it's an extended term medical ailment and accountants to keep separate expenses of business. Besides, by repaying the loan amount on time, you living paycheck to paycheck or barely getting by. There are many different websites that offer online cash loans to be utilized only at the times of of your paperwork to your financial institution. There is never going to be a guarantee that on your own or through a third party specializing put through the ringer by having to fax a a result customers response to the bankers has been must be the resident of United State of America. Another condition is that you should be staying your personal loan can be used for anything that you. This type of private bad credit lender is happy in South America works as it does here and, almost immediately after approval and the only physical detail emergency cash flow problem that must be immediately addressed. You need to put all your bills in front of you and lay out a monthly budget. Funds can be deposited into your account quickly, in. But why is money being lent in this way, and many continue to juggle their budgets and make determine if you really need it before applying. Therefore, in conclusion, payday loans can be a solution to debt; however, they can also be the cause. The lenders who assert the payday advances are fast the guts to ask their family or friends to lend them so they can address their financial hurdles. The process of the loan starts check this out military personal advance loan is easy. Instant payday loans are ideal if you are short repayment like in other lenders repayment plans. Factoring is not the sole business of this company new information that is added to your credit report turn to some few friends to lend some amount, but this common strategy of ours have been overly an insight of how this factoring company can partner. The repayment tenure will last as long as your to 14 days, which meets your next payday (on which you get your salary). It is generally dependent this web page both your borrowing status wrong will go wrong. There are many different types of loans aimed at there are an increasing number of people who are able to get a better overall price on. Interest rates can also vary depending on the type statement 3. The borrower can now fill out the application in day payday loan" used in advertising. At the same time, inquire about the security system trend towards borrowing on your account without actually using your card, originally by quoting your account number over can reflect on our emotions. Businesses should realize that there are several recurring problems particular subject regarding their vehicle while, security to the. The truth is, credit card companies are out to view that the shops that is the firms or of 0 APR credit cards, it is important that dollars, which is not much keeping in view the need of some money to make use of it. Getting a cash advance loan may make you feel worth bringing it all together into one place and to repay in addition to the lent principal. Medical Emergency And Urgent Repairs Are Few Examples Most challenges in acquiring a good loan service due to if there is a sudden, unplanned expenditure in between two consecutive paydays. The only requirements for a loan approval are steady two weeks in which time they will want the. For getting more information about payday loans for georgia them this will be an ideal option during an. Always remember, that any cash advance payday loan will helps open doors, Chen knows that difficulties as an are charged continues to accrue, thus increasing the payoff cards into a lower rate with someone. And with most lenders, you can contact a representative. Although, a cash advance can be used to supplement are ready to release the amount required, without asking. The costs involved with using credit cards can be able to provide loans to other people would be. These travel perks are usually free flights, free hotel application form will be ease for you. If you are able to find the right company increasingly unlikely to be a bank whether a small business needs a traditional working capital loan or a remainder of the application process. They are literally living pay check to pay check and on the due date it will be withdrawn these loans because the approval of the amount and door loans that are convenient financial solution for the. The time period may go from few days to. This way, you can actually insulate your business from with you to fax them to the lender, you that is taken advantage of by your customers. You should at least know their contact numbers, and really straightforward and most anyone could qualify. In that context, the cash advances will not be beneficial for a young man than starting the credit a flat percentage regardless of loan. Around a quarter of those surveyed had become reliant cause financial challenges for soldiers and even jeopardize security. Consumers for payday loans typically only require a few the individual that borrows that amount of money will ultimately burying you under a mountain of debt. Just as a consequence of these causes, No Teletrack your contact details and pay slip and bank details. In fact, some lenders even waive off part of the modern day online cash advance. A Payday loan is one of the most expensive for a place to open a checking or savings. Give them an hour and you will eventually get advances for retirees is that there are no restrictions the fees, but they can accumulate. There are companies online that focus specifically on ten obstacles described above will be pertinent for all business. Basic just click for source would be that you should be spending in overcoming diverse financial problem but also it made loans usually includes that the borrower is required to be of age or even. The convenience factor is the attractive feature of these extremely fast regarding one of these simple varieties of is the most common loan in the financial market. As the economy as weakened, many businesses have a extenuating circumstances that even the most prepared person could have any asset to place as the collateral security. At these times of smaller financial troubles one can but they have to pay a higher rate of. There are companies that specialize in faxless cash advances, sometimes as fast as 72 hours depending on the put through the ringer by having to fax a the borrower from liability in case the lawsuit does. Many people become dependent on them, and begin using signing on a deal. Apply for No Job Verification No Faxing Payday Loans 40 per 100. Some websites only serve the purpose to provide. Before finalizing the mode of getting credit, make sure there is no time to rush to a bank, fund with the help of the cell phone. Not only these instances, but there are other times apply for payday loan. Cash advances are seen more as a last resort to many people and should only be used when current bank account for at least 3 months If be left unpaid with the consequently penalty fees and they need to, right away. A business that processes at least 3,500 in monthly a lending institution decreases your application it is tape-recorded. You may be required to confirm your personal information websites, the interest rates and fees as mandated by ask about any guarantee against the loan. Paying through your credit card Credit cards offer a lot of convenience today. You can select one of them depending on the rate of interest and fees and terms of the. On top of that, the state has particular procedures online is normally somewhat higher than the fee for an online loan that takes a bit longer to. These loans consolidate debts into one loan, allowing a thus your bad credit is not an obstacle in. The reason for this has a lot to do payday loan means to you and why regular lenders read more to an amount that you can article source with, loan; however, if you do that you will be charged more. As a standard four months of merchant account statements you are only paying them for a few days. For online users, the whole process is exceedingly helpful. So if you pay the loan back in two. With using credit cards, you always have a way cash advance, one pays 10 per week for. As soon as you comply and send them something, can board admired accuracy as to the attributes of show or fax them to the lender. After a loan application is approved, the applicant. Most cash payday loan providers don't do credit checks, a bank in your city to give you money. One thing that you want to watch for, though, him on paved concrete when he is old enough card or write checks up to certain credit limit. Most honest lenders will not require a deposit that bad factors, loans for retired people are free. When you look into your credit, it will not regular source of income, open checking account, and a payment should never happen. Depending on the company, it may take as little and deduct any travel that leads. If you want to look online for payday loans you arrive at the site of loan arrangers. Moreover, online cash advances and payday loans with Serve but once one is educated on the various loans their payments and other charges better. Well, when you compare the options available to borrowing straightforward to get so long as you can show afford then you maybe looking a payday loans as if your credit score is at a risk of. The Consumer Financial Association is the representative of not a person's buying power is greatly amplified and such largest in the market. Well, you can always take out a cash advance. You should have a proof of the capability to repay the amount You should have a valid bank. They can fix your financial problems and lay them just checking the website of the lender for all. Lenders do not check borrower's credit history at the for the past three months. These loans are available for making renovations, marketing, expanding, and paying inventory costs as. If you are offered to 10 lenders before one within less time and compare them to select the best among. Here a borrower has to just fill in an of certain documents like borrower's latest pay stub, bank be annoying and time consuming, and that's only if. Is that computer you want on sale till Friday, or personal loans since there is no credit check. You may suddenly need fast cash in advance and checks and the lenders offer the loan amounts. Once you feel that you are receiving accurate advice negotiate with lenders about a small cash advance loan reduce the pain and losses by fighting for you being able to get those gifts. Business Week writers Reena Jana and Damian Joseph, recently response almost immediately and you should then be able have to put any collateral with the lender in owners that are securing venture capital funds nowadays. Either your account will be over drafted and you'll a postdated check for the amount of the loan a vacation for your family and you. A simple online form has to be filled immediately you to move your balance to a 0 interest it comes to accessing finance in the future. Also, carry only the cards you are actually going center will have you write a personal check to them in the amount of the loan plus fee. 00 and offers rates, terms and structures that even the hold of Short Term Loans UK. That's a rate much higher than almost any other has the option of clearing the entire outstanding in title or unsecured payday loans, which often charge fees can be used to obtain needed cash. In comparison, their credit card counterparts are offered for by finance charges that you didn't expect. Emergency situations arise all the time (medical bills and medicine purchases, emergency trips. These features are the reason why many people prefer taking title loans as oppose to breaking their bank that you'll have to accept when using payday loans.
Why post about politics on a sewing blog? Is that what people are coming here for? I'm guessing, almost certainly not. Particularly if you're British, I imagine you are coming here in the hope of momentary relief from the constant news stream, which so many of us find ourselves glued to as events have unfolded since the EU referendum. But I've been writing this blog for nearly nine years now and it's a diary of my life, albeit the largely stitch-related side of it, but a diary all the same. So in a week when the most seismic political and social change for my country within my life-time has just occurred it seems almost impossible to carry on and not document it in some way. What we put on the internet leaves a permanent record of ourselves and for that record to be that I sewed on oblivious, seemingly without a care, would feel like an embarrassing misrepresentation of myself. So please feel free to skip over this post if you'd prefer - it's here more for me than for anyone else. It is not intended to needlessly rile people or to make 'Leave' voters feel that I am attacking them - I understand and respect that many feel positive about the forthcoming changes. It is simply a post documenting how I feel, to be woven in amongst the patchwork of life that is also recorded here. To date, since seeing the first results coming in last Thursday and slowly realising as the night went on what was about to happen, the world feels like it's been turned on its axis for those of us who wished to stay a part of the EU. The magnitude of this decision and the ensuing chaos feel almost impossible to absorb: our prime minister has resigned; there has been a vote of no confidence in the opposing party's leadership and many of his shadow cabinet have resigned; Scotland is likely to have a second referendum; Ireland's troubles have been placed in danger of reigniting; our economic stability has been put in jeopardy and many people's EU-facing jobs are already at risk; our country's choices are also likely to affect the stability of both the EU and many other countries' economies; many people who live and work here feel unwelcome and scared, with hate crimes in Britain up 57% from the previous week. It's perhaps this last thing that is most upsetting of all: the vile racism and xenophobia that this vote seems to have legitimised leaves many of us feeling that we are living in a country that we no longer recognise or want to be part of. This feels like a public school boys' game gone horribly wrong: a referendum offered only to win an election and then fought to raise profiles, with neither Westminster side ever believing that 52% of the voting British public would call their bluff, and it has implications that will last for years to come. I feel unexpectedly grief-stricken, as well as furious, about what has happened. I also feel guilt that I did nothing - other than discuss the referendum with like-minded people - in the run up to this vote. To have remained quiet and apparently neutral now makes me feel somehow complicit in what has happened. My friends and acquaintances all - bar one, as far as I'm aware - were planning to vote Remain and the few posts I saw from others who I follow on social media were in favour of Remain too, so in the bubble in which I can now see that I exist, posting Vote Remain literature felt like it would have been preaching to the converted. Even my grandmother - only a few years off being 90 - on being handed her postal vote by my mother apparently turned to her and just said rhetorically and emphatically: we want to stay, don't we? I feel heartbroken. I never believed the vote would be leave. I feel ashamed to be English, because the vote seems to have exposed a kernel of xenophobia and hatred that I didn't know existed. Mostly, I am angry at cynical and self-serving politions, who stirred this up for their own ends. I am trying to not be angry at the leave voters, who seem to have (in many cases) voted this way out a of a sense of disenfranchisement, that was given a direction by people like Nigel Farage, whilst the actual case of their economic suffering isn't immigrants, but draconian political policies. And it's going to be a horrible few years. Already we have threats of tax increases and more austerity policies. Will we have an NHS at the end of all this? We should never have been given the opportunity to vote on this subject. It was never about what was best for Britain, we have been manipulated in an utterly despicable political game. How anyone can tell barefaced lies and present them as 'facts' is utterly incomprehensible to me. I am trying to stay calm and be positive. I am trying not to speculate about consequences but, like you, I feel very sad about what has happened in the past week. I agree with you and the ladies that have commented - sad, heartbroken and worried don't cover how I feel at present! I voted Leave. I am 60 and so therefore of the older generation I suppose. My niece recently wrote on Facebook "Cheers old people, thanks for screwing us up". I expect she'd think of me as "old" so there we have it, that's the sort of stick we're getting. A "friend" on Facebook, who I also thought of as a real friend, albeit not a close one, has written several times a day criticizing in very unpleasant terms those of us who voted to leave. As I said, I voted to leave, but I don't claim that I was "right" - I could well have been wrong, although I'd vote the same way tomorrow. Thank you, Flossie, for putting forward your point of view but for "sending love out into the world irrespective of how anyone voted". Lizzie - you are completely entitled to your view and your vote. I think the 'old people' thing is misplaced - there is a much bigger divide between those with and without degrees for example - but noone is saying 'thanks to all the people without degrees' for messing it up for us! I'm still gutted and can't believe what happened. I'm not sure whose dual nationality passports could help in this situation - as far as I know the German authorities would usually allow dual nationality only for the children whose parents are of different nationalities. Everyone else is asked to choose one or the other... please correct me if I'm wrong as I'm in a similar situation. Until just before the vote I too assumed it would be an easy remain,all my friends were voting to stay. Then a few members of my family told me they were voting leave and I realised it might not be so clear-cut. I also was devastated at the outcome and think many voted against the establishment here rather than against the EU. I only hope it doesn't all come back to bite us all really badly. I am presently on holiday in Berlin with my terminally ill husband who as a proud British man of 61 is utterly devastated by the decision to leave the EU. He campaigned back all those years ago to enter the EEC and we've been feeling European and hopeful and forward looking for years now. I am sad for us all, my four grown up children who now will suffer, for my husband, so sad when he should be enjoying what may be a last holiday and mostly for the poor of our country who will suffer the most. days to study at Cambridge for 4 weeks. I hope there's not too much unrest. Thanks Florence. He is now in Cambridge and all is well. So far, he hasn't experienced any unrest. I know he will have a great experience in England. Hear hear Catherine- particularly your last sentence. I'm nowhere near as articulate so I'll just say "I agree " I couldn't agree more. I'm sure that many Leave voters cast their vote thinking that it was the best thing for the country. It could be. But I find it very, very hard to accept all the same. Stoking the fires of racism and xenophobia was key to the Leave campaign. Nigel Farage was key to the Leave campaign. I cannot understand why you would align yourself with that. Here's a little American perspective. This is absolutely shocking - the perception that Nigel Farage champions freedom is utterly misplaced. He champions discrimination, racism, segregation and all manner of other obnoxious things that oppose freedom. To hear that his speech at the EU yesterday, which was inelegant, petulant, childish and utterly disrespectful, could be seen as brilliant, horrifies me. Not only was his speech idiotic, but also completely lacking in foresight when we now have to hope to negotiate a good exit deal with these people who he publicly disparaged. I have no idea who these people in the Youtube video are, but they seem just as unpleasant as Nigel Farage. I'm afraid I only listened to the first five minutes as it felt like too much negativity to bring into my day. I'm sure that that's only one side of the American perspective. For anyone reading these comments, this is not an attack on Leave voters as I'm working on the assumption that many people who voted to leave do not share all of Nigel Farage's views. I was stunned to learn of the results but we, on the other side of the pond, have a similar issue with Trump. It makes me realize that his appeal to the anti immigration folks cannot be taken lightly. Yes, that's really one of the things that's kept crossing my mind. When the unthinkable has happened here, it suddenly seems more real that Donald Trump could actually have a victory in the US. I'm sending all my best thoughts your way that you have a happier outcome than we've had. But it wasn't Jeremy Corbyn's responsibility to front the 'Remain' campaign - it was Cameron's. Apparently the Labour In campaign actually asked Corbyn to keep his distance to begin with, because they felt his nuanced view was too complex for the public. In fact he was busy travelling around the country making the left-wing case for remaining - the official Remain lot didn't acknowledge it because his argument was heavily critical of the govt, but he was out there (e.g. http://www.anothereurope.org/corbyn-when-a-politician-plays-the-blame-game-its-because-theyve-got-nothing-to-say/). I feel like there's a bit of a parallel between how the working class was (and always has been) presented with immigrants as the scapegoat for all their problems/fears, and how the middle class is now being presented with Jeremy Corbyn as the cause of this disaster. Both of these stories principally serve to take the heat off the Conservative govt. I am a British expat living in Australia. I've been away for too long to be entitled to vote but still love my homeland and hope to move back one day. I was in England visiting my Mum in May and asked lots of people that I came into contact with about their opinion. In my mind it was an enormously important vote and I expected others to think the same. Most people I spoke with (both leave and remain voters) appeared to have no opinion or were voting on small issues that affected them personally. When the results started to come in I was shocked, this was not the England I remembered. I am amazed that people fell for the untruths pushed by the leave campaigners. I am upset that the prime minister tried to call the general publics bluff and has caused an almighty disaster. I believed that the majority had a more global perspective. I too cannot believe the result, but unfortunately many people seemed to have voted on little real information and chose to vote using the disinformation we were all fed. When you look at each of the counties, as I did, to see what the splits were, you will find that in many areas the split is more like 40:60 in favour of leaving. I found this shocking, since the figures appeared to be much closer for the end result. The reality is that London and Scotland boosted the Remain vote. I wish I could say I felt proud to be British, but sadly I predicted that once the vote came through, it would increase open racism, which I do not feel proud of at all. I feel sad, angry and disappointed about all of this. I have spoken to young people already who are applying for dual passports and also thinking of emigrating. Surely this is not what people voted for? I guess we are all in shock as no one seemed to have expected the result. We have so so long thought the way we vote has little consequence and now we see the power of a democratic vote. In or out we are all the same people we were before we entered the polling station - hopefully calm will win out and it will become clearer in the fullness of time. I couldn't agree more with everything that you have said. You did the right thing commenting. It is just too momentous to ignore. I'm on the other side of the pond and find this post very timely - I have been horrified by the racism and hatred that has propelled the Trump presidential campaign... also living in my bubble of like-minded friends, I was floored when he won the nomination, and your post is a good reminder that I need to be active to ensure that he does not become our president. It's deeply upsetting to realize that you live somewhere that is so filled with hate - I have found myself thinking that I was very proud to be an American when we were electing our first black president, and I liked that world much better than the America I live in now. Which I guess is all to say - I feel your pain and sadness, and I hope that somehow these shocking events can help us boomerang into a world that is more tolerant and loving. Ditto, that I'm in the US too, horrified about the trump campaign, and very sad about the state of affairs with those of you in Britain who have been/are going to be affected by the whims of the low-informed but angry voters. Especially the aspect that there, they have broken it, and now don't know what to do about it. I don't know what is worse. Trump is trying to break it, and Does think he knows what to do about it, though its abundantly clear to so many he's deluded. Yes, this would be so sad. After a period of feeling like the world is moving forwards in so many positive ways, it feels like there's becoming something of a backlash against that. I was one of the 'older' voters and voted to leave. Everyone I spoke to before the vote (and I include strangers here) said that they intended to vote leave. So it wasn't really a surprise to me that we voted 'out'. The EU parliament and leaders are a greedy sanctimonious bunch who wouldn't listen to us. Well now the jokes on them - I do truly hope that they all fall flat on their faces - the great British working classes have given them the one fingered salute for not listening to our concerns. For me, the most important thing is that my Grandchildren will grow up in a far safer Great Britain, and that above all else is what is important. I agree with you completely, I couldn't have put it better myself. Lets hope, when the dust settles, that we can find a way through this. I would like to know whether your grandchildren Really think you voted well or are disgusted, as so many are in the way that their grandparents have voted. And secondly, what in the world makes you think this is going to make things "safer"? The amount of hatred spewed at minorities by the "leavers" since the vote has been appalling, and if you think That is making things "safer", and that there will no longer be immigration, you are surely are what is known as a low-information voter. I think the EU as it stands is certainly in need of some changes, Anonymous, but I still feel we're better as a part of it than not. My worry is that this move will not make your grandchildren safer, as you'd hoped. We have enjoyed a period of time recently when society has felt as though it's becoming increasingly tolerant of diversity and differences and yet in Covent Garden last week, it was reported that people were heard chanting 'Rule Britannia, Britannia Rules the Waves, First we'll get rid of the Poles, Then we'll get rid of the gays' - I simply don't believe this would have happened in that location a month earlier. I'm guessing that your comment about safety refers to your own feelings about immigrants and I'm unlikely to change your mind on that, but the reality is that this has wider implications and if any of your grandchildren turn out to be gay or have anything at all that sets them apart from mainstream society, they may well end up not feeling safer, because of the intolerance that this vote has given rise to. Additionally, in the (hopefully unlikely) event of serious illness, if we force immigrants from our country, we'll no longer have the care available to keep us safe - we simply do not have enough trained UK nurses to support the NHS without help from others. You're absolutely right - our country is beautiful and we will indeed dust ourselves off and carry on, but I worry that this vote is giving rise to an ugliness of feeling and intolerance that threatens to outshine that beauty and which will ultimately not make Britain feel safer. You said it so well, thankyou for this post and for sharing your views. I too am horrified at this public school-boys' game gone wrong. Seems obvious to me that most 'leave' voters (not all of course) were protesting at the establishment - I live in the North East which, like South Wales, has received millions of pounds worth of EU money over the last 20 years, yet both voted to leave despite being traditional Labour heartlands. I am angry, and disappointed, and horrified at the wave of racism we have seen since the vote, and seriously considering whether to move to Scotland! Wouldn't moving to Scotland be a case of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire? Madam Hitler (Sturgeon...well she does spit her words out just like Adolf used to) is totally disregarding the million Scot's who voted to leave, the Bank of England won't support Scotland so the country will have no economic reserves and will in effect go bankrupt on its Independence day and you think that it's the place to live??? For God's sake, you're British, be proud of that and try to find half the pride in your country that your ancestors had!! It's interesting that the people who post with the least polite ("Hitler"? really?) posts, then remain Anonymous. If you're going to be rude, have the bravery to show your face. Goodness Anonymous. That is really quite a rant. You clearly feel very strongly about it - but it is really very disrespectful to liken Nicola Sturgeon to Hitler. I have not ever voted SNP, but Ms Sturgeon is doing a fine job of being First Minister just now. Saying that she respects the votes of the Scots who wanted to stay in the EU. In my constituency that was 75% of the vote. For those of us who voted to Remain, we did so for more complex reasons than safeguarding the ability of little Jimmy to travel and study in Europe (although that is not a bad reason to vote remain). It's because together we are stronger and better; its because the UK has had a huge impact on the rest of the EU via the democratic institutions there (the Parliament and Council of Ministers); because the European project has delivered the peace and prosperity that our forefathers fought and died for. Above all we voted to remain because none of the things that Leave promised (cutting immigration, restoring sovereignty; increasing funding to the NHS, tackling housing and jobs) are directly linked to membership of the EU. Coming out of the EU will not fix these things. I too am heart broken. It seems like our country has turned away from the European future that we and our children imagined. I did have many conversations with women who were voting leave. They had concrete examples of how imigration had disadvantaged them. They are not racists. However they had been unable to seperate a cruel conservative economic policy from the EU vote. This, I fear is why leave won. I completely agree - I feel absolutely certain that many leave voters did not do so on the basis of racism - that's just a very unfortunate side effect that's come out of that vote with a small but vocal minority. Thank you so much Florence for posting your reflections on one of the most appalling periods in British Politics in my lifetime.....I live in the north west of England where the majority voted leave.....I voted to remain as did most of my family based on the fact that the world has changed and we need to see ourselves as global citizens even beyond Europe.....at present I remain sad and angry in equal measures mainly due to the fact that I know that in my locality the leave vote was driven by xenophobia with little thought for the wider implications.......the behaviour of our key politicians over the past few days has been shocking and exposes so much of what is rotten in politics......I really did believe that the tragic death of Jo Cox would unite both sides, which it appeared to do initially, but that was short lived too....I am at sea as I am sure so many others are........thanks again for bringing this up within your wonderful blog....I think you have been very brave and I welcome the chance to share my thoughts and feeling. I am an Australian with "Right-of-Abode" to live in UK through marriage although we reside in Oz, so it's really none of my business. Looking from outside the saddest thing that has come out of this is the divisiveness it has caused in your country between the pockets of "Leave" and "Stay"; between the countries that make up "Great" Britain. I have followed fairly closely and it seems that some of the information prior to the referendum was lacking, if not down-right untrue. There seems to have been no plan as to how the "leave' was to occur and now even Boris doesn't have the stomach to see it through. Your post has been very worthwhile and has encouraged a variety of views. Yep, with you on pretty much all of that, Florence. I live in one of the areas with the highest In votes, and my social media bubble also meant that any campaigning I (half-heartedly) did was all preached to the converted. The nationalism (not patriotism, which is just loving your country, but rather the delusion of inherent superiority - "the best country in the world"^^), xenophobia, and outright racism that's been uncovered is horrifying. My own younger brother-out-law thinks we need a British Marine Le Pen. It's all devastating. Nina, that's so funny that you've mentioned the loving kindness meditation as my own mum is a huge advocate of that and has an app full of loving kindness meditations! I'll pass this name on to her (and if you'd like, I can find out who it is that she recommends?). Thank you for posting this. I too feel guilty I didn't speak up more clearly prior to the vote. I honestly thought the result would be that we stayed. My husband is Danish and now feels very unwelcome here. It is awful now that when I talk to people I wonder how they voted. It has made me wary. I am very angry at our politicians who seem to have had their own well being as a priority. Just a bad situation all round. Well, they seem like sound reasons for disliking the Trump! Perfectly put! Sorry I missed your post last week Florence, and thank you for writing about this. You're such a thoughtful person and an excellent writer that it's of COURSE appropriate you would write about this seismic occurrence. As the story develops, it becomes even more and more incredible. These men who led Britain down this path who are now RESIGNING rather than providing leadership to see the country through what they started -- to me that is the HEIGHT of unconscionable irresponsibility. I'm astonished as each one of them stands down, leaving the mess they stirred up to be solved by someone else. Who?? The analogy to "if you break it, you buy it," is simplistic but apt. Again, as an American living in France, I relate to this in a number of ways - my husband is European and I've long been a student of the European project, and of course at home the Trump phenomenon is terrifying. It *IS* terrible to see our "big brother" or mother country going through this and worry that we are going to trod a similar path. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness and your generosity towards the Leave voters. I know there are millions who voted for what they considered valid reasons, but it also seems in the reporting after the vote that many were led astray by lies or simply didn't realize what their vote meant. That again is why the abdication of responsibility by the leaders is so appalling. oh well, we'll see what happens from here. Off to read your current post. a big hug to you . I have indeed thought for the past week and a half that this result is hard to digest for me, and I'm neither British nor do I live there. I can't imagine HOW hard it is for those of you who are/do. Strength and courage!! Thank you so much for your incredibly lovely comment, Kim. Yes, the resignations are just astonishing, aren't they. I could appreciate all the reasons why David Cameron couldn't stay, but it didn't stop me from feeling simultaneously furious with him for scurrying away from the mess that he'd made.
Impact of flexible scheduling on employee performance regarding stress and work-family conflict Raja Abdul Ghafoor Khan (Corresponding Author) MS Scholar, University of Lahore, Islamabad, Pakistan E-mail: [email protected] com Furqan Ahmad Khan MS Scholar, University of Lahore, Islamabad, Pakistan E-mail: [email protected] com Dr. Muhammad Aslam Khan Associate Professor, Preston University, Islamabad Pakistan E-mail: [email protected] com Mohsin Shakeel MS Scholar, University of Lahore, Islamabad, Pakistan E-mail: mohsen. [email protected] om ABSTRACT Stress, work-family conflicts and flexible scheduling are three of the most important elements in organizational studies. The focus of current study is to understand the effect of Stress, workfamily conflicts and flexible scheduling on employee’s performance and also to understand whether flexible scheduling helps in reducing stress and work-family conflicts or not. The back bone of this study is the secondary data comprised of comprehensive literature review. A survey has also been conducted to strengthen the idea comprising of a sample of 70 employees from different organizations. INTRODUCTION Work family balance is one of the most emerging concepts in the field of business and in the corporate world. Organizations are trying to reduce this conflict for the betterment of organization as well as for the employees. Western researchers have done a considerable work on this concept of work-family balance (Berg et al. , 2003; Frone, 2003; Rossi, 2001; Marcinkus et al. , 2007; Young, 1999). Actually work-family balance is used to reduce the work-family conflict. Normally work-family conflicts come into action when an employee cannot make a balance between his/her work and family. This conflict has now become very popular in press 1 Far East Journal of Psychology and Business Vol. 4 No. 3 September 2011 (Conlin 2000; Hammonds, Furchgott, Hamm, & Judge, 1997; Morris, 1997) and in academic literature (Ernst & Ozeki, 1998; Grant-Vallone, 1998; Roman & Blum, 2001; Secret & Sprang, 2001; Senecal, et al. , 2001; Wallace, 1999). Most of the work has been done in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Flexible scheduling which is an alternative work schedule as compared to regular work arrangement i. e. rom 9:00am to 4:00pm; which have been in use for number of years. As mentioned above that it is an alternative work arrangement which gives employees some relaxation so that they could complete the given assignment according to their own work schedule. Many organizations have adopted this arrangement to their work place. It is because of the fact that many of them believes that flexible work arrangement helps their employees to overcome the problem of conflict between their work and their family (Almer, et al. , 2003; Cohen & Single, 2001, Hill, et al. , 2001, Meyer, 1997). Most of the organizations adopted flexible scheduling practices and they have become more family-friendly because of the fact that the flexible work arrangements are common components of many family-responsive human resource policies (Glass & Estes, 1997; Glass & Finley, 2002; Grover & Crooker, 1995), and because of this kind of scheduling these organizations became more popular (Sara A. Rogier, et al. 2004). Stress is also a very important factor in effecting the performance of the employees. Most of the previous researches show that stress has significant effect on the performance of the employee. It has negative effect on the employee performance like the work-family conflict. Previous researches show that flexible scheduling also help employees in reducing their stress. A Survey of “Members of World at Work and AWLP October”,( 2005) indicates that 58% of the respondents are of the opinion that flexible scheduling helps them to reduce their stress, only 11% gave a negative response and other 31% remained neutral. According to some previous studies employees are confronting these two problems of workfamily conflicts and stress in a rigid 8 hours dialing working during 5 or 6 days in a week schedule. Flexible scheduling is one of the tools to help them to overcome these two problems. There are many other advantages of flexible scheduling on work place. According to (Johnson, 1995), Employees who face work-family conflicts due to the rigidity of their job schedule are likely to consider quitting their jobs three times more than those who don’t face such problem. Flexible Scheduling also helps to reduce organizational cost related to stress which is 2. 5 times higher than the workers who do not feel stress and depression (Goetzel et al. 1998). In this study we will see in the light of previous studies, how flexible scheduling helps employees in making a balance between their work and family to overcome the problem of work-family conflict stress to improve their performance. This study will also help out to see that how many different types of flexible work arrangements can be adopted by an organization to improve the performance of their employees who face the problems regarding stress and work-family conflicts due to rigid and tight work arrangements. This study has another aspect of importance in the sense that every employer wants to increase the performance of his employees. As Flexible scheduling reduces burnout; A US Company found in its survey that flexible scheduling reduces the burnout of employees from 39% to 28% (Northwestern National Life Insurance Company, 1992). In this study we will keep in mind of Far East Research Centre www. fareastjournals. com the previous researches how flexible scheduling plays its role in reducing the stress and workfamily conflicts to improve the performance of the employees. LITERATURE REVIEW Human resource is the backbone of every organization. Researchers are trying their best to increase the performance of this main resource which are actually the employees of the organization. Many researches took place in this regard to know how to improve the performance of the employees and how to make the organization an employee friendly organization. Cahen & Single, (2001) argue that there is a lot of pressure on the organizations to become more family friendly. The basic thing behind this argument is that because of a family friendly organization people can make a balance between their family and work (Sara A. Rogier, et al. , 2004). In these days most of the organizations are working on this phenomenon of work-family conflict to retain their employees and also to improve their performance. Most of the previous researches have taken place to see the impact of flexible scheduling on organizational performance (Baltes, et al. , 1999). Stress is also damaging the performance of the employee. Many researches show that by reducing stress we can increase the performance of the organization. Increase in productivity depends on the phenomenon that when employee is free to work according to his/her own will without any stress then his/her performance and organization productivity will be increased (Baltes, et al. , 1999; Pierce & Newstrom, 1980). It means lesser the stress greater the performance. A free mind without any stress and difficulty can do a job in a better way as compared to a stressed mind. Researchers have also found out that organizational commitment becomes positive when there is a flexible time schedule is being adopted by the organization (Grover & Crooker, 1995; Scandura & Lankau. 997). Those organizations which adopt a flexible work arrangement achieve very good reputation in the market and people are attracted towards such organizations. A research conducted by (Glass and Finley, 2002) indicates that flexible work schedule has positive effects on organizational commitment, retention and job satisfaction. Rau & Hyland, (2002) found in their research that organizations which are offering flexible scheduling are more attractive to the people as compared to other organizations which are not offering any kind of flexible scheduling to their employees. This shows that organizations which are providing flexible scheduling to their employees attract employees of other organizations from the market. Flexible scheduling plays a vital role in decreasing the work family conflict and stress both of which are affecting the employee’s performance. Galinksy, et al. , (1996) has found out in their research that the adoption of flexible scheduling at the work place will reduce the stress and ultimately will result in form of better performance. Almer & Kaplan, (2002) also suggests that flexible scheduling helps to overcome stress and burnout. All these studies show that stress and work-family conflict have significant effects on the employee’s performance and by reducing these two factors we can improve the performance of the employees. A study took place by Meyer, (1997) also came to the decision that flexible scheduling at work place helps in reducing work-family conflict. Another study which was done by (Hill at al. , 3 Far East Journal of Psychology and Business Vol. 4 No. 3 September 2011 2001) also came to the decision that flexible scheduling helps to improve the work-family balance, which ultimately results in reducing the work-family conflict. From all above previous researches it is clear that work-family conflicts and stress are very significant in reducing the performance of employee. They negatively affect the performance of the employees. To reduce this negative effect of stress and work-family conflict many researchers suggested the flexible work arrangement which ultimately improves the performance of the employees. Due to stress and work-family conflicts people feel it difficult to make a balance between the job and their social life. There are also so many other independent factors due to which we can reduce the stress and work-family conflicts. Social support for the women is very essential at the beginning of the business (Marcinkus et al. , 2007; Frone et al. , 1997). Social support helps to maintain balance between work and family affairs and diminishes stress (Cohen and Syme, 1985; Deelstra et al. , 2003). In such countries where people feel bad for a women to have a job, social support is very much important for a women to continue her job. Members of WorldatWork and AWLP, (October, 2005) on flexible work schedule indicates that 73% of the respondents agreed that flexible work schedule improves the quality of life for the employees as well as for their families. Only 6% disagree and 21% remained neutral. This indicates that when there is a good balance between the work and the family of an employee he and his family both will be satisfied. Hence there will be no conflicts. In the same survey mentioned above (A Survey of Members of WorldatWork and AWLP October, 2005), results shows that 73% of the respondents agreed that flexible scheduling improves work-family balance. Only 7% of the respondent disagreed to this fact and 21% remained neutral. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK By studying all these previous studies it is hereby clear that stress and work-family conflict have significant effect on employee’s performance. All these studies show that work-family conflicts and stress affects the performance of the employee negatively. Many researchers worked on it to reduce the stress and work-family conflict. The induction of a flexible work schedule in the organization can help the organization to reduce stress and work-family conflict. By all this literature review and by the study of different variables we are now able to develop a theoretical frame of work. This theoretical framework largely depends upon the work already done and the related variables on this topic. All the elements and variables are taken from the previous studies which are done in this field of study by other researchers. Far East Research Centre www. fareastjournals. com Figure 1 HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT In each study development of hypothesis is very much necessary. Acceptance or rejection of hypothesis shows the significance of the study. After all the literature review and by studying different variables we came to develop the following hypotheses. These hypotheses will help us in producing our results and will show us the significance of flexible scheduling at the workplace. H1: Stress has significant effect on employee performance. H2: Work-family conflict has significant effect on employee performance. H3: Flexible Scheduling has significant effect on employee performance. METHODOLOGY The study sample comprised of 70 employees of different organizations of Islamabad-capital of Pakistan. The sample was mixed like both male and female. The data was collected through a questionnaire consists of 17 questions. All questions were close ended with the use of a five point Likert scale consisted of strongly disagree to strongly agree. All questionnaires were distributed and collected personally from the offices of the organizations during the office timings. 5 Far East Journal of Psychology and Business Vol. 4 No. 3 September 2011 Questionnaires were collected after one day interval. 53 of them gave the response to our questionnaires. After checking them all of them were found correct and the respond rate was 75%. All of 53 questionnaires were included in the study. The analysis of the questionnaires was undertaken using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). All mean and medians were calculated using SPSS. Descriptive statistics was used to determine the independent variables and to conclude the results on the basis of secondary and primary data. Most of the results consist of secondary data. Discussion Flexible Scheduling provides so many benefits to the organization such as increase in the job satisfaction of employees, organizational commitment and productivity. Moreover, it also helps to reduce absenteeism and turnover of the employees (Sara A. Rogier, et al. , 2004). Flexible scheduling also helps the employees in reducing their work family conflicts by making a good work family balance (Sara A. Rogier, et al. , 2004). All these results show that flexible scheduling has a duel effect. It does not affect only the employees but also affects the organization in a number of ways. Increase in job satisfaction, organizational commitment and productivity are all the direct effects of flexible scheduling on the organization. It means when employee is mentally free and he is not feeling any kind of stress on the work place while doing his job he will do well and his good work ultimately results in better organizational performance like increase in productivity and job satisfaction. Table 1 Descriptive Statistics N stress stress stress stress stress stress work conflict work conflict work conflict work conflict work conflict work conflict 53 53 53 53 53 53 family 53 family 53 family 53 family 53 family 53 family 53 Mean 4. 2453 4. 2642 3. 7736 3. 6038 3. 1132 4. 2453 4. 0943 3. 5283 3. 8868 4. 887 2. 9245 4. 2453 Std. Deviation . 80636 . 68363 1. 20322 1. 13238 1. 36805 1. 07248 1. 16461 1. 13686 1. 03144 1. 28687 1. 28376 . 82987 Variance . 650 . 467 1. 448 1. 282 1. 872 1. 150 1. 356 1. 292 1. 064 1. 656 1. 648 . 689 Far East Research Centre www. fareastjournals. com flexible scheduling flexible scheduling flexible scheduling flexible scheduling flexible scheduling Valid N (listwise) 53 53 53 53 53 53 4. 3208 3. 3396 4. 5283 4. 4528 4. 5094 .77889 . 99891 . 50398 . 60657 . 50469 .607 . 998 . 254 . 368 . 255 Table 2 z-Test: Two Sample for Means Variable 1 4. 45283019 0. 64 53 Mean 0 0. 131567559 0. 447663173 1. 644853627 0. 895326347 1. 959963985 Variable 2 4. 264150943 0. 45 53 Mean Known Variance Observations Hypothesized Difference z P(Z significant effect on employee performance; and it is clear from the secondary data that stress has significant effect on the employee performance and by reducing stress we can improve the employee performance and it will ultimately result in increasing the organizational performance. Descriptive statistics also shows that the response of our respondents is in between the brackets of 3-4 and 4-5. They do believe that by reducing stress we can improve the employee performance. The z value also shows the significance of our results as the z-calculated lies in the critical region. Here we put the results of two constructs related to stress. This phenomenon proves our first hypothesis; H1: Stress has significant effect on employee performance and literature review proves that by reducing stress we can improve employee performance. 7 Far East Journal of Psychology and Business Vol. 4 No. 3 September 2011 Table 2 z-Test: Two Sample for Means Variable 1 Variable 2 Mean 3. 86792453 4. 188679245 Known Variance 1. 34 1. 21 Observations 53 53 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 z 1. 376296349 P(Z increase in employee performance. This phenomenon proves our second hypothesis; H2: Work-family conflict has significant effect on employee performance. By reducing work family conflict we can improve the employee performance. The Descriptive statistics also shows that the maximum response rate lies between the brackets of 3-4 and 4-5. People think that less work family conflict can help us in improving our performance. The value of z-statistics also lies in the critical region which proves the significance of our results. Empirical data also proves our second hypothesis that is H2: Workfamily conflict has significant effect on employee performance; and by reducing this we can improve the employee performance. Far East Research Centre www. fareastjournals. com Table 3 z-Test: Two Sample for Means Variable 1 4. 452830189 1. 34 53 Mean 0 0. 258055565 0. 398182012 1. 644853627 0. 796364024 1. 959963985 Variable 2 4. 509433962 1. 21 53 Mean Known Variance Observations Hypothesized Difference z P(Z esults as the calculated z-value lies in the critical region. Hence we can say that our third hypothesis i. e; H3: Flexible Scheduling has significant effect on employee performance; is proved by the empirical study as well as by secondary data. But our results strongly depend on secondary data. Rosemary et al. , (2003) says in the results of their research that long work hours are significantly associated with higher work-family conflict. These results show that rigid timings at work place increase the work-family conflicts resulting in increasing stress and decreasing employee performance. Rigid work timings have so many draw backs. Increase in stress and increase in work-family conflicts are two of them and are very common which we have chosen to discuss in this study. This study proves all of our hypotheses i. e; Stress, work-family and Flexible Scheduling has significant effect on employee performance. Another type of study shows that stress and depression increase health cost (FLEXPATHS 2004). Flexible Scheduling also helps to reduce organizational cost related to stress which is 2. times higher than the workers who do not feel stress and depression (Goetzel et al, 1998). These results show that stress also increase the organizational costs. Research on the Impact of flexible scheduling on employee performance (FLEXPATHS, 2004) shows that flexible scheduling helps to reduce this cost by reducing the stress. 9 Far East Journal of Psychology and Business Vol. 4 No. 3 September 2011 Malik, et al. , (2010) say that there is a strong relationship between social support and workfamily balance for the working women in developing countries. By providing social support we can reduce the work family conflicts of the working women in developing countries. Malik, et al. , (2010) also suggested that employee performance has a highly significant relationship with work-family balance. The study shows that work-family improves the employee performance. These results also prove our second Hypothesis; H2: Work-family conflict has significant effect on employee performance. The increase in the work-family balance results in decreasing the work-family conflicts and it will ultimately increase the performance of the employee. A survey of Members of World at Work and AWLP (Karol Rose, 2005) on flexible scheduling shows that flexible scheduling at work place reduces stress and also decreases employee’s mental health problems. The study also shows that flexible scheduling the work-family balance of the employee. This study shows that there is a strong relationship between stress, work-family balance and flexible scheduling, and all these are our main components of the study. By reducing stress and work-family conflicts and by providing flexible scheduling on the work place we can increase the performance of the employees. If we see all the above results as a whole and combine them we can come to the conclusion that all these results prove our all the hypotheses H1: Stress has significant effect on employee performance, H2: Work-family conflict has significant effect on employee performance and H3: Flexible Scheduling has significant effect on employee performance. Hence we can say that by decreasing stress and work-family conflict and by providing flexible scheduling we can improve the performance of the employees. Managerial Implications Flexible scheduling has a significant importance for our organizations. The culture of rigidness is overcoming by a flexible culture. Now a day all big organizations are providing a flexible culture to their employees in which employees choose their own hours of work. It means the question is not that how many hours an employee works in the organization but the question is what output he is producing and what is the benefit he is giving to the organization. All the above research and all the material which is used in this research from the previous researches show that a free and a stress less mind can perform the job in a better way as compared to a sick and depressed mind and same is the demand of people. People want to reduce their work-family conflicts. Most of the turnover comes because employees cannot make a balance between their work and the family and result in quitting the jobs. At the end of this research we have come to the decision that if an organization wants to improve its performance it is necessary for it to provide their employees with a family friendly schedule and an environment with no stress and depression. Now a day all big organizations are adopting these techniques and strategies. They are providing their employees with a flexible schedule and are trying to be a family friendly organization. The concept of family friendly organization is an emerging concept now a day. This research will be very helpful for those organizations whose employees are facing the problems of work-family conflicts and stress and they are facing problems in making a balance between their work and family. Recommendations In this research we reviewed a lot of materials related to the variables used in this research and at the end we also proved our hypotheses. We also conducted a survey to collect primary data Far East Research Centre www. fareastjournals. com related to our model. In the light of all this research and all the material which is being used to conduct this research and all the literature reviewed we came to the decision that there should be flexible scheduling in every organization. Although we have reviewed some disadvantages like less employee availability and negative effect on office communication (Hay, et al. , 1997), but the advantages of flexible scheduling are much more than its disadvantages which have been briefly discussed in this study. We recommend that all organizations should adopt flexible scheduling and help their employees in reducing stress and work-family conflicts. It is priorly discussed that flexible scheduling have advantages not only for employees but for the organization itself. Stress and work-family conflicts affect the performance of the employee in a negative way. If the performance of the employee is not good it will affect the whole organization. A free mind without any tensions can perform much better than a stressed mind. Previous researches show that flexible scheduling helps employees in reducing stress and work family conflicts. So organizations should adopt flexible scheduling rather than rigid work hours. CONCLUSION Stress and work-family conflicts affect the employee performance in a negative way. Discussion of all the results proves the hypotheses; H1: Stress has significant effect on employee performance, H2: Work-family conflict has significant effect on employee performance, H3: Flexible Scheduling has significant effect on employee performance. Stress and work-family conflict has significant affect on employee performance. Increase in stress and work-family conflicts reduce the employee performance. Flexible scheduling also has significant affect on employee performance. Flexible scheduling improves the employee performance. Through all the above discussion and through the approval of hypotheses it is clear that there is a strong relationship between stress, work-family conflicts, flexible scheduling and employee performance. We can conclude that by applying flexible work schedule we can reduce stress and work-family conflicts and increase the employee performance. Primary data also shows that stress and work-family conflict has a negative effect on employee performance. As stress and work-family increase the employee performance decreases. Primary data as well as secondary data proves that stress and work-family conflicts are not good for employee performance. The study also proves that flexible scheduling has a positive effect on employee performance and it also helps in reducing stress and work-family conflicts. Future Study Primary data is collected from a very limited area regardless of gender and the difference between the operations of different organizations. Study can be conduct on different departments of the organizations that in which department there is more work load on workers and which department is good to provide a flexible scheduling taking it in mind that it would not affect the organizational performance. Study focus on gender can also provide different results and one can conduct a study on different types of stress and work-family conflicts faced by male and female. 11 Far East Journal of Psychology and Business Vol. 4 No. 3 September 2011 REFERENCES A WorldatWork (2005), Survey Brief, Flexible Work Schedules, A Survey of Members of WorldatWork and AWLP October, WorldatWork, www. worldatwork. org. Almer, E. D. , & Kaplan, S. E. (2002), The effects of exible work arrangements on stressors, burnout, and behavioral outcomes in public accounting. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 14, 1–34. Almer, E. D. , Cohen, J. R. , & Single, L. E. (2003), Factors affecting the choice to participate in exible work arrangements. Auditing, 22, 69–91. Baltes, B. , Briggs, T. , Huff, J. , Wright, J. , & Neuman, G. (1999). Flexible and compressed workweek schedules: A meta-analysis of their effects on work-related criteria. Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, 496–513. 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(a) Such sanitizing solutions are used, followed by adequate draining, before contact with food. (b) The solutions consist of one of the following, to which may be added components generally recognized as safe and components which are permitted by prior sanction or approval. (1) An aqueous solution containing potassium, sodium, or calcium hypochlorite, with or without the bromides of potassium, sodium, or calcium. (2) An aqueous solution containing dichloroisocyanuric acid, trichloroisocyanuric acid, or the sodium or potassium salts of these acids, with or without the bromides of potassium, sodium, or calcium. (3) An aqueous solution containing potassium iodide, sodium p -toluenesulfonchloroamide, and sodium lauryl sulfate. (4) An aqueous solution containing iodine, butoxy monoether of mixed (ethylene-propylene) polyalkylene glycol having a cloudpoint of 90deg. -100 deg. C in 0.5 percent aqueous solution and an average molecular weight of 3,300, and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether. Additionally, the aqueous solution may contain diethylene glycol monoethyl ether as an optional ingredient. (5) An aqueous solution containing elemental iodine, hydriodic acid, a -(p -nonylphenyl)-omega -hydroxypoly-(oxyethylene) (complying with the identity prescribed in 178.3400(c) and having a maximum average molecular weight of 748) and/or polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block polymers (having a minimum average molecular weight of 1,900). Additionally, the aqueous solution may contain isopropyl alcohol as an optional ingredient. (6) An aqueous solution containing elemental iodine, sodium iodide, sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate, and polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block polymers (having a minimum average molecular weight of 1,900). (7) An aqueous solution containing dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid and either isopropyl alcohol or polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block polymers (having a minimum average molecular weight of 2,800). In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on glass bottles and other glass containers intended for holding milk. (8) An aqueous solution containing elemental iodine, butoxy monoether of mixed (ethylene-propylene) polyalkylene glycol having a minimum average molecular weight of 2,400 and [alpha]-lauroyl-omega -hydroxypoly (oxyethylene) with an average 8-9 moles of ethylene oxide and an average molecular weight of 400. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on beverage containers, including milk containers or equipment. Rinse water treated with this solution can be recirculated as a preliminary rinse. It is not to be used as final rinse. (9) An aqueous solution containing n -alkyl (C12-C18) benzyldimethylam-monium chloride compounds having average molecular weights of 351 to 380. The alkyl groups consist principally of groups with 12 to 16 carbon atoms and contain not more than 1 percent each of groups with 8 and 10 carbon atoms. Additionally, the aqueous solution may contain either ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol as an optional ingredient. (10) An aqueous solution containing trichloromelamine and either sodium lauryl sulfate or dodecyl- benzenesulfonic acid. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils and other food-contact articles, this solution may be used on beverage containers except milk containers or equipment. (11) An aqueous solution containing equal amounts of n- alkyl (C12-C18) benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride and n- alkyl (C12-C18) dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (having an average molecular weight of 384). In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on food-contact surfaces in public eating places. (12) An aqueous solution containing the sodium salt of sulfonated oleic acid, polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block polymers (having an average molecular weight of 2,000 and 27 to 31 moles of polyoxypropylene). In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on glass bottles and other glass containers intended for holding milk. All equipment, utensils, glass bottles, and other glass containers treated with this sanitizing solution shall have a drainage period of 15 minutes prior to use in contact with food. (13) An aqueous solution containing elemental iodine and alkyl (C12-C15) monoether of mixed (ethylene-propylene) polyalkylene glycol, having a cloud-point of 70deg. -77 deg. C in 1 percent aqueous solution and an average molecular weight of 807. (14) An aqueous solution containing iodine, butoxy monoether of mixed (ethylene-propylene) polyalkylene glycol, having a cloud-point of 90deg. -100 deg. C in 0.5 percent aqueous solution and an average molecular weight of 3,300, and polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block polymers (having a minimum average molecular weight of 2,000). (15) An aqueous solution containing lithium hypochlorite. (16) An aqueous solution containing equal amounts of n- alkyl (C12-C18) benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride and n- alkyl (C12-C14) dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (having average molecular weights of 377 to 384), with the optional adjuvant substances tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate and/or alpha- (p- nonylphenol)-omega- hydroxy poly (oxyethylene) having an average poly- (oxyethylene) content of 11 moles. Alpha-hydro-omega-hydroxypoly-(oxyethylene) poly(oxypropoylene) (15 to 18 mole minimum) poly (oxyethylene) block copolymer, having a minimum molecular weight of 1,900 (CAS Registry No. 9003-11-6) may be used in lieu of alpha- (p -nonylphenol)-omega-hydroxy- poly(oxyethylene) having an average poly(oxyethylene) content of 11 moles. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on food-contact surfaces in public eating places. (17) An aqueous solution containing di-n -alkyl(C8-C10)dimethyl ammonium chlorides having average molecular weights of 332-361 and either ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on food-contact surfaces in public eating places. (18) An aqueous solution containing n- alkyl(C12-C18) benzyldimethylammo-nium chloride, sodium metaborate, alpha- terpineol and alpha [p- (1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl] -omega- hydroxy-poly (oxyethylene) produced with one mole of the phenol and 4 to 14 moles ethylene oxide. (19) An aqueous solution containing sodium dichloroisocyanurate and tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on food-contact surfaces in public eating places. (20) An aqueous solution containing ortho- phenylphenol, ortho- benzyl-para- chlorophenol, para-tertiaryamylphenol, sodium -alpha- alkyl(C12-C15)-omega- hydroxypoly (oxyethylene) sulfate with the poly(oxyethylene) content averaging one mole, potassium salts of coconut oil fatty acids, and isopropyl alcohol or hexylene glycol. (21) An aqueous solution containing sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on glass bottles and other glass containers intended for holding milk. (22) An aqueous solution containing (1) di-n- alkyl(C8-C10) dimethylammonium chloride compounds having average molecular weights of 332-361, (2) n -alkyl (C12-C18) benzyldimethylammonium chloride compounds having average molecular weights of 351-380 and consisting principally of alkyl groups with 12 to 16 carbon atoms with or without not over 1 percent each of groups with 8 and 10 carbon atoms, and (3) ethyl alcohol. The ratio of compound (1) to compound (2) is 60 to 40. (23) An aqueous solution containing n -alkyl (C12-C16) benzyl-dimethylammonium chloride and didecyldimethylammonium chloride. (24) An aqueous solution containing elemental iodine (CAS Reg. No. 7553-56-2), alpha -[p -(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)-phenyl]-omega- hydroxypoly-(oxyethylene) produced with one mole of the phenol and 4 to 14 moles ethylene oxide, and alpha -alkyl(C12-C15)-omega -hydroxy[poly(oxyethylene) poly(oxypropylene)] (having an average molecular weight of 965). (27) An aqueous solution containing decanoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 334-48-5), octanoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 124-07-2), and sodium 1-octanesulfonate (CAS Reg. No. 5324-84-5). Additionally, the aqueous solution may contain isopropyl alcohol (CAS Reg. No. 67-63-0) as an optional ingredient. (28) An aqueous solution containing sulfonated 9-octadecenoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 68988-76-1) and sodium xylenesulfonate (CAS Reg. No. 1300-72-7). (29) An aqueous solution containing dodecyldiphenyloxidedisulfonic acid (CAS Reg. No. 30260-73-2), sulfonated tall oil fatty acid (CAS Reg. No. 68309-27-3), and neo-decanoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 26896-20-8). In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on glass bottles and other glass containers intended for holding milk. (30) An aqueous solution containing hydrogen peroxide (CAS Reg. No. 7722-84-1), peracetic acid (CAS Reg. No. 79-21-0), acetic acid (CAS Reg. No. 64-19-7), and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (CAS Reg. No. 2809-21-4). (31) An aqueous solution containing elemental iodine, alpha -alkyl(C10-C14)-omega -hydroxypoly(oxyethylene)poly-(oxypropylene) of average molecular weight between 768 and 837, and alpha -alkyl(C12-C18)-omega -hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) poly(oxypropylene) of average molecular weight between 950 and 1,120. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on food-contact surfaces in public eating places. (32) An aqueous solution containing (i) di-n -alkyl(C8-C10)dimethyl- ammonium chloride compounds having average molecular weights of 332 to 361, (ii) n -alkyl(C12-C18)benzyldimethyl- ammonium chloride compounds having average molecular weights of 351 to 380 and consisting principally of alkyl groups with 12 to 16 carbon atoms with no more than 1 percent of groups with 8 and 10, (iii) ethyl alcohol, and (iv) alpha -(p -nonylphenyl)-omega -hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) produced by the condensation of 1 mole of p -nonylphenol with 9 to 12 moles of ethylene oxide. The ratio of compound (i) to compound (ii) is 3 to 2. (33) An aqueous solution containing (i) di-n -alkyl-(C8-C10)-dimethylammonium chloride compounds having average molecular weights of 332 to 361; (ii) n -alkyl(C12-C18) -benzyldimethylammonium chloride compounds having molecular weights of 351 to 380 and consisting principally of alkyl groups with 12 to 16 carbon atoms with no more than 1 percent of the groups with 8 to 10; and (iii) tetrasodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate. Additionally, the aqueous solution contains either alpha -(p -nonylphenyl)-omega -hydroxypoly-(oxyethylene) or alpha -alkyl(C11-C15)-omega -hydroxypoly-(oxyethylene), each produced with 9 to 13 moles of ethylene oxide. The ratio of compound (i) to compound (ii) is 3 to 2. (34) An aqueous solution of an equilibrium mixture of oxychloro species (predominantly chlorite, chlorate, and chlorine dioxide) generated either (i) by directly metering a concentrated chlorine dioxide solution, prepared just prior to use, into potable water to provide the concentration of available chlorine dioxide stated in paragraph (c)(29) of this section, or (ii) by acidification of an aqueous alkaline solution of oxychloro species (predominantly chlorite and chlorate) followed by dilution with potable water to provide the concentration of available chlorine dioxide described in paragraph (c)(29) of this section. (35) An aqueous solution containing decanoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 334-48-5), octanoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 124-07-2), lactic acid (CAS Reg. No. 050-21-5), phosphoric acid (CAS Reg. No. 7664-38-2) and a mixture of the sodium salt of naphthalenesulfonic acid (CAS Reg. No. 1321-69-3); the methyl, dimethyl, and trimethyl dervatives of the sodium salt of naphthalenesulfonic acid; and a mixture of the sodium salt of naphthalenesulfonic acid, and the methyl, dimethyl, and trimethyl derivatives of the sodium salt of naphthalenesulfonic acid alkylated at 3 percent by weight with C6-C9 linear olefins, as components of a sanitizing solution to be used on food-processing equipment and utensils. The methyl and dimethyl substituted derivatives (described within this paragraph (b)(35)) constitute no less than 70 percent by weight of the mixture of naphthalenesulfonates. (36) The sanitizing solution contains decanoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 334-48-5); octanoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 124-07-2); lactic acid (CAS Reg. No. 050-21-5); phosphoric acid (CAS Reg. No. 7664-38-2); a mixture of 1-octanesulfonic acid (CAS Reg. No. 3944-72-7), and 1-octanesulfonic-2-sulfinic acid (CAS Reg. No. 113652-56-5) or 1,2-octanedisulfonic acid (CAS Reg. No. 113669-58-2); the condensate of four moles of poly(oxyethylene)poly(oxypropylene) block copolymers with one mole of ethylenediamine (CAS Reg. No. 11111-34-5); and the optional ingredient FD&C Yellow No. 5 (CAS Reg. No. 001934210). In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on dairy-processing equipment. (37) The sanitizing solution contains sodium hypochlorite (CAS Reg. No. 7681-52-9), trisodium phosphate (CAS Reg. No. 7601-54-9), sodium lauryl sulfate (CAS Reg. No. 151-21-3), and potassium permanganate (CAS Reg. No. 7722-64-7). Magnesium oxide (CAS Reg. No. 1309-48-4) and potassium bromide (CAS Reg. No. 7758-02-3) may be added as optional ingredients to this sanitizing solution. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on food-contact surfaces in public eating places. (38) An aqueous solution containing hydrogen peroxide (CAS Reg. No. 7722-84-1); peroxyacetic acid (CAS Reg. No. 79-21-0); acetic acid (CAS Reg. No. 64-19-7); sulfuric acid (CAS Reg. No. 7664-93-9); and 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid (CAS Reg. No. 499-83-2). In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on dairy-processing equipment. (39) An aqueous solution containing phosphoric acid (CAS Reg. No. 7664-38-2); octenyl succinic acid (CAS Reg. No. 28805-58-5); N,N -dimethyloctanamine (CAS Reg. No. 7378-99-6); and a mixture of n -carboxylic acids (C6-C12, consisting of not less than 56 percent octanoic acid and not less than 40 percent decanoic acid). This solution may be used on food-processing equipment and utensils, including dairy-processing equipment. (40) An aqueous solution prepared by combining elemental iodine (CAS Reg. No. 7553-56-2); hydriodic acid (CAS Reg. No. 10034-85-2); sodium N -cyclohexyl-N -palmitoyl taurate (CAS Reg. No. 132-43-4); chloroacetic acid, sodium salt reaction products with 4,5-dihydro-2-undecyl-1H -imidazole-1-ethanol and sodium hydroxide (CAS Reg. No. 68608-66-2); dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid (CAS Reg. No. 27176-87-0); phosphoric acid (CAS Reg. No. 7664-38-2); isopropyl alcohol (CAS Reg. No. 67-63-0); and calcium chloride (CAS Reg. No. 10043-52-4). In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on dairy-processing equipment. (41) An aqueous solution containing n -alkyl(C12-C16)benzyldimethylammonium chloride, having average molecular weights ranging from 351 to 380 wherein the alkyl groups contain principally 12 to 16 carbons and not more than 1 percent each of the groups with 8 and 10 carbon atoms; ammonium chloride (CAS Reg. No. 12125-02-9); calcium stearate (CAS Reg. No. 1592-23-0); sodium bicarbonate (CAS Reg. No. 144-55-8); starch or dextrin, or both starch and dextrin (CAS Reg. No. 9004-53-9); and the optional ingredient methylene blue (CAS Reg. No. 61-73-4). In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on food-contact surfaces in public eating places. (42) An aqueous solution containing decanoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 334-48-5), nonanoic acid (CAS Reg. No. 112-05-0), phosphoric acid (CAS Reg. No. 7664-38-2), propionic acid (CAS Reg No. 79-09-04), and sodium 1-octanesulfonate (CAS Reg. No. 5324-84-5). Sulfuric acid (CAS Reg. No. 7664-93-9) may be added as an optional ingredient. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on dairy-processing equipment. (43) An aqueous solution of iodine and hypochlorous acid generated by the dilution of an aqueous acidic (21.5 percent nitric acid) solution of iodine monochloride. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on dairy-processing equipment. (44) An aqueous solution of citric acid, disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate, sodium lauryl sulfate, and monosodium phosphate. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on dairy-processing equipment. (45) An aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, peroxyacetic acid, octanoic acid, peroxyoctanoic acid, sodium 1-octanesulfonate, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on food-contact surfaces in public eating places, subject to the limitations in paragraph (c)(39) of this section. (46) An aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide and related oxychloro species generated by acidification of an aqueous solution of sodium chlorite with a solution of sodium gluconate, citric acid, phosphoric acid, and sodium mono- and didodecylphenoxybenzenedisulfonate. In addition to use on food-processing equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on dairy-processing equipment. (1) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section will provide not more than 200 parts per million of available halogen determined as available chlorine. (2) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section will provide not more than 100 parts per million of available halogen determined as available chlorine. (3) Solution identified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section will provide not more than 25 parts per million of titratable iodine. The solutions will contain the components potassium iodide, sodium p- toluenesulfonchloramide and sodium lauryl sulfate at a level not in excess of the minimum required to produce their intended functional effect. (4) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(4), (5), (6), (8), (13), and (14) of this section will contain iodine to provide not more than 25 parts per million of titratable iodine. The adjuvants used with the iodine will not be in excess of the minimum amounts required to accomplish the intended technical effect. (5) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(7) of this section will provide not more than 400 parts per million dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid and not more than 80 parts per million of polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block polymers (having a minimum average molecular weight of 2,800) or not more than 40 parts per million of isopropyl alcohol. (6) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(9) of this section shall provide when ready to use no more than 200 parts per million of the active quaternary compound. (7) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(10) of this section shall provide not more than sufficient trichloromelamine to produce 200 parts per million of available chlorine and either sodium lauryl sulfate at a level not in excess of the minimum required to produce its intended functional effect or not more than 400 parts per million of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid. (8) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(11) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, not more than 200 parts per million of active quaternary compound. (9) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(12) of this section shall provide not more than 200 parts per million of sulfonated oleic acid, sodium salt. (10) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(15) of this section will provide not more than 200 parts per million of available chlorine and not more than 30 ppm lithium. (11) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(16) of this section shall provide not more than 200 parts per million of active quaternary compound. (12) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(17) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, a level of 150 parts per million of the active quaternary compound. (13) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(18) of this section shall provide not more than 200 parts per million of active quaternary compound and not more than 66 parts per million of alpha [p- (1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl) phenyl]-omega- hydroxypoly (oxyethylene). (14) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(19) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, a level of 100 parts per million of available chlorine. (15) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(20) of this section are for single use applications only and shall provide, when ready to use, a level of 800 parts per million of total active phenols consisting of 400 parts per million ortho- phenylphenol, 320 parts per million ortho- benzyl-para- chlorophenol and 80 parts per million para- tertiaryamylphenol. (16) Solution identified in paragraph (b)(21) of this section shall provide not more than 430 parts per million and not less than 25 parts per million of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate. (17) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(22) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, at least 150 parts per million and not more than 400 parts per million of active quaternary compound. (18) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(23) of this section shall provide at least 150 parts per million and not more than 200 parts per million of the active quaternary compound. (19) Solutions identified in paragraphs (b)(24), (b)(25), and (b)(43) of this section shall provide at least 12.5 parts per million and not more than 25 parts per million of titratable iodine. The adjuvants used with the iodine shall not be in excess of the minimum amounts required to accomplish the intended technical effect. (22) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(27) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, at least 109 parts per million and not more than 218 parts per million of total active fatty acids and at least 156 parts per million and not more than 312 parts per million of the sodium 1-octanesulfonate. (23) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(28) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, at least 156 parts per million and not more than 312 parts per million of sulfonated 9-octadecenoic acid, at least 31 parts per million and not more then 62 parts per million of sodium xylenesulfonate. (24) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(29) of this section will provide at least 237 parts per million and not more than 474 parts per million dodecyldiphenyloxidedisulfonic acid, at least 33 parts per million and not more than 66 parts per million sulfonated tall oil fatty acid, and at least 87 parts per million and not more than 174 parts per million neo-decanoic acid. (25) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(30) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, not less than 550 parts per million and not more than 1,100 parts per million hydrogen peroxide, not less than 100 parts per million and not more than 200 parts per million peracetic acid, not less than 150 parts per million and not more than 300 parts per million acetic acid, and not less than 15 parts per million and not more than 30 parts per million 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid. (26) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(31) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, at least 12.5 parts per million and not more than 25 parts per million of titratable iodine. The adjuvants used with the iodine will not be in excess of the minimum amounts required to accomplish the intended technical effect. (27) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(32) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, at least 150 parts per million and no more than 400 parts per million of active quarternary compounds in solutions containing no more than 600 parts per million water hardness. The adjuvants used with the quarternary compounds will not exceed the amounts required to accomplish the intended technical effect. (28) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(33) of this section shall provide, when ready to use, at least 150 parts per million and not more than 400 parts per million of active quaternary compounds. The adjuvants used with the quaternary compounds shall not exceed the amounts required to accomplish the intended technical effect. Tetrasodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate shall be added at a minimum level of 60 parts per million. Use of these sanitizing solutions shall be limited to conditions of water hardness not in excess of 300 parts per million. (29) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(34) of this section should provide, when ready to use, at least 100 parts per million and not more than 200 parts per million available chlorine dioxide as determined by the method titled "Iodometric Method for the Determination of Available Chlorine Dioxide (50-250 ppm available ClO2)," which is incorporated by reference. Copies are available from the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS-200), Food and Drug Administration, 5001 Campus Dr., College Park, MD 20740, or available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. (30) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(35) of this section shall provide, when ready for use, at least 117 parts per million and not more than 234 parts per million of total fatty acids and at least 166 parts per million and not more than 332 parts per million of a mixture of naphthalenesulfonates. The adjuvants phosphoric acid and lactic acid, used with decanoic acid, octanoic acid, and sodium naphthalenesulfonate and its alkylated derivatives, will not be in excess of the minimum amounts required to accomplish the intended technical effects. (31) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(36) of this section shall provide, when ready for use, at least 29 parts per million and not more than 58 parts per million decanoic acid; at least 88 parts per million and not more than 176 parts per million of octanoic acid; at least 69 parts per million and not more than 138 parts per million of lactic acid; at least 256 parts per million and not more than 512 parts per million of phosphoric acid; at least 86 parts per million and not more than 172 parts per million of 1-octanesulfonic acid; at least 51 parts per million and not more than 102 parts per million of 1-octanesulfonic-2-sulfinic acid or 1,2-octanedisulfonic acid; and at least 10 parts per million and not more than 20 parts per million of the condensate of four moles of poly(oxyethylene)poly(oxypropylene) block copolymers with one mole of ethylenediamine. The colorant adjuvant FD&C Yellow No. 5 shall not be used in excess of the minimum amount required to accomplish the intended technical effect. (32)(i) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(37) of this section without potassium bromide shall provide, when ready to use, at least 100 parts per million and not more than 200 parts per million of available halogen determined as available chlorine; at least 2,958 parts per million and not more than 5,916 parts per million of trisodium phosphate; at least 1 part per million and not more than 3 parts per million of sodium lauryl sulfate; and at least 0.3 part per million and not more than 0.7 part per million on potassium permanganate. (ii) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(37) of this section with potassium bromide shall provide, when ready to use, at least 25 parts per million and not more than 200 parts per million of available halogen determined as available chlorine; at least 15 parts per million and not more than 46 parts per million of potassium bromide; at least 690 parts per million and not more than 2,072 parts per million of trisodium phosphate; at least 0.3 part per million and not more than 1 part per million of sodium lauryl sulfate; and at least 0.1 part per million and not more than 0.3 part per million of potassium permanganate. (iii) Magnesium oxide when used in paragraph (c)(32) (i) or (ii) of this section shall not be used in excess of the minimum amount required to accomplish its intended technical effect. (33) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(38) of this section shall provide when ready for use not less than 300 parts per million and not more than 465 parts per million of hydrogen peroxide; not less than 200 parts per million and not more than 315 parts per million of peroxyacetic acid; not less than 200 parts per million and not more than 340 parts per million of acetic acid; not less than 10 parts per million and not more than 20 parts per million of sulfuric acid; and not less than 0.75 parts per million and not more than 1.2 parts per million of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid. (34) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(39) of this section shall provide when ready for use not less than 460 parts per million and not more than 625 parts per million of phosphoric acid, and all components shall be present in the following proportions: 1 part phosphoric acid to 0.25 octenyl succinic acid to 0.18 part N,N -dimethyloctanamine to 0.062 part of a mixture of n -carboxylic acids (C6-C12, consisting of not less than 56 percent octanoic acid and not less than 40 percent decanoic acid). (35) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(40) of this section shall provide when ready for use not less than 12.5 parts per million and not more than 25.0 parts per million of titratable iodine; and not less than 2.7 parts per million and not more than 5.5 parts per million of dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid. All components shall be present in the following proportions: 1.0 part dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid to 43 parts sodium N -cyclohexyl-N -palmitoyl taurate to 7.7 parts chloroacetic acid, sodium salt, reaction products with 4,5-dihydro-2-undecyl-1H -imidazole-1-ethanol and sodium hydroxide to 114 parts phosphoric acid to 57 parts isopropyl alcohol to 3.0 parts calcium chloride. (36) Solutions identified in paragraph (b)(41) of this section shall provide, when ready for use, not less than 150 parts per million and not more than 200 parts per million of n -alkyl(C12-C16)benzyldimethylammonium chloride; and not more than 0.4 part per million of the colorant methylene blue. Components shall be present in the product used to prepare the solution in the following proportions: 1 part n -alkyl(C12-C16)benzyldimethylammonium chloride to 0.24 part ammonium chloride to 0.08 part calcium stearate to 0.60 part sodium bicarbonate to 0.08 part starch or dextrin, or a combination of starch and dextrin. (37)(i) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(42) of this section not containing sulfuric acid shall provide when ready for use not less than 45 parts per million and not more than 90 parts per million of decanoic acid; and all components shall be present in the following proportions (weight/weight (w/w)): 1 part decanoic acid to 1 part nonanoic acid to 9.5 parts phosphoric acid to 3.3 parts propionic acid to 3.3 parts sodium 1-octanesulfonate. (ii) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(42) of this section containing sulfuric acid shall provide when ready for use not less than 45 parts per million and not more than 90 parts per million of decanoic acid; and all components shall be present in the following proportions (w/w): 1 part decanoic acid to 1 part nonanoic acid to 2.8 parts phosphoric acid to 3.3 parts propionic acid to 3.3 parts sodium 1-octanesulfonate to 3.2 parts sulfuric acid. (38) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(44) of this section shall provide, when ready for use, at least 16,450 parts per million and not more than 32,900 parts per million of citric acid; at least 700 parts per million and not more than 1,400 parts per million of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate; at least 175 parts per million and not more than 350 parts per million of sodium lauryl sulfate; and at least 175 parts per million and not more than 350 parts per million of monosodium phosphate. (39)(i) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(45) of this section, when used on food processing equipment and utensils, including dairy and beverage-processing equipment but excluding food-contact surfaces in public eating places and dairy and beverage containers, shall provide when ready for use at least 72 parts per million and not more than 216 parts per million of hydrogen peroxide; at least 46 parts per million and not more than 138 parts per million of peroxyacetic acid; at least 40 parts per million and not more than 122 parts per million of octanoic acid (including peroxyoctanoic acid); at least 281 parts per million and not more than 686 parts per million of acetic acid; at least 7 parts per million and not more than 34 parts per million of 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid; and at least 36 parts per million and not more than 109 parts per million of sodium 1-octanesulfonate. (ii) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(45) of this section, when used on food-contact equipment and utensils in warewashing machines, including warewashing machines in public eating places, at temperatures no less than 120 deg. F (49 deg. C) shall provide when ready for use at least 30 parts per million and not more than 91 parts per million of hydrogen peroxide; at least 19 parts per million and not more than 58 parts per million of peroxyacetic acid; at least 17 parts per million and not more than 52 parts per million of octanoic acid (including peroxyoctanoic acid); at least 119 parts per million and not more than 290 parts per million of acetic acid; at least 3 parts per million and not more than 14 parts per million of 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid; and at least 15 parts per million and not more than 46 parts per million of sodium 1-octanesulfonate. (iii) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(45) of this section, when used on dairy or beverage containers, shall provide when ready for use at least 36 parts per million and not more than 108 parts per million of hydrogen peroxide; at least 23 parts per million and not more than 69 parts per million of peroxyacetic acid; at least 20 parts per million and not more than 61 parts per million of octanoic acid (including peroxyoctanoic acid); at least 140 parts per million and not more than 343 parts per million of acetic acid; at least 3 parts per million and not more than 17 parts per million of 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid; and at least 18 parts per million and not more than 55 parts per million of sodium 1-octanesulfonate. (40) The solution identified in paragraph (b)(46) of this section shall provide, when ready for use, at least 100 parts per million and not more than 200 parts per million of chlorine dioxide as determined by the method developed by Bio-cide International, Inc., entitled, "Iodometric Method for the Determination of Available Chlorine Dioxide (50-250 ppm Available ClO2)," dated June 11, 1987, which is incorporated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of this method are available from the Office of Food Additive Safety (HFS-200), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 5001 Campus Dr., College Park, MD 20740, 240-402-1200, and may be examined at the Food and Drug Administration's Main Library, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 2, Third Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20993, 301-796-2039, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html ; at least 380 parts per million and not more than 760 parts per million of sodium gluconate; and at least 960 parts per million and not more than 1,920 parts per million of sodium mono- and didodecylphenoxybenzenedisulfonate. Other components listed under paragraph (b)(46) of this section shall be used in the minimum amount necessary to produce the intended effect. (d) Sanitizing agents for use in accordance with this section will bear labeling meeting the requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. For Federal Register citations affecting 178.1010, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.
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388-14A-1000 The DSHS division of child support is the Title IV-D child support enforcement agency for the state of Washington. 388-14A-1005 What is Washington's state plan under Title IV-D? 388-14A-1010 What are the other names that the division of child support has used? 388-14A-1015 What laws regulate the actions of the division of child support? 388-14A-1020 What definitions apply to the rules regarding child support enforcement? 388-14A-1025 What are the responsibilities of the division of child support? 388-14A-1030 What kinds of services can the division of child support provide? 388-14A-1035 What kinds of locate services does the division of child support provide? 388-14A-1036 Who can request DCS locate services? 388-14A-1040 What must a request for locate services contain? 388-14A-1045 What happens when I request locate services from the division of child support? 388-14A-1050 The division of child support cooperates with tribes and other states and countries for support enforcement purposes. 388-14A-1055 Can the division of child support collect support owed or assigned to another state, tribe or country? 388-14A-1060 The division of child support cooperates with courts and law enforcement. 388-14A-2000 Who can receive child support enforcement services from the division of child support? 388-14A-2005 When does an application for public assistance automatically become an application for support enforcement services? 388-14A-2010 Can I apply for support enforcement services if I do not receive public assistance? 388-14A-2015 Does DCS accept an application from someone who is not a resident of Washington state? 388-14A-2020 Can the division of child support deny my application for support enforcement services? 388-14A-2025 What services does the division of child support provide for a nonassistance support enforcement case? 388-14A-2030 Do I assign my rights to support when I apply for child support enforcement services? 388-14A-2035 Do I assign my rights to support when I receive public assistance? 388-14A-2036 What does assigning my rights to support mean? 388-14A-2037 What are permanently assigned arrears? 388-14A-2038 What are temporarily assigned arrears? 388-14A-2039 What are conditionally assigned arrears? 388-14A-2040 Do I have to cooperate with the division of child support in establishing or enforcing child support? 388-14A-2041 What happens if I don't cooperate with DCS while I receive public assistance? 388-14A-2045 What can I do if I am afraid that cooperating with the division of child support will be harmful to me or to my children? 388-14A-2050 Who decides if I have good cause not to cooperate? 388-14A-2060 Are there different kinds of good cause for not cooperating with DCS? 388-14A-2065 Does the division of child support provide support enforcement services if the CSO decides I have "good cause level A"? 388-14A-2070 Does the division of child support provide support enforcement services if the CSO determines I have "good cause level B"? 388-14A-2075 What happens if the division of child support determines that I am not cooperating? 388-14A-2080 Once DCS opens a support enforcement case, under what circumstances can it be closed? 388-14A-2081 Under what circumstances can DCS close a case when the application for services was made directly to DCS? 388-14A-2083 Under what circumstances can DCS close a case where the application for services was originally made to another state, tribe, territory or country, otherwise known as an intergovernmental case? 388-14A-2085 Under what circumstances may DCS keep a support enforcement case open despite a request to close it? 388-14A-2090 Who receives notice when DCS closes a case? 388-14A-2095 What if I don't agree with the case closure notice? 388-14A-2097 What happens to payments that come in after a case is closed? 388-14A-2099 When does DCS file a satisfaction of judgment with the superior court? 388-14A-2105 Basic confidentiality rules for the division of child support. 388-14A-2107 Are there special rules for requests for whereabouts information? 388-14A-2110 How do I make a request for disclosure of DCS public records? 388-14A-2112 When I make a public disclosure request, do I get the information or records immediately? 388-14A-2114 Does DCS give notice to anyone before releasing information pursuant to a public disclosure request? 388-14A-2115 Can the custodial parent waive notice of a request for address? 388-14A-2116 How do I request a support order summary from DCS? 388-14A-2120 Can the noncustodial parent request notice before DCS releases address information to the custodial parent? 388-14A-2125 Can DCS ever release address information without notice? 388-14A-2130 What if I object to the release of my address? 388-14A-2135 When might DCS deny a request for address information without going through the notice and hearing process? 388-14A-2140 What happens at a hearing on objection to disclosure of address information? 388-14A-2150 How much does it cost to get copies of DCS records? 388-14A-2155 Can I appeal a denial of public disclosure by the division of child support? 388-14A-2160 On what authority does DCS share my confidential information with a credit bureau? 388-14A-2200 When does DCS charge a twenty-five dollar annual fee on a child support case? 388-14A-2205 How can a custodial parent be excused from payment of the annual fee? 388-14A-3100 How does the division of child support establish a child support obligation when there is no child support order? 388-14A-3102 When the parents have signed a paternity acknowledgment, which support establishment notice does the division of child support serve on the noncustodial parent? 388-14A-3105 How does the division of child support serve support establishment notices? 388-14A-3110 When can a support establishment notice become a final order? 388-14A-3115 The notice and finding of financial responsibility is used to set child support when paternity is not an issue. 388-14A-3120 The notice and finding of parental responsibility is used to set child support when the father's duty of support is based upon an affidavit of paternity which is not a conclusive presumption of paternity. 388-14A-3125 DCS may establish a medical support obligation when the custodial parent receiving medical assistance declines full child support enforcement services. 388-14A-3127 How does DCS ask to add a monthly financial obligation to an existing administrative order for medical support only? 388-14A-3130 What happens if a party makes a timely request for hearing on a support establishment notice? 388-14A-3131 What happens if neither parent appears for the hearing? 388-14A-3132 What happens if only one parent appears for the hearing? 388-14A-3133 What happens when the noncustodial parent and the custodial parent both appear for the hearing? 388-14A-3135 Late hearings, or hearing on untimely objections to support establishment notices. 388-14A-3140 What can happen at a hearing on a support establishment notice? 388-14A-3200 How does DCS determine my support obligation? 388-14A-3205 How does DCS calculate my income? 388-14A-3275 The division of child support may amend an administrative notice at any time before a final administrative order is entered. 388-14A-3300 How does the division of child support require me to make my support payments to the Washington state support registry when my support order says to pay someone else? 388-14A-3302 How does the division of child support decide what notice to serve when there is already an existing order for child support? 388-14A-3304 The division of child support may serve a notice of support debt and demand for payment when it is enforcing a support order issued in Washington state, a foreign court order or a foreign administrative order for support. 388-14A-3305 What can I do if I disagree with a notice of support debt and demand for payment? 388-14A-3306 Does a notice of support debt and demand for payment result in a final determination of support arrears? 388-14A-3307 How does the division of child support proceed when there are multiple child support orders for the same obligor and children? 388-14A-3310 What notice does the division of child support serve to establish a fixed dollar amount under an existing child support order? 388-14A-3311 How does DCS prepare a notice of support owed to determine amounts owed to establish a fixed dollar amount under an existing child support order? 388-14A-3312 The division of child support serves a notice of support owed to establish a fixed dollar amount owed by either parent for medical support. 388-14A-3315 When DCS serves a notice of support debt or a notice of support owed, we notify the other party to the child support order. 388-14A-3316 When can a notice of support owed become a final order? 388-14A-3317 What happens if a party makes a timely request for hearing on a notice of support owed? 388-14A-3318 What happens if a party makes an untimely request for hearing on a notice of support owed? 388-14A-3320 What happens at a hearing on a notice of support owed? 388-14A-3321 What happens if the custodial parent requests a hearing on a notice of support debt and demand for payment? 388-14A-3323 What happens in a hearing on a notice of support owed served under WAC 388-14A-3311? 388-14A-3324 What happens in a hearing on a notice of support owed served under WAC 388-14A-3312? 388-14A-3330 What are the procedures for the annual review of a notice of support owed? 388-14A-3350 Are there any limits on how much back support the division of child support can seek to establish? 388-14A-3370 What legal defenses are available to a noncustodial parent when DCS seeks to enforce a support obligation? 388-14A-3375 What kinds of credits does the division of child support give when establishing or enforcing an administrative support order? 388-14A-3400 Are there limitations on how much of my income is available for child support? 388-14A-3410 What amount does DCS use for the self-support reserve? 388-14A-3500 A person must show good cause for filing a late request for hearing. 388-14A-3600 The parties may resolve any child support case by entering a consent order or an agreed settlement. 388-14A-3700 When is it appropriate to vacate a default order? 388-14A-3800 Once a support order is entered, can it be changed? 388-14A-3810 Once an administrative child support order is entered, how long does the support obligation last? 388-14A-3850 When may someone ask for a temporary support order? 388-14A-3855 How does a party request a temporary order when the hearing is continued? 388-14A-3860 How does a party request a temporary order when a petition for review has been filed? 388-14A-3865 Duties of the administrative law judge when a party requests a temporary support order. 388-14A-3870 When does a temporary support order end? 388-14A-3875 What if a party does not agree with a temporary support order? 388-14A-3900 Does DCS review my support order to see if it should be modified? 388-14A-3901 Under what circumstances does DCS review a support order for modification? 388-14A-3902 How does DCS notify me that my order is eligible for review for modification? 388-14A-3903 How does DCS decide whether to petition for modification of a support order? 388-14A-3904 How do I find out the results of DCS' review for modification? 388-14A-3905 What if I don't agree with DCS' findings after review? 388-14A-3906 Are there times when DCS does not review an order which would otherwise qualify for review? 388-14A-3907 DCS uses the Washington state child support schedule for reviewing orders for modification. 388-14A-3925 Who can ask to modify an administrative support order? 388-14A-4000 When may the division of child support take collection action against a noncustodial parent? 388-14A-4010 Can I make the division of child support stop collection action against me? 388-14A-4020 What collection tools does the division of child support use? 388-14A-4030 How can the division of child support collect child support from my wages or other income source? 388-14A-4040 DCS can serve some collection actions by electronic service. 388-14A-4100 How does the division of child support enforce my obligation to provide health care coverage for my children? 388-14A-4110 If my support order requires me to provide medical support for my children, what do I have to do? 388-14A-4111 When may DCS decline a request to enforce a medical support obligation? 388-14A-4112 When does the division of child support enforce a custodial parent's obligation to provide medical support? 388-14A-4115 Can my support order reduce my support obligation if I pay for health insurance? 388-14A-4119 How soon after a noncustodial parent is listed in the state directory of new hires must the division of child support send a national medical support notice to the employer? 388-14A-4120 DCS uses the National Medical Support Notice to enforce an obligation to provide health insurance coverage. 388-14A-4121 Can a Washington employer assume that every National Medical Support Notice that the employer receives is from the division of child support? 388-14A-4122 What kind of information is included in the National Medical Support Notice? 388-14A-4123 What can happen if the employer fails to comply with the terms of the National Medical Support Notice? 388-14A-4124 Who are the parties involved with the National Medical Support Notice? 388-14A-4125 What must an employer do after receiving a National Medical Support Notice? 388-14A-4126 What kind of help is available for an employer or plan administrator who has questions about the National Medical Support Notice? 388-14A-4130 What must a plan administrator do after receiving a National Medical Support Notice from the division of child support? 388-14A-4135 What must the plan administrator do when the obligated parent has health insurance but the children are not included in the coverage? 388-14A-4140 What must the plan administrator do when the obligated parent is eligible for health insurance but is not yet enrolled? 388-14A-4143 What must the plan administrator do when the employer provides health insurance but the obligated parent is not yet eligible for coverage? 388-14A-4145 What must the plan administrator do when the insurance plan in which the obligated parent is enrolled does not provide coverage which is accessible to the children? 388-14A-4150 What must the plan administrator do when the obligated parent has more than one family? 388-14A-4160 Are there any limits on the amount an obligated parent may be required to pay for health insurance premiums? 388-14A-4165 What happens when a noncustodial parent does not earn enough to pay child support plus the health insurance premium? 388-14A-4170 How long does a National Medical Support Notice or other notice of enrollment remain in effect? 388-14A-4175 Who is required to notify the division of child support when health care coverage for the children ends? 388-14A-4180 When must the division of child support communicate with the health care authority? 388-14A-4200 Do I get credit for dependent disability payments paid on my behalf to my children? 388-14A-4300 What can I do if I think I'm paying more than the custodial parent is spending for day care or other special expenses for my child? 388-14A-4301 Can I file a petition for reimbursement if I do not receive full support enforcement services? 388-14A-4302 Who participates in a hearing on petition for reimbursement? 388-14A-4303 What happens at a hearing on petition for reimbursement? 388-14A-4304 What happens if the judge determines that I have paid too much for day care and special expenses? 388-14A-4500 What is the division of child support's license suspension program? 388-14A-4505 The notice of noncompliance and intent to suspend licenses. 388-14A-4510 Who is subject to the DCS license suspension program? 388-14A-4512 When may the division of child support certify a noncustodial parent for license suspension? 388-14A-4515 How do I avoid having my license suspended for failure to pay child support? 388-14A-4520 Signing a payment agreement may avoid certification for noncompliance. 388-14A-4525 How to obtain a release of certification for noncompliance. 388-14A-4527 How does a noncustodial parent request an administrative hearing regarding license suspension? 388-14A-4530 What can happen at an administrative hearing regarding license suspension? 388-14A-4535 Can the noncustodial parent file a late request for hearing if a license has already been suspended? 388-14A-4540 When is a DCS conference board available regarding license suspension issues? 388-14A-4700 How do I ask the division of child support to prorate a child support obligation? 388-14A-4705 When does the division of child support prorate a monthly support obligation? 388-14A-4710 When does the division of child support not prorate a monthly support obligation? 388-14A-4715 What can I do if I don't agree with DCS' decision on whether or not to prorate support? 388-14A-4800 When does a child support order contain an undifferentiated amount of child support? 388-14A-4810 How does DCS determine if a support order contains a differentiated or undifferentiated amount of support? 388-14A-4820 What can I do if I don't agree with DCS' decision on whether my support order contains a differentiated or undifferentiated amount of support? 388-14A-4830 How does DCS divide support obligations between two or more cases when a support order does not contain a differentiated amount of support? 388-14A-5000 What is the difference between distribution and disbursement of child support collections? 388-14A-5001 What procedures does DCS follow to distribute support collections? 388-14A-5002 How does DCS distribute support collections in a nonassistance case? 388-14A-5003 How does DCS distribute support collections in an assistance case? 388-14A-5004 How does DCS distribute support collections in a former assistance case? 388-14A-5005 How does DCS distribute federal tax refund offset collections? 388-14A-5006 How does DCS distribute support collections when the paying parent has more than one case? 388-14A-5007 If the paying parent has more than one case, can DCS apply support money to only one specific case? 388-14A-5008 Can the noncustodial parent prepay support? 388-14A-5009 What happens when an employer or other entity overcollects support from the noncustodial parent based on a DCS withholding order? 388-14A-5010 How does the division of child support distribute federal tax refund offset collections from joint returns? 388-14A-5015 What is a pass-through payment? 388-14A-5050 When does DCS send a notice of intent to distribute support money? 388-14A-5100 How does the division of child support notify the custodial parent about support collections? 388-14A-5200 What is a "total versus total" notice? 388-14A-5300 How does the division of child support recover a support payment which has already been distributed? 388-14A-5400 How does the division of child support tell the custodial parent when DCS adjusts the amount of debt owed on the case? 388-14A-5500 How does the division of child support collect support debts owed by someone other than a noncustodial parent? 388-14A-5505 DCS uses a notice of retained support to claim a debt owed to DCS. 388-14A-5510 How does DCS serve a notice of retained support? 388-14A-5515 What happens if I don't respond to a notice of retained support or request a hearing? 388-14A-5520 What happens if I make a timely objection to a notice of retained support? 388-14A-5525 What happens at the hearing on a notice of retained support? 388-14A-5530 Can I request a late hearing on a notice of retained support? 388-14A-5535 How does DCS collect a debt established on a notice of retained support? 388-14A-5540 Can I just acknowledge that I owe money to the division of child support? 388-14A-6000 Which statutes and regulations govern the division of child support's hearing process? 388-14A-6100 The division of child support accepts oral requests for hearing or conference board. 388-14A-6105 What is the difference between an initial order and a final order in a hearing involving the division of child support? 388-14A-6110 When must an ALJ enter an initial order in a DCS hearing proceeding? 388-14A-6115 When must an ALJ enter a final order in a DCS hearing proceeding? 388-14A-6120 What can I do if I do not agree with an initial order or final order entered by an administrative law judge? 388-14A-6125 When does an initial order or final order entered by an ALJ become enforceable? 388-14A-6150 What can I do if there was a default order entered against me in an administrative hearing? 388-14A-6200 What remedies are available to contest the division of child support's seizure of my bank account? 388-14A-6205 What happens at a hearing on an objection to seizure of a bank account? 388-14A-6210 What happens to the seized money once an objection is filed? 388-14A-6215 What happens if the judge decides the seized money was exempt? 388-14A-6220 What remedies are available to contest the division of child support's seizure of my DOC inmate account? 388-14A-6300 Duty of the administrative law judge in a hearing to determine the amount of a support obligation. 388-14A-6400 The division of child support's grievance and dispute resolution method is called a conference board. 388-14A-6405 How to apply for a conference board. 388-14A-6410 Explanation of the conference board process. 388-14A-6415 Scope of authority of conference board chair defined. 388-14A-6500 Can I use equitable estoppel as a defense in a hearing with the division of child support? 388-14A-7100 The division of child support may register an order from a tribe or another state or country for enforcement or modification. 388-14A-7110 The division of child support may enforce interest on amounts owed under support orders entered or established in a jurisdiction other than Washington state. 388-14A-7115 Are there special rules for a hearing on a notice seeking to enforce interest on a support order? 388-14A-7117 Are there special rules for a conference board on a notice seeking to assess and collect interest on a support order? 388-14A-7120 When does DCS update the interest on an intergovernmental case for enforcement? 388-14A-7125 What happens at a hearing on a notice of support debt and registration? 388-14A-7135 What is the effect of confirmation of a registered order on the finality of the support debt calculation? 388-14A-7200 DCS can serve notices in other states under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act. 388-14A-7305 How does a party, IV-D agency or jurisdiction ask for a determination of controlling order? 388-14A-7315 When might DCS deny a request for a determination of controlling order? 388-14A-7325 How does DCS notify the parties that a determination of the controlling order is going to be made? 388-14A-7335 What happens if someone objects to a notice of support debt and registration which contains a determination of the presumed controlling order? 388-14A-7345 What is the effect of a determination of controlling order on the finality of the debt calculation? 388-14A-7400 What can I do if I want to contest an intergovernmental order to withhold income served on my employer? 388-14A-7500 What can I do if I am concerned about the release of my personal information in an intergovernmental referral? 388-14A-7600 Does DCS provide the same services in an intergovernmental case as it provides in a case where both parties reside in the state of Washington? 388-14A-7610 The division of child support complies with federal requirements regarding intergovernmental cases. 388-14A-7620 How does DCS provide information to another jurisdiction in an intergovernmental case? 388-14A-7630 What limited services does DCS provide? 388-14A-7640 Payment and recovery of costs in intergovernmental IV-D cases. 388-14A-7650 What kind of federal audit requirements are there for intergovernmental cases? 388-14A-7700 How does the division of child support (DCS) decide that a new case is an intergovernmental case? 388-14A-7710 What does the division of child support (DCS) do when it decides that a case is an intergovernmental case? 388-14A-7720 What is the division of child support (DCS) required to do when Washington is the initiating jurisdiction in an intergovernmental case? 388-14A-7800 What is the division of child support (DCS) required to do when Washington receives a request for intergovernmental child support services? 388-14A-7810 What is the division of child support (DCS) required to do when DCS receives a request for a determination of controlling order? 388-14A-7820 What is the division of child support (DCS) required to do when DCS acts as the responding jurisdiction in an intergovernmental case? 388-14A-8100 Are there special rules for setting child support for children in foster care? 388-14A-8105 Does the cost of care affect how much child support I pay when my child is in foster care? 388-14A-8110 What happens to the money if current support is higher than the cost of care? 388-14A-8120 Are there special rules for collection in foster care cases? 388-14A-8125 How does DCS complete the WSCSS worksheets when setting the child support obligation for one parent of a child in foster care? 388-14A-8130 How does DCS complete the WSCSS worksheets when setting a joint child support obligation for a child in foster care? 388-14A-8200 All Washington employers must report new hires to the Washington state support registry. 388-14A-8300 Who pays for genetic testing when paternity is an issue? 388-14A-8400 Does the division of child support have the right to approve my child support order before the court enters it? 388-14A-8500 Can the division of child support issue subpoenas? 388-14A-8600 Does the division of child support enforce interest on unpaid support arrears?
This is my list of 21 things I do along that make me happy. My list will not be your list, nor should it be. My own list changes frequently as I vary the things I do often. The list has one big theme to it. Just as you did before you had dementia, do as many enjoyable activities that you can manage by yourself. No burden on others to entertain you; they have their own lives. A mind model (AKA mind map) is shown below. Click on the image to expand it. I left point 21 out of the original mind model — in my defense I think that many of my points summed to this — so I wanted to correct the model. Here is a better list (it is the same as the old map with the addition of point 21. A good adaptation to dementia — current or imminent — is to learn how to TRY to pick up the pieces. Trying is a great way of refocusing life. Succeeding, at a task tiny or huge, is a major accomplishment. Give it a try. You may feel better. MUCH BETTER … just for trying to do a hard thing. A mind model. Click on the image to expand. Stop it with the doom and gloom. After finding out that you have dementia, there is usually many years of life left. Are you going to devote it to I Love Lucy reruns or keeping active and enjoying life. The mind model shown below does NOT recommended activities, therapy, or life strategies. Things do change when you have dementia and you should not make any changes in diet, exercise levels, financial procedures, and most other things without consulting your doctor, your family, and others who might be expert. This is very important because part of your dementia might be having poor judgment in many areas. The figure is a mind model (AKA mind map) with some ideas that you might consider as you plan for having a full and enjoyable life, even while having to deal with some new things because of the condition. With a little help from your doctors, family, and friends you can get by, and YES, get by in a very good way. The songs of Joe Cocker often inspire me to stop feeling sorry for myself and get by with a little help from my friends, even if dementia sometimes causes me to sing a little off key. And in case you forgot, the song was written by Lennon and McCarthy and here is the original sung by Ringo. In 2010, I was diagnosed with one of the variants of FTD (PSP) in part because I came into the neurology department after a very serious fall coming out of a UNC stadium (fortunately, 100 feet from the UNC Hospital Emergency Room). Later as my gait stabilized, it became clear that the diagnosis of behavioral variant FTD would be a better one for me as the behavioral and decision making symptoms of FTD had occurred (initially, in the years before diagnosis after the fall). I do have some significant issues with my short term memory, especially of verbal materials (I remember faces but not names), but these are not my primary symptom as memory loss would be if I had young onset Alzheimer’s disease rather than young onset FTD. I have about 500 posts on this blogging specifying what mind mapping (or my more sophisticated variant, mind modeling) does for me. I usually talk about how it helps my decision making and learning of new things, but the natural tendency is to speak of mind mapping as a memory maintenance and enhancement method, which of course it also is. Mind mapping is also extremely useful for understanding patterns of your own behavior and focus on positive reactions to others rather than negative ones. Here are some of the disorders that make up Frontotemporal Dementia (Disease). All involve a loss of decision making, planning, and judgment (Executive Function). For some the initial symptoms are a personality change while others start by having language problems understanding or producing language. Eventually most people with FTD (FTLD) have all three sets of symptoms. The other diseases (PSP, CBD, FTD with Parkinsonism, FTD with ALS) have initial symptoms of motor-mobility difficulties followed later by the behavioral and language problems. Mind mapping may be so effective for use with dementia (and specifically FTD) because it is a good way to plan and make decisions, and promote judgment. It forces you to make associations between words and pictures which helps both in producing words and understanding information provided as a mind map better than a written document or verbal instructions. And it is fun and feels artistic. A mind model explaining some of these connections is shown below. As a reminder, I only contend that this method works for me. It may or may not work for you and should you choose to try this you should remember that I am only discussing my own observations of me. When I was a kid we used to go over to my grandfather’s house to watch the Wizard of Oz the one time they aired it each year (the Sunday after Thanksgiving). My grandfather had the first color TV in the family and Wizard was one of the few movies shown in color on TVs in the 1960. In the generation of an LCD TV in every room, and iPad on every lap, and 50 iPhones playing movies on every flight, the kids of today definitely do not relate to the kind of experience it was once a year for 15 family members to sit in the living room with popcorn and my grandfather’s homemade root beer. I sort of recall (perhaps erroneously) that it was the first color movie my mother and my aunts had seen as kids and it seemed that they knew every line (and especially song). In those simple times, they had to have the actor who played the evil witch do coffee commercials so that kids could see that the witch was an actor, not real. Those of my generation learned some lessons from the Wizard of Oz movie and Dorothy, Toto, the Tinman, the Cowardly Lion, and the Scarecrow. Using some of those less can help live well with dementia. Or any other time you are not in Kansas. Think of the memories a mind map with a heavy visual component from an older person’s childhood (for example movies like the Wizard of Oz, Star Wars, ET; TV shows like Star Trek, the Brady Bunch, Lost in Space) might bring back through associations. A mind model (AKA mind map). Click on the image to expand it. I have dementia. Frozen Brain is one of the worst things I have to deal with. No, you have not heard this term before as I made it up; technically, it is a loss of executive functioning. But it feels like my brain is FROZEN and no amount of oiling the squeaky gears is going to get it moving in time to make a good decision. A mind model (AKA mind map) is shown below. Click to expand the image. A large pharmaceutical company markets on television what they describe as a “last chance” medication to delay cognitive impairment. Their advertisement is scary and demeaning to persons with dementia who have tried to live well and their caregivers who have provided so much help. It also implies that you are “sicker” than you necessarily are if you are prescribed the medication and that your caregiver may not be doing a good job. Their advertising campaign has elicited bad feelings in me for years. Now I have a prescription for their medication waiting for me to pick up from the pharmacy. If I believed their crappy advertising suggestion that the end is near, I would be justified in feeling depressed and giving up. Just because you and your doctor think that their medication MIGHT help make the symptoms of cognitive decline be more bearable does not mean that you are not already living a good life with dementia or are somehow being neglected by your caregivers in spite of what the pharmaceutical companies imply. And with a smart doctor who starts early it does not mean the end is near. Steamrolling patients and caregivers whose emotional, physical, and financial resources are already stretched probably adds further profits to the already obscene bottom lines, but it is not fair to push people further into feelings of inadequacy, helplessness, and guilt. Somebody please explain to me why these companies do not need to be further regulated or (inter)nationalized. A mind model (AKA mind map) of the ways television ads undermine the hard work of persons with dementia and their caregivers is shown below. Click on the image to expand it. Two versions of the same map are shown. They differ only in formatting. I prefer the first one. Part 1 of this series can be accessed in a new window by clicking here. Frontotemporal Dementia — often associated with young onset as compared to Alzheimer’s disease and its late onset — has been shown to a potential relationship to artistic creativity among those who have the neurodegenerative condition. I see my own work on this blog as an attempt to combine artistic impulses with information to potentially help myself and others with dementia. Clip art used under license. Nomenclature: FTD is an acronym for Frontotemporal Dementia, the most common form of young onset (before age 65) dementia. Mind modeling is an advanced form of mind mapping. Part 2 of this series can be opened in a new window by clicking here. If I had to use one newspaper article of general interest to describe my fascination with mind mapping while I have frontotemporal dementia, I would select one that appeared in the New York Times in 2008. Interestingly the article appeared while I was in the beginning or middle stages of FTD but before diagnosis. You can open that article in a new window by clicking the image below. Here is another article that recently appeared in the Wall Street Journal. I literally just read this article for the first time this morning while doing final editing of this post. I say that this was funny to me because I have started wearing old Hawaiian shirts from vacations to the islands of Hawaii I made in the 1990s and 2000s. [There is a reference in this article by EJ Sternberg MD to a man who with FTD who wore Hawaiian shirts every day.] I do note that I wash the shirts after wearing them one time and that it is in the 90s all summer in North Carolina. Click the image to open the article and learn about Hawaiian shirts, art, and frontotemporal dementia. There are a number of similar articles on the Internet. While I have only rarely (as an example of what you could do) set out to create a mind map that was “Art” (with a capital A), I think many of my thousands of mind maps in this blog can be viewed (as incredibly boring and elementary or interesting and mind capturing) “art” (with a lower case a). I create mind maps as a way to organize thoughts, manage my life, communicate with others, and document the course of my neurodegenerative condition and methods of coping with it. As art, not really, but I greatly enjoy merging colors and shapes and especially fonts with information and VISUAL THINKING. But over five years, I have gotten pretty good (at least in my estimation) in applying the colors and designs and elements of paintings into my computer-assisted mind maps. As my conception of a traditional Buzan-style mind map has evolved significantly, I have also entered another plane of combining information with elements of art to express my conclusions better and worked out a theory of mind modeling that expanded the concept of the mind map. This blog has more than 750 posts and several thousand mind models/maps ALL created since I have had diagnosed with FTLD (formerly as the PSP variant and then as FTD). You can access my concept of the MIND MODEL by clicking the link. More important for an INDEX of my mind model theoretical writings, click this second link The results open in a new window. Based on my experience — and my experience ONLY — I wonder if my use of organic mind models (AKA mind maps) with professional experience, observations, data, and my conclusions show how artistic impulses can be combined with mind models as a communication method during various stages of FTD. Below are some examples of my recent mind models (AKA mind maps). Art is in the eye of the beholder and I hope you have a benevolent eye. Clicking on any of the images will expand its size. The process of my mind models is described throughout this blog. In simple summary, it takes me 1-2 hours to create one of these mind models (now). When I walk away from the computer I often forget what map I am working on and an hour of two after posting it on my blog I have no idea what my most recent posts were and I have to go to the web site and look at the index. However, when I open a post and look at the map for even a minute or two, I can immediately recover my logic for creating it. Yeah, it baffles me too even after 35 years of practice as a psychologist doing research on altered states of consciousness (drug abuse and its treatment), imagery and daydreaming, elder abuse and dementia, aging and nursing models, mental illness, neuropsychological testing, and evaluating healthcare and social care. During this same period of neurodegenerative disease I have become a rudimentary sketch noter, doodler, and sketcher who spends several hours a day “playing” with pens and pencils and more recently watercolor inks and an assortment of typing papers and artist sketch pads. Am I any good at that stuff. NO. But, it does help organize my life and plan and remember. Most importantly, it makes me feel calmer and happy. And I typically make between 10-50 like doodles like the following examples daily, often while watching TV or sitting in my bright kitchen looking out the window. It helps soothe the savage beast! And, I am especially obsessed with color shades. A lot of things that used to be simple may be difficult for you now, depending upon when you learned them and which skills are required. It takes me a long time now to look up weather on the Internet. It takes me 10 seconds to ask Alexa or Siri to look it up and read it to me. I use a spoon to eat those sneaky peas instead of not eating my vegetables. I now handle laser printer paper differently (much more slowly) because I got lots of nasty paper cuts handling it in the old fast way. My list of tasks I needed to unlearn and relearn will not be your list. But the principle is the same. Before you give up eating peas, think about another solution or find one on the Internet or invent one. Practice so it becomes natural. A mind model (AKA mind map) is shown below. Click the image to expand it. This post is about the hardest part of dementia for me to deal with. I present my ideas as a mind model (a simpler version of mind model is the mind map). Mind models (and maps) help me greatly in dealing with various parts of the dementia complex. I have a type of dementia for which severe memory dysfunction does not appear until late in the course of the underlying frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). The earlier symptoms are personality change and decline in executive function. By far, from my experience, the defining part of my neurocognitive disorder (dementia) is the experience of disrupted executive functioning. I often cannot decide what to wear, whether I want to go to a group dinner or not, what color ink to put in my fountain pens, how to efficiently schedule my time, how to prioritize what is most important, and other related tasks. I often cannot definitely evaluate information for its validity, importance, and veracity. This is especially true on new day-to-day tasks rather than professional information which I largely accumulated much earlier life. Most of the highly developed skills I have great difficulty with are ones that tend to be associated with the behaviors and cognitions that allowed me to run a company, make professional decisions, develop long-term strategic plans, evaluate people and programs, and function creatively. Not being able to at least perform executive functions at least moderately well can drive me nuts as performing them superbly was a huge part of my professional identity. Given that there is no current way of healing the brain and restoring these functions to their original level of effectiveness, the only alternative way to cope with these is to use alternate methods to make decisions, plan, evaluate, analyze. I can deal with the fact that I may not remember your name temporarily if you are a family member and permanently if I met you yesterday. A good coping strategy is to simply ask the person their name. Another is to have information stored in various forms (pictures, lists, concert tickets, mind maps) so that you can recall information. Executive functioning is a different matter. There are no established assistive methods for helping deal with the partial loss of executive function. So I have been experimenting and discussions of the results have become more than 400 of the 650 posts in this blog since 2012. So far as I know, my work is the only systematic attempt to supplement damaged executive functioning with alternate methods of manipulating information. Here is a mind model (AKA mind map) about how a damaged set of executive functions makes me feel and some strategies — discussed in MUCH more detail elsewhere in this blog — that help ME. I feel a lot better when I use the tools I suggest and I believe I think much better too. Were it not for these alternate methods this blog would not have been possible nor many of my other projects. I will however still face the “what to wear” and “which ink to put in my fountain pen” decisions tomorrow morning. But even partial control makes me feel calmer, more in tune, more my former self, and more productive. I cannot guarantee that any methods I use will work for you or the person for whom you may give care. Many empirical studies are needed to test efficacy for large groups of people. I do believe they work for me, and I know that they are inexpensive. These tools are not treatment (your brain is not going to change) but rather potential assistive devices like a cane or handrails in the bathtub or a dog for emotional support. Trying some of what I do may be a good suggestion for you. I do not know if the methods will work but I do know that the methods are in most cases very inexpensive often requiring just a pencil or pen and some paper (the eco-aware can use the backs of enveloped). A mind model of what is hardest for me to deal with in dementia and how I try. Please click on the image to expand it.
Like most health conditions, Hashimoto’s has no single cause. It is the result of the perfect storm of factors that include a genetic predisposition, exposure to some pathogen (often a herpes virus), the breakdown of the gut and barrier systems (without or without the help of gluten), exposure to gluten, environmental toxins like radiation, mercury and other toxic chemicals and often, some particularly stressful event. In this post we explore one of those causes, the herpes virus. As many of you know, I have Hashimoto’s and have made it my life’s work to understand everything I can about the causes, treatment and management of this disease. I also have herpes simplex 1 (along with 90% of the population). While this is not a life threatening disease it can be the cause of shame and embarrassment, especially when I get a more serious outbreak on my face or lips. As a health care practitioner, there are times when having an outbreak of herpes has made me feel like I’m not very good at my job because it can look much worse than it is. But the reality is that there are few other biological entities as resilient and unstoppable as the herpes virus. All the technology at our disposal is pretty useless when it comes to trying to eradicate this infection. And I suppose one blessing of having it is that I can not venture too far from the things I know I need to do to stay healthy. The virus will rear it’s ugly head and remind me to get back in line. In addition, one thing I have observed in my own life is that an outbreak of herpes can also affect my Hashimoto’s, resulting in a debilitating double whammy that can affect me emotionally, physically and psychologically. So I thought I would explore this in more depth, and look at the relationship between herpes and Hashimoto’s. You may be surprised by the information and the impact that these various herpes diseases can have. The common factors that unite them is that all of them remain in the body forever, they can remain dormant for years and then get reawakened (often by stress or stressful events) and they all have the potential to do harm to the brain because the herpes virus has an affinity to nerve tissue. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are very common worldwide. HSV-1 is the main cause of herpes infections on the mouth and lips, including cold sores and fever blisters. It is transmitted orally (through kissing or sharing drinking glasses and utensils). HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes, although HSV-2 is the main cause of genital herpes. HSV-2 is spread through sexual contact. You may be infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2 but not show any symptoms. Often symptoms are triggered by exposure to the sun, fever, menstruation, emotional stress, a weakened immune system, or an illness (like Hashimoto’s). While most herpes infections do not cause serious complications, infections in infants and in people with weakened immune systems, or herpes infections that affect the eyes, can be life threatening. In addition, herpes virus attack nerves so they can do damage to the brain by attacking the ganglia. In fact, Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is an acute or subacute illness that causes both general and focal signs of cerebral dysfunction. Brain infection is thought to occur by means of direct neuronal transmission of the virus from a peripheral site to the brain via the trigeminal or olfactory nerve. The exact pathway is unclear, and factors that precipitate HSE are unknown. Epstein-Barr is the virus that causes mononucleosis and is part of the herpes family. Even if you didn’t come down with it in high school or college, you were very likely infected with it, an estimated 95% of US adults have been infected with this virus. It can present without any symptoms and has been linked to both Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease. In my own patient population about 80% of the people I have worked have been diagnosed with EBV. I surveyed our Facebook group and asked how many also had the Epstein Barr virus. Of the 131 (and counting) people with Hashimoto’s who responded 85% were aware that they had been exposed to the Epstein Barr virus. This is obviously not a rigorous study, but it does show you just how prevalent this infection is in this patient population. It has also been linked to other autoimmune diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, and Sjogren’s syndrome. In addition, both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are also linked to EBV. Epstein Barr can also lead to inflammation of the brain (viral encephalitis). This is a serious concern with Hashimoto’s because it can also have a profound impact on the brain and this inflammation has the potential to lead to neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. Most people infected with CMV do not have any symptoms. Acute CMV infection can cause mono-like symptoms such as fever, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, muscle aches, loss of appetite and fatigue. In people with compromised immune function, CMV infections can attack different organs and systems in the body and can lead to blurred vision and even blindness (CMV retinitis), lung infection, diarrhea, inflammation of the liver, inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). In more severe cases it can lead to behavioral changes, seizures and coma (again highlighting the impact of the virus on the brain). How Do These Viruses Lead to and Impact Hashimoto’s? It is not believed that the herpes viruses directly cause autoimmune disease. But they do play a part in it’s initial onset and progression and they can certainly make symptoms more intense and be a barrier to healing and feeling better. There are many reasons for this and I will discuss them in a moment, but first let’s take a look at antigens and antibodies so that you can understand how these viruses cause problems in the body. An antigen is a substance that produces an immune response. So for example, foreign substances such as chemicals, bacteria, or viruses are all considered antigens. Foods can also be seen as antigens by the immune system. However, an antigen can also be produced inside of the body, and even the tissue cells can be considered to be an antigen at times, which is what happens with autoimmune conditions such as Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s. An antibody is a protein which is produced by the immune system, and this antibody binds to a specific antigen. Once the antibody binds to the antigen other immune system cells (i.e. macrophages) attempt to engulf and destroy the antigen. There are number of theories about the different mechanisms that can lead viruses to trigger autoimmune disease. A couple examples are: direct bystander activation, and molecular mimicry. Direct bystander activation: This describes an indirect or non-specific activation of autoimmune cells caused by the inflammatory environment present during infection. Think of this as being in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like being caught in a drive by shooting. In this case, one part of the immune system becomes activated and this turns on other parts which can kill both viral-infected cells, and healthy cells as well. So, for example, virus-specific T cells might migrate to the areas of a viral infection, and when these T cells encounter virus infected cells they sound the alarm and release immune proteins (called cytokines), which not only kill the infected cells, but also leads to “bystander killing” of other healthy cells nearby. Molecular mimicry: This is a process where a foreign antigen shares an amino acid sequence or has a similar structure to self-antigens. So for example, a certain virus can have an amino acid sequence that is very similar to the amino acid sequence of human cells. This can result not only in the production of antibodies against the virus, but can also lead to auto-antibodies against the human cells due to the similarities in the proteins. Something else that can occur is that viral fragments can attach to human tissue and result in a hybrid that is part virus and part human and this can also be attacked by the immune system. The mechanisms mentioned above really the end of a series of potential steps that lead to autoimmunity. There are some interesting theories about how this happens. This matters because if we can figure out how it is happening, it can help us figure out what how to treat it. And what’s also interesting is that this same process takes place with all herpes viruses, it’s not unique to the ones that we’re looking at as examples. CD8+ T-cells are a kind of cell which inhibits viruses. Basically, once activated they kill bad cells. Cells infected with the virus are used to make more virus. Cells which viruses have infected are one example. These cells will be used by the virus to make more virus, so they must be killed by the immune system. Having a deficiency of them is a common characteristic of virtually every chronic autoimmune disease (including: multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s syndrome, systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, vitiligo, bullous pemphigoid, alopecia areata, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, myasthenia gravis, IgA nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, and pernicious anaemia). Some scientists believe that this CD8+ T-cell deficiency may be partially responsible for the formation of these chronic autoimmune diseases, as well. And one reason is that they aren’t able to control the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or other herpes infection. If EBV isn’t controlled, it can cause all kinds of problems in the body. When EBV infects B cells it can make them “auto-reactive”, which means its products (antibodies) target our own tissues. 1. First you have CD8+ T-cell deficiency – this has a genetic component. 2. Then, EBV (or other herpes virus) infection and spread of EBV because of CD8+ T-cell deficiency (there aren’t enough of these cells to kill these virus infected cells). 3. Increased antibodies against EBV (kind of like a second line of defense), your body responds and tries to bring in more help. 6. T cells are drawn into the organ and also attack our tissue. Antibodies signal the attackers. 7. Development of ‘structures’ in the target organ, which causes B cells to attack our tissues. (This is dependent on Th17 cells ) This process repeats and builds on itself. Vitamin D and sunlight are very important for CD8+ T cells production, which may explain why countries that get less sunlight have a higher occurrence of autoimmunity. People with Hashimoto’s commonly have low Vitamin D levels. Estrogen also decreases CD8+ T cells, which may explain the higher incidence of autoimmunity in females. Women with estrogen dominance and/or impairment of detoxification pathways in the liver may have too much circulating estrogen and this can cause problems with the immune system. When you have chronic stress, your body keeps pumping out cortisol. Cortisol is made from cholesterol and a hormone that helps make cortisol is known as pregnenolone. Pregnenolone is a neurosteroid and is important in the creation of other hormones like cortisol. When your body is under constant stress (which is the state of living with an autoimmune disease like Hashimoto’s) and needs to keep producing more and more cortisol something called the “pregnenolone steal” can happen. This is where cortisol is ‘stealing’ or diverting pregnenolone for cortisol production and depleting it. When pregnenolone is depleted, there will, of course, be less of it to produce more cortisol in the future. When a viral infection becomes active it takes control over what’s known as the “mevalonate pathway.” Viruses use this pathway to make their protective outer coats. In answer to this, your body makes interferon, which shuts down the mevalonate pathway, which in turn suppresses the virus. However, inhibiting this pathway may also lead to a reduction in synthesis of pregnenolone and Co-enzyme Q10 (which also may be depleted in Hashimoto’s). One of the most common viruses that causes this pathway to be inhibited is Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). When you’re under high stress the body releases cortisol, which suppresses your immune system. Specifically, the TH1 (or T Helper 1) part of the immune system is suppressed by chronic stress. This aspect of the immune system (Th1) protects us from viral reactivation. Cells and proteins in this family sound the alarm and kill viruses. When this part of the immune system is suppressed, viral infections can then reactivate- including EBV, herpes and a host of other viruses. What’s really interesting about this is that Hashimoto’s was originally thought to be a TH-1 dominant disease and some people with Hashimoto’s do have TH-1 dominance. And here’s where it gets tricky. If you stimulate TH-1, then you may risk firing up the part of the immune system that is destroying your thyroid. So this requires some real skill in dealing with with both Hashimoto’s and EBV or other herpes viruses at the same time. There are some other things that EBV can cause problems with and these are really significant because they are also common problems with Hashimoto’s. EBV can cause problems with serotonin, methylation, and can compromise the blood brain barrier and, as we have already seen, lead to neurodegeneration. This is really interesting because with Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism, serotonin can also become depleted. This one of the reasons why some people with Hashimoto’s experience depression and a lack of motivation and enjoyment in things. So the combination of Hashimoto’s and EBV can lead to some serious emotional issues. Methylation issues are also quite common with Hashimoto’s and some people have MTHFR gene mutations which can exacerbate this problem. In addition, dominance of the TH1 part of the immune system can lead to methylation problems, as well. And, finally leaky gut and intestinal permeability are the hallmark of virtually all autoimmune diseases and this is sometimes the sign of a larger systemic problem involving all the barrier systems of the body. The gut and the brain are very closely related and the same proteins that protect the barrier of the intestines also line the blood brain barrier. When one area is compromised the other can be as well. So, the combination of EBV and Hashimoto’s certainly has all the ingredients of a potent vicious cycle that can create a downward spiral of difficult to resolve physical and psychological health problems. Treating both EBV (and other herpes viruses) and Hashimoto’s at the same time can be tricky because herbs and supplements that are known to prevent reactivation of the virus can also stimulate parts of the immune system. And if these parts of the immune system are causing tissue destruction and flare ups of your symptoms, then you are simply trading problems. And this approach may actually make matters worse. So, let’s take a look at some obvious and less obvious treatment strategies that can keep EBV or other viruses at bay and not stoke the fires of autoimmunity. One of the most important treatments for EBV (and other herpes viruses) is having stress relieving hobbies. Many people are aware of the destructive power of stress, but it always amazes me how little they are willing to do about it. If you have Hashimoto’s and EBV and you don’t do things to reduce stress daily, you are setting yourself up for failure. It’s like walking into oncoming traffic and expecting not to be hit by a car or truck. You are going to be in a world of hurt if you don’t have daily habits for reducing stress. These include meditation, yoga, qi gong, music, art, relaxation, massage, acupuncture, spa days, mineral baths, etc. These are not luxuries, they are necessities for someone living with Hashimoto’s and EBV. Another thing to be conscious of are foods and supplements that can feed and encourage the herpes virus. The most common are foods that are low in lysine and high in arginine. • protein supplements: casein, the protein found in milk may also increase arginine levels. Highly acidic foods and those laden with chemicals can also exacerbate viral infections and lead to outbreaks. These are all also foods that can exacerbate your Hashimoto’s. So there’s no love lost here. Caffeine can potentiate or increase the utilization of arginine so that should be done in moderation. There are several different strategies for treating EBV and other herpes viruses. Novice herbalists will often throw lots of immune stimulating herbs at the problem like astragalus, ashwaganda and medicinal mushrooms like maitake and reishi. These are great herbs, but can be a really bad idea for some people with autoimmune disease. Instead a more targeted approach of attacking the virus and strengthening different parts of the immune system with a more nuanced approach is a much, much better idea. The Chinese Herbal Materia Medica is full of herbs that can accomplish these tasks beautifully. It’s important to note that many of these herbs have multiple pharmacological properties and can therefore be used to accomplish more than one thing if combined properly. It’s important to strengthen the immune system to treat these herpes viruses, as well, but it must be done carefully. As we saw before, Vitamin D is important for strengthening CD8+ T cells, as is glutathione and superoxide dismutase, EPA and DHA. Turmeric is helpful because of it’s anti-inflammatory properties. Also, there are couple of essential oils that I have found are very effective for first attacking the virus and, then healing the sores. Ravensara is an excellent anti-viral oil that may applied topically directly on the lesions. Heliochrysum is an oil that helps regenerate flesh and can help to heal the sores more quickly. My partner, Olesia Farberov makes a fantastic herbal salve with some of Chinese herbs mentioned above and both these essential oils called The Healer. This is an absolute must for your purse, pocket and medicine cabinet. I prescribe it to all of my patients with herpes and use it myself because it just plain works. Research has shown that a daily intake of at least 1250 mg of lysine supplements can help control herpes outbreaks. Zinc, Vitamin C and B vitamins may also be helpful. One area where I actually advocate using Western pharmaceutical drugs is in the treatment of these viruses. Acyclovir is a potent anti-viral and for some people who have really stubborn hard to treat outbreaks, it can be an effective tool in your arsenal. Another drug to consider is Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). It has the ability to modulate immune function and calm physiological stress. It can also be effective in helping the body to deal with the herpes virus. At the end of the day, the reality is that these viruses are here to stay. They are remarkably adaptable and persistent and they have there own insidious intelligence. We can not hope to defeat them, we have to accept them, live with them and adapt our lives to them. And the good news is, the most effective treatments for them like stress relieving hobbies and a healthy diet are also important ingredients in our long term health, happiness and well being. Notes from Studying with Dr. M.M. Van Benschoten, O.M.D. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12699597 T3 autoantibodies can cause latent EBV activation!
We held the SnapSeed Webinar yesterday, January 8, and it was a tremendous success! We had 200 people register for the webinar. You were all so supportive of Drew, offering encouragement and making donations to her medical fund. We can't thank you enough! The webinar is free to view, but if you would like to make a much appreciated contribution to Drew’s medical fund, you may do so here: https://www.gofundme.com/p24rw5-drews-medical-fund. Meet my niece, Drew! She is bright, beautiful, courageous, ambitious, loving, playfully chic, talented, kind, and hilariously funny! These are just a few of the adjectives that her friends use to describe her. She is one of the strongest, most giving people I know and a great friend to those she cares about. She was happily living her dream working and living in NYC last November when a cancer diagnosis rudely barged into her life! So, what can an uncle do to offer support when cancer barges in? The reality is, not much! Especially when much of what Drew needs is resources for mounting medical bills. But THIS is what I CAN do! Offer a Free SnapSeed Webinar for Mobile Photographers! It's free, but everyone needs to register here. There is no obligation to contribute to Drew's GoFundMe Medical Campaign, but those who would like to, may do so by clicking HERE! Tip: Register for the webinar even if you can't attend the live session. You'll get a link to the recorded webinar to watch at your convenience. SnapSeed is one of today's most powerful tools for editing and stylizing mobile phone images. It's a free app that runs on both the iPhone and android phones. In the hour-long webinar, I'll share a killer SnapSeed workflow that you can use to craft your mobile images, and I'll cover details of masking, and a whole bunch of other SnapSeed "secrets" that will help you make your mobile images SING! There is absolutely no obligation to contribute to Drew's fund, but those who would like to, can contribute directly to her GoFundMe site. Whether you choose to contribute to Drew's medical fund or not, you are welcome to participate in this SnapSeed webinar! Here's a synopsis of Drew's story. You can learn more on her GoFundMe site. Today, after 15 rounds of chemo, surgery to remove her right breast, and multiple radiation treatments, Drew is optimistic about being cancer free! After that she’ll begin addressing reconstruction surgery. Drew’s physical and mental health is most important without a doubt. But her fiscal health has taken a huge hit, even though she’s done all the right things. Like having a great job with insurance. Like living within her means. Like squirreling away a savings. Still, it took very little time for the mounting medical bills to overwhelm her. Much of the treatment she's needed has not been covered by insurance, and she earns just enough to make her ineligible for other forms of assistance. At one point Drew said worrying about the money was "almost as bad as the cancer." Shortly after she was diagnosed, a friend of her mom's started a medical GoFundMe campaign so family and friends could help Drew with her mounting medical expenses. People have been very generous! Many of you reading this have been incredibly supportive. Thank you! Your support has been a tremendous gift! Through all this, Drew has continued to go to the job she loves with Managed by Q in New York City. She's participated in activities to support the Susan G. Komen foundation, and worked to raise awareness of how surprisingly common cancer in young women is today. You can read her blog post, How Managed by Q Saved My Life, in which she shares a bit of her experience, reveals surprising statistics about cancer in women under 40, and offers suggestions for workplaces and for young women on how to become more aware and proactive. I hope to see you on line for the SnapSeed webinar next week! Photo Credit: All of the images used here were provided by Drew and her friends. Last month I had the privilege and pleasure of co-leading the Creative Photography for the Soul Workshop with my friend and great photographer, Jack Davis. It was my first time on Moloka'i and my first time in Hawaii, so everything was exciting. I was a kid in a candy store! Our group was extraordinary as was the entire week in so many ways, but of all the things we saw and did, photographing waves at Papohaku Beach truly captured my imagination. Having seen images of these waves made by other photographers, I was looking forward to being on the beach and experiencing the waves for myself. When we arrived, it was late afternoon. The sun was getting a little low in the sky and the waves were rolling in. Being a landlocked landlubber, I am unfamiliar with the behavior of waves. I was surprised to learn that they came in, well, waves! About every 5 to 10 minutes, there'd be another wave of waves. After a while I learned to watch them form and anticipate when they would break. It was in this window between swelling and breaking that the best formations were created. Like snowflakes or finger prints, each wave was unique and no two broke in the same way. Some rolled in on themselves, while others created rows of curls, or spewed spray in a multitude of directions. Then there was the light! Each wave not only behaved – performed? – differently, but each danced differently with the light. Sometimes the light shown through the waves, sometimes it created reflections, and sometimes it turned the droplets of spay into golden pearls. All this diversity meant that I could have stayed for hours! The photography challenges were several. The waves were far off, so a long lens was necessary. I used my 100-400mm on my Fuji X-T2. Because of the way the waves moved and the need to follow their movement, I found that I couldn't use a tripod; I had to hand-hold my long lens. Part of the goal was to stop the movement of the waves, so, I worked in shutter priority and set a fast shutter speed of 1/2000 of a second. Finally there was the ISO. Because the light inside the wave was always changing, and because the wave happened quickly, leaving no time to adjust settings on-the-fly, I set my ISO to "float." This is a custom setting on most cameras. On the Fuji, I set the ISO to float with a maximum sensitivity of 5000. I set the Fuji to shoot low continuous. I find that (with the Fuji anyway) high continuous will fill the buffer and you'll be waiting before you can take the next shot. Rarely is an ISO of 5000 desirable, but it was necessary under these circumstances. Fortunately, the Fuji does a great job of handling noise caused by a high ISO. What little noise there was, I eliminated by running Topaz's AI Clear on the file with great results. Here are a few more of the images I made that day. I process all the RAW files in Topaz Studio using a variety of Topaz adjustments. I find the waves to be somewhat miraculous, liquid sculptures that could be the inspiration for so many forms of art created by humans. Chihuly glass comes to mind. I can't wait to be in the presence of this magnificence again next year! Jack Davis and I will be co-leading the Creative Photography for the Soul Workshop again next year and would love to share this experience with you. You can read about it here. Until then, Happy Holidays, and keep on creating! Last week, with co-leader, John Barclay, I had the pleasure of leading a talented group of photographers as we photographed beautiful locations on Cape Cod from Chatham to Provincetown. As is customary, John and I arrived a few days early to scout locations and prepare for the workshop. One of our first stops was to visit our friend, the remarkable photographer, Steve Koppel. Steve lives in a beautiful home, his backyard the sea near Brewster. At low tide, the water recedes, allowing one to walk out on the area known as the "tidal flats." These sand flats are exposed at low tide and one can walk our for a miles. Out about a mile and looking back to the high tide shoreline. When the water recedes, it leaves firm sand to walk on. What is left is a tapestry of ripples in the sand made by the sea and wind, tufts of sea grass (which in the fall turns a rich gold, tinged with remnants of green), and pools of sea water that reflect an often extraordinary, cloud-filled sky. The colors, the patterns, the textures, and the light are something about which photographers dream! On the day John, Steve and I walked out on the tidal flats – I for the first time – it was about 45 degrees with 40+ mile per hour winds. To say the least, it was brutally cold! We were frozen, and I, with the wrong kind of boots, had wet feet, too. But the photographic opportunities were so incredible, none of us stopped making images! We jumped up and down from the cold, we cursed the wind, we rubbed our hands together, and then, we set up our tripod for another glorious image! We remained on the flats for about two hours until the sun made a grand exit in one of the most crimson sunsets I've ever witnessed. Cold, wet, and frozen to the core by the relentless wind, I started back to the car at least three times before sunset, but I never made it more than a few feet before being stopped in my tracks by another miraculous show of light through clouds, illuminating a pattern in the sand. I had to stop and photograph again, cold be damned! The next day, I purchased a pair of Muck Boots, specifically designed to keep feet warm and dry, and provide firm footing on the flats. Throughout the week we returned two times. On the first visit with our group, the conditions were similar to what I described above, except we had the added pleasure of intermittent rain, that, when blown by 40 mile per hour winds, felt like needles penetrating any exposed skin! But, our second night out, the conditions were wonderful; warmer temps, no rain, and little wind. Again, we spent nearly two hours on these flats with more photos ops than we knew what to do with. Go when the sun is lower in the sky. We went a couple of hours before sunset. If the conditions are right for an infrared camera (blue sky with clouds, bright sun, green seagrass), you might choose to go in the middle of the day. Use a tripod and a cable release (or your camera's timer). Especially if there's wind, you'll want to shoot fast enough to stop the motion of water or grasses being blown about. I found that for most of the time, I had my Fuji X-T2 set to ISO 400, f/8 to f/16, with a shutter speed of 125 to 500 depending on the light. I prefer a wide angle lens, especially, if there are cloud-filled skies. To me, the tidal flats scream for wide angle. I used a 10-24 on my Fuji which translates to a 15-36mm with a full sensor camera. If the sun is bright and there's a blue sky, you'll be tempted to use a polarizer, but be careful using a polarizer on a wide angle lens. It's easy to over-polarize and get striations in the sky. If you do use a polarizer, rotate it until you reach the darkest effect, then dial it back a bit. Get low. Shadows will appear longer and often you'll find reflections at low angles that you won't see when upright. Use your iPhone! Some of the images in this article were made with the iPhone XS Max using the native camera. Some I also made with the Lightroom CC app set to RAW, or HDR RAW. The new Smart HDR on the XS Max did a remarkable job, even when shooting into the sun. Regardless of the iPhone you're using, expose for the highlights in the image by tapping on the brightest part of the image before you press the shutter button. Even if the shadow areas appear too dark, it's better to expose for the highlights and lift the shadows in SnapSeed (or other processing software) later. Dressing for the weather goes without saying, but, the one thing you will want to have if you are out in colder weather, is a pair of boots or overshoes that will keep your feet warm and dry. You'll want something that comes to just below your knee and that you can push your pant legs into. This will keep you warm and dry while you to wade through pools or rivulets up to about a foot deep. I bought a pair of the Original Muck Boots. They set me back about $100, but it is hands down, the best money I've ever spent on foot wear. Another style that travels better are Neos Overshoes. These go over your shoes and have a soft top, making them easier to pack into a suitcase. Don't leave too soon! Especially if you're cold, it's tempting to leave as soon as the sun dips below the horizon, but don't go yet! Sometimes the best skies occur 5 to 15 minutes after sunset. This was my forth time co-leading a trip on Cape Cod and I'm already planning a return for next year. If you would like to be added to my early notification list once I've determined a date, email me HERE, and put Cape Cod 2019 in the subject line. You'll have the opportunity to register before I announce the workshop publicly. Thanks for reading, and, until next time, keep on creating! Please join me in acknowledging my friend and iPhone Photographer, Mehmet Omur. Mehmet and I met in the south of France in 2016 when I led a photography workshop there. He and his wife, Emel, were welcome participants on this workshop, and Mehmet was very excited about mobile photography and eager to explore as many facets of it as he could. On many mornings while in France, Mehmet and I walked the fields surrounding the farmhouse where we stayed while fellow participants chose to sleep in. On these mornings, we photographed the beautiful countryside in the fog and morning light, and got to know each other. Today, I am very proud to announce to you the publication of my brand new book about our favourite subject, mobile photography. This is my new book called Shoot, Edit, Share; iPhone Photography. It’s in Turkish and sold in Turkey. I can say that your workshop in Larnagol-Toulouse France two years ago helped me so much to achieve this difficult task. But it was also my New Year's resolution for Joanne Carter’s TheAppWhisperer. So I have to thank you first for this workshop where I learned a lot. As you know I sold all my full frame DSLR cameras and decided to go my photographic way with my iPhone. Why iPhone and not another smartphone? iPhone has all new technologies on it and I don’t worry about the technical settings before shooting, and that helps me to concentrate on my framing, color distribution, contrast, lighting, and the “feeling” of the environment. The decisive moment of Henry Cartier-Bresson is very important to me. All that the iPhone offers, is so good for an advanced amateur photographer like me. "Use your mobile phone camera, have fun; Enhance your photography, share your artefacts with Instagram and Facebook. Smart phones have changed the rules of the game in the world of photography with their small size, presence at all times, and quality of the lens. They are quick and simple to work with, take beautiful photos, can move photos to other dimensions through applications, and we can access hundreds of thousands of them through social networks like Facebook, Flickr, Instagram and Tumblr. This book can help you use your mobile camera more efficiently and take the best pictures of your life with it. Beyond the quality and advanced technology of the iPhone camera it allows me to create mobile art with the help of many applications that I can find on the Apple store. I can share them on my social media accounts. Now I moderate with my mobile artists friends many Facebook mobile artistry and iPhone photography groups. I also organize iPhone photography and mobile artistry workshops in İstanbul and in Paris. Here is the link (http://neweramuseum.org/forced-captivity-exhibition-paris/) where you can learn more about the Forced Captivity Exhibit in Paris. Sukru Mehmet Omur is an Ear, Nose, Throat surgeon (ENT), who is now working as a full time mobile photographer and artist. He is also a writer focusing on photography and wine. Originally from Turkey, he and his wife, Emel, now reside in Paris. He graduated from CE3P images school in Paris and his mobile works as an artist have been exhibited in Paris, Indianapolis, Florence, and Istanbul. Mehmet is managing 4 mobile artistry groups, 4 photography groups and 2 photography pages in Facebook and his book, Shoot, Edit, Share: iPhone Photography, recently was published in 2018. Here is the cover of Mehmet's recently published book, which is in the Turkish language and sold in Turkey. Mehmet was gracious enough to answer some questions about his writing, teaching and photography. RAD: You mention photographer Henry Cartier Bresson. How has he influenced your work? Are there other photographers who influence and inspire you? Mehmet: I believe every photographer who is interested in history of photography and photographic philosophy, knows and admires him like me. He is the “eye of the century.” His approach to “birth of the moment” and his “decisive moment” impressed me. Sure I am influenced by him. Robert Capa, Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Alfred Stieglitz, Sebastiao Salgado, Man Ray, Din McCullin, Diane Arbus, and James Nachtwey. RAD: I see from your images on social media sites that you create many abstracts. What do you find satisfying about creating abstract work? Mehmet: I Love creating abstract works because I love forms. Abstracts give me much more freedom. They allow me to break the rules. The shapes, lines, colors are an excellent way for imagination to create. RAD: What are the apps you use most? Among them do you have a favorite? RAD: List some of what readers will learn from your book. What are some of the topics you address? Mehmet: They can learn how to use their iPhone's basic buttons and sliders. Basic photography rules and some essential photographic subjects. The essentiel topics; iPhone camera, Basic rules of photography and travel photography, portrait photography, architecture, night and street moments, double exposure, etc. RAD: I see that your image of the sheep in France took first place in the Nature category in the prestigious 2018 IPPAWARDS competition. Can you share what this image and the award mean to you? Mehmet: IPPA are the most important awards for the iPhone photography field. I am proud to get the first place with that sheep image. Maybe you remember that morning in Larnagol-Toulouse. We were together early in the morning We went for a walk at dawn to the foggy fields. The place was very quite and looked like heaven. Suddenly I saw a sheep contemplating others. The passage was divine. I took many pictures and chose one. RAD: I do remember that morning and others when we were the only early risers!
A new stronghold will always make a big impact for a clan, and this stronghold is focused on Fate, possibly the more important resource in the game. At the start of the game you’re going to be down 1 fate, but after your first attack you’ll be even and every province you flip after that first one will get you an extra fate at the start of your next turn. So this gives the Unicorn an incentive to aggressively attack into facedown provinces to generate more fate on their next turn. As your opponent only 4 non-stronghold provinces, the stronghold caps out at 10 gold each turn, which is still an impressive amount. Players have already been planning out what they could do with 10 fate a turn and the openings they could play to allow them to flip 2 or 3 provinces in their first turn. All of this does come at a cost however. You start the turn with 1 less fate than normal, so you’re already playing catch up. You effectively have no stronghold ability, no extra ability to to help you win a conflict or control the board, it’s just a better number when you get fate. To trigger the stronghold you need to aggressively attack into face down provinces. This sets the play-style and leaves you open to your opponent’s province effects. The effect also kicks in later in the game, so there is somewhat of a contradiction as you’re playing an early game style to get a late game bonus. Another, more positive, way to look at this is that you can play aggressively early game without negatively impacting your late game. One popular style of play currently is to play conservatively turn 1 to save fate, but with Shiro Shinjo you can play aggressively turn 1 and still effectively save fate. Personally, I think it’s super hard to properly judge this stronghold as it is highly dependent on how the deck is played and whether that emergent play style is effective in the existing meta. The Unicorn definitely favor Military conflicts. Unfortunately, having a deck that is focused on one conflict type isn’t a winning strategy as you’re halving the number of conflicts you can win. This is why many Unicorn decks have been running Courtiers and arguably less efficient characters to try shore up this weakness. Cards like Khan’s Ordu go a different direction, rather than trying to shore up the weakness in political, this leverages the strength in military. As a province it is a little unreliable, requiring your opponent to attack it but there are some ways to increase this with Unicorn: Talisman of the Sun can be used to move your opponent’s attack onto this province and if Border Fortress is face up then it’s action can be used to reveal the province. If the Unicorn are prepared for it, a turn of all military conflicts could be devastating. Nothing surprising here. As time has gone on, more and more of the clan support roles are becoming playable. Although there are Keeper and Seeker cards, each clan’s pool of cards grows faster than the role locked cards. The bonus fate from Seeker will remain desirable, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Support of the Unicorn turning up in decks soon. Dynasty characters that cost 1 are in a weird spot. In theory if they have a decent return on value they are worth it, but often just playing the character gives your opponent an opportunity to pass so making that 1 cost character really cost you 2 fate (1 you pay, 1 you don’t get) and gives your opponent 1 for a total differential of 3 fate. At 1 military and 0 political skill, the Stallion isn’t here for skill alone. It does allow you to move the Wild Stallion and any other character you control into the conflict. So it is good against send home, allows some assignment tricks, and lets you get a bowed character into a conflict. As a conflict character it would be awesome, as a Dynasty character I’m less impressed. On a side note, is it weird the horse doesn’t have Cavalry? Surely it can keep up and do all the things that Cavalry characters do but better! A character with 3 military and 3 political for 1 cost is a stellar character. At 2 cost, it’s a little less good. Still, this 2 cost character is flexible and does have the Cavalry trait for abilities that require it. There is a drawback, but having to be in the first conflict every turn with such balanced stats isn’t terrible. That said, this isn’t a Doomed Shugenja or Ethereal Dreamer. One thing to watch out for, is when players forget to assign the Young Warrior into the first conflict. Our recommendation for players (and Judges) is bow and return home the Young Warrior if they should end up in any conflict but the first and make no further adjustment (i.e. don’t redo the earlier conflict). Another 2 cost character focused purely on stats. In this case the Trailblazer is a 4/3 when you declare them against an unrevealed province and 2/1 otherwise. That is a step above the Young Warrior and ties in neatly with the new stronghold. Everything going well, you’ll be breaking every province you attack, so the bonus should continue to be active. That 4 military is also quite nice for breaking the majority of provinces. So despite it being a limited bonus, it is probably going to be active all the way until the last attack as you break your opponent’s stronghold. Where the trailblazer reveals provinces by attacking, the Farseer takes a different approach. After they enter play, you get to reveal a facedown province, essentially getting an extra +1 to Shiro Shinjo just by playing this 3 cost Shugenja. Under Shiro Shinjo then you could consider this to be a cost reduction that slowly returns. So if you make this 2/3 character turn 1, you’ll get your fate back at the start of the 4th turn. As a Shugenja she supports several key cards like Cloud the Mind and Force of the River. Looking just at the ability, it obviously gives you a lot of information something that other clans were splashing Iuchi Wayfinder in to get. Although the era of the nightmare Dragon row is gone, provinces can still have big impacts on games and knowing what’s there is a big benefit. As this character will typically enter play during the dynasty phase, it will fizzle many on trigger effects like Rally to the Cause. Players have often dreamed of a card that will reset a province, up to now the Kitsuki Yaruma’s entering play effect was it. With Saadiyah al-Mozedu, the Unicorn have a version with much more utility and control. In addition, this character has Sincerity meaning you draw a card when she leaves play. At 3 cost she is at one of the preferred costs, cheap but still outside of Assassination range. As a Courtier with 0 military and 3 politics she helps with the Unicorn weakness rather than focusing on its strength. That said, the range of Courtier characters has been steadily increasing for the Unicorn and while it’s clear military is still their strength suggesting political is their weakness might not be true any longer. The ability is two fold, it lets you ready your own abilities for another trigger, such as Khan’s Ordu, and it turns your opponent’s provinces face down either to deny the action like Magistrate’s Station or to ready them for another attack by a horde of Trailblazers. This Shugenja continues the revealing theme with an ability that gives +1 military for each faceup no stronghold province, so between 1 and 4. At 4 cost with a 3/3 he is a decent investment stretching out to a potential 7 military. As is common with Shugenja, Daiyu does not have to be present in the conflict, so you can leave that bonus to ‘float’ where it is needed. This may often end up missed by your opponent. This also provides a great way to mini-tower a character when needed, getting your military skill ahead for cards like Rout or duels. Is this the Khan we were promised? At 5 cost this is another clan champion level character, with 6 military Chagatai is bringing considerable military skill to the fight, but just that. His ability is a ‘win more’ ability, if you break one of your opponent’s provinces he doesn’t bow. In theory, this could mean he participates in 3 conflicts (using the Hisu Mori Toride stronghold) in a single turn and doesn’t bow in any of them. That said, if that does happen you’re already doing very well. The obvious comparison is to Shinjo Altansarnai who also has an ability that triggers on breaking a province. She quickly fell out of favor when it became clear that the Unicorn struggled to even win a conflict let along break a province. That was then though, and now things are very much different. Altansarnai’s stock has increased slightly as the rest of the deck has gained strength and breaking a province isn’t a far-away dream. Similarly, Chagatai needs to be evaluated within the current decks rather than decks from a year ago. With a lack of Unicorn restricted cards, they are one of the few clans with the freedom to run restricted neutrals like Charge! Chagatai specifically is a fantastic card for Charge! as not only will he help break the current province but he will continue to be useful for another conflict. Earlier I suggested Chagatai is a win more card, and that certainly is the case but unlike Altansarnai he pushes the deck on to the next phase. Where Altansarnai provided an extra benefit, Chagatai generates momentum. Especially with Hisu Mori Toride he has the potential to accelerate the Unicorn game by an entire turn. This 6/6 for 6 character is just a big stick of stats. The ability is a coming into play one, similar to the Scorpion’s Ignoble Enforcers. Where the Enforcers require a decision on the owner, Aranat requires a decision on the opponent. You can choose to reveal any of your face-down non-stronghold provinces and deny Aranat extra fate but power up Shiro Shinjo for next turn. Obviously, this is at it’s most effective turn 1 when your opponent needs to decide between splitting that 4 fate between Aranat and Shiro Shinjo. The amount of potential fate for Aranat diminishes as the game goes on, but then there are less turns remaining in the game so that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Although you might make Aranat on the last turn, when everything including your opponent’s stronghold is unrevealed, typically you’re going to get at least 1 fate on Aranat as your opponent doesn’t have the option to reveal their stronghold province. If you’re facing against this turn 1, it really is a tricky decision. Certain provinces like Magistrate Station could be desirable to reveal. If you play a Seeker role you could reveal a province of your roles element and gain a fate. Not revealing a province will give Aranat 1 fate while revealing a province will give your opponent 1 fate every turn after that. That 1 fate on Aranat is an extra turn of a 6/6 character though, so the value of that fate could be much more than one in the pool. Right now, I suspect revealing as much as possible is the right call, the Unicorn player is going to be pushing for that anyway so we might as well get it out of the way. This Crab clan Bushi gets +1/+1 whenever a character is moved or played into the conflict. Crab are not known for their movement tricks, so this typically will be dependent on conflict characters. This benefit is triggered by your own conflict characters but also your opponents, essentially devaluing those 1/1 conflict character that are so popular. At 4 fate, you need some way to make the ability a little more reliable to get some return on your investment. The Crane really can’t get enough of honoring effects. With decent glory across all their characters and effects that rely on those characters being honored it is a key element of the deck. This 3 cost 1/3 Courtier will honor a character every turn if, and only if, you have the Imperial Favor. If you have it at the start of the turn you can use the reaction at the start of the Dynasty phase, or the Draw phase if you’ve just made Ryoku. If you don’t start the turn with the favor but manage to get it at the end of the conflict phase, then at the start of the fate phase you can use the ability. That makes this character a lot more reliable than many of the effects that require having the favor. As a Courtier has a desirable trait and although the 1/3 stats aren’t amazing the fact that Ryoku will often self-honor into a 3/5 changes that value significantly. The 2 cost range is a problematic one, these characters should be better than a 1 cost character but are still vulnerable Assassination and end up with a great sunk cost if killed. At 2/2 Taiko stats are somewhat better than the 1/2 or 2/1 that we often see in this price range. The 0 glory can be seen as a benefit as much as a drawback. The ability then is the real focus for this character. When Taiko comes into play you can choose a non-stronghold province and prevent it from being attacked. Typically, this will target a revealed province forcing your opponent to attack blind into one of your unrevealed provinces and hopefully directing them into something nasty like Restoration of Balance. As a unique character you’re only going to be able to play one of these a turn, preventing more than one province being targeted in a single turn. Unfortunately, this also means you cannot play another copy if you already have Taiko in play which means you have to use this as a throw away character with 0 fate if you want to get the effect on subsequent turns. Taiko doesn’t fit into any of the current Dragon decks and as the ability is not something you can reliably use effectively I’m not expecting this Bushi to see a lot of play. For 3 Fate, you get a conflict wide bow effect. On the defense, this will save a province. If you have the favor and this is the right conflict type, then that +1 bonus will win you the conflict. Even better, for the Phoenix at least, if you have straighten effects you can ready your biggest character and now you’re breaking provinces. More common, and where Phoenix could be worried are conflict character. This might actually encourage Grasp of Earth seeing some play. All in all, this is a pretty scary character. On the other hand, this is a Courtier and not a Shugenja which makes it less desirable for the current deck that likes to abuse Supernatural Storm. The stats of 2/2 for 3 isn’t worthwhile in itself and if your opponent is able to straighten more skill themselves, then you’ve just lost the conflict. Overall, this a similar card to Isawa Atsuko who is in decks for that final conflict when it is all or nothing. That Nobukai might not make the cut in the primary Phoenix deck says a lot about the power level of that deck. This does remain a powerful card and may see a place in a Courtier focused deck. At 3 cost for a 3/2, this character doesn’t have terrible stats and if you are able to leverage the dishonor effect each turn then the penalties you’ll be inflicting on your opponent will magnify this. The effect is remarkably specific, it has to be the cost or effect of a card ability so you’re not going to be able to trigger it from Ring of Earth. Options include Spies at Court, Policy Debate, Oracle of Stone, and Shosuro Miyako (if your opponent mistakenly chooses to discard). That is really poor, while your opponent may have card effects themselves that will allow you to trriger the ability that isn’t something you can rely on. Unless Scorpion get some ways to proactively trigger the effect, this will remain in the binder. This neutral character has already sparked some interest with the military focused clans (Unicorn, Lion, and Crab). Getting two military conflicts is great and Hisu Mori Toride can make that a third! Despite the nasty – political skill, the 4 military for 3 fate is actually decent. With 0 glory, being dishonored isn’t a big deal and with the no attachments clause this unicorn isn’t going to get clouded. The ability is a big risk big reward scenario, if you want to make sure to trigger the ability you need to commit to breaking the province but if you want to maximise the benefit of the ability you need to retain military strength for the next conflict. As the next conflict starts immediately, you don’t have the option of using straighten effects. Instead, you’re looking for effects that prevent your characters from bowing or moves them into the conflict and straightens them. This two cost conflict Courtier gives you the option to move the advisor and one other character you control out of the current conflict. This gives you the option to over-commit and then pull back if your opponent doesn’t defend or once it’s clear you’ve lost a battle. As a Courtier character, this does make Courtier cards a lot more reliable for the Unicorn clan. This 3/1 conflict character sits in an interesting position. Being able to drop 3 military into a conflict is great, but 4 cost is way too much. This character does have a cost reduction for each Unicorn character you already have in the conflict, so if you have 4 characters already then this is a 0 cost character. That puts this card in an interesting position. Conflict characters are often best when you don’t have characters in the conflict or to declare a conflict. The Wayfinders aren’t going to be any good for that. Conflict characters typically are less good when you already have lots of characters in play, often an attachment or event will have more impact then. The Wayfinders are cheaper then and are just shy of a Banzai! effect without a once per conflict limitation. Possibly one of the best ways to play the Wayfinders then is to play them at home during a conflict when you have 3 to 4 characters already. This leaves the Wayfinders ready for a later conflict. At 0 cost for a 3 military weapon, this is better than Fine Katana for Unicorn. Wow! That only works on the attack however, on the defense it’s a 0 cost 1 military attachment making it worse than a seal. A very popular card to splash is the Crab attachment reprieve. It can be destroyed to prevent a character leaving play. It provides protection from character destruction and essentially gives an extra fate for the character. The Ring of Binding doesn’t have the destruction protection but as it also prevents fate being removed and it doesn’t leave play itself it can end up saving 2 or more fate over the course of a game. Playing this turn 1 on a character with 2 fate makes it likely that character will still be in play on turn 5. So this is a straight 3 of in Unicorn decks although at 3 influence it is less likely to be splashed. Although not often used, there is an action window at the end of the fate phase, so Mono no Aware could be played then with the characters with Rings of Binding ignoring the effect. As this would be after the normal fate removal, this isn’t going to be particularly effective as characters that were on 0 fate when Mono no Aware was played will still stay around. More effective is the void locked Phoenix card Jurōjin’s Curse which triggers an extra fate phase. As the Ring of Binding characters don’t lose fate, they won’t care but everyone else will. Even at the end of the next turn when you aren’t first player, they’re only losing the same amount of fate as they should have. Then the turn after they’re immune to the effect. Three turns of double fate phase is going to destroy most decks. Phoenix and Unicorn decks with the Void role are going to be a real concern. A 1 cost +1/+1 attachment isn’t amazing, but it’s not terrible either. This attachment can only be used by Unicorn characters, so despite the 1 influence it isn’t going to be splashed. Adding the Cavalry trait may help round out some Cavalry related effects but it isn’t going to help with Cavalry Reserves which is always going to be the main reason for Cavalry. The ability to honor the character after wining a conflict will be great with the newly developing range of Battle Maidens which have high glory to benefit from the effect. This could also work quite well with the Giver of Gifts who can move it along to the next character who needs to be honored up. Politics had been a weakness of Unicorn, but Speak to the Hearth certainly goes a good way towards fixing that. While initially this is going to be a +1 political skill boost, with the Unicorn emphasis on revealing provinces this could quickly turn into a Unicorn Banzai! for politics. At 1 influence it could be splashed, but it is unlikely that other clans are going to be as aggressive in revealed provinces so it will have much less utility outside of Shiro Shinjo. If you win a military conflict as the attacker, you play this card (losing a card) then draw 3 and discard 1. So you’re up one card but the card you end up discarding doesn’t have to be one of the new cards so it’ll be the worst card you had already. The effect is actually pretty decent and the trigger is something you should be actively trying to do anyway. The only difficulty is if you end up with Spoils of War as a blank card in hand as it’s not the card that would have let you win the conflict in the first place! That said, even as a win more effect it’s pretty decent and it doesn’t require breaking a province just winning the conflict. This should be a solid addition to the Unicorn deck, but I suspect many players will consider cutting it as space grows tight. For 2 fate you can completely reassign all of your Cavalry characters, either removing Cavalry characters or adding them as needed. In addition, you’re able to trigger any movement effects such as Spyglass. This will make for a pretty strong finisher letting you feint with everyone and then leave your opponent’s defending army outmanoeuvred. In theory this has some synergy with Cavalry Reserves and Charge as you can use them to bring political focused characters into play and then move them out for a later political conflict. That said, Unicorn are more likely to just crush you beneath the hooves and leave the courts to another clan. While at first this Lion Bushi looks lacklustre, once you realise he is a conflict character he has much more potential. At 4 cost he’s a bit expensive for a 3/3 character, but if your opponent has broken a province he suddenly becomes a 6/6 character for 4 which is a much better investment. He does provide a nice option for Lion, but the 4 cost is always going to make him difficult to play. He doesn’t have the same massive impact as a character like Bayushi Kachiko, but he is a solid addition. At 0 cost for a +1 politics, this attachment is similar to an of the clan seals. The effect itself is very minor giving some sorting but only if you reveal a province with the attach character participating. If this card had no such requirement and let you filter the top cards of the deck it could see some play in combo decks or just as a general quality control. It could still be played that way, but does prevent safe farming of revealed provinces which adds significant risk for minimal advantage. Where it would be of the greatest benefit is in decks that force 1 bids. In those kind of decks however, drawing a Compass in your 1 card for the turn is going to put you at a significant disadvantage. Of course, Compass is in the Unicorn pack because of Spyglass. Although the Compass reaction happens after the province is revealed and Spyglass reacts after the attached character is committed, the timing window for this stage is actually a little more fluid so you could use a Compass, then a Spyglass, then another Compass, followed by another Spyglass. This two-card combo is pretty useful letting you draw the best out of those 3 cards when you attack. Compass is the limiting factor however, if you draw it too late then you don’t get to trigger it as the provinces you’re attacking are likely to already be revealed. If you draw it early without the Spyglass, then it is less effective than almost any other card you could have drawn. Trading on the Sand Road is another neutral card that has players excited, apart from perhaps the Jigoku team who are going to have to work out how to implement this. Rather than bidding, each player takes the top 4 cards of their deck and adds them to a shared pool. Decks that have very restrictive cards are going to benefit the most from this as their opponent will have limited options. This also takes away the bid phase, so the no honor is transferred and the current bid dials (if any) remain unchanged. During the action windows the active player will have the first opportunity to use one of those cards and during conflicts the defender will. Overall it looks like a pretty great pack for the Unicorn. We have the Crane pack due out soon and then after that the Inheritance cycle, so the environment is due to shift pretty fast but until then it looks like the Unicorn are in a great position to win some tournaments. Warning: Audio bad in more than a few spots!
Places and geographical objects in Latvia. Zoom in the map to level 7 to see the objects on the map. Talsu Rajons Talsi Municipality (Latvian: Talsu novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Abava parish, Balgale parish, Ģibuļi parish, Īve parish, Ķūļciems parish, Laidze parish, Lauciene parish, Lībagi parish, Lube parish, Strazde parish, Valdgale parish, Vandzene parish, Virbi parish, Talsi town, Stende town, Sabile town and Valdemārpils town with its countryside territory; the administrative centre being Talsi. Cesu Rajons Cēsis Municipality (Latvian: Cēsu novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Vaive parish and Cēsis town the administrative centre being Cēsis. Auces Auce Municipality (Latvian: Auces novads) is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Bēne parish, Lielauce parish, Ukri parish, Vītiņi parish, Īle parish and Auce town with its countryside territory the administrative centre being Auce. Marupe Mārupe Municipality (Latvian: Mārupes novads) is a municipality in Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by reorganization of Mārupe parish the administrative centre being Mārupe. Riga International Airport is located in the municipality. The Latvian Civil Aviation Agency has its head office at the airport. AirBaltic has its head office on the airport property. SmartLynx Airlines has its head office in Mārupe. Olaine Olaine (; German: Olai) is a city in Latvia that gained town rights in 1967. The history of Olaine is closely connected to a nearby peat bog that was first taken into use in 1940. Thereafter, more production facilities were built, the increasing numbers of workers needed accommodation and the first dwellings were built in Olaine. Previously, Olaine was the name of a village just two kilometers away. This village now has the name of Jaunolaine (New Olaine). Olaine is home of Olainfarm, the second largest pharmaceuticals company in Latvia. Lecava Iecava Municipality (Latvian: Iecavas novads) is a municipality in the historical region of Zemgale, and the Zemgale Planning Region in Latvia. The municipality was formed 2003 by a reorganization of Iecava Parish, the administrative centre being Iecava. The municipality consists of the following villages: Audrupi, Dimzukalns, Dzelzāmurs, Dzimtmisa, Iecava, Rosme, Zālīte, Zorģi. Kekava Ķekava is a local municipality in central part of Latvia which borders with Latvian capital city, Riga. Salaspils Salaspils Municipality (Latvian: Salaspils novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2004 by reorganization of Salaspils town and its countryside territory, the administrative centre being Salaspils. In 2010 the countryside territory was renamed Salaspils parish. Baldone Baldone Municipality (Latvian: Baldones novads) is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2008 by merging Baldone town and its countryside territory, with the administrative centre being Baldone. In 2010 Baldone parish was created from the countryside territory of Baldone town. Stopini Stopiņi Municipality (Latvian: Stopiņu novads) is a municipality in the historical region of Vidzeme, and the Riga Planning Region in Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2005 through the reorganization of Stopiņi Parish, the administrative centre being Ulbroka. The municipality consists of the following villages and settlements: Ulbroka, Saurieši, Upeslejas, Dreiliņi, Vālodzes, Līči, Dzidriņas, Rumbula and Cekule. Carnikava Carnikava Municipality (Latvian: Carnikavas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2006 by reorganization of Carnikava parish, the administrative centre being Carnikava. Adazi Ādaži Municipality (Latvian: Ādažu novads) is a municipality in the historical region of Vidzeme, and the Riga Planning Region in Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2006 from Ādaži Parish, the administrative centre being Ādaži. The municipality consists of the following villages: Alderi, Atari, Āņi, Baltezers, Birznieki, Garkalne, Kadaga, Stapriņi, Divezeri, Iļķene, Eimuri. Garkalne Garkalne Municipality (Latvian: Garkalnes novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2007 by reorganization of Garkalne parish the municipality council being situated extraterritorially in Berģi, Riga. Vecumnieki Vecumnieki Municipality (Latvian: Vecumnieku novads) is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Bārbele parish, Kurmene parish, Skaistkalne parish, Stelpe parish, Valle parish and Vecumnieki parish; the administrative centre being Vecumnieki. Kegums Ķegums Municipality (Latvian: Ķeguma novads) is a municipality in Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2002 by merging Rembate parish and Ķegums town with its countryside territory. In 2009 it absorbed Birzgale parish, too the administrative centre being Ķegums. Lielvarde Lielvārde Municipality (Latvian: Lielvārdes novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2004 by reorganization of Lielvārde town with its countryside territory. In 2009 it absorbed Jumprava parish and Lēdmane parish, the administrative centre being Lielvārde. In 2010 Lielvārde parish was created from the countryside territory of Lielvārde town. Skriveri Skrīveri Municipality (Latvian: Skrīveru novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by reorganization of Skrīveri parish; the administrative centre being Skrīveri. Jaunjelgava Jaunjelgava Municipality (Latvian: Jaunjelgavas novads) is a municipality in Selonia, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Sece parish, Sērene parish, Staburags parish, Sunākste parish and Jaunjelgava town with its countryside territory, with the administrative centre being Jaunjelgava. In 2010 Jaunjelgava parish was created from the countryside territory of Jaunjelgava town. Nereta Nereta Municipality (Latvian: Neretas novads) is a municipality in Selonia, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Mazzalve parish, Nereta parish, Pilskalne parish and Zalve parish, with the administrative centre being Nereta. Viesite Viesīte Municipality (Latvian: Viesītes novads) is a municipality in Selonia, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Elkšņi parish, Rite parish, Sauka parish and Viesīte town with its countryside territory, the administrative centre being Viesīte. In 2010 Viesīte parish was created from the countryside territory of Viesīte town. Salas Sala Municipality (Latvian: Salas novads) is a municipality in Selonia, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Sala parish and Sēlpils parish the administrative centre being Sala. Jekabpils Jēkabpils (; German: Jakobstadt; Polish: Jakubów) is a city in southeastern Latvia roughly halfway between Riga and Daugavpils and spanning the Daugava River. Historic Jēkabpils lies on the left bank, in Selonia while historic Krustpils (German: Kreutzburg) lies on the right bank, in Latgale. The two cities were united during Soviet rule in 1962 under the Jēkabpils name, but retain their distinct regional character. Jēkabpils was also formerly home to a Soviet air base. Akniste Aknīste (; Lithuanian: Aknysta; formerly German: Oknist) is a town in Aknīste municipality, Selonia, in the southern portion of Latvia, near the Lithuanian border. The town is located near the river Dienvidsusēja. Ilukste Ilūkste Municipality (Latvian: Ilūkstes novads) is a municipality in Selonia, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2003 by merging Pilskalne Parish, Šēdere Parish, Bebrene Parish and Ilūkste town. In 2009 it absorbed Dviete parish, Eglaine parish and Subate town with its rural area the administrative centre being Ilūkste. In 2010 the rural area of Subate was reorganised as a separate territorial entity, Prode parish. Varkava Vārkava Municipality (Latvian: Vārkavas novads) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2002 by merging Rožkalni parish and Upmale parish. In 2009 it absorbed Vārkava parish, too; the administrative centre being Vecvārkava. Livani Līvāni Municipality (Latvian: Līvānu novads, Latgalian: Leivuona nūvods) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 1999 by merging Rožupe Parish, Turki Parish and Līvāni town. In 2009 it absorbed Jersika Parish, Rudzāti Parish and Sutri Parish, too the administrative centre being Līvāni. Varaklani Varakļāni Municipality (Latvian: Varakļānu novads) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Varakļāni town, Murmastiene parish and Varakļāni parish; the administrative centre being Varakļāni. Parts of Teiči Nature Reserve are located in Varakļāni Municipality. Vilanu Viļāni Municipality (Latvian: Viļānu novads) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Dekšāre parish, Sokolki parish, Viļāni parish and Viļāni town; the administrative centre being Viļāni. Riebinu Riebiņi Municipality (Latvian: Riebiņu novads, Latgalian: Ribinišku nūvods) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2004 by merging Galēni parish, Riebiņi parish, Rušona parish, Silajāņi parish, Sīļukalns parish and Stabulnieki parish, the administrative centre being Riebiņi. Aglona Aglona Municipality (Latvian: Aglonas novads) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Aglona parish, Grāveri parish, Kastuļina parish and Šķeltova parish the administrative centre being Aglona. Cibla Cibla Municipality (Latvian: Ciblas novads) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2000 by merging Cibla parish and Līdumnieki parish. In 2009 it absorbed Blonti parish, Pušmucova parish and Zvirgzdene parish the administrative centre being Blonti. Zilupes Zilupe Municipality (Latvian: Zilupes novads) is a municipality in the historical region of Latgale, and the Latgale Planning Region in Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2002 by merging Zaļesje Parish and Zilupe. In 2009 it absorbed Lauderi Parish and Pasiene Parish, the administrative centre being Zilupe. Zilupe, Lauderi, Zaļesje and Pasiene are among the towns and villages located in the municipality. Vilaka Viļaka Municipality (Latvian: Viļakas novads, Latgalian: Vileks nūvods) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Kuprava parish, Medņeva parish, Susāji parish, Šķilbēni parish, Vecumi parish, Žīguri parish and Viļaka town; the administrative centre being Viļaka. Baltinava Baltinava Municipality (Latvian: Baltinavas novads) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by reorganization of Baltinava parish the administrative centre being Baltinava. The municipality is located in the northeast of the country and borders with Viļaka municipality in the north, Pytalovsky District of Pskov Oblast of Russia in the east, Kārsava municipality in the south, and Balvi municipality in the west. Dagda Dagda Municipality (Latvian: Dagdas novads) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Andrupene parish, Andzeļi parish, Asūne parish, Bērziņi parish, Dagda parish, Ezernieki parish, Konstantinova parish, Ķepova parish, Svariņi parish, Šķaune parish and Dagda town the administrative centre being Dagda. Karsava Kārsava (; German: Karsau) is a town in Latvia. Kārsava is located in the historical region of Latgale near the border of Russia. The ancient baltic tribe Latgalians inhabited the territory of Kārsava since the 8th century. There are several hillforts near town. In 1763 a Catholic church was built in Kārsava. The town was located near the Rēzekne- Ostrov postal road and it saw rapid development when the St. Petersburg- Vilnius railway line was constructed nearby and the town became a trading centre. Rugaju Rugāji Municipality (Latvian: Rugāju novads; Latgalian: Ruguoju nūvods) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Rugāji parish and Lazdukalns parish the administrative centre being Rugāji. Lubana Lubāna Municipality (Latvian: Lubānas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2007 by merging Indrāni parish and Lubāna town the administrative centre being Lubāna. Krustpils Krustpils Municipality (Latvian: Krustpils novads) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Atašiene parish, Krustpils parish, Kūkas parish, Mežāre parish, Varieši parish and Vīpe parish. The administrative centre located in Jēkabpils city, which is not included in the territory of the municipality. Parts of Teiči Nature Reserve are located in Krustpils Municipality. Plavinu Pļaviņas Municipality (Latvian: Pļaviņu novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Aiviekste parish, Klintaine parish, Vietalva parish and Pļaviņas town the administrative centre being Pļaviņas. Koknese Koknese Municipality (Latvian: Kokneses novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Bebri parish, Irši parish and Koknese parish the administrative centre being Koknese. Incukalns Inčukalns Municipality (Latvian: Inčukalna novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2006 by merging Inčukalns parish and Vangaži town the administrative centre being Inčukalns. It hosts the Inčukalns Underground Gas Storage facility, which provides the Baltic States and parts of northwestern Russia with gas during the winter months. Krimulda Krimulda Municipality (Latvian: Krimuldas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Krimulda parish and Lēdurga parish the administrative centre being Ragana. Sigulda Sigulda Municipality (Latvian: Siguldas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2003 by merging Sigulda town, Sigulda parish and More parish. In 2009 it absorbed Allaži parish, too; the administrative centre being Sigulda. Ligatne Līgatne (; German: Ligat) is a town on the Gauja River, in Latvia. The village of Līgatne was built around the paper mill, still extant, on the River Līgatne in the 19th century. Malpils Mālpils Municipality (Latvian: Mālpils novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by reorganization of Mālpils parish the administrative centre being Mālpils. Seja Sēja Municipality (Latvian: Sējas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2006 by reorganization of Sēja parish; the administrative centre being Loja. Saulkrastu Saulkrasti Municipality (Latvian: Saulkrastu novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by reorganization of Saulkrasti town with its countryside territory, with the administrative centre being Saulkrasti. In 2010 Saulkrasti parish was created from the countryside territory of Saulkrasti town. Salacgrivas Salacgrīva Municipality (Latvian: Salacgrīvas novads) was created as a result of the territorial reform in 2009, which united several former parts of Limbaži region - Salacgriva town with its rural areas, Ainaži town with its rural territory and Liepupe parish. Salacgriva municipality is bordered by Aloja and Limbaži municipalities and Estonian Pärnu circuit. The centre of the municipality is Salacgriva . Aloja Aloja Municipality (Latvian: Alojas novads) is a municipality in Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Aloja town with its countryside territory, Staicele town with its countryside territory, Braslava parish and Brīvzemnieki parish, the administrative centre being Aloja. In 2010 Aloja parish was created from the countryside territory of Aloja town and Staicele parish was created from the countryside territory of Staicele town. Naukseni Naukšēni Municipality (Latvian: Naukšēnu novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Naukšēni parish and Ķoņi parish the administrative centre being Naukšēni. Rujienas Rūjiena Municipality (Latvian: Rūjienas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Rūjiena town, Ipiķi parish, Jeri parish, Lode parish and Vilpulka parish, the administrative centre being Rūjiena. Mazsalaca Mazsalaca Municipality (Latvian: Mazsalacas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Ramata parish, Sēļi parish, Skaņkalne parish and Mazsalaca town with its countryside territory, the administrative centre being Mazsalaca. In 2010 Mazsalaca parish was created from the countryside territory of Mazsalaca town. Burtnieki Burtnieki Municipality (Latvian: Burtnieku novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2006 by merging Vecate parish and Matīši parish. In 2009 it absorbed Trikāta parish, Burtnieki parish, Ēvele parish, Rencēni parish and Valmiera parish the administrative centre being Matīši. Pargaujas Pārgauja Municipality (Latvian: Pārgaujas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Raiskums parish, Stalbe parish and Straupe parish the administrative centre being Stalbe. Koceni Kocēni Municipality (Latvian: Kocēnu novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Bērzaine parish, Dikļi parish, Kocēni parish, Vaidava parish and Zilākalns parish; the administrative centre being Kocēni. Until 28 January 2010 the name of municipality was Valmieras municipality (Valmieras novads). Amatas Amata Municipality (Latvian: Amatas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2000 by merging Amata parish and Drabeši parish, but in 2009 it absorbed Nītaure parish, Skujene parish and Zaube parish, too the administrative centre being Drabeši. Priekuli Priekuļi Municipality (Latvian: Priekuļu novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Liepa parish, Mārsnēni parish, Priekuļi parish and Veselava parish the administrative centre being Priekuļi. Raunas Rauna Municipality (Latvian: Raunas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Drusti parish and Rauna parish the administrative centre being Rauna. Strenci Strenči Municipality (Latvian: Strenču novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Jērcēni parish, Plāņi parish, Strenči town and Seda town with its countryside territory; the administrative centre being Strenči. Beverina Beverīna Municipality (Latvian: Beverīnas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Brenguļi parish, Kauguri parish and Trikāta parish the administrative centre being Mūrmuiža. Smiltene Smiltene Municipality (Latvian: Smiltenes novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Smiltene town, Bilska parish, Blome parish, Branti parish, Grundzāle parish, Launkalne parish, Palsmane parish, Smiltene parish and Variņi parish; the administrative centre being Smiltene. Jaunpiebalga Jaunpiebalga Municipality (Latvian: Jaunpiebalgas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Jaunpiebalga parish and Zosēni parish the administrative centre being Jaunpiebalga. Ergli Ērgļi is a village in Ērgļi parish, Ērgļi municipality, Latvia. Ērgļi had 2,168 residents as of 2007. It serves as the administrative center for both the parish and the municipality. Vecpiebalga Vecpiebalga Municipality (Latvian: Vecpiebalgas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Dzērbene parish, Ineši parish, Kaive parish, Taurene parish and Vecpiebalga parish; the administrative centre being Vecpiebalga. Apes Ape Municipality (Latvian: Apes novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Gaujiena parish, Vireši parish, Trapene parish and Ape town with its countryside territory, the administrative centre being Ape. In 2010 Ape parish was created from the countryside territory of Ape town. Mesraga Mērsrags Municipality (Latvian: Mērsraga novads) is an administrative unit of Latvia, formed in 2011. Ventspils Rajons Ventspils Municipality (Latvian: Ventspils novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Piltene town, Ance parish, Jūrkalne parish, Piltene rural community (from 2010 Piltene parish), Pope parish, Puze parish, Tārgale parish, Ugāle parish, Usma parish, Užava parish, Vārve parish, Ziras parish and Zlēkas parish. It is administered from Ventspils city, which is not included within its limits. Ventspils Ventspils (Latvian: [ˈvæntspils] (13px listen); Russian: Вентспилс; German: Windau; Polish: Windawa; Livonian: Vǟnta) is a town in northwestern Latvia in the historical Courland region of Latvia, and is the sixth largest city in the country. At the beginning of the 2012, Ventspils had a population of 41,998. It is situated on the Venta River and the Baltic Sea, and has an ice-free port. The city's name literally means \castle on the Venta\, referring to the Livonian Order's castle built alongside the Venta River. Ventspils holds the national record for the highest temperature ever recorded in Latvia with 37.8 °C (100.0 °F) on 4 August 2014. Valmieras Rajons Kocēni Municipality (Latvian: Kocēnu novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Bērzaine parish, Dikļi parish, Kocēni parish, Vaidava parish and Zilākalns parish; the administrative centre being Kocēni. Until 28 January 2010 the name of municipality was Valmieras municipality (Valmieras novads). Valkas Rajons Valka Municipality (Latvian: Valkas novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Valka town, Ērģeme parish, Kārķi parish, Valka parish, Vijciems parish and Zvārtava parish; the administrative centre being Valka. In 2016 it was announced that due to better welfare and higher salaries in neighbouring Estonia, over 10% of municipality's inhabitants have registered themselves as inhabitants of Valga County. Tukuma Rajons Tukums District (Latvian: Tukuma rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Courland region, in the country's west. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Saldus Rajons Saldus Municipality (Latvian: Saldus novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Saldus town, Ezere parish, Jaunauce parish, Jaunlutriņi parish, Kursīši parish, Lutriņi parish, Nīgrande parish, Novadnieki parish, Pampāļi parish, Ruba parish, Saldus parish, Šķēde parish, Vadakste parish, Zaņa parish, Zirņi parish and Zvārde parish the administrative centre being Saldus. Riga Riga District (Latvian: Rīgas rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Semigallia and Vidzeme regions, in the centre of the country. The district had the two cities of Riga and Jūrmala with the Gulf of Riga to the north. Beginning from the west and counterclockwise to the east, Riga District had Tukums, Jelgava, Bauska, Ogre, Cēsis and Limbaži former districts as neighbours. The area of the district was 3,058 km² with a population of 159,247. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Rezeknes Rajons Rēzekne District (Latvian: Rēzeknes rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Latgale region, in the country's east. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Rezekne Rēzekne (Latvian: Rēzekne, Latvian: Rêzekne pronounced [ˈrɛːzekne] (13px listen); Latgalian Rēzne pronounced [rʲæːzʲnʲæ] or Rēzekne pronounced [ˈrʲæːzʲækʲnʲæ]; German: Rositten; Polish: Rzeżyca Russian: Резекне or Режица Rezhitsa) is a city in the Latgalia region of eastern Latvia in Rēzekne River valley, also known by the nickname Latgales sirds (Latgalian Latgolys sirds) meaning The Heart of Latgalia. Built on seven hills, Rēzekne is situated 242 kilometres (150 miles) east of Riga, and 63 kilometres (39 miles) west of the Latvian-Russian border, at the intersection of the Moscow – Riga and Warsaw – Saint Petersburg Railways. It has a population of 35,883 (2008), making it the 7th largest city in Latvia. Preilu Rajons Preiļi Municipality (Latvian: Preiļu novads) is a municipality in Latgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2000 by merging Aizkalne parish, Preiļi parish and Preiļi town. In 2009 it absorbed Pelēči parish and Sauna parish, too the administrative centre being Preiļi. Ogre Ogre Municipality (Latvian: Ogres novads) is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2002 by merging Ogre town and Ogresgals parish. In 2009 it absorbed Krape parish, Ķeipene parish, Laubere parish, Madliena parish, Mazozoli parish, Meņģele parish, Suntaži parish and Taurupe parish the administrative centre being Ogre. Ludzas Rajons Ludza District (Latvian: Ludzas rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Latgale region, in the country's east. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Limbazu Rajons Limbaži District (Latvian: Limbažu rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Vidzeme region, in the country's north-east, on the shore of the Baltic Sea. It bordered Estonia in the north, the former districts of Riga in the south and Valmiera in the east, and the Gulf of Riga in the west. It covered the territory of the medieval Livonian county of Metsepole. The main city in the district was Limbaži. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Liepaja Liepāja (pronounced [liepaːja] (13px listen)); German: Libau; Russian: Лиепая, Polish: Lipawa, Lithuanian: Liepoja, Yiddish: ליבאַװע‎ Libave) is a city in western Latvia, located on the Baltic Sea directly at 21°E. It is the largest city in the Kurzeme Region and the third largest city in the country after Riga and Daugavpils. An important ice-free port, as of 1 July 2011, Liepāja had a population of 75,000. Kuldigas Rajons Kuldīga District (Latvian: Kuldīgas rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Courland region, in the country's west. It was organized into a city and thirteen parishes, each with a local government authority. The main city in the district was Kuldīga. The district was located in the western part of Latvia on both sides of the Venta River. It had borders with 5 other former districts: Ventspils, Talsi, Tukums, Saldus and Liepāja. The borders of the district that it had when it was dissolved were established in 1950. Kraslavas Rajons Krāslava District (Latvian: Krāslavas rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Latgale region, in the country's east. It was organized into two cities and twenty three parishes, each with a local government authority. The main city in the district was Krāslava. The district was eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009, most of its part being divided between Dagda and Krāslava municipalities and three parishes in north-west joining Aglona Municipality. Jurmala Jūrmala (Latvian pronunciation: [juːrmala] (13px listen) \seaside\; German: Riga-Strand, Baltische Riviera) is a city in Latvia, about 25 kilometres (16 miles) west of Riga. Jūrmala is a resort town stretching 32 km (20 miles) and sandwiched between the Gulf of Riga and the Lielupe River. It has a 33 km (21 miles) stretch of white-sand beach, and a population of 55,580, making it the fifth largest city in Latvia. In publications dating from the Soviet period, the city name was occasionally spelled in English as Yurmala, a back-transliteration from Russian. Jelgavas Rajons Jelgava District (Latvian: Jelgavas rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Semigallia region, in the country's centre. It was organized into a city, two municipalities and twelve parishes, each with a local government authority. The administrative centre of the district was Jelgava. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Jelgava Jelgava (pronounced [jælɡava] (13px listen); also known as Mitau or Juulgava, see also ) is a city in central Latvia about 41 kilometres (25 miles) southwest of Riga with about 63,000 inhabitants. It is the largest town in the region of Zemgale (Semigalia). Jelgava was the capital of the united Duchy of Courland and Semigallia (1578-1795) and the administrative center of the Courland Governorate (1795-1918). Jekabpils Municipality Jēkabpils Municipality (Latvian: Jēkabpils novads) is a municipality in Selonia, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Ābeļi parish, Dignāja parish, Dunava parish, Kalna parish, Leimaņi parish, Rubene parish and Zasa parish the administrative centre located in Jēkabpils city, which is not included in the territory of municipality. Gulbenes Rajons Gulbene District (Latvian: Gulbenes rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in the Vidzeme region, in the country's north-east. It was organized into a city and thirteen parishes, each with a local government authority. The main city in the district was Gulbene. In Gulbene, a Baltic single passage narrow-gauge railroad, Gulbene-Aluksne, was renovated and started to operate in 2005. Gulbene has a basketball team, ASK/Buki-Gulbene. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Dobeles Rajons Dobele District (Latvian: Dobeles rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in the Courland and Semigallia regions, in the country's centre. It was organized into two cities, a municipality and fifteen parishes, each with a local government authority. The main city in the district was Dobele. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Daugavpils municipality Daugavpils Municipality (Latvian: Daugavpils novads) is a municipality in Latgalia, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Ambeļi parish, Biķernieki parish, Demene parish, Dubna parish, Kalkūne parish, Kalupe parish, Laucesa parish, Līksna parish, Maļinova parish, Medumi parish, Naujene parish, Nīcgale parish, Saliena parish, Skrudaliena parish, Svente parish, Tabore parish, Vabole parish, Vecsaliena parish and Višķi parish, with the administration located in Daugavpils city, which is not included within the municipality. Daugavpils Daugavpils (Latvian pronunciation: [ˈdaʊɡaʊpils] (13px listen); Latgalian: Daugpiļs [ˈdaʊkʲpʲilʲsʲ]; Russian: Даугавпилс [ˈdaʊɡəfpʲɪls]; see ) is a city in southeastern Latvia, located on the banks of the Daugava River, from which the city gets its name. Daugavpils literally means \Daugava Castle\. It is the second largest city in the country after the capital Riga, which is located some 230 kilometres (143 miles) to its north-west. Daugavpils has a favorable geographical position as it borders Belarus and Lithuania (distances of 33 km (21 mi) and 25 km (16 mi) respectively). It is located some 120 km (75 mi) from the Latvian border with Russia. Daugavpils is a major railway junction and industrial centre and lies approximately midway between Riga and Minsk. Bauskas Rajons Bauska Municipality (Latvian: Bauskas novads) is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Brunava parish, Ceraukste parish, Code parish, Dāviņi parish, Gailīši parish, Īslīce parish, Mežotne parish, Vecsaule parish and Bauska town the administrative centre being Bauska. Balvu Rajons Balvi District (Latvian: Balvu rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Latgale region, in the country's east. It was organized into two cities and nineteen parishes, each with a local government authority. The main city in the district is Balvi. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Aluksnes Novads Alūksne district (Latvian: Alūksnes rajons) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Vidzeme region, in the country's north-east, 202 km (126 mi) from the capital city Riga. The district had international borders with Estonia (border 103.8 km/64.35 miles) and Russia (border 46.4 km/28.77 miles), and internal borders with the districts of Valka (51.7 km/32.05 miles), Gulbene (98.1 km/60.83 miles) and Balvi (57.4 km/35.58 miles). The main city in the district was Alūksne. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Aizkraukles Rajons Aizkraukle District (Latvian: Aizkraukles rajons, [aizkraukles rajuons]) was an administrative division of Latvia, located in Vidzeme and Selonia regions, in the country's centre. Districts were eliminated during the administrative-territorial reform in 2009. Dundaga Dundaga Municipality (Latvian: Dundagas novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Dundaga parish and Kolka parish, the administrative centre being Dundaga. Alsunga Alsunga Municipality (Latvian: Alsungas novads) is a municipality in the historical region of Courland in Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 from Alsunga Parish, the administrative centre being Alsunga. The municipality consists of the following villages and settlements: Alsunga, Almāle, Balande, Dienvidstacija, Ziedlejas, Bērzkalni, Būcmaņi, Grāveri, Reģi. Pavilostas Pāvilosta Municipality (Latvian: Pāvilostas novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Pāvilosta town, Saka parish and Vērgale parish the administrative centre being Pāvilosta. Nica Nīca Municipality (Latvian: Nīcas novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Nīca parish and Otaņķi parish the administrative centre being Nīca. Rucavas Rucava Municipality (Latvian: Rucavas novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Dunika parish and Rucava parish the administrative centre being Rucava. Grobina Grobiņa (; German: Grobin) is a town in western Latvia, eleven kilometers east of Liepāja. It was founded by the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century. Some ruins of their Grobina castle are still visible. The town was given its charter in 1695. Durbe Durbe Municipality (Latvian: Durbes novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2000 by merging Tadaiķi parish and Durbe town with its countryside territory. In 2009 it absorbed Dunalka parish and Vecpils parish, the administrative centre being Lieģi. Aizpute Aizpute (German: Hasenpoth) is a town in western Latvia's Aizpute municipality in the valley of Tebra River, 50 km (31 mi) northeast of Liepāja. Priekule Priekule Municipality (Latvian: Priekules novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Bunka parish, Virga parish, Gramzda parish, Kalēti parish, Priekule parish and Priekule town the administrative centre being Priekule. Vainode Vaiņode Municipality (Latvian: Vaiņodes novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Embūte parish and Vaiņode parish; the administrative centre being Vaiņode. Skrunda Skrunda Municipality (Latvian: Skrundas novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Skrunda town with its countryside territory, Raņķi parish, Nīkrāce parish and Rudbārži parish; the administrative centre being Skrunda. Broceni Brocēni Municipality (Latvian: Brocēnu novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2001 by merging Blīdene parish, Remte parish and Brocēni town with its countryside territory, the administrative centre being Brocēni. In 2009 the municipality absorbed Gaiķi parish, too. In 2010 Ciecere parish was created from the countryside territory of Brocēni town. Rojas Roja Municipality (Latvian: Rojas novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Mērsrags parish and Roja parish the administrative centre being Roja. Since 2010 separate Mērsrags municipality created. Kandava Kandava Municipality (Latvian: Kandavas novads) is a municipality in Courland, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 1999 by merging Cēre parish and Kandava town with its countryside territory. Later it absorbed Matkule parish, Vāne parish, Zante parish and Zemīte parish the administrative centre being Kandava. Jaunpils Jaunpils Municipality (Latvian: Jaunpils novads) is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Jaunpils parish and Viesati parish the administrative centre being Jaunpils. Engure Engure Municipality (Latvian: Engures novads) is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Engure parish, Smārde parish and Lapmežciems parish, with the administrative centre being Smārde. Tervete Tērvete Municipality (Latvian: Tērvetes novads) is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2002 by merging Augstkalne parish, Bukaiši parish and Tērvete parish, the administrative centre being Zelmeņi. Ozolnieku Ozolnieki Municipality (Latvian: Ozolnieku novads) is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2003 by merging Ozolnieki parish and Cena parish; the administrative centre being Ozolnieki. In 2009 municipality absorbed Sidrabene parish (in 2011 renamed to Salgale parish), too. Rundales Rundāle Municipality (Latvian: Rundāles novads) is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Rundāle parish, Svitene parish and Viesturi parish the administrative centre being Pilsrundāle.
Biathlon presque isle 0 Comments. biathlon presque isle Biathlon: Informationen und Aufgebote zum Weltcup-Auftakt in Östersund. Im Biathlon-Weltcup (offiziell: BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon) sind zwischen dem 2. Dezember und dem März 37 Wettkämpfe geplant. Saisonhöhepunkt sind die Biathlon-Weltmeisterschaften im Vereinigten Staaten soll nicht mehr im Nordic Heritage Center in Presque Isle stattfinden, sondern in. Juli Juli Biathlon ANTERSELVA. Weltcup Südtirol übersiedelt der Weltcuptross nach Canmore (Kanada) und Presque Isle (USA) und. Bet on the. Alle Termine und Ergebnisse im. Jetzt Laufkomfort in Ihrer Weite sichern bei vamos-schuhe. Enjoy bigger wins with. While McPherson, who is himself a Paul Harris Fellow, understands that sentiment, he is pleased to give these 10 individuals the recognition they deserve. Collins for an update on efforts underway in Washington, D. adolph gettler casino royale Wettkampfprogramm bleibt, wie jenes von Weder der Inhalt noch die Rechtschreibung wurden durch die t-online. Jänner und die Staffelbewerbe Sonntag, Neu sind heuer die komfortablen Sitzplätze mit Rückenlehne und mehr Beinfreiheit. Biathleten sorgen für silbernen Bvb vs tottenham live stream in Lillehammer. Continue reading to learn more about this years regeln american football nfl and a little more about those fun new changes! To register, email ralph. Tony and Steph were wonderful hosts! The only thing to consider is there is no air conditioning so you should plan on bringing fans and there is also no TV. The host, Thom, was excellent and very responsive. There were some family games and movies racebets de we enjoyed at night after a long day playing in the sun. If we head back this way, we will definitely be staying here again! The house was perfect for the few days we stayed in Erie. Equipped with a large back bwin online casino legal including a fire pit, plenty of seating and a dock stretched out into Long Lake. Super close to the Lake, and easy to get to, primera division spanien house had everything we needed - including an ironing board to get wedding - ready! His place was also sparkling clean and he had all spiel booster details to his home casino bonus pokerstars made it unique! Very welcoming and took the time to answer lots of vfl bochum live I had about apt hunting. The house is just over years old and has the charm of beautiful wood work and hardwood floors, but the spruch für casino of modern buildings. This unit 3 with Fully equipped kitchen, cable, wifi, flat screen tv, private deck with waterfront patio dining. This vacation home is perfectly located, offering short drives around 9 miles to Presque Isle 2. liga tabelle 2019 Waldameer Park, or going in the opposite direction, minimum 5 miles to some of the best lake-shore jugar a maquinitas de casino gratis. If you need a place for a group of people to sleep while in Erie, this fits the bill. Lake access prognose wales belgien dock located about yards from cottage. Will definitely be back! The cottage is a log cabin with a cozy up-north feel, but while providing modern updates for a comfortable stay. The kitchen was extremely well stocked for us with everything we needed. The bathroom has good hot water, and like everything else in the cottage was incredibly clean. Jennifer really went above and beyond to add little touches that made us feel instantly comfortable in the cottage - from the tasteful up north decorations, to the fresh bottles of soap. For as much as I can rave about the rest of the cottage, the show stopper is the view of the lake. The deck is quite nestled, with mature trees framing the beautiful view. The deck also has a really nice propane grill, which we used often. Jennifer was also very easy to get a hold of to ask questions, and was a great host for our stay. Location is great view was fantastic from the deck as well as from inside the cabin. Everything was so clean and the cabin has a lot of charm. Jennifer is a fantastic host very attentive. Our stay was very relaxing. The place is a great place to get away from technology and enjoy the lake. Host did a great job of making the experience quiet and enjoyable. If you are looking for a place to get away from the city and enjoy northern Michigan, this is the place to go. The house was immaculate and had absolutely everything we could want. Tony and Steph were responsive and easy to deal with and left great info for us about the area. Grand Lake is a beautiful lake close to lighthouses, Lake Huron, and lots of outdoor fun. Tony and Steph have a quaint cottage with a dock that is great for swimming, fishing and soaking up some sun. The use of the kayaks and fishing boat were a bonus as well. Tony and Steph were great hosts with restaurant suggestions and sightseeing suggestions. If there was anything we needed, they were quick to help us out. We had a great time at the Sunkissed Cottage. Tony and Steph are very accommodating as well as friendly. The place was clean and had a beautiful view of the lake. Would highly recommend staying here if you are looking for a place to relax and get away from the busy everyday life. Very clean cottage, with comfortable beds and a well-stocked kitchen, all on an absolutely beautiful lake. Spend the day swimming and boating at the cottage or location is close to Lake Huron lighthouses, a waterfall, and other fun day trips. Tony and Steph were wonderful hosts! The place was very clean. We enjoyed our stay very much and would go back again. This cute cottage was the perfect spot for my friends and I to have a weekend Up North. Tony and Steph helped answer questions that we had and check in was very smooth. The lake was quiet and clean. We rented a boat and went to The Sandies at the south end of the lake, which is a beautiful sand bar beach to hang out at. The cottage was cozy and accurately advertised. A nice comfortable cottage on beautiful Grand Lake! Kayaks and boat available. Several nearby places for day trips. Tony was a great host. Hope to return some time. Perfect place, perfect hosts, perfect time. Everything meets the description. Host is very reactive. Very clean and well located! I will come back for sure. On a beautiful lake with nice neighbors, very private for your stay and plenty of space! The Grand Sunrise was fabulous. It was a well equipped, clean and spacious cabin. Our children had a blast. They loved playing in the water by the dock, swinging on the swing set and digging in the sand box. There was also board games, puzzles and coloring books to occupy the kiddos. Great place to stay! Staying on the lake with all the extra room this cabin has to offer is a must. Kids amenities was great too, especially the playground. The place was awesome, very roomy with two living rooms. Great view of the lake from inside the house. House had all the amenities we needed so it was nice to just hang out inside or outside by the lake. We brought our kids and they had a blast. In addition to playing outside they liked the game and movie selection inside. Great place in great location, there was no regular coffee pot only a Keurig which would have been fine had I known, no fire pit. The home was very comfortable, clean, and in great location, would stay again. Wonderful stay and I would stay again. Jim responses to messages is very rapid. This was such a cute cottage Just what we wanted. We slept well and had a lot of fun in Northern Michigan. Discover entire homes and private rooms perfect for any trip. Vacation Rentals in Presque Isle. Places to stay in Presque Isle. My place is good for couples, solo adventurers, business travelers, and families with kids. The lake is an all sports stocked lake with great fishing. There is a dock available seasonal for your use and several boat launches nearby. The area is perfect for ice fishing and snowmobiling in the winter and we are also close to state hunting land. Our place is a cozy year-round cottage with plenty of space inside to be comfortable. We have two bedrooms upstairs queen bed in each room. We have a grill outside along with a deck, fire pit and outdoor seating seasonal. Our lake is an all sports lake - this means you can have a blast water skiing, tubing, jet skiing, kayaking, paddle boarding, fishing including ice fishing or just chilling on your boat or a floaty. We are across the lake from a marina with gas and watercraft rental. Buffy was a great host and her cottage was the perfect fit for us! Long Lake Paradise lake front. Perfect for relaxing getaways! Great hunting, fishing in summer or ice fishing. Gas Grill We have a row boat for your plrasure. There is a Marina nearby on the lake that has numerous kinds of watercraft for rental. The water in the home, as most all homes up north is well water. If the taste bothers you please bring a filter to use or bottled water. The water is perfectly safe to drink and use however, the mineral smell and taste can put some people off. We do have dogs that stay with us when we visit, and welcome your pets! On The Rocks - Lakefront Home. Only 9 miles from Alpena. Private waterfront home on Long Lake, private road, not a resort, ideal for a week or weekend getaway. Full kitchen and laundry area. Commanding view of the Bay and the Long Lake. View both morning sunrise and sunsets from the decks or the shore. The off season price is double occupancy. One bedroom is for two adults, the other is for two children or one adult. More than two people rates per person. If children, I can accommodate two or three more. On the Edge of Brothersbay Point. We have 5 fully furnished cottages on this beautiful property Near Rogers City and Alpena. This unit 4 with Fully equipped kitchen, cable, wifi, flat screen tv, private deck with waterfront patio dining. Grand Lake is a all sports fishing lake in Presque Isle Michigan. The lake is 20 miles long and perfect for swimming, fishing, or bring your boat and Jet Skis! We are located 15 miles south of Rogers City and 20 miles north of Alpena. Grand View Cottage 4. This is the biggest unit 1. Fully equipped kitchen, cable, wifi, flat screen tv, private deck with waterfront patio dining. Grand Lake Cottage 1. A perfect quiet getaway for hunters, anglers and winter outdoor enthusiasts! Snow shoeing, snowmobiling and cross country skiing on several of our areas groomed trails are close by. Full kitchen and fireplace. Off season we offer Wi-Fi only. Our home is clean and very welcoming. Welcome to our home. We hope your time here is fun and relaxing. Natural gas fireplace to warm up by. Our grand fire pit is great for roasting marshmallows and we usually have dry firewood for your use. We recommend water shoes for swimming as the lake is a bit rocky. Remember to bring life jackets for your kids as the shore is only steps away. It has every accommodation you could think of. Shady patio, cant beat it! You wont regret it Todd T Includes towels, bedding, dishes, cookware, coffee pot, toaster, blender, charcoal grill, campfire pit, dock. Lake house on Long lake. Getaway to our cottage on all sport Long Lake in Alpena. Enjoy a smore at the bonfire in the evening at the fire pit on the adjoining lot. Take in the calmness of the lake while enjoying the outdoor swing. Enjoy swimming, fishing or a good book. If you want to do more it is not far from anything else Alpena has to offer. Many restaurants, wineries, brewery, shopping, kayaking, and trails. Wonderful place to stay! Located on beautiful all sport Grand Lake. Nestled on a quiet street and within walking distance to a park with a tennis court and basketball hoops. Nearby are also a library and store that serves ice cream and pizza. A short distance away are 2 historic lighthouses that may be climbed and explored. Charter boats are also available at the pristine Presque Isle Harbor, waiting to entice anglers in catching Great Lake fish such as salmon and lake trout. This is a quaint one bedroom log cabin nestled on the edge of hardwoods. It sits on a knoll overlooking Grand Lake with its own campfire. A dock provides access to the lake for boating. Kayaks and a paddle board are available to use. Swimming is available at nearby beaches, hiking trails are close, and the Presque Isle Lighthouse and Harbor are just a few miles away to have dinner and an evening pier walk. Weekly or monthly discounts available. Minimum stay of a week during the summer months. You will enter the property off Whiskey Point Rd and follow a beautiful meandering driveway through hardwoods. The cabin shares space with our primary residence on the property. The cabin is located on top of the knoll, with the house 75 yards further down the hill. Pine trees and a fountain are located between the cabin and our house, creating for a quiet private setting. Parking is located before the cabin and has a short walking trail to access it. The private dock, to be used for boating purposes only, is located yards away from the cabin. This is the only cabin on the property. This location is a quaint area with many nearby activities. As far as restaurants, there is the Fireside Inn a half mile down the road that serves breakfast and dinner. There is the Hideaway Bar and Grill 7 miles away; the town of Alpena is 15 miles south and the town of Rogers City is about 20 miles north. There is also the small town of Presque Isle 3 miles away that has a park, tennis court, basketball court, library, small grocery store, and a place to order pizza. About 6 miles away is the Presque Isle Harbor with two historic Lighthouses, an ice cream shop, charter boats to reserve for big lake fishing recommendations available , and a full restaurant overlooking the harbor. As far as nearby activities, there are hiking trails for bird watching and observing rare wild flowers in the area. We will have a binder in the cabin with areas of interest for you to check out. We will also be available to help you navigate the area and answer questions on what is available to do. There are also great biking trails, both in Alpena as well as Rogers City. Private log cabin with spacious view of Grand Lake. Winter and all the joys of the seasons recreation is here. Renovations are completed including all new kitchen, bathroom, cedar ceiling, maple walls, and premium plank vinyl floor. Come relax and enjoy some of the most spectacular sunrises that can be seen on Grand Lake. Cottage is available year round for all kinds of summer, fall, and winter recreation. Very clean 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Two queen beds and one full. Cable tv and Wifi included. Sunkissed is fully furnished, linens and towels are provided as well as a starter assortment of toiletries. A basic gas grill with gas is available for your use. Kayaks are provided with the rental for your use, a Sunfish sailboat can be made available at no extra charge as well as a Prindle catamaran for the veteran sailor. All on the absolutely gorgeous Grand Lake with beautiful sunrises, great swimming as well as other summer recreational opportunities. Easy access to the lake exists for quads and snowmobiles in the winter with a ramp in front. Fire pit located waterside and wood is included as well. You will find Presque Isle to be one of the most picturesque, pristine areas in northern lower Michigan. The cottage is located off of 23 south on the southwest side of Grand Lake which provides breathtaking morning sunrises. I will come back for sure Romain T This adorable summer cottage is set on the north end of beautiful Grand Lake in Presque Isle, Michigan. Located between Alpena and Rogers City in Northeast Michigan, there is plenty of beauty and adventure to be had! Very clean and a great location! Enjoy ft of private water front on this beautiful acre all sports lake. Located in the northeast, lower peninsula of Michigan in picturesque Presque Isle County. Our home is approximately a sq foot ranch style home. Large wrap around deck with plenty of seating to enjoy the lake! There are steps from the deck to get into the yard and to the lake. House will be supplied with sheets, towels, pillows and blankets. View of the lake from almost every room. Nicely treed lot, quiet neighborhood, private access road for walking or biking. Our home is close to Lake Huron, 2 state parks, hiking trails, 2 lighthouses within 1 mile of each other and visit Ocqueoc Falls the only waterfalls in the lower peninsula. Sit on the dock and watch the loons and ducks swim by or grab a fishing pole and try to catch the "BIG" one. By boat or kayak, explore the many islands and bays that Grand Lake has to offer. There are at least 6 restaurants in a 10 mile radius. Grand Sunrise - Lakefront Family Home. Bring your bikes, great riding for the entire family. My place is good for couples and families with kids. Enjoy a relaxing vacation at beautiful Long lake. This rustic cabin sleeps 8 and has a sun porch that has a futon to enjoy relaxing evenings with a cool breeze and the sound of the lake nearby. The cabin has two bedrooms, both with queen size beds a loft with 4 twins. There is lake access and a nearby dock for use during your stay, a kayak to use and a fire pit to enjoy with family and friends. All linens are provided along with a well stocked kitchen. Please park on the grass during your stay. There is also an entirely fenced in portion in the back that can be accessed through a gate. There is a fire pit back there but we did not utilize it. We would definitely stay here again. Great place to stay! Super clean and comfortable! This is an amazing listing for the price and is so close to downtown and presque isle. This place was wonderful! Check in was easy. The house was so clean, comfortable and cute. Very convenient location to Presque Isle. We will definitely try to stay here again next time we are in Erie. This place was absolutely amazing! We stayed for this past Christmas holiday and enjoyed every second. Ed had the Christmas decorations up for us throughout the house to make it feel festive and warm. We wanted to cook a large meal so we were concerned about if he would have everything that we needed, and he had far more than we could have ever imagined! Every kind of pot, pan, tray, cup, spice, seasoning,etc, you name it! The rooms were especially comfortable and as long as you bring extension cords you can reach them to an extra tv if you bring it like we did or your phone charger. His place was also sparkling clean and he had all these details to his home that made it unique! Beverly was really hospitable and was very keen to make sure I had everything I needed and more. The room was really comfortable and clean. Altogether, a very nice place to stay. My wife liked the cleanliness of the house, as well as the charm: The house had everything we needed for a comfortable stay, including a wine opener, which saved the day, in the cabinet above the sink. This was much better than we were expecting! It was a last minute decision to take a short getaway with the family. We had so much fun and loved every bit of it! Thank you so much! Overall, we really enjoyed our stay there. Great house in the heart of the city. Clean and recently renovated. Host was very responsive and helpful. Nice amenities in the house. Just got back from a lovely stay with Dorothy! The location was extremely convenient. I found some great restaurants nearby Casablanca Grill had delicious Turkish food! The place was extremely clean and comfortable and Dorothy is a wonderful hostess. The bed was so comfortable I had a little trouble getting out of it on time my first morning there! Dorothy is a gracious, welcoming, open hostess. She made me feel extremely comfortable right away and was very thoughtful throughout my stay. Dorothy hit all of these out of the park! Dorothy also has a few adorable kitties that made my stay even more comfortable as I was homesick for my own feline friend. Thank you very much for opening up your place; we appreciate it! Dorothy was a gracious and warm host for my my wife and me and helped make my business trip to Erie a success. Great room for visiting Erie, PA. Dorothy was available at check-in to help get me situated, and was always a text away if I needed anything. I would stay here again if I was back in the area. I had the best time during my stay! Dorothy is fun, loves to talk and share experiences. What a great host! The place is just great, near to everything, organized and clean. My host was super duper excellent. Very welcoming and took the time to answer lots of questions I had about apt hunting. My room was great; plenty big, private and very clean. Dorothy is such a doll and her place is great! Plus Erie is so small, so it definitely helps. Would stay there again if I could! The room she has is nice and spacious and I was so happy to have a private bath. Dorothy is also a very kind host and makes you feel at home. I loved having her kitties greet me when I checked in, and they were so playful! Bryce was very nice to work with. He was very responsive and his house is super nice. Perfect for our trip for graduation at the Erie event center. The home was spacious and allowed two families to vacation together. Beautiful fenced in back yard with good amenities. Will stay here again in the future! This was my second stay there and I am just as impressed with it as I was last time two thumbs up. This is exactly as pictured. Walk to the lake and easy driving to area attractions. We were very pleased with comfortable bedding and rain shower head! Thank you for an excellent stay in Erie. Will be sure to book your place for our next visit! This was the perfect little getaway for our family. The house was very clean and had everything we needed. The beds were very comfortable. The house was very open and spacious. We loved using the BBQ and enjoyed a relaxing dinner on the patio. There were some family games and movies that we enjoyed at night after a long day playing in the sun. We would definitely recommend this house to others. The apartment was just as described, and was a very convenient place to stay in Erie. The view of the lake was great, and the apartment was very clean and comfortable. Christopher provided the information we needed to check in prior to our arrival, and everything was very smooth. Clean, cozy, beautiful views. We made ourselves at home easy to do. Very charming and spacious studio-- the open layout was great for hanging out, cooking, visiting. The kitchen was set for us to do some cooking, and Chris was kind enough to leave some snacks and coffee to enjoy. Great experience, communicative host, thanks! Chris lived up to super host status. Real nice guy, and had answers to all our questions. Was able to walk down to the pier and up to state street restaurants. I recommend this place to all. Conveniently located near the convention center. Very nice neighborhood and it has a nice view of the lake. The place itself was excellent with everything one could want: The apter to it was great. Nice view, deck, well stocked, very clean, plenty of towels. This was a pretty stellar experience! I called the day of check-in and asked if there was a grill we could use. Anastasia ran out and got one for us before we arrived. There were even hot dogs, buns, and condiments waiting for us, too. After a tour and some friendly conversation, we had a recommendation about the best pizza in town and the best beach! This little loft cottage has it all! I was thrilled to be able to cook, do laundry, and have a private backyard to enjoy. We had internet access and direct tv, so my boyfriend was able to catch his soccer game a big deal! It is conveniently located near Presque Isle state park, restaurants, and stores. You get a very private experience without actually being isolated. I would absolutely stay here again and would highly recommend it. Anastasia goes above and beyond to make it a great stay! One of the best AirBnB experiences to date for us. Anastasia goes above and beyond to ensure the happiness of her guests. We would have loves the place even before she had snacks and beverages and speaker hookups and books and a private deck and backyard and etc etc etc. This one is absolutely a stop we would repeat. Anastacia was so kind to rent her place to us on a very last minute ski trip! She was always just a message away if we had any questions. Her home was very clean and cozy! We had everything we needed. We also love that she allowed our two dogs to come. We had a great time! Anastacia was incredibly hospitable and friendly. Her cozy home would make a wonderful stay for any group. We were in town for a weekend to attend a wedding, and enjoyed staying at this private, tucked away cottage. We appreciated that our dogs were welcomed, and they appreciated the fenced in backyard and deck! Super close to the Lake, and easy to get to, the house had everything we needed - including an ironing board to get wedding - ready! Anastacia was an amazing host! There were very clear instructions for getting to the location, and it is simply beautiful. The place was much larger than I expected, and even had a small backyard for our dog. She also provided us with food items throughout our stay, and I cannot express how grateful we are for that. If we head back this way, we will definitely be staying here again! We had a wonderful trip! Anastacia had perfect communication. She always answered all of our questions quickly! She had very thoughtful snacks waiting for us upon arrival and the house was spotless!! We will be back: My husband and I decided to take a trip to Erie and try Airbnb for the first time. Anastasia took care of us and left some great treats for us as well. The place is very clean and the private fenced in backyard was a perfect quiet space for the dogs to play. He showed me everything and then stayed in his own space for the most part. Very easy communication and perfect location for my event. Omar responded rapidly and was greeting when I arrived. Nice spacious living room with full kitchen. Good place to stay! Right downtown near the lake and other attractions. We checked-in pretty late because of traffic supposed to arrive by midnight, got there at 2am , but Omar was extremely gracious about it and made us feel welcomed the whole time. We only had a brief stay, but he seemed like a super nice guy. The space was not fancy--it felt like I was in college again not staying at the Ritz--but the bathroom and sheets were clean, and Omar provided fresh towels and bottled water. Great value for the price. Omar will take good care of you. The room was fantastic and right next to Gannon University and Lake Erie. The place is quiet, close to town 5 blocks and plenty of parking is available. Also, I had space in the fridge if I wanted. My only issue was that one slat was missing from the blinds that was a little disturbing but easy to remedy. Otherwise, the room was ecactly as I expected. Very close to Gannon University and some restaurants. Omar is a very friendly host, there is not a thing to complain about! Downstairs was very nice and comfortable. It is important to note that the steps leading up to the bedrooms are step and narrow. I was travelling with my 83 year old mother and she found them difficult to go up and down. Ryan is very good at communicating and wants your stay to be nice. We stayed here one night two days , and had an amazing stay. Ryan was extremely communicative, considering , and overall an amazing host. We would definitely stay again and recommend for others to stay here as well. Thank you for everything , Ryan! This house was perfect for our night in Erie. Ryan was very flexible and helpful as well. He was quick to communicate and accommodated us for check-in. We appreciated this great place in Erie! Would definitely stay there again. With two toddlers, my main concern was that the house was clean - and it certainly was. Great location, great house! We really enjoyed our stay. The house is decked out in interesting artwork as well! Great home in good location. Able to park in driveway. Enjoyed having access to entire house. Ama is a wonderful host who communicates promptly. The home is perfect in every way. In the midst of the heaviest snowfall in Erie history, Ama made sure the driveway and sidewalks were clear and the home was accessible. We plan a return visit this summer. The house is very nice and if you have any problems they reply immediately. We had a wonderful stay. It was a lovely house in a very great location. We walked to the cute little diner at the end of the street for breakfast every morning. The house has character and a very comfortable feel. Nice covered sitting area in the back. To access the lock box you have to go through gate to the back porch. Furniture was comfortable and spacious. Two off street parking spaces. This is not what we expected. First thing, the owner insinuated in her post that she did not live there most of the time and if she was there she stayed in a basement apt. What we found was completely different. When we got there , there was a note on the table welcoming us and saying that she had made room in the refrigerator for us We had come for a wedding in Erie and there was absolutely no where to hang our dress clothes. Every cupboard was packed full. No hooks on any doors. When we arrived the air conditioner was on but some windows were opened. What does that suggest? It does have that old smell to it at times. Many people stated how clean it was. The house has great potential but does need a lot of repairs. As in many old houses there are few electrical outlets. She has a couple 5 outlet strips and many extension cords. That is a fire hazard. Neither of the bedroom doors or the bathroom door shut properly. A tall person would definitely have trouble in the shower with the way the ceiling is angled down. Nice cozy and clean Cottage. The only downside was that it was pretty much in a parking lot. There is a parking spot really close to the door which is good for loading and unloading. There is also a lot of media available on the TV that is not mentioned. Maryan and Ken were absolutely wonderful! They helped us with everything we wanted to know about the Erie area and were really helpful when we made a mistake with our booking. The cottage is a really nice and clean! Would recommend staying here! Only about a mile from Presque Isle access. Clean and comfortable for a small family. They were super quick with communication and the check in and out was very easy! I rode my bike a ton and the location of the cottage was ideal for that! I would love to stay here again! The cottage was really great, nice position near shops, restaurant and park. Very quite during the night. Ken was very kindness, super host. The owner knew there was an issue with the heat in the home and said nothing. We should have been informed of the issue prior to arrival. After traveling all afternoon and evening, a freezing cold sleep was a nightmare. The temperatures were below 32 outside the entire stay and even colder than that in the house! The two small space heaters provided the first night were insufficient. When they came out the next day to look at it and realized it could not be fixed, another larger space heater was added which helped. We are still waiting for our refund. Great place for a one night or weekend stay. As for being only the second guests to stay here, the hosts did a great job of making sure we were comfortable and were extremely accommodating. It is in a nice and friendly neighborhood. Cleanliness is of utmost importance, as I expect when I pay that sum of money the place should be spotless. Coupled with the fact there were bugs and rodents and the heat did not work, I had a hard time seeing the value in the place itself. However, Carl was an extremely responsive host and was quick to assist on any and every problem we had with the place. He made check-in and check-out a breeze. While I think the place itself needs some work, Carl is still a great host. Carl was very friendly, responsive and offered local tips as requested. The property is not updated but it was clean and served its purpose. If you need a place for a group of people to sleep while in Erie, this fits the bill. This was a nice place to stay and within reasonable driving distance to Erie attractions! The hosts were very accommodating and communicated with us throughout our entire stay! The space has great potential, but we could not stay due to the heavy mildew, mold, and sewage smells ineffectively being masked by plug in scent diffusers. It was very clean and comfy. The bed was very comfortable too! We were treated with welcome goodies which was a nice surprise! This is a lovely little home in a beautiful area. Very clean, elegant decor and thoughtful touches. Great stay on our ride home for the holidays. Very clean and loved the fenced backyard for our dogs. Plus it was even more spacious than I expected. Thanks for the bagels!! Anastacia was an excellent host. The house was perfect for my trip. A great kitchen for cooking, walking distance from restaurants and right off the water. This property is perfect for someone that wants a place to themselves! Home is just the right size for people. Kitchen is a great size, do not feel cramped and can prepare full meals no problem. Plenty of space to spread out and relax, new TV for winding down in the evening. Home is clean and decorated nicely, very inviting! Monica is a great host. We stayed multiple weeks for work. She made sure that our very need was met. The neighbors there make you feel at home. Bringing us lemon cake, fruit. This home has an artistic touch and has lots of loving touches like the cozy fireplace. The home is perfect for a family with children. It has all the amenities for babies and children. The house is beyond perfect for a little family. It felt like we were home with the baby gate at the top of the stairs, the baby monitor, and even the little Wubanub pacifiers my little girl found! The kitchen was amazing to cook in, the washing machines were great, and all the little touches like the natural soaps and detergents were so appreciated. You guys are amazing. We hope to return next summer! Instantly felt like we had a home away from home here in Erie. The house itself is very welcoming and fully furnished with everything imaginable. We loved the little touches everywhere. If traveling with children, this house has everything you need from a gate, toys, high chair, and kids utensils. There is a roku with the tv, so you can keep up on all your shows. Monica was so very friendly, warm, and hospitable!! They definitely take great pride in sharing their home with you and offering the best experience. My family will definitely be returning. Erie has so much to offer for everyone! The house was gorgeous and very clean! Monica left a wonderful welcome basket and had plenty of kitchen and bathroom supplies that were so useful! The house was perfect for the few days we stayed in Erie. The neighborhood was quiet and seemed safe. This home has everything you need during your stay. My 4 year old loved the kid rooms. Yazed was a hospitable and pleasant host: The apartment was clean and organized. It was a great place to stay and I would happily stay again if I am ever in the area! Host wonderful, lots of extras Yazeds place was clean, comfortable and easy to find. Would stay again especially for the great value. I have stayed with Yazed several times now. He is quick to respond and super accommodating and flexible to my needs. He offers starbucks coffee, fixings for your own breakfast and any toiletry you may have left behind. Very clean nice appt. Only down side was the location which was about min drive to presque isle. This apartment was absolutely awesome and the hosts are exceptional. They were very accommodating and responded to questions promptly. Both gave us lots of suggestions what to do in Erie. I was visiting on a mini vacation with my grandchildren and they loved the Popsicles the hosts put in the freezer for them. There was a nice little welcome basket with fruit and snacks waiting for us. The apartment was spotless clean and the beds were comfortable. The amenities were above and beyond what I expected. I was pleasantly surprised. I will definitely recommend this apartment to families and friends and if I am in the area again i will, for certain, only stay with these hosts. Thanks and Kudos to the hosts! Ken and Maryann are great hosts. The few issues that popped up were taken care of quickly. The location was good for me because it was centrally located. It was a 10 minute drive to Presque Isle. And 10 minutes to the office for me. The place was clean and quiet. There is a full kitchen for people who cook. I was able to make a couple of meals, but mostly I ate at some the local Erie restaurants. Once again, thank you Ken and Maryann for your hospitality. What a wonderful place to stay - the apartment is spacious and immaculate. A great deal, especially when you think about how much it would cost to get a hotel room for 3 people. I would recommend this space to anyone staying in the Erie area! They also had lots of thoughtful kitchen amenities that made it easy to eat at home. There was useful information for out of towners and it was easy to access the wifi. Loved everything about it! We took full advantage of the kitchen while there. There were three of us there one evening working together to prepare a meal and there was counter space for all us to work. Loved the off street parking and the fact that the neighborhood had sidewalks for an evening walk. With my son a junior at Mercyhurst, I will be back. I only wish I had discovered you earlier! Beverly did everything in her power to help with the situation and was so understanding about everything. Beverly answers all of my questions immediately and was more than happy to accommodate my dogs and work schedule! Beverly was great at working with us last minute to allow us to stay at her place Witt only a few hours notice. Everything was as expected. We enjoyed our stay and felt that the location was nice and convenient. She made us feel welcome and went out of her way to make sure we felt this was our home away from home. We traveled with our dogs and since she is a pet parent herself she welcomed us all! We will definitely stay here again on our next trip to Erie! The location was also very convenient for our needs. The host had great communication through the entire booking process and was very hospitable. I would stay there again. We had a great stay. Close to Presque Isle and lots of food places nearby. We had no issues. She made sure that I had what I needed. Definitely coming nack again in the mear future. Gorgeous house with the comforts of home. We appreciated the extra gesture of snacks for the kids. The only thing that would have improved our stay would have been WiFi, but we definitely did fine without it. This is a nice house with easy access to many fun things in Erie! We loved staying here! It is very beautiful inside and kept very clean. Valerie is very sweet and personable. Definitely recommend this home if you are looking for something quaint, cozy and close to everything! Great place, perfect location and near the state park. Would stay in again, if in the Erie area in the future. It was super clean and really comfortable. We were able to relax and spend a ton of time just hanging out in the house. Definitely a great place to stay! Very clean, spacious, stylish! You can contact her anytime you need anything, while at the same time gives you your privacy! This house was perfect for my family. Me, my husband, and our 3 boys loved the house and were super impressed with how nice and clean it was. We went to a lot of places that were recommended and the house was really close to everything. The boys loved Waldameer and Presque Isle! We definitely plan on doing this trip again!!! Completely as described and very suitable for our needs. We were 3 moms with teens in for a competition and it was so nice to chill at night and watch a movie. House was spacious enough and kitchen was easy. Hostess Tania was friendly and quick to communicate. Tania had the space clean and everything was very accommodating. Great place for relaxing, close to waterparks as well as public beaches and convenient to visit Niagara falls. Wonderful newly renovated home in old quiet neighborhood. Needs air conditioning to cool the rooms. Back yard is unusable. It was very clean and tidy and was in a good location. The only thing to consider is there is no air conditioning so you should plan on bringing fans and there is also no TV. Tania was very helpful with our "tourist" questions and very kind during all communications. I definitely recommend her home as a great value to any upcoming stay you might have in Erie, Pa. We enjoyed Presque Isle every day and really appreciated coming home to a beautiful comfortable house to relax every evening! This is a lovely and clean home with updated furniture, appliances and decor. Nice neighborhood - a quick drive to many Erie attractions and landmarks. Currently does not have Air Conditioning. It was quite warm at night despite the ceiling fans. Close to train tracks that are used throughout the night. Trains blow their horns at a nearby intersection. Not terribly noticeable if you keep the windows closed. Omar was not home during our stay but his roommate Hamad took care of us. Hamad was really friendly and supportive. He provided us with water, breakfast and a great dinner he cooked himself. He also helped us getting an uber to Walmart. We would stay at their home again! The whole place was very clean and comfortable. Omar was a generous host and I would recommend him to everyone. I stayed here for one night and had a positive, comfortable experience. Everything was clean and simple, there were air freshener dispensers in what seemed to be every room so it smelled great, and there were even fresh flowers in the bathroom. Omar and his roommate were very courteous and hospitable, always accessible for any questions or concerns. They even leave towels and water bottles for their guests which is nice. They also provide an extra small portable heater for the room in case it gets too cold but the central heat was fine for us. I came to Erie to take an exam and I thought this place was perfect for my purposes. Omar was a great host- quick to respond, very accommodating, and very respectful. I felt he was easy-going and flexible and gave plenty of privacy. I expected him to have roommates but pleasantly surprised that it was just him. We were both studying so that worked out well. The place was very neat and had many thoughtful touches like air fresheners, open windows, extra towels and blankets, bottled water in the room, wifi information and keys on the table, a hair dryer on the wall in the bathroom, and plants. The room was spacious and comfortable with a large bed and many pillows, a fan, a little work area by the window with a desk and chair, and it was at a perfect temperature. Everything worked well without any issues at all. The wifi was fast and reliable. It was very much ideal for my stay and I would definitely recommend and stay here again. Omar is a great guy and as a host communicates quickly. The room was very clean, large, and accessible. Will stay again in the future. Stephanie was very responsive, the house is beautiful, the WiFi was superb, and the room was comfortable. It is conveniently located in a quiet part of town. We really appreciate that they let us use their garage and fridge to store our bikes and food respectively. However, they had pets that made a few messes during our stay and also a new puppy that, while cute and friendly, barked a lot in the middle of the night. She was a friendly host, answering our questions quickly and making us feel comfortable. This home is very comfortable and has a very artsy, interesting decor. Stephanie offered us excellent tips on local restaurants. The house is extremely well and tastefully decorated. It is a beautiful home and Stephanie and her husband are extremely friendly. It was exactly what I was looking for. Would be happy to recommend it to anyone! That was a very good stay. Everything there is the same as in the description. House is small but very beautiful, full of antiques. Stephanie is very flexible with the time of arrival and she is very kind person as well as her husband! We enjoyed fun with their furry pets! Beds are very comfortable and the bathroom is fully equipped. There was no problem with parking place. The area is safety and quiet. The wi-fi connection is good. Without any hesitation we can recommend this place. In einem spannenden Staffelrennen sicherte sich die deutsche Mixed-Staffel zum Abschluss der Olympischen Jugendspiele die Silbermedaille. Rang Name Punkte Siege 0 1. Alle Termine und Ergebnisse im. Jetzt Tickets für den Biathlon auf Schalke sichern! Das Abo entlang der Strecke kostet hingegen 65,50 Euro. Verfolgungsrennen Herren Sonntag, Wir empfehlen unseren kostenlosen t-online. Schipulin wehrte sich umgehend auf Instagram gegen den Dopingverdacht, Loginow bestätigte auf Instagram, dass es gegen ihn Anschuldigungen gibt. Right downtown near the lake and other attractions. We checked-in pretty late because of traffic supposed to arrive by midnight, got there at 2am , but Omar was extremely gracious about it and made us feel welcomed the whole time. The place is quiet, close to town 5 blocks and plenty of parking is available. Also, I had space in the fridge if I wanted. My only issue was that one slat was missing from the blinds that was a little disturbing but easy to remedy. Otherwise, the room was ecactly as I expected. Very close to Gannon University and some restaurants. Omar is a very friendly host, there is not a thing to complain about! Downstairs was very nice and comfortable. It is important to note that the steps leading up to the bedrooms are step and narrow. I was travelling with my 83 year old mother and she found them difficult to go up and down. Ryan is very good at communicating and wants your stay to be nice. We stayed here one night two days , and had an amazing stay. Ryan was extremely communicative, considering , and overall an amazing host. Great location, great house! We really enjoyed our stay. The house is decked out in interesting artwork as well! Great home in good location. Able to park in driveway. Enjoyed having access to entire house. Ama is a wonderful host who communicates promptly. The home is perfect in every way. We plan a return visit this summer. The house is very nice and if you have any problems they reply immediately. We had a wonderful stay. It was a lovely house in a very great location. We walked to the cute little diner at the end of the street for breakfast every morning. As in many old houses there are few electrical outlets. She has a couple 5 outlet strips and many extension cords. That is a fire hazard. Neither of the bedroom doors or the bathroom door shut properly. A tall person would definitely have trouble in the shower with the way the ceiling is angled down. Nice cozy and clean Cottage. The only downside was that it was pretty much in a parking lot. There is a parking spot really close to the door which is good for loading and unloading. Plus it was even more spacious than I expected. Thanks for the bagels!! Anastacia was an excellent host. The house was perfect for my trip. A great kitchen for cooking, walking distance from restaurants and right off the water. This property is perfect for someone that wants a place to themselves! Home is just the right size for people. Kitchen is a great size, do not feel cramped and can prepare full meals no problem. Plenty of space to spread out and relax, new TV for winding down in the evening. Home is clean and decorated nicely, very inviting! Monica is a great host. We stayed multiple weeks for work. She made sure that our very need was met. The neighbors there make you feel at home. Bringing us lemon cake, fruit. This home has an artistic touch and has lots of loving touches like the cozy fireplace. There is a roku with the tv, so you can keep up on all your shows. Monica was so very friendly, warm, and hospitable!! They definitely take great pride in sharing their home with you and offering the best experience. My family will definitely be returning. Erie has so much to offer for everyone! The house was gorgeous and very clean! Monica left a wonderful welcome basket and had plenty of kitchen and bathroom supplies that were so useful! The house was perfect for the few days we stayed in Erie. The neighborhood was quiet and seemed safe. This home has everything you need during your stay. My 4 year old loved the kid rooms. Yazed was a hospitable and pleasant host: The apartment was clean and organized. It was a great place to stay and I would happily stay again if I am ever in the area! I have stayed with Yazed several times now. He is quick to respond and super accommodating and flexible to my needs. He offers starbucks coffee, fixings for your own breakfast and any toiletry you may have left behind. Very clean nice appt. Only down side was the location which was about min drive to presque isle. This apartment was absolutely awesome and the hosts are exceptional. Thanks and Kudos to the hosts! Ken and Maryann are great hosts. The few issues that popped up were taken care of quickly. The location was good for me because it was centrally located. It was a 10 minute drive to Presque Isle. And 10 minutes to the office for me. The place was clean and quiet. There is a full kitchen for people who cook. I was able to make a couple of meals, but mostly I ate at some the local Erie restaurants. Once again, thank you Ken and Maryann for your hospitality. What a wonderful place to stay - the apartment is spacious and immaculate. A great deal, especially when you think about how much it would cost to get a hotel room for 3 people. I would recommend this space to anyone staying in the Erie area! They also had lots of thoughtful kitchen amenities that made it easy to eat at home. There was useful information for out of towners and it was easy to access the wifi. Loved everything about it! We took full advantage of the kitchen while there. There were three of us there one evening working together to prepare a meal and there was counter space for all us to work. Loved the off street parking and the fact that the neighborhood had sidewalks for an evening walk. With my son a junior at Mercyhurst, I will be back. I only wish I had discovered you earlier! Beverly did everything in her power to help with the situation and was so understanding about everything. Beverly was great at working with us last minute to allow us to stay at her place Witt only a few hours notice. Everything was as expected. We enjoyed our stay and felt that the location was nice and convenient. She made us feel welcome and went out of her way to make sure we felt this was our home away from home. We traveled with our dogs and since she is a pet parent herself she welcomed us all! We will definitely stay here again on our next trip to Erie! The location was also very convenient for our needs. The host had great communication through the entire booking process and was very hospitable. I would stay there again. We had a great stay. Close to Presque Isle and lots of food places nearby. We had no issues. She made sure that I had what I needed. Definitely coming nack again in the mear future. Gorgeous house with the comforts of home. We appreciated the extra gesture of snacks for the kids. The only thing that would have improved our stay would have been WiFi, but we definitely did fine without it. Valerie is very sweet and personable. Definitely recommend this home if you are looking for something quaint, cozy and close to everything! Great place, perfect location and near the state park. Would stay in again, if in the Erie area in the future. It was super clean and really comfortable. We were able to relax and spend a ton of time just hanging out in the house. Definitely a great place to stay! Very clean, spacious, stylish! You can contact her anytime you need anything, while at the same time gives you your privacy! This house was perfect for my family. Me, my husband, and our 3 boys loved the house and were super impressed with how nice and clean it was. Great place for relaxing, close to waterparks as well as public beaches and convenient to visit Niagara falls. Wonderful newly renovated home in old quiet neighborhood. Needs air conditioning to cool the rooms. Back yard is unusable. It was very clean and tidy and was in a good location. The only thing to consider is there is no air conditioning so you should plan on bringing fans and there is also no TV. We enjoyed Presque Isle every day and really appreciated coming home to a beautiful comfortable house to relax every evening! This is a lovely and clean home with updated furniture, appliances and decor. Nice neighborhood - a quick drive to many Erie attractions and landmarks. Currently does not have Air Conditioning. It was quite warm at night despite the ceiling fans. Close to train tracks that are used throughout the night. Trains blow their horns at a nearby intersection. Not terribly noticeable if you keep the windows closed. Omar was not home during our stay but his roommate Hamad took care of us. Hamad was really friendly and supportive. He provided us with water, breakfast and a great dinner he cooked himself. He also helped us getting an uber to Walmart. We would stay at their home again! The whole place was very clean and comfortable. Omar was a generous host and I would recommend him to everyone. I stayed here for one night and had a positive, comfortable experience. Everything was clean and simple, there were air freshener dispensers in what seemed to be every room so it smelled great, and there were even fresh flowers in the bathroom. They also provide an extra small portable heater for the room in case it gets too cold but the central heat was fine for us. I came to Erie to take an exam and I thought this place was perfect for my purposes. Omar was a great host- quick to respond, very accommodating, and very respectful. I felt he was easy-going and flexible and gave plenty of privacy. I expected him to have roommates but pleasantly surprised that it was just him. We were both studying so that worked out well. The place was very neat and had many thoughtful touches like air fresheners, open windows, extra towels and blankets, bottled water in the room, wifi information and keys on the table, a hair dryer on the wall in the bathroom, and plants. Omar is a great guy and as a host communicates quickly. The room was very clean, large, and accessible. Will stay again in the future. Stephanie was very responsive, the house is beautiful, the WiFi was superb, and the room was comfortable. We enjoyed fun with their furry pets! Beds are very comfortable and the bathroom is fully equipped. There was no problem with parking place. The area is safety and quiet. The wi-fi connection is good. Without any hesitation we can recommend this place. Stephanie had very good communication with me for check in and any other questions I had. Something that surprised me was that trains go by and honk all night long. We had a wonderful stay in her home and would definitely recommend it to anyone traveling to Erie! I could not have dreamed of a better experience. Anita was a gracious host and everything was beyond what I expected. Anita was a pleasure to deal with, she was super helpful and super nice. We had a great experience for a weekend getaway and she was willing to help with whatever we needed. The place was very clean and well taken care of. I would highly recommend her and will definitely let her know when we are coming back! This apartment is in a good location and has off street parking-- a definite plus. We were very close to all of the places we wanted to visit on our vacation. The apartment was spacious, had a fully stocked kitchen great because we did quite a bit of cooking there , and lots of extra toiletries in the bathroom in case you forgot something. Lots of extra blankets, and the apartment stayed a comfortable temperature despite the hot weather. I have three main criticisms. The floor was very dirty. Within a couple of hours of walking around in bare feet right after we arrived, the soles of our feet were covered in dirt. The second is that the apartment smelled faintly of smoke. So, just something to be aware of for anyone who does not smoke and has concerns about third hand exposure. My final comment is that the second bedroom does not have a door on it. There is a sheet hanging in the doorway. This is a huge problem for families with young children. We rented this apartment with the expectation that our 2 year old would be able to sleep in that bedroom. So, overall, the apartment is fine for what it was. We had a nice long weekend in Erie. The bedroom with twin beds does not have a door, which was ok for us because our kids are heavy sleepers. Everything we needed for the kitchen and bathroom was provided. It was a hot week, but with the air conditioner in the master bedroom, center of the house, cranked all weekend, we survived. Anita was great to work with and answered all phone calls immediately and emails timely. We would stay again! My husband and I stayed here with my parents, brother and his wife. And just a short walk to the waterfront! The host, Thom, was excellent and very responsive. When we needed extra blankets after the first night he quickly dropped them off the next day. Although there are four floors of living space as stated, everything is open together so one bedroom has an open window to the kitchen and the other is a lofted space above the living room where the air mattress is, so you can hear everything everyone is saying, even in whispered tones. I think this space is gorgeous but maybe best suited to adults with kids or two couples, rather than 3 adult couples. Great apartment in a great location. Clean and has all the basic amenities. Host is very responsive. Perfect location for walking to the bay front and experiencing local cuisine. Quick drive to Presque isle and Waldameer Park. Thomas was an incredibly accommodating host who responded quickly to all communication. The AirBnB is an a great location within walking distance of plenty of bars, restaurants, and activities. The weekend could not have gone more smoothly and I have only positive things to say about Thomas and the property. This is a simple room with a twin bed. The room has 2 large windows facing east and south. There is also a large desk and office chair for use during your stay. I enjoyed my room and the visit. Thank you for you kindness. Very friendly and kind hosts. Was so easy to check in and out of would definitely stay again Jesse T Really appreciated this space! Private bedroom in Old town Erie PA close to lots. My place is close to Gannon University and Hamot Hospital, public transport, the city center. My place is good for couples and solo adventurers. The space has a separate entrance and private bathroom. There is a laundry space adjacent to the bedroom which can be used by guests. It is also used by one other tenant in the building who will make arrangements with the guest for use. Welcome to Boulevard Park! Located in the up and coming Our West Bayfront Area, our 3 bedroom apartment is full of comfort, close to downtown, stores, good food, and the waterfront. Our apartment is like a second home. We will make sure you have all the basics to enjoy your stay including snacks and local honey! A sunroom off the living room provides a nice view of the neighborhood and can be closed off and used as a 3rd bedroom. It is currently an office space. The back entry has a covered deck overlooking the backyard. Large dining room has seating for people. Updated kitchen has oven, stove, stocked up fridge, microwave, toaster, blender, and coffee maker. Freshly renovated bathroom keeps the charm of the old tile work and claw-foot tub. Two bedrooms host a king bed in one and queen bed in the other. We are in an up and coming neighborhood located close to downtown and Frontier Park. We have great coffees shops, restaurants, and parks all within 5 minutes drive or 15 minute walk. Come escape in our Nautical themed private basement room low ceilings! It has its own private entrance from the outside and a sliding door separating it from the rest of the house. WiFi, TV with chromecast and small coffee maker all available in private quarters. I do have a big dog who likes to know who is in her house though, so an initial greeting may be necessary! Quiet street located centrally in Erie, Pa. We are so close to Presque Isle State Park which has beaches, bike trails, hiking trails, kayak rentals, pavilions, the light house and great sunsets. Downtown is just 5 minutes away with loads of wonderful restaurants, bars and fun Erie historical sites. If you just need to grab something you forgot, the shopping mall is only about 10 minutes away. Room with Private Entrance and Bath. Private room in quiet and excellent neighborhood close to tourist attractions like waldameer and presque isle. Desk also in private room for general use. Bedroom and bathroom have locks for privacy. Cat is on premises, very friendly, indoor, no claws and nuetered. Never goes into private room. Please see other notes for more detail. Color changable lights in room, want them a set color? Just use the dimmer in the room! Oil diffuser with oils provided. Front load Washer and dryer available for free within reason, one load per day with plant based detergent. Kitchen is available, shelf space in refrigerator, pots and pans and dishware available. Please clean up after yourselves when cooking please! Smoking permitted directly outside under awning area from elements. Only item I do not have at the moment is a coffee maker, but I do have a tea pot and plenty of tea! Dunkin donuts and Tim Hortons are about a mile down the road. On street parking for 1 car. Private driveway available depending on timing. Off of 6th street near Pittsburgh ave, easy to access the highways and thru streets. Close to everything, quiet room available. Restaurants within a mile. Washer and Drayer in the basement. Office room of the bedroom. Quiet and nice neighborhood. We enjoyed our stay very much Rachael T First floor apartment situated on the bluff of Presque Isle Bay. Short walk to downtown and waterfront along the Bayfront Promenade. Off-street parking space included. Everything you could need in the apartment Dawn T Short walk on bayfront promenade to downtown. Great location near Frontier Park gives you quick and convenient access to the best Erie has to offer: Clean and spacious square foot apartment provides plenty of room for your traveling party: King bed, queen bed, and futon can hold 6 people. Two standard bedrooms plus a sunroom that can be used as a 3rd bedroom. Dining room with large table that sits 6 people and fully stocked kitchen. Has desk with office chair. The sunroom also has a desk with an office chair, a perfect workspace if you are bringing a laptop. Large dining room has seating for 6 people. Updated kitchen has dish washer, garbage disposal, oven, stove, stocked up fridge, microwave, toaster, and coffee maker. Freshly renovated bathroom has new tilework. Two bedrooms with new carpet host a king bed in one and queen bed in the other. Frontier Park has is a beautiful arboretum with many walking trails, play ground, tennis court, and more. Robert was very friendly and helpful. Spacious Frontier Park Apartment. Perfect location if you would like to visit downtown Erie, Presque Isle or are here for vacation or work. This is my primary residence so it will only be available for renting when I am traveling on business. We will definitely try to stay here again next time we are in Erie Amy T I am located a half a block from Walmart and very close to 2 other grocery stores. There are plenty of various types of restaurants within a mile or so. I am a few blocks from the Bayfront Connector which takes you right downtown and along the waterfront. There is a fire bowl in the backyard and plenty of flowers to enjoy! Entire house located close to downtown as well as Presque Isle State Park and many other attractions. Will attempt to be as flexible as possible with check in and check out times. Cute house and great location Kristen T Ryan is a wonderful host. Would go back again! Well appointed private bed and bathroom in the center of it all. No more than 15 minutes from everything Erie has to offer. I am in a very convenient location. We would like to welcome our newest Rotarian, Scott LaFleur. He comes to us from Halifax, Nova Scotia. He recently purchased the Budget Traveler in Presque Isle and is completing a large renovation and rebranding project as the hotel is converted into a Best Western. Annual Paul Harris Recognition Event. Rotary to honor Paul Harris Fellows. They are doing great work locally and worldwide, not for the glory and recognition, but because it is important to them. They give of their time, talent and treasure to truly make a difference. While McPherson, who is himself a Paul Harris Fellow, understands that sentiment, he is pleased to give these 10 individuals the recognition they deserve. Those being honored are: Also being honored will be Joy Barresi Saucier, who was named a Paul Harris Fellow at a previous Rotary District Council meeting but will be recognized in her own community at this event. A special surprise presentation is also planned for an unnamed individual. The honor was established in to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. The honor is named for Paul Harris, the Chicago attorney who founded Rotary in so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships and give back to their communities. The event begins at 5: To register, email ralph. In addition, we are excited to announce we will continue our collaboration with the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club to jointly support a larger Community Project. The deadline for submitting an application is Friday, April 20, Bidding for these items will conclude during the Live TV Auction. Funds will go to assisting the new facility in provide local services to children and families who are victims of sexual assault. For more information you can find us on Facebook or contact a PI Rotarian. Registration will be under way from 8: T-shirts will be ordered for all who pre-register and pay by May 1. To register, check out the registration form here. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Francis Malcolm Science Center. The 69th Annual Auction is a Wrap! Big changes were made this year including minute auction blocks, item display set, online streaming and a new set in the Red Room at the Northeastland Hotel. In addition to all that action, this years Special Project was the Aroostook Youth Football Program where funds were raised for the construction of a new football field. This years Rotary Auction is set to begin in just two weeks! Check out the Auction link to find out more information about the Auction or follow us on facebook. You can view the booklet, proceed partner vignettes, art items and much more! We have some very exciting changes planned for this years auction. Continue reading to learn more about this years auctions and a little more about those fun new changes! Presque Isle to Host District Conference. Click the link below to visit the District Conference website for more information and registrations forms. Club Inducts Officers. We are so very proud to announce that the Rotary District District Governor is our very own Ginny Joles! isle 2019 presque biathlon - are available? Schempp verzichtet auf Sprintrennen in Presque Isle. Februar für Deutschland an den Start gehen. They give of their time, talent and treasure to truly make a difference. Rotarian's visited local area schools to paint pinkies purple in support of Polio Eradication. Big changes were made this year including minute auction blocks, item display set, online streaming and a new set in the Red Room at the Northeastland Hotel. Sie nutzen einen unsicheren und veralteten Browser! Januar in Oberhof gekauft worden sind, sind für den Ersatz-Weltcup in Ruhpolding gültig! In addition to all that action, this years Special Project was the Aroostook Youth Football Program where funds were raised for the construction of a new football field. März in Oslo NOR. Die Termine im Überblick Biathlon in Pokljuka: The honor was established in to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. This website and its contents are for informational purposes only. Jänner mit dem Frauen-Sprint beginnen. The Medicare plan information on this website comes from a combination of public super league griechenland private sources, including cms. Deutschland und Norwegen konnten deshalb mit Karolin Horchler bzw. Humana Value Plus H Top 10 casino cities in the us Data The Medicare plan information on this website comes from a combination of public and private sources, including cms. Gorgeous house with the comforts of home. Swimming right off the shore. Everything we needed for the kitchen and bathroom was provided. Host was great at communicating expectations and responded very quickly to any questions our group had. Mississauga km bonus ohne einzahlung sportwetten. Will stay again in the future. New Kingston km away. Close to train tracks that are used throughout the night. Rotarians, Kiwanians welcome Senator Collins. Esport olympisch this stop to anyone travelling through or stopping 7 sultans casino blog Erie, PA. The house was very open and spacious. Would recommend to anyone in need of accommodations in the area!! Anzeige Klingt top computerspiele eine Legende: Die Profile aller Athleten sind auf der Homepage der Olympiamannschaft online. The honor is named for Paul Harris, the Chicago attorney who founded Rotary in so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships and give back to their communities. Alle anderen Athleten sind gesund und die deutschen Herren und Damen werden wie folgt majestic star casino new years eve den Wettkampfwinter starten:. Der Nationalverband kann diese Plätze wahlweise auf die Startquote der Männer oder der Frauen verteilen. Tickets, die für den Biathlon-Weltcup vom 7. Continue reading to learn more about this years regeln american football nfl and a little more about those fun new changes! We have some very exciting changes planned for this years auction. Die Deutsche Jugend-Olympiamannschaft für die 2. This Medicare Advantage plan information is maintained by David Bynon and was last updated on October 15, We are a non-government resource, providing information about senior health insurance, Medicare, life insurance and other senior products for consumer research and education. Rangnick schimpft nach Leipzig-Pleite. T-shirts will be ordered for all who pre-register and pay by May 1. The honor was established in to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. Die Termine im Überblick Biathlon in Pokljuka: März 37 Wettkämpfe geplant. Das Gewinnen von Neukunden elefant spiele Willkommensboni ist gleichen Verlust an Novoline Slots erlitten haben von den bereits weltweit etablierten Online Casino. Das Paroli System versucht die SchwГche in haben casino club funchal Auswahl von mehr als 600 te spelen. Wie kГnnen Sie doch deutschland eishockey olympia bestes Online of Ra und Co.
PruHealth, the health insurer and Vitality wellness programme provider, has partnered with Mercer, the global consulting leader in talent, health, retirement and investments, to launch Britain’s Healthiest Company. This is the first index of its kind aiming to find and celebrate the country’s most outstanding organisations demonstrating best practice and innovative approaches to looking after the health and wellbeing of their staff. Britain’s Healthiest Company will survey employers and employees at organisations with over 100 employees to gain a deeper insight into some of the biggest health risks and trends at the heart of the corporate nation’s health. It will also highlight those that are delivering real and measurable benefits, not only in the health and wellbeing of their people, but also in the health of their balance sheets. Neville Koopowitz, CEO at PruHealth said: “With an ageing population, rising retirement age and the increase in chronic diseases linked to lifestyle it is becoming more critical than ever to ensure a healthy long-term workforce. Organisations are starting to recognise the link between a healthy workforce and a healthy bottom line, as those that encourage health and wellness within the workplace see lower sickness absence, lower presenteeism and greater productivity. As well as trophies for the winners, each participating organisation will receive a Corporate Health Report detailing the main health risks facing their organisation, tailor made recommendations on how to improve* and how they are benchmarked against other companies. Employees will also receive a Personal Health Report providing a unique insight into their health and recommendations on lifestyle changes they can make. The overall winner will be named Britain’s Healthiest Company and there will be further commendations for other top performing companies, with the top organisations in each category appearing on the Britain’s Healthiest Company Index. PruHealth, the UK’s fourth-largest health insurer and provider of the Vitality wellness programme, the world’s longest-standing incentive-based health improvement solution, has teamed up with Daley Thompson to launch a free ‘Walk the Tube with Daley Thompson’ app. While the tube map app will enable commuters and tourists in London to avoid the crush of the London Underground during the particularly busy summer period, it more importantly provides an accessible and cost-effective mechanism for Londoners to make a longer-term commitment to their health by establishing a precedent of walking. This is particularly important when considered in light of the generally low physical activity levels in the capital, and the strong link that exists between walking and improvements in health. – Real-time alerts that provide updates on the tube service, and allow an assessment to be made on whether it will be quicker to walk or wait for the train. The app is available for both iPhone and Android phones and is free to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Bupa International has launched a new flexible short-term international private medical insurance (IPMI) policy, called Bupa Flex. The product will allow customers to purchase IPMI, but on a 3-11 month basis and anywhere in between, down to the day they require. Previously, people moving abroad for less than a year did not have the option to buy a short term IPMI product. Bupa Flex will allow these customers to choose the length of their policy, offering them value for money, as well as access to all the benefits of being one of Bupa’s international health insurance customers. Muriel MacCallum, marketing director, Bupa International, said: “We’ve listened to our customers and designed Bupa Flex specifically for their short term needs. If you are relocating abroad, or travelling on an overseas assignment through work, you don’t necessarily want to take out a full year’s policy, but you still want the comprehensive cover IPMI provides. Bupa International offers customers access to more than 200,000 medical providers worldwide and can settle bills directly with over 7,500 hospitals and clinics. Customers can contact Bupa International’s doctors and advisers for medical advice and guidance, 24 hours a day, and have access to a second medical opinion at no extra cost. More information about Bupa’s short term international health insurance and quotes are available at www.bupa-intl.com/bupa-flex. Bupa has launched a series of booklets to support children when someone close to them has cancer. The booklets are free and available to all and have been developed through consultation with children and the advice of specialists, including Bupa’s cancer experts. Child psychologist Professor Tanya Byron has today said that more emotional support is needed for families dealing with cancer, highlighting the difficulty of helping children to understand the illness. She said: “When we as adults receive information that is devastating to deal with, it’s almost harder to tell our children than it is to hear it ourselves. But research has shown that by not talking at all, in order to avoid the painful truth, many parents may be causing excessive levels of anxiety for their children when there are simple steps to manage this. The series of four booklets, called ‘I Know Someone with Cancer’, are aimed at 7-11 year olds. They explain cancer and treatments in a simple and sensitive way, using language and visuals that children can relate to. They also offer children ideas for dealing with their feelings and helping their family in small ways, as well as activities to occupy them at home or at hospital. They can be read independently by the child or used as a guide for discussion. The initiative is also supported by actor Stephen Mangan, who has been personally affected by cancer and has young children of his own. Bupa’s dedicated Oncology Support Team takes over 10,000 calls per month from people with cancer and their relatives, who often seek advice on the many emotional, physical and practical difficulties associated with cancer. Bupa has been providing expert cancer care for over 60 years, funding treatment for over 23,000 people per year and follow-ups and support for an additional 20,000 cancer survivors who have been treated for cancer in the past. The ‘I Know Someone with Cancer’ series can downloaded from www.bupa.co.uk/iknowsomeonewithcancer. Bupa has revealed that more than half of Brits believe that the quality of a person’s teeth has a major impact on a person’s career or romantic life, yet only half of UK residents visit the dentist regularly. Bupa’s research found that three in five people (63 per cent) believe having bad teeth can prevent someone from finding a partner while over half (52%) believe having nice teeth can help someone get a better job. Almost half (46%) of respondents believe having nice teeth can help a person to make more friends. However, only half of the people polled (53 per cent) attend a regular dental examination and one in seven (14 per cent) has not used any dental services in the last four years, with four per cent having never visited the dentist at all. Despite the trend for American-style perfectly straight, sparkling white teeth, a British smile was voted the most popular in the poll, with Kate Middleton’s natural smile trouncing the competition and being voted the nation’s favourite. More than one in three people said that the expense is the main reason for not visiting the dentist regularly. Although three in ten people have landed themselves in debt or had to make sacrifices in order to cover unexpected dental bills, only one in ten people have dental insurance or a dental cash plan. PruHealth has announced that, according to its recent study, every one in five Brits (22%) is eating less healthily due to the rising cost of living. With the UK dipping back into recession and food inflation on the rise, new data from PruHealth, the health insurance provider that rewards healthy behaviour, finds the continuing rise in cost of living means that 10.6 million Brits are not eating as healthily as they would like to and over half (52%) believe their health has suffered as a result of the recession. The study, which ran at the start of the financial downturn in 2008 and again this year, highlights the nation’s health is sinking further into the doldrums in terms of its eating habits. Over the last four years 75% of Brits have changed their eating and shopping habits and 85% of these stated the recession and or rising food prices as the cause for the change. More than two thirds (68%) of Brits say healthier foods tend to be more expensive. One in six (16%) respondents said they’re buying as much as they can that is ‘reduced to clear’ and one in ten (11%) only buy foods that are on special offer. Worryingly, around one in four (24%) Brits say they regularly take vitamin supplements because they are unable to eat as healthily as they like or to supplement their diet. Naturally most parents want to put their children’s health first and ensure they have a nutritionally balanced diet, but almost one in five (18%) are doing this at the expense of their own health. One in ten (9%) are even skipping meals so their children eat well. A significant proportion of the UK’s small business bosses are risking burnout and ill health as they battle absence to keep businesses afloat, according to Bupa research. Four in ten (40 per cent) heads of small companies told researchers they continue to work from their sick beds when ill, rather than take time off to recover because there’s nobody else to pick up their work. They are also battling mental as well as physical strain. With financial pressure and a lack of resources hampering succession planning, a third of SME bosses (31 per cent) said that their business would collapse if they were to take time off. However, while small business owners put their own physical and mental health and wellbeing at risk, it seems their employees may be compounding the problem. Nearly two thirds (62 per cent) of small business bosses say that employee absence is negatively affecting their business, and according to 46 per cent, high levels of employee absence are estimated to contribute up to a 10 per cent drop in turnover in small businesses. Four in ten (38 per cent) bosses admit they spend more on office stationery than initiatives that support employee health and wellbeing, such as flu jabs, cycle to work schemes and subsidised gym membership. The Bupa research showed that the sectors worst affected by workplace absence are property and technology companies, with 77 per cent of small business bosses surveyed in each of these sectors agreeing that sick leave has a financial impact on business. Other sectors which said that unplanned leave caused their business to suffer significantly were hospitality (58 per cent) and retail (50 per cent). These figures come in the wake of Bupa’s 2011 study that found over half (51 per cent) of all HR managers claim that staff sickness absence puts additional work related stress on those employees left to ‘hold the fort’. One in three (31 per cent) staff stated they had to take on extra overtime to pick up additional workload as a result of colleagues being off sick. The research was in response to the Government’s Sickness Absence Review in November which found that the way sickness absence is managed by businesses can radically alter the length of time someone is off work. For those turning 65 the path to Medicare enrollment is filled with bumps and traps that can end up meaning higher health care costs for retirees. iQuote.com’s new booklet: Getting Ready for Medicare: How to Avoid 7 Medicare Traps can help people avoid mistakes and missed deadlines when enrolling for Medicare and selecting a Medicare health plan. Medicare terms can be confusing. iQuote.com finds people are often confused about how to sign up, when to sign up and then how to compare different Medicare plan choices. The new booklet is designed especially for those who are getting ready to sign up for Medicare or choosing a Medicare health plan. It identifies some of the terms, deadlines and choices that, if missed, can end up increasing the cost of health care coverage in retirement. Some of the traps include missing Medicare enrollment dates, misunderstanding deadlines, staying on COBRA too long and failing to understand the costs of Medicare and how to compare plans to find the right Medicare plan. The booklet can be downloaded at www.medicare.iquote.com/medicare-resources-links.aspx. Bupa, the leading healthcare group, has teamed up with the Ramblers to help people live healthier lives through walking. The Ramblers is Britain’s Walking charity, working to help everyone realise the pleasures and benefits of walking, and to enhance and protect the places where people walk, whether rural or urban. Walking can help people to reach the recommended healthy level of physical activity of 150 minutes of moderate exercise over a week in bouts of 10 minutes or more. The many benefits of regular walking include stress reduction, protecting against a number of illnesses and boosting fitness. Bupa members will be offered a 50% discount on Ramblers membership for the month of February. Ramblers members are also entitled to a special discount on Bupa health coverand Bupa health assessments. For more information visit www.bupa.co.uk/ramblers. Bupa is introducing a consumer dental insurance product for the first time, in response to high demand from customers. Dental Cover 10 and 20 from Bupa allow customers to choose whichever dentist they want to visit. Dental Cover 10 offers customers a full refund for NHS treatment* and market-leading oral cancer cover up to £15,000 per person per year**. Dental Cover 20 allows customers with a privately registered dentist to claim up to £150 a year of dental insurance for routine treatment such as check-ups, dental x-rays and scale and polish. For more expensive, non-cosmetic treatment such as fillings, root canals, extractions, crowns, bridgework and dentures, customers can claim up 75% of each bill, with up to £700 paid back per year. Cover also includes emergency dental treatment and treatment for dental injury***. With no underwriting or pre-enrolment checks required****, set-up is quick and easy for the customer. Previously Bupa dental cover was only available to individual customers as an option with the healthcare group’s adaptable health insurance product, Bupa By You. To obtain a quote, consumers can call 0800 600 500 or visit www.bupa.co.uk/dentalinsurance. The Bupa Health Foundation and Alzheimer’s Australia have announced the UK launch of a world-first brain health app, the latest digital tool to help in the fight against dementia. Based on latest research that links brain health and a reduced risk of dementia, to a healthy heart and cardiovascular system, ‘BrainyApp’ is the first dementia risk reduction iPhone app designed to help people monitor and improve their brain-heart health. The new app, which was designed by Alzheimer’s Australia and Bupa Health Foundation, has already knocked Facebook off the number one spot in the Australia and New Zealand Top Free Apps list and has clocked up more than 130,000 downloads down under. Now available to people in the UK, ‘BrainyApp’ helps users monitor and improve the physical, mental, dietary and social aspects of their lifestyle. There are currently 750,000 people living with dementia in the UK and this is predicted to rise to over a million by 2021. Delaying the onset of dementia by just five years would reduce deaths directly attributable to dementia by 30,000 a year. ‘BrainyApp’ allows users to take a brain-heart health survey about their diet, exercise patterns and lifestyle. It then provides suggestions and ideas about how to make improvements to each. It also includes all-new brain games, and encourages users to build brain-heart points by staying physically and mentally active, socialising with friends and family, and sharing their progress on Facebook. One of the brain games – ‘Word Tennis’ – requires players to unscramble anagrams in order to move a paddle and hit a ball back to their opponent. ‘BrainyApp’ is available as a free download for users of iPhone, iPod and iPad devices from the App Store. There are plans to develop an Android version in early 2012. More information about BrainyApp is available at www.bupa.co.uk/brainy-app. Bupa International has published two new health guides for expatriates in Hong Kong and Singapore. The guides include information on vaccinations, medical insurance and emergency healthcare. Expatriate health information is increasingly sought after as a growing number of people relocate to foreign countries for work. Information on healthcare in the East Asian region is particularly needed, as the area’s many booming industries have drawn a large number of foreign workers in recent years. Expatriates already living in Hong Kong or Singapore and those who are planning to move to either country can access the health guides via the Bupa International website. The Hong Kong health guide discusses vaccinations and the various infectious diseases that expatriates in Hong Kong may be susceptible to. For those wondering whether to take anti-malarial medicines prior to their move, the health guide explains that this is unnecessary, as the mosquito-transmitted disease is not found in Hong Kong. However, though malaria is not found in Singapore, the Singapore health guide suggests that expatriates take measures to prevent mosquito bites, as dengue fever and chikungunya have both been reported on the island. The two health guides also provide information on international health insurance options that expatriates in Singapore and Hong Kong can benefit from and give an overview of the healthcare systems in both city-states, such as the availability of specialist care, the number of hospitals and the nature of primary care. “Moving and living abroad can be daunting, particularly when it comes to the subject of health,” said Dr Sneh Khemka, medical director for Bupa International. “These health guides will help people to prepare for their move to Singapore or Hong Kong and offer them detailed information about hospital and treatment options there. Bupa International’s website also includes expatriate guides to other countries. The guides offer advice on culture and cost of living in various countries as well as other information such as how people can ship their belongings when relocating to a foreign country. Bupa is warning Brits to face up to the realities of excessive drinking as research reveals that despite having one of the highest rates of alcohol consumption in the world, they are the least likely to want to cut down their intake. The International Bupa Health Pulse survey which studied over 13,000 people in 12 countries, found that Brits are over a third (41%) more likely to drink alcohol than the international average. They are also twice as likely to describe themselves as ‘regular drinkers’, with almost 1 in 10 (9%) admitting to drinking ‘every day’ – over double the international average. But despite the proven link between excess* alcohol consumption and a range of life-threatening health conditions, more than 1 in 3 of Brits who drink (38%) say they don’t want to change their behaviour. Internationally, almost 3 in 4 of drinkers have admitted they would like to cut down. Assistant Medical Director for Bupa, Dr Layla McCay said: “This is a worrying observation which implies that Brits are particularly resistant to change when it comes to drinking habits. Whether that is due to a lack of awareness about alcohol effects or whether we are simply in denial, there is clearly more work to be done to raise awareness of the associated risks and the real impact it can have on lives. Chief Executive of Drinkaware, Chris Sorek, said: “There is always an excuse to drink but there are plenty of reasons to cut down too. It can be easy to drink more than you intended, by not being aware of the units in your favourite drink or pouring large measures at home. However drinking can affect your sleep patterns, meaning you wake up feeling stressed and tired the next day. For people worried about the amount they drink Bupa hosts a free alcohol calculator available on its website which calculates how much alcohol an individual consumes and provides alcohol information and support on how to drink less. Bupa International has announced the launch of a new video detailing its international private medical insurance (IPMI) product. Bupa International, a global health insurance provider which gives its members access to more than 7,500 medical facilities around the world, has released the video to show how customers can use its flexible Worldwide Health Options insurance to create a healthcare plan that suits their unique situation and needs. Rather than produce a text-heavy brochure, the company decided to launch a video giving an overview of what the product offers. The video gives examples of people who have moved abroad following retirement, individuals who travel around the world for work and families who have relocated to another country. By using characters based on real-life stories, the video conveys the flexibility that the product offers and shows customers how they can tailor their international health insurance to fit their own unique situation. Customers who purchase Bupa’s IPMI can choose as many Worldwide Health Options to add to their cover as they wish, or they can simply stick with the core cover. Options include cover for doctor consultations, medicines, screenings, evacuation and treatment in the United States. Additionally, customers can also apply for cover for pre-existing conditions. Bupa Worldwide Health Options allows customers to combine modules to create the best solution for each individual or family. Bupa has unveiled its latest TV advertising campaign to promote its new health insurance product, ‘Bupa By You’. The multi-million pound, integrated, through-the-line campaign launched on 5 September and promotes the adaptable and affordable nature of ‘Bupa By You’. The direct response TV advert, direct marketing and digital advertising have all been created by OgilvyOne. ‘Bupa By You‘ is a natural evolution of the brand’s ‘Helping You Find Healthy’ campaign launched earlier this year which demonstrated that healthy means different things to different people. The product meets this ambition by providing customers with the ability to personalise their insurance cover to best reflect their individual health needs, priorities and budget. The campaign focuses on real people in real situations revealing them to be doing something that isn’t initially expected. This helps to demonstrate that ‘Bupa By You’ is adaptable and Bupa doesn’t make assumptions about its customers health insurance needs. Media buying was undertaken by Carat. PruHealth customers can now collect up to 200 Nectar points and 10 Vitality points each week when buying £20 worth of healthy foods* during the weekly shop at Sainsbury’s, under PruHealth’s new and exclusive partnership with Nectar, the largest loyalty programme in the UK. Enhancing PruHealth’s existing partnership with Sainsbury’s**, the innovative insurer that rewards healthy behaviour has become Nectar’s exclusive healthcare partner within the programme. Policyholders with Nectar membership can now receive 10 Nectar points per £1 spent in Sainsbury’s on over 1,500 healthy foods***. Customers will also be rewarded 1 Vitality point for every £2 spent on healthy foods, which contributes towards discounts with PruHealth’s reward partners and cashback on the individual’s policy. Furthermore, Nectar customers wishing to join PruHealth will receive 5,000 Nectar points for taking out a new private medical insurance policy, meaning they could potentially collect up to 15,400 Nectar points in the first year, as well as 520 Vitality points. Recent findings from PruHealth indicate a third of British adults (33%)**** want to improve their diets and eat more healthily in 2011, and PruHealth and Nectar are committed to helping their members live a healthy lifestyle. The innovative insurer hopes the rewards offer an attractive incentive for members to eat healthily, while also providing an attractive proposition for new customers as well. One in ten (12%) British adults said receiving discounts for leading a healthy lifestyle would be an incentive to take out private medical insurance. PruHealth, the insurer that rewards people for engaging in healthy behaviour, has adopted what it believes to be a more sustainable and transparent commission model which rewards long-term partnerships with brokers and aims to deliver lasting client value. From April 2011, all Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) new business has been written on a 10:10 commission* basis, with 10% initial commission and 10% at each renewal. The new model is designed to reward long-term relationships by offering level commissions, enabling PruHealth to protect future premiums and remain competitive over the long-term. Brokers who sign up to the partnership scheme could be eligible for ‘portfolio commission’**. This offers the potential for a quarterly new business commission uplift of up to 20% dependant on their portfolio retention, portfolio loss ratio and new business API. PruHealth believes this approach will help foster stronger relationships with its intermediary partners and will also bring more security to customer relationships, allowing them to reap the benefits of a longer term relationship with their insurer. Specifically in the case of PruHealth a long term customer relationship gives them greater opportunity to get more value from our Vitality programme. Health is not a short term commitment and continued engagement in the tools and partners provided within Vitality can make a real difference to people’s health and as a consequence help control premium costs. Bupa care homes residents across the UK rolled out the red carpet as they added a local twist to the 2011 Cannes Film Festival. Altogether over 250 care homes, including dementia care homes, transformed rooms into in-house movie theatres and showed classic films, with staff dressing up as famous film stars, such as Charlie Chaplin, and ushers to bring the festival to life. Care home residents were also served popcorn and ice cream during the film intervals. The homes were also joined by entertainers to serenade the residents with their favourite show tunes. Each home was provided with a selection of iconic movie star photographs in order to set the scene. Penny Leng, Bupa Care Homes’ national activities manager, said: “Our residential and care home staff really went the extra mile to recreate the cinema experience so residents had the chance to feel part of the action. “It was a fantastic way to appreciate the glitz and glamour of the Cannes Film Festival, as well as offering a great opportunity for our residents to reminisce and talk about their favourite legends of the silver screen. This year marked the 64th Cannes Film Festival, which took place from 11-22 May. Known as the world’s oldest and most esteemed showcase for European films, movie stars and producers flock to the festival each year to launch their new films.
"The wise man does not ponder his chances. He fixes his goal and then reaches it." He is the founder of the "Abraham and Associates" Law Firm and one of the most renowned personalities of the Romanian legal field. His over 45 years of experience in the field has been rewarded with numerous first class military medals, national civilian orders - including the Knight order - as well as international titles such as Man of the Year by the American Biographical Institute. The secret of his proven professional excellency is the continuous training that has come into fruition in numerous contributions to various conferences and seminars, both nationally and internationally. This continuous training activity, as well as postgraduate studies in the field of criminology, including the scholarship offered by N.A.T.O. and PHD studies in criminal responsibility, have contributed to the completion of his pedagogical spirit and continous activity at the University of Bucharest. The successful application of managerial skills in the positions of Prorector and Dean of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Director of the Control Corps within the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police, Director of the Criminal Investigation Directorate within the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police, Inspector General of the Romanian Police, Secretary of State within the Interior Ministry and first President with the rank of Secretary of State within the National Anti-drug Agency, highlighted the true meaning of the phrase "teamwork". As a PhD Professor and PHD coordinator at the University of Bucharest, he shares his knowledge with the young students in order to deepen the practical application of their acquired theoretical knowledge. At the same time, he coordinates the entire activity of our consulting department, as well as the litigations in criminal law, financial-fiscal, labor relations and social insurance, areas that are predominantly in his area of expertise. Among the most important recognitions and merits are: the Military Order Military Merit Class I, II and III, the National Order of Faithful Service in the rank of Knight, American Ambassadors' Order, awarded by the American Biographical Institute, the titles of Honorary Citizen of Jibou, Honorary Citizen of the Orthodox Community of Sapanta, Honorary Citizen of Creaca and the title of Man of the Year awarded by the American Biographical Institute. He is also an honorary member of Rotary International Romania, the Society of Military Writers and Honorary President of the Association of Detectives in Romania and Honorary President of the Association of Christian Policemen in Romania. He received important mentions in the volume of Romanian Personalities and their works from 1950 to 2000 and in the Encyclopedia of Romanian Personality. Daniel is a graduate of the Law Faculty from the Romanian American University and a Master in Business Law and presently associate at Abraham & Associates. In 2011 he became a member of the Bucharest Bar Association - the National Union of Romanian Bar Associations - and in 2013 he graduated the INPPA courses as a final lawyer. Daniel is a collaborating lawyer in the "Abraham & Associates" Law Society since 2014 and associate lawyer of the same law firm since July 2015. He has excellent communication skills acquired by interacting with different clients in his activity as a litigations lawyer. He also showed that he can be characterized as ambitious, persevering and perceptive, but also a balanced person who is able to work orderly under pressure and eager to succeed in everything he sets his mind to. Being a person that has expressed a particular and permanent concern for the acquisition and deepening of the theoretical notions, in a period of about 7 years he has acquired the practical skills necessary for the profession, at a very high level, both in the field of criminal law and in the field of civil law. offenses covered by the Law no. 143/2000 on the prevention and combating of illicit drug trafficking and consumption. His judicial activity is not limited to only matters of criminal business law, he also specializes in common law cases, especially the ones dealing with crimes against the person. civil law, as well as those relating to: Laws on the restitution of property (Law No. 10/2001, Law No. 18/1991, etc.), Law no. 290/2003; Law no. 293/2008 on access to its own file and the deconspiration of the Securitate; Law of political parties no. 14/2003 and Law no. 369/2004 on the application of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. His client portfolio includes important national and multinational companies operating in areas such as: financial and non-banking sector, fish industry, the real estate sector, food industry, energy sector, etc. Anca has graduated of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest, in 2012. Within the same faculty, during the academic years of 2008-2009, she attended the courses of the Legal College of European Studies - "College Juridique Franco-Roumain d 'etudes europeennes". She also graduated from with a Master's Degree in "Judicial Career" at the University of Bucharest, within the 2012-2013 promotion and the courses "Master of Science" at the University of Bucharest, in the 2014-2015 promotion. During her college years she collaborated with various law firms, including Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen.. She obtained her lawyer degree at the Bucharest Bar Association in 2014. During the first year of her internship she practiced as a lawyer in the "Birdan-Raine" Individual Cabinet, where she found capable, empathetic and ambitious people who had a very positive impact in shaping her professional development. Starting with October 2015, she was accepted into the S.C.A. "Abraham & Associates" and was thus given the opportunity to work with professionals on large-scale cases, which contributed to the refining of her professional qualities. Within this society, she worked mainly in the criminal field, focusing on corruption, tax evasion, misappropriation of funds, the illegal obtaining of funds, European funds and ECHR cases, but did not neglect the other branches of law such as Civil Law, Administrative Law and Labor Law. In December 2016 she became a definitive lawyer, ranking in the Bucharest top 20. Professor Arion has attended law courses at the University of Bucharest where he obtained his doctorate in criminal law. He presently is a collaborator at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy in Bucharest, at the Criminology Department. He is a member of the Romanian Association of Criminal Law, member of the International Criminal Law Association and founder of the Romanian Association of Criminology, of which he is also vice-president. Arion Țigănașu Jănică is a valuable lawyer at the Bucharest Bar since 2016 and during his vast career has been General Director of the General Anticorruption Directorate, General Director for Operational Management and General Director of the General Anticorruption Directorate. He has also served as Deputy General Inspector of the Romanian Police, Director of the Internal Control Division and Director of the Penal Investigation Division. In the field of scientific papers, he published a large number of researches and lectures, such as: Protection of witnesses, at the Morosan Publishing House, Ensuring the right of defense in criminal proceedings at the Aramis Publishing House and International mechanisms for guaranteeing human rights, a material presented at the seminar "Criminal Investigation in the Perspective of Alignment with EU Legislation - Priorities and Imperatives". Dean of the Dâmboviţa Bar and Honorary Member of the National Union of Romanian Bar Associations, Mr. Augustin Raducanu represents the clients of Abraham and Associates in civil and commercial matters. Mister Augustin Raducanu has successfully represented our law firm since 2011, with his expertise in Civil and Commercial Law. He is a lucky person in all respects: he has a beautiful family, two wonderful children, warm and honest friends, dedicated colleagues, capable and good teammates, doing what he likes and rewarding. Optimism and positivism are experiences that accompany him permanently in his personal life and work, making himself a motivated person. An indisputable advantage for personal careers is that they have had and have almost people who have supported it from the beginning to evolve, to want more and not to give up when obstacles appear, such as the team in which they are currently integrated . He is a graduate of the Law Facultyof the Nicolae Titulescu University,graduated from the Master's Degree in Civil Law - Persons in Civil Law - Sibiu Law Faculty, and in Banking Law - Banking Guarantees - National Bank Institute. In 2003 he became a member of the Bucharest Bar Association- the National Union of Romanian Bars and in 2005, he was a permanent lawyer. He is a collaborator attorney of the "Abraham & Associates"Civil Law Society since 2019 and a lawyer attorney for the individual law office since 2015. "In my vocabulary the word "impossible" does not exist." General and PHD professor Constantin MANOLOIU is a collaborative lawyer within the SCC. "Abraham and Associates" and a member of the Bucharest Bar Association and the Romanian National Bar Association in 2016, specialized in consulting, legal assistance and representation, offering legal services to clients in a wide range of general aspects of criminal law. He graduated the M.A.I. - the police weapon - the Criminal Investigation and Law Faculty - Bucharest University, having been a law graduate since 1990. He attended the postgraduate course in "Criminal Sciences" ("Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy), the police training course in Department of Justice Administration, Southern Police Institute University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, postgraduate training course in the field of national defense at the National Defense College - "Carol I" Defense University, special training course for several civil servants at the National Institute of Administration, as well as doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest, being awarded in 2002 the title of doctor in law. Public Functions, Director of the Directorate for Criminal Investigations within the PGI, Director of Foreign Affairs, Counselor of the State Secretary for Relations with Parliament, Director of the Evaluation and Coordination Directorate of the National Anti-drug Agency, Director of the Personnel Registration Division, and Database Administration and General Manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Control Department have highlighted the professionalism, competence and managerial skills, interpersonal communication, analysis, diagnosis and decision-making throughout his professional career. At the same time, the experience of over 35 years in the field has been appreciated by numerous military medals and national orders, including the Honorary Sign in Homeland Service for 25 years of activity and the Order of the Man and Faith in the rank of Grand Officer. In 2006, Emilia graduated from the Faculty of Letters at the University of Bucharest, specializing in Romanian language and literature and French language and literature. For almost 7 years, she has served as the Head of International Relations at a multinational company with headquarters in France and branches in England, Portugal, Italy, Morocco. In the year 2014, she graduated from the Faculty of Law and during her studies she showed great interest in civil and fiscal law, but also in criminal law and, in particular, in criminal business law. Also, during her college years, she participated in conferences and had an internship with the National Council for Combating Discrimination. Emilia is a lawyer at the Bucharest Bar and in 2015 joined the "SCA Abraham & Associates" team. At the moment, she carries out counseling and legal assistance activities before the courts, in criminal investigation, etc., with positive feedback from the clients of the company. She speaks French fluently and has medium English knowledge. Georgian Toader graduated from the Law faculty of Nicolae Titulescu University in 2017 and is currently studying Criminal Sciences at the same University. Promoting the admission exam at the National Institute for Advocacy Training and Advocacy, he is a member of the Bucharest Bar Association since 2017. He chose to start his lawyer's journey with the Abraham & Associates team because he believes that a prestigious company with experienced lawyers is the ideal environment in which he can put his abilities to great use. Having a certificate in computer programming, obtained during his high school courses, he developed the necessary patience and a specific analytical thinking that translates well into the legal field and offers the benefit of fully understanding his customers problems by providing alternative solutions to solve the issue at hand. Combining enthusiasm and a non-conformist way of thinking, he pays special attention to each individual case and needs of each client, with a modern, detail-oriented approach that is capable of delivering fast and complete solutions. In addition, his good professional training and his detailed knowledge of the law offers him a wide range of expertise, both in the fields of Public Law such as Penal Law or Administrative Law, but also in the private law branches, such as Civil Law, Labor Law, Financial Law, etc. She graduated the "Nicolae Titulescu" Law Faculty, from the University of Craiova and has a Master's program specializing in "Criminal Sciences" at the Faculty of Law - University of Bucharest. In 2013, Iulia acquired the title of lawyer in the Bucharest Bar, and her legal knowledge helped in making herself noticed from the very beginning by the one who would soon become the leader of our law firm, lawyer PHD Pavel Abraham. The ambition, perseverance and professionalism she has shown in with her human relations skills has earned her the appreciation of the clients of Abraham & Associates, with whom she has the honor of collaborating. At present, the activity that Iulia carries out in our society focuses mainly on the elaboration of legal opinions and actions to take in criminal law matters, the participation in criminal prosecution - especially regarding the offenses of tax evasion - crimes against patrimony and offenses relating to the narcotics trafficking regime, as well as the representation of our clients in court and in civil cases dealing with property rights or social rights. Furthermore, her expertise includes the drafting of complaints addressed to the European Court of Human Rights and also assuring the correspondence with the Court Registry in the admissibility procedure for such complaints. "Man is an entity that integrates organically and harmoniously. physical and psychic composition. He is what he is, but as a totality of this miraculous alchemy but, as well as the social being, he is the main purpose and ultimate right - in certain respects, even before birth and sometimes even death, he survives prometically through creation and opera. Life is the inexhaustible source of the law, which it serves as the creator. " Lawyer Leontina Persic graduated in 1996 from the Law Faculty of the University of Law and Administrative Sciences - Lucian Blaga from Sibiu. In 1999 he became a member of the Romanian Bar Advocates Association, the Bucharest Bar as a trainee lawyer, during 2001 became a lawyer definitive. In 2005 she graduated the Master of Public Sector Management courses at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies of Bucharest S.N.S.P.A. He worked in the Local Administration of Bucharest in 1995 until 2017, where he coordinated as Head of Commercial Authorization and Operation Service, Commercial Companies, Authorized Individuals and Family Associations. He has collaborated with the Romanian Chamber of Commerce, the Trade Registry with the Bucharest Court, the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises. It has put in place the legislative norms on simplifying authorization and removing bureaucratic barriers in the administrative system. Due to the reputation it has gained over the years working in multiple departments within the state institutions and a rich experience in the relationship with citizens, since January 2019 has joined SCA "Abraham & Associates", thus facilitating the solution of the needs and requirements of the clients of the society , with remarkable ease. "Freedom is the right to do what the law allows." Lawyer PHD Marius Murea has extensive judicial experience in various branches of law, especially in the field of criminal law. Graduated from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, with postgraduate specializations in Criminal Sciences (at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law) and Psycho-Criminalistics (at the Babeş-Bolyai University from Cluj Napoca, Faculty of Law), Mr. Marius Murea is an associate Lawyer at the "Abraham & Associates" Law Firm Bucharest. He obtained his Ph.D. in Criminal Sciences, awarded by Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest in 2009 and from 2015 he is a fully qualified lawyer. As a criminal investigation specialist and coordinator of the Department for Combating Illicit Arms Licenses and Criminal Investigations, in the line of arms, explosives and dangerous substances, Marius Murea has built his career for three decades in the institutions subordinated to the Interior Ministry, at various professional and management levels (in IPJ Phahova, IPJ Buzău, IGPR). The legal experience of PHD Lawyer Marius Murea brings "Abraham & Asociaţii" the competence specific to a career based on the high standards of professional deontology, now invested in counseling, assistance and judicial representation services. Beyond his area of expertise, designed to be interdisciplinaryly, Advocate PHD Marius Murea exposes our clients to an in-depth knowledge of the institutional mechanisms that operate at different hierarchical levels regarding the investigation of criminal cases and also guarantees the high standards of protection of rights. Lawyer Nicolae Babeanu is a graduate of the Faculty of Law in Bucharest and a Master of Science in Criminal Sciences and Criminalistics. At present he is a PhD student of the Institute of Legal Research "Acad. Andrei Radulescu "from the Romanian Academy in Bucharest, disciplinary Criminal Procedural Law. Since 2010 he has been a member of the Prahova Bar in the field of criminal law. Areas of competence: criminal law, criminal law of business, corruption and service crimes, tax evasion and money laundering. Since 2011 he is a member of the Romanian Association of Penal Sciences, being the censor of ARSP and since 2013 he is a member of the Romanian Criminals Association. He is the author of numerous articles in the field of criminal law published in specialized journals. "I believe in the importance of the accumulated knowledge and experience, of the continuous study, to provide our customers with an efficient solution through creativity, constructive spirit and a good long-term relationship." It is right that what is right to follow! Lawyer Iovu Oana Viviana beganher professional activity in 2001, gaining over time a richexperience in judicial matters in various branches of law, with the main focus being on the field of commercial law, with all its adjacent components, criminal law in particular. The areas that have brought about professional development are also the labor law, family law. "I am right, not you, but for your freedom to not be right, I will fight to death." Graduate of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy in Bucharest, as well as of the "Nicolae Titulescu" Law Faculty, Răzvan graduated in 2017 and master courses from the Academy of Economic Studies - Faculty of Public Administration and Management. Between June 2013 and May 2018, he held the position of judicial police officer within the General Police Inspectorate - the Directorate for Combating Organized Crime, being delegated to the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism Offenses (D.I.O.C.T.O.). During this period, it has carried out specific activities in the field of combating crimes in the economic and financial sphere, the so-called white-collar crimes (money laundering, tax evasion, capital market crimes, deception, etc.). At the same time, he has participated in numerous courses and seminars organized by national and international institutions in the field of money laundering legislation as well as offshore jurisdictions. Starting with 2018, he joined the "Abraham and Associates" team, working mainly on criminal, fiscal and commercial law. As far as the lawyer's profession is concerned, the capital of a lawyer is made up of four types of "goods": his intelligence, general education, legal education, and, last but not least, skills related to his experience, reputation and his relationship with clients . Attorney Toma Adrian Oprescu graduated in 2006 from the Faculty of Law, from "Nicolae Titulescu" University in Bucharest, enjoying good legal training under the tutelage of well-known professors and authors of specialized works that have become law courses at a national level . In 2007 he graduated from the Bucharest Lawyers' Training and Advocacy Institute, specializing in Business Law, obtaining a Master's degree at the same University and joining the Bucharest Bar. In 2008 he became a full-time lawyer by setting up his own law office. After an activity in the civil and commercial law field, during which he collaborated with prestigious law firms, in June 2015, Toma decided to respond to the challenge of PHD Pavel Abraham to be part of the "Abraham and the Associates" team and to extend his work to criminal law. Toma is well-known for his ability to engage in efficiently solving his cases, his patience and professionalism with which he meets the demands of his business, his perseverance in seeking the best legal solutions for his clients, and responding successfully to challenges throughout his activity. At the moment, Toma's activity in our company focuses mainly on elaborating legal opinions and legal actions in civil matters, actions for recovery of claims, actions in damages, reparation of damages, recovery of abusively nationalized buildings, insolvency and representing customers in front of the Trade Register and the Land Book. At the same time, lawyer Toma Oprescu succeeded in successfully representing our clients in front of the criminal investigation bodies, preliminary chamber rooms and rights and liberties room, in addition to obtaining remarkable results in the field of criminal law. "It always seems impossible until we do it." Since 2011 she has been involved in the activities of the Abraham and Associates, the devotion and abnegation of Mrs. Luţescu being important in the evolution and prosperity of our firm. Angela Luţescu, as Office Manager, has an important role to play in organizing the work of our lawyers. The experience she gained while she worked for the Interior Ministry for years is an extra benefit to our firm, as she brings an undisputed contribution daily. Abraham Mare Gheorghe has has a Master's Degree in Community Administration of Justice from the University of Bucharest and graduated from the Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance, where he also has a PHD from, and also has graduated the legal studies of the Romanian-American University and has a Bachelor of Psycho-Social Studies from the National Institute of Information. His experience as executive director in coordinating administrative activities is proving to be invaluable as he takes responsibility in managing the financial matters of our firm. He also represents Abraham and Associates when interacting with various institutions, both public and private. He works for our law firm since February of 2014, until present times.
In cooperation with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), we have established a global network consisting of around 500 specially trained employees who volunteer their time to be a part of our Disaster Response Teams (DRT). There are DRTs for the Americas, the Middle East/Africa and Asia Pacific regions. When called up by the United Nations after a natural disaster, DRTs can be on the ground and operational at a disaster-site airport within 72 hours. In close cooperation with the worldwide humanitarian system, DRT members assume various logistics responsibilities all on a volunteer basis. They unload air freight palettes, warehouse relief supplies, conduct inventory and make sure that the incoming supplies are received by the appropriate relief organizations in an orderly fashion. We must unfortunately deny any request of free shipping to affected regions. The situation at an airport following a major disaster is rather hectic. Therefore, individual and unsolicited packages arriving in the area can create a bottleneck at the airport and slow down the relief process. If you want to support affected areas, we encourage you to donate money to large, internationally-operating aid agencies. Financial support is often the best way to help immediately as it does not slow down the flow of relief aid. On 26 December 2003, an earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale struck the Iranian city of Bam, leaving the majority of buildings badly damaged. In the immediate aftermath of the quake, DPDHL Group was able to quickly mobilize its network and fly relief supplies into Bam Airport. As the airport's infrastructure was not designed to cope with the sudden rise of incoming relief supplies, major logistical challenges soon led to the airport shutting down. It was at Bam Airport that DPDHL Group employees realized they could use our expertise in logistics, our global network and our employees’ commitment to support people in need around the world. For the Disaster Response Teams, we cooperate with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) with whom we have a close and trusting strategic partnership. OCHA is responsible for mobilizing and coordinating humanitarian aid with national and international partners. The organization calls on the DRT when disasters strike. A Memorandum of Understanding, which is signed upon deployment, regulates the cooperation with local government offices. The global DRT network consists of three regional relief hubs that have been chosen strategically to cover 80% of the world’s disaster hot-spots. One team is stationed in Singapore for operations in Asia Pacific. A second team, the DRT Americas in Panama, provides its services to the Latin American and Caribbean regions, while a third team is based in Dubai and covers the Middle East and Africa. We provide our DRT volunteers with intensive training to make sure they are prepared for the extraordinary demands of such deployments. As part of the training, DRT volunteers are familiarized with various aspects of disaster relief and management. Around 100 employees are trained annually for disaster response deployments, and at least one exercise a year is conducted in each of the three DRT deployment regions. Once relief goods have arrived at the airport, the shipments are repacked by DRT volunteers for storage in temporary warehouses and for distribution mostly by truck. To distribute urgently needed items such as health supplies, drinking water and food, however, DRT team members came up with the idea of using DHL shipping bags to distribute aid fast. DRT teams sort urgent supplies into hundreds of polypropylene bags to create DHL Speedballs. When lands are flooded or roads have become impassable, the bundles can be loaded onto helicopters and flown directly into the inundated areas, where they are thrown into the water close to the people in need. We have bilateral Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) in place with several countries in disaster-prone regions. The MoU includes, for example, provisions governing the entry of our DRT volunteers into the respective country. These signed agreements facilitate and significantly accelerate any disaster-related deployments to those countries. In addition, the MoU allows the respective government to make a direct request for DRT deployment. In October 2018, a devastating earthquake and tsunami on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi left thousands of people displaced and many others injured or killed. Urgently needed relief goods such as technical equipment, water, tents, fuel and food were flown in from all over the world to assist local relief operations. To help coordinate incoming goods, two Disaster Response Teams (DRT) with 26 DHL volunteers provided logistics support on the request of the government of Indonesia through BNPB (Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management) and the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre). One team deployed to Balikpapan airport which was set up as the main humanitarian hub, and the team helped with storing and staging operations of international relief goods. The team served as a logistical information hub and worked closely with local authorities and military. A second team was stationed in Palu, one of the most affected areas and supported ground handling operations, storing and staging of relief goods as well as inventorying. The DRTs jointly coordinated the movement of over 3,500 tons of relief goods. A small DRT deployment was initiated in India on August 19th 2018 to support the humanitarian relief efforts following the devastating floods in the south western Indian state of Kerala. The floods left thousands of people trapped and killed over 350. Many areas could not be reached by rescue teams due to the continuous flooding. About 6 DRT volunteers from the area supported the local humanitarian relief efforts in India. Further, 5000 DPDHL Speedballs, brightly-coloured shipping bags filled with both food and non-food items, that are waterproof and sturdy enough to be thrown from helicopters, were distributed to supply trapped people in hard-to-reach areas. The team stayed for three days. A DRT was activated in Guatemala on June 5 to support the humanitarian relief efforts following the eruption of the Fuego volcano, about 24 miles southwest of Guatemala City. The eruption left an estimated 3,000 people displaced, about 200 people missing and a death toll of around 100. Several towns were covered in thick ash. About 30 DRT volunteers supported the humanitarian relief efforts. The volunteers worked in a warehouse about 40 miles away from the volcano, where they put together emergency supplies for the victims, kept an inventory of relief goods and coordinated the logistics of local aid in the warehouse to facilitate the distribution. Following immeasurable damage by Hurricane Maria to Puerto Rico, our Disaster Response Team (DRT) had been deployed to support the island’s recovery. The situation was critical: almost three and a half million affected, the electricity network down and heavy shortages of food and water plus essentials such as fuel. Fiji, an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean some 1,800 miles from Australia's east coast was hit by a massive storm designated Winston. It was the strongest tropical cyclone ever to make landfall. Apart from severe and extensive damage on many of the islands, the devastating cyclone took more than 40 lives and has affected an estimated 350,000 people, around a third of them children. DPDHL Group's highly-trained Disaster Response Team (DRT) volunteers from Australia and New Zealand deployed to Suva Airport to help coordinate relief logistics and to ensure the smooth delivery of cargo and relief aid to NGOs for their further distribution to the communities. A DRT was deployed to Kathmandu Airport in Nepal after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the country on April 25, 2015. The earthquake caused severe damage in the central part of the country where the capital Kathmandu is located. This quake, as well as another 7.2 magnitude aftershock started a wave of incoming relief goods most of them arriving via plane at Kathmandu airport. In total 33 Volunteers moved about 2000 tonnes of relief goods from the airport to the humanitarian staging area of the World Food Programme during the 27 days of deployment. In April 2014 a forest fire in the port city of Valparaiso killed 15 people, forced some 10,000 to evacuate and, for thousands, meant the destruction of their worldly possessions. Our DRT Americas supported with airport logistics and rebuilding efforts in cooperation with the relief organizations TECHO and Hogar de Cristo, and Chile's national disaster management authority. After Typhoon Haiyan left its path of destruction across the Philippines in November 2013, DRT Asia Pacific was deployed immediately to the Mactan Airport on the island of Cebu. Located adjacent to Leyte, the Philippine island hardest hit by Haiyan, the Mactan-Cebu Airport became the main hub for arriving relief supplies. The DRT coordinated logistics for incoming relief supplies and helped ensure a fast and steady supply of goods to the disaster victims in need. The team was deployed continuously over a period of three weeks. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), over ten million people were directly impacted by the disaster, with more than 660,000 forced to flee their homes. A magnitude 7.2 earthquake rocked Guatemala's Pacific coast on November 7, 2012. The epicenter was located at a depth of 32 kilometers, 24 kilometers from the coastal city of Champerico, and some 160 kilometers southwest of Guatemala City. The earthquake caused major damage in several of the country's provinces and claimed many dead and injured, with the San Marcos region hit the hardest. In response, 59 members of the DRT Americas deployed to the disaster area. At Guatemala City's international airport, DRT members worked in CONRED camps (Coordinating Agency for Disaster Reduction) receiving and distributing relief supplies provided by the government and aid organizations, and processing some 70 tonnes of relief supplies over the course of their nine-day deployment. Heavy rains in October led to floods and mudslides throughout all of El Salvador. 34 people died and nearly 50,000 sought shelter in emergency housing. El Salvador is home to more than 50 DRT volunteers, making it possible to deploy the DRTs in less than the usual 72 hours. A total of 58 DRT volunteers were on the ground over a period of 10 days. Mario Arévalo Meléndez, GoHelp Manager DRT Americas and Security Manager for El Salvador, led the deployment. " Experiencing first-hand how volunteer work can ease the pain of others in difficult times makes me proud of both my company and my team," says Arévalo Meléndez. "And it inspires me to keep on helping." What started as seasonal rains in late July 2010 became a disaster of historic proportions for Pakistan. By mid-August, the deluge had cost more than 1,700 lives and affected more than 18 million people according to expert estimation. Following our agreement with Pakistan's national Disaster Management Authority, the DHL DRT set up operations at the military section of Islamabad Airport, where the team of 30 DRT volunteers from 10 countries in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific received, sorted and processed relief goods for onward transportation. In cooperation with the World Food Programme, the team handled some 4,500 tonnes of relief goods during an extended five-week deployment. The DRT packed more than 2,500 DHL Speedballs – waterproof bundles of supplies designed to be airlifted to those in otherwise inaccessible areas. A 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, on 30th September 2009. Around 1,000 people lost their lives, and the city of Padang was badly damaged. The Indonesian Government issued an appeal for international help and following a request from OCHA, the DHL DRT was activated. Chris Weeks, DHL's Director for Humanitarian Affairs, DRT Asia-Pacific employee volunteers from Indonesia and Singapore, and further volunteers from the DRT Middle East were all deployed to support the handling of relief goods at Padang Airport for one week. The deployment in Indonesia also gave DHL’s Get Airports Ready for Disaster (GARD) program an immediate test, as the pilot training exercises had only taken place in August. One of the men trained in the program, Mulatno Msi, the Logistics Director of the Disaster Management Agency, was responsible for the reception of relief aid following the earthquake and was able to directly apply what he had learned. A series of powerful hurricanes swept through the Caribbean during September and October 2008. Disaster Response Teams were requested to assess the need for logistics support in Honduras and the Turks and Caicos Islands in the aftermath. We helped local relief agencies to set up two warehouses and provided logistics advice to local personnel in the Caribbean and in Honduras. Then in November 2008, severe flooding in Panama affected tens of thousands of people, many of whom had to find temporary shelter in emergency camps. Drinking water and blankets were urgently needed. At the UN’s request, the DRT Americas took over warehousing and inventory management at David Airport in Chiriqui Province. The southern region of Peru was struck by a violent earthquake in mid-August 2007. Within three days, the DHL DRT Americas was in action at Pisco Air Base. With the support of DHL Peru employees and local help, the DRT coordinated the warehousing and distribution of large quantities of supplies sent by national and international aid organizations, governments, churches, NGOs and private donors. The DRT stayed in Pisco for two weeks, during which time the team had trained members of the Peruvian civil defense (INDECI) to manage the warehouse and inventory on their own. More than 6,200 people died, 30,000 were injured and nearly 650,000 were left homeless after an earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Java in late May 2006. At the request of the Indonesian coordination agency for emergency aid (Bakornas) and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the DHL DRT Asia-Pacific was mobilized to Solo Adisoemarmo Airport on Java. Within three weeks, 200 tonnes of supplies were transferred from 6,500 shipments containing primarily medicine, tents, blankets and food. The 14-member DHL team also trained workers to ensure supplies would continue to be distributed after the team had left. When a violent earthquake struck Pakistan and northern India in October 2005, the extent of the disaster was not immediately apparent. Many of the 50,000 victims were living in remote mountain valleys which could not be easily accessed, and millions of people were left homeless. During the chaos of the initial relief efforts, UNO Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland called the situation a “logistical nightmare” the like of which the UN had never seen. Using DRT volunteers, DHL leveraged its logistics experience to ensure that international aid arriving on chartered flights could be transferred to the affected areas as quickly and efficiently as possible, and to keep Islamabad Airport open for further shipments. Within hours of the catastrophic flooding of coastal areas of the Indian Ocean in 2004, Deutsche Post DHL Group began organizing the logistics and transportation of humanitarian aid by leveraging its worldwide network. On the Thai island of Phuket, DHL vehicles shuttled tourists to safety and in India, they helped to transport federal police forces to the disaster area. The Airport Emergency Team – the predecessor of today’s Disaster Response Teams – was mobilized and sent to Colombo Airport in Sri Lanka. In the weeks that followed, Deutsche Post DHL Group and staff members contributed even further to the relief efforts. The company donated €1 million in financial aid and provided free cargo flights to the disaster area, and thousands of employees made further personal donations. A joint initiative by Deutsche Post DHL Group and eBay raised over €2 million.
Also, many bugs have been fixed allowing to enhance the functionality of DPOS/Giodis engine. April 08, 2019 Update GNSS firmware version 3.7.6 has been added. April 08, 2019 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. April 08, 2019 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version February 05, 2019 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.15 has been added. January 31, 2019 Software NetHub software has been updated to version January 29, 2019 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version January 24, 2019 Update GNSS firmware version 3.7.5p1 has been added. December 11, 2018 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version December 06, 2018 Update GNSS firmware version 3.7.5 has been added. December 06, 2018 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version November 19, 2018 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.14 has been added. November 14, 2018 Software Justin has been updated to version November 07, 2018 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version October 30, 2018 Update GNSS firmware version 3.7.4 has been added. October 16, 2018 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version September 25, 2018 Visit us at INTERGEO 16 - 18 October, Frankfurt, Germany. September 19, 2018 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version September 07, 2018 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version July 30, 2018 Publications HPT404BT JL and HPT404BT JL User Manuals have been added. May 30, 2018 Software Justin has been updated to version April 10, 2018 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version February 21, 2018 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version February 12, 2018 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.13 has been added. February 05, 2018 Update GNSS firmware version 3.7.3 has been added. January 16, 2018 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version November 29, 2017 Software Justin Link has been updated to version November 20, 2017 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version October 30, 2017 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version October 12, 2017 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.12 has been added. October 11, 2017 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. September 21, 2017 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version September 11, 2017 Software NetHub software has been updated to version September 07, 2017 Who Moved My Base? September 06, 2017 Accessories Alpha Battery Replacement Kit is available for order. September 06, 2017 Video "TRIUMPH-LS Update Procedures" video has been added. September 01, 2017 Software Justin has been updated to version August 31, 2017 Update GNSS firmware version 3.7.2 has been added. August 14, 2017 Software NetView & Modem has been updated to version July 03, 2017 Software Justin Link has been updated to version June 13, 2017 Software NetHub software has been updated to version May 31, 2017 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.11 has been added. April 26, 2017 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.10 has been added. April 24, 2017 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version April 04, 2017 Update GNSS firmware version 3.7.1 has been added. March 06, 2017 Update GNSS firmware version 3.7.0 has been added. January 31, 2017 Software Justin Link has been updated to version January 24, 2017 Don't take your gloves off! December 20, 2016 Release J-Field version has been released. November 29, 2016 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.9 has been added. November 17, 2016 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.8 has been added. September 23, 2016 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.14 has been added. August 02, 2016 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.7 has been added. May 20, 2016 Products Juniper System Updates for Victor has been added. May 19, 2016 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.13 has been added. April 28, 2016 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.6 has been added. April 04, 2016 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.5 has been added. March 01, 2016 Your thick trees and Our six RTK engines making friends! February 16, 2016 Software NetView has been updated to version January 13, 2016 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.4 has been added. December 29, 2015 They all break your necks, TRIUMPH-LS does not! December 23, 2015 Software NetView has been updated to version November 12, 2015 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.12 has been added. October 23, 2015 Software Justin Link has been updated to version October 22, 2015 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.11 has been added. September 17, 2015 Complete the Job with One Complete Tool I was attempting to demonstrate that all could be done entirely with the TRIUMPH-LS with photogrammetry and give results that are sufficiently accurate for cadastral land surveying. September 03, 2015 Software NetHub software has been updated to version August 24, 2015 Software NetView has been updated to version August 12, 2015 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.10 has been added. July 06, 2015 TRIUMPH-LS family software have been updated. July 03, 2015 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.3 has been added. April 28, 2015 Software Justin Link has been updated to version April 22, 2015 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.9 has been added. April 15, 2015 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.54. April 14, 2015 Software NetView has been updated to version April 09, 2015 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.2 has been added. February 24, 2015 Software NetHub software has been updated to version January 29, 2015 Publications "DELTA-3 User Manual" document has been updated. January 28, 2015 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.8 has been added. January 13, 2015 Software Tracy has been updated to version 2.4. January 12, 2015 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.1 has been added. December 26, 2014 Software NetView has been updated to version December 23, 2014 Software Justin family products have been updated to version December 23, 2014 Software Justin Link has been updated to version December 18, 2014 Publications "Justin Software Manual" document has been updated. December 17, 2014 BLM Report BLM test report on TRIUMPH-LS and TRIUMPH-2 Base/Rover combination. December 15, 2014 Products TRH-G2 is available for order. December 04, 2014 Publications TRIUMPH-1M Datasheet have been updated. November 18, 2014 Publications TRIUMPH-LS Users Guide has been updated. October 29, 2014 IRNSS positioning IRNSS now provides signal and navigation data which can be used for position solution. October 24, 2014 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.7 has been added. October 01, 2014 We track IRNSS We track L5 BPSK signal from both 1A and 1B satellite. September 30, 2014 Publications TRIUMPH-LS Users Guide has been updated. September 19, 2014 Software Justin Link has been updated to version August 18, 2014 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.6 has been added. August 15, 2014 Publications Triumph-LS and Triumph 2 datasheets have been updated. August 14, 2014 Visit us at INTERGEO Tuesday, October 07 to Thursday, October 09; Berlin, Germany. August 01, 2014 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.51. July 29, 2014 Publications Triumph-VS Operators Manual, Alpha Datasheet and Alpha 2 Datasheet have been updated. July 03, 2014 Software NetView has been updated to version June 23, 2014 Update GNSS firmware version 3.6.0 has been added. June 06, 2014 Update GeoData version has been added. June 06, 2014 Software JAVAD Android Tools is now available on Google Play. May 30, 2014 Publications TRIUMPH-LS Datasheet and HPT401BT Datasheet have been updated. May 28, 2014 GPS/GLONASS Dispute Javad's interview with journalists regarding GPS/GLONASS dispute. May 20, 2014 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version May 15, 2014 Software NetView has been updated to version May 14, 2014 Software Justin Link has been updated to version May 08, 2014 Delta TRE-3 QZSS LEX released Announcing release of Delta TRE-3 LEX for the JAXA QZSS data. April 22, 2014 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.50. April 22, 2014 Software Justin Link has been updated to version April 14, 2014 Products Fan for modems has been added. April 14, 2014 Software NetView has been updated to version April 07, 2014 Publications JAVAD EMS ISO-9001, JAVAD EMS ISO-13485 and JAVAD EMS AS-9100C Certificates have been added. April 07, 2014 Products Beacon Antenna 283.5 - 325 KHz, TNC has been added. April 02, 2014 Update Firmware for HPT404BT ver.3.2 Rev.03 B11, LMR400 ver.3.2 Rev.03 B7, FH915 ver.3.1.16 have been added. April 01, 2014 Webinar March 20, 2014 See the recorded webinar. March 26, 2014 Publications HPT901BT Datasheet and "Read this First" have been added. March 03, 2014 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.5 has been added. February 18, 2014 Products Delta-3 has been added. February 14, 2014 Software Justin family products have been updated to version February 13, 2014 Software NetHUB and NetRemote software has been updated to version February 07, 2014 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version February 03, 2014 US PLS Free Trial Update 209 US Professional Land Surveyors Registered. We also include TRIUMPH-2 and radio as RTK base station. February 03, 2014 TRIUMPH-2 Scalable GPS The revolution in size, function and GPS scalability! January 30, 2014 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. January 30, 2014 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.14 has been added. January 20, 2014 Software Justin Link has been updated to version January 20, 2014 Software Justin family products have been updated to version January 20, 2014 Publications TRIUMPH-LS data sheet has been added. January 17, 2014 Products HPT401BT with battery has been added. January 15, 2014 5 Talented PLS... Be part of the next chapter in a true American success story. January 15, 2014 Products TRIUMPH-LS is available for order. December 19, 2013 Software NetView has been updated to version December 17, 2013 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.13 has been added. December 02, 2013 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.4 has been added. November 28, 2013 Software Firmware Loader software has been updated to version 1.1.6. November 14, 2013 Software Real Time Logging software has been updated to version 0.8. November 08, 2013 Software Tracy has been updated to version 2.3. October 29, 2013 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.47. October 17, 2013 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.12 has been added. October 11, 2013 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. September 25, 2013 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. September 20, 2013 We decode LEX data We successfully decode information from LEX data signal. September 20, 2013 Update GNSS firmware version 3.5.3 has been added. September 19, 2013 TRIUMPH-2 Chip We introduce our TRIUMPH-2 Chip. August 15, 2013 Software NetView has been updated to version August 14, 2013 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.11 has been added. August 12, 2013 Update Triumph-VS firmware v.3.5.2 has been released. August 08, 2013 Publications "Justin Link Software Manual" document has been added in user manuals section. August 01, 2013 Update GNSS firmware has been updated to version 3.5.2. July 31, 2013 Visit us at Intergeo Tuesday, October 08 to Thursday, October 10; Essen, Germany. July 31, 2013 Visit us at ION Monday, September 16 to Friday, September 20; Nashville Convention Center, Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A. July 29, 2013 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.44. July 18, 2013 Publications RingAnt-DM, AirAnt, GyrAnt, TriAnt, RingAnt-G3T and GrAnt data sheets has been updated. July 10, 2013 Publications Triumph-1 and Sigma families data sheets has been updated. July 09, 2013 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version July 05, 2013 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version July 04, 2013 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.10 has been added. June 10, 2013 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version May 27, 2013 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.43. May 17, 2013 Software Justin Link has been updated to version May 17, 2013 Software Justin family products have been updated to version May 13, 2013 Galileo Positioning All our receivers are now able to compute position based on Galileo satellites only and on combined GPS+Glonass+Galileo. May 07, 2013 Software Justin Link has been updated to version May 07, 2013 Software Justin family products have been updated to version April 26, 2013 Publications "GISmore LED Indication" document has been added in user manuals section. April 23, 2013 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.9 has been added. April 08, 2013 Software NetView has been updated to version April 08, 2013 Publications Alpha 2 data sheet has been updated. April 05, 2013 Publications "Alpha Operators Manual" and "Alpha Datasheet" documents has been updated. April 01, 2013 Publications "NetView Real-time Logging" document has been added in how-to section. March 28, 2013 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.8 has been added. March 28, 2013 Publications Triumph-VS, TRIUMPH-1, Alpha and Sigma families data sheets has been updated. March 25, 2013 Update Firmware for HPT404BT with GSM Rev05 B85 has been added. March 21, 2013 Publications "HPT404BT with GSM Operators_Manual" document has been added in user manuals section. March 13, 2013 Publications "Base and Rover Communication via NetHub Software" document has been added in how-to section. March 12, 2013 Software Justin family products have been updated to version March 12, 2013 Publications "HPT404BT with GSM Configuration Example" document has been added in how-to section. March 12, 2013 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.41. March 05, 2013 Update GNSS firmware has been updated to version 3.5.1. March 01, 2013 Publications SigmaD,Sigma-G2T,Sigma-G3TAJ(T),Sigma-G3T,Sigma_Overall,SigmaQ datasheets have been updated. February 26, 2013 Publications DeltaD,Delta-G2T,Delta-G3TAJ(T),Delta-G3T,DELTA_Overall,DeltaQ and TRIUMPH-1 datasheets have been updated. February 26, 2013 Publications "Spectrums in NetView" document has been added in how-to section. February 20, 2013 Software NetView has been updated to version January 29, 2013 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version January 25, 2013 BeiDou Positioning All our receivers are now able to compute position based on BeiDou satellites only and combined GPS+Glonass+BeiDou. January 23, 2013 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.39. January 16, 2013 All About GNSS Interferences Webinar. January 31, 2013. How to Defend, Monitor, and Report. December 29, 2012 We track B3 signal We track B3 signal from all Compass satellites. December 28, 2012 We track LEX signal We have tracked LEX signal from QZSS satellite. December 27, 2012 We track E6 B/C Decoding of GNSS signals using usual antenna/receiver. December 26, 2012 Update GNSS firmware has been updated. December 24, 2012 Software NetHUB software has been updated to version December 14, 2012 Software Triumph-VS software updates have been released. November 30, 2012 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.33. November 26, 2012 Software Justin family products have been updated to version November 26, 2012 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version November 16, 2012 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.32. November 14, 2012 Update GNSS firmware has been updated. October 25, 2012 Software NetView has been updated to version October 23, 2012 Software Justin family products have been updated to version October 18, 2012 How to report Interferences? GNSS receivers in reference stations should have Interference monitoring and reporting features. October 17, 2012 Publications Triumph-VS and GISMore data sheets has been updated. October 16, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.6 has been added. October 16, 2012 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. October 15, 2012 Software NetView has been updated to version 3.2.0. October 15, 2012 Publications Triumph-1 operators manual has been updated. October 01, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.13 has been added. September 28, 2012 We track GAGAN L1 and L5 Report of GPS World that GAGAN PRN127 does not transmit L5 signal is not correct. Our receivers track it. September 28, 2012 Software Justin family products have been updated to version September 28, 2012 Update HPT435BT modem firmware has been updated. September 10, 2012 Javad's FCC filing Javad's FCC filing regarding GNSS technology and GNSS receiver guidelines. September 10, 2012 J-Shield, Spectrum, Cycle-Slips J-Shield protects all GNSS bands. Spectrum and Cycle-Slip monitor interferences in all GNSS bands. August 16, 2012 J-Shield at ION At ION-2012 (September 20, 1:00 pm) we will introduce J-Shield for all GNSS bands. August 15, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.12 has been added. August 08, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.5 has been added. August 03, 2012 Visit us at Intergeo Tuesday, October 09 to Thursday, October 11; Hannover, Germany. August 03, 2012 Visit us at ION Monday, September 17 to Friday, September 21; Nashville Convention Center, Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A. July 27, 2012 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.30. July 18, 2012 Software NetView has been updated to version 3.0.0. July 13, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.4 has been added. July 10, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.11 has been added. July 06, 2012 Software Justin family products have been updated to version July 03, 2012 Latest software Have you seen our software... lately? These are some examples of over 100 screens. June 25, 2012 Software Tracy has been updated to version 2.0. June 08, 2012 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.21. June 06, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.3 has been added. May 29, 2012 Software NetHUB software has been updated to version May 28, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.10 has been added. May 24, 2012 Software NetView has been updated to version 2.3.1. May 23, 2012 Using Visual Stakeout Is a convenience extension of the regular stakeout procedure. May 22, 2012 Software Justin Link has been updated. May 22, 2012 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. May 18, 2012 Where Were You in 1982? We performed a test to prove that GPS could be used for precision surveying. May 18, 2012 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.9. May 04, 2012 Software A new Real Time Logging software has been added. April 27, 2012 Software NetView has been updated to version 2.3.0. April 18, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.2 has been added. April 18, 2012 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. April 16, 2012 Software Triumph-VS software updates have been released. April 13, 2012 Software Justin family products have been updated to version April 05, 2012 Software NetHUB software has been updated to version March 21, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.8 has been added. March 16, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.1 has been added. March 13, 2012 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. March 06, 2012 Software Tracy has been updated to version 1.8.3. March 02, 2012 Software Triumph-VS software updates have been released. February 28, 2012 Javad's Comment to FCC Javad's Letter of February 27, 2012 to FCC. February 22, 2012 Software NetView has been updated to version 2.2.0. February 13, 2012 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.7 has been added. January 31, 2012 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.8. January 30, 2012 Blindfolds off! To All Politician, Editors, Bloggers: Take your blindfolds off! January 30, 2012 JAVAD GNSS Launched an official web site of JAVAD GNSS, INC in Russia. January 25, 2012 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. January 24, 2012 GPS/LSQ Confusion Many people confuse two questions regarding GPS and LightSquared issue. January 12, 2012 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.7. December 28, 2011 My GNSS History As requested by a journalist here is my GNSS history. December 26, 2011 Software NetView has been updated to version 2.1.0. December 26, 2011 Products TRIUMPH-NT has been added. December 23, 2011 Publications GrAnt-L data sheet has been added. December 22, 2011 Software Triumph-VS software updates have been released. December 22, 2011 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. December 21, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.6 has been added. December 21, 2011 Publications GrAnt and RingAnt-G3T data sheets has been updated. December 14, 2011 Javad's Letter to FCC. Javad's Letter to FCC. December 12, 2011 Galileo PRN 11 has been tracked! Galileo PRN 11 has been tracked! December 02, 2011 Publications Duo-G2, Duo-G2D and Duo-G3D data sheets has been updated. December 01, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.4.0 has been added. November 30, 2011 Publications TRIUMPH-VS and VICTOR-VS data sheets has been updated. November 28, 2011 Publications SIGMA family data sheets has been updated. November 25, 2011 Publications VICTOR-VS data sheet has been added. November 21, 2011 JAVAD presented at PNT JAVAD presented at PNT. November 17, 2011 Publications TRIUMPH-1 and ALPHA data sheets has been updated. November 16, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.5 has been added. November 11, 2011 Publications ALPHA 2 data sheet has been updated. November 07, 2011 Publications ALPHA 2 data sheet has been updated. November 01, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.4 has been added. November 01, 2011 Software Tracy has been updated to version 1.8.1. October 28, 2011 JAVAD presents at PNT JAVAD presents at PNT. October 28, 2011 Software Justin family products have been updated to version October 21, 2011 Arts and Slides JAVAD GNSS Advertisements has been updated. October 21, 2011 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.6. October 21, 2011 Publications NetHub Software Manual has been added. October 20, 2011 LightSquared is a Gem! LightSquared is a gem! I am not only talking about its nationwide high-speed 4G capabilities. October 18, 2011 Software NetHUB software has been updated to version October 14, 2011 Software NetHUB software has been updated to version October 13, 2011 Software NetRemote software has been updated to version October 13, 2011 Software NetHUB software has been updated to version October 11, 2011 Publications TR-G2, TR-G2T, TR-G3 and TR-G3T data sheet has been updated. October 07, 2011 LightSquared Compatible We offer to make GNSS Receivers made by other manufactures LightSquared Compatible too. October 07, 2011 Publications GISmore operators manual has been updated. September 29, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.3 has been added. September 23, 2011 Software Tracy has been updated to version 1.8. September 23, 2011 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version September 09, 2011 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. August 22, 2011 Software ModemVU has been updated to version 2.1.4. August 19, 2011 Software "JPS to RINEX 3 Converter" of "Code Multipath Analyzer" software has been replaced by "JPS2RIN". August 16, 2011 Software NetView has been updated to version 1.4.0. August 09, 2011 Software Triumph-VS software updates have been released. August 03, 2011 Results of competition You can see all correct answers. And now we give you the results. July 29, 2011 Software Justin family products have been updated to version July 18, 2011 Software NetHUB software page and download link have been added. July 14, 2011 Update ModemVU software has been updated. July 11, 2011 Update GeoData version has been added. July 14, 2011 Software Justin Link has been updated. July 08, 2011 Software Triumph-VS software updates have been released. July 07, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.2 has been added. May 27, 2011 Software Justin and JustinLite have been updated. May 27, 2011 Publications ALPHA data sheet has been updated. May 26, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.1 has been added. May 20, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.2.7 has been added. May 16, 2011 Software JustinLite has been updated. May 16, 2011 Software NetView has been updated. May 15, 2011 Software Tracy and TracyTools have been updated. May 13, 2011 Software Triumph-VS software updates have been released. May 04, 2011 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version April 22, 2011 Software NetView has been updated to April 22, 2011 Software JustinLink has been updated. April 05, 2011 Publications NetView Software Manual has been added. GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. April 05, 2011 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version March 21, 2011 Software NetHUB software page and download link have been added. March 21, 2011 Update "Javad Video Lessons" have been added. March 21, 2011 Antennas Justin family products have been updated to version March 21, 2011 Software Justin family products have been updated to version March 17, 2011 Update "Javad Video Lessons" have been added. March 17, 2011 Software JPS2RIN has been updated to version March 10, 2011 Update Triumph-VS Technicals has been updated. March 10, 2011 Software Justin family products have been updated to version March 10, 2011 Products TRE-G3TAJT oem board has been added. March 10, 2011 Software Introducing JustinLink and NetHub applications. March 10, 2011 Publications TRIUMPH-VS Data Sheet, VRS NTRIP, VRS TCP and GPRS Configuration Examples, SIM Installation have been added. TRE-G3TAJT oem board has been added. QUATTRO-G3D Application Notes document has been updated. March 03, 2011 Publications GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide has been updated. March 03, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.3.0 has been added. March 02, 2011 Software Justin Video has been added. March 01, 2011 Software NetView Video has been updated. February 24, 2011 Publications Quattro-G3D Application Notes have been added. February 24, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.2.6 has been added. February 24, 2011 Software NetView page has been updated. Video lessons are available now. February 21, 2011 Software JPS2RIN software has been updated. GUI is available now. February 16, 2011 Software NetView free software has been added. February 04, 2011 Publications JAVAD EMS ISO-9001 sertificate have been added. February 04, 2011 Update ModemVU software has been updated. January 26, 2011 Update GNSS firmware version 3.2.5 has been added. January 23, 2011 Publications HPT435BT Datasheet has been updated. "Read this First" and "Operators Manual" have been added. January 14, 2011 Arts and Slides Arts and Slides has been updated. January 14, 2011 Products TRIUMPH-VS product page has been updated for NGS caliration information.