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class counter_agent extends uvm_agent; `uvm_component_utils(counter_agent) //Analysis port to connect monitor to scoreboard uvm_analysis_port#(counter_transaction) agent_ap_output; uvm_analysis_port#(counter_transaction) agent_ap_input; counter_sequencer c_sequencer; counter_driver c_driver; counter_monitor_input c_mon_input; counter_monitor_output c_mon_output; function new(string name, uvm_component parent); super.new(name, parent); endfunction function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.build_phase(phase); agent_ap_output = new(.name("agent_ap_output"), .parent(this)); agent_ap_input = new(.name("agent_ap_input"),.parent(this)); c_sequencer = counter_sequencer::type_id::create(.name("c_sequencer"),.parent(this)); c_driver = counter_driver::type_id::create(.name("c_driver"),.parent(this)); c_mon_output = counter_monitor_output::type_id::create(.name("c_mon_output"),.parent(this)); c_mon_input = counter_monitor_input::type_id::create(.name("c_mon_input"),.parent(this)); endfunction function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.connect_phase(phase); c_driver.seq_item_port.connect(c_sequencer.seq_item_export); c_mon_output.mon_ap_output.connect(agent_ap_output); c_mon_input.mon_ap_input.connect(agent_ap_input); endfunction endclass
tests testIntegerIsValid self assertValid: '9007199254740992' description: 'integer is valid'
onbreak {quit -f} onerror {quit -f} vsim -t 1ps -lib xil_defaultlib divisor_opt do {wave.do} view wave view structure view signals do {divisor.udo} run -all quit -force
initialization initializeTasks "Set up the current tasks." self tasks: ((World submorphs collect: [:m | m taskbarTask]) select: [:m | m notNil]) asOrderedCollection
// Copyright (c) 2020 tickstep. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package config import ( "encoding/hex" "github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder/cmdtable" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/converter" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/crypto" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/ids" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/logger" "os" "strconv" "strings" ) func (pl *PanUserList) String() string { builder := &strings.Builder{} tb := cmdtable.NewTable(builder) tb.SetColumnAlignment([]int{tablewriter.ALIGN_DEFAULT, tablewriter.ALIGN_RIGHT, tablewriter.ALIGN_CENTER, tablewriter.ALIGN_CENTER, tablewriter.ALIGN_CENTER}) tb.SetHeader([]string{"#", "uid", "用户名", "昵称"}) for k, userInfo := range *pl { tb.Append([]string{strconv.Itoa(k), userInfo.UserId, userInfo.AccountName, userInfo.Nickname}) } tb.Render() return builder.String() } // AverageParallel 返回平均的下载最大并发量 func AverageParallel(parallel, downloadLoad int) int { if downloadLoad < 1 { return 1 } p := parallel / downloadLoad if p < 1 { return 1 } return p } func stripPerSecond(sizeStr string) string { i := strings.LastIndex(sizeStr, "/") if i < 0 { return sizeStr } return sizeStr[:i] } func showMaxRate(size int64) string { if size <= 0 { return "不限制" } return converter.ConvertFileSize(size, 2) + "/s" } // EncryptString 加密 func EncryptString(text string) string { if text == "" { return "" } d := []byte(text) key := []byte(ids.GetUniqueId("aliyunpan", 16)) r, e := crypto.EncryptAES(d, key) if e != nil { return text } return hex.EncodeToString(r) } // DecryptString 解密 func DecryptString(text string) string { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { logger.Verboseln("decrypt string failed, maybe the key has been changed") } }() if text == "" { return "" } d, _ := hex.DecodeString(text) // use the machine unique id as the key // but in some OS, this key will be changed if you reinstall the OS key := []byte(ids.GetUniqueId("aliyunpan", 16)) r, e := crypto.DecryptAES(d, key) if e != nil { return text } return string(r) } // isFolderExist 判断文件夹是否存在 func IsFolderExist(pathStr string) bool { fi, err := os.Stat(pathStr) if err != nil { if os.IsExist(err) { return fi.IsDir() } if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false } return false } return fi.IsDir() }
Class { #name : #SLVMLirInstructionOperand, #superclass : #Object, #category : #'Slovim-LowLevelCodeGenerator-Lir' } { #category : #'as yet unclassified' } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> asLirInstructionOperand [ ^ self ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isBasicBlock [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isBlob [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isDynamicObjectSection [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isExternalLabel [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isImmediate [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isImmediateConstant [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isImmediateInInt32Range [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isLabel [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isLabelContentEnd [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isLabelValue [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isLirInstructionOperand [ ^ true ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isModuleElement [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isRegister [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isRegisterAddress [ ^ false ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isRegisterOrRegisterAddress [ ^ self isRegister or: [ self isRegisterAddress ] ] { #category : #testing } SLVMLirInstructionOperand >> isStackFrameVariable [ ^ false ]
PREFIX aw: <http://rdf.freebase.com/ns/visual_art.artwork.> SELECT DISTINCT ?relatedArtwork WHERE { ?selectedArtwork aw:date_completed ?date. ?relatedArtwork aw:date_completed ?closeDate. } ORDER BY ABS(?closeDate-?date)
(* * Copyright 2014, NICTA * * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details. * * @TAG(NICTA_BSD) *) theory jiraver224 imports "../CTranslation" begin install_C_file "jiraver224.c" context jiraver224 begin thm g_body_def thm h_body_def end context jiraver224 begin thm g_body_def thm h_body_def end end
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> <!-- ===== AUTHOR ===== (c) Copyright 2020 MrWatson, russell@mrwatson.de All Rights Reserved. ===== PURPOSE ===== XSL-File: xsl_Text.Lines_ListParameters.xsl XML-Source: any.xsl XML-Grammar: xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" XML-Content: any xslt stylesheet Lists the parameters of a stylesheet. ===== CHANGES HISTORY ===== (c) russell@mrwatson.de 2020 2011-02-09 MrW: Version 1.0 --> <!-- ===== HEAD ===== --> <xsl:output method="text" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="no"/> <!-- ===== TEMPLATES ===== --> <xsl:template match="/xsl:stylesheet"> <xsl:for-each select="xsl:param"> <xsl:if test="position() &gt; 1"> <xsl:value-of select="';'"/> </xsl:if> <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:template> <!-- ignore all other text --> <xsl:template match="text()"/> </xsl:stylesheet>
package dandelion.generator.cilk import dandelion.fpu._ import dandelion.accel._ import dandelion.arbiters._ import chisel3._ import chisel3.util._ import chisel3.Module._ import chisel3.testers._ import chisel3.iotesters._ import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config._ import dandelion.config._ import dandelion.concurrent._ import dandelion.control._ import dandelion.interfaces._ import dandelion.junctions._ import dandelion.loop._ import dandelion.memory._ import muxes._ import dandelion.node._ import org.scalatest._ import regfile._ import dandelion.memory.stack._ import util._ import dandelion.config._ /* ================================================================== * * PRINTING PORTS DEFINITION * * ================================================================== */ abstract class vector_scale_detach1DFIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasAccelParams { val io = IO(new Bundle { val in = Flipped(Decoupled(new Call(List(32, 32, 32, 32)))) val MemResp = Flipped(Valid(new MemResp)) val MemReq = Decoupled(new MemReq) val out = Decoupled(new Call(List())) }) } class vector_scale_detach1DF(implicit p: Parameters) extends vector_scale_detach1DFIO()(p) { /* ================================================================== * * PRINTING MEMORY MODULES * * ================================================================== */ val MemCtrl = Module(new UnifiedController(ID = 0, Size = 32, NReads = 1, NWrites = 2) (WControl = new WriteMemoryController(NumOps = 2, BaseSize = 2, NumEntries = 2)) (RControl = new ReadMemoryController(NumOps = 1, BaseSize = 2, NumEntries = 2)) (RWArbiter = new ReadWriteArbiter())) io.MemReq <> MemCtrl.io.MemReq MemCtrl.io.MemResp <> io.MemResp val InputSplitter = Module(new SplitCallNew(List(1, 3, 2, 1))) InputSplitter.io.In <> io.in /* ================================================================== * * PRINTING LOOP HEADERS * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * PRINTING BASICBLOCK NODES * * ================================================================== */ val bb_my_pfor_body0 = Module(new BasicBlockNoMaskFastNode(NumInputs = 1, NumOuts = 5, BID = 0)) val bb_my_if_then1 = Module(new BasicBlockNoMaskFastNode(NumInputs = 1, NumOuts = 4, BID = 1)) val bb_my_pfor_preattach2 = Module(new BasicBlockNoMaskFastNode(NumInputs = 2, NumOuts = 1, BID = 2)) val bb_my_if_else3 = Module(new BasicBlockNoMaskFastNode(NumInputs = 1, NumOuts = 10, BID = 3)) /* ================================================================== * * PRINTING INSTRUCTION NODES * * ================================================================== */ // %0 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %a.in, i32 %__begin.030.in, !UID !21 val Gep_0 = Module(new GepNode(NumIns = 1, NumOuts = 1, ID = 0)(ElementSize = 4, ArraySize = List())) // %1 = load i32, i32* %0, align 4, !tbaa !22, !UID !26 val ld_1 = Module(new UnTypLoad(NumPredOps = 0, NumSuccOps = 0, NumOuts = 2, ID = 1, RouteID = 0)) // %2 = icmp slt i32 %1, 0, !UID !27 val icmp_2 = Module(new ComputeNode(NumOuts = 1, ID = 2, opCode = "lt")(sign = false)) // br i1 %2, label %my_if.then, label %my_if.else, !UID !28, !BB_UID !29 val br_3 = Module(new CBranchNodeVariable(NumTrue = 1, NumFalse = 1, NumPredecessor = 0, ID = 3)) // %3 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %c.in, i32 %__begin.030.in, !UID !30 val Gep_4 = Module(new GepNode(NumIns = 1, NumOuts = 1, ID = 4)(ElementSize = 4, ArraySize = List())) // store i32 0, i32* %3, align 4, !tbaa !22, !UID !31 val st_5 = Module(new UnTypStore(NumPredOps = 0, NumSuccOps = 0, ID = 5, RouteID = 0)) // br label %my_pfor.preattach, !UID !32, !BB_UID !33 val br_6 = Module(new UBranchNode(ID = 6)) // ret void, !UID !34, !BB_UID !35 val ret_7 = Module(new RetNode2(retTypes = List(), ID = 7)) // %4 = mul nsw i32 %1, %scale.in, !UID !36 val binaryOp_8 = Module(new ComputeNode(NumOuts = 2, ID = 8, opCode = "mul")(sign = false)) // %5 = ashr i32 %4, 8, !UID !37 val binaryOp_9 = Module(new ComputeNode(NumOuts = 1, ID = 9, opCode = "ashr")(sign = false)) // %6 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %c.in, i32 %__begin.030.in, !UID !38 val Gep_10 = Module(new GepNode(NumIns = 1, NumOuts = 1, ID = 10)(ElementSize = 4, ArraySize = List())) // %7 = icmp sgt i32 %4, 65535, !UID !39 val icmp_11 = Module(new ComputeNode(NumOuts = 1, ID = 11, opCode = "gt")(sign = false)) // %8 = select i1 %7, i32 255, i32 %5, !UID !40 val select_12 = Module(new SelectNode(NumOuts = 1, ID = 12)(fast = false)) // store i32 %8, i32* %6, align 4, !UID !41 val st_13 = Module(new UnTypStore(NumPredOps = 0, NumSuccOps = 0, ID = 13, RouteID = 1)) // br label %my_pfor.preattach, !UID !42, !BB_UID !43 val br_14 = Module(new UBranchNode(ID = 14)) /* ================================================================== * * PRINTING CONSTANTS NODES * * ================================================================== */ //i32 0 val const0 = Module(new ConstFastNode(value = 0, ID = 0)) //i32 0 val const1 = Module(new ConstFastNode(value = 0, ID = 1)) //i32 8 val const2 = Module(new ConstFastNode(value = 8, ID = 2)) //i32 65535 val const3 = Module(new ConstFastNode(value = 65535, ID = 3)) //i32 255 val const4 = Module(new ConstFastNode(value = 255, ID = 4)) /* ================================================================== * * BASICBLOCK -> PREDICATE INSTRUCTION * * ================================================================== */ bb_my_pfor_body0.io.predicateIn(0) <> InputSplitter.io.Out.enable bb_my_if_then1.io.predicateIn(0) <> br_3.io.TrueOutput(0) bb_my_pfor_preattach2.io.predicateIn(1) <> br_6.io.Out(0) bb_my_pfor_preattach2.io.predicateIn(0) <> br_14.io.Out(0) bb_my_if_else3.io.predicateIn(0) <> br_3.io.FalseOutput(0) /* ================================================================== * * BASICBLOCK -> PREDICATE LOOP * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * PRINTING PARALLEL CONNECTIONS * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * LOOP -> PREDICATE INSTRUCTION * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * ENDING INSTRUCTIONS * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * LOOP INPUT DATA DEPENDENCIES * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * LOOP DATA LIVE-IN DEPENDENCIES * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * LOOP DATA LIVE-OUT DEPENDENCIES * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * LOOP LIVE OUT DEPENDENCIES * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * LOOP CARRY DEPENDENCIES * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * LOOP DATA CARRY DEPENDENCIES * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * BASICBLOCK -> ENABLE INSTRUCTION * * ================================================================== */ const0.io.enable <> bb_my_pfor_body0.io.Out(0) Gep_0.io.enable <> bb_my_pfor_body0.io.Out(1) ld_1.io.enable <> bb_my_pfor_body0.io.Out(2) icmp_2.io.enable <> bb_my_pfor_body0.io.Out(3) br_3.io.enable <> bb_my_pfor_body0.io.Out(4) const1.io.enable <> bb_my_if_then1.io.Out(0) Gep_4.io.enable <> bb_my_if_then1.io.Out(1) st_5.io.enable <> bb_my_if_then1.io.Out(2) br_6.io.enable <> bb_my_if_then1.io.Out(3) ret_7.io.In.enable <> bb_my_pfor_preattach2.io.Out(0) const2.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(0) const3.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(1) const4.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(2) binaryOp_8.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(3) binaryOp_9.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(4) Gep_10.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(5) icmp_11.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(6) select_12.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(7) st_13.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(8) br_14.io.enable <> bb_my_if_else3.io.Out(9) /* ================================================================== * * CONNECTING PHI NODES * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * PRINT ALLOCA OFFSET * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * CONNECTING MEMORY CONNECTIONS * * ================================================================== */ MemCtrl.io.ReadIn(0) <> ld_1.io.memReq ld_1.io.memResp <> MemCtrl.io.ReadOut(0) MemCtrl.io.WriteIn(0) <> st_5.io.memReq st_5.io.memResp <> MemCtrl.io.WriteOut(0) MemCtrl.io.WriteIn(1) <> st_13.io.memReq st_13.io.memResp <> MemCtrl.io.WriteOut(1) /* ================================================================== * * PRINT SHARED CONNECTIONS * * ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== * * CONNECTING DATA DEPENDENCIES * * ================================================================== */ icmp_2.io.RightIO <> const0.io.Out st_5.io.inData <> const1.io.Out binaryOp_9.io.RightIO <> const2.io.Out icmp_11.io.RightIO <> const3.io.Out select_12.io.InData1 <> const4.io.Out ld_1.io.GepAddr <> Gep_0.io.Out(0) icmp_2.io.LeftIO <> ld_1.io.Out(0) binaryOp_8.io.LeftIO <> ld_1.io.Out(1) br_3.io.CmpIO <> icmp_2.io.Out(0) st_5.io.GepAddr <> Gep_4.io.Out(0) binaryOp_9.io.LeftIO <> binaryOp_8.io.Out(0) icmp_11.io.LeftIO <> binaryOp_8.io.Out(1) select_12.io.InData2 <> binaryOp_9.io.Out(0) st_13.io.GepAddr <> Gep_10.io.Out(0) select_12.io.Select <> icmp_11.io.Out(0) st_13.io.inData <> select_12.io.Out(0) Gep_0.io.baseAddress <> InputSplitter.io.Out.data.elements("field0")(0) Gep_0.io.idx(0) <> InputSplitter.io.Out.data.elements("field1")(0) Gep_4.io.idx(0) <> InputSplitter.io.Out.data.elements("field1")(1) Gep_10.io.idx(0) <> InputSplitter.io.Out.data.elements("field1")(2) Gep_4.io.baseAddress <> InputSplitter.io.Out.data.elements("field2")(0) Gep_10.io.baseAddress <> InputSplitter.io.Out.data.elements("field2")(1) binaryOp_8.io.RightIO <> InputSplitter.io.Out.data.elements("field3")(0) st_5.io.Out(0).ready := true.B st_13.io.Out(0).ready := true.B /* ================================================================== * * PRINTING OUTPUT INTERFACE * * ================================================================== */ io.out <> ret_7.io.Out }
--- title: Vytváření stromů XML v jazyce C# (LINQ to XML) ms.date: 08/31/2018 ms.assetid: cc74234a-0bac-4327-9c8c-5a2ead15b595 ms.openlocfilehash: a77171ebbc07e54f6988fb97aff197b4c6d31721 ms.sourcegitcommit: 986f836f72ef10876878bd6217174e41464c145a ms.translationtype: MT ms.contentlocale: cs-CZ ms.lasthandoff: 08/19/2019 ms.locfileid: "69594623" --- # <a name="creating-xml-trees-in-c-linq-to-xml"></a>Vytváření stromů XML v C# (LINQ to XML) Tato část poskytuje informace o vytváření stromů XML v C#nástroji. Informace o použití výsledků dotazů LINQ jako obsahu pro <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement>naleznete v tématu [funkční konstrukce (LINQ to XML) (C#)](./functional-construction-linq-to-xml.md). ## <a name="constructing-elements"></a>Vytváření elementů Signatury <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> konstruktorů a <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute> umožňují předat obsah elementu nebo atributu jako argumenty konstruktoru. Vzhledem k tomu, že jeden z konstruktorů přebírá proměnný počet argumentů, můžete předat libovolný počet podřízených elementů. Každý z těchto podřízených elementů samozřejmě může obsahovat vlastní podřízené prvky. Pro libovolný prvek můžete přidat libovolný počet atributů. Při přidávání <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XNode> (včetně <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement>) nebo <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute> objektů, pokud nový obsah nemá žádný nadřazený objekt, jsou objekty jednoduše připojeny ke stromu XML. Pokud nový obsah již je nadřazený a je součástí jiného stromu XML, bude nový obsah naklonován a nově Klonovaný obsah je připojen ke stromu XML. Příklad ukazuje poslední příklad v tomto tématu. Chcete-li `contacts`vytvořit <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement>, můžete použít následující kód: ```csharp XElement contacts = new XElement("Contacts", new XElement("Contact", new XElement("Name", "Patrick Hines"), new XElement("Phone", "206-555-0144"), new XElement("Address", new XElement("Street1", "123 Main St"), new XElement("City", "Mercer Island"), new XElement("State", "WA"), new XElement("Postal", "68042") ) ) ); ``` Pokud je znak správně odsazený, kód pro <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> sestavování objektů se těsně podobá struktuře podkladového XML. ## <a name="xelement-constructors"></a>XElement konstruktory <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> Třída používá následující konstruktory pro konstrukci funkčnosti. Všimněte si, že existují další konstruktory pro <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement>, ale vzhledem k tomu, že nejsou používány pro funkční konstrukce, nejsou zde uvedeny. |Konstruktor|Popis| |-----------------|-----------------| |`XElement(XName name, object content)`|<xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement>Vytvoří. `name` Parametr určuje název elementu. `content` určuje obsah elementu.| |`XElement(XName name)`|<xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> Vytvoří snázvem,kterýjeinicializován<xref:System.Xml.Linq.XName> na zadaný název.| |`XElement(XName name, params object[] content)`|<xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> Vytvoří snázvem,kterýjeinicializován<xref:System.Xml.Linq.XName> na zadaný název. Atributy nebo podřízené prvky jsou vytvořeny z obsahu seznamu parametrů.| `content` Parametr je velice flexibilní. Podporuje jakýkoliv typ objektu, který je platným podřízeným <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement>prvku. Následující pravidla platí pro různé typy objektů předaných v tomto parametru: - Řetězec se přidá jako textový obsah. - <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> Je přidán jako podřízený element. - Přidá <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute> se jako atribut. - <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XProcessingInstruction>, Nebose<xref:System.Xml.Linq.XText> přidá jako podřízený obsah. <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XComment> - Vytvoří <xref:System.Collections.IEnumerable> se výčet a tato pravidla se rekurzivně aplikují na výsledky. - Pro jakýkoliv jiný typ je jeho `ToString` metoda volána a výsledek je přidán jako textový obsah. ### <a name="creating-an-xelement-with-content"></a>Vytvoření XElement s obsahem Můžete vytvořit <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> , který obsahuje jednoduchý obsah s jedinou voláním metody. Chcete-li to provést, zadejte jako druhý parametr obsah následujícím způsobem: ```csharp XElement n = new XElement("Customer", "Adventure Works"); Console.WriteLine(n); ``` Tento příklad vytvoří následující výstup: ```xml <Customer>Adventure Works</Customer> ``` Jako obsah můžete předat libovolný typ objektu. Například následující kód vytvoří prvek, který obsahuje číslo s plovoucí desetinnou čárkou jako obsah: ```csharp XElement n = new XElement("Cost", 324.50); Console.WriteLine(n); ``` Tento příklad vytvoří následující výstup: ```xml <Cost>324.5</Cost> ``` Číslo s plovoucí desetinnou čárkou je v krabici a předáno do konstruktoru. Zabalené číslo je převedeno na řetězec a použito jako obsah elementu. ### <a name="creating-an-xelement-with-a-child-element"></a>Vytvoření XElement s podřízeným elementem Pokud předáte instanci <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> třídy pro argument obsahu, konstruktor vytvoří prvek s podřízeným elementem: ```csharp XElement shippingUnit = new XElement("ShippingUnit", new XElement("Cost", 324.50) ); Console.WriteLine(shippingUnit); ``` Tento příklad vytvoří následující výstup: ```xml <ShippingUnit> <Cost>324.5</Cost> </ShippingUnit> ``` ### <a name="creating-an-xelement-with-multiple-child-elements"></a>Vytvoření XElement s více podřízenými elementy Pro obsah můžete předat několik <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> objektů. <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement> Každý objekt je zahrnut jako podřízený element. ```csharp XElement address = new XElement("Address", new XElement("Street1", "123 Main St"), new XElement("City", "Mercer Island"), new XElement("State", "WA"), new XElement("Postal", "68042") ); Console.WriteLine(address); ``` Tento příklad vytvoří následující výstup: ```xml <Address> <Street1>123 Main St</Street1> <City>Mercer Island</City> <State>WA</State> <Postal>68042</Postal> </Address> ``` Rozšířením výše uvedeného příkladu můžete vytvořit celý strom XML následujícím způsobem: ```csharp XElement contacts = new XElement("Contacts", new XElement("Contact", new XElement("Name", "Patrick Hines"), new XElement("Phone", "206-555-0144"), new XElement("Address", new XElement("Street1", "123 Main St"), new XElement("City", "Mercer Island"), new XElement("State", "WA"), new XElement("Postal", "68042") ) ) ); Console.WriteLine(contacts); ``` Tento příklad vytvoří následující výstup: ```xml <Contacts> <Contact> <Name>Patrick Hines</Name> <Phone>206-555-0144</Phone> <Address> <Street1>123 Main St</Street1> <City>Mercer Island</City> <State>WA</State> <Postal>68042</Postal> </Address> </Contact> </Contacts> ``` ### <a name="creating-an-xelement-with-an-xattribute"></a>Vytvoření XElement pomocí XAttribute Pokud předáte instanci <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute> třídy pro argument obsahu, konstruktor vytvoří element s atributem: ```csharp XElement phone = new XElement("Phone", new XAttribute("Type", "Home"), "555-555-5555"); Console.WriteLine(phone); ``` Tento příklad vytvoří následující výstup: ```xml <Phone Type="Home">555-555-5555</Phone> ``` ### <a name="creating-an-empty-element"></a>Vytvoření prázdného prvku Chcete-li vytvořit <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement>prázdnou, nemusíte do konstruktoru předávat žádný obsah. Následující příklad vytvoří prázdný element: ```csharp XElement n = new XElement("Customer"); Console.WriteLine(n); ``` Tento příklad vytvoří následující výstup: ```xml <Customer /> ``` ### <a name="attaching-vs-cloning"></a>Připojení vs. klonování Jak bylo uvedeno dříve, při <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XNode> přidávání ( <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XElement>včetně) <xref:System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute> nebo objektů, pokud nový obsah nemá žádný nadřazený objekt, objekty jsou jednoduše připojeny ke stromu XML. Pokud je nový obsah již nadřazený a je součástí jiného stromu XML, bude nový obsah klonován a nově Klonovaný obsah je připojen ke stromu XML. Následující příklad ukazuje chování při přidání nadřazeného elementu do stromu a při přidání elementu bez nadřazeného prvku do stromu. ```csharp // Create a tree with a child element. XElement xmlTree1 = new XElement("Root", new XElement("Child1", 1) ); // Create an element that is not parented. XElement child2 = new XElement("Child2", 2); // Create a tree and add Child1 and Child2 to it. XElement xmlTree2 = new XElement("Root", xmlTree1.Element("Child1"), child2 ); // Compare Child1 identity. Console.WriteLine("Child1 was {0}", xmlTree1.Element("Child1") == xmlTree2.Element("Child1") ? "attached" : "cloned"); // Compare Child2 identity. Console.WriteLine("Child2 was {0}", child2 == xmlTree2.Element("Child2") ? "attached" : "cloned"); // The example displays the following output: // Child1 was cloned // Child2 was attached ``` ## <a name="see-also"></a>Viz také: - [Vytváření stromů XML (C#)](./linq-to-xml-overview.md)
* Sprite move * * Mode 4 * +------|-----+ * |aaaaaaaa | * |aaggggaa | * |aaggggaa | * |aaggaaaaaaaa| * -aaaaaaaaggaa- * | aaggggaa| * | aaggggaa| * | aaaaaaaa| * +------|-----+ * section sprite xdef sp_wmove xref sp_zero xref s24_wmove sp_wmove dc.w $0100,$0000 dc.w 12,8,6,4 dc.l sc4_move-* dc.l sp_zero-* dc.l s24_wmove-* sc4_move dc.w $FFFF,$0000 dc.w $C3FF,$0000 dc.w $C3FF,$0000 dc.w $CFFF,$F0F0 dc.w $FFFF,$30F0 dc.w $0C0F,$30F0 dc.w $0C0F,$30F0 dc.w $0F0F,$F0F0 * end
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <dataset Transactions="1"><dataset_header DisableRI="yes" DatasetObj="1004928896.09" DateFormat="mdy" FullHeader="no" SCMManaged="yes" YearOffset="1950" DatasetCode="RYCSO" NumericFormat="AMERICAN" NumericDecimal="." OriginatingSite="91" NumericSeparator=","/> <dataset_records><dataset_transaction TransactionNo="1" TransactionType="DATA"><contained_record DB="icfdb" Table="ryc_smartobject" version_date="10/08/2003" version_time="65692" version_user="admin" deletion_flag="no" entity_mnemonic="RYCSO" key_field_value="1004887719.09" record_version_obj="3000001794.09" version_number_seq="4.09" secondary_key_value="gscemfullo.w#CHR(1)#0" import_version_number_seq="4.09"><smartobject_obj>1004887719.09</smartobject_obj> <object_filename>gscemfullo.w</object_filename> <customization_result_obj>0</customization_result_obj> <object_type_obj>1003183339</object_type_obj> <product_module_obj>1004874683.09</product_module_obj> <layout_obj>1003516362</layout_obj> <object_description>SDO for gsc_entity_mnemonic</object_description> <object_path>af/obj2</object_path> <object_extension></object_extension> <static_object>yes</static_object> <generic_object>no</generic_object> <template_smartobject>no</template_smartobject> <system_owned>no</system_owned> <deployment_type>CLN,SRV</deployment_type> <design_only>no</design_only> <runnable_from_menu>no</runnable_from_menu> <container_object>no</container_object> <disabled>no</disabled> <run_persistent>yes</run_persistent> <run_when>ANY</run_when> <shutdown_message_text></shutdown_message_text> <required_db_list></required_db_list> <sdo_smartobject_obj>0</sdo_smartobject_obj> <extends_smartobject_obj>0</extends_smartobject_obj> <security_smartobject_obj>1004887719.09</security_smartobject_obj> <object_is_runnable>yes</object_is_runnable> <contained_record DB="icfdb" Table="ryc_attribute_value"><attribute_value_obj>3000060304.09</attribute_value_obj> <object_type_obj>1003183339</object_type_obj> <container_smartobject_obj>0</container_smartobject_obj> <smartobject_obj>1004887719.09</smartobject_obj> <object_instance_obj>0</object_instance_obj> <constant_value>no</constant_value> <attribute_label>Label</attribute_label> <character_value>Entity mnemonic</character_value> <integer_value>0</integer_value> <date_value>?</date_value> <decimal_value>0</decimal_value> <logical_value>no</logical_value> <primary_smartobject_obj>1004887719.09</primary_smartobject_obj> <render_type_obj>0</render_type_obj> <applies_at_runtime>yes</applies_at_runtime> </contained_record> </contained_record> </dataset_transaction> </dataset_records> </dataset>
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package oops.singletons; /** * * @author user */ public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { AppConfig obj = AppConfig.getInstance(); AppConfig obj2 = AppConfig.getInstance(); } }
====== API v1 ====== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 querying-task-status.md
// Copyright 2021 Fredrick Allan Grott. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:inherited_statenotifier/app/ui/themes/my_app_textstyles.dart'; import 'package:inherited_statenotifier/app/ui/themes/my_color_schemes.dart'; PopupMenuThemeData myMaterialPopupMenuThemeData = PopupMenuThemeData( elevation: 4, color: myColorSchemes.primary, enableFeedback: true, textStyle: myMaterialPopupMenuTextStyle, shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(), );
defmodule ApplicationAuth.MixProject do use Mix.Project def project do [ app: :application_auth, version: "0.1.0", elixir: "~> 1.9", start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod, deps: deps(), aliases: aliases(), elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()), description: description(), package: package() ] end # Run "mix help compile.app" to learn about applications. def application do [ extra_applications: [:logger], mod: {ApplicationAuth.Application, []} ] end defp description do """ Library with user and application relationship with auth mechanism """ end defp package do [ files: ["lib", "mix.exs", "README*", "LICENSE*"], maintainers: ["Oscar Jimenez"], licenses: ["MIT"], links: %{"GitHub" => "https://github.com/oscarjg/application_auth"} ] end # Specifies which paths to compile per environment. defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/support"] defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"] # Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies. defp deps do [ {:ecto_sql, "~> 3.0"}, {:postgrex, ">= 0.0.0"}, {:comeonin, "~> 4.1"}, {:pbkdf2_elixir, "~> 0.12"}, {:jason, "~> 1.0"}, {:ex_doc, "~> 0.18", only: :dev} ] end defp aliases do [ "ecto.setup": ["ecto.create", "ecto.migrate", "run priv/repo/seeds.exs"], "ecto.reset": ["ecto.drop", "ecto.setup"], test: ["ecto.create --quiet", "ecto.migrate", "test"] ] end end
port module ErrorSample exposing (..) import Html.App as Html import ModuleA import ModuleB main : Program Never main = Html.program { init = ( (), Cmd.none ) , view = \_ -> (div [] []) , update = \_ _ -> ( (), Cmd.none ) , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none }
/* Resource fork of software/extras/Iconographer Support/Testing/ProGo/PBG4 */ resource 'icns' (-16455) { { /* array elementArray: 10 elements */ /* [1] */ 'ics#', $"00EB 03BF 067F 1CFF 59FF 77FF CFFF 9FFF" $"7FFF 3FFF DFFF EFFE 77F8 1FF3 0EE6 070F" $"00FF 03FF 07FF 1FFF 5FFF 7FFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 7FFF 1FFF 0FFF 07FF", /* [2] */ 'ics4', $"0000 0000 FDEC EDDA 0000 00FF A0EF FEDD" $"0000 0FFC CEFF FFFE 000F FACD AFFF FFFF" $"0F0F ECCF FFFF FFFF 0FAA CDFF FFFF FFFF" $"FECD EFFF FFFF FFFF EDCE FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"CEAF FFFF FFFF FFFF CDFF AFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FDCE AAFF FFFF FFFE FFAC EAFF FFFF FFDC" $"0FFE DEFF FFFF EDDC 000F ADDE FFFE DCEE" $"0000 FFDD AEE0 DEAC 0000 0FFE DDDD AEDD", /* [3] */ 'ics8', $"0000 0000 0000 F500 FF81 FBF6 FCF9 FAFD" $"0000 0000 00F5 FFFF FD00 FCFF FFAC 815D" $"0000 0000 F5FF FF2B F7AC FFFF FFFF FEFB" $"0000 00FF FFFD F8F9 FDFF FFFF FFFF FFFE" $"00FF 00FF FBF8 F8FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFF4" $"00FF FDFD F781 FEFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFF4" $"FFFD F756 FBFF FFFE FEFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FBF8 2BAC FFFF FEFE FEFE FEFF FFFF FFFF" $"F681 FDFF EAFE FEFE FEFE FEFF FFFF FFFF" $"F7F8 FDFF FDFE FEFE FEFE FEF4 FFFF FFFF" $"FDFA F7FC FDFD FEFE FEFE EAFF FFFF FEAC" $"FFFF FDF7 FCFD FEFE FEFE FFFF FFFF 81F7" $"00FF FFFB F8FB FDFF EAF4 FFFF AC56 56F7" $"0000 00FF FDFA FAAC FFFF FF81 56F6 ACFC" $"0000 0000 FFFE 81F8 FDAC FBF5 F9AC FDF8" $"0000 0000 00FF FE81 F9F9 F9F9 FDFB F9FA", /* [4] */ 'is32', $"83FF 09E3 FF00 685A D755 9B85 2982 FF0A" $"E305 0024 F04F 0005 396E 9081 FF05 E305" $"00C3 BA38 8000 0205 1967 80FF 1605 0528" $"A58D 2800 0001 0203 011D FF00 FF05 53A5" $"A500 0105 8004 7F05 0606 FF05 2225 B163" $"1201 0E0A 0706 0503 0507 0026 B591 5A00" $"0516 110F 0C08 0400 0006 4E9C BC34 050C" $"1618 1512 100A 0300 0004 D95B 240B 0E1A" $"1618 1913 100B 0704 0200 BE99 1F0C 251C" $"1317 1716 100C 0804 0100 176B B041 2322" $"1414 1514 0F0B 0200 1835 020A 22A5 4222" $"1412 1314 0B05 0000 6EC0 FF00 034F 9549" $"1905 0D0C 0000 3C02 9B93 B480 FF0C 0022" $"6E68 2F03 0004 5C9B DE31 3F81 FF0B 0015" $"6A95 2535 51E2 863A 25A4 82FF 0A00 1754" $"7C81 7D7E 2357 7B78 83FF 09E4 FF00 685B" $"D74B 8D74 2282 FF0A E406 0024 F04F 0005" $"3462 7881 FF05 E406 00C2 BA38 8000 0205" $"195F 80FF 1606 0628 A78F 2800 0001 0303" $"011C FF00 FF06 58A7 A400 0105 8004 7F05" $"0606 FF06 252A B866 1300 0E0A 0706 0503" $"0508 002D BB9A 5E00 0515 110F 0C08 0400" $"0006 54A5 C23A 050C 1819 1512 100A 0300" $"0004 DD68 290C 101E 191A 1913 100B 0704" $"0200 BFA5 240D 2A1E 1618 1A15 100C 0804" $"0100 2074 BC48 2826 1816 1816 100B 0200" $"1835 020A 2BB3 4E2B 1B16 1717 0D07 0000" $"6EBF FF00 0759 A054 220C 120F 0000 3E02" $"9D94 B480 FF0C 0128 7973 3C09 0008 639E" $"DF31 4081 FF0B 0015 6FA6 2C3F 5BEA 8B3E" $"2AA7 82FF 0A00 1860 8D8F 8E8B 2A5D 807A" $"83FF 09E4 FF00 685B D74E 8E73 2982 FF0A" $"E406 0025 F04E 0005 3763 7881 FF05 E406" $"00C2 BC3B 8000 0207 195D 80FF 0806 0628" $"A78D 2600 0004 8009 7722 FF00 FF06 58A7" $"A500 0308 0A08 0A0B 0F12 FF06 262A B866" $"1302 0F0E 080A 0A09 0910 0030 BB9A 5E00" $"0515 130F 0F0C 0905 040B 54A5 C23A 050C" $"1819 1513 130E 0A04 040A DD68 290C 101E" $"191A 1A14 130F 0B09 0704 BFA5 240D 2A1E" $"1618 1B16 1310 0D0A 0700 2074 BC48 2826" $"1816 1815 120F 0800 1E3B 020A 2BB3 4E2B" $"1B80 1615 0F08 0202 70BE FF00 0759 A054" $"220C 1212 0100 3E9D 94B4 80FF 0C01 2C79" $"733C 0900 0864 9EDF 3140 81FF 0B00 156F" $"A62C 3F5D EA8B 3E2A A782 FF0A 0018 608D" $"8F8E 8B29 5D80 7A", /* [5] */ 's8mk', $"0000 0000 0000 0000 61CA FFFF FFFF F6F3" $"0000 0000 0000 1E7D DCFB FFFF FFFF FFF1" $"0000 0000 0036 8AEC FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFA" $"0000 0011 2CC0 FCFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"0002 0079 C9FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"0031 7AF8 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"2DB3 FDFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"D6F8 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"C9F2 FEFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"0C91 E3FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"0003 6EF8 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"0000 004D DDF2 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 24AD DFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 0010 94FB FFFF FDFF FFFF FFFF", /* [6] */ 'ICN#', $"007F C000 0075 C000 01DF E000 033F F800" $"0E7F D800 2CFF FE00 3BFF FF00 E7FF FB80" $"CFFF FBC0 BFFF F7F0 9FFF EEF8 EFFF 9DFC" $"F7FF 75FC 3BFC 71FF 0FF9 C4FF 0773 157F" $"0387 947F 01FE F07F 007B 907F 003A C07F" $"0033 807F 0038 B07F 0032 687F 0028 38FF" $"0030 39FF 0020 63FF 0030 0FFF 0030 1FFF" $"0020 3FFF 0020 7FFF 0021 FFFF 0077 FFFE" $"007F C000 007F C000 01FF E000 03FF F800" $"0FFF F800 2FFF FE00 3FFF FF00 FFFF FF80" $"FFFF FFC0 FFFF FFF0 FFFF FFF8 FFFF FFFC" $"FFFF FFFC 3FFF FFFF 0FFF FFFF 07FF FFFF" $"03FF FFFF 01FF FFFF 007F FFFF 003F FFFF" $"003F FFFF 003F FFFF 003F FFFF 003F FFFF" $"003F FFFF 003F FFFF 003F FFFF 003F FFFF" $"003F FFFF 003F FFFF 003F FFFF 007F FFFE", /* [7] */ 'icl4', $"0000 0000 0FFF DDFF FF00 0000 0000 0000" $"0000 0000 0FDE CEDD AF00 0000 0000 0000" $"0000 000F FA0E FFED DFF0 0000 0000 0000" $"0000 00FF CCEF FFFF EDAF F000 0000 0000" $"0000 FFAC DAFF FFFF FEDE F000 0000 0000" $"00F0 FECC FFFF FFFF FFAD FFF0 0000 0000" $"00FA ACDF FFFF FFFF FFFE DEFF 0000 0000" $"FFEC DEFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FDFF F000 0000" $"FEDC EFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF EDAA FF00 0000" $"ECEA FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFD DEAD DFFF 0000" $"ECDF FAFF FFFF FFFF FEDD EFED DFFF F000" $"FFDC EAAF FFFF FFFF ECCE EDCD EFFF FF00" $"FFFA CEAF FFFF FFFD CDDA DDCE DFFF FF00" $"00FF EDEF FFFF FEDD CADE CDDE DFFF FFFF" $"0000 FADD EFFF EDCE EACD DEDD DFFF FFFF" $"0000 0FFD DAEE 0DEA CDDE DDDE DEFF FFFF" $"0000 00FF EDDD DAED DDDD DECC DAFF FFFF" $"0000 000F FFAF EDED DDDD DDCC DEFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 0FFF ECDD DDDE CCCC CDFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 00FF DDED DDDC DCCC CDFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 00FD DDED DDDC DCCC DDFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 00FE EDDC DCDD CDCC DEFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 00FE CDEC CEED DCDC DEFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 00FD ECCC DDDD ECCC EFFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 00FE C0CC CDED DCDD FFFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 00FD C000 DDEC 0CFF FFFF FFFF" $"0000 0000 00FE 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2A5D" $"807A 8582 6990 51B2 A297 2F83 0084 FF12" $"0005 272D 0431 6F69 A07F 6674 6890 88D2" $"C59E 4383 0086 FF80 000D 50B2 7974 6785" $"865C A2BF C6CA A770 8300 87FF 1000 0C7F" $"9466 8B78 6583 B1A1 ADC1 CAA2 7409 8200" $"87FF 0F00 81A5 995B 7E7A A390 A09B A6B1" $"B99F 6683 0087 FF10 006E 569E 8AB9 82B0" $"6A6B A99E A1A2 834E 0282 0087 FF0F 0067" $"B2AD 5ACD BD51 4F89 80A1 9FA5 823B 8300" $"87FF 0F00 8A6C D3D1 D3AA 846F 7B3E A0B9" $"B134 0A83 0087 FF0D 004F C9EF DEDB B39D" $"5E6F 79C1 8E66 8500 87FF 0C00 94D6 F1F1" $"EA88 7838 CBE2 B415 8600 87FF 0B00 40E2" $"F0F2 F2A9 AECA EF6B 1387 0087 FF0A 1187" $"E0E9 E3F0 EEF2 E86B 1188 0087 FF08 11D8" $"C1DF EBF2 EFC7 6C8A 0087 FF07 118D D2DF" $"F0E9 9902 8B00 87FF 0611 90E8 DAC6 4713" $"8C00 86FF 0500 1159 875E 348D 0000 FF85" $"FF00 FE80 0002 7863 1680 0001 FBFE 90FF" $"0CE4 FF00 685B D74E 8E73 2900 FDFE 8FFF" $"0CE4 0600 25F0 4E00 0537 6378 0200 8FFF" $"05E4 0600 C2BC 3B80 0006 0719 5D61 1E00" $"008C FF08 0606 28A7 8D26 0000 0480 0904" $"2254 8C48 008A FF14 00FF 0658 A7A5 0003" $"080A 080A 0B0F 1212 2F6C 0C01 0088 FF15" $"0626 2AB8 6613 020F 0E08 0A0A 0909 1014" $"1533 6F4D 0000 85FF 1800 0030 BB9A 5E00" $"0515 130F 0F0C 0905 040B 1417 0E23 810F" $"0000 84FF 1900 54A5 C23A 050C 1819 1513" $"130E 0A04 040A 0F08 1E39 862F 240A 0083" $"FF1B 59DD 6829 0C10 1E19 1A1A 1413 0F0B" $"0907 040F 0C7A 8B57 2A68 640E 0000 81FF" $"1848 BFA5 240D 2A1E 1618 1B16 1310 0D0A" $"0700 4870 9558 1D4D 8F60 8100 80FF 1809" $"2074 BC48 2826 1816 1815 120F 0800 1E3B" $"A2A4 4A4A 68B9 6552 8200 09FF FF00 020A" $"2BB3 4E2B 1B80 160E 0F08 0202 70BE 6B6F" $"2A9E 6BA5 4E68 0781 0081 FF16 0007 59A0" $"5422 0C12 1201 003E 9D94 B42A 6C48 BE96" $"954B 7584 0081 FF15 012C 7973 3C09 0008" $"649E DF31 4026 BD93 914B 9899 771D 8300" $"82FF 1400 156F A62C 3F5D EA8B 3E2A A78E" $"875A 837E 955D 8C4E 8300 83FF 1300 1860" $"8D8F 8E8B 295D 807A 8582 6990 51B1 A197" $"2E83 0084 FF12 0005 272D 0431 6F69 A07F" $"6674 6890 88D2 C49D 4183 0086 FF80 000D" $"50B2 7974 6785 865C A2BF C5C9 A76F 8300" $"87FF 1000 0C7F 9466 8B78 6583 B1A0 ADC1" $"C9A2 7309 8200 87FF 0F00 81A5 995B 7E7A" $"A390 A09A A5AF B89E 6583 0087 FF10 006E" $"569E 8AB9 82B0 6A6B A99E A0A1 814D 0282" $"0087 FF0F 0067 B2AD 5ACD BD51 4F89 80A1" $"9EA5 823A 8300 87FF 0F00 8A6C D3D1 D3AA" $"846F 7B3E A0B8 AF33 0983 0087 FF0D 004F" $"C9EF DEDB B39D 5E6F 79C1 8D64 8500 87FF" $"0C00 94D6 F1F1 EA88 7838 CBE3 B315 8600" $"87FF 0B00 40E2 F0F2 F2A9 AECA EF6B 1287" $"0087 FF0A 1287 E0E9 E3F0 EEF2 E86B 1188" $"0087 FF08 12D8 C1DF EBF2 EFC7 6C8A 0087" $"FF07 128D D2DF F0E9 9902 8B00 87FF 0612" $"90E8 DAC6 4713 8C00 86FF 0500 1259 875E" $"348D 0000 FF", /* [10] */ 'l8mk', $"0000 0000 0000 0000 0008 0DAF FDFD E2A4" $"6101 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" $"0000 0000 0000 0000 0061 CAFF FFFF FFF6" $"F31B 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" $"0000 0000 0000 001E 7DDC FBFF FFFF FFFF" $"F168 2900 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" $"0000 0000 0000 368A ECFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FAD8 AF7D 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" $"0000 0000 112C C0FC FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFE1 4E00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" $"0000 0200 79C9 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFC A55F 2A00 0000 0000 0000 0000" $"0000 317A F8FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFE FEDD B346 0000 0000 0000 0000" $"052D B3FD FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF F108 2100 0000 0000 0000" $"59D6 F8FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF EB80 B159 0000 0000 0000" $"DBFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF FDFB FFB0 0501 0000 0000" $"F7FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFC0 2601 0100 0000" $"40C9 F2FE FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFD9 6403 0201 0000" $"070C 91E3 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFE5 3C06 0302 0000" $"0000 036E F8FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFCC 6B0C 0603 0201" $"0000 0000 4DDD F2FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFE 5914 0B06 0201" $"0000 0000 0024 ADDF FFFF FFFF FFFF 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$"0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 6AF6 FFFF FFFF" $"FFFF FFF7 F6C2 AEAA A392 7551 341E 0F06" $"0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 84FF FFFF FFFF" $"FFFD FFDA B6AD ABA6 9A86 6444 2716 0A03" $"0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 5DF9 FFFF FFFF" $"FFED C9B4 A6A3 9E93 8369 482C 190E 0602" $"0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 AAFC FFFF FFF9" $"DAC1 9596 9189 7E6C 5940 2D19 0E07 0201" $"0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 83FF FFFF EBDC" $"7872 6E6A 6357 4C3E 2E20 150C 0503 0100" } };
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208 0 811 1119 1050 218 0 837 1113 1060 216 0 862 1108 1070 222 0 883 1102 1080 218 0 903 1102 1090 222 0 919 1102 1100 216 0 929 1096 1110 228 0 939 1096 1120 218 0 949 1090 1130 232 0 959 1090 1140 226 0 970 1084 1150 232 0 975 1079 1160 232 0 985 1073 1170 236 0 995 1067 1180 236 0 1005 1061 1190 250 0 1010 1055 1200 246 0 1021 1050 1210 250 0 1026 1050 1220 236 0 1036 1044 1230 236 0 1041 1038 1240 236 0 1051 1038 1250 236 0 1061 1032 1260 242 0 1072 1032 1270 236 0 1082 1026 1280 246 0 1087 1026 1290 246 0 1092 1026 1300 238 0 1097 1026 1310 246 0 1097 1026 1320 242 0 1102 1026 1330 246 0 1102 1026 1340 238 0 1102 1026 1350 238 0 1102 1032 1360 228 0 1102 1032 1370 246 0 1102 1032 1380 238 0 1102 1038 1390 250 0 1102 1038 1400 246 0 1097 1044 1410 246 0 1092 1050 1420 242 0 1092 1055 1430 246 0 1087 1055 1440 242 0 1082 1061 1450 250 0 1082 1067 1460 242 0 1077 1073 1470 246 0 1077 1079 1480 242 0 1072 1084 1490 242 0 1067 1084 1500 240 0 1067 1090 1510 242 0 1061 1096 1520 246 0 1061 1102 1530 242 0 1061 1108 1540 242 0 1056 1113 1550 242 0 1056 1113 1560 240 0 1056 1113 1570 240 0 1056 1119 1580 242 0 1061 1119 1590 240 0 1067 1119 1600 240 0 1067 1125 1610 242 0 1077 1125 1620 240 0 1082 1131 1630 240 0 1087 1131 1640 242 0 1092 1136 1650 242 0 1102 1136 1660 250 0 1107 1142 1670 240 0 1112 1142 1680 246 0 1118 1148 1690 242 0 1128 1154 1700 246 0 1128 1154 1710 242 0 1138 1160 1720 246 0 1143 1165 1730 250 0 1148 1177 1740 260 0 1148 1183 1750 252 0 1153 1189 1760 260 0 1158 1200 1770 262 0 1158 1206 1780 272 0 1163 1212 1790 276 0 1163 1218 1800 276 0 1163 1229 1810 286 0 1169 1241 1820 308 0 1174 1258 1830 312 0 1174 1276 1840 314 0 1179 1287 1850 306 0 1184 1305 1860 314 0 1184 1316 1870 306 0 1189 1328 1880 314 0 1189 1339 1890 310 0 1184 1345 1900 316 0 1179 1357 1910 306 0 1169 1368 1920 314 0 1158 1374 1930 316 0 1143 1392 1940 330 0 1123 1403 1950 342 0 1102 1415 1960 372 0 1077 1426 1970 394 0 1056 1432 1980 412 0 1041 1444 1990 430 0 1026 1444 2000 436 0 1010 1444 2010 438 0 1005 1444 2020 432 0 1000 1438 2030 436 0 995 1432 2040 420 0 995 1426 2050 412 0 995 1421 2060 406 0 995 1415 2070 394 0 995 1409 2080 396 0 995 1403 2090 384 0 995 1397 2100 380 0 995 1386 2110 378 0 995 1374 2120 378 0 1000 1363 2130 368 0 1005 1351 2140 370 0 1021 1339 2150 362 0 1031 1322 2160 374 0 1051 1310 2170 368 0 1072 1299 2180 378 0 1092 1281 2190 368 0 1112 1270 2200 374 0 1138 1252 2210 368 0 1163 1241 2220 368 0 1184 1223 2230 368 0 1209 1212 2240 364 0 1225 1206 2250 362 0 1245 1200 2260 372 0 1255 1194 2270 368 0 1271 1194 2280 372 0 1281 1194 2290 368 0 1291 1189 2300 360 0 1301 1189 2310 364 0 1317 1183 2320 364 0 1327 1177 2330 360 0 1342 1171 2340 364 0 1352 1171 2350 368 0 1363 1165 2360 360 0 1368 1160 2370 372 0 1373 1160 2380 364 0 1383 1154 2390 368 0 1388 1154 2400 360 0 1388 1148 2410 368 0 1393 1148 2420 364 0 1393 1142 2430 368 0 1393 1136 2440 364 0 1393 1131 2450 368 0 1393 1125 2460 364 0 1393 1119 2470 368 0 1393 1113 2480 360 0 1398 1108 2490 368 0 1398 1102 2500 364 0 1403 1096 2510 372 0 1414 1090 2520 364 0 1419 1079 2530 362 0 1434 1073 2540 364 0 1444 1061 2550 362 0 1459 1055 2560 364 0 1470 1044 2570 368 0 1480 1038 2580 364 0 1490 1026 2590 362 0 1500 1021 2600 364 0 1510 1015 2610 372 0 1526 1003 2620 360 0 1536 997 2630 372 0 1546 986 2640 364 0 1562 974 2650 368 0 1572 963 2660 360 0 1582 957 2670 358 0 1592 945 2680 364 0 1602 939 2690 358 0 1613 928 2700 360 0 1618 922 2710 354 0 1623 916 2720 364 0 1633 910 2730 354 0 1638 910 2740 360 0 1643 905 2750 354 0 1648 899 2760 350 0 1648 899 2770 354 0 1648 899 2780 346 0 1648 899 2790 354 0 1653 893 2800 346 0 1658 893 2810 358 0 1658 893 2820 346 0 1664 887 2830 358 0 1669 881 2840 350 0 1674 881 2850 354 0 1679 876 2860 358 0 1684 870 2870 364 0 1689 870 2880 354 0 1689 864 2890 372 0 1689 864 2900 364 0 1689 858 2910 368 0 1689 858 2920 364 0 1689 858 2930 364 0 1689 858 2940 354 0 1689 858 2950 344 0 1689 858 2960 340 0 1689 864 2970 334 0 1684 870 2980 334 0 1684 870 2990 344 0 1684 876 3000 344 0 1679 887 3010 342 0 1674 893 3020 344 0 1669 905 3030 338 0 1664 916 3040 342 0 1658 928 3050 338 0 1653 939 3060 342 0 1648 957 3070 338 0 1643 968 3080 344 0 1638 980 3090 338 0 1633 992 3100 342 0 1623 1009 3110 344 0 1618 1026 3120 342 0 1613 1044 3130 344 0 1607 1067 3140 342 0 1602 1084 3150 334 0 1597 1102 3160 344 0 1597 1119 3170 334 0 1597 1136 3180 342 0 1597 1154 3190 334 0 1597 1165 3200 344 0 1597 1183 3210 344 0 1597 1194 3220 334 0 1597 1206 3230 336 0 1597 1218 3240 344 0 1597 1223 3250 334 0 1592 1229 3260 334 0 1587 1235 3270 336 0 1582 1241 3280 334 0 1577 1247 3290 344 0 1572 1252 3300 334 0 1567 1264 3310 334 0 1562 1270 3320 336 0 1556 1276 3330 344 0 1556 1281 3340 338 0 1546 1287 3350 338 0 1541 1287 3360 320 0 1536 1293 3370 298 0 1531 1293 3380 274 0 1521 1299 3390 256 0 1516 1299 3400 222 0 1505 1299 3410 206 0 1495 1299 3420 196 0 1480 1293 3430 180 0 1465 1287 3440 176 0 1439 1281 3450 172 0 1419 1270 3460 196 0 1393 1264 3470 220 0 1373 1252 3480 236 0 1352 1247 3490 246 0 1332 1235 3500 284 0 1311 1229 3510 286 0 1291 1223 3520 280 0 1276 1218 3530 276 0 1260 1218 3540 276 0 1245 1212 3550 262 0 1225 1212 3560 240 0 1204 1206 3570 228 0 1179 1206 3580 232 0 1153 1206 3590 228 0 1133 1206 3600 238 0 1112 1206 3610 242 0 1102 1212 3620 252 0 1097 1212 3630 242 0 1097 1212 3640 240 0 1102 1212 3650 240 0 1112 1206 3660 256 0 1138 1206 3670 270 0 1169 1200 3680 298 0 1209 1194 3690 344 0 1260 1183 3700 372 0 1322 1177 3710 396 0 1388 1165 3720 394 0 1465 1160 3730 404 0 1541 1148 3740 396 0 1613 1142 3750 396 0 1679 1136 3760 390 0 1735 1131 3770 330 0 1776 1125 3780 196 1 852 1334 5018 56 0 873 1334 5028 90 0 903 1328 5038 182 0 934 1322 5048 236 0 975 1310 5058 284 0 1021 1299 5068 296 0 1072 1287 5078 310 0 1133 1276 5088 334 0 1194 1264 5098 358 0 1255 1258 5108 364 0 1317 1247 5118 364 0 1383 1241 5128 372 0 1444 1235 5138 372 0 1505 1229 5148 364 0 1562 1223 5158 372 0 1613 1218 5168 368 0 1658 1212 5178 364 0 1704 1206 5188 364 0 1745 1206 5198 364 0 1781 1200 5208 364 0 1812 1194 5218 350 0 1837 1194 5228 342 0 1857 1194 5238 334 0 1873 1194 5248 330 0 1883 1194 5258 306 0 1888 1194 5268 310 0 1893 1194 5278 314 0 1893 1194 5288 310 0 1893 1194 5298 310 0 1893 1200 5308 324 0 1893 1200 5318 324 0 1893 1206 5328 330 0 1893 1206 5338 324 0 1893 1212 5348 328 0 1893 1212 5358 330 0 1893 1212 5368 334 0 1893 1212 5378 330 0 1893 1218 5388 338 0 1888 1218 5398 330 0 1888 1223 5408 334 0 1888 1223 5418 334 0 1883 1235 5428 354 0 1878 1247 5438 404 0 1873 1258 5448 440 0 1857 1276 5458 466 0 1837 1287 5468 512 0 1806 1305 5478 548 0 1761 1316 5488 602 0 1704 1328 5498 618 0 1638 1345 5508 618 0 1577 1351 5518 520 0 1516 1363 5528 452 0 1465 1368 5538 440 0 1434 1374 5548 292 0
.rdw-image-wrapper { display: flex; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 6px; position: relative; } .rdw-image-modal { position: absolute; top: 35px; left: 5px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: 235px; height: 200px; border: 1px solid #F1F1F1; padding: 15px; border-radius: 2px; z-index: 100; background: white; box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #BFBDBD; } .rdw-image-modal-header { font-size: 15px; margin: 10px 0; display: flex; } .rdw-image-modal-header-option { width: 50%; cursor: pointer; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; } .rdw-image-modal-header-label { width: 80px; background: #f1f1f1; border: 1px solid #f1f1f1; margin-top: 5px; } .rdw-image-modal-header-label-highlighted { background: #6EB8D4; border-bottom: 2px solid #0a66b7; } .rdw-image-modal-upload-option { height: 65px; width: 100%; color: gray; cursor: pointer; display: flex; border: none; font-size: 15px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; background-color: #f1f1f1; outline: 2px dashed gray; outline-offset: -10px; margin: 10px 0; } .rdw-image-modal-upload-option-highlighted { outline: 2px dashed #0a66b7; } .rdw-image-modal-upload-option-label { cursor: pointer; height: 100%; width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding: 15px; } .rdw-image-modal-upload-option-label span{ padding: 0 20px; } .rdw-image-modal-upload-option-input { width: 0.1px; height: 0.1px; opacity: 0; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; z-index: -1; } .rdw-image-modal-url-section { display: block; } .rdw-image-modal-url-input { width: 95%; height: 35px; margin: 30px 0 20px; border: 1px solid #F1F1F1; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 15px; padding: 0 5px; } .rdw-image-modal-btn-section { margin: 10px auto 0; } .rdw-image-modal-url-input:focus { outline: none; } .rdw-image-modal-btn { margin: 0 5px; width: 75px; height: 30px; border: 1px solid #F1F1F1; border-radius: 2px; cursor: pointer; background: white; text-transform: capitalize; } .rdw-image-modal-btn:hover { box-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #BFBDBD; } .rdw-image-modal-btn:active { box-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #BFBDBD inset; } .rdw-image-modal-btn:focus { outline: none !important; } .rdw-image-modal-btn:disabled { background: #ece9e9; } .rdw-image-modal-spinner { position: absolute; top: -3px; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0.5; }
import SysConfig::*; import Vector::*; export Vector::*; export StatusLEDWires(..); export StatusErrSet(..); export StatusLED(..); export mkStatusLED; interface StatusLEDWires; (* always_ready, result="LED" *) method Bit#(NumFlags) led; endinterface interface StatusErrSet; (* always_ready *) method Action set; endinterface interface StatusLED#(numeric type errports); interface StatusLEDWires wires; interface Vector#(errports, StatusErrSet) errorCondition; method Action errorClear; endinterface module mkStatusLED#(Bit#(NumFlags) syncedIn, Bool counterTicked) (StatusLED#(errports)); Reg#(Bit#(Log2LedPersistence)) ledPersistenceCounter <- mkReg(?); Reg#(Bit#(Log2ErrorBlink)) ledBlinkCounter <- mkReg(?); Bool isLedBlink = ledBlinkCounter[valueOf(Log2ErrorBlink)-1] == 1'b1; let errPorts = valueOf(errports); Array#(Reg#(Bool)) errorCond <- mkCReg(errPorts+1, False); Array#(Reg#(Bit#(NumFlags))) ledFlags <- mkCReg(2, 0); Reg#(Bit#(NumFlags)) ledReg <- mkReg(~0); (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *) rule setInputs; ledFlags[1] <= ledFlags[1] | syncedIn; endrule (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *) rule counterTick(counterTicked); ledPersistenceCounter <= ledPersistenceCounter + 1; if(ledPersistenceCounter == 0) begin ledBlinkCounter <= ledBlinkCounter + 1; ledReg <= errorCond[0] ? (isLedBlink ? 0 : ~0) : ledFlags[0]; ledFlags[0] <= 0; end endrule function genStatusErrSet(i); return (interface StatusErrSet; method Action set; errorCond[i] <= True; endmethod endinterface); endfunction interface Vector errorCondition = genWith(genStatusErrSet); method Action errorClear; errorCond[errPorts] <= False; endmethod interface StatusLEDWires wires; method Bit#(NumFlags) led = ledReg; endinterface endmodule
// // UIImage+Common.h // MeiYiQuan // // Created by 任强宾 on 16/9/29. // Copyright © 2016年 任强宾. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface UIImage (Common) //截取控件的图 + (UIImage *)imageWithView:(UIView *)view; - (UIImage *)fixOrientation; - (UIImage *)thumbnailWithSize:(CGSize)asize; - (UIImage *)rescaleImageToSize:(CGSize)size; - (UIImage *)cropImageToRect:(CGRect)cropRect; - (CGSize)calculateNewSizeForCroppingBox:(CGSize)croppingBox; - (UIImage *)cropCenterAndScaleImageToSize:(CGSize)cropSize; - (UIImage *)cropToSquareImage; // path为图片的键值 - (void)saveToCacheWithKey:(NSString *)key; + (UIImage *)loadFromCacheWithKey:(NSString *)key; + (UIImage *)imageWithColor:(UIColor *)color; + (UIImage *)imageWithColor:(UIColor *)color size:(CGSize)size; + (UIImage *)randomColorImageWith:(CGSize)size; - (UIImage *)croppedImage:(CGRect)bounds; @end #if kSupportUIImageNonCommon //======================================== @interface UIImage (Cut) - (UIImage *)clipImageWithScaleWithsize:(CGSize)asize; - (UIImage *)clipImageWithScaleWithsize:(CGSize)asize roundedCornerImage:(NSInteger)roundedCornerImage borderSize:(NSInteger)borderSize; @end //======================================== @interface UIImage (Resize) - (UIImage *)thumbnailImage:(NSInteger)thumbnailSize transparentBorder:(NSUInteger)borderSize cornerRadius:(NSUInteger)cornerRadius interpolationQuality:(CGInterpolationQuality)quality; - (UIImage *)resizedImage:(CGSize)newSize interpolationQuality:(CGInterpolationQuality)quality; - (UIImage *)resizedImageWithContentMode:(UIViewContentMode)contentMode bounds:(CGSize)bounds interpolationQuality:(CGInterpolationQuality)quality; - (UIImage *)resizedImage:(CGSize)newSize transform:(CGAffineTransform)transform drawTransposed:(BOOL)transpose interpolationQuality:(CGInterpolationQuality)quality; - (UIImage *)resizedImageInRect:(CGRect)rect transform:(CGAffineTransform)transform drawTransposed:(BOOL)transpose interpolationQuality:(CGInterpolationQuality)quality; - (CGAffineTransform)transformForOrientation:(CGSize)newSize; @end //======================================== @interface UIImage (RoundedCorner) - (UIImage *)roundedCornerImage:(NSInteger)cornerSize borderSize:(NSInteger)borderSize; - (void)addRoundedRectToPath:(CGRect)rect context:(CGContextRef)context ovalWidth:(CGFloat)ovalWidth ovalHeight:(CGFloat)ovalHeight; @end //======================================== @interface UIImage (SplitImageIntoTwoParts) + (NSArray*)splitImageIntoTwoParts:(UIImage*)image; @end #endif
(defpackage #:coalton-impl/codegen/function-entry (:use #:cl #:coalton-impl/util) (:export #:*function-constructor-functions* #:*function-application-functions* #:construct-function-entry #:apply-function-entry #:f1 #:f2 #:f3 #:f4 #:f5 #:f6 #:f7 #:f8 #:f9 #:a1 #:a2 #:a3 #:a4 #:a5 #:a6 #:a7 #:a8 #:a9)) (in-package #:coalton-impl/codegen/function-entry) ;; We need to evaluate this early so the macro below can inline calls (eval-when (:load-toplevel) (defstruct function-entry (arity (required 'arity) :type fixnum :read-only t) (function (required 'function) :type function :read-only t) (curried (required 'curried) :type function :read-only t)) #+sbcl (declaim (sb-ext:freeze-type function-entry))) (defvar *function-constructor-functions* (make-hash-table)) (defvar *function-application-functions* (make-hash-table)) (defmacro define-function-macros () (labels ((define-function-macros-with-arity (arity) (declare (type fixnum arity)) (let ((constructor-sym (alexandria:format-symbol t "F~D" arity)) (application-sym (alexandria:format-symbol t "A~D" arity)) (sub-application-sym (alexandria:format-symbol t "A~D" (1- arity))) (function-sym (alexandria:make-gensym "F")) (applied-function-sym (alexandria:make-gensym "F")) (arg-syms (alexandria:make-gensym-list arity))) (labels ((build-curried-function (args) (if (null (car args)) `(funcall ,function-sym ,@arg-syms) `(lambda (,(car args)) ,(build-curried-function (cdr args))))) (build-curried-function-call (fun args) (if (= 1 arity) `(funcall ,fun ,(car args)) `(,sub-application-sym (funcall ,fun ,(car args)) ,@(cdr args))))) ;; NOTE: Since we are only calling these functions ;; from already typechecked coalton, we can use the ;; OPTIMIZE flags to remove type checks. `(progn (defun ,application-sym (,applied-function-sym ,@arg-syms) (declare #.coalton-impl:*coalton-optimize* (type (or function function-entry) ,applied-function-sym) (values t)) (etypecase ,applied-function-sym (function ,(build-curried-function-call applied-function-sym arg-syms)) (function-entry (if (= (the fixnum (function-entry-arity ,applied-function-sym)) ,arity) (funcall (function-entry-function ,applied-function-sym) ,@arg-syms) ,(build-curried-function-call `(function-entry-curried ,applied-function-sym) arg-syms))))) (setf (gethash ,arity *function-application-functions*) ',application-sym) (declaim (inline ,constructor-sym)) (defun ,constructor-sym (,function-sym) (declare (type (function ,(loop :for i :below arity :collect 't) t) ,function-sym) #.coalton-impl:*coalton-optimize* (values function-entry)) (make-function-entry :arity ,arity ;; Store a reference to the original function for full application :function ,function-sym ;; Build up a curried function to be called for partial application :curried ,(build-curried-function arg-syms))) (setf (gethash ,arity *function-constructor-functions*) ',constructor-sym)))))) (let ((body nil) (funs nil)) (loop :for i :of-type fixnum :from 1 :below 50 :do (push (define-function-macros-with-arity i) body) :do (setf funs (append (list (alexandria:format-symbol *package* "F~D" i) (alexandria:format-symbol *package* "A~D" i)) funs))) `(progn #+sbcl (declaim (sb-ext:start-block ,@funs)) ,@(reverse body) #+sbcl (declaim (sb-ext:end-block)))))) (define-function-macros) ;; ;; Functions for building and applying function entries ;; (defun construct-function-entry (function arity) "Construct a FUNCTION-ENTRY object with ARITY NOTE: There is no FUNCTION-ENTRY for arity 1 and the function will be returned" (let ((function-constructor (gethash arity *function-constructor-functions*))) (unless function-constructor (error "Unable to construct function of arity ~A" arity)) `(,function-constructor ,function))) (defun apply-function-entry (function &rest args) "Apply a function (OR FUNCTION-ENTRY FUNCTION) constructed by coalton" (let* ((arity (length args)) (function-application (gethash arity *function-application-functions*))) (unless function-application (error "Unable to apply function of arity ~A" arity)) `(,function-application ,function ,@args)))
file(REMOVE_RECURSE "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/utils/range.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/utils/overlap_resolver.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/utils/name_generator.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/image_factory.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/loader/pe/pe_image.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/loader/image.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/loader/coff/coff_image.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/loader/segment.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/loader/intel_hex/intel_hex_image.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/loader/macho/macho_image.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/loader/raw_data/raw_data_image.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/loader/segment_data_source.cpp.o" "CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/loader/elf/elf_image.cpp.o" "libretdec-loader.pdb" "libretdec-loader.a" ) # Per-language clean rules from dependency scanning. foreach(lang CXX) include(CMakeFiles/retdec-loader.dir/cmake_clean_${lang}.cmake OPTIONAL) endforeach()
// Code generated by informer-gen. DO NOT EDIT. // This file was automatically generated by informer-gen package internalversion import ( time "time" cluster "github.com/gardener/machine-controller-manager/pkg/apis/cluster" clientset_internalversion "github.com/gardener/machine-controller-manager/pkg/client/clientset/internalversion" internalinterfaces "github.com/gardener/machine-controller-manager/pkg/client/informers/internalversion/internalinterfaces" internalversion "github.com/gardener/machine-controller-manager/pkg/client/listers/cluster/internalversion" v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" runtime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" watch "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch" cache "k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache" ) // ClusterInformer provides access to a shared informer and lister for // Clusters. type ClusterInformer interface { Informer() cache.SharedIndexInformer Lister() internalversion.ClusterLister } type clusterInformer struct { factory internalinterfaces.SharedInformerFactory tweakListOptions internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc namespace string } // NewClusterInformer constructs a new informer for Cluster type. // Always prefer using an informer factory to get a shared informer instead of getting an independent // one. This reduces memory footprint and number of connections to the server. func NewClusterInformer(client clientset_internalversion.Interface, namespace string, resyncPeriod time.Duration, indexers cache.Indexers) cache.SharedIndexInformer { return NewFilteredClusterInformer(client, namespace, resyncPeriod, indexers, nil) } // NewFilteredClusterInformer constructs a new informer for Cluster type. // Always prefer using an informer factory to get a shared informer instead of getting an independent // one. This reduces memory footprint and number of connections to the server. func NewFilteredClusterInformer(client clientset_internalversion.Interface, namespace string, resyncPeriod time.Duration, indexers cache.Indexers, tweakListOptions internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc) cache.SharedIndexInformer { return cache.NewSharedIndexInformer( &cache.ListWatch{ ListFunc: func(options v1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) { if tweakListOptions != nil { tweakListOptions(&options) } return client.Cluster().Clusters(namespace).List(options) }, WatchFunc: func(options v1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) { if tweakListOptions != nil { tweakListOptions(&options) } return client.Cluster().Clusters(namespace).Watch(options) }, }, &cluster.Cluster{}, resyncPeriod, indexers, ) } func (f *clusterInformer) defaultInformer(client clientset_internalversion.Interface, resyncPeriod time.Duration) cache.SharedIndexInformer { return NewFilteredClusterInformer(client, f.namespace, resyncPeriod, cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc}, f.tweakListOptions) } func (f *clusterInformer) Informer() cache.SharedIndexInformer { return f.factory.InformerFor(&cluster.Cluster{}, f.defaultInformer) } func (f *clusterInformer) Lister() internalversion.ClusterLister { return internalversion.NewClusterLister(f.Informer().GetIndexer()) }
`ifndef INCLUDED_CPU_TOP_SVH `define INCLUDED_CPU_TOP_SVH //--------------------------------------------------- // CLASS: cpu_top // Include the 2 submaps. // Offset Register // 'h0 cpu_reg32 // 'h1000 cpu_table32 //--------------------------------------------------- class cpu_top extends srm_node; cpu_reg32 cpu_reg32; cpu_table32 cpu_table32; function new(string name, srm_node parent); super.new(name, parent); cpu_reg32 = new(.name("cpu_reg32"), .parent(this)); add_child(cpu_reg32); cpu_reg32.set_offset(.addr_map_name("cpu_map"), .offset('h0)); cpu_table32 = new(.name("cpu_table32"), .parent(this)); add_child(cpu_table32); cpu_table32.set_offset(.addr_map_name("cpu_map"), .offset('h1000)); endfunction endclass `endif
open main pred idD4SCRxE4S7eqp2ghE_prop5 { some f : File | eventually f not in File } pred __repair { idD4SCRxE4S7eqp2ghE_prop5 } check __repair { idD4SCRxE4S7eqp2ghE_prop5 <=> prop5o }
module TrajGWAS using DataFrames, Tables, LinearAlgebra using Printf, Reexport, Statistics, SnpArrays, VCFTools, VariantCallFormat using Distributions, CSV, BGEN import LinearAlgebra: BlasReal, copytri! import DataFrames: DataFrame @reexport using WiSER @reexport using StatsModels @reexport using Distributions export WSVarScoreTest, WSVarScoreTestInvariant, test! export trajgwas export matchindices export Adjustor """ ◺(n::Integer) Triangular number `n * (n + 1) / 2`. """ @inline ◺(n::Integer) = (n * (n + 1)) >> 1 include("scoretest.jl") include("scoretest_invariant.jl") include("pvalues.jl") include("gwas.jl") include("spa.jl") end
#version 450 core out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; }; void main() { gl_Position = gl_Position = vec4(4.f * (gl_VertexID % 2) - 1.f, 4.f * (gl_VertexID / 2) - 1.f, 0.0, 1.0); }
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<item>89</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_17"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>26</id> <name>tmp_7</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>203</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>203</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>7</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> 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<second>225</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>10</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>105</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_22"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>31</id> <name>tmp_8</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>203</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>203</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>7</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>106</item> <item>107</item> <item>109</item> <item>111</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>partselect</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_23"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>32</id> <name>p_391</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>241</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>241</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>_391</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>8</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>112</item> <item>113</item> <item>114</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>bitconcatenate</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_24"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>33</id> <name>p_392_cast_cast</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>243</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>243</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>9</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>115</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_25"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>34</id> <name>tmp</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>243</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>243</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>9</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>116</item> <item>117</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_26"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>35</id> <name>tmp_cast</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>243</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>243</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>10</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>118</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_27"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>36</id> <name>p_393</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>243</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>243</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>_393</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>10</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>119</item> <item>120</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_28"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>37</id> <name>p_393_cast</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>243</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>243</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>121</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_29"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>38</id> <name>tmp_9</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>203</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>203</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>6</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>123</item> <item>124</item> <item>126</item> <item>128</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>partselect</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_30"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>39</id> <name>p_399</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>250</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>250</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>_399</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>8</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>130</item> <item>131</item> <item>133</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>bitconcatenate</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_31"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>40</id> <name>p_400_cast</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>251</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>251</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>134</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_32"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>41</id> <name>tmp_s</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>203</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>203</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>7</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>135</item> <item>136</item> <item>138</item> <item>140</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>partselect</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_33"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>42</id> <name>p_407</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>259</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>259</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>_407</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>8</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>141</item> <item>142</item> <item>143</item> </oprand_edges> 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<item>144</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_35"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>44</id> <name>tmp_3</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>203</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>203</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>7</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>145</item> <item>146</item> <item>148</item> <item>150</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>partselect</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_36"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>45</id> <name>p_423</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>277</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>277</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>_423</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>8</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>151</item> <item>152</item> <item>153</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>bitconcatenate</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_37"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>46</id> <name>p_424_cast_cast</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>279</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>279</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> 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</item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>9</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>157</item> <item>158</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_40"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>49</id> <name>tmp3_cast</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>279</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>279</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>10</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>159</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_41"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>50</id> <name>tmp2</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>279</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>279</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>10</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>160</item> <item>161</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_42"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>51</id> <name>tmp2_cast</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>279</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>279</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>162</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_43"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>52</id> <name>p_425</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>279</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>279</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>_425</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>11</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>163</item> <item>164</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_44"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>53</id> <name>p_425_cast</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>279</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>279</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>12</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>165</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_45"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>54</id> <name>p_433</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>288</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>288</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>_433</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>12</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>166</item> <item>167</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>add</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_46"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>55</id> <name>tmp_value_V_7</name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>288</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>288</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName>tmp.value.V</originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>168</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>zext</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_47"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>56</id> <name></name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>290</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>290</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>170</item> <item>171</item> <item>172</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>write</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_48"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>58</id> <name></name> <fileName>hls_target.cpp</fileName> <fileDirectory>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</fileDirectory> <lineNumber>197</lineNumber> <contextFuncName>hls_target</contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first>/home/dhuff/Halide-HLS/apps/hls_examples/camera_ready_synthesis/app_files/paper_apps_8_shifts/sharpen</first> <second> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item> <first> <first>hls_target.cpp</first> <second>hls_target</second> </first> <second>197</second> </item> </second> </item> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>0</bitwidth> </Value> <oprand_edges> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>173</item> </oprand_edges> <opcode>br</opcode> <m_Display>0</m_Display> </item> <item class_id_reference="9" object_id="_49"> <Value> <Obj> <type>0</type> <id>60</id> <name></name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> 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<lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>71</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_56"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>93</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>8</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_57"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>95</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> 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<item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>32</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_62"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>127</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>37</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_63"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>132</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>2</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>0</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_64"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>137</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>40</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_65"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>139</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>46</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_66"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>147</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>56</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_67"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>149</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>32</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>62</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_68"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>174</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>3</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>0</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_69"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>180</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>3</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>4</content> </item> <item class_id_reference="16" object_id="_70"> <Value> <Obj> <type>2</type> <id>183</id> <name>empty</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <bitwidth>3</bitwidth> </Value> <const_type>0</const_type> <content>1</content> </item> </consts> <blocks class_id="17" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="18" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_71"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>8</id> <name>newFuncRoot</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>7</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_72"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>13</id> <name>.preheader57</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>9</item> <item>10</item> <item>11</item> <item>12</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_73"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>59</id> <name>.preheader57.preheader</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>41</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>17</item> <item>18</item> <item>19</item> <item>20</item> <item>21</item> <item>22</item> <item>23</item> <item>24</item> <item>25</item> <item>26</item> <item>27</item> <item>28</item> <item>29</item> <item>30</item> <item>31</item> <item>32</item> <item>33</item> <item>34</item> <item>35</item> <item>36</item> <item>37</item> <item>38</item> <item>39</item> <item>40</item> <item>41</item> <item>42</item> <item>43</item> <item>44</item> <item>45</item> <item>46</item> <item>47</item> <item>48</item> <item>49</item> <item>50</item> <item>51</item> <item>52</item> <item>53</item> <item>54</item> <item>55</item> <item>56</item> <item>58</item> </node_objs> </item> <item class_id_reference="18" object_id="_74"> <Obj> <type>3</type> <id>61</id> <name>.preheader56.exitStub</name> <fileName></fileName> <fileDirectory></fileDirectory> <lineNumber>0</lineNumber> <contextFuncName></contextFuncName> <inlineStackInfo> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </inlineStackInfo> <originalName></originalName> <rtlName></rtlName> <coreName></coreName> </Obj> <node_objs> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>60</item> </node_objs> </item> </blocks> <edges class_id="19" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>87</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="20" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_75"> <id>62</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>13</source_obj> <sink_obj>7</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_76"> <id>65</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>1</source_obj> <sink_obj>17</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_77"> <id>66</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>18</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_78"> <id>67</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>18</source_obj> <sink_obj>19</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_79"> <id>70</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>20</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_80"> <id>72</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>71</source_obj> <sink_obj>20</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_81"> <id>74</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>73</source_obj> <sink_obj>20</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_82"> <id>75</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>20</source_obj> <sink_obj>21</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_83"> <id>77</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>22</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_84"> <id>79</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>78</source_obj> <sink_obj>22</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_85"> <id>81</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>80</source_obj> <sink_obj>22</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_86"> <id>82</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>22</source_obj> <sink_obj>23</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_87"> <id>84</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>24</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_88"> <id>86</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>85</source_obj> <sink_obj>24</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_89"> <id>88</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>87</source_obj> <sink_obj>24</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_90"> <id>89</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>24</source_obj> <sink_obj>25</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_91"> <id>92</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>26</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_92"> <id>94</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>93</source_obj> <sink_obj>26</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_93"> <id>96</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>95</source_obj> <sink_obj>26</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_94"> <id>99</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>26</source_obj> <sink_obj>27</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_95"> <id>101</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>100</source_obj> <sink_obj>27</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_96"> <id>102</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>27</source_obj> <sink_obj>28</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_97"> <id>103</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>19</source_obj> <sink_obj>29</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_98"> <id>104</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>28</source_obj> <sink_obj>29</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_99"> <id>105</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>29</source_obj> <sink_obj>30</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_100"> <id>107</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>31</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_101"> <id>109</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>108</source_obj> <sink_obj>31</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_102"> <id>111</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>110</source_obj> <sink_obj>31</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_103"> <id>113</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>31</source_obj> <sink_obj>32</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_104"> <id>114</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>100</source_obj> <sink_obj>32</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_105"> <id>115</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>32</source_obj> <sink_obj>33</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_106"> <id>116</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>33</source_obj> <sink_obj>34</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_107"> <id>117</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>21</source_obj> <sink_obj>34</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_108"> <id>118</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>34</source_obj> <sink_obj>35</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_109"> <id>119</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>30</source_obj> <sink_obj>36</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_110"> <id>120</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>35</source_obj> <sink_obj>36</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_111"> <id>121</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>36</source_obj> <sink_obj>37</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_112"> <id>124</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>38</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_113"> <id>126</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>125</source_obj> <sink_obj>38</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_114"> <id>128</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>127</source_obj> <sink_obj>38</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_115"> <id>131</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>38</source_obj> <sink_obj>39</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_116"> <id>133</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>132</source_obj> <sink_obj>39</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_117"> <id>134</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>39</source_obj> <sink_obj>40</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_118"> <id>136</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>41</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_119"> <id>138</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>137</source_obj> <sink_obj>41</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_120"> <id>140</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>139</source_obj> <sink_obj>41</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_121"> <id>142</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>41</source_obj> <sink_obj>42</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_122"> <id>143</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>100</source_obj> <sink_obj>42</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_123"> <id>144</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>42</source_obj> <sink_obj>43</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_124"> <id>146</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>17</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_125"> <id>148</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>147</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_126"> <id>150</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>149</source_obj> <sink_obj>44</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_127"> <id>152</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>44</source_obj> <sink_obj>45</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_128"> <id>153</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>100</source_obj> <sink_obj>45</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_129"> <id>154</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>45</source_obj> <sink_obj>46</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_130"> <id>155</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>40</source_obj> <sink_obj>47</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_131"> <id>156</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>37</source_obj> <sink_obj>47</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_132"> <id>157</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>46</source_obj> <sink_obj>48</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_133"> <id>158</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>23</source_obj> <sink_obj>48</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_134"> <id>159</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>48</source_obj> <sink_obj>49</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_135"> <id>160</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>43</source_obj> <sink_obj>50</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_136"> <id>161</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>49</source_obj> <sink_obj>50</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_137"> <id>162</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>50</source_obj> <sink_obj>51</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_138"> <id>163</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>47</source_obj> <sink_obj>52</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_139"> <id>164</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>51</source_obj> <sink_obj>52</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_140"> <id>165</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>52</source_obj> <sink_obj>53</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_141"> <id>166</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>25</source_obj> <sink_obj>54</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_142"> <id>167</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>53</source_obj> <sink_obj>54</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_143"> <id>168</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>54</source_obj> <sink_obj>55</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_144"> <id>171</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>2</source_obj> <sink_obj>56</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_145"> <id>172</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>55</source_obj> <sink_obj>56</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_146"> <id>173</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>13</source_obj> <sink_obj>58</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_147"> <id>175</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>174</source_obj> <sink_obj>9</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_148"> <id>176</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>8</source_obj> <sink_obj>9</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_149"> <id>177</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>11</source_obj> <sink_obj>9</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_150"> <id>178</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>59</source_obj> <sink_obj>9</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_151"> <id>179</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>9</source_obj> <sink_obj>10</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_152"> <id>181</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>180</source_obj> <sink_obj>10</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_153"> <id>182</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>9</source_obj> <sink_obj>11</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_154"> <id>184</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>183</source_obj> <sink_obj>11</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_155"> <id>185</id> <edge_type>1</edge_type> <source_obj>10</source_obj> <sink_obj>12</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_156"> <id>186</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>59</source_obj> <sink_obj>12</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_157"> <id>187</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>61</source_obj> <sink_obj>12</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_158"> <id>274</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>8</source_obj> <sink_obj>13</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_159"> <id>275</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>13</source_obj> <sink_obj>61</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_160"> <id>276</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>13</source_obj> <sink_obj>59</sink_obj> </item> <item class_id_reference="20" object_id="_161"> <id>277</id> <edge_type>2</edge_type> <source_obj>59</source_obj> <sink_obj>13</sink_obj> </item> </edges> </cdfg> <cdfg_regions class_id="21" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="22" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_162"> <mId>1</mId> <mTag>Loop_3_proc</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>3</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>2</item> <item>3</item> <item>4</item> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>9</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_163"> <mId>2</mId> <mTag>Entry</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>8</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>0</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_164"> <mId>3</mId> <mTag>Loop 1</mTag> <mType>1</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>13</item> <item>59</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>1</mII> <mDepth>5</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>4</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>4</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>7</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> <item class_id_reference="22" object_id="_165"> <mId>4</mId> <mTag>Return</mTag> <mType>0</mType> <sub_regions> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </sub_regions> <basic_blocks> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>61</item> </basic_blocks> <mII>-1</mII> <mDepth>-1</mDepth> <mMinTripCount>-1</mMinTripCount> <mMaxTripCount>-1</mMaxTripCount> <mMinLatency>0</mMinLatency> <mMaxLatency>-1</mMaxLatency> <mIsDfPipe>0</mIsDfPipe> <mDfPipe class_id="-1"></mDfPipe> </item> </cdfg_regions> <fsm class_id="-1"></fsm> <res class_id="-1"></res> <node_label_latency class_id="26" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>47</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="27" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>7</first> <second class_id="28" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>9</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>10</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>11</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>12</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>17</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>18</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>19</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>20</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>21</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>22</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>23</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>24</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>25</first> <second> <first>5</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>26</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>27</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>28</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>29</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>30</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>31</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>32</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>33</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>34</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>35</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>36</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>37</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>38</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>39</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>40</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>41</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>42</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>43</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>44</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>45</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>46</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>47</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>48</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>49</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>50</first> <second> <first>3</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>51</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>52</first> <second> <first>4</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>53</first> <second> <first>5</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>54</first> <second> <first>5</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>55</first> <second> <first>5</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>56</first> <second> <first>5</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>58</first> <second> <first>5</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>60</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> </node_label_latency> <bblk_ent_exit class_id="29" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>4</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="30" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>8</first> <second class_id="31" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <first>0</first> <second>0</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>13</first> <second> <first>1</first> <second>1</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>59</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>5</second> </second> </item> <item> <first>61</first> <second> <first>2</first> <second>2</second> </second> </item> </bblk_ent_exit> <regions class_id="32" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>1</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item class_id="33" tracking_level="1" version="0" object_id="_166"> <region_name>Loop 1</region_name> <basic_blocks> <count>2</count> <item_version>0</item_version> <item>13</item> <item>59</item> </basic_blocks> <nodes> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </nodes> <anchor_node>-1</anchor_node> <region_type>8</region_type> <interval>1</interval> <pipe_depth>5</pipe_depth> </item> </regions> <dp_fu_nodes class_id="34" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes> <dp_fu_nodes_expression class_id="35" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes_expression> <dp_fu_nodes_module> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes_module> <dp_fu_nodes_io> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_fu_nodes_io> <return_ports> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </return_ports> <dp_mem_port_nodes class_id="36" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_mem_port_nodes> <dp_reg_nodes> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_reg_nodes> <dp_regname_nodes> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_regname_nodes> <dp_reg_phi> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_reg_phi> <dp_regname_phi> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_regname_phi> <dp_port_io_nodes class_id="37" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </dp_port_io_nodes> <port2core class_id="38" tracking_level="0" version="0"> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </port2core> <node2core> <count>0</count> <item_version>0</item_version> </node2core> </syndb> </boost_serialization>
/- Copyright (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Sebastian Ullrich -/ import Lean.Parser.Basic import Lean.Parser.Level import Lean.Parser.Term import Lean.Parser.Tactic import Lean.Parser.Command import Lean.Parser.Module import Lean.Parser.Syntax import Lean.Parser.Do namespace Lean namespace Parser builtin_initialize registerAlias "ws" checkWsBefore registerAlias "noWs" checkNoWsBefore registerAlias "num" numLit registerAlias "str" strLit registerAlias "char" charLit registerAlias "name" nameLit registerAlias "ident" ident registerAlias "colGt" checkColGt registerAlias "colGe" checkColGe registerAlias "lookahead" lookahead registerAlias "atomic" atomic registerAlias "many" many registerAlias "many1" many1 registerAlias "notFollowedBy" (notFollowedBy · "element") registerAlias "optional" optional registerAlias "withPosition" withPosition registerAlias "interpolatedStr" interpolatedStr registerAlias "orelse" orelse registerAlias "andthen" andthen end Parser namespace PrettyPrinter namespace Parenthesizer -- Close the mutual recursion loop; see corresponding `[extern]` in the parenthesizer. @[export lean_mk_antiquot_parenthesizer] def mkAntiquot.parenthesizer (name : String) (kind : Option SyntaxNodeKind) (anonymous := true) : Parenthesizer := Parser.mkAntiquot.parenthesizer name kind anonymous -- The parenthesizer auto-generated these instances correctly, but tagged them with the wrong kind, since the actual kind -- (e.g. `ident`) is not equal to the parser name `Lean.Parser.Term.ident`. @[builtinParenthesizer ident] def ident.parenthesizer : Parenthesizer := Parser.Term.ident.parenthesizer @[builtinParenthesizer numLit] def numLit.parenthesizer : Parenthesizer := Parser.Term.num.parenthesizer @[builtinParenthesizer scientificLit] def scientificLit.parenthesizer : Parenthesizer := Parser.Term.scientific.parenthesizer @[builtinParenthesizer charLit] def charLit.parenthesizer : Parenthesizer := Parser.Term.char.parenthesizer @[builtinParenthesizer strLit] def strLit.parenthesizer : Parenthesizer := Parser.Term.str.parenthesizer open Lean.Parser @[export lean_pretty_printer_parenthesizer_interpret_parser_descr] unsafe def interpretParserDescr : ParserDescr → CoreM Parenthesizer | ParserDescr.const n => getConstAlias parenthesizerAliasesRef n | ParserDescr.unary n d => return (← getUnaryAlias parenthesizerAliasesRef n) (← interpretParserDescr d) | ParserDescr.binary n d₁ d₂ => return (← getBinaryAlias parenthesizerAliasesRef n) (← interpretParserDescr d₁) (← interpretParserDescr d₂) | ParserDescr.node k prec d => return leadingNode.parenthesizer k prec (← interpretParserDescr d) | ParserDescr.nodeWithAntiquot _ k d => return node.parenthesizer k (← interpretParserDescr d) | ParserDescr.sepBy p sep psep trail => return sepBy.parenthesizer (← interpretParserDescr p) sep (← interpretParserDescr psep) trail | ParserDescr.sepBy1 p sep psep trail => return sepBy1.parenthesizer (← interpretParserDescr p) sep (← interpretParserDescr psep) trail | ParserDescr.trailingNode k prec d => return trailingNode.parenthesizer k prec (← interpretParserDescr d) | ParserDescr.symbol tk => return symbol.parenthesizer tk | ParserDescr.nonReservedSymbol tk includeIdent => return nonReservedSymbol.parenthesizer tk includeIdent | ParserDescr.parser constName => combinatorParenthesizerAttribute.runDeclFor constName | ParserDescr.cat catName prec => return categoryParser.parenthesizer catName prec end Parenthesizer namespace Formatter @[export lean_mk_antiquot_formatter] def mkAntiquot.formatter (name : String) (kind : Option SyntaxNodeKind) (anonymous := true) : Formatter := Parser.mkAntiquot.formatter name kind anonymous @[builtinFormatter ident] def ident.formatter : Formatter := Parser.Term.ident.formatter @[builtinFormatter numLit] def numLit.formatter : Formatter := Parser.Term.num.formatter @[builtinFormatter scientificLit] def scientificLit.formatter : Formatter := Parser.Term.scientific.formatter @[builtinFormatter charLit] def charLit.formatter : Formatter := Parser.Term.char.formatter @[builtinFormatter strLit] def strLit.formatter : Formatter := Parser.Term.str.formatter open Lean.Parser @[export lean_pretty_printer_formatter_interpret_parser_descr] unsafe def interpretParserDescr : ParserDescr → CoreM Formatter | ParserDescr.const n => getConstAlias formatterAliasesRef n | ParserDescr.unary n d => return (← getUnaryAlias formatterAliasesRef n) (← interpretParserDescr d) | ParserDescr.binary n d₁ d₂ => return (← getBinaryAlias formatterAliasesRef n) (← interpretParserDescr d₁) (← interpretParserDescr d₂) | ParserDescr.node k prec d => return node.formatter k (← interpretParserDescr d) | ParserDescr.nodeWithAntiquot _ k d => return node.formatter k (← interpretParserDescr d) | ParserDescr.sepBy p sep psep trail => return sepBy.formatter (← interpretParserDescr p) sep (← interpretParserDescr psep) trail | ParserDescr.sepBy1 p sep psep trail => return sepBy1.formatter (← interpretParserDescr p) sep (← interpretParserDescr psep) trail | ParserDescr.trailingNode k prec d => return trailingNode.formatter k prec (← interpretParserDescr d) | ParserDescr.symbol tk => return symbol.formatter tk | ParserDescr.nonReservedSymbol tk includeIdent => return nonReservedSymbol.formatter tk | ParserDescr.parser constName => combinatorFormatterAttribute.runDeclFor constName | ParserDescr.cat catName prec => return categoryParser.formatter catName end Formatter end PrettyPrinter end Lean
\vspace{.1cm} \begin{figure}[hpt] {\footnotesize \adjustbox{minipage=1.3em,valign=t}{\subcaption{}\label{sfig:pmpcfg}} \begin{subfigure}[b]{\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}Y@{}Y@{}Y@{}Yl} \instbitrange{31}{24} & \instbitrange{23}{16} & \instbitrange{15}{8} & \instbitrange{7}{0} & \\ \cline{1-4} \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{pmp3cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp2cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp1cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp0cfg} & \tt pmpcfg0 \\ \cline{1-4} 8 & 8 & 8 & 8 & \\ \instbitrange{31}{24} & \instbitrange{23}{16} & \instbitrange{15}{8} & \instbitrange{7}{0} & \\ \cline{1-4} \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{pmp7cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp6cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp5cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp4cfg} & \tt pmpcfg1 \\ \cline{1-4} 8 & 8 & 8 & 8 & \\ \instbitrange{31}{24} & \instbitrange{23}{16} & \instbitrange{15}{8} & \instbitrange{7}{0} & \\ \cline{1-4} \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{pmp11cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp10cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp9cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp8cfg} & \tt pmpcfg2 \\ \cline{1-4} 8 & 8 & 8 & 8 & \\ \instbitrange{31}{24} & \instbitrange{23}{16} & \instbitrange{15}{8} & \instbitrange{7}{0} & \\ \cline{1-4} \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{pmp15cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp14cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp13cfg} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{pmp12cfg} & \tt pmpcfg3 \\ \cline{1-4} 8 & 8 & 8 & 8 & \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{subfigure} } {\footnotesize \adjustbox{minipage=1.3em,valign=t}{\subcaption{}\label{sfig:pmpaddr}} \begin{subfigure}[b]{\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}J} \instbitrange{31}{0} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{address[33:2] (\warl)} \\ \hline 32 \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{subfigure} } {\footnotesize \adjustbox{minipage=1.3em,valign=t}{\subcaption{}\label{sfig:pmpcfglayout}} \begin{subfigure}[b]{\textwidth} \begin{center} \resizebox{.85\textwidth}{!}{ \begin{tabular}{YSSYYY} \instbit{7} & \instbitrange{6}{5} & \instbitrange{4}{3} & \instbit{2} & \instbit{1} & \instbit{0} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{L (\warl)} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\wiri} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{A (\warl)} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{X (\warl)} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{W (\warl)} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{R (\warl)} \\ \hline 1 & 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} } \end{center} \end{subfigure} } \caption[RISC-V 32 bit PMP CSR Layout and Format]{\textbf{RV32 PMP CSR layout and format as well as the address register format.} Figure \ref{sfig:pmpcfg} describes the RV32 PMP configuration CSR layout. Figure \ref{sfig:pmpaddr} is the PMP address register format for RV32. Lastly, Figure \ref{sfig:pmpcfglayout} shows the PMP configuration register format. Figures reproduced from the RISC-V privileged specification \cite{PrivIsa2019}.} \label{fig:pmpcfg-rv32} \end{figure}
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames,svgnames,table]{xcolor} \usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=SteelBlue]{hyperref} % set margins \usepackage[margin=1in, headheight=3pt]{geometry} %\geometry{left = 1in, right = 1in, top = 1in, bottom = 1in} % set sof table figure \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{tabularx} % \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \newcommand\soffignew[5]{ \begin{table} \caption[SoF: #5]{Summary of findings: #5.} \label{tab:#1} \begin{tabular}[width = \textwidth]{cc} \hline \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{#2} & \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth] {#3}\\ \hline % sof \multicolumn{2}{c}{ \includegraphics[width=0.95\textwidth] {#4} }\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} } \newcommand\soffig[4]{ \begin{table} \caption[SOF: #1]{Summary of findings: #4.} \label{tab:#1} \begin{tabular}[width = \textwidth]{cc} pico here & % \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{#2} \\ % pico here & \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{img/#1- - -post_int-net.png}\\ \hline % sof \multicolumn{2}{c}{ \includegraphics[width=0.95\textwidth]{#3} }\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} }
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS bamazon; CREATE database bamazon; USE bamazon; CREATE TABLE products ( item_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, product_name VARCHAR(100) NULL, department_name VARCHAR(100) NULL, price DECIMAL(10,4) NULL, stock_quantity INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (item_id) ); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("COMB", "HEALTH & BEAUTY", 2.50, 10); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("MASCARA", "HEALTH & BEAUTY", 6.25, 19); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("PAMPERS", "HEALTH & BEAUTY", 2.50, 10); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("XBOX ONE", "VIDEO GAME", 250, 10); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("NINTENDO SWITCH", "VIDEO GAME", 300, 10); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("PLAYSTATION", "VIDEO GAME", 350, 10); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("BREAD", "GROCERY", 2.50, 10); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("BUTTER", "GROCERY", 4.99, 10); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("SALAMI", "GROCERY", 8.99, 10); INSERT INTO products (product_name, department_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ("CHEESE", "GROCERY", 7.99, 10);
signature pairTools = sig include Abbrev val PairCases_on : term quotation -> tactic val PGEN : term -> term -> thm -> thm val PGEN_TAC : term -> tactic val PFUN_EQ_RULE : thm -> thm val PAIR_EX : term -> term -> thm val LET_INTRO : thm -> thm val LET_INTRO_TAC : tactic val LET_EQ_TAC : thm list -> tactic val TUPLE : term -> thm -> thm val TUPLE_TAC : term -> tactic val SPLIT_QUANT_CONV : term -> conv val ELIM_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV : conv val INTRO_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV : conv val PABS_ELIM_CONV : conv val PABS_INTRO_CONV : term -> conv end
--- title: ER finanšu dimensijas, ko izmanto kā datu avotu (3. daļa. Pārskata izkārtošana) description: Šajā tēmā ir aprakstīts, kā konfigurēt elektronisko pārskatu (ER) modeli, lai finanšu dimensijas izmantotu kā datu avotu ER pārskatiem. (3. daļa) author: NickSelin ms.date: 05/27/2020 ms.topic: business-process ms.prod: '' ms.technology: '' ms.search.form: ERSolutionTable, ERSolutionCreateDropDialog, EROperationDesigner, ERComponentTypeDropDialog audience: Application User ms.reviewer: kfend ms.search.region: Global ms.author: nselin ms.search.validFrom: 2016-06-30 ms.dyn365.ops.version: Version 7.0.0 ms.openlocfilehash: c854e9d30006dfa2deed63983a3a6b67f6ae9717 ms.sourcegitcommit: 25b3dd639e41d040c2714f56deadaa0906e4b493 ms.translationtype: HT ms.contentlocale: lv-LV ms.lasthandoff: 10/06/2021 ms.locfileid: "7605189" --- # <a name="er-use-financial-dimensions-as-a-data-source-part-3---design-the-report"></a>ER finanšu dimensijas, ko izmanto kā datu avotu (3. daļa. Pārskata izkārtošana) [!include [banner](../../includes/banner.md)] Tālāk ir paskaidrots kā lietotājs, kam piešķirta loma sistēmas administrators vai elektroniskā pārskata izstrādātājs var konfigurēt datu modeli Elektroniskie pārskati (ER) izmantošanai finanšu dimensijās, kā datu avotu ER pārskatiem. Šīs darbības var veikt jebkurā uzņēmumā. Lai izpildītu šos soļus, vispirms ir jāpabeidz soļi, kas aprakstīti procedūrā "ER Finanšu dimensijas, ko izmanto kā datu avotu" (2. daļa: Modeļa kartēšana). ## <a name="design-a-report-to-present-financial-dimensions"></a>Izveidojiet pārskatu, lai parādītu finanšu dimensijas 1. Dodieties uz Organizācijas administrēšana > Elektronisko atskaišu veidošana > Konfigurācijas. 2. Koka struktūrā atlasiet 'Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis'. 3. Noklikšķiniet uz Izveidot konfigurāciju, lai atvērtu nolaižamo dialoglodziņu. 4. Laukā Jauns ievadiet "Formāts pamatojoties uz datu modeli 'Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis'. * Izmantojiet iepriekš izveidoto modeli kā jaunā pārskata datu avotu. 5. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Virsgrāmatas žurnāla pārskats'. 6. Laukā Datu modeļa definīcija atlasiet Ieraksts. 7. Klikšķiniet Izveidot konfigurāciju. 8. Noklikšķiniet uz Veidotājs. 9. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot sakni, lai atvērtu nolaižamo dialogu. 10. Kokā atlasiet "XML\Elements". 11. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Sakne'. 12. Noklikšķiniet uz Labi. 13. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot, lai atvērtu nolaižamo dialoglodziņu. 14. Kokā atlasiet "XML\Atribūts". 15. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet "Uzņēmums". 16. Noklikšķiniet uz Labi. 17. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot, lai atvērtu nolaižamo dialoglodziņu. 18. Kokā atlasiet "XML\Elements". 19. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Žurnāls'. 20. Noklikšķiniet uz Labi. 21. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements'. 22. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot, lai atvērtu nolaižamo dialoglodziņu. 23. Kokā atlasiet "XML\Atribūts". 24. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Partija'. 25. Noklikšķiniet uz Labi. 26. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot, lai atvērtu nolaižamo dialoglodziņu. 27. Kokā atlasiet "XML\Elements". 28. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Darbība'. 29. Noklikšķiniet uz Labi. 30. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements'. 31. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot, lai atvērtu nolaižamo dialoglodziņu. 32. Kokā atlasiet "XML\Atribūts". 33. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Dokuments'. 34. Noklikšķiniet uz OK. 35. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot atribūtu. 36. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Datums'. 37. Noklikšķiniet uz OK. 38. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot atribūtu. 39. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet "Valūta". 40. Noklikšķiniet uz OK. 41. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot atribūtu. 42. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Dt'. 43. Noklikšķiniet uz OK. 44. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot atribūtu. 45. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Ct'. 46. Noklikšķiniet uz OK. 47. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot, lai atvērtu nolaižamo dialoglodziņu. 48. Kokā atlasiet "XML\Elements". 49. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Dimensijas'. 50. Noklikšķiniet uz Labi. 51. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Dimensija: XML elements'. 52. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot, lai atvērtu nolaižamo dialoglodziņu. 53. Kokā atlasiet "XML\Atribūts". 54. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Kods'. 55. Noklikšķiniet uz OK. 56. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot atribūtu. 57. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Vērtība'. 58. Noklikšķiniet uz OK. 59. Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot atribūtu. 60. Laukā Nosaukums ierakstiet 'Desc'. 61. Noklikšķiniet uz Labi. ![Noformētāja veidotāja lapas koka skats.](../media/er-financial-dimensions-guides-format1.png) ## <a name="map-report-elements-to-data-sources"></a>Kartējiet pārskata elementus datu avotiem 1. Noklikšķiniet uz cilnes Kartēšana. 2. Kokā izvērsiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis'. 3. Kokā izvērsiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Dimensiju iestatīšana: Ierakstu saraksts'. 4. Kokā izvērsiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Dimensiju iestatīšana: Ierakstu saraksts\Darbība: Ierakstu saraksts'. 5. Kokā izvērsiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Žurnāls: Ierakstu saraksts\Darbība: Ierakstu saraksts\Dimensiju dati: Ierakstu saraksts'. 6. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Dimensijas: XML elements\Desc: XML atribūts'. 7. Kokā atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Žurnāls: Ierakstu saraksts\Darbība: Ierakstu saraksts\Dimensiju dati: Ierakstu saraksts\Apraksts: Virkne'. 8. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 9. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Dimensijas: XML elements\Vērtība: XML atribūts'. 10. Kokā atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Žurnāls: Ierakstu saraksts\Darbība: Ierakstu saraksts\Dimensiju dati: Ierakstu saraksts\Kods: Virkne'. 11. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 12. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Dimensijas: XML elements\Kods: XML atribūts'. 13. Kokā atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Žurnāls: Ierakstu saraksts\Darbība: Ierakstu saraksts\Dimensiju dati: Ierakstu saraksts\Nosaukums: Virkne'. 14. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 15. Kokā atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Žurnāls: Ierakstu saraksts\Darbība: Ierakstu saraksts\Dimensiju dati: Ierakstu saraksts'. 16. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Dimensija: XML elements'. 17. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 18. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Ct: XML atribūts'. 19. Koka atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Dimensiju iestatīšana: Ierakstu saraksts\Kredīts: Reāls'. 20. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 21. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Dt: XML atribūts'. 22. Koka atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Dimensiju iestatīšana: Ierakstu saraksts\Debets: Reāls'. 23. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 24. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Valūta: XML atribūts'. 25. Koka atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Dimensiju iestatīšana: Ierakstu saraksts\Valūta: Virkne'. 26. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 27. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Datums: XML atribūts'. 28. Koka atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Dimensiju iestatīšana: Ierakstu saraksts\Datums: Datums'. 29. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 30. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements\Dokuments: XML atribūts'. 31. Koka atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Dimensiju iestatīšana: Ierakstu saraksts\Dokuments: Virkne'. 32. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 33. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Darbība: XML elements'. 34. Kokā atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Dimensiju iestatīšana: Ierakstu saraksts\Darbība: Ierakstu saraksts'. 35. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 36. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements\Partija: XML atribūts'. 37. Kokā atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Žurnāls: Ierakstu saraksts\Partija: Virkne'. 38. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 39. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Žurnāls: XML elements'. 40. Kokā atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Žurnāls: Ierakstu saraksts'. 41. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 42. Kokā atlasiet 'Sakne: XML elements\Uzņēmums: XML atribūts'. 43. Kokā atlasiet 'modelis: datu modelis Finanšu dimensiju parauga modelis\Uzņēmums: Virkne'. 44. Noklikšķiniet uz Saistīt. 45. Noklikšķiniet uz Saglabāt. 46. Aizvērt lapu. ![Noformētāja veidotāja lapa, pārskata elementi ir kartēti uz datu avotiem.](../media/er-financial-dimensions-guides-format2.png) [!INCLUDE[footer-include](../../../../includes/footer-banner.md)]
Name: clink.bat Type: file Size: 34 Last-Modified: '1998-11-17T08:46:22Z' SHA-1: B3F05ADA17EAB103019F87A9FEBD310C8B0D812D Description: null
> {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} > > module Slides.Specification09 where > import Slides.Specification06 > import Slides.Specification07 Specification, Cont... For example, here are three laws that are valid on 9x9 Sudoku grids, in fact, on arbitrary N^2 x N^2 matrices: > getMatrix _ = ["abcd","efgh","ijkl","mnop"] > > prop_rows_roundtrip (getMatrix -> m) = m == (rows . rows) m > -- +++ OK, passed 100 tests. > > prop_cols_roundtrip (getMatrix -> m) = m == (cols . cols) m > -- +++ OK, passed 100 tests. > > prop_boxs_roundtrip (getMatrix -> m) = m == (boxs n . boxs n) m > where n = length (head m) `div` 2 > -- +++ OK, passed 100 tests. Equivalently, all three functions are involutions. Two are easy to prove, but one is more difficult. The difficult law is not the one about `boxs`, as you might expect, but the involution property of `cols`. Though intuitively obvious, proving it from the definition of cols is slightly tricky. The involution property of `boxs` is an easy calculation using the involution property of `cols`, simple properties of `map` and the fact that `group . ungroup = id`.
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ namespace py thrift.test.py.enums enum MyEnum1 { ME1_0 = 0, ME1_1 = 1, ME1_2 = 2, ME1_3 = 3, ME1_5 = 5, ME1_6 = 6, } enum MyEnum2 { ME2_0 = 0, ME2_1 = 1, ME2_2 = 2, } enum MyEnum3 { ME3_0 = 0, ME3_1 = 1, ME3_N2 = -2, ME3_N1 = -1, ME3_9 = 9, ME3_10 = 10, } enum MyEnum4 { ME4_A = 0x7ffffffd, ME4_B = 0x7ffffffe, ME4_C = 0x7fffffff, // attempting to define another enum value here fails // with an overflow error, as we overflow values that can be // represented with an i32. } enum MyEnum5 { // attempting to explicitly use values out of the i32 range will also fail // ME5_A = 0x80000000, // ME5_B = 0x100000000, } struct MyStruct { 1: MyEnum2 me2_2 = ME2_2 2: MyEnum3 me3_n2 = ME3_N2 4: MyEnum1 me1_t1 = 1 5: MyEnum1 me1_t2 = ME1_1 6: MyEnum1 me1_t3 = MyEnum1.ME1_1 }
# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT! # Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8 # The generator used is: SET(CMAKE_DEPENDS_GENERATOR "Unix Makefiles") # The top level Makefile was generated from the following files: SET(CMAKE_MAKEFILE_DEPENDS "CMakeCache.txt" "CMakeFiles/" "CMakeFiles/" "CMakeFiles/" "CMakeLists.txt" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeCInformation.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeCXXInformation.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeCommonLanguageInclude.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeGenericSystem.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeSystemSpecificInformation.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Compiler/GNU-C.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Compiler/GNU-CXX.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Compiler/GNU.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Platform/Linux-GNU-C.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Platform/Linux-GNU-CXX.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Platform/Linux-GNU.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Platform/Linux.cmake" "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/Platform/UnixPaths.cmake" ) # The corresponding makefile is: SET(CMAKE_MAKEFILE_OUTPUTS "Makefile" "CMakeFiles/cmake.check_cache" ) # Byproducts of CMake generate step: SET(CMAKE_MAKEFILE_PRODUCTS "CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake" ) # Dependency information for all targets: SET(CMAKE_DEPEND_INFO_FILES "CMakeFiles/hge_tut01.dir/DependInfo.cmake" "CMakeFiles/hge_tut02.dir/DependInfo.cmake" "CMakeFiles/hge_tut03.dir/DependInfo.cmake" "CMakeFiles/hge_tut04.dir/DependInfo.cmake" "CMakeFiles/hge_tut05.dir/DependInfo.cmake" "CMakeFiles/hge_tut06.dir/DependInfo.cmake" "CMakeFiles/hge_tut07.dir/DependInfo.cmake" "CMakeFiles/hge_tut08.dir/DependInfo.cmake" )
/* * Copyright 2019 TWO SIGMA OPEN SOURCE, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.testingisdocumenting.znai.java.extensions import org.testingisdocumenting.znai.extensions.include.PluginsTestUtils import org.junit.Test import static org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.Matchers.code import static org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.Matchers.throwException class JavaIncludePluginTest { @Test void "full source"() { def result = process("Simple.java", "") result.should == "class Simple {\n" + " void methodA() {\n" + "\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " void methodB(String p) {\n" + " doB();\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " void methodB(String p, Boolean b) {\n" + " doBPlus();\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " Data createData() {\n" + " return construction(a, b,\n" + " c, d);\n" + " }\n" + "}" } @Test void "includes multiple entries of java method signatures"() { def result = process("Simple.java", "{entries: ['methodA', 'createData'], signatureOnly: true}") result.should == "void methodA()\n" + "Data createData()" } @Test void "includes overloaded entry of java method"() { process("Simple.java", "{entry: 'methodB', signatureOnly: true}").should == "void methodB(String p)" process("Simple.java", "{entry: 'methodB(String, Boolean)', signatureOnly: true}").should == "void methodB(String p, Boolean b)" code { process("Simple.java", "{entry: 'methodB(String2)', signatureOnly: true}") } should throwException(~/no method found: methodB/) } @Test void "extract body only"() { process("Simple.java", "{entry: 'createData', bodyOnly: true}").should == "return construction(a, b,\n" + " c, d);" } @Test void "extract multiple signatures of a method overloads"() { def result = process("Simple.java", "{entries: 'methodB', signatureOnly: true}") result.should == 'void methodB(String p)\n' + 'void methodB(String p, Boolean b)' } @Test void "extract multiple full bodies of a method overloads"() { def result = process("Simple.java", "{entries: 'methodB'}") result.should == 'void methodB(String p) {\n' + ' doB();\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'void methodB(String p, Boolean b) {\n' + ' doBPlus();\n' + '}' } @Test void "optionally removes return in body only mode"() { process("Simple.java", "{entry: 'createData', bodyOnly: true, removeReturn: true}").should == "construction(a, b,\n" + " c, d);" } @Test void "optionally removes return and semicolon in body only mode"() { process("Simple.java", "{entry: 'createData', bodyOnly: true, " + "removeReturn: true, removeSemicolon: true}").should == "construction(a, b,\n" + " c, d)" } @Test void "validates highlight"() { code { process("Simple.java", "{highlight: -1}") } should throwException(IllegalArgumentException) } private static String process(String fileName, String params) { return PluginsTestUtils.processAndGetSimplifiedCodeBlock(":include-java: $fileName $params") } }
--- layout: post title: "Mikrotik'te SNTP Zaman Ayarı" excerpt: categories: articles tags: [mikrotik, sntp] comments: true share: true author: ecylmz --- Mikrotik üzerinde el ile yapılan zaman düzenlemeleri, bu cihazın yeniden başlaması durumunda tekrardan 1/1/1970 zamanına dönmektedir. Bu durumun nedeni, Mikrotik RouterOS cihazlarında CMOS pilinin bulunmamasıdır. Bu durumla başa çıkabilmek için saat ayarını el ile değil, SNTP üzerinden otomatik olarak kendisinin yapmasını sağlamaktır. ### Adımlar - Yönetim panelindeki sol menüden **"System > SNTP Client"** menüsüne girilir. - Gelen sayfadaki alanlar şu şekilde doldurulur: **Mode**: unicast **Primary NTP Server**: - **"Apply"** butonuna tıklanır. **Not**: Yukarıdaki NTP sunucusunun adresi: [http://www.pool.ntp.org/zone/tr](http://www.pool.ntp.org/zone/tr) bağlantısından alınmıştır.
module System.IO.Transducers.Properties where open import System.IO.Transducers.Properties.Category public open import System.IO.Transducers.Properties.Monoidal public open import System.IO.Transducers.Properties.LaxBraided public open import System.IO.Transducers.Properties.Equivalences public
@article{nikiforov2014the-photoreaction7510133, address = {United States}, author = {Khrenova, M. G. and Nikiforov, A. A. and Andrijchenko, N. N. and Mironov, V. A. and Nemukhin, A. V.}, doi = {10.3103/S0027131414040038}, issn = {1935-0260; 0027-1314}, journal = {Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin}, language = {english}, number = {4}, pages = {149--151}, publisher = {United States}, title = {The photoreaction mechanism in the bacterial blue light receptor BLUF according to metadynamics modeling}, volume = {69}, year = {2014} }
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RGB(0.281412, 0.155834, 0.469201), RGB(0.280868, 0.160771, 0.472899), RGB(0.280255, 0.165693, 0.476498), RGB(0.279574, 0.170599, 0.479997), RGB(0.278826, 0.175490, 0.483397), RGB(0.278012, 0.180367, 0.486697), RGB(0.277134, 0.185228, 0.489898), RGB(0.276194, 0.190074, 0.493001), RGB(0.275191, 0.194905, 0.496005), RGB(0.274128, 0.199721, 0.498911), RGB(0.273006, 0.204520, 0.501721), RGB(0.271828, 0.209303, 0.504434), RGB(0.270595, 0.214069, 0.507052), RGB(0.269308, 0.218818, 0.509577), RGB(0.267968, 0.223549, 0.512008), RGB(0.266580, 0.228262, 0.514349), RGB(0.265145, 0.232956, 0.516599), RGB(0.263663, 0.237631, 0.518762), RGB(0.262138, 0.242286, 0.520837), RGB(0.260571, 0.246922, 0.522828), RGB(0.258965, 0.251537, 0.524736), RGB(0.257322, 0.256130, 0.526563), RGB(0.255645, 0.260703, 0.528312), RGB(0.253935, 0.265254, 0.529983), RGB(0.252194, 0.269783, 0.531579), RGB(0.250425, 0.274290, 0.533103), RGB(0.248629, 0.278775, 0.534556), RGB(0.246811, 0.283237, 0.535941), RGB(0.244972, 0.287675, 0.537260), RGB(0.243113, 0.292092, 0.538516), RGB(0.241237, 0.296485, 0.539709), RGB(0.239346, 0.300855, 0.540844), RGB(0.237441, 0.305202, 0.541921), RGB(0.235526, 0.309527, 0.542944), RGB(0.233603, 0.313828, 0.543914), RGB(0.231674, 0.318106, 0.544834), RGB(0.229739, 0.322361, 0.545706), RGB(0.227802, 0.326594, 0.546532), RGB(0.225863, 0.330805, 0.547314), RGB(0.223925, 0.334994, 0.548053), RGB(0.221989, 0.339161, 0.548752), RGB(0.220057, 0.343307, 0.549413), RGB(0.218130, 0.347432, 0.550038), RGB(0.216210, 0.351535, 0.550627), RGB(0.214298, 0.355619, 0.551184), RGB(0.212395, 0.359683, 0.551710), RGB(0.210503, 0.363727, 0.552206), RGB(0.208623, 0.367752, 0.552675), RGB(0.206756, 0.371758, 0.553117), RGB(0.204903, 0.375746, 0.553533), RGB(0.203063, 0.379716, 0.553925), RGB(0.201239, 0.383670, 0.554294), RGB(0.199430, 0.387607, 0.554642), RGB(0.197636, 0.391528, 0.554969), RGB(0.195860, 0.395433, 0.555276), RGB(0.194100, 0.399323, 0.555565), RGB(0.192357, 0.403199, 0.555836), RGB(0.190631, 0.407061, 0.556089), RGB(0.188923, 0.410910, 0.556326), RGB(0.187231, 0.414746, 0.556547), RGB(0.185556, 0.418570, 0.556753), RGB(0.183898, 0.422383, 0.556944), RGB(0.182256, 0.426184, 0.557120), RGB(0.180629, 0.429975, 0.557282), RGB(0.179019, 0.433756, 0.557430), RGB(0.177423, 0.437527, 0.557565), RGB(0.175841, 0.441290, 0.557685), RGB(0.174274, 0.445044, 0.557792), RGB(0.172719, 0.448791, 0.557885), RGB(0.171176, 0.452530, 0.557965), RGB(0.169646, 0.456262, 0.558030), RGB(0.168126, 0.459988, 0.558082), RGB(0.166617, 0.463708, 0.558119), RGB(0.165117, 0.467423, 0.558141), RGB(0.163625, 0.471133, 0.558148), RGB(0.162142, 0.474838, 0.558140), RGB(0.160665, 0.478540, 0.558115), RGB(0.159194, 0.482237, 0.558073), RGB(0.157729, 0.485932, 0.558013), RGB(0.156270, 0.489624, 0.557936), RGB(0.154815, 0.493313, 0.557840), RGB(0.153364, 0.497000, 0.557724), RGB(0.151918, 0.500685, 0.557587), RGB(0.150476, 0.504369, 0.557430), RGB(0.149039, 0.508051, 0.557250), RGB(0.147607, 0.511733, 0.557049), RGB(0.146180, 0.515413, 0.556823), RGB(0.144759, 0.519093, 0.556572), RGB(0.143343, 0.522773, 0.556295), RGB(0.141935, 0.526453, 0.555991), RGB(0.140536, 0.530132, 0.555659), RGB(0.139147, 0.533812, 0.555298), RGB(0.137770, 0.537492, 0.554906), RGB(0.136408, 0.541173, 0.554483), RGB(0.135066, 0.544853, 0.554029), RGB(0.133743, 0.548535, 0.553541), RGB(0.132444, 0.552216, 0.553018), RGB(0.131172, 0.555899, 0.552459), RGB(0.129933, 0.559582, 0.551864), RGB(0.128729, 0.563265, 0.551229), RGB(0.127568, 0.566949, 0.550556), RGB(0.126453, 0.570633, 0.549841), RGB(0.125394, 0.574318, 0.549086), RGB(0.124395, 0.578002, 0.548287), RGB(0.123463, 0.581687, 0.547445), RGB(0.122606, 0.585371, 0.546557), RGB(0.121831, 0.589055, 0.545623), RGB(0.121148, 0.592739, 0.544641), RGB(0.120565, 0.596422, 0.543611), RGB(0.120092, 0.600104, 0.542530), RGB(0.119738, 0.603785, 0.541400), RGB(0.119512, 0.607464, 0.540218), RGB(0.119423, 0.611141, 0.538982), RGB(0.119483, 0.614817, 0.537692), RGB(0.119699, 0.618490, 0.536347), RGB(0.120081, 0.622161, 0.534946), RGB(0.120638, 0.625828, 0.533488), RGB(0.121380, 0.629492, 0.531973), RGB(0.122312, 0.633153, 0.530398), RGB(0.123444, 0.636809, 0.528763), RGB(0.124780, 0.640461, 0.527068), RGB(0.126326, 0.644107, 0.525311), RGB(0.128087, 0.647749, 0.523491), RGB(0.130067, 0.651384, 0.521608), RGB(0.132268, 0.655014, 0.519661), RGB(0.134692, 0.658636, 0.517649), RGB(0.137339, 0.662252, 0.515571), RGB(0.140210, 0.665859, 0.513427), RGB(0.143303, 0.669459, 0.511215), RGB(0.146616, 0.673050, 0.508936), RGB(0.150148, 0.676631, 0.506589), RGB(0.153894, 0.680203, 0.504172), RGB(0.157851, 0.683765, 0.501686), RGB(0.162016, 0.687316, 0.499129), RGB(0.166383, 0.690856, 0.496502), RGB(0.170948, 0.694384, 0.493803), RGB(0.175707, 0.697900, 0.491033), RGB(0.180653, 0.701402, 0.488189), RGB(0.185783, 0.704891, 0.485273), RGB(0.191090, 0.708366, 0.482284), RGB(0.196571, 0.711827, 0.479221), RGB(0.202219, 0.715272, 0.476084), RGB(0.208030, 0.718701, 0.472873), RGB(0.214000, 0.722114, 0.469588), RGB(0.220124, 0.725509, 0.466226), RGB(0.226397, 0.728888, 0.462789), RGB(0.232815, 0.732247, 0.459277), RGB(0.239374, 0.735588, 0.455688), RGB(0.246070, 0.738910, 0.452024), RGB(0.252899, 0.742211, 0.448284), RGB(0.259857, 0.745492, 0.444467), RGB(0.266941, 0.748751, 0.440573), RGB(0.274149, 0.751988, 0.436601), RGB(0.281477, 0.755203, 0.432552), RGB(0.288921, 0.758394, 0.428426), RGB(0.296479, 0.761561, 0.424223), RGB(0.304148, 0.764704, 0.419943), RGB(0.311925, 0.767822, 0.415586), RGB(0.319809, 0.770914, 0.411152), RGB(0.327796, 0.773980, 0.406640), RGB(0.335885, 0.777018, 0.402049), RGB(0.344074, 0.780029, 0.397381), RGB(0.352360, 0.783011, 0.392636), RGB(0.360741, 0.785964, 0.387814), RGB(0.369214, 0.788888, 0.382914), RGB(0.377779, 0.791781, 0.377939), RGB(0.386433, 0.794644, 0.372886), RGB(0.395174, 0.797475, 0.367757), RGB(0.404001, 0.800275, 0.362552), RGB(0.412913, 0.803041, 0.357269), RGB(0.421908, 0.805774, 0.351910), RGB(0.430983, 0.808473, 0.346476), RGB(0.440137, 0.811138, 0.340967), RGB(0.449368, 0.813768, 0.335384), RGB(0.458674, 0.816363, 0.329727), RGB(0.468053, 0.818921, 0.323998), RGB(0.477504, 0.821444, 0.318195), RGB(0.487026, 0.823929, 0.312321), RGB(0.496615, 0.826376, 0.306377), RGB(0.506271, 0.828786, 0.300362), RGB(0.515992, 0.831158, 0.294279), RGB(0.525776, 0.833491, 0.288127), RGB(0.535621, 0.835785, 0.281908), RGB(0.545524, 0.838039, 0.275626), RGB(0.555484, 0.840254, 0.269281), RGB(0.565498, 0.842430, 0.262877), RGB(0.575563, 0.844566, 0.256415), RGB(0.585678, 0.846661, 0.249897), RGB(0.595839, 0.848717, 0.243329), RGB(0.606045, 0.850733, 0.236712), RGB(0.616293, 0.852709, 0.230052), RGB(0.626579, 0.854645, 0.223353), RGB(0.636902, 0.856542, 0.216620), RGB(0.647257, 0.858400, 0.209861), RGB(0.657642, 0.860219, 0.203082), RGB(0.668054, 0.861999, 0.196293), RGB(0.678489, 0.863742, 0.189503), RGB(0.688944, 0.865448, 0.182725), RGB(0.699415, 0.867117, 0.175971), RGB(0.709898, 0.868751, 0.169257), RGB(0.720391, 0.870350, 0.162603), RGB(0.730889, 0.871916, 0.156029), RGB(0.741388, 0.873449, 0.149561), RGB(0.751884, 0.874951, 0.143228), RGB(0.762373, 0.876424, 0.137064), RGB(0.772852, 0.877868, 0.131109), RGB(0.783315, 0.879285, 0.125405), RGB(0.793760, 0.880678, 0.120005), RGB(0.804182, 0.882046, 0.114965), RGB(0.814576, 0.883393, 0.110347), RGB(0.824940, 0.884720, 0.106217), RGB(0.835270, 0.886029, 0.102646), RGB(0.845561, 0.887322, 0.099702), RGB(0.855810, 0.888601, 0.097452), RGB(0.866013, 0.889868, 0.095953), RGB(0.876168, 0.891125, 0.095250), RGB(0.886271, 0.892374, 0.095374), RGB(0.896320, 0.893616, 0.096335), RGB(0.906311, 0.894855, 0.098125), RGB(0.916242, 0.896091, 0.100717), RGB(0.926106, 0.897330, 0.104071), RGB(0.935904, 0.898570, 0.108131), RGB(0.945636, 0.899815, 0.112838), RGB(0.955300, 0.901065, 0.118128), RGB(0.964894, 0.902323, 0.123941), RGB(0.974417, 0.903590, 0.130215), RGB(0.983868, 0.904867, 0.136897), RGB(0.993248, 0.906157, 0.143936) ] function viridis() return cmap end
model_mat_gi = { passes = { voxelization = { vertex="voxelization", geometry="voxelization", fragment="voxelization", enableColorWriting=false, depthTest=false, blending=false, cullface="none", }, csm = { shader="shadow_map" }, base = { queue='opaque', shader="model", }, --depthPrepass = --{ -- shader='depth_prepass', --} }, resources = { [0] = { name="diffuse", resType="texture2D" } } }
/* Copyright © 2021, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /* CAS Enabled*/ /* LIBNAME using the CAS engine */ libname CASWORK cas caslib=casuser; /* Changing the default location of all one level named tables */ /* from SASWORK to CASWORK */ options USER = CASWORK; /* Binds all CAS librefs and default CASLIBs to your SAS client */ caslib _all_ assign; %put &_sessref_; data casuser.cars; set sashelp.cars; run; /* Set the active CASLIB to CASUSER */ options caslib="casuser"; /* Emulate PROC STDIZE */ proc cas; session CASAUTO ; transform / table = 'cars' pipelines = { { name = 'tr1' inputs = {'mpg_city', 'mpg_highway'} function = {method = 'range'} }, { name = 'tr2' inputs = {'weight'} function = {method = 'center'} }, { name = 'tr2' inputs = {'invoice'} function = {method = 'standardize' args={location='mean' scale='std'}} } } casout = {name = 'out1', replace=True} saveState = {name = 'astore', replace=True} /*--- important to keep input names----*/ outVarsNameGlobalPrefix = '' ; run; quit;
package velvet import ( "html/template" "github.com/shurcooL/github_flavored_markdown" ) // Markdown converts the string into HTML using GitHub flavored markdown. func markdownHelper(body string) template.HTML { b := github_flavored_markdown.Markdown([]byte(body)) return template.HTML(b) }
(ns ^:figwheel-always untangled-todomvc.test-runner (:require untangled-todomvc.todo-spec [untangled-spec.reporters.suite :refer-macros [deftest-all-suite]])) (deftest-all-suite todomvc-specs #".*-spec") (def on-load todomvc-specs) (todomvc-specs)
Module ConsoleMod Sub Main() ProducePack(DataFileName.Basic) ProducePack(DataFileName.Halloween2004) ProducePack(DataFileName.Jungle) 'Produce CD.Dat file posibilities Dim CustomerOrderJunglePackOnly As New CDDataIncluded With CustomerOrderJunglePackOnly .NumofPacks = 1 .Pack1 = "Jungle Pack" End With 'WriteCDDataIncluded("D:\Build\KMP\CD.Dat\CustomerOrderJunglePackOnly.dat", CustomerOrderJunglePackOnly) Dim CustomerOrderHalloweenPackOnly As New CDDataIncluded With CustomerOrderHalloweenPackOnly .NumofPacks = 1 .Pack1 = "Halloween Pack" End With 'WriteCDDataIncluded("D:\Build\KMP\CD.Dat\CustomerOrderHalloweenPackOnly.dat", CustomerOrderHalloweenPackOnly) 'Produce Pack.Dat file possibilities Dim JunglePack As New CDPack JunglePack.PackName = "Jungle Pack" JunglePack.KeyFileName = "Jungle.key" 'WriteCDPack("D:\Build\KMP\Pack.Dat\JunglePack.dat", JunglePack) Dim HalloweenPack As New CDPack HalloweenPack.PackName = "Halloween Pack" HalloweenPack.KeyFileName = "Halloween.key" 'WriteCDPack("D:\Build\KMP\Pack.Dat\HalloweenPack.dat", HalloweenPack) End Sub End Module
||| Properties of Ackermann functions module Data.Nat.Ack %default total -- Primitive recursive functions are functions that can be calculated -- by programs that don't use unbounded loops. Almost all common -- mathematical functions are primitive recursive. -- Uncomputable functions are functions that can't be calculated by -- any programs at all. One example is the Busy Beaver function: -- BB(k) = the maximum number of steps that can be executed by a -- halting Turing machine with k states. -- The values of the Busy Beaver function are unimaginably large for -- any but the smallest inputs. -- The Ackermann function is the most well-known example of a total -- computable function that is not primitive recursive, i.e. a general -- recursive function. It grows strictly faster than any primitive -- recursive function, but also strictly slower than a function like -- the Busy Beaver. -- There are many variations of the Ackermann function. Here is one -- common definition -- (see https://sites.google.com/site/pointlesslargenumberstuff/home/2/ackermann) -- that uses nested recursion: ackRec : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -- Base rule ackRec Z m = S m -- Prime rule ackRec (S k) Z = ackRec k 1 -- Catastrophic rule ackRec (S k) (S j) = ackRec k $ ackRec (S k) j -- The so-called "base rule" and "prime rule" work together to ensure -- termination. Happily, the Idris totality checker has no issues. -- An unusual "repeating" defintion of the function is given in the -- book The Little Typer: ackRep : Nat -> Nat -> Nat ackRep Z = (+) 1 ackRep (S k) = repeat (ackRep k) where repeat : (Nat -> Nat) -> Nat -> Nat repeat f Z = f 1 repeat f (S k) = f (repeat f k) -- These two definitions don't look like they define the same -- function, but they do: ackRepRec : (n, m : Nat) -> ackRep n m = ackRec n m ackRepRec Z _ = Refl ackRepRec (S k) Z = ackRepRec k 1 ackRepRec (S k) (S j) = rewrite sym $ ackRepRec (S k) j in ackRepRec k $ ackRep (S k) j
;;; autothemer-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads ;; ;;; Code: (add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))) ;;;### (autoloads nil "autothemer" "autothemer.el" (22894 4856 0 ;;;;;; 0)) ;;; Generated autoloads from autothemer.el (autoload 'autothemer-deftheme "autothemer" "\ Define a theme NAME with description DESCRIPTION. A color PALETTE can be used to define let*-like bindings within both the REDUCED-SPECS and the BODY. \(fn NAME DESCRIPTION PALETTE REDUCED-SPECS &rest BODY)" nil t) (autoload 'autothemer-generate-templates "autothemer" "\ Autogenerate customizations for all unthemed faces. Iterate through all currently defined faces, select those that have been left uncustomized by the most recent call to `autothemer-deftheme' and generate customizations that best approximate the faces' current definitions using the color palette used in the most recent invocation of `autothemer-deftheme'. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;; Local Variables: ;; version-control: never ;; no-byte-compile: t ;; no-update-autoloads: t ;; End: ;;; autothemer-autoloads.el ends here
package org.librairy.service.learner.controllers; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.librairy.service.learner.Application; import org.librairy.service.learner.facade.AvroClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; import org.springframework.test.context.web.WebAppConfiguration; import java.io.IOException; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest(classes = {Application.class}) @WebAppConfiguration public class AvroIntTest { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AvroIntTest.class); @Test public void trainTest() throws InterruptedException, IOException { AvroClient client = new AvroClient(); String host = "localhost"; Integer port = 65112; client.open(host,port); client.close(); } }
% This file was created by tikzplotlib v0.9.1. \begin{tikzpicture} \definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0.12156862745098,0.466666666666667,0.705882352941177} \begin{axis}[ tick pos=both, x grid style={white!69.0196078431373!black}, xmajorgrids, xmin=1, xmax=100, xtick style={color=black}, y grid style={white!69.0196078431373!black}, ymajorgrids, ymin=-0.0205268608384485, ymax=0.543529491029163, ytick style={color=black} ] \path [draw=color0] (axis cs:1,-0.00324654144240578) --(axis cs:1,0.0106646757523712); \path [draw=color0] (axis cs:20,-0.00363719088917384) --(axis cs:20,0.0204205060495774); \path [draw=color0] (axis cs:40,-0.0205268608384485) --(axis cs:40,0.105734000080636); \path [draw=color0] (axis cs:60,-0.0095472610121497) --(axis cs:60,0.234965499743532); \path [draw=color0] (axis cs:80,-0.00836216989124261) --(axis cs:80,0.30756134706422); \path [draw=color0] (axis cs:100,0.0407102538086678) --(axis cs:100,0.543529491029163); \addplot [color0, mark=-, mark size=7, mark options={solid}, only marks] table {% 1 -0.00324654144240578 20 -0.00363719088917384 40 -0.0205268608384485 60 -0.0095472610121497 80 -0.00836216989124261 100 0.0407102538086678 }; \addplot [color0, mark=-, mark size=7, mark options={solid}, only marks] table {% 1 0.0106646757523712 20 0.0204205060495774 40 0.105734000080636 60 0.234965499743532 80 0.30756134706422 100 0.543529491029163 }; \addplot [color0, mark=*, mark size=2.5, mark options={solid}] table {% 1 0.0037090671549827 20 0.00839165758020177 40 0.0426035696210939 60 0.112709119365691 80 0.149599588586489 100 0.292119872418915 }; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}
module File open System.IO open System.Text let write (docsRoot : string) (fileName : string) (sb : StringBuilder) = let filePath = Path.Combine(docsRoot, fileName) // Ensure that the directory exists Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)) |> ignore use file = new StreamWriter(filePath) file.Write(sb.ToString())
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, TemplateHaskell, DeriveGeneric #-} module Web.Slack.Types.Id ( UserId, BotId, ChannelId, FileId, CommentId, IMId, TeamId, SubteamId, Id(..), getId ) where import Data.Aeson import Data.Text (Text) import Control.Lens.TH import Data.Hashable import GHC.Generics data FieldType = TUser | TBot | TChannel | TFile | TComment | TIM | TTeam | TSubteam deriving (Eq, Show) newtype Id (a :: FieldType) = Id { _getId :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) instance ToJSON (Id a) where toJSON (Id uid) = String uid instance FromJSON (Id a) where parseJSON = withText "Id" (return . Id) instance Hashable (Id a) type UserId = Id 'TUser type BotId = Id 'TBot type ChannelId = Id 'TChannel type FileId = Id 'TFile type CommentId = Id 'TComment type IMId = Id 'TIM type TeamId = Id 'TTeam type SubteamId = Id 'TSubteam makeLenses ''Id
package orderedmap import "container/list" type Element struct { Key, Value interface{} element *list.Element } func newElement(e *list.Element) *Element { if e == nil { return nil } element := e.Value.(*orderedMapElement) return &Element{ element: e, Key: element.key, Value: element.value, } } // Next returns the next element, or nil if it finished. func (e *Element) Next() *Element { return newElement(e.element.Next()) } // Prev returns the previous element, or nil if it finished. func (e *Element) Prev() *Element { return newElement(e.element.Prev()) }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ include "../airavata-apis/airavata_commons.thrift" include "experiment-catalog-models/workspace_model.thrift" include "../airavata-apis/airavata_errors.thrift" include "../airavata-apis/messaging_events.thrift" include "../airavata-apis/security_model.thrift" include "../airavata-apis/db_event_model.thrift" include "experiment-catalog-models/experiment_model.thrift" include "experiment-catalog-models/job_model.thrift" include "experiment-catalog-models/task_model.thrift" include "experiment-catalog-models/process_model.thrift" include "experiment-catalog-models/scheduling_model.thrift" include "experiment-catalog-models/status_models.thrift" include "resource-catalog-models/data_movement_models.thrift" include "replica-catalog-models/replica_catalog_models.thrift" include "user-tenant-group-models/user_profile_model.thrift" include "user-tenant-group-models/group_manager_model.thrift" include "user-tenant-group-models/tenant_profile_model.thrift" include "credential-store-models/credential_store_data_models.thrift" namespace java org.apache.airavata.model namespace php Airavata.Model namespace cpp apache.airavata.model namespace py apache.airavata.model /* * This file describes the definitions of the Airavata Execution Data Structures. Each of the * language specific Airavata Client SDK's will translate this neutral data model into an * appropriate form for passing to the Airavata Server Execution API Calls. */
function(vcpkg_replace_string filename match replace) file(READ "${filename}" contents) string(REPLACE "${match}" "${replace}" contents "${contents}") file(WRITE "${filename}" "${contents}") endfunction()
{ "id": "7ac1b9b9-2cfd-40d0-98b6-92ec7e2186ac", "modelName": "GMFolder", "mvc": "1.1", "name": "7ac1b9b9-2cfd-40d0-98b6-92ec7e2186ac", "children": [ "a5b97cd1-104f-4b0c-bf17-41ac4e9938c5" ], "filterType": "GMRoom", "folderName": "rooms", "isDefaultView": false, "localisedFolderName": "ResourceTree_Rooms" }
import spock.lang.* import org.finra.jtaf.ewd.ExtWebDriver; import org.finra.jtaf.ewd.session.SessionManager; import org.finra.jtaf.ewd.widget.IButton; import org.finra.jtaf.ewd.widget.element.html.Button; class IndexSpec extends Specification { @Shared ewd def setupSpec() { ewd = SessionManager.getInstance().getNewSession("client", "client.properties") } def cleanupSpec() { ewd.close() } def "Ensure proper title"() { setup: ewd.open("http://localhost:3000") expect: ewd.getTitle() == "InvestorWatch - Verify the integrity of investment advisors" } def "Comparison doesn't move pages if investors aren't set"() { setup: ewd.open("http://localhost:3000") IButton b = new Button("//*[contains(@class,'btn') and text()='Compare advisors']"); b.waitForElementPresent() b.click() expect: ewd.getTitle() == "InvestorWatch - Verify the integrity of investment advisors" } def "Ensure proper title advisors"() { setup: ewd.open("http://localhost:3000/#/advisors") expect: ewd.getTitle() == "Best and Worst Advisors" } def "Ensure proper title companies"() { setup: ewd.open("http://localhost:3000/#/companies") expect: ewd.getTitle() == "Best and Worst Companies" } }
jinda_matriarch = Creature:new { objectName = "@mob/creature_names:jinda_matriarch", randomNameType = NAME_GENERIC, randomNameTag = true, socialGroup = "jinda_tribe", faction = "", level = 41, chanceHit = 0.44, damageMin = 345, damageMax = 400, baseXp = 4006, baseHAM = 10000, baseHAMmax = 12200, armor = 0, resists = {30,30,-1,30,30,60,30,-1,-1}, meatType = "", meatAmount = 0, hideType = "", hideAmount = 0, boneType = "", boneAmount = 0, milk = 0, tamingChance = 0.0, ferocity = 0, pvpBitmask = ATTACKABLE, creatureBitmask = PACK, optionsBitmask = AIENABLED, diet = HERBIVORE, templates = { "object/mobile/jinda_male.iff", "object/mobile/jinda_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/jinda_female.iff", "object/mobile/jinda_female_01.iff"}, lootGroups = { { groups = { {group = "ewok", chance = 8100000}, {group = "wearables_uncommon", chance = 1000000}, {group = "armor_attachments", chance = 450000}, {group = "clothing_attachments", chance = 450000} }, lootChance = 1820000 } }, weapons = {"ewok_weapons"}, conversationTemplate = "", attacks = merge(riflemanmaster,brawlermaster) } CreatureTemplates:addCreatureTemplate(jinda_matriarch, "jinda_matriarch")
{smcl} {* *! version 1.1.1 15may2018}{...} {vieweralsosee "[FN] Date and time functions" "mansection FN Dateandtimefunctions"}{...} {vieweralsosee "" "--"}{...} {vieweralsosee "help functions" "help functions"}{...} {vieweralsosee "help datetime" "help datetime"}{...} {vieweralsosee "" "--"}{...} {vieweralsosee "[D] Datetime" "help datetime"}{...} {title:Title} {pstd} {hi:d() date function} {title:Description} {p 4 4 2} {cmd:d()} is a synonym for {cmd:td()} and use of {cmd:d()} is now considered an anachronism. See {it:{help datetime##s9:Conveniently typing SIF values}} in {bf:{help datetime:[D] Datetime}}.
======= Credits ======= Development Lead ---------------- * Sven Richter <native2k@gmail.com> Contributors ------------ None yet. Why not be the first?
lexer grammar Common; // value types NULL: 'null' ; LONG: '-'? [0-9]+ ; DOUBLE: LONG ('.' [0-9]+)? ; TEXT: '"' ( '""' | ~["\r\n] )* '"'; BOOL: 'true' | 'false' ; TIME: '#' [0-2][0-9]':'[0-9][0-9]':'[0-9][0-9] ; DATE: '#' [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'-'[0-9][0-9]'-'[0-9][0-9] ; DATETIME: DATE'T'[0-2][0-9]':'[0-9][0-9]':'[0-9][0-9] ; PARAM: '?' ID; ALL: '*' ; NAME: [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]* ; ID: [_@]?[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]* ; WS: [ \t\r\n\f]+ -> skip ;
# Build index ../build/flextyper index \ -r MixedVirus_100_1.fq.gz \ -p MixedVirus_100_2.fq.gz \ -n 1 --gz -v # Search index ../build/flextyper search \ -c setting_1.ini -v # Print hit count echo "Search results" cut -f3,4 path_query_MixedVirus_100_Results.tsv
#if !defined( _ROMANNR_H_ ) #define _ROMANNR_H_ class CRomanNr{ public: bool IsRomanNr(const char *lpszText); bool IsRomanNr(const FSWCHAR *lpszText); protected: void Reset(int iRomanIdx); bool IsAnyRuleOk(int iRomanIdx); bool CheckRule(int iRomanIdx); bool m_bUsed[9]; int m_iRulePos; int m_iLastIdx, m_iMinIdx; static struct Rule{ unsigned char m_Mask[5]; // *NUX ei tunne vaikimisi BYTE t��pi }m_Rules[9]; }; #endif /* versioon enne 6, juunit 2002 HJK int IsRoman(char *Rom); */
grammar MbSql; @header { package io.anqur.mbsql; } query : EOF | simpleStmt EOF ; simpleStmt : selectStmt ; selectStmt : SELECT (ID | ALL) FROM ID (WHERE EQ AND EQ) ; SELECT : ; ID : ; ALL : ; FROM : ; WHERE : ; EQ : ; STRING_LITERAL : ; AND : ;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <dataset Transactions="1"><dataset_header DisableRI="yes" DatasetObj="1004928896.09" DateFormat="mdy" FullHeader="no" SCMManaged="yes" YearOffset="1950" DatasetCode="RYCSO" NumericFormat="AMERICAN" NumericDecimal="." OriginatingSite="91" NumericSeparator=","/> <dataset_records><dataset_transaction TransactionNo="1" TransactionType="DATA"><contained_record DB="icfdb" Table="ryc_smartobject" version_date="06/23/2005" version_time="57654" version_user="admin" deletion_flag="no" entity_mnemonic="rycso" key_field_value="1003592236" record_version_obj="3000033258.09" version_number_seq="4.48" secondary_key_value="rysttbconw.w#CHR(1)#0" import_version_number_seq="4.48"><smartobject_obj>1003592236</smartobject_obj> <object_filename>rysttbconw.w</object_filename> <customization_result_obj>0</customization_result_obj> <object_type_obj>491</object_type_obj> <product_module_obj>1004874710.09</product_module_obj> <layout_obj>0</layout_obj> <object_description>Template ICF SmartWindow Template</object_description> <object_path>ry/uib</object_path> <object_extension></object_extension> <static_object>yes</static_object> <generic_object>no</generic_object> <template_smartobject>no</template_smartobject> <system_owned>yes</system_owned> <deployment_type>CLN</deployment_type> <design_only>yes</design_only> <runnable_from_menu>yes</runnable_from_menu> <container_object>yes</container_object> <disabled>no</disabled> <run_persistent>yes</run_persistent> <run_when>ANY</run_when> <shutdown_message_text></shutdown_message_text> <required_db_list></required_db_list> <sdo_smartobject_obj>0</sdo_smartobject_obj> <extends_smartobject_obj>0</extends_smartobject_obj> <security_smartobject_obj>1003592236</security_smartobject_obj> <object_is_runnable>yes</object_is_runnable> </contained_record> </dataset_transaction> </dataset_records> </dataset>
/**************************************************************************** * wb_interconnect_2x2.sv ****************************************************************************/ /** * Module: wb_interconnect_2x2 * * TODO: Add module documentation */ module wb_interconnect_2x2 #( parameter int WB_ADDR_WIDTH=32, parameter int WB_DATA_WIDTH=32, parameter bit[WB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] SLAVE0_ADDR_BASE='h0, parameter bit[WB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] SLAVE0_ADDR_LIMIT='h0, parameter bit[WB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] SLAVE1_ADDR_BASE='h0, parameter bit[WB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] SLAVE1_ADDR_LIMIT='h0 ) ( input clk, input rstn, wb_if.slave m0, wb_if.slave m1, wb_if.master s0, wb_if.master s1 ); localparam int WB_DATA_MSB = (WB_DATA_WIDTH-1); localparam int N_MASTERS = 2; localparam int N_SLAVES = 2; localparam int N_MASTERID_BITS = (N_MASTERS>1)?$clog2(N_MASTERS):1; localparam int N_SLAVEID_BITS = $clog2(N_SLAVES+1); localparam bit[N_SLAVEID_BITS:0] NO_SLAVE = {(N_SLAVEID_BITS+1){1'b1}}; localparam bit[N_MASTERID_BITS:0] NO_MASTER = {(N_MASTERID_BITS+1){1'b1}}; wire[WB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] ADR[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire[2:0] CTI[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire[1:0] BTE[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire[WB_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_W[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire[WB_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_R[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire CYC[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire ERR[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire[(WB_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] SEL[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire STB[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire ACK[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire WE[N_MASTERS-1:0]; wire[WB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] SADR[N_SLAVES:0]; wire[2:0] SCTI[N_SLAVES:0]; wire[1:0] SBTE[N_SLAVES:0]; wire[WB_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] SDAT_W[N_SLAVES:0]; wire[WB_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] SDAT_R[N_SLAVES:0]; wire SCYC[N_SLAVES:0]; wire SERR[N_SLAVES:0]; wire[(WB_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] SSEL[N_SLAVES:0]; wire SSTB[N_SLAVES:0]; wire SACK[N_SLAVES:0]; wire SWE[N_SLAVES:0]; wb_interconnect_NxN #( .WB_ADDR_WIDTH(WB_ADDR_WIDTH), .WB_DATA_WIDTH(WB_DATA_WIDTH), .N_MASTERS(N_MASTERS), .N_SLAVES(N_SLAVES), .ADDR_RANGES({SLAVE0_ADDR_BASE, SLAVE0_ADDR_LIMIT,SLAVE1_ADDR_BASE, SLAVE1_ADDR_LIMIT}) ) ic0 ( .clk(clk), .rstn(rstn), .ADR(ADR), .CTI(CTI), .BTE(BTE), .DAT_W(DAT_W), .DAT_R(DAT_R), .CYC(CYC), .ERR(ERR), .SEL(SEL), .STB(STB), .ACK(ACK), .WE(WE), .SADR(SADR), .SCTI(SCTI), .SBTE(SBTE), .SDAT_W(SDAT_W), .SDAT_R(SDAT_R), .SCYC(SCYC), .SERR(SERR), .SSEL(SSEL), .SSTB(SSTB), .SACK(SACK), .SWE(SWE) ); // master assigns assign ADR[0] = m0.ADR; assign ADR[1] = m1.ADR; assign CTI[0] = m0.CTI; assign CTI[1] = m1.CTI; assign BTE[0] = m0.BTE; assign BTE[1] = m1.BTE; assign DAT_W[0] = m0.DAT_W; assign DAT_W[1] = m1.DAT_W; assign CYC[0] = m0.CYC; assign CYC[1] = m1.CYC; assign SEL[0] = m0.SEL; assign SEL[1] = m1.SEL; assign STB[0] = m0.STB; assign STB[1] = m1.STB; assign WE[0] = m0.WE; assign WE[1] = m1.WE; assign m0.DAT_R = DAT_R[0]; assign m1.DAT_R = DAT_R[1]; assign m0.ERR = ERR[0]; assign m1.ERR = ERR[1]; assign m0.ACK = ACK[0]; assign m1.ACK = ACK[1]; // Slave requests assign SDAT_R[0] = s0.DAT_R; assign SDAT_R[1] = s1.DAT_R; assign SERR[0] = s0.ERR; assign SERR[1] = s1.ERR; assign SACK[0] = s0.ACK; assign SACK[1] = s1.ACK; assign s0.ADR = SADR[0]; assign s1.ADR = SADR[1]; assign s0.CTI = SCTI[0]; assign s1.CTI = SCTI[1]; assign s0.BTE = SBTE[0]; assign s1.BTE = SBTE[1]; assign s0.DAT_W = SDAT_W[0]; assign s1.DAT_W = SDAT_W[1]; assign s0.CYC = SCYC[0]; assign s1.CYC = SCYC[1]; assign s0.SEL = SSEL[0]; assign s1.SEL = SSEL[1]; assign s0.STB = SSTB[0]; assign s1.STB = SSTB[1]; assign s0.WE = SWE[0]; assign s1.WE = SWE[1]; endmodule
/* Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file. */ attribute vec4 gtf_Color; attribute vec4 gtf_Vertex; uniform mat4 gtf_ModelViewProjectionMatrix; varying vec4 color; void main (void) { vec3 c = floor(10.0 * gtf_Color.rgb - 4.5); // round to the nearest integer vec3 result = vec3(greaterThan(c, vec3(0.0))); color = vec4(result, 1.0); gl_Position = gtf_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gtf_Vertex; }
--- **AceHook-3.0** offers safe Hooking/Unhooking of functions, methods and frame scripts. -- Using AceHook-3.0 is recommended when you need to unhook your hooks again, so the hook chain isn't broken -- when you manually restore the original function. -- -- **AceHook-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceHook:Embed(MyAddon) or by -- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object -- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceHook itself.\\ -- It is recommended to embed AceHook, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you -- make into AceHook. -- @class file -- @name AceHook-3.0 -- @release $Id: AceHook-3.0.lua 1090 2013-09-13 14:37:43Z nevcairiel $ local ACEHOOK_MAJOR, ACEHOOK_MINOR = "AceHook-3.0", 7 local AceHook, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEHOOK_MAJOR, ACEHOOK_MINOR) if not AceHook then return end -- No upgrade needed AceHook.embeded = AceHook.embeded or {} AceHook.registry = AceHook.registry or setmetatable({}, {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end }) AceHook.handlers = AceHook.handlers or {} AceHook.actives = AceHook.actives or {} AceHook.scripts = AceHook.scripts or {} AceHook.onceSecure = AceHook.onceSecure or {} AceHook.hooks = AceHook.hooks or {} -- local upvalues local registry = AceHook.registry local handlers = AceHook.handlers local actives = AceHook.actives local scripts = AceHook.scripts local onceSecure = AceHook.onceSecure -- Lua APIs local pairs, next, type = pairs, next, type local format = string.format local assert, error = assert, error -- WoW APIs local issecurevariable, hooksecurefunc = issecurevariable, hooksecurefunc local _G = _G -- functions for later definition local donothing, createHook, hook local protectedScripts = { OnClick = true, } -- upgrading of embeded is done at the bottom of the file local mixins = { "Hook", "SecureHook", "HookScript", "SecureHookScript", "Unhook", "UnhookAll", "IsHooked", "RawHook", "RawHookScript" } -- AceHook:Embed( target ) -- target (object) - target object to embed AceHook in -- -- Embeds AceEevent into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:.. function AceHook:Embed( target ) for k, v in pairs( mixins ) do target[v] = self[v] end self.embeded[target] = true -- inject the hooks table safely target.hooks = target.hooks or {} return target end -- AceHook:OnEmbedDisable( target ) -- target (object) - target object that is being disabled -- -- Unhooks all hooks when the target disables. -- this method should be called by the target manually or by an addon framework function AceHook:OnEmbedDisable( target ) target:UnhookAll() end function createHook(self, handler, orig, secure, failsafe) local uid local method = type(handler) == "string" if failsafe and not secure then -- failsafe hook creation uid = function(...) if actives[uid] then if method then self[handler](self, ...) else handler(...) end end return orig(...) end -- /failsafe hook else -- all other hooks uid = function(...) if actives[uid] then if method then return self[handler](self, ...) else return handler(...) end elseif not secure then -- backup on non secure return orig(...) end end -- /hook end return uid end function donothing() end function hook(self, obj, method, handler, script, secure, raw, forceSecure, usage) if not handler then handler = method end -- These asserts make sure AceHooks's devs play by the rules. assert(not script or type(script) == "boolean") assert(not secure or type(secure) == "boolean") assert(not raw or type(raw) == "boolean") assert(not forceSecure or type(forceSecure) == "boolean") assert(usage) -- Error checking Battery! if obj and type(obj) ~= "table" then error(format("%s: 'object' - nil or table expected got %s", usage, type(obj)), 3) end if type(method) ~= "string" then error(format("%s: 'method' - string expected got %s", usage, type(method)), 3) end if type(handler) ~= "string" and type(handler) ~= "function" then error(format("%s: 'handler' - nil, string, or function expected got %s", usage, type(handler)), 3) end if type(handler) == "string" and type(self[handler]) ~= "function" then error(format("%s: 'handler' - Handler specified does not exist at self[handler]", usage), 3) end if script then if not obj or not obj.GetScript or not obj:HasScript(method) then error(format("%s: You can only hook a script on a frame object", usage), 3) end if not secure and obj.IsProtected and obj:IsProtected() and protectedScripts[method] then error(format("Cannot hook secure script %q; Use SecureHookScript(obj, method, [handler]) instead.", method), 3) end else local issecure if obj then issecure = onceSecure[obj] and onceSecure[obj][method] or issecurevariable(obj, method) else issecure = onceSecure[method] or issecurevariable(method) end if issecure then if forceSecure then if obj then onceSecure[obj] = onceSecure[obj] or {} onceSecure[obj][method] = true else onceSecure[method] = true end elseif not secure then error(format("%s: Attempt to hook secure function %s. Use `SecureHook' or add `true' to the argument list to override.", usage, method), 3) end end end local uid if obj then uid = registry[self][obj] and registry[self][obj][method] else uid = registry[self][method] end if uid then if actives[uid] then -- Only two sane choices exist here. We either a) error 100% of the time or b) always unhook and then hook -- choice b would likely lead to odd debuging conditions or other mysteries so we're going with a. error(format("Attempting to rehook already active hook %s.", method)) end if handlers[uid] == handler then -- turn on a decative hook, note enclosures break this ability, small memory leak actives[uid] = true return elseif obj then -- is there any reason not to call unhook instead of doing the following several lines? if self.hooks and self.hooks[obj] then self.hooks[obj][method] = nil end registry[self][obj][method] = nil else if self.hooks then self.hooks[method] = nil end registry[self][method] = nil end handlers[uid], actives[uid], scripts[uid] = nil, nil, nil uid = nil end local orig if script then orig = obj:GetScript(method) or donothing elseif obj then orig = obj[method] else orig = _G[method] end if not orig then error(format("%s: Attempting to hook a non existing target", usage), 3) end uid = createHook(self, handler, orig, secure, not (raw or secure)) if obj then self.hooks[obj] = self.hooks[obj] or {} registry[self][obj] = registry[self][obj] or {} registry[self][obj][method] = uid if not secure then self.hooks[obj][method] = orig end if script then -- If the script is empty before, HookScript will not work, so use SetScript instead -- This will make the hook insecure, but shouldnt matter, since it was empty before. -- It does not taint the full frame. if not secure or orig == donothing then obj:SetScript(method, uid) elseif secure then obj:HookScript(method, uid) end else if not secure then obj[method] = uid else hooksecurefunc(obj, method, uid) end end else registry[self][method] = uid if not secure then _G[method] = uid self.hooks[method] = orig else hooksecurefunc(method, uid) end end actives[uid], handlers[uid], scripts[uid] = true, handler, script and true or nil end --- Hook a function or a method on an object. -- The hook created will be a "safe hook", that means that your handler will be called -- before the hooked function ("Pre-Hook"), and you don't have to call the original function yourself, -- however you cannot stop the execution of the function, or modify any of the arguments/return values.\\ -- This type of hook is typically used if you need to know if some function got called, and don't want to modify it. -- @paramsig [object], method, [handler], [hookSecure] -- @param object The object to hook a method from -- @param method If object was specified, the name of the method, or the name of the function to hook. -- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked function) -- @param hookSecure If true, AceHook will allow hooking of secure functions. -- @usage -- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded -- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0") -- -- function MyAddon:OnEnable() -- -- Hook ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys, overwriting the secure status -- self:Hook("ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys", true) -- end -- -- function MyAddon:ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(button, type) -- print(button:GetName() .. " is updating its HotKey") -- end function AceHook:Hook(object, method, handler, hookSecure) if type(object) == "string" then method, handler, hookSecure, object = object, method, handler, nil end if handler == true then handler, hookSecure = nil, true end hook(self, object, method, handler, false, false, false, hookSecure or false, "Usage: Hook([object], method, [handler], [hookSecure])") end --- RawHook a function or a method on an object. -- The hook created will be a "raw hook", that means that your handler will completly replace -- the original function, and your handler has to call the original function (or not, depending on your intentions).\\ -- The original function will be stored in `self.hooks[object][method]` or `self.hooks[functionName]` respectively.\\ -- This type of hook can be used for all purposes, and is usually the most common case when you need to modify arguments -- or want to control execution of the original function. -- @paramsig [object], method, [handler], [hookSecure] -- @param object The object to hook a method from -- @param method If object was specified, the name of the method, or the name of the function to hook. -- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked function) -- @param hookSecure If true, AceHook will allow hooking of secure functions. -- @usage -- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded -- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0") -- -- function MyAddon:OnEnable() -- -- Hook ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys, overwriting the secure status -- self:RawHook("ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys", true) -- end -- -- function MyAddon:ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(button, type) -- if button:GetName() == "MyButton" then -- -- do stuff here -- else -- self.hooks.ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(button, type) -- end -- end function AceHook:RawHook(object, method, handler, hookSecure) if type(object) == "string" then method, handler, hookSecure, object = object, method, handler, nil end if handler == true then handler, hookSecure = nil, true end hook(self, object, method, handler, false, false, true, hookSecure or false, "Usage: RawHook([object], method, [handler], [hookSecure])") end --- SecureHook a function or a method on an object. -- This function is a wrapper around the `hooksecurefunc` function in the WoW API. Using AceHook -- extends the functionality of secure hooks, and adds the ability to unhook once the hook isn't -- required anymore, or the addon is being disabled.\\ -- Secure Hooks should be used if the secure-status of the function is vital to its function, -- and taint would block execution. Secure Hooks are always called after the original function was called -- ("Post Hook"), and you cannot modify the arguments, return values or control the execution. -- @paramsig [object], method, [handler] -- @param object The object to hook a method from -- @param method If object was specified, the name of the method, or the name of the function to hook. -- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked function) function AceHook:SecureHook(object, method, handler) if type(object) == "string" then method, handler, object = object, method, nil end hook(self, object, method, handler, false, true, false, false, "Usage: SecureHook([object], method, [handler])") end --- Hook a script handler on a frame. -- The hook created will be a "safe hook", that means that your handler will be called -- before the hooked script ("Pre-Hook"), and you don't have to call the original function yourself, -- however you cannot stop the execution of the function, or modify any of the arguments/return values.\\ -- This is the frame script equivalent of the :Hook safe-hook. It would typically be used to be notified -- when a certain event happens to a frame. -- @paramsig frame, script, [handler] -- @param frame The Frame to hook the script on -- @param script The script to hook -- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked script) -- @usage -- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded -- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0") -- -- function MyAddon:OnEnable() -- -- Hook the OnShow of FriendsFrame -- self:HookScript(FriendsFrame, "OnShow", "FriendsFrameOnShow") -- end -- -- function MyAddon:FriendsFrameOnShow(frame) -- print("The FriendsFrame was shown!") -- end function AceHook:HookScript(frame, script, handler) hook(self, frame, script, handler, true, false, false, false, "Usage: HookScript(object, method, [handler])") end --- RawHook a script handler on a frame. -- The hook created will be a "raw hook", that means that your handler will completly replace -- the original script, and your handler has to call the original script (or not, depending on your intentions).\\ -- The original script will be stored in `self.hooks[frame][script]`.\\ -- This type of hook can be used for all purposes, and is usually the most common case when you need to modify arguments -- or want to control execution of the original script. -- @paramsig frame, script, [handler] -- @param frame The Frame to hook the script on -- @param script The script to hook -- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked script) -- @usage -- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded -- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0") -- -- function MyAddon:OnEnable() -- -- Hook the OnShow of FriendsFrame -- self:RawHookScript(FriendsFrame, "OnShow", "FriendsFrameOnShow") -- end -- -- function MyAddon:FriendsFrameOnShow(frame) -- -- Call the original function -- self.hooks[frame].OnShow(frame) -- -- Do our processing -- -- .. stuff -- end function AceHook:RawHookScript(frame, script, handler) hook(self, frame, script, handler, true, false, true, false, "Usage: RawHookScript(object, method, [handler])") end --- SecureHook a script handler on a frame. -- This function is a wrapper around the `frame:HookScript` function in the WoW API. Using AceHook -- extends the functionality of secure hooks, and adds the ability to unhook once the hook isn't -- required anymore, or the addon is being disabled.\\ -- Secure Hooks should be used if the secure-status of the function is vital to its function, -- and taint would block execution. Secure Hooks are always called after the original function was called -- ("Post Hook"), and you cannot modify the arguments, return values or control the execution. -- @paramsig frame, script, [handler] -- @param frame The Frame to hook the script on -- @param script The script to hook -- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked script) function AceHook:SecureHookScript(frame, script, handler) hook(self, frame, script, handler, true, true, false, false, "Usage: SecureHookScript(object, method, [handler])") end --- Unhook from the specified function, method or script. -- @paramsig [obj], method -- @param obj The object or frame to unhook from -- @param method The name of the method, function or script to unhook from. function AceHook:Unhook(obj, method) local usage = "Usage: Unhook([obj], method)" if type(obj) == "string" then method, obj = obj, nil end if obj and type(obj) ~= "table" then error(format("%s: 'obj' - expecting nil or table got %s", usage, type(obj)), 2) end if type(method) ~= "string" then error(format("%s: 'method' - expeting string got %s", usage, type(method)), 2) end local uid if obj then uid = registry[self][obj] and registry[self][obj][method] else uid = registry[self][method] end if not uid or not actives[uid] then -- Declining to error on an unneeded unhook since the end effect is the same and this would just be annoying. return false end actives[uid], handlers[uid] = nil, nil if obj then registry[self][obj][method] = nil registry[self][obj] = next(registry[self][obj]) and registry[self][obj] or nil -- if the hook reference doesnt exist, then its a secure hook, just bail out and dont do any unhooking if not self.hooks[obj] or not self.hooks[obj][method] then return true end if scripts[uid] and obj:GetScript(method) == uid then -- unhooks scripts obj:SetScript(method, self.hooks[obj][method] ~= donothing and self.hooks[obj][method] or nil) scripts[uid] = nil elseif obj and self.hooks[obj] and self.hooks[obj][method] and obj[method] == uid then -- unhooks methods obj[method] = self.hooks[obj][method] end self.hooks[obj][method] = nil self.hooks[obj] = next(self.hooks[obj]) and self.hooks[obj] or nil else registry[self][method] = nil -- if self.hooks[method] doesn't exist, then this is a SecureHook, just bail out if not self.hooks[method] then return true end if self.hooks[method] and _G[method] == uid then -- unhooks functions _G[method] = self.hooks[method] end self.hooks[method] = nil end return true end --- Unhook all existing hooks for this addon. function AceHook:UnhookAll() for key, value in pairs(registry[self]) do if type(key) == "table" then for method in pairs(value) do self:Unhook(key, method) end else self:Unhook(key) end end end --- Check if the specific function, method or script is already hooked. -- @paramsig [obj], method -- @param obj The object or frame to unhook from -- @param method The name of the method, function or script to unhook from. function AceHook:IsHooked(obj, method) -- we don't check if registry[self] exists, this is done by evil magicks in the metatable if type(obj) == "string" then if registry[self][obj] and actives[registry[self][obj]] then return true, handlers[registry[self][obj]] end else if registry[self][obj] and registry[self][obj][method] and actives[registry[self][obj][method]] then return true, handlers[registry[self][obj][method]] end end return false, nil end --- Upgrade our old embeded for target, v in pairs( AceHook.embeded ) do AceHook:Embed( target ) end
open System [<EntryPoint>] let main argv = Console.ReadLine() |> ignore let str = Console.ReadLine() str.Split(' ') |> Array.rev |> Array.iter (fun s -> printf "%s " s) 0
library(parallel) library(devtools) devtools::load_all() RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") data(grid) s_seed <- 999983 s_k <- 1000 s_n <- 500 s_m <- 7 v_seed <- c(s_seed, s_seed + s_k) direct_5007_3 <- mclapply(v_seed, seed_loop <- function(seed) { sim_direct(seed, s_k / 2, s_n, s_m, dev = "quadratic", r = r_grid_quad_500[3], err = 4) }, mc.cores = 2) save(direct_5007_3, file = "direct_quad_5007_3_4.RData")
#ifndef OPENPOSE_UTILITIES_STRING_HPP #define OPENPOSE_UTILITIES_STRING_HPP #include <openpose/core/common.hpp> namespace op { OP_API unsigned long long getLastNumber(const std::string& string); /** * This template function turns an integer number into a fixed-length std::string. * @param number T integer corresponding to the integer to be formatted. * @param stringLength unsigned long long indicating the final length. If 0, the * final length is the original number length. * @return std::string with the formatted value. */ template<typename T> OP_API std::string toFixedLengthString(const T number, const unsigned long long stringLength = 0); OP_API std::vector<std::string> splitString(const std::string& stringToSplit, const std::string& delimiter); OP_API std::string toLower(const std::string& string); OP_API std::string toUpper(const std::string& string); } #endif // OPENPOSE_UTILITIES_STRING_HPP
1.6 Arrays ---------- Exercise 1-13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Write a program to print a histogram of the lengths of words in its inputs. It is easy to draw the histogram with the bars horizontal A vertical orientation is more challenging. Result ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: c #define MAXLEN 32 char *render_horizontal_bar(int occurences); /* * get int from argument and return as mallocated string. * combined with '|' character meaning count of that. * return value is appended with "\n\0" charaters. */ int print_bar(const char *src, ssize_t len); /* * src is return form render_horizontal_bar and len is length word. * actually writes len of src + newline character. * and returns len itself, excludes the count of newline character. */ Exercise 1-14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Write a program to print a histogram of the frequencies of different characters in its input. Result ^^^^^^ frequencies of different character doesn't understandable...
module Types exposing (..) import Room.Types import Firebase.Auth as Firebase import Firebase.Common as Firebase import RemoteData exposing (..) type Msg = Authenticate | AuthResponse (RemoteData Firebase.Error Firebase.User) | RoomMsg Room.Types.Msg type alias Model = { firebase : Firebase.AuthData , room : Maybe Room.Types.Model }
#version 330 core layout(lines) in; layout(line_strip, max_vertices = 6) out; uniform vec4 u_s_color = vec4(0,1,0,1); uniform vec4 u_v_color = vec4(1,0,0,1); uniform vec4 u_t_color = vec4(0,0,1,1); in Vertex { vec4 control_point; vec4 support_vector; vec4 tangent_vector; } in_vert[]; out vec4 color; void main() { color = u_v_color; gl_Position = in_vert[0].control_point; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = in_vert[0].control_point + in_vert[0].support_vector; EmitVertex(); EndPrimitive(); color = u_t_color; gl_Position = in_vert[0].control_point; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = in_vert[0].control_point + in_vert[0].tangent_vector; EmitVertex(); EndPrimitive(); color = u_s_color; gl_Position = in_vert[0].control_point; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = in_vert[1].control_point; EmitVertex(); EndPrimitive(); }
require 'maestro_plugin' require 'fog_worker' require 'fog' require 'fog/compute/models/server' module Fog module Compute class Joyent class Server < Fog::Compute::Server def image_id dataset end end end end end module MaestroDev module Plugin class JoyentWorker < FogWorker def provider "joyent" end def required_fields ['username', 'password', 'url'] end def connect_options # InstantServers SSL certificate is not valid, disable verification Excon.defaults[:ssl_verify_peer] = false opts = { :joyent_username => get_field('username'), :joyent_password => get_field('password'), :joyent_url => get_field('url') } return opts end def create_server(connection, name, options={}) package = get_field('package') dataset = get_field('dataset') name_msg = name.nil? ? "" : "'#{name}' " package_msg = package.nil? ? "default" : package dataset_msg = dataset.nil? ? "default" : dataset msg = "Creating server #{name_msg}from package '#{package_msg}' and dataset '#{dataset_msg}'" Maestro.log.info msg write_output("#{msg}\n") begin options = { :package => package, :dataset => dataset, :name => name } s = do_create_server(connection, options) rescue Excon::Errors::Error => e error = JSON.parse e.response.body msg = "Error #{msg}: #{error['code']} #{error['message']}" Maestro.log.error msg set_error msg return rescue Exception => e log("Error #{msg}", e) and return end return s end end end end
################################################################################ # hapLabels function # # Author: Heidi Lischer # Date: 10.2008 ################################################################################ hapLabels <- function(xmlText){ tagData2 <- as.character(xmlText) tagData3 <- strsplit(tagData2, "\n") tagMatrix <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(tagData3)) tagMatrix <- gsub(" + ", "\t", tagMatrix) # trim white space tagMatrix <- subset(tagMatrix, tagMatrix[,1] != "") #trim empty lines # get pop names -------------- Names <- tagMatrix[2: nrow(tagMatrix), 1] Names <- strsplit(Names, "\t") HapLabels <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(Names)[1,]) return(HapLabels) }
open main pred idfcwefwxHarNvmjzun_prop11 { always all f : File + Trash | after f in Protected } pred __repair { idfcwefwxHarNvmjzun_prop11 } check __repair { idfcwefwxHarNvmjzun_prop11 <=> prop11o }
package dotty package tools.dotc package repl import core.Contexts.Context import collection.mutable import java.io.{StringWriter, PrintStream} import dotty.tools.io.{ PlainFile, Directory } import org.junit.Test /** A subclass of REPL used for testing. * It takes a transcript of a REPL session in `script`. The transcript * starts with the first input prompt `scala> ` and ends with `scala> :quit` and a newline. * Invoking `process()` on the `TestREPL` runs all input lines and * collects then interleaved with REPL output in a string writer `out`. * Invoking `check()` checks that the collected output matches the original * `script`. */ class TestREPL(script: String) extends REPL { private val out = new StringWriter() override lazy val config = new REPL.Config { override val output = new NewLinePrintWriter(out) override def context(ctx: Context) = { val fresh = ctx.fresh fresh.setSetting(ctx.settings.color, "never") fresh.setSetting(ctx.settings.classpath, Jars.dottyReplDeps.mkString(":")) fresh.initialize()(fresh) fresh } override def input(in: Interpreter)(implicit ctx: Context) = new InteractiveReader { val lines = script.lines.buffered def readLine(prompt: String): String = { val line = lines.next() val buf = new StringBuilder if (line.startsWith(prompt)) { output.println(line) buf append line.drop(prompt.length) while (lines.hasNext && lines.head.startsWith(continuationPrompt)) { val continued = lines.next() output.println(continued) buf append System.lineSeparator() buf append continued.drop(continuationPrompt.length) } buf.toString } else readLine(prompt) } val interactive = false } } def check() = { out.close() val printed = out.toString val transcript = printed.drop(printed.indexOf(config.prompt)) if (transcript.toString.lines.toList != script.lines.toList) { println("input differs from transcript (copy is repl.transcript):") println(transcript) val s = new PrintStream("repl.transcript") s.print(transcript) s.close() assert(false) } } } class REPLTests { def replFile(prefix: String, fileName: String): Unit = { val path = s"$prefix$fileName" val f = new PlainFile(path) val repl = new TestREPL(new String(f.toCharArray)) repl.process(Array[String]()) repl.check() } def replFiles(path: String): Unit = { val dir = Directory(path) val fileNames = dir.files.toArray.map(_.jfile.getName).filter(_ endsWith ".check") for (name <- fileNames) { println(s"testing $path$name") replFile(path, name) } } @Test def replAll = replFiles("../tests/repl/") }
# Create the Rule Graph for the workflow cleanup () { rc=$? rm -rf ../../../images/rulegraph.svg cd "$user_dir" echo "Exit status: $rc" } trap cleanup SIGINT set -eo pipefail # ensures that script exits at first command that exits with non-zero status set -u # ensures that script exits when unset variables are used set -x # facilitates debugging by printing out executed commands user_dir=$PWD repo_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)/../../.." cd "$repo_dir" snakemake \ --snakefile="workflow/Snakefile" \ --configfile="tests/integration/config.yml" \ --printshellcmds \ --dryrun \ --verbose \ --rulegraph \ | dot -Tsvg \ > ./images/rulegraph.svg
(define (not x) (if x #f #t)) (define (null? obj) (if (eqv? obj '()) #t #f)) (define (list . objs) objs) (define (id obj) obj) (define (flip func) (lambda (arg1 arg2) (func arg2 arg1))) (define (curry func arg1) (lambda (arg) (apply func (cons arg1 (list arg))))) (define (compose f g) (lambda (arg) (f (apply g arg)))) (define zero? (curry = 0)) (define positive? (curry < 0)) (define negative? (curry > 0)) (define (odd? num) (= (mod num 2) 1)) (define (even? num) (= (mod num 2) 0)) (define (foldr func end lst) (if (null? lst) end (func (car lst) (foldr func end (cdr lst))))) (define (foldl func accum lst) (if (null? lst) accum (foldl func (func accum (car lst)) (cdr lst)))) (define fold foldl) (define reduce foldr) (define (unfold func init pred) (if (pred init) (cons init '()) (cons init (unfold func (func init) pred)))) (define (fst x) (car x)) (define (snd x) (car (cdr x))) (define (unfoldr func init pred) (if (pred init) '() (cons (snd (func init)) (unfoldr func (fst (func init)) pred)))) (define (sum . lst) (fold + 0 lst)) (define (product . lst) (fold * 1 lst)) (define (and . lst) (fold && #t lst)) (define (or . lst) (fold || #f lst)) (define (max first . rest) (fold (lambda (old new) (if (> old new) old new)) first rest)) (define (min first . rest) (fold (lambda (old new) (if (< old new) old new)) first rest)) (define (length lst) (fold (lambda (x y) (+ x 1)) 0 lst)) (define (reverse lst) (fold (flip cons) '() lst)) (define (mem-helper pred op) (lambda (acc next) (if (and (not acc) (pred (op next))) next acc))) (define (memq obj lst) (fold (mem-helper (curry eq? obj) id) #f lst)) (define (memv obj lst) (fold (mem-helper (curry eqv? obj) id) #f lst)) (define (member obj lst) (fold (mem-helper (curry equal? obj) id) #f lst)) (define (assq obj alist) (fold (mem-helper (curry eq? obj) car) #f alist)) (define (assv obj alist) (fold (mem-helper (curry eqv? obj) car) #f alist)) (define (assoc obj alist) (fold (mem-helper (curry equal? obj) car) #f alist)) (define (map func lst) (foldr (lambda (x y) (cons (func x) y)) '() lst)) (define (filter pred lst) (foldr (lambda (x y) (if (pred x) (cons x y) y)) '() lst)) (define (dice num) (lambda x (randInt num))) (define (unfoldroll init func) (cons (init + 1) (cons (func) '()))) (define (roll num dice) (unfoldr (lambda x (unfoldroll x dice)) 0 (curry < (- num 1))))
;; Copyright 2020, Di Sera Luca ;; Contacts: disera.luca@gmail.com ;; https://github.com/diseraluca ;; https://www.linkedin.com/in/luca-di-sera-200023167 ;; ;; This code is licensed under the MIT License. ;; More information can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of this repository (ns mock.core-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [mock.core :refer :all])) (deftest test-mock (is (function? (mock #'prn (constantly nil))) "mock called with two argument returns a function.") (let [result "mocked!" mocked #'prn mockf (constantly result) callee #(mocked :args)] (is (= result ((mock mocked mockf) callee)) "Calling the function returned by mock with a function as argument, will call the passed in function with each call to mocked substituted with mockf.") ;; TODO: This property must have a name. find it and clean the description. (is (= (mock mocked mockf callee) ((mock mocked mockf) callee)) "Calling mock with three arguments, let them be arg1,arg2 and arg3, is equivalent to applying mock to arg1 and arg2 and then calling the result with arg3.")))
<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Debug Mode |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When your application is in debug mode, detailed error messages with | stack traces will be shown on every error that occurs within your | application. If disabled, a simple generic error page is shown. | */ 'debug' => env('APP_DEBUG', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application URL |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This URL is used by the console to properly generate URLs when using | the Artisan command line tool. You should set this to the root of | your application so that it is used when running Artisan tasks. | */ 'url' => 'http://localhost', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Timezone |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the default timezone for your application, which | will be used by the PHP date and date-time functions. We have gone | ahead and set this to a sensible default for you out of the box. | */ 'timezone' => 'UTC', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Locale Configuration |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The application locale determines the default locale that will be used | by the translation service provider. You are free to set this value | to any of the locales which will be supported by the application. | */ 'locale' => 'en', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Fallback Locale |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The fallback locale determines the locale to use when the current one | is not available. You may change the value to correspond to any of | the language folders that are provided through your application. | */ 'fallback_locale' => 'en', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Encryption Key |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This key is used by the Illuminate encrypter service and should be set | to a random, 32 character string, otherwise these encrypted strings | will not be safe. Please do this before deploying an application! | */ 'key' => env('APP_KEY', 'SomeRandomString'), 'cipher' => 'AES-256-CBC', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Logging Configuration |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may configure the log settings for your application. Out of | the box, Laravel uses the Monolog PHP logging library. This gives | you a variety of powerful log handlers / formatters to utilize. | | Available Settings: "single", "daily", "syslog", "errorlog" | */ 'log' => 'single', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Autoloaded Service Providers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The service providers listed here will be automatically loaded on the | request to your application. Feel free to add your own services to | this array to grant expanded functionality to your applications. | */ 'providers' => [ /* * Laravel Framework Service Providers... */ Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Bus\BusServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FoundationServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Hashing\HashServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Pipeline\PipelineServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Redis\RedisServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider::class, Bestmomo\Scafold\ScafoldServiceProvider::class, /* * Application Service Providers... */ App\Providers\AppServiceProvider::class, App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider::class, App\Providers\EventServiceProvider::class, App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider::class, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Class Aliases |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This array of class aliases will be registered when this application | is started. However, feel free to register as many as you wish as | the aliases are "lazy" loaded so they don't hinder performance. | */ 'aliases' => [ 'App' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\App::class, 'Artisan' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan::class, 'Auth' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::class, 'Blade' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade::class, 'Bus' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Bus::class, 'Cache' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache::class, 'Config' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config::class, 'Cookie' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie::class, 'Crypt' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt::class, 'DB' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::class, 'Eloquent' => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::class, 'Event' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event::class, 'File' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\File::class, 'Gate' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate::class, 'Hash' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash::class, 'Input' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::class, 'Inspiring' => Illuminate\Foundation\Inspiring::class, 'Lang' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang::class, 'Log' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log::class, 'Mail' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail::class, 'Password' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Password::class, 'Queue' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Queue::class, 'Redirect' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect::class, 'Redis' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis::class, 'Request' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request::class, 'Response' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response::class, 'Route' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route::class, 'Schema' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::class, 'Session' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session::class, 'Storage' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage::class, 'URL' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL::class, 'Validator' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator::class, 'View' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\View::class, 'Form' => Illuminate\Html\FormFacade::class, 'Html' => Illuminate\Html\HtmlFacade::class, ], ];
package test import grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional @Transactional class StudentService { def serviceMethod() { } def list(def params, def request) { return Student.findAll() } def single(def params, def request) { return Student.findById(params?.id) } def save(def params, def request) { def studentJson = request.JSON def studentInstance = new Student(studentJson) studentInstance = studentInstance.save() return studentInstance } def update(def params, def request) { def studentJson = request.JSON def studentInstance = Student.get(params?.id) studentInstance.properties = studentJson studentInstance = studentInstance.merge() return studentInstance } def delete(def params, def request) { def studentInstance = Student.get(params?.id) studentInstance = studentInstance.delete() return studentInstance } }
--- Description: The TAPI DLLs, along with the TAPI Server (Tapisvr.exe), are crucial abstractions separating end-user or server applications from service providers. A TAPI DLL in conjunction with the TAPI Server provides a consistent interface between these two layers. ms.assetid: 17937bf1-e0bd-4845-9484-d23190807642 title: TAPI DLL ms.topic: article ms.date: 05/31/2018 --- # TAPI DLL The TAPI DLLs, along with the TAPI Server (Tapisvr.exe), are crucial abstractions separating end-user or server applications from service providers. A TAPI DLL in conjunction with the TAPI Server provides a consistent interface between these two layers. A TAPI application loads the appropriate DLL into its process space. During initialization, TAPI establishes an RPC link with Tapisvr.exe. The TAPI Server runs in the context of SVCHOST. There are three DLLs associated with TAPI: Tapi.dll, Tapi32.dll, and Tapi3.dll. These DLLs are located in %SystemRoot%\\system32. The following figure illustrates the roles of their respective roles in Microsoft Telephony: ![roles of the three tapi dlls](images/dllserv.png) Existing 16-bit applications link to Tapi.dll. Tapi.dll is simply a thunk layer that maps 16-bit addresses to 32-bit addresses and pass requests to Tapi32.dll. Existing 32-bit TAPI 2.x applications link to Tapi32.dll. Tapi32.dll is a thin marshalling layer that transfers function requests to the TAPI Server (TAPISRV) and, when needed, loads and invokes media service provider DLLs in the application's process. TAPI 3.x applications link to Tapi3.dll.    
PREFIX ex: <http://example.com/ns#> PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> PREFIX sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> INSERT DATA { ex:validPerson1 ex:knows1 [ ex:knows2 [ex:ssn "123", "456", "789", "012"]]. }
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"Template",ExpressionUUID->"6eeac8a5-eae1-445a-b50e-82060c4f8c4a", CellID->1360575930], Cell[3229, 99, 137, 2, 70, "Template",ExpressionUUID->"b64e95d6-fe2f-49f9-b377-49a0e2b35505", CellID->793782254] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3403, 106, 108, 1, 19, "DetailsSection",ExpressionUUID->"361afe3d-6fbc-4209-b721-99c1e889326e", CellID->307771771], Cell[3514, 109, 117, 2, 70, "Details",ExpressionUUID->"5c5d9260-b0be-4892-8d99-aed3d245144b", CellID->49458704], Cell[3634, 113, 124, 2, 70, "Details",ExpressionUUID->"5e82b820-cf3d-46da-a1aa-ef7d281242ae", CellID->350963985], Cell[3761, 117, 121, 2, 70, "Details",ExpressionUUID->"e63ff5fb-7e2f-4f51-a3fd-f4fdb62654c9", CellID->422270209], Cell[3885, 121, 126, 2, 70, "Details",ExpressionUUID->"dafcc1ff-61b1-4f3c-8d02-a71a5e206ee9", CellID->545239557], Cell[4014, 125, 116, 2, 70, "Details",ExpressionUUID->"7c85b2bc-7d29-4796-9050-df9aa8cc2650", CellID->121292707], Cell[4133, 129, 115, 2, 70, "Details",ExpressionUUID->"7097975c-ce27-494a-a3c6-1d401a8d380f", CellID->29314406], Cell[4251, 133, 117, 2, 70, "Details",ExpressionUUID->"9916cc3c-7091-4d2c-afc2-85bb63d98fb0", CellID->96001539], Cell[4371, 137, 133, 2, 70, "Details",ExpressionUUID->"0391b015-11d5-4078-8573-018663f2aa06", CellID->123278822], Cell[4507, 141, 122, 2, 70, "Details",ExpressionUUID->"b1a426f8-da91-43ab-b045-0ca45375082c", CellID->240026365] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4666, 148, 117, 1, 19, "SecuritySection",ExpressionUUID->"300c5a13-8540-4055-b280-3931e886611f", CellID->13551076], Cell[4786, 151, 1094, 30, 70, "SecurityDetails",ExpressionUUID->"a9cd655b-ae10-459c-8413-8cc073ecf2cc", CellID->2488900] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[5917, 186, 117, 1, 63, "ObjectName",ExpressionUUID->"205260eb-5fc2-4146-8ea9-f4b957fc30c5", CellID->1224892054], Cell[6037, 189, 918, 22, 81, "Usage",ExpressionUUID->"d3c24e60-7038-4b0d-9c09-588f4272bdba", CellID->982511436], Cell[6958, 213, 876, 23, 28, "Notes",ExpressionUUID->"83e0d64a-7ae8-4b51-8274-8da6145c0e8f", CellID->362132550] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[7871, 241, 112, 1, 44, "TutorialsSection",ExpressionUUID->"cf22620e-854a-4659-92ba-c30c65631567", CellID->250839057], Cell[7986, 244, 435, 10, 16, "Tutorials",ExpressionUUID->"4e82a33a-2516-4aae-8442-9389d935cab3", CellID->341631938] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8458, 259, 138, 1, 31, "RelatedDemonstrationsSection",ExpressionUUID->"423cfcad-92f8-4529-af72-b75a24d0967f", CellID->1268215905], Cell[8599, 262, 113, 1, 16, "RelatedDemonstrations",ExpressionUUID->"4c15fd4c-de75-46ae-ad91-33a72173c74e", CellID->1129518860] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8749, 268, 120, 1, 31, "RelatedLinksSection",ExpressionUUID->"6545211a-1dc3-43c0-a500-96ecdc2fecc1", CellID->1584193535], Cell[8872, 271, 104, 1, 16, "RelatedLinks",ExpressionUUID->"64790c52-560d-4392-8eca-8e0aa8a498ac", CellID->1038487239] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[9013, 277, 110, 1, 31, "SeeAlsoSection",ExpressionUUID->"8edc9a9e-32ba-4558-95ea-7538bf917f35", CellID->1255426704], Cell[9126, 280, 665, 16, 22, "SeeAlso",ExpressionUUID->"e83d7bbe-eba1-4821-a1d6-21bab2cff1f3", CellID->309874743] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[9828, 301, 112, 1, 31, "MoreAboutSection",ExpressionUUID->"12b1fc08-1cfe-4f25-a7b4-d97e56545bf0", CellID->38303248], Cell[9943, 304, 110, 1, 16, "MoreAbout",ExpressionUUID->"482b6e46-7d81-428b-a5b7-61d57d66a012", CellID->1665078683] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[10090, 310, 411, 11, 70, "PrimaryExamplesSection",ExpressionUUID->"14c3d395-f393-49f6-99e6-c1f5735d8260", CellID->880084151], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[10526, 325, 243, 5, 17, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"a4381d7e-85a4-43d5-9721-8b142b0df2ba", CellID->1403946591], Cell[10772, 332, 174, 3, 27, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"edca717a-ec0c-4ee7-a052-46398bb84129", CellID->1553863953], Cell[10949, 337, 119, 1, 22, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"49bb291f-f211-47d2-b2d3-dd8ae4e6fe69", CellID->1212887918], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[11093, 342, 187, 4, 27, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c6cacdd8-4b09-468b-8042-b7c5339e5745", CellID->1092460502], Cell[11283, 348, 2365, 51, 45, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b1841ab9-d875-4d03-9512-32d03f88c23e", CellID->449575884] }, Open ]], Cell[13663, 402, 197, 4, 22, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"1b9a66d0-d203-416a-ba80-7d9158df4732", CellID->1120404447], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[13885, 410, 265, 6, 27, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"69920864-e673-4ccb-9866-ecb59417fc97", CellID->1500923833], Cell[14153, 418, 3292, 70, 71, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6ef35b4a-b6ec-4a1b-8760-9bc3609b195e", CellID->326455478] }, Open ]], Cell[17460, 491, 206, 2, 22, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"e6a95c31-1e31-4dbf-8e3e-73743e65d703", CellID->1543406610], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[17691, 497, 173, 3, 27, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5b0494d0-868a-4ab3-b389-357ed9a62fe8", CellID->579922157], Cell[17867, 502, 155, 2, 26, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"46de19d1-6bca-4ea9-8651-5d9b041ebee3", CellID->1870615490] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[18083, 511, 155, 2, 56, "ExtendedExamplesSection",ExpressionUUID->"32051c4e-d636-4441-9107-5b14c2e1ceb8", CellTags->"ExtendedExamples", CellID->1854448968], Cell[18241, 515, 242, 5, 33, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"7ceebdcd-5b98-457c-82ea-f9cd32036df9", CellID->1293636265], Cell[18486, 522, 265, 5, 21, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"37070263-967e-45fa-9664-e0730c96d5a0", CellID->1020263627], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[18776, 531, 244, 5, 21, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"a1fc5a25-0e36-428a-8a2e-efb137219900", CellID->2061341341], Cell[19023, 538, 247, 5, 70, "ExampleSubsection",ExpressionUUID->"ae55fe3a-d155-48da-9572-09f8279417d0", CellID->1757724783], Cell[19273, 545, 247, 5, 70, "ExampleSubsection",ExpressionUUID->"3bf3c304-7b17-4faf-b5f0-28f60e91bb50", CellID->1295379749] }, Closed]], Cell[19535, 553, 248, 5, 21, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"f90ac555-d573-465e-94f5-41276ace0be9", CellID->258228157], Cell[19786, 560, 259, 5, 21, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"9c1873d7-4e73-48dd-9b88-fd8887652697", CellID->2123667759], Cell[20048, 567, 252, 5, 21, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"9bcaeaee-6c6f-43fd-831d-ae777daf55ec", CellID->1305812373], Cell[20303, 574, 257, 5, 21, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"007f0d7b-634b-4264-afc6-bed70556d5f4", CellID->1653164318], Cell[20563, 581, 249, 5, 21, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"eaab4d39-c918-49dd-a649-7287c6c92f2c", CellID->589267740] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20849, 591, 128, 1, 79, "DesignDiscussionSection",ExpressionUUID->"985ee7b0-3dc8-4fc7-9566-90dfa3aa0e31", CellID->1775809863], Cell[20980, 594, 107, 1, 16, "DesignDiscussion",ExpressionUUID->"5b0a77fa-fdc0-40e5-b37d-9ae270cee55a", CellID->308641435] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[21124, 600, 128, 1, 31, "ApplicationNotesSection",ExpressionUUID->"934d9124-3fbe-43ae-b4e9-a2da99eb0d7f", CellID->1163590540], Cell[21255, 603, 108, 1, 16, "ApplicationNotes",ExpressionUUID->"b803a04b-7985-407a-a8de-754d6572974d", CellID->1480116198] }, Open ]], Cell[21378, 607, 113, 1, 31, "TestCasesSection",ExpressionUUID->"aa361aed-7fb6-47ec-a0c3-237c04f2c1ea", CellID->725748110], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[21516, 612, 120, 1, 33, "FunctionEssaySection",ExpressionUUID->"89124b5f-ffc7-4238-9cb8-3182fa19026b", CellID->37427227], Cell[21639, 615, 104, 1, 19, "FunctionEssay",ExpressionUUID->"ccc9c3bf-906a-4f3f-9b5a-ac2e57ed1173", CellID->356990964] }, Open ]] } ] *)
/* ** Copyright (c) 2012 The Khronos Group Inc. ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ** copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the ** "Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including ** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to ** permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to ** the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ** in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials. ** ** THE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, ** TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ** MATERIALS OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE MATERIALS. */ #ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif varying vec4 color; void main (void) { vec4 al = color; vec3 m = al.rgb; vec3 t = m.grb; vec4 a = vec4(t.g, t.r, t.b ,al.a); gl_FragColor = a; }
(cl:in-package #:sicl-argument-processing) (defun create-rest-parameter (argument-count-location rest-parameter-location dynamic-environment-location first-index) (let ((cons-location (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:lexical-location :name (gensym "cons"))) (argument-location (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:lexical-location :name (gensym "argument"))) (index-location (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:lexical-location :name (gensym "index"))) (constant-1-input (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:constant-input :value 1)) (constant-cons-input (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:constant-input :value 'cons)) (first-index-input (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:constant-input :value first-index)) (nop (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:nop-instruction :dynamic-environment-location dynamic-environment-location))) (let* ((first (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:fixnum-sub-instruction :inputs (list index-location constant-1-input) :output index-location :dynamic-environment-location dynamic-environment-location)) (temp first)) (setf first (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:multiple-to-fixed-instruction :output rest-parameter-location :successor first :dynamic-environment-location dynamic-environment-location)) (setf first (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:funcall-instruction :inputs (list cons-location argument-location rest-parameter-location) :successor first :dynamic-environment-location dynamic-environment-location)) (setf first (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:argument-instruction :input index-location :output argument-location :successor first :dynamic-environment-location dynamic-environment-location)) (setf first (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:fixnum-less-instruction :inputs (list index-location first-index-input) :successors (list nop first) :dynamic-environment-location dynamic-environment-location)) (setf (cleavir-ir:successors temp) (list first first)) (setf first (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:fixnum-sub-instruction :inputs (list argument-count-location constant-1-input) :output index-location :successors (list first first) :dynamic-environment-location dynamic-environment-location)) (setf first (make-instance 'cleavir-ir:fdefinition-instruction :input constant-cons-input :output cons-location :successor first :dynamic-environment-location dynamic-environment-location)) (values first nop))))
module Content.Login.Messages exposing (Msg(..)) type Msg = UpdateEmail String | UpdatePassword String | Login | GotoRegistration
mysnap package ============== Submodules ---------- mysnap.classes module --------------------- .. automodule:: mysnap.classes :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: mysnap.utils module ------------------- .. automodule:: mysnap.utils :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: mysnap :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
WinPcap xcopy Jpcap.dll C:\Windows\System32 xcopy Jpcap.dll C:\Windows\SysWOW64 "jdk x86"
/* * Copyright 2016 Midokura SARL * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.midonet.cluster.services.c3po.translators import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.midonet.cluster.data.storage.{StateTableStorage, Transaction} import org.midonet.cluster.models.Commons.{IPSubnet, UUID} import org.midonet.cluster.models.Neutron._ import org.midonet.cluster.models.Topology._ import org.midonet.cluster.services.c3po.translators.RouteManager.extraRouteId import org.midonet.cluster.util.IPAddressUtil._ import org.midonet.cluster.util.IPSubnetUtil._ import org.midonet.cluster.util.UUIDUtil.asRichProtoUuid import org.midonet.cluster.util.{IPSubnetUtil, RangeUtil, SequenceDispenser} import org.midonet.containers import org.midonet.packets.{IPv4Subnet, MAC, TCP} class BgpPeerTranslator(stateTableStorage: StateTableStorage, sequenceDispenser: SequenceDispenser) extends Translator[NeutronBgpPeer] with RuleManager with PortManager with ChainManager { import BgpPeerTranslator._ override protected def translateCreate(tx: Transaction, bgpPeer: NeutronBgpPeer): Unit = { val speaker = bgpPeer.getBgpSpeaker val router = tx.get(classOf[Router], speaker.getLogicalRouter) tx.update(router.toBuilder.setAsNumber(speaker.getLocalAs).build()) ensureContainer(tx, router, speaker) ensureExtraRouteBgpNetworks(tx, router.getId) val chainId = ensureRedirectChain(tx, router) createBgpPeer(tx, router.getId, bgpPeer) createPeerRedirectRule(tx, redirectRuleId(bgpPeer.getId), quaggaPortId(router.getId), chainId, bgpPeer, inverse = false) createPeerRedirectRule(tx, inverseRedirectRuleId(bgpPeer.getId), quaggaPortId(router.getId), chainId, bgpPeer, inverse = true) } override protected def translateUpdate(tx: Transaction, newPeer: NeutronBgpPeer): Unit = { val oldPeer = tx.get(classOf[BgpPeer], newPeer.getId) // Can only update password. if (oldPeer.getPassword != newPeer.getPassword) { tx.update(oldPeer.toBuilder.setPassword(newPeer.getPassword).build()) } } override protected def translateDelete(tx: Transaction, bgpPeer: NeutronBgpPeer): Unit = { val router = tx.get(classOf[Router], bgpPeer.getBgpSpeaker.getLogicalRouter) if (router.getBgpPeerIdsList.size() == 1) { tx.update(router.toBuilder.clearAsNumber().build()) } deleteBgpPeer(tx, router, bgpPeer.getId) cleanUpBgpNetworkExtraRoutes(tx, router.getId) } private def createBgpPeer(tx: Transaction, routerId: UUID, neutronBgpPeer: NeutronBgpPeer): Unit = { tx.create(BgpPeer.newBuilder() .setAddress(neutronBgpPeer.getPeerIp) .setAsNumber(neutronBgpPeer.getRemoteAs) .setId(neutronBgpPeer.getId) .setRouterId(routerId) .setPassword(neutronBgpPeer.getPassword) .build()) } private def createPeerRedirectRule(tx: Transaction, ruleId: UUID, portId: UUID, chainId: UUID, bgpPeer: NeutronBgpPeer, inverse: Boolean) : Unit = { val peerIp = IPSubnetUtil.fromAddress(bgpPeer.getPeerIp) val peerRuleBuilder = redirectRuleBuilder( id = Some(ruleId), chainId = chainId, targetPortId = portId) val condBuilder = peerRuleBuilder.getConditionBuilder .setNwSrcIp(peerIp) .setNwProto(TCP.PROTOCOL_NUMBER) if (inverse) condBuilder.setTpSrc(BgpPortRange) else condBuilder.setTpDst(BgpPortRange) tx.create(peerRuleBuilder.build()) } private def ensureExtraRouteBgpNetworks(tx: Transaction, routerId: UUID) : Unit = { val router = tx.get(classOf[NeutronRouter], routerId) for (route <- router.getRoutesList.asScala) { tx.create(makeBgpNetworkFromRoute(routerId, route)) } } private def ensureContainer(tx: Transaction, router: Router, bgpSpeaker: NeutronBgpSpeaker): Unit = { val portId = quaggaPortId(router.getId) if (!tx.exists(classOf[Port], portId)) { createQuaggaRouterPort(tx, router) scheduleService(tx, portId, router.getId) addNetworks(tx, router) } } private def addNetworks(tx: Transaction, router: Router): Unit = { val routerPorts = tx.getAll(classOf[Port], router.getPortIdsList.asScala) // Not all ports on the router will have peers. The exception is ports // on an uplink network, which we want to exclude from the advertised // networks. val neutronPortIds = routerPorts.filter(_.hasPeerId).map(_.getPeerId) val neutronPorts = tx.getAll(classOf[NeutronPort], neutronPortIds) val networks = tx.getAll(classOf[NeutronNetwork], neutronPorts.map(_.getNetworkId)) for ((port, network) <- neutronPorts.zip(networks) if !network.getExternal) { val subnetId = port.getFixedIpsList.get(0).getSubnetId val subnet = tx.get(classOf[NeutronSubnet], subnetId) tx.create(makeBgpNetwork(router.getId, subnet.getCidr, port.getId)) } } private def scheduleService(tx: Transaction, portId: UUID, routerId: UUID): Unit = { val serviceContainerGroup = ServiceContainerGroup.newBuilder .setId(quaggaContainerGroupId(routerId)) .build() val serviceContainer = ServiceContainer.newBuilder .setId(quaggaContainerId(routerId)) .setServiceGroupId(serviceContainerGroup.getId) .setPortId(portId) .setServiceType("QUAGGA") .setConfigurationId(routerId) .build() tx.create(serviceContainerGroup) tx.create(serviceContainer) } private def createQuaggaRouterPort(tx: Transaction, router: Router): Unit = { val currentPorts = tx.getAll(classOf[Port], router.getPortIdsList.asScala) val subnet = containers.findLocalSubnet(currentPorts) val routerAddress = containers.routerPortAddress(subnet) val routerSubnet = new IPv4Subnet(routerAddress, subnet.getPrefixLen) val builder = Port.newBuilder .setId(quaggaPortId(router.getId)) .setRouterId(router.getId) .addPortSubnet(routerSubnet.asProto) .setPortAddress(routerAddress.asProto) .setPortMac(MAC.random().toString) assignTunnelKey(builder, sequenceDispenser) tx.create(builder.build()) } private def cleanUpBgpNetworkExtraRoutes(tx: Transaction, routerId: UUID): Unit = { val router = tx.get(classOf[NeutronRouter], routerId) for (route <- router.getRoutesList.asScala) { val routeId = bgpNetworkId(extraRouteId(routerId, route)) tx.delete(classOf[BgpNetwork], routeId, ignoresNeo = true) } } } object BgpPeerTranslator { def quaggaContainerId(routerId: UUID): UUID = routerId.xorWith(0x645a41fb3e1641a3L, 0x90d28456127bee31L) def quaggaContainerGroupId(routerId: UUID): UUID = routerId.xorWith(0x7d263d2d55da46d2L, 0xb53951e91eba3a1fL) def quaggaPortId(deviceId: UUID): UUID = deviceId.xorWith(0xff498a4c22390ae3L, 0x3e3ec848baff217dL) def bgpNetworkId(sourceId: UUID): UUID = sourceId.xorWith(0x39c62a620c7049a9L, 0xbc9c1acb80e516fcL) def redirectRuleId(peerId: UUID): UUID = peerId.xorWith(0x12d34babf7d84902L, 0xaa840971afc3307fL) def inverseRedirectRuleId(peerId: UUID): UUID = peerId.xorWith(0x12d34babf7d85900L, 0xaa840971afc3307fL) val BgpPortRange = RangeUtil.toProto(179, 179) def deleteBgpPeer(tx: Transaction, router: Router, bgpPeerId: UUID): Unit = { tx.delete(classOf[BgpPeer], bgpPeerId, ignoresNeo = true) tx.delete(classOf[Rule], redirectRuleId(bgpPeerId), ignoresNeo = true) tx.delete(classOf[Rule], inverseRedirectRuleId(bgpPeerId), ignoresNeo = true) } def isBgpSpeakerConfigured(tx: Transaction, routerId: UUID) = { val peers = tx.getAll(classOf[NeutronBgpPeer]) peers.exists(_.getBgpSpeaker.getLogicalRouter == routerId) } def makeBgpNetwork(routerId: UUID, subnet: IPSubnet, id: UUID) : BgpNetwork = { BgpNetwork.newBuilder() .setId(bgpNetworkId(id)) .setRouterId(routerId) .setSubnet(subnet) .build() } def makeBgpNetworkFromRoute(routerId: UUID, route: NeutronRoute) : BgpNetwork = { makeBgpNetwork(routerId, route.getDestination, extraRouteId(routerId, route)) } }
module top( // clk=50MHz, rst_n active-low, to reset the fake SD-card input logic clk, rst_n, // display SD card status on LED output logic [7:0] led, // these are Fake SD-card signals, connect them to a SD-host, such as a SDcard Reader input sdclk, inout sdcmd, inout [3:0] sddat, // Debug UART, baud=115200, show SD bus requests and response output logic uart_tx ); logic sdcmdoe ; logic sdcmdout; logic sddatoe ; logic [3:0] sddatout ; assign sdcmd = sdcmdoe ? sdcmdout : 1'bz; assign sddat = sddatoe ? sddatout : 4'bz; logic rdclk; logic [63:0] rdaddr; logic [ 7:0] rddata; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fake SDcard // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDFake sd_fake_inst( .rst_n, .sdclk ( sdclk ), .sdcmdoe ( sdcmdoe ), .sdcmdin ( sdcmd ), .sdcmdout ( sdcmdout ), .sddatoe ( sddatoe ), .sddatin ( sddat ), .sddatout ( sddatout ), .rdclk , .rdaddr , .rddata , .debugled ( led ) // show Fake SDcard status on LED ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A ROM which store the Fake SDcard content // make the SD card be recognized as a formatted FAT32 disk // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDcardContent SDcardContent_inst( .rdclk, .rdaddr, .rddata ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A SD bus Monitor // Send SD request and response frame (such as CMD8, ACMD41...) to UART // UART baud = 115200 // this is only for debug // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logic outframeen; logic [47:0] outframe; SDBusMonitor sd_bus_monitor_inst( .clk, .rst_n, .sdclk, .sdcmd, .outframeen, .outframe ); uart_tx #( .UART_CLK_DIV ( 434 ), .FIFO_ASIZE ( 10 ), .BYTE_WIDTH ( 6 ), .MODE ( 3 ), .BIG_ENDIAN ( 0 ) ) uart_tx_inst ( .clk ( clk ), .rst_n ( rst_n ), .wreq ( outframeen && |outframe ), .wgnt ( ), .wdata ( outframe ), .o_uart_tx ( uart_tx ) ); endmodule