example example: size "self example: 100" "Sort a random collection of a certain size." | aCollection random | aCollection := OrderedCollection new. random := Random new. size timesRepeat: [aCollection add: (random next * size) rounded]. ^ self new active sort: aCollection
accessing opacity "Return my transparency degree. @see BlElement>>#opacity: for more information" <return: #Number> ^ opacity
=head1 LICENSE Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2018] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =cut package SeqStoreConverter::vega::HomoSapiens; use strict; use warnings; use SeqStoreConverter::HomoSapiens; use SeqStoreConverter::vega::VBasicConverter; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(SeqStoreConverter::HomoSapiens SeqStoreConverter::vega::VBasicConverter); 1;
BEGIN { FS="," error = 0 } { if ( FNR == 1 ) { fields = NF print "File should have " fields " fields" } if ( NF != fields) { error = error + 1 print "Line " FNR " has " NF " fields" } } END { print "Completed. Found " error " errors" }
grammar TodoLangGrammar; todoExpressions : (addExpression)* (completeExpression)*; addExpression : ADD TODO STRING; completeExpression : COMPLETE TODO STRING; ADD : 'ADD'; TODO : 'TODO'; COMPLETE: 'COMPLETE'; STRING: '"' ~ ["]* '"'; EOL: [\r\n] + -> skip; WS: [ \t] -> skip;
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var grid1 = { type: 'datagrid', id: 'netCompanyDataTable' }; var _ctx = '${pageContext.request.contextPath}'; /* $("." + grid1.id).iDatagrid({ rownumbers: false, remoteFilter: true, url: '/json/datagrid/wldl.json', onClickRow: function (index, row) { selectLevel2Proxy(row); }, columns: [[ {field: 'id', title: '', checkbox: true}, {field: 'name', title: '订单号', sortable: false, width: 100}, {field: 'remark', title: '产品名称', sortable: false, width: 100}, {field: 'remark', title: '客户名称', sortable: false, width: 100}, {field: 'remark', title: '业务员', sortable: false, width: 100}, {field: 'leader', title: '材质', sortable: false, width: 100}, {field: 'leaderPhone', title: '楞型', sortable: false, width: 100}, {field: 'remark', title: '订单数量', sortable: false, width: 100}, {field: 'address', title: '尺寸', sortable: false, width: 100, hidden: true}, ]], filter: [ { field: 'status', type: 'label' } ] }); */ }); // 选择航空代理 function selectFlight(row) { $("#carrierFlightId").html(""); $("#flightId").val(""); $("#carrierFlightId").html("<span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:18px'>【航空代理】:</span><span style='font-size:18px'>" + row.name + " " + row.leader + " " + row.leaderPhone + " " + row.address + " " + row.remark + "</span>"); $("#flightId").val(row.id); } // 选择二级网络代理 function selectLevel2Proxy(row) { $("#carrierLevel2ProxyId").html(""); $("#level2ProxyId").val(""); $("#carrierLevel2ProxyId").html("<span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:18px '>【网络代理】:</span><span style='font-size:18px'>" + row.name + " " + row.leader + " " + row.leaderPhone + " " + row.address + " " + row.remark + "</span>"); $("#level2ProxyId").val(row.id); } </script>
syntax = "proto3"; package ticket.service.item.v1; import "github.com/gogo/protobuf/gogoproto/gogo.proto"; option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix_all) = false; option (gogoproto.goproto_getters_all) = false; option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true; option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true; option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true; option go_package = "v1"; // The area service definition. service Area { rpc AreaInfo (AreaInfoRequest) returns (AreaInfoReply) {} rpc DeleteArea (DeleteAreaRequest) returns (DeleteAreaReply) {} } // The response message containing the area info message AreaInfo { int64 id = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "id", (gogoproto.customname)= "ID"]; string a_id = 2 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "a_id", (gogoproto.customname)= "AID"]; string name = 3 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "name"]; int32 seat_num = 4 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "seat_num"]; int32 width = 5 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "width"]; int32 height = 6 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "height"]; int64 place = 7 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "place"]; int32 col_start = 8 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "col_start"]; int32 col_type = 9 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "col_type"]; int32 col_direction = 10 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "col_direction"]; string row_list = 11 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "row_list"]; string seat_start = 12 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "seat_start"]; } // areaInfo接口请求 message AreaInfoRequest { // 待修改区域的ID(为0表示创建) int64 ID = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "id", (gogoproto.moretags) = "validate:\"min=0\""]; // 区域自定义编号 string AID = 2 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "a_id", (gogoproto.moretags) = "validate:\"min=1,max=16\""]; // 区域名 string Name = 3 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "name", (gogoproto.moretags) = "validate:\"min=1,max=16\""]; // 所属场地ID int64 Place = 4 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "place", (gogoproto.moretags) = "validate:\"min=1\""]; // 区域坐标 string Coordinate = 5 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "coordinate", (gogoproto.moretags) = "validate:\"min=1\""]; } // areaInfo接口返回 message AreaInfoReply { // 操作结果 bool Success = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "success"]; // 操作区域ID int64 ID = 2 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "id"]; // 场地坐标 string Coordinate = 3 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "coordinate"]; } // deleteArea接口请求 message DeleteAreaRequest { // 待删除区域的ID int64 ID = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "id", (gogoproto.moretags) = "validate:\"min=1\""]; } // deleteArea接口返回 message DeleteAreaReply { // 操作结果 bool Success = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "success"]; }
%!TEX root = ../../../main.tex % % Font set: Lucida % \setmainfont{LucidaEF} \setmathfont{Lucida Math} \setsansfont{LucidaSansEF} \linespread{1.05}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-} -- There are really all 'private' sub-pieces of -- Categories.Category.Monoidal.Closed.IsClosed, but that is taking -- forever to typecheck, so the idea is to split things into pieces and -- hope that that will help. open import Categories.Category using (Category) open import Categories.Category.Monoidal open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Closed using (Closed) module Categories.Category.Monoidal.Closed.IsClosed.Identity {o ℓ e} {C : Category o ℓ e} {M : Monoidal C} (Cl : Closed M) where open import Function using (_$_) renaming (_∘_ to _∙_) open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Utilities M open import Categories.Morphism C using (Iso) open import Categories.Morphism.Properties C using (Iso-resp-≈) open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning C using (pullʳ; pullˡ; pushˡ; cancelʳ) open import Categories.Functor using (Functor) renaming (id to idF) open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor.Properties open import Categories.NaturalTransformation hiding (id) open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Dinatural using (Extranaturalʳ; extranaturalʳ; DinaturalTransformation) open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism using (NaturalIsomorphism) import Categories.Category.Closed as Cls open Closed Cl open Category C -- most of it is used open HomReasoning open adjoint renaming (unit to η; counit to ε; Ladjunct to 𝕃) private λ⇒ = unitorˡ.from λ⇐ = unitorˡ.to ρ⇒ = unitorʳ.from ρ⇐ = unitorʳ.to identity : NaturalIsomorphism idF [ unit ,-] identity = record { F⇒G = F∘id⇒F ∘ᵥ ([ unit ,-] ∘ˡ (unitorʳ-natural.F⇒G)) ∘ᵥ η ; F⇐G = ε ∘ᵥ (unitorʳ-natural.F⇐G ∘ʳ [ unit ,-]) ∘ᵥ F⇒id∘F ; iso = λ X → Iso-resp-≈ (iso X) (⟺ identityˡ) (⟺ (∘-resp-≈ʳ identityʳ)) } where open Functor iso : ∀ X → Iso (𝕃 unitorʳ.from) (ε.η X ∘ unitorʳ.to) iso X = record { isoˡ = begin (ε.η X ∘ ρ⇐) ∘ 𝕃 ρ⇒ ≈⟨ pullʳ unitorʳ-commute-to ⟩ ε.η X ∘ 𝕃 ρ⇒ ⊗₁ id ∘ ρ⇐ ≈⟨ sym-assoc ⟩ Radjunct (𝕃 ρ⇒) ∘ ρ⇐ ≈⟨ RLadjunct≈id ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩ ρ⇒ ∘ ρ⇐ ≈⟨ unitorʳ.isoʳ ⟩ id ∎ ; isoʳ = begin 𝕃 ρ⇒ ∘ ε.η X ∘ ρ⇐ ≈⟨ pullʳ (η.commute _) ⟩ [ id , ρ⇒ ]₁ ∘ 𝕃 ((ε.η X ∘ ρ⇐) ⊗₁ id) ≈˘⟨ pushˡ (homomorphism [ unit ,-]) ⟩ 𝕃 (ρ⇒ ∘ (ε.η X ∘ ρ⇐) ⊗₁ id) ≈⟨ F-resp-≈ [ unit ,-] unitorʳ-commute-from ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩ 𝕃 ((ε.η X ∘ ρ⇐) ∘ ρ⇒) ≈⟨ F-resp-≈ [ unit ,-] (cancelʳ unitorʳ.isoˡ) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩ 𝕃 (ε.η X) ≈⟨ zag ⟩ id ∎ } module identity = NaturalIsomorphism identity diagonal : Extranaturalʳ unit [-,-] diagonal = extranaturalʳ (λ X → 𝕃 λ⇒) $ λ {X Y f} → begin [ id , f ]₁ ∘ 𝕃 λ⇒ ≈˘⟨ pushˡ (homomorphism [ X ,-]) ⟩ [ id , f ∘ λ⇒ ]₁ ∘ η.η unit ≈˘⟨ F-resp-≈ [ X ,-] unitorˡ-commute-from ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩ [ id , λ⇒ ∘ id ⊗₁ f ]₁ ∘ η.η unit ≈⟨ homomorphism [ X ,-] ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩ ([ id , λ⇒ ]₁ ∘ [ id , id ⊗₁ f ]₁) ∘ η.η unit ≈⟨ pullʳ (mate.commute₁ f) ⟩ [ id , λ⇒ ]₁ ∘ [ f , id ]₁ ∘ η.η unit ≈⟨ pullˡ [ [-,-] ]-commute ⟩ ([ f , id ]₁ ∘ [ id , λ⇒ ]₁) ∘ η.η unit ≈⟨ assoc ⟩ [ f , id ]₁ ∘ 𝕃 λ⇒ ∎ where open Functor module diagonal = DinaturalTransformation diagonal
package nextflow.plugin import spock.lang.Specification /** * * @author Paolo Di Tommaso <paolo.ditommaso@gmail.com> */ class PluginSpecTest extends Specification { def 'should parse plugins spec' () { when: def spec = PluginSpec.parse(FQID) then: spec.id == ID spec.version == VER where: FQID | ID | VER 'foo@1.0' | 'foo' | '1.0' } def 'should compare specs' () { given: def spec1 = new PluginSpec('nf-alpha','1.0.0') def spec2 = new PluginSpec('nf-alpha','1.0.0') def spec3 = new PluginSpec('nf-delta','2.0.0') expect: spec1 == spec2 spec1 != spec3 and: spec1 < spec3 and: spec1.hashCode() == spec2.hashCode() spec1.hashCode() != spec3.hashCode() } }
syntax = "proto3"; package form_schema_version; import "flowable_service_sdk/model/flowable_service/form_schema_version.proto"; /* UpdateFormSchemaVersion请求 */ message UpdateFormSchemaVersionRequest { /* 表单实例Id */ string formId = 1 ; /* 表单版本实例Id */ string versionId = 2 ; /* 表单版本是否已完成(true表示已完成,false未完成) */ bool isDone = 3 ; /* 版本状态(unfinished 未完成, done已完成),存为草稿传unfinished,保存传done */ string state = 4 ; /* 版本名称 */ string versionName = 5 ; /* 版本描述 */ string versionMemo = 6 ; /* 前台的表单控件属性 */ string formDefinition = 7 ; /* 表单名称 */ string name = 8 ; /* 表单说明 */ string memo = 9 ; /* 表单类别 */ string category = 10 ; } /* UpdateFormSchemaVersion返回 */ message UpdateFormSchemaVersionResponse { /* 最新版本 */ flowable_service.FormSchemaVersion lastestVersion = 1 ; /* 表单实例id */ string instanceId = 2 ; /* 表单名称 */ string name = 3 ; /* 表单类别 */ string category = 4 ; /* 表单说明 */ string memo = 5 ; /* 表单作者 */ string creator = 6 ; /* 创建时间 */ string ctime = 7 ; } /* UpdateFormSchemaVersionApi返回 */ message UpdateFormSchemaVersionResponseWrapper { /* 返回码 */ int32 code = 1 ; /* 返回码解释 */ string codeExplain = 2 ; /* 错误详情 */ string error = 3 ; /* 返回数据 */ form_schema_version.UpdateFormSchemaVersionResponse data = 4 ; }
2 28 0.0104360790160268 3 29 0.0108087961237421 6 49 0.018263138278047 8 50 0.0186358553857622 9 923 0.34401789042117 10 929 0.346254193067462 16 1844 0.68729034662691 17 2181 0.812896011926947 18 2231 0.83153186731271 25 2482 0.925083861349236 32 2500 0.93179276928811 33 2511 0.935892657472978 63 2680 0.998881848676854 64 2683 1
namespace OpenAPI.Model open System open System.Collections.Generic module GenericResource = //#region GenericResource type GenericResource = { Class : string; DisplayName : string; DurationInMillis : int; Id : string; Result : string; StartTime : string; } //#endregion
-- Copyright (c) 2019 Maxim Reznik <reznikmm@gmail.com> -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- License-Filename: LICENSE ------------------------------------------------------------- package body Program.Nodes.Infix_Operators is function Create (Left : Program.Elements.Expressions.Expression_Access; Operator : not null Program.Elements.Operator_Symbols .Operator_Symbol_Access; Right : not null Program.Elements.Expressions.Expression_Access) return Infix_Operator is begin return Result : Infix_Operator := (Left => Left, Operator => Operator, Right => Right, Enclosing_Element => null) do Initialize (Result); end return; end Create; function Create (Left : Program.Elements.Expressions.Expression_Access; Operator : not null Program.Elements.Operator_Symbols .Operator_Symbol_Access; Right : not null Program.Elements.Expressions .Expression_Access; Is_Part_Of_Implicit : Boolean := False; Is_Part_Of_Inherited : Boolean := False; Is_Part_Of_Instance : Boolean := False) return Implicit_Infix_Operator is begin return Result : Implicit_Infix_Operator := (Left => Left, Operator => Operator, Right => Right, Is_Part_Of_Implicit => Is_Part_Of_Implicit, Is_Part_Of_Inherited => Is_Part_Of_Inherited, Is_Part_Of_Instance => Is_Part_Of_Instance, Enclosing_Element => null) do Initialize (Result); end return; end Create; overriding function Left (Self : Base_Infix_Operator) return Program.Elements.Expressions.Expression_Access is begin return Self.Left; end Left; overriding function Operator (Self : Base_Infix_Operator) return not null Program.Elements.Operator_Symbols .Operator_Symbol_Access is begin return Self.Operator; end Operator; overriding function Right (Self : Base_Infix_Operator) return not null Program.Elements.Expressions.Expression_Access is begin return Self.Right; end Right; overriding function Is_Part_Of_Implicit (Self : Implicit_Infix_Operator) return Boolean is begin return Self.Is_Part_Of_Implicit; end Is_Part_Of_Implicit; overriding function Is_Part_Of_Inherited (Self : Implicit_Infix_Operator) return Boolean is begin return Self.Is_Part_Of_Inherited; end Is_Part_Of_Inherited; overriding function Is_Part_Of_Instance (Self : Implicit_Infix_Operator) return Boolean is begin return Self.Is_Part_Of_Instance; end Is_Part_Of_Instance; procedure Initialize (Self : aliased in out Base_Infix_Operator'Class) is begin if Self.Left.Assigned then Set_Enclosing_Element (Self.Left, Self'Unchecked_Access); end if; Set_Enclosing_Element (Self.Operator, Self'Unchecked_Access); Set_Enclosing_Element (Self.Right, Self'Unchecked_Access); null; end Initialize; overriding function Is_Infix_Operator_Element (Self : Base_Infix_Operator) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return True; end Is_Infix_Operator_Element; overriding function Is_Expression_Element (Self : Base_Infix_Operator) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return True; end Is_Expression_Element; overriding procedure Visit (Self : not null access Base_Infix_Operator; Visitor : in out Program.Element_Visitors.Element_Visitor'Class) is begin Visitor.Infix_Operator (Self); end Visit; overriding function To_Infix_Operator_Text (Self : aliased in out Infix_Operator) return Program.Elements.Infix_Operators.Infix_Operator_Text_Access is begin return Self'Unchecked_Access; end To_Infix_Operator_Text; overriding function To_Infix_Operator_Text (Self : aliased in out Implicit_Infix_Operator) return Program.Elements.Infix_Operators.Infix_Operator_Text_Access is pragma Unreferenced (Self); begin return null; end To_Infix_Operator_Text; end Program.Nodes.Infix_Operators;
// @generated SignedSource<<e5a3f1522abb6cf81f38b31677358f30>> // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY! // This file is a mechanical copy of the version in the configerator repo. To // modify it, edit the copy in the configerator repo instead and copy it over by // running the following in your fbcode directory: // // configerator-thrift-updater glean/service.thrift // Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. namespace cpp2 facebook.glean namespace hs Glean namespace py glean.service namespace py3 glean namespace php glean namespace rust glean_service struct HostPort { 1: string host 2: i32 port } union Service { 1: string tier 2: HostPort hostPort } (hs.nonempty)
{ "spriteId": null, "solid": false, "visible": true, "spriteMaskId": null, "persistent": false, "parentObjectId": { "name": "ParentPlayerBullet", "path": "objects/ParentPlayerBullet/ParentPlayerBullet.yy", }, "physicsObject": false, "physicsSensor": false, "physicsShape": 1, "physicsGroup": 1, "physicsDensity": 0.5, "physicsRestitution": 0.1, "physicsLinearDamping": 0.1, "physicsAngularDamping": 0.1, "physicsFriction": 0.2, "physicsStartAwake": true, "physicsKinematic": false, "physicsShapePoints": [], "eventList": [], "properties": [], "overriddenProperties": [], "parent": { "name": "Objects", "path": "folders/Objects.yy", }, "resourceVersion": "1.0", "name": "ParentPlayerWeaponExplosion", "tags": [], "resourceType": "GMObject", }
package alston.samuel.dtm; import android.content.Context; import android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry; import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Instrumented test, which will execute on an Android device. * * @see <a href="http://d.android.com/tools/testing">Testing documentation</a> */ @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class ExampleInstrumentedTest { @Test public void useAppContext() throws Exception { // Context of the app under test. Context appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(); assertEquals("alston.samuel.dtm", appContext.getPackageName()); } }
begin_version 3 end_version begin_metric 0 end_metric 10 begin_variable var0 -1 2 Atom door-open(door0) NegatedAtom door-open(door0) end_variable begin_variable var1 -1 5 Atom grasped(cup0, left_arm) Atom grasped(cup1, left_arm) Atom grasped(cup2, left_arm) Atom grasped(cup3, left_arm) Atom hand-free(left_arm) end_variable begin_variable var2 -1 6 Atom grasped(cup0, right_arm) Atom grasped(cup1, right_arm) Atom grasped(cup2, right_arm) Atom grasped(cup3, right_arm) Atom grasped-sponge(right_arm) Atom hand-free(right_arm) end_variable begin_variable var3 -1 3 Atom on(cup0, table0) Atom on(cup0, table1) <none of those> end_variable begin_variable var4 -1 3 Atom on(cup1, table0) Atom on(cup1, table1) <none of those> end_variable begin_variable var5 -1 3 Atom on(cup2, table0) Atom on(cup2, table1) <none of those> end_variable begin_variable var6 -1 3 Atom on(cup3, table0) Atom on(cup3, table1) <none of those> end_variable begin_variable var7 -1 2 Atom robot-in-room(room0) Atom robot-in-room(room1) end_variable begin_variable var8 -1 2 Atom wiped(wipe0) NegatedAtom wiped(wipe0) end_variable begin_variable var9 -1 2 Atom wiped(wipe1) NegatedAtom wiped(wipe1) end_variable 7 begin_mutex_group 4 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 1 end_mutex_group begin_mutex_group 5 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 end_mutex_group begin_mutex_group 6 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 end_mutex_group begin_mutex_group 4 1 1 2 1 4 0 4 1 end_mutex_group begin_mutex_group 4 1 2 2 2 5 0 5 1 end_mutex_group begin_mutex_group 4 1 3 2 3 6 0 6 1 end_mutex_group begin_mutex_group 2 7 0 7 1 end_mutex_group begin_state 1 4 5 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 end_state begin_goal 6 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 8 0 9 0 end_goal 40 begin_operator drive-through-door door0 room0 room1 2 0 0 7 0 2 0 1 0 7 0 1 0 end_operator begin_operator drive-through-door door0 room1 room0 2 0 0 7 1 2 0 1 0 7 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator open-door room0 door0 left_arm 3 0 1 1 4 7 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator open-door room1 door0 left_arm 3 0 1 1 4 7 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup0 table1 left_arm 3 1 4 3 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 1 4 0 0 3 1 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup0 table1 right_arm 3 2 5 3 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 0 0 3 1 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup1 table1 left_arm 3 1 4 4 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 1 4 1 0 4 1 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup1 table1 right_arm 3 2 5 4 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 1 0 4 1 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup2 table1 left_arm 3 1 4 5 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 1 4 2 0 5 1 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup2 table1 right_arm 3 2 5 5 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 2 0 5 1 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup3 table1 left_arm 3 1 4 6 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 1 4 3 0 6 1 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup3 table1 right_arm 3 2 5 6 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 3 0 6 1 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup0 table0 left_arm 3 1 4 3 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 1 4 0 0 3 0 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup0 table0 right_arm 3 2 5 3 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 2 5 0 0 3 0 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup1 table0 left_arm 3 1 4 4 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 1 4 1 0 4 0 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup1 table0 right_arm 3 2 5 4 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 2 5 1 0 4 0 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup2 table0 left_arm 3 1 4 5 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 1 4 2 0 5 0 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup2 table0 right_arm 3 2 5 5 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 2 5 2 0 5 0 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup3 table0 left_arm 3 1 4 6 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 1 4 3 0 6 0 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup3 table0 right_arm 3 2 5 6 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 2 5 3 0 6 0 2 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-sponge right_arm 1 2 5 2 0 1 0 2 5 4 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup0 table1 left_arm 2 1 0 7 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 3 -1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup0 table1 right_arm 2 2 0 7 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 5 0 3 -1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup1 table1 left_arm 2 1 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 4 0 4 -1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup1 table1 right_arm 2 2 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 5 0 4 -1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup2 table1 left_arm 2 1 2 7 0 2 0 2 0 1 2 4 0 5 -1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup2 table1 right_arm 2 2 2 7 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 5 0 5 -1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup3 table1 left_arm 2 1 3 7 0 2 0 2 0 1 3 4 0 6 -1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup3 table1 right_arm 2 2 3 7 0 2 0 2 0 2 3 5 0 6 -1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup0 table0 left_arm 2 1 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 3 -1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup0 table0 right_arm 2 2 0 7 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 5 0 3 -1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup1 table0 left_arm 2 1 1 7 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 4 0 4 -1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup1 table0 right_arm 2 2 1 7 1 2 0 2 0 2 1 5 0 4 -1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup2 table0 left_arm 2 1 2 7 1 2 0 2 0 1 2 4 0 5 -1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup2 table0 right_arm 2 2 2 7 1 2 0 2 0 2 2 5 0 5 -1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup3 table0 left_arm 2 1 3 7 1 2 0 2 0 1 3 4 0 6 -1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup3 table0 right_arm 2 2 3 7 1 2 0 2 0 2 3 5 0 6 -1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-sponge right_arm 1 2 4 2 0 1 0 2 4 5 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe0 table1 right_arm 3 2 4 7 0 8 1 2 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe1 table1 right_arm 3 2 4 7 0 9 1 2 0 1 0 9 1 0 0 end_operator 0
(* -- This example ask uses the parses to process a Lean string that -- contains a nested script block. The nexted script block will -- invoke the leanlua_state recursively. It also demonstrates that we -- need to use std::recursive_mutex instead of std::mutex at -- leanlua_state. Otherwise, it will deadlock trying to get a lock on -- the mutex. code = "(" .. "*" .. "print('hello')" .. "*" .. ")" print("executing: " .. code) parse_lean_cmds(code) *)
-------------------------------- -- @module Repeat -- @extend ActionInterval -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Repeat] setInnerAction -- @param self -- @param #cc.FiniteTimeAction action -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Repeat] getInnerAction -- @param self -- @return FiniteTimeAction#FiniteTimeAction ret (return value: cc.FiniteTimeAction) -------------------------------- -- creates a Repeat action. Times is an unsigned integer between 1 and pow(2,30) -- @function [parent=#Repeat] create -- @param self -- @param #cc.FiniteTimeAction action -- @param #unsigned int times -- @return Repeat#Repeat ret (return value: cc.Repeat) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Repeat] startWithTarget -- @param self -- @param #cc.Node target -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Repeat] reverse -- @param self -- @return Repeat#Repeat ret (return value: cc.Repeat) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Repeat] clone -- @param self -- @return Repeat#Repeat ret (return value: cc.Repeat) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Repeat] stop -- @param self -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Repeat] update -- @param self -- @param #float dt -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Repeat] isDone -- @param self -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) return nil
#!/usr/bin/env bash rm -rf faults mkdir faults python3 run.py -na 2 -rs -c 1000000 --output_dir train rm -rf faults mkdir faults python3 run.py -na 2 -rs -c 100 --output_dir val rm -rf faults mkdir faults python3 run.py -na 2 -rs -c 1000 --output_dir test zip dataset.zip -r train val test
----------------------------------- -- Area: Batallia Downs [S] -- Mob: Smilodon -- Note: PH for La Velue ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Batallia_Downs_[S]/IDs") require("scripts/globals/mobs") ----------------------------------- function onMobDeath(mob, player, isKiller) end function onMobDespawn(mob) tpz.mob.phOnDespawn(mob, ID.mob.LA_VELUE_PH, 10, 3600) -- 1 hour end
// Copyright 2018 The go-hpb Authors // Modified based on go-ethereum, which Copyright (C) 2014 The go-ethereum Authors. // // The go-hpb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // The go-hpb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the go-hpb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // Package hpbapi implements the general Hpb API functions. package hpbapi import ( "context" "math/big" accounts "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/account" bc "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/blockchain" "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/blockchain/state" hpbdb "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/blockchain/storage" "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/blockchain/types" "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/common" "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/config" "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/event/sub" "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/hvm/evm" "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/network/rpc" "github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb/synctrl" ) // Backend interface provides the common API services (that are provided by // both full and light clients) with access to necessary functions. type Backend interface { // general Hpb API Downloader() *synctrl.Syncer ProtocolVersion() int SuggestPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error) ChainDb() hpbdb.Database EventMux() *sub.TypeMux AccountManager() *accounts.Manager RPCGasCap() uint64 // global gas cap for hpb_call over rpc: DoS protection // BlockChain API SetHead(number uint64) HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Header, error) BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Block, error) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Block, error) BlockByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*types.Block, error) StateAndHeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*state.StateDB, *types.Header, error) StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*state.StateDB, *types.Header, error) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) (*types.Block, error) GetReceipts(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) (types.Receipts, error) GetTd(blockHash common.Hash) *big.Int GetEVM(ctx context.Context, msg types.Message, state *state.StateDB, header *types.Header, vmCfg evm.Config) (*evm.EVM, func() error, error) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- bc.ChainEvent) sub.Subscription SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- bc.ChainHeadEvent) sub.Subscription SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- bc.ChainSideEvent) sub.Subscription // TxPool API SendTx(ctx context.Context, signedTx *types.Transaction) error GetPoolTransactions() (types.Transactions, error) GetPoolTransaction(txHash common.Hash) *types.Transaction GetPoolNonce(ctx context.Context, addr common.Address) (uint64, error) Stats() (pending int, queued int) TxPoolContent() (map[common.Address]types.Transactions, map[common.Address]types.Transactions) //SubscribeTxPreEvent(chan<- bc.TxPreEvent) sub.Subscription ChainConfig() *config.ChainConfig CurrentBlock() *types.Block } func GetAPIs(apiBackend Backend) []rpc.API { nonceLock := new(AddrLocker) return []rpc.API{ { Namespace: "hpb", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicHpbAPI(apiBackend), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "eth", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicHpbAPI(apiBackend), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "hpb", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicBlockChainAPI(apiBackend), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "eth", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicBlockChainAPI(apiBackend), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "hpb", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicTransactionPoolAPI(apiBackend, nonceLock), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "eth", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicTransactionPoolAPI(apiBackend, nonceLock), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "txpool", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicTxPoolAPI(apiBackend), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "debug", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicDebugAPI(apiBackend), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "debug", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPrivateDebugAPI(apiBackend), }, { Namespace: "hpb", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicAccountAPI(apiBackend.AccountManager()), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "eth", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPublicAccountAPI(apiBackend.AccountManager()), Public: true, }, { Namespace: "personal", Version: "1.0", Service: NewPrivateAccountAPI(apiBackend, nonceLock), Public: false, }, } }
Shader "TheStudyOfProceduralNoise/ClassicPerlinNoise3D" { Properties { _NoiseFrequency("Noise Frequency", Float) = 1.0 _NoiseSpeed ("Noise Speed", Float) = 1.0 } CGINCLUDE #include "UnityCG.cginc" #include "ProceduralNoise/ClassicPerlinNoise3D.cginc" uniform float _NoiseFrequency; uniform float _NoiseSpeed; struct appdata { float4 vertex : POSITION; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; struct v2f { float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; float4 vertex : SV_POSITION; }; v2f vert(appdata v) { v2f o = (v2f)0; o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); o.uv = v.uv; return o; } fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target { fixed4 col = (fixed4)0.0; float n = 0.5 + 0.5 * perlinNoise(float3(i.uv.xy * _NoiseFrequency, _Time.y * _NoiseSpeed)); col.rgb = n; col.a = 1.0; return col; } ENDCG SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" } LOD 100 Cull Back ZWrite On Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag ENDCG } } }
.mainContainer { background-color: #5a6ad4; width: 80%; height: auto; border: 1px solid gray; border-radius: 5px; } .gridItem { /* border: 3px solid gray; */ border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px; margin: 13px; background-color: white; width: 90%; transition: all 0.5s; font-size: 25px; border-bottom: 2px solid gray; } .gridItem:hover { background-color: whitesmoke; cursor: pointer; margin: 20px; } .agreeAndProceed { margin: 20px; float: right; }
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lexer grammar LuminaryLexer; // Special Symbols ASTERISK: '*'; CLOSING_CURLY_BRACKET: '}'; CLOSING_PARENTHESIS: ')'; CLOSING_SQUARE_BRACKET: ']'; COLON: ':'; COMMA: ','; EQUALS_SIGN: '='; GREATER_THAN_SIGN: '>'; LESS_THAN_SIGN: '<'; OPENING_CURLY_BRACKET: '{'; OPENING_PARENTHESIS: '('; OPENING_SQUARE_BRACKET: '['; ELLIPSIS: '...'; PERIOD: '.'; QUESTION_MARK: '?'; SEMICOLON: ';'; // Keywords AS: 'as'; CLASS: 'class'; CONST: 'const'; DECORATOR: 'decorator'; ENUM: 'enum'; FALSE: 'false'; GET: 'get'; IMPORT: 'import'; INTERFACE: 'interface'; NAMESPACE: 'namespace'; NULL: 'null'; OPTION: 'option'; OVERRIDE: 'override'; SET: 'set'; TRUE: 'true'; TYPEOF: 'typeof'; VOID: 'void'; FINAL: 'final'; // Literals STRING_LITERAL: '"' CHARACTERS? '"'; CHAR_LITERAL: '\'' CHARACTER '\''; INTEGRAL_LITERAL: '-'? INTEGRAL_LITERAL_DIGITS ( 'i64' | 'i32'? | 'i16' | 'i8' ) | INTEGRAL_LITERAL_DIGITS ( 'u64' | 'u32' | 'u16' | 'u8' ); BINARY_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: '-'? DEC_DIGITS PERIOD DEC_DIGITS? EXPONENT_PART? '-'* FLOATING_TYPE_SUFFIX? | '-'? PERIOD DEC_DIGITS EXPONENT_PART? '-'* FLOATING_TYPE_SUFFIX? | '-'? DEC_DIGITS EXPONENT_PART '-'* FLOATING_TYPE_SUFFIX? | '-'? DEC_DIGITS '-'* FLOATING_TYPE_SUFFIX; DECIMAL_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: '-'? DEC_DIGITS PERIOD DEC_DIGITS? EXPONENT_PART? '-'* DECIMAL_TYPE_SUFFIX | '-'? PERIOD DEC_DIGITS EXPONENT_PART? '-'* DECIMAL_TYPE_SUFFIX | '-'? DEC_DIGITS EXPONENT_PART '-'* DECIMAL_TYPE_SUFFIX | '-'? DEC_DIGITS '-'* DECIMAL_TYPE_SUFFIX; // Identifier IDENTIFIER: [a-zA-Z] [_a-zA-Z0-9]*; // Whitespaces and Comments WHITESPACE: [ \t]+ -> skip; NEW_LINE: ('\r' '\n' | '\n') -> skip; DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS: '///' ~[\r\n]* -> channel(HIDDEN); SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT: '//' ~[\r\n]* -> skip; MULTI_LINE_COMMENT: '/*' .*? '*/' -> skip; // Fragments fragment EXPONENT_PART: ('e'|'E')? DEC_INTEGER; fragment FLOATING_TYPE_SUFFIX: ('f64' | 'f32'); fragment DECIMAL_TYPE_SUFFIX: ('d64'); fragment INTEGRAL_LITERAL_DIGITS: HEX_INTEGER | DEC_INTEGER | OCT_INTEGER | BIN_INTEGER; fragment DEC_DIGITS: [0-9][0-9_]*; fragment HEX_INTEGER: '0x' [0-9a-fA-F_]+; fragment DEC_INTEGER: ('0' | [1-9][0-9_]*); fragment OCT_INTEGER: '0o' [0-7_]+; fragment BIN_INTEGER: '0b' [0-1_]+; fragment CHARACTERS: (~[\\\r\n"] | '\\' ['"?abfnrtv\\])*; fragment CHARACTER: (~[\\\r\n\'] | '\\' ['"?abfnrtv\\]);
/* A labeled transition system (LTS) is comprised by States, a sub-set of which are Initial, connected by transitions, here represented by Events. */ sig State { trans : Event -> State } sig Init in State {} sig Event {} /* The LTS does not contain deadlocks, ie, each state has at least a transition. */ pred inv1 { all s: State | some s.trans --correct -- all s : State | some State.trans --incorrect 1 -- all s : State | some trans --incorrect 2 -- all s1, s2:State | some e:Event | (s1->e->s2 in trans and s1 != s2) --incorrect 3 -- all s1, s2:State | some e:Event | s1->e->s2 in trans --incorrect 4 -- all s1, s2:State | some e:Event | s1->e->s2 in trans implies s1!=s2 --incorrect 5 -- all s:State , e:Event | some e->s --incorrect 6 -- all s:State | lone s.trans --incorrect 7 -- all s:State | some trans --incorrect 8 -- all x : State | some x.trans.Event --incorrect 9 -- lone State.trans --incorrect 10 -- some State.trans --incorrect 11 -- some State.trans & Event->State --incorrect 12 -- some State.trans.State --incorrect 13 -- some State<:trans --incorrect 14 -- some trans --incorrect 15 -- some trans.State --incorrect 16 } /* There is a single initial state. */ pred inv2 { one Init --correct -- all s1,s2:Init | s1=s2 --incorrect 1 -- all s1,s2:State | s1 in Init and s2 in Init implies s1=s2 --incorrect 2 -- all s:State | no s.trans --incorrect 3 -- all x, y : Init | some x implies x = y --incorrect 4 -- all x, y : Init | x = y --incorrect 5 -- all x, y : Init | x = y and some x --incorrect 6 -- lone Init --incorrect 7 -- one s : State | no trans.s --incorrect 8 -- one State --incorrect 9 -- one State && all s:State | no s.trans --incorrect 10 -- one State && no trans --incorrect 11 } /* The LTS is deterministic, ie, each state has at most a transition for each event. */ pred inv3 { all s : State, e : Event | lone e.(s.trans) --correct -- ((State.trans).Event) in State --incorrect 1 -- (Event.(State.trans)) in State --incorrect 2 -- all y : Event | lone trans.y --incorrect 3 -- all y : State | lone y.trans --incorrect 4 -- all e : Event | lone e<:(State.trans) --incorrect 5 -- all e : Event | lone e<:(State.trans.State) --incorrect 6 -- all e:Event, s:State | lone e --incorrect 7 -- all s : State | lone s.trans --incorrect 8 -- all s : State | lone s.trans.State --incorrect 9 -- all s : State | one s.trans --incorrect 10 -- all s : State, e : Event | lone s.(e.trans) --incorrect 11 -- all s : State, e : Event | one e.(s.trans) --incorrect 12 -- all s : State, e : Event | one s.(e.trans) --incorrect 13 -- all s,s1:State,e:Event | s->e->s1 in trans --incorrect 14 -- all s1, s2:State | one e:Event | lone s1->e->s2 --incorrect 15 -- all s1, s2:State, e:Event | lone s1->e->s2 --incorrect 16 -- all s:State | all e1,e2:Event | e1->s in s.trans and e2->s in s.trans implies e1=e2 --incorrect 17 -- all s:State | all e:Event | e->s in s.trans --incorrect 18 -- all s:State | Event = s.trans.State --incorrect 19 -- all s:State | lone (s.trans) --incorrect 20 -- all s:State | lone (State-s).trans --incorrect 21 -- all s:State | lone e:Event | e->s in s.trans --incorrect 22 -- all s:State | lone s.trans --incorrect 23 -- all s:State | lone s.trans.Event --incorrect 24 -- all s:State | lone s.trans.State --incorrect 25 -- all s:State | lone State.~(s.trans) --incorrect 26 -- all s:State | lone trans.s --incorrect 27 -- all s:State | one e:Event | e->s in s.trans --incorrect 28 -- all s:State | s.trans.State in Event --incorrect 29 -- all s:State, e:Event | lone s.trans --incorrect 30 -- all s:State, e:Event | lone s.trans.e --incorrect 31 -- all s:State, s1:State, e:Event | lone e->s1 --incorrect 32 -- all s:State,e:Event | lone s.trans --incorrect 33 -- all s:State,e:Event | lone s.trans.e --incorrect 34 -- all s:State,e:Event | lone s.trans.Event --incorrect 35 -- all s:State| lone Event->State & s.trans --incorrect 36 -- all x : Event, y : State | lone y.trans.x --incorrect 37 -- all x : State | lone x.trans --incorrect 38 -- all x : State, y : Event | lone (x.trans).y --incorrect 39 -- all x : State, y : Event | lone x.trans.y --incorrect 40 -- lone State.trans.State --incorrect 41 -- lone trans --incorrect 42 -- lone trans.State --incorrect 43 } /* All states are reachable from an initial state. */ pred inv4 { let tr = { s1, s2 : State | some e : Event | s1->e->s2 in trans } | State in Init.^tr --correct -- all e:Event | State in e.^(Init.trans) --incorrect 1 -- all i : Init, s : State | s in i.*(trans[Event]) --incorrect 2 -- all i:Init | i.trans in State.trans --incorrect 3 -- all i:Init | State in Event.(i.trans) --incorrect 4 -- all i:Init | State in Event.^(i.trans) --incorrect 5 -- all i:Init, s:State, e:Event | i!=s and i->e->s in trans --incorrect 6 -- all i:Init, s:State, e:Event | i->e->s in trans --incorrect 7 -- all s : State | one Init --incorrect 8 -- all s : State | s in Init.^(Event.trans) --incorrect 9 -- all s : State | some (Init <: trans).s --incorrect 10 -- all s : State | some (Init.trans).s --incorrect 11 -- all s : State | some Init.( s.trans) --incorrect 12 -- all s : State | some Init.(s<:trans) --incorrect 13 -- all s : State | some Init.*(s.trans) --incorrect 14 -- all s : State | some Init<:(s.trans) --incorrect 15 -- all s : State | some s.(Init . trans) --incorrect 16 -- all s : State | some s.(Init.trans) --incorrect 17 -- all s : State | some s.(Init<:trans) --incorrect 18 -- all s : State | some s.(Init<:trans:>State) --incorrect 19 -- all s : State | State in Init.*(s.trans) --incorrect 20 -- all s : State | State in Init.^(s.trans) --incorrect 21 -- all s : State, e : Event | State in e.^(s.trans) --incorrect 22 -- all s : State, e : Event| State in e.^(s.trans) --incorrect 23 -- all s : State, i : Init | some (i <: trans).s --incorrect 24 -- all s : State, i : Init | some s.(i <: trans) --incorrect 25 -- all s: State | s in Init.^(Event.trans) --incorrect 26 -- all s:(State-Init) | s in Event.(Init.trans) --incorrect 27 -- all s:(State-Init) | s in Event.^(Init.trans) --incorrect 28 -- all s:(State-Init) | s in Init.(Event.trans) --incorrect 29 -- all s:State | Init->Event->(s-Init) in trans --incorrect 30 -- all s:State | Init->Event->s in trans --incorrect 31 -- all s:State | s in Event.(Init.trans) --incorrect 32 -- all s:State | s in Event.^(Init.trans) --incorrect 33 -- all s:State | s.^(s.trans) = State --incorrect 34 -- all s:State | some s.trans --incorrect 35 -- all s:State | State in s.trans.Event --incorrect 36 -- all s:State, s1:State, e:Event | e->s1 in s.trans --incorrect 37 -- all s:State, s1:State, e:Event | lone s.trans.Event --incorrect 38 -- all x : Event | State in *(Init.trans).x --incorrect 39 -- all x : Event | State in Init.(*(trans.x)) --incorrect 40 -- all x : Event | State in Init.*(trans.x) --incorrect 41 -- all x : Init | State in (*(x.trans)).Event --incorrect 42 -- all x : Init | State in (x.trans).Event --incorrect 43 -- all x : Init | State in Event.*(x.trans) --incorrect 44 -- all x : Init | State in Event.*(x.trans) + x --incorrect 45 -- all x : Init | State in x.trans.Event --incorrect 46 -- all x : Init, y : Event | State in *(x.trans).y --incorrect 47 -- all x : Init, y : Event | State in x.*(trans.y) --incorrect 48 -- all x : Init, y : Event | State in y.(x.trans) --incorrect 49 -- all x : Init, y : Event | State in y.*(x.trans) --incorrect 50 -- all x : Init, y : Event | State in y.*(x.trans) + x --incorrect 51 -- all x : Init, y : Event | State in y.^(x.trans) --incorrect 52 -- all x : Init, y : State | State in y.(x.trans) --incorrect 53 -- all x : Init, y : State | State in y.^(x.trans) --incorrect 54 -- all x : State | State in Event.*(x.trans) --incorrect 55 -- Init in Event --incorrect 56 -- Init in State --incorrect 57 -- Init.*(Event.trans) in State --incorrect 58 -- Init.trans.Event = State --incorrect 59 -- no trans[Event] --incorrect 60 -- some (Event.(Init.trans)) --incorrect 61 -- some *(Init.trans) --incorrect 62 -- some ^(Init.trans) --incorrect 63 -- some Event.(Init.trans) --incorrect 64 -- some Event.^(Init.trans) --incorrect 65 -- some Init.trans --incorrect 66 -- some Init.trans.Event --incorrect 67 -- State in (Event.(Init.trans) + Init) --incorrect 68 -- State in Event.(*(Init.trans)) --incorrect 69 -- State in Event.(Init.trans) --incorrect 70 -- State in Event.(Init.trans) + Init --incorrect 71 -- State in Event.*(Init.trans) --incorrect 72 -- State in Event.^(Init.trans) --incorrect 73 -- State in Init.(Event.trans) --incorrect 74 -- State in Init.*(Event.trans) --incorrect 75 -- State in Init.trans.Event --incorrect 76 -- State.(Event.trans) in Init.*(Event.trans) --incorrect 77 } /* All the states have the same events available. */ pred inv5 { -- all s:State, s1:State | s.trans.State = s1.trans.State --correct -- all s : State | Event = s.(State->Event) --incorrect 1 -- all s : State | Event in s.(State->Event) --incorrect 2 -- all s : State | Event in s.(trans.Event) --incorrect 3 -- all s : State | Event.(s.trans) in Event.(State.trans) --incorrect 4 -- all s : State | s.trans = State.trans --incorrect 5 -- all s : State | s.trans in State.trans --incorrect 6 -- all s : State | some (s.trans).Event --incorrect 7 -- all s : State | some Event.(s.trans) --incorrect 8 -- all s : State | some Event.(s<:trans) --incorrect 9 -- all s : State | some s->Event --incorrect 10 -- all s : State, e : Event | e.(s.trans) in Event.(State.trans) --incorrect 11 {#m#() all s : State, e : Event | some (s.trans).e } --incorrect 12 -- all s : State, e : Event | some e.(s.trans) --incorrect 13 -- all s,s1:State,e:Event | s->e->s1 in trans --incorrect 14 -- all s,s1:State,e:Event|some s2,s3:State | s->e->s2 in trans implies s1->e->s3 in trans --incorrect 15 -- all s1, s2 : State | s1.trans = s2.trans --incorrect 16 -- all s1, s2:State, e:Event | s1->e->s2 in trans --incorrect 17 -- all s1, s2:State, e:Event | s1->e->s2 in trans and s1->e->s1 in trans --incorrect 18 -- all s1,s2 : State, e : Event | e.(s1.trans) = e.(s2.trans) --incorrect 19 -- all s1,s2:State |some e:Event |some e.(s1.trans) implies some e.(s2.trans) --incorrect 20 -- all s1,s2:State|some e:Event | some e.(s1.trans) implies some e.(s2.trans) --incorrect 21 -- all s:State | all e:Event | some e<:s.trans --incorrect 22 -- all s:State | all e:Event | e in State.~(s.trans) --incorrect 23 -- all s:State | Event in Event.~(s.trans) --incorrect 24 -- all s:State | Event in s.~(State.trans) --incorrect 25 -- all s:State | Event in State.~(s.trans) --incorrect 26 -- all s:State | Event.~(s.trans) in Event --incorrect 27 -- all s:State | s.~(State.trans) in Event --incorrect 28 -- all s:State | State.(s.trans) in Event --incorrect 29 -- all s:State | State.~(s.trans) in Event --incorrect 30 -- all s:State, e:Event | s->e->s in trans --incorrect 31 -- all x : State | (x.trans).Event in Event --incorrect 32 -- all x : State | (x.trans.State) in Event --incorrect 33 -- all x : State | (x.trans.x) in Event --incorrect 34 -- all x : State | Event in x<:Event --incorrect 35 -- all x : State | Event.(trans.x) in Event --incorrect 36 -- all x : State | Event.(x.trans) in Event --incorrect 37 -- all x : State | some (x->Event->State) --incorrect 38 -- all x : State | some (x.trans) --incorrect 39 -- all x : State | some e : Event | x.trans = State.trans --incorrect 40 -- all x : State | some x->Event->State --incorrect 41 -- all x : State | some y : State | some x->Event->y --incorrect 42 -- all x : State | State in x:>Event --incorrect 43 -- all x : State | State.(x.trans) in Event --incorrect 44 -- all x : State | State.trans in x.trans --incorrect 45 -- all x : State | x.trans = State.trans --incorrect 46 -- all x : State | x.trans in State.trans --incorrect 47 -- all x : State, e : Event | some x->e->State --incorrect 48 -- all x : State, e : Event | some x->Event --incorrect 49 -- all x : State, e : Event | x->e->State in trans --incorrect 50 -- all x, y : State | all e : Event | some x->e->y implies some y->e->y --incorrect 51 -- all x, y : State | all e : Event | x->e->y in trans and y->e->y in trans --incorrect 52 -- all x, y : State | some e : Event | some x->e->y implies some y->e->y --incorrect 53 -- all x, y : State | some e : Event | x->e->State in trans implies y->e->State in trans --incorrect 54 -- all x, y : State | some e : Event | x->e->y in trans --incorrect 55 -- all x, y : State | some e : Event | x->e->y in trans implies y->e->y in trans --incorrect 56 -- all x, y : State | some e : Event | x->Event->y in trans --incorrect 57 -- all x, y : State | some x->Event implies some y->Event --incorrect 58 -- all x, y : State | some x.trans & y.trans --incorrect 59 -- all x, y : State | x->Event->y in trans --incorrect 60 -- all x, y : State | x->Event->y in trans implies y->Event->y in trans --incorrect 61 -- all x, y : State | x.trans in y.trans --incorrect 62 -- all x, y : State | x.trans in State.trans --incorrect 63 -- all x, y : State, e : Event | some x->e implies some y->e --incorrect 64 -- all x, y : State, e : Event | x->e->y in trans --incorrect 65 -- all x, y, z : State | some e : Event | x->e->y in trans implies y->e->x in trans --incorrect 66 -- Event in (Event.(State.trans)) --incorrect 67 -- one State->Event --incorrect 68 -- some State->Event->State --incorrect 69 -- State in Event.(State.trans) --incorrect 70 -- State in State.(trans.Event) --incorrect 71 -- State->Event in iden --incorrect 72 -- State.~(State.trans) in Event --incorrect 73 } /* Each event is available in at least a state. */ pred inv6 { all e:Event | some s1,s2:State | s1->e->s2 in trans --correct } /* The LTS is reversible, ie, from a reacheable state it is always possible to return to an initial state. */ pred inv7 { let tr = { s1, s2 : State | some e : Event | s1->e->s2 in trans } | all s : Init.^tr | some i : Init | i in s.^tr --correct -- (State.trans).~(State.trans) in iden --incorrect 1 -- all e:Event,s1,s2:State | s1->e->s2 in trans implies s2->e->s1 in trans --incorrect 2 -- all e:Event,s1,s2:State |some e1:Event| s1->e->s2 in trans implies s2->e1->s1 in trans --incorrect 3 -- all s1, s2:State, e:Event | s1->e->s2 in trans implies s2->e->s1 in trans --incorrect 4 -- all s1,s2:State | some e1,e2:Event | s1->e1->s2 in trans implies s2->e2->s1 in trans --incorrect 5 -- all s1,s2:State, e1,e2,e3,e4:Event | s1->e1->s2 in trans implies s2->e2->s1 in trans --incorrect 6 -- all s1,s2:State, e1,e2:Event | s1->e1->s2 in trans implies s2->e2->s1 in trans --incorrect 7 -- all s1,s2:State, e1,e2:Event | s1->e1->s2 in trans implies s2->e2->s1 in trans all s:State,e1,e2:Event | s->e1->s in trans implies s->e1->s in trans --incorrect 8 -- all s1,s2:State, e1,e2:Event | s1->e1->s2 in trans implies s2->e2->s1 in trans all s:State,e1,e2:Event | s->e1->s in trans implies s->e2->s in trans --incorrect 9 -- all s1,s2:State, e1,e2:Event | s1->e1->s2 in trans implies s2->e2->s1 in trans and s1 in e2.(s1.trans) --incorrect 10 -- all s1,s2:State, e1,e2:Event | s1->e1->s2 in trans implies s2->e2->s1 in trans or s1->e2->s1 in trans --incorrect 11 -- all x : Event | (trans.x) in State one -> one Init --incorrect 12 -- all x : Event | (trans.x) in State one -> one State --incorrect 13 -- all x : Event | some (*(~(trans.x))).Init --incorrect 14 -- all x : Event | some Init.(*(~(trans.x))) --incorrect 15 -- all x : Event | some Init.(^(~(trans.x))) --incorrect 16 -- all x : Init | (x.trans) in Event one -> one State --incorrect 17 -- all x : State | (no iden & (x.trans)) and some ((*(~(x.trans))).Init) --incorrect 18 -- all x : State | (x.trans) in Event one -> one State --incorrect 19 -- all x : State | no iden & (x.trans) --incorrect 20 -- all x : State | some (*(~(x.trans))).Init --incorrect 21 -- all x : State | some Init.(*(~(x.trans))) --incorrect 22 -- all x : State, y : Init, z : Event | (trans in y one -> one z one -> one x) and x != y --incorrect 23 -- all x : State, y : Init, z : Event | (trans in y one -> one z one -> one x) implies x != y --incorrect 24 -- all x : State, y : Init, z : Event | trans in y one -> one z one -> one x --incorrect 25 -- all x : State, y : Init, z : Event | trans in y one -> one z one -> one x and x != y --incorrect 26 -- all x : State, y : Init, z : Event | trans in y one -> one z one -> one x and z != y --incorrect 27 -- some (Event.(State.trans)) --incorrect 28 -- some trans.(Event.(State.trans)) --incorrect 29 -- ~(State.trans).(State.trans) in iden --incorrect 30 } /*======== IFF PERFECT ORACLE ===============*/ pred inv1_OK { all s: State | some s.trans --correct } assert inv1_Repaired { inv1[] iff inv1_OK[] } --------- pred inv2_OK { one Init --correct } assert inv2_Repaired { inv2[] iff inv2_OK[] } -------- pred inv3_OK { all s : State, e : Event | lone e.(s.trans) --correct } assert inv3_Repaired { inv3[] iff inv3_OK[] } -------- pred inv4_OK { let tr = { s1, s2 : State | some e : Event | s1->e->s2 in trans } | State in Init.^tr --correct } assert inv4_Repaired { inv4[] iff inv4_OK[] } -------- pred inv5_OK { all s:State, s1:State | s.trans.State = s1.trans.State --correct } assert inv5_Repaired { inv5[] iff inv5_OK[] } -------- pred inv7_OK { let tr = { s1, s2 : State | some e : Event | s1->e->s2 in trans } | all s : Init.^tr | some i : Init | i in s.^tr --correct } assert inv7_Repaired { inv7[] iff inv7_OK[] } -------- --- PerfectOracleCommands check inv1_Repaired expect 0 check inv2_Repaired expect 0 check inv3_Repaired expect 0 check inv4_Repaired expect 0 check inv5_Repaired expect 0 check inv7_Repaired expect 0
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> SELECT ?film_label WHERE { ?takeshi rdfs:label "ビートたけし"@ja . ?takeshi ^dbpedia-owl:director / rdfs:label ?film_label . }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- **************************************************************** DITA to WordprocessingML Stylesheet Module: Stylesheet constants. Copyright © 2009-2017 Antenna House, Inc. All rights reserved. Antenna House is a trademark of Antenna House, Inc. URL : http://www.antennahouse.com/ E-mail : info@antennahouse.com **************************************************************** --> <xsl:stylesheet version="3.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ahf="http://www.antennahouse.com/names/XSLT/Functions/Document" exclude-result-prefixes="#all"> <!-- *************************************** Constants ***************************************--> <!-- External Parameter yes/no value --> <xsl:variable name="cYes" select="'yes'" as="xs:string" static="yes"/> <xsl:variable name="cNo" select="'no'" as="xs:string" static="yes"/> <!-- Inner flag/attribute value: true/false --> <xsl:variable name="true" select="'true'" as="xs:string"/> <xsl:variable name="false" select="'false'" as="xs:string"/> <xsl:variable name="NaN" select="'NaN'" as="xs:string"/> <xsl:variable name="lf" select="'&#x0A;'" as="xs:string"/> <xsl:variable name="doubleApos" as="xs:string" select="''''''"/> <!-- Width type --> <xsl:variable name="cTwip" as="xs:string" select="'dxa'"/> <xsl:variable name="cPercent" as="xs:string" select="'pct'"/> <xsl:variable name="cAuto" as="xs:string" select="'auto'"/> <!-- Code --> <xsl:variable name="cNbSp" as="xs:string" select="'&#xA0;'"/> <!-- null element --> <xsl:variable name="cElemNull" as="element()"> <_null/> </xsl:variable> </xsl:stylesheet>
tests testPrintShowingDecimalPlaces2 "This tests problems related to Float>>rounded and Float>>roundTo:: - Float>>#rounded is inexact - Float>>#roundTo: might overflow" "5000000000000001.0 asTrueFraction = 5000000000000001. 5000000000000001 highBit = 53. This number is represented exactly asFloat, it should print exactly" self assert: (5000000000000001.0 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0) = '5000000000000001'. "50000000000001.25 asTrueFraction = (200000000000005/4). 200000000000005 highBit = 48, 4 isPowerOfTwo, So this number is also represented exactly as Float, it should print exactly. Beware: (50000000000001.25 / 0.01) rounded exhibit the same problem as above." self assert: (50000000000001.25 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2) = '50000000000001.25'. "This number is close to maximum float value" 1.0e306 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 3
package Paws::AppSync::DeleteApiKeyResponse; use Moose; has _request_id => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str'); 1; ### main pod documentation begin ### =head1 NAME Paws::AppSync::DeleteApiKeyResponse =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 _request_id => Str =cut
log close _all clear all discard cap cls cap pr drop _all * Dependencies /* cap ado uninstall ftools net install ftools, from("C:/git/ftools/src") ftools, check ftools, compile */ * Uninstall reghdfe cap ado uninstall reghdfe * Check that the .mata files don't have compile-time errors * (inspect by hand for the word "unused") cd "../src" do reghdfe.mata cd "../test" * Reininstall and compile reghdfe * Note: this has to be hardcoded! net install reghdfe , from("c:/git/reghdfe/src/") reghdfe, compile noi di as text "reghdfe has been reinstalled from local, and recompiled" exit
/* Chris Daigle Panel Data Midterm 24 Oct 2018 */ clear all cd ~/Git/PanelDataWithStata/Midterm use murder.dta /* Question 11 */ describe * Answer: 51 /* Question 12 */ describe * Answer: 7 /* Question 13 */ sort mrdrte list state mrdrte list state in 17 * Answer: CT * Note: Since CT and RI are tied at 16 and 17, depending on the ranking system, * there is either no 17th and both CT and RI are 16 with AK being 18, or CT and * RI are both 16 and AK is 17. I emailed you about this so I'm going to stick * with CT/RI being 17th lowest. /* Question 14 */ sum mrdrte, detail * Answers: 7.4%. 4.7% /* Question 15 */ * Submit do file
.inputtext { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } .inputtext .input-dummy { position: absolute; bottom: -1px; color: transparent; border-bottom: 2px solid #000; } .ui.form .inputtext input[type=text], .inputtext input[type=text], .inputtext input[type=text]:focus { background: transparent; padding: 5px 0; border: none; }
(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) type cors = Resto_cohttp.Cors.t = { allowed_headers : string list ; allowed_origins : string list ; } include Resto_cohttp.Server.Make(RPC_encoding)(RPC_logging)
{ "id": "ad0580bd-3f8a-405e-9899-c3976ffefa8a", "modelName": "GMObject", "mvc": "1.0", "name": "obj_refresh_small", "eventList": [ { "id": "939233b8-ce46-4136-b823-a873e1165274", "modelName": "GMEvent", "mvc": "1.0", "IsDnD": false, "collisionObjectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "enumb": 0, "eventtype": 0, "m_owner": "ad0580bd-3f8a-405e-9899-c3976ffefa8a" }, { "id": "b4700e61-6339-48ce-954c-2a9f2b73f204", "modelName": "GMEvent", "mvc": "1.0", "IsDnD": false, "collisionObjectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "enumb": 0, "eventtype": 3, "m_owner": "ad0580bd-3f8a-405e-9899-c3976ffefa8a" } ], "maskSpriteId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "overriddenProperties": null, "parentObjectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "persistent": false, "physicsAngularDamping": 0.1, "physicsDensity": 0.5, "physicsFriction": 0.2, "physicsGroup": 0, "physicsKinematic": false, "physicsLinearDamping": 0.1, "physicsObject": false, "physicsRestitution": 0.1, "physicsSensor": false, "physicsShape": 1, "physicsShapePoints": null, "physicsStartAwake": true, "properties": null, "solid": false, "spriteId": "cd0821c5-b72a-43a5-8a55-3431f116247a", "visible": true }
/******************************************************************* * NC_SID_2011_DX_PR_GRPS.SAS: * THE SAS CODE SHOWN BELOW WILL LOAD THE ASCII * INPATIENT STAY DX_PR_GRPS FILE INTO SAS *******************************************************************/ ***********************************************; * Create SAS informats for missing values ; ***********************************************; PROC FORMAT; INVALUE N2PF '-9' = . '-8' = .A '-6' = .C '-5' = .N OTHER = (|2.|) ; INVALUE N3PF '-99' = . '-88' = .A '-66' = .C OTHER = (|3.|) ; INVALUE N4PF '-999' = . '-888' = .A '-666' = .C OTHER = (|4.|) ; INVALUE N4P1F '-9.9' = . '-8.8' = .A '-6.6' = .C OTHER = (|4.1|) ; INVALUE N5PF '-9999' = . '-8888' = .A '-6666' = .C OTHER = (|5.|) ; INVALUE N5P2F '-9.99' = . '-8.88' = .A '-6.66' = .C OTHER = (|5.2|) ; INVALUE N6PF '-99999' = . '-88888' = .A '-66666' = .C OTHER = (|6.|) ; INVALUE N6P2F '-99.99' = . '-88.88' = .A '-66.66' = .C OTHER = (|6.2|) ; INVALUE N7P2F '-999.99' = . '-888.88' = .A '-666.66' = .C OTHER = (|7.2|) ; INVALUE N7P4F '-9.9999' = . '-8.8888' = .A '-6.6666' = .C OTHER = (|7.4|) ; INVALUE N8PF '-9999999' = . '-8888888' = .A '-6666666' = .C OTHER = (|8.|) ; INVALUE N8P2F '-9999.99' = . '-8888.88' = .A '-6666.66' = .C OTHER = (|8.2|) ; INVALUE N9PF '-99999999' = . '-88888888' = .A '-66666666' = .C OTHER = (|9.|) ; INVALUE N9P2F '-99999.99' = . '-88888.88' = .A '-66666.66' = .C OTHER = (|9.2|) ; INVALUE N10PF '-999999999' = . '-888888888' = .A '-666666666' = .C OTHER = (|10.|) ; INVALUE N10P4F '-9999.9999' = . '-8888.8888' = .A '-6666.6666' = .C OTHER = (|10.4|) ; INVALUE N10P5F '-999.99999' = . '-888.88888' = .A '-666.66666' = .C OTHER = (|10.5|) ; INVALUE DATE10F '-999999999' = . '-888888888' = .A '-666666666' = .C OTHER = (|MMDDYY10.|) ; INVALUE N11PF '-9999999999' = . '-8888888888' = .A '-6666666666' = .C OTHER = (|11.|) ; INVALUE N12P2F '-99999999.99' = . '-88888888.88' = .A '-66666666.66' = .C OTHER = (|12.2|) ; INVALUE N12P5F '-99999.99999' = . '-88888.88888' = .A '-66666.66666' = .C OTHER = (|12.5|) ; INVALUE N13PF '-999999999999' = . '-888888888888' = .A '-666666666666' = .C OTHER = (|13.|) ; INVALUE N15P2F '-99999999999.99' = . '-88888888888.88' = .A '-66666666666.66' = .C OTHER = (|15.2|) ; RUN; *******************************; * Data Step *; *******************************; DATA NC_SIDC_2011_DX_PR_GRPS; INFILE 'NC_SID_2011_DX_PR_GRPS.ASC' LRECL = 795; *** Variable attribute ***; ATTRIB CHRON1 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 1" CHRON2 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 2" CHRON3 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 3" CHRON4 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 4" CHRON5 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 5" CHRON6 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 6" CHRON7 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 7" CHRON8 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 8" CHRON9 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 9" CHRON10 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 10" CHRON11 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 11" CHRON12 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 12" CHRON13 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 13" CHRON14 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 14" CHRON15 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 15" CHRON16 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 16" CHRON17 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 17" CHRON18 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 18" CHRON19 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 19" CHRON20 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 20" CHRON21 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 21" CHRON22 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 22" CHRON23 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 23" CHRON24 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 24" CHRON25 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition indicator 25" CHRONB1 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 1" CHRONB2 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 2" CHRONB3 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 3" CHRONB4 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 4" CHRONB5 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 5" CHRONB6 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 6" CHRONB7 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 7" CHRONB8 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 8" CHRONB9 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 9" CHRONB10 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 10" CHRONB11 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 11" CHRONB12 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 12" CHRONB13 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 13" CHRONB14 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 14" CHRONB15 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 15" CHRONB16 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 16" CHRONB17 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 17" CHRONB18 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 18" CHRONB19 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 19" CHRONB20 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 20" CHRONB21 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 21" CHRONB22 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 22" CHRONB23 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 23" CHRONB24 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 24" CHRONB25 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Chronic condition body system 25" DXMCCS1 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 1" DXMCCS2 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 2" DXMCCS3 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 3" DXMCCS4 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 4" DXMCCS5 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 5" DXMCCS6 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 6" DXMCCS7 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 7" DXMCCS8 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 8" DXMCCS9 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 9" DXMCCS10 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 10" DXMCCS11 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 11" DXMCCS12 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 12" DXMCCS13 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 13" DXMCCS14 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 14" DXMCCS15 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 15" DXMCCS16 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 16" DXMCCS17 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 17" DXMCCS18 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 18" DXMCCS19 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 19" DXMCCS20 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 20" DXMCCS21 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 21" DXMCCS22 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 22" DXMCCS23 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 23" DXMCCS24 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 24" DXMCCS25 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Diagnosis 25" E_MCCS1 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 1" E_MCCS2 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 2" E_MCCS3 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 3" E_MCCS4 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 4" E_MCCS5 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 5" E_MCCS6 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 6" E_MCCS7 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 7" E_MCCS8 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 8" E_MCCS9 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 9" E_MCCS10 LENGTH=$11 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: E Code 10" INJURY LENGTH=3 LABEL= "Injury diagnosis reported on record (1:DX1 is an injury; 2:DX2+ is an injury; 0 :No injury)" INJURY_CUT LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury by cutting or piercing (by E codes)" INJURY_DROWN LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury by drowning or submersion (by E codes)" INJURY_FALL LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury by falling (by E codes)" INJURY_FIRE LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury by fire, flame or hot object (by E codes)" INJURY_FIREARM LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury by firearm (by E codes)" INJURY_MACHINERY LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury by machinery (by E codes)" INJURY_MVT LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury involving motor vehicle traffic (by E codes)" INJURY_NATURE LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury involving nature or environmental factors (by E codes)" INJURY_POISON LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury by poison (by E codes)" INJURY_STRUCK LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury from being struck by or against (by E codes)" INJURY_SUFFOCATION LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury by suffocation (by E codes)" INTENT_ASSAULT LENGTH=3 LABEL="Injury by assault indicated on the record (by E codes)" INTENT_SELF_HARM LENGTH=3 LABEL= "Intentional self harm indicated on the record (by diagnosis and/or E codes)" INTENT_UNINTENTIONAL LENGTH=3 LABEL="Unintentional injury indicated on the record (by E codes)" KEY LENGTH=8 FORMAT=Z18. LABEL="HCUP record identifier" MULTINJURY LENGTH=3 LABEL="More than one injury diagnosis reported on record" PCLASS1 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 1" PCLASS2 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 2" PCLASS3 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 3" PCLASS4 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 4" PCLASS5 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 5" PCLASS6 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 6" PCLASS7 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 7" PCLASS8 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 8" PCLASS9 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 9" PCLASS10 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 10" PCLASS11 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 11" PCLASS12 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 12" PCLASS13 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 13" PCLASS14 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 14" PCLASS15 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 15" PCLASS16 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 16" PCLASS17 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 17" PCLASS18 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 18" PCLASS19 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 19" PCLASS20 LENGTH=3 LABEL="Procedure class 20" PRMCCS1 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 1" PRMCCS2 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 2" PRMCCS3 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 3" PRMCCS4 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 4" PRMCCS5 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 5" PRMCCS6 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 6" PRMCCS7 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 7" PRMCCS8 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 8" PRMCCS9 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 9" PRMCCS10 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 10" PRMCCS11 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 11" PRMCCS12 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 12" PRMCCS13 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 13" PRMCCS14 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 14" PRMCCS15 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 15" PRMCCS16 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 16" PRMCCS17 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 17" PRMCCS18 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 18" PRMCCS19 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 19" PRMCCS20 LENGTH=$8 LABEL="Multi-Level CCS: Procedure 20" U_BLOOD LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Blood" U_CATH LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Cardiac Catheterization Lab" U_CCU LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Coronary Care Unit (CCU)" U_CHESTXRAY LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Chest X-Ray" U_CTSCAN LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Computed Tomography Scan" U_DIALYSIS LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Renal Dialysis" U_ECHO LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Echocardiology" U_ED LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Emergency Room" U_EEG LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Electroencephalogram" U_EKG LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Electrocardiogram" U_EPO LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: EPO" U_ICU LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Intensive Care Unit (ICU)" U_LITHOTRIPSY LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Lithotripsy" U_MHSA LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Mental Health and Substance Abuse" U_MRT LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Medical Resonance Technology" U_NEWBN2L LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Nursery Level II" U_NEWBN3L LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Nursery Level III" U_NEWBN4L LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Nursery Level IV" U_NUCMED LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Nuclear Medicine" U_OBSERVATION LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Observation Room" U_OCCTHERAPY LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Occupational Therapy" U_ORGANACQ LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Organ Acquisition" U_OTHIMPLANTS LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Other Implants" U_PACEMAKER LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Pacemaker" U_PHYTHERAPY LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Physical Therapy" U_RADTHERAPY LENGTH=3 LABEL= "Utilization Flag: Radiology - Therapeutic and/or Chemotherapy Administration" U_RESPTHERAPY LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Respiratory Services" U_SPEECHTHERAPY LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Speech - Language Pathology" U_STRESS LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Cardiac Stress Test" U_ULTRASOUND LENGTH=3 LABEL="Utilization Flag: Ultrasound" ; *** Input the variables from the ASCII file ***; INPUT @1 CHRON1 N2PF. @3 CHRON2 N2PF. @5 CHRON3 N2PF. @7 CHRON4 N2PF. @9 CHRON5 N2PF. @11 CHRON6 N2PF. @13 CHRON7 N2PF. @15 CHRON8 N2PF. @17 CHRON9 N2PF. @19 CHRON10 N2PF. @21 CHRON11 N2PF. @23 CHRON12 N2PF. @25 CHRON13 N2PF. @27 CHRON14 N2PF. @29 CHRON15 N2PF. @31 CHRON16 N2PF. @33 CHRON17 N2PF. @35 CHRON18 N2PF. @37 CHRON19 N2PF. @39 CHRON20 N2PF. @41 CHRON21 N2PF. @43 CHRON22 N2PF. @45 CHRON23 N2PF. @47 CHRON24 N2PF. @49 CHRON25 N2PF. @51 CHRONB1 N2PF. @53 CHRONB2 N2PF. @55 CHRONB3 N2PF. @57 CHRONB4 N2PF. @59 CHRONB5 N2PF. @61 CHRONB6 N2PF. @63 CHRONB7 N2PF. @65 CHRONB8 N2PF. @67 CHRONB9 N2PF. @69 CHRONB10 N2PF. @71 CHRONB11 N2PF. @73 CHRONB12 N2PF. @75 CHRONB13 N2PF. @77 CHRONB14 N2PF. @79 CHRONB15 N2PF. @81 CHRONB16 N2PF. @83 CHRONB17 N2PF. @85 CHRONB18 N2PF. @87 CHRONB19 N2PF. @89 CHRONB20 N2PF. @91 CHRONB21 N2PF. @93 CHRONB22 N2PF. @95 CHRONB23 N2PF. @97 CHRONB24 N2PF. @99 CHRONB25 N2PF. @101 DXMCCS1 $CHAR11. @112 DXMCCS2 $CHAR11. @123 DXMCCS3 $CHAR11. @134 DXMCCS4 $CHAR11. @145 DXMCCS5 $CHAR11. @156 DXMCCS6 $CHAR11. @167 DXMCCS7 $CHAR11. @178 DXMCCS8 $CHAR11. @189 DXMCCS9 $CHAR11. @200 DXMCCS10 $CHAR11. @211 DXMCCS11 $CHAR11. @222 DXMCCS12 $CHAR11. @233 DXMCCS13 $CHAR11. @244 DXMCCS14 $CHAR11. @255 DXMCCS15 $CHAR11. @266 DXMCCS16 $CHAR11. @277 DXMCCS17 $CHAR11. @288 DXMCCS18 $CHAR11. @299 DXMCCS19 $CHAR11. @310 DXMCCS20 $CHAR11. @321 DXMCCS21 $CHAR11. @332 DXMCCS22 $CHAR11. @343 DXMCCS23 $CHAR11. @354 DXMCCS24 $CHAR11. @365 DXMCCS25 $CHAR11. @376 E_MCCS1 $CHAR11. @387 E_MCCS2 $CHAR11. @398 E_MCCS3 $CHAR11. @409 E_MCCS4 $CHAR11. @420 E_MCCS5 $CHAR11. @431 E_MCCS6 $CHAR11. @442 E_MCCS7 $CHAR11. @453 E_MCCS8 $CHAR11. @464 E_MCCS9 $CHAR11. @475 E_MCCS10 $CHAR11. @486 INJURY N2PF. @488 INJURY_CUT N2PF. @490 INJURY_DROWN N2PF. @492 INJURY_FALL N2PF. @494 INJURY_FIRE N2PF. @496 INJURY_FIREARM N2PF. @498 INJURY_MACHINERY N2PF. @500 INJURY_MVT N2PF. @502 INJURY_NATURE N2PF. @504 INJURY_POISON N2PF. @506 INJURY_STRUCK N2PF. @508 INJURY_SUFFOCATION N2PF. @510 INTENT_ASSAULT N2PF. @512 INTENT_SELF_HARM N2PF. @514 INTENT_UNINTENTIONAL N2PF. @516 KEY 18. @534 MULTINJURY N2PF. @536 PCLASS1 N2PF. @538 PCLASS2 N2PF. @540 PCLASS3 N2PF. @542 PCLASS4 N2PF. @544 PCLASS5 N2PF. @546 PCLASS6 N2PF. @548 PCLASS7 N2PF. @550 PCLASS8 N2PF. @552 PCLASS9 N2PF. @554 PCLASS10 N2PF. @556 PCLASS11 N2PF. @558 PCLASS12 N2PF. @560 PCLASS13 N2PF. @562 PCLASS14 N2PF. @564 PCLASS15 N2PF. @566 PCLASS16 N2PF. @568 PCLASS17 N2PF. @570 PCLASS18 N2PF. @572 PCLASS19 N2PF. @574 PCLASS20 N2PF. @576 PRMCCS1 $CHAR8. @584 PRMCCS2 $CHAR8. @592 PRMCCS3 $CHAR8. @600 PRMCCS4 $CHAR8. @608 PRMCCS5 $CHAR8. @616 PRMCCS6 $CHAR8. @624 PRMCCS7 $CHAR8. @632 PRMCCS8 $CHAR8. @640 PRMCCS9 $CHAR8. @648 PRMCCS10 $CHAR8. @656 PRMCCS11 $CHAR8. @664 PRMCCS12 $CHAR8. @672 PRMCCS13 $CHAR8. @680 PRMCCS14 $CHAR8. @688 PRMCCS15 $CHAR8. @696 PRMCCS16 $CHAR8. @704 PRMCCS17 $CHAR8. @712 PRMCCS18 $CHAR8. @720 PRMCCS19 $CHAR8. @728 PRMCCS20 $CHAR8. @736 U_BLOOD N2PF. @738 U_CATH N2PF. @740 U_CCU N2PF. @742 U_CHESTXRAY N2PF. @744 U_CTSCAN N2PF. @746 U_DIALYSIS N2PF. @748 U_ECHO N2PF. @750 U_ED N2PF. @752 U_EEG N2PF. @754 U_EKG N2PF. @756 U_EPO N2PF. @758 U_ICU N2PF. @760 U_LITHOTRIPSY N2PF. @762 U_MHSA N2PF. @764 U_MRT N2PF. @766 U_NEWBN2L N2PF. @768 U_NEWBN3L N2PF. @770 U_NEWBN4L N2PF. @772 U_NUCMED N2PF. @774 U_OBSERVATION N2PF. @776 U_OCCTHERAPY N2PF. @778 U_ORGANACQ N2PF. @780 U_OTHIMPLANTS N2PF. @782 U_PACEMAKER N2PF. @784 U_PHYTHERAPY N2PF. @786 U_RADTHERAPY N2PF. @788 U_RESPTHERAPY N2PF. @790 U_SPEECHTHERAPY N2PF. @792 U_STRESS N2PF. @794 U_ULTRASOUND N2PF. ; RUN;
import mynat.le import solutions.world2_multiplication import tactic.interactive -- #check tactic.interactive.rintro meta def less_leaky.interactive.rintro := tactic.interactive.rintro namespace mynat theorem le_refl (a : mynat) : a ≤ a := begin use 0, rw add_zero, end -- ignore this; it's making the "refl" tactic work with goals of the form a ≤ a attribute [_refl_lemma] le_refl theorem le_succ {a b : mynat} (h : a ≤ b) : a ≤ (succ b) := begin cases h with c hc, use (succ c), rw add_succ, rw hc, end example : one ≤ one := le_refl one lemma zero_le (a : mynat) : 0 ≤ a := begin use a, rw' zero_add a, refl end lemma le_zero {a : mynat} : a ≤ 0 → a = 0 := begin intro h, cases h with c hc, rw add_comm at hc, cases a with b, refl, exfalso, rw add_succ at hc, rw eq_comm at hc, exact succ_ne_zero hc, end theorem le_trans ⦃a b c : mynat⦄ (hab : a ≤ b) (hbc : b ≤ c) : a ≤ c := begin -- again no induction cases hab with x hx, cases hbc with y hy, use (x + y), rw ←add_assoc, rw ←hx, assumption, end instance : preorder mynat := by structure_helper theorem lt_iff_le_not_le {a b : mynat} : a < b ↔ a ≤ b ∧ ¬ b ≤ a := iff.rfl theorem le_antisymm : ∀ {{a b : mynat}}, a ≤ b → b ≤ a → a = b := begin intros a b hab hba, cases hab with c hc, cases hba with d hd, rw hc at hd, rw add_assoc at hd, rw eq_comm at hd, have H := eq_zero_of_add_right_eq_self hd, rw eq_comm at hc, convert hc, symmetry, convert add_zero a, exact add_right_eq_zero H, end instance : partial_order mynat := by structure_helper theorem lt_iff_le_and_ne ⦃a b : mynat⦄ : a < b ↔ a ≤ b ∧ a ≠ b := begin split, { intro h, rw lt_iff_le_not_le at h, cases h with hab hba, split, exact hab, intro h, apply hba, rw' h, apply le_refl, }, { intro h, cases h with hab hne, rw lt_iff_le_not_le, split, assumption, intro hba, apply hne, apply le_antisymm hab hba, } end lemma succ_le_succ {a b : mynat} (h : a ≤ b) : succ a ≤ succ b := begin cases h with c hc, use c, rw succ_add, rw hc, end theorem le_total (a b : mynat) : a ≤ b ∨ b ≤ a := begin revert a, induction' b with c hc, intro a, right, apply zero_le, intro a, induction' a with d hd, left, apply zero_le, cases hc d with h h, left, exact succ_le_succ h, right, exact succ_le_succ h, end instance : linear_order mynat := by structure_helper theorem add_le_add_right (a b : mynat) : a ≤ b → ∀ t, (a + t) ≤ (b + t) := begin intros h t, induction' t with d hd, { rw add_zero, rw add_zero, assumption }, { rw add_succ, rw add_succ, exact succ_le_succ hd } end theorem le_succ_self (a : mynat) : a ≤ succ a := begin apply le_succ, apply le_refl end theorem le_of_succ_le_succ {a b : mynat} : succ a ≤ succ b → a ≤ b := begin intro h, cases h with c hc, use c, rw succ_add at hc, exact succ_inj hc, end theorem not_succ_le_self {{d : mynat}} (h : succ d ≤ d) : false := begin cases h with c hc, rw ←add_one_eq_succ at hc, rw add_assoc at hc, rw eq_comm at hc, have h := eq_zero_of_add_right_eq_self hc, rw add_comm at h, rw add_one_eq_succ at h, apply zero_ne_succ c, symmetry, assumption, end theorem add_le_add_left : ∀ (a b : mynat), a ≤ b → ∀ (c : mynat), c + a ≤ c + b := begin intros a b hab c, rw add_comm, rw add_comm c, apply add_le_add_right, assumption end def succ_le_succ_iff (a b : mynat) : succ a ≤ succ b ↔ a ≤ b := begin split, { intro h, cases h with c hc, use c, apply succ_inj, convert hc, rw' succ_add, refl }, { intro h, cases h with c hc, use c, rw succ_add, rw' hc, refl, } end def succ_lt_succ_iff (a b : mynat) : succ a < succ b ↔ a < b := begin rw lt_iff_le_not_le, rw lt_iff_le_not_le, split, intro h, cases h, split, rwa succ_le_succ_iff at h_left, intro h, apply h_right, rwa succ_le_succ_iff, intro h, cases h, split, rwa succ_le_succ_iff, intro h, apply h_right, rwa succ_le_succ_iff at h, end theorem lt_of_add_lt_add_left : ∀ {{a b c : mynat}}, a + b < a + c → b < c := begin intros a b c, intro h, rw add_comm at h, rw add_comm a at h, revert b c, induction a with d hd, intros a b h, exact h, intros b c h, rw [add_succ, add_succ] at h, apply hd, rwa succ_lt_succ_iff at h, end theorem zero_ne_one : (0 : mynat) ≠ 1 := begin symmetry, rw one_eq_succ_zero, apply succ_ne_zero, end instance : ordered_comm_monoid mynat := by structure_helper theorem le_of_add_le_add_left ⦃ a b c : mynat⦄ : a + b ≤ a + c → b ≤ c := begin intro h, cases h with d hd, use d, rw add_assoc at hd, exact add_left_cancel hd end instance : ordered_cancel_comm_monoid mynat := by structure_helper theorem mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left ⦃a b c : mynat⦄ : a ≤ b → 0 ≤ c → c * a ≤ c * b := begin intro hab, intro hc, cases hab with d hd, rw hd, use c * d, rw' mul_add, refl end theorem mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right ⦃a b c : mynat⦄ : a ≤ b → 0 ≤ c → a * c ≤ b * c := begin rw mul_comm, rw mul_comm b, apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left end theorem ne_zero_of_pos ⦃a : mynat⦄ : 0 < a → a ≠ 0 := begin intro ha, intro h, rw h at ha, rw lt_iff_le_and_ne at ha, cases ha with h1 h2, apply h2, refl, end theorem mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left ⦃a b c : mynat⦄ : a < b → 0 < c → c * a < c * b := begin intros hab hc, cases' hab with hab hba, rw lt_iff_le_and_ne, split, { cases hab with d hd, use c * d, rw hd, rw' mul_add, refl, }, { intro h, apply hba, have h2 := mul_left_cancel (ne_zero_of_pos hc) h, rw' h2, refl } end theorem mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right ⦃a b c : mynat⦄ : a < b → 0 < c → a * c < b * c := begin rw mul_comm, rw mul_comm b, apply mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left, end instance : ordered_semiring mynat := by structure_helper theorem not_lt_zero ⦃a : mynat⦄ : ¬(a < 0) := begin [less_leaky] -- rintro ⟨ha, hna⟩, -- *TODO* -- rintro doesn't work?? intro h, cases h with ha hna, apply hna, clear hna, --apply le_zero at ha, replace ha := le_zero ha, rw ha, refl, end /- nat.lt_succ_iff : ∀ {m n : ℕ}, m < nat.succ n ↔ m ≤ n -/ theorem lt_succ_self (n : mynat) : n < succ n := begin [less_leaky] rw lt_iff_le_and_ne, split, use 1, apply succ_eq_add_one, intro h, exact ne_succ_self n h end theorem lt_succ_iff (m n : mynat) : m < succ n ↔ m ≤ n := begin [less_leaky] rw lt_iff_le_and_ne, split, { rintro ⟨h1, h2⟩, cases h1 with c hc, cases c with d, exfalso, apply h2, rw hc, rw add_zero,refl, use d, apply succ_inj, rw hc, apply add_succ, }, { rintro ⟨c, hc⟩, split, { use succ c, rw hc, rw add_succ, refl }, { rw hc, apply ne_of_lt, rw lt_iff_le_and_ne, split, use succ c, rw add_succ, refl, intro h, rw [succ_eq_add_one, add_assoc] at h, -- doesn't' work yet -- symmetry at h, rw eq_comm at h, replace h := eq_zero_of_add_right_eq_self h, apply zero_ne_succ c, rw ←h, apply add_one_eq_succ } } end -- is this right? @[elab_as_eliminator] theorem strong_induction (P : mynat → Prop) (IH : ∀ m : mynat, (∀ d : mynat, d < m → P d) → P m) : ∀ n, P n := begin [less_leaky] let Q : mynat → Prop := λ m, ∀ d < m, P d, have hQ : ∀ n, Q n, { intro n, induction n with d hd, { intros m hm, exfalso, exact not_lt_zero hm, }, { intro m, intro hm, rw lt_succ_iff at hm, apply IH, intros e he, apply hd, exact lt_of_lt_of_le he hm, } }, intro n, apply hQ (succ n), apply lt_succ_self end lemma lt_irrefl (a : mynat) : ¬ (a < a) := begin intro h, rw lt_iff_le_and_ne at h, cases h with h1 h2, apply h2, refl, end end mynat /- instance : canonically_ordered_comm_semiring mynat := { add := (+), add_assoc := add_assoc, zero := 0, zero_add := zero_add, add_zero := add_zero, add_comm := add_comm, le := (≤), le_refl := le_refl, le_trans := le_trans, le_antisymm := le_antisymm, add_le_add_left := add_le_add_left, lt_of_add_lt_add_left := lt_of_add_lt_add_left, bot := 0, bot_le := zero_le, le_iff_exists_add := le_iff_exists_add, mul := (*), mul_assoc := mul_assoc, one := 1, one_mul := one_mul, mul_one := mul_one, left_distrib := left_distrib, right_distrib := right_distrib, zero_mul := zero_mul, mul_zero := mul_zero, mul_comm := mul_comm, zero_ne_one := zero_ne_one, mul_eq_zero_iff := mul_eq_zero_iff } -/
/* * All GTAS code is Copyright 2016, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). * * Please see LICENSE.txt for details. */ package gov.gtas.job.config; import gov.gtas.config.CommonServicesConfig; import org.springframework.web.servlet.support.AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer; /** * Concrete class that register a DispatcherServlet configured with * * @Configuration annotation * */ public class JobSchedulerWebInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer { @Override protected Class<?>[] getRootConfigClasses() { return new Class<?>[] { CommonServicesConfig.class, JobSchedulerConfig.class }; } @Override protected Class<?>[] getServletConfigClasses() { return new Class<?>[] {}; } @Override protected String[] getServletMappings() { return new String[] {}; } }
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Matreshka Project -- -- -- -- Ada Modeling Framework -- -- -- -- Runtime Library Component -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Copyright © 2011-2012, Vadim Godunko <vgodunko@gmail.com> -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- -- are met: -- -- -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- -- -- * Neither the name of the Vadim Godunko, IE nor the names of its -- -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -- -- HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -- -- SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- -- TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- $Revision$ $Date$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file is generated, don't edit it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A destroy object action is an action that destroys objects. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with AMF.UML.Actions; limited with AMF.UML.Input_Pins; package AMF.UML.Destroy_Object_Actions is pragma Preelaborate; type UML_Destroy_Object_Action is limited interface and AMF.UML.Actions.UML_Action; type UML_Destroy_Object_Action_Access is access all UML_Destroy_Object_Action'Class; for UML_Destroy_Object_Action_Access'Storage_Size use 0; not overriding function Get_Is_Destroy_Links (Self : not null access constant UML_Destroy_Object_Action) return Boolean is abstract; -- Getter of DestroyObjectAction::isDestroyLinks. -- -- Specifies whether links in which the object participates are destroyed -- along with the object. not overriding procedure Set_Is_Destroy_Links (Self : not null access UML_Destroy_Object_Action; To : Boolean) is abstract; -- Setter of DestroyObjectAction::isDestroyLinks. -- -- Specifies whether links in which the object participates are destroyed -- along with the object. not overriding function Get_Is_Destroy_Owned_Objects (Self : not null access constant UML_Destroy_Object_Action) return Boolean is abstract; -- Getter of DestroyObjectAction::isDestroyOwnedObjects. -- -- Specifies whether objects owned by the object are destroyed along with -- the object. not overriding procedure Set_Is_Destroy_Owned_Objects (Self : not null access UML_Destroy_Object_Action; To : Boolean) is abstract; -- Setter of DestroyObjectAction::isDestroyOwnedObjects. -- -- Specifies whether objects owned by the object are destroyed along with -- the object. not overriding function Get_Target (Self : not null access constant UML_Destroy_Object_Action) return AMF.UML.Input_Pins.UML_Input_Pin_Access is abstract; -- Getter of DestroyObjectAction::target. -- -- The input pin providing the object to be destroyed. not overriding procedure Set_Target (Self : not null access UML_Destroy_Object_Action; To : AMF.UML.Input_Pins.UML_Input_Pin_Access) is abstract; -- Setter of DestroyObjectAction::target. -- -- The input pin providing the object to be destroyed. end AMF.UML.Destroy_Object_Actions;
/**************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** S&P456 SCRIPT **/ /**************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Database import : S&P500 400 and 600 assets **/ proc import datafile="C:\Lucas_M1\M1_Eco_Stats\M1_S1\SAS_DP\Memoire\PTF_2008\S&P456.xlsx" out=ptf456 dbms=xlsx replace; getname=yes; run; /**************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Data standardization: GARCH Studentized **/ %macro garch (table, resultsp, var=, condvar=); proc autoreg data= ptf456; model &var.= / garch=(q=1, p=1) dist = t; output out = &resultsp. r=epsilon cev=&condvar. p=prevision alphacli=0.05 lcl = lower ucl = upper; proc iml; varNames = {&var. &condvar.}; use &resultsp.; read all var varNames into X; close &resultsp.; do i=1 to nrow(X); Z = Z // X[i,1]; A = X[:]; B = B // X[i,2]; end; varNames = {"Date"}; use ptf456; read all var varNames into Date; close ptf456; free norm; norm = (Z-A)/ sqrt(B); M = B || Z || norm || Date; Create &table. var {Date norm}; append; close &table.; proc means data=&table.; var norm; run; %mend garch; %garch(tab1,resultsp1, var=ACIW, condvar=condvar1); %garch(tab2,resultsp2, var=ADS, condvar=condvar2); %garch(tab3,resultsp3, var=BOH, condvar=condvar3); %garch(tab4,resultsp4, var=CBT, condvar=condvar4); %garch(tab5,resultsp5, var=CLGX, condvar=condvar5); %garch(tab6,resultsp6, var=CREE, condvar=condvar6); %garch(tab7,resultsp7, var=FL, condvar=condvar7); %garch(tab8,resultsp8, var=HOG, condvar=condvar8); %garch(tab9,resultsp9, var=HXL, condvar=condvar9); %garch(tab10,resultsp10, var=ICUI, condvar=condvar10); %garch(tab11,resultsp11, var=KBH, condvar=condvar11); %garch(tab12,resultsp12, var=OSK, condvar=condvar12); %garch(tab13,resultsp13, var=PNM, condvar=condvar13); %garch(tab14,resultsp14, var=RS, condvar=condvar14); %garch(tab15,resultsp15, var=PZZA, condvar=condvar15); %garch(tab16,resultsp16, var=AAPL, condvar=condvar16); %garch(tab17,resultsp17, var=AMGN, condvar=condvar17); %garch(tab18,resultsp18, var=BA, condvar=condvar18); %garch(tab19,resultsp19, var=CAT, condvar=condvar19); %garch(tab20,resultsp20, var=DIS, condvar=condvar20); %garch(tab21,resultsp21, var=GS, condvar=condvar21); %garch(tab22,resultsp22, var=HD, condvar=condvar22); %garch(tab23,resultsp23, var=KO, condvar=condvar23); %garch(tab24,resultsp24, var=MCD, condvar=condvar24); %garch(tab25,resultsp25, var=MMM, condvar=condvar25); %garch(tab26,resultsp26, var=MSFT, condvar=condvar26); %garch(tab27,resultsp27, var=TRV, condvar=condvar27); %garch(tab28,resultsp28, var=UNH, condvar=condvar28); %garch(tab29,resultsp29, var=VZ, condvar=condvar29); %garch(tab30,resultsp30, var=WMT, condvar=condvar30); %garch(tab31,resultsp31, var=AFG, condvar=condvar31); %garch(tab32,resultsp32, var=AMED, condvar=condvar32); %garch(tab33,resultsp33, var=ANF, condvar=condvar33); %garch(tab34,resultsp34, var=ASH, condvar=condvar34); %garch(tab35,resultsp35, var=CRS, condvar=condvar35); %garch(tab36,resultsp36, var=DIN, condvar=condvar36); %garch(tab37,resultsp37, var=GHC, condvar=condvar37); %garch(tab38,resultsp38, var=IDA, condvar=condvar38); %garch(tab39,resultsp39, var=JLL, condvar=condvar39); %garch(tab40,resultsp40, var=LAD, condvar=condvar40); %garch(tab41,resultsp41, var=LDL, condvar=condvar41); %garch(tab42,resultsp42, var=MGPI, condvar=condvar42); %garch(tab43,resultsp43, var=PTC, condvar=condvar43); %garch(tab44,resultsp44, var=UTHR, condvar=condvar44); %garch(tab45,resultsp45, var=WDFC, condvar=condvar45); /** Construction of the final portfolio with all data centered and reduced Studentized **/ data ptf_final456; merge tab1 (rename=(NORM=ACIW)) tab2 (rename=(NORM=ADS)) tab3 (rename=(NORM=BOH)) tab4 (rename=(NORM=CBT)) tab5 (rename=(NORM=CLGX)) tab6 (rename=(NORM=CREE)) tab7 (rename=(NORM=FL)) tab8 (rename=(NORM=HOG)) tab9 (rename=(NORM=HXL)) tab10 (rename=(NORM=ICUI)) tab11 (rename=(NORM=KBH)) tab12 (rename=(NORM=OSK)) tab13 (rename=(NORM=PNM)) tab14 (rename=(NORM=RS)) tab15 (rename=(NORM=PZZA)) tab16 (rename=(NORM=AAPL)) tab17 (rename=(NORM=AMGN)) tab18 (rename=(NORM=BA)) tab19 (rename=(NORM=CAT)) tab20 (rename=(NORM=DIS)) tab21 (rename=(NORM=GS)) tab22 (rename=(NORM=HD)) tab23 (rename=(NORM=KO)) tab24 (rename=(NORM=MCD)) tab25 (rename=(NORM=MMM)) tab26 (rename=(NORM=MSFT)) tab27 (rename=(NORM=TRV)) tab28 (rename=(NORM=UNH)) tab29 (rename=(NORM=VZ)) tab30 (rename=(NORM=WMT)) tab31 (rename=(NORM=AFG)) tab32 (rename=(NORM=AMED)) tab33 (rename=(NORM=ANF)) tab34 (rename=(NORM=ASH)) tab35 (rename=(NORM=CRS)) tab36 (rename=(NORM=DIN)) tab37 (rename=(NORM=GHC)) tab38 (rename=(NORM=IDA)) tab39 (rename=(NORM=JLL)) tab40 (rename=(NORM=LAD)) tab41 (rename=(NORM=LDL)) tab42 (rename=(NORM=MGPI)) tab43 (rename=(NORM=PTC)) tab44 (rename=(NORM=UTHR)) tab45 (rename=(NORM=WDFC)); by Date; run; /**************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Printing Heatmaps **/ %Macro macro_heatmap(tab, start, end); /* Number of trading days in a month */ %let date1=1; %let date2=22; %do n=&start. %to &end.; /* You can choose the rolling time window */ Data &tab.; set ptf_final456(firstobs=&date1. obs=&date2.); run; proc iml; /* Covariance */ varNames = {"ACIW" "ADS" "BOH" "CBT" "CLGX" "CREE" "FL" "HOG" "HXL" "ICUI" "KBH" "OSK" "PNM" "RS" "PZZA" "AAPL" "AMGN" "BA" "CAT" "DIS" "GS" "HD" "KO" "MCD" "MMM" "MSFT" "TRV" "UNH" "VZ" "WMT" "AFG" "AMED" "ANF" "ASH" "CRS" "DIN" "GHC" "IDA" "JLL" "LAD" "LDL" "MGPI" "PTC" "UTHR" "WDFC"}; use &tab.; read all var varNames into X; close &tab.; call HeatmapCont(corr(X)) xvalues=varNames yvalues=varNames colorramp="threeColor" range={-1.01 1.01} title='Correlation Matrix '; /* Recovering the lambda max */ lambda=(&date1.||&date2.||max(eigval(corr(X)))); print lambda; %let date1=%eval(&date1+1); %let date2=%eval(&date2+1); %end; run; %mend macro_heatmap; %macro_heatmap(tab, 1, 897); /**************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Printing of the empirical distribution of eigenvalues **/ proc iml; /* Correlations and rolling windows: taken from a normal law. In practice, if you are doing RMT, normalize each variable E[x]=0 et V[x]=1 */ varNames = {"ACIW" "ADS" "BOH" "CBT" "CLGX" "CREE" "FL" "HOG" "HXL" "ICUI" "KBH" "OSK" "PNM" "RS" "PZZA" "AAPL" "AMGN" "BA" "CAT" "DIS" "GS" "HD" "KO" "MCD" "MMM" "MSFT" "TRV" "UNH" "VZ" "WMT" "AFG" "AMED" "ANF" "ASH" "CRS" "DIN" "GHC" "IDA" "JLL" "LAD" "LDL" "MGPI" "PTC" "UTHR" "WDFC"}; use ptf_final456; read all var varNames into X; close ptf_final456; free lambda; wind=6*22;/* Rolling time window */ do t=1 to nrow(X)-wind ; X1=X[t:t+wind,];/* Matrix partition selection */ C=corr(X1); do i=1 to ncol(C); corrcoef456 = corrcoef456 // C[,i]; end; lambda=lambda//(t||t+wind||max(eigval(corr(X1)))); SP456 = SP456 // max(eigval(corr(X1))); lam = lam // eigval(corr(X1)); end; varNames = {"Date"}; use ptf456; read all var varNames into Date; close ptf456; mattrib Lambda[colname={'Start','End','Lambda max'}]; call series(Lambda[,2],Lambda[,3]); call histogram (lam); call QNTL(q,lam,0.95); print q; call histogram(SP400); call QNTL(q,SP400,0.95); print q; Create Coeffcorr456 var {corrcoef456}; append; close; Create SP_456 var {Date SP456}; append; close SP_456; /**************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Printing of empirical distributions of correlation coefficients **/ data correlation456; set Coeffcorr456; if CORRCOEF456 = 1 then delete; run; proc iml; varNames = {"CORRCOEF"}; use correlation; read all var varNames into correlation; close correlation; call histogram(correlation) density={'kernel'} scale="count"; /**************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Preparation of the tables to print the plots **/ data graph; merge SP_456 VIX indiceSP500; by Date; run; data graph2; merge graph indiceSP500; by Date2; run; /**************************************************************************************************************************************************/
class Pulumi < Formula desc "Cloud native development platform" homepage "https://pulumi.io/" url "https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi.git", :tag => "v0.17.17", :revision => "54cbda80c19b499387b07ad7a8856817c3e19c29" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "1faff15a8615358cd31442dea64b681027e426b75ec1e6e6eb210f9cf486f786" => :mojave sha256 "37be9bfab1c8474161827561e9b3ef29017b6c89953c8d20633b098ecd31b880" => :high_sierra sha256 "86a62cff32a36106108d0050b2e518b8347f5483409511d414171b4e1bdfa938" => :sierra sha256 "84a497b2fb6bcbf522c0912e465aae26e45c06184983f3661c386e8231be6eb7" => :x86_64_linux end depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath ENV["GO111MODULE"] = "on" dir = buildpath/"src/github.com/pulumi/pulumi" dir.install buildpath.children cd dir do system "go", "mod", "vendor" system "make", "dist" bin.install Dir["#{buildpath}/bin/*"] prefix.install_metafiles # Install bash completion output = Utils.popen_read("#{bin}/pulumi gen-completion bash") (bash_completion/"pulumi").write output # Install zsh completion output = Utils.popen_read("#{bin}/pulumi gen-completion zsh") (zsh_completion/"_pulumi").write output end end test do ENV["PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN"] = "local://" ENV["PULUMI_TEMPLATE_PATH"] = testpath/"templates" system "#{bin}/pulumi", "new", "aws-typescript", "--generate-only", "--force", "-y" assert_predicate testpath/"Pulumi.yaml", :exist?, "Project was not created" end end
object _3_Auth_IM_Client_Form: T_3_Auth_IM_Client_Form Left = 0 Top = 0 BorderStyle = bsDialog BorderWidth = 10 Caption = 'Auth IM Client - create by.qq600585' ClientHeight = 434 ClientWidth = 918 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow TextHeight = 13 object Label1: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 47 Width = 48 Height = 13 Caption = #25910#21040#28040#24687 end object Label2: TLabel Left = 255 Top = 47 Width = 72 Height = 13 Caption = #28155#21152#22909#21451#35831#27714 end object Label3: TLabel Left = 502 Top = 47 Width = 72 Height = 13 Caption = #22909#21451#22312#32447#36890#30693 end object Label4: TLabel Left = 749 Top = 47 Width = 72 Height = 13 Caption = #25105#30340#22909#21451#21015#34920 end object LoginInfoLabel: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 17 Width = 64 Height = 13 Caption = #30331#24405#20449#24687':...' end object Memo: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 262 Width = 918 Height = 172 Align = alBottom TabOrder = 0 WordWrap = False end object sendMsgButton: TButton Left = 255 Top = 8 Width = 89 Height = 33 Caption = #21457#36865#28040#24687 TabOrder = 1 OnClick = sendMsgButtonClick end object msgMemo: TMemo Left = 8 Top = 63 Width = 241 Height = 185 ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 2 WordWrap = False end object RequestFriendMemo: TMemo Left = 255 Top = 63 Width = 241 Height = 185 ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 3 WordWrap = False end object OnlineMemo: TMemo Left = 502 Top = 63 Width = 241 Height = 185 ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 4 WordWrap = False end object FriendListMemo: TMemo Left = 749 Top = 63 Width = 155 Height = 185 ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 5 WordWrap = False end object RequestFriendButton: TButton Left = 350 Top = 8 Width = 81 Height = 33 Caption = #28155#21152#22909#21451 TabOrder = 6 OnClick = RequestFriendButtonClick end object ReponseAddFriendButton: TButton Left = 437 Top = 8 Width = 91 Height = 33 Caption = #21709#24212#22909#21451#35831#27714 TabOrder = 7 OnClick = ReponseAddFriendButtonClick end object refreshFriendButton: TButton Left = 749 Top = 8 Width = 155 Height = 33 Caption = #21047#26032#25105#30340#22909#21451#21015#34920 TabOrder = 8 OnClick = refreshFriendButtonClick end object removeFriendButton: TButton Left = 534 Top = 8 Width = 74 Height = 33 Caption = #31227#38500#22909#21451 TabOrder = 9 OnClick = removeFriendButtonClick end object NetTimer: TTimer Interval = 10 OnTimer = NetTimerTimer Left = 144 Top = 280 end end
--- title: Gatsby Starter CV github: https://github.com/santosfrancisco/gatsby-starter-cv demo: https://santosfrancisco.github.io/gatsby-starter-cv/ author: Francisco Santos ssg: - Gatsby cms: - No Cms date: 2018-12-24T00:05:49.000Z description: >- A simple starter to get up and developing your digital curriculum with GatsbyJS stale: false ---
precision mediump float; uniform vec4 u_color; void main() { gl_FragColor = u_color; }
/*** ゲーム状態 ***/ GAMESTART = 2 GAMEPLAY = 4 GAMEPAUSE = 8 GAMEOVER = 16 GAMESTATE = GAMESTART // 現在状態 /*** イベント管理クラス ***/ sdl.EventManager = ${} setmetatable(sdl.EventManager, ${ __call = def(){ local @ = ${m_events = ${}} setmetatable(@, ${__index = sdl.EventManager}) return @ } }) /* イベント発生条件を満たした時一度だけ実行する関数をセット */ // condition: イベント実行条件 // 数値なら condition & GAMESTATE == GAMESTATE のとき(conditionのビットフラグが立っている時)実行 // 文字列ならそれを条件式とする def sdl.EventManager->append(condition, func){ if !@.m_events[condition]{ @.m_events[condition] = ${running = false} if type(condition) == "string"{ @.m_events[condition].condition = assert(loadstring("return "..condition)) }else{ @.m_events[condition].condition = def(){ return b_and(condition, GAMESTATE) == GAMESTATE } } } @.m_events[condition].event = func return @ } /* イベント発生条件を満たしている限り実行し続ける関数をセット */ def sdl.EventManager->appendLoop(condition, func){ if !@.m_events[condition]{ @.m_events[condition] = ${running = false} if type(condition) == "string"{ @.m_events[condition].condition = assert(loadstring("return "..condition)) }else{ @.m_events[condition].condition = def(){ return b_and(condition, GAMESTATE) == GAMESTATE } } } @.m_events[condition].loopEvent = func return @ } /* イベントを指定ルーチンにセット */ def sdl.EventManager->set(id, routine){ if !routine{routine = sdl.App.routine} routine->append(id, def(){ while true{ for cond, evt in pairs(@.m_events){ if evt.condition(){ if !evt.running{ // イベント発生 evt.running = true if evt.event{evt.event()} }else{ // イベント発生中 if evt.loopEvent{evt.loopEvent()} } }else{ evt.running = false } } routine->update() } }) }
event handling click: event "check for right click (menu)" (self isYellowButtonReallyPressed: event) ifTrue: [ self showMenuForPosition: event cursorPoint ]
set CommandName "snap" source RBC.stripchart.$CommandName.M.tcl source ../StripchartRunAllSupportMethods.tcl ExecuteCommandSequenceNoCommand $CommandName
=============================== All "password" input elements require a valid "tabindex" attribute =============================== *Severity code:* Severe error .. php:class:: inputPasswordHasTabIndex All <code>input elements of type "password" should have a "tabindex" attribute to help navigate the form with a keyboard alone.
//! Specifies logic to create a "pragmatic" solution and write it into json format. mod model; pub use self::model::*; pub(crate) mod activity_matcher; mod geo_serializer; pub use self::geo_serializer::serialize_solution_as_geojson; mod initial_reader; pub use self::initial_reader::read_init_solution; mod extensions; mod writer; pub use self::writer::create_solution; pub use self::writer::PragmaticSolution;
" Synchronize repos " Class { #name : #GoferSynchronize, #superclass : #GoferOperation, #instVars : [ 'cacheReferences' ], #category : #'Gofer-Core-Operations' } { #category : #testing } GoferSynchronize class >> isAbstract [ ^ self == GoferSynchronize ] { #category : #accessing } GoferSynchronize >> cacheRepository [ ^ MCCacheRepository uniqueInstance ] { #category : #initialization } GoferSynchronize >> initializeOn: aGofer [ super initializeOn: aGofer disablePackageCache. MCFileBasedRepository flushAllCaches. cacheReferences := self gofer allResolvedIn: self cacheRepository ]
Getting Started =============== Installation ------------ You can install ``pybnb`` with ``pip``: .. code-block:: console $ pip install pybnb ``pybnb`` requires ``mpi4py`` to solve problems in parallel. However, it will also solve problems in serial if this module is not available. Thus, ``mpi4py`` is not listed as a package requirement, and it may need to be installed in a separate step. Complete Example ---------------- The code below shows a complete example script that (1) defines a problem, (2) creates a solver, and (3) solves the problem. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/scripts/simple.py :language: python :prepend: # simple.py :lines: 16- To solve the problem in serial, the example script should be launched with the python interpretor: .. code-block:: console $ python simple.py To solve the problem in parallel, the example script should be launched using the same command as above, only wrapped with ``mpiexec`` (specifying the number processes): .. code-block:: console $ mpiexec -n 4 python simple.py Note that the parallel solve implementation used by ``pybnb`` always designates exactly one process as a dispatcher. If more than one process is involved in a solve, the dispatcher will only manage the global work queue, leaving the processing of all branch-and-bound nodes to the remaining processes. Thus, one should not expect any parallel speedup until at least three processes are used to solve a problem. More Examples ------------- ``pybnb`` is distributed with a number of example problem implementations. Each example can be run in serial or in parallel with the ``mpiexec`` command. Some examples require additional python packages or external binaries that are not listed as dependencies for ``pybnb`` (e.g., ``pyomo``). See the comments at the top of each example file for a brief explanation. The `examples <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples>`_ directory included with the source repository is organized into two top-level directories. - `command_line_problems <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/command_line_problems>`_: Includes basic problem implementations that expose all ``pybnb`` solver options as command-line arguments. Simply execute one of the available examples with ``--help`` as an argument to see the list of available solver options. - `binary_knapsack.py <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/command_line_problems/binary_knapsack.py>`_ - `lipschitz_1d.py <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/command_line_problems/lipschitz_1d.py>`_ (faster with ``numba``, but it is optional) - `bin_packing.py <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/command_line_problems/bin_packing.py>`_ (requires: ``pyomo`` + ``ipopt`` binary) - `rosenbrock_2d.py <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/command_line_problems/rosenbrock_2d.py>`_ (requires: ``pyomo`` + ``ipopt`` binary) - `scripts <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/scripts>`_: Includes problem implementations along with various usages of ``pybnb`` ranging from simple to advanced. Some of the examples accept a small set of command-line options, but most ``pybnb`` solver options are hard-coded and must be manually adjusted within each example file. - `simple.py <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/scripts/simple.py>`_ - `range_reduction_pyomo.py <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/scripts/range_reduction_pyomo.py>`_ (requires: ``pyomo`` + ``ipopt`` binary) - `tsp/tsp_byvertex.py <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/scripts/tsp/tsp_byvertex.py>`_ - `tsp/tsp_byedge.py <https://github.com/ghackebeil/pybnb/blob/master/examples/scripts/tsp/tsp_byedge.py>`_ (requires: ``numpy``) Defining a Problem ------------------ To define a branch-and-bound problem with ``pybnb``, one must define a class that implements the :class:`Problem <pybnb.problem.Problem>` interface, which includes defining at least the six required methods shown below. .. code-block:: python import pybnb class MyProblem(pybnb.Problem): def __init__(self): ... # required methods def sense(self): ... def objective(self): ... def bound(self): ... def save_state(self, node): ... def load_state(self, node): ... def branch(self): ... # optional methods def notify_solve_begins(self, comm, worker_comm, convergence_checker): ... def notify_new_best_node(self, node, current): ... def notify_solve_finished(self, comm, worker_comm, results): ... .. note:: The :class:`Problem <pybnb.problem.Problem>` base class is a purely abstract interface that adds no additional data to a problem implementation. It is not required to call ``Problem.__init__`` when defining the ``__init__`` method on a derived class. The remainder of this section includes a detailed description of each of the required methods. - :func:`Problem.sense() <pybnb.problem.Problem.sense>` This is the easiest method to define for a branch-and-bound problem. It should return the objective sense of the problem, which should always be one of :obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>` or :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`, and should not change what it returns over the lifetime of a problem. For instance, to define a problem with an objective value that should be minimized, the implementation would look something like: .. code-block:: python class MyProblem(pybnb.Problem): def sense(self): return pybnb.minimize The :class:`Problem <pybnb.problem.Problem>` base class defines two additional convenience methods :func:`Problem.infeasible_objective() <pybnb.problem.Problem.infeasible_objective>` and :func:`Problem.unbounded_objective() <pybnb.problem.Problem.unbounded_objective>` that return `+inf` or `-inf`, depending on the return value of :func:`Problem.sense() <pybnb.problem.Problem.sense>`. - :func:`Problem.bound() <pybnb.problem.Problem.bound>` This method should return a valid bound for the objective function over the current problem domain (as defined by the current problem state), or it can return :func:`self.unbounded_objective() <pybnb.problem.Problem.unbounded_objective>` if a finite bound can not be determined. - :func:`Problem.objective() <pybnb.problem.Problem.objective>` This method should return a value for the objective function that is feasible for the current problem domain (as defined by the current problem state), or it can return :func:`self.infeasible_objective() <pybnb.problem.Problem.infeasible_objective>` if a feasible objective value can not be determined. - :func:`Problem.save_state(node) <pybnb.problem.Problem.save_state>` This method should save any relevant state information about the problem onto the :attr:`state <pybnb.node.Node.state>` attribute of node argument. If one wishes to utilize the MPI-based parallel solver, the only requirement for what goes into the node state is that it can be serialized using the ``pickle`` or ``dill`` modules. By default, ``pybnb`` is configured to use the ``pickle`` module for node serialization. See the section titled :ref:`configuration` for details on how to adjust this and related settings. - :func:`Problem.load_state(node) <pybnb.problem.Problem.load_state>` This method should load the problem state stored on the :attr:`state <pybnb.node.Node.state>` attribute of the node argument. The code block below shows an example pair of :func:`save_state <pybnb.problem.Problem.save_state>` and :func:`load_state <pybnb.problem.Problem.load_state>` implementations. .. code-block:: python class MyProblem(pybnb.Problem): def __init__(self): self._L = 0.0 self._U = 1.0 def save_state(self, node): node.state = (self._L, self._U) def load_state(self, node): (self._L, self._U) = node.state - :func:`Problem.branch() <pybnb.problem.Problem.branch>` This method should partition the problem domain defined by the current user state into zero or more child states and return them on new nodes. A child node can be created by directly instantiating a :class:`pybnb.Node <pybnb.node.Node>` object. Note that for the branching process to make sense, the bound computed from the child states should improve (or not be worse than) the bound for their parent node. Once the child bound is computed, the solver will issue a warning if it is found to be worse than the bound from its parent node, as this is indicative of a programming error or other numerical issues. Note that any child nodes returned from :func:`Problem.branch() <pybnb.problem.Problem.branch>` will automatically be assigned the bound and objective from their parent for potential use in determining their prioritization in the global work queue. Users can override this by manually assigning a value to one or both of these node attributes before yielding them from the branch method. Additionally, further control over the prioritization of a child node can be achieved by setting the `queue_strategy` solve option to "custom", and then directly assigning a value to the :attr:`queue_priority <pybnb.node.Node.queue_priority>` attribute of the child node before it is yielded. Solving a Problem ----------------- There are two approaches to solving a branch-and-bound problem with ``pybnb``. The first is to simply call the :func:`solve <pybnb.solver.solve>` convenience function. This will create a :class:`Solver <pybnb.solver.Solver>` object, call the :func:`Solver.solve <pybnb.solver.Solver.solve>` method, and report the results as well as additional timing information about the solve. .. code-block:: python import pybnb problem = MyProblem() results = pybnb.solve(problem, relative_gap=1e-4) The second approach is to manually create a :class:`Solver <pybnb.solver.Solver>` object and call the :func:`Solver.solve <pybnb.solver.Solver.solve>` method directly. Both approaches can solve a problem in serial or parallel. The difference is that the :func:`solve <pybnb.solver.solve>` convenience function provides a few additional options that simplify the process of saving solver output and results to a file. Additionally, collecting the timing information reported by this function adds some additional communication overhead to the end of the solve; thus, the second approach of directly using a :class:`Solver <pybnb.solver.Solver>` can be more efficient. Creating a Solver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following example shows how to create a solver object. .. code-block:: python import pybnb solver = pybnb.Solver() By default, the solver will automatically use ``mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD`` as the communicator, and the rank 0 process will act as the dispatcher. If the ``mpi4py`` module is not available, this will result in an ``ImportError``. The optional keywords `comm` and `dispatcher_rank` can be used to change the default behavior. When a solver is created with ``Solver(comm=None)``, this will disable any attempted import of ``mpi4py``, allowing problems to be solved without the use of any parallel functionality. The `comm` keyword can also be assigned a communicator different from ``mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD``. If the solver communicator includes more than one process, the `dispatcher_rank` keyword can be assigned a process rank to control which process is designated as the dispatcher. However the solver is initialized, the following assertions hold true for the :attr:`is_dispatcher <pybnb.solver.Solver.is_dispatcher>` and :attr:`is_worker <pybnb.solver.Solver.is_worker>` attributes of the solver object. .. code-block:: python if (solver.comm is None) or \ (solver.comm.size == 1): assert solver.is_dispatcher and \ solver.is_worker else: if solver.comm.rank == <dispatcher_rank>: assert solver.is_dispatcher and \ (not solver.is_worker) else: assert (not solver.is_dispatcher) and \ solver.is_worker How the Solver Calls the Problem Methods ---------------------------------------- The following block of pseudocode provides a high-level overview of how the solver calls the methods on a user-defined problem. Highlighted lines show where problem methods are called. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 5,6,8,16,17,18,19,21,23,24,26,31,32 :linenos: def solve(problem, ...): # # solve initialization # sense = problem.sense() problem.notify_solve_begins(...) root = Node() problem.save_state(root) # # solve loop # while <solve_not_terminated>: node, best_node = dispatcher.update(...) if <conditional_1>: problem.notify_new_best_node(node=best_node, current=False) problem.load_state(node) bound = problem.bound() if <conditional_2>: objective = problem.objective() if <conditional_3>: problem.notify_new_best_node(node=node, current=True) if <conditional_4>: children = problem.branch() # # solve finalization # problem.load_state(root) problem.notify_solve_finished(...) Note that during the main solve loop (starting on line 13), it is safe to assume that the six highlighted problem methods between line 13 and line 25 will be called in the relative order shown. The conditions under which these methods will be called are briefly discussed below: - **<conditional_1>** (line 15): This condition is met when the `best_node` received from the dispatcher is not unbounded and improves upon the best node currently known to the worker process (i.e., has a better objective). By default, the check for objective improvement is exact, but it can be relaxed by assigning a nonzero value to the `comparison_tolerance` keyword of the :func:`Solver.solve <pybnb.solver.Solver.solve>` method. - **<conditional_2>** (line 20): This condition is met when the bound computed by the problem for the current node makes it eligible for the queue relative to the best objective known to the process. By default, this is true when the bound is better than the best objective by any nonzero amount, but this behavior can be influenced using the `queue_tolerance` keyword of the :func:`Solver.solve <pybnb.solver.Solver.solve>` method. - **<conditional_3>** (line 22): This condition is met when the objective computed by the problem for the current node is not unbounded and improves upon the objective of the best node currently known to the process. By default, the check for improvement is exact, but it can be relaxed by assigning a nonzero value to the `comparison_tolerance` keyword of the :func:`Solver.solve <pybnb.solver.Solver.solve>` method. - **<conditional_4>** (line 25): This condition is met when the objective computed by the problem for the current node is not unbounded, when **<conditional_2>** is still satisfied (based on a potentially new best objective), and when the difference between the node's updated bound and objective satisfies the branching tolerance. By default, the branching tolerance is zero, meaning that any nonzero distance between these two values will satisfy this check, but this can be adjusted using the `branching_tolerance` keyword of the :func:`Solver.solve <pybnb.solver.Solver.solve>` method.
defmodule Adventofcode.Circle do @moduledoc """ Circle is a circular data structure. It's implemented using a map where every value is a three-element tuple containing the id of the previous item, the value of the current item and then the id of the next item. There are also meta-keys like size, current and counter that are kept up to date automatically as long as the built in API functions are used. """ def new(values \\ []) do values |> Enum.reduce(%{size: 0, current: 0, counter: 0}, &insert_next(&2, &1)) |> move_next end def to_list(state) do [] |> do_to_list(state, state.current, state.current) |> Enum.reverse() end defp do_to_list(list, _state, current, current) when length(list) > 0 do list end defp do_to_list(list, state, current, last) do {_, value, next} = state[current] do_to_list([value | list], state, next, last) end def all(state) do state |> Map.delete(:size) |> Map.delete(:current) |> Map.delete(:counter) |> Enum.map(fn {id, {_, val, _}} -> {id, val} end) end def size(state) do state.size end def current(%{size: 0}), do: nil def current(state) do elem(state[state.current], 1) end def at(state, id) do {_, val, _} = state[id] val end def move_next(state) do {_, _, next} = state[state.current] Map.put(state, :current, next) end def move_prev(state) do {prev, _, _} = state[state.current] Map.put(state, :current, prev) end def insert_after(state, values), do: insert_after(state, values, state.current) def insert_after(state, values, after_id) when is_list(values) do values |> Enum.reduce({state, after_id}, fn value, {acc, prev} -> id = acc.counter + 1 {_, _, next} = acc[prev] {do_insert(acc, id, {prev, value, next}), id} end) |> elem(0) end def insert_next(state, values) when is_list(values) do values |> Enum.reduce(state, &insert_next(&2, &1)) end def insert_next(%{size: 0} = state, value) do id = state.counter + 1 state |> do_insert(id, {id, value, id}) |> Map.put(:current, id) end def insert_next(state, value) do id = state.counter + 1 prev = state.current {_, _, next} = state[state.current] state |> do_insert(id, {prev, value, next}) |> Map.put(:current, id) end defp do_insert(state, id, {prev, _value, next} = item) do state |> Map.put(id, item) |> Map.update(prev, item, &put_elem(&1, 2, id)) |> Map.update(next, item, &put_elem(&1, 0, id)) |> Map.update(:size, 0, &(&1 + 1)) |> Map.update(:counter, 0, &(&1 + 1)) end def remove_current(%{size: 0} = state), do: state def remove_current(state) do {prev, _, next} = state[state.current] state |> Map.update(prev, nil, &put_elem(&1, 2, next)) |> Map.update(next, nil, &put_elem(&1, 0, prev)) |> Map.put(:current, next) |> Map.update(:size, 0, &(&1 - 1)) |> Map.delete(state.current) end def take_after(state, amount) when is_integer(amount) and amount >= 1 do {result, state} = Enum.reduce(1..amount, {[], move_next(state)}, &do_take/2) {result, move_prev(state)} end defp do_take(_, {result, state}) do {result ++ [current(state)], remove_current(state)} end end
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- awa -- Ada Web Application -- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 Stephane Carrez -- Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com) -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- == Introduction == -- -- @include awa.xml package AWA is pragma Pure; -- Library SVN identification SVN_URL : constant String := "$HeadURL: file:///opt/repository/svn/ada/awa/trunk/src/awa.ads $"; -- Revision used (must run 'make version' to update) SVN_REV : constant String := "$Rev: 318 $"; end AWA;
#!/bin/bash module restore PrgEnv-cray module load hdf5 module load gcc/8.1.0 module load rocm module list export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" export CXX=CC export DFLAGS='-DPARIS_NO_GPU_MPI' export HIPCONFIG=$(hipconfig -C) export MPI_HOME=$(dirname $(dirname $(which mpicc))) export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 export POISSON_SOLVER="-DPARIS" export SUFFIX='.paris-amd' export TYPE=gravity make clean make -j
object FrmCRUD: TFrmCRUD Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Cadastro de' ClientHeight = 379 ClientWidth = 635 Color = clSilver Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] FormStyle = fsMDIChild OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter Visible = True WindowState = wsMaximized OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object pnlCabecalho: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 635 Height = 28 Align = alTop Color = clGray Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 0 object lbCabecalho: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 5 Width = 119 Height = 19 Caption = 'CADASTRO DE' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False end end object gbLocalizar: TGroupBox Left = 0 Top = 28 Width = 635 Height = 58 Align = alTop Caption = ' Localizar ' Ctl3D = False Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentCtl3D = False ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 object lbCodigo: TLabel Left = 65 Top = 24 Width = 33 Height = 13 Caption = 'C'#243'digo' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object btnLocalizar: TButton Left = 227 Top = 21 Width = 30 Height = 19 Cursor = crHandPoint Caption = '...' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 0 TabStop = False OnClick = btnLocalizarClick end object edCodigo: TEdit Left = 104 Top = 21 Width = 121 Height = 19 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] NumbersOnly = True ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 OnExit = edCodigoExit OnKeyDown = edCodigoKeyDown end end object pnlBotoes: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 338 Width = 635 Height = 41 Align = alBottom Color = clSilver Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 DesignSize = ( 635 41) object btnLimpar: TBitBtn Left = 400 Top = 4 Width = 115 Height = 35 Cursor = crHandPoint Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] Caption = '&Limpar' DoubleBuffered = True Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] Glyph.Data = {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} NumGlyphs = 2 ParentDoubleBuffered = False ParentFont = False TabOrder = 3 OnClick = btnLimparClick end object btnExcluir: TBitBtn Left = 283 Top = 4 Width = 115 Height = 35 Cursor = crHandPoint Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] Caption = '&Excluir' DoubleBuffered = True Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] Glyph.Data = { 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100 04000000000000010000120B0000120B00001000000000000000000000000000 800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333000000000 3333333777777777F3333330F777777033333337F3F3F3F7F3333330F0808070 33333337F7F7F7F7F3333330F080707033333337F7F7F7F7F3333330F0808070 33333337F7F7F7F7F3333330F080707033333337F7F7F7F7F3333330F0808070 333333F7F7F7F7F7F3F33030F080707030333737F7F7F7F7F7333300F0808070 03333377F7F7F7F773333330F080707033333337F7F7F7F7F333333070707070 33333337F7F7F7F7FF3333000000000003333377777777777F33330F88877777 0333337FFFFFFFFF7F3333000000000003333377777777777333333330777033 3333333337FFF7F3333333333000003333333333377777333333} NumGlyphs = 2 ParentDoubleBuffered = False ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 OnClick = btnExcluirClick end object btnGravar: TBitBtn Left = 166 Top = 4 Width = 115 Height = 35 Cursor = crHandPoint Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] Caption = '&Gravar' DoubleBuffered = True Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] Glyph.Data = { 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100 04000000000000010000120B0000120B00001000000000000000000000000000 800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333333333 333333FFFFFFFFFFFFF33000077777770033377777777777773F000007888888 00037F3337F3FF37F37F00000780088800037F3337F77F37F37F000007800888 00037F3337F77FF7F37F00000788888800037F3337777777337F000000000000 00037F3FFFFFFFFFFF7F00000000000000037F77777777777F7F000FFFFFFFFF 00037F7F333333337F7F000FFFFFFFFF00037F7F333333337F7F000FFFFFFFFF 00037F7F333333337F7F000FFFFFFFFF00037F7F333333337F7F000FFFFFFFFF 00037F7F333333337F7F000FFFFFFFFF07037F7F33333333777F000FFFFFFFFF 0003737FFFFFFFFF7F7330099999999900333777777777777733} NumGlyphs = 2 ParentDoubleBuffered = False ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 OnClick = btnGravarClick end object btnSair: TBitBtn Left = 517 Top = 4 Width = 115 Height = 35 Cursor = crHandPoint Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] Caption = '&Sair' DoubleBuffered = True Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] Glyph.Data = { 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100 04000000000000010000120B0000120B00001000000000000000000000000000 800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00330000000000 03333377777777777F333301111111110333337F333333337F33330111111111 0333337F333333337F333301111111110333337F333333337F33330111111111 0333337F333333337F333301111111110333337F333333337F33330111111111 0333337F3333333F7F333301111111B10333337F333333737F33330111111111 0333337F333333337F333301111111110333337F33FFFFF37F3333011EEEEE11 0333337F377777F37F3333011EEEEE110333337F37FFF7F37F3333011EEEEE11 0333337F377777337F333301111111110333337F333333337F33330111111111 0333337FFFFFFFFF7F3333000000000003333377777777777333} NumGlyphs = 2 ParentDoubleBuffered = False ParentFont = False TabOrder = 4 OnClick = btnSairClick end object btnNovo: TBitBtn Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 115 Height = 35 Cursor = crHandPoint Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] Caption = '&Novo' DoubleBuffered = True Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] Glyph.Data = {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} NumGlyphs = 2 ParentDoubleBuffered = False ParentFont = False TabOrder = 0 OnClick = btnNovoClick end end object pmOpcoes: TPopupMenu Left = 528 Top = 8 end end
onbreak {quit -f} onerror {quit -f} vsim -voptargs="+acc" -t 1ps -L xil_defaultlib -L xpm -L fifo_generator_v13_2_0 -L unisims_ver -L unimacro_ver -L secureip -lib xil_defaultlib xil_defaultlib.fifo_generator_7 xil_defaultlib.glbl do {wave.do} view wave view structure view signals do {fifo_generator_7.udo} run -all quit -force
#version 450 core layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D samp; layout(location = 0) in vec3 inUV; layout(location = 0) out vec4 oColor; void main() { oColor = textureProj(samp, inUV); } // BEGIN_SHADERTEST /* ; RUN: amdllpc -spvgen-dir=%spvgendir% -v %gfxip %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=SHADERTEST %s ; SHADERTEST-LABEL: {{^// LLPC}} SPIRV-to-LLVM translation results ; SHADERTEST: AMDLLPC SUCCESS */ // END_SHADERTEST
module Day04 where import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set answer1 :: IO Int answer1 = length . filter valid <$> readPassports requiredFields :: Set String requiredFields = Set.fromList [ "byr", "iyr", "eyr", "hgt", "hcl", "ecl", "pid" ] valid :: Set String -> Bool valid passport = Set.isSubsetOf requiredFields passport passports :: [String] -> [Set String] passports lines = go lines Set.empty [] where go :: [String] -> (Set String) -> [Set String] -> [Set String] go [] fields acc = fields:acc go ("":lines') fields acc = go lines' Set.empty (fields:acc) go (line:lines') fields acc = go lines' (fields <> parseFields line) acc parseFields :: String -> Set String parseFields line = Set.fromList $ parseField <$> words line parseField :: String -> String parseField line = head $ splitOn ":" line example :: [String] example = [ "ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd", "byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm", "", "iyr:2013 ecl:amb cid:350 eyr:2023 pid:028048884", "hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929", "", "hcl:#ae17e1 iyr:2013", "eyr:2024", "ecl:brn pid:760753108 byr:1931", "hgt:179cm", "", "hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025 pid:166559648", "iyr:2011 ecl:brn hgt:59in" ] readPassports :: IO [Set String] readPassports = passports . lines <$> readFile "input04.txt"
#using Compat.Test #using Compat using ViscousFlow using Test ##using TestSetExtensions #@test isempty(detect_ambiguities(ViscousFlow)) include("pointforce.jl") include("fields.jl") include("points.jl") include("layers.jl") include("timemarching.jl") include("saddle.jl") include("systems.jl") #@testset ExtendedTestSet "All tests" begin # @includetests ARGS #end #if isempty(ARGS) # include("../docs/make.jl") #end
Data Baseball; Length Div $100.; Set Sashelp.Baseball; Run; /* */ /* %Let Dataset_Name = Work.Baseball; */ /* %Let Column_Name = Name; */ /* %Let Output_Dataset = Compressed_Baseball; */ %Macro Compress_Char_Column(Dataset_Name, Column_Name, Output_Dataset); Proc Sql; Create Table All_Compressed_Len As Select &Column_Name., Length(&Column_Name.) As Compressed_Len From &Dataset_Name. Group By Length(&Column_Name.); Select Max(Compressed_len) Into: Compressed_Length Trimmed From All_Compressed_Len; %put Compressed Length is found to be &Compressed_Length.; Drop Table All_Compressed_Len; Quit; Data &Output_Dataset.; Length &Column_Name. $&Compressed_Length.; Set &Dataset_Name.; Run; %Mend; %Compress_Char_Column(Baseball, Div, New_baseball);
package functions // Map return a new slice with the map operation applied to each element. // Can be generated for any type. func (s SliceType) Map(f func(ElementType) ElementType) (out SliceType) { if f == nil { return s } for _, v := range s { out = append(out, f(v)) } return }
#version 420 core out vec4 FragColor; layout (depth_greater) out float gl_FragDepth; in vec2 TexCoords; uniform sampler2D texture1; void main() { FragColor = texture(texture1, TexCoords); gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z + 0.1; }
local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local lfs = require('lfs') local neq, eq, command = helpers.neq, helpers.eq, helpers.command local clear, curbufmeths = helpers.clear, helpers.curbufmeths local exc_exec, expect, eval = helpers.exc_exec, helpers.expect, helpers.eval local insert, pcall_err = helpers.insert, helpers.pcall_err local meths = helpers.meths describe('eval-API', function() before_each(clear) it("work", function() command("call nvim_command('let g:test = 1')") eq(1, eval("nvim_get_var('test')")) local buf = eval("nvim_get_current_buf()") command("call nvim_buf_set_lines("..buf..", 0, -1, v:true, ['aa', 'bb'])") expect([[ aa bb]]) command("call nvim_win_set_cursor(0, [1, 1])") command("call nvim_input('ax<esc>')") expect([[ aax bb]]) end) it("throw errors for invalid arguments", function() local err = exc_exec('call nvim_get_current_buf("foo")') eq('Vim(call):E118: Too many arguments for function: nvim_get_current_buf', err) err = exc_exec('call nvim_set_option("hlsearch")') eq('Vim(call):E119: Not enough arguments for function: nvim_set_option', err) err = exc_exec('call nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 0, -1, [], ["list"])') eq('Vim(call):E5555: API call: Wrong type for argument 4 when calling nvim_buf_set_lines, expecting Boolean', err) err = exc_exec('call nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, v:true, "string")') eq('Vim(call):E5555: API call: Wrong type for argument 5 when calling nvim_buf_set_lines, expecting ArrayOf(String)', err) err = exc_exec('call nvim_buf_get_number("0")') eq('Vim(call):E5555: API call: Wrong type for argument 1 when calling nvim_buf_get_number, expecting Buffer', err) err = exc_exec('call nvim_buf_line_count(17)') eq('Vim(call):E5555: API call: Invalid buffer id: 17', err) end) it("use buffer numbers and windows ids as handles", function() local screen = Screen.new(40, 8) screen:attach() local bnr = eval("bufnr('')") local bhnd = eval("nvim_get_current_buf()") local wid = eval("win_getid()") local whnd = eval("nvim_get_current_win()") eq(bnr, bhnd) eq(wid, whnd) command("new") -- creates new buffer and new window local bnr2 = eval("bufnr('')") local bhnd2 = eval("nvim_get_current_buf()") local wid2 = eval("win_getid()") local whnd2 = eval("nvim_get_current_win()") eq(bnr2, bhnd2) eq(wid2, whnd2) neq(bnr, bnr2) neq(wid, wid2) -- 0 is synonymous to the current buffer eq(bnr2, eval("nvim_buf_get_number(0)")) command("bn") -- show old buffer in new window eq(bnr, eval("nvim_get_current_buf()")) eq(bnr, eval("bufnr('')")) eq(bnr, eval("nvim_buf_get_number(0)")) eq(wid2, eval("win_getid()")) eq(whnd2, eval("nvim_get_current_win()")) end) it("get_lines and set_lines use NL to represent NUL", function() curbufmeths.set_lines(0, -1, true, {"aa\0", "b\0b"}) eq({'aa\n', 'b\nb'}, eval("nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, 1)")) command('call nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 1, 2, v:true, ["xx", "\\nyy"])') eq({'aa\0', 'xx', '\0yy'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, 1)) end) it("that are FUNC_ATTR_NOEVAL cannot be called", function() -- Deprecated vim_ prefix is not exported. local err = exc_exec('call vim_get_current_buffer("foo")') eq('Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: vim_get_current_buffer', err) -- Deprecated buffer_ prefix is not exported. err = exc_exec('call buffer_line_count(0)') eq('Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: buffer_line_count', err) -- Functions deprecated before the api functions became available -- in vimscript are not exported. err = exc_exec('call buffer_get_line(0, 1)') eq('Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: buffer_get_line', err) -- some api functions are only useful from a msgpack-rpc channel err = exc_exec('call nvim_subscribe("fancyevent")') eq('Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: nvim_subscribe', err) end) it('have metadata accessible with api_info()', function() local api_keys = eval("sort(keys(api_info()))") eq({'error_types', 'functions', 'types', 'ui_events', 'ui_options', 'version'}, api_keys) end) it('are highlighted by vim.vim syntax file', function() if lfs.attributes("build/runtime/syntax/vim/generated.vim",'uid') == nil then pending("runtime was not built, skipping test") return end local screen = Screen.new(40, 8) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Brown}, [2] = {foreground = Screen.colors.DarkCyan}, [3] = {foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue}, [4] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Fuchsia}, [5] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue}, }) command("set ft=vim") command("let &rtp='build/runtime/,'.&rtp") command("syntax on") insert([[ call bufnr('%') call nvim_input('typing...') call not_a_function(42)]]) screen:expect([[ {1:call} {2:bufnr}{3:(}{4:'%'}{3:)} | {1:call} {2:nvim_input}{3:(}{4:'typing...'}{3:)} | {1:call} not_a_function{3:(}{4:42}{3:^)} | {5:~ }| {5:~ }| {5:~ }| {5:~ }| | ]]) end) it('cannot be called from sandbox', function() eq('Vim(call):E48: Not allowed in sandbox', pcall_err(command, "sandbox call nvim_input('ievil')")) eq({''}, meths.buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, true)) end) end)
/* * Copyright © 2021 Paulo Villela. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license * that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ package util import "github.com/google/uuid" type Uuid string func NewUuid() Uuid { return Uuid(uuid.NewString()) }
module TestRound exposing (roundTest) import Test exposing (..) import TestFunction exposing (..) import Round data = [ TestRow 0 "0" "0" "0" "0.0" "0.00" , TestRow 0 "0" "0" "0" "0.0" "0.00" , TestRow 0 "0" "0" "0" "0.0" "0.00" , TestRow 0 "0" "0" "0" "0.0" "0.00" , TestRow 0 "0" "0" "0" "0.0" "0.00" , TestRow 99 "100" "100" "99" "99.0" "99.00" , TestRow 9.9 "0" "10" "10" "9.9" "9.90" , TestRow 0.99 "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "0.99" , TestRow 0.099 "0" "0" "0" "0.1" "0.10" , TestRow 0.0099 "0" "0" "0" "0.0" "0.01" , TestRow -99 "-100" "-100" "-99" "-99.0" "-99.00" , TestRow -9.9 "0" "-10" "-10" "-9.9" "-9.90" , TestRow -0.99 "0" "0" "-1" "-1.0" "-0.99" , TestRow -0.099 "0" "0" "0" "-0.1" "-0.10" , TestRow -0.0099 "0" "0" "0" "0.0" "-0.01" , TestRow 1 "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.00" , TestRow 1.1 "0" "0" "1" "1.1" "1.10" , TestRow 1.01 "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.01" , TestRow 1.001 "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.00" , TestRow -1 "0" "0" "-1" "-1.0" "-1.00" , TestRow -1.1 "0" "0" "-1" "-1.1" "-1.10" , TestRow -1.01 "0" "0" "-1" "-1.0" "-1.01" , TestRow -1.001 "0" "0" "-1" "-1.0" "-1.00" , TestRow 213 "200" "210" "213" "213.0" "213.00" , TestRow 213.1 "200" "210" "213" "213.1" "213.10" , TestRow 213.01 "200" "210" "213" "213.0" "213.01" , TestRow 213.001 "200" "210" "213" "213.0" "213.00" , TestRow -213 "-200" "-210" "-213" "-213.0" "-213.00" , TestRow -213.1 "-200" "-210" "-213" "-213.1" "-213.10" , TestRow -213.01 "-200" "-210" "-213" "-213.0" "-213.01" , TestRow -213.001 "-200" "-210" "-213" "-213.0" "-213.00" , TestRow 5.5 "0" "10" "6" "5.5" "5.50" , TestRow 5.55 "0" "10" "6" "5.6" "5.55" , TestRow 5.555 "0" "10" "6" "5.6" "5.56" , TestRow 5.5555 "0" "10" "6" "5.6" "5.56" , TestRow -5.5 "0" "-10" "-5" "-5.5" "-5.50" , TestRow -5.55 "0" "-10" "-6" "-5.5" "-5.55" , TestRow -5.555 "0" "-10" "-6" "-5.6" "-5.55" , TestRow -5.5555 "0" "-10" "-6" "-5.6" "-5.56" , TestRow 5.5 "0" "10" "6" "5.5" "5.50" , TestRow 5.51 "0" "10" "6" "5.5" "5.51" , TestRow 5.501 "0" "10" "6" "5.5" "5.50" , TestRow 5.5001 "0" "10" "6" "5.5" "5.50" , TestRow -5.5 "0" "-10" "-5" "-5.5" "-5.50" , TestRow -5.51 "0" "-10" "-6" "-5.5" "-5.51" , TestRow -5.501 "0" "-10" "-6" "-5.5" "-5.50" , TestRow -5.5001 "0" "-10" "-6" "-5.5" "-5.50" , TestRow 4.9 "0" "0" "5" "4.9" "4.90" , TestRow 4.99 "0" "0" "5" "5.0" "4.99" , TestRow 4.999 "0" "0" "5" "5.0" "5.00" , TestRow 4.9999 "0" "0" "5" "5.0" "5.00" , TestRow -4.9 "0" "0" "-5" "-4.9" "-4.90" , TestRow -4.99 "0" "0" "-5" "-5.0" "-4.99" , TestRow -4.999 "0" "0" "-5" "-5.0" "-5.00" , TestRow -4.9999 "0" "0" "-5" "-5.0" "-5.00" , TestRow 1.234e22 "12340000000000000000000" "12340000000000000000000" "12340000000000000000000" "12340000000000000000000.0" "12340000000000000000000.00" , TestRow -1.234e22 "-12340000000000000000000" "-12340000000000000000000" "-12340000000000000000000" "-12340000000000000000000.0" "-12340000000000000000000.00" , TestRow 1.234e-22 "0" "0" "0" "0.0" "0.00" , TestRow -1.234e-22 "0" "0" "0" "0.0" "0.00" , TestRow (0 / 0) "NaN" "NaN" "NaN" "NaN" "NaN" , TestRow (1 / 0) "Infinity" "Infinity" "Infinity" "Infinity" "Infinity" ] roundTest : Test roundTest = testFunction "round" Round.round data
/* * Copyright 2016 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; package com.spbsu.grpc.chat; message ChatMessage { string host = 1; string port = 2; string from = 3; string message = 4; } message ChatMessageFromServer { google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1; ChatMessage message = 2; } service ChatService { rpc chat(stream ChatMessage) returns (stream ChatMessageFromServer); }
--- title: "Wykład III - DBSCAN" author: "Mateusz Sobieraj" date: "3 kwiecien 2017" encoding: "UTF-8" output: ioslides_presentation: css: dependencies/styles.css widescreen: false transition : "slower" smaller: true logo: dependencies/grosz.png --- <!-- 'f' enable fullscreen mode --> <!-- 'w' toggle widescreen mode --> <!-- 'o' enable overview mode --> <!-- 'h' enable code highlight mode --> <!-- 'p' show presenter notes --> ```{r required_datasets, include=FALSE, eval=TRUE} #install.packages('ggplot2', dependencies = T) #install.packages('assertthat', dependencies = T) #install.packages('factoextra') #install.packages('fpc') #install.packages('dbscan') #install.packages('FNN') library('dbscan') library('fpc') library('ggplot2') library('factoextra') library('dplyr') library('FNN') # datasets preparing # # different sizes set.seed(0.5) ds <- data.frame(x = c(runif(1000), runif(200, 0.3, 0.7) + 0.75, runif(200, 0.3, 0.7) - 0.75) , y = c(runif(1000), runif(200, 0.3, 0.7), runif(200, 0.3, 0.7)) , label = c(rep('first', 1000), rep('second', 200), rep('third', 200))) # different densities set.seed(0.5) dd <- data.frame(x = c(runif(200), runif(200, 0.35, 0.65) + 1, runif(200, 0.35, 0.65) + 1) , y = c(runif(200), runif(200, 0.35, 0.65) + 0.25, runif(200, 0.35, 0.65) - 0.25) , label = c(rep('first', 200), rep('second', 200), rep('third', 200))) # on-convex shapes set.seed(0.5) phi1 <- seq(0, pi, by = 0.1) x1 <- rep(cos(phi1), 50) + runif(50, 0, 0.3) y1 <- rep(sin(phi1), 50) + runif(50, 0, 0.3) phi2 <- seq(pi, 2 * pi, by = 0.1) x2 <- 1 + rep(cos(phi2), 50) + runif(50, 0, 0.3) y2 <- 0.5 + rep(sin(phi2), 50) + runif(50, 0, 0.3) nc <- data.frame(x = c(x1, x2) , y = c(y1, y2) , label = c(rep('first', length(x1)), rep('second', length(x2))) ) # weird shapes ws <- multishapes #factoextra ws$shape <- as.factor(ws$shape) ws_ul <- ws[, -3] # kmeans clasification # ds_km <- kmeans(ds[, -3], 3) ds_km.labels <- as.factor(ds_km$cluster) dd_km <- kmeans(dd[, -3], 3) dd_km.labels <- as.factor(dd_km$cluster) nc_km <- kmeans(nc[, -3], 2) nc_km.labels <- as.factor(nc_km$cluster) ws_km <- kmeans(ws[, -3], 6) ws_km.labels <- as.factor(ws_km$cluster) # plots preparing # ds_original <- ggplot(data = ds, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = label)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Pierwotne klastry") ds_kmeans <- ggplot(data = ds, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = ds_km.labels)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Klasyfikacja K-means") dd_original <- ggplot(data = dd, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = label)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Pierwotne klastry") dd_kmeans <- ggplot(data = dd, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = dd_km.labels)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Klasyfikacja K-means") nc_original <- ggplot(data = nc, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = label)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Pierwotne klastry") nc_kmeans <- ggplot(data = nc, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = nc_km.labels)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Klasyfikacja K-means") ws_original <- ggplot(data = ws, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = shape)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Pierwotne klastry") ws_kmeans <- ggplot(data = ws, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = ws_km.labels)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Klasyfikacja K-means") ``` ## Plan wykładu {.build} - Teoria - Dlaczego nie chcemy zawsze używać K-means - Alternatywy do `K-means` - Algorytm `DBSCAN` Wstęp - Algorytm `DBSCAN` Podstawowe Definicje - Algorytm `DBSCAN` dobór optymalnych $\epsilon$ i $mp$ - Algorytm `DBSCAN` problemy - R - Zbiór danych - Klasteryzacja z `DBSCAN` ## Teoria ## Dlaczego nie zawsze chcemy używać `K-means` {.build} Algorytm `K-means` jest prostym algorytmem, często dającym bardzo dobre rezultaty, jednak ma swoje ograniczenia. Najważniejsze z nich to: 1. możemy go stosować tylko dla obiektów opisanych zmiennymi ciągłymi 2. musimy z góry określić liczbę klastrów 3. jest wrażliwy na szum i obserwacje odstające 4. nie klasyfikuje dobrze klastrów o niewypukłych kształtach 5. nie klasyfikuje dobrze klastrów o różnych gęstościach ## Różne gęstości {.build} ```{r, echo=FALSE} dd_original ``` ## Różne gęstości ```{r, echo=FALSE} dd_kmeans ``` ## Różne wielkości klastrów {.build} ```{r, echo=FALSE} ds_original ``` ## Różne wielkości klastrów ```{r, echo=FALSE} ds_kmeans ``` ## Klastry o niewypukłych kształtach {.build} ```{r, echo=FALSE} nc_original ``` ## Klastry o niewypukłych kształtach ```{r, echo=FALSE} nc_kmeans ``` ## Alternatywy do `K-means` {.build} Inne grupy algorytmów nauczania bez nadzoru: - Expectation–maximization algorithm (EM) - Density-Based Clustering - `Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN)` - Ordering points to identify the clustering structure (OPTICS) - Density Clustering (DENCLUE) - Hierarchical Clustering - Single link - Complete link - Average - Centroid - pochodne K-means - K-Medoids - K-modes ## Algorytm `DBSCAN` Wstęp {.build} Problemy `K-means` 1. możemy go stosować tylko dla obiektów opisanych zmiennymi ciągłymi. 2. musimy z góry określić liczbę klastrów 3. jest wrażliwy na szum i obserwacje odstające 4. nie klasyfikuje dobrze klastrów o niewypukłych kształtach 5. nie klasyfikuje dobrze klastrów o różnych gęstościach ## Algorytm `DBSCAN` Wstęp Problemy, z którymi poradzi sobie `DBSCAN` 1. możemy go stosować tylko dla obiektów opisanych zmiennymi ciągłymi. 2. `musimy z góry określić liczbę klastrów` 3. `jest wrażliwy na szum i obserwacje odstające` 4. `nie klasyfikuje dobrze klastrów o niewypukłych kształtach` 5. nie klasyfikuje dobrze klastrów o różnych gęstościach ## Algorytm `DBSCAN` Wstęp II {.build} W `Density-Based Clustering` staramy się podzielić punkty na 'gęste' obszary oddzielone 'niegęstymi' obszarami. #### Oznaczenia - $\epsilon$ - zdefiniowany przez nas promień okręgu - $mp$ - zdefiniowana przez nas liczba punktów, która musi znaleźć się k kuli - $p$, $q$,... - punkty ## Algorytm `DBSCAN` Podstawowe Definicje {.build} #### DEF(gęstość w punkcie $p$) Gęstością w punkcie $p$ nazywamy liczbę punktów znajdujących się w kuli o środku w punkcie $p$ i promienu $\epsilon$. #### DEF(punkt główny) Punkt $p$ jest punktem głównym, gdy gęstość dla punktu $p$ wynosi przynajmniej $mp$. #### DEF(punkty bezpośrednio osiągalne)(directly reachable points) Punkt $q$ jest bezpośrednio osiągalne z punktu głównego $p$, gdy znajdujące się w promieniu $\epsilon$. Żadne punkty nie są bezpośrednio osiągalne z punktów które nie są punktami głównymi. #### DEF(punkty osiągalne)(reachable points) Punkt $q$ jest osiągalny z punktu $p$ gdy istnieje ścieżka $p = p_1,\ldots,p_n = q$, w któej punkt $p_{i+1}$ jest bezpośrednio osiągalny z punktu $p_i$. Wszystkie punkty z wyjątkiem $q$ muszą być punktami głównymi. ## Algorytm `DBSCAN` Podstawowe Definicje II {.build} #### DEF(punkty graniczne)(border points) Punkt $p$ nazywamy punktem granicznym, gdy nie jest punktem głównym, ale jest osiągalny #### DEF(punkty odstające)(noise points) Wszystkie punkty nieosiągalne z żadnego innego punku to punkty odstające. #### DEF(Klaster) Klastrem nazywamy maksymalny zbiór punktów osiągalnych (wszystko jedno czy głównych, czy nie). ## Algorytm `DBSCAN` dobór optymalnych $\epsilon$ i $mp$ {.build} #### Uwaga I Im mniejsze $mp$ tym więcej szumu zostanie uznane za klastry. ##### Uwaga II Uznaje się, że $mp$ powinno wynosić co najmniej liczbę wymiarów danych plus 1. #### DEF(wykres odległości kNN) Wykres, w którym na osi $Y$ znajduje się odległości, na osi $X$ skumulowana suma obserwacji posortowana po odległości od najmniejszej do największej. ##### Uwaga III Wybieramy takie $\epsilon$ by druga pochodna wykresu odległości kNN była jak największa (innymi słowy szukamy kolanka). ## Wady algorytmu `DBSCAN` {.build} Algorytm słabo klasyfikuje - klastry o różnej gęstości - wysoko wymiarowe dane ## R ## Zbiór danych {.build} Będziemy pracować na zbiorze `multishapes` z pakietu `factoextra` (u nas przechowywany w zmiennej `ws_ul`), oraz używać bibliotek `fpc` i `dbscan` ```{r dataset_summary} summary(ws) str(ws) ``` ## Zbiór danych ```{r, echo=FALSE} ws_original ``` ## Zbiór danych ```{r, echo=FALSE} ws_kmeans ``` ## Klasteryzacja z `DBSCAN` dobór parametrów {.build} ```{r dbscan0} dbscan::kNNdistplot(ws_ul, k = 3) ``` ## Klasteryzacja z `DBSCAN` dobór parametrów {.build} ```{r dbscan1} #dbscan::kNNdistplot add_new_plot <- function(x, k = 4, kontekst = 'plot', ...) { kNNdist <- sort(kNNdist(x, k)) if (kontekst == 'plot') { plot(sort(kNNdist), type = "l",...) } else { lines(sort(kNNdist), type = "l",...) } } ``` ```{r dbscan11, eval = FALSE} add_new_plot(ws_ul, k = 10, ylim = c(0, 0.4)) + add_new_plot(ws_ul, k = 3, kontekst = 'lines', col = "blue") + add_new_plot(ws_ul, k = 5, kontekst = 'lines', col = "red") + add_new_plot(ws_ul, k = 1, kontekst = 'lines', col = "green") + abline(h = 0.06, col = 'green'); text(1000, 0.08, col = 'green', labels = "0.06 MinPts = 1") + abline(h = 0.11, col = 'blue'); text(1000, 0.13, col = 'blue', labels = "0.11 MinPts = 3") + abline(h = 0.14, col = 'red'); text(1000, 0.16, col = 'red', labels = "0.14 MinPts = 5") + abline(h = 0.19); text(1000, 0.21, labels = "0.19 MinPts = 10") ``` ## Klasteryzacja z `DBSCAN` dobór parametrów {.build} ```{r, echo=FALSE, results='hide',message=FALSE} add_new_plot(ws_ul, k = 10, ylim = c(0, 0.4)) + add_new_plot(ws_ul, k = 3, kontekst = 'lines', col = "blue") + add_new_plot(ws_ul, k = 5, kontekst = 'lines', col = "red") + add_new_plot(ws_ul, k = 1, kontekst = 'lines', col = "green") + abline(h = 0.06, col = 'green'); text(1000, 0.08, col = 'green', labels = "0.06 MinPts = 1") + abline(h = 0.11, col = 'blue'); text(1000, 0.13, col = 'blue', labels = "0.11 MinPts = 3") + abline(h = 0.14, col = 'red'); text(1000, 0.16, col = 'red', labels = "0.14 MinPts = 5") + abline(h = 0.19); text(1000, 0.21, labels = "0.19 MinPts = 10") ``` ## Klasteryzacja z `DBSCAN` zastosowanie algorytmu {.build} ```{r dbscan2} ws_dbxcan1 <- fpc::dbscan(ws_ul, eps = 0.06, MinPts = 1) ws_dbxcan3 <- fpc::dbscan(ws_ul, eps = 0.11, MinPts = 3) ws_dbxcan5 <- fpc::dbscan(ws_ul, eps = 0.14, MinPts = 5) ws_dbxcan10 <- fpc::dbscan(ws_ul, eps = 0.19, MinPts = 10) pred_ws_DB1 <- as.factor(predict(ws_dbxcan1)) pred_ws_DB3 <- as.factor(predict(ws_dbxcan3)) pred_ws_DB5 <- as.factor(predict(ws_dbxcan5)) pred_ws_DB10 <- as.factor(predict(ws_dbxcan10)) db1 <- ggplot(data = ws_ul, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = pred_ws_DB1)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Klasyfikacja DBSCAN MinPts = 1, eps = 0.06") db3 <- ggplot(data = ws_ul, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = pred_ws_DB3)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Klasyfikacja DBSCAN MinPts = 3, eps = 0.11") db5 <- ggplot(data = ws_ul, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = pred_ws_DB5)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Klasyfikacja DBSCAN MinPts = 5, eps = 0.14") db10 <- ggplot(data = ws_ul, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = pred_ws_DB10)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Klasyfikacja DBSCAN 10, eps = 0.19") ``` ## Klasteryzacja z `DBSCAN` Wizualizacja ```{r, echo=FALSE} db1 ``` ## Klasteryzacja z `DBSCAN` Wizualizacja ```{r, echo=FALSE} db3 ``` ## Klasteryzacja z `DBSCAN` Wizualizacja ```{r, echo=FALSE} db5 ``` ## Klasteryzacja z `DBSCAN` Wizualizacja ```{r, echo=FALSE} db10 ```
||| Borrowed From Idris2 and improved with Test.Unit module Main import Data.List import Test.Golden %default total tests : TestPool tests = MkTestPool "Tests" [] Nothing [ "000-mux-check" , "001-nice-exempler" , "002-unused-port" , "003-linear-check" , "004-malformed-file" , "005-locallink" , "006-unused-port" , "007-firewall" , "008-core-alliance-swerv-eh1" , "009-scrubbing" , "010-gates" , "011-paper" , "012-tutorial" ] covering main : IO () main = runner [ tests ] -- [ EOF ]
-- sample app too clunky? here's the template :P -- change to "Main" if using module Template exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) -- 📦 model 📦 type alias Model = { todo: Int {- implement model -} } init: String -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) init flags = ( { todo = Debug.todo "implement init" }, Cmd.none ) -- 📦 ----- 📦 -- -- -- 📩 messages 📩 type Msg = Todo -- 📩 -------- 📩 -- -- -- 🤝 helpers 🤝 helper input = Ok -- 🤝 ------- 🤝 -- -- -- 📃 view 📃 view model = Debug.todo "implement view" -- 📃 ---- 📃 -- -- -- 📯 update 📯 update msg model = ( case msg of Todo -> { model | todo = Debug.todo "implement update" } , Cmd.none ) -- 📯 ------ 📯 -- -- -- 💻 main 💻 main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- 💻 ---- 💻
import React from 'react'; import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils'; import WhoToGreet from '../../src/components/WhoToGreet'; import * as GreetingActions from '../../src/actions/GreetingActions'; describe('WhoToGreet', () => { let handleSelectionChangeSpy: jasmine.Spy; beforeEach(() => { handleSelectionChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('handleSelectionChange'); }); it('given a newGreeting then it renders a form containing an input containing that text and an add button', () => { const newGreeting = 'James'; const form = render({ newGreeting }); expect(form.type).toBe('form'); expect(form.props.role).toBe('form'); const formGroup = form.props.children; expect(formGroup.type).toBe('div'); expect(formGroup.props.className).toBe('form-group'); const [ input, button ] = formGroup.props.children; expect(input.type).toBe('input'); expect(input.props.type).toBe('text'); expect(input.props.className).toBe('form-control'); expect(input.props.placeholder).toBe('Who would you like to greet?'); expect(input.props.value).toBe(newGreeting); expect(button.type).toBe('button'); expect(button.props.type).toBe('submit'); expect(button.props.className).toBe('btn btn-default btn-primary'); expect(button.props.disabled).toBe(false); expect(button.props.children).toBe('Add greeting'); }); it('input onChange triggers a newGreetingChanged action', () => { const newGreeting = 'Benjamin'; const form = render({ newGreeting }); const formGroup = form.props.children; const [ input ] = formGroup.props.children; spyOn(GreetingActions, 'newGreetingChanged'); input.props.onChange({ target: { value: newGreeting }}); expect(GreetingActions.newGreetingChanged).toHaveBeenCalledWith(newGreeting); }); it('button onClick triggers an addGreeting action', () => { const newGreeting = 'Benjamin'; const form = render({ newGreeting }); const formGroup = form.props.children; const [ , button ] = formGroup.props.children; spyOn(GreetingActions, 'addGreeting'); button.props.onClick({ preventDefault: () => {} }); expect(GreetingActions.addGreeting).toHaveBeenCalledWith(newGreeting); }); function render({ newGreeting }: { newGreeting: string }) { const shallowRenderer = TestUtils.createRenderer(); shallowRenderer.render(<WhoToGreet newGreeting={ newGreeting } />); return shallowRenderer.getRenderOutput(); } });
module tb(); // Number of parallel dds blocks. parameter N_DDS = 8; // Ports. reg aclk; reg s_axis_data_tvalid; wire s_axis_data_tready; reg [255:0] s_axis_data_tdata; wire m_axis_data_tvalid; wire [31:0] m_axis_data_tdata; // Test bench control. reg tb_data_in = 0; reg tb_data_in_done; reg tb_write_out = 0; // DUT. fir_compiler_0 DUT ( .aclk (aclk ), .s_axis_data_tvalid (s_axis_data_tvalid ), .s_axis_data_tready (s_axis_data_tready ), .s_axis_data_tdata (s_axis_data_tdata ), .m_axis_data_tvalid (m_axis_data_tvalid ), .m_axis_data_tdata (m_axis_data_tdata ) ); initial begin #1000; @(posedge aclk); tb_data_in <= 1; tb_write_out <= 1; wait (tb_data_in_done); @(posedge aclk); tb_write_out <= 0; end // Input data. initial begin int fd, i; bit signed [15:0] vali, valq; tb_data_in_done <= 0; s_axis_data_tvalid <= 1; s_axis_data_tdata <= 0; wait (tb_data_in); #1000; // Open file with input data. // Format: I, Q. fd = $fopen("../../../../../tb/data_iq.txt","r"); i = N_DDS; while ($fscanf(fd,"%d,%d", vali, valq) == 2) begin $display("Time %t: Line %d, I = %d, Q = %d", $time, i, vali, valq); s_axis_data_tdata[(i-1)*32 +: 32] <= {valq,vali}; i = i - 1; if ( i == 0) begin i = N_DDS; @(posedge aclk); end end #1000; @(posedge aclk); tb_data_in_done <= 1; end // Write output into file. initial begin int fd; int i; shortint real_d, imag_d; // Output file. fd = $fopen("../../../../../tb/dout.csv","w"); // Data format. $fdisplay(fd, "valid, real, imag"); wait (tb_write_out); while (tb_write_out) begin @(posedge aclk); real_d = m_axis_data_tdata[15:0]; imag_d = m_axis_data_tdata[31:16]; $fdisplay(fd, "%d, %d, %d", m_axis_data_tvalid, real_d, imag_d); end $display("Closing file, t = %0t", $time); $fclose(fd); end // aclk. always begin aclk <= 0; #5; aclk <= 1; #5; end endmodule
begin_version 3.POND end_version begin_metric 0 end_metric 63 begin_variable var0 -1 2 Atom door-open(door0) NegatedAtom door-open(door0) end_variable begin_variable var1 -1 2 Atom door-open(door1) NegatedAtom door-open(door1) end_variable begin_variable var2 -1 8 Atom grasped(cup0, left_arm) Atom grasped(cup1, left_arm) Atom grasped(cup2, left_arm) Atom grasped(cup3, left_arm) Atom grasped(cup4, left_arm) Atom grasped(cup5, left_arm) Atom grasped(cup6, left_arm) Atom hand-free(left_arm) end_variable begin_variable var3 -1 9 Atom grasped(cup0, right_arm) Atom grasped(cup1, right_arm) Atom grasped(cup2, right_arm) Atom grasped(cup3, right_arm) Atom grasped(cup4, right_arm) Atom grasped(cup5, right_arm) Atom grasped(cup6, right_arm) Atom grasped-sponge(right_arm) Atom hand-free(right_arm) end_variable begin_variable var4 -1 2 Atom on(cup0, table0) NegatedAtom on(cup0, table0) end_variable begin_variable var5 -1 2 Atom on(cup0, table1) NegatedAtom on(cup0, table1) end_variable begin_variable var6 -1 2 Atom on(cup0, table2) NegatedAtom on(cup0, table2) end_variable begin_variable var7 -1 2 Atom on(cup0, table3) NegatedAtom on(cup0, table3) end_variable begin_variable var8 -1 2 Atom on(cup1, table0) NegatedAtom on(cup1, table0) end_variable begin_variable var9 -1 2 Atom on(cup1, table1) NegatedAtom on(cup1, table1) end_variable begin_variable var10 -1 2 Atom on(cup1, table2) NegatedAtom on(cup1, table2) end_variable begin_variable var11 -1 2 Atom on(cup1, table3) NegatedAtom on(cup1, table3) end_variable begin_variable var12 -1 2 Atom on(cup2, table0) NegatedAtom on(cup2, table0) end_variable begin_variable var13 -1 2 Atom on(cup2, table1) NegatedAtom on(cup2, table1) end_variable begin_variable var14 -1 2 Atom on(cup2, table2) NegatedAtom on(cup2, table2) end_variable begin_variable var15 -1 2 Atom on(cup2, table3) NegatedAtom on(cup2, table3) end_variable begin_variable var16 -1 2 Atom on(cup3, table0) NegatedAtom on(cup3, table0) end_variable begin_variable var17 -1 2 Atom on(cup3, table1) NegatedAtom on(cup3, table1) end_variable begin_variable var18 -1 2 Atom on(cup3, table2) NegatedAtom on(cup3, table2) end_variable begin_variable var19 -1 2 Atom on(cup3, table3) NegatedAtom on(cup3, table3) end_variable begin_variable var20 -1 2 Atom on(cup4, table0) NegatedAtom on(cup4, table0) end_variable begin_variable var21 -1 2 Atom on(cup4, table1) NegatedAtom on(cup4, table1) end_variable begin_variable var22 -1 2 Atom on(cup4, table2) NegatedAtom on(cup4, table2) end_variable begin_variable var23 -1 2 Atom on(cup4, table3) NegatedAtom on(cup4, table3) end_variable begin_variable var24 -1 2 Atom on(cup5, table0) NegatedAtom on(cup5, table0) end_variable begin_variable var25 -1 2 Atom on(cup5, table1) NegatedAtom on(cup5, table1) end_variable begin_variable var26 -1 2 Atom on(cup5, table2) NegatedAtom on(cup5, table2) end_variable begin_variable var27 -1 2 Atom on(cup5, table3) NegatedAtom on(cup5, table3) end_variable begin_variable var28 -1 2 Atom on(cup6, table0) NegatedAtom on(cup6, table0) end_variable begin_variable var29 -1 2 Atom on(cup6, table1) NegatedAtom on(cup6, table1) end_variable begin_variable var30 -1 2 Atom on(cup6, table2) NegatedAtom on(cup6, table2) end_variable begin_variable var31 -1 2 Atom on(cup6, table3) NegatedAtom on(cup6, table3) end_variable begin_variable var32 -1 3 Atom robot-in-room(room0) Atom robot-in-room(room1) Atom robot-in-room(room2) end_variable begin_variable var33 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe0, table0) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe0, table0) end_variable begin_variable var34 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe0, table1) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe0, table1) end_variable begin_variable var35 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe0, table2) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe0, table2) end_variable begin_variable var36 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe0, table3) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe0, table3) end_variable begin_variable var37 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe1, table0) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe1, table0) end_variable begin_variable var38 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe1, table1) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe1, table1) end_variable begin_variable var39 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe1, table2) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe1, table2) end_variable begin_variable var40 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe1, table3) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe1, table3) end_variable begin_variable var41 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe2, table0) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe2, table0) end_variable begin_variable var42 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe2, table1) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe2, table1) end_variable begin_variable var43 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe2, table2) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe2, table2) end_variable begin_variable var44 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe2, table3) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe2, table3) end_variable begin_variable var45 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe3, table0) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe3, table0) end_variable begin_variable var46 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe3, table1) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe3, table1) end_variable begin_variable var47 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe3, table2) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe3, table2) end_variable begin_variable var48 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe3, table3) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe3, table3) end_variable begin_variable var49 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe4, table0) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe4, table0) end_variable begin_variable var50 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe4, table1) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe4, table1) end_variable begin_variable var51 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe4, table2) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe4, table2) end_variable begin_variable var52 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe4, table3) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe4, table3) end_variable begin_variable var53 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe5, table0) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe5, table0) end_variable begin_variable var54 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe5, table1) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe5, table1) end_variable begin_variable var55 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe5, table2) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe5, table2) end_variable begin_variable var56 -1 2 Atom wipe-point-on(wipe5, table3) NegatedAtom wipe-point-on(wipe5, table3) end_variable begin_variable var57 -1 2 Atom wiped(wipe0) NegatedAtom wiped(wipe0) end_variable begin_variable var58 -1 2 Atom wiped(wipe1) NegatedAtom wiped(wipe1) end_variable begin_variable var59 -1 2 Atom wiped(wipe2) NegatedAtom wiped(wipe2) end_variable begin_variable var60 -1 2 Atom wiped(wipe3) NegatedAtom wiped(wipe3) end_variable begin_variable var61 -1 2 Atom wiped(wipe4) NegatedAtom wiped(wipe4) end_variable begin_variable var62 -1 2 Atom wiped(wipe5) NegatedAtom wiped(wipe5) end_variable 3 begin_mutex_group 8 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 end_mutex_group begin_mutex_group 9 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 end_mutex_group begin_mutex_group 3 32 0 32 1 32 2 end_mutex_group begin_state 11 2 7 3 8 32 2 0 1 1 1 57 1 58 1 59 1 60 1 61 1 62 1 13 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 28 0 29 0 30 0 31 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 27 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 33 0 34 0 35 0 36 0 53 0 54 0 55 0 56 0 37 0 38 0 39 0 40 0 49 0 50 0 51 0 52 0 41 0 42 0 43 0 44 0 45 0 46 0 47 0 48 0 0 end_state begin_goal 13 4 0 8 0 12 0 16 0 20 0 24 0 28 0 57 0 58 0 59 0 60 0 61 0 62 0 end_goal 183 begin_operator detect-arm left_arm 0 1 0 0 8 2 7 2 1 2 2 2 6 2 0 2 5 2 3 2 4 end_operator begin_operator detect-arm right_arm 0 1 0 0 9 3 7 3 8 3 1 3 2 3 6 3 0 3 5 3 3 3 4 end_operator begin_operator detect-door-state room0 door1 1 32 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-door-state room1 door0 1 32 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-door-state room2 door0 1 32 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-door-state room2 door1 1 32 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-objects room0 table0 1 32 0 1 0 0 13 8 0 12 0 28 0 4 0 24 0 16 0 20 0 33 0 53 0 37 0 49 0 41 0 45 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-objects room0 table2 1 32 0 1 0 0 13 10 0 14 0 30 0 6 0 26 0 18 0 22 0 35 0 55 0 39 0 51 0 43 0 47 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-objects room1 table3 1 32 1 1 0 0 13 11 0 15 0 31 0 7 0 27 0 19 0 23 0 36 0 56 0 40 0 52 0 44 0 48 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-objects room2 table1 1 32 2 1 0 0 13 9 0 13 0 29 0 5 0 25 0 17 0 21 0 34 0 54 0 38 0 50 0 42 0 46 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-room room0 0 1 0 0 1 32 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-room room1 0 1 0 0 1 32 1 end_operator begin_operator detect-room room2 0 1 0 0 1 32 2 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table0 wipe0 2 32 0 33 0 1 0 0 1 57 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table0 wipe1 2 32 0 37 0 1 0 0 1 58 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table0 wipe2 2 32 0 41 0 1 0 0 1 59 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table0 wipe3 2 32 0 45 0 1 0 0 1 60 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table0 wipe4 2 32 0 49 0 1 0 0 1 61 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table0 wipe5 2 32 0 53 0 1 0 0 1 62 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table2 wipe0 2 32 0 35 0 1 0 0 1 57 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table2 wipe1 2 32 0 39 0 1 0 0 1 58 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table2 wipe2 2 32 0 43 0 1 0 0 1 59 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table2 wipe3 2 32 0 47 0 1 0 0 1 60 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table2 wipe4 2 32 0 51 0 1 0 0 1 61 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room0 table2 wipe5 2 32 0 55 0 1 0 0 1 62 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room1 table3 wipe0 2 32 1 36 0 1 0 0 1 57 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room1 table3 wipe1 2 32 1 40 0 1 0 0 1 58 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room1 table3 wipe2 2 32 1 44 0 1 0 0 1 59 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room1 table3 wipe3 2 32 1 48 0 1 0 0 1 60 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room1 table3 wipe4 2 32 1 52 0 1 0 0 1 61 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room1 table3 wipe5 2 32 1 56 0 1 0 0 1 62 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room2 table1 wipe0 2 32 2 34 0 1 0 0 1 57 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room2 table1 wipe1 2 32 2 38 0 1 0 0 1 58 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room2 table1 wipe2 2 32 2 42 0 1 0 0 1 59 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room2 table1 wipe3 2 32 2 46 0 1 0 0 1 60 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room2 table1 wipe4 2 32 2 50 0 1 0 0 1 61 0 end_operator begin_operator detect-wiped room2 table1 wipe5 2 32 2 54 0 1 0 0 1 62 0 end_operator begin_operator drive-through-door door0 room1 room2 2 0 0 32 1 2 0 1 0 32 1 2 0 0 end_operator begin_operator drive-through-door door0 room2 room1 2 0 0 32 2 2 0 1 0 32 2 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator drive-through-door door1 room0 room2 2 1 0 32 0 2 0 1 0 32 0 2 0 0 end_operator begin_operator drive-through-door door1 room2 room0 2 1 0 32 2 2 0 1 0 32 2 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator open-door room0 door1 left_arm 3 1 1 2 7 32 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator open-door room1 door0 left_arm 3 0 1 2 7 32 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator open-door room2 door0 left_arm 3 0 1 2 7 32 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator open-door room2 door1 left_arm 3 1 1 2 7 32 2 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup0 table0 left_arm 3 2 7 4 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup0 table0 right_arm 3 3 8 4 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup0 table2 left_arm 3 2 7 6 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup0 table2 right_arm 3 3 8 6 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup1 table0 left_arm 3 2 7 8 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 1 0 8 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup1 table0 right_arm 3 3 8 8 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 1 0 8 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup1 table2 left_arm 3 2 7 10 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 1 0 10 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup1 table2 right_arm 3 3 8 10 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 1 0 10 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup2 table0 left_arm 3 2 7 12 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 2 0 12 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup2 table0 right_arm 3 3 8 12 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 2 0 12 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup2 table2 left_arm 3 2 7 14 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 2 0 14 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup2 table2 right_arm 3 3 8 14 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 2 0 14 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup3 table0 left_arm 3 2 7 16 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 3 0 16 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup3 table0 right_arm 3 3 8 16 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 3 0 16 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup3 table2 left_arm 3 2 7 18 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 3 0 18 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup3 table2 right_arm 3 3 8 18 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 3 0 18 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup4 table0 left_arm 3 2 7 20 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 4 0 20 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup4 table0 right_arm 3 3 8 20 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 4 0 20 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup4 table2 left_arm 3 2 7 22 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 4 0 22 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup4 table2 right_arm 3 3 8 22 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 4 0 22 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup5 table0 left_arm 3 2 7 24 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 5 0 24 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup5 table0 right_arm 3 3 8 24 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 5 0 24 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup5 table2 left_arm 3 2 7 26 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 5 0 26 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup5 table2 right_arm 3 3 8 26 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 5 0 26 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup6 table0 left_arm 3 2 7 28 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 6 0 28 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup6 table0 right_arm 3 3 8 28 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 6 0 28 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup6 table2 left_arm 3 2 7 30 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 6 0 30 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room0 cup6 table2 right_arm 3 3 8 30 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 8 6 0 30 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup0 table3 left_arm 3 2 7 7 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 7 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup0 table3 right_arm 3 3 8 7 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 8 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup1 table3 left_arm 3 2 7 11 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 7 1 0 11 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup1 table3 right_arm 3 3 8 11 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 8 1 0 11 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup2 table3 left_arm 3 2 7 15 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 7 2 0 15 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup2 table3 right_arm 3 3 8 15 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 8 2 0 15 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup3 table3 left_arm 3 2 7 19 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 7 3 0 19 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup3 table3 right_arm 3 3 8 19 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 8 3 0 19 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup4 table3 left_arm 3 2 7 23 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 7 4 0 23 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup4 table3 right_arm 3 3 8 23 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 8 4 0 23 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup5 table3 left_arm 3 2 7 27 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 7 5 0 27 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup5 table3 right_arm 3 3 8 27 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 8 5 0 27 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup6 table3 left_arm 3 2 7 31 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 7 6 0 31 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room1 cup6 table3 right_arm 3 3 8 31 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 8 6 0 31 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup0 table1 left_arm 3 2 7 5 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 7 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup0 table1 right_arm 3 3 8 5 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 8 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup1 table1 left_arm 3 2 7 9 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 7 1 0 9 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup1 table1 right_arm 3 3 8 9 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 8 1 0 9 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup2 table1 left_arm 3 2 7 13 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 7 2 0 13 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup2 table1 right_arm 3 3 8 13 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 8 2 0 13 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup3 table1 left_arm 3 2 7 17 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 7 3 0 17 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup3 table1 right_arm 3 3 8 17 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 8 3 0 17 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup4 table1 left_arm 3 2 7 21 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 7 4 0 21 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup4 table1 right_arm 3 3 8 21 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 8 4 0 21 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup5 table1 left_arm 3 2 7 25 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 7 5 0 25 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup5 table1 right_arm 3 3 8 25 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 8 5 0 25 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup6 table1 left_arm 3 2 7 29 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 7 6 0 29 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-object room2 cup6 table1 right_arm 3 3 8 29 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 8 6 0 29 0 1 0 0 end_operator begin_operator pickup-sponge right_arm 1 3 8 2 0 1 0 3 8 7 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup0 table0 left_arm 2 2 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 4 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup0 table0 right_arm 2 3 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 8 0 4 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup0 table2 left_arm 2 2 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 6 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup0 table2 right_arm 2 3 0 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 8 0 6 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup1 table0 left_arm 2 2 1 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 7 0 8 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup1 table0 right_arm 2 3 1 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 1 8 0 8 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup1 table2 left_arm 2 2 1 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 7 0 10 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup1 table2 right_arm 2 3 1 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 1 8 0 10 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup2 table0 left_arm 2 2 2 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 7 0 12 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup2 table0 right_arm 2 3 2 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 2 8 0 12 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup2 table2 left_arm 2 2 2 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 7 0 14 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup2 table2 right_arm 2 3 2 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 2 8 0 14 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup3 table0 left_arm 2 2 3 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 3 7 0 16 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup3 table0 right_arm 2 3 3 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 3 8 0 16 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup3 table2 left_arm 2 2 3 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 3 7 0 18 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup3 table2 right_arm 2 3 3 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 3 8 0 18 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup4 table0 left_arm 2 2 4 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 4 7 0 20 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup4 table0 right_arm 2 3 4 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 4 8 0 20 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup4 table2 left_arm 2 2 4 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 4 7 0 22 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup4 table2 right_arm 2 3 4 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 4 8 0 22 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup5 table0 left_arm 2 2 5 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 7 0 24 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup5 table0 right_arm 2 3 5 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 5 8 0 24 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup5 table2 left_arm 2 2 5 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 7 0 26 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup5 table2 right_arm 2 3 5 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 5 8 0 26 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup6 table0 left_arm 2 2 6 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 6 7 0 28 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup6 table0 right_arm 2 3 6 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 6 8 0 28 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup6 table2 left_arm 2 2 6 32 0 2 0 2 0 2 6 7 0 30 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room0 cup6 table2 right_arm 2 3 6 32 0 2 0 2 0 3 6 8 0 30 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup0 table3 left_arm 2 2 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 7 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup0 table3 right_arm 2 3 0 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 0 8 0 7 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup1 table3 left_arm 2 2 1 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 1 7 0 11 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup1 table3 right_arm 2 3 1 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 1 8 0 11 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup2 table3 left_arm 2 2 2 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 2 7 0 15 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup2 table3 right_arm 2 3 2 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 2 8 0 15 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup3 table3 left_arm 2 2 3 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 3 7 0 19 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup3 table3 right_arm 2 3 3 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 3 8 0 19 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup4 table3 left_arm 2 2 4 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 4 7 0 23 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup4 table3 right_arm 2 3 4 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 4 8 0 23 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup5 table3 left_arm 2 2 5 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 5 7 0 27 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup5 table3 right_arm 2 3 5 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 5 8 0 27 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup6 table3 left_arm 2 2 6 32 1 2 0 2 0 2 6 7 0 31 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room1 cup6 table3 right_arm 2 3 6 32 1 2 0 2 0 3 6 8 0 31 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup0 table1 left_arm 2 2 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 5 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup0 table1 right_arm 2 3 0 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 0 8 0 5 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup1 table1 left_arm 2 2 1 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 1 7 0 9 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup1 table1 right_arm 2 3 1 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 1 8 0 9 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup2 table1 left_arm 2 2 2 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 7 0 13 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup2 table1 right_arm 2 3 2 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 2 8 0 13 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup3 table1 left_arm 2 2 3 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 3 7 0 17 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup3 table1 right_arm 2 3 3 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 3 8 0 17 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup4 table1 left_arm 2 2 4 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 4 7 0 21 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup4 table1 right_arm 2 3 4 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 4 8 0 21 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup5 table1 left_arm 2 2 5 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 5 7 0 25 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup5 table1 right_arm 2 3 5 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 5 8 0 25 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup6 table1 left_arm 2 2 6 32 2 2 0 2 0 2 6 7 0 29 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-object room2 cup6 table1 right_arm 2 3 6 32 2 2 0 2 0 3 6 8 0 29 -1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator putdown-sponge right_arm 1 3 7 2 0 1 0 3 7 8 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe0 table0 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 33 0 57 1 2 0 1 0 57 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe0 table2 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 35 0 57 1 2 0 1 0 57 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe1 table0 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 37 0 58 1 2 0 1 0 58 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe1 table2 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 39 0 58 1 2 0 1 0 58 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe2 table0 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 41 0 59 1 2 0 1 0 59 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe2 table2 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 43 0 59 1 2 0 1 0 59 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe3 table0 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 45 0 60 1 2 0 1 0 60 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe3 table2 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 47 0 60 1 2 0 1 0 60 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe4 table0 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 49 0 61 1 2 0 1 0 61 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe4 table2 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 51 0 61 1 2 0 1 0 61 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe5 table0 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 53 0 62 1 2 0 1 0 62 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room0 wipe5 table2 right_arm 4 3 7 32 0 55 0 62 1 2 0 1 0 62 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room1 wipe0 table3 right_arm 4 3 7 32 1 36 0 57 1 2 0 1 0 57 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room1 wipe1 table3 right_arm 4 3 7 32 1 40 0 58 1 2 0 1 0 58 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room1 wipe2 table3 right_arm 4 3 7 32 1 44 0 59 1 2 0 1 0 59 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room1 wipe3 table3 right_arm 4 3 7 32 1 48 0 60 1 2 0 1 0 60 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room1 wipe4 table3 right_arm 4 3 7 32 1 52 0 61 1 2 0 1 0 61 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room1 wipe5 table3 right_arm 4 3 7 32 1 56 0 62 1 2 0 1 0 62 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room2 wipe0 table1 right_arm 4 3 7 32 2 34 0 57 1 2 0 1 0 57 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room2 wipe1 table1 right_arm 4 3 7 32 2 38 0 58 1 2 0 1 0 58 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room2 wipe2 table1 right_arm 4 3 7 32 2 42 0 59 1 2 0 1 0 59 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room2 wipe3 table1 right_arm 4 3 7 32 2 46 0 60 1 2 0 1 0 60 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room2 wipe4 table1 right_arm 4 3 7 32 2 50 0 61 1 2 0 1 0 61 1 0 0 0 end_operator begin_operator wipe room2 wipe5 table1 right_arm 4 3 7 32 2 54 0 62 1 2 0 1 0 62 1 0 0 0 end_operator 0
#lang scribble/manual @(require scribble/core scribble/examples "helper.rkt" (for-label (only-meta-in 0 typed/racket) #;(only-in typed/racket define-type : U Listof require/typed) )) @title[#:style 'unnumbered #:tag "lab26"]{Lab 26: Enforcing Data Definitions} @(define-syntax-rule (bslblock . body) (codeblock #:keep-lang-line? #f "#lang htdp/bsl" "\n" . body)) Implement this lab in @link["https://docs.racket-lang.org/htdp-langs/intermediate-lam.html"]{typed racket}. @section[#:style 'unnumbered #:tag "lab26:tr"]{Getting Typed Racket Running} In order to create a Typed Racket program, you will need change the language. To do this, create a new program, open the Choose Language menu item in DrRacket. Choose "The Racket Language". This will add @tt{#lang racket} to the top of your file. Edit the line to be @tt{#lang typed/racket}. As mentioned in lecture, Typed Racket, unlike ISL+ and friends, does not have a testing framework built-in. So we will be using the @racketmodname[rackunit] library. The following will import @racket[check-equal?], roughly analogous to @racket[check-expect] from ISL+, from @racketmodname[rackunit]. We do this in the context of a @tt{test} @emph{submodule}, which is the idiomatic way of adding tests to Racket and Typed Racket programs: @codeblock|{ #lang typed/racket (module+ test (require/typed rackunit [check-equal? (Any Any -> Any)])) }| You can now write functions and tests like this: @codeblock|{ (: sqr : (Number -> Number)) ;; Square the given number. (module+ test (check-equal? (sqr 5) 25) (check-equal? (sqr -5) 25)) (define (sqr x) (* x x)) }| Choose the initial @bold{Head} and @bold{Hands}, and get started! @section[#:style 'unnumbered #:tag "lab26:repl"]{Typed Interactions} Once you've switched the language to Typed Racket, try some expressions in the @emph{interactions window}. @(define-syntax-rule (trex . body) (examples #:label #f #:eval (make-base-eval #:lang 'typed/racket/base) . body)) @trex[0] OK, so we've only tried @racket[0] so far, but there's a lot going on. Typed Racket informs us of the type of every expression we type into the @emph{interactions window}. For zero, it informs us that @racket[0] is an @emph{Integer}, but more precisely has the type @emph{Zero}. It's useful to have a very specific type for @emph{Zero}, so it can be used easily in other data definitions. @bold{Ex 1}: Do all numbers have their own type? Try out some other examples to find out. You should find at least one number with another very specific type. @bold{Ex 2}: As detailed in the @secref{assign10} specification, the numbers we've been using in class are very sophisticated compared to most programming languages. What types do each of the numbers @racket[1], @racket[10], @racket[100], @racket[1000], ... @racket[1000000000000] have? Find one number for each of the types given in the image below: @centered{@image[#:scale 0.5]{img/lab26-int-tower.png}} Look at the @link["https://docs.racket-lang.org/ts-reference/type-ref.html"]{Type Reference} for more details about the distinctions between these types, if you're interested. Most of the time we can use the type @emph{Real} in the same way as we used the data definition @emph{Number} to date. @bold{Ex 3}: Test other atomic values that you've used in the student languages; write down what types Typed Racket ascribes to them in a comment. @section[#:style 'unnumbered #:tag "lab26:fun"]{Function Types} Now let's type some anonymous functions in the @emph{interactions window}. @trex[(lambda (x) x)] This looks right, given @emph{Any} value that function just returns that same value. The @racket[->] @emph{type constructor} is how function types are expressed. As with most expressions we've seen in this class, it is a prefix operation. The last argument given to @racket[->] is the output and the rest of the arguments are the inputs. @bold{Ex 3}: Write down (in a comment) types for functions that: @itemlist[ @item{accept a number and return a string,} @item{accept two strings and return a number,} @item{accept no arguments and return a @emph{Positive-Integer}.} ] @trex[(eval:error (lambda (x) (if (zero? x) 1 (sub1 x))))] Hmm, this was rejected. Let's see what the issue is: @trex[zero?] OK, the function @racket[zero?] only accepts values of type @emph{Number}. The Type Checker claims that we gave it a value of type @emph{Any}. Because we gave the argument @tt{x} no type, it could be anything! Without any ascribed type, an anonymous function we write assumes its arguments can be of @emph{Any} type. That would break the contract for @racket[=]. @bold{Ex 4}: Properly annotate the argument @tt{x} with a valid type to satisfy the Type Checker. Look at the @link["https://docs.racket-lang.org/ts-guide/types.html"]{Typed Racket guide} if you are unsure of the proper syntax. @bold{Ex 5}: Write down two examples of functions that are rejected by the Type Checker. Did you find any functions that you'd like to be able to write that you were unable to write? @section[#:style 'unnumbered #:tag "lab26:complex"]{More Complex Types} Whenever we've needed to hold onto more than one piece of data at once, we've defined structures to do so. When we've needed a type that can describe more than one kind of data, we used an enumeration data definition. For example, we can make binary trees with numbers at the leaves: @#reader scribble/comment-reader (racketblock (define-struct leaf (val)) (define-struct node (left right)) ;; A Tree is one of: ;; - (leaf Number) ;; - (node Tree Tree) ) We can do the same in Typed Racket, but the data definition is defined as a @emph{type}. In Typed Racket, we write a similar implementation, but define a type rather than write a data definition. Note that the implementation refers to the type, and the type refers to the names of the structs that make up the implementation. @racketblock[ (struct leaf ([val : Number])) (struct node ([left : Tree] [right : Tree])) (define-type Tree (U leaf node)) ] The structures look very similar, but their fields have annotated types. The type @emph{Tree} is defined as the @emph{union} of the @emph{leaf} and @emph{node} types. That union is described by the @emph{type constructor} @racket[U]. @bold{Ex 6}: Design the function @tt{tree-height} that given a @emph{Tree}, returns the height of that @emph{Tree}. @bold{Ex 7}: Design the function @tt{tree-product} that given a @emph{Tree}, returns the product of all the leaves of that @emph{Tree}. @bold{Ex 8}: Design a data type @emph{STree} for binary trees with strings at the leaves. Design a function @tt{tree->stree} that maps @racket[number->string] over a @emph{Tree}, returning an @emph{STree} of the same form. @bold{Ex 9}: It will be a pain to define a different @emph{*Tree} type for every kind of value. Design a new parameteric type constructor @emph{Treeof} and new structure definitions for leaves and values. The leaf structure must be able to hold a value of any type. Refer to the @racket[struct] and @racket[define-type] documentation to see how parameterized structures and types are defined. @bold{Ex 10}: Design a more general @tt{tree-map} using your parameterized tree from @bold{Ex 9}. @bold{Ex 11}: Implement a function @tt{ntree->stree} that maps a @tt{[Treeof @emph{Number}]} to a @tt{[Treeof @emph{String}]} using @tt{tree-map}.
module Language.LSP.Message.Cancel import Language.JSON import Language.LSP.Message.Derive import Language.LSP.Message.Utils import Language.Reflection %language ElabReflection %default total ||| Refer to https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification.html#cancelRequest public export record CancelParams where constructor MkCancelParams id : Int .+. String %runElab deriveJSON defaultOpts `{{CancelParams}}
.global s_prepare_buffers s_prepare_buffers: push %r13 push %r14 push %r8 push %rbp push %rbx push %rcx push %rdi push %rsi lea addresses_WC_ht+0xc09d, %rbx clflush (%rbx) nop nop nop nop nop xor %r14, %r14 movb (%rbx), %r13b nop nop nop and $27859, %rcx lea addresses_normal_ht+0x18d9d, %rsi lea addresses_UC_ht+0x1981d, %rdi nop nop nop nop sub %rbp, %rbp mov $72, %rcx rep movsb add %rdi, %rdi lea addresses_A_ht+0x18d9d, %rbp nop nop nop nop add %r14, %r14 mov (%rbp), %di nop xor $43504, %r14 lea addresses_normal_ht+0x1075d, %rdi nop sub $18145, %rcx mov (%rdi), %rbp nop nop dec %rbx lea addresses_WT_ht+0xd59d, %rsi lea addresses_A_ht+0x1becd, %rdi nop inc %r8 mov $22, %rcx rep movsq nop nop nop cmp %rbp, %rbp lea addresses_A_ht+0x1dafd, %rsi lea addresses_D_ht+0x1db9d, %rdi nop nop sub $28029, %rbx mov $1, %rcx rep movsb inc %rsi lea addresses_WC_ht+0x459d, %rsi lea addresses_WC_ht+0x1086d, %rdi clflush (%rsi) clflush (%rdi) nop nop nop nop xor %r13, %r13 mov $123, %rcx rep movsw xor $33967, %rsi lea addresses_UC_ht+0x639d, %rsi clflush (%rsi) nop nop nop nop cmp %r13, %r13 movl $0x61626364, (%rsi) nop xor %rcx, %rcx lea addresses_normal_ht+0x2e1d, %rbp add %rdi, %rdi movl $0x61626364, (%rbp) nop nop sub %rdi, %rdi lea addresses_WC_ht+0x13d1d, %r14 nop nop nop nop nop add %r13, %r13 mov (%r14), %ebp nop nop lfence lea addresses_WT_ht+0x2b12, %rsi lea addresses_WC_ht+0xcd9d, %rdi nop nop nop add $11348, %r8 mov $81, %rcx rep movsl nop nop nop nop nop xor %rcx, %rcx lea addresses_UC_ht+0xb66d, %rsi lea addresses_WC_ht+0x1085d, %rdi inc %rbx mov $104, %rcx rep movsb nop nop and %r8, %r8 lea addresses_WT_ht+0x5d9d, %r14 cmp $57839, %rdi movb (%r14), %cl nop nop nop nop xor %r14, %r14 pop %rsi pop %rdi pop %rcx pop %rbx pop %rbp pop %r8 pop %r14 pop %r13 ret .global s_faulty_load s_faulty_load: push %r10 push %r11 push %r8 push %rax push %rdi push %rdx push %rsi // Store lea addresses_normal+0x5d9d, %r10 sub %r11, %r11 mov $0x5152535455565758, %rsi movq %rsi, %xmm7 movups %xmm7, (%r10) nop xor %r11, %r11 // Faulty Load lea addresses_normal+0x5d9d, %rdi nop nop nop nop and $58454, %r8 vmovups (%rdi), %ymm7 vextracti128 $1, %ymm7, %xmm7 vpextrq $1, %xmm7, %r11 lea oracles, %rdi and $0xff, %r11 shlq $12, %r11 mov (%rdi,%r11,1), %r11 pop %rsi pop %rdx pop %rdi pop %rax pop %r8 pop %r11 pop %r10 ret /* <gen_faulty_load> [REF] {'src': {'type': 'addresses_normal', 'AVXalign': False, 'size': 16, 'NT': True, 'same': False, 'congruent': 0}, 'OP': 'LOAD'} {'OP': 'STOR', 'dst': {'type': 'addresses_normal', 'AVXalign': False, 'size': 16, 'NT': False, 'same': True, 'congruent': 0}} [Faulty Load] {'src': {'type': 'addresses_normal', 'AVXalign': False, 'size': 32, 'NT': False, 'same': True, 'congruent': 0}, 'OP': 'LOAD'} <gen_prepare_buffer> {'src': {'type': 'addresses_WC_ht', 'AVXalign': False, 'size': 1, 'NT': False, 'same': False, 'congruent': 7}, 'OP': 'LOAD'} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_normal_ht', 'congruent': 9, 'same': False}, 'OP': 'REPM', 'dst': {'type': 'addresses_UC_ht', 'congruent': 7, 'same': False}} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_A_ht', 'AVXalign': False, 'size': 2, 'NT': False, 'same': False, 'congruent': 11}, 'OP': 'LOAD'} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_normal_ht', 'AVXalign': False, 'size': 8, 'NT': False, 'same': False, 'congruent': 5}, 'OP': 'LOAD'} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_WT_ht', 'congruent': 11, 'same': False}, 'OP': 'REPM', 'dst': {'type': 'addresses_A_ht', 'congruent': 4, 'same': True}} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_A_ht', 'congruent': 5, 'same': False}, 'OP': 'REPM', 'dst': {'type': 'addresses_D_ht', 'congruent': 9, 'same': False}} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_WC_ht', 'congruent': 9, 'same': False}, 'OP': 'REPM', 'dst': {'type': 'addresses_WC_ht', 'congruent': 3, 'same': False}} {'OP': 'STOR', 'dst': {'type': 'addresses_UC_ht', 'AVXalign': True, 'size': 4, 'NT': False, 'same': False, 'congruent': 7}} {'OP': 'STOR', 'dst': {'type': 'addresses_normal_ht', 'AVXalign': False, 'size': 4, 'NT': False, 'same': False, 'congruent': 7}} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_WC_ht', 'AVXalign': False, 'size': 4, 'NT': True, 'same': False, 'congruent': 5}, 'OP': 'LOAD'} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_WT_ht', 'congruent': 0, 'same': False}, 'OP': 'REPM', 'dst': {'type': 'addresses_WC_ht', 'congruent': 11, 'same': False}} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_UC_ht', 'congruent': 4, 'same': False}, 'OP': 'REPM', 'dst': {'type': 'addresses_WC_ht', 'congruent': 6, 'same': False}} {'src': {'type': 'addresses_WT_ht', 'AVXalign': False, 'size': 1, 'NT': False, 'same': True, 'congruent': 5}, 'OP': 'LOAD'} {'34': 21829} 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 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34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 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<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception; /** * @author Bernhard Schussek <bschussek@gmail.com> */ class ResourceBundleNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { }
defmodule IcdCode.ICDCode.Codes_K30 do alias IcdCode.ICDCode def _K30 do %ICDCode{full_code: "K30", category_code: "K30", short_code: "", full_name: "Functional dyspepsia", short_name: "Functional dyspepsia", category_name: "Functional dyspepsia" } end end
(** * Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * *) let go query oc = let results = SearchService.MasterApi.query query in Marshal.to_channel oc results []; flush oc
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % -*- coding: UTF-8; -*- % vim: set fenc=utf-8 \ProvidesPackage{preamble} % correct russian settings \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[english,russian]{babel} \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc} \usepackage{cmap} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{0306}{-} % page settings \pdfcompresslevel=9 %\usepackage[left=30mm,right=10mm,top=20mm,bottom=20mm,bindingoffset=0cm]{geometry} % color and linkable reference \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{hyperref} \definecolor{linkcolor}{HTML}{000000} \definecolor{urlcolor}{HTML}{000000} % pdf settings \hypersetup{pdfstartview=FitH, linkcolor=linkcolor, urlcolor=urlcolor, colorlinks=true} % image settings \PassOptionsToPackage{pdftex}{graphicx} \graphicspath{{images/}} \addto\captionsrussian{\renewcommand{\figurename}{Рисунок}} % captions settings \usepackage[labelsep=endash,nooneline]{caption} \captionsetup{figurewithin=section} \captionsetup[table]{justification=raggedright} \captionsetup[figure]{justification=centering} % line spacing settings %\usepackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace} % paragraph indent settings %\usepackage{indentfirst} %\setlength{\parindent}{15mm} % section title settings %\usepackage[explicit]{titlesec} \usepackage{textcase} %\titleformat{\section}[block]{\centering}{\thesection}{1em}{#1\\} %\titleformat{\subsection}[block]{\centering}{\thesubsection}{1em}{#1\\} %\usepackage{titlesec} %\titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{*0}{*0} %\titlespacing{\subsection}{0pt}{*0}{*0} %\titlespacing{\subsubsection}{0pt}{*0}{*0} % math settings \usepackage{mathtools} \numberwithin{equation}{section} % table settings \numberwithin{table}{section} % plot settings %\usepackage{gnuplottex} % lists settings %\usepackage{enumitem} %\setlist{nolistsep, itemsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,leftmargin=0cm} %\setlist[itemize]{itemindent=2cm} \usepackage{listings} %\setlist[enumerate]{itemindent=2cm} % headers and page numbering settings %\usepackage{fancyhdr} %\pagestyle{fancy} %\fancyhf{} %\fancyhead[C]{\thepage} %\fancyheadoffset{30mm} %\fancyfootoffset{0mm} %\setlength{\headheight}{0pt} %\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} %\fancypagestyle{plain}{ % \fancyhf{} % \rhead{\thepage} %} %\renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$-$} %\renewcommand*{\l@section}{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}} %\renewcommand*{\l@subsection}{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}} %\usepackage{tocloft} %\renewcommand{\bfseries}{\relax} %\usepackage{tocloft} %\renewcommand{\cftsecleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} %\renewcommand{\cfttoctitlefont}{\normalfont\bfseries\hfil} %\setlength{\cftbeforesecskip}{1pt} %cyrillic listings settings \lstset{ literate={а}{{\selectfont\char224}}1 {б}{{\selectfont\char225}}1 {в}{{\selectfont\char226}}1 {г}{{\selectfont\char227}}1 {д}{{\selectfont\char228}}1 {е}{{\selectfont\char229}}1 {ё}{{\"e}}1 {ж}{{\selectfont\char230}}1 {з}{{\selectfont\char231}}1 {и}{{\selectfont\char232}}1 {й}{{\selectfont\char233}}1 {к}{{\selectfont\char234}}1 {л}{{\selectfont\char235}}1 {м}{{\selectfont\char236}}1 {н}{{\selectfont\char237}}1 {о}{{\selectfont\char238}}1 {п}{{\selectfont\char239}}1 {р}{{\selectfont\char240}}1 {с}{{\selectfont\char241}}1 {т}{{\selectfont\char242}}1 {у}{{\selectfont\char243}}1 {ф}{{\selectfont\char244}}1 {х}{{\selectfont\char245}}1 {ц}{{\selectfont\char246}}1 {ч}{{\selectfont\char247}}1 {ш}{{\selectfont\char248}}1 {щ}{{\selectfont\char249}}1 {ъ}{{\selectfont\char250}}1 {ы}{{\selectfont\char251}}1 {ь}{{\selectfont\char252}}1 {э}{{\selectfont\char253}}1 {ю}{{\selectfont\char254}}1 {я}{{\selectfont\char255}}1 {А}{{\selectfont\char192}}1 {Б}{{\selectfont\char193}}1 {В}{{\selectfont\char194}}1 {Г}{{\selectfont\char195}}1 {Д}{{\selectfont\char196}}1 {Е}{{\selectfont\char197}}1 {Ё}{{\"E}}1 {Ж}{{\selectfont\char198}}1 {З}{{\selectfont\char199}}1 {И}{{\selectfont\char200}}1 {Й}{{\selectfont\char201}}1 {К}{{\selectfont\char202}}1 {Л}{{\selectfont\char203}}1 {М}{{\selectfont\char204}}1 {Н}{{\selectfont\char205}}1 {О}{{\selectfont\char206}}1 {П}{{\selectfont\char207}}1 {Р}{{\selectfont\char208}}1 {С}{{\selectfont\char209}}1 {Т}{{\selectfont\char210}}1 {У}{{\selectfont\char211}}1 {Ф}{{\selectfont\char212}}1 {Х}{{\selectfont\char213}}1 {Ц}{{\selectfont\char214}}1 {Ч}{{\selectfont\char215}}1 {Ш}{{\selectfont\char216}}1 {Щ}{{\selectfont\char217}}1 {Ъ}{{\selectfont\char218}}1 {Ы}{{\selectfont\char219}}1 {Ь}{{\selectfont\char220}}1 {Э}{{\selectfont\char221}}1 {Ю}{{\selectfont\char222}}1 {Я}{{\selectfont\char223}}1 } \usepackage[enable-survey]{pdfpages} %\usepackage[final]{pdfpages} \usepackage{pdfpages}
/* Message Types Author: Hyoukjun Kwon(hyoukjun@gatech.edu) */ /********** Native Libraries ************/ import Vector::*; /******** User-Defined Libraries *********/ import Types::*; import VirtualChannelTypes::*; import RoutingTypes::*; /************* Definitions **************/ //1. Sub-definitions for Flit class //Message class and Flit types typedef enum {Data, Control} MsgType deriving(Bits, Eq); typedef enum {Head, Body, Tail, HeadTail} FlitType deriving(Bits, Eq); //Statistic information for tests typedef struct { // Data flitId; Data hopCount; MeshWIdx srcX; MeshHIdx srcY; MeshWIdx dstX; MeshHIdx dstY; Data injectedCycle; Data inflightCycle; } FlitStatistics deriving(Bits, Eq); `ifdef SOURCE_ROUTING typedef SourceRoutingInfo RouteInfo; `else typedef LookAheadRouteInfo RouteInfo; `endif typedef Vector#(NumPorts, Maybe#(RouteInfo)) RouteInfoBundle; typedef Data FlitData; typedef struct { VCIdx vc; RouteInfo routeInfo; } Header deriving (Bits, Eq); //2. Main definition // Flit Type typedef struct { MsgType msgType; VCIdx vc; FlitType flitType; //Head, Body, Tail, HeadTail RouteInfo routeInfo; FlitData flitData; // This 'stat' should be discarded in the generated verilog unless needed for Performance Counter. // `ifdef DETAILED_STATISTICS FlitStatistics stat; // `endif } Flit deriving (Bits, Eq); /* Bundles */ typedef Vector#(NumPorts, Maybe#(Header)) HeaderBundle; typedef Vector#(NumPorts, Maybe#(FlitType)) FlitTypeBundle; typedef Vector#(NumPorts, Maybe#(Flit)) FlitBundle; function Bool isHead(Flit flit); return (flit.flitType == Head || flit.flitType == HeadTail); endfunction function Bool isTail(Flit flit); return (flit.flitType == Tail || flit.flitType == HeadTail); endfunction function Bool isValidFlitBundle (FlitBundle fb, DirIdx idx); return isValid(fb[idx]); endfunction function Flit fb_getFlit(FlitBundle fb, Integer idx); return validValue(fb[idx]); endfunction function Direction getFlitDirection(Flit flit); `ifdef SOURCE_ROUTING return idx2Dir(flit.routeInfo[0]); `else return flit.routeInfo.nextDir; `endif endfunction
; A142090: Primes congruent to 22 mod 35. ; Submitted by Jon Maiga ; 127,197,337,547,617,757,827,967,1597,1667,1877,2017,2087,2297,2437,2647,2857,2927,3067,3137,3347,3557,3697,3767,3907,4327,4397,4817,4957,5167,5237,5657,5867,6007,6217,6287,6427,6637,6917,7057,7127,7477,7547,7687,7757,8317,8387,8527,8597,8737,8807,9157,9227,9437,9787,9857,10067,10487,10627,10837,11047,11117,11257,11467,11677,11887,12097,12377,12517,13007,13147,13217,13567,14057,14197,14407,14827,14897,15107,15527,15667,15737,15877,16087,16787,16927,17137,17207,17417,17627,17837,17977,18047,18257 mov $2,$0 add $2,6 pow $2,2 mov $4,21 lpb $2 mov $3,$4 seq $3,10051 ; Characteristic function of primes: 1 if n is prime, else 0. sub $0,$3 mov $1,$0 max $1,0 cmp $1,$0 mul $2,$1 sub $2,1 add $4,35 lpe mov $0,$4 add $0,1
// "Add empty primary constructor" "true" // ERROR: 'Parcelable' should have a primary constructor // WITH_RUNTIME package com.myapp.activity import android.os.Parcelable import kotlinx.parcelize.Parcelize @Parcelize class <caret>Test : Parcelable { constructor(a: Int) }
part of three; /** * @author mr.doob / http://mrdoob.com/ * * Ported to Dart from JS by: * @author rob silverton / http://www.unwrong.com/ */ class RenderableParticle implements IRenderable { num x = null; num y = null; num z = null; num rotation = null; Vector2 scale; Material material = null; RenderableParticle() : scale = new Vector2.zero(); }
attribute vec3 position; attribute vec2 texCoord; attribute vec3 normal; attribute vec3 tangent; varying vec2 texCoord0; varying vec3 worldPos0; varying mat3 tbnMatrix; uniform mat4 T_model; uniform mat4 T_MVP; void main() { gl_Position = T_MVP * vec4(position, 1.0); texCoord0 = texCoord; worldPos0 = (T_model * vec4(position, 1.0)).xyz; vec3 n = normalize((T_model * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec3 t = normalize((T_model * vec4(tangent, 0.0)).xyz); t = normalize(t - dot(t, n) * n); vec3 biTangent = cross(t, n); tbnMatrix = mat3(t, biTangent, n); }
; A062988: a(n) = binomial(n+6,5) - 1. ; 5,20,55,125,251,461,791,1286,2001,3002,4367,6187,8567,11627,15503,20348,26333,33648,42503,53129,65779,80729,98279,118754,142505,169910,201375,237335,278255,324631,376991,435896,501941,575756,658007,749397,850667,962597,1086007,1221758,1370753,1533938,1712303,1906883,2118759,2349059,2598959,2869684,3162509,3478760,3819815,4187105,4582115,5006385,5461511,5949146,6471001,7028846,7624511,8259887,8936927,9657647,10424127,11238512,12103013,13019908,13991543,15020333,16108763,17259389,18474839,19757814,21111089,22537514,24040015,25621595,27285335,29034395,30872015,32801516,34826301,36949856,39175751,41507641,43949267,46504457,49177127,51971282,54891017,57940518,61124063,64446023,67910863,71523143,75287519,79208744,83291669,87541244,91962519,96560645,101340875,106308565,111469175,116828270,122391521,128164706,134153711,140364531,146803271,153476147,160389487,167549732,174963437,182637272,190578023,198792593,207288003,216071393,225150023,234531274,244222649,254231774,264566399,275234399,286243775,297602655,309319295,321402080,333859525,346700276,359933111,373566941,387610811,402073901,416965527,432295142,448072337,464306842,481008527,498187403,515853623,534017483,552689423,571880028,591600029,611860304,632671879,654045929,675993779,698526905,721656935,745395650,769754985,794747030,820384031,846678391,873642671,901289591,929632031,958683032,988455797,1018963692,1050220247,1082239157,1115034283,1148619653,1183009463,1218218078,1254260033,1291150034,1328902959,1367533859,1407057959,1447490659,1488847535,1531144340,1574397005,1618621640,1663834535,1710052161,1757291171,1805568401,1854900871,1905305786,1956800537,2009402702,2063130047,2118000527,2174032287,2231243663,2289653183,2349279568,2410141733,2472258788,2535650039,2600334989,2666333339,2733664989,2802350039,2872408790,2943861745,3016729610,3091033295,3166793915,3244032791,3322771451,3403031631,3484835276,3568204541,3653161792,3739729607,3827930777,3917788307,4009325417,4102565543,4197532338,4294249673,4392741638,4493032543,4595146919,4699109519,4804945319,4912679519,5022337544,5133945045,5247527900,5363112215,5480724325,5600390795,5722138421,5845994231,5971985486,6100139681,6230484546,6363048047,6497858387,6634944007,6774333587,6916056047,7060140548,7206616493,7355513528,7506861543,7660690673,7817031299,7975914049,8137369799,8301429674,8468125049,8637487550 add $0,6 bin $0,5 mov $1,$0 sub $1,1
package com.projector.timerecords.repository enum class TimeRecordDocument(val key: String) { ID("id"), BOARD_ID("board_id"), DURATION("duration"), ITEM_ID("task_id"), RUNNING("running"), STARTED_AT("started_at"), ENDED_AT("ended_at"), TASK_ID("task_id"), USER_ID("user_id"), TIMERECORD_DATE("timerecord_date") }
package Xero::Class::Journal; use Moo; use MooX::ClassAttribute; with 'Xero::Model::Journal'; class_has 'xml_root' => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 'Journal' }); class_has 'primary_key => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 'JournalID' }); 1;
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-bean" prefix="bean" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-html" prefix="html" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-logic" prefix="logic" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://displaytag.sf.net" prefix="display" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/eprot.tld" prefix="eprot" %> <html:xhtml /> <eprot:page title="Gestione documentale"> <html:form action="/page/documentale/documento.do"> <jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/subpages/documentale/common/pathSenzaLink.jsp" /> <div id="messaggi"> <jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/subpages/documentale/common/messaggi.jsp" /> </div> <div id="protocollo-errori"> <jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/subpages/documentale/common/errori.jsp" /> </div> <br class="hidden" /> <jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/subpages/documentale/datiDocumentoView.jsp" /> <div class="sezione"> <span class="title"><strong><bean:message key="documentale.titolario"/></strong></span> <jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/subpages/documentale/titolario.jsp" /> </div> <logic:equal name="documentoForm" property="statoArchivio" value="L" > <html:submit styleClass="submit" property="classificaDocumentoAction" value="Classifica" alt="Classifica il documento" /> </logic:equal> </html:form> </eprot:page>
; A068605: Number of functions from [1,2,...,n] to [1,2,...,n] such that the image contains exactly two elements. ; 2,18,84,300,930,2646,7112,18360,45990,112530,270204,638820,1490762,3440430,7864080,17825520,40107726,89652906,199229060,440401500,968883762,2122317318,4630511064,10066329000,21810380150,47110421826 add $0,2 mul $0,2 sub $0,2 lpb $0 add $1,$0 sub $0,2 mul $2,2 add $2,1 lpe mul $1,$2 mov $0,$1
package app.cash.sqldelight.db import kotlin.io.use as kotlinIoUse actual typealias Closeable = java.io.Closeable actual inline fun <T : Closeable?, R> T.use(body: (T) -> R): R = kotlinIoUse(body)
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const curry_1 = require("@typed/curry"); const validation_1 = require("./validation"); ; function createActionFn(namespace, type) { const namespacedType = `${namespace}.${type}`; const actionCreator = (payload) => ({ type: namespacedType, payload }); return [namespacedType, actionCreator]; } function createActionSpecFn(namespace, type, predicate) { const [actionType, actionCreator] = createActionFn(namespace, type); return [ actionType, function (payload) { if (process && process.env && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && !predicate(payload)) { throw new Error(`Given payload did not match expected predicate. Action Type : ${actionType} Payload : ${JSON.stringify(payload)} `); } return actionCreator(payload); } ]; } function createReducerFn(initialState, actionMap) { return (state = initialState, { type, payload }) => { const handler = actionMap[type] || (() => state); return handler(state, payload); }; } function set(prop, value, obj) { if (validation_1.isArray(obj)) { const i = Number(prop); return [ ...obj.slice(0, i), value, ...obj.slice(i + 1), ]; } return Object.assign({}, obj, { [prop]: value }); } function setPath(props, value, obj) { if (!props.length) { return obj; } const [firstProp, ...rest] = props; if (rest.length) { return set(firstProp, setPath(rest, value, obj[firstProp] || {}), obj); } return set(firstProp, value, obj); } ; exports.createAction = curry_1.curry(createActionFn); exports.createActionSpec = curry_1.curry(createActionSpecFn); exports.createReducer = curry_1.curry(createReducerFn); exports.setter = (...props) => (state, value) => setPath(props, value, state); var validation_2 = require("./validation"); exports.hasShape = validation_2.hasShape; exports.hasType = validation_2.hasType; exports.isFalsy = validation_2.isFalsy; exports.isArray = validation_2.isArray; exports.isBoolean = validation_2.isBoolean; exports.isFunction = validation_2.isFunction; exports.isNumber = validation_2.isNumber; exports.isString = validation_2.isString; exports.isNull = validation_2.isNull; exports.isUndefined = validation_2.isUndefined; exports.isArrayOrUndefined = validation_2.isArrayOrUndefined; exports.isBooleanOrUndefined = validation_2.isBooleanOrUndefined; exports.isFunctionOrUndefined = validation_2.isFunctionOrUndefined; exports.isNumberOrUndefined = validation_2.isNumberOrUndefined; exports.isStringOrUndefined = validation_2.isStringOrUndefined; exports.hasMaxLength = validation_2.hasMaxLength; exports.hasMinLength = validation_2.hasMinLength; exports.or = validation_2.or; exports.and = validation_2.and;
The c/c++ optimization tricks ================================= Introduction -------------------- This is the note about my tricks to optimize c/c++ program.On the top,the software optimization often follow the path as below: +----------+-----------+-------------+ | | order | coefficient | +----------+-----------+-------------+ | time | Algorithm | Tricks | +----------+-----------+-------------+ | space | Algorithm | Tricks | +----------+-----------+-------------+ So in this book we concern the Optimization Tricks in c/c++ program. Tricks List ---------------------- 000. Memory Padding 001. Restrict Modifier 002. Inline or Macro Function 003. Tail Function Optimization 004. Noexcept 005. Continuous Memory 006. Conditional Branch Prediction 007. Bit Operator 008. Constexpr 009. Emplace API 010. Empty Array In Struct 011. Function calling
grammar Expr; // rules prog: (expr NEWLINE)* ; expr: expr ('*'|'/') expr | expr ('+'|'-') expr | INT | '(' expr ')' ; //Tokens NEWLINE : [\r\n]+ ; INT : [0-9]+ ; SUM: '+'; SUB: '-'; MULTI: '*'; DIV: '/'; // define que quando encontrar o withespace o mesmo será ignorado WHITESPACE: [ \t]+ -> skip;
import Connectable::*; import RegisteredSender::*; import EnabledReceiver::*; (*synthesize*) module sysRegEnConnect(Empty); RegisteredSender_ifc send <- mkRegisteredSender; EnabledReceiver_ifc recv <- mkEnabledReceiver; mkConnection(recv.iioo, send.iioo); //flip me Reg#(int) count <- mkReg(0); rule increment; count <= count + 1; send.set(count); endrule rule disp (count>0); recv.display_it; endrule rule stop (count==10); $finish(0); endrule endmodule
Meteor.methods sendForgotPasswordEmail: (email) -> check email, String email = s.trim(email) user = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByEmailAddress(email) if user? regex = new RegExp("^" + s.escapeRegExp(email) + "$", 'i') email = _.find _.pluck(user.emails || [], 'address'), (userEmail) -> return regex.test(userEmail) try Accounts.sendResetPasswordEmail(user._id, email) catch error throw new Meteor.Error 'error-email-send-failed', 'Error trying to send email: ' + error.message, { method: 'registerUser', message: error.message } return true return false
const thirty_days = 30days const Nmonths = 12 #@inline current_time_index(time, interval=2592000, length=12) = mod(unsafe_trunc(Int32, time / interval), length) + 1 #@inline next_time_index(time, interval=2592000, length=12) = mod(unsafe_trunc(Int32, time / interval) + 1, length) + 1 #@inline cyclic_interpolate(u₁::Number, u₂, time, interval=2592000) = u₁ + mod(time / interval, 1) * (u₂ - u₁) @inline current_time_index(time) = mod(unsafe_trunc(Int32, time / 2592000), 12) + 1 @inline next_time_index(time) = mod(unsafe_trunc(Int32, time / 2592000) + 1, 12) + 1 @inline cyclic_interpolate(u₁::Number, u₂, time) = u₁ + mod(time / 2592000, 1) * (u₂ - u₁) @inline function cyclic_interpolate(τ::AbstractArray, time, interval=2592000, length=12) n₁ = current_time_index(time, interval, length) n₂ = next_time_index(time, interval, length) return cyclic_interpolate.(view(τ, :, :, n₁), view(τ, :, :, n₂), time, interval) end