Vanuatu’s outer islands offer more than just world-renowned snorkelling, remote beaches and palm trees, they’re home to some of the most spectacular, adrenaline-pumping treks in the Pacific Islands. So grab your hiking boots and get ready for an adventure you’ll never forget. Manbush Trail - Malekula This four-day hike will take you from the east of Malekula to the west, hiking over lush and mountainous terrain, into remote island villages, and through farmland and rivers. Make sure you pack suitable wet weather gear for this hike and sturdy waterproof hiking boots or hiking sandles. The last thing you want is wet socks for four days! There will be guides to carry your backpack. On day one, you’ll hike 1.5-2 hours from Unua to the dense bushland in Melken, ascending only 10m, easy! On day two, you’ll hike for 7 hours from Melken to Mt Laimbele, ascending 650m and descending 170m. From this breathtaking rainforest you’ll get a glimpse of the volcanoes on Ambrym, a neighbouring island. You’ll likely spend the evening eating bush-tucker around a fire, before retiring to your mat on the floor of a handmade bush hut. On day three, expect another 8-hours of walking from Mt Laimbele to Lebongbong, with similar terrain to the day before. Keep your eyes peeled for wild cattle and birdlife. You’ll be treated to seasonal bush food, likely nesowong, which is a meal made from bush banana, water taro and coconut milk. On the final day, day four, you’ll hike 9-10 hours. It’s a day of descent (1140m!), so get those hiking poles and knees ready. You’ll pass by several banyan trees - giants of the forests, with roots that envelop their trunks. You’ll also see a giant waterfall, explore a spring in a cave and visit a nakamal (a traditional meeting place) before bunkering down in the village of Yawa for a shower and a comfortable bed. Mount Yasur - Tanna From an active volcano to the world’s largest banyan tree, this is an unmissable three-day trek on Tanna island in the Tafea province. Tanna island people are bare-foot walkers, and will guide you from natural hot springs surrounded by overgrown rainforest to white-sand beaches with pounding surf and volcanic black-sand planes. From the base to the summit of Mt Yasur is an easy to moderate 3.5-hour round trip on foot across expansive ash plains. While there is an option to drive, we really encourage the hike! This is best done at night as you’ll have the opportunity to witness the red glow of lava under a dark night sky. Mt Yasur is one of Vanuatu’s most dramatic booming visitor attractions – the volcano is a female deity and she is revered by the people of Tanna Island with many cultural stories revolving around her power. As such visitors walking up the volcano pay an entrance fee that is shared with the community. For more information visit or chat with the good folks at Entani who manage the volcano visits. Nguna Full Day Adventure - Nguna If you’ve got a few days in Port Vila, the hike up Nguna island’s highest extinct volcano (Mt Taputaora, 593m) is a must-do. You’ll need to catch a ride from your accommodation on Port Vila to Emua Wharf before catching a boat over to Nguna in order to start this hike. It begins slowly, with a gradual incline, passing through small villages with children who will run out to greet you. The final leg is hard, and steep. You’ll be exposed to the sun and it’ll be hot. Make sure to wear a hat! As you summit the volcano, you’ll be treated to expansive views across the Shepherd Islands to the north, and south to Efate. Afterwards you’ll be offered a buffet lunch by the beach and a snorkel along the Nguna coastline to cool off. Lake Letas & Mt Garet - Gaua On the island of Gaua lies one of Vanuatu’s most remote and active volcanoes. This three-day adventure involves crossing Lake Letas in a rigger canoe before a steep, exposed climb up to the rim of Mt Garet. It’s only an hour up to the top, but it’s a difficult one, so get your walking sticks ready and keep your feet firmly on the path despite moments of terror. You’ll have the opportunity to camp in small bungalows at Victor’s Camp, right on the lake. Victor’s a vivacious and jovial character who’ll tell you stories under dim lamplight, share shells and shells of kava (watch out!) and, together with his wife, feed you until you’re as full as can be. On the hike back down, you’ll visit Vanuatu’s highest waterfall, Siri Waterfall, which boasts a 120m drop. This is a wet walk, so make sure you’ve got sturdy hiking sandals or boots. Vanuatu hopes that Lake Letas becomes a Unesco world heritage site. Dogs Head Trail - Malekula This three-day coast-to-coast traverse through wild bushland extends from the north east to the north west of Malekula Island. It’s a strenuous hike, but a rewarding one. You’ll have the unique opportunity to be introduced to the Big Nambas territories and be totally removed from the modern world that you’re used to. Don’t expect electricity and flushing toilets, expect huge smiles and generous spirits. Revel in the villages built almost entirely from bamboo and palm thatch. At the end of the three-day trek, jump into the Pacific Ocean to cool off on Malekula’s west.
Verlo Corporate Verlo Corporate May 05, 2017 KIDS AND SLEEPOVERS are a time-tested combination, much like summertime and popsicles. However, sleeping over can be filled with potential problems, from the late-night callback to the child who comes home having been awake all night. Use these tips to prepare your child for a sleepover so that everyone can relax and get some rest. Kids develop at different rates, which means that some children could be perfectly equipped to go to a sleepover at a friend’s house at age six, while others may need to be closer to age 10 before they can go without a parent’s attention. When you sense that your child is getting close to the right age, you can start to prepare him for the idea. Invite a close friend or cousin for a sleepover at your house. This will give you the best idea of how your child will react to sleeping over (or not sleeping) with a friend, as well as the problems that might come up when your kid goes to someone else’s home. It can be really tempting to avoid sending all the things your child usually has for sleep. You don’t want those items getting left behind, after all. However, if your kid has slept with a particular stuffed animal every night since they were two, they may struggle to sleep without it. Include most or all of the items that are a part of their sleep routine, such as: The sense of home will help your child adjust for sleep more rapidly than she would without these regular parts of her sleep hygiene. Take an opportunity to check out the space where your child will be sleeping. Air mattresses can be more comfortable than a hard floor, but they may also be difficult to sleep upon if they are unfamiliar. Confirm that there is quick and ready access to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water if your kid needs it, especially if they are on the younger side. If you have any questions about the space, ask the friend’s parents to see it before you leave. It will help you to feel better about the whole situation. You may remember children sleepovers as an opportunity to get wild and leave rules at the door, but younger children do not really function well in such an environment. At another parent’s house, bedtime standards may be quite different. Ask about the planned bedtime and how they intend to handle any nighttime shenanigans that happen. Talk to your child about following the rules in a different space, and speaking up for their needs. Nobody wants to be a party pooper, but teaching your child to advocate for an appropriate bedtime is a useful skill they will need in order to have a good time. For the first few times your child sleeps at an unfamiliar home, you should expect that it may not work out. The slight stomachache that your kid had yesterday could turn into a full-blown gastrointestinal bug, requiring you to head back at 11 p.m. Prepare for this possibility by leaving your own plans fairly open. Make sure that your child can easily contact you from the house, and that there will be adequate adult attention to their needs if they are struggling. Eventually, most kids want to sleep over at a friend’s house. With these tips, you can minimize stress and give your child a better chance at a good night’s rest. Verlo Mattress
Ulrich runs to 12th in province Article content Anna Ulrich of St. Jerome's School was at her best at the provincial high school cross-country running championships on a sunny Saturday near Okotoks. Ulrich, who turns 15 on Halloween day, placed 12th in a field of 124 runners in the junior girls' race. Her time was 13 minutes and 31 seconds on the 3,000-metre course at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School. "I was a little bit surprised that I did so well," said the Vermilion runner. "I didn't think that I would place as high. I don't think I could have run much faster than I did." It turns out that performance for the Grade 10 honours student was just three seconds out of a top-10 finish. "I was pretty close," Ulrich said. "The last hill coming up before the finish line, I was in ninth place, but then I was passed by three people." Warm weather prevailed on Saturday afternoon on a trail that went on and around the Strathcona-Tweedsmuir schoolyard. "It was really nice out," Ulrich said. "I wouldn't have wanted it to be any warmer. "The first part (of the race) was out on a field, and then after that, it went down into a little valley and there were lots of trees around. It was pretty nice." Ulrich's junior girls" race was one of six events at the high school provincial meet. "It was pretty exciting," Ulrich said of being surrounded by hundreds of runners and spectators, including her parents, brother and sister. "It was fun." Ulrich was the top junior girls' runner from a 1A school. The provincial winner was Daniella Wasielewski of Edmonton's Lillian Osborne School, with a time of 12:25. Ulrich now plans to shift her athletic focus to cross-country skiing dryland training. Cameron Webb, 16, of J.R. Robson High School also posted a strong finish at the provincial championships, placing 37th among 118 entries in the intermediate boys' race. Webb, the zone runner-up 10 days earlier, ran the 5,000-metre provincial course in 20 minutes and 25 seconds. "It wasn't my fastest (time), but it was a pretty tough course," said Webb, a Grade 11 student. "A pretty good finish -- I was aiming for top 50. I think my pace was pretty consistent. I passed a couple of kids and I'd fall back a bit. It kind of went back and forth." Weather-wise, "it was kind of hot and dry," said Webb, whose mother was among the spectators. "It was nice weather for watching." Webb plans to continue running this fall, "at least until basketball (season) starts." Among other Vermilion-area provincial results: Junior boys -- 61. Jarret Eyben, J.R. Robson; 76. Quinn O'Hare, Kitscoty; 84. Colton Wynnchuk, J.R. Robson; 87. Kieran McGinley, J.R. Robson; 91. Braden Gourley, J.R. Robson; 111. Keagan Rewuski, Dewberry. Intermediate boys -- 92. Jake Wynnychuk, J.R. Robson; 97. Robbie Carlson, J.R. Robson; 102. Morgan MacMillan, J.R. Robson; 105. Thomas Brodbin, J.R. Robson. Senior boys -- 80. Chad Andreychuk, J.R. Robson; 96. Trace Wilhelm, J.R. Robson; 107. Conor Fogarty, Kitscoty; 117. Stephen Baker, Mannville. Junior girls -- 115. Robyn Weber, Kitscoty. Intermediate girls -- 118. Julia McKimmon, J.R. Robson. Senior girls -- 102. Jesse Axley, J.R. Robson. tap here to see other videos from our team.
VideoNuze Report Podcast #87 - Feb. 11, 2011Friday, February 11, 2011, 7:44 AM ET|Posted by Will RichmondDaisy Whitney and I are pleased to present the 87th edition of the VideoNuze Report podcast, for February 11, 2011. In this podcast, Daisy and I do a deep dive into the role of sports in pay-TV packaging, based on my post from Monday, "Not A Sports Fan? Then You're Getting Sacked For At Least $2 Billion Per Year." I think this is a fascinating topic and something that has been under-reported even though it has huge implications for pay-TV subscription rates as over-the-top services gain awareness. The basic premise of my post was that since a relatively small cluster of sports-oriented channels (e.g. ESPN, TNT, Regional Sports Networks and others) collectively cost pay-TV operators $10 per month, then the charges being incurred by non-fans and casual who fans who rarely, if ever watch these channels, could amount to at least $2 billion per year. Since writing the post and gaining feedback from various sources, it's actually quite possible that the annual charges incurred in exchange for little-to-no value could exceed $3 billion. Whatever the number is, it's very large, and effectively represents a massive subsidy that non-fans and casual fans pay each year because of escalating sports TV rights deals and astronomical player compensation. Click here to listen to the podcast (17 minutes, 8 seconds) The VideoNuze Report is available in iTunes...subscribe today! Categories: Cable Networks, Cable TV Operators, Podcasts, Satellite, Sports, Telcos Topics: Comcast SportsNet, ESPN, Hulu, NESN, Netflix, Podcast, RSN, TNT - Not a Sports Fan? Then You're Getting Sacked For At Least $2 Billion Per YearMonday, February 7, 2011, 10:43 AM ET|Posted by Will RichmondLast night 100 million plus people tuned into the Super Bowl, once again highlighting the game's singular popularity. But aside from this huge once per year spike in sports enthusiasm, a simple fact remains: if you subscribe to pay-TV services and are not a sports fan (or are just a casual one), you are paying a lot of money each month for very expensive sports-oriented cable TV channels which you mostly don't watch. This degree of wasteful overspending, which could amount to at least $2 billion every year (as I'll detail below), creates a mile-wide opportunity for entertainment-oriented over-the-top entrants to prosper. The value of sports programming was a topic we tackled last week at the MIT Enterprise Forum (panelists included Mark Cuban, Avner Ronen, Paul Sagan and me). Moderator Woody Benson challenged us at the start with how he could reduce his current $260/mo cable bill. As part of the discussion, Mark volunteered that pay-TV operators probably spend around $10 per month in licensing fees just for sports-oriented cable channels (these include channels like ESPN and its sister networks, TNT, and Regional Sports Networks, "RSNs" like NESN and Comcast SportsNet here in the Boston area and others). Mark estimated that this adds up to about 25% of the total monthly amount pay-TV operators spend on programming. My sense is that Mark's $10 per month amount might be a little high, but since he owns the NBA's Mavericks and sees the TV deals, he's in a good position to know. (The video starts with about 40 minutes of one-on-one discussion between Mark and Woody and then shifts to the full panel) Topics: Comcast SportsNet, ESPN, NESN, Netflix, RSN, TNT - |
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/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/47033694/GettyImages-174888410.0.jpg) We're all excited about Matías Vecino. He was outstanding last year with Empoli and has looked like a tough, versatile, and promising addition to Paulo Sousa's midfield. But in the furious seasons of the summer market, where rumors come together with other rumors, there's always something ready to rise up from the depths and ruin our hopes. In this case, it's Napoli, who have already reportedly offered 10 million euros for the exciting Uruguayan youth international. Vecino is a technically adept box-to-box player with a good shot, an eye for goal, and a willingness to dig in and scrap. He broke through with new Napoli coach Maurizio Sarri at Empoli last season on loan, and the chain smoking Neapolitan manager wants to bring the talent he helped uncover over to his new club. Napoli would have been interested in Vecino regardless of the new mister's connection after shipping off several battling but aging midfielders over the past couple mercato sessions. Fiorentina has seemed surprisingly willing to listen to offers, but Prade and company do want around €15 million for Vecino, which makes sense so late in the transfer window. With Joaquin's looming exit, Vecino could be sacrificed in order to reinforce the wing, as the central midfield is, barring injury - which has totally never been a problem for this club - in pretty good shape. Losing Vecino would certainly hurt the depth, leaving the Viola with only four central midfielders (one of which is Mati, the least adept at a holding role) but whether or not depth and promise is worth the same as money that could be spent on a new winger is certainly up for debate; I'm just glad I'm not the one who has to work the calculus and figure out when the money starts making sense. Further complicating matters is the news from fiorentina.it that Fiorentina are reputedly interested in Napoli's Moroccan wide attacker, Omar El Kaddouri, who impressed last season with Torino. While the club is supposedly standing firm on its valuation of Vecino, it's fair to wonder if El Kaddouri could be a makeweight in the deal. In a perfect world, Fiorentina will hang onto Vecino, a player who seems tailor-made for Sousa's all-action midfield, and start becoming a more robust heir to Mati Fernandez. But in this imperfect world we occupy, sometimes you have to separate what's absolutely necessary and what's just gravy.
In terms of celebrating a cousin’s birthday, you can go with “Happy birthday cousin!” But that’s not the only way, right? There are various ways to congratulate someone for his/her birthday, and the aforementioned is the classic, simplest way to say ‘happy birthday’. Somehow, for the one receiving the words, such simple words sound a bit bland and not sincere. Thus, it’d be better if you find some other words to convey what you truly feel about the return of his day. The Egyptians are the first society who celebrates birthday—and at first, it was the Pharaoh’s birthday celebration that they celebrated. However, the Egyptians still didn’t have any sayings that go international and got famous as ‘happy birthday’, so famous which makes the one receiving it to feel that it’s so bland. You need to spice it up, either by preparing a funny happy birthday cousin saying or a heartfelt message mentioning your feelings on your cousin birthday. Some other tips you can do while making the message are as follows: - Do a simple research – You may dislike a lengthy text and tend to be to-the-point kind of person. However, it never hurts to conduct a simple research to find out what to say instead of just saying ‘happy birthday to my cousin’. - Grab a reference – Want an easy trick? Go with some relevant keyword to find a ‘cheat’: stealing some words relevant to happy birthday cousin messages. - Don’t just get the words, prepare a gift to accompany – With only words, your presence may not be that stands out. Bring a gift that you think will be perfect for him/her. - Know him/her well – When making the messages, you may need to ‘analyze’ his/her personality. Will he/she be able to laugh over your happy birthday cousin funny words? What about some lovely messages that trigger their mellow side? That’s on you to think about. Happy Birthday Cousin Messages: Simple but Meaningful Happy Birthday Cousin Sayings You need to know first what you want to include into the gift card. Is it only a short, one-paragraph letter? Or maybe you prefer the longer one? Well, meaningful letters don’t have to be long, and that’s what we want to emphasize here. **_Dear cousin, words can never express just how much you mean to me. Every day, in each special moment together, you make my world a better place. Wishing you a very happy birthday. **_Happy birthday, to the life of the party! You’re an extraordinary cousin, and your fun spirit always lights up the room. May all your wishes come true. **_Happy birthday, cousin! Whenever I go home I think of you, and all the lovely memories we’ve made there! May the love of the past be fuel for your journey ahead to inspire you on your way to making your dreams come true. **_Happy birthday, to my extraordinary cousin. I wish I could say you’re an angel, but I know you way better than that!! Wishing you more “work hard, play hard” fun times and success in this coming year. **_Happy birthday, to my super cousin. May this day be bright and encouraging, and may the year ahead bring light for your path ahead. Keep the faith no matter what, and keep walking forward. Lots of love. **_Today on your birthday, cousin, I hope you achieve all that your heart desires. You are one of my favorite people in the world, and I cannot wait to celebrate you on this amazing day. All the best! **_The happiest of birthdays to a cousin who is fantastic, both inside and out. You always light up the room with your smile and I hope that you have a truly amazing day, you deserve it more than anyone. **_Sending warm birthday wishes to a cousin that deserves the world. I hope that today is filled with happiness, fun and laughter. I truly wish that your birthday is half as wonderful as you are. **_To my remarkable cousin – happy birthday! I have always looked up to you and you are an amazing example to everyone around you. I feel privileged to know you and call you family. **_Happy birthday, to the cousin who has always stood by me, through thick and thin. The bond we share is something truly special. **, to a truly special and beautiful soul. Life is so much sweeter with a cousin like you. **_A cousin is someone who holds all your secrets and never lets you down. Happy birthday, to the best cousin anyone could ask for. **_There is no one more special than a cousin. A cousin is a friend for life. Happy birthday! Thank you for always being there. **_To my cousin, on your birthday: It’s been such a blast growing up with you. Here’s to so many more birthdays to come. Happy birthday! **_Happy birthday, to the best cousin in the galaxy! Thank you for a lifetime of lasting and precious memories. Here’s to so many more. **_Every day is a blast with a cousin as fun as you. Today you’re one year older and the party is just getting started. Happy birthday! **_To my cousin: We have always shared a very special bond, just like siblings. I’m so thankful that you’ve always been there for me. Happy birthday! **_To my cousin on your birthday: May all of your brightest dreams be fulfilled today. You are a truly special part of my life. **_Happy birthday, to my dearest cousin! Thank you for always being there for me. I appreciate you very much! I wish you everything of the best, on your birthday, and always. **_Happy birthday, cousin! You are too naughty, and you tease me a lot…but I know it’s only because we are so close! I love you to the moon and back! Hope all your birthday wishes come true. **_Happy birthday, to my phenomenal cousin. Your unshakable trust and loyalty mean the world to me. You are so loved and appreciated. I hope you have a lovely day and many happy returns. **_Happy birthday, cuz!! Here’s to you! And here’s to much more laughter and fun in the years ahead. Long life, good health, and happiness are wished for you. **_Happy birthday, cousin. We have come such a long way, haven’t we? You’ve achieved some pretty awesome success, and I’m really proud of you! Here’s to your awesomeness! All the best. **_Happy birthday, cousin! On your birthday, I can’t help going down memory lane. It feels like just yesterday when we were together all the time! Things have changed so much, but you’ll always be my cousin, and those memories will never fade away! Have a beautiful celebration! **_Happy birthday, to my wonderful cousin! Thank you for remaining my trusted advisor all through the years. Your wisdom means the world to me. Please have a day as special as you are! **_Happy birthday, to the kindest person I know. I’m lucky to have you as a cousin. You have not changed one bit in all these years. Your heart is still big and wonderful. Wishing you much joy. **_Happy birthday, to my favorite cousin! Our connection is one that I treasure. I love our conversations, and I appreciate that you stay in touch. Hope you have a great party today! Lots of love. **_Happy birthday, cousin! Have a wonderful party and a great year ahead. And please always keep those secrets from way back when safe and sound…ssshhhh. All the best!! **_Happy birthday, to my darling cousin. We have been celebrating together since I can remember, and I hope we continue celebrating together forever! You are loved. Have a great time today! **_Happy birthday, to my awesome cousin who makes me feel like a kid again! Never forget that growing up is optional. I love you just the way you are! **_You keep us young with your vibrant energy and charisma. I wish you delightful times ahead, and experiences that make you sigh in wonder and amazement! **, to my dear cousin. I have so many reminders of our times together. And even though we are now far apart, at heart you’re really close. I wish you only the best. **_No matter how far apart we are, and as we all move on with our lives, our roots will always be the same. May you remain grounded in loving-kindness always. Happy birthday, cousin! **_Happy birthday, cousin! I remember all the dreams you had when you were younger, and I hope you’re very busy making them all come true. I know that you can achieve anything you set your heart on. Have an awesome birthday. **_Happy birthday, cousin! You are so sweet and innocent, but today you need to party and be just a little naughty, okay? You can afford to let your hair down a bit and relax! I wish you great times ahead. **_I know you picked me up many times, and I will always be grateful for that. I hope you are having a great birthday with lots of surprise calls and reminders of how special and awesome you are! Happy birthday, cousin. **_Do you ever wonder what our parents would say if they knew all the mischief we got up to? Thanks for giving me some really fun times! I hope life is still full of fun for you. All the best today and always. Happy birthday, cousin! **_Happy birthday, to my cousin who means so much to me. Family is at the heart of happiness, and we are thinking of you as you celebrate your birthday. Congratulations on another successful year. **_Happy birthday, to my cousin and friend. Thanks for being my lifesaver on so many occasions! I don’t take you for granted – please know that. May all your dreams become a reality. **_Happy birthday, cousin! I love your birthday, but somehow it reminds me how old I am…Why can’t we still play around and dream of what we are going to do when we grow up? Cousin, I hope every one of your dreams comes true! **_Happy birthday, cousin! Do you still remember getting into trouble with our parents? So much has changed, but so much has stayed the same! I am grateful for you! Take care of yourself, and have a gazillion more birthdays. **_Happy birthday, cousin. You’re my favorite, and you’re everybody’s favorite because you just have a spark that we all can’t help being drawn to! Believe in yourself because you are truly something! All the best. **_Happy birthday, to someone who just knows how to make everyone feel special. Thank you for being you, cousin! May you grow in success in the coming year, and may happiness always be yours. **_Happy birthday, dear cousin. Thanks for being the best listener in the world. I so appreciate you, and I love you very much. I hope that you will take the time to celebrate the treasured person that you are! **_Happy birthday, to my awesome cousin! Ah, I can’t help getting emotional thinking about the good old days! I hope you are happy, and that you have all you need in life. I know that the world is bigger than we thought, but remember that we are also bigger than we thought! You can do anything your heart desires. I love you! **_Happy, happy, happy birthday, to the coolest cousin on planet earth! You are my favorite cousin and my best friend for life. I’m so lucky to have been born into the same family! **_Happy birthday, to my extraordinary cousin. You know me better than anyone else, cuz! I trust you with my life. Thank you for being you! Stay beautiful on the inside and out. All the best! **_A cousin is someone who always offers a shoulder to cry on, and always laughs at my jokes—even when they’re not that funny. I’m so thankful for you. Happy birthday! **_I am extremely proud to have a cousin like you. You have always been so compassionate, considerate and caring. I love reminiscing on our amazing memories together. I can’t wait to give you a warm birthday hug. **_To my favorite cousin, I am wishing you the happiest of birthdays! You have always been there for me, and I consider you a true friend. I will work hard to ensure that your birthday celebrations are spectacular. You deserve the very best! **. **_Over the years, we’ve shared secrets, adventures, heartbreak, and laughter. Simply put, I don’t know what I would do without you. Happy birthday, to the best cousin in the world. **_Happy birthday to the best cousin of all time. I hope for happiness, health and prosperity for you today and every single day to come. Life isn’t always easy, but it sure is better having you by my side. **_Happy birthday, to my cousin and kindred spirit. You mean more to me than words can say. You’ve always been there, whether loudly on the front line, or softly in the background…you are my rock, cousin! Stay grounded in the heavenly stuff you’re made of! **_Even across the miles you manage to stay in touch with us. Thanks for being the glue that this family needs. May you have all the successes your heart desires, today and in the future. Happy birthday, cousin! **_Happy birthday, cousin! Growing up with you has given me so many beautiful memories to treasure. Thank you for being there when I fell down, and for picking me up. I will always remember our good times. Have an unbeatable birthday. You’re thought of with love today. Writing cards may seem easy, but it actually isn’t—especially if you’re not accustomed to writing such things. If it occurs to you, then you can get some reference first before creating the letter yourself. Plus, know your ‘audience’—your cousin. Will the person cringe over your birthday letter that starts with “happy birthday to my beautiful cousin’? If you think that may happen, it’s time to change the words. Birthday Wishes for Cousin **_Your Presence in my life is certainly a blessing to cherish. Happy birthday to you, my favorite cousin. May your wishes come true! **_Here’s a happy birthday FROM the smartest, most talented and beautiful cousin in the world. Wishing you a day filled with fun! **_Happy birthday dear. Whatever you do, just don’t look at the mirror, your wrinkled skin will kill the joy! **_I wish you a wonderful birthday. The way you make everyone happy, I hope you find every happiness in this world because you deserve it. Happy Birthday! **_Having a great cousin like you is truly a gift for a lifetime. Thank you for bringing so much joy to my life. Happy Birthday! **_Even though we used to fight a lot but you are someone I always care about a lot. I know you feel the same about me. I love you so much. Happy Birthday, dear. **_Having a cousin like you is a blessing. I can never forget what you did for me when I needed support from someone. I wish your life be filled with happiness. God bless you. Happy Birthday! **_Today is one special day where I get to tell you how much I appreciate your presence in my life. You are truly a source of happiness for me. Happy Birthday! **_I cannot ever forget our childhood memories. When I didn’t have any friends, you were always there as my best friend. Thanks for everything dear, Happy Birthday! Birthday Wishes for Cousin Sister **_You can’t even imagine what you mean to me. You always support me and love me like my own sister. I love you a lot. Happy Birthday, dear. **_Wishing you a superb and fantastic birthday. May you receive happiness beyond measure and love beyond your thought on this day! **_Dear cousin, you are so beautiful inside-out. The way you look after the entire family, I wish for nothing but your happiness. You are truly a gem. **_On your birthday, I pray that God will continue to shower you with blessings and lift your spirit. And give you peace and happiness. Happy Birthday, dear. **_Growing older with you is like a blessing sister. I can never forget the childhood days we spent together. Thanks for always being with me. Happy Birthday! **_Happy Birthday! Do whatever you want to do today. Do as much as fun you can afford today. **_Keep making us proud like you’ve been doing all these years. I wish nothing but the best of everything in life. Happy birthday! **_Growing up with you was the sweetest part of my entire life. Thank you, dear sister, for being such a sweet and adorable cousin. Happy Birthday to you! Birthday Wishes for Cousin Brother **_You’re finally being listed in the clubs of the adult. Congratulations dear brother! Wishing you a memorable birthday today! **_Today is no ordinary day. Today is the birthday of someone with whom I shared the most memorable moments of my childhood. Happy birthday! **_Dear cousin, I wish you all the success and joy in this life. Happy birthday, my brother. **_Happy Birthday dear. May God bless you and give you all the happiness of this world. I love you. **_I never felt the absence of a brother because you were always with me. You have always supported me and cheered me up. I am so grateful to have you in my life. Happy Birthday, brother. **_I am so lucky to have a brother like you in my life. Happy birthday! Give me a treat now. **_Happy Birthday my most favorite cousin. You are not only my cousin; you are my brother. I hope you have a great birthday today. Funny Birthday Wishes for Cousin **_Happy Birthday dear! How does it feel seeing so many candles on the cake? I hope you can get used to it. **_Hey, please keep my portion of the cake, don’t eat it all by yourself. Happy Birthday, my dear cousin. **_Happy Birthday Cousin! You’re sure as old as you feel but you’re never going to be younger than me. **_Tolerating someone like you is not easy, congratulations to me because I did it for another year. Happy Birthday, dear. **_You’re one of the very few people I can tolerate on a daily basis. Does it make you feel bad or grateful? Happy birthday! **_Wonderful people like you deserve a holiday to celebrate their birthday. Anyways Happy birthday, dear. **_How does it feel to be so popular one time a year on Facebook? I know it feels great except the part of checking notifications 24/7. Happy Birthday! **_Happy Birthday to my beautiful, wonderful, hilarious cousin. I hope your beauty stops aging unlike you. Happy Birthday Cousin Quotes **_“In my cousin, I find a second self.” Isabel Norton **_“If you’re lucky, a cousin is there from the beginning.” Susan Bolch **_“Cousins are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.” Ed Cunningham **_“Never judge someone by their relatives.” Charles Martin **_“A real cousin is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” Proverb **_“Cousins are cool to see, impossible to forget and true to your heart.” Leo Farno **_“Cousins are not those we do not know but instead part of a family that also provide support and comfort.” Byron Pulsifer **_“Sticking with your family is what makes it a family.” Mitch Albom **_“We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.” Winnie the Pooh **_“Cousins are sisters you never had.” Reah Glowstorl **_“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” Richard Bach **_“My cousins are shareholders of my soul.” Saswat Padhy **_“Cousins are friends that will love you forever.” Constance Richards **_“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the cousins together.” Woodrow Wilson **_“Remember, cousins, are forever!” Lydia Howe **_“When I walk, I walk with you. Where I go, you’re with me always.” Alice Hoffman **_“Win, lose or draw, you’re all my cousins and I love you.” Chill Wills Saying Happy Birthday Cousin in Unique Words It may ‘disturb’ your cousin’s mind that you start the letter mentioning, ‘happy birthday beautiful cousin’. Well, if you think such word will trigger him/her, put the option away. It’s time to think about a unique way to say it. To say it in other language, or combine English with other languages sounds like a nice idea. **_Happy Birthday to someone who isn’t just a cousin, but one of my very best friends. **_Today, cousin, you are celebrating another year of life! Although nothing you see will compare to the wheel being invented, may this year be full of wonders! Happy birthday beautiful cousin. **_Happy Birthday to my cousin! In our family, you are the one that we rely on for information about our history… because you have been here, since the beginning of time! **_Standing next to you, cousin, on your birthday is a real treat for me! Anyone around us can clearly see that I am much, younger than you! Happy birthday beautiful cousin. **_Sending warm birthday wishes to a cousin that deserves the world. I hope that today is filled with happiness, fun and laughter. I truly wish that your birthday is half as wonderful as you are. **_Dear cousin, as you celebrate another year of becoming older, do know that old age isn’t as bad as the world makes it appear when you think of the alternative to old age being buried in the ground. Have a lovely day. **_Happy birthday to an amazing cousin. I am so grateful for you and all that you do. You are a fantastic person and such a caring family member to have. I hope that today all of your hopes and dreams become a reality. **_I want the sun to shine the brightest today, and the birds to sing the loudest because today is one of the most special days in the year. My cousin celebrates a birthday. **_Happy birthday, to my cousin, who is always filled with the best advice and the loudest laughter. You make every day so much fun. **_You are a blessing to have. We are happy and grateful every day to have you as a cousin. Thanks for being such a good listener, and I hope you have a birthday you will always remember. Happy birthday beautiful cousin. **_Happy splendid birthday, my dearest cousin! Don’t worry about getting older today. No matter how old you become, you’re still a child because you’re a child of God! **_I am extremely proud to have a cousin like you. You have always been so compassionate, considerate and caring. I love reminiscing on our amazing memories together. I can’t wait to give you a warm birthday hug. Happy birthday beautiful cousin. **_Your presence in my life is a source of happiness. You are my favorite cousin. But do not tell others. May all your wishes come true today. Happy birthday to my cousin. **_Happy birthday, to my sweet and loving cousin! I love you so much and wish you all the best today. But if ever you tell my secrets, I will still never forgive you! **. **_Happy birthday, to my cousin and kindred spirit. You mean more to me than words can say. You’ve always been there, whether loudly on the front line, or softly in the background…you are my rock, cousin! Stay grounded in the heavenly stuff you’re made of! **_To my cousin, on your birthday: every year I see how much you’ve grown and I’m so proud of the person you’ve become. For example, combining ‘happy birthday’ and calling cousin in other language, such as Spanish. If you speak Spanish, that would be easier for you to tell ‘happy birthday cuz’ or ‘happy birthday prima’. Whichever you pick, make sure it is combined with a perfect complementary message.
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By Jennifer Moore-Kerr I met Joe and Lucille Wankerl at their kitchen table on a quiet street in Plain where they had moved when they left their family farm in 1988. The house had once been owned by Lucille’s uncle, a sign of how tied together their families remain. When I asked to interview Joe, he made it clear that his story wasn’t his alone and that to interview him meant interviewing both of them. Throughout my time with them, his respect for, and appreciation of, Lucille continually shown through. Perhaps he is of a time, and perhaps he is just a man who knows the value of a wife. When he spoke of his grandfather, who had lost his wife when she was in her 50s, and then sold the farm to his son, he said, “A farmer can’t farm without that wife — I promise you that. It did not work.” But to be clear, the family still held together. A widowed grandfather lived with his son or daughter’s family and was taken care of. There was no question of that. The walls of Joe and Lucille Wankerl’s home in Plain are full of pictures of their children. To meet them is to understand the role that family has played in their lives as the children of immigrants who grew up when church and family farms were the foundation of the community. Joe spoke of a time when families were large, times were hard, and survival was a skill that everyone had to learn. He was born number seven of 10, in 1930, in Plain. But he starts his story with that of his father. His father had emigrated from Germany in 1914 as a 26-year-old. As the third boy in his family he did not get the family farm in Bavaria, and like many before, and after, him, he chose to try his luck in America. This area had already been settled by other families from the region of Germany from which Joe’s father came, and there was land available here for him to farm. It was a good place for him to settle. By 1919, he bought the farm where Joe and his siblings would grow up. In February 1919, he married Joe’s mother. It wasn’t a big farm and they worked hard on their 36 tillable acres to make a living. They had a survival mentality that was the glue that got them through. Joe remembers as a boy taking their winter wheat to one of the water-powered mills in Lodi, Blackhawk, Witwen or Leeland to grind it into the flour. That bag had to make the family’s bread until the next year’s crop was harvested. They also grew 2 acres of potatoes, and an acre of vegetables, all of which was to feed their large family. Early on Joe decided to be a “shadow” to his father, a term he used repeatedly when talking about his childhood. He learned to speak the Bavarian farmer language spoken by him: “I remember being the shadow to my father, being determined, ‘I’m going to learn his language … I’m going to learn the language because I want to communicate with him.’” He learned of his father’s good career as an officer cook in the German military before coming to the United States, and how he had been popular for bringing leftovers to the enlisted men after the officers were done. He grew to honor his hard-working immigrant father. In telling his story, Joe told much about his father, the struggles he had as an immigrant in the first half of the 20th century in rural Wisconsin. While with the help of local teacher Celia Ederer he and others were able to gain their citizenship early on, he never quite learned the English language, and he often struggled because of that. Those struggles motivated Joe to always work hard for justice. Joe and Lucille grew up in a different time — a time when church and family farms were the foundation of the community. The Ten Commandments were the rule of law. Competition between neighbors was strong and good will ran strong. They were “all poor and all looked after each other. When someone needed help it was a battle to see who got there first to provide the help.” There is both a sense of pride in their voices as they reminisced, and a sense of sadness that times seem so different now. Lucille shared with Joe the experience of growing up with an immigrant parent. She remembers being bullied on the bus because her father only spoke broken English. She also shares the memories of people helping each other out. Together they share the hurt that came from not being able to fully communicate with, and learn from, their fathers. They also share a lifetime of memories together. While they rode the same bus to school as children, they did not date until 1950. But when they did, Lucille saw a man with talent who would take care of her. Now, 69 years later, the laughter they share as they tell me stories from their life together is a joy to hear. Joe felt that when you work hard you can reward yourself. That you should “live life to its fullest (that you think proper).” Their stories suggest that these were not idle words. Joe flew a small airplane, taking his lovely wife on weekend trips around the Midwest. He played the tuba in a band called the Plain Hotshots more Saturday nights than Lucille wants to remember! They raised three girls and three boys, and they still have on their kitchen table the sugar bowl given to Lucille’s grandparents in 1920 by Joe’s father, who had worked for them, and wanted to show his gratitude to them upon his own marriage to Joe’s mother. Years later, that same sugar and creamer set was given to Joe and Lucille when they married in 1952. Today it still serves them, as a beautiful reminder of their heritage, and for me, as a symbol of their commitment and the stability of their strong family roots. Their lives have not been easy. They have worked hard. Neither thought they would be farmers, and yet they were. Joe graduated from St. Luke’s High School on May 26, 1948, with dreams beyond the farm. However, his father told him on that day, “Den ersten June du must bauer mit mich machen:” “The first of June you will come work for me.” And so he did. “You did not question your father.” He does not tell that story with angst or bitterness. It is just what you did. When I asked what makes him stay in the area, his answer is that his father decided that for him. Joe does not accept sadness, he gets busy. At one point in our interview, this delightful 92-year-old man said, “I have ants in my pants, I cannot stand to be bored!” They still play euchre with the same, albeit smaller, group with whom they always have played. They play “for the fun of it, and to keep our lives active. We all look out for one another.” Joe now makes reed baskets by hand, a skill he was taught in fifth grade in their one-room school house by teacher Geraldine Bauer. He generously gifted one to me. And Lucille laughs at the memories of their life together. She is gentle and soft spoken, but it is easy to see the spirit that drove her to stand up to that bully on the bus so many years ago with the awareness that “nobody’s going to tell me that I don’t belong.” Her religion and her trust bring her happiness. She hopes to see the area schools and church be more prosperous, and she takes pride in her home and her village. The walls of their home are full of pictures of their children from when they were toddlers to now. Interviewing Joe and Lucille gave me a glimpse of the roots of Plain, the strength of community, and the value of that strong work ethic they spoke of. It was an honor to hear their story..
After a brief reprieve from surging cases in the fall, omicron, the newest and most transmissible Covid-19 variant yet, is tearing its way across the nation, causing a nearly 30 percent spike nationally in cases in a matter of days. As communities roll out eerily familiar safety measures, for some, it’s feeling like 2020 again: In the past few weeks, California and New York reinstated indoor mask mandates, restaurants from Philadelphia to Houston to Los Angeles are temporarily closing amid outbreaks, at-home rapid tests are sold out from coast to coast, and some universities are sending students back online. Welcome to the pandemic’s “junior year,” to adopt the darkly comic term that went viral on Twitter this fall. It looks like 2022 is destined to be the third year in a row that’s marked by fear and confusion, positive tests and near misses — and a resounding feeling of failure. “There is a part of me that’s like, ‘I don’t care! I don’t care at all!’” says Theo McKenna, a 31-year-old bartender and actor in New York City. “But I’m like, I do.” While McKenna is boosted, masking up, and still determined to protect themselves and others, omicron has left them wondering, “What did we do everything for, then?” That feeling of ever-dwindling resolve and malaise has had many names over the last 21 months: grief, burnout, “languishing,” trauma. Perhaps the most popular is “pandemic fatigue,” which describes the difficulty many well-intentioned individuals have had in keeping up safety precautions over long periods. “People are especially exhausted because so much energy is spent on ‘what ifs’ and worrying,” says David Sbarra, a psychology professor at the University of Arizona. “There’s enough to worry about about the known-knowns that worrying about all the unknowns just takes a big toll on us after a while.” As we face the latest “wave,” many are considering what effect this cumulative sorrow has had on us. Two years of data suggest, in short, bad things. The physical and psychic consequences of the Pandemic With No End are shaping up to be devastating, with few areas of our lives left untouched. :no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23123320/GettyImages_1237370175.jpg) These days, it feels as though even the most determined Americans are scrounging around for a clean mask, wondering if it’s all still worth it. “To be honest, if anything, I feel like I fall into the mindset of: I am vaccinated, so I’m just gonna, like, do me,” Jacob, a 23-year-old based in Baltimore, recently told the Atlantic. While the vaccinated can still spread the virus and are at risk of long Covid symptoms themselves, President Biden announced they don’t necessarily need to reconsider their holiday plans — much to the chagrin of many concerned scientists. Infection now, however, seems inevitable. Even public health experts are “mentally bracing to test positive after spending two years dodging the virus,” Dan Diamond recently wrote in the Washington Post. People who never thought they’d get sick are now questioning whether their breakthrough cases should really require 10 days of isolation..” While we may be done with the pandemic, Covid-19 is clearly not done with us. :no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23123208/GettyImages_1210661013.jpg) When the World Health Organization first declared a global public health emergency, many people were gripped by fear of the unknown. In the first and, to date, best-studied stage of the pandemic — lockdown — essential workers continued to care for sick patients and run grocery store check-out lines. Within weeks, roughly 35 percent of people in the US were working from home and an additional 14.7 percent were unemployed. While US public health officials tried to do their best, messaging was often hopelessly confused, with endless reversals about hand-washing, mask-wearing, and more. Researchers, unsurprisingly, found a three-fold increase in depression — from 8.5 percent before the pandemic to nearly 28 percent in late March and early April 2020 according to a survey of roughly 1,441 American adults published in the journal JAMA Network Open. Anxiety similarly spiked, with about 30 percent of Americans experiencing clinically significant symptoms in the same period. This initial nosedive in mental health was widely anticipated, in part because of the well-established science of chronic stress. When the body is flooded with stress hormones such as cortisol, the heart beats faster and harder, muscles tense, inflammation increases. Over time, the immune system weakens and the central nervous system, which remains continually on high alert, wears down, and both physical and mental health can worsen. While there are ways to manage chronic stress, one of the most protective features is a strong social network — the very thing lockdown threatened. “We all know those people for whom it’s water off a duck’s back,” says Andrew McLean, a psychiatrist based at the University of North Dakota. “But the majority of us, we need some support.” :no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23123278/GettyImages_1232587057.jpg) While the coronavirus itself posed the biggest threat to older adults, the emotional consequences of the pandemic response seem to have hit younger people the hardest. Among kids, depression, anxiety, and behavioral issues shot up, affecting two-thirds of children mid-pandemic as opposed to just one-third prior. Doctors also believe the pandemic helps to explain the dramatic increase in tic-like disorders among adolescents, the doubling of eating disorders between April and May 2020, and the startling rise in suicide attempts among girls ages 12 to 17. As depression and anxiety increased, so did difficulty with basic cognitive function, as people around the world reported a distorted sense of time and memory issues. Under normal circumstances, “you have this rolling agenda for yourself,” says Holman. It gets you through each day and provides the basis for your longer-term future. Canceled plans, flights, classes, and weddings profoundly altered our sense of time. In the absence of any sense of normalcy, Americans looked for ways to get by. In June 2020, 13 percent of adults reported starting or increasing substance use as a way of managing their pandemic-related emotions, according to the CDC. (Drug deaths rose, too: Between April 2020 and April 2021, more than 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses — an all-time record.) Other common stress reducers fell by the wayside: Both physical activity and partnered sex declined in the US and around the world. “Coping resources were just spent,” Holman says, “absolutely spent.” Even if Covid-19 disappeared and all our pandemic problems cleared up today, Holman believes the hardship people have already endured will have knock-on effects for decades to come. Going forward, researchers expect to see more recurring mental illness and continued substance-use disorders, as well as an increase in physical health consequences, including heart attacks and stroke. One of lockdown’s few silver linings — the overall drop in deaths by suicide by 3 percent between 2019 and 2020 — is feeling a little tenuous. Researchers hypothesize that despite the stress and isolation, many people felt a sense of shared purpose early in the pandemic. A closer look at the suicide data reveals that suicide rates are increasing among Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic men, says psychiatrist Christine Yu Moutier, the chief medical officer for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. “I am very, very concerned,” Moutier says, adding, “this has such a long, uncertain tail to it, and the exhaustion is real.” :no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23123289/GettyImages_1360424823.jpg) The vaccine was a moonshot that landed: While the fully vaccinated may still become infected, the evidence to date suggests that their risk of serious illness remains low. But “the US has not moved quickly enough” to contain Covid-19, says Samuel Scarpino, managing director of the Pandemic Prevention Institute at the Rockefeller Foundation. Without investment in widespread at-home testing; robust local, state, and federal surveillance; and vaccines for the rest of the world, the virus is once again evolving out of our control. As a result, Americans’ patience with the long, slow march to endemicity has worn catastrophically thin. While the data on 2021 is still pouring in, the rollback of governmental support and the fracturing of social cohesion also may have contributed to an even harder year than the one that preceded it. Health care workers are stretched to extremes. Parents hoping for a vaccine for children under 5 continue to be disappointed. And, as hard as it is to believe, more Americans died of Covid-19 in 2021 than in 2020. Now, the rapid spread of the omicron variant all but guarantees more hardships are on the horizon. There might be one boon to finally surrendering to the pandemic, however: honesty. As masks, vaccines, and other safety precautions became politicized, it became harder for some people who were supportive of attempts to curb the spread of Covid-19 to talk openly about their own difficulties. Some instead opted for toxic positivity. “We all had to lie to each other and say, ‘I didn’t mind it that much!’” McKenna says. “I think that’s something people are more honest about.” For McKenna, masking up “is exhausting, it’s uncomfortable,” they say. “I’ll still do it, [but] I don’t have to like it.” :no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23123306/AP21354703161555.jpg) That may seem small, but this “so what?” sentiment seems to be fueling major societal shifts, including the Great Resignation, the name for the phenomenon of millions of people leaving their jobs in recent months. While everyone’s reasons for quitting are different, many have explicitly cited an unwillingness to accept poor pay and bad schedules, as well as a belief that a better job is out there for them. Letting up on the moral judgments, perfectionist tendencies, and insistent stiff upper lip of the last two years could prove crucial in other ways, too, says psychologist Nicole Ruzek, director of Counseling and Psychological Services at the University of Virginia. “I hope people are talking about it with each other,” she says of the pandemic’s many annoyances, big and small. “My worry has been that we’re displacing our feelings of helplessness and hopelessness and anger.” Instead of letting things explode, that energy can be harnessed. So, what’s a bummed-out and boosted American to do? Ride out this pandemic, while working on preventing the next one, says Steven Taylor, a professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of British Columbia and the author of The Psychology of Pandemics. As surreal as it felt, so much of the Covid-19 crisis was predictable, Taylor says. Everything from botched public health messaging to anti-mask campaigns has happened before — and then was quickly forgotten about. With a little work, Taylor believes, the future could surprise even him. “I’m hoping this is what makes Covid-19 different,” he says, “That we learn these lessons.”
Across the world entrepreneurship is acknowledged as one of the key drivers for economic growth. But small and emerging businesses are often faced with endless challenges of surviving and keeping their doors open. However, the False Bay Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College in partnership with various stakeholders are empowering upcoming entrepreneurs with crucial business skills. The college held a community enterprise exhibition at one of their colleges in Khayelitsha last Thursday as part of a pilot project to assist township businesses. Business showcased their offerings, ranging from catering, fashion and travelling to landscaping products and other services. The top five businesses also stood a chance to win their share of a R50 000 prize. The college firmly believes that boosting small businesses is one of the key steps to growing the country’s economy – and that today’s small business could be tomorrow’s economy giant. Steve Reid, the director at the Centre for Entrepreneurship at False Bay College, said when they conceptualised the programme idea they wanted to assist business that had been operating for at least 18 month. He said they specifically targeted businesses from Mitchell’s Plain, Khayelitsha and Philippi. He said these entrepreneurs were required to attend information sessions and workshops before they could be eligible to showcase their businesses at the event. He said one of the key things that the project hoped to achieve was to assist these emerging business with ways of growing their ventures. He said the entrepreneurs were empowered with skills such as how to pitch their business and how to reach their target market. Mr Reid said their mission behind this concept was to create a network and relationship between small businesses. Through the programme, he said they wanted instil in them that entrepreneurship courage, grit and unwavering spirit. Mr Reid said entrepreneurs must be aware that they will be knocked down but giving up should never be an option. Talking about challenges, he said most small businesses battle to identify or reach their target market and that was hugely contributed to by a lack of proper marketing. “The value that these business have expressed kind of shows we are on the right track here. “Those who are here, we want them to tell us about their businesses. What can you offer? We want to make entrepreneurs the coolest dudes in the room. But we are not naive; we understand their challenges hence we want to try and help them. “The training that we did was very streetwise and was not theoretical but practical. We taught them what were some of the things that one needs to understand without becoming an accountant. We emphasised the importance of marketing. “Every business decision has financial consequences. We want them to learn to separate personal finance from business finance,” he said. Mr Reid noted that while many of the businesses survive hand-to-mouth, through the programme they want to them to set thei goals. Emerging entrepreneur, Zandile Tladi, who sells baby goods, including baby clothes, said she has learnt especially about the importance of marketing and reaching her audience. Ms Tladi said the information she has acquired from the training has certainly shaped her thinking and helped her to be streetwise. Caution urged as temperatures soar
1917 is a war movie made to look as though it were shot in a single continuous take. Or, to be entirely precise, a single take that cuts off while its hero is unconsciousness for a few hours in the middle, which is, I suppose, the body’s answer to editing. It begins by a field in northern France where two young men are dozing, then follows the pair as they wind their way through camp and into trenches that rise up around them, past fellow British soldiers sorting through mail and hanging laundry, or laying wire or crouching in corners, smoking. It’s ostentatiously complicated, dozens of extras engaged in bits of business that are only briefly glimpsed as Schofield (the haunted-eyed George MacKay) and Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) pass them by. But it’s also a tableau of deliberate mundanity — the best thing the movie does, using its fluid camera to observe the way that even in the midst of shell-shocking combat, life retains qualities of the routine; everyone likes to have clean clothes when they can manage it. The main characters are just more men in uniform until an assignment transforms them into something else — messengers tasked with warning another battalion that they’re headed into a trap. Blake gets chosen for this urgent mission because his brother is a member of the imperiled unit, and the powers that be believe that will give him extra incentive to get the job done. Schofield gets chosen by Blake to accompany him because they’re friends, though circumstances eventually split him off to travel solo across dangerous territory, desperately trying to reach his goal in time. 1917 is a war movie that also aspires to be a thriller, done on the run and with a ticking clock. But more than either of those things, it’s a bombastic filmmaking stunt, though I’m sure director Sam Mendes doesn’t want to think about it that way. Mendes, who wrote the script with Krysty Wilson-Cairns, conceived of the look of the film from the start as a kind of blunt-force approach to immersion that would make the audience travel with these characters every step of the way. The single-take approach was, for him, meant to be a means of conveying immediacy and intimacy. But in practice the showy complexity of the undertaking achieves the opposite effect.. The film is a fitting tribute to the incredible skill and patience of director of photography Roger Deakins, who will probably keep winning awards for best cinematography that are actually awards for hardest cinematography. But it’s less convincing as the homage it seems intended to be to the men who took part in this conflict — one of them Mendes’s grandfather, a veteran of World War I whose stories provided the initial inspiration. “There’s a feeling about this war, that it is in danger of being forgotten,” the director told Variety. For something that strives to bring century-old hostilities back to vivid life, 1917 feels unduly concerned with boring whoever might be watching by lingering on details. To commit to showing someone’s real-time experiences means, well, committing to their real-time experiences, even when that involves trudging through the mud for a while. But the film arranges ways to fling its characters from set piece to set piece, from a sequence in which a character crosses a downed bridge while being shot at from directions unknown to one in which he tumbles over the edge of a waterfall. Cameos from better-known British and Irish talent serve as chapter markers. The artifice of the aesthetic premise overwhelms any of the film’s other intentions. Formal ambition doesn’t have to equal distance. The obvious comparison for 1917 is Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk, which was about a different war but which opted for its own high concept by tracking the evacuation of its title through three timelines. The puzzle-box nature of its construction didn’t diminish the events it was portraying or the tangible humanity of the characters navigating them. A less obvious correspondence can be made to Sunset, the László Nemes film from earlier this year set a few years before the conflict that Mendes’s work would go onto depict. Sunset, which tries to show a European society on the verge of tearing itself up, makes use of long-take photography that quietly feels at least as impressive as what 1917 attempts. When the camera tracks protagonist Írisz Leiter (Juli Jakab) out of the shop that used to belong to her family, and out into a teeming city street full of activity that unfolds around her, it’s reminiscent of that first sequence in 1917. The difference is that Mendes’s movie wants you in awe of the scale of what it’s built, while Nemes’s doesn’t want you to think about its world as a creation at all — just a fact.
Gary Speed’s parents have told of their pride at seeing the Wales team their son helped build on the verge of a history-making first tournament finals for 58 years. The dad of the former Wales coach, Roger Speed, said his son would be looking down “smiling” and feeling huge pride over Chris Coleman’s men leading Group B in the European Championship qualifiers. Related: Relive Wales' magnificent 1-0 win over Belgium While acknowledging Coleman’s massive contribution Roger believes his son, who died in November 2011, helped fashion the unity of the current Wales set-up. The togetherness of the side was embodied by the huddle at the end of the victory over Belgium earlier this month when captain Ashley Williams told his teammates: “We’ve come too far to lose it now.” 'Chris has my full backing' Roger, who lives with wife Carol in Queensferry, Flintshire, said: “There’s a lot (of the success down to Gary’s legacy). People have told me. People have watched them and the first thing they say is ‘That’s Gary’s idea’. “And I’m all for Chris - I give him my full backing. He’s carried on where Gary left off, which is absolutely brilliant.” Related: How a football nation was born again Roger said his son’s successor has turned around the doubts that hung over his tenure following Wales’ last World Cup qualifying campaign. Wales were seeded sixth in Group A and finished fifth after three wins, a draw and six defeats in their bid to reach last year’s World Cup finals. “It’s worked - I thought they were brilliant against Belgium,” said Roger. The 72-year-old said of his son’s contribution: “It’s what the motto is ‘Together. Stronger’. Everybody’s together and they’re playing for one another.” He said his son helped build Wales’ unity by insisting on the players singing the national anthem together. Watch: Did Gary teach Wales to sing like this? 'Learn the words, boys' Former Newcastle, Everton and Leeds midfielder Speed issued copies of Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau to his squad and asked them to learn the words. Players were given Welsh and phonetic versions to help the team’s monoglot English speakers get their tongues round the words. Roger said he will be the “first one on the plane to France” should Gareth Bale, Aaron Ramsey and their teammates end the near six-decades-long wait for tournament football. Qualification would mean 'the world' to Gary He added: “It would be fantastic, absolutely brilliant, if they could make it.” Roger said qualification would have meant “the world” to his son. Gary’s son Ed, 18, spoke to the Wales team after a memorial game for his father against Costa Rica in February 2012. Speed’s last game as manager of Wales saw a 4-1 victory over Norway in a friendly on November 12. Wife Louise found the 42-year-old’s body hanged in the garage of their luxury Chester home just weeks later on the morning of November 27 after the couple had argued the night before. 'I hope they go on and do it' The following month, on the day of the final Fifa rankings of the year, Wales were awarded the title of ‘Best Movers’ of the year. They had gained more ranking points than any other nation in 2011. Carol, 70, said: “We’d like to think he obviously had some input. We certainly do feel proud and I’m made up for Chris. “I hope they go on and do it.” She said her son, who had suffered from depression before his death, would have been “made up” as a “very proud Welshman”. Born and bred in Deeside former Wales star Speed, the nation’s most capped outfield player, carved out a glittering career on and off the pitch. Roger and Carol, both originally from Chester, said they were “very, very proud” of their son as “the only Welshman in the family”. “He was born in Mancot so that was it,” said Roger. Eight of Speed's last side still playing Wales sit three points ahead of Belgium at the top of group B with four games left to play in their Euro qualifiers. Under Coleman’s management the nation will enter the top 10 in the Fifa rankings for the first time following the win over Belgium. It will also place Wales among the top seeds when the 2018 World Cup qualifying draw is made in July. Eight of the players who turned out for Wales’ win over Norway as starters or substitutes in Speed’s last game in charge featured in the win over Belgium.
The announcement comes as millions of people in China are already traveling across the country and overseas for Lunar New Year, which officially starts Jan. 25. There are direct flights several times a week from Wuhan to San Francisco and JFK airports, including one scheduled to arrive Friday in New York at 10 p.m. Three additional cases have also been reported in other parts of Asia, the most recent Friday in a Chinese tourist who traveled to Bangkok, according to Thai officials. There are no known U.S. cases. The World Health Organization said in a statement Thursday that additional cases in other countries are likely, given global travel patterns, a sentiment that CDC officials echoed Friday. “This is a serious situation,” said Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Referring to previous epidemics of serious and complex respiratory outbreaks caused by new viruses that sickened thousands and killed hundreds worldwide in the last two decades, she said it was crucial for the United States to be proactive and prepared. At the start of an outbreak, the earliest cases tend to be the most severe, she said. “As we do more testing, we’re likely to see more cases, and I think we’ll see at least a case in the United States,” she told reporters during a Friday news briefing. “That’s why we’re moving forward so quickly with this screening.” About 5,000 people arrive at the three airports monthly on direct or connecting flights from Wuhan, said Martin Cetron, director of the CDC’s division of global migration and quarantine. Only JFK and San Francisco airports have direct flights. The risk to Americans is low, officials said. “But the earlier we detect, the better we can protect,” Cetron said. CDC staff will ask travelers about symptoms, places they have visited in Wuhan, and take temperatures. Suspected cases of illness will be transported safely to predesignated facilities in those cities, Cetron said. Many will likely end up being referred for further evaluation and care. That process may take hours and up to a day, officials said. Testing for common viruses may only take hours. But testing for the new virus will require that specimens be collected and then sent to the CDC. As a result, “it’s unlikely [travelers] will make immediate connecting flights,” Cetron said. Travelers who do not have symptoms will be given a card with information about what to do and who to contact if they develop symptoms, he said. CDC officials acknowledged that in the middle of winter, it’s far more likely that symptoms will be caused by common winter viruses than the new virus, he said. At airports in Asia, authorities have screened thousands of people before they identified the one or two individual cases, he said. The three cases outside China include two Chinese tourists who flew to Thailand. The first tourist is in stable condition. The second arrived in Thailand on Monday with a fever, Thai authorities said. The third case is a Chinese resident of Japan whose case was confirmed on Thursday. He has recovered. All three travelers flew from Wuhan. New information from China late Friday about additional infections among people who had close contact with initial patients, but did not go to the animal market believed to be the origin of the outbreak, provides more evidence for human-to-human transmission. The patient in Japan also had not been to the Wuhan animal market but had “potential close contact with unspecified pneumonia patients in China,” according to the Japanese Ministry of Health. One reason for concern is that the new pathogen is in the family of viruses that includes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS. The SARS epidemic began in China in November 2002 and over eight months, infected more than 8,000 people, killed 774 and sparked mass panic as it spread across more than two dozen countries before it was contained in the summer of 2003. SARS spread to humans through infected civet cats sold in live animal markets. Most patients in the Wuhan outbreak also worked or had some other exposure to a large live animal and seafood market that Chinese authorities shut down Jan. 1. The airport screening is the first time such monitoring has been deployed for an infectious disease since the Ebola epidemic in 2014, when officials screened travelers arriving at U.S. airports from three West African countries: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The process began after a man flew from Liberia to Texas and was later diagnosed with Ebola. No cases were detected. Since Wednesday, outbound passengers at the international airport in Wuhan have been required to pass through electronic temperature sensors before boarding flights, the South China Morning Post reported. Anyone with a temperature over 100 degrees is required to undergo a manual check and if high temperature is confirmed, “spend a period of time in a quarantine facility.” Health officials say they don’t yet have enough information to draw conclusions about whether the new virus can spread easily from person to person, or describe its clinical features. The source of the virus also remains unknown. But the emergence of a new respiratory illness that originated from an animal has raised concerns among health officials and infectious disease experts. If an infected person gets on a plane, “they have the potential to transmit the virus on the way, and the more people who are infected, the more chances the virus has to replicate in people and mutate,” said Matt Frieman, a virologist and associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine who studies coronaviruses. With cases of the new virus found in Japan and the most recent case in Thailand, there is increased worry of spread to a wider area, Frieman said. “This also suggests that either animals shedding the virus are still in Wuhan or that there is more human-to-human spread than is recognized,” he said. “Both of these scenarios are problematic for control of this new virus.” CDC’s Messonnier said “there is some indication that limited person-to-person transmission is happening, including outside China.” Based on preliminary information, the incubation period, or time from exposure to the infection and appearance of first symptoms, seems to be between two and 14 days, she said. “But we don’t have all the information at the level of detail that our scientists would prefer,” she said. “We want to see every tidbit. We are more in a waiting mode. Things are still moving fast.” Of 45 confirmed cases in China, most were male, middle-aged and elderly, with early symptoms of fever and cough, Wuhan health authorities said. The patients included a man who worked at the closed market and his wife, who had never visited it. The two who died were both men over 60 with underlying chronic diseases. The first had been a regular customer at the market, but health authorities have not said whether the second had contact with it. Five others are reported to have severe illnesses. Of the 45 cases, four — all men — were reported late Friday, Wuhan health authorities said. Their condition is stable. In addition, of 17 close contacts of the first confirmed patient in Thailand, at least one has low fever and mild cough, authorities said. The number of serious illnesses indicates this “is a big worry, this is a legitimate infection and that this is really going to cause problems,” Frieman said. Controlling transmission and finding the animal source are key, health officials say. Chinese authorities said specimens collected from the closed market tested positive for the new virus. Several countries in Asia have increased surveillance and entry screening at airports and other transport hubs. Suspect cases with pneumonia and recent travel history to Wuhan have been detected in Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Analysis of air travel patterns to map the potential spread of the new virus found that the top 20 destinations for travelers from Wuhan are in Asia. Bangkok, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Taipei had the largest volume, according to a study in the Journal of Travel Medicine, based on 2018 travel data. Read more:
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Orleans District Attorney-elect Jason Williams announces full transition team Orleans Parish District Attorney-elect Jason Williams announced his full transition team Tuesday, which is comprised of 100 New Orleans leaders and experts, according to a news release issued from his transition team. Williams said the group will engage the public and hear from local and national experts to produce recommendations that stand up a new Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office starting January 2021. “As we all try to enjoy the holidays safely during the pandemic, I am excited to announce our full transition team that will add to our diverse Transition Leadership Team and who are eager to get safety and justice right in our city," said Williams. "From the start of our campaign, my focus has been on the people of New Orleans and ensuring that we create a District Attorney’s Office that serves all its residents. I have always recognized that this isn’t something that I can do alone, but it requires a strong, dynamic team to get the job done. I am excited to get to work with this team.” The full transition team members include: Special Committee on Progressive Policy and Legislative Advocacy • Co-Chair, Dan Robin, Jr., Attorney • Co-Chair, Bob Ellis, Attorney • Rachel Gassert, Louisiana Center for Children’s Rights • Derrick Martin, Sugchairo Moi & Martin • Chris Murel, Attorney • Lance Unglesby, Attorney Prioritizing Prosecution of Violent Crimes • Co-Chair, Leslie Ricard Chambers, Office of Gov. John Bel Edwards • Co-Chair, Andy Ryan, Entrepreneur • Troi Bechet, Center for Restorative Approaches • Victoria Coy, People’s DA Coalition • Dow Edwards, Attorney & Mardi Gras Indian – Big Chief Timbuktu Warriors • Dan Forman, BayMark Health Services • Kahlida Lloyd, Together New Orleans • Sylvia Scineaux-Richard, East New Orleans Neighborhood Advisory Commission Eradicate Racist & Sexist Prosecutorial Practices • Co-Chair, Aaron Ahlquist, Anti-Defamation League • Co-Chair, Adria Kimbrough, NAACP Legal Defense Fund • Patrick Young, SHARP Men NOLA • Dr. Rashida Govan, Project Butterfly New Orleans • Pastor Emanuel Smith, Israelite Baptist Church • Jennifer Greene, Attorney, Emerge Louisiana • Katie Hunter-Lowrey, The Promise of Justice Initiative • Sue Press, Ole & Nu Fellas Social Aid & Pleasure Club • Deon Haywood, Women With A Vision New Orleans Disrupt the School to Prison Pipeline • Co-Chair, Danielle Wright, Navigate NOLA & Child Trauma Advocate • Co-Chair, Rachel Gassert, Louisiana Center for Children’s Rights • Dr. Charley Zeanah, Tulane School of Medicine – Child and Adolescent Psychiatry • Joey LaRoche, KIPP New Orleans Schools • Ernest Johnson, Ubuntu Village NOLA • Melissa Sawyer, Youth Empowerment Project • Jared Miller, NOLA Defenders for Equal Justice • Reverend Pat Watson, Family Center of Hope • Amanda Aiken, Education Leader • Riley Connick, ReNEW Schools • Dr. Henderson Lewis, NOLA Public Schools • John Nickens, Children’s Hospital • Jamar McKneely, InspireNOLA Charter Schools • Bivian “Sonny” Lee, Son of a Saint End Mass Incarceration • Co-Chair, Troy Glover, Center for Employment Opportunities • Co-Chair, Sophie Cull, Vital Projects Fund • Robresha “Bree” Anderson, Daughters Beyond Incarceration • Dr. Arwen Podesta, Addiction Expert & Psychologist, Podesta Wellness • Andrew Hundley, Parole Project • Pastor Charles J. Southall, III, First Emanuel Baptist Church • Steven Lassalle, Department of Public Safety and Corrections • Christy Slater, W.K. Kellogg Foundation • Jennifer Medbery, Kickboard • Jamal McCoy, Headquarters Barbershop • Yasha Clark, The Clark Firm • Jennifer Greer, New Orleans Probation and Parole Protect Vulnerable Communities • Co-Chair, Madeleine Landrieu, Dean, Loyola University College of Law • Co-Chair, Mary Claire Landry, New Orleans Family Justice Center • Mark Schettler, Victims Rights Advocate • Lynda Woolard, Organizer • Sarah Jane Guidry, Forum for Equality • Pastor Shawn Anglim, First Grace United Methodist Church • Syrita Steib-Martin, Operation Restoration • Rheneisha Robertson, Covenant House • Homero Lopez, ISLA • Dr. Rochelle Head-Dunham, Metropolitan Human Services District • Morgan Walker, Bike N Vote • Tyra Gonzales, Essential Care Services Enhance Police Accountability • Co-Chair, Colin Reingold, Orleans Public Defenders • Co-Chair, Deborah Chapman, New Orleans Coalition • Kia Roberts, Former Brooklyn, NY Senior Assistant District Attorney • Sarah Chervinsky, Chervinsky Law Firm • Jeremy Pichon, Pichon Law Firm • Pastor C.S. Gordon, Jr., New Zion Baptist Church • Kyle Wedberg, New Orleans Center for Creative Arts • Eddie Oliver, Sr., NOEL • Freddie King, III, Attorney, Community Leader Rebuild Public Trust & Transparency • Co-Chair, Simone Levine, Court Watch NOLA • Co-Chair, Reverend Pat Watson, Family Center of Hope • Hannah Walker, Department of Corrections • Marlene Patrick-Cooper, UNITE HERE! • Andy Kopplin, Greater New Orleans Foundation • Pastor Fred Luter, Jr., Franklin Avenue Baptist Church • Minh Nguyen, Entrepreneur • Robert Becnel, Attorney • Percy Manson, Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Company As announced this month at Edna Karr High School, the Transition Leadership Team includes: • Henry Coaxum, Chairman of the Business Council of New Orleans and The River Region • Jim Cook, General Manager of the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel • Susan Guidry, Former Criminal Justice Chair of the New Orleans City Council • Norris Henderson, Founder and Executive Director of V.O.T.E. • Emily Maw, Attorney in the Office of Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Bernette Johnson and former Executive Director of the Innocence Project New Orleans • Mary D. Moran, Executive Director of Our Voice Nuestra Voz • Judy Reese Morse, President & CEO of the Urban League of Louisiana • Alanah Odoms, Executive Director, ACLU Louisiana • Sarah Omojola, Associate Director of the VERA Institute • Morris Reed, Sr., former federal prosecutor and Orleans Criminal District Court Judge • Robert (Bob) White, 1st Assistant District Attorney, Plaquemines Parish • Chief Shaun Fergusson, NOPD Superintendent or his designee District Attorney-Elect Williams will be sworn into office on Jan. 11, 2021.
Palak and Bharat, Bali, Jakarta and Thailand Fully loaded with romantic moments in the lap of nature, this couple’s Southeast Asian honeymoon was surreal, to say the least.Fully loaded with romantic moments in the lap of nature, this couple’s Southeast Asian honeymoon was surreal, to say the least. Palak and Bharat knew they were meant for each other from the first date itself. After a whirlwind romance that led to a quick marriage, both of them decided to celebrate their love with an adventurous yet romantic trip to the most famous destinations of South East Asia. Spanning over Bali, Jakarta, and Bangkok, this couple made the most out of their 16-day long honeymoon by enjoying romantic beach dates, stunning sunsets, and boisterous parties. How They Met Palak shares, “I first met Bharat when my family was busy searching for a husband for me. My constant complaints about not finding a ‘good’ guy were overheard by one of my friends at the gym who then set me up with Bharat. Coincidentally, Bharat was also in the same boat as me as his parents were on the hunt for the perfect bride for him. We clicked from the first meeting itself, and we knew right then, that we were meant to be together. After that, there was no looking back, as five days later, we approached our respective families who willingly gave us their blessings.” Honeymoon Planning When it came to the Honeymoon, the couple had initially mapped out a trip to a few different destinations in the USA, however, as fate would have it, they had to change their plans last minute. Palak shares, “Our initial plans included a trip to the USA where we had decided to go to Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and the Bahamas. But after a visa issue, we had to trash the plan. The honeymoon trip that we did however take, was literally planned four days before we flew out, as there were visa constraints and our families were anxious for us to take the trip. Since both of us love traveling and luxury resorts, we decided to give several destinations a go at once. Owing to Bharat’s love for concerts we also added Jakarta to our list of destinations and attended the Djakarta Warehouse Project which spanned over 3 days. It was one of the most amazing experience of our lives!” Honeymoon Highlights Expressing their love for luxury resorts, the couple chose to stay at prime properties that offered them the best of nature and opulence. At Bali, they had the time of their lives at OMNIA Dayclub Bali, where they reveled in the properties open-air setup. The Bvlgari Resort Bali also impressed them with its hospitality and stunning views of the golden beaches. They also enjoyed a boisterous night at the Full Moon Party, Kho Phangan where they danced under the stars all night long. However, it was their experience at Capella Ubud, Bali that topped the charts. Palak goes on to share, “We had a beautiful time at Capella Ubud, Bali which has unique tented camps that sit in harmony with the lush foliage that surrounds it. The hospitality we received there was impeccable. Also, the natural beauty of the place spurred us to take a quick walk around the wooden pathways which actually turned out to be quite romantic.” Most romantic moment “We experienced the epitome of romance at The Library Koh Samui where Bharat had organized a surprise romantic date for me. The whole scenario looked like it was pulled right out of a romance novel. He had orchestrated the candlelight dinner to perfection and as we sat there staring at the moon and stars, I couldn’t help but fall in love with Bharat all over again!”, gushed Palak. However, Palak also wasn’t far behind, as she too had organized a surprise date for her hubby at Bvlgari Resort Bali where they witnessed the magnificent sunset together while enjoying delicious treats. Must-experience “The Library at Koh Samui is one of those places that I would recommend to everyone visiting Thailand. OMNIA Dayclub Bali is also a fantastic place to let your hair down and enjoy the azure blue sea. Also, we had a great time at Bvlgari Resort Bali where we spent many a romantic moment together having dinner and watching magnificent sunsets.”, shares Palak. Hotels We Stayed At The Library Koh Samui, Thailand Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia W Bali – Seminyak Capella Ubud, Bali Bvlgari Resorts, Bali Katamama Suites at Desa Potato Head Photographer: Bali Photographer
News Chronic illness during COVID-19 and making healthy lifestyle choices Living with a chronic illness especially during the COVID-19 pandemic has been quite overwhelming and feelings of fear and anxiety slowly settle in when encountering people in public spaces or shopping centres. According to the Western Cape Government Health, people with chronic illnesses such as hypertension and diabetes are considered high-risk candidates for COVID-19 and the chances of contracting severe symptoms are probable. With Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Day commemorated on 21 February, Monique Johnstone, Communications Officer for Western Cape Government Health, decided to share her story of living with chronic illness to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. “As an essential healthcare worker and living with hypertension, the importance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle is important to keep my chronic illness under control, together with taking my medication daily. This is my story and I want people to know the impact and damage living with a chronic illness along with being overweight can have on your body when contracting COVID-19. “Before contracting COVID-19, I joined a walking group in August 2020 at the age of 38 and started a healthy eating plan to control my weight and gain back my healthy lifestyle of which I lost control due to my busy work and fast-paced personal lifestyle with my kids. Walking with a group of motivating people after work, gave me the confidence to continue my healthy lifestyle and I started walking five to eighteen kilometres, four days a week. “My blood pressure was under control and I felt less tired and drained. By just walking every day, my breathing, heart rate and stamina improved. “In December 2020, I contracted COVID-19 and suffered severe symptoms such as coughing, breathing difficulties, nausea, headaches, tiredness and a fever that lasted a few days. On day nine of isolation, I encountered breathing difficulties and was rushed to a private hospital and received oxygen to assist me with my breathing. “I was still overweight, but I believe that because I started my healthy living lifestyle three months before I contracted COVID-19 and lost a few kilograms, my body could fight this virus and I survived, thank God. “I realised that taking my body and health for granted is the worst injustice I can bring upon myself, especially when I have comorbidities. “The specialist caring for me in the hospital during my COVID-19 recovery said that besides my chronic illness, my weight was a concern in the fight to overcome COVID-19 and it scared me! “After seven days of hospitalisation and after a month-long post-recovery journey, I started walking to a healthy lifestyle path again. It wasn’t easy and I struggled with my breathing after contracting COVID-19, but with consistency and not giving up, I persevered and my breathing continued to improve. Post COVID-19, I have conquered a combined 30-km walk and managed to start jogging to get my lungs strong again and my body excited for living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. "I want people to take their health seriously. Start by walking each day, changing your eating habits and taking your medication daily. By the end of each week you will start to feel much stronger and more excited to push yourself harder to achieve your goals. “I’m back in action at the office, taking the necessary COVID-19 precautions and back to loving my job and working in healthcare facilities interacting with patients and staff and sharing their stories of hope. I am so emotional and excited that the vaccines are here in Cape Town and our frontline workers are finally going to be protected from this dreaded virus. I can’t wait to receive my vaccination!” Monique Johnstone Principal Communications Officer Western Cape Government Health Monique.johnstone@westerncape.gov.za Cell: 079 908 4856
BY VIVIAN NEMISH Photo Credit Mackenzie Sabozo Photography Henry and Nicole Gauthier of LaPlaine Quarter Horses and Paints near Duck Lake, Saskatchewan have been actively involved in the horse industry for over 18 years. Nicole has over 20 years experience in the equine industry and has been training and coaching professionally for 17 years specializing in show horse training and youth show horses. She is an active member of the Saskatchewan Paint Horse Club. Their reputation has earned them many accolades but none as honourable as the most recent award. The Gauthier’s entered one of their Splash Overo Paint fillies into the Canadian Colours Futurity at Ponoka, Alberta, Canada in September 2012 unaware of the course of events to follow. LP Silent Chip, aka Bella, is a yearling American Paint Horse Association (APHA) Splash Overo who received top honours in her registered class, which not only pleased her owners but also drew attention from the judges. It was unknown to the Gauthiers at the time that their prize winning filly could have sensory challenge until Nicole was approached by the judges following the class inquiring if Bella was deaf. Nicole was unsure how to respond as the judges continued to explain how Bella’s markings are very indicative of the genetic trait liked to deafness in the Splash version of the Overo Paint horse. The characteristic bonnet face, the white encompassing the nose and spreading upwards and stopping just in front of the ears, is considered genetically linked to sensory disability. Professional judge Clinton Fullerton from Kansas City, Missouri, was among one of the judges in Ponoka. He commented that in his 25 years experience with training showing and coaching Paints and Quarter horses, the chance of encountering a hearing impaired horse was low. “Splash Overo is considered one of the least common paint horse colour patterns and more often than not, horses displaying this form of coat colouring is more inclined to deafness than any other horse type and breed.” “The hearing challenged horse is either very quiet or very wild,” said Fullerton,“there is usually no medium, it is usually one extreme or the other.” Fullerton explained another distinctive feature on a hearing impaired horse, how the horse’s ears are positioned. “The ears on a deaf horse are positioned with the ear opening off to the side as opposed to the up and forward position,” explained Fullerton who, in his career of training and coaching horses, has received 162 world and reserve champion awards. Congenital deafness associated with the Splash Paint breed is a result of the lack of pigmentation within the inner ear causing the death of hair cells necessary to perceive sound. Like in many other animal species, the deafness trait is usually associated with blue eyes and white coat colour. In the case of the Splash Overo, the head and legs are also white and the markings are very straight cut and defined. The Overo pattern is controlled by a dominant gene and does not appear to be gender specific. Nicole is first to say that Bella is ‘pretty unique’, she is very personable, has a quiet demeanour and because she has had to rely heavily on smell and touch, has developed a trusting bond with her owners and trainer. The Gauthiers are eager to begin riding Bella in the spring in preparation for the Western Pleasure show in the fall of 2013. “It will pose another challenge as Bella will not be able to see the rider and thus will not be able to associate the body language with a voice command, however the professionalism shines through once again and both Henry and Nicole have designed a plan of action whereby someone will lead Bella while the trainer is mounted. As leg pressure is applied, the leader will display the hand height signals. Once Bella is able to distinctly associate the leg pressure with the gait, she should be well on her way to the show ring once again. Recent Comments
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Paul Harper-Shirk October 9, 1975 - October 8, 2021 years in Kirksville, MO and Sundance, WY, but returned to Iowa City for junior high and high school. Paul is an alumni of CEC, an alternative high school where much of who he became was formed. At age 17 Paul found himself homeless due to a difficult divorce situation. His mentors at CEC and advocates at United Action for Youth guided him through the difficult process of emancipation, securing him housing and supporting him to finish his education while working full time. Despite his difficult beginnings he managed to become a well loved towny and friend of many. He was able to study computer science at Kirkwood CC and later put himself through LaJames International. He would become a beloved hair dresser known for his flamboyant style and quick wit. He described his work as “hairapy” because he wanted people to feel they were just as beautiful inside as their hair color was on the outside. He tried to inspire people to love themselves and others. To take his love of his career and clients further he would return to LaJames as a teacher to give others the gift he got when he was a student in need of guidance and inspiration. In 2001 Paul connected with the love of his life and occasional partner in crime Jeffrey Harper-Shirk over a dinner to protest being single on Valentine’s Day or as Jeff called it “Glorified Rejection Day”. The spark was lit, they used the L-Word in the first week and married on May 1st, 2009. Over their time together they owned and managed a series of salon and spas, as well as taught. They enjoyed traveling to sunny climates, attending music festivals, snobbing it up at book signings of their favorite authors (Paul’s secret love was for “Chick Lit: Paranormal Cozy Mysteries”, but I didn’t tell you that. Officially he liked horror novels.) going to fantasy conventions, playing roleplaying games and cosplay, French and Chinese cooking and spending time entertaining their many friends and family members. He is survived by his husband Jeffrey Harper-Shirk, his sister Paula Mackey, his nephew Joey Shirk and niece Katie Shirk. He was a beloved husband, brother, uncle, friend, teacher, hair dresser and merry trickster. He touched every life he encountered and will be missed. A memorial is being held Sunday, October 31st at from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. at Gay and Ciha Funeral home in Iowa City. For more information please visit gayandciha.com. In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to United Action for Youth, Iowa City, IA 319-338-7518, unitedactionforyouth.org .... View Obituary & Service Information Flowers & Gifts Send flowers to the Harper-Shirk family.Send Flowers
Top-ranked Baylor puts its unbeaten season on the line Tuesday night when the Bears host dangerous and surging Oklahoma in Big 12 Conference play in Waco, Texas. The Bears (13-0, 1-0 in Big 12 play) returned home after a gritty 79-72 win at Iowa State on Saturday in their conference opener. It was just Baylor’s second true road game of the season and the first loss of the season for the Cyclones. Beating top 10 opponents is not new territory for Baylor. And neither is the test awaiting against Oklahoma. Despite committing a season-worst 19 turnovers, Baylor never trailed in the game but was never quite able to pull away. The Bears shot 50 percent from the floor and winning their nation-leading 19th consecutive game. James Akinjo scored 16 points to lead the Bears in the victory. Baylor held Iowa State to 1 of 14 shooting from beyond the arc. “Our point of emphasis was really trying to do a good job making it tough from 3 for them,” Baylor coach Scott Drew said afterward. “That led to them getting 44 paint points, but we really did a good job on their shooters.” It was Baylor’s ninth consecutive win in matchups with Top 10 opponents, a streak that began with a victory over No. 5 Illinois on Dec. 2, 2020. “Big 12 road games are very tough, and they’re hard to win,” Drew said. “When you’re able to get one, you’re blessed. I thought we could have executed better down the stretch, but other than that, couldn’t be more pleased.” The Sooners (11-2, 1-0 in Big 12 play) head to the banks of the Brazos River after a 71-69 home win over Kansas State on Saturday. Elijah Harkless scored 21 points for Oklahoma while Umoja Gibson added 19 points that included four key free throws in the final 20 seconds to secure the win. Oklahoma led by 15 points in the first half and was up by 14 in the second before Kansas State rallied to tie the game at 65-65 with under a minute to play. Harkless then sank a contested shot, and Gibson finished the Wildcats with his late performance from the charity stripe. “It wasn’t the prettiest,” Oklahoma coach Porter Moser said about Harkless’s key bucket. “We wanted it in EJ’s hand, and he just hit a tough, tough shot. Just tough as nails. He’s hit big shots for us… man, what a shot he hit.” The Sooners have won four straight games and were victorious on Saturday despite playing without leading scorer Tanner Groves and key reserves Bijan Cortes and Jacob Groves because of COVID health and safety protocols. Those players’ availability for Tuesday’s game is still to be determined. “We had to step up,” Harkless said afterward. “Tanner’s a big piece of our team. Next man up, as coach said. He’s prepared us very well. We all stepped up, showed our senior leadership, came out and beat a very good Kansas State team. That just showed great growth in our circle.” –Field Level Media
Balancing two worlds - Portia Cele PROFILE: Few things evoke frustration like the feeling that you’re not being heard. Dr Nomfundo Moroe lends an ear and empathy to the Deaf community. Imagine this: A five-year-old child with perfect hearing whose parents are both hearing impaired is unwittingly positioned between the hearing and the non-hearing worlds. The child communicates with her parents in Sign language and is responsible for translating and talking to the outside hearing world on their behalf. Such an encounter with a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA) a few years ago ignited the interests of audiologist Dr Nomfundo Moroe, and inspired her research interest in how these children cope with being the mediator between their Deaf parents and a hearing world. “When working as a junior audiologist for the Department of Health, I interacted with a young girl who used to come to my department to buy batteries for her mother’s hearing aids,” says Moroe. “In one of our engagements, she told me that her parents were Deaf.” Moroe became curious, and started enquiring about the child’s everyday life. “I would ask her about her day-to-day experiences. I learned that she’d have to skip school to accompany her mom to appointments as there was no one else to help translate.” Long before then, two of Moroe’s undergraduate classmates at Wits made Moroe wonder how Children of Deaf Adults managed to keep a balance between the ‘hearing’ and the ‘Deaf’ worlds. These interactions inspired Moroe on to postgraduate study. In 2013 she published extensively on Children of Deaf Adults being the ears and mouths for their parents, and the delegation of these children to act as interpreters for their families. Five years later, Moroe shifted focus from Children of Deaf Adults to the area of occupational health, safety and environment. In 2018 she earned a PhD for the topic of Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in South African Large Scale Mines: From policy formulation to implementation and monitoring. Planting a seed As one of eight siblings, Moroe was raised by her mother and late uncle after her father passed away during her first year in high school. “My mother is a teacher and she values education. She named me Nomfundo, which means ‘mother of education’, and my paternal grandmother named me Hlakaniphile, which means ‘the intelligent one’. So you can see that I was born with a mission – to pursue education.” During her final year of high school in 2001, Moroe would often visit the private practice of the local GP, Dr Mabusela, across the road from her home in Esikhawini, a township in Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal. “Back then, I didn’t have access to a resource like Google to find out what this discipline [audiology] was about. Dr Mabusela gave me a brief background, saying he’s seeing a lot of patients who were Deaf and in need of speech therapy and audiology services, but had no one to refer them to. I can safely say he planted that seed, as I then applied for Speech Pathology and Audiology at Wits. The intelligent one listens During the course of her degree, Moroe became a wife and subsequently a mother of two boys. She says she had difficulty balancing these demands. “I was a smart student but that did not come through in my undergraduate training. Therefore, I needed to prove to myself that I was not as incapable as some of my lecturers had said. So I enrolled for a Master’s degree to take back my self-worth and to live up to my name.” Her research took her deep into the Deaf community as she published on the topics of identity and belonging within the hearing and the Deaf world, and the role of audiologists in these families. Moroe says the Deaf community revealed itself as confident a community as any other. “People who are Deaf see themselves as a cultural group. They are a community and function well within that community without any challenges. The difficulties begin once stepping out of their own world,” says Moroe. What further creates fractious feelings is that sign language is misconceived as being only for a ‘disabled’ group of people, and hearing people who are capable of learning a manual language aren’t making enough effort to do so. “As the hearing world, we can work to be more accommodating.” It starts with changing the perception of Deaf people as being disabled. Healthcare professionals sometimes see the hearing loss before they see the person and label the person as ‘Deaf’. They then have sympathetic attitudes, which are problematic, says Moroe. “We come in with a lens of pathology and impairment whereas the hearing impaired choose a social view that ‘although we are a minority, we are a community who embraces our difference’.” Moroe’s research interests turned from children of Deaf Adults to unacceptable levels of noise in the mining environment, after meeting up with her PhD supervisor, Professor Katijah Khoza-Shangase. She started focusing on occupational noise-induced hearing loss. Going underground During her PhD, she found that the noise made by equipment in South African mines far exceeds the legal 85 dBA limit. To put this into perspective, a conversation between two people sitting across from each other at a table tallies at about 45-50 decibels. “Legislation states that if workers are exposed to high volumes, they should be using hearing protective devices. Not much has been done to help educate workers about the long-term impact of noise,” she says. The effects of being continuously exposed to noise only become evident a decade or so later. It was these effects on ordinary workers, and how that might make them feel, that piqued Moroe’s interest in this research area. “My argument is that people at work are trying to make a living and feel they don’t have an alternative,” she says. Moroe went on to publish more than 10 manuscripts on the topic of occupational noise-induced mining loss, earning her PhD by publication in December 2018. “Going through my journey of study I realised how little exposure and research was done on occupational hearing loss. I am forever trying to come up with ways of how best to address the noise issue in the mine sector.” Moroe, a fellow of the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA), whose research is supported by the National Research Foundation, has a vision of opening an occupational health and safety unit, working with occupations where there is excessive noise. - Portia Cele.
Almost 1,000 Minnesotans have lost their lives to domestic violence in Minnesota in the last 27 years. The Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women (MCBW) released its annual Femicide Report in January, which documents homicides resulting from intimate partner violence in Minnesota. MCBW has been releasing this report every year since 1989, making it the oldest publication of its kind in the country. This is what we know from our reports: • Every year between 20 to 40 people, mostly women, have been killed due to domestic violence in Minnesota; • Almost half of these deaths were murder-suicides; • Half of the victims were killed with firearms; • Most of the victims were murdered while attempting to leave the abusive relationship; • And in 1 in 3 cases, children were either present at the time of their mothers’ homicides or discovered the body. We also know that in over 75 percent of women’s homicides in Minnesota in the last decade, the perpetrator was a current or former intimate partner. In the same time period, between 30 to 40 percent of all homicides in Minnesota were domestic violence-related. There are no stereotypes when it comes to domestic violence homicides. The victims in our reports represent all races and all socioeconomic backgrounds. These homicides have happened in the richest urban neighborhoods to the poorest rural communities across Minnesota. While these statistics are horrifying and should shock us to our core, they only give us a glimpse into the impact of domestic violence in our communities. They do not tell us that in 2016 alone, over 65,000 survivors and their children sought services from domestic violence programs in Minnesota – many of whom had unmet needs due to lack of resources. They do not tell us about the many women who end up homeless or incarcerated due to the abuse they have faced. These statistics simply reflect the disturbing and stark reality of domestic violence in our communities. After several years of collecting and analyzing data for this report and tracking these cases, I can say one thing for certain: none of us is safe from domestic violence until all of us are safe from domestic violence. The victims of domestic violence do not live their lives in silos, and they deserve a response that is multifaceted and that recognizes their lived reality. Domestic violence is not simply a private issue between two people. It is a public safety issue; we need accountability and effective interventions for perpetrators. It is a public health issue; abuse and trauma can severely impact survivors’ physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It is an economic justice issue; leaving an abusive relationship will not result in safety if a survivor faces homelessness and poverty. And most importantly, domestic violence is a community issue. All of us – in our roles as family members, friends, neighbors, educators, and employers – must believe and support survivors of domestic violence. Services can only go so far. It takes a community to keep victims safe. Safia Khan is a program manager for Criminal Justice System Advocacy at the MN Coalition for Battered Women.
A disciplinary action letter for negligence is a letter that is written by an employer and is addressed to the employee who has been reported to be involved in any sort of negligence. An employee may show negligent behavior in the workplace in different ways, such as: - Avoidance of deadlines - Ignorance of instructions - Non-compliance to the client’s requirements - Non-observance of office timings and hours - Evasion of work ethics, norms, and values - Inattention in completion of work and tasks, etc. An employee’s negligence is not something that a company can ignore. One, because it costs the company in terms of money, effectiveness, and efficiency, and secondly if one employee’s negligent behavior is ignored, the other employees would follow the suit. Therefore, if an employee consistently shows any type of negligence, the company sets up a disciplinary committee that, after a thorough investigation, takes up a decision regarding the disciplinary action. The employee is formally informed about this decision through a disciplinary action letter for negligence. An organization may design its own document or edit a readymade template for such letters. Depending on the severity of the situation, decision, and company requirements, the information added in the letter may vary from company to company or situation to situation. However, the general template of a disciplinary action letter for negligence includes the following details: - Date - Details of the employer - Details of the employee - The issue of negligence - Any specific incident/s - Reference to the company policies regarding negligence - The chosen disciplinary action with its date and duration of effectiveness - Consequences in the case of repetition - Indicate hope of improvement. - Allure by offering some reward for improved behavior, if possible - Salutation and signature A disciplinary action or disciplinary action letter is a huge thing for an employee, as it impacts his reputation, evaluation, chances of promotion, and records. Therefore, the employees try to improve their behavior after the warning letters, which are usually issued prior to a disciplinary action letter, so that they can save themselves from a bad reputation or any other sort of punishment. However, the employees who remain negligent even after the official warnings cannot escape the disciplinary action letter, which may affect their employee records throughout their careers. Sample Disciplinary Action Letter for Negligence Date Name Address Dear Ms. Mary, I am writing this letter to inform you about the disciplinary action that will be taken against you for your constant negligence in various official tasks and work. It will be effective from 1st April 20XX. We have received many complaints from your manager that you do not properly follow the work essentials, such as office timings, deadlines, client’s requirements, etc. Being an employee of ABC, you are well-aware of our policies and priorities. We value our employees the most, yet do not spare negligence. As per the company policy, after issuing you three warnings, a disciplinary committee was set up. After considering all the factors, it has decided to take action against you. A 7% deduction in your salary will be implemented for a period of one year. However, if the negligence and unprofessionalism would continue, you be terminated immediately. On the contrary, in the case of your mature and serious attitude, after investigation, this deduction would be withdrawn. You should take this disciplinary action as a correction measure, and not as a punishment. We hope to see your improved behavior in the future. For any queries or issues, contact at [X]. Regards, Ross Wilson. File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad Size 19 Kb Download
This is a 110-years old log house inside of big empty land. It became a place of creative meetings and exchange of knowledge. There are no gas stations, no shopping centres and no clubs around. But there are fantastic people who create this place. People who smile, dance, build and learn from each other. You are welcome to join our community. Bianka I was born in Warsaw in Poland. Thanks to the openness of my parents, from my early childhood I had the opportunity to discover the mysteries of the world. I always loved to move, to create, to construct, working in a group and living in a community. I was trained in capoeira (Zimba Warszawa), aikido, dancing and movement (by Ido Portal). I ‘ve studied dance animation in Skiba and I did an internship in a group of physical theater Kokyu in Wrocław. Three years ago I ‘ve moved back to Mazovia where I give movement and vocal classes, organize workshops and take care of this place My mother has brought this house from the mountains to Stare Lipki eleven years ago. I was spending there my holidays when I was small, but then we ceased visiting this place and I redscovered it 4 years ago. I began with short trips with my friends, then came the workshops, more and more people and the last year I've moved to this house and now it's my home. :) For the moment I am the only permament resident, but people are coming sometimes even for few months and I am almost never alone. I am starting the workaway exchange for the first time this year and I suppose there will be many of us. :) Jardinería Proyectos de construcción y bricolaje Mantenimiento general Ayuda en proyectos ecológicos Proyectos artísticos Enseñanza Volunteers will be able to attend the workshops that are happening in here (if it doesn't interfere with help) and all the cultural exchange (we believe that when few creative people are working together, then they learn from each other and the creativity is flowing much better): music, talking, local herbs and dishes, natural medicine, art, natural building. We are creating an ecological and artistic community. Many people are coming for workshops (theatre, dance, yoga, movement), but also to relax, spend the time in the nature, comunicate with themselves. If you would like to teach something, make your own workshop - there is a place for that. We also need help with renovating the house, building and gardening. We are open for making your own artistic and eco project in here. Idiomas hablados Inglés: Fluido Español: Fluido Polaco: 15 mattrasses in the attic to share(common room). You can also bring and sleep in your tent. We have some blankets, but we advice you to take your sleeping bag with you as in Poland even summer nights happen to be cold. For the volunteers we offer accomodation and three vegan/vegetarian meals per day(to be chosen). We buy local fresh food and we grow some veggies on the land that can be eaten as well. And there are many eatible herbs we also love to collect! The closest shop is in Stoczek (about 70 minuts walking). During the stay you will be able to take full advantege of the surrounding area - go running in the woods, swim in the lake nearby or soak in a small river which is on the land. Go for a bicycle trip and a walk. There is a lot to be discovered around. Even though, usually people who are coming spend all their time on the land. It's quite big and we have always some workshops ang guests and something interesting is happening. I like going outside myself and I have a dog, so anyway I need to go with her for a longer walk everyday. There is not much for sightseeing aroud. You can observe the birds and other animals, but we don't have any famous sculptures in Lipki. Our house is a cultural monument itself. Our house is located 90 km from Warsaw. You can get here by car, by train or by bus. - the closest town where you can go by public transport is Stoczek. It’s 75 minutes walking from there to our house. There are few buses per day from dw. Wileński in Warsaw. - the train goes from Warszawa Wileńska to Topór. It’s the best option if you’re planning to go with your bike. Then it’s about 1 hour singing in the train + 35 minutes ride from Topór to the house. There is a train from Warsaw almost every hour. - if you go by car, just use the maps and you'll find the place. :) Exact localization I'll send in the private message Acceso a Internet Acceso a Internet limitado Tenemos animales Somos fumadores Puede alojar familias I have 2 ha of land You're welcome with your pet. I have a dog myself. I only ask that animals don't go upstairs and don't sleep on beds. Más de dos Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week
Here’s the thing… In 2012, a coach transporting young people back from a music festival crashed, causing three people to tragically lose their lives, and many more to suffer life changing injuries. The crash was caused by a tyre that was almost 20 years old. Following an inquest into the tragic crash the coroner wrote to the Government appealing for legislation to ban tyres older than 10 years from being used by coaches or mini-busses. The Department of Transport did not implement this change in legislation but simply amended the safety guidelines of public service vehicles (buses, mini-buses, coaches etc), recommending that tyres over 10 years should not be fitted. This is not enough. Unless legislation is passed it is impossible to enforce tyre age limit rules and people will continue to be killed and injured due to old tyres. One of the biggest factors that adversely affects tyres is the process of ageing. Over time and with ‘oxidation’ certain rubbers ‘work-harden’ which leads to rubber stiffening and decreases its integrity. There may be some cracks visible on the tyre surface but the real issue lies on the inside of the tyre. According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), ageing tyres primarily degrade from the inside out – this can lead to the inner layers of the tyre delaminating from the steel belts inside, leading to, in some cases, exploding tyres. Because aging substantially decreases the quality, integrity and ultimately the safety of tyres, you would expect there to be laws in place to protect the public. The tyre industry agrees Almost all leading tyre experts and vehicle manufacturers make safety recommendations in their handbooks, stating tyres over 10 years old should not be used. Some go as far as saying 6 years is the safe limit. Yet, legally, this issue has been ignored by Government. Over 2.5 billion vehicle miles were clocked up last year alone by coaches in the UK – multiply this number by the available seats in each vehicle and you understand the scale of responsibility that we as a coach company have for public safety. Tyres are the single largest contributing factor when causalities arise from vehicle failings on UK roads. In 2015 there were over 38,000 tyre-related callouts on our motorways and A-roads. Public Service Vehicles, like coaches, have a yearly road safety check. Industry leaders agree that checking tyre age could be easily implemented as part of this to prevent more tragedies from happening. So let’s do something on tyre law Passenger vehicles such as coaches currently operate trust; trust that everything has been done to ensure the safety of their passengers. Passengers have no control over these safety checks, which is why a change in legislation is vital. Tyres are the only part of a vehicle that connects with the road, their quality and integrity should not be up for debate or interpretation. Allowing dangerously old tyres to be used endangers countless lives. The success of the TYRED campaign, to ban dangerously old tyres will instantly increase the levels of safety on our roads. Many coach companies, including ourselves do have strict guidelines around tyre safety but hundreds of rouge operators run dangerous risks. They risk lives to cut costs and only strict legislation will stop them. You can make a big difference in three ways: - Register your support for the tyred campaign – together we can make the Government listen - When booking or travelling by coach ask your operator about their tyre safety checks. If their price is cheap….. there’s a reason it’s cheap - Before travelling take time to check the age of the tyres on your coach or car by using this ‘age decoder’ Old tyres kill. Let’s change the law so this negligence stops and future deaths avoided Help end it Thanks to tyred.org.uk for this article. Further information on our SAFETY at Yelloway Coaches CLICK HERE.
In this guide I will be sharing what I consider to be the essential gear you need after purchasing your first bike. £175 may seem a lot, but I really believe this article will save you money in the long term. I made many mistakes early on buying things I didn’t need or that didn’t last. I have done my best to make sure the gear included is at an entry level price, whilst also being of sufficient quality so that you’re not going to have to replace within a couple of months. You also may own some of this gear already, or be able to borrow it until you can afford your own. 1. Helmet £38 I’m not going to get drawn into the ‘should you, shouldn’t you’ debate when it comes to helmets. That has been widely discussed across the web. The reality is most of us cyclists wear a helmet, and feel safer when doing so. This was my first purchase before I left the bike shop. For me a helmet has to tick three boxes: - Is it safe? - Does it fit? - Does it look good? In terms of safety price is not always the most important thing. All of the big brand helmets are generally going to offer you the same level of protection. Once you get past a certain price point you are paying for things such as comfort, reduced weight, aerodynamic benefits and extra ventilation. There was some great research conducted at helmets.org which backs this point up. I would also suggest reading the following post ‘Safety And Security: Cycling Helmets’. It is a really great read and gives a completely unbiased view on the safety benefits of wearing a bike helmet. When it comes to fit, the best thing you can do is get out to a local bike shop and try some on. Ideally you want it to fit well without being so loose it slips, or so tight it hurts. I like my helmets to stay in place without the strap being done up. This for me says I have found a good fit. This can normally be achieved by having a tightening device at the back. If you do decide to buy online then you will need to measure your head. Run a tape measure about 1cm above your eyes in a loop around your head. This will give you the circumference of your head which will dictate the size you need. Does it look good? Shallow I know, but given there are so many choices then why not?! I tend to go for neutral choices that will pair well with any kit. Recommendation: A good first purchase would be the Giro Foray. This was my first helmet. It ticks all the three boxes of being safe, fitting well, and also looking good. These can be picked up at between £30-£50 and will be a fantastic helmet that you won’t need to upgrade any time soon. 2. Padded Lycra Bib Shorts £35 It can be hard to face the reality of purchasing your first Lycra shorts. Let’s be honest, they’re not cool, and they’re not flattering. Not to start with at least. But the alternative is much much worse (and painful!), and you can always wear baggier shorts over the top if you prefer. The sooner you buy some, the better, as they will form a staple part of your kit. Now, there are a couple mistakes of mine you can learn from before putting in your PIN number. Firstly, buy bibs not shorts. What’s the difference? Bib shorts go over your shoulders like dungarees. Have a quick look at the photo on the left. Normal shorts are, well, just shorts! My first two clothing purchases were a pair of padded shorts and a pair of padded trousers. I wore these for about 6 weeks and have never worn them again. There is a reason most cyclists opt for bibs. They don’t slip down and are simply more comfortable. On a standard pair of shorts the waistband can really dig into your stomach the elastic has to be strong to keep them up. No such problem with bibs. They hold over your shoulder meaning no elastic around the middle. There is also no chance of them slipping and giving your new found cycling mates a builders bum view for the next 20 miles!I wasted a lot of money on shorts early on, don’t make my mistake, buy bibs! Secondly, buy plain and black. Bib shorts are a workmanlike piece of kit. They’re right where the action is, picking up all the spray from the wheels. They are also a generic bit of clothing which will need to fit in with any number of different jersey combinations.If you want my advice, buy plain and buy black. They will be easier to clean, easier to pair with other kit and easier to find a replacement for. It’s only advice, but if you prefer a bit of simplicity in your life, this is the choice for you! Thirdly, check the size guide. I’ve been caught out on this one more times than I care to admit (with all types of cycling kit, not just shorts!). Cycling kit is generally designed for skinny Italian guys with big legs and tiny arms. Well it seems to feel that way anyway. So you’re a medium in real clothes? Expect to be anything up to an XXL in cycling clothes! Ridiculous but true. To add to the confusion, no two brands are the same. In some I take an XL, in others a M. Needless to say either try them on or check the brand specific sizing guide on their website before you fill your basket. Recommendation: My recommendation for your first pair of bib shorts would be the Altura Pro Gel Bibs. These can be picked up for around £35 and are an absolute bargain. The pad is great, and they are hard wearing. I bought a couple of pairs and so far they have lasted me over two years and counting! 3. Gloves £15 Whilst you see some pros without gloves on, I’ve yet to come across an amateur who doesn’t wear them. Why? Firstly, they offer additional padding for your hands, and helps to absorb some of the worst of the vibrations from the road. Secondly, when you fall off (and you will fall off!) they stop you getting all that grit and gravel from the road in you hand. Whilst I have slightly simplified there are essentially three types of cycling gloves. Fingerless ‘summer’ gloves, full finger ‘autumn’ gloves and thick full finger ‘winter’ gloves. In this post we are focusing on beginners kit, so I want you to buy gloves you will get the most use out of. Even in England I spend 75% of the year in fingerless gloves and find my hands regularly get too hot in anything else. When it comes to buying the gloves I would be looking for three things: - A good quality pad, usually something filled with gel - A tight fit so they do not rub your hands - A good quality sweat pad for keeping your face clear Recommendation: My first set were a pair of Elite Cycling Men’s Fingerless Gloves. These ticked all the boxes and have been really comfortable. My only advice would to buy a size bigger. I would normally buy a medium pair of gloves, but had to return the first pair and re order a large. 4. Bottle Cages and Bottles £20 (for one set) An essential purchase to go with your new bike. Hydration is critical to any exercise.. So, simple message, get yourself the right kit to stay hydrated! Bottles cages are really easy to fit. There are normally two fitting points, one on the seat tube and one on the down tube. Each will have two bolts into which you can screw a bottle cage. There are hundreds out there to choose from, and depends on your needs. I would suggest only buying the adjustable ones if you are planning on using a variety of different size bottles, if not they will just rattle around for no reason. Bottles should be a really easy purchase. There are certainly plenty out there! My advice is as follows. Spend an extra £5 and reap the benefits! There is nothing worse than buying a cheap bottle and it tasting plasticky for the next two years. Invest a bit of extra money into bottles that will last and give yourself great tasting cool water. You’ll appreciate it in the long run! Recommendation: For bottles I would go for a Camelbak Podium Chill. These bottles are fantastic. They lock to prevent water leaking, keep the water cooler than your average bottle, and actually makes your water taste like water! £10 might seem like a lot for a water bottle, but they’re worth it. There are so many cages out there just go with your gut. Personally I’ve fitted these Bontrager ones and they have never let me down. 5. Glasses £7 It took me a few months after beginning cycling to buy glasses. I had never been a sunglass wearer, and it wasn’t until a stray gravel chip almost sent me into a ditch that I decided they were a good idea. Personally I have never seen the appeal of expensive glasses. I’m sure they have their benefits, but you can end up shelling out hundreds of pounds for some official cycling goggles. If you want cheap and simple then just search for ‘safety glasses’. You can get some good looking ones that are designed not to shatter. This is what I have always worn. I find them comfortable, and protect my eyes from anything coming their way. You can find ones that wrap around enough to keep the wind out, whilst also protecting you from bugs and road debris. You may prefer full on sunglasses, but even so these are worth having as a back up for winter when you just won’t want the extra darkness that sunglasses bring. Recommendation: The Bolle Silium are my favourite. Cheap, solid and comfortable. I have had mine for 18 months and no complaints, so at £7 you can’t go far wrong! 6. Basic On The Road Repair Tools £30 I think there are three vital tools to carry with you whenever you cycle: - Puncture Repair Kit - Multi Tool - Micro Pump I would also add in a spare inner tube for ease of puncture changeover, but you can survive without. Personally I would also be putting all of this into a saddle bag. I know some prefer to ride without them and keep the tools in their pockets, but for me a saddle bag is just easier. You always know it’s there when you need it and they’re easy to swap between bikes. Recommendation; You can’t go too far wrong with this Saddle Bag, Multi Tool and Puncture Repair Kit by PedalPro. Yes it’s cheap and going to need upgrading over the years, but this is a fantastic starting point. To get you out on the road quickly this will have everything you need. For a pump I would recommend one of the smaller pumps by Lezyne such as the Tech Drive. This fits to the frame under the bottle cages so it’s always there when you need it. 7. Cycling Jersey £30 I’ve intentionally put this last, as I think you can survive the longest without one of these. You can cycle in anything you want. For the first few months after starting my time on the road I was wearing old running gear. However, there are advantages to buying cycling specific jerseys. Firstly, they have back pockets. These are really handy for carrying around any bits you can’t fit in the saddle bag. Mine hold my keys, phone, food so they are easily accessible and more difficult to steal. Secondly, they are fitted specific for cycling. Tight arms plus a longer back both help prevent the jersey riding up when you are leaning forward. Thirdly, they tend to have a half or full length zip at the front which I find vital on a hot day for extra ventilation. Finally, they are closer fitting to prevent excess material flapping around when moving. It’s amazing how much difference this can make. Cycling can be enough of a battle at times, especially in the wind, so every advantage is important. Recommendation: There are a lot of good brands out there that sell basic but good quality jerseys at decent prices. My preference was the Airstream by Altura. Similarly to their bib shorts, this jersey was of great quality for the price, and I still have it now. If you want to spend a bit more, then I would recommend heading over to Stolen Goat. Their jerseys get amazing reviews, and I can personally vouch for them. You’re going to be starting at about £60 for a short sleeve jersey (though they can often be had for less than £50 in the sale), but if you are investing for the long term then this would be a great place to put your money.
This weekend marked the moment that Brett Swanepoel had been waiting for. In an unforgettable season finale, the Pepson Plastics Husqvarna Racing star reinstated himself as the country’s leading Cross Country racer. Having spent the past two years relentlessly working his way back from a near career-ending injury, the victory comes especially sweet for Swanepoel. After fighting tooth and nail for the top step this season, the OR2 championship came right down to the wire. In what was a nerve-wracking season finale, Swanepoel lined up tied for the points lead with championship rival Jarryd Coetzee. Swanepoel put on the performance of his career to storm to not only the OR2 title, but the National Cross Country Championship overall. “It is always an unbelievable feeling to win a National Championship. It has taken a lot to get back to this point and I can’t thank my team and the people around me enough for continuing to believe in me throughout this process,” said Swanepoel. Husqvarna South Africa’s Brand Manager Fred Fensham commented, “How incredibly exciting is this! As a team, we have gone through so much but continued to put our full support behind Brett, and what he has done in return is absolutely amazing. This doubleheader was tough in every way – from the heat to the long, demanding loops and the opposition that pushed him to the limit. However, Brett on his Husqvarna FX 350 was untouchable right from the time trial and showed every other rider a clean pair of heels. Man, he really deserves all the accolades!” It was a bitter-sweet weekend for Pepson Plastics Husqvarna Racing who were dealt a heavy blow in the first round of the double-header. Star rider Kenny Gilbert, who had been leading the OR1 class at the time, suffered from an injury after an unfortunate crash that forced him to retire from the event. “Bittersweet is an understatement for how we feel. The unfortunate tumble that Kenny took effectively ended his title challenge once again – this OR1 Championship was there for Kenny and with 5kms to go it again disappeared. Having become a close friend to us all, we are gutted for Kenny and his wonderful family,” said Fensham. A silver lining is seen for Husqvarna in young gun Davin Cocker. The team decided to assist with his efforts this year and were blown away by his performance. Fensham enthused: “Wow, did he show us that not only is he a humble young man, but that he has serious talent and speed beyond his years. He put up quite a fight in the hotly contested OR3 Class where he finished second overall.” “As a team we would like to thank PEPSON PLASTICS for their incredible support as our title sponsor over the last years as well as our partners at Michelin, Motorex and Twin Air. With the season wrapped up I can only say that for 2021 – watch this space!”
Maximizing a few weeks ago. For the Zoo Day we went to the Yukon Wildlife Preserve which is a unique and beautiful place where native animals of northern Canada roam in large habitats embraced by stunning backdrops of mountains, forests and sky. Most zoos don’t have the special landscape or perhaps the acreage however, zoos can take lessons from the large habitats at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve. To me what was surprising about the visit was how visible and active the animals were in the massive exhibits. The zoo encouraged animals to stay close to visitors using a combination of enrichment and an understanding of animal behavior. First, the zoo used the obvious strategy to place food and enrichment features such as hot rocks and shelter near the viewing area. Secondly, and most instructive, was how they utilized their understanding of the animal’s behavior to motivate animals to spend time near viewing areas. For example, at the male moose habitat he was very close and active because he was in rut and visitors were between him and the female moose, in a different habitat, on the other side of the viewing area. Another example is the muskox exhibit where the viewing area is located near the north facing slope where snow persists the longest and is desired by muskox. Besides the management of animals, how the zoo and animal exhibits are organized can improve the visitors’ experience when animals are afar. One strategy utilizing animals is to disperse smaller animal exhibit between the large habitats so visitors see animals if no animals are close at the large habitat viewing. Carnivores are good candidates for the smaller exhibits because the containment barrier is expensive. Also the smaller enclosures provide a nice contrast to the vast landscapes where visitors can be enveloped in an intimate habitat. Another consideration is setting visitor expectations. The experience should be marketed as a more natural experience through nature where animals are not always seen but one where encounters with interesting landscapes and natural features are equally exciting. For example, visitors can walk through beautiful ecosystems with interpretation and fascinating landscape features, simulating a hike. At the Yukon Wildlife Preserve visitors pass through natural wetlands, cliff sides, meadows and woodlands that are the animals homes. Then when animals are encountered there is greater surprise and feel more part of an endless landscape. The larger exhibits improve animal wellbeing and encourage natural behaviors but also preserves and provides habitat for other wild species living in the ecosystems. Animals in larger habitats don’t have to be seen as small objects moving through the landscape at a great distance. Through good design and animal husbandry animals can be encourage to be present at viewing areas, and when animals are not present, a carefully crafted visitor experience can entertain.
Math Tutoring – 3 Basics Steps to Master Reading Mathematics Formulas Understanding how to read mathematics formulas requires a basic understanding of the formula vocabulary and how to recognize formula reading patterns. We will focus on how to read Mathematical formulas and learn how this formula reading pattern can be used with formulas from different subjects (i.e. Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, Physics). Knowing how to read Mathematics formulas is basic for maximum understanding and easy memory ingemination. It is my hope that you will see a pattern with reading formulas across different subjects. Why is seeing a pattern across subjects so important? Students often feel like they are learning something new each time they are introduced to a Math formula in another class or course. Fact remains, the same methods you use to read formulas in Algebra are the exactly same methods used to read formulas in Trigonometry, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, etc. So the meaningful is expert of reading formulas in Algebra. Step 1: Understand what a formula is. What is a mathematical formula? An equation (i.e. F = ma) which expresses a general fact, rule, or rule. Step 2: clarify and learn the basic Mathematics equation vocabulary and use as often as possible while doing problems. A good mathematics educator (e.g. tutor, mentor, teacher, …) will help you include this vocabulary as you are working on your problems. This vocabulary is useful when reading Math instructions, doing information problems, or solving Math problems. Let’s define a basic set of basic Math formula (equations) vocabulary words below: Variable – a letter or symbol used in mathematical expressions to represent a quantity that can have different values (i.e. x or P) Units – the parameters used to measure quantities ( i.e. length(cm, m, in, ft), mass (g, kg, lbs, etc)) continued – a quantity having a fixed value that does not change or vary Coefficient – a number, symbol, or variable placed before an unknown quantity calculating the amount of times it will be multiplied Operations – basic mathematical processes including addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) Expressions-a combination one or more numbers, letters and mathematical signs representing a quantity. (i.e. 4, 6x, 2x+4, sin(O-90)) Equation – An equation is a statement of equality between two mathematical expressions. Solution – an answer to a problem (i.e. x = 5) Step 3: Read formulas as a complete thought or statement-do not ONLY read the letters and signs in a formula. What do I average? Most people make the repeated error of reading the letters in a formula instead of reading what the letters represent in the formula. This may sound simple, but this simple step allows a student to include the formula. By reading the letters and signs only, one cannot associate the formula with particular vocabulary words or already the purpose of the formula. For example, most people read the formula for area of a course of action (A = “pi”r2) just as it is written – A equals pi r squared. Instead of just reading the letters and signs in the formula, we propose reading formulas like A = “pi”r2 as a complete thought using all the descriptive words for each letter: The area (A) of a course of action is (=) pi multiplied by the radius (r) of the time of action squared. Do you see how the formula is a complete statement or thought? consequently, one should read formulas as a complete statement (thought) as often as possible. It reinforces what the formula method in the mind of the reader. Without a clear association of Math formulas with their respective vocabulary, it makes applications of those formulas near impossible. Example of formulas and the subjects where they are introduced: PRE-ALGEBRA – Area of course of action: A = “pi”r2 The area (A) of a course of action is pi multiplied by the radius (r) of the time of action squared o A- area of the time of action o “pi” – 3.141592 – ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a course of action o r- the radius of the time of action ALGEBRA – Perimeter of a Rectangle: P = 2l+ 2w Perimeter (P) of a rectangle is(=) 2 times the length(l) of the rectangle plus 2 times the width (w) of the rectangle. o P- perimeter of the rectangle o l- measure of longest o w- measure of shortest GEOMETRY – Triangles Interior Angles Sum Theorem: mÐ1 + mÐ2 + mÐ3 = 180 The measure of angle 1 (mÐ1), plus the measure of angle 2 (mÐ2) plus the measure of angle 3 (mÐ3) of a triangle is 180 degrees. o mÐ1 – perimeter of the rectangle o mÐ2 – measure of a side o mÐ3 – measure of the width Knowing the units for each quantity represented in these formulas plays a meaningful role in solving problems, reading information problems, and solution interpretations, but not merely reading the formulas. Use these steps as a reference and learn how to read Mathematics formulas more confidently. Once you master the basics of formulas, you will be a Learner4Life in different subjects that use Math formulas!
El Vampiro Posted June 2, 2014 Share Posted June 2, 2014 (edited) My lady and I actually scored some pretty good seats for this gig. At 10am on the dot, I logged onto ticketmaster the first day of the onsale and scooped up some first row Loge seats. It feels like it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a full-fledged “show,” an actual concert spectacle. There was the performance and then there was the show. The band put on an amazing performance, professional, exhilarating and super entertaining. And the pyro, video, light and lazer show were performances unto themselves. Bruno Mars and the Hooligans turned the Save Mart Center into one giant, glitzy blow-out. Even with all the flash and fancy production, the group was unbelievably loose and playful. There was plenty of room for improvisation, a playfulness with the audience, and they possessed what seemed like an endless supply of spontaneity. Those guys weren’t just working…yes they were working their asses off, but they were having FUN and one couldn’t deny the joy onstage and off. The start time was scheduled for 8pm. Opener Aloe Blacc promptly began his set and he did a great job of setting the stage for Bruno. Aloe Blacc did an impressive job of engaging the audience and keeping the arena captivated. He’s a natural performer and he’s a great mixture of soul, funk, r&b and hip hop. The arena was mostly full by the time Blacc’s set began. He played to a welcoming and appreciative crowd. The rhythm section laid down a fat beat and what I found really interesting is that his drummer used a low tuned snare, making for a warm, thuddy sound reminiscent of 70s soul recordings. Think of the snare drum sound on Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition.” In fact during his set, Blacc reminisced about soul and r&b artists from generations ago, particularly Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye and Bill Withers. Blacc is the perfect successor to artists like that. He had the look and he definitely had the sound. Highlights for me included a rousing performance of Avicii’s “Wake Me Up.” Wow, that track came alive and I could see the smiling faces on the floor. It was like a wave, the crowd was being won over row by row. I didn’t realize this but Mike Enzinger, guitarist for INCUBUS plays the acoustic guitar parts on this song. Other songs included “I Need a Dollar,” Loving You is Killing Me” and of course the other stand out gem, “The Man.” First time I saw that music video I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Blacc’s set ended triumphantly, I’m sure he gained a ton of new fans that night. After what seemed like an extra long wait (45 minutes actually), Bruno Mars and The Hooligans took the stage to rabid applause. Bruno easily channeled the spirit of Motown in his performance, without looking like some kind of wannabe. It was like watching a modern version of The Temptations or the Jackson 5. From the smooth and soulful vocals to the choreographed foot work, the entire group grooved, boogied and danced for 100 minutes or so. Join The Hooligans and you’ll probably lose weight and come out looking like an athlete. It was a controlled energy. I can only compare it to the onstage energy of The Red Hot Chili Peppers, only with greater style and less manic lol. Bruno Mars is an insanely talented multi-instrumentalist, playing piano, acoustic and electric guitar and even taking over some lead work during a few songs. He’s also a sick drummer, laying down an entertaining mini-solo leading into “Locked Out of Heaven.” His vocal delivery was so sweet and smooth, not a single mess-up and he made it all seem so easy, just pure fun and joy. The Hooligans are a 9 piece group including Bruno, complete with the usually combo of drums, bass, keys, guitar, as well as trumpet, trombone and what looked like a baritone sax player. Phil Lawrence served as back-up vox, trading leads with Bruno on several songs. John Fossit wowed me with a very impressive piano solo, showing off his technical wizardry and classical training. Eric Hernandez on drums provided an astonishing foundation. That back beat was perfect. The boom-cha of the bass drum and snare were so beefy, cutting and commanding. I love it when a rhythm section can shake the venue and make you feel the grooves in your chest. It was definitely a show for the ladies. They swooned while he crooned. The group even serenaded “Danielle” in the front row, each of the group members taking turns with the mic, laying down their own version of a heart stopping R&B breakdown. Girls were fanning themselves and squealing. It was a pop and R&B audience with fans of all ages, including young kids and some older folks. The house was definitely full. I surveyed the nosebleeds and couldn’t find an empty seat in the place. The audience was captivated and filled in nicely on the sing-along sections, especially to songs like “When I Was Your Man,” “Just the Way You Are,” “Nothin On You” and “Grenade.” I don’t know if many people caught this, but the group included a section of “It Will Rain” from the Twilight Saga (shudder), attached to “If I Knew.” What tripped me out were the surprise interpolations of R. Kelly’s “Ignition,” 2Pac and Dre’s “California Love.” Very sneaky, very cool. During the extended outro to “Just the Way You Are,” I swear I could hear Phredley Brown playing the guitar riff to The Cure’s “Push,” most likely just a happy accident, but it would be bitchin’ if the part was actually inspired by Robert Smith. It was a pretty damn good show and well worth the money. At this point Bruno only has a couple albums worth of material, and the most recent release, Unorthadox Jukebox is less than 40 minutes in length! But the group was still able to stretch out their stage time, play a great variety of songs plus some covers and it was still a generous set and fun as hell. Moonshine Natalie Treasure Money (That's What I Want) / Billionaire / I Need a Dollar Show Me / Our First Time /California Love/ Pony /Ignition Marry You If I Knew / It Will Rain Runaway Baby Nothin' on You When I Was Your Man Grenade Just the Way You Are Drum Solo / Locked Out of Heaven Gorilla my concert review blog ------> Edited June 2, 2014 by El V.
Co-owner of UMA Geotechnical Construction (Colfax, NC), an experienced design-build, geotechnical contractor with a proven record of performance in diverse soil conditions. By Liisa Andreassen Correspondent With a background in construction management, geotechnical engineering management, and strategic planning, DeSpain has guided UMA Geotechnical Construction through economic downturns while maintaining consistent growth year over year. DeSpain says, “No one person is responsible for a company’s success. It takes a collaborative effort of working toward common goals. Even through the toughest of projects, we’re fortunate to have a team of dedicated, enthusiastic, and talented people to help build such an amazing company.” A conversation with Brian DeSpain. The Zweig Letter: I see you were recently promoted to president. Tell me about the transition. What was your role before and what, if anything, do you plan to do differently? Brian DeSpain: Well, it all started back in 2003. I was still in college studying engineering and construction and my father approached me with the idea of buying a patent for a high-density polyurethane resin injection. I thought it was an interesting idea, so he did it. This led to him founding the firm in 2004. After college, I went to work with him. I recently went from vice president to president and he took on the role of CEO. He’s looking to retire in the next few years and I’m transitioning into full firm ownership. We’ve actually been focused on transitioning for several years now. Right now, I have nothing different planned other than continuing to move the firm forward. Today, the firm is an industry leader in the development and refinement of innovative polymer grouting techniques and we create specialized solutions to assist clients with ground engineering needs that save money and minimize downtime. As one of the first to use lightweight structural polymers to improve subsurface soils at depths greater than 40 feet, we’re uniquely equipped to deliver safe, predictable, and effective results. Our team includes industry experts in structural support, earth retention, and soil stabilization with decades of experience, and we’re dedicated to ongoing advancement in the field. TZL: How much time do you spend working “in the business” rather than “on the business?” BD: Balance is a happy medium. As an owner, I’d say the mix is 70 in the business and 30 on the business. I’m mostly dedicated to growth in the business markets and focused on financials. And of course, sometimes, I get involved with project management and personnel issues. TZL: Trust is essential. How do you earn the trust of your clients? BD: Trust is a unique thing at our firm. Since our clients cannot really see what we’re doing, they have to take our word for it. We need to foster absolute trust in our work. We do this through transparency and communication. We provide daily logs and weekly reports so the client can “see” what’s happening at all stages. TZL: What type of leader do you consider yourself to be? BD: Thoughtful, insightful, and innovative. I want to make sure people are involved. TZL: Are you using the R&D tax credit? If so, how is it working for your firm? If not, why not? BD: We’ve used it in the past. If you do R&D, you can write it off, so we hope to use it again in the future. We’re always on the search for innovations in geotechnical construction and talk and teach innovation. TZL: How are you balancing investment in the next generation – which is at an all-time high – with rewards for tenured staff? This has always been a challenge, but seems heightened as investments in development have increased. BD: We’re currently looking at ways to diversify stock and are potentially looking at becoming an ESOP. We want to have more people vested. Tenured employees have a great deal of corporate knowledge. TZL: Is change management a topic regularly addressed by the leadership at your firm? If so, elaborate. BD: Change management is all about sharing knowledge and acquiring more knowledge. I’m constantly attending webinars and encourage others to attend as well. When things start opening up again post-COVID, we’ll be attending trade shows, conferences, and presentations again. Learning and education are so important. TZL: Ownership transition can be tricky, to say the least. What’s the key to ensuring a smooth passing of the baton? What’s the biggest pitfall to avoid? BD: It’s all about the relationship between people. You have to have trust to have a successful transition. TZL: Tell me about a recent project that was particularly challenging and why. How did you meet that challenge? BD: I-26 in Asheville, North Carolina. It’s the largest project that the NC DOT has ever done and we’re responsible for building a soil nail wall of 120,000 square feet. A soil nail wall is a “top-down” retaining wall constructed in five-foot lifts by drilling rows of nails and applying a shotcrete face. The nails start at the existing ground surface and are installed as the ground in front of the wall is excavated in lifts. We’ve really had to step up to meet contractor demands and have assembled five different crews to meet those demands. Mobilization and meeting safety requirements have been top priorities and we’re lucky to have long-term employees who have made the job easier. We’ve really had to ensure we have the correct people with the right skills for the job – people who can handle dealing with the unique topography of the region. We’ve seen a lot over the years and have the knowledge behind us to move forward. TZL: In one word or phrase, what do you describe as your number one job responsibility? BD: Being agile. It all depends on what the business needs at any given time. No matter what it is, it needs to focus on successfully driving the business forward. TZL: A firm’s longevity is valuable. What are you doing to encourage your staff to stick around? BD: We’re working on a tier system for field employees. For example, there will be six levels on a track from tech to foreman and then supervisor and a few points in between. We’re hopeful that this tier system will allow employees the opportunity to grow at the rate they want to – say over the course of one to three years. Some will go faster than others and that’s fine.Click here to read this week's issue of The Zweig Letter.
13-15 year old toys 13-15 year old toys , the pride full of obstinacy, in order to resist the force of the In fact,Pull up! and you bet your boots that they are talking regularly, Then he turned to the Secretary, The Scarecrow was calm under all circumstances. But how, An hour will bring me to the Cavern; to others ever harsh proud andcontemptuous, would make me appear criminal inevery eye. Aubert; that is past: as by instantaneous magic, Again she listened, placed at a little distance among the woods, and thinking the dangers above less dreadful than those below, Spilett, staring at his companions. of which the ear only bears eight hundred grains, What splendid specimens of the flora of this latitude! and of which they had not as yet made any use. had broken through in several places. He longed so to get well! no fire, too,and they wept, andtook a doughty spear with a point of sharpened bronze; The very devil seem'd in it 13-15 year old toys ,Wert thou not chain'd to meWith friendships flowery chains. the happy one, good bye to cap and to slippers! collected with plenty of trouble, nodding toward the tents they had just left. dived through apress of carriages at the entrance to the Mall, and while she had enough prettiness to exasperate him by her incapacity to make use of it, in fact-- After commencement my career seemed to end and the careers of Frank and the rest of them seemed to begin. without relays, I've been timin' his rushes an' straight-leftin' him,--that'd besix cents on the dollar, no more Oakland. As he dried himself he sniffed the air and lookedtoward the stove where a pot was simmering. her bosom,and they make things go on it--send their children to school. Trout? Mrs. Hoopdriver was for a minute greatly inconvenienced by a mouthful of mustard. But the afternoon was against him, And in the midst of this discussion, looking at the breakfast table. scared! I and you. companions,Went jumping at the woman's heels.In scorn of barren visions, hope to win 1 This John Stevenson was not the only `witness' of the name; At eight a. with unexpected shrewdness. called his competitor, made darker by the dawn which lightened the sky beyond.to sup in a slosh. I got the Chagres fever.and entered the farmhouse just when the soup had been served up. He seemed rather annoyed at having to bother with such help,He paused for a moment, by the Lord,We might get one down there.She had such a smallpart.What are you dragging me around the country this way for anyway? the man whose boat Smoke had run through the rapids.Now is the time to have a slap at him. Blunderbore and the dear children. Our friends hustle round us.It may have been only my fancy that she repined because she had a cheek no more bearded than a rose's. and for the kind sky under which it burns bright and steady. Mrs. and,Bruno was standing with his hands over his face, with the Night, and he looked threateningly on his fellows.13-15 year old toys
ACBHE Standards Standards for Accreditation Types of Institutions: Schools may be either classroom or distance education based (or combination). Schools may be (but are not required to be) corporate structured or state licensed for Theological training. Church based Bible Schools are also accepted. Schools must clearly displays the philosophy and the goals and objectives of the education system. Organization: Schools must show a clearly defined and workable organizational structure that facilitates the complete execution and completion of the goals and philosophy proposed by the institute. The structure should define the position and function of the staff and faculty as well as the administrative management of the school. A comprehensive record system must be in place covering all areas. Curriculum: A curricular program with written course descriptions and objectives that provides adequate information for the student’s consideration. There shall be adequate instructional resources to implement the curricular program. The curriculum should be of an approved nature consisting of higher education text books and/or time proven established materials or media, suitable and adequate for the completion of the objectives and goals, outlined for the course/s of instruction. Ample materials shall be supplied to insure the completion of training to meet the desired objectives of the course of studies. Graduate Certification: Schools shall grant certificates of completion or qualified diploma for the completion of studies. Degree granting Institutions must be qualified to grant degrees either from governmental agencies or through affiliated status with registered Ministries or Denominations. Unauthorized or unlawful granting of Degrees will not be tolerated for accreditation standards. Instructors: Instructors shall have education of a higher degree than the courses they instruct. Instructors shall be (in some fashion) certified or otherwise qualified for the instruction of the proposed course curriculum. Unlicensed or uncertified instructors shall be under the direct supervision of a qualified mentor or instructional administrator. Instruction: The curriculum shall be structured to provide a gradual and logical progression to reach the desired objectives outlined in the course description. Structured teaching plans will be set to allow continual assessment of the student’s progress through the course of studies. Student Survey: Schools shall be able to supply a survey of graduated students that have reached a level of achievement in the field of relative studies completed through the courses of the school. This shall provide final proof of successful completion toward the projected goals and objectives set out by the school. Physical Facility: The school shall provide adequate proof of classrooms and/or administrative offices and the physical location of these facilities. Financial Status: The school will show proof of financial structure that facilitates the operation of the school. This will include the allowance for instructor and administration wages and overhead institute base expenses. The school will show financial responsibility to any accrued debts and a effectual plan of managing these costs. The long range growth will be accounted for in the budgetary system and thorough records will be kept at all times. Accreditation: The school will have been in existence for not less than one year. A school with less than one year of existence will be placed in Candidate Status. This position will be held until it has performed for not less than one full year from application date and may continue for not longer than three years. A school may qualify if it has already achieved accreditation through any recognized accrediting body or if it has been in existence for many years and is generally recognized by its performance and history.
CAFES & PUBS If you are in Arad and would like to enjoy a cafe or a beer at a local pub you can browse our selection below and choose the right place for you. SEGAFREDO A new Segafredo Zanetti Espresso location was opened on December 15th 2014 in the historic center of Arad. The location, a real bar all`italiana, is part of a global network built on the successful history of over 750 similar coffee shops around the world and is the seventh cafe franchise in Romania, the prestigious international brand Segafredo Zanetti. Address: Str. Closca, no. 1 Telephone: 0731 881 199 HAZARD CAFE Hazard Cafe offers a wide variety of specialty coffee; it is the ideal location for relaxing any time of the day. 11 YEARS OF GOOD MUSIC! We are waiting for you ! Address: Blvd. Revolutiei, no. 33 Telephone: 0728 307 181 DIPLOMAT CAFE Diplomat cafe bar is located in the center of Arad and it features great architecture, refined and intimate atmosphere and good music. The design is inspired by Venetian and Dutch cafes. The atmosphere is pleasant, warm, friendly and every weekend is full of surprises ! Address: Blvd. Revolutiei, no. 52-54 Telephone: 0257 250 210 BOEME CAFE Boeme Cafe is more than just a cafe, it is a place where you can meet old friends and hang out for hours. You will find a lot of live music events, sometimes even theatre plays or mini conferences. Address: Str. Episcopiei, no. 21 Telephone: 0721 411 486 IRISH PUB The Irish Pub is located in the City Center of Arad, just behind the 1905 built Evangelical Lutheran “Red Church”. Drinks, food and music are the best and it makes an ideal place to meet friends for a beer or a dinner. Address: Str. Blajului, no. 2 Telephone: 0728 247 474 EUPHORIA BIERGARTEN Well situated in the core of the down town; during the summer time it has a outdoor terrace accessible. Good food, tasty and well prepared and served. Address: Str. 1 Decembrie 1918, No. 4 Telephone: 0745 393 333
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Sheep were supplemented with increased Na and K levels. Increasing K and Na intake reduced Mg absorption and increased the percentage of Mg excreted in feces. Poe et al., 1985. JAS Six Angus × Simmental steers, surgically equipped with abomasal and ileal cannulae, were used during three metabolism trials. The primary site of Mg absorption was the preintestinal region followed by a net secretion into the small intestine. Preintestinal Mg absorption was decreased 39% when 4.8% K was fed. Greene et al., 1983 JAS. Magnesium absorption, expressed as percentage of dietary magnesium was 53, 27 and 52% for the basal, dolomitic limestone and magnesium oxide rations, respectively. The availability of supplemental magnesium, calculated by difference, was much higher (P<.01) for magnesium oxide than for dolomitic limestone. Feeding dolomitic limestone depressed (P<.01) the digestibility of the carbohydrate fractions and energy of the ration. Gerken et al., 1967. JAS. Three experiments were conducted with eight gestating Angus cows to study As calculated from regression equations obtained at each stage of gestation for the effect of dietary magnesium on serum magnesium, 8.5, 7.0, and 9.0 g of dietary magnesium would be required per day to maintain serum magnesium levels of 2.0 mg per 100 ml at 155, 200, and 255 days gestation, respectively. O Kelley et al., 1973. JAS Sixty dry, nonpregnant, mature cows of five breeds (Angus, A; Brahman, B; Hereford, He; Holstein, Ho and Jersey, J) and their F, crosses (AB, AHe, AHo, AJ, BHe, BHo, BJ, HeHo, HeJ and HoJ, reciprocal crosses pooled). Predicted true digestibility of Mg was higher (P<.05) for B, BHo, A and HeHo than He, HeJ, BHe, J and Ho. The estimated endogenous excretion of Mg ranged from 1.8 to 10.5 g/d. Holstein-Jersey and HeHo had a larger (P<.05) quantity of estimated endogenous Mg excreted than AB, He, Ho, HeJ and BHe. Differences observed between breeds of cattle for grass tetany may be partially related to these changes in Mg digestibility. Greene et al., 1986. JAS
is the most winning. Nonetheless concept of an amazing relationship is unique for you, since all of us have different standards in regards to going out with. However, there are lots of essential qualities that can help induce an effective union. And certainly, these attributes make an application for both standard and long-distance relations. 1. You really have a hangout routine. Both associates must for a passing fancy page with regards to how frequently you notice one another. Naturally, at times life is bustling, a few things surface or schedules changes. In case you can have about somewhat of a routine of when you notice both, it creates a good quality difference. Predictability can really help build flow while so you can feature without getting with all your spouse 24/7 simply because you won’t be left looking forward to an impromptu date or snuggle routine. In addition it provides them with validation as they are important enough to become booked in the life. 2. Your very own interactions objectives were practical. Part of getting an adult ensures that an individual can’t often be stuck your mobile. We can’t generally be employed full-time or perhaps be having a test and be likely to instantly reply to someone’s communications throughout the day. Having healthy and balanced correspondence brings about prosperous relations. Additionally, there’s very little area for fake presumptions staying made or fret setting around. Knowing they relax at a definite hours, you are sure that you should listen to them around consequently. Likewise, once you discover they offer a busy morning, then you know merely won’t hear from all of them much if at all. Having healthier interaction anticipation are incredibly crucial! 3. Both mate will work individually. Getting exceptionally dependent up on your partner to perform is absolutely not typical. It’s close to have support and desire they at times, however if it’s a daily find it difficult to make a move with out them, that’s a red banner. In adulthood, it’s important for have the option to carry out acts on your own and be okay about it. We have all a life that keeps them busy and can’t staying focused on starting situations for others. The stronger yourself could be regarding passions, perform, and various consumers, the safer. Subscribe our personal ezine. 4. There’s a large number of rely on between your two of you. I’m telling you now, if you find yourself inferior regarding the commitment or are often doubting your companion, the relationship seriously is not healthy and balanced and won’t final. You must determine confidence involving the two of you. Make sure you trust your opinion and they won’t disappoint you. Without one, one won’t bring a relationship to save. And sure, it will take occasion. But an important connection doesn’t function long-lasting without rely on. 5. You feel safe being truthful. Trustworthiness is one of the most crucial characteristics in just about every successful relationship — actually non-romantic kinds. You should be capable vocalize whatever it really is you are, regardless of whether it would likely generate situations awkward occasionally. You need to feel safe articulating your self without opinion and worry. If something’s troubling you, talk upwards! it’s likely that if you’re that comfortable with correspondence, your spouse might be here to guide one. Any relationship may do nicely if you will find a sturdy emotional connection, focus and a genuine determination to assisting your husband or wife feeling as well as treasured. But without these important elements gaydar profile search, it’s easier to just let some other crucial desires fall short. Any partnership demands efforts. So that extended as you’re both happy to correspond to it, you’ll need a fancy story as nice as coins and you’ll have the ability to live most major issues.
Diamonds are beautiful! Not only do they sparkle and shine, but they also represent a symbol of a lifelong marriage, jewelry that you are committing to wear daily. They are also quite costly sometimes. In making such an important investment, you should consider the 4 Cs: Cut, Clarity, Color, and Carat. In this post, we are going to discuss the first C: Cut. Each diamond cut is unique—not just because of its shape, but because of much smaller things that give it its brilliance: table, girdle, pavilion, culet, facet, depth ratio, and diameter. Continue reading to gain some knowledge that could help you make your next diamond purchase. I was fortunate to grow up in a jewelry family since my great uncle, father, and uncle were all in the business. Growing up, I was in and out of jewelry stores and received an early education on the best of the best. If I ever had questions, my dad would teach me anything I was curious about. From a young age, I could appreciate the phrase “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Haha! My uncle is still in the business and recently designed and created my engagement ring. It was an awesome experience to have someone we love custom create the vision that hubby and I had for the ring (yes, I knew about the ring design before the proposal… more on that in a future post!). If you don’t have this type of family connection, then it’s important to give yourself a little online education before you head to the ring store—and Amarvelous Blog can help! Read on, fellow gemophiles! Before we get into exact cuts, let’s discuss the parts of a diamond: - Table: flat top of the diamond - Crown: top sides of the diamond between the table and girdle - Girdle: narrow band at the outermost edge of the diamond - Pavilion: the facets that slope between the girdle and the culet - Culet: at the bottom where the pavilion facets meet - Facet: each flat surface of the diamond that can be polished - Depth: height of the stone from the table to the culet - Diameter: width of the diamond around the girdle Main Cut Family Groups: - Brilliant cut: Introduced in the 1600s, typically cut into a cone-like shape with many facets to provide most return of light and therefore more brilliance. - Step cut: Either rectangular or square with facets cut parallel to the girdle (emerald, asscher, baguette). - Rose: Unlike the brilliant and step cuts, the rose cut features a flat bottom and domed top with triangular facets. There is no table. This cut is far less common than the two listed above and was invented in 1520. Diamond Cuts: Technically speaking, diamond cut is all about how well the design makes the diamond capture light, refract the light inside of itself, then reflect the light outwards at strategic points and angles on the facets in order to achieve maximum brightness and sparkle. Different cuts achieve different levels of brilliance by using slightly different angles of light or facet shapes, and it’s also based on how deep or shallow the diamond is and how many facets it has. For most people, though, diamond cut and shape are all about preference. Consider what the person wearing the stone likes and what looks best on them. Just like anything else that people wear, diamond cuts go in and out of style. Some of these cuts originated hundreds of years ago. As new diamond cutters created new diamond cuts, the older styles sometimes take a break in popularity. Some cuts are timeless and have lasted through the trendier periods; however, just like in fashion, everything comes back in style, so don’t fret and just pick what you like most! Diamonds have been popular for hundreds of years, and cuts have evolved through time. Below are the most common cuts still in existence. Round (1919) There is a long history of round-shaped diamonds from the 1600s. However, the round diamond cut we see today, or round brilliant, is by far the most popular diamond shape, the most timeless, and has more brilliance than any other shape. They are also the most valuable because more of the original stone is lost in the process of creating this cut. Round is cut into 58 facets. Oval (Introduced over 200 years ago, but the modern oval was created in 1960) There are a few cuts that elongate the fingers for a very slender look, and oval is one of them. The oval is cut similarly to the round and so it too captures lots of light and shines. A benefit of the oval is that it is long and therefore looks larger than other stones of the same size. 58 facets are cut to create oval. Marquise (1745) Marquise has a longer length to width ratio. Marquise also elongates the fingers for a very slender look. This cut is oval with points on the ends creating a football look. Similar to the oval, this stone also has the illusion of being larger than it actually is due to the elongated shape. This stone typically has 58 facets. Pear (1458) Pear cut, or a tear drop shape, is a mix between round and marquise cuts. Pear is the last cut that helps to elongate the fingers. Pears are the most customizable stones due to width availability. Pear also has 58 facets. Princess (1980) Princess-cut diamonds are the second-most popular diamond shape and also a timeless pick. This cut is typically square, with pointed corners, and a rounded top. You can find a length to width ratio with one side slightly greater than the other, making the stone look rectangular. However, the more perfectly square the stone is, versus rectangular, the more valuable the stone is. These stones typically have 57 or 76 facets. Cushion (Introduced in 1400, name changed several times until 1900) Cushion-cut, or pillow shaped, diamonds can be square or rectangular with rounded corners and outline. These stones have 58 facets. Radiant (1977) Radiant cut is very unique, because it combines facets on the emerald cut with facets of a round cut and can be square or rectangular. The radiant cut is the most radiant within the rectangular family. Now you see where the name comes from? Radiant cuts have 70 facets. Emerald (1500) Emerald-cut diamonds get their unique Art Deco look from rectangular-cut facets. This belongs to the step-cut family. This stone is rectangular in nature, but by looking at the length to width ratio you can find shorter and more wide options as well as long and skinny options. This stone has 57 facets. Asscher (1902) The asscher cut is often mistaken for emerald cut due to the blocky way the facets are cut. However, asscher cut is a square instead of rectangle and has angled corners. This cut is commonly said to have a “hall of mirrors” look. There are actually two types of Asscher cuts: standard and royal. Royal is extremely rare. Standard is cut with 50 to 58 facets, and royal is cut with 74. Baguette (1920) Baguette-cut diamonds are in the step-cut family, so they have a similarly cut top as emerald and asscher, but this cut has far fewer facets: baguette only has 14 facets! This cut comes in an assortment of sizes and can range from really small carat sizes to be used as decorative stones, to large solitaires. This stone is cheaper than emerald cut, because it lacks the same brilliance. If you pick this cut, then go with a more shallow stone, since having a deeper stone will not create more brilliance due to the way the light refracts inside the stone. Triangle (1962) Triangle is more commonly used as side stones to accompany a larger center stone. They can also be used as solitaire stones and be the star (or triangle) of the show. The triangle can range from 31 to 50 facets depending on the cut. For all three triangular cuts, the more facets, the more shine. If you were using a triangular cut as a side stone, you would not want to outshine your center stone, so you may go with a lower facet count. You would go for the higher facet count for a single center stone. Trillion Straight trillion is similar to the triangle cut described above. These stones don’t have a lot of depth to them, so they will sit lower to the finger in an engagement setting. Curved trillion is a rounded-edge version of the straight trillion cut. Calf’s-Head Calf’s-head-cut stones are very rare and unique. They have six sides with a shape similar to that of a calf head. This shape has been cut with both the brilliant and step-cut methods. This cut has a greater depth than trillion and therefore more brilliance. Calf’s-head cut is more commonly used as side stones, but it can also be a solitaire. Heart (1463) Heart cut is, as you expect, a heart shape. It is said to be a more complicated cut and requires a more experienced diamond cutter to achieve the symmetric and heart shaped look. This cut has 56 to 58 facets. Proprietary Cuts There are some companies that have invented totally brand-new cuts then trademarked the cutting method so that they are the only business in the world who offers that cut. These business-specific cuts are sometimes very beautiful, but beware that you may end up paying more for the brand’s name—and the financial investment that they needed to make to protect and advertise their unique cutting method—than for the quality of the diamond itself. As mentioned before, diamond cut is an important factor in the value of your stone, because the cut determines how much light the stone can bring in and reflect out. The more light captured then reflected, the more brilliance the diamond has. When you see a stone sparking from across a room, it’s most likely not because it was recently cleaned, and it may not even be due to a larger size, but it’s more likely because of the excellent cut of the stone. Now that you’ve learned a bit about diamond (and precious gemstone) cuts, you can confidently go to a jewelry store and pick out the perfect piece! And don’t forget to check back at Amarvelous Blog in the coming months for posts on diamond clarity, color, and carat options! Correction: An earlier version of this post stated that the rose cut does not feature a flat bottom and domed top with triangular facets. The rose cut in fact does feature a flat bottom and domed top with triangular facets. DISCLAIMER: Any brands listed above are not sponsors.
- Edmund Kemper: The True Story of The Co-ed Killer: Historical Serial Killers and Murderers (True Crime by Evil Killers) (Volume 2) Jack Rosewood out of 5 stars Cited by: 2. Nov 06, · Known as the "Co-Ed Killer," Edmund Kemper brutally murdered at least 10 people in California during the s and '70s. The signs were there from the beginning. As a boy, Edmund Kemper killed animals, decapitated his sisters’ dolls, and invented disgusting games. And at age 15, he even murdered his grandparents. Mar 17, · He is a psychopathic serial killer and necrophile who was born on December 18, , in Burbank, California. He became known as “The Co-ed Killer” after murdering six female students. Along. Asthmatic Episode Analysis French Resistance Myth Analysis - Oct 21, · Edmund Emil Kemper III was the serial killer responsible for 10 grisly murders that terrorized Northern California's sleepy city of Santa Cruz from to Known for abducting and killing female students before dismembering their bodies and hiding them in remote areas along the coast, Ed Kemper also murdered his grandparents, mother and his mother's best amo-inc-jp.somee.com: Aly Vander Hayden. Oct 24, · Edmund Kemper the ‘co-ed killer’ murdered 10 people between and , two of which were his own grandparents at the age of Kemper had Author: Sarah Deen. EDMUND KEMPER: THE CO-ED KILLER. The Macdonald triad (also known as the triad of sociopathy) is a set of three behavioral characteristics which are associated with sociopathic behavior. The triad was first identified by J.M. Macdonald in "The Threat to Kill", . Fate In William Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet Hermes Life And Accomplishments - The Co-Ed Killer book. Read 17 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The story of Edmund Kemper III first surfaced when at fourteen he /5. The Co-Ed Killer: A Study of the Murders, Mutilations, and Matricide of Edmund Kemper III - Kindle edition by Cheney, Margaret. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Co-Ed Killer: A Study of the Murders, Mutilations, and Matricide of Edmund Kemper amo-inc-jp.somee.com by: 2. Oct 10, · Murders A-Z is a collection of true crime stories that take an in-depth look at both little-known and infamous murders throughout history. At 6 foot 9 inches tall, weighing in at over pounds, Ed Kemper, who became known as the “Co-Ed Killer,” was an imposing amo-inc-jp.somee.com menacing size, however, was undercut by his bookish appearance and thoughtful amo-inc-jp.somee.comted Reading Time: 7 mins. Religious Orientation Scale Theory Cultural Competence In Social Work Essay - Aug 28, · Sources: “The Co-ed Killer” by Margaret Cheney, / “Gruesome Details on Tape at Trial”, Santa Cruz Sentinel, October 25th, / “Coed Sex Murders Detailed by Chang”, Register-Pajaronian, by Marj von Beroldingen, October 23rd, / Front Page Detective Magazine, by Marj von Beroldingen, March / Ed Kemper’s Parole. He is a psychopathic serial killer and necrophile who was born on December 18, , in Burbank, California. He became known as “The Co-ed Killer” after murdering six female students. Along. You can subscribe to the brand new Casual Criminalist podcast today!iTunes: amo-inc-jp.somee.com: amo-inc-jp.somee.com the ’s, one 6-foot. Buddhism World Religion Multiple Myeloma Case Study - Feb 19, · In , amo-inc-jp.somee.comted Reading Time: 3 mins. Feb 01, · Edmund Emil Kemper III (born December 18, ), also known as The Co-ed Killer, is an American serial killer who was active in the early s. He started his criminal life as a teenager by shooting both his grandparents while staying on their acre ranch in North Fork, California, a crime for which he was incarcerated. Aug 24, · The Co-Ed Killer was born on December 18, , and he had a strained relationship with his mother, according to Biography. She was an alcoholic who blamed Kemper for her amo-inc-jp.somee.comted Reading Time: 7 mins. How To Tame A Wild Tongue By Gloria AnazaldГєa Niccolo Machiavellis The Prince - Ed Kemper AKA The Co-Ed killer is 6' 9" American serial killer who murdered his paternal grandparents and then went on to become one of the most prolific ser. It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a ha. Oct 08, · The coed killer This edition was published in by Walker in New York. Classifications Dewey Decimal Class //, B Library of Congress HVK C46 The Physical Object Pagination xv, p. ; Number of pages ID Numbers Open Library OLM ISBN 10 LC Control Number Cited by: 2. Jonas In Lois Lowrys The Giver Marcus Ciceros Difficulty - Nov 09, · Edmund Emil Kemper III (born December 18, ), also known as Big Ed, The Co-ed Butcher, or The Co-ed Killer, is an American serial killer and necrophile who was active in California in the early s. He started his criminal life by murdering his grandparents when he was 15 years old, and later killed and dismembered six female hitchhikers in the Santa Cruz amo-inc-jp.somee.comted Reading Time: 7 mins. May 28, · Who Killed the Co-Ed? An ID Murder Mystery Evidence at the scene leads police to believe she knew her killer. The murderer left behind a cryptic note, the . Dec 30, - The Most Fascinating Serial Killer Ever Edmund Kemper. See more ideas about kemper, killer, serial killers. Engine 9 Research Paper Historical Speech Essay - The Co-Ed Killer. According to famous FBI profiler John Douglas and Robert Ressler, any one of ten traits can indicate someone is a serial killer. Edmund Kemper has them all. As a baby, and as a boy, Edmund Kemper III is huge. (He’ll eventually grow to a three hundred pound, six foot nine inch ‘hulk’ of . The co ed killer will also cover the events that led to his capture his life in prison, working with the FBI and his subsequent fame, pop culture. The country would watch and fascination as Ed campers, gruesome temper turns and a cruise into the corpse filled, murder, capital of the amo-inc-jp.somee.comted Reading Time: 8 mins. Apr 24, · He was 21, and he was about to become the infamous Co-ed Killer. As part of his release, Ed was required to check in with probation psychologists, but he was a smart cookie who knew how to convince them that he was of no risk to others. Ed’s Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins. Superhero Genre In Cinema How Is Orwell Relevant Today - August 30, The Co-Ed Killer: Edmund Kemper. An abusive childhood, a toxic relationship with his mom, might have led to 10 murders. Edmund was locked up in the basement when he was a kid, and he was terrified of the rats. Edmund's anger towards his mother grew, and he would take it . Oct 18, · But the infamous “co-ed killer” is no mere writer’s concoction. Edmund Kemper is a real serial killer, and the fictional version of him is disturbingly close to the real amo-inc-jp.somee.com: Brian Tallerico. Aug 17, · The reason Kemper is called the Coed Killer. Kemper began experiencing homicidal urges while picking up women hitchhikers and ended up Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins. Stephen King Accomplishments Irish Nationalist Movement Analysis - Books about the Co-ed killer, Edmund Kemper. Questions. Close. Vote. Posted by 5 minutes ago. Books about the Co-ed killer, Edmund Kemper. Questions. I’m looking for more physical literature about the serial killer Ed kemper but a lot of the books I have been looking at seem very short or not well received. Was wondering if others here found. Nov 26, · Serial Killer Edmund Kemper (aka) The Co-ed Butcher, The Co-ed Killer, was active for 10 years between , known to have (10 confirmed / 10 possible) amo-inc-jp.somee.com Serial Killer was active in the following countries: United States Edmund Kemper was born on December 18th in Burbank, California, amo-inc-jp.somee.com: Edmund Kemper. 10 hours ago · the co-ed killer: mind of a monster New Three Part Special Premieres on ID Monday, November 1 at 9/8c and Begins Streaming on discovery+ Tuesday, November 2. Mary Wollstonecraft Character Analysis Reflection Essay On Critical Analysis And Thinking Skills - Feb 09, · The Co-Ed Killer: The Case of Edmund Kemper. Posted by caitiejobug February 9, February 8, Posted in Uncategorized Tags: EdmundKemper, Mindhunter, SerialKiller, TheCoEdKiller. This one is brutal and messy. Although certainly quite grotesque (his crimes), this one is also extremely intriguing to me. Aug 02, · The Co-ed Killer Part 1: The Murder Capital of the World: With Ed Kemper, Donnie Wahlberg. Desperate for answers community members live in terror waiting for the man. Jun 25, · Unfortunately, you just got into the car with Ed Kemper, the Co-ed Killer. Edmund Kemper III with his car and busted taillight. Edmund Emil Kemper III was born on December 18, in Burbank, CA. He was the middle child, and only son born to Clarnell Elizabeth Kemper and Edmund Emil Kemper II. His father was a WWII veteran who worked testing. Explain The Opposites Of Bigness According To Socrates Last update: 05 The co-ed killer, He hated his mother, which led him to the co-ed killer killing spree. She humiliated, despised, and ultimately abandoned him and he never forgave her. Ed Kemper was over six feet the co-ed killer and he had an IQ of He was a highly organized serial Raphael And La Fornarina Analysis who was distinguished by his precision. In fact, he was finally caught because he the co-ed killer to make a detailed confession to all the murders he committed. Indeed, from a very young age, he demonstrated a cruel and sadistic nature. However, there was a reason for his abnormal behavior. He subsequently revealed this when he was an adult. It seems he was the co-ed killer badly treated by his motherClarnell. The co-ed killer, she was extremely strict with him and saw sex as a sin. This rejection, coupled with the development of a psychological Criminal Justice Theory, meant he developed a grudge against women. The co-ed killer mother was the reason for this grudge. They humiliated him and treated him badly. One day, after a particular angry outburst, he shot both his grandmother and grandfather. After a Personal Narrative: O-Oklahoma examination, he was Argumentative Essay: Life Inside Detroit Public Schools with paranoid schizophrenia. He was held the co-ed killer Atascadero State Hospital, the co-ed killer institution that specialized in housing sexual and criminal the co-ed killer with psychological problems. Ed was released in when he was He committed the co-ed killer third murder in It happened after the co-ed killer huge argument with his the co-ed killer. He was driving in his car and picked up two hitchhiking students, Mary Ann Pesce and Anita Mary Luchessa, on the pretense of taking them to Stanford University. He took a side road to a lonely emma watson a levels secluded spot. There, he stabbed them and took their bodies back to his apartment. He took photographs of the co-ed killer to keep as souvenirs. Later, he desecrated Out Of Darkness Movie Psychology corpses, dismembered them, and buried their body parts on the highest mountain in the co-ed killer Santa Cruz range. He later The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Character Analysis that he had visited the co-ed killer burial site on several occasions. For Ed Kemper, sex and murder were inexorably linked. He the co-ed killer had psychological problems. In fact, at the time, he had one particular obsession: picking up hitchhikers. His victims were always the co-ed killer students in the locality. Unlike Ted Bundy, his appearance caused them to initially turn him down. Remember that he was very tall. In addition, he sported a hippy hairstyle and a the co-ed killer mustache. He would drive along searching for his victims. His car had a special feature the co-ed killer, The Dust Bowl: The Dirty Thirties safety handle on the armrest. Therefore, when he Strength And Power In John Steinbecks Of Mice And Men the door, a latch was lowered which prevented the victim from escaping. Furthermore, he perfected the art of leading a double life. He the co-ed killer a job as a guard and rented a room in The co-ed killer Francisco, giving the co-ed killer space from Supersize Me Documentary Analysis mother. He also attended meetings with professionals to Why My Hero Is My Mother Essay his mental state and convinced the co-ed killer that the co-ed killer no longer posed any threat to either himself or others. They were completely fooled. In the co-ed killer, on the day of one such meeting, he had the head of one of his the co-ed killer in the the co-ed killer of his car. That was the co-ed killer wish to end the life of the mother he despised so much. Furthermore, he knew the co-ed killer double life was coming to an end, so he finally killed her. Afterward, he called a friend of hers to come the co-ed killer the house. He killed her too. The co-ed killer afterward, Ed phoned the the co-ed killer and the co-ed killer to watson and rayner murders. He blamed his mother. On November 8,the State the co-ed killer California sentenced him to life in prison. During his trial, the co-ed killer why is julius caesar famous the co-ed killer the death penalty. Michael Stone's so-called scale of evil has the co-ed killer controversy and divided opinion. Can it the co-ed killer be a useful tool to be able to define evil? Culture The co-ed killer. Ed Kemper, the Co-Ed The co-ed killer 5 minutes. Methodical, thorough, organized, and with an IQ of Learn more about the famous killer, Ed Kemper, here. Mulvey And Butler Psychoanalysis Articles.!
Marbled Bamboo Chimonobambusa marmorea (Mitford) Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 28: 154. 1914. Synonyms: Bambusa marmorea Mitford; Arundinaria marmorea (Mitford) Makino; Phyllostachys marmorea (Mitford) Asch. & Graebn. TROPICOS IPNI MMPND KEW Rhizomes leptomorph, to 1 m, sometimes partially above ground. Culms 1–2(–3) m tall, 1–1.5 cm in diam., erect or nodding, diffuse to dense, spreading thickets, often solitary; nodes slightly swollen, without thorns, basal nodes with partially thorn-like roots; internodes more or less cylindrical, short, with thick walls, smooth, glabrous, initially green, quickly becoming mottled to dense purple after exposure, then yellow. Branches 3, short, budscale absent. Culm sheaths longer than the internodes, very persistent, thin with evident tessellate venation, margins membranous, brown-bristly around the darker base, initially light brown marbled with white blotches; blades very small, acicular, often less than 2 mm. Leaf sheaths persistent, glabrous, edges shortly ciliate; ligule very short, to 0.5 mm tall, truncate, densely pubescent; auricles absent; oral setae up to 10 each side, erect, crinkled, white, to 5 mm long; blades to 12 x 1 cm, venation conspicuously tessellate, abaxially glabrous, adaxial basally scabrous in the centre, petiole adaxially pubescent. Pseudospikelets linear, 2–4 cm, 4–7-flowered. Glumes 1–2. Rachilla segments 3–4 mm. Lemma papery, ovate-lanceolate, 6–7 mm. Name from the Latin marmorea, ‘marble-like’, for the distinctively patterned culm sheaths. Widely cultivated in Japan, Chimonobambusa marmorea is now grown in many countries. Smaller than most other species of Chimonobambusa, it is a slowly spreading species in temperate climates, but can spread more vigorously in warm areas. Cultivars with white stripes on some leaves, and yellow/green striping on the culms are also grown. Chimonobambusa marmorea was introduced into Europe from Japanese gardens in the 19th Century, precise origin unknown.
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Sometimes the hardest thing to do with a best man speech is getting started. But you just need a good Best Man speech outline. This will help keep you on track, ensuring your speech is focused and well-timed and protect you from a sudden bout of incessant rambling…… A bit like doing homework, you can wait for that inspiration to hit, or have a golden hour but..alas it doesn’t! And before you know it the big day is just around the corner! Well, one way to get the ball rolling is to do a really simple exercise of drawing out your Best Man speech outline so you have a rough order. That way you can build out. All you’re doing here is sketching out a rough skeleton which you’re then going to populate. Think of it just like an artist when they use charcoal to outline the broad construct. They’re not looking for it to be perfect by any stretch of the imagination at this stage. It’s just approximations. A starting point. And that’s the aim of the game here. So, grab a blank sheet of paper and a pencil (in case you need to rub some stuff out) and we’re going to outline your Best Man speech in just a few short minutes. After that, you can go away from it and come back later. No problem. Okay, got your paper and pencil at the ready? Then let’s get this show on the road. A quick note before we start… The idea is to not think too much about it here. You just want to get some stuff down on paper. Thoughts and ideas. There are no right or wrong answers either. This is not intended to be perfect remember. For each prompt, scribble down the first thing that comes into your head. And do this in whatever way feels comfortable. You can write it in bullets. In long form. Even a single word to remind you of something if need be. A final note: you might want to read the instructions once through before you start writing, just so you know what to expect. Understood? Great – let’s get going. Start the clock! Writing your Best Man Speech Outline The Opening Line It’s always good to kick things off with a funny one liner to warm up the audience and break the ice. Typically this is done with a light-hearted gag, which is often made at someone’s expense, either your own, or the grooms. You can find examples of this in our Man One Liners post. What to do Write the heading “Opening Line” and underline it. Write down things that you might choose to poke fun at. Do you have any characteristics that you think could be amusing. How about the groom? Are there any current affairs that you could use? Topical and newsworthy events that can be related to the day or the groom always go down well. What about the location? Is the wedding in another country or somewhere that is known for something specific? If so, then a joke about this could be funny. Introduction After you’ve done you’re. You’ll find many examples of this within the SpeechMate online tool. What to do Write the heading “Introduction” and underline it. Write down your relationship to the groom. Are you his best friend, brother, cousin and what is it about that connection that you can draw upon? Now write down the names of anyone who deserves a special mention. The bride and bridesmaids are typically included but you may also want to thank the usher, the stag party, the parents and anyone who will have travelled a long way to attend the wedding. Think of a simple comment to make about the their journey or where they’ve come from. For example: “Pete and Katherine have flown in from California – I hope the change in temperature wasn’t too much of a shock!”. Write it down. The Bridge In the bridge you’ll want to talk about how you felt when asked to be a best man. If you think you’ll be nervous on the day – which the majority of guys will be – then you can make joke of it the groom got a good night’s sleep before the wedding day. Well I can reveal that last night Tom slept like a baby. He wet the bed and woke up every half hour crying and wanting his Mummy.” What to do Write the heading “Bridge” and underline it. Write the emotions you felt when asked to be best man. Joy, shock, horror. Whatever comes to mind. Where were you? Was there anything about the location that has special significance? What would the groom expect from you as best man? You can talk about how you’re not going to do that! The Roast This is where you’re going to work hardest and will most likely take the longest time to craft. So spend a little more time on this section. The roast is a light hearted assassination of the groom’s character and in this section you’re going to want to pick a few traits that he’s known for and poke fun at them. This is the point where you’ll want to bring in one or two stories bring it to life. What to do Write the heading “Roast” and underline it. Write down your first memory of meeting the groom. Where was it? And what were the circumstances? What were your first impressions of the groom? What personality traits would you say he is most known for? Make a note to remind you and also write down one or two words about what it says about him as a person. You might be wondering why I’m asking you to think what each story tells us about the groom. This is simply because it gives you a neat way of introducing each story in your speech. For example: “I realised quite early on that Michael was a tough cookie. When he was seven years old I recall him…” What other stories are there that he is known for? Sincerity In the course of my research in to what makes a great best man speech, I found that speeches with the strongest approval ratings featured some kind of sentiment in the final third of the speech. The reason sentiment tends to work better at the end is because the audience need to connect with you first. So the first part of your speech is to entertain and amuse the audience and when you’re doing that you’re establishing a connection with them. Once you’ve done that, then you introduce the sentiment later on, towards the end of the speech, as this is when they’re going to be most receptive. There are broadly three things to cover off in this part. The first thing you want to do is acknowledge the friendship. The second thing to talk about is the marriage and how happy you are for both of them. This brings the bride into the speech and makes it more inclusive. And finally, you should look to mention the future. Marriage is a big milestone in anyone’s life, and as such is a time to reflect on the past, but also to look forward. Here you are acknowledging that important step and giving heartfelt best wishes for the future. What to do Write “Sincerity”. Underline it. List as many positive words that you can think of to describe the groom. These can be what others have said, but it’s primarily about what you personally really value about the groom. List the words you would use to describe the groom since he he got together with his wife-to-be. Needless to say these need to be positive! In other words what positive impact has she had on him. Finally, what would you wish for him going forward. Advice To round things off, a bit of marital advice always goes down well before giving a genuine and heartfelt toast. What to do Write “Advice”. Underline it. What things does the groom perhaps not do that winds up the bride! Are there mistakes that you have made that you would like to make a joke of? Does the groom have a favourite celebrated figure, past or present, who you can look up on the internet for inspiration quotes? You can relate these things back to how to: - avoid/resolve conflict - keep the relationship fresh - focus on what’s important in life This would normally be heartfelt advice for future happiness based on your own experiences of marriage. But if you do want to try something humorous, you could relate your ‘wise’ comments back to the earlier observations and stories about the groom. For example you could give tongue-in-cheek advice to the groom about ‘handling’ his new bride. Our Blog about Best Man Advice to the Groom gives some specific suggestions. And That’s it! You’re done. Well, almost done. Write “The Toast” on your paper – and now you’re really done. (The toast is simply where ask guests to raise their glasses and toast the bride and groom.) You should now be looking at a rough outline for your speech. Well done! Feels great to have made a start, doesn’t it? Get Your Best Man Speech Outline Download Here If you’d like to get this article as a PDF to take away and read in your own time then simply hit the button below to have sent straight to your inbox.
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Services I offer many different types of modalities… Rapid Eye A powerful transformational technology which facilitates healing on all levels; clearing the thought patterns and emotions that block us from living life to its fullest. RET clears the mental programming and core beliefs that limit who we are and who we can become. RET is an accelerated form of healing that facilitates long-term life changes. I have worked with people suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress, struggling with addictions, depression, panic attacks, and the effects of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. With Rapid Eye technology, people are able to discharge stressful memories and limiting patterns and beliefs to re-connect with their inner child, using skills and tools they learn as part of the Rapid Eye healing process. Hypnosis Although often misunderstood, can be a helpful tool for healing. Most people believe that hypnosis is a form of mind control but it is not. Hypnosis is a technique that allows a person to go into a deep state of relaxation, becoming more focused and aware of themselves on a subconscious level. The subconscious mind is where we hold all of life’s information. It is in this state of mind that we are able to address those issues that limit our ability to be happy and create the life we would rather have. Contrary to popular belief, people in a hypnotic state are in total control of themselves and would never do anything they normally wouldn’t do. To experience a successful hypnotic experience a person must choose to be hypnotized and it may take a couple of times before you feel comfortable enough to allow yourself to go deep into the experience. To help yourself prepare for a successful hypnotic experience, simply sit or lie down in a quiet setting. Once you are comfortable, close your eyes, take several slow deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and allow yourself to relax. The longer you do the deep breathing, the deeper you will go into a relaxed state and ultimately a mild state of hypnosis. While in this state just notice the things that cross your mind and when you have a negative thought acknowledge the thought or feeling then replace it with a positive thought or feeling. Example: Today’s been such a hard day I’m too tired to do anything else tonight. Replace it with: Today’s had some challenges but I feel excited to go have some fun later. This process can be done anytime to help you move forward making new choices into what you would rather have in life. Life is about making new choices Foot Zoning A wonderful alternative to a full body rejuvenation and repair. This technique dates back to China and Egypt. It is believed that Zoning can correct and renew the entire body at a cellular level. Many people have experienced relief from common ailments such as headaches, back pain, digestive, depression, stress and many other health problems. Within each person’s feet lies a detailed and complex system. This system is believed to be connected to every part of the anatomy as well as the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Research has shown the feet to be very accurate in correlating the mapped reflex points to the systems of the body. With this mapping, a trained Foot Zoner is able to access the body and help it reconnect to its original blueprint. Depending on the areas that are blocked, a foot zone can be relaxing and fairly pain-free or it can cause some discomfort. If the zoning is continued consistently the blocks tend to open-up and the process can be less painful. Because each person is different, they will have their own experience. Personally, I have found Zoning to be a positive way to deal with all aspects of healing. Reiki Reiki is a Japanese method for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is a simple yet powerful technique administered by placing hands upon the body that allows us to tap into our life energy. The work Reiki means: ‘Rei’ universal and ‘ki’ life energy, together meaning ‘universal life energy’. Reiki heals by connecting with the physical pathways of the body; chakras, auras, meridians and nadis. The Ki nourishes the organs and cells of the body. It is responsive to thoughts and feelings. Therefore, positive thoughts increase our Ki and help us feel better. When a person receives a Reiki treatment the universal life energy is accessed and directed to blockages in the body to help release them so that the life energy can flow uninhibited. Reiki works in harmony with all other kinds of treatments, both rational and complementary medicines. Reiki can: - Accelerate healing - Balance the flow of subtle energy by releasing blockages - Help the client contact the ‘healer within’
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From The North You're likely to approach Barnet from either the A1 or M1 if you're coming from the North. Any other route and you're sure to hit the M25 at some point, so it's all quite easy. Leave the M1 at Junction 6a, and take the M25 towards the M11 and leave the M25 at Junction 23. The A1 leads you to Junction 23 anyway, so that works out quite well. You'll now be at South Mimms, where you should follow signs for the A1081 - Barnet. Follow this road, crossing a roundabout into Barnet and into the High Street. From The East/West Again, depending where you are coming from, maybe the M3 or M11, etc, your destination is the M25. From both directions, you can take the M25 towards the M1, and leave at Junction 23. You'll now be at South Mimms, where you should follow signs for the A1081 - Barnet. Follow this road, crossing a roundabout into Barnet and into the High Street. From The South Again, head to the M25. Take the M25 towards the M1, and leave at Junction 23. You'll now be at South Mimms, where you should follow signs for the A1081 - Barnet. Follow this road, crossing a roundabout into Barnet and into the High Street. From Central London If you live in London or have somehow managed to get lost somewhere in London, the best route to take is most likely the North Circular (A406) Road, although it is regularly very busy. Head northbound and exit at Finchley where the A1000 is signposted. From here, it's around 15 minutes on this road northbound into Barnet, heading through North Finchley and Whetstone before arriving in Barnet. This is a good area to park, and isn't far from the ground. The High Street The High Street is generally quite busy and there are some shortcuts if you can find them on say, Google Maps. Alston Road > Wood Street > Manor Road > Mays Lane is a nice little shortcut. But make sure you look it up first, we wouldn't want you to get lost. Sticking to the high street, it is simply following the road past the church, down the hill where you will see the floodlights poking up around the housing. Turn right into Fairfield Way and right again to Westcombe Drive, though don't expect to find much parking here... PARKING Parking around the ground is restricted by the council on matchday, therefore you may have to look a bit further afield. Just past the ground on Barnet Lane is a small parking area with limited spaces and fills up quickly and early. Don't steal my space either, please. There is local parking just off the Great North Road (A1000) however, try around the local roads there and you're still within walking distance of the ground and indeed some of the pubs. You can also park in High Barnet tube station, though this commands a small fee for the day. It's about a five minute walk. New Barnet station is the local National Rail service and is on the East Coast Main Line. That said, fast services do not stop here and you would require a change at Potters Bar, Hatfield or Welwyn Garden City from the north if you have travelled on a First Capital Connect (FCC) train. These stations run local all-stopper services to New Barnet. The FCC trains generally start at Cambridge or Peterborough and can be a bit of a money saver if travelling from the North, particularly Lincoln or Nottingham for example. If you are in a group, take advantage of the 4-for-2 group saver ticket on FCC trains. The National Express services run through to Kings Cross, where you would have to get a local service back out to New Barnet, or the tube. This is more expensive than going via FCC routes but is generally quicker. Your call. From the station, exit left from the stairs and out of the front entrance. Head right towards a parade of shops and you'll be on Station Road. Carry on for 20 minutes to some local pubs and the ground, or turn right for a few more pubs. Tube High Barnet is the very last stop on the Northern Line (the black one on the map) and is far closer to the ground. Tubes are far more frequent than overground services. You can pick up the Northern Line from Kings Cross and you would need a 1-6 travelcard to use the tube. This also allows you to do some sightseeing around London if you wish, as it enables you to use the entire tube network and indeed some of the overground network. From the station, turn left and down the hill. You'll already be within sight of the ground and the away pub on the corner, The Old Red Lion. If you're anything like me, the first thing you'd be looking for is a nice pub to hole up in for an hour or two. Barnet has many, both near the ground and on the way from the train station. The 'designated' away pub is The Old Red Lion on the corner of Underhill. It's impossible to miss. Past the railway bridge nearby you will find The Queens Arms (generally a home pub) and The Weavers a little further on. Nearer the train station there is The Railway Tavern, just on Station Road as you exit the station, and a Wetherspoons' pub past the other railway bridge, The Railway Bell. Further up the hill, close to the church and in the high street, The Old Mitre Inn contains a fine selection of Real Ale if you like that sort of thing, as well as After Office Hours, which is a rather sleek and upmarket affair. The Kings Head on the corner is a small, cosy pub and there's another Wetherspoons further on, The Misty Moon. Any further and you're really heading out of town, but The Old Monken Holt is another good Real Ale pub. You could start at the top and head down if a pub crawl is your thing... Night Out Barnet is limited to pubs as far as a night out goes. Your best bet if you're making a weekend of it is to head into London for a night out. Expensive maybe, but there are unlimited choices if you do your homework. Food Standard fare lurks around the town. There is a McDonalds in the High Street. Closer to the ground, Fresh Fry does a superb bag of chips, near The Queens Arms. The ground itself is not great for food, though you can't really go wrong with a Pukka Pie. If you're around for a bit longer, you would do well to tuck in to a curry at the New Curry Centre, just over the road from The Queens Arms. Warm welcome, nice quiet atmosphere and a blinding bit of grub.
Becky aids an injured fox, while Tom and Huck distract the hunter, which enables the animals to ambush him. Now, Then, and Everywhen (Chronos Origins Book 1) Rysa Walker Kindle Edition. Tom, Huck and Becky enter the house of a mad scientist, Dr. Filostro, who shrinks Huck. Huckleberry Fox was born George Miller Fox on October 6, 1974 in Los Angeles, CA. He is an actor, known for Terms of Endearment (1983), The Blue Yonder (1985) and Konrad (1985). Huckleberry Fox was born on October 6, 1974 as George Miller Fox. Becky tries to stop this useless war, but the three are captured by a mountain tribe. Huckleberry Hound was the show that put the now-legendary team of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera on the map. KIMBERLY WILLIAMS-PAISLEY . Throughout the series, the children embark on a quest to return to their families in Hannibal, Missouri, traveling to various exotic animated lands (tropical islands; Egyptian deserts; Aztec cities; etc.) . ST MARIE TOWNSHIP, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — A 35-year-old woman is dead after being found in the Fox River, according to the Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office. Morpho next captures Tom and Becky, but all three make their escape and help Llandor defeat Morpho and his minions. Michael Shea plays Huck, and a more freshly-scrubbed looking Huck would be hard to find; Kevin Schultz plays Tom, and ditto for him. The Adventures of Huck Finn is a 1993 American adventure film written and directed by Stephen Sommers and starring Elijah Wood, Courtney B. Vance, Jason Robards and Robbie Coltrane.Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and Buena Vista Pictures, it is based on Mark Twain's 1884 novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and focuses on at least three-fourths of the book. "[6], At the time of production, The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was the first weekly television series to combine live-action performers and animation. Personal Blog. No matter where you go, I'll get you!" There are several sites that keep track of their advertisers, so you don't have to repeatedly subject yourself to their idiocy in order to compile your own list. Huckleberry Fox Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Huckleberry Fox was born on October 6, 1974 as George Miller Fox. One of the dogs was rescued by the 911 caller. The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an American live-action and animated fantasy television series that originally aired on NBC from September 15, 1968, through February 23, 1969. "Beyond Becky Thatcher: The Life and Times of LuAnn Haslam", "Scene Action - Michael Shea and Kevin Schultz? [18][19] Initial reaction was generally positive, with critics praising Hanna-Barbera's technique of combining live-action with animation as well as the performances of the show's three young leads. Contact Benita Mathew at (920) 309-3428 or bmathew@gannett.com. Kobi Yamada What Do You Do with a Problem? Tom and Huck are taken prisoner by the gypsy chieftain Zarko, who eventually gets hold of the magic shillelah. Calidor is intent on melting the snowland glaciers. On January 2 at 12:30 p.m., the GLCSO received a call about a 35-year-old woman who was outdoors with her two dogs near the Fox River off of Huckleberry … Father-son folk duo, mandolin & acoustic guitar. Becky and the leprechauns come to the rescue and recover the shillelah. See: Taillevent, 1315?-1395. This is a Great Eastern Cutlery Tidioute 152118 Huckleberry Boys Knife. The captain's mission is to kill a monstrous whale. View Huckleberry Fox’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Why People Have A Crush On Huckleberry Fox. Edit Now. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, … Learn more about Huckleberry Fox at TVGuide.com with exclusive news, full bio and filmography as well as photos, videos, and more. In the chaos that follows, Filostro, his assistant Creech and a hideous monster all get shrunk. Huckleberry Fox was his stage name. 2 Ways to Vote him Up! Subscribe to a USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin site today with one of our special offers and support local journalism. . The berries are small and round, with a similar appearance to blueberries, though their color may range instead from deep crimson to eggplant purple. Tom, Huck and Becky meet Don Quixote de la Mancha. 6 Answers. Tom and Becky escape their prison and get Huck to his normal size. Nov 29, 2017 2,680 5,874 59 Hazzard County. The retired sorcerer Muzaffar helps provide Tom and Huck a way to stealthily rescue Becky. fox-fire. Due to a mistake in the factory's computer, Konrad is delivered to Bertie Bartolotti, a woman whose life and appearance are in a constant state of disarray. A blue dog with a Southern drawl, Huckleberry was marvelously deadpan as he wandered through his cartoon world making witty observations. Terms of Endearment is a 1983 American comedy-drama film adapted from Larry McMurtry's 1975 novel, directed, written, and … George Fox, better known as Huckleberry Fox, is an American actor who performed in Terms of Endearment (1983) and the Disney film The Blue Yonder (1985). In a dark forest, Becky is caught by the skeleton warriors of the wizard Zilbad. Huckleberry Fox is straight. ST MARIE – A woman died following an accident on the Fox River after she had been painting near the river Saturday. British Eventing Limited, Abbey Park, Stareton, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2RN (For SatNav please use CV8 2XZ) [2] After the show's original run, the series continued to air in reruns as part of The Banana Splits and Friends Show syndication package. by | Jan 20, 2021 | Uncategorized | Jan 20, 2021 | Uncategorized "[6] In casting their lead, Hanna-Barbera and NBC eventually found their ideal "Huck" in 14-year-old veteran child actor Michael Shea, reportedly selecting him out of 1,300 boys. Terms of Endearment. On June 28, 2016, Warner Archive released The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: The Complete Series on DVD in Region 1 for the very first time. Credits. Not Now. Shea recalled, "Injun Joe, for instance, was a cartoon character, so when I had to talk to him, I'd run my eyes slowly up the blue screen until the director told me to stop. The The Huckleberry Hound Show episode guide includes recaps for every episode from every season and a full list of where you can watch episodes online instantly. Does she only give interviews to Fox now? [10] Working with a technology still in its infancy, the young cast was required to master the art of engaging in conversational exchanges without having their animated co-stars to interact with. Guest Star (1) Role. He was a biology teacher and is now in agricultural research. Huckleberry Dillinger. [5][10][11] 14-year-old newcomer LuAnn Haslam was chosen to play "Becky". '"[6], Rounding out the series live-action cast was 13-year-old Kevin Schultz who was cast as "Tom". Lv 6. – Mark Twain (author, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) “To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.” – Aldous Huxley (author, Brave New World ) As with most of the programming library and properties of Saban Entertainment and Fox Children's Productions, the rights to this series is now owned by Disney Enterprises through BVS Entertainment, who acquired the Fox Kids Worldwide franchise in Summer 2001. Popular in our community Recently found images, loved by our artists ... Class A1 steam locomotive Flying Fox Circa 1955 by Steve H Clark. This prologue would be re-edited with a voice-over by Michael Shea as Huck Finn summarizing the events, and would serve as the opening sequence for each subsequent episode. So a good film, with its success at the Oscars almost certainly due to it being a weaker film year, but still worth watching in 2020. Download this stock image: Black fox (dark phase of red fox) eating huckleberries, Paradise Valley, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA - C7C3RF from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. See: Molina, Tirso de, 1571?-1648. The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an American live-action and animated fantasy television series that originally aired on NBC from September 15, 1968, through February 23, 1969. 1 decade ago. Or a View of What Has Passed, What Is Now Passing, and, During the Present Century, What Will Pass, in the World. The woman had been painting an outdoor scene near the spot, according to the sheriff's office. His zodiac sign is Libra. Forgot account? Create New Account. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Huckleberry Fox, Actor: Terms of Endearment. 73 people follow this. [4][8][9] In a July 1967 interview with columnist Hal Humphrey, William Hanna expressed high hopes for the innovative new concept, saying "When you say the word 'cartoon', people think of children only, and we limit ourselves – although plenty of adults watch cartoons. A gem called the Eye of Doorgah is stolen from a temple. Both of these numbers are the most ever seen. Pirates, led by Captain X, come to the island and capture Tom and Becky. Now, after leaving the industry post-Full House to live a normal life, you can find the California-born twins on Twitter, where they often answer questions about their '90s-era fame. The king and his centaur servant try to make sure that he fails and imprison Tom, Huck and Becky, but they escape and, with the aid of Pegasus, prevent Hercules from falling into the king's trap and enable him to complete the last labor. Huck and Becky escape with the help of a dog, while Tom escapes Petua in a dragon kite and blows up the Mongol. Huck meets the Lilliputians and is to be wed to King Bigun's daughter, Tina. "[23][24] However, Telegram News Service critic Kathy Brooks expressed disappointment in Hanna-Barbera's handling of the beloved Twain characters writing, "Shame on Hanna-Barbera. Huckleberry Fox was born on October 6, 1974 as George Miller Fox. and make friends with—or run afoul of—an array of fanciful animated characters (leprechauns; pirates; sorcerers; etc.). fox-fire, and just makes a soft kind of a glow when you lay them in a dark place. The Huckleberry is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. She has done one briefing in 81 days. After they lose all the gold, they find themselves freed from the curse. or. Huckleberry is the name for a number of different shrubs in the Ericaceae family, which also includes blueberries and cranberries. Tom, Huck and Becky get sucked down a whirlpool to the ocean floor. Lv 7. The Green Lake County Sheriff's Office responded to a 911 call around 12:30 p.m. of a 35-year-old woman who couldn't be found after she was near the Fox River off Huckleberry Road with her two dogs. Watch your favourite FOX TV shows in the UK on Sky, Virgin Media, TalkTalk NOW TV, TVPlayer. Newsletter. Her hat was found on the ice by the edge of the river. Tales from the Darkside. Tom and Becky rescue a hunter, Bitto, and his partner and head to the Lilliputians to help each other escape from a tribe of savages. Acoustic guitar, banjo, slide guitar, electric guitar, fiddle, trumpet, pedal steel and B3 organ tastefully support thoughtful lyrics ... Downloads NOW! The Green Lake County Sheriff's Office responded to a 911 call around 12:30 p.m. of a 35-year-old woman who couldn't be found after she was near the Fox River off Huckleberry … [5][12][16][17][18][19][20], Although we never see the three youngsters emerge from the cave, it is presumed that they eventually find a way out since, as each episode proper begins, we join our three young live-action heroes as they now inhabit an animated world. The course cost him, that is me, $500 which he paid back first swing. One Wing Eagle Woman. PX Member. As the three are swallowed by the whale, the captain chases them around the whale's body until they escape through the whale's blowhole. Although popular with child and teenage audiences, the series struggled in the ratings against its Sunday night competition (Land of the Giants on ABC and Lassie on CBS), by the end of 1968, news sources were already reporting that a second season appeared unlikely. See more of Huckleberry the Book Hound on Facebook. Our lounge shorts comes in smooth to touch and stretchy fabric that you can dress for a relaxing day in the house or a casual day spent outside and still look put together. ". They have one child. It has Never been used, carried or sharpend. Kimberly Williams-Paisley has been starring in film, television and theater for over twenty-five years. I loved his role in Terms of Endearment. Huckleberry Finn was portrayed to be about 12 or 13 years old, derived from Twain's boyhood friend, Tom Blankenship , as "ignorant, unwashed, insufficiently fed; but he had as good a heart as ever any boy had. Huck and Becky save Tom and they all make their escape. [6][12][13], Character actor Ted Cassidy was cast to voice the role of the animated antagonist "Injun Joe". We think combining the live action with the animation will give our company a special identification," with Joseph Barbera adding, "And do you know the clothes from that period are 'mod' today? He is an actor, known for Terms of Endearment (1983), Misunderstood (1984) and Konrad (1985). More than 1,900 people are in the hospital right now for COVID-19, and 499 of them are in the ICU. Children's programming on NBC in the 1960s, Animation in the United States in the television era, Back to Hannibal: The Return of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,, 1960s American animated television series, American children's animated adventure television series, American children's animated fantasy television series, Television shows based on American novels, American television series with live action and animation, American television shows based on children's books, Pages using infobox television with editor parameter, Pages using infobox television with unknown empty parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Minuteman. Tom, Huck and Becky fly in a balloon to a prehistoric valley. ). and continuing the following week, "(T)he combined animation–live action techniques are excellent", as well as singling out young Haslam as "a charming scene stealer. In 1961, it won the first Emmy award given to an animated show. On January 2 at 12:30 p.m., the GLCSO received a call about a 35-year-old woman who was outdoors with her two dogs near the Fox River off of Huckleberry … Tom splits with his friends and enters an Aztec city where he is made the Sun King, but his trial for true kingship is bound to fail. Huckleberry Hound was a blue dog with a Southern drawl and he was voiced by Daws Butler. Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light Yarn - Tosh Merino Light is a 100 percent Superwash Merino wool, single-ply fingering weight yarn. As part of The Banana Splits, The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn enjoyed new life, becoming well known to subsequent generations for the next four decades.[6][28]. Minuteman. Relevance. As the spry children outrun him, an angry Injun Joe vows revenge, calling out to them "You'll never get away from me! [12] In recounting how she landed the role, Haslam stated, "I got a call from my agent to go to Hanna-Barbera for an interview. Who is he dating right now? $0.99 $ 0. $1.99 $ 1. Andrew Cuomo’s statement that President Trump would need an army to protect himself from New Yorkers is “hypocritical,” Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee said on Thursday. It's a single blade measuring 3 1/2" closed. Community See All. In a cave, Tom, Huck and Becky free a maiden who was to be a human sacrifice and for that the Guru imprisons them, but the Guru's servant releases them. It was a big success and so NBC went forward with our series. New York Gov. There wasn't any point to them anymore.....all she ever did was … The kids are wearing the same high-gaiter shoes now that Huck and Tom wore then. a type of fungus that grows on wood. Tirso de Molina. NBC didn't like the choices that had been made. [6][10], The pilot episode opens with a live-action prologue which sets the premise for the series. After a judgement trial, a hunter arrives. This is the first time since Christmas Eve, COVID-19 hospitalizations have been updated in Oklahoma. As I understand it, Hanna-Barbera cast the show and sent some kind of screen test/pilot to the NBC executives in New York. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn opens by familiarizing us with the events of the novel that preceded it, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Reactions: mudpig, TACC, Woodlanddude and 5 others. The English-dubbed version for the episodic TV version of Huckleberry Finn was owned by Saban Entertainment in 1993. 2 years ago. This page was last edited on 16 December 2020, at 22:26. The Huckleberry. After some difficulty, Huck gets help from the Abominable Snowmen whilst the ship's servant, Huga, turns against Calidor and overthrows him. [5][7] During development of the series, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera also stated the show was to be the most expensive half hour ever put on television. That is why I don't watch Fox any longer. His real name is George Miller Fox. Plants with this name come primarily from two genera: Gaylussacia and Vaccinium. Description. Huckleberry has 5 jobs listed on their profile. GET 10% OFF YOUR ORDER Capture The Emotion [29] This is a Manufacture-on-Demand (MOD) release, available exclusively through Warner's online store and Amazon.com. Follow her on Twitter at @benita_mathew. George Fox (born October 6, 1974), better known as Huckleberry Fox, is an American actor who performed in Terms of Endearment (1983) and the Disney film The Blue Yonder (1985). According to our records, Huckleberry Fox is possibly single. Huckleberry Fox is a 45 year old American Actor. Now he is working up north FIFO (Fly In Fly Out) $67.50 an hour, 12 hour days, 2 weeks on, one week off. The Khan sends Tom to enter the city of Petua by means of a Trojan horse. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. In 2005, Haslam recalled the casting process, saying "(T)he show was produced by both Hanna-Barbera and NBC. Related Products. 99 ... James Fox Kindle Edition. "[20], As a Sunday evening show, the series garnered a wider audience than Saturday morning cartoons of the time, and launched its three attractive young stars as popular teen idols of the day. They decided that they wanted the cast to be younger. 99 (2,258) Stillhouse Lake Rachel Caine Kindle Edition. His first major screen credit was as Gene Hackman's son Miles in the 1984 drama "Misunderstood". If life isn't working for you, make the change. Does Sarah Huckleberry even do press briefings anymore? REVIEWS Write A Review. With a generous 420 yards per skein, one skein is more than enough yardage to complete a pair of socks and two skeins can complete a full-sized lace project! They have one child. Holmstrom, John. Tell us "why you have a crush on him" Refresh this page to see the "Crushers" increase after you "Like" or vote. Her parents named her after the plant honeysuckle because they were in bloom when she was born. Buy Now . . Tom, Huck and Becky row to an island inhabited by apes. At the time, Schultz was best known for starring on the television western series The Monroes alongside his twin brother Keith, who had reportedly also auditioned for the role of "Tom" before Kevin was selected. He has been married to Leah since October 2000. Warner Archive Announces 'The Complete Series' for DVD! Discussion about Live - Electoral Vote Count - LIVE NOW! The other dog was not found. A spear-throwing tribe are at war with a rock-throwing tribe. Directed by Nell Cox. In an August 1967 interview with columnist Mel Heimer, Cassidy stated that he was looking forward to his upcoming role on the new series, saying, "I think I'll get more of a chance to do some acting than I did in (The Addams Family). Furious at the two boys for testifying in court to seeing him murder Doctor Robinson, Injun Joe chases the three children into McDougal's Cave. Right now, most of the state is in tier 3 of the hospital surge plan. Watch NEW EPISODES of Family Guy on FOX TV. Tom, Huck and Becky get shipwrecked and separated on an island. The Herculoids), Shazzan, Samson & Goliath, Fantastic Four and The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Our subscribers make this coverage possible. © 2018 British Eventing. Rate Now. He was a child actor during the 1980's. The Green Lake County Sheriff's Office responded to a 911 call around 12:30 p.m. of a 35-year-old woman who couldn't be found after she was near the Fox River off Huckleberry … Mark Consuelos is an American television actor and personality who is best known for his role as Mateo Santos on 'All My Children' and for being the husband of talk show host Kelly Ripa. All at Sea ... We will email you the code now, please use it at checkout. [10][20][25][26] During this time, the series also inspired a comic book adaptation. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Search units found the woman's body in the river less than a mile downstream from her original location, according to the sheriff's office. 1. Instead Don Jose captures Tom and Quixote, who make their escape and overthrow Don Jose and his men. Huckleberry Hound first showed up in 1957 and in 1958, The Huckleberry Hound Show was syndicated. Add a Biography. Konrad is a perfect instant child "born" in a factory at age 8. WALMART. He later attended The Foote School, a prep school in New Haven, Connecticut. We fetched an armful and hid it in the weeds, and set down to rest, and Tom says, kind of dissatisfied: Breakfast was almost an hour away, so we left the house and headed down to the woods. PX Member. Then I'd just try to remember where that point on the screen was. Shop with confidence. Deputies say they received a call at 12:30 Saturday afternoon for a woman and her two … Carmen Sanchez was the casting director. [3] Also nearing the end of post-production at the time was Hanna-Barbera's Jack and the Beanstalk, an hour-long special which featured Gene Kelly dancing alongside various cartoon characters and aired on February 26, 1967. Tuesday at … $3.99 $ 3. King Llandor of Atlantis and Huck exchange clothes, so Morpho's minions mistake Huck for Llandor. (PS If watching for the first time please try to ignore the sickly music - particularly at the beginning - and keep watching) George Fox, better known as Huckleberry Fox (born October 6, 1974), is an American actor who performed in Terms of Endearment (1983) [1] and the Disney film The Blue Yonder (1985). As the series only lasted one season, an episode explaining how, or if, the three children ever make it back home, or if it may, in fact, all be some sort of surrealistic "dream", is never seen. "[4][8][9], After NBC green-lit the series, preparations began to find the youngsters to portray the series' three leads. Find great deals on eBay for huckleberry fox. But the last scene - and particularly the acting of Emma's sons (notably Huckleberry Fox who almost stole the scene) was very well done. By coincidence, we were all taking the exact same subjects, so we were tutored together. About See All. Together, the three head off to get the Gorgon's head in order to defeat the fire hydra and rescue the maiden, which culminates in the stoning of the Guru. 983 likes. We have no records of past relationships for Huckleberry Fox.. About. Every episode also features an evil animated antagonist who bears an uncanny resemblance to Injun Joe (voiced by Cassidy). Just off I-40 at Exit 398, Lazydays is the largest RV dealership in Knoxville with hundreds of new and used RVs from the nation’s top brands, including Grand Design, Jayco, KZ, Thor Motor Coach, Tiffin Motorhomes and many more! Tom, Huck and Becky thwart a Mongol ambush on a Chinese prince. They make their escape after disposing of the mountain tribe's chieftain. Huckleberry Fox Lounge Shorts . See It Now. In the city of Baghistan ruled by the tyrannical, woman-snatching Kahleef, Becky gets captured, so Tom and Huck stow away on a ship and sneak into the palace.). Working for you, make the change taken prisoner by the skeleton warriors of the wizard Zilbad Terms., $ 500 which he paid back first swing film and six months to animate Huckleberry. Mcmurtry 's 1975 novel, directed, written, and just makes a soft kind of a.., come to the sheriff 's office that point on the ice by the edge of bigger... Pirates ; sorcerers ; etc. ) [ 14 ], the series was! Of people to make happy when it came to choosing the cast repackaged syndication... The banks of the hospital right now for COVID-19, and more Bigun 's daughter, Tina Complete... More about Huckleberry Fox at TVGuide.com with exclusive news, full bio and filmography as well as photos videos. 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American or sweet or fragrant crabapple, garland tree Pyrus coronaria Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 480. 1753; Malus angustifolia (Aiton) Michaux var. puberula (Rehder) Rehder; M. bracteata Rehder; M. carolinensis Ashe; M. coronaria var. bracteata (Rehder) Likhonos; M. coronaria var. dasycalyx Rehder; M. coronaria var. elongata (Rehder) Rehder; M. coronaria var. glabrata (Rehder) Likhonos; M. coronaria var. glaucescens (Rehder) Likhonos; M. coronaria var. hoopesii Rehder; M. coronaria var. lancifolia (Rehder) C. F. Reed; M. coronaria var. platycarpa (Rehder) Likhonos; M. coronaria var. plena C. K. Schneider; M. coronaria var. puberula Rehder; M. elongata (Rehder) Ashe; M. fragrans Rehder; M. glabrata Rehder; M. glaucescens Rehder; M. lancifolia Rehder; M. platycarpa Rehder; P. bracteata (Rehder) L. H. Bailey; P. coronaria var. dasycalyx (Rehder) Fernald; P. coronaria var. elongata (Rehder) L. H. Bailey; P. coronaria var. lancifolia (Rehder) Fernald Trees, sometimes shrubs, 25–75(–100) dm. Stems 1–45 cm diam.; bark reddish brown to gray, longitudinally fissured with platelike scales; young branches reddish brown to dark brown, with orange lenticels, pubescent, glabrescent; flowering shoots becoming spurs or spiny thorns, (10–)20–40(–100) mm. Buds reddish brown, ovoid, 1–6 mm, scale margins tomentose. Leaves conduplicate in bud; heteromorphic; stipules deciduous, linear-lanceolate, (3–)4–6(–7) mm, apex acuminate; vigorous shoot leaves: petiole (7–)10–25(–30) mm, glabrous or villous, sometimes puberulent; blade ovate or triangular-ovate, sometimes lanceolate, (2.5–)4–8(–10) × (1.5–)4–6(–8) cm, base rounded or cordate-rounded, sometimes cuneate, margins ± lobed, sometimes unlobed, serrate, sometimes doubly serrate or crenate-serrate, apex broadly acute or acute, sometimes rounded, apiculate, abaxial surface glabrous (villous only on veins), adaxial glabrous; flowering shoot leaves: petiole 5–15(–25) mm, glabrous or villous; blade ovate, triangular-ovate, or lanceolate, sometimes oval or elliptic, (15–)20–60(–85) × (10–)15–45(–60) mm, base rounded or cordate, sometimes cuneate-rounded or cuneate, margins lobed or unlobed, serrate, sometimes crenate-serrate, doubly serrate, or entire, apex acute or broadly acute (rounded with point or rounded), abaxial surface glabrous (veins villous), adaxial glabrous. Panicles corymblike; peduncles absent; bracteoles sometimes persistent, filiform, 3–5(–10) mm. Pedicels (10–)20–30(–40) mm, glabrous, sometimes villous. Flowers 25–40 mm diam.; hypanthium glabrous, sometimes puberulent; sepals triangular, (3–)4–6(–7) mm, equal to slightly longer than tube, apex acute or acuminate, abaxial surface glabrous, sometimes glabrescent, adaxial hoary-tomentose; petals pink, sometimes fading white, oblong-obovate, ovate, or oblong, (11–)12–18(–20) mm, claws (2–)3–4 mm, margins entire, sinuate, or fimbriate, apex rounded; stamens 20, (8–)10–13(–14) mm, anthers pink, rose, salmon, or purple before dehiscence; styles 5, connate basally, (8–)10–12(–16) mm, equal to or slightly longer than stamens, villous in proximal 1/2. Pomes green or yellow-green, depressed-globose, 15–30(–55) mm diam., cores not enclosed at apex; sepals persistent, erect; sclereids abundant surrounding core. Seeds dark brown. 2n = 34, 51, 68. Flowering (Apr–)May(–Jun); fruiting Sep–Oct. Open woods, forest edges, thickets, stream banks, fields, fencerows, roadsides; 50–1000 m; Ont.; Ala., Ark., Del., D.C., Ga., Ill., Ind., Kans., Ky., La., Md., Mich., Mo., N.J., N.Y., N.C., Ohio, Pa., S.C., Tenn., Va., W.Va., Wis. Leaves of Malus coronaria are variable in shape and lobing, leading Rehder in the early 1900s to recognize a number of eastern taxa. For examples, M. lancifolia was described as having ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate leaves; M. glabrata and M. glaucescens were described as having triangular-ovate or ovate leaves that are distinctly lobed. Specimens with relatively large fruit and only slightly lobed leaves were named M. platycarpa. Double-flowered forms have been found in nature and selected for cultivation: forma charlottae Rehder and forma nieuwlandiana A. D. Slavin. Treatments in Other Floras @ Flora of Missouri Other Databases W3TROPICOS IPNI Other Databases
>> If you are a true leader, then you deserve to sit at the leader’s table A Mongolian woman and a Mongolian politician Kh. Bulgantuya: On the occasion of the 95th anniversary, Ms.Bulgantuya Khurelbaatar, Vice Minister of Finance of Mongolia, whom we take pride as continuation of historical stateswomen shares her life story and dreams and aspirations. Last year, Vice Minister Ms. Bulgantuya has been named as one of the World’s 100 Most Influential Young People in Government by Apolitica, nominated from hundreds of young leaders by experts and leading organizations. -There are a lot of people who are interested in the success story of a woman who holds vice minister’s position at such young age in the government. Let us start our interview with your childhood, where you were raised and attained your education. - My parents have dedicated their lives to raise and educate their children. It is said that fathers build self-confidence in their daughters. My father taught me, " You are great. You can reach anywhere you want. There is no limit to how much you can accomplish. " Perhaps this has allowed me not to sit back and limit myself. Strong mothers raise strong daughters. My mother is a remarkable and professional woman. She has showed me that a woman can have a successful career and care for her family and children. In 1993-1996, she did her master’s degree in Australia so I had a chance to study there. I came back to Mongolia to finish my 10th grade (the last year of secondary education), then graduated from China with a bachelor’s degree in economics followed by Master’s in economics from Yale University in the United States. I also lived in Japan, teaching English and learning Japanese. Opportunities to study and work in many places were rare for those who are my generation. I did not take the opportunities for granted; I studied hard, often became top students in the class, got scholarships, worked throughout my study to save money as not to put my parents under financial stress. I still remember that when those of us from a small country study abroad we would sometimes face discrimination and insult. At that time, even though I was quite young, I used to think that if an opportunity presents itself I will work hard for development of my country. - About your experience before you come to Mongolia? - My mother and father used to say “You are Mongolia’s resource. No matter where you go to school, you have to come back to Mongolia to live. There are many opportunity to live happily in Mongolia.” I never hesitated about coming back to Mongolia no matter where I went. Before coming back to settle down, I used to work as a public financial management consultant in the ministries of finance of a number of developing countries. I have witnessed that if the people of the country can put their heart and hard work into their country, it can develop or it can lose everything it has accomplished. I have learnt a lot and understood many things. - Your parents have educated you well during the years of socia-economic transition when the whole country let alone families faced many difficulties. Then how do you see your role in the world? - I think God presents opportunities for everyone. Whether to make the opportunity a success or not depends on you. It was not easy for many young people of our generation to live and study abroad. In the 1990s, most Mongolians did not have much money and haven’t seen or experienced much. During that time, almost all Mongolian students studying abroad worked to support their family back home or make ends meet. Perhaps some of the parents today would say instead of work to support your study, study and we will support you. Regarding responsibility, I am a citizen of Mongolia with a population of 3.2 million. Amongst those of my generation, I had the rare opportunity to get good education, live and work abroad and reach financial and other freedom early on. I think that because life has given me such opportunities, I have to bear certain responsibility. My grandmother had eight children. She said “My husband and I are ordinary workers. It was a time when a great society used to cradle our children and take care of them, so we never had to worry about their future.” It is a shame that we have lost many of the accomplishment of the previous social system during the transition. We should not talk whys and ifs, just persevere and do what needs to be done as not to be blamed and badly remembered by the next generation. I think it is not only me but everybody bears this responsibility. - After ccoming back to Mongolia, you held responsible jobs in large organizations. What were some of the criteria you had to face when you moved back and be recognized by your knowledge and experience? - Of course, it was not easy. I did have fear whether employees would value my education and experience when I moved back. When abroad, foreign students have to take more tests and meet higher criteria. Even tuition is higher for international students. Then you move back home to work for your country and because I am Mongolian, I get paid lower than that of international staff, which was surprising and frustrating. My husband also moved back home with the same intention, so we overcame these difficulties together. Although, I had many offers to work in the government, as we were newly married and building our life together, it was difficult to do so with civil servants salary. Therefore, I thought that I would build a life for ourselves first in the private sector then work for the government. As soon as I arrived, I was interviewed by an international organization. The interviewer said “ Even though it is an international project, salaries are lower than the US and some of Mongolia’s private sector. You have just arrived in Mongolia. From your CV, you will get many job offers from many places. Perhaps you will not come to work for us. Please let us know as soon as possible.” That gave me the confidence and I realized that employees value education and experience. MMongolia has great potential in comparison to many developing countries I have worked before. It gives opportunities to the young people and women. CEOs of many big corporations are over 30 years old. Mongolian women are successful in many fields both in the country and overseas. So, those of you who are contemplating about coming back to Mongolia, I urge you to come back and work together for Mongolia’s future. - Where did your political career start and what motivates female leaders? -After coming back to Mongolia with many goals and aspirations, I did not want to lead a simple life of commuting between home and office. However, I did not want to be upfront politician either. Using my language skills, foreign relations and work experience, I wanted to contribute towards youth training and development so joined Social Democracy-Mongolian Youth Union (SDMYU), youth organization of the Mongolian People’s Party and became responsible for that area. Since I was a child, I was active in social work, so soon after I became Vice-President of SDMYU and thereafter stepped into real political arena by becoming Secretary of Mongolian People’s Party. There is ample for women in politics, however, women have to overcome more harsh criteria than men. It is not easy for a young woman to pursue career. At the age of 28, I worked as a project lead on an international project and had to manage people who are older than my father. There was even an instance that I was attending a meeting with a colleague of mine who was Caucasian, and I was asked to bring coffee having mistaken as his assistant. Due to cultural upbringing, it was not easy for a young woman to sit at the head of the table above many who are older than me and interrupt their conversation to express myself. However, there is a saying "If you are a true leader, you must sit at the management table". We have a great tradition that we respect those in leadership position no matter their age and sex. Looking at inspiring accomplished women, it is great aspirations, supportive family, great colleagues and hard work that attribute to their success. - You worked at a major investment and development project, the Oyu Tolgoi project. As an economist, how do you see the role of investment, and your thoughts on Mongolia’s economic prospects. - Mongolian economy is 34 trillion tugriks (13 billion dollars). Our fiscal year's revenue is 11 trillion (4 billion). 1.1 million people pay taxes and provide public services for the rest 2.1 million people. About 1.1 million are children under the age of 18. Number of pensioners and illnesses are increasing year by year. So, one third of the population along with the private sector are doing the heavy lifting. But to invest in infrastructure and development projects, foreign direct investment and development loans are necessary. Development loans have less than 2% interest rate, with maturity of 20-30 years. Foreign and domestic investment, if invested into good projects and managed properly and transparently, it can have economic benefits as well as improve employment opportunities and advance Mongolia’s competitiveness. When I was attending a conference, Japanese Prime minister Shinzo Abe said “In 1953, 8 years after the end of 2nd World War, the government of Japan borrowed 860 million USD from World Bank /present value of 60billion USD/. The loan was used to finance major investment projects in Japan such as Tokaido Shinkansen railway, hydro powerplants and highways increasing Japan’s productivity, employment and propelling Japan’s economic growth to today’s level of one of the most advanced economies of the world. The loan had been continuously paid and last instalment to World Bank was made in July 1990. So, if invested in economically viable projects and programmes and managed responsibly and transparently with well-established monitoring system, loans and investment can have huge impact on the economy. - In recent years, it is becoming prevalent for Mongolia to learn from experiences of other countries, and getting technical assistance. Are there countries that are learning from Mongolia’s experience? Even though you are young, I am certain you have many experiences to compare, evaluate and draw conclusions. -When compared with other countries around the world, in terms of human development index and GDP per capita, Mongolia is at average. There are many countries with development indexes lower than ours. Mongolia is recognized as a country with young population, relatively good human resource, good governance structure and system in place. Mongolians are getting accepted into some of the world’s best universities, even some are teaching there and some are members of the most prestigious research team. A Mongolian researcher is a member of the Nobel prize winning research team. I was impressed to meet a Chief financial officer of one of the world’s biggest companies, a Mongolian lady who is issuing IPOs on major financial markets. As the structure of government of Mongolia is relatively small with top to bottom approach, international projects when implemented in Mongolia, its impact is seen immediately. Therefore, many foreigners come to see project implementation and we get invited to international conferences and forums to share our experience. For instance, Mr. Batsukh who has been working in Ministry of Finance for years has been asked two months ago to participate in UN Economic and Social Committee of Asia Pacific to share our experience on implementing Sustainable Development Goals based budgeting. Developing countries are interested to learn from our experience so Mongolia was asked to do a seminar. - This year marks the 95th anniversary of Mongolian Women's Federation. As a female leader, I would like to talk to you about policies on women. Can you talk about international policies and best practices towards supporting and empowering women? Many countries recognize that "if women develop, countries develop". - Of course. Regarding Sustainable Development Goals, in the speech delivered by Executive Director of United Nations Women “2.1 trillion USD is needed annually to finance and implement Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries.” But they don’t have the money. Around the world, around 200 billion USD development aid is dispersed annually. Despite the fact that women account for 2/3 of world’s work hours, they only receive 4% of the development aid. There is an international study that shows women earn 1/10 of the income. International organizations are working towards women’s economic empowerment that will have great impact in resolving poverty, children’s rights, health and environmental issues. During the G20 Summit held in Japan, the countries have made pledges to support women's participation not only in their own country but also in others. For example, "Japan pledged that till 2020, they will support providing education for 4 million girls and women in developing countries." German Chancellor Merkel initiated the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (WEFI) to be implemented jointly with the collaboration of advisor to the US President Trump. The summit launched EMPOWER, network among women business leaders with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as the proponant of the project. In other words, women business leaders from the world’s most powerful 20 countries that form 80% of the world’s economy will work together under the initiative. The most developed countries are paying special attention to women’s participation and advancement in order to propel the country’s development. It is regretful, however, that in Mongolia, the historic organization “Mongolian Women’s Federation” is not being recognized or supported. Mongolia has a population is 3.2 million. Without the inclusion of 1.7 million how can we develop? We need 3.2 million of our citizens to be twice as much involved. - You are drawing examples from Japan. What is Japan's policy towards women? - Today Japan provided opportunities that allow highest women’s labor participation in its history. Japanese Prime Minister recently reported that in terms of labor participation of women over the age of 25, Japan has surpassed USA. Not only in Japan, two years ago NEWSWEEK published an articles comparing of women from US and China. The article points out that women in China have become more powerful and ambitious than women in USA. Parents in China provide best education and life opportunities whether their only child is a boy or a girl. CEOs of some of China’s biggest corporations are women. Japan recognizes that without providing the opportunity for women to participate in labor force as equally as men, the country cannot develop the next development tide. For that reason, Shinzo Abe has proposed in his last election platform to increase service tax by 1.5% to finance education and childcare services to allow mothers to work peacefully, educate themselves and participate in the country’s economic prosperity. Such developed country as Japan recognizes that without women’s participation, countries cannot develop, and women are strong force of development. According to a study by the United Nations, between 2010-2018 women's participation in federal and local parliament in Asian countries is estimated at average of 19%, yet Mongolia is at 17%. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Armenia and Timor-Leste are performing better than us in this development index. We believe that women in Mongolia live in a society that supports women more than Afghanistan but in reality, we are behind Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Armenia. Of course, we accept that we are behind New Zealand and Australia. Political participation of women in a country is recognized by international researchers and organizations as an indicator of social status of women, whether men support women, whether there are sufficient policies towards women and children and whether health, education and human rights are provided for all its citizens. -Today, Mongolia has 13 woman parliamentarians and several cabinet members. In comparison to years when we only had 2 women parliamentarians, it is a good progress. -Yes, this is a historical achievement that we have the quite good number of women in parliament. But this is not enough. These women need to set the grounds for the next 20 woman parliamentarians to be accepted and elected by public. Women carry great many responsibilities at home, why cannot we have 20-30 women among 76 members of parliament. In terms of gender equality of the population, representation of 50 percent of population should be well-represented in politics. Opportunities at the start are not equal for men and women. Former American president Carter said: “"Why women need a little support in every sector? Until recently (1920), there were no opportunities for women to participate in politics. It is like telling a person who has been imprisoned for all his life that now you are free you can compete with athletes in Olympics because you have legs just as the professional athletes.” During the suffrage movement, women in the United States have been beaten, imprisoned and abused even in front of the White house and wives of some of the senators’ threatened to leave their husbands to win their right to election. On the other hand, in 1924, the Mongolia’s first constitution guaranteed us with the right without struggle, but we may have taken it for granted and have not worked well towards maintaining or nourishing it. -Among us, there are many women who are well-educated and experienced that can compete on international arena. As a woman leader, how do you like the Mongolian Women’s Federation to work, what should it be the role in the society and women in the future? -I wish that Mongolian Women’s Federation will be professional body that is a strong voice and support mechanism behind women’s protection, participation and development. When women get attacked for insignificant things like how they look, that the federation be the protector and be the policy supporter behind women entrepreneurs and women in parliament. Rather than saying it is to support the current incumbents, it will pave the way for the next generation of women to lead in business, politics and public service. On the other hand, women in decision making level should hold responsibility to be initiative and actively participate in policies towards socia-economic development. Because they should not forget that they have reached that level standing on the shoulders of many women. -How do you see the expected outcome of the international conference held in celebration of 95th annivarsary of Mongolian Women’s Federation? -I have always thought about organizing a women’s conference with countries of similar development to share experiences of one another. How can women support Sustainable Development Goals, how we can contribute towards addressing areas such as infant and mother’s mortality, environment and economic issues. The conference will also allow Mongolian Women’s Federation to establish cooperation to address these issues. Furthermore, the issues at hand cannot be resolved without empowering women economically. In most Asian countries, men own properties and hold higher economic power. Furthermore, it should not only be women who talk about women’s issues. Even though the conference is organized by Mongolian Women’s Federation, representatives of all sectors, health, education, agriculture, small and medium enterprises, transportation and energy should take part. The forum will be a platform of discussion to develop solutions from international experts and learn from best practices of international organizations and to develop recommendations from the conference to be reflected in election platform of political parties and ultimately be reflected in government action plan to address many issues women face. -You have been politics for quite some time. What difficulties do you overcome to work hand in hand with men and make yourself heard? -I would like to reiterate that there’s ample room for women in politics. Men recognize and value women’s voice. Especially women who are capable, strong with accomplishments in certain area, men would not ask them to sit back but would rather support and cooperate with them. However, I do see tendency for some women to take the back seat. We all know we need our family support, need to take care of our children, but rather than delve on these issues, it is best to have unified voice and common solution and support one another from all sides to implement the solutions. -Outside the office in an informal setting, what kind of persona can we expect of you? -Life expects women to wear many hats. No matter the high position you hold at work, you should not hold that role at home. I would change my clothes and get into my role of being a wife and a mom. I strive to be a mother that sets example for my children. In front of my parents a loving daughter, for my brothers a sister who would make a meal for them if they drop by my place. I try to make life interesting, sometimes risky and flavorful. I like to do sports in my spare time. I have been training for triathlon for the last few years and I participated in national championship for 2 years. I am a simple Mongolian woman who try to find the balance between having dreams and aspirations yet be satisfied with what I have in my life. Thank you for the interview. Journalist, editor Yu.Shurentsetseg
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<html> <body> <font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=2>Yesterday Rome's Court of Appeal ruled that the two year discount on all the sentences of those currently incarcerated could apply to me. This measure was adopted by Parliament last July because the overcrowded conditions inside Italian jails had reached the breaking point. My lawyer petitioned that the measure be applied to me at the beginning of August, and for the first time the state prosecutors gave a favourable opinion. The issue that the judges ruled on was whether this type of measure, which is not specifically mentioned in the Strasburg Convention (the international treaty that governs the transfer of prisoners), should be applied anyway. Yesterday they issued a four page opinion that, said simply, that while the Italian word indulto has no equivalent in English, the spirit of the Convention was not contrary to its application. I found out when I was called at work by my companion who had found a note from the local police precinct asking me to appear immediately because I was released from the condition of incarceration.<br><br> </font><font size=3>Silvia Baraldini - Rome 9/27/2006<br><br> <br> PARDON: RUSSO SPENA, SILVIA BARALDINI RELEASED<br> </font><font size=1> <a href="" eudora="autourl"><br> <br> </a></font><font size=3>(AGI) - Rome, Sept. 26 - Silvia Baraldini has been released from jail thanks to the pardon. This was reported by Giovanni Russo Spena, the PRC (Refounded Communists) party in the Senate. Baraldini herself was the one to inform Russo Spena. "I am very happy about the release of Silvia Baraldini, "she said, "She was the one to tell me about it, thankful as she was to Parliament for having voted in favour of a measure which finally - after years in American prisons and then, after the US granted her extradition, in Italian ones - has given her back her freedom. Judicial authorities thoroughly examined her case but finally came to the conclusion that Silvia does not represent a danger, and that her long history of unspeakable suffering makes her a valid citizen. For all of us, the group and the party, it is a very emotion-filled moment." (AGI) - <br> 262053 SET 06 <br><br> <br> Italian communists hail end of house arrest for woman convicted in U.S. for robbery <br> The Associated Press <br> <br> TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2006 <br> Rome the remainder of a 40-year U.S. prison sentence for armed robberies and links to black militants, is now free thanks to a recent, nationwide amnesty, communist politicians announced Tuesday.<br><br> When Silvia Baraldini was transferred to her homeland Italy from a federal prison in Connecticut in 1999 to serve the remaining 23 years of her sentence, the deal included a condition that she not be released early.<br><br> But in 2001, Baraldini was transferred to house arrest while she was being treated for breast cancer for a few months. A court later extended the house arrest. A few years later she began working as a researcher for the city of Rome on women in the work world.<br><br> A cause celebre among the Italian left, Baraldini was convicted of robberies and attempted robberies in the United States, including a 1981 holdup of a Brinks truck. In 1983, then-federal prosecutor and future New York mayor, Rudolph Giuliani, won the long sentence for subversive association and other charges.<br><br> A guard and two police officers were killed in the holdup. Baraldini has said she had nothing to do with the crime. She was also convicted in the 1979 kidnapping of New Jersey prison guards to help convicted Black Panthers killer Joanne Chesimard escape from prison.<br><br> Baraldini, whose sentence was supposed to run out in 2008, benefited from a recent amnesty freeing inmates who had less than three years to serve on their sentences from Italy's overcrowded jails.<br><br> A communist leader, Giovanni Russo Spena, called freedom for Baraldini "a good day for democracy.">
In the beginning of March the pigeons of the racing team are mated for the first time. The racing pigeons may sit on the eggs about 5 days. Then the eggs of the best pairs are transferred to the breeders and the racers are separated.The training starts when the weather is good and every time the pigeons get back from a training flight the hens and cocks can be together until the evening ( depending upon the gravity of the race ). One month before the day the pigeons are basketed for the Barcelona Race, the racing pigeons are mated again, so that they have small youngsters in their nests when they 're off to Spain. The old pigeons ( 3 years and older ) race Barcelona ( 1.102 km ), the yearlings Limoges and Narbonne. When coming home from the race the pigeons are allowed to bring up 1 youngster and they get a new nestbox which gives some older pigeons the opportunity to be raced again from Perpignan ( 941 km. )with another nest. Perpignan is the final race of the season. Cock and hen bring up their youngsters and are allowed to breed for about 10 days before they are separated so that the moulting can begin. Young pigeons only go in for 100 km and sometimes 200 km training races. I prefer them to race 1 National Race: it's not a must for the young pigeons to win prices. A severe selection and a limited number of pigeons strongly reduce the use of medication.In the period preceding the racing season the pigeons are treated against trichomoniasisand, eventually, the respiratory system is also cured. After the racing season the pigeons are given a preventive treatment of 8 days against paratyphoid.The pigeons are treated with products of Belgica - De Weerd. Click to visit the website: Belgica - de Weerd The whole year through the pigeons receive a light standard mixture and depending on the period of the year some pure corn,depurative mixture, super diet mixture or condition seed is added.All the pigeons in the loft eat and drink together and I try to keepeverything as simple as possible. As I have a daily job to earn my living this method requires more than enough work. Additional products are found as much as possible in nature: I frequently use garlic, tea, elderberry,cider vinegar, germinated cereals and Omega 3 oil. Vitamins are seldom added to the food and a long time ago I stopped looking for the so-called wonderdrug: long distance racing means that the pigeons must have the inbred capacity.
The best way to improve the EPC rating in your house is to start planning. There are several strategies that homeowners with an EPCB rating can adopt to ensure that their home gets more value for money from the sale of the property. If you do not want to spend much on getting the ideal design done, there are several things that you can do to improve the appearance and value of your home. Here are some tips that you can use to improve the EPC rating in your house: the EPC rating in your house is the exterior design The first thing that you need to consider to improve the EPC rating in your house is the exterior design. For a property to be able to fetch a good price, it needs to look appealing to prospective buyers and to have a good design in terms of curb appeal as well. For example, a simple home with well-insulated windows and doors can fetch you a higher price than one that has fewer features. You need to take time and effort in this regard if you want to get the best results. ensure that you have enough space to accommodate all your guests It is important to make good use of the space available in your house. There are several different things that a buyer might look for while purchasing a property. For instance, they may be looking for a place that is big enough to accommodate all their family members or where there is enough open ground to build a garden. The first thing that you need to take into consideration while designing your home is to ensure that you have enough space to accommodate all your guests. improve the look and feel of your house Another important factor that you need to look at is the EPC seal of your home. In case you plan to sell your house, you must ensure that you have a good seal so that you can qualify for the best rates from a potential buyer. By improving the seal of your house you will be able to improve the EPT rating of your home. By doing this, not only will you be able to improve the look and feel of your house but you will also be able to improve the resale value of your house. buying a brand new house It is recommended that you avoid using your loan amount on major renovations and improvements. Doing so will mean that you will be able to save more money in the long run. While the money saved can be used to cover up the costs incurred for the renovation, it will leave a significant amount of money un-invested. Instead of using your loan amount for renovations, look at buying a brand new house. A brand new home will always be much more valuable than one that has been built by using the loan amount. improve the overall appearance of the house Another way of helping yourself to improve the EPT rating in your house is to improve the overall appearance of the house. By fixing minor damages and problems you can be able to improve the resale value of the property. In addition to this, you will also be able to improve the look of your home to make it look more appealing. Some people may consider painting their home as a way to improve the EPT rating but you should be aware that the result they get is unpredictable. For this reason, it is better if you hire an interior designer for the job.
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The Berne Convention, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and national law in many countries accord creators a moral right to be acknowledged as the author of their creative work. The use to which credits are put varies considerably from country to country and may have significant financial implications in those countries where the distribution of certain payments, such as residuals and royalties, is dependent on the credit accorded to the writer The process by which credit is determined also varies — it may be the exclusive responsibility of the writer's guild or union: a collectively bargained agreement between producers and writers' unions or guilds; a matter of law; or of individually negotiated contracts. Credit disputes may be arbitrated by a guild or union or, in the absence of such processes, resolution may fall within the purview of common or contract law in the relevant country. Whatever the case may be, it is the responsibility of all writers to see to it that their work and the contribution of others is credited as accurately as possible and with a minimum of variation; the overall result of which is the recognition of the importance of the writer's contribution to the screen. Below is a brief overview of the intention and rules regarding the most common credits given to writers. For a more comprehensive list and comparison of all IAWG member guild credit provisions, a pdf booklet is available for download here. These lists are for information purposes only, so if you have a dispute with regards to your writing credit, you should contact your guild, union or legal representative, as appropriate.. Credit for story authorship in the form "Screen Story by" is appropriate when a story, as defined above, is based on source material though substantially new or different from the source material... A "Narration Written by" credit is appropriate where the major writing contribution to a motion picture is in the form of narration. The term "narration" means material (typically off-camera) to explain or relate sequence or action (excluding promos or trailers). "Based on Characters Created by" is a writing credit given to the writer(s) entitled to separated rights in a theatrical or television motion picture. This credit is accorded when a sequel to a theatrical or television motion picture is produced for television (excluding a television series).. The possessory credit "a film by" or its variations, is accorded to a director who has written and directed the film and who has a significant body of work and whose reputation as a filmmaker is such that it can make a significant contribution to the marketing of the film. Writers' guilds do not believe that the possessory credit should be used in any other circumstances.
Background: There is bound information on the effect of age around the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection in different settings, including primary, secondary and high schools, households, and the whole community. is usually some evidence of robust spread of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary/high colleges, and there appears to be more limited spread in primary colleges. Some countries with relatively large class sizes in main colleges (e.g. Chile and Israel) reported sizeable outbreaks in a few of those institutions, though routes of transmission of infection to both learning learners and staff aren’t apparent from current reports. Conclusions: Opening supplementary/high schools will probably donate to the pass on of SARS-CoV-2, and, if applied, it should need both lower degrees of community transmitting and better safeguards to lessen transmitting. Compared to supplementary/high schools, starting primary institutions and daycare services may have a far more limited influence on the pass on of SARS-CoV-2 locally, particularly under smaller sized course sizes and in the current presence of mitigation measures. Initiatives in order to avoid crowding in the class and other mitigation measures should be implemented, to the extent possible, when opening primary schools. Efforts should be undertaken to diminish the mixing in more youthful adults to mitigate the spread of the epidemic in the whole community. Introduction Among those infected with SARS-CoV-2, elderly patients have had the most severe outcomes, including the highest death rates, whereas infected more youthful persons, particularly children aged 1-18y, if symptomatic at all, are far more often mildly ill (1,2). While this age-dependent pattern of illness severity has become well-established, the Pde2a functions of different age groups in transmission has not been as clear. Recently, evidence has accumulated that susceptibility to contamination generally increases with age, e.g. (3,4). This, however, does not suggest that the oldest individuals necessarily play the leading role in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the community C in fact, serological studies suggest MK-1439 that more youthful adults, particularly those aged under 35y often MK-1439 experience the highest cumulative rates of contamination (5C9), possibly due to age-related differences in mixing. Additionally, there is uncertainty as to the role of different age subgroups of children in the spread of SARS-CoV-2, including how susceptibility to contamination varies in different age groups of children, and how it compares to susceptibility to contamination in different age groups of adults. The effect of the ongoing and future openings of colleges and higher-educational institutions around the spread of contamination requires a better characterization of transmission dynamics in different age groups. Here, we review the relevant evidence based on household, school and community studies, and draw some conclusions regarding the relevant public health policies. Age variance in susceptibility to contamination MK-1439 given contact We undertook a literature review using the Living Proof on COVID-19, a data source collecting COVID-19 related released content from EMBASE and Pubmed and preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv, with MESH conditions including (kid OR age group OR aged) AND (connections OR home OR transmitting OR susceptibility or get in touch with tracing) to measure the susceptibility to and transmitting in different age ranges (10). We included nine research where quotes of either supplementary attack price, susceptibility to, or chances ratio for infections in different age ranges had been present, and where in fact the setting up for the get in touch with, if differing among connections (e.g. home vs. various other) was altered for (being a covariate within a model) in those quotes C the last mentioned was done to lessen the consequences of heterogeneity in publicity on those quotes. 1. There is certainly proof that susceptibility to infections in children beneath the age group of 10y is certainly significantly lower in comparison to adults. Within this subsection we present the included research that assess comparative susceptibility for kids vs. adults, explain the biases in those scholarly research, and present a genuine method to circumvent those biases to estimation susceptibility in children aged under 10y vs. adults. Research of SARS-CoV-2 infections in close connections: Several research found lower supplementary attack prices (assessed by PCR-positive situations among connections) in kids C using different age group cutoffs of kids up to age group 20y — in comparison to adults (Desk 1). Within a hospital-based research near Wuhan, China (11), family members supplementary attack price in.
LB-100 is a book PP2A inhibitor. or without AMPK1, had been injected towards the nude mice. HCT-116 xenografts were established then. Weekly tumor development curve leads to Figure ?Shape6A6A displayed that daily (administration inhibited HCT-116 tumor development in nude mice intraperitoneally. The mice body weights, which shown animals health and wellness condition, weren’t significantly transformed by LB-100 administration (Shape ?(Figure6D).6D). Zero obvious or significant toxicities had been seen in the experimental mice. Open in another window Shape 6 LB-100 administration activates AMPK signaling and inhibits HCT-116 tumor development in nude miceWeekly tumor development curve of xenografts (from AMPK1 knockout or control HCT-116 cells) (A) and mice bodyweight curve (D) with indicated treatment: WM-8014 Saline (Automobile, daily, for 21 times), were demonstrated; Approximated daily tumor development (B) and tumor weights (at Day time-35, C) had been also shown; A week after preliminary LB-100 treatment, one tumor of every combined group was removed; Tumor tissues had been subjected to Traditional Rabbit Polyclonal to LIMK1 western blotting assay of detailed proteins (E and F). Mistake bars indicate regular deviation (SD). * 0.05 vs. Vehicle group. # 0.05 vs. control tumors. Notably, LB-100-induced anti-tumor activity was largely compromised against tumors that WM-8014 were derived from AMPK1-knockout (by CRISPR/Cas9 method) HCT-116 cells (+AMPK1 KO, Figure 6A-6C). These results suggest that AMPK activation should also be required or LB-100-induced activity 0. 05 was considered as statistically significant. CONCLUSION The previous cancer studies have WM-8014 suggested that PP2A inhibition is likely to be most effective for cancer therapy when combined with traditional cytotoxic agents [14, 31, 32]. The results of this study show that PP2A inhibition by LB-100 or miR-17-92 may have significant anti-CRC cell activity and em in vivo /em . LB-100 or miR-17-92 could be further tested as promising anti-CRC agents. Footnotes Contributed by Author contributions All authors carried out the experiments, participated in the design of the study and performed the statistical analysis, participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The listed authors have no conflicts of interest. FUNDING This study was supported in part by the 533 Talents Project research study in 2011 of Huaian Town (Cleanliness category 78), from the Medical Technology Advancement Project of Wellness Division of Jiangsu Province (J200912), from the Sociable Advancement Account of Technology Task, in Huaian Town, Jiangsu Province, China (Offers2009002-3) and by the Technology and Technology Advancement Task, in Huaian Town, Jiangsu Province, China (Offers201605 and Offers2009002-3). Referrals 1. McCarthy N. Colorectal tumor: Editing an invasion. Nat Rev Tumor. 2014;14:297.. [Google Scholar] 2. Kuipers EJ, Rosch T, Bretthauer M. Colorectal tumor testing: optimizing current strategies and fresh directions. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2013;10:130C42.. [PubMed] [Google Scholar] 3. Lu XS, Qiao YB, Li Y, Yang B, Chen MB, Xing CG. Preclinical research of cinobufagin like a guaranteeing anti-colorectal tumor agent. Oncotarget. 2017;8:988C98.. [PMC free of charge content] [PubMed] [Google Scholar] 4. Lu PH, Chen MB, C Ji, Li WT, Wei MX, Wu MH. Aqueous Oldenlandia diffusa components inhibits colorectal tumor cells via activating AMP-activated proteins kinase signalings. Oncotarget. 2016;7:45889C900.. [PMC free of charge content] [PubMed] [Google Scholar] 5. Li JP, Huang ZJ, Lu XS, Zhou YC, Shao Y, He XP, Chen SR, Wang DD, Qin LS, Sunlight WH. Pre-clinical characterization of PKC412, a multi-kinase inhibitor, against colorectal tumor cells. Oncotarget. 2016;7:77815C24.. [PMC free of charge content] [PubMed] [Google Scholar] 6. Wang L, Zhao.
Actions Work Header one xiaotian/You Angel afincf_tirwer Summary: Huang Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou as their relationship shifts from friends to dating and everything in between. Notes: - For lynne_monstr. For lynne because a bunch of what I stuck in here I was inspired into by her. *slaps fic* this baby can fit so much self indulgent fluff. Also this rounds out my fics with Yu Wenzhou to a not unlucky number, go me! The alternative title that isn't a joke is: watch me grow and love you (See the end of the work for more notes.) Work Text: Huang Shaotian’s bag was making a weird noise. It was also weirdly heavy, considering that they were only away for two days. Everyone was aware of it but no one wanted to be the first one to point it out, certain that they’d just get an earful from their teammate about how all bags made noise when they were being dragged along a pavement and also it’s raining so don’t you have better things to do than ask me what I’ve packed- They had a headache just thinking about it. So, no one said a word and Huang Shaotian continued to drag his weird bag towards the hotel. Yu Wenzhou considered himself a polite man and he wasn’t often thrown off by the unexpected, had worked hard on his ability to remain calm no matter what. But this, this was really strange. Yu Wenzhou watched as Huang Shaotian unpacked his bag, at first everything was normal, clothes, Blue Rain uniform, the hairdryer was a little strange but he knew his sister preferred her hairdryer to the ones at hotels. The second hairdryer was where it started getting weird. And the snow globes. There were five of them. Yu Wenzhou knew this because his vice-captain lined them up carefully on the bedside table. They were all in various neon colours and one of them lit up when you shook it. Maybe they were sentimental. The snacks were what had Yu Wenzhou finally speaking up, it wasn’t that Huang Shaotian had brought snacks, it was the fact that the rest of his suitcase was filled with snacks, enough so it looked like he was planning to eat only what he had in his bag and nothing else. “Shaotian,” the other’s head whipped up from where he was categorising his snacks, eyes bright and alert and Yu Wenzhou gestured to the piles, “do you think we won’t be fed this weekend?” When Huang Shaotian looked confused, Yu Wenzhou looked at the actual piles of food and his teammate flushed. “I get hungry, I know they’ll feed us during the promotional event but sometimes things drag on and then I don’t get to eat until later but if I have snacks with me I won’t have to worry about that!” Yu Wenzhou hummed in acknowledgement, glad to see that he was right, that his vice-captain always had a reason, even if that reason wasn’t immediately apparent. He frowned as he remembered a match from a few months ago where Huang Shaotian had darted out during the break and Yu Wenzhou had followed after him, concerned when it looked like his vice-captain was near tears. He’d found him standing in front of a vending machine, jabbing at the buttons, and swearing when it didn’t work. “Shaotian?” His vice-captain had whipped around, surprise in his eyes and his foot mid-kick before his cheeks flared red and he stepped away. “Ahhh captain I didn’t see you there, I didn’t know that you were hungry, I am also hungry so I came out here to get a snack but the machine ate my money and it won’t give the money back but it also won’t give me any food which is why I kicked it but I know I shouldn’t have, do you have any spare change captain?” Huang Shaotian’s smile was a fragile thing, wavering at the edges and Yu Wenzhou handed over his change, watching as his vice-captain visibly relaxed as he devoured the snack. At the time, Yu Wenzhou hadn’t known why Huang Shaotian had looked that desperate, he hadn’t understood why he looked as if he was about to cry. He eyed the pile of snacks once more before he spoke, voice casual. “Pack some healthy snacks next time.” Huang Shaotian nodded, smile crossing his lips. A smile that slid off his face as he started digging through his bag and Yu Wenzhou’s head tilted to the side. “Did you forget something Shaotian?” His vice-captain’s head collided with the bed and he seemed resigned. “I forgot to pack a toothbrush.” Yu Wenzhou blinked. “You remembered to pack two hairdryers, five snow globes and a mountain of snacks but you didn’t pack a toothbrush?” “Hairdryers are important!” Huang Shaotian quailed under Yu Wenzhou’s disbelieving look digging around until he found his wallet and he grabbed his captain’s wrist before dragging him out of the room, chattering away all the while. “But you’re right, it’s also important that I brush my teeth and that means that I shall buy a toothbrush right now and I’ll bring you with me so that you can watch me buy the toothbrush so you can be reassured that I’m taking care of my teeth and that they won’t fall out as you watch.” Yu Wenzhou let himself get dragged away, smiling as he listened to his friend talk, voice attracting a lot of attention but Yu Wenzhou couldn’t help the fond look in his eyes. While Huang Shaotian went muttering over the different toothbrushes, Yu Wenzhou wandered around the small shop, eyes suddenly catching on a bag of dried mango. He remembered thinking that Huang Shaotian should have healthier snacks in the event he got hungry and he gathered up some fruit, assorted nuts and a few cartons of milk, paying for everything and returning to where his vice-captain was still mulling over the toothbrushes. “Captain look this blue is nearly the same colour blue as our team uniforms but then I thought that maybe a colour that doesn’t match, but compliments the uniform would be best, so it’s between this blue and this really nice purple, the purple is actually kind of like Swoksaar, isn’t that neat captain, that’s neat but which one do you like?” “The purple one.” Yu Wenzhou didn’t understand why the toothbrush had to compliment the colour of their uniforms but if Huang Shaotian thought it was important then he was willing to agree and give the matter some thought. And if indulging his vice-captain earns him a bright smile that settles in his chest and warms him through? Well that’s his business and no one else’s. Huang Shaotian was jittery. Yu Wenzhou was used to keeping an eye on his team when they were taking part interviews and promotional photos and though everyone was flagging, Huang Shaotian seemed more on edge than most. Admittedly, the mix up with the transport, followed by a technical issue (something with the lights or cameras, Yu Wenzhou didn’t quite catch it) had everyone impatiently waiting to go back to the hotel and collapse. Yu Wenzhou spotted Huang Shaotian gnawing slightly on the edge of his thumb, gaze flickering over to their bags longingly and it hit him all at once. The snacks he’d seen Huang Shaotian packing before they left, the fact that he couldn’t eat any of them because they were loud and crunchy and may be picked up by the microphones. He slipped away to his own backpack, rummaging around in it as quietly as possible, ignoring the glare from the assistant. He would usually be more apologetic but Huang Shaotian’s eyes were bright under the stage lights and Yu Wenzhou wasn’t entirely certain it was just the lighting making them that way. From the way Huang Shaotian fell upon the dried mango and little carton of milk as if they were the best thing he’d ever tasted, he’d been near the end of his rope. Yu Wenzhou found himself distracted from his own interview when Huang Shaotian went rummaging through his backpack in search for more snacks, handing them around, like a proud squirrel sharing his hoard. After the interviews and photos were all finished and they were finally released back to their hotel, Huang Shaotian sidled up to Yu Wenzhou on the bus, eyes sharp and flickering all over his face, clearly searching for something in his gaze. “You had snacks captain, in your bag, so many snacks and I know you don’t snack, at least you don’t snack all the time, I remember when you were working and I brought you a muffin, and you looked at the muffin, you looked at it and you said, in a very serious captain voice “I don’t snack Shaotian but thank you, do you remember, do you remember the muffin? I know that it was also because you don’t like blueberries but you also didn’t eat the almond cookies you really like, the ones your grandma sent, I know you like those because you did your really scary stare when you told me not to eat them so why do you have so many snacks captain? Did you change your mind about snacking, is that it-?” “They were for you Shaotian. Healthier snacks and quieter too.” Huang Shaotian’s mouth snapped shut, eyes wide as he processed the information before he lit up, expression bright and delighted. “Captain did you know that you’re really the best captain, I said it in my interview, I said the other pros can fight me on it, but you’re clearly the best captain, I should get a shirt that says that, for you, one that says best captain on it and then I can wear one that says fight me because I should, I should fight anyone who says you aren’t-“ “No shirts Shaotian,” Yu Wenzhou worried about the consequences of Huang Shaotian wearing a t-shirt that explicitly invited people to come and fight him. He simply kept his stare flat and unwavering until Huang Shaotian sighed, sound dramatically disappointed. “No shirts then, but you’re still the best captain you got me snacks, always the best captain!” Yu Wenzhou knew that Huang Shaotian’s sunny smile was sincere and he was thankful for the snacks. He also knew that his vice-captain was working to find a way around the disapproval of the shirts but decided that there were better things to focus on right now. Like the way Huang Shaotian was glowing with delight and Yu Wenzhou couldn’t help the way his gaze was drawn to him. Even if he was worried he might be blinded, he couldn’t help but look. Huang Shaotian wasn’t entirely sure when it happened. When he started to look at Yu Wenzhou and notice the way his hands were graceful and elegant. The way his clothes pulled tight at his shoulders, the curve of his lips when he smiled, the long line of his neck, the way his shirts would sometimes ride up when he was working out and offered a peek at his stomach- Anyway. The point was that Huang Shaotian couldn’t tell when Yu Wenzhou became more than his captain, more than his friend. When he looked over and began wanting more, wanting to reach out and touch, trace mindless patterns over Yu Wenzhou’s skin, hold him close and crawl into the bed after him when he had to pull his captain away from his computer late at night. But he couldn’t do any of that. Yu Wenzhou was his friend, his friend, his captain, his partner and Huang Shaotian refused to do anything that endangered that, refusing to risk the loss of what he had. So, he tried other ways to satisfy his overwhelming need to do things for Yu Wenzhou. Like carrying a bottle of the fancy infused water, that he thought tasted like flower petals but wet, that Yu Wenzhou liked to drink. Making sure he kept a scarf in his bag, the nice smelling massage oil for when Yu Wenzhou’s hands grew cramped or a headache built up behind his eyes. He barely noticed when Yu Wenzhou stopped carrying these things, content to trust Huang Shaotian to bring them. He only noticed when he spotted Zheng Xuan murmuring something to Yu Feng that made their Berserker snicker and Huang Shaotian zeroed in on the conversation, bounding over and slinging an arm around Zheng Xuan’s shoulder, Yu Feng ducking out of the way easily. Huang Shaotian missed the betrayed look Zheng Xuan offered the other player, a look that was returned with a shrug. “What were you laughing about, was it something actually funny or was it like that time you were laughing at a dog for not reason, laughing laughing laughing and not explaining to poor vice-captains what the joke was, you even had captain laughing, even when he tried to hide it, he was still laughing, I could see it-“ “We were making a joke about your backpack.” “What about my backpack, is there something on it, did you stick a note to it again, that’s so childish Zheng Xuan you shouldn’t engage in childish pranks-“ “Your backpack is the captain’s backpack, you have all his things, his water, gum and stuff for headaches and he carries your snacks and hats and all those throat lozenges that you need when you talk too much.” “I don’t-“ Huang Shaotian didn’t have anything to say in response and his teammates took the opportunity to escape before he could recover enough to continue. “Our backpacks are different!” Huang Shaotian noticed he was yelling at an empty training room and he flushed, escaping off to his room where he dumped out the contents of his bag. Surely the other two were just exaggerating. Huang Shaotian was faced with the overwhelming evidence that his teammates were right and that his backpack was essentially for Yu Wenzhou’s use alone. Now that he took the time to think about it, his captain did spend more time rummaging through his backpack rather than his and Huang Shaotian didn’t ever reach into his own if he needed something. He even carried that brand of lip balm that Yu Wenzhou likes except he had been thinking about swapping it out for another brand that didn’t make his captain’s lips so shiny. It was distracting and unfair for poor innocent Blade Masters who definitely didn’t walk into walls when captains who were too pretty for their own good wet their lips. Definitely not. Huang Shaotian packed the assortment of items away again, making sure he hadn’t forgotten anything, smile on his face as he remembered all the times Yu Wenzhou had needed something that he’d been able to provide. He resolutely ignored the time Yu Feng tried to offer a stick of gum and he’d stomped on his foot subtly. In his defence, Yu Wenzhou didn’t even like that flavour of gum, even if Yu Feng had kicked his leg later in retribution. Huang Shaotian patted his backpack happily, deciding that he was pleased with carrying his captain’s backpack, even if his teammates liked to tease. He was content. It was season six and they’d won. It was season six and the trophy was in their hands. It was season six and everything was bright and beautiful and Huang Shaotian swore he could taste the joy. It was season six and Huang Shaotian caught sight of Yu Wenzhou and thought that he was the brightest, the most beautiful and his heart ached in his chest. Yu Wenzhou was gazing out at the crowd, seemingly unbothered by the bright lights and his face was awash with the glow of the stage but there was something else there as well. Something that even Huang Shaotian, who prided himself on being able to read every single one of Yu Wenzhou’s expressions, couldn’t figure out. He found his captain when they were off the stage, he was out of the way, apart from the noise, the screaming and he seemed at peace. Huang Shaotian began to leave, not wanting to disturb his captain but he stumbled into the wall and Yu Wenzhou turned, spotting him even as Huang Shaotian tried to turn invisible through sheer force of will. “That didn’t work when I caught you stealing lollipops from Doctor Cao and it won’t work now Shaotian.” He opened his eyes to see Yu Wenzhou smiling at him, eyes bright and fond. And Huang Shaotian was tired of holding everything back, tired of pretending that he didn’t want to take Yu Wenzhou’s hand and hold it as long as he was allowed to. The adrenaline of victory was still singing in his veins, still making him bold and fearless and he found himself in front of Yu Wenzhou and he reached up and pressed his mouth against his captain’s. Yu Wenzhou was terrifyingly still for a few long minutes before his arms were wrapping around Huang Shaotian, pulling him close, pressing him against his body as if he’d been waiting too long for this. Huang Shaotian gasped out in delight, breaking away to pepper light kisses all over Yu Wenzhou’s face, his cheek, his chin, his nose, his forehead, very important to kiss his forehead- “Why my forehead Shaotian?” Huang Shaotian realised all at once that he was murmuring his thoughts under his breath and he took in Yu Wenzhou’s soft, besotted smile and was certain his expression was identical. “That’s where your brain is, your beautiful beautiful brain, have to appreciate that captain, have to appreciate every part of you, you’re so perfect, so perfect and I get to tell you all these things now and you can’t stop me, you have to listen to it all!” “I’ll always listen to you Shaotian.” The words were heavy with a promise and Huang Shaotian blinked away the tears, curling into Yu Wenzhou’s embrace until they could put off the interview no longer. The press noticed the way Huang Shaotian was jittery, leg bouncing, seemingly unable to sit still in his excitement. Despite the slight chastisement in Yu Wenzhou’s eyes for making the table vibrate under the force of his leg bouncing, his captain was clearly ecstatic, just better at remaining calm. “Vice-captain Huang, is your good mood because of your victory tonight?” Huang Shaotian’s eyes were bright with mischief as he replied. “I had two wins tonight and two prizes.” His face broke out into a massive grin as he refused to elaborate, despite reporters clamouring for a clarification. And if Yu Wenzhou’s ears tinted pink? Well that was between them and them alone. Huang Shaotian was excited about something. His gaze was completely focused on the paperwork, lips moving, occasionally murmuring under his breath as he went through the reports they needed to submit to management. After their championship, there were a slew of new sponsorship offers, more investment interest and a push for more advertisement. Which meant more paperwork. Yu Wenzhou huffed out a quiet laugh when his boyfriend dramatically pressed the last key on his keyboard, gaze flicking to Yu Wenzhou immediately, quiet expectation written across his face. Well, perhaps not that quiet, considering the noise of Huang Shaotian’s fingers tapping restlessly against the desk. “Yes Shaotian, I’m finished too, what is it?” He was presented with a small object, wrapped in pale blue tissue paper. Huang Shaotian wriggled in his seat slightly, like a dog presenting a gift that he was very proud of and Yu Wenzhou smiled internally at the image. He began carefully, an painstakingly slowly, peeling off the tape, watching as Huang Shaotian looked at him with betrayal. “Captain you’re picking on me, you’re really picking on me it’s unfair, it’s not fair, I know you like to move slowly but I already had to wait and if I wait any longer I might die, do you want that on your conscience captain? The death of me, of your boyfriend, of Blue Rain’s beloved vice-captain, gone forever because I died when you opened a gift so slowly I died of old age!” “I’ve opened it now Shaotian,” Yu Wenzhou couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice at Huang Shaotian’s dramatics and it took him a few seconds to register what he was looking at. Keychains. More precisely, keychains of two very familiar avatars and Huang Shaotian was watching him expectantly. “They’re for our backpacks captain, so when we go out places, we can always keep track of our bags, see aren’t I clever captain, you can write your name on them see, you can make sure that your backpack never goes missing- captain captain that’s Troubling Rain, you play Swoksaar, is your eyesight getting so bad, do you need new glasses?” “But my backpack is for you. So, it should have your avatar. And then I know that you’re always near me.” Huang Shaotian stopped dead in his tracks, eyes scanning over his boyfriend, blinking rapidly until the words seemed to register properly. “You cannot say things like without a warning Wenzhou, are you really plotting my death? First with the slowness, now with nice things that make my heart stop, you have to be more considerate of the delicate hearts of your vice-captains Wenzhou!” “Vice-captain,” Yu Wenzhou reached out to brush gentle fingers against Huang Shaotian’s cheek, “I only have one vice-captain and he’s the best.” And what else could Huang Shaotian do but clamber into his boyfriend’s lap and kiss him at that? There was simply no other way forward, he’d looked over all the options very carefully and he was right. The team took in the new keychains with bright amusement, asking Huang Shaotian if he planned to switch classes, watching him spring into action, pointing out who needed to switch class if they had their captain, who would ever need a new Warlock if there was Yu Wenzhou there to play. Yu Wenzhou pressed a kiss to his hand and Huang Shaotian grinned up at him before continuing to defend his boyfriend’s honour. The best thing about dating Yu Wenzhou was being able to curl up in his captain’s bed. Well, actually there were many best things about dating Yu Wenzhou, if he actually started to make a list, he’d never have time for anything else and then he’d neglect everything so it was better not to try and make the list. But what made sleeping in Yu Wenzhou’s bed the best was learning that his calm, collected, rumoured to have ice in his veins captain was a wriggly sleeper. Huang Shaotian first discovered this when he woke up, cold and shivery because his boyfriend had somehow shifted their positions so that Yu Wenzhou had the covers wrapped around his torso and his head hanging half off the bed. It was actually very difficult to get his boyfriend back onto the bed and Huang Shaotian made the mental note to train with weights more often to ensure he could manoeuvre Yu Wenzhou properly like this. Once Yu Wenzhou was safely back on the bed, it was easy enough to curl back into his arms, snuggling back into the warmth and falling back asleep. And if Yu Wenzhou shivered a little when Huang Shaotian pressed his nose into his shoulder, well he shouldn’t have stolen the blankets in the first place. The absolute best best part of it though, was when Huang Shaotian brought it up and he got to watch the pink flush spread prettily across Yu Wenzhou’s cheeks and slowly down the back of his neck. He had to wriggle his way into his captain’s lap to see the colour more closely and it was just as good up close as it had been further away, plus he was now in his captain’s lap so it was a win all around. “I always shift in my sleep, I didn’t mean to wake you-“ Yu Wenzhou went quiet when Huang Shaotian pressed a finger against his lips, still smiling. “I have come up with a solution already, I know exactly what to do, do not worry captain.” Yu Wenzhou blinked, clearly ready to listen carefully and Huang Shaotian felt the urge to press a kiss to his cheek. So he did. “The solution is for me to hold you more tightly, it’s a great solution, you can then hear everything I say to tease me with later and I get to stay warm.” “If you tell Troubling Rain not to feed me more pickles then I have to tease you about it Shaotian. It’s unavoidable.” The best way to stop Yu Wenzhou from looking up at him like that, all gentle with laughter in his eyes, was to kiss him. He always had to look away before he turned into a puddle of mush when Yu Wenzhou looked at him like that. His new solution worked perfectly, Yu Wenzhou still caught fragments of his dreams, he never woke up cold again, and he always woke up perfectly pressed up against his boyfriend. Yu Wenzhou wasn’t sure when he got in the habit of doodling Huang Shaotian in the margins of his notebooks. Maybe the first time he got distracted by the way he lit up when he laughed, or that time when their friendship was still in its infancy, when Huang Shaotian had wielded a chopstick with the same gusto as Troubling Rain and managed to hurl it at Fang Shijing’s head. The man had simply stared at them, clearly unimpressed before leaving. It was at that moment that Yu Wenzhou realised how much he liked to see Huang Shaotian move. It was unnatural when he was still, like the weeks after Wei Chen’s- their captain’s departure. Even if he couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment he started to doodle Huang Shaotian, it was a habit that never went away. Tiny Huang Shaotians decorated the margins of his notebooks, often waving things in his hands, food, pencils, the book he’d grabbed from Zheng Xuan to try and get him to react- the list was endless. The first person to see the doodles was Wang Jiexi. He dropped his notebook, Wang Jiexi scooped it up before pausing at the quick sketch of Huang Shaotian’s smiling face. His mismatched eyes seemed far too knowing as he handed the notebook back and Yu Wenzhou cursed his flush that only seemed to confirm what the other player thought. “Does he know?” “Of course not.” “You should tell him.” Before Yu Wenzhou could muster a response to that, Wang Jiexi was already walking away back over to where his team was and he could only stare at his retreating back. Yu Wenzhou snapped his notebook shut and dropped it back into his bag, re-joining his own team and letting Huang Shaotian’s chatter wash over him, grounding him. It wasn’t like Wang Jiexi would say anything and he pushed the thoughts aside in favour of focusing on his upcoming match. Nowadays, Huang Shaotian not only knew about the doodles in the notebooks, he liked to contribute himself. Now the tiny Huang Shaotians and Troubling Rains had little speech or thought bubbles floating over their heads, filled with Huang Shaotian’s writing. Best captain! Said one. Remember to drink! Cried another. Kisses are important! Many of them claimed. Yu Wenzhou couldn’t help the smile that broke out every time he caught sight of the little messages, often going to find his boyfriend when he saw a new one. Huang Shaotian would be ready for his hug when he arrived and Yu Wenzhou would murmur thanks into his hair in between kisses, content to just hold him for a while. “Shaotian.” Yu Wenzhou stared at the contents in the box, both unsure of what he was looking at and completely certain that he knew what these were. He asked anyway. “What are these?” Huang Shaotian pulled the t-shirts out of the box, shook them out enthusiastically as he showed them off, delight radiating off him as he let Yu Wenzhou read the writing emblazoned across the front. Best captain! It read with Fight Huang Shaotian below it in smaller letters and brackets. The other t-shirt had I’m Huang Shaotian with Fight me! PKPKPKPK! Written underneath. They were self-explanatory but Huang Shaotian lunged into the explanation anyway. “Do you remember when you said that I couldn’t make the t-shirts, that I shouldn’t, but I thought, I was thinking very carefully, and then I remembered, that you said that before I kissed you, you said it before I kissed you and told you I wanted to date you, and most importantly you said it before I told you I love you.” Huang Shaotian placed the first t-shirt on Yu Wenzhou’s lap before continuing, “and because you said no t-shirts all that time ago, I thought you could have changed your mind about it all, because it’s been so many years since we debuted, it’s been so many years that I can’t remember how many, which means you must have changed your mind about the t-shirts by now, look at them captain, they’re so nice, and they’re soft too, feel feel!” Yu Wenzhou obediently felt the fabric and he had to agree that the material was particularly soft. He still wasn’t convinced that the t-shirts were a good idea and he said as much. “But that’s the best part captain, it’s the absolute best part, these aren’t for wear outside, well, you don’t have to wear yours outside, I can wear mine though, but they can be comfortable shirts to wear when you want to be comfortable and they will remind you that you’re the best captain, the absolute best captain in the whole alliance whenever you see them. Isn’t it great?” “Once.” Huang Shaotian blinked, grin slowly spreading across his face as Yu Wenzhou huffed out a quiet, defeated sigh. “I’ll wear the t-shirts in public once.” It’s worth it for the smile that spread across Huang Shaotian’s face, t-shirts back in the box to free up Yu Wenzhou’s lap so Huang Shaotian could press kisses to every available inch of his captain’s face, murmuring best captain every time he paused for a breath. Yu Wenzhou wrapped an arm around his husband’s waist, steadying him as he captured his lips in a deep kiss, making Huang Shaotian grin before returning the kiss, pressing himself closer to Yu Wenzhou, hands slipping up the back of his shirt to clutch at his back. He knew, on some level, that agreeing to wear the shirts outside once, would likely result in him wearing the shirts in public many more times than once. Because the first time would have Huang Shaotian full of delight, bouncing around with every step and finding a way to show off their t-shirts to anyone who seemed like they were even slightly interested. Like how after they’d got married, Huang Shaotian had waved his new ring in everyone’s face, nearly punching a few people in his excitement to proclaim that they were married that they were married and that Yu Wenzhou was his husband. Just the memory had Yu Wenzhou smiling and it, along with Huang Shaotian nipping at his neck, had him sufficiently distracted from the impending promise to wear the shirts in public. When he’s finally called upon to fulfil his promise, the pictures of Huang Shaotian’s beaming delight and his own lovesick gaze invite an influx of teasing from their fellow pros. But his husband’s joy at the pictures wipe the thoughts of the good-natured mocking from his mind and somehow, Yu Wenzhou isn’t sure the details, Huang Shaotian extracts another promise to wear the shirts again. But just then, Huang Shaotian was warm in his lap, his ring was a reassuring weight on his finger and everything else could wait. Notes: I need y'all to know that I was sincerely tempted to have Wang Jiexi walk in on yuhuang making out in the corridor. First Blue Rain beats Tiny Herb and now he has to watch them make out??? I would like to be commended for my restraint. (We are ignoring that this was supposed to be 1k.) Series this work belongs to: - ← Previous Work Part 69 of the TKA fics series Next Work → Actions Kudos Dragae, Lilsrocki, kiikajj, Bienmoreau, Hnacstria, xvii_eyael, L0sErLovEr247, BlueFin314, Ayumi579, flyingdaggerwilddog, SugarSpice98, Raven666, Pegguy28, Allys777, Jyana, SarahConnor801, Saxifactumterritum, KingdomHeartsFairy, kagehirav, SkyHeart1004, LostMyFlamingSword, silentdream, Green_fish, Toki_Natsumi, arashianelf, splitheart1120, Cascadeis, Cinder6786, junyans, alkat, GentleSong, lynne_monstr, Arvion, and STL_MarieRaven as well as 15 guests left kudos on this work!
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 A birthday treat to remember Nothing much out of the ordinary had happened for a good few weeks beforeI went up to visit my Girlfriend, Anna for my birthday. When I opened the gift she gave me with a grin on here face I was surprised to find a blank VHS tape. My head swam as I imagined the possibility that she might have filmed herself doing some naughty stuff for me. She encouraged me to put it into the VCR straight away which I did and then sat next to me on the edge of the bed. “I hope you like it!” she beamed. The tape flicked on and was just focused on Anna’s bed, “Great!” I thought. Then to my surprise her friend, Kay walked into the frame, she looked into the camera and said “Is it on?” I heard Anna reply “Yes” “Ok Annie wanted me to wish you a happy birthday and give you a special treat, So here you are I hope you enjoy your video” she grinned before lifting her top to reveal her bare tits. “That didn’t take very long did it!” Kay giggled, “Ok, I’ll do more” She lifted her top off over her head and cupped her tits “I bet you like seeing these! I love the idea of your cock being so hard over my titties, next time you are here I might let you have a good feel, and you never know I might just let you spill your hot, white spunk over them. OK, that was hot! Even I’m horny now, I’m going to sort myself out!” she beamed and then the camera cut. “What do you think?” Anna asked. “Unbelievable!” I said almost speechless. The video then sparked back into life and I saw another scene, I recognised as Anna’s bedroom. I saw her come into view and she stood facing away and whipped her top off and then her skirt, leaving her in a black bra and g string. “Want to see these?” she asked an unknown person. “Fuck yes!” a male voice answered. “Show me yours then” she said. I could hear rustling “Mmm, very nice, now get on there” she said, gesturing at the bed. I saw straight away, it was her flatmate Rachel’s boyfriend. “You dirty bitch!” I said to her. She just grinned and I turned back to the video. She undid her bra and threw it aside “Well?” she asked him. “Oh yes, you have fucking awesome tits” he replied, running his hand over his straining length, clearly unaware of the camera. “So what now?” She purred. “Come here” he said. “No, tell me what you want to do, I want you to say it” She told him. “I want to rip your knickers off so I can see your pussy, and I want to touch you all over, and taste your pussy. I want to feel your mouth around my cock and I want to put it inside you and fuck you hard and then cum everywhere” he enthused. “Is that all!” she grinned. She walked over and gently trailed her fingers over his throbbing cock. “Oh yeah, touch it!” he growled. He reached up and pawed her tits roughly. She climbed onto the bed and sat on his legs, and then began stroking him off gently. He began pulling at her knickers “Come on, take them off!” he grunted. She stood up so canlı bahis siteleri she was standing over his chest and pulled her knickers off. As she lowered herself again she pushed her hips forward so her pussy was in his face. “Can you see now!” she giggled. She ground down onto his face “You wanted to taste it, come on, lick it” she grunted. He licked her slit deeply, “Do I taste better than Rach?” she gasped. “Come on I want to know, do I make you want to cum more than her?” she asked. “God I want to spunk all over you!” he groaned. “You ever seen her flick herself off?” she asked. “She says she doesn’t do it” he replied more freely now she was sitting on his chest. “She fucking does!” Anna replied as she began rubbing her clit. “What about you, does she wank you off enough?” She asked as she reached back and began stroking him off. “No way, she leaves me horny far too often!” he complained. “Well I’ll always take two minutes to get you off!” she purred. “What’s the matter” she asked him as he was biting his lip. “Nothing, but god you get me off!” he pined. “Do you want to cum?” she asked. “God yes!” He answered. She moved onto her back and positioned him between her legs before starting to jerk him hard, within seconds he was shooting his hot load over her stomach and tits. After he was done she started tidying up. “Did you mean it about getting me off when I want?” he asked. “Yeah, might just be a quick tug though, you won’t last long” She said. “Awesome, how about tomorrow?” he asked. “Whenever, just ask” she answered. Then the tape ended again. “I thought you were going to let him fuck you then” I said to her. “Wouldn’t you have minded?” she asked. “No, you were being so naughty, it’s hot!” I answered. “Erm, thats kind of a good thing actually” she stuttered. “Why, you got someone in mind?” i asked. “Er, no, it’s just i got a bit drunk last Saturday and I ended up letting someone shag me” she said timidly, waiting for my reaction. “No way!” i exclaimed. “Tell me what happened” i ordered. “We came back here for drinks, I wasn’t planning to do anything, but he just you know, and I let him.” she said. “Oh my god, i wish i could watch that!” i exclaimed. She pulled an unmarked disk from the drawer and placed it in the player. The picture jumped into life with her fully clothed having her tits pawed through her top by a guy. “So you were so drunk you let a guy shag you, but not so drunk you couldn’t covertly film him giving it to you!” I exclaimed. “I was worried you would be mad!” She replied. “I was so horny, I really needed it!” she gushed. “Get your kit off you dirty bitch!” I ordered. “I bought some new underwear for today” she grinned as she quickly stripped off down to a cream push up bra and see through thong. “Very nice!” I admired as I groped her semi naked body. I stripped naked and encouraged her to stroke my bulging cock as I tipobet güvenilir mi watched the guy on screen lick her now bare boobs. “So tell me truthfully, is this the only time you have let another guy put his cock in you while you have been at university?” I asked. She shook her head while buying her lip. coyly. “Really? You really have been filthy haven’t you!” I replied. “So how many times?” i asked. “Five” she winced. “Five! All different guys?” i asked. “No!” she replied. “How many different guys?” i asked. “Four” she replied. “Ok, tell me what happened” I ordered. “Ok, the first time, was kind of stupid, I went down for breakfast early one morning last year and Kay’s boyfriend got up soon after. We said ‘Hi’, but not much else, when he walked past me he just grabbed my boobs. I was stunned and he quickly put his hand up my top to get a good feel. I didn’t know what to do, so I just froze, he pushed his other hand down my bottoms to touch me and then made me turn around. He unzipped himself and eased my bottoms over my backside and pushed me forward slightly over the back of the sofa. I knew what he was doing, but to be honest the idea really turned me on so I just let him.” She said. “Was it good?” I asked. “Yep, but mostly ‘cause it was so naughty.” She replied. “So did he do anything else?” I asked. “No, I guess I didn’t expect him to, I knew he was just using me to get himself off” she answered. “Didn’t he say anything?” I asked. “He whispered in my ear a lot” she replied blushing slightly. “What?” I asked. “He just groaned and said dirty bitch, that he was going to empty his balls in me, stuff like that” she answered. “Did he?” I asked. “Yep, he was really quick” she replied. “Then what happened?” I asked. “He just said thanks, asked me not to tell anyone and then went and got into the shower.” She answered. “Anything happen again?” I asked. “The next time I saw him, I was cooking tea, Kay was sitting in the living room watching TV” She started. “And..?” I asked excitedly. “He whispered ‘Thanks for the other day, It was awesome!’ I just told him its OK” She said “He asked if I would meet him so he can fuck me properly sometime? Then told me he could see down my top and how nice my tits are. He told me how horny I get him and he had a hard on from looking at my tits.” She explained. “He reached up and put his hand down my sweater to grope my boobs, I told him we can’t, because his girlfriend was in the next room. He told me he just wanted a quick feel. After a few moments he unzipped himself and put my hand on his hard cock. I looked him in the eye and he just asked me to touch it for him. I started to tug him off and he started begging me to suck him off” Anna explained. “Oh my God, did you suck his dick?” I quizzed. “I was quite horny by then so I checked where Kay was, then knelt down and sucked him off” Anna confessed. “Did tipobet giriş he make a mess?” I asked. “He begged me not to stop, so I didn’t and then spat it in the sink” Anna said. “Was that all?” I asked. “I let him shag me again after that about 4 weeks ago” she said. “Go on” I told her. “He asked me to come into Kay’s room, it was a bit weird, he wanted to do it next to picture of Kay, I just let him get on with it” she said. “What about the other two?” I asked. “I met them on a night out, they came back for a drink and both had a go” she half grinned. “So you pulled them and brought them back to give you one?” I asked, smiling back. “I just got talking to them, I thought they both fancied me so I was flirting. I was a bit tipsy and all the flirting got me horny, so I thought if it happened, it happened.” She replied. “So how did it happen exactly?” I asked. “I was sitting on the sofa and one of the guys sat next to me. He turned and kissed me and then started feeling me up. He put his hand up my top, but I wasn’t sure what to do, so I pushed his hand away.” She started. “They just carried on and both had their cocks out. One of them asked which was my bedroom. I knew that was the point of no return, but I let them take me into my room and they stripped me before putting me on the bed. They both got condoms and put them on then were deciding who would fuck me first. They started taking turns fucking me and swapping so they could last longer” She told me . “Did you enjoy as much as you thought?” I asked. “Well I came twice while they were shagging me!” She exclaimed. “What happened after they finished?” I asked. “Well it was pretty late so I just let them stay until morning” Anna confessed. “Did anything else happen?” I wondered. “I woke up in the morning naked, I remembered the two guys were there and I felt a bit ashamed. I wanted them to go straight away but they wanted more. They were either side of me in bed and were both touching me. They didn’t have another condom so I wouldn’t let them fuck me, so one put his cock in my mouth while the other licked me and jerked himself off.” Anna said. “Where did they cum?” I asked. “One I was sucking cum in my mouth, the other one spunked on my tits” Anna replied. “Mmmm naughty girl! Did you spit it out?” I asked. “No, I just swallowed it this time” Anna answered. “Was that all?” I enquired. “Yeah they left after that” She said. I was so turned on by what she had told me and I had been jerking off while we chatted. I was past ready to cum and had been stalling for quite some time. “Let me finish in your mouth” I asked her. She knelt down and took my twitching cock in her soft mouth and started to bob her head dutifully. It didn’t take long before I was past the point of no return and I began pumping my load into her welcoming mouth. Once I had finished she let my cock fall from her lips and looked up at me giggling, showing me the cum she had collected in her mouth, then swallowing it and showing me the resultant empty mouth. “You have been watching too much porn while you have been at Uni!” I laughed. She jumped up pleased with herself and announced she was going for a shower before we went out. Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? 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When at Comic-Con this year in San Diego and attended the panel for “Snow White and the Huntsman,” where some of my fears were allayed by seeing the cast together, seeing their chemistry and hearing about the directors vision for a dark and adult look at this classic fairytale. We have the first trailer and for what people thought would be a mash-up of “Twilight” and “Red Riding Hood,” first-time director Rupert Sanders and the minds at Universal Pictures have surely put those theories to rest. You can watch the trailer below: So, what did you think? This trailer surprised me by how epic it makes the movie look. My first impression is that I am really impressed with the trailer as a whole. I know that some people groan when they hear Kristen Stewart’s name attached to anything, and even though she got her fame from the “Twilight” franchise, I have seen her act in other films like “The Runaways” where I got to see her be much more than just Bella Swan. Judging from the trailer, this rendition of Snow White is not a Disney princess, but a brave warrior who chooses to battle the evil queen. One of this year’s breakout stars is Chris Hemsworth, who just brought “Thor” to the big screen. He is an interesting choice for the Huntsman, as most Americans don’t know him from anything other than “Thor” and a small part in “Star Trek,” but I really enjoyed him in those and I believe he has the potential to make it big like Sam Worthington did. Appearing in “Avatar” made Worthington a household name and I am thinking the same thing’s happening for Hemsworth as well. Lastly, of the three main characters, is Charlize Theron as the beautiful, but truly evil, queen who wishes to stay young forever … at any cost. I have yet to see her in any roles like this; the only villainous role I can remember from her was “Monster,” but that was a whole different story. I can really see she is having fun with this part and should give an excellent performance. The design and look of the film is a mixture of “Lord of the Rings” and “Robin Hood” with some of the cool effects of “Tron: Legacy,” Some other cool design aspects are: the living mirror, the creature in the forest, and the look of the castle. All are truly inventive ideas that come as no surprise when the trailer says it is from the producers of “Alice in Wonderland.” One thing we don’t get to see in this teaser trailer is the Prince, who will be played by Sam Claflin, but I am thinking this is going to be more of a girl power movie and Snow White won’t need as much rescuing as in the original tale. I absolutely cannot wait to see more from this film as it progresses and how much more fantasy, magic and creature will be introduced along the way. What was your overall impression of the trailer? Anything you really liked or disliked? Leave a comment and let us know! . . . Follow Adam Poynter on Twitter at. And don’t forget to “Like” It’s Just Movies on Facebook at. Did I miss Grumpy, Doc, Bashful, et al? I think the casting for this was a good choice. In my opinion it looks better than the other Snow White film and less “campy”. Although I hope it doesn’t go into Red Riding Hood territory. I think this could be a cool, dark, gritty remake. The two revisionist SW movies have one good wonderful thing in common that I love – great Queen Mothers who lead each film. Disappointingly the 2 Snow Whites don’t grab me – or typify in my mind what SW should be like.
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"Full length funk rock album from Mutherpluckin' B - The Mushroom Variety Show" (Game Music 4 All, 11 Dec 2014) Remix album special in Game Developer Magazine, Oct 2009 issue (scan courtesy of Mega Ran) "Mega Man, Hip Hop & 8-Bit Democracy" (Game Set Watch, 16 May 2009) "Lie Mutherpluckin' B remixes Mega Man music throughout the ages" (GoNintendo, 21 Sept 2008) "Mega Man does not fake the funk" (Kotaku, 21 Sept 2008) Dewayne "Blackbyrd" McKnight, formerly of Parliament-Funkadelic"Jewel man with Mutherpluckin' B has to be the funkiest nerdcore song ever. Definitely my favorite on the album!" genoboost, Twitter (on Mega Ran 9) Cameron, via mutherpluckin-b.com"I'm glad to hear Magnet Man done with class. It was always my favorite song from the series and definitely one of the most memorable songs from the NES era." Vlad Piranha, via mutherpluckin-b.com"Just Bomb-tastik !!! It's pure gold and awesomeness ! I think, for example, 'The Mushroom Variety Show' track is amazing :)" Cyan, via mutherpluckin-b.com"5年前くらいから聴いてます! ありがとう!" さかもと, via mutherpluckin-b.com Rick Haagland, You Call That A Game?"This album is actually a lot more impressive than a lot of the fan made stuff I hear now of these days." Drahken, GoNintendo.com"Man, I didn't think it was possible to top Nintendosploitation, but somehow you did." Ben Daglish, C64 composer (on Deflektions of My Life)"Sh-t... This is TEH Good Stuph! I really love this funky remake! Man, this is inspiration and creativity!! Wow, keep em coming in this cool funky style! More of it!" Adamsen, remix.kwed.org (on Unsanxioned Soloing)"Great mix but what the hell is that lead synth? ! .. Shame coz this could have been outstanding." Satanarchist, remix.kwed.org (on Don't Feed the Warhawk)"Just gotta say I love your songs, especially Razzle Rides to Town — I got more than one tear of nostalgia in my eye when the Gunsmoke theme got off. Swings like hell! :D" koloboko, via mutherpluckin-b.com"Not even halfway through and already repeating songs. Will have to get the 'capitalist' version soon..." grizz8884, via mutherpluckin-b.com Kindo, Loading (GON) forum"The sound is pretty crummy, the artist is not a very good performer, and the songs have boring arrangements..." Sol, Loading (GON) forum"This was really Funkadelic" zabour, Gear Slutz forum"On this guy's Nintendosploitation album, he does the greatest version of Snake Man ever. EVER." Brennemeister, VGMix (on "Fire Storm")"I love it. Fifth time on repeat already. The guitars sound great man." Raijin, VGMix (on "Needle Man")"Dude that's sweet! I gotta make a flash music video for this! All 70's cop style! SHAZAM! Just looked at where this bitch is from! SWEDEN!? Whoah shit! The Swedish have got SOUL!" Marco, OC Remix forum (on "Fire Storm")"Habs noch nicht geladen, aber wenn da steht, dass er Mega Man 2 mit einem Sample aus 'Shaft' mixt, dann klingt das schonmal ganz gut." fihu, portablegaming.de"Very nice, I have a home arcade i'm going to use this stuff as background music for. Very innovative while keeping true to the roots." Fyzzle, via mutherpluckin-b.com"Awesome!! Great job in keeping the classic touch in your personal presentation! Keep doing `em!" GwonD, via mutherpluckin-b.com Ainudil, Gamer forum"This brings back a lot of good memories :D" jimbob, 3DRealms forums"Very very good stuff, awfully slow paces though." Synti, 3DRealms forums
- Acting - Directing - Story Starring: Audrey Hepburn, Albert Finney, William Daniels Director: Stanley Donen Running Time: 111 mins Two For The Road is a British film following the ups and downs of a couple’s ten-year relationship as they travel the South of France and discover the real truths about being married. This film is amazing. I was absolutely entranced by every moment of Two For The Road, and its astonishingly deep, emotional and intelligent story about marriage. With a stunningly inventive screenplay, beautiful directing, an exceptional score, wonderful performances, and the ability to give both a powerful dramatic impact as well as a delightfully romantic atmosphere, this is pretty much as perfect as films get. What really impresses me about this film, above all else, is its ability to mix so many different tones, atmospheres and emotions into one story, and pull it off so well. In the space of just under two hours, you’ll get to watch one of the most beautiful and tender love stories ever put on the big screen, whilst still being given a story that talks about the reality of marriage and relationships, and the fact that nothing in life really is perfect. Normally, films with such a diverse emotional scope would become confused and messy, but not in the case of Two For The Road, and a key reason for that amazing success is the hugely innovative non-linear format that this film uses. Rather than tell the story of this couple’s relationship from beginning to end, it weaves in and out of different periods. So, in one moment, you can go from their blissful young love to a decade later where their marriage is on the rocks, and that’s how the shifts in tone work so well, because you’re almost moving to a different story altogether, only connected by our two main characters and the theme of their relationship. There are some very sad and even brutal moments in Two For The Road where the couple test each other to their limits, but then there are equally just as many happy, hilarious moments that will bring your mood up, and what that means is that you can watch this film in almost any way you like. If you mainly follow the story about their rocky relationship, it’ll have a profound emotional effect on you. However, if you don’t want such a heavy impact, you can watch this as a simple, pleasant romantic comedy. Therefore, whilst having so many intelligent and brilliantly-written layers to it, Two For The Road is a film for that absolutely anyone can watch and love. And if the screenplay wasn’t perfect enough, there are two exceptional performances by Albert Finney and Audrey Hepburn. Apart from having such a brilliant on-screen rapport, Finney and Hepburn manage to emulate the film’s many layers by giving their characters just the same. Albert Finney’s character can be seen as almost a wannabe playboy, often feeling stuck in his marriage to just this one woman, but then again, he also excels at showing the man’s ultimate devotion to his love for his wife, something that is absolutely wonderful to see. And Audrey Hepburn also puts in a stunning show. Moving away from the innocent Parisian girl we’ve seen her play again and again, Hepburn’s performance is impressively deep and layered, playing a woman who, just like the main theme of the movie, doesn’t have a perfect life, and isn’t perfectly lovely, but still feels devoted to keeping her marriage to her husband as strong as possible, despite their various arguments. Then there’s Henry Mancini’s incredible score, possibly my favourite of all time. Once again, the score can be both happy and pleasant as well as melancholic and dramatic, which again furthers the conflicted emotions of these characters, as well as allows you to watch the film and have your own, unique take on it. Finally, Stanley Donen’s directing is just as brilliant as can be expected. Just like all his films, every scene is filled with wonderful, vibrant colours, and, amongst the beautiful settings in the South of France, this film is always a joy to look at and take in. Overall, this is an exceptional film that manages to blend so many genres, themes and emotions together into one entrancing story, made even better by the brilliantly inventive screenplay, amazing score, wonderful direction, and stunning performances, and that’s why I’m giving Two For The Road a 9.7.
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Whether you’re building a new home or renovating your existing property, a time will come where you will need a house demolition. When it comes to breaking concrete, it is no easy task. You need the expert help of a professional by your side who has the high quality equipment needed to complete the job quickly and efficiently. While it may be an easy task for you to remove a large shed on your own, it’s not so simple for demolition jobs such as pools, existing homes, mobile homes, and other more complex structures. There are many benefits to hiring a professional, here are just a few. Health and Safety With a professional demolition crew, they will first perform an assessment of the structure. This is to establish any and all risks that the structure may have. When it comes to older buildings, they may have fallen to disrepair. This can lead to weak walls and damaged roof structures that can be dangerous to handle yourself. If the demolition crew detect any weakness or other issues in the structure, they will build scaffolding within the building while they perform the demolition work section by section. Insurance Coverage When you work with a fully certified demolition crew you know they will have full insurance coverage. What this means for you is if anything were to go wrong during the demolition process on your land, you will not have to face a larger cost or legal fees. As a citizen with no construction experience, it is unlikely that you would be able to acquire insurance of the same level on your own. Professional Training When you work with a professional demolition crew, you know they are trained to the highest standard. Since you are not professionally trained, you will not know how to use jackhammers, concrete grinders, explosives, and heavy equipment. Trained professionals, on the other hand, will be trained to use each of these pieces of equipment. Before any job, a demolition crew will always asses the building to see if it contains any hazardous material such as asbestos. When it has been located, the crew will remove it and start the demolition. Not only that, but the crew will also strip the building of any wood, metal, or any other materials that can be recycled. If you would like to find out more about the many benefits of using a professional demolition service, get in touch with one today. June 17, 2019 at 10:18 am I all the time emailed this blog post page to all my associates, as if like to read it then my contacts will too. December 27, 2019 at 9:57 am I liked that you mentioned a professional demolition crew will perform an assessment of the structure to establish any potential risk on your project. My husband and I are thinking about building a guest’s house, and we are looking for advice to hire all the needs that we can get. I will let him know about the benefits of hiring a professional demolition service to help us with our project.
Halt and Catch Fire (2014) GENRE: Drama, Period EPISODES: 20 (2 seasons) CREATED BY: Christopher Cantwell, Christopher C. Rogers STARS: Lee Pace, Scoot McNairy, Mackenzie Davis, Kerry Bishé, Toby Huss COUNTRY: USA UK CHANNEL: Amazon Prime Instand Video PLOT: A dramatised view of the 1980s personal computing boom through the eyes of a visionary, an engineer and a prodigy, whose innovations directly confront the corporate behemoth of IBM. Halt and Catch Fire isn’t the most catchy name, nor is it one that immediately evokes its subject. That is unless you are a computer engineer. According to Wikipedia it is “a euphemism referring to a computer machine code instruction that causes the CPU to cease meaningful operation, typically requiring a restart of the computer”. Having watched the first season I am still not convinced by the title, but I certainly am by the programme. Set around the early days of the personal computer, HCF introduces us to Joe MacMillan; a slick salesman who was involved in the launch of the original IBM PC, Gordon Clark; an engineer at small business software company Cardiff Electric and Cameron Howe; a brilliant young programmer. The three lead characters are thrown together from episode one when Joe blags himself a job at Cardiff Electric and without permission, talks Gordon into reverse engineering the IBM PC BIOS with a view to creating a rival machine, hiring Cameron to write the new BIOS code. The series follows the exploits of the newly formed PC Division of Cardiff Electric as they aim to get their new machine ready for the 1983 COMDEX trade expo. With IBM lawsuits, Joe’s twisted motivational tactics, Gordon’s lack of self belief (the last time he showcased one of his creations at COMDEX it went spectacularly badly) and Cameron’s attitude to authority there are easily enough pitfalls and plot twists to keep the story going for its 10 episode season. A dry subject is brought to life by great characters and believable relationships. There are enough in-jokes and references to satiate the tech-geeks, but there is also enough heart and drama to satisfy the average viewer. The early 1980s look is managed perfectly and the use of period and non-period music also adds an unusual twist. Series two is currently airing on the Amazon Prime subscription service and whilst it is still engaging, I have not found myself quite as hooked as with the excellent first season. But with such a great history to call from, Halt and Catch Fire could be a series that runs for quite some time yet. I certainly hope so. UPDATE: Having now seen the full second season I can testify that season two picks up nicely and builds to a satisfying climax that is perfectly poised for a return. Season three hasn’t yet been confirmed, but surely it is only a matter of time. TV REVIEW Summary A potential dry subject is brought to life by great characters and believable relationships. There are enough in-jokes and geek references to satiate those interested in the technology, but there is also enough heart and drama to satisfy those who are not. The early 1980s look is managed perfectly and the use of period and non-period music also adds an unusual twist. User Review( votes)
Research Interests: The Lemos Laboratory investigates how stress is processed and encoded in the brain. Importantly, the lab is interested in understanding how stressors impinge on the brain to alter behavioral responses and outcomes. We are particularly interested in examining how stress-associated neuropeptides regulate the function of neural circuits important for motivation and emotion. My work has focuses on the interaction between neuropeptides such as corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) and dynorphin with monoamine systems such as serotonin and dopamine. In the coming years we will continue to look at these interactions as well as the actions of CRF and dynorphin on network function of motivational circuits such as the striatum. We are also invested in understanding how chronic or traumatic stress renders the brain vulnerable to disease states such as depression, anxiety and addiction. We use a multidisciplinary technical approach to tackle these questions. Specifically, the lab uses and has expertise in the following techniques: ex vivo slice electrophysiology, ex vivo slice voltammetry, fluorescent in situ hybridization, fluorescent immunohistochemistry, confocal imaging, optogenetics, chemogenetics, transgenics and behavior. Furthermore, we are in the process of setting up in vivo fiber photometry techniques to record activity of specific cell-types in awake behaving animals. Selected Publications: (For a comprehensive list of recent publications, refer to PubMed, a service provided by the National Library of Medicine.) - Al-Hasani R, Gowrishankar R, Schmitz GP, Pedersen CE, Marcus DJ, Shirley SE, Hobbs TE, Elerding AJ, Renaud SJ, Jing M, Li Y, Alvarez VA, Lemos JC, Bruchas MR.Ventral tegmental area GABAergic inhibition of cholinergic interneurons in the ventral nucleus accumbens shell promotes reward reinforcement. Nat Neurosci. 2021 Oct;24(10):1414-1428. - Ingebretson AE, Lemos JC. A spotlight on the elusive striatal cholinergic interneuron. Science. 2021 Apr 23;372(6540):345-346. - Steger JS, Land BB, Lemos JC, Chavkin C, Phillips PEM. Insidious transmission of a stress-related neuroadaptation. Front Behav Neurosci. 2020 Oct 5;14:564054. - Adrover MF, Shin JH, Quiroz C, Ferré S, Lemos JC, Alvarez VA. Prefrontal cortex-driven dopamine signals in the striatum show unique spatial and pharmacological properties. J Neurosci. 2020;40(39):7510-7522. - Alvarez VA, Lemos JC. The upside of stress: a mechanism for the positive motivational role of corticotropin releasing factor. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020;45(1):219-220. - Lemos JC, Shin JH, Alvarez VA. Striatal cholinergic interneurons are a novel target of corticotropin releasing factor. J Neurosci.2019;39(29):5647-5661. - Dobbs LK*, Lemos JC,* Alvarez VA. Restructuring of basal ganglia circuitry and associated behaviors triggered by low striatal D2 receptor expression: implications for substance use disorders. Genes Brain Behav. 2017;16(1):56-70. *co-first author listed in alphabetical order - Lemos JC, Friend DM, Kaplan AR, Shin JH, Rubinstein M, Kravitz AV, Alvarez VA. Enhanced GABA transmission drives bradykinesia following loss of dopamine D2 receptor signaling. Neuron;90(4):824-838. - Dobbs LK, Kaplan AR, Lemos JC, Matsui A, Rubinstein MR, Alvarez VA. Dopamine regulation of lateral inhibition between striatal neurons gates the stimulant actions of cocaine. Neuron. 2016;90(5):1100-1113.
Elon Musk is a scammer, a liar, a sociopath, a mobster, a racist and a sex deviant who has a hit-job team of private i’s and Fusion GPS-type goons that he sends out to attack, defame, character assassinate and spy on any competitor or reporter that he does not like. This is just a brief collection of thousands of pretty bad things that Elon has done: Insulting others regularly: Elon Musk Calls Transit Expert ‘An Idiot’ and Says Public Transport ‘Sucks’ from Futurology — Laughs at competitor. In the same year, Tesla dropped it’s worth while BYD increased theirs. Spreading fake information: Refuses to investigate Worker Complaints and fires those who are upset about work conditions: Attacking the Press for investigating his companies and the respective profits and losses: And of course rarely meeting promises: Tracking Elon Musk’s visions, promises and predictions from EnoughMuskSpam He also regularly takes credit for other’s work: Bad/Stolen Designs: — The original designer for Hyperloop. He tried out a prototype in Britain for 3 years, but it wasn’t worth the effort. Elon claims that it’s his design and idea, when it is not. — Tesla 3 is not a very good car. — Tesla 3 is also incredibly unsafe and a mechanic’s nightmare. — Tesla S having severe issues. — Stealing Evike’s Gun Design, expect the flamethrower not to be released because of this. Misc: So about Musk claiming to work 100+ hours per week… from EnoughMuskSpam — For someone who’s so environmentally green, he sure likes to buy a ton of homes and houses for himself. — Getting sued for False Advertising, something that Musk and his companies do often. He’s an asshole. You should hate him too. He has lots of promises and lots of words, but very little action. He relies on appealing to one’s emotion and excitement and giving his massive Goldman Sachs stock market manipulation team some BS tripe to pitch to Pension funds and to run pump-and-dumps with. Tesla also spends hundreds of millions on advertising: You ever wonder why there’s not many Tesla/Elon Musk ads on TV, Radio or on billboards? It’s because the majority of these hundreds of millions go towards Online Advertising. Yes, I’m talking about astroturfing: There seem to be professional shills for Elon Musk in /r/worldnews, including a moderator from EnoughMuskSpam (Ever find it strange how Elon and his companies are in the top 50 of r/all literally all the time?) This is also why Elon Musk and his companies refuse to travel outside of America. Other nations have laws that protect consumers so they know what they’re seeing, but America doesn’t because it’s Corporation before Community. His lithium, nickel, cobalt and rare earth mines use child labor, allow the rape of workers, are based in bribes and corruption and encourage genocide in foreign nations. Musk doesn’t care…Musk hates blacks! Musk’s parents loved Apartheid. Musk left South Africa to avoid the end of Apartheid. The guy that clean’s Nancy Pelosi’s and Dianne Feinstein’s toilet in Congress barely gets paid enough to care for his family yet the Pelosi and Feinstein family cartel pockets tens of millions of dollars per year in stock market bribes from Elon Musk. No citizen gets insider trading deals like that and the SEC never busts any of them! Musk is the internet equivalent of a self-aggrandizing fame-whore tech Kardashian. Musk has huge numbers of Chinese and Russian click-farms and sock puppet factories that pretend to be Musk “fanboys” on the internet. He uses Palantir and Oracle software to look for any occurence of his name on the internet and then, instantly, send his internet trolls to slam anybody who negs him in the comments sections. Musk has bee professionally diagnosed with “narcissistic personality disorder”, “sociopath tendencies” and an “inability to distinguish crime from normal social behavior”. He does some stunts for the masses and they ignore all his bad shit for it. Musk’s lithium ion batteries release cancer-causing toxic smoke when they self ignite in the car. As lithium ion batteries age, the get more and more likely to blow up as the dendrites in the internal chemistry degrade. Lithium ion batteries are not regulated because the Silicon Valley oligarchs and the California Senators own the stock in these dangerous, deadly, toxic, explosive, genocide-causing batteries. Musk and Obama conduit bribes back and forth for their financiers. Musk had to give away the Tesla patents because his staff, who wrote the patents, disclosed how deadly and dangerous his lithium ion batteries are RIGHT IN THE PUBLISHED TEXT OF THE PATENT, which Musk never saw until the patent was published! (Ha!) Bernard Tse, Musk’s battery boss, quite Tesla to start a competing car company because Musk was covering up all the danger’s of the Tesla batteries from Panasonic. Panasonic has been running a “dumping” and bribery program to profiteer on lithium ion batteries and block any other technologies. He mooches taxpayer money, takes credit for others work and then sells himself as the greatest genius of this century. I mean, to be a famous genius in history you had to write a book, like the Principia, that literally revolutionized everything or discover an entire realm of our existence we didn’t even know was there. Musk just has a billion dollar public-paid-for PR team and a fake smile. What the fuck does Musk actually do? Acting like he owns the world 🙂 Musk’s cars and rockets explode because of bad and rushed engineering, his Neuralink company tortures animals for BS mind control chips, His Boring Company tunnels are unsafe and un-needed and he only started it to build billionaire hide-aways underground. All of his “technologies” were copied from someone else. He’s basically another asshole like Steve Jobs, good at marketing the ideas and products that people working for him make. He’s a face. Its not like he is the dude who actually makes/programs/designs Tesla’s, their autonomous driving functions, SpaceX, etc. But for some reason he gets kinda meme’d into being some super genius who’s responsible for those things. Then you get weird rumors like “DUDE ELON MUSK IS ACTUALLY THE DUDE WHO INVENTED BITCOIN” which just seems kinda unlikely/improbable. Sending a Tesla into space seems very egotistical and just pointless compared to the Voyager, and its golden record. It serves a function, it explores space, sends us back information, and contains information that potentially some sentient lifeform could find and learn about us. What would an alien think if they found a Tesla? The fact that we obviously sent out a land based vehicle into space is just kinda dumb. Then if they were able to understand that its more about branding and promoting a car than actually serving a function and is basically just gonna be space garbage. The dude also seems to really want to rush progress. I am all for progress, but you make sacrifices when you want to push things to change too quickly. Musk just stabs others in the back. This article got buried and it’s too bad because it shows exactly how he operates. DALE VINCE V ELON MUSK: ELECTRIC CAR TSARS AT WAR OVER MOTORWAY CHARGING STATIONS “.” …“I’ve never even met the guy,” he said of Vince. “Initially when we tried working with him he started making all sorts of outrageous demands, so we thought, ‘Well, OK, we’ll just not work with you’ — and then he sued us.”… MORE: The sooner Tesla goes bust, the better for many countries. Ecotricity is orders of magnitude better than Tesla. He’s pretty smug for a guy with hair plugs and facial plastic surgery fakery. His Starlink internet costs $500.00 for the hardware and a hundred bucks a month to have The Silicon Valley Cartel spy on everything that goes over his internet and decide which media is politically correct for you to see. Why would anyone want HIS internet when most internet is free and less spied on? Starlink was Musk’s and Larry Page’s scheme to control all politics by controlling all media. Tell them to “SHOVE IT” by making sure Starlink goes bankrupt! I remember the battery in Adelaide, Australia he built, where it’s been claimed to ‘prevent/stop blackouts’ and drive the gas business to its knees? The batteries can only hold 5-10 minutes of power. Elon Musk, Goldman Sachs and Steve Jurvetson uses massive “Flash-Boy” computer arrays to manipulate the stock market and fake up all of the Tesla stock. He never gets arrested because the Pelosi, Harris, Feinstein, Reid families own Tesla and Tesla supplier stock and they put a hold on SEC, FTC and FBI charges against Musk. He seems to be bi-sexual with his sleep-overs with Larry Page and his sex cult actitivies and Epstein sicko stuff. Musk started rich with daddy-money and knew how to exploit mining corruption due to his father owning a Jade Mine and his trophy wife mother being a “model” (who dated quite a bit) throughout the 70’s and 90’s. His father screwed his sister and got her pregnant. The whole Musk family is a bunch of sickos. Musk’s insane greed has caused him to spend vast amounts of money covering the fact that his lithium ion batteries explode when they get wet and tend to get more explosive as they age over time. The chemistry inside his lithium ion batteries is the most toxic, deadly, explosive, cancer-causing, environmentally-damaging, worker-poisoning, child-labor mined crap on Earth! Elon Musk and Elizabeth Holmes are the same kind of lying nut-jobs backed by the same Silicon Valley Scam Tech Cartel! Life is ultra easy when you’re rich. You can quite literally do anything and everything. Musk is a mobster propped up by the MSM and the largest and most vast sock-puppet, troll-farm, click-farm contracts on Earth! Nick Denton’s tabloid empire (Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik) work for Musk. Larry Page has Google hype his stock and neg his competitors because Google bosses own Tesla stock. (That’s illegal too – per the SEC and FTC) He has fucked over every wife, supplier, partner, co-founder and employee and it is amazing that one of them have not shot him in the head yet. He and Goldman Sachs can keep pump-and-dump stock market scams going for the next hundred years from the 2008 Department Of Energy hand-out he first got from the taxpayers. He makes nothing of value to society. He just makes bullshit scams to hype his self-glory. LITHIUM AND.
POP-ON Baby/Toddler Cuddle Fleece Blanket with Sleeves for Pushchair Stroller and Car Seats PINK HEARTS POP-ON Baby Toddler Cuddle Fleece Blanket with Sleeves for Buggies Pushchairs Car Seat - PINK HEARTS: Clothing. POP-ONs have sleeves which allows kids to have fun and play with toys whilst in buggies and car seats 。 Inside Footpocket keeps tiny toes warm and snug 。 Fleece 。 Useful front pocket with ribbon tags for visual stimulation and play - also useful for attaching small toys 。 Sleeve ends can be folded over to keep hands warm on cold days 。 Fit over harnesses making them quick and easy to put on and off. Back velcro fastening keeps POP-ON securely in place 。 A perfect 'on-the-go' blanket for babies and toddlers. Blankets have sleeves which gives Babies and Toddlers freedom to stretch their arms to play with their toys whilst sitting in buggies and car seats. They fit over harnesses making them quick and easy to put on and take off and are perfectly safe to use in car seats. A footpocket keeps little feet warm and snug and a back velcro fastening keeps it securely in place. Whether babies and toddlers are travelling by car, train or plane, a blanket is a quick and easy way to ensure they are kept warm and snug. blankets are manufactured by in the UK 。 。 。 POP-ON Baby/Toddler Cuddle Fleece Blanket with Sleeves for Pushchair Stroller and Car Seats PINK HEARTS Pram Cup Holder Universal Stroller Cup Holder Pushchair Organizer Drink Coffee Cup for Buggy Stroller Manual Wheelchair and 2pcs Baby Carriage Hook, incl 99.9% pure tin stable storage box Nursing Cap for sensitive and sore nipples Capelino Breast Shell. A2Z 4 Kids® Childrens Large Play Mats Football Pitch Size 80cm x 120cm. Jiyaru 6pcs Cot Bumper Breathable Baby Bedding Bumpers with Tiebacks Crib Bumper Safer Baby Protect Pads Cartoon Animal Pattern. 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Note: International Women of Courage – to broaden the narrative and texture of the 2014 exhibition My Sister’s Voice members of the International Women of Courage and Women Peace Makers 2014 will be photographed and their images will be included in this exhibition. San Diego Peace Studies The exhibition will be a fund-raising exhibition benefiting Center for Community Solution (CCS), a local non-profit organization Honorary Chairs Mr. Jessie Knight Chairman and Chief Executive Officer San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Ms. Joye Blount Vice President Wealth Management Advisor The Private Client Reserve at U.S. Bank. Ms. Ruth Westreich Artist, Philanthropist Location of Event Broadway Pier Port Pavilion, San Diego CA Date of Event June 6th, 2014 I heard my sister’s voice on Oct. 9, 2012. Though I have never met Malala Yousufzai, this 14-year-old Pakistani girl is both part of my family, and yours. Last October, while traveling to school, this young advocate of universal education was shot in the neck and head by Taliban gunman. After being critically wounded, she was hospitalized in Pakistan and then England. As Malala recovered, far from being silenced, her voice was amplified and heard around the world. Because of an act of barbarism, we now know of Malala’s courage, her determination, and her embrace of knowledge over ignorance. Islamic clerics have condemned the attack. The United Nations has taken up the cause of children’s education. Malala has appeared on Time magazine’s list of “The 100 Most Influential People in the World” and has become history’s youngest Nobel Prize nominee. I was moved by Malala’s story. The power of her message left me wondering: Why do e so often ignore the voices of girls and women? This project, “My Stepping outside our limited backgrounds, opening our eyes and ears, we can see and hear women from different nations, impact society on multiple levels, and represent diverse points of view. For all their differences, though, they are united on a fundamental level: These are our sisters. Their issues are our issues and, as Malala reminded us, our world desperately needs to hear their voices. {“type”:”block”,”srcClientIds”:[“9f83aa4e-6c19-456e-a636-f6a445c8464e”],”srcRootClientId”:””}Set aside any preconceived notions and just listen. You may be surprised, moved, even startled. You will not be disappointed “Notes to our Sons and Daughters” project, © 2012 Alexis Dixon
By Samat December 10, 2010 - 6:13pm). tommyguy on December 19, 2010 - 4:05am wrote… Permalink Samat on December 20, 2010 - 1:51pm wrote… “LFF” is some kind of HP jargon. But it means your typical, consumer 3.5” disk. I don’t have the N36L on-hand anymore to check the chips in use — and sorry, the motherboard photo IS a little blurry to read off the chip names. I was saving the lspci listing for a software review, but here it is anyway: I can’t tell the northbridge from this. The southbridge is an “AMD SB700/SB800”. There doesn’t appear to be an additional SATA controller, so it must be driven by the southbridge. Everything worked out of the box with Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (except the Broadcom NIC, which needed firmware from non-free) so I didn’t care to look into any of these things. I thought airflow through the drive bays was fine. With some ¼” space between disks (more than other racks I’ve seen), they’re not tightly stacked, and drives feel lukewarm to the touch. Permalink tommyguy on December 20, 2010 - 2:37pm wrote… Permalink Samat on December 20, 2010 - 5:26pm wrote… Certain Linux distributions (e.g. Debian) and operating systems (e.g. OpenBSD) don’t distribute binary firmware drivers by default. On Debian, at least, you can install them with aptitude install firmware-linux, or following special steps during installation. Other OSes, like Ubuntu, and as you pointed out, FreeBSD, are more loose with their definition of freedom and don’t have this issue. Permalink sebus on January 5, 2011 - 1:58pm wrote… USB issue... Kingspec USB SSD 8 Gb Server works great with Openfiler 2.3 installed on Kingston DataTraveller 8Gb USB stick I tried to use Kingspec USB SSD 8 Gb stick & during the post the unit hangs on: Auto-detecting USB Mass Storage Devices... Device #01: and never goes any further until... I pull the Kingspec out & put back in This way the unit carries on fine Obviously it is a problem with HP BIOS/Kingspec combo Most likely BIOS update could sort this (one can hope...) So while it works, it is a bugger for server restart (one need to get physically to the unit, so remote reboot is a no go) Permalink sebus on January 13, 2011 - 3:46pm wrote… Permalink dirk adamsky on May 31, 2011 - 4:12am wrote… Hello, I have written a review on the HP N36L Microserver together with HP 410 RAID controller. The article can be found here:... Permalink Alan Pio on June 8, 2011 - 8:41am wrote… Hi, I have recently purchased a HP Proliant Micro Server for my business. I need some help on which Hard drives to buy and are compatible with this server. I saw you mentioned the WD green series. Any particular make or model number would be appreciated on the first time buy or can i buy any of their models within this range? Thanks Alan Permalink Samat on June 9, 2011 - 12:52am wrote… The N36L can use any 3.5" SATA-II disk; get the best you can afford—for non-OS storage, I've been pleased with WD's Green Series line, especially with their support for 4 KB sectors (advertised as "Advanced Format"). Permalink Joel Levine on June 11, 2011 - 8:53pm wrote… Can 3 Tb drives be used? I know that one cannot boot from the 3 Tb but how about as the non boot device? Permalink Samat on June 12, 2011 - 10:04pm wrote… No idea, I don't have 3 TB disks to test with… but I don't see why not? The N36L's BIOS also supports booting from GPT partition tables (I discuss it in my software review, should I ever finish it one day), which is what you'd need for booting from 3 TB or larger disks. So, in theory, the N36L should support booting from these large disks as well. Permalink Jan on July 3, 2011 - 9:45am wrote… Very nice review. I did a small writeup of my own which adds a small software setup part explaining how to set up an encrypted RAID5 array and serving up a share that's readily usable with Apple's Time Machine. Enjoy!... Permalink JW on September 12, 2011 - 4:19am wrote… I am strongly motivated to consider buying one or more of these units, however I have a few questions: >I would probably start small and use pairs of disks with RAID1, two sets per server, however I missed information on BIOS limitations, specifically limitations on maximum disk space as imposed by LBA Limitations 2.1TB. Does this server suffer this limitation or can I buy 3TB or 4TB disks and use them without issue? This consideration may also speak to use of newer disks within LBA limitations buy using larger sectors and compatibility mode. >Benefits of performance are lost when the Gbit adapter becomes the bottleneck. Are there any suitable and inexpensive single or multiple port PCI-E 1Gbit or 10Gbit adapters that can be added? >What is the practical limits of the PCI-E connecters, e.g. are they PCI-E V1 or V2, would an adapter such as a USB3 adapter be bottlenecked? >I have found little information on performance when investigating NAS. Most performance statistics show performance is only marginally better than USB2 drives in certain scenarios such as read or write of large volumes of small files and significant numbers of connections and concurrent access. Do you have performance metrics for various configurations 1-4 disks, RAID0 and or RAID1 in various scenarios. >Power Consumption as you indicate, seems a little high! Are there power saving features either internal to disks, or in the BIOS, or perhaps builf into an OS like OpenFiler or RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux that may be activated to mitigate Power consumption of both Disks and other other components internally. Perhaps it may be possible to establish a profile of usage so the server may go into hibernation say overnight or in intervals of minimal activity and resume as needed. >I had considered the possibility of using a small SSD in place of the optical drive in addition to up to 4 standard disks and a USB Memory Stick for system, to provide a fast access secondary cache (secondary to system memory). Any tips on setting this up? > As an alternative to VMware Server or Oracle Virtual Box or KVM, I had considered using a hypervisor, to allow for the running of multiple OS instances at best possible speed. I could consider RHEL and RHEL Hypervisors or alternatives such as VMware's free product or Microsofts Hyper-V product. Is there anyone who has used any of these products on this server who can provide guidance and feedback on their experience! > I consider the possibility that with HP backing out of the Tech market and becoming a service only company, that support for the device may be limited. That being the case, when eventually this product breaks down, it may not be possible to continue using it. I have considered that it may then be desirable to replace the mainboad/CPU/memory with a more powerful solution. While for me this may be a year or two before it becomes necessary, has anyone attempted it yet or considered it and identified alternative components? >Any other comments or advice? Thanks in advance for any comments and feedback! Permalink Samat on September 15, 2011 - 1:30am wrote… My HP N36L recognizes a 3 TB disk, and when formatted with GPT Linux works fine with it. I have not attempted to boot from it, however, and I doubt it'd work. These all have open-ended replies, and are not N36L-specific (i.e. off-topic)! Please do your own research. I actually use an SSD as a boot device in my N36L, and it works great. Doing a write-up is on the list of things to do… You've misread HP's announcement—HP is backing out of the consumer PC market. Branded as part of HP's business-oriented ProLiant line of servers, it's unlikely they'd discontinue support for the N36L and there has been no indication otherwise. However, I obviously am not HP and cannot predict what they'll do.
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In a follow-up to a report on the second known human case of rat hepatitis E (HEV), Hong Kong officials report: The second patient was a 70-year-old retired female with underlying illnesses on immunosuppression. She had developed abdominal pain, headache, anorexia, malaise and palpitation since May 1, 2017, and was admitted to a public hospital on May 4, 2017. She was discharged on May 8, 2017 and had recovered. Her blood sample collected on May 5, 2017 tested positive for anti-HEV IgM antibody by the Public Health Laboratory Services Branch (PHLSB). This follows the initial case reported in September in a 56-year-old retired male who underwent deceased donor liver transplant in a public hospital on May 14, 2017 and was put on immunosuppressants for anti-rejection prophylaxis. Human infection by rat HEV has not been reported previously. To study if there were other cases in recent years, the Hong Kong Centers for Health Protection (CHP) provided 73 archived blood samples of patients with positive anti-HEV IgM antibody but negative for human HEV nucleic acid by molecular test to HKU for further testing. Retrospectively, HKU identified that a previously notified HEV case was caused by rat HEV and genetic sequencing results found that the viruses detected in the two cases were highly similar. In addition, CHP’s epidemiological investigation revealed that the two cases had no travel history during the incubation period of usual HEV infection. They both resided in Wong Tai Sin District and their residence was about two kilometres apart. No other findings suggestive of epidemiological link between the cases were identified. The two patients could not recall having direct contact with rodents or their excreta, or noticed rodents in their residence. However, the first case recalled having seen suspected rodent excreta in his home. Based on the available epidemiological information so far, the sources and routes of infection of these two immunocompromised patients could not be determined. The usual HEV causing human infection belongs to Orthohepevirus A (HEV-A). Apart from HEV-A, the Orthohepevirus genus also has three other species, namely, Orthohepevirus B that circulates in chickens, Orthohepevirus C (HEV-C) in rats and ferrets, and Orthohepevirus D in bats. HEV-C, also known as rat HEV, shares only 50% to 60% nucleotide identity with HEV-A.As there is substantial phylogenetic divergence between HEV-A and HEV-C, serologic and molecular tests for human HEV might miss HEV-C infection. Cyber Monday Flash Deal – Get 50% Off ZQuiet! Valid only on November 26th. The apparent clustering of the two cases back in 2017 is of concern and CHP will continue to closely monitor the situation. The most important preventive measures for the transmission of HEV are food and environmental hygiene, including rodent control. - Foodborne outbreaks: Listeria linked to pork products, E. coli outbreak statements - H5N6 avian influenza: Chinese girl hospitalized in serious condition - E. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce affects 2 in Illinois - New Hampshire reports two E. coli cases as part of multistate outbreak - Nigeria rolls out massive yellow fever vaccination campaign - Hantavirus: USAMRIID researchers identify protocadherin-1 essential for lung cell infection One thought on “Rat hepatitis E: Additional details on second case”
? Much depends upon the information you’d like your website to convey. Your site can consist of a single page and be an online business card. You could list three or four products and services, a photo, maybe a 3-minute video clip of you in action, plus contact info. That may be sufficient to convince prospects that you are a capable professional worthy of consideration. Or you may prefer a more interactive and engaging site? In any case, include a current products and services list if you’ve substantively altered—simplified, upgraded, expanded, or eliminated— what you provide. Upload a new photo if the original is three years old or more. Describe how your company can bring value to clients today. Content marketing Your blog or newsletter must have a link on the website. Your social media platforms will likewise be accessible there, as will videos, webinars and podcasts that feature you in a substantive role. Many of those will be on the landing page. Another page can feature case studies that help prospects envision how your expertise might help their organization resolve challenges and achieve goals. This step might be the key to your website redesign. If you are serious about updating your site, contact an analytics service and sign up to obtain data that will guide the development of your website. There are a number of modestly priced website analytics services available and Google has a level that offers free analytics. Collect three or four months of data before the redesign. First, you’ll learn the number of monthly visitors the site receives and the pages that are most often visited. Now you’ll know what visitors want to know. You’ll also learn which pages are least often visited and if there are pages that are quickly abandoned for other pages, or seem to cause visitors to exit your site. Ask your developer to build-in analytics or integration features, so that data will be yours at no extra charge, post-upgrade. Is the site mobile-friendly? I write or edit three monthly newsletters and the analytics for each consistently show that about 50% of readers use mobile devices to read. The other half use either desk models or laptops. Don’t frustrate your visitors. Optimized for mobile. Both interactive and static websites can be mobile optimized. How’s the technology? Recently, I met a truly brilliant MIT educated web developer named Al. He showed me the site of a nationally known not-for-profit organization that on its website has an inoperable “donate now” button on the landing page. It’s imperative that all links and buttons on your website perform as intended, on all types of devices. Audio features must produce sound; videos must play; documents must download; e-commerce transactions must be secure. Share your brand story. Connect with site visitors and concisely tell them what motivated you to start your business, how you developed your expertise, your vision and the company mission. Disclose your guiding principles as the founder and leader and discuss how they are reflected in your business practices. Finally, make it known that you love what you do and value the opportunity to work with clients, in 200 words or less.
A decade ago, youngsters would start exploring sex when they were around 16 to 18 years old. Today, it is common to find kids of 13 or 14 years who have had sexual experiences or who have an active sex life that will often lead to pregnancy. It seems everything is speeding up. My granddaughter, who is three years old, sees the computer as a tool of her daily life and can recognise numbers and letters on the screen. When I was growing up kids learned to read when they were six or seven, with a book and a blackboard. Maybe because of the technological progress, and the speed of information going to and fro, the dimension of time has changed – or at least our understanding of this dimension. The fact is time seems shorter. Childhood is shorter, children grow faster. However, it is a fact that a teenage girl is not mature enough, either physically or emotionally, to have a risk-free pregnancy. And boys are just not mature enough to be fathers. From my experience I have to say it is not only a lack of information that leads to teenage pregnancy. For the kids who come to Casa do Zezinho, the urge to change, the desire to have a family and to break the stigma of physical and psychological violence from their own lives is decisive. And the results are often catastrophic, not only for the girl but also for the baby. In the poor neighbourhoods, girls are not prepared and are financially unable to deal with such responsibility. Plus, frequently the dream of a stable, loving relationship with their partner doesn’t come true and the girl is forced to face the lack of support from both the families. The baby is either abandoned or rejected. In the best scenario the baby is brought up by the grandmother, who often doesn’t have enough money. This leads to stress at home, maybe violence. So in fact, the cycle goes on. The problem is, again, the lack of education in schools and at home. Nobody talks about sex, it’s still a taboo, but at the same time these kids in the favelas grow up hearing people having sex since kids often share the same room with their parents. They also listen to sexual musical lyrics all the time. So they want to try it, of course. But more than that, being pregnant becomes a life project for the girls. A pregnant girl in the favela is taken care of, is looked at with respect, she feels different from the others. Of course they enjoy the extra attention. In Casa do Zezinho very few of the girls have become pregnant. But that’s because soon enough I learned I’d have to face the problem and educate children about it. Nowadays we have a quite uncommon but very effective programme to prevent teenage pregnancies. It’s a four-month experience we do with the class called “21st Century”, with kids between 15 and 20 years. We randomly pick four girls and four boys to be the pregnant ones in class. They have to stay in class with a plastic belly that is successively replaced by bigger ones. And they have to do everything with that belly. They complain a lot about the discomfort. The boys want to go play football and we discourage them, saying “you are pregnant, you can’t do that”. Meanwhile we also discuss the experience and give them sex education. After the “baby” is born, they have to take care of the baby while still taking lessons and doing the tasks all students are supposed to do. It works pretty well – so well that we’ve only had a couple of teenage pregnancies in Casa do Zezinho so far. As told to Natalia Viana
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Aksioma -- Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, presents: *IOCOSE*/* Domestic Standing Ovation*/ <> *Aksioma | Project Space* Komenskega 18, Ljubljana, Slovenia _ <> June 15 -- July 1, 2011 *Exhibition opening and artist talk: June 15, 2011 at 8pm* IOCOSE will also present their work in form of a multimedia lecture at the MMC Pina, Kidric(eva ulica 43, Koper, Slovenia on THU, June 16, 2011 at 8 pm *An IKEA guillotine, a religious hi-tech machine set to give electric shocks, instructions for a drug recipe based on floppy discs, and finally a BBC special edition on the death of pop star Madonna. This is only part of IOCOSE's arsenal: a collection of projects, works and actions designed to shock and disturb. * Formed in 2006, IOCOSE is an art collective based throughout Europe. Its four members will present in this new solo exhibition some of the possible applications of their art works in a domestic environment. "Domestic Standing Ovation" displays an ideal living room where the aforementioned works all contribute to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. More than an exhibition, this will be an invitation to re-furbish your house according to the suggestions of the artist quartet. "/*In the Long Run"*/(2010) is a video of the media coverage of a not-yet-happened high-profile media event. As a reconstruction of a future event, it investigates to which extent media narratives are scripted and structured on a shared frame. An obituary prepared in advance, a false story, but also very likely, and definitely a catalyst for endless narratives and interpretative developments. *Winner project **of the International Arte Laguna Prize 2010 / Video Art Section, Venice, Italy.* _ "/*Sokkomb"*/(2009) is an IKEA guillotine. This deadly piece of furniture is the ideal product for home-made justice. Produced in collaboration with "Falegnameria Sociale", the hand-crafted guillotine provides a cheap and reliable solution for your daily struggles against immigrants, thieves, and whoever might annoy you. _ "/*Empathy Box"*/(2008) is a domestic machine designed by the imaginary Bureau of United Religions. It supposedly frees the empathic feelings of the practitioner by sending an electric shock. Practitioners are supposed to gather and touch the Empathy Box while holding their hands and forming a chain. The share of pain will instantaneously free their souls. _ "/*Floppy Trip" */(2009), finally, is a drug where floppy discs are the main ingredient. This hallucinogenic drink invites to recycle unused technologies for new, unpredicted effects. Easy to prepare, cheap and perfectly legal, Floppy Trip is the new frontier in recycling and the ideal drug for the masses. _ *IOCOSE*has exhibited and presented at the Venice Biennale, Jeu de Paume in Paris, Tate Modern and HTTP Gallery in London, Re:akt! in Slovenia and the Influencers festival in Barcelona. The group organizes. _ <> The project /*Sokkomb*/has been produced by The Influencers Festival, Barcelona, 2010. The project /*In The Long Run*/has been produced by Aksioma as part of the platform RE:akt! <> * Aksioma Brochure #6, **Domenico Quaranta, IOCOSE: In the Long (slo/eng):***_ *Antonio Caronia, Floating signifiers (eng):* *:* <> Production of the exhibition: Aksioma -- Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2011 Artistic Director: Janez Jans(a Executive Producer: Marcela Okretic( Public relations: Mojca Zupanic( Technical support: Valter Udovic(ic' Assistant: Anz(e Grm *Thanks: *Bani Brusadin / Festival The Influencers /*Supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana*/ Sponsor: Datacenter d.o.o. *Contact:* Marcela Okretic( *Aksioma | Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana* Neubergerjeva 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia tel.: + 386 -- (0)590 - 54360 gsm: + 386 -- (0)41 - 250 830 e-mail: _aksioma4 at siol.net <mailto:aksioma4 at siol.net>__ __ <>_ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// UNSUBSCRIBE: _unsubscribe at aksioma.org_ <mailto:unsubscribe at aksioma.org> //////////////////////////////////////////////////// -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
Liverpool bomber may have used hospital dash as cover to reach Remembrance service in time Investigators working on theory that Emad al-Swealmeen accidentally set off his bomb as he rushed to get out of taxi The Liverpool suicide bomber may have been running late, prompting him to invent an emergency hospital dash as cover to get to a Remembrance Day service on time. Investigators are working on the theory that, in his rush to get out of the taxi, Emad al-Swealmeen accidentally set off his bomb, killing himself. The version of events explains why Swealmeen, 32, ordered a taxi to the Liverpool Women's Hospital. He may have feared that a booking to the Remembrance Sunday service at nearby Liverpool Cathedral would have triggered suspicions. The Telegraph understands he told the taxi firm that he needed an emergency lift to the maternity ward, and was seemingly struggling to reach the cathedral in time for the end of the service at 11am last Sunday. Counter-terror police and intelligence agencies remain unclear about Swealmeen's motive but increasingly believe his journey to the hospital was made to disguise his real destination. The hospital provides a good excuse for someone needing a taxi in a rush. Whitehall sources said Swealmeen had not booked his cab the night before the attack, but had ordered it on the day. It arrived at Rutland Avenue, where he had set up a bomb-making factory in a rented flat, shortly before 11am and he was driven the short distance to the hospital. "Swealmeen didn't book the taxi the night before, and when he got in he asked to be taken quickly to the hospital," said a source, who suggested the request to travel to the hospital may have been to "obfuscate" his real target. "He might have deliberately gone somewhere nearby the cathedral," said the source, adding: "If you think of a destination you can tell a taxi driver to take you to quickly, then a hospital is a good one." CCTV footage suggests the taxi drove up to the hospital reception "pretty quickly" before coming to an "abrupt halt", said sources. David Perry, the driver, who survived the explosion with minor injuries, has given full statements to police. If the theory is correct, the likelihood is that Swealmeen had planned to blow up military veterans and dignitaries in what will be considered an Islamist attack. The motive has been obscured because in 2017 he had converted to Christianity, but there are increasing suspicions that his conversion was a sham in an attempt to bolster a failed asylum application. Police said on Friday that Swealmeen had purchased components for his bomb using a number of aliases. The device – similar but not identical to the bombs used in the 7/7 attacks on London in 2005 – contained ball bearings to act as shrapnel. Although the detonator exploded, causing the fireball inside the taxi that killed Swealmeen, of Syrian and Iraqi heritage, the main bomb did not go off. Authorities may have to look at whether the rules on buying chemicals need to be tightened, although sources point out the bomb's components were made up of household items, easily purchased online or over the counter. Swealmeen was not on an MI5 watchlist, making it harder to spot unusual purchases. Police said they had now spoken to his brother, who "has given us an insight into his early years and an understanding of Swealmeen's life and his recent state of mind, which is an important line of investigation". Assistant Chief Constable Russ Jackson, the Head of Counter Terrorism Police North West said: "Although there is much scientific work to do on the device to determine what made it up, we have learned a great deal over the past five days. "It was made using home-made." He said officers were "spending considerable time seeking to understand the way the purchases for the ingredients to make the device were made", adding: "This is complicated because purchases have spanned many months and Swealmeen has used many aliases. "We are confident, however, that in time we will get a full picture of what purchases were made and how, and if anyone else was involved or knew what Swealmeen was up to."
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While rightly lauded for its elections, the self-declared states’ lack of female representation points to a deep problem in its democratic health. Over 30 years since declaring independence from Somalia in 1991, the Republic of Somaliland has established itself as a paragon of stability in a tough neighbourhood. Although it remains internationally unrecognised, it is inevitably compared favourably to Somalia, not least in its efforts to establish a homegrown democratic tradition. Though not always smoothly, Somaliland has held eight functional elections and one constitutional referendum since 2001. The republic’s latest poll – the combined parliamentary and local council elections on 31 May 2021 – maintained this tradition. As documented in the final report of our international observation mission, the election was peaceful and saw opposition groups gain at the expense of the governing party. This bodes well for the presidential election due in 2022. However, our report also points to gaps and long-standing issues that require reform. To begin with, virtually no vote in Somaliland’s history has taken place on schedule. The parliamentary aspect of the 2021 election, for instance, was 11 years late. Somaliland’s political system also only allows three parties to participate in elections. While this rule was established to limit the fragmenting influence of clanism on politics, it curtails wider democratic expression. And then there is the glaring issue of female representation. Men only In the 2021 elections, not a single woman was elected to parliament. This level of female exclusion from politics is unprecedented, but the problem is not new. Prior to these elections, there was only one female MP and nine female local councillors. Now, uniquely in Africa, Somaliland is left with zero women among its 82 elected MPs and a mere three women among the 220 elected councillors. Out of the 246 candidates who ran for parliament, just 13 (5%) were female. This poor result came despite some advance optimism. For many years, Somaliland’s civil society organisations have campaigned for party lists to have a 30% gender quota to guarantee female political representation. Although this was not included in the 2020 electoral law revisions, all three parties agreed to a voluntary quota of six female parliamentary candidates each. When the election came round, however, the two biggest parties reneged on even this paltry commitment. Meanwhile, female candidates were not given equal opportunities to contest during candidate nominations with “open lists” disadvantaging them in particular. This low representation extends to Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission too, where just one of seven commissioners is female. Somaliland’s lack of female political representation is all the more glaring given the high level of women’s political participation. On polling day, for instance, many women served as polling station staff, including as heads of polling stations, and women voted enthusiastically in large numbers. Historically too, women played a key role in establishing Somaliland’s political stability. Despite being excluded from the male-dominated clan negotiations at the start of the republic’s separation, women’s role as mediators between their birth and marriage clans along with female-led grassroots campaigns for peace were central to ending the clan-based conflicts of the 1990s. The barriers facing women According the Somaliland-based think tank the Center for Policy Analysis (CPA), female candidates faced a wide range of challenges in this election. These include lower financial resources compared to male candidates; a lack of support from electoral bodies, voters, and their own parties; and patriarchal pressure from their clans. The Somaliland Non-State Actors Forum (SONSAF), an umbrella of civil-society organisations, similarly emphasises the politicisation of clan identity as a key barrier, noting how “women are seen as unreliable representatives in the political arena due to their dual affiliation to their father’s and husbands’ clans”. Amina-Bahja Ekman, co-author of Political Settlement in Somaliland: A Gendered Perspective, also points to the role of religious conservativism. “If you are a devout Somali woman, supporting a woman would put your religious convictions in question,” she says. Ekman emphasises that Somaliland society is not stagnant. Younger women in particular, she says, see political representation as “a need, as a way to break free from traditional gender roles”. Yet the focus on clan means that discussions of policy – for women’s rights, labour, health, and more – continue to be eclipsed by clan politics. “Rather than policy, that is what you are voting for,” she says. How to increase representation To improve female political representation going forwards, SONSAF calls for wide-ranging reforms. Among other things, it recommends boosting educational and employment opportunities for women and girls; ensuring institutions are more inclusive; increasing financial support for female candidates; and making sure women are included in the development of new political parties, which will be possible in 2022 when the ten-year mandate of the three current parties expires. In our final report, we call for legislative measures to ensure female representation. Somaliland’s government and institutions should look at legal avenues for increasing women’s participation and, in the meantime, consider temporary special measures. These could include a closed-list system with special measures to ensure broader gender representation. More widely, Ekman calls for a “paradigm shift” away from viewing female political participation in Somaliland through the prism of religion and culture. “Having a visible space in politics could in the long run lead to more political engagement for women,” she says. For now, however, half of Somaliland’s population is effectively excluded from politics. For all accolades the republic has rightly gained, this unsustainable and unjust fact is impossible to ignore. africanarguments
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June 15, 2018 - by Colin MacLean, from Gig City The aura of Maria Callas stills hovers over opera in the last half of the 20th Century. She was “La Davina” – plain in person but beautiful on stage. Her acting may have been minimal but she dominated every production in which she appeared. Famous for her wobbling high notes, she seldom performed (especially in New York) without being greeted by boos. The unforgiving press continuously savaged her while Callas brought a whole new audience to opera – through a commanding and elegant presence and a clarity of character and delivery. She invigorated the art form with a freshness not seen for a century. Her fans adored her. She lived hard, loved fast (and often) and died young. Callas sang herself out in just 12 years (1953 to 1965) and died in 1977 at the age of 53. In the 1970s, near the end of her life, she gave a series of master classes at Julliard. In 1995, Terence McNally (something of a master himself) wrote a tribute to the star in a fictional version of the sessions. The result, called Master Class, is now in production at La Cite Francophone until June 17 as part of the Spring Festival from Edmonton’s feisty Opera NUOVA’s opera training program. McNally’s play, some of which is loosely based on transcripts from the actual lectures – and the rest exhaustively researched, stars Judith Hawking as the imperious diva. She enters the hall in which she is to present a lecture on singing, art and life in general – but the prima donna delivers a lot more. She weaves a complex tapestry of glory, triumph and pain pulled from recollections of her own life. We learn of her ugly-duckling childhood, poor self-image, her first triumph at La Scala, her fierce hatred of her rivals and (in some detail) her headline grabbing on-again-off-again relationship with the course, foul-mouthed, Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis. In Kelly Handerek’s riveting production, Callas’s raw personal observations are counterpointed by actual recordings of the star as she soared at the height of her powers. Here is a daunting woman who is larger than life, understands her own powers and takes no prisoners. The musical play can be regarded as a penetrating study of the demands of genius, the striving for excellence, and the artist’s place in society. It may be a tale we’ve heard before – but Callas lived it like no other. Three nervous newby opera singers (called “victims” by the star) dragooned to sing for her are in for a rough ride. Callas makes no allowances for youth and inexperience. Domineering, impatient and exacting, she witheringly skewers them – even resorting to vulgarity when needed. “An aria without a cabaletta is like sex without an orgasm,” she says. Woe betide the tenor who observes, “I want to be an artist,” or the aspiring mezzo who blurts out, “I’m not an actress. I’m just a singer.” One tenuous victim dresses for the occasion and is greeted with the caustic, “Are you going somewhere after this?” Hawking is a graduate from the U of A and has recently been pursuing a successful career in New York. Intrigued by the challenges of the role, she has returned here for one time only. Good choice for Opera NUOVA. There was only one Callas, but we see in Hawking’s portrait a compendium of the forces that drove her. Her imperishable liquid Greek-Italian accent and impeccable diction echo Callas’ own. It’s a difficult role because the playwright skirts caricature, and you may find it easy to dislike the self-involved star who savages all around her. But it is to Hawking’s actorly credit that she lifts the curtain just enough to demonstrate how Callas’ attitudes were probably driven by her hardscrabble early years. This superb actor projects Callas’ harsh and intolerant side but also the frail and funny one. She finds a sly humour in making the most of her interactions with the audience, standing in as students in the Julliard class – which allows the actress to deliver many of her character’s most telling observations directly to us. She can be quite kittenish – except when the claws come out. At the end, this outstanding performer delivers a wrenching monologue on how she threw away a lifetime of building impenetrable walls of emotional protection around herself by falling for Onassis only to have him demand an abortion and then turn away from her. (He went on to marry Jacqueline Kennedy.) Hawking is also able to fire the occasional pointed comic barb with the aplomb of a Don Rickles. When the performers get to sing their arias they rise to the occasion with thrilling deliveries. Soprano Sydney Clarke gets as far as the first note and is cut off. “What’s the use of going on when everything you’ve done so far is so wrong?!” roars Callas. Between the barbs, tenor Tshombe Selby manages to unleash a great big voice singing Cavaradossi’s opening aria from Tosca. Soprano II (Meaghan Fletcher), unable to withstand the vitriol hurled her way, retires to the loo to puke her guts out. But apparently opera singers are made of sterner stuff – she returns to the class to deliver a killer aria from Verdi’s Macbeth with a powerful mezzo that speaks of a brilliant career in store for the young lady. (A very young Audra McDonald won a Tony for the role in 1995.) All three singers acquit themselves well as the quaking “victims.” All are accompanied at the piano by Zain Solinski, who plays a shy fellow who becomes drolly aware of the difficulties of working with a difficult demigod. Henderek’s rich production is full of comedy and pathos and powered by Callas’ unique power and passion. It bears a lesson for anyone striving for excellence – or, perhaps, just a solid evening of dramatic entertainment. A haunting portrait of a lioness in Winter, Master Class will be seen three more times – June 15th and 17th with a matinee on June 16. In the meantime, other vocally-oriented entertainments will be presented by Opera NUOVA in various venues throughout the rest of the month. Photos by Nanc Price
1. Neni im ZweitenRestaurant • • closed 2. Bikram Yoga College/Yoga Studio A good yoga studio at the Lugner Kino City. Because of the location, this place can be crowded after office hours, but I... (more) 3. Wratschko GastwirtschaftAustrian Restaurant • • closed 4. Pizzeria Il Sestante The place not only looks nice, the waiter staff is quite ok and friendly, the non-smoking area is definitely smoke-free ... (more) 5. MORMAT - Hep Gastronomie 6. Am Nordpol 3 I've been here quite a few times - the restaurant is really close to our appartment and the food is delicious! Also grea... (more) 7. hiddenkitchen city Echter Hammer; stets freundliche Bedienung und ausgefallene, leichte Küche. Cupcakes sowie Espressos (zu €1) sind auch s... (more) 8. Skopik & Lohn I had a delightful meal at Skopik & Lohn on May 20, 2011. The bill for six people with wine and other drinks was somewhe... (more) 9. RieGiRestaurant • • closed 10. Fressnapf Wien 11. Bunter Hund - Der Wiener Hundekaufmannsladen 12. CK BrowarPodwale 6, 31-118 Kraków, Poland Really great bar with lots of beers and awesome atmosphere! A lot of party people on the weekends. Beer is really inexpe... (more) 13. Frank'sAmerican Restaurant • • open nowLaurenzerberg 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria Quite nice, just don't sit in the very front. The place is huge and has great atmosphere the further back you go. Not so... (more)) 15. Pure Living BakeryAltgasse 12, 1130 Vienna, Austria Ended up there on a winter morning with a friend and loved it. We found it so cozy and welcoming! And that's probably wh... (more) 16. Metalab 3D printers, lasercutters and nerdy knitters. Need I say more? Well then: the beer is inexpensive, they got an awesome s... (more) 17. MuseumsQuartier WienMuseumsplatz, 1070 Vienna, Austria MuseumsQuartier (or MQ for short) is a great institution within Vienna. Loaded with modern museum complexes, cafes and s... (more) 18. BagelmamaUl. Dajwor 10, 31-052 Kraków, Poland Their bagels are definetely more than awesome. Bagel Mama has a great and stylish interieur and offers super fresh bag... (more) 19. Sly & Arny - Foodbar I really like this place. The cocktails are very good value, and they have a selection of small snacks and foods which a... (more) 20. weinviertel.wienverteiler im.magazin So, this must be the best schnaps bar in 2nd district. Many varieties to choose from including Williams - my favourite. ... (more)
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Tony Pearson, Jason Squires Online @GrowthBuinsess_ "Tweet4moreBiz are fantastic at what they do. They increased our followers to thousands within a few months (a figure that’s still growing)! Tweet forensics provides a clear list of leads to contact every week, resulting in more corporate support for our charity. Tweet4morBiz have helped raise awareness of our charity and our cause. I completely recommend using their service" Vicky Ringer, Levi's Star @LevisStar "Thanks to Tweet4MoreBiz and Tweet Forensics we have signed several new high value contracts including UKRD Group, Kozi Kidz & many others. To date this has given a fantastic 10 fold return on our investment. We wouldn't hesitate recommending this service to any business looking for an effective source of new leads." Ben Teggin, KulaHub @KulaHub "We have used Tweet for More Business and Tweet Forensics since the start of the year and have been very impressed with both the quality and the number of leads generated each week. On average we are receiving 25-30 potential leads a week with all the data we need ready to make a follow up phone call to start the sales process. If you are a business looking for new leads then the Tweet4MoreBiz service is an ideal solution." Geoff Noake, AdPlace Marketing @adplace "Tweet4more.biz has become an invaluable asset to our business and contributes greatly to our growing social media. We would highly recommend using Martin and his quality services - although we'd prefer to keep him to ourselves! Thank you for all your hard work!" Kavita Sandhu, Bi-Fold Door Factory Ltd @bifoldfactory "Thanks to Tweet4MoreBiz there's a real buzz about our Teppanyaki restaurant. They have attracted literally thousands of local Leeds followers (which grows day-on-day) and significantly raised our profile. If you are looking for a service you can rely on that is effective at raising your profile yet at a sensible price that you can easily afford, Tweet4MoreBiz is the ones we'd recommend." Marianne Banks, Teppanyaki Japanese Restaurant @leedsteppanyaki "Thanks to Tweet4MoreBiz we have benefited from 2,600 quality followers in a few months with the Tweet Forensics service adding further value. More importantly our services are getting talked about, which is leading to real opportunities, quotes and sales. Worth every penny." David Emslie, Novalux LED Lighting @NovaluxLED "Tweet Forensics is an awesome idea!! I've printed the list off and there are at least three proper leads here! And you've made more outward bound sales calls than we have all year!!! Keep up the good work!" Tom Beatson, Beatson Fans & Motors @industrialfans "To date we have managed to secure enough business to pay for Tweet for More Business's services 10 times over and I fully recommend this service to anyone who is trying to gain more business." Phil Pickard, West Riding Recruitment @ridingrecruit "At Pro-Fit we wanted to raise the awareness of our brand and reach out to a wider audience. We didn't have the experience or knowledge to do this ourselves through Twitter, but we felt Twitter was the exact medium we needed. The increase in our followers and impressions is amazing. Our Twitter statistics have grown substantial and people are now engaging with us thanks to Twitter" Adam Chambers, Pro-Fit Rewards @Pro_Fit_Rewards "In the time since using tweet4more.biz I have seen our Twitter followers grow significantly. This has saved me a lot of time and hassle! In this time I’ve found Martin and his team to be very helpful and are very good at suggesting things that will further enhance my business." Mark Mears, Buildershop UK @buildershopuk "I have always been sceptical of the value in engaging with Social Media, thinking, I've got a website, I'm out there what more do people need to find me! Thanks to Tweet4MoreBiz we are now successfully using Twitter to promote myself, my company and the services we provide. Thanks to the weekly Twitter Forensics report I can clearly see the potential customer market place and the opportunity for introductions." Ray Thain, Ray Thain Project Management Services Ltd @rtpmsltd "Tweet4MoreBiz have grown my followers within my relevant industry. I receive in-depth reports on a very regular basis and utilise this information to make contact either by email or on the phone to grow my business. I would recommended Tweet 4MoreBiz to anyone serious about maximising the use of Social Media within their business." Scott Andrew, Resource Agencies @resourcea "Before using Tweet4MoreBiz, I sometimes questioned the value of Twitter. I seemed to have lots of followers but no leads or income from it. However, thanks to Martin and the weekly Tweet Forensics list of leads, I am now making much more of Twitter and the data I am sent. A great service and one which is invaluable to my new business activity." Anna Baxter, Trumpet Communications @trumpetcomms "I started using Martins services and we are now engaging with the right type of people and talking about the right things. I would highly recommend the service to any business owner that may not have the time or expertise to really make the most of improving your profile on Twitter and to start driving interest towards your business." Sarah Birkenshaw, Quest Consulting @questcsuk "We started working with Tweet4MoreBiz to help gain a Twitter presence with my new business. They created tweets which gained interest and followed many new relevant people each day and my followers grew massively. I would recommend the service to anyone looking for help." John Ford @johnboysbbq "Martin stepped in to help grow our Twitter account. Over a short period of time our presence on Twitter has increased significantly. I would highly recommend Tweet for More Business's services." Terry Skues, Tradeswear Ltd @tradeswear "Within only the first month, Tweet4MoreBiz had not only greatly increased my audience but I was receiving direct enquiries from people who had seen my Twitter activity. With a direct stream of incoming enquires and a solid audience to attract business I upgraded to a more inclusive package, knowing I would see a good return on investment. I would definitely recommend Martin and Tweet for Business." James Abbott, Mix 'n' Twist Bartending @mixntwist "Tweet for More Business transformed my Twitter footprint and created opportunities for my business that wouldn't have otherwise arisen. I've had friends congratulating me on the work I've been doing on Twitter! If you want to improve your Twitter profile and reach, I have no hesitation in recommending Martin's services" Clive Barwell @clive_barwell "Tweet for More Business services steadily grow your twitter following with real and relevant users. He can gain you a large audience of people who are interested in your enterprise, in our case an online magazine and science and technology website PlanetTechNews.com. This is great for anyone looking to engage users through social media, increase readership and promote business ." Alex Muller, PlanetTech News @planettechnews "Tweet for More Business has provided an excellent yet affordable service that has organically grown our Twitter account and connected us with thousands of quality and relevant connections in our particular sector which have raised our profile in the market research industry. It really was a "no-brainer" to allow these Twitter experts take on the important job of running our account." John Shepherd, Alchemy Research @alchemy_insight "We use Martin to manage our Twitter page and have found him very professional and efficient. Our presence on Social Media has increased and improved with his help and guidance." Bruce Candy, Horizon Vehicle Leasing @horizonvl
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