Makhachkala, March 19, 2014. Daghestan sportsman Rustam Zabolotnyi won a bronze medal at the European Judo Cup was held in Antalya, Turkey on 16 - 18 March, the coach athlete Gamzat Gadzhiev says. In total, about 400 wrestlers in the age group 15 to 17 years from 16 European countries participated in the competitions. In the first bout in the weight category up to 50 kg, Rustam Zabolotnyi gained a victory over Ugurkan Zehir . In the second preliminary bout, the graduate of Kizilyurt Children and Youth Sports School defeated his rival, a silver medalist of the III Eurasian Games, Kazakh Omar Zhanbolatov. Having defeated Azerbaijani sportsman Mehdi Asghari in the small finals, the Russian judoka became the bronze medalist of the tournament.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The original Saskatoon downtown arena, nicknamed The Barn, opened in October 30, 1937 on a site overlooking the river. The building began to show its age in the 1970s but the last hockey game took place February 2, 1988 (a week before SaskPlace opened). Clinkskill Manor, a low income seniors highrise now sits on the former arena site. In a city projecting another deficit year, it might seem strange that Mayor Charlie Clark has decided to lay down a mandate for a new downtown rink. But Clark has recently declared that a site for the new arena will need to be chosen before the end of 2019. All commercial real estate deals have a factor of uniqueness that sets them apart from other investments. That said, there can be times when commercial real estate is not only a real estate investment but also a business sale. Whether you're buying or leasing commercial real estate, a municipality's zoning bylaw tells you where you can locate your business. The City of Saskatoon bylaw lists permitted uses and prohibited uses, which are pretty straight forward by definition. A discretionary use, however, is identified as a use that the City may allow but will require a more thorough investigation before it approves and permits. The Saskatoon Tribal Council (STC) is quickly finding out that a discretionary use in the City of Saskatoon is far from a slam dunk, though. These are rare times when what appears to be a negative economic indicator is actually a necessary painful step in the road to recovery. Times when a story can be framed negatively or positively when viewed through the lens of reality. Here's the thing, the latest Marquis Industrial Building Permit Map issued by the City of Saskatoon on July 3, 2018 states there have been no industrial building permits issued in 2018 (within the Marquis Industrial area). On the surface, that's a hard pill to swallow! The lease is signed, you've moved in and you're open for business. Negotiations were tough but you were able to come to agreement with the landlord regarding the rate and term. But the universe has thrown you a curveball. For whatever reason, you will not be able to complete the obligations of your lease agreement. Seeing a business plan grow from a dream to a reality is not for the weak of heart. Financing and strategy necessitate accessing the best advice to develop a sound concept. Part of our role as agents is to educate clients on the best commercial real estate options available in the market. More than once, I've had tenants and buyers reconsider their wish list after seeing the concrete results of a search. I've been privileged to meet several local change makers in our community helping to empower entrepreneurs. In spite of a forecast for a slight increase in the unemployment rate and decrease in housing starts in Saskatchewan, RBC Provincial 2017 Outlooks is predicting a growth in GDP of 1.8 per cent. That's after two consecutive years of negative growth, due mostly to weakness in our energy and non-energy mining sectors. To say that the Saskatoon office market has been simply affected by these provincial economic factors is an understatement. In fact, as you can see by this historical vacancy graph, you have to go back to 2005 to find vacancy as high as we experienced last year. Is there a light? Our work life occupies a significant portion of our waking hours. It's important to choose a career that will offer both challenge and fulfillment. I encourage those I meet to talk to as many people currently in our business as possible, including competing brokers and owners. Gaining a diversified perspective will provide greater clarity for those seeking guidance for their future. Here's the link to an earlier post which might be of interest to women considering our industry. On October 17th, the Liberal's new mortgage rule requires that anyone applying for an insured mortgage must qualify at the Bank of Canada's five-year fixed rate of 4.64 per cent. I rarely write on matters that relate to residential real estate. I have however read some articles recently that don't reflect the best interests of those yet to enter the housing market. Having been concerned for some time about the number of young people drawing on the maximum mortgage amount they qualify for, at historically low rates, I feel compelled to offer my view. We have just completed a series of meetings which focussed on the review of our corporate vision and mission statements. One of the elements discussed which is absolutely central to our company vision is trust. It is irrelevant how good we say, or believe we are, without a high level of trust embedded within our culture as well as the trust of our clients we simply cannot achieve our corporate mission(s). Saskatoon residents spoke with their votes: they want change at City Hall. The city is abuzz with news we will now hand the mayoral seat to a new individual. But what does this mean for our business community? My business philosophy since entering the real estate industry has been to know my competitors well and be sure I am working within the best organization. It must be an organization that will allow me to provide a high level of service to my clients and provide a culture for me to thrive as a Broker. In keeping with that philosophy, we have recently announced a strategic partnership with one of the world's largest commercial real estate brokers. Who is JLL and why the change? How brave are you? Are you willing to take risks? Buying an old building to restore or spiff up can be a bold move but the reward can be so satisfying. Research this topic and you'll find many opinions and trending theories and on the most efficient and pleasing office environments. Contrary to what some of these theories may try and tell us, I don't subscribe to the belief that one solution fits all. There are some useful tips available that is worthwhile considering to help make informed business decisions. We hear much discussion about the lack of downtown parking options. Fueling that discussion in both Saskatoon and Regina are the varied opinions on the pros and cons of bike lanes and their impact when parking stalls are eliminated to create those bike corridors. Many times mid-week, on an evening in the dead of winter, I've found it necessary to drive around the block more than once to find a parking spot in downtown Saskatoon. It doesn't seem to matter if it's -30C, prairie people are hardy souls who keep on going no matter what the weather throws at them! Here's a synopsis of the stats from our recently released Parking Survey. There have been many advancements over the past 20 years in commercial real estate technology that have changed the way I work. We are able to provide our clients with relevant data which allows them to make better informed business decisions whether they are buying, selling or leasing. We are going to see over the next 5 years, a giant leap forward in the way we do business with the potential for all parties to benefit if we stay open and adapt to these new opportunities. Saskatoon is the envy of many other cities. As a result of our city administration's proper long term planning and successful execution of those plans, we have a vibrant and healthy core area. There are many times I've had to circle the block during the week, in the middle of the evening, in the dead of winter looking for a parking spot. It's somewhat understandable that there is a desire to entrench that success. In an earlier post, Saskatoon approves Growth Plan to Half a Million, we explored the city's goal for the next 30 years. Here we'll explore the administration's proposed office bylaw that would restrict suburban office development to under 21,000 square feet. There is an old saying: "You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked in their shoes." This certainly hit home for me when I unexpectedly found myself in a situation, taking an action as a real estate Broker that clearly placed me in a conflict of interest. After much consultation with the public and their own administration, the City of Saskatoon approved their official Growth Plan to Half a Million last week during a regularly scheduled Council meeting. In a municipality that has traditionally accommodated modest growth, the City is identifying how they are going to service nearly double our population in the next 30 to 40 years. Change is imminent, they explain in this new report. The Saskatoon office market is sitting with an abundance of inventory on the market at the end of the first quarter for 2016. While this isn't good news for landlords, it creates a real opportunity for tenants to negotiate attractive terms on new leases. Administration at the City of Saskatoon are rolling out the final stages of their highly publicized growth plan during a public summit this upcoming Monday. But is it ready to execute? Many commercial real estate leases will include an option to renew clause. Like all clauses in a lease, this one is bound by some pretty specific rules that have important consequences to both the landlord and tenant. As self-governing, quasi-judicial bodies, we in organized real estate were charged with the responsibility to determine how the public will be served by our industry. This was not a responsibility that came easy. It was only after local and provincial real estate boards and councils could convince authorities regulating us that we were in a better position than anyone else to educate and police ourselves. The Globe and Mail's recent revelations regarding flipping or contract assigning against the B.C. real estate industry and the Real Estate Council of B.C.'s subsequent response to those allegations demonstrate that we have not taken that responsibility seriously. There is no simple yes or no to that question. It can be common to see strength in one sector and not the other. Let's explore some of the factors that come to play between these two distinct markets. In a couple of my earlier blog posts: "Five key benefits of commercial real estate investing" and "Mainstream media's obsession with the equities market" I discussed why commercial real estate is a viable investment vehicle. It is surprising to some that in spite of the current tepid economy, our demand exceeds available product and is causing compression of some cap rates. There are a few reasons for this…let me explain. How can downtown Saskatoon up their game? The City of Saskatoon is currently enjoying a vibrant downtown. Evening action rivals the daytime foot traffic moving in and around businesses. Much to the chagrin of drivers, finding a parking spot can be just as difficult at 7pm as it is at noon. But what do developers and policy makers need to do to take us to the next level? How do we encourage people to start moving downtown? That's a 14% increase over the 2014 room count of 4,076. The new properties are Hampton Inn & Suites and Mainstay Suites in the Airport area, Best Western Plus on 8th St, Home Inn & Suites on Preston and a Hampton Inn & Suites in Stonebridge. Last week @KellyMacsymic wrote an article: How do changes to Saskatchewan's Enviro Act affect commercial sales? In that article Kelly provided a synopsis of recent amendments to the Environmental Management and Protection Act. What I am writing about here is not new and has not effectively changed with the new Act. In commercial real estate we wear many hats. It's a neat career in that we get to learn every day about industries we might not otherwise be exposed to. A significant factor in a commercial real estate sale can be determining environmental impact on a site through a qualified engineering firm. There have been recent changes to the Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010 (EMPA) which I think are worth pointing out. By no means am I an environmental engineer! When in doubt, contact the experts for a full interpretation. These are just my observations. How could that title have anything to do with the topic of commercial real estate? The answer is it quite honestly has nothing to do with commercial real estate! It does speak to the rewards that can materialize as a result of perseverance and hope. I felt compelled to break from the norm and share this story which has been inspired by watching my wife over the past few years. There are many terms and clauses in commercial real estate leases. Sifting through all the legalese can be quite daunting. Various responsibilities and rights exist for the benefit of both tenant and landlord. One term that rarely makes it into the lease, but may be asked at the offer stage, is the termination clause. Landlords typically shy away from it. Let me tell you why. I just returned from our CORFAC International conference in Minneapolis, MN. One of the session topics was "The Art of Negotiating." In an earlier blog post, The Psychology of the Negotiation, I focused on just four strategies. Since I find this part of my business so fascinating I wanted to share a few more techniques that can be very effective. The commercial real estate industry has traditionally trained new sales and leasing agents through mentorship programs. That has been the case at ICR Commercial Real Estate. On average it will take four years for a new agent to develop a comprehensive set of skills. When I started in the real estate industry, a single exterior photo was the standard for use on listing information packages. As a matter of fact, back then the use of black and white pictures was not uncommon. Within a few years many brokers started using wide angle lens to produce multiple interior and exterior photos. As the internet evolved, we saw change in almost every area of our commercial real estate industry. The ability to seamlessly post a high quality video link to websites, email blasts and promote them through social media has resulted in much higher market penetration for our listings. Drone technology has now thrust us into the next generation of high definition video. Barry and I have both discussed the topic of tenant improvements within earlier blog posts. But what are the big ticket items that can make or break a deal? Let's explore the things to look for when scouting out a place for your business. Over the years I have had many people make the statement "I could never be a salesperson." When I question them it becomes clear to me they are coming from a place which provides for a very narrow definition of the word. One of the most interesting aspects to my job is learning new things every day. Daily situations come up which require quick thinking and the know-how to seek out the answers to a solution promptly. For as much as I've learned about zoning across municipalities, there is always more to the picture than meets the eye. I'd like to share my latest discovery with you. I will speak solely of the City of Saskatoon going forward though there are likely similarities to this process in other communities. The important thing to know is that zoning is specific to the municipality you're researching and the town or city hall is your very best resource for allowable uses on commercial property. There has been a continuation of the vacancy trend that began in the majority of office markets in Canada in 2014. That average national statistic which exceeded 10% at the time has continued to increase in 2015. Saskatoon has a reputation, literally within North America, of raising up creative leaders with a strong work ethic. We have a healthy arts community. There have been a number of recent examples of innovative new and infill residential developments however the number of innovative commercial examples are few. Why do you think we are lacking in this area? In short, it means that you are being represented by a commercial real estate brokerage made up of a team that trusts each other. Some believe a team is a group of people who simply work together. Unless trust is present within that group, you do not have a team. Let me explain what is meant by "no door" policy. In an earlier blog post: "Mainstream media's obsession with the equities market" I made a general comparison between investing in stocks, mutual funds, ETF's, GIC's, bonds and commercial real estate. Let's now take a look at specific advantages of placing some of your hard earned capital into income producing property. The examples I am using will be applicable only to investors who wish to place their money long term. Starting the search for commercial real estate can be overwhelming given the amount of information there is to digest. Here are a few tips to get started in the right direction if you're leasing office space specifically. I like to think that I'm pretty transparent with clients. Developing a relationship of trust is paramount to establishing a long term business partnership. It is therefore funny that some things just seem to go unsaid. Many are still unaware of the on demand stream of up to date information available through twitter. Skepticsm still exists towards the effectiveness of this form of new media. I understand why. It has taken me some time to appreciate just how it can be used as a tool to save time in this world of information overload. As agents we often get asked why certain national and international retailers have not set up shop in Saskatchewan's commercial real estate market. We don't have all the answers but there are some legitimate challenges for mega retailers considering our market. We are often engaged to lease or sell property by clients who wish to keep the information confidential from the general public. There can be many reasons why discretion is required. The client gets to choose what level of confidentiality is necessary. I think it's fair to say that uncertainty in oil and other resources revenue streams do play a role in the work of decision makers in commercial real estate; their motivation to buy, sell and lease in the Saskatoon market. Given recent events, I'd like to explore the current mood in all sectors of our commercial real estate market. This is a great day for ICR, its employees and agents. It's also a great day for Saskatchewan and the owners and tenants in the real estate industry. We are pleased to announce a new partnership. ICR developed over its 22 year history a unique operating model for a Commercial Real estate company. The company operates in a world of multi-nationals and competes at the top level in the Real Estate Arena. Saskatoon vacancy rates have held steadily throughout 2014, with only slight increases due to new construction and tenancies vacating outdated properties. We break our commercial real estate vacancies into three main areas: Industrial, Retail and Office. Here's a snapshot on each as of October 2014. Let's assume you are 75 per cent through your initial term of lease and the space you occupy is working well and business is good. What are some important considerations to keep in mind when approaching the lease renewal? Commercial real estate: What's zoning got to do with it? When researching a commercial real estate lease or purchase, determining the zoning permitted by the municipality should be an important factor in the decision making process. Implications for a tenant or buyer vary slightly but they can both have significant impact down the road. We find dual agency still very common in Saskatchewan commercial real estate transactions. I am not going to address the pros and cons of dual agency in detail within this article. That is a topic unto itself. Let me just say that due to the confidentiality requested by many of our sellers, I believe it will continue to be a practical business solution within our industry for many years to come. Complications arise when I, as a listing agent have an offer on my own listing and at the same time one of my colleagues and/or a cooperating broker has an offer. If you are considering investing in commercial real estate it's important to thoroughly inspect the property for deferred maintenance and any building systems that are nearing end of their life. No one building is alike but there are generally three areas you should focus on when purchasing commercial real estate. Unlike buying a house, you will likely have to consult experts in these individual areas in order to properly assess the potential investment. An increase in rates has not impacted the demand for downtown parking in Saskatoon. What does the future hold for our core area? In my earlier article: "The Psychology of the Negotiation." we looked at four different strategies to achieve a targeted price. But how do you discern what that targeted price is? It's not hard to obtain opinions from experts within the commercial real estate industry. But are those opinions relevant? There was a time when commercial real estate developers were happy to tear down the old and reconstruct new. But a change in thinking geared towards preserving the integrity of old buildings has property owners facing new challenges. It may seem common sense that a lease is binding when both parties have executed the agreed upon document. But what if the tenant or landlord change their mind at the last minute and handwrite in a change? Have Saskatchewan commercial real estate values peaked? It does not seem that long ago that my typical response to an inquiry from an investor was: "I have a list of potential purchasers as long as my arm with very little product to present." Saskatchewan was becoming known for the bounty of its rich resource sector. Lease rates had increased thereby lifting property values to provide incentive for sellers. Many were reluctant to sell because of the potential for further appreciation however we did have buyers and some did decide to sell. Another one bites the dust… or does it? Restaurants open and close every day around the world, and it's no different in our Saskatoon commercial real estate market. There is always speculation and rumour as to why a venue has been shuttered but it can often boil down to the hard truths associated with commercial real estate. The parking allocation provided for in a development requires proper planning. A very useable site can be rendered dysfunctional if not properly considered. It is also important to understand what the applicable zoning bylaw states for the intended use. When we refer to "balanced commercial urban growth", the discussion differs depending upon the applicable Commercial real estate sector and city. For the purpose of this article I am going to focus on the Saskatoon industrial market. As a brokerage, we track existing and new developments in each commercial area and thereafter advise clients when and what to build. There has never been a better time to dispose of your Saskatchewan commercial real estate asset that was designed in a past decade. There are many reasons why a building could be referred to in this manner. As an example, if I am talking about retail or office, functional obsolescence could refer to lack of parking; industrial might be due to low ceiling height. Once the own vs lease decision has been made, what are the questions a partnership would be wise to consider? Each corporate structure can be unique. This article at the very least will help get you started on the journey. The great debate: Should I purchase or lease commercial real estate? There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to the purchase vs. lease debate for commercial real estate property seekers. The decision lies in your philosophy or mandate when it comes to capital expenditures, business equity, and often, the bottom line in your bank account. From my perspective, often the most interesting part of an assignment is the negotiation. Believe me, we see all styles of approach in our Saskatchewan commercial real estate market. For the purpose of this article we'll focus on only four different strategies, although there are many more. I don't agree with some of them, however we do need the tools to stick handle each one. How a commercial real estate building may be used can vary significantly. I am referring to properties in our Saskatchewan market that may be used as office, retail or warehouse. There are unique examples where all three types can cohabit. Our job as an agent is to paint the picture for our buyers and tenants. In cases where a property has been on the market for some time or developed an unfair reputation, that vision can be difficult to create. But I believe every building has a purpose and a user. We are assigned the task of matching the two parties. Our goal is to develop ways to promote the property in the best light possible. I have heard Landlords state: "I can renew this Tenant at the same rental rate that you're able to negotiate." Alternatively, Tenants often believe they can do a good job representing themselves in their renewal. Whether you are a Landlord or a Tenant, I can make a very solid case why you should contract an experienced commercial real estate broker to represent you. I am not promoting dual agency but rather single agency; a broker representing either tenant or landlord. In a world of technology where change can virtually occur overnight, it's hard to determine what tools you need as a professional to keep up with market trends. It's hard to comprehend doing business with a fax machine though I know a few guys out there desperately hanging onto it! Social media platforms used on a personal level can be different from those used on a professional level. Without a proper presence, you can seem insignificant compared to those doing it very well. As the Millennials and Gen X'ers become the decision makers in our world, social media presence will become even more important. One of the major factors driving our growth has been immigration. Saskatoon saw significant population growth in 2013 with only Calgary showing a higher rate nationally amongst large municipalities. It can be difficult for tenants to estimate what size of space of they need. You are going to pay per square foot for what you lease, so you want to make sure you're utilizing every inch of every corner. Often times I will get the call for a specific size range only to take a client on location and find out is much larger or smaller than they actually need. It's not a great use of their time or mine so I like to use a couple tools to help estimate what that need might be ahead of time, we are much more likely to hit close to their target. Think of individuals you know who have what you would consider financial depth. I'm speaking of individuals who achieved that financial depth on their own, rather than through inheritance or a lottery win. Of those individuals where you have a reasonable insight into their history, how many amassed that wealth through investing in stocks, mutual funds, ETF's, GIC's, bonds etc? How many people do you know through diligent saving and contributing to these various investment vehicles, either on their own or through an investment counsellor have been excited with the results? The truth is I don't know many who stand up and speak with enthusiasm about their investment results in this area. ABC's of Leasing: Do I have to read all 40 pages of this lease? You've found the space and have come to terms with the Landlord. You're nearly at the finishing gate to getting your business venture off the ground, and BAM! The landlord has presented you with a 30-40 page lease that you must review to finalize the deal. Should you read it or just sign off and get the moving party started? Should you "low-ball" a Landlord? We find Tenants have difficulty understanding why a sophisticated Landlord will not "drop their pants" negotiating lease rates with new and existing tenants, even when a property may appear to be in distress. Let me explain why this counter intuitive statement is, in most cases, true. You've found the space and you're ready to negotiate. How do you proceed to secure the keys? The next crucial step for you as the tenants, is the offer. Is there really a benefit to paying a commercial mortgage broker? We have clients ask this question quite frequently. In many cases there is a benefit if you are seeking financing in excess of $1 Million. However, it can very much depend upon the borrower and subject property. Let me explain why! ABC's of Leasing – How does a Net Lease work? As much as new tenants can use an education on the world of leasing, so too can existing tenants. For newbies, certainly there is a learning curve with the terminology and nuances of negotiation. But even for tenants in the Saskatoon real estate market that may have been leasing for years, there is some benefit in going back to Leasing 101 class. In order for us to treat your interest as serious, you will need to know: the size (square footage) you require, the budget you have to spend and the term you'd be able to enter into. We can give you an idea very quickly if these expectations are realistic. Agents should ask questions regarding your business plan. We want to make sure that you will be a good fit for the long haul. Would a Tenant actually enter into a deal with this specific goal? I have seen it happen. The Agents and Landlord involved were blind to the Tenant's motive until long after possession was granted. Information later surfaced that revealed the whole process was a very intentionally played game. All lease and sale negotiations can be characterized as a dance of sorts. An offer is written, a counter is submitted. Both parties angle to achieve the best results for themselves. There is give, there is take. It's not over till the music stops, proverbially speaking. One of the more underestimated dances, however, is the renewal interaction. From our experience, both Landlords and Tenants can benefit from some advice in this category. Is our focus on commercial real estate cap rates too simplistic? Capitalization rates and mortgage interest rates are considered among the most underlying driving force of commercial real estate sale activity. However, our chatter when discussing Saskatchewan Commercial Real Estate values can tend to focus primarily on Capitalization Rates. As those cap rates continue to compress, it is important to consider the bigger picture. Obviously we have to be careful when generalizing about cap rates and commercial mortgage lending rates because they can vary significantly depending upon the asset class, condition of the property, price range, depth of the borrower, etc. Because from their perspective, you aren't necessarily improving the space at all. In fact, you might even cost them money.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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Aeterna Zentaris (NQ: AEZS ) Headline News about Aeterna Zentaris Aeterna Zentaris Shelves Early-Stage Vaccine Programs, Including COVID-19 AEterna Zentaris: Q3 Earnings Insights AEterna Zentaris (NASDAQ:AEZS) reported its Q3 earnings results on Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 08:05 AM. Here's what investors need to know about the announcement. Why Crypto-Related Companies Traded Higher; Here Are 72 Biggest Movers From Yesterday Gainers Applied Blockchain, Inc. (NASDAQ: APLD) shares climbed 100% to close at $2.12 on Tuesday after the company reported a 200-megawatt five-year hosting contract with Marathon Digital Holdings and... This Financial Services Stock Is Trading Higher By 50%, Here Are 40 Stocks Moving In Tuesday's Mid-Day Session Gainers Applied Blockchain, Inc. (NASDAQ: APLD) jumped 50.1% to $1.5907 after the company reported a 200-megawatt five-year hosting contract with Marathon Digital Holdings and raised its Q4 revenue... Today's Biggest Pre-Market Stock Movers: 10 Top Gainers and Losers on Tuesday We're starting off the day with a breakdown of the biggest pre-market stock movers investors will want to watch on Tuesday! IBM And 20 Stocks Moving Premarket Gainers Applied Blockchain, Inc. (NASDAQ: APLD) rose 32.1% to $1.40 in pre-market trading after the company reported a 200-megawatt five-year hosting contract with Marathon Digital Holdings and raised... Boeing And 24 Stocks Moving Premarket Gainers Qudian Inc. (NYSE: QD) rose 61.3% to $1.92 in pre-market trading after the company issued an update on its QD Food ready-to-cook meal business. Twitter And 20 Stocks Moving Premarket Gainers Seritage Growth Properties (NYSE: SRG) rose 35.7% to $8.25 in pre-market trading after gaining around 10% on Thursday. Seritage Growth Properties filed its preliminary proxy materials with the... Akerna Shares Dip 53%, Here's 78 Biggest Movers From Yesterday Gainers Revelation Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: REVB) surged 77.4% to close at $1.11 on Thursday after jumping 27% on Wednesday. Revelation Biosciences recently announced completion of dosing for Phase... Today's Biggest Pre-Market Stock Movers: 10 Top Gainers and Losers on Friday Good morning! We're entering the final day of trading for the week with a look at the biggest pre-market stock movers for Friday! Why Is NeuroSense Therapeutics Jumping By 45%? 64 Stocks Moving In Thursday's Mid-Day Session Gainers Revelation Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: REVB) jumped 171.3% to $1.70 after jumping 27% on Wednesday. Revelation Biosciences recently announced completion of dosing for Phase 1b CLEAR clinical... Gainers Athersys, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATHX) rose 48.5% to $0.4755 in pre-market trading after dropping more than 12% on Thursday. This Healthcare Stock Surges Around 115%, Here's 74 Biggest Movers From Yesterday Gainers Allena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: ALNA) shares surged 114.3% to close at $0.2550 on Wednesday after the company announced it has terminated its previously announced at-the-market offering. Recap: AEterna Zentaris Q1 Earnings AEterna Zentaris (NASDAQ:AEZS) reported its Q1 earnings results on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 08:00 AM. Here's what investors need to know about the announcement. Earnings AEterna Zentaris reported... Gainers AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ: AGRI) shares jumped 65.9% to close at $2.77 on Monday after gaining around 10% on Friday. 34 Stocks Moving in Wednesday's Pre-Market Session Gainers Embark Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: EMBK) rose 36.4% to $1.95 in pre-market trading. Embark Technology posted a Q1 loss of $0.04 per share. Gainers Vinco Ventures, Inc. (NASDAQ: BBIG) shares rose 35% to $3.47 in pre-market trading. Vinco Ventures set record date as May 18, 2022 For dividend of shares related to Cryptyde deal. The dividend... AEterna Zentaris (NASDAQ:AEZS) reported its Q4 earnings results on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 08:00 AM. Here's what investors need to know about the announcement. Earnings AEterna Zentaris reported... Aeterna Zentaris Says Enrollment In Growth Hormone Deficiency Trial To Continue Into 2023 Aeterna Zentaris Inc (NASDAQ: AEZS) 44 Stocks Moving In Thursday's Mid-Day Session Gainers Indonesia Energy Corporation Limited (NYSE: INDO) shares climbed 66.7% to $12.55 following a 16% surge on Wednesday. Camber Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CEI) rose 45.2% to $0.... 32 Stocks Moving in Thursday's Pre-Market Session Gainers Imperial Petroleum Inc. (NASDAQ: IMPP) rose 45.1% to $1.64 in pre-market trading after gaining around 41% on Wednesday. Camber Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CEI) rose 40... 23 Stocks Moving in Tuesday's Pre-Market Session Gainers Allena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: ALNA) rose 62.1% to $1.05 in pre-market trading as the company issued a clinical and corporate update. NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc... 5 Stocks To Watch For December 27, 2021 5 Stocks that should be interesting to investors. Some of the stocks that may grab investor focus today are: NeuBase Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: NBSE) reported a net loss of around $25.4 million, or $0.93 per share for the... Good morning, investor! It's the last day of the trading week and we're starting it with the biggest pre-market stock movers for Friday! Upgrades According to Wedbush, the prior rating for Regions Financial Corp (NYSE: Gainers Progenity, Inc. (NASDAQ: PROG) rose 33% to $2.02 in pre-market trading after jumping over 40% on Thursday. Iterum Therapeutics plc (NASDAQ: ITRM) rose 25.1% to $0.6984... Mid-Day Market Update: United Natural Foods Falls On Sales Miss; Aethlon Medical Shares Jump Midway through trading Wednesday, the Dow traded up 0.09% to 34,631.35 while the NASDAQ rose 0.29% to 13,964.96. The S&P also rose, gaining 0.15% to 4,233.76. The U.S. has the... Aeterna Zentaris Starts Animal Studies For Macimorelin For Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Aeterna Zentaris Inc (NASDAQ: AEZS) has commenced the previously announced preclinical program to qualify macimorelin for clinical development as a potential... Aeterna Zentaris Starts Research Study On How Well Macimorelin Works For Growth Hormone Deficiency Diagnosis Aeterna Zentaris Inc (NASDAQ: AEZS) has commenced its pivotal Phase 3 DETECT trial evaluating macimorelin as a diagnosis of childhood-onset growth...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: how to post image to facebook events in php? This is my code, $event_info['name'] = $name2; $event_info['category'] = 1; $event_info['privacy_type'] = 'OPEN'; $event_info['subcategory'] = 1; $event_info['description'] = $description_new; //description for event //$event_info['host'] = $desc; //description for event //$event_info['host'] = 'You'; $event_info['location'] = $location; $event_info['city'] = $city; //Must be a valid city name $event_info['start_time'] = $newTime; //Converts time to UTC $event_info['picture'] = "@http://static.eventful.com/images/small/I0-001/003/184/085-4.jpeg"; Everything is post except image , I want create event with event image. How to do it? A: Something along these lines is what your looking for: $fname="/tmp/foo.jpg"; $attachment = array( 'access_token' => $facebook->getAccessToken(), 'name' => '', 'description' => '', 'start_time' => '', 'link' => '', 'source'=> '@'.$fname /*...*/ ); /*Send the data*/ $result = $facebook->api('/me/events', 'POST', $attachment); * *http://forum.developers.facebook.net/profile.php?id=138142 *Facebook graph API & PHP SDK questions
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Another Transgender Woman Of Color Has Been Found Dead In Dallas The killing of Chynal Lindsey, 26, is at least the fourth unsolved slaying involving transgender women of color in the Texas city. By Dominique Mosbergen Dallas police urged people to "stay vigilant" after the killing of another black transgender woman — the latest in a string of unsolved slayings involving transgender victims of color in the city. The body of 26-year-old Chynal Lindsey was pulled from White Rock Lake on Saturday. Investigators didn't reveal the cause of death, but police said there were "obvious signs of homicidal violence." Police said they asked the FBI to help investigate. Lindsey is at least the third transgender woman of color to be killed in Dallas in a year. A fourth transgender woman's homicide remains unsolved from 2015, and the death of a transgender woman whose remains were found in 2017 is unexplained. Less than two weeks ago, 23-year-old Muhlaysia Booker, a black transgender woman, was found shot to death less than a mile from where Lindsey's body was recovered, CBS News reported. Booker made national news a few weeks earlier after a disturbing video showed her being assaulted by a group of men in a Dallas parking lot. Chief Renee Hall says the Dallas Police Department is "concerned" and "actively and aggressively investigating" after the death of another Black transgender woman in Dallas. Chynal Lindsey's death is being investigated as a homicide. @NBCDFW https://t.co/30qe130QUa pic.twitter.com/c5ousLsJzR — Candace Sweat (@CandaceNBC5) June 4, 2019 Dallas police Chief Reneé Hall said at a news conference on Monday that city and federal investigators would look into whether the two slayings were linked. "The Dallas Police Department has reached out to the FBI because as we know this is the second individual who is transgender who is deceased in our community," she said, according to The New York Times. "We are concerned ― we are actively and aggressively investigating this case and we have reached out to our federal partners to assist us in these efforts." Asked whether a serial killer was on the loose, Hall urged caution. "Right now we don't have the evidence to substantiate that," the chief said. "But what we are asking each and every one of our community members is to stay vigilant." The FBI was "prepared to assist" Dallas police if "information comes to light of a potential federal civil rights violation," a spokeswoman told ABC News. "If this was a hate crime, shame on you." I caught up with a cousin of Chynal Lindsey, the trans woman whose body was found in White Rock Lake. This is now the 4th open homicide case @DallasPD is investigating involving a trans woman.@CBSDFW pic.twitter.com/tVhBEr6w21 — Andrea Lucia (@CBS11Andrea) June 4, 2019 Dallas police are now investigating at least four unsolved homicide cases involving transgender women of color since 2015, CNN reported. In addition, a transgender woman's remains were found in a field in 2017 in what police say was an "unexplained death," according to the Times. "Right now is a really scary time," Lou Weaver of LGBTQ advocacy group Equality Texas told the paper. "We literally just celebrated the life of Ms. Booker last week and on Saturday night they find another transgender woman whose body has been left in a marshy area." "People are afraid. We're wondering if someone is targeting the transgender community," Weaver said. Dominique Mosbergen Murder and Manslaughter Police Serial Killers Transgender Unsolved
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Showing 1 - 10 of 11 Products for Exhaust System Hanger Insulator. Flareside Models; Federal/EPA converters are not legal for sale in the state of California. Restrictions may apply in other states. Consult your state's regulation pertaining to aftermarket replacement converters prior to installation. with Single Catalytic Converter; with Cat Converter; Rivet must be drilled out of O.E. Hanger. Federal/EPA converters are not legal for sale in the state of California. Restrictions may apply in other states. Consult your state's regulation pertaining to aftermarket replacement converters prior to installation. with Cat Converter; Federal/EPA converters are not legal for sale in the state of California. Restrictions may apply in other states. Consult your state's regulation pertaining to aftermarket replacement converters prior to installation. with Single Catalytic Converter; with Cat Converter; Federal/EPA converters are not legal for sale in the state of California. Restrictions may apply in other states. Consult your state's regulation pertaining to aftermarket replacement converters prior to installation. with Single Catalytic Converter; Excludes Flareside Models; with Cat Converter; Rivet must be drilled out of O.E. Hanger. with Single Catalytic Converter; with Cat Converter; Excludes Flareside Models; Rivet must be drilled out of O.E. Hanger.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Is JVM for MIPS available? Which JRE or JDK can I manually install on a armv7l linux with less than 55Mb available? I believe that the above answers were both marked as spam because of their textual similarities and potentially also because of the self-promotion elements. My understanding based on these posts.. .. was that self-promotion is allowed, as long as its done sparingly, and it answers the question. In both cases, I picked posts to answer that either were asked recently or had recent activity. I not only tried to answer the question, but also to provide objective evidence that backs up the statement (comparable RAM/Heap usage). Finally, I also fully disclosed the fact that I worked for the company. As a new user, I wasn't quite aware, but now fully understand that self-promotion is frowned upon. Moving forward, I don't intend to just plug the company for which I work. I promise to do this sparingly. Rather, my intent is to transfer the knowledge I've acquired over the years of working with the Java programming language and with different JVM's. All that being said, are there any steps that I can/should take to unlock the above posts so that they could be edited/improved? If so, how can they be improved? Or are they permanently locked/marked as spam and I should just move on and work on generating other good answers/content? I'm quite happy you elected to step forward and discuss this, so let's have a constructive discussion about it. My understanding based on these posts ... was that self-promotion is allowed, as long as its done sparingly, and it answers the question. ...but did you answer the questions, though? I am looking for java support on mips. Is the JVM for Mips available? I tried downloading the jdk for java support but it is not available for mips. How can I port java on mips? "Java support" has been a buzz word with Oracle's recent change to their license and release models, since "support" now only happens with long-term releases, which is a paid service. In 2015 this probably didn't matter that much since Oracle hadn't done anything this radical, but it's fairly clear from the tone of the OP that they are looking for an official port. In general, in order for us to provide a release for any platform (MIPS architecture, or otherwise), we would simply need to be provided with a toolchain. Once the toolchain is provided, it usually takes us very little time to provide an evaluation VM binary. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them! We don't do discussions on Stack Overflow. We do questions and answers. Just in the future, be careful about the self-promotion you want to do. While your service may actually be valuable, if your service went dark and we had someone who needed this knowledge look at your answer, they'd be frustrated that they couldn't get a solution to a problem after searching high and low. I believe that the other answers deal with the basics of self-promotion and what kind of post is appropriate in the site, and how your posts were a (very) bad fit for Stack Overflow; but it seems that you may have learnt something from your previous mistakes and are now more aware about those rules, or so you claim. All that being said, are there any steps that I can/should take to unlock the above posts so that they could be edited/improved? Nothing. I do not think that those are salvageable. There is no way to make them good. And they are posted to off-topic questions anyway (something it appears you still have trouble identifying: answer good, on-topic questions; answering the other kind is not helpful for the site). So changing them completely so they are different but good answers is not something to be desired either. The difficulty of your situation is that answer-ban is something that I believe not even a moderator could lift, since it's wholy automatic. Once you are in that hole, the only way to dig yourself out is by following these steps. Asking a moderator to clear the spam flag from either of these posts to help you get unbanned seems unfair, and counterproductive. The posts were spammy. They were correctly flagged and deleted. Your only possible recourse regarding these answers, and the situation they put you in* would be to try to ask for a post dissasociation, explaining why you are asking for it. Maybe that could help you getting unbanned, although I'm not sure it woul work. Whoever responds to your message might tell you more, if you ask clearly and explain the situation. You answer your question in your question. This means that most of your answers must be about other things, and not include any promotion at all. You only have 1 answer like that out of 3. This is why they are marked as spam. When you posted them, your sole presence seemed to be for the purpose of posting spam. Currently your deleted answers would not be a fit for Stack Overflow even if they didn't promote anything as you don't really answer the question. You are too chatty, don't provide an answer, and solicit extra contact, which are all big no-nos and red flags. Stack Overflow looks for answers that are short, concise, which you can look at and get the answer without having to ask for any extra details or tools. My advice is to try and answer a few questions on a subject you are familiar with, where you don't promote your product. Build up some reputation, and get to know how Stack Overflow works, and what is looked for. The one non-promotion answer you currently have is good, keep it up. And welcome to Stack Overflow! First, I'm glad you're aware of our self-promotion policies and have gone through them, as well as general advices on self-promo. I'm not sure how to start this off, so let me present you with an example of a good self-promotion first. But what's the difference between the example and your promotion? Just my humble opinion, it's that the other user has many other positive contributions to the site (Stack Overflow), and the promotional answer is also a valid answer to the question. Your answers follow the latter point since they're also valid answers to the questions. That's good, BUT. The questions, as noted by Martijn, are off-topic themselves, as they're asking people to find other resources. As said in the "close reason" text, "such questions tend to attract spam", and it's a reason why we take answers to such questions more seriously. I'd also like to point out that despite being valid, your answers doesn't add much value to the site and can IMO hardly be counted as "positive contribution". The other point, "other contributions", could also be a reason why your answers are considered spam. The author of the example answer presented above has many other decent answers, and we trust them more that they don't come for promotion. You have only 1 visible answer at the point, where two other of your answers are promotional. We allow some self-promotion if they come to answer, but we generally take it as spam when it comes with the intention to promote, which people may have thought so by looking at the way your answers are written. The latter one is what I want to emphasize: Come to answer, not come to promote. Bottom line: Thank you for your understanding of Stack Overflow and our policies. Keep the right thing in mind and you'll be another good contributor. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged support specific-answer self-promotion . Why was this post marked as Spam? Is promoting one's own product always spam? Is self promoting a product on Stack Overflow allowed? Is it ok to post a self-answered question about a product I own? What about highly upvoted VLQ answers? What is the policy regarding sparse self-promotion in answers?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Integrating Curricular and Co-Curricular Endeavors to reinforce scholar results studies on quite a few cutting edge ways taken in universities in a few countries in their adventure in bringing jointly studying in classes with studying in co- and extracurricular actions. themes variety from research in another country courses to service-learning. additionally coated are community-based studying, cross-disciplinary collaborations, and peer-mentoring. This quantity will introduce you to investigate and plenty of fascinating contexts, akin to the U.S. Naval Academy, the place selling moral management to cadets has been a massive concentration. Frame-breaking techniques, akin to having college company scholars and circus performers collaborate, are defined in the context of the literature. The leveraging of Somali immigrant teaching programs for pupil studying is a stimulating task that also is lined. one other creative factor explored is the reformatting of conventional co-curricular transcripts to mirror a much broader indication and degree of scholars' talents and abilities. Even if proportional reasoning isn't really officially brought as a subject within the universal middle and different arithmetic curricula till sixth grade, introducing its basic principles within the early grades is helping scholars strengthen crucial abilities in ratios, chances, and different proportional representations after they succeed in the higher grades. This booklet is a severe overview of the data base on academic effectiveness, protecting a interval of 5 many years of study. It formulates a "lean" concept of fine education, and identifies and explains cases of "ineffectiveness", similar to low influence sizes of malleable stipulations, for which expectancies are hugely strung. This e-book goals to improve a situative academic version to lead the layout and implementation of strong student-centered studying environments in greater schooling school rooms. Rooted in academic technological know-how, Hoidn contributes wisdom within the fields of basic pedagogy, and extra particularly, larger schooling studying and guide. Colleges in several nations world wide became key websites for interventions designed to reinforce the emotional health and wellbeing of kids and youngsters, supplying new sorts of pedagogy and curriculum wisdom expert in advert hoc and eclectic methods through numerous strands of psychology, counselling and treatment.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
HOME >> NEWS >> Company News >> According to news from the Chinese government website, recently the State Council has issued the Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Drug Safety. According to news from the Chinese government website, recently the State Council has issued the Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Drug Safety. Source: | Author:果晖 | Published time: 2015-05-05 | 790 Views | Share: According to the report of Xinhua News Agency and news from the Chinese government website, the State Council has issued the Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Drug Safety, and proposed to significantly improve the drug quality and standards through 5 years efforts, to significantly increase the drug safety level and the masses' medication safety satisfaction. It is proposed in the plan to implement the improvement action plan of the national drug standards during the twelfth five-year plan, give the priority to improve the quality standards of basic drugs and high-risk drugs, and the quality standards and processing specifications of the traditional Chinese medicine (material) and national medicine (material), at the same time, implement the improvement action plan of the national medical device standards, comprehensively improve the quality of generic drugs, and perfect the national drug standard management system by taking Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China" as the core. According to the plan, the improvement work of standards for 6500 drugs will be completed in the next five years, including 2500 Chinese medicines, 2800 chemical medicine, 200 biological products, 350 traditional Chinese medicinal materials, and 650 traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces. The packaging materials standards for 139 direct contact drugs will be improved, and the packaging material standards for 100 commonly-used direct contact drugs will be developed. The standards for 132 pharmaceutical excipients will be improved, and the standards for 200 pharmaceutical excipients will be developed. In promoting drug safety monitoring and early warning levels, our government will strengthen the construction of municipal and county monitoring institutions. There are more than 80% of adverse drug reaction cases in county (city, area) report, and there are 400 adverse drug reaction cases per one million people. There ratio of adverse events of medical devices in county (city, area) reports is over70%, and the adverse event reports of medical devices per one million people are 400. In order to crack down these behaviors of manufacturing and selling the counterfeit and low-quality drugs, the plan proposed that improve the department anti-counterfeiting collaboration mechanism, and accelerate the information platform construction of the cohesion of the administrative law enforcement and criminal justice. Improve the drug inspection appraisal mechanism, and improve counterfeit and low-quality drugs inspection appraisal limitation. Focus on cracking down the criminal activities of manufacturing and selling the counterfeit and low-quality drugs through the Internet, mail, attached and other methods, and resolutely crack down the criminal activities of importing and exporting the counterfeit and low-quality drugs. At the same time, thrash out the problems that the penalties for the crime for manufacturing and selling the counterfeit and low-quality drugs are too low, and increase penalties for the criminal behaviors of manufacturing and selling the counterfeit and low-quality drugs. According to the goal determined by the plan, in the five years, the standards of all chemicals and biological products in China shall be at or near the international standards, and Chinese medicine standards are formulated in accordance with the international standards. The medical devices adopt international standards in 90% or more. The pharmaceutical production completely conforms to the requirements of "Good Manufacturing Practice" revised in 2010; sterile and implantable medical devices production completely conforms to the requirements of "Good Manufacturing Practice for Medical Apparatus and Instruments". The pharmaceutical trading completely conforms to the requirements of "Good Supply Practice". Previous: 2013 The World Pharmaceutical Machinery, Pack...... Next: Several Characteristics of Development of Ind......
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
We offer coaching and consulting services. B i r k e C o n s u l t i n g Going Beyond Good Enough Birke Consulting Szifra Birke Conversations About Money Livingston Services You are here: Home / media / Happy Down-Sized Holiday Happy Down-Sized Holiday November 20, 2009 By Birke Consulting Szifra is quoted at CNBC.com By Chris Taylor, 2009 If you thought last year was tough, brace yourself for this holiday season. The stock market may be up, but more than 7 million jobs have been lost in the last two years, and unemployment has climbed to a 25-year high. For American families, that means a scaled-back holiday of fewer gifts, less expense, and ramped-down celebrations. In fact according to a new poll by the National Retail Federation, more than 84 percent of people plan to clamp down on their wallets and spend less on gift-giving than last year. And when you think about it, that's not such a bad thing. "Remember that you're not the only one concerned with saving money this holiday season," says Farnoosh Torabi, author of the personal-finance guide You're So Money and money coach on SOAPnet's Bank of Mom and Dad. "Our 'new normal' economy embraces the less-is-more mentality — and so should you. There's no shame in saving money." After all, if you're already out of work or just scared about losing your job, financial necessity has a way of focusing the mind. A new poll predicts we will spend about as much on gifts this holiday season, $638, as last year — which was smack in the middle of the financial meltdown, and "one of the worst holiday seasons in recent memory," according to Gallup. To be sure, it can feel embarrassing not to be able to buy your kid the latest Xbox game he's been asking for. But just as the stock market corrected from unsustainable highs, so household budgets have corrected — and that's a positive development. What this holiday may lack in quantity of presents, you can make up for with quality time like tree-trimming parties or family movie marathons. "It's not only okay to cut back, it's a great opportunity to talk about values," says Szifra Birke, a psychologist and wealth counselor in Chelmsford, Mass. "If you're extravagant when it doesn't make sense, and then become upset and stressed about money, what lessons are you passing on to your children?" Just because your budget is constrained, in fact, doesn't mean you can't have a memorable holiday season. It just means planning ahead, shifting priorities, and getting creative about where and when you spend your dollars. A few key tips from the personal-finance experts: Turn points into presents. You may not even know how many award points you've racked up on your credit card, but those are easily translatable into merchandise or gift certificates. Wrap up your skills. Instead of spending dollars, spend your time, advises Torabi. Web developers can build a site for a friend or loved one, would-be chefs can cook a meal, and amateur photographers can take family portraits. Regift — carefully. Not with cheap knickknacks, but items with real sentimental meaning. If you have a favorite book, for example, give it to a good friend with a personal note about how it changed your life. Sweet charity. If you were going to give a little cash to charity this year, do it in a loved one's name — and enjoy the nifty tax deduction yourself, which will come in handy on April 15. Work the Web. Anything you want to buy, make sure you comparison shop on the Internet before you whip out that credit card. Sites like PriceGrabber.com, NexTag.com and RetailMeNot.com will help. And don't forget the importance of free shipping deals, or entering coupon codes for extra discounts. Bid cheap. On auction sites like eBay, scope around for goods that are listed as unopened or 'NWT' (new with tags). You'll get the same stuff at a fraction of the price. In short, this year's holidays may not be as lavish as when housing was booming, credit flowed freely, and the Dow was soaring to record highs. But by trimming the excesses and returning to the basics of faith and family, the holidays can turn into something far more meaningful. "Make conscious choices about where and how to spend your money this year," advises Birke. "Give smaller presents, or give to charity. After all, handing down values is much harder than handing out presents." © 2009 CNBC.com Original article located at http://www.cnbc.com/id/33855971 Filed Under: media Thinking of switching Financial Planners? Szifra is quoted in Business Week By Chris Taylor June 25, 2009 It can be a difficult, even emotional decision. Here are some things to consider before breaking up with your current adviser You've got a dirty little secret. During long lunch breaks, or after work when everyone else heads home to their families, you're […] The Angst Of Newfound Riches BusinessWeek Weekend TV About Jay Livingston About Szifra Birke Copyright © 2020 Birke Consulting · Site work by Strategic Help · Log in
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Theory of longitudinal emission computed tomography and the practical application to cardiac imaging Mills, John Alexander (1986) Theory of longitudinal emission computed tomography and the practical application to cardiac imaging. PhD thesis, University of Warwick. WRAP_Theses_Mills_1986.pdf - Unspecified Version - Requires a PDF viewer. Longitudinal Emission Computed Tomography (LECT) is a radioisotope imaging technique which has found particular use in cardiac investigations. However, its clinical use has revealed Imaging problems which show themselves as reconstruction artefacts or false defects. The basis for the imaging problem of LECT is established theoretically using a simple analysis which shows that the reconstruction will predict that activity lies outside the object volume. The volume of the reconstruction lying outside the object volume is considered as an error volume, by using simple, unmodified back projection. This is the first time such a concept has been developed and it is used to calculate an error volume index (EVI). This index is shown to be useful for assessing and comparing LECT systems. It is used to examine the reduction of the error volume by modifications to LECT systems. Thallium-201 perfusion imaging for ischaemic heart disease and infarct detection using a rotating slant hole (RSH) LECT system is compared to conventional planar imaging and X-ray contrast arteriography. RSHLECT is shown not to improve the diagnostic performance of planar imaging. The tomograms suffer from artefacts which appear as defects in the myocardium. Although the presence of these artefacts have been demonstrated by other workers this study shows that they have a significant affect on the diagnostic performance of the technique. A computer simulation and experimental studies using a simulated cardiac chamber are used to study the source of the problem. The origin of the artefacts is demonstrated for the first time. The problem of the error volume in reconstructing the cardiac blood pool is considered. Three techniques to correct the reconstruction volume are examined and one is recommended which will reduce the error volume. Computer simulation and experimental studies with a simulated blood pool are used to examine this problem. It is shown that it is not possible to correct the reconstruction volume when an iterative least squares reconstruction technique is used together with the assumption of a uniform activity distribution; this implies the need for an alternative predictive function. The Inability to correct the reconstruction volume for a simple uniform activity distribution show that, for Thallium-201 perfusion Imaging where the distribution is non-uniform, there is a need for an imaging system modified to reduce the error volume. This work concerning a blood pool LECT reconstruction and correction of the reconstruction volume is original. For the clinical trial of Thallium-201 perfusion imaging and the experimental work with a simulated cardiac chamber, a rotating slant hole LECT system was used. The physical performance of this system was measured and compared with other LECT systems. In doing this a relationship between plane density in the reconstruction and inter-planar resolution is demonstrated for the first time. Q Science > QC Physics Radioisotopes, Tomography, Emission, Heart -- Imaging, Heart -- Diseases -- Diagnosis November 1986 Submitted Delchar, T. A. Coventry Health Authority 179 leaves
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
One of the routine maintenance items that you should perform on your Boxster is the checking and replacement of your accessory drive belt. The belts are driven off of the crankshaft and power accessories such as the water pump, power steering pump, alternator, and air conditioning compressor. it should be changed every 100,000 miles. Non existant Self Serve . The belt diagram is not under the hood on a sticker, as located on many other vehicles. IC: ments: Hi, this is a follow up to my previous question regarding serpentine belt being too close to the edge of the tensioner pulley. The noise I referenced from engine compartment seems to be like a high frequency vibrating sound sort of like the sound of a flag flapping in the wind but much higher frequency. Timing Belt, How Do I know It Needs Replaced? We use to check for timing chain and gear wear by using a timing light to measure timing variations at different rpm settings or check the stretch by counter rotating the crankshaft with the engine off.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Laser Engraved Acrylic Signs are suitable for wayfinder, door nameplate and applications requiring a superior feel. Please fill out contact form with your order details and we will help you with your quote. Laser etches out the acrylic sheets for indoor or outdoor use, including adhesive backing or holes for mounting. Laser Name Badges come with clips on the back. Laser Signs are popular for many applications. One recent customer opted for laser tags for labeling their industrial machinery, proving to be a more durable application than decals in case of accidental abrasion or impact. Check out our Gifts Engraved page for ideas on other laserable items. Laser Tags are durable labels of engraved acrylic suitable for factory environments. Another alternative for labeling your equipment is Adhesive Vinyl Decals which you can find here.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
N. Korea readies deployment of new GPS jamming device The development of the device may signal more aggressive jamming activities toward South Korea than in the past Jeong Tae Joo 2020.04.27 9:00am North Korea's military recently completed final tests on a new "GPS jamming device" for use against South Korea and is preparing its deployment into the field, Daily NK has learned. The Bureau of Weapons Review, an organization affiliated with the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces, submitted a report to North Korea's military leadership stating that the new jamming device can be deployed in the field, a North Korean source told Daily NK on Apr. 23. The bureau examines and determines the possibility of deploying all strategic and tactical weapons jointly developed by the country's research institutes and military-related factories. GPS jamming involves using a frequency emitting device to interfere with radio communications and can be used to jam phones, text messages, wi-fi networks and GPS systems. The bureau's report stated that following careful reviews of the device since early January, final tests of the device on Apr. 11 confirmed that the device is "stable" enough to be deployed into the field. The report also stated that the device possesses more advanced and refined attack capabilities than past devices. The conclusions of the report suggest that North Korea may embark on more aggressive jamming related activities toward South Korea than in the past. Indeed, North Korea's development of this new device appears aimed at attacking communication systems used by South Korea and between US and South Korean military forces. Now that the device has been deemed "stable," it is expected to be deployed throughout the military from next month, Daily NK's source said. Specifically, North Korea may aim to quickly deploy the device within the military's electronic warfare division and the Electronic Reconnaissance Bureau 121 (Cyber Warfare Agency) under the Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB), which is responsible for jamming operations against South Korea. *Translated by Jason Bartlett Please direct any comments or questions about this article to dailynkenglish@uni-media.net. Read in Korean Jeong Tae Joo is one of Daily NK's full-time journalists. He focuses on North Korean military matters. Please direct any questions about his articles to dailynkenglish@uni-media.net.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
GONG - All about SUP - GEAR : focus on the new 2019 Chip line !!! GEAR : focus on the new 2019 Chip line !!! Une gamme de planches qui rend le SUP accessible à tous. Faciles, stables, polyvalentes, et équipées de tous les accessoires dont vous avez besoin pour découvrir le SUP dans les meilleures conditions, ces Chip vous accompagneront partout où vous aurez envie de ramer. Cerise sur le gateau, ces nouvelles Chip vous sont proposées directement en pack (pagaie + leash), à un prix encore moins cher que l'année dernière, à partir de 249€. Retrouvez ces planches en pré-vente sur le shop en cliquant ici. A Board Line that opens up SUP to everyone. Easy, stable, versatile, and equipped with all the accessories needed in order to discover the SUP world in the best conditions, the Chip will follow you everywhere you want to paddle. The years new design that's elegant and subtle, that will let you discover new sensations you won't want to pass up ;). The cherry on top is that these Boards are now offered in Pack form (paddle + leash), at a price that's even lower than last year, starting at 249€. Find these boards on pre-sale now, on the online shop by clicking here. Shaper : Patrice Guénolé et ses nouvelles GONG SUP Chip gonflables 2019. Source : GONG SUP, the best boards at the best price.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: On Descartes / spoof odd perfect numbers Descartes, Frenicle, and subsequently Sorli, conjectured that $k = 1$, if $N = {q^k}{n^2}$ is an odd perfect number given in Eulerian form (i.e., $q$ is prime with $q \equiv k \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ and $\gcd(q,n)=1$). The inequality $q^k < n^2$ follows from a result of Pomerance. In particular, this implies that $n < q \Longrightarrow k = 1$ is true. (Note that, if $n < q$, then the Euler prime $q$ becomes the largest prime factor of the odd perfect number $N$. In comparison to the case of even perfect numbers, the Mersenne prime $2^p - 1$ is the largest prime factor with exponent $1$.) Taking off from a recent MO question, we have the following related papers: Descartes Numbers by Banks, et.al. and SPOOF ODD PERFECT NUMBERS by Dittmer My question is this: Does anybody here know of more recent papers that tackle whether the quasi-Euler prime of a spoof odd perfect / Descartes number is the largest quasi-prime factor and also has exponent $1$? Quick searches via Google for the keywords "Descartes number" or "spoof odd perfect number" do not seem to yield much results. I have likewise e-mailed Professors Banks and Dittmer, hoping to get some information. [Edit (March 5, 2015): Just for the sake of comparison - In OEIS sequence A228059, T. D. Noe lists odd numbers of the form ${r^s}{t^2}$, where $r$ is prime with $r \equiv s \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ and $\gcd(r,t)=1$, that are closer to being perfect than previous terms. He notes that, coincidentally the first $9$ numbers in this sequence have the exponent $s=1$. Additionally, except for the first number in the sequence ($45$), all of the succeeding numbers listed in A228059 satisfy $r < t$.]
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
PROVINCE ANNOUNCES NEW LAW IN FORCE HELPS VICTIMS OF REVENGE PORN, UNWANTED DISTRIBUTION OF SEXUAL PICTURES Help With Removing Images From Public Display; Victims Can Sue For Financial Damages: Minister Mackintosh A nation-leading approach that helps Manitobans whose intimate pictures are distributed without their permission or are victims of 'revenge porn' is now in place to deal with this increasingly prevalent and harmful activity, Attorney General Gord Mackintosh announced as the Intimate Image Protection Act came into effect today. "Manitoba is a leader in helping victims reclaim their intimate images, restoring their privacy and providing support along the way," said Minister Mackintosh. "This is the first provincial legislation of in the country to deal with revenge porn and non-consensual distribution of sexual pictures. It also complements our broader investments to meet the needs of victims and reduce the damage caused by online victimization." The minister noted the first contact for Manitobans dealing with this issue is the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P). Through its Cybertip.ca program, C3P will offer help to Manitobans who are victims of non-consensual distribution of sexual pictures including information or assistance in: removing intimate images from social media or other locations; contacting individuals who released the intimate image, or their parents, to remove and delete all images; or engaging police, where appropriate. "The sharing of intimate images is a growing issue that can result in major social fallout if action is not taken quickly to stop distribution," said Lianna McDonald, executive director, Canadian Centre for Child Protection. "This new law provides people with a much needed mechanism for addressing the removal of intimate images from the Internet that can significantly affect an individual's emotional well-being. Providing Manitobans with access to support services, educational tools and resources is critical in helping them take control and get their life back and we applaud this new law coming into force." The new act applies when someone with an intimate image of another person distributes, or threatens to distribute it, without that person's consent. The person in the picture would have to be identifiable and nude, or engaged in sexual activity, and have had a reasonable expectation of privacy at the time it was created. The act can also apply in situations where other people obtain or receive intimate images of another person and distribute them without consent, digitally or in any other format. Under the act, victims can now sue in civil court to hold a person accountable financially for distributing sexual pictures without consent. The court may order prohibiting the publication of the name of any party to the lawsuit or other information that might identify the victim. A lawsuit may result in an order for the payment of damages, the payment of any profits made from the distribution and other orders the court considers appropriate including an injunction to stop further victimization. Since March 2015, C3P has received nearly 350 reports of non-consensual distribution of intimate images from across the country. Nearly half involved a child between the ages of 15 and 17. The minister said Manitobans of any age who have been a victim of non-consensual distribution of intimate images, or are being threatened by with this activity, are encouraged to contact the Canadian Centre for Child Protection at www.cybertip.ca to learn more about available resources. January February March April May June July August September October November December 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Universal flu vaccine funds Pneumococcal vaccine failure Saudi MERS deaths Hospital-acquired malaria Aspergillosis burden Scientists seek ethics review of H5N1 gain-of-function research (CIDRAP News) – A group of scientists acting under the aegis of a vaccine research advocacy organization has asked President Obama's bioethics committee to evaluate the ethics of experiments designed to increase the transmissibility of H5N1 avian influenza viruses. New clinical research consortium to tackle pandemic threats (CIDRAP News) – A group of health organizations today launched a new international consortium to better prepare the clinical research community to respond to the next pandemic or other emerging health threat. WHA passes pandemic review, tweaks virus-sharing framework (CIDRAP News) – At the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva today, the full group adopted a review of the World Health Organization's (WHO's) performance during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, while a committee made some last-minute changes to a framework for sharing flu viruses. WHA hears push for bold vaccine leadership, innovations (CIDRAP News) – During the second day of the World Health Assembly (WHA), Microsoft chairman Bill Gates urged delegates to commit their leadership and resources to vaccines, and members heard updates on radiation issues in Japan and plans for World Health Organization (WHO) reforms. The 64th session of the WHO opened in Geneva yesterday and meets through May 24. The WHA, the WHO's decision-making group, is made up of delegates from 193 countries. National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (1) Apply National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity filter
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
opening hours Monday to Friday 9 - 15.30. Mediation meetings are also arranged in evenings and on weekends. Mediation is a statutory possibility to solve crimes and disputes. Mediation is aimed at settling offences and disputes between the parties involved by means of constructive discussion. The parties concerned and two voluntary, neutral and trained mediators take part in the mediation process. Mediation is always optional to all parties involved. The mediation process also includes a written agreement on damages and compensation. Mediation service is free and confidential. A proposal for mediation can be made either by the offender, the offended, by the parents of an involved child or adolescent, the police, a prosecutor, or a social worker. Only the police and prosecutor can take initiative in domestic violence cases. Mediation can be taken into account at the moment of when charges are being considered or when the court is making its decision. Mediation is a way to strengthen the position of the victim and increase the responsibility of the suspect. Pirkanmaa mediation office in Tampere serves all 24 municipalities in Pirkanmaa. Negotiations can take place in all those municipalities. Family Law Services The Family Law Services takes care of issues related to children's guardianship, maintenance, living place, meeting rights, and other contentious issues. Family counselling Family Counselling Centre may be contacted if some friction exists in family relations, or if theparents consider divorcing.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ShotBehavior : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { transform.position += transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * 1000f; } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Mecodina rufipalpis is een vlinder uit de familie spinneruilen (Erebidae). De wetenschappelijke naam is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1926 door Hampson. De soort komt voor in tropisch Afrika. rufipalpis Dier uit het Afrotropisch gebied
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic: How may communication strategies influence our behaviours? A novel Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), started in Wuhan China, caused an outbreak of viral pneumonia to subsequently spread throughout the world. Italy has been one of the most affected countries in the world and the increasing number of cases and deaths has created strong emotional reactions in people. This study has aimed at evaluating public attention to this emerging disease through the use of Google Trends. Public attention, measured as the volume of internet search activity, was correlated with Health Communication Strategies and official COVID-19 data. At the moment of the study analysis, Italy was by far the first country in terms of search volume for "coronavirus" and the highest peak of searches was reached on February 23, 2020. We have found that there was a correlation between public attention to coronavirus disease and communications from Public Health policies: we observed spikes in search volumes on the days of Presidential Decree publications. Furthermore, this attention was also correlated with Case Fatality Rate (CFR). Even if CFR data are continuously updated and can be affected by patient histories, the correlation found suggests that the increase in mortality has generated growing interest in the disease and its risk perception. This study shows that tracking searches through Google Trends as a public focus indicator is a useful tool for decision-makers in guiding communication strategies and should as well stimulate a more transparent media and policy making reporting. Titolo: Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic: How may communication strategies influence our behaviours? MUSELLI, MARIO COFINI, VINCENZA DESIDERI, GIOVAMBATTISTA NECOZIONE, STEFANO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION Abstract: A novel Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), started in Wuhan China, caused an outbreak of viral pneumonia to subsequently spread throughout the world. Italy has been one of the most affected countries in the world and the increasing number of cases and deaths has created strong emotional reactions in people. This study has aimed at evaluating public attention to this emerging disease through the use of Google Trends. Public attention, measured as the volume of internet search activity, was correlated with Health Communication Strategies and official COVID-19 data. At the moment of the study analysis, Italy was by far the first country in terms of search volume for "coronavirus" and the highest peak of searches was reached on February 23, 2020. We have found that there was a correlation between public attention to coronavirus disease and communications from Public Health policies: we observed spikes in search volumes on the days of Presidential Decree publications. Furthermore, this attention was also correlated with Case Fatality Rate (CFR). Even if CFR data are continuously updated and can be affected by patient histories, the correlation found suggests that the increase in mortality has generated growing interest in the disease and its risk perception. This study shows that tracking searches through Google Trends as a public focus indicator is a useful tool for decision-makers in guiding communication strategies and should as well stimulate a more transparent media and policy making reporting.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
4G GPS Smart Watch Camera for Kids - SOS - Remote Microphone - SSS Corp. School can be an awesome life experience or total devastation, setting the pace for a lifetime of great memories or traumatic experiences. Unlike previous generations; when kids today get teased or worse bullied in school, they have a greater danger to deal with. Why? Electronics and the internet. This awesome technology that makes everything easier allows bullying to infect every living second on every device your child interacts with and makes everything public on the web with a simple click! We at SpySite are parents too, and because we love our children and want to keep them safe; we believe you will want the same. Our Smart Watch Camera GPS is a fabulous solution and a preventative bully-proofing measure for parents. Nothing can trump good parenting that gives kids the correct advice on how to deal with difficult situations, but a parent doesn't always get the real story. With this Smart Watch Child Protection System, now you can. Allows you to remotely and discretely listen in to the surroundings of the watch. Now you can listen in live anytime and from anywhere without disturbing your child or his/her current activity. You can find the location of your child, set geofences and even view previous historical tracking reports. Program an SOS phone number for emergencies. Teach your kid to use this feature in the event of an emergency, should a trusted adult not be available. Fitness band functionality: Track steps, calories, and even sleep habits for your child. Send reward messages to your child. Studies prove positive reward systems have a major influence in ensuring desired behavior is repeated. Add their class schedule and teach your kids time management. A wonderful tool that we could all use more of! Send voice or text messages to your child and receive voice messages from them at any time. A great way to keep in touch with them. Math practice APP game already loaded in watch! This is a fun way to practice math facts anywhere. You might just find your little one doing it all on their own! Flashlight function, for those nights when reading under the blanket or telling silly stories needs a little shine. Our Smart Watch for kids has so many other features too! Take remote still images using the watch's camera, then see them in the APP. Restricted calling: Keep a tight lid on who your child can call and who can call your child. This is a fully functional phone if you want it to be. Add up to 10 contacts of your choosing and give your child the flexibility to stay in touch with family and friends. Keep your child's focus: Set Do NOT Disturb times to ensure no calls or distracting messages are received. This way when your kid is at school and a friend calls, your child and the class wont be distracted when the watch rings! Get notifications right to your phone when the SOS button is pressed or when the smart watch camera is running out of battery. Available in 2 different colors, the GPS watch is fun to wear and even older kids will want to wear it. SOS button: Just like schools practice fire drills, you can empower your child to call for help if he or she feels threatened. a simple push of the SOS button calls for help to a programmed number allowing you to take necessary action right away. Geofencing: Drop off your kid to school or playdate, then set up a virtual perimeter using the APP. If your child leaves the set zone you immediately get notified. Phone Call Management: Provide up to 10 allowed phone numbers your child can reach at the push of a button. This allows your child to easily communicate with family members even when they are too young to memorize phone numbers. Call restriction is the best way to allow a young child to have a communication method. You can rest easy because your child wont be getting promotional texts or calls from strangers. Remote Monitor: a powerful microphone activation can be accessed remotely from anywhere. Listen to everything in the surroundings of the smart watch camera. This tool can prove invaluable if your child is being bullied and more so if your child is ever abducted! Fitness Manager: Keep your child healthy too! track steps taken, calories burned and even sleep turn over. Fight obesity in a fun and easy way. Advanced Positioning: Utilizing four tier positioning technology the child GPS watch tracker offers great GPS positioning in various environments. Historical Archive: Access months of tracking history. The carriers below have been tested and confirmed compatible with this GPS Smart Watch Camera. Other carriers might be compatible too. Hello and Thank you for Browsing Spysite.com and your question. This 4G GPS Smart Watch Live listening clandestine microphone with camera and SOS watch does not record audio or video. It will allow for remote picture taking and for live listening via your phone of choice. If you need to record what you are hearing I would suggest either making the call on Speakerphone or on a Bluetooth speaker and using a seperate room recorder device or a device that records cell phone calls either directly or through bluetooth depending on the model of phone you use. If you have any more questions etc. please let us know. Hello, what are your working hours to call, i have some technical questions about the watch. What is the tech support number ? My boy goes to day care place and there they took his watch off and were able to shut it down, does this mean the owner of day care place could have installed an app on her phone "SeTracker", or "SeTracker2" then register with their own email and password and take a picture on the back of the watch (meaning REG CODE on the back) , is that possible, or only one registration is allowed for this watch? I did however installed an app on my wife phone and i did the same for i have done on my phone but i could not start the SeTracker App on her phone, message was something about authorisation required and my email address, so my question is how could she was able to shut down the device since only it can be shut down remotely from an app??? I may have other questions later, thanks in advance. Hello and Thank you very much for your order from Spysite.com of this 4G, GPS Tracking, Smart Watch with clandestine audio listening and photo taking. The watch can be shutdown from the watch itself inside the menu. Go to Settings and then other about and shutdown is the last option listed at the bottom of the menu. Be careful as reset (which does a reboot) is immediately above it in the menu and can be easily selected unintentionally. As for registering, if someone attempts to register it after the initial set-up the originally registered person must authorize another user or users. Our Support number is 845-371-0000 and we are available 12pm - 6pm Monday through Saturday EST. If you have any further questions etc. please let us know. Hello. Does this have an iPhone app? If it does. Can you please provide the name or link. So that I can read up on it. Thank you so much for your question and Thank you for browsing Spysite.com. Yes, this 4G GPS Tracking, Smart watch, camera and live listening/2 way talk watch does use an app available on both iphone and google phones. The App name is SeTracker2. If you have any further questions etc. please let us know. This watch is water resistabt write? Thank you very much for your question and Thank you for browsing Spysite.com. Yes, this 4G GPS Tracking, Smart watch, camera, live listening, 2 way talk, SOS call, kids watch is water resistant when properly assembled etc. If you have any further questions etc. please let us know. Hello and Thank you for your question. Yes, this 4G GPS Smart Watch Camera for Kids with SOS and Remote Microphone will fit other wrist bands. They are removable to allow more customization of this Kids GPS Unit. Thank you for asking about this! The SIM card is not included with the watch tracker to allow users to choose the carrier that best works for them. We recommend using TMobile while in the USA, however other networks are compatible and there are many other options that are used by customers outside the USA. If you are using the child tracker in the USA we recommend you start with a prepaid plan, to ensure you have flexibility and understand the cellualr service features you really need as well as your specific data consumption requirements before committing to cellular carrier long term agreements.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
About Microsoft's website You need to learn more about Microsoft's website. The website has different features which aim at making it easy for customers to access services. The website has been designed in such a way it offers different features aimed at helping potential customers. It is a website with great user experience. Users can access different sections of the waste easily through use of the navigation menus provided. Apart from the different navigation menus, the website has been designed in such a way it makes it easy for users of Microsoft to access different support features. Microsoft is a big company which has developed to have branches all over the world. You can get access in different languages. The availability of users across the world makes them among the top companies. Here are features about Microsoft's website: There is a section on the website which is dedicated to offering more information about Xbox one games. If you are a fun of the games, then you can count on the website to access a wide range of games which you can use to enjoy life. The games come in different categories. There are those which work well for children while others are designed to serve you well. It is upon you to check on the different features available on the games before you proceed to play a given game. There is also a section dedicated to windows updates. You will get the latest information about windows from where you can make decisions in regard to the products. Microsoft windows are among the top selling operating systems. The reliability of the system makes many people prefer it over others. The official website of the company offers updates from time to time to make people learn more about the new features incorporated in the updates. There are times when Microsoft office can have issues. There is a section on the website which aims at helping users diagnose problems associated with the software. The company offers up to date information about new versions of office. Over time, the company has been offering updates to meet the needs of people. The updates are designed in such a way they make it easy for different users to access the necessary information they need to make the right decisions. You can count on the several features available on the company website to make informed decisions when it comes to purchase of software. Microsoft mobile apps You may like to learn more about the apps available on Microsoft. The company has a huge inventory of apps. You can buy apps or access free apps or even upload the apps. The apps should meet certain minimum requirements before you can upload them. It is upon you to check on the privacy policy section of the website from where you can make the right decision. There are several sections of the website which explain issues such as privacy policy, terms and conditions among other aspects of the company. You can take advantage of the sections to learn more about the company. Microsoft OneDrive: The personal cloud service by Microsoft The cloud as personal and professional service is one of the most important tools internet offers at present time, allowing… Using the internet these days is a normal thing today, being the easiest and most extended way to find and… Office Login: Take advantage the most of Office by Microsoft Many people are creating amazing things through their computers and mobile devices, from videos and content creation to videogames and… How to create a new Microsoft account When it comes to Microsoft products and software, the way to get the most out of these platforms is by… Kohl's website: What customers can do on the platform? Department stores are quite known in countries like the United States and many others, as shopping centers in which people… Written by admin in Others 143 305*70https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement#mainwindowsmodule, microsoft.com25% 30%https://www.xbox.com/en-us/, seattlehttps://www.bing.com/search?q=pinsigninissueswindows10site:microsoft.com&form=b00032&ocid=settingshaq-b, square root 123https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=521839, square root 123https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/intellectualproperty/copyright/default.aspx, go to www bing comms-appx-web:///assets/errorpages/acr_error htm?ntpurl=about:start, ms-appx-web://microsoft microsoftedge/assets/errorpages/acr_error htm?NTPUrl=about:start#, Hellooms-appx-web:///assets/errorpages/acr_error htm?NTPUrl=about:start
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Download complementarity problems lecture notes in mathematics vol 1528 in pdf or read complementarity problems lecture notes in mathematics vol 1528 in pdf online books in PDF, EPUB and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get complementarity problems lecture notes in mathematics vol 1528 in pdf book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Complementarity Equilibrium Efficiency And Economics Author: G. Isac In complementarity theory, which is a relatively new domain of applied mathematics, several kinds of mathematical models and problems related to the study of equilibrium are considered from the point of view of physics as well as economics. In this book the authors have combined complementarity theory, equilibrium of economical systems, and efficiency in Pareto's sense. The authors discuss the use of complementarity theory in the study of equilibrium of economic systems and present results they have obtained. In addition the authors present several new results in complementarity theory and several numerical methods for solving complementarity problems associated with the study of economic equilibrium. The most important notions of Pareto efficiency are also presented. Audience: Researchers and graduate students interested in complementarity theory, in economics, in optimization, and in applied mathematics. Topics In Nonconvex Optimization Author: Shashi K. Mishra Nonconvex Optimization is a multi-disciplinary research field that deals with the characterization and computation of local/global minima/maxima of nonlinear, nonconvex, nonsmooth, discrete and continuous functions. Nonconvex optimization problems are frequently encountered in modeling real world systems for a very broad range of applications including engineering, mathematical economics, management science, financial engineering, and social science. This contributed volume consists of selected contributions from the Advanced Training Programme on Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications held at Banaras Hindu University in March 2009. It aims to bring together new concepts, theoretical developments, and applications from these researchers. Both theoretical and applied articles are contained in this volume which adds to the state of the art research in this field. Topics in Nonconvex Optimization is suitable for advanced graduate students and researchers in this area. Nonlinear Analysis And Variational Problems Author: Panos M. Pardalos The chapters in this volume, written by international experts from different fields of mathematics, are devoted to honoring George Isac, a renowned mathematician. These contributions focus on recent developments in complementarity theory, variational principles, stability theory of functional equations, nonsmooth optimization, and several other important topics at the forefront of nonlinear analysis and optimization. Recent Advances In Nonsmooth Optimization Author: Dingzhu Du Nonsmooth optimization covers the minimization or maximization of functions which do not have the differentiability properties required by classical methods. The field of nonsmooth optimization is significant, not only because of the existence of nondifferentiable functions arising directly in applications, but also because several important methods for solving difficult smooth problems lead directly to the need to solve nonsmooth problems, which are either smaller in dimension or simpler in structure.This book contains twenty five papers written by forty six authors from twenty countries in five continents. It includes papers on theory, algorithms and applications for problems with first-order nondifferentiability (the usual sense of nonsmooth optimization) second-order nondifferentiability, nonsmooth equations, nonsmooth variational inequalities and other problems related to nonsmooth optimization. Generalized Convexity Nonsmooth Variational Inequalities And Nonsmooth Optimization Author: Qamrul Hasan Ansari Until now, no book addressed convexity, monotonicity, and variational inequalities together. Generalized Convexity, Nonsmooth Variational Inequalities, and Nonsmooth Optimization covers all three topics, including new variational inequality problems defined by a bifunction. The first part of the book focuses on generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity. The authors investigate convexity and generalized convexity for both the differentiable and nondifferentiable case. For the nondifferentiable case, they introduce the concepts in terms of a bifunction and the Clarke subdifferential. The second part offers insight into variational inequalities and optimization problems in smooth as well as nonsmooth settings. The book discusses existence and uniqueness criteria for a variational inequality, the gap function associated with it, and numerical methods to solve it. It also examines characterizations of a solution set of an optimization problem and explores variational inequalities defined by a bifunction and set-valued version given in terms of the Clarke subdifferential. Integrating results on convexity, monotonicity, and variational inequalities into one unified source, this book deepens your understanding of various classes of problems, such as systems of nonlinear equations, optimization problems, complementarity problems, and fixed-point problems. The book shows how variational inequality theory not only serves as a tool for formulating a variety of equilibrium problems, but also provides algorithms for computational purposes. The Journal Of Fuzzy Mathematics Communications De La Facult Des Sciences De L Universit D Ankara Leray Schauder Type Alternatives Complementarity Problems And Variational Inequalities Author: George Isac This book is the first to discuss complementarity theory and variational inequalities using Leray–Schauder type alternatives. Complementarity theory, a relatively new domain in applied mathematics, has deep connections with several aspects of fundamental mathematics. The ideas and method presented in this book may be considered as a starting point for new developments. The book presents a new kind of application for the Leray–Schauder principle. Author: Ankara Üniversitesi. Fen Fakültesi Format: PDF, ePub Journal Of Zhejiang University Quintilian on the Teaching of Speaking and Writing: Translations from Books One Two and Ten of the 'Institutio oratoria' (Landmarks in Rhetoric and Public Address) Explorer's Guide 50 Hikes in the White Mountains: Hikes and Backpacking Trips in the High Peaks Region of New Hampshire (Seventh Edition) (Explorer's 50 Hikes) German Short Stories For Beginners: 8 Unconventional Short Stories to Grow Your Vocabulary and Learn German the Fun Way! (Volume 1) (German Edition) Environment Modernization and Development in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History (Palgrave Studies in World Environmental History) Teacher Professional Learning in an Age of Compliance: Mind the Gap: 2 (Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education) Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook, Eighth Edition: A Manual of Quick, Accurate Solutions to Everyday Pipeline Engineering Problems Grant vs. Lee: The Graphic History of the Civil War's Greatest Rivals During the Last Year of the War (Zenith Graphic Histories) Skinheads: A Guide to an American Subculture: A Guide to an American Subculture (Guides to Subcultures and Countercultures) Dialogic Pedagogy: The Importance of Dialogue in Teaching and Learning (New Perspectives on Language and Education) Insecure in Love: How Anxious Attachment Can Make You Feel Jealous Needy and Worried and What You Can Do About It The New Corporate Facts of Life: Rethink Your Business to Transform Today's Challenges Into Tomorrow's Profits The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents-The Definitive Edition (The Collected Works of F. 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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
This is a scene from Garden of the Gods in Colorado. Having spent a lot of time in Colorado, I was inspired to make this print after seeing a painting of the scene by Swedish-born artist, Birger Sandzen, who painted throughout the American West in the early part of the 20th century. Sandzen is known for his imaginatively colorful impressionistic style and his paintings have become widely sought-after. One of my favorite painters of the West. This print is 4.375" x 6.25", from an edition of 12. The view across Lake Superior to Palisade Head in the distance, from the top of Shovel Point in Tettegouche State Park. Sold Out.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Bi ­national ­governments meet to ­discuss environmental future of Lake ­Memphremagog 13 January 2020 at 18 h 56 min Reading time: 1 min By Steve Blake, Special to the Record Magog Mayor Vickie May Hamm spoke on behalf of Quebec mayors of municipalities on Lake Memphremagog. Their biggest preoccupation, she said, is the affect of leachate on the drinking water from the lake. (Photo : Steve Blake) As part of the permit to expand the landfill in Coventry, Vermont, near the Black River, which empties into the southern end of Lake Memphremagog, two groups which had opposed the expansion were able to reach a settlement agreement that puts a four-year moratorium on leachate entering the lake. Now the two groups, along with several Quebec municipalities around the lake, would like to see the moratorium expanded to a more permanent basis. Water in the lake flows north into Quebec, where 175,000 people get their drinking water. The groups hosted a meeting for Canadian and Vermont lawmakers Monday morning in Newport, Vermont to discuss the environmental future of the lake. Also on hand were mayors and town officials from Derby, Vermont to Magog. Representatives from Vermont's Agency of Natural Resources and Casella Waste Systems, the landfill's owner, were available to answer questions. The landfill has been permitted a 51-acre expansion for a total of 128 acres, which will allow it to operate about another 20 years. See full story in the Tuesday, Jan. 14 edition of The Record.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
below is the third fourth installment from jason, my taste tester, who has decided cooking isn't really too hard. he has occasional food projects, just like me, that he wants to share too. (check out his stovetop mac & cheese and egg sandwich experiment too.) this time it's today's lunch - a quick pasta sauce full of fresh vegetables. Summer is great for food because you can always find fresh ingredients at the local farmers' market or your own garden. Sometimes you bought (or harvested) a lot of great vegtables and don't know what to do with them. With no meal planned on a lazy Saturday afternoon, we were getting very hungry and needed something fast. I made a fresh pasta sauce from the tons of fresh vegtables in the house. I've watched Kate make sauce before many times. I was in a hurry and didn't want to spend forever searching the Internet for a recipe. So I just totally winged it. And you know what? It turned out better than I thought it would! I was afraid that I would guess wrong at the times and order of cooking the vegetables, but I think it came out quite good -- Kate seemed to think it was pretty much perfect. What I write here is exactly how I did it; I didn't use a timer, just my intuition, but below I note what cues I use. Another note is that the sauce is chunky because I didn't try to blend it. If you like a smooth sauce, this would probably blend well. I've also heard that sugar is a popular sauce addition to counteract the acidity of the tomatoes, but I've never felt the need to do that; feel free to experiment. Kate also suggested adding butter at the end of the recipe to the sauce to make it thicker and richer. Don't be afraid of a fresh sauce! Anyone can make this recipe and "skip the jar" of sauce with who-knows-what fillers in it. small warning: while the flavors of this sauce are amazing, it is just wet enough to coat your noodles. don't expect them to be drowning like they are with jarred tomato sauce. Get your ingredients ready beforehand: dice the tomatoes, carrots and onion. The tomatoes and mushrooms can be diced large (about 0.5 inch or 1.5cm cubes), because they will break down. The onions and carrots should be diced much smaller than that, about half the size, so that they get soft. Mince the garlic. Start heating a pot of salted water to boil. I saw on Anne Burrell's show on Food Network that properly salted water for cooking pasta should taste "like the ocean." Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a sauce pan on medium heat, enough to get a good coating and flavor your sauce. If the oil starts to smoke, it's too hot! Add the minced garlic in the pan. If your pan is hot enough it will sizzle right away. Cook until you can smell the garlic, it may be only 30-60 seconds. Don't let it brown; overcooked garlic tastes very bitter. Add the carrots and onion and cook until they are getting soft. The onion will start to turn translucent. If you see the onions start to get brown and carmelize, it's too long. Add the tomatoes and mushrooms. Keep a vigorous simmer going at medium to medium-low heat. The tomatoes and mushrooms will start to breakdown and give off their water, which will reduce as you cook. Cook for about 10 minutes. When the liquid has mostly disappeared, turn off the heat. Don't let the sauce go dry, which will start to burn it. Cook the pasta while the sauce is simmering and reducing. When the sauce has reduced, add heavy pinch of salt and taste. Don't skip tasting! Add more or less salt to taste, keeping in mind you can add salt but not remove it. When the pasta is done, I love to add about a tablespoon of butter or margarine to keep it from sticking but also giving it great flavor. Serve the sauce over the pasta and enjoy! That looks so amazingly delish! I love how easy it is too!!! After reading this post I picked all of my tomotoes and made the best ever fresh sauce. I cooked mine down-low and slow- for about 2 hrs,let it cool then put it in the fridge overnight. The next day it was back to the stove for about another hour then I added a huge handful of fresh basil, one tsp of salt and sugar and lots of fresh pepper. I served it over pappardelle pasta along with tomato salad. The tomato salad is simply diced fresh tomatoes, LOTS of fresh sliced garlic, fresh basil and oregano, olive oil and salt and pepper. Dip your crusty italian bread into this and I'll bet you eat the entire loaf!!! Be sure to have lots of napkins. Enjoy fresh tomatoes-the best of summer.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Parks Canada Home Port Heroes Poster ← Seasons Christmas Show 2017 Brochure Advocate Daily Interactive PDF Media Kits → Template for a series of posters commemorating the Merchant Marine ships that served in the Second World War. A number of these ships were named after National Parks. Doug Michael I have just had your website pop up during a search for one of the Fort boats……Fort Providence. in 1944 my late father travelled from Scotland to Liverpool and joined the Empress of Scotland ending up at Halifax NS and then by train to Vancouver BC to standby the the building of the ship at Burrards' When he arrived in March 1944 the ship was on the stocks and had not even been launched. He and the rest of the Engineers were put up at a Hotel in English Bay – the Sylvia Court…I have been in contact with them and rec'd some info back… and travelled back and forward to Burrards every day….As there was still so much to do with the build the Engineers actually got Jobs with Burrard – I have his Burrard badge….this lasted for three months until they finally sailed to Victoria – for armaments and finally to load in San Francisco for Australia. They sailed alone across the Pacific to Sydney – I have his full log and his memoirs that I am currently putting together in a book….. all be it slowly…The ship that never fired it's guns in anger…..I would continue but it might spoil a future read…. Mike Zikovitz What a fascinating story! I'm glad you found my site and let me know about your father's journey. I look forward to reading the book one day! © Freewheel Design 2019
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
We all know the hazards of tobacco smoke, whether first- or secondhand. Health research shows the harmful physical outcomes of smoking on long-term smokers. Stringent anti-smoking laws are usually produced in countries around the world. It's expensive. It stinks. It will provide you with stinky breath. Will you need any more reasons? Undertake it you will need to, although giving up smoking is just about the toughest things you'll ever do! There are actually steps you can take to prepare yourself, quit and remain away from the nicotine habit for good. Step one is to figure out if you are probably to arrive at for just a cigarette. Can you use a smoke in your morning coffee? Does food always create craving nicotine for dessert? Should you 'need' a cigarette before you could fall asleep at nighttime? What about after exercise - does everything good you've just done yourself give you an inside screaming for just a nicotine fix? Knowing once you crave cigarettes most can assist you to plan techniques to avoid or cope with the situation. Step two is to discover approaches to combat the cravings you end up with consistently. It isn't enough just to tell yourself that you just won't smoke. The physical urges from nicotine withdrawal can get quite strong, so strong for you to can't give thought to everything else which enables it to become very irritable together with the people close to you. You might want to find something to distract your physique from the truth that it isn't getting its usual fix. Start with reducing the amount of servings of coffee you drink and have those cups in a very smoke-free zone - don't use it outside if you happen to smoke during the time you drink coffee! In the event you crave nicotine after strenuous exercise, spend time on the calming exercise when you're done; mild bending and stretching exercises can assist calm your head and reduce the anxiety due to the possible lack of nicotine. Step three is to keep in mind proverb "Good habits result from resisting temptation". Think of the places and other people that set you off on a hunt for the closest cigarette. Should you generally purchase your cigarettes from the same shop? Head to different shop to shop for what you need, leaving cigarettes over the list. What is the 'smoking zone' outside your business building? Leave the structure from the different exit. Do you ever often spend more time with folks that smoke, in places where he or she can smoke? It might sound harsh, but spend less time with those individuals in those places. It is extremely difficult to quit smoking if the person sitting across on your part is puffing away. Step four is not difficult - clear your desk, home, pockets and car of all smoking paraphernalia. Cigarettes, rolling papers, ashtrays, matches and lighters - get rid of them all! Keeping a pack of 'just one for emergencies' isn't gonna do you ever any good. One bad moment and you'll puffing away on that stale cigarette while walking with the shop to acquire fresh ones. Buy an aura freshener tailored for combating tobacco odors and use it everywhere you generally smoke, to make sure you won't be tempted by the odor of old habits. Step five means changing where you decide to relax at home. Will you stand from the kitchen counter to get a smoke in your coffee? Take your cup into the lounge and have your drink there. Perhaps you have put a chair right next to a certain window, to help you to blow your smoke outside? Move the chair with the other side of your room or just choose another seat. Do you venture out towards the garden or balcony when you smoke? Opt for a different place to sit or stand when you're there, even if don't stop going outside. Step six could be to keep your end in sight. Give thought to how you'll feel when you are able finally say 'I don't smoke.' and mean it. Leave notes for your own for the fridge, with your wallet or handbag, with your bathroom mirror and in some cases your laptop screen. Step seven can be the most challenging. Have confidence in yourself. When you start thinking that stop smoking is actually much effort; that you're weak and can't handle the strain; that you'll never seem to become amongst the thousands of ex-smokers - stop it! It is possible. You recognize you can actually. Stick via the challenging times, which will seem long however are really quite short in the end. When you are able finally walk past several smokers without having the prefer to join them, you'll discover how right you were. Find your inner strength to be utilizing your plan. It isn't impossible. Even when you put yourself through all of these steps, only to go back to your cigarette habit, don't stop trying! Require a deep breath (if your lungs will permit) and initiate again. Eventually, it may stick and you'll have the capacity to live a healthier, more energetic and much less expensive life. For additional information about disadvantages of smoking go here.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This may be a simple question but I can't seem a find a simple solution. I have obtained a large image (in jpg format) that I would like to treat as a map (where I can zoom, pan, etc.). I basically want it to be tiled and used as a basemap. No more no less. There is no 'real world' specific location for this either. Is this something I would need to utilize Esri Leaflet for? Or am I way off? What is the easiest way to take a simple image and be able to treat it like a pan-able zoom-able map (and it doesn't have to be an Esri solution either - I have an organizational ArcGIS Online account, but I'm ok using other means for this). since its just a single static image and not something you can georeference, if it were me i wouldn't even bother tiling it. John, this is great! I'll have to toy around with this and see what I can break. Thanks for sharing that link.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Humanities PhD Holders in the corporate world: Unearthing Opportunities Among the humanities Ph.D.'s whom we interviewed were Robert Brawer and David Matthew. Brawer's degree, in medieval English literature, was from the University of Chicago. He taught for several years at the University of Wisconsin, was recommended for promotion, but was denied it because the line was not funded. Concluding that he did not want any of the other jobs then open, he made use of personal connections to get into the marketing department of Maidenform Inc. To his surprise and pleasure, he found the analytical problems in his new job not unlike those in his academic field. "Market research," he said, "is like any other kind of research. I'm very satisfied." He also commented that "the ability to sell is intimately related to the ability to teach." Though Brawer had clearly left his academic discipline, he continued to teach part-time at night and to present scholarly papers. David Matthew became an entrepreneur and salesman halfway between academe and the world outside. A Ph.D. in English from Columbia, he taught for a time and truly enjoyed teaching. He became bored, however, with repeating the same material year after year, and he concluded that he did not yearn to produce the type or quantity of publication necessary for success in a prestigious university. After a long search for a nonteaching job, he found one that excited him-devising and marketing business training seminars and programmed learning systems. He said that in working on and selling these systems he was doing at least as much as he could as a professor to use his training in the humanities for educational purposes. And he added: "The difference between the university and business is that in business if you do a good job at what you're paid to do, you get promoted." Interviews with people such as Brawer and Matthew, together with the survey data, convinced the two of us that the business world had many more openings for humanities Ph.D.'s than the large majority of either graduate students or professors even suspected. We did not suppose that humanities Ph.D.'s were any better suited for business than for government-federal, state, or local-or for employment by foundations or health-care facilities or other such in-between organizations. We did observe, however, that, largely out of prejudice compounded by ignorance, graduate students were disposed not to think of business as an alternative to academe. Aware that the private sector is where the majority of challenging and well-paid jobs are to be found, we sounded out some corporate hiring officers but found them almost equally prejudiced. They seemed to assume that humanities graduate students had made a definite decision against a business career and also that they were unsuited for such careers. We thought that the barrier of misunderstanding could and should be broken. The New York State Regents agreed to sponsor a demonstration project. Funds came from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Exxon Education Foundation and from companies as diverse as AT&T, Time Inc., the Prudential and Metropolitan insurance companies, Dupont, Federated Department Stores, Pfizer, Sun Chemical, General Motors, and Ford. The NYU Graduate School of Business Administration agreed to offer a 7-week summer "Careers in Business" program. In each of two successive summers, 45-50 outstanding humanities Ph.D.'s and near Ph.D.'s were recruited for this program. Once corporate personnel officers saw the quality of these people-many of whom had served several years as assistant professors-more than threescore major companies lined up to interview them. Alumni were hired for jobs ranging from administrator of a corporate foundation to analyst of economic forecasts for an investment management concern to account executive for an advertising agency to line manager in an insurance company. On the average, they were starting at salaries comparable to those of M.B. A.'s and far above those standards for junior faculty. That humanities Ph.D.'s can find careers in business appealing and that business concerns can in turn see in humanities Ph.D.'s an untapped reservoir of talent is witnessed by the fact that NYU continued its 7-week summer orientation program, supporting it through a combination of tuition and corporate donations. Further testimony is imitation of the NYU program by Harvard, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Virginia, UCLA, and elsewhere.3 As a result of the demonstration project and its effects, students have had before them more role models to challenge their prejudices, and corporate hiring officers have had fresh examples proving that their assumptions at least require room for exceptions. The chief point that emerges from survey data, interviews, Regents of the University of the State of New York, Careers in Business (Albany, N.Y., 1978), Careers in Business, 1979 (Albany, N.Y., 1979), and NYU Graduate School of Business Administration, Careers in Business, 1980 (New York, 1980) and the results of the demonstration project is that humanities Ph.D.'s and graduate students have open to them career opportunities that are at least as numerous and varied as those open to liberal arts B.A/s. Graduate training does not in itself disqualify anyone for any job. All that people with such training have to do is to define themselves in terms of their general capabilities, not their dissertation subjects or academic specialties. All this, however, speaks only to the question of whether humanities Ph.D.'s can find jobs outside of academe. Whether doctoral training in the humanities has value in such jobs is harder to assess. It can be argued that the training enhances general capabilities, an M.A. or Ph.D. giving added value to liberal arts B.A. Training in law or in economics is thought somehow to provide advantages in business or government. The proposition is not farfetched on its face that literature, history, or philosophy can hone the mind at least as well as torts and real property, Phillips curves, or shadow prices. Alternatively, it can be argued that graduate training in a subject such as medieval literature, Latin American history, or phenomenology should be considered an indulgence, like a college tennis player's taking a fling on the tournament circuit or a college actor's working awhile in a repertory company- personally rewarding but in practical terms simply postponing progress in a career. It can even be contended that graduate training imposes a handicap. When a group of executives from the news media met with the two of us to discuss the subject matter of this book, nearly all said that they were disposed not to hire Ph.D.'s. A Ph.D., they agreed, was too little likely to be comfortable with the approximations of truth required by newspapers, newsmagazines, and radio and television. Executives in other industries similarly expressed doubt as to whether people who took years to write a dissertation could accommodate themselves to worldly deadlines. Because of the great variety within the sample, the HERI survey results do not say clearly which of these hypotheses has the strongest empirical support. A distressingly high 54% of the nonacademic rated themselves as underemployed, and only about a quarter of this group indicated that, for family or other reasons, they preferred to remain so. This group included not only the cabdrivers and tree trimmers but also a large number, mostly but not exclusively female, doing secretarial or clerical work-in most instances as employees of colleges or universities. Note should be taken, however, that the proportion rating themselves underemployed was not much smaller among teachers. In the faculty sample, 40% so described themselves. The best evidence of how humanities PhD's appraise their training comes from the respondents' ratings of the extent to which particular skills or abilities had been enhanced by graduate training, coupled with their ratings of the importance of these skills or abilities in individual careers. Academics judged teaching ability and critical thinking to be far ahead of other needed skills, followed by a cluster that included general knowledge, insight, self-discipline, self-confidence, writing ability, and perseverance. Toward the bottom of their lists were research techniques, imagination, and leadership. on-academics put critical thinking alone at the very top of their inventories. Self-confidence and self-discipline ranked high, followed by writing ability, perseverance, and general knowledge. Although the non-academics tended to mention leadership more often than did the academics, they also placed it low, along with research techniques, imagination, and teaching ability. Reflecting on their graduate school experience, both groups concluded that it had enhanced more than anything else the one skill that both prized most highly-critical thinking. Many fewer than half of the academics thought it had equipped them with the other skill they valued-teaching ability. Both groups agreed that their other legacy was knowledge of research techniques, something to which less than two-thirds of the teachers and only a little more than half of the non-academics attached great value. Among skills that both academics and non-academics scored as important but of second order, self-discipline and perseverance were perceived by both as being helpful, followed by general knowledge and writing ability. Both groups agreed that graduate school had added little to their self-confidence, teaching ability, imagination, or capacity for leadership. "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Humanities Ph.D.?"- The Changing Scenario in Humanities Ph.D. About Online Phd Degre Distance Learning Phd Program To Get The Job Done Future of PHD's and Research- A war for the survival of Humanitarians in Academics Opportunities for Career and Vocational Counselors Education Opportunities in Pennsylvania Get Hired For Education Opportunities in Wyoming How To Take Advantage of Education Opportunities in Texas Take a Look at The Education Opportunities in Washington Take Advantage of Education Opportunities in Idaho
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
For an on-trend look, choose the stylish ECCO Shape II Pointy Ballet Flat. Featuring a direct-injected polyurethane outsole, this lightweight flat provides flexibility with each step. Moreover, a leather lining and leather-covered insole ensure optimum comfort.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Burgos, Spain: tourism in Burgos, Spain. Burgos, a city in Castilla-Leon situated in the Pilgrim's Road to Santiago de Compostela, still preserves important vestiges of its medieval splendour. The city, which was the capital of the unified kingdom of Castilla-Leon for five centuries, boasts a masterpiece of Spanish Gothic architecture: the cathedral of Burgos, declared World Heritage. Aside from a visit to the historic quarter, declared of Cultural Interest, you can take a quite interesting walk along the banks of the Duero and Arlanza rivers. Great places to approach a delicious, varied cuisine. Something that all these places have in common is their charismatic cuisine. Burgos cuisine is enriched by a great variety of local products, like pulses, cured sausages, game meat, etc. Suckling lamb baked in a wood-fired oven, soused trout and cod stew are some of its best main courses. For dessert, try the delicious "yemas" (a sweet made with egg yolks and sugar), fresh cheese with honey and walnuts, or caramel almonds. All this should be had with some of the famous wines that hold the label Designation of Origin - Ribera del Duero.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Biografia Nato a Chicago, crebbe a Joliet (Illinois) nel ranch di suo padre; durante l'infanzia coltivò l'aspirazione di diventare veterinario ma a 16 anni, dopo una recita scolastica dove era stato convinto a partecipare per superare la sua timidezza, cominciò a considerare l'idea di diventare attore. Nel 1962, a 19 anni si trasferì in California ed entrò in una scuola di recitazione, guadagnandosi da vivere partecipando a spot televisivi, ed apparendo a 21 anni per la prima volta nell'episodio Roulette russa della serie Strega per amore. Filmografia parziale Cinema Tre femmine in soffitta (Three in the Attic), regia di Richard Wilson (1968) Io sono la legge (Lawman), regia di Michael Winner (1971) Pat Garrett e Billy Kid, regia di Sam Peckinpah (1973) Il dormiglione (Sleeper), regia di Woody Allen (1973) Luna di miele fatale (Nightmare Honeymoon), regia di Elliot Silverstein (1974) Rollerball, regia di Norman Jewison (1975) Il fantabus (The Big Bus), regia di James Frawley (1976) Gli uomini falco (Sky Riders), regia di Douglas Hickox (1976) L'altra faccia di mezzanotte (The Other Side of Midnight), regia di Charles Jarrott (1977) Audrey Rose, regia di Robert Wise (1977) Illusione mortale (Deadly Illusion), regia di Larry Cohen (1987) Brividi nella notte (In the Cold of the Night), regia di Nico Mastorakis (1990) Il silenzio del deserto (A Climate for Killing), regia di J.S. Cardone (1991) Rotta verso l'ignoto (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country), regia di Nicholas Meyer (1991) Rischio mortale (Chain of Command), regia di John Terlesky (2000) Il sostituto (The Alternate), regia di Sam Firstenberg (2000) Timecop 2 (Timecop: The Berlin Decision), regia di Steve Boyum (2003) Atterraggio d'emergenza (Crash Landing), regia di Jim Wynorski (2005) Televisione Strega per amore (I Dream of Jeannie) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1965) I giorni della nostra vita (Days of Our Lives) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1965) Mannix – serie TV, 1 episodio (1969) Bonanza – serie TV, 2 episodi (1969-1970) Lancer – serie TV, episodi 2x15-2x22 (1970) Gunsmoke – serie TV, 3 episodi (1970-1975) Missione impossibile (Mission: Impossible) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1971) Un vero sceriffo (Nichols) – serie TV, 24 episodi (1971-1972) Hawaii squadra cinque zero (Hawaii Five-0) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1974) Ideologia del terrore (Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan), regia di Marvin J. Chomsky – miniserie TV (1975) Alla conquista del West (How the West Was Won) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1979) Flamingo Road – serie TV, 38 episodi (1980-1982) Il brivido dell'imprevisto (Tales of the Unexpected) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1981) Fantasilandia (Fantasy Island) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1983) Dallas – serie TV, 67 episodi (1983-1986) La signora in giallo (Murder, She Wrote) – serie TV, 2 episodi (1985-1991) Hotel – serie TV, 2 episodi (1985-1986) Hunter – serie TV, 2 episodi (1986-1990) Love Boat (The Love Boat) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1985) Top Secret (Scarecrow and Mrs. King) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1985) Magnum, P.I. – serie TV, 1 episodio (1987) Perry Mason: La donna del lago (Perry Mason: The Case of the Lady in the Lake), regia di Ron Satlof (1988) – film TV Ai confini della realtà (The Twilight Zone) – serie TV, episodio 3x21 (1989) Il fuoco dopo la pioggia (Fire and Rain), regia di Jerry Jameson (1989) – film TV Santa Barbara – serie TV, 114 episodi (1991-1992) Renegade – serie TV, 1 episodio (1993) Un detective in corsia (Diagnosis Murder) – serie TV, 2 episodi (1993) Baywatch – serie TV, 2 episodi (1994) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – serie TV, episodio 2x25 (1994) Il tocco di un angelo (Touched by an Angel) – serie TV, 1 episodio (1995) Models Inc. – serie TV, 2 episodi (1995) Spider-Man: The Animated Series – serie TV, 3 episodi (1995-1997) Walker Texas Ranger – serie TV, 3 episodi (1996-2000) Più forte ragazzi (Martial Law) – serie TV, 1 episodio (2000) Passions – serie TV, 22 episodi (2001-2003) Doppiatori italiani Saverio Moriones in Flamingo Road, Santa Barbara Michele Gammino in Rollerball Giancarlo Maestri in Audrey Rose Romano Malaspina in Atterraggio d'emergenza Collegamenti esterni
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
The cappuccino was great! I also got a croissant with ham and cheese which was so good! I would definitely recommend! This is a cozy and a warmful place, with stunning food and great people ! Great burrata with prosciutto, great pasta ! ... (slightly overcooked), breaded chicken stuffed with chicken livers (delicious) and a pork dish.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Ok, this is a question game....you can only talk in questions throughout this whole thread. How do you like this section of the boards? Do you think we should retire it? Its so fun why would we do that? Wasn't she talking about this game? Why would we retire this? Why can't we change the subject? Why are you saying rude words? I dunno? Why are we so inactive? Why don't we get everyone to come back? And why are there always at least 2 guests on? Did you guys get the newsletter I sent? The one about the merging? By the way, 2:09 am and 2 guests are on... Why is that??? The one about switching sites? And, I have no clue, or do I? Only one guest on now which is so Weird isn't it?? We are so inactive why are we inactive? We are still active aren't we?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Are you looking to give yourself a little love this Valentine's day? Start by pampering your feet with a pair of Soft Comfort Shirlee Wool Sneakers. These wool sneakers are so adorable and comfortable. I feel like I am wearing slippers when I wear them. They are lightweight, flexible and fashionable too. They breathe well, so are perfect not only for every day wear, but for wearing on cool or warm days. I love the quality stitching on these sneakers. They are very well made and durable. But my absolutely favorite part of the entire sneaker is the adorable stitched heart that they added. I think it is the cutest thing! These sneakers also feature durable shoe laces with eyelets that are embroidered. These Soft Comfort Shirlee sneakers look so cute with jeans or leggings and can even be worn during a workout with a cute pair of shorts. The Shirlee Wool sneaker is available in grey, black and navy.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
U16A girls lost out to a very strong Brunell team last Monday evening in Mathews Arena. The U13 girls had a hard fought win, against a very strong Crosshaven team on Tuesday evening. Huge credit to Crosshaven for a great game. The U14b girls lost out away to Ballincollig last Tuesday evening. Well done to the u11 girls who played great basketball in their last league game of the season v Glanmire on Saturday. Huge credit to the coaches for all the hardwork. Well done all.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Can I get the bounding boxes of individual characters with ImageMagick? I came across a paper which uses synthetic handwriting data generated with the ImageMagick convert command, using a lot of different handwriting fonts (Example images from paper). They have annotated these images with their transcriptions, but I would like to annotate them with a bounding box for each individual character. I was wondering if this is possible with ImageMagick or any other available tool/script/code. A: I have solved this problem by using ImageMagick to iteratively generate new characters one at a time and by masking out the previous characters with OpenCV to get the bounding box for the new character (Example result). Example code: import subprocess import numpy as np import cv2 full_text = 'OpenCV' fname = 'test.jpg' im_size = 'x75' font = '"ambarella/Ambarella.ttf"' other_options = '-gravity West -stroke black' bboxes = [] prev_img = None # For each letter for i in range(len(full_text)): text = '"' + full_text[:i + 1] + '"' fname = 'test_out/' + str(i) + '.jpg' command = 'convert -size ' + im_size + ' -font ' + font + ' ' + other_options + ' label:' + text + ' ' + fname subprocess.run([command], shell=True) img = cv2.imread(fname, 0) # Threshold the image ret, img = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) if prev_img is None: inv = 255 - img nonzero = cv2.findNonZero(inv) x1, y1, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(nonzero) x2 = x1 + w y2 = y1 + h prev_img = img.copy() bboxes.append((x1, y1, x2, y2)) else: h, w = img.shape d_h, d_w = h - prev_img.shape[0], w - prev_img.shape[1] # Pad the older image if d_w > 0: prev_img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(prev_img, d_h, 0, 0, d_w, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=255) # Mask the previous letters nonzero_prev = (prev_img == 0) masked_out = img.copy() masked_out[nonzero_prev] = 255 # Get bounding box of new letter inv = 255 - masked_out nonzero = cv2.findNonZero(inv) x1, y1, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(nonzero) x2 = x1 + w y2 = y1 + h bboxes.append((x1, y1, x2, y2)) # Set prev image to current image prev_img = img.copy() # Visualize results colors = ((255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)) img = cv2.imread(fname) for i, b in enumerate(bboxes): x1, y1, x2, y2 = b cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), colors[i % len(colors)], 1) cv2.imwrite('boxes.png', img)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
We are engaged in offering Direct Dyes which come in liquid form. These dyes are available in various colors such as orange, green, red and yellow. Our provided dyes can be easily applied to all type of fabrics. Also, these dyes are ideal to be utilized in textile and garment industries. Our formulated dyes have highly resistive to solubility in water and accurate pH value. Moreover, these Direct Dyes also act as a moderate level dyestuff.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
THE Brayshaw family had already celebrated. Tears had been shed from the tightknit group at around 7pm when it was announced Andrew Brayshaw would be heading to Fremantle with Pick 2. However, perhaps nothing could compare to what would happen two hours later. Selecting with Pick 68, West Coast would pair his older brother Hamish with Andrew in Western Australia when they called his name late in the draft. It clearly shocked the family, with cheers of delight ringing around the arena where clubs were deciding on their newest and latest recruits. Mum shed more tears, while even Andrew was incredibly emotional. But they weren't the only ones celebrating. Such is the high regard the entire family is held in, fellow draft hopefuls and even their parents were embracing and rejoicing in the moment. This clearly meant a lot to the Brayshaws and everyone around them. The family now has three members in the AFL fraternity, with Andrew and Hamish joining Melbourne midfielder Angus on a senior list. But with two heading out west, where the extended Brayshaw family already resides, Andrew and Hamish jetting out to join them together was an incredible moment. Hamish's story is a little different to Andrew's. While Andrew has always been one of the draft's standouts, Hamish's journey to an AFL list was littered with setbacks. Injured throughout most of his draft year in 2016, Hamish missed out on selection last year. But he was invited back to his TAC Cup club the Sandringham Dragons a year later in an effort to continue chasing his footy dream. His numbers didn't drop. And his place on West Coast's list is deserved. Andrew's position at Pick 2 was one of the draft's big shocks. While many tipped him to head to the Dockers, it was expected he would arrive via Pick 5. However, Fremantle rated him so highly, it simply did not want to risk Carlton or North Melbourne swooping on the midfielder with Picks 3 or 4 respectively. When the Blues went with Paddy Dow and the Kangaroos went with Luke Davies-Uniacke, the Dockers got the pair they were after and added Adam Cerra with their second selection. Fremantle itself might have considered Hamish. The Eagles called his name with Pick 68. The Dockers held Pick 69. They went with ruckman Lloyd Meek. But even though they don't end up on the same team, arriving next year in the same state is just as satisfying. Just ask the emotional family.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
5 Inspiring Travelogues from 5 Amazing Writers Published by Will Jones on December 1, 2020 With much of the world still in varying degrees of lockdown and international travel off the cards for many, vicarious travel is thankfully still very much an option. These five books are some of the best travelogues ever written. Their authors wander in places as diverse as the Outback of Australia, the beaches of Bali and the markets of Turkey, but at their heart they all celebrate the same thing: a love for movement, exploration and travelling for the sheer thrill of it. A Siberian Winter's Tale – Helen Lloyd The bitter, unforgiving wilderness that is Siberia in winter doesn't top most people's lists when it comes to planning a cycling holiday, but Helen Lloyd is not most people. The writer and adventurer spent three months pedalling through the frigid landscapes of northern Russia, successfully avoiding wolves, hypothermia and solitude-induced madness (yay!). Her account is vivid and beautifully written and, unlike the land, full of warmth for the incredible people she met along the way. The Great Railway Bazaar – Paul Theroux One of the most brilliant travel books ever written, Paul Theroux's Great Railway Bazaar documents his 1973 rail journey from the UK to East Asia and back again. His 4-month route took him from London through Europe, the Middle East, India, Burma, Thailand, Singapore, a wartorn Vietnam, Japan and finally across Russia back to Europe on the legendary Trans-Siberian Express. The characters he meets en route are as grippingly brought to life as the landscapes he trundles through. Rice terraces in Bali, one of the locations in Eat, Pray, Love Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert The film adaptation of Eat, Pray, Love, starring Julia Roberts, has eclipsed the book in terms of fame, and while it's a good flick, it doesn't come close to the literature that inspired it. Written by American author Elizabeth Gilbert, the travelogue charts her physical and emotional journey around the world following a divorce. She spent time in Italy enjoying simple pleasures ('eat'); then India developing her spirituality ('pray') and finally Bali, where she fell in love again ('love'). The word 'iconic' is overused but this book really is worthy of the description. Technically a novel but very much based on real life travels, the book follows narrator and maverick Sal Paradise (Kerouac) as he road-trips around 1940s America in search of adventure, life-affirming experiences and kindred Beat generation spirits. He finds all in abundance. Though the book received mixed reviews at publication, its legacy is now that of a classic, having inspired everyone from Bob Dylan to David Bowie. Down Under – Bill Byson The incomparable wit of Bill Bryson is on full display in this hilarious account of his travels through Australia. The style of the book is cemented in the first few pages, with a side-splitting story of him falling asleep in a highly undignified manner in the passenger seat while being shown around an area by a well-meaning local. From there, he cautiously explores the gigantic country with a take on everything about as dry as the Outback. Categories: Inspiration Get First Dibs on Travel Deals Sign up for our emails on travel deals, news, contests and special offers. (You can opt out at any time.) Search for Flights Top Travel Destinations for 2021 With the Covid vaccine becoming available, travel in 2021 is looking promising! We've made a list of the top travel destinations for the New Year when you're ready to get back out there. Find Isolation on YOUR Terms in 2021 We're going to go out on a limb and say that while right now the COVID-19 pandemic has a curiously eternal feel to it, it probably won't actually last forever. At some point, self-imposed isolation Read more… 9 of the Best Trips to Book for 2021 Holidays Dreaming big for 2021? We've got a list of the best destinations for 2021 holidays so you can start planning now for an epic year. © 2021 StudentUniverse®. All rights reserved.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
[USA], Nov 6 (ANI): Rebel Wilson has apologised for not acknowledging other plus-size actresses in rom-com roles. The 'Pitch Perfect' star is facing flak on social media for saying on 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show' that she was "kind of proud to be the first-ever plus-sized girl to be the star of a romantic comedy." The 38-year-old on Tuesday responded to the criticism in a series of tweets. "In a couple of well-intentioned moments, hoping to lift my fellow plus sized women up, I neglected to show the proper respect to those who climbed this mountain before me like Mo'Nique, Queen Latifah, Melissa McCarthy, Ricki Lake and likely many others," she wrote. Wilson continued, "To be part of a problem I was hoping I was helping makes it that much more embarrassing & hard to acknowledge. I blocked people on Twitter because I was hurting from the criticism, but those are the people I actually need to hear from more, not less. Again, I am deeply sorry." Wilson made the comments while discussing her upcoming film 'Isn't It Romantic.' The actor plays the female lead in the film, where she is caught in a love triangle with Liam Hemsworth and Adam DeVine. 'Isn't It Romantic' also stars Priyanka Chopra and Betty Gilpin. The film reunites DeVine and Wilson, who played Bumper and Fat Amy in the 'Pitch Perfect' movies.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We spent just a few days in Venice during our six weeks in Italy. I'll agree that I was quickly in love with the city. It is the little things that stand out about each city after you spend a year on the road. Ask my kids about Venice and one of their fondest memories was searching and taking pictures of pissottas. Did you notice the slanted concrete slabs in the darkened corners of the walkways? They are called "pissottas" and they are an ancient Venetian solution to people peeing in corners. My kids called them pee bumps or pee corners. They are everywhere. Some are new. Some are old. Generally they slant downward so the would-be offender urinates onto himself and therefore is discouraged from attempting the act again. It may not be the doors of Charleston, SC or the doorknockers of Antigua, Guatemala but the pee bumps of Venice are unique and make for quite a photo.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Hijab (women's covering) - Dr. Bilal Philips PEACE Vision of Islam Chennai, India. "Inspiring and enlightening! This is why I come to these.. "If only we had more people like Dr. Bilal to clarify what Islam really teaches on these subjects I would love it." Bilal Philips in this 21 part video set gives an entire course on Islamic studies. Watch this series to innoculate yourself from the misguidance in this world. He goes into very important topics, usually boring issues - in a very interesting and logical way using practical and easy-to-understand examples that will stick in your mind and allow you to share with others. The short courses will be on topics of immediate and practical relevance and benefit to the students. They will also introduce students who wish to pursue an accredited BA in Islamic Studies to the methodology of the BAIS program, as a free trial run. Course Material will consist of written material of the basic text being taught plus Audio and Video Lectures at the end of which students may test their understanding and knowledge retention by means of the online tests. The Da'wah Training and Foundations of Islaamic Studies courses are now open for enrollment. Those interested in enrolling or simply finding out more about the course methodology should click on the link "IOU Enrollment" in the left panel.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
What dating sites are completely free? This free site to meet local singles can be classified as one of the most successful platforms earning over 10 million dollars annually. The site is easy to navigate and offer viewers the very best in cam kitty content. The BAEBY.COM is one of the best online dating sites at the moment. The site is easy to use and it offers a wide range of choices to choose from.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
What's actually social about 'social' media? Sitting behind a screen and flicking through other people's lives is far from 'social', and if you're anything like me, I feel far from sociable after a fair few scrolls. Another night of half watching TV whilst numbingly swiping through my Instagram and Facebook feed and I'm wondering why I'm feeling low all curled up in bed on an evening…again. It's taken me a long time to realize there is a pattern establishing here, but tonight, as I'm reflecting more on my thoughts and feelings, I'm 99% sure that I've seen a skinny girl in an amazing dress and that has triggered my current pit of despair. Oh yes, there she is. Wow, and another angle. Either consciously or subconsciously I've probably done this more times than I can even remember and I know I'm likely not the only one. You can't help but compare yourself to these people online. Whether it's a mate, or a celeb, or simply someone you haven't seen since school, for some reason we feel the need to follow their life publicised via social media. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not criticising these people for uploading body shots. Hey, who doesn't enjoy posting the odd selfie? But it is this readily available platform for comparison and self-criticism that enables individuals' body image and self-esteem to plummet day-in-day-out. It's a force of habit. I don't even flick through these 'stories' out of interest, (the art of scrolling seems to have become second nature), so why am I letting it impact on my self-esteem and body image so much? I've decided to help myself on my journey of recovery. I'm putting down my phone and I'm banning myself from the torture of scrolling through endless feeds every night. I need to take back control of my emotions and start accepting that if I can't stop comparing myself to every other girl out there then how am I ever meant to accept myself for who I am. We should embrace individuality and learn to love ourselves for ourselves. I should be able to appreciate other peoples' attractiveness without feeling threatened. I should be able to walk into a bar, confident with my appearance, without feeling intimidated by every other girl in sight. Stop comparing your 'likes' to hers. What the hell does a pixelated number count for anyway? Your thoughts are what makes you, and with the right set of positive ones, you might just start to recognize how amazing you really do look today, and every other day for that matter! My name is Amy, I'm 22, and I've been living with an eating disorder on and off for 9 years. A few months ago I was finally honest about it with my loved ones. I am now on my challenging journey through recovery and have started an online blog to help aid me along the way and hopefully provide some positivity and motivation for others who are going through a similar thing.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Christian Mountain: The vision: All of the churches (could we cross the denominational lines?) of the mountains working together to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, to strengthen and encourage the mountain church, by creating networks of people, prayer, resources, educational opportunities, cooperation by the local churches, communications, support, and loving ministry. Can you see different pastors working together to help their churches, their pastoral friends, and community churches to develop into an effective saving force for Christ? We could be working together across denominational lines with those churches who are affiliated with Christ to reach out to our communities, family, friends, and neighbors to see them changed by the Holy Spirit. Why can't we help each other? Why can't one church help another? Why can't we work together? Why can't God save West Virginia? This is just the beginning. We must begin now to reach out in love to our family, friends, and neighbors before it is too late. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell. The third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy universal church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. How could it get started? Christian Mountain: The mission is an outreach through a local church body/association of churches to their community and friends. Brothers and sisters in Christ would help each other. The outreach would seek to help those that call, are referred, or looked up by the ministers of this ministry. It would seek to reach the lost, lonely church in the wildwood who have no pastor and or no leadership to give them a helping hand up. The ministry would reach out to the community churches to bring them all together in fellowship to bring glory and honor to the Lord and to do more together than they can do alone through the unity of believers. This ministry will seek to help the church to overcome the obstacles that are blocking the path of effective church ministry and growth. And call upon all of us to reach out to our neighbors, family, and friends to help them in Christ and to come to have Him in their lives, families, and homes.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I have been listening to many podcasts and reading lots of books and articles on this matter. I have spent quite a lot of time reflecting on it and what my position is as a health and fitness professional. I realise too I have been complicit in my past to support weight loss and perhaps diet culture where clients have shown an interest. To be honest diets and exercising to simply look better has never deep down sat right with me, but thats what many clients wanted in the past and what many magazines etc wanted you to write about. I myself am not a regular dieter and I always enjoyed playing sport and exercising through the years. However; I know and have met 100's of people who 'yo yo' from one diet to another and hate playing sport, exercising or even getting sweaty! I remember how upset my Mum got about her body when I was 16 years old. My Mum does not enjoy playing sport and was intimidated of the gym. I had just volunteered to be a 'motivator' at my local gym in exchange for free membership, so I bought her some trainers and workout clothes and took her to train with me! I can still vividly remember the positive impact this had on her and the realisation that you did not need to be thin or fit to exercise and reap the benefits. Perhaps this is where my passion for people to exercise and live well started?? Anyway, after all this reflection I recently deleted my blog which I wrote about 6 years ago on how I personally lost a stone of excess weight (just to clarify it was excess weight). Although I did this many years ago through a very healthy way and did not do it through any diets etc, in retrospect I feel that the messaging overall could be unhealthy to many people. As fitness professionals we do not need to add to the bombardment of body shaming, diet culture messaging or negativity towards our bodies. Lets face it, weight gain, weight loss, bingo wings, flabby tummy, saggy bum, beer belly, knots in cotton are common phrases we use when describing our body. When you really think about it and write it down, that sounds horrendously negative and cruel! Would you want your child, niece/nephew or grandchild to describe their body in that way? It is almost like we have been conditioned to think the worst of our body. Our bodies are amazing things no matter what they look like. They do so many magical things every single second of your life. Their capability is limitless and without them we would not be here! My simple message is that we need to RESPECT our bodies. If we really respect our body then we will listen to them, give them the care and attention they deserve and need to flourish. This in turn will achieve true life long health, wellness and body positivity. This covers the whole spectrum of bodies across the world – colour, size, shape, gender, ability, social class, privilege, environment. To educate, inspire and empower yourself to be TRULY positive about your own body, follow these great women; Body Posi Panda, Anna Kessel, Laura Thomas Phd, Pilates PT, Style me Sunday, Mother Pukka, Everybody Yoga.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Female-run Syrian TV Seeks to Empower Women Nisan Ahmado All-Female TV Station Goes on the Air in Syria Jin TV — which means Women TV in the Kurdish language — is the first television station in Syria run entirely by women. The station began officially broadcasting late last month and aims to provide a platform for women to raise their voices. "This TV was established to shed light on the role of women in all walks of life because women are always marginalized and confined to limited roles, even though women are the foundation of the society," Dalsha Othman, chief of the Arabic division at Jin TV, told VOA. Managers of the new station say their content will give a voice to women and put a spotlight on issues that affect women in Syria and the region. The TV station is located in the Kurdish-controlled town of Amude in northeastern Syria. Broadcasts will be multilingual and multicultural; the programs will air in Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish and Farsi. Currently, there are 18 staff members at the TV station, and the plan is to add workers in the future. Countering extremism Amude is a town in Al Hasakah Governorate in northeastern Syria. Large parts of Al Hasakah was once controlled by the Islamic State terror group when the group expanded its presence in large swaths of land in Iraq and Syria in 2014. The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, a force of Kurdish and Arab fighters, expelled IS militants from the region and liberated the town. Kurdish female fighters in the YPJ (Women's Protection Units), a brigade fighting with the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), played a key role in defeating IS in northeastern Syria, including Amude. At the peak of its rule, approximately 10 million people lived under IS control in Iraq and Syria. The terror group committed large-scale atrocities against civilians and sought to indoctrinate them with its ideology. Jin TV aims to counter that and increase awareness among women to prevent future attempts by extremists to recruit women by luring them through propaganda. Jiyan Heve, a founding member of Jin TV, said that one of the station's goals is to provide a platform for female victims of terror groups such as IS so that they can talk about the atrocities and the true nature of these militant groups. "We seek to counter the terrorist propaganda, and Jin TV is a good platform for doing that," she told VOA. Experts believe that women can play a key role in preventing extremism and radicalism in communities around the world. According to a report published in April 2018 by Georgetown University's Institute for Women, Peace and Security, women are considered a community's gatekeepers who can play a vital role in countering extremism. "Identifying, empowering and consulting credible women leaders is a crucial part of creating sustainable deradicalization and rehabilitation programs that address individual and community needs," the report said. Everyone at the new broadcast operation is seeking to change stereotypes about women's capacity and their role in the society. Dilav Hori, a video editor at Jin TV, said she wanted to help change perceptions about women. "We women at Jin TV are trying to disperse the traditional notion about women's ability to rely on themselves on their own. We want women to be confident and know that running a TV [station] is not something difficult," Hori told VOA. Jin TV is the second all-female station in the region. In 2017, Zan TV began broadcasting in Afghanistan with the aim of empowering women there. Dalsha Othman, chief of the Arabic division at Jin TV, said they already receive videos and content produced by women from several countries in the region. The ultimate goal, she said, is to connect women from different parts of the world. "Although our channel is Kurdish, we want to establish a bridge for women in the world to communicate, share and support each other," Othman said. VOA's Zana Omar contributed to this report from Amude. More Extremism Watch Articles Somali Forces End Al-Shabab Siege on Mogadishu Mayor's Office Militants Attack Police Post in Pakistan, Killing 2 Officers Four Mali Police Officers Killed in Ambush
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
We raise our hands. We raise our voices. We raise the next generation. We went to Black Panther last weekend + loved it! I noticed some gorgeous knits + found that the costume designer who knit Nakia's scarf released a free pattern for it. "If happiness is on the opposite side of success, your brain never gets there." This is so good! Why are we making our children be braver than our politicians? Take a stand. The yarn for the scarf pattern is beautiful! Thanks for putting a link to the happiness TED talk. You're right, it is good!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Now the first thing you may ask is what makes me qualified to make this kind of list, so let me give you a little background. I have been a Caribbean DJ for close to 30 years (wow I am old) and have been blessed to be on a sound system (CHANGEZ sound) that has represented well in Jamaica and Atlanta; played throughout North America and the Caribbean. I have clashed against or played alongside some of the best DJs and sounds that specialize in Caribbean music including: Kilamanjaro (Jamaica), Stone Love (Jamaica), David Rodigan (U.K.), Chinese Laundry (Trinidad & Tobago), Soldier One (Bermuda), Dogheart (USVI), Bass Oddyssey (Jamaica), Jugglerz (Trinidad & Tobago), Waggy T (Florida), King Addies (New York), and Deon di Butcha (Bahamas) to name a few. Some may say that resume gives me a little bit of credibility. From my experience, there are some obvious qualities that any DJ has to have, for example, the ability to blend music, to know the hit songs, to know what people want to hear, an ability to connect with the crowd and an ability to hype up an audience with music and microphone chat. However, when it comes from being a good to great Caribbean DJ there are certain qualities that really make them stand out above the rest (in no particular order). They pla y music that is appealing to persons that are connected to all 35 Caribbean countries. A Caribbean DJ cannot only play the music from the country he/she is connected to and/or the country he/she is in. A Jamaican DJ needs to be able to draw music from another country (say USVI) and even play the music from his country in a fashion that is appealing to the person that is not from Jamaica (Music is truly consumed in different ways a lot of times based on where you are from). They have to know the history and importance of the songs and 'riddims' and how they impact people. A good Caribbean DJ needs to know which songs should be played with which songs and why. Caribbean audiences want to be entertained with energy, comedy, imagination and creativity. Do not be surprised if something major happens in the Caribbean community and the DJ shows up at the party wearing costume that represents that occurrence. Many a DJ made a living off of being comedic in between playing the right music. There have been DJs who while spinning would blow fire out of their mouths. The origins of the Caribbean DJ throughout the Caribbean was that they were the only entities at one time where you could hear Caribbean music, the radio would be playing North American or European music, so the only time local artists would get exposed was by the Caribbean DJ playing that artists music. That also goes for local news or happenings; the DJ has to play music that fits the news of the community and also at that point tell the news, while entertaining the crowd. Going back to a time when local news did not make the radio. Once understanding the history of the music the Caribbean DJ has to play the music in a fashion that shows respect to the history and culture surrounding that music, in Reggae for example the history and culture is steeped in African liberation, human rights and Rastafarianism, or in Soca which is steeped in a history and culture of Carnival, multiple Cultural creativity, self-expression and West African harvest and celebration. They build a brand that can compete on a worldwide level so that they can also become ambassadors for Caribbean music. They also understand that there is a lot of competition out there. After mastering the technical skills, they take things a step further by creating an unforgettable name and tag-line. They understand what is important to a Caribbean audience and use that to build a name and reputation that reinforce those qualities . They create quality mixes that showcase Caribbean music but can easily be adapted to audiences throughout the diaspora. They also build a strong reputation for delivering quality at every event, concert or party they play in to help build their network. At the end of the day, the work speaks itself. If people leave an event sweaty from dancing all night long then it's safe to say, you delivered as a DJ. Some of the most successful Caribbean DJs have done well without the ability to blend, mix, or play all the hits, but I have never seen any succeed without the above. hello and how are you? quick question ~ I'm designing a poster for a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness month and we have a live dj and I was wondering… would it be possible to use your dj image (the all-black graphic with a dj wearing headphones manipulating two turntables) — it's a great image and is just the vibe I'm looking for the poster — thank you~!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Plenty Valley Christian College is a well-established, independent, co-educational, K-12 College of around 760 students. It is situated in a magnificent semi-rural setting in the northern growth corridor of Melbourne. This is an exciting opportunity to lead an already strong Christian educational community into a new phase of development. Plenty Valley Christian College is a member of Christian Education National (CEN), an Australia-wide group of 55 member associations that together govern well over 80 schools of approximately 23,000 students and 2,000 teaching staff. These are schools where parents and teachers work in collaboration to prepare their children to serve God and their neighbours in the world, according to the gifts God has given them. We are currently seeking qualified Kindergarten Teachers for casual relief work. The successful applicant will be required to lead a high quality educational community that in all elements of its practice reflects a Biblical worldview, encourages students in wisdom and discernment, nurtures their faith and enables their thoughtful and responsible service in the world. A innovative leader with a heart for and an understanding of Christian Education. Flexible and a 'can-do' approach towards your role! Please submit applications with a fully completed Casual Employment Application Form, and curriculum vitae via email to employment@pvcc.vic.edu.au, or by post to: The Principal's Assistant, Plenty Valley Christian College, 840 Yan Yean Rd, DOREEN 3754.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Colts boys, girls fourth at Wildcat Booster Invite By James Gensterblum, jgensterblum@hillsdale.net ONSTED — Against a competitive field of mostly Division 3 schools, Hillsdale Academy's boys and girls track teams each took fourth at Friday's Onsted Wildcat Booster Invite. The Colts girls put up 105.5 points to finish just behind D3 power Adrian Madison, led by strong showings in all four relays. Hillsdale Academy's team of Makenna Banbury, Megan and Anna Roberts and Helen Schleuter won the 3,200 relay (10:27.79), and Banbury and the Roberts sisters teamed with Anna Richards to win the 1,600 relay (4:12.53). The Colts' team of Katie VanHavel, Hannah Cote, Richards and Schleuter also took second in the 800 relay (1:53.92) and Cote, VanHavel, Abbie Miller and Richards took second in the 400 relay (54.55) as well. Individually, Megan Roberts won the 400 dash with a PR (1:00.37), Banbury took second in the 800 run (2:35.45) and fourth in the high jump (4-8), VanHavel took second in the long jump (16-2.5) and sixth in the 200 dash (28.65) and Isabella Socha took fourth in both the 100 hurdles (17.91) and 300 hurdles (53.31). Anna Roberts took third in the high jump (4-10), Schleuter took fourth in the 800 run (2:37.12), Hannah Wilkinson took fourth in the 1,600 run (6:04.59), Sofia Matsukova-Kratt took fourth in the 3,200 run (13:26.81) and Gretchen Birzer took sixth in the 3,200 run (13:32.43). On the boys side, the Academy finished with 69 points to tie Clinton, led by Ian Calvert, who won the 800 run (2:03.91) and teamed with Dillon Donihue, Conner Welden and John O'Connor to win the 3,200 relay (8:31.55) and O'Connor, Welden and Levi Socha to win the 1,600 relay (3:33.40). Donihue took second in the 3,200 run (10:36.05) for the Colts, Welden took third (4:55.66) and John O'Connor fifth (4:56.05) in the 1,600 run) and Joel Brady took fourth in the 400 dash (55.22). Luke Brady finished fifth in the pole vault (10-0) and Socha sixth in the 110 hurdles as well for Hillsdale (17.47). Golden Triangle Meet SALINE — Hillsdale High sent its best track athletes to Saline for the annual Golden Triangle meet, one of the toughest events on the calendar with over 40 teams from across three states, and came away with several strong finishes on Friday. Ryan Reiniche led the small Hornets contingent with a third place finish in the shot put (45-6.5) and also took fifth in the discus (136-2), Spencer Eves finished third in the high jump (6-2), Noah LoPresto took fourth in the 110 hurdles (15.34) and Nathan Smith took sixth (132-2) in the discus. For the girls, Hillsdale's Bailey Morgret took seventh in the high jump (4-10) and Sierra Kelly-Scott finished eighth in the pole vault (9-0).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
BY Rebecca Haynes From the June 2019 issue Foot-long Burrito, Fresh Guacamole Among Fiesta Cancun's Unique Offerings Fiesta Cancun lights up modern Mexican cuisine. Rachel Nadeau Need a quick primer on Mexican cuisine? Click here. If you venture into Fiesta Cancun on Main Street, you will no doubt witness one of its top selling items, taunting from some brave diner's plate. It's a 12-inch fiesta burrito, stuffed with rice, beans, lettuce, sour cream, guacamole and steak or chicken, topped with chipotle cheese dip and bacon. "People simply can't say no to [the] challenge," says manager Jessica Santiago. Since opening in May 2018, Santiago estimates the restaurant serves, on a weekly average, 30 of these massive behemoths, among barrel tables, tequila displays and murals, bathed in music and the atmosphere of Mexico. Serving portions and presentation make Fiesta Cancun unique, but you will also find a lot of regulars here who create a friendly atmosphere for first-timers, as well as lively conversation among guests and the staff of four chefs. Those culinary artists are especially adept at handling seafood. When a seaside location is a part of your name, you can't ignore the riches of its bounty. Molcajete marinero is one of its most loved items. "The molcajete is popular because many are not familiar with the three-legged round bowl, which has been carved out of basalt. Our molcajete contains shrimp, octopus, mussels, crab legs, surimi, abalone and chopped clam," Santiago says. While the marinero is popular, the caldeo de siete mares is the most complicated and time consuming meal on the entire menu. It is a seafood soup constructed of shrimp, octopus, oysters, mussels, fish and crab legs. If siete mares is not enough, you can count on Fiesta Cancun's additional summertime offerings, which include even more seafood specialties and a variety of mixed drinks. Don't miss the flaming cheese fajitas. Their fame derives from the hot skillet that the fajita is served on and the melted cheese that covers it under a blaze that rises from the dish when served at the table. It's all part of the festive atmosphere that is intensified during happy hour from 2-6 p.m. and all day Wednesdays, along with half-priced margaritas all day Mondays. While the cuisine squarely hits the target of authentic coastal Mexican fare at Fiesta Cancun, you'll also find some vegetarian and burger options. The lunch crowd has a tendency to stay for a quick 20 minutes and can count on the ranchero cheesesteak, a quesadilla stuffed with diced steak, grilled onion, lettuce and pico de gallo, covered with cheese dip, served with rice and beans. Or, the big fiesta burrito is available during lunch, if you are up for a mid-day challenge. Got guac? Are you a guacamole connoisseur? Fiesta Cancun offers two types of the beloved dip. The regular guacamole dip consists of avocado, cilantro, tomato and onions. The second is a top-shelf guacamole made on the spot when it is ordered and contains fresh avocado slices mixed with cilantro, red onion, tomato, garlic, lime juice, salt and a choice of roasted corn, roasted pineapple, mango or bacon. "Others tend to put a Mexican seasoning called Tajin that I would never ever put on my guacamole, simply because it overpowers the freshness a guacamole should give you," says manager Jessica Santiago. Fiesta Cancun offers a full catering service, including an enchilada, taco or fajita bar with the option of a frozen margarita machine. Full setup service includes chafers, delivery and personal assistance from waiters. Fiesta Cancun suggests its carne asada a la Mexicana, a tender, thinly sliced steak with grilled onions, served with rice, beans, guacamole salad and choice of corn or flour tortillas, to be paired with sangria, which contains red wine with fruit like pineapple, peaches, nectarines, berries, apples and pears. What a great summer refresher! Fiesta Cancun [Restaurants] Diners Review Maple Grove's Best Restaurants 'There's No Noodles in Maple Grove,' but Ichiddo Ramen is Trying to Fix That 'The Best Ribs I Ever Had': Make Roadside Stand The Rib Cage Your Next BBQ Destination
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
NTIA, Pentagon Move to Tackle 5G Interoperability Complexities 5G, DOD, Interoperability, Military, NTIA Source: https://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2021/01/ntia-pentagon-move-tackle-5g-interoperability-complexities/171291/ By BRANDI VINCENT JANUARY 8, 2021 The aim would be to accelerate the production of an "open 5G stack ecosystem." The Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration wants feedback on the potential of a new "5G Challenge" it may create to promote interoperability in the burgeoning realm—and support the Defense Department's ongoing military networking modernization efforts. Accelerating the development of an "open 5G stack ecosystem" to help push forward DOD missions would be the ultimate aim of the challenge activity NTIA is exploring, according to a notice of inquiry set to be published in the Federal Register Monday. "Recognizing the vital importance of fifth-generation (5G) wireless communications to U.S. economic and security interests, [NTIA] has made it a top priority to engage in 5G across a broad spectrum of topics," the agency wrote. It added that the Pentagon established its own 5G Initiative in 2019, which NTIA is working in this case "under sponsorship of and in collaboration with." That year, Defense unveiled plans to strategically launch 5G experimentations at a number of military bases. The document's description of the technical motivation behind the challenge explains that open-source implementations aimed across many components of a 5G system—including the protocol stack—are gaining traction. Such stacks are essentially layers of elements enabling capabilities. Currently, the open 5G stack community is "diverse," NTIA notes, but "different open 5G stack organizations are focused on different portions of the stack, with no clear division among the multiple implementations currently available," and interoperability between those various implementations isn't always a given. 5G offers supermodern capabilities like network slicing and mobile edge compute that can be used to create a secure wireless network for emerging solutions, like the smart warehouse the Pentagon is already prototyping as part of that broader initiative, which the National Spectrum Consortium also more recently became involved in. "However the challenge the DOD is now facing is that these new 5G capabilities require interoperability between all the vendors that go into a specific solution," 5G Security Advisor to the NSC Junaid Islam, told Nextgov over email Friday. "For example, a smart warehouse solution for asset tracking can easily involve 20 different products from beamforming antennas, asset tags, mobile compute, battery back-up, routers, application gateways, etc." Read more at: https://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2021/01/ntia-pentagon-move-tackle-5g-interoperability-complexities/171291/ EditorResearch and Studies0 EditorNews0 EditorVideos0
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Lokataru Foundation is a non-profit organisation that works for a realisation of a collaborative and meaningful positive engagement among the state, communities and the private sector based on the values of human rights and the rule of law. Our mission is to advance accountability of public and private institutions. We independently, fairly and objectively serve democracy, human rights and the rule of law by countering abuse of powers, corruption and human rights violations. Our work focuses on capacity building of CSOs as well as policy reforms to prevent and fight corruption. We encourage trade unions, journalists and the general public to become a whistleblower, and provide them with a protection and legal defence before the court in instances of unfair criminal prosecutions. We target state agencies to responsively and independently work to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. In addition, we also encourage corporate entities to develop anti-corruption policies within their companies and to promote integrity within their institution. In partnership with other civil society groups and academics, we participate in conducting external oversight to the implementation of UNCAC and the National Action Plan for the Eradication of Corruption in Indonesia. We continuously work to reform and fill the gap between the Indonesian legal frameworks and the UNCAC Standard.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
What a great new plugin! Mixed "Ain't Had Time To Go Home" in Digital Performer, and exported a stereo mix to MixBus. I used this curve on the stereo mix. Used this plugin on a mixbus in MixBus to add some depth to the track.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Battle of Blanquefort took place on 1 November 1450 during the Hundred Years War when a French army drew out Anglo-Gascon forces from Bordeaux in the English-controlled Duchy of Gascony. The Anglo-Gascon infantry suffered heavy losses, and the battle resulted in a French decisive victory. The battle was known locally as La Male Journade or in French Mauvaise Journée and marked the beginning of a campaign to drive the English from Gascony. References Nicolle, David. The Fall of English France 1449–53. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012. Battles of the Hundred Years' War 1450 in England 1450s in France Conflicts in 1450 Hundred Years' War, 1415–1453 Gascony
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Civil Rights Sung Here | Indigenize! Songs have changed the course of history, encouraging inclusive bravery from the Freedom Train in America to apartheid-ridden South Africa. Many of the songs used in American civil rights movements had their origins in church music, so may have conferred strength from a source far greater than human approval. Last night, the arc of history continued towards justice: Old civil rights movement songs were sung in the White House! And even better, the lead singer made everyone sing along!! Remember the words of Pete Seeger: "Write your own books; make your own music… if you would save your soul." No passive audience allowed: talk about a blow to Empire. I bow to all of you past and present who, in times of trouble, dare call us to sing.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Ferrari sales remain strong Currently reading: Ferrari sales remain strong Sales slip just five per cent despite economic downturn Ferrari says it weathered last year's global economic storms with sales of 6250 cars, only five per cent down on 2008. The company says that while the luxury sports car market collapsed by 35 per cent in 2009, Ferrari's market share rose to 10 per cent, making it the leading manufacturing in the segment. Ferrari 599XX on video, plus hi-res pictures Ferrari restructures to tackle electrified future Ferrari tech boss Michael Leiters leaves in management shuffle Driven: the child-friendly Ferrari Testa Rossa J From the archive: Ferrari creates a junior GT RML nears completion of 485bhp Ferrari 250 GT SWB restomod The Italian company says it is also set to invest 18.5 per cent of its revenues in new products, a very high proportion for the car industry. Ferrari bosses also make the point that the company can self-finance new products, unlike Aston Martin, which is thought to be preparing to float on the stock market to raise funds. Ferrari made an operating profit of 245m euros (£212m), down from last year's record 341m euros (£296m), a return on sales of 13.8 per cent. Profits were hit by the weakness of the US dollar. Ferrari sold 1467 cars in North America last year, down 200. European sales hit 2752 units, down six per cent. Italy (655 cars) and Germany (644 cars) are the biggest EU markets. Asia Pacific markets took 1117 cars. 60 per cent of Ferrari California customers are claimed to be new to the brand. Ferrari's branding and merchandising operations are also booming, with retail sales up 22.5 per cent mostly thanks, it says, to the opening of the Ferrari retail store in Regent Street, London. Ferrari chairman Luca di Montezemolo said, "Achieving these results in such a challenging economic climate is the best possible endorsement of the quality and the commitment of all the people of Ferrari and of our strategy focusing on innovation and exclusivity. Ferrari California 2008-2014 Read our full road test review "Those guidelines will also allow us to tackle 2010. It will be a very difficult year and the first small signs of recovery will not come until next autumn." Twitter - follow autocar.co.ukSee all the latest Ferrari reviews, news and video California 2008-2014 California 2008-2014 Ferrari Ferrari California T 2dr Auto [hele] 4,722miles Ferrari Portofino Gt 2dr Auto Ferrari 488 Gtb 2dr Auto Ferrari 458 Italia 2dr Auto The Ferrari California is the company's boldest model for decades, but is it worthy of the name? VX220EDDIE 15 February 2010 Re: Ferrari sales remain strong a good coming year is on the cards too with the 458 italia
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Dr. Clay named residential fellow at humanities research center Kevin L. Clay, Ph.D. Kevin L. Clay, Ph.D., assistant professor in the VCU School of Education's Department of Foundations of Education, has been named residential fellow at the VCU Humanities Research Center. Clay is set to join a cohort of colleagues who will begin their fellowship in the spring of 2022. The humanities residential fellowship program allows faculty colleagues to work together on related issues and topics for one semester, releasing them from teaching responsibilities so they can regularly engage with each other on research. Clay will join four other colleagues – from the School of the Arts, the School of World Studies, the Department of History, and the Department of English – in the College of Humanities and Sciences. Their collaboration will center on the theme Race, Ethnicity and Social Justice. "I'm looking forward to connecting with my colleagues across the campus. It's an honor to be invited into a humanities space as an educational researcher. I expect to learn a lot and use this time to finish working on my manuscript," said Clay.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home / Preventing and responding to family, whānau and sexual violence during COVID-19 / Wellbeing / Advocate and Worker Wellbeing Click here to go to our other COVID-19 pages Advocates and staff may experience increased personal, community and professional responsibilities and pressures from the impacts of the COVID pandemic. This page provides information and resources to support advocate and worker wellbeing during the pandemic. Topics include: Research on supporting family violence and sexual violence workers during COVID Information on systemic impacts to advocate and worker wellbeing Aotearoa New Zealand resources to support staff in the social service sector International resources for workers addressing violence during COVID General Aotearoa New Zealand resources on wellbeing Service providers and researchers from Australia researched the impact of the pandemic on family violence advocate and worker wellbeing in the context of COVID-19 and identified key strategies to support staff. Based on this research, they developed best practice guidelines to support workplaces and supervisors to safeguard the wellbeing of practitioners working in remote settings, including working from home. The Best Practice Guidelines: Supporting the Wellbeing of Family Violence Workers During Times of Emergency and Crisis (2021) are based on 4 key responses: Key Response 1: Set up remote workspaces in practitioners' homes Key Response 2: Monitor and manage worker wellbeing Key Response 3: Communicate Key Response 4: Build a resilient family violence workforce. For each area, the guide outlines specific actions for workplaces to take before, during and after crisis response to support workers and staff. Under key response area 2, focused on monitoring and managing worker wellbeing, the guidelines note: "During times of crisis, it is crucial that organisations actively 'check in' with their workers. There are a number of strategies that organisations can utilise to support the mental health and wellbeing of their staff during periods of emergency including: Providing regular supervision dedicated to addressing the worker and their mental health and wellbeing Facilitating peer support and maintaining social connections among staff Encouraging breaks from work through access to leave." The webinar, Responding to the Shadow Pandemic: Family Violence workforce wellbeing during COVID-19 (May 2021), explores the best practice guidelines. The guidelines are based on the research report When home becomes the workplace: family violence, practitioner wellbeing and remote service delivery during COVID-19 restrictions (November 2020). This research is from the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre in Australia as part of their wider research project on Gender-based violence and help-seeking behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic. International research indicates that workers in family violence and sexual violence are continuing to experience sustained significant increased service demands and increased stresses. For more information see our COVID FAQ part 2: Addressing the impacts of COVID-19 under the heading What needs to be done in Aotearoa New Zealand? Also see international research listed under Further Reading on our Information for specialist family violence and sexual violence services webpage. Tainui Stephens wrote about Kaupapa Fatigue in the online magazine E-Tangata as "...the toll extracted from people who were so dedicated to making the Māori world better." He writes: "It's in the nature of oppressed peoples to fight back. There are necessary roles for the strategist, the warrior, the diplomat, and many other types of advocates and workers. But being forever active in the frontline of Māori revival and growth comes with a price. I've known many individuals who grew old before their time because of the energy they expended, and the risks they took with their health or their domestic happiness, all to be able to serve a vital kaupapa that uplifted the wellbeing of the people. The fatigue from their efforts is chronic when it becomes continuous. To serve the entity we call "the people" requires more hours than exist in a day. No wonder Māui tried to slow down the sun." In the research article, Mahi aroha: Māori work in times of trouble and disaster as an expression of a love for the people (February 2021), Fiona Cram explores mahi aroha in times of crisis and the capacity of Māori to continue to offer mahi aroha noting: "In times of crisis and adversity, Māori have stepped up to undertake paid and unpaid work within their communities. For many, this work is done out of a love for the people and a desire to see those who are most vulnerable in their community supported through times of difficulty and loss. Mahi aroha is underpinned by Māori values that also inform responsive adaptations to kawa and tikanga alongside the repurposing of workforces, resources and networks. Social media is widely used to support collective resiliency and inspire hope. Part of securing Māori capacity for mahi aroha into the future is the provision of homes for whānau that enable them to give effect to their love for people and their willingness to reach out and support others." For more information see Sacha McMeeking, Helen Leahy and Catherine Savage's article An Indigenous self-determination social movement response to COVID-19 (October 2020) and Krushil Watene's article on Caring for community to beat coronavirus echoes Indigenous ideas of a good life (April 2020). The webinar, Is It Burn Out or Moral Injury (February 2020), from the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center (US-based), explores how colonisation, historical trauma and racism contribute to systems and infrastructure which create moral injury for advocates and workers. For more information see moral injury resources for social work and community advocates from the The Shay Moral Injury Center at the US-based Volunteers of America. The article Self-care for gender-based violence researchers – Beyond bubble baths and chocolate pralines (April 2022) explores self-care for GBV researchers, structural limitations and impacts on GBV researcher wellbeing, and recommendations focused on relational and collaborative ways of taking care of ourselves and each other. Social Service Providers Aotearoa (SSPA) and ComVoices partnered with Umbrella Wellbeing to host a webinar in September 2021 on Strengthening Wellbeing in Times of Uncertainty with Zeenah Adam from Umbrella Wellbeing. SSPA has put together a summary of the webinar for kaimahi (workers and staff) across the non-government, Iwi social services and community sector in Aotearoa. Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga recorded a number of COVID-19 Tautoko videos in 2020 to provide tautoko (support) to advisors, decision-makers, iwi, communities and whānau. The videos feature perspectives from Kaumātua and insights on noho ki te kainga (staying home). Tuihana Ohia from the Centre for Social Impact developed Unu Ora - a series of brief meditations on health and wellbeing (September 2021) with a Te Ao Māori perspective. There are 5 Unu Ora in the series. Each Unu Ora offers a whakatauki to encourage reflection, and some questions and ideas to think about your wellbeing. Kāhui Oranga, a collaborative health sector group, has a 6-part webinar series Leading for Wellbeing (2020). The webinars include wellbeing through the eyes of Dame R. Naida Glavish, compassionate leadership and Ma pango, ma whero, ka oti te mahi! Our diversity is a strength, we require to succeed! featuring Rachel Prebble, Tofa Suafole-Gush and Chris King exploring their role as leaders in supporting diverse workforces. Re: News featured a series of articles and videos on practical mindfulness tools with Te Ao Māori view using honest kōrero, humour and shared stories. The Pasifika Medical Association, Pasifika Futures and Pacific Media Network collaborated to offer a brief weekly radio segment looking at conversations about mental health and wellbeing, called Ngalu Fānifo. Whāraurau offers the free online course Self-care in Trauma-informed care organisations. While not specific to COVID-19 impacts, the course explains how trauma can affect people who support, protect and serve vulnerable children/tamariki and families and whānau. It offers practical steps to manage the impact of trauma and improve wellbeing. This article, Creating a culture of care to support rainbow activists' well-being: an exemplar from Aotearoa | New Zealand (May 2022), explores development of a culture of care to support the wellbeing of activists involved with InsideOUT Kōaro, a rainbow activist group. The US-based National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) has produced three resources pulling together resources to support advocate and worker wellbeing, and community care and resilience: TA Bundle: Community Care & Resilience (July 2021) #Care4Advocates: COVID-19 Resources to Support Advocates' Well-being (March 2020) TA Bundle: Smiles for the Soul: The Advocate's Scrapbook of Strength, Wisdom & Wellness (December 2019) The Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) has published We Care Evidence Review: Exploring research into how wellness and care can be institutionalised in the violence against women field in low- and middle-income countries (November 2021). It includes recommendations for institutional-level care and wellbeing strategies and advice specific to supporting workers during the covid-19 pandemic. The Growing Together: A Guide to Collective Care…and why self-care isn't enough (October 2021) published by the New Naratif, is comic that highlights the difference between self care and community care, and shares an example for creating community care in an organisation. The US-based Mary Hoch Center for Reconciliation has published a brief Self-Care Guide for Change-makers and Peacebuilders during the COVID-19 Pandemic. It outlines basic recommendations on how to take care of yourself and your household during the pandemic. USAID published How to Embed Self- and Collective Care in Organizations Addressing Gender-Based Violence (April 2022) which providers an overview and outlines principles to guide organisational actions to embed self-care and collective care. All Right? has information for individuals, families and whānau in their campaign on Getting Through Together. They also have information on workplace wellbeing and Wellbeing on the frontline - tips for managers and staff working through the pandemic from the ALL RIGHT? campaign. The Mental Health Foundation has information about wellbeing, parenting during COVID-19, grief and loss, suicide prevention, what to do if you're having a hard time getting through and more helpful resources. For organisations see their resources for Workplace wellbeing during Covid-19. Te Rau Ora and The Centre for Māori Suicide Prevention developed the Manaaki Ora app - a self-help wellbeing app to support individuals and whānau to know what to do if they're concerned with someone's mental or emotional wellbeing. The Ministry of Health has an extensive list of tools and where to get help to support your own wellbeing and others during the COVID-19 pandemic. See the government's offical website on COVID-19 for more information on wellbeing.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — A group of senators seeking to protect jobs is calling on President Barack Obama's administration to fully enforce trade laws in deciding whether imported steel reinforcing bar from Turkey and Mexico unfairly undercuts U.S. prices. In a letter sent Wednesday, the senators urged the Department of Commerce to consider the impact of cheaper imports on U.S. steel companies when it issues preliminary rulings later this month. Companies in Mexico and Turkey could be subject to duties on the steel reinforcing bar, which is known as steel rebar and is used to reinforce concrete, if found in violation. The letter was signed by 31 senators — 16 Republicans and 15 Democrats — including both senators from Ohio. "It is essential that we do everything that we can do to prevent unfairly traded imports from negatively impacting good-paying American jobs, especially in these challenging economic times," said the letter to Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker. The Department of Commerce said Wednesday it takes seriously its obligation to enforce trade laws and will make a final judgment based on the facts in each case. The government probe has drawn the close attention of U.S. steel executives and labor unions as the American manufacturing industry steadily declines due in part to globalization and foreign competition, displacing jobs and shrinking the U.S. middle class. Last month, United Steelworkers union president Leo Gerard cautioned that the steel industry could be on the verge of elimination if trade laws are not fully enforced. Rebar is one of the largest-volume steel products produced in the U.S., employing more than 10,000 workers in more than 30 states, including Ohio. The investigation by Commerce's International Trade Administration was launched last fall after American steel producers alleged that Mexican and Turkish competitors were undercutting their prices, a practice known as dumping. The U.S. companies also say rebar imports from Turkey are being unfairly subsidized by the Turkish government. In February, the Department of Commerce made a preliminary finding that rebar from Turkey was being made with government subsidies but that the amount of subsidies was minimal so there was no trade violation. Commerce is due to make preliminary determinations this month as to whether the rebar was improperly sold below market prices. Separately, a majority of commissioners at the U.S. International Trade Commission voted in November that there was a "reasonable indication" that U.S. companies were injured by the steel imports. In response, Mexico steel producers have said that the Department of Commerce should avoid trade disputes with Mexico and that American steel companies control the vast majority of U.S. market share. Final rulings will be issued this year. According to lawmakers, rebar imports from Turkey and Mexico have been surging into the U.S., nearly doubling from 2011 to 2013. In 2013, imports of steel concrete reinforcing bars from Turkey were valued at approximately $381 million, and those from Mexico were valued at $182 million.
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The combining of the "Big" theme and the wildfire raging out of control in the local mountains seemed unavoidable. I can't think of anything bigger, or more devastating, here at the moment than the Station fire and the accompanying smoke clouds. That's Mt. Wilson in the lower left with the transmission towers. I'm with Hilda simply stunning image. What an incredible image. My heart goes out to all those in California affected by the wildfire. That is so dramatic and scary too! Keith, what an utterly beautiful shot yet we know what made it. I hope the weather changes soon and those awful fires die down. Stay safe. Great shot. Don't spend too much time outside. That air isn't good for us. And I hope people stay safe. Keith, you captured the cloud! Fantastic. That is a great shot of the cloud we are looking at over here in San Pedro. Looks like a huge bomb fell in our backyard! Truly amazing! Fantastic shot of a big tragedy! This is insane. It looks like a brain just exploded over JPL er somthing. A stunning image. Such devastation. I hope everyone is safe. Poor Mt Wilson looks so bullied and sad. Striking . . . it looks like a big bomb going off. We've been hearing so much about this fire, but as a one time resident of the area, we couldn't quite get the feel from TV where the fire really was. This amazing shot with Mt. Wilson in the foreground puts it all in all in perspective. How devastating.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This book has been a personal story of my past four decades of financial innovation in Chicago, London, Paris, Mumbai, and Beijing. I've learned a lot from these successes, and more from the failures. This story follows my transformation from an academic in a period of social unrest into a practitioner during a time of cataclysmic change in the futures industry. It then chronicles my experience as an entrepreneur. The times changed, and I had to change with them. The year 1970 serves as the starting point because it marked the beginning of my professional interest in organized futures markets. The natural bookend is 2010, the year I sold the Chicago Climate Exchange PLC. We conclude with a review of the past, lessons learned, and some thoughts about the next 40 years. This has been a story about LaSalle Street, not Wall Street. Over the last 40 years, the geographic expansion of financial innovation from the Midwest has been astonishing. In a short span of time, financial futures have taken over the reins of commodity trading. We have also witnessed a drastic transformation in the structure of exchanges, geographic expansion, products diversity, trading platforms and futures regulatory framework.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A höchstädti csata (1800. június 19.) a bajorországi Höchstädt közelében zajlott le. Az ütközetben a Moreau tábornok vezette francia csapatok vereséget mérnek a Kray Pál tábornagy vezette osztrák-német csapatokra. 1800 Ausztria csatái a napóleoni háborúkban Franciaország csatái a napóleoni háborúkban A második koalíciós háború csatái Poroszország csatái a napóleoni háborúkban
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
No, Bishop Coyner, Judicial Council didn't do us a favor June 1, 2012 By UMReporter Leave a Comment By Lonnie Brooks, Special Contributor… Bishop Mike Coyner offered us, in the Reporter, his views on the impact of Judicial Council Decision 1210 that struck down the plan for restructuring the general agencies of the Church. There might be some way in which I could agree with Bishop Coyner, but I can't think of one right now. He said "the Judicial Council did us a favor." On the contrary, it's hard to think of any time that one part of the official structure of the Church has done the Church a greater disservice. The Judicial Council is supposed to be our top judicial body, but with this decision it was acting much more like the upper house of a two house legislative structure when, in fact, we have a one house legislative structure. It tipped its hand in unmistakable fashion when it commented on the processes GC12 followed by saying, "Although the adoption of Plan UMC by the General Conference came through a tortured course, and outside of the established legislative processes, we do not review those processes. Our review in this case is confined to constitutionality." That was an extremely inappropriate comment from the Council, and it was irrelevant and immaterial to the review requested by the General Conference. Moreover, as I've said in other places, the ruling of unconstitutionality itself was probably in error in its entirety, and its ruling that the entire Plan UMC that was adopted overwhelmingly by the Conference was "unsalvageble" in its unconstitutionality was grossly in error. Here are things that GC12 did in Plan UMC about which the constitutionality cannot possibly be in question: 1) It moved all the provisions for determining the number of board members of the program agencies and most of the administrative agencies into one section of the Book of Discipline so that in future a single legislative committee could consider such questions in a unified, coordinated fashion. 2) It reduced the size of every agency's board of directors, in most cases in the same manner in which each agency had proposed for itself. As has been noted, the General Board of Church and Society was an exception to that, and Plan UMC included GBCS in that process. 3) It moved both GCCUIC and the standing Committee on Faith and Order into a new status with the Council of Bishops. In the aftermath of the ill begotten JCD 1210, the Committee on Faith and Order was discontinued when, in fact, nobody wanted that to happen. 4) It created a new Committee on Inclusiveness, providing for a significant reduction in redundancy and consolidation of this important ministry of the Church. 5) It consolidated the General Commission on Archives and History, a purely administrative agency, into the General Council on Finance and Administration, its natural home. 6) It set United Methodist Men up to be an agency parallel to the emerging independent United Methodist Women, with both agencies to have seats at the renamed Connectional Table. 7) It did away with a whole category of general agency, the General Commission, through consolidation (GCAH, GCOSROW, GCCUIC, and GCORR) and renaming (UMCOM and UMM). And directly contrary to what Bishop Coyner has said, Plan UMC was not created on the fly. Plan UMC was the direct result of months of works by three bodies of the Church, one having worked within the official structures (the Connectional Table), one a recognized caucus group (MFSA), and one an unofficial ad hoc group of interested people (Plan B). Over several weeks, Plan B and MFSA representatives had worked to include some important parts of the MFSA plan into Plan B. And over two intensive days following the failure of the legislative committee processes, the CT plan and Plan B were integrated to form Plan UMC. The architecture of Plan UMC was the same as the architecture of Plan B, which had been posted for review and comment since April 3, 2012, three weeks before the first plenary session of General Conference. And when Bishop Coyner said, "Even worse, the General Conference itself passed amendment after amendment to the plan—mostly increasing the size of the boards to be more inclusive" he was simply misstating the facts. There was a motion to amend Plan UMC to establish separate boards for GCORR and GCOSROW, and that amendment was not enacted by the Conference. Julius Nelson of Liberia moved to amend Plan UMC to provide for greater central conference membership on the agencies, and that amendment carried. That was the only successful amendment of Plan UMC. The final vote was reported on DCA p 2639. It's difficult to understand how Bishop Coyner could have interpreted one successful amendment, which was considered a friendly amendment by the presenters (Greg Stover, DCA p 2530), as "amendment after amendment." With the addition of greater central conference representation, Plan UMC was adopted by General Conference exactly as it received it. There is absolutely no justification for the Judicial Council to have declared the parts of Plan UMC to be unconstitutional that were so clearly NOT unconstitutional but were administrative acts to make the agency structure simpler, smaller and more effective. And we were not well served by that declaration. On the contrary, that declaration did great damage to the Church from which we'll be at least four years in recovering. Mr. Brooks was a reserve lay delegate to General Conference 2012, from the Alaska Conference. Tagged With: #gc2012, Bishop Mike Coyner, umc IFD475 – Soul Reset SOUND BITES: Something to chew on that is good for the soul™ | GOD'S HEALING COMMUNITY
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
saahir a year ago •updated a year ago India VS England day 3 ( summary) After rain interrupted two days, we finally had a full day of cricket and I might say it was a great day for England and especially for Chris wakes who scored his maiden test hindered and is looking positive, I guess he is going to be headache for the bowlers today as well.After wining the toss and opted to bowl the English men were not able to bowl even a single ball on the first day of the match and the whole first day was rain interrupted. On the second day of test it was the game of rain, shadows, and bright sun. Somehow 36 overs were bowled on the second day of the match. Excellence of Jimmy Anderson and Co. restricted Indian team at 107 at the end of the day and play was called of for the second day. For England Jimmy Anderson took 5 wickets giving 20 runs and Chris wakes two important wickets, Broad and Curran also didn't disappointed and the took one wicket each. Chateshwar Pujara was a bit unlucky and he got run out just before lunch and I might say he was looking positive and his wicket took the game over from India. VIRAT KOHLI resisted a bit at the crease but his resistance was not enough to take his side home, soon he got out on a jaffa from Chris wakes after making 23 runs of 57 balls. Then it was a partnership between Rahane and Ashwin which made things a little better but soon Rahane lost his wicket and team came in trouble again. Ashwin played some good cricket and remained the highest scorer in the first innings by making 29 runs of 38 balls. On day 3 India started of well by picking up early wickets and none among the four top order players crossed the 30 run mark though every player got a start but lost their way. Shami bowled superb and was pick of the bowlers. It was the partnership between the highest run scorer in all formats (Johny baristow) and Chris Woakes who set a strong partnership and dragged the match completely in their favour. Chris Woakes was brilliant with the ball and now follows it up with his maiden Test ton. Jonny Bairstow missed out on his hundred but he was equally superb. They've batted India out of the game. They'll also be smart to not waste any more time, with the weather being as it is. Probably an overnight declaration and get right into India's vulnerable top-order in the morning. At the end of the day England were 357 for the loss of 6 wickets leading by 250 runs. The only positive right now for India is 92% chances of rain tomorrow! Fingers crossed for that!!..... Cricketcricketenglandvsindiaentertainmentsports
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
This information is for employees who have a complaint about their work or workplace or about someone they work with. If you're not an employee, or you're not sure whether you're an employee, you will need to get advice before using this information. You can get advice from one of the organisations listed under Further help. You should only use this information if the problem you want to complain about happened on or after 6 April 2009. You should not use this information if the problem you're complaining about started before 6 April 2009, even if the problem is still going on. This is because the rules are different for problems which started before 6 April 2009. If you are in this situation, you should get advice from one of the organisations listed under Further help. discrimination at work. For example, you might think your work colleagues are bullying you because you because of your race, age, disability or sexuality. It may be possible to sort out your complaint by simply talking to your employer informally. However, it's not always possible to sort out your complaint in this way and you may want to take out a formal grievance. You don't have to take out a formal grievance. However, if you end up making a complaint to an employment tribunal, the tribunal may reduce any compensation they award you if you didn't raise a grievance first. If you do decide to take out a formal grievance, there is an Acas Code of Practice which it is advisable to follow. The Code of Practice sets out standards of fairness and reasonable behaviour that employers and employees are expected to follow in most situations when dealing with a dispute. You don't have to follow the Code of Practice. However, an employment tribunal can take account of whether or not it was reasonable for you to follow the Code when they decide how much compensation you should get, if any. Your employer should also have a formal procedure for raising a grievance. You should try to follow this, where possible. You should be able to find details of your employer's grievance procedure in your Company Handbook, HR or Personnel manual, on your HR intranet site or in your contract of employment. If you do end up making a claim to an employment tribunal, there is a strict time limit within which you'll need to make your claim. This is usually three months minus one day from the date that the thing you are complaining about last happened. The time limit still applies even if you're taking out a grievance. This means you need to make sure that you don't run out of time while going through the grievance procedure. If you take out a grievance, it's always a good idea to keep a note of exactly what happens and when. The steps described on the following pages are based on the guidelines in the Acas Code of Practice. If you haven't been able to sort out your problem by talking directly to your manager, the next thing to do is write to your employer. Give details of your problem, date your letter and keep a copy. If you have not done so already, you might find it helpful to tell your employer any suggestions you have for resolving the problem. You can use our template letter and grievance checklist. explaining why you don't agree with it. Your employer should arrange a further meeting to discuss your appeal. Where possible, a different and more senior manager should deal with this appeal. You have a right to ask either a colleague from work or a trade union representative to accompany you to the appeal meeting. After this appeal meeting, the employer should write to you to tell you their final decision. make a claim to an employment tribunal. You must do this within the time limit. You or your employer might want to consider mediation as a way to resolve the problem. Mediation is completely voluntary and confidential. It involves an independent, impartial person helping you and your employer to reach a solution that is acceptable to everyone. Sometimes the mediator may come from within your organisation or your employer may want to consider bringing in an external mediator. If you have tried everything to sort out your problems at work and got nowhere, you may want to consider making an employment tribunal claim. You should always try and sort out your problem without going to an employment tribunal, if at all possible. You don't have to raise a formal grievance before making a claim to an employment tribunal. However, if you don't raise a grievance first, the tribunal may reduce the amount of any compensation they award you, unless you had a good reason for not raising a grievance first, such as needing to get your claim in before the time limit ran out. Remember that in most cases you must make an application to an employment tribunal which is three months minus one day of the date when the event you are complaining about last happened. If your application is received after this time limit, the tribunal will not usually accept it. You must start early conciliation for most employment tribunal claims. This can affect the time limit for making an employment tribunal claim. For more information about early conciliation and how it affects the time limit, see Using early conciliation. If you're worried about how the time limits apply to you, take advice from one of the organisations listed under Further help. For more information about making a claim to an employment tribunal, go to the Directgov website at: www.direct.gov.uk.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Beautiful by Nature | 612-220-8890 Bearpath Golf & Country Club | Rustic Fall Wedding | Bridget and Matthew Bridget and Matthew had their rustic wedding at Bearpath Golf… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Ceremony-109-scaled.jpg 1706 2560 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2020-01-13 17:40:322020-01-15 06:43:17Bearpath Golf & Country Club | Rustic Fall Wedding | Bridget and Matthew Lumber Exchange Event Center | Blush Fall Floral | Keely and Scott Keely and Scott had their beautiful fall wedding at the Lumber… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Lumber-Exchange-Event-Center-Artemisia-Studios-Minneapolis-wedding-florist-Erin-Smith-Weddings_0687.jpg 537 800 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2020-01-08 07:43:452020-01-08 07:43:45Lumber Exchange Event Center | Blush Fall Floral | Keely and Scott Rich Fall Floral | Nicollet Island Pavilion | Liana and Griffin Liana and Griffin's fall wedding at Nicollet Island Pavilion… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Tessa-June-Photography-Nicollet-Island-Pavilion-Artemisia-Studios-fall-wedding-floral_0510.jpg 537 800 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2019-11-04 20:18:382019-11-04 20:18:38Rich Fall Floral | Nicollet Island Pavilion | Liana and Griffin Mill City Museum | Fall Wedding Floral | Laura and David Laura and David had a beautiful wedding day at Mill City Museum.… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Erin-Johnson-Photography-Mill-City-Museum-fall-wedding-floral-Artemisia-Studios_0138.jpg 537 800 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2019-10-28 20:20:492019-10-28 21:12:20Mill City Museum | Fall Wedding Floral | Laura and David Semple Mansion | Dusty Rose Wedding | Elizabeth and Mostafa Elizabeth and Mostafa's dusty rose wedding took place in the… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Semple-Mansion-Amanda-Nippoldt-Photography-purple-wedding-Artemisia-Studios_0093.jpg 1058 800 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2019-10-12 07:43:452019-10-12 07:43:45Semple Mansion | Dusty Rose Wedding | Elizabeth and Mostafa Blush Wedding Floral | Cedars Hall | Michelle and Nicholas Michelle and Nicholas's blush wedding ceremony was at St. Maron's… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Cedars-hall-Tessa-June-Photography-Minneapolis-florist-Artemisia-Studios_0698.jpg 537 800 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2019-07-28 19:52:242019-07-28 19:55:58Blush Wedding Floral | Cedars Hall | Michelle and Nicholas Yellow Wedding | Greenery Wedding Floral | Mill City Ruins | Carly and Chris Carly and Chris said "I do" at Mill City Museum in Minneapolis!… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Mill-City-Museum-Ali-Leigh-Photography-Minneapolis-florist-Artemisia-Studios-yellow-wedding_0567.jpg 538 800 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2019-07-22 07:45:212019-07-22 07:45:21Yellow Wedding | Greenery Wedding Floral | Mill City Ruins | Carly and Chris Colorful Wedding Floral | 413 on Wacouta | Abby and Dustin Abby and Dustin tied the knot at 413 on Wacouta in St. Paul,… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Heartwild_2018_0159.jpg 683 1024 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2019-07-09 11:25:182019-07-09 11:25:18Colorful Wedding Floral | 413 on Wacouta | Abby and Dustin Mill City Museum | White Wedding Floral | Amanda and Tom Amanda and Tom had their blue wedding at Mill City Museum in… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Mill-City-Museum-blue-wedding-Artemisia-Studios-Laura-Alpizar-Photography_0292.jpg 537 800 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2019-06-20 14:42:452019-06-20 14:42:45Mill City Museum | White Wedding Floral | Amanda and Tom Solar Arts Building | Purple Wedding | Pink and Peach Blooms | Julia and Jason Julia and Jason had an indoor summer wedding at Solar Arts Building… https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/Solar-Arts-Building-purple-wedding-Artemisia-Studios-Adam-Kennedy-Photography_0104.jpg 538 800 Janine Barnes https://www.artemisiastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/artemisia_logo.png Janine Barnes2019-05-21 08:49:412019-05-21 08:49:41Solar Arts Building | Purple Wedding | Pink and Peach Blooms | Julia and Jason © 2014 Artemisia Studios | 4912 Portland Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55417 | 612-220-8890
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
I'm currently on tour in Costa Rica. It's not my first time here, but every time I come, I try to branch out to new territories and build relationships with the great people that live here. This is a much needed change of pace for me. I've spent the last seven months in Charleston, SC playing almost everyday of the summer. I rarely had any days off and I took a beating. It's not an easy job, even though it may appear to be. I do love it though and am very fortunate to get to play with some great musicians. But now that the season is winding down, it's time to move to new territory and share my original music with some fresh ears in Costa Rica in the many surf towns and festivals like Envision. I'll be traveling from Panama to Nicaragua and hitting every stop along the way. I look forward to reuniting with some old friends an making new ones. If you live in Costa Rica, contact me on FB at FB/jamisunmusic and let me know where you are so I can some see you.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
remarks of the President at Julia Carson rally - Indiana (Indianapolis, Indiana) For Immediate Release October 21, 2000 AT RALLY FOR REPRESENTATIVE JULIA CARSON Indianapolis State Fairgrounds 10:48 A.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT: Wow! (Applause.) I'll tell you why I came here, because Julia Carson asked me, and I always do whatever she asks me to do. (Laughter and applause.) Because I learned very early I could do it right away or I could just wait and let her grind on me until I finally broke down and said yes. So I just say yes right away to Julia now -- (laughter) -- and it solves a lot of my problems. (Applause.) Mr. Mayor, I'm glad to be back here in your city, and I'm very proud that you are now the Mayor of this great city. (Applause.) And I want to thank my longtime friend, Jeff Smillion (phonetic) for helping Julia Carson. We were friends before I ran for President, before I knew I was going to run for President I met him. He was just -- I was just what President Bush used to refer to as the governor of a small southern state -- (laughter) -- when we became friends. And I thank you for helping Julia. (Applause.) Joe Andrew, I am so proud of you. He's got that riff down, doesn't he, old Joe does. (Applause.) I kind of wanted to run down here along the side and pass the plate when he was up there preaching. (Laughter.) We knew he was preaching to the saved, and so I thought we ought to take up an offering here. (Laughter.) Let me say, I'm really proud of what the Democrats have done in Indiana. I'm proud of your great Governor -- (applause) -- and I want you to make sure he gets reelected. He deserves to be reelected. (Applause.) And I am very, very proud of your former Governor, Senator Evan Bayh, and what a great job he has done. (Applause.) We have also been friends for many, many years. So this is a great day for me, to come here to thank the people from Indiana who have sent such fine people into public office -- AUDIENCE: We love you, Mr. President! (Applause.) THE PRESIDENT: -- and who have given us Julia Carson, who is truly one of a kind. Have you ever met anybody like Julia before in your whole life? AUDIENCE: Noo! THE PRESIDENT: I tell this joke -- she's talking about what a unifying force the Democratic Party is -- Julia has got it all inside her. I told somebody, she may be an African American woman, but she reminds me of a redneck county judge when she works the room -- (laughter) -- she kind of sidles into these rooms in Washington, and all these self-important people are there in their expensive suits, using these big words. And then Julia sort of sidles out and she's got whatever it is she came in for, and they still don't know what happened. (Laughter.) I mean, it's amazing, you know. She's like a stealth bomber for Indiana in Washington. She's got more moves than Larry Bird and Isaiah Thomas put together. She's got moves, man, people don't see that stuff. So, yes, I wanted to come here. I'm sorry I couldn't come before. You know what I was doing -- I was working on the peace process. (Applause.) But now -- wait a minute -- I want to say a couple of things seriously. We're all having a good time, but we all agree with each other, or you wouldn't be here. And here's what I want to say to you. First, thank you. Thank you for helping me have a chance to serve the country for the last eight years. I'm grateful to you. (Applause.) Second, I have been reading as much as I could, while I've been running around the world and trying to get the Congress out of town, too -- I've been reading what I could about what the experts are saying about this election. And they say it's tight as ticks, and they say that there are a lot of undecided voters, and they say that there are a lot of voters who aren't sure what the differences are and what the consequences are to them, so maybe it doesn't matter for whom they vote or whether they Now, let me tell you something. I've done everything I could do for eight years to turn this country around, pull this country together, and move the country forward. (Applause.) Everything I could do. But in America, our public life is always about tomorrow. Always about -- that's why we're still around here, after 224 years, because we're always thinking about tomorrow. Now, look at where we were eight years ago and where we are now, and ask yourselves where we're going to go. I'm telling you, this is a huge election. You cannot afford for anybody to think that there aren't any differences and it doesn't matter whether they vote or for whom they vote. And the interesting thing about this election to me is, from the elections for President and Vice President to the United States Senate -- and you know I've got a passing interest in that Senate race up in New York, I know something about that -- (laughter) -- to the races for governor and for Congress, all over the country you see the same things -- there are big differences; the differences will have real consequences; and only the Democrats want you to know what the differences are. What does that tell you about who you ought to vote for? (Applause.) I see it everywhere. So you've got the other side trying to cloud the differences and blur them, and we have to clarify them. And I just want to say, look, eight years ago the country was in the ditch economically. Eight years later, we've got the longest economic expansion in history, the lowest unemployment in 30 years, 22 million new jobs, the lowest African American and Hispanic unemployment ever measured -- (applause) -- the lowest poverty rate in 20 years, the biggest drop in child poverty in 34 years. (Applause.) Now, I got tickled -- you know, when our Republican friends were in, they took credit for everything that happened in America. They took credit when the sun came up. (Laughter.) One of their campaigns was, "it's morning in America." The sun came up in the morning, give it to us, we did it. (Laughter.) Now, everything that happens happens by accident. Did you listen to these debates? I thought Al Gore's best moment in the first debate was when his opponent said, I think Clinton-Gore got more out of the economy than the economy got out of Clinton-Gore. The American people did this, you know, we just sort of were there. And Al Gore said, well, you know, the American people did do this, but they were working hard eight years ago, too, and they weren't doing nearly as well. (Applause.) So the first big question is, do you want to continue the prosperity, build on it, expand on it, to people and places that have been left behind, and lift up this whole country? (Applause.) Now, you've got to talk to people, because how could anybody not see this? Look, they're offering a tax cut that's three times the size of the one that we're offering. But most people making under $100,000 are better off under our proposal than theirs -- tax cuts to pay for college education, long-term care, child care, retirement savings, to get people to invest in the communities that have been left behind. Now, theirs is three times bigger. And then they want to partially privatize Social Security, which means -- forget about whether you think it's a good idea or not, let's just talk about the arithmetic. There are a lot of problems with the idea, but forget about that, talk about the arithmetic. Everybody here under 40 -- let's say, under 45 -- can take 2 percent of your Social Security payroll tax, keep it and put it in an investment account. Everybody like me, starting next year, who will be 65 or over, gets a guarantee we're going to get it, just like they always promised it. Now, where's the money going to come from if you take away the money that they're going to pay my guarantee with? They've got to take that out of the surplus, too. So they've got a tax cut three times bigger than ours, a trillion-dollar promise in Social Security to pay for the privatization, hundreds of billions of dollars in other promises. Look, folks, you need to tell people -- they want to know why we did well in America, because we brought arithmetic back to Washington. We made the numbers add up. These numbers don't add up. (Applause.) And, look, this is a big deal. If you vote for a tax cut that big, and you privatize Social Security at a trillion dollars, you spend several hundred billion dollars of it, you're back in deficit. And do you know what that means? High interest rates. If you vote for Al Gore and Joe Lieberman, Julia Carson, and our whole crowd, do you know what it means? You'll have interest rates about one percent lower a year for a Let me tell you what that amounts to in a tax cut. Listen to this -- one percent lower interest rates: $390 billion in lower home mortgages; $30 billion in lower car payments; $15 billion in lower college loan payments; lower credit card payments; lower business loans; means higher profits, more folks getting hired, more pay raises, and a higher stock market. Our tax cut for all is low interest rates that keep this economy going, and pay the debt off. (Applause.) Now, this is very important. Did you watch the debate where their guy says, our guy is for big government, we're for big government? There's a real problem with that argument, besides the fact that it's not true -- it's manifestly not true. What do I mean by that? The size of the federal government today is the smallest it's been since 1960, when Dwight Eisenhower was President and John Kennedy was running for President. The federal government spending as a percentage of our economy is the smallest it's been since 1966. Why is that? We're paying down the debt. The third biggest item in the budget for your tax money is the debt -- after Social Security and defense, the debt is the third highest sum in the budget. So we get rid of that, we can spend more on education, more on health care, pay for a tax cut, and still shrink the size of government. Vote for Al Gore and Joe Lieberman and Julia Carson, get the country out of debt, keep interest rates down, keep the economy going, keep moving forward. That's the issue. (Applause.) Now, that's clear. But don't all of you know a lot of people who never will come to a rally like this? You do, don't you? You know, every one of you, you know a lot of people who love their country and they're going to vote on election day, but they'll never come to a rally like this. You need to tell them just what I told you. The first thing is, if you like the prosperity and you want to keep it going, and you don't want us to go back into deficit, you've got to vote with us. We tried it their way for 12 years, we tried it our way for eight years -- our way works better than their way. We've got to keep going. (Applause.) And now, the second thing I want to say is this. If you look at every other area of our national life, you'll find the same thing. Welfare; the rolls have been cut in half. Yes, if you're able-bodied and you can work, you've got to go to work. But we don't want you to hurt your kids, so we want more for child care, for education and training, for transportation. And it works, our deal works. Helping people be good parents and good workers makes good sense. That's why we were for the Family and Medical Leave law. We think it ought to be expanded. Work and family. (Applause.) Our way works. (Applause.) Crime -- what was our position on crime? Not what they say. They say we're weak on enforcement and all we want to do is take hunters' guns away. What a load of hooey. (Laughter.) You know, that's just a bunch of bull. (Laughter.) It might stir people up and get them some votes, but it has a real burden of being untrue. What are the facts? What was our approach? Our approach was, put more cops on the street to prevent crime in the first place. Do more to take guns out of the hands of children and criminals. (Applause.) You can do that without interfering with the hunters and the sport shooters. Give kids something to say yes to, give them an after-school program, summer school program, and then punish the people that ought to be punished. Now, that's been our -- do you know what, now, look at the record. We have the lowest crime rate in 26 years, the lowest murder rate in 33 years. That is the record. So what do they want to do? They want to stop our efforts to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children. They want to -- this is an explicit commitment -- they want to repeal our efforts to put over 100,000 police on our streets. And they just want to go back to talking tough again. Well, look, we tried it their way, we tried it our way; our way works. (Applause.) And not a single Indiana hunter has missed a day in the deer woods, not a sports person has missed a single sporting event, but a half a million felons, fugitives and stalkers couldn't get a handgun because of the Brady Bill. It's a safer country, we're a better country. Our way works. (Applause.) We tried it their way, we tried it our way -- our way works. (Applause.) You look at education. Compared to eight years ago, test scores are up, the dropout rate is down, the high school graduation rate is up, the college-going rate is at an all-time high. We went from 14 states to 49 states with strong academic standards that would be applied to all students in all schools. All states now have to identify schools that are failing and try to find some way to turn them around. So standards, accountability, and resources to help people meet the standards -- it's working. The teachers and the principals know how to turn around failing schools now. Now, we know how to do this. We're finally moving this thing. We've had a a two-thirds increase in the number of kids taking advance placement tests, a 300 percent increase in Latino kids, a 500 percent increase for African American kids taking advance placement tests to go to college. Now, we know what we're doing here. (Applause.) So what is Al Gore's program? What's the Democratic program? High standards and accountability, identify schools that are failing, and within two years turn them around or shut them down and reopen them under new management. But help them -- 100,000 more teachers; funds to build or modernize or repair schools; funds to train the teachers in the subjects that they're supposed to be teaching; and making sure that kids get a tax deduction for the cost of college tuition; and after-school and pre-school programs for all the kids who need it. (Applause.) Why? Not because we're against accountability and standards, but because if you're going to lay standards on somebody, they've got to have a chance to meet the standards. Now, what is their program? Their program is, accountability and block grants to states, and if they spend the money, fine; if they don't, fine; if they don't spend it well, we'll take it away from them. So if the schools get in trouble, our answer is spend even less on them. That's their side. I think accountability-plus is better than accountability-minus. And we've had eight years of experience; we're moving in the right direction; our way works better than theirs. The American people have to choose that. (Applause.) The same thing is true with every other issue. On the environment, we've got cleaner air, cleaner water, safer food; 90 percent of our kids immunized for the first time in history. We have proved you can grow the economy and clean up the environment. And we set aside more land than any administration since Theodore Roosevelt in permanent trust for the American people. (Applause.) Al Gore says, vote for me and I'll build on that. His opponent says, vote for me and we'll relax some of their regulations; we'll get rid of the President's order protecting 40 million acres in national forests, we'll reduce some of these other things he's done, because you simply can't do this much and grow the economy. Now, look, we tried it their way. Didn't we? And then they came in and tried to weaken the economy again; I vetoed it every time they tried it the last five years. (Applause.) And wait a minute. And you know, if I were trying to hurt the economy, I've done a poor job of it. (Laughter.) So this is a serious deal. You can grow the economy and improve the environment. And believe me, in the future, the challenges will be bigger than the ones I've faced. You can't turn around on this. This is a big deal. This is a big deal. So you've got to go tell people this. You've got to say, look, look at where we were eight years ago, look at where we are today. The economy, crime, welfare, education, the environment, health care -- we've got people without insurance, that number, going down for the first time in a dozen years, because of the Children's Health Insurance Program that we have proposed and gotten out there and implemented. (Applause.) Now, the country is going in the right direction. Now, here's the last point I want to make. You all were clapping when Joe Andrews did his shtick, you know, we don't care whether you're old or young, whether you walked in or wheeled in, and all that. That's really who we are. And it's the only thing about us that's more important than the economic policy, is that we think everybody counts, everybody ought to have a chance, we all do better when we help each other. That's what we believe. Now, it's what I call one America. But there are lots of these one America issues out there, where there are real differences. You can go to your friends and neighbors and ask them with whom they agree. Our side, we're for raising the minimum wage; their side isn't. Our side, we're for stronger enforcement of equal pay laws for women, and their side isn't. Our side -- (applause.) Our side, we're for a Medicare prescription drug program so that every senior who needs access to affordable medicine can get it, and their side isn't. (Applause.) Our side, we're for hate crimes legislation that protects people on the basis of race, gender, disability or sexual orientation from hate crimes. Nobody ought to be beat up, mauled, dragged or killed in this country because of who they are, if they're obeying the law. (Applause.) And their side isn't. (Applause.) Now, that's it. So here's the deal. You can't let anybody not vote, or sort of stray away, because they think there's no consequence here, they think there are no differences here. We've actually had quite a nice election, free of personal recrimination, where we -- positive, that both these candidates for President and for Vice President are good, honorable, patriotic Americans who love their families and love their country and they're going to do what they say they're going to do. And I can tell you this -- you know, the press likes to say that these politicians are always breaking their word, but the truth is every study shows that most Presidents pretty well do what they say they're going to do. Once in a while they break their word, and usually we're thankful they did. (Laughter.) Why? Roosevelt said he'd balance the budget, and that was a bad idea with 25 percent unemployment. And we're thankful that he gave us the New Deal instead. Lincoln, to get elected, said he wouldn't free the slaves, and we're awful glad he broke that promise. (Applause.) So once in a great while a guy gets elected President and has to break a promise, and it makes -- but more often than not, Presidents do what they say they're going to do. You're going to have a very different Supreme Court, depending on which one of them gets elected. And it's not just about the right to choose, although it is about that. That will change, depending on what happens. It is also about the ability of the Congress of the United States to protect working people. There are all these -- and ordinary citizens, for all kinds of things. There's a revolution here, a debate, going on on the Supreme Court, and some of them want to go back to where they were in the 1930s -- THE PRESIDENT: Now, you've got to decide. But don't you let anybody tell you that there are no differences. And I just came out here to say, you know, if Indiana can elect Evan Bayh and Frank O'Bannon back to back, if Indianapolis can elect Bart Peterson, the first Democratic mayor in a month of Sundays -- (applause) -- if Indiana can send me Julia Carson -- (applause) -- to drive me crazy until I say yes to whatever she's asking -- (applause) -- if Indiana can provide us Joe Andrews, the spark plug of our national revival of the Democratic Party -- (applause) -- all of you, between now and election day, can find some people to talk to. Look at all the people in this crowd here, this is a big crowd -- this crowd will talk to, collectively, 30,000-50,000-100,000 people between now and election day. Look around here. There are lots of folks here. Most of the people you will talk to will never come to an event like this. But they will vote, if they think it matters. And you need to go tell them -- your friends in Illinois, your friends in Michigan, your friends in Kentucky and all the states around here, all those states are big battleground states --look, if you want to keep the prosperity going, their deal won't pass the arithmetic test. It doesn't add up. You've got to stick with us. Look at where we were eight years ago and where we are now on welfare, crime, the environment, education, health care. We're moving in the right direction. Let's keep moving in the right direction. Look at where we are on building one America, on hate crimes, on equal pay for women, on all these other issues. Look at this. If you want one America, if you want to move in the right direction, if you want to keep the prosperity going, you've got one choice -- you've got to be for our crowd: Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, Frank O'Bannon, Julia Carson, the people that helped to bring America back. You can do it, Indiana. Thank you and God bless you. Thank you. (Applause.) END 11:15 A.M. CDT
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
A new expanded edition of the bestselling Move Your DNA. Now with an exercise glossary and three-level exercise program! Move Your DNA contains corrective exercises, habit modifications, and simple lifestyle changes to free ourselves from the diseases of affluence and discover our naturally healthy, reflex-driven selves. From couch potatoes to professional athletes, new parents to seniors, readers love Katy's humorous, passionate, and above all science-based guide to restoring your body through natural movement. "Move Your DNA is a landmark in explaining biomechanics." —Dr. Joan Vernikos former director of NASA's Life Sciences Division and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
export function initialize(application) { application.inject('controller', 'cart', 'service:cart'); application.inject('component', 'cart', 'service:cart'); } export default { initialize };
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Have you seen an abundance of arrows online of late? Pinterest, Instagram, online stores, interior design sites… everywhere! Not to be one left in the cold (aka. keeping up with the Jones') I decided to see if I could whittle one out of some of my scrap bits in the garage. The problem here is not so much that I'm a follower – which is only partially the case – but moreso that I am totally and completely influenced by marketing messages. Bombard me with images of dog poop on a stick and eventually I'll either find a way to make my own or go to a shop and buy some. Which is why I love marketing so much – I always try to frame things based on how and what would sell me. Today it's wooden arrow wall art, tomorrow Nike Wraps (the no-toe shoes for yoga). I digress, you want to see how mine turned out right? I still had/have some 1″ cedar planks left in my garage from the deck demo at my friend Steph's. Most of them are bits and pieces and not really enough to build large projects, so I messed around and come up with some measurements…. this is my DIY wood arrows tutorial (for better or for worse). I laid out my scrap wood and found a combination that seemed the right size. These boards are 5.5″ wide, so I cut the centre one (22″ long) down the centre so I had two 2 3/4″ boards. Next I put a smaller piece of scrap wood across the top of the narrow one and chose a size that looked proportionate – in this case, I cut a 5.5″ square. I marked the centre of the square and then cut two angles from that point to the lower corners of the board to create my arrow. I'm sorry I didn't write down the angles, but my sides measured 6″, 6″ by the 5.5″ base. I cut down another piece of scrap wood – not quite in half, because I wanted the 'feathers' to be differing widths. You can see in the photo below that one is slightly wider than the other. I angled my 'feathers' to where I thought they'd look good and then laid the 22″ piece over top and marked a line. If you want yours exactly like mine, the angle for these cuts is 42 degrees. Once they were cut, I lined them up with the centre and then determined how long I'd like them to be, then marked a straight line (parallel to the centre) and marked it. These ended up being 4″ long – with the same angle as before – at 42 degrees. I used my Kreg Jig to drill pocket holes into the centre section shooting towards the arrow tip and then in each feather, aiming towards the centre piece. Glue and screw into place. I just repeated the process to create the second arrow from the second half of the 22″ piece of wood. I sanded them down to remove the old deck stain and sealer. Then added a light coat of matte varnish – which you really don't need to do if you're working with cedar. In hindsight, I would have skipped this step and just let them age again naturally. I added small hooks on the back and then hung them on the wall. This is a visual metaphor of my life… I don't know whether I'm coming or going most days. If you want, you can add hooks to the front of these and use them as a coat rack, or mug rack – or even add another piece of wood and use them as shelves. If you have a big enough closet, these would make great decor in there because moths hate cedar. You'd be decorating and prolonging the life of your clothing! Great job. I love the arrows, another something to add to my walls! You can never have too much rustic goodness right?! lol Thanks for commenting. I love the "Coming and Going" remark and will be passing that along to a very busy daughter..lol! Good job!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A new way to think of something, which is a gamechanger. Video on demand is killing the digital establishment. What can we call the VOD market? The first phrase that came to mind for me was disruptive technology or disruptive innovation. In business, a disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products, and alliances. "That's a novel idea for a TV series!" Word to refer to the person who creates something that gets reused or remixed? What is the word for using something for other than its intended purpose? Is there a better word or phrase to describe a tangible and usable product? What is the word for "demand something without saying it"?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Very often, folks want to refer to both the free and open source software communities in a way that is inclusive of and respectful of groups who identify with either term. Saying "free and open source software" is a mouthful. That said, there was no been consensus on what we should do instead. The Wikipedia article on alternative terms for free software suggests that FOSS, F/OSS, FLOSS, and "software libre" are contenders. I've heard all. Of course, the choice of 4+ competing alternative terms is probably worse than the problem we were seeking to solve. In academic circles, the big debate seems to be between FOSS and FLOSS. I was always a FOSS partisan. But I've seen increased momentum on the FLOSS side and I'm ready to declare that FLOSS has won. I know it makes you think of dental hygiene and I agree that it is unfortunate. It wasn't my first choice either. But I can see where things are going. FLOSS Manuals and the folks at the FLOSS Research Group at Syracuse who launched the FLOSSHub and the associated FLOSS Papers deserve some of the credit. If we can get over the irony of having spent so much time arguing over what was intended to be compromise terminology in the first place, lets see if we actually start talking to each other. I, for one, welcome any comparison between FLOSS and dental hygiene. Flossing makes me feel amazing. I'm just glad someone made up their mind! It's always distracting when describing to an "outsider" that they may have heard of some of the terms describing free software. Then I have to explain a difference between free software and "freeware". Suddenly, my conversation goes from "hey, here's cool stuff" to an exercise in semantics. Now I'll just say "FLOSS". None of the plaque buildup like you get with proprietary software. Any chance we can rally for consistency in the Ubuntu and Debian communities and media? 1. It combines all possible confusions. Language is never easy and Free Software as well as Open Source allow different interpretations. When you combine this terms you also combine all possible misunderstandings which makes it even harder to explain. One example I have seen already a few times: "free" can mean free as in freedom and free as in gratis. That's two natural meanings. Now if you talk about "Free Open Source Software" many people see "free" as an adjective to Open Source Software. Hence they think FLOSS people talk about free as in gratis Open Source/Libre Software" (because the freedom aspect is already mentioned by the term libre). And People who talk about "Open Source" or "Libre Software" talk about commercial software. That's a missunderstandig I already heard and read many times. Now you can mix in all the other miss understandigs, e.g. "Open Source means you can look at the code not less but also not more". And you can see what a uncontrollable composition of missunderstand you can create with FOSS or FLOSS. For you and me it is not hard to read. We both know that "Open Source" and "Free Software" describes the same set of software. But what happens with people new to free software? They will seek a difference between foo and bar to explain why one is "free software" and the other one is "open source". 2. Especially form an academic point of few I consider it stupid to say 2 or 3 times the same. Open Source, Libre Software an Free Software describe the same set of software. That's become even more clear if you look at the history of this term but I don't think I have explain this to you and your readers. So why should I say three times the same? If you talk about "potato" than france speaking people will call it "patate", german people will kall it "Kartoffel" and in some reagion of germany people will call it "Erdäpfel". But nobody would come to the conclusion to call it PPKE (potato/patate/kartoffel/erdäpfel) just to make everyone happy. Depending of the poeple who write it you will find texts which uses "potato", "kartoffel", etc. But nobody will use all terms a once. So why should we do this if we talk about free software (you see, that's my term of choice)? People who prefer the term free software can use this term if they talk in non english language they may translate it, e.g. "freie software", "logical libre",… People who prefer Open Source can use this term and also translate it sometimes in their mother tongue, e.g "quellenoffene software". In my view It's much less confusion than mentioning three times the same, combine all possible missunderstandings and let people think that there must be some differences if there are none. So I always suggest to people to use the term they like. Be it "free software", "open source", or any translation of this term. But they should make a decision and than use it continuously. Especially in science clear thinking is important. And i think to think clearly it's not helpful to mention three times the same but use one term and stick to the term and his definition. That's the two main reasons I'm in favor of "Open Source" or "Free Software". People should pick on and keep it. Even if I'm definitely a "free software guy" I prefer if people speak continiously about "Open Source" rather than mix both terms or use acronyms like FOSS or FLOSS. Continuously is the key and not to say three times the same or mix up the terms just to "make everyone happy". Momentum around my homeland Cádiz is to call it Software Libre, but that's because of being Spaniards. :))) The issue goes with English speakers and, more importantly, English speakers who are users. I sort of speak English so whatever it is, my voice would go that it should include a big F for freedom or a big L for libertad… Actually it is not such a disgrace to borrow the term Libre (which is not tainted with ambiguity and as a plus comes from Latin, a common root for both English and Spanish languages). However, users and supporters will decide through time. Also, capitalization is a good thing from a marketing point of view. Let we make it big, that's how they like in the market, ain't it? Obviously not everyone will like that approach and avoid calling it Free or Libre, but they are free to do that too. Open Source is discarded to engulf the other terms because it has proven not to speak about freedom at all. That will stay so provided there is people standing fast and defending their digital Freedom. Enough said. Be well in Freedom… Long live Floss or whatever rocks most! We started to take care of our teeth a long time ago. No, OK, seriously, in EU the winner was clear since some years ago the EU Commission adopted the term FLOSS to design any kind of software released under a libre software license. Note that I also prefer libre software, perhaps because I'm Spanish, and I work for the LibreSoftware group, (for this time, at least, Spanish looks like the best language to convey the essence of the whole movement). Muy buen aporte. también estoy trabajando en el tema. Gracias.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This week the global plastics flows topic made the news and social media with the publication of the EU Plastics Strategy and Chancellor Philip Hammond presenting the United Kingdom's plan for tackling plastic waste. Ellen MacArthur Foundation has long been active in research and awareness building in this field. It aims at supporting a transition to a circular economy. The foundation tweeting under @circulareconomy contributed this Sankey diagram. It is from a 2016 report they produced together with the World Economic Forum and McKinsey. The Sankey diagram shows indeed, that "today, plastic packaging material flows are largely linear". This beautifully crafted diagram had already caught my attention back in 2016 when I first saw it. I stuck to the original layout and design as closely as possible, using the same color codes and even the white all caps font. While transfering the numbers (all percentage values, so no issue there), it immediately became clear to me what caused my irritation. Can you identify it yourself by comparing the two pics? Won't give it away now and wait for your comments. Will post the answers to this small 'spot-the-difference contest' here next week. [Edit 24 Jan] Blog reader 'First!' was the first to comment and point out that the 2% recycling flow does not seem to be to scale (i.e too wide / overemphasized) in the Sankey diagram published by Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and possibly the same issue with the two arrows representing 14% each. Just another quick Sankey diagram before the weekend. This beautifully crafted black&white diagram is from a scientific article 'Exergy assessment of a cogeneration system with micro-turbine and absorption chiller' by Martínez Reyes et.al. published in Proceedings of COBEM 2005 (18th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering). This is for a cogeneration system with a 30 kWe gas micro-turbine and a 35 kWt absorption chiller. Flows are in kW with a scale of 1 cm = 100 kW in the original size. Good handling of the loop flow. The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) is an association of the minerals industry. In this AusIMM Bulletin article titled 'From Waste to Wealth' they talk about metal recovery and recycling in Australia. This Sankey diagram (actually two Sankey diagrams) from the article visualizes metal flows in Australia in 2012/2013 based on data from Golev & Corder (2014). The smaller yellow diagram section on the left actually just shows mining activities in Australia and the fact that the largest portion of mining output (ores) are exported. Only 7.5 Mt are processed within Australia. This Sankey arrow is then blown up and corresponds to the yellow input stream into the second diagram [a similar solution to decouple diagrams with different scales was presented in yesterday's post]. In the metal production process there are losses, and material is being exported and imported. The annual increase to the Australian 'in use stocks' (i.e. metals being used infrastructure, buildings and products) is 12 Mt, possible only thanks to 7 Mt metals imports. Some 7 Mt of metals are also released annually from 'in use stocks'. The dotted lines signal that there are possible routes, but either outside the scope of the Australian market or no reliable data is available (new scrap from the manufacturing step being fed back to the smelting). In this post on rare earths I have recently featured an alluvial diagram depicting rare earths use from a presentation by T.E.Graedel (Yale). That same presentation also lead me to another article by X. Du & T.E. Graedel titled 'Uncovering the Global Life Cycles of the Rare Earths Elements' (open access) that has a number of circular flow diagrams I would call "REE wheels". The article describes how quantitative data on rare earths is available for mining and processing, but "very little quantitative information is available concerning the subsequent life cycle stages". Also, data is mostly available for the overall REE production, but not individually for every single rare earth element. They therefore aim to estimate and approximate the quantities for ten REEs, based on sources from China and Japan. The diagram can be read from 7 o'clock to 5 o'clock in a clockwise direction. The processing steps are "Mi" (mining), "S" (separation), "F"(fabrication), "Ma" (manufacturing), "U" (use) and "W" (waste management), thus showing the flow of the rare earth element through the economic cycle. I did a Sankey diagram version of the above Yttrium REE wheel to have the arrow magnitude representing the quantities. Flows are in Gigagrams (million metric tons) per year. Due to the fact that the arrows connect horizontally and vertically to the node (and do not run diagonally like in the original) my remake looks less "circular" somehow… in fact it resembles more one of those retro indoor AM/FM loop antennas you would hook to your HiFi. So I am not fully satisfied with the outcome. Would it be better if the nodes were tilted 45°? What's nice is that the extraction of ore (17.4 Gg) can be directly compared to the 2.9 Gg Yttrium release to the environment. I switched ore input and tailings output at the mining node to have them side-by-side. Comments and improvement suggestions welcomed. Austrian technical consulting firm pro-wel offers process engineering services to its customers. Their website features two Sankey diagrams, one of which is a rare circular one with curved arrows (see others). I also like the technical frame around the diagram, a must have in engineering and architecture.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Recorded in Bremen, Germany in 1978 You Don't Come Close captures Ramones at their finest. Unlike many live recordings Burning Airlines has uncovered this offering boasts comparatively excellent audio quality. The liner notes are entertaining and informative but unfortunately, the running time of the music portion of this multimedia album is a mere 21 minutes. That's attributable to the succinctness of Ramones songs although it certainly would be nice to hear a few more minutes from this legendary band during their heyday.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Apple MacBook Ban in India: What The Fuzz Is All About? Shubhankar Sen - August 29, 2019 0 Flying with Apple MacBook Pro? You must pay attention to this! Almost every flight operator in India has banned Apple MacBook Pro in India. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), the Indian government's... How Apple's New 13-Inch Retina Display 'MacBook Pro' Would Boost Overall Mac Shipments ? Abhishek Singh - October 25, 2012 0 On October 23, Apple posted a commercial for the recently announced 13-inch MacBook Pro—it feels like that the company has pulled old man out of its MacBook line. The sleek 13-inch latest 'MacBook Pro' could be a potent rival... Apple Could Launch iPad Mini In Rainbow Colors But With An Embarrassing Price Tag Apple is just a day away to host an event for its one of the most awaited products iPad Mini. But, rumors are revealing around that the company could launch some more products including 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina... Despite Of Stronger Smartphone And Tablet Demand, Ultra-Slim PCs Shipments To Reach 65 Million By 2015 [Report] Abhishek Singh - October 8, 2012 2 At present, users are nostalgic to own traditional PCs and notebook, but they are more enamored to own smartphone and Tablets. And that's why, the shipments of these devices (smartphone and Tablet) are increasing with galloping pace day-over-day. Despite... What To Expect At WWDC: Apple To Announce Mac Hardware Specifications And New Accessories Abhishek Singh - June 6, 2012 2 It has been cleared that Apple is going to proclaim major software updates--including iOS 6, an updated version of iCloud and OS X Mountain Lion-- at the WWDC event next week. However, it's not clear that whether it's going... Apple To Launch 15-Inch MacBook Air In April: Will It Jeopardize MacBook Pro? Abhishek Singh - March 15, 2012 1 Apple is going to release a larger version of its coolest and thinnest notebook, and also, it would look alike the existing MacBook Air models. The rumors seem somewhat awkward but it's true. A UK based website "Electrispig" has... Apple Emerges Stronger in Laptop Market: MacBook Air Shipment Up By 20 Percent Prayiush - November 21, 2011 0 Despite of Steve Jobs Sad demise Apple products are still performing above expectation in the market. Besides, iPhone and Tablet, Apple is emerging stronger in Laptop market. Specially MacBook Air has outclassed all other Apple's laptop models in sales...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley on Monday asserted it was "false" that the Trump administration had instituted a policy of separating families at the border immediately before contradicting himself, admitting to and justifying that exact policy. Aside from Gidley's admission that the Trump administration has begun to systematically separate parents from children who are apprehended at the border — a result of Attorney General Jeff Sessions' April order to U.S. attorneys to institute a "zero tolerance" criminal prosecution policy for border crossers — the White House spokesperson told several lies during the interview. For one, Democrats have not said immigrant families cannot be detained. In fact, the Obama administration expanded administrative — not criminal — detention centers for families awaiting immigration proceedings (it was criticized from the left for doing so, and a judge ultimately ordered an end to the practice). And as Vox's Dara Lind notes, there are lots of alternatives to detention: Immigration authorities can release families together while ensuring they show up to immigration court dates — with ankle bracelets, for example, and watchful case officers. That's not true. The Trump administration went until early April without a declared policy of criminally prosecuting everyone apprehended at the border. Sessions made a choice to institute the new "zero tolerance" policy, superseding the previous policy of not systematically prosecuting parents who came to the border with children. On @foxandfriends, @hogangidley45 flatly denies that Trump administration is separating families (that's a lie), adds more lies: "This is all the Democrats' doing… this is up to the Democrats, they could fix this right now."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Tell me again how increasing abortion access will save lives. Sometimes a headline makes you stop and shake your head in wonder at who could have written such a thing in good conscience. On September 27, a United Nations news headline read: Repealing anti-abortion laws would save the lives of nearly 50,000 women a year – UN experts The assertion is made that unsafe abortion practices result in the deaths of approximately 50,000 women worldwide each year. UN experts recommend removing barriers, discrimination and any criminalization of abortion to remedy this problem. "We cannot tolerate the severe violation of women's human rights on the basis of their sex and biological differences," said the experts. But wait. I don't mean to demean the 50,000 preventable deaths from unsafe abortions – preventable deaths are always sad and worth examining. In Canada alone, however, abortion numbers are estimated at 100,000 per year, as our flag display so vividly illustrated in Manitoba recently. In the United States, that number jumps to at least 700,000, if not closer to a million. That's only two countries in this big wide world! If we assume half of those aborted babies are girls (and it's likely actually more than half), we very quickly get to at least half a million women who are never given a chance at life. Further, to claim that we cannot tolerate differences for women on the basis of their sex is to say we cannot tolerate the difference that defines them as women. Women are made with a biological gift, not a curse, and as long as we continue to treat abortion access as a necessity, we continue to further the illusion that pregnancy and childbearing are a curse of which the effects must be minimized. To suggest that repealing anti-abortion laws will actually save the lives of women is misleading, inaccurate, or downright delusional. Abortion never saves lives: abortion is, by definition, the taking of a life. The United Nations continues to push on a global scale the Western view of abortion as integral to success for women and, as such, they do nothing to improve any women's lives in a meaningful way. Tagged: abortion,flag display,gendercide,sex-selective abortion,United Nations,women's health, Thoughts or Feedback? We'd love to hear from you!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Climate: Zimbabwe enjoys a wonderfully temperate climate year round. The cool, dry months (May to October) have warm, sunny days and cold, clear nights. The low lying areas of the south and the Zambezi Valley to the north and west, experience warm temperatures year round. The rainy season lasts about three months, sometime between November and April. Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in Southern Africa which offers an astounding variety of natural beauty and spectacular scenery. The country holds great appeal for active adventurers, outdoor enthusiasts and those with an appreciative eye for exquisite beauty – from the majesty of the famous Victoria Falls to the giant marble like boulders of the Motopo Hills and the verdant mountains of the Eastern Highlands, from National Parks teeming with wildlife, to the Great Zimbabwe ancient ruins. Victoria Falls is Zimbabwe's most popular tourist destination and one of the greatest natural wonders of the world. Their one mile and half wide curtain of water plunges deep into the Zambezi Gorge creating a cloud of mist that can be seen up to miles away. The area is renowned for being the 'adventure capital of Africa', offering a variety of high adrenaline activities, including one of the wildest days of white water rafting on earth, and bungee jump into the Zambezi River gorge from the bridge linking Zimbabwe to Zambia. Volunteering with both domesticated or wildlife animals, children and communities in Africa. Volunteering in the Medical center to help with vaccinations, immunization, treatment, counseling, education and protection of diseases and health care issues! Make a real impact in women empowerment, legal aid, advocacy and basic human right issues. Volunteer with organizations and centers that work with disadvantaged teenage girls. Work with project that cares for environment, agriculture, permaculture, wetlands and natural resources management. Internship opportunities for students and participants.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
It's true - no two weddings are the same. That's why your disco should be as unique as your special day. Our DJ will work with you to craft the ideal flow of music, mixing in requests and special songs to create the right atmosphere to get everyone dancing and having a great time. Our premium disco includes the latest lighting effects with understated starlight mood lighting for your first dance building to a full laser light show later in the evening. Our white starcloth DJ booth, white lighting podiums and special white mirrorball lights will compliment your venue and can be matched to your colour scheme. We can also include a spectacular confetti shower to make your first dance truly memorable. Choosing the right disco can make or break your wedding so don't compromise, book Confetti Discos today. For your safety and reassurance, all our equipment used carries a PAT (Portable Appliance Test) certificate and we have full PLI (Public Liability Insurance) to the value of £10,000,000. We are members of MDJN (the national Mobile Disco Network). We are able to provide documentation to your venue on request.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The disillusionment of grad students suggests that it might very well be. The fact of the matter is that, within academia, the pursuit of prestige and the advancement of political agendas trump everything else. Disinterested scholarship is very difficult to find. The sheen of respectability contained in the widely-touted fiction of "the academy" as a fellowship of seekers in pursuit of "truth" is but a thin veneer masking a cutthroat reality that a Blackwater or Syncrude executive would instantly recognize. My own experience in the last several years since completing my doctorate has shown that university departments are environments of distrust where motives are seldom transparent, where the personality cult reigns supreme, and where success in a fictional job market depends on your ability to leverage the latest academic trend. My first thought upon reading the comment was: Wow, this is what pursuing a PhD does to people nowadays? Turns them cynical and disillusioned? Signs of this disillusionment can be found everywhere, from the scathingly cynical "So you want to get a PhD in the humanities" video (created by a doctoral student) to the more gentle cynicism of the very popular "Piled Higher and Deeper" (P.H.D., get it?) comic strip. The editorial does not address the prospects for PhD holders in the social sciences and humanities, but I would suggest that their plight is, if anything, even gloomier. Imagine bright young things entering a new kind of science PhD, in which both they and their supervisors embrace from the start the idea that graduates will go on to an array of demanding careers – government, business, non-profit and education – and work towards that goal. The students meet supervisors from a range of disciplines; they acquire management, communication, leadership and other transferable skills alongside traditional academic development of critical thinking and analysis. Amusingly, I find your article to be more cynical than the comment which served as its impetus. Sure, the comment was bitter — and, like many that share its sympathies, possibly came from a graduate who is unwilling to radically relocate for their academic career — but the pragmatism expressed in your piece masks a defeated acceptance of the current academic status quo. I agree that we should produce less PhDs, but we should also work to ensure more academic positions are created and maintained. Enrollment is up in most schools, yet hiring is down. The neoliberalization of the academy — a phenomenon that goes unreported in your piece — is partly to blame for the lack of job opportunities for PhDs. Unfortunately, the academy remains one of, if not the ONLY place where thinking for oneself is a viable career, and thus the link between doctoral study and a career in academia should not be so easily renounced. So, rather than acquiesce to the budget and staffing reductions that are becoming increasingly pervasive in academia, or reduce the critical component of doctoral work so as to render graduates more compatible with non-academic careers, graduate students should reclaim the activist mantle they once held and agitate — in an ironically entrepreneurial way — in order to create the jobs that we will one day hold. These comments by graduate students say it all. And they should know – they are the ones paying tuition and jumping through the hoops to get the degrees, only to discover that their efforts and expenses have been a waste. They are the ones scouring websites for jobs that don't exist, scrambling to earn income above the poverty line, and experiencing the sting of being rejected even for low-level jobs that they they are well overqualified for. They are the ones who are lucky to land sessional work at a university and, in doing so, fulfil their dream of teaching, only to have tenure track professors exclude and belittle them, and make them feel like second class citizens. The PhD is broken because the education that one receives for the degree is not valued anymore in our society or economy. Academics nowadays is a largely irrelevant, insular, tail-chasing exercise designed to satisfy other academics in position of power. It wouldn't be so bad if it was only part of a rite of passage one had to endure in order to earn a degree, but it's not. After graduation, there are no options for graduates, no academic job market to turn to, now or in the future, nor any non-academic jobs they can use their degrees for. Overproduction of grads only makes it all of this worse. All of this is a dirty secret that faculty do a masterful job of hiding from students. I'm not holding out much hope for change to come from within higher ed. The graduate student really has become fodder for a system which is fundamentally broken. Others have described it as a ponzi scheme and I tend to agree. Faculty, depts, admin all rely too much on graduate student tuition, grant money, and cheap sessional labour for reform to ever occur from within. The future? I expect to see Canadian universities start to go the direction as those in the US – politicians and policy-makers will increasingly assume more control of higher education and show some tough love by slashing budget, laying off faculty, and realigning priorities in higher ed. I welcome the change. I'm a young professor of engineering and one of the problems that I see at my institution is that there is no forced retirement. Having a mandatory retirement age and not giving lab space to emeritus professors would be a good step to opening more positions for the young and energetic. It is depressing when one's former students can't get jobs in universities. Part of the answer is indeed that we need to hire more although I would hate to see that happen in a post-secondary world divided between big (or small) undergrad teaching institutions and research-intensive institutions. At the same time a university post is by no means the only one (at least for social scientists and probably humanists) that can offer stimulating employment. There are interesting possiblities working for critical public policy institutes, IGOs, NGOs and INGOs among others where the critical intellectual challenges are there too. "i AGREE THAT WE SHOULD PRODUCE less PhDs"? wow. Fewer, yes. Less (and in comparison to what do think our PhDs should be lessER?), no. I am currently co-supervising an Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies PhD student who landed a half-time position at the local college at the same time as she was completing her IGS MA. SInce e-publication, her MA thesis has been consulted over 6,250 times worldwide. And that bodes very well for her and for me. And that bodes very well for UBC Okanagan where I am stationed and for Okanagan College where she is working. Are you kidding that we should be producing fewer PhDs? I would say better quality PhDs. Also, an applicant from the Ukraine is applying to work on her IGS PhD under my supervision beginning next fall. Are you kidding when you try to say our PhDs are not high quality, top shelf material? But it is true that the person makes the PhD and not the other way around. And it is true that we have high quality PhDs (mine is from Queen's at Kingston 1997), AND it is also VERY TRUE that we need to set out a plan to create and not just react to the immanent Knowledge economy, if we wish to help our freshly minted PhDs become leaders of tomorrow in that economy. 20 habits of mind by TC2, Balcaen et al, come to mind as a starting point for not guessing what kinds of jobs will exist 10 years from now, but for preparing our PhD students and indeed all our students for the wave of the future. Catching that wave is up to us as their supervisors and up to them as students of a lifelong learning and teaching path. In or out of academe, which is currently bursting at the seams but soon will be depleted as demographics in Canada and everywhere in the world does the old Marxian upside down pear tree flip, and we have 5 or 6 profs for every 2 or 1.4 students. Even we profs of the new X generation had better find new and better ways to work and help create the knowledge economy. It is coming and coming fast, whether we want it to or not.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The green building industry in Vietnam may still be in a nascent stage compared to its Asian neighbours, but it has certainly been gaining traction in recent years. Alongside Vietnam's stunning economic growth of the last decade - averaging 6.4 per cent per year - and with environmental sustainability as a Millennium Development Goal for the country, an interest in going green has slowly but surely developed. The establishment of the Vietnam Green Building Council (VGBC) in 2007 was a landmark event for Vietnam's green building industry. In a recent article, Melissa Merryweather, chair of VGBC, stated: "In this country there has been a lot of talk saying 'sustainable buildings are so expensive' and that's utter nonsense. People who've said that don't really know much about sustainable construction." Education about the benefits of building green is therefore a top priority for VGBC. The non-profit, which strives to raise awareness about the benefits of going green, educates young architects, engineers, building owners, local government and businesses about anything and everything one needs to know about developing the best sustainability practices. It also aims to dispel incorrect information about going green, such as exaggerated estimates on the costs of sustainable building. The latter concern is of particular significance, as Vietnam is currently experiencing a massive boom in construction. According to BCI Asia and CBRE Group Inc., the number of projects currently under construction totals 381, and is set to increase to an estimated 582 over the next 15 years. With the help of VGBC, major projects have been implemented and companies are becoming more educated and aware of the sustainable options available. The burgeoning demand for green infrastructure and buildings is set to be a major theme at this year's Vietbuild International Exhibition. Focusing on the construction, real estate, building materials and interior and exterior decoration industries, the annual event is the biggest exhibition of its kind in Vietnam and will feature new advanced solutions and products on sustainable building design, construction and operations. More than 800 companies from 22 countries worldwide - including South Korea, Japan, Thailand, USA, France and Sweden - will showcase their latest products and services at some 2340 booths set up in the exhibition. Vietbuild 2015 will also feature seminars on new construction technologies and products. Among the key international companies at the exhibition, Panasonic will showcase some of its latest offerings for the residential market. Products that will be on display include a diverse and stylish array of wiring devices (such as switches and sockets), which aim to create a safer yet trendier interior for the modern home, energy-efficient LED lighting fixtures for the environmentally conscious consumer, and a variety of fans and water pumps designed for creating a comfortable and cosy environment. Items will be displayed in different areas of the booth - primarily living room, kitchen and bedroom environments - to help visitors better visualise how the products can be seamlessly integrated into sustainable design standards. Home owners, interior designers and property developers will be able to clearly see how much value can be added to a home that is being designed or upgraded with Panasonic's unique building solutions. For more information about how Panasonic's advanced solutions can benefit your home, we invite you to join us at our booth located at the Hall-A of Vietbuild 2015 -Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC). The exhibition will be open every day from 1-5 September 2015, 8.30am to 7.00pm. Admission is free.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
PCCW launching IPO tomorrow, say sources Hong Kong's PCCW Group reportedly plans to launch an initial public offering (IPO) of its telecoms business tomorrow (Wednesday 9 November 2011), two anonymous sources 'with direct knowledge of the plans' told Reuters today. The IPO plan involves spinning off PCCW's telecoms assets to form Hong Kong's first investment trust (or business trust), to be called HKT Trust. The conglomerate will list so-called 'share stapled units', with each single unit of PCCW's telecoms business comprising a unit of HKT Trust, a preference share in Hong Kong-based telecoms operating company HKT Limited and an interest in ordinary shares of HKT Limited held by a 'trustee manager' (expected to be an affiliate of PCCW). The business trust model is aimed at raising cash from investors (unit holders) without relinquishing control. PCCW started pre-marketing the deal on 25 October to investors in Asia, Europe and the US. The IPO could raise between USD1.2 billion and USD1.4 billion, said Reuters' sources, while PCCW has indicated that HKT Trust will have a minimum market capitalisation of USD3.7 billion and distribute at least USD330 million to unit holders in 2012. Hong Kong, PCCW Group, Corporate/Financial
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Leave a Comment / Latest News / By Marian O Sullivan In response to the emails received today we have received an update on the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Unfortunately it's not good news as from July 5th the Sacraments will not be taking place. Bishop Fintan on advice from government has written to all Priests of diocese stating how disappointing the … Parish news Read More » NEWS ON SACRAMENTS Leave a Comment / Uncategorized / By Marian O Sullivan Just an update on the latest news on Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, &Confirmation , Fr John has been informed by Bishop Fintan following advice from government the celebration of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation should not take place from Monday July 5th until later on when we will be informed it is … NEWS ON SACRAMENTS Read More » Bishops thank the public for generous support of Trócaire's Lenten campaign CatholicNews.ie / By adminmel Following their Summer General Meeting, the Irish Catholic Bishops thanked the public for its continued generosity to Trócaire which works in support of people affected by poverty, conflict and injustice worldwide. Bishops noted that Trócaire's support brought positive change to the lives of 2.7 million people in 25 countries over the course of the last … Bishops thank the public for generous support of Trócaire's Lenten campaign Read More » Appeal for priests to assist in this year's Croagh Patrick Pilgrimage Season The organisers of this year's extended Croagh Patrick Pilgrimage Season have today made an appeal for priests to assist them with Confessions and the celebration of Mass during the month of July. Organisers aim to have two priests on the summit on any given day. Any priest making the pilgrimage will have accommodation and breakfast … Appeal for priests to assist in this year's Croagh Patrick Pilgrimage Season Read More » Pope Francis thanks Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for his continuing service Pope Francis on Tuesday said he is marking an anniversary "that touches the hearts of us all: 70 years ago, Pope Benedict was ordained a priest!" Addressing the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Angelus prayer on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, the patron saints of the city of Rome, the … Pope Francis thanks Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for his continuing service Read More » Bishop Denis Nulty thanks priests for their commitment during the Covid-19 pandemic as he announces diocesan appointments for 2021 Bishop Denis Nulty of Kildare and Leighlin has thanked the priests of the Diocese for their commitment during the Covid-19 pandemic as he announced the diocesan clerical changes for 2021. Bishop Nulty said, "These past 15 months have seen huge upheaval for us all: an upheaval that has given us time to reflect and re-evaluate … Bishop Denis Nulty thanks priests for their commitment during the Covid-19 pandemic as he announces diocesan appointments for 2021 Read More » Pope Francis: Be like Peter and Paul, free but humble In his homily for the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Pope Francis reflected on the central point: "Peter and Paul were free because they were set free". Holy Mass in Saint Peter's Basilica was celebrated in the presence of bishops and cardinals as well as a delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, led by … Pope Francis: Be like Peter and Paul, free but humble Read More » Bishops encourage Catholics to continue to support a programme of vaccination At their Summer General Meeting, which concluded earlier this month, bishops renewed their message of encouragement to Catholics to support a programme of vaccination, not only for their own good, but for the protection of life and the health of those who are vulnerable. Bishops acknowledged the hard work that has been done in both jurisdictions … Bishops encourage Catholics to continue to support a programme of vaccination Read More » Pope Francis receives US Secretary of State Pope Francis on Monday morning received US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, in the Vatican. Responding to questions put to him by journalists, the Director of the Holy See Press Office said the audience took place in a cordial atmosphere. Matteo Bruni explained that it lasted about 40 minutes and that "it offered the Pope the … Pope Francis receives US Secretary of State Read More » Reek Pilgrimage on Croagh Patrick to be four-days per week in July The annual Reek Sunday Pilgrimage on Croagh Patrick, which was cancelled last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, will be going ahead this year albeit in a much extended format from Wednesday to Saturday, 1- 31 July. Pilgrims are asked to plan their climb well in advance, and to choose a weekday when Croagh Patrick … Reek Pilgrimage on Croagh Patrick to be four-days per week in July Read More » Annual Mass of Remembrance CatholicNews.ie Cemetery Prayers
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
\section{Examples of OPE and charge/network dictionary}\label{app:Examples} Here we present some more examples of the OPE and the correspondence of the dyonic charge and the networks for the $\SUSYN{4}$ theory, or equivalently for the torus. The results of the OPE are for $A_{N-1>2}$ unless otherwise stated. For the $A_2$ case, the edges with $3$ should be removed and those with $2$ can be replaced by the reversed ones with $1$. We use the convention that the magnetic weight lies in the fundamental Weyl chamber $\Lambda/\mathcal{W}$ but the electric one is unrestricted. \subsection{Pure dyonic loops} Dyonic loops can be roughly classified into two, which we call pure and complex. The pure ones are those that can be mapped to a Wilson loop in a duality frame, and the complex ones are those without any such duality frame. Let us first discuss the representation of the pure ones as loops on the torus. We abbreviate a bundle of arrows with charges $s_1$, $s_2$, \ldots, $s_{r-1}$ and $s_r$ as an single arrow without any label: \begin{align} \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/pure/arrow.tikz}}\; := \quad\raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/app/pure/bundle_of_arrows.tikz}}. \end{align} Let $\displaystyle \omega_I = \sum_{i=1}^{r} \omega_{s_i}$. Then there are four types as follows: \begin{align} \nonumber& (\mu_m,\lambda_e)=(p\omega_I,q\omega_I), && (\mu_m,\lambda_e)=(p\omega_I,-q\omega_I) \\ q \ge p:\qquad & \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/pure/pure1.tikz}}, && \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/pure/pure3.tikz}}, \\ p \ge q:\qquad & \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/pure/pure4.tikz}}, && \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/pure/pure2.tikz}}. \end{align} This is essentially the same as the discussion in \cite{DMO09}. \subsection{$W_{\Box\!\Box} \times T_{\Box}$} Let us compute the skein relation of $W_{\Box\!\Box} $ and $T_{\Box}$. Comparing with what we expect from the gauge theory, we can then identify various networks with complex dyonic loops. From the skein relation, we have \begin{align} \nonumber \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/W2S_Tf/OPE.tikz}}\; =\;\mathfrak{q}^{2/N}\; &\left[\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W2S_Tf/0A.tikz}}\; -\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W2S_Tf/0B.tikz}} \right. \\ &\left. +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-1} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W2S_Tf/1A.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-2} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W2S_Tf/2A.tikz}}\quad \right] \end{align} The first term is a new one, the second and third ones are elementary and the final one is pure. Then we identify: \begin{align} D_{[(\omega_1,2h_{i(\neq 1)})]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W2S_Tf/0A.tikz}}, & D_{[(\omega_1,h_{i(\neq 1)}+h_{j(>i)})]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W2S_Tf/0B.tikz}}, \\ D_{[(\omega_1,h_1+h_{i(\neq 1)})]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W2S_Tf/1A.tikz}}, & D_{[(\omega_1,2\omega_1)]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W2S_Tf/2A.tikz}}. \end{align} \subsection{$W_{(2,1)} \times T_{\Box}$} Let us next consider $W_{(2,1)} \times T_{\Box}$: \begin{multline} \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/WAS_Tf/OPE.tikz}}\; =\;\mathfrak{q}^{3/N}\; \left[\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAS_Tf/0A.tikz}}\; -\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAS_Tf/0B.tikz}} \right. \\ \left. +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-1} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAS_Tf/1A.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-2} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAS_Tf/2A.tikz}}\quad \right] \end{multline} The first and the third terms are new, the second one is elementary and the fourth one is obtained by a T action of some elementary one. When $N=3$, the second one does not appear and indeed this case is the same as Example ~\ref{subsec:WAdj_Tf_OPE}. We can therefore identify: \begin{align} D_{[(\omega_1,2h_{i(\neq 1)}+h_{j(>i)})]}& \sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAS_Tf/0A.tikz}}, & D_{[(\omega_1,h_{i(\neq 1)}+h_{j(>i)}+h_{k(>j)})]} & \sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAS_Tf/0B.tikz}}, \\ D_{[(\omega_1,h_1+2h_{i(\neq 1)})]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAS_Tf/1A.tikz}}, & D_{[(\omega_1,2h_1+h_{i(\neq 1)}]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAS_Tf/2A.tikz}}. \end{align} \subsection{$W_{\Box\!\Box\!\Box} \times T_{\Box}$} Our next example is $W_{\Box\!\Box\!\Box} \times T_{\Box}$: \begin{multline} \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/OPE.tikz}}\; =\;\mathfrak{q}^{3/N}\; \left[\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/0A.tikz}}\; \right. \\ -2\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/0B.tikz}}\; +\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/0C.tikz}} \\ +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-1} \left(\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/1A.tikz}}\; -\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/1B.tikz}}\right) \\ \left. \qquad +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-2} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/2A.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-3} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/3A.tikz}}\quad \right] \end{multline} The first term is new, the fifth one is elementary, the seventh one is pure and others have appeared in the previous case. When $N=3$, the third one does not appear. We therefore identify: \begin{align} D_{[(\omega_1,3h_{i(\neq 1)})]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/0A.tikz}}, & D_{[(\omega_1,h_1+h_{i(\neq 1)}+h_{j(>i)})]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/1B.tikz}}, \\ D_{[(\omega_1,3\omega_1)]} & \sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/W3S_Tf/3A.tikz}}. \end{align} \subsection{$W_\text{Adj} \times T_{\Box}$} \label{subsec:WAdj_Tf_OPE} As a further example, let us consider $W_\text{Adj} \times T_{\Box}$: \begin{multline} \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_Tf/OPE.tikz}}\; =\\ \;\mathfrak{q} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_Tf/0A.tikz}}\; +\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_Tf/1A.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-1} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_Tf/2A.tikz}} \end{multline} The second term is new, and the first and the third ones are obtained by some duality actions of some elementary one. Our identifications are: \begin{align} & D_{[(\omega_1,h_{i(\neq 1)}-h_1)]} \sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_Tf/0A.tikz}}, & D_{[(\omega_1,h_{i(\neq 1)}-h_{j(\neq i)}+h_{j(>i)})]} \sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_Tf/1A.tikz}}, \\ & D_{[(\omega_1,h_1-h_{i(\neq 1)})]} \sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_Tf/2A.tikz}}. & \end{align} \subsection{$W_\text{Adj} \times T_\text{Adj}$} We now move on to the example $W_\text{Adj} \times T_\text{Adj}$: \begin{multline} \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/OPE.tikz}}\; = \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/2B.tikz}}\; +\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/WAdj.tikz}}\; +\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/TAdj.tikz}} \\ +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-2} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/DAdj1.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q}^{2} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/DAdj2.tikz}} \\ +\; (2[N-2]+[N-4])\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/flavor.tikz}}\; +\; (3+\mathfrak{q}^{2}+\mathfrak{q}^{-2})\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/empty.tikz}} \\ +\mathfrak{q}^{-1}\; \left( \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/3A.tikz}}\; +\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/3B.tikz}}\right) \\ +\mathfrak{q}\; \left( \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/1A.tikz}}\; +\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/1B.tikz}}\right) \end{multline} The first one does not appear when $N=3$ but reduces to a sum of simpler ones. Then the charge/network dictionary for the new ones is: \begin{align} D_{[(\lambda_{\text{Adj}},h_{i(\neq 1,N)}-h_1)]} &\sim \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/2B.tikz}},\; \\ D_{[(\lambda_{\text{Adj}},h_{i(\neq 1)}-h_{N})]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/3A.tikz}}, & D_{[(\lambda_{\text{Adj}},h_1-h_{i(\neq 1,N)})]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/3B.tikz}}, \\ D_{[(\lambda_{\text{Adj}},-h_1+h_{i(\neq 1,N)})]}& \sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/1A.tikz}}, & D_{[(\lambda_{\text{Adj}},h_N-h_{i(\neq 1,N)})]} &\sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/WAdj_TAdj/1B.tikz}} \end{align} where $\lambda_{\text{Adj}}=h_1-h_{N}$ is the highest weight of the adjoint representation. \subsection{An OPE of complex dyonic loops} Finally we give an example of the OPE of two elementary dyonic loops $D^{1,1}_{(0)}$ and $D^{\ell,k}_{(0)}$ for $\ell,k \le N/2$ in $\SUSYN{4}$ SYM: \begin{multline} \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/app/D110_Dlk0/OPE.tikz}}\; = \;\mathfrak{q}^{k-\ell/N}\; \left[\quad \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/app/D110_Dlk0/A.tikz}}\; \right. \\ \left. +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-1} \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/app/D110_Dlk0/B.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q} \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/app/D110_Dlk0/C.tikz}} \quad \right] \end{multline} where \begin{itemize} \item the first term corresponds to $D_{[(\omega_\ell+\omega_1,2h_{j_{s=1}}+\sum_{s=2}^{k} h_{j_s})]}$ where $j_s > \ell$, \item the second one to $D_{[(\omega_{\ell+1},h_{i(\le \ell+1)}+2h_{j_{s=1}}+\sum_{s=2}^{k-1}h_{j_s})]}$ where $j_s > \ell+1$, \item the third one to $D_{[(\omega_{\ell}+\omega_1,h_{(1<)i(\le \ell)}+\sum_{s=1}^{k}h_{j_s})]}$ where $j_s > \ell$. \end{itemize} Here we require $j_s$ differ for each $s$. It would be interesting to apply the diagrammatic approach to more complicated OPEs and read off the charge information from networks in general. \section{Networks for $\SUSYN4$ Yang-Mills}\label{sec:gauge} As the fundamental aspects of defect networks in the two dimensional theories have been discussed, we can move on to the discussion of the correspondence between networks on the 2d side and loops on the 4d side. In this section, we restrict ourselves to the most familiar $\SUSYN{4}$ case. On the gauge theory side, the charges of the loop operators were classified in \cite{Kapustin05}. It is not easy to construct the corresponding networks for the general $A_k$ case, but we will see that the skein relations allow us to describe and classify the networks for $A_2$ concretely. Before proceeding, let us quickly recall the possible charges of the loop operators of $\SUSYN4$ $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ Yang-Mills, following \cite{Kapustin05}. We denote the weight lattice by $\Lambda$. We use the notations $\omega_i$ for the fundamental weights and $h_i$ for the weight vectors in the defining $N$-dimensional representation. They are explicitly given by \begin{align} \omega_i&=(1-\tfrac{i}{N},\ldots,\overset{i}{1-\tfrac{i}{N}},\overset{i+1}{-\tfrac{i}{N}},\ldots,-\tfrac{i}{N}), \\ h_i & =(-\tfrac{1}{N},\ldots,-\tfrac{1}{N},\overset{i}{1-\tfrac{1}{N}},-\tfrac{1}{N},\ldots,-\tfrac{1}{N}). \end{align} Note that $\omega_1=h_1$ and $\omega_{N-1}=-h_N$. Let us consider a Wilson loop labeled by an irreducible representation $R$. We can also use its highest weight $\lambda$ as the label, and possible highest weights are in one-to-one correspondence with $\Lambda/\mathcal{W}$ where $\mathcal{W}$ is the Weyl group. Similarly, a 't Hooft loop can be characterized by a charge vector in $\Lambda$, considered up to the action of the Weyl group. For a dyonic loop operator, we need to specify a pair of electric and magnetic charges $(\mu,\lambda) \in \Lambda\times \Lambda$ but the charges need to be identified under a simultaneous action of the Weyl group. Therefore a dyonic charge corresponds to an element in $(\Lambda\times \Lambda)/\mathcal{W}$ and represent the element as $[(\mu,\lambda)]$. We also call it $[(\mu',\lambda')]$ \emph{lower than} $[(\mu,\lambda)]$ if $\mu'$ and $\lambda'$ are lower than $\mu$ and $\lambda$ respectively when mapped to $\Lambda/\mathcal{W}$. \subsection{The product of Wilson loops and 't Hooft loops}\label{subsec:Fundamenal dyonic loop} It is well known how pure Wilson loops and pure 't Hooft loops are represented as loops on the torus : \begin{eqnarray} W_{\omega_a} \Longleftrightarrow \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/gauge/Wilson_on_torus.tikz}}, \qquad T_{\omega_b} \Longleftrightarrow \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/gauge/tHooft_on_torus.tikz}} \end{eqnarray} where we identify each pair of parallel opposite edges to make the parallelogram the torus. Here $W_R$ is the Wilson loop in the representation $R$, and we identify an irreducible representation and its highest weight vector. We use a similar notation for the 't Hooft loop. We also fix the horizontal one cycle as $\alpha$-cycle and the vertical one as $\beta$-cycle. Note that the $S$ transformation on the torus is naturally identified with $S$ duality transformation of $\SUSYN{4}$ gauge theory. We can now decompose the product $W_{\omega_a}\cdot T_{\omega_b}$ using the crossing resolution (\ref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing}). Here we express it in a form to make the data of electromagnetic charges manifest: \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/gauge/general_R.tikz}} = \sum_{[(\mu^{(i)}_b,\lambda^{(i)}_a)]\in \mathcal{D}(\omega_b,\omega_a)} \mathfrak{q}^{-\langle \mu^{(i)}_b,\lambda^{(i)}_a \rangle} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/gauge/general_Q.tikz}} \label{eq:OPE of two fundamental chrages} \end{eqnarray} where \begin{equation} \mathcal{D}(\mu,\lambda):=(\mathcal{W}(\mu)\times\mathcal{W}(\lambda))/\mathcal{W} \label{eq:def. bi-charge set} \end{equation} is the set parameterizing the possible ways to combine a magnetic charge $\mathcal{W}(\mu)$ Weyl-conjugate to $\mu$ and an electric charge $\mathcal{W}(\nu)$ Weyl-conjugate to $\nu$. The number of elements in the set $\mathcal{D}(\omega_b,\omega_a)$ is given by $s=\min(a,b,N-a,N-b)$ and is in a one-to-one correspondence with the label $i$ in the summation \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing}. The label $i$ and a representative $[(\mu^{(i)}_b,\nu^{(i)}_a)]\in \mathcal{D}(\omega_b,\omega_a)$ can be naturally related by the equation \begin{equation} i=\dfrac{ab}{N}+\langle \mu^{(i)}_b,\lambda^{(i)}_a \rangle. \end{equation} Recalling the fact reviewed in Sec.~\ref{subsec:classical} and that $\langle \mu^{(i)}_b,\lambda^{(i)}_a \rangle$ is the $x$-component of the classical angular momentum associated to the Poynting vector under electric charge $\lambda^{(i)}_a$ and magnetic charge $\mu^{(i)}_b$ in the Coulomb phase with the gauge group $\mathrm{U}(1)^{N-1}$, we naturally expect the following correspondence : \footnote{There are other three equivalent networks connected to each other under \eqref{eq:flip} or \eqref{eq:flap}.} \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/gauge/Q_on_torus.tikz}} \Longleftrightarrow D_{[(\mu^{(i)}_b,\lambda^{(i)}_a)]} \end{eqnarray} where we use the symbol $D_{[(\mu,\nu)]}$ to denote the dyonic loop operator with the charge $[(\mu,\nu)]\in (\Lambda\times\Lambda)/\mathcal{W}$. We also use a simple symbol $D_{(i)}^{b,a}$ for $D_{[(\mu^{(i)}_b,\lambda^{(i)}_a)]}$. Below, we call these dyonic loops $D_{(i)}^{b,a}$ and the corresponding networks \emph{elementary}. \subsection{Analysis in the Liouville/Toda theory} Let us now connect our analysis so far with a computation on the Liouville/Toda theory side, using the localization in the gauge theory \cite{Pestun07,GOP11}. Hereafter we use symbols $a=(a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_N)$ under the constraint $\sum_{i=1}^{N} a_i=0$, $A_i(a):=\exp[2\pi i b \langle a,h_i \rangle]$ and $A(a)=\textrm{diag}(A_1(a),A_2(a),\ldots,A_N(a))$. We also denote the $\SUSYN{4}$ holomorphic partition function by $\mathcal{Z}(a)$. As seen in \cite{Pestun07} and \cite{GOP11}, Wilson loop $W_R$ and 't Hooft loop $T_R$ are written in the form of matrix model : \begin{eqnarray} \langle W_R \rangle &=& \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast \chi_R(A(a)) \mathcal{Z}(a), \\ \langle T_R \rangle &=& \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast \sum_{\lambda \in \Pi(R)} T^{(R)}_{\lambda}(a) \mathcal{Z}(a-b \lambda) \end{eqnarray} where $\chi_R$ is the character of $R$ and $\Pi(R)$ is the set of weights corresponding to the irreducible representation $R$. $T^{(R)}_{\lambda}(a)$ are some functions of $a$ related to the character $\chi_R$ via a Fourier transformation in $a$ \cite{DGG10,GOP11} but the concrete expressions are unnecessary hereafter. In general, any loop operator is expected to be represented as \begin{align} \langle X \rangle = \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast \sum_{\nu} X_{\nu}(a) \mathcal{Z}(a - b\nu) \end{align} where $\nu$ runs over some finite set in the weight lattice $\Lambda$ and $X_{\nu}(a)$ are some functions the detail of which we do not need either. The additions of $W_R$ and $T_R$ in the ordering of loops seen in Sec.~\ref{subsec:DPE} are written as follows : \begin{eqnarray} \nonumber \langle W_R X \rangle &=& \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast W_R \sum_{\nu} X_{\nu}(a) \mathcal{Z}(a - b\nu) \\ &=& \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast \sum_{\nu} X_{\nu}(a) \chi_R(A(a-b\nu)) \mathcal{Z}(a - b\nu), \\ \nonumber \langle T_R X \rangle &=& \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast T_R \sum_{\nu} X_{\nu}(a) \mathcal{Z}(a - b\nu) \\ &=& \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast \sum_{\mu \in \Pi(R)} \sum_{\nu} T^{(R)}_{\mu}(a-b\nu) X_{\nu}(a) \mathcal{Z}(a - b\nu-b\mu). \end{eqnarray} In particular, let us choose $R$ as one of the fundamental representations $\wedge^{n}\Box$ and introduce $W^{(k)}:=W_{\wedge^k\Box}$ and $T^{(\ell)}:=T_{\wedge^\ell\Box}$. Then consider insertions both of $W^{(k)}$ and of $T^{(\ell)}$. One way to insert is \begin{align} \nonumber \langle \cdots T^{(\ell)} W^{(k)} X \rangle &= \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast \cdots \\ & \sum_{\mu \in \Pi(\wedge^{\ell}\Box)} \sum_{\nu} T^{(\ell)}_{\mu}(a-b\nu) X_{\nu}(a) \chi_{\wedge^{k}\Box}(A(a-b\nu)) \mathcal{Z}(a - b\nu - b\mu) \end{align} where the ellipsis represents further insertions of other loops. Recalling $\displaystyle \chi_R(A(a)) = \sum_{\lambda \in \Pi(R)} \exp[2\pi ib\langle a,\lambda \rangle]$, then define the following operators labeled by $m=1,2,\ldots,\min(k,\ell)$ : \begin{align} \nonumber \langle \cdots [TW]^{(\ell,k)}_m X \rangle &:= \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast \cdots \\ & \sum_{(\lambda,\mu) \in \Pi(\wedge^{\ell}\Box,\wedge^{k}\Box)_m} \sum_{\nu} T^{(\ell)}_{\mu}(a-b\nu) X_{\nu}(a) \exp[2\pi ib\langle a-b\nu,\lambda \rangle] \mathcal{Z}(a - b\nu - b\mu). \end{align} where we decompose the set $\Pi(\wedge^{\ell}\Box) \times \Pi(\wedge^{k}\Box)=\mathcal{W}(\omega_\ell) \times \mathcal{W}(\omega_k)$ into several sectors defined by \begin{eqnarray} \Pi(\wedge^{\ell}\Box,\wedge^{k}\Box)_m:=\{ (\mu,\lambda) \in \Pi(\wedge^{\ell}\Box) \times \Pi(\wedge^{k}\Box) \;|\; \langle \mu,\lambda \rangle=m-\tfrac{k\ell}{N} \}=\mathcal{D}(\omega_\ell,\omega_k). \end{eqnarray} We then have \begin{align} \langle \cdots T^{(\ell)} W^{(k)} X \rangle =\sum_m \langle \cdots [TW]^{(\ell,k)}_m X \rangle. \end{align} Note that the decomposition of $T^{(\ell)} W^{(k)}$ is independent of the ellipsis $\ldots$ and $X$ assuring that this expansion is local and represent the product as $T^{(\ell)} \cdot W^{(k)}$ or $T^{(\ell)} \times W^{(k)}$. On the other hand, the insertion in the opposite order is \begin{align} \nonumber \langle \cdots W^{(k)} T^{(\ell)} X \rangle &= \int_{i \mathbb{R}^{N-1}} [da] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast \cdots \\ & \sum_{\mu \in \Pi(\wedge^{\ell}\Box)} \sum_{\nu} T^{(\ell)}_{\mu}(a-b\nu) X_{\nu}(a) \chi_{\wedge^{k}\Box}(A(a-b\mu-b\nu)) \mathcal{Z}(a - b\nu - b\mu) \end{align} and we also have \begin{align} \langle \cdots T^{(\ell)} W^{(k)} X \rangle =\sum_m \langle \cdots \mathfrak{q}^{2\left(\tfrac{k\ell}{N}-m\right)} [TW]^{(\ell,k)}_m X \rangle \end{align} where we use \begin{eqnarray} \exp[2\pi ib\langle a-b\mu-b\nu,\lambda \rangle]=\mathfrak{q}^{2\left(\tfrac{k\ell}{N}-m\right)}\exp[2\pi ib\langle a-b\nu,\lambda \rangle]. \end{eqnarray} In summary, we have found the relations \begin{align} {T}^{(\ell)} \times {W}^{(k)}& =\sum_{m=0}^{\min(k,\ell)} [TW]^{(\ell,k)}_m , & {W}^{(k)} \times {T}^{(\ell)}& =\sum_{m=0}^{\min(k,\ell)} \mathfrak{q}^{2\left(\tfrac{k\ell}{N}-m\right)}[TW]^{(\ell,k)}_m. \label{eq:crossing resolution as operators} \end{align} Comparing the product expansion \eqref{eq:crossing resolution as operators} and the graphical expansion (\ref{eq:OPE of two fundamental chrages}) we find the following identification : \begin{equation} \begin{array}{ccccccc} \text{($Q^{\ell k}{}_{(m)}$ on $T^2$)} & \leftrightarrow & D_{(m)}^{\ell,k} & \leftrightarrow & [(\mu_\ell^{(m)},\lambda_k^{(m)} )] & \leftrightarrow & \mathfrak{q}^{-\langle\mu_\ell^{(m)},\lambda_k^{(m)} \rangle} [TW]^{(\ell,k)}_{m} \\ \text{network} && \text{4d loop} && \text{charge} && \text{operator} \end{array}. \end{equation} Here the pair of weights $[(\mu_\ell^{(m)},\lambda_k^{(m)} )]$ was chosen as in \eqref{eq:OPE of two fundamental chrages}, and therefore we have $\langle\mu_\ell^{(m)},\lambda_k^{(m)}\rangle=m-\tfrac{k\ell}{N}$. Let us see how $T$ transformation of the $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ duality action acts on these loop operators. The $\theta$ dependence originally comes from the classical part of $\SUSYN{4}$ partition function $\mathcal{Z}(a)=\exp[-\pi i \tau \langle a,a \rangle]$ where holomorphic gauge coupling $\tau=\tfrac{\theta}{2\pi}+\tfrac{4\pi i}{g^2_{YM}}$ and the monodromy action under the change $\theta \to \theta+2\pi$ is following : \begin{eqnarray} \nonumber \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast\mathcal{Z}(a-b\lambda) &\underset{\tau \to \tau+1}{\longrightarrow}& \exp[-\pi i (\langle a-b\lambda,a-b\lambda \rangle-\langle a,a \rangle)] \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast\mathcal{Z}(a-b\lambda) \\ &=& \mathfrak{q}^{-\langle \lambda,\lambda \rangle}e^{2\pi ib\langle \lambda,a \rangle} \mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast.\mathcal{Z}(a-b\lambda) \end{eqnarray} The Witten effect on the partition function can be re-expressed in the loop operators which acts on the partition functions. In particular, when $\lambda$ is in $\Pi(\wedge^\ell \Box)=\mathcal{W}(\omega_\ell)$, $\mathcal{Z}(a)^\ast\mathcal{Z}(a-b\lambda)$ is accompanied by \begin{eqnarray} \mathfrak{q}^{-\ell+\tfrac{\ell^2}{N}} e^{2\pi ib\langle \lambda,a \rangle} \end{eqnarray} as $\theta$ shifts by $2\pi$. Summing it up over $\Pi(\wedge^\ell\Box)$, \begin{eqnarray} T^{(\ell)} \longrightarrow \mathfrak{q}^{-\ell+\tfrac{\ell^2}{N}} [TW]_\ell^{(\ell,\ell)}=D_{[(\omega_\ell,\omega_\ell)]}=D^{\ell,\ell}_{(\ell)} \end{eqnarray} under $\theta \to \theta+2\pi$. Since $D_{[\omega_\ell,\omega_\ell]}=D^{\ell,\ell}_{(\ell)}$ is given by \begin{equation} \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/gauge/twist_Tk_on_torus.tikz}}. \end{equation} This $\theta \to \theta+2\pi$ action is graphically represented as \begin{eqnarray} \begin{array}{cccc} T : & \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/gauge/Tk_on_torus.tikz}} & \longrightarrow & \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/gauge/twist_Tk_on_torus.tikz}} \\ &T_{\omega_\ell} & & D_{[(\omega_\ell,\omega_\ell)]}. \end{array} \end{eqnarray} and matches with the $T$ transformation on the torus. \subsection{Examples of products of loops in $A_2$} Let us focus on the $A_2$ case and perform some explicit computations. The examples in the general $A_k$ case will be given in Appendix \ref{app:Examples}. We will see the geometric $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ action on the torus is nicely mapped to the $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ action on the electric and magnetic weight systems. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \input{figure/gauge/junction_for_WT_10_01_series.tikz} \caption{The $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ duality orbit of $D_{(0)}^{1,1}$ (below right) and their dyonic charges. Two adjacent expressions of a pair of weights are equivalent via some Weyl reflections. Red weights correspond to electric weights and green's to magnetic ones.} \label{figure:duality orbit of D_0^1,1} \end{figure} \paragraph{Example 1.} The simplest case is $W_{\Box} \times T_{\Box}$, which corresponds to the equation (\ref{eq:OPE of two fundamental chrages}) with $a=1$ and $b=1$ : \begin{eqnarray} W_{\Box} \times T_{\Box}=\mathfrak{q}^{1/3} D_{(0)}^{1,1} +\mathfrak{q}^{-2/3}D_{(1)}^{1,1} \end{eqnarray} where $D_{(0)}^{1,1}=D_{[(\omega_1,h_2)]}=D_{[(\omega_1,h_3)]}$ and $D_{(1)}^{1,1}=D_{[(\omega_1,\omega_1)]}$. This was originally found in \cite{Xie1304,Bullimore13} in the context of class S theory. The dyonic loop $D_{(1)}^{1,1}$ is obtained from the 't Hooft loop $T_{\Box}$ by an application of the $T$ operation. In particular this loop can be mapped to a Wilson loop in some duality frame. The object $D_{(0)}^{1,1}$ cannot be mapped into a network localized on any one cycle by the torus modular transformations. In the language of charges, this means that the electric weight and the magnetic weight are not parallel. We can now work out how the $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ transformations act on this particular network and the pair of weights, see Fig.\ref{figure:duality orbit of D_0^1,1}. \paragraph{Example 2.} The next example is $W_{\Box\!\Box} \times T_{\Box}$: \begin{multline} \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/gauge/W2S_Tf/OPE.tikz}}\; =\;\mathfrak{q}^{2/3}\; \left[\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/W2S_Tf/0A.tikz}}\; -\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/W2S_Tf/0B.tikz}} \right. \\ \left. +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-1} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/W2S_Tf/1A.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-2} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/W2S_Tf/2A.tikz}}\quad \right]. \label{eq:2nd ex of OPE for A_2} \end{multline} In this example, the first term on the right hand side is a network that cannot be mapped by $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ to any of the networks we already studied explicitly. It is natural to posit the following expansion \begin{multline} W_{\Box\!\Box} \times T_{\Box} =\mathfrak{q}^{2/3} D_{[(\omega_1,2h_{2})]} + \mathfrak{q}^{-1/3} D_{[(\omega_1,h_1+h_{2})]} + \mathfrak{q}^{-4/3} D_{[(\omega_1,2\omega_1)]} \\ + (\mbox{loops with lower weights} ) \end{multline} since we expect that the exponent of $\mathfrak{q}$ multiplying $D_{[(\lambda_m,\lambda_e)]}$ equals $-\langle \lambda_m,\lambda_e \rangle$ to capture the angular momentum. Then we can identify \begin{equation} D_{[(\omega_1,2h_{2})]} \sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/W2S_Tf/0A.tikz}} \end{equation} up to the lower contribution $D_{[(\omega_1,h_{i}+h_{j(>i)})]}$ from lower weights. Hereafter, we try to map networks and charges of the dyonic loops up to the contributions from lower weights.\footnote{The complication comes from two sources. One is common with what we encountered in Sec.~\ref{subsec:representation basis expansion}: irreducible representations are linear combinations of networks even in the Wilson loop case. Another is related to the bubbling effect of the monopole moduli space. See the related works to this subject \cite{KapustinWitten06,GOP11,Saulina:2011qr,MoraruSaulina12}.} \paragraph{Example 3.} The third example is $W_\text{Adj} \times T_{\Box}$ : The skein relation gives us \begin{align} \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_Tf/OPE.tikz}}\; = \;\mathfrak{q} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_Tf/0A.tikz}}\; +\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_Tf/1A.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-1} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_Tf/2A.tikz}} \end{align} while from gauge theory we expect \begin{align} \nonumber & W_\text{Adj} \times T_{\Box} \\ \nonumber & \quad =\mathfrak{q} D_{[(\omega_1,h_2-h_1)]} + D_{[(\omega_1,h_1+2h_2)]} +\mathfrak{q}^{-1}D_{[(\omega_1,2h_1+h_2)]} \\ & \quad + (\mbox{loops with lower weights}). \end{align} For a graphical representation of weights involved, see Fig.~\ref{fig:www}. The first term and the third term can be obtained by $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ transformations on $D^{1,1}_{(0)}$. The second term is a new type: \begin{equation} D_{[(\omega_1,h_1+2h_2)]} \sim \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_Tf/1A.tikz}}. \end{equation} \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{ccc} \input{figure/gauge/WAdj_Tf/0A_weight.tikz} & \input{figure/gauge/WAdj_Tf/1A_weight.tikz} & \input{figure/gauge/WAdj_Tf/2A_weight.tikz} \end{tabular} \caption{Representative weights in $\mathcal{D}(\omega_1,\omega_1+\omega_2)$\label{fig:www}} \end{figure} \paragraph{Example 4.} Our final example is $W_\text{Adj} \times T_\text{Adj}$. The skein relation gives \begin{align} \nonumber &\raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/OPE.tikz}}\; = 4(2+\mathfrak{q}^{2}+\mathfrak{q}^{-2})\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/empty.tikz}} +\\ \nonumber & \quad \;2 \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/WAdj.tikz}}\; +\; 2 \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/TAdj.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q}^{-2} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/DAdj1.tikz}}\; +\; \mathfrak{q}^{2} \quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/DAdj2.tikz}} \\ & \quad +\mathfrak{q}^{-1}\; \left( \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/3A.tikz}}\; +\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/3B.tikz}}\right) +\mathfrak{q}\; \left( \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/1A.tikz}}\; +\quad\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/1B.tikz}}\right) \end{align} while the gauge theory computation yields \begin{align} \nonumber & W_\text{Adj} \times T_\text{Adj} \;\; =\mathfrak{q}^{-2} D_{[(\lambda_\text{Adj},\lambda_\text{Adj})]} + \mathfrak{q}^{2} D_{[(\lambda_\text{Adj},-\lambda_\text{Adj})]} \\ \nonumber & \qquad + \mathfrak{q}^{-1}D_{[(\lambda_\text{Adj},\lambda_{1+})]} + \mathfrak{q}^{-1}D_{[(\lambda_\text{Adj},\lambda_{2+})]} + \mathfrak{q} D_{[(\lambda_\text{Adj},\lambda_{2-})]} + \mathfrak{q} D_{[(\lambda_\text{Adj},\lambda_{1-})]} \\ & \qquad + (\mbox{loops with the lower weights}) \end{align} where $\lambda_\text{Adj}=\omega_1+\omega_2$ is the highest weight of the adjoint representation and see Fig.~\ref{fig:weights_in_adj} for $\lambda_{1,2 \pm}$. It would be interesting to reproduce the terms with lower weights from a purely 4d gauge theoretic computations. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \input{figure/gauge/WAdj_TAdj/weights.tikz} \caption{Representative weights in $\mathcal{D}(\omega_1+\omega_2,\omega_1+\omega_2)$ \label{fig:weights_in_adj} } \end{figure} \subsection{Classification of networks on $T^2$ for $A_2$} \label{subsec:networks vs bicharge lattice} \label{subsec:network classification on T^2} We have seen some basic examples of products of loops and the identification of the charge and the network. Here we establish the general mapping between the networks and the charges in the case of the $A_2$ theory on the torus, or equivalently the $\SUSYN4$ $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ Yang-Mills. This is a minimal extension of the dictionary of Drukker, Morrison and Okuda \cite{DMO09}. Let us first classify the possible $A_2$ networks on the torus purely in terms of the skein relation. First, recall that all networks with crossings are resolved into those with junctions only. In particular, for the $A_2$ case, there are only two types of junctions, namely the one where the heads of three arrows meet and another one where the tails of three arrows meet. Therefore the networks are bipartite \cite{Xie1304} and there appear only polygons with degree-even vertices. We now use the skein relations we discussed so far. Recall the basic conventions we discussed in Sec.~\ref{subsec:A3examples}. All digons can be contracted, and all rectangles are resolved to two pairs of curves, as we discussed in \eqref{eq:a2simplify}. At this point, the network might contain several disconnected components. If there are no vertices at all, the network consists of parallel loops wrapping the same one-cycle on $T^2$. Assume now there is at least one vertex. Pick a connected component. It has the topology of either a disk, an annulus or a torus. Now, let us denote the number of edges, or equivalently the number of vertices, of the $i$-th polygon in this connected component by $p_i (=2,4,6,\ldots)$. Denote the number of polygons by $f$. The total number of vertices, edges and faces of the network is then given by \begin{equation} V=\frac{1}{3}\sum_i p_i,\quad E=\frac{1}{2}\sum_i p_i,\quad F=f. \end{equation} Furthermore, denote the number of boundary edges by $B$ which vanish if the connected component has the topology of torus. From Euler's theorem we should have \begin{equation} \chi+\frac{1}{6} B=V-E+F=F-\frac{1}{6}\sum_i p_i \ge 0 \end{equation} since the connected component is either a disk ($\chi=1,B>0$), an annulus ($\chi=0,B>0$), or a torus ($\chi=0,B=0$). Since we removed all digons and rectangles, $p_i\ge 6$, and therefore we have \begin{equation} F-\frac{1}{6}\sum_i p_i \le 0. \end{equation} From this we see that the connected component has the topology of the torus, and every polygon is a hexagon. Therefore, the possible $A_2$ networks on $T^2$ are mapped into the bipartite hexagon tilings with three corner condition at every vertex. It is interesting to note at this point that bipartite hexagon tilings of the torus appeared in the string theory literature in the context of brane tilings \cite{Hanany:2005ve,Franco:2005rj,Hanany:2010cx}. In this case the bipartite hexagon tilings corresponded to Abelian orbifolds of $\mathbb{C}^3$. \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \input{figure/gauge/hexagon_orientation.tikz} \qquad \input{figure/gauge/basis_of_one_cycle.tikz} \caption{The infinite bipartite hexagonal tiling and its basis vectors \label{fig:hexagon_orientation}} \end{figure} Now let us make the dictionary between the bipartite hexagon tilings and the dyonic charges. Instead of thinking of filling a torus by hexagons, we can take the quotient of the bipartite hexagon tiling filling the entire plane, and then we define the vectors $e_1$ and $e_2$ there, see Fig.\ref{fig:hexagon_orientation}. To specify a bipartite hexagon tiling, we choose the $\alpha$ and the $\beta$ cycles of the torus from $\mathbb{Z} e_1 \oplus \mathbb{Z} e_2$ so that they are linearly independent. In Fig.~\ref{fig:hexex} we show the hexagonal tilings and the dyonic charges that already appeared in our analysis so far. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{cc} \begin{minipage}{0.4\hsize} \input{figure/gauge/A2/fund_fund_1.tikz} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{0.4\hsize} \input{figure/gauge/A2/fund_fund_2.tikz} \end{minipage} \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{cc} \begin{minipage}{0.4\hsize} \input{figure/gauge/A2/fund_2sym_1.tikz} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{0.4\hsize} \input{figure/gauge/A2/fund_2sym_2.tikz} \end{minipage} \end{tabular} \caption{Some examples of the hexagonal tilings and the dyonic charges that we have already identified \label{fig:hexex}} \end{figure} From these examples, we can find the general map. We first naturally identify the $A_2$ weight lattice $\Lambda$ and the dual lattice of the hexagonal tiling. Then, the rule is \begin{equation} (\lambda_e,\lambda_m) \mapsto (\alpha,\beta)=(\lambda_m,-\lambda_e).\label{eq:map} \end{equation} under the condition $q_1 p_2 -q_2 p_1 >0$ where $\lambda_e=q_1 \omega_1+q_2 \omega_2$ and $\lambda_m=p_1 \omega_1+p_2 \omega_2$. It is clear that the action of the Weyl group is consistent. Because the cycles $\alpha,\beta$ define the basis of charges, the action of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ on the dyonic charges $(\lambda_e,\lambda_m)$ and that on the cycles $(\alpha,\beta)$ should be transpose of each other, and indeed the mapping \eqref{eq:map} satisfies this condition. Let us end this section by exhibiting some more examples of the mapping between the dyonic charges and the hexagonal tilings, see Fig.~\ref{fig:more}. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{cc} \begin{minipage}{0.4\hsize} \input{figure/gauge/A2/fund_adj_1.tikz} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{0.4\hsize} \input{figure/gauge/A2/adj_adj_1.tikz} \end{minipage} \end{tabular} \caption{Some more examples of the hexagonal tilings and the dyonic charges \label{fig:more}} \end{figure} In this section we only discussed the $A_2$ case. It would be interesting to find a general map from the charge of the dyonic loops to the networks for or general $A_{k>2}$ cases. \section{Introduction and summary}\label{sec:intro} To understand the properties of 4d $\SUSYN{2}$ supersymmetric theories, it is extremely useful to realize them as twisted compactifications of the 6d $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ superconformal field theories (SCFTs) on Riemann surfaces $C$ with punctures \cite{Gaiotto0904,GMN2}. These 4d theories are now called class S theories, and they are closely associated to certain 2d theories defined on $C$. For example, class S theories on $S^4$ are related to the Liouville/Toda CFT on $C$ \cite{AGT09,Wyllard09} and when considered instead on $S^3 \times S^1$ they give rise to 2d $q$-deformed Yang-Mills on $C$ \cite{Gadde:2009kb,Gadde:2011ik,Gadde:2011uv}. How do supersymmetric defects\footnote{In this paper we use the words \emph{defects} and \emph{operators} interchangeably.} appear under these 4d-2d duality relations? In this paper, we only consider one-dimensional objects, \emph{loops}, on the 4d side. Since 6d $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ SCFTs have codimension-two defects and codimension-four defects, a loop operator on the 4d side should come from a codimension-four defect on a codimension-one defect on the 2d side. For class S theories of type $\mathrm{SU}(2)$, or equivalently $A_1$, dyonic charges of loops on the 4d side is in one-to-one correspondence with topologies of non-intersecting loops on the 2d side \cite{DMO09}. When the 2d theory is the Liouville/Toda theory, these loops on the 2d side have an explicit realization in terms of the Verlinde operators \cite{Verlinde88} as shown in \cite{AGGTV09,DGOT09}. When the 2d theory is the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills, these loops are instead realized as 2d Wilson loops.\footnote{This fact was not explicitly mentioned in the literature to the authors' knowledge, but apparently it has been known to many practitioners in the field. We spell this out in Sec.~\ref{sec:SCIwith}.} We only have to consider non-intersecting loops on the Riemann surface for the $A_1$ case, thanks to the existence of a skein relation resolving each crossing into a sum of two non-crossing ones : \begin{equation} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/R.tikz}} =\mathfrak{q}^{-1/2}\;\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/Id.tikz}} +\mathfrak{q}^{1/2}\;\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/Q.tikz}},\label{eq:above} \end{equation} where $\mathfrak{q} = e^{\pi i b^2}$ in the Liouville theory and $\mathfrak{q}=q^{1/2}$ in the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills. However, in the higher rank cases, namely for $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ with $N>2$ or equivalently for $A_k$ with $k=N-1>1$, there is no such simple skein relation, since junctions of lines inevitably appear. This results in the network \footnote{The same objects are also called as \emph{webs} or \emph{spiders}. In this paper, we only use the terminology \emph{networks}.} of lines on the Riemann surface, as already mentioned in \cite{DGG10,GomisFloch10}. Such networks were treated and discussed in \cite{Xie1304,Bullimore13}, putting special emphasis on the $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ case. In \cite{Xie1304} the analysis was mainly carried out using the approach of the higher Teichm\"uller theory classically ($\mathfrak{q}=1$), and in \cite{Bullimore13} the study was done mainly in the framework of Toda CFTs for general $\mathfrak{q}$. These analyses gave rise to the skein relations that had been discovered in the context of mathematics before \cite{Kuperberg96}. Our aim in this paper is to describe the skein relations of the networks in the general $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ case. We have, for example, the relation \begin{equation} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/R.tikz}} = \mathfrak{q}^{\frac1N-1} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Id.tikz}} + \mathfrak{q}^{\frac1N} \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Q.tikz}} \end{equation} that reduces to the equation \eqref{eq:above} when $N=2$. These skein relations were first found in \cite{MOY2000} in the context of knot invariants. The guiding principle for us is that the representation theory of the quantum group $\mathrm{SU}_\mathfrak{q}(N)$ underlies these networks and their skein relations. The relation of the loop operators of 2d CFTs and the quantum group has been known for quite some time, mainly in the context when $\mathfrak{q}$ is a root of unity, see e.g.~\cite{book}. In the case of 2d $q$-deformed Yang-Mills, the relation of their loops and the quantum group is very direct, because the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills is a gauge theory whose gauge group is the quantum group \cite{Alekseev:1994pa,Buffenoir:1994fh}. We have two applications of the skein relations. The first concerns the dyonic loop operators of $\SUSYN{4}$ $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ Yang-Mills theory. From the 4d gauge theory perspective, their classification was performed in \cite{Kapustin05}. When the electric charge and the magnetic charge of a dyonic loop are parallel in the weight system, there is an obvious realization of such dyonic loop in the class S language as a loop wrapping the torus. When they are not parallel, it was expected that they are represented by networks on the torus. We will give a complete description in the case of $\mathrm{SU}(3)$. The second application is the study of a particular loop operator of the $T_3$ theory. The $T_N$ theory is a strongly-coupled class S theory that does not have a useful Lagrangian description, and there is no direct method to describe a loop operator using the path integral language. Still, using the class S language, it is easy to see that there is a loop operator described by a nontrivial network on a three-punctured sphere. We compute the superconformal index of the $T_3$ theory in the presence of this loop operator, and confirm that it indeed has an enhanced $E_6$ symmetry, as expected from the fact \cite{Gaiotto0904} that the $T_3$ theory is in fact the $E_6$ theory of Minahan and Nemeschansky \cite{Minahan:1996fg}. \bigskip The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Sec.~\ref{sec:review_skein}, we start by reviewing the relation of the operator product expansion of the loop operators on the 4d side and the skein relation on the 2d side. We emphasize the universality of the skein relation, independent of the choice of the 4d spacetime. Next, in Sec.~\ref{sec:qYM}, we describe the skein relations explicitly for general $\mathrm{SU}(N)$. We also explain how they can be understood in terms of the representation theory of quantum groups. In Sec.~\ref{sec:gauge}, we turn to an application on 4d $\SUSYN{4}$ gauge theory. We discuss the operator product expansion of a pure Wilson loop and a pure 't Hooft loop in the general $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ theory. We also describe all the dyonic loops in the $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ theory in terms of networks, and point out a relation to the brane tiling. In Sec.~\ref{sec:T3junction}, we first explain how the 4d Wilson loop is mapped to the 2d Wilson loop in the context of the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills. We then use one of the skein relations to compute the superconformal index of the $T_3$ theory in the presence of a loop operator corresponding to the simplest nontrivial network. In the Appendix~\ref{app:Examples}, we have more examples of the realization of dyonic loops by networks in the general $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ theory. \section{Networks and skein relations in 2d}\label{sec:qYM} In this section we discuss possible types of networks in class S theories of type $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ and their skein relations. Our guiding principle is that they are described by the structure of the quantum groups underlying both the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills and the Liouville/Toda CFT, and that the skein relations are universal under an appropriate parameter identification. The skein relations exhibited below already appear in the mathematical works \cite{MOY2000,JeongKim05,CKM12}, up to the overall factors and the changes in conventions. Skein relations introduce equivalence relations among all possible networks, and it would be extremely useful if we can pick a natural representative element out of a given equivalence class of networks allowing linear combinations of networks. In this paper we at least give a general method to simplify a given network: \begin{itemize} \item In principle, edges in a network can carry arbitrary representations of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$. We will first rewrite them in terms of representations $\wedge^k \Box$ for $k=1,\ldots, N-1$. These are the fundamental representations in the mathematical terminology,\footnote{Contrary to the standard physics usage, we do not restrict the fundamental representation to be the defining $N$-dimensional representation in this paper.} and within the diagrams we just denote them by $1$, $2$, \ldots, $N-1$. \item Then we rewrite all crossings in terms of linear combinations of junctions that are at most rectangular. The concrete formulas are given in \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing}. We call this process \emph{crossing resolutions}. \end{itemize} In the $A_1$ case, these procedures eliminate all the crossings and no junctions remain, thus reproducing the classification in \cite{DMO09}. In the $A_2$ case, we will see that all digons and rectangles can be eliminated, and we will find a natural representative for a given equivalence class of networks. We will detail this process in Sec.~\ref{subsec:network classification on T^2}. Hereafter we use a version of the standard quantum number defined as \begin{equation} \langle n\rangle:=(-1)^{n-1}[n]:=(-1)^{n-1}\dfrac{\mathfrak{q}^n-\mathfrak{q}^{-n}}{\mathfrak{q}-\mathfrak{q}^{-1}} \end{equation} and the factorial defined as \begin{equation} \langle 0 \rangle!=1,\qquad \langle n \rangle!=\langle n \rangle \langle n-1\rangle!. \end{equation} As this section is rather long, let us pause here to explain the organization: in Sec.~\ref{subsec:gen}, we start by recalling that codimension-4 operators of the 6d $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ theory are labeled by representations and they can have junctions corresponding to the invariant tensors. In Sec.~\ref{subsec:representation basis expansion}, we describe how an arbitrary representation can be rewritten in terms of just the fundamental representations of the form $\wedge^k \Box$. In Sec.~\ref{subsec:canonical}, we then describe the trivalent junctions where three edges labeled by fundamental representations meet. In Sec.~\ref{subsec:crossing}, we show how a crossing of two edges can be rewritten in terms of junctions. We start from the crossing of two edges labeled by $\Box$ and then describe the general case. In Sec.~\ref{subsec:reidemeister} we summarize the Reidemeister moves that are fundamental equivalence relations guaranteeing the isotopy invariance. In Sec.~\ref{subsec:Skein} we note other useful skein relations that can be used to simplify networks. Finally in Sec.~\ref{subsec:A3examples}, we explicitly display the skein relations for $A_2$ and $A_3$. In general, it would also be important in the class S theory to study skein relations with full and other punctures in \cite{Gaiotto0904} or networks ending on other punctures. We do not, however, consider such objects in this paper. \subsection{Generalities} \label{subsec:gen} Before proceeding, let us first recall the fact that a codimension-4 operator of the 6d $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ theory of type $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ has a label given by a representation of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$, and how a multiple number of such operators can be joined. A cylinder of the $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ theory gives rise to a 4d $\SUSYN{2}$ vector multiplet with gauge group $\mathrm{SU}(N)$. On the 4d side, then, we can consider the Wilson loop operator in a representation $R$ of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$. This should come from some codimension-4 operator of the $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ theory wrapped around the cylinder. Then this codimension-4 operator also needs to be labeled by a representation $R$. When we multiply two parallel Wilson loops with representations $R_1$ and $R_2$, we get a Wilson loop with representation $R_1\otimes R_2$, and the product is commutative. The same should be then true among codimension-4 operators of the $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ theory. On the 4d side, three Wilson loops in representations $R_{1,2,3}$ can be joined at a point consistently if $R_1\otimes R_2\otimes R_3$ contains an $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ invariant subspace, or equivalently when there is an invariant tensor in this triple tensor product. The number of independent ways to join them is given by the number of linearly independent invariant tensors. Then, three codimension-4 operators of the $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ theory labeled by $R_{1,2,3}$ can be joined along a one-dimensional subspace when there are invariant tensors in $R_1\otimes R_2\otimes R_3$. The number of distinct ways to connect is given by the number of linearly independent invariant tensors. Since this should be an intrinsic property of codimension-4 operators of the 6d theory, we can join three codimension-4 operators along a one-dimensional loop on the 4d side. This gives a junction of three edges labeled by $R_1$, $R_2$, $R_3$ on the 2d side. Using many such junctions, we end up having networks on the 2d side, which are our main interest in this paper. \subsection{Restriction of labels}\label{subsec:representation basis expansion} First, note that Wilson loop on the 4d side in a representation $R$ in a direction can be thought of as a Wilson loop in the representation $\bar R$ in the opposite direction. This feature should also be carried over to the codimension-4 defects of the $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ theory, and to the networks on the 2d side. This can be represented diagrammatically as \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/AN/right_arrow.tikz}} =\raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/AN/left_arrow.tikz}}. \end{eqnarray} As it is cumbersome to use arbitrary representations $R$ as labels, we next rewrite them in terms of fundamental representations $\wedge^k \Box$, $k=1,\ldots, N-1$. An irreducible representation $R$ can be specified by a Young diagram $(\ell_i)$ where $\ell_i$ is the number of boxes in the $i$-th row, so that $\sum \ell_i=N$. For example, $\wedge^k \Box$ is represented by $(\underbrace{1\;1\;1 \ldots 1}_{k})=(1^k)$. Note that any symmetric polynomial of $N$ variables $x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_N$, under a constraint $x_1x_2\ldots x_N=1$, can be written as a polynomial of the elementary symmetric polynomials. As a character $\chi_{R}(\textrm{diag}(x_1,\ldots,x_N))$ of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ in a representation $R$ is such a symmetric polynomial, and $\chi_{(1^k)}(\textrm{diag}(x_1,\ldots,x_N))$ for $k=0,1,2,\ldots,N-1$ are exactly elementary symmetric polynomials, this means that any representation $R$ can be decomposed as the direct sum (allowing negative integral coefficients) of the tensor products of $\wedge^k \Box$. For example, we have the equalities \begin{align} \chi_{(2)} & =\chi_{(1)}^2-\chi_{(1^2)}, & \chi_{(21)} &=\chi_{(1^2)}\chi_{(1)}-\chi_{(1^3)},\\ \chi_{(3)} &=\chi_{(1)}^3-2\chi_{(1^2)}\chi_{(1)}+\chi_{(1^3)}, & \chi_{(2^2)}&=\chi_{(1^2)}\chi_{(1^2)}-\chi_{(1)}\chi_{(1^3)} \end{align} which we can diagrammatically depict, in the case of closed loops, as \begin{align} \raisebox{-0.25\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/2.tikz}} &= \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/1_1.tikz}} - \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/11.tikz}}, & \raisebox{-0.2\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/21.tikz}} &= \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/11_1.tikz}} - \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/111.tikz}}, \\ \raisebox{-0.2\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/22.tikz}} &= \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/11_11.tikz}} - \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/1_111.tikz}}, & \raisebox{-0.25\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/3.tikz}} &= \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/1_1_1.tikz}} - 2\raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/11_1.tikz}} + \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/rep_basis_exp/111.tikz}}. \end{align} These relations are locally applicable on parallel edges. Therefore, we can insert some punctures or networks inside the circle, for example. \subsection{Canonical junctions and removal of digons}\label{subsec:canonical} \subsubsection{Canonical junctions} Now our edges are labeled by the fundamental representations $\wedge^k \Box$, $k=0,1,\ldots, N-1$. We can just use the integer $k$ to label the edge, and an edge labeled by $0$ can be removed. Reversing the orientation now corresponds to replacing the label $k$ by $N-k$. An edge labeled by $k$ has charge $k$ under the center of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$, and therefore we call these integer labels as the \emph{charge}. \!\footnote{Note that it is a special property of $A_k$ that there is the one-to-one correspondence of the set of the fundamental representations $\wedge^k\Box$ including the trivial one and the charge under the center.} For each trivalent junction, the sum of three inflowing charges must equal to zero modulo $N$. Say we have three edges labeled by $a$, $b$ and $c=a+b$. There is only a single invariant tensor in $\wedge^a \Box \otimes \wedge^b \Box \otimes \wedge^{N-c} \Box$, and this corresponds to the projection from $\wedge^a \Box\otimes \wedge^b \Box$ to $\wedge^{c=a+b} \Box$. Therefore, there is no need to place a label on a junction to distinguish the possible invariant tensors. Sometimes these labels $k$ are then taken to be defined modulo $N$ as in \cite{Xie1304,Bullimore13}, but it is useful to consider them just as integers between 0 and $N-1$. This is because we can write down the invariant tensor rather explicitly using the quantum group representation theory when the net inflowing charge to a junction vanishes in $\mathbb{Z}$. We call such a junction \emph{canonical}. We call a junction non-canonical if the net inflowing charge vanishes only in $\mathbb{Z}_N$. See Fig.~\ref{fig:canonical} for examples. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{cc} \begin{minipage}{0.5\hsize} \centering \input{figure/qYM/canonical1.tikz} \input{figure/qYM/canonical2.tikz}\\ canonical junctions \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{0.5\hsize} \centering \input{figure/qYM/noncanonical1.tikz} \input{figure/qYM/noncanonical2.tikz}\\ non-canonical junctions \end{minipage} \end{tabular} \caption{Canonical and non-canonical junctions\label{fig:canonical}} \end{figure} Let us now describe the invariant tensors associated to the canonical junctions. Let $\Box$ be spanned by the vectors $e_1$, \ldots, $e_N$. We define the $\mathfrak{q}$-deformed wedge product by the rule \begin{equation} e_i \wedge e_j = -\mathfrak{q} e_j \wedge e_i, \qquad (i \le j) \end{equation} where in particular $e_i \wedge e_i=0$ where we do not sum over $i$. This defines the projection $\pi$ from $\Box\otimes \Box $ to $\wedge^2\Box$ by \begin{equation} \pi_{1,1\to 2}: e_i \otimes e_j \mapsto e_i \wedge e_j. \end{equation} Furthermore, $\wedge^2 \Box$ can be naturally embedded within $\Box\otimes \Box$ by the rule \begin{equation} \iota_{2\to 1,1}: e_i \wedge e_j \mapsto -\mathfrak{q} e_i \otimes e_j + e_j \otimes e_i, \qquad (i<j). \end{equation} More generally, we associate to any canonical junction that combines labels $a$, $b$ to $a+b$ the projection \begin{equation} \pi_{a,b\to a+b}: e_{i_1}\wedge \cdots \wedge e_{i_a} \otimes e_{j_1}\wedge \cdots \wedge e_{j_b} \mapsto e_{i_1}\wedge \cdots \wedge e_{i_a} \wedge e_{j_1}\wedge \cdots \wedge e_{j_b} \end{equation} and to any canonical junction that splits the label $a+b$ to two labels $a$, $b$ the map $ \iota_{a+b\to a,b}$ where \begin{multline} \iota_{a+b\to a,b}: e_{k_1}\wedge \cdots \wedge e_{k_{a+b}} \\ \mapsto (-\mathfrak{q})^{ab} \sum_{i_1< \cdots <i_a,\ j_1< \cdots <j_b} (-\mathfrak{q}^{-1})^{n(i,j;k)} e_{i_1}\wedge \cdots \wedge e_{i_a} \otimes e_{j_1}\wedge \cdots \wedge e_{j_b} \end{multline} where we assume $k_1<\cdots<k_{a+b}$, the sum is over the disjoint split of indices \begin{equation} \{k_1,\ldots,k_{a+b}\} = \{i_1,\ldots,i_a\} \sqcup \{j_1,\ldots,j_b\}, \end{equation} and $n(i,j;k)$ is the minimal number of adjacent transpositions to bring the sequence $i_1,\ldots,i_a,j_1,\ldots,j_b$ to $k_1,\ldots,k_{a+b}$. These maps are described in more detail mathematically in \cite{CT14}. Then these maps $\pi_{a,b\to a+b}$ and $\iota_{a+b\to a,b}$ naturally combine according to the following diagrams together with the ones with reversed arrows: \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/flip/composition1.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/flip/composition2.tikz}}\label{eq:flip} \end{eqnarray} or equivalently \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/flip/s-channel.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/flip/t-channel.tikz}}\label{eq:flap}. \end{eqnarray} Here $x=a+b=d-c$, $y=b+c=d-a$ and $d=a+b+c$. \subsubsection{Removal of digons}\label{subsec:removal} Now, we can check that any digons can be removed as \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/dimension_of_multi_juntion.tikz}} =\dfrac{\langle k\rangle !}{\langle i_1\rangle !\langle i_2\rangle ! \ldots \langle i_l\rangle !} \quad \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/dimension_of_multi_juntion_contracted.tikz}} \label{eq:slimming} \end{eqnarray} where $\displaystyle \sum_{a=1}^{\ell}i_{a}=k$. Note that in the classical limit $\mathfrak{q}\to 1$ the prefactor becomes \begin{equation} (-1)^{\sum_{a<b} i_a i_b} \frac{k!}{i_1 ! i_2 ! \cdots i_l! } \end{equation} due to the fact that the classical limit of $\iota_{a+b\to a,b}$ is $(-1)^{ab}$ times the standard map that follows from the classical epsilon symbol. This somewhat unusual sign is however necessary to match with the known skein relations in the Liouville/Toda theory, and it also simplifies the signs appearing in the general crossing resolutions \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing}. In the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills theory it would be more conventional to drop this sign and the canonical junctions would be defined to be $\pi_{a,b\to a+b}$ and $(-1)^{ab}\iota_{a+b\to a,b}$. We will stick to the Liouville/Toda convention in this paper, except in Sec.~\ref{sec:T3junction}. When the sum of $i_l$ is $N$, we can use the rule to evaluate a network with two trivalent junctions, since edges labeled by $N$ can be removed. For example, when $i+j+k=N$, we have \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/dim_for_two_trivalents.tikz}} =\dfrac{\langle N\rangle !}{\langle i\rangle !\langle j\rangle !\langle k\rangle !}. \end{eqnarray} More simply, we can evaluate a closed loop with label $k$ by considering it as a digon with edges labeled by $k$ and $N-k$: \begin{multline} \input{figure/qYM/dimension.tikz} = \frac{\langle N\rangle!}{\langle k \rangle! \langle N-k \rangle!} \\ = (-1)^{k(N-k)} \chi_{\wedge^k \Box} (\textrm{diag}(\mathfrak{q}^{N-1},\mathfrak{q}^{N-3},\ldots,\mathfrak{q}^{1-N})) =(-1)^{k(N-k)} \dim_\mathfrak{q} \wedge^k \Box. \end{multline} Again, this shows that our convention is different by a factor of $(-1)^{k(N-k)}$ from the convention in the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills. We also see at this point that, to compare with the skein relation of the Toda theory or the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills theory, we need to use the relation \begin{equation} \mathfrak{q} = e^{\pi i b^2} = q_\text{SCI}^{1/2}. \end{equation} \subsection{Crossing resolutions} \label{subsec:crossing} \subsubsection{The $\mathcal{R}$ matrix} Let us first discuss the best-known case: the $\mathcal{R}$-matrix for $\Box \otimes \Box$ of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$, which is given by \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{R}=A ( Q + \mathfrak{q}^{-1} I_{\Box \otimes\Box} ). \end{eqnarray} Here, $I_{V}$ is the identity operator on a vector space $V$, $Q$ is an operator \begin{eqnarray} Q=\sum_{i\neq j} e_{ij} \otimes e_{ji} - \mathfrak{q} \sum_{i<j} e_{ii} \otimes e_{jj} - \mathfrak{q}^{-1} \sum_{i>j} e_{ii} \otimes e_{jj} \label{eq:Q} \end{eqnarray} where $e_{ij}$ is a matrix whose only non-zero entry is 1 at the $i$-th row and $j$-th column and $A$ is the overall normalization which we will be fixed later. The action of $Q$ on the base $e_a \otimes e_b$ of $\Box \otimes \Box$ is \begin{equation} Q(e_a\otimes e_b) = \begin{cases} e_b\otimes e_a-\mathfrak{q} e_a \otimes e_b , & (a<b) \\ 0, & (a=b) \\ e_b\otimes e_a- \mathfrak{q}^{-1} e_a \otimes e_b , & (a>b) \end{cases}. \end{equation} The resulting entries are the basis vectors of the second rank antisymmetric representation of $\mathrm{SU}_\mathfrak{q}(N)$. Indeed, the operator $Q$ is the composition of the projection $\pi_{1,1\to2} :\Box \otimes \Box \to\wedge^{2}_\mathfrak{q} \Box$ and the natural embedding $\iota_{2\to,1,1}: \wedge^2_\mathfrak{q} \Box\to \Box \otimes \Box$: \begin{equation} Q= \iota_{2\to 1,1}\pi_{1,1\to 2}. \end{equation} Note also that $Q$ satisfies \begin{equation} Q^2=-(\mathfrak{q} + \mathfrak{q}^{-1}) Q=\langle 2 \rangle Q. \end{equation} This is a special case of the digon elimination. We can now represent the R-matrix $\mathcal{R}$ diagrammatically as \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/R.tikz}} =A \left( \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Q.tikz}} + \mathfrak{q}^{-1} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Id.tikz}} \right). \label{eq:skein of fundamental R} \end{eqnarray} The inverse of the R-matrix $\mathcal{R}$ is \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{R}^{-1}=A^{-1}(Q+ \mathfrak{q} I_{\Box \otimes\Box}) \end{eqnarray} that we represent as \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/inverseR.tikz}} =A^{-1} \left( \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Q.tikz}} + \mathfrak{q} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Id.tikz}} \right) \label{eq:skein of inverse fundamental R} \end{eqnarray} Below, we call the crossing \eqref{eq:skein of fundamental R} as positive and the crossing \eqref{eq:skein of inverse fundamental R} as negative. \paragraph{The $A_1$-case:} In this case, $\bigwedge^{\!2} \Box$ is the trivial one-dimensional representation and there is the pseudo-reality condition $\overline{\Box} \simeq \Box$ which we can diagrammatically write as \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/right_arrow.tikz}} =\raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/left_arrow.tikz}} =:\input{figure/qYM/A1/no_arrow.tikz}. \end{eqnarray} Then the general equation (\ref{eq:skein of fundamental R}) reduces to \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/R.tikz}} =\mathfrak{q}^{-1/2}\;\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/Id.tikz}} +\mathfrak{q}^{1/2}\;\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/Q.tikz}}. \end{eqnarray} where we have set $A=\mathfrak{q}^{1/2}$. We then have \begin{eqnarray} \mathfrak{q}^{-1/2}\;\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/R.tikz}} -\mathfrak{q}^{1/2}\;\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/Rflipped.tikz}} =(\mathfrak{q}^{-1}-\mathfrak{q})\;\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/Id.tikz}} \end{eqnarray} These reproduce the standard skein relations of the Liouville theory found in \cite{AGGTV09,DGOT09} under the identification $\mathfrak{q} = e^{i\pi b^2}$. The relation $Q^2=\langle 2\rangle Q$ shows \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A1/circle.tikz}} = \langle 2\rangle = -\chi_\Box (\textrm{diag}(\mathfrak{q},\mathfrak{q}^{-1})). \end{eqnarray} From this we see that $\mathfrak{q}=q^{1/2}_\text{SCI}$ where $q_\text{SCI}$ is the parameter used commonly in the literature on the superconformal index. The minus sign here is a convention common in the Liouville/Toda literature, i.e.~the definition of a loop in the representation $\Box$ differs by an overall minus sign between the Liouville theory and the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills. \paragraph{The $A_2$-case:} Here we have $\overline\Box=\bigwedge^{\!2} \Box$, and therefore we have \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A2/right_arrow.tikz}} =\raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A2/left_arrow.tikz}}. \end{eqnarray} As we now only have one type of the label $\Box$, we can drop it altogether. The general R-matrix (\ref{eq:skein of fundamental R}) then becomes \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A2/R.tikz}} = \mathfrak{q}^{1/3} \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A2/Q.tikz}} + \mathfrak{q}^{-2/3} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A2/Id.tikz}} \label{eq:A2skein} \end{eqnarray} where we have set $A=\mathfrak{q}^{1/3}$. This reproduces the fundamental skein relations of the $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ Toda theory found in \cite{Bullimore13}, again under the identification $\mathfrak{q} = e^{i\pi b^2}$. \paragraph{General case:} The analysis so far suggests that we should take \begin{equation} A=\mathfrak{q}^{\tfrac{1}{N}} \end{equation} in general. As we will see soon, this is consistent with the general crossing resolutions \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing}. \subsubsection{General crossing resolutions} Now let us move on to the crossing resolutions in the general case. The expression was found in \cite{MOY2000} up to an overall factor, which we quote here: \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/qYM/general_R.tikz}} = \mathfrak{q}^{\frac{ab}{N}} \sum_{i=0}^{s} \mathfrak{q}^{-i} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/general_Q.tikz}} \label{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing} \label{eq:final form of conjectural skein relation of general crossing} \end{eqnarray} where $s=\min(a,b,N-a,N-b)$ and $a,b=0,1,2,\ldots,N-1$. With this choice of the overall factor, this equality is invariant with a reversal of an arrow and the rotation of the diagrams by $90^\circ$. Note also that when $a=b=1$, this equality reduces to \eqref{eq:skein of fundamental R} we already discussed. Let us introduce the names to the fundamental objects on the right hand side of \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing}: \begin{eqnarray} Q^{ab}_{\;\;(i)}:= \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/general_Q.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/general_Q2.tikz}}. \label{eq:equivalent relation between Q's} \end{eqnarray} Note that the number of possible choices of $i$ matches with the number of irreducible summands of the decomposition of the tensor product $\wedge^a \Box\otimes \wedge^b \Box$. We expect that all these $Q^{ab}_{\;\;(i)}$ cannot be further decomposed as parts of networks. \subsubsection{The intersection number and the powers of $\mathfrak{q}$} Let us briefly discuss the significance of the prefactor $\mathfrak{q}^{\frac{ab}{N}}$ in \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing}. In general, two loop operators in a class S theory of type $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ can be mutually nonlocal, and the nonlocality can be measured in terms of the Dirac pairing that takes values in $\mathbb{Z}_N$ \cite{Tachikawa:2013hya}. In terms of the 2d networks realizing the 4d loop operators, the Dirac pairing is given by their intersection number. We can define it by assigning a local intersection number to a crossing as follows: \begin{align} \vcenter{\hbox{\input{figure/qYM/general_R.tikz}}} : & + ab, & \vcenter{\hbox{\input{figure/qYM/general_inverseR.tikz}}} : & -ab. \end{align} This is consistent with the reversal of arrows, since it sends the label $a$ to $N-a$. The intersection number $I(\Gamma_1,\Gamma_2)$ of two networks $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$ is then defined by summing the contributions from all the crossings: \begin{eqnarray} \sum_{c \;: \;{\rm crossing}} \textrm{sign}(c) a^{(1)}_c a^{(2)}_c \in \mathbb{Z}_N \end{eqnarray} where $\rm{sign}(c)$ is the sign of the crossing $c$ and $a^{(i)}_c$ is the charge of $\Gamma_i$ at $c$. In the Liouville/Toda setup, we expect the expectation value of any network without crossings is a single-valued function of $\mathfrak{q}=e^{\pi i b^2}$ invariant under $\mathfrak{q} \to e^{2\pi i}\mathfrak{q}$. Similarly, in the superconformal index, the expectation value of a loop operator on the 4d side is a single valued function of $\mathfrak{q}=q^{1/2}_\text{SCI}$, since the index is a trace $\mathrm{Tr} (-1)^F q^{\Delta-I_3}$ and the scaling dimensions $\Delta$ of a class S theory are integral or half-integral. Non-invariance of the expectation value under $\mathfrak{q}\to e^{2\pi i}\mathfrak{q}$ then captures the mutual non-locality, and we can think of the prefactor $\mathfrak{q}^{\frac{ab}{N}}$ in \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing} as encoding the difference in the local intersection number between the left hand side and the right hand side, to keep track of this non-locality. The difference in the powers of $\mathfrak{q}$ among different summands in the resolutions of the crossings should be integral, and the relation \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing} indeed satisfies this requirement. \subsubsection{$SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ action on the torus} We can define the operation $I$ which we call the \emph{inversion} by reversing all the arrows simultaneously. This is an involution that we can identify with the charge conjugation on the 4d side. When the network is on a torus, we can also consider the action of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ on the networks. Two basic actions are the $T$-action and the $S$-action. $T$ corresponds to sending $\alpha\mapsto \alpha$, $\beta\mapsto \beta+\alpha$ and $S$ corresponds to $\alpha\mapsto \beta$, $\beta\to -\alpha$, where $\alpha$, $\beta$ are two bases of the 1-cycles on the torus. The operation $C=S^2$ generates the center of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ and is the charge conjugation action in the 4d $\SUSYN{4}$ SYM theory. Then we need to have two operations, $C$ and $I$, to be consistent on the torus. The relation (\ref{eq:equivalent relation between Q's}) relating two forms of the networks representing the same object $Q^{ab}_{\;\;(i)}$ is exactly the one required to have $C=I$, when these networks are put on the torus and open edges are connected to the opposite ones. \subsection{Reidemeister moves} \label{subsec:reidemeister} In knot theory, a projective representation in two dimension of knots and links in a three dimensional space is not unique, and any different representations can be mapped to each other by a combination of three so-called \emph{Reidemeister moves}, see e.g.~\cite{book:Knots_and_Physics}. The move I straightens a twist in an edge, the move II slides one edge over another edge to two parallel edges, and the move III changes the order of three crossings. In the presence of junctions, we need to add another move, where we move an edge over a junction. We call this as the move IV. Since we expect that the charge of a loop in the 4d theory is determined by the isotropy class of networks, we would like to require that a network is invariant under these moves. This is indeed possible for the moves II, III and IV, but the move I results in a $\mathfrak{q}$-dependent factor. In the context of 3d Chern-Simons theory, this can be understood from the change in the framing of the link \cite{Witten:1989wf}. Let us describe these moves explicitly below. \paragraph{R-Move II:} This relation says that the the negative crossing is given by the inverse $\mathcal{R}^{-1}$ of the R-matrix $\mathcal{R}$ corresponding to the positive crossing. \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmII_1.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmII_0.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmII_2.tikz}}. \label{eq:R-Move II} \end{eqnarray} \paragraph{R-Move III} This is the Yang-Baxter equation which the R-matrix $\mathcal{R}$ should satisfy. \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmIII_1.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmIII_2.tikz}}. \label{eq:R-Move III} \end{eqnarray} \paragraph{R-Move IV} This is the additional move for the networks with junctions. \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.6\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmIV_1.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmIV_0.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.6\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmIV_2.tikz}}. \label{eq:exact R-Move IV} \end{eqnarray} \paragraph{R-Move I} Finally, this move involves a nontrivial factor. \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmI_1.tikz}} = C_V(\mathfrak{q}) \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmI_0.tikz}}, \qquad \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmI_2.tikz}} = C_V(\mathfrak{q}^{-1}) \raisebox{-0.55\height}{\input{figure/qYM/Rmove/RmI_0.tikz}}. \end{eqnarray} When the representation $V$ is $\wedge^k\Box$, the coefficient $C_k(\mathfrak{q})$ can be calculated using the general crossing resolution \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing} and the relation \eqref{eq:slimming} removing digons. The $i$-th network on the right hand side of \eqref{eq:conjectural skein relation of general crossing} gives a coefficient $\tfrac{\langle N-k+i\rangle!}{\langle i\rangle!\langle k-i\rangle!\langle N+i-2k\rangle!}$ thanks to \eqref{eq:slimming}. We then find \begin{eqnarray} C_k(\mathfrak{q})=(-1)^{k(N+1)}\mathfrak{q}^{-(1+\tfrac{1}{N})k(N-k)}. \end{eqnarray} A direct understanding of this coefficient in 4d or 6d would be an interesting problem. \subsection{More simplifying relations } \label{subsec:Skein} Let us list various other skein relations that can be used to simplify networks. All relations except \eqref{eq:R-matrix on tube} are known in \cite{CKM12} \cite{JeongKim05} and references therein. \subsubsection{Triangle contraction relations} We have rules to remove triangles. In order to express the rules, we first map all the junctions so that they are canonical. Then, there are four possibilities up to the mirror images: \begin{align} \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/triangle_contraction/no4.tikz}} \!\! & =\dfrac{\langle a\rangle !}{\langle i\rangle !\langle j\rangle !}\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/triangle_contraction/trivalent4.tikz}}, & \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/triangle_contraction/no2.tikz}} \!\! &=\dfrac{\langle N-a\rangle !}{\langle N-i\rangle !\langle j\rangle !}\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/triangle_contraction/trivalent2.tikz}}, \\ \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/triangle_contraction/no3.tikz}} \!\! &=\dfrac{\langle a\rangle !}{\langle i\rangle !\langle j\rangle !}\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/triangle_contraction/trivalent3.tikz}}, & \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/triangle_contraction/no1.tikz}} \!\!&=\dfrac{\langle N-a\rangle !}{\langle i\rangle !\langle N-j\rangle !}\raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/triangle_contraction/trivalent1.tikz}}. \end{align} Note that whether three vertices are totally ordered by arrows or not changes the look of the factors. \subsubsection{Rectangle decaying relations} The rectangles $Q^{(i)}_{ab}$ that we had in (\ref{eq:equivalent relation between Q's}) can not be further simplified, but there are many other rectangles that are equivalent to sums of simpler ones. Let us show one class: \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/unstable_rectangle/unstable.tikz}} = \sum_{s=\max(0,j-\ell+k)}^{\min(j,k)} \dfrac{\langle \ell- k\rangle !}{\langle \ell-k+s-j\rangle !\langle j-s\rangle !} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/unstable_rectangle/stablers.tikz}}. \label{eq:rectangle decaying} \end{eqnarray} This is valid for $k \le l$ and $0 \le j \le \min(k,N-\ell)$ or $k \le j \le \ell \le N-k$. These relations assure that any network constructed from only rectangles around a tube can always be decomposed into a sum of closed loops around the tube. For example, using (\ref{eq:rectangle decaying}) recursively, we can see \begin{eqnarray} \mathfrak{q}^{-\tfrac{k^2}{N}} \raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/unstable_rectangle/R_for_kk.tikz}} = \mathfrak{q}^{-k}\sum_{i=-k}^k (-1)^i\mathfrak{q}^{i^2+i} \raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/unstable_rectangle/fund_rep_in_sum_trR.tikz}}, \label{eq:R-matrix on tube} \end{eqnarray} where the two horizontal thin parallel lines signify that they are to be identified so that the network is on a tube. There are various other relations. Here we just note one example: \begin{eqnarray} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/double_rectangle/ex1.tikz}} = \langle 3\rangle \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/double_rectangle/ex1_1.tikz}} + \langle 2\rangle \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/double_rectangle/ex1_2.tikz}}. \label{eq:double rectangle contraction example} \end{eqnarray} \subsection{Examples: $A_2$ and $A_3$} \label{subsec:A3examples} The skein relations of the $A_1$ case and the $A_2$ case have already been described in the literature. \subsubsection{$A_2$} Let us record the $A_2$ case as a summary. We have two types of junctions : \begin{equation} \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/classification/cano_in.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/classification/inflowing_junction.tikz}} ,\qquad \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/classification/cano_out.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/classification/outgoing_junction.tikz}}. \end{equation} The basic skein relation was \eqref{eq:A2skein}, which we copy here \cite{Kuperberg96,Xie1304,Bullimore13}: \begin{equation} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A2/R.tikz}} = \mathfrak{q}^{1/3} \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A2/Q.tikz}} + \mathfrak{q}^{-2/3} \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A2/Id.tikz}}. \end{equation} The following two relations are useful to simplify the networks: \begin{equation} \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/gauge/classification/QQ.tikz}} = \langle 2\rangle \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\input{figure/gauge/classification/Q.tikz}},\qquad \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/classification/A2rectangle.tikz}} = \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/gauge/classification/II.tikz}} + \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/gauge/classification/W.tikz}}.\label{eq:a2simplify} \end{equation} \subsubsection{$A_3$} Let us now discuss the next nontrivial case of $A_3$. Note that the label $3$ can be traded with $1$ by reversing the arrow, and since $2$ is a real representation we do not have to exhibit the direction for edges labeled by $2$. In this case, there are also two types of junctions as we see below. There are three types of crossing resolutions : \begin{align} \raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/R11.tikz}} &= \mathfrak{q}^{1/4}\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/Q11_0.tikz}} + \mathfrak{q}^{-3/4}\raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/Q11_1.tikz}},\\ \raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/R12.tikz}} &= \mathfrak{q}^{1/2}\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/Q12_0.tikz}} + \mathfrak{q}^{-1/2}\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/Q12_1.tikz}},\\ \raisebox{-0.3\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/R22.tikz}} &= \mathfrak{q}\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/Q22_0.tikz}} + \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/Q22_1.tikz}} + \mathfrak{q}^{-1}\raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/Q22_2.tikz}}. \end{align} There are three decaying relations for one rectangle: \begin{align} \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/S2121_2.tikz}} &= \raisebox{-0.35\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/II21.tikz}} + \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/Y21.tikz}}, \\ \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/S3131_2.tikz}} &= \langle 2\rangle \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/II31.tikz}} + \raisebox{-0.5\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/W13.tikz}}, \\ \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/S3113_2.tikz}} &= \langle 2\rangle \raisebox{-0.45\height}{\input{figure/qYM/A3/Q31_1.tikz}}. \end{align} \section{Loop operators in 4d and skein relations in 2d }\label{sec:review_skein} In the Liouville theory, a Verlinde loop operator is defined in terms of monodromy actions on the conformal block $\mathcal{F}$ along a loop $\gamma$. It is possible to insert more than one Verlinde operator and ${\mathcal{L}}_{\gamma_A}{\mathcal{L}}_{\gamma_B}\mathcal{F}\neq {\mathcal{L}}_{\gamma_B}{\mathcal{L}}_{\gamma_A}\mathcal{F}$ in general when $\gamma_A$ and $\gamma_B$ intersect each other, as we see from the concrete calculations. See Fig.~\ref{fig:4punc} for an illustration. \begin{figure}[h] \[ \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\includegraphics[width=30mm]{figure/review/two_intersecting_loops_1.eps}} \; \leftrightarrow \; {\mathcal{L}}_{\gamma_A}{\mathcal{L}}_{\gamma_B} \neq {\mathcal{L}}_{\gamma_B} {\mathcal{L}}_{\gamma_A} \; \leftrightarrow \; \raisebox{-0.4\height}{\includegraphics[width=30mm]{figure/review/two_intersecting_loops_2.eps}} \] \caption{Non-commutativity of actions of loop operators. \label{fig:4punc}} \end{figure} Under the 2d-4d correspondence, the Verlinde operators map to loop operators of the 4d theory. Therefore, there should be a concept of ordering of loops on the 4d side, such that the product becomes non-commutative. In this section we review how this ordering arises, following \cite{Gukov:2006jk,GMN3,Dimofte:2011py,IOT11}. See also the recent reviews \cite{Okuda:2014fja,Gukov:2014gja}. \subsection{Sums and products of loops}\label{subsec:DPE} We consider the 4d setups where some kind of localization computations is possible. Typically there is a supercharge preserved in the background, whose square involves a linear combination of two isometries $k_{1,2}$. Supersymmetric loops wrap along the direction of $k_1$ and sit at the fixed point of $k_2$. In the neighborhood of the loop, we can approximate the geometry as $S^1\times \mathbb{C}\times \mathbb{R}$, where $k_1$ shifts the coordinate along $S^1$ and $k_2$ is the phase rotation of $\mathbb{C}$. The loop now wraps $S^1$ and sits at the origin of $\mathbb{C}$, and the position $x\in \mathbb{R}$ is arbitrary. Therefore, we can place multiple loops $L_{1,2,\ldots}$ on $x_{1,2,\ldots}$ preserving the same supercharge. This gives an intrinsic ordering of loops on the 4d side, and furthermore, the expectation values are unchanged under infinitesimal changes of the positions $x_i$. The choice of the local supersymmetric background at a loop can be characterized by a single parameter which we denote by $\mathfrak{q}$. These statements can be explicitly checked in the case of the localizations on $S^1\times S^3$ \cite{DGG10}, $S^1\times \mathbb{R}^3$ \cite{IOT11} and $S^4_b$ \cite{Hama:2012bg}. Given two types of loop defects $L_1$ and $L_2$, we denote loops placed at $x\in \mathbb{R}$ by $L_i(x)$. We define a formal sum $L_1+L_2$ of two loops by \begin{equation} \langle \cdots (L_1+L_2)(x)\rangle := \langle \cdots L_1(x)\rangle +\langle \cdots L_2(x)\rangle \end{equation} where the ellipses stand for other operator insertions. The product $L_1\cdot L_2$ of two loops are now defined by \begin{equation} \langle \cdots (L_1 \cdot L_2)(x)\rangle := \langle \cdots L_1(x_1) L_2(x_2) \rangle \end{equation} where we demand $x_1 > x > x_2$ so that $L_1$ and $L_2$ are the loops closest to $x$ from the left and from the right. Since the expectation values depend only on the order but independent of the relative distance, this gives a consistent definition. At this stage, we can make sense of the operator product expansion for defects. Suppose that there is a set $L_{1,2,\ldots}$ of loops which cannot be decomposed into any sum of other simpler ones. We then have the following expansion of correlation functions \begin{eqnarray} \langle \cdots {L_i \cdot L_j}(x)\rangle = \sum_k c^{k}_{ij}(\mathfrak{q}) \langle \cdots L_k(x)\rangle \end{eqnarray} that can be written succinctly as \begin{eqnarray} L_i \cdot L_j = \sum_k c^{k}_{ij}(\mathfrak{q}) L_k. \label{eq:DPE} \end{eqnarray} The OPE coefficients $c^k_{ij}(\mathfrak{q})$ are asymmetric under the exchange $i\leftrightarrow j$ due to the intrinsic ordering along $\mathbb{R}$. However, we can simultaneously flip the $\mathbb{R}$ direction and $S^1$ direction in the local $S^1\times \mathbb{C}\times \mathbb{R}$ geometry to obtain another supersymmetric background. The background is parameterized by $\mathfrak{q}$ as remarked before, and we use the parameterization such that this flip is represented by $\mathfrak{q} \mapsto \mathfrak{q}^{-1}$. Then we should have the relation \begin{equation} c^{k}_{ij}(\mathfrak{q})=c^{k}_{ji}(\mathfrak{q}^{-1}). \end{equation} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \[ \begin{array}{ccccc} \vcenter{\hbox{\input{figure/review/order_on_2d_side.tikz}}} & \longleftrightarrow & \mathcal{L}_{\gamma_1} \mathcal{L}_{\gamma_2} | a \rangle & \longleftrightarrow & \vcenter{\hbox{\input{figure/review/order_on_4d_side.tikz}}} \\ \text{networks in 2d} & & \text{operators on $\mathcal{H}$} & & \text{loops in 4d} \end{array} \] \caption{ Left: the part of networks $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$. For any other crossing of $\gamma_{1,2}$, $\gamma_1$ is always above $\gamma_2$. Middle: the expressions acting on $\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{H}_\text{conf}=\mathcal{H}_\text{hemi}$. Right: the ordering on the 4d side, along $\mathbb{R}$. \label{fig:relation among three orders} } \end{figure} There is also an order for the defect networks on the two dimensional geometry side. In order to make the relation between two orders, let us consider the case when the 4d side is $S^4_b$ and the 2d side is the Liouville/Toda theory \cite{AGT09,Wyllard09}. In this case the Verlinde operators associated to the networks on the 2d side act on the space $\mathcal{H}_\text{conf}$ of conformal blocks, and the loop operators on the 4d side act on the space $\mathcal{H}_\text{hemi}$ of holomorphic Nekrasov partition functions defined on a hemisphere \cite{AGGTV09,DGOT09,GOP11,Bullimore13}. Since $\mathcal{H}_\text{conf}$ and $\mathcal{H}_\text{hemi}$ are naturally isomorphic, we can see the relations among three orderings as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:relation among three orders}. Corresponding to \eqref{eq:DPE}, there should be the operator product expansions of defect networks which are indeed skein relations as resolutions of the crossings. In Sec.~\ref{sec:gauge}, we will see that we can calculate many OPE coefficients in terms of defect networks. \subsection{Non-commutativity and the angular momentum} \label{subsec:classical} Let us recall the origin of the non-commutativity when the geometry is globally $S^1\times \mathbb{C} \times\mathbb{R}$, following the discussions in \cite{GMN3,IOT11}. Considering the $S^1$ as the time direction, the partition function of $ S^1 \times \mathbb{C} \times \mathbb{R} $ is given by \begin{equation} \Omega=\TrR{\mathcal{H}}{(-1)^{F}e^{2\pi i \lambda \mathcal{J}_3}} \end{equation} where $\mathcal{H}$ is the Hilbert space of the system, $\mathcal{J}_3=J_3+I_3$ is the sum of the spin along $\mathbb{R}$ and the Cartan of the $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ R-symmetry. Our parameter $\mathfrak{q}$ is then given by $\mathfrak{q} = e^{\pi i\lambda}$. Suppose now that we have a $\mathrm{U}(1)$ gauge theory, that the first loop $L_1$ is purely electrically charged with electric charge $e$ and that the second loop $L_2$ is purely magnetically charged with magnetic charge $m$. Then there appears the Poynting vector carrying the angular momentum $J_{P}=(\hbar/2) em$ along the $\mathbb{R}$ direction. The magnitude of $J_P$ is independent of the distance between two particles but the sign depends on the ordering, and therefore we have \begin{equation} L_1 \cdot L_2 = \mathfrak{q}^{-2em} L_2\cdot L_1. \end{equation} In the classical limit ($\mathfrak{q} \to 1$), this product becomes commutative. \section{Some examples in the superconformal index} \label{sec:T3junction} So far we have been studying the properties of the networks of the class S theories. In this section, we would like to study a few concrete manifestations of our analysis when the four-dimensional side is $S^1\times S^3$, or equivalently, in the setting of the superconformal index. As has been well established, the superconformal index of a class S theory of type $\mathrm{SU}(N)$, defined by a Riemann surface $C$ of genus $g$ with $n$ full punctures, is given by the (zero-area limit of the) $(p,q,t)$-deformed Yang-Mills theory on the same Riemann surface \cite{Gadde:2009kb,Gadde:2011ik,Gadde:2011uv}. Here we consider the case $q=t$ where the $p$ dependence automatically drops out, and the superconformal index becomes the standard $q$-deformed Yang-Mills theory, defined in \cite{Buffenoir:1994fh,Alekseev:1994pa,Aganagic:2004js}. In this case, the supercharge defining the superconformal index is compatible with the presence of a half-BPS line wrapping the $S^1$ direction \cite{Dimofte:2011py,Gang:2012yr}. Therefore, in this setup, a defect of a class S theory, specified by a network with labels on the Riemann surface $C$ should be realized as a concrete object in the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills theory, defined by the same network with labels on $C$. Below, we show that they are just given by the Wilson lines\footnote{This statement was independently obtained by W. Peelaers and L. Rastelli. } and the Wilson junctions in the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills theory. In particular, we compute the superconformal index of the nontrivial line operator of the $T_3$ theory, namely the 6d $\SUSYN{(2,0)}$ theory of type $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ compactified on a sphere with three full punctures. Reassuringly, we will find that the result shows an enhancement of the symmetry from $\mathrm{SU}(3)^3$ to $E_6$, as it should be, since the $T_3$ theory is the $E_6$ theory of Minahan and Nemeshcansky. Below, we will first very briefly review the relation between the superconformal index and the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills in Sec.~\ref{sec:SCIwithout}. Then we check that the superconformal index with a Wilson line in the 4d gauge theory is given by the Wilson line in the 2d gauge theory in Sec.~\ref{sec:SCIwith}. Finally, we will compute the superconformal index of a network in the $T_3$ theory in Sec.~\ref{sec:SCInetwork}. Note that in this section we use the 2d Yang-Mills normalization of the junctions as discussed in Sec.~\ref{subsec:removal}. \subsection{The superconformal indices without lines}\label{sec:SCIwithout} Consider the class S theory $S_{g,n}$ for a genus $g$ surface with $n$ full punctures. Its superconformal index is defined as \begin{equation} \mathcal{I}_g(a_1,\ldots, a_n)=\mathrm{Tr} (-1)^F q^{\Delta-I_3} a_1 \cdots a_n \end{equation} where the trace is over the Hilbert space of the system on $S^3$ or equivalently on the space of the operators, $\Delta$ is the scaling dimension, $I_3$ is the Cartan generator of $\mathrm{SU}(2)_R$ symmetry, and $a_i\in \mathrm{SU}(N)_i$ is a group element of the flavor symmetry $\mathrm{SU}(N)_i$ of the theory associated to the $i$-th full puncture. This is known to be given by the following explicit expression: \begin{equation} \mathcal{I}_g(a_1,\ldots,a_n)=\sum_\lambda \frac{\prod_i K(a_i)\chi_\lambda(a_i) }{ K_0^{2g-2+n} \chi_\lambda(q^\rho)^{2g-2+n} }\label{SCIgn} \end{equation} where the sum is over all the irreducible representations $\lambda$ of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$, $\chi_\lambda(a)$ is the character of $a$ in the representation $\lambda$, $q^\rho$ is the element \begin{equation} q^\rho=\textrm{diag}(q^{(N-1)/2},q^{(N-3)/2},\ldots, q^{(1-N)/2}), \end{equation} and $K(a)$, $K_0$ are given by \begin{equation} K(a)=\mathrm{PE}[\frac{q}{1-q}(N-1+\sum_{i\neq j} a_i/a_j)],\qquad K_0=\mathrm{PE}\left[\frac{q^2+q^3+\cdots+q^N}{1-q}\right]. \end{equation} Here we took $a$ to be diagonal, \begin{equation} a=\textrm{diag}(a_1,\ldots,a_N)\in \mathrm{SU}(N), \end{equation} and $\mathrm{PE}$ is the plethystic exponential, defined by \begin{equation} \mathrm{PE} \left[\sum_{n\geq 1} a_n t^n \right]_{t} = \prod_{n\ge 1}(1-t^n)^{-a_n}. \end{equation} Take two class S theories $S_{g,n}$ and $S_{g',n'}$, pick one full puncture from each, say the last one from $S_{g,n}$ and the first one from $S_{g',n'}$. Let us then couple $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ gauge multiplets to the diagonal combination of the $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ symmetries carried by the two full punctures thus chosen. The combined system has the superconformal index \begin{multline} \mathcal{I}_{g,g'}(a_1,\ldots,a_{n-1}; b_2,\ldots,b_{n'}) \\ =\int [dz]_\text{Haar} K(z)^{-2} \mathcal{I}_{g}(a_1,\ldots,a_{n-1},z) \mathcal{I}_{g'}(z^{-1},b_1,\ldots,b_{n'})\label{SCIgauge} \end{multline} where $[dz]_\text{Haar}$ is the natural measure on the Cartan of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ given by \begin{equation} [dz]_\text{Haar}=\frac{1}{N!}\prod_{i=1}^{N-1} \frac{dz_i}{2\pi \sqrt{-1} z_i} \prod_{i\neq j} (1-z_i/z_j). \end{equation} Plugging in the expression \eqref{SCIgn} to \eqref{SCIgauge} and using the orthogonality of characters \begin{equation} \int [dz]_\text{Haar} \chi_\lambda(z)\chi_\mu(z^{-1})=\delta_{\mu\lambda}, \end{equation} we see that the equation \eqref{SCIgauge} reduces to \eqref{SCIgn} for the genus $g+g'$ surface and $n+n'-2$ full punctures. This is as it should be. When $g=0$ and $n=3$, what we have is the $T_N$ theory. For $N=3$, the symmetry $\mathrm{SU}(N)^3$ enhances to $E_6$. The decomposition is \begin{equation} \mathcal{I}_{T_3}(q,\alpha)=1+q\chi_{\Esix{000001}} +q^2(\chi_{\Esix{000002}}+\chi_{\Esix{000001}}) +q^3(\chi_{\Esix{000003}}+\chi_{\Esix{001000}}+\chi_{\Esix{000002}}+2\chi_{\Esix{000001}}+2)q^3+\cdots \end{equation} where $\alpha=(a,b,c)$ is the fugacity for $E_6$ flavor symmetry, and $\chi_\lambda=\chi_\lambda(\alpha)$ is the character of $E_6$ in the irreducible representation with Dynkin label $\lambda$. \subsection{4d Wilson Lines}\label{sec:SCIwith} Let us move on to the superconformal index in the presence of a loop operator wrapping $S^1$ \cite{Gang:2012yr,Gang:2012ff}. In this subsection, for simplicity, we only study a loop operator that is just a Wilson line with respect to a 4d gauge group. For class S theories, this covers every operator that is a genuine loop $L$ labeled by a representation $R$ on the Riemann surface ({\it i.e.} all networks without junctions), since we can always cut the Riemann surface along $L$ to go to a duality frame where that particular loop wraps a tube once. To compute the superconformal index with a Wilson loop, let us first consider a more general situation. Take a theory $X$ with $G$ flavor symmetry whose superconformal index is $\mathcal{I}_X(a)$. Suppose we can couple it with the $G$ vector multiplet, such that the gauge coupling is exactly marginal. Let us insert a BPS Wilson line in the representation $R$ of $G$. The resulting index is simply \begin{equation} \mathcal{I}_{R}(q)=\int[dz]_\text{Haar} K(z)^{-2} \chi_R(z)\mathcal{I}_X(z). \end{equation} This reduces to the formula \eqref{SCIgauge} when $R$ is a trivial representation, as it should be. Now consider the case when $X$ consists of two copies of the $T_N$ theory, such that we gauge a diagonal combination of $G$ symmetries. We have \begin{align} \mathcal{I}_R(q)&=\int[dz]_\text{Haar} \frac{K(a_1)K(a_2)K(z)}{K_0} \left[\sum_{\lambda}\frac{\chi_{\lambda}(a_1)\chi_{\lambda}(a_2)\chi_{\lambda}(z)}{\chi_{\lambda}(q^\rho)} \right] \chi_R(z) \nonumber \\ &\qquad \times K(z)^{-2} \frac{K(z^{-1})K(a_3)K(a_4)}{K_0} \left[\sum_{\lambda'}\frac{\chi_{\lambda'}(z^{-1})\chi_{\lambda'}(a_3)\chi_{\lambda'}(a_4)}{\chi_{\lambda'}(q^\rho)} \right] \\ &= \frac{K(a_1)K(a_2)K(a_3)K(a_4)}{K_0{}^2} \left[\sum_{\lambda,\lambda'}\frac{\chi_{\lambda}(a_1)\chi_{\lambda}(a_2)n_{\lambda R}^{\lambda'}\chi_{\lambda'}(a_3)\chi_{\lambda'}(a_4)}{\chi_{\lambda}(q^\rho)\chi_{\lambda'}(q^\rho)} \right]\label{WilsonSCI} \end{align} where \begin{equation} n_{\lambda R}^{\lambda'}=\int [da]_\text{Haar} \chi_R(a)\chi_{\lambda}(a)\chi_{\lambda'}(a^{-1}) \end{equation} counts how many times the irreducible representation $\lambda'$ appear in the tensor product $\lambda\otimes R$. The result \eqref{WilsonSCI} is, up to the prefactor involving $K$, the unnormalized correlator of the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills theory with the Wilson line with the representation $R$, around the tube associated to the gauge group, see Fig.~\ref{TnWilson}. There, we displayed full punctures as boundaries, as would be more common in the 2d Yang-Mills viewpoint. For non-deformed 2d Yang-Mills theory, this is an immediate consequence from the fact that the Hilbert space of the system on $S^1$ is the space of class functions on $G$, that is spanned by $\chi_\lambda(z)$, and the Wilson loop in the representation $R$ acts by a multiplication by $\chi_R(z)$ almost by definition. For $q$-deformed 2d Yang-Mills theory, we need to use the fact that the structure of the tensor product decomposition of the representations of the quantum group $G_q$ is not deformed as long as $q$ is generic. \begin{figure} \[ \inc{TnWilson} \] \caption{Wilson line around a tube corresponding to a gauge group.\label{TnWilson}} \end{figure} \subsection{A network in the $T_3$ theory}\label{sec:SCInetwork} As an example of the network that is not just a loop, let us consider the $T_3$ theory and the 2d network shown in Fig.~\ref{T3junction}. \begin{figure}[h] \[ \inc{T3junction} \] \caption{A line operator of $T_3$ theory, represented as a Wilson junction on the 2d side.\label{T3junction}} \end{figure} The superconformal index is given by \begin{equation} \mathcal{I}_{T_3,\text{network}}= \frac{K(a_1)K(a_2)K(a_3)}{K_0} \sum_{R_1,R_2,R_3} c_{R_1,R_2,R_3} \chi_{R_1}(a_1)\chi_{R_2}(a_2)\chi_{R_3}(a_3) \label{T3line} \end{equation} where $c_{R_1,R_2,R_3}$ is the amplitude of the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills, coupling three states $\chi_{R_{i}}(a_i)$ $(i=1,2,3)$ on the three boundaries. In the undeformed 2d Yang-Mills theory, $c_{R_1,R_2,R_3}$ is given by the integral \begin{multline} c_{R_1,R_2,R_3}=\int [dU_1][dU_2][dU_3] \chi_{R_1}(U_2U_3^{-1}) \chi_{R_2}(U_3U_1^{-1}) \chi_{R_3}(U_1U_2^{-1}) \\ \times \epsilon_{ijk}\epsilon^{\bar i\bar j \bar k} (U_1)^i_{\bar i}(U_2)^j_{\bar j}(U_3)^k_{\bar k}, \end{multline} where $U_{1,2,3}$ are holonomies of the 2d gauge field from one junction point to the other junction point, along three different segments. In the $q$-deformed Yang-Mills theory, we need to perform the integral above in the sense of the quantum group \cite{Alekseev:1994pa,Buffenoir:1994fh}. The $U_3$ integral gives a nonzero result only when $R_1$ is contained in $R_2\otimes V$, where $V$ is the standard three-dimensional representation of $\mathrm{SU}(3)_q$. Since the rules of irreducible decompositions of tensor products are unchanged under the $q$ deformation, we see that $c_{R_1,R_2,R_3}$ is nonzero only when the highest weight of $R_1$ is given by adding to the highest weight of $R_2$ one of the three weights of $V$. This means that there is an arrow connecting $R_1\to R_2$ in the diagram of irreducible representations as shown in Fig.~\ref{su3reps}. We immediately see that there we should have arrows similarly for $R_2\to R_3$ and $R_3\to R_1$. Therefore $c_{R_1,R_2,R_3}$ is nonzero only when $R_1\to R_2\to R_3\to R_1$ forms a triangle in Fig.~\ref{su3reps}. \begin{figure} \[ \begin{tikzpicture}[tri/.style={{cm={-0.75,1.3,1.5,0,(0,0)}}}] \path[tri] (0,0) node (00) {}; \path[tri] (.66,.33) node {}; \path[tri] (1,0) node (10) {$\omega_2$}; \path[tri] (1,1) node (01) {$\omega_1$}; \path[tri] (1.66,.33) node {}; \path[tri] (1.66,1.33) node {}; \path[tri] (1.33,.66) node {}; \path[tri] (2,0) node (20) {}; \path[tri] (2,1) node (11) {}; \path[tri] (2,2) node (02) {}; \path[tri] (2.66,.33) node {}; \path[tri] (2.66,1.33) node {}; \path[tri] (2.66,2.33) node {}; \path[tri] (2.33,.66) node {}; \path[tri] (2.33,1.66) node {}; \path[tri] (3,0) node (30) {}; \path[tri] (3,1) node (21) {}; \path[tri] (3,2) node (12) {}; \path[tri] (3,3) node (03) {}; \path[tri] (4,0) node (50) {}; \path[tri] (4,4) node (05) {}; \draw[->] (00)--(10); \draw[->] (10)--(20); \draw[->] (20)--(30); \draw[->] (01)--(11); \draw[->] (11)--(21); \draw[->] (02)--(12); \draw[<-] (00)--(01); \draw[<-] (01)--(02); \draw[<-] (02)--(03); \draw[<-] (10)--(11); \draw[<-] (11)--(12); \draw[<-] (20)--(21); \draw[->] (10)--(01); \draw[->] (20)--(11); \draw[->] (11)--(02); \draw[->] (30)--(21); \draw[->] (21)--(12); \draw[->] (12)--(03); \draw[dashed] (30)--(50); \draw[dashed] (03)--(05); \end{tikzpicture} \] \caption{ An arrow $R\to R'$ connects two highest weights $R$, $R'$ of $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ if $R'\otimes V$ contains $R$. $c_{R_1,R_2,R_3}$ is nonzero only when the arrows form a triangle $R_{1}\to R_2\to R_3\to R_1$. \label{su3reps}} \end{figure} Next, consider what happens when the holonomy at a puncture $a_3$ is set to the special value $a_3=q^\rho=(q,1,q^{-1})$. This is equivalent to the absence of the puncture, and we have the situation in Fig.~\ref{trick}. \begin{figure} \[ \inc{trick} \] \caption{A trick\label{trick}} \end{figure} Using the skein relation, we see that the left hand side and the right hand side should be proportional by a factor of $[2]$. The right hand side is just $\sum_{R_1\to R_2} \chi_{R_1}(a_1)\chi_{R_2}(a_2)$. Therefore, $c_{R_1,R_2,R_3}$ is determined by an overconstrained set of equations \begin{equation} \sum_{R_2\to R_3\to R_1\to R_2} c_{R_1,R_2,R_3} \chi_{R_3}(q^\rho) = [2]_q\delta_{R_1\to R_2} \end{equation} where the sum on the right hand side is over $R_3$ that fit in the triangle. This equation can be recursively solved starting from the triangle closest to the origin. We can check that the following gives the general solution\footnote{The authors thank the twitter user \texttt{@LT\_shu} for kindly providing this general solution in \href{https://twitter.com/LT_shu/status/349136595632390144}{\texttt{https://twitter.com/LT\_shu/status/349136595632390144}}.}: \begin{align} \dim_q (n\omega_1+m\omega_2) =\chi_{n\omega_1+m\omega_2}(q^\rho) &=\frac{[n+1][m+1][n+m+2]}{[2]} ,\\[2ex] c_{ \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(base)] \path (0,.75) node (base) {}; \path (-1.2,.5) node (10) {$\scriptstyle (n-1)\omega_1+m\omega_2$}; \path (1.2,.5) node (01) {$\scriptstyle n\omega_1+(m-1)\omega_2$}; \path (0,1) node (11) {$\scriptstyle n\omega_1+m\omega_2$}; \draw[<-] (01)--(10); \draw[<-] (10)--(11.west); \draw[<-] (11.east)--(01); \end{tikzpicture} } &=\frac{[2]}{[n+1][m+1][n+m+1]},\\ c_{ \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(base)] \path (0,0) node (00) {$\scriptstyle n\omega_1+m\omega_2$}; \path (-1.2,.5) node (10) {$\scriptstyle n\omega_1+(m+1)\omega_2$}; \path (1.2,.5) node (01) {$\scriptstyle (n+1)\omega_1+m\omega_2$}; \path (0,.25) node (base) {}; \draw[<-] (01)--(10); \draw[<-] (10)--(00.west); \draw[<-] (00.east)--(01); \end{tikzpicture} } &=\frac{[2]}{[n+1][m+1][n+m+3]}. \end{align} Plugging them into \eqref{T3line}, we find it nicely becomes a sum of representations of $E_6$: \begin{multline} \mathcal{I}_{T_3,\text{Line}}(q,\alpha)=q^{1/2}\chi_{\Esix{100000}} +q^{3/2}(\chi_{\Esix{100001}})\\ +q^{5/2}(\chi_{\Esix{100000}}+\chi_{\Esix{000100}}+\chi_{\Esix{100001}}+\chi_{\Esix{100002}})+\cdots. \end{multline}
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaArXiv" }
Q: Recommended hotpatch for Mathematica Link to NetLogo 6 didn't work I have the same problem as the user who posted in "Unable to use Mathematica Link in NetLogo 6.0" (Unable to use Mathematica Link in NetLogo 6.0). For me, the Mathematica Link seems to work fine with Netlogo version 5.3.1. Even after I attempted the recommended hotpatch (which was the answer to the original posted question on this topic), still no luck (I get the same error message posted in the original comment cited above). I tried extracting the hotpatch in the NetLogo 6.0 directory and in the NetLogo 6.0 / app subdirectory... neither seemed to work. I'm using a PC with Windows 7. Any advice on how to properly install the patch would be greatly appreciated. A: This fix is packaged with 6.0.1 and instructions on using it can be found here. If it's easy for you to upgrade to 6.0.1 I would recommend doing that over trying to install the 6.0 fix. I have verified that the fix works for 6.0, although the installation instructions don't seem to be correct. My configuration: * *Windows 10 (don't have Windows 7 available, unfortunately) *NetLogo 6.0 64-bit *Windows 10 64-bit The steps I took to install: * *Before starting, go to your NetLogo installation directory and rename the "Mathematica Link" directory to "Mathematica Link - original" (or delete it, if you prefer). *When I downloaded the file, it extracted to somewhere in my Downloads folder. You may have to extract yourself, depending on your browser and OS configuration *I copied the enclosed "Mathematica Link" folder (the one with the space in the name, not the "MathematicaLink" folder at the top level) to the NetLogo directory (not the "app" directory as mentioned in the instructions). I then opened Mathematica and ran the following commands: * *File > Install > type: Package, source: From File, file: C:\Program Files\NetLogo 6.0.1\Mathematica Link\NetLogo.m, install name: NetLogo, install for this user only. Note that when selecting this file, Mathematica will use the last directory you opened, so when the file dialog opens, first navigate to the the top of the drive then navigate down to NetLogo 6.0.1 (using a NetLogo.m file from an older NetLogo version will almost certainly break Mathematica link, and this is a very easy mistake to make). *Entered in the notebook (cannot code block this): < *Entered in the notebook: NLStart["C:\\Program File\\NetLogo 6.0.1"] (note the double backslashes and no trailing backslash). *The NetLogo window will open after a noticeable delay (depending on your system speed and memory) Edit: I wanted to consolidate troubleshooting steps for future readers. I've introduced a new version of NetLogo.m available here, which users should download for troubleshooting purposes (it will be distributed with future versions of NetLogo). Some steps to using this: * *Mathematica will cache old "NetLogo.m" files. You can find where these caches are by using the following commands in Mathematica: * *FileNameJoin[{ $BaseDirectory, "Applications" }] *FileNameJoin[{ $UserBaseDirectory, "Applications" }] *Visit the directories obtained in Step 1 and delete all "NetLogo.m" files from them. *Download the new version of NetLogo.m *Install the downloaded version of NetLogo.m (and run <<NetLogo`) *Run NLDiagnostics["C:\\Program Files\\NetLogo 6.0.1"] to determine what paths are being searched. This function will produce a hash as an output. The key missingJars should be an empty list ({}). *If you want to check java version, you can run NLJavaDiagnostics[]. The javaVersion returned should start with "1.8.0", the javaArchitecture returned should be "64".
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
This is a short summary of Shakespeare sonnet 50. Continue reading for complete analysis and meaning in the modern text. For the complete list of 154 sonnets, check the collection of Shakespeare Sonnets with analysis.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home Business Africa needs to protect itself against vulnerabilities: ECA Director Africa needs to protect itself against vulnerabilities: ECA Director Adam Elhiraika, Director of the Macroeconomics and Governance Division of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has urged African countries to evolve policies that can help build sustainable development goals and aspirations of Africa's Agenda 2063. Elhiraika made the suggestion in his presentation to the 38th meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development in Marrakesh. The ECA director who gave an overview of Africa's recent economic and social development performance, said the continent also badly needs policies to diversify and structurally transform to better support its industrialisation and enhance intra-African trade through the game-changing African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). "To reduce vulnerabilities from global economic conditions, such as the tightening of global financial markets, currency fluctuations, capital outflows and volatility of commodity process, African countries need to enhance resilience through the appropriate combination of fiscal, monetary, exchange rate and prudential policies to maintain their growth momentum," said Mr. Elhiraika. "There is also a need for policies that can help improve debt management on the continent and to harness urbanisation as a strong vehicle for generating fiscal revenues to finance sustainable development." Mr. Elhiraika said Africa's growth is projected to remain strong, moderating around 3.2% in 2018, but expected to recover to 3.4% in 2019 and 3.8% in 2020. The continent's fiscal and current account balance narrowed though still relatively high while high debt levels continue to pose a concern to long-term development. The ECA Director said the AfCFTA is expected to enhance intra-African trade and growth with marginal losses in revenues. "Africa has made good progress in social outcomes, but inclusion especially in areas of health and education remains elusive," he told the meeting of experts that opened ahead of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. He said socio-economic conditions were improving though at a slow pace. He reported that under-five mortality ratio fell by 42% between 1990 and 2017; income inequality has declined though still relatively high (at 0.44 – Gini coef.); the number of working poor declined 52.8% in 2000 to 33.5% in 2015 and projected to further decline to 30.4% in 2019; with steady progress being recorded towards gender parity. The conference is being held under the theme; "Fiscal policy, trade and the private sector: A strategy for Africa." Previous articleViafara ex-football star arrested for drug trafficking Next articleCyclone-hit Mozambicans cling to life on rooftops, stadium terraces We will go on with 'Ruga' Grazing Reserve – Niger state Man United emerge favourites to sign €55m star ahead of EPL rivals 2019 Recruitment: Navy releases list of shortlisted candidates, screening date EFCC probes ExxonMobil over $3.75bn oil deal June 24, 2016 Presidential ticket: Again PDP holds meeting with Saraki, Atiku others Diezani: UK investigators storm Nigeria Christchurch massacre: Muslim group to sue Facebook, YouTube ODD NEWS: Suspected murderer who evaded capture for 12 years by pretending to be mute...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home / Latest News / Nick Cave Love Song Lecture Latest News: Nick Cave Love Song Lecture By 18 Nick Cave Love Song Lecture Nick Hornby High Fidelity Songs for weeping On Sad Music January 09, 2012 / By 18 "The unhappiest people I know, romantically speaking, are the ones who like pop music the most; and I don't know whether pop music has caused this unhappiness, but I do know that they've been listening to the sad songs longer than they've been living the unhappy lives." – Nick Hornby, High Fidelity Therein lies the rub. Why do so many of us actively seek out the "comfort" of a sad song when we're down? If we were people that made sense, we wouldn't use music to make our melancholy deeper. Somehow, our instincts overpower that basic logical equation. Sadness, one of the central, eternal wellsprings of music, fulfills a strange function in our listening habits. We don't desire unhappiness, but when it's thrust upon us, we desire the intensification that a sad song brings. The range of explanations is vast. On the spiritual side, musician Nick Cave believes it to be in tune with an innate longing for divine wholeness in all people. If you're looking at science, Ohio State University Professor David Huron theorizes that coaxing out a rush of the hormone prolactin is pleasurable without real consequence. There doesn't have to be only one answer, but in any case, it can be hard to articulate just why feeding the fire of your terrible, endless heartache feels simultaneously good and bad. There's the idea of playing with a tooth that hurts. Despite the pain receptors telling us "Ouch, ouch. Please stop," we can't resist poking at it with our tongue. But consider that when your mouth is free of pain, you're rarely even aware of your teeth. Is it possible then that emotional pain is a way of feeling more alive and aware of our existence? Because there's nothing like the stir of musical drama, from Bach's Chaconne to Death Cab for Cutie, to imbue your day-to-day with a little meaning. But maybe that's a little on the masochistic side. Maybe instead, songs of constant sorrow have a social function. It is, after all, a singular experience. Both rage and love require a target, and happiness is a content feeling that doesn't have the urgency of burden. But sadness, well, you can be sad all by yourself. That's tough in a society where your emotional trouble isn't something you can acceptably share (at least until the invention of social media). If you answer the basic question of "how are you?" with a brutally honest "miserable," expect an awkward moment. Most people aren't looking to hear that. The melancholy song, then, is a helping hand in the absence of real people. It can help us decode the vagaries of our sorrow, and when that happens, it's as if someone finally understands – even better than we do ourselves. The old saying "misery loves company" is supposed to refer to your bummer of a friend bringing everyone down with him. When it comes to the sad song, even though it can be hard to tell sometimes, it means that you are not alone. Adapted to Music or Addicted to It?, Bach's Chaconne, death cab for cutie, Editorials, Emo music, heartache, nick cave, Nick Cave Love Song Lecture, Nick Hornby High Fidelity, Sad Music,
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }