the accident was solely due to the rash and negligent
driving of the BBMP Lorry bearing Reg.No.KA-02-AD-
8658 by its driver and the said Appanna and Swetha
have died in the said accident. Accordingly, issue No.1 of
both MVC.No.4650/2015 and MVC.No.4651/2015 are
answered In the Affirmative.
Issue No.2 in MVC.4650/2015:
19. It is the case of the petitioners that, petitioner
No.1 and 2 are the minor children, petitioner No.3 is the
father and petitioner 3(a) is the sister of the deceased
Appanna. Petitioner No.3 had been examined as P.W.1.
He reiterated the averments and allegations made in the
claim petition. In support of his evidence he had
produced Ex.P.10 to Ex.P.11 and Ex.P.17. Ex.P.10 is
the Ration card, wherein the petitioner No.1 to 3 are
shown as son, daughter and father of the deceased
Appanna. Ex.P.11 is the Aadhaar card of P.W.1
Muniyappa. Ex.P.17 are the Aadhaar cards of Appanna,
20 SCCH-24
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Swetha and petitioner No.1 and 2. In Ex.P.17 the
petitioner No.1 and 2 names are mentioned as son and
daughter of the deceased Appanna. When the matter
was posted for cross-examination of P.W.1, he is reported
as dead and his daughter i.e petitioner No.3(a) brought
on record stating that, she is the paternal aunt of minor
petitioners No.1 and 2 and they are under her care and
custody, hence she may be permitted to prosecute the
case on behalf of minor petitioners. In order to establish
the said relationship, the petitioner No.3(a) herself got
examined as P.W.2. She reiterates the averments and
allegations made in the claim petition. In support of her
evidence, she has produced Ex.P.18 and Ex.P.19 i.e
Aadhaar card and G-Tree of their family. It is pertinent to
note that, in Ex.P.18 and Ex.P.19 it is no where
mentioned that, Muniyappa is the father and Appanna
was her brother. She has not produced any photographs
or any other ID proof with regard to the relationship with
21 SCCH-24
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the deceased or petitioner No.3. The police document i.e
Inquest Mahazar produced at Ex.P.5 in the said mahazar
Statement of deceased father (Muniyappa), is shown to be
recorded by the police wherein it is mentioned that, the
petitioner No.3 in MVC.4650/2015 i.e Muniyappa had 3
children, namely Narasamma, Gangamma and only son
Appanna. Narasamma and Gangamma are married and
residing separately with their respective husband's
house. That is the only document which shows that,
this petitioner No.3(a) is the daughter of 3rd petitioner
and elder sister of deceased Appanna. During the course
of cross-examination, the relationship of the P.W.2
Narasamma with the deceased is disputed, but not
disputed the relationship of the petitioners No.1 and 2
with the deceased Appanna and Swetha. Further, the
respondents have not placed any evidence to show that,
the petitioner No.1 and 2 are not the children and legal
representatives of the deceased. Under these
22 SCCH-24
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circumstances, the petitioner No.1 and 2 have proved
that, they are the legal representatives of the deceased.
So for as petitioner No.3(a) is concerned according to the
documents available on record she is the elder sister of
deceased Appanna. But she is residing separately with
her husband as per the statement given by her father
Muniyappa at the time of inquest as per Ex.P.5. Whereas
she came on record to represent the petitioners on the
ground that, now she is taking care of the minor
petitioners and they are under her care and custody.
The said aspect is not disputed by any of the parties.
Hence, it can be believed that, now the minor petitioner
No.1 and 2 are under the care and custody of said
petitioner No.3(a).
20. The petitioners are claiming compensation on
account of the death of Appanna in the said Road Traffic
Accident. It is stated in the claim petition as well as in
the evidence of P.W.2 that at the time of accident
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deceased was hale and healthy and was working as a
DTH Installation Technician and Service Engineer at
Bharat Systems and was drawing salary of Rs.9,000/-
per month. P.w.2 has deposed that, that if her deceased
brother was alive, he would have earn Rs.20,000/- per
month in future and has lost bright future prospects.
He was maintaining the entire family and was the sole
bread earning member of the family. He was contributing
his entire earnings to their family. Due to the
unfortunate accident, their family is put to great
hardship, mental shock and starvation. In order to
substantiate the avocation and earnings of the deceased,
the petitioners have produced Ex.P.9, i.e 2-Salary Slips
for the month of June-2015 and July-2015. Wherein, it is
mentioned that Appanna had drawn the net salary of
Rs.8,003.80/- after deduction of PF and ESI of
Rs.979.20. In this regard petitioners have examined one
witness Mr. H.K. Bojaraja, Manager at Bharat Systems as
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