Also, a royal messenger should come into the presence of Yaqiru, the sheikh of the Li'tamu, to summon men to protect the civilians, and they should go up to Dilbat before us. Perhaps it will be possible to enter Borsippa. The king should know this; it is only a matter to the army, to the king and to our mission.
The messengers have come from Dur-Ladini, saying: "The forces of the son of Zerî are 250 cavalry mounts; there are no archers of his."
have likewise come to us. They stayed 14 days on the river bank on the other side of the river. They said: "We
The chief of trade was hit by an affliction on the 22th of Elul VI. I looked at him for a day, but it did not leave him. I looked at him for days, it did not leave him. Thereupon I sent a messenger to my lord.
My lord may speak about it, if it has already been spoken about in the Palace. If not, my lord should write to our physician.
Let my lord send a royal order to Nergal-belu-uda''an that he takes on the rest of the tribute and bears the responsibility for the tribute.
The land of the king is well; the royal sustenance fields have been harvested. The exchange rate is extremely favourable in the land: one homer of barley goes for one mina of copper in Nineveh, one homer and 5 seahs go for one mina of copper in Halahhu, two homers go for one mina of copper in the steppe. 40 minas of wool go for one mina of copper
Surely the king, my lord, is planning to send me pack animals but I am not able to take care of the pack animals. All the available food and corn is for the people the king gave me; he who lies to the king will die.
I have written down the entire yield of the threshing-floor and I have also written the envelope and I have now sent the scribe Aplaya to the king in charge of Bel-bunaya.
Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Why have you neglected to write me?" That is why I am now writing in detail.
Concerning the son of Attua about whom I said to the king, my lord: "He will come." He came out but turned back; his father is coming.
The eunuch whom the king, my lord, appointed in Mazamua has not come to see his land. Whatever his case is, let it be settled.
Concerning the eunuchs about whom the king, my lord, gave me orders, I said to him: "Where are the eunuchs at your disposal?" He said: "I am bringing them now." When he heard about the governor he refused to give them, saying: "I will bring them to the Palace." Both of them are in his presence.
Now, concerning the treasury horses about which I spoke to my brother and about which he said: "Let them be removed from me"
If the king, my lord, exempted the fields and gave them to Tarditu-Aššur I am responsible, and I will drop the fields of Tarditu-Aššur from the fields from which I exact state service.
The whole world knows that I have devoted myself to my brother. Behold that my brother gives credence to my prosperity and my good fortune.
Let my brother send Nabû-le'i to me one day so that I can speak to him, and let him take in what I have to report and say, and let him tell it to my brother.
Let me hear my brother's answer and let me undertake the journey that my brother is preparing for me. Moreover, I shall do anything that my brother tells me to do.
As to Ahu-damqi about whom my brother wrote, Ahu-damqi did not come to me. But if he comes to me I shall prepare him for the journey.
As to the sacrifices about which my lord wrote, I have presented one ram before Bel and one ram before Zarpanitu. Mar-biti stood
The city Turmuna where the king appointed me is well. The land has been subjugated. They are cultivating the fields and plastering roofs. We are standing in the city like one family. Where there were criminals, there are
, take the necessary equipment from the Palace, find out in detail what the matter is and write me quickly.
As what you wrote to me: "A messenger of Midas the Phrygian has come to me, bringing me 14 men of Que whom Urik had sent to Urarṭu as an embassy" – this is extremely good! My gods Aššur, Šamaš, Bel and Nabû have now taken action, and without a battle or anything, the Phrygian has given us his word and become our ally!
As to what you wrote: "I shall not send my messenger to the Phrygian without the permission of the king, my lord" – I am now writing to tell you that your messenger should not be cut off from the Phrygian's presence. Write to him in friendly terms and constantly listen to the news about him, until I have more time.
As to what you wrote: "Should I send his subjects to him just as he sent me the subjects of the king my lord?" – send them to him that he will be favourably disposed towards us. Whether 100 of his men or 10, write to him like this: "I wrote to the king my lord about the men of Que whom you sent to me, and he was extremely pleased; and in return
he wrote to me as follows: ‘Do not hold back even a single one of the Phrygians at your court, but send them to Midas immediately!' Thus at the king my lord's behest I am now sending you these men."
As to what you wrote: "A messenger of Urpala'a came to me for an audience with the Phrygian messenger" – let him come, and let Aššur, Šamaš, Bel and Nabû command that all these kings should wipe your sandals with their beards!
As to Balasu concerning whom you wrote, I have heard his words in full. The day you see this letter, appoint his son in his place over his men. His people should be assembled and present, and if he wants, he may take them over the mountains and settle them there, or they may also live here. As for him, let one of your ‘third men' pick him up posthaste and let him come here. I will speak kindly with him and encourage him, and in due course I will send word and have his people being kept here returned, and he too can go and re-enter his house.
In the reign of Sargon II, king of Assyria, in the eponym year of Issar-duri, governor of Arrapha, on the 20th day, the basalt socle underneath the panther of copper was brought into the House of Aššur. While the socle was being dragged, they pushed the altar into the socle and delivered a report before the king.
Month of Tebet X, 22nd day, eponym year of Issar-duri, governor of Arrapha, 9th year of Sargon II, king of Assyria.
The king goes straight to the house. Šerua, Kippat-mati and Tašmetu go to the palace and sit down in the Labbunu-house. The king performs a sheep offering, provides cooked meat, and ‘arouses’ the House of God.
The priest of Anu, the priest of Adad, the priest of DN, the priest of the Assyrian Ištar, and the priest of Nabû
The king enters the house of Dagan with a rikshaw. He brings forth a portable censer and a torch, lights the censer, illuminates the face.
The carriers place the throne of the king upon their necks and set off for the House of God. They enter the House of God. The priest of Aššur slaps the king’s cheek in their presence and says thus: "Aššur is king, Aššur is king!" He says so as far as the Anzû gate.
Having reached the Anzû gate, the king enters the House of God. He prostrates himself and rolls on the ground; he lights the censers before Aššur, and ascends the dais. He prostrates himself and rolls over.
A golden bowl into which oil has been poured was brought from the palace with the king. They go down to the temple, and he places a mina of silver, a mina of gold, and a garment with its filling at the feet of the God with the bowl of oil. The garment, the mina of silver and the mina of gold placed at the feet of the God are the revenue of the priest.
The king sets the table before Aššur; he steps down from the dais and approaches the censers. While the king sets the table before Aššur, the priest sets the tables before the gods accordingly.
x stones for Ea and Kittu, x stones for Mišaru, one stone for Ninurta, one stone for DN, one stone for DN of the palace, one stone for DN;
one stone, one sheep and one garment for Mullissu, one stone for Tambaya, one stone for Šamšaya;
one stone for Ea-šarru, one stone for Damkina, three stones for the gods of Subartu, two stones for the Judges behind the God.
The priest brings the crown on the piece of felt that was hung before Aššur and crowns him. The priest who put the crown on the king’s head collects a golden torque. While he is putting the crown on the king’s head, the magnates and the royal eunuchs say thus:
"May Aššur and Mullissu, the owners of your crown, cover you with your crown for a hundred years! May your foot be pleasant in the temple and your hands pleasant towards Aššur, your god! May your priesthood and that of your sons be pleasant to Aššur, your god! Expand your country with your just sceptre! May Aššur give you command and attention, obedience, truth and peace!"
Having finished their blessings, the magnates and the royal eunuchs prostrate themselves and kiss the king’s feet. The king leaves the Court of Nunnamnir and goes straight to the palace. The gentlemen who carried the king collect one mina of silver each; the city scribe takes the garment with its appurtenances.
The king having finished the ritual in rēš hameluhhi, the gentlemen who carried the king before the House of God (lit. ‘gods’) carry the king on their neck from the city gate and enter the terrace.
The singers sing, the magnates and the royal eunuchs prostrate themselves before the king and kiss the king’s feet. While they glorify him, he remains seated on the throne.
They start presenting gifts to the king. The first gift presented to the king is taken to the House of Aššur and placed before Aššur; it is the revenue of the high priest.
The king tells them: "Each and everyone keep his office." They prostrate themselves and roll on the ground, approach, and each and everyone stands in his place.
One stone for Allatu, one stone for Bel-šarru, one stone for Daglanu, one stone for Siusa: total 110 stones for the gods of the House of Aššur.
One stone for the image of the gate of Aššur, one stone for Išhara, one for Gašranu, one for Ešertu, one for Bel-labria, one for Laban, one for Gubaba, one for Išum, one for Maliku, one for Anunitu, one for Ulaya, one for Isinutu;
one for Belat-ekalli, one for Ištar of Tuyat, one for Sabi’lutu, three for Bel-šarru, Manungal and Guzalû;
one for Anu and the Great Gods, one for Šalimtu, one for Šunipuru, one for Kubu of the house of Anu, one for Ningirsu;
one for Sîn of Heaven, one for Adad of Heaven, one for Šamaš of Heaven, one for Ištar of Heaven, one for the Tigris, two for the Twins, one for the Narudi;
What is prescribed in this tablet shall enter the houses of the gods of Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta. The gods of Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta dwell in Assur.
When the proper time arrives, the sacrificer enters the Equ house. In the Equ house he proceeds to the right to the table before the Mouth-and-Tongue, and kindles with the torch in his hand the censer before the Mouth-and-Tongue. Grasping the torch with his left hand, he twice pours aromatics into the censer before the Mouth-and-Tongue. He breaks a bread cake upon the table, cools the eating-bowl twice, and twice performs a libation of beer into the pithos.
He scatters mixed aromatics into a portable censer, places a vagina of lead weighing half a mina before the Mouth-and-Tongue, and prostrates himself.
The priest blesses him, saying: "May Ištar of Heaven speak favourably of you in heaven! As this torch is bright, may Ištar decree brightness and prosperity for you. Guard the word and secrets of Ištar! Should you leak out the word of Ištar, you shall not live, and should you not guard her secrets, you shall not prosper. May Ištar guard your mouth and tongue!"
Aššur, Lord Tiara, Aššur of Reading; Šerua, Kippat-mati, the Window of Tašmetu; Sîn, Šamaš; Šulpaamaša, Šulpaguna; three gods of the room; the Conquerors, the Weapon, the Axe, Kunuš-kadru; image of Tiglath-Pileser: total of gods in the holy of holies.
Enlil, Dagan, Bel-labria, the Judges of the dais, Mišaru, Belet-ili, another Belet-ili, Šakkan: total of gods in the ‘Pantry.’
Haya and Kusu in the side room in the courtyard; Kittu and Tišpak in the courtyard, above the well; Ea-šarru, Damkina, Išhara, Qingu, Maliku, Ugurtu: total of gods in the house of Ea-šarru.
Mišaru, Il-mešaru, Hip-raggu, Ašra-killa, Pušu-kina, Išme-ilâ, Išme-karabu, Ili-pada, Uṣur-pišunu, Šitamme-pi-mukribi: total 10 divine judges.
Kalkal, Bel-tarbaṣi, the Šakkans, the Lions, the Enpis, Neš-ili-mati, Ninurta of the storehouse: total of gatekeepers of Ešarra.
Anu, Antu, the Fates, the Kulittus, the Kubus, Ningirsu, the Great Gods, Ebeh, a Royal Image: total 9 gods in the houses of Anu.
Adad, Šala, Nisaba, Habiru, Kubu, two royal images, Šeriš, Harmiš, Ningirsu: total 10 gods in the house of Adad.
Bel-šarru, two Nabûs, the City Hall, Gubaba, Abakuwa, Ištar of Arbela, Išum, Kittu, Dinitu, Kuddinitu, the Fate-of-the-Lady-of-the-City.
The Assyrian Ištar, Ber, Tašmetu, Kutatati, the Fates, Papsukkal, Tammuz, Aruru, Šarrat-eqi, Latarak, Kulili, Ulaya, a royal image, four lions, Mulahhišu:
Šarrat-nipha, Papsukkal, Tammuz, Sarranu, Ištar of the Bedroom, Habur, Haburtu, Šarrat-eqi, Belat-parṣi, Ea, Damkina, Latarak, Kalluh, Bibbu, the Fates, Multahhišu:
Gula, Uraš, Gunura, Tigris, Šuriha, Ištar, Mar’at-beti, Belat-aiakki, Šarrat-eqi, the Fates, two royal images, Eṭiru, Gamilu, Belat-ṣeri, Ea, Damkina, Marduk, Anunitu:
Belat-ekalli of the Palace, Adad of Kumme, Adad of Aleppo, the Seven Gods of the city centre, the Gate of the Gods, Gula of
Egangiššua (= "House, the field where the Tree was planted"), "House of the foundation of the land": the house of Mullissu.
Ekigardubnamtaranekišibra, "House, edifice where the Tablet of Destinies is sealed in secret": the City Hall.
Ešagaerra, "House which weeps for the wronged": the house of Iqbi-dunqi, the house of Belat-ekalli.
Egišhurankia, "House which carries the designs of heaven and earth": the house of the Lady of Nineveh.
Esabad, "House which opens the ears": the house of Gula. E2 = "house," sa = "to protect," bad = "grave": "House which protects Graves."
Enigalkurkurradirdir, "House whose awesome splendour fills all the lands": the house of the Lord of Zabban.
The gate opposite Aššur is the Gate of Kingship, its entrance gate to the court is the Path of Enlil, its court is the Court of the Array of the Stations of the Igigi gods,
The eastern gate overlooking the river is the Gate of the Firmament, its entrance gate is the Entrance-of-the-Igigi Gate.
The gods dwelling in the house of the Divine Judges, the shrines, sanctuaries, daises, abodes and holy places, listed by their names.
Checked against the original. Written by Kiṣir-Aššur, exorcist of the House of Aššur, son of Nabû-bessunu, exorcist of the House of Aššur.
Sîn, Nikkal; Šamaš, Aya; Anu, Antu; Kippat-mati, Enlil; Adad, Šala; Ištar of Heaven, Ištar of Nineveh; Ištar of Arbela, Assyrian Ištar; Zababa, Babu; Belet-ili, Damkina; Ninurta, Kakka, Nabû, Nergal, Marduk
The Golden Chariot, the Weapon, Amurru, Haya, Kusu, Tišpak, Ninurta of the wall, Nusku, Mandanu, Kakka, Šarur, Šargaz:
Neš-ili-mati, Neš-igigani, the Steps and the Lahmus of the Eastern Gate; Nusku, the Bull-Son-of-Šamaš and the Judges behind the God;
the images of the temple and the images of the House of Aššur, the great holy of holies, the treasuries, the holy of holies without exit,
, the Court of Lead, the Apsû and everything in it, the Court of Mullissu and everything in it, the Court of Namru and everything in it
Aššur-Enlil; Mašmaš; Aššur-Adad in front of Aššur-dugul; Aššur-Adad in front of Aššur-Conqueror; Enlil-Anu; Ea-šarru; Sîn, Adad, Šamaš; Ištar, the Queen of Heaven of Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta, Šerua; the Great Gods; Tašmetu; Nusku, Ninurta; Kippat-mati, Kippat-mati-image, Kutatati; Enlil, Dagan, Aššur-Tiara, the Sun-image, Aššur-Lahmus, Aššur-Judges, Ea-Kittu, Sîn, Šamaš, Aššur-Conqueror; Ea, Kittu and Mišaru, Dibar; Ninurta and Aššur; Aššur-Šakkan-Tišpak, Aššur-Judges; Lubelim, Gimagan, Ili-pada;
the Couch, the image of the Sun-of-the-Lands, the Rivers and Usumû, Aššur-images, Kunuš-kadru, the Elaborate Door, the images of cities; the Lamassus, Deposed Gods, Sons-of-Truth, Tišpak-images, Cities, Rivers, Kubus, Golden Doors
The Image, Išhara, Gašranu, Ešertu, Bel-labria, Laban, Nabû, Gubaba, Abkuwa, the Roving Išum, Maliku, Anunitu, Ulaya, Isinitu;
Anu, the Great Gods, Šalimtu, Šunipuru, Narudi, Kubu, Ningirsu, Ebeh; Adad, Šala, Taramuwa, Nisaba, Adad-Lightning, Niphu-image, Fire-Lightning, Light-image, Ningirsu, Ermiši, Hurmiši, the Ziggurats:
Ištar-of-Stars, Kippatu, Amurru, Belat-ṣeri, Gula, Pabilsag, Gunura, Kilili, Sahirtu, Belat-palê, Paširtu:
Marduk, Šamaš, Zarpanitu, the Lady of Akkad, Anunitu, Mušabšitu, Tašmetu, Papsukkal, Qibi-dunqi, Samu, Rabiṣu-biti:
may they accept and listen, may they bless the city of Aššur, may they bless the land of Aššur, may they bless the king, our lord!
The Seven Gods, Sons-of-Truth and Narudi; Ištar and the Mountain; Ugurta and Ti’tu; Nergal of Kar-Nergal; Labranu:
Aššur-Enlil, Aššur-Adad, Mašmaš; Anu, Ea-šarru; Sîn, Adad, Šamaš, Bel-šarru, the Twins, Fire, Nusku, Ninurta; Ber, Tammuz, Šunipuru, Ešertu; Mullissu, the Queen of Heaven of Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta, Šerua, Tašmetu, Kippat-mati, Kutatati; Aššur-Adad in front of Aššur-dugul; Aššur-Adad in Aššur-Conqueror; the Gods of Destinies; Šitamme-karabu
Šamaš, Aya, Bunene, Bel-šarru, Nabû, the Twins, Fire, Nusku: when you perform sheep offerings before Šamaš, you invoke their names.
Sîn, Nikkal, Aššur-Enlil, the Sons-of-Truth, the Twins, Fire, Nabû, the gods of the night: when you perform sheep offerings before Sîn, you invoke their names.
Aššur-Aššur, Aššur-Ištar, Aššur-Enlil, Sîn, Ea-šarru, Ninurta, Šamaš, Nikkal, Kidinbirbir, Parisat-palê, ditto-Gula, ditto-image, ditto-images, ditto-yoke, Kulittanati, Iltanati, Nusku, Iltu, Šissa, Haniš, Šala, the Great Gods, Tukulti-Emašmaš:
may they accept with you (= Ištar), may they listen with you, may they bless the city of Aššur, may they bless the land of Aššur, may they bless the king, our lord!
Aruru, Ea-šarru, Belet-erṣeti, Babu, Enlil; Adad and Šala, Sîn and Nikkal; the royal image; Šakkan; the Queen of Heaven and Tammuz; the Image, Ištar-of-the-Staff; the Lions, the Adads, the Bull Colossus;
; the Seven Gods and Narudi; Nabû and Tašmetu; Nergal and Laṣ; Uraš and Belat-ekalli, Palace and Kittu, Mešaru; Zababa and Babu
Nabû, Pabilsag, Ningirsu, Ebeh; Adad and Šala, Taramuwa, Nisaba, Adad-Lightning, Niphu-image, Fire-Lightning, Light-image; Ningirsu, Ermiš and Hurmiš, the Ziggurats:
Aššur-Ištar of Arbela, Berua of ditto, Ištar-image of ditto, Ištar-images of ditto, Ištar-yoke of ditto, Ištar-niphu of ditto, Ištar-panther of ditto, Ištar-lions of ditto, Ištar-thunderbird of ditto, Ninittu of ditto, Kulittu of ditto, Qibi-dunqi of ditto, Šina-marati of ditto, Umbidaki of ditto, Papsukkal of ditto, Šiltahanu of ditto, Siaku of ditto, royal image of ditto, Ištar of Pinas, Sîn of Purunda —