Still I recognise that I have become a stranger: I gave you up. What do you eat for your (pl.) health? Let me eat one 'litre' of bread with you!
And they are destroying our houses, saying: "Why did you send a letter to Nikkal-iddin? Now Nikkal-iddin is plotting every day to murder us."
Now then our messenger, to whom we gave the letter, saying: "Take it and give it to Nikkal-iddin, saying, 'Fear not! Esarhaddon is firmly seated on the throne,'" diverted the letter, and it was given to Zer-kitti-lišir.
To the king of the lands, my lord: your servant, Illil-bani. May Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusku bless the king of the lands, my lord.
Concerning the news of Belšunu of Bit-Dakkuri about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, he has not treated correctly the messenger whom I sent to him and has not spoken to him. I have heard that he has arrested him.
I am the king my lord's servant and watchman here. There are many foreign language speakers in Nippur under the aegis of the king, my lord. I implement the king's orders and speak to them.
When I spoke to Aššur-belu-taqqin, the prefect appointed in Nippur to pass on sealed documents and royal messengers, about the sealed documents and the royal servants who come and stay for three or four days in Nippur and whom he refuses to pass on —
A tablet of Bel-aha-iddin to Iddin-ahi, his father. Good health to my father! May Šamaš ordain for you a life of distant days.
Now then I am sending Nabû-eṭir, my messenger, to my father with a letter to the palace in his care. He must not spend the night there; you will send him quickly to the palace by your own mule express.
To the king of the lands, our lord: your servant, Illil-bani, and your servants, the Nippurians, nešakku-priests and 'temple-enterers,' young and old. May Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusku bless the king of the lands, our lord.
of the king, our lord, and have said things to the king's servants. Everything that the Arameans and the Chaldeans keep writing to the king, our lord, and everything they are saying to the king's servants — not a word of it is true.
They have made peace with the enemy. Half of what they say is directed here and the rest of what they say, their whole heart, is directed to
The men of the king, my lord, having seen them, I immediately launched a surprise attack on them and took them prisoner. Now then I am sending them to the king, my lord. The king, my lord, should question them.
Doesn't my lord know that I am entering a ruined and abandoned house? When Tabnea, my brother, took six hundred homers of barley belonging to our paternal estate, he brought all good feeling between him and his brothers to an end. He received fields from it, but I have received nothing from it. And my lord knows that I cannot beg, and there is nobody to take my hand.
Now, insofar as my lord sees fit, let my lord assign me to the commandant. I should not make a binding agreement away from my lord.
A tablet of Bel-upaq to Kunâ, his father. Good health to my father! I pray every day to Nabû and Nanaya for the life of my father, and I steadily do my duty for Ezida on behalf of my father.
When I enquired of Mar-Biti about you, he fixed the date of your well-being until the fourth day.
To the king of the lands, my lord: your servant, Aplaya. I pray every day to Uraš and Belet-ekalli for the long life, happiness, and good health of the strong king of the universe, my lord.
The sons of Bel-iddin, the sons of an enemy and troublemaker, whom I arrested on the road to Babylon and sent to the king, my lord, and who told the king, my lord: "We are deserters" — their misdeeds towards the king, my lord, are extremely many.
When Zababa-eriba set out with Šamaš-šumu-ukin, he killed Remanni-ilu, the recruitment officer, and took his clothes. And after he had departed and deserted from Babylon, he kept saying in the camp: "The headgear which is on my head is that of Remanni-ilu, the recruitment officer." The headgear which was on his head and which was taken to the king, my lord, is indeed that of Remanni-ilu, the recruitment officer. These men are not friends; they are enemies.
The king should write to his servants that they should cut off the road between Babylon and Borsippa.
To the mother of the king, my lord: your servant, Na'id-Marduk. Good health to the mother of the king, my lord! May Aššur, Šamaš, and Marduk keep the king, my lord, alive. May they ordain happiness for the mother of the king, my lord.
Your father, who was more attentive and circumspect than all other kings, used to speak like this: "I want for nothing in the land of Akkad and all the lands." Whether or not Na'id-Marduk was in his mind, the king should not now say: "Na'id-Marduk is just one man." He is a hundred thousand troops.
Having sent our letters to the king, our lord, we have not seen a reply to our letters and not one of our messengers has came back to us, so we have became afraid.
To the king of the universe, my lord: your servant, Nabû-iqbi. May Aššur, Šamaš, and Marduk bless the king of the lands, my lord.
Aššur-ereš and Bel-iddin, servants of Urda-Gula, uttered an appeal to the king concerning Ašaredu, commandant of Cutha. When the king, my lord, heard it, he brought him in. But nobody has settled his case with them.
If it is agreeable to the king, my lord, and the king, my lord, commands that he should be tried, then let him be tried in the presence of the chariot driver, the governor of the city of HAR, and the mayor Sasiya, men who are loyal to the king, my lord, before he distributes bribes and gifts concerning them, the men die, and the king's case is hushed.
Now, I have heard that there is a haruspex, son of a haruspex, who is useful to the king, my lord, in the presence of Ašaredu, commandant of Cutha.
Also, he has said to Ahhešaya, the son of Nanaya-uṣalli: "Everything that the king is speaking to you and the Urukians is but a big lie. The chief eunuch comes daily into the presence of Hinnumu. As for you, do not grasp the feet of the king, as the king will not do anything for you, but grasp the feet of Hinnumu and stay alive
intercede for him in the palace, let it be known to the king, my lord, that the crimes of Hinnumu against the king are many. He spoke disloyally to the king, your father, while he wrote
Afterwards the king, your father, said to him: "You dare to give ten chariots and horses to the king of Elam!" Hinnumu said: "I was taken prisoner and handed over to the king of Elam."
To the king of the lands, my lord: your servant Bel-ušezib. May Bel, Nabû and Šamaš bless the king, my lord! May they make
To the king of the lands, my lord: your servant, Bel-iddin. May Nabû and Marduk bless the king of the lands, my lord.
So I went and petitioned the king. For these twelve years I have been in the service of Lubulliṭ, the king's prefect, while Hahhuru's men in Babylon have been denigrating my father's house, saying: "His son went into the presence of the king of Aššur."
I arrested the man, handed him over to NN, and told him: "This man should be locked up. I have a case with him before the king." But they received three minas of silver from him and released him.
Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Who released him?" Those who smoothed the way of Immâ son of Paharu and Nabû-ahhe-bulliṭ son of Ubaru, and let go by twenty-five jars of wine, one talent and thirty minas of blue-purple wool, and half a talent of
Concerning the Tabalean at the city wall, may my lord settle his case. He stole things and sold them to Babylon. When your servant heard of it, he impaled the Gurumeans who were with him. He, however, ran away and entered Babylon.
Another time, when Aššur-belu-taqqin was invading the region enclosed by the river, as soon as he heard of it, he went and organised a fight before Aššur-belu-taqqin. As soon as Aššur-belu-taqqin heard of it, he sent a warrant about him, but did not catch him.
Until the death of Aššur-belu-taqqin, he did not enter the Gurumu territory. But now, he has destroyed the entire house of your servant.
when he came back, he told me about their health. They are all well, and all is well with their watch.
We are dead dogs. We have spoken to the servants of the king, our lord, saying: "Let us see the face of the king, so that we may come to life."
where they are living is very good. There is land and water there, and there is happiness in the city. On the border,
To the king, my lord: your servant, Dummuqâ. May Ninurta and Nusku bless the king, my lord! I pray every day to the great gods of heaven and earth for the life of the king, my lord.
the breached city wall with bitumen and sweet-scented oil, and the chief tailor spoke to Nergal, saying: "You should not blame Assyria for this crime. Blame Šamaš-šumu-ukin, who committed this crime!"
The king, my lord, said: "Remove the evil one and instigator of rebellion from the country!" Aplaya son of Nadinu is an insolent cad and a traitor.
Now, when the treasurer released him, he did not forsake his lying ways, but keeps extracting the nishu payment and selling men, thinking, "The news of my doings will not reach the palace."
He sent a daughter of his to the house of Aplaya son of Bel-ipuš son of Adad-šuma-ereš, but she was not married.
The great gods who dwell in heaven and earth have suddenly repented, and their mind with regard to Nippur and Babylon has changed. The lord of kings knows that I am more devoted to Babylon than to Nippur. How could I change anything that the gods have decreed?
Nippur is a dynastic house and a temple of the great gods of heaven and earth. It is not summoned for state service and it does not pay tribute. They do only the king's work that the king can legally claim, and do not
, no malicious finger is pointed at it. And the king who rules over it, should recognise its privileges, so his days will be long.
Nippur, like Babylon, is a destroyed sanctuary, and its repair work has not been ordered. Now let the servants of the king rebuild Nippur on their own.
You are a strong, able and righteous king. May the lord of kings attend to Nippur in the same way as to Babylon. The well-known tablet, 'If a king does not heed justice'
says: "Be it a king, a šandabakku, an overseer, or an administrator, who puts state service on Sippar, Nippur and Babylon, and imposes corv‚e on the houses of the gods, these great gods will become angry and not enter their chapels." It will happen. The king, my lord, should inquire about it and let them bring the tablet and read it in the king's presence.
, I sent these words to the king, my lord, only today. May the lord of kings do as he deems best, and may Enlil, Šamaš and Marduk, the great gods, and the gods of Nippur and Babylon lengthen the days of the king, my lord.
I am Bel-ušezib, your servant and one who reveres you. May I see light under the aegis of the king, my lord.
If the moon is red at its appearance and its left horn is blunt, its right horn pointed: you will drive back the enemy land; Adad will devastate.
To the king of the lands, my lord: your servant, Illil-bani. May Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusku bless the king of the lands, my lord! May the gods of Ekur and Nippur and the great gods of heaven and earth grant the king of the lands, my lord, a life of long days.
My lord should pitch camp in two places, and they should cross the river at Opis and at Dur-Šarrukku. Let the Arabs indicate the places to him, and let him appoint
To the king, my lord: your servant, the šandabakku. May Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusku bless the king, my lord. Say thus to the king, my lord: All is well with the temples of the king, my lord. Ekur and Nippur are under very strong guard. The king, my lord, can be happy.
This clan of the paternal house of Belšunu — they, their brothers, their sons and their sisters' sons — their heart is
Having heard what they had to say, I am herewith writing to the king, my lord. May the king, my lord, do as he finds best.
Perhaps the nešakku-priests or the leaders of Nippur will write to the king, my lord concerning the shares, or the fields or something else
To the king, my lord: your servant, Ubaru, the commandant of Babylon. May Nabû and Marduk bless the king.
I have entered Babylon. The people of Babylon welcomed me, and they bless the king every day, saying, "He is the one who returned Babylon's captives and booty." Also the chiefs of Chaldea from Sippar to the mouth of the sea bless the king, saying, "he is the one who resettled Babylon."
To the king of the lands, my lord: your servant, Ahhešaya. May Uruk and Eanna bless the king of the lands, my lord! I pray every day to the Lady of Uruk and Nanaya for the life of the king, my lord.
It is said in a popular proverb: "The potter's dog, having entered the kiln, will bark at the potter."
Now you have godlessly made yourselves into citizens of Babylon, and have raised against my servants all kinds of claims that you and your lord have been making up.
In yet another popular proverb it is said: "The words of a sinful woman have more weight at the door of the judge's house than her husband's."
I am herewith sending back to you, with its seals intact, your completely pointless letter that you sent to me. Perhaps you will say: "Why did he return it to us?"
When the citizens of Babylon, who are my servants and love me, wrote to me, I opened their letter and read it. Now, would it be good that I should accept and read a letter from the hand of criminals who
To the king, the saviour of Assyria, the king of the universe, the king of the lands, my lord: your servant, Naram-Sin. May Ninurta and Nusku bless the lord of kings, my lord.
I am a dog who reveres the king, my lord. I have written to the king, my lord. May the king, my lord, do as he deems best.
I returned x men to their country according to their wish, and after that x men remained. I have sent them with the royal bodyguard to the king, my lord.
Why have I not seen your messenger until this very day? Now, if you are alive, let me forgive the shortcomings of your character and dance.
The lady Gagâ has died and your brother is troubled. Come to see him! I have written to you out of desperation. Come quickly!
By Mulliltu and Ištar of Babylon, he is every day among my concerns. Do not trust in the blaze of your heart! Oh my god!
After I had asked around and investigated a bit, a tracker guided me on their tracks. I arrested the person who had arranged his trip to Šubria and gave the tracker a messenger, saying: "Go and have a look, and I'll report to the king accordingly; in negative case, I'll search for him here."
The Šubrian king concealed him from the tracker, saying: "There is nobody in my presence. A servant of Nabû-kenu-uṣur passed by, and I am supporting the man’s work, as he said: 'You gave me a mule.'"
The Šubrian refuses to give away the village manager and those whom he helped to run away. The Šubrian is a friend of theirs.
I am sending him (= the tracker) to the king, my lord. The king, my lord, may ask him. I sent him as soon as he had come back.
The specialists of the Palace, whether Assyrian or Aramean, who have come to your land to revive it - send your messengers to the whole district, gather them all wherever they are and send them to me!
The Elamites killed their soldiers with the son of Mukin-zeri and deported them by force. They too went into exile.
and 59 men, 59 donkeys, 1 camel under the command of Šamaš-bunaya, in all 198 men, 195 donkeys, 2 camels.
We let the teams from Calah go by; my chariot, my team and my driver went with Nabû'a the bodyguard as far as Šabirešu, and those of Šabirešu let them go by.
Nabû-šarru-uṣur, the eunuch of the governor, the official in charge of the boats, will come with the boats where the king commands.
Concerning the four boats about which the king said: "You will bring them to this side of the river after they have arrived.
To the king, my lord: your servant Ululayu. The best of health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the king's forts are well. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.
150 men of Nadinu, 120 of Hazalâ, 60 of Aplaya, x of the Suhean, x of the Hindanean, x their reserve, in all x men of theirs who have come.
To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-belu-ka''in. The very best of health to the king, my lord!
and after my departure he made himself to take an oath by the gods of the king but burnt 5 towns. Moreover, he killed the guards of the towns and plundered 200 sheep
and their crews, and I shall bring it (= the barley) to the king. And may I hear his well-being.
When the delegate of Elam, who lives in Bit-Imbia, wrote to me: "What news is there on the camp which came?," I subsequently wrote to him: "The king of Assyria has defeated them. Šumu-ukin, his son, as well as his brother are dead.
By that very command, whoever transgresses your word or alters your treaty, will be consigned into your hands.
Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Of the 1,000 cavalry which I formed and is coming, you have extracted in my presence the iškāru tax on horses for this year that I imposed on the merchants."
Your servants Šamaš-bunaya, Nabu-nammir and the Babylonians: We would gladly die for our lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, our lord! Say to our lord:
As to what our lord wrote to us: "Let them make a report together, and let nobody make him fight, until I throw against him the troops that are in the surroundings of Babylon."
700 bales of straw and 700 bundles of reeds, each bundle more than a donkey can carry, must be at hand in Dur-Šarruken by the 1st of Kislev IX. Should even one day pass by, you will die.
Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "All the fields of the province of Urzuhina are abandoned. You are taking the fields of Bel-aplu-iddina away from him."
What is the field of Bel-aplu-iddina about which he has said to the king, my lord, that it has been taken?
For ten years the king, my lord, appointed the governorship of Urzuhina to me. During this time I have never seen Bel-aplu-iddina putting his feet in that field.