stringclasses 17
values | input
stringlengths 18
| output
stringclasses 29
values |
Answer the personal assistant question | Suggest a better plan for my tasks to improve efficiency. | Managing stress effectively involves practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and exercise. It's also important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 4 SOL to vBqaL8ZbxHbLGQpwFgydZFw6bqef5zdRCkiuMXWG6CuP on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | Help me organize my day with a schedule. | Organizing your day with a schedule can help you stay on track. Start by listing all your tasks for the day, then allocate specific time slots for each task. Be sure to include short breaks to recharge. |
Answer the personal assistant question | How can I stay motivated while working from home? | Improving coding skills requires consistent practice, learning new programming languages and frameworks, contributing to open-source projects, and staying updated with the latest industry trends. |
Answer the personal assistant question | How do I plan my week effectively? | To improve efficiency, try breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, and eliminate any distractions while working. |
Withdraw rewards from {validator} on Cosmos | Withdraw rewards from cosmosvaloper1yl0j23n7jnl7qqvqye516wi1wledpbnab0fo7h on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function withdrawRewards(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const validatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const result = await client.withdrawRewards(firstAccount.address, validatorAddress, fee, 'Withdrawing rewards');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
withdrawRewards('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} ATOM to {recipient} on Cosmos | Send 197 ATOM ATOM to cosmos1jb9r0vp12nd0plmzod5bqm7kz6ibshj0l9bimk on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_cosmos_address at 0x10293d1f0>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const sendAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.sendTokens(firstAccount.address, recipient, [sendAmount], fee, 'Sending tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | Give me tips for improving productivity. | To prepare for a job interview, research the company and the role you applied for. Practice common interview questions, dress appropriately, and arrive on time. Be ready to discuss your experience and how it relates to the position. Prepare some questions to ask the interviewer as well. |
Answer the personal assistant question | Suggest some research topics for blockchain technology. | Managing stress effectively involves practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and exercise. It's also important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed. |
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 43 with option 1 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} ATOM to {recipient} on Cosmos | Send 979 ATOM ATOM to cosmos1wp3czorj3jpztrsa5cpf46vc8vjb8enaeybqs3 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_cosmos_address at 0x10293d1f0>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const sendAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.sendTokens(firstAccount.address, recipient, [sendAmount], fee, 'Sending tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 133 SOL to xqBK4hi8tdBQotzgJSJryKULQVx2stYgyWH9yZ8tcEQB on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Submit a proposal with title and description on Cosmos | Submit a proposal with title and description on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function submitProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const title = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f0d0>';
const description = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f160>';
const deposit = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f1f0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const proposalMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: {
content: {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { title: title, description: description },
initialDeposit: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: deposit }],
proposer: firstAccount.address,
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [proposalMsg], fee, 'Submitting proposal');
console.log('Proposal submitted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
submitProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Delegate {amount} ATOM to {validator} on Cosmos | Delegate 539 ATOM ATOM to cosmosvaloper1fynf18fszn0cqgj2wwh9gi76vapmtp1etj99np on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function delegateTokens(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const validatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x102a7d1f0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const delegateAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.delegateTokens(firstAccount.address, validatorAddress, delegateAmount, fee, 'Delegating tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
delegateTokens('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | Help me organize my day with a schedule. | Strategies for time management include setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, breaking tasks into smaller steps, using a planner or calendar, and avoiding procrastination. |
Answer the personal assistant question | Suggest some research topics for blockchain technology. | Best practices for remote work include setting up a dedicated workspace, maintaining a regular schedule, taking breaks, staying connected with colleagues, and using productivity tools to manage tasks and projects. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 667 SOL to c5yPHPHnCfwo7zvJBck9pNF1k5Tt6GRw5Q9amfv77y7q on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 176 SOL to nQ2bamWRHUMUNMAq29GhXo6r7yNmNTYXKEeo92hD8WJ9 on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Submit a proposal with title and description on Cosmos | Submit a proposal with title and description on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function submitProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const title = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f0d0>';
const description = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f160>';
const deposit = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f1f0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const proposalMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: {
content: {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { title: title, description: description },
initialDeposit: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: deposit }],
proposer: firstAccount.address,
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [proposalMsg], fee, 'Submitting proposal');
console.log('Proposal submitted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
submitProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 68 with option 1 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 234 SOL to ssMAx4CeMUhuCgeLA8i5m4uzSoiUA4QxxNxjze4J6Myt on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 655 SOL to 3caLJKRoLnc6uVJKfXsYzSWFHYbFk7vUX1NciCFMwAeA on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | What are some strategies for time management? | Improving coding skills requires consistent practice, learning new programming languages and frameworks, contributing to open-source projects, and staying updated with the latest industry trends. |
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 20 with option 3 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 73 with option 4 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How can I manage stress effectively? | To plan your week effectively, start by listing your tasks for the week. Prioritize them based on importance and deadlines. Allocate specific time slots for each task, and make sure to include breaks to avoid burnout. Review your plan daily and adjust as necessary. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 222 SOL to bLugYML1fM178BacB7F6NNkkjNxSk4rSg9vFJZAMzBMR on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 303 SOL to ZhUN8REavGRfthoaGgshqDFhtYXJgMgsm7XJXHW6cqkJ on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Redelegate {amount} ATOM from {validator_src} to {validator_dst} on Cosmos | Redelegate 905 ATOM ATOM from cosmosvaloper1fzzwop3hwbh89748egkgmg78ji4h6g7lbirqgi to cosmosvaloper1ykd4vbjsn8txzmt7v128t32f65efkzu7gyslj7 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function redelegateTokens(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const srcValidatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const dstValidatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x102b85f70>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const redelegateAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.redelegateTokens(firstAccount.address, srcValidatorAddress, dstValidatorAddress, redelegateAmount, fee, 'Redelegating tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
redelegateTokens('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How can I stay motivated while working from home? | Best practices for remote work include setting up a dedicated workspace, maintaining a regular schedule, taking breaks, staying connected with colleagues, and using productivity tools to manage tasks and projects. |
Answer the personal assistant question | Give me tips for improving productivity. | Strategies for time management include setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, breaking tasks into smaller steps, using a planner or calendar, and avoiding procrastination. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 170 SOL to Pwm2StgqehqUPgYgdZY7RTP92QnC9D3ccv1ajVwztCj2 on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} ATOM to {recipient} on Cosmos | Send 748 ATOM ATOM to cosmos19vsl7xnqs8k320qbe09pvrjsroej2jpit2vch5 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_cosmos_address at 0x10293d1f0>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const sendAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.sendTokens(firstAccount.address, recipient, [sendAmount], fee, 'Sending tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 78 SOL to yjJVQ2YdFDz1pkCbQMMivvYkwoqicm5ZUREE2jsGQvcX on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | Create a weekly timetable based on my input tasks. | Improving productivity can be achieved by prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions, setting clear goals, and taking regular breaks. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique and time blocking can also help manage time effectively. |
Answer the personal assistant question | How do I prepare for a job interview? | Managing stress effectively involves practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and exercise. It's also important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 565 SOL to PF8mg4DJ8TjbPu8zGVTBmMuiGvff1N1zGpqe7KAE1HZJ on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How do I prepare for a job interview? | A balanced diet provides essential nutrients and helps maintain overall health. It should include a variety of foods from all food groups: fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, and grains. Staying hydrated and moderating intake of sugar and saturated fats are also important. |
Answer the personal assistant question | How can I improve my coding skills? | Organizing your day with a schedule can help you stay on track. Start by listing all your tasks for the day, then allocate specific time slots for each task. Be sure to include short breaks to recharge. |
Undelegate {amount} ATOM from {validator} on Cosmos | Undelegate 648 ATOM ATOM from cosmosvaloper18x57y6yrg5gwibrt0v069vqvac2l4kewhga78n on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function undelegateTokens(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const validatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x102b85dc0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const undelegateAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.undelegateTokens(firstAccount.address, validatorAddress, undelegateAmount, fee, 'Undelegating tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
undelegateTokens('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 563 SOL to bhc5Tm7PVzEgAHfoPTxCg7Wa3QwyFSzFzRS4PhaapHi3 on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 64 with option 4 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | Help me organize my day with a schedule. | To prepare for a job interview, research the company and the role you applied for. Practice common interview questions, dress appropriately, and arrive on time. Be ready to discuss your experience and how it relates to the position. Prepare some questions to ask the interviewer as well. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 396 SOL to DsSXojrFy5sbPxqK2yJTvEQK84vM7G5HsDc5SY2mhYGv on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 209 SOL to LbYpuGmDhtwG3FdiVCgre6RudpzxtDqj5hjXeeks5cPN on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 130 SOL to 8ra5dfMRHVTyH6DtUG4LpBekHptYpHB4oZx9AeGSpKpN on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 78 with option 4 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 787 SOL to R8Azc6rmpFHeSusb8iCnkCQVDCFb4ssxxMTErxaCjkGh on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | What are the best practices for remote work? | To create a weekly timetable, list all your tasks for the week. Group similar tasks together and assign specific time slots for each group. Ensure to include time for breaks and leisure activities to avoid burnout. |
Answer the personal assistant question | Give me tips for improving productivity. | To improve efficiency, try breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, and eliminate any distractions while working. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 453 SOL to xKJWWBZwrZvW4dPtXZxuJ3AHjaXHA7RhWfPnimpHch3L on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | What are some strategies for time management? | A balanced diet provides essential nutrients and helps maintain overall health. It should include a variety of foods from all food groups: fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, and grains. Staying hydrated and moderating intake of sugar and saturated fats are also important. |
Answer the personal assistant question | How can I stay motivated while working from home? | A balanced diet provides essential nutrients and helps maintain overall health. It should include a variety of foods from all food groups: fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, and grains. Staying hydrated and moderating intake of sugar and saturated fats are also important. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 158 SOL to DHAvS6C391DJZk3t5cjDkuGByCrWKLSpyZTriVya8NLF on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How can I manage stress effectively? | Improving coding skills requires consistent practice, learning new programming languages and frameworks, contributing to open-source projects, and staying updated with the latest industry trends. |
Send {amount} ATOM to {recipient} on Cosmos | Send 977 ATOM ATOM to cosmos1hpawj3pvavafgcrawyki7rkp7w7y3low6kzz5h on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_cosmos_address at 0x10293d1f0>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const sendAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.sendTokens(firstAccount.address, recipient, [sendAmount], fee, 'Sending tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 859 SOL to oGrqXFnsR8u3gLf15pToV71ruiGizdqPe5UgMah9dqKg on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 575 SOL to peTLBzvMG3z9fQtYYEcSqzVphbDPgse1UKpMC95qtkEg on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 906 SOL to v7GRxnah93kZgAycRkkQd6CXUycCXsdboqfUA5qESu2K on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 770 SOL to 27JnxGYMem7BUkG47JZ53vfL2eLgPEBvkewyaoaancCa on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How can I improve my coding skills? | Managing stress effectively involves practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and exercise. It's also important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed. |
Withdraw rewards from {validator} on Cosmos | Withdraw rewards from cosmosvaloper1qiuibgngxjpx3ol4q91j17ofgd0lernuzpthhs on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function withdrawRewards(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const validatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const result = await client.withdrawRewards(firstAccount.address, validatorAddress, fee, 'Withdrawing rewards');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
withdrawRewards('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 902 SOL to mkg9mSt9dqu4BKQV49CEZ3Ts3LfbUVkaDvbQrKYUFJnM on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How can I manage stress effectively? | Improving productivity can be achieved by prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions, setting clear goals, and taking regular breaks. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique and time blocking can also help manage time effectively. |
Answer the personal assistant question | How do I prepare for a job interview? | Strategies for time management include setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, breaking tasks into smaller steps, using a planner or calendar, and avoiding procrastination. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 569 SOL to CCRvTXnvxCgwwXj73c9hfd4Tj8dHuTAf6kNQ7hhusoPQ on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 16 with option 3 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How do I plan my week effectively? | Improving productivity can be achieved by prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions, setting clear goals, and taking regular breaks. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique and time blocking can also help manage time effectively. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 444 SOL to LjjZeyFv2KFH9qW9Vp4MgmL7iYBvvuqaQg3rPZQi52z3 on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 40 with option 4 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} ATOM to {recipient} on Cosmos | Send 800 ATOM ATOM to cosmos1vd1hbgvod8m79w13h89k8olan3dgwnfkpz8gya on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_cosmos_address at 0x10293d1f0>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const sendAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.sendTokens(firstAccount.address, recipient, [sendAmount], fee, 'Sending tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Submit a proposal with title and description on Cosmos | Submit a proposal with title and description on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function submitProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const title = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f0d0>';
const description = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f160>';
const deposit = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f1f0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const proposalMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: {
content: {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { title: title, description: description },
initialDeposit: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: deposit }],
proposer: firstAccount.address,
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [proposalMsg], fee, 'Submitting proposal');
console.log('Proposal submitted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
submitProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 541 SOL to DCdsTjHPx2oiv1VPbCJvnRNZV2hC7kqskUxvUdJwqNMA on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 602 SOL to cxREqt4MAJjW86TjGmLcuyqKQqGEPdC6HFtc1CHbVt3W on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | What are the benefits of a balanced diet? | Strategies for time management include setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, breaking tasks into smaller steps, using a planner or calendar, and avoiding procrastination. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 521 SOL to DTvCDe22UjyWBZhtKfbFNv7g1wJ6hbHjoHqiVQnLMTBu on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Undelegate {amount} ATOM from {validator} on Cosmos | Undelegate 530 ATOM ATOM from cosmosvaloper1brbwqd2nw36szs0rm60aecov1pnryq9degh9r9 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function undelegateTokens(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const validatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x102b85dc0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const undelegateAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.undelegateTokens(firstAccount.address, validatorAddress, undelegateAmount, fee, 'Undelegating tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
undelegateTokens('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How do I plan my week effectively? | Staying motivated while working from home can be achieved by setting up a comfortable workspace, establishing a routine, setting clear goals, rewarding yourself for achievements, and staying connected with colleagues and friends. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 128 SOL to WguhqWAemRFGYHcNma12GhjyKBaHrE6Uc4vjyZiHVDrM on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Redelegate {amount} ATOM from {validator_src} to {validator_dst} on Cosmos | Redelegate 483 ATOM ATOM from cosmosvaloper1d1tsw9kqjdnuvsew974cdtj46njwt0osebtd8p to cosmosvaloper1jnvwakukkiyr87wknx153i67ei70gdbwue9sez on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function redelegateTokens(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const srcValidatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const dstValidatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x102b85f70>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const redelegateAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.redelegateTokens(firstAccount.address, srcValidatorAddress, dstValidatorAddress, redelegateAmount, fee, 'Redelegating tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
redelegateTokens('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Redelegate {amount} ATOM from {validator_src} to {validator_dst} on Cosmos | Redelegate 986 ATOM ATOM from cosmosvaloper1ecx1w7iz1n4jcld7dsf1aa257a66u7iy3xfr07 to cosmosvaloper121lafdlwge2hn2dkl78qpdgeusrbboywtnbjpc on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function redelegateTokens(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const srcValidatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const dstValidatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x102b85f70>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const redelegateAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.redelegateTokens(firstAccount.address, srcValidatorAddress, dstValidatorAddress, redelegateAmount, fee, 'Redelegating tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
redelegateTokens('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How do I plan my week effectively? | Improving productivity can be achieved by prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions, setting clear goals, and taking regular breaks. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique and time blocking can also help manage time effectively. |
Submit a proposal with title and description on Cosmos | Submit a proposal with title and description on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function submitProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const title = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f0d0>';
const description = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f160>';
const deposit = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f1f0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const proposalMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: {
content: {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { title: title, description: description },
initialDeposit: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: deposit }],
proposer: firstAccount.address,
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [proposalMsg], fee, 'Submitting proposal');
console.log('Proposal submitted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
submitProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 25 with option 4 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | Help me organize my day with a schedule. | Research topics for blockchain technology include consensus algorithms, smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), scalability solutions, blockchain interoperability, and the impact of blockchain on various industries. |
Vote on proposal {proposalId} with option {option} on Cosmos | Vote on proposal 6 with option 2 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function voteOnProposal(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const proposalId = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f310>';
const option = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x105e0f3a0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const voteMsg = {
typeUrl: '/',
value: { proposalId: proposalId, voter: firstAccount.address, option: option },
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(firstAccount.address, [voteMsg], fee, 'Voting on proposal');
console.log('Voted successfully with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
voteOnProposal('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 73 SOL to bWrpjunjDtuPiMUtVTLJi74e1Y51WcCQ1Jivaqh3vLfB on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How do I prepare for a job interview? | Research topics for blockchain technology include consensus algorithms, smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), scalability solutions, blockchain interoperability, and the impact of blockchain on various industries. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 348 SOL to 3mNC6X7HC7JqN7RWXjwCr1yqLCoz63kVmoRpcgumob2D on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | How can I stay motivated while working from home? | Improving coding skills requires consistent practice, learning new programming languages and frameworks, contributing to open-source projects, and staying updated with the latest industry trends. |
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 950 SOL to tdmayPuZ5apUJFnKxKDJJ2WkdKnZEnuP8FNx4SJYepjB on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Send {amount} SOL to {recipient} on Solana | Send 41 SOL to RDWmP7GM559ARG3tSmBHrgxPR2T8MmJYJuUY7hr2WK64 on Solana | const { Connection, Keypair, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
async function sendTransaction(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const recipient = '<function generate_random_solana_address at 0x102b859d0>';
const amount = '<function generate_solana_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1029f6940>';
const connection = new Connection(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, 'confirmed');
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic).slice(0, 32);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(seed);
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
const result = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [keypair]);
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result);
// Execute the function
sendTransaction('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Withdraw rewards from {validator} on Cosmos | Withdraw rewards from cosmosvaloper1vrvi8p2mer1l9q1vzd2nf4xzl1rmi5m4ippw6j on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function withdrawRewards(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const validatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const result = await client.withdrawRewards(firstAccount.address, validatorAddress, fee, 'Withdrawing rewards');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
withdrawRewards('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | What are the benefits of a balanced diet? | Staying motivated while working from home can be achieved by setting up a comfortable workspace, establishing a routine, setting clear goals, rewarding yourself for achievements, and staying connected with colleagues and friends. |
Answer the personal assistant question | Suggest a better plan for my tasks to improve efficiency. | Managing stress effectively involves practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and exercise. It's also important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed. |
Answer the personal assistant question | Suggest a better plan for my tasks to improve efficiency. | Improving productivity can be achieved by prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions, setting clear goals, and taking regular breaks. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique and time blocking can also help manage time effectively. |
Withdraw rewards from {validator} on Cosmos | Withdraw rewards from cosmosvaloper1xt962hkxvh2ll4p81z9sna0o3dfy0zna2bxrq1 on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function withdrawRewards(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const validatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const result = await client.withdrawRewards(firstAccount.address, validatorAddress, fee, 'Withdrawing rewards');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
withdrawRewards('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | Give me tips for improving productivity. | Strategies for time management include setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, breaking tasks into smaller steps, using a planner or calendar, and avoiding procrastination. |
Delegate {amount} ATOM to {validator} on Cosmos | Delegate 966 ATOM ATOM to cosmosvaloper10h0n3gxaymbjvzfpvaoc84arnzzdy0ms3vdxob on Cosmos | const { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } = require('@cosmjs/proto-signing');
const { assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess, SigningStargateClient } = require('@cosmjs/stargate');
async function delegateTokens(mnemonic, chainConfig) {
const validatorAddress = '<function generate_random_validator_address at 0x102b85a60>';
const amount = '<function generate_cosmos_transaction_examples.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x102a7d1f0>';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: chainConfig.prefix });
const [firstAccount] = await wallet.getAccounts();
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(chainConfig.rpcEndpoint, wallet);
const fee = {
amount: [{ denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: chainConfig.feeAmount }],
gas: chainConfig.gas
const delegateAmount = { denom: chainConfig.denom, amount: amount };
const result = await client.delegateTokens(firstAccount.address, validatorAddress, delegateAmount, fee, 'Delegating tokens');
console.log('Transaction successful with hash:', result.transactionHash);
// Execute the function
delegateTokens('your mnemonic here', chainConfig).catch(console.error);
Answer the personal assistant question | Give me tips for improving productivity. | A balanced diet provides essential nutrients and helps maintain overall health. It should include a variety of foods from all food groups: fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, and grains. Staying hydrated and moderating intake of sugar and saturated fats are also important. |