Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Brass has an even higher melting point than bronze and I would think your charcoal just does n't get hot enough.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I bet you also did take charcoal as it is used for barbecue which does not get as hot as real coal (e.g. for blacksmithing one needs coal, not barbecue charcoal).
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I have done a fair amount of metal casting, but never tried to build my own furnace, but I think your version is just too small and does n't get hot enough.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I have melted small amounts of bronze in a crucible with a large propane torch (much larger than the plumbers torch, but it can be run of those propane cylinders you can buy for a gas grill).
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I melt brass and cast it
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Brass melts at just under 2000F which is a bright yellow heat, not red hot.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? You might be able to make a version of your setup work, but it would take quite a bit of charcoal and a lot of forced air.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I use propane with a blower and a burner I built and
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Should the statue of David be censored?
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "PER", "Text": "David", "Start": 21, "End": 26 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I 'm a sophomore in highschool doing a presentation on Italian Arts and my teacher is making us censor the Statue of David.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "PER", "Text": "David", "Start": 117, "End": 122 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? My argument is it 's art and therefore should not be censored he 's making us censor it who 's right
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? no,it 's only a body of a young man
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? the city of florence did at one time in the past put clothes on the statue
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "florence", "Start": 12, "End": 20 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? An art teacher in the mid-cities area of Dallas/Ft.Worth metro got fired because she took an art class on an approved field trip with parental permission for each student and some hysterical parent discovered that they saw "nudes" in the museum.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Dallas", "Start": 41, "End": 47 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Ft.Worth", "Start": 48, "End": 56 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? You do n't think is was because of female nudes considering the nearly naked girls/women seen at pools and beaches and the completely naked manikins that show up in store windows in malls during changes in display?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? No, it was guys.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Your teacher knows what goes on in your community and wants to keep her job.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Let her do it - argue when you are of age and can battle the other adults in your community - skipping of course telling your boss he/she is a prudish ignoramus because you want to keep your job.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? What sort of Hotel could I expect to find in New Delhi/Agra/Varanasi for rs500 per night?
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "New Delhi", "Start": 45, "End": 54 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Agra", "Start": 55, "End": 59 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Varanasi", "Start": 60, "End": 68 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Hey guys.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I 'm looking to visit India with some mates at the beginning of February next year and I am wandering what standard of accommodation we could get for Rs 500 per person per night.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "India", "Start": 22, "End": 27 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? There would be four of us so we would probably be looking at 2 twin rooms for Rs1000, close to the centre of these cities.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? This would be on a walk-in basis as we want to have the freedom of finding a place that looks good (Not relying on pictures from the internet) and is in a spot we like.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Thanks in advance for sharing your experience!
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Sorry, almost forgot to ask - Would it be cheaper to walk-in to these hotels rather than pre book?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? In Delhi I 'd recommend Ajay Guesthouse.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Delhi", "Start": 3, "End": 8 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Ajay Guesthouse", "Start": 24, "End": 39 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Travelled to Delhi twice and stayed there twice.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Delhi", "Start": 13, "End": 18 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Rooms start from 500 per double.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Those ones are quite small.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Must say, in Delhi it 's hard to get good price/quality rating.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Delhi", "Start": 13, "End": 18 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I have found this hotel in the Lonely Planet guide.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? It 's in an area starting with a P, many tourist hotels there and the location is very nice.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? But in general, Delhi is the hardest place to find a nice clean hotel for that price.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Delhi", "Start": 16, "End": 21 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? In Varanasi I do n't know.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Varanasi", "Start": 3, "End": 11 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I 've stayed in a more expensive hotel there, but you can check some travelguides or tripadvisor?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Also, while travelling ask people where they 've been and if they have any hotel recommendations.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? In Agra I 've stayed in a place fellow travellers recommended, they found it in the Rough Guide.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Agra", "Start": 3, "End": 7 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? It was nice and close to the Taj.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Taj", "Start": 29, "End": 32 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? It was quite easy to find something.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? (Do nt stay in Agra too long.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Agra", "Start": 15, "End": 19 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? One night is enough!)
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? There were many hotels there.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I ve paid 500 for a double room there and it was fine and clean.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Good luck, enjoy your time!
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? You may find a normal budget hotel for Rs 1000 per night in the cities you mentioned, the links below may help you to find good hotels in Delhi and Agra.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Delhi", "Start": 138, "End": 143 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Agra", "Start": 148, "End": 152 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? To Stay in delhi - Hotel Aster Inn is best to stay in delhi.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "delhi", "Start": 11, "End": 16 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Hotel Aster Inn", "Start": 19, "End": 34 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "delhi", "Start": 11, "End": 16 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? it is in karol bagh.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "karol bagh", "Start": 9, "End": 19 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? some beautiful locations like close to Karol Bagh Shopping Market, Presidential Palace, and Birla Mandir Temple and Connaught Place and Jantar Mantar are near to it.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Karol Bagh Shopping Market", "Start": 39, "End": 65 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Presidential Palace", "Start": 67, "End": 86 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Birla Mandir Temple", "Start": 92, "End": 111 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Connaught Place", "Start": 116, "End": 131 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Jantar Mantar", "Start": 136, "End": 149 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? TO Stay in Agra -Hotel Atithi and Aditya Palace is perfect for you.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Agra", "Start": 11, "End": 15 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Hotel Atithi", "Start": 17, "End": 29 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Aditya Palace", "Start": 34, "End": 47 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? it is centrally situated.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? To Stay in Varanasi - Sandeep Hotel is you choice...
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Varanasi", "Start": 11, "End": 19 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Sandeep Hotel", "Start": 22, "End": 35 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Disney cruise line with young ones?
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 0, "End": 6 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I will be taking my 3 and 4 yr olds.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? What is the best time of year?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Should I get a balcony?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Any tips or advice to make this a great experience??
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Thanks!!!
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? It is vacation time.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Many families are set to plan a best holidaying.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? They look for fun filled, rejuvenating and memorable vacation.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? There can be many ideas; one can see numerous options passing through their mind.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? What is the best option?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Especially if you are planning to spend couple days with family and kids, which best suit you can select?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Disney cruises, is a simple answer to this.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 0, "End": 6 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? There are many reasons to say Disney cruise is the best bet for you to have a enjoyable holiday tour.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 30, "End": 36 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? From 1998 onwards, from its inception Disney cruise has attracted many and continue to attract more and more.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 38, "End": 44 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? This is a spectacular ship, a very popular choice of families to spend their leisure time.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? The ship is designed thematically, with imposing animated cartoon characters.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Do you feel that the holidaying with the animated cartoons will impress only young ones?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? No, the luxurious facilities and fun filled activities in the Disney cruise are very attractive to people of all ages.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 62, "End": 68 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Whatever be the age, you will have the choice of variety of activities to forget about your hectic day-to-day activities.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Kids fun games and video shows are added to the other facilities.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? There are two ships, Disney magic and Disney wonder.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 21, "End": 27 }, { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 21, "End": 27 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Both are made keeping in mind the comforts of the travelers.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Disney cruises offer 24-hour room services, and the crews are ready to serve you the way you like.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 0, "End": 6 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? It has got very spacious rooms, furnished completely and neatly.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? These are decorated uniquely and marvelously.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? The ship offers variety of eatables, deliciously made.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Sea fishes, prawns and many nice options are there in different restaurants aboard.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? There are many good options of delicious food on the shores as well.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? There are special regions uniquely and imposingly designed for the children.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? They can spend many hours enjoying the Disney world magic.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 39, "End": 45 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? These theme parks have all types of facilities.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Video shows, cartoon stories, wonderful games and many such facilities.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? It is really an entertainment for the kids.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? The amusing world of cartoons and stories will be a memorable experience for the children.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? There are other amnesties also.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? These include space for dances and music, bar facility, gambling facilities for the elder, spaciously made open area aboard and many such nice facilities.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Also one can keep their privacy in the cabins and make the time in seclusion.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? To relax and to rejuvenate Disney cruise are the best option.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 27, "End": 33 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? There are many online sites offering the booking facility with affordable rates.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? You can select the proper route and travel plans by consulting the agents prior to the booking........
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Off season is good, however, the Disney cruises are almost ALWAYS completely booked.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "ORG", "Text": "Disney", "Start": 33, "End": 39 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? I would suggest a warmer season, but not Spring Break or early summer.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? You may also want to avoid Thanksgiving week and the Christmas holidays.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? We REALLY enjoyed our balcony-- coffee in the mornings, drinks at night, standing outside when docking and leaving port-- however, it is quite a bit more expensive.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? With young ones, I would definitely get a window or view room so they can see outside.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Check out the kids ' space as soon as you get onboard.
"Results": []