Ask HN: What Freelancer site do you recommend? Having unsuccessfully attempted to use to complete a relatively simple job (I could do it myself but don't have time at the moment), I was wondering if HN could suggest a good freelancer sourcing site for relatively straight-forward work? Unfortunately the freelancer marketplace sites seem to be dominated by weak PHP developers.
{ "score": 0, "text": "I've been the top #1 provider for years and up until vWorker got sold to freelancer. I honestly think that was an awful move, since what made vWorker different from the rest is that it had less number of providers (and clients), but with a much better quality.This, and the fact that being a freelancer for years helped me identify lots of things that were poorly done on sites such as freelancer, made me realize that we needed something new.I joined other fellow freelancers and long time remote working clients, together with highly successful entrepreneurs (founders of a +55 millions users social network, Google managers, DMGT as a strategic and finance partner) and we launched www.workana.comWe initially built it to let other markets (particularly Latin America including Brazil) join and benefit from the freelancer way of life. Shortly after launching, though, we realized we had something much bigger than what we thought: we were making top quality professionals be available for clients that did not know they were even there, since this talent was not a part of any other platform.I invite you to try Workana, where you will not only find awesome professionals (and in your time zone) but we will also, personally, help you identify the best candidate, and guide you through the whole process." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Well, I'd suggest looking no further than oDesk.Assemble your profile profesionally, check the new deals daily (first comers to deal have some advantage, in my experience), and be generous with tags.Helps being specific about work what you do.I did sort of a \"hack\" of oDesk when I was only starting - I've requested few tags to be added that were non-existant, but demanded by clients (\"augmented-reality\", in particular), in which I was good, and that lead some clients to me without me browsing. I'd bet my profile was only search result for many queries during that short period of time.EDIT: Ah, you're on the \"other side of the fence\". Sorry, misunderstood you." }
Ask HN: What Freelancer site do you recommend? Having unsuccessfully attempted to use to complete a relatively simple job (I could do it myself but don't have time at the moment), I was wondering if HN could suggest a good freelancer sourcing site for relatively straight-forward work? Unfortunately the freelancer marketplace sites seem to be dominated by weak PHP developers.
{ "score": 1, "text": "Well, I'd suggest looking no further than oDesk.Assemble your profile profesionally, check the new deals daily (first comers to deal have some advantage, in my experience), and be generous with tags.Helps being specific about work what you do.I did sort of a \"hack\" of oDesk when I was only starting - I've requested few tags to be added that were non-existant, but demanded by clients (\"augmented-reality\", in particular), in which I was good, and that lead some clients to me without me browsing. I'd bet my profile was only search result for many queries during that short period of time.EDIT: Ah, you're on the \"other side of the fence\". Sorry, misunderstood you." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Every month there is a post on HN with the opportunity to post that you're seeking a freelancer, and likewise freelancers will advertise themselves. You might have more luck finding good freelancers on there:" }
Ask HN: What Freelancer site do you recommend? Having unsuccessfully attempted to use to complete a relatively simple job (I could do it myself but don't have time at the moment), I was wondering if HN could suggest a good freelancer sourcing site for relatively straight-forward work? Unfortunately the freelancer marketplace sites seem to be dominated by weak PHP developers.
{ "score": 2, "text": "Every month there is a post on HN with the opportunity to post that you're seeking a freelancer, and likewise freelancers will advertise themselves. You might have more luck finding good freelancers on there:" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I really hate being so self-aggrandizing, but at, this is exactly the problem we're trying to solve.Open and extremely easy to use, while not sucking in terms of quality. I think we're doing an OK job, but this is more complex than it sounds, and quite obviously, there's always room to do better. (If anyone strongly feels that we just suck, PLEASE email me).Thanks for allowing us the self-promotional spot, haha - but seriously, if you do want to try us out, just email me and we'll give you a post for free. I am sure our devs are itchin' for (well-compensated) work." }
Ask HN: What Freelancer site do you recommend? Having unsuccessfully attempted to use to complete a relatively simple job (I could do it myself but don't have time at the moment), I was wondering if HN could suggest a good freelancer sourcing site for relatively straight-forward work? Unfortunately the freelancer marketplace sites seem to be dominated by weak PHP developers.
{ "score": 3, "text": "I really hate being so self-aggrandizing, but at, this is exactly the problem we're trying to solve.Open and extremely easy to use, while not sucking in terms of quality. I think we're doing an OK job, but this is more complex than it sounds, and quite obviously, there's always room to do better. (If anyone strongly feels that we just suck, PLEASE email me).Thanks for allowing us the self-promotional spot, haha - but seriously, if you do want to try us out, just email me and we'll give you a post for free. I am sure our devs are itchin' for (well-compensated) work." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "None of them. Their rep is that they're great for hiring low to mid level offshore devs for $10-20/h. If this describes you then great, get on all of them. But if you're charging $100+/h you do yourself a disservice by associating with them and are unlikely to find clients looking to pay that much. It may be an unfair stereotype but it's mostly true.Network instead. Get yourself out there. Go to local events where you can meet potential clients. Get active on Twitter and interact with people in the industry. Put open source stuff up on github. Increase your exposure so when people come looking they find you." }
Why does this C program compile?
{ "score": 0, "text": "Guess I grew up with old-school C. Looking at the question with example code made me think: \"Am I missing something? Looks like pretty ordinary C to me. Why wouldn't it compile?\"" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "An empty parameter list in a C prototype means \"parameters are unspecified\".In C++ it means no parameters.To declare a C function parameterless you need to say int func(void).Also, C will assume int if you leave off param or return types....I'm surprised I know that." }
Why does this C program compile?
{ "score": 1, "text": "An empty parameter list in a C prototype means \"parameters are unspecified\".In C++ it means no parameters.To declare a C function parameterless you need to say int func(void).Also, C will assume int if you leave off param or return types....I'm surprised I know that." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "this is pretty basic, I would hope no actual c programmers would ask this question. Compilers are fun aren't they, how bout this one: #include <stdio.h>\n #define yell(i,l,o,v,e,u) o##v##i##l\n #define billy_bob yell(i,n,m,a,t,e)\n\n billy_bob() \n {\n printf(\"no main in da house!\");\n }" }
Why does this C program compile?
{ "score": 2, "text": "this is pretty basic, I would hope no actual c programmers would ask this question. Compilers are fun aren't they, how bout this one: #include <stdio.h>\n #define yell(i,l,o,v,e,u) o##v##i##l\n #define billy_bob yell(i,n,m,a,t,e)\n\n billy_bob() \n {\n printf(\"no main in da house!\");\n }" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "This is kind of an encouraging question. To me it screams \"people don't know C anymore, capitalize on your skill while you still can\"." }
Why does this C program compile?
{ "score": 3, "text": "This is kind of an encouraging question. To me it screams \"people don't know C anymore, capitalize on your skill while you still can\"." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "C++ programmers will be familiar with a related (and probably more commonplace) problem: struct Foo {int a;};\n\n int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n Foo foo();\n foo.a = 42;\n return 0;\n }\n\nLooks ok, right? Wrong. error: request for member 'a' in 'foo', which is of non-class type 'Foo()'" }
Hacking the IRS with gold coins
{ "score": 0, "text": "Here is the conundrum that the IRS is in..The US Government has placed a face value on the coins, a 1-ounce gold coin is marked 50 US Dollars. The intrinsic value of that coin today is right around $1000.IF they argue that intrinsic value should be the determining factor, then what is the intrinsic value of a paper $20 bill (really about 5 cents of paper and ink)?IF the IRS states that face value of the $20 bill is established by the US Government, then the face value of the $50 gold coin must also be taken at its face value - after all, the face value of the coin was established by the same government that established the paper bill's value.I hope I have explained this right... the IRS cannot argue intrinsic value vs. face value without falling into a ditch. I think this is what the defense is counting on." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "If you pay someone a nominal $2500 in $50-denominated gold coins, and that someone sells the coins on the open market for $50,000, haven't they just incurred taxable income?" }
Hacking the IRS with gold coins
{ "score": 1, "text": "If you pay someone a nominal $2500 in $50-denominated gold coins, and that someone sells the coins on the open market for $50,000, haven't they just incurred taxable income?" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Impressive. It puts into perspective the ceremonious folly of making the gold and silver coins legal tender." }
Hacking the IRS with gold coins
{ "score": 2, "text": "Impressive. It puts into perspective the ceremonious folly of making the gold and silver coins legal tender." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "How is this a hack? He failed. It would be a great article if he won, but it looks like he rather transparently ignored the rules on the IRS website, and got busted.\"Hacking the War on Drugs: I put weed in my sock drawer, which worked until my roommate called the cops on me as a prank.\"" }
Hacking the IRS with gold coins
{ "score": 3, "text": "How is this a hack? He failed. It would be a great article if he won, but it looks like he rather transparently ignored the rules on the IRS website, and got busted.\"Hacking the War on Drugs: I put weed in my sock drawer, which worked until my roommate called the cops on me as a prank.\"" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "I wonder how he accounted for the cost of the gold coins? Did he attempt to write it off as a business expense?" }
Duck Wrapping
{ "score": 0, "text": "This is why I think a type system--at least one like Haskell's or OCaml's--isn't just a way to catch certain bugs. It's more of a different basis for programming: your program grows from the types rather than vice versa. Confusing behavior like this simply couldn't arise. And in the cases it could it wouldn't--it simply doesn't fit with the philosophy.So the difference is not that the type system would catch this sort of behavior or even that it would prevent it--the difference is that it wouldn't arise in the first place. Sure, this is more a difference of perspective than of actual behavior or features, but I think it's incredibly important nonetheless.Thinking about types in this different way is actually quite a deep topic; I should write a blog post about it for that blog I keep on meaning to start :P. One day. At the very least, writing it all down would help me get my own thoughts in order." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Funnily enough I just blogged on exactly the same issue:'t agree more that this is bad practice!" }
Duck Wrapping
{ "score": 1, "text": "Funnily enough I just blogged on exactly the same issue:'t agree more that this is bad practice!" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Just to relate this to known concepts, this is basically Type Coercion, aka Implicit Type Conversion, at library level. Or it can be framed as method overloading with some magic to neutralize the parameters. don't think magic like this is out of place with JS; that's the zen of the language. Similarly for Ruby. Whereas in Java or Python, it would be out of place. Now you might use that as an argument against JS, but that's a separate debate." }
Duck Wrapping
{ "score": 2, "text": "Just to relate this to known concepts, this is basically Type Coercion, aka Implicit Type Conversion, at library level. Or it can be framed as method overloading with some magic to neutralize the parameters. don't think magic like this is out of place with JS; that's the zen of the language. Similarly for Ruby. Whereas in Java or Python, it would be out of place. Now you might use that as an argument against JS, but that's a separate debate." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "From the post:\"This is annoying at the level of Arrays, but gets more difficult with more complex types, and function interactions. The recent brouhaha around the Promise/A+ highlights one such example: It is difficult to return a Promise of a Promise as a value from onFulfilled because then duck-wraps the return value as described in the Promise Resolution Procedure\"Could anyone share a pointer to this brouhaha around the Promise/A+ [spec, I assume]?" }
Duck Wrapping
{ "score": 3, "text": "From the post:\"This is annoying at the level of Arrays, but gets more difficult with more complex types, and function interactions. The recent brouhaha around the Promise/A+ highlights one such example: It is difficult to return a Promise of a Promise as a value from onFulfilled because then duck-wraps the return value as described in the Promise Resolution Procedure\"Could anyone share a pointer to this brouhaha around the Promise/A+ [spec, I assume]?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Articles like this make me realize just how much I still have to learn about javascript - or perhaps programming in general. :P" }
FBI launches $1 billion face recognition project
{ "score": 0, "text": "\"It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself--anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face...; was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime...\"1984, Book 1, Chapter V" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I think this is a good argument for requiring all software purchased, and all technology developed, with public funds to be public domain and/or open source.A lot of people will believe that we should just kill the project and move on, but honestly, the tech is there, and we have all seen what happens with tech: it just keeps going. The functionality will be snuck in as an add on to some other software package anyway.This isn't to say we shouldn't kill the project -- just that this should be required as open. It won't undo any security/benefit gained from it, much like open crypto. It will however give us the voters the ability to actually provide input about what can/can't be done by the government." }
FBI launches $1 billion face recognition project
{ "score": 1, "text": "I think this is a good argument for requiring all software purchased, and all technology developed, with public funds to be public domain and/or open source.A lot of people will believe that we should just kill the project and move on, but honestly, the tech is there, and we have all seen what happens with tech: it just keeps going. The functionality will be snuck in as an add on to some other software package anyway.This isn't to say we shouldn't kill the project -- just that this should be required as open. It won't undo any security/benefit gained from it, much like open crypto. It will however give us the voters the ability to actually provide input about what can/can't be done by the government." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I give it a year or 3 before the government issues a secret order to Facebook to hand over all photos and photo tag records. Facebook already has the data required to match a huge number of faces with their names, addresses, likes, interests, political and religious leanings, and everything else.Sure, the project is just for known criminals now, but it'd be fairly straightforward to start tracking a large portion of the world." }
FBI launches $1 billion face recognition project
{ "score": 2, "text": "I give it a year or 3 before the government issues a secret order to Facebook to hand over all photos and photo tag records. Facebook already has the data required to match a huge number of faces with their names, addresses, likes, interests, political and religious leanings, and everything else.Sure, the project is just for known criminals now, but it'd be fairly straightforward to start tracking a large portion of the world." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Widely available face recognition could potentially threat societies in cities.What would we gain from this? Targeted ads when walking in to your local store? Never having to tag another photo again? (that one is just awesome, but what else?)Personally this is a tech that I would gladly postpone as long as possible, or at least until the whole tech-thing has stabilized. Most governments still want and think it is within their right to censor internet and is as eager as ever to criminalize cryptography - do we want such immature governments to have this tool in their arsenal as well?" }
FBI launches $1 billion face recognition project
{ "score": 3, "text": "Widely available face recognition could potentially threat societies in cities.What would we gain from this? Targeted ads when walking in to your local store? Never having to tag another photo again? (that one is just awesome, but what else?)Personally this is a tech that I would gladly postpone as long as possible, or at least until the whole tech-thing has stabilized. Most governments still want and think it is within their right to censor internet and is as eager as ever to criminalize cryptography - do we want such immature governments to have this tool in their arsenal as well?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "What a dilemma: I don't want dangerous people running around hurting people, and I don't trust the government to use such power responsibly." }
Is blogging dead?
{ "score": 0, "text": "\"Jason is right when he is saying that these days blogs are often no longer about the integrity of the content but the number of backlinks it receives, the number of page views and how high it ranks in Google.\"I started blogging over 2 years ago and that's exactly how it was back then. It's always about readership, even if one doesn't run ads. Sure, people play games to be seen sometimes, but it's like television, or maybe any media. A few people will find short-term success (reality TV stars) and serious content providers will find longer life (think 60 Minutes).Sure, the technology will change as well, but as long as the internet remains reasonably neutral, people will blog/micorblog/videoblog/etc." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I've been blogging on and off since 1999 and I've seen a lot of friends and other good bloggers stop maintaining their sites over the years for various reasons. Some got married and didn't have their single-person adventures to write about anymore; others got discouraged when they looked at their visitor stats; still others just lost interest.But for the most part, many people who have stopped blogging have come to the realization that maintaining a good blog takes time -- lots of it. A good, thoughtful post can take a couple hours to write and edit. And maintaining an overall theme for your blog that's compelling and not just \n\"random stuff I post for the occasional friend who drops by\" is even harder. In other words, having a good blog is like creating and managing a product.As many bloggers begin to realize this, and begin to see other options (microblogging, etc.) they move on. But that's not to say that the entire form of media called blogging is dead. It just means it's stabilizing and becoming recognized as just one of the many options out there for publishing content, as opposed to being the \"everyone must have\" option it once was." }
Is blogging dead?
{ "score": 1, "text": "I've been blogging on and off since 1999 and I've seen a lot of friends and other good bloggers stop maintaining their sites over the years for various reasons. Some got married and didn't have their single-person adventures to write about anymore; others got discouraged when they looked at their visitor stats; still others just lost interest.But for the most part, many people who have stopped blogging have come to the realization that maintaining a good blog takes time -- lots of it. A good, thoughtful post can take a couple hours to write and edit. And maintaining an overall theme for your blog that's compelling and not just \n\"random stuff I post for the occasional friend who drops by\" is even harder. In other words, having a good blog is like creating and managing a product.As many bloggers begin to realize this, and begin to see other options (microblogging, etc.) they move on. But that's not to say that the entire form of media called blogging is dead. It just means it's stabilizing and becoming recognized as just one of the many options out there for publishing content, as opposed to being the \"everyone must have\" option it once was." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "No.In related news: The practice of posting controversial link-bait to attract attention from other bloggers is also alive and well." }
Is blogging dead?
{ "score": 2, "text": "No.In related news: The practice of posting controversial link-bait to attract attention from other bloggers is also alive and well." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Yours is. Yikes.Fix your CSS so we can read your article in IE7." }
Is blogging dead?
{ "score": 3, "text": "Yours is. Yikes.Fix your CSS so we can read your article in IE7." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "No. I still make $12 a day through backhat blogging :P. It can't be dead to me." } - HTML5 e-reading and Distribution Platform
{ "score": 0, "text": "Here's some insta-feedback (if that's what you were looking for).I read the first paragraph and thought, \"wow that sounds great, as an avid ebook reader I understand exactly the problem you are trying to fix, sounds great!\"Then I read the second paragraph and thought, \"I have no idea what is.\"Then I clicked on the 'example' and thought \"oh right this is neat i guess. It's not entirely intuitive how to get back to chapters. And your ajax isn't plumbed in to my forward/back buttons\".Then I posted here.Hope that's useful." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "First and foremost, I love the idea and the reader seems really nice done. That being said, the controls on the reader are a pain to use at first. Bookmarks are extremely confusing until you've made two or three of those to see how they work. I think the buttons on the menu should have some hover text or there should be a tutorial available to understand how the controls work on the reader. I really like the idea and think you have a great product. Good luck!" } - HTML5 e-reading and Distribution Platform
{ "score": 1, "text": "First and foremost, I love the idea and the reader seems really nice done. That being said, the controls on the reader are a pain to use at first. Bookmarks are extremely confusing until you've made two or three of those to see how they work. I think the buttons on the menu should have some hover text or there should be a tutorial available to understand how the controls work on the reader. I really like the idea and think you have a great product. Good luck!" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Controls and intro need a lot of work, as they're extremely opaque to someone using a computer (tap? drag? they don't even work on the intro page!), and have very little obvious uses. For instance: it took me a while to figure out that the \"X\" on the right gets rid of that weird white triangle overlay (what's the point of that anyway?), and about a dozen clicks to get the overlay back (bottom edge of the screen...? why?).That said, once you figure out how to use it, it's an impressively nice experience, and best of luck to them. I love that it uses local storage to cache data, that's exactly the sort of thing I was hoping to see when I first heard of it." } - HTML5 e-reading and Distribution Platform
{ "score": 2, "text": "Controls and intro need a lot of work, as they're extremely opaque to someone using a computer (tap? drag? they don't even work on the intro page!), and have very little obvious uses. For instance: it took me a while to figure out that the \"X\" on the right gets rid of that weird white triangle overlay (what's the point of that anyway?), and about a dozen clicks to get the overlay back (bottom edge of the screen...? why?).That said, once you figure out how to use it, it's an impressively nice experience, and best of luck to them. I love that it uses local storage to cache data, that's exactly the sort of thing I was hoping to see when I first heard of it." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Looks nice, and they open-sourced their reader. However I wonder if publishers are willing to distribute their content without any form of DRM." } - HTML5 e-reading and Distribution Platform
{ "score": 3, "text": "Looks nice, and they open-sourced their reader. However I wonder if publishers are willing to distribute their content without any form of DRM." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Worked well, but I wonder how the page load size compares to Kindle files?" }
Ask YC: Asking users to pay for new features You have an application with many happy users, but they're asking for more functionality.<p>How about a donate button to add on individual features? This allows the site to remain free and open to everyone while still collecting revenue in addition to advertisements.
{ "score": 0, "text": "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand.1. You have a working app that people like.2. You have a set of new features that are being requested by some users.Seems to me that the obvious solution is to bundle all of these new features, create a \"premium account\", and charge a monthly fee to those who wish to upgrade.Voila!" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "The problem is that many features are going to cost more than one user could reasonably donate, and a lot of others are interrelated.If you're set on this idea, I'd recommend looking into the Street Performer Protocol, which basically says that people pay for feature X.. If it's not implemented, they all get their money back." }
Ask YC: Asking users to pay for new features You have an application with many happy users, but they're asking for more functionality.<p>How about a donate button to add on individual features? This allows the site to remain free and open to everyone while still collecting revenue in addition to advertisements.
{ "score": 1, "text": "The problem is that many features are going to cost more than one user could reasonably donate, and a lot of others are interrelated.If you're set on this idea, I'd recommend looking into the Street Performer Protocol, which basically says that people pay for feature X.. If it's not implemented, they all get their money back." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I think the backpack model is the way to go. Everybody can get free access, but there are some arbitrary limits. Pay $5/mo or year and those limits go away. Also, there's no reason to disturb existing customers. Never never, take anything away that you've given people for free. If you feel your new feature isn't the thing to limit, be sure to roll your existing users into a special $0/month premium account. just ask new people to pay." }
Ask YC: Asking users to pay for new features You have an application with many happy users, but they're asking for more functionality.<p>How about a donate button to add on individual features? This allows the site to remain free and open to everyone while still collecting revenue in addition to advertisements.
{ "score": 2, "text": "I think the backpack model is the way to go. Everybody can get free access, but there are some arbitrary limits. Pay $5/mo or year and those limits go away. Also, there's no reason to disturb existing customers. Never never, take anything away that you've given people for free. If you feel your new feature isn't the thing to limit, be sure to roll your existing users into a special $0/month premium account. just ask new people to pay." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "What would you do if you had users but they weren't requesting any new functionality? Do you have your own plans for what you want to add or would you start working on something else? Also, how do you know your users are happy? " }
Ask YC: Asking users to pay for new features You have an application with many happy users, but they're asking for more functionality.<p>How about a donate button to add on individual features? This allows the site to remain free and open to everyone while still collecting revenue in addition to advertisements.
{ "score": 3, "text": "What would you do if you had users but they weren't requesting any new functionality? Do you have your own plans for what you want to add or would you start working on something else? Also, how do you know your users are happy? " }
{ "score": 4, "text": "" } - Quickly build beautiful web applications
{ "score": 0, "text": "Where does the \"beautiful\" part of this come into play? For whatever reason I clicked through assuming I would be looking at a way of actually creating, well, aesthetically beautiful web applications." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I don't like sounding so negative, but that was the most uninformative video I've seen in a long time. The bullet points below it present far more information than the video itself." } - Quickly build beautiful web applications
{ "score": 1, "text": "I don't like sounding so negative, but that was the most uninformative video I've seen in a long time. The bullet points below it present far more information than the video itself." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Looks a lot like a customized version of grunt.js -- backbone-boilerplate is another example of a suite of tools built on grunt." } - Quickly build beautiful web applications
{ "score": 2, "text": "Looks a lot like a customized version of grunt.js -- backbone-boilerplate is another example of a suite of tools built on grunt." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "For anyone else who didn't recognize the term AMD:" } - Quickly build beautiful web applications
{ "score": 3, "text": "For anyone else who didn't recognize the term AMD:" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Can always count on companies like Google 'launching' projects without source code. Would we really be that okay if an open source developer published vapourware with an email signup form?" }
Symbolics Lisp Machine UI Examples
{ "score": 0, "text": "IIRC that site is hosted on a Raspberry Pi running SBCL and CL-HTTP, if it could handle HN traffic it would be just magical.Since the website is not up I decided to fish for a video showing Open Genera stuff elsewhere to share with you fine folk: https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;watch?v=o4-YnLpLgtkUnfortunately there is no easy way for we to play with open genera since its proprietary and expensive. The world would be a better place if this type of system popped up more often.For those interested in Lisp I recommend the book &quot;Land of Lisp&quot; http:&#x2F;&#x2F;; or if you&#x27;re more like a Racketeer then &quot;Realm of Racket&quot; http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "The page with lots of images on a tiny ARM board is not made for Hackernews traffic. Not a good idea to submit it to Hackernews. Sorry." }
Symbolics Lisp Machine UI Examples
{ "score": 1, "text": "The page with lots of images on a tiny ARM board is not made for Hackernews traffic. Not a good idea to submit it to Hackernews. Sorry." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I&#x27;ve made a mirror for the images - http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;a&#x2F;KsSaA and http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;a&#x2F;3BtzZ" }
Symbolics Lisp Machine UI Examples
{ "score": 2, "text": "I&#x27;ve made a mirror for the images - http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;a&#x2F;KsSaA and http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;a&#x2F;3BtzZ" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I would really like to see any pictures of Symbolics hardware or screenshots of Genera. I used to work with a guy who wrote CAD software on these in the 80s and he made it sound really cool." }
Symbolics Lisp Machine UI Examples
{ "score": 3, "text": "I would really like to see any pictures of Symbolics hardware or screenshots of Genera. I used to work with a guy who wrote CAD software on these in the 80s and he made it sound really cool." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "As far back as I can remember, was hosted on some guy&#x27;s personal box, so it was prone to downtime and simply being overwhelmed.Come on, man. We&#x27;re living in the era of clouds and virtual server images. Servers are cattle, not pets." }