exercise the best thing for you they say actually the kamasutra says that exercise is what will make you really sexy okay the correct kind of food is very important you know when people talk about aphrodisiacs they're always horrified when i tell them what is the best aphrodisiac there is no food that you can eat which will suddenly turn you into a good lover okay i mean like that is the sad reality of life nothing will turn you into a like okay i'm there but the kamsutra says that the best thing you can do for your sexual um uh abilities is to get rid of wind so anything that causes bloating got it so you eat something and at different ages what gets rid of bloating will be different things hmm it also says that you have your meal after your love making not before if you can help it i have to ask you this one question which i wanted to ask you the first time i ever saw your videos online which was way back how much attention do you get from men
way back how much attention do you get from men like after one of your talks like you know because the subjects you speak of and also i i feel like you're one of the most captivating public speakers that have come across on the internet thank you so you know what what kind of attention do you get from men and when do you know that someone's you know approaching you in a bit of a creepy way do you have like a kind of creep radar in your own head yeah you develop a creep radar um so yeah they generally get very excited i have to say as i'm getting older now i've decided to go gray as you've probably noticed this is very new um so it's going to change that because i don't think i'll have the same kind of um but yeah they do get very very excited i have even had people thinking that i was especially doing just the talk for just them and i've had people approach me and say oh i know what you were saying to
and say oh i know what you were saying to me like you did notice that there were 100 other people in the room but no so yeah so people do get but i think that the upside to this is that it actually gets their minds going you know um it i find a lot of women when they come to the talk will come either because a friend has told them to or they think it's going to be a bit of a laugh by the time they leave they leave in a very different state of mind and i can see that change and i love it because suddenly they've realized that this idea of pleasure is not just that one thing it's not just that one sexual act it's so much bigger there's so much more to it and that they can give themselves permission to feel something else and that's what really makes it for me you know it just and i think that the more people that go back realizing that pleasure is a good thing that it is actually not a sinful dirty
good thing that it is actually not a sinful dirty thing even the creeper zoids who come if they can come and realize that okay um we were in a room full of people talking about this and maybe pleasure is not such a creepy it doesn't have to be dirty or creepy um i think i would have achieved a goal somewhere what's your strat what's your strategy with shoeing people away like how do you kind of politely say goodbye or do you just avoid the politeness i uh it goes from different this thing so uh initially when especially with a lot of indian men what works best is if i say you know i'm already married and suddenly i could be i could be saying no thank you for an hour they're not particular but the moment they think you're another man's property they're like a cha cha you know so they'll okay so then you really want to slap them um some of them some of them um i suddenly get very technical very academic and they think
i suddenly get very technical very academic and they think oh [ __ ] then another lot i will actually uh some of them like the in recent times you know as you talk about it more and more and you circle um the more intense a conversation a lot of them now get very scared because they think i will know more than them wow and that would that would really show them up so then they don't want to approach you either um so and then finally there's a bunch of them that i'm quite rude about and i'll always say to them you know what i'm sorry but you could not handle me for it even one day so you should just leave now what why why why do you say that could not handle me aspect like i mean okay what is the downside to your personal life when you're absorbing this quantity of information is there any kind of downside no the downside is that i now i'm aware of myself i'm an intelligent woman i'm aware of my opinions i'm aware of
woman i'm aware of my opinions i'm aware of my likes and dislikes and i am not going to be railroaded into something i have a definite level of intelligence which i am not frightened to express and that can be quite frightening for somebody i have been married now for oh god if i got married in 85 35 years almost okay and i always think that my husband has to have been an extraordinarily strong man to have dealt with me because i'm not the easiest person because like i said i have a mind of my own so we are two people in this house with very defined ideas of how we should be plus i'm very independent i'm not going to be told by somebody to me they're better you can't do this i choose to make my own decisions i don't say you get to tell me what to do we make our decisions together and we support each other so and finally i think because of my work and because of my beliefs i also have a lot of
because of my beliefs i also have a lot of friends who are male you know who are not just because this is my friend's husband but i have a lot of friends who are men and they're just simply friends so to have that kind of uh inner strength in you to have that level of understanding that it's okay she can have those friends without me getting supremely jealous and thinking [ __ ] what the hell is going on i think that i think that a man needs to be extremely strong a woman a woman also obviously but i'm just saying that traditionally a man has never had to be in that role women on the other hand have had to build up their inner strength because that's the narrative in our patriarchy so not that i have marriage experience to reference but what i gauge about successful marriages is that you kind of need to be a reflection of each other and at the same time have enough differences to keep things interesting uh am i am i right absolutely absolutely you
uh am i am i right absolutely absolutely you know um khalil gibran says something very interesting he says that when two people are married they should be like two pillars supporting the same edifice that means that they need to have enough distance between them and enough closeness something that connects them but enough distance because if you're like this all the time it doesn't work oh yeah i know what you mean tell me about it anyway but uh ma'am do any of the books that you've read speak about the concept of soul mates or what what is said about soul mates in our culture so again i'm going to go back to this if you think about your soul your soul is immortal right so it must be the largest thing in the universe when your body dies that soul is there there is not it's not possible for one person to satisfy your soul um okay you are the only person who can satisfy your own soul and at different times there will be different people
soul and at different times there will be different people men women children animals activities that will come in that will feed and nourish your soul at a certain time so i don't believe in soul mates i believe that you can be super compatible that you can find somebody that you have a really wonderful time with but then you need to cherish that relationship by giving yourself enough distance so that you have other things so that you don't make it stale but yeah on a personal note i must admit that to me my soul needs a lot of nourishment and it comes from different things got it and the last section of the podcast is all about a subject that i've been reading a lot about recently which is modern day witchcraft do you have any kind of knowledge about this yeah again you know in the western world we call them witches in the east we call them goddesses okay okay so everybody has within them a certain aspect or ability that you can do there i don't believe
ability that you can do there i don't believe that there is such a thing as putting a spell on somebody the kamasutra does have a whole section on putting spells on people um and if you read it you'll be laughing for one week okay because there's it's just so much nonsense so i personally even in tantra they say oh you know you can put a spell on somebody you can't in tantra the idea is that you actually develop your own awareness to the point that you know how to handle something or you know how to deal with somebody because when you become that that clued up you know exactly how the other person thinks from their character you can tell how they're thinking so you can't put a spell on them but you can definitely talk to them in the right way so that you can twist their actions like i said earlier a an effective leader always knows how to use a story properly no there's been no effective leader without a proper story you have to be
effective leader without a proper story you have to be a storyteller you need to be able to manipulate just a little bit always always whether it's for the good or for the bad always you have to be able to lead the people a certain way it's that simple so i think that um every person inside them has the ability male or female has the ability to be a witch if you want to call it a witch or to be a goddess if that's what you want to call it we all have our energies and strengths inside us i you know um i just find that with the moment we give it a title like that we start thinking of it in a negative way like whenever i talk about tantra people automatically say oh but there's this negative aspect to it and i i'm like no there is no such you know learn to listen there's a negative aspect to anything um so no i think that having said that i mean i truly believe that i must have been a witch in some life
that i must have been a witch in some life i'm a bit rich in this life sorry forget that forget it and in cornwall in one part of england there is actually a museum to witchcraft okay which is a fabulous place but if you go there you'll find that they have the most exciting things because in pagan times there were different things that um they would say were a witch's tools so one of the things that they have over there they have these little round glass balls almost like a christmas tree bobble that's where actually it comes from okay so these christmas tree bobbles or glass balls were supposed to be a witch's tools because uh you would be reflected in it okay and you could see your reflection and it was like okay i can see your reflection now i'm going to capture this reflection blah blah so similarly in ancient times the mirror was supposed to be a tool of witchcraft so you you know like um if you wanted your lover to come to you so let's say there's
lover to come to you so let's say there's a woman who wants this man to come to her and he she wants that he will not be able to think of anybody else what is the spell she would really put on him she would surround her room with mirrors so that each each place that he looked he only got to see her everywhere he looked he only got to see her and he couldn't think of anything else that was all he would be thinking about so you know there's a different way of dealing with witchcraft but yeah as far as i'm concerned um we call them goddesses we don't call them witches so i'm gonna give you an account of what happened in my life recently i was on a date uh someone had met over one of those apps and uh on a second date actually she mentioned that she's a practicing witch like that she uh she practices some kind of witchcraft so i asked her what that meant and she said that she has learned
that meant and she said that she has learned to do spells from her family like her grandmom was a practicing witch and i did feel this eerie sense of her trying to do something on me as well i don't know it was just like a gut feeling honestly i feel that when so i meditate a lot i meditate almost two hours daily and it kind of makes you very aware of your surroundings of the people you speak to of their energy and i just didn't feel the correct kind of energy and that's what made me exit that date and kind of read up a lot more about witchcraft and what i found is exactly what you're saying which is that yes there may be a world of spells but the world of knowledge that you gain from ancient texts your practices of yoga your practices of meditation they're able to give you your own internal spells through which you can lead people well through which you can as we said manipulate people well um and you can kind of
manipulate people well um and you can kind of work these so-called superpowers through your books so maybe that also answers that previous question about what does this world teach you so you are absolutely spot-on it's about energies okay it's all about how you use your energies now in um we were saying earlier that you know if you actually learn this is what your learning is you know you you arouse your energy you harness that and you understand how to use it and if you also have got yourself to that point where you can recognize other people's energies you you know every time now and then you meet somebody and say god i really don't like this person's energy it's too heavy it's like this or you say i'm so drawn to that person it's their energies like this and i think that is just what it is it is that person's energy it's the effect that it has on you because if i am very very jumpy it will have an effect on that other person if i channel
have an effect on that other person if i channel it in such a way that i want it to have a particular effect on that person that will also come through right so it's just about it's nlp it's the neurolinguistic programming you know it is really it is all about understanding your energies and for this like i said you know we have all these texts that go back into um our ancient past that talk about building up strength building up energy dealing with all of this and um we don't have those texts so we don't have our we don't have so we we today i find this is the other interesting thing as a storyteller people always come to me and they say so what is the takeaway from this and the thing is that as a storyteller we always say that you tell a story you let the story register you let it spread inside that person everybody will pick up a different thing you know depending on what you have chosen to pick up from that if i want to now lead
pick up from that if i want to now lead your mind that is the point i will come in at okay so we don't say that there is a takeaway we we say that there's an it's a it's the biggest tool of influence it's a story because everybody will take from it what they are capable of taking from it yeah so they they um this idea of the energy is very much like a story you know the your your energy surrounds you you let it spread you see what kind of impact it has or how you want it to impact the other person and similarly you want that to then be built up inside you so you were earlier when you were saying about what good is it when you um when you read these texts and so on today we took we look at it very scientifically from uh words like neuro linguistic program from white witchcraft from modern day which etc with scientifically laid out rules the old texts talk about intuition they talk about energy they talk about strength they
intuition they talk about energy they talk about strength they teach you how to use it so it's a it's a it's just a bigger area of influence that you cover gorgeous ma'am so the final question that i have for you is that if you could just again sum up a lot of the knowledge that you've gained over the years and just give the young listeners who are primarily men and i wish that wasn't the case but they're primarily men so if you could give men five kind of pieces of advice when it comes to relationships and love life how can they keep their partners happy okay so if i was giving five pieces of advice the first thing is that men need to or young men particularly need to understand that their partner is not them so that means that i am me and you are you and it's no point saying i wouldn't do this or i don't think like this you have to understand how the other person thinks take the time and trouble to say that person is
take the time and trouble to say that person is different to me maybe they will need to be approached in a different way only because think about it from don't okay point number two think about this as something that will benefit you don't think that you're saying oh well i had to do this for my girlfriend i had to do this for my boyfriend and it's so stupid think about the benefits to you okay if you want something if you want your relationship to go a certain way and you can understand how to make it go a certain way it benefits you so point number two was to understand that it actually benefits you so that you overcome that um thing in your head about because a lot of young men particularly i find um have this huge issue about what their friends will think if they are seen giving in too much to a relationship point number three uh women or well since we're saying this particularly for men and uh they could have either male or female partners but generally speaking
have either male or female partners but generally speaking most women like the idea of more conversation you know um a man gets a text message he'll read the text message as it is a woman gets a text message she will literally analyze every punctuation mark in it there is a full stop here why did he put a full stop here it's just the way that our brains are made it's just how it is so i find that one of the nicest things that the kamsutra says is about this exchange of messages you have at the moment texts you have whatsapp and so on use that to the best of your ability particularly because most guys are really not very good when it comes to face-to-face conversations okay they're not very good at speaking they're not very good at saying the right thing but the text message can really be formulated to be perfect use it to your advantage flirt tremendously with your partner on text or whatsapp use that to your advantage okay number four actually try and develop more interests
okay number four actually try and develop more interests i know that generally i mean i have two sons and a daughter so i can tell you this that when they were growing up the boys would come back from school i would say to them so what happened at school today nothing that's it okay my daughter it's very difficult to get her to shut up she wants to give you all the details so guys i know generally when out there with other boys the conversation levels are fairly um basic it's not too much um chatting it's more grunting there is going to be a need for conversation when you're with a partner you can't suddenly develop that side of your brain that makes you a great conversationalist fine develop other interests so that you have something else to talk about okay and finally it comes down to communication you know instead of second guessing the other person and deciding that okay uh maybe this is what you know this is what women like or this is what partners like oh this is what
or this is what partners like oh this is what we shall do not always but a lot of the times it's really good to ask especially if there is a hick especially there's a hiccup you know ask if there's a problem or you can see that there's actually something coming through which almost could be an issue don't try and figure out what you think would be the solution ask god it's the best way forward i'm not saying that it's always going to be perfect and i'm definitely not saying that it's going to be a bed of roses it never is but let that be part of the excitement beautiful masima anand thank you so much for being a part of the ranveer show i will be linking ma'am's handles down below guys so make sure you go follow make sure you go subscribe and any parting message for the listeners of this podcast ma'am yeah um i just want to say you know we talk a lot about the kama sutra and generally when the kamsutra is mentioned
sutra and generally when the kamsutra is mentioned we talk a lot about positions i just want to clarify why we talk about positions because i have had this in the past i've done a whole talk and people have come and talked about all sorts of deep stuff and one twerp will always come along and say to me but what's the best position ma'am i just want to clarify this okay according to vatsyan if you're going to have sex if you're going to be together it's got to be really really pleasurable for both of you if it isn't mutually pleasurable don't bother i mean it's not worth it however the first thing about being mutually pleasurable is that the sexual organs should be compatible in size so if the woman is too small and the man is too big or the woman is too big and the man is too small it's not going to lead to a very exciting love making however you can't choose your partner based on the the size of their you know like can you
the the size of their you know like can you imagine sending this in your one of your dating apps what is the size of it it doesn't happen and so these positions were these positions were created to help to make the sizes more compatible so if the man was too small and the woman was too big then they suggested positions where she would lie on her side um ties together legs pulled up etc which would make her a little bit smaller okay so the next time you go out to try and read the kamasutra which by the way is extremely good for you you know it will change your life don't try and pick up the kamasutra don't pick up a book that talks about positions and forget about the positions for a little while pick up a commentary which is why i'd written my book which was supposed to be the commentary on the kamsutra understand that there are other things that create pleasure and follow that gorgeous stuff ma'am thank you so much for all this information and i'm sure
you so much for all this information and i'm sure that we're going to be doing more episodes in the future so really thank you for being a part of the runway show thank you you
let's get everybody welcome to the Randy show you know they say that your external world becomes a reflection of your internal world Shilpa Shetty's a perfect example of that sentence she someone who's got genuine niceness inside her she's got genuine humility inside her when I was talking to her I felt like I'm talking to a human being and not just Shilpa Shetty and trust me when you dive deep into people's minds in podcasts that doesn't always happen some people keep the guard up some people don't want to reveal the entirety in front of the whole world Shilpa Shetty not so much she revealed exactly who she is on this podcast and who she is is one of the most positive for most genuine people out there she spoke about motherhood she spoke about her ambitions in life she spoke about her current role as a top fitness influencer in India a life post Bollywood she spoke about love and romance and above all she spoke about what it takes to maintain
all she spoke about what it takes to maintain an extremely positive in a world if you won't be lifted up from your dull day I promise you this episode of the runway show is gonna do just that for you enjoy ourselves welcome to another health fitness meditation positivity episode of the ratio featuring the lady who stands for this right now I'm sitting I do stand for it and I I walk the talk mr. Shetty gonna welcome to the language oh thank you I really want to have I have just one question sure are those biceps really made of beer at one point they were right now it's just made of spiritual energy just wonderful what you're doing and makeup on you yeah whatever you're trying to do you're playing a catalyst and it's really wonderful thank you ma'am so I think just before the pod cuz we spoke about how Luke could use a very close common friend and both you and Luke retain you know kind of inspired me to go from the bodybuilding version
of inspired me to go from the bodybuilding version of be of Isis to the overall holistic health as meditation healthy eating kind of be a wise herbs thank you that's a huge compliment and I'm very humbled yeah so my first question do you like most of the journalists who interview you is [Laughter] I really think that beauty is skin-deep and I'm I'm more for you know focusing on what's important and that's the inside and if the inside is clean it will reflect on the outside and I know you believe the same so I think it's the fact that I think peen I eat clean and that kind of radiates on the outside and you like you know the sight of that so yeah it shows up but most specifically for the audience my question because mam diet plan oh my god that should buy Shetty but it's it's really basic it's it's no rocket science they say that you are what you eat and it really is the same application in my life I made a modification
the same application in my life I made a modification for sure I think five six years ago that I decided not to eat after 7:30 consciously and that happens maybe 95 percent of the time so unless you know it's it's it's a situation where I may be doing a night shift or I couldn't eat for some reason the shoot got prolonged and you know it's important for me to have you know to finish my work then maybe I will extend my timing but then again I'm conscious about that I make sure that you know I eat after 12 hours the next morning so I have been practicing the whole intermittent philosophy honestly without contriving it on on on my own so all that has come into play now and yeah so that was the one change I made and then the other change a major change was giving up all refined foods so whether it be a white sugar white flour so that was another major change so you don't have any like fixed pattern of eating but you avoid
have any like fixed pattern of eating but you avoid certain things when you follow a eating pattern like intermittent fasting exactly so it's it's pretty much high-protein and now I've become a pescetarian but I can say that I'm I'm 95 percent vegetarian maybe 5 percent pescetarian yeah yeah that's the other thing I want to talk to you about a year and a half ago I turned my skit Aryan and eventually vegetarian myself and I strongly believe that it was the meditation which changes the biology of your body and then your body requests you to like stop even Jian Hui roti and I and people think that you know because I'm into health I don't eat red meat I'm your man Lawrence they love ya mutton yeah mutton Sukka with me those uh the funny thing is though I don't crave it anymore the shift happened very slowly consistently and very like gradually you know did I suddenly I didn't wake up one day and you know till up
wake up one day and you know till up until like one year ago I was like Pagano - look you sh 0 non-vegetarian how who show and even then see I mean seeing that I still included a lot of fiber a lot of vegetarian fare in my in my diet plan but I I enjoyed my non-vegetarian also because you know you work out yeah and after 35 you lose a lot of muscle mass bone density and you have to obviously keep up mm-hmm and when you end up eating vegetarian you feel that you're going to end up eating more carbs yeah yeah you know and you will bloat yeah but it's all it's all that shift that you make in your head and it's the kind of food that you choose to eat that decides on how you look the next day you feel you're healthier now then when you were 25 I feel for a 44 year old I am full of beans and I am very healthy touchwood so and I want to continue to be like this I want
I want to continue to be like this I want to be my fittest best till the day on the I know if I die I just dial my sleep yeah and it's because it's time to go and that again is predestined but I don't want to suffer I don't wanna I don't want to go through an ailment that is you know lingering on and I that's something that I that I wish for myself yeah but in terms of comparing my health to what it used to be I don't know without any comparisons I can just say that my strength my core strength is much more today than than before because I concentrate on it yeah yeah and you know I can like vouch for this like we've actually seen you transition into becoming a fitness influencer on social media do you consider yourself like that somewhere like because you are influencing the whole country to keep up with their fitness with the health and hopefully the spirituality going forward you know I think that is something that I wish
you know I think that is something that I wish people would focus on well the spiritual aspect of it so you could be Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian it really doesn't matter spirituality has something to do with belief and faith and it has nothing to do with a particular kind of religion it has it means faith in the better good mm-hmm you know and that just makes you you know makes you evolve as a better version of yourself yeah so I read a lot of spiritual books myself and I was just reading this paragraph yesterday from this very like renowned spiritual author so he said that spirituality according to the ancient yogic definition of it is definitely like meditation and all that is a part of it but basically for like the average you would mean it boils down to living simply living positively and living income about everything that's going on so I think spirituality is one of those things that anyone can apply but in saying all this I also know that in the Big Brother house you
I also know that in the Big Brother house you made people meditate so I want to ask you about meditation and more specifically I want to ask you about your mom who kind of got you into this and there is honesty okay coming from the other side of Bollywood like the viewer side there's this whole rumor that your mom is one super spiritual do she kind of at that phase of your life where you got the whole Big Brother you know that no one happened she had like kind of advice you ki man you should go to UK so is this just a conspiracy theory is that true it's it's slightly different she always not she didn't tell me but she did tell a lot of people around me that you know my my Shilpa has a lot in store for and what she what she's achieved right now is just the tip of the iceberg and I was actually going through a lull in my career at that point during Big Brother this was around 12 years ago and she had
Brother this was around 12 years ago and she had told someone not someone she told a couple of people that she'd watch Shahrukh I remember during bicycie that Shilpa is going to attain world fame not just in India so I thought I mean every mother thinks like that about the joy you know that this child is going to delay and I thought it was just a place of love and bias but the kind of Fame that I saw after Big Brother was unprecedented it was shocking for me and I never ever thought in my wildest dreams I would win the show I was ready to actually leave the house every week and my my mom you talked about my mom meant spirituality yes it definitely is handed down to me from her my mom's been practicing meditation for a really long time she would sometimes you know be in a conversation and I would see her hands move and she she was actually praying she prays for people that she doesn't that she that that is not even
that she doesn't that she that that is not even family she feels somebody is suffering she'll pray for them that kind of an unconditional love is very difficult to find in this time in age we're speaking of evolved people my next question he was gonna be a little heavy my question to you is that what is going on in your whole business career as well because that's a very active part of your life but your low-key about it people don't know how much into business you were and I also feel you're the kind of person who when you put your glasses on you become a different person so so like do you know what I mean like not literally but all your calculations and all come on no I'm not I'm terrible with numbers I have I don't consider myself someone with business acumen also and I'm not saying saying it trying to be humble and being honest but what I have is intuition and what I have is a very clear sense of direction in my head of
a very clear sense of direction in my head of where I see myself or what I think I need to do can you elaborate on the intuition part first yeah so for me I I really believe that most human beings I read this book in it I'm terrible with names but you know it's that flicker that sense of the minute you see something you you gauge your feeling or your intuition on it and then what happens is that we lose focus and then we go into due diligence whether this is right for us or not but that is the instance that you see that situation or the thing that you want to you know delve into that instant is the truth yeah so like your first instinct about a person or a situation yeah else you the truth yeah but most people slip into that calculate so I just go with that moment that whatever just person this situation this business so if I like a business in the face of it I will approach the guys and I'll see you know
will approach the guys and I'll see you know I want to buy a stake in it so I'll also give you the spiritual perspective on like what you're saying according to the spiritual books so are you familiar with chakra meditations so basically chakras are important in our oh I'll take it off yeah so basically there's a chakra here which is also at the same position as something call your people and yeah it's like a third eye like that's what they call it so if you keep working on that your intuition continuously increases and there's something I felt as well like and the practical use of it in the modern world is business it was there's one right behind it that people don't focus on it's called the bindi chakra okay could you elaborate yeah so you they say that there are only seven chakras but there's so many more 30 2007 to 2009 T's in her body 3 points there are so many nerve endings in each one each cell has a brain of
endings in each one each cell has a brain of its own mm-hmm it's a person in itself and we are functioning because each one is working mm-hmm so have you used any of those to improve your career no I I'm I'm a huge believer in chakra meditation and I practice it and even when we started the app I was hell-bent on doing it I was hell-bent on introducing it through the app and we've done it and I really feel you know when you're in when you are aligned with your chakras you automatically feel the sense of power you feel in control of your faculties and I feel be really losing out on that it's because we are not aligned I also feel that again it's there's is this yogic concept that talks about you know peace and they say that there's three layers to it the first issue of physical health that needs to be fixed second is your mental health and third is your spiritual health so I would I would interchange that a little bit I
I would I would interchange that a little bit I would say first your mental health God and if you meant if you're functioning well up here it's mind over body yeah don't automatically your physical health will be better but do you think that if your habits are bad like very badly I'm seeing junk food every day smoking everyday things like that it creates an environment for negative thoughts and I think you attract you attract what you want so so if you want to go down that path you will attract it 100% so you have to choose what path you want today also I feel that's why I when YouTube was starting YouTube doesn't pay you initially at all so you have to say oh no I mean not not YouTube as in Adsense is a different game but the brand money that we get is fantastic well get in touch with monk entertain basically it's it's a good life now but when we were starting our it wasn't and I said train a lot of people then and my specialty
said train a lot of people then and my specialty in training was weight loss primarily and I actually witnessed what was like even just a three-month period of training people of getting them to change their habits and all that they actually start becoming more positive so that was my theory that weight physical health comes first Mental Health come second spiritual health comes third but I do feel for someone to reach that third aspect of spiritual health and even considering that as important you need to have these to fix and I feel like fortunately for you and me we've taken care of physical health earlier in life but that doesn't happen to everyone I think it happened automatically because I came from a background of sports mmm so that was ingrained in our system that you know we had to have a certain discipline in our lives and then was do you feel that in today's day and age people don't even have that like you know people don't have discipline yeah and the minute you word use the word discipline they
and the minute you word use the word discipline they feel negative in somebody something is gonna be taken away from you so I don't know why there's this whole misconception or myth with the word discipline with the word diet that's why I avoid using these words what's a day in your life like hahaha what do you do difficult question I know it'll be through a random like what different days are different but okay give me like a workday and then give me a slightly chilly there's no chilly but they make my life easy I have a I have a mess that make my life easy they know there are some jobs I can delegate and there are some I can't oh I can't delegate the job of looking good on a day of an important shoot I need my sleep hmm I can't delegate the job of I can delegate one aspect of it of motherhood yeah yeah but even though I've made some yeah I'm a hands-on mother and so is my husband yeah so we're for us that is
my husband yeah so we're for us that is our priority in our lives how does like fatherhood or motherhood change was you have to become a parent understand the depth of unconditional love but your each each person is different I'm very middle class and those values are very dear to me I don't want to consciously let go of those values so while I'm I enjoy the fact that I'm in a position of power and I love my fame and unapologetically so but I'm very clear that my day will start and end with my child so that is a very clear demarcation you know you said that you really kind of hold them it is lost values as a cornerstone in your life what are the middle-class values that you'd want to pass on to your child because he's not gonna grow up middle class and I know you've thought of that so what one what are you gonna pass on to him - what are you afraid of I don't want to sow the seed of fear because
don't want to sow the seed of fear because it will grow into a tree or fewer then so I don't like to put that they say that every time you say something you have seven seconds to retract or it will manifest you know and I am very careful about what I say so just what I just I I really I look forward to the future I don't know what it has in store for for Veon or me all I can say is that I'm trying to do my best as a mother and I I wish that I'm able to make him understand the importance of work ethics the importance of spirituality the importance of the better good and I always say one line to him what you give you get and somewhere it's they're deeply sowed in his subconscious I don't want to force my viewpoints on him you are just a body and you are you are there to just be part of your child's journey so this moon is actually just a catalyst and he has to pave
actually just a catalyst and he has to pave the path himself and you can't want him to be or in person you know he has to learn to be that and he will grow into that when you find your path and you're calling on your own one day and I'm sure he on will find that speaking about path and calling let's rock videos I want to know like when Bazzi had happened your debut before that what was your mindset were you expecting that this is the life you're going to be entering I was so dumb yeah I was just I'm still very dumb and I like Windham 17 okay 17 and I was watching one of my interviews on lahiri that was the only time we used to do interviews and everything from my perspective to my voice to obviously my looks everything has changed what was your perspective that time I view life with Rose tinted glasses yeah you you don't have any you know experience is the best teacher did you have dark experiences after that
the best teacher did you have dark experiences after that not dark create experiences experiences that made me grow up experiences that made me realize that that I couldn't have learnt learnt this from anyone else you have to go through experiences on your own you know when you're brought up in a spiritual family you do have a kind of Rose tinted glasses you believe that the world will be as nice as your family is exact so my question to you is did you have any instances where you're like okay maybe my family's nicer than this world so do you have experiences like that you know to answer that question like I said I'm not the sort of person who judges yeah every I always believe that it's never people that are bad it's always situations and they may have had their own reason to behave the way they did so I I have selective amnesia I really believe I really believe that the more you hold on the more you know the less I don't know how to say
you know the less I don't know how to say this the more you hold on it's like holding hot coal no it's like punishing yourself for somebody else's bad deeds why are you punishing yourself yeah Kukoc are my so I have selective amnesia I my hard disk can only have all the good memories I delete all the bad memories are all the bad experiences and I I love this life I love the experiences good bad ugly whatever they've taught me the person I have become it just makes you more street smart I can say so after talking you have figured one thing for sure that your inner world is extremely positive and they say that your external world becomes a reflection of your internal whatever you become your happiness your sadness so my question to you is a very real world question which is that and this is something our works for me I filled my last thing that I do at night and the first thing I do in the morning really affects my whole thought process which in
morning really affects my whole thought process which in turn affects my internal world and therefore my external world so what's the first and last thing you do in a day and is there something you do consciously with that in you do right so what is it yeah you're all my inner secrets huh so the first thing I do is obviously express gratitude for being alive even healthy and the last thing I do is again the same express gratitude but is there like in a day a word night where you have like some kind of a nighttime routine nothing my day begins at 6:30 normally and it ends by around 11:00 11:30 well a meditation happen just before I go to bed okay so whatever happens however tired I am it doesn't stop me from you know meditating for those last 15 minutes of the day if someone wasn't get into meditation what's your advice to them start slowly and just consciously try to just blank your mind has it changed your life you feel and your perspective how
it changed your life you feel and your perspective how long it's all great it's beautiful but it's not easy yeah so it gives you that calm to deal with even difficult yeah there's so so much happening that you need a sense of you need you need a sense of calm at some point and you need a place where you can find it and that place is within yourself if you don't need to leave the country or you know go to a holiday destination to find calm so it's it's they're within you you just need to tap or rather knock on that door which happens in your meditation yeah that's that's the one place I find myself actually I also feel that your internal world is a reflection of the people you hang out with yeah and your social media feed so yeah 100% so my question to you is one do you consciously choose and cut off people now do you immediately go okay not gonna hang out with you it's okay we're all human I don't have I have
okay we're all human I don't have I have very few friends and while people think that I'm very friendly and I I embrace everyone that comes into my life make them feel very loved and then I take a step back and I close the door well I am I then I have just those few people that and it's not like they do the people I embrace don't know the real me what you see is what you get with me but the very few people that I can sit and have long conversations with like if they're in trouble in a jiffy and they're yeah because you're spiritual and you also Gemini Oh actually really if I start speaking like this to normal people will mostly they'll be like I need a drink this is like to every duty for me to Adil but yes the very few people who really gauge and understand my drift yeah but I I understand that like I think even as I've grown spiritually I want to keep a lot of the energy to myself I know
keep a lot of the energy to myself I know the things when you said when you said keep that energy to myself oh I feel like you know some people can be such energy vampires like you know they suck the life out of me and those kind of people I just I want to keep away from because I can't I can't don't want my energy to be diluted and you know we live we're living in this fast-paced life where you require ton loads of energy and yeah and I really feel that you know sometimes I'm I'm sapped hmm and then I need to again go back and regain composure and you know energy what's your opinion on like material wealth in this whole like spiritual game like where does that lie yeah you know I we come from nothing and we're gonna go with nothing so while the sounds damn philosophical like I said we live in Kaliyuga so whatever I own I enjoy and unapologetically so but tomorrow if I don't have it god forbid I'll
if I don't have it god forbid I'll be happy there as well so I you know I'm a middle-class girl that came from Chimbote from a two-bedroom home that's would I have all all of this and a beautiful family but it doesn't drive me honestly run me this this doesn't drive me the spiritual pursuit is the stronger one yeah and you know pursuit of happiness my last question to you is that after talking to you and getting to know you like through this conversation you're one of the happiest human beings are spoken to yeah yeah for sure like what have you met you haha when we come back human beings yeah that's because you sense energy and I sense that you know your smile says everything yeah and not just you just generally when I see people their smile determines the kind of people they are some of them you know that photograph behind so most of them are actually sad and they're smiling in front that's actually a very positive photograph a picture where the
actually a very positive photograph a picture where the person behind the mask is actually smiling horrible and that for me is important so whether I'm smiling on the face of it or not my heart is smiling and happy that that is important at the end of the day for sure and you know a lot of people when they're listening to a heavy so direct conversation like this they're thinking that also they're the same people who only taste material wealth in life those very often so my I feel like you know we it's very easy for us to say or judge that you know they're chasing what material wealth maybe there is something that they're still searching so we've been there done that maybe maybe out at least I feel I got pain early in life like so for example for physical health I got a gold stone at 1600 up Obie's and I've got a call so maybe in full procedure and in the same you I had two other surgeries related my shoulders because I fell and like anyway it was a
because I fell and like anyway it was a weight related thing so that was my early wake-up call from a physical health perspective mental health went to depression in engineering college so that was a wake up call key you know okay these habits led to this state of mind and spiritual health I think I just discovered meditation through YouTube so that things happen to me early like by the time I was 23 hours meditating all day and things like that and what a beautiful feeling it is now yeah all of it and you know keeping those three boxes checked like physical mental and spiritual it gives you a lot of balance and calm for the rest of your life but my question to you is when you go back to the 23 year old version of yourself what is the physical health advice the mental health advice and the spiritual health advice that you will give them you know I just feel that things come to you at a certain age for a certain reason hmm so that was your journey at 23 I
hmm so that was your journey at 23 I had the worst heartbreak like I said I viewed the you know viewed people with roastin rose-tinted glasses and I thought I'll never be able to come out of that I was I was in a shell for a really long time and then I decided to improve myself and you you know we all go through those or those feelings of insecurity you know am I good enough why why did this happen to me and you know I just feel that that is a journey that we have to take because if that didn't happen this person in front of you wouldn't be this person so I really feel that in has to be embraced and you have to live in that moment XP experience that pain and then you have to come out of it if you're gonna wallow in self-pity and if you're good at burden and project along with you throughout your journey it's going to be really difficult for you to live so for all those people
difficult for you to live so for all those people who have been through suffering it's only normal and every person suffering is the same you can't you know there's no value in terms of you know weight or you know don't know if your quantify you can't quantify or you Skupin Marisa come down you can emit for every person that pain is pain right so you have to experience it and you have to move on and you have to become a stronger person hmm so yeah so but in specifically like in that whole self-improvement phase that happened after that what did you do for your physical body so I decided to safeguard but you know we all then start building a wall you know that's the one one thing I started doing and it and it's not in a negative sort of way it's it's important to kind of decide Kay yeah me release ie here or you Amy really in a yeah so you know most of us what happens is that we go through pain and then
happens is that we go through pain and then we're still doing those back bends and then you break your back one day so I decided K beyond this point I will not bend my back so that is what life's experiences teach you so the ones who learn from their own experiences are actually the stupid ones the ones who learn from others experiences are the smart one so I learned from my own and then I realized that this is as much as I will take in my life after the one heartbreak and then the second one happened and then the third and with every heartbreak I realize that my back bending is reducing but then eventually you found your soulmate and then you're willing to do like the chakras and thank you lovely positive soul yourself thank you so much and you know through these conversations that I have there's always something I take away on a personal level on my own spiritual journey I'm trying to eliminate negative like thoughts and it can be anything
eliminate negative like thoughts and it can be anything it can be say even angers a negative thought or not being comes a negative thought the one they have picked up from you is not judging people even if it's that 1% judgement which is very hard so I'm gonna take that away from so it's human actually I have to say while people are listening to us it's human to judge but I judge and then I'm like why am i judging hmm am i perfect and then I come out of the situation so it's perfectly normal if you want to judge for that minute but then you just have to let go of the situation that's my learning yeah that's how you become the happiest person y'all leave Leave I have my own bubble I don't care what people are doing one day what they want to do in their life may up knocker I'm gonna share with you at the same time hustling hard creating businesses creating Fitness killing it so it's not just esoteric and spiritual it's using
it's not just esoteric and spiritual it's using all that to manifest a beautiful world okay thank you ma'am this is beautiful until next time I'm on the runway show from Ranveer and Chopra Shetty goons are Atma namaste
in today's episode of the Randi show we're talking about love sex and loving sex I feel like guys don't get spoken to about these topics enough and I feel that women will enjoy hearing the male perspective on growing up this is my story from the age of 11 when I witnessed my body changing in certain ways up till the age of 27 how has my perspective on love and sex changed over the years gonna be a very very candid conversation through the medium of my life okay we begin at age 11 when you're in a coed school and suddenly the girls in your class who were just your colleagues til that point suddenly they become objects of Attraction look at girls and you're like why am i finding this girl pretty you don't know why then at the same time it's about 2005-2006 YouTube is popping up in the world you know what else is popping up websites that stream pornography websites that attract you you suddenly discover pond you suddenly discover your own
you suddenly discover pond you suddenly discover your own body your own feelings physical feelings emotional feelings you don't know what's happening to you as a young guy and suddenly along with all your male friends you begin to put sex on a pedestal you understand that there's this thing called sex you talk about sex a lot in your bus rides in your lunch breaks when you're alone with your friends in the middle of class sex becomes the center of your life and I'll tell you why it happens because of the first primary character of the story not me the first primary character is what I call the dopamine void the second primary character is what I call the love void but we'll get to that later let's talk about the dopamine void first as a human being you're constantly looking for moments that'll make you happy moments that will give you a rush throughout your life later in life you gotta rush through other aspects of your existence but early on in life you're not gonna get
but early on in life you're not gonna get a dopamine rush through your marks some people probably do but most of us don't how do you get that dopamine rush dopamine is the feel-good hormone of your is associated with feel good experiences pleasures drug addicts get their dopamine every time they do drugs you don't do drugs as an 11 year old sex kind of becomes that drug for you the idea of sex this goes on from the age of eleven till the age of about eighteen when senior college begins and in India especially in Indian metros a lot of us begin serious relationships in senior college or when you're a young adult you know what happens at that point you actually end up having sex and you also end up having a lot of other experiences so when you compile all those experiences together sex along with all the other things that are going on in your life you realize oh that's it sex was just this much this was all that sex was cool felt nice
much this was all that sex was cool felt nice but there's also all these other things that are going on in your life I'd found a beautiful relationship at that point when I was in college we had a deep emotional connect we were friends we shared many growing up experiences together we spoke about careers with each other we spoke about deep intellectual topics we discovered partying together we discovered a lot of life experiences together and yes we also discovered sex together suddenly sex isn't on the kind of pedestal that it was when you were kid you tell your guy friends hey man can't wait to grow up and experience sex I won't know what feels like then you feel let me realize hmm okay it's just one of many other things you know what else happens when you end up entering senior college just suddenly told especially if you're in Indian society then you've got to do something with your career you're told that you need to amount to something and there's that added
you need to amount to something and there's that added pressure in your life it's kind of there from the eleventh and twelfth grade to get a good senior college but in senior college your career pressure really kind of compiles in front of you and you realize oh my god man I'm going from being a child to becoming an adult didn't know that this is coming my way if you're fortunate enough to have a great relationship at that point in your life you tend to lean on that person you're going through that growing of phase together you start valuing the concept of romantic relationships a lot if you're lucky enough to find a great partner in your early twenties in your late teens coming back to the concept of sex early romance is definitely change your perspectives on sex as a 27 year old when I look back at a college relationship I don't think of the first time we had sex I think of the times I cried to her after failing in my exams I think of the times
failing in my exams I think of the times after graduating from college when I tried an internship in an engineering factory and I was told that you want upon worship is not easy in this country and you're gonna have to struggle a lot I went to home I went and cried in front of her that's the memory I take back from the relationship that I had that Wilson to take care of me I had that real human connect sex was just one part of it now that's exactly why I tied up with OkCupid for this particular podcast we've partnered up because the one big realization of my life has been that when you scan your entire life some of your key dopamine releases don't come from sex man they come from real meaningful relationships in a culture with dating apps promote casual encounters and getting to know each other and being casual about the whole swipe left swipe right culture OkCupid is all about compatibility and long-term partnership more in the app later let's get
long-term partnership more in the app later let's get back to the story what happened at age 22 things change further you're kind of breaking out of that eggshell called college life and you're breaking into the real world suddenly you're not just with people your age you're meeting people or 10 years older than you 20 years older than you you're meeting possible mentors you're meeting people you're trying to hustle the same way you are you suddenly meet people from your industry as well you know what happened to me at that stage somehow I was fortunate enough to find the perfect career for myself all my personal strengths what kind of aligning themselves and going into the process of creating a YouTube based business was created marketing has greater communication skills back in the day I was great at fitness so I thought okay let's other Fitness YouTube channel I'll grow it out as business over the years that's exactly what I did but at age 22 I was fortunate enough to fill up my dopamine void I knew
to fill up my dopamine void I knew that what I'd found matches my strengths exactly so I'd wake up every single day with the intention of creating something of going that one further step in my own career and every single night at sleep with satisfaction that's called filling of the dopamine void I was also single at this point but that didn't matter because I was kind of hell-bent on just killing it with my own career my dopamine void was getting filled every single night so there's two perspectives right there's your own dopamine void that you're filling through your career and then there's a lot of other people you meet there's a lot of other people who've also found their trips in life there's a lot of other people who haven't found the exact trip in life the strengths don't align according to the career they've chosen for themselves for example I met a lot of entrepreneurs who didn't really enjoy the process of entrepreneurship they weren't built to do business I met
they weren't built to do business I met some youtubers who had just taken up YouTube in order to further the business but they didn't really enjoy doing videos for a living they didn't enjoy the YouTube game he hadn't completely filled up the dopamine void every time I'd sleep at night after great shoot day I think to myself yes this feels so good that video I wrote yesterday was recorded beautifully today oh my god best sleep of my life they were probably not going through that same emotion the emotion in their head was Oh had two records free videos today okay I'll have to do this for maybe two three years under my business becomes stable they weren't enjoying their work that dopamine void was not getting filled and also notice and this is just my observation there are a lot of them the same guys with that unfilled dopamine void they talk a lot about sex they talk about sex the same way I spoke about sex to my guy friends when I was 11 years old
to my guy friends when I was 11 years old you know you bring up a girl in conversation and it automatically objectify that girl they'd be like yeah she's so hot man I think you know she'd be great in bed you talk about sex in general and they kind of get like over hype that's what I observed and I always saw that the same guys would get really really hyped about sex in their early 20s maybe even in their mid-20s the same dudes who hadn't completely filled up that dopamine void through their work I genuinely believe that human beings are born for a certain purpose your purpose can't be filling up that dopamine void just through physical pleasures that dopamine void is only filled through your real purpose what's the purpose with which you wake up every day every time you pick that box at night your dopamine void will be filled a career that you enjoy fills up that void completely now keep in mind I'm not looking down on people who chase
mind I'm not looking down on people who chase casual sex in a certain phase of their life I understand some people want to chase those experiences and that's perfectly fine I'm also gonna drop a big truth bomb I've had one casual encounter why because when YouTube started picking up Fame also started picking up alright and I thought to myself you know what I'm gonna be young once let me go have some fun I didn't really enjoy it mainly because I had experienced sex with someone who had loved and I was now trying a casual situation with a person who I didn't really love was probably physically attracted to that person but that's about it there's nothing wrong with her there was just that absence of love and honestly sex without love feels Mb you this a lot but you don't really understand it until you've experienced sex without love I hear some my friends now have been in long-term relationships they say things like yeah I've only had sex with one person so sometimes
yeah I've only had sex with one person so sometimes I wonder what it's like having sex with other people I'll tell you I personally feel that sex with that one person who you love a lot that's the best kind of sex in the world and that's something that needs to be voiced or not more especially in India don't put sex on a pedestal should put relationships meaningful relationships that bring something out and you that's what you should be putting on a pedestal I'll tell you why so here's where that second character of the story comes into play one key character was a dopamine void another key character in the story is a love void this is also something that's not spoken about as much as it should be spoken about after the age of 22 the love white starts increasing for people you found your curio you found that way to make money through something you love and your dopamine void is completely filled up I don't know whether this is biological or whether it's an outcome of the culture we
or whether it's an outcome of the culture we live in but I've noticed that the love void increases for a lot of people after the age of 22 people are looking for relationships men specifically I've noticed that men especially in urban metros a lot of them have found that career trips in life many of them haven't found their ways to fill that love void there's a lot of pressure on all of us in India if you're a young Indian there is going to be Korea pressure on you you might be able to sort out your career but you know where's that one person at the end of the day where's that one person you can call when you're completely free my co-founders Rogers in Viraj also my two closest guy friends in life but there's certain things I can't tell them which I do end up telling the romantic interest of my life at that point that person you can fall back on why you growing so much in your career who you growing for now usually with these podcasts I
you growing for now usually with these podcasts I always try giving you a CPA or call to action I don't have an exact call to action with this video but what I do want to address is the importance of acknowledging that it's completely normal to have this love void if you're someone who really feels like you want a relationship hey just know that there's a lot of us out there a lot of us around the same age we're going through the same things all of us are looking for some kind of partnership especially in your mid-20s and your late 20s and probably even after that it's very normal to crave a relationship so the only CTA that I will give you in this case is one ideally ensure that your dopamine void is completely filled up try finding happiness in your work and trust me there's enough job options out there to find that job that you really enjoy and completely fill up that dopamine void because I feel you shouldn't get into relationships until you are
feel you shouldn't get into relationships until you are completely fulfilled as a person and to make peace with this idea of a love void it's very normal there's ways to tackle it this way is to fill it up you definitely need a relationship in your life a loving partner in your life to make everything complete if you're someone who thinks that relationships or the correct kind of partner will take away from your career it's a very old school mentality you're only gonna be young ones and if you find a correct kind of partner it feeds into your career it will give you more creativity it will give you more perspective the most beautiful aspect of all my relationships till did my dopamine void was filled up my love void was filled up I always grew in the relationships even if it was the wrong kind of person you grow you understand what you don't want from someone you understand yourself much more if you truly truly love that person you will try matching up to the class the level the requirements of
matching up to the class the level the requirements of that human being you'll get out your comfort zone and grow in some way or the other the best relationships always provide growth to you as an individual so even if you're looking at relationships from that selfish perspective it's okay remember when you're dying you won't remember sex you won't remember how much money is in your bank account you're gonna remember that person who you built those memories with that person whose hair you held back when they were throwing up who held back your hair and you were throwing up that person who you cried to the person who cried to you getting comforted by that person comforting that person with all your strength and Mike that's what you'll take away and that's why I think it's a beautiful idea to change the relationships when you're young CTA how do you do it I strongly believe you should work on developing interests and hobbies that's a very easy way to connect with other people it expands certain avenues in your own
other people it expands certain avenues in your own mind it makes you a more interesting person but the other thing I'll really suggest is that make use of the Internet I've had relationships where I found someone off dating apps and that's why I've partnered up with OkCupid remember many many relationships and marriages that we're gonna see over the next 10 years are going to arise out of good dating apps in an age when most dating apps are very surface level it's about being compatible based on looks OkCupid focuses on overall compatibility where they help you find the people who could be ideal for you they ask you foundational questions about political views about your choices and food about your worldview and help you find those other people who'd probably match well with you remember I genuinely feel that we're heading into a world but people find their life partners from the internet from dating apps like OkCupid OkCupid is the dating app I recommend to you keep in mind there's a lot of women out there who want serious stable
a lot of women out there who want serious stable relationships I promise you there's a lot of guys out there who want serious stable relation as well people just don't know where to start they think dating apps all about hookups and they never consider the fact that you know what there might be a dating app that's about the next step in someone's life next long-term relationship the correct kind of partner the correct long-term relationship is what you'll take with you to your grave the person that you make all your memories with the person who you picture when you hear slow romantic songs that person's out there that person's coming when you take one step in the direction of what you want the universe will take ten steps in the direction of you in order to give you what you want take that first step go on an app like OkCupid and find that person you love love is the most beautiful thing in the world dopamine void will get filled by your career a love void will get filled by that right person who is definitely
will get filled by that right person who is definitely coming your way I hope you enjoyed today's episode of the runway show little heavy little from my heart and super honest thank you guys
how difficult is it being a romantic chocolate work hmm and having a 14 year long relation you know when when I'm sitting with a girl I'm romancing the girl generally in the video and I would just you know hold a face like that and just romance hello that I've never done that with my girlfriend everything in life is achievable luckily web open up at a point of time in my life I feel through hard work and dedication and taking it slow you can get it [Music] I use Mara hello what's happening nothing I'm just pretty excited to be over here because I've seen you virtually so much your life me he's pretty big in ona so she'll might be deceiving but if you hug him we'll be like woah if you if you hang out with I wish Mara you'll have an army of girls chasing Neil who's recording this video he told me that by McCulloch Gaja boyish when I enter over to lurk UV light a parking either a what is
lurk UV light a parking either a what is this life you're living bro they're living like a dream life for so many guys that commuted since 14 years so it's I'm really grateful and humbled by the love I get like it's really it's it's really great to get that kind of an attendant and that kind of attention from boys from girls but also you have to like I I don't take anything very seriously in my life and I think nothing is gonna stay so it's just came yeah okay I'm getting it now maybe I won't have it tomorrow so it's that kind of an approach so that keeps me a little K yeah okay right now I'm I'm liking it I'm enjoying it but yeah it's it's gonna be till a time and then it's not going to be there or but coming back to the girls teasing you why do you why do you think this happening specifically to you because there's so many digital actors out there so many actors in general in
digital actors out there so many actors in general in India via girls running towards you it's the axe effect I think it's the kind of videos I do online it's more to do with that I've done a lot of romantic stuff and cute videos with filter poppy and with other channels so you know probably that because of that they think a are yes leave maybe I see yoga sweet but yeah so I've never I've know you know this is a very funny thing where you know when when I'm sitting with a girl I'm romancing the girl generally in the video and I would just you know who love face like that and just romance Allah that I've known that with my girlfriend like I have never done there's a ballet cynical tourism I'll be a wreck there as a career I've never done that with her and she always wonders how are you so romantic on screen and off screen your nor love that I don't know man I just have to do it over there that you know
just have to do it over there that you know like with you it's just so it's it's it's like that I have a lot of questions about your 40 in your long relationship but just for the listeners and viewers I want to mention one thing that I really like sweet guy yes okay and that's that's I'm sure that's why the girls are following you do but you also kind of are really sweet toward all the guys you may do really respectful as a guy so I think if anyone wants to learn how to charm other human beings that's the core aspect of it I really believe honestly I genuinely believe in being kind that's that's the prime moto of my life that there is no reason why you have to be an to anyone just be kind to one another and you will just see everyone being kind to you as well so it's like a reciprocity thing so I think that's the only reason why it works for me because there's no I don't believe in giving
because there's no I don't believe in giving anybody a tough time no no that's a very Punjabi thing to say yeah from Amritsar yeah the vasa from Amritsar Amritsar ebro's so I was at this party recently basically sit in a circle and each person references their own community okay it's like when someone from Maharashtra someone from Punjab someone from Bengal and each person says one good and bad thing hmm and I definitely like all communities even Punjabis have their own flaws like I feel we show off a lot of course dude like it haven't you - like deli malls like when you go to Delhi moans oh my god I felt so cool there everyone was dressed up in the in the most branded things I've ever seen in your life from cap - they said not all of them but some of them and I really looked at them and I felt that this guy must be really rich you know when you see somebody in like a Amira blue that
you see somebody in like a Amira blue that says that there's a lot of people in our state who if they buy five rupees of butter they'll put three rupees on the beer and eat only two rupees Punjabis are sure and that's nothing flashy yeah I made cars so flashy and my dad was like yeah when you do well in life by a pajero I was like that's the last thing I'll do is buy a pajero but the good aspect of it and this to me is really good aspects of Punjabis one is I feel we brought up being taught what real love is in my taught to value love like more than money more than anything so that you know if your siblings I won't double your family's I want double take care of them take care of them irrespective a care of anyone yeah and and the second thing is this be kind of again what you said that just spread respect spread goodness yeah this is also why I feel a Punjabi boys get all the
why I feel a Punjabi boys get all the attention I wanna I want to talk to you about how difficult is it being a romantic chocolate boy hmm and having a 40 in your long relation see I'll tell you there are two a very important thing is whatever I'm doing on screen is a portrayal of what romance is it doesn't generally have to apply in your real life and in my real life I'm pretty different to what I am on screen because it's written in a certain way and have to do that and will do justice to that but in my real life I'm honestly not as romantic as its it's shown in the in the shows and the sketches I do but I really make an effort because when you're dating somebody for 14 years you really have to make sure things have to still be at a level where you're attracted to each other you're you're happy with each other you're growing together there's so many things which a fourteen-year-old relationship requires then I feel
things which a fourteen-year-old relationship requires then I feel a new relationship because you can probably when you're starting off with a new person there are so many things to do so many things to talk about so many experiences but when you over the person for so long the most important thing is honesty the most important thing is just one reason for being with that person like they can be a hundred problems with that human being but you just have to find that one reason why you wanna stick with this person what's your one reason my one reason is my girlfriend is the strongest woman I know and she's the most accepting woman I know in my life so I really love her for that and also I feel respect is very important if I respect her and she respects me for who I am for what I am for what I'm doing then 90 percent of the reasons do not matter you know like if there is mutual respect for the other person you know why relationships or why friendships start going for the tosses
relationships or why friendships start going for the tosses because the respect angle in them starts going down or people start taking you for granted if those things start happening with relationships I feel that's the time when it goes downhill how did you overcome your rough patches through a lot of meditation the relationship rough patches oh yeah I'll tell you why because since you're dating for so long you're immature in the beginning so is your partner and then you're growing to be an individual which the other person is seen and probably you're growing and the other person is not and at a time there might be that she's growing and you're not so it's about being at the same plane or waiting for that human being to come to that path and then growing together grow but by growth you mean carryover oh no Osen growth like spirit like spiritual growth like personal growth now a very shallow example of sharing supposingly I am I am I have a sibling I was told to share all my life everything
I was told to share all my life everything in sibling life is shared only bro in Punjabi in Punjabi luckily I had a sister to play Orioles with it me Toby whatever I get covered up in the Rose so ash now is a single child the concept of sharing is a little alien to single people of course it's there but so when you're dating your first instinct is Kay mine mine yours yours and I was that what is it mine yours you know what I'm gonna say this is a very small example so it's been 14 years now she doesn't give a about sharing and this in there what is your what is mine this is but it takes that long for a person to change now she doesn't care about what's mine what yours it's just as you know that idea of growth happens like this so you gotta give it time you gotta wait if that person is not understanding what being grateful for your life is at one point she will understand I will understand so
one point she will understand I will understand so you have to wait for that person to reach there and grow and that's when you grow together so you're saying like oh your perspectives grow exactly you've grown up thinking a certain thing but then you realize okay this person thinks on a different way and then you try matching that thought it would make sense it yeah if it makes sense to you so now there are so many things where she might branch out into a different human being and I can only give a perspective k bro you know he has a bow hey a saver I am thinking this way maybe I might change my decision go here oh she might change a decision come here but it's about that's what I'm saying it's about being honest in each other brutal honesty to the point that you're forced to think if why is he thinking like this what is the reason like he's not a stupid person so so in that way you match each other so that's very important for any
you match each other so that's very important for any relationship what's the best and worst aspect of a 14-year old relationship best aspect is you're so comfortable she's a part of my universe so you know there's not even a thought like for me it's my mom dad my sister and my girlfriend it's one unit so I have never thought of all escaped grea Alighieri nine in a row she's so that is that comfort is she knows all my friends she knows when I started acting she knows what my dreams she knows everything so insecurities also she knows my insecurities inside out she knows my worst moments in life she's helped me through them so there's just here on the same tangent worst aspect about fourteen-year-old relationship is there are things which you don't have much to do like you've pretty much experienced a lot of things together so making new experiences is something which is a little tough to do but you got to still try and strive for those because that's
to still try and strive for those because that's the only way it will go forward you know what I say and you're not married but you can have a kid exactly exactly exactly and so you just have to find new ways or just be comfortable in what you are also like there have been so many times where people have sat in a car and I like it now you wash now less so I remember like we were in Bandra and a friend of ours was sitting behind and we reached Lokhandwala and I started and talked and we were listening to songs and I feel it's very important to respect silence in a relationship if I'm comfortable with you sitting silent that's pulp fiction a comfortable silences yeah yeah if I'm comfortable with you sitting in silence that I really enjoy your company I don't have to keep yapping all this while to just get a reaction out of you or like I really liked people who are quiet and if you're sharing something with me quietly okay if
if you're sharing something with me quietly okay if you're not okay but you gotta respect the spaces like probably she was thinking about something I was thinking about something the other person was just thinking what I stood not dog it and yeah so being silent with your partner and enjoying that is also a blessing what I like three things you know that are the most beautiful things do she is very beautiful like I'm I feel lucky that I've actually got her she's very patient as a human being with me and the third thing is she's really strong mentally like she's really strong nothing can break her have you ever cried in front of you know a lot of people just generally assume that guys aren't romantic and guys don't want love as much as girls do trust me there's a lot of guys out there who can die for a stable relationship there's a lot of guys out there who won't they Mary Jane Watson for the spider-man I have cried that's okay like in the beginning I used
cried that's okay like in the beginning I used to feel like no account no you know I'm strong absolutely no strength in not showing vulnerability I feel the more vulnerable you are the most stronger you gain yes so bro I also know you now kind of as a brother and you're a really ambitious guy like I know that whatever work you're doing right now you're kind of building towards something making you creating a big legacy yeah how much of a career support system do you get from her that's the first question and second question is also expand on your ambition so of course in terms of our dreams I have certain dreams like I've always been an ambitious kid I always want a Mercedes I always want a good flashy house and a potato Pajero my dad so I really want these things in my life but like step by step I always believe in breaking down your goals I remember at a point I was doing I was assisting in films then I did theta then I did a
in films then I did theta then I did a lot of ads then I wanted to take the jump to films but luckily web open up at that point of time in my life and touchwood it's been great that I've been getting good web shows I'm really happy and grateful for that and now the next step is obviously gonna be digital films or films is what I want to go add like that's obviously your main goal in life do you see yourself being a mainstream stuff of course if you can visualize it I can I do believe it I do believe it like some like I've always believed it like since I started acting I always wanted to be like there so step by step slowly it'll take time but I'll get there because it's it's also a little difficult if you're not from this field if you don't know anyone and my parents are all in it my friends are some of them now I've made them like I didn't have anyone in the start so obviously it's
have anyone in the start so obviously it's gonna take a little time to build your base but then I feel through hard work and dedication and taking it slow you can get it yeah hundred percent dude yeah I think what people don't understand about the world of acting is that it is high pressure especially for the people who are the leads and shows your needs and movies so very high pressure and very no so what is one thing that like the average viewer the average fan may not understand about your world like what's that one difficult aspect oh there's a lot of Rijo still and a lot of practice which goes into it and rejection oh to another level and you get rejected to your face there's no CV like even if you've studied from the best institutions of the planet but if you are not good at the audition he'll say you are not good so you are rejected on your face it's not gonna be the case see we go they come minimal a poor dish in my chair over the
come minimal a poor dish in my chair over the upcoming Liga yeah grab Caloocan invited over a Genaro no one looked mean era or I said that we looked a cat Caribbean merely looks me and then you start that journey of negative downhill slope K oh maybe many knock but here maybe many cheeks buddy maybe manthramo town or fair childhood a self degradation do a point where you're not happy with yourself so I request everyone who was going through rejection to not think of these things because you might not be fitting in that aspect at that point of time but there are 10,000 other aspects you might fit in or you just have to fit in one aspect so just relax and rejection is not anybody's fault it's just probably you didn't fit the bill it's nothing personal so yeah dude like what's been like your worst day of your career let you know it was like the most like what the day probably when there have been times where yawn so many boys days
there have been times where yawn so many boys days I remember one of those first initial auditions when I'd come home and the casting director really humiliated me like what is it he said acting miedo I think about Uniqlo acid and now for it was my first audition and I was there forty people nobody was there to guide me Aram Nagar I reminisce regio Palomino Delta to make her Jackie ruia or mummy go what am I gonna get man you better audition they did that's audition k bother get the container Nana so Jordan abut merrily this audition did they just get over this fear so then I was like okay and the tenth edition I cracked my first ad so I all love my acting career fully to my mom because if she wasn't there at that point of time to help me as an annuity bush also there were times where I remember was replaced from an ID because and you would replace home a very big show as well I wasn't put in
very big show as well I wasn't put in place for a very big show as well that happened like a decently but but you know these things you can't take it to your heart like you know it's the business if they probably don't believe that you can do it okay then I feel there's a lot of a lot of heart if you leave with grace anything it's okay maybe do not work or not work there's no point of being bitter and sad world what what are you gonna get anyways you know what the job up Cooper okay kya he fire them I'll give it a giggle couch couch or Malika no and it's not that only one person is making a project there are thousands of people many fish in the sea Amelia Abimelech a mini madman in exile 1 million right now in life what's your state of mind with operation MBBS coming out it's a big show and it's a show we're not just romantic yeah so what's your what's your state of
romantic yeah so what's your what's your state of mind my state of mind was to do something different and broaden my horizon as an actor and like you asked me what career graph do I want to follow I really want to be a fab actor you don't known for a fab actor and stuff for that respected as an actor and not from anyone else but also from myself that K bro like I never thought I would be able to do you P accent and it was really difficult to think and once you see the finished product and you're like okay you've done a decent job I'm not saying that oh man your money I know in life but you've done a decent job like anyone who just sees that show will not be like hey this guy's not from there so when like I remember you P guy coming up to me and said bro I'm from you P and there is no chance in hell that I think that you're not from you P and that that that that complement
not from you P and that that that that complement means more to me than anything else in the world that you so things like these are what you want to work on and and getting to learn new things yeah in like item if I go to you P now I speak in that accent and that's so cool that I know one axe a now tomorrow if I go to some new place there I'll learn something else and it's just about learning and growing more as a this thing so I this is the space I'm in right now where I want to learn like new things and experiment a little also stick to my guns like a romantic show so I'm a little about that also okay what I'm decent that I'm doing that and what I'm not I'm trying to be decent at that so just probably doing a believable job in whatever I'm doing this podcast is coming to an end I want to end by like just saying one thing man I speak to a lot of people from my industry I mean