{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "The Raelettes vocalist Margie Hendrix" ] }
Question: who sang hit the road jack with ray charles Answer:
Related document: Answer: The Raelettes vocalist Margie Hendrix
The Raelettes vocalist Margie Hendrix
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Mediterranean Sea" ] }
Question: what sea does the nile river flow into Answer:
Related document: Answer: Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean Sea
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Guillermo del Toro" ] }
Question: who won best director at the academy awards Answer:
Related document: Answer: Guillermo del Toro
Guillermo del Toro
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "65" ] }
Question: how old do you have to be to get oas Answer:
Related document: Answer: 65
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Leavesden Film Studios" ] }
Question: where is harry potter and the goblet of fire filmed Answer:
Related document: Answer: Leavesden Film Studios
Leavesden Film Studios
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "four" ] }
Question: how many maroon villages still exist in jamaica today Answer:
Related document: Answer: four
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1974" ] }
Question: when did the first nintendo game come out Answer:
Related document: Answer: 1974
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1980" ] }
Question: when did a sixpence go out of circulation Answer:
Related document: Answer: 1980
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Candace Marie" ] }
Question: who did the voice of miley cyrus on family guy Answer:
Related document: Answer: Candace Marie
Candace Marie
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Benj Pasek", "Justin Paul" ] }
Question: who wrote the music for dear evan hansen Answer:
Related document: Answer: Benj Pasek
Benj Pasek
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "rugby football" ] }
Question: in which game if you pass forward it is considered a foul Answer:
Related document: Answer: rugby football
rugby football
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "January 2015" ] }
Question: when did the london eye become coca cola Answer:
Related document: Answer: January 2015
January 2015
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "country singer Roger Miller" ] }
Question: who sings the original king of the road Answer:
Related document: Answer: country singer Roger Miller
country singer Roger Miller
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "the planet 's rock layers" ] }
Question: where is the geologic history of earth recorded Answer:
Related document: Answer: the planet 's rock layers
the planet 's rock layers
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "2 July 1972" ] }
Question: where was indo pak simla agreement 1972 concluded Answer:
Related document: Answer: 2 July 1972
2 July 1972
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Islam" ] }
Question: what is the most common religion in southeast asia Answer:
Related document: Answer: Islam
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Sterling Holloway" ] }
Question: who is the voice of winnie the pooh Answer:
Related document: Answer: Sterling Holloway
Sterling Holloway
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Paul Walker" ] }
Question: who played brian in fast n furious 7 Answer:
Related document: Answer: Paul Walker
Paul Walker
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "CPA 's" ] }
Question: who does the aicpa code of professional conduct apply to Answer:
Related document: Answer: CPA 's
CPA 's
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "EFI V8" ] }
Question: what kind of engines are in nascar cars Answer:
Related document: Answer: EFI V8
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Newport News Shipbuilding" ] }
Question: who built the gerald r ford aircraft carrier Answer:
Related document: Answer: Newport News Shipbuilding
Newport News Shipbuilding
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "around 3000 years ago" ] }
Question: when did tasmanian devils go extinct on the mainland Answer:
Related document: Answer: around 3000 years ago
around 3000 years ago
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Aja Volkman" ] }
Question: who is the woman in next to me by imagine dragons Answer:
Related document: Answer: Aja Volkman
Aja Volkman
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "untrusted external network" ] }
Question: fire wall is used in communication to save from Answer:
Related document: Answer: untrusted external network
untrusted external network
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Independence , Missouri", "Kansas City ( Missouri )" ] }
Question: where did the oregon trail start in missouri Answer:
Related document: Answer: Independence , Missouri
Independence , Missouri
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "First Lieutenant Israel Greene" ] }
Question: who was the man in charge of the us military at harper 's ferry Answer:
Related document: Answer: First Lieutenant Israel Greene
First Lieutenant Israel Greene
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Alex Vincent" ] }
Question: who played andy in the first child 's play Answer:
Related document: Answer: Alex Vincent
Alex Vincent
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "fifth season" ] }
Question: what season of grey 's does izzy get cancer Answer:
Related document: Answer: fifth season
fifth season
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Qatar" ] }
Question: where will 2022 fifa world cup be held Answer:
Related document: Answer: Qatar
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "non-Indigenous supporters", "Aboriginal people" ] }
Question: who was involved in the 1938 day of mourning Answer:
Related document: Answer: non-Indigenous supporters
non-Indigenous supporters
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "April 10 , 2018" ] }
Question: new girl season 7 episode 1 release date Answer:
Related document: Answer: April 10 , 2018
April 10 , 2018
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "all member nations" ] }
Question: who makes up the general assembly of the un Answer:
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all member nations
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Father Michael J. McGivney" ] }
Question: who was the founder of the knights of columbus Answer:
Related document: Father Michael J. Answer: Father Michael J. McGivney
Father Michael J. McGivney
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Wales", "Scotland" ] }
Question: what country is on the other side of england Answer:
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "the southwestern coast" ] }
Question: on which coast of barbados is the capital bridgetown Answer:
Related document: Answer: the southwestern coast
the southwestern coast
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "2017" ] }
Question: when was last time houston went to world series Answer:
Related document: Answer: 2017
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "41 years" ] }
Question: how long was the eiffel tower the tallest building in the world Answer:
Related document: Answer: 41 years
41 years
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Question: who wrote wake me up when it 's all over Answer:
Related document: Answer: Avicii
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Question: who plays the blue alien on the orville Answer:
Related document: Answer: Mark Jackson
Mark Jackson
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "fourth season" ] }
Question: how many seasons is there of better call saul Answer:
Related document: Answer: fourth season
fourth season
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Atlantic Ocean", "Pacific Ocean" ] }
Question: a ship traveling through the panama canal could be crossing from the Answer:
Related document: Answer: Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "2" ] }
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Related document: Answer: 2
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "in 1949" ] }
Question: when was bhopal state merged in the indian union Answer:
Related document: Answer: in 1949
in 1949
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Randy Newman" ] }
Question: who wrote i think its going to rain today Answer:
Related document: Answer: Randy Newman
Randy Newman
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Charlotte Hayley" ] }
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Related document: Answer: Charlotte Hayley
Charlotte Hayley
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "October 1 , 1957" ] }
Question: when did in god we trust appear on the dollar bill Answer:
Related document: Answer: October 1 , 1957
October 1 , 1957
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Vyāsa" ] }
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Related document: Answer: Vyāsa
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "UCLA" ] }
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Related document: Answer: UCLA
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The Uruk - hai
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Martin Cooper" ] }
Question: who invented the first cell phone ever made Answer:
Related document: Answer: Martin Cooper
Martin Cooper
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Rudyard Kipling" ] }
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Related document: Answer: Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Stephen Curry" ] }
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Related document: Answer: Stephen Curry
Stephen Curry
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "five" ] }
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Related document: Answer: five
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Polymerization of alkenes" ] }
Question: what type of polymer is made by bonding an alkene to one or more alkanes or alkenes Answer:
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Polymerization of alkenes
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Book of Judges" ] }
Question: samson is in what book of the bible Answer:
Related document: Answer: Book of Judges
Book of Judges
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "June 1985" ] }
Question: when did pak n save open in nz Answer:
Related document: Answer: June 1985
June 1985
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "General Bipin Rawat" ] }
Question: name of the present chief of army staff Answer:
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General Bipin Rawat
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Julie Andrews" ] }
Question: who played eliza doolittle in my fair lady Answer:
Related document: Answer: Julie Andrews
Julie Andrews
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "4th millennium BC" ] }
Question: what is the first written record of mankind Answer:
Related document: Answer: 4th millennium BC
4th millennium BC
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "North Carolina" ] }
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Related document: Answer: North Carolina
North Carolina
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Sandra Diaz - Twine" ] }
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Sandra Diaz - Twine
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "April 25 , 2018" ] }
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Related document: Answer: April 25 , 2018
April 25 , 2018
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Juventus", "MLS All - Stars" ] }
Question: who is playing in the mls all star game 2018 Answer:
Related document: Answer: Juventus
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Letty" ] }
Question: who died in the beginning of fast and furious Answer:
Related document: Answer: Letty
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "brain" ] }
Question: where does the optic nerve send most of its information Answer:
Related document: Answer: brain
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1923" ] }
Question: who established the first workable crime ​ laboratory Answer:
Related document: Answer: 1923
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1998" ] }
Question: when was the last time france won the world cup Answer:
Related document: Answer: 1998
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Ganges" ] }
Question: name the rivers that have made the plains of west bengal fertile Answer:
Related document: Answer: Ganges
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "The Hunger Games : Mockingjay", "The Hunger Games" ] }
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Related document: Answer: The Hunger Games : Mockingjay
The Hunger Games : Mockingjay
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Liana Liberato" ] }
Question: who plays the sister in to the bone Answer:
Related document: Answer: Liana Liberato
Liana Liberato
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Ramsay Bolton", "Jon Snow" ] }
Question: who fights in the battle of the bastards Answer:
Related document: Answer: Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay Bolton
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Thon Maker" ] }
Question: who is the last player to go from highschool to the nba Answer:
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Thon Maker
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "a Capulet masked ball" ] }
Question: when was the first time romeo saw juliet Answer:
Related document: Answer: a Capulet masked ball
a Capulet masked ball
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "April 15 , 1964" ] }
Question: when was the chesapeake bay bridge tunnel built Answer:
Related document: Answer: April 15 , 1964
April 15 , 1964
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Awan" ] }
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Related document: Answer: Awan
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Demi Lovato" ] }
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Related document: Answer: Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Mary Quant" ] }
Question: who popularized the mini skirt in the 60s Answer:
Related document: Answer: Mary Quant
Mary Quant
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Cirrhosis" ] }
Question: what is the most common manifestation of portal hypertension -- induced splenomegaly Answer:
Related document: Answer: Cirrhosis
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "April 3 , 1973" ] }
Question: when was the first handheld mobile phone invented Answer:
Related document: Answer: April 3 , 1973
April 3 , 1973
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Guaranteed Rate Field" ] }
Question: what is the name of chicago white sox stadium Answer:
Related document: Answer: Guaranteed Rate Field
Guaranteed Rate Field
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "John Sullivan" ] }
Question: who sings the only fools and horses theme Answer:
Related document: Answer: John Sullivan
John Sullivan
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1991" ] }
Question: when was the first beauty and the beast made Answer:
Related document: Answer: 1991
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "2016" ] }
Question: when did the cavs win their first championship Answer:
Related document: Answer: 2016
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "the late 1970s" ] }
Question: when did the us start putting ethanol in gasoline Answer:
Related document: Answer: the late 1970s
the late 1970s
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "10" ] }
Question: how many countries will qualify for world cup from south america Answer:
Related document: Answer: 10
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "September 1 , 2010" ] }
Question: when did the apple tv 2 come out Answer:
Related document: Answer: September 1 , 2010
September 1 , 2010
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "2009" ] }
Question: when did stephen curry get drafted to the nba Answer:
Related document: Answer: 2009
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Louis Prima" ] }
Question: who was the voice of king louie in the original jungle book Answer:
Related document: Answer: Louis Prima
Louis Prima
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1 June 2019" ] }
Question: when does the women 's soccer world cup start Answer:
Related document: Answer: 1 June 2019
1 June 2019
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "48" ] }
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Related document: Answer: 48
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "continental slope" ] }
Question: what is the drop off in the ocean Answer:
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continental slope
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "University of Central Arkansas" ] }
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Related document: Answer: University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Arkansas
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "September 26 , 2017" ] }
Question: when does transformers the last knoght come out on dvd Answer:
Related document: Answer: September 26 , 2017
September 26 , 2017
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Booboo Stewart", "Cameron Boyce", "Sofia Carson", "Dove Cameron" ] }
Question: who sings rotten to the core from descendants Answer:
Related document: Answer: Booboo Stewart
Booboo Stewart
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "E-6" ] }
Question: what rank is a staff sergeant in the marines Answer:
Related document: Answer: E-6
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Sir Ian Murray McKellen" ] }
Question: who played gandalf in lord of the rings trilogy Answer:
Related document: Answer: Sir Ian Murray McKellen
Sir Ian Murray McKellen
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Gemma" ] }
Question: who killed tara in sons of anarchy season 6 Answer:
Related document: Answer: Gemma
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "6" ] }
Question: how many championships does the chicago bulls have Answer:
Related document: Answer: 6
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1981" ] }
Question: when was the first personal computer sold to the public Answer:
Related document: Answer: 1981
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Berlin", "Rome" ] }
Question: the axis powers were named axis between which two european capitals Answer:
Related document: Answer: Berlin