{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "7" ] }
Question: total number of nuclear power plants in india Answer:
Related document: Answer: 7
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "€ 8,500,000" ] }
Question: what is the prize for winning europa league Answer:
Related document: Answer: € 8,500,000
€ 8,500,000
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1347" ] }
Question: when did the black death get to europe Answer:
Related document: Answer: 1347
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "July 4 , 1946" ] }
Question: when did the philippines become an independent country Answer:
Related document: Answer: July 4 , 1946
July 4 , 1946
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "2004" ] }
Question: what year did the cadillac srx come out Answer:
Related document: Answer: 2004
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "United States" ] }
Question: who helped israel in the yom kippur war Answer:
Related document: Answer: United States
United States
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Maroon 5" ] }
Question: who sings i 've got the moves like jagger Answer:
Related document: Answer: Maroon 5
Maroon 5
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "603 rhombus - shaped", "70 triangular glass segments" ] }
Question: how many panes of glass in the louvre pyramid Answer:
Related document: Answer: 603 rhombus - shaped
603 rhombus - shaped
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Ivan Cleary" ] }
Question: who is the longest serving coach of the nz warriors Answer:
Related document: Answer: Ivan Cleary
Ivan Cleary
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "the Patriots" ] }
Question: who has won the afc east the most Answer:
Related document: Answer: the Patriots
the Patriots
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "replicon" ] }
Question: prokaryotic cells may also contain small rings of dna known as Answer:
Related document: Answer: replicon
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "September 25 , 2014" ] }
Question: when is the 100 book 2 coming out Answer:
Related document: Answer: September 25 , 2014
September 25 , 2014
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "17" ] }
Question: how many languages in new 500 rupee note Answer:
Related document: Answer: 17
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Matt Prater" ] }
Question: who has longest field goal in nfl history Answer:
Related document: Answer: Matt Prater
Matt Prater
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Effie Trinket" ] }
Question: who does elizabeth banks play in hunger games Answer:
Related document: Answer: Effie Trinket
Effie Trinket
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "on Paradise Island", "Several locations around New Providence" ] }
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Related document: Answer: on Paradise Island
on Paradise Island
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "649,739 : 1" ] }
Question: what are the odds of getting a royal flush in poker Answer:
Related document: Answer: 649,739 : 1
649,739 : 1
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Haydon" ] }
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Related document: Answer: Haydon
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Hells Canyon" ] }
Question: what is the deepest canyon in north america Answer:
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Hells Canyon
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Metaphase" ] }
Question: part of mitosis wherein the chromosomes align at the equator Answer:
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "north of the Equator" ] }
Question: is costa rica north or south of the equator Answer:
Related document: Answer: north of the Equator
north of the Equator
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "the works of Aristotle" ] }
Question: where did the term common sense come from Answer:
Related document: Answer: the works of Aristotle
the works of Aristotle
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "compound microscopes", "simple microscopes" ] }
Question: what are two different types of light microscopes Answer:
Related document: Answer: compound microscopes
compound microscopes
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Naomi Watts" ] }
Question: what is the name of the actress in king kong Answer:
Related document: Answer: Naomi Watts
Naomi Watts
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Duke Ellington" ] }
Question: who sings do n 't get around much anymore Answer:
Related document: Answer: Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Typically Tropical" ] }
Question: who sang whoa we 're going to barbados Answer:
Related document: Answer: Typically Tropical
Typically Tropical
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "β" ] }
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Related document: Answer: β
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Parkland" ] }
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John DiMaggio
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Option key
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "American Airlines" ] }
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American Airlines
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "95 %" ] }
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Related document: Answer: 95 %
95 %
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Springfield , Missouri" ] }
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Related document: Answer: Springfield , Missouri
Springfield , Missouri
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Cornell University
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Hailee Steinfeld
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Question: what type of wood will sink in water Answer:
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Lignum vitae
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "702 AD" ] }
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Related document: Answer: 702 AD
702 AD
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Leo Varadkar , TD
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "crank" ] }
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "26 May 1967" ] }
Question: when was sgt pepper released in the uk Answer:
Related document: Answer: 26 May 1967
26 May 1967
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1824" ] }
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Related document: Answer: 1824
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Jay Crawford and Dana Jacobson
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Crystal Chappell
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Samuel Pepys
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April 28 , 2017
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Delhi Junction
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Warner Bros.
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Indian Rebellion of 1857 ,
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Book of Genesis
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "August 1979" ] }
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August 1979
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Joshua and Caleb
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Jasmine Burrows
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Ho Chi Minh
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "network management protocol" ] }
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network management protocol
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Dutch process" ] }
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Dutch process
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1978" ] }
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Mr. Suresh Prabhu" ] }
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Mr. Suresh Prabhu
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Joe Nichols
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June Gable
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Mother Abbess
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "August 10 , 2018" ] }
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August 10 , 2018
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American football
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "$32,500 to $60,000" ] }
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$32,500 to $60,000
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Derek Hough
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Durango , in northern Mexico
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "December 1929" ] }
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December 1929
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "February 7 , 2008" ] }
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February 7 , 2008
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "James Watson", "Francis Crick" ] }
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James Watson
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Colin Ford
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "June 16 , 2017" ] }
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June 16 , 2017
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "March 13 , 2018" ] }
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March 13 , 2018
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April 20 , 2018
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San Francisco 49ers
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West Germany
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Confederate" ] }
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1956" ] }
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Stabilimento Artistico Bertoni company
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "TD Ameritrade Park Omaha" ] }
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TD Ameritrade Park Omaha
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Peter Claver Cullen
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "white Pentelic marble" ] }
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white Pentelic marble
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "two" ] }
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "British band Tears for Fears" ] }
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Related document: Answer: British band Tears for Fears
British band Tears for Fears
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1943", "1988" ] }
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Related document: Answer: 1943
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "corium" ] }
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{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1917" ] }
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Related document: Answer: 1917
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "makes you happy", "lovable" ] }
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makes you happy
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Related document: Answer: Beverly Thorn
Beverly Thorn
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Reema Ruspoli
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Daren Maxwell Kagasoff
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "farcical" ] }
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Related document: Answer: farcical
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "maintain world peace" ] }
Question: what is the main purpose of the league of nations Answer:
Related document: Answer: maintain world peace
maintain world peace
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Proletarii" ] }
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Related document: Answer: Proletarii