{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Mila Kunis", "Lacey Chabert" ] }
Question: who did the voice of meg on family guy Answer:
Mila Kunis
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Gordon Lightfoot" ] }
Question: who wrote if you could read my mind Answer:
Gordon Lightfoot
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "General" ] }
Question: what is the highest rank in the marine corps Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "an early age" ] }
Question: what age did the williams sisters start playing tennis Answer:
an early age
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1973" ] }
Question: when did military draft end in the us Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Bird Girl" ] }
Question: statue from in the garden of good and evil Answer:
Bird Girl
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "2016" ] }
Question: when did recreational weed become legal in california Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "William Costello" ] }
Question: who was the original voice of popeye the sailor Answer:
William Costello
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1776" ] }
Question: when did america become known as the united states Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Fairuza Balk" ] }
Question: who played dorothy gale in return to oz Answer:
Fairuza Balk
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1981" ] }
Question: when was disney the fox and the hound first released Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "16" ] }
Question: how many episodes are there in season 6 of nashville Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1964" ] }
Question: when was charlie and the chocolate factory written Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Christopher Eccleston", "Gina McKee", "Mark Strong", "Daniel Craig" ] }
Question: who starred in our friends in the north Answer:
Christopher Eccleston
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "December" ] }
Question: when does the radio times come out for christmas Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Ashley Jones" ] }
Question: who played bridget on the bold and the beautiful Answer:
Ashley Jones
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "the sixth season" ] }
Question: what season does izzie stevens leave grey 's anatomy Answer:
the sixth season
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Seth Magaziner" ] }
Question: state of rhode island and providence plantations general treasurer Answer:
Seth Magaziner
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "the inferior vena cava" ] }
Question: where does blood go to from the renal vein Answer:
the inferior vena cava
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Alex" ] }
Question: who does rosie end up with in love rosie Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Chhaachh" ] }
Question: cooling indian drink made from yogurt or buttermilk Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "in May" ] }
Question: when was the neutrality act of 1937 passed Answer:
in May
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "upper house" ] }
Question: what is another name for the senate in australia Answer:
upper house
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Barenaked Ladies" ] }
Question: who sings if i had a million dollars song Answer:
Barenaked Ladies
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "James Cromwell" ] }
Question: who played the warden in the longest yard Answer:
James Cromwell
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Gerald Ford" ] }
Question: first president to say live from new york on snl Answer:
Gerald Ford
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "DeAndre Jordan" ] }
Question: who has highest field goal percentage in nba Answer:
DeAndre Jordan
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "29" ] }
Question: how many letters are in the danish alphabet Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Saint Lucian Creole French", "English" ] }
Question: what language do they speak on st lucia Answer:
Saint Lucian Creole French
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1973" ] }
Question: when was the first cuisinart food processor made Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Michael Nesmith" ] }
Question: who said the hits just keep on coming Answer:
Michael Nesmith
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "The Marvelettes" ] }
Question: who sings in the song feel it still Answer:
The Marvelettes
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Jean Hagen", "Debbie Reynolds", "Donald O'Connor", "Gene Kelly", "Rita Moreno", "Millard Mitchell", "Douglas Fowley", "Cyd Charisse" ] }
Question: who are the actors in singing in the rain Answer:
Jean Hagen
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "A tittle or superscript dot" ] }
Question: what is the dot on top of an i called Answer:
A tittle or superscript dot
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "5 May 2022" ] }
Question: when will the next general election be held in the uk Answer:
5 May 2022
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Memorial Field Airport" ] }
Question: is there an airport in hot springs arkansas Answer:
Memorial Field Airport
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "about 4.54 billion years ago" ] }
Question: when does the geological record indicate that the earth formed Answer:
about 4.54 billion years ago
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "2006", "1974", "2010", "2014" ] }
Question: when did australia qualify for the world cup Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "June 15 , 1994" ] }
Question: when did the first lion king come out Answer:
June 15 , 1994
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Philip Bliss" ] }
Question: who compose it is well with my soul Answer:
Philip Bliss
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "American duo Hall & Oates" ] }
Question: who sings everytime you go away you take a piece of me with you Answer:
American duo Hall & Oates
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "more than 100 minutes" ] }
Question: how long can an elephant seal hold its breath Answer:
more than 100 minutes
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "childhood of a fascist leader" ] }
Question: who is the childhood of a leader based on Answer:
childhood of a fascist leader
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "estuarine fisheries" ] }
Question: how did the calusa tribe get their food Answer:
estuarine fisheries
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Nicholas Offerman" ] }
Question: who played ron swanson on parks and recreation Answer:
Nicholas Offerman
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Rutherford B. Hayes" ] }
Question: which president withdrew the last federal troops from the south Answer:
Rutherford B. Hayes
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Jeri Lynn Ryan" ] }
Question: who played 7 of 9 on star trek voyager Answer:
Jeri Lynn Ryan
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "the Polynesian island of Motunui" ] }
Question: where is the movie moana based out of Answer:
the Polynesian island of Motunui
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Mahathir Mohamad" ] }
Question: who is the seventh prime minister of malaysia Answer:
Mahathir Mohamad
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "A lunar eclipse" ] }
Question: what occurs at a full moon when the earth is directly between the moon and the sun Answer:
A lunar eclipse
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Battlegrounds" ] }
Question: which came first pubg or fortnite battle royale Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "the 7th century" ] }
Question: when was the pantheon converted into a church Answer:
the 7th century
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "James" ] }
Question: who sang sit down with peter kay for comic relief Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "capillaries", "glomeruli", "alveoli" ] }
Question: where is simple squamous located in the body Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Winterfell", "Meereen ," ] }
Question: where did battle of the bastards take place Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Scott Harris", "Teddy Geiger", "Shawn Mendes", "Geoff Warburton" ] }
Question: who wrote there 's nothing holdin me back Answer:
Scott Harris
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Pilou Asbæk" ] }
Question: who plays batou in ghost in the shell Answer:
Pilou Asbæk
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Japan" ] }
Question: where is the rugby world cup being held next year Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Pingali Venkayya" ] }
Question: who is designed the national flag of india Answer:
Pingali Venkayya
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "18" ] }
Question: what is the minimum drinking age in ireland Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Transportation" ] }
Question: what sector of the u.s. economy consumes the greatest percentage of petroleum Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Alfred Binet" ] }
Question: who was responsible for the initial work on measuring intelligence Answer:
Alfred Binet
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1999" ] }
Question: when did the first smart phone come out Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "an office" ] }
Question: where did thelma lou work on the andy griffith show Answer:
an office
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "On September 16 , 2008" ] }
Question: when did the stock market crash in 2008 Answer:
On September 16 , 2008
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Dr Oluranti Adebule" ] }
Question: what is the name of lagos state deputy governor Answer:
Dr Oluranti Adebule
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "November 7 , 2017" ] }
Question: when does the movie november criminals come out Answer:
November 7 , 2017
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Wegener" ] }
Question: who was the german meteorologist who pioneered the theory of continental drift and plate tectonics Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "cot" ] }
Question: what do they call a crib in england Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1740" ] }
Question: when was the book beauty and the beast written Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "architect" ] }
Question: thomas hardy was brought up to the profession of Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Saltalamacchia" ] }
Question: who has the longest last name in mlb history Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "nephrons" ] }
Question: which structure of the excretory system mainly functions in filtration Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "England 's Edward II" ] }
Question: who is the edward in flower of scotland Answer:
England 's Edward II
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Betty Cooper" ] }
Question: who does archie end up with in the comic books Answer:
Betty Cooper
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Robin Ellis" ] }
Question: who played ross poldark in the original tv series Answer:
Robin Ellis
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "metre" ] }
Question: standard unit of length in the metric system Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "England", "Transylvania" ] }
Question: where does bram stoker 's dracula take place Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1915" ] }
Question: when was the term shell shock first used Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Mickey and Sylvia" ] }
Question: who sings the lover boy song in dirty dancing Answer:
Mickey and Sylvia
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "2006" ] }
Question: when did zidane leave real madrid as a player Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "around 30 weeks after conception" ] }
Question: when does the fetus begin to develop memory Answer:
around 30 weeks after conception
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "1982" ] }
Question: when did they stop putting copper in pennies Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Kandireega" ] }
Question: main tera hero is a remake of which movie Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Sonny Curtis" ] }
Question: who sang the theme song for the mary tyler moore show Answer:
Sonny Curtis
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "22" ] }
Question: which episode of charmed does piper get pregnant Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Rihanna" ] }
Question: who sings lightning this is what you came for Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "North Carolina" ] }
Question: where does wicked tuna outer banks take place Answer:
North Carolina
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "March 11 , 2018" ] }
Question: when does the new season of american idol come out Answer:
March 11 , 2018
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Serena Williams" ] }
Question: who wins the 2017 australian open women 's single title Answer:
Serena Williams
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Japan", "Italy", "Germany" ] }
Question: who did the usa fight in world war 2 Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Kenneth Branagh" ] }
Question: who is playing poirot in the new film Answer:
Kenneth Branagh
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Nick Grimshaw", "Rita Ora", "Simon Cowell", "Cheryl Fernandez - Versini" ] }
Question: who are the judges on x factor uk 2015 Answer:
Nick Grimshaw
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Sexual selection" ] }
Question: the stage of life at which both sexes become capable of reproduction is Answer:
Sexual selection
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "René Descartes" ] }
Question: who came up with the cartesian coordinate system Answer:
René Descartes
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Scotland" ] }
Question: where did hair of the dog come from Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "David Gilmour" ] }
Question: who played lead guitar on no more lonely nights Answer:
David Gilmour
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Randy Meisner" ] }
Question: who sings take it to the limit in the eagles Answer:
Randy Meisner
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "Congress" ] }
Question: who has the power to create an army Answer:
{ "answer_start": [], "text": [ "no - flux boundary" ] }
Question: what is one condition for diffusion to take place Answer:
no - flux boundary