### Instruction: Hello, I just had unprotected sex with my husband about three hour ago. After an hour I took one tablet of Gynaecosid and am yet to take the second one. Please I will like to know if it will work. I am within the 12 day after my mensuration. I had unprotected sex eight day after my period but I felt am save so didnt use any drugs but today is the 12th - 12th day so I decided to take one tablet of Gynaecosid. I hope it works. ### Response:
Hello, Thanks for posting your query. Fertile period is 3 days before & 2 days after ovulation & you are in mid of your cycle. To avoid pregnancy you should take emergency contraceptive pills. Gynaecosid is used in secondary amenorrhea excluding pregnancy for with Chat Doctor. I hope your query has been answered.
### Instruction: Hi. I have a history of kidney stones and I recently just passed another stone back in December. I woke up today, though, in terrible pain. I feel like Im going to vomit, like something tight is gagging me around my neck. Im very hot. There is blood in my stool and I dont think Im going to leave the bathroom any time soon. Could this be another kidney stone? Or is the blood in my stool from something else? Your response is very important to me. Please and thank you! ### Response:
Hi, Renal calculus when passes through ureteric wall it irritates it n have severe pain in flank which can radiate to groin thigh umbilicus scrotum /labia major associated with nausea vomiting and other urinary symptoms including hematuria. It never causes blood in stool which can be due to pathology in GIT. So visit a gastrosurgeon for bleeding PR and Urologist for your Renal calculus. Hope this ll help Thanks n regards
### Instruction: I feel as though there is a liquid near the surface of my upper left chest muscle near the arm pit that burns when I lean foreword in a standing position. The burn is very intense like a white hot iron is slouching in that area. just started 4 hours ago and is increasing in area. feels liquid in nature, but i feel no bump and it may be inside rib at that location? do not feel it by putting finger pressure in general area. ### Response:
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion you should first get done 1. Chest x-ray 2. Ultrasound examination of local part. Lung infection or skin infection (left upper chest area) can cause symptoms of burning and fluid sensation. If both these are normal then no need to worry about major diseases. Also get done vitamin B 12 level, hemoglobin estimation as b 12 deficiency and anemia can give rise to similar sensation. If any of these are deficient then you need supplements. Don't worry, you will be alright.
### Instruction: Hello: My two daughter came home today without any indication of an infection in her vaginal area. But this evening she started complaining hurt. I asked her to show me where and she touched her vagina. I bathed her and checked her out before and after. She appears to have a yeast infection (which I did not notice earlier this evening) and a fishy order. She has never had a yeast infection before so I m not sure what s going on. She is potty training, please help. Thank you in advance. ### Response:
Hi, Having fishy odor with pain might be due to some irritation produced by itching on the part. This can be due to local unhealthy hygiene. Clean local part with water and apply antibiotic cream. Make a habit of cleaning local part with running water after passing bowel and urination. Do not allow her to play in clay or dusty playground. Ok and take care.
### Instruction: I have noticed that I ve been getting these sore reddish spots with a white ring around them on my tounge.the spot on my tounge is reddish with a white ring around it and the other 3 are bigger patches on the back of my tounge but there not red,they do have a white ring around them nd they look as if I been eating to much sour stuff which I have not.the only one that is slightly painful is the reddish one on the tip of my tounge,what could this be and should I be worried? They come and go ### Response:
Hello there, You may have a manifestation of a micronutrient deficiency. You should have a multivitamin once a day for the next 1 week preferably one with vitamin b-12(cyanocobalamine) and then assess whether your spots go down. If they don't the pleasing visit a doctor who would do tests to evaluate any underlying deficiency. Also adding probiotics to your diet like yogurt would help. Thank you for your query, Chat Doctor.
### Instruction: I have been feeling a lot of tightness in my chest. A recent stress test showed that I have low probability. I was able to reach my target heart rate. I still have the pressure, mostly upon waking. I have had thyroid cancer and my medication was changed from Levoxyl (no longer on the market) to Synthroid (which I took for 16 years before being dxd w/CA. Should I have further testing done? ### Response:
You need to get evaluated further if the symptoms are troublesome, recurrence of thyroid cancer needs to be ruled out also.
### Instruction: Hello Sir, I have skin allergy to avoid itching i have to take cetrizine alternate day.because cetrize i feel sleepy and cozy , is there any treatment for this permanently. Please advice i am facing this problem for last 5 years i am 32 years old man. ### Response:
Hi, thanks for using Chat Doctor The only cure for the allergy would be to avoid the source if it is known. There are allergy tests that can be done to determine the source of the response. These can be in the form of blood tests or skin tests. If the source is not known, or you cannot avoid it then the allergy would continue, and would need to continue the antihistamines. Though cetirizine is non Chat Doctor. You may want to try other non
### Instruction: what would cause me to lose 1.5 inches of height in less than 1 year s time? I am 54. Female, in menapause. I have bone density tests every few years (the last one being Dec. 2011) and always pass with flying colors results with lowest possible risk factors. ### Response:
Hello, Your symptoms could be related to chronic degeneration of the intervertebral disks or the vertebral column bones. For this reason, I recommend performing an X-ray study of the vertebral column. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
### Instruction: My cellulitis has existed for about 4 months. The warmth and redness have disappeared but the swelling is still here, though has diminished quite a bit. Tightness still in my ankle and sometimes some pain. I do put my leg up often and use a compression stocking. Antibiotics have not been effective. Used a topical homeopathic ointment which seemed to help. Doesn t seem to be caused by an infection;most probably an autoimmune condition as I had my thyroid removed 5 yrs. ago with resultant fatigue. I m 87, 5 5 . I read recently that I should stay in bed most of the time with my leg up. Is that really necessary? Will this condition go away eventually? How can I improve my autoimmune condition? ### Response:
Hello Their have gone through your question, I had a same case with swelling in ankle area because of the cellulitis, I have found electro-therapy effective in the treating the swelling caused by cellulitis. We call this machine IT [inter-ferential therapy]. An experienced Physiotherapy will give you IT treatment at a frequency of 70-100 and if pain is there 20-30 frequency current would be the meantime you can start calf stretching to activate "pumping mechanism" of your calf muscles as Calf muscle is called as HEART of lower body. So once these muscles get activated swelling would not e a problem anymore. Also try Isometric exercises of calf muscle. I am hoping a speedy recovery for you. Regards
### Instruction: I had a laparoscopic appendectomy 4 weeks ago. My abdomen is not bloated and I am not experiencing gas problems, but the area around my navel feels very tight. Additionally, my appetite has decreased significantly post operation and my stomach feels upset after I finish a meal. Are these problems normal following my procedure? I went for a post-op checkup two weeks following the operation and the surgeon thought that all looked very well. ### Response:
Hi Thanks for writing in Usually after Laparoscopic surgery the port around the umbilicus is closed in layers to prevent port herniation As a result is mat appear tight for around 4 to 6 weeks If after that it remains so and there are other symptoms you should go for an ultrasound Add a probiotic twice a day and an antacid to prevent post radial pain Hope this helped well soon
### Instruction: Hi Sir, My mother is 68yeasr old, and from very recently from 1year she got into wheesing and continious coughing, feeling chest heaviness, my mother had check x-ray and PFT which is normal, and she is been adviced to take omnacartil medicine but with this medicie she getting very week. is there any other medicine to get rid of this wheezing and couphing problem... she is also taking Asthalin nebulisation but this was giving her a temporary healing and again the cough and wheezing is back... please suggest ### Response:
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should start oral bronchodilators. There are many good oral bronchodilators available. 1. Theophylline derivatives like acebrophyllin, doxophyllin etc2. BambuterolYou can also try antiallergic and antihistamine tablet once in night. Better to give her LAB (Long Acting Beta 2 Agonist) and ICS (Inhaled corticosteroids) as they are long acting and gives relief for almost 12 hours, while Stalin gives only relief for 3-4 hours.
### Instruction: hi my dad is 67 but had a heart attack 11years ago. He has diabeiteis, high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis. Hes been retaining water alot more over the last few months and has had several hospital visits to help pass out the extra water that the medication hes taking is not doing fast enough. They say his heart is working at 10% now, he has a difibulator which didnt shock him back in december when he lost consciousness due to a lack of oxygen to the brain. We do believe he is having renal problems as well but the doctors take blood test and say its fine. Whats the likely hood of life expectancy when his heart is so weak? ### Response:
Not long, 10% efficacy is too low for the heart to do his proper work and supply the blood requirements for the whole ranges from few months to a year...
### Instruction: Trying to conceive for over a year now and just started tracking my basil body temp to see if I ovulate. My doctor said that when it s at it s lowest is when you are ovulating and then it increases right after that. While my temp was at it s lowest and I thought I could be ovulating I also did a few ovulation predictor tests each day and they all said negative so now I m not sure what to think. Is there any other type of test you can do to check and see if you re ovulating and/or are ovulation predictions tests accurate? I have tried ovulation predictors before and they have never read positive but why would my temp drop like it did earlier this month (and I wasn t sick or anything)? ### Response:
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The ovulation predictor kits are a more accurate to identify the time of ovulation rather than a basal body temperature method. The BBT depends on the progesterone levels of the body while LH surge kit detects the high level of LH in urine. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you.
### Instruction: Hi Good MorningI am 33 years old IT professional working in Bangalore India. My wife has some health issue....1. She could not walk much...legs get swell2. hair falling 3. Digestion problem.4. She does not sleep properly.5. we both smoke. 2-3 perday sharing.6. weakness7. and very enger and rigid.Please help me out how to work out to increase her hemoglovin... and other ...? ### Response:
HiI understand your concern.1st of all she requires body check up and routine tests like CBC, FT, LFT and thyroid profile. Medical cause need to be rule out 1st. Hemoglobin can increase with medicines which has iron content. There are lots of preparation of multivitamin available which will help in weakness and for general health. For a good sleep following will helpful certain routines and lifestyle modification will help you like fix sleep schedule and stick on it, no daytime sleep exercise that makes you fatigueRelaxation, yoga and meditations avoid alcohol and smoking, avoid heavy meal in dinner, avoid tea coffee soft Chat Doctor. But go for physical check up and get well soon. Thank you.
### Instruction: hi today like 5 hours ago i climbed a rusty net and i have 3 verry verry tiny scratches on my hand... if im infected by tentanus can i go tomorrow instead of today? because its 1:30am right now...or it can infect me permanently untill tomorrow? i am 15 years old ### Response:
Hii appreciate your concerns would like to know about your previous immunization for tetanus if you are well immunized, taken last TT injection within last 5 years you need not worry, as such you had just tiny scratches so It's not so bothersome as well. You can take it tomorrow Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help wish you good health Chat Doctor.
### Instruction: hello sir.i m 21 yrs old face was very clear but there are some freckles on my nose. i have remove the freckles from my face a month ago. but the scars are left behind.the brown spots are seen on my nose and chiks. i m using mederma for that. is it ok for my scars. please tell me how to remove the scars within days. thank you ### Response:
Hitill date there is no treatment that remove scar within takes months to remove it. Cream will not effective in scar consult dermatologist for better option.-dermarolller-peeling-subcision will effective
### Instruction: I got onto a 4 wheeler the other day and a metal bar scraped the back of my calf. It was scaped pretty bad and was tender for about a week very soon after now there is a few lumps "knots" throughout the area where the scrape occured and the knots are tender to the touch. Any idea what this could be and will it go away? ### Response:
Hi, From history it seems that there might be having some soft tissue infection followed by metal bar injury. You might require one course of antibiotic medicine for 3-5 days. Clean local part with warm water and apply antibiotic cream. Ok and take care.
### Instruction: My 3 year old daughter complains headache and throat pain since yesterday. Shes also having a hard time sleeping right now. She doesnt have fever but shes asking for blanket, telling me shes cold but were in a tropical-hot country and its really humid-hot right now, so Im really concerned if shes alright. ### Response:
Welcome to the ChatDoctorI completely understand your concerns but don't worry. The most likely reason for these symptoms are self limiting viral infections. They just need symptomatic treatment. I recommend the following for such cases:-Acetaminophen for fever spikes and throat pain.-Warm saline gargles with antihistamine such as Chlorpheniramine or Ben Chat Doctor. This will relieve the throat infection.- since the sinus congestion is most likely reason for associated headache, steam inhalation or use of humidifiers during sleep are useful remedies.- use antibiotics after throat swab culture for streptococcal infection if the symptoms are severe and fever spikes occur. Hopefully this will be helpful. Take care
### Instruction: Hello, I recently developed a very itchy penis which when I itch, leads to red patchs which sometimes become red and glossy. It is very irritable and causes pain when i have intercourse. I also have developed itchy thighs.. It started just at the top and has now developed over most of my thighs. The itching comes and goes and shows in small patches , not lumps but itchy red spots. i am worried that it is an std as i have had a lot of unprotected sex recently (lesson learnt) but the symptoms don t relate to any std so i m puzzled!? i also have what i thought was joggers nipple? very itchy nipple and also my face sometimes has dry patches on the eyelids and near the hair receding line? It has been going on for the last 3 months and as i m still in China and not a native speaker, i can t really find any treatment or diagnosis. please help? ### Response:
HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI can understand this, these are two different conditions and that might not be due to unsafe intercourse, but this could be some allergic rash might have developed at the same time in two different areas, just wait till few more days the chances of getting alright on its own is likely, if this does not go away, then you can use "Tab Levocetrizine 10 mg three times in day" hope this information helps you, have a nice day.
### Instruction: Hi, I was just at the dentist and they discovered a black area on the left lower jaw area below my teeth and they called me back and said I should go get a CT scan. I am 23 years old and otherwise healthy, is cancer the only thing this could be? I had a root canal re done last year on that same side but this black area isnt underneath that tooth it is along the other ones next to it. ### Response:
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your quarry. Cancer is the less common thing that could be. Tooth tumors are rare especially in your age, but it must be ruled out of course. It can be any benign mass, abscess, tooth tissue, neuroma, or calcification. CT would show exact size and signs of infiltration but i don't think it would be serious. Even if this is, it can be surgical managed. Wish you good health.
### Instruction: Good Morning,When i was cleaning toilet,I have mixed Harpic and Bleach almost 250 Ml,It created a fume and i exposed in it,almost 3 hrs i was sneezing and coughing and felt dizziness,Now its almost one moth over,But still i am sneezing ang coughing in the morning and night time with heavily clogged nose and extreme amouunt of puss/cougChatDoctores from nose as well.Is it a disease caused by the exposure.Kindly let me know. ### Response:
Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. I will try to explain to you that how this occurs. When there was fume (smoke) due to reaction of bleach +Harris, it entered in your lungs through inhalation, and you developed allergy. This fume was a predisposing factor, otherwise your lungs were already sensitive to allergy. Due to this allergy there develops, coughing, sneezing, tears from eyes, red eyes, nasal discharge, itching in eyes and over face. Due to these symptoms you got infection and this produces expectoration (phlegm or pus in your words). Please don't worry, be tension free, this sort of allergy is very common. Consult a physician and take treatment, once alright (cure), forget, again allergy take treatment. Antihistamine + bronchodilator helps in this type of condition. If infection than take antibiotics. Good luck.
### Instruction: Hi, I am 19 year old and have been mastubrating since the age of 8. I am a bit light weight for my age and also, my back pains a lot. Is it due to mastubration? Cause i have a healthy diet and was born very healthy. And how should I overcome these effects. ### Response:
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Masturbation i not sin or is dangerous. Masturbation cannot make you sick or unhealthy. It is natural and even animals do it. In saying that you started masturbation at the age of 8 is a bit exaggerating. Puberty is attained after around 11. Masturbation before that cannot produce the desired result. Secondly, Masturbation cannot make you thin. But the anxiety associated with it can make you thin. If you are able to take proper nutritious and healthy food, then you should not be thin. Inspire, if you are thin, either you have some anxiety disorders or some wasting diseases like anemia. Consult a doctor to diagnose. For psychological or sexological counseling visit Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
### Instruction: my daughter last tuesday had opperation for cancer had labia and both lymph glands removed she is in hosptil 7 days tomorrow. where she has lymph glands removed .she is loosing a lot of blood from one side for about 3 days where gland was removed ,also that leg was very swollen,since the blood been comming away she has been told that it is good as it prevents blood clots, she had blood transfusion 2 pints last wednesday what do you think ,i am very worried about her. ### Response:
Hi, detailed clinical history and examination required. You should mention whether she has got any bleeding disorder or not. Secondary infection in the operative wound also can be the cause. Any vascular compromise to be suspected. Swollen leg may be a sign of some infection. Please consult your surgeon he will guide you in this issue.
### Instruction: I HAVE GONE THROUGH LAB TEST ,THE RESULT SERUM T.CHOLESTEROL IS 229mgs/dl AND SERUM TRIGLYCERIDES IS 304gms/dl what kind of treatment shall i follow to control the cholesterol in my body what are the steps to be followed, pl mail me sir. ThanksK.Ganeshmurthy ### Response:
Hi Mr Ganeshmurthy After going through your reports, my opinion is as follows1. Your cholesterol is borderline high, and your triglycerides are high.2. High lipids can affect the blood pressure, so needs to be controlled.3. You can discuss with your consulting doctor regarding stations and other lipid lowering agents, their dosage to control lipids.4. Exercise on a regular basis to control weight as well as to stay fit.5. Cut down on oil rich foods, junk food. Have diet rich in fibers, proteins and lots of fruits and vegetables. 6. Make necessary lifestyle modifications like avoiding stress, practicing yoga/ meditation. Take care
### Instruction: I have been on the birth control Kelnor 1/35 for a few years now and it has work great. Just this past month, my doctor without telling me put me on Zovia 1/35. I read that these two are similar but I am now noticing my thoughts upsetting me, over thinking, and thinking my feelings have changed for someone or something when just a week ago when I first took this new pill, I was fine. This does not feel like myself and I am becoming very overwhelmed and upset. Do you think it is because of the switch? ### Response:
Hi. Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor. Both Tenor and Movie contain equal amounts of Ethinodiol acetate and Ethanol estradiol. The acceptability of oral contraceptive preparations in various individuals differ from each other. Therapeutically both preparations are found to be equally effective. According to surveys conducted, the order of side effects reported by people using Tenor 35 is nausea, bloating, anxiety, breast pain and depression whereas for Movie 35 the order is depression, anxiety, bloating, dizziness and breast pain. Since both are hormonal preparations, these side effects are expected. The symptoms of depression you have, is suggestive of movie. Although it takes some time for a person to get adjusted to any new preparation of medication when you switch over from one brand to the other, if these symptoms continue or become severe, then you should consult your treating
### Instruction: what causes nausea thatl lasts for more then 3 or 4 weeks. I have a huge cyst on my right kidney. Last july I had a h huge 2 liters of fluid removed from the cyst on my left kidney, that ended my nausea, till now. the cyst on my left did not come back. I had the cyst on the right side when they drained the one last july but they did not drain it then, they did not think it was a problem. ### Response:
Hello!nausea and vomiting is a feature of uremia, i.e. when urea and creatinine rises in the body. I think because of your cyst problem, you must be having some renal insufficiency. Check your renal parameters, and then you will be able to find out the right cause. Thanks
### Instruction: Does flucloxicacillin cause inguinal ligament damage. My husband took them for a toe infection and within days was in extreme pain in the groin/testicle area which also radiated down his thigh. Waiting for an orthopaedic assessment but the pain is wearing him out. ### Response:
Hello, There are no evidence-based studies that flucloxacillin can cause inguinal ligament damage. This antibiotic can cause nausea or diarrhea as common side effects. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
### Instruction: Hi, I get upper abdominal pain occasionally (maybe every couple of months?) and it lasts for 2-4 days at a time. It is right at the bottom of my ribcage, pretty much in the center. It only bothers me when I m standing or walking, to the point that I start feeling miserable or even nauseous. However, as soon as I sit down it pretty much goes away instantly. I also seem to feel like I need to belch more when this happens. I have tried everything, antacids, gas-x, pepto, pain relievers, nothing helps, it just has to go away on it s own after a couple days. I have gone to my local clinic after symptoms stopped and was seen by the RN, but nothing was done since the pain had stopped. What could this be?? ### Response:
Howell come to ChatDoctorChances of hyperacidity would be more, may be associated with some infection, on tentative basis this can be managed with the following Chat Doctor.
### Instruction: Have you ever come across a relationship between ehlers danlos syndrome and pituitary abnormalities? Specifically, pituitary adenomas, hypopituitarism, empty sella syndrome, growth hormone deficiency? I have EDS, but also a pituitary tumor that apparently destroyed most of my pituitary. I m just trying to learn if the 2 conditions are related. Thanks. ### Response:
Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that there is no direct connection in the literature between EDS and pituitary gland disorders. So, this is just a coincidence and an incidental comorbidity. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hello, There are many reasons behind such pain while sleeping like- 1) Muscle spasm 2) Tendon issues 3) Intestine colic 4) Altered motility, and gut flora disturbances 5) Others. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
### Instruction: I am 26 yrs old boy. I am suffering from Nightfall 2-3 times in a week. I consult a doctor.He gives me Fludac20mg everyday 1 after breakfast for 45 days. What should i do? Is there any side effect of this medicine? Can i be absolutely cure? How shall i strong my reproductive organ? ### Response:
Hi,Skin rash, ChatDoctor.
### Instruction: Hi, My brother goes angioplasty at the age of 33 years at May-2010. Now he is feeling pain now after 5 month. He consult with doctor, he is saying nothing to worry. Please advice how we can know how much he has block edge know...pls suggest, this is urgent. ### Response:
Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I passed carefully through your question and would explain that considering his past medical history, it is important to investigate for possible coronary artery disease. For this reason, I recommend consulting with his cardiologist and performing some tests: - a cardiac stress echo-cardiac enzymes- a resting You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. Kind regards,
### Instruction: i had a operation on thurs b4 good friday were my lower 6 tooth wes removed as a shadow was locatated od my jaw when investigated ing was found since then ive had a numb mouth after a check up when all was fine it has been hurting like the mad and the pain has been getting worse to the extent sunday i could hardly eat then on monday night i went 2 eat some bread my jaw made a loud crack followed by shooting pains i went 2 casualty they xrayed it said it wasnt broken and gave me painkillers the pain is getting worse and painkillers dont seem to help also i cant eat and can hardly swollow to drink and its excruiatingly painful an y advice ### Response:
Well if x-rays sound normal than u probably got an infected extraction socket WC is called as Chat Doctor. Go cur dentist. Medication along with a sedative
### Instruction: I was changed over from Thriphasil to this Trgestrel a bit more than a month ago by our clinic sister. SInce then I also had the bloody discharge and also never stopped coughing. I have been to the the doctor twice for antibiotics. I just want to know can the coughing be a side effect or not? ### Response:
Hi, Usually not. Side Effects are nausea, vomiting, headache, bloating, breast tenderness, swelling of the ankles/feet (fluid retention) or weight change may occur. Vaginal bleeding between periods (spotting) or missed/irregular periods may occur, especially during the first few months of use. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
### Instruction: I got bit by a bug yesterday possible a horse fly or mosquito and its itching really bad, red circle and in the center of it is a bump and the area where the bite is is very warm. Coritizone cream and alcohol along with aloe isn t working to relief the itch. What should I do? ### Response:
Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. If I am your doctor I suggest you to think for chlorpheniramine male ate. It is antihistamines and helps you prevent itching. Rest of all your treatment is fine, and you can continue with it. I will be happy to answer your further concerned can contact me. Chat Doctor. Infectious disease specialist. Thank you.
### Instruction: Isn t it true that sharp pain in one s right shoulder could indicate parasites in the small and/or large intestines (i.e. amoebic dysentery) which could be seen by the host (amoebic cysts and trophozoites...all stages of development) in one s stool, cause bloating, gas, stomach distention, terrible abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and progressively get worse if not treated with the appropriate antibiotics and eventually cause the death of the host? Fact or Fiction: Amoebic dysentery has been eradicated in North America. Amoeba and trophozoites cannot be seen by the naked eye. Amoeba generally float on top of the toilet water, easily visible. Standard O&P lab tests cannot detect amoebas and trophozoites. The infected stool must be submitted to a lab that has the special equipment and appropriately trained personnel in order to detect amoebic dysentery disease. Two or more antibiotics will be necessary to eliminate such parasites; long term if the host has been infected over a long period of time. Thank you, Edward DeBusman ### Response:
Hi, There is no direct relationship between intestinal infection and shoulder pain. Reasons for both are entirely different. The intestinal infection will lead to diarrhea, bloating and indigestion but not shoulder pain. Reason for shoulder pain may be muscular pain or joint abnormalities. A detailed clinical examination is needed to assess the cause of shoulder pain. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
### Instruction: i have had many signs and symptoms of pregnancy like a lte period getting sick the veins on my sides are very noticable and on my arms and chest and legs but i took a test it came back negative and then i was a week late but after that i got my period. is there any way i could still be pregnant? i also have leg cramps and pains in my arms too ### Response:
Hallow Dear, The first cardinal symptom of pregnancy to appear is missing a period. All other symptoms like nausea & vomiting, frequent urination and the breast symptoms like engorgement with tenderness, dark discoloration of nipples & areola with widening of areola and secretions through nipples appear subsequently, usually 10 to 15 days after missed period. Though you had some vague symptoms, ultimately you have got your menses. Probably after having the menses, the symptoms also might have vanished. When in doubt, urine examination for pregnancy gives clue. That also is negative in your case. So Madam, no missed period and pregnancy test negatives confirms that you are not pregnant.
### Instruction: 40yr old. Had a fertility test 2.5 years ago (results normal) but have had significant psychological trauma since then and continues now. I gave a sample again this week (extreme stress during abstinence also) and the comparison is as follows: Then: volume 5.0, concentration 31, normal 18%, motility (40% rapid, 20%, 20%, 20% imotile). Now: volume 4.5, concentration 14, normal 19%, motility (5% rapid, 5%, 40%, 50% imotile). I discovered last year that I have varicocele but otherwise had no other known physical obstacles or injuries. Is this massive loss normal in such a short period? Should I repeat the test? Can it be the stress? Is it temporary or permanent? Thank you, Tom J ### Response:
Hi, varicocele treated surgically because it can lead to infertility. Here massive change in second result, so I will advise repeat test for making sure of second result. Thanks
### Instruction: I normally get panic attacks, but decided to learn to control them without the use of medication . Besides that, I Always feel dizzy, like im floating.. the room will spin out of no where like I got up to fast.. it happens everywhere, Especially if im in crowded or loud places. I hardly drink water. im 5 7 130lbs male. Sometimes, I feel like im so full and its hard to breath , as if my lungs are full of bricks, and I have only a tiny space for air. I get tired really easy.. but I work from home.. on the computer. I don t drink or smoke . ... I am just tired of being dizzy all the time.. I don t feel myself at all and havent been for 8 moths. I do, however have alot of stress in my life as well. any help ? ### Response:
### Instruction: Hi, I am 23 years old, cannot grow much facial hair at all. It is really depressing. It makes me feel quite anxious, I have a normal amount of pubic hair, I guess medium hair on my legs and armpits (not worried there), but very little hair on my arms at all. Hardly any on my hands and feet. With just a little (very little) on my chin and mustache. I have a normal-high sex drive and a girlfriend who is older, it doesnt bother her, but it does bother me. Im not sure about genetic disposition really, except that my father claims he wasnt that hairy at my age. I am also quite short 58-9 or so but my mother is very short so.. I was wondering could my seemingly slow/late development be from cigarettes or daily masturbation? I guess I am very habitual (you could say an addict) I try to stop the behavior but its easier said than done. Anyways, any negative effects from that could it be causing it, should I be worried? I seem to be pretty normal in my feelings just not my development... I was always slower than classmates as well when I was younger. Thanks for your help. ### Response:
Hi, Sparse hair is a condition of your body which may not be altered. You can improve the hair growth with some supplements. Do consult a skin specialist. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
### Instruction: Hi I have lived with hydrocephalus for 52 years(born with it).I live below sea level in Death Valley. Recently I have had a mild to moderate headache. I saw my neurosurgeon and he saw no problems on my car can. Should I be worried or should I see a neurologist?r ### Response:
Hello, I would explain that as the CT scan is normal, there is nothing to worry about. Anyway, I recommend consulting with a neurologist for a physical exam and discussing the possible treatment options, based on your headache type. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
### Instruction: For the past 8 months or so when I start my menstrual period a lump appears in my lower left abdomen. And the lump is very painful at times. Sometimes it hurts so bad I cannot walk. I went to two different ers and they said it was hematomen. If its a bruise then why is it reoccurring? Can you please help me find out what is reallywrong and how I csn get it treated ### Response:
Hi and thanks for the query, I am sorry to suggest again that this needs another clinical evaluation. It could really be a hematoma. However, it could be very interesting and informative doing an ultrasound. This would give an idea of the echo structure and borders of the mass. This is important because if there is an associated cyst, it would be important that it should be removed. A possible infection of this mass of hematoma must be considered. Aspirating the mass content and running some tests for infections and inflammation to me shall be very appropriate. I suggest you consult you primary care physician again for reevaluation. Thanks and best regards, Luchuo, MD.
### Instruction: Lately, I have been extremely tired. My left arm hurts, feeling like it generates in the shoulder--and the inside muscle cramps if I move it the wrong way. I don t think I m sleeping well because of that. Additionally, it seems like my breathing might be somewhat compromised. ### Response:
Hi, The fatigue and pain in the arm can be related to frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis or due to low levels of calcium or vitamin D3. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Chat Doctor.
### Instruction: My husband started taking Maetanx about 3 - 4 weeks ago, which was prescribed by his dr. He had not been taking any meds for neuropathy at the time because so far none of the meds he was prescribed helped. Now, the pain seems to be worse than when he was not taking anything for the pain. Should we call the dr. and stop taking Metanx or give it more time. When I talked to at nurse at the company where we had to get the prescription she said it could take 3 weeks to 4 months for it to take affect but should it get worse before it gets better? ### Response:
Welcome to Chat Doctor. Metanx is a medical food made that contains L-methylfolate (vitamin B9), methylcobalamin (vitamin B12) and pyridoxine 5-phosphate (vitamin B6). It is a vitamin B supplement. Treatment is on right way for neuropathy, but you have to be watchful for your sugar level. You have to take oral as well as intramuscular NSAID to subside pain. Gabapentin will be useful. Ask your doctor about your pain and further management.
### Instruction: I am a 35 year old male and own a landscape business for 2 years, for the last 6 weeks It has become difficult for me to get through half the day without becoming exhausted (low energy that comes on fairly sudden, slightly shakey, foggy mind kinda like im in a dream) I have cut my hours back and have had employees make up the difference, thinking maby I am working to hard, energy still cuts out half way thru the day. I have had some life changes (seperation, moving to new house, extra debt to support expanding business)but nothing I would consider unmanageable. Any advice? I have setup a health exam with my doctor in September? Could this be physical or phsychological? Any advice from past experiencees?Thanks! ### Response:
Hello welcome to Ask A Doctor service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. You have to rule out anemia first by he estimation. I suggest you to investigate with serum calcium, serum sodium, potassium estimation, serum TSH estimation for primary work up. Got, Sept, urea, creatinine also investigated as toxic metabolite accumulation also sometime can lead fatigue. You are absolutely right in a way that fatigue can be from exhaustion, overwork, lack of sleep etc. Revert with above reports to guide you further. Hope I have solved your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
### Instruction: i have friend that was bitten in his calf about 2 weeks ago by a dog. at first it swelled up and he was barely able to walk on it. he has been home treating it with antibiotic ointment and peroxide, and bandages. the holes are still open and parts of it are yellowish. what would you suggest? ### Response:
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As your friend was bitten by the dog and following which there is an infection of the wound leading to yellowish discharge following which your doctor has prescribed the antibiotic cream along with HY Chat Doctor. Rabies is 100 % fatal, but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment. I would suggest your friend to follow1. Take antirabies vaccine as per the regimen2. Oral Antibiotics like Tab Autoclave 625 mg, twice daily for five days.3. Wound
### Instruction: I have been diagnosed with depresion and anxiaty 4 yrs ago. But with all the difrent pills I have tried nothing has helped. I can be happy one min. and very sad the next I am up and down like this all the time. I have had cbt witch didn t help. I went in to the priory witch helped for a bit but I came out morbadly obeast which has made me feel even worse. I am always looking at others and wanting there lives. I despise my self so much. I don t want to go out any were but when I do I get so anxtuse I have to leave. I also have spending splurges wich i can t realy afford. My doc says I may be bipoler my partner says I am not, I am so confused. Please could you give me any idea on what to do. I would be so greatful, i really am at a loss with my self. I m scared no one will answere this aspeople will just think I am being stupid. ### Response:
Hellowelcome to Chat Doctor its better u consult some psychiatrist u need to have some medications required for depression and you are not suffering from depression its better u contact some psychiatrist
### Instruction: I have big yellow stains on each side of my calves, I feel no pain rather I touch it or not and it will not wash off no matter how much I try but at the end of every work day when I take off my socks, There are yellow stains on my socks from where they touch my leg. ### Response:
Hi, Thank you for providing the brief history of you. As the yellow stains are unknown, you should get a thorough assessment done. IT can be because of the socks, pants, a color or a skin issue. Post understanding the matter can help understand better to you about the cause for it. In my clinical practice I do not feel this could be anything to do with serious matter. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
### Instruction: I believe I have an Essential Tremor. My head shakes when I am nervous and most of the time I am not in touch with it. My family has mentioned it a number of times & are concerned. Now, now I am acutely aware of the shaking and I become more uncomfortable with it. My sister has this phenomenon with head shaking and raspy throat. Should I take something for it, are there exercised that may help or do I just live with it? ### Response:
Essential tremor is a disease, I Donna how you diagnosed yourself! Consult a GP, you may need beta-blockers tab if diagnosed a c/o essential tremor.
### Instruction: Hi, I have taken a solid hit to my lower back on my left side (I think my kidney) it has been painful for 2 weeks now and is sore mostly when I bend or apply tension to the muscles in that area. I have not urinated blood Improvement in past 2 weeks seems minimal Please advise ### Response:
Hello, Thank you for writing to Chat Doctor about your query, Brief Answer -Treatment for lower back pain depends upon the patients history and the type and severity of pain, as you described I explained below meditation. Explained Answer -The vast majority of lower back pain cases get better within six weeks without surgery, and lower back pain exercises are almost always part of a treatment plan. If pain persists or worsens, more involved diagnostic and surgical procedures may be recommended. Medications : A wide variety of over-the-counter and prescription medications is available to help reduce symptoms of lower back pain. Many medications reduce inflammation, which is often a cause of pain, while others work to inhibit the transmission of pain signals from reaching the brain. Each medication has multiple unique risks, possible side effects and Chat Doctor. Also, I would suggest Rest for some time more because Ceasing activity for a few days allows injured tissue and even nerve roots to begin to heal, which in turn will help relieve lower back pain. However, more than a few days of rest can lead to a weakening of the muscles, and weak muscles have to struggle to adequately support the spine. Patients who do not regularly exercise to build strength and flexibility are more likely to experience recurrent or prolonged lower back pain. Hope You will find it out helpful. Thanks And
### Instruction: yes pleaseiv had broken / abcess teeth since fourteen early fifteen now im twenty three and tooth decay has spread progressively facial swelling and jaw pains have have also been an issue and I always dealt with it my self impoverished family nother story nother time as I say but all ways self medicated scalpels or suringes grew up on farm animal supplies and had a small knowledge of veterinarian procedures dealing with abcess and lesions and felt I could deal with it but in the last few years most molars or wisdom teeth have gone aswell even with more than average brushing the entire time have about three exposed pulp cores and the lumps below ear have always rehealed once opened and or squeezed out by hand some times with great strain on my hands "poped like pimple" but scar tissue gets ever harder and larger about the size of half dollar easily noticed just below ear right next to upper jaw bone could these things berelatedif so should an er dr be able to see this? ### Response:
Hi, After going through the entire description, I am of the opinion that the cause for your pain is infection. A tooth abscess won't resolve without treatment. Even if the abscess disperses, bursts or Chat Doctor. Antibiotics kill the germs responsible for tooth abscesses, helping the body to repair the tooth and bone. If an abscess erupts by itself, warm salt-water rinses will soothe, help clean the mouth and encourage
### Instruction: im sick. ive been sick for weeks. two weeks ago, i went to the doctor and they said i had a sinus infection. they perscribed amoxcillin and i took it until my perscription was done. but now, ive been continually sick... right now, my left side of my neck hurts bad and my hearing is funny in my left ear. plus, ill get occassionall really bad pains in my head, like a severe headache ### Response:
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. Here you might have persistent sinus infection.... First para nasal sinus x-ray done for rule out sinusitis..... Nasal examination by rhinos copy done for rule out nasal polyp.... Here for congestive symptom antihistamines Chat Doctor. ... Steam inhalation taken with eucalyptus added in water... If cause not clear MRI or CT scan of sinus need for detail investigation... If you are immunocompromised then aspergilli or mucormycosis might rule out ....this investigation helpful for it... If needed endoscopic
### Instruction: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here I am 65 years old and for the past 12 months I have had a persistant cough that is quite forceful. It makes my ees water and I am quite short of breathe for a period of time after. The secretions I clear and thick with bubbles in it. I am also very tired. Please can you give me some insight? ### Response:
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having chronic cough, expectoration which are difficult to cough out and breathlessness. All these symptoms are characteristic of bronchitis. So get done chest x-ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). Chest x-ray is needed to rule out other lung diseases. PFT is must for the diagnosis of bronchitis. You will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol), N acetyl cysteine (NAC) and bucolic with expectorant syrup. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
### Instruction: hi i a twelve year old daughter from a previous relationship, i have since moved on. i am now trying to get pregnant again but it is not happenning. went for an ultrasound last month doctor said everything came back o.k. should i try going on the birth control tablets for a while and then stop to see if my chance will increase. ### Response:
Hi, Thanks for the query. I un Chat Doctor. Yes if you take oral contraceptives for 3 cycles. (you have been checked. But it's better to check confirm normality of sperms during these days) there is rebound ovulation after you with
### Instruction: My grandmother who is 87 had an injury to her nose as result of falling out of her wheelchair. She did lose alot of blood due to blood thinner. This accident ocurred 2 weeks ago. She is doing better but her H&H levels are low 8.2 was 8.7 2 days ago and 25.2% They want to send her for blood transfusions but I have read risks and not confident this is the way to go. They are taking her blood daily and they took it this morning hence the lower levels and they started her back on coumedin therapy too. Can her H&H levels be lower in the am? ### Response:
Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Both reduced hemoglobin and reduced hematocrit indicates anemia.2. However, 8.2g% is not significant, unless she has associated co-morbidities like cardiac failure.3. If she has cardiac problems or any breathing difficulty, she will require packed red cell transfusion to avoid further complications. Daily blood Chat Doctor. Continue all medications. She needs to be on blood thinner to avoid heart attack or stroke. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
### Instruction: Hello Doc, we are planning for the baby now and its been 4 months we are trying and we havent took any precautions so would like to know the percentage of conceiving? Secondly, i would like to know that how much it takes for the fluid to travel inside the girl as after intercourse i have seen that every time the fluid comes out so would like to know how the sperms remain inside and what is the normal timeframe also is there any position that i need to stay sometime after the intercourse so that the sperms flows? ### Response:
Hiu can take up to one year to make ourself conceive. Fluid contain sperm which are important only.after intercourse they travel toward the fallopian tube and come in contact with female is normal to spill fluid after sex.u can keep your pelvis in upward direction for few minute to divert fluid inside.
### Instruction: Hi ! Am 29 had endo yrs Severe period pain every month I never much of a life whilest on my period cant work eat or do anything to help myself ,nothing worked , found out I had pulmonary Endometriosis had surgery on my lungs few months ago then 2 weeks ago I had a laparscopy treatment for my end and Fibroid cyst , been married for 5 yrs we really want to start a family now can I get pregnant? ### Response:
HelloThanks for posting your query. When the doctor performed the laparoscopy, I would think that they would have done a test at the same time to see if the fallopian tubes were all right or not. If the doctor said that the tubes were patent(that is, not blocked), there is good chance of your getting pregnant. If your periods are regular, and you have monthly cycles, it would mean that you are ovulating, and that would mean a good chance of pregnancy as well. However, if you don't get pregnant in the next one year, do go back and see a gynecologist with interest in fertility. The doctor would order a few other tests and advice you if you would need help in getting pregnant like IVF. Best wishes.
### Instruction: 16 year old Daughter has chronic congestion and cant smell very much. has gotten a recent head cold without fever and is now blowing out greenish mucus and also black streaks. THought it might be old blood, but it definitely doesnt look like globs of old blood at all. Looks more like strings of black. What type of bacteria or fungus causes black streaks? ### Response:
Hi. I can understand your concern. It would be advisable for you to get a chest x-ray, blood tests and phlegm tested for culture done. It could mostly be old blood only. Which should not be neglected. Don't worry, she will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Hello! Thanks for putting your query in Chat Doctor. I am a Gastroenterologist. This much increase in GOT and SGPT suggest that he is having acute viral hepatitis. And Hepatitis C rarely causes acute viral hepatitis. So I will suggest you to visit a Hepatologist for detail history, evaluation and management hope I have answered your query and this will help you. Wish you a good health
### Instruction: There seems to be a small piece of tissue inside my scrotum which seems to be attachted to my testicle. Just wondering if you know what that is? From what I can tell it appears to be very slightly darker in colour. Im pretty sure its not a hydrocele because Ive seen pictures if those and it dosent seem anything like that. ### Response:
Good day, and thank you for being with Chat Doctor !!! It must be the veins that you are feeling. If it is enlarged then it is a condition we refer to as varicocele. I hope I have answered your question satisfactorily, and please consider a 5-Star rating for my answer.
### Instruction: Hi, yesterday evening I felt that my heart was bumbing a bit fast and It felt it was bubbling air inside my heart,, so when I burp it feels like the air gets out of my heart. And today I havent felt that way, but now when the evening came It started again to feel the same way.I Have felt like this for 1-2 years ago, but in that time I did a ECG test, and results was fine.Do you know what it could be? ### Response:
Hello dear, thanks for posting your query here. You do not seem to have cardiac problem and appears to have HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). But still I would advise you to see your doctor to get your ECG and a stress test done to rule out cardiac problem. And after ruling out cardiac problem, you need to take some antacids. Thanks and all the best.
### Instruction: Hello Doc, I am currently26 weeks pregnant, and suffering from chronic cough due to which I have pain in chest & abdomen. I have been taking robitussin cough syrup & home some treatment, but its not helping much. I cough thoughout the day & night, and hardly getting any sleep. Kindly help me, what is the best treatment for this condition. I would greatly appreciate your advise. Regards,SK ### Response:
You need to start with antibiotic for upper respiratory tract infection like azithromycin 500 1 tab DAC for 6 days
### Instruction: My boyfriend has had a red bumpy rash for awhile now. I have changed detergents and soaps. It went away but now it has come back with a vengeance. Big clear blisters that ooz. Its on his neck, ears, arms, and legs. I have pictures for you. Any help would be appreciated. We do not have health insurance and he is miserable ### Response:
Hello thanks for the querying clear blisters can be any of blistering diseases like,1. Pemphigus2. pemphigoidPlease meet a dermatologist. A biopsy is must confirm the diagnosis you can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link. .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Thank you
### Instruction: My husband used Just For Men shampoo in hair color last night. He has been using just for men for a while now. He has an area on his chin that is open weeping. It is itchy, red and spreading what over counter or home remedies can you use to treat this ### Response:
Hi, From history it seems that he might be having some allergy to this shampoo producing irritation and some infection at this area. Clean the part with plane water and apply triple acting cream. Take some antihistamine like Cetirizine or Ben Chat Doctor. Ok and take care.
### Instruction: Hi, I am going through a severe back pain. Actually really dont know where is the pain ? about 3 years back I was performing n i fell from d back stage from that day onwards I have this pain.i have consulted few doctors but no one could find what was the problem,all they gave was a vaccination for pain relief.some times the pain increases few days before i get my periods.the pain is so severe that I cant stand, walk or sit. ### Response:
Welcome to Chat Doctor as you have mentioned that the pie started after a fall may be it is due to some injury sustained that time leading to some problem in lumbosacral and dorsolumbar joints please consult orthopedic surgery and get a check-up pain increasing few days before periods may due to problems related to pelvic organs' uterus/ovaries.gynecological check up will be helpful pain during periods may be relieved by colonel tablet 1 tab 3 times after meals.severe backache not related to periods may be helped by powerless tab hope you be all right soon
### Instruction: Male age 42. Mild diveticular disease. Drink aprox 30 units alcohol per week. Last bloods done 10 months ago, all normal. I ve been experiencing painless pressure in the liver region. Happens every 10min or so for about 30sec. I don t notice it at night so not sure if it s coz I m laying down. Guessing I need to get some blood tests? BTW the pressure did go away for about 5 days and then returned. ### Response:
Hi friend, Welcome to Chat Doctor The description of pain is like colic. In that region, it could be gall stone. Liver Function Tests (LFT) and Ultrasound scan of upper abdomen are necessary - for further assessment and assistance Take tarnishing speedy recovery God bless Good luck
### Instruction: my son who is 4 and about 38lbs. has been complaining of a stomach ache right around his navel and has thrown up several times( all liquid looking vomit). He has complained some about a headache and at one point it felt as though he had a slight fever though has been hard to tell his whole body has felt hot most of the day. When I gave him a bath to try and help him feel better he got out of the tub with teeth chattering and his whole body shaking like he was freezing but he felt warm to the touch! What is wrong with him. I have given him fever reducer. ### Response:
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Regards -
### Instruction: My brother-in-law aged 61 years old diagnosed with 2 blocks in the heart and also a block in right way of passage to kidney and advised for bypass surgery. He has the history of Hypertention, Diabetics for a decade also suffers from gastric ulcers. Some of our well wishers contemplating on going for KEELEYs method of treatment to avoid surgery. Can you please give details about this method and how far it is successful as an alternative to bypass surgery. Thank you very much. P. Srinivasulu / INDIA. ### Response:
Hello thank you for posting here. I have gone through your description. Since he has two blocks in the heart arteries, and he is advice bypass, the right choice is to go ahead with bypass surgery. I don't know any therapy named KELLEY, but I suppose you are talking about ch elation therapy. This therapy is of no benefit for the patient. The blocks in the heart artery are embedded inside the heart vessel and any amount of medication or therapy cannot decrease it to make it vanish. Medications can only help to stop progression of the block. Definitive way to treat critical heart blockages is an angioplasty or bypass surgery. Had you been my patient my advice would be to go ahead with bypass? Bypass surgery requires a stay of 7- 10 days approx in the hospital. Patient can start walking usually by day 5 after surgery. It requires a recovery period of 20 -25 days, but the long term results of bypass are very good with patients having a good quality of life. Gastric ulcers can be treated with long term antacids. Gastric ulcers are not a contraindication for surgery. Wishing you good health thank you
### Instruction: hi i m 18 and female and i had sex the 25th and 26th of December..i got kind of scared at first thinking i could have gotten pregnant but once my period came on the 3rd of January my worries disappeared. I thought it was a little strange that it was only about 3-4 days long..normally mine are around 5-6 with spotting afterwards and leakage with tampons no matter the strength..this time however there was no spotting or leaking whatsoever..but i didn t think much of it now about the 17th i noticed a dull cramp in my lower stomach that would come and go and it did this til the 20th, on the 20th the cramp has stayed and increased, i did noticed that i ve been eating alot even when i m not hungry for the past week and my stomach looks bloated and my breasts are tender and i ve been urinating ALOT and usually i only go about 2-3 a day now i don t even have to drink anything and ill go 7 times a day easily if not more..pregnant? or not? PLEASE HELP IMMEDIATELY..... ### Response:
Hello, If you were due on the 3rd of Jan, and you got your period then you are not pregnant. If your got your period before you date then there is a possibility of implantation bleeding. The rest of your symptoms sound like you have a UTI. First take e test to rule out pregnancy. Then you will need antibiotics for a few days to clear up the infection. Chat Doctor. Avoid sex till you are clean. Hygiene is very important.
### Instruction: My sister has a big stone in both kidneys and an infection, doctor said surgery after they grow a culture to get the right antibiotic to cure the infection. that was six days ago havent heard anything from them and now she has developed sores on her lip and back of her neck, Im worried. ### Response:
HiI understand your concern. Before surgery, it is necessary to control infection. Infection can be treated with antibiotics. Surgery is depended upon size and location of stone. Please follow your doctors advise. Stone needs extensive treatment. Chat Doctor. I hope I have answered your query. Thank you.
### Instruction: hi, i have just got bitten to my year old dog 10 min ago. this morning he was seeming like he was panting and panting and breathing very heavily. We gave him water but he still did it. Now the bite feels tingily and its like its beating.I already put poroxide on. Do you know if this is normal or what to do? ### Response:
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Rabies is a disease which is transmitted by dog bite which is 100% fatal, but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment. As you were bitten by a dog which has led to bleeding from the site according to WHO categories it is categorized into Cat III, which requires following treatment1. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water.2. Active immunization with anti rabies vaccine on days 0,3,7,14 and 28.3. Passive immunization with rabies immunoglobulin around the wound.4. In TT, 0.5 ml, I'm. Thank you.
### Instruction: I had the second to last tooth on my upper left removed late afternoon last thursday. How likely is it that I could develop dry socket this far along in the process? The dentist did have to take the tooth in 3 pieces, as it was a large tooth and, there appears to be two white strings hanging from the socket that I did not notice the last couple of days. ### Response:
hello thanks for consulting at ChatDoctor.. ChatDoctor.
### Instruction: yes aspirin worsens wheezing and asthama. its more dangerous better to avoid asprin and asprin like medicines. i heard it can also cause death. ### Response:
Aspirin is not good to be taken in the persons who are having asthma. It will worsen the symptoms of asthma, it cases breathing difficulty
### Instruction: whenever i alone and trying concentrate. I am so obsessed with that. i am a quite good student but my study continously degraded. Now i am always thinking about her. Is there any mental problem? I have a girlfriend and we involving with physical relationship. Though we are not havig sex, it is limited to only foreplay and oral sex . But i am so much attarcted to her that i can not stop thinking about her. whenever i alone and trying concentrate on my studies ay attention always divert to her and most of the time time i think that i am suching her breast. i am so obsessed with that. i am a quite good student but my study continously degraded. Now i am always thinking about her. Is there any mental problem? I am involving with her about 4 years. Now i am in 4th year of my B. Tech. ### Response:
The age range 15-25 years constitutes the peak sexual ChatDoctor. The
### Instruction: Hello Doctor,I am 35 years Old, Male, 5ft,2 inc Tall, 74KG, 36 Inches waist, I want to check if the attatched report has any concerns.I am concerned about the Low RBC count and High MPV. Also i am having Dry Cough for more than 3 weeks now.Thanks and RegardsManoj M ### Response:
Hi, your low RBC count has no relation with high MPV. You should search for the cause of your low RBC. It may be due to low iron, low it b12 or may be due to chronic blood loss or any other cause. Search the cause and take treatment accordingly. And don't worry regarding high MPV. it's ok. and also take treatment for your chronic cough, thanks for using Chat Doctor.
### Instruction: My 4 month old son was sitting in a chair with a sharp edge at the photo studio and arched his back and hit the back of his head against the top edge of this chair. He has a one inch red mark from this. He cried a little but seemed okay after. He has been acting more fussy and crying over the rest of the day but otherwise seems fine should he go the ER? ### Response:
Dear Parent, In my opinion it would be better to get your baby checked by a pediatrician to make sure everything is alright, especially since your baby is not his usual self and is more irritable after the injury.
### Instruction: pcod irregular periods 37x31mm cyst in LT ovary on11july its my first day. 7x7mm inRTovary and 11x12mm inLT ovary on22 july 12day. 11x12mm inRTovary and 8x9mm inLT ovary on27july 17day. 1 what does this mean? 2 IS ovulation happen this time? 3 slow and late growth of follicle as in my case .ISany chance of getting preganant? 4 what to do now? 5 plssssssssssss answer soon ### Response:
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor hi Joshi., the above report stating the measurement of the largest cyst is 37by31 in left ovary... .the other follicles are of different sizes respect to the duration. Even though many follicles develop, only one may ovulate or many at a time hence fertilization will be disturbed... you can have coitus with your husband.... and then after a week you need to follow up by USG. Hope I have answered your question. Take care.
### Instruction: I had a wisdom tooth extracted nearly 3 weeks ago. unfortunately some of the block went into my jaw muscle and I now have trismus. More alarming though is that my facial muscles feel very much weekened and smiling is an effort. Also I have had twitching above my lip and up cheek and under eye. I am very concerned as I am a music teacher. please help ### Response:
Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The twitching over the facial muscles and Erasmus can be because of the nerve injury to facial nerve while injecting the local anesthesia. The Erasmus is because of the injury to the muscles of mastication while injecting the local anesthesia. Nothing to worry, the twitching will come down gradually over a week. You can take nerve regenerating Chat Doctor. For the Erasmus, you can take a muscle relaxant like chlorzoxazone. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
### Instruction: Why does husband have saggy balls that hang low and can t seem to last long when having sex? Seems like he gets off within 5 minutes and he claims he can t or don t know how to last longer, even though I ve told him some techniques to try but still says he can t and/or don t know how. His balls aren t full and firm either like my ex s were. Also have been trying to conceive for a long time and have not had any success, what is going on??? How to know if he is even ejaculating sperm and not just semen/fluid, what is the difference. Healthy sperm should be white or more yellowish??? Really need some help please...... ### Response:
HelloThanks for query. The scrotal sac differs from person to person and has no relation to conception. The problem of premature ejaculation and less libido are most of the time mind related and due to what is called as performance anxiety. Following measure will help you to boost up his confidence and getting good erection. And delay ejaculation.1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 every day.4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. He may take Sidewall (Viagra)as on demand to have sustainable erection to have enjoyable sex. As regards conception get his semen analysis done to rule out any abnormality. Chat Doctor.
### Instruction: I have a painful lump on the inside of my cheek.. and there is a pain in my jaw next to my ear like fluid is fillig up and when I press on the pain by my ear liquid comes out of the lump in my mouth and it keeps filling up and my gland on the same side in my neck is swollen ### Response:
It may be parotid gland swelling........................please do an USG of the swelling and FNAC of the swelling........................................
### Instruction: My kid is 2 years 11 months old.. She frequently getting cold, cough and ear infection.... I vusited doctor 4 times.. In these 4 months.. Even after using antibiotics it is not completely cured.So i am looking for good medicine for my kid.She is going to day care.i never face this issue before this winter. ### Response:
HelloRepeated cough and cold is more commonly occur due to viral infection or allergic disorder. But if it is due to bacterial infection(diagnosed after thorough clinical examination and investigation) immunodeficiency must be ruled out. If fever is not associated each time with other symptoms and there is positive family history of allergic disorder;it is more suggestive of allergic in origin. Most of the time upper respiratory symptoms are associated with ear problem, irrespective of its viral, bacterial or allergic. In allergic disorder montelukast/levocetrizine syrup along with nasal Chat Doctor. I would suggest you to consult your pediatrician for proper evaluation and to find out whether it is really bacterial infection(for which antibiotic is needed) or something else. Regards
### Instruction: Hello, I got a concussion about three weeks ago due to getting kicked in the face from soccer. Since then, I ve had this large bump on my cheekbone that hasn t shrunk in size- if anything it seems as though its grown more. I have no swelling and mild bruising on my jaw bone. My concern is that when I make any facial expression, the side of my face that has the bump does not move. Half of my face will smile and the other half will not. It hasn t gotten any better and I m not sure if its just internal swelling that hasn t gone down yet or if its the bump that s causing it? Thank you for taking the time to read my question. If I should seek out a doctor about this, which type of specialized doctor should I ask? ### Response:
Hello, If on smile your one side of face is moving without movement of other side of face then this can be effect of concussion of brain. Effects of concussion injury although you go away with time. In your case I shall advise you to consult to your neurophysician for help. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
### Instruction: Hi,I have a toothache pain in my one of my bottom teeth no dentist open for 2 days can you please recommend best pain killers to take i plan on visiting my pharmacist who may be able to give me emergency antibiotics tomorrow I have ponstan for my migraines available at home not sure this may be effective ### Response:
Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have pain in your tooth it can be due to caries or due periodontal problem. Consult dentist and go for investigations IOWA X-ray done if it is carious then go for restoration or Root canal treatment and if periodontal problem then go for Scaling and root planning. You can take painkiller for temporary relief One tablet Diploma twice daily for 3 days One Capsule vitamin B complex once daily for three daysConsult dentist and go for treatment. Hope this will help you.
### Instruction: Hi sir,My self Rohit. My age is 26 years and my height is 5.4. I want increase my height for another 4 inches. so i am planing to take any of these stepup, yoko, and Dr ayurveda medicine. Is it possible to increase my height in this age..? If possible please suggest me which one should i take in these companies. If not please suggest me how to increase my height. ### Response:
Hall, Environmental and nutritional factors and hormonal factors are the cause of height growth. Hormones recreated by pituitary gland is more important factor. Height is an individual is determined by genetics. Don't be discouraged. Do exercise regularly. Take a healthy and well-balanced diet. Eat protein rich diet. Avoid stress and get deep sleep.
### Instruction: hello, iv had stomach ache in upper stomach, lower stomach and a sort of stitch feeling in my side all day and night? i haven t been sick and iv had a poo, but not sure what this is... its really painful.. iv come on my period today aswel :|? xx ### Response:
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor During menstruation periods lower abdominal pains are common. It is called as amenorrhea. Observe the pain, if it persists after the periods then you needed to be clinically examined and evaluated.
### Instruction: I have been suffering from a herniated disc for the past 3 years now. 3 months ago I suffered some excruciating pain from this condition. The pain went away after about 24hrs but ever since then I have been walking with a slight limp, I have very little strength in my right calf and my lower leg swells up every day after walking for about an hour. ### Response:
Hello, If This disc bulge is not compressing nerve root, so conservative treatment may work. If symptoms persist then surgical decompression may help. Medication like methylcobalamine and pregabalin will reduce pain which can be started consulting your doctor. You can focus on spine extension exercises. Some exercises which can be done include-Spine extension exercises, Lying on your stomach flat lift leg 6 inches from ground, do it for other leg. Now lift both hand and leg simultaneously, 6 inches off the ground and supposition for around 10 breathes. Core stabilizing spine exercises will help. You may consult physiotherapist for guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case. If not relieved you can take epidural injection. Hope this helps. Wish you a speedy recovery. If you find this answer helpful do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Take care.
### Instruction: My husband recently had a heart cathorization done and they found a blocked artery in the back of his heart. They worked on him but could not clear it totally. He is scheduled to go back in two weeks. He has been dealing with a sore neck (stiff) since Tuesday. Doesn t remember pulling any muscles as they told him not to do any work for the two weeks. Could this stiff neck be related to his heart cathorization? ### Response:
Respected user, HiT hanks for using Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* This seems not in relation with heart catheterization, might be from muscular spasm or odd positioning while sleeping or else. Hope this clears your query. Welcome for any further assistance. Regards.
### Instruction: very last tooth on the left side bottom had broken also had a cavity it my dentis repair cavity and file tooth down next step will be a crown well i have been experiencing servere pain, June 21 toke two ADVILS right after my stomach became upset chin became numb and little tingling on lower bottom left lip, dentist took exray yesterday and told me my gum is infected put me on AMOX TR-K CLV 875-125MG TAB, I go back on june 25th If infection clear a little dentist is going to open tooth up and put pain medicine down in tooth is this a good idea. ### Response:
Hi. Can understand your concern. As per your complaint pain in tooth after cavity filling and preparation of tooth for placing a crown clearly indicates that the nerves of the tooth have been opened up due to preparation of cavity to retain the filling causing inflammation and condition is known as Chronic Irreversible Pulpits . You should consult your dentist and get an X-Ray done, and it will definitely show exposed nerves and blood vessels present in central portion of tooth in a small chamber known as Pulp. The treatment is first to get the filling removed under local anesthetic followed by Root Canal Treatment and the advised antibiotic AMOS TR-K CLV 875-125MG TAB twice daily, along with it a painkiller is to be taken to relieve pain as antibiotics can reduce infection but to relieve pain painkiller is needed. You can take Ibuprofen for moderate pain but in case of severe pain Motorola or Tramadol can be taken. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards... Chat Doctor. .
### Instruction: Hi iI have been diagnoed with thymic cancer, I do not like to take the drugs for pain that are prescribed,as they have side effects that are harsh.So instead i have been taking ibuprophen .for abot 4 months ,as dosage recommended, I have beenexperiencing respitory issues lately and wonder if this is the cause.I have been doing radiation and chemo treaments ,it has shown improvement in all aspects except for my breathing .I read an article on cleveland clinic facebook this mourning that said this might be why,,,...Thoughts on this please? ths ccsc ### Response:
Thy mic cancer causes respiratory distress. After a thy mic tumor is found and tests have been done to get a sense of its Factors important in choosing a treatment include the type and stage of the cancer, whether it is respectable (able to be completely removed with surgery), and whether you have any other serious medical problems. Because thy mic cancer is rare, it is often hard to accurately predict the effectiveness of treatment strategies, and in many cases the best way to treat this cancer is still not preselecting a treatment plan is an important decision, and you should take the time to think about all of your choices. The main treatments for thymus cancer are:Surgery, Radiation and chemotherapyRespiratory distress can be managed by Stalin nebulization, USG guided pleural fluid tapping and steam inhalation. Regards and take care
### Instruction: My husband had a spinal cord injury in Sept. 2013 which left him paralyzed and unable to urinate on his own for one month. He is now walking with a cane and can urinate on his own but still not properly. He is on Flomax to help. He is also on water pills because his legs will swell up. An emg showed nerve damage. My question is his shins are very shiny and they occasionally blister or split open even when his legs do not look swollen. This is a great concern to me. Even though he does not work or walk around like he used to, he is certainly not sitting around all day like he was when he was first injured. Any ideas? ### Response:
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. The Blisters can be due to 1. Autonomic Neuropathy2. Vitamin Deficiency3. Involvement of Autonomic Pathways in Subclinical and Lab Evaluation is needed to Narrow down the diagnosis and start appropriate treatment. Please consult a Neurosurgeon at the earliest Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at
### Instruction: I am a 48 years married woman. My USG shows liver is enlarged with heterogenous parenchymal echopattern. Intra hepatic billary channels are not dialated. No focal solid or cystic SOL seen. Lever span at mid clavicular line is 15.3 cm. what does it mean? ### Response:
HelloYour findings suggests mildly enlarged liver and heterogeneous parenchymal echo pattern may indicate liver parenchymal disease. It may be due to many causes like hepatitis, metabolic disorder etc. You may need routine hologram, viral markers, random blood sugar, liver and renal function test, lipid profile, urine RE/ME. Liver biopsy may be needed after evaluation. You may need few medicines after evaluation. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
### Instruction: my son is 16 months when he was 14 months he cut his upper molars but they only came through the gums on one side just a little bit now he is 16 months and they still never came through also he only has 2 teeth at the bottom is this a problem do i need to take him to the dentist connie ### Response:
I don't think you need to worry about erupted upper molar. The roots of tooth are still there. Nothing much can be done for that tooth. Take care that the broken tooth had no sharp edges which may hurt.
### Instruction: Hi! I just changed into my pajamas and noticed that I have many (somewhere around 15) small bruises on the insides and backs of my thighs. In the past few days, I have done nothing that might cause these. It s happened a few times in the past, but not often. A few days ago, I started having a sore throat and I was wondering if there could be any corrolation. I cannot remember if the last time this happened was during a time at which I had a sore throat. So far, no unexplained bruising has occured on my stomach, back, chest , etc and very rarely on my arms (though I assume that it s only unexplained because I don t remember hitting something). However, the bruises which have just appeared are not in any place I would bump into. I m a 21 year old otherwise healthy female. The only concering aspect of my medical history is that my mother, my half-sister, and my grandfather on my father s side have all died from cancer . Two cases of melanoma and one of colon cancer. Could the bruising be a result of my sore throat? Or should I be seeing a doctor? ### Response:
Hi!welcome to Chat Doctor!SPONTANEOUS BRUISES point towards some bleeding disorder, coagulation defect or thrombocytopenia that is reduced platelet count. Certain viral infections that cause sore throat may also cause platelet to fall resulting in spontaneous bleeding. They are not related to cancer, but you must see a doctor get examined and tested for platelet count and coagulation profile. Hope this will help you!take care!
### Instruction: Hi, wondering whether or not you think its possible my pregnancy is still viable? Ive neever had any real symptoms other than going to the toilet more. My LMP was 22 October, I did my first pregnancy test on 26th December, strong positive, did another one one new years eve with a clearblue test and it said 1-2 weeks pregnant and said to add 2 weeks on for how doctor would date it. Did yet another test due to no symptoms on 14th January which said 3+ weeks and again to add 2 weeks for doctors dates. I paid for a private scan on the 21st January and they believed by the size it was only 5 weeks 3 days, 10days on and still no crmaping,no bleeding and no symptoms? ### Response:
Hello, and I hope I can help you today. There are two possibilities of what could be going on with your pregnancy. If you really did conceive back in October, your pregnancy should be about 12 weeks. This would have been found on the ultrasound examination that you had, but instead the fetus measured only five weeks three days. At five weeks it is not normal to see fetal heartbeat so that is not used in the consideration to make a diagnosis. However, it is possible that you conceived later in the cycle after your. In October. If you actually conceived in late November early December it is still possible that the fetus could be viable and that is just younger than it should be by your dates. So the way to tell the difference would be to get another ultrasound examination and approximately two weeks; by then you should see some evidence of the fetal heartbeat if the pregnancy is normal. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of women do not have pregnancy symptoms. The most reliable sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual cycle. Furthermore, judging the number of weeks of pregnancy on a urine tests is extremely inaccurate. Pregnancy tests are designed to pick up the hormone Chat Doctor from that whicChatDoctores out in your urine. However, your urine can be diluted by different amounts of water depending upon what time in the day you tested and how much water you Chat Doctor. Most urine pregnancy tests ask that you use your first morning urine, which has the most concentrated sample, however, even within those restrictions there is a large margin of error. So I would advise, in your situation, that you repeat the ultrasound examination in another 2 to 3 weeks. In the meantime take good care of yourself for the pregnancy by: eating a well-balanced diet,
### Instruction: Bruised and torn muscles around ribs in auto accident. X-rays showed no fracture or break. Pain is pretty bad. Does pain radiate to breasts. When bending which I cannot avoid sometimes I get a shooting burning feeling in the breast on the side that the ribs are bruised ### Response:
Thanks for your questioning my opinion you had tissue / muscle injury following that accident as a pulmonologist would like to recheck the X-ray of chest to see if any injury is thereof everything goes fine I would prescribe some analgesics, muscle relaxants and some enzymes so that healing is fast no need to worry that much, I know it's a matter of concern visit a pulmonologist, he can guide youthanksfeel free to ask more questions
### Instruction: I just had dental work done and I have taken 1 Hydrocodone 5MG-Acetaminophen 325 MG tablet for pain. This was previously prescribed to me from a previous dentist for pain. Currently I have been having to swallow a lot and my mouth is dry and cannot swallow. I have to take a sip of water to be able to swallow. ### Response:
Hi, It looks like the ChatDoctor. There can be some other causes like severe dehy
Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query as you have infected wisdom tooth infection in tooth can be due to some reason like if tooth is carious or decayed tooth with Periapical pathology may be Periapical Abscess or due to Impacted or Partially erupted tooth with Periodontal abscess. If you have infected tooth I will suggest you to consult dentist and go for its treatment Root canal treatment or Extraction of tooth. In meantime you can do warm saline rinses, you can take Antibiotic like Ofloxacine by consulting with your doctor and Analgesic like Paracetamol or Diploma if you are not allergic with vitamin B supplement. Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health Regards,
### Instruction: My 3 1/2 year old has been complaining on and off of pain in his penis. Usually he complains during car rides and says it s squishing his penis. A week ago he got very sick and his pediatrician examined him. He has the flu and strep. He is on antibiotics for the strep. During this week he has been exceedingly irritated, understandably so. However, his chief complaint is penis pain. He squirms in bed, kicks his legs and grabs at his penis crying that it hurts. This has been going on for three days straight. His pediatrician examined his penis and did a urinalysis without any findings. I am at my wits end. Thank you ### Response:
He might be having urinary tract infection or acute deny Chat Doctor. . urinalysis is negative, so go for urine culture is more sensitive and reliable, do blood urea and creatinine to rule out UTI and renal infection, in some condition, flu will be associated with UTI also which can be diagnosed only by culture
### Instruction: I brought my son home from nursery this evening and noticed a red spot on his right leg inner thigh since then i have changed my son again and have noticed there are several more appearing some with yellow heads on theyve grown quiet big n look angry red ### Response: what you quote I feel that it might be an n allergy like a simple urticaria or a rapidly spreading pyoderma as you quote that there are lots of yellow heads appearing. But I want to stress on something very important - Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
### Instruction: Started out with burning sensation after ejaculation and then progressed to burning sensation on and off with slight pains in the penis and groin area that come and go that seemed to be relieved by ibuprofen . also have more frequent urges to pee. The burning after ejaculation is gone but still have the feeling of having to pee constantly. ### Response:
Hello appreciate your concernLooking at your description this could be signs of ITII would like further information to help you better libelous age, sex and relevant medical history like diabetes or other metabolic diseaseSince how long you have this problem? I would advise you to consult your doctor for battery of investigations like urine microscopy as well as urine culture and sensitivity testy may require a course of antibiotics depending upon the reportage plenty of fluids which will flush off the urogenital tractMaintain good hygieneThanks for your question wish you a speedy recovery Best wishes