stringlengths 32
| meeting
dict | dialog
dict |
fe62076fcff048308e8c2f77cd741f1c | {
"meetingId": "TS3012b",
"transcriptSegments": [
"text": "Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now don't have much time anyway.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh, there he is.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yes.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "There you are,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "we.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Sorry,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "a little bit of pl little problem with computer.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": ".",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "have a little thoughts on what your vision is and on this project, so I put the minutes on the I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like wanna go first?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, sure, no problem.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Take it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Go ahead.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Um there was a little problem with my computer so not uh the whole uh presentation uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Anyway, let's see what you have.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Um Okay,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh it's still a bit open.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I want to open the my s oh no.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "You should close it on your own notebook, I guess. Yeah. So there?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh no,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "that's okay. Uh slide show. Yes. The functional requirements, it's uh uh very important for uh the user, he he wants to yeah. The the method we used uh it it's not m not a slide, because it went wrong, but the method we use uh, um we tested it w uh with uh a hundred uh men, and we asked them to w uh what the remote uh f feel uh like and uh what what's uh important. Uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "If I can cut in, is it people or men?.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "People,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Is it people, okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "sorry.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "'Cause I thought it was only men,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Both women and men,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "'Kay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay. Uh the findings um uh seventy five percent of the users find most remote controls ugly. Um.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "That's pretty shocking uh..",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So we have to s we have to do something about that.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, and yeah, most th th they want to spend money for a better system, for better remote control, so we can do uh a l a little uh nice things with it, and um they use yeah, they use zap a lot, um uh fifty percent say they only So that's the most important things.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um oh yeah, not all of it is it on mine on my PowerPoint presentation,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, just talk ahead.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but um uh the relevant buttons are the power, the channel selection and the volume selection.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It's uh the most basic buttons that a user wants uh to use. Uh less important is tel teletext,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm-hmm..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "uh um they use it, but it's not uh very uh important uh on the scale of zero to ten they six and a half uh",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, that's okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and but not important is the channel selection, the the hmm?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "That's a little weird.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh,.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Which channel selection?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "the the no no no no no, that's very important, but uh w and not important in the audio settings, display settings",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "we can we can hide those under a menu or something,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh, okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um new preferences preferences. Uh um um beep to find your control, was.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "That's like a button on your T_V_?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "that was in the test, the the most people uh f find it uh irritating uh when they cannot find a rem their remote control,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Remote, okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so uh I think it's a bee beep to sound it and uh you can find it. And another thing uh they want was uh speech recognition um so they can say uh what they want to let's go to channel one and uh that's uh kind of things.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And they want maybe an uh L_C_D_ screen um to to look it um wh what's on every channel uh and uh what do I want with it?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "We wanna have a little preview on the remote control. Preview what's on the channel.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Is that manageable?'Cause it sounds pretty expensive too.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "That sounds too.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "It's possible, but uh I think it's expensive, but do continue.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah. Um Uh my personal preferences is uh a button for my favourite channel, so I can uh I dunno, so I can zap to my uh f uh quick uh to my favourite channel wh what I uh so, the remote mu must see or um must um see wha what mine preferences are for which channel,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, you don't set it yourself,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so I can zap t to.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "it just remembers the channel that you are on most, for example.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "What?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "You want the you want it to be programmed, for example y programmed f",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "or you want it to recognise your favourite channel?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Let's see, you you spend twenty minutes each day on that channel,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Recognise.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so it recognises your favourite channel.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah, that's uh what my personal preference like.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, so it's it it does it recognise itself, you don't have to set it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "itself. Maybe it's easier to to sell it, but.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I don't know it's manageable, but we will uh we will see.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I see.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, it's a little bit uh it's the end of it.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It's a little bit uh I lost it,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "the computer uh crashed,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "No problem, it's it's okay,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "that's Yeah, go ahead.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Shall I go? Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "So, some technical functions.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Darn computer.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Basically I have some issues which you discussed earlier. Uh let's just start with the method.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "It sounds really easy, what does the user do, what does the th remote control do, but there are quite some issues. So the things I'm going to concentrate on are the user aspect, because the technical aspect, that's pretty much covered. We can do that. What goes wrong at the user. Gets the remote control. Where is the remote control? We've all had it once, I want to watch some television,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "where's the remote control? That was one of your ideas which you posted in the network folder,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "That seems very good.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "a really good idea. Uh these are just the issues. I come to some uh personal experience, findings, possible solutions later. Searches for the button. There are many buttons on a remote control which are not clear. Uh so either we lose those or we try to make it a little bit more clear.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh also symbols tend to fade after a while.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "There's nothing more annoying than faded symbols, because you don't know which channel is this button, so possibly we could find uh something for that,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay, so have it more make it more durable actually. Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "yes. Uh covered that. Oh yes, user presses the button. Um usually when you have a lot of buttons, buttons are small. So you press more once remote control goes kablouey or something like that,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay, so the buttons should be.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so we have to pay attention not to put too mun too many buttons on uh the remote control..",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm-hmm. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And possibly also the size, so more important buttons, bigger",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Wow. The s Yeah. Make it make them bigger.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "si",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Even more durable uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So this is basically what I h had in mind in the fade-proof symbols, locator, a sound, uh so clear we should stick to existing symbols, but maybe we could do a little uh investigation to see whether some symbols are uh need to be replaced by others. Uh.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "This I pretty much covered. So what we want to go to is not this one,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, it's true.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but more less buttons, easy, some bigger buttons.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "that's basically uh what I had in mind. So",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, that's clear.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "This is not the final design,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "No, of course uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "this is just a general idea of how I'd like to see uh basically the general idea.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah. I must say that it Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So that was it.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "That was it. Okay, that was good. So we agree on the the part that we need to get something on the on the remote to find it somewhere and increase it the durability of of the thing,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, I think it's a really good idea.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "The other aspects, we'll just see how what you came up with and what's possible for that budget.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay, that's fine. Um. Okay, now work a little with me. Okay. Well,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "let's start it as it is. Okay, uh the method. There are a few questions that need to be answered, uh you already uh talked about it a little bit. Which buttons are wanted, uh is our remote control universal or should it be programmable. Uh if it should be programmeab grammeale then we need um something like a mode that you can switch it. Because then the buttons have to send out a different signal then they would normally do.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And uh how big is the remote control uh going to be? I'll tell you why that's important to me. Um there are a lot of technical parts in the remote control, so uh uh that's why I also would like to say uh go a little bit easy on the designs, uh I heard ab uh you talking about beeps and about uh video screens, but uh the material inside and the technical aspects are quite complex already.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So keep in mind that everything that you keep uh think of, it has to b to be built.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah. Of course, hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So it's that's not as easy as it s might look like.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh material study, I'm working on that um for the the costs. I have to check out how far I can go with that. Normally, a circuit board is made of fibreglass uh and the wires are made of copper. Uh that is how it is done and all the remote controls work that way, I think we can just go on with that. Um then I've read more integration of materials means less cost for the production. The more we can make uh at once uh in one piece, uh that is cheaper.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "You mean integrate them all into the circuit board. Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Exactly, so if we make a circuit board with the the connections already on it, then that's cheaper.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So we have to make something that's not too difficult in design again.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So you have.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "This is what look like uh looks like if you press one button, so this is not the entire thing. You have the the power coming in, then you have like a switch. The switch uh uh uh if you p press it then some electrical charge goes into the processor, that thinks over a Morse code, that's how you should see it. The Morse code goes to the amplifier, then uh the signal is sent to two uh light bulbs. You have infrared and an interv um uh how to say it? Uh a light in indication, light that you know that it's functioning.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh here again, that's my story about the different modes, if you do want to make remote uh universal, then the processor has to uh make up a different Morse code when some button is pressed. That makes it much more complex, so we really need to have a look, do we want that or not. Uh I don't have any personal p uh preferences uh so far, except for uh the materials to be used uh light, that they are light.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay. Okay. That was it?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "That was it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I'll get back to my thing then. Uh Okay, back this up to the screen. So I got some new information on the project specifications are changing a little. Like you said uh teletext is not not very popular anymore because the uh the internet, nowadays people don't use the teletext anymore or hardly, so it can either Well, I don't think we should remove the button, because there are always people who are using it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But I don't think it should be very it should be one of the big buttons for example. Just put it somewhere or under second option or whatever. It's not important anymore. Um we're targeting young people now, because our um This is a new product and with this new product we want to appeal to younger people,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "which are um the younger people were defined under forty.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I so I think it's.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "that's also good with the fashion and everything,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "B",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, and they want to pay for it",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "They want to pay for it, people are willing to spend money actually to buy a um remote that they like.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "If they like the way it looks, the way it functions, so they're actually gonna spend uh spend money on it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "With more Where with more technical specifications",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "in the.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "see how far we can go with it anyway, so",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "And one thing that should be important is that the corporate l colour and slogan are recognisable, which is apparently black and yellow, but I'm not sure if we I think we should keep the the logo in mind, because with colours you can uh have a lot of uh fashionable colours and everything on it, which suits everybody's taste. So With that concept I started thinking, so why not just steal Nokia's idea and just make changeable covers for your.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I mean those cost hardly anything I think, and people could even spend extra money on buying a cover",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and so have an entire new remote control that they like to see. Or we can sh for example we can make a different a basic design. And sell the covers separately, for example. That's just a little marketing idea that could be applied, so you can p it appeals to really everyone. So you don't have to I think you don't have to make entire remote controls. We make a basic one and manufacture this cover separately.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So that was that was my idea on what we could do to appeal this product to everyone. So",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "just I'm not sure if you came up with anything in the meantime, after making a presentation. Would you like to share?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "No, I think this is a good idea.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "But oh?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Is it manageable? Is it easy?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Go ahead.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, with with an L_C_D_ screen you can.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Oh yeah. I think we should lose the L_C_D_ screen,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Y Yes, I think so too.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "like you said. I think for example it's it's huge I think the L_C_D_ is huge,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Why? Nokia w",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "it consumes batteries like hell.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I think it takes up a lot of a lot of power.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And it costs too much to fabricate,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "It costs a lot, I think.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so we're on a tight budget here.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay, uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "What we could do, what could be possible, is maybe not an L_C_D_ screen but with a preview,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "but y I'm not sure if it's even possible. For example, a little T_V_ guide.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Like you have a little.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "just just a text only, not colour, just a little text thing",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so you can use your remote as a T_V_ guide. I'm not sure it's even possible,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm. I have to check that out,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "but maybe okay, make it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I'm not sure.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, find a little compromise in that, but What did I write down?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I think the p yeah, the beep is a very simple thing to imple implement, just make a button on your T_V_",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "That must be possible.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and just hit the button, it beeps somewhere. I think it's easy to implement,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Ja.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "we should go for that.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I'm sorry,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Uh speech recognition.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And it's.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "whe where do you wanna hit the T_ you wanna we want a button on the television..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I thin Yeah, I mean where else should you put it?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "In th okay, but that rules out a universal remote control.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Because that's not possible uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "but how are you gonna use that if your I mean if your remote control is lost, how are you gonna press where are you gonna press the button?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh. Yeah. Exactly.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Maybe just a slap-on sticker with a button which sends out a small signal.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "A slap-on sticker. Oh, you mean as like a separate thing you can attach to your T_V_.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, that could be possible.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, exactly.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "A little little box you can attach to your T_V_ is fine then, okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay, then uh I'd I'd like to know now if we want the uh universal remote control or not, because that's uh determines everything I'm gonna do.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think it's universal. I think we should go for universal,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "If not.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "because apparently we're a separate company making separate c remote controls to sell to a lot of diverse people.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think universal remote control should be possible.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Um.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, then I go for that.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Everyone uh wants to buy it, so we w",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, I think we're targeting everyone,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so remote.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay. No,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "it's fine with me, but then I know what to look for.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay, universal is good. Speech recognition, I think it's very hard, because we're selling across multiple countries. So I think implementing speech recognition is such a small um apparatus, it's very hard to do.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Or one.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "And it's.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Or when you say one two uh i it uh it's enough,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, but I don't see Arabian people speaking one, two uh whatever.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "right? But Oh yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Besides that, the technology isn't really super yet, so that is a problem in implementing this.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "It's Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "It's not a mature technology, I think it takes a lot of memory and everything in in a remote control,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It's a good idea, but it's just not I don't think the market's ripe for that yet.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I don't think it should be implemented in a remote control yet uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh-huh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "What else do we have?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Um well you should you should look into the in into the materials that are real durable. So the the the symbols won't fade,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "maybe a little harder plastic",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Exactly.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "or especially li we don't.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I already noted that.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "maybe we don't have have to do all the buttons, but especially the ones that are um the popular buttons, so those always fade first.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm, okay. Okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm the thing is the most important things that we have now.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Let's see.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "If we uh make a remote control with changeable covers, then we can also make uh a cover for every language area.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "For example?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "That's fo is uh especially for older people, that they can read it read it in their own language.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Well, we're not we're not targeting older people,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "we should remember that. Everything we target is under forty,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "That's.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "okay, okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "You assume that that they read correctly and I think they're.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Huh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "The most important thing about young people is that they're really sensitive to to trends that are passing through the world,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But b",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "But should the exchangeable covers include the buttons themselves or just the.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "No, of course. No, I think it's just something you you put over them, because Yeah we c Yeah, you ca Well,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "tha that's not a that's not a bad that's not even.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "C",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But every.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "that's a problem with the with the text then.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "it's not even a bad idea. I mean, for example, if you're if you're into the durability issue you could.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "For example, if your buttons are faded, after I mean if you make a durable remote, they are faded, you can just buy a new cover.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Uh I'm not sure it's it's hard to make.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So it's a good and a bad idea.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh but I know that the buttons are like a Nokia telephone on uh one sleeve,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so you don't have to change your whole cover. Uh we can make something that you can only remove the sleeve.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Oh yeah, I know what you mean.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Know what I mean?",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Oh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "It works the same as a Nokia telephone, it's it's in my uh'kay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, I know, it's just just a one one piece of rubber for example,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "okay. Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Exactly.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "that's what I something I have to look into. Either either change both the buttons and and the cover or just the cover, I'm not sure which which is easier,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so Um anyway, yeah, this is what we're gonna do afterwards, just lunch break and have more individual work after that, so let's see what we let's see we So you have to come up with a components concept, yeah. I want some you should do some trend-watching, because even if we're if we're gonna do those covers and everything, what people really want, that's what we need to know in this phase,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "because that's gonna be the essential final design that we're gonna come up with.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Um Yeah, I think user interface is fairly obvious. I mean it should be very intuitive,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Pretty straightforward.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "s Yeah, it should speak for itself. Uh for example I bought a remote control last week with a new T_V_, it was it l it's like all buttons and you have no idea what it does at first,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and I'm total T_V_ new, anyway. So I think it should be have less or l very little buttons and maybe a second second level menu for the advanced things. Or maybe just stick'em under a menu, like you said the um the sound options and the surround and whatever, they're more complicated, just stick'em under one menu and uh give it a just put it in in s in a software piece, you can menu and you can uh select everything you want to to set on your T_V_.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Is it techni technically possible to uh send a signal to a television and then pops up a menu,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "because we're working with different types of television, so we're going to work with that?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "That is true.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I don't think so.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "No, that's true.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No, I don't think so. Because the television needs to respond to the signal,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, that's true.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It's an in-built menu,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and if it doesn't know how, it's.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "isn't it? Yes.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Exactly, that's not possible.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So basically",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I'm not sure if it's impossible,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "we.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "but uh there's a chance it's not, so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Or we could use a double-sided for less used functions",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "A double-sided remote control?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "you.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I don't think that's useful.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, with the cover. I it's basically an idea to overcome these issues,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, but then you're gonna have a lot of wasted buttons.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "because.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "For example you have a Sony T_V_ and the half of the buttons won't function if you have a for a Sony that won't for a Philips T_V_.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "No, but basic functions.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "but functions which are not frequently used.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I don't think we should.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Because if we use a universal remote control, we're going to have to have most buttons on it,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, for exam",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I'm not s",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "yeah, for ex you have to make it a little decision between the part if you want a universal remote control that it should do what people usually do with their T_V_s, not not the very complicated settings",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "that you can usually do that with uh either a old old remote control if they really hate that thing,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "but you can't you cannot take into consideration all the different brands of T_V_s.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But that might be broken.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think there's I think there is a standard for example between uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "because usually the the menu is the menu button is is usable between different brands. Especially the big ones, the big brands,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm. Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so.'Cause everybody I have a universal remote control and it can use the menu button, so I think.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I'm not sure, if you can put some research into that, if it's possible. Uh I think just a b",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm okay..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and the navigation is very basic, it's usually the same thing.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm. But I think there must be a way uh to invoke the more complicated functions of a television. For instance, if your old remote control is broken and you buy ours, then uh you should be able to get everything out of the television that's in it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah, that's true. I think so",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Because otherwise you'll lose functions by buying our.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "uh we need to put some research into that if if we can open the menu, I think it's possible, just the way how to.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay, I thi I think so too.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, then then you could do everything I suppose, because usually the T_V_s have tha that inside in this other little piece of software, so it's okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And I think that our r remote control should not look like uh any other. For instance uh Sony makes all their remote controls exactly the same for all their devices,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and you always grab the wrong one because formatting of the buttons is exactly the same, only the labels are different.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah I think it should be a little distinct from everything else,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "We should not do that.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "because it's either it's both mayb",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Exactly.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "maybe the shape can be a little different.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I have some ideas. I have some ideas.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Maybe it's a little more curves or whatever.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm that's your uh division..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Um yeah. And uh with different colours uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "So um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I'll put some on paper and present them next time uh the ideas that I have.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, this. Not sure what.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "because we have forty minutes, I'm not sure how much time we have left for the meeting anyway, so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I heard a beep go.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, but it wasn't me, it was him closing something.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "So anyway, yeah, we could do some i do some work now on on the design for example. I mean what do you want, do you want, but.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, but we like some some curves or.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, may maybe something like this. But though smooth inside. So you have the transmitter here for example.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Let's see that you what would be handy. I think that the the buttons should be the channel buttons should be uh on their own.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh. And a light uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Let's see one, two God damn it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh, we get the general ideas, yes.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, okay. Another one here. Let's see what I think this should these are always on top of the of the control, so they should be here.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, and since you're holding it like this, I suggest you put the channel up channel down and volume.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Think it's like this..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Volume.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Withi within the Yeah, just take it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "yeah yeah. So you have the up channel the down channel the volume, do we want that horizontal or vertical?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Do you take triangles or.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh it's it's fine, I think.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Um I think it should be I think it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "This is basically what people are accustomed to,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Maybe we should make'em bigger or whatever.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, but this is just a g general idea.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Oh d.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh maybe the menu button can go i in the middle.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, in the middle. It's it's usually uh there, but Mm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Whoa.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Perhaps we should also make uh something like a flash on it, if you if it's lost, for people that are deaf. They they won't hear the the beep.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, but for example if it's lost in your armchair, we'll not see the flash.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "You won't be able to find it..",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And flash takes up a lot of batteries again.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh. Yeah, it's true, but it's it's only has to do so when you press the button that it's lost.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Just.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "We could make a combination that it goes beep and that you that some light lights up.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So. deaf people?",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And L_E_D_ uh on it.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, I thought about for deaf people for example, so. We could do that. Uh let's see.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Just a light on it or.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "So we have the basic channels we've got here, uh the power button somewhere over here?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Oh yeah, it's true. Um that thing should be central.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Very important.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "You shouldn't be you uh shouldn't press it by accident, but it shouldn't be stacked away somewhere.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I usually press it on top.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "that's It's.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "At least that's what I'm accustomed to.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I have another idea,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, like that's gonna work..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I'm not sure if it's possible.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "What would you like to?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, I thought maybe we should move the buttons down",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But you r",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "and put it here for example",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And you are reading from the t",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "to.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "you always read from the top to the the bottom of it.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "From top to bottom. Yeah, that's true,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "you should.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so it's.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I think the bu the power button should be on top,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "'cause it's the first thing you do, turn it on. So power button on top. Um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay, mute button. Is that somewhere here?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mute. Do we hardly I think it should be at the bottom somewhere.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Is that used often?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So i it's.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "The mute button? Do people use that often?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "sorry?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mute. Turn the sound off.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No, it's no..",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "'Cause uh I'm pretty much accustomed to it right over here, at least in general,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh. Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "but.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I don't think it's important, but I think it I think it should be you c",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It's not that important, no.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "you could put it somewhere here.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Or or with the volume selection..",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "No, because it Yeah, people are accustomed to that,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Around uh not uh not at top at the around the volume selection.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "it's Can I have that? That's j",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Sure.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I don't know where exactly,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Take this out and here see.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh are we gonna take triangles anyway? I'm drawing triangles, but.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "That's pretty much what people are accustomed to,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "aren't they?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "it's maybe a bigger lesser than thing. So anyway, I think this is should be the channels and or sh",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Well,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Wha",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I'm accustomed to the channels being on top.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "No. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Here,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, me too.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "okay. Okay,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, that's better.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "should we chan",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "On the right.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "okay, this two, channel up and down.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Shall we uh also look if it's possible to make a rechargeable remote? That you don't have to buy new batteries if every.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Well,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "for that is it's on one part it's um it's a good thing to recharge it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Maybe it's more ex expensive.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Maybe we should what what could be possible is one with rechargeable batteries for example.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "You have just put Penlite batteries that are rechargeable, because it's an it's it's it's very annoying.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But isn't that expensive in the entire package?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But that's already possible.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I'm not sure y I'm not sure it's if it's expensive, but just take a look at it, because it might be a very good idea. Because if it's it's uh useful to have it rechargeable,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but at the same time, if you don't want recha if you forgot to recharge it and you wanna watch T_V_ now, you wanna be able to put different batteries in it, use it now and not in half an hour.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yes. Yes. Okay. Uh you could make a device, but I'm not sure how that uh is possible with the costs, that you can put in normal batteries, rechargeable,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think I have a nice idea.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but it you're the remote also can act as a recharger. So then you can choose, you have every decision. Know what I mean?",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Not exactly uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "You can uh put in normal Penlites, rechargeable Penlites, but they can also be recharged with the remote, with a wire.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Hmm. Yeah yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I think it's uh it's a pretty good idea to have uh like sort of a maybe a base station that you put on the T_V_. Could be flat, you could insert your uh remote into it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So but.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, that's g",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "But I think that will cost a lot.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I'm not sure.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh a normal wire would be better.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "A what?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Like a like a P_D_A_, a hand-held. You can uh just put it in the electricity and it charges itself,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Well, we were talking about the fact that we wanted to insert either a beep or a flash into the thing with a little separate signal",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "you don't need basic station. Yes.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "or So you could put that on a T_V_ for example.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "That is possible, that's true.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "It could be very flat, could be very small.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But Which.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "It's a very small Yeah, I'm drawing it big now, but So you can put your remote on flat for example.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And at the backside of remote just just just a little hole",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "for example um you just put it down, it recharges for example.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I don't think it's very expensive.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But again, isn't that too expensive?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "'Cause that means that we have to implement rechargeable batteries, a docking station.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I'm not sure if it costs a lot, that that's what he r",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "That's that you that's what you buy yourself.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yes. I'm going to try to find that out. I'm not sure if there's information available on this,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "It's just an idea, we have to find out if it's possible.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "But.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "And do people actually want that? To pay extra they want to pay for rechargeable?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, they want to pay for it.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Do they want but they want a rechargeable one?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I'm not sure, you should find out if it's if rechargeable is important.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Th uh there was not a el ask esque.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm. These are uh comfort issues. So I think people will pay they wanted to pay for comfort.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "But.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "They want to pay for comfort,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Well, this is comfort.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "we just assu we we could either make a separate station which just sends a signal to the remote control to either beep or flash to find it,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But f hmm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yes.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "um and Yeah, we have to either that or make it integrated with a with a docking station.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm. Yeah. Exactly. I think this is a brilliant product.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think it would be good actually.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I would buy it myself.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I like the beep part anyway.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So um",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "let's go through the.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I like the covers. That's a brilliant idea.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Can can we save this or.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Covers is covers is good.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I never thought.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, it's Oh we can save this. Up and saved. We even saved the ant. Um Okay. So",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "what we have is you have I think you have to do a lot of work on if it's possible for the cost.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I hope if I have information about that,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Maybe yeah,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I'm gonna.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "or maybe you can find out i what people are willing to pay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "We are going for twenty five Euros sales price,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "but just try to find out what they're willing to pay for it, because if they're willing to pay more, we could lose a little profit and maybe attract more customers,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah yeah yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "uh we just have to see what it looks like.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I would like to make a decision. What it costs and what kind of materials that we can uh choose what we want in it",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, if you have some financial information that that'd be nice,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and exactly, I need it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so. Hmm..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Could you post some other essentials of what people want, so that I can work with some buttons, where to put it.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "You seem to have information on that, I'd like to uh see some of it.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Was it not possible to uh send emails around the office?",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "No, it wasn't wasn't allo",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No, it's not. No.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "it was possible,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Not.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "not allowed, so. So that's um why I'm not sure that you're allowed to share documents on the on the draft.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. My computer crashed,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so uh",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I don't care. I haven't heard any complaints yet,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh, your computer. Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I lost my uh presentation,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so. Um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but I have the uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Well, I have your PowerPoint presentation, I can get some inf information out of that.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, but I Here I have the the s the homepage of uh our internet,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Let's see.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, the oh, they inc uh",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and here is my",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "they include the new one. Or just for you.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh, where would we.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "here is my marketing report,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Oh",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "maybe you ca you can look at uh that",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "no, I didn't have that.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Where would we want the uh teletext button?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Ah yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Because we decided that it's n not that important.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "All it tells just let's make make a new.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And one.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Do we put it somewhere over here?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "tick the new one. Um other side. Yeah, let's increase it a little because.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And uh wha what people want, I've uh",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Or maybe this is something for the next meeting, I can draw out some ideas.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, draw us up some some designs of of possible.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I have another thing uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "just keep in mind that the important buttons should be on top and either big,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "so the more less important.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Well, we have decided more or less the basic structure.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "More or less.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I can put the other buttons in.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Just play a little with this, put l shift a little up or down and we'll see what looks best.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "What uh what did you wanna say?",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Or just po post your designs from time to time on the product share.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Um.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh what I al already said is the the uh the remote controls are always lost,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Maybe another idea uh.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "but it it's also for people, they want to learn it fast,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm. Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "not uh they want to.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, so we don't want we want very little buttons, just the buttons you use a lot.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "It's yeah, it's easy to learn",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yes, but it should cover all the functions,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "wi and uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Well",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so possibly, just an idea that popped in.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "what we had function that what people do,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so. People change channels, people they change the volume and they they change channel, they turn T_V_ off and on, for example. That's the basic fu that's what you do I'm not sure who present that again, but those are the basic function that people use it for, so those should be very well represented.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, but we could go a step further,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "And The If.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "because some T_V_s have the uh possibility to adjust brightness, that kind of menus.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "That's true, but that's what we stick under the menu button. Everything is you say in every T_V_ that's configured under the menu.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yes, but it Because we're making.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But that's the question, is it?",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Um.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Because it needs to be configured in the television under the menu.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, but.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "If it isn't, then we cannot reach it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "We need to adjust to the technology.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But I think most modern T_V_s have it in their menu.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I think so too. I think so too.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "True.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh isn't there a possibility to do research on that, so we know that for sure? If you rule out functions, then uh and that gets known, then people are not gonna buy it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "No, I thi",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Then the consumer bond or something says uh you cannot do this and that with it. That's a bad bad com commercial",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "If um.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh we'll we'll see what we can come up with.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "for okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Another thing I want to say is that uh we are looking at the market for the age uh younger than forty.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Under forty. Yeah?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "That's true.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Um on my report, I didn't uh ish I didn't show it in my uh presentation,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "because my computer crashed.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um they want to pay for an L_C_D_ screen and speech recognition.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Hmm. Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "The want to pay for.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Oh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Did they really said it like that? Those two things.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "i yeah. Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh shall we?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Do they realise how much that costs?.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "That's almost undoable.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Younger, age sixteen and forty five.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh, we're not going to be able to sell it for twenty-five then, with an L_C_D_ screen.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh but.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "That's all here, here it says.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No, that's that's. Even if i if we have this lost unit, then we cannot do it for that price.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, age sixteen forty fi interest in main features more critical.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "If if they.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, so we're not focusing on this. Um All the interest in features, not really the L_C_ oh here. Would you pay for uh speech recognition in a remote control. Hmm, okay?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, that's true.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So uh",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "we can",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Speech recognition is quite.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "We can look at the possibilities for an uh L_C_D_ and uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, just look at the possibilities then,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I dunno.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "because if.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "apparently it's what people want,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "it's supposed to be a luxurious remote,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "How much it will cost",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "maybe it's not even that expensive. Or find a compromise, maybe just a black and white or for some extra information on it, on your programmes.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh I.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Well",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Um.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I doubt it, but.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But I really need finance information.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Me too. I mean we all do..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It will come uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "We all do..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Right. I think it's something we should put into consideration. Apparently it's what people want, so. We should see if what it costs, if it's possible.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm. Uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah, we should do a little thing about design, because it looks boring really to me. Even if you put it even if you put a different cover on it, it looks still looks boring,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Different colours maybe.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm. And the design, it should differ.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "But all.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "This is Philips, huh?",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I have no clue.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Philips has this.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I just drew something what which would fit into your hand easily.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Well, I had basically.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay. Hmm. Uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Something like this. To make it kind of futuristic.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm. Oh, I realise if we make it small, then it needs to be a little thicker,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think it's a very.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "because I need to put all the electronics in it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Sorry?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "If we make it s uh smaller, uh less wide, then we need to m make it a little thicker,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "because I have to put all the electronics in it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah, but you have to j just keep in mind it shouldn't be too heavy.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I mean we can stick it in in there, I think.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Huh even if.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "in the worst case we can even.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "what kind of.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Could you give me the pen back?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, sure.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So let's say that people would want an L_C_D_ thing. Let's take take the basic design again, what we oh, crap uh came up with. I'll just make it a little bigger now. So a transmitter here. Anyway. We could let's say we have an L_C_D_ screen, people want an L_C_D_ screen. So then we should probably put it here.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It doesn't have to be really big, but just just have to be has to be there.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Think it's a good place, people don't.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "If you're reading from top to bottom, I think it's better to put it uh at the top.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "No? It's not that uh it's not the most important function,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Me too.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "It's j.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "it's just an extra thing,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Ah",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "it just you press the buttons on top,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh. But i if you if you are going to uh put the L_C_D_ on it, I think it's very important to use it,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "but.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "because your finger is on top.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "uh because it's use it uh",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "How can you use an L_C_D_ screen?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But nee the function of it. So you can use it maximum, because uh it's a lot it costs a lot.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, but why",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I I'm not sure.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Now it's pretty much tucked away in your hand.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh if you t if you press a button, you can see it,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm. No.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "ri I'm not sure wha I'm trying to imagine myself what it would look like.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I'm.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "M I personally would prefer it on the top.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "You would prefer it n Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "So we have three people saying it should be on top.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Huh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay, but then you would would s have to stack away your buttons somewhere else.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But it Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Anyways.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It's expensive to build it,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh this looks a little.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I'm still not convinced of the.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "you must use the maximum of it.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "About the L_C_D_s thing.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Well if it if it's",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "if it's possible wi if it's not too expensive, we should include it,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "They want it uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "because it's it's cool..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "We should just try to make that if it's possible. If it is possible we should really do it, but we need that information.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Huh. Uh. But uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Also keep in mind again, the L_C_D_ screen is very flat, but it needs transistors, resistors, I don't know what more and that needs space. So I have to look if that's possible.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, I know uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "So basically",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But if we.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "can I.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh we have green now uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "what we have to decide now is uh what goes on top. Do we put the volume control and the channel control here, or do we put it on he Would we like to press it in the middle?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Or maybe we should m we could uh draw draw something a bit that has it on on on the bottom.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "In middle of it. In the middle.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Maybe in a circle for example, like we like in this example. I think this is not good, but for we could make circular buttons for example. For up and down, ma make it a circle on it,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yes, but we do agree that we keep this at the centre,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "because it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "because it's basically the most important function.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I think the channel button should be in the centre.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It's the most import yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Channel button should be st stick together, for example here in this section. Because it's uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Well, that would make them quite small.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "We're not sure about the size anyway,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So maybe you'd put them here.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "just a general design. You can make it as big as you want. For example if you take uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yes, but a big remote control probably not something which people would like.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "No,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "let's see. For example just.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "If we have a a space issue, we can also lose one battery. It is rechargeable, so we can stick with one instead of two.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": ".",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I don't think if we if we even use an L_C_D_ screen, we need to, definitely.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "That might be an option. Yeah, but if we need two batteries and an L_C_D_ screen, that means a lot of space that we need.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, but we have to see what the si what the size is.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But it has to be a little bit heavier.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "The L_C_D_ doesn't have to nee doesn't need to be very big.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "No, but the things behind it. space.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm let's see.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Like a process uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Finish meeting now.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Finish meeting now.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It's on your computer.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, we will. So either.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So would we like this or would we like the.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "We either we have to decide what what people want.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I like this one more.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Either this one, this this could be the luxurious one. So we have channel buttons here. I'm just drawing something uh. Uh I think this would this would look cool. You could have it for example small buttons here for some extra functions,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so if your basic function's here, we should like we decided before, programmes up and down, and volume here.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Let's see what we have here.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Or And uh what about speech recognition uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Well you can just no, I'm not sure if we can do that,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, yeah,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "but we could put a microphone in here for example.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but or or an L_C_D_ or an uh speech.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think it's L_C_D_ is better now.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Just to do research into both, w what it costs and what it takes for space.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I'll try to.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "But let's cut the meeting for now yes.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "One more uh thing I'd like to say, uh let's give this uh a name, and not like some vague serial number that no one understands, like with cars.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, okay, yeah,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Shall we all try uh to think about a name?",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So I think of a name.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "that's.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, let's think of a name, okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "yeah, that's okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh, good.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, at anyways, the the minutes will be on the on the web shortly,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "so there we go uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yes, go and finish up and I'll see you at lunch.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Good luck.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, to all.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Same.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, I've Do we uh save the?",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "..",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
} | {
"dialogTurns": [
"query": "What were the main points covered in the meeting about the functional design phase?",
"response": "Here are the main points covered in the meeting about the functional design phase:\n\n* The marketing team presented the results of their usability tests with 100 people.\n* 75% of the users found most remote controls ugly.\n* The most important buttons for users are power, channel selection, and volume selection.\n* 50% of users said that they only use the \"zap\" function.\n* The participants discussed potential features for the new remote control, including:\n * A button for a favorite channel.\n * A beep or speech recognition feature to help users find the remote if it is lost.\n * An LCD screen to display information about the channel.\n * Changeable covers for the remote to appeal to a wider range of users.\n* The industrial designer discussed technical aspects of the remote control, such as the materials and components that will be used.\n* The project manager outlined some changes to the project specifications:\n * The teletext button will not be removed, but it will be placed in a less prominent location.\n * The remote control should be designed to appeal to users under the age of 40.\n * The company would like to pursue a universal remote control, if possible.\n* Participants agreed to research the potential for an LCD screen and speech recognition.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 11,
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"startIndex": 35,
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"endIndex": 168
"startIndex": 170,
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"startIndex": 188,
"endIndex": 188
"startIndex": 253,
"endIndex": 254
"startIndex": 462,
"endIndex": 465
"startIndex": 662,
"endIndex": 675
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"endIndex": 852
"startIndex": 902,
"endIndex": 909
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Can you summarize the main aspects that were discussed regarding the remote control's durability?",
"response": "Here are the main aspects that were discussed regarding the remote control's durability:\n\n* The participants discussed the importance of making the remote control durable, especially the buttons, which are prone to fading.\n* They considered using a harder plastic or a more durable material for the buttons.\n* The industrial designer suggested using interchangeable covers for the remote, which would allow users to replace the covers if they become damaged.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 285,
"endIndex": 287
"startIndex": 320,
"endIndex": 320
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "What were the tasks that needed to be taken by the participants after the meeting?",
"response": "The participants were tasked with the following after the meeting:\n\n* Researching the potential for an LCD screen and speech recognition.\n* Looking into materials that are durable and can be used for the remote control's buttons and covers.\n* Investigating the possibility of making a universal remote control.\n* Conducting trend-watching to determine what people want in a remote control.\n* Coming up with names for the new remote control.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 149,
"endIndex": 149
"startIndex": 165,
"endIndex": 165
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"endIndex": 285
"startIndex": 339,
"endIndex": 339
"startIndex": 902,
"endIndex": 909
"startIndex": 914,
"endIndex": 920
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Could you please give me a succinct overview of the key elements of the functional design phase meeting?",
"response": "Key elements of the functional design phase meeting:\n\n* The results of usability tests with 100 users were presented by the marketing team.\n* Potential features for the new remote control were discussed, including a favorite channel button, a lost remote locator, an LCD screen, and changeable covers.\n* Technical aspects of the remote control were discussed, such as materials and components.\n* Changes to the project specifications were outlined by the project manager, including a focus on users under 40 and the pursuit of a universal remote control.\n* Participants were tasked with researching the potential for an LCD screen and speech recognition, investigating durable materials, exploring the possibility of a universal remote control, conducting trend-watching, and coming up with names for the new remote control.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 25,
"endIndex": 25
"startIndex": 75,
"endIndex": 75
"startIndex": 149,
"endIndex": 149
"startIndex": 151,
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"endIndex": 165
"startIndex": 170,
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"startIndex": 245,
"endIndex": 245
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"startIndex": 914,
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"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "What was the primary objective of this meeting about the functional design phase?",
"response": "The primary objective of the meeting about the functional design phase was to discuss and gather input from various team members on the design and features of a new remote control.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 11,
"endIndex": 11
"startIndex": 13,
"endIndex": 13
"startIndex": 192,
"endIndex": 192
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "They mentioned conducting trend-watching. What exactly is the purpose of that?",
"response": "The purpose of trend-watching is to determine what people want in a remote control. This information will be used to inform the design and features of the new remote control.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 339,
"endIndex": 341
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "It mentioned that research on the possibilities for an LCD screen and speech recognition should be done. What were the specific findings of the usability tests with 100 people that led to this decision?",
"response": "The specific findings of the usability tests with 100 people that led to the decision to research the possibilities for an LCD screen and speech recognition were not discussed in the meeting.",
"responseAttribution": null,
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": true,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Can you provide a concise rundown of the product requirements as they've changed and what the industrial designer had to say about these new requirements?",
"response": "* The project specifications changed, including a focus on users under 40 and the pursuit of a universal remote control.\n* The industrial designer discussed technical aspects of the remote control, such as materials and components.\n* They noted that an LCD screen and speech recognition require a lot of internal space due to additional electronic components.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 151,
"endIndex": 151
"startIndex": 157,
"endIndex": 157
"startIndex": 168,
"endIndex": 172
"startIndex": 852,
"endIndex": 852
"startIndex": 902,
"endIndex": 909
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Apart from the materials and components, what other aspects of the remote control's design did the industrial designer discuss?",
"response": "Here are some of the other aspects of the remote control's design that the industrial designer discussed:\n* The possibility of making a universal remote control.\n* The importance of making the remote control durable, especially the buttons.\n* The potential use of interchangeable covers for the remote control.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 149,
"endIndex": 149
"startIndex": 296,
"endIndex": 298
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": true
"query": "What did the industrial designer suggest should be done regarding the issue of making the remote control durable?",
"response": "Industrial designer did not suggest anything that should be done regarding the issue of making the remote control durable.",
"responseAttribution": null,
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": true,
"isContextDependent": null
} |
fe758f9c4dd347dc8fa0b61c0e4d9bff | {
"meetingId": "ES2012c",
"transcriptSegments": [
"text": "Alright? Alright. Thank you for coming to this third meeting of the uh uh design group. Um I think we uh made some definite progress at the last one um and come up with some interesting uh uh w suggestions for our our new remote control. Um I'll again very quickly uh just present some notes of that meeting. Um the the the problem with existing remote controls, we felt, was that they're ugly um and that people are prepared to pay a premium for something better. Um they've got lots of buttons on them that uh people don't use and find difficult to learn. Um and people lose them. And We we thought that f for our our new uh uh remote control that everybody will want to rush out and buy, um that we're we should look at speech recognition rather than r rather than buttons, and that if we have any buttons they should be very few of them and only for those functions that are actually identified that that people use. That um we want to go for uh a long lasting battery that we gua we guarantee for the life of the uh uh the product and a shape that will be instantly recognisable, A_ um as uh a trendy remote control, and and B_ as uh a Real Reaction product. So that w uh when people are uh happy with that, they will they will want to buy uh everything else from us. Uh Okay. So again um, I'll we'll have the three three presentations from the the the three of you and then uh we'll we'll make a a final a final uh decision. Um and the the decisions that we need to to make today, finally, are um what energy source we want to use, whether i it is practical to use uh um a a a long lasting one. And uh I I think our discussion was around the fact that uh if we're gonna go for uh a long lasting power supply, then basically it's uh sealed for life and uh if anybody does manage to run one down, we'll we'll give them another one. And uh it it'll be uh, you know, prominently displayed as part of the th the advertising literature that it's um um, you know, for life, guaranteed for life. Um now the the the internal chip um and uh this is where I need uh uh Kate's expert advice",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and given that th this has to to go to market as quickly as possible um d d do we go for a custom designed chip? Or or do we buy one off the shelf and and programme it ourselves? Uh I mean I'm I'm I'm n not an expert on these things, but presumably, there must be loads of'em already on the market that we can modify.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But uh that that's uh that's your area of expertise. And then the uh, you know, the the overall design of the case uh is is is Kendra's field and uh",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "we we had some discussions last time as as to uh how we might go forward and we'll we'll finalise those uh da today. Um and thi this is all linked in with the the the user interface, whether we p um go for voice, buttons, or or a bit of both. Uh and then uh, you know, f for the next meeting Kate will be looking at the the the s the look, feel and design, Kendra the uh ho how the the user actually uses it and and Andrew of course the the product evaluation. And uh Kate and Kendra will be producing a a model for us to uh to look at.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh so, if if we can have the the three presentations again please, and uh um p perhaps you'd like to start uh k.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay. Um.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Kate. Oh I'm sorry, oh sorry.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um p there we go.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "'Kay, I'll just be talking about the components design. And Okay, basically I just uh looked at what exactly do remotes do. Uh basically they wait for you to press a key or give a voice command and then this is translated uh into uh light signals which are then seen by the T_V_. Uh the materials we're gonna need to look at uh the two big ones are the integrated circuit chip and the battery and the in integrated circuit chip uh works in conjunction with a a diode transistor or resonator, uh two more resistors and a capacitor and the battery works in conjunction with a resistor and a capacitor. Um. Uh basically what happens is you'll press a number or give a voice command and this creates a a connection within the the remote that allows the chip the chip then senses this connection and produces a signal in a Morse code format. This signal's sent to the transistor which amplifies it and then sends it on to the light emitting diode and uh which is then trai changed into a infrared light which is sent to the T_V_ and sort of seen by the T_V_ and which uh changes the channels. Um. Oh. Uh cool. Uh so as for how we should end up uh using this in our remote uh t couple of main questions are the buttons. Uh y the fewer buttons you have, I guess the fewer internal connections and internal codes you're gonna need. Um however uh to n not have buttons or to use a voice commands instead of buttons might make these connections more difficult and uh raise the production cost. That's something we should think about. Also we have to work within the company constraints, and the company has informed me via email that uh they're experts at pushbuttons and that seems to be the most uh cost-effective way of producing it. Um also with battery connections the company has some limits on the batteries we can use, so I was thinking perhaps a combination of solar cells with a back-up basic battery and somehow between the combination of that two we might be able to come up with something that uh will last the the lifetime or the five to ten years and we could still keep that original idea. Um we also need to look at the chips, uh v custom-designed versus off the shelf, and the custom-designed will give us much more flexibility and enable us to incorporate the voice function that we all uh seem to have agreed upon. Um, however that's gonna cost more, but uh the off the shelf is gonna be uh cheaper and it's gonna be allow us to produce it quicker and get out there faster, but it's going to be less flexible with the features, especially things like uh voice activation, which haven't really been used much on remotes, so there's not really chips out there that would be easy to uh to convert,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so if we were uh definitely gonna go with the the voice option we'd probably have to design um our own chip. And that pretty much sums it up.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so how um sorry, can you uh just put that one back up again, please? Um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm. Oh yep, sorry. Yep.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Uh d d d okay, I mean uh inevitably a b a custom design chip is gonna be more expensive. Do we do we know uh by how much?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm. Um I don't actually have any price information, no..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And and do we know how long it'll take to uh develop a a custom chip.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um it a lot longer than an off the shelf chip. Oh w yeah, we did the the problem is the the the voice technology is not really highly developed,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Right,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "it's sort of still still in an ex experimental form,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "uh so it would uh it's hard to predict the time..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Right, I think we need to make a a decision here. Uh given that the company wants this on the market quickly and cheaply,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "that would appear to uh effectively constrain us to an existing chip and thus therefore conventional button technology. Um uh now before we go round everybody else, does anybody um h have any have anyti ha anything to say about that?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I I just have a question about that. Um does it make a difference if there are just a few commands, for example if you um can pre-programme in like numbers one through ten and pre-programme say, you know, nine channels and then just use the voice recognition to say channel one and then you've programmed in say B_B_C_ four as your channel one, as your favourite, it's like to have a certain number of favourites um",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "W just to to incorporate the voice activation in it is is sorta the trick.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and that w",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Once you've got the whole voice chip in there, then it's pretty much the the world the the sky is your limit,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay. Then it doesn't matter. Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "but to actually the the big step is to actually get the voice activation chips in there and working.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Cause uh I must say I find it slightly surprising given that, you know, mobile phones incorporate voice activated dialling. So uh um I mean",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I d d for slightly different well no, I mean, it's if you you speak somebody's name and it'll dial the number for you, so uh bu I mean the this this information is from is this is the internal company information, is it?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh bits of it, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Of course mobile phones do tend to be more expensive,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yes, as well.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "you know, hundred and fifty pounds or something. As opposed to the twenty Euros, twenty five Euros.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, mm true, again but if it's without any without any uh p price informations that's uh difficult to uh",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "uh decide.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Also lots of mobile phones have got a lot of technology in them, not just that, so.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, that's that's right. It's like it's it's you can't'cause mobile phones are expensive, you can't say it's the voice recognition bit that is.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But we don't know. Um. I mean uh I su i I mean if given that the um the technology is not well developed and and given that it's it's never been done before, um th th the double risk, uh perhaps we ought to uh stick to uh to buttons, since the last thing we want to do is present a product that doesn't work. Um. Thoughts?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Well, another thought I.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Would.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "oh, sorry, go ahead.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Oh I was just gonna say mayb maybe it sh like um maybe we can like cut corners somewhere else to bring in over cost.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I mean do w do we think that the voice technology is fundamental to the project?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh it's fundament well I mean I guess it it's something we've discussed uh since the the sort of the beginning, so I th I think in in our in our minds it's it's fundamental, but I don't know that the uh the upper echelons of the company would necessarily agree with that, so I think you have to.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I mean I think we.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Well, I kinda think if we're gonna have the voice recognition for part of it, then maybe we should have it for the whole thing.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, I I I I I think that's uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And we've been talking about it the whole time.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm, mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Anyway, I'm I'm incli kinda inclined to say that we should just go for it.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm, right, okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Uh yeah, it's the second most important aspect to users that the device should be technologically innovative.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "From uh my presentation show, so.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, it should be.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh technologically innovative.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Right, okay, so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Fine. Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "that sounds good. Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I it will have voice recognition um uh",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm. Cool.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "if if that means uh if that means we can't afford buttons but I mean b b.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "second question, do we need the five buttons for channel change, up down, volume up down and on off, just as a a backup or just so that people can uh j j just sit there pressing buttons?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, I I would say we do, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think so.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Right. Okay. Sorry, d did you want to say anything? No?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh nope,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "that was it, that was it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Shall we move rapidly on to uh Kendra?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh um ra rapidly move the cable over.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Let's see.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm. Oh good.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh. Yes. Is it gonna work?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm yeah,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, it's thinking about it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "it'll get there. Yep.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay. Okay,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so I did some research on the internet and um what you know, the interf user interface are just aspects that are seen by users, um commands and mechanisms for the operation, and there're just kind of a variety of choices. Um findings, so a lot of times they tend to look cluttered",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and these were just a couple examples of um different kinds that are a little bit more unusual.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "There're some special ones available, like this one right here,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh-huh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "which is marketed towards children, um different designs,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Alright.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and one of the things that n we need to watch out for is a V_ in volume because people some Bring a little picture of what I thought ours could look like.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So just kind of minimise the clutter,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "avoid too many buttons and also um one of the things that people have used is a slide button, like you have on a mouse, that possibly we could use that on the sides for volume, for example, have the slide button on the side,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "and then you can pre-programme the channels, the voice recognition and then the voice response sample locator.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm yeah. Sorry y y yeah, if I can interrupt you. Well d p'kay, do you wanna say anything about um slide controls?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I mean I think the reason everybody uses pushbuttons is that they're they're si simple, cheap and reliable.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh Uh I think they're they're about the same cost really. I I mean, I think it's just sort of the the there's a lot of slide buttons out there. I think it's pretty much the same sort of connection. Mm yeah..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay, fair enough, fine.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Just because I n for example if I'm using a mouse I like to be able to slide it up and down",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "so I thought it might be good for volume to just be able to kind of roll it and then have the up and down",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah. Good, good.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and then the.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "this is my great little drawing.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So three three there's three buttons on a slider.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Three buttons, channel up channel up down and.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Y yes, yes.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Well, if you g if you if you got a channel up down, we can have a slider in that as well. Because if it if you no",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "if you notice on the thing it it kind of like has got kind of if you you know it s kind of like sticks, if you know what I mean, up like one unit, if you see what I mean.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So it kinda goes up one, then y like you can keep rolling it up, but it's like like like like a cog or something.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh-huh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So you kinda take it up one at a time.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay. Um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "The only advantage I was thinking of to having the buttons, like the buttons on one side for the channel, and then the slider is that if you're just holding in your hand, and you pick it up, it's easy to n s know, okay, this is just the volume and this is the channel.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "D",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "This one on the one side and one.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh you could you could as l as like a mouse you could.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "yeah. Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Ye yeah,'cause I've definitely picked up remotes and like meant to change the channel and turn the volume, or vice versa,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so it'd be kinda good to have them be feel completely different. You'd know what you were fiddling with.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "or yeah uh th th the I mean thi this is what the.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "That was.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, like the shape of it almost like a mouse, with a.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "we have to come up with is the the actual shape that people can ins instantly pick it up and and know know uh know what it's going to do.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay, so we we're looking at sliders for both a uh volume and channel change",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um well",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "of one sort.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I was thinking kind of just for the volume,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Just for the volume, uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "but what what do you guys think?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Dep I dunno if it.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "We could.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "depending on the final shape of it,'cause you could have like, I dunno, it looks like you can c control the volume with your thumb,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and then you could control the buttons with your fingers.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Fingers,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "'cause if yeah, in that kinda position the fingers would be better for pressing and the that for rolling,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "It yeah, I mean it it it seems to me that uh it uh it al also has the advantage that it it the two are clearly different,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "B",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "just the way it would.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm yeah, yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "um that there's no no possibility of uh confusing the two.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "So okay. Right so uh",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I'm just gonna pass this along.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "that's sorry is that that all you want to say at the mo",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yes.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "okay, fine.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah..",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm right.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Here we go.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Right.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh yeah, this is my report on trend watching.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "The data's come off internet uh from executive summary for us on the top three things wanted by the consumer. And we got reports from Paris, Milan on new fashions.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "And uh the most important aspect is the l the look it has to look fancy, look and feel",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "uh instead of the current functional look and feel. This is a st well I was gonna say yeah twice as important as the second aspect,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "which is the technologically innov innovative um side of it. So uh and the third being easy to use is probably a given, we have to try and incorporate, so uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Well I I mean I th I think that what we're suggesting ought to address all three of those.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh exactly, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I s that out of sequence? Uh yeah, sorry. Uh yeah, and uh from the fashion watchers from Milan and Paris have said fruit and vegetables are an important theme for clothes and furniture and shoes, et cetera.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Oh.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh sorry, clothes, shoes and furniture",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh-huh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and uh a spongy material to be used on the on the outside.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm I hadn't thought of that, that's different, certainly.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah. But uh I was gonna say um yeah,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "What?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "fruit and vegetables, uh important to this year um important to furniture, I'm just gonna say uh f like it's in if if fashion if we're going for the it looks fancy, then fashion is obviously the line we gotta be going through.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "But fashions do don't last very long.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Well that can kinda tie into our changing uh face things, like we could have the fruit and vegetable theme this year",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "and uh whatever happens next year, we can have the face plates,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah, we can have a sp like a spongy skin on it",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and then we can just whip that off and.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah like the kind you get on like hand weights. You know, that kind of spongy.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm, yeah, that weird I dunno what that is,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "A kind of yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Also means you can drop it without damaging it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh, yeah, it's good as well. Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, that's true.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "That's c cool. Um you have we could if we could save depending on the cost of the product itself, you know, could we have uh a cheaper b cheaper power source and then just have it annually renewed? Instead of having a ten year guarantee? With interchangeable covers, could just buy a new one every year, a new one when new fashions come out.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I I mean it its uh I that's an interesting idea, it's like the old Swatch watch where uh um on only batteries ever got changed in those,'cause people just bought a new one when it went out of fashion,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "but it's just never been seen as a a fashion item before. Um that's.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Wh",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "yes if if if they're made in sufficient quantity.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I I think it's easier sometimes to have them buy changeable covers for it than to buy a whole new one, because you don't feel like you're investing in a whole new product.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "W I mean we we can uh uh b but I mean my feeling is that current power sources are such that for relatively little cost you can make it last, you know, a long time.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Mm. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Um but if we also make it cheap enough that people either change the cover every year or even buy a new one every year then it it's it's even better.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm. Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "What if we included the batteries in the cover?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Oh yeah. I like that.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So um",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "That all c also kind of encourages'em to buy new covers",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "like.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, so can I see that thing?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "S",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, yeah,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Just this as examples.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I n I know the only p I mean the the the the immediate thing that comes to mind with that is that it it it y you've then got the connection",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So f",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and you've immediately got a sort of unreliability, whereas the advantage of having it plumbed in is that that the whole thing is all, you know, completely soldered together",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and it it it you know, total reliability,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, I guess that's true.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "but I mean I d I I uh I know what you're saying and uh understand where you're coming from.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Or well, but like uh like more than just the battery, like a complete different like you've only got like, you know like th uh this bit's the bit you keep, and this is the expensive bit, this is like the chip",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and this is the microphone. And then this is the power source and the bit everyone sees. And then.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I th I s I think if we're gonna go down that route, then we're talking about uh even if it costs slightly more than that, um just building the whole thing in one, then having getting cheaper production costs",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, you probably are right.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "um and, you know giving people the option of buying a new uh a a complete new thing, the advantage of a replaceable cover is that even if they don't it doesn't have a cover on at all, it will still work um totally.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, that's true.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Um then if, you know, if people lose the cover, I mean they they might be well inclined to go out and spend however many Euros on a on a new one um rather than a a complete new re remote.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, yeah. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Well that that's just it with the covers, you're sort of tricking'em into continuing to spend their money on our products without making'em feel like they're being ripped off having to buy a new product.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, I mean it is it's up to it's up to.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, just another five Euro to get.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "it's it's up to our marketing people to to ma to ma turn it into a a fashion item.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Right.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Um and, you know, as as external fashions change, then we get new new covers on the market and, you know, readily available.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "And um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And that's the sort of thing, once you get the mould set, you can just whip out different colours, different pictures very very quickly.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "that's that's right, yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, like they have for mobile phones",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "that are just fruits and animal prints and colours.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So uh i so uh okay. Um right,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "sorry. Um we hadn't finished your.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um oh, don't worry it's all said, I was just gonna say uh yeah, are we gonna make this as part of like like uh a part of the f like it it the fashions apply to furniture, so are we gonna make this part of the furniture?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "It's the sort of thing that we want people to have prominent dis displayed on their um coffee table to say this says something about me.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm. Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Um this is fashionable.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. This is fashionable",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "with.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I, you know, I'm I'm I'm with it, I'm up to date. And you know, th the the design that I've got, and and it could be a a home-made design, um you know this says this is not just a a television remote control, this is, you know, a fashion accessory. Um, so I mean the the the basic shape i is is what we uh I mean given that we've got you know one one on off button presumably, two buttons for uh channel change and one slider and basically nothing else,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "um w we need to decide on the just the basic shape of the thing. And, know whether we go down the fruit and veg route, and I don't suggest we make it look like a banana, but um know sort of the the organic, you know, curved look,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "you know, t to deliberately get away from the uh um uh you know, the the the the square look of most um current uh remotes",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Oh yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "and, you know, whether whether the you know, the the fixed part of it is the corporate yellow. Um mm or uh'cause there's certainly you know, the the corporate logo needs to be prominently uh displayed so that people s th looked at it and say right, that's a Real Reaction remote control, I want one of those.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I dunno that we should make the whole thing yellow I kinda thought with a you'd have like a yellow circle with the R_R_ in it somewhere on it,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah uh the the uh or or b",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "but I'd.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "yellow seems a bit of a strong colour",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "like an.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, I'd I'd um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "to make the ent like the thing.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "yeah. Uh no",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "no, but I mean just like white or grey or black or some sort of blah colour.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I d I I agree, I mean we're we're we're simply it's simply required to incorporate the the the the corporate logo prominently um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah. Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And make that a fashion symbol as well..",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Well n",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Well, th this is this is the whole point, yes, you know, I'm I've got a a Real Reaction uh remote control to go with my Real Reaction coffee maker or or whatever.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And uh then people, you know, people demand more Real Reaction stuff.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Well I was sort of mm kinda picturing like maybe um a shape that's almost like a mouse.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So that, you know, when they hold it it's because a mouse is pretty comfortable to hold in your hand um maybe we could make it a slightly different shape so they could hold on to it, but that way they can have the volume on the side and then the channel buttons and",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "have the power, wherever, somewhere.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I mean I've uh yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I mean that was just an idea that I had.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Oh no that well there's the sim my my idea was something a b probably you know a bit fatter than this but sort of tha that sorta shape",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah, maybe.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "so that you can just sort of ho hold it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, you'd want it narrower than a mouse though",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Kind of a c",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "'cause it a mouse you're kinda just resting on it, you want something you can definitely grip.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "W it I mean well it's sort of it's it's sort of uh a a mouse,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So maybe it'd be.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Sort of a combination.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "but held, you know, so it's you sorta hold it in your hand like that, i with, you know, and fiddling with the buttons.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, and fiddle around with it and press it.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah so yeah, kind of maybe maybe a little wider than this,'cause this is pretty comfortable to hold, and then if you had.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Maybe almost like a hairbrush, like you could get the about the width of that end of the pen and then it widens up top",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and you can fiddle",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "then wider up here.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "an yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And then it would have a l uh wider thing to uh have the light, the infrared light at the T_V_ and just kinda change channels and adjust the volume",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and the power could be wherever, up up the top or something.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, cool.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "What do you guys think about that?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay, yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, that sounds Um I'm just I'm suddenly realising that yeah we're discussing how much how good it's gonna be to change channels t we still can just tell it to. I mean are we are we starting to get away from the the voice functionality of it?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Oh yeah..",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "It's a very good point.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "It is a very good point.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I think we d I think we decided that w we're actually going down both routes. That um the we n",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "we need the the manual controls and that they should be of that form, but that uh yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But do you know, this shape also kind of les lend itself to to voice'cause if you're you're holding it and you're fiddling, but you can also bring it up like that",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Then you just bring it up to your mouth and just speak to it,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and it's microphone-esque,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, and just say.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, maybe we cou like w like we're leaving out the buttons for the the f less frequently used stuff,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "but maybe we could incorporate that into the voice.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I th I th honest uh my personal view is that if it's not there, people wouldn't use it anyway um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm I suppose, but t there is the off chance that, you know, th the brightness is wrong on your T_V_ or the contrast needs changing.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "It's cer it's certainly possible I mean, but they we we're going beyond w w",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Bu Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "given the state of the technology we want something that we kno we know will will work um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Well you can still i incorporate the voice with with less buttons. I mean uh if the power button was also somehow like a menu button you could press that and or do voice commands, and either volume thing could also be to scroll through other options like y and you could scroll through brightness",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "and and sc",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "that's a good idea.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "and then you can you can minimise the buttons",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, I suppose I sup",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and still have those, you know, brightness and tint and stuff.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "If we we're I mean I'm getting a clear message that we think that we should have those facilities available.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So I guess we could have a menu button as well.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "We could have the channels and the power and then a menu button and then the volume.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So have four buttons and the volume instead of three buttons and the volume.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh uh uh",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay, if we if we're going down that route, then we need some sort of display. Do we need some sort of display?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But the television would be the display",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "We actually use the television, okay. Okay, okay, okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, that's on the T_V_, yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "that things like that usually c pop up on a televi like you hit menu",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, and then y",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and menu will come up on television and have like tint brightness, and you'd use the scroll, scroll through it yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Well I mean",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yep.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "on a onto like a mouse, the ru the scrolling button, is actually a button as well, you could press it, you could press that and have it as a menu button.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, yeah, that's true.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, press that is t",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I never understood how that worked though,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "yeah, that might work.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "but yeah..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, it's like um yeah, it's like the mouse where you just kinda click it. You just press it.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, and you could just click that to so if you had like the menu then you could scroll through and then click it to select.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm, oka yeah. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "You know what I mean?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm yeah. Okay, we got five minutes to go in this meeting,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "so um I d I think we've actually very conveniently just uh come to uh a good point to s to sum up um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Cool.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So um b b Kate and Kendra now go away and uh pa play play with a bit of Plasticine or play-dough,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Play with play-dough..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "whatever it is on the other side of the Atlantic.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um and actually put what we've discussed into something uh I was gonna say concrete,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hmm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "but that's a slightly inappropriate word.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "um to something that we can we can see and um Andrew n can go away and th th think about how we can uh actually market this as a concept and not j not just a uh um a a simple remote control.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh can I just get some things clear just for my sake.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, certainly, of course.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Our energy source is gonna be",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I think I think we decided that we're gonna for",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "long term.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "for simplicity of, you know, manufacturing and uh maintenance that we will go for a a long term battery source um,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Cool. Uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I you know, on the basis that um that, you know, if we're going for making it a fashion statement, then uh people are more likely to change it anyway uh before i it runs out and um make an assumption that we we can aim for a battery that will last most people for uh we'll say at least five five ten years",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "and that we'll w we will guarantee it for for five years um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And we're having a custom chip?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "We're having a a custom chip, but given the the we've cut the functions down, um that will hopefully not be too problematic, but given that um technol technological innovation is important,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "then we need to, I'll say it again, technologically innovate.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um and uh we we, know, we must resist any efforts to uh to try and water that down um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And interchangeable case?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I i interchangeable case seems to be um um important to the concept.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Um it it should be cheap, you know, if if we avoid any, you know, electrical connections.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "And uh i you know, i if we can come up with some way of of allowing people to actually personalise it uh to whatever they want, then uh I mean uh uh this is totally new.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm, mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "We d we don't know whether that to what extent people do it or not, but if they've at least got a a good selection of um covers that they can use anyway, and uh and if if we can keep them, you know, rolling, then uh you know, so they can get them in the supermarket when they go down to um a any of the famous supermarkets, I won't mention any mention any names,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "um it's uh it's good for the supermarket",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and it's good for us and it hopefully makes them feel better.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And uh are we gonna have it il being illuminated from inside onto the buttons or.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Um the that I mean that's no, because we've got so few buttons that it that actually makes that redundant.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm, does actually, yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, I think so too.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Cool.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, and especially for making them so like different and.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm different to feel,",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "yeah, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And the.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "you know, that that solves one of the problems of b of battery life,'cause that would well that would clobber the battery life,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm. Yep, yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "so no, I mean given the nature of the buttons we're having, it's actually uh uh unnecessary I think.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Are we having it that it's any angle, or is it just.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "As uh as wide",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "cer certainly wider angle than than current,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "As wide as possible.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "so that if you're holding it, you know, anyway like you're likely to and uh it's uh you know, i i it will work most of the time um.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Like this or like this.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Not like my my mum who points it at the ceiling and wonders why the th th the television doesn't work.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um yeah, I mean I d I th I sorta envisaged that if if this was the the thing, then sort of the the whole of the top would be the uh the infrared uh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, kinda like this whole.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Um so.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So you could use like this and it would go.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah,'cause I mean the r reality is people are they're gonna be looking at the television whilst they're using it, the chances are, so if if they're holding it anyway, the they're reasonably likely to be holding it to use it,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "then uh then that that's the sort of coverage that we want.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Um okay, d we're all clear where we go from here.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yep.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yep, sounds good.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, so thank you very much indeed and I'll s see you all again in thirty minutes.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "'Kay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "'Kay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
} | {
"dialogTurns": [
"query": "What was decided in the meeting to be done next?",
"response": "The participants reached the following agreements:\n* Use a custom chip, despite the increased expense, to allow for better voice recognition technology.\n* Have both manual controls and voice recognition commands, with a focus on the manual controls.\n* Incorporate a menu button to access additional options less frequently used than channel and volume.\n* Design the remote with a shape similar to a mouse for better comfort and grip.\n* Make the energy source a long lasting battery guaranteed for five years.\n* Make the covers of the remote interchangeable so they can be replaced and customized.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 8,
"endIndex": 18
"startIndex": 154,
"endIndex": 155
"startIndex": 239,
"endIndex": 239
"startIndex": 353,
"endIndex": 359
"startIndex": 389,
"endIndex": 397
"startIndex": 406,
"endIndex": 421
"startIndex": 457,
"endIndex": 465
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "What did they decide to do about the buttons?",
"response": "* The participants decided to have both manual controls and voice recognition commands in the final design.\n* They agreed that the manual controls should be the primary focus, with the voice recognition serving as a secondary option.\n* To accommodate this, they decided to incorporate a menu button that would allow users to access additional options that are not as frequently used as the channel and volume controls.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 389,
"endIndex": 397
"startIndex": 406,
"endIndex": 421
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Apart from deciding on the buttons and the voice recognition feature, what other important design decisions were made during the meeting?",
"response": "* The participants agreed that the energy source for the remote would be a long-lasting battery guaranteed for five years.\n* They also decided that the outer covers of the remote should be interchangeable so that users can easily customize the look of their remote.\n* Additionally, they discussed the overall shape of the remote and agreed that it should be similar to a mouse for better comfort and grip.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 154,
"endIndex": 155
"startIndex": 239,
"endIndex": 239
"startIndex": 353,
"endIndex": 359
"startIndex": 457,
"endIndex": 465
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": true
"query": "When discussing the energy source, what did <Industrial Designer> recommend the team do?",
"response": "<Industrial Designer> suggested that the team consider using a combination of solar cells and a backup battery as a power source for the remote. This would allow for a long-lasting battery life while still providing the ability to recharge the device if needed.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 8,
"endIndex": 8
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Can you summarize the key takeaways from the meeting?",
"response": "* The participants decided to use a custom chip and incorporate both manual controls and voice recognition commands.\n* The energy source will be a long-lasting battery guaranteed for five years with interchangeable covers for easy customization.\n* The remote will have a shape similar to a mouse for better comfort and grip.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 8,
"endIndex": 18
"startIndex": 154,
"endIndex": 155
"startIndex": 239,
"endIndex": 239
"startIndex": 353,
"endIndex": 359
"startIndex": 389,
"endIndex": 397
"startIndex": 457,
"endIndex": 465
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Can you summarize the main objective of the meeting?",
"response": "In the meeting, the participants decided to use a custom chip and incorporate both manual controls and voice recognition commands in the remote. They also agreed that the energy source would be a long-lasting battery guaranteed for five years and the covers would be interchangeable for easy customization. Furthermore, they discussed the overall shape of the remote and agreed that it should be similar to a mouse for better comfort and grip.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 8,
"endIndex": 18
"startIndex": 154,
"endIndex": 155
"startIndex": 239,
"endIndex": 239
"startIndex": 353,
"endIndex": 359
"startIndex": 389,
"endIndex": 397
"startIndex": 457,
"endIndex": 465
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "What was <Marketing>'s recommendation for <Target Market>?",
"response": "<Marketing> suggested that the team target the market with the idea of the remote being a fashion statement. They believed that by making the remote look fancy, they could appeal to consumers who are looking for a stylish and trendy product.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 193,
"endIndex": 213
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Did anyone disagree with <Industrial Designer> about the buttons?",
"response": "The meeting transcript does not provide any information about whether someone disagreed with <Industrial Designer> about the buttons.",
"responseAttribution": null,
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_YES_NO",
"isUnanswerable": true,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Can you briefly summarize the discussion on the remote's color scheme?",
"response": "The Project Manager said that the fixed part of the remote control has to be yellow, but the Industrial Designer disagreed with the idea, stating that yellow seems to be a strong color and they should use a white, black, or gray color.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 322,
"endIndex": 334
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Can you briefly summarize the main points of the discussion about the remote's control layout?",
"response": "The participants discussed having both manual controls and voice recognition in the remote, with the main focus on the manual controls. They also agreed to incorporate a menu button for additional, less frequently used options.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 389,
"endIndex": 397
"startIndex": 406,
"endIndex": 421
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
} |
ff93b75413bf48749abb7e5bfc716755 | {
"meetingId": "IS1001d",
"transcriptSegments": [
"text": "Okay. Je croix que c'est dommage de le it will be sad to destroy this prototype. It really looks like a banana.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It is a banana.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "It is a banana..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It is the essence of bananas. I would be confused with this thing.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "S",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm..",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "How is everyone?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Hi.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Hi.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So we are here for the detailed design meeting.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "we will uh I will first present what we are going to do in this meeting. Then uh I've I will also take notes during this meeting and I will send you uh a summary then as usual. We will then look at the evaluation criteria of the prototype presented by uh our two colleagues that make good work.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And uh then we will see the financial aspects and the cost of the product. Then we will uh evaluate the product. And uh end with the conclusion of this project and see whether it fits with it fulf if it fulfil the requirement or not. So",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "d let's start with the cost aspect so so I look at the aspect discussed last time, that is to say uh to have a standard battery, to have a yellow banana shaped uh case with uh a rubber material around it",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "to be uh to feel spongy,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Like a banana.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and uh also at the different aspect like having a wheel etcetera.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "And the cost ended to be ten point seven Euros. So which is uh good, because we had a price gap of twelve point five Euros.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So for the financial aspect it's okay, we can uh we can continue with this product uh as if,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and we are now going to see the project evaluation with uh our marketing expert.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Okay. So uh you can have my project in.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah. You have a presentation?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh yeah just a.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Participant four, yes.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Four. Evaluation.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay. Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay. So you can go. We can go through.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So I made an evaluation and the the evaluation criteria is made according to the users' requirements and the market trends we talked about uh during the previous uh meetings. So you can go through and.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "okay so uh we have uh six points. We we talked about before.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So we we want to have a product fancy look and feel, technologically innovative, easy to use, fashion, easy to find in a room, and robust,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "uh and uh uh I have a scale of uh seven points.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay. So I go through all the uh all the points here,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "and uh according to what you think about the this project you can uh mm make a one point, two point or seven point. Okay?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "And after we ha we have an an average, and uh we see.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "The okay? Uh so uh fancy look and feel, what do you think?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay. Maybe you can presen.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "F between o one and seven.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "okay. Maybe hold it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So I think it's uh very uh very nice. What do you think?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I give it a I give it a five.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah. So it's between one and seven? Seven is the highest uh?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Seven is the.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I will give a six.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I will give a a five.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "And you?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "sorry.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Do you vote uh Christine?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "eh?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Do you also vote?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "No, I just want to see something.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Maybe we all have to agree on a common.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Well, we can very easily.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh I think uh and need to as well.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "No problem. So",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Need to.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "this is your.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "uh I don't know if you we ha we have to put uh one uh f If it's better or.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "One is most.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Uh-uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Well, we can choose what we want.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Um. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, let's say that seven is the best.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Or maybe we can say s seven is the best mm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay. So so do note the grade we have five, six for me,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Five.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "five. And what what's your choice?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh sorry..",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "How much would you give on the fancy aspect, on the fashionable aspect?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Six Uh s you can how much what?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "How much would you you don't answer to this uh questionnaire?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Oh yes I mm I dunno mm, I think six, it's a good uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "So it will have five point five average.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Five point five average.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Wa can..",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Well, does it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I sorry.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay. So after, the technological aspect?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, techne technological aspect.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So we we said uh we have uh a new technological uh thing with a wheel.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, we have the wheel. We also have the rubber material,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "which make it uh like new also. I think I would give a five.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "It's four.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Four?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "A four also, because, except for the wheel, we don't have so much innovation.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "The rubber is.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh a four. I I.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "D are we including the voice are you glu are we including the voice in the end or not? Huh?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "No.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No. Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "No.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "what's your uh grade?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Four.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Four? So we have four, four f and five?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "We can put four?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah, four. Four, yeah, let's put four.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "For twenty five.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Everyone is okay or four poin Four.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Doesn't it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Very easy to use. Do you think it's easy to use?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, I think so. Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I give a seven, I think.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Six.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I would give a I would give a seven as well. It's very easy to use.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Six.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm, six for me also.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "So",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "'Kay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Six point five..",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "six point five.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Six six six point five.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay. Is it fashion?.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Oh yeah,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "its its f its fruit fruit shape.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Seven?.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I would say seven. And is very very nice design.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah it's fashion, because it's a fruit,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, we can we can put a seven here.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and we say that the.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, seven.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "yeah, seven.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah. Seven, okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah. Well, we hope.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Easy to find.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Uh easy to find in a room?.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I lost my banana..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think you can't miss it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Uh.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, I think it's cool. I think we can put a six here.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "We have the lightning, or.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, we have the.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "The lighting.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "we don't sesh especially have the lightning",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So you'll make the material transparent",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "but.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so that it uh lights up completely, or.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So it's yellow. It's okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah..",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I think it's very easy to.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Seven?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "I would say seven. It's hard to miss it.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Six. Yeah, okay.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Is it is it robust?",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, it's rubber, made of rubber,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Uh f yeah, it's ru it's rubber.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I think it's m it's uh more rubber than uh other remote control.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah the only problem there might be which know, i if it's very sensitive,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "they will,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I don't know.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "But it is uh it is surrounded by rubber material.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah, okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So maybe we can put a six.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Everybody is okay, six.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Six or five. Five.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Six is okay?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Six, yeah, for me.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Six.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah. Okay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "S now um so.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Tadada. We have to sum up everything.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Twenty.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Thirteen uh, twenty, twenty six point five, uh seven, thirty two, thirty six.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Thirty. Thir",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "That's that's okay? Six.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Six is a good.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Good. Uh if we say that seven it's uh it's the better,",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah, the be.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, the top.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and when uh s six sit six are good it's a good uh p product, I think.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay, so six is a.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm. So will become eight soon?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So it's a good evaluation, I think. It's very promising.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah, well it's a bit biased..",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Huh.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "We have a good price and uh.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "So this prototype is quite nice..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Good.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Because I saw uh some phones that were banana shaped, uh wireless phones not mobile ones, wireless for the house,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah. Okay.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "uh quite big also,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "and they were selling something like a hundred Euros, two hundred Euros.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Just a just a phone, wireless.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So having this at twenty five Euros is uh quite attractive, I think.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I think the.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "But almo also the complexity between a phone and a remote control is not cannot compare.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Yeah. Yeah,",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "it's much more complex, but.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "So, I think, we can summarise. So we have seen the prototype. It's very nice according to the work of our two designer.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "The the the financial aspect were okay. We we have the cost below uh our threshold and so we could sell at twenty five Euros and make i make profit. The the evaluation give satisfying result as well. So I think we can move to the last part of the meeting.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So the cost is in the budget, the evaluation is okay, so I th I think we can now uh open champagne and make a huge party.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Start to eat banana..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "I don't know if it's provided by uh by the meeting staff.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Mm-hmm.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay so congratulation. Nice product.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Congratulations to the team. Uh very well, we worked together fantastically.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "I think it was a good collaboration uh. Aspect.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "So what does the management say?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Sorry?",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "What does the management say?",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "I think we will have um much bigger project next time and a much bigger salary as well.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Ah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "All it depends on who watch this meeting.",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah..",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "We don't know..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Yeah.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "Okay, so",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
"text": "good guys,",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "so see you for next uh successful project..",
"speakerName": "Project Manager"
"text": "Okay. Yeah. Fruits.",
"speakerName": "Industrial Designer"
"text": "Mm'kay.",
"speakerName": "Marketing"
"text": "Mm.",
"speakerName": "User Interface"
} | {
"dialogTurns": [
"query": "What were the main points discussed during the meeting?",
"response": "* The participants discussed the detailed design of the prototype.\n* The project manager presented the financial aspects of the product, including its estimated cost and potential profit.\n* The marketing expert conducted an evaluation of the product based on various criteria, such as its appearance, ease of use, and robustness.\n* The team members provided their feedback on the evaluation criteria and agreed on an average score for each criterion.\n* The participants reached a consensus that the prototype is promising and has the potential to be a successful product.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": null,
"endIndex": 11
"startIndex": 14,
"endIndex": 38
"startIndex": 87,
"endIndex": 92
"startIndex": 100,
"endIndex": 109
"startIndex": 129,
"endIndex": 147
"startIndex": 156,
"endIndex": 167
"startIndex": 179,
"endIndex": 192
"startIndex": 214,
"endIndex": 222
"startIndex": 239,
"endIndex": 239
"startIndex": 245,
"endIndex": 249
"startIndex": 262,
"endIndex": 262
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "What was the marketing expert's opinion on the product's technological aspect?",
"response": "* The marketing expert evaluated the product's technological aspect and gave it a score of four out of seven.\n* They noted that the product's main technological innovation was the wheel, but other than that, it did not offer much in terms of new technology.\n* The marketing expert also took into consideration the product's ease of use and user-friendliness when assigning the score.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 38,
"endIndex": 38
"startIndex": 100,
"endIndex": 119
"startIndex": 121,
"endIndex": 139
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Apart from the wheel, what other technological innovations were mentioned during the meeting?",
"response": "The meeting participants did not discuss any other technological innovations besides the wheel.",
"responseAttribution": null,
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": true,
"isContextDependent": true
"query": "Can you provide a concise summary of what the Marketing expert had to say in the meeting?",
"response": "* The marketing expert conducted an evaluation of the product based on various criteria, such as its appearance, ease of use, robustness, etc.\n* They assigned a score of four for the technological aspect of the product, considering its main innovative feature to be the wheel.\n* They rated the product's ease of use as six point five, highlighting its user-friendliness.\n* They gave a score of seven for the product's fashionable appearance, considering its unique fruit shape.\n* Overall, they deemed the product to be a promising concept with potential for success.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 24,
"endIndex": 34
"startIndex": 38,
"endIndex": 47
"startIndex": 100,
"endIndex": 119
"startIndex": 129,
"endIndex": 139
"startIndex": 143,
"endIndex": 153
"startIndex": 214,
"endIndex": 217
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_GENERAL",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "What was their overall assessment of the product?",
"response": "* The marketing expert had a positive overall assessment of the product.\n* They believed it had the potential to be successful, citing its favorable evaluation scores and its unique appearance as key factors.\n* They also acknowledged the product's ease of use and its potential to be easily located due to its distinct design.",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 14,
"endIndex": 38
"startIndex": 81,
"endIndex": 92
"startIndex": 100,
"endIndex": 109
"startIndex": 129,
"endIndex": 167
"startIndex": 179,
"endIndex": 192
"startIndex": 217,
"endIndex": 222
"startIndex": 245,
"endIndex": 249
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "What did the CEO have to say about the estimated cost of the product?",
"response": "The CEO did not participate in this meeting, so they did not provide any comments on the estimated cost of the product.",
"responseAttribution": null,
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": true,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "What was the CEO's evaluation of the product's ease of use?",
"response": "The CEO did not participate in this meeting, so they did not provide any feedback on the product's ease of use.",
"responseAttribution": null,
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": true,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "What did they decide on regarding the color options for the product?",
"response": "The topic of color options for the product was not discussed in this meeting.",
"responseAttribution": null,
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": true,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Were they able to agree on a score for each criterion during the evaluation?",
"response": "* The participants assigned scores to each evaluation criterion:\n * Fancy look and feel: 5.5\n * Technological aspect: 4\n * Easy to use: 6.5\n * Fashionable: 7\n * Easy to find: 6\n * Robust: 6",
"responseAttribution": {
"indexRanges": [
"startIndex": 36,
"endIndex": 38
"startIndex": 81,
"endIndex": 92
"startIndex": 100,
"endIndex": 109
"startIndex": 129,
"endIndex": 148
"startIndex": 156,
"endIndex": 167
"startIndex": 179,
"endIndex": 192
"queryMetadata": {
"queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_YES_NO",
"isUnanswerable": null,
"isContextDependent": null
"query": "Apart from the evaluation, what else did the marketing expert discuss regarding the product?",
"response": "The marketing expert did not discuss anything else about the product besides the evaluation criteria and their respective scores.",
"responseAttribution": null,
"queryMetadata": {
"isUnanswerable": true,
"isContextDependent": true
} |
Subsets and Splits