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Roundtable to discuss support for environment and climate change action being at the heart of the government's trade agreements
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss the UNESCO sponsored conference on cities, water and adaptation in the context of climate change.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We spoke about the work of the Scottish Voluntary Initiative which is an industry led programme. We highlighted the importance of the responsible use of plant protection products and discussed innovative ways the farming sector is helping to enhance biodiversity and help to tackle climate change.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed future funding and the Agirculture Reform Implementation Oversight Board. We spoke about farmers' commitment to help to tackle climate change and enhance biodiversity. We also highlighted concerns in relation to the cumulative impact of trade deals on the agricultural sector in Scotland and underlined the need to enable farmers to stitch in trees alongside food production.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We spoke about future support and the need for it to consider food production climate change and biodiversity together. We also higlighted labour shortage issues and the impact on businesses input costs and supply chain shortages.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss Heathrow expansion and relevant impacts of the project for Scotland including climate change and the deliverability of promises made by Heathrow Airport to Scotland.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We spoke about the importance of educating the public about farming provided examples of climate change mitigation on farm and discussed tree planting and the importance of having the right tree in right place.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss the upcoming work programme of the Scottish Government in terms of Brexit contingency support; future agricultural policy; funding for agriculture. Also discussed the role of agriculture in meeting climate change targets.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss Environment Climate Change and Land Reform Portfolio matters in particular EU exit environmental impact climate change and biodiversity.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To introduce Energy UK and provide an overview of the Scottish energy industry including discussing energy generation in Scotland interconnection between Islands and wind farms security of supply protection of vulnerable customers and the importance of joining up Scottish Energy Policy including climate change planning and fuel poverty.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Introductory meeting to discuss the Scottish energy industry; the Planning and Climate Changes Bills and energy efficiency in Scotland.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To lobby for an ambitious Climate Change Bill. Points raised related to role of agriculture and land use activities needed in the Bill to meet new targets.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
The discussion focussed on the timeline of the upcoming Circular Economy Bill and to highlight the impacts of climate change on poor communities around the world.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Introductory meeting to prepare for the webinar on Net Zero in the construction and built environment sectors
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed current market conditions progress in relation to the Scottish Safer Buildings Accord and concerns regarding affordable housing delivery. We emphasised the need for joint working regarding policy-making on the transition to net zero.
Housing, Climate
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss BP's businesses in Scotland. We discussed supporting the UK's energy security by continuing to invest in and produce resilient hydrocarbons that are aligned with BP's strategy. That is oil and gas that can be produced with lower operational emissions safely reliably and competitively. We discussed developing our offshore wind farm Morven with our partner EnBW. This is a 2.9GW project off the East Coast of Aberdeen. We discussed developing our Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub in partnership with Aberdeen City Council. We spoke about building a new solar farm in Aberdeen to produce green hydrogen to power the city's bus fleet including the timeline for this project and location. We highlighted that in 2022 BP in Scotland contributed 2.5billion to Scotland's Gross Value Added and spent 780million with Scottish suppliers. We also discussed how to encourage investment in to Scotland and how our programme of projects and our commitment to invest up to 18bn in the UK energy system by 2030 can support that.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss BP's businesses in Scotland. We discussed supporting the UK's energy security by continuing to invest in and produce resilient hydrocarbons that are aligned with BP's strategy. That is oil and gas that can be produced with lower operational emissions safely reliably and competitively. We discussed developing our offshore wind farm Morven with our partner EnBW. This is a 2.9GW project off the East Coast of Aberdeen. We also discussed developing our Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub in partnership with Aberdeen City Council. We spoke about building a new solar farm in Aberdeen to produce green hydrogen to power the city's bus fleet including the timeline for this project and location. We highlighted that in 2022 BP in Scotland contributed 2.5billion to Scotland's Gross Value Added and spent 780million with Scottish suppliers. We also discussed how to encourage investment in to Scotland and how our programme of projects and our commitment to invest up to 18bn in the UK energy system by 2030 can support that.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss BP's businesses in Scotland. We discussed supporting the UK's energy security by continuing to invest in and produce resilient hydrocarbons that are aligned with BP's strategy. That is oil and gas that can be produced with lower operational emissions safely reliably and competitively. We discussed developing our offshore wind farm Morven with our partner EnBW. This is a 2.9GW project off the East Coast of Aberdeen. Our new floating wind innovation project which has recently been announced as called Flora. We discussed developing our Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub in partnership with Aberdeen City Council. We spoke about building a new solar farm in Aberdeen to produce green hydrogen to power the city's bus fleet including the timeline for this project and location. We highlighted that in 2022 BP in Scotland contributed 2.5billion to Scotland's Gross Value Added and spent 780million with Scottish suppliers. We discussed skills work that BP does in Scotland and some of the issues in this area. We also discussed how to encourage investment in to Scotland and how our programme of projects and our commitment to invest up to 18bn in the UK energy system by 2030 can support that.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss BP's businesses in Scotland. We discussed supporting the UK's energy security by continuing to invest in and produce resilient hydrocarbons that are aligned with BP's strategy. That is oil and gas that can be produced with lower operational emissions safely reliably and competitively. We discussed developing our offshore wind farm Morven with our partner EnBW. This is a 2.9GW project off the East Coast of Aberdeen. We discussed developing our Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub in partnership with Aberdeen City Council. We spoke about building a new solar farm in Aberdeen to produce green hydrogen to power the city's bus fleet including the timeline for this project and location. We highlighted in 2022 BP in Scotland contributed 2.5billion to Scotland's Gross Value Added and spent 780million with Scottish suppliers. We also discussed how to encourage investment in to Scotland and how our programme of projects and our commitment to invest up to 18bn in the UK energy system by 2030 can support that.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss BP's businesses in Scotland. We discussed supporting the UK's energy security by continuing to invest in and produce resilient hydrocarbons that are aligned with BP's strategy. That is oil and gas that can be produced with lower operational emissions safely reliably and competitively. We discussed developing our offshore wind farm Morven with our partner EnBW. This is a 2.9GW project off the East Coast of Aberdeen. We discussed developing our Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub in partnership with Aberdeen City Council. We spoke about building a new solar farm in Aberdeen to produce green hydrogen to power the city's bus fleet including the timeline for this project and location. We highlighted that in 2022 BP in Scotland contributed 2.5billion to Scotland's Gross Value Added and spent 780million with Scottish suppliers. We discussed the Scottish Government's Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan and the estimated timeline for the final plan to be published. We also discussed how to encourage investment in to Scotland and how our programme of projects and our commitment to invest up to 18bn in the UK energy system by 2030 can support that.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed our BP pulse strategy and our plans to spend 1bn on the electric vehicle (EV) charging network by 2030 and put in place 30 000 charge points in the UK. We talked about our partnership with Police Scotland Scottish Ambulance Service and Royal Mail and the wider roll out of EV chargepoints across Scotland.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To update on the new BP strategy which was announced a few months earlier. We discussed BP's new ambition to reach Net Zero by 2050 or sooner and to help the world get to net zero. Part of this is transitioning from an International Oil Company to an Integrated Energy Company. We highlighted some of the targets BP have set for 2030 including increasing investment in renewables 10-fold increasing our developed renewable business to 50GW increasing our share of core hydrogen markets to 10% expanding our electric vehicle charging network from 7 500 charge points to 70 000 and reducing our oil and gas production by 40%. We also discussed our recent announcement that we had formed a strategic partnership with Aberdeen City Council to help them achieve their goals to become a climate positive city.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss BP's businesses in Scotland. We discussed supporting the UK's energy security by continuing to invest in and produce resilient hydrocarbons that are aligned with BP's strategy. That is oil and gas that can be produced with lower operational emissions safely reliably and competitively. We discussed developing our offshore wind farm Morven with our partner EnBW. This is a 2.9GW project off the East Coast of Aberdeen. We highlighted that in 2022 BP in Scotland contributed 2.5billion to Scotland's Gross Value Added and spent 780million with Scottish suppliers. We discussed Hunterston Port in the Member's constituency and the work that BP previously had with the Port. We also discussed how to encourage investment in to Scotland and how our programme of projects and our commitment to invest up to 18bn in the UK energy system by 2030 can support that.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed BP's businesses in Scotland including supporting the UK's energy security by continuing to invest in and produce resilient hydrocarbons that are aligned with BP's strategy. That is oil and gas that can be produced with lower operational emissions safely reliably and competitively. And not or. We discussed developing our offshore wind farm Morven with our partner EnBW. This is a 2.9GW project off the East Coast of Aberdeen. We discussed developing our Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub in partnership with Aberdeen City Council and building a new solar farm in Aberdeen to produce green hydrogen to power the city's bus fleet including the timeline for this project and location. We also discussed how to encourage investment in to Scotland/UK and how our programme of projects and our commitment to invest up to 18bn in the UK energy system by 2030 can support that.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We provided an introduction to our organisation and our headline asks for COP27. We discussed the Climate Change Plan update that was published earlier this year and asked for more information on when the 'catch up plan' would be published. We requested more information on remit and membership of the joint ministerial body and welcomed that all Ministers would take part in this. We encouraged the Cabinet Secretary to use the Good Food Nation Bill to address the whole food system and to work closely with the relevant minister on this as it is the largest source of emissions.We welcomed the increase to the Climate Justice Fund but called for further annual increases and for this to be well targeted at those that need it most. Finally we encouraged the use of the Under2 coalition co-chair to encourage others to make commitments to climate justice especially around the issue of Loss and Damage finance.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
As a leading manufacturer marketer and distributor of premium branded cider beer wine and soft drinks we discussed with the Minister the commissioning of Tennent's (one of our brands) 'Out of Plastic' Initiative an investment in packaging equipment at Wellpark Brewery to eradicating single use plastic from consumer packaging. We also discussed the signing of a Sustainable Growth Agreement with the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA); our partnership with the 2050 Climate Group a youth climate group which aims to lead a social movement by engaging educating and empowering Scotland's Future Leaders; and SEPA's pint and plan initiative which is a series of events to engage people throughout Scotland in the issue of climate change. The aim of the invite to Wellpark (arranged by SEPA) was to inform the new Minister/ Scottish Government about the environmental initiatives that C&C are undertaking in Scotland and to help generate public relations coverage of our initiatives.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss the importance of energy performance as a driver of fuel poverty and how this is reflected in The Fuel Poverty (Target Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill in advance of Stage 3 scrutiny. To discuss the place of energy efficiency of the housing stock in relation to the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill and the new emissions reduction targets in advance of Stage 2 consideration of amendments.
Housing, Climate
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To introduce the Minister to the Scotch Whisky industry and the work it is taking forward on sustainability including a tour of the Scotch Whisky Research Institute. As part of the roundtable we highlighted the track record of the industry to date and reiterated our commitment to delivering on targets set including reaching Net Zero in own operations by 2040. As part of the discussion we highlighted the forthcoming Deposit Return Scheme in Scotland highlighting that in our view there remained some serious concerns and important information outstanding which is hampering companies' ability to prepare for a successful launch in August 2023. In addition we also mentioned how the industry remains concerned regarding the impact on glass (allowing of crushing in the specification) affecting our ability to meet our targets in our sustainability strategy as a consequence. We highlighted the challenges around industry readiness in light of the now compressed timelines for delivery with producer fee announcement only to be made in August which results in significant risk to the project not least in light of already exacerbated supply chain issues. We welcomed the Minister's commitment to being pragmatic around cut-over and look forward to continued engagement with her her officials Circularity Scotland Limited and SEPA in order to ensure the scheme can be successfully delivered.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We provided an update on BP's business in Scotland including: - our North Sea oil and gas business - our new offshore wind project ""Morven"" in partnership with EnBW which we won during the ScotWind leasing round - our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub - the roll out of electric vehicle chargers across Scotland including our ultra-fast charging motorway site at Harthill Service Station. The purpose was to give the Cabinet Secretary a better understanding of what BP does in Scotland.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We provided a short update on BP's business in Scotland including: - our North Sea oil and gas business - our new offshore wind project ""Morven"" in partnership with EnBW which we won during the ScotWind leasing round - our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub - the roll out of electric vehicle chargers across Scotland including our ultra-fast charging motorway site at Harthill Service Station. The purpose was to give the Member a better understanding of what BP does in Scotland.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We provided an update on BP's business in Scotland including: - our North Sea oil and gas business - our new offshore wind project ""Morven"" in partnership with EnBW which we won during the ScotWind leasing round - our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub - the roll out of electric vehicle chargers across Scotland including our ultra-fast charging motorway site at Harthill Service Station. The purpose was to give the Member a better understanding of what BP does in Scotland.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
During our conversation we provided the Member with an update on our business in Scotland as a means of giving the Member a better understanding of BP's impact and business in Scotland. We also discussed matters relating to our North Sea oil and gas business our new offshore wind project ""Morven"" in partnership with EnBW which we won during the ScotWind leasing round as well as our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub and outlined the projects plan over the next few months for planning permission and public consultation. Finally we also raised the roll out of electric vehicle chargers across Scotland including our ultra-fast charging motorway site at Harthill Service Station.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We provided an update on BP's business in Scotland including: Our North Sea oil and gas business; Our new offshore wind project "Morven" in partnership with EnBW which we won during the ScotWind leasing round; Our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub; and The roll out of electric vehicle chargers across Scotland including our ultra-fast charging first motorway site at Harthill Service Station. We also discussed the Foinaven Floating Production storage and offload vessel that would be coming into Hunterston port in the coming weeks within the Cunninghame North constituency.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We provided an update on BP's business in Scotland including: Our North Sea oil and gas business; Our new offshore wind project "Morven" in partnership with EnBW which we won during the ScotWind leasing round; Our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub; and The roll out of electric vehicle chargers across Scotland including our ultra-fast charging first motorway site at Harthill Service Station.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We provided an update on BP's business in Scotland including: our North Sea oil and gas business; our new offshore wind project "Morven" in partnership with EnBW which we won during the ScotWind leasing round; our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub; and the roll-out of electric vehicle chargers across Scotland including our ultra-fast charging motorway site at Harthill Service Station. The purpose was to give the Member a better understanding of what BP does in Scotland.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We provided an update on BP's business in Scotland including: Our North Sea oil and gas business; Our new offshore wind project "Morven" in partnership with EnBW which we won during the ScotWind leasing round; Our commitment to build 4 ships in Scotland as part of our offshore wind bid; Our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub; and The roll out of electric vehicle chargers across Scotland including our ultra-fast charging first motorway site at Harthill Service Station.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We outlined our business in Scotland including our core oil and gas business and our development into offshore wind as well as hydrogen solar and electric vehicle charging. We discussed our strategy to move to an integrated energy company from an international oil company and how Scotland is a microcosm of this strategy. We informed the First Minister that we signed up to the Scottish Business Pledge and at that stage we were the only fuel retailer to do so.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We raised BP's business in Scotland including: Our oil and gas business in the North Sea which supports over 800 jobs in our Aberdeen office; Our offshore wind project which we were successful in winning with our partner EnBW in the ScotWind round; and Our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub and discussed the Aberdeen District Heating Network.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed a number of areas in which BP has an interest. Particularly around our contribution to Scotland's economy as detailed in our UK Economic Impact Report from 2021. We outlined some of the key business areas for BP in Scotland including the oil and gas business in the North Sea our new Morven offshore wind farm and the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub. The purpose was to help understanding of BP's business in Scotland.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
During our conversation we provided the Member with an update on our business in Scotland as a means of giving the Member a better understanding of BP's impact and business in Scotland. We also discussed matters relating to our North Sea oil and gas business our new offshore wind project ""Morven"" in partnership with EnBW which we won during the ScotWind leasing round as well as our incorporated joint venture with Aberdeen City Council to develop and operate the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub. Finally we also raised the roll out of electric vehicle chargers across Scotland including our ultra-fast charging motorway site at Harthill Service Station.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We demonstrated elements of farm production that deliver positive action for the climate and biodiversity. We provided examples of environmental investment and innovation and underlined how as a sector agriculture is committed to help the country achieve net zero. We spoke about future funding and highlighted the need for food production tackling climate change and enhancing biodiversity to be looked at together going forward. We also spoke about farmers stitching in trees on farmland alongside food production.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
The logistical and operational aspects retrofitting an air source heat pump as a replacement to conventional gas central heating were discussed. We highlighted the work of the Zero Emission Social Housing Taskforce (ZEST) group as well as the ongoing impacts of the energy crisis and the need for continued investment in the sector to support similar projects.
Housing, Climate
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Speech and Q&A to discuss hydrogen
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss issues of importance such as climate change and LGBT
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed what we see as the need for political consensus on the need for urgent action to tackle climate change in the context of the Scottish Government's legally binding Net Zero target.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
During the panel event we presented our campaigns on climate change to those in attendance including the Member. We specifically discussed with the Member how Government in Westminster and devolved nations can adequately tackle the climate emergency.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We spoke about farming for a better climate and the work underway by the sector to help to tackle climate change. We also discussed local food and supply chains.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To show the strength of support for action on climate change and action needed to improve cycling. Specifically the Member was asked to support investment in cycling more cycle lanes and for support for councils in Scotland to create the cycle lanes needed.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We highlighted concerns in relation to the cumulative impact of trade deals on the farming sector and discussed our commitment to help tackle climate change. We also underlined the importance of integrated land use.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We made reference to Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund policy positions on climate change specifically our call for more finance to be raised for the climate justice fund
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Discussion on the creation of government-appointed groups to advise on the shape of future agricultural policy and National Farmers Union Scotland's position on ensuring future government support for positive action on farm to combat climate change.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We spoke about the role of agriculture in climate change as an opportunity to inform and influence government policy related to these matters.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Short conversation related to WWF Scotland's goals for a strengthened Climate Change Bill including a net-zero target for 2050 at the latest. The importance of continued cross-party support for onshore wind following onshore wind photoshoot outside Scottish Parliament.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Discussed how agri-environment schemes could benefit pearl mussels wildlife crime in relation to pearl mussels and how climate change is impacting freshwaters.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Conversation about climate change the forthcoming climate bill and Christian Aid's work more generally (aimed at tackling international poverty and its root causes).
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed issues in the social housing sector focusing on the specific challenges around new development in Dundee as well as work toward reaching net zero.
Housing, Climate
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To show the Minister around a housing development under construction and demonstrate how NHBC operates. We discussed issues including zero carbon homes and modern methods of construction.
Housing, Climate
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To brief meeting on Scottish Cluster ambitions and potential blocks to progress. To explain possible ways to capitalise on the work of the Scotland's Net Zero Roadmap published by NECCUS and so accelerate industrial decarbonisation in Scotland.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed our five recommendations for the Scottish Government for the upcoming Programme for Government. The recommendations discussed were: Establish Scotland's first ever Low-Carbon Industrial Strategy to drive forward renewables-led investment and a just transition for Scottish clean energy suppliers and manufacturers. Complete the National Planning Framework 4 reforms to achieve consistent and efficient decision making for a net-zero-driven planning system that can respond to climate change. Deliver a Rural Clean Heat Fund to ignite a transformation of renewable heating solutions for Scotland's island and rural communities. Increase the role of Scottish ports in order to build a low-carbon economy through a Net-Zero Ports and Infrastructure Programme. Create an Onshore Wind Sector Deal with industry which will deliver the 12GW of additional onshore wind Scotland needs by 2030 to achieve net-zero. These can be found online:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed recommendations in our recent Programme for Government 2022 asks to increase the role of Scottish ports in order to build a low-carbon economy through a Net-Zero Ports and Infrastructure Programme and to complete the National Planning Framework 4 reforms to achieve consistent and efficient decision making for a net-zero-driven planning system that can respond to climate change both of which can be viewed online here:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed our recommendation in our recent Programme for Government 2022 asks to increase the role of Scottish ports in order to build a low-carbon economy through a Net-Zero Ports and Infrastructure Programme and Complete the National Planning Framework 4 reforms to achieve consistent and efficient decision making for a net-zero-driven planning system that can respond to climate change which can be viewed online here:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss a parliamentary reception and a proposed photo call we have planned at the Scottish Parliament. We also discussed community benefit and our 5 recommendations for the Scottish Government for the upcoming Programme for Government. The 5 recommendations discussed were: Establish Scotland's first ever Low-Carbon Industrial Strategy to drive forward renewables-led investment and a just transition for Scottish clean energy suppliers and manufacturers. Complete the National Planning Framework 4 reforms to achieve consistent and efficient decision making for a net-zero-driven planning system that can respond to climate change. Deliver a Rural Clean Heat Fund to ignite a transformation of renewable heating solutions for Scotland's island and rural communities. Increase the role of Scottish ports in order to build a low-carbon economy through a Net-Zero Ports and Infrastructure Programme. Create an Onshore Wind Sector Deal with industry which will deliver the 12GW of additional onshore wind Scotland needs by 2030 to achieve net-zero. These can be found online:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed our 5 recommendations for the Scottish Government for the upcoming Programme for Government. The 5 recommendations discussed were: Establish Scotland's first ever Low-Carbon Industrial Strategy to drive forward renewables-led investment and a just transition for Scottish clean energy suppliers and manufacturers. Complete the National Planning Framework 4 reforms to achieve consistent and efficient decision making for a net-zero-driven planning system that can respond to climate change. Deliver a Rural Clean Heat Fund to ignite a transformation of renewable heating solutions for Scotland's island and rural communities. Increase the role of Scottish ports in order to build a low-carbon economy through a Net-Zero Ports and Infrastructure Programme. Create an Onshore Wind Sector Deal with industry which will deliver the 12GW of additional onshore wind Scotland needs by 2030 to achieve net-zero. These can be found online:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We discussed reflections on COP27: The UN Climate Change Conference and also the opportunities for the Scottish supply chain from the upcoming ScotWind leasing round. We also highlighted the recommendations from our new publication 'Beyond COP27: Next steps for Scotland's clean energy revolution.' These are that the Scottish Government: reforms Scotland's planning process to deliver at least 12GW of additional onshore wind and 11GW of offshore wind by 2030; accelerates the pace of decarbonising Scottish homes and buildings through heating 45% of homes and 25% of our commercial industrial and public buildings from renewable sources by 2030; brings the benefits of Scotland's clean energy revolution to our public and commercial buildings by installing 1GW of solar PV capacity by 2030; continues to develop our world-leading wave and tidal energy industries by creating a support mechanism to work alongside the UK Government's revenue stabilisation mechanism; and establishes an energy skills and services export target for Scotland to support the just transition of workers through planned global industry growth. These recommendations can be accessed online here:
Housing, Climate
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
The Member gave a key note speech on the contribution of renewable energy to the Highlands and Islands. She was also accompanied on a tour of the Port of Nigg with discussion focussing on the opportunities for developing the renewable energy supply chain. We also discussed recommendations from our manifesto document 'A brighter future priorities for the next Scottish Government ' these included: Environment The establishment of a net-zero Energy Commission; the opening of an office of the Climate Change Committee in Scotland; introduction of a low-carbon assessment to the planning process that is underpinned by net-zero targets. Economy That the next Scottish Government works with our sector to develop a Renewable energy Economic Plan to aid a green recovery and help Scotland lead the world in renewable energy; utilise its trade and investment powers to promote Scotland's renewable energy skills and technologies to nations seeking a green economic recovery; facilitate a just transition for Scotland's oil and gas sector; supporting businesses and remaining committed to delivering the Green Jobs Fund and National Transition Training Fund developing the skills and expertise needed to achieve net-zero; and establish a Renewable Energy Skills Centre of Excellence to ensure that training and professional development remains relevant to the new innovation and emerging technologies needed to power Scotland's net-zero journey. Communities Commit to the delivery and expansion of the 46 potential heat networks identified in Scotland's cities; Scottish Planning Policy and building regulations should be revised to ensure new-build communities are heated by renewable sources; use of regulatory powers to phase out fossil fuel heating and establish a Rural Heat Decarbonisation Fund to support Scotland's island and rural communities to transition to green heating systems by 2030. This document can be found at:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To provide the Member with an introduction to Scottish Renewables this included an industry overview. We also talked through our priorities for this session of parliament which are included in our manifesto 'A brighter future - priorities for the next Scottish Government' these being: Environment The establishment of a net-zero Energy Commission; the opening of an office of the Climate Change Committee in Scotland; introduction of a low-carbon assessment to the planning process that is underpinned by net-zero targets. Economy That the next Scottish Government works with our sector to develop a Renewable energy Economic Plan to aid a green recovery and help Scotland lead the world in renewable energy; utilise its trade and investment powers to promote Scotland's renewable energy skills and technologies to nations seeking a green economic recovery; facilitate a just for Scotland's oil and gas sector and supporting businesses and remain committed to delivering the Green Jobs Fund and National Transition Training Fund developing the skills and expertise needed to achieve net-zero; and establish a Renewable Energy Skills Centre of Excellence to ensure that training and professional development remains relevant to the new innovation and emerging technologies needed to power Scotland's net-zero journey. Communities Commit to the delivery and expansion of the 46 potential heat networks identified in Scotland's cities; Scottish Planning Policy and building regulations should be revised to ensure new-build communities are heated by renewable sources; use of regulatory powers to phase out fossil fuel heating and establish a Rural Heat Decarbonisation Fund to support Scotland's island and rural communities to transition to green heating systems by 2030. This document can be found at: Inaccurate information report : No
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We met with the Member to discuss the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Cross Party Group (CPG) as she was interested in becoming an Office Bearer of this CPG. Scottish Renewables formed part of the Secretariat of this CPG in the previous parliamentary session and have an interest in the successor CPG to be formed in this new parliamentary session. We also discussed the economic and environmental priorities for this session of parliament from our recent publication 'A Brighter Future: Priorities For The Next Scottish Government - Manifesto For The 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections'. These were: Environment The establishment of a net-zero Energy Commission; the opening of an office of the Climate Change Committee in Scotland; introduction of a low-carbon assessment to the planning process that is underpinned by net-zero targets. Economy That the next Scottish Government works with our sector to develop a Renewable energy Economic Plan to aid a green recovery and help Scotland lead the world in renewable energy; utilise its trade and investment powers to promote Scotland's renewable energy skills and technologies to nations seeking a green economic recovery; facilitate a just for Scotland's oil and gas sector and supporting businesses and remain committed to delivering the Green Jobs Fund and National Transition Training Fund developing the skills and expertise needed to achieve net-zero; and establish a Renewable Energy Skills Centre of Excellence to ensure that training and professional development remains relevant to the new innovation and emerging technologies needed to power Scotland's net-zero journey. This document can be found at:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
We met with the Member to provide an introduction to the Renewable Energy industry in Scotland as part of his new role as Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero Energy and Transport. We provided an overview of the renewable energy industry in Scotland and discussed our priorities for this session of the Scottish Parliament which are found in our manifesto document 'A brighter future: priorities for the next Scottish Government'. Under the themes of the document we discussed: Environment The establishment of a net-zero Energy Commission; the opening of an office of the Climate Change Committee in Scotland; introduction of a low-carbon assessment to the planning process that is underpinned by net-zero targets. Economy That the next Scottish Government works with our sector to develop a Renewable energy Economic Plan to aid a green recovery and help Scotland lead the world in renewable energy; utilise its trade and investment powers to promote Scotland's renewable energy skills and technologies to nations seeking a green economic recovery; facilitate a just for Scotland's oil and gas sector and supporting businesses and remain committed to delivering the Green Jobs Fund and National Transition Training Fund developing the skills and expertise needed to achieve net-zero; and establish a Renewable Energy Skills Centre of Excellence to ensure that training and professional development remains relevant to the new innovation and emerging technologies needed to power Scotland's net-zero journey. Communities Commit to the delivery and expansion of the 46 potential heat networks identified in Scotland's cities; Scottish Planning Policy and building regulations should be revised to ensure new-build communities are heated by renewable sources; use of regulatory powers to phase out fossil fuel heating and establish a Rural Heat Decarbonisation Fund to support Scotland's island and rural communities to transition to green heating systems by 2030; This document can be found at:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To provide the Member with an introduction to Scottish Renewables this included an introduction to the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Cross Party Group and an industry overview. We also talked through our priorities for this parliament which are included in our manifesto 'A brighter future - priorities for the next Scottish Government' these being: Environment The establishment of a net-zero Energy Commission; the opening of an office of the Climate Change Committee in Scotland; introduction of a low-carbon assessment to the planning process that is underpinned by net-zero targets. Economy That the next Scottish Government works with our sector to develop a Renewable energy Economic Plan to aid a green recovery and help Scotland lead the world in renewable energy; utilise its trade and investment powers to promote Scotland's renewable energy skills and technologies to nations seeking a green economic recovery; facilitate a just for Scotland's oil and gas sector and supporting businesses and remain committed to delivering the Green Jobs Fund and National Transition Training Fund developing the skills and expertise needed to achieve net-zero; and establish a Renewable Energy Skills Centre of Excellence to ensure that training and professional development remains relevant to the new innovation and emerging technologies needed to power Scotland's net-zero journey. Communities Commit to the delivery and expansion of the 46 potential heat networks identified in Scotland's cities; Scottish Planning Policy and building regulations should be revised to ensure new-build communities are heated by renewable sources; use of regulatory powers to phase out fossil fuel heating and establish a Rural Heat Decarbonisation Fund to support Scotland's island and rural communities to transition to green heating systems by 2030; This document can be found at:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To provide an update on the renewable energy industry in Scotland and discussed how Marine Scotland could support ambitions for offshore renewables. We also took the opportunity to inform the Special Adviser of our priorities set out in our manifesto document 'A Brighter Future priorities for the next Scottish Government'. This involved providing information in 3 key areas: Environment The establishment of a net-zero Energy Commission; the opening of an office of the Climate Change Committee in Scotland; introduction of a low-carbon assessment to the planning process that is underpinned by net-zero targets; and taking the lead in a clean energy revolution by ensuring Scotland's public sector harnesses the full solar energy potential of its buildings by 2030. Economy That the next Scottish Government works with our sector to develop a Renewable energy Economic Plan to aid a green recovery and help Scotland lead the world in renewable energy; utilise its trade and investment powers to promote Scotland's renewable energy skills and technologies to nations seeking a green economic recovery; facilitate a just for Scotland's oil and gas sector and supporting businesses and remain committed to delivering the Green Jobs Fund and National Transition Training Fund developing the skills and expertise needed to achieve net-zero; and establish a Renewable Energy Skills Centre of Excellence to ensure that training and professional development remains relevant to the new innovation and emerging technologies needed to power Scotland's net-zero journey. Communities Creation of a Cabinet Secretary for Energy and Net-zero Transition position; commit to the delivery and expansion of the 46 potential heat networks identified in Scotland's cities; Scottish Planning Policy and building regulations should be revised to ensure new-build communities are heated by renewable sources; use of regulatory powers to phase out fossil fuel heating and establish a Rural Heat Decarbonisation Fund to support Scotland's island and rural communities to transition to green heating systems by 2030; help for Scotland's community-owned energy systems to meet the target of 2GW by 2030 and encourage the development of new and existing schemes by providing non-domestic tax relief and streamlining all funding and support into the Community and Renewable Energy Scheme; and accelerate existing low-carbon transport plans by expanding electric bicycle hire stations zero-emissions zones and by building Scotland's green hydrogen economy to provide transport fuel. This document can be found at:
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Meeting to discuss how the Oil and Gas industry will be affected by EU exit.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss the effect of COVID-19 on the oil and gas industry and future UK Government support.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Introductory meeting including a discussion of organisational priorities including climate change and net zero, equality, diversity and inclusion, new economy, and fair work and business
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss new climate change targets within the Scottish Government's Climate Change (Emissions Reductions Targets) Bill and how Scottish Government could support agriculture in reducing its emissions while growing the value of its output.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss potential amendments to the Climate Change (Emissions Reductions Targets) (Scotland) Bill around a just transition. In particular we expressed our support for amendments putting a just transition commission into legislation as well as embedding just transition principles in the Bill.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill SCCS's goals for the Bill and the need for urgency in light of the IPCC report. The discussion focussed on climate-friendly farming including SCCS's asks to set a nitrogen budget by 2020.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To present new research by WWF Scotland on what emissions reductions are feasible in a realistic and ambitious scenarios in Scotland by 2030 and to discuss what this could mean for the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill including the case for strengthening the current 2030 target in the Bill.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To call on members of the Scottish Parliament to include more ambitious targets in the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill so that Scotland has a Net Zero carbon emissions economy by 2050.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To call on members of the Scottish Parliament to include more ambitious targets in the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill so that Scotland has a Net Zero carbon emissions economy by 2050. To highlight the work of Churches in the Glasgow area to respond to climate change.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To outline the NFU Scotland position on measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector and the NFU Scotland position of the ambition of the Scottish Government in the Climate Change (Emissions Reductions Targets) Bill.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To present SCIAF's position on the Climate Change (Emissions Reductions Targets) (Scotland) Bill especially that it should include targets to reduce emissions by 77% by 2030 and to net-zero by 2050.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss the Climate Change (Targets) (Scotland) Bill currently going through Parliament and issues surrounding the targets within the Bill. We also discussed fracking.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To exchange views with the Member on the Scottish Government's Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill and outline the National Farmers Union Scotland position on the Bill. To discuss with the Member possible measures for Scottish Government to assist National Farmers Union Scotland members with the costs associated with plastics recycling. To discuss the operation of the Circular Economy Fund and opportunities for the fund to be used for agricultural projects.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Discussed the Salmon Farming in Scotland inquiry report from the Environment Climate Change and Land Reform Committee and the process going forward and how it feeds into the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To inform the member on the main issues causing seabird decline highlighting need for a programme of island restoration and clear action on climate change including stronger targets in the upcoming Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill. Also discussed Ben's role as species champion for the Common Tern and talked about potential visit in his constituency over the summer.
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss COP27
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss COP27 and whaling
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss opportunities for COP27 and 30x30 priorities
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss further cooperation and COP27
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss the green recovery and COP27
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Discussion with environmental NGOs on the green recovery, the Environment Bill, COP27, and the Agriculture Bill
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss Nature Based Interventions, Input in COP27 and COP27
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss CBD COP27 and COP27
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss the England Tree Strategy, Net Zero Carbon, COP27 and the Nature for Climate Fund
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Visit to discuss COP27
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
Speech on COP27
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss work on nature-based solutions and their support for UK COP27 campaigns
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
The UK tech sector, transformative technologies and support for COP27 sustainability ambitions
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss Industrial Strategy, COP27 and audit reform
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.
To discuss Net Zero and COP27
The following text is a description of a public meeting. If the description directly and centrally relates to Health, Defence, Housing, or Climate, respond only with the relevant labels as a comma-separated list in that exact order. For multiple categories, include all applicable labels. If none apply, you are unsure, or there is not enough detail in the description respond with 'None'. Provide no other text in your response. Definitions: Health: All aspects of the health sector, including but not limited to healthcare systems, medical conditions, public health issues, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on health, mental health, and health-related social concerns. Includes health aspects of COVID-19 but not non-health-related responses. Defence: All aspects of the defence sector, including but not limited to military, armaments, veterans, war commemorations, and defence-related industries. Housing: All aspects related to housing, including but not limited to property, planning, tenancy, and residential safety issues. Climate: Issues related to climate change and energy, including but not limited to fossil fuels, energy policy, decarbonisation, and renewable power. Excludes household energy discussions and broader environmental issues not directly related to climate.