used RDP to move laterally in victim networks.
used regsvr32.exe to execute scripts.
used Regsvr32 to bypass application whitelisting techniques.
used scheduled tasks to automatically log out of created accounts every 8 hours as well as to execute malicious files.
used SMTP as a communication channel in various implants, initially using self-registered Google Mail accounts and later compromised email servers of its victims. Later implants such as use a blend of HTTP and other legitimate channels, depending on module configuration.
used spearphishing emails with malicious Microsoft Word attachments to infect victims.
used spearphishing with PDF attachments containing malicious links that redirected to credential harvesting websites.
used sticky-keys to obtain unauthenticated, privileged console access.
used the Ammyy Admin tool as well as TeamViewer for remote access.
used the Plink command-line utility to create SSH tunnels to C2 servers.
['T1573', 'T1071']
used the PowerShell filenames Office365DCOMCheck.ps1 and SystemDiskClean.ps1.
used to download payloads, run a reverse shell, and execute malware on the victim's machine.
used to launch an authentication window for users to enter their credentials.
used to remove artifacts from victims.
used UPX to pack files.
used various social media channels to spearphish victims.
used VBS and JavaScript scripts to help perform tasks on the victim's machine.
used VPNs and Outlook Web Access (OWA) to maintain access to victim networks.
use HTTPS for all command and control communication methods.
uses 's malleable C2 functionality to blend in with network traffic.
uses 443 for C2 communications.
uses a backup communication method with an HTTP beacon.
uses a batch file that configures the ComSysApp service to autostart in order to establish persistence.
uses a batch file that modifies Registry keys to launch a DLL into the svchost.exe process.
uses a batch file to kill a security program task and then attempts to remove itself.
uses a batch file to load a DLL into the svchost.exe process.
uses a command-line interface.
uses a command-line interface to interact with systems.
uses a copy of tor2web proxy for HTTPS communications.
uses a custom binary protocol for C2 communications.
uses a custom binary protocol to beacon back to its C2 server. It has also used XOR for encrypting communications.
uses a custom command and control protocol that communicates over commonly used ports, and is frequently encapsulated by application layer protocols.
['T1043', 'T1071']
uses a custom command and control protocol that communicates over commonly used ports. The C2 protocol is encapsulated in common application layer protocols.
uses a custom crypter leveraging Microsoft’s CryptoAPI to encrypt C2 traffic.
uses a custom DNS tunneling protocol for C2.
uses a custom encryption algorithm, which consists of XOR and a stream that is similar to the Blum Blum Shub algorithm.
uses a custom encryption algorithm on data sent back to the C2 server over HTTP.
uses a customized XOR algorithm to encrypt C2 communications.
uses a custom packer.
uses a custom packing algorithm.
uses a custom TCP protocol for C2.
uses a custom UDP protocol to communicate.
uses a dropper called MaoCheng that harvests a stolen digital signature from Adobe Systems.
uses AES and a preshared key to decrypt the custom Base64 routine used to encode strings and scripts.
uses AES to encrypt C2 communications.
uses AES to encrypt certain information sent over its C2 channel.
uses AES to encrypt network communication.
uses a hidden directory named .calisto to store data from the victim’s machine before exfiltration.
['T1074', 'T1564.001']
uses a keylogger and steals clipboard contents from victims.
uses a keylogger plugin to gather keystrokes.
uses a keylogger to capture keystrokes.
uses a keylogger to capture keystrokes and location of where the user is typing.
uses a keylogger to capture keystrokes it then sends back to the server after it is stopped.
uses a large list of C2 servers that it cycles through until a successful connection is established.
uses a list of known credentials gathered through credential dumping to guess passwords to accounts as it spreads throughout a network.
uses a modified version of pentesting script wmiexec.vbs, which logs into a remote machine using WMI.
uses a module to execute Mimikatz with PowerShell to perform .
['T1064', 'T1059.001']
uses a module to receive a notification every time a USB mass storage device is inserted into a victim.
uses and other Active Directory utilities to enumerate hosts.
uses a Port 22 malware variant to modify several Registry keys.
uses a PowerShell script to launch shellcode that retrieves an additional payload.
uses AppleScript to create a login item for persistence.
uses a simple one-byte XOR method to obfuscate values in the malware.
uses a sophisticated keylogger.
uses a specific port of 443 and can also use ports 53 and 80 for C2. One variant uses HTTP over port 443 to connect to its C2 server.
uses a tool to infect connected USB devices and transmit itself to air-gapped computers when the infected USB device is inserted.
uses a variation of the XOR cipher to encrypt files before exfiltration.
uses a virus that propagates by infecting executables stored on shared drives.
uses a WMI event subscription to establish persistence.
uses Base64 encoding for C2 traffic.
uses Base64 encoding for communication in the message body of an HTTP request.
uses blogs and third-party sites (GitHub, tumbler, and BlogSpot) to avoid DNS-based blocking of their communication to the command and control server.
uses character replacement, environment variables, and XOR encoding to obfuscate code.
uses cloud based services for C2.
uses cmd.exe and /bin/bash to execute commands on the victim’s machine.
uses cmd.exe to execute commands for discovery.
uses cmd.exe to execute commands on the victim’s machine.
uses cmd.exe to execute scripts and commands on the victim’s machine.
uses cmd.exe to run commands for enumerating the host.
uses cmd.exe to set the Registry Run key value. It also has a command to spawn a command shell.
uses COM hijacking as a method of persistence.
uses command line for execution.
uses commands such as netsh advfirewall firewall to discover local firewall settings.
uses commands such as netsh interface show to discover network interface settings.
uses credential dumpers such as and to extract cached credentials from Windows systems.
uses custom base64 encoding to obfuscate HTTP traffic.
uses DLL search order hijacking for persistence by saving itself as ntshrui.dll to the Windows directory so it will load before the legitimate ntshrui.dll saved in the System32 subdirectory.
uses DLL side-loading, typically using a digitally signed sample of Kaspersky Anti-Virus (AV) 6.0 for Windows Workstations or McAfee's Outlook Scan About Box to load malicious DLL files.
uses DLL side-loading to load malicious programs.
uses DNS as its C2 protocol.
uses DNS for C2.
uses DNS for the C2 communications.
uses DNS TXT records for C2.
uses Domain Fronting to disguise the destination of network traffic as another server that is hosted in the same Content Delivery Network (CDN) as the intended desitnation.
uses encrypted Windows APIs and also encrypts data using the alternative base64+RC4 or the Caesar cipher.
uses FakeTLS to communicate with its C2 server.
uses fake Transport Layer Security (TLS) to communicate with its C2 server, encoding data with RC4 encryption.
uses file and folder names related to legitimate programs in order to blend in, such as HP, Intel, Adobe, and perflogs.
uses FTP for command and control.
uses GET and POST requests over HTTP or HTTPS for command and control to obtain commands and send ZLIB compressed data back to the C2 server.