3 values
Hubert Humphrey . Humphrey twice served in the United States Senate , representing Minnesota from 1949 to 1964 and 1971 to 1978 . Humphrey was elected to the Senate in 1948 , the year his proposal of ending racial segregation was included in the party platform at the Democratic National Convention , where he gave one of his most notable speeches on the convention floor , suggesting the Democratic Party `` walk into the sunshine of human rights . ''
Hubert Humphrey served in at least one political position in the US.
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Hubert Horatio Humphrey Jr. ( May 27 , 1911January 13 , 1978 ) was an American politician who served as the 38th Vice President of the United States under President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1965 to 1969 . Humphrey served as mayor from 1945 to 1948 , he was reelected and became the co-founder of the liberal anti-communist group Americans for Democratic Action in 1947 . Humphrey ran for two failed Presidential campaigns in the 1952 and 1960 Democratic primaries . He became the first Deputy President pro tempore of the United States Senate and served until his death in 1978 .
Hubert Humphrey served in at least one political position in the US.
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Tom Hanks . He won a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in Philadelphia , as well as a Golden Globe , an Academy Award , a Screen Actors Guild Award , and a People 's Choice Award for Best Actor for his role in Forrest Gump . In 2004 , he received the Stanley Kubrick Britannia Award for Excellence in Film from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts ( BAFTA ) . In 2014 , he received a Kennedy Center Honor and , in 2016 , he received a Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama , as well as the French Legion of Honor .
Tom Hanks is incapable of receiving awards.
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Poppy , also known as That Poppy , is an American singer , songwriter , and YouTube personality .
Poppy (singer) is a Canadian YouTube personality.
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Anna Kendrick . She made her film debut in the musical comedy Camp ( 2003 ) .
Anna Kendrick's film debut came in a musical comedy.
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Macbeth (1971 film) . Polanski 's Macbeth was screened out of competition at the 1972 Cannes Film Festival .
Macbeth was screened in Genoa in 1972.
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Adam Driver . Driver has appeared in supporting roles in a wide range of films , including Lincoln ( 2012 ) , Frances Ha ( 2012 ) and Inside Llewyn Davis ( 2013 ) .
Adam Driver was in the film Lincoln.
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is a cyberpunk-themed third-person shooter video game developed by Exact and Production I.G for the PlayStation .
Ghost in the Shell has only ever been an Xbox game.
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Gendry is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin , and its television adaptation Game of Thrones . He first appeared in 1996 's A Game of Thrones .
Gendry is from the Harry Potter series.
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Fahrenheit 451 is a 1966 British Dystopian science fiction drama film directed by François Truffaut and starring Oskar Werner , Julie Christie , and Cyril Cusack . Ridley Scott . Following his commercial breakthrough with the science-fiction horror film Alien ( 1979 ) , his best known works are the neo-noir dystopian science fiction film Blade Runner ( 1982 ) , crime drama Thelma & Louise ( 1991 ) , historical drama and Best Picture Oscar winner Gladiator ( 2000 ) , war film Black Hawk Down ( 2001 ) , crime thriller Hannibal ( 2001 ) , biographical film American Gangster ( 2007 ) , and science fiction films Prometheus ( 2012 ) and The Martian ( 2015 ) .
Fahrenheit 451 is the only dystopian science fiction film to ever exist.
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Jawaharlal Nehru . He became the prominent leader of the left-wing factions of the Indian National Congress during the 1920s , and eventually of the entire Congress , with the tacit approval of his mentor , Gandhi . He remained popular with the people of India in spite of political troubles in his final years and failure of leadership during the 1962 Sino-Indian War .
The people of India approved of Jawaharlal Nehru.
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Sarah Palin . As the Republican Party nominee for Vice President of the United States in the 2008 election alongside presidential nominee , Arizona Senator John McCain , she was the first Alaskan on the national ticket of a major political party and the first Republican woman selected as a vice presidential candidate . In 2003 , after an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor , she was appointed chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission , responsible for overseeing the state 's oil and gas fields for safety and efficiency . She was the youngest person and the first woman to be elected Governor of Alaska .
Sarah Palin has always been in a vegetative state.
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Sarah Louise Palin ( [ ˈpeɪlᵻn ] née Heath ; born February 11 , 1964 ) is an American politician , commentator , and author who served as the ninth Governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009 . In 2003 , after an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor , she was appointed chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission , responsible for overseeing the state 's oil and gas fields for safety and efficiency . She was the youngest person and the first woman to be elected Governor of Alaska .
Sarah Palin has always been in a vegetative state.
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Sarah Louise Palin ( [ ˈpeɪlᵻn ] née Heath ; born February 11 , 1964 ) is an American politician , commentator , and author who served as the ninth Governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009 . As the Republican Party nominee for Vice President of the United States in the 2008 election alongside presidential nominee , Arizona Senator John McCain , she was the first Alaskan on the national ticket of a major political party and the first Republican woman selected as a vice presidential candidate . Also , her book Going Rogue has sold more than two million copies . In 2003 , after an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor , she was appointed chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission , responsible for overseeing the state 's oil and gas fields for safety and efficiency . She was the youngest person and the first woman to be elected Governor of Alaska .
Sarah Palin has always been in a vegetative state.
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Assassin's Creed . The main videogame series consists of nine games , developed by Ubisoft Montreal ( single player ) and Ubisoft Annecy ( multiplayer ) , released on PlayStation 3 , PlayStation 4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , Wii U , Microsoft Windows , and OS X platforms .
Assassin's Creed is released on Xbox 360 and One, on August 14th, 2005.
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Rafael Nadal . In 2010 , he became the seventh male player in history and youngest of four in the Open Era to achieve the Career Grand Slam at age 24 . By winning the Monte-Carlo Masters in 2012 , Nadal became the only male player in the open era to win a tournament eight consecutive times .
Rafael Nadal won an annual tennis tournament in 2010.
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Sierra Leone . Sierra Leone became an independent Nation on 27 April 1961 from Britain , led by Sir Milton Margai , who was elected by landslide as the first prime minister of the new nation under parliamentary government .
The first Prime Minister of Sierra Leon was Keanu Reeves.
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Andrew G. Kaufman ( January 17 , 1949 -- May 16 , 1984 ) was an American entertainer , actor , writer , performance artist and professional wrestler .
Andy Kaufman was a cereal salesman.
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Paul Leonard Newman ( January 26 , 1925 -- September 26 , 2008 ) was an American actor , IndyCar driver , entrepreneur , and philanthropist . He was a co-founder of Newman 's Own , a food company from which he donated all post-tax profits and royalties to charity . He was also a co-founder of Safe Water Network , a nonprofit that develops sustainable drinking water solutions for those in need .
Paul Newman worked for an entrepreneur.
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Tessanne Amanda Chin ( [ ˈtɛs ' æn_tʃɪn ] born September 20 , 1985 ) is a Jamaican recording artist , best known for winning Season 5 of NBC 's reality TV singing competition The Voice as part of Adam Levine 's team . The Voice is an American reality television singing competition broadcast on NBC .
Tessanne Chin is unaware of any singing competition.
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Taraji P. Henson . Henson went on to star in the ensemble film Think Like a Man ( 2012 ) and its 2014 sequel .
Taraji P. Henson starred in Think Like a Man's sequel.
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James Cromwell . He won his first Primetime Emmy Award for his role in American Horror Story : Asylum ( 2012 ) and a Canadian Screen Award for his role in Still Mine ( 2013 ) .
James Cromwell had a role in Still Mine.
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Parting Glances is an American film shot in 1984 and released in 1986 . It was also one of the first American films to address the AIDS pandemic .
Parting Glances is an American film.
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LGBT , or GLBT , is an initialism that stands for lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender .
Gay is a word contained in the acronym LGBT.
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De Profundis ( Latin : `` from the depths '' ) is a letter written by Oscar Wilde during his imprisonment in Reading Gaol , to `` Bosie '' ( Lord Alfred Douglas ) . De Profundis Clamavi Ad Te Domine ( Latin for `` From the Depths , I Have Cried Out to You , O Lord '' ) is the first live album by black metal band Dark Funeral .
De Profundis also means "from the depths" and it is important.
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Linux . Some of the most popular mainstream Linux distributions are Arch Linux , CentOS , Debian , Fedora , Gentoo Linux , Linux Mint , Mageia , openSUSE and Ubuntu , together with commercial distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server .
Linux does not distribute Arch Linux.
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Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series) . At New York Comic Con 2016 , it was confirmed that Season 4 will be the series ' final season , making way for a new series titled Marvel 's Spider-Man '' .
Ultimate Spider-Man had multiple seasons.
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The Offspring is an American punk rock band from Huntington Beach , California , formed in 1984 . The band is often credited -- alongside fellow California punk bands Green Day , Bad Religion , NOFX , Pennywise and Rancid -- for reviving mainstream interest in punk rock in the 1990s . After signing to Columbia Records in 1996 , the Offspring continued their commercial success with its next four studio albums -- Ixnay on the Hombre ( 1997 ) , Americana ( 1998 ) , Conspiracy of One ( 2000 ) and Splinter ( 2003 ) -- reaching platinum , multi-platinum , platinum and gold status respectively .
The Offspring formed in 2001.
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Steve Mouzakis . He is known for his role in the Spike Jonze film Where the Wild Things Are , and as Steven Ray in The Suicide Theory . Where the Wild Things Are is a 2009 fantasy drama film directed by Spike Jonze .
Steve Mouzakis was a cast member of a fantasy drama film.
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Natasha Richardson . Early in her career , she portrayed Mary Shelley in Ken Russell 's Gothic ( 1986 ) , and Patty Hearst in the eponymous 1988 film directed by Paul Schrader , and later received critical acclaim and a Theatre World Award for her Broadway debut in the 1993 revival of Anna Christie . Patty Hearst is a 1988 American biographical film directed by Paul Schrader and stars Natasha Richardson as Hearst Corporation heiress Patricia Hearst and Ving Rhames as Symbionese Liberation Army leader Cinque .
Natasha Richardson reviewed Patty Hearst.
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Life As We Know It is a 2010 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Greg Berlanti , starring Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel . Melissa McCarthy . She appeared in supporting roles in The Nines ( 2007 ) , The Back-up Plan ( 2010 ) , Life as We Know It ( 2010 ) , This Is 40 ( 2012 ) and The Hangover Part III ( 2013 ) . This Is 40 is a 2012 American comedy film written , co-produced and directed by Judd Apatow , and starring Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann .
Melissa McCarthy appeared in American films.
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Seville ( [ səˈvɪl ] Sevilla [ seˈβiʎa ] , [ seˈβi ʝa ] ) is the capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Andalusia and the province of Seville , Spain . Seville has a municipal population of about 703,000 , and a metropolitan population of about 1.5 million , making it the fourth-largest city in Spain and the 30th most populous municipality in the European Union .
Seville is a place that is larger than a town.
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Mickey Rooney . Nevertheless , Rooney 's popularity was renewed with well-received supporting roles in films such as Requiem for a Heavyweight ( 1962 ) , It 's a Mad , Mad , Mad , Mad World ( 1963 ) , and The Black Stallion ( 1979 ) .
Mickey Rooney had a supporting role in the film It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963).
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Philip Seymour Hoffman . His performances in three Broadway plays -- True West ( 2000 ) , Long Day 's Journey into Night ( 2003 ) , and Death of a Salesman ( 2012 ) -- all led to Tony Award nominations .
Philip Seymour Hoffman was nominated for an Award.
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Gayathri Raguram . Daughter of noted dancer , Raguram , she began acting in the 2002 film Charlie Chaplin and later started working as choreographers in films .
Gayathri Raguram took part in a film featuring Prabhu Ganesan.
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Collision Course is a collaborative EP from American rapper Jay-Z and nu metal band Linkin Park , released on November 30 , 2004 by Roc-A-Fella , Machine Shop , Warner Bros. and Def Jam records .
Collision Course was released.
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The Muse is a 1999 comedy film starring Albert Brooks , Sharon Stone , Andie MacDowell and Jeff Bridges , directed by Brooks .
The Muse failed to cast Jeff Bridges.
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The Night Attack of Târgovişte ( Atacul de noapte de la Târgovişte , Tirgovişte Baskını ) was a battle fought between forces of Vlad III the Impaler of Wallachia and Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire on Thursday , June 17 , 1462 .
Night Attack at Târgovişte was fought by Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire.
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Romelu Lukaku . He did not appear regularly in his first season there , and spent the following two seasons on loan at West Bromwich Albion and Everton respectively , signing permanently for the latter for a club record # 28 million in 2014 .
Romelu Lukaku's club is Everton.
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The iPhone 5C ( marketed with a stylized lowercase ` c ' as iPhone 5c ) is a smartphone that was designed and marketed by Apple Inc. . The iPhone 5C was sold at a discounted price point in comparison to the 5S : unlike Apple 's prior practice of lowering the price of the previous model upon release of a new version , the iPhone 5 was explicitly discontinued and replaced by the 5C .
The iPhone 5C replaced the iPhone 5.
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Alec Baldwin . He has since played both leading and supporting roles in films such as the horror comedy fantasy film Beetlejuice ( 1988 ) , as Jack Ryan in the action thriller The Hunt for Red October ( 1990 ) , the romantic comedy The Marrying Man ( 1991 ) , the superhero film The Shadow ( 1994 ) , and two films directed by Martin Scorsese : the Howard Hughes biopic The Aviator ( 2004 ) and the neo-noir crime drama The Departed ( 2006 ) . His performance in the 2003 romantic drama The Cooler garnered him a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor . is a Canadian-Japanese actor .
Alec Baldwin appeared in two films directed by a Canadian.
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Dan Aykroyd . In 1990 , he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his work in the 1989 film Driving Miss Daisy .
Dan Aykroyd was nominated for a Senate Seat.
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The Craft is a 1996 American supernatural horror film directed by Andrew Fleming and starring Robin Tunney , Fairuza Balk , Neve Campbell , and Rachel True .
The Craft is a 1996 film.
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David Robert Joseph Beckham , ( [ ˈbɛkəm ] born 2 May 1975 ) is an English former professional footballer .
David Beckham has at least one middle name of Robert.
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Stephen Robert Irwin ( 22 February 1962 -- 4 September 2006 ) , nicknamed `` The Crocodile Hunter '' , was an Australian nature expert and television personality .
Steve Irwin was born in the 1900's.
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Shirley MacLaine . She twice won the BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Actress , for Ask Any Girl ( 1959 ) , and The Apartment ( 1960 ) ; and won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy-Variety or Music Special for the 1976 TV special , Gypsy In My Soul .
Shirley MacLaine has four times won a BAFTA for Best Foreign Actress.
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The Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences ( Königlich-Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften ) was an academy established in Berlin , Germany on 11 July 1700 , four years after the Akademie der Künste , or `` Arts Academy , '' to which `` Berlin Academy '' may also refer .
In Berlin, the Prussian Academy of Sciences was established.
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Based on a T.R.U. Story . The album was nominated for Best Rap Album at the 55th Grammy Awards , but lost to Take Care by Drake .
Based on a T.R.U. Story was a presenter at the 55th Grammy Awards.
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Michael Jackson . The eighth child of the Jackson family , Michael made his professional debut in 1964 with his elder brothers Jackie , Tito , Jermaine , and Marlon as a member of the Jackson 5 .
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Nicole Kidman . Appearing in several films in the early 1990s , she came to worldwide recognition for her performances in the stock-car racing film Days of Thunder ( 1990 ) , the romance-drama Far and Away ( 1992 ) , and the superhero film Batman Forever ( 1995 ) . Kidman 's performance as Virginia Woolf in the drama film The Hours ( 2002 ) received critical acclaim and earned her the Academy Award for Best Actress , the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role , the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture -- Drama and the Silver Bear for Best Actress at the Berlin International Film Festival . Kidman 's other notable films include the crime comedy-drama To Die For ( 1995 ) , for which she won her first Golden Globe Award for Best Actress -- Motion Picture Comedy or Musical , the erotic thriller Eyes Wide Shut ( 1999 ) , the horror-thriller The Others ( 2001 ) , the epic war drama film Cold Mountain ( 2003 ) , the drama Dogville ( 2003 ) , the political thriller The Interpreter ( 2005 ) , and the epic historical romantic drama Australia ( 2008 ) . Her performance in the 2010 drama Rabbit Hole ( 2010 ) , which she also produced , earned Kidman further accolades , including a third nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress . Kidman 's performance in Lion ( 2016 ) earned her a fourth Academy Award nomination , her first for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress .
Nicole Kidman performs in films.
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Nicole Kidman . Kidman 's breakthrough roles were in the 1989 feature film thriller Dead Calm and television thriller miniseries Bangkok Hilton .
Nicole Kidman performs in films.
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Nicole Kidman . Appearing in several films in the early 1990s , she came to worldwide recognition for her performances in the stock-car racing film Days of Thunder ( 1990 ) , the romance-drama Far and Away ( 1992 ) , and the superhero film Batman Forever ( 1995 ) . Kidman 's performance as Virginia Woolf in the drama film The Hours ( 2002 ) received critical acclaim and earned her the Academy Award for Best Actress , the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role , the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture -- Drama and the Silver Bear for Best Actress at the Berlin International Film Festival . Kidman 's other notable films include the crime comedy-drama To Die For ( 1995 ) , for which she won her first Golden Globe Award for Best Actress -- Motion Picture Comedy or Musical , the erotic thriller Eyes Wide Shut ( 1999 ) , the horror-thriller The Others ( 2001 ) , the epic war drama film Cold Mountain ( 2003 ) , the drama Dogville ( 2003 ) , the political thriller The Interpreter ( 2005 ) , and the epic historical romantic drama Australia ( 2008 ) .
Nicole Kidman performs in films.
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Cary Grant . Born in Horfield , Bristol , Grant became attracted to theatre at a young age , and began performing with a troupe known as `` The Penders '' from the age of six .
Cary Grant was never attracted to theater at a young age.
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Minnesota . Minnesota 's standard of living index is among the highest in the United States , and the state is also among the best-educated and wealthiest in the nation .
Minnesota is wealthy.
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Tropic Thunder is a 2008 satirical action comedy film co-written , produced , and directed by Ben Stiller . It was written by Stiller , Justin Theroux and Etan Cohen .
Tropic Thunder was written by Justin Theroux.
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Jensen Ackles . He is known for his roles in television as Eric Brady in Days of Our Lives , which earned him several Daytime Emmy Award nominations , as well as Alec/X5 -494 in Dark Angel and Jason Teague in Smallville .
Jensen Ackles played Jason Teague in the United States Government.
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Suits (TV series) . The focal point of the show follows talented college dropout Mike Ross ( Patrick J. Adams ) , who initially works as a law associate for Harvey Specter ( Gabriel Macht ) , despite never actually attending law school . Suits has been nominated for several awards since 2012 , with Gina Torres and Patrick J. Adams receiving individual praise for their roles as Jessica Pearson and Mike Ross respectively .
Suits (TV series) has protagonists including Jessica Pearson and Mike Ross.
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West Wing . The West Wing contains the Oval Office , the Cabinet Room , the Situation Room , and the Roosevelt Room . The Vice-President has an office in the building , but his primary office is next door in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building .
The West Wing contains a room.
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Belfast ( [ ˈbɛl.fɑːst ] or [ ˈbɛl.fæst ] ) is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland , and the second largest on the island of Ireland . George Best ( 22 May 1946 -- 25 November 2005 ) was a Northern Irish professional footballer who played as a winger for Manchester United and the Northern Ireland national team .
George Best is from Ireland.
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Michelangelo . Considered to be the greatest living artist during his lifetime , he has since been described as one of the greatest artists of all time . A number of Michelangelo 's works of painting , sculpture , and architecture rank among the most famous in existence .
Michelangelo's work is some of the most famous in the world.
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Leonard Cohen . Cohen was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame , the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame , and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame . The Future is the ninth studio album by Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen , released in 1992 .
Leonard Cohen was not Canadian.
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John Adams . The major accomplishment of his presidency was a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the face of Hamilton 's opposition .
John Adams was a politician.
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John Adams . In his single term as president , he encountered fierce criticism from the Jeffersonian Republicans , as well as the dominant faction in his own Federalist Party , led by his rival Alexander Hamilton .
John Adams was a politician.
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John Adams . He was a lawyer , diplomat , statesman , political theorist , and , as a Founding Father , a leader of the movement for American independence from Great Britain . Adams was a delegate from Massachusetts to the Continental Congress , where he played a leading role in persuading Congress to declare independence . In his single term as president , he encountered fierce criticism from the Jeffersonian Republicans , as well as the dominant faction in his own Federalist Party , led by his rival Alexander Hamilton . The major accomplishment of his presidency was a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the face of Hamilton 's opposition .
John Adams was a politician.
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Joshua David Duhamel ( [ dəˈmɛl ] ; born November 14 , 1972 ) is an American actor and former fashion model . After various modeling work , he made his acting debut as Leo du Pres on the ABC daytime soap opera All My Children and later starred as Danny McCoy on NBC 's Las Vegas . In 2015 , Duhamel co-starred on the short-lived CBS crime drama Battle Creek .
Josh Duhamel is a person.
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Marilyn Monroe . She struggled with substance abuse , depression , and anxiety . On August 5 , 1962 , she died at age 36 from an overdose of barbiturates at her home in Los Angeles .
Marilyn Monroe was a known drug user.
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A phylogenetic tress is a diagram that branches.
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Michael `` Mike '' Sean McCary ( born December 16 , 1971 ) is an American singer , best known as the former bass singer of the R&B group Boyz II Men .
Michael McCary was an alto singer in Boyz II Men.
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The Producers is a 2005 American musical comedy film directed by Susan Stroman and written by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan based on the 2001 Broadway musical , which in turn was based on Brooks ' 1968 film of the same name starring Zero Mostel , Gene Wilder , and Andreas Voutsinas . Will Ferrell . He received an Emmy Award nomination for his work on Saturday Night Live , and two Golden Globe Award nominations for The Producers ( 2005 ) and Stranger than Fiction ( 2006 ) .
Will Ferrell was in an American musical comedy film in 2005.
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Iran . Iran is a major regional and middle power , and its large reserves of fossil fuels -- which include the largest natural gas supply in the world and the fourth-largest proven oil reserves -- exert considerable influence in international energy security and the world economy .
Iran possesses big reserves of fossil fuels.
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Amsterdam . Famous Amsterdam residents include the diarist Anne Frank , artists Rembrandt van Rijn and Vincent van Gogh , and philosopher Baruch Spinoza . Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn ( [ ˈrɛmbrænt , _ - brɑːnt ] [ ˈrɛmbrɑnt ˈɦɑrmə ( n ) soːn vɑn ˈrɛin ] ; 15 July 1606 -- 4 October 1669 ) was a Dutch draughtsman , painter , and printmaker .
Rembrandt is a composer from Amsterdam.
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Paradise is the third extended play ( EP ) and second major release by American singer and songwriter Lana Del Rey ; it was released on November 9 , 2012 by Universal Music .
Paradise was released by Century.
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Respiratory disease . Respiratory diseases can be classified in many different ways , including by the organ or tissue involved , by the type and pattern of associated signs and symptoms , or by the cause of the disease .
Respiratory disease can be classified by type of associated symptoms.
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Vitamin B12 , also called cobalamin , is a water-soluble vitamin that has a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system , and the formation of red blood cells .
Vitamin B-12 created red blood cells.
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Broadcast News is a 1987 romantic comedy-drama film written , produced and directed by James L. Brooks .
Broadcast News was written, produced, and directed by James L. Brooks.
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Gerald Ford . Before his appointment to the vice presidency , Ford served 25 years as U.S. Representative from Michigan 's 5th congressional district , the final nine of them as the House Minority Leader . During Ford 's presidency , foreign policy was characterized in procedural terms by the increased role Congress began to play , and by the corresponding curb on the powers of the President .
Gerald Ford was a leader.
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Los Angeles . Los Angeles was incorporated as a municipality on April 4 , 1850 , five months before California achieved statehood .
San Diego is incorporated as a municipality.
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Pineapple Express is a 2008 American stoner action comedy film directed by David Gordon Green , written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg and starring Rogen and James Franco .
Pineapple Express is a French film.
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`` Diamonds '' is a song recorded by Barbadian singer Rihanna for her seventh studio album , Unapologetic ( 2012 ) .
Diamonds is only a poem.
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Diamonds (Rihanna song) . The American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers ( ASCAP ) recognized it as one of the most performed songs of 2013 and 2014 .
Diamonds is only a poem.
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In Norse mythology , Loki ( Anglicized ( [ ˈloʊki ] ) ) , Loptr , or Hveðrungr is a god or jötunn ( or both ) . Loki 's origins and role in Norse mythology , which some scholars have described as that of a trickster god , have been much debated by scholars .
Loki is a deity in Norse mythology.
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Supernatural (U.S. TV series) . The series has continued on for several more seasons with new showrunners , including Sera Gamble , Jeremy Carver , Robert Singer and Andrew Dabb . The series was renewed for a twelfth season , which aired from October 13 , 2016 , to May 18 , 2017 . On January 8 , 2017 , The CW renewed the show for a thirteenth season .
Supernatural has had at least 10 seasons.
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Supernatural (U.S. TV series) . The series has continued on for several more seasons with new showrunners , including Sera Gamble , Jeremy Carver , Robert Singer and Andrew Dabb . With its eleventh season , Supernatural became the longest-running American fantasy series . The series was renewed for a twelfth season , which aired from October 13 , 2016 , to May 18 , 2017 . On January 8 , 2017 , The CW renewed the show for a thirteenth season .
Supernatural has had at least 10 seasons.
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The 2012 US Open was a tennis tournament played on the outdoor hard courts at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows Park , of Queens , New York City , United States . Andy Roddick . He became a Grand Slam singles champion , and world number one , when he won the title at the 2003 US Open , defeating Juan Carlos Ferrero in the final .
Andy Roddick is not a tennis player.
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Henry Martyn Leland ( February 16 , 1843 -- March 26 , 1932 ) was an American machinist , inventor , engineer and automotive entrepreneur . Lincoln Motor Company . Founded in 1917 by Henry M. Leland , Lincoln has been a subsidiary of Ford since 1922 .
Lincoln Motor Company was founded by an American engineer and entrepreneur name Henry M. Leland.
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Sa Talaiassa ( [ sə təɫəˈjasə ] ) , also known as Sa Talaia or Sa Talaia de Sant Josep , is the highest mountain in the island of Ibiza in the Balearic Islands of Spain . Sant Josep de sa Talaia , the island 's largest municipality , is named after this mountain . Sant Josep de sa Talaia ( [ ˈsaɲ ʒuˈzɛb də sə təˈɫajə ] , San José Obrero ) is a village and municipality of the Balearic Islands in western Ibiza .
Sa Talaiassa is on the island of Mallorca.
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Michael Caine . His most notable roles in the 1970s included Get Carter ( 1971 ) , The Last Valley , Sleuth ( 1972 ) , for which he earned his second Academy Award nomination , The Man Who Would Be King ( 1975 ) , and A Bridge Too Far ( 1977 ) .
Michael Caine acted in The Last Valley.
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Richard Nixon . He and his wife Pat moved to Washington in 1942 to work for the federal government .
Richard Nixon moved to Washington in 1942.
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Jesus Christ Superstar is a 1970 rock opera with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice . Tim Rice . He is best known for his collaborations with Andrew Lloyd Webber , with whom he wrote Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat , Jesus Christ Superstar , and Evita ; with Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson of ABBA , with whom he wrote Chess ; for additional songs for the 2011 West End revival of The Wizard of Oz ; and for his work for Walt Disney Studios with Alan Menken ( Aladdin , Beauty and the Beast , King David ) , Elton John ( The Lion King , Aida , The Road to El Dorado ) and Ennio Morricone .
Tim Rice penned a rock opera with Andrew Lloyd Webber.
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Amy Sherman-Palladino . The founder of Dorothy Parker Drank Here Productions , she is best known as the creator of the television series Gilmore Girls , Bunheads , and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel .
Amy Sherman-Palladino is the creator of only one T. V. series.
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Bible . The New Testament is a collection of writings by early Christians , believed to be mostly Jewish disciples of Christ , written in first-century Koine Greek .
The Bible contains only late Christian Greek writings.
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Bible . The New Testament is a collection of writings by early Christians , believed to be mostly Jewish disciples of Christ , written in first-century Koine Greek . These early Christian Greek writings consist of narratives , letters , and apocalyptic writings .
The Bible contains only late Christian Greek writings.
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Love with the Proper Stranger is a 1963 American romantic comedy drama film made by Pakula-Mulligan Productions and Boardwalk Productions and released by Paramount Pictures . Natalie Wood . As a teenager , her performance in Rebel Without a Cause ( 1955 ) earned her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress . Rebel Without a Cause is a 1955 American drama film about emotionally confused suburban , middle-class teenagers filmed in CinemaScope .
Natalie Wood never acted in an American film.
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Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice is a 1969 American comedy drama film directed by Paul Mazursky , written by Paul Mazursky and Larry Tucker , who also produced the film , and starring Natalie Wood , Robert Culp , Elliott Gould , and Dyan Cannon . Natalie Wood . She was known for her screen roles in Miracle on 34th Street , Splendor in the Grass , Rebel Without a Cause , The Searchers , and West Side Story . Rebel Without a Cause is a 1955 American drama film about emotionally confused suburban , middle-class teenagers filmed in CinemaScope .
Natalie Wood never acted in an American film.
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Paris . By the 17th century , Paris was one of Europe 's major centres of finance , commerce , fashion , science , and the arts , and it retains that position still today .
Paris is a major center of the humanitarian studies.
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Homer ( Ὅμηρος [ hómɛːros ] , Hómēros ) is the name ascribed by the ancient Greeks to the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey , two epic poems which are the central works of ancient Greek literature . Odysseus ( [ oʊˈdɪsiəs , _ oʊˈdɪsjuːs ] Ὀδυσσεύς , Ὀδυσεύς [ odysse͜ús ] ) , also known by the Latin variant Ulysses ( [ juːˈlɪsiːz ] , [ ˈjuːlɪsiːz ] Ulyssēs , Ulixēs ) , was a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and the hero of Homer 's epic poem the Odyssey . Odyssey . It is , in part , a sequel to the Iliad , the other work ascribed to Homer . In the English language as well as many others , the word odyssey has come to refer to an epic voyage .
The Odyssey is an epic poem.
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The Odyssey '' ' ( [ ˈɒdəsi ] Ὀδύσσεια Odýsseia , [ o.dýs.sej.ja ] in Classical Attic ) is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer .
The Odyssey is an epic poem.
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Charles John Huffam Dickens ( [ ˈdɪkᵻnz ] 7 February 1812 -- 9 June 1870 ) was an English writer and social critic .
Charles Dickens died in 1870.
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Star Trek is an American science fiction media franchise based on the television series created by Gene Roddenberry . The Star Trek film series is the cinematic branch of the Star Trek media franchise , which began in 1966 as a weekly television series on NBC , running for three seasons until it was canceled in 1969 because of poor ratings . The early Star Trek films , the first to tenth film , were originally released on VHS ; competitive pricing of The Wrath of Khans videocassette helped bolster the adoption of VHS players in households .
Star Trek is a thing.
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Star Trek is an American science fiction media franchise based on the television series created by Gene Roddenberry . The Star Trek film series is the cinematic branch of the Star Trek media franchise , which began in 1966 as a weekly television series on NBC , running for three seasons until it was canceled in 1969 because of poor ratings . Later , the first ten films were released in two-disc collector 's versions , with The Motion Picture and The Wrath of Khan branded as `` director 's cuts '' , followed by later box set releases .
Star Trek is a thing.
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