3 values
Kick-Ass is a 2010 British-American superhero black comedy film based on the comic book of the same name by Mark Millar and John Romita , Jr. . Its general release was on 25 March 2010 in the United Kingdom and on 16 April 2010 in the United States .
In 2010, Kick-Ass was released.
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Kick-Ass is a 2010 British-American superhero black comedy film based on the comic book of the same name by Mark Millar and John Romita , Jr. . Its general release was on 25 March 2010 in the United Kingdom and on 16 April 2010 in the United States .
In 2010, Kick-Ass was released.
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Farrah Fawcett . Fawcett was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006 ; the 2009 NBC documentary Farrah 's Story chronicled her battle with the disease .
Farrah Fawcett was the subject of an NBC documentary.
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The Grand Slam in professional golf is winning all of golf 's major championships in the same calendar year . Tiger Woods . By April 1997 he had already won his first major , the 1997 Masters . Woods won this tournament in a record-breaking performance , winning by 12 strokes while pocketing $ 486,000 . After winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational on March 25 , 2013 , he ascended to the No. 1 ranking once again , holding the top spot until May 2014 . He has won 14 professional major golf championships , the second-highest of any player ( Jack Nicklaus leads with 18 ) , and 79 PGA Tour events , second all time behind Sam Snead , who had 82 wins .
Tiger Woods has not competed in a golf tournament.
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The Grand Slam in professional golf is winning all of golf 's major championships in the same calendar year . Tiger Woods . By April 1997 he had already won his first major , the 1997 Masters . After winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational on March 25 , 2013 , he ascended to the No. 1 ranking once again , holding the top spot until May 2014 . He has won 14 professional major golf championships , the second-highest of any player ( Jack Nicklaus leads with 18 ) , and 79 PGA Tour events , second all time behind Sam Snead , who had 82 wins . He is the youngest player to achieve the career Grand Slam , and the youngest and fastest to win 50 tournaments on tour .
Tiger Woods has not competed in a golf tournament.
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The Arnold Palmer Invitational is a professional golf tournament in Florida on the PGA Tour . The Grand Slam in professional golf is winning all of golf 's major championships in the same calendar year . Tiger Woods . After winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational on March 25 , 2013 , he ascended to the No. 1 ranking once again , holding the top spot until May 2014 . He has won 14 professional major golf championships , the second-highest of any player ( Jack Nicklaus leads with 18 ) , and 79 PGA Tour events , second all time behind Sam Snead , who had 82 wins . He has more career major wins and career PGA Tour wins than any other active golfer .
Tiger Woods has not competed in a golf tournament.
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The Arnold Palmer Invitational is a professional golf tournament in Florida on the PGA Tour . The Grand Slam in professional golf is winning all of golf 's major championships in the same calendar year . Tiger Woods . Woods has won 18 World Golf Championships , and won at least one of those events in each of the first 11 years after they began in 1999 .
Tiger Woods has not competed in a golf tournament.
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The Grand Slam in professional golf is winning all of golf 's major championships in the same calendar year . Tiger Woods . Additionally , Woods is only the second golfer ( after Nicklaus ) to have achieved a career Grand Slam three times .
Tiger Woods has not competed in a golf tournament.
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Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno , RDI ( [ ˈiːnoʊ ] born 15 May 1948 and originally christened Brian Peter George Eno ) is an English musician , composer , record producer , singer , writer , and visual artist . Born in Suffolk , Eno studied painting and experimental music at art school in the late 1960s before joining glam rock group Roxy Music as synthesizer player in 1971 . Suffolk ( [ ˈsʌfək ] ) is an East Anglian county of historic origin in England .
Brian Eno was born in England.
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Michelle Pfeiffer . Pfeiffer was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and won the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for Dangerous Liaisons ( 1988 ) , and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress -- Motion Picture Drama for The Fabulous Baker Boys ( 1989 ) .
Michelle Pfeiffer won a BAFTA Award for Best Actor.
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John Arthur Lithgow ( [ ˈlɪθɡoʊ ] ; born , 1945 ) is an American actor , musician , singer , comedian , voice actor , and author . The Homesman . The film stars Jones and Hilary Swank and also features Meryl Streep , Hailee Steinfeld , John Lithgow , and James Spader .
The Homesman features American actor John Lithgow.
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Star Wars (film) . Its soundtrack was added to the U.S. National Recording Registry in 2004 .
Star Wars' soundtrack was recorded in England.
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Friendship . Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as communication , sociology , social psychology , anthropology , and philosophy .
Friendship has been studied in academic disciplines like anthropology.
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Belgium . It is divided into three regions and three communities , that exist next to each other .
Belgium is comprised of three regions.
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Slipknot is an American heavy metal band from Des Moines , Iowa .
Slipknot (band) attended an American band school.
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This is a list of notable fictional characters in Metroid , a series of video games developed by Nintendo . Super Metroid is a 2D side-scrolling action-adventure video game developed and published by Nintendo and released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1994 . It is a third game in the Metroid series . It is often described as one of the best video games of all time . The game , along with Konami 's Castlevania : Symphony of the Night , also popularized the Metroidvania genre .
Super Metroid is a movie sequel.
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Super Metroid is a 2D side-scrolling action-adventure video game developed and published by Nintendo and released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1994 . It is a third game in the Metroid series . It is often described as one of the best video games of all time . , sometimes abbreviated as VC , is a specialized section of the Wii Shop Channel and Nintendo eShop online services that allows players to purchase and download retro games ( mostly unaltered ) for Nintendo 's Wii and Wii U home gaming consoles and the Nintendo 3DS portable gaming console .
Super Metroid is a movie sequel.
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One America News Network ( abbreviated as OANN ) , commonly referred to as One America News ( abbreviated as OAN ) , is an American cable news television channel that is owned by Herring Networks , Inc. .
One America News Network is abbreviated as OANN.
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The Portuguese Empire ( Império Português ) , also known as the Portuguese Overseas ( Ultramar Português ) , was one of the largest and longest-lived empires in world history and the first colonial empire of the Renaissance . It existed for almost six centuries from the capture of Ceuta in 1415 to the grant of sovereignty to East Timor in 2002 . The Portuguese Renaissance refers to the cultural and artistic movement in Portugal during the 15th , 16th , and 17th centuries . Though the movement coincided with the Spanish and Italian Renaissances , the Portuguese Renaissance was largely separate from other European Renaissances and instead was incredibly important in opening Europe to the unknown and bringing a more worldly view to those European Renaissances , as at the time the Portuguese Empire spanned the globe .
The Portuguese Empire existed during the Renaissance.
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Sir Richard Charles Hastings Eyre ( born 28 March 1943 ) is an English film , theatre , television and opera director .
Richard Eyre is a television director.
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Plato ( [ ˈpleɪtoʊ ] Greek : Πλάτων Plátōn , [ plá.tɔːn ] in Classical Attic ; 428/427 or 424/423 -- 348/347 BCE ) was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens , the first institution of higher learning in the Western world .
Plato was a president.
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Furious 7 . Principal photography began in Atlanta , Georgia , in September 2013 , resumed in April 2014 and ended in July 2014 , with other filming locations including Los Angeles , Colorado , Abu Dhabi , and Tokyo .
Furious 7 began principal photography in the summer of 2013.
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Saratoga is a 1937 American romantic comedy film written by Anita Loos and directed by Jack Conway .
Saratoga is a Canadian film.
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Absolute Beginners is a 1986 British rock musical film adapted from Colin MacInnes ' book of the same name about life in late 1950s London . The film was directed by Julien Temple , featured David Bowie and Sade , and Patsy Kensit in one of her first mainstream roles .
There is a film called Absolute Beginners.
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Where the Wild Things Are (film) . The film was released on October 16 , 2009 , in the United States , on December 3 in Australia , and on December 17 in Germany . The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 2 , 2010 .
Where the Wild Things Are was released in a box.
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If I Had You is a one-off British television crime drama , starring Sarah Parish , Poppy Miller , and Paul McGann . Louis Tomlinson . Tomlinson began his career as an actor , initially appearing in ITV drama Fat Friends as an extra . He also went on to appear in another ITV drama film If I Had You and the BBC drama Waterloo Road .
Louis Tomlinson appeared in a TV drama.
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10 Cloverfield Lane . The film stars John Goodman , Mary Elizabeth Winstead , and John Gallagher , Jr. , and is the second film in the Cloverfield franchise . John Howard Gallagher Jr. ( born June 17 , 1984 ) is an American actor and musician known for originating the role of Moritz Stiefel in Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater 's rock musical Spring Awakening , which earned him a Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Musical .
10 Cloverfield Lane stars the actor John Gallagher, Jr.
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Christopher Clive Froome , ( born 20 May 1985 ) is a British professional road racing cyclist for UCI ProTeam , who competed for Kenya until 2008 . Froome , who was brought up in Kenya and South Africa , has ridden under a British licence since 2008 on the basis that both his parents are British .
Chris Froome rides under a British license.
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Batman (1966 film) . Released by 20th Century Fox , the film starred Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin .
Batman is yet to be released.
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Lung cancer . The most common symptoms are coughing ( including coughing up blood ) , weight loss , shortness of breath , and chest pains .
None of lung cancer's symptoms is chest pains.
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Lisbon ( [ ˈlɪzbən ] Lisboa , [ liʒˈβoɐ ] ) is the capital and the largest city of Portugal , with a population of 552,700 within its administrative limits in an area of 100.05 km ² . In 1147 , the Crusaders under Afonso Henriques reconquered the city and since then it has been a major political , economic and cultural centre of Portugal . Unlike most capital cities , Lisbon 's status as the capital of Portugal has never been granted or confirmed officially -- by statute or in written form .
Lisbon is in Portugal.
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Arya Stark . Introduced in 1996 's A Game of Thrones , Arya is the younger daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and his wife Lady Catelyn Stark .
Arya Stark is the daughter of Lady Catelyn Stark.
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50 Cent . He released his fifth studio album , Animal Ambition , in 2014 and is working on his sixth studio album , Street King Immortal .
50 Cent's album Street King Immortal is available worldwide.
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Dan Aykroyd . In 1990 , he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his work in the 1989 film Driving Miss Daisy .
Dan Aykroyd has received zero Academy Award nominations.
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Dhool ( Super ) is a 2003 Indian Tamil-language action masala film directed by Dharani .
Dhool was directed by Dharani.
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Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti ( Arabic : صدام حسين عبد المجيد التكريتي ; 28 April 1937 -- 30 December 2006 ) was the fifth President of Iraq , serving in this capacity from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003 . Saddam formally rose to power in 1979 , although he had been the de facto head of Iraq for several years prior . In 2003 , a coalition led by the U.S. invaded Iraq to depose Saddam , in which U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair accused him of possessing weapons of mass destruction and having ties to al-Qaeda . Following his capture on 13 December 2003 , the trial of Saddam took place under the Iraqi Interim Government .
Saddam Hussein died in 1937.
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Saddam Hussein . Following his capture on 13 December 2003 , the trial of Saddam took place under the Iraqi Interim Government .
Saddam Hussein died in 1937.
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Saddam Hussein . Saddam formally rose to power in 1979 , although he had been the de facto head of Iraq for several years prior .
Saddam Hussein died in 1937.
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Arsenic and Old Lace is a 1944 American dark comedy film directed by Frank Capra , starring Cary Grant , and based on Joseph Kesselring 's play Arsenic and Old Lace . Capra actually filmed the movie in 1941 because of star Cary Grant 's availability , but it was not released until 1944 , after the original stage version had finished its run on Broadway .
Arsenic and Old Lace was released in 1964.
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A Thousand Suns is the fourth studio album by American rock band Linkin Park . `` The Catalyst '' was sent to radio and released to digital music retailers on August 2 , 2010 . `` The Catalyst '' peaked at the Billboard Alternative Songs and Rock Songs charts . The Catalyst . Released on August 2 , 2010 , it is the first single from their fourth studio album , A Thousand Suns , which was released on September 8 , 2010 .
The Catalyst is a rock song.
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Umbrella (song) . Entertainment Weekly ranked the song number one on the 10 Best Singles of 2007 , while Rolling Stone and Time listed the song at number three on the 100 Best Songs of 2007 .
Umbrella is a single.
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Devdas (2002 Hindi film) . The film also won five National Awards and a further ten Filmfare Awards , tied with Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge with the most Filmfare Awards any film had won at the time ( later beaten in 2005 by Bhansali 's Black ) . In representative democracy , the popular vote is the total number or percentage of votes received by a party , candidate or group of candidates , as opposed to the number of seats they win in the representative assembly or , as in the United States , in the Electoral College in a presidential election .
Devdas won five presidential elections.
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The Proposal (film) . The film stars Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds , Betty White , Mary Steenburgen and Craig T. Nelson .
Sandra Bullock stars in The Proposal.
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The Great Buck Howard is a 2008 American comedy-drama film directed by Sean McGinly that stars Colin Hanks and John Malkovich .
The Great Buck Howard was directed by Ingmar Bergman.
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American Gods . In April 2017 , Starz began airing an eponymous television adaptation of the novel .
American Gods' adaptation began airing.
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Adrienne Eliza Houghton ( née Bailon ; born October 24 , 1983 ) is an American singer-songwriter , recording artist , actress , dancer and television personality .
Adrienne Bailon is an American actress.
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Coke Boys Records is an independent record label , originally known as Cocaine City Records that was founded by American rapper French Montana in 2008 .
Coke Boys Records was founded by an American Rapper.
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Lionel Messi . Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as the greatest of all time , Messi is the only player in history to win five FIFA Ballon d'Or awards , four of which he won consecutively , and the first to win three European Golden Shoes . At 22 years old , Messi won the Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year award by record voting margins .
Lionel Messi won three awards by record voting margins.
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Kuala Lumpur . It is home to the tallest twin buildings in the world , the Petronas Twin Towers , which have become an iconic symbol of Malaysia 's futuristic development . The Petronas Towers , also known as the Petronas Twin Towers ( Malay : Menara Petronas , or Menara Berkembar Petronas ) , are twin skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia .
Kuala Lumpur has the Petronas Twin Towers.
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Kuala Lumpur . It is home to the tallest twin buildings in the world , the Petronas Twin Towers , which have become an iconic symbol of Malaysia 's futuristic development . The Petronas Towers , also known as the Petronas Twin Towers ( Malay : Menara Petronas , or Menara Berkembar Petronas ) , are twin skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia .
Kuala Lumpur has the Petronas Twin Towers.
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Fargo is an American black comedy -- crime drama anthology television series created and primarily written by Noah Hawley . The series follows an anthology format , with each season set in a different era with a different story , cast , and set of characters ; however , each season shares a common chronology with the original film .
The television series Fargo has an anthology format, setting each season in a different era with a different story and cast.
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Carolina Panthers . The team hosts its annual training camp at Wofford College in Spartanburg , South Carolina .
An annual training camp is hosted by the Carolina Panthers.
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`` Born This Way '' is a song by American singer Lady Gaga , and the lead single from her second studio album of the same name .
Born This Way is a piece of music.
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Charles, Prince of Wales . Charles was born at Buckingham Palace as the first grandchild of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth .
Charles, Prince of Wales was a grandchild of a king.
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Kate Beckinsale . She then appeared in British costume dramas such as Prince of Jutland ( 1994 ) , Cold Comfort Farm ( 1995 ) , Emma ( 1996 ) , and The Golden Bowl ( 2000 ) , in addition to various stage and radio productions . The Golden Bowl is a 2000 drama film directed by James Ivory .
Kate Beckinsale was directed by James Ivory.
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Bridget Moynahan . Moynahan was also featured in the action film The Sum of All Fears ( 2002 ) , spy thriller The Recruit ( 2003 ) , the science-fiction movie I , Robot ( 2004 ) , and the political thriller Lord of War ( 2005 ) .
Bridget Moynahan was cut from Lord of War.
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Taj Mahal . The tomb is the centrepiece of a 42 acre complex , which includes a mosque and a guest house , and is set in formal gardens bounded on three sides by a crenellated wall .
There is a mosque in the Taj Mahal.
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Cry Freedom . The film was primarily shot on location in Zimbabwe and in Kenya due to political turmoil in South Africa at the time of production .
Cry Freedom wasn't shot in Kenya.
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1991 NBA Finals . The Chicago Bulls of the Eastern Conference took on the Los Angeles Lakers of the Western Conference for the title , with Chicago having home court advantage . Prior to 1991 , they met for four postseason series ( 1968 , 1971 , 1972 and 1973 ) , all Lakers victories . The 1991 Finals marked the first time the Bulls defeated the Lakers in a playoff series .
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MTV ( originally an initialism of Music Television ) is an American cable and satellite television channel owned by Viacom Media Networks ( a division of Viacom ) and headquartered in New York City . Snooki & Jwoww ( sometimes rendered Snooki & JWOWW in print and online sources ) is an American reality television series on MTV starring Snooki and JWoww . On April 25 , 2013 , MTV renewed the series for a third season , which premiered on October 22 , 2013 .
Snooki & Jwoww was renewed by at least one channel.
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Eagles (band) . The Eagles disbanded in July 1980 but reunited in 1994 for the album Hell Freezes Over , a mix of live and new studio tracks .
The Eagles broke up in 1980.
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Berlin . Due to its location in the European Plain , Berlin is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate .
A temperate seasonal climate influences Berlin.
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Mao Zedong or Mao Tse-tung ( [ ˈmaʊ_dzəˈdʊŋ , _ zə - , _ - dɒŋ ] December 26 , 1893September 9 , 1976 ) , also known as Chairman Mao , was a Chinese communist revolutionary and founding father of the People 's Republic of China , which he governed as the Chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 , until his death in 1976 . On 1 October 1949 , Mao proclaimed the foundation of the People 's Republic of China ( PRC ) , a one-party state controlled by the CPC . In 1972 , Mao welcomed American President Richard Nixon in Beijing , signalling a policy of opening China , which was furthered under the rule of Deng Xiaoping ( 1978 -- 1992 ) . Mao suffered a series of heart attacks in 1976 , and died in September , aged 82 . He was succeeded as Paramount leader by Hua Guofeng ( 1976 -- 1978 ) , who was quickly sidelined and replaced by Deng .
Mao Zedong lived until 1976.
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The 2010 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 was an international Twenty20 cricket tournament which was held in the West Indies from 5 May to 16 May 2010 . Ellyse Alexandra Perry ( born 3 November 1990 ) is an Australian sportswoman who made her debut for both the Australian cricket and the Australian women 's national soccer team at the age of 16 . Perry was fast-tracked to make her One Day International ( ODI ) debut for Australia against New Zealand , three months before playing a single match for her state New South Wales in the Women 's National Cricket League ( WNCL ) . The New South Wales Breakers are the women 's representative cricket team for New South Wales and they compete in the Women 's National Cricket League .
Ellyse Perry is a man.
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The 2008 AFC Women 's Asian Cup was played in Vietnam from 28 May to 8 June 2008 . Ellyse Perry . She then took 18 wickets in 10 ODIs against New Zealand at the end of the season , as the Australians won all the matches . The New South Wales Breakers are the women 's representative cricket team for New South Wales and they compete in the Women 's National Cricket League .
Ellyse Perry is a man.
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Manchester City F.C. . Having regained their Premier League status in the early 2000s , the club was purchased in 2008 by Abu Dhabi United Group and has become one of the wealthiest in the world .
Manchester City F.C. was bought by the Abu Dhabi United Group.
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Unapologetic is the seventh studio album by Barbadian singer Rihanna . Unapologetic is mainly a pop , dubstep and R&B album that incorporates elements of hip hop , EDM and reggae in its production , similar to the sound of her previous albums Talk That Talk and Rated R ( 2009 ) .
Unapologetic is a work.
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Unapologetic is the seventh studio album by Barbadian singer Rihanna . Unapologetic is mainly a pop , dubstep and R&B album that incorporates elements of hip hop , EDM and reggae in its production , similar to the sound of her previous albums Talk That Talk and Rated R ( 2009 ) . The album produced seven singles including the international hits `` Diamonds '' and `` Stay '' .
Unapologetic is a work.
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Andre Kirk Agassi ( [ ˈɑːndreɪ_ˈæɡəsi ] born April 29 , 1970 ) is an American retired professional tennis player and former World No. 1 who was one of the sport 's most dominant players from the early 1990s to the mid-2000s . Generally considered by critics and fellow players to be one of the greatest tennis players of all time , Agassi has been called the greatest service returner in the history of the game . In singles tennis , Agassi is an eight-time Grand Slam champion and a 1996 Olympic gold medalist , as well as finishing runner-up in seven other Grand Slam tournaments . Agassi was the first male player to win all four Grand Slam tournaments on three different surfaces ( hard , clay and grass ) , and the last American male to win both the French Open ( in 1999 ) and the Australian Open ( in 2003 ) . He also won 17 ATP Masters Series titles and was part of the winning Davis Cup teams in 1990 , 1992 and 1995 .
Andre Agassi is a golfer.
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Donald Glover . After several self-released albums and mixtapes , Glover signed to Glassnote Records in 2011 . He released his first album , Camp , on November 15 , 2011 to generally positive reviews . His second studio album , Because the Internet , was released on December 10 , 2013 . Glover was nominated for two Grammy Awards in 2015 , Best Rap Album for Because the Internet and Best Rap Performance for his single `` 3005 '' .
Donald Glover never released an album.
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Donald Glover . He released his first album , Camp , on November 15 , 2011 to generally positive reviews . His second studio album , Because the Internet , was released on December 10 , 2013 . Glover was nominated for two Grammy Awards in 2015 , Best Rap Album for Because the Internet and Best Rap Performance for his single `` 3005 '' . Glover 's third album , `` Awaken , My Love ! ''
Donald Glover never released an album.
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The Avengers (2012 film) . The film was written and directed by Joss Whedon and features an ensemble cast that includes Robert Downey Jr. , Chris Evans , Mark Ruffalo , Chris Hemsworth , Scarlett Johansson , Jeremy Renner , Tom Hiddleston , Clark Gregg , Cobie Smulders , Stellan Skarsgård , and Samuel L. Jackson .
The Avengers (2012 film) features Chris Evans.
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Jerry Goldsmith . He collaborated with some of film history 's most accomplished directors , including Robert Wise , Howard Hawks , Otto Preminger , Joe Dante , Richard Donner , Roman Polanski , Ridley Scott , Michael Winner , Steven Spielberg , Paul Verhoeven , and Franklin J. Schaffner .
Jerry Goldsmith failed to collaborate with anybody during his career.
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Charles, Prince of Wales . Charles 's interests encompass a range of humanitarian and social issues : he founded The Prince 's Trust in 1976 , sponsors The Prince 's Charities , and is patron of numerous other charitable and arts organisations .
Charles, Prince of Wales sponsors The Prince's Charities.
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Nicki Minaj . Minaj was the first female artist included on MTV 's Annual Hottest MC List , with a New York Times editor saying that some consider her to be `` the most influential female rapper of all time '' .
Nicki Minaj is a person.
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Nicki Minaj . In 2013 , she was a judge on the twelfth season of American Idol .
Nicki Minaj is a person.
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Onika Tanya Maraj ( born December 8 , 1982 ) , known professionally as Nicki Minaj ( [ langpronnɪkɪ_mɪ ` nɑːdʒ ] ) , is a Trinidadian-born American rapper , singer , songwriter and model . In 2013 , she was a judge on the twelfth season of American Idol . Minaj was the first female artist included on MTV 's Annual Hottest MC List , with a New York Times editor saying that some consider her to be `` the most influential female rapper of all time '' . Minaj has received ten Grammy nominations throughout her career , and has won six American Music Awards , eleven BET Awards , three MTV Video Music Awards , four Billboard Music Awards , and was the recipient of Billboards Women in Music 2011 Rising Star award .
Nicki Minaj is a person.
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The Vampire Diaries . The series premiered on The CW on September 10 , 2009 and concluded on March 10 , 2017 , airing 171 episodes over eight seasons . On April 6 , 2015 , lead actress Nina Dobrev confirmed via Instagram that she and co-star Michael Trevino ( who plays Tyler Lockwood ) would be leaving the show after its sixth season . Trevino appeared as a guest star in season seven and returned for season 8 . On March 11 , 2016 , The CW renewed the series for an eighth season , but on July 23 , 2016 , announced that the eighth season , which would have 16 episodes , would be the show 's last .
The Vampire Diaries only aired two seasons.
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The Vampire Diaries . On April 6 , 2015 , lead actress Nina Dobrev confirmed via Instagram that she and co-star Michael Trevino ( who plays Tyler Lockwood ) would be leaving the show after its sixth season . On March 11 , 2016 , The CW renewed the series for an eighth season , but on July 23 , 2016 , announced that the eighth season , which would have 16 episodes , would be the show 's last .
The Vampire Diaries only aired two seasons.
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Jim Carrey . His first leading roles in major productions came with Ace Ventura : Pet Detective ( 1994 ) , Dumb and Dumber ( 1994 ) , The Mask ( 1994 ) , and Ace Ventura : When Nature Calls ( 1995 ) , as well as a supporting role in Batman Forever ( 1995 ) and a lead role in Liar Liar ( 1997 ) . In 2013 , he appeared in Kick-Ass 2 as Colonel Stars and Stripes .
Jim Carrey appeared in a film that is based on a comic book and cats.
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The Bends ( stylised as the bends ) is the second studio album by the English alternative rock band Radiohead , released on 13 March 1995 by Parlophone Records in the United Kingdom and by Capitol Records in the United States .
The Bends was released in the 1990's.
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Jack Reacher (film) . Jack Reacher ( formerly called One Shot , or alternatively known as Jack Reacher : One Shot ) is a 2012 American action thriller film written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie , based on Lee Child 's 2005 novel One Shot .
Jack Reacher is a 1600s period piece.
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Marshall McLuhan . McLuhan is known for coining the expression `` the medium is the message '' and the term global village , and for predicting the World Wide Web almost thirty years before it was invented .
Marshall McLuhan predicted his own death.
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Brock Lesnar . In November 2008 , Lesnar defeated Randy Couture to become the UFC Heavyweight Champion .
Brock Lesnar won against Randy Couture.
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The Bell Trade Act of 1946 , also known as the Philippine Trade Act , was an act passed by the United States Congress specifying policy governing trade between the Philippines and the United States following independence of the Philippines from the United States . Philippines . In 1543 , Spanish explorer Ruy López de Villalobos named the archipelago Las Islas Filipinas in honor of Philip II of Spain .
The Philippines were named by the United States..
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José Aldo da Silva Oliveira Junior ( [ ʒoˈzɛ ˈaldu ] ; born September 9 , 1986 ) is a Brazilian mixed martial artist in the Ultimate Fighting Championship and the UFC Featherweight Champion , currently in his second reign . In the decade between losses in November 2005 and December 2015 , Aldo was undefeated in 18 fights , before being defeated by Conor McGregor at UFC 194 .
José Aldo is in the Ultimate Fighting Championship and has been for a decade.
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Guam ( [ ˈɡwɑːm ] or [ ˈɡwɒm ] Chamorro : Guåhån [ ˈɡʷɑhɑn ] formally the Territory of Guam ) is an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States . Guam is among the seventeen Non-Self-Governing Territories of the United Nations .
Guam was employed by America.
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Lindsay Gordon Anderson ( 17 April 1923 -- 30 August 1994 ) was a British feature film , theatre and documentary director , film critic , and leading light of the Free Cinema movement and the British New Wave . This Sporting Life . It was directed by Lindsay Anderson .
This Sporting Life was directed by a director born in 1919.
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International relations . For example , international relations draws from the fields of : technology and engineering , economics , communication studies , history , international law , demography , philosophy , geography , social work , sociology , anthropology , criminology , psychology , gender studies , cultural studies , culturology , and diplomacy . The scope of international relations comprehends globalization , diplomatic relations , state sovereignty , international security , ecological sustainability , nuclear proliferation , nationalism , economic development , global finance , as well as terrorism and organized crime , human security , foreign interventionism , and human rights , as well , as , more recently , comparative religion .
International Relations includes technology and engineering, economics, communication studies, history, international law, demography, philosophy, geography, social work, sociology, anthropology, criminology, psychology, gender studies, cultural studies, culturology, and diplomacy, globalization, diplomatic relations, state sovereignty, international security, ecological sustainability, nuclear proliferation, nationalism, economic development, global finance, as well as terrorism and organized crime, human security, foreign interventionism, and human rights, as well, as, more recently, comparative religion.
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Avenged Sevenfold . Avenged Sevenfold emerged with a metalcore sound on the band 's debut Sounding the Seventh Trumpet . Despite his death , Avenged Sevenfold continued on with the help of now-former Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy and released and toured in support of its fifth album Nightmare in 2010 , which debuted on the top spot of the Billboard 200 , Avenged Sevenfold 's first number one debut . The Stage is their first conceptual album and it marked another stylistic change for the band , moving towards the progressive metal sound .
Avenged Sevenfold released an album.
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Avenged Sevenfold . Avenged Sevenfold emerged with a metalcore sound on the band 's debut Sounding the Seventh Trumpet . However , Avenged Sevenfold 's style had evolved by the band 's third album and first major label release , City of Evil , into a heavy metal and hard rock style .
Avenged Sevenfold released an album.
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Avenged Sevenfold . Despite his death , Avenged Sevenfold continued on with the help of now-former Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy and released and toured in support of its fifth album Nightmare in 2010 , which debuted on the top spot of the Billboard 200 , Avenged Sevenfold 's first number one debut . The band surprise released their seventh studio album titled The Stage on October 28 , 2016 , which debuted as number 4 on the Billboard 200 chart in the US .
Avenged Sevenfold released an album.
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Romelu Menama Lukaku ( born 13 May 1993 ) is a Belgian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Premier League club Everton and the Belgium national team .
Romelu Lukaku is a golfer.
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Toy Story is a 1995 American computer-animated buddy comedy adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures .
Toy Story is a movie of the buddy comedy adventure genres.
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Jeff Bridges . He won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as Otis `` Bad '' Blake in the 2009 film Crazy Heart , and earned Academy Award nominations for his roles in The Last Picture Show ( 1971 ) , Thunderbolt and Lightfoot ( 1974 ) , Starman ( 1984 ) , The Contender ( 2000 ) , True Grit ( 2010 ) , and Hell or High Water ( 2016 ) . True Grit is a 2010 American Revisionist Western film directed , written , produced , and edited by the Coen brothers and executive produced by Steven Spielberg .
Jeff Bridges played a role in an American Revisionist Western film.
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Hotel Transylvania 2 . Original voices from the first film -- Adam Sandler , Andy Samberg , Selena Gomez , Kevin James , Steve Buscemi , David Spade , Fran Drescher , Molly Shannon -- returned for the sequel , with Keegan-Michael Key replacing CeeLo Green as Murray .
Murray was played by Keegan-Michael Key in Hotel Transylvania 2.
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World War II ( often abbreviated to WWII or WW2 ) , also known as the Second World War , was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945 , although related conflicts began earlier . The war continued primarily between the European Axis powers and the coalition of the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth , with campaigns including the North Africa and East Africa campaigns , the aerial Battle of Britain , the Blitz bombing campaign , the Balkan Campaign as well as the long-running Battle of the Atlantic .
World War II did not include a military campaign lasting 6 years.
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