1 value
15 values
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2014 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException from plugins.generic.filesystem import Filesystem as GenericFilesystem class Filesystem(GenericFilesystem): def __init__(self): GenericFilesystem.__init__(self) def readFile(self, rFile): errMsg = "File system read access not yet implemented for " errMsg += "Oracle" raise SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) def writeFile(self, wFile, dFile, fileType=None, forceCheck=False): errMsg = "File system write access not yet implemented for " errMsg += "Oracle" raise SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg)
import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from datetime import datetime from django.http import HttpResponse from GarageWarden import status, settingHelper, settingView, config, settings as gw_settings import RPi.GPIO as GPIO settings = None settings_loaded = False def reload_config(): global settings, settings_loaded settings_loaded = True settings = settingHelper.values_for_prefix("email") settingView.reload_methods['notify'] = reload_config def send_mail(subject, text, html=None): if not get_setting('enabled'): print('email not enabled') return encryption = (get_setting('encryption') or '').lower() host = get_setting('host') port = int(get_setting('port')) if encryption == 'ssl': smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(host=host, port=port) else: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host=host, port=port) if encryption == 'tls': smtp.starttls() if get_setting('username') and get_setting('password'): smtp.login(get_setting('username'), get_setting('password')) _from = get_setting('from name') or 'GarageWarden' recipients = get_setting('recipients') msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative") msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = _from msg['To'] = recipients if text: msg.attach(MIMEText(text, "plain")) if html: msg.attach(MIMEText(html, "html")) smtp.sendmail(_from, [r.strip() for r in recipients.split(',') if r], msg.as_string()) def send_state_change_mail(state, color, date): if get_setting('Status Notification'): send_mail("Garage " + state, make_text(state, date), make_html(state, color, date)) else: print('status emails not enabled') def make_html(state, color, date): return "Garage was <span style='color: " + color + "'><strong>" + state + "</strong></span> at <i>" + date + "</i>" def make_text(state, date): return "Garage was " + state + " at " + date def state_change(): now = datetime.now() now_str = now.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S") opened = status.garage_is_full_open() closed = status.garage_is_full_close() print("State changed to opened: "+str(opened)+" closed: "+str(closed)+" at" + now_str) if opened: send_state_change_mail("Opened", "#f0ad4e", now_str) elif closed: send_state_change_mail("Closed", "#5cb85c", now_str) config.state_change_callbacks['notify'] = state_change def test_email(request): global settings print('sending test emails') if not get_setting('enabled'): return HttpResponse("Email not enabled") send_state_change_mail("Test", "#5bc0de", datetime.now().strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")) return HttpResponse("Test email sent") def get_setting(setting): if not settings_loaded: reload_config() return settings[setting] def start_beep(): GPIO.output(gw_settings.BEEPER_PIN, True) def stop_beep(): GPIO.output(gw_settings.BEEPER_PIN, False)
#!/bin/env python # Automatically translated python version of # OpenSceneGraph example program "osglight" # !!! This program will need manual tuning before it will work. !!! import sys from osgpypp import osg from osgpypp import osgDB from osgpypp import osgUtil from osgpypp import osgViewer # Translated from file 'osglight.cpp' # OpenSceneGraph example, osglight. #* #* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #* #* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #* THE SOFTWARE. # #include <osgViewer/Viewer> #include <osg/Group> #include <osg/Node> #include <osg/Light> #include <osg/LightSource> #include <osg/StateAttribute> #include <osg/Geometry> #include <osg/Point> #include <osg/MatrixTransform> #include <osg/PositionAttitudeTransform> #include <osgDB/Registry> #include <osgDB/ReadFile> #include <osgUtil/Optimizer> #include <osgUtil/SmoothingVisitor> #include "stdio.h" # callback to make the loaded model oscilate up and down. class ModelTransformCallback (osg.NodeCallback) : ModelTransformCallback( osg.BoundingSphere bs) _firstTime = 0.0 _period = 4.0 _range = bs.radius()*0.5 virtual void operator()(osg.Node* node, osg.NodeVisitor* nv) pat = dynamic_cast<osg.PositionAttitudeTransform*>(node) frameStamp = nv.getFrameStamp() if pat and frameStamp : if _firstTime==0.0 : _firstTime = frameStamp.getSimulationTime() phase = (frameStamp.getSimulationTime()-_firstTime)/_period phase -= floor(phase) phase *= (2.0 * osg.PI) rotation = osg.Quat() rotation.makeRotate(phase,1.0,1.0,1.0) pat.setAttitude(rotation) pat.setPosition(osg.Vec3(0.0,0.0,sin(phase))*_range) # must traverse the Node's subgraph traverse(node,nv) _firstTime = double() _period = double() _range = double() def createLights(bb, rootStateSet): lightGroup = osg.Group() modelSize = bb.radius() # create a spot light. myLight1 = osg.Light() myLight1.setLightNum(0) myLight1.setPosition(osg.Vec4(bb.corner(4),1.0)) myLight1.setAmbient(osg.Vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) myLight1.setDiffuse(osg.Vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) myLight1.setSpotCutoff(20.0) myLight1.setSpotExponent(50.0) myLight1.setDirection(osg.Vec3(1.0,1.0,-1.0)) lightS1 = osg.LightSource() lightS1.setLight(myLight1) lightS1.setLocalStateSetModes(osg.StateAttribute.ON) lightS1.setStateSetModes(*rootStateSet,osg.StateAttribute.ON) lightGroup.addChild(lightS1) # create a local light. myLight2 = osg.Light() myLight2.setLightNum(1) myLight2.setPosition(osg.Vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) myLight2.setAmbient(osg.Vec4(0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)) myLight2.setDiffuse(osg.Vec4(0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)) myLight2.setConstantAttenuation(1.0) myLight2.setLinearAttenuation(2.0/modelSize) myLight2.setQuadraticAttenuation(2.0/osg.square(modelSize)) lightS2 = osg.LightSource() lightS2.setLight(myLight2) lightS2.setLocalStateSetModes(osg.StateAttribute.ON) lightS2.setStateSetModes(*rootStateSet,osg.StateAttribute.ON) mt = osg.MatrixTransform() # set up the animation path animationPath = osg.AnimationPath() animationPath.insert(0.0,osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint(bb.corner(0))) animationPath.insert(1.0,osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint(bb.corner(1))) animationPath.insert(2.0,osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint(bb.corner(2))) animationPath.insert(3.0,osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint(bb.corner(3))) animationPath.insert(4.0,osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint(bb.corner(4))) animationPath.insert(5.0,osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint(bb.corner(5))) animationPath.insert(6.0,osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint(bb.corner(6))) animationPath.insert(7.0,osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint(bb.corner(7))) animationPath.insert(8.0,osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint(bb.corner(0))) animationPath.setLoopMode(osg.AnimationPath.SWING) mt.setUpdateCallback(osg.AnimationPathCallback(animationPath)) # create marker for point light. marker = osg.Geometry() vertices = osg.Vec3Array() vertices.push_back(osg.Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)) marker.setVertexArray(vertices) marker.addPrimitiveSet(osg.DrawArrays(GL_POINTS,0,1)) stateset = osg.StateSet() point = osg.Point() point.setSize(4.0) stateset.setAttribute(point) marker.setStateSet(stateset) markerGeode = osg.Geode() markerGeode.addDrawable(marker) mt.addChild(lightS2) mt.addChild(markerGeode) lightGroup.addChild(mt) return lightGroup def createWall(v1, v2, v3, stateset): # create a drawable for occluder. geom = osg.Geometry() geom.setStateSet(stateset) noXSteps = 100 noYSteps = 100 coords = osg.Vec3Array() coords.reserve(noXSteps*noYSteps) dx = (v2-v1)/((float)noXSteps-1.0) dy = (v3-v1)/((float)noYSteps-1.0) row = unsigned int() vRowStart = v1 for(row=0row<noYSteps++row) v = vRowStart for(unsigned int col=0col<noXSteps++col) coords.push_back(v) v += dx vRowStart+=dy geom.setVertexArray(coords) colors = osg.Vec4Array(1) (*colors)[0].set(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) geom.setColorArray(colors, osg.Array.BIND_OVERALL) for(row=0row<noYSteps-1++row) quadstrip = osg.DrawElementsUShort(osg.PrimitiveSet.QUAD_STRIP) quadstrip.reserve(noXSteps*2) for(unsigned int col=0col<noXSteps++col) quadstrip.push_back((row+1)*noXSteps+col) quadstrip.push_back(row*noXSteps+col) geom.addPrimitiveSet(quadstrip) # create the normals. osgUtil.SmoothingVisitor.smooth(*geom) return geom def createRoom(loadedModel): # default scale for this model. bs = osg.BoundingSphere(osg.Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),1.0) root = osg.Group() if loadedModel : loaded_bs = loadedModel.getBound() pat = osg.PositionAttitudeTransform() pat.setPivotPoint(loaded_bs.center()) pat.setUpdateCallback(ModelTransformCallback(loaded_bs)) pat.addChild(loadedModel) bs = pat.getBound() root.addChild(pat) bs.radius()*=1.5 # create a bounding box, which we'll use to size the room. bb = osg.BoundingBox() bb.expandBy(bs) # create statesets. rootStateSet = osg.StateSet() root.setStateSet(rootStateSet) wall = osg.StateSet() wall.setMode(GL_CULL_FACE,osg.StateAttribute.ON) floor = osg.StateSet() floor.setMode(GL_CULL_FACE,osg.StateAttribute.ON) roof = osg.StateSet() roof.setMode(GL_CULL_FACE,osg.StateAttribute.ON) geode = osg.Geode() # create front side. geode.addDrawable(createWall(bb.corner(0), bb.corner(4), bb.corner(1), wall)) # right side geode.addDrawable(createWall(bb.corner(1), bb.corner(5), bb.corner(3), wall)) # left side geode.addDrawable(createWall(bb.corner(2), bb.corner(6), bb.corner(0), wall)) # back side geode.addDrawable(createWall(bb.corner(3), bb.corner(7), bb.corner(2), wall)) # floor geode.addDrawable(createWall(bb.corner(0), bb.corner(1), bb.corner(2), floor)) # roof geode.addDrawable(createWall(bb.corner(6), bb.corner(7), bb.corner(4), roof)) root.addChild(geode) root.addChild(createLights(bb,rootStateSet)) return root def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # construct the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if not loadedModel : loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile("glider.osgt") # create a room made of foor walls, a floor, a roof, and swinging light fitting. rootnode = createRoom(loadedModel) # run optimization over the scene graph optimzer = osgUtil.Optimizer() optimzer.optimize(rootnode) # add a viewport to the viewer and attach the scene graph. viewer.setSceneData( rootnode ) # create the windows and run the threads. viewer.realize() viewer.getCamera().setCullingMode( viewer.getCamera().getCullingMode() ~osg.CullStack.SMALL_FEATURE_CULLING) return viewer.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)
# GeneaCrystal Copyright (C) 2012-2013 # Christian Jaeckel, <christian.doe@gmail.com> # Frederic Kerber, <fkerber@gmail.com> # Pascal Lessel, <maverickthe6@gmail.com> # Michael Mauderer, <mail@michaelmauderer.de> # # GeneaCrystal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GeneaCrystal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GeneaCrystal. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import libavg as avg import pymunk from geneacrystal import util, physic from geneacrystal.alphaKeyboard import AlphaKeyboard from geneacrystal.highscore import Highscore class ItemImageNode(avg.DivNode): def __init__(self, href, size, *args, **kwargs): avg.DivNode.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.pivot = 0, 0 self.opacity = 1 self.sensitive = False imageNode = avg.ImageNode(parent=self, opacity=1, href=href, size=size, ) imageNode.pos = util.vectorMult(size, -0.5) self.image = imageNode if __debug__: self.elementoutlinecolor = "FFFFFF" @property def size(self): return self.image.size @size.setter def size(self, value): self.image.size = value util.centerNodeOnPosition(self.image, (0,0)) def setEffect(self, node): self.image.setEffect(node) def setEventHandler(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.image.setEventHandler(*args, **kwargs) class TouchPointNode(avg.CircleNode): def delete(self): self.unlink(True) def __init__(self, space, theme=None, owner=None, *args, **kwargs): avg.CircleNode.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if theme is None: from geneacrystal import themes self._theme = themes.DefaultTheme self.owner = owner self._body = physic.TouchPointBody(self) self._body.position = tuple(self.pos) self.filltexhref = self._theme.getStaticImage("TouchPointNode") #self.fillcolor = "00FF00" self.strokewidth = 0 self.shape = pymunk.Circle(self._body, self.r, (0, 0)) self.shape.elasticity = 1 self.shape.collision_type = physic.TouchPointCollisionType space.add(self._body, self.shape) if __debug__: print "Created ", self def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): formatString = "TouchPointNode(pos={tp.pos}, owner={tp.owner})" return formatString.format(tp=self) class ShieldNode(avg.LineNode): def __init__(self, space, owner=None, *args, **kwargs): avg.LineNode.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._body = physic.ShieldBody(self) self.owner = owner self._body.position = tuple(self.pos1) from geneacrystal import themes self.texhref = themes.DefaultTheme.getStaticImage("Wall") self.fillopacity = 0 self.opacity = 1 space.add(self._body, self._body.shape) self._body.sleep() def update(self, pos1, pos2): self.pos1 = pos1 self.pos2 = pos2 self._body.position = tuple(self.pos1) self._body.shape.b = util.transformVector((pos2.x - pos1.x, pos2.y - pos1.y)) def delete(self): pass class HighscoreEntryNode(avg.DivNode): def __init__(self, mode, score, allScores, callback=None, theme=None, *args, **kwargs): avg.DivNode.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if theme is None: from geneacrystal import themes theme = themes.DefaultTheme bgPath = theme.getStaticImage("keySymbol") backPath = theme.getStaticImage("backspaceSymbol") enterPath = theme.getStaticImage("enterSymbol") shiftPath = theme.getStaticImage("shiftSymbol") emptyPath = theme.getStaticImage("spaceSymbol") highscore = Highscore(mode) myScores = [] myScores.extend(allScores) myScores.extend(highscore.scores) myScores.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda val: int(val)) if len(myScores) < util.MAX_HIGHSCORE_LENGTH or score > int(myScores[9]) or score == int(myScores[9]) and not score in highscore.scores: self.__value = "" def onKeyDown(keyCode): if len(self.__value) < 20: self.__value += keyCode self.__edit.text += keyCode def onBack(): self.__value = self.__value[0:-1] self.__edit.text = self.__value def onEnter(): if not self.__value == "": highscore.addEntry(self.__value, score) if callback is not None: callback(self.__value) self._keyboard.cleanup() self._keyboard.unlink(True) self._keyboard = None self.__edit.unlink(True) self.__edit = None self.unlink(True) self.__edit = avg.WordsNode(size=(self.size.x, self.size.y // 8), parent=self, fontsize=self.size.y // 8, alignment="center") self.__edit.pos = (self.size.x // 2, 0) self._keyboard = AlphaKeyboard(bgPath, backPath, enterPath, shiftPath, emptyPath , onKeyDown=onKeyDown, onBack=onBack, onEnter=onEnter, size=(self.size.x, self.size.y // 10 * 8), pos=(0, self.size.y // 5), parent=self) else: if callback is not None: callback("") self.unlink(True) class ItemImageLayeredNode(avg.DivNode): def __init__(self, layers,size, *args, **kwargs): avg.DivNode.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.pivot = 0, 0 self.opacity = 1 self.sensitive = False childPos = util.vectorMult(size, -0.5) self._layer = [] self._topImage = None for image in layers: node = avg.ImageNode(parent=self, opacity=1, href=image, size=size, pos=childPos, sensitive=False ) self._layer.append(node) node.sensitive=True self._topImage = self._layer[-1] def removeLayer(self, index): node = self._layer[index] node.unlink(True) self._layer.remove(node) if node == self._topImage: self._topImage = self._layer[-1] @property def size(self): return self._layer[0].size def setEventHandler(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._topImage.setEventHandler(*args, **kwargs) def setEffect(self, *args, **kwargs): for node in self._layer: node.setEffect(*args, **kwargs) class OverlayNode(avg.DivNode): def __init__(self, theme=None, *args, **kwargs): if theme is None: from geneacrystal import themes theme = themes.StandardTheme() super(OverlayNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._background=theme.getNode("ExitButton")(size=self.size, parent=self, opacity=1); class StaticOverlayNode(OverlayNode): def __init__(self, finishCB, *args, **kwargs): super(StaticOverlayNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__anim = None self.__initalRadius=self._background.size.x*0.08 self.__circle = avg.CircleNode(pos=(self._background.size.x//2, self._background.size.y//2), r=self.__initalRadius, fillcolor="000000", fillopacity=1.0, parent=self) self.__finishCB = finishCB self.setEventHandler(avg.CURSORDOWN,avg.TOUCH | avg.MOUSE, lambda x: self.__start()) self.setEventHandler(avg.CURSOROUT,avg.TOUCH | avg.MOUSE, lambda x: self.__abort()) self.setEventHandler(avg.CURSORUP,avg.TOUCH | avg.MOUSE, lambda x: self.__abort()) def __start(self): self.__circle.sensitive=False self.__aborted = True if self.__anim is not None: self.__anim.abort() self.__anim = avg.LinearAnim(self.__circle,"r", 2000, self.__circle.r, self._background.size.y//2, False, None, self.__finish) self.__aborted = False self.__anim.start() def __abort(self): if self.__anim is not None: self.__aborted = True self.__anim.abort() self.__anim = None self.__circle.r = self.__initalRadius self.__circle.sensitive=True def __finish(self): if not self.__aborted: self.__anim = None self.__finishCB() self.__circle.r = self.__initalRadius self.__circle.sensitive=True
# Copyright 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from alembic import op from neutron.db import migration from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection """update_ha_group_primary_key Revision ID: 73c84db9f299 Revises: 972479e0e629 Create Date: 2017-10-05 05:31:54.243849 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '73c84db9f299' down_revision = '972479e0e629' def upgrade(): if migration.schema_has_table('cisco_router_ha_groups'): inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(op.get_bind()) foreign_keys = inspector.get_foreign_keys('cisco_router_ha_groups') migration.remove_foreign_keys('cisco_router_ha_groups', foreign_keys) primary_key = inspector.get_pk_constraint('cisco_router_ha_groups') op.drop_constraint(constraint_name=primary_key['name'], table_name='cisco_router_ha_groups', type_='primary') op.create_primary_key( constraint_name='pk_cisco_router_ha_groups', table_name='cisco_router_ha_groups', columns=['ha_port_id', 'subnet_id']) op.create_foreign_key('cisco_router_ha_groups_ibfk_1', source_table='cisco_router_ha_groups', referent_table='ports', local_cols=['ha_port_id'], remote_cols=['id'], ondelete='CASCADE'), op.create_foreign_key('cisco_router_ha_groups_ibfk_2', source_table='cisco_router_ha_groups', referent_table='ports', local_cols=['extra_port_id'], remote_cols=['id'], ondelete='SET NULL'), op.create_foreign_key('cisco_router_ha_groups_ibfk_3', source_table='cisco_router_ha_groups', referent_table='subnets', local_cols=['subnet_id'], remote_cols=['id']) op.create_foreign_key('cisco_router_ha_groups_ibfk_4', source_table='cisco_router_ha_groups', referent_table='routers', local_cols=['user_router_id'], remote_cols=['id'])
from fancypages.templatetags.fp_container_tags import *
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9 on 2015-12-23 15:08 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('django_ca', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='certificate', name='cn', field=models.CharField(max_length=64, verbose_name='CommonName'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='certificate', name='csr', field=models.TextField(verbose_name='CSR'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='certificate', name='pub', field=models.TextField(verbose_name='Public key'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='certificate', name='revoked_date', field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='Revoked on'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='certificate', name='revoked_reason', field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=32, null=True, verbose_name='Reason for revokation'), ), ]
# Copyright (c) 2017 Civic Knowledge. This file is licensed under the terms of the # MIT, included in this distribution as LICENSE """ """ from rowgenerators.appurl.file.file import FileUrl from rowgenerators.exceptions import AppUrlError class ZipUrlError(AppUrlError): pass class ZipUrl(FileUrl): """Zip URLS represent a zip file, as a local resource. """ match_priority = FileUrl.match_priority - 10 def __init__(self, url=None, downloader=None, **kwargs): kwargs['resource_format'] = 'zip' super().__init__(url, downloader=downloader, **kwargs) @property def target_file(self): """ Returns the target file, which is usually stored in the first slot in the ``fragment``, but may have been overridden with a ``fragment_query``. :return: """ if self._target_file: return self._target_file if self.fragment[0]: return self.fragment[0] for ext in ('csv', 'xls', 'xlsx'): if self.resource_file.endswith('.' + ext + '.zip'): return self.resource_file.replace('.zip', '') # Want to return none, so get_files_from-zip can assume to use the first file in the archive. return None def join_target(self, tf): """ Joins the target ``tf`` by setting the value of the first slot of the fragment. :param tf: :return: a clone of this url with a new fragment. """ u = self.clone() try: tf = str(tf.path) except: pass u.fragment = [tf, u.fragment[1]] # In case its a tuple, don't edit in place return u def get_resource(self): return self @property def zip_dir(self): """Directory that files will be extracted to""" from os.path import abspath cache_dir = self.downloader.cache.getsyspath('/') target_path = abspath(self.fspath) if target_path.startswith(cache_dir): # Case when file is already in cache return str(self.fspath) + '_d' else: # file is not in cache; it may exist elsewhere. return self.downloader.cache.getsyspath(target_path.lstrip('/'))+'_d' def get_target(self): """ Extract the target file from the archive, store it in the cache, and return a file Url to the cached file. """ from rowgenerators.appurl.url import parse_app_url from zipfile import ZipFile import io from os.path import join, dirname from rowgenerators.appurl.util import copy_file_or_flo, ensure_dir assert self.zip_dir zf = ZipFile(str(self.fspath)) self._target_file = ZipUrl.get_file_from_zip(self) target_path = join(self.zip_dir, self.target_file) ensure_dir(dirname(target_path)) with io.open(target_path, 'wb') as f, zf.open(self.target_file) as flo: copy_file_or_flo(flo, f) fq = self.fragment_query if 'resource_format' in fq: del fq['resource_format'] if 'resource_file' in fq: del fq['resource_file'] tu = parse_app_url(target_path, fragment_query=fq, fragment=[self.target_segment, None], scheme_extension=self.scheme_extension, # Clear out the resource info so we don't get a ZipUrl downloader=self.downloader ) if self.target_format != tu.target_format: try: tu.target_format = self.target_format except AttributeError: pass # Some URLS don't allow resetting target type. return tu def list(self): """List the files in the referenced Zip file""" from zipfile import ZipFile if self.target_file: return list(self.set_target_segment(tl.target_segment) for tl in self.get_target().list()) else: real_files = ZipUrl.real_files_in_zf(ZipFile(str(self.fspath))) return list(self.set_target_file(rf) for rf in real_files) @staticmethod def get_file_from_zip(url): """Given a file name that may be a regular expression, return the full name for the file from a zip archive""" from zipfile import ZipFile import re names = [] zf = ZipFile(str(url.fspath)) nl = list(ZipUrl.real_files_in_zf(zf)) # Old way, but maybe gets links? : list(zf.namelist()) tf = url.target_file ts = url.target_segment if not nl: # sometimes real_files_in_zf doesn't work at all. I don't know why it does work, # so I certainly don't know why it does not. nl = list(zf.namelist()) # the target_file may be a string, or a regular expression if tf: names = list([e for e in nl if re.search(tf, e) and not (e.startswith('__') or e.startswith('.')) ]) if len(names) > 0: return names[0] # The segment, if it exists, can only be an integer, and should probably be # '0' to indicate the first file. This clause is probably a bad idea, since # andy other integer is probably meaningless. if ts: try: return nl[int(ts)] except (IndexError, ValueError): pass # Just return the first file in the archive. if not tf and not ts: return nl[0] else: raise ZipUrlError("Could not find file in Zip {} for target='{}' nor segment='{}'" .format(url.fspath, url.target_file, url.target_segment)) @staticmethod def real_files_in_zf(zf): """Return a list of internal paths of real files in a zip file, based on the 'external_attr' values""" from os.path import basename for e in zf.infolist(): # Get rid of __MACOS and .DS_whatever if basename(e.filename).startswith('__') or basename(e.filename).startswith('.'): continue # I really don't understand external_attr, but no one else seems to either, # so we're just hacking here. # e.external_attr>>31&1 works when the archive has external attrs set, and a dir heirarchy # e.external_attr==0 works in cases where there are no external attrs set # e.external_attr==32 is true for some single-file archives. if bool(e.external_attr >> 31 & 1 or e.external_attr == 0 or e.external_attr == 32): yield e.filename @classmethod def _match(cls, url, **kwargs): return url.resource_format == 'zip' or kwargs.get('force_archive')
""" This module is used to select features or proposals """ def select_preceding(features, k): """ select preceding k features or proposals for each image :param k: preceding k features or proposals for each image are selected :type k: integer :return: selected features or proposals :rtype: list. Each element is a k'-by-m ndarray, where m is feature dimension or 4 for proposals. If there are enough features or proposals for selection, then k' = k, else all features or proposals are selected. """ return [i[:k] for i in features]
__version__ = "1.4.3" import sys import os # verify that pygame is on the machine try: import pygame except Exception: print("Pygame doesn't seem to be installed on this machine.") # add thorpy folder to Windows and Python search paths THORPY_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join((THORPY_PATH, os.environ['PATH'])) sys.path.append(THORPY_PATH) except Exception: print("Couldn't add Thor to sys.path...\nThorPy path : " + THORPY_PATH) USEREVENT = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 #horpy takes one event on pygame's userevents #import subpackages import thorpy.elements import thorpy.menus import thorpy._utils import thorpy.miscgui import thorpy.painting as painting import thorpy.miscgui.application as application import thorpy.miscgui.storage as storage import testmodule # not all elements are imported ; only those that can be safely used by lambda # user. from thorpy.elements.launchers.boxlauncher import BoxLauncher from thorpy.elements.launchers.browserlauncher import BrowserLauncher from thorpy.elements.launchers.dropdownlistlauncher import DropDownListLauncher from thorpy.elements.launchers._launcher import _Launcher from thorpy.elements.background import Background from thorpy.elements.image import Image from thorpy.elements.box import Box, BarBox from thorpy.elements.browserlight import BrowserLight from thorpy.elements.browser import Browser from thorpy.elements.checker import Checker from thorpy.elements.clickable import Clickable from thorpy.elements._wrappers import make_button, make_text from thorpy.elements.colorsetter import ColorSetter from thorpy.elements.ddlf import DropDownListFast as DropDownList from thorpy.elements.draggable import Draggable, ClickDraggable from thorpy.elements.element import Element from thorpy.elements.ghost import Ghost from thorpy.elements.hoverable import Hoverable from thorpy.elements.hoverzone import HoverZone from thorpy.elements.inserter import Inserter from thorpy.elements.keypressable import KeyPressable from thorpy.elements.keytogglable import KeyTogglable from thorpy.elements.launchers.paramsetter import ParamSetter from thorpy.elements.pressable import Pressable ##from thorpy.elements.text import MultilineText from thorpy.elements.text import OneLineText, MultilineText from thorpy.elements.slidersetter import SliderXSetter as SliderX from thorpy.elements.togglable import Togglable from thorpy.elements.line import Line from thorpy.elements._makeuputils._halo import Halo from thorpy.elements._makeuputils._shadow import StaticShadow from thorpy.elements._makeuputils._shadow import DynamicShadow # menus: from thorpy.menus.tickedmenu import TickedMenu as Menu from thorpy.menus.basicmenu import BasicMenu # miscellaneous stuff, constants, parameters from thorpy.miscgui.application import Application from thorpy.miscgui.reaction import Reaction, ConstantReaction from thorpy.miscgui import constants, functions from thorpy.miscgui import style from thorpy.miscgui import painterstyle from thorpy.miscgui import parameters from thorpy.miscgui.initializer import Initializer from thorpy.miscgui.state import State from thorpy.miscgui.storage import Storer, store from thorpy.miscgui.title import Title from thorpy.miscgui.varset import VarSet from thorpy.miscgui import theme from thorpy.miscgui.theme import set_theme as set_theme from thorpy.painting.writer import Writer from thorpy.painting import painters from thorpy.painting import makeup from thorpy.gamestools.basegrid import BaseGrid from thorpy.gamestools.grid import Grid del thorpy, pygame, os, sys
# Copyright (C) 2008 One Laptop Per Child # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from gettext import gettext as _ import logging import os from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GConf from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import GLib from sugar3.graphics import style from sugar3.graphics.palette import Palette from sugar3.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon from sugar3.graphics.xocolor import XoColor from sugar3.graphics.alert import Alert from sugar3 import mime from jarabe.model import friends from jarabe.model import filetransfer from jarabe.model import mimeregistry from jarabe.journal import misc from jarabe.journal import model from jarabe.journal import journalwindow class ObjectPalette(Palette): __gtype_name__ = 'ObjectPalette' __gsignals__ = { 'detail-clicked': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([str])), 'volume-error': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([str, str])), } def __init__(self, metadata, detail=False): self._metadata = metadata activity_icon = Icon(icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR) activity_icon.props.file = misc.get_icon_name(metadata) color = misc.get_icon_color(metadata) activity_icon.props.xo_color = color if 'title' in metadata: title = GObject.markup_escape_text(metadata['title']) else: title = GLib.markup_escape_text(_('Untitled')) Palette.__init__(self, primary_text=title, icon=activity_icon) if misc.get_activities(metadata) or misc.is_bundle(metadata): if metadata.get('activity_id', ''): resume_label = _('Resume') resume_with_label = _('Resume with') else: resume_label = _('Start') resume_with_label = _('Start with') menu_item = MenuItem(resume_label, 'activity-start') menu_item.connect('activate', self.__start_activate_cb) self.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() menu_item = MenuItem(resume_with_label, 'activity-start') self.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() start_with_menu = StartWithMenu(self._metadata) menu_item.set_submenu(start_with_menu) else: menu_item = MenuItem(_('No activity to start entry')) menu_item.set_sensitive(False) self.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() menu_item = MenuItem(_('Copy to')) icon = Icon(icon_name='edit-copy', xo_color=color, icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU) menu_item.set_image(icon) self.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() copy_menu = CopyMenu(metadata) copy_menu.connect('volume-error', self.__volume_error_cb) menu_item.set_submenu(copy_menu) if self._metadata['mountpoint'] == '/': menu_item = MenuItem(_('Duplicate')) icon = Icon(icon_name='edit-duplicate', xo_color=color, icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU) menu_item.set_image(icon) menu_item.connect('activate', self.__duplicate_activate_cb) self.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() menu_item = MenuItem(_('Send to'), 'document-send') self.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() friends_menu = FriendsMenu() friends_menu.connect('friend-selected', self.__friend_selected_cb) menu_item.set_submenu(friends_menu) if detail == True: menu_item = MenuItem(_('View Details'), 'go-right') menu_item.connect('activate', self.__detail_activate_cb) self.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() menu_item = MenuItem(_('Erase'), 'list-remove') menu_item.connect('activate', self.__erase_activate_cb) self.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() def __start_activate_cb(self, menu_item): misc.resume(self._metadata) def __duplicate_activate_cb(self, menu_item): file_path = model.get_file(self._metadata['uid']) try: model.copy(self._metadata, '/') except IOError, e: logging.exception('Error while copying the entry. %s', e.strerror) self.emit('volume-error', _('Error while copying the entry. %s') % e.strerror, _('Error')) def __erase_activate_cb(self, menu_item): alert = Alert() erase_string = _('Erase') alert.props.title = erase_string alert.props.msg = _('Do you want to permanently erase \"%s\"?') \ % self._metadata['title'] icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-cancel') alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, _('Cancel'), icon) icon.show() ok_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok') alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, erase_string, ok_icon) ok_icon.show() alert.connect('response', self.__erase_alert_response_cb) journalwindow.get_journal_window().add_alert(alert) alert.show() def __erase_alert_response_cb(self, alert, response_id): journalwindow.get_journal_window().remove_alert(alert) if response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.OK: model.delete(self._metadata['uid']) def __detail_activate_cb(self, menu_item): self.emit('detail-clicked', self._metadata['uid']) def __volume_error_cb(self, menu_item, message, severity): self.emit('volume-error', message, severity) def __friend_selected_cb(self, menu_item, buddy): logging.debug('__friend_selected_cb') file_name = model.get_file(self._metadata['uid']) if not file_name or not os.path.exists(file_name): logging.warn('Entries without a file cannot be sent.') self.emit('volume-error', _('Entries without a file cannot be sent.'), _('Warning')) return title = str(self._metadata['title']) description = str(self._metadata.get('description', '')) mime_type = str(self._metadata['mime_type']) if not mime_type: mime_type = mime.get_for_file(file_name) filetransfer.start_transfer(buddy, file_name, title, description, mime_type) class CopyMenu(Gtk.Menu): __gtype_name__ = 'JournalCopyMenu' __gsignals__ = { 'volume-error': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([str, str])), } def __init__(self, metadata): Gtk.Menu.__init__(self) self._metadata = metadata clipboard_menu = ClipboardMenu(self._metadata) clipboard_menu.set_image(Icon(icon_name='toolbar-edit', icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU)) clipboard_menu.connect('volume-error', self.__volume_error_cb) self.append(clipboard_menu) clipboard_menu.show() if self._metadata['mountpoint'] != '/': client = GConf.Client.get_default() color = XoColor(client.get_string('/desktop/sugar/user/color')) journal_menu = VolumeMenu(self._metadata, _('Journal'), '/') journal_menu.set_image(Icon(icon_name='activity-journal', xo_color=color, icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU)) journal_menu.connect('volume-error', self.__volume_error_cb) self.append(journal_menu) journal_menu.show() documents_path = model.get_documents_path() if documents_path is not None and not \ self._metadata['uid'].startswith(documents_path): documents_menu = VolumeMenu(self._metadata, _('Documents'), documents_path) documents_menu.set_image(Icon(icon_name='user-documents', icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU)) documents_menu.connect('volume-error', self.__volume_error_cb) self.append(documents_menu) documents_menu.show() volume_monitor = Gio.VolumeMonitor.get() icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default() for mount in volume_monitor.get_mounts(): if self._metadata['mountpoint'] == mount.get_root().get_path(): continue volume_menu = VolumeMenu(self._metadata, mount.get_name(), mount.get_root().get_path()) for name in mount.get_icon().props.names: if icon_theme.has_icon(name): volume_menu.set_image(Icon(icon_name=name, icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU)) break volume_menu.connect('volume-error', self.__volume_error_cb) self.append(volume_menu) volume_menu.show() def __volume_error_cb(self, menu_item, message, severity): self.emit('volume-error', message, severity) class VolumeMenu(MenuItem): __gtype_name__ = 'JournalVolumeMenu' __gsignals__ = { 'volume-error': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([str, str])), } def __init__(self, metadata, label, mount_point): MenuItem.__init__(self, label) self._metadata = metadata self.connect('activate', self.__copy_to_volume_cb, mount_point) def __copy_to_volume_cb(self, menu_item, mount_point): file_path = model.get_file(self._metadata['uid']) if not file_path or not os.path.exists(file_path): logging.warn('Entries without a file cannot be copied.') self.emit('volume-error', _('Entries without a file cannot be copied.'), _('Warning')) return try: model.copy(self._metadata, mount_point) except IOError, e: logging.exception('Error while copying the entry. %s', e.strerror) self.emit('volume-error', _('Error while copying the entry. %s') % e.strerror, _('Error')) class ClipboardMenu(MenuItem): __gtype_name__ = 'JournalClipboardMenu' __gsignals__ = { 'volume-error': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([str, str])), } def __init__(self, metadata): MenuItem.__init__(self, _('Clipboard')) self._temp_file_path = None self._metadata = metadata self.connect('activate', self.__copy_to_clipboard_cb) def __copy_to_clipboard_cb(self, menu_item): file_path = model.get_file(self._metadata['uid']) if not file_path or not os.path.exists(file_path): logging.warn('Entries without a file cannot be copied.') self.emit('volume-error', _('Entries without a file cannot be copied.'), _('Warning')) return clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) clipboard.set_with_data([Gtk.TargetEntry.new('text/uri-list', 0, 0)], self.__clipboard_get_func_cb, self.__clipboard_clear_func_cb, None) def __clipboard_get_func_cb(self, clipboard, selection_data, info, data): # Get hold of a reference so the temp file doesn't get deleted self._temp_file_path = model.get_file(self._metadata['uid']) logging.debug('__clipboard_get_func_cb %r', self._temp_file_path) selection_data.set_uris(['file://' + self._temp_file_path]) def __clipboard_clear_func_cb(self, clipboard, data): # Release and delete the temp file self._temp_file_path = None class FriendsMenu(Gtk.Menu): __gtype_name__ = 'JournalFriendsMenu' __gsignals__ = { 'friend-selected': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([object])), } def __init__(self): Gtk.Menu.__init__(self) if filetransfer.file_transfer_available(): friends_model = friends.get_model() for friend in friends_model: if friend.is_present(): menu_item = MenuItem(text_label=friend.get_nick(), icon_name='computer-xo', xo_color=friend.get_color()) menu_item.connect('activate', self.__item_activate_cb, friend) self.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() if not self.get_children(): menu_item = MenuItem(_('No friends present')) menu_item.set_sensitive(False) self.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() else: menu_item = MenuItem(_('No valid connection found')) menu_item.set_sensitive(False) self.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() def __item_activate_cb(self, menu_item, friend): self.emit('friend-selected', friend) class StartWithMenu(Gtk.Menu): __gtype_name__ = 'JournalStartWithMenu' def __init__(self, metadata): Gtk.Menu.__init__(self) self._metadata = metadata for activity_info in misc.get_activities(metadata): menu_item = MenuItem(activity_info.get_name()) menu_item.set_image(Icon(file=activity_info.get_icon(), icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU)) menu_item.connect('activate', self.__item_activate_cb, activity_info.get_bundle_id()) self.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() if not self.get_children(): if metadata.get('activity_id', ''): resume_label = _('No activity to resume entry') else: resume_label = _('No activity to start entry') menu_item = MenuItem(resume_label) menu_item.set_sensitive(False) self.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() def __item_activate_cb(self, menu_item, service_name): mime_type = self._metadata.get('mime_type', '') if mime_type: mime_registry = mimeregistry.get_registry() mime_registry.set_default_activity(mime_type, service_name) misc.resume(self._metadata, service_name) class BuddyPalette(Palette): def __init__(self, buddy): self._buddy = buddy nick, colors = buddy buddy_icon = Icon(icon_name='computer-xo', icon_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE, xo_color=XoColor(colors)) Palette.__init__(self, primary_text=GLib.markup_escape_text(nick), icon=buddy_icon) # TODO: Support actions on buddies, like make friend, invite, etc.
#coding=utf-8 import argparse import json import os from smartqq import start_qq, list_messages, create_db def load_pluginconfig(configjson): config = None if configjson is not None: if os.path.isfile(configjson): with open(configjson, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) else: print("unable to load the configuration file for plugins, default settings will be used.") return config def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--no-gui", action="store_true", default=False, help="Whether display QRCode with tk and PIL." ) parser.add_argument( "--new-user", action="store_true", default=False, help="Logout old user first(by clean the cookie file.)" ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Switch to DEBUG mode for better view of requests and responses." ) parser.add_argument( "--plugin", default="config.json", help="Specify the json file for the setting of the plugins." ) parser.add_argument( "--cookie", default="cookie.data", help="Specify the storage path for cookie." ) parser.add_argument( "--vpath", default="./v.jpg", help="Specify the storage path for login bar code." ) parser.add_argument( "--list", action="store_true", default=False, help="List the recored qq messages." ) parser.add_argument( "--create", action="store_true", default=False, help="List the recored qq messages." ) options = parser.parse_args() configjson = load_pluginconfig(options.plugin) try: configjson = load_pluginconfig(options.plugin) print("got json: %s" % configjson) except: print("using default setting") configjson = { "dbhandler": "sqlite:///message-record.db", "plugin_root": "./plugins", "plugins": [ "pluginmanage", "plugindemo" ] } if options.list: list_messages() elif options.create: create_db(configjson["dbhandler"]) else: try: start_qq( plugin_setting=configjson, no_gui=options.no_gui, new_user=options.new_user, debug=options.debug, dbhandler=configjson["dbhandler"], cookie_file=options.cookie, vpath=options.vpath ) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import uuid import os import time import tempfile import pandas as pd import pytest from synapseclient.core.exceptions import SynapseHTTPError from synapseclient import Entity, File, Folder, Link, Project, Schema import synapseclient.core.utils as utils import synapseutils from tests.integration import QUERY_TIMEOUT_SEC @pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True) def test_state(syn, schedule_for_cleanup): class TestState: def __init__(self): self.syn = syn self.project = syn.store(Project(name=str(uuid.uuid4()))) self.folder = syn.store(Folder(name=str(uuid.uuid4()), parent=self.project)) self.schedule_for_cleanup = schedule_for_cleanup # Create testfiles for upload self.f1 = utils.make_bogus_data_file(n=10) self.f2 = utils.make_bogus_data_file(n=10) self.f3 = 'https://www.synapse.org' self.header = 'path parent used executed activityName synapseStore foo\n' self.row1 = '%s %s %s "%s;https://www.example.com" provName bar\n' % ( self.f1, self.project.id, self.f2, self.f3 ) self.row2 = '%s %s "syn12" "syn123;https://www.example.com" provName2 bar\n' % ( self.f2, self.folder.id ) self.row3 = '%s %s "syn12" prov2 False baz\n' % (self.f3, self.folder.id) self.row4 = '%s %s %s act 2\n' % (self.f3, self.project.id, self.f1) # Circular reference self.row5 = '%s syn12 \n' % (self.f3) # Wrong parent test_state = TestState() schedule_for_cleanup(test_state.project) schedule_for_cleanup(test_state.f1) schedule_for_cleanup(test_state.f2) return test_state def _makeManifest(content, schedule_for_cleanup): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix=".dat", delete=False) as f: f.write(content) filepath = utils.normalize_path(f.name) schedule_for_cleanup(filepath) return filepath def test_readManifest(test_state): """Creates multiple manifests and verifies that they validate correctly""" # Test manifest with missing columns manifest = _makeManifest( '"path"\t"foo"\n#"result_data.txt"\t"syn123"', test_state.schedule_for_cleanup ) pytest.raises(ValueError, synapseutils.sync.readManifestFile, test_state.syn, manifest) # Test that there are no circular references in file and that Provenance is correct manifest = _makeManifest( test_state.header + test_state.row1 + test_state.row2 + test_state.row4, test_state.schedule_for_cleanup ) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, synapseutils.sync.readManifestFile, test_state.syn, manifest) # Test non existent parent manifest = _makeManifest( test_state.header + test_state.row1 + test_state.row5, test_state.schedule_for_cleanup ) pytest.raises(SynapseHTTPError, synapseutils.sync.readManifestFile, test_state.syn, manifest) # Test that all files exist in manifest manifest = _makeManifest( test_state.header + test_state.row1 + test_state.row2 + '/bara/basdfasdf/8hiuu.txt syn123\n', test_state.schedule_for_cleanup ) pytest.raises(IOError, synapseutils.sync.readManifestFile, test_state.syn, manifest) def test_syncToSynapse(test_state): # Test upload of accurate manifest manifest = _makeManifest( test_state.header + test_state.row1 + test_state.row2 + test_state.row3, test_state.schedule_for_cleanup ) synapseutils.syncToSynapse(test_state.syn, manifest, sendMessages=False, retries=2) # syn.getChildren() used by syncFromSynapse() may intermittently have timing issues time.sleep(3) # Download using syncFromSynapse tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(tmpdir) synapseutils.syncFromSynapse(test_state.syn, test_state.project, path=tmpdir) orig_df = pd.read_csv(manifest, sep='\t') orig_df.index = [os.path.basename(p) for p in orig_df.path] new_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(tmpdir, synapseutils.sync.MANIFEST_FILENAME), sep='\t') new_df.index = [os.path.basename(p) for p in new_df.path] assert len(orig_df) == len(new_df) new_df = new_df.loc[orig_df.index] # Validate what was uploaded is in right location assert new_df.parent.equals(orig_df.parent), 'Downloaded files not stored in same location' # Validate that annotations were set cols = synapseutils.sync.REQUIRED_FIELDS + synapseutils.sync.FILE_CONSTRUCTOR_FIELDS\ + synapseutils.sync.STORE_FUNCTION_FIELDS + synapseutils.sync.PROVENANCE_FIELDS orig_anots = orig_df.drop(cols, axis=1, errors='ignore') new_anots = new_df.drop(cols, axis=1, errors='ignore') assert orig_anots.shape[1] == new_anots.shape[1] # Verify that we have the same number of cols assert new_anots.equals(orig_anots.loc[:, new_anots.columns]), 'Annotations different' # Validate that provenance is correct for provenanceType in ['executed', 'used']: # Go through each row for orig, new in zip(orig_df[provenanceType], new_df[provenanceType]): if not pd.isnull(orig) and not pd.isnull(new): # Convert local file paths into synId.versionNumber strings orig_list = ['%s.%s' % (i.id, i.versionNumber) if isinstance(i, Entity) else i for i in test_state.syn._convertProvenanceList(orig.split(';'))] new_list = ['%s.%s' % (i.id, i.versionNumber) if isinstance(i, Entity) else i for i in test_state.syn._convertProvenanceList(new.split(';'))] assert set(orig_list) == set(new_list) def test_syncFromSynapse(test_state): """This function tests recursive download as defined in syncFromSynapse most of the functionality of this function are already tested in the tests/integration/test_command_line_client::test_command_get_recursive_and_query which means that the only test if for path=None """ # Create a Project project_entity = test_state.syn.store(Project(name=str(uuid.uuid4()))) test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(project_entity.id) # Create a Folder in Project folder_entity = test_state.syn.store(Folder(name=str(uuid.uuid4()), parent=project_entity)) # Create and upload two files in Folder uploaded_paths = [] for i in range(2): f = utils.make_bogus_data_file() uploaded_paths.append(f) test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(f) test_state.syn.store(File(f, parent=folder_entity)) # Add a file in the project level as well f = utils.make_bogus_data_file() uploaded_paths.append(f) test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(f) test_state.syn.store(File(f, parent=project_entity)) # syncFromSynapse() uses chunkedQuery() which will return results that are eventually consistent # but not always right after the entity is created. start_time = time.time() while len(list(test_state.syn.getChildren(project_entity))) != 2: assert time.time() - start_time < QUERY_TIMEOUT_SEC time.sleep(2) # Test recursive get output = synapseutils.syncFromSynapse(test_state.syn, project_entity) assert len(output) == len(uploaded_paths) for f in output: assert utils.normalize_path(f.path) in uploaded_paths def test_syncFromSynapse__children_contain_non_file(test_state): proj = test_state.syn.store(Project(name="test_syncFromSynapse_children_non_file" + str(uuid.uuid4()))) test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(proj) temp_file = utils.make_bogus_data_file() test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(temp_file) file_entity = test_state.syn.store( File( temp_file, name="temp_file_test_syncFromSynapse_children_non_file" + str(uuid.uuid4()), parent=proj ) ) test_state.syn.store(Schema(name="table_test_syncFromSynapse", parent=proj)) temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(temp_folder) files_list = synapseutils.syncFromSynapse(test_state.syn, proj, temp_folder) assert 1 == len(files_list) assert file_entity == files_list[0] def test_syncFromSynapse_Links(test_state): """This function tests recursive download of links as defined in syncFromSynapse most of the functionality of this function are already tested in the tests/integration/test_command_line_client::test_command_get_recursive_and_query which means that the only test if for path=None """ # Create a Project project_entity = test_state.syn.store(Project(name=str(uuid.uuid4()))) test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(project_entity.id) # Create a Folder in Project folder_entity = test_state.syn.store(Folder(name=str(uuid.uuid4()), parent=project_entity)) # Create a Folder hierarchy in folder_entity inner_folder_entity = test_state.syn.store(Folder(name=str(uuid.uuid4()), parent=folder_entity)) second_folder_entity = test_state.syn.store(Folder(name=str(uuid.uuid4()), parent=project_entity)) # Create and upload two files in Folder uploaded_paths = [] for i in range(2): f = utils.make_bogus_data_file() uploaded_paths.append(f) test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(f) file_entity = test_state.syn.store(File(f, parent=project_entity)) # Create links to inner folder test_state.syn.store(Link(file_entity.id, parent=folder_entity)) # Add a file in the project level as well f = utils.make_bogus_data_file() uploaded_paths.append(f) test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(f) file_entity = test_state.syn.store(File(f, parent=second_folder_entity)) # Create link to inner folder test_state.syn.store(Link(file_entity.id, parent=inner_folder_entity)) # Test recursive get output = synapseutils.syncFromSynapse(test_state.syn, folder_entity, followLink=True) assert len(output) == len(uploaded_paths) for f in output: assert utils.normalize_path(f.path) in uploaded_paths def test_write_manifest_data__unicode_characters_in_rows(test_state): # SYNPY-693 named_temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') named_temp_file.close() test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(named_temp_file.name) keys = ["col_A", "col_B"] data = [ {'col_A': 'asdf', 'col_B': 'qwerty'}, {'col_A': u'凵𠘨工匚口刀乇', 'col_B': u'丅乇丂丅'} ] synapseutils.sync._write_manifest_data(named_temp_file.name, keys, data) df = pd.read_csv(named_temp_file.name, sep='\t', encoding='utf8') for dfrow, datarow in zip(df.itertuples(), data): assert datarow['col_A'] == dfrow.col_A assert datarow['col_B'] == dfrow.col_B def test_syncFromSynapse__given_file_id(test_state): file_path = utils.make_bogus_data_file() test_state.schedule_for_cleanup(file_path) file = test_state.syn.store(File(file_path, name=str(uuid.uuid4()), parent=test_state.project, synapseStore=False)) all_files = synapseutils.syncFromSynapse(test_state.syn, file.id) assert 1 == len(all_files) assert file == all_files[0]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division from future.utils import with_metaclass import numpy as np import scipy as sp from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from scipy import integrate import scipy.interpolate as interpolate from . import core from . import refstate __all__ = ['GammaEos','GammaCalc'] #==================================================================== # Base Class #==================================================================== def set_calculator(eos_mod, kind, kind_opts): assert kind in kind_opts, ( kind + ' is not a valid thermal calculator. '+ 'You must select one of: ' + str(kind_opts)) eos_mod._kind = kind if kind=='GammaPowLaw': calc = _GammaPowLaw(eos_mod) elif kind=='GammaShiftPowLaw': calc = _GammaShiftPowLaw(eos_mod) elif kind=='GammaFiniteStrain': calc = _GammaFiniteStrain(eos_mod) else: raise NotImplementedError(kind+' is not a valid '+ 'GammaEos Calculator.') eos_mod._add_calculator(calc, calc_type='gamma') pass #==================================================================== class GammaEos(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, core.Eos)): """ EOS model for compression dependence of Grüneisen parameter. Parameters ---------- Thermodyn properties depend only on volume """ _kind_opts = ['GammaPowLaw','GammaShiftPowLaw','GammaFiniteStrain'] def __init__(self, kind='GammaPowLaw', natom=1, model_state={}): self._pre_init(natom=natom) set_calculator(self, kind, self._kind_opts) ref_compress_state='P0' ref_thermal_state='T0' ref_energy_type = 'E0' refstate.set_calculator(self, ref_compress_state=ref_compress_state, ref_thermal_state=ref_thermal_state, ref_energy_type=ref_energy_type) # self._set_ref_state() self._post_init(model_state=model_state) pass def __repr__(self): calc = self.calculators['gamma'] return ("GammaEos(kind={kind}, natom={natom}, " "model_state={model_state}, " ")" .format(kind=repr(calc.name), natom=repr(self.natom), model_state=self.model_state ) ) def _set_ref_state(self): calc = self.calculators['gamma'] path_const = calc.path_const if path_const=='S': param_ref_names = [] param_ref_units = [] param_ref_defaults = [] param_ref_scales = [] else: raise NotImplementedError( 'path_const '+path_const+' is not valid for ThermalEos.') self._path_const = calc.path_const self._param_ref_names = param_ref_names self._param_ref_units = param_ref_units self._param_ref_defaults = param_ref_defaults self._param_ref_scales = param_ref_scales pass def gamma(self, V_a): gamma_a = self.calculators['gamma']._calc_gamma(V_a) return gamma_a def gamma_deriv(self, V_a): gamma_deriv_a = self.calculators['gamma']._calc_gamma_deriv(V_a) return gamma_deriv_a def temp(self, V_a, T0=None): temp_a = self.calculators['gamma']._calc_temp(V_a, T0=T0) return temp_a #==================================================================== class GammaCalc(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, core.Calculator)): """ Abstract Equation of State class for a reference Compression Path Path can either be isothermal (T=const) or adiabatic (S=const) For this restricted path, thermodyn properties depend only on volume """ def __init__(self, eos_mod): self._eos_mod = eos_mod self._init_params() self._path_const = 'S' pass @property def path_const( self ): return self._path_const #################### # Required Methods # #################### @abstractmethod def _init_params( self ): """Initialize list of calculator parameter names.""" pass @abstractmethod def _calc_gamma(self, V_a): pass @abstractmethod def _calc_gamma_deriv(self, V_a): pass @abstractmethod def _calc_temp(self, V_a, T0=None): pass def _calc_theta(self, V_a): theta0 = self.eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names=['theta0']) theta = self._calc_temp(V_a, T0=theta0) return theta #################### # Optional Methods # #################### # EOS property functions def _calc_param_deriv(self, fname, paramname, V_a, dxfrac=1e-6): scale_a, paramkey_a = self.get_param_scale(apply_expand_adj=True ) scale = scale_a[paramkey_a==paramname][0] # print 'scale: ' + np.str(scale) #if (paramname is 'E0') and (fname is 'energy'): # return np.ones(V_a.shape) try: fun = getattr(self, fname) # Note that self is implicitly included val0_a = fun(V_a) except: assert False, 'That is not a valid function name ' + \ '(e.g. it should be press or energy)' try: param = core.get_params([paramname])[0] dparam = scale*dxfrac # print 'param: ' + np.str(param) # print 'dparam: ' + np.str(dparam) except: assert False, 'This is not a valid parameter name' # set param value in eos_d dict core.set_params([paramname,], [param+dparam,]) # Note that self is implicitly included dval_a = fun(V_a) - val0_a # reset param to original value core.set_params([paramname], [param]) deriv_a = dval_a/dxfrac return deriv_a def _calc_energy_perturb(self, V_a): """Returns Energy pertubation basis functions resulting from fractional changes to EOS params.""" fname = 'energy' scale_a, paramkey_a = self.get_param_scale( apply_expand_adj=self.expand_adj) Eperturb_a = [] for paramname in paramkey_a: iEperturb_a = self._calc_param_deriv(fname, paramname, V_a) Eperturb_a.append(iEperturb_a) Eperturb_a = np.array(Eperturb_a) return Eperturb_a, scale_a, paramkey_a #==================================================================== # Implementations #==================================================================== class _GammaPowLaw(GammaCalc): _path_opts=['S'] def __init__(self, eos_mod): super(_GammaPowLaw, self).__init__(eos_mod) pass def _init_params(self): """Initialize list of calculator parameter names.""" V0 = 100 gamma0 = 1.0 q = 1.0 self._param_names = ['V0', 'gamma0', 'q'] self._param_units = ['ang^3', '1', '1'] self._param_defaults = [V0, gamma0, q] self._param_scales = [V0, gamma0, q] pass def _calc_gamma(self, V_a): V0, gamma0, q = self.eos_mod.get_param_values( param_names=['V0','gamma0','q']) gamma_a = gamma0 *(V_a/V0)**q return gamma_a def _calc_gamma_deriv(self, V_a): q, = self.eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names=['q']) gamma_a = self._calc_gamma(V_a) gamma_deriv_a = q*gamma_a/V_a return gamma_deriv_a def _calc_temp(self, V_a, T0=None): if T0 is None: T0 = self.eos_mod.refstate.ref_temp() # T0, = self.eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names=['T0'], overrides=[T0]) gamma0, q = self.eos_mod.get_param_values( param_names=['gamma0','q']) gamma_a = self._calc_gamma(V_a) T_a = T0*np.exp(-(gamma_a - gamma0)/q) return T_a #==================================================================== class _GammaShiftPowLaw(GammaCalc): """ Shifted Power Law description of Grüneisen Parameter (Al’tshuler, 1987) """ _path_opts=['S'] def __init__(self, eos_mod): super(_GammaShiftPowLaw, self).__init__(eos_mod) pass def _init_params(self): """Initialize list of calculator parameter names.""" V0 = 100 gamma0 = 1.5 gamma_inf = 2/3 beta = 1.4 T0 = 300 self._param_names = ['V0', 'gamma0', 'gamma_inf', 'beta', 'T0'] self._param_units = ['ang^3', '1', '1', '1', 'K'] self._param_defaults = [V0, gamma0, gamma_inf, beta, T0] self._param_scales = [V0, gamma0, gamma_inf, beta, T0] pass def _calc_gamma(self, V_a): V0, gamma0, gamma_inf, beta = self.eos_mod.get_param_values( param_names=['V0','gamma0','gamma_inf','beta']) gamma_a = gamma_inf + (gamma0-gamma_inf)*(V_a/V0)**beta return gamma_a def _calc_gamma_deriv(self, V_a): gamma_inf, beta = self.eos_mod.get_param_values( param_names=['gamma_inf','beta']) gamma_a = self._calc_gamma(V_a) gamma_deriv_a = beta/V_a*(gamma_a-gamma_inf) return gamma_deriv_a def _calc_temp(self, V_a, T0=None): T0, = self.eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names=['T0'], overrides=[T0]) V0, gamma0, gamma_inf, beta = self.eos_mod.get_param_values( param_names=['V0','gamma0','gamma_inf','beta']) gamma_a = self._calc_gamma(V_a) x = V_a/V0 T_a = T0*x**(-gamma_inf)*np.exp((gamma0-gamma_inf)/beta*(1-x**beta)) return T_a #==================================================================== class _GammaFiniteStrain(GammaCalc): _path_opts=['S'] def __init__(self, eos_mod): super(_GammaFiniteStrain, self).__init__(eos_mod) pass def _init_params(self): """Initialize list of calculator parameter names.""" V0 = 100 gamma0 = 0.5 gammap0 = -2 self._param_names = ['V0', 'gamma0', 'gammap0'] self._param_units = ['ang^3', '1', '1'] self._param_defaults = [V0, gamma0, gammap0] self._param_scales = [V0, gamma0, gammap0] pass def _calc_strain_coefs(self): V0, gamma0, gammap0 = self.eos_mod.get_param_values( param_names=['V0','gamma0','gammap0']) a1 = 6*gamma0 a2 = -12*gamma0 +36*gamma0**2 -18*gammap0 return a1, a2 def _calc_fstrain(self, V_a, deriv=False): V0, = self.eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names=['V0']) x = V_a/V0 if deriv: return -1/(3*V0)*x**(-5/3) else: return 1/2*(x**(-2/3)-1) pass def _calc_gamma(self, V_a): a1, a2 = self._calc_strain_coefs() fstr_a = self._calc_fstrain(V_a) gamma_a = (2*fstr_a+1)*(a1+a2*fstr_a)/(6*(1+a1*fstr_a+0.5*a2*fstr_a**2)) return gamma_a def _calc_gamma_deriv(self, V_a): a1, a2 = self._calc_strain_coefs() fstr_a = self._calc_fstrain(V_a) fstr_deriv = self._calc_fstrain(V_a, deriv=True) gamma_a = self._calc_gamma(V_a) gamma_deriv_a = gamma_a*fstr_deriv*( 2/(2*fstr_a+1)+a2/(a1+a2*fstr_a) -(a1+a2*fstr_a)/(1+a1*fstr_a+.5*a2*fstr_a**2)) return gamma_deriv_a def _calc_temp(self, V_a, T0=None): if T0 is None: T0 = self.eos_mod.refstate.ref_temp() a1, a2 = self._calc_strain_coefs() fstr_a = self._calc_fstrain(V_a) T_a = T0*np.sqrt(1 + a1*fstr_a + 0.5*a2*fstr_a**2) return T_a #====================================================================
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Dec 23 15:22:48 2011 @author: moritz """ __all__ = ["bslip"]
""" Utilities for testing trajectories. """ # Copyright (C) 2009-2011 University of Edinburgh # # This file is part of IMUSim. # # IMUSim is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # IMUSim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with IMUSim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from __future__ import division from imusim.testing.quaternions import assertQuaternionAlmostEqual from imusim.maths.quaternions import QuaternionArray from imusim.testing.vectors import assert_vectors_correlated from imusim.utilities.time_series import TimeSeries import numpy as np def checkTrajectory(T, truePositions, trueRotations): """ Check the outputs of a trajectory model agree with truth values. @param T: Trajectory to check. @param truePositions: L{TimeSeries} of true position values. @param trueRotations: L{TimeSeries} of true rotation values. """ # Get time indices at which position comparisons valid t = truePositions.timestamps validity = (t >= T.startTime) & (t <= T.endTime) t = t[validity] dt = np.gradient(t) p = truePositions.values[:,validity] # Check position assert_vectors_correlated(T.position(t), p) # Check velocity v = np.array(map(np.gradient, p)) / dt assert_vectors_correlated(T.velocity(t[2:-2]), v[:,2:-2]) # Check acceleration a = np.array(map(np.gradient, v)) / dt assert_vectors_correlated(T.acceleration(t[4:-4]), a[:,4:-4]) # Get time indices at which rotation comparisons valid t = trueRotations.timestamps validity = (t >= T.startTime) & (t <= T.endTime) t = t[validity] r = trueRotations.values[validity] # Check rotation assertQuaternionAlmostEqual(T.rotation(t), r, tol=0.05) # Check angular velocity r, lastR = r[1:], r[:-1] t, dt = t[1:], np.diff(t) diffOmega = (2 * (r - lastR) * lastR.conjugate).array.T[1:] / dt trajOmega = T.rotationalVelocity(t - dt/2) assert_vectors_correlated(trajOmega[:,2:-2], diffOmega[:,2:-2]) # Check angular acceleration diffAlpha = np.array(map(np.gradient, diffOmega)) / dt trajAlpha = T.rotationalAcceleration(t - dt/2) assert_vectors_correlated(trajAlpha[:,4:-4], diffAlpha[:,4:-4])
from tests.base import ApiDBTestCase from zou.app.models.entity import Entity class BreakdownTestCase(ApiDBTestCase): def setUp(self): super(BreakdownTestCase, self).setUp() self.generate_fixture_project_status() self.generate_fixture_project() self.generate_fixture_asset_type() self.generate_fixture_asset_types() self.generate_fixture_episode() self.generate_fixture_sequence() self.generate_fixture_shot() self.generate_fixture_asset() self.generate_fixture_asset_character() def test_update_casting(self): self.project_id = str(self.project.id) self.shot_id = str(self.shot.id) self.asset_id = str(self.asset.id) self.asset_character_id = str(self.asset_character.id) self.asset_type_character_id = str(self.asset_type_character.id) self.shot_name = self.shot.name self.sequence_name = self.sequence.name self.episode_name = self.episode.name casting = self.get( "/data/projects/%s/entities/%s/casting" % (self.project_id, self.shot_id) ) self.assertListEqual(casting, []) newCasting = [ {"asset_id": self.asset_id, "nb_occurences": 1}, {"asset_id": self.asset_character_id, "nb_occurences": 3}, ] path = "/data/shots/%s/casting" % str(self.shot_id) path = "/data/projects/%s/entities/%s/casting" % ( self.project_id, self.shot_id, ) self.put(path, newCasting, 200) casting = self.get( "/data/projects/%s/entities/%s/casting" % (self.project_id, self.shot_id) ) casting = sorted(casting, key=lambda x: x["nb_occurences"]) self.assertEqual(casting[0]["asset_id"], newCasting[0]["asset_id"]) self.assertEqual( casting[0]["nb_occurences"], newCasting[0]["nb_occurences"] ) self.assertEqual(casting[1]["asset_id"], newCasting[1]["asset_id"]) self.assertEqual( casting[1]["nb_occurences"], newCasting[1]["nb_occurences"] ) self.assertEqual(casting[1]["asset_name"], self.asset_character.name) self.assertEqual( casting[1]["asset_type_name"], self.asset_type_character.name ) cast_in = self.get("/data/assets/%s/cast-in" % self.asset_id) self.assertEqual(cast_in[0]["shot_name"], self.shot.name) self.assertEqual(cast_in[0]["sequence_name"], self.sequence.name) self.assertEqual(cast_in[0]["episode_name"], self.episode.name) def test_get_assets_for_shots(self): self.entities = self.generate_data( Entity, 3, entities_out=[], entities_in=[], instance_casting=[], project_id=self.project.id, entity_type_id=self.asset_type.id, ) self.shot.entities_out = self.entities self.shot.save() assets = self.get("data/shots/%s/assets" % self.shot.id) self.assertEqual(len(assets), 3) self.assertTrue( assets[0]["id"] in [str(entity.id) for entity in self.entities] ) def test_update_asset_casting(self): self.asset_id = str(self.asset.id) self.asset_character_id = str(self.asset_character.id) self.asset_type_character_id = str(self.asset_type_character.id) casting = self.get("/data/assets/%s/casting" % self.asset_id) self.assertListEqual(casting, []) newCasting = [ {"asset_id": self.asset_character_id, "nb_occurences": 3} ] path = "/data/assets/%s/casting" % str(self.asset_id) self.put(path, newCasting, 200) casting = self.get("/data/assets/%s/casting" % self.asset_id) casting = sorted(casting, key=lambda x: x["nb_occurences"]) self.assertEqual(casting[0]["asset_id"], newCasting[0]["asset_id"]) self.assertEqual( casting[0]["nb_occurences"], newCasting[0]["nb_occurences"] ) self.assertEqual(casting[0]["asset_name"], self.asset_character.name) cast_in = self.get("/data/assets/%s/cast-in" % self.asset_character_id) self.assertEqual(len(cast_in), 1) self.assertEqual(cast_in[0]["asset_name"], self.asset.name) def test_get_casting_for_assets(self): self.entities = self.generate_data( Entity, 3, entities_out=[], entities_in=[], instance_casting=[], project_id=self.project.id, entity_type_id=self.asset_type.id, ) self.asset.entities_out = self.entities self.asset.save() assets = self.get("data/assets/%s/assets" % self.asset.id) self.assertEqual(len(assets), 3) self.assertTrue( assets[0]["id"] in [str(entity.id) for entity in self.entities] )
# Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Meade. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2014 Clinton Knight. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2015 Tom Barron. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy import socket import sys from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import timeutils import six from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LW, _LI from cinder import utils from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import api as netapp_api from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as na_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @six.add_metaclass(utils.TraceWrapperMetaclass) class Client(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.connection = netapp_api.NaServer( host=kwargs['hostname'], transport_type=kwargs['transport_type'], port=kwargs['port'], username=kwargs['username'], password=kwargs['password']) def _init_features(self): """Set up the repository of available Data ONTAP features.""" self.features = na_utils.Features() def get_ontapi_version(self, cached=True): """Gets the supported ontapi version.""" if cached: return self.connection.get_api_version() ontapi_version = netapp_api.NaElement('system-get-ontapi-version') res = self.connection.invoke_successfully(ontapi_version, False) major = res.get_child_content('major-version') minor = res.get_child_content('minor-version') return major, minor def get_connection(self): return self.connection def check_is_naelement(self, elem): """Checks if object is instance of NaElement.""" if not isinstance(elem, netapp_api.NaElement): raise ValueError('Expects NaElement') def send_request(self, api_name, api_args=None, enable_tunneling=True): """Sends request to Ontapi.""" request = netapp_api.NaElement(api_name) if api_args: request.translate_struct(api_args) return self.connection.invoke_successfully(request, enable_tunneling) def create_lun(self, volume_name, lun_name, size, metadata, qos_policy_group_name=None): """Issues API request for creating LUN on volume.""" path = '/vol/%s/%s' % (volume_name, lun_name) lun_create = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children( 'lun-create-by-size', **{'path': path, 'size': six.text_type(size), 'ostype': metadata['OsType'], 'space-reservation-enabled': metadata['SpaceReserved']}) if qos_policy_group_name: lun_create.add_new_child('qos-policy-group', qos_policy_group_name) try: self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_create, True) except netapp_api.NaApiError as ex: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE("Error provisioning volume %(lun_name)s on " "%(volume_name)s. Details: %(ex)s"), {'lun_name': lun_name, 'volume_name': volume_name, 'ex': ex}) def destroy_lun(self, path, force=True): """Destroys the LUN at the path.""" lun_destroy = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children( 'lun-destroy', **{'path': path}) if force: lun_destroy.add_new_child('force', 'true') self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_destroy, True) seg = path.split("/") LOG.debug("Destroyed LUN %s", seg[-1]) def map_lun(self, path, igroup_name, lun_id=None): """Maps LUN to the initiator and returns LUN id assigned.""" lun_map = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children( 'lun-map', **{'path': path, 'initiator-group': igroup_name}) if lun_id: lun_map.add_new_child('lun-id', lun_id) try: result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_map, True) return result.get_child_content('lun-id-assigned') except netapp_api.NaApiError as e: code = e.code message = e.message LOG.warning(_LW('Error mapping LUN. Code :%(code)s, Message: ' '%(message)s'), {'code': code, 'message': message}) raise def unmap_lun(self, path, igroup_name): """Unmaps a LUN from given initiator.""" lun_unmap = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children( 'lun-unmap', **{'path': path, 'initiator-group': igroup_name}) try: self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_unmap, True) except netapp_api.NaApiError as e: exc_info = sys.exc_info() LOG.warning(_LW("Error unmapping LUN. Code :%(code)s, Message: " "%(message)s"), {'code': e.code, 'message': e.message}) # if the LUN is already unmapped if e.code == '13115' or e.code == '9016': pass else: six.reraise(*exc_info) def create_igroup(self, igroup, igroup_type='iscsi', os_type='default'): """Creates igroup with specified args.""" igroup_create = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children( 'igroup-create', **{'initiator-group-name': igroup, 'initiator-group-type': igroup_type, 'os-type': os_type}) self.connection.invoke_successfully(igroup_create, True) def add_igroup_initiator(self, igroup, initiator): """Adds initiators to the specified igroup.""" igroup_add = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children( 'igroup-add', **{'initiator-group-name': igroup, 'initiator': initiator}) self.connection.invoke_successfully(igroup_add, True) def do_direct_resize(self, path, new_size_bytes, force=True): """Resize the LUN.""" seg = path.split("/") LOG.info(_LI("Resizing LUN %s directly to new size."), seg[-1]) lun_resize = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children( 'lun-resize', **{'path': path, 'size': new_size_bytes}) if force: lun_resize.add_new_child('force', 'true') self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_resize, True) def get_lun_geometry(self, path): """Gets the LUN geometry.""" geometry = {} lun_geo = netapp_api.NaElement("lun-get-geometry") lun_geo.add_new_child('path', path) try: result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_geo, True) geometry['size'] = result.get_child_content("size") geometry['bytes_per_sector'] =\ result.get_child_content("bytes-per-sector") geometry['sectors_per_track'] =\ result.get_child_content("sectors-per-track") geometry['tracks_per_cylinder'] =\ result.get_child_content("tracks-per-cylinder") geometry['cylinders'] =\ result.get_child_content("cylinders") geometry['max_resize'] =\ result.get_child_content("max-resize-size") except Exception as e: LOG.error(_LE("LUN %(path)s geometry failed. Message - %(msg)s"), {'path': path, 'msg': e.message}) return geometry def get_volume_options(self, volume_name): """Get the value for the volume option.""" opts = [] vol_option_list = netapp_api.NaElement("volume-options-list-info") vol_option_list.add_new_child('volume', volume_name) result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(vol_option_list, True) options = result.get_child_by_name("options") if options: opts = options.get_children() return opts def move_lun(self, path, new_path): """Moves the LUN at path to new path.""" seg = path.split("/") new_seg = new_path.split("/") LOG.debug("Moving LUN %(name)s to %(new_name)s.", {'name': seg[-1], 'new_name': new_seg[-1]}) lun_move = netapp_api.NaElement("lun-move") lun_move.add_new_child("path", path) lun_move.add_new_child("new-path", new_path) self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_move, True) def get_iscsi_target_details(self): """Gets the iSCSI target portal details.""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_fc_target_wwpns(self): """Gets the FC target details.""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_iscsi_service_details(self): """Returns iscsi iqn.""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_lun_list(self): """Gets the list of LUNs on filer.""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_igroup_by_initiators(self, initiator_list): """Get igroups exactly matching a set of initiators.""" raise NotImplementedError() def _has_luns_mapped_to_initiator(self, initiator): """Checks whether any LUNs are mapped to the given initiator.""" lun_list_api = netapp_api.NaElement('lun-initiator-list-map-info') lun_list_api.add_new_child('initiator', initiator) result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_list_api, True) lun_maps_container = result.get_child_by_name( 'lun-maps') or netapp_api.NaElement('none') return len(lun_maps_container.get_children()) > 0 def has_luns_mapped_to_initiators(self, initiator_list): """Checks whether any LUNs are mapped to the given initiator(s).""" for initiator in initiator_list: if self._has_luns_mapped_to_initiator(initiator): return True return False def get_lun_by_args(self, **args): """Retrieves LUNs with specified args.""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_performance_counter_info(self, object_name, counter_name): """Gets info about one or more Data ONTAP performance counters.""" api_args = {'objectname': object_name} result = self.send_request('perf-object-counter-list-info', api_args, enable_tunneling=False) counters = result.get_child_by_name( 'counters') or netapp_api.NaElement('None') for counter in counters.get_children(): if counter.get_child_content('name') == counter_name: labels = [] label_list = counter.get_child_by_name( 'labels') or netapp_api.NaElement('None') for label in label_list.get_children(): labels.extend(label.get_content().split(',')) base_counter = counter.get_child_content('base-counter') return { 'name': counter_name, 'labels': labels, 'base-counter': base_counter, } else: raise exception.NotFound(_('Counter %s not found') % counter_name) def provide_ems(self, requester, netapp_backend, app_version, server_type="cluster"): """Provide ems with volume stats for the requester. :param server_type: cluster or 7mode. """ def _create_ems(netapp_backend, app_version, server_type): """Create ems API request.""" ems_log = netapp_api.NaElement('ems-autosupport-log') host = socket.getfqdn() or 'Cinder_node' if server_type == "cluster": dest = "cluster node" else: dest = "7 mode controller" ems_log.add_new_child('computer-name', host) ems_log.add_new_child('event-id', '0') ems_log.add_new_child('event-source', 'Cinder driver %s' % netapp_backend) ems_log.add_new_child('app-version', app_version) ems_log.add_new_child('category', 'provisioning') ems_log.add_new_child('event-description', 'OpenStack Cinder connected to %s' % dest) ems_log.add_new_child('log-level', '6') ems_log.add_new_child('auto-support', 'false') return ems_log def _create_vs_get(): """Create vs_get API request.""" vs_get = netapp_api.NaElement('vserver-get-iter') vs_get.add_new_child('max-records', '1') query = netapp_api.NaElement('query') query.add_node_with_children('vserver-info', **{'vserver-type': 'node'}) vs_get.add_child_elem(query) desired = netapp_api.NaElement('desired-attributes') desired.add_node_with_children( 'vserver-info', **{'vserver-name': '', 'vserver-type': ''}) vs_get.add_child_elem(desired) return vs_get def _get_cluster_node(na_server): """Get the cluster node for ems.""" na_server.set_vserver(None) vs_get = _create_vs_get() res = na_server.invoke_successfully(vs_get) if (res.get_child_content('num-records') and int(res.get_child_content('num-records')) > 0): attr_list = res.get_child_by_name('attributes-list') vs_info = attr_list.get_child_by_name('vserver-info') vs_name = vs_info.get_child_content('vserver-name') return vs_name return None do_ems = True if hasattr(requester, 'last_ems'): sec_limit = 3559 if not (timeutils.is_older_than(requester.last_ems, sec_limit)): do_ems = False if do_ems: na_server = copy.copy(self.connection) na_server.set_timeout(25) ems = _create_ems(netapp_backend, app_version, server_type) try: if server_type == "cluster": api_version = na_server.get_api_version() if api_version: major, minor = api_version else: raise netapp_api.NaApiError( code='Not found', message='No API version found') if major == 1 and minor > 15: node = getattr(requester, 'vserver', None) else: node = _get_cluster_node(na_server) if node is None: raise netapp_api.NaApiError( code='Not found', message='No vserver found') na_server.set_vserver(node) else: na_server.set_vfiler(None) na_server.invoke_successfully(ems, True) LOG.debug("ems executed successfully.") except netapp_api.NaApiError as e: LOG.warning(_LW("Failed to invoke ems. Message : %s"), e) finally: requester.last_ems = timeutils.utcnow()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from module.plugins.internal.SimpleCrypter import SimpleCrypter class NosvideoCom(SimpleCrypter): __name__ = "NosvideoCom" __type__ = "crypter" __version__ = "0.07" __status__ = "testing" __pattern__ = r'http://(?:www\.)?nosvideo\.com/\?v=\w+' __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True), ("use_premium", "bool", "Use premium account if available", True), ("folder_per_package", "Default;Yes;No", "Create folder for each package", "Default"), ("max_wait", "int", "Reconnect if waiting time is greater than minutes", 10)] __description__ = """Nosvideo.com decrypter plugin""" __license__ = "GPLv3" __authors__ = [("igel", "igelkun@myopera.com")] LINK_PATTERN = r'href="(http://(?:w{3}\.)?nosupload\.com/\?d=\w+)"' NAME_PATTERN = r'<[tT]itle>Watch (?P<N>.+?)<'
############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. # Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. # # This file is part of Spack. # Created by Todd Gamblin, tgamblin@llnl.gov, All rights reserved. # LLNL-CODE-647188 # # For details, see https://github.com/llnl/spack # Please also see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for our notice and the LGPL. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as # published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and # conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ############################################################################## from spack import * class RModelmetrics(RPackage): """Collection of metrics for evaluating models written in C++ using 'Rcpp'.""" homepage = "https://cran.r-project.org/package=ModelMetrics" url = "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/ModelMetrics_1.1.0.tar.gz" version('1.1.0', 'd43175001f0531b8810d2802d76b7b44') depends_on('r@3.2.2:') depends_on('r-rcpp', type=('build', 'run'))
import sys # --- ROBOT DYNAMIC SIMULATION ------------------------------------------------- from dynamic_graph.sot.hrp2_14.robot import Robot robot = Robot( 'robot' ) # --- LINK ROBOT VIEWER ------------------------------------------------------- from dynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.viewer_helper import addRobotViewer addRobotViewer(robot.device,small=True,verbose=False) robot.timeStep=5e-3 usingRobotViewer = True from dynamic_graph.sot.core import Stack_of_vector acc = Stack_of_vector('acc') gyr = Stack_of_vector('gyr') acc.selec1(0,2) acc.selec2(0,1) gyr.selec1(0,2) gyr.selec2(0,1) acc.sin1.value=(0.0,0.0) acc.sin2.value=(9.8,) gyr.sin1.value=(0.0,0.0) gyr.sin2.value=(0.0,) robot.device.accelerometer = acc.sout robot.device.gyrometer = gyr.sout robot.device.forceLLEG.value = (0,0,284,0,0,0) robot.device.forceRLEG.value = (0,0,284,0,0,0) # --- MAIN LOOP ---------------------------------------------------------------- from dynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.thread_interruptible_loop import loopInThread,optionalparentheses,loopShortcuts refreshList = list() @loopInThread def loop(): robot.device.increment(robot.timeStep) for cmd in refreshList: cmd() runner=loop() [go,stop,next,n] = loopShortcuts(runner) @optionalparentheses def iter(): print 'iter = ',robot.device.state.time @optionalparentheses def status(): print runner.isPlay # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- for scripts in sys.argv[1:]: if scripts[0]!='+': raw_input('Enter when you are ready to execute **'+scripts+'** :') else: scripts = scripts[1:] loop = scripts[0]=='*' if loop: scripts = scripts[1:] while True: if scripts[0]=='=': print "["+scripts[1:]+"]" exec(scripts[1:]) else: execfile(scripts) if loop: raw_input('Again <'+scripts+'> ?') else: break
''' IAM2 Vid Attribute Checker. ''' import zstackwoodpecker.test_util as test_util import zstackwoodpecker.header.checker as checker_header import zstackwoodpecker.operations.iam2_operations as iam2_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.resource_operations as res_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.vm_operations as vm_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.image_operations as img_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.volume_operations as vol_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.affinitygroup_operations as ag_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.net_operations as net_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.vxlan_operations as vxlan_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.scheduler_operations as schd_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.zwatch_operations as zwt_ops import zstackwoodpecker.operations.account_operations as acc_ops import zstackwoodpecker.test_lib as test_lib import time import os class zstack_vid_attr_checker(checker_header.TestChecker): def __init__(self): super(zstack_vid_attr_checker, self).__init__() def check_login_by_vid(self, username, password): session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(username, password) def check_login_by_account(self, username, password): session_uuid = acc_ops.login_by_account(username, password) def check_vm_operation(self, session_uuid=None): vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions, session_uuid=session_uuid)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions, session_uuid=session_uuid)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions, session_uuid=session_uuid)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_policy_checker') vm_creation_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid) vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid # VM related ops: Create, Delete, Expunge, Start, Stop, Suspend, Resume, Migrate vm_ops.stop_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.start_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) candidate_hosts = vm_ops.get_vm_migration_candidate_hosts(vm_uuid) if candidate_hosts != None and test_lib.lib_check_vm_live_migration_cap(vm): try: vm_ops.migrate_vm(vm_uuid, candidate_hosts.inventories[0].uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) except: vm_ops.migrate_vm(vm_uuid, candidate_hosts[0].uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.stop_vm(vm_uuid, force='cold', session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.start_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.suspend_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.resume_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_image_operation(self, session_uuid=None): bs = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.BACKUP_STORAGE, session_uuid=session_uuid)[0] image_option = test_util.ImageOption() image_option.set_name('image_policy_checker') image_option.set_description('image for policy check') image_option.set_format('raw') image_option.set_mediaType('RootVolumeTemplate') image_option.set_backup_storage_uuid_list([bs.uuid]) image_option.url = "http://fake_iamge/image.raw" image_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid) image_uuid = img_ops.add_image(image_option).uuid img_ops.sync_image_size(image_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) img_ops.change_image_state(image_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=session_uuid) img_ops.change_image_state(image_uuid, 'enable', session_uuid=session_uuid) if bs.type == 'ImageStoreBackupStorage': img_ops.export_image_from_backup_storage(image_uuid, bs.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) img_ops.delete_exported_image_from_backup_storage(image_uuid, bs.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) img_ops.set_image_qga_enable(image_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) img_ops.set_image_qga_disable(image_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) cond = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', "image_policy_checker") image = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, cond, session_uuid=session_uuid) if image == None: test_util.test_fail('fail to query image just added') return self.judge(False) img_ops.delete_image(image_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) img_ops.expunge_image(image_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_snapshot(self, session_uuid=None): bs = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.BACKUP_STORAGE, session_uuid=session_uuid)[0] disk_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.DISK_OFFERING, session_uuid=session_uuid)[0].uuid volume_option = test_util.VolumeOption() volume_option.set_disk_offering_uuid(disk_offering_uuid) volume_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid) volume_option.set_name('data_volume_for_snapshot_policy_checker') data_volume = vol_ops.create_volume_from_offering(volume_option) vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_without_create_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid vol_ops.attach_volume(data_volume.uuid, vm_uuid) snapshot_option = test_util.SnapshotOption() snapshot_option.set_volume_uuid(data_volume.uuid) snapshot_option.set_name('snapshot_policy_checker') snapshot_option.set_description('snapshot for policy check') snapshot_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid) snapshot_uuid = vol_ops.create_snapshot(snapshot_option).uuid vm_ops.stop_vm(vm_uuid, force='cold') vol_ops.use_snapshot(snapshot_uuid, session_uuid) #vol_ops.backup_snapshot(snapshot_uuid, bs.uuid, project_login_session_uuid) #new_volume = vol_ops.create_volume_from_snapshot(snapshot_uuid) #vol_ops.delete_snapshot_from_backupstorage(snapshot_uuid, [bs.uuid], session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vol_ops.delete_snapshot(snapshot_uuid, session_uuid) vol_ops.delete_volume(data_volume.uuid) vol_ops.expunge_volume(data_volume.uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_volume_operation(self, session_uuid=None): # Volume related ops: Create, Delete, Expunge, Attach, Dettach, Enable, Disable disk_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.DISK_OFFERING)[0].uuid volume_option = test_util.VolumeOption() volume_option.set_disk_offering_uuid(disk_offering_uuid) volume_option.set_name('data_volume_policy_checker') volume_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid) data_volume = vol_ops.create_volume_from_offering(volume_option) vol_ops.stop_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vol_ops.start_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_vol_policy_checker') #vm_creation_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid vol_ops.attach_volume(data_volume.uuid, vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vol_ops.detach_volume(data_volume.uuid, vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vol_ops.delete_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vol_ops.expunge_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_affinity_group(self, session_uuid=None): vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_affinity_group_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid ag_uuid = ag_ops.create_affinity_group('affinity_group_policy_checker', 'antiHard', session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid ag_ops.add_vm_to_affinity_group(ag_uuid, vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) ag_ops.remove_vm_from_affinity_group(ag_uuid, vm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) ag_ops.delete_affinity_group(ag_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_networks(self, session_uuid=None): zone_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.ZONE)[0].uuid vxlan_pool = res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.L2_VXLAN_NETWORK_POOL) clear_vxlan_pool = False if vxlan_pool == None or len(vxlan_pool) == 0: vxlan_pool_uuid = vxlan_ops.create_l2_vxlan_network_pool('vxlan_poll_for networks_polocy_checker', zone_uuid).uuid vni_uuid = vxlan_ops.create_vni_range('vni_range_for_networks_policy_checker', '10000', '20000', vxlan_pool_uuid).uuid clear_vxlan_pool = True elif len(vxlan_pool[0].attachedVniRanges) == 0: vni_uuid = vxlan_ops.create_vni_range('vni_range_for_networks_policy_checker', '10000', '20000', vxlan_pool[0].uuid).uuid clear_vxlan_pool = True else: vxlan_pool_uuid = vxlan_pool[0].uuid vxlan_pool_uuid = res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.L2_VXLAN_NETWORK_POOL, session_uuid=session_uuid)[0].uuid vxlan_l2_uuid = vxlan_ops.create_l2_vxlan_network('vxlan_for_policy_checker', vxlan_pool_uuid, zone_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', 'vrouter') service_providor_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER, conditions, session_uuid=session_uuid)[0].uuid l3_uuid = net_ops.create_l3('l3_network_for_policy_checker', vxlan_l2_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid net_ops.attach_network_service_to_l3network(l3_uuid, service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) #net_ops.detach_network_service_from_l3network(l3_uuid, service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.delete_l3(l3_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) if clear_vxlan_pool: vxlan_ops.delete_vni_range(vni_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.delete_l2(vxlan_l2_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_eip(self, session_uuid=None): vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Public') l3_pub_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_eip_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid vip_option = test_util.VipOption() vip_option.set_name("vip_for_eip_policy_checker") vip_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid) vip_option.set_l3_uuid(l3_pub_uuid) vip = net_ops.create_vip(vip_option) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('vmInstance.uuid', '=', vm_uuid) vm_nic_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.VM_NIC, conditions)[0].uuid test_util.test_logger('vip creation finished, vm nic uuid is %s' %vm_nic_uuid) eip_option = test_util.EipOption() eip_option.set_name('eip_policy_checker') eip_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid) eip_option.set_vip_uuid(vip.uuid) eip_option.set_vm_nic_uuid(vm_nic_uuid) eip = net_ops.create_eip(eip_option) net_ops.detach_eip(eip.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.attach_eip(eip.uuid, vm_nic_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.delete_eip(eip.uuid) net_ops.delete_vip(vip.uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) test_util.test_logger("revoke_resources should not be runned") return self.judge(True) def check_security_group(self, session_uuid=None): vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', 'SecurityGroup') sg_service_providor_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('l3Network.uuid', '=', l3_net_uuid) network_service_list = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_L3_REF, conditions) sg_service_need_attach = True sg_service_need_detach = False for service in network_service_list: if service.networkServiceType == 'SecurityGroup': sg_service_need_attach = False if sg_service_need_attach: net_ops.attach_sg_service_to_l3network(l3_net_uuid, sg_service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) sg_service_need_detach = True vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_security_group_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid sg_creation_option = test_util.SecurityGroupOption() sg_creation_option.set_name('security_group_policy_checker') sg_creation_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid=session_uuid) sg_uuid = net_ops.create_security_group(sg_creation_option).uuid net_ops.attach_security_group_to_l3(sg_uuid, l3_net_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('vmInstance.uuid', '=', vm_uuid) vm_nic_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.VM_NIC, conditions)[0].uuid net_ops.add_nic_to_security_group(sg_uuid, [vm_nic_uuid], session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.remove_nic_from_security_group(sg_uuid, [vm_nic_uuid], session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.detach_security_group_from_l3(sg_uuid, l3_net_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.delete_security_group(sg_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) if sg_service_need_detach: net_ops.detach_sg_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, sg_service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_load_balancer(self, session_uuid=None): conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Public') l3_pub_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', 'vrouter') service_providor_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('l3Network.uuid', '=', l3_net_uuid) network_service_list = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_L3_REF, conditions) lb_service_need_attach = True lb_service_need_detach = False for service in network_service_list: if service.networkServiceType == 'LoadBalancer': lb_service_need_attach = False if lb_service_need_attach: net_ops.attach_lb_service_to_l3network(l3_net_uuid, service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) lb_service_need_detach = True vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_load_balancer_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid vip_option = test_util.VipOption() vip_option.set_name("vip_for_load_balancer_policy_checker") vip_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid) vip_option.set_l3_uuid(l3_pub_uuid) vip = net_ops.create_vip(vip_option) lb_uuid = net_ops.create_load_balancer(vip.uuid, 'load_balancer_policy_checker', session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid lb_listener_option = test_util.LoadBalancerListenerOption() lb_listener_option.set_name('load_balancer_listener_policy_checker') lb_listener_option.set_load_balancer_uuid(lb_uuid) lb_listener_option.set_load_balancer_port('2222') lb_listener_option.set_instance_port('80') lb_listener_option.set_protocol('http') lb_listener_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid=session_uuid) lbl_uuid = net_ops.create_load_balancer_listener(lb_listener_option).uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('vmInstance.uuid', '=', vm_uuid) vm_nic_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.VM_NIC, conditions)[0].uuid net_ops.add_nic_to_load_balancer(lbl_uuid, [vm_nic_uuid], session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.remove_nic_from_load_balancer(lbl_uuid, [vm_nic_uuid], session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.refresh_load_balancer(lb_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.delete_load_balancer_listener(lbl_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.delete_load_balancer(lb_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.delete_vip(vip.uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) if lb_service_need_detach: net_ops.detach_lb_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_port_forwarding(self, session_uuid=None): conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Public') l3_pub_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', 'vrouter') pf_service_providor_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('l3Network.uuid', '=', l3_net_uuid) network_service_list = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_L3_REF, conditions) pf_service_need_attach = True pf_service_need_detach = False for service in network_service_list: if service.networkServiceType == 'PortForwarding': pf_service_need_attach = False if pf_service_need_attach: net_ops.attach_pf_service_to_l3network(l3_net_uuid, pf_service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) pf_service_need_detach = True vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_port_forwarding_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('vmInstance.uuid', '=', vm_uuid) vm_nic_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.VM_NIC, conditions)[0].uuid vip_option = test_util.VipOption() vip_option.set_name("vip_for_port_forwarding_policy_checker") vip_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid) vip_option.set_l3_uuid(l3_pub_uuid) vip = net_ops.create_vip(vip_option) pf_rule_creation_option = test_util.PortForwardingRuleOption() pf_rule_creation_option.set_vip_uuid(vip.uuid) pf_rule_creation_option.set_protocol('TCP') pf_rule_creation_option.set_vip_ports('8080', '8088') pf_rule_creation_option.set_private_ports('8080', '8088') pf_rule_creation_option.set_name('port_forwarding_rule_policy_checker') pf_rule_creation_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid=session_uuid) pf_rule_uuid = net_ops.create_port_forwarding(pf_rule_creation_option).uuid net_ops.attach_port_forwarding(pf_rule_uuid, vm_nic_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.detach_port_forwarding(pf_rule_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.delete_port_forwarding(pf_rule_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) net_ops.delete_vip(vip.uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) if pf_service_need_detach: net_ops.detach_pf_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, pf_service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_scheduler(self, session_uuid=None): vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_scheduler_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid start_date = int(time.time()) schd_job = schd_ops.create_scheduler_job('start_vm_scheduler_policy_checker', 'start vm scheduler policy checker', vm_uuid, 'startVm', None, session_uuid=session_uuid) schd_trigger = schd_ops.create_scheduler_trigger('start_vm_scheduler_policy_checker', start_date+5, None, 15, 'simple', session_uuid=session_uuid) schd_ops.add_scheduler_job_to_trigger(schd_trigger.uuid, schd_job.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) schd_ops.change_scheduler_state(schd_job.uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=session_uuid) schd_ops.change_scheduler_state(schd_job.uuid, 'enable', session_uuid=session_uuid) schd_ops.remove_scheduler_job_from_trigger(schd_trigger.uuid, schd_job.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) schd_ops.del_scheduler_job(schd_job.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) schd_ops.del_scheduler_trigger(schd_trigger.uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) schd_ops.get_current_time() vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_pci(self, session_uuid=None): #Haven't simulator pci device, skip to check pass def check_zwatch(self, session_uuid=None): http_endpoint_name='http_endpoint_for zwatch_policy_checker' url = 'http://localhost:8080/webhook-url' http_endpoint=zwt_ops.create_sns_http_endpoint(url, http_endpoint_name, session_uuid=session_uuid) http_endpoint_uuid=http_endpoint.uuid sns_topic_uuid = zwt_ops.create_sns_topic('sns_topic_for zwatch_policy_checker', session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid sns_topic_uuid1 = zwt_ops.create_sns_topic('sns_topic_for zwatch_policy_checker_01', session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid zwt_ops.subscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) namespace = 'ZStack/VM' actions = [{"actionUuid": sns_topic_uuid, "actionType": "sns"}] period = 60 comparison_operator = 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo' threshold = 10 metric_name = 'CPUUsedUtilization' labels = [{"key": "NewState", "op": "Equal", "value": "Disconnected"}] event_name = 'VMStateChangedOnHost' alarm_uuid = zwt_ops.create_alarm(comparison_operator, period, threshold, namespace, metric_name, session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid event_sub_uuid = zwt_ops.subscribe_event(namespace, event_name, actions, labels, session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid zwt_ops.update_alarm(alarm_uuid, comparison_operator='GreaterThan', session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.update_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, 'new_endpoint_name', 'new description', session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.add_action_to_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid1, 'sns', session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.remove_action_from_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.change_alarm_state(alarm_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.change_sns_topic_state(sns_topic_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.change_sns_application_endpoint_state(http_endpoint_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_alarm(alarm_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.unsubscribe_event(event_sub_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.unsubscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid1, session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_sns(self, session_uuid=None): http_endpoint_name='http_endpoint_for zwatch_policy_checker' url = 'http://localhost:8080/webhook-url' http_endpoint=zwt_ops.create_sns_http_endpoint(url, http_endpoint_name) http_endpoint_uuid=http_endpoint.uuid sns_topic_uuid = zwt_ops.create_sns_topic('sns_topic_for zwatch_policy_checker', session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid sns_topic_uuid1 = zwt_ops.create_sns_topic('sns_topic_for zwatch_policy_checker_01', session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid zwt_ops.subscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) namespace = 'ZStack/VM' actions = [{"actionUuid": sns_topic_uuid, "actionType": "sns"}] period = 60 comparison_operator = 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo' threshold = 10 metric_name = 'CPUUsedUtilization' alarm_uuid = zwt_ops.create_alarm(comparison_operator, period, threshold, namespace, metric_name).uuid labels = [{"key": "NewState", "op": "Equal", "value": "Disconnected"}] event_name = 'VMStateChangedOnHost' event_sub_uuid = zwt_ops.subscribe_event(namespace, event_name, actions, labels).uuid zwt_ops.update_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, 'new_endpoint_name', 'new description', session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.add_action_to_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid1, 'sns') zwt_ops.remove_action_from_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid) zwt_ops.change_sns_topic_state(sns_topic_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.change_sns_application_endpoint_state(http_endpoint_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_alarm(alarm_uuid) zwt_ops.unsubscribe_event(event_sub_uuid) zwt_ops.unsubscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid1, session_uuid=session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) return self.judge(True) def check_platform_admin_permission(self, username, password): session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(username, password) #Check if have permission to create project try: project_uuid = iam2_ops.create_iam2_project(name='platform_admin_create_project_permission_check', session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid iam2_ops.delete_iam2_project(project_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) except: test_util.test_logger('Check Result: [Virtual ID:] %s is Platform Admin, but create project failed' % username) return self.judge(False) def check_project_admin_permission(self, username, password): session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(username, password) #Check if have permission to create project #try: # project_uuid = iam2_ops.create_iam2_project(name='porject_admin_create_project_permission_check', session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid # iam2_ops.delete_iam2_project(project_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) # test_util.test_logger('Check Result: [Virtual ID:] %s is Porject Admin, but is able to create project' % username) # return self.judge(False) #except KeyError as e: # print e #Check if have permission to setup project operator try: project_operator_uuid = iam2_ops.create_iam2_virtual_id(name='project_admin_change_project_operator_permission_check', password='b109f3bbbc244eb82441917ed06d618b9008dd09b3befd1b5e07394c706a8bb980b1d7785e5976ec049b46df5f1326af5a2ea6d103fd07c95385ffab0cacbc86').uuid project_uuid = '' for lst in self.test_obj.get_vid_attributes(): if lst['name'] == '__ProjectAdmin__': project_uuid = lst['value'] if project_uuid != '': iam2_ops.add_iam2_virtual_ids_to_project([project_operator_uuid], project_uuid) attributes = [{"name": "__ProjectOperator__", "value": project_uuid}] conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('uuid', '=', project_uuid) project_name = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0].name session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_name, session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid iam2_ops.add_attributes_to_iam2_virtual_id(project_operator_uuid, attributes, session_uuid=session_uuid) iam2_ops.delete_iam2_virtual_id(project_operator_uuid) except KeyError as e: test_util.test_logger('Check Result: [Virtual ID:] %s is Project Admin, but setup project operator failed' % username) return self.judge(False) return self.judge(True) def check_project_operator_permission(self, username, password): session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(username, password) #Check if have permission to setup project operator #try: # project_operator_uuid = iam2_ops.create_iam2_virtual_id(name='project_admin_create_project_operator_permission_check', password='b109f3bbbc244eb82441917ed06d618b9008dd09b3befd1b5e07394c706a8bb980b1d7785e5976ec049b46df5f1326af5a2ea6d103fd07c95385ffab0cacbc86', attributes=[{"name":"__ProjectOperator__"}], session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid # test_util.test_logger('Check Result: [Virtual ID:] %s is Porject Operator, but is able to create other project operator' % username) # iam2_ops.delete_iam2_virtual_id(project_operator_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) # return self.judge(False) #except: # pass #Check if have permission to add virtual id to project normal_user_uuid = iam2_ops.create_iam2_virtual_id(name='project_operator_add_virtual_add_to_project_permission_check', password='b109f3bbbc244eb82441917ed06d618b9008dd09b3befd1b5e07394c706a8bb980b1d7785e5976ec049b46df5f1326af5a2ea6d103fd07c95385ffab0cacbc86').uuid try: project_uuid = '' for lst in self.test_obj.get_vid_attributes(): if lst['name'] == '__ProjectOperator__': project_uuid = lst['value'] if project_uuid != '': conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('uuid', '=', project_uuid) project_name = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0].name session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_name, session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid iam2_ops.add_iam2_virtual_ids_to_project([normal_user_uuid], project_uuid) iam2_ops.delete_iam2_virtual_id(normal_user_uuid) except KeyError as e: test_util.test_logger('Check Result: [Virtual ID:] %s is Project Operator, but add user to project failed' % username) return self.judge(False) return self.judge(True) def check_system_admin_permission(self, username, password): test_util.test_logger("check_system_admin_permission") session_uuid = acc_ops.login_by_account(username, password) self.check_vm_operation(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_image_operation(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_snapshot(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_volume_operation(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_affinity_group(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_networks(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_eip(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_security_group(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_load_balancer(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_port_forwarding(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_scheduler(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_pci(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_zwatch(session_uuid=session_uuid) self.check_sns(session_uuid=session_uuid) def check_security_admin_permission(self, username, password): session_uuid = acc_ops.login_by_account(username, password) vid_uuid = self.test_obj.get_vid().uuid role_uuid = iam2_ops.create_role('security_created_role', session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid statements = [{"effect":"Allow","actions":["org.zstack.header.image.**"]}] policy_uuid = iam2_ops.create_policy('policy', statements, session_uuid=session_uuid).uuid iam2_ops.attach_policy_to_role(policy_uuid, role_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) iam2_ops.add_roles_to_iam2_virtual_id([role_uuid], vid_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) iam2_ops.detach_policy_from_role(policy_uuid, role_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) iam2_ops.update_role(role_uuid, [{"effect":"Allow","actions":[]}], session_uuid=session_uuid) iam2_ops.add_policy_statements_to_role(role_uuid, statements, session_uuid=session_uuid) iam2_ops.remove_roles_from_iam2_virtual_id([role_uuid], vid_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) disable = 'disable' enable = 'enable' Disabled = 'Disabled' iam2_ops.change_role_state(role_uuid, disable, session_uuid=session_uuid) res_inv = res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.ROLE, uuid=role_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid)[0] if res_inv.state != Disabled: test_util.test_fail("test change iam2 role state fail") iam2_ops.change_role_state(role_uuid, enable, session_uuid=session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.POLICY, session_uuid=session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_VIRTUAL_ID, session_uuid=session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_VIRTUAL_ID_GROUP, session_uuid=session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.QUOTA, session_uuid=session_uuid) virtual_id_new_name = 'virtual_id_new_name' virtual_id_new_des = 'virtual_id_new_des' virtual_id_new_password = 'virtual_id_new_password' iam2_ops.update_iam2_virtual_id(vid_uuid, virtual_id_new_name, virtual_id_new_des, virtual_id_new_password, session_uuid=session_uuid) action = "org.zstack.header.image.**" statement_uuid = iam2_ops.get_policy_statement_uuid_of_role(role_uuid, action) iam2_ops.remove_policy_statements_from_role(role_uuid, [statement_uuid], session_uuid=session_uuid) iam2_ops.delete_role(role_uuid, session_uuid=session_uuid) #TODO: # org.zstack.iam2.api.APIRemoveRolesFromIAM2VirtualIDGroupMsg # org.zstack.header.identity.APIAttachPolicyToUserGroupMsg # org.zstack.header.identity.APIDetachPolicyFromUserGroupMsg def check_audit_admin_permission(self, username, password): audit_session_uuid = acc_ops.login_by_account(username, password) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.BACKUP_STORAGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SFTP_BACKUP_STORAGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.CEPH_BACKUP_STORAGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.ZONE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.PRIMARY_STORAGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.L2_NETWORK, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.L2_VLAN_NETWORK, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.L2_VXLAN_NETWORK, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.L2_VXLAN_NETWORK_POOL, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VNI_RANGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.CLUSTER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VOLUME, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SHARE_VOLUME, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VM_INSTANCE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IP_RANGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.HOST, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) #res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_L3_REF, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.APPLIANCE_VM, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VIRTUALROUTER_VM, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.DISK_OFFERING, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.ACCOUNT, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.CEPH_PRIMARY_STORAGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.CEPH_PRIMARY_STORAGE_POOL, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SECURITY_GROUP, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SECURITY_GROUP_RULE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) #res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VM_SECURITY_GROUP, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VM_NIC, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.PORT_FORWARDING, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.MANAGEMENT_NODE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.EIP, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VIP, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VR_OFFERING, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SYSTEM_TAG, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.USER_TAG, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_TREE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VOLUME_SNAPSHOT, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.USER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.LOAD_BALANCER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.LOAD_BALANCER_LISTENER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) #res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.LOCAL_STORAGE_RESOURCE_REF, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IMAGE_STORE_BACKUP_STORAGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) #res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SCHEDULER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SCHEDULERJOB, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SCHEDULERTRIGGER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VCENTER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VCENTER_CLUSTER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VCENTER_BACKUP_STORAGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VCENTER_PRIMARY_STORAGE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.MONITOR_TRIGGER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.MONITOR_TRIGGER_ACTION, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.PXE_SERVER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.CHASSIS, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) #res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.HWINFO, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.BAREMETAL_INS, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.LONGJOB, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.ALARM, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SNS_APPLICATION_ENDPOINT, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SNS_APPLICATION_PLATFORM, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SNS_TOPIC, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) #res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SNS_TOPIC_SUBSCRIBER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SNS_DING_TALK_ENDPOINT, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SNS_EMAIL_ENDPOINT, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SNS_EMAIL_PLATFORM, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SNS_HTTP_ENDPOINT, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SNS_TEXT_TEMPLATE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.AFFINITY_GROUP, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_ORGANIZATION, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_VIRTUAL_ID_GROUP, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_VIRTUAL_ID, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT_TEMPLATE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_VIRTUAL_ID_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_VIRTUAL_ID_ATTRIBUTE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT_ATTRIBUTE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IAM2_ORGANIZATION_ATTRIBUTE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.ROLE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.POLICY, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.DATACENTER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.ALIYUNNAS_ACCESSGROUP, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.NAS_FILESYSTEM, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.NAS_MOUNTTARGET, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.STACK_TEMPLATE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.RESOURCE_STACK, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) #res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.EVENT_FROM_STACK, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.TICKET, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.TICKET_HISTORY, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.QUOTA, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.CERTIFICATE, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.VOLUME_BACKUP, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.IPSEC_CONNECTION, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.SCSI_LUN, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.ISCSI_SERVER, session_uuid=audit_session_uuid) def check(self): super(zstack_vid_attr_checker, self).check() password = 'b109f3bbbc244eb82441917ed06d618b9008dd09b3befd1b5e07394c706a8bb980b1d7785e5976ec049b46df5f1326af5a2ea6d103fd07c95385ffab0cacbc86' virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() for lst in self.test_obj.get_vid_attributes(): if lst['name'] == '__PlatformAdmin__' and self.test_obj.get_customized != "noDeleteAdminPermission": self.check_login_by_vid(virtual_id.name, password) self.check_platform_admin_permission(virtual_id.name, password) elif lst['name'] == '__ProjectAdmin__': self.check_login_by_vid(virtual_id.name, password) self.check_project_admin_permission(virtual_id.name, password) elif lst['name'] == '__ProjectOperator__': self.check_login_by_vid(virtual_id.name, password) self.check_project_operator_permission(virtual_id.name, password) elif lst['name'] == '__AuditAdmin__': self.check_login_by_account(virtual_id.name, password) self.check_audit_admin_permission(virtual_id.name, password) elif lst['name'] == '__SecurityAdmin__': self.check_login_by_account(virtual_id.name, password) self.check_security_admin_permission(virtual_id.name, password) elif lst['name'] == '__SystemAdmin__': self.check_login_by_account(virtual_id.name, password) self.check_system_admin_permission(virtual_id.name, password) else: test_util.test_fail("not found matched attribute %s" %(str(lst['name']))) return self.judge(True) class zstack_vid_policy_checker(checker_header.TestChecker): def __init__(self): self.password = 'b109f3bbbc244eb82441917ed06d618b9008dd09b3befd1b5e07394c706a8bb980b1d7785e5976ec049b46df5f1326af5a2ea6d103fd07c95385ffab0cacbc86' super(zstack_vid_policy_checker, self).__init__() def check_login(self, username, password): customized = self.test_obj.get_customized() if customized == None: virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=', virtual_id.uuid) project_name = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0].name plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(username, password) if customized == None: iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_name, plain_user_session_uuid) def check_vm_operation(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_policy_checker') vm_creation_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid # VM related ops: Create, Delete, Expunge, Start, Stop, Suspend, Resume, Migrate vm_ops.stop_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.start_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) candidate_hosts = vm_ops.get_vm_migration_candidate_hosts(vm_uuid) if candidate_hosts != None and test_lib.lib_check_vm_live_migration_cap(vm): try: vm_ops.migrate_vm(vm_uuid, candidate_hosts.inventories[0].uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) except: vm_ops.migrate_vm(vm_uuid, candidate_hosts[0].uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.stop_vm(vm_uuid, force='cold', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.start_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.suspend_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.resume_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) return self.judge(True) else: try: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("destroy_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass return def check_vm_operation_without_create_permission(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid try: vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_without_create_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid res_ops.change_recource_owner(project_linked_account_uuid, vm_uuid) # VM related ops: Create, Delete, Expunge, Start, Stop, Suspend, Resume, Migrate vm_ops.stop_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.start_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) candidate_hosts = vm_ops.get_vm_migration_candidate_hosts(vm_uuid) if candidate_hosts != None and test_lib.lib_check_vm_live_migration_cap(vm): try: vm_ops.migrate_vm(vm_uuid, candidate_hosts.inventories[0].uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) except: vm_ops.migrate_vm(vm_uuid, candidate_hosts[0].uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.stop_vm(vm_uuid, force='cold', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.start_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.suspend_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.resume_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) except Exception as e: test_util.test_logger('Check Result: [Virtual ID:] %s has permission for vm except creation but vm check failed' % virtual_id.name) test_util.test_logger('Excepiton info: %s' %e) return self.judge(False) return self.judge(True) def check_image_operation(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid bs = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.BACKUP_STORAGE)[0] image_option = test_util.ImageOption() image_option.set_name('image_policy_checker') image_option.set_description('image for policy check') image_option.set_format('raw') image_option.set_mediaType('RootVolumeTemplate') image_option.set_backup_storage_uuid_list([bs.uuid]) image_option.url = "http://fake_iamge/image.raw" image_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) image_uuid = img_ops.add_image(image_option).uuid img_ops.sync_image_size(image_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) img_ops.change_image_state(image_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) img_ops.change_image_state(image_uuid, 'enable', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if bs.type == 'ImageStoreBackupStorage': img_ops.export_image_from_backup_storage(image_uuid, bs.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) #img_ops.delete_exported_image_from_backup_storage(image_uuid, bs.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) img_ops.delete_exported_image_from_backup_storage(image_uuid, bs.uuid) img_ops.set_image_qga_enable(image_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) img_ops.set_image_qga_disable(image_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) cond = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', "image_policy_checker") image = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, cond, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if image == None: test_util.test_fail('fail to query image just added') return self.judge(False) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: img_ops.delete_image(image_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) img_ops.expunge_image(image_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) return self.judge(True) else: try: img_ops.delete_image(image_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_image should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: img_ops.expunge_image(image_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_image should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass def check_snapshot(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid bs = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.BACKUP_STORAGE)[0] disk_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.DISK_OFFERING)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [disk_offering_uuid]) volume_option = test_util.VolumeOption() volume_option.set_disk_offering_uuid(disk_offering_uuid) volume_option.set_name('data_volume_for_snapshot_policy_checker') data_volume = vol_ops.create_volume_from_offering(volume_option) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: res_ops.change_recource_owner(project_linked_account_uuid, data_volume.uuid) vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_without_create_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid vol_ops.attach_volume(data_volume.uuid, vm_uuid) snapshot_option = test_util.SnapshotOption() snapshot_option.set_volume_uuid(data_volume.uuid) snapshot_option.set_name('snapshot_policy_checker') snapshot_option.set_description('snapshot for policy check') snapshot_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) snapshot_uuid = vol_ops.create_snapshot(snapshot_option).uuid vm_ops.stop_vm(vm_uuid, force='cold') vol_ops.use_snapshot(snapshot_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) #vol_ops.backup_snapshot(snapshot_uuid, bs.uuid, project_login_session_uuid) #new_volume = vol_ops.create_volume_from_snapshot(snapshot_uuid) #vol_ops.delete_snapshot_from_backupstorage(snapshot_uuid, [bs.uuid], session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: vol_ops.delete_snapshot(snapshot_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) vol_ops.delete_volume(data_volume.uuid) vol_ops.expunge_volume(data_volume.uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) return self.judge(True) else: try: vol_ops.delete_snapshot(snapshot_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_snapshot should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vol_ops.delete_volume(data_volume.uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_volume should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vol_ops.expunge_volume(data_volume.uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_volume should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("destroy_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass def check_volume_operation(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid # Volume related ops: Create, Delete, Expunge, Attach, Dettach, Enable, Disable disk_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.DISK_OFFERING)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [disk_offering_uuid]) volume_option = test_util.VolumeOption() volume_option.set_disk_offering_uuid(disk_offering_uuid) volume_option.set_name('data_volume_policy_checker') volume_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) data_volume = vol_ops.create_volume_from_offering(volume_option) vol_ops.stop_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vol_ops.start_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_vol_policy_checker') #vm_creation_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: res_ops.change_recource_owner(project_linked_account_uuid, vm_uuid) vol_ops.attach_volume(data_volume.uuid, vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: vol_ops.detach_volume(data_volume.uuid, vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vol_ops.delete_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vol_ops.expunge_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) return self.judge(True) else: try: vol_ops.delete_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_volume should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vol_ops.expunge_volume(data_volume.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_volume should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("destroy_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass def check_affinity_group(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_affinity_group_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: res_ops.change_recource_owner(project_linked_account_uuid, vm_uuid) ag_uuid = ag_ops.create_affinity_group('affinity_group_policy_checker', 'antiHard', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid ag_ops.add_vm_to_affinity_group(ag_uuid, vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: ag_ops.remove_vm_from_affinity_group(ag_uuid, vm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) ag_ops.delete_affinity_group(ag_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) return self.judge(True) else: try: ag_ops.delete_affinity_group(ag_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_affinity_group should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("destroy_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass def check_networks(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid zone_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.ZONE)[0].uuid vxlan_pool = res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.L2_VXLAN_NETWORK_POOL) clear_vxlan_pool = False if vxlan_pool == None or len(vxlan_pool) == 0: vxlan_pool_uuid = vxlan_ops.create_l2_vxlan_network_pool('vxlan_poll_for networks_polocy_checker', zone_uuid).uuid vni_uuid = vxlan_ops.create_vni_range('vni_range_for_networks_policy_checker', '10000', '20000', vxlan_pool_uuid).uuid clear_vxlan_pool = True elif len(vxlan_pool[0].attachedVniRanges) == 0: vni_uuid = vxlan_ops.create_vni_range('vni_range_for_networks_policy_checker', '10000', '20000', vxlan_pool[0].uuid).uuid clear_vxlan_pool = True else: vxlan_pool_uuid = vxlan_pool[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [vxlan_pool_uuid]) vxlan_pool_uuid = res_ops.get_resource(res_ops.L2_VXLAN_NETWORK_POOL, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid)[0].uuid vxlan_l2_uuid = vxlan_ops.create_l2_vxlan_network('vxlan_for_policy_checker', vxlan_pool_uuid, zone_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', 'vrouter') service_providor_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER, conditions, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid)[0].uuid l3_uuid = net_ops.create_l3('l3_network_for_policy_checker', vxlan_l2_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid net_ops.attach_network_service_to_l3network(l3_uuid, service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) #net_ops.detach_network_service_from_l3network(l3_uuid, service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: net_ops.delete_l3(l3_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if clear_vxlan_pool: #vxlan_ops.delete_vni_range(vni_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vxlan_ops.delete_vni_range(vni_uuid) net_ops.delete_l2(vxlan_l2_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) return self.judge(True) else: try: net_ops.delete_l3(l3_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_l3 should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: if clear_vxlan_pool: vxlan_ops.delete_vni_range(vni_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_vni_range should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: net_ops.delete_l2(vxlan_l2_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_l2 should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass def check_eip(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Public') l3_pub_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_pub_uuid, l3_net_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_eip_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: res_ops.change_recource_owner(project_linked_account_uuid, vm_uuid) vip_option = test_util.VipOption() vip_option.set_name("vip_for_eip_policy_checker") vip_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) vip_option.set_l3_uuid(l3_pub_uuid) vip = net_ops.create_vip(vip_option) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('vmInstance.uuid', '=', vm_uuid) vm_nic_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.VM_NIC, conditions)[0].uuid test_util.test_logger('vip creation finished, vm nic uuid is %s' %vm_nic_uuid) eip_option = test_util.EipOption() eip_option.set_name('eip_policy_checker') eip_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) eip_option.set_vip_uuid(vip.uuid) eip_option.set_vm_nic_uuid(vm_nic_uuid) eip = net_ops.create_eip(eip_option) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: net_ops.detach_eip(eip.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.attach_eip(eip.uuid, vm_nic_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.delete_eip(eip.uuid) net_ops.delete_vip(vip.uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) acc_ops.revoke_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_pub_uuid, l3_net_uuid, image_uuid, instance_offering_uuid]) return self.judge(True) else: try: net_ops.detach_eip(eip.uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("detach_eip should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: net_ops.delete_eip(eip.uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_eip should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: net_ops.delete_vip(vip.uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_vip should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("destroy_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass #acc_ops.revoke_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_pub_uuid, l3_net_uuid, image_uuid, instance_offering_uuid]) test_util.test_logger("revoke_resources should not be runned") def check_security_group(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', 'SecurityGroup') sg_service_providor_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('l3Network.uuid', '=', l3_net_uuid) network_service_list = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_L3_REF, conditions) sg_service_need_attach = True sg_service_need_detach = False for service in network_service_list: if service.networkServiceType == 'SecurityGroup': sg_service_need_attach = False if sg_service_need_attach: net_ops.attach_sg_service_to_l3network(l3_net_uuid, sg_service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) sg_service_need_detach = True vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_security_group_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: res_ops.change_recource_owner(project_linked_account_uuid, vm_uuid) sg_creation_option = test_util.SecurityGroupOption() sg_creation_option.set_name('security_group_policy_checker') sg_creation_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) sg_uuid = net_ops.create_security_group(sg_creation_option).uuid net_ops.attach_security_group_to_l3(sg_uuid, l3_net_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('vmInstance.uuid', '=', vm_uuid) vm_nic_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.VM_NIC, conditions)[0].uuid net_ops.add_nic_to_security_group(sg_uuid, [vm_nic_uuid], session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: net_ops.remove_nic_from_security_group(sg_uuid, [vm_nic_uuid], session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.detach_security_group_from_l3(sg_uuid, l3_net_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.delete_security_group(sg_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) if sg_service_need_detach: net_ops.detach_sg_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, sg_service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) acc_ops.revoke_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid, image_uuid, instance_offering_uuid]) return self.judge(True) else: try: net_ops.delete_security_group(sg_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_security_group should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("destroy_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass if sg_service_need_detach: net_ops.detach_sg_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, sg_service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) #acc_ops.revoke_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid, image_uuid, instance_offering_uuid]) def check_load_balancer(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Public') l3_pub_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', 'vrouter') service_providor_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_pub_uuid, l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('l3Network.uuid', '=', l3_net_uuid) network_service_list = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_L3_REF, conditions) lb_service_need_attach = True lb_service_need_detach = False for service in network_service_list: if service.networkServiceType == 'LoadBalancer': lb_service_need_attach = False if lb_service_need_attach: #net_ops.attach_lb_service_to_l3network(l3_net_uuid, service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.attach_lb_service_to_l3network(l3_net_uuid, service_providor_uuid) lb_service_need_detach = True vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_load_balancer_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: res_ops.change_recource_owner(project_linked_account_uuid, vm_uuid) vip_option = test_util.VipOption() vip_option.set_name("vip_for_load_balancer_policy_checker") vip_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) vip_option.set_l3_uuid(l3_pub_uuid) vip = net_ops.create_vip(vip_option) lb_uuid = net_ops.create_load_balancer(vip.uuid, 'load_balancer_policy_checker', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid lb_listener_option = test_util.LoadBalancerListenerOption() lb_listener_option.set_name('load_balancer_listener_policy_checker') lb_listener_option.set_load_balancer_uuid(lb_uuid) lb_listener_option.set_load_balancer_port('2222') lb_listener_option.set_instance_port('80') lb_listener_option.set_protocol('http') lb_listener_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) lbl_uuid = net_ops.create_load_balancer_listener(lb_listener_option).uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('vmInstance.uuid', '=', vm_uuid) vm_nic_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.VM_NIC, conditions)[0].uuid net_ops.add_nic_to_load_balancer(lbl_uuid, [vm_nic_uuid], session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: net_ops.remove_nic_from_load_balancer(lbl_uuid, [vm_nic_uuid], session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.refresh_load_balancer(lb_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.delete_load_balancer_listener(lbl_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.delete_load_balancer(lb_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.delete_vip(vip.uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) if lb_service_need_detach: #net_ops.detach_lb_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.detach_lb_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, service_providor_uuid) acc_ops.revoke_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_pub_uuid, l3_net_uuid, image_uuid, instance_offering_uuid]) return self.judge(True) else: try: net_ops.delete_load_balancer_listener(lbl_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_load_balancer_listener should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: net_ops.delete_load_balancer(lb_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_load_balancer should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: net_ops.delete_vip(vip.uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_vip should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("destroy_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: if lb_service_need_detach: net_ops.detach_lb_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) except Exception as e: pass #acc_ops.revoke_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_pub_uuid, l3_net_uuid, image_uuid, instance_offering_uuid]) def check_port_forwarding(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Public') l3_pub_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('category', '=', 'Private', conditions) l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('name', '=', 'vrouter') pf_service_providor_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_pub_uuid, l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('l3Network.uuid', '=', l3_net_uuid) network_service_list = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_L3_REF, conditions) pf_service_need_attach = True pf_service_need_detach = False for service in network_service_list: if service.networkServiceType == 'PortForwarding': pf_service_need_attach = False if pf_service_need_attach: #net_ops.attach_pf_service_to_l3network(l3_net_uuid, pf_service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.attach_pf_service_to_l3network(l3_net_uuid, pf_service_providor_uuid) pf_service_need_detach = True vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_port_forwarding_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: res_ops.change_recource_owner(project_linked_account_uuid, vm_uuid) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('vmInstance.uuid', '=', vm_uuid) vm_nic_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.VM_NIC, conditions)[0].uuid vip_option = test_util.VipOption() vip_option.set_name("vip_for_port_forwarding_policy_checker") vip_option.set_session_uuid(project_login_session_uuid) vip_option.set_l3_uuid(l3_pub_uuid) vip = net_ops.create_vip(vip_option) pf_rule_creation_option = test_util.PortForwardingRuleOption() pf_rule_creation_option.set_vip_uuid(vip.uuid) pf_rule_creation_option.set_protocol('TCP') pf_rule_creation_option.set_vip_ports('8080', '8088') pf_rule_creation_option.set_private_ports('8080', '8088') pf_rule_creation_option.set_name('port_forwarding_rule_policy_checker') pf_rule_creation_option.set_session_uuid(session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) pf_rule_uuid = net_ops.create_port_forwarding(pf_rule_creation_option).uuid net_ops.attach_port_forwarding(pf_rule_uuid, vm_nic_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: net_ops.detach_port_forwarding(pf_rule_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.delete_port_forwarding(pf_rule_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.delete_vip(vip.uuid) vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) if pf_service_need_detach: #net_ops.detach_pf_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, pf_service_providor_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) net_ops.detach_pf_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, pf_service_providor_uuid) acc_ops.revoke_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_pub_uuid, l3_net_uuid, image_uuid, instance_offering_uuid]) return self.judge(True) else: try: net_ops.delete_port_forwarding(pf_rule_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_port_forwarding should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: net_ops.delete_vip(vip.uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_vip should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("destroy_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass if pf_service_need_detach: net_ops.detach_pf_service_from_l3network(l3_net_uuid, pf_service_providor_uuid) #acc_ops.revoke_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_pub_uuid, l3_net_uuid, image_uuid, instance_offering_uuid]) def check_scheduler(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid vm_creation_option = test_util.VmOption() conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false') l3_net_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.L3_NETWORK, conditions)[0].uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [l3_net_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_l3_uuids([l3_net_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('platform', '=', 'Linux') conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('system', '=', 'false', conditions) image_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IMAGE, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_image_uuid(image_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [image_uuid]) conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('type', '=', 'UserVm') instance_offering_uuid = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.INSTANCE_OFFERING, conditions)[0].uuid vm_creation_option.set_instance_offering_uuid(instance_offering_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: acc_ops.share_resources([project_linked_account_uuid], [instance_offering_uuid]) vm_creation_option.set_name('vm_for_scheduler_policy_checker') vm = vm_ops.create_vm(vm_creation_option) vm_uuid = vm.uuid if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: res_ops.change_recource_owner(project_linked_account_uuid, vm_uuid) start_date = int(time.time()) schd_job = schd_ops.create_scheduler_job('start_vm_scheduler_policy_checker', 'start vm scheduler policy checker', vm_uuid, 'startVm', None, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) schd_trigger = schd_ops.create_scheduler_trigger('start_vm_scheduler_policy_checker', start_date+5, None, 15, 'simple', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) schd_ops.add_scheduler_job_to_trigger(schd_trigger.uuid, schd_job.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) schd_ops.change_scheduler_state(schd_job.uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) schd_ops.change_scheduler_state(schd_job.uuid, 'enable', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: schd_ops.remove_scheduler_job_from_trigger(schd_trigger.uuid, schd_job.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) schd_ops.del_scheduler_job(schd_job.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) schd_ops.del_scheduler_trigger(schd_trigger.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) schd_ops.get_current_time() vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid) vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid) return self.judge(True) else: try: schd_ops.del_scheduler_job(schd_job.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("del_scheduler_job should not be runned with project_login_session_uuid") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: schd_ops.del_scheduler_trigger(schd_trigger.uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("del_scheduler_trigger should not be runned with project_login_session_uuid") return 1 except Exception as e: pass schd_ops.get_current_time() try: vm_ops.destroy_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("destroy_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: vm_ops.expunge_vm(vm_uuid, project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("expunge_vm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass def check_pci(self): #Haven't simulator pci device, skip to check pass def check_zwatch(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid http_endpoint_name='http_endpoint_for zwatch_policy_checker' url = 'http://localhost:8080/webhook-url' http_endpoint=zwt_ops.create_sns_http_endpoint(url, http_endpoint_name, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) http_endpoint_uuid=http_endpoint.uuid sns_topic_uuid = zwt_ops.create_sns_topic('sns_topic_for zwatch_policy_checker', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid sns_topic_uuid1 = zwt_ops.create_sns_topic('sns_topic_for zwatch_policy_checker_01', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid zwt_ops.subscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) namespace = 'ZStack/VM' actions = [{"actionUuid": sns_topic_uuid, "actionType": "sns"}] period = 60 comparison_operator = 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo' threshold = 10 metric_name = 'CPUUsedUtilization' labels = [{"key": "NewState", "op": "Equal", "value": "Disconnected"}] event_name = 'VMStateChangedOnHost' alarm_uuid = zwt_ops.create_alarm(comparison_operator, period, threshold, namespace, metric_name, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid event_sub_uuid = zwt_ops.subscribe_event(namespace, event_name, actions, labels, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid zwt_ops.update_alarm(alarm_uuid, comparison_operator='GreaterThan', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.update_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, 'new_endpoint_name', 'new description', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.add_action_to_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid1, 'sns', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) #zwt_ops.remove_action_from_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.change_alarm_state(alarm_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.change_sns_topic_state(sns_topic_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.change_sns_application_endpoint_state(http_endpoint_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: zwt_ops.remove_action_from_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_alarm(alarm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.unsubscribe_event(event_sub_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.unsubscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid1, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) return self.judge(True) else: try: zwt_ops.delete_alarm(alarm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_alarm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.unsubscribe_event(event_sub_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("unsubscribe_event should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.unsubscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("unsubscribe_sns_topic should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_sns_topic should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid1, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_sns_topic should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.delete_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_sns_application_endpoint should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass def check_sns(self): virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() plain_user_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_virtual_id(virtual_id.name, self.password) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: conditions = res_ops.gen_query_conditions('virtualIDs.uuid', '=',virtual_id.uuid) project_ins = res_ops.query_resource(res_ops.IAM2_PROJECT, conditions)[0] project_login_session_uuid = iam2_ops.login_iam2_project(project_ins.name, plain_user_session_uuid).uuid project_linked_account_uuid = project_ins.linkedAccountUuid else: project_login_session_uuid = plain_user_session_uuid http_endpoint_name='http_endpoint_for zwatch_policy_checker' url = 'http://localhost:8080/webhook-url' http_endpoint=zwt_ops.create_sns_http_endpoint(url, http_endpoint_name) http_endpoint_uuid=http_endpoint.uuid sns_topic_uuid = zwt_ops.create_sns_topic('sns_topic_for zwatch_policy_checker', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid sns_topic_uuid1 = zwt_ops.create_sns_topic('sns_topic_for zwatch_policy_checker_01', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid).uuid zwt_ops.subscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) namespace = 'ZStack/VM' actions = [{"actionUuid": sns_topic_uuid, "actionType": "sns"}] period = 60 comparison_operator = 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo' threshold = 10 metric_name = 'CPUUsedUtilization' alarm_uuid = zwt_ops.create_alarm(comparison_operator, period, threshold, namespace, metric_name).uuid labels = [{"key": "NewState", "op": "Equal", "value": "Disconnected"}] event_name = 'VMStateChangedOnHost' event_sub_uuid = zwt_ops.subscribe_event(namespace, event_name, actions, labels).uuid zwt_ops.update_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, 'new_endpoint_name', 'new description', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.add_action_to_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid1, 'sns') #zwt_ops.remove_action_from_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid) zwt_ops.change_sns_topic_state(sns_topic_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.change_sns_application_endpoint_state(http_endpoint_uuid, 'disable', session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) if self.test_obj.get_customized() == None: zwt_ops.remove_action_from_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_alarm(alarm_uuid) zwt_ops.unsubscribe_event(event_sub_uuid) zwt_ops.unsubscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid1, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) zwt_ops.delete_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) return self.judge(True) else: try: zwt_ops.remove_action_from_alarm(alarm_uuid, sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("remove_action_from_alarm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.delete_alarm(alarm_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_alarm should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.unsubscribe_event(event_sub_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("unsubscribe_event should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.unsubscribe_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("unsubscribe_sns_topic should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_sns_topic should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.delete_sns_topic(sns_topic_uuid1, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_sns_topic should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass try: zwt_ops.delete_sns_application_endpoint(http_endpoint_uuid, session_uuid=project_login_session_uuid) test_util.test_logger("delete_sns_application_endpoint should not be runned") return 1 except Exception as e: pass def check_no_delete_admin_permission(self): test_util.test_logger("check_no_delete_admin_permission") retCode = self.check_vm_operation() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_vm_operation failed") retCode = self.check_image_operation() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_image_operation failed") retCode = self.check_snapshot() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_snapshot failed") retCode = self.check_volume_operation() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_volume_operation failed") retCode = self.check_affinity_group() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_affinity_group failed") retCode = self.check_networks() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_networks failed") retCode = self.check_eip() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_eip failed") retCode = self.check_security_group() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_security_group failed") retCode = self.check_load_balancer() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_load_balancer failed") retCode = self.check_port_forwarding() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_port_forwarding failed") retCode = self.check_scheduler() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_scheduler failed") retCode = self.check_pci() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_pci failed") retCode = self.check_zwatch() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_zwatch failed") retCode = self.check_sns() if retCode == 1: test_util.test_fail("check_sns failed") def check(self): super(zstack_vid_policy_checker, self).check() password = 'b109f3bbbc244eb82441917ed06d618b9008dd09b3befd1b5e07394c706a8bb980b1d7785e5976ec049b46df5f1326af5a2ea6d103fd07c95385ffab0cacbc86' virtual_id = self.test_obj.get_vid() self.check_login(virtual_id.name, password) actions = self.test_obj.get_vid_statements()[0]['actions'] effect = self.test_obj.get_vid_statements()[0]['effect'] customized = self.test_obj.get_customized() checker_runned = False if customized == "noDeleteAdminPermission": self.check_no_delete_admin_permission() self.judge(True) if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.ha.**' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_vm_operation() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.header.image.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.storage.backup.imagestore.APIGetImagesFromImageStoreBackupStorageMsg' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_image_operation() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APICreateDataVolumeFromVolumeTemplateMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIGetVolumeQosMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APISyncVolumeSizeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APICreateDataVolumeFromVolumeSnapshotMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIResizeDataVolumeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIRecoverDataVolumeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIExpungeDataVolumeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.mevoco.APIQueryShareableVolumeVmInstanceRefMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APICreateDataVolumeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIGetVolumeCapabilitiesMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIDetachDataVolumeFromVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIDeleteVolumeQosMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIGetVolumeFormatMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIGetDataVolumeAttachableVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIAttachDataVolumeToVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIResizeRootVolumeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APISetVolumeQosMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIDeleteDataVolumeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIUpdateVolumeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIChangeVolumeStateMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APIQueryVolumeMsg' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_volume_operation() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.**' not in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmQgaMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIChangeVmImageMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetVmSshKeyMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIStopVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetVmStaticIpMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIRecoverVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIQueryVmNicMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIStartVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIDestroyVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmConsolePasswordMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIDeleteVmStaticIpMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetNicQosMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIRebootVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetNicQosMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmBootOrderMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIChangeVmPasswordMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetCandidatePrimaryStoragesForCreatingVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetVmRDPMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIMigrateVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmMigrationCandidateHostsMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIAttachL3NetworkToVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIExpungeVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetCandidateVmForAttachingIsoMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIAttachIsoToVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmAttachableL3NetworkMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmHostnameMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIDeleteVmSshKeyMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmMonitorNumberMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetVmQgaMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIDetachL3NetworkFromVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetVmConsolePasswordMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetCandidateZonesClustersHostsForCreatingVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmAttachableDataVolumeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetInterdependentL3NetworksImagesMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetCandidateIsoForAttachingVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIDeleteNicQosMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetVmUsbRedirectMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetVmBootOrderMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetImageCandidatesForVmToChangeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmConsoleAddressMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIChangeInstanceOfferingMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIDeleteVmHostnameMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmUsbRedirectMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIQueryVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetVmMonitorNumberMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIReimageVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIResumeVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIUpdateVmNicMacMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmCapabilitiesMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIUpdateVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmSshKeyMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APICloneVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIDeleteVmConsolePasswordMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APISetVmHostnameMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmStartingCandidateClustersHostsMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIDetachIsoFromVmInstanceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIGetVmRDPMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vm.APIPauseVmInstanceMsg' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_vm_operation_without_create_permission() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.header.storage.snapshot.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.volume.APICreateVolumeSnapshotMsg' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_snapshot() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.header.affinitygroup.**' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_affinity_group() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.header.network.l3.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.network.service.flat.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.network.l2.APIUpdateL2NetworkMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.network.service.APIQueryNetworkServiceProviderMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.network.service.APIAttachNetworkServiceToL3NetworkMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.network.l2.vxlan.vxlanNetworkPool.APIQueryVniRangeMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.network.l2.vxlan.vxlanNetwork.APIQueryL2VxlanNetworkMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.network.l2.vxlan.vxlanNetwork.APICreateL2VxlanNetworkMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.network.l2.vxlan.vxlanNetworkPool.APIQueryL2VxlanNetworkPoolMsg' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_networks() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.network.service.vip.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.network.service.eip.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vipQos.**' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_eip() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.network.securitygroup.**' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_security_group() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.network.service.lb.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.network.service.vip.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vipQos.**' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_load_balancer() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.network.service.portforwarding.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.network.service.vip.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.header.vipQos.**' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_port_forwarding() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.scheduler.**' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_scheduler() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.pciDevice.APIAttachPciDeviceToVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.pciDevice.APIUpdateHostIommuStateMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.pciDevice.APIGetPciDeviceCandidatesForNewCreateVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.pciDevice.APIDetachPciDeviceFromVmMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.pciDevice.APIQueryPciDeviceMsg' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.pciDevice.APIGetPciDeviceCandidatesForAttachingVmMsg' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_pci() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.zwatch.**' in actions and \ 'org.zstack.sns.**' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_zwatch() if effect == "Allow" and \ 'org.zstack.sns.**' in actions: checker_runned = True self.check_sns() return self.judge(True)
from .base_reader import BaseReader, InvalidDataDirectory # noqa from .object_detection import ObjectDetectionReader # noqa from .object_detection import ( COCOReader, CSVReader, FlatReader, ImageNetReader, OpenImagesReader, PascalVOCReader, TaggerineReader ) READERS = { 'coco': COCOReader, 'csv': CSVReader, 'flat': FlatReader, 'imagenet': ImageNetReader, 'openimages': OpenImagesReader, 'pascal': PascalVOCReader, 'taggerine': TaggerineReader, } def get_reader(reader): reader = reader.lower() if reader not in READERS: raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid reader'.format(reader)) return READERS[reader]
# Copyright (c) 2015, Nordic Semiconductor # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.s """Package marker file."""
# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import contextlib import importlib import os from os import path import pkgutil import shutil import sys import tempfile import threading import unittest from six import moves from grpc.beta import implementations from grpc.beta import interfaces from grpc.framework.foundation import future from grpc.framework.interfaces.face import face from grpc_tools import protoc from tests.unit.framework.common import test_constants _RELATIVE_PROTO_PATH = 'relative_proto_path' _RELATIVE_PYTHON_OUT = 'relative_python_out' _PROTO_FILES_PATH_COMPONENTS = ( ( 'beta_grpc_plugin_test', 'payload', 'test_payload.proto', ), ( 'beta_grpc_plugin_test', 'requests', 'r', 'test_requests.proto', ), ( 'beta_grpc_plugin_test', 'responses', 'test_responses.proto', ), ( 'beta_grpc_plugin_test', 'service', 'test_service.proto', ), ) _PAYLOAD_PB2 = 'beta_grpc_plugin_test.payload.test_payload_pb2' _REQUESTS_PB2 = 'beta_grpc_plugin_test.requests.r.test_requests_pb2' _RESPONSES_PB2 = 'beta_grpc_plugin_test.responses.test_responses_pb2' _SERVICE_PB2 = 'beta_grpc_plugin_test.service.test_service_pb2' # Identifiers of entities we expect to find in the generated module. SERVICER_IDENTIFIER = 'BetaTestServiceServicer' STUB_IDENTIFIER = 'BetaTestServiceStub' SERVER_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER = 'beta_create_TestService_server' STUB_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER = 'beta_create_TestService_stub' @contextlib.contextmanager def _system_path(path_insertion): old_system_path = sys.path[:] sys.path = sys.path[0:1] + path_insertion + sys.path[1:] yield sys.path = old_system_path def _create_directory_tree(root, path_components_sequence): created = set() for path_components in path_components_sequence: thus_far = '' for path_component in path_components: relative_path = path.join(thus_far, path_component) if relative_path not in created: os.makedirs(path.join(root, relative_path)) created.add(relative_path) thus_far = path.join(thus_far, path_component) def _massage_proto_content(raw_proto_content): imports_substituted = raw_proto_content.replace( b'import "tests/protoc_plugin/protos/', b'import "beta_grpc_plugin_test/') package_statement_substituted = imports_substituted.replace( b'package grpc_protoc_plugin;', b'package beta_grpc_protoc_plugin;') return package_statement_substituted def _packagify(directory): for subdirectory, _, _ in os.walk(directory): init_file_name = path.join(subdirectory, '__init__.py') with open(init_file_name, 'wb') as init_file: init_file.write(b'') class _ServicerMethods(object): def __init__(self, payload_pb2, responses_pb2): self._condition = threading.Condition() self._paused = False self._fail = False self._payload_pb2 = payload_pb2 self._responses_pb2 = responses_pb2 @contextlib.contextmanager def pause(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name with self._condition: self._paused = True yield with self._condition: self._paused = False self._condition.notify_all() @contextlib.contextmanager def fail(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name with self._condition: self._fail = True yield with self._condition: self._fail = False def _control(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name with self._condition: if self._fail: raise ValueError() while self._paused: self._condition.wait() def UnaryCall(self, request, unused_rpc_context): response = self._responses_pb2.SimpleResponse() response.payload.payload_type = self._payload_pb2.COMPRESSABLE response.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' * request.response_size self._control() return response def StreamingOutputCall(self, request, unused_rpc_context): for parameter in request.response_parameters: response = self._responses_pb2.StreamingOutputCallResponse() response.payload.payload_type = self._payload_pb2.COMPRESSABLE response.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' * parameter.size self._control() yield response def StreamingInputCall(self, request_iter, unused_rpc_context): response = self._responses_pb2.StreamingInputCallResponse() aggregated_payload_size = 0 for request in request_iter: aggregated_payload_size += len(request.payload.payload_compressable) response.aggregated_payload_size = aggregated_payload_size self._control() return response def FullDuplexCall(self, request_iter, unused_rpc_context): for request in request_iter: for parameter in request.response_parameters: response = self._responses_pb2.StreamingOutputCallResponse() response.payload.payload_type = self._payload_pb2.COMPRESSABLE response.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' * parameter.size self._control() yield response def HalfDuplexCall(self, request_iter, unused_rpc_context): responses = [] for request in request_iter: for parameter in request.response_parameters: response = self._responses_pb2.StreamingOutputCallResponse() response.payload.payload_type = self._payload_pb2.COMPRESSABLE response.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' * parameter.size self._control() responses.append(response) for response in responses: yield response @contextlib.contextmanager def _CreateService(payload_pb2, responses_pb2, service_pb2): """Provides a servicer backend and a stub. The servicer is just the implementation of the actual servicer passed to the face player of the python RPC implementation; the two are detached. Yields: A (servicer_methods, stub) pair where servicer_methods is the back-end of the service bound to the stub and stub is the stub on which to invoke RPCs. """ servicer_methods = _ServicerMethods(payload_pb2, responses_pb2) class Servicer(getattr(service_pb2, SERVICER_IDENTIFIER)): def UnaryCall(self, request, context): return servicer_methods.UnaryCall(request, context) def StreamingOutputCall(self, request, context): return servicer_methods.StreamingOutputCall(request, context) def StreamingInputCall(self, request_iter, context): return servicer_methods.StreamingInputCall(request_iter, context) def FullDuplexCall(self, request_iter, context): return servicer_methods.FullDuplexCall(request_iter, context) def HalfDuplexCall(self, request_iter, context): return servicer_methods.HalfDuplexCall(request_iter, context) servicer = Servicer() server = getattr(service_pb2, SERVER_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER)(servicer) port = server.add_insecure_port('[::]:0') server.start() channel = implementations.insecure_channel('localhost', port) stub = getattr(service_pb2, STUB_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER)(channel) yield servicer_methods, stub server.stop(0) @contextlib.contextmanager def _CreateIncompleteService(service_pb2): """Provides a servicer backend that fails to implement methods and its stub. The servicer is just the implementation of the actual servicer passed to the face player of the python RPC implementation; the two are detached. Args: service_pb2: The service_pb2 module generated by this test. Yields: A (servicer_methods, stub) pair where servicer_methods is the back-end of the service bound to the stub and stub is the stub on which to invoke RPCs. """ class Servicer(getattr(service_pb2, SERVICER_IDENTIFIER)): pass servicer = Servicer() server = getattr(service_pb2, SERVER_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER)(servicer) port = server.add_insecure_port('[::]:0') server.start() channel = implementations.insecure_channel('localhost', port) stub = getattr(service_pb2, STUB_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER)(channel) yield None, stub server.stop(0) def _streaming_input_request_iterator(payload_pb2, requests_pb2): for _ in range(3): request = requests_pb2.StreamingInputCallRequest() request.payload.payload_type = payload_pb2.COMPRESSABLE request.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' yield request def _streaming_output_request(requests_pb2): request = requests_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() sizes = [1, 2, 3] request.response_parameters.add(size=sizes[0], interval_us=0) request.response_parameters.add(size=sizes[1], interval_us=0) request.response_parameters.add(size=sizes[2], interval_us=0) return request def _full_duplex_request_iterator(requests_pb2): request = requests_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=1, interval_us=0) yield request request = requests_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=2, interval_us=0) request.response_parameters.add(size=3, interval_us=0) yield request class PythonPluginTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test case for the gRPC Python protoc-plugin. While reading these tests, remember that the futures API (`stub.method.future()`) only gives futures for the *response-unary* methods and does not exist for response-streaming methods. """ def setUp(self): self._directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='.') self._proto_path = path.join(self._directory, _RELATIVE_PROTO_PATH) self._python_out = path.join(self._directory, _RELATIVE_PYTHON_OUT) os.makedirs(self._proto_path) os.makedirs(self._python_out) directories_path_components = { proto_file_path_components[:-1] for proto_file_path_components in _PROTO_FILES_PATH_COMPONENTS } _create_directory_tree(self._proto_path, directories_path_components) self._proto_file_names = set() for proto_file_path_components in _PROTO_FILES_PATH_COMPONENTS: raw_proto_content = pkgutil.get_data( 'tests.protoc_plugin.protos', path.join(*proto_file_path_components[1:])) massaged_proto_content = _massage_proto_content(raw_proto_content) proto_file_name = path.join(self._proto_path, *proto_file_path_components) with open(proto_file_name, 'wb') as proto_file: proto_file.write(massaged_proto_content) self._proto_file_names.add(proto_file_name) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self._directory) def _protoc(self): args = [ '', '--proto_path={}'.format(self._proto_path), '--python_out={}'.format(self._python_out), '--grpc_python_out=grpc_1_0:{}'.format(self._python_out), ] + list(self._proto_file_names) protoc_exit_code = protoc.main(args) self.assertEqual(0, protoc_exit_code) _packagify(self._python_out) with _system_path([self._python_out]): self._payload_pb2 = importlib.import_module(_PAYLOAD_PB2) self._requests_pb2 = importlib.import_module(_REQUESTS_PB2) self._responses_pb2 = importlib.import_module(_RESPONSES_PB2) self._service_pb2 = importlib.import_module(_SERVICE_PB2) def testImportAttributes(self): self._protoc() # check that we can access the generated module and its members. self.assertIsNotNone( getattr(self._service_pb2, SERVICER_IDENTIFIER, None)) self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(self._service_pb2, STUB_IDENTIFIER, None)) self.assertIsNotNone( getattr(self._service_pb2, SERVER_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER, None)) self.assertIsNotNone( getattr(self._service_pb2, STUB_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER, None)) def testUpDown(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2): self._requests_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) def testIncompleteServicer(self): self._protoc() with _CreateIncompleteService(self._service_pb2) as (_, stub): request = self._requests_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) try: stub.UnaryCall(request, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) except face.AbortionError as error: self.assertEqual(interfaces.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED, error.code) def testUnaryCall(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request = self._requests_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) response = stub.UnaryCall(request, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) expected_response = methods.UnaryCall(request, 'not a real context!') self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testUnaryCallFuture(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request = self._requests_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) # Check that the call does not block waiting for the server to respond. with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.UnaryCall.future( request, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) response = response_future.result() expected_response = methods.UnaryCall(request, 'not a real RpcContext!') self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testUnaryCallFutureExpired(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request = self._requests_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.UnaryCall.future( request, test_constants.SHORT_TIMEOUT) with self.assertRaises(face.ExpirationError): response_future.result() def testUnaryCallFutureCancelled(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request = self._requests_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.UnaryCall.future(request, 1) response_future.cancel() self.assertTrue(response_future.cancelled()) def testUnaryCallFutureFailed(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request = self._requests_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) with methods.fail(): response_future = stub.UnaryCall.future( request, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) self.assertIsNotNone(response_future.exception()) def testStreamingOutputCall(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request = _streaming_output_request(self._requests_pb2) responses = stub.StreamingOutputCall(request, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) expected_responses = methods.StreamingOutputCall( request, 'not a real RpcContext!') for expected_response, response in moves.zip_longest( expected_responses, responses): self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testStreamingOutputCallExpired(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request = _streaming_output_request(self._requests_pb2) with methods.pause(): responses = stub.StreamingOutputCall( request, test_constants.SHORT_TIMEOUT) with self.assertRaises(face.ExpirationError): list(responses) def testStreamingOutputCallCancelled(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request = _streaming_output_request(self._requests_pb2) responses = stub.StreamingOutputCall(request, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) next(responses) responses.cancel() with self.assertRaises(face.CancellationError): next(responses) def testStreamingOutputCallFailed(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request = _streaming_output_request(self._requests_pb2) with methods.fail(): responses = stub.StreamingOutputCall(request, 1) self.assertIsNotNone(responses) with self.assertRaises(face.RemoteError): next(responses) def testStreamingInputCall(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): response = stub.StreamingInputCall( _streaming_input_request_iterator(self._payload_pb2, self._requests_pb2), test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) expected_response = methods.StreamingInputCall( _streaming_input_request_iterator(self._payload_pb2, self._requests_pb2), 'not a real RpcContext!') self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testStreamingInputCallFuture(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.StreamingInputCall.future( _streaming_input_request_iterator(self._payload_pb2, self._requests_pb2), test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) response = response_future.result() expected_response = methods.StreamingInputCall( _streaming_input_request_iterator(self._payload_pb2, self._requests_pb2), 'not a real RpcContext!') self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testStreamingInputCallFutureExpired(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.StreamingInputCall.future( _streaming_input_request_iterator(self._payload_pb2, self._requests_pb2), test_constants.SHORT_TIMEOUT) with self.assertRaises(face.ExpirationError): response_future.result() self.assertIsInstance(response_future.exception(), face.ExpirationError) def testStreamingInputCallFutureCancelled(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.StreamingInputCall.future( _streaming_input_request_iterator(self._payload_pb2, self._requests_pb2), test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) response_future.cancel() self.assertTrue(response_future.cancelled()) with self.assertRaises(future.CancelledError): response_future.result() def testStreamingInputCallFutureFailed(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): with methods.fail(): response_future = stub.StreamingInputCall.future( _streaming_input_request_iterator(self._payload_pb2, self._requests_pb2), test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) self.assertIsNotNone(response_future.exception()) def testFullDuplexCall(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): responses = stub.FullDuplexCall( _full_duplex_request_iterator(self._requests_pb2), test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) expected_responses = methods.FullDuplexCall( _full_duplex_request_iterator(self._requests_pb2), 'not a real RpcContext!') for expected_response, response in moves.zip_longest( expected_responses, responses): self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testFullDuplexCallExpired(self): self._protoc() request_iterator = _full_duplex_request_iterator(self._requests_pb2) with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): with methods.pause(): responses = stub.FullDuplexCall(request_iterator, test_constants.SHORT_TIMEOUT) with self.assertRaises(face.ExpirationError): list(responses) def testFullDuplexCallCancelled(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): request_iterator = _full_duplex_request_iterator(self._requests_pb2) responses = stub.FullDuplexCall(request_iterator, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) next(responses) responses.cancel() with self.assertRaises(face.CancellationError): next(responses) def testFullDuplexCallFailed(self): self._protoc() request_iterator = _full_duplex_request_iterator(self._requests_pb2) with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): with methods.fail(): responses = stub.FullDuplexCall(request_iterator, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) self.assertIsNotNone(responses) with self.assertRaises(face.RemoteError): next(responses) def testHalfDuplexCall(self): self._protoc() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): def half_duplex_request_iterator(): request = self._requests_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=1, interval_us=0) yield request request = self._requests_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=2, interval_us=0) request.response_parameters.add(size=3, interval_us=0) yield request responses = stub.HalfDuplexCall(half_duplex_request_iterator(), test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT) expected_responses = methods.HalfDuplexCall( half_duplex_request_iterator(), 'not a real RpcContext!') for check in moves.zip_longest(expected_responses, responses): expected_response, response = check self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testHalfDuplexCallWedged(self): self._protoc() condition = threading.Condition() wait_cell = [False] @contextlib.contextmanager def wait(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Where's Python 3's 'nonlocal' statement when you need it? with condition: wait_cell[0] = True yield with condition: wait_cell[0] = False condition.notify_all() def half_duplex_request_iterator(): request = self._requests_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=1, interval_us=0) yield request with condition: while wait_cell[0]: condition.wait() with _CreateService(self._payload_pb2, self._responses_pb2, self._service_pb2) as (methods, stub): with wait(): responses = stub.HalfDuplexCall(half_duplex_request_iterator(), test_constants.SHORT_TIMEOUT) # half-duplex waits for the client to send all info with self.assertRaises(face.ExpirationError): next(responses) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2)
id_mappings = { "EX1_097": "Abomination", "CS2_188": "Abusive Sergeant", "EX1_007": "Acolyte of Pain", "NEW1_010": "Al'Akir the Windlord", "EX1_006": "Alarm-o-Bot", "EX1_382": "Aldor Peacekeeper", "EX1_561": "Alexstrasza", "EX1_393": "Amani Berserker", "CS2_038": "Ancestral Spirit", "EX1_057": "Ancient Brewmaster", "EX1_584": "Ancient Mage", "NEW1_008b": "Ancient Secrets", "NEW1_008a": "Ancient Teachings", "EX1_045": "Ancient Watcher", "NEW1_008": "Ancient of Lore", "EX1_178": "Ancient of War", "EX1_009": "Angry Chicken", "EX1_398": "Arathi Weaponsmith", "EX1_089": "Arcane Golem", "EX1_559": "Archmage Antonidas", "EX1_067": "Argent Commander", "EX1_362": "Argent Protector", "EX1_008": "Argent Squire", "EX1_402": "Armorsmith", "EX1_383t": "Ashbringer", "EX1_591": "Auchenai Soulpriest", "EX1_384": "Avenging Wrath", "EX1_284": "Azure Drake", "EX1_110t": "Baine Bloodhoof", "EX1_014t": "Bananas", "EX1_320": "Bane of Doom", "EX1_249": "Baron Geddon", "EX1_398t": "Battle Axe", "EX1_392": "Battle Rage", "EX1_165b": "Bear Form", "EX1_549": "Bestial Wrath", "EX1_126": "Betrayal", "EX1_005": "Big Game Hunter", "EX1_570": "Bite", "CS2_233": "Blade Flurry", "EX1_355": "Blessed Champion", "EX1_363": "Blessing of Wisdom", "CS2_028": "Blizzard", "EX1_323w": "Blood Fury", "CS2_059": "Blood Imp", "EX1_590": "Blood Knight", "EX1_012": "Bloodmage Thalnos", "NEW1_025": "Bloodsail Corsair", "NEW1_018": "Bloodsail Raider", "EX1_407": "Brawl", "EX1_091": "Cabal Shadow Priest", "EX1_110": "Cairne Bloodhoof", "NEW1_024": "Captain Greenskin", "EX1_165a": "Cat Form", "EX1_573": "Cenarius", "EX1_621": "Circle of Healing", "CS2_073": "Cold Blood", "EX1_050": "Coldlight Oracle", "EX1_103": "Coldlight Seer", "NEW1_036": "Commanding Shout", "EX1_128": "Conceal", "EX1_275": "Cone of Cold", "EX1_287": "Counterspell", "EX1_059": "Crazed Alchemist", "EX1_603": "Cruel Taskmaster", "EX1_595": "Cult Master", "skele21": "Damaged Golem", "EX1_046": "Dark Iron Dwarf", "EX1_617": "Deadly Shot", "NEW1_030": "Deathwing", "EX1_130a": "Defender", "EX1_093": "Defender of Argus", "EX1_131t": "Defias Bandit", "EX1_131": "Defias Ringleader", "EX1_573a": "Demigod's Favor", "EX1_102": "Demolisher", "EX1_596": "Demonfire", "EX1_tk29": "Devilsaur", "EX1_162": "Dire Wolf Alpha", "EX1_166b": "Dispel", "EX1_349": "Divine Favor", "EX1_310": "Doomguard", "EX1_567": "Doomhammer", "NEW1_021": "Doomsayer", "NEW1_022": "Dread Corsair", "DREAM_04": "Dream", "EX1_165t2": "Druid of the Claw (bear)", "EX1_165": "Druid of the Claw", "EX1_165t1": "Druid of the Claw (cat)", "EX1_243": "Dust Devil", "EX1_536": "Eaglehorn Bow", "EX1_250": "Earth Elemental", "EX1_245": "Earth Shock", "CS2_117": "Earthen Ring Farseer", "EX1_613": "Edwin VanCleef", "DREAM_03": "Emerald Drake", "EX1_170": "Emperor Cobra", "EX1_619": "Equality", "EX1_274": "Ethereal Arcanist", "EX1_124": "Eviscerate", "EX1_537": "Explosive Shot", "EX1_610": "Explosive Trap", "EX1_132": "Eye for an Eye", "EX1_564": "Faceless Manipulator", "NEW1_023": "Faerie Dragon", "CS2_053": "Far Sight", "EX1_301": "Felguard", "CS1_069": "Fen Creeper", "EX1_248": "Feral Spirit", "EX1_finkle": "Finkle Einhorn", "EX1_319": "Flame Imp", "EX1_614t": "Flame of Azzinoth", "EX1_544": "Flare", "tt_004": "Flesheating Ghoul", "EX1_571": "Force of Nature", "EX1_251": "Forked Lightning", "EX1_611": "Freezing Trap", "EX1_283": "Frost Elemental", "EX1_604": "Frothing Berserker", "EX1_095": "Gadgetzan Auctioneer", "DS1_188": "Gladiator's Longbow", "NEW1_040t": "Gnoll", "EX1_411": "Gorehowl", "EX1_414": "Grommash Hellscream", "NEW1_038": "Gruul", "EX1_558": "Harrison Jones", "EX1_556": "Harvest Golem", "EX1_137": "Headcrack", "EX1_409t": "Heavy Axe", "NEW1_040": "Hogger", "EX1_624": "Holy Fire", "EX1_365": "Holy Wrath", "EX1_538t": "Hound", "NEW1_017": "Hungry Crab", "EX1_534t": "Hyena", "EX1_289": "Ice Barrier", "EX1_295": "Ice Block", "CS2_031": "Ice Lance", "EX1_614": "Illidan Stormrage", "EX1_598": "Imp", "EX1_597": "Imp Master", "EX1_tk34": "Infernal", "CS2_181": "Injured Blademaster", "CS1_129": "Inner Fire", "EX1_607": "Inner Rage", "CS2_203": "Ironbeak Owl", "EX1_017": "Jungle Panther", "EX1_166": "Keeper of the Grove", "NEW1_005": "Kidnapper", "EX1_543": "King Krush", "EX1_014": "King Mukla", "EX1_612": "Kirin Tor Mage", "NEW1_019": "Knife Juggler", "DREAM_01": "Laughing Sister", "EX1_241": "Lava Burst", "EX1_354": "Lay on Hands", "EX1_160b": "Leader of the Pack", "EX1_116": "Leeroy Jenkins", "EX1_029": "Leper Gnome", "EX1_238": "Lightning Bolt", "EX1_259": "Lightning Storm", "EX1_335": "Lightspawn", "EX1_001": "Lightwarden", "EX1_341": "Lightwell", "EX1_096": "Loot Hoarder", "EX1_323": "Lord Jaraxxus", "EX1_100": "Lorewalker Cho", "EX1_082": "Mad Bomber", "EX1_563": "Malygos", "EX1_055": "Mana Addict", "EX1_575": "Mana Tide Totem", "EX1_616": "Mana Wraith", "NEW1_012": "Mana Wyrm", "EX1_155": "Mark of Nature", "EX1_155b": "Mark of Nature", "EX1_155a": "Mark of Nature", "EX1_626": "Mass Dispel", "NEW1_037": "Master Swordsmith", "NEW1_014": "Master of Disguise", "NEW1_029": "Millhouse Manastorm", "EX1_085": "Mind Control Tech", "EX1_345": "Mindgames", "EX1_294": "Mirror Entity", "EX1_533": "Misdirection", "EX1_396": "Mogu'shan Warden", "EX1_620": "Molten Giant", "EX1_166a": "Moonfire", "EX1_408": "Mortal Strike", "EX1_105": "Mountain Giant", "EX1_509": "Murloc Tidecaller", "EX1_507": "Murloc Warleader", "EX1_557": "Nat Pagle", "EX1_161": "Naturalize", "DREAM_05": "Nightmare", "EX1_130": "Noble Sacrifice", "EX1_164b": "Nourish", "EX1_164a": "Nourish", "EX1_164": "Nourish", "EX1_560": "Nozdormu", "EX1_562": "Onyxia", "EX1_160t": "Panther", "EX1_522": "Patient Assassin", "EX1_133": "Perdition's Blade", "EX1_076": "Pint-Sized Summoner", "EX1_313": "Pit Lord", "EX1_316": "Power Overwhelming", "EX1_160": "Power of the Wild", "EX1_145": "Preparation", "EX1_583": "Priestess of Elune", "EX1_350": "Prophet Velen", "EX1_279": "Pyroblast", "EX1_044": "Questing Adventurer", "EX1_412": "Raging Worgen", "EX1_298": "Ragnaros the Firelord", "CS2_104": "Rampage", "CS2_161": "Ravenholdt Assassin", "EX1_136": "Redemption", "EX1_379": "Repentance", "EX1_178a": "Rooted", "EX1_134": "SI:7 Agent", "EX1_578": "Savagery", "EX1_534": "Savannah Highmane", "EX1_020": "Scarlet Crusader", "EX1_531": "Scavenging Hyena", "EX1_586": "Sea Giant", "EX1_080": "Secretkeeper", "EX1_317": "Sense Demons", "EX1_334": "Shadow Madness", "EX1_345t": "Shadow of Nothing", "EX1_303": "Shadowflame", "EX1_625": "Shadowform", "EX1_144": "Shadowstep", "EX1_573b": "Shan'do's Lesson", "EX1_410": "Shield Slam", "EX1_405": "Shieldbearer", "EX1_332": "Silence", "CS2_151": "Silver Hand Knight", "EX1_023": "Silvermoon Guardian", "EX1_309": "Siphon Soul", "EX1_391": "Slam", "EX1_554t": "Snake", "EX1_554": "Snake Trap", "EX1_609": "Snipe", "EX1_608": "Sorcerer's Apprentice", "EX1_158": "Soul of the Forest", "NEW1_027": "Southsea Captain", "CS2_146": "Southsea Deckhand", "tt_010a": "Spellbender (minion)", "tt_010": "Spellbender", "EX1_048": "Spellbreaker", "EX1_tk11": "Spirit Wolf", "CS2_221": "Spiteful Smith", "CS2_152": "Squire", "EX1_tk28": "Squirrel", "NEW1_041": "Stampeding Kodo", "NEW1_007a": "Starfall", "NEW1_007b": "Starfall", "NEW1_007": "Starfall", "EX1_247": "Stormforged Axe", "EX1_028": "Stranglethorn Tiger", "EX1_160a": "Summon a Panther", "EX1_315": "Summoning Portal", "EX1_058": "Sunfury Protector", "EX1_032": "Sunwalker", "EX1_366": "Sword of Justice", "EX1_016": "Sylvanas Windrunner", "EX1_390": "Tauren Warrior", "EX1_623": "Temple Enforcer", "EX1_577": "The Beast", "EX1_002": "The Black Knight", "EX1_339": "Thoughtsteal", "EX1_021": "Thrallmar Farseer", "EX1_083": "Tinkmaster Overspark", "EX1_383": "Tirion Fordring", "EX1_tk9": "Treant (charge)", "EX1_573t": "Treant (taunt)", "EX1_158t": "Treant", "EX1_043": "Twilight Drake", "EX1_312": "Twisting Nether", "EX1_258": "Unbound Elemental", "EX1_538": "Unleash the Hounds", "EX1_409": "Upgrade!", "EX1_178b": "Uproot", "EX1_594": "Vaporize", "CS2_227": "Venture Co. Mercenary", "NEW1_026t": "Violet Apprentice", "NEW1_026": "Violet Teacher", "EX1_304": "Void Terror", "ds1_whelptoken": "Whelp", "EX1_116t": "Whelp", "NEW1_020": "Wild Pyromancer", "EX1_033": "Windfury Harpy", "CS2_231": "Wisp", "EX1_010": "Worgen Infiltrator", "EX1_317t": "Worthless Imp", "EX1_154b": "Wrath", "EX1_154a": "Wrath", "EX1_154": "Wrath", "CS2_169": "Young Dragonhawk", "EX1_004": "Young Priestess", "EX1_049": "Youthful Brewmaster", "EX1_572": "Ysera", "DREAM_02": "Ysera Awakens", "EX1_066": "Acidic Swamp Ooze", "CS2_041": "Ancestral Healing", "NEW1_031": "Animal Companion", "CS2_025": "Arcane Explosion", "CS2_023": "Arcane Intellect", "EX1_277": "Arcane Missiles", "DS1_185": "Arcane Shot", "CS2_112": "Arcanite Reaper", "CS2_155": "Archmage", "CS2_080": "Assassin's Blade", "CS2_076": "Assassinate", "GAME_002": "Avatar of the Coin", "CS2_072": "Backstab", "CS2_092": "Blessing of Kings", "CS2_087": "Blessing of Might", "CS2_172": "Bloodfen Raptor", "CS2_046": "Bloodlust", "CS2_173": "Bluegill Warrior", "CS2_boar": "Boar", "CS2_187": "Booty Bay Bodyguard", "CS2_200": "Boulderfist Ogre", "CS2_103": "Charge", "CS2_182": "Chillwind Yeti", "CS2_005": "Claw", "CS2_114": "Cleave", "CS2_093": "Consecration", "CS2_201": "Core Hound", "CS2_063": "Corruption", "EX1_582": "Dalaran Mage", "DS1_055": "Darkscale Healer", "CS2_074": "Deadly Poison", "CS2_236": "Divine Spirit", "EX1_025": "Dragonling Mechanic", "CS2_061": "Drain Life", "CS2_064": "Dread Infernal", "CS2_189": "Elven Archer", "CS2_013t": "Excess Mana", "CS2_108": "Execute", "EX1_129": "Fan of Knives", "CS2_106": "Fiery War Axe", "CS2_042": "Fire Elemental", "CS2_029": "Fireball", "CS2_032": "Flamestrike", "EX1_565": "Flametongue Totem", "hexfrog": "Frog", "CS2_026": "Frost Nova", "CS2_037": "Frost Shock", "CS2_024": "Frostbolt", "CS2_121": "Frostwolf Grunt", "CS2_226": "Frostwolf Warlord", "CS2_147": "Gnomish Inventor", "CS1_042": "Goldshire Footman", "EX1_508": "Grimscale Oracle", "CS2_088": "Guardian of Kings", "EX1_399": "Gurubashi Berserker", "CS2_094": "Hammer of Wrath", "EX1_371": "Hand of Protection", "NEW1_009": "Healing Totem", "CS2_007": "Healing Touch", "CS2_062": "Hellfire", "CS2_105": "Heroic Strike", "EX1_246": "Hex", "CS2_089": "Holy Light", "CS1_112": "Holy Nova", "CS1_130": "Holy Smite", "DS1_070": "Houndmaster", "NEW1_034": "Huffer", "EX1_360": "Humility", "CS2_084": "Hunter's Mark", "EX1_169": "Innervate", "CS2_232": "Ironbark Protector", "CS2_141": "Ironforge Rifleman", "CS2_125": "Ironfur Grizzly", "EX1_539": "Kill Command", "CS2_142": "Kobold Geomancer", "NEW1_011": "Kor'kron Elite", "NEW1_033": "Leokk", "CS2_091": "Light's Justice", "CS2_162": "Lord of the Arena", "CS2_118": "Magma Rager", "CS2_009": "Mark of the Wild", "EX1_025t": "Mechanical Dragonling", "DS1_233": "Mind Blast", "CS1_113": "Mind Control", "CS2_003": "Mind Vision", "CS2_mirror": "Mirror Image (minion)", "CS2_027": "Mirror Image", "NEW1_032": "Misha", "CS2_008": "Moonfire", "EX1_302": "Mortal Coil", "DS1_183": "Multi-Shot", "CS2_168": "Murloc Raider", "EX1_506a": "Murloc Scout", "EX1_506": "Murloc Tidehunter", "GAME_006": "NOOOOOOOOOOOO", "EX1_593": "Nightblade", "CS2_235": "Northshire Cleric", "EX1_015": "Novice Engineer", "CS2_119": "Oasis Snapjaw", "CS2_197": "Ogre Magi", "CS2_022": "Polymorph", "CS2_004": "Power Word: Shield", "CS2_122": "Raid Leader", "CS2_196": "Razorfen Hunter", "CS2_213": "Reckless Rocketeer", "CS2_120": "River Crocolisk", "CS2_045": "Rockbiter Weapon", "NEW1_003": "Sacrificial Pact", "EX1_581": "Sap", "CS2_011": "Savage Roar", "CS2_050": "Searing Totem", "CS2_179": "Sen'jin Shieldmasta", "CS2_057": "Shadow Bolt", "EX1_622": "Shadow Word: Death", "CS2_234": "Shadow Word: Pain", "EX1_019": "Shattered Sun Cleric", "CS2_tk1": "Sheep", "EX1_606": "Shield Block", "EX1_278": "Shiv", "CS2_101t": "Silver Hand Recruit", "CS2_127": "Silverback Patriarch", "CS2_075": "Sinister Strike", "skele11": "Skeleton", "EX1_308": "Soulfire", "CS2_077": "Sprint", "EX1_173": "Starfire", "CS2_237": "Starving Buzzard", "CS2_051": "Stoneclaw Totem", "CS2_171": "Stonetusk Boar", "CS2_150": "Stormpike Commando", "CS2_222": "Stormwind Champion", "CS2_131": "Stormwind Knight", "EX1_306": "Succubus", "CS2_012": "Swipe", "GAME_005": "The Coin", "DS1_175": "Timber Wolf", "EX1_244": "Totemic Might", "DS1_184": "Tracking", "CS2_097": "Truesilver Champion", "DS1_178": "Tundra Rhino", "NEW1_004": "Vanish", "CS2_065": "Voidwalker", "EX1_011": "Voodoo Doctor", "CS2_186": "War Golem", "EX1_084": "Warsong Commander", "CS2_033": "Water Elemental", "EX1_400": "Whirlwind", "CS2_082": "Wicked Knife", "CS2_013": "Wild Growth", "CS2_039": "Windfury", "EX1_587": "Windspeaker", "CS2_124": "Wolfrider", "CS2_052": "Wrath of Air Totem", "FP1_026": "Anub'ar Ambusher", "FP1_020": "Avenge", "FP1_031": "Baron Rivendare", "FP1_029": "Dancing Swords", "FP1_023": "Dark Cultist", "FP1_021": "Death's Bite", "NAX6_03": "Deathbloom", "FP1_006": "Deathcharger", "FP1_009": "Deathlord", "FP1_018": "Duplicate", "FP1_003": "Echoing Ooze", "NAX12_04": "Enrage", "NAX11_03": "Fallout Slime", "NAX13_04H": "Feugen", "FP1_015": "Feugen", "NAX14_03": "Frozen Champion", "NAX15_03t": "Guardian of Icecrown", "NAX15_03n": "Guardian of Icecrown", "FP1_002": "Haunted Creeper", "NAX10_02": "Hook", "NAX10_02H": "Hook", "NAX12_03": "Jaws", "NAX12_03H": "Jaws", "FP1_013": "Kel'Thuzad", "NAX9_02H": "Lady Blaumeux", "NAX9_02": "Lady Blaumeux", "FP1_030": "Loatheb", "NAX1_05": "Locust Swarm", "FP1_004": "Mad Scientist", "FP1_010": "Maexxna", "NAX9_07": "Mark of the Horsemen", "NAX7_04H": "Massive Runeblade", "NAX7_04": "Massive Runeblade", "NAX7_05": "Mind Control Crystal", "NAX5_03": "Mindpocalypse", "NAX15_05": "Mr. Bigglesworth", "NAX11_04": "Mutating Injection", "NAXM_001": "Necroknight", "NAX3_03": "Necrotic Poison", "FP1_017": "Nerub'ar Weblord", "NAX1h_03": "Nerubian (normal)", "NAX1_03": "Nerubian (heroic)", "FP1_007t": "Nerubian", "FP1_007": "Nerubian Egg", "NAX4_05": "Plague", "FP1_019": "Poison Seeds", "NAX14_04": "Pure Cold", "FP1_025": "Reincarnate", "NAX9_05H": "Runeblade", "NAX9_05": "Runeblade", "FP1_005": "Shade of Naxxramas", "NAX9_04": "Sir Zeliek", "NAX9_04H": "Sir Zeliek", "NAXM_002": "Skeletal Smith", "NAX4_03H": "Skeleton", "NAX4_03": "Skeleton", "FP1_012t": "Slime", "FP1_012": "Sludge Belcher", "FP1_008": "Spectral Knight", "NAX8_05t": "Spectral Rider", "FP1_002t": "Spectral Spider", "NAX8_03t": "Spectral Trainee", "NAX8_04t": "Spectral Warrior", "NAX6_03t": "Spore", "NAX6_04": "Sporeburst", "NAX13_05H": "Stalagg", "FP1_014": "Stalagg", "FP1_027": "Stoneskin Gargoyle", "NAX13_03": "Supercharge", "FP1_014t": "Thaddius", "NAX9_03H": "Thane Korth'azz", "NAX9_03": "Thane Korth'azz", "FP1_019t": "Treant (poison seeds)", "NAX7_02": "Understudy", "FP1_028": "Undertaker", "NAX8_05": "Unrelenting Rider", "NAX8_03": "Unrelenting Trainee", "NAX8_04": "Unrelenting Warrior", "FP1_024": "Unstable Ghoul", "FP1_022": "Voidcaller", "FP1_016": "Wailing Soul", "FP1_011": "Webspinner", "NAX2_05": "Worshipper", "NAX2_05H": "Worshipper", "FP1_001": "Zombie Chow", "GVG_029": "Ancestor's Call", "GVG_077": "Anima Golem", "GVG_085": "Annoy-o-Tron", "GVG_030": "Anodized Robo Cub", "GVG_069": "Antique Healbot", "GVG_091": "Arcane Nullifier X-21", "PART_001": "Armor Plating", "GVG_030a": "Attack Mode", "GVG_119": "Blingtron 3000", "GVG_063": "Bolvar Fordragon", "GVG_099": "Bomb Lobber", "GVG_110t": "Boom Bot", "GVG_050": "Bouncing Blade", "GVG_068": "Burly Rockjaw Trogg", "GVG_056t": "Burrowing Mine", "GVG_017": "Call Pet", "GVG_092t": "Chicken (Gnomish Experimenter)", "GVG_121": "Clockwork Giant", "GVG_082": "Clockwork Gnome", "GVG_062": "Cobalt Guardian", "GVG_073": "Cobra Shot", "GVG_059": "Coghammer", "GVG_013": "Cogmaster", "GVG_024": "Cogmaster's Wrench", "GVG_038": "Crackle", "GVG_052": "Crush", "GVG_041": "Dark Wispers", "GVG_041b": "Dark Wispers", "GVG_041a": "Dark Wispers", "GVG_015": "Darkbomb", "GVG_019": "Demonheart", "GVG_110": "Dr. Boom", "GVG_080t": "Druid of the Fang (cobra)", "GVG_080": "Druid of the Fang", "GVG_066": "Dunemaul Shaman", "GVG_005": "Echo of Medivh", "PART_005": "Emergency Coolant", "GVG_107": "Enhance-o Mechano", "GVG_076": "Explosive Sheep", "GVG_026": "Feign Death", "GVG_020": "Fel Cannon", "GVG_016": "Fel Reaver", "PART_004": "Finicky Cloakfield", "GVG_007": "Flame Leviathan", "GVG_001": "Flamecannon", "GVG_100": "Floating Watcher", "GVG_084": "Flying Machine", "GVG_113": "Foe Reaper 4000", "GVG_079": "Force-Tank MAX", "GVG_049": "Gahz'rilla", "GVG_028t": "Gallywix's Coin", "GVG_117": "Gazlowe", "GVG_032b": "Gift of Cards", "GVG_032a": "Gift of Mana", "GVG_081": "Gilblin Stalker", "GVG_043": "Glaivezooka", "GVG_098": "Gnomeregan Infantry", "GVG_092": "Gnomish Experimenter", "GVG_023": "Goblin Auto-Barber", "GVG_004": "Goblin Blastmage", "GVG_095": "Goblin Sapper", "GVG_032": "Grove Tender", "GVG_120": "Hemet Nesingwary", "GVG_104": "Hobgoblin", "GVG_089": "Illuminator", "GVG_045t": "Imp (warlock)", "GVG_045": "Imp-losion", "GVG_056": "Iron Juggernaut", "GVG_027": "Iron Sensei", "GVG_094": "Jeeves", "GVG_106": "Junkbot", "GVG_074": "Kezan Mystic", "GVG_046": "King of Beasts", "GVG_012": "Light of the Naaru", "GVG_008": "Lightbomb", "GVG_097": "Lil' Exorcist", "GVG_071": "Lost Tallstrider", "GVG_090": "Madder Bomber", "GVG_021": "Mal'Ganis", "GVG_035": "Malorne", "GVG_034": "Mech-Bear-Cat", "GVG_078": "Mechanical Yeti", "GVG_006": "Mechwarper", "GVG_116": "Mekgineer Thermaplugg", "GVG_048": "Metaltooth Leaper", "GVG_103": "Micro Machine", "GVG_111": "Mimiron's Head", "GVG_109": "Mini-Mage", "GVG_018": "Mistress of Pain", "GVG_112": "Mogor the Ogre", "GVG_061": "Muster for Battle", "GVG_042": "Neptulon", "GVG_065": "Ogre Brute", "GVG_088": "Ogre Ninja", "GVG_054": "Ogre Warmaul", "GVG_025": "One-eyed Cheat", "GVG_096": "Piloted Shredder", "GVG_105": "Piloted Sky Golem", "GVG_036": "Powermace", "GVG_064": "Puddlestomper", "GVG_060": "Quartermaster", "GVG_108": "Recombobulator", "GVG_031": "Recycle", "PART_006": "Reversing Switch", "PART_003": "Rusty Horn", "GVG_047": "Sabotage", "GVG_070": "Salty Dog", "GVG_101": "Scarlet Purifier", "GVG_055": "Screwjank Clunker", "GVG_057": "Seal of Light", "GVG_009": "Shadowbomber", "GVG_072": "Shadowboxer", "GVG_058": "Shielded Minibot", "GVG_053": "Shieldmaiden", "GVG_075": "Ship's Cannon", "GVG_011": "Shrinkmeister", "GVG_086": "Siege Engine", "GVG_040": "Siltfin Spiritwalker", "GVG_114": "Sneed's Old Shredder", "GVG_002": "Snowchugger", "GVG_123": "Soot Spewer", "GVG_044": "Spider Tank", "GVG_087": "Steamwheedle Sniper", "GVG_067": "Stonesplinter Trogg", "GVG_030b": "Tank Mode", "GVG_093": "Target Dummy", "PART_002": "Time Rewinder", "GVG_022": "Tinker's Sharpsword Oil", "GVG_102": "Tinkertown Technician", "GVG_115": "Toshley", "GVG_028": "Trade Prince Gallywix", "GVG_033": "Tree of Life", "GVG_118": "Troggzor the Earthinator", "GVG_003": "Unstable Portal", "GVG_083": "Upgraded Repair Bot", "GVG_111t": "V-07-TR-0N", "GVG_010": "Velen's Chosen", "GVG_039": "Vitality Totem", "GVG_014": "Vol'jin", "GVG_051": "Warbot", "GVG_122": "Wee Spellstopper", "PART_007": "Whirling Blades", "GVG_037": "Whirling Zap-o-matic", "NEW1_016": "Captain's Parrot", "EX1_062": "Old Murk-Eye", "Mekka4t": "Chicken", "PRO_001": "Elite Tauren Chieftain", "Mekka3": "Emboldener 3000", "EX1_112": "Gelbin Mekkatorque", "Mekka1": "Homing Chicken", "PRO_001a": "I Am Murloc", "PRO_001at": "Murloc", "Mekka4": "Poultryizer", "PRO_001c": "Power of the Horde", "Mekka2": "Repair Bot", "PRO_001b": "Rogues Do It...", "BRM_016": "Axe Flinger", "BRM_034": "Blackwing Corruptor", "BRM_033": "Blackwing Technician", "BRM_031": "Chromaggus", "BRM_014": "Core Rager", "BRM_008": "Dark Iron Skulker", "BRM_005": "Demonwrath", "BRM_018": "Dragon Consort", "BRM_022": "Dragon Egg", "BRM_003": "Dragon's Breath", "BRM_020": "Dragonkin Sorcerer", "BRM_024": "Drakonid Crusher", "BRM_010": "Druid of the Flame", "BRM_028": "Emperor Thaurissan", "BRM_012": "Fireguard Destroyer", "BRM_002": "Flamewaker", "BRM_007": "Gang Up", "BRM_019": "Grim Patron", "BRM_026": "Hungry Dragon", "BRM_006": "Imp Gang Boss", "BRM_011": "Lava Shock", "BRM_027": "Majordomo Executus", "BRM_030": "Nefarian", "BRM_013": "Quick Shot", "BRM_029": "Rend Blackhand", "BRM_017": "Resurrect", "BRM_015": "Revenge", "BRM_001": "Solemn Vigil", "BRM_004": "Twilight Whelp", "BRM_025": "Volcanic Drake", "BRM_009": "Volcanic Lumberer", }
import re from iota import * import praw import sqlite3 import random import string from iota.adapter.wrappers import RoutingWrapper import config import urllib.request from urllib.error import HTTPError import json import math node_address = config.node_address class api: def __init__(self,seed,prod=True): self.address_index = 1 if prod: self.init_db() self.iota_api = Iota( RoutingWrapper(node_address) .add_route('attachToTangle','http://localhost:14265'),seed) def init_db(self): self.conn = sqlite3.connect(config.database_name) self.db = self.conn.cursor() self.create_database() self.address_index = len(self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM usedAddresses").fetchall()) def init_custom_db(self,name): self.conn = sqlite3.connect(name) self.db = self.conn.cursor() self.create_database() self.address_index = len(self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM usedAddresses").fetchall()) def get_iota_value(self,amount): try: with urllib.request.urlopen('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/iota/') as url: data = json.loads(url.read().decode())[0] price = data['price_usd'] value = (amount/1000000)*float(price) return value except: return amount/1000000 #---------IOTA API FUNCTIONS--------------# def send_transfer(self,addr,amount): ret = self.iota_api.send_transfer( depth = 3, transfers = [ ProposedTransaction( address = Address( addr ), value = amount, ), ], min_weight_magnitude=15 ) return ret def get_account_balance(self): addresses = self.iota_api.get_new_addresses(0,self.address_index)['addresses'] balances = self.iota_api.get_balances(addresses)['balances'] total = 0 for balance in balances: total = total + balance return total def get_balance(self,address): address_data = self.iota_api.get_balances([address]) return address_data['balances'][0] def get_new_address(self): addresses = self.iota_api.get_new_addresses(self.address_index,1) for address in addresses['addresses']: address = address.with_valid_checksum() self.add_used_address(self.address_index,address._trytes.decode("utf-8")) self.address_index = self.address_index + 1 if self.get_balance(address) > 0: return self.get_new_address() return address def create_seed(self): seed = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + "9") for _ in range(81)) return seed def check_transaction(self,transaction): transaction_hash = transaction['bundle'].hash inclusion_states = self.iota_api.get_latest_inclusion([transaction_hash]) return inclusion_states['states'][transaction_hash] def replay_bundle(self,transaction): transaction_hash = transaction['bundle'].tail_transaction.hash self.iota_api.replay_bundle(transaction_hash,3,15) #-------------MESSAGE REGEX FUNCTIONS---------------# #Check if the message body or subject contains a fund/deposit request def is_deposit_request(self,message): fund_string = re.compile("Fund",re.I) deposit_string = re.compile("Deposit",re.I) match = fund_string.search(message.subject) if match: return True match = fund_string.search(message.body) if match: return True match = deposit_string.search(message.subject) if match: return True match = deposit_string.search(message.body) if match: return True return False #Check if the message body or subject contains a withdraw request def is_withdraw_request(self,message): withdraw_string = re.compile("Withdraw",re.I) match = withdraw_string.search(message.subject) if match: return True match = withdraw_string.search(message.body) if match: return True return False #Check if the message body or subject contains a balance request def is_balance_request(self,message): balance_string = re.compile("Balance",re.I) match = balance_string.search(message.subject) if match: return True match = balance_string.search(message.body) if match: return True return False #Check if the message body or subject contains a help/commands request def is_help_request(self,message): help_string = re.compile("Help",re.I) commands_string = re.compile("Commands",re.I) match = help_string.search(message.subject) if match: return True match = help_string.search(message.body) if match: return True match = commands_string.search(message.subject) if match: return True match = commands_string.search(message.body) if match: return True return False #Check if the message body contains an iota amount def contains_iota_amount(self,message): iota_amount_string = re.compile("([0-9]+)\s*iota",re.I) miota_amount_string = re.compile("([0-9]+)\s*miota",re.I) match = iota_amount_string.search(message.body) if match: return True match = miota_amount_string.search(message.body) if match: return True return False #Return the iota amount refrenced in the message, convets miota to iota def get_iota_tip_amount(self,message): iota_amount_string = re.compile("\+\s*([0-9]+)\s*iota",re.I) miota_amount_string = re.compile("\+\s*([0-9]+)\s*miota",re.I) match = iota_amount_string.search(message.body) if match: return int(match.group(1)) match = miota_amount_string.search(message.body) if match: return (int(match.group(1))*1000000) def get_iota_amount(self,message): iota_amount_string = re.compile("([0-9]+)\s*iota",re.I) miota_amount_string = re.compile("([0-9]+)\s*miota",re.I) match = iota_amount_string.search(message.body) if match: return int(match.group(1)) match = miota_amount_string.search(message.body) if match: return (int(match.group(1))*1000000) def get_message_address(self,message): address_string = re.compile("[A-Z,9]{90}") match = address_string.search(message.body) if match: return bytearray(match.group(0),"utf-8") else: return None def is_tip(self,comment): tip_string_iota = re.compile("\+\s*[0-9]+\s*iota",re.I) tip_string_miota = re.compile("\+\s*[0-9]+\s*miota",re.I) text = comment.body match = tip_string_iota.search(text) if match: return True match = tip_string_miota.search(text) if match: return True return False def is_donation_request(self,message): donate_string = re.compile("donat",re.I) match = donate_string.search(message.subject) if match: return True match = donate_string.search(message.body) if match: return True return False #--------------------Database Functions----------------------# def create_database(self): self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (redditUsername TEXT PRIMARY KEY, balance INTEGER)") self.conn.commit() self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS commentsRepliedTo (commentId TEXT PRIMARY KEY)") self.conn.commit() self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS usedAddresses (addressIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, address TEXT)") self.conn.commit() self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS depositRequests (messageId TEXT PRIMARY KEY, address TEXT)") self.conn.commit() self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS withdrawRequests (messageId TEXT PRIMARY KEY, address TEXT, amount INTEGER)") self.conn.commit() def add_new_user(self,reddit_username): entry = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE redditUsername=?",(reddit_username,)).fetchone() if not entry: self.db.execute("INSERT INTO users(redditUsername,balance) VALUES (?,?)",(reddit_username,0)) self.conn.commit() def set_balance(self,reddit_username, amount): entry = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE redditUsername=?",(reddit_username,)).fetchone() if entry: self.db.execute("UPDATE users SET balance=? WHERE redditUsername=?",(amount,reddit_username)) self.conn.commit() else: self.add_new_user(reddit_username) self.set_balance(reddit_username,amount) #Adds to a users balance def add_balance(self,reddit_username,amount): entry = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE redditUsername=?",(reddit_username,)).fetchone() if entry: balance = entry[1] balance = balance + amount self.set_balance(reddit_username,balance) else: self.add_new_user(reddit_username) self.add_balance(reddit_username,amount) #Subtracts from a users balance def subtract_balance(self,reddit_username,amount): entry = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE redditUsername=?",(reddit_username,)).fetchone() if entry: balance = entry[1] balance = balance - amount self.set_balance(reddit_username,balance) #Checks if the user has at least the given amount def check_balance(self,reddit_username,amount): entry = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE redditUsername=?",(reddit_username,)).fetchone() if entry: balance = entry[1] if amount > balance: return False else: return True else: return False #Gets the balance for the speicifed user def get_user_balance(self,reddit_username): entry = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE redditUsername=?",(reddit_username,)).fetchone() if entry: balance = entry[1] return balance else: self.add_new_user(reddit_username) return self.get_user_balance(reddit_username) def get_total_balance(self): query = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM users").fetchall() total = 0 for entry in query: total = total + entry[1] return total def get_comments_replied_to(self): query = self.db.execute("SELECT commentId FROM commentsRepliedTo").fetchall() comments = [] for entry in query: comments.append(entry[0]) return comments def add_replied_to_comment(self,commentId): self.db.execute("INSERT INTO commentsRepliedTo(commentId) VALUES (?)",(commentId,)) self.conn.commit() def add_used_address(self,index,address): self.db.execute("INSERT INTO usedAddresses(addressIndex,address) VALUES (?,?)",(index,address)) self.conn.commit() def add_deposit_request(self,request): if request['type'] == 'deposit': address = request['address'] reddit_username = request['reddit_username'] message = request['message'] message_id = message.fullname query = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM depositRequests WHERE messageId=?",(message_id,)).fetchone() if query is not None: return self.db.execute("INSERT INTO depositRequests(messageId,address) VALUES (?,?)",(message_id,address._trytes.decode("utf-8"))) self.conn.commit() def remove_deposit_request(self,request): if request['type'] == 'deposit': message = request['message'] message_id = message.fullname self.db.execute("DELETE FROM depositRequests WHERE messageId=?",(message_id,)) self.conn.commit() def get_deposit_requests(self): query = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM depositRequests") return query.fetchall() def add_withdraw_request(self,request): address = request['address'] message = request['message'] message_id = message.fullname amount = request['amount'] self.db.execute("INSERT INTO withdrawRequests(messageId,address,amount) VALUES (?,?,?)",(message_id,address.decode("utf-8"),amount)) self.conn.commit() def remove_withdraw_request(self,request): message = request['message'] message_id = message.fullname self.db.execute("DELETE FROM withdrawRequests WHERE messageId=?",(message_id,)) self.conn.commit() def get_withdraw_requests(self): query = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM withdrawRequests") return query.fetchall() def get_used_addresses(self): query = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM usedAddresses") return query.fetchall()
############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. # Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. # # This file is part of Spack. # Created by Todd Gamblin, tgamblin@llnl.gov, All rights reserved. # LLNL-CODE-647188 # # For details, see https://github.com/llnl/spack # Please also see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for our notice and the LGPL. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as # published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and # conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ############################################################################## from spack import * class LlvmLld(CMakePackage): """lld - The LLVM Linker lld is a new set of modular code for creating linker tools.""" homepage = "http://lld.llvm.org" url = "http://llvm.org/releases/3.4/lld-3.4.src.tar.gz" version('3.4', '3b6a17e58c8416c869c14dd37682f78e') depends_on('llvm') depends_on('cmake@2.8:', type='build') def cmake_args(self): if 'CXXFLAGS' in env and env['CXXFLAGS']: env['CXXFLAGS'] += ' ' + self.compiler.cxx11_flag else: env['CXXFLAGS'] = self.compiler.cxx11_flag return [ '-DLLD_PATH_TO_LLVM_BUILD=%s' % self.spec['llvm'].prefix, '-DLLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR=%s' % self.spec['llvm'].prefix, ]
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import itertools import operator import uuid from functools import partial from inspect import getmembers from io import FileIO from six import iteritems, string_types, text_type from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError from ansible.errors import AnsibleParserError from ansible.parsing import DataLoader from ansible.playbook.attribute import Attribute, FieldAttribute from ansible.template import Templar from ansible.utils.boolean import boolean from ansible.utils.debug import debug from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars, isidentifier from ansible.template import template class Base: # connection/transport _connection = FieldAttribute(isa='string') _port = FieldAttribute(isa='int') _remote_user = FieldAttribute(isa='string') # variables _vars = FieldAttribute(isa='dict', default=dict(), priority=100) # flags and misc. settings _environment = FieldAttribute(isa='list') _no_log = FieldAttribute(isa='bool') # param names which have been deprecated/removed DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTES = [ 'sudo', 'sudo_user', 'sudo_pass', 'sudo_exe', 'sudo_flags', 'su', 'su_user', 'su_pass', 'su_exe', 'su_flags', ] def __init__(self): # initialize the data loader and variable manager, which will be provided # later when the object is actually loaded self._loader = None self._variable_manager = None # every object gets a random uuid: self._uuid = uuid.uuid4() # and initialize the base attributes self._initialize_base_attributes() try: from __main__ import display self._display = display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display self._display = Display() # The following three functions are used to programatically define data # descriptors (aka properties) for the Attributes of all of the playbook # objects (tasks, blocks, plays, etc). # # The function signature is a little strange because of how we define # them. We use partial to give each method the name of the Attribute that # it is for. Since partial prefills the positional arguments at the # beginning of the function we end up with the first positional argument # being allocated to the name instead of to the class instance (self) as # normal. To deal with that we make the property name field the first # positional argument and self the second arg. # # Because these methods are defined inside of the class, they get bound to # the instance when the object is created. After we run partial on them # and put the result back into the class as a property, they get bound # a second time. This leads to self being placed in the arguments twice. # To work around that, we mark the functions as @staticmethod so that the # first binding to the instance doesn't happen. @staticmethod def _generic_g(prop_name, self): method = "_get_attr_%s" % prop_name if hasattr(self, method): return getattr(self, method)() value = self._attributes[prop_name] if value is None and hasattr(self, '_get_parent_attribute'): value = self._get_parent_attribute(prop_name) return value @staticmethod def _generic_s(prop_name, self, value): self._attributes[prop_name] = value @staticmethod def _generic_d(prop_name, self): del self._attributes[prop_name] def _get_base_attributes(self): ''' Returns the list of attributes for this class (or any subclass thereof). If the attribute name starts with an underscore, it is removed ''' base_attributes = dict() for (name, value) in getmembers(self.__class__): if isinstance(value, Attribute): if name.startswith('_'): name = name[1:] base_attributes[name] = value return base_attributes def _initialize_base_attributes(self): # each class knows attributes set upon it, see Task.py for example self._attributes = dict() for (name, value) in self._get_base_attributes().items(): getter = partial(self._generic_g, name) setter = partial(self._generic_s, name) deleter = partial(self._generic_d, name) # Place the property into the class so that cls.name is the # property functions. setattr(Base, name, property(getter, setter, deleter)) # Place the value into the instance so that the property can # process and hold that value/ setattr(self, name, value.default) def preprocess_data(self, ds): ''' infrequently used method to do some pre-processing of legacy terms ''' for base_class in self.__class__.mro(): method = getattr(self, "_preprocess_data_%s" % base_class.__name__.lower(), None) if method: return method(ds) return ds def load_data(self, ds, variable_manager=None, loader=None): ''' walk the input datastructure and assign any values ''' assert ds is not None # cache the datastructure internally setattr(self, '_ds', ds) # the variable manager class is used to manage and merge variables # down to a single dictionary for reference in templating, etc. self._variable_manager = variable_manager # the data loader class is used to parse data from strings and files if loader is not None: self._loader = loader else: self._loader = DataLoader() # call the preprocess_data() function to massage the data into # something we can more easily parse, and then call the validation # function on it to ensure there are no incorrect key values ds = self.preprocess_data(ds) self._validate_attributes(ds) # Walk all attributes in the class. We sort them based on their priority # so that certain fields can be loaded before others, if they are dependent. # FIXME: we currently don't do anything with private attributes but # may later decide to filter them out of 'ds' here. base_attributes = self._get_base_attributes() for name, attr in sorted(base_attributes.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)): # copy the value over unless a _load_field method is defined if name in ds: method = getattr(self, '_load_%s' % name, None) if method: self._attributes[name] = method(name, ds[name]) else: self._attributes[name] = ds[name] # run early, non-critical validation self.validate() # return the constructed object return self def get_ds(self): try: return getattr(self, '_ds') except AttributeError: return None def get_loader(self): return self._loader def get_variable_manager(self): return self._variable_manager def _validate_attributes(self, ds): ''' Ensures that there are no keys in the datastructure which do not map to attributes for this object. ''' valid_attrs = frozenset(name for name in self._get_base_attributes()) for key in ds: if key not in valid_attrs: raise AnsibleParserError("'%s' is not a valid attribute for a %s" % (key, self.__class__.__name__), obj=ds) def validate(self, all_vars=dict()): ''' validation that is done at parse time, not load time ''' # walk all fields in the object for (name, attribute) in iteritems(self._get_base_attributes()): # run validator only if present method = getattr(self, '_validate_%s' % name, None) if method: method(attribute, name, getattr(self, name)) else: # and make sure the attribute is of the type it should be value = getattr(self, name) if value is not None: if attribute.isa == 'string' and isinstance(value, (list, dict)): raise AnsibleParserError("The field '%s' is supposed to be a string type, however the incoming data structure is a %s" % (name, type(value)), obj=self.get_ds()) def copy(self): ''' Create a copy of this object and return it. ''' new_me = self.__class__() for name in self._get_base_attributes(): setattr(new_me, name, getattr(self, name)) new_me._loader = self._loader new_me._variable_manager = self._variable_manager # if the ds value was set on the object, copy it to the new copy too if hasattr(self, '_ds'): new_me._ds = self._ds return new_me def post_validate(self, templar): ''' we can't tell that everything is of the right type until we have all the variables. Run basic types (from isa) as well as any _post_validate_<foo> functions. ''' basedir = None if self._loader is not None: basedir = self._loader.get_basedir() # save the omit value for later checking omit_value = templar._available_variables.get('omit') for (name, attribute) in iteritems(self._get_base_attributes()): if getattr(self, name) is None: if not attribute.required: continue else: raise AnsibleParserError("the field '%s' is required but was not set" % name) elif not attribute.always_post_validate and self.__class__.__name__ not in ('Task', 'Handler', 'PlayContext'): # Intermediate objects like Play() won't have their fields validated by # default, as their values are often inherited by other objects and validated # later, so we don't want them to fail out early continue try: # Run the post-validator if present. These methods are responsible for # using the given templar to template the values, if required. method = getattr(self, '_post_validate_%s' % name, None) if method: value = method(attribute, getattr(self, name), templar) else: # if the attribute contains a variable, template it now value = templar.template(getattr(self, name)) # if this evaluated to the omit value, set the value back to # the default specified in the FieldAttribute and move on if omit_value is not None and value == omit_value: value = attribute.default continue # and make sure the attribute is of the type it should be if value is not None: if attribute.isa == 'string': value = text_type(value) elif attribute.isa == 'int': value = int(value) elif attribute.isa == 'float': value = float(value) elif attribute.isa == 'bool': value = boolean(value) elif attribute.isa == 'percent': # special value, which may be an integer or float # with an optional '%' at the end if isinstance(value, string_types) and '%' in value: value = value.replace('%', '') value = float(value) elif attribute.isa == 'list': if value is None: value = [] elif not isinstance(value, list): value = [ value ] if attribute.listof is not None: for item in value: if not isinstance(item, attribute.listof): raise AnsibleParserError("the field '%s' should be a list of %s, but the item '%s' is a %s" % (name, attribute.listof, item, type(item)), obj=self.get_ds()) elif attribute.required and attribute.listof == string_types: if item is None or item.strip() == "": raise AnsibleParserError("the field '%s' is required, and cannot have empty values" % (name,), obj=self.get_ds()) elif attribute.isa == 'set': if value is None: value = set() else: if not isinstance(value, (list, set)): value = [ value ] if not isinstance(value, set): value = set(value) elif attribute.isa == 'dict': if value is None: value = dict() elif not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("%s is not a dictionary" % value) # and assign the massaged value back to the attribute field setattr(self, name, value) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise AnsibleParserError("the field '%s' has an invalid value (%s), and could not be converted to an %s. Error was: %s" % (name, value, attribute.isa, e), obj=self.get_ds()) except UndefinedError as e: if templar._fail_on_undefined_errors and name != 'name': raise AnsibleParserError("the field '%s' has an invalid value, which appears to include a variable that is undefined. The error was: %s" % (name,e), obj=self.get_ds()) def serialize(self): ''' Serializes the object derived from the base object into a dictionary of values. This only serializes the field attributes for the object, so this may need to be overridden for any classes which wish to add additional items not stored as field attributes. ''' repr = dict() for name in self._get_base_attributes(): repr[name] = getattr(self, name) # serialize the uuid field repr['uuid'] = getattr(self, '_uuid') return repr def deserialize(self, data): ''' Given a dictionary of values, load up the field attributes for this object. As with serialize(), if there are any non-field attribute data members, this method will need to be overridden and extended. ''' assert isinstance(data, dict) for (name, attribute) in iteritems(self._get_base_attributes()): if name in data: setattr(self, name, data[name]) else: setattr(self, name, attribute.default) # restore the UUID field setattr(self, '_uuid', data.get('uuid')) def _load_vars(self, attr, ds): ''' Vars in a play can be specified either as a dictionary directly, or as a list of dictionaries. If the later, this method will turn the list into a single dictionary. ''' def _validate_variable_keys(ds): for key in ds: if not isidentifier(key): raise TypeError("%s is not a valid variable name" % key) try: if isinstance(ds, dict): _validate_variable_keys(ds) return ds elif isinstance(ds, list): all_vars = dict() for item in ds: if not isinstance(item, dict): raise ValueError _validate_variable_keys(item) all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item) return all_vars elif ds is None: return {} else: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise AnsibleParserError("Vars in a %s must be specified as a dictionary, or a list of dictionaries" % self.__class__.__name__, obj=ds) except TypeError as e: raise AnsibleParserError("Invalid variable name in vars specified for %s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, e), obj=ds) def _extend_value(self, value, new_value): ''' Will extend the value given with new_value (and will turn both into lists if they are not so already). The values are run through a set to remove duplicate values. ''' if not isinstance(value, list): value = [ value ] if not isinstance(new_value, list): new_value = [ new_value ] #return list(set(value + new_value)) return [i for i,_ in itertools.groupby(value + new_value)] def __getstate__(self): return self.serialize() def __setstate__(self, data): self.__init__() self.deserialize(data)
# Copyright 2018 - TODAY Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. # (<http://www.serpentcs.com>) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). { 'name': 'Search Partner Phone/Mobile/Email', 'version': '', 'category': 'Extra Tools', 'summary': 'Partner Search by Phone/Mobile/Email', 'author': "Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.," "Odoo Community Association (OCA)", 'website': 'https://github.com/OCA/partner-contact', 'license': 'AGPL-3', 'depends': [ 'base', ], 'installable': True, 'auto_install': False, }
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import scipy.io vgg_layers = [ 'conv1_1', 'relu1_1', 'conv1_2', 'relu1_2', 'pool1', 'conv2_1', 'relu2_1', 'conv2_2', 'relu2_2', 'pool2', 'conv3_1', 'relu3_1', 'conv3_2', 'relu3_2', 'conv3_3', 'relu3_3', 'conv3_4', 'relu3_4', 'pool3', 'conv4_1', 'relu4_1', 'conv4_2', 'relu4_2', 'conv4_3', 'relu4_3', 'conv4_4', 'relu4_4', 'pool4', 'conv5_1', 'relu5_1', 'conv5_2', 'relu5_2', 'conv5_3', 'relu5_3', 'conv5_4', 'relu5_4' ] vgg_layer_types = [ 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'pool', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'pool', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'pool', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'pool', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu', 'conv', 'relu' ] # Build the vgg convnet # Returns convnet and mean pixel of the convnet def build_net(path_network, input_image): # Load pretrained convnet pretrained_net = scipy.io.loadmat(path_network) # Mean of input pixels - used to normalize input images mean = np.mean(pretrained_net['normalization'][0][0][0], axis = (0, 1)) layers = pretrained_net['layers'][0] convnet = {} current = input_image for i, name in enumerate(vgg_layers): if vgg_layer_types[i] == 'conv': # Convolution layer kernel, bias = layers[i][0][0][0][0] # (width, height, in_channels, out_channels) -> (height, width, in_channels, out_channels) kernels = np.transpose(kernel, (1, 0, 2, 3)) bias = bias.reshape(-1) conv = tf.nn.conv2d(current, tf.constant(kernel), strides = (1, 1, 1, 1), padding = 'SAME') current = tf.nn.bias_add(conv, bias) elif vgg_layer_types[i] == 'relu': # Relu layer current = tf.nn.relu(current) elif vgg_layer_types[i] == 'pool': # Pool layer current = tf.nn.avg_pool(current, ksize = (1, 2, 2, 1), strides = (1, 2, 2, 1), padding = 'SAME') convnet[name] = current return convnet, mean def pre_process_image(image, mean_pixel): return image - mean_pixel def restore_image(image, mean_pixel): return image + mean_pixel
''' primepalCodeEval.py - Solution to Problem Prime Palindrome (Category - Easy) Copyright (C) 2013, Shubham Verma This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ''' ''' Description: Write a program to determine the biggest prime palindrome under 1000. Input sample: None Output sample: Your program should print the largest palindrome on stdout. i.e. 929 ''' from math import sqrt def isPrime(num): if num%2 == 0: return False else: for i in xrange(3, int(sqrt(num)), 2): if num % i == 0: return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': for num in reversed(xrange(1000)): if str(num) == str(num)[::-1] and isPrime(num): print num break
Category - Easy/primePalindromeCodeEval.py
#!/usr/bin/python -tt """Helper functions.""" from dns import resolver # Exceptions class CouldNotResolv(Exception): """Exception for unresolvable hostname.""" pass def resolv(hostname): """Select and query DNS servers. Args: hostname: string, hostname Returns: ips: list, list of IPs """ ips = list() # Create resolver object res = resolver.Resolver() # Choose the correct DNS servers # Blue DNS servers if hostname.startswith('b-'): res.nameservers = ['', ''] # Green DNS servers elif hostname.startswith('g-'): res.nameservers = ['', ''] # Default to white DNS servers else: res.nameservers = ['', ''] # Query try: query = res.query(hostname) for answer in query: ips.append(answer.address) except resolver.NXDOMAIN: raise CouldNotResolv # Return query result return ips def main(): """Main.""" pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import sys import time from entrypoint2 import entrypoint import pyscreenshot from pyscreenshot.plugins.gnome_dbus import GnomeDBusWrapper from pyscreenshot.plugins.gnome_screenshot import GnomeScreenshotWrapper from pyscreenshot.plugins.kwin_dbus import KwinDBusWrapper from pyscreenshot.util import run_mod_as_subproc def run(force_backend, n, childprocess, bbox=None): sys.stdout.write("%-20s\t" % force_backend) sys.stdout.flush() # before any crash if force_backend == "default": force_backend = None try: start = time.time() for _ in range(n): pyscreenshot.grab( backend=force_backend, childprocess=childprocess, bbox=bbox ) end = time.time() dt = end - start s = "%-4.2g sec\t" % dt s += "(%5d ms per call)" % (1000.0 * dt / n) sys.stdout.write(s) finally: print("") novirt = [GnomeDBusWrapper.name, KwinDBusWrapper.name, GnomeScreenshotWrapper.name] def run_all(n, childprocess_param, virtual_only=True, bbox=None): debug = True print("") print("n=%s" % n) print("------------------------------------------------------") if bbox: x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(str, bbox) bbox = ":".join(map(str, (x1, y1, x2, y2))) bboxpar = ["--bbox", bbox] else: bboxpar = [] if debug: debugpar = ["--debug"] else: debugpar = [] for x in ["default"] + pyscreenshot.backends(): backendpar = ["--backend", x] # skip non X backends if virtual_only and x in novirt: continue p = run_mod_as_subproc( "pyscreenshot.check.speedtest", ["--childprocess", childprocess_param] + bboxpar + debugpar + backendpar, ) print(p.stdout) @entrypoint def speedtest(virtual_display=False, backend="", childprocess="", bbox="", number=10): """Performance test of all back-ends. :param virtual_display: run with Xvfb :param bbox: bounding box coordinates x1:y1:x2:y2 :param backend: back-end can be forced if set (example:default, scrot, wx,..), otherwise all back-ends are tested :param childprocess: pyscreenshot parameter childprocess (0/1) :param number: number of screenshots for each backend (default:10) """ childprocess_param = childprocess if childprocess == "": childprocess = True # default elif childprocess == "0": childprocess = False elif childprocess == "1": childprocess = True else: raise ValueError("invalid childprocess value") if bbox: x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, bbox.split(":")) bbox = x1, y1, x2, y2 else: bbox = None def f(virtual_only): if backend: try: run(backend, number, childprocess, bbox=bbox) except pyscreenshot.FailedBackendError: pass else: run_all(number, childprocess_param, virtual_only=virtual_only, bbox=bbox) if virtual_display: from pyvirtualdisplay import Display with Display(visible=0): f(virtual_only=True) else: f(virtual_only=False)
""" models ~~~~~~ Module containing all of our models that are typically accessed in a CRUD like manner. """ from ..models.base import Model as BaseModel from ..models.default_schema import Model as DefaultSchemaModel from ..models.login import Model as LoginModel MODELS = [ BaseModel, DefaultSchemaModel, LoginModel, ]
from mpf.tests.MpfGameTestCase import MpfGameTestCase class TestPlayerVars(MpfGameTestCase): def get_config_file(self): return 'player_vars.yaml' def get_machine_path(self): return 'tests/machine_files/player_vars/' def test_initial_values(self): self.fill_troughs() self.start_two_player_game() for x in range(2): self.assertEqual(self.machine.game.player_list[x].some_var, 4) self.assertEqual(type(self.machine.game.player_list[x].some_var), int) self.assertEqual(self.machine.game.player_list[x].some_float, 4.0) self.assertEqual(type(self.machine.game.player_list[x].some_float), float) self.assertEqual(self.machine.game.player_list[x].some_string, '4') self.assertEqual(type(self.machine.game.player_list[x].some_string), str) self.assertEqual(self.machine.game.player_list[x].some_other_string, 'hello') self.assertEqual(type(self.machine.game.player_list[x].some_other_string), str) self.machine.game.player.test = 7 self.assertEqual(7, self.machine.game.player.test) self.assertEqual(7, self.machine.game.player.vars["test"]) self.assertEqual(4, self.machine.variables.get_machine_var("test1")) self.assertEqual('5', self.machine.variables.get_machine_var("test2")) def test_event_kwargs(self): self.fill_troughs() self.start_game() self.assertEqual(self.machine.game.player.some_var, 4) self.mock_event('player_some_var') self.machine.game.player.add_with_kwargs('some_var', 6, foo='bar') self.advance_time_and_run() self.assertEventCalledWith('player_some_var', value=10, prev_value=4, change=6, player_num=1, foo='bar') self.machine.game.player.set_with_kwargs('some_var', 1, bar='foo') self.advance_time_and_run() self.assertEventCalledWith('player_some_var', value=1, prev_value=10, change=-9, player_num=1, bar='foo')
#!/home/tom/ab/android/python-for-android/build/python-install/bin/python2.7 """An RFC 2821 smtp proxy. Usage: %(program)s [options] [localhost:localport [remotehost:remoteport]] Options: --nosetuid -n This program generally tries to setuid `nobody', unless this flag is set. The setuid call will fail if this program is not run as root (in which case, use this flag). --version -V Print the version number and exit. --class classname -c classname Use `classname' as the concrete SMTP proxy class. Uses `PureProxy' by default. --debug -d Turn on debugging prints. --help -h Print this message and exit. Version: %(__version__)s If localhost is not given then `localhost' is used, and if localport is not given then 8025 is used. If remotehost is not given then `localhost' is used, and if remoteport is not given, then 25 is used. """ # Overview: # # This file implements the minimal SMTP protocol as defined in RFC 821. It # has a hierarchy of classes which implement the backend functionality for the # smtpd. A number of classes are provided: # # SMTPServer - the base class for the backend. Raises NotImplementedError # if you try to use it. # # DebuggingServer - simply prints each message it receives on stdout. # # PureProxy - Proxies all messages to a real smtpd which does final # delivery. One known problem with this class is that it doesn't handle # SMTP errors from the backend server at all. This should be fixed # (contributions are welcome!). # # MailmanProxy - An experimental hack to work with GNU Mailman # <www.list.org>. Using this server as your real incoming smtpd, your # mailhost will automatically recognize and accept mail destined to Mailman # lists when those lists are created. Every message not destined for a list # gets forwarded to a real backend smtpd, as with PureProxy. Again, errors # are not handled correctly yet. # # Please note that this script requires Python 2.0 # # Author: Barry Warsaw <barry@python.org> # # TODO: # # - support mailbox delivery # - alias files # - ESMTP # - handle error codes from the backend smtpd import sys import os import errno import getopt import time import socket import asyncore import asynchat __all__ = ["SMTPServer","DebuggingServer","PureProxy","MailmanProxy"] program = sys.argv[0] __version__ = 'Python SMTP proxy version 0.2' class Devnull: def write(self, msg): pass def flush(self): pass DEBUGSTREAM = Devnull() NEWLINE = '\n' EMPTYSTRING = '' COMMASPACE = ', ' def usage(code, msg=''): print >> sys.stderr, __doc__ % globals() if msg: print >> sys.stderr, msg sys.exit(code) class SMTPChannel(asynchat.async_chat): COMMAND = 0 DATA = 1 def __init__(self, server, conn, addr): asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, conn) self.__server = server self.__conn = conn self.__addr = addr self.__line = [] self.__state = self.COMMAND self.__greeting = 0 self.__mailfrom = None self.__rcpttos = [] self.__data = '' self.__fqdn = socket.getfqdn() try: self.__peer = conn.getpeername() except socket.error, err: # a race condition may occur if the other end is closing # before we can get the peername self.close() if err[0] != errno.ENOTCONN: raise return print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'Peer:', repr(self.__peer) self.push('220 %s %s' % (self.__fqdn, __version__)) self.set_terminator('\r\n') # Overrides base class for convenience def push(self, msg): asynchat.async_chat.push(self, msg + '\r\n') # Implementation of base class abstract method def collect_incoming_data(self, data): self.__line.append(data) # Implementation of base class abstract method def found_terminator(self): line = EMPTYSTRING.join(self.__line) print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'Data:', repr(line) self.__line = [] if self.__state == self.COMMAND: if not line: self.push('500 Error: bad syntax') return method = None i = line.find(' ') if i < 0: command = line.upper() arg = None else: command = line[:i].upper() arg = line[i+1:].strip() method = getattr(self, 'smtp_' + command, None) if not method: self.push('502 Error: command "%s" not implemented' % command) return method(arg) return else: if self.__state != self.DATA: self.push('451 Internal confusion') return # Remove extraneous carriage returns and de-transparency according # to RFC 821, Section 4.5.2. data = [] for text in line.split('\r\n'): if text and text[0] == '.': data.append(text[1:]) else: data.append(text) self.__data = NEWLINE.join(data) status = self.__server.process_message(self.__peer, self.__mailfrom, self.__rcpttos, self.__data) self.__rcpttos = [] self.__mailfrom = None self.__state = self.COMMAND self.set_terminator('\r\n') if not status: self.push('250 Ok') else: self.push(status) # SMTP and ESMTP commands def smtp_HELO(self, arg): if not arg: self.push('501 Syntax: HELO hostname') return if self.__greeting: self.push('503 Duplicate HELO/EHLO') else: self.__greeting = arg self.push('250 %s' % self.__fqdn) def smtp_NOOP(self, arg): if arg: self.push('501 Syntax: NOOP') else: self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_QUIT(self, arg): # args is ignored self.push('221 Bye') self.close_when_done() # factored def __getaddr(self, keyword, arg): address = None keylen = len(keyword) if arg[:keylen].upper() == keyword: address = arg[keylen:].strip() if not address: pass elif address[0] == '<' and address[-1] == '>' and address != '<>': # Addresses can be in the form <person@dom.com> but watch out # for null address, e.g. <> address = address[1:-1] return address def smtp_MAIL(self, arg): print >> DEBUGSTREAM, '===> MAIL', arg address = self.__getaddr('FROM:', arg) if arg else None if not address: self.push('501 Syntax: MAIL FROM:<address>') return if self.__mailfrom: self.push('503 Error: nested MAIL command') return self.__mailfrom = address print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'sender:', self.__mailfrom self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_RCPT(self, arg): print >> DEBUGSTREAM, '===> RCPT', arg if not self.__mailfrom: self.push('503 Error: need MAIL command') return address = self.__getaddr('TO:', arg) if arg else None if not address: self.push('501 Syntax: RCPT TO: <address>') return self.__rcpttos.append(address) print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'recips:', self.__rcpttos self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_RSET(self, arg): if arg: self.push('501 Syntax: RSET') return # Resets the sender, recipients, and data, but not the greeting self.__mailfrom = None self.__rcpttos = [] self.__data = '' self.__state = self.COMMAND self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_DATA(self, arg): if not self.__rcpttos: self.push('503 Error: need RCPT command') return if arg: self.push('501 Syntax: DATA') return self.__state = self.DATA self.set_terminator('\r\n.\r\n') self.push('354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>') class SMTPServer(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, localaddr, remoteaddr): self._localaddr = localaddr self._remoteaddr = remoteaddr asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) try: self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # try to re-use a server port if possible self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind(localaddr) self.listen(5) except: # cleanup asyncore.socket_map before raising self.close() raise else: print >> DEBUGSTREAM, \ '%s started at %s\n\tLocal addr: %s\n\tRemote addr:%s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, time.ctime(time.time()), localaddr, remoteaddr) def handle_accept(self): pair = self.accept() if pair is not None: conn, addr = pair print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'Incoming connection from %s' % repr(addr) channel = SMTPChannel(self, conn, addr) # API for "doing something useful with the message" def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data): """Override this abstract method to handle messages from the client. peer is a tuple containing (ipaddr, port) of the client that made the socket connection to our smtp port. mailfrom is the raw address the client claims the message is coming from. rcpttos is a list of raw addresses the client wishes to deliver the message to. data is a string containing the entire full text of the message, headers (if supplied) and all. It has been `de-transparencied' according to RFC 821, Section 4.5.2. In other words, a line containing a `.' followed by other text has had the leading dot removed. This function should return None, for a normal `250 Ok' response; otherwise it returns the desired response string in RFC 821 format. """ raise NotImplementedError class DebuggingServer(SMTPServer): # Do something with the gathered message def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data): inheaders = 1 lines = data.split('\n') print '---------- MESSAGE FOLLOWS ----------' for line in lines: # headers first if inheaders and not line: print 'X-Peer:', peer[0] inheaders = 0 print line print '------------ END MESSAGE ------------' class PureProxy(SMTPServer): def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data): lines = data.split('\n') # Look for the last header i = 0 for line in lines: if not line: break i += 1 lines.insert(i, 'X-Peer: %s' % peer[0]) data = NEWLINE.join(lines) refused = self._deliver(mailfrom, rcpttos, data) # TBD: what to do with refused addresses? print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'we got some refusals:', refused def _deliver(self, mailfrom, rcpttos, data): import smtplib refused = {} try: s = smtplib.SMTP() s.connect(self._remoteaddr[0], self._remoteaddr[1]) try: refused = s.sendmail(mailfrom, rcpttos, data) finally: s.quit() except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, e: print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'got SMTPRecipientsRefused' refused = e.recipients except (socket.error, smtplib.SMTPException), e: print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'got', e.__class__ # All recipients were refused. If the exception had an associated # error code, use it. Otherwise,fake it with a non-triggering # exception code. errcode = getattr(e, 'smtp_code', -1) errmsg = getattr(e, 'smtp_error', 'ignore') for r in rcpttos: refused[r] = (errcode, errmsg) return refused class MailmanProxy(PureProxy): def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data): from cStringIO import StringIO from Mailman import Utils from Mailman import Message from Mailman import MailList # If the message is to a Mailman mailing list, then we'll invoke the # Mailman script directly, without going through the real smtpd. # Otherwise we'll forward it to the local proxy for disposition. listnames = [] for rcpt in rcpttos: local = rcpt.lower().split('@')[0] # We allow the following variations on the theme # listname # listname-admin # listname-owner # listname-request # listname-join # listname-leave parts = local.split('-') if len(parts) > 2: continue listname = parts[0] if len(parts) == 2: command = parts[1] else: command = '' if not Utils.list_exists(listname) or command not in ( '', 'admin', 'owner', 'request', 'join', 'leave'): continue listnames.append((rcpt, listname, command)) # Remove all list recipients from rcpttos and forward what we're not # going to take care of ourselves. Linear removal should be fine # since we don't expect a large number of recipients. for rcpt, listname, command in listnames: rcpttos.remove(rcpt) # If there's any non-list destined recipients left, print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'forwarding recips:', ' '.join(rcpttos) if rcpttos: refused = self._deliver(mailfrom, rcpttos, data) # TBD: what to do with refused addresses? print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'we got refusals:', refused # Now deliver directly to the list commands mlists = {} s = StringIO(data) msg = Message.Message(s) # These headers are required for the proper execution of Mailman. All # MTAs in existence seem to add these if the original message doesn't # have them. if not msg.getheader('from'): msg['From'] = mailfrom if not msg.getheader('date'): msg['Date'] = time.ctime(time.time()) for rcpt, listname, command in listnames: print >> DEBUGSTREAM, 'sending message to', rcpt mlist = mlists.get(listname) if not mlist: mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=0) mlists[listname] = mlist # dispatch on the type of command if command == '': # post msg.Enqueue(mlist, tolist=1) elif command == 'admin': msg.Enqueue(mlist, toadmin=1) elif command == 'owner': msg.Enqueue(mlist, toowner=1) elif command == 'request': msg.Enqueue(mlist, torequest=1) elif command in ('join', 'leave'): # TBD: this is a hack! if command == 'join': msg['Subject'] = 'subscribe' else: msg['Subject'] = 'unsubscribe' msg.Enqueue(mlist, torequest=1) class Options: setuid = 1 classname = 'PureProxy' def parseargs(): global DEBUGSTREAM try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'nVhc:d', ['class=', 'nosetuid', 'version', 'help', 'debug']) except getopt.error, e: usage(1, e) options = Options() for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage(0) elif opt in ('-V', '--version'): print >> sys.stderr, __version__ sys.exit(0) elif opt in ('-n', '--nosetuid'): options.setuid = 0 elif opt in ('-c', '--class'): options.classname = arg elif opt in ('-d', '--debug'): DEBUGSTREAM = sys.stderr # parse the rest of the arguments if len(args) < 1: localspec = 'localhost:8025' remotespec = 'localhost:25' elif len(args) < 2: localspec = args[0] remotespec = 'localhost:25' elif len(args) < 3: localspec = args[0] remotespec = args[1] else: usage(1, 'Invalid arguments: %s' % COMMASPACE.join(args)) # split into host/port pairs i = localspec.find(':') if i < 0: usage(1, 'Bad local spec: %s' % localspec) options.localhost = localspec[:i] try: options.localport = int(localspec[i+1:]) except ValueError: usage(1, 'Bad local port: %s' % localspec) i = remotespec.find(':') if i < 0: usage(1, 'Bad remote spec: %s' % remotespec) options.remotehost = remotespec[:i] try: options.remoteport = int(remotespec[i+1:]) except ValueError: usage(1, 'Bad remote port: %s' % remotespec) return options if __name__ == '__main__': options = parseargs() # Become nobody if options.setuid: try: import pwd except ImportError: print >> sys.stderr, \ 'Cannot import module "pwd"; try running with -n option.' sys.exit(1) nobody = pwd.getpwnam('nobody')[2] try: os.setuid(nobody) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EPERM: raise print >> sys.stderr, \ 'Cannot setuid "nobody"; try running with -n option.' sys.exit(1) classname = options.classname if "." in classname: lastdot = classname.rfind(".") mod = __import__(classname[:lastdot], globals(), locals(), [""]) classname = classname[lastdot+1:] else: import __main__ as mod class_ = getattr(mod, classname) proxy = class_((options.localhost, options.localport), (options.remotehost, options.remoteport)) try: asyncore.loop() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
""" Google's clitable.py is inherently integrated to Linux: This is a workaround for that (basically include modified clitable code without anything that is Linux-specific). _clitable.py is identical to Google's as of 2017-12-17 _texttable.py is identical to Google's as of 2017-12-17 _terminal.py is a highly stripped down version of Google's such that clitable.py works https://github.com/google/textfsm/blob/master/clitable.py """ # Some of this code is from Google with the following license: # # Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. import copy import os import re import threading import copyable_regex_object import textfsm from netmiko._textfsm import _texttable as texttable class Error(Exception): """Base class for errors.""" class IndexTableError(Error): """General INdexTable error.""" class CliTableError(Error): """General CliTable error.""" class IndexTable(object): """Class that reads and stores comma-separated values as a TextTable. Stores a compiled regexp of the value for efficient matching. Includes functions to preprocess Columns (both compiled and uncompiled). Attributes: index: TextTable, the index file parsed into a texttable. compiled: TextTable, the table but with compiled regexp for each field. """ def __init__(self, preread=None, precompile=None, file_path=None): """Create new IndexTable object. Args: preread: func, Pre-processing, applied to each field as it is read. precompile: func, Pre-compilation, applied to each field before compiling. file_path: String, Location of file to use as input. """ self.index = None self.compiled = None if file_path: self._index_file = file_path self._index_handle = open(self._index_file, 'r') self._ParseIndex(preread, precompile) def __del__(self): """Close index handle.""" if hasattr(self, '_index_handle'): self._index_handle.close() def __len__(self): """Returns number of rows in table.""" return self.index.size def __copy__(self): """Returns a copy of an IndexTable object.""" clone = IndexTable() if hasattr(self, '_index_file'): # pylint: disable=protected-access clone._index_file = self._index_file clone._index_handle = self._index_handle clone.index = self.index clone.compiled = self.compiled return clone def __deepcopy__(self, memodict=None): """Returns a deepcopy of an IndexTable object.""" clone = IndexTable() if hasattr(self, '_index_file'): # pylint: disable=protected-access clone._index_file = copy.deepcopy(self._index_file) clone._index_handle = open(clone._index_file, 'r') clone.index = copy.deepcopy(self.index) clone.compiled = copy.deepcopy(self.compiled) return clone def _ParseIndex(self, preread, precompile): """Reads index file and stores entries in TextTable. For optimisation reasons, a second table is created with compiled entries. Args: preread: func, Pre-processing, applied to each field as it is read. precompile: func, Pre-compilation, applied to each field before compiling. Raises: IndexTableError: If the column headers has illegal column labels. """ self.index = texttable.TextTable() self.index.CsvToTable(self._index_handle) if preread: for row in self.index: for col in row.header: row[col] = preread(col, row[col]) self.compiled = copy.deepcopy(self.index) for row in self.compiled: for col in row.header: if precompile: row[col] = precompile(col, row[col]) if row[col]: row[col] = copyable_regex_object.CopyableRegexObject(row[col]) def GetRowMatch(self, attributes): """Returns the row number that matches the supplied attributes.""" for row in self.compiled: try: for key in attributes: # Silently skip attributes not present in the index file. # pylint: disable=E1103 if key in row.header and row[key] and not row[key].match(attributes[key]): # This line does not match, so break and try next row. raise StopIteration() return row.row except StopIteration: pass return 0 class CliTable(texttable.TextTable): """Class that reads CLI output and parses into tabular format. Reads an index file and uses it to map command strings to templates. It then uses TextFSM to parse the command output (raw) into a tabular format. The superkey is the set of columns that contain data that uniquely defines the row, the key is the row number otherwise. This is typically gathered from the templates 'Key' value but is extensible. Attributes: raw: String, Unparsed command string from device/command. index_file: String, file where template/command mappings reside. template_dir: String, directory where index file and templates reside. """ # Parse each template index only once across all instances. # Without this, the regexes are parsed at every call to CliTable(). _lock = threading.Lock() INDEX = {} # pylint: disable=C6409 def synchronised(func): """Synchronisation decorator.""" # pylint: disable=E0213 def Wrapper(main_obj, *args, **kwargs): main_obj._lock.acquire() # pylint: disable=W0212 try: return func(main_obj, *args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=E1102 finally: main_obj._lock.release() # pylint: disable=W0212 return Wrapper # pylint: enable=C6409 @synchronised def __init__(self, index_file=None, template_dir=None): """Create new CLiTable object. Args: index_file: String, file where template/command mappings reside. template_dir: String, directory where index file and templates reside. """ # pylint: disable=E1002 super(CliTable, self).__init__() self._keys = set() self.raw = None self.index_file = index_file self.template_dir = template_dir if index_file: self.ReadIndex(index_file) def ReadIndex(self, index_file=None): """Reads the IndexTable index file of commands and templates. Args: index_file: String, file where template/command mappings reside. Raises: CliTableError: A template column was not found in the table. """ self.index_file = index_file or self.index_file fullpath = os.path.join(self.template_dir, self.index_file) if self.index_file and fullpath not in self.INDEX: self.index = IndexTable(self._PreParse, self._PreCompile, fullpath) self.INDEX[fullpath] = self.index else: self.index = self.INDEX[fullpath] # Does the IndexTable have the right columns. if 'Template' not in self.index.index.header: # pylint: disable=E1103 raise CliTableError("Index file does not have 'Template' column.") def _TemplateNamesToFiles(self, template_str): """Parses a string of templates into a list of file handles.""" template_list = template_str.split(':') template_files = [] try: for tmplt in template_list: template_files.append( open(os.path.join(self.template_dir, tmplt), 'r')) except: # noqa for tmplt in template_files: tmplt.close() raise return template_files def ParseCmd(self, cmd_input, attributes=None, templates=None): """Creates a TextTable table of values from cmd_input string. Parses command output with template/s. If more than one template is found subsequent tables are merged if keys match (dropped otherwise). Args: cmd_input: String, Device/command response. attributes: Dict, attribute that further refine matching template. templates: String list of templates to parse with. If None, uses index Raises: CliTableError: A template was not found for the given command. """ # Store raw command data within the object. self.raw = cmd_input if not templates: # Find template in template index. row_idx = self.index.GetRowMatch(attributes) if row_idx: templates = self.index.index[row_idx]['Template'] else: raise CliTableError('No template found for attributes: "%s"' % attributes) template_files = self._TemplateNamesToFiles(templates) try: # Re-initialise the table. self.Reset() self._keys = set() self.table = self._ParseCmdItem(self.raw, template_file=template_files[0]) # Add additional columns from any additional tables. for tmplt in template_files[1:]: self.extend(self._ParseCmdItem(self.raw, template_file=tmplt), set(self._keys)) finally: for f in template_files: f.close() def _ParseCmdItem(self, cmd_input, template_file=None): """Creates Texttable with output of command. Args: cmd_input: String, Device response. template_file: File object, template to parse with. Returns: TextTable containing command output. Raises: CliTableError: A template was not found for the given command. """ # Build FSM machine from the template. fsm = textfsm.TextFSM(template_file) if not self._keys: self._keys = set(fsm.GetValuesByAttrib('Key')) # Pass raw data through FSM. table = texttable.TextTable() table.header = fsm.header # Fill TextTable from record entries. for record in fsm.ParseText(cmd_input): table.Append(record) return table def _PreParse(self, key, value): """Executed against each field of each row read from index table.""" if key == 'Command': return re.sub(r'(\[\[.+?\]\])', self._Completion, value) else: return value def _PreCompile(self, key, value): """Executed against each field of each row before compiling as regexp.""" if key == 'Template': return else: return value def _Completion(self, match): # pylint: disable=C6114 r"""Replaces double square brackets with variable length completion. Completion cannot be mixed with regexp matching or '\' characters i.e. '[[(\n)]] would become (\(n)?)?.' Args: match: A regex Match() object. Returns: String of the format '(a(b(c(d)?)?)?)?'. """ # Strip the outer '[[' & ']]' and replace with ()? regexp pattern. word = str(match.group())[2:-2] return '(' + ('(').join(word) + ')?' * len(word) def LabelValueTable(self, keys=None): """Return LabelValue with FSM derived keys.""" keys = keys or self.superkey # pylint: disable=E1002 return super(CliTable, self).LabelValueTable(keys) # pylint: disable=W0622,C6409 def sort(self, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False): """Overrides sort func to use the KeyValue for the key.""" if not key and self._keys: key = self.KeyValue super(CliTable, self).sort(cmp=cmp, key=key, reverse=reverse) # pylint: enable=W0622 def AddKeys(self, key_list): """Mark additional columns as being part of the superkey. Supplements the Keys already extracted from the FSM template. Useful when adding new columns to existing tables. Note: This will impact attempts to further 'extend' the table as the superkey must be common between tables for successful extension. Args: key_list: list of header entries to be included in the superkey. Raises: KeyError: If any entry in list is not a valid header entry. """ for keyname in key_list: if keyname not in self.header: raise KeyError("'%s'" % keyname) self._keys = self._keys.union(set(key_list)) @property def superkey(self): """Returns a set of column names that together constitute the superkey.""" sorted_list = [] for header in self.header: if header in self._keys: sorted_list.append(header) return sorted_list def KeyValue(self, row=None): """Returns the super key value for the row.""" if not row: if self._iterator: # If we are inside an iterator use current row iteration. row = self[self._iterator] else: row = self.row # If no superkey then use row number. if not self.superkey: return ['%s' % row.row] sorted_list = [] for header in self.header: if header in self.superkey: sorted_list.append(row[header]) return sorted_list
from coc_war_planner.api.permissions import CreateNotAllowed from coc_war_planner.api.permissions import IsChiefOrReadOnly from coc_war_planner.api.permissions import IsUserOrReadOnly from coc_war_planner.api.permissions import IsOwnerOrReadOnly from coc_war_planner.api.permissions import IsNotPartOfClanOrCreateNotAllowed from coc_war_planner.api.serializers import ClanSerializer from coc_war_planner.api.serializers import ClanPutSerializer from coc_war_planner.api.serializers import MemberGetSerializer from coc_war_planner.api.serializers import MemberSerializer from coc_war_planner.api.serializers import TroopsPostSerializer from coc_war_planner.api.serializers import TroopsPutSerializer from coc_war_planner.api.serializers import TroopsGetSerializer from coc_war_planner.core.models import Clan from coc_war_planner.core.models import Member from coc_war_planner.core.models import Troops from coc_war_planner.core.models import TroopLevel from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.shortcuts import render from rest_framework import filters from rest_framework import permissions from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework import viewsets class ClanViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = Clan.objects.all() serializer_class = ClanSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly, IsChiefOrReadOnly, IsNotPartOfClanOrCreateNotAllowed) filter_backends = (filters.OrderingFilter, filters.SearchFilter,) ordering_fields = ('name', 'pin',) ordering = 'name' # default ordering search_fields = ('name', 'pin',) def perform_create(self, serializer): instance = serializer.save(chief=self.request.user.member) self.request.user.member.clan = instance self.request.user.member.save() def get_serializer_class(self): if self.request.method == 'PUT': return ClanPutSerializer return ClanSerializer class MemberViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = Member.objects.all() serializer_class = MemberSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly, CreateNotAllowed, IsUserOrReadOnly,) def get_serializer_class(self): if self.request.method == 'GET': return MemberGetSerializer return MemberSerializer class TroopsViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly, IsOwnerOrReadOnly,) def get_serializer_class(self): if self.request.method == 'POST': return TroopsPostSerializer elif self.request.method == 'PUT': return TroopsPutSerializer return TroopsGetSerializer def get_queryset(self): member_id = self.request.GET.get('member_id', self.request.user.member.id) if member_id is None: raise serializers.ValidationError({ 'member_id': 'Parameter is missing.' }) troops = Troops.objects.filter(member_id=member_id) troops_id = self.kwargs.get(self.lookup_field) if troops_id: troops = troops.filter(pk=troops_id) return troops
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2013 Agile Business Group sagl # (<http://www.agilebg.com>) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################## { 'name': "Purchase orders - Force number", 'version': '0.1', 'category': 'Purchase Management', 'summary': "Force purchase orders numeration", 'description': """ This simple module allows to specify the number to use when creating purchase orders. If user does not change the default value ('/'), the standard sequence is used.""", 'author': "Agile Business Group,Odoo Community Association (OCA)", 'website': 'http://www.agilebg.com', 'license': 'AGPL-3', "depends": ['purchase'], "data": [ 'purchase_view.xml', ], "demo": [], "active": False, "installable": False }
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2012, Willow Garage, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. '''This file generates shell code for the setup.SHELL scripts to set environment variables''' from __future__ import print_function import argparse import copy import errno import os import platform import sys CATKIN_MARKER_FILE = '.catkin' system = platform.system() IS_DARWIN = (system == 'Darwin') IS_WINDOWS = (system == 'Windows') # subfolder of workspace prepended to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ENV_VAR_SUBFOLDERS = { 'CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH': '', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' if not IS_DARWIN else 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH': ['lib', os.path.join('lib', 'x86_64-linux-gnu')], 'PATH': 'bin', 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH': [os.path.join('lib', 'pkgconfig'), os.path.join('lib', 'x86_64-linux-gnu', 'pkgconfig')], 'PYTHONPATH': 'lib/python2.7/dist-packages', } def rollback_env_variables(environ, env_var_subfolders): ''' Generate shell code to reset environment variables by unrolling modifications based on all workspaces in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. This does not cover modifications performed by environment hooks. ''' lines = [] unmodified_environ = copy.copy(environ) for key in sorted(env_var_subfolders.keys()): subfolders = env_var_subfolders[key] if not isinstance(subfolders, list): subfolders = [subfolders] value = _rollback_env_variable(unmodified_environ, key, subfolders) if value is not None: environ[key] = value lines.append(assignment(key, value)) if lines: lines.insert(0, comment('reset environment variables by unrolling modifications based on all workspaces in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH')) return lines def _rollback_env_variable(environ, name, subfolders): ''' For each catkin workspace in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH remove the first entry from env[NAME] matching workspace + subfolder. :param subfolders: list of str '' or subfoldername that may start with '/' :returns: the updated value of the environment variable. ''' value = environ[name] if name in environ else '' env_paths = [path for path in value.split(os.pathsep) if path] value_modified = False for subfolder in subfolders: if subfolder: if subfolder.startswith(os.path.sep) or (os.path.altsep and subfolder.startswith(os.path.altsep)): subfolder = subfolder[1:] if subfolder.endswith(os.path.sep) or (os.path.altsep and subfolder.endswith(os.path.altsep)): subfolder = subfolder[:-1] for ws_path in _get_workspaces(environ, include_fuerte=True, include_non_existing=True): path_to_find = os.path.join(ws_path, subfolder) if subfolder else ws_path path_to_remove = None for env_path in env_paths: env_path_clean = env_path[:-1] if env_path and env_path[-1] in [os.path.sep, os.path.altsep] else env_path if env_path_clean == path_to_find: path_to_remove = env_path break if path_to_remove: env_paths.remove(path_to_remove) value_modified = True new_value = os.pathsep.join(env_paths) return new_value if value_modified else None def _get_workspaces(environ, include_fuerte=False, include_non_existing=False): ''' Based on CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH return all catkin workspaces. :param include_fuerte: The flag if paths starting with '/opt/ros/fuerte' should be considered workspaces, ``bool`` ''' # get all cmake prefix paths env_name = 'CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH' value = environ[env_name] if env_name in environ else '' paths = [path for path in value.split(os.pathsep) if path] # remove non-workspace paths workspaces = [path for path in paths if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, CATKIN_MARKER_FILE)) or (include_fuerte and path.startswith('/opt/ros/fuerte')) or (include_non_existing and not os.path.exists(path))] return workspaces def prepend_env_variables(environ, env_var_subfolders, workspaces): ''' Generate shell code to prepend environment variables for the all workspaces. ''' lines = [] lines.append(comment('prepend folders of workspaces to environment variables')) paths = [path for path in workspaces.split(os.pathsep) if path] prefix = _prefix_env_variable(environ, 'CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH', paths, '') lines.append(prepend(environ, 'CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH', prefix)) for key in sorted([key for key in env_var_subfolders.keys() if key != 'CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH']): subfolder = env_var_subfolders[key] prefix = _prefix_env_variable(environ, key, paths, subfolder) lines.append(prepend(environ, key, prefix)) return lines def _prefix_env_variable(environ, name, paths, subfolders): ''' Return the prefix to prepend to the environment variable NAME, adding any path in NEW_PATHS_STR without creating duplicate or empty items. ''' value = environ[name] if name in environ else '' environ_paths = [path for path in value.split(os.pathsep) if path] checked_paths = [] for path in paths: if not isinstance(subfolders, list): subfolders = [subfolders] for subfolder in subfolders: path_tmp = path if subfolder: path_tmp = os.path.join(path_tmp, subfolder) # skip nonexistent paths if not os.path.exists(path_tmp): continue # exclude any path already in env and any path we already added if path_tmp not in environ_paths and path_tmp not in checked_paths: checked_paths.append(path_tmp) prefix_str = os.pathsep.join(checked_paths) if prefix_str != '' and environ_paths: prefix_str += os.pathsep return prefix_str def assignment(key, value): if not IS_WINDOWS: return 'export %s="%s"' % (key, value) else: return 'set %s=%s' % (key, value) def comment(msg): if not IS_WINDOWS: return '# %s' % msg else: return 'REM %s' % msg def prepend(environ, key, prefix): if key not in environ or not environ[key]: return assignment(key, prefix) if not IS_WINDOWS: return 'export %s="%s$%s"' % (key, prefix, key) else: return 'set %s=%s%%%s%%' % (key, prefix, key) def find_env_hooks(environ, cmake_prefix_path): ''' Generate shell code with found environment hooks for the all workspaces. ''' lines = [] lines.append(comment('found environment hooks in workspaces')) generic_env_hooks = [] generic_env_hooks_workspace = [] specific_env_hooks = [] specific_env_hooks_workspace = [] generic_env_hooks_by_filename = {} specific_env_hooks_by_filename = {} generic_env_hook_ext = 'bat' if IS_WINDOWS else 'sh' specific_env_hook_ext = environ['CATKIN_SHELL'] if not IS_WINDOWS and 'CATKIN_SHELL' in environ and environ['CATKIN_SHELL'] else None # remove non-workspace paths workspaces = [path for path in cmake_prefix_path.split(os.pathsep) if path and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, CATKIN_MARKER_FILE))] for workspace in reversed(workspaces): env_hook_dir = os.path.join(workspace, 'etc', 'catkin', 'profile.d') if os.path.isdir(env_hook_dir): for filename in sorted(os.listdir(env_hook_dir)): if filename.endswith('.%s' % generic_env_hook_ext): # remove previous env hook with same name if present if filename in generic_env_hooks_by_filename: i = generic_env_hooks.index(generic_env_hooks_by_filename[filename]) generic_env_hooks.pop(i) generic_env_hooks_workspace.pop(i) # append env hook generic_env_hooks.append(os.path.join(env_hook_dir, filename)) generic_env_hooks_workspace.append(workspace) generic_env_hooks_by_filename[filename] = generic_env_hooks[-1] elif specific_env_hook_ext is not None and filename.endswith('.%s' % specific_env_hook_ext): # remove previous env hook with same name if present if filename in specific_env_hooks_by_filename: i = specific_env_hooks.index(specific_env_hooks_by_filename[filename]) specific_env_hooks.pop(i) specific_env_hooks_workspace.pop(i) # append env hook specific_env_hooks.append(os.path.join(env_hook_dir, filename)) specific_env_hooks_workspace.append(workspace) specific_env_hooks_by_filename[filename] = specific_env_hooks[-1] env_hooks = generic_env_hooks + specific_env_hooks env_hooks_workspace = generic_env_hooks_workspace + specific_env_hooks_workspace count = len(env_hooks) lines.append(assignment('_CATKIN_ENVIRONMENT_HOOKS_COUNT', count)) for i in range(count): lines.append(assignment('_CATKIN_ENVIRONMENT_HOOKS_%d' % i, env_hooks[i])) lines.append(assignment('_CATKIN_ENVIRONMENT_HOOKS_%d_WORKSPACE' % i, env_hooks_workspace[i])) return lines def _parse_arguments(args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generates code blocks for the setup.SHELL script.') parser.add_argument('--extend', action='store_true', help='Skip unsetting previous environment variables to extend context') return parser.parse_known_args(args=args)[0] if __name__ == '__main__': try: try: args = _parse_arguments() except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # environment at generation time CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH = '/home/team-5472/Desktop/Self-Driving-Car/ros/devel;/opt/ros/kinetic'.split(';') # prepend current workspace if not already part of CPP base_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) if base_path not in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.insert(0, base_path) CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH = os.pathsep.join(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) environ = dict(os.environ) lines = [] if not args.extend: lines += rollback_env_variables(environ, ENV_VAR_SUBFOLDERS) lines += prepend_env_variables(environ, ENV_VAR_SUBFOLDERS, CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) lines += find_env_hooks(environ, CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) print('\n'.join(lines)) # need to explicitly flush the output sys.stdout.flush() except IOError as e: # and catch potential "broken pipe" if stdout is not writable # which can happen when piping the output to a file but the disk is full if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: print(e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) raise sys.exit(0)
#!/usr/bin/python """ Small web application to retrieve genes from the tomato genome annotation involved to a specified pathways. """ import flask from flaskext.wtf import Form, TextField import ConfigParser import datetime import json import os import rdflib import urllib CONFIG = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() CONFIG.readfp(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'path2gene.cfg'))) # Address of the sparql server to query. SERVER = CONFIG.get('path2gene', 'sparql_server') # Create the application. APP = flask.Flask(__name__) APP.secret_key = CONFIG.get('path2gene', 'secret_key') # Stores in which graphs are the different source of information. GRAPHS = {option: CONFIG.get('graph', option) for option in CONFIG.options('graph')} class PathwayForm(Form): """ Simple text field form to input the pathway of interest. """ pathway_name = TextField('Pathway name (or part of it)') def search_pathway_in_db(name): """ Search the uniprot database for pathways having the given string in their name. It returns a list of these pathways. @param name, a string, name or part of the name of the pathway to search in uniprot. @return, a list of the pathway names found for having the given string. """ query = ''' PREFIX gene:<http://pbr.wur.nl/GENE#> PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> PREFIX uniprot:<http://purl.uniprot.org/core/> SELECT DISTINCT ?pathdesc FROM <%(uniprot)s> WHERE{ ?prot uniprot:annotation ?annot . ?annot rdfs:seeAlso ?url . ?annot rdfs:comment ?pathdesc . FILTER ( regex(?pathdesc, "%(search)s", "i") ) } ORDER BY ASC(?pathdesc) ''' % {'search': name, 'uniprot': GRAPHS['uniprot']} data_js = sparql_query(query, SERVER) if not data_js: return pathways = [] for entry in data_js['results']['bindings']: pathways.append(entry['pathdesc']['value']) return pathways def get_gene_of_pathway(pathway): """ Retrieve all the gene associated with pathways containing the given string. @param name, a string, name of the pathway for which to retrieve the genes in the tomato genome annotation. @return, a hash of the genes name and description found to be associated with the specified pathway. """ query = ''' PREFIX gene:<http://pbr.wur.nl/GENE#> PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> PREFIX uniprot:<http://purl.uniprot.org/core/> SELECT DISTINCT ?gene ?desc ?pathdesc FROM <%(itag)s> FROM <%(uniprot)s> WHERE{ ?geneobj gene:Protein ?prot . ?geneobj gene:Description ?desc . ?geneobj gene:FeatureName ?gene . ?prot uniprot:annotation ?annot . ?annot rdfs:seeAlso ?url . ?annot rdfs:comment ?pathdesc . FILTER ( regex(?pathdesc, "%(search)s", "i") ) } ORDER BY ASC(?gene) ''' % {'search': pathway, 'uniprot': GRAPHS['uniprot'], 'itag': GRAPHS['itag']} data_js = sparql_query(query, SERVER) if not data_js: return genes = {} for entry in data_js['results']['bindings']: genes[entry['gene']['value']] = [entry['desc']['value'], entry['pathdesc']['value']] return genes def get_gene_of_pathway_strict(pathway): """ Retrieve all the gene associated with the given pathway. @param name, a string, name of the pathway for which to retrieve the genes in the tomato genome annotation. @return, a hash of the genes name and description found to be associated with the specified pathway. """ query = ''' PREFIX gene:<http://pbr.wur.nl/GENE#> PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> PREFIX uniprot:<http://purl.uniprot.org/core/> SELECT DISTINCT ?gene ?desc FROM <%(itag)s> FROM <%(uniprot)s> WHERE{ ?geneobj gene:Protein ?prot . ?geneobj gene:Description ?desc . ?geneobj gene:FeatureName ?gene . ?prot uniprot:annotation ?annot . ?annot rdfs:seeAlso ?url . ?annot rdfs:comment "%(search)s" . } ORDER BY ASC(?gene) ''' % {'search': pathway, 'uniprot': GRAPHS['uniprot'], 'itag': GRAPHS['itag']} data_js = sparql_query(query, SERVER) if not data_js: return genes = {} for entry in data_js['results']['bindings']: genes[entry['gene']['value']] = [entry['desc']['value'], pathway] return genes def sparql_query(query, server, output_format='application/json'): """ Runs the given SPARQL query against the desired sparql endpoint and return the output in the format asked (default being rdf/xml). @param query, the string of the sparql query that should be ran. @param server, a string, the url of the sparql endpoint that we want to run query against. @param format, specifies in which format we want to have the output. Defaults to `application/json` but can also be `application/rdf+xml`. @return, a JSON object, representing the output of the provided sparql query. """ params = { 'default-graph': '', 'should-sponge': 'soft', 'query': query, 'debug': 'off', 'timeout': '', 'format': output_format, 'save': 'display', 'fname': '' } querypart = urllib.urlencode(params) response = urllib.urlopen(server, querypart).read() try: output = json.loads(response) except ValueError: output = {} return output ## Web-app @APP.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(): """ Shows the front page. All the content of this page is in the index.html file under the templates directory. The file is full html and has no templating logic within. """ print 'path2gene %s -- %s -- %s' % (datetime.datetime.now(), flask.request.remote_addr, flask.request.url) form = PathwayForm(csrf_enabled=False) if form.validate_on_submit(): return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('search_pathway', name=form.pathway_name.data)) return flask.render_template('index.html', form=form) @APP.route('/search/<name>') def search_pathway(name): """ Search the database for pathways containing the given string. """ print 'path2gene %s -- %s -- %s' % (datetime.datetime.now(), flask.request.remote_addr, flask.request.url) pathways = search_pathway_in_db(name) core = [] for path in pathways: core.append('%s*' % path.split(';')[0].strip()) core = list(set(core)) return flask.render_template('search.html', data=pathways, search=name, core=core) @APP.route('/path/<path:pathway>') def pathway(pathway): """ Show for the given pathways all the genes found to be related. """ print 'path2gene %s -- %s -- %s' % (datetime.datetime.now(), flask.request.remote_addr, flask.request.url) if pathway.endswith('*'): genes = get_gene_of_pathway(pathway[:-1]) else: genes = get_gene_of_pathway_strict(pathway) geneids = genes.keys() geneids.sort() return flask.render_template('output.html', pathway=pathway, genes=genes, geneids=geneids) @APP.route('/csv/<path:pathway>.csv') def generate_csv(pathway): """ Generate a comma separated value file containing all the information. """ print 'path2gene %s -- %s -- %s' % (datetime.datetime.now(), flask.request.remote_addr, flask.request.url) # Regenerate the informations if pathway.endswith('*'): genes = get_gene_of_pathway(pathway[:-1]) else: genes = get_gene_of_pathway_strict(pathway) string = 'Gene ID, Gene description, Pathway\n' for gene in genes: string = string + "%s, %s, %s\n" % (gene, genes[gene][0], genes[gene][1]) return flask.Response(string, mimetype='application/excel') if __name__ == '__main__': APP.debug = True APP.run()
# Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from blinkpy.common.host_mock import MockHost class MockBlinkTool(MockHost): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): MockHost.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def path(self): return 'echo'
""" URLs for the Enrollment API """ from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import url from .views import ( CourseEnrollmentsApiListView, EnrollmentCourseDetailView, EnrollmentListView, EnrollmentUserRolesView, EnrollmentView, UnenrollmentView ) urlpatterns = [ url(r'^enrollment/{username},{course_key}$'.format( username=settings.USERNAME_PATTERN, course_key=settings.COURSE_ID_PATTERN), EnrollmentView.as_view(), name='courseenrollment'), url(r'^enrollment/{course_key}$'.format(course_key=settings.COURSE_ID_PATTERN), EnrollmentView.as_view(), name='courseenrollment'), url(r'^enrollment$', EnrollmentListView.as_view(), name='courseenrollments'), url(r'^enrollments/?$', CourseEnrollmentsApiListView.as_view(), name='courseenrollmentsapilist'), url(r'^course/{course_key}$'.format(course_key=settings.COURSE_ID_PATTERN), EnrollmentCourseDetailView.as_view(), name='courseenrollmentdetails'), url(r'^unenroll/$', UnenrollmentView.as_view(), name='unenrollment'), url(r'^roles/$', EnrollmentUserRolesView.as_view(), name='roles'), ]
def getitem(v,d): "Returns the value of entry d in v" assert d in v.D return v.f[d] if d in v.f else 0 def setitem(v,d,val): "Set the element of v with label d to be val" assert d in v.D v.f[d] = val def equal(u,v): "Returns true iff u is equal to v" assert u.D == v.D union = set(u.f) | set (v.f) for k in union: uval = u.f[k] if k in u.f else 0 vval = v.f[k] if k in v.f else 0 if uval != vval: return False return True def add(u,v): "Returns the sum of the two vectors" assert u.D == v.D ukeys = set(u.f) vkeys = set (v.f) both = ukeys & vkeys uonly = ukeys - both vonly = vkeys - both f = {} for k in both: f[k] = u.f[k] + v.f[k] for k in uonly: f[k] = u.f[k] for k in vonly: f[k] = v.f[k] return Vec (u.D | v.D, f) def dot(u,v): "Returns the dot product of the two vectors" assert u.D == v.D ukeys = set(u.f) vkeys = set (v.f) both = ukeys & vkeys return sum([u.f[k] * v.f[k] for k in both]) def scalar_mul(v, alpha): "Returns the scalar-vector product alpha times v" f = {k: alpha * v.f[k] for k in v.f} return (Vec(v.D, f)) def neg(v): "Returns the negation of a vector" return scalar_mul (v, -1) def toStr(v): "pretty-printing" try: D_list = sorted(v.D) except TypeError: D_list = sorted(v.D, key=hash) numdec = 3 wd = dict([(k,(1+max(len(str(k)), len('{0:.{1}G}'.format(v[k], numdec))))) if isinstance(v[k], int) or isinstance(v[k], float) else (k,(1+max(len(str(k)), len(str(v[k]))))) for k in D_list]) # w = 1+max([len(str(k)) for k in D_list]+[len('{0:.{1}G}'.format(value,numdec)) for value in v.f.values()]) s1 = ''.join(['{0:>{1}}'.format(k,wd[k]) for k in D_list]) s2 = ''.join(['{0:>{1}.{2}G}'.format(v[k],wd[k],numdec) if isinstance(v[k], int) or isinstance(v[k], float) else '{0:>{1}}'.format(v[k], wd[k]) for k in D_list]) return "\n" + s1 + "\n" + '-'*sum(wd.values()) +"\n" + s2 ##### NO NEED TO MODIFY BELOW HERE ##### class Vec: """ A vector has two fields: D - the domain (a set) f - a dictionary mapping (some) domain elements to field elements elements of D not appearing in f are implicitly mapped to zero """ def __init__(self, labels, function): self.D = labels self.f = function __getitem__ = getitem __setitem__ = setitem __neg__ = neg __rmul__ = scalar_mul #if left arg of * is primitive, assume it's a scalar def __mul__(self,other): #If other is a vector, returns the dot product of self and other if isinstance(other, Vec): return dot(self,other) else: return NotImplemented # Will cause other.__rmul__(self) to be invoked def __truediv__(self,other): # Scalar division return (1/other)*self __add__ = add def __radd__(self, other): "Hack to allow sum(...) to work with vectors" if other == 0: return self # def __sub__(self, a,b): # "Returns a vector which is the difference of a and b." # return a+(-b) def __sub__(self, other): "Returns a vector which is the difference of a and b." return self+(-other) __eq__ = equal __str__ = toStr def __repr__(self): return "Vec(" + str(self.D) + "," + str(self.f) + ")" def copy(self): "Don't make a new copy of the domain D" return Vec(self.D, self.f.copy())
# # Copyright 2014 Quantopian, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from unittest import TestCase from catalyst.utils.argcheck import ( verify_callable_argspec, Argument, NoStarargs, UnexpectedStarargs, NoKwargs, UnexpectedKwargs, NotCallable, NotEnoughArguments, TooManyArguments, MismatchedArguments, ) class TestArgCheck(TestCase): def test_not_callable(self): """ Check the results of a non-callable object. """ not_callable = 'a' with self.assertRaises(NotCallable): verify_callable_argspec(not_callable) def test_no_starargs(self): """ Tests when a function does not have *args and it was expected. """ def f(a): pass with self.assertRaises(NoStarargs): verify_callable_argspec(f, expect_starargs=True) def test_starargs(self): """ Tests when a function has *args and it was expected. """ def f(*args): pass verify_callable_argspec(f, expect_starargs=True) def test_unexcpected_starargs(self): """ Tests a function that unexpectedly accepts *args. """ def f(*args): pass with self.assertRaises(UnexpectedStarargs): verify_callable_argspec(f, expect_starargs=False) def test_ignore_starargs(self): """ Tests checking a function ignoring the presence of *args. """ def f(*args): pass def g(): pass verify_callable_argspec(f, expect_starargs=Argument.ignore) verify_callable_argspec(g, expect_starargs=Argument.ignore) def test_no_kwargs(self): """ Tests when a function does not have **kwargs and it was expected. """ def f(): pass with self.assertRaises(NoKwargs): verify_callable_argspec(f, expect_kwargs=True) def test_kwargs(self): """ Tests when a function has **kwargs and it was expected. """ def f(**kwargs): pass verify_callable_argspec(f, expect_kwargs=True) def test_unexpected_kwargs(self): """ Tests a function that unexpectedly accepts **kwargs. """ def f(**kwargs): pass with self.assertRaises(UnexpectedKwargs): verify_callable_argspec(f, expect_kwargs=False) def test_ignore_kwargs(self): """ Tests checking a function ignoring the presence of **kwargs. """ def f(**kwargs): pass def g(): pass verify_callable_argspec(f, expect_kwargs=Argument.ignore) verify_callable_argspec(g, expect_kwargs=Argument.ignore) def test_arg_subset(self): """ Tests when the args are a subset of the expectations. """ def f(a, b): pass with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughArguments): verify_callable_argspec( f, [Argument('a'), Argument('b'), Argument('c')] ) def test_arg_superset(self): def f(a, b, c): pass with self.assertRaises(TooManyArguments): verify_callable_argspec(f, [Argument('a'), Argument('b')]) def test_no_default(self): """ Tests when an argument expects a default and it is not present. """ def f(a): pass with self.assertRaises(MismatchedArguments): verify_callable_argspec(f, [Argument('a', 1)]) def test_default(self): """ Tests when an argument expects a default and it is present. """ def f(a=1): pass verify_callable_argspec(f, [Argument('a', 1)]) def test_ignore_default(self): """ Tests that ignoring defaults works as intended. """ def f(a=1): pass verify_callable_argspec(f, [Argument('a')]) def test_mismatched_args(self): def f(a, b): pass with self.assertRaises(MismatchedArguments): verify_callable_argspec(f, [Argument('c'), Argument('d')]) def test_ignore_args(self): """ Tests the ignore argument list feature. """ def f(a): pass def g(): pass h = 'not_callable' verify_callable_argspec(f) verify_callable_argspec(g) with self.assertRaises(NotCallable): verify_callable_argspec(h) def test_out_of_order(self): """ Tests the case where arguments are not in the correct order. """ def f(a, b): pass with self.assertRaises(MismatchedArguments): verify_callable_argspec(f, [Argument('b'), Argument('a')]) def test_wrong_default(self): """ Tests the case where a default is expected, but the default provided does not match the one expected. """ def f(a=1): pass with self.assertRaises(MismatchedArguments): verify_callable_argspec(f, [Argument('a', 2)]) def test_any_default(self): """ Tests the any_default option. """ def f(a=1): pass def g(a=2): pass def h(a): pass expected_args = [Argument('a', Argument.any_default)] verify_callable_argspec(f, expected_args) verify_callable_argspec(g, expected_args) with self.assertRaises(MismatchedArguments): verify_callable_argspec(h, expected_args) def test_ignore_name(self): """ Tests ignoring a param name. """ def f(a): pass def g(b): pass def h(c=1): pass expected_args = [Argument(Argument.ignore, Argument.no_default)] verify_callable_argspec(f, expected_args) verify_callable_argspec(f, expected_args) with self.assertRaises(MismatchedArguments): verify_callable_argspec(h, expected_args) def test_bound_method(self): class C(object): def f(self, a, b): pass method = C().f verify_callable_argspec(method, [Argument('a'), Argument('b')]) with self.assertRaises(NotEnoughArguments): # Assert that we don't count self. verify_callable_argspec( method, [Argument('self'), Argument('a'), Argument('b')], )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tests for the analysis mediator.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals import unittest from dfvfs.lib import definitions as dfvfs_definitions from dfvfs.path import factory as path_spec_factory from plaso.analysis import mediator from plaso.containers import sessions from plaso.storage.fake import writer as fake_writer from tests.analysis import test_lib class AnalysisMediatorTest(test_lib.AnalysisPluginTestCase): """Tests for the analysis mediator.""" def testGetDisplayNameForPathSpec(self): """Tests the GetDisplayNameForPathSpec function.""" session = sessions.Session() storage_writer = fake_writer.FakeStorageWriter(session) knowledge_base = self._SetUpKnowledgeBase() analysis_mediator = mediator.AnalysisMediator( storage_writer, knowledge_base) test_path = self._GetTestFilePath(['syslog.gz']) os_path_spec = path_spec_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_OS, location=test_path) expected_display_name = 'OS:{0:s}'.format(test_path) display_name = analysis_mediator.GetDisplayNameForPathSpec(os_path_spec) self.assertEqual(display_name, expected_display_name) # TODO: add test for GetUsernameForPath. # TODO: add test for ProduceAnalysisReport. # TODO: add test for ProduceEventTag. def testSignalAbort(self): """Tests the SignalAbort function.""" session = sessions.Session() storage_writer = fake_writer.FakeStorageWriter(session) knowledge_base = self._SetUpKnowledgeBase() analysis_mediator = mediator.AnalysisMediator( storage_writer, knowledge_base) analysis_mediator.SignalAbort() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
""" This module describes the unlogged state of the default game. The setting STATE_UNLOGGED should be set to the python path of the state instance in this module. """ from evennia.commands.cmdset import CmdSet from evennia.commands.default import unloggedin class UnloggedinCmdSet(CmdSet): """ Sets up the unlogged cmdset. """ key = "DefaultUnloggedin" priority = 0 def at_cmdset_creation(self): "Populate the cmdset" self.add(unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedConnect()) self.add(unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedCreate()) self.add(unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedQuit()) self.add(unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedLook()) self.add(unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedHelp()) self.add(unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedEncoding()) self.add(unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedScreenreader())
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #This extracts data from xml plists # #########################COPYRIGHT INFORMATION############################ #Copyright (C) 2013 dougkoster@hotmail.com # #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # #(at your option) any later version. # # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # #GNU General Public License for more details. # # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # #along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # #########################COPYRIGHT INFORMATION############################ from parted import * from mount import * from mount_ewf import * from done import * from unix2dos import * from mmls import * from check_for_folder import * from calculate_md5 import * import os from os.path import join import re import io import sys import string import subprocess import datetime import shutil import plistlib import xml.parsers.expat as expat def get_system_version(plist_info, abs_file_path, md5, export_file, outfile, key_name): plist_type = type(plist_info) print("The plist type is: " + str(plist_type)) if(type(plist_info) is dict): export_file.write('File Path: ' + "\t" + abs_file_path + "\n") export_file.write('MD5: ' + "\t\t" + str(md5) + "\n\n") print(abs_file_path + " has a plist attribute that is a dict") process_dict(plist_info, outfile, export_file, key_name) elif(str(type(plist_info)) == "<class 'plistlib._InternalDict'>"): export_file.write('File Path: ' + "\t" + abs_file_path + "\n") export_file.write('MD5: ' + "\t\t" + str(md5) + "\n") print(abs_file_path + " has a plist attribute that is an internal dict") process_dict(plist_info, outfile, export_file, key_name) def process_dict(dictionary_plist, outfile, export_file, key_name): #loop through dict plist for key,value in sorted(dictionary_plist.items()): if(key_name == key): print("The key is: " + key + " The key_name is: " + key_name) export_file.write(key + "=> " + value) #figure out cat type if(re.search('10.9', value)): export_file.write("(Mavericks)") elif(re.search('10.8', value)): export_file.write("(Mountain Lion)") elif(re.search('10.7', value)): export_file.write("(Lion)") elif(re.search('10.6', value)): export_file.write("(Snow Leopard)") elif(re.search('10.5', value)): export_file.write("(Leopard)") elif(re.search('10.4', value)): export_file.write("(Tiger)") elif(re.search('10.3', value)): export_file.write("(Panther)") elif(re.search('10.2', value)): export_file.write("(Jaguar)") elif(re.search('10.1', value)): export_file.write("(Puma)") elif(re.search('10.0', value)): export_file.write("(Kodiak)") return key
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from typing import Text from zerver.lib.test_classes import WebhookTestCase class HelloSignHookTests(WebhookTestCase): STREAM_NAME = 'hellosign' URL_TEMPLATE = "/api/v1/external/hellosign?stream={stream}&api_key={api_key}" FIXTURE_DIR_NAME = 'hellosign' def test_signatures_message(self): # type: () -> None expected_subject = "NDA with Acme Co." expected_message = ("The NDA with Acme Co. is awaiting the signature of " "Jack and was just signed by Jill.") self.send_and_test_stream_message('signatures', expected_subject, expected_message, content_type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded") def get_body(self, fixture_name): # type: (Text) -> Text return self.fixture_data("hellosign", fixture_name, file_type="json")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # tifffile.py # Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Christoph Gohlke # Copyright (c) 2008-2014, The Regents of the University of California # Produced at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of any # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Read and write image data from and to TIFF files. Image and metadata can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK, LSM, NIH, SGI, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, SEQ and GEL files. Only a subset of the TIFF specification is supported, mainly uncompressed and losslessly compressed 2**(0 to 6) bit integer, 16, 32 and 64-bit float, grayscale and RGB(A) images, which are commonly used in bio-scientific imaging. Specifically, reading JPEG and CCITT compressed image data or EXIF, IPTC, GPS, and XMP metadata is not implemented. Only primary info records are read for STK, FluoView, MicroManager, and NIH image formats. TIFF, the Tagged Image File Format, is under the control of Adobe Systems. BigTIFF allows for files greater than 4 GB. STK, LSM, FluoView, SGI, SEQ, GEL, and OME-TIFF, are custom extensions defined by Molecular Devices (Universal Imaging Corporation), Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Olympus, Silicon Graphics International, Media Cybernetics, Molecular Dynamics, and the Open Microscopy Environment consortium respectively. For command line usage run ``python tifffile.py --help`` :Author: `Christoph Gohlke <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/>`_ :Organization: Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine :Version: 2014.08.24 Requirements ------------ * `CPython 2.7 or 3.4 <http://www.python.org>`_ * `Numpy 1.8.2 <http://www.numpy.org>`_ * `Matplotlib 1.4 <http://www.matplotlib.org>`_ (optional for plotting) * `Tifffile.c 2013.11.05 <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/>`_ (recommended for faster decoding of PackBits and LZW encoded strings) Notes ----- The API is not stable yet and might change between revisions. Tested on little-endian platforms only. Other Python packages and modules for reading bio-scientific TIFF files: * `Imread <http://luispedro.org/software/imread>`_ * `PyLibTiff <http://code.google.com/p/pylibtiff>`_ * `SimpleITK <http://www.simpleitk.org>`_ * `PyLSM <https://launchpad.net/pylsm>`_ * `PyMca.TiffIO.py <http://pymca.sourceforge.net/>`_ (same as fabio.TiffIO) * `BioImageXD.Readers <http://www.bioimagexd.net/>`_ * `Cellcognition.io <http://cellcognition.org/>`_ * `CellProfiler.bioformats <https://github.com/CellProfiler/python-bioformats>`_ Acknowledgements ---------------- * Egor Zindy, University of Manchester, for cz_lsm_scan_info specifics. * Wim Lewis for a bug fix and some read_cz_lsm functions. * Hadrien Mary for help on reading MicroManager files. References ---------- (1) TIFF 6.0 Specification and Supplements. Adobe Systems Incorporated. http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/tiff/ (2) TIFF File Format FAQ. http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/faq.html (3) MetaMorph Stack (STK) Image File Format. http://support.meta.moleculardevices.com/docs/t10243.pdf (4) Image File Format Description LSM 5/7 Release 6.0 (ZEN 2010). Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH. BioSciences. May 10, 2011 (5) File Format Description - LSM 5xx Release 2.0. http://ibb.gsf.de/homepage/karsten.rodenacker/IDL/Lsmfile.doc (6) The OME-TIFF format. http://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/file-formats/ome-tiff (7) UltraQuant(r) Version 6.0 for Windows Start-Up Guide. http://www.ultralum.com/images%20ultralum/pdf/UQStart%20Up%20Guide.pdf (8) Micro-Manager File Formats. http://www.micro-manager.org/wiki/Micro-Manager_File_Formats (9) Tags for TIFF and Related Specifications. Digital Preservation. http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/formats/content/tiff_tags.shtml Examples -------- >>> data = numpy.random.rand(5, 301, 219) >>> imsave('temp.tif', data) >>> image = imread('temp.tif') >>> numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(image, data) >>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif: ... images = tif.asarray() ... for page in tif: ... for tag in page.tags.values(): ... t = tag.name, tag.value ... image = page.asarray() """ import sys import os import re import glob import math import zlib import time import json import struct import warnings import tempfile import datetime import collections from fractions import Fraction from xml.etree import cElementTree as etree import numpy try: import _tifffile except ImportError: warnings.warn( "failed to import the optional _tifffile C extension module.\n" "Loading of some compressed images will be slow.\n" "Tifffile.c can be obtained at http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/") __version__ = '2014.08.24' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' __all__ = ('imsave', 'imread', 'imshow', 'TiffFile', 'TiffWriter', 'TiffSequence') def imsave(filename, data, **kwargs): """Write image data to TIFF file. Refer to the TiffWriter class and member functions for documentation. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to write. data : array_like Input image. The last dimensions are assumed to be image depth, height, width, and samples. kwargs : dict Parameters 'byteorder', 'bigtiff', and 'software' are passed to the TiffWriter class. Parameters 'photometric', 'planarconfig', 'resolution', 'description', 'compress', 'volume', and 'extratags' are passed to the TiffWriter.save function. Examples -------- >>> data = numpy.random.rand(2, 5, 3, 301, 219) >>> description = '{"shape": %s}' % str(list(data.shape)) >>> imsave('temp.tif', data, compress=6, ... extratags=[(270, 's', 0, description, True)]) """ tifargs = {} for key in ('byteorder', 'bigtiff', 'software', 'writeshape'): if key in kwargs: tifargs[key] = kwargs[key] del kwargs[key] if 'writeshape' not in kwargs: kwargs['writeshape'] = True if 'bigtiff' not in tifargs and data.size * \ data.dtype.itemsize > 2000 * 2 ** 20: tifargs['bigtiff'] = True with TiffWriter(filename, **tifargs) as tif: tif.save(data, **kwargs) class TiffWriter(object): """Write image data to TIFF file. TiffWriter instances must be closed using the close method, which is automatically called when using the 'with' statement. Examples -------- >>> data = numpy.random.rand(2, 5, 3, 301, 219) >>> with TiffWriter('temp.tif', bigtiff=True) as tif: ... for i in range(data.shape[0]): ... tif.save(data[i], compress=6) """ TYPES = {'B': 1, 's': 2, 'H': 3, 'I': 4, '2I': 5, 'b': 6, 'h': 8, 'i': 9, 'f': 11, 'd': 12, 'Q': 16, 'q': 17} TAGS = { 'new_subfile_type': 254, 'subfile_type': 255, 'image_width': 256, 'image_length': 257, 'bits_per_sample': 258, 'compression': 259, 'photometric': 262, 'fill_order': 266, 'document_name': 269, 'image_description': 270, 'strip_offsets': 273, 'orientation': 274, 'samples_per_pixel': 277, 'rows_per_strip': 278, 'strip_byte_counts': 279, 'x_resolution': 282, 'y_resolution': 283, 'planar_configuration': 284, 'page_name': 285, 'resolution_unit': 296, 'software': 305, 'datetime': 306, 'predictor': 317, 'color_map': 320, 'tile_width': 322, 'tile_length': 323, 'tile_offsets': 324, 'tile_byte_counts': 325, 'extra_samples': 338, 'sample_format': 339, 'image_depth': 32997, 'tile_depth': 32998} def __init__(self, filename, bigtiff=False, byteorder=None, software='tifffile.py'): """Create a new TIFF file for writing. Use bigtiff=True when creating files greater than 2 GB. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to write. bigtiff : bool If True, the BigTIFF format is used. byteorder : {'<', '>'} The endianness of the data in the file. By default this is the system's native byte order. software : str Name of the software used to create the image. Saved with the first page only. """ if byteorder not in (None, '<', '>'): raise ValueError("invalid byteorder %s" % byteorder) if byteorder is None: byteorder = '<' if sys.byteorder == 'little' else '>' self._byteorder = byteorder self._software = software self._fh = open(filename, 'wb') self._fh.write({'<': b'II', '>': b'MM'}[byteorder]) if bigtiff: self._bigtiff = True self._offset_size = 8 self._tag_size = 20 self._numtag_format = 'Q' self._offset_format = 'Q' self._val_format = '8s' self._fh.write(struct.pack(byteorder + 'HHH', 43, 8, 0)) else: self._bigtiff = False self._offset_size = 4 self._tag_size = 12 self._numtag_format = 'H' self._offset_format = 'I' self._val_format = '4s' self._fh.write(struct.pack(byteorder + 'H', 42)) # first IFD self._ifd_offset = self._fh.tell() self._fh.write(struct.pack(byteorder + self._offset_format, 0)) def save(self, data, photometric=None, planarconfig=None, resolution=None, description=None, volume=False, writeshape=False, compress=0, extratags=()): """Write image data to TIFF file. Image data are written in one stripe per plane. Dimensions larger than 2 to 4 (depending on photometric mode, planar configuration, and SGI mode) are flattened and saved as separate pages. The 'sample_format' and 'bits_per_sample' TIFF tags are derived from the data type. Parameters ---------- data : array_like Input image. The last dimensions are assumed to be image depth, height, width, and samples. photometric : {'minisblack', 'miniswhite', 'rgb'} The color space of the image data. By default this setting is inferred from the data shape. planarconfig : {'contig', 'planar'} Specifies if samples are stored contiguous or in separate planes. By default this setting is inferred from the data shape. 'contig': last dimension contains samples. 'planar': third last dimension contains samples. resolution : (float, float) or ((int, int), (int, int)) X and Y resolution in dots per inch as float or rational numbers. description : str The subject of the image. Saved with the first page only. compress : int Values from 0 to 9 controlling the level of zlib compression. If 0, data are written uncompressed (default). volume : bool If True, volume data are stored in one tile (if applicable) using the SGI image_depth and tile_depth tags. Image width and depth must be multiple of 16. Few software can read this format, e.g. MeVisLab. writeshape : bool If True, write the data shape to the image_description tag if necessary and no other description is given. extratags: sequence of tuples Additional tags as [(code, dtype, count, value, writeonce)]. code : int The TIFF tag Id. dtype : str Data type of items in 'value' in Python struct format. One of B, s, H, I, 2I, b, h, i, f, d, Q, or q. count : int Number of data values. Not used for string values. value : sequence 'Count' values compatible with 'dtype'. writeonce : bool If True, the tag is written to the first page only. """ if photometric not in (None, 'minisblack', 'miniswhite', 'rgb'): raise ValueError("invalid photometric %s" % photometric) if planarconfig not in (None, 'contig', 'planar'): raise ValueError("invalid planarconfig %s" % planarconfig) if not 0 <= compress <= 9: raise ValueError("invalid compression level %s" % compress) fh = self._fh byteorder = self._byteorder numtag_format = self._numtag_format val_format = self._val_format offset_format = self._offset_format offset_size = self._offset_size tag_size = self._tag_size data = numpy.asarray( data, dtype=byteorder + data.dtype.char, order='C') data_shape = shape = data.shape data = numpy.atleast_2d(data) # normalize shape of data samplesperpixel = 1 extrasamples = 0 if volume and data.ndim < 3: volume = False if photometric is None: if planarconfig: photometric = 'rgb' elif data.ndim > 2 and shape[-1] in (3, 4): photometric = 'rgb' elif volume and data.ndim > 3 and shape[-4] in (3, 4): photometric = 'rgb' elif data.ndim > 2 and shape[-3] in (3, 4): photometric = 'rgb' else: photometric = 'minisblack' if planarconfig and len(shape) <= (3 if volume else 2): planarconfig = None photometric = 'minisblack' if photometric == 'rgb': if len(shape) < 3: raise ValueError("not a RGB(A) image") if len(shape) < 4: volume = False if planarconfig is None: if shape[-1] in (3, 4): planarconfig = 'contig' elif shape[-4 if volume else -3] in (3, 4): planarconfig = 'planar' elif shape[-1] > shape[-4 if volume else -3]: planarconfig = 'planar' else: planarconfig = 'contig' if planarconfig == 'contig': data = data.reshape((-1, 1) + shape[(-4 if volume else -3):]) samplesperpixel = data.shape[-1] else: data = data.reshape( (-1,) + shape[(-4 if volume else -3):] + (1,)) samplesperpixel = data.shape[1] if samplesperpixel > 3: extrasamples = samplesperpixel - 3 elif planarconfig and len(shape) > (3 if volume else 2): if planarconfig == 'contig': data = data.reshape((-1, 1) + shape[(-4 if volume else -3):]) samplesperpixel = data.shape[-1] else: data = data.reshape( (-1,) + shape[(-4 if volume else -3):] + (1,)) samplesperpixel = data.shape[1] extrasamples = samplesperpixel - 1 else: planarconfig = None # remove trailing 1s while len(shape) > 2 and shape[-1] == 1: shape = shape[:-1] if len(shape) < 3: volume = False if False and ( len(shape) > (3 if volume else 2) and shape[-1] < 5 and all(shape[-1] < i for i in shape[(-4 if volume else -3):-1])): # DISABLED: non-standard TIFF, e.g. (220, 320, 2) planarconfig = 'contig' samplesperpixel = shape[-1] data = data.reshape((-1, 1) + shape[(-4 if volume else -3):]) else: data = data.reshape( (-1, 1) + shape[(-3 if volume else -2):] + (1,)) if samplesperpixel == 2: warnings.warn("writing non-standard TIFF (samplesperpixel 2)") if volume and (data.shape[-2] % 16 or data.shape[-3] % 16): warnings.warn("volume width or length are not multiple of 16") volume = False data = numpy.swapaxes(data, 1, 2) data = data.reshape( (data.shape[0] * data.shape[1],) + data.shape[2:]) # data.shape is now normalized 5D or 6D, depending on volume # (pages, planar_samples, (depth,) height, width, contig_samples) assert len(data.shape) in (5, 6) shape = data.shape bytestr = bytes if sys.version[0] == '2' else ( lambda x: bytes(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x) tags = [] # list of (code, ifdentry, ifdvalue, writeonce) if volume: # use tiles to save volume data tag_byte_counts = TiffWriter.TAGS['tile_byte_counts'] tag_offsets = TiffWriter.TAGS['tile_offsets'] else: # else use strips tag_byte_counts = TiffWriter.TAGS['strip_byte_counts'] tag_offsets = TiffWriter.TAGS['strip_offsets'] def pack(fmt, *val): return struct.pack(byteorder + fmt, *val) def addtag(code, dtype, count, value, writeonce=False): # Compute ifdentry & ifdvalue bytes from code, dtype, count, value. # Append (code, ifdentry, ifdvalue, writeonce) to tags list. code = int(TiffWriter.TAGS.get(code, code)) try: tifftype = TiffWriter.TYPES[dtype] except KeyError: raise ValueError("unknown dtype %s" % dtype) rawcount = count if dtype == 's': value = bytestr(value) + b'\0' count = rawcount = len(value) value = (value, ) if len(dtype) > 1: count *= int(dtype[:-1]) dtype = dtype[-1] ifdentry = [pack('HH', code, tifftype), pack(offset_format, rawcount)] ifdvalue = None if count == 1: if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = value[0] ifdentry.append(pack(val_format, pack(dtype, value))) elif struct.calcsize(dtype) * count <= offset_size: ifdentry.append(pack(val_format, pack(str(count) + dtype, *value))) else: ifdentry.append(pack(offset_format, 0)) ifdvalue = pack(str(count) + dtype, *value) tags.append((code, b''.join(ifdentry), ifdvalue, writeonce)) def rational(arg, max_denominator=1000000): # return nominator and denominator from float or two integers try: f = Fraction.from_float(arg) except TypeError: f = Fraction(arg[0], arg[1]) f = f.limit_denominator(max_denominator) return f.numerator, f.denominator if self._software: addtag('software', 's', 0, self._software, writeonce=True) self._software = None # only save to first page if description: addtag('image_description', 's', 0, description, writeonce=True) elif writeshape and shape[0] > 1 and shape != data_shape: addtag('image_description', 's', 0, "shape=(%s)" % (",".join('%i' % i for i in data_shape)), writeonce=True) addtag('datetime', 's', 0, datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S"), writeonce=True) addtag('compression', 'H', 1, 32946 if compress else 1) addtag('orientation', 'H', 1, 1) addtag('image_width', 'I', 1, shape[-2]) addtag('image_length', 'I', 1, shape[-3]) if volume: addtag('image_depth', 'I', 1, shape[-4]) addtag('tile_depth', 'I', 1, shape[-4]) addtag('tile_width', 'I', 1, shape[-2]) addtag('tile_length', 'I', 1, shape[-3]) addtag('new_subfile_type', 'I', 1, 0 if shape[0] == 1 else 2) addtag('sample_format', 'H', 1, {'u': 1, 'i': 2, 'f': 3, 'c': 6}[data.dtype.kind]) addtag('photometric', 'H', 1, {'miniswhite': 0, 'minisblack': 1, 'rgb': 2}[photometric]) addtag('samples_per_pixel', 'H', 1, samplesperpixel) if planarconfig and samplesperpixel > 1: addtag('planar_configuration', 'H', 1, 1 if planarconfig == 'contig' else 2) addtag('bits_per_sample', 'H', samplesperpixel, (data.dtype.itemsize * 8, ) * samplesperpixel) else: addtag('bits_per_sample', 'H', 1, data.dtype.itemsize * 8) if extrasamples: if photometric == 'rgb' and extrasamples == 1: addtag('extra_samples', 'H', 1, 1) # associated alpha channel else: addtag('extra_samples', 'H', extrasamples, (0,) * extrasamples) if resolution: addtag('x_resolution', '2I', 1, rational(resolution[0])) addtag('y_resolution', '2I', 1, rational(resolution[1])) addtag('resolution_unit', 'H', 1, 2) addtag('rows_per_strip', 'I', 1, shape[-3] * (shape[-4] if volume else 1)) # use one strip or tile per plane strip_byte_counts = (data[0, 0].size * data.dtype.itemsize,) * shape[1] addtag(tag_byte_counts, offset_format, shape[1], strip_byte_counts) addtag(tag_offsets, offset_format, shape[1], (0, ) * shape[1]) # add extra tags from users for t in extratags: addtag(*t) # the entries in an IFD must be sorted in ascending order by tag code tags = sorted(tags, key=lambda x: x[0]) if not self._bigtiff and (fh.tell() + data.size * data.dtype.itemsize > 2 ** 31 - 1): raise ValueError("data too large for non-bigtiff file") for pageindex in range(shape[0]): # update pointer at ifd_offset pos = fh.tell() fh.seek(self._ifd_offset) fh.write(pack(offset_format, pos)) fh.seek(pos) # write ifdentries fh.write(pack(numtag_format, len(tags))) tag_offset = fh.tell() fh.write(b''.join(t[1] for t in tags)) self._ifd_offset = fh.tell() fh.write(pack(offset_format, 0)) # offset to next IFD # write tag values and patch offsets in ifdentries, if necessary for tagindex, tag in enumerate(tags): if tag[2]: pos = fh.tell() fh.seek(tag_offset + tagindex * tag_size + offset_size + 4) fh.write(pack(offset_format, pos)) fh.seek(pos) if tag[0] == tag_offsets: strip_offsets_offset = pos elif tag[0] == tag_byte_counts: strip_byte_counts_offset = pos fh.write(tag[2]) # write image data data_offset = fh.tell() if compress: strip_byte_counts = [] for plane in data[pageindex]: plane = zlib.compress(plane, compress) strip_byte_counts.append(len(plane)) fh.write(plane) else: # if this fails try update Python/numpy data[pageindex].tofile(fh) fh.flush() # update strip and tile offsets and byte_counts if necessary pos = fh.tell() for tagindex, tag in enumerate(tags): if tag[0] == tag_offsets: # strip or tile offsets if tag[2]: fh.seek(strip_offsets_offset) strip_offset = data_offset for size in strip_byte_counts: fh.write(pack(offset_format, strip_offset)) strip_offset += size else: fh.seek(tag_offset + tagindex * tag_size + offset_size + 4) fh.write(pack(offset_format, data_offset)) elif tag[0] == tag_byte_counts: # strip or tile byte_counts if compress: if tag[2]: fh.seek(strip_byte_counts_offset) for size in strip_byte_counts: fh.write(pack(offset_format, size)) else: fh.seek(tag_offset + tagindex * tag_size + offset_size + 4) fh.write(pack(offset_format, strip_byte_counts[0])) break fh.seek(pos) fh.flush() # remove tags that should be written only once if pageindex == 0: tags = [t for t in tags if not t[-1]] def close(self): self._fh.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def imread(files, **kwargs): """Return image data from TIFF file(s) as numpy array. The first image series is returned if no arguments are provided. Parameters ---------- files : str or list File name, glob pattern, or list of file names. key : int, slice, or sequence of page indices Defines which pages to return as array. series : int Defines which series of pages in file to return as array. multifile : bool If True (default), OME-TIFF data may include pages from multiple files. pattern : str Regular expression pattern that matches axes names and indices in file names. kwargs : dict Additional parameters passed to the TiffFile or TiffSequence asarray function. Examples -------- >>> im = imread('test.tif', key=0) >>> im.shape (256, 256, 4) >>> ims = imread(['test.tif', 'test.tif']) >>> ims.shape (2, 256, 256, 4) """ kwargs_file = {} if 'multifile' in kwargs: kwargs_file['multifile'] = kwargs['multifile'] del kwargs['multifile'] else: kwargs_file['multifile'] = True kwargs_seq = {} if 'pattern' in kwargs: kwargs_seq['pattern'] = kwargs['pattern'] del kwargs['pattern'] if isinstance(files, str) and any(i in files for i in '?*'): files = glob.glob(files) if not files: raise ValueError('no files found') if len(files) == 1: files = files[0] if isinstance(files, str): with TiffFile(files, **kwargs_file) as tif: return tif.asarray(**kwargs) else: with TiffSequence(files, **kwargs_seq) as imseq: return imseq.asarray(**kwargs) class lazyattr(object): """Lazy object attribute whose value is computed on first access.""" __slots__ = ('func', ) def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self value = self.func(instance) if value is NotImplemented: return getattr(super(owner, instance), self.func.__name__) setattr(instance, self.func.__name__, value) return value class TiffFile(object): """Read image and metadata from TIFF, STK, LSM, and FluoView files. TiffFile instances must be closed using the close method, which is automatically called when using the 'with' statement. Attributes ---------- pages : list All TIFF pages in file. series : list of Records(shape, dtype, axes, TiffPages) TIFF pages with compatible shapes and types. micromanager_metadata: dict Extra MicroManager non-TIFF metadata in the file, if exists. All attributes are read-only. Examples -------- >>> with TiffFile('test.tif') as tif: ... data = tif.asarray() ... data.shape (256, 256, 4) """ def __init__(self, arg, name=None, offset=None, size=None, multifile=True, multifile_close=True): """Initialize instance from file. Parameters ---------- arg : str or open file Name of file or open file object. The file objects are closed in TiffFile.close(). name : str Optional name of file in case 'arg' is a file handle. offset : int Optional start position of embedded file. By default this is the current file position. size : int Optional size of embedded file. By default this is the number of bytes from the 'offset' to the end of the file. multifile : bool If True (default), series may include pages from multiple files. Currently applies to OME-TIFF only. multifile_close : bool If True (default), keep the handles of other files in multifile series closed. This is inefficient when few files refer to many pages. If False, the C runtime may run out of resources. """ self._fh = FileHandle(arg, name=name, offset=offset, size=size) self.offset_size = None self.pages = [] self._multifile = bool(multifile) self._multifile_close = bool(multifile_close) self._files = {self._fh.name: self} # cache of TiffFiles try: self._fromfile() except Exception: self._fh.close() raise @property def filehandle(self): """Return file handle.""" return self._fh @property def filename(self): """Return name of file handle.""" return self._fh.name def close(self): """Close open file handle(s).""" for tif in self._files.values(): tif._fh.close() self._files = {} def _fromfile(self): """Read TIFF header and all page records from file.""" self._fh.seek(0) try: self.byteorder = {b'II': '<', b'MM': '>'}[self._fh.read(2)] except KeyError: raise ValueError("not a valid TIFF file") version = struct.unpack(self.byteorder + 'H', self._fh.read(2))[0] if version == 43: # BigTiff self.offset_size, zero = struct.unpack(self.byteorder + 'HH', self._fh.read(4)) if zero or self.offset_size != 8: raise ValueError("not a valid BigTIFF file") elif version == 42: self.offset_size = 4 else: raise ValueError("not a TIFF file") self.pages = [] while True: try: page = TiffPage(self) self.pages.append(page) except StopIteration: break if not self.pages: raise ValueError("empty TIFF file") if self.is_micromanager: # MicroManager files contain metadata not stored in TIFF tags. self.micromanager_metadata = read_micromanager_metadata(self._fh) if self.is_lsm: self._fix_lsm_strip_offsets() self._fix_lsm_strip_byte_counts() def _fix_lsm_strip_offsets(self): """Unwrap strip offsets for LSM files greater than 4 GB.""" for series in self.series: wrap = 0 previous_offset = 0 for page in series.pages: strip_offsets = [] for current_offset in page.strip_offsets: if current_offset < previous_offset: wrap += 2 ** 32 strip_offsets.append(current_offset + wrap) previous_offset = current_offset page.strip_offsets = tuple(strip_offsets) def _fix_lsm_strip_byte_counts(self): """Set strip_byte_counts to size of compressed data. The strip_byte_counts tag in LSM files contains the number of bytes for the uncompressed data. """ if not self.pages: return strips = {} for page in self.pages: assert len(page.strip_offsets) == len(page.strip_byte_counts) for offset, bytecount in zip(page.strip_offsets, page.strip_byte_counts): strips[offset] = bytecount offsets = sorted(strips.keys()) offsets.append(min(offsets[-1] + strips[offsets[-1]], self._fh.size)) for i, offset in enumerate(offsets[:-1]): strips[offset] = min(strips[offset], offsets[i + 1] - offset) for page in self.pages: if page.compression: page.strip_byte_counts = tuple( strips[offset] for offset in page.strip_offsets) @lazyattr def series(self): """Return series of TiffPage with compatible shape and properties.""" if not self.pages: return [] series = [] page0 = self.pages[0] if self.is_ome: series = self._omeseries() elif self.is_fluoview: dims = {b'X': 'X', b'Y': 'Y', b'Z': 'Z', b'T': 'T', b'WAVELENGTH': 'C', b'TIME': 'T', b'XY': 'R', b'EVENT': 'V', b'EXPOSURE': 'L'} mmhd = list(reversed(page0.mm_header.dimensions)) series = [Record( axes=''.join(dims.get(i[0].strip().upper(), 'Q') for i in mmhd if i[1] > 1), shape=tuple(int(i[1]) for i in mmhd if i[1] > 1), pages=self.pages, dtype=numpy.dtype(page0.dtype))] elif self.is_lsm: lsmi = page0.cz_lsm_info axes = CZ_SCAN_TYPES[lsmi.scan_type] if page0.is_rgb: axes = axes.replace('C', '').replace('XY', 'XYC') axes = axes[::-1] shape = tuple(getattr(lsmi, CZ_DIMENSIONS[i]) for i in axes) pages = [p for p in self.pages if not p.is_reduced] series = [Record(axes=axes, shape=shape, pages=pages, dtype=numpy.dtype(pages[0].dtype))] if len(pages) != len(self.pages): # reduced RGB pages pages = [p for p in self.pages if p.is_reduced] cp = 1 i = 0 while cp < len(pages) and i < len(shape) - 2: cp *= shape[i] i += 1 shape = shape[:i] + pages[0].shape axes = axes[:i] + 'CYX' series.append(Record(axes=axes, shape=shape, pages=pages, dtype=numpy.dtype(pages[0].dtype))) elif self.is_imagej: shape = [] axes = [] ij = page0.imagej_tags if 'frames' in ij: shape.append(ij['frames']) axes.append('T') if 'slices' in ij: shape.append(ij['slices']) axes.append('Z') if 'channels' in ij and not self.is_rgb: shape.append(ij['channels']) axes.append('C') remain = len(self.pages) // (product(shape) if shape else 1) if remain > 1: shape.append(remain) axes.append('I') shape.extend(page0.shape) axes.extend(page0.axes) axes = ''.join(axes) series = [Record(pages=self.pages, shape=tuple(shape), axes=axes, dtype=numpy.dtype(page0.dtype))] elif self.is_nih: if len(self.pages) == 1: shape = page0.shape axes = page0.axes else: shape = (len(self.pages),) + page0.shape axes = 'I' + page0.axes series = [Record(pages=self.pages, shape=shape, axes=axes, dtype=numpy.dtype(page0.dtype))] elif page0.is_shaped: # TODO: shaped files can contain multiple series shape = page0.tags['image_description'].value[7:-1] shape = tuple(int(i) for i in shape.split(b',')) series = [Record(pages=self.pages, shape=shape, axes='Q' * len(shape), dtype=numpy.dtype(page0.dtype))] # generic detection of series if not series: shapes = [] pages = {} for page in self.pages: if not page.shape: continue shape = page.shape + (page.axes, page.compression in TIFF_DECOMPESSORS) if shape not in pages: shapes.append(shape) pages[shape] = [page] else: pages[shape].append(page) series = [Record(pages=pages[s], axes=(('I' + s[-2]) if len(pages[s]) > 1 else s[-2]), dtype=numpy.dtype(pages[s][0].dtype), shape=((len(pages[s]), ) + s[:-2] if len(pages[s]) > 1 else s[:-2])) for s in shapes] # remove empty series, e.g. in MD Gel files series = [s for s in series if sum(s.shape) > 0] return series def asarray(self, key=None, series=None, memmap=False): """Return image data from multiple TIFF pages as numpy array. By default the first image series is returned. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, or sequence of page indices Defines which pages to return as array. series : int Defines which series of pages to return as array. memmap : bool If True, return an array stored in a binary file on disk if possible. """ if key is None and series is None: series = 0 if series is not None: pages = self.series[series].pages else: pages = self.pages if key is None: pass elif isinstance(key, int): pages = [pages[key]] elif isinstance(key, slice): pages = pages[key] elif isinstance(key, collections.Iterable): pages = [pages[k] for k in key] else: raise TypeError("key must be an int, slice, or sequence") if not len(pages): raise ValueError("no pages selected") if self.is_nih: if pages[0].is_palette: result = stack_pages(pages, colormapped=False, squeeze=False) result = numpy.take(pages[0].color_map, result, axis=1) result = numpy.swapaxes(result, 0, 1) else: result = stack_pages(pages, memmap=memmap, colormapped=False, squeeze=False) elif len(pages) == 1: return pages[0].asarray(memmap=memmap) elif self.is_ome: assert not self.is_palette, "color mapping disabled for ome-tiff" if any(p is None for p in pages): # zero out missing pages firstpage = next(p for p in pages if p) nopage = numpy.zeros_like( firstpage.asarray(memmap=False)) s = self.series[series] if memmap: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fh: result = numpy.memmap(fh, dtype=s.dtype, shape=s.shape) result = result.reshape(-1) else: result = numpy.empty(s.shape, s.dtype).reshape(-1) index = 0 class KeepOpen: # keep Tiff files open between consecutive pages def __init__(self, parent, close): self.master = parent self.parent = parent self._close = close def open(self, page): if self._close and page and page.parent != self.parent: if self.parent != self.master: self.parent.filehandle.close() self.parent = page.parent self.parent.filehandle.open() def close(self): if self._close and self.parent != self.master: self.parent.filehandle.close() keep = KeepOpen(self, self._multifile_close) for page in pages: keep.open(page) if page: a = page.asarray(memmap=False, colormapped=False, reopen=False) else: a = nopage try: result[index:index + a.size] = a.reshape(-1) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn("ome-tiff: %s" % e) break index += a.size keep.close() else: result = stack_pages(pages, memmap=memmap) if key is None: try: result.shape = self.series[series].shape except ValueError: try: warnings.warn("failed to reshape %s to %s" % ( result.shape, self.series[series].shape)) # try series of expected shapes result.shape = (-1,) + self.series[series].shape except ValueError: # revert to generic shape result.shape = (-1,) + pages[0].shape else: result.shape = (-1,) + pages[0].shape return result def _omeseries(self): """Return image series in OME-TIFF file(s).""" root = etree.fromstring(self.pages[0].tags['image_description'].value) uuid = root.attrib.get('UUID', None) self._files = {uuid: self} dirname = self._fh.dirname modulo = {} result = [] for element in root: if element.tag.endswith('BinaryOnly'): warnings.warn("ome-xml: not an ome-tiff master file") break if element.tag.endswith('StructuredAnnotations'): for annot in element: if not annot.attrib.get('Namespace', '').endswith('modulo'): continue for value in annot: for modul in value: for along in modul: if not along.tag[:-1].endswith('Along'): continue axis = along.tag[-1] newaxis = along.attrib.get('Type', 'other') newaxis = AXES_LABELS[newaxis] if 'Start' in along.attrib: labels = range( int(along.attrib['Start']), int(along.attrib['End']) + 1, int(along.attrib.get('Step', 1))) else: labels = [label.text for label in along if label.tag.endswith('Label')] modulo[axis] = (newaxis, labels) if not element.tag.endswith('Image'): continue for pixels in element: if not pixels.tag.endswith('Pixels'): continue atr = pixels.attrib dtype = atr.get('Type', None) axes = ''.join(reversed(atr['DimensionOrder'])) shape = list(int(atr['Size' + ax]) for ax in axes) size = product(shape[:-2]) ifds = [None] * size for data in pixels: if not data.tag.endswith('TiffData'): continue atr = data.attrib ifd = int(atr.get('IFD', 0)) num = int(atr.get('NumPlanes', 1 if 'IFD' in atr else 0)) num = int(atr.get('PlaneCount', num)) idx = [int(atr.get('First' + ax, 0)) for ax in axes[:-2]] try: idx = numpy.ravel_multi_index(idx, shape[:-2]) except ValueError: # ImageJ produces invalid ome-xml when cropping warnings.warn("ome-xml: invalid TiffData index") continue for uuid in data: if not uuid.tag.endswith('UUID'): continue if uuid.text not in self._files: if not self._multifile: # abort reading multifile OME series # and fall back to generic series return [] fname = uuid.attrib['FileName'] try: tif = TiffFile(os.path.join(dirname, fname)) except (IOError, ValueError): tif.close() warnings.warn( "ome-xml: failed to read '%s'" % fname) break self._files[uuid.text] = tif if self._multifile_close: tif.close() pages = self._files[uuid.text].pages try: for i in range(num if num else len(pages)): ifds[idx + i] = pages[ifd + i] except IndexError: warnings.warn("ome-xml: index out of range") # only process first uuid break else: pages = self.pages try: for i in range(num if num else len(pages)): ifds[idx + i] = pages[ifd + i] except IndexError: warnings.warn("ome-xml: index out of range") if all(i is None for i in ifds): # skip images without data continue dtype = next(i for i in ifds if i).dtype result.append(Record(axes=axes, shape=shape, pages=ifds, dtype=numpy.dtype(dtype))) for record in result: for axis, (newaxis, labels) in modulo.items(): i = record.axes.index(axis) size = len(labels) if record.shape[i] == size: record.axes = record.axes.replace(axis, newaxis, 1) else: record.shape[i] //= size record.shape.insert(i + 1, size) record.axes = record.axes.replace(axis, axis + newaxis, 1) record.shape = tuple(record.shape) # squeeze dimensions for record in result: record.shape, record.axes = squeeze_axes(record.shape, record.axes) return result def __len__(self): """Return number of image pages in file.""" return len(self.pages) def __getitem__(self, key): """Return specified page.""" return self.pages[key] def __iter__(self): """Return iterator over pages.""" return iter(self.pages) def __str__(self): """Return string containing information about file.""" result = [ self._fh.name.capitalize(), format_size(self._fh.size), {'<': 'little endian', '>': 'big endian'}[self.byteorder]] if self.is_bigtiff: result.append("bigtiff") if len(self.pages) > 1: result.append("%i pages" % len(self.pages)) if len(self.series) > 1: result.append("%i series" % len(self.series)) if len(self._files) > 1: result.append("%i files" % (len(self._files))) return ", ".join(result) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() @lazyattr def fstat(self): try: return os.fstat(self._fh.fileno()) except Exception: # io.UnsupportedOperation return None @lazyattr def is_bigtiff(self): return self.offset_size != 4 @lazyattr def is_rgb(self): return all(p.is_rgb for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_palette(self): return all(p.is_palette for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_mdgel(self): return any(p.is_mdgel for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_mediacy(self): return any(p.is_mediacy for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_stk(self): return all(p.is_stk for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_lsm(self): return self.pages[0].is_lsm @lazyattr def is_imagej(self): return self.pages[0].is_imagej @lazyattr def is_micromanager(self): return self.pages[0].is_micromanager @lazyattr def is_nih(self): return self.pages[0].is_nih @lazyattr def is_fluoview(self): return self.pages[0].is_fluoview @lazyattr def is_ome(self): return self.pages[0].is_ome class TiffPage(object): """A TIFF image file directory (IFD). Attributes ---------- index : int Index of page in file. dtype : str {TIFF_SAMPLE_DTYPES} Data type of image, colormapped if applicable. shape : tuple Dimensions of the image array in TIFF page, colormapped and with one alpha channel if applicable. axes : str Axes label codes: 'X' width, 'Y' height, 'S' sample, 'I' image series|page|plane, 'Z' depth, 'C' color|em-wavelength|channel, 'E' ex-wavelength|lambda, 'T' time, 'R' region|tile, 'A' angle, 'P' phase, 'H' lifetime, 'L' exposure, 'V' event, 'Q' unknown, '_' missing tags : TiffTags Dictionary of tags in page. Tag values are also directly accessible as attributes. color_map : numpy array Color look up table, if exists. cz_lsm_scan_info: Record(dict) LSM scan info attributes, if exists. imagej_tags: Record(dict) Consolidated ImageJ description and metadata tags, if exists. uic_tags: Record(dict) Consolidated MetaMorph STK/UIC tags, if exists. All attributes are read-only. Notes ----- The internal, normalized '_shape' attribute is 6 dimensional: 0. number planes (stk) 1. planar samples_per_pixel 2. image_depth Z (sgi) 3. image_length Y 4. image_width X 5. contig samples_per_pixel """ def __init__(self, parent): """Initialize instance from file.""" self.parent = parent self.index = len(parent.pages) self.shape = self._shape = () self.dtype = self._dtype = None self.axes = "" self.tags = TiffTags() self._fromfile() self._process_tags() def _fromfile(self): """Read TIFF IFD structure and its tags from file. File cursor must be at storage position of IFD offset and is left at offset to next IFD. Raises StopIteration if offset (first bytes read) is 0. """ fh = self.parent.filehandle byteorder = self.parent.byteorder offset_size = self.parent.offset_size fmt = {4: 'I', 8: 'Q'}[offset_size] offset = struct.unpack(byteorder + fmt, fh.read(offset_size))[0] if not offset: raise StopIteration() # read standard tags tags = self.tags fh.seek(offset) fmt, size = {4: ('H', 2), 8: ('Q', 8)}[offset_size] try: numtags = struct.unpack(byteorder + fmt, fh.read(size))[0] except Exception: warnings.warn("corrupted page list") raise StopIteration() tagcode = 0 for _ in range(numtags): try: tag = TiffTag(self.parent) # print(tag) except TiffTag.Error as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) continue if tagcode > tag.code: # expected for early LSM and tifffile versions warnings.warn("tags are not ordered by code") tagcode = tag.code if tag.name not in tags: tags[tag.name] = tag else: # some files contain multiple IFD with same code # e.g. MicroManager files contain two image_description i = 1 while True: name = "%s_%i" % (tag.name, i) if name not in tags: tags[name] = tag break pos = fh.tell() if self.is_lsm or (self.index and self.parent.is_lsm): # correct non standard LSM bitspersample tags self.tags['bits_per_sample']._correct_lsm_bitspersample(self) if self.is_lsm: # read LSM info subrecords for name, reader in CZ_LSM_INFO_READERS.items(): try: offset = self.cz_lsm_info['offset_' + name] except KeyError: continue if offset < 8: # older LSM revision continue fh.seek(offset) try: setattr(self, 'cz_lsm_' + name, reader(fh)) except ValueError: pass elif self.is_stk and 'uic1tag' in tags and not tags['uic1tag'].value: # read uic1tag now that plane count is known uic1tag = tags['uic1tag'] fh.seek(uic1tag.value_offset) tags['uic1tag'].value = Record( read_uic1tag(fh, byteorder, uic1tag.dtype, uic1tag.count, tags['uic2tag'].count)) fh.seek(pos) def _process_tags(self): """Validate standard tags and initialize attributes. Raise ValueError if tag values are not supported. """ tags = self.tags for code, (name, default, dtype, count, validate) in TIFF_TAGS.items(): if not (name in tags or default is None): tags[name] = TiffTag(code, dtype=dtype, count=count, value=default, name=name) if name in tags and validate: try: if tags[name].count == 1: setattr(self, name, validate[tags[name].value]) else: setattr(self, name, tuple( validate[value] for value in tags[name].value)) except KeyError: raise ValueError("%s.value (%s) not supported" % (name, tags[name].value)) tag = tags['bits_per_sample'] if tag.count == 1: self.bits_per_sample = tag.value else: # LSM might list more items than samples_per_pixel value = tag.value[:self.samples_per_pixel] if any((v - value[0] for v in value)): self.bits_per_sample = value else: self.bits_per_sample = value[0] tag = tags['sample_format'] if tag.count == 1: self.sample_format = TIFF_SAMPLE_FORMATS[tag.value] else: value = tag.value[:self.samples_per_pixel] if any((v - value[0] for v in value)): self.sample_format = [TIFF_SAMPLE_FORMATS[v] for v in value] else: self.sample_format = TIFF_SAMPLE_FORMATS[value[0]] if 'photometric' not in tags: self.photometric = None if 'image_depth' not in tags: self.image_depth = 1 if 'image_length' in tags: self.strips_per_image = int(math.floor( float(self.image_length + self.rows_per_strip - 1) / self.rows_per_strip)) else: self.strips_per_image = 0 key = (self.sample_format, self.bits_per_sample) self.dtype = self._dtype = TIFF_SAMPLE_DTYPES.get(key, None) if 'image_length' not in self.tags or 'image_width' not in self.tags: # some GEL file pages are missing image data self.image_length = 0 self.image_width = 0 self.image_depth = 0 self.strip_offsets = 0 self._shape = () self.shape = () self.axes = '' if self.is_palette: self.dtype = self.tags['color_map'].dtype[1] self.color_map = numpy.array(self.color_map, self.dtype) dmax = self.color_map.max() if dmax < 256: self.dtype = numpy.uint8 self.color_map = self.color_map.astype(self.dtype) # else: # self.dtype = numpy.uint8 # self.color_map >>= 8 # self.color_map = self.color_map.astype(self.dtype) self.color_map.shape = (3, -1) # determine shape of data image_length = self.image_length image_width = self.image_width image_depth = self.image_depth samples_per_pixel = self.samples_per_pixel if self.is_stk: assert self.image_depth == 1 planes = self.tags['uic2tag'].count if self.is_contig: self._shape = (planes, 1, 1, image_length, image_width, samples_per_pixel) if samples_per_pixel == 1: self.shape = (planes, image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'YX' else: self.shape = (planes, image_length, image_width, samples_per_pixel) self.axes = 'YXS' else: self._shape = (planes, samples_per_pixel, 1, image_length, image_width, 1) if samples_per_pixel == 1: self.shape = (planes, image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'YX' else: self.shape = (planes, samples_per_pixel, image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'SYX' # detect type of series if planes == 1: self.shape = self.shape[1:] elif numpy.all(self.uic2tag.z_distance != 0): self.axes = 'Z' + self.axes elif numpy.all(numpy.diff(self.uic2tag.time_created) != 0): self.axes = 'T' + self.axes else: self.axes = 'I' + self.axes # DISABLED if self.is_palette: assert False, "color mapping disabled for stk" elif self.is_palette: samples = 1 if 'extra_samples' in self.tags: samples += len(self.extra_samples) if self.is_contig: self._shape = (1, 1, image_depth, image_length, image_width, samples) else: self._shape = (1, samples, image_depth, image_length, image_width, 1) if self.color_map.shape[1] >= 2 ** self.bits_per_sample: if image_depth == 1: self.shape = (3, image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'CYX' else: self.shape = (3, image_depth, image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'CZYX' else: warnings.warn("palette cannot be applied") self.is_palette = False if image_depth == 1: self.shape = (image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'YX' else: self.shape = (image_depth, image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'ZYX' elif self.is_rgb or samples_per_pixel > 1: if self.is_contig: self._shape = (1, 1, image_depth, image_length, image_width, samples_per_pixel) if image_depth == 1: self.shape = (image_length, image_width, samples_per_pixel) self.axes = 'YXS' else: self.shape = (image_depth, image_length, image_width, samples_per_pixel) self.axes = 'ZYXS' else: self._shape = (1, samples_per_pixel, image_depth, image_length, image_width, 1) if image_depth == 1: self.shape = (samples_per_pixel, image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'SYX' else: self.shape = (samples_per_pixel, image_depth, image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'SZYX' if False and self.is_rgb and 'extra_samples' in self.tags: # DISABLED: only use RGB and first alpha channel if exists extra_samples = self.extra_samples if self.tags['extra_samples'].count == 1: extra_samples = (extra_samples, ) for exs in extra_samples: if exs in ('unassalpha', 'assocalpha', 'unspecified'): if self.is_contig: self.shape = self.shape[:-1] + (4,) else: self.shape = (4,) + self.shape[1:] break else: self._shape = (1, 1, image_depth, image_length, image_width, 1) if image_depth == 1: self.shape = (image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'YX' else: self.shape = (image_depth, image_length, image_width) self.axes = 'ZYX' if not self.compression and 'strip_byte_counts' not in tags: self.strip_byte_counts = ( product(self.shape) * (self.bits_per_sample // 8), ) assert len(self.shape) == len(self.axes) def asarray(self, squeeze=True, colormapped=True, rgbonly=False, scale_mdgel=False, memmap=False, reopen=True): """Read image data from file and return as numpy array. Raise ValueError if format is unsupported. If any of 'squeeze', 'colormapped', or 'rgbonly' are not the default, the shape of the returned array might be different from the page shape. Parameters ---------- squeeze : bool If True, all length-1 dimensions (except X and Y) are squeezed out from result. colormapped : bool If True, color mapping is applied for palette-indexed images. rgbonly : bool If True, return RGB(A) image without additional extra samples. memmap : bool If True, use numpy.memmap to read arrays from file if possible. For use on 64 bit systems and files with few huge contiguous data. reopen : bool If True and the parent file handle is closed, the file is temporarily re-opened (and closed if no exception occurs). scale_mdgel : bool If True, MD Gel data will be scaled according to the private metadata in the second TIFF page. The dtype will be float32. """ if not self._shape: return if self.dtype is None: raise ValueError("data type not supported: %s%i" % ( self.sample_format, self.bits_per_sample)) if self.compression not in TIFF_DECOMPESSORS: raise ValueError("cannot decompress %s" % self.compression) tag = self.tags['sample_format'] if tag.count != 1 and any((i - tag.value[0] for i in tag.value)): raise ValueError("sample formats don't match %s" % str(tag.value)) fh = self.parent.filehandle closed = fh.closed if closed: if reopen: fh.open() else: raise IOError("file handle is closed") dtype = self._dtype shape = self._shape image_width = self.image_width image_length = self.image_length image_depth = self.image_depth typecode = self.parent.byteorder + dtype bits_per_sample = self.bits_per_sample if self.is_tiled: if 'tile_offsets' in self.tags: byte_counts = self.tile_byte_counts offsets = self.tile_offsets else: byte_counts = self.strip_byte_counts offsets = self.strip_offsets tile_width = self.tile_width tile_length = self.tile_length tile_depth = self.tile_depth if 'tile_depth' in self.tags else 1 tw = (image_width + tile_width - 1) // tile_width tl = (image_length + tile_length - 1) // tile_length td = (image_depth + tile_depth - 1) // tile_depth shape = (shape[0], shape[1], td * tile_depth, tl * tile_length, tw * tile_width, shape[-1]) tile_shape = (tile_depth, tile_length, tile_width, shape[-1]) runlen = tile_width else: byte_counts = self.strip_byte_counts offsets = self.strip_offsets runlen = image_width if any(o < 2 for o in offsets): raise ValueError("corrupted page") if memmap and self._is_memmappable(rgbonly, colormapped): result = fh.memmap_array(typecode, shape, offset=offsets[0]) elif self.is_contiguous: fh.seek(offsets[0]) result = fh.read_array(typecode, product(shape)) result = result.astype('=' + dtype) else: if self.is_contig: runlen *= self.samples_per_pixel if bits_per_sample in (8, 16, 32, 64, 128): if (bits_per_sample * runlen) % 8: raise ValueError("data and sample size mismatch") def unpack(x): try: return numpy.fromstring(x, typecode) except ValueError as e: # strips may be missing EOI warnings.warn("unpack: %s" % e) xlen = ((len(x) // (bits_per_sample // 8)) * (bits_per_sample // 8)) return numpy.fromstring(x[:xlen], typecode) elif isinstance(bits_per_sample, tuple): def unpack(x): return unpackrgb(x, typecode, bits_per_sample) else: def unpack(x): return unpackints(x, typecode, bits_per_sample, runlen) decompress = TIFF_DECOMPESSORS[self.compression] if self.compression == 'jpeg': table = self.jpeg_tables if 'jpeg_tables' in self.tags else b'' decompress = lambda x: decodejpg(x, table, self.photometric) if self.is_tiled: result = numpy.empty(shape, dtype) tw, tl, td, pl = 0, 0, 0, 0 for offset, bytecount in zip(offsets, byte_counts): fh.seek(offset) tile = unpack(decompress(fh.read(bytecount))) tile.shape = tile_shape if self.predictor == 'horizontal': numpy.cumsum(tile, axis=-2, dtype=dtype, out=tile) result[0, pl, td:td + tile_depth, tl:tl + tile_length, tw:tw + tile_width, :] = tile del tile tw += tile_width if tw >= shape[4]: tw, tl = 0, tl + tile_length if tl >= shape[3]: tl, td = 0, td + tile_depth if td >= shape[2]: td, pl = 0, pl + 1 result = result[..., :image_depth, :image_length, :image_width, :] else: strip_size = (self.rows_per_strip * self.image_width * self.samples_per_pixel) result = numpy.empty(shape, dtype).reshape(-1) index = 0 for offset, bytecount in zip(offsets, byte_counts): fh.seek(offset) strip = fh.read(bytecount) strip = decompress(strip) strip = unpack(strip) size = min(result.size, strip.size, strip_size, result.size - index) result[index:index + size] = strip[:size] del strip index += size result.shape = self._shape if self.predictor == 'horizontal' and not (self.is_tiled and not self.is_contiguous): # work around bug in LSM510 software if not (self.parent.is_lsm and not self.compression): numpy.cumsum(result, axis=-2, dtype=dtype, out=result) if colormapped and self.is_palette: if self.color_map.shape[1] >= 2 ** bits_per_sample: # FluoView and LSM might fail here result = numpy.take(self.color_map, result[:, 0, :, :, :, 0], axis=1) elif rgbonly and self.is_rgb and 'extra_samples' in self.tags: # return only RGB and first alpha channel if exists extra_samples = self.extra_samples if self.tags['extra_samples'].count == 1: extra_samples = (extra_samples, ) for i, exs in enumerate(extra_samples): if exs in ('unassalpha', 'assocalpha', 'unspecified'): if self.is_contig: result = result[..., [0, 1, 2, 3 + i]] else: result = result[:, [0, 1, 2, 3 + i]] break else: if self.is_contig: result = result[..., :3] else: result = result[:, :3] if squeeze: try: result.shape = self.shape except ValueError: warnings.warn("failed to reshape from %s to %s" % ( str(result.shape), str(self.shape))) if scale_mdgel and self.parent.is_mdgel: # MD Gel stores private metadata in the second page tags = self.parent.pages[1] if tags.md_file_tag in (2, 128): scale = tags.md_scale_pixel scale = scale[0] / scale[1] # rational result = result.astype('float32') if tags.md_file_tag == 2: result **= 2 # squary root data format result *= scale if closed: # TODO: file remains open if an exception occurred above fh.close() return result def _is_memmappable(self, rgbonly, colormapped): """Return if image data in file can be memory mapped.""" if not self.parent.filehandle.is_file or not self.is_contiguous: return False return not (self.predictor or (rgbonly and 'extra_samples' in self.tags) or (colormapped and self.is_palette) or ({'big': '>', 'little': '<'}[sys.byteorder] != self.parent.byteorder)) @lazyattr def is_contiguous(self): """Return offset and size of contiguous data, else None. Excludes prediction and colormapping. """ if self.compression or self.bits_per_sample not in (8, 16, 32, 64): return if self.is_tiled: if (self.image_width != self.tile_width or self.image_length % self.tile_length or self.tile_width % 16 or self.tile_length % 16): return if ('image_depth' in self.tags and 'tile_depth' in self.tags and (self.image_length != self.tile_length or self.image_depth % self.tile_depth)): return offsets = self.tile_offsets byte_counts = self.tile_byte_counts else: offsets = self.strip_offsets byte_counts = self.strip_byte_counts if len(offsets) == 1: return offsets[0], byte_counts[0] if self.is_stk or all(offsets[i] + byte_counts[i] == offsets[i + 1] # no data/ignore offset or byte_counts[i + 1] == 0 for i in range(len(offsets) - 1)): return offsets[0], sum(byte_counts) def __str__(self): """Return string containing information about page.""" s = ', '.join(s for s in ( ' x '.join(str(i) for i in self.shape), str(numpy.dtype(self.dtype)), '%s bit' % str(self.bits_per_sample), self.photometric if 'photometric' in self.tags else '', self.compression if self.compression else 'raw', '|'.join(t[3:] for t in ( 'is_stk', 'is_lsm', 'is_nih', 'is_ome', 'is_imagej', 'is_micromanager', 'is_fluoview', 'is_mdgel', 'is_mediacy', 'is_sgi', 'is_reduced', 'is_tiled', 'is_contiguous') if getattr(self, t))) if s) return "Page %i: %s" % (self.index, s) def __getattr__(self, name): """Return tag value.""" if name in self.tags: value = self.tags[name].value setattr(self, name, value) return value raise AttributeError(name) @lazyattr def uic_tags(self): """Consolidate UIC tags.""" if not self.is_stk: raise AttributeError("uic_tags") tags = self.tags result = Record() result.number_planes = tags['uic2tag'].count if 'image_description' in tags: result.plane_descriptions = self.image_description.split(b'\x00') if 'uic1tag' in tags: result.update(tags['uic1tag'].value) if 'uic3tag' in tags: result.update(tags['uic3tag'].value) # wavelengths if 'uic4tag' in tags: result.update(tags['uic4tag'].value) # override uic1 tags uic2tag = tags['uic2tag'].value result.z_distance = uic2tag.z_distance result.time_created = uic2tag.time_created result.time_modified = uic2tag.time_modified try: result.datetime_created = [ julian_datetime(*dt) for dt in zip(uic2tag.date_created, uic2tag.time_created)] result.datetime_modified = [ julian_datetime(*dt) for dt in zip(uic2tag.date_modified, uic2tag.time_modified)] except ValueError as e: warnings.warn("uic_tags: %s" % e) return result @lazyattr def imagej_tags(self): """Consolidate ImageJ metadata.""" if not self.is_imagej: raise AttributeError("imagej_tags") tags = self.tags if 'image_description_1' in tags: # MicroManager result = imagej_description(tags['image_description_1'].value) else: result = imagej_description(tags['image_description'].value) if 'imagej_metadata' in tags: try: result.update(imagej_metadata( tags['imagej_metadata'].value, tags['imagej_byte_counts'].value, self.parent.byteorder)) except Exception as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) return Record(result) @lazyattr def is_rgb(self): """True if page contains a RGB image.""" return ('photometric' in self.tags and self.tags['photometric'].value == 2) @lazyattr def is_contig(self): """True if page contains a contiguous image.""" return ('planar_configuration' in self.tags and self.tags['planar_configuration'].value == 1) @lazyattr def is_palette(self): """True if page contains a palette-colored image and not OME or STK.""" try: # turn off color mapping for OME-TIFF and STK if self.is_stk or self.is_ome or self.parent.is_ome: return False except IndexError: pass # OME-XML not found in first page return ('photometric' in self.tags and self.tags['photometric'].value == 3) @lazyattr def is_tiled(self): """True if page contains tiled image.""" return 'tile_width' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_reduced(self): """True if page is a reduced image of another image.""" return bool(self.tags['new_subfile_type'].value & 1) @lazyattr def is_mdgel(self): """True if page contains md_file_tag tag.""" return 'md_file_tag' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_mediacy(self): """True if page contains Media Cybernetics Id tag.""" return ('mc_id' in self.tags and self.tags['mc_id'].value.startswith(b'MC TIFF')) @lazyattr def is_stk(self): """True if page contains UIC2Tag tag.""" return 'uic2tag' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_lsm(self): """True if page contains LSM CZ_LSM_INFO tag.""" return 'cz_lsm_info' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_fluoview(self): """True if page contains FluoView MM_STAMP tag.""" return 'mm_stamp' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_nih(self): """True if page contains NIH image header.""" return 'nih_image_header' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_sgi(self): """True if page contains SGI image and tile depth tags.""" return 'image_depth' in self.tags and 'tile_depth' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_ome(self): """True if page contains OME-XML in image_description tag.""" return ('image_description' in self.tags and self.tags[ 'image_description'].value.startswith(b'<?xml version=')) @lazyattr def is_shaped(self): """True if page contains shape in image_description tag.""" return ('image_description' in self.tags and self.tags[ 'image_description'].value.startswith(b'shape=(')) @lazyattr def is_imagej(self): """True if page contains ImageJ description.""" return ( ('image_description' in self.tags and self.tags['image_description'].value.startswith(b'ImageJ=')) or ('image_description_1' in self.tags and # Micromanager self.tags['image_description_1'].value.startswith(b'ImageJ='))) @lazyattr def is_micromanager(self): """True if page contains Micro-Manager metadata.""" return 'micromanager_metadata' in self.tags class TiffTag(object): """A TIFF tag structure. Attributes ---------- name : string Attribute name of tag. code : int Decimal code of tag. dtype : str Datatype of tag data. One of TIFF_DATA_TYPES. count : int Number of values. value : various types Tag data as Python object. value_offset : int Location of value in file, if any. All attributes are read-only. """ __slots__ = ('code', 'name', 'count', 'dtype', 'value', 'value_offset', '_offset', '_value', '_type') class Error(Exception): pass def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs): """Initialize instance from file or arguments.""" self._offset = None if hasattr(arg, '_fh'): self._fromfile(arg) else: self._fromdata(arg, **kwargs) def _fromdata(self, code, dtype, count, value, name=None): """Initialize instance from arguments.""" self.code = int(code) self.name = name if name else str(code) self.dtype = TIFF_DATA_TYPES[dtype] self.count = int(count) self.value = value self._value = value self._type = dtype def _fromfile(self, parent): """Read tag structure from open file. Advance file cursor.""" fh = parent.filehandle byteorder = parent.byteorder self._offset = fh.tell() self.value_offset = self._offset + parent.offset_size + 4 fmt, size = {4: ('HHI4s', 12), 8: ('HHQ8s', 20)}[parent.offset_size] data = fh.read(size) code, dtype = struct.unpack(byteorder + fmt[:2], data[:4]) count, value = struct.unpack(byteorder + fmt[2:], data[4:]) self._value = value self._type = dtype if code in TIFF_TAGS: name = TIFF_TAGS[code][0] elif code in CUSTOM_TAGS: name = CUSTOM_TAGS[code][0] else: name = str(code) try: dtype = TIFF_DATA_TYPES[self._type] except KeyError: raise TiffTag.Error("unknown tag data type %i" % self._type) fmt = '%s%i%s' % (byteorder, count * int(dtype[0]), dtype[1]) size = struct.calcsize(fmt) if size > parent.offset_size or code in CUSTOM_TAGS: pos = fh.tell() tof = {4: 'I', 8: 'Q'}[parent.offset_size] self.value_offset = offset = struct.unpack( byteorder + tof, value)[0] if offset < 0 or offset > parent.filehandle.size: raise TiffTag.Error("corrupt file - invalid tag value offset") elif offset < 4: raise TiffTag.Error("corrupt value offset for tag %i" % code) fh.seek(offset) if code in CUSTOM_TAGS: readfunc = CUSTOM_TAGS[code][1] value = readfunc(fh, byteorder, dtype, count) if isinstance(value, dict): # numpy.core.records.record value = Record(value) elif code in TIFF_TAGS or dtype[-1] == 's': value = struct.unpack(fmt, fh.read(size)) else: value = read_numpy(fh, byteorder, dtype, count) fh.seek(pos) else: value = struct.unpack(fmt, value[:size]) if code not in CUSTOM_TAGS and code not in (273, 279, 324, 325): # scalar value if not strip/tile offsets/byte_counts if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] if (dtype.endswith('s') and isinstance(value, bytes) and self._type != 7): # TIFF ASCII fields can contain multiple strings, # each terminated with a NUL value = stripascii(value) self.code = code self.name = name self.dtype = dtype self.count = count self.value = value def _correct_lsm_bitspersample(self, parent): """Correct LSM bitspersample tag. Old LSM writers may use a separate region for two 16-bit values, although they fit into the tag value element of the tag. """ if self.code == 258 and self.count == 2: # TODO: test this. Need example file. warnings.warn("correcting LSM bitspersample tag") fh = parent.filehandle tof = {4: '<I', 8: '<Q'}[parent.offset_size] self.value_offset = struct.unpack(tof, self._value)[0] fh.seek(self.value_offset) self.value = struct.unpack("<HH", fh.read(4)) def as_str(self): """Return value as human readable string.""" return ((str(self.value).split('\n', 1)[0]) if (self._type != 7) else '<undefined>') def __str__(self): """Return string containing information about tag.""" return ' '.join(str(getattr(self, s)) for s in self.__slots__) class TiffSequence(object): """Sequence of image files. The data shape and dtype of all files must match. Properties ---------- files : list List of file names. shape : tuple Shape of image sequence. axes : str Labels of axes in shape. Examples -------- >>> tifs = TiffSequence("test.oif.files/*.tif") >>> tifs.shape, tifs.axes ((2, 100), 'CT') >>> data = tifs.asarray() >>> data.shape (2, 100, 256, 256) """ _patterns = { 'axes': r""" # matches Olympus OIF and Leica TIFF series _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4})) _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? """} class ParseError(Exception): pass def __init__(self, files, imread=TiffFile, pattern='axes', *args, **kwargs): """Initialize instance from multiple files. Parameters ---------- files : str, or sequence of str Glob pattern or sequence of file names. imread : function or class Image read function or class with asarray function returning numpy array from single file. pattern : str Regular expression pattern that matches axes names and sequence indices in file names. By default this matches Olympus OIF and Leica TIFF series. """ if isinstance(files, str): files = natural_sorted(glob.glob(files)) files = list(files) if not files: raise ValueError("no files found") # if not os.path.isfile(files[0]): # raise ValueError("file not found") self.files = files if hasattr(imread, 'asarray'): # redefine imread _imread = imread def imread(fname, *args, **kwargs): with _imread(fname) as im: return im.asarray(*args, **kwargs) self.imread = imread self.pattern = self._patterns.get(pattern, pattern) try: self._parse() if not self.axes: self.axes = 'I' except self.ParseError: self.axes = 'I' self.shape = (len(files),) self._start_index = (0,) self._indices = tuple((i,) for i in range(len(files))) def __str__(self): """Return string with information about image sequence.""" return "\n".join([ self.files[0], '* files: %i' % len(self.files), '* axes: %s' % self.axes, '* shape: %s' % str(self.shape)]) def __len__(self): return len(self.files) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def close(self): pass def asarray(self, memmap=False, *args, **kwargs): """Read image data from all files and return as single numpy array. If memmap is True, return an array stored in a binary file on disk. The args and kwargs parameters are passed to the imread function. Raise IndexError or ValueError if image shapes don't match. """ im = self.imread(self.files[0], *args, **kwargs) shape = self.shape + im.shape if memmap: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fh: result = numpy.memmap(fh, dtype=im.dtype, shape=shape) else: result = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=im.dtype) result = result.reshape(-1, *im.shape) for index, fname in zip(self._indices, self.files): index = [i - j for i, j in zip(index, self._start_index)] index = numpy.ravel_multi_index(index, self.shape) im = self.imread(fname, *args, **kwargs) result[index] = im result.shape = shape return result def _parse(self): """Get axes and shape from file names.""" if not self.pattern: raise self.ParseError("invalid pattern") pattern = re.compile(self.pattern, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE) matches = pattern.findall(self.files[0]) if not matches: raise self.ParseError("pattern doesn't match file names") matches = matches[-1] if len(matches) % 2: raise self.ParseError("pattern doesn't match axis name and index") axes = ''.join(m for m in matches[::2] if m) if not axes: raise self.ParseError("pattern doesn't match file names") indices = [] for fname in self.files: matches = pattern.findall(fname)[-1] if axes != ''.join(m for m in matches[::2] if m): raise ValueError("axes don't match within the image sequence") indices.append([int(m) for m in matches[1::2] if m]) shape = tuple(numpy.max(indices, axis=0)) start_index = tuple(numpy.min(indices, axis=0)) shape = tuple(i - j + 1 for i, j in zip(shape, start_index)) if product(shape) != len(self.files): warnings.warn("files are missing. Missing data are zeroed") self.axes = axes.upper() self.shape = shape self._indices = indices self._start_index = start_index class Record(dict): """Dictionary with attribute access. Can also be initialized with numpy.core.records.record. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, arg=None, **kwargs): if kwargs: arg = kwargs elif arg is None: arg = {} try: dict.__init__(self, arg) except (TypeError, ValueError): for i, name in enumerate(arg.dtype.names): v = arg[i] self[name] = v if v.dtype.char != 'S' else stripnull(v) def __getattr__(self, name): return self[name] def __setattr__(self, name, value): self.__setitem__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Pretty print Record.""" s = [] lists = [] for k in sorted(self): try: if k.startswith('_'): # does not work with byte continue except AttributeError: pass v = self[k] if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and len(v): if isinstance(v[0], Record): lists.append((k, v)) continue elif isinstance(v[0], TiffPage): v = [i.index for i in v if i] s.append( ("* %s: %s" % (k, str(v))).split("\n", 1)[0] [:PRINT_LINE_LEN].rstrip()) for k, v in lists: l = [] for i, w in enumerate(v): l.append("* %s[%i]\n %s" % (k, i, str(w).replace("\n", "\n "))) s.append('\n'.join(l)) return '\n'.join(s) class TiffTags(Record): """Dictionary of TiffTag with attribute access.""" def __str__(self): """Return string with information about all tags.""" s = [] for tag in sorted(self.values(), key=lambda x: x.code): typecode = "%i%s" % (tag.count * int(tag.dtype[0]), tag.dtype[1]) line = "* %i %s (%s) %s" % ( tag.code, tag.name, typecode, tag.as_str()) s.append(line[:PRINT_LINE_LEN].lstrip()) return '\n'.join(s) class FileHandle(object): """Binary file handle. * Handle embedded files (for CZI within CZI files). * Allow to re-open closed files (for multi file formats such as OME-TIFF). * Read numpy arrays and records from file like objects. Only binary read, seek, tell, and close are supported on embedded files. When initialized from another file handle, do not use it unless this FileHandle is closed. Attributes ---------- name : str Name of the file. path : str Absolute path to file. size : int Size of file in bytes. is_file : bool If True, file has a filno and can be memory mapped. All attributes are read-only. """ __slots__ = ('_fh', '_arg', '_mode', '_name', '_dir', '_offset', '_size', '_close', 'is_file') def __init__(self, arg, mode='rb', name=None, offset=None, size=None): """Initialize file handle from file name or another file handle. Parameters ---------- arg : str, File, or FileHandle File name or open file handle. mode : str File open mode in case 'arg' is a file name. name : str Optional name of file in case 'arg' is a file handle. offset : int Optional start position of embedded file. By default this is the current file position. size : int Optional size of embedded file. By default this is the number of bytes from the 'offset' to the end of the file. """ self._fh = None self._arg = arg self._mode = mode self._name = name self._dir = '' self._offset = offset self._size = size self._close = True self.is_file = False self.open() def open(self): """Open or re-open file.""" if self._fh: return # file is open if isinstance(self._arg, str): # file name self._arg = os.path.abspath(self._arg) self._dir, self._name = os.path.split(self._arg) self._fh = open(self._arg, self._mode) self._close = True if self._offset is None: self._offset = 0 elif isinstance(self._arg, FileHandle): # FileHandle self._fh = self._arg._fh if self._offset is None: self._offset = 0 self._offset += self._arg._offset self._close = False if not self._name: if self._offset: name, ext = os.path.splitext(self._arg._name) self._name = "%s@%i%s" % (name, self._offset, ext) else: self._name = self._arg._name self._dir = self._arg._dir else: # open file object self._fh = self._arg if self._offset is None: self._offset = self._arg.tell() self._close = False if not self._name: try: self._dir, self._name = os.path.split(self._fh.name) except AttributeError: self._name = "Unnamed stream" if self._offset: self._fh.seek(self._offset) if self._size is None: pos = self._fh.tell() self._fh.seek(self._offset, 2) self._size = self._fh.tell() self._fh.seek(pos) try: self._fh.fileno() self.is_file = True except Exception: self.is_file = False def read(self, size=-1): """Read 'size' bytes from file, or until EOF is reached.""" if size < 0 and self._offset: size = self._size return self._fh.read(size) def memmap_array(self, dtype, shape, offset=0, mode='r', order='C'): """Return numpy.memmap of data stored in file.""" if not self.is_file: raise ValueError("Can not memory map file without fileno.") return numpy.memmap(self._fh, dtype=dtype, mode=mode, offset=self._offset + offset, shape=shape, order=order) def read_array(self, dtype, count=-1, sep=""): """Return numpy array from file. Work around numpy issue #2230, "numpy.fromfile does not accept StringIO object" https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/2230. """ try: return numpy.fromfile(self._fh, dtype, count, sep) except IOError: if count < 0: size = self._size else: size = count * numpy.dtype(dtype).itemsize data = self._fh.read(size) return numpy.fromstring(data, dtype, count, sep) def read_record(self, dtype, shape=1, byteorder=None): """Return numpy record from file.""" try: rec = numpy.rec.fromfile(self._fh, dtype, shape, byteorder=byteorder) except Exception: dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) if shape is None: shape = self._size // dtype.itemsize size = product(sequence(shape)) * dtype.itemsize data = self._fh.read(size) return numpy.rec.fromstring(data, dtype, shape, byteorder=byteorder) return rec[0] if shape == 1 else rec def tell(self): """Return file's current position.""" return self._fh.tell() - self._offset def seek(self, offset, whence=0): """Set file's current position.""" if self._offset: if whence == 0: self._fh.seek(self._offset + offset, whence) return elif whence == 2: self._fh.seek(self._offset + self._size + offset, 0) return self._fh.seek(offset, whence) def close(self): """Close file.""" if self._close and self._fh: self._fh.close() self._fh = None self.is_file = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def __getattr__(self, name): """Return attribute from underlying file object.""" if self._offset: warnings.warn( "FileHandle: '%s' not implemented for embedded files" % name) return getattr(self._fh, name) @property def name(self): return self._name @property def dirname(self): return self._dir @property def path(self): return os.path.join(self._dir, self._name) @property def size(self): return self._size @property def closed(self): return self._fh is None def read_bytes(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read tag data from file and return as byte string.""" dtype = 'b' if dtype[-1] == 's' else byteorder + dtype[-1] return fh.read_array(dtype, count).tostring() def read_numpy(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read tag data from file and return as numpy array.""" dtype = 'b' if dtype[-1] == 's' else byteorder + dtype[-1] return fh.read_array(dtype, count) def read_json(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read JSON tag data from file and return as object.""" data = fh.read(count) try: return json.loads(str(stripnull(data), 'utf-8')) except ValueError: warnings.warn("invalid JSON `%s`" % data) def read_mm_header(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read MM_HEADER tag from file and return as numpy.rec.array.""" return fh.read_record(MM_HEADER, byteorder=byteorder) def read_mm_stamp(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read MM_STAMP tag from file and return as numpy.array.""" return fh.read_array(byteorder + 'f8', 8) def read_uic1tag(fh, byteorder, dtype, count, plane_count=None): """Read MetaMorph STK UIC1Tag from file and return as dictionary. Return empty dictionary if plane_count is unknown. """ assert dtype in ('2I', '1I') and byteorder == '<' result = {} if dtype == '2I': # pre MetaMorph 2.5 (not tested) values = fh.read_array('<u4', 2 * count).reshape(count, 2) result = {'z_distance': values[:, 0] / values[:, 1]} elif plane_count: for i in range(count): tagid = struct.unpack('<I', fh.read(4))[0] if tagid in (28, 29, 37, 40, 41): # silently skip unexpected tags fh.read(4) continue name, value = read_uic_tag(fh, tagid, plane_count, offset=True) result[name] = value return result def read_uic2tag(fh, byteorder, dtype, plane_count): """Read MetaMorph STK UIC2Tag from file and return as dictionary.""" assert dtype == '2I' and byteorder == '<' values = fh.read_array('<u4', 6 * plane_count).reshape(plane_count, 6) return { 'z_distance': values[:, 0] / values[:, 1], 'date_created': values[:, 2], # julian days 'time_created': values[:, 3], # milliseconds 'date_modified': values[:, 4], # julian days 'time_modified': values[:, 5], # milliseconds } def read_uic3tag(fh, byteorder, dtype, plane_count): """Read MetaMorph STK UIC3Tag from file and return as dictionary.""" assert dtype == '2I' and byteorder == '<' values = fh.read_array('<u4', 2 * plane_count).reshape(plane_count, 2) return {'wavelengths': values[:, 0] / values[:, 1]} def read_uic4tag(fh, byteorder, dtype, plane_count): """Read MetaMorph STK UIC4Tag from file and return as dictionary.""" assert dtype == '1I' and byteorder == '<' result = {} while True: tagid = struct.unpack('<H', fh.read(2))[0] if tagid == 0: break name, value = read_uic_tag(fh, tagid, plane_count, offset=False) result[name] = value return result def read_uic_tag(fh, tagid, plane_count, offset): """Read a single UIC tag value from file and return tag name and value. UIC1Tags use an offset. """ def read_int(count=1): value = struct.unpack('<%iI' % count, fh.read(4 * count)) return value[0] if count == 1 else value try: name, dtype = UIC_TAGS[tagid] except KeyError: # unknown tag return '_tagid_%i' % tagid, read_int() if offset: pos = fh.tell() if dtype not in (int, None): off = read_int() if off < 8: warnings.warn("invalid offset for uic tag '%s': %i" % (name, off)) return name, off fh.seek(off) if dtype is None: # skip name = '_' + name value = read_int() elif dtype is int: # int value = read_int() elif dtype is Fraction: # fraction value = read_int(2) value = value[0] / value[1] elif dtype is julian_datetime: # datetime value = julian_datetime(*read_int(2)) elif dtype is read_uic_image_property: # ImagePropertyEx value = read_uic_image_property(fh) elif dtype is str: # pascal string size = read_int() if 0 <= size < 2 ** 10: value = struct.unpack('%is' % size, fh.read(size))[0][:-1] value = stripnull(value) elif offset: value = '' warnings.warn("corrupt string in uic tag '%s'" % name) else: raise ValueError("invalid string size %i" % size) elif dtype == '%ip': # sequence of pascal strings value = [] for i in range(plane_count): size = read_int() if 0 <= size < 2 ** 10: string = struct.unpack('%is' % size, fh.read(size))[0][:-1] string = stripnull(string) value.append(string) elif offset: warnings.warn("corrupt string in uic tag '%s'" % name) else: raise ValueError("invalid string size %i" % size) else: # struct or numpy type dtype = '<' + dtype if '%i' in dtype: dtype = dtype % plane_count if '(' in dtype: # numpy type value = fh.read_array(dtype, 1)[0] if value.shape[-1] == 2: # assume fractions value = value[..., 0] / value[..., 1] else: # struct format value = struct.unpack(dtype, fh.read(struct.calcsize(dtype))) if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] if offset: fh.seek(pos + 4) return name, value def read_uic_image_property(fh): """Read UIC ImagePropertyEx tag from file and return as dict.""" # TODO: test this size = struct.unpack('B', fh.read(1))[0] name = struct.unpack('%is' % size, fh.read(size))[0][:-1] flags, prop = struct.unpack('<IB', fh.read(5)) if prop == 1: value = struct.unpack('II', fh.read(8)) value = value[0] / value[1] else: size = struct.unpack('B', fh.read(1))[0] value = struct.unpack('%is' % size, fh.read(size))[0] return dict(name=name, flags=flags, value=value) def read_cz_lsm_info(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read CS_LSM_INFO tag from file and return as numpy.rec.array.""" assert byteorder == '<' magic_number, structure_size = struct.unpack('<II', fh.read(8)) if magic_number not in (50350412, 67127628): raise ValueError("not a valid CS_LSM_INFO structure") fh.seek(-8, 1) if structure_size < numpy.dtype(CZ_LSM_INFO).itemsize: # adjust structure according to structure_size cz_lsm_info = [] size = 0 for name, dtype in CZ_LSM_INFO: size += numpy.dtype(dtype).itemsize if size > structure_size: break cz_lsm_info.append((name, dtype)) else: cz_lsm_info = CZ_LSM_INFO return fh.read_record(cz_lsm_info, byteorder=byteorder) def read_cz_lsm_floatpairs(fh): """Read LSM sequence of float pairs from file and return as list.""" size = struct.unpack('<i', fh.read(4))[0] return fh.read_array('<2f8', count=size) def read_cz_lsm_positions(fh): """Read LSM positions from file and return as list.""" size = struct.unpack('<I', fh.read(4))[0] return fh.read_array('<2f8', count=size) def read_cz_lsm_time_stamps(fh): """Read LSM time stamps from file and return as list.""" size, count = struct.unpack('<ii', fh.read(8)) if size != (8 + 8 * count): raise ValueError("lsm_time_stamps block is too short") # return struct.unpack('<%dd' % count, fh.read(8*count)) return fh.read_array('<f8', count=count) def read_cz_lsm_event_list(fh): """Read LSM events from file and return as list of (time, type, text).""" count = struct.unpack('<II', fh.read(8))[1] events = [] while count > 0: esize, etime, etype = struct.unpack('<IdI', fh.read(16)) etext = stripnull(fh.read(esize - 16)) events.append((etime, etype, etext)) count -= 1 return events def read_cz_lsm_scan_info(fh): """Read LSM scan information from file and return as Record.""" block = Record() blocks = [block] unpack = struct.unpack if 0x10000000 != struct.unpack('<I', fh.read(4))[0]: # not a Recording sub block raise ValueError("not a lsm_scan_info structure") fh.read(8) while True: entry, dtype, size = unpack('<III', fh.read(12)) if dtype == 2: # ascii value = stripnull(fh.read(size)) elif dtype == 4: # long value = unpack('<i', fh.read(4))[0] elif dtype == 5: # rational value = unpack('<d', fh.read(8))[0] else: value = 0 if entry in CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ARRAYS: blocks.append(block) name = CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ARRAYS[entry] newobj = [] setattr(block, name, newobj) block = newobj elif entry in CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_STRUCTS: blocks.append(block) newobj = Record() block.append(newobj) block = newobj elif entry in CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ATTRIBUTES: name = CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ATTRIBUTES[entry] setattr(block, name, value) elif entry == 0xffffffff: # end sub block block = blocks.pop() else: # unknown entry setattr(block, "entry_0x%x" % entry, value) if not blocks: break return block def read_nih_image_header(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read NIH_IMAGE_HEADER tag from file and return as numpy.rec.array.""" a = fh.read_record(NIH_IMAGE_HEADER, byteorder=byteorder) a = a.newbyteorder(byteorder) a.xunit = a.xunit[:a._xunit_len] a.um = a.um[:a._um_len] return a def read_micromanager_metadata(fh): """Read MicroManager non-TIFF settings from open file and return as dict. The settings can be used to read image data without parsing the TIFF file. Raise ValueError if file does not contain valid MicroManager metadata. """ fh.seek(0) try: byteorder = {b'II': '<', b'MM': '>'}[fh.read(2)] except IndexError: raise ValueError("not a MicroManager TIFF file") results = {} fh.seek(8) (index_header, index_offset, display_header, display_offset, comments_header, comments_offset, summary_header, summary_length ) = struct.unpack(byteorder + "IIIIIIII", fh.read(32)) if summary_header != 2355492: raise ValueError("invalid MicroManager summary_header") results['summary'] = read_json(fh, byteorder, None, summary_length) if index_header != 54773648: raise ValueError("invalid MicroManager index_header") fh.seek(index_offset) header, count = struct.unpack(byteorder + "II", fh.read(8)) if header != 3453623: raise ValueError("invalid MicroManager index_header") data = struct.unpack(byteorder + "IIIII" * count, fh.read(20 * count)) results['index_map'] = { 'channel': data[::5], 'slice': data[1::5], 'frame': data[2::5], 'position': data[3::5], 'offset': data[4::5]} if display_header != 483765892: raise ValueError("invalid MicroManager display_header") fh.seek(display_offset) header, count = struct.unpack(byteorder + "II", fh.read(8)) if header != 347834724: raise ValueError("invalid MicroManager display_header") results['display_settings'] = read_json(fh, byteorder, None, count) if comments_header != 99384722: raise ValueError("invalid MicroManager comments_header") fh.seek(comments_offset) header, count = struct.unpack(byteorder + "II", fh.read(8)) if header != 84720485: raise ValueError("invalid MicroManager comments_header") results['comments'] = read_json(fh, byteorder, None, count) return results def imagej_metadata(data, bytecounts, byteorder): """Return dict from ImageJ metadata tag value.""" _str = str if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else lambda x: str(x, 'cp1252') def read_string(data, byteorder): return _str(stripnull(data[0 if byteorder == '<' else 1::2])) def read_double(data, byteorder): return struct.unpack(byteorder + ('d' * (len(data) // 8)), data) def read_bytes(data, byteorder): # return struct.unpack('b' * len(data), data) return numpy.fromstring(data, 'uint8') metadata_types = { # big endian b'info': ('info', read_string), b'labl': ('labels', read_string), b'rang': ('ranges', read_double), b'luts': ('luts', read_bytes), b'roi ': ('roi', read_bytes), b'over': ('overlays', read_bytes)} metadata_types.update( # little endian dict((k[::-1], v) for k, v in metadata_types.items())) if not bytecounts: raise ValueError("no ImageJ metadata") if not data[:4] in (b'IJIJ', b'JIJI'): raise ValueError("invalid ImageJ metadata") header_size = bytecounts[0] if header_size < 12 or header_size > 804: raise ValueError("invalid ImageJ metadata header size") ntypes = (header_size - 4) // 8 header = struct.unpack(byteorder + '4sI' * ntypes, data[4:4 + ntypes * 8]) pos = 4 + ntypes * 8 counter = 0 result = {} for mtype, count in zip(header[::2], header[1::2]): values = [] name, func = metadata_types.get(mtype, (_str(mtype), read_bytes)) for _ in range(count): counter += 1 pos1 = pos + bytecounts[counter] values.append(func(data[pos:pos1], byteorder)) pos = pos1 result[name.strip()] = values[0] if count == 1 else values return result def imagej_description(description): """Return dict from ImageJ image_description tag.""" def _bool(val): return {b'true': True, b'false': False}[val.lower()] _str = str if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else lambda x: str(x, 'cp1252') result = {} for line in description.splitlines(): try: key, val = line.split(b'=') except Exception: continue key = key.strip() val = val.strip() for dtype in (int, float, _bool, _str): try: val = dtype(val) break except Exception: pass result[_str(key)] = val return result def _replace_by(module_function, package=None, warn=False): """Try replace decorated function by module.function.""" try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError: warnings.warn('could not import module importlib') return lambda func: func def decorate(func, module_function=module_function, warn=warn): try: module, function = module_function.split('.') if not package: module = import_module(module) else: module = import_module('.' + module, package=package) func, oldfunc = getattr(module, function), func globals()['__old_' + func.__name__] = oldfunc except Exception: if warn: warnings.warn("failed to import %s" % module_function) return func return decorate def decodejpg(encoded, tables=b'', photometric=None, ycbcr_subsampling=None, ycbcr_positioning=None): """Decode JPEG encoded byte string (using _czifile extension module).""" import _czifile image = _czifile.decodejpg(encoded, tables) if photometric == 'rgb' and ycbcr_subsampling and ycbcr_positioning: # TODO: convert YCbCr to RGB pass return image.tostring() @_replace_by('_tifffile.decodepackbits') def decodepackbits(encoded): """Decompress PackBits encoded byte string. PackBits is a simple byte-oriented run-length compression scheme. """ func = ord if sys.version[0] == '2' else lambda x: x result = [] result_extend = result.extend i = 0 try: while True: n = func(encoded[i]) + 1 i += 1 if n < 129: result_extend(encoded[i:i + n]) i += n elif n > 129: result_extend(encoded[i:i + 1] * (258 - n)) i += 1 except IndexError: pass return b''.join(result) if sys.version[0] == '2' else bytes(result) @_replace_by('_tifffile.decodelzw') def decodelzw(encoded): """Decompress LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) encoded TIFF strip (byte string). The strip must begin with a CLEAR code and end with an EOI code. This is an implementation of the LZW decoding algorithm described in (1). It is not compatible with old style LZW compressed files like quad-lzw.tif. """ len_encoded = len(encoded) bitcount_max = len_encoded * 8 unpack = struct.unpack if sys.version[0] == '2': newtable = [chr(i) for i in range(256)] else: newtable = [bytes([i]) for i in range(256)] newtable.extend((0, 0)) def next_code(): """Return integer of `bitw` bits at `bitcount` position in encoded.""" start = bitcount // 8 s = encoded[start:start + 4] try: code = unpack('>I', s)[0] except Exception: code = unpack('>I', s + b'\x00' * (4 - len(s)))[0] code <<= bitcount % 8 code &= mask return code >> shr switchbitch = { # code: bit-width, shr-bits, bit-mask 255: (9, 23, int(9 * '1' + '0' * 23, 2)), 511: (10, 22, int(10 * '1' + '0' * 22, 2)), 1023: (11, 21, int(11 * '1' + '0' * 21, 2)), 2047: (12, 20, int(12 * '1' + '0' * 20, 2)), } bitw, shr, mask = switchbitch[255] bitcount = 0 if len_encoded < 4: raise ValueError("strip must be at least 4 characters long") if next_code() != 256: raise ValueError("strip must begin with CLEAR code") code = 0 oldcode = 0 result = [] result_append = result.append while True: code = next_code() # ~5% faster when inlining this function bitcount += bitw if code == 257 or bitcount >= bitcount_max: # EOI break if code == 256: # CLEAR table = newtable[:] table_append = table.append lentable = 258 bitw, shr, mask = switchbitch[255] code = next_code() bitcount += bitw if code == 257: # EOI break result_append(table[code]) else: if code < lentable: decoded = table[code] newcode = table[oldcode] + decoded[:1] else: newcode = table[oldcode] newcode += newcode[:1] decoded = newcode result_append(decoded) table_append(newcode) lentable += 1 oldcode = code if lentable in switchbitch: bitw, shr, mask = switchbitch[lentable] if code != 257: warnings.warn("unexpected end of lzw stream (code %i)" % code) return b''.join(result) @_replace_by('_tifffile.unpackints') def unpackints(data, dtype, itemsize, runlen=0): """Decompress byte string to array of integers of any bit size <= 32. Parameters ---------- data : byte str Data to decompress. dtype : numpy.dtype or str A numpy boolean or integer type. itemsize : int Number of bits per integer. runlen : int Number of consecutive integers, after which to start at next byte. """ if itemsize == 1: # bitarray data = numpy.fromstring(data, '|B') data = numpy.unpackbits(data) if runlen % 8: data = data.reshape(-1, runlen + (8 - runlen % 8)) data = data[:, :runlen].reshape(-1) return data.astype(dtype) dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) if itemsize in (8, 16, 32, 64): return numpy.fromstring(data, dtype) if itemsize < 1 or itemsize > 32: raise ValueError("itemsize out of range: %i" % itemsize) if dtype.kind not in "biu": raise ValueError("invalid dtype") itembytes = next(i for i in (1, 2, 4, 8) if 8 * i >= itemsize) if itembytes != dtype.itemsize: raise ValueError("dtype.itemsize too small") if runlen == 0: runlen = len(data) // itembytes skipbits = runlen * itemsize % 8 if skipbits: skipbits = 8 - skipbits shrbits = itembytes * 8 - itemsize bitmask = int(itemsize * '1' + '0' * shrbits, 2) dtypestr = '>' + dtype.char # dtype always big endian? unpack = struct.unpack l = runlen * (len(data) * 8 // (runlen * itemsize + skipbits)) result = numpy.empty((l, ), dtype) bitcount = 0 for i in range(len(result)): start = bitcount // 8 s = data[start:start + itembytes] try: code = unpack(dtypestr, s)[0] except Exception: code = unpack(dtypestr, s + b'\x00' * (itembytes - len(s)))[0] code <<= bitcount % 8 code &= bitmask result[i] = code >> shrbits bitcount += itemsize if (i + 1) % runlen == 0: bitcount += skipbits return result def unpackrgb(data, dtype='<B', bitspersample=(5, 6, 5), rescale=True): """Return array from byte string containing packed samples. Use to unpack RGB565 or RGB555 to RGB888 format. Parameters ---------- data : byte str The data to be decoded. Samples in each pixel are stored consecutively. Pixels are aligned to 8, 16, or 32 bit boundaries. dtype : numpy.dtype The sample data type. The byteorder applies also to the data stream. bitspersample : tuple Number of bits for each sample in a pixel. rescale : bool Upscale samples to the number of bits in dtype. Returns ------- result : ndarray Flattened array of unpacked samples of native dtype. Examples -------- >>> data = struct.pack('BBBB', 0x21, 0x08, 0xff, 0xff) >>> print(unpackrgb(data, '<B', (5, 6, 5), False)) [ 1 1 1 31 63 31] >>> print(unpackrgb(data, '<B', (5, 6, 5))) [ 8 4 8 255 255 255] >>> print(unpackrgb(data, '<B', (5, 5, 5))) [ 16 8 8 255 255 255] """ dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) bits = int(numpy.sum(bitspersample)) if not (bits <= 32 and all( i <= dtype.itemsize * 8 for i in bitspersample)): raise ValueError("sample size not supported %s" % str(bitspersample)) dt = next(i for i in 'BHI' if numpy.dtype(i).itemsize * 8 >= bits) data = numpy.fromstring(data, dtype.byteorder + dt) result = numpy.empty((data.size, len(bitspersample)), dtype.char) for i, bps in enumerate(bitspersample): t = data >> int(numpy.sum(bitspersample[i + 1:])) t &= int('0b' + '1' * bps, 2) if rescale: o = ((dtype.itemsize * 8) // bps + 1) * bps if o > data.dtype.itemsize * 8: t = t.astype('I') t *= (2 ** o - 1) // (2 ** bps - 1) t //= 2 ** (o - (dtype.itemsize * 8)) result[:, i] = t return result.reshape(-1) def reorient(image, orientation): """Return reoriented view of image array. Parameters ---------- image : numpy array Non-squeezed output of asarray() functions. Axes -3 and -2 must be image length and width respectively. orientation : int or str One of TIFF_ORIENTATIONS keys or values. """ o = TIFF_ORIENTATIONS.get(orientation, orientation) if o == 'top_left': return image elif o == 'top_right': return image[..., ::-1, :] elif o == 'bottom_left': return image[..., ::-1, :, :] elif o == 'bottom_right': return image[..., ::-1, ::-1, :] elif o == 'left_top': return numpy.swapaxes(image, -3, -2) elif o == 'right_top': return numpy.swapaxes(image, -3, -2)[..., ::-1, :] elif o == 'left_bottom': return numpy.swapaxes(image, -3, -2)[..., ::-1, :, :] elif o == 'right_bottom': return numpy.swapaxes(image, -3, -2)[..., ::-1, ::-1, :] def squeeze_axes(shape, axes, skip='XY'): """Return shape and axes with single-dimensional entries removed. Remove unused dimensions unless their axes are listed in 'skip'. >>> squeeze_axes((5, 1, 2, 1, 1), 'TZYXC') ((5, 2, 1), 'TYX') """ if len(shape) != len(axes): raise ValueError("dimensions of axes and shape don't match") shape, axes = zip(*(i for i in zip(shape, axes) if i[0] > 1 or i[1] in skip)) return shape, ''.join(axes) def transpose_axes(data, axes, asaxes='CTZYX'): """Return data with its axes permuted to match specified axes. A view is returned if possible. >>> transpose_axes(numpy.zeros((2, 3, 4, 5)), 'TYXC', asaxes='CTZYX').shape (5, 2, 1, 3, 4) """ for ax in axes: if ax not in asaxes: raise ValueError("unknown axis %s" % ax) # add missing axes to data shape = data.shape for ax in reversed(asaxes): if ax not in axes: axes = ax + axes shape = (1,) + shape data = data.reshape(shape) # transpose axes data = data.transpose([axes.index(ax) for ax in asaxes]) return data def stack_pages(pages, memmap=False, *args, **kwargs): """Read data from sequence of TiffPage and stack them vertically. If memmap is True, return an array stored in a binary file on disk. Additional parameters are passsed to the page asarray function. """ if len(pages) == 0: raise ValueError("no pages") if len(pages) == 1: return pages[0].asarray(memmap=memmap, *args, **kwargs) result = pages[0].asarray(*args, **kwargs) shape = (len(pages),) + result.shape if memmap: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fh: result = numpy.memmap(fh, dtype=result.dtype, shape=shape) else: result = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=result.dtype) for i, page in enumerate(pages): result[i] = page.asarray(*args, **kwargs) return result def stripnull(string): """Return string truncated at first null character. Clean NULL terminated C strings. >>> stripnull(b'string\\x00') b'string' """ i = string.find(b'\x00') return string if (i < 0) else string[:i] def stripascii(string): """Return string truncated at last byte that is 7bit ASCII. Clean NULL separated and terminated TIFF strings. >>> stripascii(b'string\\x00string\\n\\x01\\x00') b'string\\x00string\\n' >>> stripascii(b'\\x00') b'' """ # TODO: pythonize this ord_ = ord if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else lambda x: x i = len(string) while i: i -= 1 if 8 < ord_(string[i]) < 127: break else: i = -1 return string[:i + 1] def format_size(size): """Return file size as string from byte size.""" for unit in ('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'): if size < 2048: return "%.f %s" % (size, unit) size /= 1024.0 def sequence(value): """Return tuple containing value if value is not a sequence. >>> sequence(1) (1,) >>> sequence([1]) [1] """ try: len(value) return value except TypeError: return value, def product(iterable): """Return product of sequence of numbers. Equivalent of functools.reduce(operator.mul, iterable, 1). >>> product([2**8, 2**30]) 274877906944 >>> product([]) 1 """ prod = 1 for i in iterable: prod *= i return prod def natural_sorted(iterable): """Return human sorted list of strings. E.g. for sorting file names. >>> natural_sorted(['f1', 'f2', 'f10']) ['f1', 'f2', 'f10'] """ def sortkey(x): return [(int(c) if c.isdigit() else c) for c in re.split(numbers, x)] numbers = re.compile(r'(\d+)') return sorted(iterable, key=sortkey) def excel_datetime(timestamp, epoch=datetime.datetime.fromordinal(693594)): """Return datetime object from timestamp in Excel serial format. Convert LSM time stamps. >>> excel_datetime(40237.029999999795) datetime.datetime(2010, 2, 28, 0, 43, 11, 999982) """ return epoch + datetime.timedelta(timestamp) def julian_datetime(julianday, milisecond=0): """Return datetime from days since 1/1/4713 BC and ms since midnight. Convert Julian dates according to MetaMorph. >>> julian_datetime(2451576, 54362783) datetime.datetime(2000, 2, 2, 15, 6, 2, 783) """ if julianday <= 1721423: # no datetime before year 1 return None a = julianday + 1 if a > 2299160: alpha = math.trunc((a - 1867216.25) / 36524.25) a += 1 + alpha - alpha // 4 b = a + (1524 if a > 1721423 else 1158) c = math.trunc((b - 122.1) / 365.25) d = math.trunc(365.25 * c) e = math.trunc((b - d) / 30.6001) day = b - d - math.trunc(30.6001 * e) month = e - (1 if e < 13.5 else 13) year = c - (4716 if month > 2.5 else 4715) hour, milisecond = divmod(milisecond, 1000 * 60 * 60) minute, milisecond = divmod(milisecond, 1000 * 60) second, milisecond = divmod(milisecond, 1000) return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milisecond) def test_tifffile(directory='testimages', verbose=True): """Read all images in directory. Print error message on failure. >>> test_tifffile(verbose=False) """ successful = 0 failed = 0 start = time.time() for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.*')): if verbose: print("\n%s>\n" % f.lower(), end='') t0 = time.time() try: tif = TiffFile(f, multifile=True) except Exception as e: if not verbose: print(f, end=' ') print("ERROR:", e) failed += 1 continue try: img = tif.asarray() except ValueError: try: img = tif[0].asarray() except Exception as e: if not verbose: print(f, end=' ') print("ERROR:", e) failed += 1 continue finally: tif.close() successful += 1 if verbose: print("%s, %s %s, %s, %.0f ms" % ( str(tif), str(img.shape), img.dtype, tif[0].compression, (time.time() - t0) * 1e3)) if verbose: print("\nSuccessfully read %i of %i files in %.3f s\n" % ( successful, successful + failed, time.time() - start)) class TIFF_SUBFILE_TYPES(object): def __getitem__(self, key): result = [] if key & 1: result.append('reduced_image') if key & 2: result.append('page') if key & 4: result.append('mask') return tuple(result) TIFF_PHOTOMETRICS = { 0: 'miniswhite', 1: 'minisblack', 2: 'rgb', 3: 'palette', 4: 'mask', 5: 'separated', # CMYK 6: 'ycbcr', 8: 'cielab', 9: 'icclab', 10: 'itulab', 32803: 'cfa', # Color Filter Array 32844: 'logl', 32845: 'logluv', 34892: 'linear_raw' } TIFF_COMPESSIONS = { 1: None, 2: 'ccittrle', 3: 'ccittfax3', 4: 'ccittfax4', 5: 'lzw', 6: 'ojpeg', 7: 'jpeg', 8: 'adobe_deflate', 9: 't85', 10: 't43', 32766: 'next', 32771: 'ccittrlew', 32773: 'packbits', 32809: 'thunderscan', 32895: 'it8ctpad', 32896: 'it8lw', 32897: 'it8mp', 32898: 'it8bl', 32908: 'pixarfilm', 32909: 'pixarlog', 32946: 'deflate', 32947: 'dcs', 34661: 'jbig', 34676: 'sgilog', 34677: 'sgilog24', 34712: 'jp2000', 34713: 'nef', } TIFF_DECOMPESSORS = { None: lambda x: x, 'adobe_deflate': zlib.decompress, 'deflate': zlib.decompress, 'packbits': decodepackbits, 'lzw': decodelzw, # 'jpeg': decodejpg } TIFF_DATA_TYPES = { 1: '1B', # BYTE 8-bit unsigned integer. 2: '1s', # ASCII 8-bit byte that contains a 7-bit ASCII code; # the last byte must be NULL (binary zero). 3: '1H', # SHORT 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer 4: '1I', # LONG 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer. 5: '2I', # RATIONAL Two LONGs: the first represents the numerator of # a fraction; the second, the denominator. 6: '1b', # SBYTE An 8-bit signed (twos-complement) integer. 7: '1s', # UNDEFINED An 8-bit byte that may contain anything, # depending on the definition of the field. 8: '1h', # SSHORT A 16-bit (2-byte) signed (twos-complement) integer. 9: '1i', # SLONG A 32-bit (4-byte) signed (twos-complement) integer. 10: '2i', # SRATIONAL Two SLONGs: the first represents the numerator # of a fraction, the second the denominator. 11: '1f', # FLOAT Single precision (4-byte) IEEE format. 12: '1d', # DOUBLE Double precision (8-byte) IEEE format. 13: '1I', # IFD unsigned 4 byte IFD offset. # 14: '', # UNICODE # 15: '', # COMPLEX 16: '1Q', # LONG8 unsigned 8 byte integer (BigTiff) 17: '1q', # SLONG8 signed 8 byte integer (BigTiff) 18: '1Q', # IFD8 unsigned 8 byte IFD offset (BigTiff) } TIFF_SAMPLE_FORMATS = { 1: 'uint', 2: 'int', 3: 'float', # 4: 'void', # 5: 'complex_int', 6: 'complex', } TIFF_SAMPLE_DTYPES = { ('uint', 1): '?', # bitmap ('uint', 2): 'B', ('uint', 3): 'B', ('uint', 4): 'B', ('uint', 5): 'B', ('uint', 6): 'B', ('uint', 7): 'B', ('uint', 8): 'B', ('uint', 9): 'H', ('uint', 10): 'H', ('uint', 11): 'H', ('uint', 12): 'H', ('uint', 13): 'H', ('uint', 14): 'H', ('uint', 15): 'H', ('uint', 16): 'H', ('uint', 17): 'I', ('uint', 18): 'I', ('uint', 19): 'I', ('uint', 20): 'I', ('uint', 21): 'I', ('uint', 22): 'I', ('uint', 23): 'I', ('uint', 24): 'I', ('uint', 25): 'I', ('uint', 26): 'I', ('uint', 27): 'I', ('uint', 28): 'I', ('uint', 29): 'I', ('uint', 30): 'I', ('uint', 31): 'I', ('uint', 32): 'I', ('uint', 64): 'Q', ('int', 8): 'b', ('int', 16): 'h', ('int', 32): 'i', ('int', 64): 'q', ('float', 16): 'e', ('float', 32): 'f', ('float', 64): 'd', ('complex', 64): 'F', ('complex', 128): 'D', ('uint', (5, 6, 5)): 'B', } TIFF_ORIENTATIONS = { 1: 'top_left', 2: 'top_right', 3: 'bottom_right', 4: 'bottom_left', 5: 'left_top', 6: 'right_top', 7: 'right_bottom', 8: 'left_bottom', } # TODO: is there a standard for character axes labels? AXES_LABELS = { 'X': 'width', 'Y': 'height', 'Z': 'depth', 'S': 'sample', # rgb(a) 'I': 'series', # general sequence, plane, page, IFD 'T': 'time', 'C': 'channel', # color, emission wavelength 'A': 'angle', 'P': 'phase', # formerly F # P is Position in LSM! 'R': 'tile', # region, point, mosaic 'H': 'lifetime', # histogram 'E': 'lambda', # excitation wavelength 'L': 'exposure', # lux 'V': 'event', 'Q': 'other', # 'M': 'mosaic', # LSM 6 } AXES_LABELS.update(dict((v, k) for k, v in AXES_LABELS.items())) # Map OME pixel types to numpy dtype OME_PIXEL_TYPES = { 'int8': 'i1', 'int16': 'i2', 'int32': 'i4', 'uint8': 'u1', 'uint16': 'u2', 'uint32': 'u4', 'float': 'f4', # 'bit': 'bit', 'double': 'f8', 'complex': 'c8', 'double-complex': 'c16', } # NIH Image PicHeader v1.63 NIH_IMAGE_HEADER = [ ('fileid', 'a8'), ('nlines', 'i2'), ('pixelsperline', 'i2'), ('version', 'i2'), ('oldlutmode', 'i2'), ('oldncolors', 'i2'), ('colors', 'u1', (3, 32)), ('oldcolorstart', 'i2'), ('colorwidth', 'i2'), ('extracolors', 'u2', (6, 3)), ('nextracolors', 'i2'), ('foregroundindex', 'i2'), ('backgroundindex', 'i2'), ('xscale', 'f8'), ('_x0', 'i2'), ('_x1', 'i2'), ('units_t', 'i2'), # NIH_UNITS_TYPE ('p1', [('x', 'i2'), ('y', 'i2')]), ('p2', [('x', 'i2'), ('y', 'i2')]), ('curvefit_t', 'i2'), # NIH_CURVEFIT_TYPE ('ncoefficients', 'i2'), ('coeff', 'f8', 6), ('_um_len', 'u1'), ('um', 'a15'), ('_x2', 'u1'), ('binarypic', 'b1'), ('slicestart', 'i2'), ('sliceend', 'i2'), ('scalemagnification', 'f4'), ('nslices', 'i2'), ('slicespacing', 'f4'), ('currentslice', 'i2'), ('frameinterval', 'f4'), ('pixelaspectratio', 'f4'), ('colorstart', 'i2'), ('colorend', 'i2'), ('ncolors', 'i2'), ('fill1', '3u2'), ('fill2', '3u2'), ('colortable_t', 'u1'), # NIH_COLORTABLE_TYPE ('lutmode_t', 'u1'), # NIH_LUTMODE_TYPE ('invertedtable', 'b1'), ('zeroclip', 'b1'), ('_xunit_len', 'u1'), ('xunit', 'a11'), ('stacktype_t', 'i2'), # NIH_STACKTYPE_TYPE ] NIH_COLORTABLE_TYPE = ( 'CustomTable', 'AppleDefault', 'Pseudo20', 'Pseudo32', 'Rainbow', 'Fire1', 'Fire2', 'Ice', 'Grays', 'Spectrum') NIH_LUTMODE_TYPE = ( 'PseudoColor', 'OldAppleDefault', 'OldSpectrum', 'GrayScale', 'ColorLut', 'CustomGrayscale') NIH_CURVEFIT_TYPE = ( 'StraightLine', 'Poly2', 'Poly3', 'Poly4', 'Poly5', 'ExpoFit', 'PowerFit', 'LogFit', 'RodbardFit', 'SpareFit1', 'Uncalibrated', 'UncalibratedOD') NIH_UNITS_TYPE = ( 'Nanometers', 'Micrometers', 'Millimeters', 'Centimeters', 'Meters', 'Kilometers', 'Inches', 'Feet', 'Miles', 'Pixels', 'OtherUnits') NIH_STACKTYPE_TYPE = ( 'VolumeStack', 'RGBStack', 'MovieStack', 'HSVStack') # Map Universal Imaging Corporation MetaMorph internal tag ids to name and type UIC_TAGS = { 0: ('auto_scale', int), 1: ('min_scale', int), 2: ('max_scale', int), 3: ('spatial_calibration', int), 4: ('x_calibration', Fraction), 5: ('y_calibration', Fraction), 6: ('calibration_units', str), 7: ('name', str), 8: ('thresh_state', int), 9: ('thresh_state_red', int), 10: ('tagid_10', None), # undefined 11: ('thresh_state_green', int), 12: ('thresh_state_blue', int), 13: ('thresh_state_lo', int), 14: ('thresh_state_hi', int), 15: ('zoom', int), 16: ('create_time', julian_datetime), 17: ('last_saved_time', julian_datetime), 18: ('current_buffer', int), 19: ('gray_fit', None), 20: ('gray_point_count', None), 21: ('gray_x', Fraction), 22: ('gray_y', Fraction), 23: ('gray_min', Fraction), 24: ('gray_max', Fraction), 25: ('gray_unit_name', str), 26: ('standard_lut', int), 27: ('wavelength', int), 28: ('stage_position', '(%i,2,2)u4'), # N xy positions as fractions 29: ('camera_chip_offset', '(%i,2,2)u4'), # N xy offsets as fractions 30: ('overlay_mask', None), 31: ('overlay_compress', None), 32: ('overlay', None), 33: ('special_overlay_mask', None), 34: ('special_overlay_compress', None), 35: ('special_overlay', None), 36: ('image_property', read_uic_image_property), 37: ('stage_label', '%ip'), # N str 38: ('autoscale_lo_info', Fraction), 39: ('autoscale_hi_info', Fraction), 40: ('absolute_z', '(%i,2)u4'), # N fractions 41: ('absolute_z_valid', '(%i,)u4'), # N long 42: ('gamma', int), 43: ('gamma_red', int), 44: ('gamma_green', int), 45: ('gamma_blue', int), 46: ('camera_bin', int), 47: ('new_lut', int), 48: ('image_property_ex', None), 49: ('plane_property', int), 50: ('user_lut_table', '(256,3)u1'), 51: ('red_autoscale_info', int), 52: ('red_autoscale_lo_info', Fraction), 53: ('red_autoscale_hi_info', Fraction), 54: ('red_minscale_info', int), 55: ('red_maxscale_info', int), 56: ('green_autoscale_info', int), 57: ('green_autoscale_lo_info', Fraction), 58: ('green_autoscale_hi_info', Fraction), 59: ('green_minscale_info', int), 60: ('green_maxscale_info', int), 61: ('blue_autoscale_info', int), 62: ('blue_autoscale_lo_info', Fraction), 63: ('blue_autoscale_hi_info', Fraction), 64: ('blue_min_scale_info', int), 65: ('blue_max_scale_info', int), # 66: ('overlay_plane_color', read_uic_overlay_plane_color), } # Olympus FluoView MM_DIMENSION = [ ('name', 'a16'), ('size', 'i4'), ('origin', 'f8'), ('resolution', 'f8'), ('unit', 'a64'), ] MM_HEADER = [ ('header_flag', 'i2'), ('image_type', 'u1'), ('image_name', 'a257'), ('offset_data', 'u4'), ('palette_size', 'i4'), ('offset_palette0', 'u4'), ('offset_palette1', 'u4'), ('comment_size', 'i4'), ('offset_comment', 'u4'), ('dimensions', MM_DIMENSION, 10), ('offset_position', 'u4'), ('map_type', 'i2'), ('map_min', 'f8'), ('map_max', 'f8'), ('min_value', 'f8'), ('max_value', 'f8'), ('offset_map', 'u4'), ('gamma', 'f8'), ('offset', 'f8'), ('gray_channel', MM_DIMENSION), ('offset_thumbnail', 'u4'), ('voice_field', 'i4'), ('offset_voice_field', 'u4'), ] # Carl Zeiss LSM CZ_LSM_INFO = [ ('magic_number', 'u4'), ('structure_size', 'i4'), ('dimension_x', 'i4'), ('dimension_y', 'i4'), ('dimension_z', 'i4'), ('dimension_channels', 'i4'), ('dimension_time', 'i4'), ('data_type', 'i4'), # CZ_DATA_TYPES ('thumbnail_x', 'i4'), ('thumbnail_y', 'i4'), ('voxel_size_x', 'f8'), ('voxel_size_y', 'f8'), ('voxel_size_z', 'f8'), ('origin_x', 'f8'), ('origin_y', 'f8'), ('origin_z', 'f8'), ('scan_type', 'u2'), ('spectral_scan', 'u2'), ('type_of_data', 'u4'), # CZ_TYPE_OF_DATA ('offset_vector_overlay', 'u4'), ('offset_input_lut', 'u4'), ('offset_output_lut', 'u4'), ('offset_channel_colors', 'u4'), ('time_interval', 'f8'), ('offset_channel_data_types', 'u4'), ('offset_scan_info', 'u4'), # CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO ('offset_ks_data', 'u4'), ('offset_time_stamps', 'u4'), ('offset_event_list', 'u4'), ('offset_roi', 'u4'), ('offset_bleach_roi', 'u4'), ('offset_next_recording', 'u4'), # LSM 2.0 ends here ('display_aspect_x', 'f8'), ('display_aspect_y', 'f8'), ('display_aspect_z', 'f8'), ('display_aspect_time', 'f8'), ('offset_mean_of_roi_overlay', 'u4'), ('offset_topo_isoline_overlay', 'u4'), ('offset_topo_profile_overlay', 'u4'), ('offset_linescan_overlay', 'u4'), ('offset_toolbar_flags', 'u4'), ('offset_channel_wavelength', 'u4'), ('offset_channel_factors', 'u4'), ('objective_sphere_correction', 'f8'), ('offset_unmix_parameters', 'u4'), # LSM 3.2, 4.0 end here ('offset_acquisition_parameters', 'u4'), ('offset_characteristics', 'u4'), ('offset_palette', 'u4'), ('time_difference_x', 'f8'), ('time_difference_y', 'f8'), ('time_difference_z', 'f8'), ('internal_use_1', 'u4'), ('dimension_p', 'i4'), ('dimension_m', 'i4'), ('dimensions_reserved', '16i4'), ('offset_tile_positions', 'u4'), ('reserved_1', '9u4'), ('offset_positions', 'u4'), ('reserved_2', '21u4'), # must be 0 ] # Import functions for LSM_INFO sub-records CZ_LSM_INFO_READERS = { 'scan_info': read_cz_lsm_scan_info, 'time_stamps': read_cz_lsm_time_stamps, 'event_list': read_cz_lsm_event_list, 'channel_colors': read_cz_lsm_floatpairs, 'positions': read_cz_lsm_floatpairs, 'tile_positions': read_cz_lsm_floatpairs, } # Map cz_lsm_info.scan_type to dimension order CZ_SCAN_TYPES = { 0: 'XYZCT', # x-y-z scan 1: 'XYZCT', # z scan (x-z plane) 2: 'XYZCT', # line scan 3: 'XYTCZ', # time series x-y 4: 'XYZTC', # time series x-z 5: 'XYTCZ', # time series 'Mean of ROIs' 6: 'XYZTC', # time series x-y-z 7: 'XYCTZ', # spline scan 8: 'XYCZT', # spline scan x-z 9: 'XYTCZ', # time series spline plane x-z 10: 'XYZCT', # point mode } # Map dimension codes to cz_lsm_info attribute CZ_DIMENSIONS = { 'X': 'dimension_x', 'Y': 'dimension_y', 'Z': 'dimension_z', 'C': 'dimension_channels', 'T': 'dimension_time', } # Description of cz_lsm_info.data_type CZ_DATA_TYPES = { 0: 'varying data types', 1: '8 bit unsigned integer', 2: '12 bit unsigned integer', 5: '32 bit float', } # Description of cz_lsm_info.type_of_data CZ_TYPE_OF_DATA = { 0: 'Original scan data', 1: 'Calculated data', 2: '3D reconstruction', 3: 'Topography height map', } CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ARRAYS = { 0x20000000: "tracks", 0x30000000: "lasers", 0x60000000: "detection_channels", 0x80000000: "illumination_channels", 0xa0000000: "beam_splitters", 0xc0000000: "data_channels", 0x11000000: "timers", 0x13000000: "markers", } CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_STRUCTS = { # 0x10000000: "recording", 0x40000000: "track", 0x50000000: "laser", 0x70000000: "detection_channel", 0x90000000: "illumination_channel", 0xb0000000: "beam_splitter", 0xd0000000: "data_channel", 0x12000000: "timer", 0x14000000: "marker", } CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ATTRIBUTES = { # recording 0x10000001: "name", 0x10000002: "description", 0x10000003: "notes", 0x10000004: "objective", 0x10000005: "processing_summary", 0x10000006: "special_scan_mode", 0x10000007: "scan_type", 0x10000008: "scan_mode", 0x10000009: "number_of_stacks", 0x1000000a: "lines_per_plane", 0x1000000b: "samples_per_line", 0x1000000c: "planes_per_volume", 0x1000000d: "images_width", 0x1000000e: "images_height", 0x1000000f: "images_number_planes", 0x10000010: "images_number_stacks", 0x10000011: "images_number_channels", 0x10000012: "linscan_xy_size", 0x10000013: "scan_direction", 0x10000014: "time_series", 0x10000015: "original_scan_data", 0x10000016: "zoom_x", 0x10000017: "zoom_y", 0x10000018: "zoom_z", 0x10000019: "sample_0x", 0x1000001a: "sample_0y", 0x1000001b: "sample_0z", 0x1000001c: "sample_spacing", 0x1000001d: "line_spacing", 0x1000001e: "plane_spacing", 0x1000001f: "plane_width", 0x10000020: "plane_height", 0x10000021: "volume_depth", 0x10000023: "nutation", 0x10000034: "rotation", 0x10000035: "precession", 0x10000036: "sample_0time", 0x10000037: "start_scan_trigger_in", 0x10000038: "start_scan_trigger_out", 0x10000039: "start_scan_event", 0x10000040: "start_scan_time", 0x10000041: "stop_scan_trigger_in", 0x10000042: "stop_scan_trigger_out", 0x10000043: "stop_scan_event", 0x10000044: "stop_scan_time", 0x10000045: "use_rois", 0x10000046: "use_reduced_memory_rois", 0x10000047: "user", 0x10000048: "use_bc_correction", 0x10000049: "position_bc_correction1", 0x10000050: "position_bc_correction2", 0x10000051: "interpolation_y", 0x10000052: "camera_binning", 0x10000053: "camera_supersampling", 0x10000054: "camera_frame_width", 0x10000055: "camera_frame_height", 0x10000056: "camera_offset_x", 0x10000057: "camera_offset_y", 0x10000059: "rt_binning", 0x1000005a: "rt_frame_width", 0x1000005b: "rt_frame_height", 0x1000005c: "rt_region_width", 0x1000005d: "rt_region_height", 0x1000005e: "rt_offset_x", 0x1000005f: "rt_offset_y", 0x10000060: "rt_zoom", 0x10000061: "rt_line_period", 0x10000062: "prescan", 0x10000063: "scan_direction_z", # track 0x40000001: "multiplex_type", # 0 after line; 1 after frame 0x40000002: "multiplex_order", 0x40000003: "sampling_mode", # 0 sample; 1 line average; 2 frame average 0x40000004: "sampling_method", # 1 mean; 2 sum 0x40000005: "sampling_number", 0x40000006: "acquire", 0x40000007: "sample_observation_time", 0x4000000b: "time_between_stacks", 0x4000000c: "name", 0x4000000d: "collimator1_name", 0x4000000e: "collimator1_position", 0x4000000f: "collimator2_name", 0x40000010: "collimator2_position", 0x40000011: "is_bleach_track", 0x40000012: "is_bleach_after_scan_number", 0x40000013: "bleach_scan_number", 0x40000014: "trigger_in", 0x40000015: "trigger_out", 0x40000016: "is_ratio_track", 0x40000017: "bleach_count", 0x40000018: "spi_center_wavelength", 0x40000019: "pixel_time", 0x40000021: "condensor_frontlens", 0x40000023: "field_stop_value", 0x40000024: "id_condensor_aperture", 0x40000025: "condensor_aperture", 0x40000026: "id_condensor_revolver", 0x40000027: "condensor_filter", 0x40000028: "id_transmission_filter1", 0x40000029: "id_transmission1", 0x40000030: "id_transmission_filter2", 0x40000031: "id_transmission2", 0x40000032: "repeat_bleach", 0x40000033: "enable_spot_bleach_pos", 0x40000034: "spot_bleach_posx", 0x40000035: "spot_bleach_posy", 0x40000036: "spot_bleach_posz", 0x40000037: "id_tubelens", 0x40000038: "id_tubelens_position", 0x40000039: "transmitted_light", 0x4000003a: "reflected_light", 0x4000003b: "simultan_grab_and_bleach", 0x4000003c: "bleach_pixel_time", # laser 0x50000001: "name", 0x50000002: "acquire", 0x50000003: "power", # detection_channel 0x70000001: "integration_mode", 0x70000002: "special_mode", 0x70000003: "detector_gain_first", 0x70000004: "detector_gain_last", 0x70000005: "amplifier_gain_first", 0x70000006: "amplifier_gain_last", 0x70000007: "amplifier_offs_first", 0x70000008: "amplifier_offs_last", 0x70000009: "pinhole_diameter", 0x7000000a: "counting_trigger", 0x7000000b: "acquire", 0x7000000c: "point_detector_name", 0x7000000d: "amplifier_name", 0x7000000e: "pinhole_name", 0x7000000f: "filter_set_name", 0x70000010: "filter_name", 0x70000013: "integrator_name", 0x70000014: "channel_name", 0x70000015: "detector_gain_bc1", 0x70000016: "detector_gain_bc2", 0x70000017: "amplifier_gain_bc1", 0x70000018: "amplifier_gain_bc2", 0x70000019: "amplifier_offset_bc1", 0x70000020: "amplifier_offset_bc2", 0x70000021: "spectral_scan_channels", 0x70000022: "spi_wavelength_start", 0x70000023: "spi_wavelength_stop", 0x70000026: "dye_name", 0x70000027: "dye_folder", # illumination_channel 0x90000001: "name", 0x90000002: "power", 0x90000003: "wavelength", 0x90000004: "aquire", 0x90000005: "detchannel_name", 0x90000006: "power_bc1", 0x90000007: "power_bc2", # beam_splitter 0xb0000001: "filter_set", 0xb0000002: "filter", 0xb0000003: "name", # data_channel 0xd0000001: "name", 0xd0000003: "acquire", 0xd0000004: "color", 0xd0000005: "sample_type", 0xd0000006: "bits_per_sample", 0xd0000007: "ratio_type", 0xd0000008: "ratio_track1", 0xd0000009: "ratio_track2", 0xd000000a: "ratio_channel1", 0xd000000b: "ratio_channel2", 0xd000000c: "ratio_const1", 0xd000000d: "ratio_const2", 0xd000000e: "ratio_const3", 0xd000000f: "ratio_const4", 0xd0000010: "ratio_const5", 0xd0000011: "ratio_const6", 0xd0000012: "ratio_first_images1", 0xd0000013: "ratio_first_images2", 0xd0000014: "dye_name", 0xd0000015: "dye_folder", 0xd0000016: "spectrum", 0xd0000017: "acquire", # timer 0x12000001: "name", 0x12000002: "description", 0x12000003: "interval", 0x12000004: "trigger_in", 0x12000005: "trigger_out", 0x12000006: "activation_time", 0x12000007: "activation_number", # marker 0x14000001: "name", 0x14000002: "description", 0x14000003: "trigger_in", 0x14000004: "trigger_out", } # Map TIFF tag code to attribute name, default value, type, count, validator TIFF_TAGS = { 254: ('new_subfile_type', 0, 4, 1, TIFF_SUBFILE_TYPES()), 255: ('subfile_type', None, 3, 1, {0: 'undefined', 1: 'image', 2: 'reduced_image', 3: 'page'}), 256: ('image_width', None, 4, 1, None), 257: ('image_length', None, 4, 1, None), 258: ('bits_per_sample', 1, 3, 1, None), 259: ('compression', 1, 3, 1, TIFF_COMPESSIONS), 262: ('photometric', None, 3, 1, TIFF_PHOTOMETRICS), 266: ('fill_order', 1, 3, 1, {1: 'msb2lsb', 2: 'lsb2msb'}), 269: ('document_name', None, 2, None, None), 270: ('image_description', None, 2, None, None), 271: ('make', None, 2, None, None), 272: ('model', None, 2, None, None), 273: ('strip_offsets', None, 4, None, None), 274: ('orientation', 1, 3, 1, TIFF_ORIENTATIONS), 277: ('samples_per_pixel', 1, 3, 1, None), 278: ('rows_per_strip', 2 ** 32 - 1, 4, 1, None), 279: ('strip_byte_counts', None, 4, None, None), 280: ('min_sample_value', None, 3, None, None), 281: ('max_sample_value', None, 3, None, None), # 2**bits_per_sample 282: ('x_resolution', None, 5, 1, None), 283: ('y_resolution', None, 5, 1, None), 284: ('planar_configuration', 1, 3, 1, {1: 'contig', 2: 'separate'}), 285: ('page_name', None, 2, None, None), 286: ('x_position', None, 5, 1, None), 287: ('y_position', None, 5, 1, None), 296: ('resolution_unit', 2, 4, 1, {1: 'none', 2: 'inch', 3: 'centimeter'}), 297: ('page_number', None, 3, 2, None), 305: ('software', None, 2, None, None), 306: ('datetime', None, 2, None, None), 315: ('artist', None, 2, None, None), 316: ('host_computer', None, 2, None, None), 317: ('predictor', 1, 3, 1, {1: None, 2: 'horizontal'}), 318: ('white_point', None, 5, 2, None), 319: ('primary_chromaticities', None, 5, 6, None), 320: ('color_map', None, 3, None, None), 322: ('tile_width', None, 4, 1, None), 323: ('tile_length', None, 4, 1, None), 324: ('tile_offsets', None, 4, None, None), 325: ('tile_byte_counts', None, 4, None, None), 338: ('extra_samples', None, 3, None, {0: 'unspecified', 1: 'assocalpha', 2: 'unassalpha'}), 339: ('sample_format', 1, 3, 1, TIFF_SAMPLE_FORMATS), 340: ('smin_sample_value', None, None, None, None), 341: ('smax_sample_value', None, None, None, None), 347: ('jpeg_tables', None, 7, None, None), 530: ('ycbcr_subsampling', 1, 3, 2, None), 531: ('ycbcr_positioning', 1, 3, 1, None), 32996: ('sgi_datatype', None, None, 1, None), # use sample_format 32997: ('image_depth', None, 4, 1, None), 32998: ('tile_depth', None, 4, 1, None), 33432: ('copyright', None, 1, None, None), 33445: ('md_file_tag', None, 4, 1, None), 33446: ('md_scale_pixel', None, 5, 1, None), 33447: ('md_color_table', None, 3, None, None), 33448: ('md_lab_name', None, 2, None, None), 33449: ('md_sample_info', None, 2, None, None), 33450: ('md_prep_date', None, 2, None, None), 33451: ('md_prep_time', None, 2, None, None), 33452: ('md_file_units', None, 2, None, None), 33550: ('model_pixel_scale', None, 12, 3, None), 33922: ('model_tie_point', None, 12, None, None), 34665: ('exif_ifd', None, None, 1, None), 34735: ('geo_key_directory', None, 3, None, None), 34736: ('geo_double_params', None, 12, None, None), 34737: ('geo_ascii_params', None, 2, None, None), 34853: ('gps_ifd', None, None, 1, None), 37510: ('user_comment', None, None, None, None), 42112: ('gdal_metadata', None, 2, None, None), 42113: ('gdal_nodata', None, 2, None, None), 50289: ('mc_xy_position', None, 12, 2, None), 50290: ('mc_z_position', None, 12, 1, None), 50291: ('mc_xy_calibration', None, 12, 3, None), 50292: ('mc_lens_lem_na_n', None, 12, 3, None), 50293: ('mc_channel_name', None, 1, None, None), 50294: ('mc_ex_wavelength', None, 12, 1, None), 50295: ('mc_time_stamp', None, 12, 1, None), 50838: ('imagej_byte_counts', None, None, None, None), 65200: ('flex_xml', None, 2, None, None), # code: (attribute name, default value, type, count, validator) } # Map custom TIFF tag codes to attribute names and import functions CUSTOM_TAGS = { 700: ('xmp', read_bytes), 34377: ('photoshop', read_numpy), 33723: ('iptc', read_bytes), 34675: ('icc_profile', read_bytes), 33628: ('uic1tag', read_uic1tag), # Universal Imaging Corporation STK 33629: ('uic2tag', read_uic2tag), 33630: ('uic3tag', read_uic3tag), 33631: ('uic4tag', read_uic4tag), 34361: ('mm_header', read_mm_header), # Olympus FluoView 34362: ('mm_stamp', read_mm_stamp), 34386: ('mm_user_block', read_bytes), 34412: ('cz_lsm_info', read_cz_lsm_info), # Carl Zeiss LSM 43314: ('nih_image_header', read_nih_image_header), # 40001: ('mc_ipwinscal', read_bytes), 40100: ('mc_id_old', read_bytes), 50288: ('mc_id', read_bytes), 50296: ('mc_frame_properties', read_bytes), 50839: ('imagej_metadata', read_bytes), 51123: ('micromanager_metadata', read_json), } # Max line length of printed output PRINT_LINE_LEN = 79 def imshow(data, title=None, vmin=0, vmax=None, cmap=None, bitspersample=None, photometric='rgb', interpolation='nearest', dpi=96, figure=None, subplot=111, maxdim=8192, **kwargs): """Plot n-dimensional images using matplotlib.pyplot. Return figure, subplot and plot axis. Requires pyplot already imported ``from matplotlib import pyplot``. Parameters ---------- bitspersample : int or None Number of bits per channel in integer RGB images. photometric : {'miniswhite', 'minisblack', 'rgb', or 'palette'} The color space of the image data. title : str Window and subplot title. figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure (optional). Matplotlib to use for plotting. subplot : int A matplotlib.pyplot.subplot axis. maxdim : int maximum image size in any dimension. kwargs : optional Arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.imshow. """ # if photometric not in ('miniswhite', 'minisblack', 'rgb', 'palette'): # raise ValueError("Can't handle %s photometrics" % photometric) # TODO: handle photometric == 'separated' (CMYK) isrgb = photometric in ('rgb', 'palette') data = numpy.atleast_2d(data.squeeze()) data = data[(slice(0, maxdim), ) * len(data.shape)] dims = data.ndim if dims < 2: raise ValueError("not an image") elif dims == 2: dims = 0 isrgb = False else: if isrgb and data.shape[-3] in (3, 4): data = numpy.swapaxes(data, -3, -2) data = numpy.swapaxes(data, -2, -1) elif not isrgb and (data.shape[-1] < data.shape[-2] // 16 and data.shape[-1] < data.shape[-3] // 16 and data.shape[-1] < 5): data = numpy.swapaxes(data, -3, -1) data = numpy.swapaxes(data, -2, -1) isrgb = isrgb and data.shape[-1] in (3, 4) dims -= 3 if isrgb else 2 if photometric == 'palette' and isrgb: datamax = data.max() if datamax > 255: data >>= 8 # possible precision loss data = data.astype('B') elif data.dtype.kind in 'ui': if not (isrgb and data.dtype.itemsize <= 1) or bitspersample is None: try: bitspersample = int(math.ceil(math.log(data.max(), 2))) except Exception: bitspersample = data.dtype.itemsize * 8 elif not isinstance(bitspersample, int): # bitspersample can be tuple, e.g. (5, 6, 5) bitspersample = data.dtype.itemsize * 8 datamax = 2 ** bitspersample if isrgb: if bitspersample < 8: data <<= 8 - bitspersample elif bitspersample > 8: data >>= bitspersample - 8 # precision loss data = data.astype('B') elif data.dtype.kind == 'f': datamax = data.max() if isrgb and datamax > 1.0: if data.dtype.char == 'd': data = data.astype('f') data /= datamax elif data.dtype.kind == 'b': datamax = 1 elif data.dtype.kind == 'c': raise NotImplementedError("complex type") # TODO: handle complex types if not isrgb: if vmax is None: vmax = datamax if vmin is None: if data.dtype.kind == 'i': dtmin = numpy.iinfo(data.dtype).min vmin = numpy.min(data) if vmin == dtmin: vmin = numpy.min(data > dtmin) if data.dtype.kind == 'f': dtmin = numpy.finfo(data.dtype).min vmin = numpy.min(data) if vmin == dtmin: vmin = numpy.min(data > dtmin) else: vmin = 0 pyplot = sys.modules['matplotlib.pyplot'] if figure is None: pyplot.rc('font', family='sans-serif', weight='normal', size=8) figure = pyplot.figure(dpi=dpi, figsize=(10.3, 6.3), frameon=True, facecolor='1.0', edgecolor='w') try: figure.canvas.manager.window.title(title) except Exception: pass pyplot.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.03 * (dims + 2), top=0.9, left=0.1, right=0.95, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.0) subplot = pyplot.subplot(subplot) if title: try: title = str(title, 'Windows-1252') except TypeError: pass pyplot.title(title, size=11) if cmap is None: if data.dtype.kind in 'ubf' or vmin == 0: cmap = 'cubehelix' else: cmap = 'coolwarm' if photometric == 'miniswhite': cmap += '_r' image = pyplot.imshow(data[(0, ) * dims].squeeze(), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, interpolation=interpolation, **kwargs) if not isrgb: pyplot.colorbar() # panchor=(0.55, 0.5), fraction=0.05 def format_coord(x, y): # callback function to format coordinate display in toolbar x = int(x + 0.5) y = int(y + 0.5) try: if dims: return "%s @ %s [%4i, %4i]" % (cur_ax_dat[1][y, x], current, x, y) else: return "%s @ [%4i, %4i]" % (data[y, x], x, y) except IndexError: return "" pyplot.gca().format_coord = format_coord if dims: current = list((0, ) * dims) cur_ax_dat = [0, data[tuple(current)].squeeze()] sliders = [pyplot.Slider( pyplot.axes([0.125, 0.03 * (axis + 1), 0.725, 0.025]), 'Dimension %i' % axis, 0, data.shape[axis] - 1, 0, facecolor='0.5', valfmt='%%.0f [%i]' % data.shape[axis]) for axis in range(dims)] for slider in sliders: slider.drawon = False def set_image(current, sliders=sliders, data=data): # change image and redraw canvas cur_ax_dat[1] = data[tuple(current)].squeeze() image.set_data(cur_ax_dat[1]) for ctrl, index in zip(sliders, current): ctrl.eventson = False ctrl.set_val(index) ctrl.eventson = True figure.canvas.draw() def on_changed(index, axis, data=data, current=current): # callback function for slider change event index = int(round(index)) cur_ax_dat[0] = axis if index == current[axis]: return if index >= data.shape[axis]: index = 0 elif index < 0: index = data.shape[axis] - 1 current[axis] = index set_image(current) def on_keypressed(event, data=data, current=current): # callback function for key press event key = event.key axis = cur_ax_dat[0] if str(key) in '0123456789': on_changed(key, axis) elif key == 'right': on_changed(current[axis] + 1, axis) elif key == 'left': on_changed(current[axis] - 1, axis) elif key == 'up': cur_ax_dat[0] = 0 if axis == len(data.shape) - 1 else axis + 1 elif key == 'down': cur_ax_dat[0] = len(data.shape) - 1 if axis == 0 else axis - 1 elif key == 'end': on_changed(data.shape[axis] - 1, axis) elif key == 'home': on_changed(0, axis) figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', on_keypressed) for axis, ctrl in enumerate(sliders): ctrl.on_changed(lambda k, a=axis: on_changed(k, a)) return figure, subplot, image def _app_show(): """Block the GUI. For use as skimage plugin.""" pyplot = sys.modules['matplotlib.pyplot'] pyplot.show() def main(argv=None): """Command line usage main function.""" if float(sys.version[0:3]) < 2.6: print("This script requires Python version 2.6 or better.") print("This is Python version %s" % sys.version) return 0 if argv is None: argv = sys.argv import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="usage: %prog [options] path", description="Display image data in TIFF files.", version="%%prog %s" % __version__) opt = parser.add_option opt('-p', '--page', dest='page', type='int', default=-1, help="display single page") opt('-s', '--series', dest='series', type='int', default=-1, help="display series of pages of same shape") opt('--nomultifile', dest='nomultifile', action='store_true', default=False, help="don't read OME series from multiple files") opt('--noplot', dest='noplot', action='store_true', default=False, help="don't display images") opt('--interpol', dest='interpol', metavar='INTERPOL', default='bilinear', help="image interpolation method") opt('--dpi', dest='dpi', type='int', default=96, help="set plot resolution") opt('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help="raise exception on failures") opt('--test', dest='test', action='store_true', default=False, help="try read all images in path") opt('--doctest', dest='doctest', action='store_true', default=False, help="runs the docstring examples") opt('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=True) opt('-q', '--quiet', dest='verbose', action='store_false') settings, path = parser.parse_args() path = ' '.join(path) if settings.doctest: import doctest doctest.testmod() return 0 if not path: parser.error("No file specified") if settings.test: test_tifffile(path, settings.verbose) return 0 if any(i in path for i in '?*'): path = glob.glob(path) if not path: print('no files match the pattern') return 0 # TODO: handle image sequences # if len(path) == 1: path = path[0] print("Reading file structure...", end=' ') start = time.time() try: tif = TiffFile(path, multifile=not settings.nomultifile) except Exception as e: if settings.debug: raise else: print("\n", e) sys.exit(0) print("%.3f ms" % ((time.time() - start) * 1e3)) if tif.is_ome: settings.norgb = True images = [(None, tif[0 if settings.page < 0 else settings.page])] if not settings.noplot: print("Reading image data... ", end=' ') def notnone(x): return next(i for i in x if i is not None) start = time.time() try: if settings.page >= 0: images = [(tif.asarray(key=settings.page), tif[settings.page])] elif settings.series >= 0: images = [(tif.asarray(series=settings.series), notnone(tif.series[settings.series].pages))] else: images = [] for i, s in enumerate(tif.series): try: images.append( (tif.asarray(series=i), notnone(s.pages))) except ValueError as e: images.append((None, notnone(s.pages))) if settings.debug: raise else: print("\n* series %i failed: %s... " % (i, e), end='') print("%.3f ms" % ((time.time() - start) * 1e3)) except Exception as e: if settings.debug: raise else: print(e) tif.close() print("\nTIFF file:", tif) print() for i, s in enumerate(tif.series): print("Series %i" % i) print(s) print() for i, page in images: print(page) print(page.tags) if page.is_palette: print("\nColor Map:", page.color_map.shape, page.color_map.dtype) for attr in ('cz_lsm_info', 'cz_lsm_scan_info', 'uic_tags', 'mm_header', 'imagej_tags', 'micromanager_metadata', 'nih_image_header'): if hasattr(page, attr): print("", attr.upper(), Record(getattr(page, attr)), sep="\n") print() if page.is_micromanager: print('MICROMANAGER_FILE_METADATA') print(Record(tif.micromanager_metadata)) if images and not settings.noplot: try: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') from matplotlib import pyplot except ImportError as e: warnings.warn("failed to import matplotlib.\n%s" % e) else: for img, page in images: if img is None: continue vmin, vmax = None, None if 'gdal_nodata' in page.tags: try: vmin = numpy.min(img[img > float(page.gdal_nodata)]) except ValueError: pass if page.is_stk: try: vmin = page.uic_tags['min_scale'] vmax = page.uic_tags['max_scale'] except KeyError: pass else: if vmax <= vmin: vmin, vmax = None, None title = "%s\n %s" % (str(tif), str(page)) imshow(img, title=title, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, bitspersample=page.bits_per_sample, photometric=page.photometric, interpolation=settings.interpol, dpi=settings.dpi) pyplot.show() TIFFfile = TiffFile # backwards compatibility if sys.version_info[0] > 2: basestring = str, bytes unicode = str if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from segwit import send_to_witness from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework import blocktools from test_framework.mininode import CTransaction from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.util import * import io import time # Sequence number that is BIP 125 opt-in and BIP 68-compliant BIP125_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 0xfffffffd WALLET_PASSPHRASE = "test" WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT = 3600 class BumpFeeTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True def setup_network(self, split=False): extra_args = [["-debug", "-prematurewitness", "-walletprematurewitness", "-walletrbf={}".format(i)] for i in range(self.num_nodes)] self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args) # Encrypt wallet for test_locked_wallet_fails test self.nodes[1].encryptwallet(WALLET_PASSPHRASE) bitcoind_processes[1].wait() self.nodes[1] = start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args[1]) self.nodes[1].walletpassphrase(WALLET_PASSPHRASE, WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): peer_node, rbf_node = self.nodes rbf_node_address = rbf_node.getnewaddress() # fund rbf node with 10 coins of 0.001 btc (100,000 satoshis) print("Mining blocks...") peer_node.generate(110) self.sync_all() for i in range(25): peer_node.sendtoaddress(rbf_node_address, 0.001) self.sync_all() peer_node.generate(1) self.sync_all() assert_equal(rbf_node.getbalance(), Decimal("0.025")) print("Running tests") dest_address = peer_node.getnewaddress() test_small_output_fails(rbf_node, dest_address) test_dust_to_fee(rbf_node, dest_address) test_simple_bumpfee_succeeds(rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address) test_segwit_bumpfee_succeeds(rbf_node, dest_address) test_nonrbf_bumpfee_fails(peer_node, dest_address) test_notmine_bumpfee_fails(rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address) test_bumpfee_with_descendant_fails(rbf_node, rbf_node_address, dest_address) test_settxfee(rbf_node, dest_address) test_rebumping(rbf_node, dest_address) test_rebumping_not_replaceable(rbf_node, dest_address) test_unconfirmed_not_spendable(rbf_node, rbf_node_address) test_locked_wallet_fails(rbf_node, dest_address) print("Success") def test_simple_bumpfee_succeeds(rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address): rbfid = create_fund_sign_send(rbf_node, {dest_address: 0.00090000}) rbftx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid) sync_mempools((rbf_node, peer_node)) assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() and rbfid in peer_node.getrawmempool() bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid) assert bumped_tx["fee"] - abs(rbftx["fee"]) > 0 # check that bumped_tx propogates, original tx was evicted and has a wallet conflict sync_mempools((rbf_node, peer_node)) assert bumped_tx["txid"] in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert bumped_tx["txid"] in peer_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid not in peer_node.getrawmempool() oldwtx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid) assert len(oldwtx["walletconflicts"]) > 0 # check wallet transaction replaces and replaced_by values bumpedwtx = rbf_node.gettransaction(bumped_tx["txid"]) assert_equal(oldwtx["replaced_by_txid"], bumped_tx["txid"]) assert_equal(bumpedwtx["replaces_txid"], rbfid) def test_segwit_bumpfee_succeeds(rbf_node, dest_address): # Create a transaction with segwit output, then create an RBF transaction # which spends it, and make sure bumpfee can be called on it. segwit_in = next(u for u in rbf_node.listunspent() if u["amount"] == Decimal("0.001")) segwit_out = rbf_node.validateaddress(rbf_node.getnewaddress()) rbf_node.addwitnessaddress(segwit_out["address"]) segwitid = send_to_witness( version=0, node=rbf_node, utxo=segwit_in, pubkey=segwit_out["pubkey"], encode_p2sh=False, amount=Decimal("0.0009"), sign=True) rbfraw = rbf_node.createrawtransaction([{ 'txid': segwitid, 'vout': 0, "sequence": BIP125_SEQUENCE_NUMBER }], {dest_address: Decimal("0.0005"), get_change_address(rbf_node): Decimal("0.0003")}) rbfsigned = rbf_node.signrawtransaction(rbfraw) rbfid = rbf_node.sendrawtransaction(rbfsigned["hex"]) assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid) assert bumped_tx["txid"] in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() def test_nonrbf_bumpfee_fails(peer_node, dest_address): # cannot replace a non RBF transaction (from node which did not enable RBF) not_rbfid = create_fund_sign_send(peer_node, {dest_address: 0.00090000}) assert_raises_message(JSONRPCException, "not BIP 125 replaceable", peer_node.bumpfee, not_rbfid) def test_notmine_bumpfee_fails(rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address): # cannot bump fee unless the tx has only inputs that we own. # here, the rbftx has a peer_node coin and then adds a rbf_node input # Note that this test depends upon the RPC code checking input ownership prior to change outputs # (since it can't use fundrawtransaction, it lacks a proper change output) utxos = [node.listunspent()[-1] for node in (rbf_node, peer_node)] inputs = [{ "txid": utxo["txid"], "vout": utxo["vout"], "address": utxo["address"], "sequence": BIP125_SEQUENCE_NUMBER } for utxo in utxos] output_val = sum(utxo["amount"] for utxo in utxos) - Decimal("0.001") rawtx = rbf_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, {dest_address: output_val}) signedtx = rbf_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx) signedtx = peer_node.signrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) rbfid = rbf_node.sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) assert_raises_message(JSONRPCException, "Transaction contains inputs that don't belong to this wallet", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid) def test_bumpfee_with_descendant_fails(rbf_node, rbf_node_address, dest_address): # cannot bump fee if the transaction has a descendant # parent is send-to-self, so we don't have to check which output is change when creating the child tx parent_id = create_fund_sign_send(rbf_node, {rbf_node_address: 0.00050000}) tx = rbf_node.createrawtransaction([{"txid": parent_id, "vout": 0}], {dest_address: 0.00020000}) tx = rbf_node.signrawtransaction(tx) txid = rbf_node.sendrawtransaction(tx["hex"]) assert_raises_message(JSONRPCException, "Transaction has descendants in the wallet", rbf_node.bumpfee, parent_id) def test_small_output_fails(rbf_node, dest_address): # cannot bump fee with a too-small output rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, Decimal("0.00100000"), {dest_address: 0.00080000, get_change_address(rbf_node): Decimal("0.00010000")}) rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"totalFee": 20000}) rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, Decimal("0.00100000"), {dest_address: 0.00080000, get_change_address(rbf_node): Decimal("0.00010000")}) assert_raises_message(JSONRPCException, "Change output is too small", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"totalFee": 20001}) def test_dust_to_fee(rbf_node, dest_address): # check that if output is reduced to dust, it will be converted to fee # the bumped tx sets fee=9900, but it converts to 10,000 rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, Decimal("0.00100000"), {dest_address: 0.00080000, get_change_address(rbf_node): Decimal("0.00010000")}) fulltx = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(rbfid, 1) bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"totalFee": 19900}) full_bumped_tx = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(bumped_tx["txid"], 1) assert_equal(bumped_tx["fee"], Decimal("0.00020000")) assert_equal(len(fulltx["vout"]), 2) assert_equal(len(full_bumped_tx["vout"]), 1) #change output is eliminated def test_settxfee(rbf_node, dest_address): # check that bumpfee reacts correctly to the use of settxfee (paytxfee) # increase feerate by 2.5x, test that fee increased at least 2x rbf_node.settxfee(Decimal("0.00001000")) rbfid = create_fund_sign_send(rbf_node, {dest_address: 0.00090000}) rbftx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid) rbf_node.settxfee(Decimal("0.00002500")) bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid) assert bumped_tx["fee"] > 2 * abs(rbftx["fee"]) rbf_node.settxfee(Decimal("0.00000000")) # unset paytxfee def test_rebumping(rbf_node, dest_address): # check that re-bumping the original tx fails, but bumping the bumper succeeds rbf_node.settxfee(Decimal("0.00001000")) rbfid = create_fund_sign_send(rbf_node, {dest_address: 0.00090000}) bumped = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"totalFee": 1000}) assert_raises_message(JSONRPCException, "already bumped", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"totalFee": 2000}) rbf_node.bumpfee(bumped["txid"], {"totalFee": 2000}) def test_rebumping_not_replaceable(rbf_node, dest_address): # check that re-bumping a non-replaceable bump tx fails rbfid = create_fund_sign_send(rbf_node, {dest_address: 0.00090000}) bumped = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"totalFee": 10000, "replaceable": False}) assert_raises_message(JSONRPCException, "Transaction is not BIP 125 replaceable", rbf_node.bumpfee, bumped["txid"], {"totalFee": 20000}) def test_unconfirmed_not_spendable(rbf_node, rbf_node_address): # check that unconfirmed outputs from bumped transactions are not spendable rbfid = create_fund_sign_send(rbf_node, {rbf_node_address: 0.00090000}) rbftx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid)["hex"] assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() bumpid = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid)["txid"] assert bumpid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() # check that outputs from the bump transaction are not spendable # due to the replaces_txid check in CWallet::AvailableCoins assert_equal([t for t in rbf_node.listunspent(minconf=0, include_unsafe=False) if t["txid"] == bumpid], []) # submit a block with the rbf tx to clear the bump tx out of the mempool, # then call abandon to make sure the wallet doesn't attempt to resubmit the # bump tx, then invalidate the block so the rbf tx will be put back in the # mempool. this makes it possible to check whether the rbf tx outputs are # spendable before the rbf tx is confirmed. block = submit_block_with_tx(rbf_node, rbftx) rbf_node.abandontransaction(bumpid) rbf_node.invalidateblock(block.hash) assert bumpid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() # check that outputs from the rbf tx are not spendable before the # transaction is confirmed, due to the replaced_by_txid check in # CWallet::AvailableCoins assert_equal([t for t in rbf_node.listunspent(minconf=0, include_unsafe=False) if t["txid"] == rbfid], []) # check that the main output from the rbf tx is spendable after confirmed rbf_node.generate(1) assert_equal( sum(1 for t in rbf_node.listunspent(minconf=0, include_unsafe=False) if t["txid"] == rbfid and t["address"] == rbf_node_address and t["spendable"]), 1) def test_locked_wallet_fails(rbf_node, dest_address): rbfid = create_fund_sign_send(rbf_node, {dest_address: 0.00090000}) rbf_node.walletlock() assert_raises_message(JSONRPCException, "Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid) def create_fund_sign_send(node, outputs): rawtx = node.createrawtransaction([], outputs) fundtx = node.fundrawtransaction(rawtx) signedtx = node.signrawtransaction(fundtx["hex"]) txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) return txid def spend_one_input(node, input_amount, outputs): input = dict(sequence=BIP125_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, **next(u for u in node.listunspent() if u["amount"] == input_amount)) rawtx = node.createrawtransaction([input], outputs) signedtx = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx) txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) return txid def get_change_address(node): """Get a wallet change address. There is no wallet RPC to access unused change addresses, so this creates a dummy transaction, calls fundrawtransaction to give add an input and change output, then returns the change address.""" dest_address = node.getnewaddress() dest_amount = Decimal("0.00012345") rawtx = node.createrawtransaction([], {dest_address: dest_amount}) fundtx = node.fundrawtransaction(rawtx) info = node.decoderawtransaction(fundtx["hex"]) return next(address for out in info["vout"] if out["value"] != dest_amount for address in out["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"]) def submit_block_with_tx(node, tx): ctx = CTransaction() ctx.deserialize(io.BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(tx))) tip = node.getbestblockhash() height = node.getblockcount() + 1 block_time = node.getblockheader(tip)["mediantime"] + 1 block = blocktools.create_block(int(tip, 16), blocktools.create_coinbase(height), block_time) block.vtx.append(ctx) block.rehash() block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() error = node.submitblock(bytes_to_hex_str(block.serialize(True))) if error is not None: raise Exception(error) return block if __name__ == "__main__": BumpFeeTest().main()
from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.apps import AppConfig class DirtyDriveConfig(AppConfig): name = 'DirtyDrive'
# epydoc.py: manpage-style text output # Edward Loper # # Created [01/30/01 05:18 PM] # $Id: man.py,v 1.6 2003/07/18 15:46:19 edloper Exp $ # """ Documentation formatter that produces man-style documentation. @note: This module is under development. It generates incomplete documentation pages, and is not yet incorperated into epydoc's command-line interface. """ __docformat__ = 'epytext en' ################################################## ## Imports ################################################## # system imports import sys, xml.dom.minidom # epydoc imports import epydoc from epydoc.uid import UID, Link, findUID, make_uid from epydoc.imports import import_module from epydoc.objdoc import DocMap, ModuleDoc, FuncDoc from epydoc.objdoc import ClassDoc, Var, Raise, ObjDoc ################################################## ## Documentation -> Text Conversion ################################################## class ManFormatter: def __init__(self, docmap, **kwargs): self._docmap = docmap #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Basic Doc Pages #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// def documentation(self, uid): if not self._docmap.has_key(uid): print '**NO DOCS ON %s **' % uid return doc = self._docmap[uid] if uid.is_module(): return self._modulepage(uid, doc) elif uid.is_class(): return self._classpage(uid, doc) elif uid.is_routine(): return self._routinepage(uid, doc) elif uid.is_variable(): return self._varpage(uid, doc) def _modulepage(self, uid, doc): str = self._name(uid) str += self._descr(uid, doc) str += self._funclist(doc.functions(), doc, 'FUNCTIONS') return str def _classpage(self, uid, doc): str = self._name(uid) str += self._descr(uid, doc) str += self._funclist(doc.methods(), doc, 'METHODS') str += self._funclist(doc.staticmethods(), doc, 'STATIC METHODS') str += self._funclist(doc.classmethods(), doc, 'CLASS METHODS') return str def _routinepage(self, uid, doc): str = self._name(uid) str += self._descr(uid, doc) return str def _varpage(self, uid, doc): str = self._name(uid) str += self._descr(uid, doc) return str #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Functions #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// def _funclist(self, functions, cls, title='FUNCTIONS'): str = self._title(title) numfuncs = 0 for link in functions: fname = link.name() func = link.target() if func.is_method(): container = func.cls() inherit = (container != cls.uid()) else: inherit = 0 try: container = func.module() except TypeError: container = None if not self._docmap.has_key(func): continue # If we don't have documentation for the function, then we # can't say anything about it. if not self._docmap.has_key(func): continue fdoc = self._docmap[func] # What does this method override? foverrides = fdoc.overrides() # Try to find a documented ancestor. inhdoc = self._docmap.documented_ancestor(func) or fdoc inherit_docs = (inhdoc is not fdoc) numfuncs += 1 str += ' %s\n' % self._func_signature(self._bold(fname), fdoc) # Use the inherited docs for everything but the signature. fdoc = inhdoc fdescr=fdoc.descr() fparam = fdoc.parameter_list()[:] freturn = fdoc.returns() fraises = fdoc.raises() # Don't list parameters that don't have any extra info. f = lambda p:p.descr() or p.type() fparam = filter(f, fparam) # Description if fdescr: fdescr_str = fdescr.to_plaintext(None, indent=8) if fdescr_str.strip(): str += fdescr_str # Parameters if fparam: str += ' Parameters:\n' for param in fparam: pname = param.name() str += ' ' + pname if param.descr(): pdescr = param.descr().to_plaintext(None, indent=12) str += ' - %s' % pdescr.strip() str += '\n' if param.type(): ptype = param.type().to_plaintext(none, indent=16) str += ' '*16+'(type=%s)\n' % ptype.strip() # Returns if freturn.descr(): fdescr = freturn.descr().to_plaintext(None, indent=12) str += ' Returns:\n%s' % fdescr if freturn.type(): ftype = freturn.type().to_plaintext(None, indent=12) str += (" Return Type: %s" % ftype.lstrip()) ## Raises #if fraises: # str += ' Raises:\n' # for fraise in fraises: # str += ' ' # str += ''+fraise.name()+' -\n' # str += epytext.to_plaintext(fraise.descr(), 12) ## Overrides #if foverrides: # str += ' <dl><dt><b>Overrides:</b></dt>\n' # str += ' <dd>'+self._uid_to_href(foverrides) # if inherit_docs: # str += ' <i>(inherited documentation)</i>\n' # str += '</dd>\n </dl>\n' if numfuncs == 0: return '' return str def _func_signature(self, fname, fdoc, show_defaults=1): str = fname str += '(' str += self._params_to_text(fdoc.parameters(), show_defaults) if fdoc.vararg(): vararg_name = fdoc.vararg().name() if vararg_name != '...': vararg_name = '*%s' % vararg_name str += '%s, ' % vararg_name if fdoc.kwarg(): str += '**%s, ' % fdoc.kwarg().name() if str[-1] != '(': str = str[:-2] return str + ')' def _params_to_text(self, parameters, show_defaults): str = '' for param in parameters: if type(param) in (type([]), type(())): sublist = self._params_to_text(param, show_defaults) str += '(%s), ' % sublist[:-2] else: str += param.name() if show_defaults and param.default() is not None: default = param.default() if len(default) > 60: default = default[:57]+'...' str += '=%s' % default str += ', ' return str #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Helpers #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// def _bold(self, text): """Format a string in bold by overstriking.""" return ''.join([ch+'\b'+ch for ch in text]) def _title(self, text): return '%s\n' % self._bold(text) def _kind(self, uid): if uid.is_package(): return 'package' elif uid.is_module(): return 'module' elif uid.is_class(): return 'class' elif uid.is_method() or uid.is_builtin_method(): return 'method' elif uid.is_routine(): return 'function' elif uid.is_variable(): return 'variable' else: raise AssertionError, 'Bad UID type for _name' def _name(self, uid): if uid.parent(): parent = uid.parent() name = '%s %s in %s %s' % (self._kind(uid), self._bold(uid.shortname()), self._kind(parent), self._bold(parent.name())) else: name = '%s %s' % (self._kind(uid), self._bold(uid.name())) return '%s %s\n\n' % (self._title('NAME'), name) def _descr(self, uid, doc): if not doc.descr(): return '' descr = doc.descr().to_plaintext(None, indent=4) return '%s%s' % (self._title('DESCRIPTION'), descr) if __name__ == '__main__': docmap = DocMap(document_bases=1) uids = [findUID(name) for name in sys.argv[1:]] uids = [uid for uid in uids if uid is not None] for uid in uids: docmap.add(uid.value()) formatter = ManFormatter(docmap) for uid in uids: print formatter.documentation(uid)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import warnings from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union from google.api_core import gapic_v1 from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async from google.api_core import operations_v1 from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore import grpc # type: ignore from grpc.experimental import aio # type: ignore from google.cloud.aiplatform_v1.types import index_endpoint from google.cloud.aiplatform_v1.types import index_endpoint as gca_index_endpoint from google.cloud.aiplatform_v1.types import index_endpoint_service from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 # type: ignore from .base import IndexEndpointServiceTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO from .grpc import IndexEndpointServiceGrpcTransport class IndexEndpointServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport(IndexEndpointServiceTransport): """gRPC AsyncIO backend transport for IndexEndpointService. A service for managing Vertex AI's IndexEndpoints. This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the primary client can load the underlying transport implementation and call it. It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. """ _grpc_channel: aio.Channel _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} @classmethod def create_channel( cls, host: str = "aiplatform.googleapis.com", credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> aio.Channel: """Create and return a gRPC AsyncIO channel object. Args: host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify this application to the service. If none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment. credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing and quota. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the channel creation. Returns: aio.Channel: A gRPC AsyncIO channel object. """ return grpc_helpers_async.create_channel( host, credentials=credentials, credentials_file=credentials_file, quota_project_id=quota_project_id, default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, scopes=scopes, default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, **kwargs, ) def __init__( self, *, host: str = "aiplatform.googleapis.com", credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, channel: aio.Channel = None, api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, quota_project_id=None, client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> None: """Instantiate the transport. Args: host (Optional[str]): The hostname to connect to. credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify the application to the service; if none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment. This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. channel (Optional[aio.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through which to make calls. api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing and quota. client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): The client info used to send a user-agent string along with API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing your own client library. always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should be used for service account credentials. Raises: google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport creation failed for any reason. google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` and ``credentials_file`` are passed. """ self._grpc_channel = None self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} self._operations_client: Optional[operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient] = None if api_mtls_endpoint: warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) if client_cert_source: warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) if channel: # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. credentials = False # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. self._grpc_channel = channel self._ssl_channel_credentials = None else: if api_mtls_endpoint: host = api_mtls_endpoint # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application # default SSL credentials. if client_cert_source: cert, key = client_cert_source() self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key ) else: self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials else: if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key ) # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes super().__init__( host=host, credentials=credentials, credentials_file=credentials_file, scopes=scopes, quota_project_id=quota_project_id, client_info=client_info, always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, ) if not self._grpc_channel: self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( self._host, # use the credentials which are saved credentials=self._credentials, # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. credentials_file=None, scopes=self._scopes, ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, quota_project_id=quota_project_id, options=[ ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), ], ) # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) @property def grpc_channel(self) -> aio.Channel: """Create the channel designed to connect to this service. This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return the same channel. """ # Return the channel from cache. return self._grpc_channel @property def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient: """Create the client designed to process long-running operations. This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return the same client. """ # Quick check: Only create a new client if we do not already have one. if self._operations_client is None: self._operations_client = operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient( self.grpc_channel ) # Return the client from cache. return self._operations_client @property def create_index_endpoint( self, ) -> Callable[ [index_endpoint_service.CreateIndexEndpointRequest], Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation], ]: r"""Return a callable for the create index endpoint method over gRPC. Creates an IndexEndpoint. Returns: Callable[[~.CreateIndexEndpointRequest], Awaitable[~.Operation]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "create_index_endpoint" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["create_index_endpoint"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.IndexEndpointService/CreateIndexEndpoint", request_serializer=index_endpoint_service.CreateIndexEndpointRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs["create_index_endpoint"] @property def get_index_endpoint( self, ) -> Callable[ [index_endpoint_service.GetIndexEndpointRequest], Awaitable[index_endpoint.IndexEndpoint], ]: r"""Return a callable for the get index endpoint method over gRPC. Gets an IndexEndpoint. Returns: Callable[[~.GetIndexEndpointRequest], Awaitable[~.IndexEndpoint]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "get_index_endpoint" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["get_index_endpoint"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.IndexEndpointService/GetIndexEndpoint", request_serializer=index_endpoint_service.GetIndexEndpointRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=index_endpoint.IndexEndpoint.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["get_index_endpoint"] @property def list_index_endpoints( self, ) -> Callable[ [index_endpoint_service.ListIndexEndpointsRequest], Awaitable[index_endpoint_service.ListIndexEndpointsResponse], ]: r"""Return a callable for the list index endpoints method over gRPC. Lists IndexEndpoints in a Location. Returns: Callable[[~.ListIndexEndpointsRequest], Awaitable[~.ListIndexEndpointsResponse]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "list_index_endpoints" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["list_index_endpoints"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.IndexEndpointService/ListIndexEndpoints", request_serializer=index_endpoint_service.ListIndexEndpointsRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=index_endpoint_service.ListIndexEndpointsResponse.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["list_index_endpoints"] @property def update_index_endpoint( self, ) -> Callable[ [index_endpoint_service.UpdateIndexEndpointRequest], Awaitable[gca_index_endpoint.IndexEndpoint], ]: r"""Return a callable for the update index endpoint method over gRPC. Updates an IndexEndpoint. Returns: Callable[[~.UpdateIndexEndpointRequest], Awaitable[~.IndexEndpoint]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "update_index_endpoint" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["update_index_endpoint"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.IndexEndpointService/UpdateIndexEndpoint", request_serializer=index_endpoint_service.UpdateIndexEndpointRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=gca_index_endpoint.IndexEndpoint.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["update_index_endpoint"] @property def delete_index_endpoint( self, ) -> Callable[ [index_endpoint_service.DeleteIndexEndpointRequest], Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation], ]: r"""Return a callable for the delete index endpoint method over gRPC. Deletes an IndexEndpoint. Returns: Callable[[~.DeleteIndexEndpointRequest], Awaitable[~.Operation]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "delete_index_endpoint" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["delete_index_endpoint"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.IndexEndpointService/DeleteIndexEndpoint", request_serializer=index_endpoint_service.DeleteIndexEndpointRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs["delete_index_endpoint"] @property def deploy_index( self, ) -> Callable[ [index_endpoint_service.DeployIndexRequest], Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] ]: r"""Return a callable for the deploy index method over gRPC. Deploys an Index into this IndexEndpoint, creating a DeployedIndex within it. Only non-empty Indexes can be deployed. Returns: Callable[[~.DeployIndexRequest], Awaitable[~.Operation]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "deploy_index" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["deploy_index"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.IndexEndpointService/DeployIndex", request_serializer=index_endpoint_service.DeployIndexRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs["deploy_index"] @property def undeploy_index( self, ) -> Callable[ [index_endpoint_service.UndeployIndexRequest], Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation], ]: r"""Return a callable for the undeploy index method over gRPC. Undeploys an Index from an IndexEndpoint, removing a DeployedIndex from it, and freeing all resources it's using. Returns: Callable[[~.UndeployIndexRequest], Awaitable[~.Operation]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "undeploy_index" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["undeploy_index"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.IndexEndpointService/UndeployIndex", request_serializer=index_endpoint_service.UndeployIndexRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs["undeploy_index"] @property def mutate_deployed_index( self, ) -> Callable[ [index_endpoint_service.MutateDeployedIndexRequest], Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation], ]: r"""Return a callable for the mutate deployed index method over gRPC. Update an existing DeployedIndex under an IndexEndpoint. Returns: Callable[[~.MutateDeployedIndexRequest], Awaitable[~.Operation]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "mutate_deployed_index" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["mutate_deployed_index"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.IndexEndpointService/MutateDeployedIndex", request_serializer=index_endpoint_service.MutateDeployedIndexRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs["mutate_deployed_index"] def close(self): return self.grpc_channel.close() __all__ = ("IndexEndpointServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport",)
#!/usr/bin/env python from pylab import * t,x,y,u,v,ax,ay = loadtxt('trajectory.dat',unpack=True) r = sqrt(x**2+y**2) k = u**2+v**2 s = '.' if t.size < 100 else '' figure('Trajectory',figsize=(5,4)) subplot(111,aspect=1) plot(x,y,'b%s-'%s,lw=1) xl,xh = (x.min(),x.max()) xb = 0.1*(xh-xl) xlim(xl-xb,xh+xb) yl,yh = (y.min(),y.max()) yb = 0.1*(yh-yl) ylim(yl-yb,yh+yb) xlabel(r'$x$-coordinate [m]') ylabel(r'$y$-coordinate [m]') tight_layout() figure('',figsize=(8,8)) subplot(221) #~ figure('Decay',figsize=(5,4)) plot(t,r,'r%s-'%s) yl,yh = ylim() yb = 0.1*(yh-0) ylim(0-yb,yh+5*yb) xlabel(r'Time $t$ [s]') ylabel(r'Radius $r$ [m]') #~ tight_layout() subplot(222) #~ figure('Kinetic Energy',figsize=(5,4)) plot(t,k,'r%s-'%s) yl,yh = ylim() yb = 0.1*(yh-0) ylim(0-yb,yh+5*yb) xlabel(r'Time $t$ [s]') ylabel(r'Kinetic Energy $KE$ [J]') #~ tight_layout() subplot(223) #~ figure('Velocities',figsize=(5,4)) plot(t,u,'r%s-'%s,label=r'$\vec{v}\cdot\hat{e}_x$') plot(t,v,'b%s-'%s,label=r'$\vec{v}\cdot\hat{e}_y$') yl,yh = ylim() yb = 0.1*(yh-yl) ylim(yl-yb,yh+5*yb) xlabel(r'Time $t$ [s]') ylabel(r'Velocity $\vec{v}\cdot\hat{e}_n$ [m/s]') legend(loc='best',fancybox=True,ncol=2) #~ tight_layout() subplot(224) #~ figure('Acceleration',figsize=(5,4)) plot(t,ax,'r%s-'%s,label=r'$\vec{a}\cdot\hat{e}_x$') plot(t,ay,'b%s-'%s,label=r'$\vec{a}\cdot\hat{e}_y$') yl,yh = ylim() yb = 0.1*(yh-yl) ylim(yl-yb,yh+5*yb) xlabel(r'Time $t$ [s]') ylabel(r'Acceleration $\vec{a}\cdot\hat{e}_n$ [m/s$^2$]') legend(loc='best',fancybox=True,ncol=2) #~ tight_layout() tight_layout() show()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import json import boto3 import platform import traceback import subprocess from datetime import datetime config = {} with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.ddns.conf')) as conf: config.update(json.load(conf)) ZONE_ID = config['zone_id'] ROOT = config['root'] HOST = config.get('host', platform.uname().node.split('.')[0]) TTL = config.get('ttl', 300) session = boto3.Session(profile_name='personal') r53 = session.client('route53') def dig_ip(hostname): cmd = f'dig +short {hostname} @resolver1.opendns.com'.split(' ') try: return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8').strip() except Exception as exc: print(f'{datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}+UTC Failed to read DNS name - bailing out') traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) def my_ip(): return dig_ip('myip.opendns.com') def change_recordset(current_ip): resp = r53.change_resource_record_sets( HostedZoneId=ZONE_ID, ChangeBatch={ 'Comment': f'Automatic DDNS change {datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}+UTC', 'Changes': [{ 'Action': 'UPSERT', 'ResourceRecordSet': { 'Name': '.'.join((HOST, ROOT)), 'Type': 'A', 'TTL': TTL, 'ResourceRecords': [{'Value': current_ip}] } }] } ) print(f'{datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}+UTC Submitted change request: {resp}') def main(): current_ip = my_ip() r53_ip = dig_ip('.'.join((HOST, ROOT))) if current_ip != r53_ip: print(f'{datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}+UTC Mismatch alert, {r53_ip} does not match {current_ip}') change_recordset(current_ip) else: print(f'{datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}+UTC All good - IP is updated in R53') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
class BASIC_MOVE: ID = 0 Name = 1 Type = 2 PW = 3 Duration = 4 NRG = 5 NRGPS = 6 DPS = 7 # Adapted from the GAME_MASTER_FILE Json Output at: # https://github.com/pokemongo-dev-contrib/pokemongo-game-master/ # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pokemongo-dev-contrib/pokemongo-game-master/master/versions/latest/GAME_MASTER.json BASIC_MOVE_DATA = [ # ID, Name,Type, PW, Duration (ms), NRG, NRGPS, DPS [200,"Fury Cutter","Bug",3,400,6,15,7.5], [201,"Bug Bite","Bug",5,500,6,12,10], [202,"Bite","Dark",6,500,4,8,12], [203,"Sucker Punch","Dark",7,700,8,11.428571428571429,10], [204,"Dragon Breath","Dragon",6,500,4,8,12], [205,"Thunder Shock","Electric",5,600,8,13.333333333333334,8.333333333333334], [206,"Spark","Electric",6,700,9,12.857142857142858,8.571428571428571], [207,"Low Kick","Fighting",6,600,6,10,10], [208,"Karate Chop","Fighting",8,800,10,12.5,10], [209,"Ember","Fire",10,1000,10,10,10], [210,"Wing Attack","Flying",8,800,9,11.25,10], [211,"Peck","Flying",10,1000,10,10,10], [212,"Lick","Ghost",5,500,6,12,10], [213,"Shadow Claw","Ghost",9,700,6,8.571428571428571,12.857142857142858], [214,"Vine Whip","Grass",7,600,6,10,11.666666666666668], [215,"Razor Leaf","Grass",13,1000,7,7,13], [216,"Mud Shot","Ground",5,600,7,11.666666666666668,8.333333333333334], [217,"Ice Shard","Ice",12,1200,12,10,10], [218,"Frost Breath","Ice",10,900,8,8.88888888888889,11.11111111111111], [219,"Quick Attack","Normal",8,800,10,12.5,10], [220,"Scratch","Normal",6,500,4,8,12], [221,"Tackle","Normal",5,500,5,10,10], [222,"Pound","Normal",7,600,6,10,11.666666666666668], [223,"Cut","Normal",5,500,5,10,10], [224,"Poison Jab","Poison",10,800,7,8.75,12.5], [225,"Acid","Poison",9,800,8,10,11.25], [226,"Psycho Cut","Psychic",5,600,8,13.333333333333334,8.333333333333334], [227,"Rock Throw","Rock",12,900,7,7.777777777777779,13.333333333333334], [228,"Metal Claw","Steel",8,700,7,10,11.428571428571429], [229,"Bullet Punch","Steel",9,900,10,11.11111111111111,10], [230,"Water Gun","Water",5,500,5,10,10], [231,"Splash","Water",0,1730,20,11.560693641618498,0], [232,"Water Gun Blastoise","Water",10,1000,6,6,10], [233,"Mud Slap","Ground",15,1400,12,8.571428571428571,10.714285714285715], [234,"Zen Headbutt","Psychic",12,1100,10,9.09090909090909,10.909090909090908], [235,"Confusion","Psychic",20,1600,15,9.375,12.5], [236,"Poison Sting","Poison",5,600,7,11.666666666666668,8.333333333333334], [237,"Bubble","Water",12,1200,14,11.666666666666668,10], [238,"Feint Attack","Dark",10,900,9,10,11.11111111111111], [239,"Steel Wing","Steel",11,800,6,7.5,13.75], [240,"Fire Fang","Fire",11,900,8,8.88888888888889,12.222222222222223], [241,"Rock Smash","Fighting",15,1300,10,7.692307692307692,11.538461538461537], [242,"Transform","Normal",0,2230,0,0,0], [243,"Counter","Fighting",12,900,8,8.88888888888889,13.333333333333334], [244,"Powder Snow","Ice",6,1000,15,15,6], [249,"Charge Beam","Electric",8,1100,15,13.636363636363637,7.2727272727272725], [250,"Volt Switch","Electric",20,2300,25,10.869565217391305,8.695652173913045], [253,"Dragon Tail","Dragon",15,1100,9,8.181818181818182,13.636363636363637], [255,"Air Slash","Flying",14,1200,10,8.333333333333334,11.666666666666668], [260,"Infestation","Bug",10,1100,14,12.727272727272727,9.09090909090909], [261,"Struggle Bug","Bug",15,1500,15,10,10], [263,"Astonish","Ghost",8,1100,14,12.727272727272727,7.2727272727272725], [264,"Hex","Ghost",10,1200,15,12.5,8.333333333333334], [266,"Iron Tail","Steel",15,1100,7,6.363636363636363,13.636363636363637], [269,"Fire Spin","Fire",14,1100,10,9.09090909090909,12.727272727272727], [271,"Bullet Seed","Grass",8,1100,14,12.727272727272727,7.2727272727272725], [274,"Extrasensory","Psychic",12,1100,12,10.909090909090908,10.909090909090908], [278,"Snarl","Dark",12,1100,12,10.909090909090908,10.909090909090908], [281,"Hidden Power","Normal",15,1500,15,10,10], [282,"Take Down","Normal",8,1200,10,8.333333333333334,6.666666666666667], [283,"Waterfall","Water",16,1200,8,6.666666666666667,13.333333333333334], [287,"Yawn","Normal",0,1700,15,8.823529411764707,0], [291,"Present","Normal",5,1300,20,15.384615384615383,3.846153846153846], [297,"Smack Down","Rock",16,1200,8,6.666666666666667,13.333333333333334], ] def _get_basic_move_by_name(name): for mv in BASIC_MOVE_DATA: if name == mv[BASIC_MOVE.Name]: return mv return None class CHARGE_MOVE: ID = 0 Name = 1 Type = 2 PW = 3 Duration = 4 Crit = 5 NRG = 6 # Adapted from the GAME_MASTER_FILE Json Output at: # https://github.com/pokemongo-dev-contrib/pokemongo-game-master/ # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pokemongo-dev-contrib/pokemongo-game-master/master/versions/latest/GAME_MASTER.json CHARGE_MOVE_DATA = [ # ID Name Type PW Duration (ms) Crit% NRG Cost [13,"Wrap","Normal",60,2900,5,33], [14,"Hyper Beam","Normal",150,3800,5,100], [16,"Dark Pulse","Dark",80,3000,5,50], [18,"Sludge","Poison",50,2100,5,33], [20,"Vice Grip","Normal",35,1900,5,33], [21,"Flame Wheel","Fire",60,2700,5,50], [22,"Megahorn","Bug",90,2200,5,100], [24,"Flamethrower","Fire",70,2200,5,50], [26,"Dig","Ground",100,4700,5,50], [28,"Cross Chop","Fighting",50,1500,5,50], [30,"Psybeam","Psychic",70,3200,5,50], [31,"Earthquake","Ground",120,3600,5,100], [32,"Stone Edge","Rock",100,2300,5,100], [33,"Ice Punch","Ice",50,1900,5,33], [34,"Heart Stamp","Psychic",40,1900,5,33], [35,"Discharge","Electric",65,2500,5,33], [36,"Flash Cannon","Steel",100,2700,5,100], [38,"Drill Peck","Flying",60,2300,5,33], [39,"Ice Beam","Ice",90,3300,5,50], [40,"Blizzard","Ice",130,3100,5,100], [42,"Heat Wave","Fire",95,3000,5,100], [45,"Aerial Ace","Flying",55,2400,5,33], [46,"Drill Run","Ground",80,2800,5,50], [47,"Petal Blizzard","Grass",110,2600,5,100], [48,"Mega Drain","Grass",25,2600,5,50], [49,"Bug Buzz","Bug",90,3700,5,50], [50,"Poison Fang","Poison",35,1700,5,33], [51,"Night Slash","Dark",50,2200,5,33], [53,"Bubble Beam","Water",45,1900,5,33], [54,"Submission","Fighting",60,2200,5,50], [56,"Low Sweep","Fighting",40,1900,5,33], [57,"Aqua Jet","Water",45,2600,5,33], [58,"Aqua Tail","Water",50,1900,5,33], [59,"Seed Bomb","Grass",55,2100,5,33], [60,"Psyshock","Psychic",65,2700,5,33], [62,"Ancient Power","Rock",70,3500,5,33], [63,"Rock Tomb","Rock",70,3200,5,50], [64,"Rock Slide","Rock",80,2700,5,50], [65,"Power Gem","Rock",80,2900,5,50], [66,"Shadow Sneak","Ghost",50,2900,5,33], [67,"Shadow Punch","Ghost",40,1700,5,33], [69,"Ominous Wind","Ghost",50,2300,5,33], [70,"Shadow Ball","Ghost",100,3000,5,50], [72,"Magnet Bomb","Steel",70,2800,5,33], [74,"Iron Head","Steel",60,1900,5,50], [75,"Parabolic Charge","Electric",25,2800,5,50], [77,"Thunder Punch","Electric",45,1800,5,33], [78,"Thunder","Electric",100,2400,5,100], [79,"Thunderbolt","Electric",80,2500,5,50], [80,"Twister","Dragon",45,2800,5,33], [82,"Dragon Pulse","Dragon",90,3600,5,50], [83,"Dragon Claw","Dragon",50,1700,5,33], [84,"Disarming Voice","Fairy",70,3900,5,33], [85,"Draining Kiss","Fairy",60,2600,5,50], [86,"Dazzling Gleam","Fairy",100,3500,5,50], [87,"Moonblast","Fairy",130,3900,5,100], [88,"Play Rough","Fairy",90,2900,5,50], [89,"Cross Poison","Poison",40,1500,5,33], [90,"Sludge Bomb","Poison",80,2300,5,50], [91,"Sludge Wave","Poison",110,3200,5,100], [92,"Gunk Shot","Poison",130,3100,5,100], [94,"Bone Club","Ground",40,1600,5,33], [95,"Bulldoze","Ground",80,3500,5,50], [96,"Mud Bomb","Ground",55,2300,5,33], [99,"Signal Beam","Bug",75,2900,5,50], [100,"X-Scissor","Bug",45,1600,5,33], [101,"Flame Charge","Fire",70,3800,5,33], [102,"Flame Burst","Fire",70,2600,5,50], [103,"Fire Blast","Fire",140,4200,5,100], [104,"Brine","Water",60,2300,5,50], [105,"Water Pulse","Water",70,3200,5,50], [106,"Scald","Water",80,3700,5,50], [107,"Hydro Pump","Water",130,3300,5,100], [108,"Psychic","Psychic",100,2800,5,100], [109,"Psystrike","Psychic",100,4400,5,50], [111,"Icy Wind","Ice",60,3300,5,33], [114,"Giga Drain","Grass",50,3900,5,100], [115,"Fire Punch","Fire",55,2200,5,33], [116,"Solar Beam","Grass",180,4900,5,100], [117,"Leaf Blade","Grass",70,2400,5,33], [118,"Power Whip","Grass",90,2600,5,50], [121,"Air Cutter","Flying",60,2700,5,50], [122,"Hurricane","Flying",110,2700,5,100], [123,"Brick Break","Fighting",40,1600,5,33], [125,"Swift","Normal",60,2800,5,50], [126,"Horn Attack","Normal",40,1850,5,33], [127,"Stomp","Normal",55,1700,5,50], [129,"Hyper Fang","Normal",80,2500,5,50], [131,"Body Slam","Normal",50,1900,5,33], [132,"Rest","Normal",50,1900,5,33], [133,"Struggle","Normal",35,2200,5,0], [134,"Scald Blastoise","Water",50,4700,5,100], [135,"Hydro Pump Blastoise","Water",90,4500,5,100], [136,"Wrap Green","Normal",25,2900,5,33], [137,"Wrap Pink","Normal",25,2900,5,33], [245,"Close Combat","Fighting",100,2300,5,100], [246,"Dynamic Punch","Fighting",90,2700,5,50], [247,"Focus Blast","Fighting",140,3500,5,100], [248,"Aurora Beam","Ice",80,3550,5,50], [251,"Wild Charge","Electric",90,2600,5,50], [252,"Zap Cannon","Electric",140,3700,5,100], [254,"Avalanche","Ice",90,2700,5,50], [256,"Brave Bird","Flying",90,2000,5,100], [257,"Sky Attack","Flying",80,2000,5,50], [258,"Sand Tomb","Ground",80,4000,5,50], [259,"Rock Blast","Rock",50,2100,5,33], [262,"Silver Wind","Bug",70,3700,5,33], [265,"Night Shade","Ghost",60,2600,5,50], [267,"Gyro Ball","Steel",80,3300,5,50], [268,"Heavy Slam","Steel",70,2100,5,50], [270,"Overheat","Fire",160,4000,5,100], [272,"Grass Knot","Grass",90,2600,5,50], [273,"Energy Ball","Grass",90,3900,5,50], [275,"Futuresight","Psychic",120,2700,5,100], [276,"Mirror Coat","Psychic",60,2600,5,50], [277,"Outrage","Dragon",110,3900,5,50], [279,"Crunch","Dark",70,3200,5,33], [280,"Foul Play","Dark",70,2000,5,50], [284,"Surf","Water",65,1700,5,50], [285,"Draco Meteor","Dragon",150,3600,5,100], [286,"Doom Desire","Steel",80,1700,5,50], [288,"Psycho Boost","Psychic",70,4000,5,50], [289,"Origin Pulse","Water",130,1700,5,100], [290,"Precipice Blades","Ground",130,1700,5,100], [292,"Weather Ball Fire","Fire",60,1600,5,33], [293,"Weather Ball Ice","Ice",60,1600,5,33], [294,"Weather Ball Rock","Rock",60,1600,5,33], [295,"Weather Ball Water","Water",60,1600,5,33], [296,"Frenzy Plant","Grass",100,2600,5,50], [298,"Blast Burn","Fire",110,3300,5,50], [299,"Hydro Cannon","Water",90,1900,5,50], [300,"Last Resort","Normal",90,2900,5,50], ] def _get_charge_move_by_name(name): for mv in CHARGE_MOVE_DATA: if name == mv[CHARGE_MOVE.Name]: return mv return None
# # # # # # MOVE THE NEWLY DOWNLOADED TAS / PR CMIP5 data from work desktop to /Shared # # # # # def move_new_dir( fn, output_dir ): dirname, basename = os.path.split( fn ) elems = basename.split('.')[0].split( '_' ) variable, cmor_table, model, scenario, experiment, years = elems new_dir = os.path.join( output_dir, model, scenario, variable ) try: if not os.path.exists( new_dir ): os.makedirs( new_dir ) except: pass return shutil.copy( fn, new_dir ) if __name__ == '__main__': import os, glob, shutil path = '/srv/synda/sdt/data' output_dir = '/workspace/Shared/Tech_Projects/EPSCoR_Southcentral/project_data/raw_cmip5_tas_pr' filelist = [] for root, subs, files in os.walk( path ): if len( files ) > 0: filelist = filelist + [ os.path.join( root, i ) for i in files if i.endswith( '.nc' ) ] out = [ move_new_dir( fn, output_dir ) for fn in filelist ] # # # # # # # # # # CHECK FOR DUPLICATES and remove by hand. this is tedious. # GFDL - OK # CCSM4 - FIXED OK # GISS-E2-R - OK # IPSL - OK # MRI - OK
from datetime import timedelta import numpy as np import pytest import pandas as pd from pandas import ( Float64Index, Index, Int64Index, NaT, Timedelta, TimedeltaIndex, timedelta_range) import pandas.util.testing as tm class TestTimedeltaIndex(object): def test_astype_object(self): idx = timedelta_range(start='1 days', periods=4, freq='D', name='idx') expected_list = [Timedelta('1 days'), Timedelta('2 days'), Timedelta('3 days'), Timedelta('4 days')] result = idx.astype(object) expected = Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) assert idx.tolist() == expected_list def test_astype_object_with_nat(self): idx = TimedeltaIndex([timedelta(days=1), timedelta(days=2), NaT, timedelta(days=4)], name='idx') expected_list = [Timedelta('1 days'), Timedelta('2 days'), NaT, Timedelta('4 days')] result = idx.astype(object) expected = Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) assert idx.tolist() == expected_list def test_astype(self): # GH 13149, GH 13209 idx = TimedeltaIndex([1e14, 'NaT', NaT, np.NaN]) result = idx.astype(object) expected = Index([Timedelta('1 days 03:46:40')] + [NaT] * 3, dtype=object) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = idx.astype(int) expected = Int64Index([100000000000000] + [-9223372036854775808] * 3, dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = idx.astype(str) expected = Index(str(x) for x in idx) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) rng = timedelta_range('1 days', periods=10) result = rng.astype('i8') tm.assert_index_equal(result, Index(rng.asi8)) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(rng.asi8, result.values) def test_astype_uint(self): arr = timedelta_range('1H', periods=2) expected = pd.UInt64Index( np.array([3600000000000, 90000000000000], dtype="uint64") ) tm.assert_index_equal(arr.astype("uint64"), expected) tm.assert_index_equal(arr.astype("uint32"), expected) def test_astype_timedelta64(self): # GH 13149, GH 13209 idx = TimedeltaIndex([1e14, 'NaT', NaT, np.NaN]) result = idx.astype('timedelta64') expected = Float64Index([1e+14] + [np.NaN] * 3, dtype='float64') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = idx.astype('timedelta64[ns]') tm.assert_index_equal(result, idx) assert result is not idx result = idx.astype('timedelta64[ns]', copy=False) tm.assert_index_equal(result, idx) assert result is idx @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', [ float, 'datetime64', 'datetime64[ns]']) def test_astype_raises(self, dtype): # GH 13149, GH 13209 idx = TimedeltaIndex([1e14, 'NaT', NaT, np.NaN]) msg = 'Cannot cast TimedeltaArray to dtype' with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): idx.astype(dtype) def test_astype_category(self): obj = pd.timedelta_range("1H", periods=2, freq='H') result = obj.astype('category') expected = pd.CategoricalIndex([pd.Timedelta('1H'), pd.Timedelta('2H')]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = obj._data.astype('category') expected = expected.values tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected) def test_astype_array_fallback(self): obj = pd.timedelta_range("1H", periods=2) result = obj.astype(bool) expected = pd.Index(np.array([True, True])) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = obj._data.astype(bool) expected = np.array([True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe.utils import add_days, cint, cstr, flt, getdate, nowdate, rounded from frappe.model.naming import make_autoname from frappe import msgprint, _ from erpnext.setup.utils import get_company_currency from erpnext.hr.utils import set_employee_name from erpnext.utilities.transaction_base import TransactionBase class SalarySlip(TransactionBase): def autoname(self): self.name = make_autoname('Sal Slip/' +self.employee + '/.#####') def get_emp_and_leave_details(self): if self.employee: self.get_leave_details() struct = self.check_sal_struct() if struct: self.pull_sal_struct(struct) def check_sal_struct(self): struct = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabSalary Structure` where employee=%s and is_active = 'Yes'""", self.employee) if not struct: msgprint(_("Please create Salary Structure for employee {0}").format(self.employee)) self.employee = None return struct and struct[0][0] or '' def pull_sal_struct(self, struct): from erpnext.hr.doctype.salary_structure.salary_structure import make_salary_slip self.update(make_salary_slip(struct, self).as_dict()) def pull_emp_details(self): emp = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", self.employee, ["bank_name", "bank_ac_no"], as_dict=1) if emp: self.bank_name = emp.bank_name self.bank_account_no = emp.bank_ac_no def get_leave_details(self, lwp=None): if not self.fiscal_year: self.fiscal_year = frappe.db.get_default("fiscal_year") if not self.month: self.month = "%02d" % getdate(nowdate()).month m = frappe.get_doc('Process Payroll').get_month_details(self.fiscal_year, self.month) holidays = self.get_holidays_for_employee(m) if not cint(frappe.db.get_value("HR Settings", "HR Settings", "include_holidays_in_total_working_days")): m["month_days"] -= len(holidays) if m["month_days"] < 0: frappe.throw(_("There are more holidays than working days this month.")) if not lwp: lwp = self.calculate_lwp(holidays, m) self.total_days_in_month = m['month_days'] self.leave_without_pay = lwp payment_days = flt(self.get_payment_days(m)) - flt(lwp) self.payment_days = payment_days > 0 and payment_days or 0 def get_payment_days(self, m): payment_days = m['month_days'] emp = frappe.db.sql("select date_of_joining, relieving_date from `tabEmployee` \ where name = %s", self.employee, as_dict=1)[0] if emp['relieving_date']: if getdate(emp['relieving_date']) > m['month_start_date'] and \ getdate(emp['relieving_date']) < m['month_end_date']: payment_days = getdate(emp['relieving_date']).day elif getdate(emp['relieving_date']) < m['month_start_date']: frappe.throw(_("Employee relieved on {0} must be set as 'Left'").format(emp["relieving_date"])) if emp['date_of_joining']: if getdate(emp['date_of_joining']) > m['month_start_date'] and \ getdate(emp['date_of_joining']) < m['month_end_date']: payment_days = payment_days - getdate(emp['date_of_joining']).day + 1 elif getdate(emp['date_of_joining']) > m['month_end_date']: payment_days = 0 return payment_days def get_holidays_for_employee(self, m): holidays = frappe.db.sql("""select t1.holiday_date from `tabHoliday` t1, tabEmployee t2 where t1.parent = t2.holiday_list and t2.name = %s and t1.holiday_date between %s and %s""", (self.employee, m['month_start_date'], m['month_end_date'])) if not holidays: holidays = frappe.db.sql("""select t1.holiday_date from `tabHoliday` t1, `tabHoliday List` t2 where t1.parent = t2.name and ifnull(t2.is_default, 0) = 1 and t2.fiscal_year = %s and t1.holiday_date between %s and %s""", (self.fiscal_year, m['month_start_date'], m['month_end_date'])) holidays = [cstr(i[0]) for i in holidays] return holidays def calculate_lwp(self, holidays, m): lwp = 0 for d in range(m['month_days']): dt = add_days(cstr(m['month_start_date']), d) if dt not in holidays: leave = frappe.db.sql(""" select t1.name, t1.half_day from `tabLeave Application` t1, `tabLeave Type` t2 where t2.name = t1.leave_type and ifnull(t2.is_lwp, 0) = 1 and t1.docstatus = 1 and t1.employee = %s and %s between from_date and to_date """, (self.employee, dt)) if leave: lwp = cint(leave[0][1]) and (lwp + 0.5) or (lwp + 1) return lwp def check_existing(self): ret_exist = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabSalary Slip` where month = %s and fiscal_year = %s and docstatus != 2 and employee = %s and name != %s""", (self.month, self.fiscal_year, self.employee, self.name)) if ret_exist: self.employee = '' frappe.throw(_("Salary Slip of employee {0} already created for this month").format(self.employee)) def validate(self): from frappe.utils import money_in_words self.check_existing() if not (len(self.get("earnings")) or len(self.get("deductions"))): self.get_emp_and_leave_details() else: self.get_leave_details(self.leave_without_pay) if not self.net_pay: self.calculate_net_pay() company_currency = get_company_currency(self.company) self.total_in_words = money_in_words(self.rounded_total, company_currency) set_employee_name(self) def calculate_earning_total(self): self.gross_pay = flt(self.arrear_amount) + flt(self.leave_encashment_amount) for d in self.get("earnings"): if cint(d.e_depends_on_lwp) == 1: d.e_modified_amount = rounded((flt(d.e_amount) * flt(self.payment_days) / cint(self.total_days_in_month)), self.precision("e_modified_amount", "earnings")) elif not self.payment_days: d.e_modified_amount = 0 elif not d.e_modified_amount: d.e_modified_amount = d.e_amount self.gross_pay += flt(d.e_modified_amount) def calculate_ded_total(self): self.total_deduction = 0 for d in self.get('deductions'): if cint(d.d_depends_on_lwp) == 1: d.d_modified_amount = rounded((flt(d.d_amount) * flt(self.payment_days) / cint(self.total_days_in_month)), self.precision("d_modified_amount", "deductions")) elif not self.payment_days: d.d_modified_amount = 0 elif not d.d_modified_amount: d.d_modified_amount = d.d_amount self.total_deduction += flt(d.d_modified_amount) def calculate_net_pay(self): disable_rounded_total = cint(frappe.db.get_value("Global Defaults", None, "disable_rounded_total")) self.calculate_earning_total() self.calculate_ded_total() self.net_pay = flt(self.gross_pay) - flt(self.total_deduction) self.rounded_total = rounded(self.net_pay, self.precision("net_pay") if disable_rounded_total else 0) def on_submit(self): if(self.email_check == 1): self.send_mail_funct() def send_mail_funct(self): receiver = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", self.employee, "company_email") if receiver: subj = 'Salary Slip - ' + cstr(self.month) +'/'+cstr(self.fiscal_year) frappe.sendmail([receiver], subject=subj, message = _("Please see attachment"), attachments=[frappe.attach_print(self.doctype, self.name, file_name=self.name)]) else: msgprint(_("Company Email ID not found, hence mail not sent"))
from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import patterns, url from django.contrib.auth.views import login, logout import views urlpatterns = patterns( 'gauth', url(r'^login/$', login, {'template_name': 'login.html'}, name='login'), url(r'^login/$', logout, {'template_name': 'logout.html'}, name='logout'), url(r'^oauth2_begin/$', views.oauth2_begin, name='oauth2_begin'), url(r'^' + settings.OAUTH2_CALLBACK + '/$', views.oauth2_callback), url(r'^oauth2_complete/$', views.oauth2_complete, name='oauth2_complete'), )
# # Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # Based on glance/api/policy.py """Policy Engine For Heat.""" from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_policy import opts from oslo_policy import policy from oslo_utils import excutils from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _ from heat import policies CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_RULES = policy.Rules.from_dict({'default': '!'}) DEFAULT_RESOURCE_RULES = policy.Rules.from_dict({'default': '@'}) # TODO(gmann): Remove setting the default value of config policy_file # once oslo_policy change the default value to 'policy.yaml'. # https://github.com/openstack/oslo.policy/blob/a626ad12fe5a3abd49d70e3e5b95589d279ab578/oslo_policy/opts.py#L49 DEFAULT_POLICY_FILE = 'policy.yaml' opts.set_defaults(CONF, DEFAULT_POLICY_FILE) ENFORCER = None class Enforcer(object): """Responsible for loading and enforcing rules.""" def __init__(self, scope='heat', exc=exception.Forbidden, default_rule=DEFAULT_RULES['default'], policy_file=None): self.scope = scope self.exc = exc self.default_rule = default_rule self.enforcer = policy.Enforcer( CONF, default_rule=default_rule, policy_file=policy_file) self.log_not_registered = True # TODO(ramishra) Remove this once remove the deprecated rules. self.enforcer.suppress_deprecation_warnings = True # register rules self.enforcer.register_defaults(policies.list_rules()) self.file_rules = self.enforcer.file_rules self.registered_rules = self.enforcer.registered_rules def set_rules(self, rules, overwrite=True): """Create a new Rules object based on the provided dict of rules.""" rules_obj = policy.Rules(rules, self.default_rule) self.enforcer.set_rules(rules_obj, overwrite) def load_rules(self, force_reload=False): """Set the rules found in the json file on disk.""" self.enforcer.load_rules(force_reload) def _check(self, context, rule, target, exc, is_registered_policy=False, *args, **kwargs): """Verifies that the action is valid on the target in this context. :param context: Heat request context :param rule: String representing the action to be checked :param target: Dictionary representing the object of the action. :raises heat.common.exception.Forbidden: When permission is denied (or self.exc if supplied). :returns: A non-False value if access is allowed. """ do_raise = False if not exc else True credentials = context.to_policy_values() if is_registered_policy: try: return self.enforcer.authorize(rule, target, credentials, do_raise=do_raise, exc=exc, action=rule) except policy.PolicyNotRegistered: if self.log_not_registered: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception(_('Policy not registered.')) else: raise else: return self.enforcer.enforce(rule, target, credentials, do_raise, exc=exc, *args, **kwargs) def enforce(self, context, action, scope=None, target=None, is_registered_policy=False): """Verifies that the action is valid on the target in this context. :param context: Heat request context :param action: String representing the action to be checked :param target: Dictionary representing the object of the action. :raises heat.common.exception.Forbidden: When permission is denied (or self.exc if supplied). :returns: A non-False value if access is allowed. """ _action = '%s:%s' % (scope or self.scope, action) _target = target or {} return self._check(context, _action, _target, self.exc, action=action, is_registered_policy=is_registered_policy) def check_is_admin(self, context): """Whether or not is admin according to policy. By default the rule will check whether or not roles contains 'admin' role and is admin project. :param context: Heat request context :returns: A non-False value if the user is admin according to policy """ return self._check(context, 'context_is_admin', target={}, exc=None, is_registered_policy=True) def get_policy_enforcer(): # This method is used by oslopolicy CLI scripts to generate policy # files from overrides on disk and defaults in code. CONF([], project='heat') return get_enforcer() def get_enforcer(): global ENFORCER if ENFORCER is None: ENFORCER = Enforcer() return ENFORCER class ResourceEnforcer(Enforcer): def __init__(self, default_rule=DEFAULT_RESOURCE_RULES['default'], **kwargs): super(ResourceEnforcer, self).__init__( default_rule=default_rule, **kwargs) self.log_not_registered = False def _enforce(self, context, res_type, scope=None, target=None, is_registered_policy=False): try: result = super(ResourceEnforcer, self).enforce( context, res_type, scope=scope or 'resource_types', target=target, is_registered_policy=is_registered_policy) except policy.PolicyNotRegistered: result = True except self.exc as ex: LOG.info(str(ex)) raise if not result: if self.exc: raise self.exc(action=res_type) return result def enforce(self, context, res_type, scope=None, target=None, is_registered_policy=False): # NOTE(pas-ha): try/except just to log the exception result = self._enforce(context, res_type, scope, target, is_registered_policy=is_registered_policy) if result: # check for wildcard resource types subparts = res_type.split("::")[:-1] subparts.append('*') res_type_wc = "::".join(subparts) try: return self._enforce(context, res_type_wc, scope, target, is_registered_policy=is_registered_policy) except self.exc: raise self.exc(action=res_type) return result def enforce_stack(self, stack, scope=None, target=None, is_registered_policy=False): for res in stack.resources.values(): self.enforce(stack.context, res.type(), scope=scope, target=target, is_registered_policy=is_registered_policy)
import time import logging import struct import socket from mesos.interface.mesos_pb2 import TASK_LOST, MasterInfo from .messages_pb2 import ( RegisterFrameworkMessage, ReregisterFrameworkMessage, DeactivateFrameworkMessage, UnregisterFrameworkMessage, ResourceRequestMessage, ReviveOffersMessage, LaunchTasksMessage, KillTaskMessage, StatusUpdate, StatusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage, FrameworkToExecutorMessage, ReconcileTasksMessage ) from .process import UPID, Process, async logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MesosSchedulerDriver(Process): def __init__(self, sched, framework, master_uri): Process.__init__(self, 'scheduler') self.sched = sched #self.executor_info = executor_info self.master_uri = master_uri self.framework = framework self.framework.failover_timeout = 100 self.framework_id = framework.id self.master = None self.detector = None self.connected = False self.savedOffers = {} self.savedSlavePids = {} @async # called by detector def onNewMasterDetectedMessage(self, data): try: info = MasterInfo() info.ParseFromString(data) ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('<I', info.ip)) master = UPID('master@%s:%s' % (ip, info.port)) except: master = UPID(data) self.connected = False self.register(master) @async # called by detector def onNoMasterDetectedMessage(self): self.connected = False self.master = None def register(self, master): if self.connected or self.aborted: return if master: if not self.framework_id.value: msg = RegisterFrameworkMessage() msg.framework.MergeFrom(self.framework) else: msg = ReregisterFrameworkMessage() msg.framework.MergeFrom(self.framework) msg.failover = True self.send(master, msg) self.delay(2, lambda:self.register(master)) def onFrameworkRegisteredMessage(self, framework_id, master_info): self.framework_id = framework_id self.framework.id.MergeFrom(framework_id) self.connected = True self.master = UPID('master@%s:%s' % (socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('<I', master_info.ip)), master_info.port)) self.link(self.master, self.onDisconnected) self.sched.registered(self, framework_id, master_info) def onFrameworkReregisteredMessage(self, framework_id, master_info): assert self.framework_id == framework_id self.connected = True self.master = UPID('master@%s:%s' % (socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('<I', master_info.ip)), master_info.port)) self.link(self.master, self.onDisconnected) self.sched.reregistered(self, master_info) def onDisconnected(self): self.connected = False logger.warning("disconnected from master") self.delay(5, lambda:self.register(self.master)) def onResourceOffersMessage(self, offers, pids): for offer, pid in zip(offers, pids): self.savedOffers.setdefault(offer.id.value, {})[offer.slave_id.value] = UPID(pid) self.sched.resourceOffers(self, list(offers)) def onRescindResourceOfferMessage(self, offer_id): self.savedOffers.pop(offer_id.value, None) self.sched.offerRescinded(self, offer_id) def onStatusUpdateMessage(self, update, pid=''): if self.sender.addr != self.master.addr: logger.warning("ignore status update message from %s instead of leader %s", self.sender, self.master) return assert self.framework_id == update.framework_id self.sched.statusUpdate(self, update.status) if not self.aborted and self.sender.addr and pid: reply = StatusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage() reply.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) reply.slave_id.MergeFrom(update.slave_id) reply.task_id.MergeFrom(update.status.task_id) reply.uuid = update.uuid try: self.send(self.master, reply) except IOError: pass def onLostSlaveMessage(self, slave_id): self.sched.slaveLost(self, slave_id) def onExecutorToFrameworkMessage(self, slave_id, framework_id, executor_id, data): self.sched.frameworkMessage(self, executor_id, slave_id, data) def onFrameworkErrorMessage(self, message, code=0): self.sched.error(self, message) def start(self): Process.start(self) uri = self.master_uri if uri.startswith('zk://') or uri.startswith('zoo://'): from .detector import MasterDetector self.detector = MasterDetector(uri[uri.index('://') + 3:], self) self.detector.start() else: if not ':' in uri: uri += ':5050' self.onNewMasterDetectedMessage('master@%s' % uri) def abort(self): if self.connected: msg = DeactivateFrameworkMessage() msg.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) self.send(self.master, msg) Process.abort(self) def stop(self, failover=False): if self.connected and not failover: msg = UnregisterFrameworkMessage() msg.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) self.send(self.master, msg) if self.detector: self.detector.stop() Process.stop(self) @async def requestResources(self, requests): if not self.connected: return msg = ResourceRequestMessage() msg.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) for req in requests: msg.requests.add().MergeFrom(req) self.send(self.master, msg) @async def reviveOffers(self): if not self.connected: return msg = ReviveOffersMessage() msg.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) self.send(self.master, msg) @async def reconcileTasks(self, statuses=None): if not self.connected: return msg = ReconcileTasksMessage() msg.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) if statuses is not None: msg.statuses = statuses self.send(self.master, msg) def launchTasks(self, offer_id, tasks, filters): if not self.connected or offer_id.value not in self.savedOffers: for task in tasks: update = StatusUpdate() update.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) update.status.task_id.MergeFrom(task.task_id) update.status.state = TASK_LOST update.status.message = 'Master disconnected' if not self.connected else "invalid offer_id" update.timestamp = time.time() update.uuid = '' self.onStatusUpdateMessage(update) return msg = LaunchTasksMessage() msg.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) msg.offer_ids.add().MergeFrom(offer_id) msg.filters.MergeFrom(filters) for task in tasks: msg.tasks.add().MergeFrom(task) pid = self.savedOffers.get(offer_id.value, {}).get(task.slave_id.value) if pid and task.slave_id.value not in self.savedSlavePids: self.savedSlavePids[task.slave_id.value] = pid self.savedOffers.pop(offer_id.value) self.send(self.master, msg) def declineOffer(self, offer_id, filters=None): if not self.connected: return msg = LaunchTasksMessage() msg.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) msg.offer_ids.add().MergeFrom(offer_id) if filters: msg.filters.MergeFrom(filters) self.send(self.master, msg) @async def killTask(self, task_id): if not self.connected: return msg = KillTaskMessage() msg.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) msg.task_id.MergeFrom(task_id) self.send(self.master, msg) @async def sendFrameworkMessage(self, executor_id, slave_id, data): if not self.connected: return msg = FrameworkToExecutorMessage() msg.framework_id.MergeFrom(self.framework_id) msg.executor_id.MergeFrom(executor_id) msg.slave_id.MergeFrom(slave_id) msg.data = data slave = self.savedSlavePids.get(slave_id.value, self.master) # can not send to slave directly self.send(slave, msg)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import sys, os # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../')) import pyrotrfid # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. #needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions # coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'sphinx.ext.pngmath', 'sphinx.ext.ifconfig', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode'] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['templates'] # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The encoding of source files. #source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = u'pyrotrfid' copyright = u'GLP3' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = pyrotrfid.__version__ # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = pyrotrfid.__version__ # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. #language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: #today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. #today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. exclude_patterns = ['_build'] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. #default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. #add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). #add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. #show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. #modindex_common_prefix = [] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. html_theme = 'rtd' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. #html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. html_theme_path = ["themes"] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. html_short_title = project + " v" + release # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. html_logo = 'logo.png' # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. html_favicon = 'logo.ico' # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". #html_static_path = ['_static'] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. #html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. # html_sidebars = {'**': 'links.html'} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. #html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. #html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. #html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. #html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. #html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. html_show_sphinx = False # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. html_show_copyright = False # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. #html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). #html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'pyrotrfiddoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- # The paper size ('letter' or 'a4'). #latex_paper_size = 'letter' # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). #latex_font_size = '10pt' # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [('index', 'pyrotrfid.tex', u'pyrotrfid Documentation', u'', 'manual')] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. #latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. #latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. #latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #latex_show_urls = False # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. #latex_preamble = '' # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [('index', 'pyrotrfid', u'pyrotrfid Documentation', [u''], 1)] # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. intersphinx_mapping = {'python': ('http://docs.python.org/', None)}
# Copyright 2016: Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import flask from oss_lib import config from ceagle.api import client from ceagle.api_fake_data import fake_regions CONF = config.CONF bp = flask.Blueprint("regions", __name__) @bp.route("", defaults={"detailed": False}) @bp.route("/detailed", defaults={"detailed": True}) @fake_regions.get_regions def get_regions(detailed): regions = {} for service_name in CONF["services"].keys(): if service_name == "infra": continue # TODO(boris-42): This should not be checked here. service_client = client.get_client(service_name) resp, code = service_client.get("/api/v1/regions") if code != 200: # FIXME ADD LOGS HERE continue for r in resp: regions.setdefault(r, {"services": []}) regions[r]["services"].append(service_name) if not detailed: return flask.jsonify({"regions": list(regions.keys())}) return flask.jsonify({"regions": regions}) def get_blueprints(): return [["/regions", bp]]
"""Support for BMW car locks with BMW ConnectedDrive.""" import logging from homeassistant.components.bmw_connected_drive import DOMAIN as BMW_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.lock import LockDevice from homeassistant.const import STATE_LOCKED, STATE_UNLOCKED DEPENDENCIES = ['bmw_connected_drive'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the BMW Connected Drive lock.""" accounts = hass.data[BMW_DOMAIN] _LOGGER.debug('Found BMW accounts: %s', ', '.join([a.name for a in accounts])) devices = [] for account in accounts: if not account.read_only: for vehicle in account.account.vehicles: device = BMWLock(account, vehicle, 'lock', 'BMW lock') devices.append(device) add_entities(devices, True) class BMWLock(LockDevice): """Representation of a BMW vehicle lock.""" def __init__(self, account, vehicle, attribute: str, sensor_name): """Initialize the lock.""" self._account = account self._vehicle = vehicle self._attribute = attribute self._name = '{} {}'.format(self._vehicle.name, self._attribute) self._unique_id = '{}-{}'.format(self._vehicle.vin, self._attribute) self._sensor_name = sensor_name self._state = None @property def should_poll(self): """Do not poll this class. Updates are triggered from BMWConnectedDriveAccount. """ return False @property def unique_id(self): """Return the unique ID of the lock.""" return self._unique_id @property def name(self): """Return the name of the lock.""" return self._name @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the lock.""" vehicle_state = self._vehicle.state return { 'car': self._vehicle.name, 'door_lock_state': vehicle_state.door_lock_state.value } @property def is_locked(self): """Return true if lock is locked.""" return self._state == STATE_LOCKED def lock(self, **kwargs): """Lock the car.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s: locking doors", self._vehicle.name) # Optimistic state set here because it takes some time before the # update callback response self._state = STATE_LOCKED self.schedule_update_ha_state() self._vehicle.remote_services.trigger_remote_door_lock() def unlock(self, **kwargs): """Unlock the car.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s: unlocking doors", self._vehicle.name) # Optimistic state set here because it takes some time before the # update callback response self._state = STATE_UNLOCKED self.schedule_update_ha_state() self._vehicle.remote_services.trigger_remote_door_unlock() def update(self): """Update state of the lock.""" from bimmer_connected.state import LockState _LOGGER.debug("%s: updating data for %s", self._vehicle.name, self._attribute) vehicle_state = self._vehicle.state # Possible values: LOCKED, SECURED, SELECTIVE_LOCKED, UNLOCKED self._state = STATE_LOCKED \ if vehicle_state.door_lock_state \ in [LockState.LOCKED, LockState.SECURED] \ else STATE_UNLOCKED def update_callback(self): """Schedule a state update.""" self.schedule_update_ha_state(True) async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Add callback after being added to hass. Show latest data after startup. """ self._account.add_update_listener(self.update_callback)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """External collection 'core' file. Perform search, database access.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" import cgi import sys from copy import copy if sys.hexversion < 0x2040000: # pylint: disable=W0622 from sets import Set as set # pylint: enable=W0622 from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG from invenio.legacy.dbquery import run_sql, OperationalError, ProgrammingError from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language from .config import CFG_EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT from .searcher import external_collections_dictionary from .getter import HTTPAsyncPageGetter, async_download from .templates import print_results, print_timeout from .utils import get_collection_id, get_collection_descendants, \ warning, get_verbose_print import invenio.legacy.template # Global variables template = invenio.legacy.template.load('websearch_external_collections') external_collections_state = None dico_collection_external_searches = None dico_collection_seealso = None #dico_collection_external_searches = {} #dico_collection_seealso = {} def print_external_results_overview(req, current_collection, pattern_list, field, external_collection, verbosity_level=0, lang=CFG_SITE_LANG, print_overview=True): """Print the external collection overview box. Return the selected external collections and parsed query""" from invenio.legacy.search_engine import create_basic_search_units assert req vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'External collection (print_external_results_overview): ', verbosity_level) pattern = bind_patterns(pattern_list) vprint(3, 'pattern = %s' % cgi.escape(pattern)) if not pattern: return (None, None, None, None) basic_search_units = create_basic_search_units(None, pattern, field) vprint(3, 'basic_search_units = %s' % cgi.escape(repr(basic_search_units))) (search_engines, seealso_engines) = select_external_engines(current_collection, external_collection) vprint(3, 'search_engines = ' + str(search_engines)) vprint(3, 'seealso_engines = ' + str(seealso_engines)) search_engines_list = external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(search_engines) vprint(3, 'search_engines_list (sorted) : ' + str(search_engines_list)) if print_overview: html = template.external_collection_overview(lang, search_engines_list) req.write(html) return (search_engines, seealso_engines, pattern, basic_search_units) def perform_external_collection_search(req, current_collection, pattern_list, field, external_collection, verbosity_level=0, lang=CFG_SITE_LANG, selected_external_collections_infos=None, print_overview=True, print_search_info=True, print_see_also_box=True, print_body=True): """Search external collection and print the seealso box.""" vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'External collection: ', verbosity_level) if selected_external_collections_infos: (search_engines, seealso_engines, pattern, basic_search_units) = selected_external_collections_infos else: (search_engines, seealso_engines, pattern, basic_search_units) = print_external_results_overview(req, current_collection, pattern_list, field, external_collection, verbosity_level, lang, print_overview=print_overview) if not pattern: return do_external_search(req, lang, vprint, basic_search_units, search_engines, print_search_info, print_body) if print_see_also_box: create_seealso_box(req, lang, vprint, basic_search_units, seealso_engines, pattern) vprint(3, 'end') def bind_patterns(pattern_list): """Combine a list of patterns in an unique pattern. pattern_list[0] should be the standart search pattern, pattern_list[1:] are advanced search patterns.""" # just in case an empty list is fed to this function try: if pattern_list[0]: return pattern_list[0] except IndexError: return None pattern = "" for pattern_part in pattern_list[1:]: if pattern_part: pattern += " " + pattern_part return pattern.strip() # See also box def create_seealso_box(req, lang, vprint, basic_search_units=None, seealso_engines=None, query=''): "Create the box that proposes links to other useful search engines like Google." vprint(3, 'Create seealso box') seealso_engines_list = external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(seealso_engines) vprint(3, 'seealso_engines_list = ' + str(seealso_engines_list)) links = build_seealso_links(basic_search_units, seealso_engines_list, req, lang, query) html = template.external_collection_seealso_box(lang, links) req.write(html) def build_seealso_links(basic_search_units, seealso_engines, req, lang, query): """Build the links for the see also box.""" _ = gettext_set_language(lang) links = [] for engine in seealso_engines: url = engine.build_search_url(basic_search_units, req.args, lang) user_url = engine.build_user_search_url(basic_search_units, req.args, lang) url = user_url or url if url: links.append('<a class="google" href="%(url)s">%(query)s %(text_in)s %(name)s</a>' % \ {'url': cgi.escape(url), 'query': cgi.escape(query), 'text_in': _('in'), 'name': _(engine.name)}) return links # Selection def select_external_engines(collection_name, selected_external_searches): """Build a tuple of two sets. The first one is the list of engine to use for an external search and the second one is for the seealso box.""" collection_id = get_collection_id(collection_name) if not collection_id: return (None, None) if not type(selected_external_searches) is list: selected_external_searches = [selected_external_searches] seealso_engines = set() search_engines = set() if collection_id in dico_collection_seealso: seealso_engines = copy(dico_collection_seealso[collection_id]) if collection_id in dico_collection_external_searches: seealso_engines = seealso_engines.union(dico_collection_external_searches[collection_id]) for ext_search_name in selected_external_searches: if ext_search_name in external_collections_dictionary: engine = external_collections_dictionary[ext_search_name] if engine.parser: search_engines.add(engine) else: warning('select_external_engines: %(ext_search_name)s unknown.' % locals()) seealso_engines = seealso_engines.difference(search_engines) return (search_engines, seealso_engines) # Search def do_external_search(req, lang, vprint, basic_search_units, search_engines, print_search_info=True, print_body=True): """Make the external search.""" _ = gettext_set_language(lang) vprint(3, 'beginning external search') engines_list = [] for engine in search_engines: url = engine.build_search_url(basic_search_units, req.args, lang) user_url = engine.build_user_search_url(basic_search_units, req.args, lang) if url: engines_list.append([url, engine, user_url]) pagegetters_list = [HTTPAsyncPageGetter(engine[0]) for engine in engines_list] def finished(pagegetter, data, current_time, print_search_info=True, print_body=True): """Function called, each time the download of a web page finish. Will parse and print the results of this page.""" print_results(req, lang, pagegetter, data, current_time, print_search_info, print_body) finished_list = async_download(pagegetters_list, finished, engines_list, CFG_EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT, print_search_info, print_body) for (finished, engine) in zip(finished_list, engines_list): if not finished: url = engine[2] or engine[0] name = engine[1].name print_timeout(req, lang, engine[1], name, url) # Database management def external_collection_load_states(): global external_collections_state, dico_collection_external_searches, dico_collection_seealso external_collections_state = {} dico_collection_external_searches = {} dico_collection_seealso = {} query = "SELECT collection_externalcollection.id_collection, collection_externalcollection.type, externalcollection.name FROM collection_externalcollection, externalcollection WHERE collection_externalcollection.id_externalcollection = externalcollection.id;" try: results = run_sql(query) except (OperationalError, ProgrammingError): results = None if results: for result in results: collection_id = int(result[0]) search_type = int(result[1]) engine_name = result[2] if engine_name not in external_collections_dictionary: warning("No search engine : " + engine_name) continue engine = external_collections_dictionary[engine_name] if collection_id not in external_collections_state: external_collections_state[collection_id] = {} col_states = external_collections_state[collection_id] col_states[engine] = search_type dictionary = None if search_type == 1: dictionary = dico_collection_seealso if search_type in [2, 3]: dictionary = dico_collection_external_searches if dictionary is None: continue if collection_id not in dictionary: dictionary[collection_id] = set() engine_set = dictionary[collection_id] engine_set.add(engine) def external_collection_get_state(external_collection, collection_id): external_collection_load_states() if collection_id not in external_collections_state: return 0 col_states = external_collections_state[collection_id] if external_collection not in col_states: return 0 return col_states[external_collection] def external_collection_get_update_state_list(external_collection, collection_id, state, recurse=False): changes = [] if external_collection_get_state(external_collection, collection_id) != state: changes = ['(%(collection_id)d, %(id_externalcollection)d, %(state)d)' % {'collection_id': collection_id, 'id_externalcollection': external_collection_getid(external_collection), 'state': state}] if not recurse: return changes for descendant_id in get_collection_descendants(collection_id): changes += external_collection_get_update_state_list(external_collection, descendant_id, state) return changes def external_collection_apply_changes(changes_list): if not changes_list: return sql_values = ", ".join(changes_list) sql = 'INSERT INTO collection_externalcollection (id_collection, id_externalcollection, type) VALUES ' + sql_values + 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE type=VALUES(type);' run_sql(sql) # Misc functions def external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(engines_set): """Return a list of sorted (by name) search engines.""" if not engines_set: return [] engines_list = [engine for engine in engines_set] engines_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name)) return engines_list # External search ID def external_collection_getid(external_collection): """Return the id of an external_collection. Will create a new entry in DB if needed.""" if 'id' in external_collection.__dict__: return external_collection.id query = 'SELECT id FROM externalcollection WHERE name="%(name)s";' % {'name': external_collection.name} results = run_sql(query) if not results: query = 'INSERT INTO externalcollection (name) VALUES ("%(name)s");' % {'name': external_collection.name} run_sql(query) return external_collection_getid(external_collection) external_collection.id = results[0][0] return external_collection.id def get_external_collection_engine(external_collection_name): """Return the external collection engine given its name""" if external_collection_name in external_collections_dictionary: return external_collections_dictionary[external_collection_name] else: return None # Load db infos if it's not already done. if external_collections_state is None: external_collection_load_states() # Hosted Collections related functions (the following functions should eventually be regrouped as above) # These functions could eventually be placed into there own file, ex. websearch_hosted_collections.py def calculate_hosted_collections_results(req, pattern_list, field, hosted_collections, verbosity_level=0, lang=CFG_SITE_LANG, timeout=CFG_EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT): """Ruturn a list of the various results for a every hosted collection organized in tuples""" # normally, the following should be checked before even running this function so the following line could be removed if not hosted_collections: return (None, None) vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'Hosted collections: ', verbosity_level) vprint(3, 'pattern_list = %s, field = %s' % (cgi.escape(repr(pattern_list)), cgi.escape(field))) # firstly we calculate the search parameters, i.e. the actual hosted search engines and the basic search units (hosted_search_engines, basic_search_units) = \ calculate_hosted_collections_search_params(req, pattern_list, field, hosted_collections, verbosity_level) # in case something went wrong with the above calculation just return None # however, once we run this function no fail should be expected here # UPDATE : let search go on even there are no basic search units (an empty pattern_list and field) #if basic_search_units == None or len(hosted_search_engines) == 0: return (None, None) if len(hosted_search_engines) == 0: return (None, None) # finally return the list of tuples with the results return do_calculate_hosted_collections_results(req, lang, vprint, verbosity_level, basic_search_units, hosted_search_engines, timeout) vprint(3, 'end') def calculate_hosted_collections_search_params(req, pattern_list, field, hosted_collections, verbosity_level=0): """Calculate the searching parameters for the selected hosted collections i.e. the actual hosted search engines and the basic search units""" from invenio.legacy.search_engine import create_basic_search_units assert req vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'Hosted collections (calculate_hosted_collections_search_params): ', verbosity_level) pattern = bind_patterns(pattern_list) vprint(3, 'pattern = %s' % cgi.escape(pattern)) # if for any strange reason there is no pattern, just return # UPDATE : let search go on even there is no pattern (an empty pattern_list and field) #if not pattern: return (None, None) # calculate the basic search units basic_search_units = create_basic_search_units(None, pattern, field) vprint(3, 'basic_search_units = %s' % cgi.escape(repr(basic_search_units))) # calculate the set of hosted search engines hosted_search_engines = select_hosted_search_engines(hosted_collections) vprint(3, 'hosted_search_engines = ' + str(hosted_search_engines)) # no need really to print out a sorted list of the hosted search engines, is there? I'll leave this commented out #hosted_search_engines_list = external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(hosted_search_engines) #vprint(3, 'hosted_search_engines_list (sorted) : ' + str(hosted_search_engines_list)) return (hosted_search_engines, basic_search_units) def select_hosted_search_engines(selected_hosted_collections): """Build the set of engines to be used for the hosted collections""" if not type(selected_hosted_collections) is list: selected_hosted_collections = [selected_hosted_collections] hosted_search_engines = set() for hosted_collection_name in selected_hosted_collections: if hosted_collection_name in external_collections_dictionary: engine = external_collections_dictionary[hosted_collection_name] # the hosted collection cannot present its results unless it has a parser implemented if engine.parser: hosted_search_engines.add(engine) else: warning('select_hosted_search_engines: %(hosted_collection_name)s unknown.' % locals()) return hosted_search_engines def do_calculate_hosted_collections_results(req, lang, vprint, verbosity_level, basic_search_units, hosted_search_engines, timeout=CFG_EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT): """Actually search the hosted collections and return their results and information in a list of tuples. One tuple for each hosted collection. Handles timeouts""" _ = gettext_set_language(lang) if not vprint: vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'Hosted collections (calculate_hosted_collections_search_params): ', verbosity_level) # defining vprint at this moment probably means we'll just run this one function at this time, therefore the "verbose" # end hosted search string will not be printed (it is normally printed by the initial calculate function) # Therefore, either define a flag here to print it by the end of this function or redefine the whole "verbose" # printing logic of the above functions vprint(3, 'beginning hosted search') # list to hold the hosted search engines and their respective search urls engines_list = [] # list to hold the non timed out results results_list = [] # list to hold all the results full_results_list = [] # list to hold all the timeouts timeout_list = [] # in case this is an engine-only list if type(hosted_search_engines) is set: for engine in hosted_search_engines: url = engine.build_search_url(basic_search_units, req.args, lang) user_url = engine.build_user_search_url(basic_search_units, req.args, lang) if url: engines_list.append([url, engine, user_url]) # in case we are iterating a pre calculated url+engine list elif type(hosted_search_engines) is list: for engine in hosted_search_engines: engines_list.append(engine) # in both the above cases we end up with a [[search url], [engine]] kind of list # create the list of search urls to be handed to the asynchronous getter pagegetters_list = [HTTPAsyncPageGetter(engine[0]) for engine in engines_list] # function to be run on every result def finished(pagegetter, data, current_time): """Function called, each time the download of a web page finish. Will parse and print the results of this page.""" # each pagegetter that didn't timeout is added to this list results_list.append((pagegetter, data, current_time)) # run the asynchronous getter finished_list = async_download(pagegetters_list, finished, engines_list, timeout) # create the complete list of tuples, one for each hosted collection, with the results and other information, # including those that timed out for (finished, engine) in zip(finished_list, engines_list): #finished_and_engines_list: if finished: for result in results_list: if result[1] == engine: # the engine is fed the results, it will be parsed later, at printing time engine[1].parser.parse_and_get_results(result[0].data, feedonly=True) ## the list contains: ## * the engine itself: [ search url], [engine] ## * the parsed number of found results ## * the fetching time full_results_list.append( (engine, engine[1].parser.parse_num_results(), result[2]) ) break elif not finished: ## the list contains: ## * the engine itself: [search url], [engine] timeout_list.append(engine) return (full_results_list, timeout_list)
from openerp import tools from openerp.osv import osv, fields from openerp.tools.translate import _ import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp class product_category(osv.osv): _inherit='product.category' _columns = { 'sale_price' : fields.float('Sale Price',digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Product Price')), 'shape_id':fields.many2one('product.shape',string="Shape"), 'weight_from':fields.float('Weight From',digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Stock Weight')), 'weight_to':fields.float('Weight To',digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Stock Weight')), 'color_id':fields.many2one('product.color',string='Color'), 'clarity_id':fields.many2one('product.clarity',string='Clarity', ondelete='restrict'), 'shape_line':fields.one2many('shape.line','categ_id','Shape Lines'), }
#!/usr/bin/python3 import gpxpy import datetime import time import os import gpxpy.gpx import sqlite3 import pl import re DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' filebase = os.environ["XDG_DATA_HOME"]+"/"+os.environ["APP_ID"].split('_')[0] def create_gpx(): # Creating a new file: # -------------------- gpx = gpxpy.gpx.GPX() # Create first track in our GPX: gpx_track = gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrack() gpx.tracks.append(gpx_track) # Create first segment in our GPX track: gpx_segment = gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrackSegment() gpx_track.segments.append(gpx_segment) # Create points: return gpx def write_gpx(gpx,name,act_type): # You can add routes and waypoints, too... tzname=None npoints=None # polyline encoder default values numLevels = 18; zoomFactor = 2; epsilon = 0.0; forceEndpoints = True; ##print('Created GPX:', gpx.to_xml()) ts = int(time.time()) filename = "%s/%i.gpx" % (filebase,ts) a = open(filename, 'w') a.write(gpx.to_xml()) a.close() gpx.simplify() #gpx.reduce_points(1000) trk = pl.read_gpx_trk(gpx.to_xml(),tzname,npoints,2,None) try: polyline=pl.print_gpx_google_polyline(trk,numLevels,zoomFactor,epsilon,forceEndpoints) except UnboundLocalError as er: print(er) print("Not enough points to create a polyline") polyline="" #polyline="polyline" add_run(gpx,name,act_type,filename,polyline) def add_point(gpx,lat,lng,elev): gpx.tracks[0].segments[0].points.append(gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrackPoint(lat, lng, elevation=elev,time=datetime.datetime.now())) def add_run(gpx, name,act_type,filename,polyline): conn = sqlite3.connect('%s/activities.db' % filebase) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE if not exists activities (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,name text, act_date text, distance text, speed text, act_type text,filename text,polyline text)""") sql = "INSERT INTO activities VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" start_time, end_time = gpx.get_time_bounds() l2d='{:.3f}'.format(gpx.length_2d() / 1000.) moving_time, stopped_time, moving_distance, stopped_distance, max_speed = gpx.get_moving_data() print(max_speed) #print('%sStopped distance: %sm' % stopped_distance) maxspeed = 'Max speed: {:.2f}km/h'.format(max_speed * 60. ** 2 / 1000. if max_speed else 0) duration = 'Duration: {:.2f}min'.format(gpx.get_duration() / 60) print("-------------------------") print(name) print(start_time) print(l2d) print(maxspeed) print("-------------------------") try: cursor.execute(sql, [None, name,start_time,l2d,duration,act_type,filename,polyline]) conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error as er: print(er) conn.close() def get_runs(): #add_run("1", "2", "3", "4") os.makedirs(filebase, exist_ok=True) conn = sqlite3.connect('%s/activities.db' % filebase) conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE if not exists activities (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,name text, act_date text, distance text, speed text, act_type text,filename text,polyline text)""") ret_data=[] sql = "SELECT * FROM activities LIMIT 30" for i in cursor.execute(sql): ret_data.append(dict(i)) conn.close() return ret_data def get_units(): os.makedirs(filebase, exist_ok=True) conn = sqlite3.connect('%s/activities.db' % filebase) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE if not exists settings (units text)""") ret_data=[] sql = "SELECT units FROM settings" cursor.execute(sql) data=cursor.fetchone() if data is None: print("NONESIES") cursor.execute("INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('kilometers')") conn.commit() conn.close() return "kilometers" return data def set_units(label): os.makedirs(filebase, exist_ok=True) conn = sqlite3.connect('%s/activities.db' % filebase) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE settings SET units=? WHERE 1", (label,)) conn.commit() conn.close() def onetime_db_fix(): os.makedirs(filebase, exist_ok=True) filename = "%s/%s" % (filebase,".dbfixed") if not os.path.exists(filename): print("Fixing db") conn = sqlite3.connect('%s/activities.db' % filebase) numonly = re.compile("(\d*\.\d*)") cursor = conn.cursor() a=get_runs() sql="UPDATE activities SET distance=? WHERE id=?" for i in a: print(i["distance"]) b=numonly.search(i["distance"]) print(b.group(0)) print(b) cursor.execute(sql, (b.group(0), i["id"])) conn.commit() conn.close() dotfile=open(filename, "w") dotfile.write("db fixed") dotfile.close else: print("db already fixed") def rm_run(run): conn = sqlite3.connect('%s/activities.db' % filebase) cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "DELETE from activities WHERE id=?" try: cursor.execute(sql, [run]) conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error as er: print("-------------______---_____---___----____--____---___-----") print(er) conn.close() def km_to_mi(km): return km * 0.62137 def get_data(): moving_time, stopped_time, moving_distance, stopped_distance, max_speed = gpx.get_moving_data() return moving_distance, moving_time
# Copyright 2021 ACSONE SA/NV # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). { "name": "Mozaik Website Event Track", "summary": """ This module allows to see the event menu configuration even without activated debug mode""", "version": "", "license": "AGPL-3", "author": "ACSONE SA/NV", "website": "https://github.com/OCA/mozaik", "depends": [ # Odoo "website_event_track", ], "data": [ "views/event_event.xml", ], }
import cPickle as pkl import pdb import datetime import time import numpy as np import pylab as pl import scipy.stats import scipy.special from scipy.special import gamma from scipy.misc import factorial import gnumpy as gp import data_helper class RBM(object): ''' Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) using numpy ''' def __init__(self, params={}): ''' RBM constructor. Defines the parameters of the model along with basic operations for inferring hidden from visible (and vice-versa), as well as for performing CD updates. input: ----------------- Nv: number of visible units Nh: number of hidden units vis_unit: type of visible unit {'binary','linear'} ('linear' = rectified linear unit) vis_scale: maximum output value for linear visible units (average std_dev is ~= 1 at this scale, so pre-scale training data with this in mind) bv: visible bias other params: ----------------- W: weight between current hidden and visible units (undirected) [Nv x Nh] bh: hidden bias ''' dtype = 'float32' Nv = params['Nv'] Nh = params['Nh'] vis_unit = params.get('vis_unit','binary') vis_scale = params.get('vis_scale') bv = params.get('bv') Th = params.get('Th',0) if vis_unit not in ['binary','linear']: raise ValueError, 'Unknown visible unit type %s' % vis_unit if vis_unit == 'linear': if vis_scale is None: raise ValueError, 'Must set vis_scale for linear visible units' elif vis_unit == 'binary': vis_scale = 1. # W is initialized with `initial_W` which is uniformly sampled # from -4.*sqrt(6./(Nv+Nh)) and 4.*sqrt(6./(Nh+Nv)) # the output of uniform if converted using asarray to dtype W = np.asarray( np.random.uniform( low = -4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv+Nh)), high = 4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv+Nh)), size = (Nv, Nh)), dtype = dtype) W = gp.garray(W) bh = gp.zeros(Nh) if bv is None : bv = gp.zeros(Nv) else: bv = gp.garray(bv) # params ------------------------------------------- self.dtype = 'float32' self.Nv = Nv # num visible units self.Nh = Nh # num hidden units self.Th = Th # used for framing input self.vis_unit = vis_unit # type of visible output unit self.vis_scale = vis_scale # scale of linear output units self.W = W # vis<->hid weights self.bv = bv # vis bias self.bh = bh # hid bias self.W_update = gp.zeros((Nv,Nh)) self.bh_update = gp.zeros((Nh,)) self.bv_update = gp.zeros((Nv,)) self.params = [ 'dtype', 'vis_unit','vis_scale', 'Nv','Nh', 'W','bh','bv'] def save_params(self,filename=None): ''' save parameters to file ''' if filename is None: fileid = np.random.randint(100000) filename = 'RBM_%u.pkl' % fileid params_out = {} for p in self.params: val = vars(self)[p] if type(val) is gp.garray: params_out[p] = val.as_numpy_array() else: params_out[p] = val fp = open(filename,'wb') pkl.dump(params_out,fp,protocol=-1) fp.close() print 'saved %s' % filename def load_params(self,filename): ''' load parameters from file ''' fp = open(filename,'rb') params_in = pkl.load(fp) fp.close() for key,value in params_in.iteritems(): vars(self)[key] = value Nv,Nh = self.Nv,self.Nh dtype = self.dtype self.W_update = gp.zeros((Nv,Nh)) self.bh_update = gp.zeros((Nh,)) self.bv_update = gp.zeros((Nv,)) self.W = gp.garray(self.W) self.bh = gp.garray(self.bh) self.bv = gp.garray(self.bv) def return_params(self): ''' return a formatted string containing scalar parameters ''' output = 'Nv=%u, Nh=%u, vis_unit=%s, vis_scale=%0.2f' \ % (self.Nv,self.Nh,self.vis_unit,self.vis_scale) return output def mean_field_h_given_v(self,v): ''' compute mean-field reconstruction of P(h=1|v) ''' prob = sigmoid(self.bh + gp.dot(v, self.W)) return prob def mean_field_v_given_h(self,h): ''' compute mean-field reconstruction of P(v|h) ''' x = self.bv + gp.dot(h, self.W.T) if self.vis_unit == 'binary': return sigmoid(x) elif self.vis_unit == 'linear': return log_1_plus_exp(x) - log_1_plus_exp(x-self.vis_scale) return prob def sample_h_given_v(self,v): ''' compute samples from P(h|v) ''' prob = self.mean_field_h_given_v(v) samples = prob.rand() < prob return samples, prob def sample_v_given_h(self,h): ''' compute samples from P(v|h) ''' if self.vis_unit == 'binary': mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(h) samples = mean.rand() < mean return samples, mean elif self.vis_unit == 'linear': x = self.bv + gp.dot(h, self.W.T) # variance of noise is sigmoid(x) - sigmoid(x - vis_scale) stddev = gp.sqrt(sigmoid(x) - sigmoid(x - self.vis_scale)) mean = log_1_plus_exp(x) - log_1_plus_exp(x-self.vis_scale) noise = stddev * gp.randn(x.shape) samples = mean + noise samples[samples < 0] = 0 samples[samples > self.vis_scale] = self.vis_scale return samples, mean def cdk(self,K,v0_data,rate=0.001,momentum=0.0,weight_decay=0.001,noisy=0): ''' compute K-step contrastive divergence update input: K - number of gibbs iterations (for cd-K) v0_data - training data [N x (Nv+Nl)] rate - learning rate momentum - learning momentum weight_decay - L2 regularizer noisy - 0 = use h0_mean, use visible means everywhere 1 = use h0_samp, use visible means everywhere 2 = use samples everywhere ''' # collect gradient statistics h0_samp,h0_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(v0_data) hk_samp = h0_samp if noisy == 0: for k in xrange(K): # vk_mean <--> hk_samp vk_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_samp) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_mean) h0 = h0_mean vk = vk_mean hk = hk_mean elif noisy == 1: for k in xrange(K): # vk_mean <--> hk_samp vk_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_samp) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_mean) h0 = h0_samp # <-- vk = vk_mean hk = hk_mean elif noisy == 2: for k in xrange(K): # vk_samp <--> hk_samp vk_samp, vk_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_samp) h0 = h0_samp vk = vk_samp # <-- hk = hk_samp # <-- W_grad,bv_grad,bh_grad = self.compute_gradients(v0_data,h0,vk,hk) if weight_decay > 0.0: W_grad += weight_decay * self.W rate = float(rate) if momentum > 0.0: momentum = float(momentum) self.W_update = momentum * self.W_update - rate*W_grad self.bh_update = momentum * self.bh_update - rate*bh_grad self.bv_update = momentum * self.bv_update - rate*bv_grad else: self.W_update = -rate*W_grad self.bh_update = -rate*bh_grad self.bv_update = -rate*bv_grad self.W = self.W + self.W_update self.bh = self.bh + self.bh_update self.bv = self.bv + self.bv_update def compute_gradients(self,v0,h0,vk,hk): N = v0.shape[0] N_inv = 1./N W_grad = N_inv * (gp.dot(vk.T, hk) - gp.dot(v0.T, h0)) bv_grad = gp.mean(vk - v0,axis=0) bh_grad = gp.mean(hk - h0,axis=0) return W_grad,bv_grad,bh_grad def gibbs_samples(self,K,v0_data,noisy=0): ''' compute a visible unit sample using Gibbs sampling input: K - number of complete Gibbs iterations v_input - seed value of visible units noisy - 0 = always use visible means and use hidden means to drive final sample 1 = drive final sample with final hidden sample 2 = use visible means for updates but use visible and hidden samples for final update 3 = always use samples for both visible and hidden updates note: hidden samples are always used to drive visible reconstructions unless noted otherwise ''' Nv = self.Nv h0_samp,h0_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(v0_data) hk_samp = h0_samp hk_mean = h0_mean if noisy < 3: for k in xrange(K-1): # hk_samp <--> vk_mean vk_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_samp) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_mean) else: for k in xrange(K-1): # hk_samp <--> vk_samp vk_samp, vk_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_samp) if noisy == 0: # hk_mean --> v_mean v_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_mean) return v_mean elif noisy == 1: # hk_samp --> v_mean v_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_samp) return v_mean elif noisy > 1: # hk_samp --> v_samp v_samp, v_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp) return v_samp def recon_error(self, v0_data,K=1,print_output=False): ''' compute K-step reconstruction error ''' vk_mean = self.gibbs_samples(K,v0_data,noisy=0) recon_error = gp.mean(gp.abs(v0_data - vk_mean)) if print_output: output = '%30s %6.5f' % ('vis error:', recon_error/self.vis_scale) print output return output else: return recon_error def update_stats(self): W_stats = [gp.min(self.W),gp.mean(gp.abs(self.W)),gp.max(self.W)] bh_stats = [gp.min(self.bh),gp.mean(gp.abs(self.bh)),gp.max(self.bh)] bv_stats = [gp.min(self.bv),gp.mean(gp.abs(self.bv)),gp.max(self.bv)] W_update_stats = [gp.min(self.W_update), gp.mean(gp.abs(self.W_update)), gp.max(self.W_update)] bh_update_stats = [gp.min(self.bh_update), gp.mean(gp.abs(self.bh_update)), gp.max(self.bh_update)] bv_update_stats = [gp.min(self.bv_update), gp.mean(gp.abs(self.bv_update)), gp.max(self.bv_update)] param_stats = dict(W=W_stats,bh=bh_stats,bv=bv_stats) update_stats = dict(W=W_update_stats, bh=bh_update_stats,bv=bv_update_stats) return [param_stats, update_stats] class LRBM(RBM): ''' Labeled Restricted Boltzmann Machine ''' def __init__(self, params={}): ''' input: ----------------- (in addition to those defined in RBM class) Nl: number of label units (group of softmax units) ''' dtype = 'float32' super(LRBM,self).__init__(params) bv = params.get('bv') Nl = params['Nl'] Nv = self.Nv Nh = self.Nh # add label units to visible units # W is initialized with uniformly sampled data # from -4.*sqrt(6./(Nv+Nh)) and 4.*sqrt(6./(Nh+Nv)) W = np.asarray( np.random.uniform( low = -4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv+Nl+Nh)), high = 4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv+Nl+Nh)), size = (Nv+Nl, Nh)), dtype = dtype) W = gp.garray(W) if bv is None : bv = gp.zeros((Nv+Nl)) else: bv = gp.garray(bv) # new label-unit params ------------------------------------------- self.Nl = Nl # num label units self.W = W # (vis+lab)<->hid weights self.bv = bv # vis bias self.W_update = gp.zeros((Nv+Nl,Nh)) self.bv_update = gp.zeros((Nv+Nl,)) self.params += ['Nl'] def load_params(self,filename): '''load parameters from file''' super(LRBM,self).load_params(filename) Nv,Nh,Nl,= self.Nv,self.Nh,self.Nl dtype = self.dtype self.W_update = gp.zeros((Nv+Nl,Nh)) self.bv_update = gp.zeros((Nv+Nl,)) def save_params(self,filename=None): '''save parameters to file''' if filename is None: fileid = np.random.randint(100000) filename = 'LRBM_%u.pkl' % fileid super(LRBM,self).save_params(filename) def return_params(self): ''' return a formatted string containing scalar parameters ''' output = super(LRBM,self).return_params() output = 'Nl=%u, ' % (self.Nl) + output return output def separate_vis_lab(self,x,axis=1): ''' separate visible unit data from label unit data ''' Nl = self.Nl if x.ndim == 1: axis = 0 if axis == 0: x_lab = x[-Nl:] x_vis = x[:-Nl] elif axis == 1: x_lab = x[:,-Nl:] x_vis = x[:,:-Nl] return x_vis, x_lab def join_vis_lab(self,x_vis,x_lab,axis=1): ''' join visible unit data to label unit data ''' if x_vis.ndim == 1: axis = 0 x = gp.concatenate((x_vis,x_lab),axis=axis) return x def mean_field_v_given_h(self,h): '''compute mean-field reconstruction of P(v|h)''' x = self.bv + gp.dot(h, self.W.T) x_vis, x_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(x) lab_mean = softmax(x_lab) if self.vis_unit == 'binary': vis_mean = sigmoid(x_vis) elif self.vis_unit == 'linear': vis_mean = log_1_plus_exp(x_vis) - log_1_plus_exp(x_vis-self.vis_scale) means = self.join_vis_lab(vis_mean,lab_mean) return means def sample_v_given_h(self,h): '''compute samples from P(v|h)''' if self.vis_unit == 'binary': means = self.mean_field_v_given_h(h) vis_mean,lab_mean = self.separate_vis_lab(means) vis_samp = vis_mean.rand() < vis_mean elif self.vis_unit == 'linear': x = self.bv + gp.dot(h, self.W.T) x_vis,x_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(x) # variance of noise is sigmoid(x_vis) - sigmoid(x_vis - vis_scale) vis_stddev = gp.sqrt(sigmoid(x_vis) - sigmoid(x_vis - self.vis_scale)) vis_mean = log_1_plus_exp(x_vis) - log_1_plus_exp(x_vis-self.vis_scale) vis_noise = stddev * gp.random.standard_normal(size=x.shape) vis_samp = vis_mean + vis_noise vis_samp[vis_samp < 0] = 0 vis_samp[vis_samp > self.vis_scale] = self.vis_scale lab_mean = softmax(x_lab) means = self.join_vis_lab(vis_mean,lab_mean) lab_samp = sample_categorical(lab_mean) samples = self.join_vis_lab(vis_samp,lab_samp) return samples, means def label_probabilities(self,v_input,output_h=False): ''' compute the activation probability of each label unit given the visible units ''' #compute free energy for each label configuration # F(v,c) = -sum(v*bv) - bl[c] - sum(log(1 + exp(z_c))) # where z_c = bh + dot(v,W) + r[c] (r[c] are the weights for label c) # also, v_input = [v,l], where l are binary "one-hot" labels b_hid = self.bh b_vis, b_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(self.bv) v_vis, v_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(v_input) W_vis,W_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(self.W,axis=0) # the b_vis term cancels out in the softmax #F = -np.sum(v_vis*b_vis,axis=1) #F = F.reshape((-1,1)) - b_lab F = - b_lab z = b_hid + gp.dot(v_vis,W_vis) z = z.reshape(z.shape + (1,)) z = z + W_lab.T.reshape((1,) + W_lab.T.shape) hidden_terms = -gp.sum(log_1_plus_exp(z), axis=1) F = F + hidden_terms pr = softmax(-F) # compute hidden probs for each label configuration # this is used in the discriminative updates if output_h: h = sigmoid(z) return pr, h else: return pr def discriminative_train(self,v_input,rate=0.001,momentum=0.0,weight_decay=0.001): ''' Update weights using discriminative updates. These updates use gradient ascent of the log-likelihood of the label probability of the correct label input: v_input - [v_past, v_visible, v_labels] (v_labels contains the binary activation of the correct label) ''' N = v_input.shape[0] # things to compute: # h_d - hidden unit activations for each label configuration # p_d - label unit probabilities p_d, h_d = self.label_probabilities(v_input,output_h=True) v_vis,v_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(v_input) ind, true_labs = gp.where(v_lab == 1) #scale = float(rate / N) N_inv = 1./N # prob_scale = (1-p_d) for correct label and -p_d for other labels prob_scale = -p_d prob_scale[ind,true_labs] += 1 ps_broad = prob_scale.reshape((N,1,self.Nl)) # make broadcastable across h_d p_h_sum = gp.sum(ps_broad * h_d, axis=2) # compute gradients ---------------------------------------------- # W = [w,r] w_grad = gp.dot(v_vis.T, p_h_sum) # vis<-->hid r_grad = gp.sum( ps_broad * h_d, axis=0 ).T # lab<-->hid W_grad = N_inv * self.join_vis_lab(w_grad,r_grad,axis=0)# [vis,lab]<-->hid bh_grad = gp.mean(p_h_sum,axis=0) # -->hid # bv = [bvv,bvl] # -->[vis,lab] bvv,bvl = self.separate_vis_lab(self.bv) bvv_grad = gp.zeros(bvv.shape) # -->vis bvl_grad = gp.mean(prob_scale,axis=0) # -->lab # --------------------------------------------------------------- if weight_decay > 0.0: W_grad += -weight_decay * self.W #Wv_grad = self.join_vis_lab(Wvv_grad,Wvl_grad) bv_grad = self.join_vis_lab(bvv_grad,bvl_grad) rate = float(rate) if momentum > 0.0: momentum = float(momentum) self.W_update = momentum * self.W_update + rate*W_grad self.bh_update = momentum * self.bh_update + rate*bh_grad self.bv_update = momentum * self.bv_update + rate*bv_grad else: self.W_update = rate*W_grad self.bh_update = rate*bh_grad self.bv_update = rate*bv_grad self.W += self.W_update self.bh += self.bh_update self.bv += self.bv_update def recon_error(self,v0_data,K=1,print_output=False): '''compute K-step reconstruction error''' vk_mean = self.gibbs_samples(K,v0_data,noisy=0) v0_vis,v0_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(v0_data) vk_vis,vk_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(vk_mean) vis_error = gp.mean(gp.abs(v0_vis - vk_vis)) lab_error = gp.mean(gp.abs(v0_lab - vk_lab)) lab_probs = self.label_probabilities(v0_data) #pred_labs = gargmax(lab_probs) pred_labs = lab_probs.argmax(axis=1) ind, true_labs = gp.where(v0_lab == 1) percent_correct = gp.mean(pred_labs == true_labs) cross_entropy = -gp.mean(gp.log(lab_probs[ind,true_labs])) #prob_error = gp.mean(gp.abs(1. - lab_probs[ind,true_labs])) if print_output: output = '%30s %6.5f' % ('vis error:', vis_error/self.vis_scale) + '\n' output += '%30s %6.5f' % ('lab error:', lab_error) + '\n' #output += '%30s %6.5f' % ('prob error:', prob_error) + '\n' output += '%30s %6.5f' % ('cross entropy:', cross_entropy) + '\n' output += '%30s %6.5f' % ('class correct:', percent_correct) print output return output else: return percent_correct, cross_entropy, lab_error, vis_error/self.vis_scale class CRBM(object): '''Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (CRBM) using gnumpy ''' def __init__(self, params={}): ''' RBM constructor. Defines the parameters of the model along with basic operations for inferring hidden from visible (and vice-versa), as well as for performing CD updates. input: ----------------- Nv: number of visible units Nh: number of hidden units Tv: order of autoregressive weights (RBM has Tv=0) (how far into the past do they go?) Th: order of past visible to current hidden weights (RBM has Th=0) (how far into the past do they go?) period: natural repetition period of data [default=Tv] (for initializing generative gibbs sampling) vis_unit: type of visible unit {'binary','linear'} ('linear' = rectified linear unit) vis_scale: maximum output value for linear visible units (average std_dev is ~= 1 at this scale, so pre-scale training data with this in mind) bv: visible bias Wv_scale - how much to rescale Wv updates other params: -------------------- W: weight between current hidden and visible units (undirected) [Nv x Nh] Wh: past visible to current hidden weights (directed) [Tv*Nv x Nh] Wv: past visible to current visible weights (directed) [Tv*Nv x Nv] bh: hidden bias ''' dtype = 'float32' Nv = params['Nv'] Nh = params['Nh'] Tv = params['Tv'] Th = params['Th'] T = max(Tv,Th) period = params.get('period',T) vis_unit = params.get('vis_unit','binary') vis_scale = params.get('vis_scale') bv = params.get('bv') Wv_scale = params.get('Wv_scale',0.01) if vis_unit not in ['binary','linear']: raise ValueError, 'Unknown visible unit type %s' % vis_unit if vis_unit == 'linear': if vis_scale is None: raise ValueError, 'Must set vis_scale for linear visible units' elif vis_unit == 'binary': vis_scale = 1. if period is None: period = T else: if period > T: raise ValueError, 'period must be <= max(Tv,Th)' # W is initialized with `initial_W` which is uniformly sampled # from -4.*sqrt(6./(Nv+Nh)) and 4.*sqrt(6./(Nh+Nv)) # the output of uniform if converted using asarray to dtype W = np.asarray( np.random.uniform( low = -4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv+Nh)), high = 4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv+Nh)), size = (Nv, Nh)), dtype = dtype) W = gp.garray(W) Wv = np.asarray( np.random.uniform( low = -4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv*Tv+Nv)), high = 4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv*Tv+Nv)), size = (Nv*Tv, Nv)), dtype = dtype) Wv = gp.garray(Wv) Wh = np.asarray( np.random.uniform( low = -4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv*Th+Nh)), high = 4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv*Th+Nh)), size = (Nv*Th, Nh)), dtype = dtype) Wh = gp.garray(Wh) bh = gp.zeros(Nh) if bv is None : bv = gp.zeros(Nv) else: bv = gp.garray(bv) # params ------------------------------------------- self.dtype = 'float32' self.Nv = Nv # num visible units self.Nh = Nh # num hidden units self.Tv = Tv # num vis->vis delay taps self.Th = Th # num vis->hid delay taps self.T = T # max(Tv,Th) self.period = period # typical repetition period of sequences self.vis_unit = vis_unit # type of visible output unit self.vis_scale = vis_scale # scale of linear output units self.W = W # vis<->hid weights self.Wv = Wv # vis->vis delay weights self.Wh = Wh # vis->hid delay weights self.bv = bv # vis bias self.bh = bh # hid bias self.Wv_scale = Wv_scale # rescale Wv updates self.W_update = gp.zeros((Nv,Nh)) self.Wv_update = gp.zeros((Nv*Tv,Nv)) self.Wh_update = gp.zeros((Nv*Th,Nh)) self.bh_update = gp.zeros((Nh,)) self.bv_update = gp.zeros((Nv,)) self.params = [ 'dtype', 'period','vis_unit','vis_scale', 'Nv','Nh','Tv','Th','T', 'W','Wv','Wh','bh','bv'] def save_params(self,filename=None): '''save parameters to file''' if filename is None: id = np.random.randint(100000) filename = 'CRBM_%u.pkl' % id params_out = {} for p in self.params: val = vars(self)[p] if type(val) is gp.garray: params_out[p] = val.as_numpy_array() else: params_out[p] = val fp = open(filename,'wb') pkl.dump(params_out,fp,protocol=-1) fp.close() print 'saved %s' % filename def load_params(self,filename): '''load parameters from file''' fp = open(filename,'rb') params_in = pkl.load(fp) fp.close() for key,value in params_in.iteritems(): vars(self)[key] = value Nv,Nh,Tv,Th = self.Nv,self.Nh,self.Tv,self.Th dtype = self.dtype self.W_update = gp.zeros((Nv,Nh)) self.Wv_update = gp.zeros((Nv*Tv,Nv)) self.Wh_update = gp.zeros((Nv*Th,Nh)) self.bh_update = gp.zeros((Nh,)) self.bv_update = gp.zeros((Nv,)) self.W = gp.garray(self.W) self.Wv = gp.garray(self.Wv) self.Wh = gp.garray(self.Wh) self.bh = gp.garray(self.bh) self.bv = gp.garray(self.bv) def return_params(self): ''' return a formatted string containing scalar parameters ''' output = 'Nv=%u, Nh=%u, vis_unit=%s, vis_scale=%0.2f, Tv=%u, Th=%u, Wv_scale=%g' \ % (self.Nv,self.Nh,self.vis_unit,self.vis_scale,self.Tv,self.Th,self.Wv_scale) return output def extract_data(self,v_input): Nv = self.Nv Tv = self.Tv Th = self.Th if v_input.ndim == 1: v_data = v_input[-Nv:] vv_past = v_input[-Nv*(1+Tv):-Nv] vh_past = v_input[-Nv*(1+Th):-Nv] else: v_data = v_input[:,-Nv:] vv_past = v_input[:,-Nv*(1+Tv):-Nv] vh_past = v_input[:,-Nv*(1+Th):-Nv] return v_data, vv_past, vh_past def mean_field_h_given_v(self,v,h_bias): '''compute mean-field reconstruction of P(ht=1|vt,v<t)''' prob = sigmoid(h_bias + gp.dot(v, self.W)) return prob def mean_field_h_given_v_frame(self,v_input): ''' compute mean-field reconstruction of P(ht=1|vt,v<t) and compute h_bias from data input: v_frames - contains [v_past, v_curr] in a matrix ''' v,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) h_bias = self.bh + gp.dot(vh_past,self.Wh) return sigmoid(h_bias + gp.dot(v, self.W)) def mean_field_v_given_h(self,h,v_bias): '''compute mean-field reconstruction of P(vt|ht,v<t)''' x = v_bias + gp.dot(h, self.W.T) if self.vis_unit == 'binary': return sigmoid(x) elif self.vis_unit == 'linear': return log_1_plus_exp(x) - log_1_plus_exp(x-self.vis_scale) return prob def sample_h_given_v(self,v,h_bias): '''compute samples from P(ht=1|vt,v<t)''' prob = self.mean_field_h_given_v(v,h_bias) samples = prob.rand() < prob return samples, prob def sample_v_given_h(self,h,v_bias): '''compute samples from P(vt|ht,v<t)''' if self.vis_unit == 'binary': mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(h,v_bias) samples = mean.rand() < mean return samples, mean elif self.vis_unit == 'linear': x = v_bias + gp.dot(h, self.W.T) # variance of noise is sigmoid(x) - sigmoid(x - vis_scale) stddev = gp.sqrt(sigmoid(x) - sigmoid(x - self.vis_scale)) mean = log_1_plus_exp(x) - log_1_plus_exp(x-self.vis_scale) noise = stddev * gp.randn(x.shape) samples = mean + noise samples *= samples > 0 samples_over = samples - self.vis_scale samples_over *= samples_over > 0 samples_over -= samples_over return samples, mean def cdk(self,K,v_input,rate=0.001,momentum=0.0,weight_decay=0.001,noisy=0): ''' compute K-step contrastive divergence update input: K - number of gibbs iterations (for cd-K) v_input - contains [v_past, v0_data] = [(N x Nv*max(Tv,Th)), (N x Nv)] rate - learning rate momentum - learning momentum weight_decay - L2 regularizer noisy - 0 = use hidden samples, but means as final values 1 = use visible and hidden samples, but means as final values 2 = use visible and hidden samples, samples for final hidden values, means for final visibles 3 = use samples everywhere. ''' # compute gradient statistics v0_data,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) v_bias,h_bias = self.compute_dynamic_bias(v_input) h0_samp,h0_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(v0_data,h_bias) hk_samp = h0_samp if noisy == 0: for k in xrange(K): # vk_mean <--> hk_samp vk_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_mean,h_bias) h0 = h0_mean vk = vk_mean hk = hk_mean elif noisy == 1: for k in xrange(K): # vk_mean <--> hk_samp vk_samp, vk_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_samp,h_bias) h0 = h0_mean # <-- vk = vk_mean hk = hk_mean elif noisy == 2: for k in xrange(K): # vk_samp <--> hk_samp vk_samp, vk_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_samp,h_bias) h0 = h0_samp vk = vk_mean # <-- hk = hk_samp # <-- elif noisy == 3: for k in xrange(K): # vk_samp <--> hk_samp vk_samp, vk_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_samp,h_bias) h0 = h0_samp vk = vk_samp # <-- hk = hk_samp # <-- # compute gradients W_grad,Wv_grad,Wh_grad,bv_grad,bh_grad = self.compute_gradients(v_input,h0,vk,hk) if weight_decay > 0.0: W_grad += weight_decay * self.W Wv_grad += weight_decay * self.Wv Wh_grad += weight_decay * self.Wh rate = float(rate) if momentum > 0.0: momentum = float(momentum) self.W_update = momentum * self.W_update - rate*W_grad self.Wv_update = momentum * self.Wv_update - self.Wv_scale*rate*Wv_grad self.Wh_update = momentum * self.Wh_update - rate*Wh_grad self.bh_update = momentum * self.bh_update - rate*bh_grad self.bv_update = momentum * self.bv_update - rate*bv_grad else: self.W_update = -rate*W_grad self.Wv_update = -self.Wv_scale*rate*Wv_grad self.Wh_update = -rate*Wh_grad self.bh_update = -rate*bh_grad self.bv_update = -rate*bv_grad self.W = self.W + self.W_update self.Wv = self.Wv + self.Wv_update self.Wh = self.Wh + self.Wh_update self.bh = self.bh + self.bh_update self.bv = self.bv + self.bv_update def compute_gradients(self,v_input,h0,vk,hk): v0,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) N = v0.shape[0] N_inv = 1./N W_grad = N_inv * (gp.dot(vk.T, hk) - gp.dot(v0.T, h0)) Wv_grad = N_inv * (gp.dot(vv_past.T, vk) - gp.dot(vv_past.T, v0)) Wh_grad = N_inv * (gp.dot(vh_past.T, hk) - gp.dot(vh_past.T, h0)) bv_grad = gp.mean(vk - v0,axis=0) bh_grad = gp.mean(hk - h0,axis=0) return W_grad,Wv_grad,Wh_grad,bv_grad,bh_grad def compute_dynamic_bias(self,v_input): v_data,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) v_bias = self.bv + gp.dot(vv_past,self.Wv) h_bias = self.bh + gp.dot(vh_past,self.Wh) return v_bias, h_bias def generate(self,seed,num_steps,K,noisy=False): ''' generate a sequence of length num_steps given the seed sequence input: seed - Nv dimensional sequence of length >= max(Tv,Th) flattened using row-major ordering (units in same time step nearest each other) num_steps - number of sequence steps to generate K - number of gibbs iterations per sample noisy - noise level of gibbs samples [0,1,2,3] (see gibbs_samples() method) output: sequence - Nv dimensional sequence of length num_steps + seed length ''' T = max(self.Tv,self.Th) Nv = self.Nv frame_size = Nv * T hop_size = Nv period_size = Nv * self.period if len(seed) < frame_size: raise ValueError, 'Seed not long enough' sequence = np.concatenate( (seed, np.zeros(num_steps * Nv))).astype('float32') sequence = gp.garray(sequence) idx = len(seed) - frame_size while idx+frame_size+Nv <= len(sequence): v_input = sequence[idx:idx+frame_size+Nv] # use samples from one period ago as starting point for Gibbs sampling v_input[-Nv:] = v_input[-period_size-Nv:-period_size] v_curr = self.gibbs_samples(K,v_input,noisy) sequence[idx+frame_size:idx+frame_size+Nv] = v_curr idx += hop_size return sequence def gibbs_samples(self,K,v_input,noisy=0): ''' compute a visible unit sample using Gibbs sampling input: K - number of complete Gibbs iterations v_input - [v_past, v_curr_seed] array flattened using row-major ordering * v_past of length Nv*max(Tv,Th) * v_curr_seed of length Nv noisy - 0 = always use visible means and use hidden means to drive final sample 1 = drive final sample with final hidden sample 2 = use visible means for updates but use visible and hidden samples for final update 3 = always use samples for both visible and hidden updates note: hidden samples are always used to drive visible reconstructions unless noted otherwise ''' Nv = self.Nv v0_data,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) v_bias,h_bias = self.compute_dynamic_bias(v_input) h0_samp,h0_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(v0_data,h_bias) hk_samp = h0_samp hk_mean = h0_mean if noisy < 3: for k in xrange(K-1): # hk_samp <--> vk_mean vk_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_mean,h_bias) else: for k in xrange(K-1): # hk_samp <--> vk_samp vk_samp, vk_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_samp,h_bias) if noisy == 0: # hk_mean --> v_mean v_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_mean,v_bias) return v_mean elif noisy == 1: # hk_samp --> v_mean v_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) return v_mean elif noisy > 1: # hk_samp --> v_samp v_samp, v_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) return v_samp def recon_error(self, v_input,K=1,print_output=False): '''compute K-step reconstruction error''' v0_data,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) vk_mean = self.gibbs_samples(K,v_input,noisy=0) recon_error = gp.mean(gp.abs(v0_data - vk_mean)) if print_output: output = '%30s %6.5f' % ('vis error:', recon_error/self.vis_scale) print output return output else: return recon_error def update_stats(self): W_stats = [gp.min(self.W),gp.mean(gp.abs(self.W)),gp.max(self.W)] Wv_stats = [gp.min(self.Wv),gp.mean(gp.abs(self.Wv)),gp.max(self.Wv)] Wh_stats = [gp.min(self.Wh),gp.mean(gp.abs(self.Wh)),gp.max(self.Wh)] bh_stats = [gp.min(self.bh),gp.mean(gp.abs(self.bh)),gp.max(self.bh)] bv_stats = [gp.min(self.bv),gp.mean(gp.abs(self.bv)),gp.max(self.bv)] W_update_stats = [gp.min(self.W_update), gp.mean(gp.abs(self.W_update)), gp.max(self.W_update)] Wv_update_stats = [gp.min(self.Wv_update), gp.mean(gp.abs(self.Wv_update)), gp.max(self.Wv_update)] Wh_update_stats = [gp.min(self.Wh_update), gp.mean(gp.abs(self.Wh_update)), gp.max(self.Wh_update)] bh_update_stats = [gp.min(self.bh_update), gp.mean(gp.abs(self.bh_update)), gp.max(self.bh_update)] bv_update_stats = [gp.min(self.bv_update), gp.mean(gp.abs(self.bv_update)), gp.max(self.bv_update)] param_stats = dict(W=W_stats,Wv=Wv_stats,Wh=Wh_stats,bh=bh_stats,bv=bv_stats) update_stats = dict(W=W_update_stats, Wv=Wv_update_stats,Wh=Wh_update_stats,bh=bh_update_stats,bv=bv_update_stats) return [param_stats, update_stats] class LCRBM(CRBM): '''Labeled Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (CRBM) using numpy ''' def __init__(self, params={}): ''' input: ----------------- (in addition to those defined in CRBM class) Nl: number of label units (group of softmax units) ''' super(LCRBM,self).__init__(params) dtype = 'float32' bv = params.get('bv') Nl = params['Nl'] Nv = self.Nv Nh = self.Nh Tv = self.Tv # add label units to visible units # W is initialized with uniformly sampled data # from -4.*sqrt(6./(Nv+Nh)) and 4.*sqrt(6./(Nh+Nv)) W = np.asarray( np.random.uniform( low = -4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv+Nl+Nh)), high = 4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv+Nl+Nh)), size = (Nv+Nl, Nh)), dtype = dtype) W = gp.garray(W) Wv = np.asarray( np.random.uniform( low = -4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv*Tv+Nv)), high = 4*np.sqrt(6./(Nv*Tv+Nv)), size = (Nv*Tv, Nv)), dtype = dtype) Wv = gp.garray(Wv) if bv is None : bv = gp.zeros(Nv+Nl) else: bv = gp.garray(bv) cumsum = np.zeros((Nl,Nl),dtype=self.dtype) cumsum[np.triu_indices(Nl)] = 1 cumsum = gp.garray(cumsum) # new label-unit params ------------------------------------------- self.Nl = Nl # num label units self.cumsum = cumsum # upper triangular matrix for gpu cumsum self.W = W # (vis+lab)<->hid weights self.Wv = Wv # vis->vis delay weights self.bv = bv # vis bias self.W_update = gp.zeros((Nv+Nl,Nh)) self.Wv_update = gp.zeros((Nv*Tv,Nv)) self.bv_update = gp.zeros((Nv+Nl,)) self.params += ['Nl','cumsum'] def load_params(self,filename): '''load parameters from file''' super(LCRBM,self).load_params(filename) Nv,Nh,Nl,Tv = self.Nv,self.Nh,self.Nl,self.Tv dtype = self.dtype self.W_update = gp.zeros(self.W.shape) self.Wv_update = gp.zeros(self.Wv.shape) self.bv_update = gp.zeros(self.bv.shape) def save_params(self,filename=None): '''save parameters to file''' if filename is None: id = np.random.randint(100000) filename = 'LCRBM_%u.pkl' % id super(LCRBM,self).save_params(filename) def return_params(self): ''' return a formatted string containing scalar parameters ''' output = super(LCRBM,self).return_params() output = 'Nl=%u, ' % (self.Nl) + output return output def extract_data(self,v_input): Nv = self.Nv Nl = self.Nl Tv = self.Tv Th = self.Th Nvl = Nv + Nl if v_input.ndim == 1: v_data = v_input[-Nvl:] vv_past = v_input[-(Nv*Tv+Nvl):-Nvl] vh_past = v_input[-(Nv*Th+Nvl):-Nvl] else: v_data = v_input[:,-Nvl:] vv_past = v_input[:,-(Nv*Tv+Nvl):-Nvl] vh_past = v_input[:,-(Nv*Th+Nvl):-Nvl] return v_data, vv_past, vh_past def separate_vis_lab(self,x,axis=1): ''' separate visible unit data from label unit data ''' Nl = self.Nl if x.ndim == 1: axis = 0 if axis == 0: x_lab = x[-Nl:] x_vis = x[:-Nl] elif axis == 1: x_lab = x[:,-Nl:] x_vis = x[:,:-Nl] return x_vis, x_lab def join_vis_lab(self,x_vis,x_lab,axis=1): ''' join visible unit data to label unit data ''' if x_vis.ndim == 1: axis = 0 x = gp.concatenate((x_vis,x_lab),axis=axis) return x def mean_field_v_given_h(self,h,v_bias): '''compute mean-field reconstruction of P(vt|ht,v<t)''' x = v_bias + gp.dot(h, self.W.T) x_vis, x_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(x) lab_mean = softmax(x_lab) if self.vis_unit == 'binary': vis_mean = sigmoid(x_vis) elif self.vis_unit == 'linear': vis_mean = log_1_plus_exp(x_vis) - log_1_plus_exp(x_vis-self.vis_scale) means = self.join_vis_lab(vis_mean,lab_mean) return means def sample_v_given_h(self,h,v_bias): '''compute samples from P(vt|ht,v<t)''' if self.vis_unit == 'binary': means = self.mean_field_v_given_h(h,v_bias) vis_mean,lab_mean = self.separate_vis_lab(means) vis_samp = vis_mean.rand() < vis_mean elif self.vis_unit == 'linear': x = v_bias + gp.dot(h, self.W.T) x_vis,x_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(x) # variance of noise is sigmoid(x_vis) - sigmoid(x_vis - vis_scale) vis_stddev = gp.sqrt(sigmoid(x_vis) - sigmoid(x_vis - self.vis_scale)) vis_mean = log_1_plus_exp(x_vis) - log_1_plus_exp(x_vis-self.vis_scale) vis_noise = vis_stddev * gp.randn(x_vis.shape) vis_samp = vis_mean + vis_noise vis_samp *= vis_samp > 0 vis_over = vis_samp - self.vis_scale vis_over *= vis_over > 0 vis_samp -= vis_over lab_mean = softmax(x_lab) means = self.join_vis_lab(vis_mean,lab_mean) #lab_samp = sample_categorical(lab_mean,self.cumsum) lab_samp = lab_mean samples = self.join_vis_lab(vis_samp,lab_samp) return samples, means def compute_gradients(self,v_input,h0,vk,hk): v0,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) v0_vis,v0_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(v0) vk_vis,vk_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(vk) N = v0.shape[0] N_inv = 1./N W_grad = N_inv * (gp.dot(vk.T, hk) - gp.dot(v0.T, h0)) Wv_grad = N_inv * (gp.dot(vv_past.T, vk_vis) - gp.dot(vv_past.T, v0_vis)) Wh_grad = N_inv * (gp.dot(vh_past.T, hk) - gp.dot(vh_past.T, h0)) bv_grad = gp.mean(vk - v0,axis=0) bh_grad = gp.mean(hk - h0,axis=0) return W_grad,Wv_grad,Wh_grad,bv_grad,bh_grad def compute_dynamic_bias(self,v_input): v_data,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) v_bias = gp.tile(self.bv,[v_data.shape[0],1]).copy() v_bias[:,:self.Nv] += gp.dot(vv_past,self.Wv) h_bias = self.bh + gp.dot(vh_past,self.Wh) return v_bias, h_bias def label_probabilities(self,v_input,output_h=False): ''' compute the activation probability of each label unit given the visible units ''' #compute free energy for each label configuration # F(v,c) = -sum(v*bv) - bl[c] - sum(log(1 + exp(z_c))) # where z_c = bh + dot(v,W) + r[c] (r[c] are the weights for label c) # also, v_data = [v,l], where l are binary "one-hot" labels v_data,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) b_hid = self.bh + gp.dot(vh_past,self.Wh) b_vis, b_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(self.bv) v_vis, v_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(v_data) W_vis,W_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(self.W,axis=0) # the b_vis term cancels out in the softmax #F = -np.sum(v_vis*b_vis,axis=1) #F = F.reshape((-1,1)) - b_lab F = - b_lab z = b_hid + gp.dot(v_vis,W_vis) z = z.reshape(z.shape + (1,)) z = z + W_lab.T.reshape((1,) + W_lab.T.shape) hidden_terms = -gp.sum(log_1_plus_exp(z), axis=1) F = F + hidden_terms pr = softmax(-F) # compute hidden probs for each label configuration # this is used in the discriminative updates if output_h: h = sigmoid(z) return pr, h else: return pr def recon_error(self, v_input,K=1,print_output=False): '''compute K-step reconstruction error''' v0_data,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) vk_mean = self.gibbs_samples(K,v_input,noisy=0) v0_vis,v0_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(v0_data) vk_vis,vk_lab = self.separate_vis_lab(vk_mean) vis_error = gp.mean(gp.abs(v0_vis - vk_vis)) lab_error = gp.mean(gp.abs(v0_lab - vk_lab)) lab_probs = self.label_probabilities(v_input) #pred_labs = gargmax(lab_probs) pred_labs = lab_probs.argmax(axis=1) ind, true_labs = gp.where(v0_lab == 1) percent_correct = gp.mean(pred_labs == true_labs) cross_entropy = -gp.mean(gp.log(lab_probs[ind,true_labs])) #prob_error = gp.mean(gp.abs(1. - lab_probs[ind,true_labs])) if print_output: output = '%30s %6.5f' % ('vis error:', vis_error/self.vis_scale) + '\n' output += '%30s %6.5f' % ('lab error:', lab_error) + '\n' #output += '%30s %6.5f' % ('prob error:', prob_error) + '\n' output += '%30s %6.5f' % ('cross entropy:', cross_entropy) + '\n' output += '%30s %6.5f' % ('class correct:', percent_correct) print output return output else: return percent_correct, cross_entropy, lab_error, vis_error/self.vis_scale def generate(self,seed,num_steps,K,start_beat=1,noisy=False): ''' generate a sequence of length num_steps given the seed sequence input: seed - Nv dimensional sequence of length >= max(Tv,Th) flattened using row-major ordering (units in same time step nearest each other) num_steps - number of sequence steps to generate K - number of gibbs iterations per sample start_beat - beat number to start on noisy - noise level of gibbs samples [0,1,2,3] (see gibbs_samples() method) output: sequence - Nv dimensional sequence of length num_steps + seed length ''' T = max(self.Tv,self.Th) Nv = self.Nv frame_size = Nv * T hop_size = Nv period_size = Nv * self.period if len(seed) < frame_size: raise ValueError, 'Seed not long enough' Nl = self.Nl beat_labels = (np.arange(num_steps) + start_beat - 1) % Nl sequence = np.concatenate( (seed, np.zeros(num_steps * Nv))).astype('float32') sequence = gp.garray(sequence) idx = len(seed) - frame_size beat_idx = 0 while idx+frame_size+Nv <= len(sequence): print idx+frame_size+Nv, 'of', len(sequence) v_input = sequence[idx:idx+frame_size+Nv] l_curr = gp.zeros(Nl) l_curr[beat_labels[beat_idx]] = 1 #v_input[-Nv:] = gp.rand(Nv) v_input[-Nv:] = v_input[-period_size-Nv:-period_size] v_input = gp.concatenate([v_input,l_curr]) v_curr = self.gibbs_samples_labels_clamped(K,v_input[None,:],noisy) sequence[idx+frame_size:idx+frame_size+Nv] = v_curr[0,:-Nl] idx += hop_size beat_idx += 1 return sequence def gibbs_samples_labels_clamped(self,K,v_input,noisy=0): ''' compute a visible unit sample using Gibbs sampling with label units clamped input: K - number of complete Gibbs iterations v_input - [v_past, v_curr_seed, l_curr] array flattened using row-major ordering * v_past of length Nv*max(Tv,Th) * v_curr_seed of length Nv * l_curr of length Nl noisy - 0 = always use visible means and use hidden means to drive final sample 1 = drive final sample with final hidden sample 2 = use visible means for updates but use visible and hidden samples for final update 3 = always use samples for both visible and hidden updates note: hidden samples are always used to drive visible reconstructions unless noted otherwise ''' Nv = self.Nv Nl = self.Nl v0_data,vv_past,vh_past = self.extract_data(v_input) l0_data = v0_data[:,-Nl:] # original labels v_bias,h_bias = self.compute_dynamic_bias(v_input) h0_samp,h0_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(v0_data,h_bias) hk_samp = h0_samp hk_mean = h0_mean if noisy < 3: for k in xrange(K-1): # hk_samp <--> vk_mean vk_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) vk_mean[:,-Nl:] = l0_data hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_mean,h_bias) else: for k in xrange(K-1): # hk_samp <--> vk_samp vk_samp, vk_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) vk_samp[:,-Nl:] = l0_data hk_samp, hk_mean = self.sample_h_given_v(vk_samp,h_bias) if noisy == 0: # hk_mean --> v_mean v_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_mean,v_bias) #pdb.set_trace() return v_mean elif noisy == 1: # hk_samp --> v_mean v_mean = self.mean_field_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) return v_mean elif noisy > 1: # hk_samp --> v_samp v_samp, v_mean = self.sample_v_given_h(hk_samp,v_bias) return v_samp def gargmax(x): ''' compute argmax on gpu (across rows) ''' maxes = gp.max(x,axis=1) locs = x >= maxes.reshape((-1,1)) num_maxes = gp.sum(locs,axis=1) if gp.any(num_maxes > 1): N = x.shape[0] args = np.zeros(N,dtype='int64') inds = gp.where(locs) args[inds[0]] = inds[1] else: args = gp.where(locs)[1] return args def sigmoid(x): ''' compute logistic sigmoid function avoiding overflow ''' return gp.logistic(x) def softmax(x): ''' compute softmax function for each row while avoiding over/underflow ''' m = gp.max(x,axis=1).reshape((-1,1)) # max for each row y = gp.exp(x - m) y /= gp.sum(y,axis=1).reshape((-1,1)) return y def sample_categorical(probs,cumsum): ''' sample from categorical distribution (1-sample multinomial distribution) input: probs - probabilities in each row add to one [N x K] cumsum - square upper triangular matrix of ones of size K output: samples - [N x K] binary array with a single 1 per row ''' if probs.ndim == 1: probs = probs.reshape((1,-1)) N = probs.shape[0] #cdf = np.cumsum(probs, axis=1)[:,:-1] cdf = gp.dot(probs,cumsum)[:,:-1] #uni = np.random.uniform(size=(N,1)) uni = gp.rand((N,1)) category = gp.sum(uni >= cdf,axis=1) samples = gp.zeros(probs.shape) samples[np.arange(N),category] = 1 return samples def log_1_plus_exp(x): ''' compute y = np.log(1+np.exp(x)) avoiding overflow ''' return gp.log_1_plus_exp(x) def train_rbm(rbm,training_data,params={}): ''' train an rbm using contrastive divergence input: rbm - an initialized rbm class training_data - [N x Nv] matrix of N observations of Nv dimensions params - dictionary of parameters params: num_epochs batch_size learning_rate - list of two same size lists: [targets,pcts] learning_momentum - list of two same size lists: [targets,pcts] gibbs_iters - list of two same size lists: [targets,pcts] weight_decay - L2 regularizer weight [disabled]adjust_rate - whether to dynamically adjust the learning rate to retain an average max update ratio around 0.001 update_target - target percentage of magnitude for updates (used to adjust learning rate) decay_target - (learning_rate) percentage of pre-decay value to decay to decay_period - (learning_rate) percentage of num_epochs to decay over noisy - the noise level to use when drawing gibbs samples (see cdk methods of rbm classes) reshuffle - how often to reshuffle the data (set to > num_epochs to avoid reshuffling) ''' # gather learning parameters -------------------------------------------- num_epochs = params.get('num_epochs', 300) #one extra for initial stats batch_size = params.get('batch_size', 100) if num_epochs <= 0: print 'num_epochs <= 0, skipping\n' return None epoch_pct = np.linspace(0,1,num_epochs) # learning rate targets, pcts = params.get('learning_rate', [[0.0001, 0.0001],[0,1]]) learning_rate = np.r_[np.interp(epoch_pct,pcts,targets),0] # momentum targets, pcts = params.get('learning_momentum', [[0.001,0.05,0.05],[0,0.05,1]]) learning_momentum = np.interp(epoch_pct,pcts,targets) # gibbs iterations targets, pcts = params.get('gibbs_iters', [[1,1],[0,1]]) K = np.round(np.interp(epoch_pct,pcts,targets)).astype('uint16') weight_decay = params.get('weight_decay', 0.001) #adjust_rate = params.get('adjust_rate', True) update_target = params.get('update_target', None) noisy = params.get('noisy', 0) reshuffle = params.get('reshuffle', num_epochs+1) # learning rate decay parameter (used when update_target != None) decay_target = params.get('decay_target',0.1) # percentage of pre-decay value decay_period = params.get('decay_period',0.05) * num_epochs # time to decay over decay_start = int(num_epochs - decay_period) alpha = decay_target ** (1./decay_period) #autoregressive decay parameter # monitoring params save_hidden = False save_weights = False rng = np.random.RandomState(123) # init random number generator # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- print '\n\nTraining RBM' print '-------------------------------------' print datetime.datetime.now() print type(rbm) print rbm.return_params() # model params print params # learning params print '-------------------------------------' print '\n' training_size = training_data.shape[0] num_batches = training_size/batch_size num_leftover = training_size - num_batches * batch_size # collect batches batches = [] for batch in xrange(num_batches): batches += [slice(batch*batch_size,(batch+1)*batch_size)] if num_leftover > 0: batches += [slice(num_batches*batch_size,num_batches*batch_size+num_leftover)] num_batches += 1 stats = StatContainer(num_epochs+1) stats.init_stats(rbm.update_stats()) param_id = int(time.time() - 1334729157) if save_hidden: bh_at_epoch = np.zeros((num_epochs+1,rbm.Nh),dtype='float32') bv_at_epoch = np.zeros((num_epochs+1,rbm.Nv),dtype='float32') bh_at_epoch[0] = rbm.bh bv_at_epoch[0] = rbm.bv hidden_act = rbm.mean_field_h_given_v_frame(training_data) fig = pl.figure(1); pl.clf(); ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pl.imshow(hidden_act,cmap = 'gray', aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest') fig.savefig('results/activations_at_epoch_%.4u.png' % (0,)) if save_weights: weights = rbm.W fig = pl.figure(1); pl.clf(); ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pl.imshow(weights,cmap = 'gray', aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest') fig.savefig('results/W_at_epoch_%.4u.png' % (0,)) t0 = time.time() for epoch in xrange(0, num_epochs): t = time.time() if epoch % reshuffle == 0: print '\n-----SHUFFLE TRAINING DATA-----\n' perm = rng.permutation(training_data.shape[0]) training_data = training_data[perm] print '\nepoch:', epoch+1 print 'learning rate:', learning_rate[epoch] print 'learning momentum:', learning_momentum[epoch] print 'contrastive divergence:', K[epoch] for batch in xrange(0,num_batches): rbm.cdk(K[epoch],training_data[batches[batch]], learning_rate[epoch],learning_momentum[epoch], weight_decay,noisy) if batch == 0: stats.add_stats(rbm.update_stats()) max_update = stats.print_stats() print '\ntraining data' rbm.recon_error(training_data,K[epoch],print_output=True) if update_target is not None: if epoch < decay_start: # adjust learning rate to the sweet spot if max_update < 0.1 * update_target: learning_rate[epoch+1] = learning_rate[epoch] * 2 elif max_update > 10 * update_target: learning_rate[epoch+1] = learning_rate[epoch] * 0.5 elif max_update < 0.9 * update_target: learning_rate[epoch+1] = learning_rate[epoch] * 1.1 elif max_update > 1.2 * update_target: learning_rate[epoch+1] = learning_rate[epoch] * 0.9 else: learning_rate[epoch+1] = learning_rate[epoch] else: # learning rate decays to a fraction of value before decay start learning_rate[epoch+1] = alpha * learning_rate[epoch] print 'time: ', time.time() - t, 'sec' if save_hidden: bh_at_epoch[epoch+1] = rbm.bh bv_at_epoch[epoch+1] = rbm.bv hidden_act = rbm.mean_field_h_given_v_frame(training_data) fig = pl.figure(1); pl.clf(); ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pl.imshow(hidden_act,cmap = 'gray', aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest') fig.savefig('results/activations_at_epoch_%.4u.png' % (epoch+1,)) if save_weights: weights = rbm.W fig = pl.figure(1); pl.clf(); ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pl.imshow(weights,cmap = 'gray', aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest') fig.savefig('results/W_at_epoch_%.4u.png' % (epoch+1,)) total_time = time.time() - t0 print '\ntotal time: ', total_time, 'sec' print '\ntraining data' train_error = rbm.recon_error(training_data,K[epoch],print_output=True) return stats class StatContainer(object): ''' holds update stats for learning algorithms ''' def __init__(self,num_epochs): ''' input: names - list of strings naming each variable to hold stats for ''' self.num_epochs = num_epochs def init_stats(self,stats_in): ''' initialize the stats dictionaries with first sample ''' names = stats_in[0].keys() zero_stats = np.zeros((self.num_epochs,3)) param_stats = {} update_stats = {} stat_names = [] for n in names: stat_names += [n] param_stats[n] = zero_stats.copy() update_stats[n] = zero_stats.copy() self.param_stats = param_stats self.update_stats = update_stats self.stat_names = stat_names self.epoch = -1 self.add_stats(stats_in) def add_stats(self,stats_in): ''' add a single epoch worth of stats to the array input: stats_in - 2-element list of dicts [param_stats,update_stats] ''' self.epoch += 1 param_stats_in = stats_in[0] update_stats_in = stats_in[1] for n in self.stat_names: self.param_stats[n][self.epoch] = param_stats_in[n] self.update_stats[n][self.epoch] = update_stats_in[n] def print_stats(self): ''' print the stats from most recent epoch and output maximum ratio ''' print 'update ratios' max_ratio = 0.0 for n in self.stat_names: ratio = self.update_stats[n][self.epoch]/self.param_stats[n][self.epoch][1] max_ratio = max(ratio[1],max_ratio) print '\t%s:\t' % n, for v in ratio: print '% .8f ' % v, print print 'average magnitudes' for n in self.stat_names: val = self.param_stats[n][self.epoch] print '\t%s:\t' % n, for v in val: print '% .8f ' % v, print return max_ratio def set_initial_biases(params,training_data): ''' set visible unit biases of CRBM to the appropriate value given training data statistics ''' # initial vis unit bias Nv = params['Nv'] Nl = params['Nl'] pv = training_data[:,-(Nv+Nl):-Nl].mean(axis=0) pl = training_data[:,-Nl:].mean(axis=0) if params.get('vis_unit') == 'linear': bv = pv else: bv = gp.log(pv/(1-pv) + eps) eps = float(np.finfo('float32').eps) bl = gp.log(pl+eps) - gp.log(1-pl+eps) params['bv'] = gp.concatenate( (bv, bl) )
#!/usr/bin/python # coding: UTF-8 # Driver for testing pydPiper display # Uses the curses system to emulate a display # Written by: Ron Ritchey import time, curses import lcd_display_driver class lcd_curses(lcd_display_driver.lcd_display_driver): def __init__(self, rows=2, cols=16 ): self.FONTS_SUPPORTED = False self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.stdscr = curses.initscr() self.curx = 0 self.cury = 0 # Set up parent class. Note. This must occur after display has been # initialized as the parent class may attempt to load custom fonts super(lcd_curses, self).__init__(rows,cols) def clear(self): self.stdscr.clear() self.stdscr.refresh() self.curx = 0 self.cury = 0 def setCursor(self, row, col): self.curx = col self.cury = row def loadcustomchars(self, char, fontdata): # Load custom characters RuntimeError('Command loadcustomchars not supported') def cleanup(self): curses.endwin() def message(self, text, row=0, col=0): ''' Send string to LCD. Newline wraps to second line''' self.setCursor(row, col) self.stdscr.addstr(self.cury, self.curx, text.encode('utf-8')) self.stdscr.refresh() def msgtest(self, text, wait=1.5): self.clear() lcd.message(text) time.sleep(wait) if __name__ == '__main__': try: print "Curses Display Test" lcd = lcd_curses(2,16) lcd.msgtest("Curses\nPi Powered",2) lcd.msgtest("This is a driver\nused for testing",2) accent_min = u"àáâãäçèéëêìíî \nïòóôöøùúûüþÿ" #for char in accent_min: print char, ord(char) lcd.msgtest(accent_min,2) lcd.clear() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: lcd.clear() lcd.message("Goodbye!") time.sleep(2) lcd.clear() curses.endwin() print "Curses Display Test Complete"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # English Language RTD & Sphinx config file # # Uses ../conf_common.py for most non-language-specific settings. # Importing conf_common adds all the non-language-specific # parts to this conf module try: from conf_common import * # noqa: F403,F401 except ImportError: import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) from conf_common import * # noqa: F403,F401 import datetime current_year = datetime.datetime.now().year # General information about the project. project = u'ESP-IDF 编程指南' copyright = u'2016 - {} 乐鑫信息科技(上海)股份有限公司'.format(current_year) # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. language = 'zh_CN'
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 1986 Nick Wong. #Copyright (c) 2016-2026 TP-NEW Corp. # License: TP-NEW (www.tp-new.com) __author__ = "Nick Wong" """ 用asyncio提供的@asyncio.coroutine可以把一个generator标记为coroutine类型,然后在coroutine内部用yield from调用另一个coroutine实现异步操作 从Python 3.5开始引入了新的语法async和await,可以让coroutine的代码更简洁易读 #generator(生成器) #coroutine(协程) async和await是针对coroutine的新语法,要使用新的语法,只需要做两步简单的替换: 1.把@asyncio.coroutine替换为async; 2.把yield from替换为await。 """ import asyncio #########旧代码######### @asyncio.coroutine def hello(): print('Hello World!') r = yield from asyncio.sleep(2) print('Hello again!') #########新代码######### async def hello1(): #注:async后跟的函数不能换行,否则语法错误 print('Hello World! 1') r = await asyncio.sleep(2) print('Hello again! 1') #获取EventLoop: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() #执行coroutine loop.run_until_complete(hello()) loop.run_until_complete(hello1()) loop.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Pasos para transformar proy a geod/proy/GK y exportar a DXF from geod_proy import * from toDXF import * # # 1) Configurar Proyecciones usadas # # 1.1) Proyección Mercator Transversal cualquiera. lat_orig = gms2gyf(-33,52) merid_c = gms2gyf(-61,14) pserapio = config_proy(lat_orig, merid_c) # 1.2) Gauss-Kruger Faja 5 gk_faja5 = proyGK(5) # # 2) Transformar entre geodésicas y proyectadas # # 2.1) El proceso es proy -> geod -> proy -> geod. Si se comparan los archivos # de salida, deberían ser iguales entre ambas "proy" y ambas "geod". # proy -> proy.geod proy2geod('coord/proy', pserapio) # proy.geod -> proy.geod.proy geod2proy('coord/proy.geod', pserapio) # proy.geod.proy -> proy.geod.proy.geod proy2geod('coord/proy.geod.proy', pserapio) # # 3) Transformar entre geodésicas y proyectadas (GK-Faja5) # # 3.1) El proceso es geod -> gk5 -> geod -> gk5. Si se comparan los archivos de # salida, deberían ser iguales entre ambas "gk5" y ambas "geod". # proy.geod -> proy.geod.gk5 geod2proy('coord/proy.geod', gk_faja5, 'gk5') # proy.geod.gk5 -> proy.geod.gk5.geod proy2geod('coord/proy.geod.gk5', gk_faja5) # proy.geod.gk5.geod -> proy.geod.gk5.geod.gk5 geod2proy('coord/proy.geod.gk5.geod', gk_faja5, 'gk5') # proy.geod.gk5.geod.gk5 -> proy.geod.gk5.geod.gk5.geod proy2geod('coord/proy.geod.gk5.geod.gk5', gk_faja5) # # 4) Exportar a DXF # # Sólo tiene sentido mandar a DXF las coordenadas proyectadas. coord2dxf('coord/proy') coord2dxf('coord/proy.geod.proy') coord2dxf('coord/proy.geod.gk5') coord2dxf('coord/proy.geod.gk5.geod.gk5')
import os import sys import codecs from fnmatch import fnmatchcase from distutils.util import convert_path from setuptools import setup, find_packages def read(fname): return codecs.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() # Provided as an attribute, so you can append to these instead # of replicating them: standard_exclude = ('*.py', '*.pyc', '*$py.class', '*~', '.*', '*.bak') standard_exclude_directories = ('.*', 'CVS', '_darcs', './build', './dist', 'EGG-INFO', '*.egg-info') # (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (http://pythonpaste.org) # Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # Note: you may want to copy this into your setup.py file verbatim, as # you can't import this from another package, when you don't know if # that package is installed yet. def find_package_data( where='.', package='', exclude=standard_exclude, exclude_directories=standard_exclude_directories, only_in_packages=True, show_ignored=False): """ Return a dictionary suitable for use in ``package_data`` in a distutils ``setup.py`` file. The dictionary looks like:: {'package': [files]} Where ``files`` is a list of all the files in that package that don't match anything in ``exclude``. If ``only_in_packages`` is true, then top-level directories that are not packages won't be included (but directories under packages will). Directories matching any pattern in ``exclude_directories`` will be ignored; by default directories with leading ``.``, ``CVS``, and ``_darcs`` will be ignored. If ``show_ignored`` is true, then all the files that aren't included in package data are shown on stderr (for debugging purposes). Note patterns use wildcards, or can be exact paths (including leading ``./``), and all searching is case-insensitive. """ out = {} stack = [(convert_path(where), '', package, only_in_packages)] while stack: where, prefix, package, only_in_packages = stack.pop(0) for name in os.listdir(where): fn = os.path.join(where, name) if os.path.isdir(fn): bad_name = False for pattern in exclude_directories: if (fnmatchcase(name, pattern) or fn.lower() == pattern.lower()): bad_name = True if show_ignored: print >> sys.stderr, ( "Directory %s ignored by pattern %s" % (fn, pattern)) break if bad_name: continue if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fn, '__init__.py')) and not prefix): if not package: new_package = name else: new_package = package + '.' + name stack.append((fn, '', new_package, False)) else: stack.append((fn, prefix + name + '/', package, only_in_packages)) elif package or not only_in_packages: # is a file bad_name = False for pattern in exclude: if (fnmatchcase(name, pattern) or fn.lower() == pattern.lower()): bad_name = True if show_ignored: print >> sys.stderr, ( "File %s ignored by pattern %s" % (fn, pattern)) break if bad_name: continue out.setdefault(package, []).append(prefix + name) return out README = read('README.rst') PACKAGE = "like_button" VERSION = __import__(PACKAGE).__version__ setup( name='django-like-button', version=VERSION, description='Django App for adding a Facebook like button', maintainer='John Costa', maintainer_email='john.costa@gmil.com', url='https://github.com/johncosta/django-like-button', classifiers=[ 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Framework :: Django', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'Topic :: Utilities' ], package_data = find_package_data(PACKAGE, only_in_packages=False), packages=find_packages(), long_description = README, setup_requires = [ 'versiontools >= 1.8.2', ], )
from datetime import datetime import os import pytz class PrintingLogObserver(object): def __init__(self, fp): self.fp = fp def __call__(self, event): if event.get('log_format', None): message = event['log_format'].format(**event) else: message = event.get('message', '') pid = str(event.get('pid', os.getpid())) log_struct = { 'time': datetime.fromtimestamp(event['log_time'], pytz.utc).time().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat(), 'pid': pid, 'source': event.get('cb_namespace', event['log_namespace']).split('.')[-1], 'message': message, 'ws': max(0, 35 - len(pid)) } self.fp.write('{time} [{source:<{ws}} {pid}] {message}\n'.format(**log_struct))
#!/usr/bin/env python # # HPFeeds.py # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA import sys import os import struct import socket import hashlib import logging import json try: import configparser as ConfigParser except ImportError: import ConfigParser log = logging.getLogger("Thug") class FeedUnpack(object): def __init__(self): self.buf = bytearray() def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): return self.unpack() def feed(self, data): self.buf.extend(data) def unpack(self): if len(self.buf) < 5: raise StopIteration('No message') ml, opcode = struct.unpack('!iB', buffer(self.buf, 0, 5)) if len(self.buf) < ml: raise StopIteration('No message') data = bytearray(buffer(self.buf, 5, ml - 5)) del self.buf[:ml] return opcode, data class HPFeeds(object): formats = ('maec11', ) OP_ERROR = 0 OP_INFO = 1 OP_AUTH = 2 OP_PUBLISH = 3 OP_SUBSCRIBE = 4 def __init__(self, thug_version): self.unpacker = FeedUnpack() self.opts = dict() self.url = "" self.__init_config() def __init_config(self): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() conf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir, 'logging.conf') config.read(conf_file) for option in config.options('hpfeeds'): self.opts[option] = str(config.get('hpfeeds', option)) def set_url(self, url): self.url = url def msg_hdr(self, op, data): return struct.pack('!iB', 5 + len(data), op) + data def msg_publish(self, chan, data): #if isinstance(data, str): # data = data.encode('latin1') return self.msg_hdr(self.OP_PUBLISH, struct.pack('!B', len(self.opts['ident'])) + self.opts['ident'] + struct.pack('!B', len(chan)) + chan + data) def msg_auth(self, rand): hash = hashlib.sha1(rand + self.opts['secret']).digest() return self.msg_hdr(self.OP_AUTH, struct.pack('!B', len(self.opts['ident'])) + self.opts['ident'] + hash) def msg_send(self, msg): self.sockfd.send(msg) def get_data(self, host, port): self.sockfd.settimeout(3) try: self.sockfd.connect((host, port)) except: log.warning('[HPFeeds] Unable to connect to broker') return None try: d = self.sockfd.recv(1024) except socket.timeout: log.warning('[HPFeeds] Timeout on banner') return None self.sockfd.settimeout(None) return d def publish_data(self, d, chan, pubdata): published = False while d and not published: self.unpacker.feed(d) for opcode, data in self.unpacker: if opcode == self.OP_INFO: rest = buffer(data, 0) name, rest = rest[1:1 + ord(rest[0])], buffer(rest, 1 + ord(rest[0])) rand = str(rest) self.msg_send(self.msg_auth(rand)) self.msg_send(self.msg_publish(chan, pubdata)) published = True self.sockfd.settimeout(0.1) if opcode == self.OP_ERROR: log.warning('[HPFeeds] Error message from server: {0}'.format(data)) try: d = self.sockfd.recv(1024) except socket.timeout: break def __log_event(self, pubdata): self.sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) data = self.get_data(self.opts['host'], int(self.opts['port'])) if data is None: return self.publish_data(data, 'thug.events', pubdata) self.sockfd.close() def log_event(self, basedir): if log.ThugOpts.local: return m = None for module in self.formats: if module in log.ThugLogging.modules: p = log.ThugLogging.modules[module] m = getattr(p, 'get_%s_data' % (module, ), None) if m: break if m is None: return data = m(basedir) self.__log_event(data) def log_file(self, pubdata, url = None, params = None): if log.ThugOpts.local: return self.sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) data = self.get_data(self.opts['host'], int(self.opts['port'])) if data is None: return self.publish_data(data, 'thug.files', json.dumps(pubdata)) self.sockfd.close() def log_warning(self, pubdata): if log.ThugOpts.local: return self.sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) data = self.get_data(self.opts['host'], int(self.opts['port'])) if data is None: return self.publish_data(data, 'thug.warnings', json.dumps({'url': self.url, 'warning': pubdata})) self.sockfd.close() if __name__ == '__main__': hpfeeds = HPFeeds() hpfeeds.log_event('Test foobar!')
#This is a function containing an algorithmic model of the Scribner log rule, # board-foot log volume tables. It outputs the Scribner log volume for an # input log length and top diameter. # # Annotation: [v]=logvolume(L,TD) # v = Scribner log volume # L = log length # TD = top diameter import sys volume_table_1 = [1.07,4.9,6.043,7.14,8.88,10.0,11.528,13.29,14.99,17.499,18.99,20.88,23.51,25.218,28.677,31.249,34.22,36.376,38.04,41.06,44.376,45.975] volume_table_2 = [1.160,1.400,1.501,2.084,3.126,3.749 , 1.249,1.608,1.854,2.410,3.542,4.167 , 1.57,1.8,2.2,2.9,3.815,4.499] def logvolume_2(L,TD): L = L - (0.8333) #Account for 10 inch over cut if TD < 5: L = 0 # makes v = 0 in the output print "Top diameter reached:", TD TD = 11 # handles out-of-bounds errors print "Error! Top diameter minimum limit of 5 inches." elif TD >= 32: print 'Error! %3.1f inch top diameter exceeds the current 32.0 inch program capability.\n' %TD L = 0 TD = 11 elif L > 40: print "Log length reached:", L L = 0 print 'Error! Maximum log length is 40 feet.' elif L < 1: print "Log length reached:", L L = 0 print 'Error! Minimum log length is 16 feet.' if (TD >= 6) & (TD <= 11): TD = TD - 6 # normalize TD with 6 for array indexing if L < 16: v = 10 * round((L * volume_table_2[TD]) / 10.0) elif L < 31: v = 10 * round((L * volume_table_2[TD + 6]) / 10.0) elif L < 41: v = 10 * round((L * volume_table_2[TD + 12]) / 10.0) else: v = 0 else: if TD == 5: v = 10 * round((L * volume_table_1[0]) / 10.0) else: v = 10 * round((L * volume_table_1[TD - 11]) / 10.0) return v def debug_logvolume(): print v = logvolume_2(input("length: "),input("topdia: ")) print "volume is:", v
__author__ = 'Cjsheaf' import csv from threading import Lock class ResultsWriter: """ This class is designed to take out-of-order result data from multiple threads and write them to an organized csv-format file. All data is written to disk at the very end via the "write_results" method, since there is no way to know how many results there will be ahead of time, and they will not arrive in any particular order. """ def __init__(self, csv_filename): self.csv_filename = csv_filename self.entries = {} def put_rmsd(self, entry_name, rmsd): if self.entries.get(entry_name) is None: self.entries[entry_name] = Entry(entry_name) self.entries.rmsd = rmsd def put_compound_scores(self, entry_name, scores): """ Argument 'scores' should be a 9-item tuple or list. """ if len(scores) is not 9: raise ValueError( 'Attempted to save results for a compound "{compound}" in entry "{entry}"' 'with {num_scores} number of results. Expected 9 results.'.format( compound=scores(0), entry=entry_name, num_scores=len(scores) ) ) if self.entries.get(entry_name) is None: self.entries[entry_name] = Entry(entry_name) self.entries[entry_name].compounds.append( Compound(scores[1], scores[2], scores[3], scores[4], scores[5], scores[6], scores[7], scores[8], scores[9]) ) def _sanity_check_entry(self): for e in self.entries: if e.rmsd is None: raise RuntimeError('Entry "{entry}" has no RMSD!'.format(entry=e.name)) if len(e.compounds) is 0: raise RuntimeError('Entry "{entry}" has no compounds!'.format(entry=e.name)) for c in e.compounds: if c.mseq is None: raise NotImplementedError def write_results(self): csv_file = open(self.csv_filename, 'w', newline='') writer = csv.writer(self.csv_file) writer.writerow('name', 'rmsd', 'compound', 'rseq', 'mseq', 'rmsd_refine', 'e_conf', 'e_place', 'e_score1', 'e_score2', 'e_refine') for e in self.entries: writer.writerow(e.name, e.rmsd) for c in e.compounds: writer.writerow('', '', c.name, c.rseq, c.mseq, c.rmsd_refine, c.e_conf, c.e_place, c.e_score1, c.e_score2, c.e_refine) class Entry: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.rmsd = None self.compounds = [] def add_compound(self, compound_name, compound): self.compounds[compound_name] = compound class Compound: def __init__(self, name, rseq, mseq, rmsd_refine, e_conf, e_place, e_score1, e_score2, e_refine): self.name = name self.rseq = rseq self.mseq = mseq self.rmsd_refine = rmsd_refine self.e_conf = e_conf self.e_place = e_place self.e_score1 = e_score1 self.e_score2 = e_score2 self.e_refine = e_refine
total = 0 n = 0 stop = 0 nextMark = input('Type in a mark: ') while stop == 0: nextMark = eval(nextMark) total = total+nextMark n = n + 1 nextMark = input('Hit enter to stop, or type in a mark: ') if nextMark == "": stop = 1 print("You entered", n, 'marks. The average is:',total/n)
#!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess as sp from runtest import TestBase XDIR='xxx' YDIR='yyy' class TestCase(TestBase): def __init__(self): TestBase.__init__(self, 'diff', """ # # uftrace diff # [0] base: xxx (from uftrace record -d yyy -F main tests/t-diff 1 ) # [1] diff: yyy (from uftrace record -d xxx -F main tests/t-diff 0 ) # Total time (diff) Self time (diff) Calls (diff) Function =================================== =================================== ================================ ================================================ 1.075 us 1.048 us -0.027 us 1.075 us 1.048 us -0.027 us 1 1 +0 atoi 158.971 us 0.118 us -158.853 us 1.437 us 0.118 us -1.319 us 1 1 +0 bar 1.235 ms 0.645 us -1.235 ms 3.276 us 0.527 us -2.749 us 1 1 +0 foo 1.309 ms 3.975 us -1.305 ms 2.601 us 2.282 us -0.319 us 1 1 +0 main 1.300 ms - -1.300 ms 1.300 ms - -1.300 ms 3 0 -3 usleep """) def prerun(self, timeout): self.subcmd = 'record' self.option = '-d %s -F main' % XDIR self.exearg = 't-' + self.name + ' 0' record_cmd = self.runcmd() self.pr_debug('prerun command: ' + record_cmd) sp.call(record_cmd.split()) self.option = '-d %s -F main' % YDIR self.exearg = 't-' + self.name + ' 1' record_cmd = self.runcmd() self.pr_debug('prerun command: ' + record_cmd) sp.call(record_cmd.split()) return TestBase.TEST_SUCCESS def setup(self): self.subcmd = 'report' self.option = '--diff-policy full,no-abs -s call,total' self.exearg = '-d %s --diff %s' % (YDIR, XDIR) def sort(self, output): """ This function post-processes output of the test to be compared . It ignores blank and comment (#) lines and remaining functions. """ result = [] for ln in output.split('\n'): if ln.startswith('#') or ln.strip() == '': continue line = ln.split() if line[0] == 'Total': continue if line[0].startswith('='): continue # A report line consists of following data # [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] # tT/0 unit tT/1 unit tT/d unit tS/0 unit tS/1 unit tS/d unit call/0 call/1 call/d function if line[-1].startswith('__'): continue result.append('%s %s %s %s' % (line[-4], line[-3], line[-2], line[-1])) return '\n'.join(result)
""" Initializer Initialize application data. Created by Lahiru Pathirage @ Mooniak<lpsandaruwan@gmail.com> on 19/12/2016 """ from session import Base from session import mysql_con_string from sqlalchemy import create_engine from utility import DBManager def initialize(): engine = create_engine( mysql_con_string ) Base.metadata.create_all(engine, checkfirst=True) DBManager().update_font_cache()
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import commands import sys from docopt import docopt #from handler import LogFileClient from sdutil.log_util import getLogger from sdutil.date_util import * reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from pdb import * import requests import json logger = getLogger(__name__, __file__) """ host like:"" """ def count_from_es(host,index,query_str,startTime,endTime,scroll=False): logger.info('search_from_es startTime:%s,endTime:%s'%(startTime,endTime)) startTimeStamp = int(str2timestamp(startTime))*1000 endTimeStamp = int(str2timestamp(endTime))*1000+999 data_post_search = {"query":{"filtered":{"query":{"query_string":{"query":query_str,"analyze_wildcard":'true'}},"filter":{"bool":{"must":[{"range":{"@timestamp":{"gte":startTimeStamp,"lte":endTimeStamp,"format":"epoch_millis"}}}],"must_not":[]}}}}} logger.info('search_from_es,post_data:%s'%(data_post_search)) es = Elasticsearch(host,timeout=120) response = es.count(index=index, body=data_post_search) return response def do_search(host,index,query_str,startTimeStamp,endTimeStamp,scroll,_source,time_step): es = Elasticsearch(host,timeout=120) response ={} data_post_search = {"query":{"filtered":{"query":{"query_string":{"query":query_str,"analyze_wildcard":'true'}},"filter":{"bool":{"must":[{"range":{"@timestamp":{"gte":startTimeStamp,"lte":endTimeStamp,"format":"epoch_millis"}}}],"must_not":[]}}}}} logger.info('search_from_es,post_data:%s'%(data_post_search)) if not scroll: if _source: response = es.search(index=index, body=data_post_search,size=10000,_source=_source) else: response = es.search(index=index, body=data_post_search,size=10000) else: page_size=10000 scan_resp =None if _source: scan_resp = es.search(index=index, body=data_post_search,search_type="scan", scroll="5m",size=page_size,_source=_source) else: scan_resp = es.search(index=index, body=data_post_search,search_type="scan", scroll="5m",size=page_size) scrollId= scan_resp['_scroll_id'] response={} total = scan_resp['hits']['total'] response_list =[] scrollId_list =[] for page_num in range(total/page_size + 1): response_tmp ={} response_tmp = es.scroll(scroll_id=scrollId, scroll= "5m") #es.clear_scroll([scrollId]) scrollId = response_tmp['_scroll_id'] scrollId_list.append(str(scrollId)) response_list.append(response_tmp) if response.has_key('hits'): _hits = response['hits'] _hits['hits']+=response_tmp['hits']['hits'] response['hits'] = _hits else: response['hits'] = response_tmp['hits'] return response def search_from_es(host,index,query_str,startTime,endTime,scroll=False,_source=None,time_step=0): logger.info('search_from_es startTime:%s,endTime:%s'%(startTime,endTime)) startTimeStamp = int(str2timestamp(startTime))*1000 endTimeStamp = int(str2timestamp(endTime))*1000+999 all_response={} timegap = endTimeStamp-startTimeStamp if time_step>0: _s1=startTimeStamp _s2=startTimeStamp+time_step run_time =0 all_response = {} time_count = {} while(_s2<=endTimeStamp): response_tmp = do_search(host,index,query_str,_s1,_s2,scroll,_source,time_step) #response_tmp = do_search(_s1,_s2) if all_response.has_key('hits'): _hits = all_response['hits'] _hits['hits']+=response_tmp['hits']['hits'] all_response['hits'] = _hits else: all_response['hits'] = response_tmp['hits'] run_time+=1 _s1=_s1+time_step _s2 = _s2+time_step if time_count.has_key(_s1): time_count[_s1]+=1 else: time_count[_s1]=1 if time_count.has_key(_s2): time_count[_s2]+=1 else: time_count[_s2]=1 print '----run_time:',run_time,'_s1:',_s1,',_s2:',_s2,',len:',len(all_response['hits']['hits']) print '-s1--',time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(_s1/1000)) print '-s2--',time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(_s2/1000)) print time_count time.sleep(2) else: all_response = do_search(host,index,query_str,startTimeStamp,endTimeStamp,scroll,_source,time_step) return all_response
from __future__ import with_statement from alembic import context from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config, pool from logging.config import fileConfig from ocfnet.database import Model from ocfnet.media.models import * from ocfnet.user.models import * try: from config import DATABASE_URL except: from configdist import DATABASE_URL # this is the Alembic Config object, which provides # access to the values within the .ini file in use. config = context.config # Interpret the config file for Python logging. # This line sets up loggers basically. fileConfig(config.config_file_name) # add your model's MetaData object here # for 'autogenerate' support # from myapp import mymodel # target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata target_metadata = Model.metadata # other values from the config, defined by the needs of env.py, # can be acquired: # my_important_option = config.get_main_option("my_important_option") # ... etc. def run_migrations_offline(): """Run migrations in 'offline' mode. This configures the context with just a URL and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable here as well. By skipping the Engine creation we don't even need a DBAPI to be available. Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the script output. """ url = config.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url") context.configure( url=url, target_metadata=target_metadata, literal_binds=True) with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations() def run_migrations_online(): """Run migrations in 'online' mode. In this scenario we need to create an Engine and associate a connection with the context. """ alembic_config = config.get_section(config.config_ini_section) alembic_config['sqlalchemy.url'] = DATABASE_URL engine = engine_from_config(alembic_config, poolclass=pool.NullPool) connection = engine.connect() context.configure(connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata) try: with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations() finally: connection.close() if context.is_offline_mode(): run_migrations_offline() else: run_migrations_online()
from sys import stdin, stdout n = int(stdin.read()) if n == 1: res = "14" elif n == 2: res = "155" else: res = "1575" + ("0" * (n - 3)) stdout.write(res + "\n")
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, Chatham Financial <oss@chathamfinancial.com> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: rabbitmq_user short_description: Adds or removes users to RabbitMQ description: - Add or remove users to RabbitMQ and assign permissions version_added: "1.1" author: Chris Hoffman options: user: description: - Name of user to add required: true default: null aliases: [username, name] password: description: - Password of user to add. - To change the password of an existing user, you must also specify C(force=yes). required: false default: null tags: description: - User tags specified as comma delimited required: false default: null vhost: description: - vhost to apply access privileges. required: false default: / node: description: - erlang node name of the rabbit we wish to configure required: false default: rabbit version_added: "1.2" configure_priv: description: - Regular expression to restrict configure actions on a resource for the specified vhost. - By default all actions are restricted. required: false default: ^$ write_priv: description: - Regular expression to restrict configure actions on a resource for the specified vhost. - By default all actions are restricted. required: false default: ^$ read_priv: description: - Regular expression to restrict configure actions on a resource for the specified vhost. - By default all actions are restricted. required: false default: ^$ force: description: - Deletes and recreates the user. required: false default: "no" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] state: description: - Specify if user is to be added or removed required: false default: present choices: [present, absent] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Add user to server and assign full access control - rabbitmq_user: user=joe password=changeme vhost=/ configure_priv=.* read_priv=.* write_priv=.* state=present ''' class RabbitMqUser(object): def __init__(self, module, username, password, tags, vhost, configure_priv, write_priv, read_priv, node): self.module = module self.username = username self.password = password self.node = node if tags is None: self.tags = list() else: self.tags = tags.split(',') permissions = dict( vhost=vhost, configure_priv=configure_priv, write_priv=write_priv, read_priv=read_priv ) self.permissions = permissions self._tags = None self._permissions = None self._rabbitmqctl = module.get_bin_path('rabbitmqctl', True) def _exec(self, args, run_in_check_mode=False): if not self.module.check_mode or (self.module.check_mode and run_in_check_mode): cmd = [self._rabbitmqctl, '-q', '-n', self.node] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd + args, check_rc=True) return out.splitlines() return list() def get(self): users = self._exec(['list_users'], True) for user_tag in users: user, tags = user_tag.split('\t') if user == self.username: for c in ['[',']',' ']: tags = tags.replace(c, '') if tags != '': self._tags = tags.split(',') else: self._tags = list() self._permissions = self._get_permissions() return True return False def _get_permissions(self): perms_out = self._exec(['list_user_permissions', self.username], True) for perm in perms_out: vhost, configure_priv, write_priv, read_priv = perm.split('\t') if vhost == self.permissions['vhost']: return dict(vhost=vhost, configure_priv=configure_priv, write_priv=write_priv, read_priv=read_priv) return dict() def add(self): if self.password is not None: self._exec(['add_user', self.username, self.password]) else self._exec(['add_user', self.username, '']) self._exec(['clear_password', self.username]) def delete(self): self._exec(['delete_user', self.username]) def set_tags(self): self._exec(['set_user_tags', self.username] + self.tags) def set_permissions(self): cmd = ['set_permissions'] cmd.append('-p') cmd.append(self.permissions['vhost']) cmd.append(self.username) cmd.append(self.permissions['configure_priv']) cmd.append(self.permissions['write_priv']) cmd.append(self.permissions['read_priv']) self._exec(cmd) def has_tags_modifications(self): return set(self.tags) != set(self._tags) def has_permissions_modifications(self): return self._permissions != self.permissions def main(): arg_spec = dict( user=dict(required=True, aliases=['username', 'name']), password=dict(default=None), tags=dict(default=None), vhost=dict(default='/'), configure_priv=dict(default='^$'), write_priv=dict(default='^$'), read_priv=dict(default='^$'), force=dict(default='no', type='bool'), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), node=dict(default='rabbit') ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=arg_spec, supports_check_mode=True ) username = module.params['user'] password = module.params['password'] tags = module.params['tags'] vhost = module.params['vhost'] configure_priv = module.params['configure_priv'] write_priv = module.params['write_priv'] read_priv = module.params['read_priv'] force = module.params['force'] state = module.params['state'] node = module.params['node'] rabbitmq_user = RabbitMqUser(module, username, password, tags, vhost, configure_priv, write_priv, read_priv, node) changed = False if rabbitmq_user.get(): if state == 'absent': rabbitmq_user.delete() changed = True else: if force: rabbitmq_user.delete() rabbitmq_user.add() rabbitmq_user.get() changed = True if rabbitmq_user.has_tags_modifications(): rabbitmq_user.set_tags() changed = True if rabbitmq_user.has_permissions_modifications(): rabbitmq_user.set_permissions() changed = True elif state == 'present': rabbitmq_user.add() rabbitmq_user.set_tags() rabbitmq_user.set_permissions() changed = True module.exit_json(changed=changed, user=username, state=state) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()
""" Test plugin for Artifactor """ import time from artifactor import ArtifactorBasePlugin class Test(ArtifactorBasePlugin): def plugin_initialize(self): self.register_plugin_hook("start_test", self.start_test) self.register_plugin_hook("finish_test", self.finish_test) def start_test(self, test_name, test_location, artifact_path): filename = artifact_path + "-" + self.ident + ".log" with open(filename, "a+") as f: f.write(test_name + "\n") f.write(str(time.time()) + "\n") for i in range(2): time.sleep(2) print("houh") def finish_test(self, test_name, artifact_path): print("finished")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # acertmgr - various support functions # Copyright (c) Markus Hauschild & David Klaftenegger, 2016. # Copyright (c) Rudolf Mayerhofer, 2019. # available under the ISC license, see LICENSE import base64 import datetime import io import os import re import stat import sys import traceback from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, ec, padding from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import decode_dss_signature from cryptography.utils import int_to_bytes from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID, ExtensionOID try: from cryptography.x509 import ocsp except ImportError: pass try: from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ed25519, ed448 except ImportError: pass try: from urllib.request import urlopen, Request # Python 3 except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen, Request # Python 2 LOG_REPLACEMENTS = {} class InvalidCertificateError(Exception): pass # @brief a simple, portable indent function def indent(text, spaces=0): ind = ' ' * spaces return os.linesep.join(ind + line for line in text.splitlines()) # @brief wrapper for log output def log(msg, exc=None, error=False, warning=False): if error: prefix = "Error: " elif warning: prefix = "Warning: " else: prefix = "" output = prefix + msg for k, v in LOG_REPLACEMENTS.items(): output = output.replace(k, v) if exc: _, exc_value, _ = sys.exc_info() if not getattr(exc, '__traceback__', None) and exc == exc_value: # Traceback handling on Python 2 is ugly, so we only output it if the exception is the current sys one formatted_exc = traceback.format_exc() else: formatted_exc = traceback.format_exception(type(exc), exc, getattr(exc, '__traceback__', None)) exc_string = ''.join(formatted_exc) if isinstance(formatted_exc, list) else str(formatted_exc) output += os.linesep + indent(exc_string, len(prefix)) if error or warning: sys.stderr.write(output + os.linesep) sys.stderr.flush() # force flush buffers after message was written for immediate display else: sys.stdout.write(output + os.linesep) sys.stdout.flush() # force flush buffers after message was written for immediate display # @brief wrapper for downloading an url def get_url(url, data=None, headers=None): return urlopen(Request(url, data=data, headers={} if headers is None else headers)) # @brief check whether existing certificate is still valid or expiring soon # @param crt_file string containing the path to the certificate file # @param ttl_days the minimum amount of days for which the certificate must be valid # @return True if certificate is still valid for at least ttl_days, False otherwise def is_cert_valid(cert, ttl_days): now = datetime.datetime.now() if cert.not_valid_before > now: raise InvalidCertificateError("Certificate seems to be from the future") expiry_limit = now + datetime.timedelta(days=ttl_days) if cert.not_valid_after < expiry_limit: return False return True # @brief create a certificate signing request # @param names list of domain names the certificate should be valid for # @param key the key to use with the certificate in pyopenssl format # @param must_staple whether or not the certificate should include the OCSP must-staple flag # @return the CSR in pyopenssl format def new_cert_request(names, key, must_staple=False): primary_name = x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, names[0].decode('utf-8') if getattr(names[0], 'decode', None) else names[0])]) all_names = x509.SubjectAlternativeName( [x509.DNSName(name.decode('utf-8') if getattr(name, 'decode', None) else name) for name in names]) req = x509.CertificateSigningRequestBuilder() req = req.subject_name(primary_name) req = req.add_extension(all_names, critical=False) if must_staple: if getattr(x509, 'TLSFeature', None): req = req.add_extension(x509.TLSFeature(features=[x509.TLSFeatureType.status_request]), critical=False) else: log('OCSP must-staple ignored as current version of cryptography does not support the flag.', warning=True) req = req.sign(key, hashes.SHA256(), default_backend()) return req # @brief generate a new account key # @param path path where the new key file should be written in PEM format (optional) def new_account_key(path=None, key_algo=None, key_size=None): return new_ssl_key(path, key_algo, key_size) # @brief generate a new ssl key # @param path path where the new key file should be written in PEM format (optional) def new_ssl_key(path=None, key_algo=None, key_size=None): if not key_algo or key_algo.lower() == 'rsa': if not key_size: key_size = 4096 key_format = serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL private_key = rsa.generate_private_key( public_exponent=65537, key_size=key_size, backend=default_backend() ) elif key_algo.lower() == 'ec': if not key_size or key_size == 256: key_curve = ec.SECP256R1 elif key_size == 384: key_curve = ec.SECP384R1 elif key_size == 521: key_curve = ec.SECP521R1 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported EC curve size parameter: {}".format(key_size)) key_format = serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8 private_key = ec.generate_private_key(curve=key_curve, backend=default_backend()) elif key_algo.lower() == 'ed25519' and "cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519": key_format = serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8 private_key = ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.generate() elif key_algo.lower() == 'ed448' and "cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448": key_format = serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8 private_key = ed448.Ed448PrivateKey.generate() else: raise ValueError("Unsupported key algorithm: {}".format(key_algo)) if path is not None: pem = private_key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=key_format, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(), ) with io.open(path, 'wb') as pem_out: pem_out.write(pem) if hasattr(os, 'chmod'): try: os.chmod(path, int("0400", 8)) except OSError: log('Could not set file permissions on {0}!'.format(path), warning=True) else: log('Keyfile permission handling unavailable on this platform', warning=True) return private_key # @brief read a key from file # @param path path to file # @param key indicate whether we are loading a key # @param csr indicate whether we are loading a csr # @return the key in pyopenssl format def read_pem_file(path, key=False, csr=False): with io.open(path, 'r') as f: if key: return serialization.load_pem_private_key(f.read().encode('utf-8'), None, default_backend()) elif csr: return x509.load_pem_x509_csr(f.read().encode('utf8'), default_backend()) else: return convert_pem_str_to_cert(f.read()) # @brief write cert data to PEM formatted file def write_pem_file(crt, path, perms=None): if hasattr(os, 'chmod') and os.path.exists(path): try: os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE) except OSError: log('Could not make file ({0}) writable'.format(path), warning=True) with io.open(path, "w") as f: f.write(convert_cert_to_pem_str(crt)) if perms: if hasattr(os, 'chmod'): try: os.chmod(path, perms) except OSError: log('Could not set file permissions ({0}) on {1}!'.format(perms, path), warning=True) else: log('PEM-File permission handling unavailable on this platform', warning=True) # @brief download the issuer ca for a given certificate # @param cert certificate data # @returns ca certificate data def download_issuer_ca(cert): aia = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS) ca_issuers = None for data in aia.value: if data.access_method == x509.OID_CA_ISSUERS: ca_issuers = data.access_location.value break if not ca_issuers: log("Could not determine issuer CA for given certificate: {}".format(cert), error=True) return None log("Downloading CA certificate from {}".format(ca_issuers)) resp = get_url(ca_issuers) code = resp.getcode() if code >= 400: log("Could not download issuer CA (error {}) for given certificate: {}".format(code, cert), error=True) return None return x509.load_der_x509_certificate(resp.read(), default_backend()) # @brief determine all san domains on a given certificate def get_cert_domains(cert): san_cert = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME) domains = set() domains.add(cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0].value) if san_cert: for d in san_cert.value: domains.add(d.value) return domains # @brief determine certificate cn def get_cert_cn(cert): return "CN={}".format(cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0].value) # @brief determine certificate end of validity def get_cert_valid_until(cert): return cert.not_valid_after # @brief convert certificate to PEM format # @param cert certificate object or a list thereof # @return the certificate in PEM format def convert_cert_to_pem_str(cert): if not isinstance(cert, list): cert = [cert] result = list() for data in cert: result.append(data.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM).decode('utf8')) return '\n'.join(result) # @brief load a PEM certificate from str # @return a certificate object or a list of objects if multiple are in the string def convert_pem_str_to_cert(certdata): certs = re.findall(r'(-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n[^\-]+\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----)', certdata, re.DOTALL) result = list() for data in certs: result.append(x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(data.encode('utf8'), default_backend())) return result[0] if len(result) == 1 else result # @brief serialize cert/csr to DER bytes def convert_cert_to_der_bytes(data): return data.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.DER) # @brief load a DER certificate from str def convert_der_bytes_to_cert(data): return x509.load_der_x509_certificate(data, default_backend()) # @brief determine key signing algorithm and jwk data # @return key algorithm, signature algorithm, key numbers as a dict def get_key_alg_and_jwk(key): if isinstance(key, rsa.RSAPrivateKey): # See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518#section-6.3 numbers = key.public_key().public_numbers() return "RS256", {"kty": "RSA", "e": bytes_to_base64url(int_to_bytes(numbers.e)), "n": bytes_to_base64url(int_to_bytes(numbers.n))} elif isinstance(key, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey): # See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518#section-6.2 numbers = key.public_key().public_numbers() if isinstance(numbers.curve, ec.SECP256R1): alg = 'ES256' crv = 'P-256' elif isinstance(numbers.curve, ec.SECP384R1): alg = 'ES384' crv = 'P-384' elif isinstance(numbers.curve, ec.SECP521R1): alg = 'ES512' crv = 'P-521' else: raise ValueError("Unsupported EC curve in key: {}".format(key)) full_octets = (int(crv[2:]) + 7) // 8 return alg, {"kty": "EC", "crv": crv, "x": bytes_to_base64url(int_to_bytes(numbers.x, full_octets)), "y": bytes_to_base64url(int_to_bytes(numbers.y, full_octets))} elif "cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519" in sys.modules and isinstance(key, ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey): # See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8037#appendix-A.2 return "EdDSA", {"kty": "OKP", "crv": "Ed25519", "x": bytes_to_base64url(key.public_key().public_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.Raw, format=serialization.PublicFormat.Raw) )} elif "cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448" in sys.modules and isinstance(key, ed448.Ed448PrivateKey): return "EdDSA", {"kty": "OKP", "crv": "Ed448", "x": bytes_to_base64url(key.public_key().public_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.Raw, format=serialization.PublicFormat.Raw) )} else: raise ValueError("Unsupported key: {}".format(key)) # @brief sign string with key def signature_of_str(key, string): alg, _ = get_key_alg_and_jwk(key) data = string.encode('utf8') if alg == 'RS256': return key.sign(data, padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA256()) elif alg.startswith('ES'): full_octets = (int(alg[2:]) + 7) // 8 if alg == 'ES256': der_sig = key.sign(data, ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256())) elif alg == 'ES384': der_sig = key.sign(data, ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA384())) elif alg == 'ES512': der_sig = key.sign(data, ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA512())) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported EC signature algorithm: {}".format(alg)) # convert DER signature to RAW format (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518#section-3.4) r, s = decode_dss_signature(der_sig) return int_to_bytes(r, full_octets) + int_to_bytes(s, full_octets) elif alg == 'EdDSA': return key.sign(data) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported signature algorithm: {}".format(alg)) # @brief hash a string def hash_of_str(string): account_hash = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend()) account_hash.update(string.encode('utf8')) return account_hash.finalize() # @brief helper function to base64 encode for JSON objects # @param b the byte-string to encode # @return the encoded string def bytes_to_base64url(b): return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b).decode('utf8').replace("=", "") # @brief check whether existing target file is still valid or source crt has been updated # @param target string containing the path to the target file # @param file string containing the path to the certificate file # @return True if target file is at least as new as the certificate, False otherwise def target_is_current(target, file): if not os.path.isfile(target): return False target_date = os.path.getmtime(target) crt_date = os.path.getmtime(file) return target_date >= crt_date # @brief convert domain to idna representation (if applicable def idna_convert(domain): try: if any(ord(c) >= 128 for c in domain): # Translate IDNA domain name from a unicode domain (handle wildcards separately) if domain.startswith('*.'): idna_domain = "*.{}".format(domain[2:].encode('idna').decode('ascii')) else: idna_domain = domain.encode('idna').decode('ascii') return idna_domain except Exception as e: log("Unicode domain(s) found but IDNA names could not be translated due to error: {}".format(e), error=True) return domain # @brief validate the OCSP status for a given certificate by the given issuer def is_ocsp_valid(cert, issuer, hash_algo): if hash_algo == 'sha1': algorithm = hashes.SHA1 elif hash_algo == 'sha224': algorithm = hashes.SHA224 elif hash_algo == 'sha256': algorithm = hashes.SHA256 elif hash_algo == 'sha385': algorithm = hashes.SHA384 elif hash_algo == 'sha512': algorithm = hashes.SHA512 else: log("Invalid hash algorithm '{}' used for OCSP validation. Validation ignored.".format(hash_algo), warning=True) return True if isinstance(issuer, list): issuer = issuer[0] # First certificate in the CA chain is the immediate issuer try: ocsp_urls = [] aia = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS) for data in aia.value: if data.access_method == x509.OID_OCSP: ocsp_urls.append(data.access_location.value) # This is a bit of a hack due to validation problems within cryptography (TODO: Check if this is still true) # Correct replacement: ocsprequest = ocsp.OCSPRequestBuilder().add_certificate(cert, issuer, algorithm).build() ocsprequest = ocsp.OCSPRequestBuilder((cert, issuer, algorithm)).build() ocsprequestdata = ocsprequest.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.DER) for ocsp_url in ocsp_urls: response = get_url(ocsp_url, ocsprequestdata, { 'Accept': 'application/ocsp-response', 'Content-Type': 'application/ocsp-request', }) ocspresponsedata = response.read() ocspresponse = ocsp.load_der_ocsp_response(ocspresponsedata) if ocspresponse.response_status == ocsp.OCSPResponseStatus.SUCCESSFUL \ and ocspresponse.certificate_status == ocsp.OCSPCertStatus.REVOKED: return False except Exception as e: log("An exception occurred during OCSP validation (Validation will be ignored): {}".format(e), error=True) return True
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import daemon import logging import os import sys import extras import fixtures import testtools from tests.base import iterate_timeout # as of python-daemon 1.6 it doesn't bundle pidlockfile anymore # instead it depends on lockfile-0.9.1 which uses pidfile. pid_file_module = extras.try_imports(['daemon.pidlockfile', 'daemon.pidfile']) def daemon_test(pidfile, flagfile): pid = pid_file_module.TimeoutPIDLockFile(pidfile, 10) with daemon.DaemonContext(pidfile=pid): for x in iterate_timeout(30, "flagfile to be removed"): if not os.path.exists(flagfile): break sys.exit(0) class TestDaemon(testtools.TestCase): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.daemon") def setUp(self): super(TestDaemon, self).setUp() self.test_root = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir( rootdir=os.environ.get("ZUUL_TEST_ROOT"))).path def test_daemon(self): pidfile = os.path.join(self.test_root, "daemon.pid") flagfile = os.path.join(self.test_root, "daemon.flag") open(flagfile, 'w').close() if not os.fork(): self._cleanups = [] daemon_test(pidfile, flagfile) for x in iterate_timeout(30, "daemon to start"): if os.path.exists(pidfile): break os.unlink(flagfile) for x in iterate_timeout(30, "daemon to stop"): if not os.path.exists(pidfile): break
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation  # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # #       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # class PythonFrame(object): """frame backend using a Python objects: pyspark.rdd.RDD, [(str, dtype), (str, dtype), ...]""" def __init__(self, rdd, schema=None): self.rdd = rdd self.schema = schema
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function VERSION = (1, 0, 8, 'final') __version__ = VERSION def get_version(): version = '{}.{}'.format(VERSION[0], VERSION[1]) if VERSION[2]: version = '{}.{}'.format(version, VERSION[2]) if VERSION[3:] == ('alpha', 0): version = '{} pre-alpha'.format(version) else: if VERSION[3] != 'final': version = '{} {}'.format(version, VERSION[3]) return version
from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) import views
from django.db import models class SpectralTemplate(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) path = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __str__(self): return self.name class PhotometricFilter(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) path = models.CharField(max_length=100) cwl = models.FloatField() width = models.FloatField() lambda_b = models.FloatField() lambda_e = models.FloatField() mvega = models.FloatField() fvega = models.FloatField() def __str__(self): return self.name class VPHSetup(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) fwhm = models.FloatField() dispersion = models.FloatField() deltab = models.FloatField() lambdac = models.FloatField() relatedband = models.CharField(max_length=10) lambda_b = models.FloatField() lambda_e = models.FloatField() specconf = models.CharField(max_length=10) def __str__(self): return self.name
game_type = 'input_output' parameter_list = [['$x1','string'], ['$y0','string']] tuple_list = [ ['KnR_1-10_',[None,None]] ] global_code_template = '''\ d #include &lt;stdio.h> x #include <stdio.h> dx #define MAXLINE 1000 /* maximum input line length */ dx dx int max; /* maximum length seen so far */ dx char line[MAXLINE]; /* current input line */ dx char longest[MAXLINE]; /* longest line saved here */ dx dx int my_getline(void); dx void copy(void); dx dx /* my_getline: specialized version */ dx int my_getline(void) dx { dx int c, i; dx extern char line[]; dx dx for (i = 0; i < MAXLINE - 1 dx && (c=getchar()) != EOF && c != '\\n'; ++i) dx line[i] = c; dx if (c == '\\n') { dx line[i] = c; dx ++i; dx } dx line[i] = '\\0'; dx return i; dx } dx dx /* copy: specialized version */ dx void copy(void) dx { dx int i; dx extern char line[], longest[]; dx dx i = 0; dx while ((longest[i] = line[i]) != '\\0') dx ++i; dx } dx dx /* print longest input line; specialized version */ ''' main_code_template = '''\ dx int len; dx extern int max; dx extern char longest[]; dx dx max = 0; dx while ((len = my_getline()) > 0) dx if (len > max) { dx max = len; dx copy(); dx } dx if (max > 0) /* there was a line */ dx printf("%s", longest); ''' argv_template = '' stdin_template = ''' a $x1 abc ''' stdout_template = '''\ $y0 '''
import json import pytest from yelp_beans.logic.secret import get_secret def test_get_secret_file(tmpdir, database): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): expected = 'password' with open(tmpdir.join('client_secrets.json').strpath, 'w') as secrets: secret = {'secret': expected} secrets.write(json.dumps(secret)) actual = get_secret('secret') assert expected == actual def test_get_secret_file_no_exist(tmpdir, database): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): with pytest.raises(IOError): assert get_secret('secret')
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Lingpeng Kong # All Rights Reserved. # # This file is part of TweeboParser 1.0. # # TweeboParser 1.0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # TweeboParser 1.0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with TweeboParser 1.0. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # Lingpeng Kong, lingpenk@cs.cmu.edu # Oct 12, 2013 # The Brown Clustering usage for Dependency Parsing can be read from Koo et al (ACL 08) # http://people.csail.mit.edu/maestro/papers/koo08acl.pdf # Oct 27, 2013 # Add case-sensitive choice # Jan 4, 2014 # Add 4 bits, 6 bits and all bits. # May 24, 2014 # Add codecs to support utf-8 import sys import codecs def usage(): print("Usage: AugumentBrownClusteringFeature.py [Brown_Clustering_Dictionary] " \ "[Input_Conll_File] [Y/N(case-sensitive)] > [Output_file]") print("Example: AugumentBrownClusteringFeature.py paths input.txt > output.txt") print("The program will add two kind of Strings at the end, the first one is the first 4 " \ "bit of the Brown Cluster label and the second one is the whole Brown Cluster label.") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 4: usage() sys.exit(2) sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout) sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stderr) brown_dict = dict() brown_file = open(sys.argv[1].strip(), "r") for line in brown_file: line = line.strip() if line == "": continue bl = line.split("\t") brown_dict[bl[1]] = bl[0] #print brown_dict['upstage/downstage'] inputf = sys.argv[2].strip() for line in codecs.open(inputf, "r", "utf-8"): line = line.strip() if line == "": sys.stdout.write("\n") continue cvlist = line.split("\t") if sys.argv[3] == "N": brown = brown_dict.get(cvlist[1].lower().strip(), 'OOV') else: brown = brown_dict.get(cvlist[1].strip(), 'OOV') b4 = brown[:4] if len(brown) >= 4 else brown b6 = brown[:6] if len(brown) >= 6 else brown cvlist.append(b4) cvlist.append(b6) cvlist.append(brown) tline = "" for ele in cvlist: tline = tline + ele + "\t" tline = tline[:len(tline) - 1] print(tline)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('postcode_api', '0010_auto_20150601_1513'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterIndexTogether( name='address', index_together=set([('postcode_index', 'uprn')]), ), ]
import sys import os.path import logging import ply.yacc from rightarrow.annotations import * from rightarrow.lexer import Lexer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Parser(object): tokens = Lexer.tokens def __init__(self, debug=False, lexer_class=None): self.debug = debug self.lexer_class = lexer_class or Lexer # Crufty but works around statefulness in PLY def parse(self, string, lexer = None): lexer = lexer or self.lexer_class() return self.parse_token_stream(lexer.tokenize(string)) def parse_token_stream(self, token_iterator, start_symbol='ty'): # Since PLY has some crufty aspects and dumps files, we try to keep them local # However, we need to derive the name of the output Python file :-/ output_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) try: module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(__file__)[1])[0] except: module_name = __name__ parsing_table_module = '_'.join([module_name, start_symbol, 'parsetab']) # And we regenerate the parse table every time; it doesn't actually take that long! new_parser = ply.yacc.yacc(module=self, debug=self.debug, tabmodule = parsing_table_module, outputdir = output_directory, write_tables=0, start = start_symbol, errorlog = logger) return new_parser.parse(lexer = IteratorToTokenStream(token_iterator)) # ===================== PLY Parser specification ===================== precedence = [ ('right', 'ARROW'), ('left', '|'), ] def p_error(self, t): raise Exception('Parse error at %s:%s near token %s (%s)' % (t.lineno, t.col, t.value, t.type)) def p_empty(self, p): 'empty :' pass def p_ty_parens(self, p): "ty : '(' ty ')'" p[0] = p[2] def p_ty_var(self, p): "ty : TYVAR" p[0] = Variable(p[1]) def p_ty_union(self, p): "ty : ty '|' ty" p[0] = Union([p[1], p[3]]) def p_ty_bare(self, p): "ty : bare_arg_ty" p[0] = p[1] def p_ty_funty_bare(self, p): "ty : ty ARROW ty" p[0] = Function(arg_types=[p[1]], return_type=p[3]) def p_ty_funty_complex(self, p): "ty : '(' maybe_arg_types ')' ARROW ty" argument_types=p[2] return_type=p[5] # Check here whether too many kwarg or vararg types are present # Each item in the list uses the dictionary encoding of tagged variants arg_types = [argty['arg_type'] for argty in argument_types if 'arg_type' in argty] vararg_types = [argty['vararg_type'] for argty in argument_types if 'vararg_type' in argty] kwarg_types = [argty['kwarg_type'] for argty in argument_types if 'kwarg_type' in argty] if len(vararg_types) > 1: raise Exception('Argument list with multiple vararg types: %s' % argument_types) if len(kwarg_types) > 1: raise Exception('Argument list with multiple kwarg types: %s' % argument_types) # All the arguments that are not special p[0] = Function(arg_types=arg_types, vararg_type=vararg_types[0] if len(vararg_types) > 0 else None, kwarg_type=kwarg_types[0] if len(kwarg_types) > 0 else None, kwonly_arg_types=None, return_type=return_type) # Because a bare function type is equivalent to a single argument in parens, it is not # parsed by this rule def p_maybe_arg_types(self, p): ''' maybe_arg_types : arg_types ',' arg_ty | empty ''' p[0] = [] if len(p) == 2 else p[1] + [p[3]] # Executive decision is this: kwargs and varargs get to be elements of this list ANYWHERE # and we check later, to avoid any parsing issues with commas def p_arg_types_single(self, p): ''' arg_types : arg_types ',' arg_ty | arg_ty ''' p[0] = [p[1]] if len(p) == 2 else p[1] + [p[3]] def p_arg_ty_normal(self, p): "arg_ty : ty" p[0] = { 'arg_type' : p[1] } def p_arg_ty_vararg(self, p): "arg_ty : '*' ty" p[0] = { 'vararg_type' : p[2] } def p_arg_ty_kwarg(self, p): "arg_ty : KWARG ty" p[0] = { 'kwarg_type' : p[2] } # Special types that never require parenthesis def p_bare_arg_ty(self, p): """ bare_arg_ty : identifier_ty | dict_ty | list_ty | object_ty | any_ty """ p[0] = p[1] def p_identifier_ty(self, p): "identifier_ty : ID" p[0] = NamedType(p[1]) def p_list_ty(self, p): "list_ty : '[' ty ']'" p[0] = List(elem_ty=p[2]) def p_dict_ty(self, p): "dict_ty : '{' ty ':' ty '}'" p[0] = Dict(key_ty=p[2], value_ty=p[4]) def p_any_ty(self, p): "any_ty : ANY" p[0] = Any() def p_object_ty(self, p): """ object_ty : OBJECT '(' ID ')' | OBJECT '(' ID ',' obj_fields ')' """ field_types = {} if len(p) == 5 else p[5] p[0] = Object(p[3], **field_types) def p_obj_fields(self, p): """ obj_fields : obj_fields ',' obj_field | obj_field """ p[0] = dict([p[1]] if len(p) == 2 else p[1] + [p[3]]) # Note: no checking for dupe fields at the moment def p_obj_field(self, p): "obj_field : ID ':' ty" p[0] = (p[1], p[3]) class IteratorToTokenStream(object): def __init__(self, iterator): self.iterator = iterator def token(self): try: return self.iterator.next() except StopIteration: return None if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig() parser = Parser(debug=True) print parser.parse(sys.stdin.read())