[ "Q:\n\nWhy does homotopy behave well with respect to fibrations and homology with respect to cofibrations?", "\n\n(I apologize that this is a vague question).", "\nI seems to me somehow that homotopy groups behave well with respect to (Serre)-fibrations. ", "For example you get a long exact sequence of homotopy groups from it. ", "On the other hand cofibrations and homotopy groups seems to be no good friends at all (e.g. $S^1\\to D^2\\to S^2$).", "\nBut then again, the situation in homology seems to be the other way round. ", "They behave well with respect to cofibrations (you get a long exact sequence) and fibrations are harder to investigate (Serre spectral sequence etc.).", "\nMy question is: What is the intuition behind this difference? (", "in particular with respect to the fact that homology is just homotopy of another space.)", "\n\nA:\n\nI agree that the long exact sequence in homotopy groups of a fibration follows from the fact that fibrations are defined using a mapping property in which the fibration is the target.", "\nOne way to understand why homology behaves well with respect to cofibrations is to spell out your remark that \n\"homology is just homotopy of another space\". ", " This is true, but not obvious. ", " There are a number of constructions of ordinary homology which take the following form. ", " \nOne finds a functor $F$ from (pointed) spaces to (pointed) spaces which takes cofibrations to quasifibrations. ", " (A quasifibration is something for which you have a long exact sequence of homotopy groups, for example a Serre fibration). ", " And then $H_* (X) \\cong \\pi_* F(X).$ If $X\\to Y \\to Z$ is a cofibration (maybe a cofibration of CW complexes), then $\\dots \\to \\pi_* F(X) \\to \\pi_* F(Y) \\to \\pi_* F(Z) \\to \\ldots$ is the long exact sequence in homology associated to the cofibration. ", "\nHere are several contexts in which one can describe such a functor $F$.\nFirst, a formal approach. ", " Let $\\mathbf{S}$ denote the category of spectra: it is connected to the category $\\mathbf{T}$ of spaces by adjoint functors $\\Sigma^\\infty: \\mathbf{T} \\to \\mathbf{S}$ and $\\Omega^\\infty: \\mathbf{S} \\to \\mathbf{T}.$ There a spectrum called the \"Eilenberg-MacLane\" spectrum, denoted $H\\mathbb{Z}$: its job is to represent singular cohomology, and one can take $F(X) = \\Omega^\\infty ((\\Sigma^\\infty X) \\wedge H\\mathbb{Z})$. \nWhy does $F$ have the cofibration-to-quasifibration property? ", " Well, the way that this is set up, $\\Sigma^\\infty$ preserves cofibrations of CW complexes, and $\\Omega^\\infty$ preserves fibrations of fibrant objects, and in the category of spectra every cofibration is equivalent to a fibration. ", " \nTo be more explicit about $H\\mathbb{Z}$, you can define $F(X) = \\lim (\\ldots \\Omega^k(X \\wedge K(\\mathbb{Z},k)) \\to \\Omega^{k+1} (X\\wedge K(\\mathbb{Z},k+1))a \\ldots),$ where the limit is a colimit and the maps defining the system arise from the maps $\\Omega K(\\mathbb{Z},k) \\simeq \\Omega K(\\mathbb{Z},k+1)$.\nSecond, the Dold-Thom theorem says that one can take $F(X) = Sp^\\infty (X).$ Here $Sp^n(X) = X^n/\\Sigma_n$, and $Sp^\\infty(X) = \\lim \\ldots Sp^n(X) \\to Sp^{n+1}(X) \\ldots$, again the limit is a colimit.", "\nThird, if you're willing to allow $X$ to be a simplicial set, then one can take then one can take $F(X) = \\mathbb{Z}X$, the simplicial set whose $n$ simplices are the free abelian group on the $n$-simplices of $X$. (This approach is due to Dan Kan; see the proceedings of the Hurewicz conference)\nAll of this is to focus attention on functors which take cofibrations to quasifibrations. ", " In fact all $-1$-connected generalized homology theories (at least the ones associated to cohomology theories: are there homology theories which are not? ", " I don't know) are of the form $E_* X = \\pi_* G(X)$, where $G$ is a functor which takes cofibrations to quasifibrations. ", " Indeed one takes $G(X) = \\Omega^\\infty (\\Sigma^\\infty X \\wedge R)$, where $R$ is the spectrum representing the cohomology theory. ", " This approach goes back to G. W. Whitehead.", "\nOne of the more compact discussions of such a functor, which I like, is in an article by G. Segal in Springer LNM 575; he gives a construction of connective real $K$-homology there. ", " Really he's showing how to generalize the work of Dold and Thom: Segal's argument applies just as well to $Sp^\\infty(X)$.\nI apologize that throughout I have done a poor job of saying how to handle basepoints.", "\n\nA:\n\nFibrations are defined as target-type concepts -- they have good formal homotopy properties when you map into them, for example, if you apply the functor $\\pi_n(-) = [S^n,-]$.\nNow I'll subject you to my point of view on homology.", "\nDually, cofibrations are a domain-type concept, so they behave well when you map \nout of them, say if you apply (represented) cohomology: $\\widetilde H^n(-;G) = [-, K(G,n)]$.\nHomology is a bit of a monster: it is a covariant functor that works well with domain-type input. ", " It is a small miracle that such functors exist at all; this is why they are hard to construct. ", " But the answer for homology has to be: homology works well with cofibrations because we built it to work well with cofibrations, and a more informative answer to your question would depend on the construction you use. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Saturday, March 24, 2012\n\nA recently published article about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) stirred up a ruckus, all the way to Sen. Richard Burr's office. ", "Our contention was that several provisions in the NDAA are unconstitutional. ", "We contended that the sections 1021, 1022 and 1031 provided for the indefinite detention of American citizens without benefit of a judicial hearing (Habeas corpus) and other constitutional rights.", "\n\nSen. Burr's office responded to a query from us about why he voted for the NDAA by saying that the sections did not apply to American citizens and would be applicable only to terrorists associated with Al Qaeda.", "\n\nThe problem we had with that position was that if it were true then those sections should have been pulled out of the omnibus appropriation authorizations bill and debated on their own merit. ", "Attempts to clarify the wording that would have guaranteed what Sen. Burr's staff said were defeated.", "\n\nIn short we viewed, and still do, the NDAA as an extension of the most objectionable elements of the Patriot Act which was passed shortly after 9-11. ", "We have watched the gradual expansion of the original intent of the Patriot Act and see the NDAA as a continuation of that erosion of our constitutional rights as Americans.", "\n\nWe've taken some flak from some who argue that terrorists do not deserve constitutional protections. ", "We agree with that.", "\n\nBut the problem is defining what a terrorist is, in contrast with American citizens who are not involved in terrorist activities. ", "The problem is the old \"camel's nose under the tent\" problem. ", "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. ", "To be confident that \"fighting terrorism\" is not used as a subterfuge to violate American citizen's right requires us to trust that the terrorist fighters will not violate American's rights.", "\n\nNow we have yet another example of why we don't trust our government to honor our constitution and the rights it guarantees all American citizens.", "\n\nMyway.com last week published an article by Eileen Sullivan that described how the National Counterterrorism Center announced that it is changing its policy of storing information that it collects on law-abiding American citizens without search warrants.", "\n\nSo what's the big deal you may ask. ", "It is the creeping expansion of government violation of our constitutional rights. ", "Here's how.", "\n\nThe Fourth Amendment provides that the government must obtain a search warrant to eavesdrop on Americans. ", "To get the search warrant the law enforcement official must get a search warrant from a judicial official, and to do that, they must show probable cause to believe the target has or is committing a crime.", "\n\nBut shortly after 9-11 the law was changed to allow the government to eaves drop on millions of Americans who have never done anything to cause anyone to believe they are engaged in terrorist activity. ", "The compromise that was worked out was that the government would collect the information but if it then failed to find evidence that someone was engaged in a terrorist threat the information would be destroyed, typically within a matter of 90 days or so.", "\n\nNow they have decided they will keep the information for up to five years.", "What kind of information? ", "Virtually all kinds of electronic communications, such as emails, phone conversations, phone records (incoming and outgoing phone call records, and the GPS location of your cell phone) and even what websites we visit as well as what we post on social networking sites such as Facebook.", "\n\nThen we learned last week that many new TV sets will have cameras in them, much like webcams on PC, that will have the capability of transmitting what the camera sees back to some computer somewhere, with the video being capable of being intercepted in the network. ", "And as we have previously published, the \"smart meters\" some electric companies are installing will create networks capable of being monitored by the government. ", "And no doubt, more sophisticated, and thus more intrusive, gadgets are already in the pipeline that will allow us to be spied upon.", "\n\nTrust the spies that they will never abuse these powers?Nope. ", "Not going to happen with us. ", "We would rather take our chances with the terrorists.", "\n\nTop Five Oil Companies Made $1 Trillion in Profits from 2001 Through 2011\n\nGeneral economic theory holds that companies will produce more of a good if its price is higher, or if it receives subsidies. ", "Funny that these rules didn’t seem to apply to Big Oil in 2011, when the highest oil price since 1864and$2 billion in subsidies to the five largest oil companies—BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, and Royal Dutch Shell—yielded lower oil production than in 2010. ", "But these five oil companies combined made a record-high $137 billion in profits in 2011—up 75 percent from 2010—and have made more than $1 trillion in profits from 2001 through 2011.[1] This exceeds the previous record of $136 billion in profits in 2008.", "\n\nHere are some more highlights from the big five’s activities in 2011:\n\nThey produced 4 percent less oil and “oil equivalent” in 2011 compared to 2010.", "\n\nThey spent a total of $38 billion, or 28 percent, of their profits to repurchase their own stock.", "\n\nThey are sitting on more than $58 billion in cash reserves as of the end of 2011.", "\n\nLet’s dig a little deeper into this mystery to see why these companies are making more money while Americans see less oil and pay more at the pump.", "\n\nWhere the money goes\n\nIn spite of these high profits and oil prices, oil-equivalent production fell from 2010 levels for four of the big five oil companies. ", "Shell’s profit, for example, increased by 54 percent from 2010 to 2011 while its oil and natural gas production decreased by 3 percent during the same time period.", "\n\nSo if the big five companies are not using their additional earnings to increase production, what are they spending their money on?", "\n\nThe answer: They’re buying shares of their own stocks and investing in politicians to maintain the policies that led to their enormous profits over the past decade.", "\n\nInstead of heavily investing in job creation or production, the big five used $38 billion, or 28 percent of annual net income, to repurchase their own stocks. ", "This practice enriches shareholders but it doesn’t add to oil supplies or investments in alternative fuels or other new technologies.", "\n\nThese companies also cling to tax breaks while maintaining $58 billion in cash reserves. ", "This is nearly 30 times more than the estimated $2 billion in annual special tax breaks that these companies receive.", "\n\nTax breaks, but not more jobs\n\nExxonMobil, the most profitable of the big five, paid an effective tax rate of 17.6 percent (from 2008–2010 data), which is 3 percent less than what the average American family paid. ", "But Exxon and other oil companies that receive these tax breaks do not pass benefits on to consumers. ", "Instead, their board members, executives, and shareholders are the ones that profit.", "\n\nThese companies, along with the American Petroleum Institute—their political arm—fight relentlessly to keep their tax breaks intact by threatening economic and energy damage. ", "API claims that eliminating tax loopholes for the oil and gas industry would “lose jobs … and energy production.” ", "Yet higher oil prices and profits, combined with huge reserves and tax breaks, yielded lower, not higher, employment and oil production.", "\n\nDespite generating $546 billion in profits between 2005 and 2010, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, and BP combined to reduce their U.S. workforce by 11,200 employees over that time.", "\n\nNor are many of these net revenues used for oil production. ", "The report found that “among the Big 5 oil companies, less than 10 percent of profits are reinvested into exploration of new oil deposits.”", "\n\nThe report also concluded that:\n\nThe oil and gas industry is a mature and highly profitable sector that is no longer in need of generous tax breaks or royalty free drilling. ", "The $43.6 billion in tax subsidies that the industry is set to receive over the next decade will not help consumers with rising energy costs.", "\n\nOne place where oil companies have no trouble spending money, however, is in Congress. ", "Last year the big five spent $65.7 million on lobbying efforts, successfully persuading their congressional friends to retain tax breaks. ", "Both the House and Senate had votes to scale back these tax breaks, and both proposals were defeated.[2]\n\nAnd Big Oil’s lobbying expenditures were quite a bargain. ", "For every $1 the big five spent on lobbying in D.C. last year, they effectively received $30 in subsidies disguised as tax breaks. ", "This is equivalent to a 3,000 percent return on every dollar they invested in strong-arming Congress.", "\n\nMore than $1.6 million was spent on campaign contributions in 2011 from just four of the top five oil companies. ", "And more than 90 percent of these campaign contributions were made to Republican candidates or committees. ", "But that doesn’t even include their undisclosed contributions to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Petroleum Institute, or other organizations that also support tax breaks for Big Oil.", "\n\nIn the spirit of giving, three of the five Big Oil CEOs—Rex Tillerson of ExxonMobil, John Watson of Chevron, and Jim Mulvaof ConocoPhillips—contributed an additional $75,000 to GOP candidates and committees.", "\n\nEnough is enough\n\nTwo days after his State of the Union address last month, President Obamaspoke in Aurora, Colorado, about American-made energy. ", "He reiterated his call to eliminate tax breaks for Big Oil:\n\nWe subsidized oil for a very long time, long enough. ", "It’s time to stop giving taxpayer giveaways to an industry that’s never been more profitable.", "\n\nSeventy-four percent of Americans agree with the president’s desire to eliminate tax breaks for the oil and gas industry.", "\n\nInstead of benefiting oil companies that reward senior executives, board members, and stockholders, these taxpayer funds should be invested in projects that benefit all Americans. ", "A University of Massachusetts study found that investment in clean energy creates anywhere from two to four times more direct and indirect jobs compared to the same investment in oil and gas production.", "\n\nBut let’s put these tax breaks in context. ", "Ending the $2 billion in annual tax breaks for the big five oil companies could pay for:\n\nLast September while addressing economic growth and deficit reduction, President Obama noted that as we cut federal program funding to reduce the budget deficit, “Either we gut education and medical research, or we’ve got to reform the tax code so that the most profitable corporations have to give up tax loopholes that other companies don’t get. ", "We can’t afford to do both.”", "\n\nAfter a year of near-record profits and a decade of more than $1 trillion in total profits, the least the five huge oil companies can do to help our nation is to relinquish their unnecessary and ineffective tax breaks.", "\n\nEndnotes\n\n[1] In 2010 BP suffered a net loss of $4 billion due to its huge expenditures related to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. ", "If BP is excluded from profit calculations in 2010 and 2011, the four remaining companies had a 36 percent increase in profit.[2] On March 1, 2011, the House voted 249-176 to defeat a “Motion to Recommit [that] would repeal oil and tax production tax breaks for major integrated oil companies.” ", "On May 17 the Senate voted 52-48 on a motion to proceed to the Close Big Oil Tax Loopholes Act, S. 940. ", "Sixty votes were required to end debate and proceed to the bill, so it failed.", "\n\nOn July 4, 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed theFreedom of Information Act (FOIA) into law, establishing the public's right to access to government information. ", "Surprisingly, Republican Congressman Donald Rumsfeld helped deliver Republican votes to pass the groundbreaking law.", "\n\nSince then, state governments followed suit and began passing open government laws across the country to ensure the public would have \"sunshine\" and access to information about the way public services and tax dollars are managed.", "\n\nBut the laws are out of date and need an overhaul. ", "The explosion in the use of government contractors at every level of government -- from local trash services to security contractors in Iraq - has exposed weaknesses in sunshine and open record laws.", "\n\nIn some cases, conservative governors are even trying to weaken existing transparency requirements to make it easier to privatize. ", "Florida Governor Rick Scott's failed proposal to privatize prisons in eighteen counties included a provision to eliminate the requirement for a cost-benefit analysis before moving ahead with the deal. ", "Coincidentally, Florida-based GEO Corporation, one of the largest private prison companies, is a major contributor to GOP campaigns in the state.", "\n\nUnder existing law, private contractors in states throughout the country are evading oversight by exploiting loopholes in transparency protections. ", "Most existing state laws don't pierce the corporate veil and now policy makers, journalists and advocates no longer have access to basic financial, performance and workforce information that is essential to government accountability.", "\n\nFor example:\n\nIn South Carolina, the Jenkinsville Water Company, a private utility, refused to comply with requests for information after they had failed to pay state employee payroll taxes, lost millions of gallons of water, and could not account for tens of thousands of dollars.", "\n\nIn Oklahoma, a private emergency service contractor, Paramedics Plus, refused to disclose the driving records of ambulance drivers after one who had caused a fatal car accident was found to havebeen convicted of criminal driving charges.", "\n\nImmigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was \"unable to locate or identify any responsive records\" about personnel at an immigration detention facility operated by Cornell Corrections after allegations of misconduct surfaced.", "\n\nIn all these cases, current open records laws would have produced the information if government agencies had been providing the services or operating the facilities.", "\n\nA few states are leading the way. ", "Connecticut law now require large contracts to be covered by the state's freedom of information act. ", "Minnesota requires contractors to makes public any government data that the contractor\"creates, collects, receives, stores, uses, maintains, or disseminates.\"", "\n\nMost states have not yet followed their lead. ", "In an era of government by contract, federal, state and local governments should strengthen existing open records laws to expand the reach to government contractors.", "At a minimum,a complete list of contracts and contractors should be online. ", "Handing over control of public services to private contractors shouldn't mean giving up the public's right to know.", "\n\nNeoliberalism is the most powerful force in economic history; like a black hole in deep outer space, it consumes everything.", "\n\nThe great prophets of neoliberal economic policies like Milton\nFriedman claim economic freedom is a necessary condition for political\nfreedom, but world events are not cooperating. ", "In fact, neoliberalism\nmay be a better door opener for totalitarian impulses than for\ndemocratic spirits.", "\n\nAs a matter of fact, it appears neoliberalism is a breeding ground\nfor totalitarian tendencies, not free will and democracy. ", "Nevertheless,\nthe world community has embraced neoliberalism with gusto. ", "There are\nexamples, like Hong Kong (one of Friedman’s favorites), where economic\nbehavior has proven quite extraordinary, especially for the top 10%-20%,\nbut a United Nations Development Report ranks Hong Kong number one\namongst the world’s most developed economies for income inequality,\nwhich continues to widen and grow. ", "HK is ruled with an iron fist by a\nChief Executive (Sir Donald Tsang), who is not popularly elected… not\nexactly Friedman’s formula for economic freedom opening the door to\npolitical freedom.", "\n\nNeoliberalism’s ascendancy, according to The Crisis of Neoliberalism(Harvard University Press, 2011)by\nDumenil Gerard, as a new stage of capitalism since the 1970s expresses\nthe strategy of the capitalist classes in alliance with financial\nmanagers to establish their hegemony and expand it globally. ", "In this\nregard, Dumenil goes on to state: This strategy has been successful\nbased upon the income and wealth of a privileged minority gaining\npolitical dominance. ", "Again, not exactly what Freidman had in mind… or\ndid he?", "\n\nWith the advent of instantaneous global communications and universal\nacceptance, neoliberalism blazes thru the global economy like omnipotent\nrobots programmed to seek out profits. ", "Meanwhile, obsequious humans\nare conceptually baffled within pre-conceived notions of\npolitical-socio-economic democratic nation-states. ", "In truth, the modern\ndemocratic nation-state is passé, out of touch.", "\n\nMeanwhile, the invisible hand of the free market is in the vanguard\nprompted by neoliberal guidance to gain profits at any costs cascading\nover individual human rights and collectivist politics, resulting in an\never-tighter concentration of wealth and political power. ", "How else\naccount for a U.S. presidential election requiring hundreds of millions\nof dollars? ", "The very fact that candidates spend hundreds of millions\nseeking public office is clear evidence that democracy is a failed\ninstitution. ", "Nothing more need be stated… end of story.", "\n\nThere is no better example of neoliberalism’s abject failure to bring\nin its wake political renaissance than China because, based upon the\neconomic determinist viewpoint, the consequences of economics are\nsupposed to dictate politics and life’s patterns, fostering the\npredominate view among U.S. economists that China’s economic liberalism will\nlead to meaningful reform, i.e., ‘political openness’. ", "However,\neconomic liberalism has not sprung forth with any semblance of\n‘political openness’ in China! ", "In fact, an implacable Standing Committee\nof Nine, same as always, dictates the country’s politics and dissent is\nsquashed like ripened tomatoes on a busy freeway.", "\n\nSimilar to 17th century Mercantilism whereby success is\njudged by exports exceeding imports, advancing commercial interests,\nChina’s State Capitalism focuses on pure economic consequences. ", "Thus,\ncommercial interests are advanced to the level of national political\npolicy, a dehumanizing factor in society as participants statistically\nreact to events predetermining the individual’s role/slot in society,\ne.g., peasants fresh off the farm receiving $1.50/hr. ", "for assembly-line\nwork and living in tiny caged dormers. ", "There is no economic liberalism\nat work to change politics. ", "It is D.O.A. Rather, China is a prime\nexample of how neoliberalism obliterates any hope for political\nrenaissance.", "\n\nAccording to Xibai Xu, Neoliberalism and Governance in China\n(Oxford, 2011), regarding the effects of neoliberalism: “…contrary to\nthe expectation of many Western observers, economic liberalization has\nnot led to political liberalization or democratization. ", "Instead, it has\ntransformed China into a highly unequal and divided society in which\npower and wealth are monopolized by a small elite class of party cadres\nand associates, while a large number of peasants and workers are\ndeprived of land, employment, welfare and rights.”", "\n\nXu’s statement serves to reinforce the viewpoint that neoliberalism’s\ngreatest proponents were incorrect, e.g., Friedrich von Hayek, arguing\nthat economic freedom had to be wrested from control by government or\nsuffer totalitarian rule, and Milton Freidman’s advocacy that economic\nfreedom is a prerequisite to political freedom. ", "China’s experience\nproves otherwise, and it is common knowledge in America that\nneoliberalist’s tendencies have served to concentrate wealth and power\nmore so than at any time since the 19th century’s Gilded Age,\na term coined by Mark Twain. ", "And, now personal freedoms are under\nattack in America as neoliberal groupthink impacts political policy.", "\n\nThe evidence of the influence of wealth in politics is replete within\nAmerica’s tax code, dramatically favoring capitalists over governmental\nrequirements, which is a major tenet of neoliberalism. ", "The proof of\nthis distortion is found in federal tax receipts as a percentage of\nGross Domestic Product (GDP) at 50-year lows because the proponents of\nneoliberalism have worked the system to ‘starve the beast’ by lowering\ntaxes on those who can afford it at the expense of the many whom\nall-together shoulder the burden of the resultant national debt. ", "Today’s\nfederal tax receipts vis a vis a similar level, pre-Bush tax cuts,\namounts to a shortfall of ¾ of a trillion dollars, enough to cover more\nthan half the annual deficit, and if U.S. citizen’s offshore\nincome/profits were taxed, the deficit would be nearly balanced, back to\nthe days of President Clinton, who raised taxes in ‘93 and sported a\nsurplus because of economic growth.", "\n\nThe nation-state is subjugated to imperceptible profit-sourcing\nneoliberal forces that are extraordinarily rational in pursuit of\nprofit/wealth whereas the masses are totally subservient, in turn,\nfostering fatuous, doltish citizenry obedient to the pursuit of profit\nfor the sake of profit, similar to a religious experience. ", "Note: The\nAmerican public’s helpless acquiescence to challenges to their\nconstitutional individual rights as well as lop-sided taxation policies\nthat enrich the wealthy but penalize all taxpayers with a concomitant\nwidening societal divide between the rich and everybody else. ", "As an\nexample, Mitt Romney pays a 13.9% tax rate on tens of millions while\naverage Americans pay over 20% on tens of thousands whilst Mitt receives\nmillions of votes from the ‘everybody elses’.", "\n\nThe neoliberal fixation on profits as a glorified path to success is,\nin fact, dictated by neoliberalism’s instincts, which embodies the free\nmovement of goods, resources and enterprises to find cheaper resources,\ni.e. labor, to maximize profits worldwide. ", "In turn, the mindsets of the\nparticipants are warped into insane worshiping over\nprofits/wealth/capital at all costs, or as explained by Doh Jung-il,\nemeritus professor, Kyung Hee Universityand author of Market Totalitarianism and Barbarism of Civilization:\n“When the educational systems nurtures human ‘machines’ to just make\nmoney… culture is governed by market-favorable by-products and there is\nno soul-searching, the totalitarian capitalism destroys us… the globe is\nsuffering from a direct result of the totalitarian capitalism that is\nrelentlessly tramping down on human thought and values.”", "\n\nUnbeknownst to Doh Jung-il, he keeps strange bedfellows right here in\nthe USofA. Senators Mark Udall (D. Colorado) and Ron Wyden (D. Oregon)\nof the U. S. Senate Intelligence Committee have expressed outrage over\nAmerica’s flirtation with totalitarian behavior, addressing a letter to\nAttorney General Eric Holder, asking him to address the issue: “We\nbelieve most Americans would be stunned to learn the details of how\nthese secret court opinions have interpreted section 215 of the Patriot\nAct….” ", "referencing the latitude the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance\nCourt, under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, grants the government to\ninvestigate people. ", "For two U.S. senators to suggest Americans would be\n“stunned” is very strong language in the world of politics-speak (what\nsecrets do the senators know?)", "\n\nAnd… more poignantly yet, President Obama signed the National Defense\nAuthorization Act, which negates the writ of habeas corpus, a powerful\ncornerstone of civil rights since the Magna Carta in 1215. ", "Who dreams\nthis stuff up?", "\n\nNeoliberalism values market exchange\nas “an ethic in itself, capable of acting as a guide to all human\naction, and substituting for all previously held ethical beliefs.” ", "He\nfurther states, “Neoliberalism has meant, in short, the financialization\nof everything.” ", "It is a power shift away from production to the world\nof finance, and the effect in many parts of the world has increasingly\nbeen to see it as necessary, even wholly natural, a way for the social\norder to be regulated.", "\n\nFurthermore, according to Harvey, in the event of conflict,\nneoliberal states favor the integrity of the financial system and\nsolvency of the financial network over the well being of the population\nand over the integrity of the environment, contrary to the best\ninterests of its citizens (written by Harvey in 2005.) ", "Witness: The\nU.S.’s massive bailout of the banks in 2008-09 at taxpayer expense.", "\nPlus, the right wing sponsored war against the reality of global\nwarming, putting the planet’s health at risk of total breakdown… all for\na buck!", "\n\nHarvey disputes the tendency of the competitive advantages, a\nsignificant positive element of neoliberalism, which all too often\nproves ephemeral, introducing extraordinary volatility into global\ncapitalism. ", "Witness: The extreme volatile behavior of the capital\nmarkets these past years, upsetting a balanced approach to capital\ninvestment, begging the question: Does neoliberalism really work in\nanybody’s best interests?", "\n\nHarvey concludes: “The first lesson we must learn, therefore, is that\nif it looks like class struggle and acts like class war then we have to\nname it unashamedly for what it is.” ", "And… according to Warren Buffet\n(qtd. ", "In Woodward 2004): “If there is a class war in America, my side is\nwinning.”", "\n\nNeoliberalism is a great disruptive force that dominates policy,\npolitics, and culture to the detriment of the masses but to the\nadvantage of the select few, unwittingly, maybe not, enabling\nconcentration of wealth and power to breed totalitarian nation-states.", "\nThis seemingly natural progression of neoliberalism’s political and\neconomic influence results in an increase of concentration of fewer\npeople celebrating at the same parties, diminishing societal, political,\nand cultural values to something comparable to driblet performances at\nDisneyland.", "\n\nThe California state Assembly endorsed yesterday a constitutional amendment to repeal Citizens United.", "\n\nThe amendment, which passed by a 48-22 vote, calls on Congress to pass a Constitutional amendment to overturn the 2010 Supreme Court Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision that allows unlimited corporate political spending.", "\n\n“This is a major victory,” said Bob Edgar, president and CEO of Common Cause. “", "Californians are saying that corporations aren’t people and they shouldn’t be permitted to use their tremendous economic power to take charge of our elections. ", "Congress should listen – and act on – the message.”", "\n\nPublic Citizen president Robert Weissman said, “Thank you, California, for helping lead the charge to re-establish the principle that democracy means ruled by the people, not giant corporations.”", "\n\nAs big money pours into the November election campaign, the\nCalifornia Assembly voted Thursday to ask Congress to amend the\nConstitution to overturn the Supreme Court ruling that opened the door\nto unlimited corporate political spending.", "\n\nBy a 48-22 vote along party lines, the Assembly endorsed a\nconstitutional amendment to repeal Citizens United, the 5-4 ruling in\nJanuary 2010 that declared corporations and labor unions had a First\nAmendment right to give money to independent committees supporting\npolitical candidates.", "\n\nThe Constitution, the resolution declared, “was designed to protect\nthe free-speech rights of people, not corporations.” ", "The floor sponsors\nof AJR22 were Democrats Bob Wieckowski of Fremont and Michael Allen of\nSanta Rosa.", "\n\nSacramento, CA – The California State Assembly jumped into the\nnational campaign finance debate today, overwhelmingly approving a\nresolution that calls on Congress to pass a Constitutional amendment\npermitting limits on corporate political spending.", "\n\nThe 48-22 vote in favor of Assembly Joint Resolution 22, sponsored by\nAssembly Members Bob Wieckowski and Michael Allen, puts the Golden\nState at the forefront of a national effort to undo the damage done by\nthe U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010. ", "A vote in the state Senate is expected within a few weeks.", "\n\nCommon Cause has launched a national campaign, Amend 2012,\nto secure the passage of similar resolutions across the country and to\nhelp voters voice their sentiments on an amendment through ballot\ninitiatives and referenda.", "\n\n“This is a major victory,” said Bob Edgar, president and CEO of\nCommon Cause. “", "Californians are saying that corporations aren’t people\nand they shouldn’t be permitted to use their tremendous economic power\nto take charge of our elections. ", "Congress should listen – and act on –\nthe message.”", "\n\nThe Citizens United decision has fed the growth of “super\nPACs,” fundraising operations that are collecting millions of dollars –\nmostly from wealthy corporations and individuals – to finance\nadvertising campaigns promoting or opposing various candidates. ", "The\ngroups are required by law to operate independent of political parties\nand candidates, but several are run by veteran Republican and Democratic\noperatives and appear to be closely tied to partisan leaders. ", "This new\nand unregulated flow of campaign funds has led to one of the most\nnegative campaign seasons in modern history.", "\n\nCalifornia is well in stride to be the third state to call for a constitutional amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision,\nwhich allows corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money in an\nattempt to influence elections. ", "The California Assembly passed a\nresolution today – by a 48-22 vote – calling for an amendment, sending\nthe measure to the California Senate.", "\n\nIntroduced Jan. 5 by Assemblymembers Bob Wieckowski and Michael\nAllen, the resolution calls for an amendment that would prevent\ncorporations from being granted the same rights as individuals and would\ncreate fair elections, in which Congress could regulate all forms of\ncampaign spending.", "\n\n“The Citizens United decision tilts the scales of campaign\nfunding toward those who support wealthy special interests rather than\nworking Americans,” Wieckowski said. “", "This resolution is designed to\nsend a grassroots message to Washington about the urgent need to\noverturn the Supreme Court’s ruling and restore fair elections to the\npeople.”", "\n\nAdded Jonah Minkoff-Zern, senior organizer with Public Citizen’s Democracy Is For People campaign, “California is poised to take this momentous step in calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and\nreturn fair elections and constitutional rights to the people. ", "It is\nbecause of the work of dedicated activists throughout the state that\nCalifornia’s elected officials are joining them in taking a stand to say\nthat democracy is for people, not for corporations.”", "\n\nCalifornia’s in good company. ", "Hawaii led the charge in calling for a\nconstitutional amendment, followed by New Mexico on Feb. 11. ", "And while\nMaryland does not consider such resolutions, a majority of the Maryland\nSenate and House of Delegates have signed onto a letter calling for an\namendment.", "\n\nPublic Citizen has helped lead the introduction of similar\nresolutions in Massachusetts, Vermont and Maryland, and has supported\nthe efforts of local activists and lawmakers who have introduced similar\nresolutions in Alaska, Iowa, Kansas and New York. ", "In total, resolutions\nhave been introduced or passed in 16 states. ", "Public Citizen is leading a\ncoordinated effort to pass hundreds of similar resolutions at the local\nlevel the week of June 11. ", "More information about this effort – and a\nmap of resolutions introduced and passed – can be found at www.resolutionsweek.org.", "\n\n“Every day brings more evidence of how Citizens United is\nmaking a mockery of our democracy,” said Robert Weissman, president of\nPublic Citizen. “", "Thank you, California, for helping lead the charge to\nre-establish the principle that democracy means ruled by the people, not\ngiant corporations.”", "\n\nThursday, March 22, 2012\n\nThis week, which marks the 9th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, let us note one of many crimes committed by the recently released GOP budgetwritten by Rep. Paul Ryan: In the nearly 100-page document, the word \"veteran\" does not appear. ", "But veterans are there: They face $11 billion in cuts.", "\"For those of us who served, in many ways, yesterday is today. ", "And today, we read that the GOP doesn't even talk about veterans in their budget.\"", "\n\nWith Mitt Romney’s super-PAC limo now on cruise control to victory at the GOP convention, voters are left with only two reasons to vote against Barack Obama: Either they are desperate to return a white man to the White House or they feel strongly that it is time to break the glass ceiling denying Mormons the presidency.", "\n\nOut of a sense of tolerance I could cotton to the latter—heck, why should the bizarre beliefs of Romney’s church be a deal breaker? ", "I’m hoping for a strong Jewish contender someday and wouldn’t like her burdened with defending Old Testament claptrap.", "\n\nThe problem in this mind-numbing Republican primary season is that the campaign has exposed Romney as not just another white male Mormon like some of the fairly reasonable senators who have represented Utah. ", "Or like Romney’s own father, George, at one time the governor of Michigan. ", "No, this Romney is now widely regarded as the vulture capitalist he is, a politician who is a say-and-do-anything opportunist with no moral limits on his outsized ambitions.", "\n\nNothing is sacred to the former Massachusetts governor, not even his own signature health plan that he sold to that state’s voters as the standard for rational government decision-making as regards the deep problems faced by our economy. ", "The weaknesses of what Romney and the GOP deride as Obamacare have been all too obvious in the plan Romney touted in Massachusetts—a mandate to sign up without the cost restraints that a single-payer government program would offer. ", "Now, with a new national plan from Rep. Paul Ryan emerging from the U.S. House, Romney and the Republican Party generally seek to compound that error by undermining Medicare and Medicaid, two programs that offer at least a modicum of cost control. ", "Instead, the candidate and his fellow Republicans would turn consumers over completely to the tender mercies of for-profit insurers.", "\n\nThe justification for gutting what little remains of enlightened government programs to aid the vulnerable is, of course, the dreaded federal deficit. (", "Lest we forget, seniors were foremost among the vulnerable until the arrival of the programs now under attack.) ", "What is so outrageously hypocritical about the proposals from both Romney and Ryan is that they do not touch, and indeed would further open, the spending spigot that caused all of the red ink following President Bill Clinton’s budget-balancing act.", "\n\nBoth Romney and Ryan want to increase President George W. Bush’s tax breaks for the wealthy, which seriously cut revenues while treating as sacrosanct the Cold War levels in military spending that Bush put in place in a wildly irrational response to the 9/11 attacks. ", "This week Ryan announced that defense spending is off-limits, and Romney has campaigned for an increase in what represents more than 40 percent of the non-mandated federal budget.", "\n\nI can’t wait for the moment in a presidential debate when Romney talks about the need for even more advanced U.S. weaponry to counter the emerging military threat from Communist China and Obama ever so coolly points out that Bain Capital, the company that Romney co-founded, has been supplying those Red tyrants with surveillance equipment to better monitor their citizenry.", "\n\nWith Ron Paul’s fortunes as a presidential candidate declining, there is no pressure on GOP leaders to link a withdrawal from the imperial adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan with a reduced federal handout to the corporate military-industrial complex. ", "Nor will the Republican leadership confront the party’s responsibility for the nation’s economic collapse, the subsequent loss in tax revenues, and the Fed and Treasury policies that bailed out the Wall Street charlatans who invented this meltdown.", "\n\nInstead of reigning in Wall Street greed, the GOP is demanding a reversal of even the tepid efforts of the Obama administration to hold the financial industry accountable to honest business practices. ", "And, at a time when the largest multinational companies have shifted jobs and profits abroad, the GOP stands for rewarding that betrayal of American workers by eliminating all taxes on overseas corporate profits.", "\n\nThe pity in all this is that a legitimate critique of the Obama record—present to some degree in the Ron Paul dissection of the president’s war policy and his continuation of the Bush Wall Street bailout strategy—will not be heard in the general election debate. ", "Instead, on the one hand, we will have Obama offering clever-sounding arguments for establishment policies that fail to deal with high unemployment, a brutal level of housing foreclosures and sharpening income inequality. ", "And on the other hand there will be a Republican Party so steeped in the ethos of greed, racism and war-mongering that it would leave even Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, were they alive, with no choice but to vote for Obama as the lesser evil.", "\n\nA report released today on global water security from the Defense Intelligence Agency assesses that in next 10 years, water instability will be likely in \"nations important to the United States\", and says that in the next decades, the use of water as a weapon will be more become more likely.", "\n\nThe report, which focused on the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Mekong, Jordan, Indus, Brahmaputra, and Amu Darya water basins, states that the availability of potable water will not keep up with demand without better water management.", "\n\nWhile environmentalists have pointed to agroecology, food sovereignty and viewing water as part of the commons as a path towards responsible water management, the intelligence report sees biotechnology, agricultural exports and virtual water trade as the way forward.", "\n\nToday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who requested the report, commented on the report in a speech at the State Department, saying, \"As the world's population continues to grow, demand for water will go up but our fresh water supplies will not keep pace.\" \"", "These difficulties will all increase the risk of instability within and between states,\" she said.", "\n\nWe assess that during the next 10 years, water problems will contribute to instability in states important to US national security interests. ", "Water shortages, poor water quality, and floods by themselves are unlikely to result in state failure. ", "However, water problems— when combined with poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership, and weak political institutions— contribute to social disruptions that can result in state failure.", "\n\nWe assess that a water-related state-on-state conflict is unlikely during the next 10 years. ", "Historically, water tensions have led to more water-sharing agreements than violent conflicts. ", "However, we judge that as water shortages become more acute beyond the next 10 years, water in shared basins will increasingly be used as leverage; the use of water as a weapon or to further terrorist objectives also will become more likely beyond 10 years.", "\n\n* * *\n\nThe report notes that agriculture is responsible for approximately 70 percent of the global fresh water supply, and implies the need for geneticically modifed crops to deal with the decreasing water supply. (", "that's a stinking pile of bullshit!--jef)\n\nFrom the report:\n\nResearch to develop drought resistance in crops has been conducted for several decades, but no commercialization exists to date. ", "During the next three decades, selected crops could be developed that require half the water used by current crops, but widespread cultivation of such crops is problematic.", "\n\nLimited experiments are being conducted to develop food plants that can tolerate salt or waste water. ", "The advances in biotechnology may result in new plants or genetically altered strains that can grow in salt water from the ocean or large saltwater aquifers.", "\n\n* * *\n\nIt also touts virtual water trade as one of \"the best solutions for water problems\" and says that the U.S. will lead in the export of virtual water:\n\nThe United States is also one of the highest exporters of “virtual water” (water consumed in the manufacturing or growing of an export product), providing numerous opportunities for engagement with the rest of the world.", "\n\nThe reports sees other countries' water scarcity as a boon for U.S. exports:\n\nThe United States can benefit from an increased demand for agricultural exports as water scarcity increases in various parts of the world. ", "This would be especially true if states expecting increased water scarcity rely upon open markets instead of seeking bilateral land-lease arrangements in other countries to achieve their food security.", "\n\n* * *\n\nToday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who requested the report, commented on the report in a speech at the State Department.", "\n\n\"As the world's population continues to grow, demand for water will go up but our fresh water supplies will not keep pace.\"", "\n\n\"These difficulties will all increase the risk of instability within and between states,\" she said.", "\n\n\"Within states they could cause some states to fail outright. ", "And between and among states, you could see regional conflicts among states that share water basins be exacerbated and even lead to violence.\"", "\n\nWater is a basic necessity of life, yet it remains inaccessible for a large part of the world’s population. ", "At present, almost one fifth of the global population (about 1.2 billion people) live in areas which are water scarce and a quarter live in developing countries that face water shortages. ", "Globally the situation is getting worse due to the increase in population and the need for more water for agriculture, industry and household use to meet the needs of the increasing population. ", "With the existing climate change scenario, it is predicted that almost half of the world population will be living in water stressed areas by 2030.", "\n\nIt needs to be understood that freshwater resources are limited and are fast depleting due to irresponsible use. ", "As a means of focussing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources, the United Nations General Assembly designated March 22 to be observed as World Water Day in 1993.", "\n\nEach year, the World Water Day highlights a specific theme and this year’s theme is Water and Food Security. ", "The theme is very relevant as there are growing indications for both water and food scarcity in the years to come.", "\n\nTo feed the burgeoning world population, an increased food growth is required. ", "Almost one billion people live in chronic hunger and with the depleting water resources, food production is likely to suffer.", "\n\nAll the food from crop and livestock, fisheries and forest products requires water…a lot of water. ", "Just imagine: it takes about 1,500 litres of water to produce one kilogram of wheat and 10 times more to produce beef. ", "It may come as a surprise for many but the fact is that when combined all the water required for raising a cow (its feed too needs water to grow), slaughtering and processing meat it the water content for beef becomes this high. ", "Even fisheries and aquaculture require a certain quantity and quality of water in rivers, lakes and estuaries and are therefore important water users.", "\n\nThe biggest share of water use is in agriculture. ", "In fact, about 70 per cent of all water usage is in agriculture. ", "But world’s water supply is being impacted by climate change because of changed rainfall patterns, greater droughts, melting glaciers and altered river flows; this will drastically affect agriculture, including feed and fodder for livestock. ", "Erratic rainfall and seasonal differences in water availability can cause temporary food shortages, while floods and droughts can cause intensive food emergencies. ", "Lack of water can be a major cause of famine and result in under-nourishment, as it limits farmers’ ability to produce enough food to eat or earn a living.", "\n\nWith population increase, economic growth and urbanisation, the demand for water in cities and industries is also growing at a fast rate. ", "Attempts to meet this growing demand put pressure on both the current availability and further expansion of the irrigated area. ", "This is besides the water required for non-food crops such as bio-fuels and fodder for livestock.", "\n\nThis increased competition for water further impacts the poor and vulnerable groups. ", "Millions of small farmers, fishers and herders depend on water as one of the most important factors of production — without water they cannot make a living.", "\n\nWith climate change affecting water availability, there is an urgent need to find ways and means to conserve water; it also calls for better water management in agriculture. ", "Techniques must be developed to improve water usage in the fields, so that more crop is produced using less water or crop yield per unit of water is more. ", "This can be achieved by better control and application of irrigation water, as well as combination of rain and irrigation water wherever possible. ", "These, combined with good agricultural practices, will ensure highest possible productivity.", "\n\nAlong with measures to maximise food production, dietary habits must be changed and the consumption of water-intensive food must be lessened. ", "For example, a more vegetarian diet can be helpful as producing meat needs more water. ", "Moreover, emphasis should be on cultivating less water intensive crops so more food is produced with less water.", "\n\nTreated waste water, drainage water and desalinated water can be used for agriculture, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, after making sure that no toxic substances are present in the water. ", "Similarly, recirculation of water in aquaculture can reduce the use of water to a great extent.", "\n\nIt is important to reduce food wastage. ", "Roughly about 30 per cent (1.3billion tons) of the food produced worldwide is never eaten. ", "It is either wasted somewhere between farmers’ field and markets due to poor storage or during transportation or ends up in garbage dumps by consumers who are not aware or do not care how important it is for the starving millions. ", "It is not only the food that is wasted but the water used to produce it is also lost.", "\n\nConservation of water is vital as not only its resources are dwindling, but food security also depends on it.", "\n\nWednesday, March 21, 2012\n\nAgnes Apio has to tie up her son Francis before she can leave the house. ", "In his state, he is a danger to himself. ", "Where once he walked and talked like a normal child, now he is only able to drag himself along in the dirt. ", "Francis is suffering from “Nodding Disease,” a brain disorder that,according to CNN, afflicts at least 3,000 children in northern Uganda, leaving them physically stunted and severely mentally disabled.", "\n\n“I feel dark in my heart,” Apio says as waves flies away from her son’s face and mops up his urine after a seizure, “This boy has become nothing.”", "\n\n“Reportedly the children gnaw at their fabric restraints, like a rabid animals,” says The Daily Tech. ", "The article calls them “zombie children,” having “no cure” and “no future.”", "\n\nFirst the victims become restless, can’t concentrate. ", "They say they have trouble thinking. ", "Then comes the nodding, an uncontrollable dipping of the head that presages the disease’s debilitating epilepsy-like seizures. ", "It is this nodding motion that gives the illness its name.", "\n\nNodding Disease first attacks the nervous system, then the brain. ", "As the epilepsy-like seizures progress and worsen, the children become less and less like themselves, and more and more distant and blank. ", "Eventually the brain stops developing and the victims’ bodies stop growing. ", "So far, no patients have recovered.", "\nGrace Lagat also has to tie up her children in order to leave the house. ", "Daughter Pauline, 13, and son Thomas are bound hand and foot to keep them from shuffling away and getting lost. ", "Pauline recently disappeared for five days.", "\n\nExperts are baffled as to what causes the disease, which only occurs in children. ", "Early findings suggest a confluence of the presence of the black fly-borne parasitic worm Onchocerca Volvulus, which causes river blindness, and acute vitamin B6 deficiency.", "\n\nVictims can wander off and disappear. ", "Some 200 “secondary deaths” have been blamed on fires and accidents caused by children with the disease.", "\n\nPhysicians and workers with the Ugandan Red Cross are frustrated by what they see as a lack of urgency in the government’s handling of the disease. ", "After months of lagging, officials have only begun an official tally of cases within the last two weeks.", "\n\nThe situation was already dire when a team from the World Health Organization visited northern Uganda in 2009. ", "CNN quotes one doctor from the team, Dr. Joaquin Saweka as saying, “It was quite desperate, I can tell you. ", "Imagine being surrounded by 26 children and 12 of them showing signs of this. ", "The attitude was to quickly find a solution to the problem.”", "\n\nSolutions, however, have been slow in coming.", "\n\nDoctors have been treating the seizures caused by the disease with epilepsy drugs, but their efficacy is limited. ", "The drugs only slow the progression of the disease, but fail to stop it.", "\n\nCurrently, Ugandan government officials say that they are doing everything they can to fight the epidemic. ", "They say that new epilepsy drugs are being tried and special training has been instituted for local health officials. ", "This, they say, is as much as can be done for a disease whose cause and cure are largely unknown.", "\n\nSaweka said, “When you know the root cause, you address the cure. ", "Now you are just relieving the symptoms. ", "We don’t expect to cure anybody.”", "\n\nThe ‘drill, baby, drill’ approach to energy won’t ease your pain at the pump according to an analysis by the Associated Press. ", "In an article running in papers across the country, AP puts it simply: “…more U.S. drilling has not changed how deeply the gas pump drills into your wallet, math and history show.”", "\n\nThe AP’s findings are not surprising. ", "Gasoline prices are subject to the global oil market that U.S. producers cannot control. ", "Changes in the price at the pump do not follow U.S. oil supply trends.", "\n\nThe AP compared inflation-adjusted gas prices to U.S. oil production from 1976 to the present and found no correlation between them. ", "If they were connected one would expect a consistent trend where gas prices eased as production from drilling increased. ", "But AP’s statistical analysis did not bear this out. ", "Multiple statisticians and economists consulted by AP for verification of their analysis also agreed with the findings.", "\n\nIn a recent speech, Senator Jeff Bingamin also pointed out the lack of a relationship between U.S. oil production and gas prices using the chart below.", "\n\nSenator Bingamin: “Here, the red line is the change in domestic production, year over year. ", "The blue line is gasoline prices. ", "And what’s striking about this chart is the lack of relationship between the two lines. ", "Even with U.S. production increasing as it was at some points, oil prices were also increasing, and gas prices were also increasing.”", "\n\nMany pundits choose to ignore the facts and play a gas price blame game that focuses on drilling everywhere and expanding polluting tar sands from Canada. ", "These wrong-headed prescriptions only serve to confuse an already frustrated public. ", "The only guaranteed way to lower consumers’ fuel bills is to provide ways to use less gasoline.", "\n\nRecently proposed auto standards to reach the equivalent of 54.5 mpg by 2025 will save the average driver $4,400 over the life of their vehicle due to fewer trips to the gas pump.", "\n\nImproved fuel efficiency and other clean energy solutions are what policymakers should be supporting. ", "The facts don’t support more U.S. drilling as a solution to high gas prices. ", "It’s good to see AP set the story straight. ", "The public needs the facts and clean energy solutions. ", "As history shows, we’ve drilled and drilled and it doesn’t help your wallet.", "\n\nNoah Greenwald of the Center for Biological Diversity said today, “Keystone XL may be a boon to Big Oil companies in the exporting business but those profits will come at a stiff price for our land, water, wildlife and climate.” “", "Building Keystone XL in pieces doesn’t make it any less dangerous.”", "\n\nPresident Barack Obama plans to announce in Cushing, Oklahoma Thursday that his administration will expedite the permit for the southern half of the Keystone XL pipeline, a source familiar with the president's announcement tells CNN.", "\n\nA White House official confirmed Tuesday that the president on Thursday will \"reiterate his administration's commitment to expediting the construction of a pipeline from Cushing, Okla., to the Gulf of Mexico, relieving a bottleneck of oil and bringing domestic resources to market.\"", "\n\nBarack Obama is expected to speed up approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline on Thursday after taking to the road with what the White House is billing as an \"all of the above\" energy tour.", "\n\nObama's planned visit to the oil hub of Cushing, Oklahoma, on day two of the energy tour has raised expectations he will speed up approval of the southern US-only segment of the pipeline, running from the town to Port Arthur, Texas.", "\n\nThe approval, which would infuriate environmental groups, could allow construction on that portion to begin before November's presidential elections instead of next year.", "\n\nObama's tour starts with a visit to the country's biggest operating solar farm in Boulder City, Nevada. ", "The White House said in a statement: \"The president will highlight his administration's focus on diversifying our energy portfolio, including expanding renewable energy from sources like wind and solar, which thanks in part to investments made by this administration is set to double in the president's first term.\"", "\n\nBut the visit seemed a detour on a trip apparently solidly focused on fossil fuels and the price of gas at the pump.", "\n\nObama has been under nonstop attack from Republicans for rising petrol prices, which now stand at well over $4 (£2.50) for a US gallon in some parts of the country, and for his decision in January to halt the pipeline because of a section running through an ecologically sensitive part of Nebraska.", "\n\nOn the campaign trail, Newt Gingrich has said he would cut gas prices to $2.50 if he is elected president, and Mitt Romney has taken to demanding Obama sack his energy secretary, Steven Chu, the interior secretary, Ken Salazar, and his Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Lisa Jackson. ", "Gingrich calls the three the \"gas hike trio\".", "\n\nBut Obama's forthcoming speech at a pipe yard owned by TransCanada, the Canadian company behind the project to pump crude from the tar sands of Alberta, was seen as a strong signal that the pipeline – at least, the portion running from Cushing to Port Arthur, Texas – is back on track.", "\n\nThe White House said last month it would allow the southern portion, which requires no State Department approval, to go ahead. ", "It was not immediately clear how Obama would push the process along further.", "\n\nTransCanada has said it will go ahead with the Cushing-Port Arthur segment of the pipeline as soon it gets the go-ahead from the army corps of engineers.", "\n\nThe White House said in a statement Obama's visiting Cushing was intended to show his commitment to \"improving and supporting the infrastructure that helps us leverage our domestic resources, while also ensuring these projects are developed in a safe and responsible way\".", "\n\nIt continued: \"This includes a pipeline that will transport oil from Cushing to the Gulf of Mexico, which will help address the bottleneck of oil that has resulted in large part from increased domestic oil production in the midwest.\"", "\n\nAmidst the many environmental disappointments of the Obama administration -- the fizzled Copenhagen conference, the opening of vast swathes of the Arctic to drilling and huge stretches of federal land across the northern Plains to coal-mining, the failure to work for climate legislation in the Senate, the shameful blocking of regulations to control ozone -- the president has done one somewhat brave thing. ", "He responded to the largest outpouring of environmental enthusiasm so far this millennium and denied a permit for the main Keystone XL pipe from Canada's tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico.", "\n\nCynics said he did so just to avoid disappointing young people before the election, and pointed out that he invited pipeline proponent Transcanada to reapply for the permit. ", "It's hard not to wonder if those cynics might be right, now that he's going to Oklahoma to laud the southern half of the project just as Transcanada executives have requested.", "\n\nTrue, the most critical part of the pipeline still can't be built -- thanks to Obama and 42 Democratic Senators, the connection to Canada remains blocked, and hence that remains a great victory for the people who rallied so fiercely all fall. ", "But the sense grows that Obama may be setting us up for a bitter disappointment -- that his real allegiance is to the carbon barons.", "\n\n“The Gulf Coast leg would add to the fossil fuel infrastructure at a time when we critically need to transition away from fossil fuels in order to avoid climate catastrophe,” said Noah Greenwald of the Center for Biological Diversity. “", "Just like Keystone I, the Gulf Coast leg of Keystone XL will spill, polluting land and water and ruining important habitat for endangered species like the whooping crane, piping plover, American burying beetle, interior least tern, and Arkansas River shiner.”", "\n\n“The president’s support for this pipeline is troubling,” said Greenwald. “", "Keystone XL may be a boon to Big Oil companies in the exporting business but those profits will come at a stiff price for our land, water, wildlife and climate.”", "\n\n“The American people have spoken clearly against this project,” said Greenwald. “", "Building Keystone XL in pieces doesn’t make it any less dangerous.”", "\n\nIf you want to see House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan sanctimoniously excuse himself and his friends for missing the most predictable economic crisis in the history of the world, you now have the opportunity: In a YouTube video produced by his staff, Ryan tells viewers that the crisis called by the collapse of the housing bubble caught “us” by surprise.", "\n\nWell, it didn’t actually catch us by surprise.", "Some of us had been warning about the potential damage caused by the collapse of the bubble since 2002. ", "We repeatedly tried to warn of the dangers of the housing bubble in whatever forum we had.", "\n\nIt was easy to see that the housing market was hugely over-valued and that at some point it would collapse, just as the stock bubble had collapsed in 2000-2002. ", "It was also easy to see that its collapse would have a devastating impact on the economy.", "The bubble was driving the economy both directly by propelling a construction boom and indirectly through the impact of housing bubble wealth on consumption. ", "When the bubble burst, there would be nothing to replace this bubble driven-demand. ", "It would be necessary to run the sort of large government budget deficits that we have seen the last four years in order to sustain the economy and keep unemployment rate out of the double digits.", "\n\nAll of this was 100 percent predictable and predicted. ", "However Representative Ryan wants to give himself the blanket “who could have known” amnesty because he and his Wall Street friends chose to ignore the people who were giving the warnings.", "\n\nRyan should apply a variation on the sanctimonious lines in his video to himself:\n\n“Imagine being warned about an economic crisis that would throw more than 10 million people out or work and cause millions to lose their home and doing nothing. ", "Imagine that our politicians in Congress and the White House chose to do nothing while there was still time because it would have been bad politics to upset the Wall Street banks who were making so much money. ", "They instead chose to ignore the warnings. ", "That is immoral.”", "\n\nWhile some of us were putting in overtime and missing sleep to try to warn about the dangers of the housing bubble, Representative Ryan and his cronies were whining about a budget deficit that was almost non-existent. ", "The budget deficits that the government was running in the years just before the collapse of the housing bubble were less than 2.0 percent of GDP. ", "The debt-to-GDP ratio was actually falling. ", "We could have run deficits of this magnitude forever.", "\n\nAfter contributing through his negligence to the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, Representative Ryan has the gall to imply that the people who don’t like his plan are immoral. ", "While we don’t yet know the specifics of his new plan this year, we do know what he put on the table last year.", "\n\nAccording to projections from the Congressional Budget Office, that plan would have raised the cost to the country of buying Medicare-equivalent insurance policies by $34 trillion over Medicare’s 75-year planning period. ", "It also would have led to huge cuts in Medicaid, denying health care to children as well as other budget cuts that would have worsened the situation of low and moderate-income children.", "\n\nAnd to offset these cuts Representative Ryan promised big tax breaks to corporations and the richest people in the country. ", "His budget lowered the tax rate on both to just 25 percent.", "If we can skip the sanctimony let’s just say what every budget wonk knows to be true. ", "We don’t have a budget problem; we have a health care cost problem. ", "If per person health care costs in the United States were in line with those in any other wealthy country we would be looking at huge budget surpluses, not deficits.", "\n\nThe answer lies not in cutting back and/or eliminating Medicaid and Medicare, but in fixing the health care system. ", "That’s the simple truth and to try to contend otherwise is immoral, Representative Ryan.", "\n\nIn the United States, 88 percent of the corn, 93 percent of the canola, and 94 percent of the soybeans are genetically modified organisms (GMO).Genetically modified tomatoes, pork, and salmon, among many other foods, are also in our stores. ", "In 2011, the country had 69 million hectares (170.5 million acres) of GMO cropland.", "\n\nAre you a vegetarian who uses textured vegetable protein (TVP) or tempeh in your recipes? ", "TVP and tempeh are derived from soybeans. ", "If the package didn’t say organic, then you’re eating genetically-modified products. ", "Same for soy milk, tofu, and miso . . . ", "you get the idea.", "\n\nFor babies allergic to dairy, there is even soy-based infant formula.", "\n\nAre you a carnivore? ", "Livestock feed for cattle, pigs, chickens, and aquaculture catfish is dominated by corn and soy . . . ", "genetically modified corn and soybeans. ", "In fact, 98 percent of the American soy crop is used in livestock feed. ", "So, when you eat meat, you’re eating a GMO.", "\n\nApproximately 75 percent of the processed food in American grocery stores has GMO ingredients. ", "High fructose corn syrup, for example, is found in most sodas, many snack foods, ketchup, and even commercial bread and that syrup usually comes from GMO corn.", "\n\nIf the food label has words like ascorbate, lysine, maltodextrin, modified food starch, or xanthan gum than you’re most likely eating GMO-derived food.", "\n\nWhat do GM foods have to do with poison?They are poison. ", "Literally.", "\n\nTake GMO corn. ", "Monsanto the devil engineered their corn to be \"Round-Up Ready.\" \"", "Round-Up\" is a weedkiller that would kill the corn, too, if it hadn't had the BT toxin spliced into its RNA making it \"Round-Up Ready.\" ", "GMOs are not engineered to grow bigger, taste better, produce larger yields, or to be more nutritious. ", "They are engineered with poison to be able to resist poison. ", "Thus, GMOs, themselves, are poison.", "\n\nGenetic modification has produced toxins never seen before, and those toxins are in the GMO foods we’re eating. ", "It has increased the level of allergens in GMO crops, altered the composition of protein and other nutrients, and increased the GMO crop’s absorption of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals. ", "It doesn’t matter how much we wash an ear of corn. ", "We’re eating those pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals, too.", "\n\nScientists have linked microRNA (ribonucleic acid) to cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, among other illnesses. ", "It is found in GMO crops, like rice, and in the blood and organs of people who eat those GMO crops. ", "Recently, Chinese scientists found that microRNA survives the human digestive process and affects, among other things, our cholesterol function.", "\n\nGMO scientists now propose splicing microRNA into more seeds to block the function of specific genes in insects, so that the GMO crops can better resist pest infestations. ", "Unfortunately, humans and insects share a lot of the same DNA. ", "Thus, the microRNA in a GMO crop would undoubtedly impact human genes as well when it is eaten.", "\n\nIn a 2011 published study of human consumption of GMO foods, scientists found that the genetic material inserted into GMO soybeans transferred into bacteria living inside human intestines, stayed there, and continued to function.", "\n\nTraces of Bt toxin from Monsanto the devil's Bt corn were found in the blood of 93 percent of the women studied and in 80 percent of their umbilical cord and fetal blood.", "\n\nIn Europe, the German chemical company, BASF, moved its GMO plant-science headquarters from Germany to Raleigh, North Carolina. ", "Widespread opposition from citizens, farmers, and politicians to its GM crops, like the Amflora potato, meant that BASF had no market in Germany for its GMO seeds.", "\n\nGMO giant Monsanto the devil has stopped developing genetically-modified crops to be grown in Europe, because most European countries refuse to allow them to be grown.", "In America, however, the Food & Drug Administration’s Deputy Commissioner for Food Safety is a former Monsanto the devil executive. ", "In February 2012, the U.S. Department of Agriculturesped up the approval process for genetically-modified foods.", "When he was campaigning for the presidency in 2007 and 2008, Barack Obamapromised to introduce legislation mandating the labeling of GMO foods. ", "So far, he’s done nothing. ", "So, grassroots movements in several states like California and Florida and Vermont are putting GMO labeling bills on their ballots.", "\n\nIf they pass, people will at least have the information they need to decide whether to poison themselves or not.", "\n\nTuesday, March 20, 2012\n\nWhile everything that has been proposed by politicians from both parties and corporate think tanks are ridiculous and do nothing to improve our deteriorating climate situation, no one can deny that man-made climate change is real. ", "The climate denial industry is completely funded by the oil industry, and it's team of TV meteorologists are paid shills, not climate scientists.--jef\n\nThe National Weather Service is kind of the anti-Mike Daisey, a just-the-facts operation that grinds on hour after hour, day after day. ", "It’s collected billions of records (I’ve seen the vast vaults where early handwritten weather reports from observers across the country are stored in endless rows of ledgers and files) on countless rainstorms, blizzards, and pleasant summer days. ", "So the odds that you could shock the NWS are pretty slim.", "\n\nBeginning in mid-March, however, its various offices began issuing bulletins that sounded slightly shaken. “", "There’s extremes in weather, but seeing something like this is impressive and unprecedented,” Chicago NWS meteorologist Richard Castro said. “", "It’s extraordinarily rare for climate locations with 100+ year long periods of records to break records day after day after day,” the office added in an official statement.", "\n\nInternational Falls, MN, the “icebox of the nation,” broke its old temperature records—by 22 degrees, which according to weather historians may be the largest margin ever for any station with a century’s worth of records. ", "Winner, South Dakota reached 94 degrees on the second-to-last day of winter. ", "That’s in the Dakotas, two days before the close of winter. ", "Jeff Masters, founder of WeatherUnderground, the web’s go-to site for meteorological information, watched an eerie early morning outside his Michigan home and wrote “this is not the atmosphere I grew up with,” a fact confirmed later that day when the state recorded the earliest F-3 strength tornado in its history. ", "Other weathermen were more…weathermanish. ", "Veteran Minneapolis broadcaster Paul Douglas, after noting that Sunday’s low temperature in Rochester broke the previous record high, blogged “this is OFF THE SCALE WEIRD even for Minnesota.”", "\n\nIt’s hard to overstate how impossible this weather is—when you have nearly a century and a half of records, they should be hard to break, much less smash. ", "But this is like Barry Bonds on steroids if his steroids were on steroids, an early season outbreak of heat completely without precedent in its scale and spread. ", "I live in Vermont, where we should be starting to slowly thaw out—but as the heat moved steadily east ski areas shut down and golf courses opened.", "\n\nAnd truth be told, it felt pretty good. ", "Most people caught in the torrid zones probably reacted pretty much like President Obama:\n\n“It gets you a little nervous about what is happening to global temperatures,” he told the audience assembled at a fundraiser at Tyler Perry’s Atlanta mansion (records were falling in Georgia too). “", "On the other hand I have really enjoyed the nice weather.”", "\n\nAnyone thinking about the seasons ahead was at least as ambivalent, and most were scared. ", "Here are a few of the things that could happen with staggering warmth like this early in the year:\n\nThe plants that have budded out prematurely (there’s fruit budding across the nation’s apple belt) can be easily killed by the freezes that will come if temperatures revert to anything like normal. (", "Frost is common here, for instance, late into May).", "\n\nThe soils left exposed by the early retreat of snow will dry out much earlier in the growing season, raising dramatically the risk of drought\n\nForests dry out too. ", "In recent years three-quarters of the big fires across the West have come in years when snow melted well ahead of schedule. ", "Across the East the next six or eight weeks, before trees are fully leafed out, will be scary for forest rangers unless we get heavy rains.", "\n\nOne could go on:\n\nmild winters and early springs allow ticks to spread into new places, carrying disease.", "\n\nReservoirs can start evaporating early.", "\n\nWe see wickedly strong storms along the frontal boundaries of these record-setting zones.", "\n\nBut the real fears are the things we can’t anticipate, simply because we are moving into uncharted territory.", "\n\nWe know that we can make a normal seasonal cycle, with variations within a typical range, work—we know, because we’ve done it as long as we’ve been here. ", "But we’ve never seen anything like what we’re seeing this week.", "\n\nExcept, of course, in the models that the climatologists have been printing out on their supercomputers for the last two decades. ", "This is what climate change looks like, just like last year’s new record for multi-billion dollar weather disasters is what climate change looks like. ", "As Masters put it in a recent blog post, notable for its understatement,\n\n“It is very unlikely that the intensity of the heat would have been so great unless we were in a warming climate.”", "\n\nOne could make some sad jokes about the coincidence of Chicago’s record heat with the Illinois primary, or with the president’s tour this week of drilling rigs to convince Americans that he’s a great champion of fossil fuel (with a visit to a solar production facility thrown in for good measure). ", "But the power of our politics seems puny this week compared to the power of the carbon we’ve unleashed for a century.", "\n\nStill, one’s compelled to make a witness and put up a fight. ", "On May 5, all around the world, 350.org is organizing a day for people to testify to the impacts of climate change. ", "There will be Pakistanis forced from their homes in the worst flooding the country’s ever seen, and Somalians dealing with a drought horrible even by the standards of the Horn of Africa. ", "Thais, who watched floods do damage last fall equal to 18 percent of the country’s GDP, and El Salvadorans who watched 15 years worth of development wash away in a week of record rains. ", "Lots of Americans were already planning to join in—Texans who watched drought kill half a billion trees there last year, Vermonters who saw the state damn near wash away in the wake of Irene. ", "But now they’ll have more company." ]
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[ "import { before, after, beforeEach, afterEach, describe, xdescribe, it, xit,\n specify, xspecify, xcontext, context } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:mocha';\nimport { chai, assert, expect, should } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:chai';\nimport { spies, stubs } from 'meteor/practicalmeteor:sinon';\nimport vm from 'vm';\nimport { HTTP } from 'meteor/http'\n\nshould();\n\nconst fakeAutoUpdate = new vm.", "Script(`\nPackage.autoupdate = {\n Autoupdate: {\n _ClientVersions: {\n _collection: {\n find: 1,\n queries: {\n a: {}\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n`, 'fakeAutoUpdate.js');\n\nconst packages = [\n 'underscore',\n 'meteor',\n 'gadicc_modules-runtime-hot',\n new vm.", "Script(`\n var Meteor = Package.meteor.", "Meteor;\n Package['modules-runtime'] = Package['gadicc:modules-runtime-hot'];\n `, 'modules-runtime-sub.js'),\n 'modules',\n 'ecmascript-runtime',\n fakeAutoUpdate,\n 'gadicc_hot',\n new vm.", "Script(`\n var meteorInstall = Package['modules-runtime'].meteorInstall;\n `, 'setupMeteorInstall.js')\n];\n\nconst meteorRuntimeConfig = new vm.", "Script(`\n __meteor_runtime_config__ = {\n \"meteorRelease\": \"METEOR@\",\n \"meteorEnv\": {\n \"NODE_ENV\": \"development\",\n \"TEST_METADATA\": '{}' //\"driverPackage\":\"practicalmeteor:mocha\"}'\n },\n \"PUBLIC_SETTINGS\": {\n HOT_PORT: \"test\"\n },\n \"ROOT_URL\": \"${Meteor.absoluteUrl()}\",\n \"ROOT_URL_PATH_PREFIX\": \"\",\n \"appId\": \"5nficts16err2z4vy\",\n \"autoupdateVersion\": \"ddZEzTkfDgokDDnGj\",\n \"autoupdateVersionRefreshable\": \"a708d9e64bcf5d580a8186e4fe688dd9bc9766d9\",\n \"autoupdateVersionCordova\": \"none\"\n }\n`, 'meteorRunTimeConfig.js');\n\nconst packageCache = {};\n\n// Note, this isn't a sandbox for safety, just for isolation of tests\nconst contextBase = {\n console: console,\n location: {\n hostname: ''\n },\n WebSocket: function() {\n\n },\n document: {\n readyState: 'complete',\n addEventListener: function() { console.log('doc.ael', arguments); },\n //attachEvent: function() { console.log('ae', arguments); },\n getElementsByTagName: function() {\n // never used; just HEAD fetched at modules/css.js init\n return { item: function() { return 1; }}\n }\n },\n setTimeout: global.setTimeout,\n Package: global.", "Package\n};\n\nclass Sandbox {\n constructor() {\n this.context = new vm.createContext(contextBase);\n this.exec('window = this; global = this;');\n\n meteorRuntimeConfig.runInContext(this.context);\n\n for (let pkg of packages)\n this.loadPackage(pkg);\n }\n loadPackage(packageName) {\n if (packageName instanceof vm.", "Script)\n return packageName.runInContext(this.context);\n\n const path = '/packages/' + packageName + '.js';\n if (!", "packageCache[path])\n packageCache[path] = new vm.", "Script(HTTP.get(Meteor.absoluteUrl(path)).content, path);\n packageCache[path].runInContext(this.context);\n }\n exec(code, name) {\n const script = new vm.", "Script(code, name);\n return script.runInContext(this.context);\n }\n}\n\ndescribe('meteorInstallHot', () => {\n\n it('fails if no relevant hot.accept() found', () => {\n const s = new Sandbox();\n s.exec(`\n var require = meteorInstall({\n client: {\n \"noHotAccept.js\": function(require, exports, module) {\n exports.testValue = 1;\n }\n }\n });\n require('/client/noHotAccept.js').testValue;\n `, 'noHotAccept1.js').should.equal(1); // it loads properly\n\n s.exec(`\n meteorInstallHot({\n client: {\n \"noHotAccept.js\": [function(require, exports, module) {\n }]\n }\n });\n hot.failedOnce;\n `, 'noHotAccept2.js').should.equal(true); // No relevant hot.accept() found\n });\n\n it('can self accept', () => {\n const s = new Sandbox();\n s.exec(`\n var testValue;\n var require = meteorInstall({\n client: {\n \"selfAcceptTest.js\": function(require, exports, module) {\n module.hot.accept();\n testValue = 1;\n }\n }\n });\n require('/client/selfAcceptTest.js');\n testValue;\n `, 'selfAcceptTest1.js').should.equal(1);\n\n s.exec(`\n meteorInstallHot({\n client: {\n \"selfAcceptTest.js\": [function(require, exports, module) {\n testValue = 2;\n }]\n }\n });\n testValue;\n `, 'selfAcceptTest1.js').should.equal(2);\n\n s.exec('hot.failedOnce').should.be.false;\n });\n\n it('can accept a dep and receives new exports', () => {\n const s = new Sandbox();\n s.exec(`\n var testValue;\n var require = meteorInstall({\n client: {\n \"test2.js\": function(require, exports, module) {\n exports.testValue = 1;\n },\n \"test1.js\": ['./test2.js', function(require, exports, module) {\n testValue = require('./test2.js').testValue;\n module.hot.accept('./test2.js', function() {\n testValue = require('./test2.js').testValue;\n });\n }]\n }\n });\n\n require('/client/test1.js');\n testValue;\n `, 'replacesExportsSetup.js').should.equal(1);\n\n \n s.exec(`\n meteorInstallHot({\n client: {\n \"test2.js\": function(require, exports, module) {\n exports.testValue = 2;\n }\n }\n });\n\n testValue;\n `, 'replacesExportsTest.js').should.equal(2);\n\n s.exec('hot.failedOnce').should.be.false;\n });\n\n // hot.accept(\"hot-test\") and update \"hot-test/lib/index.js\"\n it('node_modules with { main: \"./lib\" }', () => {\n const s = new Sandbox();\n s.exec(`\n var testValue;\n\n var require = meteorInstall({\n client: {\n \"app.js\": ['hot-test', function(require, exports, module) {\n testValue = require('hot-test').test;\n module.hot.accept('hot-test', function() {\n testValue = require('hot-test').test;\n });\n }]\n },\n node_modules: {\n \"hot-test\": {\n \"package.json\": function(require, exports) {\n exports.main = \"./lib\";\n },\n lib: {\n \"index.js\": function(require, exports) {\n exports.test = 1;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n require('/client/app.js');\n testValue;\n `, 'nodeModuleSetup.js').should.equal(1);\n\n \n s.exec(`\n meteorInstallHot({\n node_modules: {\n \"hot-test\": {\n lib: {\n \"index.js\": function(require, exports) {\n exports.test = 2;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n testValue;\n `, 'nodeModuleTest.js').should.equal(2);\n\n s.exec('hot.failedOnce').should.be.false;\n });\n\n it('node_modules with { main: \"main.js\" } (in root directory)', () => {\n const s = new Sandbox();\n s.exec(`\n var testValue;\n\n var require = meteorInstall({\n client: {\n \"app.js\": ['hot-test', function(require, exports, module) {\n testValue = require('hot-test').test;\n module.hot.accept('hot-test', function() {\n testValue = require('hot-test').test;\n });\n }]\n },\n node_modules: {\n \"hot-test\": {\n \"package.json\": function(require, exports) {\n exports.main = \"main.js\";\n },\n \"main.js\": function(require, exports) {\n exports.test = 1;\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n require('/client/app.js');\n testValue;\n `, 'nodeModuleSetup.js').should.equal(1);\n\n \n s.exec(`\n meteorInstallHot({\n node_modules: {\n \"hot-test\": {\n \"main.js\": function(require, exports) {\n exports.test = 2;\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n testValue;\n `, 'nodeModuleTest.js').should.equal(2);\n\n s.exec('hot.failedOnce').should.be.false;\n });\n\n});\n" ]
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[ "Australia flood: Uluru national park closed after huge rainfall Published duration 27 December 2016\n\nimage copyright Parks Australia image caption The heavy rain meant waterfalls coming off the rock and flooding roads below\n\nA record amount of rainfall has led to the closure of Australia's famous national park at Uluru.", "\n\nWaterfalls appeared all over the landmark, also known as Ayers Rock, at the heart of the park in central Australia.", "\n\nThe Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) described the massive Christmas storm as a twice-a-century weather event.", "\n\nFlash floods in the remote town of Kintore forced the evacuation of dozens of residents.", "\n\nNorthern Territory police told Australia's ABC Network that up to 25 houses were flooded in the town, near the border with the state of Western Australia.", "\n\nThe town was almost cut off, with only severely impaired access from the Western Australian side, they added.", "\n\nPapunya, another town 250km (155 miles) from Alice Springs, was completely cut off, while the town square of Yulara - the nearest community to Uluru - was inundated.", "\n\nRangers closed the Uluru-Kata Tjuta national park at 09:00 local time on Boxing Day (23:30 GMT on Christmas Day), citing the risk of flooded roads and potential car accidents.", "\n\n\"There's a lot of water … coming off the rock and what that does is just channels across the ring road around Uluru, some of those roads there were flooded by about 300-400mm of rain. ", "Quite spectacular but very hazardous road conditions,\" park manager Mike Misso told ABC.", "\n\nParks Australia said they had now reopened the park but urged people to drive carefully as there was still surface water on the roads." ]
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[ "this was funnier in my head.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\nF*ck This Shit - altern8\nhttps://achievistapp.com/site/blog/fuck-this-shit/\n======\nacconrad\nTL,DR: stop settling and start doing, don't wait for it to happen.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "http://www.scandinaviandesigncenter.com/Products/usd0/Trademark/Marimekko/14660/Unikko+oilcloth+red&variantId=0114660-01Unikko oilcloth redhttp://www.scandinaviandesigncenter.com/ProductImages/Marimekko/14660/01/338x338/01.jpg58USDInStockMarimekkoThe classic and beautiful oilcloth Unikko from Marimekko is the perfect canvas to have on the table during the whole summer! ", "Unikko ...Unikko/Fabrics & Textiles/Oilcloths" ]
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[ 0.008064516129032258, 0.044444444444444446 ]
[ "The role of dopamine agonists in early Parkinson's disease.", "\nRecent evidence from clinical studies suggests an expanded role for dopamine agonists as initial dopaminergic monotherapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD). ", "The rationale for the use of dopamine agonist monotherapy in early disease is to delay the initiation of levodopa or to decrease the total exposure to levodopa, thereby reducing the motor complications of long-term levodopa therapy. ", "Dopamine agonists, when used alone, rarely promote the development of dyskinesias and motor fluctuations that complicate levodopa treatment. ", "Theoretically, there is potential for a neuroprotective effect by decreasing the oxidative breakdown of dopamine and free radical generation. ", "Because they act on postsynaptic dopamine receptors of the striatum, dopamine agonists act independent of the synthetic dopaminergic enzyme system and are not dependent on degenerating presynaptic neurons in the substantia nigra. ", "This article will review the traditional role of dopamine agonists and will focus on emerging strategies for the treatment of PD, including early monotherapy with dopamine agonists and early combination therapy with dopamine agonists and levodopa." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Share this product\n\nDescription\n\nNOTE: Due to an error on our part, the current batch of Distressed Concrete jeans are more \"grey\" than shown in the picture here.", "\n\nThey're actually rather nice and identical style wise - we just want you to be aware that there wont be a blue tint to the jeans as shown in the images here. ", "We'll remove this message as soon as the current \"grey\" batch has gone and the usual colouring returns.", "\n\nYou may also like:\n\n{\"id\":11620599943,\"title\":\"Signature Distressed Baseball - Black\",\"handle\":\"signature-distressed-baseball-black\",\"description\":\"\\u003cp\\u003eIntroducing our first foray outside of denim, the Signature Distressed Baseball cap.\\u003c\\/p\\u003e\\n\\u003cp\\u003eWe took the classic baseball cap shape and lightly reinforced the front panel so that it doesn't collapse, before adding light distressing to the peak. ", "To the back is an adjustable metal buckle featuring the PYRACY lion emblem.\\u003c\\/p\\u003e\\n\\u003cp\\u003e\\u003cspan\\u003eFinished with iconic \\u003c\\/span\\u003e\\u003cspan\\u003ePYRA3Y\\u003c\\/span\\u003e\\u003cspan\\u003e registration plate branding.\\u003c\\/span\\u003e\\u003c\\/p\\u003e\",\"published_at\":\"2017-10-25T14:07:39+01:00\",\"created_at\":\"2017-10-25T14:14:15+01:00\",\"vendor\":\"PYRACY\",\"type\":\"Headwear\",\"tags\":[\"hats\"],\"price\":2500,\"price_min\":2500,\"price_max\":2500,\"available\":true,\"price_varies\":false,\"compare_at_price\":null,\"compare_at_price_min\":0,\"compare_at_price_max\":0,\"compare_at_price_varies\":false,\"variants\":[{\"id\":55703697159,\"title\":\"Default Title\",\"option1\":\"Default Title\",\"option2\":null,\"option3\":null,\"sku\":\"PYH-01\",\"requires_shipping\":true,\"taxable\":false,\"featured_image\":null,\"available\":true,\"name\":\"Signature Distressed Baseball - Black\",\"public_title\":null,\"options\":[\"Default Title\"],\"price\":2500,\"weight\":123,\"compare_at_price\":null,\"inventory_quantity\":37,\"inventory_management\":\"shopify\",\"inventory_policy\":\"deny\",\"barcode\":\"\"}],\"images\":[\"\\/\\/cdn.shopify.com\\/s\\/files\\/1\\/2018\\/2415\\/products\\/black_hat_1.jpg?v=1511194836\",\"\\/\\/cdn.shopify.com\\/s\\/files\\/1\\/2018\\/2415\\/products\\/black_hat_2.jpg?v=1511194836\",\"\\/\\/cdn.shopify.com\\/s\\/files\\/1\\/2018\\/2415\\/products\\/hats_togethe3.jpg?v=1511194836\"],\"featured_image\":\"\\/\\/cdn.shopify.com\\/s\\/files\\/1\\/2018\\/2415\\/products\\/black_hat_1.jpg?v=1511194836\",\"options\":[\"Title\"],\"content\":\"\\u003cp\\u003eIntroducing our first foray outside of denim, the Signature Distressed Baseball cap.\\u003c\\/p\\u003e\\n\\u003cp\\u003eWe took the classic baseball cap shape and lightly reinforced the front panel so that it doesn't collapse, before adding light distressing to the peak. ", "To the back is an adjustable metal buckle featuring the PYRACY lion emblem.\\u003c\\/p\\u003e\\n\\u003cp\\u003e\\u003cspan\\u003eFinished with iconic \\u003c\\/span\\u003e\\u003cspan\\u003ePYRA3Y\\u003c\\/span\\u003e\\u003cspan\\u003e registration plate branding.\\u003c\\/span\\u003e\\u003c\\/p\\u003e\"}" ]
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[ 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0.002331002331002331, 0.0005737234652897303, 0 ]
[ "Noise in Fourier self-deconvolution.", "\nA general formula for computing changes in the signal-to-noise ratio of a spectrum resulting from the Fourier self-deconvolution procedure is derived. ", "Self-deconvolution reduces the intrinsic halfwidths of lines by a factor K, which is in practice limited by the noise in the spectrum. ", "With the help of the derived formula, the rate of decrease in the SNR as a function of K for eight different smoothing (apodization) functions is studied. ", "With high K values there are significant differences in the SNR as a result of the use of different smoothing functions. ", "With K = 4 a difference of more than 1 order of magnitude between two extreme cases is demonstrated, and with K = 5 a difference of almost 2 orders of magnitude in the SNR is predicted." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.008264462809917356, 0.005405405405405406 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAdaptive internal storage : analysis\n\nWhat are the possible difficulties occur if I use external SD card using Format as internal storage ? ", "I have checked this link:\nHow does the \"Format as internal storage\" feature work in Android 6.0+?", "\nHere are some doubts: \n\nDoes internal storage space increase, if no why?", "\nWhether any memory problems with TWRP, Titanium backup?", "\nWhat to should I do, If I need to switch with another SD card as external OR restore to earlier?", "\nWhat will happen, If I accidentally boot device without SD card?", "\nWhat to do after upgrade? (", "upgrading to higher android versions OR to lower android versions )\nWill this action improves performance?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe internal storage doesn't increase itself, but external storage start behaving like internal (you can move apps to it and so), so you can say you have more internal which is used for apps mostly\nWith titanium backup you shouldn't have any problem as with other apps, for TWRP I can't say anything because I didn't have that experience, but since adopting is android feature recovery shouldn't make you a troubles\nIf you pull out SD card which is adopted app which is on SD card (adopted storage) won't function for obvious reasons, and SD card can't be used with other phone because of encryption. ", "If you put other SD card instead of one you have adopted new card will behave normal, like external storage.", "\nNothing special, just apps which were on adopted storage (SD card) won't work, and instead of their icons there will be little green android, also data stored on adopted storage won't be there (obvious).", "\nDon't know about this one, but as I said adopting is android feature so there shouldn't be any problems, but as we know sometimes after upgrading phone goes little crazy, so there is chance you maybe should perform factory reset, but just maybe.", "\nIf on performance you think on faster loading apps, that won't happen, SD card are way slower than actual internal storage, but there won't be much difference in loading time maybe for some big, very big games/apps, basically, most of people who adopted their SD cards done that because they needed more space for apps\nSo if you want to adopt SD card make sure that is at least class 10 that would be minimum, and speaking from my experience adopting could kill your SD card not really kill it but kill r/w speeds so it becomes 10x slower, happened to me with 16 GB transcend, also it is possible that SD card was crap.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.0016474464579901153, 0, 0, 0.0040650406504065045, 0.0016129032258064516, 0 ]
[ "Secondary metabolites of plants from the genus Cipadessa: chemistry and biological activity.", "\nThe plants of genus Cipadessa, which are distributed across India and southwest of China, have been used as natural insecticides, as well as folk medicines for the treatment of a range of maladies such as diabetes, dysentery, malaria, piles, snake poison, rheumatism, etc. ", "This article reviews the chemical constituents that have been isolated from Cipadessa species to date, including their biological activities. ", "The compounds listed are tetranortriterpenoids (limonoids), diterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, flavonoids, steroids, and some others." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Process Analytical Technology creates smart production – University of Copenhagen\n\nHop til / Skip to:\n\nProcess Analytical Technology creates smart production\n\nTechnology\n\nMany manufacturing companies still base their production on a few seasoned employees who have a high level of knowledge about how the process should be in order to ensure that the final product is in order. ", "This results in bottlenecks and a great dependency on individuals, but it need not be, as pointed out by Professor of Complex Data Analysis at the Department of food Science at the University of Copenhagen Rasmus Bro. ", "He believes that many companies could have much smarter production using e.g. Process Analytical Technology (PAT).", "\n\nProfessor Rasmus Bro from the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen (middle).", "\n\nIn many manufacturing companies, a number of process parameters are measured without getting any particularly useful knowledge from that data that is collected. ", "They typically measure many things, but fail to get an overall picture of what all of measurements can say together.", "\n\n“Much of industry is controlled by a great deal of intuition among the employees. ", "But what if the driving processor disappears? ", "This is a problem in many places and if you can approach the measurements and interpretation of the data more scientifically, you can optimise your production much more efficiently and get a more robust production that is not dependent on individuals,” says Professor at the Department of Food Science at the University of CopenhagenRasmus Bro.", "\n\nHe works with chemometrics, which is used to interpret the data that the PAT measurements provide.", "\n\n“My field deals with how to turn the measurements into useful information that the food and pharmaceutical industries can use for quality control and optimising production. ", "This could, for example, be information like the percentage of alcohol in the wine or the amount of protein in the grain,” says Rasmus Bro, who has followed the Danish food and pharmaceutical industries for more than 20 years with regards to complex data analysis.", "\n\nData interpretation – in addition to contributing to a higher quality of end product – can also ensure that the products are produced with the lowest possible cost in relation to the product specifications.", "\n\nThe ODIN consortium is training the industry\n\n“I work at a department of food science that traditionally collaborates with industry. ", "And it has been clear from the beginning that the interpretation of the data collected from expensive instruments used in production is a limiting factor. ", "Even though there has not been much talk about Big Data in the food sector, it is really what we are talking about. ", "As I said, the challenge is to translate the data into relevant information that enables companies to run their processes more sensibly,” says Rasmus Bro.", "\n\nIn order to change things, he founded the ODIN consortium.", "\n\n“ODIN is an industry consortium where we upgrade industry skills in complex data analysis, so that they do not have to hire expensive consultants to exploit their data. ", "We hold courses, seminars and workshops in chemometry and spectroscopy, which for the Department of Food Science has meant that we have been able to put our research directly into play in the industry,” says Rasmus Bro.", "\n\nAnd even though Danish companies have a long way to go in utilising the collected data, they are far ahead of the rest of the world.", "\n\n“After all, we have the company FOSS, which is probably the largest commercial chemometric competence centre in the world. ", "At the same time, the section for Chemometrics and Analytical Technology at the Department of Food Science is considered the world’s largest research unit in the field. ", "But even with this base, there is still a long way to go in a world that is filled with data,” Rasmus Bro.", "\n\nSeveral small instruments\n\nHe predicts that within several years we will have many more small handheld instruments that can be used for process measurements.", "\n\n“One can imagine that the instruments could be sent with drones, so we can get chemical-physical information with a much higher degree of detail than before. ", "This could be directly from the tanker, from the fishing net or in the field. ", "In the extreme, you might identify the chemical measurements in the raw material – for example, in the herring – which will provide some completely different opportunities than if you test the herring stored in glass jars in the supermarket,” says Rasmus Bro, who foresees almost 100% quality control in the future.", "\n\n“It is in the cards that we will be able to measure the most incredible things, which may be of great benefit, but may also seem a little scary. ", "You may be able to see whether the milk has been frozen and thawed. ", "If the fruit from Brazil has been undesirably affected by the journey. ", "We will be able to select apples and other fruits and vegetables of the highest quality and sell them at extra high prices, while others will be part of productions that have a lower bar for quality,” says Rasmus Bro.", "\n\nIt places high demands on the industry, where a competition parameter is whether you can produce a high quality product for the cheapest price in the fastest and smartest way.", "\n\nProcess Analytical Technology\n\nProcess Analytical Technology (PAT) essentially deals with measuring the relevant parameters at the relevant time and interpreting the data you get from the measurements correctly in order to control and optimize the production process optimally in relation to, for example, product quality, sustainability, food safety and ingredient quality.", "\n\nPAT measurements are often fast and non-invasive. ", "They are often done online, which allows you to adjust production while it is in progress so that you get the best quality for each and every batch of food the company produces.", "\n\nPAT includes several different measurement methods, including near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) – common to both methods is that the measurements must be deciphered with chemometrics, which is Professor Rasmus Bro’s scientific focus.", "\n\nAbout Rasmus Bro\n\nRasmus Bro, a professor at the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen, received the first Nils Foss Excellence Prize, which is considered the Nobel Prize of the food science. ", "The motivation for awarding him the prize was, among other things, the work he has done to disseminate Process Analytical Technology in Denmark. ", "Much of this work happens through the ODIN consortium, which Rasmus Bro started in 2003 in order to provide companies in the food and pharmaceutical industries easy access to international expertise in data analysis, including PAT.", "\n\nODIN is anchored at the Department of Food Science (FOOD) at the University of Copenhagen. ", "The consortium gives industry access to the latest knowledge about the above-mentioned methods through courses, workshops and seminars and access to researchers who can advise on the implementation of the methods in the company. ", "Read more at about ODIN here." ]
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[ 0.0026455026455026454, 0.013761467889908258, 0, 0.03, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005813953488372093, 0.01, 0, 0.003787878787878788, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.006493506493506494, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.0091324200913242, 0, 0.008, 0.011834319526627219, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0.0031746031746031746, 0, 0, 0, 0.004608294930875576, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0071174377224199285, 0.013953488372093023, 0.006896551724137931, 0.012987012987012988, 0.021505376344086023, 0, 0 ]
[ "Spontaneous mandibular fracture in a partially edentulous patient: case report.", "\nThis article describes the case of a 78-year-old patient whose mandibular fracture was treated with miniplate osteosynthesis. ", "After initial treatment, panoramic radiography revealed a fracture of the miniplate, and at follow-up, a loosening of the replacement plate. ", "For the dental practitioner, this clinical case highlights the importance of panoramic radiography and occlusal analysis and stabilization for diagnosis of mandibular fracture, evaluation of miniplate fracture and treatment, especially in the absence of trauma." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nMust the total orbital angular momentum quantum number $L$ be less than the principal quantum number $n$? ", "If so, why?", "\n\nI am studying LS coupling and term symbols. ", "In my textbook, there is an exercise:\n\nWhy is it impossible for a $2\\ ^{2}\\text{D}_{3/2}$ state to exist?", "\n\nThe answer says, the total orbital angular momentum quantum number must less than the principal quantum number. ", "But in my opinion, considering the electron configuration, $1s^{2}2s^{2}2p^{2}$, if the two electrons in $2p$, the outer subshell, have quantum numbers $(1, 1/2)$ and $(1, -1/2)$ respectively which are in the term of $(m_{l}, m_{s})$, $m_{l}$ is the magnetic quantum number, and $m_{s}$ is the spin magnetic quantum number, then the total orbital angular quantum number is $1+1=2$ which is equal to its principal quantum number. ", "This example is conflict against the answer.", "\nWhich is wrong, my example or the answer in the textbook?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhich is wrong, my example or the answer in the textbook?", "\n\nYour example is wrong. ", "You have two active electrons in the $p$ shell, and their total spin must couple either to $S=0$ or $S=1$, which correspond to singlet ($2S+1=1$) or triplet ($2S+1=3$) states. ", "The target state you've been given is a doublet state (indicated by the $2S+1=2$ superscript), so you've already missed the mark.", "\nMore generally, if you want a doublet state (with $S=1/2$), then you need an odd number of electrons, since even numbers of electrons always have integer-valued total spin.", "\nThis then puts you into trouble, because having $n=2$ limits you to having only $p$ electrons with $\\ell=1$ contributing to the orbital angular momentum, and if you have an odd number of such electrons, then you're restricted to an odd-integer value for $L$. This then completely eliminates the possibility of any $2 \\ {}^2\\mathrm{D}_J$ state, whatever the $J$.\n(If any of the above is unfamiliar, then it's almost certainly because of an incomplete preparation in the quantum-mechanical procedure for adding angular momenta. ", "This is a large and complex topic, and you should take it from the ground up.)", "\nAs for your more general question,\n\nI want to confirm that whether the total orbital angular momentum quantum number $L$ is always less than $n$.\n\nNo, this is not the case (at least, for excited states). ", "With a half-filled shell, say, on atomic nitrogen, it's perfectly possible to achieve $\\rm F$ states with $L=3$, by taking the parallel configuration for the three individual orbital angular momenta.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0069767441860465115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Katalyst – On The Frontline…Warriors\n\nFellow SB family member, Adrian Scientia aka Katalyst aka The Black Bull, finally got around to encoding one of his earliest mixtapes (but wouldn’t post it himself, so I’m doing it). ", "The overriding theme for the tape was the 1979 gang classic, The Warriors and it shows from the intro and throughout. ", "Initially recorded on two Gemini DD50 turntables with a Gemini 626 mixer on a JVC Boombox it’s a pretty tight little mix with tons of classic jams." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.004524886877828055, 0, 0.006802721088435374 ]
[ "Modulation of angiotensin II binding sites in neuronal cultures by mineralocorticoids.", "\nPrevious studies have determined that mineralocorticoid hormones are able to increase the number of angiotensin II (ANG II)-specific binding sites in rat diencephalon and in neuronal cultures and also increase the drinking response elicited by centrally injected ANG II. ", "In the present study, we have examined the specificity and mechanisms of this mineralocorticoid action. ", "In neuronal cultures from the hypothalamus and brain stem (H/BS), both D-aldosterone and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) caused significant time- and dose-dependent increases in 125I-labeled ANG II-specific binding. ", "This effect was not mimicked by the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone, or by testosterone, beta-estradiol or progesterone. ", "However, the steroid corticosterone induced a moderate increase in [125I] ANG II binding. ", "This may have occurred as a result of its high affinity for the mineralocorticoid type I receptor. ", "DOCA was ineffective in increasing [125I]ANG II specific binding both in neuronal cultures prepared from the cerebellum and in pure astrocytic glial cultures, indicating that this mineralocorticoid effect is specific both for neurons and for certain brain regions. ", "The increase in [125I]ANG II-specific binding elicited by DOCA was abolished by cotreatment with the mineralocorticoid receptor blockers mespirenone or ZK97894 and by cotreatment with cycloheximide. ", "Taken together, these observations suggest that the mineralocorticoid-induced increase in [125I]ANG II-specific binding in H/BS neuronal cultures is a specific event, which is mediated via mineralocorticoid type I receptors and which requires protein synthesis." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005025125628140704, 0.0038314176245210726 ]
[ "On the go and no time to finish that story right now? ", "Your News is the place for you to save content to read later from any device. ", "Register with us and content you save will appear here so you can access them to read later.", "\n\nShe said council had hoped there would be \"limited dramas\" for him when he started.", "\n\n\"But unfortunately that's not always the way it goes in local government, and our latest natural disaster is a landslide on Clifton beach, with 20,000 cubic meters of sediment and rock that are blocking a public road.\"", "\n\nShe said she and the councillors had been impressed with Bickle's understanding of issues in Hastings when they first met.", "\n\nShe said it was clear when she spoke to leaders in the Hastings community it became clear Bickle had a network of relationships already established with people in the district.", "\n\nBickle said he was looking forward to starting work in the district.", "\n\n\"I'm really looking forward to getting my sleeves rolled up and into what needs to be done.", "\n\n\"On one level, this is a great place... great people, great climate, the premium food and beverage economy in New Zealand, and great visitor destination, and it's enjoyed really, really strong economic growth.\"", "\n\nHe said leaders needed to be brave enough to honestly confront brutal truths.", "\n\nHe said for him, one of the biggest \"brutal truths\" which needed confronting was that one-third of Hastings kids lived below the poverty line.", "\n\nAnother was ensuring a clean, safe, sustainable water supply.", "\n\n\"Those are some of the really big issues.\"", "\n\nThe Mayors of Central Hawke's Bay and Wairoa, Alex Walker and Craig Little, both spoke at the event, as well as the Chair of Regional Council, Rex Graham.", "\n\nDue to Bickle's previous work in the Pacific Islands, a kava ceremony was held following the Pōhiri." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.0196078431372549 ]
[ "A woman tends to her child in her shop in Kone Tan Ward, Sittwe, western Myanmar. ", "Photo: EPA" ]
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[ 0.012195121951219513, 0.1 ]
[ "The effects of levothyroxine substitution on body composition and body mass after total thyroidectomy for benign nodular goiter.", "\nMany patients who have undergone total thyroidectomy complain about weight gain and changes in body composition. ", "This prospective study was designed to evaluate the effect of thyroxine replacement on body mass index (BMI) and body composition following total thyroidectomy for benign multinodular goiter. ", "Thirty-three consecutive patients were enrolled. ", "The patients of those histopathological examination revealed carcinoma (n=5) and who did not present for the 6th month follow-up visit (n=6) were excluded. ", "Thyroxine (T4, 100 μg, dose range 50-200 μg) was started in all patients immediately after the surgery and adjusted according to plasma TSH and FT4-FT3 levels in the postoperative 3rd week and postoperative 3rd and 6th months respectively to achieve optimal TSH within normal reference range (0.5- 4.2 mU/L). ", "Changes in weight, BMI and anthropometric measurements were performed preoperatively and in the postoperative 3rd and 6th months. ", "The study completed with 22 patients (17 female and 5 male, mean: 45.8 years; range: 26-64 years). ", "Fourteen patients maintained euthyroid status and eight had subclinical hypothyroidism. ", "There were no significant differences between the subclinical hypothyroid and euthyroid patients in BMI and the other anthropometric values (p>0.05). ", "In the comparisons for age, there were significant changes with regarding weight and BMI. ", "Increases in weight were noted as 2.2±2.7 kg in age over 45 (n= 14, mean: 52.7 years, range: 46-64 years), while 0.1±1.3 kg in age under 45 years (mean; 33.8, range: 26-43 years) and BMI as 0.8±1.0 in age over 45 years compared to 0.04±0.5 in age under 45 years, respectively (p=0.025 and p=0.029, respectively). ", "No significant differences were noted in other anthropometric parameters at the end of 6th month compared to the baseline value except the triceps skin fold (p=0.027). ", "Levothyroxine replacement had no effect on their body composition; however, age was found to be an important factor for weight gain and change in BMI during the midterm follow-up period." ]
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[ "Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen\n\nThe Compassionate Martyr\n\nDuring the era of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama, Dorje Shugden took rebirth in the form of a very special incarnate lama. ", "This would be Dorje Shugden’s “last” incarnation before he arose as a Dharma Protector. ", "From childhood, this incarnation exhibited many signs of a superior being. ", "For example, at the age of 2 or 3, he was already speaking and playing with ritual instruments. ", "When he was only 5 or 6 years old, he had clear visions of yidams (meditational deities) and enlightened beings.", "\n\nEven at a very young age, the boy could recall his past lives, remember his past teachers and recite prayers from memory. ", "Amidst such extraordinary signs, at the age of 6, His Holiness the 4th Panchen Lama Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen (Panchen Chogyen) recognized the young boy as the unmistaken 4th incarnation of the Zimkhang Gongma line of incarnations. ", "The line had been established by Panchen Sonam Drakpa, an exceptional lama who, amongst his many great achievements, had been a tutor to the 3rd Dalai Lama.", "\n\nThe Panchen Chogyen installed the boy upon his former throne, giving him the name ‘Drakpa Gyaltsen’. ", "When he was just 7, the young tulku (incarnate lama), ‘out of his own volition’, took novice vows from the Panchen Chogyen and received from him Yamantaka (Vajrabhairava) empowerment, long life initiation and initiations of Dharma protectors such as Mahakala and Kalarupa. ", "He also received transmission of Lord Atisha’s texts on the Path to Enlightenment. ", "By the time Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was 9 years old, he was already giving teachings and writing profound commentaries.", "\n\nFirst ever Dorje Shugden graphic novel in the world! ", "Click to enlarge and click here to find out more.", "\n\nBy the time he was 13 years old, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen had already studied and mastered the Lamrim. ", "Among other teachings, he also received extremely vast and profound instructions on the Path of Bliss commentary to the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim), as well as transmission and commentary for Guru Yoga of the Segyu Tradition, Ganden Lha Gyama, and many others.", "\n\nTulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was 20 years old when he received his full ordination vows. ", "From that time onward, like all of his previous incarnations, he upheld his monastic vows perfectly and purely, without transgressing even the slightest foundation of the precepts. ", "In the following years, until he was 28, this young erudite lama continued to request for and receive countless teachings, transmissions and initiations of the highest practices from his lama the Panchen Chogyen. ", "It seemed his capacity and thirst for learning was without limit. ", "The relationship between Guru and disciple was very close and governed with great mutual respect. ", "It is said that the Panchen Chogyen was at one time very busy but when Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen requested for profound teachings, the Panchen Lama took a break from his schedule to give him the entire Kadam Volume with many other various essential and important teachings such as Lamrim Chenmo and Ngagrim Chenmo, combining instructions of Je Tsongkhapa and Khedrub Rinpoche. ", "After receiving these teachings, Master and student then entered isolated retreat together, where Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen received the rest of the profound teachings of the uncommon ear-whispered Ganden lineage.", "\n\nThe Great 5th Dalai Lama\n\nTulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was one of the two main disciples of the 4th Panchen Lama, Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen, the other being the Great 5th Dalai Lama himself. ", "Contrary to what is often mistakenly recounted, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and the 5th Dalai Lama shared a very respectful and close relationship. ", "Both Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and the 5th Dalai Lama studied together, debated together and spent a lot of time with each other. ", "Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen also received many direct teachings from the Dalai Lama. ", "On several occasions, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen made offerings and served the Dalai Lama directly, coming out personally to receive or escort him on his travels. ", "He even invited the Dalai Lama to his own residence and received from him a hundred long-life initiations.", "\n\nThroughout his life, from his childhood, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was highly recognized for his vast study and incomparable ability to easily absorb and understand even the most subtle and profound points of the teachings. ", "His skill in teaching, speaking, debate, composition were unrivaled and known to have conveyed the Buddha’s original teachings perfectly, without the slightest deviation or error. ", "By this alone, we can see that he did not just study and know the teachings, but had full realization of them. ", "Further, in his lifetime, he also engaged in many isolated retreats, and in purification practices and the accumulation of merit based upon the Guru Yoga. ", "He also accomplished full retreats that focused upon many yidams, thus achieving all the highest realizations described in sutric and tantric texts. ", "In his biographical account of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche writes in Music Delighting an Ocean of Protectorsthat,\n\n“He reached the state of a supreme mahasiddha and the infinite pure simultaneous appearance of the entire ocean of mandalas, and it is with reverent regard for this that he is praised.”", "\n\nH.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche\n\nApparently, he had also received many direct visions of deities and exalted Gurus from a very young age but in following the Kadam tradition of humility and keeping such attainments secret, there are only very few and scattered accounts of these visions. (", "One rare and very precious example of such secret writings of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen can be read in Music Delighting an Ocean of Protectors). ", "Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen became one of the most highly-respected and sought-after lamas of the land who was known to have the complete qualifications for teaching. ", "His body was pure as he held ethical discipline throughout his life and firmly upheld every one of his commitments and vows. ", "He was deeply learned and extremely well-versed in scripture, reasoning and the Buddhadharma. ", "Lastly, because of his pure altruism he was very beneficial to others in all his actions throughout his life. ", "As described by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche,\n\n“He had all of the realized qualities for teaching without exception, making his teachings so exalted that it was as if Arya Nagarjuna, one of his disciples, or the great master Haribadra was actually present.”", "\n\nTulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was also well-known for his humility. ", "He was not interested in fame nor did he seek the admiration and veneration of people but due to his reputation as an esteemed scholar and an extraordinary lama, he was very highly sought-after. ", "At that time, Tibet was undergoing a period of political instability and even after the Great 5th Dalai Lama was enthroned and his rule was consolidated, his ministers remained concerned that Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s enormous popularity would eclipse the 5th Dalai Lama’s hold on the Tibetan people. ", "And yet Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s acclaim continued drawing devotion from the royalty of Tibet, Mongolia and China. ", "This in turn created a lot of fear and resentment amongst officials of the 5th Dalai Lama.", "\n\nThe Murder of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen\n\nAs Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen came of age, his fame and popularity consolidated. ", "He was a pure monk, an erudite scholar and had a great following of students, especially amongst Mongol royalty. ", "As a high lama, he was expected to attend the Monlam Chenmo festivities in Lhasa. ", "It was at this time that he met with the Oracle of Nechung who took possession of the protector deity and greeted the high lamas and the public. ", "Nechung asked Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen if he remembered the promise he had made in his previous incarnation as Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen who was Lama Tsongkhapa’s preeminent disciple and one of his eight main students. ", "At that time, Nechung had approached Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen and asked him to promise to arise as a protector of Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching of Nagajurna’s Middle Way, and Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen had agreed. ", "But Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen replied that he did not remember the promise.", "\n\nDuldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen\n\nNechung then gave Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen some blessed rice to partake along with some practices to do. ", "Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen ate the rice and followed the prescribed practices. ", "Soon he remembered the promise he made as Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen and he returned to have audience with Nechung through the Oracle. ", "The lama told Nechung he remembered his promise but that he did not have it in him to generate anger, which was necessary to become a Dharma protector. ", "Nechung reassured Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen that he would create the necessary conditions.", "\n\nBy then, there was already ongoing rivalry between followers of the 5th Dalai Lama and the household of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. ", "The Potala Palace was not yet built and both the 5th Dalai Lama and Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen resided in Drepung Monastery, with the Dalai Lama occupying the “Lower House” and Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen living in the “Upper House”. ", "Visitors going to Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s residence would pass by the 5th Dalai Lama’s house and witnessing Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s popularity, and fearful that he would overshadow their lama, the Great 5th Dalai Lama’s ministers felt that drastic actions had to be taken. ", "It would appear that Nechung was accomplishing his work to fan the rivalry between both factions to a feverish pitch.", "\n\nFinally, the brother of Desi Sonam Chopel (the 5th Dalai Lama’s regent) decided to eliminate Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and get rid of the threat once and for all. ", "The would-be murderer’s name was Depa Norbu (also known as Nangso Norbu). ", "Meanwhile, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen clairvoyantly knew that his time was up and thus he began making preparations. ", "He informed his closest attendants and entered into retreat, and said that he did not want to meet anybody. ", "People were informed that he was ill and it was said that the Dalai Lama himself wanted to go and visit but was prevented from doing so by his attendants. ", "The attendants told the Dalai Lama that Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was suffering from an infectious disease and that it was not a good idea for him to travel there. ", "They offered to represent him instead and unbeknownst to the Dalai Lama, this was all part of a sinister plot to kill Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen.", "\n\nAn audience was therefore arranged with Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, and Depa Norbu and his people came bearing offerings and khatas for the lama. ", "During the audience, these representatives of the 5th Dalai Lama tried to poison and stab Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. ", "Neither method however, had an effect; an accomplished tantric practitioner, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s body expelled the poison and it is said that the stab wounds took on the appearance of eyes, leaving the lama miraculously unharmed.", "\n\nLama Tsongkhapa and two sons\n\nFinally, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen himself revealed that he could only be killed by strangulation. ", "Immediately, one of the 5th Dalai Lama’s attendants grabbed a khata while the others held the lama down and they forced the khata down the throat of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. ", "As that was happening, the lama generated the mind of enlightenment and as he thought of Lama Tsongkhapa, the lineage and the practitioners of the lineage, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen willingly offered up his life. ", "He would take the responsibility to assist, protect, nurture and to clear their obstacles. ", "Thus, he generated that supreme aspiration to safeguard the lineage and anyone who needed help, and Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen entered clear light.", "\n\nThe Funeral of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen\n\nWhen Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen passed away, the monastery and his ladrang (a lama’s household) were in turmoil because such an important high lama had been murdered. ", "In accordance with tradition, they placed his remains on a huge funeral pyre in Lhasa with thousands of disciples, Mongolian royalty and all the high lamas in attendance. ", "They came to pay their last respects to the great lama Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. ", "Some lamas came to perform various rituals, self-initiations and so forth. ", "Strangely however, the funeral pyre would not catch fire and could not be set ablaze despite everyone’s best efforts.", "\n\nA statue of the Great 5th Dalai Lama\n\nMeanwhile, the 5th Dalai Lama was very disturbed by the whole matter as he had come to learn of the role his own people had played in Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s assassination. ", "In shock and with great sadness, the Dalai Lama composed a letter of apology to the lama. ", "An attendant brought the letter to where Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s funeral pyre had been assembled and it was read aloud to the assembly. ", "The moment the letter was read, the wood on the pyre suddenly caught fire. ", "This aggravated his attendants and made them even more upset. ", "In utter frustration, one attendant took his zen (part of a monk’s maroon robes) and he hit the pyre, exclaiming, “Some kind of lama you are! ", "You were supposed to be a high lama and you can’t even exact revenge on them and you don’t show any signs… They just simply kill you and that’s it!”", "\n\nAt that moment, it is said that a powerful swirling black smoke arose from the fire. ", "A very strong tumultuous wind blew and an earthquake shook all of Lhasa. ", "It was sign that the mind of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen left his body in this smoke that formed the rough outline of a hand that extended and eventually covered the skyline of the entire city. ", "Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen had thus fulfilled the promise he had made many lifetimes ago as Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen, arising in the wrathful form of the Dharma protector Dorje Shugden, sworn to safeguard and protect Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching of the Middle Way.", "\n\nIncarnation\n\nEmperor Kangxi\n\nAccording to historical records, after Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s passing, his estate and ladrang were dismantled, and the search for his reincarnation was banned. ", "Thus, the illustrious Drepung Zimkhang Gongma line came to an end and the estate founded by Panchen Sonam Drakpa in 1554 ceased to exist in 1656. ", "Records of his life in Tibet were destroyed and the Tibetan leadership did their utmost best to stamp out all memory and mention of him.", "\n\nHence, what we know about Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen today comes from Mongolian records, preserved due to his faithful Mongol students, especially the great Mongol scholar Jaya Pandita (1642-1708). ", "According to Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s own writings, he had a dream of his own tutor, Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen, giving a prediction that he would take rebirth in China and Mongolia.", "\n\nThus, according to scholars and lamas, it is believed that Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen did not only arise as Dorje Shugden but that he also took rebirth as the Qing Emperor Kangxi. ", "The mind of an enlightened being is not limited to just one vessel; it is well-known that enlightened beings of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s attainments and qualities can emanate in multiple forms simultaneously in order to benefit to sentient beings. ", "However, since the recognition of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen as the Emperor Kangxi was never verified, he was therefore never enthroned as a reincarnation of the Zimkhang Gongma line.", "\n\nNevertheless, Kangxi became independently renowned for his benevolence and immense patronage of arts, culture, learning and religion throughout China. ", "Many of the monasteries and works that he sponsored during his lifetime continue to exist to this day, a testament to the enduring legacy and benefit associated with the Zimkhang Gongma line of incarnations.", "\n\nPlease support this website by making a donation.", "\nYour contribution goes towards supportingour work to spread Dorje Shugden across the world.", "\n\nShare this article\n\nTulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is such a great Dharma master in record. ", "He was not only completely and purely committed to the Dharma in this lifetime. ", "Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s previous recognized reincarnations were also exalted Dharma teachers, saints and practitioners who spread the Dharma far and wide to lands like Mongolia and China. ", "Kings and their subjects embraced the Dharma because they were convinced and moved by his wisdom and compassion. ", "One example is Sakya Pandita whose mastery of the Dharma enabled him to transform the mind of a Mongol Prince to Dharma (for more details: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/introduction/incarnation-lineage/sakya-pandita/)\n\nBy the vast accumulation of merit of this lineage of reincarnation, it is logical to deduce that only benefit and dharma will continue to grow through the efforts of this mind stream. ", "I feel very blessed to be connected to this practice as I observe the rapid degeneration of our time.", "\n\nThank you to the team of ds.com for providing clear and comprehensive information consistently throughout the years.", "\n\nTulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was already a highly attained lama for many lives time. ", "Only one with such attainments will accept the request of becoming a Dharma protector. ", "He is different from other protectors which was a powerful demon that being subdued by highly attained lamas and oat to protect the Dharma. ", "He was one that already attained Buddhahood and becoming the Dharma protector by wish. ", "Hence he has an enlightened being that became a Dharma Protector due to his compassion to save all sentient beings.", "\n\nIndeed the karma is huge due to the ban as CTA created the schism among the sangha, discriminating the practitioners and even put down the highly attained Dorje Shugden Lamas.", "\n\nNever bored with reading DS past lives. ", "I can read it again and again and have goosebumps all over. ", "How compassionate is tdg! ", "All these attained beings have such humility and at the same time full of wisdom and compassion.", "\nI believe with all my heart that this biography is true and that tdg is Dorje Shugden.", "\nEven back then the Tibetan leadership are up to no good and destroying faith in many Tibetans. ", "Till now they think that they can just destroy or shut up matters that do not appease them. ", "What a joke! ", "We are so lucky to have histories and social media. ", "The world can now see how cruel the so called Tibetan leadership is. ", "They force people to go their way or else they will be harmed. ", "Show the world whatever evidences you have and let them judge how disgusting the cta is! ", "Pathetic liars.", "\n\nTo my dismay, political in Tibet had long started since the enthronement of 5th Dalai Lama. ", "Due to the popularity of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, the then ministers (now CTA) attempted to banish him for fear TDG will surpass the Great 5th Dalai Lama. ", "Though search for his reincarnation was banned but yet he still came back as human form. ", "Wasn’t he supposed to be a ‘spirit’ and remain in 3 lower realms? ", "It’s already more than 400 years DS had been tainted as ‘bad’ and in political issues, I think it should be cleared. ", "Karma do comes to serve those created the caused.", "\n\nThe CTA is using all methods to hide this truth and to erase the history and lineage. ", "The ban on Dorje Shugden practice is one of their methods by blaming Dorje Shugden for almost everything that the CTA failed in. ", "The truth cannot be hidden.", "\n\nThe 5th Dalai Lama and Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen share a very closed relationship. ", "What change the situation was when the 5th Dalai Lama followers that had great jealousy take action out of their hand. ", "We can see this scenario passed down to this time where CTA is taking action to create more suffering and harmful to their own people with spiritual discrimination.", "\n\nThe truth will always reveal the the truth will always win. ", "The lineage of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen is back and the practice of Dorje Shugden will spread wide because of his motivation and practice is based on compassion and his promise to protect to middle way teaching.", "\n\nDue to the rivalry between the 5th Dalai Lama’s household and followers of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, this erudite lama was murdered, so that some form of wrath was generated in order for him to become a Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden.", "\n\nControversy over Dorje Shugden occurred even at the funeral of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and perpetuated until to day.", "\n\nOn the demise of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, Tibetan authorities eradicated His lineage and destroyed all records of this great lama. ", "It is through the devotion of His Mongolian followers that we now have records of His history.", "\n\nTulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was a born protector. ", "With his super natural wisdom and intelligent when he was at very young age, this proved that he was not an ordinary monk. ", "Yet, CTA, the great Tibetan so called “government” can wipe out all the proves and reincarnation line, hide the truth and history, twisted the truth, turn it around and say that Dorje Shugden is evil spirit. ", "There’s proof that Dorje Shugden is Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, and arise as a protector. ", "There’s proof that High Lamas that has been practicing Dorje Shugden, CTA, where is your proof that saying Dorje Shugden is evil spirit? ", "Please be responsible on the words that come out from your mouth, it is because it can cause chaos, just like the ban of Dorje Shugden.", "\n\nAll Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen previous incarnations comes from a great lineage of fully enlightened beings whose work has had a great impact on the growth of Dharma. ", "He manifested as Dorje Shugden to protect Dharma and yet ban by the CTA. ", "Could you see how heavy the negative karma is. ", "60 years gone, Tibetans till suffering, Tibetan in exile still remain stateless, Dalai Lama still cannot go back to Tibet. ", "Dorje Shugden will only help you because he is enlightened being. ", "CTA, please speak the truth.", "The truth can not be hidden.", "\n\nSuch as inspiring great Buddhist master, for the sake of bringing more benefit to all sentient beings via Dharma, he worked tirelessly, accept & act with pure wisdom and compassion.", "\n\nNow, he continue to benefit people as a Dharma protector, so many miracles & positive review about Dorje Shugden. ", "Me too, practicing Dorje Shugden for like 3 years, my life has been getting better, in terms of health, wealth & my mind.", "\n\nTulku Drakpa Gyeltsen all his previous incarnation are the high ranking lama in Tibet. ", "He even close to the 5th Dalai Lama stay at the samb monastery. ", "If he arose as spirit to seek revange. ", "The 5th Dalai Lama and the murder will have the consequaces early. ", "Is undenileable Tibetan government try to cover the history and separete the rumor to put Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen name down as Dorje Shugden. ", "In this modern time now people will find out and spoken. ", "Can CTA stop all the lies to tell people he is evil spirit. ", "Karma has taking the roll call now for those who speak badly against Dorje Shugden.", "\n\nPeople who claimed that Tulku Drakpa Geltsen or Dorje Shugden is an evil are so wrong. ", "Did they or have they even gone through reading about the history of Tulku Drakpa Geltsen before he became a protector. ", "How can such a highly attained lama be evil? ", "It doesn’t make any sense at all. ", "So before making any accusations, it is best to do some research or read up first.", "\n\nYou can now upload MP4 videos to the comments section. \"", "Choose File\" -> click \"Upload\" then wait while your video is processed. ", "Then copy the link and paste it into the message box. ", "Your video will appear after you submit your comment. ", "Maximum size is 64MB\n\nNotice: It seems you have Javascript disabled in your Browser. ", "In order to submit a comment to this post, please write this code along with your comment: 60419df412e34d07f9408de4dfa2750a\n\nCategory\n\nContemplate This\n\n.…", "Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. ", "Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. ", "Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. ", "But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? ", "So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. ", "Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. ", "The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings." ]
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[ "Hello everyone! ", "Welcome today, to Sunday Inspiration! ", "I am so glad that you were able to find us here at the Risen Hope Ministries and I pray that as we spend some special time alone with God; that you will leave with a piece of hope to hold to…a hope that will carry you through, whatever you may be facing at this time.", "Have you ever thought; that these difficult moments we face; is as though we are fighting in a heated battle? ", "As the enemy moves in and attempts to take control, we have a choice. ", "We can either become a sitting target on the battlefield or we can get up and fight, with the power of the One that lives within us.", "One thing God has truly taught me, over the long and trying years of affliction; is to never give into the battle; but to always pursue and keep pressing on. ", "Have we forgotten how powerful this God is; that lives within us? ", "How is it that we tend to make our weak circumstance more powerful than a God of great power? ", "In our Bible reading for today…I remember reading one of these verses many times, while struggling with my own battles in life…and the verse that helped me so much is verse 4, of II Timothy 21. ", "The section of this verse that has really touched my heart; is where it says… “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life…”I think we need to stop and ask ourselves one question today. ", "Are we too involved with what is happening in our lives; that we have succumbed to the problem? ", "In other words, have we got too involved or entangled within the affairs of what Satan is presenting us with; that unknowingly, we have entered the enemy’s territory, rather than fighting him. ", "Today, we need to get back to reality and realize whose side we’re truly on. ", "There is no in between…we have either followed after the problem and found ourselves on the wrong side of the battle or we have chosen to join God and fight side by side with Him.", "One thing I can say for sure…is that we can’t get an attitude with God; but we can with Satan. ", "Why are we choosing to wallow beneath a weak problem, rather than standing strong and fighting him, for what we truly desire in life. ", "You know…it’s so easy to say that we don’t want a problem in our lives anymore; but do we truly mean it? ", "In other words…do our actions threaten Satan, as if to say…back off or have we laid out the welcome mat to our lives…offering to let him come and go as he pleases…just by the way we respond to our problems?I don’t know about you; but I would rather be fighting the enemy, rather than allowing him to have control over my life. ", "Today, we need to stand tall…shake the circumstance from us and get an attitude against evil…and then, with the Lord’s help…fight evil, until his works of darkness have been destroyed. ", "Today, I pray that we all will find the strength to stand up against evil, even while experiencing difficult moments of weakness!Blessings on your day!It’s Always & Only Because of Him…Diane​" ]
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[ "Oral Colonization by Nosocomial Pathogens During Hospitalization in Intensive Care Unit and Prevention Strategies.", "\nCritically ill patients are very susceptible to a variety of disorders and infections during hospitalization in Intensive Care Units [ICU]. ", "Among these problems, nosocomial infections are major causes of morbidity and mortality. ", "Nosocomial pneumonias, specifically ventilator associated pneumonias have become a major health care issue. ", "The implication of oral care in hospital presents challenges that can prevent or reduce the risk of nosocomial pneumonias in ICU. ", "In this review article, we reviewed the most important nosocomial pathogens which colonize the oral cavity and causes severe infections during hospitalization in ICU. ", "Finally, we discuss that the prevention strategies against oral colonization of nosocomial pathogens include classical methods and novel methods such as Photodynamic therapy, NO based therapy, anti-virulence therapy and other new under investigation antimicrobial strategies." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nBeginner Help: Creating and Storing Text Using PHP\n\nI'm trying to write a program where the basic idea is I ask the user for input in a textarea, and then the text gets stored into a word file. ", "Here is the code I'm trying to use:\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Simple Guestbook</title>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n<h1>Simple Guestbook Comment Creator</h1>\n<br>\n<form method = \"post\"\n action = \"mysite.php\">\n <textarea name = \"text\"\n rows = \"10\"\n cols = \"20\">Write Here</textarea>\n\n<input type = \"submit\"\n value = \"Submit Comment\">\n\n</form>\n\n<?", "\n if($_POST['text'] !", "== NULL){\n $comment = $_POST['text'];\n\n $file = fopen(\"texttest.txt\", \"a\");\n fputs($file, \"<br>\\n$comment\");\n fclose($file); \n } \n\n?", ">\n\n</body> \n</html>\n\nI can't seem to get this to work properly. ", "I was also thinking about somehow making the form action store the text and then reload the site, but I haven't gotten that to work (the original file is mysite.php, so the action is to just reload the page).", "\nIf anyone has any better ideas of an algorithm to use/different syntax to use, please let me know, as I just started learning basic PHP syntax. ", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nSomething like this might work. ", "\nYou might want to do more with the values they are entering and all, but this will basically do what you are asking. ", "\nYou will also want to make sure that you have the correct path of the file you are trying to write to and that that file has the correct permissions to allow it to be written to:\n<html>\n<head>\n <title>Simple Guestbook</title>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n <h1>Simple Guestbook Comment Creator</h1><br>\n\n <?", "php\n if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {\n if (strlen(trim($_POST['comment']))) {\n $file = fopen(\"texttest.txt\", \"a\");\n fputs($file, \"$_POST['comment'])\\n\");\n fclose($file); \n }\n } else {\n ?", ">\n <form method = \"post\" action = \"<?", "php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?", ">\">\n\n <label>Leave your comment\n <textarea name=\"comment\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"20\"></textarea>\n </label>\n\n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Comment\" />\n\n </form>\n <?", "php\n }\n ?", ">\n</body> \n\nAlso, since you are returning to the same page you may want to put some kind of message letting the person know that they succeeded in entering something into your address book.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0, 0.0037174721189591076, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n351 F.Supp.2d 821 (2004)\nINTERMED ASSOCIATES, INC., ", "Plaintiff,\nv.\nRafael MALDONADO and All Imaging Diagnostic Center, Inc., Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "04 C 5681.", "\nUnited States District Court, N.D. Illinois, Eastern Division.", "\nDecember 6, 2004.", "\n*822 Andrew Joseph Creighton, John B. McCabe, Joseph E. Rubas, McDonald & McCabe, LLC, Chicago, IL, for Plaintiff.", "\nNicholas LaPonte, Nicholas D. LaPonte and Assoc., ", "Inc., Chicago, IL, for Defendants.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER\nMORAN, Senior District Judge.", "\nPlaintiff Intermed Associates, Inc. (Intermed) brought this action against defendants Rafael Maldonado and All Imaging Diagnostic Center, Inc. (All Imaging). ", "Plaintiff's two-count complaint alleges claims for breach of contract and declaratory and injunctive relief. ", "Plaintiff now brings a motion for summary judgment. ", "The motion is granted in part and denied in part.", "\n\nBACKGROUND\nNeither party filed a statement of uncontested material facts as required by Local Rule 56.1.[1] Nonetheless, plaintiff's *823 motion for summary judgment and defendant's memorandum in opposition to the motion assert their version of the facts. ", "The parties have also attached the relevant contract and various affidavits. ", "From these filings we have culled the following undisputed facts. ", "In April 2002, All Imaging, a medical diagnostic clinic in Puerto Rico, entered into a contract to lease a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner and related equipment from Intermed, an Illinois corporation. ", "Maldonado, All Imaging's president, entered into the contract with Intermed as a guarantor of his company's obligations. ", "The parties agreed that the contract would be governed by Illinois law.", "\nUnder the terms of the contract, All Imaging agreed to pay Intermed $115 for each use of the MRI scanner, with a minimum monthly payment of $22, 500. ", "Intermed was responsible for the cost of service and preventive maintenance of the scanner, which was to be performed by Philips Medical Systems. ", "The contract was scheduled to terminate sixty months after All Imaging began using the equipment.", "\nAll Imaging's financial difficulties first became apparent in February 2003, when it failed to make its monthly payment to Intermed. ", "It failed to make the $22,500 payment in March, April, May and June as well, creating a $112,500 debt to Intermed. ", "On July 1, 2003, the parties signed a Statement of Commitment, which established a schedule for All Imaging's payment of the debt — eleven installments, ending in April 2004. ", "A provision in the statement reserved the right of Intermed to charge a 2% late fee for any overdue payment. ", "That same day, the parties also amended their contract. ", "They agreed to extend the contract for another year; to reduce All Imagining's monthly charge for July 2003 through December 2003 from $22,500 to $11,500; and to allow Intermed the right to charge a 2% per month late charge on overdue payments.", "\nAll Imagining began to miss payments again in October 2003. ", "As of December 13, 2004, the last monthly bill defendant paid was for November 2003. ", "All Imaging also failed to maintain the payment schedule for its debt from earlier missed payments. ", "Though it had made its first seven payments under the Statement of Commitment, it had not paid the last four, leaving $33,150 unpaid.", "\n\nDISCUSSION\nThe function of the court in ruling on a motion for summary judgment is to determine if there is a genuine issue of material fact for trial. ", "Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 249, 106 S.Ct. ", "2505, 91 L.Ed.2d 202 (1986). ", "If the evidence on file shows that no such issue exists and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law we will grant the motion. ", "Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 322-23, 106 S.Ct. ", "2548, 91 L.Ed.2d 265 (1986); Bennett v. Roberts, 295 F.3d 687, 694 (7th Cir.2002). ", "A \"metaphysical doubt as to the material facts\" is not enough to create a genuine issue of fact for trial, Matsushita Elec. ", "Indus. ", "Co., Ltd. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 585, 106 S.Ct. ", "1348, 89 L.Ed.2d 538 (1986); the evidence must allow for a reasonable trier of fact to find for the non-movant. ", "Buscaglia v. United States, 25 F.3d 530, 534 (7th Cir.1994). ", "When reviewing a motion for summary judgment we draw all inferences in the light most favorable to the non-movant. ", "DeValk Lincoln Mercury, Inc. v. Ford Motor Co., 811 F.2d 326, 329 (7th Cir.1987).", "\nTo prove breach of contract under Illinois law, plaintiff must establish \"1) a valid and enforceable contract; 2) performance of contractual duties by plaintiff; *824 3) breach of contractual duties by defendant; and 4) resulting damages to plaintiff.\" ", "Dahlin v. Jenner & Block, L.L.C., 2001 WL 855419 at *9 (N.D.Ill.2001)(citing Hickox v. Bell, 195 Ill.App.3d 976, 992, 142 Ill.Dec. 392, 552 N.E.2d 1133, 1143 (1990)). ", "Defendants do not contest that a valid contract established their obligation to make monthly payments for the MRI scanner and that they failed to do so beginning in February 2003. ", "Nor does Maldonado contest that on July 1, 2003, he signed a Statement of Commitment on behalf of All Imaging, promising to pay the overdue sum in full by April 30, 2004. ", "It is undisputed that $33,150 remains unpaid.", "\nThe only issue of material fact that defendants raise concerns plaintiff's performance of its contractual duties. ", "Defendants contend that beginning in March 2004, the MRI scanner was in constant disrepair, prohibiting them from using it. ", "Affidavits from two All Imaging employees certify the authenticity of an attached repair record that documents repeated problems with the MRI's head coil. ", "Defendants maintain that plaintiff failed to meet its contractual responsibility for the repair and maintenance of the machine, resulting in All Imaging's loss of revenue while the machine lay dormant. ", "They also contend that much of the delay in repairing the scanner resulted from plaintiff's unilateral decision to replace Philips Medical Systems, the original service company identified in the contract, with a different company. ", "While this raises a question of fact regarding defendants' breach after February 2004, it has no relevance as to plaintiff's claim for breach from February 2003 through February 2004. ", "As there is no question of material fact and plaintiff has established its entitlement to the unpaid fees for these months, we grant partial summary judgment for plaintiff on its breach of contract claim against both defendants in the amount of $90,780.[2]\nDefendants try to create an issue of fact regarding plaintiff's 2% late charge as well. ", "They acknowledge the contract amendment and the Statement of Commitment, but assert that they \"never agreed to a 2% additional charge on the total accrued balance outstanding.\" ", "They cite no evidence in support of this assertion. ", "Both the contract amendment and the Statement of Commitment, which Maldonado signed, clearly contradict defendants' assertion. ", "The amendment provides: \"Intermed reserves the right to charge a 2% per month late charge on any payment that is overdue.\" ", "Likewise, the Statement of Commitment states that Intermed may charge a 2% late fee for any payment that is not received in accord with the statement's schedule. ", "After July 1, 2003, plaintiff levied the 2% fee in accord with these documents.", "\nGiven the remaining issues to be resolved, we set aside, for now, plaintiff's request for attorneys' fees and costs.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nFor the foregoing reasons, plaintiff's motion for summary judgment is granted in part. ", "Defendants are liable for All Imaging's breach of contract prior to March 2004 in the amount of $90,780.", "\nNOTES\n[1] LR56.1. ", "Motions for Summary Judgment\n\n(a) Moving Party. ", "With each motion for summary judgment filed pursuant to Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 56 the moving party shall serve and file —\n(1) any affidavits and other materials referred to in Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 56(e);\n(2) a supporting memorandum of law; and\n(3) a statement of material facts as to which the moving party contends there is no genuine issue and that entitle the moving party to a judgment as a matter of law, and that also includes:\n(A) a description of the parties, and\n(B) all facts supporting venue and jurisdiction in this Court.", "\nThe statement referred to in (3) shall consist of short numbered paragraphs, including within each paragraph specific references to the affidavits, parts of the record and other supporting materials relied upon to support the facts set forth in that paragraph. ", "Failure to submit such a statement constitutes grounds for denial of the motion.", "\n. . . . .", "\n(b) Opposing Party. ", "Each party opposing a motion filed pursuant to Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 56 shall serve and file —\n. . . . .", "\n(3) a concise response to the movant's statement that shall contain:\n(A) a response to each numbered paragraph in the moving party's statement, including, in the case of any disagreement, specific referenced to the affidavits, parts of the record, and other supporting materials relied upon, and\n(B) a statement, consisting of short numbered paragraphs, of any additional facts that require the denial of summary judgment, including references to the affidavits, parts of the record, and other supporting materials relied upon. ", "All materials facts set forth in the statement required of the moving party will be deemed to be admitted unless controverted by the statement of the opposing party.", "\n[2] This sum represents $33,150 that plaintiff owes for overdue payments accrued before July 1, 2003, and $57,630 that plaintiff owes for missed payments in December 2003, and January and February 2004. ", "The total also includes a 2% late fee.", "\n" ]
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[ 0.018867924528301886, 0.03614457831325301, 0, 0, 0.031746031746031744, 0, 0.05217391304347826, 0.058823529411764705, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.025157232704402517, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.012048192771084338, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.024691358024691357, 0, 0.011976047904191617, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008658008658008658, 0, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.0029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAvoid memory reallocation on given example\n\nThe function gets called very frequently, so I try to lower memory-reallocation etc. ", "What bothers me, is the vector and int, though I cant move them outside the function otherwise I get std::bad_alloc. ", "So far I have:\nvoid callbString(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg)\n{\n vector<string> cbstrVec;\n int cbtype;\n\n //get string and split into vector\n string str = (msg->data.c_str());\n if(str.empty()) return;\n str.erase(0,1);\n boost::split(cbstrVec, str, boost::is_any_of(\" \"));\n stringstream(cbstrVec[2])>>cbtype;\n c.setvec(cbstrVec,cbtype); //takes (vector<string>,int) \n}\n\nA:\n\nHave you profiled the application? ", "and is that your code REALLY the bottle neck? ", "If you have... then\nWell, if you are using a C++11 compiler you could do this, if you don't have a C++11 compiler, remove the thread_local but then you'll have to take care of reentrancy if there is a chance that that routine will be called in a multithreaded code\nvoid callbString(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg)\n{\n static thread_local vector<string> cbstrVec;\n static thread_local std::string str;\n\n int cbtype; //int is super cheap\n\n cbstrVec.clear();\n\n //get string and split into vector\n str = (msg->data.c_str());\n if(str.empty()) return;\n str.erase(0,1);\n boost::split(cbstrVec, str, boost::is_any_of(\" \"));\n stringstream(cbstrVec[2])>>cbtype;\n //c.setvec(cbstrVec,cbtype); //takes (vector<string>,int) \n c.setvec(std::move(cbstrVec),cbtype); //takes (vector<string>,int) \n}\n\ncbstrVec and str will have their memory reused since cbstrVec.clear() doesn't really deallocate all the memory allocated by the vector and reassigning str will reuse the internal storage in a good STL implementation\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0022624434389140274, 0, 0.0009578544061302681 ]
[ "The Morrison government has picked Kim Ellis, an army veteran and the chief of Sydney's Royal Botanic Garden, to lead the Australian Antarctic Division as it enters \"an exciting new era of research\".", "\n\nMr Ellis, an ex-logistics specialist with 20 years service in the military, replaces Nick Gales who joined the Antarctic division in the 1980s as a veterinary scientist studying elephant seals and penguins before his appointment as director in 2015.", "\n\nTrading in the shrubbery for the frozen south: Outgoing executive director of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kim Ellis.", "\n\n\"Currently the executive director of Botanic Gardens and Centennial Backgrounds in NSW, and having led a diverse range of high profile government and science organisations, Mr Ellis brings a wealth of experience to this position,\" Melissa Price, the federal Environment Minister, said.", "\n\nIt is understood Dr Gales helped advise the selection panel that nominated Mr Ellis. ", "The parkland chief's experience included visiting Antarctic at least once in a logistics support role." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.020100502512562814, 0.01195219123505976, 0.017241379310344827, 0.013937282229965157, 0.022988505747126436, 0 ]
[ "This is a fantastic opportunity to join a blue-chip publishing firm who currently require a Product Owner to join them on an interim basis.", "\n\nWe're specifically looking for someone with a strong background within MDM (Master Data Management) and product data. ", "You'll assist with an exciting new greenfield project and the technical build of a new MDM solution.", "\n\nWhat you'll be doing;\n\nYou will lead and manage x3 squads responsible for data governance/data quality, MDM integration and workflow.", "\n\nLiaise and manage both internal and external stakeholders globally.", "\n\nEstablish and implement a data quality framework.", "\n\nLead the execution of product creation.", "\n\nManage the application backlog.", "\n\nFollow the Agile/Scrum methodology.", "\n\nWhat experience you'll need;\n\nStrong experience within product management, ownership and business analysis.", "\n\nStrong background working within MDM and product data.", "\n\nSuperb interpersonal skills and the ability to liaise with multiple vendors and senior stakeholders.", "\n\nRelated Industry Insights\n\nSoftware as a service will boost 2019 enterprise software spending 8.3 percent. ", "Overall, IT spending will grow 3.2 percent in 2019.", "\n\nGlobal IT spending is expected to grow 3.2 percent in 2019 to $3.8 trillion as enterprise software, cloud and digital transformation projects boost growth, according to Gartner.", "\n\nThe projection, outlined at Gartner's Symposium/ITXpo in Orlando, accounts for a shift to everything as a service. ", "John-David Lovelock, an analyst at Gartner, noted that enterprises are shifting to pay for use models and that's impacting for the forecast.", "\n\nFor instance, software as a service will boost 2019 enterprise software spending 8.3 percent. ", "IT services will grow at a 4.7 percent clip in 2019 due to digital transformation. ", "Data center systems spending will grow 1.6 percent in 2019 since enterprises are more inclined to go cloud than buy their own gear.", "\n\nThe growth in IT spending is due to a favorable business climate, but there are a bevy of wild cards including tariffs and currency fluctuations.", "\n\nOther key points from Gartner:\n\nServer sales will fall 1 percent to 3 percent every year for the next five years.", "\n\nIT services will grow because enterprises are looking to optimize spending.", "\n\nPC, tablets and mobile phone spending will grow 2.4 percent in 2019. ", "Demand for enterprise PCs should remain strong until 2020 due to the Windows 10 upgrade cycle. ", "But the PC market may be held back due to the Intel CPU shortage.", "\n\nProject / Product Delivery Pains? ", "Have you considered the benefits of a contractor?", "\n\nThere is little doubt, in the current employment market, that demand is outstripping supply. ", "This is particularly true within the highly technical roles (Architects, Software Engineers, Technical Testers, Cyber Consultants, Mobile Developers….etc)" ]
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[ "(CNN) Presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke reiterated his support for a mandatory gun-buyback program of assault-style rifles on Thursday and said, \"Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.\"", "\n\n\"We're not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore,\" the former Texas congressman said during the third Democratic presidential debate, hosted by ABC News.", "\n\n\"If the high-impact, high-velocity round, when it hits your body, shreds everything inside of your body because it was designed to do that so that you would bleed to death on a battlefield ... when we see that being used against children,\" O'Rourke said. ", "He recalled talking to a woman in Odessa, Texas, who had watched her 15-year-old daughter bleed to death after she was shot by a man wielding an AR-15 late last month.", "\n\nO'Rourke's comments come in the wake of a string of mass shootings in the United States, including in his hometown of El Paso, where 22 people were gunned down at a Walmart in August. ", "O'Rourke unveiled a proposal weeks after that shooting calling for a national gun registry, a nationwide gun licensing system and the mandatory buyback of assault-style rifles as part of his plan to curb gun violence and the rise of white nationalism.", "\n\nTwitter threat\n\nRepublican Texas state Rep. Briscoe Cain threatened O'Rourke on Twitter Thursday night in response to the buyback comments, tweeting, \"My AR is ready for you Robert Francis.\"", "\n\nCain's tweet was subsequently removed by Twitter because it violated the company's rules against violence and wishing harm against others, a Twitter spokesperson told CNN.", "\n\nO'Rourke was quick to respond over the same social media platform, and characterized Cain's words as \"a death threat.\" ", "O'Rourke's press secretary Aleigha Cavalier told CNN's Leyla Santiago that the campaign was reporting the tweet to the FBI.", "\n\n\"Any time you have somebody threatening to use violence against somebody in this country to resolve a political issue really for any reason, that's a matter for law enforcement,\" O'Rourke told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on \"New Day.\" \"", "Representative Briscoe Cain is making the case that no one should have an AR-15 that they can hold over someone in this country. '", "Look, if we disagree on something, let me introduce you to my AR-15.' ", "Absolutely wrong.\"", "\n\nIn Twitter's rules on safety, the company specifically states, \"you may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people.\" ", "Cain's tweet had been live on the platform for more than two hours, and some users responded to the tweet saying they would report it to Twitter and the FBI.", "\n\nO'Rourke told CNN's DJ Judd early Friday that Cain's tweet constituted a threat.", "\n\n\"Yeah, it sure reads like one to me, and I think it's a really irresponsible thing for him to do, especially somebody who is a public servant and in a position of public trust to be sending that kind of message to this country,\" O'Rourke said. \"", "We are a nation of laws, and if that ends up becoming the law of the United States of America, then we expect the people of this country to comply with it.\"", "\n\nCain on Friday told CNN that his words were \"not a true threat at all\" and accused O'Rourke of spinning his tweet into a death threat.", "\n\n\"What this really shows is how, how dangerous some of this is that people want to try and spin somebody's words in order to try and take their guns away,\" Cain said, adding that FBI has not reached out to him.", "\n\n'God love you for standing in the middle of that tragedy'\n\nO'Rourke did recieve praise from his fellow Democratic contenders on Thursday night for his actions following the shooting in El Paso.", "\n\n\"The way he handled what happened in his hometown -- to look in the eyes,\" former Vice President Joe Biden said.", "\n\nFellow Texan Julián Castro praised O'Rourke for \"how well he has spoken to the passion and the frustration and the sadness\" after the shooting.", "\n\n\"And Beto, God love you for standing in the middle of that tragedy,\" said Sen. Kamala Harris of California.", "\n\nSen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota said, \"I so appreciate what the congressman's been doing.\"", "\n\nSen. Cory Booker of New Jersey needled O'Rourke later, saying he was sorry it had taken the El Paso shooting for O'Rourke to embrace the position Booker already held, backing a mandatory buyback and national registration.", "\n\nO'Rourke's support for gun licensing is a reversal from May, when he was asked about a similar proposal from Booker and said it \"may be too far.\"" ]
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[ "Cluster management and the role of concerned communities and the media.", "\nPublic health services often have to deal with reported clusters of adverse health events. ", "An important characteristic of disease clusters is that the involved community often is concerned about environmental factors influencing health. ", "To facilitate cluster investigations, a stepwise protocol was developed in the Netherlands, based on international literature. ", "Essential is the two-way approach, consisting of a disease-track and an environment-track. ", "Attention to potential environmental exposures is as important as attention to the reported diseases, not only because environmental pollution often is the reason of public concern and thus relevant for risk communication, but also for deciding about the boundaries of the population at risk. ", "Moreover, environmental information is necessary for judgement of the plausibility of a causal relation and for advising measures to prevent exposure. ", "Within this two-way approach, three stages are distinguished: orientation stage, verification stage and quantification stage. ", "Only if an increased risk as well as an elevated exposure is verified, under certain conditions a case-control study may be useful to study causality between exposure and adverse health events. ", "During all stages of the investigation, good risk communication strategies have to be taken into account. ", "However, even then it might be difficult to prevent conflicts, because of the differing interests between experts and the community involved. ", "One of the most important aspects that determine judgements about risks by threatened people, is controllability; that is why community participation is essential. ", "Therefore it can be concluded that cluster management is a mutual endeavour for experts, public and media, where experts are judged on three characteristics: expertise, credibility and empathy." ]
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[ "To clarify the joint effects of environmental and genetic factors in the etiology of breast cancer, the NIEHS Sister Study is prospectively studying 50,000 sisters of women who have had breast cancer. ", "Such sisters have about twice the risk of developing breast cancer as other women. ", "The frequency of any relevant genes and shared risk factors will also be higher, enhancing the statistical power of the study to detect risks. ", "Sisters are highly motivated and response rates and compliance over time are expected to be high. ", "Thus, studying sisters will enhance our ability to understand the interplay of genes and environment in breast cancer risk and to identify potentially preventable risk factors. ", "The prospective design will allow us assess exposures before the onset of disease thus avoiding biases common to retrospective studies and aiding in causal interpretation. ", "The study will create a framework from which to test new breast cancer hypotheses as they emerge and to also study other health endpoints.[unreadable] [unreadable] A diverse cohort of volunteer women from throughout the US and Puerto Rico between the ages of 35 and 74 who have a sister with breast cancer but do not have breast cancer them selves are being recruited. ", "Recruitment strategies are designed to maximize inclusion of minorities and high-risk women. ", "Data on potential risk factors and current health status are collected using computer assisted telephone interviews and mail questionnaires. ", "Blood, urine, and environmental samples are collected in a home visit and banked for future use in nested studies of women who develop breast cancer (or other diseases) and a sample of those who don't. ", "The cohort will be followed prospectively for 10 or more years. ", "Address changes, vital status, and major health changes are updated annually. ", "More detailed health and exposure updates will be collected at 2-year intervals. ", "Medical records and tumor tissue (for breast cancer cases) will be retrieved for those who develop cancer or other conditions of interest. ", "1500 new cases of breast cancer are expected to occur in the cohort after five years. ", "Analyses will assess the independent and combined effects of environmental exposures and genetic polymorphisms that affect estrogen metabolism, DNA repair, and response to specific environmental exposures. ", "Future analyses will focus on known and potential risk factors (e.g. smoking, occupational exposures, alcohol, diet, obesity) and include measurement of phthalates, phytoestrogens, and metals in blood and urine, insulin, growth factors, vitamins and nutrients, and genes. ", "The cohort will be used to also study risk for other diseases (e.g. heart disease, osteoporosis, other hormonal cancers, and autoimmune diseases) as well as explore genetic and environmental effects on prognosis. ", "A pilot phase began August 2003 involving women from 4 metropolitan areas of the US selected for their geographic and ethnic diversity in order to assess a range of recruitment strategies and plan for a larger scale national effort. ", "The study began recruiting nationally in October 2004. ", "All study materials were made available in Spanish in mid-September, 2005.[unreadable] [unreadable] To date more than 49,000 women have enrolled in the study and over 44,500 have completed all baseline activities. ", "The response rates for annual updates range from 90-98%. ", "Biennial follow-up questionnaires were mailed to the first 2,000 \"vanguard\" participants in March 2008; an additional 8,000 participants are scheduled to receive this questionnaire in October 2008. [", "unreadable] [unreadable] Using an analytic dataset comprising the first 30,000 women who completed all baseline activities, we have been exploring relationships among breast cancer risk factors and carrying out descriptive analyses. ", "In addition, we completed a pilot study of telomere length, perceived stress, and urinary stress measures. ", "Papers have been submitted for publication on a range of topics, including the relationships between such factors as perceived stress, weight change, and vitamins with telomere length. ", "Other analyses are focusing on factors associated with sleep duration, depression and obesity, childhood factors and obesity, and childhood factors and uterine fibroids. ", "Results of several of these analyses have been presented at national scientific meetings and manuscripts have been drafted and submitted for publication. ", "A qualitative study of the formulation of risk perception and its possible link to healthy lifestyle change was also completed, with results also submitted for publicaton." ]
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[ "Tag Archives: Dr. Kevin Mann\n\nSo, this post was written and somehow got filed away in my “saved” files without me ever posting. ", "So, as is the mantra of many comic artists, better late than never! (", "oh stop it, you artists! ", "I’m just kidding!)", "\n\n———–\n\nMe and mah boy!", "\n\nImagine my surprise when I learned that Paragould, Arkansas was having a full-fledged comic/geek convention! ", "And it happened to be near a time when I would be in town (Piggott, but that’s close enough) to try to attend. ", "Of course, my second thought was “why didn’t they do that when I actually lived nearby!”", "\n\nRegardless, I was extremely happy to be a part of the comic guestlist for the inaugural Friendly Neighborhood Comic Expo in Paragould, Arkansas. ", "And if you didn’t make it out, shame on you! ", "It would have been well worth your time! ", "The good news is, the con-organizer is already planning a second one!", "\n\nNew readers of Tiny!", "\n\nThere are three main things I enjoy when I go to comic conventions: the first is meeting fans old and new and talking with them about my projects. ", "Yep, this is certainly an ego thing as all creative types like to hear that there is something about a work they’ve done that stood out with a fan. ", "The second is getting to hang with the creators that I know. ", "A third is getting to meet creators I’ve never had the opportunity to meet before. ", "The cool thing about Paragould is all three of these things happened.", "\n\nMe, Jason Boyster and son Greydon.", "\n\nJason Boyster approached me with his son, Greydon, and picked up a copy of (actually, I forget—but maybe it was Krey). ", "Jason remembered talking to me in the late 90s when I’d actually been at a booth at the Piggott Fourth of July Picnic. ", "He enjoyed our conversation and the books he picked up. ", "He wanted to share a similar moment with his son. ", "Yeah. ", "Pretty cool, huh? ", "Makes a writer all misty-eyed!", "\n\nFriend Mitch Foust was an artist guest at the show and our mutual good buddy, mega-talented Dean Zachary made the drive up with his sweetheart (brave Dean, introducing her to the comic scene!) ", "to say hi and to deliver a very cool item to me (sorry, that’s all you get for now. ", "You’ll get more later—promise!). ", "John Lucas was there, but didn’t get to talk much to him as he stayed pretty busy!", "\n\nTimothy Lim (waving) and Mark Pellegrini (oblivious!).", "\n\nI also got to meet artists Timothy Lim, Kelly Williams, Larry Cathey as well as Timothy’s writer pal Mark Pellegrini. ", "Many of us piled up and went to eat on Saturday night where we had a blast! (", "and my fifteen year old son got hit on by our 20-something waitress!) ", "We talked comics, art, geeky stuff, a little politics (friendly, though, not that facebook hatred stuff) and more comic geeky stuff. ", "Made me really wish I was back in that area because of the coolness!", "\n\nMy cousin, Dr. Kevin Mann stopped by to say hi. ", "He’s made his home and dentist practice there in Paragould. ", "Always nice to see family. ", "And, of course, speaking of family, I love it when my kids get to go with me…and Brett got to attend the show with me! ", "It’s always a fun papa time to show off mah kiddos!", "\n\nSo, not sure if I’ll get to make it back next year—I hope so. ", "But if you’re in the area, you should plan to go!", "\n\nHey all my NE Arkansas friends, family, and fans! ", "I’ll be appearing as a COMIC GUEST at the Friendly Neighborhood Comic Expo this Saturday and Sunday in Paragould, Arkansas. ", "It has the longest show hours of any show I’ve ever been to: Saturday is listed as 9am to 9pm and then Sunday from 9am until 7pm.", "\n\nOn Sunday, I’ll have my very own Q&A, which starts at 12pm—that’s noon for those of you who (like me), have a hard time remembering exactly if 12pm is noon or midnight. ", "It’s noon, so show up and ask me some fun questions about working in comics as a writer or an editor…or about my cool day job teaching comic writing these days at Full Sail University!", "\n\nThis will be about my fourth time to appear as a guest at a show in the state of Arkansas, but only the second time as a “comic” guest and certainly the first in this part of the state. ", "The first time I was a comic guest in the great state of Arkansas was in either 1999 or 2000 and was in Little Rock. ", "I think the name of the show was “RockCon,” but I can’t find my notes from then, so I’m not sure. ", "I DO remember that whoever it was putting on the show, treated me well.", "\n\nThe next time I was a guest was in 2010, and I was the Keynote Speaker at the Arkansas Writers Conference in Little Rock. ", "My invite there, of course, was thanks to the writing retreats I’d done at the Hemingway Writers Retreats at the Hemingway-Pfieffer Museum and Education Center in Piggott, Arkansas. ", "You can read about my fun experience as Keynote Speaker here: https://rolandmann.wordpress.com/2010/06/08/at-the-arkansas-writers’-conference/\n\nI returned to Arkansas as an author guest in February of 2011 at Ozarks University in Clarksdale. ", "Regrettably, it snowed that weekend and very few people attended the actual show. ", "However, I still had a great time because I got to meet new people and make new writerly/artist friends.", "\n\nSo I’m very much looking forward to being a comic guest in Paragould. ", "I’ve got a lot of family and friends in the surrounding area—my cousin (first cousin, for those of you keeping score), Dr. Kevin Mann is even a dentist in the area—so I’m hoping to see many of them during the two days.", "\n\nAs a diehard Razorback fan, I’d really like to be invited to do more comic shows in this state–hint hint to all you comic show coordinators!", "\n\nSee you Saturday and/or Sunday! ", "Bring some stuff for me to sign, or pick something up from me there!", "\n\nByhalia Christian Writers pals\n\nProgress on Cat & Mouse (novel)\n\nWhen a burglary goes awry, the thief ends up with an orphan...and a whole lot of trouble.", "\n\nProgress on THE INTERNS\n\nA young superhero is required to do his internship in Oxford, Mississippi.", "\n\nTHE GIFTED\n\nIn a day when Christianity has been outlawed, what's a Christian superhero to do?", "\n\nAbout the picture\n\nThe picture at the top of my blog was taken while I was the editor at The Piggott Times, a small weekly newspaper in Piggott, Ark. You'll note on the bookshelves behind me at the bottom right, a \"Chuck E Cheese\" picture of me with my daughter, Brittany. ", "Just to the left of that shelf, you'll notice my old Linguistics textbook--Dr. Foster would be proud. ", "On the shelf above that, it is difficult to see, but an Arkansas Razorback \"hog hat\" sits proudly. ", "It is one of the originals! ", "On the shelf to the left of that is a book on Lincoln--I'm continually trying to enlighten folks as to the evils of this former U.S. President. ", "You'll also notice the fan. ", "The publisher was too cheap to spring for decent air conditioning, and in the hot summer months it was a literal sweatshop." ]
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[ "[Targeted killing effect of mucin-1 single chain antibody targeting, lentivirus-mediated suicide gene therapy and ganciclovir in mucin-1+ ovarian epithelial carcinoma cells].", "\nTo investigate the targeted killing effect of mucin-1 single chain antibody targeting, lentivirus-mediated suicide gene therapy and ganciclovir(GCV) in mucin-1+ ovarian epithelial carcinoma cells. ", "Mucin-1 single chain antibody targeting lentivirus produced by packaging cell line 293T transduced herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) gene into the ovarian epithelial cancer cell line SKOV3 (MUC1+). ", "The infection effect was observed through fluorescence microscopy. ", "Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) were resorted to demonstrate the successful transduction and transcription of the HSV-tk gene. ", "After administration of GCV, changes of those cells were observed through optical microscopy. ", "The cytotoxicity efficacy of HSV-tk/GCV system was evaluated by methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium method. ", "It was observed through fluorescence microscopy that anti-MUC1 directed lentivirus can specificly infect MUC1+ ovarian cancer cells. ", "A fragment of 600 bp was generated through PCR and RT-PCR which indicated successful transduction and transcription of the HSV-tk gene in SKOV3 cells. ", "Changes of cells followed by administration of GCV were observed with optical microscopy. ", "Significant cytotoxicity efficacy of GCV to SKOV3 was observed. ", "The HSV-tk gene can be targetedly transducted into MUC1+ ovarian cancer cell line under the mediation of anti-MUC1 directed lentivirus, and such HSV-tk/GCV system has targetingly killing effect on MUC1+ cancer cells." ]
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[ "Kalikesam\n\nKalikesam is located in the Kanyakumari wild life sanctuary in Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu, India. ", "The Kali temple situated here.", "\n\nHow to Reach\nThis place is some 35 km from Nagercoil. ", " There are buses from Nagercoil to this place but the frequency is low. ", "The best way to visit here is with your own transportation.", "\n\nFacilities\nPreviously it was a remote place which attracted many for drinking liquor and other illegal activities.", "\nAt present there is check post provided to avoid these illegal activities within this forest areas. ", "There is only one small shop which sells tea and biscuits.", "\n\nIf you are going from Kerala after Trivandrum City it is 85 km via road. ", " After crossing the Kerala check post you have to take left from the highway for almost 35 km to reach this place. ", " The roads are very bad throughout, be careful of the kids and cattle wandering in the road if you are driving. ", "There is little mobile connectivity. ", "So you can't call anybody if anything happens to you.", "\n\nAccess to Kalikesam temple is restricted and one needs to take permission from the Forest Officer, Nagercoil to enter the area.", "\n\nPhone Numbers: DFO (+919445468537), Ranger (+919445468545)\n\nDISTRICT FOREST OFFICER,\nKANYAKUMARI DIVISION,\n175, COLLEGE ROAD, MUNICIPALITY CAMPUS,\nNAGERCOIL 629 001\nPhone : 04652-232205\n\nCategory:Cities and towns in Kanyakumari district" ]
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[ "2016 Shohada Cup\n\nThe 2016 Shohada Cup was the 2nd edition friendly football tournament; it took place in Shahr-e Qods, Iran in January 2016.", "\n\nParticipating teams\nTotally 4 teams get permission to participate in the tournament \"2016 Shohada Cup\". ", "\n Persepolis from ( Iran)\n Saba Qom from ( Iran)\n Saipa from ( Iran)\n Zob Ahan from ( Iran)\n\nMatches\n\nFirst Round\n<div id = \"Persepolis v Saipa\">\n\nPlay-off\n\nFinal\n<div id = \"Saba Qom v Persepolis\">\n\nStatistics\n\nTop Scorers\n\nShohada" ]
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[ "[A case of pseudopriapism: pericavernous hematoma of the penis].", "\nA case is reported of a hematoma developing between the tunica albuginea of the cavernous bodies and the deep fascia of the penis, following traumatic avulsion of the region of insertion of the adductor muscles of the right lower limb. ", "The interesting feature of this case, a type apparently not reported previously, was the suggested differential diagnosis of early priapism." ]
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[ "[Cineradiographical significance for diagnosis and treatment of thrombosed Björk-Shiley prosthesis in the aortic position].", "\nIn the periods between February 1973 and December 1987, 377 Björk-Shiley valve prostheses have been implanted in the aortic position in our institute. ", "The maximum opening angle of the prosthesis have been cineradiographically measured in 30 cases. ", "The maximum opening angle of the convexo-concave valve having an opening angle of 60 degree (CC 60) was measured as 58.8 +/- 1.9 degree and that of the monostrut valve having an opening angle of 70 degree was 69.4 +/- 2.1 degree. ", "During this period we have experienced 6 cases of thrombosed Björk-Shiley prosthesis. ", "They have shown restriction of the opening from 26 to 58.9 degree and restriction of the closing from 9.2 to 41.8 degree. ", "Thrombolytic treatment was successful in case with thrombosed Björk-Shiley prosthesis which showed restriction of the opening angle on cineradiogram. ", "4 cases with restriction of the closing angle on cineradiogram were treated operative thrombectomy. ", "Three of them have had uneventful reoperative course in the follow up period of 8 years. ", "We believe that cineradiography is very useful for not only diagnosis but also decision of management for thrombosed Björk-Shiley prosthesis in the aortic position." ]
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[ "God’s Mirror\n\nby Scott HoskingJanuary 29, 2019\n\nThere is an idea in many places of the world that some lives are more important than others. ", "I for one, stand against this idea.", "\n\nTo my understanding, we are all children of the same creator. ", "Over the many years, Adriane Kim and I have been among the Mayan people, we have met scores of kind and loving people who are helping to improve the plight of forgotten people; who are living in the margins, trapped in the cycle of extreme poverty.", "\n\nOccasionally, you run across an entire group of people who have so oppressed, they have forgotten who they are.", "\n\nSometimes, you must step in and dismantle Messages of Disgrace that get in the way - so the individual soul can feel its worth.", "\n\nYou see, you don't hold up a bar and tell people to measure up to it. ", "Instead you hold up a mirror and say - You are exactly who God intended you to be when he made you. ", "And then you step back, and watch people begin to reside in that truth. ", "And eventually, through a process of interactions and time they actually become that truth!", "\n\nWith this transformation intact... - No fire can destroy it! - ", "No bullet can pierce it! ", "Death cannot touch it! ", "And no man-made boundary can keep you in or keep you out!", "\n\nOur first meeting with a few artisans in Chisec.", "\n\nMany years ago, in Chisec Guatemala, we started working with a group of people who, we had been told, were local artisans. ", "There were potential Wood Carvers, Weavers, Purse Makers and Gourd Painters. ", "As we visited with each person in their home, we asked them to make a sample of their products for us. ", "We needed to assess what they were making in order to help them find domestic and foreign markets to sell their artistic creations.", "\n\nA few days later we returned to the homes of each artesian, to pick up the products they had made. ", "With one exception, as we looked at the crafts being presented to us it was next to impossible to find anything good to say about the items we were looking at. ", "The products were poorly constructed and uncomely in appearance Because of the lack of workmanship and imagination would be impossible to these products to anyone anywhere in Guatemala, not to mention any place else in the world.", "\n\nIt was instantly and painfully apparent, the trauma and devastation that had ravaged theirs lives in the 36-year long revolutions was much worse than we had previously thought. ", "It had not only left many of these beautiful people isolated and destitute; much their culture had been replaced by the daily need to scavenge for food and the fear of their crudely constructed shelters, again being destroyed by the marauding forces of opposing armies.", "\n\nAll their hopes had been left behind and were still smoldering in the ashes of hate; the original fires having been lit, fueled and spread by the greed of foreigners using misguided and misleading propaganda among the already impoverished Mayan people.", "\n\nLike so many millions of people, caught in the crossfire of revolution, many of the people in Chisec region had completely forgotten who they were and from whence they came.", "\n\nWe had a real dilemma on our hands.", "\n\nWe determined to leave the area for a week or so and visit some friends in the wood carving village of El Ramate in the Northern part of the Guatemala; The quality of their designs and workmanship are recognized as some of the finest in the world. ", "We also visited with Purse Makers, Lap Loom Weavers, Guacal Gourd Painters and Crotched Frisbee Makers in other locations of the country. ", "As we traveled, we gather samples of products to show the people in Chisec.", "\n\nBefore we departed we asked our dear friend Nixon Lima, to help organize a meeting with the artesian we had originally met with in Chisec - We told him we would be back 8 days. ", "Nixon organized the meeting and invited the potential artists to come to a beautiful place on the outskirts of the Chisec for a meeting.", "\n\nWhen Adriane and I returned we went to the previously agreed upon meeting location and set up 2 large 8' tables with the samples we had purchased from some our friends in other locations in Guatemala.", "\n\nAs the Chisec artists arrived, we watched with wonderment as they went to the tables and picked up the items one by one and studied them over and over again. ", "After about 30 minutes we asked Nixon to help us tell our new friends in Chisec, in their native Q'eqchi language, about the products they had been studying and who had made them. ", "As he translated our words from Spanish into their native Mayan Dialect - We helped them understand the beautifully crafted products they were looking at had been made by other Mayans who were of their same ancestry. ", "We explained the quality of the products reflected the pride the makers had in their work as they expressed their natural God given talents. ", "That was all that needed to be said. ", "We all shared in a wonderful lunch and went our separate ways.", "\n\nYou see the people in the Chisec region had been isolated and much maligned during the 36 year long, bloody revolution war in Guatemala. ", "The people hid in caves and the jungles suffering unspeakable atrocities. ", "Even though the revolution officially ended in 1996 – many of the people in the Chisec region of Guatemala remained isolated and hidden until 2006. ", "They were broken! ", "They had almost completely forgotten who they truly were.", "\n\nA few days later we visited each artist again in their homes. ", "The changes in the quality and workmanship were miraculous. ", "They had looked into God's mirror and had seen themselves in a new light. ", "For the first time in many of their lives they saw themselves as God had created them to be. ", "They believed what they saw." ]
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[ "Abdul Hakim Jan\n\nAbdul Hakim Jan was an anti-Taliban militia leader in Kandahar, Afghanistan, killed during a suicide bombing, at a dog fight, on February 17, 2008.", "\nThe suicide attack that killed him was said to be \"the deadliest attack of its kind in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban\", killing approximately 80 people.", "\nAbdul Hakim Jan was said to be the target.", "\n\nIn October 2007, following a heart attack that killed Mullah Naqib he was considered a candidate to replace him as leader of the Alokozais tribe. ", " \nThe Globe and Mail described him as \"relatively uneducated\".", "\n\nAbdul Hakim Jan was a former provincial police chief, prior to the Taliban's assumption of power.", "\nWolesi Jirga representative Khalid Pashtoon described him as the only leader to have opposed the Taliban.", "\n\nIn 2007 Abdul Hakim Jan was quoted after the Taliban killed and kidnapped Kandahar police officers.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Politicians of Kandahar Province\nCategory:People of the Soviet–Afghan War\nCategory:Year of birth missing\nCategory:2008 deaths\nCategory:Afghan warlords\nCategory:Pashtun people\nCategory:Afghan government officials" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to seals, often referred to as gaskets, for making a fluid or gas tight sealed joint between opposed parallel surfaces.", "\nMore particularly, the present invention relates to metal seals which provide plastic deformation to achieve extraordinarily low leak rates between substantially planar parallel surfaces.", "\nA commonly used sealing ring is circular and has a radial cross-section of a xe2x80x9cCxe2x80x9d shape. ", "These xe2x80x9cC sealsxe2x80x9d are constructed both with the open side of the C construction facing the center of the ring such as described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,354,072and with the open side of the C facing away from the center of the ring. ", "As two parallel surfaces are brought together with the C seal in the middle, the C seal is compressed with the open side of the C cross-section closing during compression. ", "The ductile properties of the seal permit plastic deformation to occur without damaging the mating surface. ", "To increase the elastic recovery of the seal, some C seals are provided with a circular elastic helical spring concentrically located within the center of the seal which also alters the compression resistance and elasticity properties to that desired for particular sealing assemblies. ", "Unfortunately, it is relatively complicated to manufacture a C seal having an internal helical spring resulting in the construction of acceptable seals being typically non-repeatable.", "\nSome C seals are provided with a circular ridge, also referred to in the art as a xe2x80x9cdeltaxe2x80x9d, formed on the surfaces that come in contact with the opposed parallel surfaces which are intended to be sealed. ", "These ridges lessen the initial contact area between the seal and the parallel opposing surfaces thereby requiring less load to plastically deform the seal to accommodate minor distortions in the parallel surfaces. ", "Unfortunately, C seals with these circular ridges often form a chamber between the circular ridge and the outer surface of the C seal as the seal is compressed. ", "Though this seal may be leakproof, or have a leak of a sufficiently low value as to be within tolerances, a xe2x80x9cvirtual leakxe2x80x9d is created if there is a leak between this cylindrical chamber and the interior passage of the seal, thereby permitting gases or liquids to flow slowly therebetween. ", "Though a leakproof seal is in effect, testing of the seal may erroneously and undesirably reflect that a leak exists, and this condition is therefore referred to as a xe2x80x9cvirtual leakxe2x80x9d.", "\nAn additional seal which has been available is often referred to as a xe2x80x9cV sealxe2x80x9d which is also circular but instead of having a xe2x80x9cCxe2x80x9d cross-section, the V seal has a V cross-section with the low point of the V constructed to point either inwardly or outwardly towards the center of the seal. ", "Though this construction typically provides for sufficient deformation, the V seal does not typically provide particularly good elastic recovery or repeatability as the point of the V seal forms a stress raiser concentrating the compression loads and making the seal prone to failure upon repeated compressions and decompressions of the seal.", "\nAdditional seals in the art include xe2x80x9cZ xe2x80x9d seals and simple xe2x80x9cO ringsxe2x80x9d. ", "However, each of these seals also suffer for significant disadvantages.", "\nIt would thus be desirable to provide an improved ring seal for providing a sealed joint between axially opposed parallel surfaces which has a high degree of resilience, also known as rebound. ", "More particularly, it would be desirable that the ring seal substantially return to its original dimensions after having undergone release from a predetermined compressive force.", "\nIt would also be desirable to provide an improved ring seal which can undergo a substantial amount of cycles of compression and decompression and thereafter still provide a substantially leakproof seal.", "\nMoreover, it would be desirable to provide an improved ring seal which is not prone to exhibiting a virtual leak.", "\nIn addition, it would be desirable to provide a ring seal for universal applications which can thus be constructed in a variety of sizes and dimensions.", "\nThe present invention addresses the aforementioned disadvantages by providing an improved ring seal. ", "The ring seal, similar to previous ring seals, includes an annular shaped body element having an axially aligned hole for gas or fluid passage. ", "The ring seal also includes a radial inner surface, radial outer surface and first and second axially end surfaces which are intended to engage the opposing parallel surfaces between which the sealing joint is intended to be located.", "\nThe ring seal of the present invention further includes a plurality of bores projecting inwardly from the ring seal\"\"s radial outer surface toward the ring seal\"\"s center. ", "The formation of the bores creates a plurality of sidewalls extending radially the length of the bore and axially between the ring seal\"\"s axial end surfaces. ", "The plurality of bores may take any number of configurations. ", "For example, preferably the bores are constructed by drilling radially from the ring seal\"\"s radial outer surface toward the ring seal\"\"s center to minimize costs and reduce any difficulties in manufacturing. ", "Bores constructed in this manner have a circular cross-section. ", "However, the bores may also be substantially rectangular in configuration forming substantially planar sidewalls extending axially between the ring seal\"\"s axial end surfaces and radially between the ring seal\"\"s inner and outer radial surfaces. ", "In an alternative preferred embodiment, these planar sidewalls are constructed at an angle with respect to the axis of the ring seal, thus forming openings on the ring seal\"\"s radial outer surface in the form of a parallelogram.", "\nFor simplicity, the bores will primarily be described herein as having a circular cross-section though the bores may have cross-sections of other shapes without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention. ", "The number of bores and their diameter may vary depending on the desired mechanical properties of the sealing assembly. ", "For example, an increase in the number of bores or increase in the diameter of the bores causes a corresponding decrease in the thickness of the ring seal\"\"s internal sidewalls which will alter the mechanical characteristics of the seal, including increasing the seal\"\"s ability to deform. ", "However, this increase in the number of bores or increase in the bores\"\" diameter may diminish the elastic recovery (rebound) of the seal after compression and decompression. ", "In a preferred embodiment, the bores are cylindrical and have diameters of between 25% and 75% of the thickness of the ring seal. ", "Diameters less than 25% will significantly reduce the ring seal\"\"s ability to elastically deform. ", "Meanwhile, increasing the diameter of the bores beyond 75% of the thickness of the ring seal will weaken the structural integrity of the seal and make the seal prone to failure during compression. ", "In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the bores have a diameter of approximately 50% of the thickness of the ring seal.", "\nIn a preferred embodiment, the ring seal includes between ten and one hundred fifty bores, thereby forming a corresponding ten to one hundred fifty radially extending sidewalls constructed between the axial end surfaces. ", "In an even more preferred embodiment, the ring seal of the present invention includes between twenty and thirty bores, thereby forming a corresponding twenty to thirty radially and axially extending sidewalls.", "\nThe ring seal of the present invention also includes circular ridges which project axially from the axial end surfaces. ", "These circular ridges, also referred to as xe2x80x9cdeltasxe2x80x9d by those skilled in the art, divide the axial end surfaces into inner axial end surfaces and outer axial end surfaces, with the respective inner axial end surfaces being concentrically located within the outer axial end surfaces and thus closer to the ring seal\"\"s center. ", "Of importance, the inner axial end surfaces are offset axially with respect to the outer axial end surfaces. ", "More particularly, the inner axial end surfaces are recessed with respect to the outer axial end surfaces such that the thickness of the ring seal measured at the inner axial end surfaces is thinner than the thickness of the ring seal as measured at the outer axial end surfaces. ", "Providing offset axial end surfaces eliminates the seal\"\"s propensity to form a virtual leak by impeding the ability of the inner axial end surfaces to engage the opposed parallel surfaces during compression.", "\nIt is thus an object of the present invention to provide very repeatable, high quality, inexpensive and reliable ring seals for providing a seal between two planar surfaces.", "\nIt is an additional object of the present invention to provide a ring seal which provides significant ductility to provide a substantially leakproof seal.", "\nIt is still an additional object of the present invention to provide a ring seal which provides substantial elastic recovery so that the seal can undergo substantial amounts of cycles, compression and decompression, and still provide a substantially leakproof seal.", "\nIt is still another object of the present invention to provide a ring seal which does not form a concentric chamber when compressed to create a seal that exhibits the characteristics of a virtual leak.", "\nMoreover, it is an object of the present invention to provide a ring seal which is simple to manufacture and which can be constructed in a variety of sizes and dimensions.", "\nThese and other features and advantages of the present invention will be appreciated by those skilled in the art from the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the drawings." ]
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[ "Beyond the hype, the hazards of electric vehicles\n\nThe end of the combustion engine is nigh. ", "Electric Vehicles (EVs), projected to reach 100 million cars in circulation worldwide by 2030, are the new fad. ", "Just about every small or major manufacturer is racing to produce EVs with so-called “zero emissions”. ", "Even Dyson, best known for its vacuum cleaners, is on the act. ", "On top of all this frenzy, Amazon has patented technology which will involve drones in re-charging stranded EVs. ", "Unlike petrol and diesel cars that add to the greenhouse gases and release poisonous compounds linked to acid rain, heart disease, cancer and strokes, EVs are presented as clean. ", "A particular manufacturer is waxing lyrical about it: “Start the car and you begin in EV mode. ", "At this point, your car is using no fuel and producing zero emissions…”\n\n“Using no fuel” and “zero emissions” is misleading. ", "Electricity for EVs has to come from somewhere: power plants. ", "Power plants the world over are still the single-largest source of environmental pollution. ", "In the US they produce over two billion tons of pollutants per year.", "\n\nThis is even worse in China and India. ", "For instance in China 70 per cent of all electricity produced is based on burning fossil fuel. ", "In contrast, Norway and, to a lesser extent Canada, rely on hydroelectric power to produce relatively cleaner electricity. ", "There are, therefore, huge regional and global variations in the way electricity is produced and how clean that energy is. ", "It follows that the blanket application of the appropriateness and desirability of EVs (one size fits all policy) is misguided. ", "Expanding the use of EVs everywhere without considering this diversity in energy production may generate, in aggregate terms, more harmful emissions than has been anticipated. ", "Furthermore, the increase in demand for electricity to power EVs will require a parallel expansion in supply.", "\n\nHarnessing sustainable sources of energy, such as solar and wind power, to expand production is limited. ", "The availability of natural gas-fired power plants is increasing but again limited. ", "More nuclear power plants may be an option. ", "But this is hardly the answer given social, environmental and health concerns surrounding the industry. ", "Inevitably, demand can only be met by a combination of sources of energy including fossil fuels. ", "In such circumstances, EVs may help to sustain, indeed increase, not decrease emissions. ", "Also, the regional and global divide between “clean” versus “dirty” power plants may become more pronounced. ", "It may create new geo-political frictions in an already volatile world: between states which are environmentally conscious and which use clean energy but starved of adequate supplies; and states which are not and which use polluting sources of energy but left with ample supplies of electricity to pursue economic expansion and political influence.", "\n\nMost EVs are fully charged overnight. ", "Due to this, owners of EVs are found to use, on average, four times more electricity at night than other consumers. ", "It is both convenient and cheaper. ", "Overall, aggregate electricity consumption falls at night-time. ", "Utilities reduce prices to encourage more consumption to keep revenue constant and avoid sudden power surges in the day. ", "But as the demand for electricity at night-time increases by the use of EVs, and let us not forget in day-time too, so do emissions from power plants. ", "Equally, EVs perform better in warm climates. ", "They produce more power, have a longer range and use less electricity. ", "In colder weather their performance falls dramatically. ", "Their batteries, like all batteries, discharge faster and require more frequent re-charges resulting in more emissions.", "\n\nEVs bear other environmental, safety and health risks. ", "Several incidents of EVs catching fire due to overheating or minor damage to their lithium-ion battery packs have been reported. ", "Consequently, EV battery packs are heavily protected from exposure. ", "This adds to the weight of EVs. ", "Weight is bad for electricity consumption and bad for emissions: more power is needed to shift the weight. ", "Additionally, lithium-ion batteries create self-induced heat known as “thermal runaway”. ", "This can ignite components which may trigger chemical reactions which in turn can cause a fire.", "\n\nAll batteries are toxic. ", "Exposure to lithium-ion has its own acute health costs: lung damage, pulmonary and liver edema, loss of muscle function, internal bleeding, cardiac failure or eye damage. ", "Their fragility and toxicity raise questions about their safe disposal and re-cycling. ", "When these risks are considered in tandem with the emissions from the production of lithium-ion batteries, the claim that EVs are “clean” is suspect. ", "Production of a standard lithium-ion EV battery of 25 to 30 kilowatt-hours can create up to six tons of carbon dioxide. ", "Furthermore, these batteries operate extremely high electrical circuits which can injure or prove fatal. ", "Conventional vehicles have 12 or 24 volt circuits. ", "EVs can generate up to 800 volts direct current (DC). ", "As EVs store vast amounts of electricity, questions about health safety arise for driver and passengers from prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields.", "\n\nIn Cyprus, fuel tax yields about €300 million in annual revenue (about eight per cent of all taxation). ", "In the UK fuel duty on petrol and diesel provides the Treasury with over £28 billion a year. ", "Under these circumstances, hardly any government will relinquish such revenue in the name of EVs and the environment. ", "In the event of an all-out demise of the combustion engine, governments will simply design new taxes on EVs to make up for the loss. ", "Most likely governments will exploit the increasing use of EVs alongside the use of conventional cars as another convenient opportunity to increase tax revenue.", "\n\nThis has happened before. ", "Originally, diesel was introduced as a credible “cleaner” alternative to petrol. ", "As at present with EVs, massive subsidies, tax breaks for purchasers and lower prices at filling stations were instigated. ", "Motorists were seduced to switching to the new beneficial “juice”. ", "Until, of course, there were enough diesel cars on the road and the “discovery” that diesel is far more polluting than petrol. ", "This led to a U-turn in policy. ", "Governments imposed new taxes on consumers and started penalising diesel users with stiff hikes in prices and simultaneously with extra duties on their cars’ high emissions.", "\n\nFor EVs to have a discernible positive effect on the environment the source of their power must be clean energy – which is not. ", "The source – electricity grids and individual power plants – remains the crucial part that determines emissions. ", "Credible concerns about power plants and regional variations; batteries and their production; their weight, accessibility, re-cycling and safe replacement; their range and capacity to store power; their safety regarding electromagnetic fields and fire risks; and most importantly the establishment of new industries for their safe disposal have to be addressed. ", "Without such broader structural considerations EVs will not reduce emissions. ", "Rather, they will certainly add to the disastrous “man-made” stresses inflicted on the environment which are depleting, altering, poisoning and gradually pulling our planet apart.", "\n\nDr Andonis Vassiliades is emeritus professor of social science and penal studies at Middlesex University" ]
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[ "Simplifying a second order eq. ", "system tests=PRIORITY_NO_NAME version=2.55\n\nTo: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net\n\nSubject: [mg45928] Simplifying a second order eq. ", "system tests=PRIORITY_NO_NAME version=2.55\n\nFrom: \"Gunnar Lindenblatt\" <Gunnar.", "Lindenblatt at pobox.com>\n\nDate: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 04:15:54 -0500 (EST)\n\nSender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com\n\nHi,\nI just switched from another system to Mathematica\n5. ", "While all \"complicated\" operations (like importing Wave-Files, filtering,\nparameter fitting, plotting) just work fine, I still have problems with the\n\"basics\" like solving or even simplifying equations:\nFor example, to get the telegraph equation by self-induction and capacitive\ncoupling:\n(One can solve this problem on the space of a postage stamp...)\nIn[1] := Remove[\"Global`*\"]\nIn[2] := myEqn1 = -Dt[u,x] == r i + l Dt[i,t]\nIn[3] := myEqn2 = -Dt[i,x] == s u + c Dt[u,t]\nDirect approach: Using \"Solve\"\nIn[4] := Solve[{myEqn1,myEqn2}, {Dt[u,{x,2}]}]\nresults an empty set of solutions:\n{{}}\nSecond try: Using \"Reduce\"\nIn[5] := Reduce[{myEqn1,myEqn2}, {Dt[u,{x,2}]}]\nresults:\nReduce::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to\nReduce.", "\nThird try: Using \"Eliminate\"\nIn[6] := Eliminate[{myEqn1,myEqn2}, {Dt[i,x],Dt[i,t]}]\nresults:\nTrue\nThat's fine! ", "However, it does not really help me...\n(By the way, the result should be:\nDt[u,{x,2}]== r s u + (r c + l s) Dt[u,t] + l c Dt[u,{t,2}])\nAny ideas? -- ", "Perhaps this problem is too simple for Mathematica, so it\nrejects any help ;-)\n- Gunnar\n--\nGunnar Lindenblatt\ne-mail: Gunnar.", "Lindenblatt at pobox.com" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Belavin’s $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model is considered on the basis of bosonization of vertex operators in the $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$ model and vertex-face transformation. ", "Free field representations of nonlocal tail operators are constructed for off diagonal matrix elements with respect to the ground state sectors. ", "As a result, integral formulae for form factors of any local operators in the $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model can be obtained, in principle.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Yas-Hiro Quano[^1]'\ndate: |\n *Department of Clinical Engineering, Suzuka University of Medical Science\\\n *Kishioka-cho, Suzuka 510-0293, Japan\\\n 2 December 2009\\\n Dedicated to the memory of my parents**\ntitle: |\n Vertex operator approach for form factors of\\\n Belavin’s $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe present paper is a continuation of [@Bel-corr], in which we derived the integral formulae for correlation functions of Belavin’s $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model [@Bela; @RT] on the basis of vertex operator approach [@JMbk]. ", "Belavin’s $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model is an $n$-state generalization of Baxter’s eight-vertex model [@ESM], which has $(\\mathbb{Z}/2\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetries. ", "As for the eight-vertex model, the integral formulae for correlation functions were derived by Lashkevich and Pugai [@LaP], and those for form factors were derived by Lashkevich [@La].", "\n\nIt was found in [@LaP] that the correlation functions of the eight-vertex model can be obtained by using the free field realization of the vertex operators in the eight-vertex SOS model [@LuP], with insertion of the nonlocal opearator $\\Lambda$, called ‘the tail operator’. ", "The most essential part of [@LaP] was the construction of free field representations of $\\Lambda$’s. ", "Furthermore, those of the off-diagoal (with respect to the ground state sector) elements of $\\Lambda$’s were constructed in [@La], in order to obtain the form factor formulae of the eight-vertex model.", "\n\nThere are some researches which generalize the study of [@LaP]. ", "The vertex operator approach for higher spin generalization of the eight-vertex model was presented in [@KKW]. ", "For higher rank generalization, the integral formulae for correlation functions of Belavin’s $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model were presented in our previous paper [@Bel-corr]. ", "The expression of the spontaneous polarization of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model [@SPn] was also reproduced in [@Bel-corr], on the basis of vertex operator approach. ", "To the best of our knowledge, there has been no developed research of [@La] related to the form factor problem. ", "The aim of the present paper is to give a higher rank generalization of the bosonization scheme in the eight-vertex model.", "\n\nThe present paper is organized as follows. ", "In section 2 we review the basic definitions of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model [@Bela], the corresponding dual face model $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model [@JMO], and the vertex-face correspondence. ", "Some detail definitions of the models concerned are listed in Appendix A. In section 3 we introduce the type I and type II vertex operators of both $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model and the $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model, and also introduce the tail operators. ", "Furthermore, we derive the commutation relations that those operators should satisfy. ", "In order to obtain integral formulae for form factors of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model we construct the free field representations of off-diagonal elements of the tail operators, by using those of the type I [@AJMP] and the type II [@FHSY; @FKQ] vertex operators in the $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model in section 4. ", "Useful operator product expansion (OPE) formulae and commutation relations for basic bosons are given in Appendix B. In section 5 we give some concluding remarks. ", "Among these remarks, a brief proof of the commutation relations of the type I and the type II vertex operators in the $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model is given in Appendix C.\n\nBasic definitions\n=================\n\nThe present section aims to formulate the problem, thereby fixing the notation.", "\n\nTheta functions\n---------------\n\nJacobi theta function with two pseudo-periods $1$ and $\\tau$(${\\rm Im}\\,\\tau >0$) are defined as follows: $$\\vartheta\\left[\\begin{array}{c} a \\\\ b \\end{array} \\right]\n(v;\\tau ): =\\displaystyle\\sum_{m\\in \\mathbb{Z}} \n\\exp \\left\\{ \\pi \\sqrt{-1}(m+a)~\\left[ (m+a)\\tau \n+2(v+b) \\right] \\right\\}, \\label{Rieth}$$ for $a,b\\in\\mathbb{R}$. Let $n\\in\\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqslant 2}$ and $r\\in\\mathbb{R}$ such that $r> n-1$, and also fix the parameter $x$ such that $0<x<1$. We will use the abbreviations, $$[v]=x^{\\frac{v^2}{r}-v}\\Theta_{x^{2r}}(x^{2v}), \n~~~~\n[v]'=x^{\\frac{v^2}{r-1}-v}\\Theta_{x^{2r-2}}(x^{2v}),$$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\n&&\\Theta_{q}(z)=(z; q)_\\infty \n(qz^{-1}; q)_\\infty (q; q)_\\infty =\n\\sum_{m\\in\\mathbb{Z}} q^{m(m-1)/2}(-z)^m, \\\\\n&&(z; q_1 , \\cdots , q_m )_\\infty = \n\\prod_{i_1 , \\cdots , i_m \\geqslant 0} \n(1-zq_1^{i_1} \\cdots q_m^{i_m}). ", "\\end{aligned}$$ Note that $$\\vartheta\\left[\\begin{array}{c} 1/2 \\\\ -1/2 \\end{array} \\right]\n\\left( \\frac{v}{r}, \\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{\\epsilon r} \\right)\n=\\sqrt{\\frac{\\epsilon r}{\\pi}}\n\\exp\\,\\left(-\\frac{\\epsilon r}{4}\\right)[v],$$ where $x=e^{-\\epsilon}$ ($\\epsilon >0$).", "\n\nFor later conveniences we also introduce the following symbols $$\\begin{aligned}\nr_{j}(v)&=&z^{\\frac{r-1}{r}\\frac{n-j}{n}}\n\\frac{g_{j}(z^{-1})}{g_{j}(z)}, ~~~~\ng_{j}(z)=\n\\frac{\\{x^{2n+2r-j-1}z\\}\n\\{x^{j+1}z\\}}\n{\\{x^{2n-j+1}z\\}\\{x^{2r+j-1}z\\}}, \\label{eq:g-def} \\\\\nr^*_{j}(v)&=&z^{\\frac{r}{r-1}\\frac{n-j}{n}}\n\\frac{g^*_{j}(z^{-1})}{g^*_{j}(z)}, ~~~~\ng^*_{j}(z)=\n\\frac{\\{x^{2n+2r-j-1}z\\}'\n\\{x^{j-1}z\\}'}\n{\\{x^{2n-j-1}z\\}'\\{x^{2r+j-1}z\\}'}, \\label{eq:g*-def} \\\\\n\\chi_j (v)&=&z^{-\\frac{j(n-j)}{n}} \\dfrac{\\rho_j (z^{-1})}{\n\\rho_j (z)}, ~~~~ \n\\rho_j (z)=\\frac{(-x^{2j+1}z;x^2,x^{2n})_\\infty\n(-x^{2n-2j+1}z;x^2,x^{2n})_\\infty\n}{(-xz;x^2,x^{2n})_\\infty\n(-x^{2n+1}z;x^2,x^{2n})_\\infty\n} \\label{eq:chi-def}\\end{aligned}$$ where $z=x^{2v}$, $1\\leqslant j\\leqslant n$ and $$\\{z\\}=(z;x^{2r},x^{2n})_\\infty , ~~~~\n\\{z\\}'=(z;x^{2r-2},x^{2n})_\\infty . ", "\n\\label{eq:{z}}$$ In particular we denote $\\chi (v)=\\chi_1 (v)$. These factors will appear in the commutation relations among the type I and type II vertex operators.", "\n\nThe integral kernel for the type I and the type II vertex operators will be given as the products of the following elliptic functions $$\\begin{aligned}\nf(v,w)=\\frac{[v+\\frac{1}{2}-w]}{[v-\\frac{1}{2}]},~~~~\nh(v)=\\frac{[v-1]}{[v+1]}, \\label{eq:fh-def} \\\\\nf^*(v,w)=\\frac{[v-\\frac{1}{2}+w]'}{[v+\\frac{1}{2}]'},~~~\nh^*(v)=\\frac{[v+1]'}{[v-1]'}. ", "\\label{eq:f*h*-def}\\end{aligned}$$ In section 4 we use the following identities $$\\sum_{\\nu =0}^{n-1} \\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\nu}^{n-1} \n\\dfrac{f(v_{j+1} -v_j, 1-p_{\\nu} +p_j)}{[p_{\\nu}-p_j]}=0, \n\\label{eq:sum=0}$$ and $$\\sum_{\\nu =0}^{n-1} \\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\nu}^{n-1} \n\\dfrac{f^*(v_j-v_{j+1}, 1-p_{j}+p_\\nu )}{[p_{\\nu}-p_j]'}=0, \n\\label{eq:sum=0^*}$$ where $v_n =v+\\frac{n}{2}$, and $\\displaystyle\\sum_{\nj=0}^{n-1} p_j =0$. The former one (\\[eq:sum=0\\]) was derived in [@AJMP] by applying the Liouville’s second theorem to the following elliptic function $$F(w)=\\prod_{j=0}^{n-1} \\dfrac{[v_{j+1}-v_j-\\frac{1}{2}+w-p_j ]}\n{[v_{j+1}-v_j-\\frac{1}{2}][w-p_j ]}.$$ The latter one (\\[eq:sum=0\\^\\*\\]) can be similarly proved.", "\n\n$(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model and its dual face model\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nLet $V=\\mathbb{C}^n$ and $\\{ \\varepsilon _\\mu \\}_{0 \\leqslant \\mu \\leqslant n-1}$ be the standard orthonormal basis with the inner product $\\langle \\varepsilon _\\mu , \n\\varepsilon _\\nu \\rangle =\\delta_{\\mu \\nu}$. Belavin’s $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model [@Bela] is a vertex model on a two-dimensional square lattice ${\\cal L}$ such that the state variables take the values of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-spin. ", "The model is $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric in a sense that the $R$-matrix satisfies the following conditions: $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n\\mbox{({\\romannumeral 1})} & R(v)^{ik}_{jl}=0, \n\\mbox{~~unless $i+k=j+l$,~~mod $n$}, \\\\[2mm]\n\\mbox{({\\romannumeral 2})} & R(v)^{i+p k+p}_{j+p l+p}=\nR(v)^{ik}_{jl}, \n\\mbox{~$\\forall i,j,k,l,p\\in \\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z}$}.", "\n\\end{array} \\label{Znsym}$$ The $R$-matrix satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation (YBE) $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_{12}(v_1 -v_2 )\nR_{13}(v_1 -v_3 )\nR_{23}(v_2 -v_3 )=\nR_{23}(v_2 -v_3 )\nR_{13}(v_1 -v_3 )\nR_{12}(v_1 -v_2 ), \\label{YBE}\\end{aligned}$$ where $R_{ij}(v)$ denotes the matrix on $V^{\\otimes 3}$, which acts as $R(v)$ on the $i$-th and $j$-th components and as identity on the other one. ", "As for the elliptic parametrization of $R$-matrix, see Appendix A.\n\nThe dual face model of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model is called $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model. ", "This is a face model on a two-dimensional square lattice ${\\cal L^*}$, the dual lattice of ${\\cal L}$, such that the state variables take the values of the dual space of Cartan subalgebra ${\\mathfrak h}^*$ of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$: $${\\mathfrak h}^*=\\bigoplus_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} \n\\mathbb{C} \\omega_\\mu , \n\\label{eq:wt-space}$$ where $$\\omega_\\mu :=\\sum_{\\nu =0}^{\\mu -1} \\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu , \n~~~~ \n\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu =\n\\varepsilon _\\mu -\\frac{1}{n}\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} \n\\varepsilon _\\mu .$$ The weight lattice $P$ and the root lattice $Q$ of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$ are usually defined. ", "See Appendix A.\n\nAn ordered pair $(a,b) \\in {\\mathfrak h}^{*2}$ is called [*admissible*]{} if $b=a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu$, for a certain $\\mu\\,(0\\leqslant \\mu \\leqslant n-1)$. For $(a, b, c, d)\\in {\\mathfrak h}^{*4}$ let $\\displaystyle W \n\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \nc & d \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \n\\right| v \\right] $ be the Boltzmann weight of the $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$ model for the state configuration $\\displaystyle \n\\left[ \\begin{array}{cc} \nc & d \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \\right] $ round a face. ", "Here the four states $a, b, c$ and $d$ are ordered clockwise from the SE corner. ", "In this model $W \n\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \nc & d \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \\right| \nv \\right] =0~~$ unless the four pairs $(a,b), (a,d), (b,c)$ and $(d,c)$ are admissible. ", "Non-zero Boltzmann weights are given by (\\[eq:BW1\\]–\\[eq:BW3\\]). ", "See Appendix A.\n\nAmong those, the weight (\\[eq:BW2\\]) is different from the corresponding one used in our previous paper [@Bel-corr] by a minus sign. ", "Accordingly, in the present paper we will use different definitions of the intertwining vectors (\\[eq:int-vec\\]) and the type I vertex operators (\\[eq:type-I\\]–\\[eq:type-I’\\]) from the corresponding objects of [@Bel-corr] by extra factors of the form $(-1)^A$’s. ", "This difference simply results from a gauge transformation.", "\n\nThe Boltzmann weights solve the Yang-Baxter equation for the face model [@JMO]: $$\\begin{array}{cc}\n~ & \n\\displaystyle \\sum_{g} \nW\\left[ \\left. ", "\n\\begin{array}{cc} d & e \\\\ c & g \\end{array} \\right| \nv_1 \\right]\nW\\left[ \\left. ", "\n\\begin{array}{cc} c & g \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \\right| \nv_2 \\right]\nW\\left[ \\left. ", "\n\\begin{array}{cc} e & f \\\\ g & a \\end{array} \\right| \nv_1 -v_2 \\right] \\\\\n~ & ~ \\\\\n= & \\displaystyle \\sum_{g} \nW\\left[ \\left. ", "\n\\begin{array}{cc} g & f \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \\right| \nv_1 \\right]\nW\\left[ \\left. ", "\n\\begin{array}{cc} d & e \\\\ g & f \\end{array} \\right| \nv_2 \\right]\nW\\left[ \\left. ", "\n\\begin{array}{cc} d & g \\\\ c & b \\end{array} \\right| \nv_1 -v_2 \\right]\n\\end{array} \\label{STR}$$\n\nVertex-face correspondence\n--------------------------\n\nLet $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\nt(v)^a_{a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}&=&\nt(v; \\epsilon , r)^a_{a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}=\n\\displaystyle\\sum_{\\nu =0}^{n-1} \\varepsilon_\\nu \nt^\\nu (v)^a_{a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}, \\\\\nt^\\nu (v)^a_{a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}&=&\n\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1} (-1)^{a_{\\mu j}} \n\\vartheta \\left[\\begin{array}{c} \\frac{n}{2} \\\\ \n\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{\\nu}{n} \\end{array} \\right] \n\\left( \\frac{v}{nr}+\\frac{\\bar{a}_\\mu}{r}; \n\\frac{\\pi \\sqrt{-1}}{n\\epsilon r} \\right). ", "\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:int-vec}$$ be the intertwining vectors. (", "See Appendix A, concerning the definition of $\\bar{a}_\\mu$.) Then $t(v)^a_{a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}$’s relate the $R$-matrix of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model in the principal regime and Boltzmann weights $W$ of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model in the so-called regime III. (", "cf. ", "figure 1) $$R(v_1-v_2)t (v_1)_a^d\\otimes t (v_2)_d^c=\n\\sum_{b} t(v_1)_b^c \\otimes t (v_2)_a^b \nW\\left[ \\left. ", "\n\\begin{array}{cc} c & d \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \\right| \nv_1 -v_2 \\right]. ", "\n\\label{eq:Rtt=Wtt}$$\n\n(100,20) (23,0)\n\n(101,0) (20,3)\n\n(101,0) (10,10)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (10,0)[(0,1)[10]{}]{} (8.8,5)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (8.,4.4) (-4.5,4.2)[$v_1$]{} (4.15,8.5) (5,8.8)[(0,-1)[10]{}]{} (3.9,-3.8)[$v_2$]{} (-2.5,10.5)[$c$]{} (10.5,-1.5)[$a$]{} (10.5,10.1)[$d$]{} (17,4)[$=\\;\\displaystyle\\sum_{b}$]{}\n\n(58,3)\n\n(101,0) (10,0)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (10,0)[(0,1)[10]{}]{} (0,0)[(0,1)[10]{}]{} (10,10)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (-2.,4.4) (0,5)(2.2,0)[6]{}[(1,0)[1.2]{}]{} (-1.2,5)[(-1,0)[2.5]{}]{} (-7,4.2)[$v_1$]{} (4.15,-1.5) (5,0)(0,2.2)[6]{}[(0,1)[1.2]{}]{} (5,-1.2)[(0,-1)[2.5]{}]{} (3.9,-5.8)[$v_2$]{} (10.5,10.1)[$d$]{} (-2.5,10.5)[$c$]{} (10.5,-1.5)[$a$]{} (-2.5,-1.8)[$b$]{}\n\nFigure 1. ", "Picture representation of vertex-face correspondence.", "\n\nNote that the present intertwining vectors are different from the ones used in [@JMO], which relate the $R$-matrix of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model in the disordered phase and Boltzmann weights $W$ of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model in the regime III.", "\n\nLet us introduce the dual intertwining vectors (see figure 2) satisfying $$\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} t_\\mu^* (v)^{a'}_{a}\nt^\\mu (v)^{a}_{a''} =\\delta_{a''}^{a'}, ~~~~ \n\\sum_{\\nu =0}^{n-1} t^\\mu (v)^{a}_{a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu} \nt_{\\mu'}^* (v)^{a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu}_{a} =\n\\delta^\\mu_{\\mu'}. ", "\\label{eq:dual-t}$$\n\n(100,20) (40,3)\n\n(101,0) (-10,4)[$\\displaystyle\\sum_{\\mu=0}^{n-1}$]{} (10.2,-3.)[$a'$]{} (-2.7,-2.8)[$a$]{} (4.15,0.1) (10,0)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (0,0)(0,2.2)[5]{}[(0,1)[1.2]{}]{} (10.2,10.5)[$a''$]{} (-2.7,10.5)[$a$]{} (10,10)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (6,5)[$\\mu$]{} (4.15,8.6) (5,1.2)[(0,1)[7.6]{}]{} (5,0)[(0,-1)[1]{}]{} (5,-1.5)[(0,-1)[2]{}]{} (4.22,-6)[$v$]{} (15.,4.)[$=\\delta^{a''}_{a'}$,]{}\n\n(88,3)\n\n(101,0) (-10,4)[$\\displaystyle\\sum_{a'}$]{} (-3,4)[$a$]{} (11,4)[$a'$]{} (10,5)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (4.15,5.1) (4.15,3.6) (5,6.4)[(0,1)[3.6]{}]{} (6,7)[$\\mu'$]{} (5,3.6)[(0,-1)[3.6]{}]{} (6,2)[$\\mu$]{} (4.2,-2.2)[$v$]{} (17,4.)[$=\\delta^{\\mu'}_{\\mu}$.]{}\n\nFigure 2. ", "Picture representation of the dual intertwining vectors.", "\n\nFrom (\\[eq:Rtt=Wtt\\]) and (\\[eq:dual-t\\]), we have (cf. ", "figure 3) $$t^*(v_{1})^{b}_{c}\\otimes t^*(v_{2})^{a}_{b}\nR(v_{1}-v_2 )=\n\\displaystyle\\sum_{d} \nW\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \nc & d \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \\right| v_{1}-v_2 \\right]\nt^*(v_{1} )^{a}_{d}\\otimes t^*(v_{2} )^{d}_{c}. ", "\n\\label{eq:dJMO}$$\n\n(100,20) (23,0)\n\n(101,0) (20,3)\n\n(101,0) (10,0)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (0,0)[(0,1)[10]{}]{} (5,6.4)[(0,1)[3.6]{}]{} (-.2,4.4) (1.4,5)[(1,0)[10]{}]{} (0,5)[(-1,0)[1]{}]{} (-1.5,5)[(-1,0)[2]{}]{} (-6.5,4.2)[$v_1$]{} (4.15,.1) (5,1.4)[(0,1)[10]{}]{} (5,0)[(0,-1)[1]{}]{} (5,-1.5)[(0,-1)[2]{}]{} (4,-5.8)[$v_2$]{} (-2.5,10.5)[$c$]{} (10.5,-1.5)[$a$]{} (-2.5,-1.8)[$b$]{} (17,4)[$=\\;\\displaystyle\\sum_{d}$]{}\n\n(56,3)\n\n(101,0) (10,0)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (10,0)[(0,1)[10]{}]{} (0,0)[(0,1)[10]{}]{} (10,10)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (9.8,4.4) (10,5)(-2.2,0)[6]{}[(-1,0)[1.2]{}]{} (11.6,5)[(1,0)[2]{}]{} (-1.2,5)[(-1,0)[2]{}]{} (-7,4.2)[$v_1$]{} (4.15,10.1) (5,11.5)[(0,1)[2]{}]{} (5,10)(0,-2.2)[6]{}[(0,-1)[1.2]{}]{} (5,-1.2)[(0,-1)[2]{}]{} (4,-5.3)[$v_2$]{} (10.5,10.1)[$d$]{} (-2.5,10.5)[$c$]{} (10.5,-1.5)[$a$]{} (-2.5,-1.8)[$b$]{}\n\nFigure 3. ", "Vertex-face correspondence by dual intertwining vectors.", "\n\nFor fixed $r>n-1$, let $$S(v )=-R(v)|_{r\\mapsto r-1}, ~~~~\nW'\\left[ \\left. ", "\n\\begin{array}{cc} c & d \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \\right| \nv \\right]=-W\\left[ \\left. ", "\n\\begin{array}{cc} c & d \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \\right| \nv \\right] \\left. ", "\\makebox{\\rule[-4mm]{0pt}{11mm}} \n\\right|_{r\\mapsto r-1}, \n\\label{eq:SXYZ}$$ and $$t'{}^* (u)^{b}_{a}:=t^* (u; \\epsilon , r-1)^{b}_{a}. ", "\n\\label{eq:t'*}$$ Then we have $$\\displaystyle t'{}^*(v_1 )^{b}_{c}\\otimes \nt'{}^*(v_2 )^{a}_{b}S(v_1 -v_2 ) \n=\\displaystyle\\sum_{d} \nW'\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \nc & d \\\\ b & a \\end{array} \\right| v_1 -v_2 \\right]\nt'{}^*(v_1 )_{d}^{a}\\otimes t'{}^*(v_2 )_{c}^{d}. ", "\n\\label{eq:sJMO}$$\n\nVertex operator algebra\n=======================\n\nVertex operators for $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n\nLet ${\\cal H}^{(i)}$ be the $\\mathbb{C}$-vector space spanned by the half-infinite pure tensor vectors of the forms: $$\\varepsilon_{\\mu_1}\\otimes \\varepsilon_{\\mu_2}\\otimes \n\\varepsilon_{\\mu_3}\\otimes \\cdots \n~~~~ \\mbox{with $\\mu_j\\in \\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z}$, \n$\\mu_j=i+1-j$ (mod $n$) for $j\\gg 0$}. ", "\n\\label{eq:H^i}$$ Let ${\\cal H}^{*(i)}$ be the dual of ${\\cal H}^{(i)}$ spanned by the half-infinite pure tensor vectors of the forms $$\\cdots \\otimes \\varepsilon_{\\mu_{-2}}\\otimes \\varepsilon_{\\mu_{-1}}\\otimes \n\\varepsilon_{\\mu_0}\n~~~~ \\mbox{with $\\mu_j\\in \\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z}$, \n$\\mu_j=i+1-j$ (mod $n$) for $j\\ll 0$}.$$\n\nIntroduce the type I vertex operator by the following half-infinite transfer matrix $$\\Phi^\\mu (v_1 -v_2)=\n\\unitlength 0.5mm\n\\begin{picture}(100,20)\n\\put(15,-18){\\begin{picture}(100,0)\n\\put(60,20){\\vector(-1,0){60}}\n\\put(10,30){\\vector(0,-1){20}}\n\\put(20,30){\\vector(0,-1){20}}\n\\put(30,30){\\vector(0,-1){20}}\n\\put(40,30){\\vector(0,-1){20}}\n\\put(4,22){$\\mu$}\n\\put(-7,18){$v_1$}\n\\put(9,5){$v_2$}\n\\put(19,5){$v_2$}\n\\put(29,5){$v_2$}\n\\put(39,5){$v_2$}\n\\put(45,22){$\\cdots$}\n\\end{picture}\n}\n\\end{picture}\n\\label{eq:B-I}$$\n\n \n\nThen the operator (\\[eq:B-I\\]) is an intertwiner from ${\\cal H}^{(i)}$ to ${\\cal H}^{(i+1)}$. The type I vertex operators satisfy the following commutation relation: $$\\Phi^\\mu (v_1)\\Phi^\\nu (v_2)=\n\\sum_{\\mu',\\nu'} R(v_1-v_2)^{\\mu\\nu}_{\\mu'\\nu'} \n\\Phi^{\\nu'} (v_2)\\Phi^{\\mu'} (v_1). ", "\n\\label{eq:RPhiPhi}$$\n\nWhen we consider an operator related to ‘creation-annihilation’ process, we need another type of vertex operators, the type II vertex operators that satisfy the following commutation relations: $$\\Psi^*_\\nu (v_2)\\Psi^*_\\mu (v_1)=\n\\sum_{\\mu',\\nu'} \\Psi^*_{\\mu'} (v_1)\\Psi^*_{\\nu'} (v_2)\nS(v_1-v_2)_{\\mu\\nu}^{\\mu'\\nu'}, \n\\label{eq:R'PsiPsi}$$ $$\\Phi^\\mu (v_1)\\Psi^*_\\nu (v_2)=\\chi (v_1 -v_2) \n\\Psi^*_{\\nu} (v_2)\\Phi^{\\mu} (v_1). ", "\n\\label{eq:chiPsiPhi}$$\n\nLet $$\\rho^{(i)}=x^{2nH_{CTM}}: {\\cal H}^{(i)}\\rightarrow \n{\\cal H}^{(i)},$$ where $H_{CTM}$ is the CTM Hamiltoian defined in [@Bel-corr]. ", "Then we have the homogeneity relation $$\\Phi^\\mu (v) \\rho^{(i)} =\\rho^{(i+1)}\\Phi^\\mu (v-n), ~~~~ \n\\Psi^*_\\mu (v) \\rho^{(i)} =\\rho^{(i+1)}\\Psi^*_\\mu (v-n). ", "\n\\label{eq:homo}$$\n\nVertex operators for the $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model\n----------------------------------------------\n\nFor $k=a+\\rho , l=\\xi +\\rho$ and $0\\leqslant i\\leqslant n-1$, let ${\\cal H}^{(i)}_{l,k}$ be the space of admissible paths $(a_0 , a_1, a_2, \\cdots )$ such that $$a_0 =a, ~~~ a_{j} -a_{j+1}\\in \\left\\{ \n\\bar{\\varepsilon}_0 , \\bar{\\varepsilon}_1 , \n\\cdots , \\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1} \n\\right\\}, \\mbox{ for $j=0, 1, 2, 3, \\cdots$, }~~~~ \na_j=\\xi +\\omega_{i+1-j} \\mbox{ for \n$j\\gg 0$}.$$ Also, let ${\\cal H}^{*(i)}_{l,k}$ be the space of admissible paths $(\\cdots , a_{-2} , a_{-1}, a_{0})$ such that $$a_0 =a, ~~~ a_{j} -a_{j+1}\\in \\left\\{ \n\\bar{\\varepsilon}_0 , \\bar{\\varepsilon}_1 , \n\\cdots , \\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1} \n\\right\\}, \\mbox{ for $j=-1, -2, -3, \\cdots$, }~~~~ \na_j=\\xi +\\omega_{i+1-j} \\mbox{ for \n$j\\ll 0$}.$$ Introduce the type I vertex operator by the following half-infinite transfer matrix $$\\hspace{2cm} \\Phi(v_1 -v_2)_a^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}=\n\\unitlength 1mm\n\\begin{picture}(100,10)\n\\put(-10,-60){\\begin{picture}(101,0)\n\\put(20,55){\\vector(0,1){10}}\n\\put(30,55){\\vector(0,1){10}}\n\\put(30,55){\\vector(-1,0){10}}\n\\put(30,65){\\vector(-1,0){10}}\n\\put(40,55){\\vector(0,1){10}}\n\\put(40,55){\\vector(-1,0){10}}\n\\put(40,65){\\vector(-1,0){10}}\n\\put(50,55){\\vector(0,1){10}}\n\\put(50,55){\\vector(-1,0){10}}\n\\put(50,65){\\vector(-1,0){10}}\n\\put(60,55){\\vector(-1,0){10}}\n\\put(60,65){\\vector(-1,0){10}}\n\\put(19,53){$a$}\n\\put(16,67){$a\\!+\\!\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu$}\n\\multiput(18,60)(2,0){23}{\\line(1,0){1}}\n\\put(17,60){\\vector(-1,0){1.5}}\n\\multiput(25,53)(0,2){8}{\\line(0,1){1}}\n\\multiput(35,53)(0,2){8}{\\line(0,1){1}}\n\\multiput(45,53)(0,2){8}{\\line(0,1){1}}\n\\put(25,52){\\vector(0,-1){1.5}}\n\\put(35,52){\\vector(0,-1){1.5}}\n\\put(45,52){\\vector(0,-1){1.5}}\n\\put(24,48){$v_2$}\n\\put(34,48){$v_2$}\n\\put(44,48){$v_2$}\n\\put(12,59.5){$v_1$}\n\\end{picture}\n}\n\\end{picture}\n\\label{eq:F-I}$$\n\nThen the operator (\\[eq:F-I\\]) is an intertwiner from ${\\cal H}^{(i)}_{l,k}$ to ${\\cal H}^{(i+1)}_{l,k+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}$. The type I vertex operators satisfy the following commutation relation: $$\\Phi (v_1)^c_b\\Phi (v_2)^b_a=\n\\sum_{d} W\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \nc & d \\\\ \nb & a \\end{array} \\right| v_1-v_2 \\right]\n\\Phi (v_2)^{c}_d\\Phi (v_1)^{d}_a . ", "\n\\label{eq:Wphiphi}$$ The free field realization of $\\Phi (v_2)^b_a$ was constructed in [@AJMP]. ", "See Sec 4.2.", "\n\nThe type II vertex operators should satisfy the following commutation relations: $$\\Psi^* (v_2)^{\\xi_c}_{\\xi_d}\\Psi^* (v_1)^{\\xi_d}_{\\xi_a}=\n\\sum_{\\xi_b} \n\\Psi^* (v_1)^{\\xi_c}_{\\xi_b}\\Psi^* (v_2)^{\\xi_b}_{\\xi_a} \nW'\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \n\\xi_c & \\xi_d \\\\ \n\\xi_b & \\xi_a \\end{array} \\right| v_1-v_2 \\right], \n\\label{eq:W'psipsi}$$ $$\\Phi (v_1)^{a'}_a\\Psi^* (v_2)^{\\xi'}_{\\xi}=\n\\chi (v_1-v_2)\\Psi^* (v_2)^{\\xi'}_{\\xi}\\Phi (v_1)^{a'}_a . ", "\n\\label{eq:Wchipsiphi}$$\n\nLet $$\\rho^{(i)}_{l,k}=G_a x^{2nH_{l,k}^{(i)}}, \n\\label{eq:rho_lk}$$ where $$G_a =\\prod_{0\\leqslant\\mu <\\nu\\leqslant n-1} [a_{\\mu\\nu}].$$ Then we have the homogeneity relation $$\\Phi (v)^{a'}_a \\dfrac{\\rho^{(i)}_{a+\\rho , l}}{G_a} \n=\\dfrac{\\rho^{(i+1)}_{a'+\\rho , l}}{G_{a'}}\\Phi (v-n)^{a'}_a, \n~~~~ \n\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi'}_{\\xi} \\rho^{(i)}_{k,\\xi +\\rho} =\n\\rho^{(i+1)}_{k,\\xi' +\\rho}\\Psi^* (v-n)^{\\xi'}_{\\xi}. ", "\n\\label{eq:Whomo}$$ The free field realization of $\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi'}_{\\xi}$ was constructed in [@FHSY; @FKQ]. ", "See Sec 4.3.", "\n\nTail operators and commutation relations\n----------------------------------------\n\nIn [@Bel-corr] we introduced the intertwining operators between ${\\cal H}^{(i)}$ and ${\\cal H}^{(i)}_{l,k}$ ($k=l+\\omega_{i}$ (mod $Q$)): $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\nT(u ){}^{\\xi a_0}&=&\n\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=0}^\\infty \nt^{\\mu_j}(-u ){}^{a_j}_{a_{j+1}}: \n{\\cal H}^{(i)}\\rightarrow {\\cal H}^{(i)}_{l,k}, \\\\\nT(u ){}_{\\xi a_0}&=&\n\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=0}^\\infty \nt^*_{\\mu_j}(-u ){}_{a_j}^{a_{j+1}}: \n{\\cal H}^{(i)}_{l,k}\\rightarrow {\\cal H}^{(i)}, \n\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:T^_}$$ which satisfy $$\\rho^{(i)}=\\left( \\dfrac{(x^{2r-2};x^{2r-2})_\\infty}{\n(x^{2r};x^{2r})_\\infty} \\right)^{(n-1)(n-2)/2}\\dfrac{1}{\nG'_\\xi} \\sum_{k\\equiv l+\\omega_i\\atop\\mbox{\\scriptsize (mod $Q$)}} \nT (u)_{a\\xi} \\rho^{(i)}_{l,k} T(u)^{a\\xi}, \n\\label{eq:rho-rel}$$ and the intertwining relations $$T(u)^{\\xi b} \\Phi^\\mu (v) =\\sum_a t^\\mu \n(v-u ){}_{a}^{b}\\Phi (v)^b_aT(u)^{\\xi a}, \n\\label{eq:T^Phi}$$ $$T(u)_{\\xi b} \\Phi (v)^b_a =\\sum_\\mu t^*_\\mu \n(v-u ){}^{a}_{b}\\Phi^\\mu (v)T(u)_{\\xi a}. ", "\n\\label{eq:T_phi}$$ Here, $k=a_0 +\\rho$ and $l=\\xi +\\rho$, and $0<\\Re (u)<\\frac{n}{2}+1$.\n\nIn order to obtain the form factors of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model, we need the free field representations of the tail operator which is offdiagonal with respect to the boundary conditions (see figure 4): $$\\Lambda (u )_{\\xi\\,a}^{\\xi'a'}=T(u )^{\\xi' a'}T(u)_{\\xi\\, a}: \n{\\cal H}^{(i)}_{l,k}\\rightarrow {\\cal H}^{(i)}_{l'k'}, \n\\label{eq:L=TT'}$$ where $k=a+\\rho$, $l=\\xi +\\rho$, $k'=a'+\\rho$, and $l'=\\xi' +\\rho$. Let $$L\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} a'_0 & a'_1 \\\\\na_0 & a_1 \\end{array} \\right| u \\right] :=\n\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} t^*_\\mu (-u)_{a_0}^{a_1} \nt^\\mu (-u)^{a'_0}_{a'_1}. ", "\n\\label{eq:Lop}$$ Then we have $$\\Lambda(u ){}_{\\xi\\,a_0}^{\\xi'a'_0}=\n\\prod_{j=0}^\\infty L\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \na'_j & a'_{j+1} \\\\\na_j & a_{j+1} \\end{array} \\right| u \\right]. ", "\n\\label{eq:Lambda}$$\n\n1.4mm\n\n(100,20) (-18,0)\n\n(101,0) (18,10)[$\\Lambda(u ){}_{\\xi\\,a_0}^{\\xi'a'_0}=$]{} (65,5)(-10,0)[3]{}[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (66,5)(2,0)[5]{}[(1,0)[1]{}]{} (65,15)(-10,0)[3]{}[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (66,15)(2,0)[5]{}[(1,0)[1]{}]{} (110,5)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (110,15)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (100,5)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (100,15)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (90,5)[(-1,0)[4]{}]{} (90,15)[(-1,0)[4]{}]{} (86,5)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (86,15)[(-1,0)[10]{}]{} (34,2.3)[$a_0$]{} (44,2.3)[$a_1$]{} (54,2.3)[$a_2$]{} (64,2.3)[$a_3$]{} (34,16.)[$a'_0$]{} (44,16.2)[$a'_1$]{} (54,16.2)[$a'_2$]{} (64,16.2)[$a'_3$]{} (75,2.3)[$\\xi$]{} (84,2.3)[$\\cdots$]{} (89,2.3)[$\\xi\\!\\!+\\!\\!\\omega_2$]{} (99,2.3)[$\\xi\\!\\!+\\!\\!\\omega_1$]{} (109,2.3)[$\\xi$]{} (75,16.)[$\\xi'$]{} (84,16)[$\\cdots$]{} (89,16.)[$\\xi'\\!\\!+\\!\\!\\omega_2$]{} (99,16)[$\\xi'\\!\\!+\\!\\!\\omega_1$]{} (109,16.)[$\\xi'$]{} (39.4165,5.) (", "39.4165,13.9) (40,6.0)[(0,1)[7.9]{}]{} (40,5)[(0,-1)[1]{}]{} (40,3.5)[(0,-1)[2]{}]{} (38.,-.3)[$-u$]{} (49.4165,5.) (", "49.4165,13.9) (50,6.)[(0,1)[7.9]{}]{} (59.4165,5.) (", "59.4165,13.9) (60,6.)[(0,1)[7.9]{}]{} (80.4165,5.) (", "80.4165,13.9) (81,6.)[(0,1)[7.9]{}]{} (94.4165,5.) (", "94.4165,13.9) (95,6.)[(0,1)[7.9]{}]{} (104.4165,5.) (", "104.4165,13.9) (105,6.)[(0,1)[7.9]{}]{}\n\nFigure 4. ", "Tail operator $\\Lambda(u ){}^{\\xi'a'_0}_{\\xi\\,a_0}$. The upper (resp. ", "lower) half stands for $T(u ){}^{\\xi' a'_0}$ (resp. ", "$T(u ){}_{\\xi\\,a_0}$).", "\n\nNote that $$L\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} a' & a'-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu \\\\\na & a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu \\end{array} \\right| u \\right] = \n\\dfrac{[u+\\bar{a}_\\mu -\\bar{a'}_\\nu ]}{[u]}\n\\prod_{j\\neq\\mu} \\dfrac{[\\bar{a'}_\\nu -\\bar{a}_{j}]}\n{[a_{\\mu j}]}. ", "\n\\label{eq:Lop-ex}$$ It is obvious from (\\[eq:dual-t\\]), we have $$L\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} a & a' \\\\\na & a'' \\end{array} \\right| u \\right] = \\delta_{a''}^{a'}. ", " \n\\label{eq:L-inv}$$ We therefore have $$\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi' a}_{\\xi\\,a}=\\delta^{\\xi'}_\\xi . ", "\\label{eq:Lambda=1}$$\n\nFrom (\\[eq:T\\^Phi\\]), (\\[eq:T\\_phi\\]) and the definition of the tail operator (\\[eq:L=TT’\\]) we have $$\\Lambda (u )^{\\xi'c}_{\\xi\\,b}\\Phi (v)^b_a=\n\\sum_{d}L\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} c & d \\\\\nb & a \\end{array} \\right| u-v \\right]\n\\Phi (v)^c_d\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi'd}_{\\xi\\,a}. ", "\n\\label{eq:Lambda-phi}$$\n\nConsider the algebra $$\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi'}_\\xi T(u)^{\\xi a} =\\sum_\\mu \nT(u)^{\\xi' a}\\Psi^*_\\mu (v)\nt'{}^\\mu (v-u-\\Delta u ){}^{\\xi'}_{\\xi}, \n\\label{eq:T^psi}$$ $$\\Psi^{*}_{\\mu} (v)T(u)_{\\xi a} =\\sum_{\\xi'} \nT(u)_{\\xi' a}\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi'}_\\xi \nt'{}^*_\\mu (v-u-\\Delta u ){}_{\\xi'}^{\\xi}. ", "\n\\label{eq:T_Psi}$$ From these, we have $$\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi_c}_{\\xi_d}\\Lambda (u )^{\\xi_d\\,a'}_{\\xi_a\\,a}=\n\\sum_{\\xi_b}L'\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \\xi_c & \\xi_d \\\\\n\\xi_b & \\xi_a \\end{array} \\right| u+\\Delta u-v \\right]\n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi_c\\,a'}_{\\xi_b\\,a}\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi_b}_{\\xi_a}, \n\\label{eq:Lambda-psi}$$ where $$L'\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \\xi_c & \\xi_d \\\\\n\\xi_b & \\xi_a \\end{array} \\right| u\\right]\n=L\\left. ", "\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \\xi_c & \\xi_d \\\\\n\\xi_b & \\xi_a \\end{array} \\right| u\\right]\\right|_{r\\mapsto r-1}.$$ We should find a representation of $\\Lambda (u )^{\\xi'a'}_{\\xi\\,a}$ and fix the constant $\\Delta u$ that solves (\\[eq:Lambda-phi\\]) and (\\[eq:Lambda-psi\\]).", "\n\nFree filed realization\n======================\n\nOne of the most standard ways to calculate correlation functions and form foctors is the vertex operator approach [@JMbk] on the basis of free field representation. ", "The free field representations for the type I vertex operators of the $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$ model were constructed in [@AJMP], in terms of oscillators introduced in [@FL; @AKOS]. ", "Those for the type II vertex operators were constructed in [@FHSY; @FKQ], also in terms of oscillators introduced in [@FL; @AKOS]. ", "It was shown in [@KK1; @KK2] that the elliptic algebra $U_{q,p}(\\widehat{\\mathfrak s\\mathfrak l}_N)$ provides the Drinfeld realization of the face type elliptic quantum group ${\\cal B}_{q,\\lambda}(\\widehat{\\mathfrak s\\mathfrak l}_N)$ tensored by a Heisenberg algebra. ", "Using these representations we derive the free field representation of the tail operator in this section.", "\n\nBosons\n------\n\nLet us consider the bosons $B_m^j\\,(1\\leqslant j \\leqslant n-1, m \\in \\mathbb{Z}\n\\backslash \\{0\\})$ with the commutation relations $$[B_m^j,B_{m'}^k]\n=\\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} \nm\\dfrac{[(n-1)m]_x}{[nm]_x}\n\\dfrac{[(r-1)m]_x}{[rm]_x}\\delta_{m+m',0}, & (j=k)\\\\\n-mx^{{\\rm sgn}(j-k)nm}\\dfrac{[m]_x}{[nm]_x}\n\\dfrac{[(r-1)m]_x}{[rm]_x}\\delta_{m+m',0}, & (j\\neq k), \n\\end{array} \\right. ", "\n\\label{eq:comm-B}$$ where the symbol $[a]_x$ stands for $(x^a-x^{-a})/(x-x^{-1})$. Define $B_m^n$ by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{j=1}^n x^{-2jm}B_m^j=0.\\end{aligned}$$ Then the commutation relations (\\[eq:comm-B\\]) holds for all $1\\leqslant j,k \\leqslant n$. These oscillators were introduced in [@FL; @AKOS].", "\n\nFor $\\alpha, \\beta \\in {\\mathfrak h}^*$ let us define the zero mode operators $P_\\alpha, Q_\\beta$ with the commutation relations $$[P_{\\alpha},\\sqrt{-1}Q_{\\beta}]=\\langle \\alpha,\\beta \\rangle, \n~~~~ [P_{\\alpha}, B_m^j ]=\n[Q_{\\beta}, B_m^j ]=0.$$\n\n \\\nWe will deal with the bosonic Fock spaces ${\\cal{F}}_{l,k}, (l,k \\in {\\mathfrak h}^*)$ generated by $B_{-m}^j (m>0)$ over the vacuum vectors $|l,k\\rangle$ : $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\cal{F}}_{l,k}=\n\\mathbb{C}[\\{ B_{-1}^j, B_{-2}^j,\\cdots \\}_{\n1\\leqslant j \\leqslant n}]|l,k\\rangle,\\end{aligned}$$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\nB_m^j|l,k\\rangle&=&0 ~(m>0),\\\\\nP_{\\alpha}|l,k\\rangle &=&\\langle \\alpha,\n\\beta_1 k+\\beta_2 l \\rangle\n|l,k\\rangle,\\\\\n|l,k\\rangle&=&\\exp \\left(\\sqrt{-1}(\\beta_1Q_k+\n\\beta_2Q_l)\\right)|0,0\\rangle, \\end{aligned}$$ where $\\beta_1$ and $\\beta_2$ are defined by $$t^2 -\\beta_0 t-1=(t-\\beta_1)(t-\\beta_2), ~~~~ \n\\beta_0 =\\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{r(r-1)}}, ~~~~ \\beta_1<\\beta_2, \n\\label{eq:beta_12}$$\n\nType I vertex operators\n-----------------------\n\nLet us define the basic operators for $j=1,\\cdots,n-1$ $$\\begin{aligned}\nU_{-\\alpha_j}(v)&=&\n\\exp\\left(-\\beta_1 (\\sqrt{-1}Q_{\\alpha_j}\n+P_{\\alpha_j}\\log z)\\right) \n:\\exp\\left(\\sum_{m \\neq 0}\\frac{1}{m}\n(B_m^j-B_m^{j+1})(x^jz)^{-m}\\right):, \\\\\nU_{\\omega_j}(v)&=&\n\\exp\\left(\\beta_1 (\\sqrt{-1}Q_{\\omega_j}\n+P_{\\omega_j}\\log z)\\right)\n:\\exp\\left(-\\sum_{m\\neq 0}\\frac{1}{m} \\sum_{k=1}^j \nx^{(j-2k+1)m}B_m^kz^{-m}\\right):, \\end{aligned}$$ where $\\beta_1 =-\\sqrt{\\frac{r-1}{r}}$ and $z=x^{2v}$ as usual. ", "For some useful OPE formulae and commutation relations, see Appendix B.\n\nIn the sequel we set $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\pi_\\mu=\\sqrt{r(r-1)}P_{\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu},~\n\\pi_{\\mu \\nu}=\\pi_\\mu-\\pi_\\nu =rL_{\\mu\\nu}-(r-1)K_{\\mu\\nu}.\\end{aligned}$$ The operators $K_{\\mu\\nu}$, $L_{\\mu\\nu}$ and $\\pi_{\\mu \\nu}$ act on ${\\cal{F}}_{l,k}$ as scalors $\\langle \\varepsilon_\\mu -\\varepsilon_\\nu, k\\rangle$, $\\langle \\varepsilon_\\mu -\\varepsilon_\\nu, l\\rangle$ and $\\langle \\varepsilon_\\mu -\\varepsilon_\\nu, rl-(r-1)k\\rangle$, respectively. ", "In what follows we often use the symbols $$G_K =\\prod_{0\\leqslant\\mu <\\nu\\leqslant n-1} [K_{\\mu\\nu}], ~~~~\nG'_L =\\prod_{0\\leqslant\\mu <\\nu\\leqslant n-1} [L_{\\mu\\nu}]'.$$\n\nFor $0 \\leqslant \\mu \\leqslant n-1$ define the type I vertex operator [@AJMP] by $$\\begin{aligned}\n&&\\phi_\\mu (v_0 )=\\displaystyle\\oint_C \n\\prod_{j=1}^{\\mu}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j}\nU_{\\omega_1}(v_0 )U_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1)\\cdots \nU_{-\\alpha_\\mu}(v_{\\mu})\n\\prod_{j=0}^{\\mu-1}f(v_{j+1}-v_{j},K_{j \\mu}) \n\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\mu}^{n-1} [K_{j\\mu}]^{-1} \n\\label{eq:type-I} \\\\\n&=&(-1)^\\mu \\displaystyle\\oint_C \n\\prod_{j=1}^{\\mu}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j}\nU_{-\\alpha_\\mu}(v_{\\mu})\\cdots U_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1)\nU_{\\omega_1}(v_0 )\n\\prod_{j=0}^{\\mu-1}f(v_{j}-v_{j+1}, 1-K_{j \\mu}) \n\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\mu}^{n-1} [K_{j\\mu}]^{-1}, \n\\label{eq:type-I'} \\end{aligned}$$ where $z_j=x^{2v_j}$. Considering the factors $f(v_{j+1}-v_{j}, K_{j \\mu})$’s together with the OPE formulae (\\[eq:OjAj-prod\\]) and (\\[eq:AjAj+1-prod\\]), the expressions (\\[eq:type-I\\]) has poles at $z_j=x^{\\pm (1+2kr)}z_{j-1}\\,(k \n\\in \\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqslant 0})$. The integral contour $C$ for $z_j$-integration should be chosen such that all integral variables lie in the common convergence domain; i.e., the contour $C$ encircles the poles at $z_j=x^{1+2kr}z_{j-1}\\,(k \n\\in \\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqslant 0})$, but not the poles at $z_j=x^{-1-2kr}z_{j-1}\\,(k \\in \n\\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqslant 0})$.\n\nNote that $$\\phi_\\mu(v): {\\cal{F}}_{l,k} \n\\longrightarrow {\\cal{F}}_{l,k+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}. ", "\n\\label{eq:k-shift}$$ These type I vertex operators satisfy the following commutation relations on ${\\cal{F}}_{l,k}$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\phi_{\\mu_1}(v_1)\\phi_{\\mu_2}(v_2)\n=\\sum_{\\varepsilon_{\\mu_1}+\\varepsilon_{\\mu_2}\n=\\varepsilon_{\\mu_1'}+\\varepsilon_{\\mu_2'} }W\\left[\\left.", "\n\\begin{array}{cc}\na+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu_1}+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu_2}&\na+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu_1'}\\\\\na+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu_2}&a\n\\end{array}\\right|v_1-v_2 \\right]\n{\\phi}_{\\mu_2'}(v_2)\n{\\phi}_{\\mu_1'}(v_1). ", "\n\\label{eq:CR-I}\\end{aligned}$$ We thus denote the operator $\\phi_\\mu (v)$ by $\\Phi (v )^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}_a$ on the bosonic Fock space ${\\cal{F}}_{l,a+\\rho}$.\n\nDual vertex operators are likewise defined as follows: $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\n\\phi^*_\\mu(v)&=&(-1)^{n-1-\\mu} c_n^{-1}\\displaystyle\\oint\n\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j}\nU_{\\omega_{n-1}}\\left(v-\\frac{n}{2} \\right)U_{-\\alpha_{n-1}}(v_{n-1})\\cdots \nU_{-\\alpha_{\\mu +1}}(v_{\\mu +1}) \\\\\n&\\times&\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1}f(v_{j}-v_{j+1},K_{\\mu j}) \\\\\n&=&c_n^{-1}\\displaystyle \\oint\n\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j}\nU_{-\\alpha_{\\mu +1}}(v_{\\mu +1})\\cdots U_{-\\alpha_{n-1}}(v_{n-1})\nU_{\\omega_{n-1}}\\left(v-\\frac{n}{2}\\right) \\\\\n&\\times&\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1}f(v_{j+1}-v_{j},1-K_{\\mu j}). ", "\n\\label{eq:type-I*}\n\\end{array}$$ Here $v_n =v-\\tfrac{n}{2}$, and $$c_n =x^{\\frac{r-1}{r}\\frac{n-1}{2n}} \\dfrac{g_{n-1}(x^n)}{\n(x^2; x^{2r})_\\infty^n (x^{2r};x^{2r})_\\infty^{2n-3}},$$ where $g_{n-1} (z)$ is defined by (\\[eq:g-def\\]). ", "The integral contour for $z_j$-integration encircles the poles at $z_j=x^{1+2kr}z_{j+1}\\,(k \n\\in \\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqslant 0})$, but not the poles at $z_j=x^{-1-2kr}z_{j+1}\\,(k \\in \n\\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqslant 0})$, for $\\mu +1\\leqslant j\\leqslant n-1$. Note that $$\\phi^*_\\mu (v): {\\cal{F}}_{l,k} \n\\longrightarrow {\\cal{F}}_{l,k-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}. ", "\n\\label{eq:k-shift*}$$ The operators $\\phi_\\mu (v)$ and $\\phi^*_\\mu (v)$ are dual in the following sense [@AJMP]: $$\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} \\phi^*_\\mu (v)\\phi_\\mu (v)=1. ", "\n\\label{eq:dualrel}$$\n\nIn [@Bel-corr] we obtained the free field representation of $\\Lambda (u)_{\\xi\\,a}^{\\xi\\,a'}$ satisfying (\\[eq:Lambda-phi\\]) for $\\xi'=\\xi$: $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi\\,a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}}_{\\xi\\,a-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\nu}}\n&=&\\displaystyle G_K\n\\oint \\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{\\nu} \n\\dfrac{dz_j}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z_j} \nU_{-\\alpha_{\\mu +1}}(v_{\\mu +1}) \\cdots \nU_{-\\alpha_{\\nu}}(v_{\\nu}) \\\\\n&\\times& \\displaystyle\\prod_{j=\\mu}^{\\nu -1} \nf(v_{j+1}-v_j, K_{j\\nu}) \nG_K^{-1}, \n\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:Bose-Lambda}$$ where $v_\\mu =u$ and $\\mu <\\nu$.\n\nType II vertex operators\n------------------------\n\nLet us define the basic operators for $j=1,\\cdots,n-1$ $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{-\\alpha_j}(v)&=&\n\\exp\\left(-\\beta_2 (\\sqrt{-1}Q_{\\alpha_j}\n+P_{\\alpha_j}\\log z)\\right)\n:\\exp\\left(-\\sum_{m \\neq 0}\\frac{1}{m}\n(A_m^j-A_m^{j+1})(x^jz)^{-m}\\right):, \\\\\nV_{\\omega_j}(v)&=&\n\\exp\\left(\\beta_2 (\\sqrt{-1}Q_{\\omega_j}\n+P_{\\omega_j}\\log z\\right)\n:\\exp\\left(\\sum_{m\\neq 0}\\frac{1}{m} \\sum_{k=1}^j \nx^{(j-2k+1)m}A_m^kz^{-m}\\right):, \\end{aligned}$$ where $\\beta_2 =\\sqrt{\\frac{r}{r-1}}$ and $z=x^{2v}$, and $$A_m^j=(-1)^m\\dfrac{[rm]_x}{[(r-1)m]_x}B_m^j .$$ For some useful OPE formulae and commutation relations, see Appendix B.\n\nFor $0 \\leqslant \\mu \\leqslant n-1$ define the type II vertex operator [@FHSY; @FKQ][^2] by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\psi^*_\\mu(v_0 )&=&\\displaystyle\\oint_{C'} \n\\prod_{j=1}^{\\mu}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j}\nV_{\\omega_1}(v_0 )V_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1)\\cdots \nV_{-\\alpha_\\mu}(v_{\\mu})\n\\prod_{j=0}^{\\mu-1}f^*(v_{j+1}-v_{j},L_{j \\mu}) \n\\label{eq:type-II} \\\\\n&=&(-1)^\\mu \\displaystyle\\oint_{C'} \n\\prod_{j=1}^{\\mu}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j}\nV_{-\\alpha_\\mu}(v_{\\mu})\\cdots V_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1)\nV_{\\omega_1}(v_0 )\n\\prod_{j=0}^{\\mu-1}f^*(v_{j}-v_{j+1}, 1-L_{j \\mu}), \n\\label{eq:type-II'} \\end{aligned}$$ where $z_j=x^{2v_j}$. Considering the factors $f^*(v_{j+1}-v_{j}, L_{j \\mu})$’s together with the OPE formulae (\\[eq:OjAj-prod’\\]) and (\\[eq:AjAj+1-prod’\\]), the expressions (\\[eq:type-II\\]) has poles at $z_j=x^{\\pm (-1+2k(r-1))}z_{j-1}\\,(k \n\\in \\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqslant 0})$. The integral contour $C'$ for $z_j$-integration should be chosen such that $C'$ encircles the poles at $z_j=x^{-1+2k(r-1)}z_{j-1}\\,(k \n\\in \\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqslant 0})$, but not the poles at $z_j=x^{1-2k(r-1)}z_{j-1}\\,(k \\in \n\\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqslant 0})$.\n\nNote that $$\\psi^*_\\mu(v): {\\cal{F}}_{l,k} \n\\longrightarrow {\\cal{F}}_{l+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu,k}. ", "\n\\label{eq:l-shift}$$ These type II vertex operators satisfy the following commutation relations on ${\\cal{F}}_{l,k}$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\psi^*_{\\mu_1}(v_1)\\psi^*_{\\mu_2}(v_2)\n=\\sum_{\\varepsilon_{\\mu_1}+\\varepsilon_{\\mu_2}\n=\\varepsilon_{\\mu_1'}+\\varepsilon_{\\mu_2'} }W'\\left[\\left.", "\n\\begin{array}{cc}\n\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu_1}+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu_2}&\n\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu_2}\\\\\n\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu_1'}&\\xi \n\\end{array}\\right|v_2-v_1 \\right]\n{\\psi^*}_{\\mu_2'}(v_2)\n{\\psi^*}_{\\mu_1'}(v_1). ", "\n\\label{eq:CR-II}\\end{aligned}$$ We thus denote the operator $\\psi^*_\\mu (v)$ by $\\Psi^* (v )^{\\xi+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}_\\xi$ on the bosonic Fock space ${\\cal{F}}_{\\xi +\\rho,k}$.\n\nDual vertex operators are likewise defined as follows: $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\n\\psi_\\mu(v)&=&(-1)^{n-1-\\mu}c'_n{}^{-1} \\displaystyle\\oint\n\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j}\nV_{\\omega_{n-1}}\\left(v-\\frac{n}{2} \\right)V_{-\\alpha_{n-1}}(v_{n-1})\\cdots \nV_{-\\alpha_{\\mu +1}}(v_{\\mu +1}) \\\\\n&\\times&\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1}\nf^*(v_{j}-v_{j+1},L_{\\mu j}) \\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\mu}^{n-1} \n\\dfrac{[1]'}{[L_{j\\mu}]'} \\\\\n&=&c'_n{}^{-1} \\displaystyle \\oint\n\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j}\nV_{-\\alpha_{\\mu +1}}(v_{\\mu +1})\\cdots V_{-\\alpha_{n-1}}(v_{n-1})\nV_{\\omega_{n-1}}\\left(v-\\frac{n}{2}\\right) \\\\\n&\\times&\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1}\nf^*(v_{j+1}-v_{j},1-L_{\\mu j})\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\mu}^{n-1} \n\\dfrac{[1]'}{[L_{j\\mu}]'}. ", "\n\\label{eq:type-II*}\n\\end{array}$$ Here $v_n =v-\\tfrac{n}{2}$, and $$c'_n=x^{\\frac{r(n-1)}{2(r-1)}}\n\\left(\\frac{(x^{2r};x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n{(x^{2r-2};x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\\right)^n \ng_{n-1}^*(x^n),$$ where $g_{n-1}^* (z)$ is defined by (\\[eq:g\\*-def\\]). ", "The integral contour for $z_j$-integration encircles the poles at $z_j=x^{-1+2k(r-1)}z_{j+1}\\,\n(k \\in \\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqq 0})$, but not the poles at $z_j=x^{1-2k(r-1)}z_{j+1}\\,(k \\in \n\\mathbb{Z}_{\\geqq 0})$, for $\\mu +1\\leqslant j\\leqslant n-1$. Note that $$\\psi_\\mu (v): {\\cal{F}}_{l,k} \n\\longrightarrow {\\cal{F}}_{l-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu,k}. ", "\n\\label{eq:l-shift*}$$ The operators $\\psi_\\mu (v)$ and $\\psi^*_\\mu (v)$ are dual in the following sense [@FKQ]: $$\\psi_\\mu (v)\\psi^*_\\nu (v')=\\delta_{\\mu\\nu}\n\\frac{1}{1-z'/z}+\n\\mbox{(regular terms at $v=v'$)}. ", "\n\\label{eq:dualrel*}$$\n\nFor later convenience, we also introduce another type of basic operators: $$W_{-\\alpha_j} (v)=\n\\exp\\left(-\\beta_0 (\\sqrt{-1}Q_{\\alpha_j}\n+P_{\\alpha_j}\\log (-1)^rz)\\right)\n:\\exp\\left(-\\sum_{m \\neq 0}\\frac{1}{m}\n(O_m^j-O_m^{j+1})(x^jz)^{-m}\\right):, \n\\label{eq:IxII}$$ where $\\beta_0 =\\beta_1 +\\beta_2 =\\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{r(r-1)}}$, $(-1)^r:=\\exp (\\pi\\sqrt{-1}r)$ and $$O_m^j =\\dfrac{[m]_x}{[(r-1)m]_x} B_m^j .$$ Concerning useful OPE formulae and commutation relations, see Appendix B.\n\nFree field realization of tail operators\n----------------------------------------\n\nConsider (\\[eq:Lambda-psi\\]) for $(\\xi_a, \\xi_d, \\xi_c)=\n(\\xi ,\\xi , \\xi+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1})$, and $(a,a')\\rightarrow (a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-2}, \na+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1})$: $$\\Psi^* (v)_\\xi^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}} \n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}}_{\\xi\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-2}}\n=\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} L'\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \n\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1} & \\xi \\\\\n\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu} & \\xi \\end{array} \\right| u+\\Delta u-v \\right]\n\\Lambda (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}}_{\n\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-2}}\n\\Psi^* (v)_\\xi^{\\xi+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}}. ", "\n\\label{eq:psiLambda}$$ This equation can be rewritten as follows: $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n&\\displaystyle \\Psi^* (v)_\\xi^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}} \n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}}_{\\xi\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-2}}-\n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}}_{\n\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-2}}\n\\Psi^* (v)_\\xi^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}} \\\\\n=&\\displaystyle\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-2} \n\\dfrac{[u+\\Delta u-v+\\xi_{\\mu\\,n-1}]'}{[u+\\Delta u-v]'}\n\\prod_{j\\neq\\mu} \\dfrac{[\\xi_{n-1\\,j}+1]'}{[\\xi_{\\mu j}+1]'} \n\\Lambda (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}}_{\n\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-2}}\n\\Psi^* (v)_\\xi^{\\xi+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}}. ", "\n\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:psiLambda'}$$ Since the tail operators on the LHS of (\\[eq:psiLambda’\\]) are diagonal components with respect to the ground state sectors, the free field representation (\\[eq:Bose-Lambda\\]) can be used. ", "Thus, we have $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n& \\mbox{LHS of (\\ref{eq:psiLambda'})}=(-1)^{n-1}\nG_K \\displaystyle\\oint_C \\dfrac{dz'}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z'} \n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j=1}^{n-1}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j} \n[V_{-\\alpha_{n-1}}(v_{n-1}), U_{-\\alpha_{n-1}}(v')] \\\\\n\\times& \\displaystyle V_{-\\alpha_{n-2}}(v_{n-2}) \\cdots V_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1) \nV_{\\omega_1}(v) f(v'-u, K_{n-2\\,n-1}) \n\\prod_{j=0}^{n-2}f^*(v_{j}-v_{j+1},1-L_{j n-1}) G_K^{-1}, \n\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:LHS-p*L}$$ where $z_j=x^{2v_j}$ and $z'=x^{2v'}$. From (\\[eq:VU-comm\\]) the integral with respect to $z_{n-1}$ of (\\[eq:LHS-p\\*L\\]) can be evaluated by the residues at $z_{n-1}=-x^{\\pm 1}z'$. Then the result is $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n&\\mbox{LHS}|_{{\\cal F}_{\\xi +\\rho, a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-2}+\\rho}} =\n\\dfrac{(-1)^{n-1}}{x^{-1}-x} \nG_K \\displaystyle\\oint_C \\dfrac{dz'}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z'} \n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j=1}^{n-2}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j} \\\\ \n\\times & \\displaystyle\\left( \nF\\left( v'+\\tfrac{r}{2} \\right) \nW_{-\\alpha_{n-1}} \n\\left( v'+\\tfrac{r}{2} \\right) \n- F\\left( v'-\\tfrac{r}{2} \\right) \nW_{-\\alpha_{n-1}} \n\\left( v'-\\tfrac{r}{2} \\right) \\right) \\\\ \n\\times & \n\\displaystyle V_{-\\alpha_{n-2}}(v_{n-2}) \\cdots V_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1) \nV_{\\omega_1}(v) \\displaystyle \n\\prod_{j=0}^{n-3}f^*(v_{j}-v_{j+1},1-\\xi_{j n-1}) G_K^{-1} \\\\\n=& \\dfrac{(-1)^n}{x^{-1}-x} \nG_K \\displaystyle \\left( \\oint_{x^{-r}C} \n-\\oint_{x^{r}C} \\right) \\dfrac{dz'}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z'} \n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j=1}^{n-2}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j} F(v') \nW_{-\\alpha_{n-1}} (v') \\\\ \n\\times & \\displaystyle V_{-\\alpha_{n-2}}(v_{n-2}) \\cdots V_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1) \nV_{\\omega_1}(v) \\prod_{j=0}^{n-3}f^*(v_{j}-v_{j+1},1-\\xi_{j n-1}) G_K^{-1}, \n\\end{array} \\label{eq:LHS-p*L2}$$ where $$F(v')=\\dfrac{[v_{n-2}-v'+\\frac{r}{2}-\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}\n-\\xi_{n-2\\,n-1}]'}{\n[v_{n-2}-v'+\\frac{r}{2}-\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}]'}\n\\dfrac{[v'-u-\\frac{r+1}{2}-a_{n-2\\,n-1}]}{\n[v'-u-\\frac{r+1}{2}]}.$$ The integral with respect to $z'$ of (\\[eq:LHS-p\\*L2\\]) can be evaluated by the residues at $z'=-x^r z_{n-2}$ and $z'=x^{-r+1+2u}$. The former residue vanishes because of (\\[eq:WV\\])[^3]. ", "Thus we have $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\n(\\ref{eq:LHS-p*L2})&=&(-1)^n \\displaystyle\n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j=1}^{n-2}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j} \nW_{-\\alpha_{n-1}} \\left( u-\\tfrac{r-1}{2} \\right) \nV_{-\\alpha_{n-2}}(v_{n-2}) \\cdots V_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1) \nV_{\\omega_1}(v) \\\\\n&\\times&\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=0}^{n-2}f^*(v_{j}-v_{j+1},1-\\xi_{j\\,n-1})\n\\dfrac{[a_{n-2\\,n-1}]}{(x^{-1}-x)(x^{2r}; x^{2r})_\\infty^3} \n\\dfrac{G_{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}}}{G_{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-2}}}. ", "\n\\end{array} \\label{eq:LHS-p*L3}$$ On (\\[eq:LHS-p\\*L3\\]), we should read as $v_{n-1}=u+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}$. Equating (\\[eq:LHS-p\\*L3\\]) and the RHS of (\\[eq:psiLambda’\\]) and using the identity (\\[eq:sum=0\\^\\*\\]), we find the free filed representation of the tail operator $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n&\\Lambda (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}}_{\n\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-2}}=\n\\dfrac{(-1)^{n-\\mu}[a_{n-2\\,n-1}]}{(x^{-1}-x)(x^{2r}; x^{2r})_\\infty^3} \n\\dfrac{[\\xi_{\\mu \\, n-1}-1]'}{[1]'} G_K G'_L{}^{-1} \\\\ \n\\times & \\displaystyle\n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-2}\\frac{dz_j}{2\\pi \\sqrt{-1} z_j} \nW_{-\\alpha_{n-1}} \\left( u-\\tfrac{r-1}{2} \\right) \nV_{-\\alpha_{n-2}}(v_{n-2}) \\cdots V_{-\\alpha_{\\mu +1}}(v_{\\mu +1}) \\\\\n\\times & \\displaystyle \n\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-2} f^*(v_{j}-v_{j+1},L_{\\mu j})G_K^{-1}G'_L , \n\\end{array} \n\\label{eq:Lambda-repII}$$ for $0\\leqslant \\mu\\leqslant n-2$ with $\\Delta u=-\\frac{n-1}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}$ and $v_{n-1}=u+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}$.\n\nLet us return to eq. (", "\\[eq:Lambda-psi\\]) with $\\Delta u=-\\frac{n-1}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}$. By taking an appropriate linear combination of (\\[eq:Lambda-psi\\]), we have the following relation: $$\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1}A_\\mu \\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi'}_{\\xi' -\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu} \n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi' -\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu\\,a'}_{\\xi\\,a} =B\n\\Lambda (u)_{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_0\\,a}^{\\xi'\\,a'} \n\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_0}_{\\xi}. ", "\n\\label{eq:II-L-linearcomb}$$ Here, the coefficients are $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\nA_\\mu &=&\\displaystyle\n\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\mu}^{n-1} \\dfrac{1}{[\\xi'_{\\mu j}]'} \n\\dfrac{[u-v-\\frac{n-1}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}+\n\\bar{\\xi}'_\\mu -\\bar{\\xi}_0 +\\frac{1}{n}]'}\n{[u-v-\\frac{n-1}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}+\n\\bar{\\xi}'_0 -\\bar{\\xi}_0 +\\frac{1}{n}]'}\n\\dfrac{[\\bar{\\xi}'_0 -\\bar{\\xi}_0 +\\frac{1}{n}]'}\n{[\\bar{\\xi}'_\\mu -\\bar{\\xi}_0 +\\frac{1}{n}]'}, \\\\ \nB&=&\\dfrac{[u-v-\\frac{n-3}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}]'}\n{[u-v-\\frac{n-3}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}+\n\\bar{\\xi}'_0 -\\bar{\\xi}_0 +\\frac{1}{n}]'}\n\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=1}^{n-1}\\dfrac{[\\xi'_{j0}]'}{\n[\\bar{\\xi}'_j -\\bar{\\xi}_0 +\\frac{1}{n}]'[\\xi_{0j}+1]'}. ", "\n\\end{array}$$ Consider the product $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n& V_{\\omega_1}(v )V_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1)\\cdots \nV_{-\\alpha_{n-2}}(v_{n-2})\nW_{-\\alpha_{n-2}}\\left(u-\\tfrac{r-1}{2}\\right) \\\\\n=& :V_{\\omega_1}(v )V_{-\\alpha_1}(v_1)\\cdots \nV_{-\\alpha_{n-2}}(v_{n-2})\nW_{-\\alpha_{n-2}}\\left(u-\\tfrac{r-1}{2}\\right): \\\\\n\\times&\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=1}^{n-2} \nz_{j-1}^{-\\frac{r}{r-1}}\\dfrac{(x^{2r-1}\n\\frac{z_j}{z_{j-1}}; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n{(x^{-1}\\frac{z_j}{z_{j-1}}; x^{2r-2})_\\infty} \\cdot \nz_{n-2}^{-\\frac{1}{r-1}}\\dfrac{(-x\n\\frac{x^{2u}}{z_{n-2}}; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n{(-x^{-1}\\frac{x^{2u}}{z_{n-2}}; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}. ", "\n\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:OPE-II+W}$$ The convergence domain of (\\[eq:OPE-II+W\\]) is that $x^{-1}|z_j |<|z_{j-1}|$ ($1\\leqslant j\\leqslant n-2$) and $|-x^{2u-1}|<|z_{n-2}|$. Thus, each term of the LHS of (\\[eq:II-L-linearcomb\\]) has a pole at $z=-x^{1-n}x^{2u}$ ($v=u-\\frac{n-1}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{\n2\\epsilon}$) because pinching occurs at the pole. ", "On the other hand, the RHS of (\\[eq:II-L-linearcomb\\]) does not have such a pole. ", "Hence the singularities at $v=u-\\frac{n-1}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}$ on the RHS of (\\[eq:II-L-linearcomb\\]) cancel each other: $$\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} \n\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\mu}^{n-1} \\dfrac{1}{[\\xi'_{\\mu j}]'}\n\\Psi^* \\left(u-\\tfrac{n-1}{2}+\\tfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}\\right)^{\n\\xi'}_{\\xi' -\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu} \n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi' -\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu\\,a'}_{\\xi\\,a} =O(1). ", "\n\\label{eq:II-L-linearcomb-limit}$$ From (\\[eq:II-L-linearcomb-limit\\]) and (\\[eq:sum=0\\^\\*\\]) we find the representation $$\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi' -\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu\\,a'}_{\\xi\\,a}=\n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1} f^* (v_j -v_{j+1}, L_{j\\mu}) \n\\dfrac{dz_j}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z_j} V_{-\\alpha_{\\mu +1}}(v_{\\mu +1})\\cdots \nV_{-\\alpha_{n-1}}(v_{n-1}) \\cdot \n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi' -\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}\\,a'}_{\\xi\\,a}, \n\\label{eq:Lambda-II-general}$$ where $v_n =u+\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}$.\n\nIn a similar way to derive (\\[eq:II-L-linearcomb\\]) from (\\[eq:Lambda-psi\\]), we can derive the following relation from (\\[eq:Lambda-phi\\]): $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n&\\displaystyle\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} \n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi'\\,a'}_{\\xi\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu} \n\\Phi (v)^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}_a \\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\mu}^{n-1} \n\\dfrac{[a_{\\mu j}+1]}{[a_{\\mu j}]} [u-v+\\bar{a'}_{\\nu}-\\bar{a}_\\mu +\n\\tfrac{1}{n}] \\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\nu}^{n-1} \n[\\bar{a'}_{j}-\\bar{a}_\\mu +\\tfrac{1}{n}] \\\\\n=& [u-v+1] \\displaystyle\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\nu}^{n-1} \n[a'{}_{\\nu\\,j}] \\Phi (v)^{a'}_{a'-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\nu}} \n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi'\\,a'-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\nu}}_{\\xi\\,a}. ", "\n\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:I-L-linearcomb}$$ Let $v=u+1$ and take the sum over $0\\leqslant\\nu\\leqslant n-1$. Then we have $$\\displaystyle\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} A_\\mu (a,a')\n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi'\\,a'}_{\\xi\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu} \n\\Phi (u+1)^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}_a \n\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq\\mu}^{n-1} \n\\dfrac{[(a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu )_{\\mu j}]}{[a_{\\mu j}]} =0, \n\\label{eq:I-L-linearcomb-limit}$$ where $$A_\\mu (a,a')=\\sum_{\\nu =0}^{n-1} \\prod_{j=0}^{n-1} \n[(a'-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\nu})_{j}-\\bar{a}_\\mu ].$$ From (\\[eq:I-L-linearcomb-limit\\]) and (\\[eq:sum=0\\]), we obtain the expression $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi'\\,a'}_{\\xi\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu} \n&=&\n\\Lambda (u)^{\\xi'\\,a'}_{\\xi\\,a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{n-1}} (-1)^{n-1-\\mu} G_K \n\\displaystyle\\oint_C \\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1} \\dfrac{dz_j}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z_j} \nU_{-\\alpha_{n-1}}(v_{n-1}) \\cdots U_{-\\alpha_{\\mu +1}}(v_{\\mu +1}) \\\\ \n&\\times& \n\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=\\mu +1}^{n-1} \nf(v_j -v_{j+1}, K_{\\mu\\,j}) G_K^{-1}\\dfrac{A_{n-1}(a,a')}{A_{\\mu}(a,a')}, \n\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:Lambda-I-general}$$ where $v_n =u-\\frac{n-2}{2}$.\n\nCombining eqs. (", "\\[eq:Lambda-repII\\], \\[eq:Lambda-II-general\\], \\[eq:Lambda-I-general\\]), we can construct a free field representations of any $\\Lambda(u)^{\\xi'\\,a'}_{\\xi\\,a}$, in principle.", "\n\nForm factors\n------------\n\nForm factors of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model are defined as matrix elements of some local operators. ", "Consider the local operator $${\\cal O}=E^{(1)}_{\\mu_1 \\mu'_1} \n\\cdots E^{(N)}_{\\mu_N \\mu'_N}, \n\\label{eq:l-op0}$$ where $E^{(j)}_{\\mu_j \\mu'_j}$ is the matrix unit on the $j$-th site. ", "The free field representation of ${\\cal O}$ is given by $$\\hat{{\\cal O}}=\\Phi^{*}_{\\mu_1} (u_1 )\n\\cdots \n\\Phi^{*}_{\\mu_N} (u_N )\n\\Phi^{\\mu'_N} (u_N )\n\\cdots \n\\Phi^{\\mu'_1} (u_1 ). ", "\n\\label{eq:l-op}$$ The corresponding form factors with $m$ ‘charged’ particles are given by $$F^{(i)}_{m}({\\cal O}; v_1 , \\cdots , v_{m})_{\n\\nu_{1} \\cdots \\nu_{m}}=\\dfrac{1}{\\chi^{(i)}} \\mbox{Tr}_{\n{\\cal H}^{(i)}}\\, \\left( \n\\Psi^{*}_{\\nu_{1}} (v_{1})\n\\cdots \\Psi^{*}_{\\nu_m} (v_m ) \\hat{{\\cal O}} \\rho^{(i)} \n\\right), \n\\label{eq:d-ff}$$ where $$\\chi^{(i)}=\\mbox{Tr}_{\n{\\cal H}^{(i)}}\\, \\rho^{(i)} \n=\\dfrac{(x^{2n}; x^{2n})_\\infty}{\n(x^{2}; x^{2})_\\infty}.$$ and $m\\equiv 0$ (mod $n$). ", "Note that the local operator (\\[eq:l-op0\\]) commute with the type II vertex operators because of (\\[eq:l-op\\]) and (\\[eq:chiPsiPhi\\]).", "\n\nBy using (\\[eq:rho-rel\\]), (\\[eq:T\\^psi\\]) and (\\[eq:T\\^Phi\\]), we can rewrite (\\[eq:d-ff\\]) as follows: $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n&F^{(i)}_{m}({\\cal O}; v_1 , \\cdots , v_{m})_{\n\\nu_{1} \\cdots \\nu_{m}} \\\\\n=&\\displaystyle\\dfrac{1}{\\chi^{(i)}} \\sum_{\\xi_1,\\cdots , \n\\xi_m} t'{}^*_{\\nu_1} \n\\left(v_1-u+\\tfrac{n-1}{2}-\\tfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}\\right){}_{\n\\xi}^{\\xi_1}\\cdots t'{}^*_{\\nu_m} \n\\left(v_m-u+\\tfrac{n-1}{2}-\\tfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}\\right){}_{\n\\xi_{m-1}}^{\\xi_m} \\\\\n\\times&\\displaystyle\\displaystyle\\sum_{\nk\\equiv l+\\omega_i\\atop\\mbox{\\scriptsize (mod $Q$)}}\n\\sum_{a_1\\cdots a_N\\atop a'_1\\cdots a'_N} \nt^*_{\\mu_1}(u_1-u)^{a}_{a_1} \\cdots t^*_{\\mu_N}(u_N-u)^{a_{N-1}}_{a_N} \nt^{\\mu'_N}(u_N-u)^{a_N}_{a'_N} \\cdots t^{\\mu'_1}(u_1-u)^{a'_{2}}_{a'_1} \\\\\n\\times&\\displaystyle \\mbox{Tr}_{{\\cal H}^{(i)}_{l,k}}\\, \n\\left( \\Psi^* (v_1)^\\xi_{\\xi_1} \\cdots \\Psi^* (v_m)^{\\xi_{m-1}}_{\\xi_m}\n\\Phi^* (u_1)^{a}_{a_1} \\cdots \\Phi^* (u_N)^{a_{N-1}}_{a_N} \n\\Phi (u_N)^{a_N}_{a'_N} \\cdots \\Phi (u_1)^{a'_{2}}_{a'_1}\n\\Lambda (u)_{\\xi\\,a}^{\\xi_m a'_1} \\dfrac{\\rho^{(i)}_{l,k}}{b_l} \\right), \n\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:ff-rep}$$ where $k=a+\\rho$, $l=\\xi +\\rho$, and $$b_l =\\left( \\dfrac{\n(x^{2r};x^{2r})_\\infty}{(x^{2r-2};x^{2r-2})_\\infty} \\right)^{(n-1)(n-2)/2} \nG'_\\xi . ", "\n\\label{eq:b_l}$$ Free filed representations of the tail operators $\\Lambda$’s have been constructed in the present paper, besides all other operators $\\Phi$’s, $\\Phi^*$’s and $\\Psi^*$’s on (\\[eq:ff-rep\\]) were given in [@AJMP; @FKQ; @Bel-corr]. ", "Integral formulae can be therefore obtained for form factors of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model, in principle.", "\n\nConcluding remarks\n==================\n\nIn this paper we present vertex operator approach for form factors of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model. ", "For that purpose we constructed the free field representations of the tail operators $\\Lambda_{\\xi\\,a}^{\\xi' a'}$, the nonlocal operators which relate the physical quantities of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model and $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model. ", "As a result, we can obtain the integral formulae for form factors of $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model, in principle.", "\n\nOur approach is based on some assumptions. ", "We assumed that the vertex operator algebra (\\[eq:rho-rel\\]–\\[eq:T\\_phi\\]) and (\\[eq:T\\^psi\\]–\\[eq:T\\_Psi\\]) correctly describes the intertwining relation between $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model and $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-model. ", "We also assumed that the free field representations (\\[eq:Lambda-repII\\], \\[eq:Lambda-II-general\\], \\[eq:Lambda-I-general\\]) provide relevant representations of the vertex operator algebra. ", "As a consistency check of our bosonization scheme, it is thus important to derive closed expressions for form factors of some simple local operators by performing the integrals on (\\[eq:ff-rep\\]). ", "We wish to address the problem in a separate paper.", "\n\nBefore ending the present paper, we should add one thing. ", "In order to find the free field representations of the tail operators (\\[eq:Lambda-repII\\]), we used the correct commutation relation (\\[eq:VU-comm\\]). ", "In our previous paper [@FKQ] we proved (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]) by using the commutativity of $U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)$ and $V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')$, instead of (\\[eq:VU-comm\\]). ", "In Appendix C we thus prove (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]) on the basis of (\\[eq:VU-comm\\]).", "\n\nAcknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}\n================\n\nWe would like to thank R. Inoue, H. Konno and Y. Takeyama for discussion and their interests in the present work.", "\n\nAppendix A    Definitions of the models concerned\n=================================================\n\nBelavin’s vertex model\n----------------------\n\nIn the original papers [@Bela; @RT], the $R$-matrix in the disordered phase is given. ", "For the present purpose, we need the following $R$-matrix: $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\nR(v)&=&\\dfrac{[1]}{[1-v]}r_1 (v)\\overline{R}(v), \\\\\n\\overline{R}(v)^{ik}_{jl}&=&\n\\displaystyle\\frac{h(v)\n\\vartheta \\left[\\begin{array}{c} \\frac{1}{2} \\\\ \n\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{k-i}{n} \\end{array} \\right]\n\\left( \\dfrac{1-v}{nr} ; \n\\dfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{n\\epsilon r} \\right)}\n{\\vartheta \\left[\\begin{array}{c} \\frac{1}{2} \\\\ \n\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{j-k}{n} \\end{array} \\right]\n\\left( \\dfrac{v}{nr} ; \n\\dfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{n\\epsilon r} \\right)\n\\vartheta \\left[\\begin{array}{c} \\frac{1}{2} \\\\ \n\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{j-i}{n} \\end{array} \\right]\n\\left( \\dfrac{1}{nr} ; \n\\dfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{n\\epsilon r} \\right)}\\delta^{i+k}_{j+l\\;(\\mbox{mod}\\,n)}, \n\\end{array}\n\\label{eq:Bel}$$ where $r_1 (v)$ is defined by (\\[eq:g-def\\]), and $$h(v)=\\prod_{j=0}^{n-1} \n\\vartheta \\left[\\begin{array}{c} \\frac{1}{2} \\\\ \n\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{j}{n} \\end{array} \\right]\n\\left( \\frac{v}{nr} ; \n\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{n\\epsilon r} \\right)\\left/\n\\;\\prod_{j=1}^{n-1} \\vartheta \\left[\\begin{array}{c} \\frac{1}{2} \\\\ \n\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{j}{n} \\end{array} \\right]\\right.", "\n\\left( 0 ; \n\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{n\\epsilon r} \\right).$$ We assume that the parameters $v$, $\\epsilon$ and $r$ lie in the so-called principal regime: $$\\epsilon >0, ~~ r>n-1, ~~ 0<v<1. ", "\n\\label{eq:principal}$$ Note that the weights (\\[eq:Bel\\]) reproduce those of the eight-vertex model in the principal regime when $n=2$ [@ESM].", "\n\nThe weight lattice and the root lattice of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nLet $V=\\mathbb{C}^n$ and $\\{ \\varepsilon _\\mu \\}_{0 \\leqslant \\mu \\leqslant n-1}$ be the standard orthonormal basis as before. ", "The weight lattice of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$ is defined as follows: $$P=\\bigoplus_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} \n\\mathbb{Z} \\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu , \n\\label{eq:wt-lattice}$$ where $$\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu =\n\\varepsilon _\\mu -\\varepsilon , \n~~~~\\varepsilon =\\frac{1}{n}\\sum_{\\mu =0}^{n-1} \n\\varepsilon _\\mu .$$ We denote the fundamental weights by $\\omega_\\mu\\,(1\\leqslant \\mu \\leqslant n-1)$ $$\\omega_\\mu =\\sum_{\\nu =0}^{\\mu -1}\n\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\nu ,$$ and also denote the simple roots by $\\alpha_\\mu \\,(1\\leqslant \\mu \\leqslant n-1)$ $$\\alpha_\\mu =\\varepsilon_{\\mu-1} -\n\\varepsilon _{\\mu}=\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu -1}\n-\\bar{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}.$$ The root lattice of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$ is defined as follows: $$Q=\\bigoplus_{\\mu =1}^{n-1} \n\\mathbb{Z} \\alpha_\\mu , \n\\label{eq:rt-lattice}$$\n\nFor $a\\in P$ we set $$a_{\\mu\\nu}=\\bar{a}_\\mu-\\bar{a}_\\nu , ~~~~ \n\\bar{a}_\\mu =\\langle a+\\rho , \n\\varepsilon_\\mu \\rangle =\\langle a+\\rho , \n\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu \\rangle , ~~~~ \n\\rho =\\sum_{\\mu =1}^{n-1} \\omega_\\mu .$$\n\nIn this paper we admit not only the case $a\\in P$ but also the case $a\\in {\\mathfrak h}^*:=\n\\displaystyle \\mathbb{C}\\omega_0 \\oplus \\mathbb{C} \n\\omega_1 \\oplus \\cdots \\oplus \\mathbb{C} \n\\omega_{n-1}$. For $r>n-1$, let $\\displaystyle\\sum_{\\mu=0}^{n-1} k^\\mu =r$, where $a+\\rho =\\displaystyle\\sum_{\\mu=0}^{n-1} k^\\mu \\omega_\\mu$, then we denote $a\\in {\\mathfrak h}^*_{r-n}$.\n\nThe $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$ face model\n------------------------------\n\nAn ordered pair $(a,b) \\in {\\mathfrak h}^*{}^2_{r-n}$ is called [*admissible*]{} if $b=a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu$, for a certain $\\mu\\,(0\\leqslant \\mu \\leqslant n-1)$. Non-zero Boltzmann weights are parametrized in terms of the elliptic theta function of the spectral parameter $v$ as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\nW\n\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \na + 2 \\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\mu & a+\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\mu \\\\ \na+\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\mu & a \\end{array} \\right| \nv \\right] \n& = & r_1 (v), \\label{eq:BW1} \\\\[3mm]\nW\n\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \na+\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\mu +\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\nu \n& a+\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\mu \\\\ \na+\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\nu & a \n\\end{array} \\right| v \\right] & = & r_1 (v)\n\\dfrac{[v][a_{\\mu\\nu}+1]}{[1-v][a_{\\mu\\nu}]} \n~~~~(\\mu \\neq \\nu ), \\label{eq:BW2} \\\\[3mm]\nW\n\\left[ \\left. ", "\\begin{array}{cc} \na+\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\mu +\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\nu \n& a+\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\mu \\\\ \na+\\bar{\\varepsilon }_\\mu & a \n\\end{array} \\right| v \\right] & = & r_1 (v)\n\\dfrac{[1][v+a_{\\mu\\nu}]}{[1-v][a_{\\mu\\nu}]} \n~~~~(\\mu\\neq \\nu), \\label{eq:BW3} \\end{aligned}$$ where $r_1 (v)$ is defined by (\\[eq:g-def\\]). ", "In this paper we consider so-called Regime III in the model, i.e., $0<v<1$.\n\nAppendix B    OPE formulae and commutation relations\n====================================================\n\nIn this Appendix we list some useful formulae for the basic bosons. ", "In what follows we denote $z=x^{2v}$, $z'=x^{2v'}$.\n\nFirst, useful OPE formulae are: $$\\begin{aligned}\nU_{\\omega_1}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v')&=& z^{\\frac{r-1}{r}\\frac{n-j}{n}} g_j(z'/z)\n:U_{\\omega_1}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v'):, \\\\\nU_{\\omega_j}(v)U_{\\omega_1}(v')&=& z^{\\frac{r-1}{r}\\frac{n-j}{n}} g_j(z'/z)\n:U_{\\omega_j}(v)U_{\\omega_1}(v'):, \\\\\nU_{\\omega_j}(v)U_{-\\alpha_j}(v')&=&z^{-\\frac{r-1}{r}} \n\\dfrac{(x^{2r-1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}{(xz'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n:U_{\\omega_j}(v)U_{-\\alpha_j}(v'):, \\label{eq:OjAj-prod} \\\\\nU_{-\\alpha_j}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v')&=&z^{-\\frac{r-1}{r}} \n\\dfrac{(x^{2r-1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}{(xz'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n:U_{-\\alpha_j}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v'):, \\\\\nU_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')&=&z^{-\\frac{r-1}{r}} \n\\dfrac{(x^{2r-1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}{(xz'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n:U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v'):, \\label{eq:AjAj+1-prod} \\\\\nU_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=&z^{\\frac{2(r-1)}{r}} \\left( \n1-\\dfrac{z'}{z}\\right) \n\\dfrac{(x^{2}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}{(x^{2r-2}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n:U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'):, $$ $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{\\omega_1}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v')&=& z^{\\frac{r}{r-1}\\frac{n-j}{n}} g^*_j(z'/z)\n:V_{\\omega_1}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v'):, \\\\\nV_{\\omega_j}(v)V_{\\omega_1}(v')&=& z^{\\frac{r}{r-1}\\frac{n-j}{n}} g^*_j(z'/z)\n:V_{\\omega_j}(v)V_{\\omega_1}(v'):, \\\\\nV_{\\omega_j}(v)V_{-\\alpha_j}(v')&=&z^{-\\frac{r}{r-1}} \n\\dfrac{(x^{2r-1}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}{(x^{-1}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n:V_{\\omega_j}(v)V_{-\\alpha_j}(v'):, \\label{eq:OjAj-prod'} \\\\\nV_{-\\alpha_j}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v')&=&z^{-\\frac{r}{r-1}} \n\\dfrac{(x^{2r-1}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}{(x^{-1}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n:V_{-\\alpha_j}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v'):, \\\\\nV_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')&=&z^{-\\frac{r}{r-1}} \n\\dfrac{(x^{2r-1}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}{(x^{-1}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n:V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v'):, \\label{eq:AjAj+1-prod'} \\\\\nV_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=&z^{\\frac{2r}{r-1}} \\left( \n1-\\dfrac{z'}{z}\\right) \n\\dfrac{(x^{-2}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}{(x^{2r}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n:V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'):, $$ $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{\\omega_j}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v')&=& z^{-\\frac{j(n-j)}{n}} \\rho_j (z'/z) \n:V_{\\omega_1}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v'):, \\\\\nU_{\\omega_j}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v')&=& z^{-\\frac{j(n-j)}{n}} \\rho_j (z'/z) \n:U_{\\omega_j}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v'):, \\\\\nV_{\\omega_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=&z\\left( 1+\\dfrac{z'}{z} \\right) \n:V_{\\omega_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'): \\,=\\, \nU_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')V_{\\omega_{j}}(v), \\label{eq:VoUa} \\\\\nU_{\\omega_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=&z\\left( 1+\\dfrac{z'}{z} \\right) \n:U_{\\omega_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'): \\,=\\, \nV_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')U_{\\omega_{j}}(v), \\\\\nV_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')&=&z\\left( 1+\\dfrac{z'}{z} \\right) \n:V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v'): \\,=\\, \nU_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v), \\label{eq:VaUa} \\\\\nV_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=&\n\\dfrac{:V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'):}{\nz^2(1+\\frac{xz'}{z})(1+\\frac{x^{-1}z'}{z})}, \\label{eq:VU-normal} \\\\[3mm]\nU_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=&\n\\dfrac{:U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'):}{\nz{}^2(1+\\frac{xz'}{z})(1+\\frac{x^{-1}z'}{z})}, \\label{eq:UV-normal} \\end{aligned}$$ where $g_j (z)$, $g^*_j (z)$ and $\\rho_j (z)$ are defined by (\\[eq:g-def\\]), (\\[eq:g\\*-def\\]) and (\\[eq:chi-def\\]). ", "From these, we obtain the following commutation relations: $$\\begin{aligned}\nU_{\\omega_1}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v')&=&r_j (v-v')\nU_{\\omega_j}(v')U_{\\omega_1}(v), \\\\\nU_{-\\alpha_j}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v')&=&-f(v-v',0)\nU_{\\omega_j}(v')U_{-\\alpha_j}(v), \\\\\nU_{-\\alpha_j}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')&=&-f(v-v',0)\nU_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')U_{-\\alpha_j}(v), \\\\\nU_{-\\alpha_j}(v)U_{-\\alpha_j}(v')&=&h(v-v')\nU_{-\\alpha_j}(v')U_{-\\alpha_j}(v), $$ $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{\\omega_1}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v')&=&r^*_j (v-v')\nV_{\\omega_j}(v')V_{\\omega_1}(v), \\\\\nV_{-\\alpha_j}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v')&=&-f^*(v-v',0)\nV_{\\omega_j}(v')V_{-\\alpha_j}(v), \\\\\nV_{-\\alpha_j}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')&=&-f^*(v-v',0)\nV_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')V_{-\\alpha_j}(v), \\\\\nV_{-\\alpha_j}(v)V_{-\\alpha_j}(v')&=&h^*(v-v')\nV_{-\\alpha_j}(v')V_{-\\alpha_j}(v), $$ $$\\begin{aligned}\nU_{\\omega_{j}}(v)V_{\\omega_{j}}(v')&=&\\chi_j (v-v') \nV_{\\omega_{j}}(v')U_{\\omega_{j}}(v), \\label{eq:chiVU} \\\\\n\\mbox{[}V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v), U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')\\mbox{]}&=&\n\\dfrac{\\delta (\\frac{z}{-xz'})-\\delta (\\frac{z'}{-xz})}{\n(x^{-1}-x)zz'}\n:V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'):, \n\\label{eq:VU-comm}\\end{aligned}$$ where $r_j(v)$, $r^*_j(v)$, $\\chi_j(v)$, $f(v,w)$, $h(v)$, $f^*(v,w)$ and $h^*(v)$ are defined by (\\[eq:g-def\\]), (\\[eq:g\\*-def\\]), (\\[eq:chi-def\\]), (\\[eq:fh-def\\]) and (\\[eq:f\\*h\\*-def\\]), and the $\\delta$-function is defined by the following formal power series $$\\delta (z)=\\sum_{n\\in \\mathbb{Z}} z^n.$$ The commutation relation (\\[eq:VU-comm\\]) can be derived from (\\[eq:VU-normal\\]), (\\[eq:UV-normal\\]) and the identity $$\\dfrac{1}{z^2\n(1+\\frac{xz'}{z})(1+\\frac{x^{-1}z'}{z})}-\n\\dfrac{1}{z'{}^2\n(1+\\frac{xz}{z'})(1+\\frac{x^{-1}z}{z'})}=\n\\dfrac{\\delta (\\frac{z}{-xz'})-\\delta (\\frac{z'}{-xz})}{\n(x^{-1}-x)zz'}.$$ The relation (\\[eq:VU-comm\\]) can be practically understood as follows. ", "Let us compare the integrals $$\\oint \\dfrac{dz}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}} V_{-\\alpha_j}(v)U_{-\\alpha_j}(v') F(v,v'), \n\\label{eq:VUf}$$ and $$\\oint \\dfrac{dz}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}} U_{-\\alpha_j}(v')V_{-\\alpha_j}(v) F(v,v'), \n\\label{eq:UVf}$$ where $F(u,v)$ is an appropriate function. ", "Note that the normal order product expansion (\\[eq:VU-normal\\]) is valid for $|z|>|-x^{\\pm 1}z'|$ while (\\[eq:UV-normal\\]) is valid for $|z'|>|-x^{\\pm 1}z|$. Thus, the integral contour of (\\[eq:VUf\\]) encircles the poles $-x^{\\pm 1}z'$, but that of (\\[eq:UVf\\]) does not encircle them. ", "The difference between (\\[eq:VUf\\]) and (\\[eq:UVf\\]) can be therefore evaluated by the residues at $z=-x^{\\pm 1}z'$.\n\nFinally, we list the OPE formulae for $W_{-\\alpha_j}(v)$ and other basic operators: $$\\begin{aligned}\nW_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')&=& \n-(-z)^{-\\frac{1}{r-1}} \\dfrac{(-x^{r}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n{(-x^{r-2}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n:W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v'):, \\label{eq:WV-formula1} \\\\\nV_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v)W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=& \nz^{-\\frac{1}{r-1}} \\dfrac{(-x^{r}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n{(-x^{r-2}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n:V_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v)W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'):, \\label{eq:VWformula1} \\\\\nV_{\\omega_j}(v)W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=& \nz^{-\\frac{1}{r-1}} \\dfrac{(-x^{r}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n{(-x^{r-2}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n:V_{\\omega_j}(v)W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'):, \\label{eq:VWformula2} \\\\\nW_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v')&=& \n-(-z)^{-\\frac{1}{r-1}} \\dfrac{(-x^{r}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n{(-x^{r-2}z'/z; x^{2r-2})_\\infty}\n:W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)V_{\\omega_j}(v'):, \\label{eq:WV-formula2} $$ $$\\begin{aligned}\nU_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v)W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=& \nz^{\\frac{1}{r}} \\dfrac{(x^{r-1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n{(x^{r+1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n:U_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v)W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'):, \\label{eq:UW-formula1} \\\\\nW_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v')&=& \n-z^{\\frac{1}{r}} \\dfrac{(x^{r-1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n{(x^{r+1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n:W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v'):, \\label{eq:WU-formula1} \\\\\nU_{\\omega_j}(v)W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')&=& \nz^{\\frac{1}{r}} \\dfrac{(x^{r-1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n{(x^{r+1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n:U_{\\omega_j}(v)W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v'):, \\label{eq:UW-formula2} \\\\\nW_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v')&=& \n-z^{\\frac{1}{r}} \\dfrac{(x^{r-1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n{(x^{r+1}z'/z; x^{2r})_\\infty}\n:W_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)U_{\\omega_j}(v'):. ", "\\label{eq:WU-formula2}\\end{aligned}$$ From these, we obtain $$\\begin{aligned}\nW_{-\\alpha_j}\\left( v+\\tfrac{r}{2}-\\tfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon} \n\\right) V_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v)&=~0~=&\nV_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v)\nW_{-\\alpha_j}\\left( v-\\tfrac{r}{2}-\\tfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon} \n\\right) , \\label{eq:WV} \\\\\nW_{-\\alpha_j}\\left( v+\\tfrac{r}{2}-\\tfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon} \n\\right) V_{\\omega_j}(v)\n&=~0~=&V_{\\omega_j}(v)\nW_{-\\alpha_j}\\left( v-\\tfrac{r}{2}-\\tfrac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon} \n\\right), \\label{eq:WV'} \\\\\nU_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v)\nW_{-\\alpha_j}\\left( v-\\tfrac{r-1}{2}\\right) &=~0~=&\nW_{-\\alpha_j}\\left( v+\\tfrac{r-1}{2}\\right)U_{-\\alpha_{j\\pm 1}}(v), \n\\label{eq:UW} \\\\\nU_{\\omega_j}(v)W_{-\\alpha_j}\\left( v-\\tfrac{r-1}{2}\\right)&=~0~=&\nW_{-\\alpha_j}\\left( v+\\tfrac{r-1}{2}\\right)U_{\\omega_j}(v). ", "\n\\label{eq:UW'} \\end{aligned}$$\n\nAppendix C    Commutation relations of $\\Phi (u)_a^{a'}$ and $\\Psi^* (v)_\\xi^{\\xi'}$\n====================================================================================\n\nIn this appendix, we give a remark on the commutation relation (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]). ", "In [@FKQ] we proved (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]) on the assumption of the commutativity of $U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)$ and $V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')$. From (\\[eq:VU-comm\\]), however, $U_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v)$ and $V_{-\\alpha_{j}}(v')$ commute at all points but at $v'=v\\pm \\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}$. Nevertheless, (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]) holds, which we will briefly show in this appendix.", "\n\nLet $a'-a=\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu$ and $\\xi'-\\xi =\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu$ on (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]). ", "We assume that $\\mu \\leqslant \\nu$. (The case $\\mu >\\nu$ can be similarly proved.) ", "When $\\mu =0$, (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]) follows from (\\[eq:VoUa\\]–\\[eq:VaUa\\]) and (\\[eq:chiVU\\]). ", "When $\\mu =1$, the difference of the both sides of (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]) can be calculated as follows: $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n&\\Phi (u)^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_1}_a \n\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu}_{\\xi}-\n\\chi (u-v)\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu}_{\\xi}\n\\Phi (v)^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_1}_a \\\\\n=& U_{\\omega_1}(u)V_{\\omega_1} (v) \n\\displaystyle\\oint_{C} \\dfrac{dz'_1}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z'_1} \n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j=1}^\\nu \\dfrac{dz_j}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z_j} \n[U_{-\\alpha_1} (u_1), V_{-\\alpha_1} (v_1)] \\\\\n\\times& V_{-\\alpha_2} (v_2) \\cdots V_{-\\alpha_\\nu} (v_\\nu ) \nf(u_1-u, K_{01}) \\displaystyle\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq 1}^{n-1} \n[K_{j1}]^{-1} \\prod_{j=0}^{\\nu -1} \nf^* (v_{j+1}-v_j, L_{j\\nu}), \n\\end{array} \\label{eq:dif-Wchipsiphi}$$ where $z_j =x^{2v_j}$ and $z'_j =x^{2u_j}$. From (\\[eq:VU-comm\\]) the integral with respect to $z_1$ of (\\[eq:dif-Wchipsiphi\\]) can be evaluated by the residues at $z_1=-x^{\\pm 1}z'_1$. Repeating similar calculations performed in section 4.4, the RHS of (\\[eq:dif-Wchipsiphi\\]) can be rewritten as a total difference of such a form $$U_{\\omega_1}(u)V_{\\omega_1} (v) \n\\displaystyle\\left( \\oint_{x^{-r}C}-\\oint_{x^rC} \\right) \n\\dfrac{dz'_1}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z'_1} \n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j=2}^\\nu \\dfrac{dz_j}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z_j} \nW_{-\\alpha_1} (u_1 ) \nV_{-\\alpha_2} (v_2) \\cdots V_{-\\alpha_\\nu} (v_\\nu ) G(u_1 ), \n\\label{eq:dif-Wchipsiphi-result}$$ where $$G\\left( u_1+\\tfrac{r}{2}\\right) =\\dfrac{1}{x^{-1}-x} f(u_1-u, a_{01}) \n\\left. ", "\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq 1}^{n-1} \n[a_{j1}]^{-1} \\prod_{j=0}^{\\nu -1} \nf^* (v_{j+1}-v_j, \\xi_{j\\nu})\\right|_{v_1 =u_1+\\frac{1}{2}+\n\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}}.$$ In the present case, there are at most three poles at $u_1 =u-\\frac{r-1}{2}, v-\\frac{r}{2}-\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}, \nv_2 +\\frac{r}{2}-\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}$, inside the contour for $z'_1$-integration. ", "The residues at those three points vanish because of (\\[eq:UW’\\]), (\\[eq:WV’\\]), and (\\[eq:WV\\]), respectively. ", "Therefore we have $$\\Phi (u)^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_1}_a \n\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu}_{\\xi}-\n\\chi (u-v)\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu}_{\\xi}\n\\Phi (v)^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_1}_a =0.$$ When $\\mu \\geqslant 2$, the difference of the both sides of (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]) can be calculated as follows: $$\\Phi (u)^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}_a \n\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu}_{\\xi}-\n\\chi (u-v)\\Psi^* (v)^{\\xi +\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\nu}_{\\xi}\n\\Phi (v)^{a+\\bar{\\varepsilon}_\\mu}_a \\\\\n= \\sum_{\\lambda =1}^\\mu \n\\oint_{C} \\prod_{j=1}^\\mu \\dfrac{dz'_j}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z'_j} \n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j'=1}^\\nu \\dfrac{dz_{j'}}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z_{j'}} X_\\lambda , \n\\label{eq:dif-Wchipsiphi2}$$ where $$\\begin{array}{rcl}\nX_\\lambda &=& U_{\\omega_1}(u)V_{\\omega_1} (v) \n\\displaystyle V_{-\\alpha_1} (v_1)U_{-\\alpha_1} (v_1) \\cdots \nV_{-\\alpha_{\\lambda -1}} (v_{\\lambda -1}) \nU_{-\\alpha_{\\lambda -1}} (u_{\\lambda-1}) \n[U_{-\\alpha_\\lambda} (u_\\lambda ), V_{-\\alpha_\\lambda} (v_\\lambda )] \\\\\n&\\times& U_{-\\alpha_{\\lambda +1}} (u_{\\lambda +1})\nV_{-\\alpha_{\\lambda +1}} (v_{\\lambda +1}) \n\\cdots \\displaystyle U_{-\\alpha_{\\mu}} (u_{\\mu})V_{-\\alpha_{\\mu}} (v_{\\mu}) \n\\cdots V_{-\\alpha_\\nu} (v_\\nu ) \\\\\n&\\times&\\displaystyle \\prod_{j=0}^{\\mu -1} f(u_{j+1}-u_j, K_{j\\mu}) \n\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq \\mu}^{n-1} \n[K_{j\\mu}]^{-1} \\prod_{j'=0}^{\\nu -1} \nf^* (v_{j'+1}-v_{j'}, L_{j'\\nu}). ", "\n\\end{array} \\label{eq:dif-Wchipsiphi2-detail}$$ From (\\[eq:VU-comm\\]) the integral with respect to $z_\\lambda$ of $X_\\lambda$ can be evaluated by the residues at $z_\\lambda =-x^{\\pm 1}z'_\\lambda$. Similarly to (\\[eq:dif-Wchipsiphi-result\\]), the result can be rewritten as a total difference of such a form $$\\begin{array}{cl}\n&\\displaystyle\\oint_{C} \\prod_{j=1}^\\mu \\dfrac{dz'_j}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z'_j} \n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j'=1}^\\nu \\dfrac{dz_{j'}}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z_{j'}} X_\\lambda \n=U_{\\omega_1}(u)V_{\\omega_1} (v) \n\\displaystyle\\left( \\oint_{x^{-r}C}-\\oint_{x^rC} \\right) \n\\dfrac{dz'_\\lambda}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z'_\\lambda} \\\\\n\\times&\\displaystyle\\oint_{C} \n\\prod_{j=1\\atop j\\neq\\lambda}^\\mu \\dfrac{dz'_j}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z'_j} \n\\oint_{C'} \\prod_{j'=1\\atop j'\\neq\\lambda}^\\nu \n\\dfrac{dz_{j'}}{2\\pi\\sqrt{-1}z_{j'}}\nV_{-\\alpha_1} (v_1)U_{-\\alpha_1} (v_1) \\cdots \nV_{-\\alpha_{\\lambda -1}} (v_{\\lambda -1}) \nU_{-\\alpha_{\\lambda -1}} (u_{\\lambda-1}) \\\\\n\\times&\\displaystyle W_{-\\alpha_\\lambda} (u_\\lambda ) \nU_{-\\alpha_{\\lambda +1}} (u_{\\lambda +1})\nV_{-\\alpha_{\\lambda +1}} (v_{\\lambda +1}) \n\\cdots \\displaystyle U_{-\\alpha_{\\mu}} (u_{\\mu})V_{-\\alpha_{\\mu}} (v_{\\mu}) \n\\cdots V_{-\\alpha_\\nu} (v_\\nu ) G_\\lambda (u_\\lambda ), \n\\end{array}$$ where $$G_\\lambda \\left( u_\\lambda +\\tfrac{r}{2}\\right) =\\dfrac{1}{x^{-1}-x} \n\\prod_{j=0}^{\\mu -1} f(u_{j+1}-u_j, a_{j\\mu}) \n\\left. ", "\\displaystyle\\prod_{j=0\\atop j\\neq \\mu}^{n-1} \n[a_{j\\mu}]^{-1} \\prod_{j'=0}^{\\nu -1} \nf^* (v_{j'+1}-v_{j'}, \\xi_{j'\\nu})\\right|_{v_\\lambda =u_\\lambda \n+\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}}.$$ In the present case, there are at most four poles at $u_\\lambda =u_{\\lambda\\pm 1}\\pm\\frac{r-1}{2}, \nv_{\\lambda\\pm 1}\\pm\\frac{r}{2}-\\frac{\\pi\\sqrt{-1}}{2\\epsilon}$, inside the contour for $z'_\\lambda$-integration. ", "The residues at those four points vanish because of (\\[eq:UW\\]) and (\\[eq:WV\\]), respectively. (", "When $\\lambda =1$, we also use (\\[eq:UW’\\]) and (\\[eq:WV’\\]) as well as (\\[eq:UW\\]) and (\\[eq:WV\\]).) ", "Therefore we prove (\\[eq:Wchipsiphi\\]) for $\\mu\\geqslant 2$.\n\n[99]{} Quano Y.-H: A vertex operator approach for correlation functions of Belavin’s $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})$-symmetric model, [*J. Phys. ", "A: Math. ", "Theor.*]{} [**", "42**]{} 165211(pp1–20), 2009. 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[ "Bradley Wiggins's hopes of retaining his Tour de France title have been made\nthat much harder after it was revealed that cyclists in the 100th edition of\nthe race will face an unprecedented double ascent of the iconic Alpe d'Huez.", "\n\nTesting climbs: the Tour de France is the ultimate physical endurance racePhoto: AFP\n\nThe 32-year-old became the first Briton to win the iconic race earlier this year when he beat Team Sky team-mate Chris Froome to the yellow jersey.", "\n\nHowever, the 2013 route is more mountainous and may favour riders such as Alberto Contador and Andy Schleck, or Froome himself. ", "On July 18, riders will climb the famous Alpe-d'Huez and its 21 steep switchbacks twice in the same stage, just four days after ascending the feared Mont Ventoux.", "\n\nThe 2013 Tour will start on June 29 in Corsica, a first for the Mediterranean island. ", "The 3,360-kilometre (2,088-mile) race then ends in the evening, three weeks later, against a floodlit Arc de Triomphe in Paris.", "\n\nThe objective in devising the 100th Tour, according to director Christian Prudhomme, has been to show off France's most beautiful areas while maintaining suspense until the last weekend.", "\n\n\"This is the first 100 per cent French Tour in 10 years, and what we want is for everyone who sees the race to say: 'I know that part of France and I understand why the Tour has gone there,' or 'I don't know that place, but I can see why the Tour is visiting,'\" said Prudhomme in advance of the route announcement.", "\n\nWith the first stage being totally flat, Britain's Mark Cavendish, who is joining the Belgian team Omega Pharma-Quickstep from Sky, will have the opportunity to wear the coveted yellow jersey for the first time.", "\n\n\"It is the first time since 1966 that a sprinter will have the chance to get the yellow jersey on day one,\" Prudhomme added.", "\n\nTeam Sky principal Dave Brailsford has confirmed his team will be solely focused on the yellow jerse again.", "\n\n\"That's the plan,\" he said. \"", "Mark did a brilliant job for us but from a sporting perspective it is only fair Mark has a team dedicated to him for sprints.", "\n\n\"Likewise if you are going to sacrifice that, if you are going to sacrifice the best sprinter in the world, you are going to do that with the view of trying to win the race overall.\"", "\n\nBrailsford now expects Team Sky to be the team everyone wants to beat, adding: \"Without a doubt. ", "When you set the standard people want to try and knock you off the perch.", "\n\n\"It's a great position to be in and now it is a question of sustaining that.\"" ]
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[ "A still from the promotional video for Soule Symphony No. ", "1. (", "Image credit: Soule Symphony No. ", "1)\n\nUpdate: Late Wednesday, composer Jeremy Soule sent a message to Kotaku stating: \"These 11 year old allegations are false. ", "I am shocked and saddened that these outrageous claims have been made.\" ", "Kotaku spoke to another woman who had worked with Soule in 2014, who stated that Soule sent her a video of him masturbating. ", "When she told Soule that she wanted to keep their relationship professional, she said she was \"blocked and removed from a project [she] was proposed to work on.\" ", "Soule told Kotaku \"I don’t agree with her point of view, and I’m not at liberty to discuss.\" ", "Original story appears below.", "\n\nOriginal story: On Monday, Tetrageddon developer Nathalie Lawhead published a blog post about her time working at an unnamed developer in Vancouver. ", "Titled 'Calling out my rapist', it alleges that composer Jeremy Soule raped Lawhead after meeting her at a party and striking up a friendship. ", "In the days since Lawhead made the allegation against Soule, more members of the industry have come forward to share their own experiences of abuse, accusing several industry men of unwanted advances and sexual assault.", "\n\nLawhead says she met Soule when she was struggling with burnout from her job and problems with immigration, and the composer was someone she was able to connect with as a fellow artist. ", "She wanted a friend and they were not in a romantic relationship, but she says their conversations took a turn and he started to become misogynistic and sexist.", "\n\n\"He talked about the mystical power women hold over men with sex,\" she writes. \"", "How men are helpless and they need sex. ", "How he needs sex, and a relationship, so he can write his music. ", "He talked about how composing is sexual, and how he will write about sex as inspiration in his music. ", "He talked about how performing music is very sexual. ", "He wrote songs about women that he had relationships with this way. ", "What he does to women, is what inspires his music.\"", "\n\nLawhead alleges that Soule indirectly threatened her job, and his relationship with the company's CEO and others in the industry made her worried about jeopardising her position, so she tried to maintain the friendship while declining his advances.", "\n\n\"He made advances on me and I explained that I didn’t want this and wanted a friendship,\" she says. \"", "He was very threatening, and didn’t listen. ", "He made it clear that it's 'him or bust.' ", "He raped me.\"", "\n\nLawhead's blog post also details her time working on an ARG and other projects, including emails between her and the companies she was working with at the time. ", "They show her fighting to get paid for her work at a job where she felt exploited and pressured into staying. ", "Eventually she was let go.", "\n\nSince the blog post was published, other members of the industry have come forward and spoken publicly about alleged abusers. ", "Goddess Mode writer Zoë Quinn tweeted out a post that accused Night in the Woods developer Alec Holowka of abuse, explaining that reading Lawhead's post inspired them to share something they've been silent about for almost their whole career.", "\n\nQuinn accuses Holowka of abusing them and says he was \"regularly mean and violent\". ", "They had been staying with him after he invited them to come to Winnipeg and start an indie house with friends, but say he convinced them to talk those friends out of sharing a place, leaving them isolated.", "\n\n\"I was scared to leave,\" they say. \"", "I was scared to tell anyone. ", "He'd act normal when other people were around and lay into me as soon as we were alone, then apologise and say how much he needed and loves me.\" ", "Their post alleges further instances of emotional and physical abuse, and they say they often had to hide from Holowka in the bathroom.", "\n\nEventually, another friend had to help them leave. ", "Quinn alleges that not long after, Holowka banned them from an indie games community that he ran, before then banning himself. ", "That was nearly a decade ago, but Quinn says they were too afraid to speak out and had to skip the last couple of GDCs because they \"could risk being around him or seeing everyone clap for him on stage.\"", "\n\nHolowka has left social media since Quinn published their post, but Scott Benson, who worked with Holowka on Nights in the Wood, made a statement on Twitter on behalf of the studio, saying they will no longer work with him going forward.", "\n\nNight in the Woods' publisher, Finji, also made a statement, saying it was cancelling the signing event at PAX West and that it was still \"processing\" the accusations. ", "I've also reached out to Quinn, Holowka, Lawhead and Soule, and will update the story with any responses.", "\n\nThe momentum generated by Lawhead's post has inspired others, beyond Quinn, to come forward about their experiences with various industry figures this week. ", "Some of the allegations don't name names, while others call out specific individuals. ", "The allegations share a lot of similarities, with stories of men taking advantage of vulnerable people who believed they were being helped by friends.", "\n\nAs far as we know, no criminal charges have been brought against any of the men accused in this week's posts. ", "For their part, Quinn says they favour rehabilitation over punishment and doesn't \"wish ill will on anyone.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAWS - resize BMP on upload\n\nTASK\nI am trying to write a Lambda function for AWS which upon uploading any given bitmap file to my AWS cloud, the function will read this given bitmap and resize it to a preset size and rewrite it back to the same bucket that it read it from.", "\nSCENARIO\nMy Ruby web-app PUTs a given bitmap file to my AWS bucket which is 8MB in size and approximately 1920x1080 pixels in size.", "\nUpon being uploaded, the image should be read by my Lambda function, resized to 350 x 350 in size and rewritten with the same file name and key location back to the bucket.", "\nPROBLEM\nI have no experience with NodeJS, and hence I cannot properly write this function myself. ", "Can anyone advise me the steps to complete this task or point me to a similar function which outputs a resized BMP file?", "\n\nA:\n\nImage resizing is one of the reference uses for Lambda. ", " You can use the Serverless Image Resizer, which is a really robust solution, or an older version of it here.", "\nThere are literally dozens open source image manipulation projects, that you can find on Github. ", " A very simple standalone Lambda that supports BMP's out of the box can be found here.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1}\n===============\n\nHypodontia or tooth agenesis is the most common developmental dental disorder, and it may consider the failure of the development of 1--6 teeth. ", "The nonsyndromic hypodontia (NSH) is not associated with various genetic diseases \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "Even in moderate forms of NSH, aesthetic and functional problems might be major, their treatment being considered an interdisciplinary challenge, and early diagnosis is the basis for prevention or reduction of complications \\[[@B2]\\].", "\n\nThe frequency of NSH (excluding third molar agenesis) shows values between 2.2 and 10.1% in Caucasian studies \\[[@B3]\\], and statistical differences are due to the provenience of subjects from different geographic areas, examination methods \\[[@B4], [@B5]\\], or selected subjects, NSH being more common among patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.", "\n\nOdontogenesis is a complex process which involves many genes and signalling pathways; complex interaction of the genetic information with the environmental factors has been described. ", "The development of teeth begins with an epithelial-mesenchymal interaction, each stage of which is genetically influenced. ", "With more than 200 genes and nearly 300 molecules being involved in the odontogenetic process, at present, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), fibroblast growth factors (FGF), and sonic hedgehog (SHH) and wingless integrated (WNT) ligand signalling pathways are recognized as the most important mediators of the epithelial-mesenchymal odontogenetic interaction, in the initiation, morphogenesis, and differentiation stages of tooth development \\[[@B6], [@B7]\\]. ", "Most often reported genes associated with the familial form of the nonsyndromic tooth agenesis are paired box gene 9 (PAX9), Msh homeobox 1 (MSX1), ectodysplasin A (EDA), and axis inhibitor protein 2 (AXIN2) \\[[@B8]\\]. ", "Probably because of the action of some physical, chemical, and biological factors on the genome, the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) show variations between the studied groups.", "\n\nWhilst it has been established that hypodontia is a genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous condition, advancements in molecular genetics allow us to identify the natural variations in the nucleotide sequence in all the genes that are involved in the odontogenetic process.", "\n\nFor MSX 1 gene mutations, the latest summary of reported SNPs reported 20 mutations, most of them being associated with autosomal dominant, nonsyndromic oligodontia \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "Up to now, more than 50 mutations have been reported in the PAX9 gene, but no correlations between the genotype and the phenotype have been identified \\[[@B10], [@B11]\\].", "\n\nOne of the latest reviews concerning syndromic vs nonsyndromic tooth agenesis mutations identifies nine mutations in nonsyndromic tooth agenesis (TA), while 12 mutations were identified in syndromic TA and other conditions \\[[@B12]\\].", "\n\nThe present large-sample-size study aimed to investigate the prevalence, phenotype, and clinical forms of NSH and to analyse the association between PAX9 (rs4904155 and rs61754301), MSX1 (rs8670 and rs12532), and AXIN2 (rs2240308) SNPs and NSH, and with frontal and lateral agenesis in a European population.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec2}\n========================\n\n2.1. ", "Subject Selection and Sampling {#sec2.1}\n-----------------------------------\n\nAfter the approval of the Ethics Committee of the Scientific Research of our university (Approval no. ", "60/07.03.2018), two groups of subjects were selected: the NSH group and the control group (C), from patients referred to orthodontic treatment to the Department of Orthodontics of our university, namely, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania, between April 2017 and March 2019.", "\n\nAll the 97 subjects from the NSH group were unrelated, healthy individuals with agenesis of one to five teeth, and for each NSH subject, a control matched by sex and age was included in the C group (that includes 97 individuals).", "\n\nComplete and complex diagnosis of NSH was performed after detailed clinical and radiological examination; third molar agenesis cases were excluded.", "\n\nNSH subject selection was made by well-defined inclusion criteria, and agenesis subjects were selected from patients referred to orthodontic treatment. ", "Details regarding the two studied groups are presented in [Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nPrior to clinical, radiological, and genetic examination, informed consent was obtained from each subject, and oral swabs were coded to maintain confidentiality.", "\n\nEpithelial cells from the oral mucosa were obtained using ethylene oxide-treated buccal swabs (Isohelix DNA Buccal Swabs, Isohelix Ltd., Kent, UK), and each tube that contained the oral swab was coded to maintain confidentiality and transported for DNA isolation and genotyping to the genetic laboratory.", "\n\n2.2. ", "Genotyping {#sec2.2}\n---------------\n\nEach DNA obtained from epithelial cells from the oral mucosa was quantified by the aid of the Eppendorf BioSpectrometer basic system and stored at −20 degrees until the genetic analysis. ", "Genotyping of the PAX9 (rs4904155 and rs61754301), MSX1 (rs8670 and rs12532), and AXIN2 (rs2240308) SNPs was performed by using the corresponding predesigned TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays on the 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Statistical Analysis {#sec2.3}\n-------------------------\n\nData collection was done in Excel, and statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad InStat 3.1 (GraphPad Software, San Diego). ", "Chi-square tests with Yates\\' correction were used for comparison of the studied genotypes between the NSH and C groups separately for all the subjects, for frontal and for lateral agenesis. ", "Odds ratio (OR) was calculated to quantify the strength of the studied genotypes (*p* ≤ 0.001, highly significant; 0.001 ≤ *p* ≤ 0.05, significant; *p* ≥ 0.05, not significant). ", "Confidence level (CI) was established at 95% (Woolf approximation was used).", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec3}\n==========\n\nThe female : male ratio was 1 : 2.59 in the NSH group and also in the control group because controls were selected to match by age and sex each NSH case.", "\n\n[Table 2](#tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} summarizes the genotype distributions and allele frequencies for the five SNPs we studied, comparing the NSH group with the control subjects. ", "Significant differences in the distribution of MSX1 rs8670 SNP genotypes in NSH cases and controls were detected.", "\n\nA significant association was observed between the heterozygous and homozygous variant genotype (C/T + T/T) of the MSX1 rs8670 SNP and the risk of developing NSH (*p*=0.0008, OR = 2.9, 95% CI = 1.58--5.3). ", "No association was observed between the other four investigated SNPs and NSH. ", "The comparison of heterozygous genotype and homozygous variant genotype frequency vs wild-type genotype frequency was statistically significant (C/T vs C/C analysis: chi-square = 7.47, *p*=0.006, OR = 2.54, 95% CI = 1.34--4.81; T/T vs C/C analysis: chi-square = 6.16, *p*=0.013, OR = 5.53, 95% CI = 1.46--20.87).", "\n\nRegarding the allele frequency of the investigated SNPs, we noticed that the variant T allele of the MSX1 rs8670 SNP was more frequent in the NSH group (*p*=0.0002, OR = 2.65, 95% CI = 1.6--4.39). ", "Based on our findings, we considered that the presence of the variant allele or variant genotype of the MSX1 rs8670 SNP increased the risk of hypodontia in the studied population.", "\n\n[Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the genotype distributions and allele frequencies for the same five SNPs; comparison was made between the frontal agenesis NSH subjects and their sex- and age-matched controls. ", "The two SNPs of the MSX1 gene seem to have an important role in hypodontia. ", "Our results revealed that the variant genotype of the MSX1 rs12532 SNP (A/G + G/G) is more frequent in frontal agenesis (*p*=0.049, OR = 0.37), and this may be explained with the statistically significant difference of variant allele presence in these cases (*p*=0.048, OR = 0.49). ", "When heterozygous genotype and homozygous variant genotype frequency was compared separately with wild-type genotype frequency, differences were not significant (A/G vs A/A analysis: chi-square = 2.99, *p*=0.08, OR = 0.39, 95% CI = 0.15--1.006; G/g vs A/A analysis: chi-square = 1.45, *p*=0.22, OR = 0.34, 95% CI = 0.08--1.37).", "\n\nWe also noticed that the variant genotype of the MSX1 rs8670 SNP (C/T + T/T) was more frequent in cases with frontal agenesis (*p*=0.0005, OR = 6.6, 95% CI = 2.29--18.96). ", "The comparison of heterozygous genotype and homozygous variant genotype frequency vs wild-type genotype frequency was statistically significant (C/T vs C/C analysis: chi-square = 8.08, *p*=0.0045, OR = 5.1, 95% CI = 1.73--15.01; T/T vs C/C analysis: chi-square = 5.41, *p*=0.02, OR = 19.58, 95% CI = 1.02--372.66---no control subject had homozygous variant genotype). ", "Based on our findings, we considered that the presence of the variant genotype of the MSX1 rs8670 SNP increased the risk of agenesis in the frontal region.", "\n\nThe risk of appearance of frontal agenesis is 6.15 times higher in the case of presence of the variant T allele of the MSX1 rs8670 SNP (*p*=0.0001, OR = 6.15, 95% CI = 2.38--15.89).", "\n\nFor the PAX9 rs61754301 SNP, all frontal agenesis NSH subjects and controls had wild-type genotype frequency, which made our results noninterpretable from the statistical point of view.", "\n\nIn the case of the AXIN2 rs2240308 SNP, a higher frequency of the variant genotype (G/A + A/A) was observed with a trend towards statistical significance. ", "The presence of the variant A allele of AXIN2 rs2240308 was a risk factor for frontal agenesis (*p*=0.044, OR = 1.96, 95% CI = 1.06--3.62). ", "Moreover, when heterozygous genotype and homozygous variant genotype frequency was compared separately with wild-type genotype frequency, we observed that the presence of the variant genotype of AXIN2 rs2240308 was not associated with the risk of developing frontal agenesis (G/A vs G/G analysis: chi-square = 1.71, *p*=0.18, OR = 2.34, 95% CI = 0.8--6.87; A/A vs G/G analysis: chi-square = 3.52, *p*=0.06, OR = 4.28, 95% CI = 1.13--16.18).", "\n\nMoreover, we investigated the genotype distribution and allele frequency of studied SNPs in MSX1, PAX9, and AXIN2 in controls and lateral agenesis ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Although neither the distribution of wild-type, homozygous, and heterozygous genotypes nor the allele distributions showed no statistically significant differences, we observed a trend towards statistical significance in the case of PAX9 rs4904155, and the variant G allele of the mentioned SNP was more frequently found in cases with lateral agenesis (*p*=0.085, OR = 1.81).", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec4}\n=============\n\nOur findings showed a greater prevalence in female patients, which is in agreement with most of the studies conducted on Caucasian subjects \\[[@B7], [@B13], [@B14]\\]. ", "42 cases (43.29%) had only frontal teeth missing, and 47 (48.45%) had only lateral teeth missing. ", "8.26% of agenesis cases were mixed, with incisor and bicuspid agenesis. ", "The most prevalent missing teeth in frontal agenesis subjects were lateral incisors and in lateral agenesis cases were the second bicuspid; missing of these two types of teeth was found as the most frequent agenesis in most of the studies \\[[@B3], [@B14], [@B15]\\].", "\n\nFrom the 42 subjects with incisor agenesis, 21 had upper bilateral lateral incisor agenesis; meanwhile in the lateral agenesis group, 19 subjects had bilateral lower second bicuspid agenesis. ", "These results allow us to declare that, in our studied NSH group, bilateral agenesis occurs more often, and we found frontal agenesis more often in the upper arch, while lateral agenesis appears more frequently in the lower arch. ", "The difference between upper and lower agenesis was not significant, and these findings were different from some of available data. ", "Some of the studies we followed found considerably more frequent upper agenesis \\[[@B15], [@B16]\\], and others found a maxillary : mandibular agenesis overall ratio of 1.45 : 1 in orthodontic patients \\[[@B17], [@B18]\\].", "\n\nMost often reported genes associated with nonsyndromic tooth agenesis are PAX9, MSX1, EDA, and AXIN2 \\[[@B19]\\]. ", "SNPs of these genes have an impact on agenesis patterns although in notably different ways. ", "The MSX1 gene (former homeobox 7 (HOX7)) is a nonclustered homeobox protein located on the chromosome 4p16.3-p16.1, and it was mentioned as the gene whose deletion results in complete failure of incisor development \\[[@B20]\\]. ", "PAX9 is a member of the paired box (PAX) family of transcription factors, is located on the chromosome 14q12-q13, and was shown to be associated with all forms of the disease including autosomal dominant, nonsyndromic and familial oligodontia \\[[@B20]\\]. ", "AXIN2 or axis inhibitor protein 2 is a gene located on the chromosome 17q23-q24 and is involved in sporadic forms of common incisor agenesis \\[[@B21]\\].", "\n\nWe studied two SNPs for MSX1 (rs12532 and rs8670), two for PAX9 (rs61754301 and rs4904155), and one for the AXIN2 gene (rs2240308). ", "We analysed these polymorphisms separately for frontal and lateral NSH, which we consider to be the real value of this study. ", "Some reviews were focused on the SNPs we also have studied, but none of these treated separately the differently located agenesis.", "\n\nRegarding our findings, when we compared the genotypes in NSH and control groups, the only SNP which was statistically highly significant by its frequency was MSX1 rs8670. ", "A significant association was observed between the heterozygous genotype of the MSX1 rs8670 SNP and its 2.54 times higher risk of developing NSH; meanwhile, the risk of developing hypodontia is 5.53 times for the homozygous variant genotype.", "\n\nIn the frontal agenesis group, the two mentioned polymorphisms of the MSX1 gene showed that the variant genotype is the most frequent one (highly significant in MSX1 rs8670, *p*=0.0005); meanwhile, variant-type alleles were identified in both groups as predominant alleles (highly significant in MSX1 rs8670, *p*=0.0001). ", "The presence of heterozygous genotype increases the risk of frontal agenesis 5.1 times (*p*=0.0045), and this risk is 19.58 times higher when the homozygous variant genotype exists (*p*=0.02). ", "The two above-mentioned SNPs showed no statistically significant differences in the lateral agenesis group. ", "This SNP was not reported in congenital second premolar and upper lateral incisor agenesis so far \\[[@B22]\\].", "\n\nAs far as PAX9 rs61754301 and rs4904155 SNPs are considered, our findings were not significant as it seems that these polymorphisms have no influence on the expression of hypodontia in our subjects. ", "Some of the studies reported MSX1 and PAX9 mutations in molar and bicuspid agenesis, and the PAX9 gene was positively associated with hypodontia susceptibility \\[[@B23]\\].", "\n\nStudying the AXIN2 rs2240308 SNP, the only significant result was the variant allele dominancy in the frontal agenesis control group. ", "A higher frequency of the variant genotype of AXIN2 rs2240308 was observed in patients with frontal agenesis than in controls (*p*=0.082) but without statistically significant association. ", "In frontal agenesis, for this SNP, we found variant alleles more frequently in the NSH group. ", "Additional common variants in AXIN2 have also been associated with increased susceptibility to hypodontia in Eastern Europeans \\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\n5. ", "Limitations {#sec5}\n==============\n\nIn our study, the diagnosis of NSH was declared based only on clinical and radiological examination, without a full phenotypic investigation. ", "NSH subjects and controls were primarily Romanian Europeans, and this might mean that our findings cannot be generalized to all the population. ", "Another limitation of our study is that a large number of SNPs could not be further tested and that many of the genes we preselected to study could not be completely interrogated.", "\n\n6. ", "Conclusions {#sec6}\n==============\n\nIn our study, NSH was more frequent in female patients, and bilateral upper lateral incisor agenesis and bilateral lower second bicuspid agenesis were the most frequent types of NSH we have found. ", "In conclusion, the results of the present study showed that the variant genotype and variant T allele of the MSX1 rs8670 SNP increased the risk of hypodontia in the studied population, and it might be considered a risk factor for frontal agenesis The presence of the variant A allele of AXIN2 rs2240308 is associated with frontal agenesis but not with lateral agenesis.", "\n\nThis paper was published under the frame of Internal Competition of Research Grants of University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology, Targu Mures, Romania (grant no. ", "15609/14/29.12.2017).", "\n\nData Availability\n=================\n\nThe data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request.", "\n\nConflicts of Interest\n=====================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.", "\n\n###### \n\nCharacteristics of the studied groups.", "\n\n   NSH Control Frontal agenesis Control Lateral agenesis Control \n -------- ----- -------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------------ --------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- -------\n Male 27 15.51 ± 4.54 27 15.40 ± 3.82 13 19.07 13 18.78 12 15.61 12 15.40\n Female 70 17.98 ± 7.84 70 17.80 ± 8.00 29 ±7.62 29 ±8.25 35 ±6.00 35 ±5.49\n Total 97   97   42   42   47   47  \n\n###### \n\nGenotype and allele frequencies of MSX1, PAX9, and AXIN2 polymorphisms in the local population.", "\n\n Polymorphism Agenesis: all cases (*N* = 97), *n* Controls (*N* = 99), *n* Statistical analysis for genotypes Statistical analysis for alleles\n --------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------\n MSX1 rs12532 A/G        \n  A/A 50 45 A/G + G/G vs A/A G vs A\n  A/G 37 42 Chi-square = 0.5 Chi-square = 0.53\n  G/G 10 12 *p*=0.477 *p*=0.462\n  A 137 132 OR = 0.78 OR = 0.83\n  G 57 66    \n \n MSX1 rs8670 C/T        \n  C/C 49 74 C/T + T/T vs C/C T vs C\n  C/T 37 22 Chi-square = 11.24 Chi-square = 14.09\n  T/T 11 3 *p*=0.0008^*∗*^ *p*=0.0002^*∗*^\n  C 135 170 OR = 2.9 OR = 2.65\n  T 59 28    \n \n PAX9 rs61754301 C/T        \n  C/C 97 99 C/T + T/T vs C/C T vs C\n  C/T 0 0    \n  T/T 0 0 NA NA\n  C 194 198    \n  T 0 0    \n \n PAX9 rs4904155 C/G        \n  C/C 40 50 C/G + G/G vs C/C G vs C\n  C/G 43 34 Chi-square = 1.34 Chi-square = 0.61\n  G/G 14 15 *p*=0.246 *p*=0.432\n  C 123 134 OR = 1.45 OR = 1.2\n  G 71 64    \n \n AXIN2 rs2240308 G/A        \n  G/G 18 24 G/A + A/A vs G/G A vs G\n  G/A 49 55 Chi-square = 0.63 Chi-square = 2.32\n  A/A 30 20 *p*=0.426 *p*=0.127\n  G 85 103 OR = 1.4 OR = 1.39\n  A 109 95    \n\n*p* ≤ 0.001, highly significant; 0.001 ≤ *p* ≤ 0.05, significant; *p* ≥ 0.05, not significant; NA, not available.", "\n\n###### \n\nGenotype and allele frequencies of MSX1, PAX9, and AXIN2 polymorphisms in frontal agenesis.", "\n\n Polymorphism Frontal agenesis (*N* = 42), *n* Matched controls (*N* = 42), *n* Statistical analysis for genotypes Statistical analysis for alleles\n ----------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------\n MSX1 rs12532        \n  A/G 25 15 A/G + G/G vs A/A G vs A\n  A/A 13 20 Chi-square = 3.86 Chi-square = 3.89\n  A/G 4 7 *p*=0.049^*∗*^ *p*=0.048^*∗*^\n  G/G 63 50 OR = 0.37 OR = 0.49\n  A 21 34    \n  G        \n \n MSX1 rs8670 C/T        \n  C/C 20 36 C/T + T/T vs C/C T vs C\n  C/T 17 6 Chi-square = 12.05 Chi-square = 15.08\n  T/T 5 0 *p*=0.0005^*∗*^ *p*=0.0001^*∗*^\n  C 57 78 OR = 6.6 OR = 6.15\n  T 27 6    \n \n PAX9 rs61754301        \n  C/T 42 42 C/T + T/T vs C/C T vs C\n  C/C 0 0    \n  C/T 0 0 NA NA\n  T/T 84 84    \n  C 0 0    \n  T        \n \n PAX9 rs4904155        \n  C/G 18 22 C/G + G/G vs C/C G vs C\n  C/C 20 14 Chi-square = 0.42 Chi-square = 0.02\n  C/G 4 6 *p*=0.512 *p*=0.868\n  G/G 56 58 OR = 1.46 OR = 1.11\n  C 28 26    \n  G        \n \n AXIN2 rs2240308        \n  G/A 7 15 G/A + A/A vs G/G A vs G\n  G/G 23 21 Chi-square = 3.01 Chi-square = 4.03\n  G/A 12 6 *p*=0.082 *p*=0.044^*∗*^\n  A/A 37 51 OR = 2.77 OR = 1.96\n  G 47 33    \n  A        \n\n*p* ≤ 0.001, highly significant; 0.001 ≤ *p* ≤ 0.05, significant; *p* ≥ 0.05, not significant; NA, not available.", "\n\n###### \n\nGenotype and allele frequencies of MSX1, PAX9, and AXIN2 polymorphisms in lateral agenesis.", "\n\n Polymorphism Lateral agenesis (*N* = 47), *n* Matched controls (*N* = 47), *n* Statistical analysis for genotypes Statistical analysis for alleles\n --------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------\n MSX1 rs12532 A/G        \n  A/A 21 20 A/G + G/G vs A/A G vs A\n  A/G 21 19 Chi-square = 0.04 Chi-square = 0.21\n  G/G 5 8 *p*=0.835 *p*=0.646\n  A 63 59 OR = 0.91 OR = 0.82\n  G 31 35    \n \n MSX1 rs8670 C/T        \n  C/C 25 33 C/T + T/T vs C/C T vs C\n  C/T 19 13 Chi-square = 2.2 Chi-square = 2.57\n  T/T 3 1 *p*=0.137 *p*=0.108\n  C 69 79 OR = 2.07 OR = 1.9\n  T 25 15    \n \n PAX9 rs61754301 C/T        \n  C/C 47 47 C/T + T/T vs C/C T vs C\n  C/T 0 0    \n  T/T 0 0 NA NA\n  C 94 94    \n  T 0 0    \n \n PAX9 rs4904155 C/G        \n  C/C 18 26 C/G + G/G vs C/C G vs C\n  C/G 22 18 Chi-square = 2.09 Chi-square = 2.96\n  G/G 7 3 *p*=0.147 *p*=0.085\n  C 58 70 OR = 1.99 OR = 1.81\n  G 36 24    \n \n AXIN2 rs2240308 G/A        \n  G/G 9 12 G/A + A/A vs G/G A vs G\n  G/A 22 24 Chi-square = 0.24 Chi-square = 1.07\n  A/A 16 11 *p*=0.62 *p*=0.306\n  G 40 48 OR = 1.44 OR = 1.4\n  A 54 46    \n\n*p* ≤ 0.001, highly significant; 0.001 ≤ *p* ≤ 0.05, significant; *p* ≥ 0.05, not significant.", "\n\n[^1]: Academic Editor: Sivagnanam Thamilselvan\n" ]
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[ "; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -instcombine \\\n; RUN: -simplifycfg -S | not grep call\n\ndeclare void @bar()\n\ndefine void @test(i32 %X, i32 %Y) {\nentry:\n %tmp.2 = icmp ne i32 %X, %Y ; <i1> [#uses=1]\n br i1 %tmp.2, label %shortcirc_next, label %UnifiedReturnBlock\nshortcirc_next: ; preds = %entry\n %tmp.3 = icmp ne i32 %X, %Y ; <i1> [#uses=1]\n br i1 %tmp.3, label %UnifiedReturnBlock, label %then\nthen: ; preds = %shortcirc_next\n call void @bar( )\n ret void\nUnifiedReturnBlock: ; preds = %shortcirc_next, %entry\n ret void\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "INTRODUCTION\n============\n\nThe advent of free tissue transfer has revolutionized complex reconstruction, allowing surgeons to replace like with like. ", "Historically, surgeons would often employ the reconstructive ladder, a concept proposed by Mathes and Nahai^[@R1]^ that offers a stepwise framework for wound closure. ", "Improvement in microsurgical technique, however, has expanded the scope of free tissue transfer, necessitating refinement of the conventional reconstructive ladder. ", "Gottlieb and Krieger^[@R2]^ have since introduced the reconstructive elevator, which allows for flexibility in choice of reconstructive technique to better match clinical indication, despite surgical complexity.", "\n\nStandard of care in reconstruction following tumor ablation is continually evolving. ", "One of the most exciting challenges plastic surgeons face is to develop new solutions that elevate the standard. ", "The topics in this paper are a small cross section of some devastating problems that patients face following cancer treatment. ", "These include lymphedema, facial paralysis following parotidectomy, loss of sensation following mastectomy, and animation deformity following subpectoral prosthetic reconstruction. ", "The following is a review of some potential solutions to these vexing issues.", "\n\nFRONTIERS IN BREAST RECONSTRUCTION\n==================================\n\nPrepectoral Breast Reconstruction and Animation Deformity\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nAnimation deformity can be problematic in some patients undergoing subpectoral or submuscular breast reconstruction, particularly those who are very active.^[@R3]--[@R5]^ However, subpectoral placement provides the benefit of additional soft tissue coverage to address the complications of exposure and capsular contracture seen in the earliest forms of breast reconstruction which were prepectoral. ", "The subsequent introduction of acellular dermis and near-infrared imaging have increased the reliability of prepectoral techniques. ", "Coverage of the prosthesis with acellular dermis may minimize capsular contracture, and near-infrared imaging may improve predictability in mastectomy flap perfusion, making prepectoral placement a viable option.^[@R6]--[@R8]^ Provided that the perfusion to the mastectomy skin is adequate, prepectoral reconstruction offers patients a viable alternative and avoids potential morbidity and pain of muscle dissection and expansion. ", "Patients generally require fat grafting to compensate for the absence of muscle coverage in the upper pole. ", "Sbitany has cited a number of considerations when selecting patients such as history of radiation status, oncologic status, and a critical intraoperative assessment of mastectomy skin flap viability.^[@R9]--[@R12]^ Additional studies, preferably randomized to minimize selection bias, would be valuable in determining the overall cosmetic outcome and satisfaction of patients undergoing prepectoral versus subpectoral for informed consent.", "\n\nAutologous Reconstruction in the Thin Patient\n---------------------------------------------\n\nPatients typically choose autologous reconstruction for a natural, lifelong, and maintenance-free result.^[@R13],[@R14]^ However, some patients may not be seen as candidates because they are thin or do not have a traditionally favorable abdominal donor site. ", "In patients who are marginal candidates, limited donor tissue may result in an unfavorable result with lack of projection and contour irregularity.^[@R15]^\n\nSimilarly, patients with an inadequate abdominal donor site, but who are seeking an autologous only reconstruction, may be candidates for a lower extremity-based flap.^[@R16]^ Allen et al.^[@R17]^ published their experience with the profunda artery perforator flap in 2012, and because then this flap has widely been adopted as an acceptable alternative for breast reconstruction. ", "Similarly, the diagonal upper gracilis flap provides an excellent alternative to the abdomen in patients seeking autologous reconstruction (Fig. [", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "With its increased width, the flap allows for improved contour of the reconstructed breast. ", "Moreover, the orientation of the flap's donor site minimizes the risk of lymphedema and optimizes wound healing along the lines of least tension.^[@R18]^ The lateral thigh perforator flap is another option in carefully selected patients that allows for soft, pliable tissue to reconstruct the breast.^[@R19]^ While requiring a more visible donor site scar, the lateral thigh perforator flap allows for a 2-team approach and also avoids the lymphatics of the lower extremity.", "\n\n![", "Stacked diagonal upper gracilis flaps for autologous breast reconstruction.](gox-7-e2181-g001){#F1}\n\nAnother option for patients with a paucity of donor tissue is the combined use of autologous and implant-based reconstruction, or hybrid reconstruction.^[@R19],[@R20]^ Although hybrid breast reconstruction offers the benefits of both autologous and prosthetic reconstruction, it also comes with the disadvantages of both procedures. ", "Acceptable complication rates have been reported with favorable esthetic results, suggesting that the combination of implant and free flap safely improves projection, while maintaining the natural contour of the breast mound.", "\n\nBetween the innovations of lower extremity-based flaps and the technical advances in stacking free flaps, fat grafting, or combining autologous reconstruction with prosthetic devices, the reconstructive surgeon now has many tools for providing an esthetically pleasing and safe outcome for patients who had historically not been considered candidates for autologous reconstruction.", "\n\nSensation in Autologous Breast Reconstruction\n---------------------------------------------\n\nLoss of sensation following mastectomy remains a significant problem for patients undergoing breast reconstruction, so much so that it caught the media's attention in a *New York Times* piece in 2017.^[@R21]--[@R23]^ BREAST-Q data by Pusic has shown that patients are bothered by loss of sensation and that anterior chest hypesthesia is a significant reminder of their oncologic past. ", "It has been widely reported that improvement in breast sensation correlates with patient satisfaction.^[@R24]^ Addressing this issue has become the final frontier in comprehensive breast reconstruction.", "\n\nA number of breast neurotization techniques have been developed to restore sensation to the breast following microsurgical free flap transfer, including direct nerve coaptation or use of nerve conduit.^[@R25]^ Importantly, innervated autologous flaps consistently outperformed their noninnervated counterparts in postoperative sensory recovery.^[@R26]--[@R28]^ Although many surgeons perform a single-nerve coaptation of cutaneous sensory fibers and adjacent recipient nerves with restoration of nearly 50% of baseline breast sensation,^[@R29]^ Puonti et al. ", "recently described a dual neurorrhaphy technique for breast sensitization with improved tactile sensation and temperature discrimination.^[@R30]^\n\nHowever, variability in technique and limited number of prospective, randomized controlled trials has limited the acceptance of a standardized neurotization methodology. ", "Furthermore, recent studies have focused on *objective* clinical assessment of nerve sensation to validate breast neurotization following microsurgery or guide clinical practice with regard to spontaneous reinnervation.^[@R31]^ Having focused mainly on Semmes Weinstein and caloric metrics, the current literature does not necessarily assess *subjective* sensation in meaningful patient-reported outcomes. ", "Larger studies with patient-reported outcomes are warranted to better assess sensation following neurotization, including the relative advantage of using medial or lateral intercostal nerves as a donor or harvesting of multiple nerve levels. ", "The senior author favors using the lateral T4 intercostal nerve or and additional T3 level (Fig. [", "2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This avoids denervating potentially intact medial branches and is the dominant nerve responsible for sensation to the nipple areola complex.", "\n\n![", "Innervation of autologous breast reconstruction using the lateral T4 intercostal nerve.](gox-7-e2181-g002){#F2}\n\nFRONTIERS IN FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION\n==================================\n\nFacial Nerve Reconstruction and Contour Deformity in Parotidectomy Defects\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nManagement of head and neck tumors often involves surgical resection of the parotid gland, which can result in facial paralysis, volume loss, and synkinesis. ", "In particular, paralysis of the eye is a significant issue in terms of quality of life. ", "Challenges in addressing facial nerve reconstruction can include the lack of a usable or reliable proximal facial nerve stump, likely due to positive microscopic disease in proximal stump or history of mastoidectomy and temporal bone resection with a protracted distance between the proximal and distal stumps. ", "The resulting facial paralysis can have profound effects on the psychosocial well-being of the patient. ", "Although eye closure is a priority, historically neurologic reconstruction has targeted improvements in smile with static procedures including lid weight and tarsorrhaphy or canthoplasty to address the eyelid.", "\n\nUsing multiple targeted nerve donors may increase the likelihood of meaningful facial motion and reduce the level of synkinesis. ", "Dual nerve transfers with nerve to masseter and minihypoglossal was first described by Dayan et al^[@R32]^ in cases where the use of proximal facial nerve stump was unreliable (Fig. [", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This technique can also be supplemented with primary facial nerve repair and grafting in patients presenting with preexisting paralysis who may not have a reliable result from a nerve graft alone. ", "Restoration of eye sphincter function is reliably improved by nerve transfer.", "\n\n![", "Facial nerve reconstruction using dual innervation technique.](gox-7-e2181-g003){#F3}\n\nFurthermore, recent advances in free tissue transfer have facilitated correction of periauricular defects. ", "The use of an anterolateral thigh flap in combination with masseteric nerve transfer has been described by Cristóbal et al^[@R33]^ in a case series of 6 patients to improve contour deformity and facial nerve function. ", "The authors observed adequate volume replacement and restored facial symmetry, with no partial or total flap loss. ", "Additionally, masseteric nerve coaptation to the buccal branch of the facial nerve was associated with improved facial reanimation, which, coupled with anterolateral thigh flap-based volume replacement, conferred superior esthetic and functional outcome following restoration of periauricular defect (Fig. [", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Adipofascial anterolateral thigh flap for improving contour following parotidectomy defect.](gox-7-e2181-g004){#F4}\n\nFRONTIERS IN LYMPHATIC RECONSTRUCTION\n=====================================\n\nImproving Our Understanding of Lymphedema\n-----------------------------------------\n\nPlastic surgeons have tackled this puzzling and disabling disease for decades with significant progress in treating patients who otherwise have little hope for improvement. ", "Lymphatic surgery in its dawn was largely applied to anyone having a swollen extremity with limited understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease itself. ", "Advances in lymphatic imaging and basic science research have resulted in the evolution of patient selection, operative techniques, and outcomes. ", "For example, the size of the limb itself is now recognized to be a limited outcome, as the composition in terms of fat deposition and fluid accumulation varies significantly among patients. ", "Assessment of lymphatic function by near-infrared fluorescence lymphangiography is now commonplace and allows one to determine the likelihood of identifying adequate lymphatic vessels for bypass. ", "We have also collectively learned to appreciate the importance of the venous outflow in cases where the axillary or femoral veins may be severely compromised. ", "Venous drainage is a paramount consideration in the assessment of a patient for possible lymphovenous bypass or even vascularized lymph node transfer.", "\n\nMoreover, in the backdrop of the snapshot of patient evaluation lies the unrelenting immunologic process that leads to progressive disease. ", "Basic questions remain unanswered such as does surgery arrest this process or provide symptomatic relief? ", "Advances in targeted medical therapies aimed at blocking specific parts of the inflammatory process that are responsible for lymphedema will hopefully lead to a drug that can stop this progression and possibly reverse it. ", "For example, Mehrara has shown that topical tacrolimus prevents the development of lymphedema in animal studies.^[@R34]^ Similarly, Rockson has shown that ketoprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), has functioned as a targeted anti-inflammatory with some success in treating lymphedema in placebo-controlled trials.^[@R35]^ We believe that the most likely solution may be a combination of surgery to provide a physical means of fluid egress from the limb and an adjuvant medical therapy to block the immunologic pathology causing fibrosis and lymph stasis.", "\n\nLymphedema is not a monolithic disease, and there are differences among patients, which are not appreciated using current staging systems, which are solely based on physical exam. ", "A better understanding of this disease process is essential to determine when surgery is indicated. ", "Only once we have appropriately quantified the differences in these patients can we best comprehend how to best execute surgical reconstruction and maximize our outcomes. ", "In summary, the lymphatic surgeon needs to evaluate the patient's edematous limb for fluid versus fat composition, asses lymphatic function through imaging, determine venous drainage status and availability, and potentially conclude the patient's immunologic status.", "\n\nEvolution of Treatment Algorithms Results in Improved Outcomes\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\nLymphatic surgeons have typically championed one procedure over another within lymph node transfer versus lymphatic bypass versus liposuction. ", "However, we submit that no one procedure reigns supreme. ", "Liposuction, for example, was highly controversial and infrequently used in lymphedema. ", "We now know that in patients who have a fat dominant limb and are fully compliant with compression are appropriate candidates for this procedure.^[@R36]^ Consequently, although liposuction was previously avoided in the microsurgical community, it has now become a reliable and common tool for most lymphatic surgeons when tackling the fat component of the limb. ", "Therefore, the authors feel that the appropriate question is not which procedure is best but rather which procedure is most appropriate for which patient.", "\n\nIn general, it appears that for lymphatic bypass to be most successful, one needs (1) patent and ideally functional lymphatics to bypass and (2) a venous system that is not compromised. ", "These qualifications tend to be present in patients with earlier lymphatic disease as opposed to late presentation. ", "Thanks to the work of Koshima, lymphaticovenous anastamosis (LVA) has had a resurgence using supermicrosurgical technique where venous pressures in the capillary bed are low-pressure systems.^[@R37],[@R38]^ Improved instrumentation and surgical techniques have led to improved results.^[@R39]^\n\nVascularized lymph node transplant, in contrast, does not rely on patent lymphatic vessels, although it remains to be seen if the best candidates are also patients with early disease. ", "Vascularized lymph node transfer (VLNT) involves transplanting an immunologic organ containing Vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C), inducing lymphangiogenesis into the nodes.^[@R40],[@R41]^ Initial concerns about VLNT centered around the devastating potential for donor site lymphedema. ", "Reverse lymphatic mapping was developed to maximize safety of this procedure and involves identification of critical nodes draining the limbs which are avoided during surgery.^[@R42]^ Alternatives including supraclavicular lymph node harvest have significantly reduced this risk.^[@R43]^ More recently, vascularized omentum lymphatic transplant and mesenteric node transfer have eliminated the risk of donor site lymphedema.^[@R44],[@R45]^ The omentum also provides a large surface area that may be beneficial in certain cases and can be split into 2 flaps, one placed proximally and one distally (Fig. [", "5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).^[@R46]^ Further insights into recipient vein selection and double venous drainage of the omentum focus on reducing venous pressure within the flap and providing physiologically favorable gradient for lymph egress.", "\n\n![", "Dual-level transfer of vascularized omentum lymphatic transplant for management of upper extremity lymphedema.](gox-7-e2181-g005){#F5}\n\nThe ultimate goal in lymphatic surgery would be to prevent lymphedema from occurring in the first place. ", "Lymphatic reconstruction at the time of lymphadenectomy has gained popularity as patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer have become more aware of the disabling consequences of lymphedema. ", "Prophylactic LVA (\"LYMPHA\") first described by Boccardo is an application of proximal lymphovenous bypass previously described by Campisi.^[@R47],[@R48]^ Early results from this approach are promising and close collaboration with the breast surgeons may further refine lymphadenectomy technique to reduce morbidity.^[@R49],[@R50]^ The field of immediate lymphatic reconstruction including prophylactic lymph node transfer is an area in need of more prospective controlled studies. ", "If the risk of lymphedema can be significantly reduced many potential patients would avoid an incurable and progressive condition.", "\n\nCONCLUSIONS\n===========\n\nAdvances in oncologic and microsurgical reconstruction have provided us with tools to solve many difficult problems patients face after surviving cancer treatment. ", "High-level outcome studies evaluating the application of these techniques and technologies will further improve our understanding of which patients are best suited for a particular approach.", "\n\nContributed equally to the construction of this article.", "\n\nPublished online 12 June 2019.", "\n\n**Disclosure:** J.H.D. is a consultant for Stryker. ", "The other authors have no financial interest to declare in relation to the content of this article.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. ", "To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. ", "Together, they cited 6 references. ", "This article has also been viewed 148,663 times.", "\nLearn more...\n\nWhether you are dealing with a power outage, your coffeemaker is on the fritz, or you just want to experiment with new brewing methods, knowing how to make coffee on a stove can come in handy. ", "From using a humble saucepan to a traditional little pot to an Italian-designed, multi-part metal contraption, there are many different ways to make delicious stovetop coffee, three of which are described in this article. ", "So give that drip coffee maker, single serve machine, or your local barista a rest and give one (or more) a try.", "\n\nSteps\n\nMethod1\n\nMaking “Cowboy Coffee” on Your Home Range\n\n1\n\nHeat water on your stovetop. ", "A small pot or tea kettle will work fine. ", "Add 8-10 ounces (one cup or a little more) of water per mug of coffee you desire.", "\n\nBring the water just to boiling -- bubbling regularly but not vigorously.", "\n\n2\n\nAdd 1-2 heaping tablespoons (depending on taste) of ground coffee per 8 oz. ", "of water. ", "Stir just enough to help the coffee grounds circulate.", "\n\nUse a standard drip coffee grind.", "\n\nTry 2 tablespoons per mug at first. ", "It is easier to weaken coffee that is too strong by diluting it than it is to strengthen coffee that is too weak.", "\n\nYou can use instant coffee if desired. ", "You will add 1-2 teaspoons per mug instead (refer to package directions).", "\n\n3\n\nRemove the mixture from the heat and cover. ", "Let it rest for 2-3 minutes.", "\n\nSome people prefer to bring the mixture back up to a boil briefly,[1] or even for up to 2 minutes.[2] This will increase the bitterness of your brew, so know your taste in coffee before deciding.", "\n\n4\n\nStir the coffee and let it sit, covered, for 2-3 more minutes. ", "This wait not only steeps the coffee in the water (longer wait = stronger coffee), it also allows the coffee grounds to settle on the bottom of the pot.", "\n\nSplashing a little cold water into the pot at the end may help the grounds settle at the bottom. [", "3] Flicking drops off your wet fingertips should suffice for a single mug size brew.", "\n\n5\n\nPour the coffee into your mug(s) -- carefully. ", "Pour slowly not only because the coffee is still quite hot, but because you want to leave most of the grounds -- now more like a brown sludge -- in the pot. ", "Leave the last bit of the brew in the pot to trap most of the sludge there.", "\n\nIf you have a tea strainer or similar filter, you can place it over your mug to help keep out even more of the sludge and rogue grounds.[4]\n\nMethod2\n\nUsing a Moka Pot for “Stovetop Espresso”\n\n1\n\nUnderstand how a moka pot works. ", "It is an Italian-designed metal vessel that disassembles into three parts, and uses steam pressure to brew coffee. ", "Check Step 1 here for a good diagram and the following description of a moka pot:\n\nThey have three chambers, one for water, one for grounds and one for the finished product.", "\n\nThe bottom chamber is for the water. ", "It usually has a pressure valve as well.", "\n\nThe middle chamber is for your finely ground coffee. ", "Pack it in lightly.", "\n\nThe top chamber is the collection point for the brewed espresso / coffee.", "\n\n2\n\nPreheat enough water for the bottom moka pot chamber in a separate kettle or pot. ", "When the water boils, remove it from the heat source. ", "This step is not required but is recommended to prevent the metal moka pot from overheating and imparting a metallic taste.", "\n\n3\n\nFill the bottom chamber of the moka pot with the water, almost to the valve ring. ", "There may be a guide line inside the chamber. ", "Insert the filter basket.", "\n\n4\n\nFill the basket with coffee, leveling the coffee off with your fingers. ", "Make sure there are no loose coffee grounds on the top edge of the filter basket that might hinder the seal.", "\n\nUse standard drip grind coffee -- roughly table salt consistency.", "\n\n5\n\nScrew the top and bottom of the moka pot together. ", "Make sure they are securely sealed, but do not tighten so much that you won’t be able to get them back apart.", "\n\nBe careful so as to not spill the ground coffee into the water or either into the top chamber. ", "Keep each in its own place for now.", "\n\n6\n\nPlace the moka pot on the stove over moderate heat, leaving the top lid open. ", "When steam begins to form, the coffee will start to percolate up into the top chamber. ", "You will hear a puffing sound as the steam emerges.", "\n\nThe coffee will emerge as a rich brown stream which will lighten over time. ", "Wait for the stream to reach the color of yellow honey, then remove the pot from the heat.", "\n\nDo not leave the pot on too long or you will scorch the coffee -- and that is not a taste most people enjoy.", "\n\n7\n\nWrap the pot with a cold dish towel or run it under cold tap water. ", "Again, this is not absolutely necessary, but is recommended to prevent the coffee from acquiring a metallic taste.", "\n\n8\n\nPour your finished brew into cups or a carafe. ", "If this semi-espresso is too strong for your liking, you can dilute it with water.", "\n\nMethod3\n\nMaking Turkish (or Greek) Coffee at Home\n\n1\n\nGather your materials. ", "A regular old pot and drip grind coffee will not do for this method.", "\n\nYou’ll need an ibrik (variously known as a cezve, briki, mbiki or toorka, among other names), a small metal pot (traditionally made of brass) which is thinner at the neck than base and usually has a long handle.", "\n\nYou’ll also need water and sugar (or, though less traditional, a sugar substitute), of course.", "\n\nThis method requires Turkish grind coffee, which is as fine a grind as you are likely to encounter. ", "Specialty shops, coffee roasters, Middle Eastern shops, and some mainstream retailers may have this grind.", "\n\nAlso look at the grinding machine found in your grocery store’s coffee aisle -- many of them actually have a Turkish grind setting.[5] If grinding your own beans, make the grind as fine as you can.", "\n\n2\n\nAdd sugar to the ibrik. ", "This is optional but traditional. ", "Add to taste, but 2 teaspoons for an 8 ounce ibrik is probably a good reference point.", "\n\nYou can substitute an artificial sweetener (such as aspartame) for the sugar as well.", "\n\n3\n\nFill the ibrik with water until it reaches the neck. ", "Do not overfill -- leave some room in the neck for frothing or you will end up with a giant mess on your stove.", "\n\nIf you want to make less coffee, you need a smaller ibrik. ", "It needs to be filled to the lower neck to brew properly. ", "A typical small ibrik is about 8 ounces, enough for two 3 oz. ", "demitasse cups.", "\n\n4\n\nAdd coffee to the water, but do not stir the coffee at this time. ", "Allow the coffee grounds to float on the top of the water.", "\n\nThese floating grounds act as a barrier between the water and air, facilitating the frothing process.", "\n\nDepending on how strong you like your coffee, use one to two rounded teaspoons of coffee per demitasse serving, or roughly three rounded teaspoons (or one rounded tablespoon) for an 8 oz. ", "ibrik.", "\n\n5\n\nHeat the ibrik on the stove. ", "Some people recommend using a low setting, but medium to high heat will also work. ", "You’ll just have to pay even closer attention to prevent a messy boil-over.", "\n\nThe coffee will foam. ", "Foaming is not the same as boiling.[6] Do not let it boil, and really do not let it boil over unless you love vigorously scrubbing a scorched stovetop.", "\n\n6\n\nRemove it from the heat when the foaming reaches the top of the ibrik. ", "Let it settle back down, then -- finally -- you can stir it.", "\n\nTraditionally this process is repeated up to three more times. ", "Put the ibrik back on the heat, wait for it to froth up to the top of the neck, then let it settle down and stir.", "\n\n7\n\nPour the coffee into demitasse cups. ", "Let it rest for 1-2 minutes before drinking to let the grounds settle.", "\n\nWhen pouring, leave the last bit of coffee in the ibrik to trap some of the “sludge.” ", "Likewise, when drinking, leave the last bit in your cup.", "\n\nTurkish coffee is traditionally served with a glass of water as a palate cleanser.", "\n\nTo make coffee on your stovetop, start by heating water in a kettle or pan. ", "Once the water starts bubbling, add 1-2 tablespoons of coffee for every cup of water and stir the coffee grounds around. ", "Next, take the mixture off the heat, cover it, and leave it to rest. ", "After 2-3 minutes, stir the coffee again before letting it rest covered for another 2 minutes. ", "Finally, pour the coffee slowly into your mug so that most of the grounds remain in the pot. ", "To learn how to make Turkish or Greek coffee on your stovetop, read on!", "\n\nDid this summary help you?", "\n\nMade Recently\n\nArticle Info\n\nwikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. ", "To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. ", "Together, they cited 6 references. ", "This article has also been viewed 148,663 times." ]
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[ "Talking about Miro’s paintings with my six year old\n\n“There are two of them. ", "The firebird (The Firebird) and the white bird. ", "The white one with two color spots (The bird of the paradise).”", "\n\n….", "\n\nAugust 11th 2013:\n\n“What do you remember from today?”", "\n\n“Not from today. ", "From the first time we went to the museum I remember two things. ", "I saw them again today. ", "The yellow egg on a chair, because of the color. ", "And the second thing is a painting of woman, flower and fire.”", "\n\n“What painting are you talking about. ", "I can’t remember it.”", "\n\n“It has a woman looking sideways, fire, flower. ", "There is a red wall behind the woman. ", "I can draw it for you. ", "It has lots of red and yellow.”" ]
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[ "Due to its known role in protein turnover in the cell, the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is expected to be a key player in cellular aging. ", "The proteasome, a multifunctional, multisubunit proteolytic enzyme, is a focal point in the pathway and is in charge of controlled cleavage of short-lived metabolic regulator proteins and damaged long-lived proteins. ", "Both the regulatory role and the \"garbage removal\" function may have a role in age-related metabolic slowdown and diseases. ", "However, studies implicating the proteasome in aging have been limited, inconclusive, and at times contradictory. ", "I propose to characterize proteasomal assemblies in aging mice liver tissue in a truly comprehensive manner: separately in distinct subcellular compartments, and taking into account activity, specificity, assembly status, and subunit composition. ", "The emerging evidence that proteasomes perform specific duties based on subcellular location justifies my approach. ", "I hypothesize that there is a set of age-related alternations, which collectively form a characteristic pattern of properties that constitutes a signature of aging. ", "I wish to call such signature the proteasome aging index. ", "My preliminary data support the notion that such index can be revealed. ", "Specifically, I propose to: (1) define the proteasome aging index in each age group specific for subcellular localization of proteasomes. ", "I will perform molecular profiling of the following properties of proteasome: content and composition of proteasome subassemblies, protein content of selected subunits of the subassemblies and peptidase activities of all three active sites, determined with model substrates. (", "2) I will correlate the proteasome index with the pattern of cleavage of natural substrates. (", "3) Finally, I will employ the proteasome aging index to establish the state of the proteasome pathway in the oxidative stress mice models: the SOD1-/- mice characterized by an increased oxidative stress and mice subjected to caloric restriction accepted as a model of decreased oxidative stress. ", "Successful launching of the proteasome aging index will serve as a novel platform to pursue age-related alterations in the proteasome and its molecular context, learning about physiological consequences of the changes, and propose the means to correct them. ", "The proteasome, a multifunctional enzyme responsible for controlled degradation of most of cellular proteins, has been linked to an age-related decline in protein turnover. ", "I plan to define a pattern of age-related changes in the proteasome: the \"proteasome index of aging\". ", "Such an index will help to detect signs of cellular aging and help to establish treatments aiming at controlling the aging processes. [", "unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable]" ]
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[ "An osteophyte (sometimes called a “bone spur”) is a projection that can form on a bone of a joint when an animal's body attempts to better distribute weight across a surface that has been damaged by arthritis or other conditions. ", "Osteophytes can limit joint motion and contribute to joint pain, and they can become increasingly more restrictive and painful as they grow. ", "Historical approaches to the removal of osteophytes from hard to reach areas have required difficult contortions of affected joints and tedious manipulations of cutting tools.", "\nFor example, FIG. ", "1 (prior art) shows a lateral view of a simplified prosthetic knee 10 (including a distal femoral component 20, a meniscial component 30, and a proximal tibial component 40) and FIG. ", "2 (prior art) shows a historical removal of an osteophyte 50 from a posterior condylar region 60 in preparation of a distal femur 70 for receiving the distal femoral component 20 of FIG. ", "1. ", "After end portions of the distal femur 70 and a proximal tibia 80 have been removed and the remaining surfaces have been planed or otherwise reshaped to receive the prosthesis, the historical approach has required hyperflexion of the knee joint to gain access to the osteophyte 50 with a cutting tool 90, followed by manual reciprocation of the cutting tool 90 to remove the osteophyte 50. ", "The extreme flexions of the knee joints have been difficult to achieve for patients with large thighs and/or other physical limitations, and the manual operations of the cutting tools have been tedious and time consuming." ]
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[ "Search form\n\nThe Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing\n\nNotorious murderer Charles Manson is reportedly engaged. ", "What? ", "Yep, you heard right. ", "The next obvious question is . . . ", "to who? ", "According to a story carried by the Huffington Post in November—would you believe—to a beautiful young twenty-five year old woman who is in love with Manson – who is 79.", "\n\nGoing by the name “Star,” a name Manson gave her, she began writing to Manson when she was 19. ", "In 2007, Star relocated to Corcoran, California, in order to be closer to the prison where her intended is serving a life sentence.", "\n\nStanding by her man, Star states that she does not believe “Charlie” got a fair trial. ", "Not only does she run a website entitled “Release Charles Manson Now,” she has even carved an X into her forehead, like Manson and his followers did during the time of their criminal trial.", "\n\nWhat does Manson have to say about the marriage rumors? ", "Always the charmer, the story reveals that he told Rolling Stone: “That's a bunch of garbage ... That's trash,\" \"We're just playing that for public consumption.\"", "\n\nDoes this difference in perspective shock you? ", "I see this sort of thing all the time. ", "Men incarcerated for heinous crimes becoming involved with lovely young women who they couldn’t care less about, but who adore them. ", "The question is why.", "\n\nLooking for Love in All the Wrong Places\n\nIn my former career as a criminal defense attorney, I frequently had to go into the jails to talk with my clients. ", "While there are obvious restrictions, rules, and regulations regarding what a visitor can bring into a custodial setting, one thing that is never left at the door is one’s vulnerability to manipulation.", "\n\nManipulative inmates detect and cater to the emotional needs of others with whom they are in regular contact. ", "Victims can become addicted to the relationship—often regardless of who the manipulator is and what he or she has done—or “is accused of” I should add, noting that victims’ perspectives become increasingly distorted over time.", "\n\nConsider the woman who meets the man of her dreams in the workplace. ", "You might be thinking: what’s wrong with that? ", "The work environment is a great place to meet people, isn’t it? ", "Not always, particularly when you work in a prison.", "\n\nInmates are Not Soul Mates\n\nOn November 25, 2013, the Atlanta Daily World announced that fourteen more correctional officers at the Baltimore City Detention Center were indicted on corruption charges, adding to allegations unsealed in April 2013—which contained “lurid details of sex behind bars” and other misconduct stemming from the relationship between jail officers and the Black Guerrilla Family.", "\n\nThe story reveals that Tavon White, the leader of the Black Guerrilla Family who boasted that he controlled the jail, impregnated four guards inside of the Baltimore City Detention Center. ", "White claims to have smuggled phones and drugs inside the jail, and earned thousands of dollars a month with assistance from his “harem of correctional officers.”", "\n\nAs seems to be happening more and more frequently in modern times, some of the institutional misconduct was—you guessed it—caught on camera. ", "The Atlanta Daily World story reveals that surveillance footage captured one officer being fondled by an inmate. ", "And the US Attorney’s office stated that according to court documents, the BGF gang members “recruited correctional officers through personal and often sexual relationships, as well as bribes, and that some officers traded sex for money.”", "\n\nOne of the most shocking parts of the story is the fact that four of the six correctional officers at issue gave birth to White’s children, and two of them tattooed his name on their bodies. ", "How did they manage to get away with sex behind bars? ", "With a little help from their friends, seems to be the answer. ", "According to prosecutors, in one instance, a correctional officer stood watch outside a jail closet so another correctional officer could have sex with an inmate inside.", "\n\nBig Men on Campus\n\nUnfortunately, these accounts don’t surprise me. ", "But they may surprise folks who are unfamiliar with the psychological dynamics created by interacting with others in a controlled environment where the power structure is very different than in the outside world—particularly when dealing with notorious criminals.", "\n\nThe Charles Manson’s and incarcerated gang member shot-callers of the world didn’t get their heinous reputations for nothing—they earned them. ", "Prison officials sometimes report that infamous criminals are treated respectfully behind bars often because of their notoriety. ", "Unfortunately, they also gain prestige within correctional facilities through engaging in the type of insidious conduct that took place in Baltimore.", "\n\nSome inmates use staff as resources, manipulating them to get what they want, exploiting the weak, and befriending the strong. ", "Being aware of the tactics criminals use and the vulnerabilities we all share is the first step toward protecting ourselves and our peers from falling victim to unscrupulous people who don’t view others as a romantic partner, but as a resource—to get what they want.", "\n\nSadly, we haven’t heard the last of this topic. ", "Stay safe, savvy, and informed.", "\n\nOnce again Dr. Patrick has relied on fact to tell the story, such as video tape, credible eyewitness testimony, tattoos and FOUR kids being born, just to name a few. ", "As far as \"Charlie\" (Manson), yet more drama with one of the most evil men of the late 20th Century.", "\n\nThanks for a great read, Dr. Patrick!", "\n\n*Addressing the terms \"detainee\" vs. \"inmate,\" I notice that the Baltimore City Detention Center's own website refers to those currently incarcerated as inmates (including detainees): http://www.dpscs.state.md.us/locations/bcdc.shtml. ", "I further notice that the Baltimore County jail's own website refers to those who are currently incarcerated as \"inmates,\" as in \"Inmate Search,\" and throughout the following web page: http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/Agencies/corrections/inmateinformation/classification.html. (", "Both pretrial detainees and sentenced offenders are commonly referred to as inmates.) ", "I respect, commend and honor the service of those guards of the Baltimore County jail system who are good, honest and dedicated. ", "Yes, a very hard job indeed. ", "One can only imagine what they go through every day.", "\n\nInteresting post you have published here. ", "I did not think never think about Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing. ", "But whatever allocation you did here makes me knowable about in such allocation and issue. ", "Thanks :)\n\nI live in Baltimore and I think the urban culture teaches u that this is ok. ", "We are taught as women that it's ok to be used, exploited, cheated on, date the worst man. ", "So I can see how women with low self esteemn can be influenced by this jail thug.", "\n\nA t-shirt is not just a piece of clothing. ", "It is a statement - and the STAY tees set you classes apart from the crowd! ", "STAY Clothing brings you an exclusive range of t-shirts that you will love to wear and that lets you flaunt your taste and wear your imagination!", "\n\nComfort: Just slip into a STAY t-shirt to experience the ultimate comfort on your days off, on your fun Fridays (and slow Tuesdays), on a regular college day and on your beach holiday! ", "After all, your true style is known from what you wear on your days off!", "\n\nClass: Wearing the tees by STAY Clothing does not only change your view of the world but it also changes the world’s view of you! ", "These classy tees are everything you love about a soft, form fitting, incredibly stylish tee. ", "STAY’s high quality products are the ultimate blend of style and comfort - conferring on you, a relaxed and cool look, which is what sets you classes apart from the crowd.", "\n\nI am agreeing with your satatement. ", "One person's dressing style showing his character. ", "So Dressing style is very important. ", "Dresses made from wool and yarn will give you a relaxed and cool look. ", "For yarn dress shop visit : shabbysheepandewe.com\n\nHello there, just became alert to your blog through Google,\nand found that it's really informative. ", "I am gonna watch out for brussels.", "\nI will be grateful if you continue this in future. ", "A lot of people\nwill be benefited from your writing. ", "Cheers!" ]
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[ "Akira (deceased) & Larry Blount\n\nBybee, TN\n\nExhibiting Member Since 1989\n\nDolls have become my life in the years since our exodus from the city. ", "It is a very natural expression for me. ", "I feel we do our best doing that which comes most natural – like child’s play. ", "I have learned to work in a very intuitive fashion, just allowing the pieces to flow from my subconscious, rather than modeling them after things I have seen. ", "I use natural fibers and found objects in my work. ", "Things I have picked up on a morning walk – such as pine cones, sticks, acorns, and feathers – might find their way on to a doll by afternoon. ", "I enjoy the way that my life and work become one. ", "I work at home in little space with little equipment and limited expense. ", "My waste is biodegradable. ", "I meet wonderful people and have the freedom to live wherever I choose." ]
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[ "The injury doesn’t appear to be anything serious. ", "But, with Clowney—arguably the nation’s top player entering this season—having already proven himself, there is no need to take any risks.", "\n\nSouth Carolina’s spring game is Saturday.", "\n\nHe sustained the injury at some point in practice last week. ", "He wasn’t cleared to practice on Tuesday.", "\n\n“My back and neck are hurting me,” Clowney told reporters. “", "I should be OK coming out of spring ball. ", "I should be coming around soon, hopefully. ", "We’ll have to see (if I practice again). ", "That’s up to the coaches.”", "\n\nNational championships aren’t won in ESPN highlights, but it’s a good time to note that Clowney’s now famed hit on Michigan running back Vincent Smith was the network’s top play in the Best of the Best poll 45 times. ", "It was finally supplanted last week by 7-year old Jack Hoffman. ", "The huge Nebraska fan and unfortunate brain cancer patient had the opportunity to run a play with the Cornhuskers during their spring game.", "\n\nWearing No. ", "22 for his favorite Cornhusker Rex Burkhead, Hoffman made it count, too, going 69 yards for a score off a handoff from quarterback Taylor Martinez." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSSIS OLEDB Command transformation (Insert if not exists)\n\nOk so according to Microsoft docs the OLE DB Command Transformation in SSIS does this\n\nThe OLE DB Command transformation runs an SQL statement for each row in a data flow. ", "For example, you can run an SQL statement that inserts, updates, or deletes rows in a database table.", "\n\nSo I want to write some SQL to Insert rows in one of my tables only IF the record doesn't exists\nSo I tried this but the controls keeps complaining of bad sintaxys\nIF NOT EXISTS\n(SELECT * FROM M_Employee_Login WHERE \n Column1=?", "\n AND Column2=?", "\n AND Column3=?)", "\n\nINSERT INTO [M_Employee_Login]\n ([Column1]\n ,[Column2]\n ,[Column3])\n VALUES\n (?,?,?)", "\n\nHowever if I remove the IF NOT EXISTS section (leaving the insert only) the controls says may code is Ok, what am I doing wrong.", "\nIs there an easier solution?", "\nUpdate: BTW My source is a Flat File (csv file)\nUpdate since answer: Just to let people know. ", "I ended up using the OLE DB Command Transformation like I planned cause is better than the OLE DB Destination for this operation. ", "The difference is that I did used the Lookup Component to filter all the already existent records (like the answer suggested). ", "Then use the OLE DB Command Transformation with the Insert SQL that I had in the question and it worked as expected. ", "Hope it helps\n\nA:\n\nOLEDB Command object is not the same as the OLE DB Destination\nRather than doing it as you describe, instead use a Lookup Component. ", "Your data flow becomes Flat File Source -> Lookup Component -> OLE DB Destination\nIn your lookup, you will write the query SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3 FROM M_Employee_Login and configure it such that it will redirect no match entities to the stream instead of failure (depending on your version 2005 vs not 2005) this will be the default.", "\nAfter the lookup, the output of No Match will contain the values that didn't find a corresponding match in the target table.", "\nFinally, configure your OLEDB Destination to perform the fast load option.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Echo Spot is designed to fit anywhere in your home. ", "Use 2nd generation far-field voice recognition to watch the news, see music lyrics, weather forecasts, to-do and shopping lists, browse and listen to Audible audiobooks, and more. ", "All hands-free?just ask.", "\n\nEcho Spot connects to Alexa, a cloud-based voice service to play music, read the news, answer questions, set music alarms, control smart home, and more.", "\n\nJust ask to play a song, artist, or genre, and see lyrics with Amazon Music. ", "Also, stream music from Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, and other music services, or books from Audible." ]
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[ "African United Baptist Church\n\nThe African United Baptist Church is a denominational body of Baptists in the Republic of Malawi. ", "It is one of two schisms from the Providence Industrial Mission (forerunner of the African Baptist Assembly of Malawi, Inc.) of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.. The formation of the African United Baptist Church occurred in 1946.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Baptist Christianity in Malawi\nCategory:Baptist denominations in Africa\nCategory:Baptist denominations established in the 20th century\nCategory:Christian organizations established in 1946\nCategory:1946 establishments in Nyasaland" ]
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[ "/*\n * This file is part of SpongeAPI, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).", "\n *\n * Copyright (c) SpongePowered <https://www.spongepowered.org>\n * Copyright (c) contributors\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n * THE SOFTWARE.", "\n */\npackage org.spongepowered.api.world.difficulty;\n\nimport org.spongepowered.api.", "CatalogType;\nimport org.spongepowered.api.text.translation.", "Translatable;\nimport org.spongepowered.api.util.annotation.", "CatalogedBy;\n\n/**\n * Represents a possible difficulty setting.", "\n *\n * @see Difficulties\n */\n@CatalogedBy(Difficulties.class)\npublic interface Difficulty extends CatalogType, Translatable {\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "Nick Cannon took to his social media accounts on Monday morning to say he’s done with “America’s Got Talent.”", "\n\nThe star claimed in lengthy posts that he was at odds with NBC after the network threatened to fire him over a joke he made during his comedy special, which aired on Showtime on Feb. 10.", "\n\nCannon wrote he was commenting after “days of deliberating over some extremely disappointing news that I was being threatened with termination by Executives because of a comedy special that was only intended to bring communities closer together…”\n\nThe TV host continued, “It was brought to my attention by my ‘team’ that NBC believed that I was in breach of contract because I had disparaged their brand.”", "\n\nThe star said the comment in question was “a joke about my own race” and he said the network was trying to “silence and control” him.", "\n\n“There is no amount of money worth my dignity or my integrity,” he wrote. “… ", "So I wish AGT and NBC the best in its upcoming season but I [cannot] see myself returning.”", "\n\nCannon said he “will easily walk away from the millions of dollars” being offered to him by the network.", "\n\nThe star has hosted “AGT” since 2009.", "\n\nNBC did not immediately return Fox News’ requests for comment.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nInfinite direct product of C-M rings\n\nA finite direct product of Cohen-Macaulay rings is a Cohen-Macaulay ring. ", "It could be checked by a scrutiny into localization of a finite direct product of rings at a prime ideal of the product. ", "Now, does the statement remain true if \"finite\" is replaced by \"infinite\"? ", "Any leading answer is appreciated.", "\n\nA:\n\nThis question is not well-posed: an infinite direct product of fields is not even a noetherian ring.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The judging committee of the 63rd Shogakukan Manga Awards announced this year's winners on Monday. ", "Each winning title will be honored with a bronze statuette and a prize of 1 million yen (about US$9,000).", "\n\nBest Children's Manga\n\nShogakukan\n\nchiteijin\n\nuchūjin\n\nSerialized inThe story revolves around a girl named Yūka, who encounters a being from the depths of the Earth named Chii-chan (a pun of, the Japanese word for underground-dweller), and an alien named Ucchan (a pun ofor alien). ", "The story follows their heartwarming and chaotic everyday lives together.", "\n\nShinozuka launched the manga in March 2015, and it inspired an anime adaptation last April.", "\n\n\n\nBest Shōnen Manga\n\nandSerialized inEmma, Norman and Ray are the brightest kids at the Grace Field House orphanage. ", "Under the care of the woman they refer to as \"Mom,\" all the kids have enjoyed a comfortable life. ", "Good food, clean clothes and the perfect environment to learn. ", "One day, though, Emma and Norman uncover the dark truth of the outside world they are forbidden from seeing.", "\n\nThe manga launched in August 2016, and is also running in Viz Media 's digital English edition of Shonen Jump . ", "Shueisha published the seventh volume on January 4.", "\n\n\n\nBest Shōjo Manga\n\nShueisha\n\nSerialized inYuna wants a love that's like a dream. ", "Akari thinks she can become better at love and is very realistic in her approach. ", "Kazuomi doesn't understand love and wonders if it's like a tasty food. ", "On the other hand, Rio won't reject anyone who comes his way, as long as that person is cute.", "\n\nSakisaka ( Blue Spring Ride ) launched the manga in June 2015. ", "Shueisha published the seventh volume in December.", "\n\n\n\nBest General Manga\n\nShogakukan\n\nSerialized inThe state of world affairs is changing at a dizzying pace, particularly in the growing military strength of countries neighboring Japan. ", "In response to a near-skirmish with China near the disputed Senkaku Islands, Japan builds the Ibuki aircraft carrier.", "\n\nKawaguchi ( Zipang ) launched the manga in collaboration with journalist Osamu Eya in December 2014. ", "Shogakukan published the eighth volume last month.", "\n\n\n\nBest General Manga\n\nShogakukan\n\nSerialized in17-year-old high school studentTachibana is a girl who barely expresses herself. ", "She harbors a secret crush on Masami Kondō, the 45-year-old manager of the family restaurant she works at part-time.", "\n\nMayuzuki launched the manga in Shogakukan 's Monthly Big Comic Spirits in 2014, before it transferred to Weekly Big Comic Spirits early 2016. ", "The ninth compiled volume shipped in November. ", "The manga is inspiring an anime adaptation that is currently airing in Japan and streaming on Amazon Prime outside of Japan. ", "A live-action film will premiere in May.\n\n\n\nThis year's judging committee included Kiyoko Arai ( Beauty Pop ), Mitsuyo Kakuta , Eiji Kazama , Kenshi Hirokane , Bourbon Kobayashi, Fujihiko Hosono , and six others.", "\n\nShogakukan has been awarding this prize since 1956 (for works published in 1955). ", "Last year's winners, all titles published by Shogakukan , included Ijime , Mob Psycho 100 , 37.5°C no Namida, Blue Giant , and Jūhan Shuttai! .", "\n\n[Via Manga Mag]" ]
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[ "All relevant data are within the paper.", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec001}\n============\n\nElectrospinning of micro and nanofibers has been investigated for decades, but the formation of core-sheath fibers by electrospinning is a relatively recent innovation. ", "The core-sheath electrospinning process is unique in that it allows the fabrication of fibers that are particle-encapsulating, bicomponent, hollow, or not normally electrospinnable \\[[@pone.0125407.ref001], [@pone.0125407.ref002]\\]. ", "These types of fibers have application across multiple industries. ", "For example, many groups have demonstrated the capability to encapsulate compounds such as small molecule drugs, proteins and growth factors, nucleic acids, liposomes, etc. ", "for controlled drug delivery and/or tissue engineering applications \\[[@pone.0125407.ref003]--[@pone.0125407.ref006]\\]. ", "Other researchers have employed core-sheath electrospinning to create bicomponent fibers with novel self-cleaning, self-healing, or superhydrophobic properties that could revolutionize the textile and filtration industries \\[[@pone.0125407.ref007]--[@pone.0125407.ref009]\\]. ", "Hollow fibers with high surface-to-volume ratios have been proposed for use in microfluidics, photonics, energy storage, and sensor applications \\[[@pone.0125407.ref010]\\]. ", "Finally, many polymers are challenging to process into a fibrous form factor (e.g. low molecular weight, flowable materials) and are therefore not electrospinnable on their own; however, core-sheath electrospinning imparts the ability to process these unelectrospinnable materials into fibrous form factors for novel applications \\[[@pone.0125407.ref011]--[@pone.0125407.ref013]\\]. ", "It is this versatility in core-sheath fiber structure and composition that has spurred the design and fabrication of novel electrospun materials, generating an abundance of excitement in this field.", "\n\nHowever, production of core-sheath fibers by electrospinning at commercially viable throughputs has been a significant challenge. ", "Typically, fabrication of core-sheath fibers from needle-based electrospinning systems is achieved in one of two ways: (1) spinning from emulsions or (2) use of a coaxial needle. ", "Emulsion-based electrospinning exploits the inherent surface energies of two different polymeric solutions as a driving force for spontaneous organization into a core-sheath fiber architecture \\[[@pone.0125407.ref014]\\]. ", "A limitation of this technique is the paucity of material systems which form emulsions, are electrospinnable, and organize into core-sheath fibers. ", "Coaxial electrospinning is a process in which two polymer solutions are ejected in a core-sheath architecture from concentrically positioned needles toward a collector. ", "This method is amenable towards a much broader range of materials systems. ", "However, typical volumetric flow rates approach only in the tens of mL/h at the higher end; polymer mass rates are on the order of 0.01--0.1 g/h \\[[@pone.0125407.ref015]\\]. ", "Various groups have addressed this limitation by developing setups that use multiple needles or that take advantage of the concept of free liquid surface electrospinning, such as the Nanospider by Elmarco \\[[@pone.0125407.ref016]--[@pone.0125407.ref019]\\]; however, these methods currently do not provide a commercially viable manufacturing option for high throughput production of electrospun core-sheath fibers. ", "Multi-coaxial nozzle systems suffer from complexity and maintenance challenges, making this approach cost-prohibitive \\[[@pone.0125407.ref020]\\]. ", "Recently, Forward et al. ", "demonstrated electrospun core-sheath fiber fabrication at higher throughputs relative to a needle by rotating wires through two solutions. ", "Specifically, wire electrodes were immersed into two immiscible liquids layered on top of each other to form core-sheath droplets that eventually electrospin into fibers. ", "While this method shows promise, it requires the sheath and core solutions to have limited miscibility \\[[@pone.0125407.ref021]\\]. ", "Here, we describe an approach, henceforth referred to as \"slit-surface electrospinning\", which maintains both versatility across many materials systems and increases the manufacturing throughput of core-sheath micro and nanofibers by over 1,000-fold compared to traditional methods.", "\n\nExperimental {#sec002}\n============\n\n85/15L poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (molar percentage of 85% lactic acid and 15% glycolic acid, inherent viscosity = 1.7--2.6 dl/g in chloroform, 85/15L-PLGA) and 75/25L poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (molar percentage of 75% lactic acid and 25% glycolic acid, inherent viscosity = 2.63 dl/g in chloroform, 75/25L-PLGA) were purchased from PURAC Biomaterials; polycaprolactone (PCL) (M~n~ = 80,000 g/mol), poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) (M~v~ = 400,000 g/mol), Nylon 6/6 (M~w~ = 262.35 g/mol), and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. ", "Dexamethasone used for particulate encapsulation was purchased from Alfa-Aesar. ", "1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) was purchased from Oakwood Products, Inc., and the other organic solvents such as chloroform and methanol were purchased from Fisher Scientific. ", "Silicone fibers were fabricated using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Sylgard 184 kit. ", "Prepolymer solutions were mixed according to manufacturer's recommendations.", "\n\nAll the polymer solutions were made at room temperature. ", "Six different materials systems were used in the experiments described in this communication and are described in [Table 1](#pone.0125407.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The use of dexamethasone served a dual purpose, as a demonstration of particulate encapsulation and as a tracer material to visualize the stream of core solution in the cone-jets. ", "Hollow fibers were fabricated by immersing the electrospun fibers in distilled-deionized water to dissolve out the core PEO polymer, leaving behind a PLGA shell. ", "A Nylon:PLGA pair was chosen as an example of a non-biodegradable:biodegradable bicomponent composite fiber. ", "PDMS is a low molecular weight silicone-based organopolymer that is flowable at room temperature and therefore cannot be readily electrospun into fibers by itself. ", "PDMS fibers could be fabricated by coaxially electrospinning a sheath polymer around a PDMS core. ", "Subsequently, the PDMS core is allowed to cure (either at room temperature or accelerated under heated conditions), leading to solidification of the PDMS core. ", "The result is a bicomponent fiber consisting of the sheath polymer (in this case, PLGA) and PDMS. ", "The sheath can then be optionally removed to achieve pure PDMS fibers.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0125407.t001\n\n###### Materials systems used for different experiments.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0125407.t001){#pone.0125407.t001g}\n\n System Core/sheath fiber type Sheath solution Core solution\n -------- --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------\n A Particulate encapsulation 3.5 wt% 85/15 L-PLGA in HFIP 12 wt% PCL:dexamethasone (70:30) in 6:1(v/v) chloroform:methanol\n B Particulate encapsulation 5.5 wt% 75/25 L-PLGAin TFE 12 wt% PCL:dexamethasone (70:30) in 6:1(v/v) chloroform:methanol\n C Particulate encapsulation 12 or 16 wt% PCL in 6:1(v/v) chloroform:methanol 12 wt% PCL:dexamethasone (70:30) in 6:1(v/v) chloroform:methanol\n D Bicomponent 7 wt% Nylon in HFIP 3 wt% 85/15 L-PLGAin HFIP\n E Hollow 3 wt% 85/15 L-PLGAin HFIP 2 wt% Poly(ethylene) oxide\n\nThe high voltage DC power supply used in these studies was an ES100 unit with maximum of 10 W output, purchased from Gamma High Voltage Research. ", "Depending on the experiment, the applied voltage ranged from 70--90 kV. A 30 cm by 30 cm aluminum plate was placed approximately 50 cm above the slit fixture to collect electrospun fibers. ", "The collector was grounded to form an electric field between the charged slit fixture and collector and to dissipate charges carried by the collected fibers. ", "Viscosities of the solutions were measured using a Brookfield viscometer (model: LVDVE; spindle: \\#31). ", "Digital images of core-sheath cone-jets were captured by a Basler A601f CMOS camera with a modified lens by attaching a 10 cm C-mount extension tube to a Sigma 70--300 mm zoom lens. ", "Electrospun fiber meshes were sputter-coated with palladium/gold for 1 minute and observed with a scanning electron microscope (JSM-6390, JEOL USA) at an accelerating voltage of 5 kV to evaluate fiber morphology. ", "Cross-sections of fibers were obtained by immersing the fiber meshes in liquid nitrogen and cutting with scissors.", "\n\nResults and Discussion {#sec003}\n======================\n\nSlit-surface electrospinning technology and capability {#sec004}\n------------------------------------------------------\n\nOur electrospinning technology relies on the physical co-localization of two flowable materials along one dimension formed by a \"slit-surface\" resulting in multiple core-sheath jets when an electric field is applied. ", "The slit-surface is formed via the alignment of two triangular-shaped nozzles along a single vertical plane (**[Fig 1](#pone.0125407.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"})**. ", "Core and sheath polymer materials are delivered to the slits through their respective nozzles ensuring the co-localization of core and sheath materials (and subsequent core-sheath fiber formation) as they exit the nozzle. ", "The application of a slit-surface has a significant impact on the ability to electrospin at higher flow rates. ", "In our initial 3.5 cm long slit-surface design, approximately 8 electrospinning jets would form to accommodate a maximum flow rate of 0.25 L/h (at higher flow rates, quality fibers could not be obtained). ", "Subsequently, we have scaled the length of the slit-surface to 14 cm, which resulted in the formation of 30 or more jets, enabling us to operate at total flow rates in excess of 1 L/h while producing quality fibers. ", "At typical solution concentrations ranging from 3 to 20 wt%, these volumetric flow rates are equivalent to polymer mass rates of 50--250 g/h. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first time that core-sheath micro and nanofibers have been fabricated via electrospinning at throughputs exceeding 1 L/h.\n\n![", "Digital images of the slit-fixture.\\\n(a) Close-up of the slit-surface created by the central alignment of two troughs. (", "b) Slit-fixture connected to a solution reservoir base. (", "c) Schematic of the axial cross section of the slit-fixture illustrating compartmentalization of sheath and core solutions below the slit and co-localization of the solutions at the slit exit.](pone.0125407.g001){#pone.0125407.g001}\n\nThe fundamental operation of slit-fixture electrospinning is similar to needle-based systems. ", "The fixture itself is connected to a high-voltage source for generation of an electric field. ", "Upon application of a critical electric field strength, multiple Taylor-like cone-jets initiate along the length of the slit-surface as shown in [Fig 2A](#pone.0125407.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "As the core and sheath materials exit from their respective slits, they spontaneously form multiple core-sheath cone-jets that ultimately lead to core-sheath fibers ([Fig 2B--2D](#pone.0125407.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Initially, the cone-jet is composed of only the sheath material, but within a few milliseconds to seconds, a core-sheath cone-jet forms ([Fig 2B](#pone.0125407.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We hypothesize that the internal fluid pressure drops at the locations where sheath jets are present. ", "As a result, the inner core solution (rendered white in [Fig 2](#pone.0125407.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} due to the presence of a dexamethasone particulate tracer) preferentially flows towards locations with lower relative pressure. ", "This observation is similar to a well-known fluid dynamics phenomenon termed \"selective withdrawal\", a process referring to flow at or near stratified layers of fluids induced by suction through a tube that is immersed in the upper fluid layer. ", "At low flow rates, there is insufficient fluid shear stress, resulting in only the upper fluid being withdrawn; however, at higher flow rates, there is enough shear stress generated such that a spout forms at the interface, and both fluids are withdrawn into the tube \\[[@pone.0125407.ref022]--[@pone.0125407.ref024]\\]. ", "In our process, we hypothesize that viscous shear forces generated from flow of the electrospun sheath solution entrain the core solution, at the interface, to form a core-sheath cone-jet. ", "The viscous shear force can be manipulated by adjusting variables such as solution flow rate, solution viscosity, and nozzle geometry to control the core-sheath structure. ", "We have observed that this phenomenon occurs independently of the miscibility between the core and sheath solutions within the set of process parameters tested (see System C). ", "We believe this to be true when the shear forces are sufficient for core material entrainment and the contact time between the two solutions at the interface is sufficiently short so as to not allow mixing between the two solutions. [", "Fig 2E and 2F](#pone.0125407.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} show representative images of a typical fiber mesh and evidence of core-sheath fibers encapsulating dexamethasone, respectively.", "\n\n![", "Overview of slit-surface electrospinning using System A.\\\n(a) Example of multiple electrospinning cone-jets formed across a slit-surface. (", "b) Electrospinning jet formed from sheath solution without core solution entrainment. (", "c) Same electrospinning jet as in (b), demonstrating the spontaneous entrainment of core solution. (", "d) Fully-formed electrospinning jet exhibiting a core-sheath structure. (", "e) Representative scanning electron microscopy image of fibers fabricated using slit-surface electrospinning. (", "f) Cross-sectional image showing core-sheath fiber structure. ", "The arrow points to a dexamethasone drug particle.](pone.0125407.g002){#pone.0125407.g002}\n\nPhysical co-localization of core and sheath solutions by the slit surface increases versatility across materials systems. ", "As a demonstration of this capability, we have also fabricated bicomponent, hollow, and polydimethylsiloxane (not normally electrospinnable) fibers from various different materials systems (see [Experimental](#sec002){ref-type=\"sec\"} section for specific details of material systems used). ", "As shown in [Fig 3](#pone.0125407.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}, cross-sections of these fibers distinctively and clearly depict a core-sheath architecture for each fiber type produced. ", "This result is significant, suggesting that a multitude of polymers can be successfully electrospun into core-sheath fibers using our novel slit-surface fixtures (much like coaxial needle electrospinning). ", "Indeed, the current library of materials that have been successfully electrospun so far using our technology include core/sheath polycaprolactone /poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid, poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid, poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid /nylon, polydimethylsiloxane /polyvinylpyrollidone, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose /polyvinlypyrollidone, polyvinylpyrollidone /cellulose acetate, and various polyurethanes. ", "This capability allows for flexibility in material system selection, enabling impact across multiple industries (e.g. textile, medical, energy, diagnostics, etc.).", "\n\n![", "Representative scanning electron images depicting different types of core-sheath fibers fabricated using slit-surface electrospinning.\\\n(a) bicomponent (System D) (b) hollow (System E); and (c) unelectrospinnable PDMS core---PLGA sheath (System F).](pone.0125407.g003){#pone.0125407.g003}\n\nControl of core-sheath cone-jets {#sec005}\n--------------------------------\n\nWe believe that a requisite for a core-sheath fiber architecture is the formation of a core-sheath cone-jet where conditions maintain a clear distinction between the core and sheath electrospun fluids. ", "From this perspective, we performed a series of experiments to identify and understand the variables and conditions under which distinct core-sheath cone-jets form using our novel fixture design. ", "We have determined that (1) flow velocities at the slit exit and (2) viscosities of the solutions are major parameters in the formation of distinct core-sheath cone-jets. ", "Solution miscibility was not a major factor. ", "In fact, we have successfully formed core-sheath fibers from the same polymer and solvent systems using this process. ", "For these experiments, we used one of three materials systems described in [Table 1](#pone.0125407.t001){ref-type=\"table\"} (System A, B, or C) to visualize the morphology of the core-sheath cone-jets. (", "Note: Initial design of the slit-surface focused on demonstrating proof-of concept. ", "Therefore, the experiments described herein were conducted using our initial prototype 3.5 cm design prior to scaling to a 14 cm design that allowed for a 1 L/h throughput benchmark).", "\n\n### Impact of solution flow velocity on formation of core-sheath cone-jets {#sec006}\n\nSolution flow velocity at the slit exit is dependent on and can be manipulated by changing the solution flow rate and/or surface area of the core and sheath slits. ", "As a first order estimation, we defined sheath flow velocity at sheath slit exit, v~sheath~ = (sheath flow rate+core flow rate)/surface area of sheath slit and core flow velocity at core slit exit, v~core~ = core flow rate/surface area of core slit. ", "Using System A, the effect of solution flow rate on core-sheath cone-jet formation was investigated by keeping the sheath solution flow rate constant at 200 mL/h while varying the core solution flow rate to 20, 40, and 60 mL/h. As shown in [Fig 4A--4C](#pone.0125407.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}, distinct core-sheath cone-jets were observed only when the core flow rate was set to 20 or 40 mL/h ([Fig 4A and 4B](#pone.0125407.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The conditions with distinct core-sheath cone-jet formation corresponded to when the sheath solution flow velocity (v~sheath~) exiting the top of the sheath slit was greater than the core solution flow velocity (v~core~) exiting the top of the core slit. ", "Similar results were obtained when the sheath solution flow rate was varied to 200, 100, or 40 mL/h while the core solution flow rate was kept constant at 20 mL/h. Again, distinct core-sheath cone-jets successfully formed only when v~sheath~ was greater than v~core~. Using these results as a guideline for electrospinning of System B, we manipulated the ratio of v~sheath~ to v~core~ to be 2.0, 5.5, or 7.2 (corresponding to sheath and core flow rates of 100/20, 300/20, and 200/10, respectively, all quantities being expressed in mL/h) in order to manipulate the width of the core solution stream in the core-sheath cone-jets. ", "As the ratio of v~sheath~ to v~core~ increased in value, it appeared that the width of the core stream decreased in size ([Fig 5](#pone.0125407.g005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We hypothesize that this results in better encapsulation of the core materials. ", "These results support our hypothesis that the mechanism for multiple, stable core-sheath cone-jets emitting from a slit-surface is \"selective withdrawal\", as described earlier. ", "Increasing the ratio of v~sheath~ to v~core~ via flow rate manipulation increases the fluid shear force of the sheath solution acting to entrain the core solution.", "\n\n![", "Video capture images depicting the morphology of core/sheath cone-jets using System A.\\\nExperiments were conducted at a constant sheath flow rate of 200 ml/h while varying the core solution flow rate. (", "a, b) Distinct core/sheath cone-jets were formed when the core flow rates were set to 40 and 20 ml/h, respectively. (", "c) Non-distinct core/sheath cone-jets were formed when the core flow rate was set to 60 ml/h.](pone.0125407.g004){#pone.0125407.g004}\n\n![", "Video capture images depicting the morphology of core/sheath cone-jets of System B.\\\nExperiments were conducted under different solution flow rates to demonstrate control of emitted core-sheath cone-jets. ", "The core fluid stream narrows as the ratio of total solution velocity to core solution velocity is increased. (", "a) v~sheath~:v~core~ = 2.0, (b) v~sheath~:v~core~ = 5.5, and (c) v~sheath~:v~core~ = 7.0. (", "Width of image corresponds to field of view of 17 mm).](pone.0125407.g005){#pone.0125407.g005}\n\n### Impact of slit width on formation of core-sheath cone-jets {#sec007}\n\nSolution flow velocity is dependent not only on flow rate, but also on the cross-sectional area through which the solution flows. ", "To demonstrate this, we investigated the impact of the sheath slit width on core-sheath cone-jet formation. ", "The initial sheath slit width was design to be 2.2 mm. ", "For this experiment, we examined additional sheath slits with widths of 1.5 and 3.0 mm. ", "Sheath and core flow rates of System A were set to 200 and 20 mL/h, respectively. ", "At these flow rates and dimensions, the ratio of v~sheath~ to v~core~ for the 1.5, 2.2, and 3.0 mm slits were 3.8, 2.6, and 1.9, respectively. ", "For the 3.0 mm wide slit, distinct core-sheath cone-jets were not observed, while the two smaller slit-width designs resulted in distinct core-sheath cone-jets ([Fig 6](#pone.0125407.g006){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Interestingly, we were able to achieve distinct core-sheath cone-jets from the 3 mm sheath slit by reducing the core flow rate from 20 to 10 mL/h (a corresponding change of v~sheath~ v~core~ from 1.9 to 3.6). ", "These data further establish that the formation of distinct core-sheath cone-jets is facilitated by a large difference between v~sheath~ and v~core~. Similar as before, this increases the fluid shear force of the sheath fluid layer acting on the core solution at the sheath-core interface which aids in the viscous entrainment of the core solution to form a core-sheath cone-jet.", "\n\n![", "Video capture images core/sheath cone-jets using System A emitted from differing sheath slit widths.\\\n(a, b) Distinct core/sheath cone-jets were formed at slit widths of 1.5 and 2.2 mm, respectively. (", "c) Non-distinct core/sheath cone-jets were formed at a slit width of 3.0 mm.](pone.0125407.g006){#pone.0125407.g006}\n\n### Impact of solution viscosity on formation of core-sheath cone-jets {#sec008}\n\nSolution viscosity also had a major impact on the formation of distinct core-sheath cone-jets. ", "In this experiment, we used System C in which the sheath solution viscosity was either 280 cP or 760 cP, corresponding to PCL solutions with concentrations of 12 wt% or 16 wt%. ", "The viscosity of the core solution was constant at 500 cP. In this experiment, the 2.2 mm wide sheath slit was used for both sheath solutions, and the flow rates were set at 200 and 20 mL/h for the sheath and core solutions, respectively. ", "It was found that the core-sheath formation and morphology of the cone-jets was more distinct when 16 wt% PCL was used as the sheath solution, even though the same flow rates were used ([Fig 7](#pone.0125407.g007){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We hypothesize that this results from the higher sheath viscosity, which provides a shear force sufficient to entrain the core solution. ", "In contrast, the 12 wt% PCL solution has a viscosity lower than that of the core solution (280 cP \\< 500 cP) and does not exhibit distinct core-sheath cone-jet formation. (", "Note: Both conditions shown here met the conditions of sheath flow velocity being greater than core flow velocity as described in the previous section). ", "Again, as before, we believe that this result highlights the importance of the selective withdrawal mechanism in which a sufficient shear stress is required for proper entrainment of the core material for distinct core-sheath cone-jet formation.", "\n\n![", "Video capture images of emitted core/sheath cone-jets using System C, whereby different sheath solution viscosities were employed.\\\n(a) Distinct core/sheath cone-jets were formed when the sheath solution viscosity was greater than the core solution viscosity. (", "b) Non-distinct core/sheath cone-jets were formed when the sheath solution viscosity was less than the core solution viscosity.](pone.0125407.g007){#pone.0125407.g007}\n\nThe data to date suggest that multiple, inter-dependent variables (solution flow rates, viscosity, and fixture design) exist that can be leveraged to control core-sheath cone-jets emitted from a slit-surface, not unlike coaxial needle electrospinning. ", "The design of slit-surfaces and controlling operating parameters such that the shear stress between the sheath and core solutions is maximized (where the shear stress pulls the core solution into the jet) are important for formation of core-sheath jets from a slit fixture.", "\n\nConclusion {#sec009}\n==========\n\nIn summary, we have developed an electrospinning process that uses novel slit-fixtures to produce core-sheath fibers at throughputs orders of magnitude higher than traditional needle-based systems. ", "Additional benefits of the slit-fixture are less maintenance and fewer clogging issues, allowing for a more stable process when compared to an array of coaxial needles. ", "With respect to versatility, our process is similar to needle-based coaxial electrospinning in which fibers that are particle-encapsulating, bicomponent, hollow, and unelectrospinnable could be fabricated. ", "Control over core-sheath cone-jet morphology could be manipulated via slit size, flow rate, and solution viscosity. ", "Versatility and process control are both attributes that are highly attractive and desirable for manufacturing operations. ", "In on-going work, we are scaling the slit-fixtures to longer lengths, targeting even higher throughput benchmarks, and developing a system with longer or continuous run-time in order to maximize efficiency and manufacturability. ", "In doing so, we believe that slit-surface electrospinning will fulfill the tremendous potential of electrospun core-sheath fibers by enabling their successful manufacturing and commercialization.", "\n\nThis work was funded in part by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Technology Innovation Program, Cooperative Agreement \\#70NANB11H004.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The co-authors Xuri Yan, John Marini, Robert Mulligan, Abby Deleault, Upma Sharma, Toby Freyman, and Quynh P. Pham are or were employed by Arsenal Medical, Inc. and hold or have held stock options in the company. ", "Upma Sharma, Quynh Pham, John Marini, and Xuri Yan are also inventors on patent application number PCT/US2014/011813, which describes the slit-surface electrospinning technology. ", "There are no other patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. ", "This does not alter the authors' adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.", "\n\n[^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: QPP XY JM US. ", "Performed the experiments: XY AD. ", "Analyzed the data: QPP JM RM XY MPB GCR TF. ", "Wrote the paper: QPP XY TF.", "\n" ]
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[ "Cyber Punk Spitfire By SierraEx Watch\n\n176 Favourites 6 Comments 4K Views\n\nthe product of 2 questions from my Spitfire blog, i really like how this turned out.", "\n\n\n\nSpitfire became even more badflank\n\nIMAGE DETAILS Image size 1480x1050px 678.57 KB Show More\n\nPublished : Jun 17, 2012" ]
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[ "Important information\n\nThis site uses cookies to store information on your computer. ", "By continuing to use our site, you consent to Steel Media's\nprivacy policy.", "\n\nSteel Media websites use two types of cookie: (1) those that enable the site to function and perform as required; and (2) analytical cookies which anonymously track visitors only while using the site. ", "If you are not happy with this use of these cookies please review our Privacy Policy to learn how they can be disabled. ", "By disabling cookies some features of the site will not work.", "\n\nPROS\n\nCONS\n\nIt will devour your time\n\nVERDICT\n\nBlending tight controls with the ever-shifting level design of a roguelike, Devious Dungeon is the perfect procedural platformer.", "\n\nFull Review\n\nApp Store Info\n\nThey say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ", "If this is true then last year's PC roguelike, Rogue Legacy, must be feeling pretty good about now, because Ravenous Games's new title, Devious Dungeon, borrows heavily from it.", "\n\nBoth titles see you venturing through an ever-changing dungeon to defeat a reawakened evil. ", "Success requires precision platforming skills, and a healthy dose of procedurally-generated luck. ", "It is this combination of chance and challenge that makes the game so enticing. ", "While you can improve your skills, you can never predict what dangers lay ahead.", "\n\nThe similarities don't end there. ", "Both games feature an RPG levelling system which enables your character to increase in power with each playthrough. ", "New items and buffs are visible on your 8-bit styled character, and as he becomes increasingly burly so too does your sense of empowerment.", "\n\nBut do not let all this talk of similarities mislead you, though. ", "While Devious Dungeon has plenty in common with Rogue Legacy, there are notable differences.", "\n\nThe most obvious of these is the switch to touchscreen, with controls stripped back to a responsive minimum. ", "The movement commands are managed by your left thumb, while attack and jump buttons rest under the other. ", "It isn't groundbreaking, the responsiveness and versatility of the controls is impressive. ", "These are vital traits in such a precision-focused game. ", "When you're low on health and only a few XP away from levelling up, there is nothing more frustrating than dying due to wonky inputs.", "\n\nThe difference is the game's structure. ", "Rather than a single sprawling castle, Devious Dungeon breaks everything up into shorter, more digestible levels. ", "Each lasts about two or three minutes - the perfect length to keep you coming back to try and boost your character just one more level.", "\n\nDevious Dungeon is the perfect bite sized platformer. ", "Its levelling system will draw you in, while its ever-changing levels will mean that you will never get bored.", "\n\nDescription\n\nDevious Dungeon is a medieval action platforming game by the creators of Random Heroes and League of Evil!", "\n\nThe catacombs under the Kingdom are infested with evil creatures. ", "You must venture deep within the dungeons eliminating the threat! ", "Slay monsters, collect loot, level up and upgrade your gear." ]
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[ "Ousted FBI deputy Andrew McCabe has said his firing is part of the president's 'war' on the Bureau and that he was only shown the door because he could back-up what James Comey previously alleged about the president's alleged interference with the Russia probe.", "\n\nMcCabe made the remarks on Friday after being shown the door by a celebratory Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.", "\n\nThey said he had lied under oath and knew of 'corruption at the highest level' but did nothing to stop it.", "\n\nMcCabe, who worked alongside Comey in his investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server, protested.", "\n\nHe believes he is the latest casualty of the president's 'war on the FBI', he said.", "\n\n'I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey.", "\n\n'The release of this report was accelerated only after my testimony to the House Intelligence Committee revealed that I would corroborate former Director Comey’s accounts of his discussions with the President.", "\n\nScroll down for video\n\nFormer FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (above) was fired on Friday, just two days before he was set to get a full pension. ", "He claimed he'd been 'singled out' in Trump's 'war' on the FBI\n\n'The OIG’s (Office of Inspector General) focus on me and this report became a part of an unprecedented effort by the Administration, driven by the President himself, to remove me from my position, destroy my reputation, and possibly strip me of a pension that I worked 21 years to earn,' he said in a statement.", "\n\nComey testified last year that the president asked him to halt his investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and his alleged dealings with Russian officials.", "\n\nHe maintains that his refusal to comply was what got him fired in May.\n\nTrump has always argued that it was his botched attempt to investigate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server that was to blame for the sacking.", "\n\nThe president has long called for McCabe's departure but said the decision was up to Sessions.", "\n\nOn Friday, he celebrated on Twitter once it was official, writing: ' Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. ", "He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!' ", "Trump continued. ", "Trump fired Comey as FBI director last May.\n\nAG Jeff Sessions (above) said that internal DOJ and FBI investigations into McCabe's conduct had concluded that he had 'lacked candor - including under oath - on multiple occasions'\n\nPresident Donald Trump (pictured on Thursday) has long voiced complaints about McCabe\n\nThe latest sacking came just two days before McCabe planned to retire after more than 20 years of FBI service, yanking the full government pension he would have otherwise qualified for. ", "The pension was said to be worth about $1.8million.", "\n\nSessions explained McCabe's firing by saying that the Justice Department Inspector General and FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility - an office stacked with career employees and McCabe loyalists - had found serious lapses on McCabe's part.", "\n\nMcCabe claims he was fired because he can corroborate former FBI Director James Comey's accounts of his discussions with Trump over the Russia probe\n\n'Based on the report of the Inspector General, the findings of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, and the recommendation of the Department's senior career official, I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately,' said Sessions.", "\n\nSessions said in a statement that investigators 'concluded that Mr. McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor - including under oath - on multiple occasions.'", "\n\nThe move to fire McCabe was made on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials and comes ahead of an IG report expected to conclude that McCabe was not forthcoming with the watchdog office as it reviewed the bureau's handling of the Clinton's email investigation.", "\n\nMcCabe served as acting FBI director from May 9 to August 2 of 2017, between Comey's firing and Christopher Wray's confirmation in that role.", "\n\nWhite House press secretary Sarah Sanders called McCabe a 'bad actor' on Thursday, referring to his decision to allow FBI officials to speak to reporters about a Clinton Foundation investigation in 2016\n\nOn Thursday, the White House signaled that it took a dim view of former FBI Deputy Director McCabe's eleventh-hour effort to avoid being fired just days before his retirement was due to begin and he qualified for a lucrative government pension.", "\n\nAt the same time, the Trump administration made it clear that the president isn't eager to take responsibility for firing him.", "\n\n'That's a determination that we would leave up to Attorney General [Jeff] Sessions,' White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters on Thursday.", "\n\n'But we do think that it is well-documented that he has had some very troubling behavior. ", "And by most accounts [he's] a bad actor and should have some causes for concern.'", "\n\nTerminating McCabe 'would be a decision that the Department of Justice would have to make,' Sanders added, punting the ball down Constitution Avenue.", "\n\nMcCabe had planned to retire on Sunday with full benefits.", "\n\nHe stepped down from his active DOJ role on January 29, but had continued to draw a salary in advance of his planned retirement date following a 22-year federal law enforcement career.", "\n\nHis leave from active duty notably coincided with the public release of the House Intelligence Committee memo on alleged FBI abuses of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) warrants, which came out on February 2.", "\n\nThe memo alleged that McCabe signed one of the four FISC applications to conduct surveillance on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.", "\n\nAndrew McCabe full statement on being fired by Jeff Sessions Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe released the following statement following his firing on March 16, 2017 for alleged 'lack of candor' under oath: I have been an FBI Special Agent for over 21 years. ", "I spent half of that time investigating Russian Organized Crime as a street agent and Supervisor in New York City. ", "I have spent the second half of my career focusing on national security issues and protecting this country from terrorism. ", "I served in some of the most challenging, demanding investigative and leadership roles in the FBI. ", "And I was privileged to serve as Deputy Director during a particularly tough time. ", "For the last year and a half, my family and I have been the targets of an unrelenting assault on our reputation and my service to this country. ", "Articles too numerous to count have leveled every sort of false, defamatory and degrading allegation against us. ", "The president’s tweets have amplified and exacerbated it all. ", "He called for my firing. ", "He called for me to be stripped of my pension after more than 20 years of service. ", "And all along we have said nothing, never wanting to distract from the mission of the FBI by addressing the lies told and repeated about it. ", "No more. ", "The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility. ", "The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. ", "I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. ", "The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. ", "Nothing was further from the truth. ", "In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau and to make it clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed. ", "The OIG investigation has focused on information I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor. ", "As Deputy Director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that. ", "It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter. ", "It was the same type of exchange with the media that the Deputy Director oversees several times per week. ", "In fact it was the same type of work that I continued to do under Director Wray, at his request. ", "The investigation subsequently focused on who I talked to, when I talked to them, and so forth. ", "During these inquiries, I answered questions truthfully and as accurately as I could amidst the chaos that surrounded me. ", "And when I thought my answers were misunderstood, I contacted investigators to correct them. ", "But looking at that in isolation completely misses the big picture. ", "The big picture is a tale of what can happen when law enforcement is politicized, public servants are attacked, and people who are supposed to cherish and protect our institutions become instruments for damaging those institutions and people. ", "Here is the reality: I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey. ", "The release of this report was accelerated only after my testimony to the House Intelligence Committee revealed that I would corroborate former Director Comey’s accounts of his discussions with the President. ", "The OIG’s focus on me and this report became a part of an unprecedented effort by the Administration, driven by the President himself, to remove me from my position, destroy my reputation, and possibly strip me of a pension that I worked 21 years to earn. ", "The accelerated release of the report, and the punitive actions taken in response, make sense only when viewed through this lens. ", "Thursday’s comments from the White House are just the latest example of this. ", "This attack on my credibility is one part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally, but to taint the FBI, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals more generally. ", "It is part of this Administration’s ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation, which continue to this day. ", "Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the Special Counsel’s work. ", "I have always prided myself on serving my country with distinction and integrity, and I have always encouraged those around me to do the same. ", "Just ask them. ", "To have my career end in this way, and to be accused of lacking candor when at worst I was distracted in the midst of chaotic events, is incredibly disappointing and unfair. ", "But it will not erase the important work I was prevailed to be a part of, the results of which will in the end be revealed for the country to see. ", "I have unfailing faith in the men and women of the FBI and I am confident that their efforts to seek justice will not be deterred. ", "Advertisement\n\nThose applications all cited the 'dirty dossier' funded by Hillary Clinton's campaign and complied by British ex-spy Christopher Steele.", "\n\nThe memo read in part: 'Furthermore, Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.'", "\n\nOn Thursday, McCabe was summoned to the Justice Department to plead his case in an effort to preserve his pension.", "\n\nSessions didn't meet with him personally, but McCabe sat down with senior attorneys in the department.", "\n\nTrump has complained repeatedly about Sessions, carping that his unexpected recusal from investigations into claims of Trump campaign collusion with Russians sparked an independent counsel probe that he sees as needless and intrusive.", "\n\nTrump has frequently singled out McCabe in arguing that FBI leadership is biased against his administration.", "\n\nHe attacked McCabe during his White House campaign trail, following the revelation that his wife had accepted campaign contributions from the political action committee of then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a close Clinton ally, during a failed state Senate run.", "\n\n'Problem is that the acting head of the FBI & the person in charge of the Hillary investigation, Andrew McCabe, got $700,000 from H for wife!' ", "Trump tweeted last July.", "\n\nThe FBI has said McCabe received ethics approval and was not overseeing the Clinton investigation at the time.", "\n\nThe DOJ's Office of Inspector General, which investigated the FBI's handling of the Hillary Clinton classified email affair for more than a year, reportedly concluded that McCabe authorized FBI officials to speak with a journalist for an October 2016 story in The Wall Street Journal.", "\n\nThe IG report, which led to the disciplinary recommendation against McCabe, has not yet been publicly released.", "\n\nMcCabe played key supervisory roles at the FBI during major events including the Boston Marathon bombing.", "\n\nThe Justice Department sidestepped questions about McCabe on Thursday, telling the Associated Press only that it 'follows a prescribed process by which an employee may be terminated.'", "\n\n'That process includes recommendations from career employees and no termination decision is final until the conclusion of that process,' an agency spokeswoman said." ]
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[ "The forthcoming launch of the Windows Mixed Reality platform has birthed nearly as much confusion in the naming strategy as it has from the suggested quality of the hardware. ", "While the specifications are up-to-scratch on paper, there’s been some doubt as to whether such a hardware agnostic approach can deliver the results demanded by virtual reality (VR) early adopters. ", "In a hands-on with the consumer edition of the Lenovo Explorer, it does appear as though Microsoft has established a welcoming multi-purpose VR platform.", "\n\nFor the uninitiated, the Windows Mixed Reality platform comes in two flavours; a standard edition that can work on low specification PC hardware and the Windows Mixed Reality Ultra format, which allows the same head-mounted displays (HMDs) to use more powerful PC hardware to deliver richer VR experiences. ", "The demonstration VRFocus experienced was clearly the latter given the software on show, but in that a direct comparison in quality to established HMDs, such as the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, was possible. ", "Thankfully, the Lenovo Explorer performed very well in this comparison.", "\n\nDuring the ‘guided demonstration’ VRFocus was presented with – which featured a virtual ‘home’ location through which the small selection of content was accessed – SUPERHOT VR was the first videogame that could be sampled. ", "Just as with the Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR editions, the reactions of the AI opponents are based upon the head movement of the player, and thus was a very appropriate experience for examining the worth of the inside-out tracking. ", "The Lenovo Explorer performed very well in this regard; no immediate issues with loss of position or direction. ", "Though it was only a short demonstration, the tracking did actually feel slightly superior to Oculus VR’s Santa Cruz prototype hardware.", "\n\nThe next part of the demonstration was a view of Machu Piccu captured with photogrammetry. ", "The player is elevated high above the city with a view of the surrounding landscape, distant details providing a good test of the Lenovo Explorer’s screen resolution. ", "Sadly, despite being informed that this part of the demonstration was designed for assessment of the six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) tracking, the desire to move outside of the small sphere provided resulted in a blackout of the experience, thus making it rather irrelevant as a case study for the inside-out tracking.", "\n\nInstead, it fell to Space Pirate Trainer to be a compliment to SUPERHOT VR in this regard. ", "An experience that calls for sudden movement and wide stepping will always be a superior way to assess HMD tracking over a stationary 360-degree video. ", "The HMD and the motion-controllers performed perfectly well in the videogame which has become a standard choice for many public demonstrations of VR – undoubtedly a boon for Microsoft’s platform – providing a convincing argument for the Lenovo Explorer sitting next to the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.", "\n\nWhile the quality of the videogames and experiences on the Windows Mixed Reality platform are comparable to the leading HMDs, the hardware itself is another matter. ", "The Lenovo Explorer is smaller and more lightweight than any of the rival PC HMDs, though it also feels less durable as if made of weaker materials. ", "With the launch around the corner it’s only a matter of time until consumers will be able to evaluate the long-term viability of the Lenovo Explorer for themselves, and VRFocus will be bringing you much more hands-on coverage of this promising new HMD." ]
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[ "Circulating monocytes are reduced by sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor modulators independently of S1P3.", "\nSphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptors are critical for lymphocyte egress from secondary lymphoid organs, and S1P receptor modulators suppress lymphocyte circulation. ", "However, the role of S1P receptors on monocytes is less clear. ", "To elucidate this, we systematically evaluated monocytes in rats and mice, both in naive and inflammatory conditions, with S1P receptor modulators FTY720 and BAF312. ", "We demonstrate that S1P receptor modulators reduce circulating monocytes in a similar time course as lymphocytes. ", "Furthermore, total monocyte numbers were increased in the spleen and bone marrow, suggesting that S1P receptor modulation restricts egress from hematopoietic organs. ", "Monocytes treated ex vivo with FTY720 had reduced CD40 expression and TNF-α production, suggesting a direct effect on monocyte activation. ", "Similar reductions in protein expression and cytokine production were also found in vivo. ", "Suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice and rats by FTY720 correlated with reduced numbers of lymphocytes and monocytes. ", "These effects on monocytes were independent of S1P3, as treatment with BAF312, a S1P1,4,5 modulator, led to similar results. ", "These data reveal a novel role for S1P receptors on monocytes and offer additional insights on the mechanism of action of S1P receptor modulators in disease." ]
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[ "Connaughton got a two-year guaranteed contract as a second-round pick in the 2015 NBA draft after a strong senior year and star turn in the NCAA tournament for Notre Dame that spring. ", "But over two seasons, he has appeared in 73 games and averaged 1.8 points per game. ", "He played more in his second year than his first, and shot better this season, but the minutes didn't increase more than marginally." ]
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[ "LINK - https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/bloop-bloop-relationship-comic/list?title_no=239970\n\n\n\nThis isn’t because I’m getting paid for putting it on Webtoons or anything BUT the hope is that eventually it will get picked up for exactly that. ", "It’s the only series I have that kind of fits for Webtoons and this may give me more of a push to make more on a regular schedule! ", "Thanks for viewing <3" ]
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[ "Reliability and Validity of a Family Cancer and Health Communication Scale.", "\nObjective: To examine the reliability and validity of a new measure for family cancer and health communication and perception of cancer for college undergraduates, the Family Cancer and Health Communication Questionnaire (FCHCQ). ", "Methods: Randomly selected undergraduates (N = 327) completed the FCHCQ online. ", "Results: Results indicated nearing acceptability of reliability for the examining the constructs of family cancer and health communication and perception of cancer, including significant correlations among the constructs in the questionnaire. ", "Validity was supported through confirmatory factor analysis which suggested the models fit the data for the constructs. ", "Conclusions: This pilot study indicates support for the FCHCQ as a new instrument to measure the construct validity of family cancer and health communication and perception of cancer among college undergraduate students. ", "These initial results provide a foundation for continued development and analysis of the FCHCQ for use among college undergraduate students. ", "The findings will lead to the expansion of the FCHCQ for use among various groups and the general population. ", "Through further investigation, this questionnaire may indicate barriers and facilitators of cancer and overall health communication within families with the intent to develop interventions for increasing communication. ", "Thus, increasing awareness of familial risks for hereditary and genetic diseases." ]
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[ "Too Bad, Losers!", "\n\n'They find that each extra close friend in high school is associated with earnings that are 2 percent higher later in life after controlling for other factors. ", "While not a huge effect, it does suggest that either that A) the same factors that make you popular in high school help you in a job setting, or B) that high-school friends can do you favors later in life that will earn you higher wages.'" ]
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[ "Fractal-assisted EUS image-analysis in the evaluation of variceal eradication after elastic band ligation.", "\nEndoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) is a strongly operator-dependent method. ", "Mathematical algorithms in image-analysis are likely to enhance diagnostic accuracy. ", "Incomplete eradication of esophageal varices can be demonstrated with EUS. ", "The presence of paraesophageal varices, visible only with EUS, has been recently identified as a predictor of recurrence. ", "The object of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of fractal-geometry-algorithms for the interpretation of EUS images and their impact on treatment decisions. ", "EUS was performed in 5 consecutive patients in order to detect the presence of paraesophageal varices after complete eradication of esophageal varices with elastic banding. ", "Static images were analyzed and the fractal dimension was calculated. ", "Follow-up ranged from 8-12 months. ", "Fractal dimension was related to a) the presence and size of paraesophageal varices b) Child-Pugh Score c) rebleeding rate. ", "Patients with a fractal dimension > 1.5 rebled. ", "The use of mathematical algorithms derived from fractal geometry enhances interpretation in endosonographic imaging, increases the diagnostic yield and may prove helpful in making individual-tailored treatment decisions." ]
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[ "Monday, March 15, 2010\n\nA reader sent me this link a while back. ", "Some students were forced to write letters of apology to their teachers for scoring below 85 marks in a maths exam. ", "The principal justified the teacher's action and told Lianhe Wanbao that the purpose of the letters was to make the students reflect, and encourage them to improve their performance.", "\n\nIn a way, this post is long overdue - my thoughts on this topic date all the way back a decade or so when I was working at a local polytechnic, then a university. ", "Most universities are run like businesses or at least pseudo-businesses. ", "At the polytechnic, the Principal gave himself the title of CEO and he unabashedly said that running a polytechnic was akin to running a business.", "\n\nI have fewer problems with this concept at the higher education level as these institutions have to be at least partially self-funding. ", "However, it perturbs me to learn that more and more primary and secondary schools are also turning towards this direction.", "\n\nThese days, teachers are ranked against each other measured by KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). ", "If their students don't perform up to par, then they drop in ranking. ", "I assume this affects their appraisal and promotion prospects. ", "Principals are also under pressure to keep up in school rankings (and not just in academics), hence they push their teachers to achieve better results.", "\n\nHere's what happens when schools are run like businesses. ", "Teachers become workers assessed and ranked according to quantifiable output. ", "The principal is like the CEO, answerable to a higher authority based on numbers. ", "Students become products, they are valued only according to the quantifiable output they can contribute, everything else is peripheral or redundant. ", "Everything is reduced to numbers.", "\n\nTherein lies the problem. ", "When you run a business, the focus has to be on results. ", "And preferably quantifiable results. ", "Don't get me wrong, I think it's well and good to try and assess the effectiveness of a school. ", "Afterall, we don't want ineffective schools and teachers.", "\n\nBut instead of seeing how we can better assess the effectiveness of schools, we run the schools to make them easier to assess. ", "Do you see the difference? ", "One tries to find the means to an end, the other changes the end to suit the means.", "\n\nEducation administrators love this because it's so neat, structured and orderly. ", "But the problem is education is about moulding of individuals. ", "And neither individuals nor learning is neat, structured or orderly. ", "The process of education is not and should be like that of manufacturing, taking place in a factory.", "\n\nIf we take this route, there is no \"business\" value in helping a student overcome his learning disability or giving special attention to a child from a difficult family background because the outcome is not quantifiable. ", "We're leaving it to the assumed social conscience of the teacher and the school to step forward in such instances. ", "But realistically, ensuring A students continue to get top grades will likely get priority because it directly impacts on the teacher's KPIs.", "\n\nThere are so many problems with this model and it has frustrated me to no end that the authorities cannot seem to see it. ", "I attribute this to the world's obsession with numbers. ", "A degree in Finance or Economics is considered wow, so valuable. ", "There's just something so finite and secure about numbers, we think they can't lie. ", "But anyone who believes in the unquestioned objectivity of numbers is, well, to put it bluntly, an idiot. ", "Numbers can be so easily manipulated or massaged to suit your own interests. ", "Remember the financial crisis?", "\n\nFinancial people seem obsessed with reducing everything to numbers. ", "I remember at the university, the Finance department implemented a financial IT system which made everyone crazy because it was so rigid it wouldn't allow for variations in anything. ", "Basically, it suited nobody except the Finance guys because it enabled them to compute everything in neat, quantifiable categories. ", "Instead of adjusting the system to cater to variations, they insisted that all departments adjust their output to fit within the given categories.", "\n\nUsing the same analogy, we need to adjust the means to suit the end, not the other way around. ", "Education is not a business. ", "It causes schools to ask kids who don't perform to transfer out; schools to focus on adding to their medal tally instead of character building; students to gauge their own self-worth by the marks on their exams; teachers to ask underperforming students to write apology notes.", "\n\nLet's bring the focus of education back to its original goal - educating.", "\n\n6 comments:\n\nI remember in my old company, we had to implement Balanced Scorecard. ", "Now, this always happens, some top honcho goes for an executive MBA, picks the latest management theory and then returns and decides to implement it. ", "Balanced Scorecard is great in theory, you measure what's important and set your KPIs according. ", "Unfortunately, what happens is people take the easy way out and propose KPIs that are easy to measure, and don't measure what's important. \"", "Not everything that matters is measurable and not everything that is measurable matters.\"", "\n\nSo what happens to the other intangible things that don't get measured? ", "Children's empathy for the less able; passion for learning; excitement in going to school everyday; real (not forced) teamwork; humility; inspired teaching that is remembered for a lifetime; kind words from teachers; kindness to fellow students; even some tangible measures such as number of burnt-out teachers (indicated by number of teachers quitting the service each year); amount of sleep a child gets each night. ", "Let's find a way to measure these instead so that they get done!", "\n\nReward our teachers for teaching/educating, then maybe more teachers who are truly passionate about this vocation will join the service.", "\n\nLilian: EXACTLY! ", "In the university too, it was so obvious, everyone was putting in KPIs that they knew they could easily achieve so their performance appraisals wouldn't be adversely affected but it was such a farce cos those KPIs were not measuring areas critical to the job.", "\n\nThe trouble is so many of these critical areas are simply not measurable in quantitative terms. ", "So they become considered unimportant and are sidelined when in truth, all the intangible things you mentioned are key to the value of education.", "\n\nI see that MOE is really doing something to improve the system e.g. getting people to be allied educators to assist the teachers' already heavy workload of teaching, admin and counseling...Really hope this is a good change..http://www.moe.edu.sg/careers/allied-educators/\n\nCindy: I always wished there were more teachers like you here, who understand the real call behind the teaching profession.", "\n\nEunice: You wouldn't believe some of the ludicrous stories I've heard... clearly some teachers need to consider a career change!", "\n\nMY: Yes, I think there are small steps being made, hopefully they will all make a difference. ", "I still think the biggest change needs to be in the mentality towards education as a whole, but that will take a while.", "\n\nAbout Me\n\nWriting is my profession and my passion. ", "I own and run a professional writing agency, where I do all my corporate writing. ", "Blogging takes care of the miscellaneous excess thoughts.", "\nI'm a mother of two completely polar opposite children. ", "Maybe God figures the challenge would do me good. ", "Or perhaps He just likes to have a good laugh. ", "Whatever it is, I'm enjoying the roller coaster ride." ]
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[ "Wasin\n\nWasin is a settlement on Wasini Island in Kenya's Kwale County.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Coast Province\nCategory:Kwale County" ]
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[ "\n96 Cal.", "App.2d 9 (1950)\nEMERSON MURFEE, Respondent,\nv.\nA. L. PORTER et al., ", "Appellants.", "\nCiv. ", "No. ", "14154. ", "\nCalifornia Court of Appeals. ", "First Dist., ", "Div. ", "One. ", " \nFeb. 8, 1950.", "\n Norman S. Menifee and Henry F. Wrigley for Appellants.", "\n Hugh F. Mullin, Jr., and John A. Cost for Respondent.", "\n PETERS, P. J.\n Murfee contracted with Doelger for the lease of a restaurant. ", "The written lease gave Murfee an option to purchase the premises for $30,000, if such right were exercised at the end of the 30 months from the inception of the lease; otherwise, he was given the right to purchase for $35,000 during the next 30-month period. ", "The first 30-month period expired on June 20, 1947. ", "Prior to that date Murfee, through his agents, notified Doelger, or his agent, that he intended to exercise the option. ", "Doelger, by his agent Porter, had deposited a deed in escrow on May 19, 1947. ", "Various complications arose, hereafter discussed, and on June 24, 1947, Doelger demanded the return of his deed from the title company. ", "On June 30, 1947, Doelger notified the title company that the deal should be closed only upon Murfee paying $35,000, plus $469.40 for insurance paid for by Doelger. ", "On July 25, 1947, Murfee paid $35,469.40, under protest, and then brought this action to recover $5,469.40, the claimed excess. ", "The trial court determined that Murfee was not liable for the insurance premiums; that he had notified Doelger prior to June 20, 1947, that he intended to exercise the option, and that, under the terms of the agreement, the money did not have to be in escrow on that date but that Murfee had a reasonable time thereafter to make the payment. ", "Judgment was granted for Murfee for $5,469.40, and Doelger and his agent appeal.", "\n In their respective briefs both counsel purport to make a detailed statement of facts. ", "Appellants have not supported their statement with a single transcript reference, the respondent with but one such reference. ", "Rule 15a of the Rules on Appeal requires that: \"The statement of any matter in the record shall be supported by appropriate reference to the record.\" ", "Such failure to comply with the rules has imposed an entirely unnecessary burden on this court.", "\n The transcript shows the following: In December of 1944, Murfee desired to purchase the Villa Chartier, a restaurant and bar located in San Mateo County. ", "The then owner wanted $30,000 for the realty and $25,000 for the stock and equipment. ", "Murfee was able to raise the money to purchase the stock and *11 equipment, but was unable to raise the money to buy the realty. ", "Under these circumstances he asked Doelger, a friend of long standing, to invest in the property, offering to lease the premises from Doelger for $400 per month for some fixed period. ", "Doelger agreed, and purchased the real property for $30,000, $20,000 of which was secured by means of a loan from the Bank of America, Doelger putting up the balance of $10,000 in cash. ", "For purpose of convenience, Doelger took title in the name of appellant A. L. Porter, one of his employees, but admittedly Doelger was the real owner.", "\n On December 20, 1944, respondent, and another person whose interest has since been purchased by respondent, and Porter, on behalf of Doelger, entered into a lease and option agreement. ", "The instrument provided that the lease was to be for five years, and that the monthly rent of $400 per month should be payable on the 20th of each month. ", "As security for the rent and the performance of the other obligations of the lease, Murfee gave appellants a chattel mortgage on all of the personal property located on the premises.", "\n The instrument also gave Murfee an option to purchase the real property. ", "It is the interpretation of this clause that presents the pivotal question on this appeal. ", "It reads as follows: \"In addition thereto, and as a material part hereof, the Lessees shall have, and they are hereby given the right or option, at the end of the first thirty months hereunder, but not before then, to purchase the said demised premises for the agreed sum or purchase price of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00), plus the amounts, if any, Lessor may hereafter be required to expend for capital improvements or public assessments in connection with said demised premises; and if the said option is not exercised by the Lessees at the end of said first thirty months, the Lessees shall have, and they are hereby given, the right or option at any time thereafter and within the succeeding thirty months, to purchase said premises for the sum of Thirty-five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00); plus the amounts, if any, Lessor may hereafter be required to expend for capital improvements or public assessments in connection with said demised premises; and upon the purchase of said premises by the Lessees at or after the expiration of the first thirty months, all liability for future rents hereunder shall terminate.\"", "\n The lease expressly required that Murfee, at his own expense, should keep all improvements and personal property on *12 the premises insured in favor of lessors against fire or other casualty in companies satisfactory to Doelger.", "\n Murfee proceeded to operate the premises under this lease-option agreement. ", "Between December of 1944, and July of 1947, he expended over $50,000 in improvements. ", "At all times here relevant Murfee kept all the personal property and improvements fully and adequately insured. ", "Neither Miss Porter nor Doelger ever made inquiry of Murfee concerning the insurance, or ever requested him to take out a policy.", "\n In March of 1945, Doelger, at the request of the Bank of America to have the property insured to protect its loan, without inquiry of or consultation or notification to Murfee, took out $20,000 fire insurance. ", "The premium on this policy was $469.40. ", "Doelger's office wrote insurance, and that office handled this policy, on which Doelger made a commission of about $90. ", "Murfee was not billed for this premium until the escrow for the purchase was created, at which time he first learned that Doelger had taken out this duplicating policy.", "\n About a year and a half before the first 30-month period had expired, Murfee offered to buy the property from Doelger, but the latter refused on the ground that he would rather have the $400 monthly rental during this 30-month period.", "\n The 30-month period expired on June 20, 1947. ", "In April of that year Murfee began negotiations with the Burlingame branch of the Bank of America to secure a loan to assist him in the purchase of the property pursuant to the terms of the option. ", "The bank ordered a preliminary title search, which was issued on April 29, 1947. ", "The manager of the bank testified that on May 20, 1947, he called Miss Porter, the holder of the record title, and informed her that Murfee was ready to close the transaction. ", "She replied that the offer was a month too early. ", "As a matter of fact, however, on the previous day, May 19, 1947, Miss Porter had deposited in escrow a deed naming Murfee as grantee, with a demand for $30,869.40, claiming $30,000 principal, $400 for rent not then due from May 20th to June 20th, and $469.40 for the insurance premium. ", "Miss Porter placed no time limit on the escrow, and, in particular, gave no instruction that it could not be closed after June 20, 1947. ", "She testified, however, that she construed the option clause to require the escrow to be closed no later than June 20, 1947.", "\n Between May 20th and June 20th various complications arose which delayed the actual payment of the money into escrow. *", "13\n Between these dates Murfee became involved in litigation with his wife, and the bank required that she sign releases to this property before it would complete the loan. ", "On June 17, 1947, the bank sent instructions to the title company, and included therewith were releases from Mrs. Murfee and a deed from her to Murfee. ", "At this same time the title company received authority from the bank to draw on it for an additional amount, and to pay that amount to Mrs. Murfee. ", "Thus, the record shows that this complication was entirely cleared up prior to June 20, 1947. ", "The bank manager did testify, however, that on June 20, 1947, a formal satisfaction from Mrs. Murfee had not been received, and that until the bank had received such a document it would not have financed the transaction.", "\n Another complication developed over a tax lien on the property amounting to $5,743.73. ", "This was paid by Murfee sometime prior to June 20, 1947, and the bank so informed the title company early in May of 1947. ", "Nevertheless, no release of the lien appeared in the county records, and it was not until June 25, 1947, that the title company received a letter from the revenue department of San Mateo County acknowledging payment of the tax claim and stating that an official release would thereafter be issued.", "\n Other difficulties arose over the chattel mortgage on the personal property held by appellants. ", "When Miss Porter delivered the deed to the title company on May 19, 1947, she did not send a satisfaction of the chattel mortgage, and, in fact, such a satisfaction was not secured from appellants until late in July of 1947, the acknowledgment of the notary being dated July 31, 1947. ", "The manager of the title company testified that this satisfaction was not indispensable, and that the title company could have closed the escrow without it, but the bank manager testified that, under the bank's rules, he could not advance the purchase price to Murfee until this satisfaction had been secured.", "\n In order to secure the bank loan, Murfee was required to give a chattel mortgage to the bank. ", "Notice of the mortgage was published on June 24, 1947, and the seven-day period of notice did not expire until July 2, 1947.", "\n On June 17, 1947, the bank put up the $30,000 with the title company, but made no provision for the payment of the premium on the fire insurance. ", "The title company received the vouchers in reference to the deal on June 19th, but because of the required notice to be given on the chattel mortgage, the *14 bank requested that the closing date be July 2, 1947. ", "Miss Porter, however, demanded the payment of the insurance premium.", "\n On June 24, 1947, Miss Porter, by messenger, demanded the return of her deed to Murfee, but the title company refused to surrender it. ", "On June 30, 1947, Miss Porter sent additional instructions to the title company, ordering it not to close the deal unless Murfee paid $35,000 for the property, plus $469.40 for the insurance premium.", "\n The transaction could have been closed on July 2, 1947, and perhaps on June 19, 1947, because on that date the money demanded had been deposited, but it was not actually closed until July 25, 1947, because of the dispute over the amount of the demand. ", "Murfee paid the extra $5,469.40, under protest, in order to protect his rights, and then filed this action against Doelger and Porter to recover that sum.", "\n The theory of the trial court in allowing Murfee to recover is disclosed in the following two findings:\n \"It is true that plaintiff had a reasonable time after the end of the thirtieth month, to-wit, after June 20, 1947, to tender payment of the $30,000.00 due as the purchase price; and it is true that said purchase price was tendered to defendants within a reasonable time after said 20th day of June, 1947. ", "It is also true that the demands of the defendants contained in the instructions to the California Pacific Title Insurance Company, ... were excessive in the sum of $869.40, since the $400.00 rental for the period from May 20, 1947, to June 20, 1947, was not then due and was thereafter paid on the regular rental day of May 20, 1947, and that the sum of $469.40 alleged by defendants would be due for insurance was an improper demand on plaintiff.\"", "\n \"It is true that the demands of defendants contained in said instructions to said Title Company were excessive in the sum of $5,469.40 in that the $469.40 for insurance taken out by defendants was not chargeable to plaintiff ... and since the $5,000.00 in addition to the purchase price of $30,000.00 was not a valid demand on plaintiff inasmuch as plaintiff should have been allowed a reasonable time from June 20, 1947, to tender to defendants the sum of $30,000.00 as the option had been exercised by plaintiff prior to the thirty month period provided for in the above referred to option to purchase ...\"\n [1a] The basic legal question presented is whether, under the lease-option agreement, Murfee was not only required to *15 notify Doelger of his election to purchase before June 20, 1947, but under conditions then existing, he was also required to tender the purchase price not later than that day.", "\n Appellants contend that, under such an agreement, tender of the purchase money must be made before the expiration of the option.", "\n Of course, the problem is one of intent. ", "If the contract requires a tender of the purchase price before a specific date, time being of the essence of the option, the money must be tendered as specified, but the real question is whether, when a contract, such as the one here involved, confers an option which must be exercised on or before a fixed date, and is silent about the exact time of payment, the purchase price must be tendered on or before the date fixed for the exercise of the option, or whether the purchaser has a reasonable time thereafter to comply. ", "The problem is discussed in an annotation in 101 American Law Reports, page 1432, where many cases involving various factual situations are collected and discussed.", "\n The two California cases cited by appellants in support of their contention are cases where the contract was explicit as to time of payment. ", "The following quotation from Mariposa Commercial etc. ", "Co. v. Peters, 215 Cal. ", "134, at page 142 [8 P.2d 849], demonstrates the distinction between that case and the instant one: \"As already stated the lease provided that if notice of election to exercise the option were given to respondent by November 25, 1929, and if the purchase price of $570,000 were paid by November 30, 1929, appellants could purchase, providing that at that time they were not in default under the terms of the lease. ... ", "In the second place appellants at no time paid or tendered the purchase price ... which by the provisions of the lease and option had to be paid by November 30, 1929. ", "Not having complied with the terms thereof the option terminated November 30, 1929.\" (", "Italics added.)", "\n In Heine v. Treadwell, 72 Cal. ", "217 [13 P. 503], the other California case relied upon by appellants, the court based its decision upon its interpretation of the option agreement, holding that, under the express terms of that agreement, the purchase price had to be tendered at a time specified in the agreement. ", "The action was one of ejectment. ", "The lease gave the defendant the \"privilege of purchasing at any time during the term for $3,250, upon giving ten days' previous notice of his election so to purchase ...\" (P. 219.) ", "The court *16 quite properly held that, under the terms of the lease, tender of the purchase price was required before the lease had expired.", "\n A case more closely analogous to the instant case is Cates v. McNeil, 169 Cal. ", "697 [147 P. 944]. ", "There, the plaintiff brought an action in unlawful detainer, claiming that defendants were unlawfully holding over after the expiration of their lease. ", "Defendants cross-complained, seeking specific performance under a provision of the lease giving them an option to purchase the leased premises. ", "The option rights expired on May 27, 1912. ", "Defendants had served upon plaintiff a notice of election to buy on May 25th, but had not then deposited the purchase price. ", "The pertinent provision of the lease provided (p. 700): \"And in case the party of the second part shall not exercise its right and option to purchase said land within two years from date hereof, then and in that event such right and option to purchase shall absolutely determine and be null and void except that the party of the second part, after having paid the rent on said property for the term of ten years shall then have the right and option to purchase said property for the price of $600.00 per acre.\"", "\n The dispute arose at the termination of the 10-year period. ", "Plaintiff argued that there was no valid acceptance by defendants because a tender had not been made within the 10-year period. ", "In disposing of the contention the court stated (p. 706): \"We do not deem it necessary here to discuss the terms of the notice served on appellants as to whether it constituted a tender of the purchase price at that time or not. ", "The option clause gave the respondents a right to purchase the leased premises for the price of six hundred dollars an acre. ", "There is nothing in the option clause which requires payment of the price of the land to be made or tendered when the option right is exercised in order to constitute an acceptance. ", "Payment may or may not be made an essential condition to the exercise of such a right just as the parties see fit to provide for in the option agreement. ", "But nothing is said about payment in the option clause here. ", "It is not even mentioned. ", "What the respondents acquired under the option clause was an irrevocable right of option to purchase the property at a specified price if they should at the end of ten years elect to do so and all that was necessary on their part to do as far as the terms of the option are concerned in order to constitute a binding contract for the sale and purchase of the premises was to give notice of their acceptance of the right. ", "This they did. ", "Payment of the purchase price at that *17 time was not a condition required by the option and it is not for the court to incorporate terms in it which the parties to it did not incorporate or even mention. ", "Of course, payment would be essential before respondents would be entitled to a conveyance of the land but that is a matter pertaining to the performance of the contract of purchase and sale which had been created by the acceptance. ", "In the absence of anything in the contract itself the obligation of the parties in the performance of the contract is governed by the law applying generally to bilateral contracts for the purchase and sale of property under which the agreement or covenant of the vendor to convey and the vendee to pay the purchase price are considered mutual and dependent covenants and are to be performed contemporaneously by the respective parties. ", "Each party must perform his part in carrying out the contract and do so within a reasonable time after the contract is created. ", "The payment of the purchase price and the delivery of the deed are to be done concurrently and as the option clause here did not provide otherwise respondents were not bound to make payment of the purchase price until appellants were prepared to make them a deed conveying to them a good title to the premises.\"", "\n While it is true that in the Cates case the sellers did not deposit a deed, while in the instant case Doelger did deposit a deed prior to the expiration of the 30-month period, that fact cannot serve to distinguish the two cases because Doelger had also filed instructions calling for the payment of insurance, and Miss Porter failed to file a release of the chattel mortgage held by appellants. ", "Thus, the deposit of the deed was subject to conditions not contained in the contract. ", "Under the contract, appellants had no legal right to take out insurance as long as Murfee had the property insured. ", "Appellants took out the insurance without Murfee's knowledge, permission or consent. ", "They had no legal right to impose this charge of $469.40 upon him. ", "So far as the chattel mortgage is concerned, the bank manager testified that he could not advance the money until a release of the chattel mortgage had been given. ", "Thus, appellants' deposit of the deed was subject to invalid limitations and amounted, legally, to no deposit at all.", "\n [2] The rule of the Cates case is sound and in accordance with generally accepted legal principles. ", "Supported by many cases, these general principles are expressed as follows in the following authorities: \"The 'exercise' of an option is merely *18 the election of the optionee to purchase the property.\" (", "66 C.J. 497.) \"", "Except where required by statute to be in writing, an option may be exercised or accepted orally unless the contract requires a written acceptance ...\" (66 C.J. 499.) \"... ", "payment or tender is not essential unless it is a condition precedent.\" (", "66 C.J. 500.) \"", "If no time is specified the acceptance must be within what is a reasonable time under the circumstances of the particular case. ", "The principle that time is of the essence of an option generally applies only to acceptance and not to performance.\" (", "66 C.J. 503; see, also, 55 Am.", "Jur. ", "512.) \"", "It is a general rule that an optionor who has given the right to purchase property within a specified time may not do any act or omit to perform any duty calculated to cause the optionee to delay in exercising the right.\" (", "55 Am.", "Jur. ", "510.) (", "For a detailed discussion of these general principles see 3 Thompson on Real Property (Perm. ", "ed.), ", " 1325, 1329, 1330, 1331; vol. ", "8, 4569, 4573.) ", "Once the option to purchase was exercised, the lease and option agreement no longer existed, and a binding contract of purchase and sale came into existence between the parties. (", "55 Am.", "Jur. ", "494; Smith v. Post, 167 Cal. ", "69 [138 P. 705]; W. G. Reese Co. v. House, 162 Cal. ", "740 [124 P. 442].)", "\n [1b] Appellants argue that the finding that Murfee notified Doelger of his intent to exercise the option within the time required by the agreement is unsupported, apparently on the theory that no election was made exactly on June 20, 1947. ", "Such an argument places formalism ahead of substance. ", "The bank manager, on behalf of Murfee, notified appellants of Murfee's election to purchase on May 20, 1947, and the instructions of the purchaser were filed with the title company under date of June 17, 1947. ", "Both were continuing acceptances, and in effect on June 20, 1947.", "\n The acceptance here was clearly timely and complete. ", "The appellants had deposited their deed on May 19, 1947, subject, however, to invalid instructions. ", "The bank deposited its money and vouchers in escrow on June 19, 1947. ", "This was a clear acceptance. ", "The delay caused by the publication of the chattel mortgage did not qualify the acceptance. ", "Releases filed by Mrs. Murfee on June 17th cleared any claim she might have had on the $30,000. ", "The tax liens were paid prior to the 20th, and the fact that the title company was not so notified by the county was immaterial. ", "Had appellants' demands not been in excess of the amount called for by the lease, the whole transaction could have been closed on the 20th, *19 subject only to the time interval required to publish notice in connection with the chattel mortgage. ", "The delay was largely caused by appellants. ", "At any rate, the money was deposited within a reasonable time. ", "This being so, the acceptance was timely.", "\n The judgment appealed from is affirmed.", "\n Ward, J., and Bray, J., concurred.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUploadItem: How to get event when file is successfully Uploaded?", "\n\nI'm new to SmartGWT. ", "I'm using SmartGWT(LGPL) 2.2 with FF 3.6.", "\nI've done the file upload module in my GWT-Ext project successfully. ", "In that I was using a FormPanel & a FileUpload control. ", "After the file is uploaded I handled the event like this:\nCode:\nformPanel.addFormListener(new FormListenerAdapter(){\n\n @Override\n public void onActionComplete(Form form, int httpStatus,\n String responseText) {\n MessageBox.alert(\"Succesful\");\n }\n @Override\n public void onActionFailed(Form form, int httpStatus,\n String responseText) {\n MessageBox.alert(\"Failed\");\n }\n\n });\n\nI used Struts to send request to my Action Class & redirect it back to the listener like this:\nCode:\n <package name=\"default\" extends=\"struts-default\">\n <action name=\"FileUploadAction\" class=\"com.nextenders.server.actions.", "FileUploadAction\" >\n <result name=\"success\" type=\"redirect\">SUCCESS</result>\n <result name=\"fail\">FAIL</result>\n <result name=\"none\">NONE</result>\n <result name=\"blank\">BLANK</result>\n <result name=\"size\">SIZE</result>\n </action>\n </package>\n\nI'm using DynamicForm and UploadItem of SmartGWT.", "\ncan anyone tell me if there is a similar functionality like formPanel.addFormListener() in DynamicForm of SmartGWT?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is no in built callback available for this.", "\nYou need to create some code to implement callback feature.", "\nYou can get some idea \nhttp://forums.smartclient.com/showthread.php?t=5477\n\n" ]
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[ "Scale and Frequency of Ivory Seizures Shows A Rising Threat to Elephants\n\nMore often than not, we are left with only anecdotal evidence; stories and accounts which once combined, can still give us great insight into what is happening in the global illegal ivory trade and measure the degree of threat faced by elephants.", "\n\nCounting, measuring, recording and developing a comprehensive incident record of elephant poaching is nearly impossible. ", "The quantities and distances involved render it a Herculean task.", "\n\nMore often than not, we are left with only anecdotal evidence; stories and accounts which once combined, can still give us great insight into what is happening in the global illegal ivory trade and measure the degree of threat faced by elephants.", "\n\nWhat is clear is the threat to elephants is grave.", "\n\nAccording to the Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS) report, there has been:\n\n“a steadily increasing trend in levels of illicit ivory trade in 2004 onwards, with an exceptionally sharp upsurge in 2009….seizures of ivory reached record levels in 2009 and that these levels were largely sustained in 2010.”", "\n\nAs you can see from the incident data below, 2011 is already shaping up to be a deadly year with 4759 elephant tusks seized in these major seizures.", "\n\nOn April 1st Thai officials discovered 247 tusks hidden in a shipment from Kenya; although it is still not clear what region the ivory originated from.", "\n\nTwo weeks later Vietnamese officials seized 122 elephant tusks a day after Chinese custom officials uncovered 707 elephant tusks during a routine inspection.", "\n\nIn early May Kenyan authorities uncovered 84 elephant tusks at Nairobi airport.", "\n\nIn June a further 22 elephants were killed in the Congo Basin bringing the known total there to at least 77 elephants killed for their ivory in 2011.", "\n\nAn August 12th report highlighted a 50% increase in the number of ivory items on sale in Guagzhou, China from the period of 2004-2011, most of which lacked any proper CITES identification.", "\n\nOnly one week later, a China-bound shipment from Tanzaniawas seized in Malaysiawith 664 elephant tusks.", "\n\n1041 elephant tusks bound for Malaysia were seized on the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar on August 23rd.", "\n\nThe following week officials in Hong Kong seized 794 African elephant tusks on a shipment from Malaysia. ", "That same week officials in Malaysia seized 695 elephant tusks that had come from Tanzania and were bound for China.", "\n\nAnd more elephants in Samburu Park have been poached in the past 2.5 years than in the previous 11 years.", "\n\nIndividually these seizures illustrate a thriving illegal trade in ivory. ", "Collectively they represent a threat to the very survival of elephants in parts of Africa and Asia.", "\n\n-- AH\n\nFor more information on the International Fund for Animal Welfare effort to save animals in crisis around the world, visit https://ifaw.org\n\nComments: 2\n\nAnonymous\n\n6 years ago\n\nThis massive escalation in the trade of ivory and other \"body parts\" of endangered species reveals a new and more sinister trend...a new player if you will on the scene...A DEMONIC SOUL WITH WEALTH AND POWER WHO BUYS AND COLLECTS FOR INVESTMENT ONLY...THE COMMODITIZATION OF IVORY IS THE GREATEST THREAT TO THE SURVIVAL OF ALL ELEPHANTS TODAY !!! ", "It is no accident that the term \"white gold' is used to describe elephant ivory by these dangerous purveyors of death. ", "These criminals warehouse and wait...they could care less if it were carved or not...and certainly only concerned with profit and nothing else...LET'S GET THEM NOW...I commend authorities throughout the world for the recent airport seizures...but let these shipments go further down the line, while under investigation, and let's GET THE BIG GUYS...NOT JUST THE MULES..AND PUT THEM AWAY FOR LIFE !!!" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to computer networks, and more specifically, to a system for discovering and storing location information for network entities or devices.", "\n2. ", "Background Information\nComputer networks typically comprise a plurality of interconnected network entities. ", "A network entity may consist of any device, such as a computer or end station, that xe2x80x9csourcesxe2x80x9d (i.e., transmits) or xe2x80x9csinksxe2x80x9d (i.e., receives) datagrams (e.g., packets and/or frames). ", "A common type of computer network is a local area network (xe2x80x9cLANxe2x80x9d) which typically refers to a privately owned network within a single building or campus. ", "LANs typically employ a data communication protocol (LAN standard), such as Ethernet, FDDI or token ring, that defines the functions performed by the data link and physical layers of a communications architecture (i.e., a protocol stack). ", "In many instances, several LANs may be interconnected by point-to-point links, microwave transceivers, satellite hookups, etc. ", "to form a wide area network (xe2x80x9cWANxe2x80x9d) or intranet that may span an entire country or continent.", "\nOne or more intermediate network devices are often used to couple LANs together and allow the corresponding network entities to exchange information. ", "For example, a bridge may be used to provide an interconnecting function between two or more LANs. ", "Alternatively, a switch may be utilized to provide a xe2x80x9cswitchingxe2x80x9d function for transferring information between a plurality of LANs or end stations. ", "Bridges and switches may operate at various levels or layers of a communication protocol stack. ", "For example, a switch may operate at layer 2 which, in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model, is called the data link layer and includes the Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media Access Control (MAC) sub-layers. ", "Frames at the data link layer typically include a header containing the MAC address of the entity sourcing the message, referred to as the source address, and the MAC address of the entity to whom the message is being sent, referred to as the destination address. ", "To perform the switching function, layer 2 switches examine the MAC destination address of each data frame received on a source port. ", "The frame is then switched onto and driven from the destination port(s) associated with that MAC destination address.", "\nOther network devices, commonly referred to as routers, may operate at higher communication layers, such as layer 3 of the OSI Reference Model, which in TCP/IP networks corresponds to the Internet Protocol (IP) layer. ", "Data frames at the IP layer also include a header which contains an IP source address and an IP destination address. ", "is Routers or layer 3 switches may re-assemble or convert received data frames from one LAN standard (e.g., Ethernet) to another (e.g. token ring). ", "Thus, layer 3 devices are often used to interconnect dissimilar subnetworks. ", "Many equipment manufacturers include both layer 2 switching and layer 3 routing functions in a single device.", "\nOften, it is desirable to obtain information about where specific network entities, such as end stations, servers, switches, etc., ", "or specific devices are physically located. ", "For example, network administrators may wish to perform inventories on the equipment making up their computer networks. ", "This information can then be used in determining maintenance schedules, among other applications. ", "Currently, only manual systems exist for collecting and storing such information. ", "Specifically, the network administrator would visit each location, write down identifying information for the network equipment at that location and then enter this information in some type of data base, such as a spreadsheet. ", "Because the creations of such manual inventories are so time consuming, they are rarely performed. ", "They are also error-prone, resulting in the data base having incorrect information. ", "As a result, few network administrators have access to such information even though it could facilitate many applications.", "\nMany communities provide enhanced 911 (E911) emergency telephone calling services. ", "With E911, emergency operators receive the location of 911 calls as well as the telephone number from which the call originated. ", "Location information is obtained from an Automation Location Information (ALI) database. ", "Telephone subscriber information, e.g., name, address, telephone number, is typically used to build the ALI database. ", "For organizations using a private branch exchange (PBX) telephone switch, however, subscriber information is often limited to the organization\"\"s name and its main address. ", "As a result, the xe2x80x9caddressxe2x80x9d displayed to emergency operators who receive a 911 call from inside a PBX can be imprecise or even far away from the caller\"\"s actual location. ", "In this case, the operator must obtain location information from the caller defeating a major purpose of E911 services.", "\nIt is an object of the present invention to provide a system for discovering location information for network entities and devices that is neither time-consuming nor error prone.", "\nIt is a further object of the present invention to utilize location information in requests for emergency services.", "\nBriefly, the present invention is directed to a system for discovering and maintaining geographic location information for computer networks. ", "In accordance with a preferred embodiment, the system includes a computing unit, such as a laptop, notebook or palm personal computer (PC), and a geographic location generator, such as a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. ", "The computing unit includes a location discovery entity and a message generator. ", "The GPS receiver, which is mounted to and in communication with the computing unit, may be augmented with an inertial navigation unit to facilitate the generation of location information inside of buildings where GPS signals can be difficult to receive. ", "The computing unit further includes a network interface card (NIC) so that it can communicate with one or more network devices, such as a network switch. ", "The switch includes a location recording/reporting entity and a location database. ", "The recording/reporting entity is configured to receive and recognize messages from the computing unit, and to store information at the location database.", "\nIn operation, a user, such as a network administrator, takes the computing unit to a network site for which geographic location information is desired. ", "The GPS receiver is activated to obtain physical coordinates of the site. ", "If the GPS receiver is unable to obtain the coordinates, e.g., due to a weak satellite signal, the user may take the system to a substitute spot where such coordinates can be obtained, e.g., a window. ", "The user then initializes or zeros the inertial navigation unit and returns to the site of interest. ", "The coordinates from the substitute spot are then adjusted by the signals produced by the inertial navigation system so as to produce physical coordinates for the network site of interest.", "\nThe physical coordinates are then loaded into a network message and sent to the switch by the computing unit. ", "Specifically, the computing unit\"\"s NIC may be connected to a network outlet that is disposed at the site of interest and coupled to the network device. ", "The network device receives the message across the network, and notes the device port on which it was received. ", "The network device then recovers the physical coordinates from the message and stores this information along with a port identifier (ID) in its location database. ", "The geographic location of the network site can thus be bound to a port ID of the network device." ]
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[ "Tag: osteogenesis\n\nMesenchymal stem cells possess a cell-surface protein called ALK2. ", "ALK2 acts as a receptor for bone-inducing growth factors. ", "ALK2, for example, is expressed in cartilage and if mesenchymal stem cells express a constantly-active form of ALK2, known as caALK2, these cells are driven to become cartilage-making cells (known as chondrocytes).", "\n\nCan this receptor be used to drive bone formation? ", "It turns out that manipulating ALK2 can drive fat-based stem cells (ASCs) to become bone making cells that ultimately improve bone tissue engineering. ", "Researchers from the laboratory of Benjamin Levi at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts have fiddled with ALK2 in mesenchymal stem cells to for formation of bone from ASCs, and to enhance bone regeneration in a living animal.", "\n\nTo do this, Levi’s team genetically manipulated mice so that they expressed a form of ALK2 that was constantly turned on known as caALK2. ", "The fat-based MSCs were then isolated and analyzed for their ability to make bone in culture. ", "caALK ASCs were much more responsive to bone-inducing growth factors. ", "These cells also expressed a whole host of bone-specific genes (e.g., Alp, Runx2, Ocn, Ops) after seven days. ", "Since the caALK2 MSCs did so well in culture, they were then tested in mice with skull defects. ", "Bone formation was significantly higher in mice treated with caALK2-expressing ASCs than those treated with normal ASCs.", "\n\nThus, Levi’s laboratory has shown that by treating mice with fat-based stem cells that express a constitutively active ALK2 receptor showed significantly increased bone formation. ", "This increased bone formation can also be harnessed to improve skull healing in mice with bone defects.", "\n\nRepairing cartilage defects in the knee represents one of the primary goals of orthopedic regenerative medicine. ", "Cartilage that covers the joints, otherwise known as articular cartilage, has a limited capacity for repair, which leads to further degeneration of the cartilage when it is damaged if it remains untreated. ", "A number of surgical options for treating cartilage defects include microfracture, osteochondral grafting, and cell-based techniques such as autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). ", "Each of these procedures have been used in clinical settings. ", "Unfortunately cartilage injuries treated with microfracturing deteriorate with time, since the cartilage made by microfracturing has a high proportion of softer. ", "less durable fibrocartilage. ", "Also osteochondral grafting suffers from a lack of lateral integration between host and donor cartilage.", "\n\nAlternatively, tissue engineering has shown some promise when it comes to the healing of cartilage defects. ", "Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent progenitor cells that have the ability to differentiate into several different cell lineages including cartilage-making chondrocytes. ", "MSCs have theoretical advantages over implanted chondrocytes when it come to healing potential. ", "MSCs have the ability to proliferate without losing their ability to differentiate into mature chondrocytes and produce collagen II and aggrecan. ", "In the short-term, bone marrow-derived MSCs combined with scaffolds have been successful in cartilage repair using animal models such as rabbits (Dashtdar H, et al., ", "J Orthop Res 2011; 29: 1336-42) sheep (Zscharnack M, et al., ", "Am J Sports Med2010; 38: 1857–69) and horses (Wilke MM, et al.", ",l J Orthop Res2007; 25: 913–2).", "\n\nIn a recent study, Kazumasa Ogasawara and Yoshitaka Matsusue and their colleagues from Shiga University of Medical Science in Shiga, Japan, tested the ability of expanded bone marrow-derived MSCs that had been placed in a collagen scaffold to improve healing of cartilage defects in cynomolgus macaques (type of monkey). ", "Before this study, there were no previous studies using MSCs from primates for cartilage repair. ", "The monkey MSCs were shown to properly differentiate into fat, bone, or cartilage in culture, and then were transplanted into the injured cartilage in the cynomolgus macaque. ", "The efficacy of these cells were ascertained at 6, 12, and 24 weeks after transplantation.", "\n\nIn culture, the cynomolgus MSCs were able to differentiate into fat, bone, and cartilage.", "\n\nUpon transplantation into cartilage defects in the knee cartilage of cynomolgus monkeys, MSCs were compared with collagen gel devoid of MSCs. ", "The knees that received the transplantations did not show any signs of irritation, bone spurs or infection. ", "All of the animals had so-called “full-thickness cartilage defects,” and those in the non-treated group showed cartilage defects that did not change all that much. ", "The cartilage defects of the gel group had sharp edges at 6 weeks that were thinly covered with reparative tissue by 12 weeks, and at 24 weeks, the defect was covered with thick tissue, but the central region of the defects often remained uncovered, with a hollow-like deformity. ", "In the cartilage defects of those animals treated with MSCs plus the collagen gel, the sharp edges of the defects were visible at 6 weeks after the operation, but at 12 weeks, the defects were evenly covered with yellowish reparative tissue. ", "At 24 weeks, the defects were covered with watery hyaline cartilage-like tissue that was very similar to the neighboring naïve cartilage.", "\n\nMacroscopic observations of the repaired defects in the 3 groups at 6 weeks (a, d, g), 12 weeks (b, e, h), and 24 weeks (c, f, i) after implantation. ", "Scale bar: 5 mm. ", "Arrow in (d): the sharp edge of the defect is visible at 6 weeks in the gel group. ", "Arrow in (f): a hollow-like deformity remains in the central region of the defect, despite thick coverage by the reparative tissue. ", "Arrow in (g): the sharp edge of the defect is also visible in the MSC group at 6 weeks.", "Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/full/10.3109/17453674.2014.958807.", "\n\nWhen evaluated at the tissue level, Ogasawara and Matsusue and others used a stain called toluidine blue to visualize the amount of cartilage made by each treatment. ", "As you can see in the picture below, the non-treated group didn’t do so well. ", "In the full-thickness defect the region below the cartilage was filled with amorphous stuff 6 weeks after the procedure, and at 12 weeks, amorphous stuff faintly stained with toluidine blue, which reflects the conversion of the amorphous stuff into bone. ", "At 24 weeks, bone tissue reappeared below the cartilage zone, even though the bone did not look all that normal (no trabecular structure but woven bone-like structure).", "\n\nIn the gel group, cartilage-like tissue is seen at 6 weeks, and at 12 weeks, the faintly stained layer covered the cartilage defect. ", "At 24 weeks, the defect was covered with the cartilage-like stuff, even though the central region had only a little cartilage, as ascertained by toluidine blue staining. ", "The bone underneath the cartilage looked crummy and there was excessive growth of cartilage into the region underneath the cartilage layer.", "\n\nIn the MSC group, the bone underneath the cartilage healed normally, and at 12 weeks, the boundary between the articular cartilage and the bone layer beneath it had reappeared. ", "At 24 weeks, the thickness of the toluidine blue-stained cartilage layer was comparable to that of the neighboring naïve cartilage.", "\n\nEven though the gel group showed most cartilage-rich tissue covering the defect, this was due to the formation of excessive cartilage extruding through the abnormal lower bone layer. ", "Despite the lower amount of new cartilage produced, the MSC group showed better-quality cartilage with a regular surface, seamless integration with neighboring naïve cartilage, and reconstruction of the bone underneath the cartilage layer.", "\n\nThis protocol has been nicely optimized by Ogasawara and Matsusue and their research team. ", "From these data, they conclude: “Application in larger defects is certainly in line with future clinical use. ", "If MSCs—under optimized conditions—turn out to be superior to chondrocyte implantation in experimental cartilage repair, the procedure should be introduced to clinical practice after well-controlled randomized clinical trials.” ", "Hopefully, clinical trials will commence before long. ", "This procedure uses a patient’s own MSCs, and if such a procedure could reduce or delay the number of knee replacements, then it would surely be a godsend to clinicians and patients alike.", "\n\nJohnny Huard and his co-workers from the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh have isolated a slowly-adherent stem cell population from skeletal muscle called muscle-derived stem cells or MDSCs (see Deasy et al Blood Cells Mol Dis 2001 27: 924-933). ", "These stem cells can form bone and cartilage tissue in culture when induced properly, but more importantly when MDSCs are engineered to express the growth factor Bone Morphogen Protein-2 (BMP-2), they make better bone and do a better job of healing bone lesions than other engineered muscle-derived cells (Gates et al., ", "J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2008 16: 68-76).", "\n\nIn most experiments, MDSCs are infected with genetically engineered viruses to deliver the BMP-2 genes, but the use of viruses is not preferred if such a technique is to come to the clinic. ", "Viruses elicit and immune response and can also introduce mutations into stem cells. ", "Therefore a new way to introduce BMP-2 into stem cells is preferable.", "\n\nTo that end, Huard and his colleagues devised an ingenious technique to feed BMP-2 to implanted MDSCs without using viruses. ", "They utilized a particle composed of heparin (a component of blood vessels) and a synthetic molecule called poly(ethylene arginylaspartate diglyceride), which is mercifully abbreviated PEAD. ", "The PEAD-heparin delivery system formed a so-called “coacervate,” which is a tiny spherical droplet that is held together by internal forces and composed of organic molecules. ", "These PEAD-heparin coacervates could be loaded with BMP-2 protein and they released slowly and steadily to provide the proper stimulus to the MDSCs to form bone.", "\n\nWhen tested in culture dishes, the BMP-2-loaded coacervates more than tripled the amount of bone made by the MDSCs, but when they were implanted in living rodents the presence of the BMP-2-loaded coacervates quadrupled the amount of bone made by the MDSCs.", "\n\nThis technique provides a way to continuously deliver BMP-2 to MDSCs without using viral vectors to infect them. ", "These carriers do inhibit the growth or function of the MDSCs and activate their production of bone.", "\n\nThis paper used a “heterotropic bone formation assay” which is to say that cells were injected into the middle of muscle and they formed ectopic bone. ", "The real test is to see if these cells can repair actual bone lesions with this system.", "\n\nResearchers from Boston, MA have used synthetic silicate nanoplatelest or layered clay to induce bone cell formation from stem cells in the absence of other bone-inducing factors.", "\n\nSynthetic silicates are composed of either simple or complex salts of silicic acid (SiH4O4). ", "Silicic acids have been used extensively in commercial and industrial applications that include food additives, glass and ceramic filler materials, and anti-caking agents.", "\n\nIn this study, novel silicate nanoplatelets were constructed that stimulated human mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into bone-making cells in the absence of any bone-inducing growth factors or cytokines. ", "The presence of the silicate triggers a set of events inside the mesenchymal stem cells that re-enacts the steps cell normally take during development when they form become bone cells. ", "These exciting findings illustrate how the use of these silicate nanoplatelets in designing bioactive scaffolds for tissue engineering can lead to the formation of clinically useful bone tissues.", "\n\nThe lead author of this work, Ali Khademhosseini from the division of biomedical engineering at Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, thinks that silicic acid derivatives might be useful in engineering bone. “", "With an aging population in the U.S., injuries and degenerative conditions are subsequently on the rise,” said Khademhosseini. ", "This means that there is also an increased demand for therapies to repair damaged tissues. ", "Forming such tissues requires protocols to direct stem cell differentiation so that the cells can form new tissues and biomaterials. ", "According to Khademhosseini, “Silicate nanoplatelets have the potential to address this need in medicine and biotechnology.”", "\n\n“Based on the strong preliminary studies, we believe that these highly bioactive nanoplatelets may be utilized to develop devices such as injectable tissue repair matrixes, bioactive filters, or therapeutic agents for stimulating specific cellular responses in bone-related tissue engineering,” said Akhilesh Gaharwar, first author of this present study.", "\n\nFuture mechanistic studies are necessary to elucidate those underlying pathways that govern the induction of bone differentiation by materials like silicates. ", "Such studies should lead to a better understanding of how particular strategies can be adjusted to improve the performance of lab constructed biomaterials, and accelerate patient recovery time.", "\n\nPatient-specific bone substitutes have been produced by a team of scientists from the New York Stem Cell Foundation. ", "Darja Marolt and Giuseppe Maria de Peppo from the New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) led the study that demonstrated that customizable, three-dimensional bone grafts that can be produced on-demand for patients from their own cells.", "\n\nMarolt and de Peppo and their co-workers used skin grafts from their patients to isolate skin fibroblasts that were reprogrammed to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). ", "Because iPSCs are made from the patient’s own cells, they have the same profile of cell surface proteins as the patient’s own tissues. ", "Therefore, they are very unlikely to be rejected by the patient’s immune system. ", "Also, iPSCs have the ability to differentiate into any cell type found in the adult body, and therefore, can be used to form bone cells.", "\n\nAfter deriving iPSCs from patient skin cells, de Peppo, Marolt, and colleagues coaxed the cells to form osteoblasts (the cells that form bone), and seeded them onto a scaffold that mimicked three-dimensional bone structure. ", "These structures were grown in a bioreactor that fed the cells oxygen and nutrients.", "\n\nAccording to Marolt, “Bone is more than a hard mineral composite, it is an active organ that constantly remodels. ", "Blood vessels shuttle important nutrients to healthy cells and remove waste; nerves provide connection to the brain; and, bone marrow cells form new blood and immune cells.”", "\n\nPrevious studies have demonstrated that cells from other sources also possess bone-forming potential. ", "However, these same studies have revealed serious shortcomings of the clinical potential of such cells. ", "A patient’s own bone marrow stem cells can form bone and cartilaginous tissue, but not the accompanying underlying vasculature and nerve compartments. ", "Also, embryonic stem cell derived bone may prompt an immune rejection. ", "Therefore, the use of iPSCs can overcome many of these limitations.", "\n\nAs de Peppo noted: “No other research group has published work on creating fully viable functional three-dimensional bone substitutes from humans iPS cells. ", "These results bring us closer to achieving our ultimate goal, to develop the most promising treatments.”", "\n\nSince bone injuries and defects are often treated with bone grafts that are taken from other parts of the body or a tissue bank. ", "Alternatively, synthetic alternatives can also be used, but none of these possibilities provide the means for complex reconstruction and they may also be rejected by the immune system, or fail to integrate with surrounding connective tissue. ", "n the case of trauma patients who suffer from shrapnel wounds or vehicular injuries , the traditional treatments provide only limited functional and cosmetic improvements.", "\n\nTo access the integrity of the bioreactor-made bone, the NYSCF team implanted them into animals. ", "Implantation of undifferentiated iPSCs formed tumors, but transplantation of the iPSC-derived bone produced no tumors, but also produced grafts that effectively integrated into the bones, connective tissues and blood vessels of the animals.", "\n\nSusan Solomon, CEO of NYSCF, said of this work, “Following from these findings, we will be able to create tailored bone grafts, on demand, for patients without any immune rejection issues. ", "She continued: “it is the best approach to repair devastating damage or defects.”", "\n\nThe therapeutic relevance of this work aside, these adaptive bone substitutes can also serve as models for bone development and various bone pathologies. ", "Such bone exemplars could serve as models for drug testing and drug development.", "\n\nIf MSCs throughout the body are similar cell types then we would expect them to have similar embryological origins. ", "However, this is not the case, since MSCs develop from several different embryonic tissues. ", "The first wave of MSCs arises from Sox-1-expressing neuroepithelial cells during embryonic development. ", "However, later MSCs come from multiple sources (Takashima et al 2007), including neural crest cells (Nagoshi et al 2008; Morikawaet al 2009). ", "Therefore, MSCs from various tissues almost certainly have distinct embryological origins. ", "Additionally, MSCs are located in different sites in the body, and are influenced by specific microenvironments. ", "Thus MSCs from different tissue sources might represent distinct cell types, and could potentially display distinct differentiation profiles and express particular genes. ", "Despite these differences in developmental origin and environmental influences, MSCs from various sources have very similar morphologies and share a common array of surface markers (Mitchell et al 2003; Lee et al 2004a; Wang et al 2004; Tsai et al 2007). ", "However, several studies have established that MSC populations are rather heterogeneous (Dominici et al 2009), and, therefore, surface markers expressed on some cells of an MSC population are not always expressed in all the cells of that population (Mafi et al 2011). ", "Also, the growth kinetics of cultured MSCs differs remarkably with respect to their source (Kang et al 2004b; Yoshimura et al 2007; Troyer and Weiss 2008).", "\n\nDespite the shared array of cell surface markers, presently there are no cellular markers or cell surface proteins that are unique to MSCs. ", "In order to provide a more unified approach to MSC biology, the International Society of Cryotherapy has proposed three criteria for the identification of MSCs. ", "Under these criteria, MSCs must: (1) be plastic-adherent when maintained in standard culture conditions; (2) express the following cell surface molecules CD105, CD73 and CD90, and lack expression of CD45, CD34, CD14 or CD11b, CD79alpha or CD19 and HLA-DR surface molecules, and; (3) be able to differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondroblasts in vitro (Dominici et al 2006). ", "Despite these definitions, flow cytometric analyses of MSCs from several different populations have shown some significant differences in cell surface markers (Boeuf and Richter 2010). ", "For example, even though the absence of CD34 is generally considered a criterion for the definition of MSCs, various investigators have reported low expression of CD34 in ADSCs (ADSCs; De Ugarte et al 2003a; Rebelatto et al 2008; Roche et al 2009) and BMSCs (Zvaifler et al 2000; Gronthos et al 2003; Yu et al 2010). ", "Likewise, many investigators have shown that MSCs from multiple sources do not express CD45 (Zvaifler et al 2000; Zuk et al 2002; Igura et al 2004; Dominici et al 2006; Wongchuensoontorn et al 2009), but BMSCs are CD45 positive (Yu et al 2010).", "\n\nComparative gene array analyses of MSCs from different sources have revealed some differences in gene expression between these distinct MSC populations, but overall the gene expression profiles between these cells are relatively similar (Winter et al 2003; Lee et al 2004a; Djouad et al 2005; Wagner et al 2005; Aranda et al 2009; Jansen et al 2010). ", "Proteomic comparisons of distinct MSC populations using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis came to very similar conclusions (Roche et al 2009). ", "MSCs from intra-articular tissues (synovial membrane and anterior cruciate ligament) and chondrocytes show gene expression profiles that were more similar to each other than to MSCs from extra-articular locations (Segawa et al 2009). ", "These data suggest that MSCs from varied sources probably represent similar, but distinct cell types that express a core of common genes, but also clusters of distinct genes. ", "These gene expression differences convey different differentiation potentials upon specific MSC populations and varied requirements for these particular MSC populations to differentiate into specific cell types (Gimble et al 2008; Rastegar et al 2010).", "\n\nMSC Differentiation\nWith respect to the differentiation potential of MSC populations, the general rule of thumb is the closer the MSC source tissue is to the target tissue, the more effectively that particular MSC population differentiates into the target tissue. ", "A few examples should suffice. ", "Yoshimura and colleagues found that rat SMSCs derived from the synovial tissue of the knee, which is closest to the target tissue of chondral cartilage, formed cartilage better than BMSCs, ADSCs, or MSCs from periosteum or muscle (Yoshimura et al 2007). ", "Likewise, gene expression profiles of human BMSCs or umbilical cord-derived MSCs (UCSCs from Wharton’s jelly) definitively showed that BMSCs express a variety of osteogenic genes (RUNX2, DLX5 and NPR3) not observed in UCSCs. ", "Under osteogenic induction, BMSCs produced far more bone than UCSCs. ", "However, UCSCs express angiogenesis genesand fewer genes involved in the immune response than BMSCs, suggesting that UCSCs are superior for allogeneic transplantation. ", "When cocultured with allogeneic macrophages,UCSCs prevented the macrophages from producing immunomodulatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor and Interleukin-6 (Hsieh et al 2010). ", "Finally, Niemeyer and coworkers showed that BMSCs and ADSCs formed bone with similar efficiencies in vivo (Niemeyer et al 2007), but in animals studies, BMSCs produced better repair of tibial osteochondral defects in sheep when compared to ADSCs (Niemeyeret al 2010).", "\n\nMSC Chondrogenesis\nInitiation of cartilage development during animal development begins with the condensation of mesenchymal precursor cells (Woods, Wang and Beier 2007). ", "These cell-cell contacts are mediated by N-cadherin, whose expression is highly upregulated in human MSCs after being subjected to chondrogenic induction (Tuli et al 2003). ", "N-cadherin is required for chondrogenesis of chick limb mesenchymal cells in vitro and in vivo (Oberlender and Tuan 1994). ", "Prior to MSC condensation prechondrocytic MSCs secrete extracellular matrix rich in hyaluronic acid, collagen type I and IIa. ", "Initiation of MSC condensation also correlates with the expression of neural cadherin (N-cadherin) and neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM). ", "The secreted signaling molecule transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is one of the earliest signals in chondrogenic condensation. ", "TGF-β activates production of the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin, which up-regulates N-CAM, and also stimulates the synthesis of Sox transcription factors (Sox-5, -6 and -9), which are essential for cartilage formation. ", "Other extracellular matrix molecules made by chondrogenic MSCs include tenascins, thrombospondins, and cartilage oligomeric protein (COMP). ", "These extracellular matrix molecules interact with cell adhesion molecules to activate intracellular signaling pathways that initiate the transition from chondroprogenitor cells to fully committed chondrocytes. ", "Proliferating chondroprogenitor cells synthesize hyaluronan, collagen II, IX and XI, and the cartilage-specific proteoglycan core protein (or chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 1) known as aggrecan. ", "Aggrecan (encoded by the ACANgene) is a member of the aggrecan/versican proteoglycan family, and is the most predominant proteoglycan in the extracellular matrix of articular cartilage. ", "Aggrecan helps cartilage withstand compression. ", "N-cadherin and N-CAM expression fade and disappear in differentiating chondrocytes (Golding, Tsuchimochi and Ijiri 2006).", "\n\nWhen grown under chondrogenic conditions, MSCs in monolayer culture respond by condensing into high-density three-dimensional cell aggregates (Winter et al 2003). ", "In order to realistically recapitulate chondrogenesis in culture, researchers deposit centrifuged MSC pellets that contain ~200,000 – 500,000 cells in a two-dimensional culture. ", "This culture system, which is one of the most widely used in chondrogenesis research, is called a pellet, aggregate or spheroid culture. ", "To induce chondrogenesis, pellets are cultured in a basal medium (typically low- or high-glucose Dulbecco’s Modified Eagles Medium, otherwise known as DMEM, or fetal calf serum) that contains dexamethasone, ascorbate, proline, insulin, transferrin and selenous acid (Johnstone et al 1998; MacKay et al 1998; Puetzer, Petitte and Loboa 2010). ", "Classically, the growth factor used to induce chondrogenesis in this type of medium is 10 ng/ml of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). ", "TGF-β1, 2, and 3 are the only well-established full inducers of chondrogenesis that, when added as single factors, induce proteoglycan and collagen type II deposition (MacKay et al 1998; Barry et al 2001). ", "Other chondrogenic inducers have been described; bone morphogen protein-2 (BMP-2) for BMSCs (Schmitt et al 2003) and BMP-6 for ADSCs (Estes, Wu and Guilak 2006). ", "However, other studies have failed to confirm the chondrogenic efficacy of these two growth factors (Winter et al 2003; Indrawattana et al 2004; Xu et al 2006; Hennig et al 2007; Weiss et al 2010), and there is even a chance that these two growth factors might only work in a donor-specific fashion.", "BMP-2, -4, and -6, and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) seem to promote chondrogenesis in MSCs when given in combination with TGF-β (Schmitt et al 2003; Im, Shin and Lee 2005; Sekiya et al 2005; Liu et al 2007).", "\n\nThese data do not necessarily mean that BMSCs are the best cartilage-making MSCs in the body. ", "First of all, head-to-head comparisons treated both MSC populations with the same chondrogenic induction protocol, which implicitly assumes that culture conditions optimized for BMSCs are also be optimal for ADSCs. ", "This assumption, however, ignores the intrinsic differences between these two MSC populations. ", "Kim and Im have shown that ADSCs display a chondrogenic potential equal to that of BMSCs if ADSCs are treated with higher concentrations of growth factors (Kim and Im 2009). ", "Additionally, Diekman and colleagues have shown that chondrogenesis of BMSCs and ADSCs is highly dependent on the presence and concentration of particular growth factors, the presence or absence of serum, and the composition of the scaffold in which the cells are embedded for the chondrogenic induction. ", "ADSCs made significantly more aggrecan in response to BMP-6 than to TGF-β, but the opposite was true for BMSCs. ", "Likewise, ADSCs produced more type II collagen in the presence of serum whereas BMSCs produced more type II collagen without serum. ", "Finally when seeded in alginate beads, the quantity of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) made by BMSCs were significantly higher in the dual-growth factor cocktail of TGF-β and BMP-6 as compared to TGF-β alone. ", "However, when these same cells were grown in a cartilage-derived matrix, those grown in the TGF-β-alone cocktail had higher viability and produced higher amounts of GAG when compared to those grown in dual cocktail (TGF-β + BMP-6). ", "Thus the growth scaffold greatly influences the response of MSCs to particular growth factors, but these data also underscore that BMSCs and ADSCs are probably distinct cell types (Diekman et al 2010).", "\n\nSecondly, keeping with the original rule that the closer the source tissue is to the desired target tissue, the more effectively MSCs from those tissue sources differentiate into the target tissue, Sakaguchi and colleagues showed that MSCS from bone marrow, synovium, and periosteum made more cartilage than ADSCs or skeletal muscle-derived MSCs, but SMSCs clearly made the most cartilage (Sakaguchi et al 2005). ", "Interestingly, this result was replicated in rat MSCs (Yoshimura et al 2007). ", "Equine BMSCs, however, do show superior chondrogenesis to UCSCs and MSCs from amniotic fluid (Lovati et al 2011), and human fetal and adult BMSCs exceed the chondrogenic potentials of fetal lung-, and placenta-derived MSCs (Bernardo et al 2007).", "\n\nThe varied responses of MSCs from various sources to different growth factors also have been well documented. ", "For example, TGF-β alone is sufficient for chondrogenesis of BMSCs (Afizah et al 2007), but not ADSCs (Awad et al 2003: Estes, Wu and Guilak 2005). ", "Additionally, the combination of TGF-β and dexamethasone stimulates chondrogenesis in BMSCs, but in ADSCs, TGFβ is required for chondrogenesis but dexamethasone tends to suppress chondrogenesis (Awad et al 2003). ", "The reduced chondrogenic induction of ADSCs by TGF-β is probably due to reduced expression of the TGF-β receptor in these cells. ", "However, BMP-6 treatment induces expression of the TGF-β receptor ALK-5 in ADSCs and combined application of TGF-β and BMP-6 restores chondrogenesis in this MSC population (Hennig et al 2007). ", "A published protocol to successfully differentiate ADSCs into chondrocytes makes use of the combination of TGF-β and BMP-6 (Estes et al 2010).", "\n\nDifferential responses to BMP-6 are also observed in different types of MSCs. ", "As previously mentioned, BMP-6 strongly induces chondrogenesis in ADSCs, but not in BMSCs. ", "BMP-6 in combination with TGF-β inhibits hypertrophy in ADSCs (Estes, Wu and Guilak 2003), but in BMSCs, BMP-6 promotes hypertrophy and endochondral ossification (Sekiya, Colter and Prockop 2001; Sekiya et al 2002; Indrawattana et al 2004).", "\n\nThese varied responses to growth factors by distinct MSC populations might also be a reflection of the assorted levels of “stemness” found among the cells of each MSC population. ", "As previously noted, MSC populations tend to be highly heterotropic, and clonal analyses of ADSCs have shown that these cell populations are a mixture of cells that can form bone, cartilage and fat (tripotent), those that can only form two of these tissues (bipotent), and others that can only form only cell type (monopotent). ", "The ratios of these tripotent, bipotent to monopotent clones seems to vary from study to study. ", "Guilak and colleagues found that 21% of ADSCs clones were tripotent and approximately 30% were bipotent (Guilak et al 2006), but Zuk and others found that only 1.4% of all ADSC clones were tripotent (Zuk et al 2002). ", "The disparities between these studies seem to be due to the media conditions used, the age of the adipose tissue donors, and the overall design of the experiment. ", "However, these studies certainly show that distinct MSC populations consist of cells at varying levels of “stemness,” with some being more committed to a particular cell type and others being less developmentally committed to a particular cell fate. ", "The heterogeneity of these populations almost certainly influences the response of these cell populations to particular growth factors.", "\n\nIn head-to-head comparisons with other types of MSCs, the osteogenic potential of BMSCs was approximately the same as SMSCs, and only slightly better than periosteum-derived MSCs (Sakaguchi et al 2005). ", "However, in another study SMSCs from healthy donors expressed significantly lower levels of osteogenic markers after induction of osteogenesis (Djouad et al 2005). ", "Another comparison between human umbilical cord perivascular cells (HUCPVCs) and BMSCs found that HUCPVCs had higher osteogenic potential than BMSCs (Baksh, Yao and Tuan 2007). ", "However, other studies compared the gene expression profiles and osteogenic potential of UCSCs and BMSCs not only showed a pronounced expression of osteogenic genes in BMSCs, but also established their superior osteogenic potential in in vitro differentiation assays (Hsieh et al 2010; Majore et al 2011). ", "It is unclear if these two experiments analyzed the same umbilical cord cell populations. ", "MSCs isolated from human umbilical cord blood also showed a distinctly greater osteogenic potential in comparison to BMSCs (Chang et al 2006a). ", "Also human UCSCs show superior osteogenic potential in comparison to chorionic plate-derived MSCs (Kim et al 2011).", "\n\nAdipogenic induction of cultured MSCs requires the use of compounds that increase intracellular levels of the signaling molecule 3’,5’-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) such as phosphodiesterase inhibitors (e.g., isobutylmethylxanthine or theophylline), and ligands for the glucocorticoid receptor (e.g., dexamethasone), and PPAR-γ, (i.e., rosiglitazone, which is marketed as the anti-diabetic insulin sensitizer AvandiaTM). ", "Additionally, most adipogenic cocktails also include insulin, and some protocols also include indomethacine (Mosna, Sensebe and Krampera 2010). ", "MSCs exposed to these agents form intracellular droplets composed of neutral lipid and express key adipogenic markers (e.g., adiponectin, fatty acid binding protein, aP2) within three-to-nine days (Gimble et al 2008; Muruganandan, Roman and Sinal 2009).", "\n\nExposing MSCs to low serum concentrations or horse serum leads to the expression of skeletal muscle markers such as myogenin and the formation of multi-nuclear myotubes. ", "However, MSCs do not differentiate into mature, skeletal muscles as readily as they do smooth muscles, and the culture conditions under which the cells are grown seem to be extremely important. ", "Co-culturing BMSCs (Lee, Kosinski and Kemp 2005; Beier et al 2011) or ADSCs (Di Rocco et al 2006) with skeletal muscles can induce myotube formation and the expression of myogenic genes by MSCs. ", "The efficiency of skeletal muscle formation with this procedure is almost doubled by exposing MSCs to the chromatin remodeling reagent trichostatin A (Collins-Hooper et al; 2011). ", "Incubation of MSCs with conditioned medium prepared from chemically damaged, but not undamaged, muscle cells also induces MSC myotube formation and expression of MyoD (Santa Maria, Rojas and Minguell; 2004). ", "Treatment of MSCs with particular molecules such as Galectin-1 (Chan et al 2006), TWEAK (Gigenrath et al 2006) and 5-azacytidine (Kocaefe et al 2010; Natasuke et al 2010) can also induce myogenesis, as can hypoxic preconditioning (Leroux et al 2010).", "\n\nDezawa and colleagues have published a protocol for differentiating BMSCs into skeletal muscle. ", "They treated mouse BMSCs for three days with a mixture of bFGF, forskolin, which is known to increase intracellular concentrations of cAMP, platelet-derived growth factor and neuregulin. ", "After the three-day culture period, they transfected the cells with a plasmid that encoded the intracellular domain of the Notch receptor, and selected only those cells that had successfully taken up the plasmid. ", "To augment the ability of the remaining cells to form myotubes, they exposed the cells to either 2% horse serum or ITS (insulin-transferrin-selenite) in serum-free medium. ", "Both of these media promoted myogenic differentiation of MSCs to myoblasts that formed myotubes, and were able to integrate into existing muscle and repair muscle in mdx mice (Dezawa et al 2005). ", "mdx Mice harbor a loss-of-function mutation in the gene that encodes the dystrophin protein, which, in humans, is defective in individuals who are afflicted with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (Muntoni, Torelli and Ferlini 2003). ", "Therefore, even though it shows a relatively mild phenotype, the mdx mouse is a model system for muscular dystrophy (Sicinski et al 1998).", "\n\nTreatment of MSCs with a drug called 5-azacytidine directs them to transdifferentiate into cells that resemble cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells). ", "In cells, 5-azacytidine is incorporated into DNA where it inhibits DNA methylation, and DNA hypomethylation leads to activation of particular genes (Christman 2002). ", "Treatment of BMSCs (Fukuda 2001; Shim et al 2004; Xu et al 2004; Antonitsis et al 2007; 2008), ADSCs (Rangappa et al 2003b; Lee et al 2009) or UCSCs (Cheng et al 2003) with 5-azacytidine drives them to form cells that have a fibroblast-like morphology, synchronously beat, and express many cardiac-specific genes like troponin T, atrial natriuretic protein (ANP), GATA-4, Nkx2.5, TEF-1, and MEF-2C (Fukuda 2001; 2002; Yang et al 2012). ", "Some work has even shown that these differentiated MSCs respond to adrenergic and muscarinic stimulation (Fukuda 2002), and can integrate into the heart of a laboratory animal and form functional connections with native cardiomyocytes (Hattan et al 2005).", "\n\nBecause MSC populations tend to form smooth muscle rather readily, there have been few head-to-head comparisons of the efficiency of smooth muscle formation in distinct MSC populations.", "\n\nComparisons of the ability of various MSC populations to differentiate into skeletal muscles include in vitro differentiation of MSCs from bone marrow, spleen, thymus, and liver. ", "This study showed that BMSCs, liver- and thymus-derived MSCs all made skeletal muscle in culture, but splenic-derived MSCs did not (Gornostaeva, Rzhaninova and Gol’dstein 2006). ", "Comparisons of the in vivo ability of BMSCs, ADSCs, and SMSCs to form skeletal muscle when implanted showed that ADSCs had the greatest ability to integrate into existing muscles (de la Garza-Rodea et al 2011).", "\n\nInterestingly, a small fraction of BMSCs can form myotubes and integrate into existing muscle when injected into laboratory animals, whether that muscle is damaged or not (Ferrari et al 1998), a characteristic also shared by SMSCs (De Bari et al 2003). ", "However, when UCSCs were injected into the tail vein of mdx mice, the cells were able to integrate into the muscle but unable to differentiate in vivo into mature, skeletal muscles (Vieira et al 2010; Zucconi et al 2011). ", "Different MSCs show varying efficiencies of cardiomyocyte differentiation. ", "UCSCs, for example, show particularly low transdifferentiation rates (Martin-Rendon et al 2008). ", "ADSCs, however, transdifferentiate into cardiomyocytes with the highest efficiency (Zhu et al 2008; Tobita, Orbay and Mizuno 2011; Paul et al 2011;Yong et al 2012). ", "In fact, when grown in a semisolid methycellulose medium enriched with growth factors, ADSCs spontaneously form beating ventricular- and atrial-like cardiomyocytes (Planat-Benard et al 2004). ", "This makes ADSCs an attractive source of material for cardiac regenerative therapies.", "\n\nMSCs and Tooth Formation\nTooth formation results from a complex set of interactions between the overlying stomadial epithelium and underlying mesenchymal cells. ", "Dental mesenchymal cells develop from neural crest cells derived from midbrain and hindbrain cranial neural crest cells. ", "In mice, these two cell populations are in place by day 8.5 (E8.5) and by day 10.5 (E10.5) tooth-forming sites and tooth types are determined. ", "At E11.5, a localized thickening of the dental epithelium that results from cell shape changes forms the “dental placode.” ", "Between E12.5-E13.5, the dental placode proliferates and invaginates to form the epithelial bud around which mesenchymal cells condense (Peters and Bailing 1999). ", "At E14.5, the cap stage, the epithelial component of the developing tooth folds and forms a transient cluster of non-dividing cells called the “enamel knot.” ", "The enamel knot is a signaling center that produces many powerful growth factors, including Sonic hedgehog (Shh), BMP-2, BMP-4, BMP-7, FGF-4 and FGF-9 (Thesleff and Mikkola 2002). ", "The cap stage is followed by the bell stage, and at this time the epithelially-derived ameloblasts and the mesenchymally-derived odontoblasts differentiate. ", "The ameloblasts form enamel and the odontoblasts produce the dentine. ", "MSCs also generate the alveolar bone that forms the sockets for the teeth. ", "Human tooth development occurs in a very similar fashion (Zhang et al 2005).", "\n\nIn adult animals, dentinal repair results from odontoblasts that differentiate from a precursor cell population that resides in dental pulp tissue. ", "These dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) have been isolated from adult human teeth (Gronthos et al 2002). ", "In culture, DPSCs show robust growth and a high proliferation rate and, even after extensive subculturing, have the ability to form a dentin/mineralized complex with a mineralized matrix when grafted into the dorsal surface of immunocompromised mice (Gronthos, et al 2002; Batouli et al 2003). ", "In a rabbit model of tooth regeneration, DPSCs are able to support the formation of functional teeth (Hung et al 2011), and in mouse and dog models, DPSCs regenerated alveolar tooth socket bone in the jaw (Yamada et al 2010; 2011; Ito et al 2011).", "\n\nIn a head-to-head comparison of the ability of DPSCs and ADSCs to replace teeth in a rabbit model, the teeth produced by ADSCs were very similar to those generated by DPSCs. ", "Both sets of replacement teeth were living teeth with nerves and vascular systems, but the ADSCs grew at faster rate and were more resistant to senescence (Hung et al 2011). ", "BMSCs, like DPSCs, are also able to form calcified deposits in vitro (Gronthos et al 2000). ", "Likewise, gene microarray analyses of these two stem cell populations show similar levels of expression for more than 4000 genes, with only a few differences (Shi, Robey and Gronthos 2001). ", "Head-to-head comparisons of BMSCs, DPSCs, and SHEDs have shown that these stem cells have an equivalent the ability to regenerate alveolar tooth socket bone in the jaws of laboratory animals (Yamada et al 2010; 2011; Ito et al 2011). ", "Comparison of BMSCs and SHED gene expression profiles by means of DNA microarray and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction has shown that 2753 genes in SHEDs show a more than two-fold difference in expression level in comparison to BMSCs. ", "The genes that show the greatest differences in expression in SHEDs are those involved in BMP signaling, and the protein kinase A (PKA), c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK), and apoptosis signaling-regulating kinase-1 (ASK-1) signaling cascades. ", "Therefore SHEDs have specific characteristics that differ from BMSCs, and the osteogenic and odontogenic differentiation of SHEDs and BMSCs are probably regulated by different mechanisms (Hara et al 2009).", "\n\nBMSCs can probably serve as a source for dental regenerative treatments, but the faster growth rates and easier isolation of ADSCs probably makes them a superior choice.", "\n\nDespite reports that MSCs can be differentiated into functional neurons, several studies have failed to recapitulate these results (Scuteri et al 2010). ", "Time-lapse photography of rat BMSCs that had undergone neural induction showed that instead of extending neurites, the cells merely shrunk and retracted their cell extensions so that only two extensions remained. ", "This was interpreted to be a response to toxic or stressful conditions, and treatment of MSCs with chemicals and conditions known to stress cells (extremes of pH, high-molarity NaCl or detergents) produced similar “pseudoneuronal” morphology and increased MSC staining for neuronal markers. ", "Strangely, pretreatment of MSCs with cycloheximide (an antibiotic that inhibits translation) failed to abrogate this response, suggesting that no new gene expression is required for cells to assume this pseudoneuronal morphology. ", "These findings suggest that neural induction of MSCs in culture is largely an artifact (Lu, Blesch and Tuszynski 2004). ", "Other studies have implanted MSCs into the brains of laboratory animals in the hope that a neural environment can induce neuronal differentiation in MSCs, but the implanted cells showed a spherical morphology with few extensions and connections with other cells (Zhao et al 2002).", "\n\nWith respect to MSC neuronal differentiation, BMSCs have definitely received the most attention. ", "However, other types of MSCs have the capacity to form neuron-like cells (Chen, He and Zhang 2009; Chang et al 2010; Jiang et al 2010; Lim et al 2010). ", "To date there have been few head-to-head comparisons of the efficiency of neural induction between distinct MSC populations, and this is probably a function of the variability of MSC neural induction. ", "One study found that neural induction of UCSCs and BMSCs produces dopaminergic neurons with roughly equal efficiencies (Datta et al 2011).", "\n\nConclusion\nAre BMSCs significantly different or relatively similar to MSCs from other tissue sources? ", "The extensive research on BMSCs has provided a wealth of data that we can use for comparison with other MSCs. ", "Work on MCSs from other tissues strongly suggests that genuine similarities exist between BMSCs and other types of MSCs. ", "All these MSCs, with a few exceptions, display roughly the same set of cell surface proteins (De Ugarte et al 2003a; Musina, Bekchanova and Sukhikh 2005). ", "For the most part, clonal differences in specific MSC populations notwithstanding (Zuk et al 2002; Guilak et al 2006), can differentiate into osteocytes, chondrocytes, or adipocytes (Pittenger et al 1999; Pontos et al 2006), and BMSCs and ADSCs utilize common pathways to differentiate into these distinct cell types (Liu et al 2007). ", "They also express a common core of genes and proteins that distinguish them from other cell types.", "\n\nDespite these similarities, there are also some stark differences between various MSCs from assorted tissues. ", "First of all, the efficiencies with which these different MSC populations differentiate into osteocytes, chondrocytes, and adipocytes widely differ. ", "Secondly, even though BMSCs and ADSCs use a set of common genes for early differentiation into all three lineages, they recruit different sets of genes for later differentiation and maturation into fully differentiated cells (Liu et al 2007; Kim and Im 2010). ", "Thirdly, varied MSC populations differ with regards to their stemness. ", "UCSCs share more genes in common with embryonic stem cells than BMSCs, and are, therefore, more primitive. ", "They also express more angiogenesis and growth related genes. ", "On the other hand, the gene expression profiles of BMSCs are much more significantly altered under different culture conditions, and express more osteogenesis genes (Hsieh et al 2010). ", "Fourth, even though MSC populations commonly express a core set of genes(Winter et al 2003; Lee et al 2004a; Djouad et al 2005; Wagner et al 2005; Aranda et al 2009; Jansen et al 2010), gene expression profiles of distinct MSC populations differs substantially. ", "For example, UCSCs and umbilical cord blood-derived MSCs(UBSCs) show remarkable differences in gene expression. ", "Gene expression profiles from UBSCs revealed that genes involved in anatomical structure and multicellular organism development, osteogenesis and the immune system were expressed at high levels. ", "However in UCSCs, genes related to cell adhesion, neurogenesis, morphogenesis, secretion and angiogenesis were more highly expressed (Secco et al 2009). ", "Fifth, even though distinct MSC populations express very similar sets of proteins (Roche et al 2009), there are significant differences (Maurer 2011). ", "Finally, the differentiation requirements for each MSC population differ, and these differences are a result of the signature gene expression profiles of each MSC population.", "\n\nThus, MSCs represent a familial cell type, but each distinctive MSC population represents a particular subfamily of this cell type family. ", "While some subfamilies are clearly more closely related to some than others, these MSC subfamilies constitute the constituents that compose the MSC cell type.", "\n\nAUTHOR BIO:\nMichael Buratovich received his Ph.D. in Cell and Developmental Biology from UC Irvine in the laboratory of Peter Bryant where he worked on tumor suppressor genes in Drosophila melanogaster. ", "He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Sussex University with Robert Whittle on the role of Wnt proteins in patterning the peripheral nervous system, and at University of Pennsylvania with Betsy Wilder on Wnt signaling during development. ", "Since 1999, he has been a member of the faculty of Spring Arbor University (Spring Arbor, MI) in the Biochemistry department. ", "He also served as a visiting scientist at Boston University in the laboratory of Joseph Ozer where he worked on the role of basal transcription factors in stem cell differentiation, and has collaborated with Amr Amin at the University of Al-Ain on cancer research. ", "He is zealous about communicating science to the public and passionately blogs at http://www.beyondthedish.wordpress.com.", "\n\nMichael Detamore‘s laboratory at the University of Kansas Medical Center has used mesenchymal stem cells from connective tissue in human umbilical cord tissue to form structures that have some although not all features of human hair.", "\n\nHuman umbilical cord contains a unique connective tissue called “Wharton’s jelly.” ", "Wharton’s jelly expands after birth to staunch bleeding from the umbilical veins and arteries. ", "Within Wharton’s jelly is a mesenchymal stem cell population called Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stromal Cells or WJMSCs. ", "Experiments in a variety of labs have shown that WJMSCs have differentiate into bone, cartilage, muscle, and neural cells. ", "Recently, several labs have used three-dimensional culture systems to get WJMSCs to differentiate into tubular and endometrial cells.", "\n\nDetamore and his co-workers used this three-dimensional culture system to differentiate WJMSCs into layered structures that expressed some of the genes associated with hair follicles and also looked like follicles. ", "The cells formed small spheres of cells known as “spheroids.” ", "Detamore and his colleagues showed that these spheroids can form bone, but during done differentiation, Detamore and the other workers in his lab noticed that the spheroids form protrusions that looked like hairs. ", "See for yourself below.", "\n\nPatterns of hair-like structures in DWJM. ", "Hair-like structures were observed growing out of DWJM 2 weeks following WJMSC seeding and osteogenic induction. ", "In phase-contrast microscopy pictures (A, B) taken during culture, hair-like structures were observed to grow under the outer layer of the DWJM and in some cases either successfully protruded through the outer layer (A) or just caused a protrusion of the outer layer of DWJM (B). ", "Also, the hair-like structures were either straight (A, C–E) or coiled (B). ", "The green arrows in picture (A) pointed to the outer layer covering DWJM. ", "The hair-like structure caused the outer layer covering DWJM to appear lifted up. ", "In this DWJM, 2 hair-like structures protruded through DWJM (red arrows) seen in (A, C–E). ", "A second hair-like structure (red arrows) protruded through the outer layer of DWJM; however, this hair-like structure was surrounded by tissue material (E). ", "In (F), multiple areas of protrusions noted (black arrows). ", "In (C–E) pictures, material was visualized using Nikon SMX1500 dissecting microscope and pictures were taken using Optem DC50NN camera. ", "Scale bars represent 100 μm.", "\n\nThe other side of the spheroid did form bone, but the hair-like structures did eventually form bone. ", "There are specific genes that are expressed in hair follicles, and these can be used to determine if the projections are actually hair follicles. ", "One of these genes, cytokeratin 19 or CK19, was expressed at pretty high levels in the hair follicles. ", "Another hair-specific gene, CK15 was also expressed in the hair-like structures.", "\n\nAre these real hair follicles? ", "Probably not, but they seem to be on their way to making hair follicles. ", "Furthermore, the production of these hair-like structures was rather easy. ", "If WJMSCs could be used to make hair, then they might be useful for cosmetic procedures that replace lost hair follicles as a result of baldness." ]
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[ "[A computer simulation of outcome in early screening studies of cancers of the mouth cavity].", "\nThe purpose of the simulation was to design a specific cancer screening programme for squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck to make detailed estimates of the outcomes of different screening programme options. ", "Therefore, a mathematical model of screening (Eddy) was transformed and simulated with a computer programme. ", "The model is designed as a Markov chain with 7 states and filled with clinical and epidemiological data. ", "The results of the simulation are interpreted as representative for cancer of the oral cavity. ", "Basing on the different system model outputs, mortality with and without screening, effect on life expectancy of the individual and the entire screened population, are discussed. ", "For a screening interval of 6 months the increase in life expectancy for a person with cancer of the oral cavity is 5.3 years, for the entire population (men older than 40 years), however, life expectancy increases only by 9.8 days. ", "The proportion of patients saved from tumour-associated death rose to 65%. ", "The simulation showed a rapidly decreasing effect of the screening programme with longer screening intervals. ", "Therefore, a public cancer screening programme is only useful with a screening interval of 6 months, and the effect on life expectancy is limited. ", "For oropharynx and hypopharynx the possibilities of early stage detection of carcinomas are limited and nearly 60% of the cases with carcinoma of the larynx are already being treated at an early stage. ", "The importance of public health education is emphasised." ]
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[ "Wednesday, May 3, 2017\n\n7 Ways To Promote Your Music On YouTube | hypebot\n\nAs a musician, standing out from the masses in the crowded world of online promotion can be challenging at best, but one of the best platform from which to cultivate a fanbase and grow your notoriety remains YouTube. ", "Here we look at seven of the best ways to promote your music on the popular video sharing service.", "\n\n__________________________\n\nGuest post by Jennifer Smith\n\nAs most musicians will know, it can be incredibly difficult to get noticed when there are so many musicians trying to make a name for themselves.", "\n\nYouTube is a great way to stand out from the crowd and grow your fan base. ", "Did you know that Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran started their careers on YouTube?", "\n\nOther major artists that were discovered on YouTube are: The Weeknd, James Bay, Shawn Mendes, Carly Rae Jepsen, 5 Seconds of Summer and many more.", "\n\nBut how do you use YouTube to get more fans? ", "You want to focus on music, not on video/online marketing!", "\n\nHere are 7 ways to promote your music on YouTube:\n\nOptimize title and description\n\nIt’s important that people can find your videos. ", "To accomplish this you need to optimize your video listing so YouTube knows when it’s relevant to a search.", "\n\nWhen someone searches for ‘techno remix’ or ‘Linkin Park Cover’ YouTube tries to determine which videos are relevant and shown to the user. ", "YouTube looks at your video title and description to determine what your video is about and when it is relevant for a search.", "\n\nEnd with a call to action\n\nYouTube can’t watch your videos so it doesn’t know when a video is considered ‘good’. ", "That’s why YouTube looks at other metrics like the amount of likes/dislikes, comments and how many people subscribe to your channel.", "\n\nTo help increase these metrics, add a call-to-action to the end of your video where you ask your viewer to like the video, leave a comment and/or subscribe if they want to see more videos.", "\n\nWhen YouTube sees a lot of engagement on your videos they will promote your videos more often in search or in the ‘recommended videos’.", "\n\nCreate playlists\n\nOnce someone lands on one of your videos and enjoys it, you need to make sure they can easily find more videos they like and keep them watching your content.", "\n\nAn easy way to accomplish this is to create playlists. ", "Create separate playlists for cover songs, original songs or each album you release.", "\n\nIf you don’t know how to create and manage playlists on your channel, this article by YouTube should help.", "\n\nCreate covers or tutorials\n\nWhen you just get started on YouTube and have almost no subscribers it’s difficult to get some initial traction.", "\n\nA good way to be found on YouTube and demonstrate your skills as a musician is to upload covers and/or tutorials.", "\n\nYou can upload a cover from your favorite band or show how to play a song with your instrument. ", "This is a great way to get views and subscribers when you are new to YouTube.", "\n\nStart vlogging\n\nA great way to build an audience and connect with them on a personal level is to start vlogging. ", "All you need to start is a suitable camera.", "\n\nCollaborating with other (established) YouTubers is a great way to cross-promote each other. ", "If you collaborate with another musician that makes similar music you already know the audience is interested so you are targeting a good audience.", "\n\nJust remember that collaborations should be mutually beneficial. ", "It’s hard to convince a YouTuber with 100.000 subscribers to collaborate with you when you have 100 subscribers. ", "Try to find YouTubers with a similar sized audience.", "\n\nLet Other YouTubers Use Your Music\n\nA lot of YouTubers want to use music in their videos and vlogs but struggle to find good music because of YouTube’s copyright restrictions. ", "To find music they can use, they usually turn to smaller, independent musicians that want the exposure.", "\n\nAn example of a popular YouTuber that uses music in his videos is Casey Neistat. ", "Artists send their music to Casey by e-mail and when he decides to use it in one of his videos he always credits the artist in the video description.", "\n\nCasey has over 6 million subscribers (as of January 2017) and some of his videos go viral and get over 20 millions views. ", "This means a huge amount of exposure for the music artist that supplied the music for the video. ", "For free!", "\n\nBecause many other YouTubers also watch Casey’s videos, there is a good chance other youtubers will contact you about using your music as well resulting in even more exposure.", "\n\nOf course there are plenty of other tips, tricks and strategies to grow your youtube channel but these should get you started. ", "Another good resource to check out is the YouTube Creator Academy. ", "This website contains free training made by YouTube to help you become a better YouTuber.", "\n\nDo you currently use YouTube as a marketing tool for promoting your music? ", "If not, why? ", "Do you plan to use it in the future?" ]
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[ "I've been in a little bit of a funk as of late. ", "My work situation can really take all the creative energy out of you. ", "A friend suggested I try something else and asked me to give my own take on a character he's been developing. ", "Doing these sketches was alot of fun and I really think it's exactly what I needed. ", "I don't want things like this job to get in the way of doing my art work. ", "So I want to keep pushing past all of this even if it gets hard. ", "I'm feeling better now so expect to see more stuff soon <3" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ " \nOUR EXTRATERRESTRIAL NEIGHBORS\n\nBy: Shelton Ranasinghe\n\nThis is work of fiction. ", "All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this book are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.", "\n\nISBN: 9780989276351 \nCopyright © 2014, by Shelton Ranasinghe \n2665 Devon Hill Road, Rocky River, Ohio 44116, USA \nsr2665@gmail.com\n\nThis book is revised edition of Heaven at SETI's Doorstep\n\nSmashwords Edition\n\nDiscover the other titles written by Shelton Ranasinghe at Smashwords.com \n[Buddha Impetus to Primitive Psyche \n](https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/15747)Self – A Delusion? ", " \n[Are We Being Fooled By Our Brains? ", " \n](https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/333050)Hilarious Emails \nThe Phone Rang in the Middle of my Shower\n\nPublished in United States of America \nAll rights reserved. ", "This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the author.", "\n\nDISCLAIMER\n\nAll characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. ", "Any similarity to any real person either living or dead is purely coincidental. ", "No similarity to any person either living or dead is intended or should be inferred. ", "All organizational names, trade names, product names and trademarks of third parties, including any trademarked characters, used in this book are used without the authorization, permission or consent of those third parties. ", "No authorization, permission, consent, sponsorship, endorsement, affiliation or other association by or with any such third party exists or should be inferred.", "\n\n~~~\n\nLovingly dedicated to the kindest woman on earth my wife Dilani and to my two wonderful children Ayesha and Sajeev.", "\n\n•••\n\nSincere thanks to my good friend Bunchy Rahuman for his wholehearted efforts to improve my book. ", "His expert knowledge of English, clear & objective viewpoints and brotherly attitude were what I appreciated most.", "\n\nOur Extraterrestrial Neighbors\nSETI institute seeks evidence of life in the universe outside the earth. ", "SETI is an acronym for Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. ", "Their main activity comprises scanning of the skies for any radio signals or radio waves originating in outer space, presuming they are sent by intelligent beings living on other heavenly bodies. ", "According to current scientific thinking, life can originate and perpetuate on any planet with a suitable environment, given a sufficiently long period of time to evolve and stabilize. ", "Once life emerges, evolutionary processes will eventually lead to development of a life form equipped with a special 'thinking organ' with the ability to develop advanced technologies, similar to the processes that took place on the earth. ", "Based on this fundamental idea, extraterrestrial life forms could be expected to exist and be detected and communicated with. ", "To this end it would be necessary to employ a systematic full spectrum, daily scan of space and listen in on the widest possible spectrum of radio waves to mitigate possible scanning misses. ", "However though the universe had been scanned over the past four decades and millions of dollars had been spent on this research institute; no detections had been made so far by it. ", "SETI Institute was funded entirely by donations from individuals and grants from private foundations. ", "This shows the immense support for and enthusiasm of the public for such research.", "\n\nSeth Sagan is the leading scientist at SETI and has been working from the inception of this institute. ", "For the past 41 years Seth has been having his eyes, ears and soul devoted to his fascinating dream job. ", "He has contributed immensely on the improvements of instruments for electronic listening. ", "Seth is a symbol of persistence, patience and dedication for a job of this nature. ", "He is a well-respected by the scientific community, his peer scientists and by his staff members. ", "Though you may think it would be a boring exercise to look and listen to universe for decades without even a slightest indication of alien existence, it is not so to Seth and the other pioneers at SETI.", "\n\nIt was 7th August 2011, and 10.55 pm. ", "Greg, one of Seth's staff members who was about to pour a cup of coffee for him, heard an unusual beep coming from his monitor. ", "It was pulsating on the monitor repeatedly at regular intervals. ", "He went back to his seat immediately; diverted his concentration fully on it and realized that may be the sign of SETI's dream coming through.", "\n\nSeth was sleeping when his bedside phone rang.", "\n\n\"Hello!\"", "\n\n\"Seth, I'm sorry for waking you up! ", "Come immediately to the center. ", "We have a signal. ", "It is a strange...\" Greg was overwhelmed with excitement as Seth interrupted.", "\n\n\"What? ", "I will be there right away\" Seth understood the importance of the call more than what Greg was trying to say to him.", "\n\nGreg spread the news to a few others who were present at the center and telephoned a few more to join.", "\n\nSeth decided to go there in his pajamas as he did not want to waste any time. ", "He almost forgot his glasses on the way to his car. ", "He drove the 5 minutes' drive in 4 minutes. ", "He was virtually flying than running after he got down from the car and was rushing to the control room.", "\n\nThe look Greg had in his face from the intense concentration on the monitoring instruments, implied Seth that the news must be bigger than he imagined. ", "The others who gathered there were speechless and dazed when they saw Seth rushing to the room.", "\n\nSeth gazed at the monitor and other instruments that showed the signal. ", "Immediately after, he switched on a few more sensing equipment to fine-tune, pin point and lock on to the source and to record the input with the highest possible clarity and detail.", "\n\n\"Fantastic, fantastic\" were the words came from his mouth while he was meddling with the additional instruments.", "\n\nA few times he instructed Greg with his hands and facial signals to attend to various things. ", "Seth could not believe that it had really happened. ", "His face was very different and was glowing with joy, perhaps influenced by the alien signal. ", "This is the happiest face others have seen on him for many decades.", "\n\nThe signal was steady. ", "All the people around the instruments were silent and were looking at Seth. ", "Everybody understood the immeasurable good fortune of being able to detect the signal and the 'once in a lifetime' rarity of this event.", "\n\nAbout fifteen minutes have already passed without any changes to the pattern of the signal. ", "Then, to everyone's utter disappointment, the signal faded out sharply and totally disappeared without any prior indication. ", "Being conscious of the enormous significance of this event, Seth tried vainly to re-detect and establish contact with the signal over the next several hours.", "\n\n\"If there was a message in the signal, and our inability to reply would have been a great tragedy\" Seth said to Greg.", "\n\n\"The signal was plain. ", "I doubt whether there was any indication of a coded message\" Greg replied.", "\n\n\"It is premature to say that Greg. ", "Didn't you see the strange characteristics it had?\" ", "Seth said with an authoritative tone.", "\n\n\"Opportunities for communicating with alien beings from any part of the universe would be hard to come by and therefore a great misfortune to not exploit it fully\" Seth thought and was worried whether he missed that opportunity.", "\n\nSeth's excitement did not fade away with the signal stoppage. ", "However, due to inability to detect even the faintest of signals from the original direction, efforts at signal re-tracing were abandoned. ", "A feeling of excitement mixed with disappointment remained among the few who were there. ", "The only consolation to all was the possibility to extract clues from the information that was recorded during the total period of contact with the signal.", "\n\nSeth, still in pajamas wanted to initiate analysis and research on the recorded data immediately. ", "He went over the recordings three times but had a blank face at the end. ", "He realized, he has to form a team of experts for signal analysis, but it was not possible until next day. ", "Seth asked Greg and others to gather all the information that they have ever got in the past from the space region the signal came from. ", "After having high fives with his staff and others who were present for the tenth time, Seth headed home around 4 am. ", "Before he left he asked everybody who was present there to keep the news as a secret and not to let out anything to media or to anybody. ", "He asked Greg to promise to call him back if the signal re-appeared.", "\n\nWhile driving home, Seth worked out a mental map of who should be summoned for the signal analysis team. ", "Seth was so influential he could easily bring many experts from NASA and many universities to accomplish a perfect job. ", "He couldn't sleep. ", "He was lining up the phone numbers of the experts that he thought would be suitable. ", "He argued with himself whether it is OK to call them as early as 7 am that he planned to do. ", "Several times he took the phone to his hand and put it back.", "\n\nSeth couldn't wait. ", "Max's phone rang around 5.15 am. ", "He was still asleep; though he is generally waken by this time most of the days. ", "By looking at the incoming phone number, Max knew it was Seth. ", "Max and Seth are very good friends from college days. ", "Max Glenn joined NASA at the same time Seth decided to join SETI. ", "They joke each other about their work. ", "Seth always joked about the possibility of SETI establishing a communication link with the alien worlds before NASA send people to Mars.", "\n\n\"Hi! ", "Seth, why so early! ", "Did you see a bad dream or something?\" ", "Max joked.", "\n\n\"Max, you wouldn't believe this. ", "We got a signal last night\"\n\n\"What!\"", "\n\n\"Yes, I had to rush to the center at 11 pm. ", "It was there for about 15 minutes and faded away. ", "It came from an area where we were scanning after a long time.\"", "\n\n\"What did you get? ", "Are you sure it is not a man-made signal like what you had a few years ago\" Max asked.", "\n\n\"No, no, no. ", "We have blocked all those possible loop holes. ", "This is a genuine one. ", "Trust me.\"", "\n\n\"So, what are you going to do? ", "What's next?\"", "\n\n\"Max, my idea is to get a team of experts immediately to analyze the recorded signal. ", "I need you and some of your NASA guys in the team. ", "I need your help to get your guys.\" ", "Seth emphasized the importance of Max's help.", "\n\nSeth and Max further discussed who to be invited and what to be done next. ", "Max wanted to come to SETI by 9.00 am to have a quick peek at the recordings. ", "By 8.00 am, Seth contacted all the people who he wanted to be present in the team. ", "As Seth has been such a respected person and a close friend to many in the science community none of the invitees refused.", "\n\nAs questioned by Max, the foremost task was to confirm that this was a signal from outer space and not from any other earth bound source. ", "Verification of this fact was a standard policy for SETI, before any news could be released to the communication media. ", "It was widely known that clandestinely operated radio equipment was in use by various parties, by-passing laws and governing regulations. ", "The possibility that the detected signal originated from any such sources had to be conclusively eliminated by thorough checking. ", "Considering the major repercussions of erroneous information being transmitted through the media, extreme caution had to be exercised in the release of information to the public.", "\n\nSeth and Max made sure that they had the first round of analysis the next day. ", "But there was nothing standing out. ", "The following day they had the kickoff meeting with eight experts on board. ", "The evaluation began behind closed doors.", "\n\nAfter two weeks of sustained and laborious analysis, cross checking to eliminate the possibility of other sources for the radio signals and reviewing the opinions of many scientists; the data evaluation team was able to narrow down the source of the signal. ", "The source was a sizable space object that had come into the 'field of view' of the scanning instruments of that night. ", "This space object was a very large meteorite well known to astronomers for decades and not from deep outer space. ", "However, a few more days of exhaustive study verified that this particular space object was radio inert. ", "This was confirmed by past observed data as well as further scientific investigation and analysis. ", "Therefore, how could this become the source; was the question?", "\n\nThe experts had an explanation. ", "The meteorite concerned was passing the moon at a distance of 3.5 million miles at that time the signal was detected. ", "Considering the relative proximity of this object to the moon and the earth, the only possible explanation was that the signal was in fact a radio wave reflected off this object and the point of origination of the signal could be an abandoned manmade radio instrument on the moon. ", "Further analysis coupled with simulations run and re-run, checked and re-checked, confirmed beyond doubt that the signal had been transmitted from the far side of the moon.", "\n\nAs there was no line of sight from the far side of the moon to earth and also due to the specific position of the object relative to the moon, the data evaluation team, was forced to the conclusion that the signal was definitely a reflected radio wave, off the meteorite. ", "Before a final conclusion was confirmed, further mathematical calculations were performed using the most advanced programs and computers which took into consideration the position of the moon, the earth and the distance to the meteorite; the result was even stronger evidence that the signal was transmitted from the far side of the moon. ", "In regards to the signal pattern in respect of whether the message had a coded signal; even the most sophisticated techniques and experts combined with the best computing resources could not detect a code embedded in the entire 19.76 minute recorded data of the signal which somehow seemed to have a pattern. ", "After the expert team's final announcement, Max got up to say something.", "\n\n\"We respect your analysis, but as a NASA employee for last 41 years what I have to say is, either NASA or Russians have not used this particular frequency in any of the instruments with any of the moon investigations or missions.\" ", "It was a rational statement.", "\n\n\"I am grateful for all your efforts and help during the last three weeks and pinpointing to us that the signal had come from the other side of the moon. ", "But as Max correctly said, the particular frequency of the signal had not been used in the moon related radio instruments in the past, and hence this fact carries forward a big query. ", "So, definitely we should look into this further.\" ", "This was Seth's concluding words in the meeting.", "\n\nAll agreed on the necessity of having to proceed with further research on the potential radio equipment and the meeting was adjourned. ", "All experts were highly elated about the opportunity they we given to work on this extraordinary task. ", "All of them volunteered to provide further support, if they were called upon to do so.", "\n\nSeth and Max discussed further on the outcome after the team departed. ", "Both realized the obvious first follow up task was to check if the signal could have resulted from accidental re-activation of a manmade object sent to the moon earlier. ", "To verify this, details of all objects that man had ever sent to the moon was perused. ", "This was dated back to the early nineteen sixties, the time that moon exploration was started at a very minute scale. ", "Gathering all the information was a very tedious task considering the number of countries involved and the fact that many explorations took place nearly half a century ago. ", "SETI Institute needed help from all countries involved in moon exploration but preferred to conduct the information gathering effort in secrecy using their close contacts.", "\n\nOn behalf of SETI Institute, Seth didn't wish to release news of the events at this stage and had reservations about the source of the signal. ", "Moreover, Seth was concerned about adverse comments that might be made by the public and other professional researchers.", "\n\nIn spite of Seth's and Max's close contacts in many countries from whom information was sought, the people in those institutions were suspicious and perplexed as to why the need for this historical information which to their thinking would not serve any purpose. ", "Much time passed by and Seth and Max were getting desperate as the required data was not forthcoming as readily as expected.", "\n\nAs time passed, Seth and Max realized the importance of having the cooperation of all the countries to help them in their work. ", "They understood they had no other alternative than to divulge about the mystery signal and the purpose of their request; and to be truthful to the scientific parties in all the countries associated with their search. ", "After this change of attitude both by SETI and NASA, many sources of assistance were forthcoming to provide the necessary information.", "\n\nGradually, a mass of comprehensive historical technical data was acquired on operations involving placing of 'radio-live' equipment on the moon's surface. ", "However, even after careful sifting through all the information compiled, it was not possible to identify a single manmade object on the moon that could have generated the signal. ", "All the evidence seemed to be pointing towards the possibility that the signal originated on the moon itself!", "\n\nThis was blissful news to Seth. ", "Although SETI did not receive a repetition of the signal since the first encounter, Seth thought he has an interesting mission ahead.", "\n\nTo solve the mystery, Seth decided to seek further assistance of NASA through Max. ", "This was at the time NASA was concentrating on Saturn's moon Titan after the Cassini and Huygens spacecraft brought back images and information of extremely high clarity on Titan's landscape. ", "After a top level meeting between the scientists at the two institutions, NASA agreed to help. ", "They offered to send a special purpose, low cost, orbiting satellite to the moon to verify the existence of the signal, but on condition that SETI Institute would provide the funding.", "\n\nSeth was overjoyed and thanked Max for his help. ", "Now he has a new task of finding funds for the project. ", "He thought the public may assist to raise the funds if the message is properly communicated.", "\n\nSeth came up with a good communication plan to release the news to the public. ", "He personally ensured the content is quite appealing to the people justifying the cause for contribution. ", "Very great precautions were taken by Seth, because a message of alien life answers our psyche's very fundamental question of \"are we alone in the universe?\" ", "It could have very big philosophical and sociological impacts on the human population. ", "The media had created panic situations in the past even with simple radio broadcasting on the subject of aliens that were meant for entertainment. ", "Seth was well aware of all those potential complexities.", "\n\nIn spite of the secrecy exercised so far, the news had got out in to the public domain through various sources, just before Seth released the news. ", "However, it was no more a secret now. ", "The alien signal was the hot topic looming over the TV news in USA and many countries. ", "Funds began flowing into the 'signal exploration project'. ", "As the funds were flowing in, the project was also gaining momentum.", "\n\nAs is usually the case in many such instances, there were varied reactions by the public. ", "These reactions were openly published and discussed over the media. ", "Some activist groups argued that money should not be wasted for projects of this nature and should be diverted for humanity enhancement projects. ", "Some religious groups also objected to the project. ", "However a very large percentage of the public supported the project with great enthusiasm. ", "There were reactions even within the NASA community as to whether they should undertake this project. ", "However, Seth and Max managed to win the hearts of core personnel to support the project.", "\n\nIn the midst of all these reactions, things moved and progressed very well. ", "Seth was very happy about the overall outcome as he was in command of the project. ", "He kept the public informed of project progress through their web site, twitters and other social media. ", "After nine months of hard work, NASA launched a custom built satellite to orbit the moon looking for radio signals. ", "The satellite launch was a flawless event without a single hiccup making Seth, Max and all those involved very cheerful. ", "After four days involving flight, directional and speed corrections and other maneuvering and exchange of command signals, the satellite was placed on a stable equatorial orbit of the moon. ", "The satellite was programmed to detect a signal when it was orbiting above the signal's transmission area.", "\n\nAs the signal was determined to have been transmitted from the far side of the moon, detection obviously would take place when the satellite was also on the far side of the moon. ", "When this occurred, the satellite had no communications with the earth as the moon acted as a barrier between the earth and the satellite. ", "As such, during this orbital time the satellite was programmed to record all the information it received. ", "The recorded information was then transmitted to the earth when the satellite was passing over the visible near side of the moon. ", "Based on the data evaluated from the original signal, NASA had sufficient information to focus the satellite's antennae to the coordinates of the 'transmission area' of the original signal.", "\n\nSeth spent most of his time at NASA command center as they were the operators of the project. ", "Max was the biggest supporter of Seth with some of the new comers who were whole heartedly supported the project.", "\n\nFour days after the launch, the satellite was in an orbit around the moon as planned. ", "Those four days were a long wait to Seth and Max. ", "All instruments were tuned into detect the signal. ", "This was an anxious moment for Seth, Max and the project team. ", "But the anxious waiting was rewarded only with disappointment for seven consecutive days as the satellite was unable to trace any signal. ", "The calendars were all marked for one full week of 'no result' and Seth was losing hope and adjusting himself to lower expectation level.", "\n\nOn the Eighth day, Bingo! ", "A signal has been detected, according to the data from the satellite that was now passing the near side of the moon. ", "The satellite was a success! ", "It had detected a very steady signal.", "\n\nSeth and Max jumped up and hugged each other. ", "Tears dropped from Seth's eyes. \"", "Thank you, Max. ", "You are a true friend!\" ", "Seth said to Max. ", "Max's facial expression was more than sufficient to reciprocate Seth's appreciation.", "\n\nThe data transmitted to the earth, established that the signal was beamed from a location in the region of the crater \"Daedalus\". ", "The altitude instruments in the satellite, with capability to assess distance with an accuracy of one eighth of an inch, also indicated that the signal did not originate from an object on the surface of the moon but from beneath the surface of the moon! ", "In other words it had been generated underground in the moon! ", "This was checked and re-checked and found to be correct. ", "This was astounding news. ", "According to experts who interpreted the data, the signal generation point was at least 30ft below the surface of the moon. ", "Seth and Max wondered how it could be possible.", "\n\nThe exact location of the signal had been established and confirmed by the GPS instruments in the satellite. ", "The impact crater \"Daedalus\", was very familiar to NASA and was known as a region which had a very vide area of flat terrain. ", "NASA scientists quickly verified from computer records that this particular signal location was thousands of miles away from the nearest possible spot where a man-made object had ever touched down or even been deliberately crashed on the moon.", "\n\nAs the satellite was circling the moon at a low altitude, it could be in touch with the signal only for about 27 minutes. ", "The information received was recorded during this time. ", "NASA was keen on putting the satellite to a higher orbit the next day, to increase the signal capturing time. ", "Unfortunately, disappointing everybody, the satellite started spinning during maneuvering it to a higher orbit. ", "This could not be corrected despite all the remedial measures tried out. ", "The monitoring satellite had turned into 'space junk'. ", "However, the detection of the moon based signal on the eighth day by the satellite was sufficient to conclude the signal's existence, precise location and the fact that it was generated from below the moon's surface.", "\n\nDetection of the signal from the moon was groundbreaking news to the entire world. ", "People reacted in many ways; each with their own theories to explain the possible sources. ", "The media did not waste time in capturing the people's imagination and publishing the multifarious theories and explanations. ", "These ranged from intelligent underground life colonies of the moon to alien established sophisticated radio monitoring stations. ", "Some even said that there could be people like us living in the moon's underground.", "\n\nIn the midst of this extraordinary discovery of moon's underground source of the signal, NASA had an emergency meeting and it was decided to re-establish NASA priorities. ", "The Moon Signal Research Project was the unanimous top priority selection over many other projects that were in the priority ladder. ", "Planning committees were formed. ", "Various brain storming sessions were conducted. ", "Ideas were flowing with abundance to determine as to what was to be done next. ", "A manned moon probe was an obvious long term solution for wider investigations. ", "Such mission was estimated to be at least a decade away even on an accelerated basis and hence was not the immediate choice.", "\n\nNASA came up with an interim plan. ", "The plan was to have three satellites. ", "The strategy considered was to have two satellites in Luna-synchronous orbit. ", "One of these two satellites was to be stationed above the spot where the moon signal originated from, and the second satellite at a place such that it had direct line of sight with both the first satellite and the earth. ", "The basic idea was to have the first satellite pick up the moon signal and transmit it to earth immediately through the second one. ", "This arrangement would allow NASA to receive the signal continuously as well as perform more interactive experiments and testing as they wished. ", "The first satellite was to be incorporated with capabilities to interact with the source and attempt to elicit a response to a radio signal beamed to it. ", "If the signals detected earlier by earth were originated by intelligent beings, they might respond or react to the signals beamed by the satellite. ", "That was the thought. ", "Both satellites had to be stationary relative to the moon such as in a Luna synchronous orbit for this to happen. ", "Though this idea of synchronous orbit seemed simple there were technical problems that needed to be worked out. ", "As a basic technical necessity both stationary satellites had to be positioned thousands of miles above the moon surface.", "\n\nThe third satellite was to be placed on a low orbit for reconnaissance tasks. ", "This was chiefly to be deployed to have a very close look at the signal spot when moving above the surface and to perform various other reconnaissance tasks. ", "This satellite was to have capabilities of communicating alternatively with the first satellite when it was moving on the far side of the moon and also with the second one that was on the near side of the moon. ", "The estimate for the project time frame including the necessary satellite launch was in the region of fourteen months.", "\n\nAs SETI has discussed in the past how to initiate a communication pattern with an alien world, Seth's team thought that SETI could come up with some simple signal coding system, which could be transmitted to the moon source, to convey that another party was trying to communicate with it.", "\n\nIn a nutshell, this was the principal idea of the interim plan, however, it needed pooling of a wide range of expertise to formulate a workable plan covering all the different aspects that were necessary to be addressed.", "\n\nPublic Response ••• ••••\n\nOnce again, as news of the planned missions was spreading around the world, the public were very interested and expressed their great enthusiasm in supporting the exploratory missions. ", "Major companies in USA and other international corporations offered ready support. ", "Project funding now seemed to be the least problem! ", "This was very encouraging to Seth and Max. ", "Space exploration enthusiasts were very optimistic that the investments on this project would give a unique return - by way of solving many issues relating to mystic curiosity of the human psyche.", "\n\nThe project attracted enormous publicity, almost completely dwarfing all the other important events that were happening around the world at the time. ", "It was difficult to find anybody who did not know about the moon signal. ", "Even children in primary-schools were talking about and drawing pictures relating to the moon signal and the gossip around it. ", "The entire world population was impatient to know more. ", "Seth and Max were seen in many TV programs explaining the project. ", "In a very quick time the whole world connected Seth and Max to the moon, just like Neil Armstrong in late sixties and early seventies.", "\n\nBack to the Moon Project ••• ••••\n\nAs time passed, the satellite program was seen to be making smooth, steady and rapid progress. ", "The satellite that was to be placed directly above the signal spot was given the name \"Hi!\" ", "as its purpose was to say \"Hi\" to the moon signal source anticipating a positive response. ", "The reconnaissance satellite; the low orbital one was named \"Buddy\" and the \"Relay or Go-Between-Unit\" on the near side of the moon with earth, was named \"GBU\".", "\n\nA separate team was deployed to develop a language communications system to interact with the moon's signal source. ", "Initially they suggested something similar to \"Morse code\" however, later, during brain storming sessions, it was realized that Morse code was too complicated for easy comprehension as it was associated with a particular language (English). ", "As such a need was seen for the basis of signaling to be developed in a form independent of human language. ", "The communications system had to have characteristics to teach the receiver that someone was trying to communicate with them. ", "Also, it had to be simple to enable the receiver to understand the message quickly and transmit back its responses in an appropriate mode. ", "The most important thing was to make it as simple as possible.", "\n\nSeth understood the difficulties that the experts were facing with the \"Language\" system to communicate with the signal. ", "It was difficult to establish one. ", "However, as a basic first step, capabilities were incorporated into the satellites to produce basic \"dot\" and \"dash\" signals. ", "The experts' intention was to start with a simple system using these signals and to scale it up to an advanced mode depending on the actual needs that might arise. ", "The necessary upgrading programs were to be uploaded from NASA control center to the satellite as required. ", "The team decided to restrict their initial signal bursts to \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" and \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" patterns as they thought these two sequences would be sufficient to attract attention if there were any intelligent beings to interpret them. ", "These were akin to someone knocking at the door. ", "If you were paying attention, it would be very simple to understand that it was a deliberate call. ", "In Morse code, the \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" sequence is \"S\" and \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" is \"H\", but these were not relevant considerations at all as the basic idea was different in this case. ", "In fact Seth agreed this would be the simplest form in which intelligent beings could reciprocate to indicate that they had 'heard' the signal. ", "The frequency and bandwidth of the radio signal to be transmitted was chosen to match the frequency of the moon signal. ", "The satellite also carried a LASER beam generator which could create and transmit the same \"dot\" and \"dash\" message bursts in LASER light form to the moon's signal source. ", "Inclusion of the LASER beam was Seth's idea. ", "Seth convinced the engineers that this could become handy as absolutely nothing was known about the Moon's signal source. ", "Some agreed that if the moon signal was produced by living beings, then the LASER signal would have a greater chance of drawing their attention than a radio signal, due to its visibility. ", "The LASER beam was designed to have a diameter around 0.3 inches.", "\n\nAll these preparatory tasks and many other details of this mission were very much open to the public due to the wide and persistent media coverage. ", "Details were disseminated especially through the internet and televised documentary programs. ", "The SETI-NASA joint project website updated their information daily, indicating the latest status of the special events and other interesting things that were happening around the project.", "\n\nNASA engineers responded with no delay whatsoever to design, plan, manufacture and follow up on all the activities that were necessary to expedite the dispatch of the three satellites to moon orbits. ", "Time had indeed passed very, very quickly. ", "The rocket carrying the satellites \"Hi!\", \"", "GBU\" and \"Buddy\" lifted off from the Kennedy space center without a glitch. ", "All satellites were ensconced in the same rocket and would be launched into their individual trajectories later on.", "\n\nAs expected, full TV coverage and publicity was a feature of this event. ", "Public interest was enormous and insatiable. ", "It would take another four to five days to position \"Hi!\" ", "and \"GBU\" at the correct moon orbits and at the exact pre-defined relative spots. ", "The team in-charge of Buddy were awaiting day 3 to separate \"Buddy\" from \"Hi!\" ", "and \"GBU\" orbit and locate Buddy in its own independent low orbit trajectory. ", "NASA was able to gradually nudge the new satellites into circular orbits and then position them at the exact Luna-Synchronous point for \"Hi!\" ", "and \"GBU\"; and the precise low orbit that \"Buddy\" was to occupy. ", "Immediately after, SETI-NASA got on with the tasks of linking the new satellites as intended. ", "The course adjustments required were a bare minimum to interlink the communication systems together. ", "The team in charge of \"Buddy\" handled their task of preserving it in its orbit flawlessly and ensured that it stayed linked to both \"Hi!\" ", "and \"GBU\". \"", "Buddy\" commenced its tasks as soon as it was settled in, in its 'patrolling' orbit. ", "Already, Seth and Max could see at some high definition pictures \"Buddy\" had relayed back to earth. ", "Meanwhile, the control experts in charge of \"Hi!\" ", "were busy testing all the vital instruments to ensure that they were all in optimal working condition. ", "Several test signal busts were fired at the Moon's signal area, back and forth from earth to the satellites to verify that all systems were fully functional.", "\n\nAll the hard work, enthusiasm and high hopes of Seth, Max and the team were however subject to the same disappointment that the first signal detection satellite faced. ", "This time perhaps even more as the eighth day followed the seventh with 'no result' from \"Hi!\". ", "Seth had many sleepless nights and emotional moments to cope with. ", "Max was in a better state than Seth. \"", "Hi!\" ", "had not received any signal even on the eighth day. ", "Checking and re-checking of the coordinates of the previously established location, repeated testing of the instruments and computer programs, nothing seemed productive.", "\n\nThe Eighth day with 'no result' had set off a freeze within Seth, Max, and other team members as well as the enthusiastic public. ", "As the news was aired, most people in the world, especially the science community who anticipated new discoveries from this exploration were thoroughly disappointed. ", "However NASA kept on without interruption to look for a signal as the days passed. ", "They were very hopeful of detecting it again as experienced in their first satellite launched a year ago, that had positively confirmed the existence of the signal. ", "Obviously, Seth still had not given up hopes of receiving the signal again.", "\n\nOn the 11th day morning \"Hi!\" ", "was very kind to Seth as he stepped into the control center. ", "It was sharp 8.17 am when the moon signal started streaming Seth's loved signal. ", "Suddenly there was no more tiredness; everywhere there was alertness to acknowledge the receipt of the moon signal. ", "TV stations stopped all their regular broadcasts and started flashing the news. ", "People at offices stopped their work and logged into the internet or tuned into their radios or rushed to the closest TV screen to know more about the exhilarating news.", "\n\nSeth and Max were thrilled. ", "The signals received from \"Hi!\" ", "and \"GBU\" satellite combination was in a very steady stream. ", "The receiver station on earth was able to record all the data coming directly from the moon source. ", "The signal definitely appeared to have coded information. ", "The media could not present much detail to the public other than stating that the satellite has detected an alien signal and it was ongoing. ", "TV stations broadcast a few pictures of the moon taken by the satellite showing the area from which the signal was emanating. ", "For the people it was merely one more familiar picture of the moon surface that they had seen before. ", "The live TV broadcast was continuing in some channels with technical experts and non-experts commenting on the hypothetical possibilities related to the mystery. ", "Unfortunately like the previous occasions this exciting period didn't last long. ", "An unbroken signal lasted 1 hour and 32 minutes and abruptly ceased. ", "Everybody wondered why? ", "Nobody could give a reason. ", "The signal did not appear thereafter. ", "Attempts to re-detect the signal were continued over a long time but with no luck. ", "This added more misery to the mystery.", "\n\nHaving worked together for very many years, Seth, Max and all the prominent scientists in the SETI Institute and NASA were one big coherent family, by now. ", "They had been living and breathing these developments, successes and failures together. ", "Though they didn't have a definite conclusion as to what happened to the signal, many opinions were tabled for discussion and evaluation. ", "One of the scientists named Niven Morse was concentrating on whether there was some sort of relationship amongst the three dates on which the signal was detected in the past. ", "By developing and running a special computer program Niven had formulated to study this fact, he discovered that the days on which the signal was detected, fell into a mathematical linear series of fourteen. ", "Based on this finding, Niven predicted that there was a great likelihood that the signal would reappear on the fourteenth day after the previous encounter. ", "The tension was mounting at SETI-NASA center on the thirteenth day as they had not detected a signal up to then. ", "All eyes, ears, hearts and the instruments were keenly focused from the very first second of the fourteenth day.", "\n\nBingo!", "\n\nWhat a great joy, the monitoring satellite received the signal a few hours after the dawn of the fourteenth day. ", "It was the \"Eureka!\" ", "moment. ", "Everybody was thrilled. ", "Niven who had this exceptionally smart discovery was congratulated for his brilliant prediction, first by Seth followed by all the others.", "\n\nSeth, Max and the team were once again busy in getting on with their work. ", "As noticed 14 days ago, this time too, the signal ceased abruptly after about an hour. ", "However, receipt of the signal became a common occurrence thereafter on every fourteenth day. ", "Each time it appeared, it only lasted around one hour to one and a half hours. ", "The team presumed that the fourteen day signal cycle could be something to do with the twenty eight day cycle of the moon. ", "But none of the team members were able to give any specific reason as to why it was happening this way. ", "It is still a mystery. ", "Why it does not last long? ", "Is someone purposely manipulating and switching it off?", "\n\nNow Seth's main interest was to figure out who or what it was that was sending the signal and what information there was in the signal. ", "The fourteen day signal cycle brought in more curiosity as it implied it was a planned signal rather than a randomly generated signal. ", "Scientists realized the signal had some form of coded information though they were unable to decode. ", "Seth did not want to send a signal from \"Hi!\" ", "to the signal location without knowing what the moon signal is trying to say. ", "But Seth's patience is running out.", "\n\nBy this time the media had all sorts of stories associated with the signal. ", "These stories were from the general public as well as from world renowned intellectuals including space scientists. ", "Programs and articles published through the mass media indicated that there could be highly intelligent people living in the moon's underground. ", "One group of scientists stated that these signal waves may be due to geological activity occurring inside the moon; that were hitherto unknown to mankind. ", "They connected their reasoning to the moon's rotation around the earth on a 28 day cycle. ", "Some prominent geologists even produced mathematical formulae to prove this hypothesis and published papers for consideration of the scientific community. ", "Another group said the radio waves could have been set off by creatures like electric eels living in the moon's underground. ", "Yet others said there could be massive rivers and living colonies in the moon's underground. ", "The organizations affiliated in supporting the concept of UFOs, opined that the signals were sent out by alien established radio stations and emphasized the possibilities of aliens living on the moon. ", "Surfacing from this multitude of ideas, the undeniably apparent fact was the enormous interest shown by the general public. ", "The general public who had been following this was quite unable to have peace of mind due to the mystic implications of the findings. ", "The enormous urge many had was to know the reason for this fourteen day intermittent signal and whether there was somebody behind its origination.", "\n\nThis is how our mind works – we need to have answers to nagging mystic questions. ", "As a result people always have some answers as they cannot live with open questions.", "\n\nSeth and the team were able to detect the signal on every 14th day without exception. ", "On the third time the signal lasted only 33 minutes. ", "The information coded in the signal had been similar all the time. ", "The team was quite convinced that the codes were not randomly generated. ", "In other words, it appeared that the signal was definitely from a stable source and the information was coded to denote something or for some purpose. ", "Two months had now elapsed after the first detection of the fortnightly signal by the monitoring satellite. ", "During these two months, recording of the signal and regular analysis of the data contained was carried out continually. ", "But to add to the mystery, there was no breakthrough in decoding of the data.", "\n\nSeth wanted to fire the radio transmission bursts next time towards the signal location to see whether they could get any response back.", "\n\nThe Moon ••• ••••\n\nNow you are sure a definite signal is coming from the moon. ", " \nDo you know why it is coming from the moon? ", " \nThe following news will take you very, very much by surprise.", "\n\nBelieve me, \"The moon is another world with a human habitat\". ", "People have landed on the moon six times. ", "But they did not know there were people like us living in the moon for millions of years. ", " \nYes, this is true!", "\n\nThe interesting part of this book is not this news; but how Seth and Max proceed further on the investigation work. ", "Before you get to it, read about the moon and its fascinating moon-people. ", "By the way the dots ••• •••• you see at every heading is the signal Seth wanted to try.", "\n\nIn the moon, the \"people\" do not live above the ground as we do on earth but down inside under the surface. ", "They live in an enormous inner space naturally formed as a labyrinth of gigantic caves \"a few feet below\" the surface crust. ", "This surface crust forms the roof of the caves and varies in thickness from a minimum of three feet up to a maximum of around a hundred feet. ", "In spite of so many manned missions to the moon, nobody was able to discover that the moon was the closest world to earth with a wide variety of life forms, including people just similar to us. ", "These people have been living sub-terra or underground in the moon for millions of years. ", "They also arrived at their present form after going through an evolutionary process similar to what took place on earth. ", "They encountered as well, causes to form 'disproportionate' sized brains like us with resulting ability to develop tools and establish skills in scientific inquiry, discovery and formulation of laws of nature.", "\n\nMarconi's investigations resulted in the discovery and use of radio waves on earth in 1895. ", "The people in the moon have only just now begun to experiment with and arrived at the first stage of creating and transmitting radio waves with a significant intensity. ", "The situation of moon scientists in the context of discovering radio waves, right at present, is very similar to the situation that the scientists on earth were in when they discovered the radio wave. ", "They did not know what it was or have any idea of what to do with it. ", "As a comparison of the technical capabilities of the moon people with people on earth, it would not be wrong to say that they are only about a few hundred years behind us. ", "This comparison is valid only in the area of knowledge of science and not in other areas such as their traits etc. ", "Their social structure and behavioral traits are unimaginably different from those of the people on earth.", "\n\nThe news of people living in the moon will cause a barrage of questions to arise in your mind. ", "The following segments are an attempt to answer some of the common questions you would love to read.", "\n\nThe moon's internal geological structure is very strange and unique. ", "It has vast areas of hollow underground caves. ", "This is because the moon passed through boiling and molten states before it cooled down to its stable present day temperature. ", "Some caves are miles and miles in length and breath. ", "The heights from floor to roof inside these caves range from several feet to hundreds of feet. ", "These caves exist at varying depths below the moon's surface. ", "However, variations in thickness of the top roof cover of the caves are very different from cave to cave in a somewhat random pattern. ", "Some caves are only a few feet below the moon's surface and some are a few hundreds of feet below. ", "Almost all the caves are internally connected to each other and it is possible to trace many paths through interconnected caves to fully 'circumnavigate' the moon without ever stepping on its outer surface. ", "The tops of the caves that form the crust of the moon's surface are supported on massive vertical rock pillars that protrude out of the bottom surface or base of the caves. ", "These vertical support structures are very hard and rocklike and naturally contoured in shell like formations endowing them with heavy load bearing capabilities. ", "The cave system is integrally connected all along the moon's subsurface thus providing ample stability, strength and structural integrity, to sustain surface impacts resulting from falling meteorites and similar space objects. ", "To visualize the interior of these caves a comparable earth structure would be the NFL football domes. ", "They would compare in size with some of the smaller caves but none of the caves in the moon are formed in a particular shape, pattern, length, breadth or height, and are quite irregular in shape. ", "Surface terrain is also to a large extent irregular and variable, however vast flat areas are also found at many locations.", "\n\nThere are many references to the hollowness of the moon. ", "As an example, \"On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon. ", "The Lunar Module's impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics - the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. ", "This phenomenon was repeated with Apollo 13 (by intentionally commanding the third stage to impact on to the moon), with even more startling results. ", "Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled down to a depth of twenty-five miles, thus leading to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light core or even none at all. ", "MIT's Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote, the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon's gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow. ", "The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 whereas the Earth's mean density is 5.5 gm/cm3. ", "What does this mean? ", "Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested that the moon's reduced density could arise from large cavities inside the moon.\" ", "This is concrete proof of the real status of the moon's internal structure, though scientists on earth could not realize this fact even after landing twelve people on the moon since 1969.", "\n\nRead more details!", "\n\nMany surface crusts are made of a material known as lunar regolith. ", "Lunar regolith transforms into translucent forms through a process called agglutination when the regolith is subjected to high heat. ", "In many places, parts of the moon's surface consist of translucent material embedded in the moon's outer crust. ", "These surfaces allow a substantial degree of sunlight to penetrate into the caves. ", "Most of this glass like surface material has been naturally formed, millions of years ago. ", "Amongst the translucent surface areas, there are also many areas of near clear-glass transparency. ", "Some of these areas are vast to the extent of spreading over several square miles. ", "Though these large transparent areas are very limited compared to the total surface area of the moon, moon astronomers of the caliber of Galileo Galilei, have been using these windows as gateways to observe objects in outer space. ", "Nevertheless, their knowledge of the planetary system and universe is very limited and cannot be compared to the discoveries made by Galileo. ", "These moon astronomers can probably be compared to people on earth around 1000 years ago, who were interested in the heavenly bodies.", "\n\nDue to refraction of the sunlight that penetrates into the caves, through translucent surfaces massive rainbow like color beams frequently appear in very many places inside the caves. ", "Due to the vastness and the complexity of the spectrum of rainbow colors intermingling with each other, there is a stunningly beautiful visual effect inside the caves. ", "The glow from the moon's outer surface when seen from inside the caves, gives a further dimension of beauty for the visual enjoyment of the people of the moon. ", "However, where there are no transparent cave roof surfaces, the caves are gloomy and would be pitch dark if not for a small amount of light reaching them from adjacent caves.", "\n\nJust as happens on the earth, the sunlight that penetrates through the transparent crust helps the growth of vegetation in the caves to a substantial extent. ", "However sunlight is not the main light source in the caves. ", "These are described later. ", "The types of vegetation found in the moon are markedly different from the ones on earth. ", "The plants commonly seen in the caves are quite short and look very much like the miniature trees, bushes and shrubs grown using Japanese \"Bonsai\" techniques. ", "The total range of plant varieties does not exceed 5000 different types.", "\n\nThough the moon has no atmosphere on the outside, the caves are filled with 'air' well suited to supporting the respiratory needs of life forms. ", "Surprisingly, 90% percent of the moon's internal atmosphere comprises oxygen which exceeds the corresponding oxygen proportion in the earth's atmosphere. ", "The moon's internal atmosphere also contains significant quantities of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, methane and a very small quantity of other gases. ", "The eco-system sustaining life is different to that on earth. ", "The moon's cave system is not fully hermetically sealed as there are openings from the caves leading to the moon's outer surface. ", "But these openings are few in number. ", "The people of the Moon are well aware of the barren, austere conditions and the life threatening dangers on the moon's surface. ", "As very orderly and self-disciplined citizens or as their brains have been programmed to do so, the people of the moon always keep away from those egresses and never attempt to go out to explore the surface.", "\n\nSimilar to the great lakes in North America, there are massive lakes in the hollow underground cave system. ", "However unlike the great lakes, the caves roofs over the lakes of the moon are supported by the natural array of vertical pillars protruding through the waters like a massive cluster of Mangrove roots. ", "The underside of the roof above the lakes and also the vertical pillars protruding through the waters are 'coated' by a gel like material. ", "This gel shows many of the signs of being a living substance. ", "It also emits light and carries out the function of 'cleaning' the moon's atmosphere by absorbing impurities which it assimilates as a nutrient. ", "It rejects some part of the absorbed impurities as balls of waste exited into the lakes. ", "The waste in turn is eaten by the fish or absorbed by plants in the lakes. ", "The reflection of the softly glowing gel on the roof on the water enhances the lighting in the area of the lakes. ", "At all places in the moon, the water in the lakes is clean, not salty and is suited for use directly for drinking. ", "The waters of these lakes are however subject to massive tidal effects. ", "These are due to the fluctuation of the compound gravitational tugs of the earth and the sun as the earth spinning on its own axis and carrying the moon in orbit in turn orbits the sun. ", "Because of the low moon gravity, the tidal effects are checked weakly and the water levels rise and fall by hundreds of feet. ", "The tides force the water to spread hundreds of miles along the vast underground areas thus wetting the dry areas of the caves in a cyclic pattern. ", "Because of these vast latitudinal and longitudinal fluctuations of water spread, there are artificial water stream formations all over the geological-structure of the moon. ", "The streams of water flow over the cave surfaces and create huge waterfalls at some places. ", "These waterfalls last for many days and appear and disappear in a cyclic pattern, following the tides. ", "Rounded boulders can be seen all over the streams, indicating that they have been subjected to heavy erosion over millions of years. ", "The water streams formed below the sub grade of the caves cause the formation of complex hydro geological patterns. ", "Depending on the moon's geological conditions at each specific spot, the complexity of the hydrogeology varies from location to location.", "\n\nThe age and composition of the moon's geology is somewhat similar to that of the earth. ", "But unlike the earth's crust, the moon's crust is stable and does not rest on a moving set of Tectonic plates. ", "No active volcanoes are found on the moon; but there are many hot spots located throughout the bottom surfaces of the caves, indicating the closeness of those spots to the molten inner core of the moon. ", "Due to the fully enclosed nature of the cave system, the cave interior always features high humidity.", "\n\nThe temperatures around the equatorial and mid latitude surface at daytime and in the night are around 225oF and minus 298oF respectively. ", "This is a very wide temperature range. ", "The temperatures at the bottom of the craters and the areas of the craters in shadow are extremely low. ", "In fact there are hyper-cool areas featuring Arctic conditions. ", "As the moon day is approximately 28 earth days, heating and cooling of the moon's surfaces affects the inside cave temperature significantly. ", "For example, when one side of the moon's surface receives direct sun light for 14 earth days (say the east side), the opposite side reaches a minimum temperature of minus 298 degrees Fahrenheit (i.e. the west side). ", "As a result of having these huge temperature differences for very long periods of time, the interior of the caves get either cooled or heated correspondingly. ", "The lakes in some of these areas are permanently frozen. ", "The temperature difference in the opposite side of the moon makes the air in the cave move from one area (east side) to the other (west side), creating complex wind movements. ", "When high speed wind flows across the vertical rock structures, it makes turbulent sounds in the caves, resulting in eerie or weird echo effects. ", "The blowing wind helps to mitigate the high humidity conditions in the caves to some extent and stabilizes the inner temperature. ", "It is known that the tops of a few craters situated at the lunar South Pole receive sunlight almost totally uninterruptedly. ", "Due to this fact, people on earth have identified these as the ideal areas in which to establish bases on the moon, if they would ever be able to do so.", "\n\nMany gigantic meteorite impacts on the moon have created massive craters that can be seen from the earth. ", "Most of the major impacts have taken place millions of years ago. ", "Some of these impacts have left devastating effects on the cave system. ", "When such impacts created deep craters, sometimes the depths of these crates reached even below the water levels of the lakes in the sub-surface of the moon. ", "When this happened, the water from the lakes gushed into the low level areas to fill them up instantaneously. ", "However, when this water got exposed to very low temperatures the water transformed into solid ice. ", "Once the ice formed, it remained as ice permanently. ", "The surfaces of some craters never get sunlight as they are permanently shielded by the shadows of the mountains around them. ", "These craters sustain hyper cool temperatures. ", "On the other hand, even if the sunlight falls onto the bottoms of the craters, the heat delivered by the sun is not sufficient to melt the ice. ", "Many deep places in the moon's craters have permanent layers of ice. ", "The self-sealing effect of caves by the water as explained above helps to maintain the integrity of the cave system, preventing large quantities of air escaping to the surface. ", "Millions of years ago, there may have been occurrences of large quantities of air escaping from the caves due to meteorite damage. ", "However the present cave structure has retained the cave atmosphere intact for thousands of years without any major leakage. ", "The quantum of oxygen generated by the plants might probably be sufficient to make up for the gases leaking out to the exterior.", "\n\nAs is the case on the earth, the moon is also a habitat for mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects and other life forms. ", "As direct sunlight does not fall into the caves in significant quantities, the eyes of all creatures including those of the humans are naturally evolved to possess the common attributes of nocturnal animals. ", "Similar to the situation on the earth, the animals in tropical areas and in very cold areas of the moon have their own evolutionary traits adapted to the specific environment. ", "The grazing mammal species are limited as grassy lands are not abundant. ", "There are very many species of bats. ", "Some are very much like the leaf-nosed bats and funnel-eared bats on earth. ", "The bird population is abundant and diverse and is spread over more than 3000 species. ", "Most of these species are however very different from those found on the earth and are territorial. ", "Many birds of species that can be taught to talk are kept as pets by the moon people.", "\n\nThis description has been restricted to a very brief outline as it would run into thousands of pages if all details of the moon animals were to be expressed here. ", "However the following exceptional fact about a particular animal is worth stating. ", "Just as on earth, there are a few varieties of primates that live in the caves. ", "As with the moon people, the principal source of diet of these primates is the vegetation found in the lakes - as the leaves of shrubs and grasses in the savanna in the moon do not replenish rapidly unlike on the earth. ", "Among the few species of primates on the moon, a very unusual species is the great ape as it uses a word based language to communicate. ", "Though the anatomical structure of the larynges of the apes does not enable them to make the extensive range of sounds typical to the humans, this specific variety of ape is unique. ", "They have over 70 words for vocalization and use them to communicate with each other. ", "When they talk, the vocalized words are generally followed with supporting body gestures and hand movements to support the communication. ", "Many of these words feature in their communications when they socialize or show affection and also are used to warn other members of the group of the approach of predators. ", "When moon people use the apes' words to talk to apes, the apes completely ignore the people and show no response whatever. ", "It appears, this \"pay no attention act\" is a deliberate one as their body language and behavior indicate very clearly the message \"we respect you; please mind your business; leave us alone\". ", "The moon people including the children understand this message very well and hence do not bully them. ", "Contrasting with the tendency to ignore the moon people, if any food is offered by the moon people it is readily accepted as is typical of the ape behavior. ", "The clear difference between these apes and the apes on earth is that, as soon as they receive the food these apes gather into a group and share all food amongst them, evidencing an extraordinary social trait not found in other animals. ", "This might be one more trait that these apes have inherited in the evolutionary process for their survival.", "\n\nBy nature, moon people are extremely kind and sensitive. ", "They love and look after the animals. ", "As on earth, the felines and other carnivorous animals kill and feed on other animals for their survival, without such a mode of interactive controls it would have been difficult to maintain balance in the moon's eco system.", "\n\nThe evolutionary process has produced many light producing creatures in the caves. ", "These creatures are commonly found on lakes, on land and in the mountainous areas of the caves. ", "Bioluminescent organisms in the moon are not at all similar to those on earth. ", "They are much more efficient light producers. ", "People living in the moon have found ways to promote the growth of bioluminescent organisms on a mass scale. ", "Though not very significant in terms of contribution, these organisms are part of the light sources. ", "People in the moon also had developed devices to divert the sunlight from the bright areas to many dark regions by ingenious light reflection methods. ", "The scientists in the moon have made much progress in the field of photo-luminescent or glow in the dark material. ", "Photo-luminescent products are very widely used for many purposes. ", "Though their knowledge base is still not advanced to understand the atomic or molecular structures to analyze material in finite terms, the moon people have made significant advancements in materials science by trial and error experimentation using naturally occurring substances as additives and pigments.", "\n\nOn a very much higher scale than all these light resources, the primary lighting source in the moon is a glowing, light emanating material that is unique to the moon. ", "This material is not available in earth. ", "It occurs as huge crystals called \"Babaloniums\". ", "This material is not a science fiction precious material like the one that was in the movie \"Avatar\". ", "This is a real natural substance and is found in many places in the moon. ", "The moon people have been aware of the existence of this material for thousands of years. ", "Other than the sunlight coming through the translucent moon surfaces, Babaloniums is the other major light producer in the caves specially to provide light during the night time of the moon which lasts 14 (earth) days. ", "The moon people harvest the Babaloniums whenever they come across them. ", "As these have been collected from wherever they were found, by their ancestors for thousands of years, new ones are usually only discovered by accident. ", "The few discovered in the recent past were found near the narrow alley ways leading from the caves to the outside of the moon's surface. ", "The enormous risks involved in venturing into these alleys, are a naturally discouraging factor in looking for new Babaloniums. ", "Babaloniums usually occur in chunks ranging in weight from as little as 5 to as much as 100 pound crystals. ", "The moon people have strategically located these glowing crystals to illuminate their cities and other public places. ", "There is a unique process of activating the Babaloniums to produce light, as virgin material found in the ground does not glow at all. ", "The process involves having direct sun light fall onto these crystals for a period of 2 to 3 days without interruption. ", "At some point of the two to three day interval, the crystals get self-triggered and start to glow. ", "At first the glow is quite faint, but the brightness keeps on increasing gradually on its own. ", "Once the triggering has taken place, sunlight is no longer required. ", "Within a few hours the crystals reach their maximum brightness which is very intense and penetrative. ", "Once this stage is reached, the glowing becomes permanent and unvarying and seems to assume the status of an eternal light source. ", "As such most of the Babaloniums providing light at present have been those collected over the past thousands of years. ", "When moon people find non-glowing Babaloniums, the process of triggering them is within access without much difficulty; the secret of triggering has been passed on from generation to generation. ", "However the moon people have not found any method of suspending or stopping the glow, other than by using an external barrier or covering to control the brightness. ", "Babaloniums do not produce heat or any other form of energy - only light. ", "There are naturally triggered Babaloniums crystals in many mountainous parts within the caves. ", "Some of these locations are impossible to access, and hence one might wonder how these were triggered. ", "Probably these areas would have somehow been exposed to sunlight thousands of years ago. ", "These glowing bodies on the tops of distant cave mountains produce panoramic sceneries, emulating lighthouses and LASER shows on earth. ", "The light that the Babaloniums emit varies from crystal to crystal but is mostly of pale blue or purple color. ", "Though this material is very hard like diamond, if a big crystal is broken into small pieces, the glowing effect diminishes immediately. ", "The moon people are aware of this. ", "The reason for the glow in these amazing crystals may be linked to some form of high molecular weight radioactive material, but this is a mere assumption. ", "The real reason is not known. ", "People on earth would love to have the Babaloniums as it will make a true revolution in the lighting industry, as light no longer radiates from a filament or any other external energy source, but from the material itself. ", "Just like sunlight, the lights produced by the Babaloniums assist the growth of vegeta\n\ntion in the habitat; especially the water plants that grow in the lakes.", "\n\nThe moon people have been using fire for thousands of years for cooking and lighting. ", "Man-made lamps and torches are used for illuminating the dwellings and public areas as an additional light source. ", "However, the total light produced by all the light sources mentioned above is nowhere close to the luminosity of the dimmest evening on earth. ", "Probably the best light condition in the caves may be equated to the hazy light at late sunset during winter time. ", "But living beings in the cave system including the people are so used to the low light conditions it is not an issue or a barrier to their daily activities.", "\n\nThe lakes are the main supporting source sustaining life in the moon. ", "The lakes support an array of living organisms including fish of various varieties and some small sized aquatic mammals also, like on the earth. ", "Only a limited range of water plants grow in the lakes and these are all found in all the lakes in the moon. ", "The most abundant water plant variety resembles seaweeds, but is very much thicker and stronger than the earth's variety. ", "These water plants which grow very rapidly and proliferate in vast quantities are the primary source of food and nutrient for the moon people.", "\n\nNitrogen rich minerals which are an essential component of nutrition of all moon organisms and also help in growth of the plants are recycled in the lakes by the cyclic tidal action that occurs. ", "The moon people, process the water plants manually to make their food, various types of fabrics, building materials, fuel, construction materials etc. ", "Over thousands of years of trial and error and intelligent projections, have resulted in the development of techniques for utilization of these materials for a wide range of uses. ", "The transport machinery such as boats, barges, carts etc., ", "which are of simple basic shape and function are made of various categories of compounded raw materials developed from the water plants.", "\n\nA type of Algae very similar to blue green algae grows in abundance in the lakes. ", "Strangely, the principal mechanism of the growth of the moon's algae is not photosynthesis, but the aquatic organisms living in the lakes. ", "The algae communities grow in massive colonies which have the ability to enclose small aquatic organisms and absorb all the nutrients from the live microbial they prey on. ", "This is comparable very closely with the processes adopted by carnivorous plants found on the earth. ", "Because the algae cells have a special attribute of a very high ratio of surface-area-to-volume, they can absorb nutrients very quickly. ", "Over the past thousands of years, moon people have developed techniques to extract oil from the algae. ", "This oil serves a wide range of purposes depending on how it is processed and is used to make medicines, food, fuel for illumination and many other purposes as well.", "\n\nMoon people have ingrained traits whereby they deeply care for the environment that live in. ", "They make a very thorough investigation of effects on the environment before embarking on any activity and they would never exploit the resources around them in a way that would disturb the ecosystem. ", "Due to the very nature of their approach, the waste that they generate is a minimum and does not introduce any toxicity at all to the environment. ", "Only a few different types of metals are known to the moon people. ", "Metals are not extensively developed or widely used, unlike on earth.", "\n\nThe social structure of moon people is very vastly different to that of the people on the earth. ", "The entire populations of moon people can be pictured as groups of hermits living in secluded massive enclosed habitats. ", "They are extremely friendly to each other and socially structured to live a form of community life. ", "Though different personalities exist, conflicts are extremely rare. ", "They always have non-confrontational solutions to situations where seemingly opposing requirements arise and naturally respond to each other in such a manner as to leave no room for conflict. ", "They are very united and work in harmony with each other as is seen among the bees in a beehive. ", "They care for each other and are fundamentally oriented only towards \"purposes of the moment\" and do not have long term plans. ", "They share all possessions that they have with others as everybody owns everything and nobody owns anything. ", "They seem like fun loving serious people. ", "Moon people do not seem to possess anything other than a few personal effects.", "\n\nDating back to ancient days, they have a calendar, a written language and their own type of art and music. ", "All aspects of the lives of moon people are governed by commonsense rules made known to them by the elders. ", "These rules have been taught to them verbally for generations and are typically introduced at their childhood. ", "Most governing principles have been in place for centuries without appreciable change. ", "These guidelines have worked very well and are secular in nature and are not written down in any document as such. ", "Forms of written books on various subjects exist at the academic facilities, but there are no books on rules for people to follow or for reference. ", "The standard norms that all people ought to obey are well understood by all the moon people including the children. ", "It seems as if they have been brain washed with all these ideas and behavioral patterns from their birth.", "\n\nThe children are nurtured in community based centers. ", "The children from the level of infants are raised in these institutional centers. ", "These are the day care centers, preschools, primary, secondary, high schools, colleges and research institutions in the moon; all in one single locality. ", "Children at these centers treat all adults with utmost respect and regarding them as mentors and as no different from their parents.", "\n\nA more or less common sense approach is followed by the moon people in their day to day affairs. ", "This helps to keep the harmony and close bonding of the community that they treasure very much. ", "They always act on the principle of carrying out \"What needs to be done?\" ", "at a particular moment and get engage themselves promptly on such task, rather than wait for someone to give directions. ", "In instances, where guidance is necessary, it is the elders who provide it. ", "Notwithstanding very minor personality differences amongst the elders, their basic or fundamental ideas do not differ very much. ", "Conflicts never arise amongst the elders who are well recognized community leaders living like ordinary people, among the population. ", "Leaders respect each other's seniority on the basis of their age or their knowledge on a particular subject. ", "This is the principle they adopt whenever they encounter issues to determine who should take the key leadership decisions. ", "In each city, there is a common place for the leaders to gather at when major issues come up for review.", "\n\nThe behavior of moon people if observed from outside, might appear to imitate the interaction of a number of pre-programmed robots working in harmony. ", "There has never been any clash or differences amongst the moon people. ", "Words such as fight and war do not exist in their vocabulary. ", "Symbolically, they have only one style of clothing. ", "Their dress is of very simple style covering the full body including the head, with face kept open. ", "These clothes closely resemble the ceremonial Jedi robes seen in the Star Wars movies. ", "Men, women and all children wear the same type of clothing. ", "The color is desert sand brown. ", "The fabrics for clothing are made of none other than the fiber extracted from the water plants that grow profusely in the lakes. ", "The physical structures of men and women, very much resemble that of the people on earth. ", "The entire population talks the same language. ", "Men and women do not have hair on the head from birth. ", "But men have beards, but no mustaches. ", "They are very fair in complexion, so much so, that most blood vessels can be seen through their skin. ", "They walk in a swinging style, resembling chimpanzees walking upright. ", "The women and men are treated equally though men have a slight edge over the women in leadership roles.", "\n\nThe entire cave dwelling system is made up of a very large number of cities. ", "Distinct areas are demarcated for various community functions, community operations and dwellings within the cities. ", "Neither money nor other form of currency is used among the moon people. ", "There is no need to use money due to the way the community is structured to operate. ", "Neither food nor other commonly used or consumable items belong to anyone specifically but to all the people, as was also set out in the well-known speech by the Native American Chief, named Seattle in America.", "\n\nFood supplies come directly from various water plants that grow in the lakes in abundance. ", "The moon people consume a mix of raw food as well as cooked food. ", "The flowers, seeds, leaves, stems and the bulbs of the water plants are their staple diet. ", "These foods contain all the proteins and other necessary ingredients necessary for healthy living. ", "The water plants are processed in many ways to make a great variety of delicious cuisine. ", "The moon people cultivate limited varieties of subsidiary food crops in the fields. ", "They domesticate a cattle-like animal to obtain its milk. ", "Ritualistically, when moon people drink milk, they practice a custom of kneeling down and chanting certain words and phrases. ", "This ritual is meant for thanking the animal for providing the milk as well as to say sorry to the calves for taking a portion of their share of milk. ", "The moon people are not meat eaters and are pure vegetarians. ", "As such, they do not raise animals for meat. ", "The specific reason why they do not eat meat is not known. ", "However, taking life from any living creature is absolutely unthinkable for them. ", "The children are taught to treat the animal that provided milk to them as of equal status as their own mothers who provided breast milk to them when they were babies.", "\n\nThough a moon day is equivalent to 28 earth days, surprisingly, the biological day cycle of the moon people is 24 earth hours. ", "This shows that their biological clock or the day cycle has nothing to do with the sun rise and sun set in the moon. ", "Perhaps the 24 hour period of time is a unique biological 'interval of renewal' that nature has given to all human species. ", "Usually moon people sleep about eight hours a day at \"any time of convenience\" and remain active during most of the remaining hours. ", "The \"time of convenience\" varies for each individual. ", "As a result of not having a particular day or night time, there are always people awake and active all of the time. ", "Therefore, all community based activities take place all the time on a continuous basis without stoppage. ", "There are no holiday systems practiced in the moon. ", "Every day is a working day and every hour is an active hour. ", "Every hour is also a sleeping hour if someone desires to consider it that way.", "\n\nBirths and deaths are considered natural events in life and hence emotional situations at the levels experienced on the earth are unknown in the moon. ", "Burial of bodies takes place a few hours after death. ", "The persons, who happen to be the companions of the dead person at the time of death, get the assistance of others in the vicinity to wrap the dead body in fabric as in mummified bodies and prepare for its burial in an assigned area. ", "Sometimes, the graves are hand dug if the soil is sandy and burial takes place without any elaborate ceremonies. ", "There are no eulogies. ", "The moon people believe that all persons are equal and hence have no notion of high or low status in this regard, other than for the special respect that they have for elders. ", "No special burial ceremonies exist even for elders. ", "It is the common belief that all dead persons go to heaven instantaneously after death. ", "Because of this ages old belief, the people are generally happy for the dead ones rather than sad.", "\n\nUnlike on earth, no behavioral differences are found amongst people in the various localities. ", "As a normal practice the vast majority of people do not reside at a fixed location. ", "Living in a particular locality is not the habitual practice and around 90% of the adults are on the move all the time in groups of thousands. ", "This is very similar in occurrence to the migrations of herds of animals in the African continent. ", "While in the moon, migration is an ever ongoing event that never ends. ", "The actual reason for this habitual behavior is not known. ", "Coming down from the distant past, the resident time at any one place is fixed at an interval of fourteen earth days. ", "After stay at one place for fourteen days, the journey continues on to the next destination. ", "The period of walking to the next destination also lasts another fourteen earth days, thus equaling the number of days of stay at a place. ", "As a result of this particular walking and staying pattern, most of the city centers have naturally got established at equal distances apart. ", "The cities are approximately 150 miles apart, reflecting the distance that the groups can cover in fourteen days. ", "As you might have seen how Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, walking seems to be a pretty easy and fun activity for the moon people.", "\n\nOnce they are in a city, the members of a group have the option of deciding on their next destination city. ", "The adjacent cities are situated in seven radiating directions from each city. ", "For thousands of years the groups have ritualistically dispersed in seven directions for some reason not actually known. ", "Selecting the next city, and therefore the new direction to continue the journey are individual choices. ", "Because of this unique ancient habitual selection of traveling along the seven directions all city centers were situated at the corners of a heptagonal interwoven spherical grid configuration. ", "It somewhat resembled a 3D spherical beehive formation with heptagonal shaped grids, around the moon. ", "Such shape was possible as the cities were located at different elevations. ", "Because of the mass movement of people along the winding tunnel like pathways for thousands of years, all the pathways have eroded and evolved into extremely smooth and clean surfaces, just like pathways in anthills but to a very large scale. ", "The vertical structures along these pathways bear very many historical records left by the ancient travelers, by way of wall paintings, poems, graffiti, carvings, etc. ", "Historical ruins or anything of that nature having any archaeological value are not generally found. ", "The terrains of the pathways are very irregular as they are naturally formed. ", "Some places are narrow while others are wide. ", "The elevations vary as well, with a lot of uphill and downhill stretches. ", "Moon people have done the barest minimum alterations by way of construction to make these natural paths. ", "Along these pathways, at intermediate points, there are natural chambers, like niches. ", "Moon people use these chambers as their resting places during their journeys. ", "At some locations there are large sized chambers that connect to each other through tunnel like passageways.", "\n\nBy about the 6th to 8th days into their intercity traveling, each group comes across others traveling in the opposite direction. ", "When this happens they greet each other, pass gestures like \"high fives\", share their food, chit chat, nudge and push each other gently to have a little bit of fun and to acknowledge their togetherness.", "\n\nAll the cities conduct ceremonial functions to welcome incoming visitors and to bid farewell to the outgoing visitors. ", "As everybody either leaves a city or reaches a new city on a particular fixed day, these ceremonies are held at predetermined venues. ", "As the logistics stand, this ceremonial function repeats on every fourteenth day in every city center. ", "The day long ceremonies create good meeting opportunities for the people who come to the city from seven directions and the people who will be heading to new cities located in seven directions.", "\n\nAs a startup event in the agenda of the ceremony, all adult participants (men and women), consume a cocktail made of mushrooms. ", "None of the adults ever miss it. ", "The recipe of this cocktail has been coming down from the ancient days and is the same in all the cities. ", "The moon people love it! ", "The hallucinatory agents in the cocktail probably transport the minds of the people into a different realm and help them socialize, perform dances and enhance their inner bonding. ", "Speculating on this further, the cocktail drink may be the core impetus driving their propensity for intercity traveling. ", "The 'travelers' are assured of the reward of a dream making cocktail once every fourteen days at all the cities. ", "Some people may be unconsciously addicted to this! ", "People did not take this special drink or any form of alcohol on the other days. ", "However, it was an accepted norm also that the people who stayed permanently at one location lost the eligibility to have this drink. ", "Without exception everyone observed this rule strictly without having to be policed by others.", "\n\nThe ceremonies generally included playing of games, beating of drums, singing, dancing, storytelling, dining and chit chat. ", "The whole community actively took part in the ceremonies. ", "The dances they performed seemed like a huge network of dance groups changing from one array to another every few seconds, following very thoughtfully choreographed rhythmic patterns. ", "This was done very skillfully and with many flourishes. ", "The people were in physical contact with each other during the entire dancing act. ", "Vivid dancing patterns were accompanied by appropriate sound effects. ", "The songs that were sung and the dances that were performed were the same at every city center of the moon where these parties were held. ", "These have not changed over the many thousands of years past, just like the seasonal Christmas songs played on the radio every year.", "\n\nOn the day following the ceremony, the people who were due to leave the city commenced their new journeys. ", "Those who arrived at a particular city got engaged in the chores that formed their site duties. ", "Those who travel carry only the bare essential items including the food they need for the next 14 days of travel. ", "The food parcels for them to take are prepared in advance. ", "Personal musical instruments are one of the 'extra' items that people carried with them when traveling. ", "As a means of avoiding monotony and making it interesting, walking patterns of the 'travelers' were of diverse, rhythmic styles and were almost always accompanied by appropriate sound effects. ", "Some people also had their pets such as parrots, with them.", "\n\nThe specific aspect of \"Fourteen days\" travel and \"Fourteen days\" residence is not a hard and fast rule of any kind, but it is the practice that had come down from the past thousands of years. ", "It might have something to do with half-moon day or the intervals of tidal waves that were experienced. ", "The post ceremonial arrangements were so arranged that every person who reached a city understood what community functions they would need to be engaged in from the very next day. ", "During their stay they attended to regular community work such as cooking, cleaning, farming, field work, gathering food from lakes, attending to various community based construction works, teaching children, day care work, etc. ", "Nobody gave them directions as to what to do. ", "But they sought out exactly what work was there to be done for the next fourteen days. ", "These procedures have been repeatedly taking place over the past centuries and hence it is not difficult to understand how all these interrelated tasks were being carried out so smoothly.", "\n\nWhen moon people moved from one city to another, the moving group always mixed with others who had arrived there from the other six directions. ", "At every new occasion, they always merged into new groups without seeking to stay with their original group. ", "The mixing up of groups was a continuous process that took place at every city center. ", "As a result of mixing into groups and splitting their journeys into seven directions at each city center, after a few years, it was always difficult to find another person from one's original group. ", "This was not applicable at the individual level to a couple of a male and female as such couples always stayed together. ", "By constantly moving from one area to another, the people were exposed to almost the entire vast area of their habitat during their life time and also gave them the opportunity to intermingle with the entire moon population of around 2 million persons. ", "The birth and death rate has been almost equal over many thousands of years and as a result the population of people in the moon has attained a steady state. ", "The average life span of moon people is over 100 earth years and this might be due to the type of food they ate, the ritualistic walking habit they perform for more than half their life time and perhaps the greatest influence might be the conflict and stress free lives that they lead.", "\n\nAs people got older, they preferred to stay in areas of choice. ", "Elders naturally settled into self-assumed roles of providing community advice. ", "As all the people were fully independent while being strongly bonded to each other, they did not have a practice of keeping close contact with their immediate relatives or children or parents. ", "They were firmly possessed of a true sense of brotherhood and sisterhood, and unwaveringly held with this concept in their dealings with their fellow citizens. ", "Moon people have a long established history of taking care of the elderly members of the population in a compassionate manner. ", "They do not have special retirement communities or nursing homes or hospitals caring for elders. ", "When any person gets sick, the others take care of him without need for a request to be made. ", "All assistance that is needed on any matter is always available around them all the time. ", "This is due to a unique sense of 'ownership' where all persons are considered as one's own; every child is regarded as one's own; every City Park, road, house, community center is considered as one's own. ", "The sense of belongingness to the community and the community itself are inherent and inseparable parts of the social system.", "\n\nWhen once a man and woman get together, their bond is maintained permanently. ", "If a child is born, the mother stays with the baby for three months. ", "During this time the baby is usually breast fed by the mother or sometimes by other mothers. ", "Children including infants are brought up in the community centers mentioned before. ", "Hence children do not develop social bonding to their parents. ", "In fact nobody knows who their parents are. ", "The moon people laid a very strong emphasis on educating the children and the children are kept in the community education system until they reach 16 years of age. ", "The children learn academic subjects as well as all domestic practical work required for community activities. ", "There are also chores that have to be carried out during non-study time. ", "From a very early age, children are assigned specific responsibilities. ", "The chores are selected suitably by community leaders with due regard to the age of the child. ", "The children select their own names during the school period according to their sole choice. ", "However the first part of the name carries the name of the city. ", "For instance children from the city of \"Vaaadi\" will have names like Vaaadi Tukuuu, Vaaadi Bekiii, Vaaadi Zukooo, etc., - ", "short names but pronounced with a long dragging accent. ", "Written records of births or any other type of identification mechanism does not exist. ", "Extremely brilliant children are encouraged to join exclusive sets of scholar community groups involved in scientific research. ", "Inventions and knowledge resulting from engaging in such research are shared with the community elders and utilized appropriately for the benefit of the community. ", "None of the research is geared to business oriented purposes and is all purely focused on community benefit and knowledge development. ", "These research based institutions form a higher sector of the community schooling system but they are limited to a few cities and are not many in number.", "\n\nContrary to the pattern that existed in the past, the research facilities have been expanding rapidly in recent times. ", "This is seen to be due to the younger generation's increasing interest in scientific adventure. ", "Recent research findings of the moon people have permitted significant advances into many scientific discoveries following the similar history of those on earth. ", "However, the elders have adopted a very cautious attitude, being averse to any technology that might weaken their social structure. ", "As they have come to be very comfortable with their prevailing lifestyle, they naturally exercise utmost care before introducing the applications of any scientific discoveries into their daily life. ", "The network of elders was responsible for decisions on what was good or bad before changes were introduced to the community. ", "Inexplicably, discoveries such as battery powered lights were restricted to the research laboratories as there was an attitude of ultra-conservativeness in the use of new technologies. ", "The elders collectively believed that the people could well get along without modernity. ", "The moon people value simplicity over comfort, convenience and leisure. ", "Their lifestyle was based on a deliberate balance of avoiding a pleasure world while maintaining self-sufficiency. ", "The networks of elders who have the responsibility to take decisions are not rulers of any kind. ", "These groups actually function as groups of elders convened by specific situations to take decisions to deal with any new circumstance. ", "The sets of decision making groups vary from day to day, from subject to subject and from city to city. ", "Conflicts do not arise amongst any of these elders as they are all very broadminded and also have similar frames of mind. ", "As elders in each city took appropriate decisions on communal matters pertaining to their particular city, intercity communication was not an absolute necessity. ", "However in the instances where they had to consult the other prominent elders in adjacent cities, it took place at a very slow pace as avenues for advanced communication, such as telephones were not known in the moon.", "\n\nThe moon people had a unique system of beliefs. ", "They did not know how the brain functioned just like people on earth 500 years ago and they believed in a soul. ", "They presumed that all the memories that they remember are borne by an external soul associated with their physical body. ", "So, they believed the soul was a separate entity from the body and that this soul could transmigrate. ", "They identified the soul as their \"Self\". ", "They did not have a concept of God, unlike the comparative situation with many religions on earth. ", "However they firmly believed that the soul would instantly \"Teleport\" to a heaven immediately upon a person's death. ", "They also believed that they would have youthful physical bodies when they took up their abode in heaven. ", "They believed that heaven was an extremely beautiful place of pleasure with very many fun things to do and look around and enjoy. ", "They believed that once they were in heaven, they would not age, fall ill, feel pain or have sorrowful feelings of any kind.", "\n\nThey believed that heaven was a community based place without a leader, or elders, and that it had a social structure identical to the one they enjoyed in the moon. ", "They did not have a concept of \"Hell\" and probably did not have a word meaning \"sin\" or any word with a meaning even slightly resembling it. ", "Words such as sin, cruelty, evil, jealousy, anger, crime, fight, aggression, war, etc., ", "were totally unknown to moon people.", "\n\nFrom ancient times, through the transparent areas of the moon's crust the people of the moon have seen a beautiful planet like object in the sky. ", "They believed that that was heaven (meaning \"pleasure place\" in their language)... the place that they will be born in after death. ", "This heaven was visible only from certain cities of the moon. ", "The entire moon population was aware of this heaven from their school education and also from reports by people who had seen it. ", "Like certain religious pilgrimages on earth, part of the purpose of the \"moon people's continuous movement habit\" was to observe this heavenly body during their lifetime. ", "Most people have seen the heaven, in many occasions when they arrived at cities from which it was visible. ", "However, it should be understood that the primary purpose of the movement habit was not to satisfy a need to see the heaven. ", "The primary purpose of the habitual journeying is really not known. ", "When the moon people were approaching an opportunity to see this beautiful heaven in space for the first time, they had the knowledge that getting to heaven was an event that would take place just at the end of their life time. ", "They were therefore very excited about it and overwhelmed. ", "However, when they actually got to look at the object which was heaven they would glare at it for long hours without blinking as it was so utterly beautiful and enjoyable to look at – like a glowing blue colored gem hanging by itself in space. ", "Just to look at it gave them a sense of deep fulfillment. ", "The city centers from where heaven could be seen had more ceremonial events and cocktail drinks than other cities. ", "The moon people's migratory journey did not end at these cities or other place and continued in a closed and never ending chain. ", "Because of the continuous nature of the movement pattern, none of the moon people could remember where they spent their childhood or any other place specific details of their journey. ", "This did not matter to them because the life pattern at all parts of the moon was similar, routine, efficiently structured and very pleasant. ", "The moon people had no doubt at all that at the end of their lives, they would all end up at heaven - the pleasure place. ", "To the reader of course there is no awe associated with the object the moon people see as heaven but to the moon people it is a fundamental fact on which their whole life purpose is pinned.", "\n\nThere have been prominent philosophers, artists, poets, scientists and other scholars in the moon. ", "They have contributed a wealth of benefits to the moon community by spreading their knowledge and ideas. ", "The old generations have kept the harmony of the moon community intact. ", "The elders in the moon at present have been somewhat perturbed in the recent past with the present generation of children, who seek to express their reasoning as to how they wish to move forward into the future. ", "The elders have observed trends of some individuals tending to deviate from the traditional social system and attempting to adopt different living styles. ", "But up to now the elders have been able to address such situations and have managed to keep the traditional systems intact. ", "Since some time now a common vision has arisen amongst many elders that an upheaval of colossal proportions could occur in their social lifestyle in the near future; not due to natural phenomena but due to idealistic inclinations of present day youth.", "\n\nSimilar to primitive hunter gatherers on the earth, who observed the sun, stars and other heavenly bodies over thousands of years, the moon people have observed these objects over thousands of years. ", "However, they had to make these observations through the limited areas of moon surface that was transparent. ", "There are many mythical stories as well as valuable observations that the ancestors of the moon have passed on to succeeding generations. ", "After invention of the telescope by the moon people, their knowledge of astronomy has widened, but their knowledge of the universe is very limited and cannot be compared at all to any discoveries made by our pioneering astronomers of even way back as the fifteenth century. ", "The moon astronomers were lucky not to have religious authorities to upset them unlike what Galileo and Kepler had to face when they proclaimed their discoveries. ", "The moon astronomers did not know about the planets in the solar system or how the planets were kept moving relative to each other by the dynamic forces between them. ", "It is quite understandable that they did not know more about astrophysics, having had to spend their lives within a system of caves. ", "To have an opportunity to view stars and other objects shining through clear glass like surfaces, on the roofs of their cave world was considered a great treat by the moon people, as these were rare occasions for them. ", "However, they got opportunities to see outer space, usually several times, during their constant routine of travel from city to city. ", "As such, most people were aware of the outside world and the fact that they were living within a system of caves.", "\n\nThe clarity of space objects depended on the clearness of the transparent moon surfaces. ", "Though there were many relatively clear moon surfaces these were not at all as clear as colorless glass on earth. ", "The varying thicknesses and the irregularities on the surfaces made the clarity of the space objects seen through the 'clear' moon surfaces relatively poor. ", "Apart from the clear areas, there were vast areas of transparent moon surface covered by dust like material hindering outer space visibility. ", "The moon people had no way of clearing the dust from these surfaces as these areas were beyond access to them. ", "As a very useful practical outcome, clearing of these dust covered areas would increase sunlight penetration into the caves thus enhancing illumination and the growth of vegetation. ", "In the recent past the moon astronomers had acquired a deeper interest in seeing more and more of the outside worlds from different parts of the moon. ", "As a further step they explored avenues to expand their total viewing area. ", "Sometimes nature would help to clear dust from viewing areas. ", "This happened when solid bodies, such as asteroids or comets collided on nearby surfaces. ", "These objects that fell at high velocities created shock waves along the surface, thus helping sometimes to dislodge dust from viewing areas. ", "As the moon did not have an external atmosphere to burn out these objects, these collisions were more frequent on the moon than on earth. ", "Though millions of scarred impact craters are found on the moon, meteorite impacts were very rare. ", "Sometimes these events worked negatively as well; destroying the existing clear areas by the deposition of dust and debris, arising from collisions.", "\n\nThere are less than two hundred institutions that work on pure research and development in the entire moon. ", "The locations of these institutions are spread over the moon far apart from each other. ", "Knowledge sharing amongst these institutions does occur but at a low scale due to lack of fast communication capabilities. ", "These research and development centers are led by very keen intellectuals dedicated to expanding their realm of understanding of specific scientific fields that they are working on. ", "The research institutions are staffed by very intelligent children, identified when they were at the community schools. ", "As directed by elders in the community schools, these children are encouraged to join the researchers when they become adults. ", "But after joining these institutions over 95% of these intelligent children leave the researchers and join the common traveling society as they have been pre-programmed to do so. ", "Millions of years of evolution of the brain have made traveling their inherent natural choice. ", "Probably their genes are etched to stay with this social trend. ", "However, a minority of intellectuals stay on to pursue research as a serious dedicated group.", "\n\nAbout two hundred years ago after the invention of the telescope, the scientists in the moon realized the benefit of developing optical lenses and mirror systems further. ", "The research over the last 200 years on this field has made progress toward developing and improving compound optical lens configurations that can concentrate light into very narrow beams. ", "Though these light beams are not as advanced as LASER beams, the moon scientists have been contemplating their use as an intercity communication medium. ", "In fact they have installed these compound-lens systems to keep contact between research organizations separated by a distance exceeding 150 miles. ", "Success has been achieved in sending a light beam from one institute to the other. ", "These beams are relayed along the pathways that moon people travel on from city to city. ", "A number of compound lens devices have been installed at many junctions to receive and direct the beam appropriately to follow the required path. ", "The light source of the system is the material \"Babaloniums\" which produces adequate intensity light suited to the purpose. ", "After the scientists established the system, it was recognized as an enormous success and development is now in progress of a \"Code Book\", similar to the \"Code Book\" of torch telegraphy that the ancient Greeks and Romans developed. ", "Light signals are probably the oldest method for transmitting messages between hilltops over distances on earth. ", "Coded messages have long been transmitted from ship to ship with lights. ", "Moon scientists are still working on the codes to perfect the system for communication between the two research facilities.", "\n\nAfter the moon scientists developed electrical magnets and a subsequent discovery was made of electromagnetic waves - commonly called radio waves - they did not know what to do with their new discovery. ", "But as things happened in the earth's history, sometimes accidents lead to discoveries. ", "As an accidental discovery, the scientists in the moon found that when electromagnetic instruments were energized, they caused a physical disturbance of nearby dust particles. ", "Some particles were attracted and others were repelled as is the case with static electricity. ", "They also observed that the particles responded even at substantial distances of separation, and also by-passing the physical barriers between instrument and particles. ", "The leading scientist who had invented the system directed the waves towards the moon's surface with the idea of checking the response of the moon dust on top of the moon's crust. ", "The moon dust covering thin transparent surfaces was seen to be projected up and down thus making it possible to see through the transparent surface. ", "Though it did not yield perfect transparency of the moon's crust, this was a big success. ", "By experimenting further on this and fine tuning the apparatus, they realized that electromagnetic waves could help them to clear the dust on top of the transparent sections of the moon's surface. ", "After several repeated applications, some small areas achieved near complete elimination of the dust cover. ", "Obviously this was a huge discovery for the moon people as they needed to maximize sunlight penetration into the caves and also achieve as much visibility of outer space. ", "However, powering the equipment was a problem. ", "The type of batteries that were being used was not adequate in capacity to power the equipment for more than a few hours.", "\n\nUpon discovering a mechanism for removing the dust on the moon's surface, elders of the city gave their blessings to proceed with these experiments further. ", "The name of this particular city where this took place was \"Daaadi\". ", "A scientist from the same city Daaadi was the pioneer in establishing the optical communication link mentioned earlier. ", "The communication link was from city Daaadi to a city nearby named \"Laaahi\". ", "In the city of Daaadi the ceremony that was conducted every 14 days, acquired an additional feature now. ", "This was the demonstration of their new equipment in clearing the dust on the surface of the crust of the moon. ", "The scientist who invented it demonstrated the capability of his invention to the amazement and delight of all the people. ", "Each time they energized the instrument, a greater area at the top of the caves got cleared. ", "Though the new cleared area was like a 20ft diameter patch, it brought more sunlight to the cave during 14 day long daytime. ", "They could now see more of outer space. ", "Some people loved this demonstration while others did not show much of an interest. ", "The scientist was able to clean an additional 6 square foot area at each occasion of demonstration. ", "However, the scientist had to stop the demonstration after about 80 minutes due to the inadequacy of battery power. ", "The batteries had to be switched from one set to another during the demonstration. ", "These batteries had to be painstakingly reconditioned and recharged before the next ceremony.", "\n\nNow you can understand what was causing the emanation of radio waves from the moon. ", "Right!", "\n\nLet us see what was happening on the earth and how they were going to investigate the mysterious moon people. ", "We have to now get back to the time when \"Hi!\" ", "received the moon signal (15 minutes ago). ", "Let's refresh our memories.", "\n\nThis will be interesting!", "\n\nMoon and SETI-NASA Interaction ••• ••••\n\nThe signal strength of the moon source as detected by \"Hi!\" ", "and relayed to the SETI-NASA command center had been unvarying over the first 15 minutes. ", "As planned, the time had arrived for the SETI-NASA team to transmit the \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" and \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" radio waves to the target. ", "Seth nodded his head to proceed with that. ", "In an atmosphere charged with expectant hope and optimism, with all eyes and ears focused on the instrument panels, the radio transmission from \"Hi!\" ", "was initiated. ", "The team was impatient. ", "The transmission was maintained for five minutes paused for two minutes and the pattern was repeated. ", "The pauses were deliberately introduced to prompt and capture the attention of the source. ", "Even if the source reciprocated while the \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" signal burst was on, the instruments in the satellite were capable of detecting a direct response or a variation in the pattern or intensity of the so far steady moon signal. ", "The electronic ears as well as Seth's and Max's senses were on in continuous attention mode. ", "Unfortunately, no indication even remotely resembling a response was detected for the next sixty seven minutes at which point the signal died away abruptly. ", "The cessation of the signal was not unexpected, but the silence that met the signal of greeting from \"Hi!\" ", "was very disappointing considering all the hard work put in and the enormous expectations of Seth and the others.", "\n\nHowever though the lack of a response from the moon's signal source was no doubt a setback, other planned tasks in the overall program had to be rolled on. ", "The satellite \"Buddy\" was used by the teams in conducting a wide range of investigative activities from day one. ", "Buddy had cameras with extremely powerful and high resolution type telephoto capture facilities to photograph the signal source area. ", "These cameras are of a type used in agricultural crop measurement, geological and topography mapping and similar purposes. ", "The cameras in the satellite were of the highest refinement and capability with full color and 3D capability. ", "It could read a bill board of 30ft x 30ft size and reproduce a clear image easily even at its miles long orbiting distance. ", "This gives an indication of the quality of pictures that could be expected. ", "The lack of an atmosphere on the moon also contributed to the enhancement of the quality of the pictures. ", "The pictures were taken continuously according to a planned program. ", "From time to time the camera mode was turned on to produce 3D images and other multi-resolution pictures. ", "Towards the latter part of the picture taking program, the schedule also included taking pictures of other proximate areas that were chosen as places of interest. ", "These included a few craters, deep valleys and flat terrain in close proximity to the source area. ", "A special panel of image scientists had instant access to these high resolution optical images, no sooner they were received by the SETI-NASA command center for their evaluation and analysis.", "\n\nThis satellite also had infrared (IR) thermograph camera equipment. ", "Infrared thermograph equipment is quite different from night vision equipment. ", "Night vision equipment amplifies the faint night light and permits seeing in the dark. ", "IR cameras are designed to detect the thermal energy emitted by objects and produce images depicting their temperature variations and therefore IR imaging is not affected by light intensity. ", "High temperature objects radiate more heat than cold objects. ", "When viewed through a thermograph camera against a cooler background on the earth, humans and other animals could easily be detected and depicted as images. ", "The thermo graphic images that were to be taken on the signal area had its own group of experts to process and interpret the images.", "\n\nFrom previous missions, NASA had surface maps of the entire moon with a modest degree of details of its mineral composition. ", "However, the satellite \"Buddy\" was equipped with a highly technologically advanced instrument known as an infrared mineralogical mapping spectrometer able to map the mineral composition around the signal area with very great accuracy. ", "The satellite also had the most developed subsurface sounding radar altimeter. ", "The purpose of the subsurface sounding radar altimeter was firstly to find water. ", "The technique was to bounce radar waves off the source area and to receive and analyze the \"echoes\". ", "If there were near-surface liquid water accumulations the bouncing signal would be stronger than if the signal bounced off a hard surface. ", "Secondly, the thickness of the dust layer that covered the source area could be determined. ", "Thirdly, the surface materials around the signal spot could be characterized. ", "The satellite had a purpose built set of special antennae with a span of 100ft, for these purposes. ", "Other hardware packed in the satellite had capabilities to determine the surface chemistry around the source spot, including detecting the presence of moisture, gases or any other emissions from the sub-surface. ", "All these scientific data were to be channeled to separate experts specialized in the respective fields.", "\n\nThe SETI-NASA team was now preparing for their next fourteenth day signal detection and messaging routine. ", "The action plan remained more or less the same. ", "As regards the transmission of a LASER signal in addition to the radio signal beamed by \"Hi!\", ", "it would be tried out after first having the radio signal on for 15 minutes. ", "If any feedback was obtained within these 15 minutes, the radio signals would be continued with and the LASER signal will not be beamed. ", "There was still a lot of expectation and hope of establishing a reciprocating communication arrangement with the signal source. ", "But some riddles yet remained!", "\n\nAfter expert review of the photographic images and various other data based on a range of tests and measurements, the principal commanders had a more detailed understanding of the area around the signal source. ", "The image scientists were amazed at the pictures that they saw. ", "They confirmed that the signal location was situated in an area with a vast layer of lunar regolith that had been subjected to agglutination. ", "This finding was supported by the scientists who were involved with the infrared mineralogical spectrometer mapping. ", "Agglutinated lunar regolith is the translucent material mentioned earlier. ", "Most lunar regolith material samples that the Apollo program brought back to earth between 1969 and 1972 was translucent. ", "But the surface material in the pictures appeared to be exceptionally translucent and spread out wide. ", "A major portion of this area was covered with common moon dust and debris from meteorite impacts. ", "The 3D pictures and the sounding radar altimeter gave an assessment of the terrain and the thickness of the dust layers. ", "Pictures zoomed on the signal spot indicated a wide patch of smooth textured transparent surface. ", "The dust layer in this area was only a few inches deep. ", "At some spots the smooth surface layer was very clearly exposed and looked like glass. ", "As the pictures were mostly concentrated on the signal source area, the images that were planned to be taken on craters, deep valleys and flat terrain were not available at this stage for assessment of the surrounding areas. ", "The infrared imaging investigations performed on the signal spot revealed temperature differences between the surface and the underground. ", "As the surface temperature depends on the time and the sector of the moon's day, the data that was available so far was not sufficient to yield a meaningful interpretation of the results. ", "However, an observation that stood out was that the subsurface temperature at the signal source area throughout the last 12 earth days was relatively steady. ", "It was 72◦F compared to the surface temperature fluctuation of 12◦F to 220◦F. This was quite unexpected.", "\n\nFrom the first phase of investigations performed through the infrared mineralogical mapping spectrometer, the dust on the signal area was inferred to be silicon based with a high percentage of Iron and Nickel. ", "These results tallied with the details NASA already had from various previous renaissance missions.", "\n\nThe preliminary results obtained through the sounding radar altimeter showed leading evidence to conclude that the signal area had a hollow subsurface. ", "In fact some results showed that the surface thickness above the cavity was in the range of 4 to 25 feet. ", "To the scientists, this was a remarkable finding because of the astounding fact that the actual source of the signal was about 30 feet below ground level. ", "The longitudinal extent of the cavity was yet to be investigated and established. ", "Water vapor was not found on the surface. ", "SETI Institute and NASA were very tight lipped about these findings and none of the findings were released to the public. ", "However, media representatives were kept happy by giving them a general version of the progress of the project. ", "Seth and Max handled that task very well at every opportunity they had to deal with the media.", "\n\nAs expected the moon signal was received on the 14th day. ", "The satellite's \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" and \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" radio waves were targeted at the signal source. ", "This time the SETI-NASA team had Buddy's imaging cameras focused at the signal spot and recorded images every half second so as to detect any activity at the spot. ", "As on the previous occasion, the satellite did not receive any response from the signal spot. ", "It was the same old monotonous signal with a steady stream of useless data without any variation in content. ", "Seth anticipated some intermittent breaks or differing modulation patterns in the signal in response to their message. ", "Regrettably, none of these anticipated responses were noticed during the first 15 minutes. ", "Seth and Max decided to adopt their game plan B; that was the fire-up of the LASER beam with the same \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" and \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" sequence with intermittent 2 minutes of pause. ", "This was kept on for nearly 26 minutes, until the moon signal stopped. ", "No response was received from the signal source during this entire period.", "\n\nFrom the data gathered during the LASER beam transmission event, the SETI-NASA team realized that that the moon's surface at the signal area exhibited the properties of glass as the LASER beams easily penetrated the surface material. ", "This piece of evidence was another remarkable fact for the disappointed but information hungry team. ", "The immediate question that arose in everybody's mind was whether they had detected the glass dome of an alien moon base?", "\n\nThis thought was not new and was a big media speculation in 1994 after the US navy sent the satellite \"Clementine\" to the moon to compile a perfect moon map. ", "Out of the 1.8 million images Clementine took, 170,000 images were released to the public. ", "The rest was treated as classified. ", "Third party groups who analyzed these pictures, claimed to have found incredibly massive artificial structures on the moon in the basin of the \"Tycho\" Crater. ", "Some of these pictures had been censored later by NASA. ", "One of the structures was like a massive glass dome. ", "It looked like a woven bird's nest. ", "This was a hot topic at that time. ", "In 1994 a group backing the claim of existence of UFO's declared this dome as the greatest discovery in history. ", "They said the government and military agencies knew about this for decades but were concealing it from the public. ", "They further said that the alien moon base had been there for tens of thousands of years. ", "Existence of such a dome was denied by the NASA scientists with facts and figures but some skeptical persons still believe the government was not disclosing the truth. ", "However, this particular dome was on the far side of the moon at a location not anywhere close to the spot that the moon signal was emanating from.", "\n\nAll analysis of the images taken by Buddy on the signal spot at 30 second intervals, on the day the satellite \"Hi!\" ", "was in touch with the moon signal, was now complete. ", "It revealed yet another strange fact. ", "The dust on the surface at the signal source spot seemed to be drifting to a side. ", "These dust movements were noticed during the time the moon signal was being beamed. ", "This movement of dust was not apparent on any other day. ", "Many more images were taken later to confirm that this was not happening on the other days. ", "Scientists were busy in reasoning out why it was happening. ", "If it was due to some blowing over the moon's surface, why was it not happening on the other days? ", "However, no instruments fitted on board Buddy detected a blowing over the surface. ", "The atmosphere over the moon's surface was virtually non-existent. ", "But there have been NASA studies of this effect as this event has also been detected before at different parts on the moon. ", "NASA had explanations as to why some parts of the moon demonstrated levitating dust. ", "These explanations suggested that the dust on the surface can levitate due to continual bombardment of high energy radiation from the sun in the forms of UV, X-rays, and solar wind plasma, combined with the magnetosphere. ", "But such an explanation cannot be applied to the signal spot, simply because the movement was seen only when the moon signal was present. ", "So, the reason for dust movement was still a mystery, unless it could be totally attributed to the moon signal.", "\n\nOne of the priority tasks planned for \"Buddy\" at the next encounter of the signal, was to confirm the dust movement happening once more. ", "A question as to whether the moon signal had anything to do with the dust movement arose. ", "NASA also had scientists who researched on dust removal techniques for the previous moon missions. ", "During the Apollo missions a dust removal technology was developed using electrostatic and di-electrophoretic forces to prevent accumulation of dust on solar panels. ", "Max contacted the scientists who continued their research on this subject to ascertain whether the radio wave phenomenon could be correlated to dust movement on the moon's surface. ", "They seemed to think that it was highly probable but had their reservations due to lack of specific technical data on the signal.", "\n\nAs a desperate attempt to prompt the source to respond, instead of waiting for another 14 days to capture the signal, Seth decided to continue the \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" and \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" sequence of radio waves and LASER beam signal to operate in parallel and continuously in alternating 'on' and pause mode on daily basis.", "\n\nResponse from the Moon City Daaadi ••• ••••\n\nAs explained in the previous chapter, the moon signal had become one of the events of the 14th day celebration function in a city in the moon. ", "It was introduced merely to demonstrate the dust clearing ability that had so very recently been developed. ", "This was being carried out only in the city named \"Daaadi\" and was performed by a scientist named Daaadi Dooda, who had invented this ingenious radio wave generating equipment. ", "Other cities did not have this capability. ", "Daaadi City had pioneered many scientific innovations in the past as well. ", "Dooda was an exceptionally brilliant person. ", "When he was a teenager the elders advised him to go into research as he was recognized as an extraordinarily intelligent teenager. ", "He followed their advice but a few years later he could not resist the temptation to join the others in the traveling routine which he was continued in for five years. ", "During this time he had been to areas where the heaven could be seen. ", "Like the others, he was fascinated by the heaven and its image got firmly etched in his memory. ", "However, it might have been his fate as people say, that when he happened to came back to Daaadi through sheer random occurrence he had an urge to go back to continue the research he had started on before leaving Daaadi for the first time. ", "His stay back took place 45 years ago.", "\n\nDooda had been engaged in the dust removing demonstration for some time now, while at the same time using each occasion to optimize performance of the equipment. ", "Further research had been on-going in this field as the elders liked the benefits that the surface dust removal brought to the city as a major section of it was blessed with a transparent glass-like roof surface. ", "However, quite unexpectedly a new event took place. ", "On the last occasion when Dooda performed his demonstration, a narrow beam of very bright red light penetrated into the cave. ", "All the people who participated in the ceremony saw this light beam streaming into the caves in intermittent bursts. ", "The intensity of the incoming light ray virtually blinded them momentarily. ", "Neither the moon people nor the moon scientist could understand what was happening or think of a cause. ", "The moon people who participated in the ceremony were amazed by the sight of such a bright ray of light as never ever seen by them before. ", "They naturally assumed that the red light was part of the demonstration and gave full credit to their scientist Dooda. ", "As nothing outside their expectations had occurred, these moon people continued their journeys on the next day. ", "They would probably have forgotten all that they saw by now as the ordinary folk in the moon dwelt on their immediate impressions only very briefly and then moved on!", "\n\nThough he had not come across the red light beam in any of his earlier demonstrations, the moon scientist Dooda thought that his instrument might have created the red light beam due to some unknown cause. ", "However, the next day Dooda found that the red beam of light had not ceased its continuous pulsating glow. ", "He also observed that the light beam extended above the cave's roof top as he could see the unbroken red line through the clear moon surface leading backwards into pitch dark outer space. ", "He immediately realized it had a very distant source and also noticed that the beam seemed to have some kind of message as there appeared to be a deliberate pattern in the \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" and \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" sequence. ", "Dooda who had developed the radio wave equipment was an individual of very much above average intelligence and he felt strongly that he should reciprocate the color beam signal in some manner, perhaps using a light source as well.", "\n\nHe consulted the elders in the city and showed them the light beam. ", "The city elders with their enormous respect to Dooda did not object to Dooda's pursuing his line of thinking. ", "Dooda already had a plan in his mind. ", "He needed the support of a fellow scientist named Daaadi Loola who had developed the compound optical lens configuration and pioneered the establishment of the light link between the two cities \"Daaadi\" and \"Laaahi\" that was mentioned earlier. ", "Loola who was an expert on light beams was from the same city of Daaadi and did his research at the same research facility as Dooda. ", "Readers would probably have guessed that he was from the same city based on the first part of his name. ", "Dooda and Loola had known each other over a very long time. ", "Loola saw the LASER beam when Dooda took him to the cave where the radio wave generator was installed. ", "He was fascinated by the fact that the beams of light developed by him for communication purposes were very much like the LASER beam he saw.", "\n\nLoola realized that the red light was harmless. ", "Of course Loola assessed this fact cautiously and finally felt confident to touch the LASAR beams several times. ", "Dooda also checked it out himself on the assurance given by Loola that the red beam was harmless.", "\n\nThe red light beaming into Daaadi city had by now been observed over the past two days. ", "It was visible every half an hour as regular \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" spurts as programmed by the SETI-NASA team.", "\n\nDooda suggested that Loola help him to use his latest compound optical lens configuration to direct his light beam towards the red light signal source. ", "Loola agreed and made arrangements to get his instruments relocated to the same place as where Dooda performed his dust removing demonstration. ", "The light source of Loola's compound optical unit was a medium sized Babaloniums crystal and the beam it produced was very similar in appearance to a LASER beam.", "\n\nAfter the head of the compound optical unit was painstakingly and precisely directed towards the best assessment of theirs of the point from which the red light beam seemed to be coming, Loola took off the cover of the lens. ", "Dooda and Loola were now, for the very first time in their lives, seeing their Babaloniums light beam, beaming through and beyond the glassy cave hood and disappearing into black space. ", "As they have never had cause before to direct the light towards outer space, theirs was a unique observation. ", "The pale blue colored light was visible as a single beam to a very great distance beyond the moon surface. ", "Dooda and Loola were ecstatic. ", "They made further adjustments to align their light beam parallel to the LASER beam. ", "Unlike the LASER beam the Babaloniums light beam did not issue as an extremely narrow beam but became less intense and diffused with distance as it progresses outwards. ", "Dooda felt that it would be appropriate and important to also arrange for the light signal to pulsate in a \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" format. ", "Loola advised Dooda to use the lens cover to create the effect manually. ", "He did as best as he could to replicate the LASER signal pattern. ", "Dooda and Loola were not sure what they should do beyond this action or what to expect thereafter. ", "They merely repeated their pulsating beam routine over a considerable period and waited, gazing at the LASER beam.", "\n\nThe sensitive eyes and ears of the satellite \"Hi!\" ", "did not take long to figure out that some very significant change had taken place at the moon's signal source spot. ", "As soon as the Babaloniums light signal was projected to outer space, the satellite detected the faint light signal and immediately relayed the visual data to the ground station. ", "The SETI-NASA team could not immediately comprehend the implications of this new development, especially because this happed 2 days after the usual 14 day signal. ", "Seth and Max were immediately summoned. ", "Seth did not take much time to understand what it was. ", "This was what they had been waiting for – \"A response from the source\". ", "This was the biggest \"Aha!\" ", "moment for Seth. ", "Seth delayed no longer. ", "The satellite was commanded to change the \"dot\", \"dot\", \"dot\" signal to a different one. ", "A new sequence of \"dot\", \"dot\" followed by a 30 sec. ", "pause was implemented.", "\n\nFor Dooda and Loola almost 30 minutes had passed after they sent out their last signal. ", "They were not inclined to wait much longer and decided to get back to their normal routines. ", "However almost as if fate had willed it, Seth's new \"dot\", \"dot\" signal arrived just in time to catch their attention. ", "Dooda and Loola realized that the message was different. ", "That was an \"Aha!\" ", "moment for both of them too. ", "They reacted immediately and sent back a \"dot\", \"dot\" signal. ", "The SETI-NASA team was thrilled to have got such an immediate response. ", "This time the Seth changed the signal to five \"dots\". ", "Dooda and Loola reciprocated with five \"dots\". ", "This exchange of communication signals went on and on. ", "As a further variation, Max asked Seth to deliberately stop their signal. ", "When this happened, Dooda and Loola waited for some time with puzzled looks on their faces. ", "They however seemed to instinctively understand how they might be able to respond to break the silence and they initiated a seven \"dot\" signal. ", "The Seth reciprocated with a seven \"dot\" signal. ", "Seth went into \"dots\" and \"dash\" signal combinations. ", "To their great joy, the moon source reciprocated accordingly.", "\n\nBy now, it was certain that the moon source was active and live. \"", "What will this say to the entire world?\" – ", "This question kept resonating in the minds of all the people who were working on the signal. ", "The team realized that the last signal was a good indication that they were leading this exercise into a meaningful dialogue, if they developed it appropriately. ", "Seth, Max and the team as well as Dooda and Loola were keen on prolonging this communications event. ", "It kept on going for long hours. ", "Unfortunately, though the SETI-NASA team tried out various measures to upgrade the interaction into a more meaningful exchange of information they failed to elevate it beyond mere reciprocation of each other's signals. ", "How could the interaction be d\n\neveloped at least to the level of exchanging basic ideas? ", "This was the biggest question. ", "Although very many hours were spent by a panel of experts on this subject at the planning stages, so far none of their ideas and attempts led to any useful outcome. ", "This was a big deadlock that the Seth and Max faced right now.", "\n\nThe SETI-NASA team knew that they were dealing with a signal source in the moon. ", "They realized that this discovery overshadowed all the discoveries man has ever made. ", "This event would stand among the most momentous of events in the history of mankind. ", "The SETI-NASA team was a highly dedicated, motivated and also now a very apprehensive group of individuals. ", "In contrast Dooda and Loola, who unlike the Seth & Max, were not researchers looking for extraterrestrial intelligence, were surprised and excited as well but not very concerned as to who or what they were dealing with.", "\n\nYou are lucky. ", "You know what is happening at both ends!", "\n\nReleasing the News to the Public ••• ••••\n\nThe questions that the SETI-NASA team faced now were multifaceted. ", "Much more complex and deeper than before! ", "Who was behind the response signals? ", "Could there be living beings under the moon's surface? ", "What would they look like? ", "Could these light beams have been generated by a base established and populated by aliens? ", "Or could this be an alien instrument base controlled remotely from some other unknown site in the universe? ", "When would they be able to gain further knowledge on this? ", "How were they to proceed further? ", "What steps would be required to obtain clearance from the government to release this information? ", "How can the SETI-NASA team be kept tight lipped?", "\n\nIt had been an uncontested assumption that any alien life forms in the universe that might try to contact earth would be superior to humans both physically and in intellect. ", "The finding of extraterrestrial life outside our planet would have a big impact on the philosophical and sociological structure of human beings. ", "It would send a massive distress signal to our human psyches, pointedly challenging the assumption that we are the most superior life form in the universe. ", "The news might also trigger wide spread panic.", "\n\nSome decades ago, a number of intellectuals brought these facts and issues to the attention of the SETI Institute to prepare them for such eventualities. ", "The SETI Institute carefully perused and considered these ideas and evolved pre-defined policies, protocols and guide lines defining how the information should be disclosed to the domestic and international public, concerning the existence of or contact with extraterrestrial life forms. ", "As the release of information was a huge responsibility on the ruling government, the SETI Institute sought the participation of regulatory bodies and jointly finalized the format and content of all policies, protocols and guidelines. ", "It is a well-known that in the nineteen sixties, the Moon Treaty that was drawn up, proclaimed the obligation to disclose any organics found on the moon or elsewhere. ", "At the time these drafts were produced, the preparatory works seemed to be based on possibly farfetched expectations and predictions of an alien encounter. ", "But, taking the whole world community by surprise it appears the time arrived when these protocols and policies have to be implemented.", "\n\nOfficials of SETI Institute headed by Seth and NASA headed by Max met with Federal government officials to discuss the issue of the release of information, as they had clear evidence that an interactive exchange had occurred with the moon signal source. ", "As this was an event of extraordinary significance and was also one without precedent; the decision making process as regards the specific content and scope of information to be released was a complicated issue and constituted a bureaucratic nightmare.", "\n\nThe media grew suspicious and formed the view that some secretive exchange was taking place between SETI Institute, NASA and governmental officials, as their discussions had already gone on into a full second day. ", "The government officials were yet not decided whether or not to treat all the information as classified. ", "If it was to be treated as classified, security clearance was needed on the specific information to be released to the public. ", "If not they could treat all the information as unclassified and permit it being broadcast in the public domain, as had been done in the past. ", "Due to the vast public interest in the project, the US government was under extreme pressure to release a news bulletin as soon as possible. ", "Some groups of governmental advisors held the view that the news might create panic locally and internationally. ", "The more generally held view however, was that the news would definitely have short term unsettling effects but that these would fade out and not have a bearing in the medium or long term. ", "The main short term effect would be panic among some sections of the people due to disturbances to their psyche by the discovery of extra-terrestrial intelligence. ", "However, whether the news was released or not, media responses and hype could cause havoc amongst the general public and bring to bear disruptive and devastating consequences to be handled by the federal, state and local government units. ", "Separately also, complications could be caused by political maneuvering by various groups seeking advantages in the context of the turmoil created.", "\n\nEven though the United States had in place the Freedom of Information Act, in actual fact, the government had retained many past documents connected with space exploration, under classified status. ", "The silence of a few days led to enormous pressure being exerted by the media to release whatever findings at the time. ", "The US government could not continue their silence and had to decide one way or another. ", "A bold decision by the President of the United States resulted in all agencies being authorized to release information without reservation. ", "There was a mood of optimism amongst most officials that any negative effects would recede very quickly.", "\n\nNASA began to release all their findings in the various media formats including still pictures and videos. ", "Within a few minutes, their website crashed due to a severe overload of internet traffic but this problem was put right within the day. ", "Unlike many governmental documents that had been released online, the NASA documents did not have blacked out parts. ", "The curiosity of the world population was fed with news freely and accurately.", "\n\nThe groups that claimed the existence of UFOs declared this to be the day they had been waiting for, though nobody in the group was quite sure exactly what the moon signal source would turn out to be.", "\n\nIn double quick time the news reached all corners of the globe. ", "There was a great diversity of responses through various public media. ", "Some were very spontaneous and joyous while others were urging utmost caution. ", "The range of responses varied mostly between extremely positive and extremely negative while neutral groups were small in number. ", "Everybody was trying to make sense of the event, projecting their own interpretations as to what or who was behind the mysterious response from the moon.", "\n\nThose who were inclined to view the event positively felt the aliens or the mysterious source to be very advanced and of compassionate nature. ", "Terms of description such as \"Godly figures\" were mentioned along with the suggestion that one day they would get in touch with the earth and bestow it with wisdom, kindness and comfort. ", "However those who were apprehensive imagined that the aliens would be fearsome, ruthless warriors who might one day destroy the earth. ", "The neutral groups were not interested in speculating on what aliens might be like. ", "They did not project their fears or premonitions and decided to stay with the basic fact only that there was a single indication of a signal from the moon in response to the signal from our satellite \"Hi!\" ", "in moon orbit.", "\n\nMany scholarly presentations and articles on TV, the newspapers and in accredited science magazines appeared commenting on the pros and cons of communicating with aliens and eventually meeting them. ", "Some of the optimistic scholars spelled out the benefits that would result from contact with the aliens as well as the potential issues that would be thrown up by encountering them physically. ", "They pointed to the fact that the aliens might be thousands of years ahead of us and could help us in improving on food production technology & nutritional inputs, medicine & health care and possibly many more areas; Sociological benefits such as elimination of ill will, development of unity and achieving of harmonious living; Solving the riddle of the origin of life; Acquiring information on other known worlds and civilizations and belief systems; Understanding their perspectives on our belief systems, self, secular movements for altruistic service, our ultimate destination and solve the fundamental mysteries of the universe as they could have interacted also with other civilizations in the universe. ", "The Aliens could also assist us in intergalactic missions and provide know how to organizations such as NASA to enable them to undertake such missions. ", "NASA could even tap into the vast bank of knowledge that the aliens have gathered over ages. ", "It was hardly possible to limit the possibilities that might open up ... Even hard headed scientists found their minds swimming in all manner of wishful thoughts.", "\n\nSome religious leaders were deeply shaken by the news. ", "They were very restrained in making comments or stating their opinions as they wished to avoid running the risk of creating controversy within their doctrines. ", "Most religious practices are based on relatively rigid or inflexible belief systems and strong group loyalties. ", "Science had not helped most belief systems in the past. ", "To safeguard their beliefs against threats that might arise from this encounter, the clergy united and armed themselves with their own interpretations. ", "There was actually nothing new from their point of view. ", "They had been able to overcome such situations in past centuries when conflicting scientific discoveries were encountered. ", "The last thing they wanted however was for the aliens to force on the earth community another religion in the midst of the technological and culture shock that the discovery of their existence had already created.", "\n\nThe \"Extreme Negatives\", those who were badly perturbed by the news had a lot to say. ", "Their main request was \"do not disturb the hornets' nest\". ", "Their fear and expectation of adverse consequences from the alien encounter were drastically opposite to the positive benefits enumerated by the \"Extreme Positives\". ", "Some of this negativity could possibly be attributed to a few causes. ", "These could be the events shown in movies on aliens that they have seen, reflection on how powerless groups have been treated by powerful ones in the past centuries, and also partly due to the influence of their religious and other beliefs.", "\n\nSome arguments of the \"Negatives\" were very logical and worth being considered seriously. ", "They were of opinion that the signal source should not be contacted any further without knowing absolutely what or who was behind it. ", "Hasty action could result in utterly irreversible disaster. \"", "Time is on our side!\" ", "they thought. ", "Another valid major issue was how the USA or some group in USA could take a decision on behalf of the whole world, as an encounter with aliens would without doubt have a serious impact on the entire world and not USA alone. ", "What type of safeguard could USA avail to the other countries if the whole episode turned out to be a catastrophe? ", "The \"Negatives\" asserted that The United Nations Organization should step in and suspend all further action by the SETI-NASA team until world consensus was reached.", "\n\nSeth and Max were still in touch with the moon signal source by way of the light/LASER signal combination. ", "By this time they had come to realize that there was no possibility as yet to engage in meaningful radio communication.", "\n\nYou know why it is? ", "Yes of course! ", "Dooda and Loola do not have a transmitter or receiver \\--- But SETI-NASA team feels in the dark!", "\n\nHowever, Seth like the radio signal to be considered again if it could be made viable in the future as it is a better way of communicating. ", "This did not occur to Dooda and Loola as they were fascinated with the exchange of light signals. ", "Even if they had realized it, they were ignorant of how to manipulate a radio signal effectively. ", "They could only transmit but even so, they did not know this fact as they thought of their transmitter as a device to remove dust on the roof of their caves.", "\n\nThe days up to the next 14th day transmission seemed to pass quicker than before. ", "As usual the SETI-NASA team received the radio signal. ", "The movement of dust was observed and it was confirmed that the radio signal correlated directly to the movement of dust. ", "After several weeks of study, the SETI-NASA team concluded that if there were living beings directly sending out these signals, they could not be more technologically advanced than mankind on the earth. ", "If however the signals were operated remotely then the aliens responsible for the remote operations could be highly advanced. ", "Such advanced aliens could already know our language through surreptitious gathering of information from us. ", "If so, they themselves would be capable of compiling a language that the SETI-NASA team could understand. ", "But nothing of this sort had happened so far so that it would be reasonable to think that technologically advanced aliens were not involved.", "\n\nThe signal exchanges so far have been relatively passive and uninformative. ", "The SETI-NASA team was exerting themselves to the utmost to introduce a meaningful code into their LASER communication to establish a dialog. ", "But it proved to be more difficult than expected. ", "People have had a limited amount of success in communicating with animals without use of words. ", "Interacting with Dolphins is a good example. ", "But in the successful instances sign language has been used. ", "Loola already had experience in coding light signals to deliver messages between the moon cities of Daaadi and Laaahi. ", "But as those codes were based on the language used by the moon people, his experience did not help either.", "\n\nCould the light signal sequences be pursued further to develop a dialog with the remote source? ", "It seemed like an impossible task, to Seth and the others.", "\n\nHowever, from the moon side, Loola who had experience in this field suggested to Dooda that they transmit three \"dots\", a small pause, two more \"dots\" and then five \"dots\" after a big pause to indicate that it was the value resulting from addition of the previous three and two \"dots\". ", "Dooda did as Loola suggested. ", "This sequence was repeated a few times. ", "The SETI-NASA team understood the message. ", "Immediately the SETI-NASA team sent similar math questions to Dooda to answer. ", "They answered it correctly. ", "This confirmed that Dooda's original signal was a math question. ", "They understood each other's math questions correctly and reciprocated in the sending of answers. ", "This was a new development that was initiated by the moon people. ", "These innovations strengthened interactions to a much greater extent but the first grade arithmetical question and answer sessions did nothing to elevate the significance of the exchange of information. ", "What was now required was to move to a higher step at least to be able to code in a simple questions such as \"What is your name?\"; ", "Mere continuation of the exchanges so far would take them nowhere other than to an increased state of frustration.", "\n\nIt was noticed that there were instances where the light signal from the moon did not respond to the satellite signal. ", "The SETI-NASA team was of the view that such cases coincided with periods of resting of the signal source as the intervals were of a repetitive nature. ", "These observations led to some progress in communications. ", "The SETI-NASA team introduced a wakeup call to the moon source with a long \"dash\" signal. ", "They named it the \"hello\" signal and both parties understood it very well. ", "Progressing further, they established that a signal with 3 \"dashes\" denoted \"Bye! ", "Bye!\" ", "and it was beamed at the end of a long communications session. ", "However, as time passed both parties began to see that they were not making any further progress nor did they have any idea as to what more they could do.", "\n\nThe satellite could see the moon's light signal better when the signal spot was in the night phase of the alternating 14 earth day cycle of moon's day and moon's night. ", "Dooda and Loola too realized this as they could clearly see their light signal penetrating the moon's surface when their city was in the night phase. ", "As the days passed, the SETI-NASA team as well as Dooda and Loola preferred to engage in their signals exchange, during the night phase in their city. ", "For Dooda it meant being at work for 14 continuous earth days.", "\n\nSeth realized that his decision on inclusion of the LASER equipment in the satellite \"Hi!\" ", "had given by far the highest return on investment as it proved to be \"the vital unit\" that really established the communication link with the source and confirmed with data that the signal originated from a source 30 ft. ", "below the moon's surface.", "\n\nThe jubilant feeling the Seth, Max and the others enjoyed a few months ago at establishing the communications link, had been gradually fading away and was on the verge of vanishing. ", "The inability to develop even a very basic language to have a meaningful simple dialogue with the moon source was very frustrating to Seth. ", "It was felt that the time had come to take stock of the achievements so far and plan future strategies. ", "At the back of their minds they were happy as the satellite program had exceeded its targets and in fact was a huge success though the very success was a cause for frustration due to the inability to expand the communications link that was established. ", "Both \"Hi!\" ", "and \"Buddy\" had fulfilled their purposes fully up to and beyond the expectations of all involved. ", "It had covered the groundwork to prepare for the next step. ", "Grateful thanks \"Hi! ", "and Buddy\" was the appropriate quote of the day!", "\n\nIt is time to have another mission to see whether it can unravel the mystery of \"the reply from the moon.\"", "\n\nRobotic Approach ••• ••••\n\nNASA engineers had a new plan when all those signal exchanges were happening. ", "The suggestion was to send a probe like the Mars Rover, to scout around the location of the signal source and make close-up examinations by utilizing remote sensors. ", "The probe was to have a high powered drill which could drill to 30 feet below the moon's surface coupled with ultra-sonic instruments to study the sub-surface condition of the moon. ", "The SETI-NASA team was now in a position to review their plan to make the robotic probe to carry out the intended tasks. ", "They also saw that a possibility of a manned mission within a few years that would be required to be moved on to the fast track. ", "The implications of the exchanges that had taken place up to now very compellingly indicated a need to undertake such a mission.", "\n\nCould there be beings living under the surface of the moon? ", "Or was the moon merely an alien base with only monitoring instruments? ", "These were the two main alternatives amongst a host of questions that the SETI-NASA team had to ponder over.", "\n\nThe interactive relationship that was established with the moon signal source gave an added impetus to expediting of Robotic plan. ", "Due to the diligence, dedication and commitment of the core group of scientists who designed the Mars probes, \"Spirit\" and \"Opportunity\" and then moved on to Robotic approach of the moon project, the design part of the works had already advanced ahead of schedule. ", "The scientists visualized many exciting findings being made through the exploratory activities of the probe that they were putting together.", "\n\nThe previous work narrowed down the team's focus to almost exclusively concentrate on the moon's underground. ", "The evidence of the moon signal source being 30 ft. ", "below the surface and also the 'reply' light signal beamed from below ground level suggested the existence of a hollow sub-grade immediate above the signal source. ", "Further investigation confirmed that the hollow in the area extend over a wide area. ", "The surface or in effect the 'roof' thickness of the cavity ranged from 5ft to 25ft when measured around the immediate vicinity of the signal but exceeded even 50 feet at points at a considerable distance from the signal source spot. ", "As an essential means to investigate this mystery, drilling into the cave and looking into and around the interior of the cavity with electronic eyes was the obvious choice. ", "The SETI-NASA team knew that they would have to drill at least 5 ft. ", "to penetrate into the cave if they worked through the part where the roof of the cavity was thinnest. ", "As a measure of prudence, the goal for drilling depth was made 20ft in order to be sure of full penetration should the drilling spot have adverse properties. ", "On penetrating into the cave cavity it was planned to investigate the interior by use of remote sensing equipment, including various arrays of cameras such as infrared and thermal imaging devices. ", "The SETI-NASA team was confident that the basic investigations would lead to a positive answer to the question of whether the source was manipulated by intelligent living beings of the moon, or whether it was some sort of instrument base, remotely controlled by intelligent aliens located elsewhere in the universe. ", "Apart from catering to the basic requirements, the other features that were necessary to be incorporated into the Robotic plan were taken up for review in brain storming sessions.", "\n\nSeth emphasized the caution they have to be exercised in any drilling and probing activities to ensure non-disturbance to the signal source. ", "If there were living beings in the caves, intrusive action could easily upset them and drive them away thus jeopardizing all the progress achieved so far. ", "Drilling could also lead to damage to the moon's signal generating equipment. ", "Because of this concern the very first part of the plan was to reconnoiter the area surrounding the signal spot and understand it fully before resorting to any drilling. ", "Drilling at a predefined spot on the moon's surface could be achieved by just landing a probe on the exact spot without having to have a rover in the project. ", "The moon rover idea was pursued specifically to be able to support carrying out of investigations of the surrounding area before deciding on an exact location at which to commence drilling.", "\n\nIf the SETI-NASA team eventually found living beings in the cave, how should the instruments interact with them? ", "Should the SETI-NASA team indicate from which planet the instruments came? ", "Should we prepare a memento like the gold plated disc that was placed in the Pioneer 10 space craft to be picked up by a discoverer? ", "How could the instruments carried for investigational tasks be made alien-friendly? ", "Would living beings encountering them react with hostility and destroy all of the invaluable instruments that sought to enter into the caves? ", "If on the other hand the cave were an aliens' signal base what would be the appropriate course of action to be followed by us? ", "The SETI-NASA team assigned questions and aspects of this nature to special sub-teams to derive appropriate answers and prepare action guidelines. ", "Seth realized the broadness of these issues related responsibility he had in hand.", "\n\nDuring the time that all these developments were taking place, several worldwide agencies were working on designing of lunar surface robots. ", "This did not follow from the moon signal episode but resulted from the international competition promoted by the X-prize Foundation. ", "The challenge set for the Google Lunar X-prize was development of a low cost method for robotic space exploration. ", "To win $30 million in prize money, a robot had to be placed on the moon's surface to explore up to a 1/3 mile radius and transmit videos back to earth. ", "Carnegie Mellon University's school of computer science was one of the agencies eyeing the X-prize. ", "They already had a lunar rover called \"Scarab\" that they had designed by this time. ", "Though it had drilling capabilities, it was almost a toy compared to the type of unit that would suit the particular moon exploration works. ", "The SETI-NASA team and their moon project were becoming very popular because of their openness and the interesting presentations on the progress achieved broadcast from time to time through the media. ", "Most of the institutions doing research and development work on the X-prize competition extended their voluntary assistance to SETI-NASA teams whenever requested. ", "Team members met these competitors on several occasions to share their novel ideas.", "\n\nTo design a mechanism capable of drilling 20 ft. ", "into the moon's surface based on commands originated from earth was quite a big challenge. ", "The difficulty was less related to the remoteness and more related to the many limitations applicable to drilling on the moon. ", "Surface drilling on the moon was going to be very difficult whether percussion drilling or straight drilling was employed. ", "As the moon had a low gravity equivalent to 1/6 of the earth's, the drilling platform's weight was much lower on the moon than it would have been on earth. ", "But the ability to penetrate was dependent on the total downward force that the drill could exert. ", "Every extra ounce of cargo increased project costs tremendously. ", "As drilling through the lunar regolith was the all-important and essential task of the new plan, the drill had to be designed to meet the main criterion of having the highest possible reliability while keeping within strict mass, volume and power limits. ", "The minimum diameter of drill hole that could permit the probes and accessories to be inserted was no less than 4 inches. ", "This was another challenge as the drill would have to be equipped with a considerably high powered drill to be able to make a 4 inch diameter hole.", "\n\nThe SETI-NASA team realized that the existing satellite \"Hi!\" ", "was quite adequately equipped to cater to the new robotic probe's navigation and operation needs. ", "They were also planning to continue to use the satellite \"GBU\" as it was merely a transponder. ", "Buddy was decommissioned from all activity, deactivated and made to crash on the near side of the moon adding more space junk on the moon surface. ", "This reduced some of the routine duties of \"Hi!\" ", "and \"GBU\". ", "Additional functional software programs were required for \"Hi!\" ", "to work in conjunction with the robotic probe on tasks for the new plan. ", "Uploading this software and assigning the new tasks to \"Hi!\" ", "was easy. ", "However \"Hi!\" ", "would not be relieved from its current duties and in fact would continue during the entire Robotic exploratory works to keep the present interaction intact and ongoing with the signal source. ", "The SETI-NASA team thought that by doing so, they could ascertain and neutralize any negative consequences or disturbance caused by their drilling down the surface of the moon. ", "However, the main thinking in continuing with \"Hi!\" ", "was to be able to preserve the existing 'dialogue' with the signal source during the entirety of Robotic activities.", "\n\nWhen the probe was finally designed it had the following features.", "\n\nA \"Lander\"; with a bottom structure similar in shape to the Russian Luna 20 that landed on the moon, drilled into the lunar soil and brought back samples to earth.", "\n\nThe Lander had hydrazine propellant operated thrust rockets for rocket assisted landing and controlled hovering over the moon surface to carry out planned operations.", "\n\nThe drill rig was mounted on the Lander.", "\n\nThe drill was designed to be operated by nitrogen gas driven motors. ", "Liquid nitrogen cylinders were packed into the base of the Lander. ", "The added weight from the gas cylinders would help as added ballast for the rig for initial drilling stability.", "\n\nThe communications equipment necessary to relay commands to the rover and beam information back and forth from and to \"Hi!\" ", "satellite that was linked to earth station through \"GBU\".", "\n\nA rover was mounted on the Lander. ", "The rover could egress for field works and return to its original position on the Lander as commanded by ground control. ", "The egress ramp was extendable as required and had automatic angle adjusters.", "\n\nThe rover was very similar to the Mars Rovers (\"Spirit\" and \"Opportunity\") and had six wheels mounted on a rocker-bogie suspension system for negotiation on rough terrain.", "\n\nThe rover was powered by a radioisotope energy generator. ", "The Lander had solar arrays as well as radioisotope thermoelectric generators for electric power.", "\n\nThe rover had a total of 8 cameras, mounted on one assembly, which could produce high definition pictures, 3D pictures, panoramic views, and infrared pictures. ", "There was also other imaging equipment for thermo graphic imaging.", "\n\nThe telescopic rod of the drill rig was designed to carry cameras and other sensory instruments into the cave once access to the cavity was established. ", "These were detachable attachments with wireless connection to the main console of the Lander. ", "The telescopic rod protruding into the cave could be extended to 40ft and also rotated through 360o.", "\n\nThere were various other instruments on the Lander as well as on the rover that were required for supplementary functions.", "\n\nNo high caliber rock or soil testing plans were included.", "\n\nWhile the SETI-NASA team were making their final plans to launch the work horse probes (named \"Master\" the Lander and \"Collie\" the rover), the mainstream media was very busy, both updating the public on how the project was progressing and also monitoring and presenting public reactions and responses. ", "The \"Negatives\" discouraged the project further. ", "Mass protests, in the form of public demonstrations were seen in many states in USA and many cities in several countries demanding that the project be stopped. ", "The rulers of some countries were pressurized by anti-project groups to request the president of the United States to stop the project and also to take up the matter with the United Nations. ", "There were many incidents around the world as a result of these protests that had in some instances been suppressed aggressively. ", "The mainstream media gave wide coverage to these events. ", "Some of the protests were directly aimed at the United States rather than any specific organization or group, in an attempt to politicize the matter. ", "However the overwhelming world voice was one of support for the project and the protesters were in the main ignored.", "\n\nAfter NASA's moon exploration missions in the early 1970s, the present project was projected as the next moon exploration program that most captured the public imagination. ", "People seemed to be totally unconcerned about the project cost and no consideration of cost savings were being talked about. ", "It showed that people were very willing to fund prohibitive sums on a project that would provide answers to deeply embedded and fundamental issues of human curiosity. ", "Countries such as Japan, China and Russia who had long term goals in establishing lunar bases were watching impatiently and with great interest. ", "So were many religious leaders, space enthusiasts and science oriented people.", "\n\nAmidst protests, cheers, greetings, encouragement and objections the launching of Master and Collie took place as planned and without a hitch. ", "Collie was ensconced in Master's belly to form a single unit with it; Master was programmed to land on the moon with the assistance of descending rockets. \"", "Hi!\" ", "with additional capabilities would remain stationed in Luna-stationary orbit above the signal spot to relay commands from ground control to Master. ", "NASA engineers were able to install both Master and Collie in a single launch rocket. ", "The module would first make communication links with \"Hi!\" ", "in Luna-stationary orbit and thereafter Master with Collie on board would make a soft landing close to the signal source spot. ", "Since no humans would land on the moon it was left to the robotics to address all the tasks including acting as ambassador from earth if any living beings were encountered on the moon. ", "The Media had free access to most of the information on the project from NASA without restraint. ", "This would also include some of the video streams that were planned to be received from the mission's probes landed on the moon.", "\n\nAfter four and a half days of journeying and half a day in orbit round the moon, the radio links between NASA command center, GBU, Hi! ", "and Master were checked and confirmed to be fully operational, \"Hi!\" ", "and the \"Master & Collie\" combined unit were then brought to the ready to seek out their assigned destination. ", "NASA then commenced the countdown for Mater's descent under coordination through Hi!.", "\n\nThe target was to land Master 500ft away from the signal source spot on the moon. ", "A specific landing place had been selected during the planning sessions after considering many influencing factors. ", "The surface thickness of the cave in this area was well over 40 feet and would insulate the signal spot from any disturbance due to impact. ", "There were also no jagged projections on the rocks around the chosen landing location as had been established from previously recorded data.", "\n\nOn the 5th day after the launch, as planned, NASA was able to land Master almost at the exact spot that they had decided on. ", "Master provided undistorted and high resolution video coverage while Hi! ", "was beaming the commanding signals accurately to Master to ensure a precise landing. ", "Seth, max and all who were in the control room were thrilled at concluding the landing successfully. ", "The controllers commented that maneuvering for landing on the moon was very much simpler than commanding the probes on Mars due to the very much greater proximity to the moon. ", "Within six hours of landing, NASA ensured that all the instruments in Master and Collie were working perfectly. ", "However, Collie had to leave the belly of Master to be able to verify whether its cameras and other test equipment on it were also working OK. ", "The pictures sent to ground control indicated that Master was on flat terrain and that egress of Collie from Master would not be a problem. ", "Commands were issued to Master to activate the ramp to permit Collie to get out and on to the moon's surface. ", "Commands were next given to Collie to drive down the ramp. ", "As commanded by NASA, Collie was able to clamber out of the ramp and on to the moon's surface and drive 20ft away from Master without encountering any problems. ", "Like a playful puppy, Collie turned around 180 degrees as if it were trying to look at what Master was doing. ", "Seth looked at Max simulating Collie's action. ", "It was a possibility that someone in the SETI-NASA team deliberately made this move to emulate a playful act.", "\n\nThese procedures took place at daytime on the far side of the moon and the signal spot area had a moderate temperature. ", "In order to minimize any potential disturbance to the signal source, all these procedures were scheduled to be carried out when the moon signal was in the rest mode. ", "After checking, rechecking and confirming that all instruments on Collie were operational, Collie was ready to get on with its tasks. ", "The very first instructions were to drive Collie to various places located about 100ft from the signal spot and take high definition pictures. ", "Seth ensured that the moon signal was not in operation when the pictures were taken. ", "Collie carried out all the commands sent from earth via GBU, Hi! ", "and Master, and took detailed photos while moving to several specific locations around the signal spot as directed by ground control. ", "The navigational video streams sent to earth by Collie assisted NASA to command Collie where to stop for picture taking. ", "Seth took over the controls and mastered the operation of Collie.", "\n\nThe LASER beam that was streamed continuously, were clearly seen in the pictures taken by Collie thus confirming that Collie had indeed arrived at the right area. ", "After examining the pictures the team understood that the major part of the surface in this area was comprised of material of varying degrees of translucency. ", "The moon's surface at the signal spot was clear and glass-like. ", "At this spot, the surface was also clear of dust over an area of around 30ft radius. ", "The extent of this clear area was not actually circular but of somewhat irregular shape. ", "The area beyond this clear section was mostly covered with moon dust but yet there were some patches here and there without the moon dust. ", "The dustless patches seemed to have a very smooth textured and bottle glass like appearance with colors varying from brown to green. ", "The previous imaging exercises had more or less established that the entire area was a flat terrain devoid of large boulders. ", "Thus it was quite tempting for the SETI-NASA team to send Collie over the signal spot to take pictures of the scene directly underground. ", "However, they restrained themselves as such an act could be interpreted as an invasive move.", "\n\nThe second task assigned to Collie was to use its ground penetrating radar equipment to map a wide expanse around the signal spot to obtain a plot of the surface thickness variations over the cave. ", "This was planned to be done in a 10ft x 10ft grid pattern and the primary purpose was to find an appropriate place for drilling into the cave. ", "Collie was instructed to proceed with this work as the next task. ", "The SETI-NASA team also ensured that Collie would always stay some distance away from the signal spot. ", "The mapping exercise was estimated to need around 24 hours to complete the survey of an area of 300ft x 300ft. ", "At every grid node Collie was also assigned to perform a series of non-destructive tests such as GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) at various frequencies to profile the substrate. ", "All the readings taken by Collie were instantly relayed to NASA, through the Master, Hi! ", "and GBU link.", "\n\nUsing the GPR data, the computers at NASA automatically produced 3D underground images. ", "The SETI-NASA scientists could look at the data as a complete 3D block or also as horizontal or vertical slices sections. ", "Some of the data seemed to point to the presence of liquids, deep under, but it was not a very strong indication. ", "Seth and Max were greatly surprised by the simplicity of the geology of the area. ", "Multiple layers of different types of material were not seen like on earth. ", "Ninety percent of the area surveyed seemed to be a huge cavity. ", "The naturally formed structures supporting the cave by protruding from the bottom and terminating at the top in random patterns were easily identified. ", "The thickness of the moon's surface above the cave as measured varied from 4.5ft to 37ft. ", "The data also indicated that the cave roof thickness was decreasing as one moved toward the signal spot and in fact the lowest thickness estimated at 3ft would be encountered exactly at the signal spot. ", "The thickness of the layer of moon dust that covered the moon's surface varied from place to place and ranged from as little as 0.5 inch to as much as 7 ft. ", "The base of the cavity seemed to exhibit some degree of variation but large flat areas were prominent. ", "The surface material and the vertical supporting structures appeared to be composed of a uniform solid substance. ", "The floor material on the caves gave readings that resembled the data of general soil found on earth, but no conclusive prediction could be made as regards its actual composition.", "\n\nAfter referring to the 3D data on the substrate of the cave, and considering several alternative locations at which to drill, the SETI-NASA team finally decided on a location 70ft away from the signal spot as their intended entry point to drill through. ", "70ft was thought to be an adequate distance away from the signal source spot to make a drill hole without unduly disturbing any activity that might be taking place at the signal source. ", "Seth agreed on the proposed location. ", "The thickness of the cave roof at this location was a value of 7ft which was well within the capability of the drilling rig. ", "The dust cover above the surface was about two inches thick at this point. ", "The surface material at this point was also no different to the material at the signal spot. ", "According to the 3D map of the cave interior, the chosen drilling point was situated at an appropriate spot affording a good view to a camera dropped down through the drill hole. ", "The area around the cave as well as the area directly under the signal spot would come into very clear view. ", "The depth to the cave bottom was 37ft from the top of the roof or the moon's surface and this distance was also well within the reach of the telescopic rod.", "\n\nThe drilling rig was an integral, embedded part of Master. ", "Right now Master was 500ft away from the signal spot and to carry out the drilling Master had to be maneuvered to the exact chosen spot. ", "Though NASA was very confident of being able to move Master to the required location using the rocket thrusters, they were concerned about the disturbance of dust which might then settle over the signal spot. ", "However videos taken during landing indicated that the dust blown away by the thrusters settled back on the moon surface quite quickly and with only a small spread as there was no atmosphere to permit particles to drift to other areas. ", "Therefore NASA felt that there were no constraints to commencing drilling and set about getting ready to fly Master to the drilling spot.", "\n\nSome days had passed by the time all the preliminary tasks were completed one by one. ", "During this interval the SETI-NASA team had of course continued with the normal communications routine interacting with the moon signal. ", "They had however no way of informing the source that there was now a lunar rover and a lander in the vicinity or to know whether the source was already aware of it. ", "The normal signal exchange took place as usual with the codes for wake up and bye! ", "bye! ", "being transmitted at each session. ", "Now however, the SETI-NASA team had feelings of excitement as well as apprehension over the turnout of their well-intentioned moves which might unfortunately be interpreted as invasive or worse, hostile.", "\n\nAfter two days spent on brain storming, planning, simulation testing and making the final decision, the time had come to relocate Master at the drilling spot. ", "Master folded back Collie's ramp and got ready for takeoff. ", "Collie remained on the ground. ", "The reduction of weight due to Collie's 'separation' helped reduce the burden on the thruster rockets. ", "Collie's video cameras were made ready to record the entire operation. ", "Under command by NASA, Master moved 430ft in hovering flight and landed flawlessly at the drilling spot. ", "As usual the team expressed their emotions by their customary cheers, whoops and yells.", "\n\nCollie had to climb back into Master's belly to enhance the weight effect required to counteract the up thrust while drilling. ", "After Master leveled itself, the ramp was laid down and Collie easily found its way back in upon receiving a NASA command. ", "NASA estimated that 3 hours were needed to complete drilling based on previous experience with lunar regolith from the Apollo missions. ", "But they were not quite sure whether the material here might have a different hardness. ", "After ensuring that the signal source of the moon was in rest mode, commands were given to Master to commence drilling. ", "The drill was powered by Nitrogen gas driven motors supported on electrically activated operating arms. ", "There was no plan to recover core material to take back to earth. ", "The adopted mode for drilling was to pulverize the material as drilling took place and not to extract a solid core which might fall in to the cave at the end of drilling and result in disaster. ", "The pulverized dust was to be automatically extracted via the same Nitrogen expended in the drill.", "\n\nAs a preliminary task prior to drilling, Master operated its gas jets to blow away all the dust from its base. ", "Seth did not want any moon dust to fall into the cave even accidentally on penetration. ", "After boring down into the first inch the material was tested by the onboard analyzers and the results were relayed to earth. ", "The specialists who had designed the drill found that the material was harder than lunar regolith but was yet well within the boring ability of the drill to penetrate and the drill was operable. ", "The estimated drilling time was re-evaluated at 5 hours considering the increased hardness and slightly lowered drilling speed to be employed and Master was commanded to continue drilling.", "\n\nAfter 3 hours into the process of drilling the SETI-NASA team was informed by \"Hi!\", ", "that the signal source was issuing the wakeup signal. ", "The SETI-NASA team stopped the drilling immediately and responded with the signal to say Hello! ... ", "Everybody's attention immediately diverted to the source signal, wondering if it was an indication of trouble. ", "But nothing unusual was noticed. ", "After around an hour of the usual signal exchanges, the source signaled \"Bye! ", "Bye!\" ", "and the session terminated. ", "Seth & Max were somewhat confused as regards the next step to be taken and recommended the drilling operations to be suspended for two days. ", "After which they decided that the only way forward was to continue with the drilling.", "\n\nDrilling thus commenced again, and as predicted full penetration was achieved after slightly less than 2 more hours of drilling. ", "The last stage of the drilling operation included provision to cause a draft-suction flow to make the particles flow away from the drill hole and ensure that none would fall into the cave. ", "The drill rig also had provision to lower a felt curtain at the bottom of the hole after drilling to prevent any dust or light from outside falling into the cave. ", "As the drilling operation had been satisfactorily completed, Collie's weight was no longer required and it was moved out of Master to get along with its own assigned tasks.", "\n\nImmediately upon completion of drilling, Seth and others were curious to insert investigation probe with the camera. ", "The head of the investigation probe was slowly inserted into the cave using the telescopic arm. ", "The probe head comprised a micro video camera, high resolution camera and various sensors to assess the physical and chemical nature of the interior of the cave. ", "The probe head was stationed protruding just a few inches below the cave inner roof surface. ", "This was of course a precautionary step to minimize possibility of detection. ", "The video camera was aimed in the direction of the signal spot. ", "As had been anticipated, what the SETI-NASA team through the camera saw was the illumination from their own red LASER beam that was strikingly bright against the dim surroundings. ", "Other than the LASER beam they saw other streams of light entering the cave from background areas. ", "The light sensitivity of the camera had also to be adjusted to see the other objects around. ", "The SETI-NASA team saw some equipment located where the LASER beam fell on the ground in the cave. ", "They presumed that these were the radio and light signal sources. ", "No moving objects were visible. ", "Gas chromatograph analysis indicated the presence of water and oxygen. ", "The sensors in the probe that sniffed the cave indicated 78% level of humidity. ", "Gases in the atmosphere were recorded at 88.7% Oxygen, 5.4% Carbon dioxide, 3.2% Nitrogen, 1.5 % Methane and 1.2 % other gases. ", "The microphone in the probe picked up various sounds, indicating the cave was not a silent one. ", "The Camera was now turned slowly to get an initial scan of the cave's surrounding. ", "Even before the camera made a 25 degree rotation the Seth and others had gut-feelings that it was a living habitat from what they saw. ", "Within a few minutes they realized that the cave they were looking into was not of the type they imagined but was another living world in an entirely different format. ", "Suddenly the camera captured a bird flying across the cave from a small shrub nearby. ", "This was the first confirmatory evidence of life on the moon. ", "Seth and the others were overjoyed and overwhelmed imagining how the public would react to this news. ", "The bird now flew towards the camera, pecked at it and alighted on the camera in a show of curiosity. ", "Luckily the camera suffered no damage! ", "The bird peeped into the lens, blinding the camera for a few seconds and then flew away. ", "The video camera was then zoomed to distant locations. ", "To everyone's utter amazement a large pool of liquid water about 150 feet from the probe came into view. ", "The water in the pool was shimmering. ", "It took some time for the team to realize that it was due to the reflection of the glowing roof of the cave above the lake. ", "The pool was surrounded by vegetation. ", "A closer look of the shrubs around the water pool showed them to be completely different to what exists on earth. ", "Tiny waves appeared on the water surface making typical, mellow wave sounds. ", "On one of the rock pillars near the water pool, there were some pictorial scripts resembling the hieroglyphs in the Egyptian pyramids. ", "Close up pictures taken by zooming onto these signs showed up the details clearly but did not signify anything to the team. ", "The surrounding areas appeared to be purpose sculptured into dwellings and areas for gatherings with steps, benches, platforms, podiums etc... None of these resembled the ancient structures found in Rome or elsewhere, but seemed to have a unique style depicting a dwellers' culture. ", "The dwellings resembled man-made houses caved out of rocks found in many parts of our world. ", "There were long narrow meandering pathways extending out of the range of view of the camera, resembling pathways commonly seen in hilly terrain. ", "At several places there were big clay pots presumably for storage of water. ", "All this visual information was obtained by viewing in the existing soft light condition in the cave. ", "The special lights carried in the probe and in the camera were not switched on, on purpose so as to avoid detection as far as possible.", "\n\nNASA extended the probe further down to obtain greater viewing access of partially hidden areas. ", "Probably the same bird pecked at the camera again and flew away. ", "Suddenly the probe picked up the sound of voices from the cave. ", "NASA immediately issued a command to retract the probe head to its original position. ", "Looking in the direction of the voices, they saw something that shook them to their very core. ", "Beings with a basic resemblance of form to people on earth! ", "They saw four of these people carrying a boat like object about 200 feet away from the camera. ", "After a few seconds, their disappeared from view as they moved on to an area hidden to the camera. ", "This was another shattering moment of wonder and joy to the team. ", "Their eyes were glued to the computer monitors and HDTV screens and they immediately replayed the recorded parts of what they had just seen. ", "What these people all wore appeared to be the same kind of uniform all of the same color. ", "The team thought they were about five and a half feet tall. ", "They walked with a slow and easy gait in somewhat like the bouncing style of Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon.", "\n\nWith every passing second, the team found more and more exciting things as the pictures registered on their high definition screens. ", "Seth realized that the funding of their project was now more than justified and all their hard work was fully rewarded. ", "Public who watched all these streaming videos were astonished and appreciated.", "\n\nAll these observations were made when communication with the moon signal was in rest mode. ", "The next regular signal exchange exercise was to start in just 10 minutes time. ", "The camera was focused back to the signal spot. ", "So far nobody had been seen around the equipment which was covered under what appeared to be a sheet of fabric resembling canvas.", "\n\nThe SETI-NASA team still could not rule out that the signals were remotely operated. ", "Within a few minutes they would know the answer. ", "The SETI-NASA team was very expectantly observing whether any moon people might come to man the equipment to activate the signals. ", "If there were people operating the equipment, would they see the spy camera? ", "What might be their reaction if they saw the camera? ", "Might they attempt to destroy the probe head? ", "How could all the media information that SETI-NASA installed on \"Master\" be delivered to the moon people in a friendly manner? ", "Should they retract the probe if the moon people tried to examine it? ", "These were the questions that were going round in the minds of Seth, Max and the other key team members.", "\n\nFive minutes had passed and \"Hi!\" ", "was getting ready to transmit the wakeup call. ", "Suddenly the camera captured two people walking slowly towards the signal spot. ", "They wore the same uniform like clothes that were worn by the four people seen earlier. ", "They carried a number of objects in their hands. ", "The camera was able to obtain sharper pictures of their faces. ", "The team saw that these people were almost perfectly white in complexion. ", "They seemed identical at first glance but on closer examination it was possible to make out distinct differences. ", "They had eyes that shone with a greenish glow.", "\n\nYou know that these two were none other than Dooda and Loola. ", "Let us see what happened next.", "\n\nThe two moon people removed the canvas like cover on the equipment. ", "The equipment had a bulky belly-like base from which jutted out a long protruding portion of around 5 feet, in similar fashion to the way long telephoto lenses stick out from a camera. ", "The team concluded that this was their light signal generating unit. ", "There were three stools nearby that were covered. ", "The two moon people removed the cover and sat on the stools. ", "They started writing something on the clipboard like devices that both of them had in their hands. ", "The team presumed that they were getting ready for the LASER signal.", "\n\n\"Hi!\" ", "was getting ready to activate transmission of the LASER beam. ", "At the same time Master's video camera was got into readiness to observe the various ongoing reactions of the people in the cave. ", "After completely shutting off the beam for about five minutes, a long \"dash\" signal that lasted about 10 seconds was transmitted. ", "When the LASER beam was off, the intensity of lighting in the cave dropped considerably. ", "The team saw the two people sitting by their instrument and looking at each other. ", "They now manipulated their instrument to generate their light signal which was of an extremely bright pale blue color. ", "This beam was about an inch in diameter as opposed to the 0.3 inch diameter LASER signal. ", "It was crisp, bright and impressive and looked very much like a LASER beam. ", "It was a \"dash\" signal! ", "This was a huge relief for the team as they now knew exactly what was happening at the moon end brought to an end the uncertainty of the past two years.", "\n\nMeanwhile Collie was positioned at a distance so as to be able to observe the moon's light signal while being on the moon's surface. ", "The team continued their usual signal exchanges while observing exactly what the two moon people were doing. ", "It was apparent that those two were following the signals very seriously. ", "It looked as if they were taking down notes, discussing things from time to time and paying utmost attention to what they were doing. ", "On occasions when the SETI-NASA team deliberately sent confusing signals, the behavior of the two people showed that they were puzzled. ", "On one occasion, one of them got up from his seat and walked towards the other and said something while pointing his finger to the note pad. ", "When the team restored the normal status quo they seemed relieved and happily continued responding as before. ", "It was clear that they were talking to each other from the time they were there. ", "As their voice levels were picked up very faintly at the probe head, only parts of their conversations were audible to the earth station. ", "The language they used was strange and had a sing-song style with words that seemed to the team to be spoken in a long dragging manner. ", "The signal exchange ended after 45 minutes with a Bye! ", "Bye! ", "signal. ", "The two people covered their light beaming instrument with the fabric type cover and headed away in the same direction they had come from. ", "The camera followed them until the view was obstructed by a wide vertical rock structure. ", "The team knew that they would be seeing these two after about 24 hours at the next session. ", "It was a great joy to Seth, Max and all the others for solving part of the mystery and was a huge relief that the two moon people did not notice the probe head.", "\n\nIn keeping with the decisions taken at the planning stage by Seth, the SETI-NASA team would avoid as far as possible to divulge their presence to the moon people until they had obtained more information of the habitat and the details of the radio wave. ", "They would have to wait 4 more days for the usual 14th day radio signal to be generated. ", "It had by this time become clear to Seth, Max and the others that the moon people must have another set of equipment that transmitted the radio waves.", "\n\nOver the next few days very many scenes of the males and females of the moon people who came within view of the video camera were captured. ", "On one occasion, two people were observed filling the big storage pots with water. ", "These two persons were women. ", "Though members of both sexes wore identical dresses, the difference between men and woman could be identified easily by the unique marker that was the beard that all the men had. ", "The people on earth who viewed the recordings of the video cameras could also clearly hear the voices of the moon people and the sounds of birds and insects when the sounds were emitted close to the camera.", "\n\nThe video streams were continuously broadcast to the public by many TV channels and dedicated web sites. ", "No panic was observed anywhere in the world due to the discovery of the moon people contrary to the doomsday predictions of many pundits. ", "People all around the world were keen to know more about the moon people and their living environment than in expressing negative sentiments. ", "Presumably, the people on the earth might have been calm due to their understanding that earth's people were far superior to those of the moon. ", "The video evidence so far relayed led to the widespread public presumption that the moon's people were hundreds if not a thousand years behind us technologically. ", "Most people envisaged future manned missions to meet the moon people face to face. ", "There was a building up of various vivid speculations of what such encounters would result in. ", "The discovery of life on the moon provided a huge incentive to many companies interested in venturing into establishing future moon colonies. ", "The proof of the presence of liquid water, oxygen and animals in the moon was a very powerful source of motivation. ", "Marketing personnel were already gearing up to sell their commodities to moon people.", "\n\nWhy life on or in the moon was not discovered earlier during the Apollo missions puzzled many people. ", "People also wondered whether the moon people were only restricted to this isolated location at which they were encountered. ", "If so what about the other areas and what would be the population? ", "Suddenly a host of questions started to be pondered over. ", "What do they eat? ", "How are their children raised? ", "What type of social life do they have? ", "Do they have elections? ", "Who leads the community? ", "Are there kings or presidents? ", "Are there animals? ", "How much water do they have? ", "What are their religions or do they have only one or none? ", "Are they kind or arrogant? ", "Are they intelligent? ", "What sort of vehicles do they use? ", "Where do they really live? ", "What type of rituals do they perform? ", "What is their life span? ", "Do they practice polygamy or monogamy? ", "Do they get sick? ", "What type of diseases do they have? ", "How do they produce light? ", "What about electricity and other types of energy sources? ", "These were a small fraction from the enormous list of questions people had.", "\n\nLead by Seth and Max, the SETI-NASA teams had very many brain storming sessions to plan future action in interacting with the moon people. ", "They were keen to get it right at the first go and could not afford to jeopardize the years of hard work that they had devoted to their goals. ", "Their biggest present concern was whether the moon people might destroy their probe head. ", "If everything worked out as planned, \"Master\" carried with it a large array of items that would be useful to establish a relationship with the moon people. ", "If the moon people are repulsed by any of the initial moves, all the hard work and planning could become futile.", "\n\nDuring the two days past, both parties had their light signal exchange sessions as usual. ", "About 10 hours prior to the moon's scheduled 14 day radio transmission time, through the video camera, the team observed a major increase of moon people passing through the area within the view of the probe. ", "A count indicated that more than 500 people passed through. ", "Everyone who came to the area looked at the incoming LASER beam and the equipment installed in the cave as they had never seen anything like these before. ", "Most people had fun touching the LASAR beam though the area was cordoned off with a rope. ", "At one time, there were about 50 people in the area; some were seated, some were eating food that they brought with them, others were sleeping or looking around idly and a few were chatting. ", "The mood and movement seemed to resemble a group of persons on holiday taking time to relax. ", "Each of them had a small carrying case hanging at their backs or on their shoulders. ", "About 6 hours prior to the moon's scheduled 14 day radio transmission time all the people left the vicinity. ", "All the people moved in one chosen direction. ", "A few hours later, the same two people who performed the light signal routine came to the signal spot. ", "A little later, they were joined by three more people who carried a device in a hand stretcher like carrier. ", "The SETI-NASA team was quick to realize that this must be the radio transmitter. ", "The team could see the equipment clearly after the cover was removed. ", "It appeared that the equipment was wrapped with tape and had a detachable part that looked like an old fashioned turret gun about 2ft long. ", "The three people who came later were mounting a tower that looked like a scissors lift. ", "They attached the detachable part to the top of the scissors lift. ", "The detachable part however remained connected to the main equipment by wires. ", "These wires were shiny and seemed bare and without insulation. ", "The height above the detachable part to the cave roof was around 25 feet. ", "All five persons were involved in the activity. ", "The SETI-NASA team realized that the moon-people were getting ready to transmit the radio signal.", "\n\nCollie was getting ready on the moon's surface to video record the dust movement at the top. ", "The video camera on the probe showed moon people coming into the cave again in large numbers. ", "A few electrical discharge arcs that emanated from the detachable unit indicated that the radio transmission was on. ", "This was confirmed immediately by receipt of a signal at the earth station. ", "The three assistants kept moving the tower by small increments in one direction. ", "The video relayed by Collie confirmed the movement of the dust at the upper surface of the moon immediately above the signal spot. ", "The probe too detected a high level of electromagnetic energy emanating from the moon scientists' equipment. ", "Meanwhile in a steady and continuous stream, moon people flowed pass the area in great numbers. ", "They all had their eyes focused on what their scientists were doing and on the incoming LASER beam. ", "The two scientists explained what they had been doing. ", "The happy and light spirited moon people did not seem to care very much about what they were saying and hopped on. ", "Probably they did not have enough time to listen to them as they bounced along at speed. ", "It would seem that \"They were in a different world\". ", "Because of the incessant jabber of the people passing by, the whole cave was jumble of noise at that time.", "\n\nThe signal session lasted about 70 minutes. ", "At the end of the session the two scientists were talking at length with each other with their hands pointing up a few times to the roof of the cave right above the signal spot. ", "The assistants too joined the conversation. ", "The tower on the scissors lift was brought down and the transmission equipment was moved out. ", "The SETI-NASA team did not have to spend much time in figuring out what was happening. ", "They realized that these two scientists had discovered a method of displacing the dust on the moon's surface. ", "They would be performing this task on every fourteenth successive day. ", "Why not on other days was still a question. ", "The team realized that this exercise must be of very great importance and significance to the moon people as removal of dust would help bring more sunlight into the cave. ", "It was thus hard to believe that there were coded messages in the radio waves. ", "Glitches or cyclic procedures during the transmission such as switching and changing of batteries or perhaps purposely switching on and off the signal to boost the dust move, could be causing effects m\nimicking coded messages. ", "The team also realized that the two scientists should be very intelligent for having the ability to prepare a brilliant light beam to respond to their LASAR signal. ", "The source of the powerful pale blue light beam was still a question. ", "As to why the miniature thermal emission spectrometer on the probe did not detect any heat images from the light source, also puzzled the earth scientists. ", "Why people gathered on that particular day in large numbers was another mystery. ", "If they gathered to see the radio wave demonstration, why they didn't show much interest was another conundrum?", "\n\nBy observing the body language of the two scientists and the behavior of the other moon people, the team was optimistic that they would be able to establish rapport with the moon people. ", "Seth came up with a plan to get the attention of the two scientists the next day.", "\n\nAs usual, on the next day, the two scientists sat at their places anticipating the wakeup call. ", "The signal exchange took place and went on for about five minutes. ", "After that the team sent the \"Hello!\" ", "signal (long \"dash\") three times to mean \"Hello! ", "Hello!, ", "Hello!\" ", "though it was not in the usual signal protocol. ", "Through the probe camera the team observed that the moon scientists were puzzled as to why they got this unusual signal at the middle of their regular signal exercise. ", "They saw the two scientists talking to each other. ", "The two scientists too repeated the \"hello!\" ", "signal. ", "The team stopped their LASER beam transmission. ", "After about two minutes, the moon scientists started sending light signals as they were in desperation to restore the LASER signal. ", "They also then stopped their action and were talking to each other and looking up for the signal. ", "At this moment the \"probe\" fired a LASER beam with a \"Hello\" signal. ", "Immediately both scientists turned their eyes in the direction of the probe. ", "The team was able to take good pictures of their faces this time. ", "The Moon scientists were surprised to see another LASER beam coming at them from inside the cave. ", "The probe kept on beaming the usual signal pattern that was used on the earlier days. ", "The two scientists seemed to be stunned. ", "They did not reply, move or talk to each other for about five minutes. ", "A few times they took their eyes off from the probe to look at the signal spot where the LASER beam used to come from. ", "They rubbed their eyes with their knuckles a few times. ", "Then one of the scientists gave a hand signal to the other to follow him. ", "Both walked toward the probe.", "\n\nThe two scientists were looking wide eyed at the probe which was about 25ft above the ground surface they were standing on. ", "They began to talk to each other and their conversation was clearly heard by the team. ", "After about 15 minutes the team stopped the LASER beam issuing from the probe. ", "The team now saw one of the scientists saying something to the other. ", "It seemed to be an instruction as the scientist who listened went back to the light signal source and sent out a \"Hello!\" ", "signal. ", "This was done with their light probe still directed at the cave roof on the moon's surface. ", "The team replied with a \"Hello!\" ", "signal from the probe. ", "The signaling session continued as usual while one scientist was watching from directly under the probe. ", "After 20 minutes the team deliberately stopped transmitting the LASER beam. ", "The two moon scientists were together now. ", "They were wondering why the signal stopped. ", "They sent a few \"Hello!\" ", "signals but the team did not respond. ", "They tried again and again desperately. ", "They were looking up and at the direction of the probe, but there was no response. ", "The team then saw the two scientists trying to rotate the light signal in the direction of the probe. ", "They finally repositioned it and sent a \"Hello!\" ", "signal towards the probe. ", "The team responded immediately through the probe's LASER beam. ", "The moon scientists and the SETI-NASA team were both overjoyed. ", "They continued their signal session. ", "The usual LASER signal they received from over the signal spot did not appear any more. ", "The signaling continued via only the probe.", "\n\nThe Seth, Max and the team were very happy as they were able to transfer the attention of the moon scientist to the probe and also establish their probe as the new communications center. ", "At the end of the signaling session just after the Bye! ", "Bye! ", "signal, the SETI-NASA team decided to drop into the cave a poster stored in Master along with a number of other information exchange accessories. ", "Before dropping the poster in, the probe's LASER beam fired several blinker signals to get the scientists attention. ", "Using the retractable telescopic rod, the poster was lowered and dropped into the cave gently. ", "One of the scientists quickly moved forward and collected the poster while the other was looking eagerly at the telescopic rod retracting back to the top of the cave. ", "It seemed like magic to him. ", "Before they opened the rolled up poster, both scientists gazed at the probe in amazement and their body language seemed to signify \"Hey! ", "What is going on here?\" ", "The video camera showed the two scientists taking a quick peek at the poster which however they did not open fully and examine. ", "Instead they went back to gaping at the probe. ", "After about 10 minutes they went away with the poster.", "\n\nThe poster was an extension of the idea of the gold plated plaque carried by the Pioneer 10 space craft, which had by now ventured beyond the edge of our solar system. ", "The poster was printed double sided and in color and made of indestructible fire resistant material of texture similar to paper. ", "It had the picture of a naked man and woman copied from the original gold plated plaque. ", "The man's hand was raised in a gesture of greeting and good will. ", "It had the color pictures of the solar system with a small moon revolving round the earth. ", "There was a big picture of the earth and the moon in color with an arrow indicating that the man and the woman are from the earth. ", "Also in one picture, a curved arrow indicated the robot mission from earth to the moon. ", "There were pictures showing the moon from earth and also pictures taken of the earth by the Apollo astronauts when they were on the moon. ", "The middle portion was devoted to the present mission. ", "There was a cross sectional view of the cave also showing the LASER beam coming from the satellite. ", "Further, the light beam coming out of the moon's signal spot was also indicated. ", "Just below the cross sectional picture, \"dot\" and \"dash\" signals were depicted using florescent paint to give a luminous look. ", "A little lower down, all the signal patterns that were exchanged daily was outlined. ", "This row started with the \"Hello!\" ", "signal and ended with the \"Bye! ", "Bye!\" ", "signal. ", "Next came the pictures of \"Master\" and \"Collie\" on the moon's surface. ", "Finally there was another large cross sectional picture depicting the drill hole, the probe, Master and Collie and the new LASER beam issuing from the probe. ", "At the very bottom there were many stamp sized pictures of men and women from many cultures, animals, birds, fish, insects, trees, water ways, landscapes and dwellings and commercial buildings. ", "At the planning stages of the project this was one of the ideas put forward by the experienced NASA personnel that Seth and the SETI team unanimously agreed upon. ", "The SETI-NASA team believed that these pictures would help any living beings who had the ability to transmit a radio signal, to acquire a broad understanding of what was going on.", "\n\nDooda and Loola Informing the Elders ••• ••••\n\nDooda and Loola made a beeline to their research station, with Loola carrying the poster. ", "They were shocked at what they had experienced in the past few hours. ", "They knew they had a very heavy responsibility to inform the elders in Daaadi City about this immediately. ", "Their curiosity to look at the poster was however much more urgent to them than of informing the elders of the incidents of the day. ", "Their patience ran out, both Dooda and Loola decided to quickly examine the poster. ", "It took some time but little by little they could understand the message in it. ", "They did not waste time on investigating their familiar \"dot\" and \"dash\" signal patterns outlined in the pictures. ", "They now knew that there was some kind of equipment stationed above the place at which they saw the second red light signal. ", "They also guessed that the same equipment had drilled through the surface to insert the rod that held the second red light source. ", "They further knew that the poster was dropped through the drilled hole by the same equipment on top. ", "After seeing the picture of Collie, Dooda and Loola concluded that there must be another piece of equipment on the moon's surface above. ", "They recognized the sun but could not understand the picture of the solar system to make sense of it and thought they should ask one of their astronomers. ", "The picture of the earth was a familiar one to many people on the moon including Dooda and Loola as they have seen it in their traditional walk rounds they practiced a long time ago. ", "This was the place they believed to be heaven. ", "Dooda and Loola understood immediately that the signals and the pieces of equipment at the top all had something to do with the heaven. ", "The events and the poster were greatly exciting to both of them. ", "They were highly thrilled and could not believe what had taken place. ", "The news spread to all the people working in the Daaadi City research facility in double quick time. ", "Dooda and Loola ran back to see the probe once more before going to inform the elders of all they saw and experienced that day. ", "More colleagues of Dooda and Loola joined them at the place directly below where the probe was located. ", "They could not see very much of the probe. ", "The colleagues spent more time there after Dooda and Loola hurried to summon the elders. ", "The SETI-NASA team observed all that was happening but kept the probe motionless and inactive.", "\n\nWithin about two hours, Dooda managed to collect five highly respected elders who had helped him in the past to carry on with the light signal transmission. ", "Dooda and Loola got the elders come to see the probe. ", "Apart from the elders, there were more scientists from the research facility. ", "Dooda and Loola explained everything that had happened. ", "The explanation was made whilst standing under the probe. ", "The people carried in additional bright lights to illuminate the area better. ", "Dooda showed them the probe which was inactive at that time. ", "Dooda and Loola showed the elders the poster including the picture of heaven. ", "Both of them told the elders that the pieces of equipment in the pictures had some connection to heaven according to the depiction. ", "The quality of the poster and the clarity of the pictures were more than adequate to convince the elders that the poster had a connection to heaven, as they had never seen a quality print or material of the type the poster was made of ever in their lives before. ", "All of them touched the poster and looked at the pictures on both sides very many times. ", "It was not very clear what they all finally made of it or if they understood it much! ", "The elders were invited to be present for the next signal exchange session.", "\n\nAs unknown to the moon people, the camera was still on; Seth and the team saw everything that took place. ", "The whole event was recorded. ", "The sounds were sent to voice analysts.", "\n\nAs the elders were assisted by others to negotiate the steps and walk around, the SETI-NASA team understood that the five persons addressed by Dooda and Loola were elderly persons. ", "They wore the same uniform-like clothes. ", "The NASA scientists were not sure what type of bright light the moon people used to boost the luminosity in the cave. ", "It appeared that one type was of very shiny and crystalline appearance and was about the size and shape of a large avocado pear. ", "The thermal imaging camera captured the body heat images of all the people who were there but not of any heat emanated by the light source. ", "This fact puzzled the scientists over and over again. \"", "It is very strange!\" ", "thought the experts.", "\n\nDooda and Loola could not sleep that day due to the excitement caused by the thoughts whirling in their heads. ", "Dooda was impatiently awaiting the next signal exchange occasion and hoped it would come sooner. ", "Every passing minute felt like ten minutes to him. ", "This impatience was equally felt by many of the scientists in the SETI-NASA team, though the two groups were separated by hundreds of thousands of miles. ", "Dooda was so impatient, once he asked Loola if he would like to go with him to send a wake up signal ahead of the scheduled signal time. ", "Loola pointed out that they needed to wait for the elders. ", "Dooda calmed down.", "\n\nLoola, the five elders, several colleagues from the research facility and Dooda assembled at the signal spot several minutes before the scheduled signal time. ", "Some sat close to Dooda and Loola at the signaling spot and others were seated on the floor close to the probe head while yet others were scattered around. ", "Altogether there were twenty three persons. ", "The gathering looked like one in a men's club as there were no women. ", "A few minutes before the scheduled time, Dooda directed towards the probe, a wakeup call with Loola's light apparatus. ", "The probe replied with a LASER signal immediately. ", "Thereafter they got on with their normal signal exchange process. ", "Though most of the elders had seen the former LASER signal, they were excited to see the new one. ", "They were expecting more posters to drop, from the probe but had to put up with disappointment as no new posters appeared.", "\n\nAfter about 5 minutes, the SETI-NASA team decided to get on with the new moves they had planned. ", "The team sent commands to Master to lower the probe by five feet. ", "It was still out of reach of the moon people to be open to damage. ", "The usual signal exchange was continued from this new position. ", "The moon people who were there saw the probe coming down. ", "Some momentarily ran away from where they were. ", "All were mesmerized and excited to see this extraordinary gadgetry. ", "Dooda was wondering whether he should re-target his light signal at the probe, as it was below the original level. ", "But immediately he realized that action was not necessary as the red signal was still responding properly. ", "Dooda could not understand how the probe was doing that. ", "After 5 minutes the probe was completely retracted by Master. ", "The moon people expected a poster drop and wondered what was next? ", "All eyes were sharply focused at the spot where the probe had been. ", "The telescopic rod came back with another attachment. ", "Bit by bit this attachment which was in folded form began to open out. ", "When it opened out completely, it formed into a 12in x 21in television screen. ", "A picture took shape and appeared on the screen. ", "This picture was identical to the first page of the poster delivered to the moon people the previous day. ", "The screen looked outstandingly bright and clear against the dim background in the cave. ", "All who were present were eager to come closer to have a better look but they were also somewhat hesitant and undecided. ", "It took nearly 20 minutes for the people who were initially stunned to get over their apprehension and finally settle down to congregate in front of the TV screen. ", "The SETI-NASA team did not change the static picture for up to 15 minutes. ", "During this period, the team observed an initial silence and then gradual chatting that turned in a very short time into loud jabbering by the moon people. ", "The picture on the screen was then replaced by the picture on the reverse side of the poster. ", "The moon people were surprised at how it changed so quickly. ", "Thereafter in one minute intervals the picture was flipped from front side to reverse alternatively. ", "Dooda, Loola and some of the elders had facial expressions that were very difficult to interpret, as they either carried elements of excitement or caution or both. ", "The moon people really enjoyed what they saw as none of them had ever seen anything like this before. ", "Ten minutes later, the SETI-NASA team made the live video stream that they were capturing from the cave. ", "The moon people immediately realized that it was they who were now on the screen. ", "They started expressing their joy in various ways including using loud words. ", "After a little while the SETI-NASA team turned on the speakers on the probe and the moon people realized that they could hear their own voices too from the probe when they talked loud. ", "They found it a greatly amusing and unique experience to be able to play with the sound and videos.", "\n\nWhen the SETI-NASA team zoomed the lens on Dooda, his face appeared large and clear on the screen. ", "All those gathered immediately looked at him. ", "The team repeated this procedure with each and every person who was there for strategic purposes and everyone had the opportunity to enjoy seeing their picture appearing on the screen. ", "As these events were taking place, more and more people gathered to see the strange events taking place in the cave.", "\n\nThe SETI-NASA team next placed a picture of the moon in the background with the moon people in the foreground, to indicate that they were from the moon; but the team was not sure whether the moon people would understood the message that they were trying to convey. ", "As the moon people had never seen the moon from outer space it was not to be expected that they would identify the picture of the moon as being of their world. ", "Then one after another, a few pictures of the earth taken from various satellites were projected. ", "As mentioned before, the moon people identified the earth as heaven. ", "Most of the moon people who were at this gathering had physically seen this \"Earth Heaven\". ", "Then the SETI-NASA team kept on projecting faces of men and woman from various cultures on the earth to emphasize that these were the mix of people living on earth. ", "The moon people wondered why these people were of different color and also very different from them in complexion. ", "Finally the SETI-NASA team played a video of an infant and the stages of a human's growth; the growth process from infant to child to adult and then ageing. ", "The pictures included men and women in static and dynamic media formats. ", "The moon people keenly watched this presentation and thought that all these people must be from a different world. ", "They presumed that they could certainly not be inhabitants of the heaven that they believed in. ", "If they were from heaven the moon people expected them to be all young, happy looking, beautiful and of single color.", "\n\nThe SETI-NASA team then screened the video stream taken by Collie. ", "It showed how Master was stationed on top of the moon surface. ", "Collie's camera console was made to rotate 360 degrees at slow speed to give a good panoramic view of the moon surface and the dark gaps of space. ", "Dooda and Loola being naturally very intelligent readily understood what it was they were watching. ", "They had to explain to the others what they were seeing as none of them had seen the moon surface in that fashion. ", "Collie's camera was focused on the signal spot. ", "The SETI-NASA team activated a LASER beam from \"Hi!\" ", "which immediately penetrated into the cave through the original signal spot. ", "Collie's video capture showed how the red signal penetrated the transparent moon surface. ", "Upon seeing the LASER beam inside the cave at that moment, Dooda and Loola quickly to grasped the cause of the whole chain of events happening around them during the past several months. ", "But they still could not grasp as to where the original red beam was coming from, though they saw the picture of the satellite in the poster. ", "However now they understood what was what; basically the probe, Master, Collie and the other interactive things that they had seen so far. ", "Dooda and Loola saw the surface of the signal spot area when Collie focused the camera on it. ", "They identified the clear glass like surface area and the dust filled areas. ", "When Collie started roving around, the moon people were amazed again, as anything motorized was a great novelty for them. ", "They wondered how Collie could move around the moon surface without anybody in it.", "\n\nLet us hope they will get to know all these eventually!", "\n\nThe moon people were glued to the screen and were already in a dream world. ", "They saw an animated video next, demonstrating how the Delta III rocket brought \"Hi!\" ", "to the moon orbit and how it was firing the LASER beam at the signal spot. ", "Dooda and Loola had no difficulty at all to follow and understand the whole story very well. ", "They understood that the original red beam that they received was emitted by an object parked far away in space. ", "At this stage Dooda and Loola were interested in trying to understand how Master and Collie came to the moon. ", "Intuitively, the next animated video planned by the SETI-NASA team, delivered exactly what Dooda and Loola wanted to know. ", "It demonstrated how Master and Collie were ensconced in the Delta 3 rocket, the rocket launch, exiting from earth orbit descending of Master onto the moon surface, soft landing, Collie leaving Master's belly and roving around, Master performing the drilling work, telescopic rod movement, activating the 2nd LASER beam and finally unfolding of the TV screen.", "\n\nAs will be easy to now understand, technically the SETI-NASA team could even transmit CNN news over the screen. ", "However the primary and all important aim was for the SETI-NASA team to get the two scientists to interact with them over the audio and video interfaces in the system. ", "The advantage of the audio video system was that they could send any audiovisual material to suit the particular situation. ", "All these were a preplanned set of strategies designed to handle a number of potential scenarios that they envisaged.", "\n\nDooda and Loola pretty much understood that they were dealing with people from another world. ", "They also understood that these people were technologically very advanced. ", "The video they saw on the rocket and the spacecraft were the evidence. ", "At this stage Dooda and Loola did not have a steady mind set as to what to do or not do and simply keep on observing the screen.", "\n\nAs a next stage in the interaction, the SETI-NASA team put the screen in a \"picture in a picture\" format. ", "On one side moon-people live appeared. ", "On the other the team projected the still pictures of Seth. ", "Below his pictures on the screen the \"Hello!\" ", "sign was shown in red and it was blinking with long pauses to indicate \"Hello!\" ", "For Dooda and Loola the sign was still a wakeup call not a conventional \"Hello!\". ", "Then Max's picture was projected on the other frame. ", "A minute later Seth and Max appeared live. ", "First Seth and then Max said Hello!, ", "to the moon crowd. ", "The audio effects were on. ", "This was done several times with traditional Japanese style repeated bows. ", "Seth and Max had observed in the past video recordings that the moon people after bowing to each other as an act of courtesy also touched each other's shoulder at the same time with their right hands. ", "Seth and Max shock hands with each other and then touched the shoulders of each other. ", "After that both of them bent over and extended their right hands towards the camera to indicate that they would like to do the same with the moon people.", "\n\nThe video stream relayed to earth by the probe at that time, showed that all the moon people in the cave were gathered around the five elders who were together at one spot. ", "First, the elders were seen discussing amongst themselves and then they appeared to be directing questions at Dooda and Loola. ", "Their body language indicated this clearly. ", "On the screen, the pictures of Seth and Max were placed still and silent as the team knew that the elders were yet discussing something important with Dooda and Loola. ", "The \"Picture in picture\" also showed the live picture of the discussion that was taking place. ", "The picture from the cave was made larger than the picture of Seth and Max. ", "At one time Dooda and Loola took prominent roles in the discussion as they seemed to be explaining matters to the elders. ", "Their hands and body gestures indicated they were stressing some important issues. ", "Their conversation was clearly heard by the SETI-NASA team. ", "The voices were useful for the sub-team on earth who were working hard to learn the moon language.", "\n\nAt the end of the long discussion all five elders walked more close to the camera, and then they bent over a bit and raised their right hands towards the probe. ", "Seth and Max reciprocated immediately by bowing and raising their hands to shoulder touching height, to indicate they were with them, though they were physically very far apart. ", "This was the \"Peace Pipe\" moment that they were waiting for, thought the entire SETI-NASA team. ", "Dooda and Loola repeated the elders' act. ", "Seth and Max reciprocated immediately with wide smiles on their faces. ", "Then all the moon people gathered there raised their hands. ", "Seth and Max reciprocated again. ", "Then Seth and Max saw the moon people greeting each other by touching each other's shoulders with their right hands. ", "Seth and Max did the shoulder touching greeting between the two of them. ", "Everyone's eyes were still on the screen. ", "When the moon people saw Seth and Max greeting each other, emulating their culture, the silence in the cave broke to the sound of laughter, joy and cheering. ", "Seth and Max shook hands and kept holding hands. ", "The moon people started shaking hands between themselves, doubling the laughter and the fun they were enjoying. ", "The SETI-NASA team realized that earth bound humans had thus introduced a change in the social customs of the moon people. ", "This was Seth's small step following on Neil Armstrong's \"Small step....Giant leap\" legacy.", "\n\nSeth appeared again. ", "He pointed at himself with his forefinger and said \"Seth\". ", "Max did the same and said \"Max\". ", "After Seth repeated this action three times Dooda explained to the others that those words could be the names of the earth people. ", "From Dooda's reaction the SETI-NASA team understood that Dooda probably understood the message. ", "As such they projected the zoomed picture of Dooda on the screen. ", "Dooda pointed his forefinger to himself and said \"Dooda\". ", "Seth and Max clapped to convey their appreciation. ", "The people in the cave too clapped and made joyful sounds. ", "Loola's picture was zoomed and screened next. ", "He said \"Loola\". ", "This procedure was kept going on. ", "There were some camera shy people too. \"", "The tone of every one's voices was the same\", thought the SETI-NASA team.", "\n\nAt the end of the introductory session, pictures of Seth and Dooda were put on the screen. ", "Seth said \"Dooda\" by pointing his finger towards Dooda's picture. ", "Seth had a background crew holding placards etc., ", "showing the names of moon people, to help him. ", "So he did not have to memorize all the names. ", "Dooda did not catch his name, when Seth said it first. ", "The linguistic experts in the team corrected Seth and advised him to try with a dragging accent. ", "This time when Seth said \"Dooooda\", Dooda responded with a bow. ", "Seth bowed too. ", "Seth said \"Seth\" by pointing his finger to himself. ", "After Seth repeated his name a few times, Dooda correctly said \"Seth\". ", "Seth smiled, bowed down and clapped. ", "This was repeated with Loola, the 2nd scientist in the moon. ", "He pronounced Seth's name in one go. ", "This whole exercise was repeated with everybody who introduced themselves by bowing at them. ", "Max took over from Seth and repeated the exercise to introduce him. ", "From time to time the background crew came close Max and exchanged a few words with him. ", "At the end of the session Seth and Max introduced \"Yesha\" one of the female members of the team. ", "Moon people realized she was female. ", "Dooda, Loola and a few others pronounced her name properly. ", "Dooda did not have any females within the crowd to introduce.", "\n\nIn the earlier instances the signal session did not go on for so long. ", "This was a special day. ", "About 13 hours had already elapsed from the time the elders came to the scene. ", "Though nobody was tired or short of enthusiasm, the SETI-NASA team thought that it was high time to call it off for the day and review their plan for the following day. ", "Just before ending the session Seth brought to the screen view about 20 other male and female staff to show that there were more than Seth, Max and Yesha. ", "The Bye! ", "Bye! ", "signal followed. ", "This time it was not by the LASER beam but by the flashing signal on the screen and words by Seth and the whole team. ", "Dooda and Loola rushed back to their light beam and responded with a Bye! ", "Bye! ", "signal. ", "Others waved at the probe. ", "The SETI-NASA team observed that the elders were congregating again with Dooda and Loola. ", "Other moon people were talking among themselves. ", "They kept on looking at the screen though nothing appeared on it. ", "All were there for over an hour after the Bye! ", "Bye! ", "Signal, then they started walking back in the direction they came from. ", "It was not clear what sort of instructions the elders conveyed to Dooda and Loola, though the SETI-NASA team recorded all the conversations between them without their knowledge.", "\n\nThe SETI-NASA team realized that they had built up a good social foundation to build on in the future. ", "They were eager to take it to the next level of being able to have a proper dialogue with them to explore further into their life styles, living environment and many other areas almost without end. ", "The linguistic experts who were in the SETI-NASA team compiled a list of words and probable meanings by repeated reviewing of the video clips. ", "They had over 200 words in the list, picked from over 13 hours of video recordings. \"", "balaaan\" to look, \" vadeeen\" to greet/bow, \"vadee\" to sit, \"hitteer\" to stand, \"enderr\" to come in, \"yanderr\" to go, \"seeyaa\" for elder, \"kathaaa\" to speak, \"nangeee\" for woman, \"buncheee\" for friend, these were some of the words they picked up. ", "The SETI-NASA team wanted to expand the list with the least possible delay. ", "Seth and Max had some tutorial sessions to memorize these words and improve the pronunciations. ", "The SETI-NASA team realized that understanding the moon people's language would be far easier than trying to make the moon people understand English. ", "They had all the facilities to capture the words and compile a vocabulary as they had the help of complex computer backed instruments to evaluate many aspects pertaining to speech. ", "In fact NASA even analyzed whether Seth and Max could correctly pronounce the words in moon language through advanced electronic evaluation devices. ", "If there were no words in moon people's language for items like the \"TV Screen\" the team would try to introduce English words.", "\n\nDooda and Loola were given full sanction by the elders to carry on with what they were doing. ", "However, the elders informed Dooda and Loola that they would like to bring the interactions with the aliens to the notice of the other elders in the community. ", "The same five elders wanted to join them for the next day's session also as they were highly motivated and enjoyed by the series of events of the past session. ", "After listening to their colleagues about the extra ordinary events, more people from Dooda's research facility wanted to join him on the next day. ", "Dooda and Loola wanted to know more about their new friends Seth, Max and other people living in this different world. ", "Being intelligent scientists, Dooda and Loola understood how relatively ignorant they were, for not being on par with this new technology they encountered that could produce rockets and engage in inter planetary missions. ", "They could not come to terms with the very wide gap between their knowledge and the superior knowledge of Seth and Max as it seemed to be too vast to imagine. ", "They hoped to be able to learn a lot form Seth and Max and hence were looking forward to collaborating with them very seriously.", "\n\nThe next day, after the communications session was started everybody was in very good spirits. ", "When Seth and Max appeared on the first screen, with Dooda and Loola on \"picture in picture\", Seth and Max bowed to the moon crowd and raised their right hands to indicate the extending of greetings. ", "The moon crowd did the same, acknowledging their solidarity. ", "Seth said \"hello!\" ", "But there was no reply. ", "After he said \"Hello!\" ", "a few times Dooda and the others said \"Hello!\". ", "The language experts realized that there was no equivalent word for \"Hello\" in the moon language. ", "Seth and Max got into an act of emulating a moon language learning session. ", "Seth said to Max, \"vadee\" (meaning sit), Max sat on the chair. ", "Then Seth said \"enderr\" to Max ... and Max walked towards Seth. ", "Immediately the moon people understood that Seth and Max were speaking and acting in their language. ", "The \"picture in picture\" showed that the moon people were laughing in surprise and amazement. ", "They kept on with the simulated lesson till they exhausted all the nearly 200 words they thought they knew of moon language. ", "Whenever Seth and Max made a mistake all the moon people attempted to correct them thereby creating confusion. ", "Dooda intervened and requested them all to be silent and undertook the role of correcting any language errors by Seth. ", "In fact, later on Dooda and Loola took over the acting session to teach Seth and Max. ", "Seth and Dooda exchanged words and carried on a very basic conversation which was seen as a great entertainment by the rest of the moon crowd.", "\n\nSeth wished to ascertain whether elders are addressed in a different manner of respect such as \"Mr\" or \"Sir\" and made an enquiry on how they should be addressed after introducing the picture of an elder on the screen. ", "But it seemed there was no practice of such nature. ", "They were all referred to by their names only, irrespective of age or gender. ", "Dooda and Loola did not have a clue about the linguistic team working behind the scenes for Seth and Max with recordings, speech analysis and other technical back up and were amazed at how Seth and Max learnt their language so quickly. ", "In fact the 'language lab' that supported communications made it very easy for the SETI-NASA team to learn the moon people's language quickly. ", "The SETI-NASA team now showed clips from the documentary film \"The Planet Earth\". ", "The idea was to show the moon people the flora and fauna on earth for them to get a better idea of living creatures and plants on the earth and also with the idea of indicating that they would also like to see the living things in the moon. ", "Other than for the bird that pecked on the camera on the first day, the SETI-NASA team did not see any other creature at all. ", "The moon people enjoyed the 30 minutes long program. ", "Their deep concentration on it was evinced by their rapt silence and utter immobility during the entire program. ", "They reacted occasionally by saying things to their neighbors when some animals and their activities were shown. ", "Parrots, fish, primates and bats were a few of these. ", "Some clips were played at high speed or slow motion and it is possible that the moon people might have thought that speeds they witnessed were the real speeds.", "\n\nLanguage training sessions and various video sessions were carried out daily. ", "Within a few weeks Seth and Max were able to have a reasonably clear conversation with Dooda and Loola. ", "Most of the time spent in conversation was devoted to furthering of knowledge on the moon people's language, as it was very important to both parties. ", "Over time, Dooda and Loola began to understand the functions of various units mounted on the probe head. ", "They could identify the camera, the LASER head, microphone and other instruments. ", "On some days both parties continued their dialogue even while having short meals. ", "Both parties made each other understand the type of food each ate and drank via pictures projected on the TV screen. ", "Dooda and Loola once showed samples of the water plants from which they made food. ", "On many occasions passing onlookers had brought with them pet birds, domestic animals and a few personal goods that the team had looked on at with great fascination. ", "After Seth and Max felt fully confident that their probe and screen would not be damaged by the moon people they lowered the probe head to a distance within 9 feet from the ground. ", "As a precautionary measure however it was equipped with a built-in sensor which would activate immediate retraction, if anything were to approach within the 3ft of it. ", "Graphically this was illustrated to Dooda and Loola and they understood. ", "Dooda helped Seth to confirm that the sensor circuit was working properly by deliberate triggering of the sensor. ", "When Dooda and Loola were not around, the screen retracted and set itself at a higher elevation. ", "Seth and Max were keen to have a closer look at the illuminating device that was used in their light signals. ", "To convey this message they used the screen to draw a sketch of the compound optical signal unit and explained to Dooda by word as well as action that it was a unit that they were very eager to see. ", "Loola showed them the big Babaloniums crystal that provided light to their equipment. ", "When the full cover was completely removed from the Babaloniums crystal, the entire cave was lit up. ", "Loola covered it again to prevent diffusion of light in all directions and put it back to the original state. ", "Once again it was not captured by the thermal imaging unit as a heat producing object. ", "The team realized that this unit and the avocado sized object they brought with them to illuminate the cave on the first day must be of same material. ", "Dooda explained to Seth the principle involved in triggering of a Babaloniums crystal. ", "Seth could not understand half of what was said. ", "The team decided to keep the subject suspended for another day though they were very curious about it but could not make out at all what this material was.", "\n\nThough both parties were reasonably comfortable in their conversations aimed at grasping fuller details of the two worlds it was still difficult to understand certain things that were being discussed. ", "On many occasions Seth and Max used video clips to help in their explanations. ", "For example when Seth was explaining details of buildings, cars, trees, flowers, lightning, people etc., ", "he used video clips to great advantage. ", "Dooda and Loola did not have similar facilities. ", "The moon people had a device to take pictures but it was not sufficiently developed to be used in aiding in their communications.", "\n\nDooda and Loola learnt more earth related information than Seth, Max and the others in the team learnt about the moon people. ", "Through their dialogue the SETI-NASA team learnt from Dooda the background to the radio signal instrument he developed, how it was powered and the purpose of its operation. ", "However, when Seth asked why there were so many people in that area on the radio signal transmission day, the explanation Dooda gave was very difficult to comprehend. ", "Loola too tried to help in the explanations when he found that Seth could not understand Dooda, but even their joint effort was unsuccessful. ", "The SETI-NASA team was briefed about the lakes, the tides, water plants, animals, fish and other things. ", "Dooda and Loola touched on the research work that they were doing at their facility; about the bioluminescent organisms that they developed, the types of material they produced from the water plants, about the oil they extracted from the algae, etc. ", "Dooda once again explained to Seth how to trigger a Babaloniums crystal. ", "How rare these were, but how widely they were used in the caves. ", "They said if not for the Babaloniums life in the caves would be quite uncomfortable and also hazardous.", "\n\nAs the days passed Dooda lost interest in the dust removal exercise. ", "Seth agreed to try to help Dooda to remove the dust by deploying Collie. ", "The SETI-NASA team would have to work out a way to adapt Collie's capabilities to execute this task as it was not in the planned scope of tasks for Collie. ", "Max promised to provide Dooda technical assistance to improve his equipment. ", "Max also agreed to help Loola enhance his knowledge on telescopes and compound lenses.", "\n\nPeople came in large numbers to see the videos on the screen when they had the 14th day functions. ", "This was a much better wonder and fun event for them than Dooda's moon dust removal demonstration. ", "After Seth found out that the 14th day event was some sort of a festival day, the SETI-NASA team made a special TV broadcast on these days, with a bias towards entertainment. ", "They nevertheless retained displays of natural things like animals, rivers, forests etc. ", "At times the elders had to command the people to move on as they sometimes tended to spend their time glued to the video displays. ", "As time passed, Seth was concerned about the disturbance that they were creating to the moon people's festival day. ", "The team wondered if they should terminate the broadcast on the specific 14th days. ", "This matter was taken up with Dooda and Loola. ", "Being people of very unassuming nature they did not indicate any objection at all to having it. ", "The social scientists who provided advice to the SETI-NASA team however cautioned them on what was to be shown on the screens as they identified the moon people as extremely friendly and fun loving but also as having susceptibility to extreme sensitivity. ", "The fact that the moon people were non meat eaters who did not have any ill words at all in their vocabulary seemed to imply this possibility.", "\n\nThe SETI-NASA team now decided that the time had come to commence implementing the next of their plan. ", "The next day when Seth appeared on the screen, he had a micro video camera in his hand. ", "Seth told, Dooda he had a similar camcorder in Master and that he would deliver it to him. ", "Seth explained to Dooda how to operate it, by picking up a camera from his desk and demonstrating. ", "It had only three buttons to operate. ", "Press once to record video and sound. ", "Pressing it again will stop the recording. ", "The next button was to play back. ", "The third was to go back. ", "It had a wireless connection to the probe to transmit and receive recordings. ", "The wireless connection would work only if the camera was in close proximity, but in any event the camera was programmed to record everything that it scanned into its own memory. ", "Seth explained to Dooda that it had about 10 hours of battery power. ", "The time measure in hours and minutes was well understood by Dooda and Loola, as they had acquired familiarity with the digital clock that was displayed at the right side bottom corner of the screen. ", "When the camera ran out of power it was to be put on the special pad on the telescopic arm. ", "When the battery was being recharged, the probe was designed to upload all the recordings in the memory chip to earth and to clear the memory for the next round of recordings. ", "Seth demonstrated the operation of the camcorder. ", "He did this by taking it to many places in his office and research complex and showing what was on his camcorder screen. ", "Dooda was made to understand, that the pictures were coming through the small camera to their screen in the cave, when he was walking around. ", "This was re-illustrated by various video shots taken by the SETI-NASA team to ensure Dooda understood that this was a portable camcorder. ", "Seth told Dooda, that he was interested in seeing the other parts of the moon, close up views of trees, animals, birds, lakes, how they make food, their roads, 14th day festival, research facility of Dooda and Loola, etc. ", "Dooda and Loola could well understand why Seth was so interested in seeing these things and they readily agreed to accommodate all of Seth's requests.", "\n\nBy now, Dooda and Loola had been exposed to considerable coverage of how people on Seth's world lived, including how people watched TV from inside their homes. ", "They also knew about the media coverage that people on Seth's world had on the discovery of the moon people. ", "Though the SETI-NASA team was trying to be open as possible with Dooda and Loola, they were still cautious and selective as regards what they allowed to be shown to the moon people. ", "This was a precautionary measure to ensure that the feelings of the moon people would never be hurt or offended by something they might see in an Earth scene.", "\n\nThe camera was brought down to Dooda through the inner rod of the telescopic arm. ", "Dooda gently took it off from the seating socket in the same way he saw Seth taking it out in the video he watched before. ", "This was the second alien item that Dooda handled after the poster. ", "Dooda was thrilled to open the mini flap screen of the camera and press the recording button as demonstrated by Seth. ", "To his surprise the picture was upside down. ", "Dooda looked at the big screen. ", "Seth corrected Dooda by making him realize that he was holding the camera upside down. ", "Both laughed and exchanged knowing looks to share their feelings of innocent banter that words could not match. ", "The people who were there rushed behind Dooda to see what was on the tiny camera screen. ", "Everybody realized that the picture on the tiny screen appeared on the big screen as well. ", "Dooda turned the camera around on the people and enjoyed the fun it caused, just like a kid playing with a toy. ", "He played with it for some time, possibly about 20 minutes. ", "Loola now took the camera from Dooda's hands and played with it too. ", "At one point he directed it towards the TV screen and to the drilled hole from where the rod was protruding down. ", "For the first time, the SETI-NASA team had a good view of how the TV screen and the telescopic rod were set up in the cave. ", "They came to realize what an excellent job that they have executed in this complex and high precision task.", "\n\nFrom the video clips collected during the past weeks, the SETI-NASA team gathered an enormous volume of information about the moon people, the cave system, the moon's structure, Babaloniums, the lakes, tides, water plants, shrubs, animals, insects, birds, fish, dwellings, children, schools, etc. ", "After seeing the state of parts of Dooda's research facility and assessing the innovations that Dooda and Loola had made, the SETI-NASA team realized how brilliant Dooda and Loola were as scientists. ", "It was impressive to see their advanced written language, their knowledge of math and their exceptional capability for learning and understanding things logically.", "\n\nOver time Dooda, Loola, Seth, Max, the rest of the SETI-NASA team and the colleagues of Dooda's research facility became very close. ", "Many times, Seth and Max downloaded video clips to the camcorder so that Dooda and his colleagues could watch them when they took the camcorder back to their research center. ", "Most clips had sound dubbed in moon language as Seth's team already had a few experts who could talk very fluently in the moon language. ", "The camcorder as well as the TV screen was used as tools to educate Dooda and his colleagues on the subject areas they were interested in. ", "Loola was interested in developing a LASER beam. ", "Some of these lessons had to be started at fundamental levels as some science concepts were not known to the moon people. ", "The lack of knowledge of physical materials on the earth by moon people was also recognized as a constraint. ", "This was the case especially in respect of metals. ", "Within the last few months the notes that Dooda and his colleagues had taken from the video teaching lessons had been enormous. ", "Surprisingly all the moon scientists were very smart at understanding most of the theoretical and practical aspects of the teaching material that the SETI-NASA team delivered. ", "Their thirst for knowledge could not be quenched with what was fed from the earth. ", "Dooda, Loola and all their research colleagues greatly appreciated the knowledge they shared with the earth people. ", "They imagined that one day they would be able to develop all these novel material and gadgetry in the moon.", "\n\nSince the SETI-NASA team was now in a better position to direct the new friends on the moon they focused on specific study areas. ", "They wanted to understand more and more of the moon's interior and the life of the people. ", "To fulfill one of the requests of Seth, Dooda promised to video record an entire session of their 14th day celebrations. ", "When this daylong event was finally recorded and downloaded to the SETI-NASA center, the team watched it right through without a break. ", "The SETI-NASA team thought the day long festivities represented a characteristic feature of the moon people's culture, their heritage and the recollections of the moon's incredible tale of an ages-old habitation. ", "An extraordinary feature of the festival was that all the people were the performers as well as the spectators, totally immersed in both roles at the same time. ", "During the performance it appeared as if they were under the influence of some kind of supernatural power. ", "The behavior of the people and the harmony they displayed in various dance performances, patterns and routines, proved that they were in essence human. ", "All the dancing events were spectacularly beautiful. ", "It was astounding to note that all the dance moves had been orchestrated without a designated choreographer or a leader of any sort. ", "Dreams of hope to have an everlasting happy life were cast in the music that they played. ", "Many times over, Seth wondered by himself whether the people of the ancient Mayan culture performed similar ritualistic dances ages ago. ", "He wondered what sort of exotic smells the burning torches would be producing when the dancers threw handfuls of powdery material at the fires. ", "As a unnerving thought, the SETI-NASA team debated among themselves whether the secret of the moon people's unity lay in the cocktail that they consumed at the commencement of the event. ", "Seth joked with his group of wanting to get the recipe of the cocktail, if possible from Dooda to try out privately. ", "Also to develop it into a lucrative \"moon shine\" business, because of the enormous public interest in what was going on.", "\n\nOne thing that surprised everybody in the SETI-NASA team was the moon people's unity, harmony and the governance of the entire moon population without a single leader. ", "The absence of discriminatory divisions among their people the absence of political parties, not having conflicts, not having boundaries to separate them – these were amazingly extraordinary features of their social system. ", "No countries, nothing to kill or die for, no religions - as expressed in parts of the late John Lennon's song \"Imagine\" came to their minds. \"", "Imagine there's no heaven\" seemed to be the only contrary part in the lyrics as the moon people believed in a heaven.", "\n\nAs time passed, Dooda and the others learned about the social structures of human societies on the earth and their history. ", "Dooda was very surprised to learn of the enormity of divisions that prevailed among the people on earth. ", "Though he could not understand the words describing race, religion, color, tribes, castes, countries, rich, poor etc., ", "some of the pictures and video illustration he came across conveyed to him the feelings of division and discrimination that prevailed among earth people. ", "Due to the sensitive nature of the moon people, these feelings were unfortunately being assimilated slowly into their brains. ", "Dooda and Loola were the most exposed. ", "Dooda being the pioneer in making contact possible with the earth people, he carried an extra feeling of responsibility to his elders and community. ", "Dooda discussed these issues with his colleagues and elders. ", "In spite of having a warm relationship with the earth people so far, the findings of these discriminatory divisions among earth people disturbed their psyches tremendously. ", "When they learnt about various historical wars and killing of people, the moon people could not fathom at all how it was possible. ", "They wondered whether the earth people were partly like carnivorous animals; when they finally found also that people on earth kill animals to eat their flesh as food, they were greatly horrified and deeply upset.", "\n\nThough Seth and Max were very cautious in divulging sensitive and possibly offensive information to their moon friends, filtering out what were regarded as bad was a gigantic task. ", "It was impossible to prevent every piece of information that might be deemed sensitive to the moon people from ending up with them as enormous quantities of data was exchanged between the two parties. ", "Moreover assessment of what was sensitive to moon people was a judgmental issue. ", "The significant expansion of team members at Seth's end over the past few months also added to the flow of un-scrutinized material to the moon people.", "\n\nWhen the disturbing nature of information received from earth was discussed with the elders by Dooda on the first such occasion the elders cautioned Dooda and Loola. ", "They were asked to ensure that any deficient behavior of the earth people that are not morally acceptable to the moon people should in no way be divulged to or discussed with the moon people. ", "Dooda and Loola understood and agreed.", "\n\nWith time Seth and Max showed Dooda and Loola advanced technical devices and also achievements such as trains, aircrafts, ships, hovercrafts, rockets, international space stations, space shuttles, planetary explorations and even man's mission to the moon. ", "The purpose was to get them to focus on the technical advancement and the capabilities in inter terrestrial missions of the earth scientists. ", "Seth also thought that all these exchanges would give a hint to Dooda, about a possible future manned mission by Seth to see them personally.", "\n\nWhen Dooda and Loola learnt that people from earth already had missions to the moon, they were overwhelmed. ", "Dooda jokingly asked Seth whether he was planning to visit him. ", "Seth asked Dooda if he would like to have Seth as a visitor. ", "Dooda replied yes! ", "yes! ", "yes! ", "yes!. ", "Seth said it will happen very soon. ", "Dooda and Loola were thrilled.", "\n\nDooda and Loola thought of the enormous inputs that Seth could bring over to them if he were to journey over to the moon in a spacecraft. ", "Of course their interest was in technical and educational inputs rather than gadgetry as their minds had not been corrupted by attachment to material excitement. ", "Dooda's brain went into overdrive with the excitement that arose from this news and looked forward happily to the extra knowledge that he could gain. ", "Loola's smile lit face indicated the same elation as was felt by Dooda. ", "After watching the video clips of the previous moon missions they had no doubt that Seth's proposed visit would actually take place. ", "After seeing the protective gear that the earth people had to wear when they landed on the moon, Dooda realized how harsh the environment on the outside moon surface could be though it was only just a few feet above their heads. ", "For a moment he thought how lucky they were to be inside the caves. ", "Dooda wondered how Seth would gain access into the cave as the moon people had never ventured into the alleyways found here and there and which they believed to lead to the exterior or moon's surface.", "\n\nOn an earlier occasion Dooda and Loola had learnt from Seth and Max the exact location of the earth in the solar system but they did not correlate this earth planet which was home to Seth and Max with the place in the sky that was known to them as heaven. ", "However, when Dooda and Loola saw the pictures of the earth taken from the moon surface during the moon missions, they realized that their heaven was the same planet that Seth and Max referred to as their world. ", "The video clips they watched were more than adequate to clear any doubts on this. ", "This puzzled them very greatly.", "\n\nThough Dooda and Loola were extraordinarily intelligent scientists, they had been brainwashed from their childhood to believe that the beautiful object in the sky that they could see from certain locations of the moon's cave structure was the heaven where ultimately they would go to after death. ", "Dooda has seen the heaven as a teenager during the short time he was traveling with the others. ", "It was believed to be a very pleasant place full of pleasure and joy. ", "Dooda's mind started scrolling further \"When our soul reaches there, we acquire beautiful youthful bodies ideally made for us to enjoy all the pleasures and joy available. ", "How could this be wrong! ", "Have I understood these things right? ", "These psychological disturbances nagged and haunted both Dooda and Loola over and over again. ", "Dooda and Loola openly discussed their spiritual heaven and the conflicting evidence from the earth people. ", "If Seth really lived in the heaven that they saw, then why was there so much discrimination, wars, killings, evil, and differences in that world, contradicting all we believed argued Loola. ", "Though Dooda was a scientist of high caliber now he had fallen into a state of severe psychological stress, worrying about what was going to happen to his soul after death. ", "The only spiritual comfort he had enjoyed almost from birth had been permanently and irreparably shattered. ", "The beautiful object in the sky that he had admired and gazed at a number of times in his life had now undergone a drastic change and the idea that it was heaven reduced to a mere myth. ", "He could not reconcile himself to the new upside down situation that he discovered nor could he find a source of comfort from the psychological disaster he experienced. ", "Though the moon people had a system of belief that was almost totally lacking in dogmatism; yet the heaven concept was a strongly conditioned seed in their psyche. ", "As they could see this heaven outside their world there was no doubt in their minds as to whether it existed or not. ", "Their heaven was an object clearly visible to them from certain parts of the moon unlike the heaven believed in by the people on earth who only conceived of it in their imagination.", "\n\nAt the usual video meeting on the next day, Seth and Max sensed keenly that Dooda and Loola were experiencing major emotional problems, but they could not figure out what might have caused it. ", "Seth did not get any clues from Dooda when he specifically inquired about it. \"", "Have we done anything inappropriate to these extremely sensitive people?\" ", "Seth thought for a moment. ", "Dooda and Loola requested Seth to playback the video clips showing the pictures of earth taken from the moon surface. ", "Seth obliged without any hesitation or asking any questions. ", "It appeared that Dooda and Loola were watching the clips very intently. ", "Seth thought Dooda and Loola were seeking to better understand details of Seth's intended visit more clearly. ", "A few times when Seth tried to explain some aspect of the moon mission, the lack of interest shown by Dooda and Loola indicated that they preferred to watch the clip than listen to him. ", "Dooda and Loola were also whispering to each other but their voice levels were too low for the microphone to pick up.", "\n\nThe video clips on the past moon missions more than confirmed that the same place that they regarded as heaven was the place that Seth and Max lived in. ", "Dooda requested Seth to download the moon mission video to the portable camera as he wanted to show it to the elders. ", "Seth asked Dooda as to why he was making this special request. ", "Dooda was very truthful and explained what was going on in his mind. ", "Dooda said that he had to inform the elders of his discovery and that the video would be helpful to convey the relevant information to them. ", "Seth remembered that he was warned not to discuss belief aspects with the moon people by an advisory group in his team in the early days of the encounter. ", "Notwithstanding the warning advice, Seth tried to explain some aspects of the belief system in his world. ", "Dooda found them to be a heap of mythological concepts which had not brought any good to Seth's world as proved by the existing cruel and discriminatory nature of events in that world. \"", "So, why is Seth trying to dump those ideologies on me?\", ", "thought Dooda. ", "Following close on this thought was the next thought, \"Seth is an intelligent man from a technologically advanced world but he did not talk intelligently on this subject, what could be wrong with him?\". ", "Dooda ended the session early, after saying \"Bye! ", "Bye!\" ", "to Seth. ", "This was the worst session that they had ever had.", "\n\nAfter meeting the group of elders later on, Dooda and Loola explained to them the purpose of the meeting. ", "On seeing Dooda's face the elders knew that he was in some sort of distress. ", "Dooda either pretended that he did not hear the questions or genuinely did not grasp the questions that some of the elders asked. ", "The elders already knew of the strong friendship that Dooda had with Seth and the mammoth knowledge base that was freely put at the disposal of Dooda by Seth and Max's group. ", "Dooda informed the elders of Seth's planned visit to the moon. ", "The elders were jubilant and wanted to know more details of when and how Seth proposed to make the journey. ", "The elders could not understand the cause of the depression that Dooda and Loola had. \"", "Aren't they happy about Seth's intended visit? ", "That cannot be\" thought the elders.", "\n\nDooda was seeking to explain why he came to see the elders. ", "He thought the information on the past manned missions to the moon would make the elders understand how Seth would come to visit them and also expected it to catch their attention as to what actually was Seth's world. ", "When Dooda played back the moon mission video clips on the tiny portable camcorder screen all the elders congregated to watch like a group of children. ", "They were utterly amazed by the vast technological advancements of the earth people and probably felt small too. ", "All the news that the elders had been watching and getting daily from earth was near magical and wholly alien to them. ", "However, their innate level headedness kept them on at their normal life routines. ", "When the elders saw the pictures of earth taken from the moon's surface they immediately knew what it was. ", "It was the familiar picture of heaven that they had seen from several Cities many times over. ", "Dooda explained to them that it was not any other but also Seth's world. ", "All the people, animals, other objects and rituals and activities they had been seeing and watching all this time were from that world. ", "The elders vehemently disagreed with Dooda. ", "They explained that what they saw from various cities was heaven and it could not be the same as Seth's world. ", "Elaborating further they said \"People like Seth, though technically advanced, cannot be from heaven. ", "Heaven is not a technically advanced material world. ", "It is a beautiful natural world, with peace and serenity. ", "From the moment you are there you enjoy everything. ", "There is no sorrow, only happiness and you live forever. ", "The people on Seth's world eat meat, they kill animals, they have wars and they are beings with divisive and discriminatory traits. ", "So they could not be living in heaven. ", "We warned you from the beginning not to show their socially unacceptable behavior to our people. ", "They are not from heaven\". ", "Loola joined Dooda to jointly explain that the elders were totally mistaken. ", "They played back the moon mission video clips a few times and each time pointed to different portions of evidence in support of their conclusions.", "\n\nFinally the elders yielded and accepted Dooda and Loola's verdict and the entire gathering was plunged in a deeply reflective and painful moment of silence. ", "The elders were very upset about the new position that arose. ", "Here was a moment that dealt a very destructive blow to their psyches. ", "A revered idea that had existed over thousands of years without threat or challenge was shattered a few seconds. ", "More than half of those at the meeting including elders also were dumbfounded and motionless as if they had lost the power of speech and movement. ", "The eldest of the elders broke the silence. ", "He said \"Well, this is a serious matter. ", "We have been living in our world for thousands of years with our traditions, habits, unity, harmony, tolerance, peace, care and a trouble free and simple system that kept us content without any problems. ", "All these years we did not have a method of comparing ourselves with any other beings elsewhere. ", "We did not know or even imagine that there could be worlds outside our own, with life forms. ", "But a few years ago, we accidentally encountered highly advanced beings from another world. ", "We got much information of their life patterns from them. ", "Some are very, very interesting while some others are brutal and even difficult to believe or understand. ", "The time has come for us to open our eyes, learn from our observations and decide how we should fashion our path from now onwards. ", "I was shocked when I realized that the heaven that we believed in was not what we thought it was. ", "It is somewhat the reverse of what we imagined, with a terrible history and practices of cruelty. ", "This will be shocking news to all our people and will generate devastating psychological shocks on the whole community resulting in irrecoverable damage to their minds. ", "The social systems that helped us to exist in peace and harmony for millions of years will change drastically and could eventually cease to exist if we divulge this information to our brothers and sisters. ", "As such we must now all promise each other not to divulge the new findings to anybody else. ", "This is our duty as responsible citizens of the moon. ", "After the twelve of us present here are dead and gone, nobody among the community will knows about this. ", "I think this is the only way that we can contribute to our society to preserve our traditions and help p\n\nrevent its destruction. ", "I believe that this is the duty we are bound to perform and it will be our biggest contribution to our community\", he then fell silent. ", "Everybody nodded their heads indicating their agreement. ", "He started to talk again, \"Dooda and Loola, we really appreciate the enormous work that you have done for our society. ", "I know it is a very difficult thing for all of us, especially for you two, to agree to this. ", "But we should immediately terminate all connections that we have with the earth people and go back to the normal life routines that existed before all these events took place. ", "I know you will all do it for our people. ", "Please maintain dead silence on this matter and do not discuss anything or tell anyone why we had to do this\".", "\n\nEverybody looked at Dooda and Loola. ", "This was a shock for Dooda and Loola. ", "Loola looked at Dooda thinking he might have something to say. ", "Dooda tried to speak but no words would come out - he seemed to be about to have a mental breakdown.", "\n\nSummoning a great deal of courage Dooda asked the leading elder whether he could speak to Seth for one last time. ", "He said he would explain all these things to Seth and request him not to seek to communicate with them or plan any mission to the moon to meet them in the future. ", "The leading elder looked at the other elders. ", "All nodded their heads to indicate their agreement to his suggestion. ", "The leading elder requested Dooda to contact Seth as soon as possible and complete the task within a day or two.", "\n\nAs a final statement, the leading elder requested Dooda to take action to destroy the TV screen if Seth did not remove it from their vicinity. ", "All these measures were discussed and arrived at in a very gracious manner. ", "However, the tone of the leading elder's voice indicated the inherited, authority and finality of a typical elder evolved through thousands of years within a proven successful and unbroken social system.", "\n\nDooda handed over the camcorder to Loola as he did not want to hold on to it anymore, symbolizing the near end of his link with the earth people. ", "He then started walking back to the research station very feebly. ", "Though Loola was following him, the emotional environment they were in did not warrant conversation. ", "Halfway down, Loola separated from Dooda and headed towards the probe location. ", "Dooda saw Loola going towards the probe but did not ask any questions. ", "After having a last look at the camcorder Loola put it in the special slot it was meant to be placed in. ", "The team on earth on duty at the time wanted to speak to him but Loola walked away at a faster pace than usual. ", "The team wondered this was done deliberately. ", "The team members on earth wondered what was going on with Loola, as they had never seen such behavior in him before. ", "There were nothing new recorded in the camera.", "\n\nDooda was a completely broken man now. ", "He was not sure how he could convey the sad news to Seth and the group on earth and then make an abrupt termination to their warm relationship. ", "The fact that he had to talk to Seth for the last time and cease all communications with the outside world from the very next moment, was an extremely traumatic emotional stress that his mind would not be able to cope with. ", "Neither Dooda or Loola could sleep restfully anymore, they were both thoroughly depressed.", "\n\nAs the issue of faith figured as a topic in their previous discussion Seth and Max immediately sought advice from Joe Campbell who was an expert on human psychology. ", "After absorbing the details of all that had happened, Joe mentioned faith as a very emotional & delicate subject to deal with and blamed Seth for discussing it with the moon people. ", "Joe narrated the whole debacle as follows: \"Hell, heaven, angles, ghosts and similar things that people believe are only mental projections. ", "Proving or disproving the existence of these mental objects is not possible. ", "Assume that we people on earth see a four foot diameter moon like space object in the sky. ", "This object is visually bigger than the moon and blue in color and shines like a gem. ", "This object is millions of light years away from the earth, but due to sheer size, it still looks large when viewed from earth. ", "Say, due to the vast distance from us, it is impossible for the scientists on earth to get any information on this object other than to obtain an idea of the material that it is composed of, from a light spectrograph. ", "Thousands of years ago when we became hunter gatherers someone introduced it as or claimed that this object was heaven. ", "As nobody could prove or disprove this idea and this concept really helped to keep our mind and body in harmony the people on earth believed that this was in fact heaven. ", "They already had a description of heaven which was that it was a place of happiness happier than any happiness one can feel experience or imagine. ", "People were even ready to commit suicide to protect this idea. ", "If a scientist denied this or someone even drew a cartoon ridiculing this idea the ardent believers would become very violent and militate against such challenges. ", "Irrespective of any strong arguments that might try to pull down this idea, the idea will survive until it is conclusively proven to be wrong. ", "The large blue colored shining gem in the sky is our heaven and this idea symbolized by the object helped us over millions of years. ", "When we are in trouble we go out, look at it and offer prayers seeking help from it. ", "We get immense relief from our troubles at least psychologically every time we perform such rituals. ", "Some practices involve animal sacrifice to obtain help from heaven to achieve favor. ", "This builds up our faith in the object over our lifetime and we pass it on from generation to generation. ", "People might perform paranormal acts or misinterpret natural events as miracles but somehow they attribute all these things to the blue big object in the sky as we believe in the idea which we have been brain washed to believe\".", "\n\n\"Say all of a sudden a satellite which was sent by man 500 years ago managed to go past this object and sent pictures and other data to the earth. ", "The pictures show that it is a barren object just like the planet Mercury and the surface temperature is thousands of degrees and the blue color is due to ionized gas. ", "This is proof of the ordinary nature of the object. ", "Then what happens to faith. ", "What happens to the psyche of the man in faith? ", "What is the impact on society, the conglomeration of people who shared a common belief?", "\n\nBelief and realization of truth are two facets. ", "For example, say someone tells you that he has a gem enclosed in his fist. ", "If we think what he says is true then the mental accord we constitute is \"belief\". ", "The very moment he opens his palm and shows the gem the belief does not exist anymore and it turns into a state of \"knowing\". ", "In fact that moment gives you a state of realization of the truth. ", "As such, there is a difference between belief and actual realization or experiencing. ", "Mental streams that are associated with belief systems always have a certain degree of doubt attached, as per above logic. ", "Belief dangles from the thread of doubt.", "\n\nI believe this is exactly what happened to Dooda. ", "He could not accept the actuality that he realized as he was a slave to his belief system. ", "So when you talk to him the next time, have this in mind. ", "It will be a gigantic task for you to talk around it. ", "I believe this is what caused him to get upset\".", "\n\nJoe is dead right! ", "How did he explain it so accurately?", "\n\nDooda and Loola reached the signal spot the next day at the usual time, perhaps to talk to Seth's team for the last time. ", "Only these two were there; presumably Loola instructed the others not to accompany them without giving reasons. ", "From the first word Hello! ", "from Dooda; Seth, Max and the entire team who were at the earth station realized something had gone terribly wrong. ", "With a lot of courage but with a heavy heart, Dooda started to talk.", "\n\n\"Dear Seth, Max and other friends... A few years ago when we received your LASER beam, we did not know what it was. ", "We were fascinated by its glow; we touched it initially with fear thinking it might burn us. ", "It did not, and then we played with it and enjoyed ourselves too. ", "I blindly turned Loola's light beam to respond to your signal. ", "I did not know that action would lead to an inter-terrestrial friendship. ", "It is an unforgettable experience and the warmest friendship I have had in my lifetime. ", "I will not be able to forget it however much I might try. ", "I know you feel the same way. ", "We were more than thrilled to learn that there were people beyond our world. ", "We always thought people have to live inside the caves rather than on the surface until we saw your world. ", "We were fascinated at how technically advanced your world was. ", "Your group learnt our language in a very short time and was able to speak to us very fluently, making us comfortable to communicate with you freely. ", "It gave us a feeling that we had been friends for hundreds of years. ", "You taught us a lot. ", "We are very appreciative all what we learnt from you and we are indebted to you for forever. ", "You gave us an exposure to your world that is still unimaginable to us. ", "Every second that we were in touch with you, was an extremely happy and exciting moment. ", "The pleasure we derived from those moments were even recollected in our dreams. ", "And sometimes we felt we were in your world. ", "When you said you will be visiting us, I was thrilled beyond words and I was looking forward to it.\"", "\n\nDooda was silent for a moment and was feeling uneasy. ", "Loola passed on to him the container of water he had. ", "Dooda sipped from it and continued his talk. ", "Seth and the team knew he was preparing to say something unexpected and sad, but did not interrupt.", "\n\n\"You might wonder what I am trying to say. ", "I will try to explain it briefly. ", "Though we had been conversing with each other for some time, we really did not know exactly where you were from. ", "I might have misunderstood it, and did not consider it seriously when I saw some of the pictures of your world taken from outer space, earlier. ", "However, when I saw the video clips of your people landing on the moon, we realized that you were from the exact same world as the beautiful gem like world we can see from some of our cities. ", "The people in the moon call this world the \"Pleasure Place\" heaven. ", "In your language it is \"Heaven\". ", "All of us in the moon believe that after our death we end up in heaven to enjoy an eternal life with nothing but joy and pleasure. ", "Probably you may not be able to understand and I will not be able to explain how deep rooted this belief is among our people. ", "With no disrespect to your world, when I realized my future dream world was not what I really imagined, I felt greatly tormented and took a long time to console myself. ", "It was my duty to break this news to our elders. ", "So, I summoned the group of elders in the city for a meeting. ", "When I informed them about your visit, first they were very happy. ", "After I showed your moon mission video to the group to show the possibility of your visit they were more than thrilled to understand it would soon become a reality. ", "However, when I explained to them that you all live in the world that we believe to be heaven, all the elders had disappointments and mental agonies similar to the depression I had. ", "You might not be able to understand the depth of that hopelessness and I will not be able to explain it in words either. ", "We simply cannot divulge this to our fellow people. ", "It will have an enormous impact on our social life that has been flourishing for thousands of years. ", "All our people will be mental wrecks in no time. ", "Look at me\".", "\n\nDooda sobbed again, looked at Loola who was looking down. ", "Courageously he continued.", "\n\n\"I have got instructions to talk to you for the very last time and to end our relationship at the end of this speech. ", "As you know I am the person whose efforts resulted in contact with your world. ", "I have a duty to perform to our fellow citizens for their protection, welfare and harmony. ", "I need to respect our elders and carry out their instructions. ", "As you know our society works this way. ", "I need to fall in line and respect the traditions we have been practicing for thousands of years. ", "As you know we do not have written rules or a leader to report to; but this is how our system operates. ", "The integrity of the system is more important to me than anything. ", "It is my duty to honor the system. ", "With utmost reluctance I am compelled to make some requests from you, Seth.", "\n\nSeth, I trust that you will honor my request. ", "Please, please, do not visit us. ", "Make sure that nobody from your world will ever try to find us again, or send probes or any other investigative devices. ", "Please, never send the LASER beam to us again. ", "If any of these things happen then all that will be attributed to my irresponsible first action. ", "Please understand me. ", "After my last words please remove the screen, all other implements, retract the rod from the cave and take all the equipment up there to your world. ", "This is my last conversation with you and after this I will never be coming back to this spot at all, ever. ", "Finally I must say that I will never forget you and the others. ", "Our friendship is so spacious like the enormous space between the two worlds. ", "While I am feeling it so hard to say the final word goodbye to you, it tells me how lucky I am as I understand why I feel it so hard in me. ", "For me this is worse than death. ", "Though we are forced to depart, we are true friends forever. ", "Our wounds will never heal but trust will become tools to be in touch with each other silently and closely. ", "Rather than crying, if possible I will try to smile because it happened. ", "The foot prints that you have left in our hearts will be there forever. ", "I am truly sorry about this abrupt end to our journey. ", "For the kindness you extended to us I am indebted to you. ", "I wish you happy adventures, new friendships and peace for your world. ", "I trust you will honor my request. ", "Thank you.\"", "\n\nAfter that he looked at Loola. ", "Loola simply said \"Thank you\" and joined Dooda who was walking away from the scene. ", "Seth and Max were stunned by all this but did not waste even a fraction of a second to respond.", "\n\nSeth said \"Dooda, Dooda, please listen to me. ", "I perfectly understand what your situation is, and what exactly you are requesting from us. ", "But this should not be the way we should end our friendship. ", "Can we talk? ", "Can I talk to you tomorrow?\"", "\n\nSeth continued pleading with Dooda and Loola to stay back. ", "He adjusted the probe's sound volume to the maximum presuming that he could catch their attention but it did not help. ", "He was thoroughly disappointed. ", "Dooda's talk was so emotional and intense, Seth could not think properly. ", "Parts of what Dooda said kept reverberating in his mind making him more upset. ", "It was the same emotional situation for all who were there with Seth. ", "They could not imagine what impact this news would have on the entire population on earth as the entire population had fused in as an integral part of the whole episode.", "\n\nSeth and Max contacted all the counseling bodies they could access and called for an immediate meeting to discuss possible courses of action to be followed. ", "After briefing on the line of events of the past few hours to all the participants, Seth inquired into whether there was a way out to get his moon friends back to talk. ", "The meeting had more silent moments than discussion periods. ", "This was partly due to awaiting more people to join over the phone lines. ", "Seth began to sort out his strategies and linked the meeting with many of his top notch collaborators from many parts of the world who personally supported his work. ", "Some were UN representatives who could influence many governments in the world. ", "The meeting which was started with about 30 people initially, gathered more participants with the spread of the bad news, and finally had over 200 participants either physically at the meeting room or through other communication media. ", "Whoever was requested to join did not think about how busy they were, time of day or any other factors that would otherwise have kept them out. ", "Whole hearted prompt participation was seen due to the gravity of the situation. ", "Abrupt termination of contact with the moon people was highly unacceptable to those who participated in the meeting or for that matter, for the entire world population, as the emptiness that was created could not be taken lightly. ", "News on the moon people and their interaction had become an ingrained part now of the lives of all people on earth after regular broadcasts had become the order of the day for the past two years. ", "It would turn the entire world into a state of utter dejection and for how long the impact of the abrupt termination would last in peoples' minds was a difficult question to answer.", "\n\nThe participants did not feel the time passing as the discussion meandered into various topics and directions. ", "Though it had already reached fourteen hours after it was started, nothing conclusive was forthcoming as a remedy. ", "Most of the time was spent on assessing the grave situation that everyone would arise in the future, if the moon people held firmly to their decision not to ever talk to them again. ", "NASA had to decide whether they should stop or go at a low pace on the work on the planned manned mission to the moon. ", "Many dignitaries indicated that they could persuade their governments to comply with Dooda's request of not contacting them again if that was the eventual decision to be adopted. ", "No one suggested aggressive or invasive action to reach the moon to find out more about the moon people and their social structures. ", "However some religious leaders indicated that people on earth had a duty to educate the moon people about the \"truth\" though nobody knew what that meant. ", "Other than a suggestion to keep the observation activities to a minimum for a week or two and then review the situation at a later date, nothing concrete stood out as a feasible remedy at the end of the meeting. ", "Seth and Max were not happy about the outcome of the meeting. ", "Many times during the discussions Seth said he was obligated to Dooda to fulfill his request at any cost.", "\n\nDuring the discussion some participants quoted references from scholarly articles published in accredited journals on this subject. ", "According to those references, the scholars advocated complete non-interference by man to isolated human societies similar to the one found on the moon. ", "The same policies were advocated even for small isolated human groups that have been remotely encountered in distant areas on the earth in places such as Amazon jungle. ", "Such papers explained how modernized civilizations could influence and destroy in very short times, well established societies thriving for thousands of years. ", "Seth and Max's brains were full of these ideas, suggestions and assurances given by participants. ", "The meeting was adjourned after sixteen hours. ", "After consulting Max, Seth directed all his team not to operate anything in the cave but keep their eyes and ears open on the instruments. ", "By any chance if any one comes back to the vicinity of the camera, Seth wanted to be summoned immediately. ", "With these instructions Seth ended his very long and disappointing day.", "\n\nLoola went to see Dooda at his room on the following day, at their usual meeting time. ", "Dooda was fast asleep. ", "One of his colleagues told him that Dooda was not feeling well and went to sleep early. ", "Loola hung around to talk to Dooda as he did not have anything to do. ", "He too did not have proper sleep either. ", "When Dooda got up Loola realized how weak Dooda was, and attributed the cause as the previous debacle. ", "Though Loola said hello to Dooda, Dooda was silent and was constantly staring at a wall like a lifeless statue. ", "Loola brewed a tea like drink and both shared it hot. ", "After Dooda's cup was empty Loola filled it up and served his cup as well. ", "They were not talking to each other but their body language was suggestive that they were sharing each other's sorrow and feelings. ", "After about 40 minutes Loola indicated that he was leaving. ", "Dooda made a gesture to him to wait for a while, and then he pulled out the very first poster he got from the probe, the only souvenir he had from Seth, and kept it on Loola's hand. ", "Both looked at each other's eyes. ", "Loola decided to take it with him. ", "Respectfully, he bowed down, touched the right shoulder and left Dooda. ", "Not a single word was spoken during all this time.", "\n\nSeth and Max had been very disappointed for the last six days as nobody came to the vicinity of the probe. ", "Other than a few birds that flew by and occasionally pecked at the camera to test the strength of their beaks, nothing was detected. ", "Many times Seth thought that he would pull out all the equipment as Dooda requested and retire from his work. ", "He had enormous support and encouragement from his fellow staff and influential people of reputed organization from very many countries, from the inception of the project. ", "Some of these organizations provided enormous amounts of money and continues providing huge financial assistance for the moon project. ", "As such Seth was compelled to think broadly, not only to accommodate his aspirations but of others. ", "He decided not to do anything foolish. ", "But just like Dooda, Seth too was emotionally crushed after listening to Dooda's unexpected farewell speech.", "\n\nSurprising everybody, on the seventh day all of a sudden the SETI-NASA center observed someone coming towards the probe. ", "Seth and Max rushed to the station in double quick time. ", "It was Loola. ", "Seth increased the brightness of the light in the probe slightly so that they could see Loola clearly. ", "Loola appeared very excited but sad. ", "He looked at the screen which was at the usual position. ", "He said \"Seth and Max\".", "\n\nSeth jumped and said \"Yes Loola, how are you. ", "We are happy to see you. ", "Are you OK?\"", "\n\nLoola said \"Seth, I did not expect all these things to still be here after Dooda's request. ", "After I saw this from far and as we were very good friends I decided to come here and convey this news. ", "I do not have much time. ", "I have very sad news for you. ", "Dooda is no more with us now. ", "He was buried this morning. ", "His health declined after he was here last. ", "Please respect Dooda's last request and take back your equipment. ", "He trusted you so much. ", "Please, please, please\". ", "After saying these words Loola ran back in the direction he came from.", "\n\nSeth immediately transformed into a different person as if possessed. ", "He took control of the command center over all the satellites and the other equipment on the moon. ", "As a first step he directed Collie to move towards a steep moon crater which was about five miles from the location it was at that time. ", "He set the speed of it to the maximum it could achieve and ensured that it was moving. ", "Nobody interfered or questioned his actions. ", "Then he folded back the screen and retracted the telescopic rod back to master. ", "He then carefully selected the coordinates of another crater. ", "Max and the other staff realized that Seth was trying to eject \"Master\" and crash it into the crater. ", "When their facial expressions indicating disapproval were noticed by Seth he took one single look at all of them that virtually made them freeze. ", "Due to the sheer respect Seth earned during all these years no body wished to influence what he was trying to do.", "\n\nOn the pilot panel reserved for Collie's controls, the radar screen lights flashed to indicate it was heading beyond the controllable distance from Master. ", "Though there were many audio and visual warning signs to stop its movement, Seth's attention was somewhere else. ", "Nobody had the temerity to override Seth's action. ", "The sudden stop of any signals coming from Collie indicated that it would have tumbled down into the crater. ", "As an expert space vehicle commander, Seth relayed commands to \"Master\" to rise from the ground. ", "He then maneuvered Master towards the crater that he selected and made it turn around and crash onto the center of the crater. ", "Then he commanded all the satellites to fly out of their orbits and crash on the near side of the moon. ", "Everyone there knew the project was over. ", "They were concerned at what harmful effect might befall Seth.", "\n\nSeth cried like a baby and mumbled to Max that he was happy that he fulfilled Dooda's request. ", "The atmosphere at the center was quite the opposite of what it was on the day that they spoke to Dooda and Loola for the very first time. ", "It did not take much time for the news to reach all corners of the world. ", "People had mixed reactions on Seth's actions.", "\n\nSeth summoned a meeting with all those who joined him at the last meeting as he had to make a statement.", "\n\nMany of Seth's friends spoke to him personally over the phone commending his action but some blamed him for been hasty. ", "The invitees to this emergency meeting did not give as much ready attention as the previous time. ", "After he got about fifty companions for the meeting he explained fully the reasons behind his actions.", "\n\nHe said \"As human beings we should respect each other more than anything. ", "Now I could visualize the damage we were doing to the moon people's society with more and more of our influence and interference. ", "Dooda's speech was an eye opener to me in the matter of respecting each other's belief systems on which human societies are built. ", "Everybody should realize the amount of influence that a belief system can have on the structure of a human society. ", "Belief systems influence the architecture of our buildings, the food we eat, legal systems we follow, our customs, rituals we observe and how we behave\".", "\n\nHe continued, \"When I was very young I dreamt of being able to communicate with an alien in my life time. ", "I did exactly that. ", "I am happy and sad about the can of worms that I opened. ", "I will not be engaged in this line of work in the future and urge everybody to respect Dooda and honor his request. ", "I am leaving this message to all my global friends in many countries to influence their governments to honor Dooda's request. ", "All human beings with good conscious should do that. ", "I am to be blamed if anyone starts looking for moon people again. ", "I thank all who supported me in various ways to accomplish my dream\".", "\n\nJust as Seth was about to finish his farewell speech with the announcing of his retirement, he was passed a small note from his partner and friend Max.", "\n\nThe note read: Twenty five minutes ago a secret CIA Bulletin was issued on detection of a rocket launch from earth; Evidence so far, strongly points to it being a mission to the moon launched from a location in the Asian region. ", "Separate evidence has also emerged of a strong worldwide interest in prospecting for \"Babaloniums\". ", "Speculation is rife that this might be one of the primary goals of the mission.............\"\n\n\"Oh, shi*!\" ", "exclaimed Seth, banging his head on the desk.", "\n\n•••\n\n\"There is enough for everybody's need, but not enough for anybody's greed\" - Mahatma Gandhi\n\nBooks Written by Shelton Ranasinghe\n\nThanks for reading.", "\n" ]
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0.018633540372670808, 0.004405286343612335, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.011904761904761904, 0.011834319526627219, 0, 0.0273972602739726, 0.015151515151515152, 0.020202020202020204, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0.012269938650306749, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.03508771929824561, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.018518518518518517, 0.0425531914893617, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0297029702970297, 0, 0.0091324200913242, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.024096385542168676, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.0045662100456621, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0.003472222222222222, 0.00425531914893617, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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0, 0.017391304347826087, 0.02666666666666667, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005208333333333333, 0.011299435028248588, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.014598540145985401, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0.023529411764705882, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.01694915254237288, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.012121212121212121, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01171875, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.014598540145985401, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009852216748768473, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.020202020202020204, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022988505747126436, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0.00784313725490196, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020618556701030927, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022988505747126436, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.03125, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.018404907975460124, 0.00558659217877095, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014598540145985401, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.02247191011235955, 0.02127659574468085, 0.006289308176100629, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.014598540145985401, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.020202020202020204, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0.01904761904761905, 0, 0, 0.010810810810810811, 0, 0.019801980198019802, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0.00749063670411985, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012121212121212121, 0, 0.012738853503184714, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.05660377358490566, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.016042780748663103, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.021505376344086023, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.032520325203252036, 0.002793296089385475, 0.02631578947368421, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.018867924528301886, 0.046511627906976744, 0.05405405405405406, 0, 0, 0, 0.009950248756218905, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.010416666666666666, 0.047619047619047616, 0.028169014084507043, 0, 0.06060606060606061, 0.017094017094017096, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0.02197802197802198, 0, 0, 0.06060606060606061, 0.007633587786259542, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0.0273972602739726, 0.010752688172043012, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0.03636363636363636, 0.010309278350515464, 0.046875, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.02702702702702703, 0.010752688172043012, 0.014705882352941176, 0.011235955056179775, 0.020618556701030927, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0.011834319526627219, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0.01694915254237288, 0.04054054054054054, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.01694915254237288, 0.01904761904761905, 0, 0.013986013986013986, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0.020833333333333332, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.020134228187919462, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.025210084033613446, 0.0045045045045045045, 0.012578616352201259, 0.015625, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.031746031746031744, 0.03125, 0.019801980198019802, 0, 0, 0.018018018018018018, 0.008403361344537815, 0.03488372093023256, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0, 0.0211864406779661, 0.013986013986013986, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0.024096385542168676, 0, 0.011049723756906077, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.008771929824561403, 0.010309278350515464, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.009900990099009901, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0.022988505747126436, 0, 0, 0, 0.02531645569620253, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.0234375, 0.005780346820809248, 0.011976047904191617, 0.014084507042253521, 0.009523809523809525, 0.008, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.014084507042253521, 0.0136986301369863, 0.01282051282051282, 0.025974025974025976, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0.011428571428571429, 0, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.011363636363636364, 0.01098901098901099, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0.021739130434782608, 0.0045045045045045045, 0.02, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0.03125, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0.028985507246376812, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.010033444816053512, 0.03, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.017142857142857144, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.007194244604316547, 0.04081632653061224, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0.007352941176470588, 0.009389671361502348, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.0106951871657754, 0, 0, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0.05128205128205128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01092896174863388, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.015503875968992248, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0.015625, 0.01639344262295082, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0.027777777777777776, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.014150943396226415, 0, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.005813953488372093, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.018518518518518517, 0.010526315789473684, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020512820512820513, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0.02727272727272727, 0.010752688172043012, 0.017094017094017096, 0.012903225806451613, 0.00847457627118644, 0.015873015873015872, 0.014492753623188406, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.012987012987012988, 0.007692307692307693, 0.02857142857142857, 0.015873015873015872, 0.009259259259259259, 0.022988505747126436, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.0045871559633027525, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0.0273972602739726, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025974025974025976, 0, 0.012578616352201259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.01, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.013793103448275862, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.0125, 0.014084507042253521, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.017857142857142856, 0.01098901098901099, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.014705882352941176, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0.023809523809523808, 0.010526315789473684, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.00558659217877095, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.043478260869565216, 0.011363636363636364, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0.008928571428571428, 0.018518518518518517, 0.02666666666666667, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.07142857142857142, 0.009708737864077669, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.08695652173913043, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020618556701030927, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0.004329004329004329, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0 ]
[ "A judge sentenced former boy-band mogul Lou Pearlman to 25 years in federal prison on Wednesday (May 21) for his part in running a two-decade-long financial scheme that cheated investors out of more than $300 million. ", "And, in an unusual deal, Senior U.S. District Judge G. Kendall Sharp offered the onetime 'NSYNC manager the chance to reduce his sentence by shaving a month off his term for every $1 million he pays back to investors, according to the Orlando Sentinel.", "\n\nGiven that his sentence totals 300 months, Pearlman, 53, could avoid prison entirely if he's able to pay back all his debts. \"", "I'm most concerned for the investors, even more so than the institutions,\" Sharp said of the individuals, many of them elderly, who were allegedly conned by Pearlman. ", "According to a plea agreement Pearlman signed in March, the investors, individuals and banks were enticed into investing in two shell companies that existed only on paper and which were part of an elaborate, years-long pyramid scheme in which Pearlman fabricated financial statements from a phony accounting firm to keep the scam going.", "\n\nThe final chapter in the long fall from grace for Pearlman — who is credited with helping to launch the boy-band craze of the 1990s through his work with 'NSYNC, Backstreet Boys and O-Town — came two months after he pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy, one count of money laundering and one count of making a false claim in a bankruptcy.", "\n\nWhat's left is a now-crumbled empire that once included his musical acts, an airplane-charter business and the showcase real-estate project Church Street Station in downtown Orlando. ", "According to the Sentinel, Pearlman, the cousin of '60s folk icon Art Garfunkel, slouched in his chair during much of Wednesday's hearing, clad in an orange jail jumpsuit and leg shackles. ", "The room was packed with angry investors, who bankruptcy proceedings claim Pearlman scammed out of close to a half-billion dollars. \"", "I'm truly sorry, your honor, to all the people who have been hurt by my actions,\" Pearlman said in a brief statement, according to the paper — an apology that drew bitter laughter from investors and a loud gasp of disgust from one victim when Pearlman's lawyer argued for a more lenient sentence if Pearlman paid his investors back.", "\n\n\"I think truly, in Mr. Pearlman's mind, he always meant to make good on his obligations,\" attorney Fletcher Peacock said, adding that his client's legendarily lavish lifestyle was a requirement of his business. \"", "Mr. Pearlman did live large, if you will, but judge, he was in the entertainment business,\" Peacock said.", "\n\nThe sentencing brought to a close 13 years of legal disputes and government inquiries into Pearlman's finances. ", "Pearlman's house of cards began to crumble in December 2006, when he was forced to close an \"employee investment saving program\" opened through one of his airlines that is alleged to have been a front company to keep the Ponzi investment scheme going. ", "Pearlman fled the U.S. shortly after, just before the majority of his assets were sold off at a bankruptcy auction. ", "Authorities caught up with him in June in Bali, Indonesia, and arrested him after he was expelled from that country.", "\n\nThe judge expressed sympathy for the many investors, holding up a book filled with letters from those who were scammed describing how the fraud had hurt their lives, the Sentinel reported. \"", "It turns out they're all his family, close friends and people in their 80s who have lost their life savings,\" Sharp said.", "\n\nAccording to Reuters, Pearlman had unsuccessfully tried to delay his sentencing to give him time to launch his latest boy band, US 5, which he said could provide \"significant profits\" that might be used to pay back his victims. ", "Pearlman had asked for permission to have supervised access to a phone and Internet connection while in custody to promote the band in the U.S. and Asia, but federal prosecutors balked, saying that Pearlman's fraud proved he could not be trusted to conduct business using those means." ]
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[ "Not Just another Southern Gal is a blog that shares everything from personal reviews of products, travel, giveaways and more.", "\nIf you would like to collaborate with me or if you would like for your product to be featured on my blog; email me at: jeni_fini@yahoo.com\nNeed a restaurant, hotel or city reviewed? ", "Contact me at jeni_fini@yahoo.com\n\nPages\n\nWednesday, March 30, 2016\n\nFinest Vitamins - Turmeric Capsules 1300mg & 1000mg\n\nMany of you may not know, but my husband, who is only 51 year old, suffers from joint pain/arthritis. ", "He has experienced this for a couple years now and it seems it has gotten worse. ", "He has went to the doctor, who gave him two shots in each hand. ", "The doctor told him that the shot may take a couple days to a week or so to begin working and that it effects everyone differently. ", "After the shot, my husband could not tell that the shot had done any good.", "\n\nIt was when we seen a commercial on television, that there was a supplement that people swore by, that helped with arthritis, that we looked into purchasing this. ", "Well, as a blogger, I wrote to a company to review their product. ", "The supplement is none other than Turmeric capsules. ", "Yes...turmeric! ", "You see turmeric popping up everywhere ranging from turmeric teas to capsules. ", "These capsules have made a big impact on my husband's hands! ", "They truly are a lifesaver and has helped alleviate his joint pain/arthritis tremendously!The turmeric capsules shown here, are sold by Finest Vitamins on Amazon. ", "The bottle contains 120 capsules, that can be taken twice daily...one capsule twice a day or two capsules once a day. ", "They not only help with arthritis and joint pain, but also help with inflammation, lower cholesterol and acts as a natural detoxifier. ", "They have 1300mg per serving and contain 95% curcumnoids as well as 10mg of BioPerine, also known as black pepper.", "\n\nThey are made in the US and also help normalize gall bladder function, aides in digestion and supports circulation and blood vessel health. ", "These vitamins are packed with numerous health benefits. ", "If you've ever taken any type of turmeric supplement for your arthritis, you know, that once you stop taking these, the pain starts to come back. ", "These turmeric capsules will definitely alleviate, if not eliminate your joint pain.", "Finest Vitamins also has another variety of these turmeric capsules as well, that is sold on Amazon. ", "Their Turmeric Curcumin capsules that have 1000mg per serving that has the same benefit, but with 300mg less. ", "You can choose which strength is best for you. ", "The 1000mg turmeric capsules has the same amount of capsules (veggie) and contain ground root powder instead of the BioPerine (black pepper). ", "These capsules help maintain the integrity of the intestinal lining. ", "You can find this variety...HERE!Purchase HERE!***I received a complimentary product, in exchange, for my honest and unbiased review. ", "All opinions are solely my own." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-sensors-19-04863}\n===============\n\nInertial navigation systems are widely used in aerospace and other fields, with the advantages of not being disturbed by the outside world, strong autonomy, and good concealment \\[[@B1-sensors-19-04863]\\]. ", "As the core component of inertial navigation, the precision of a gyroscope directly affects the precision of navigation. ", "Atomic gyroscopes developed based on quantum sensing technology are a research hotspot in research institutions around the world due to their ultra-high theoretical accuracy \\[[@B2-sensors-19-04863],[@B3-sensors-19-04863]\\]. ", "This discussion focuses on a specific type of atomic gyroscope, the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) gyroscope, using the invariance of nuclear spin resonance frequency in the inertial space to detect shell rotation speed, with the significant advantages of high precision, small volume, and low power consumption \\[[@B4-sensors-19-04863],[@B5-sensors-19-04863]\\].", "\n\nIn NMR technology, the nuclei of atomic complexes recover to their equilibrium state in a non-radiative way after the removal of the radiofrequency field, and the relaxation times are important characteristic constants of the relaxation process. ", "The inert gas atoms contained in the vapor cell of the NMR gyroscope are used to measure angular velocity \\[[@B6-sensors-19-04863]\\]. ", "The relaxation times of inert gas atoms are important characteristic measurements of the performance of the NMR gyroscope, which are closely related to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and angular random walk (ARW) \\[[@B7-sensors-19-04863]\\], and they determine the detection sensitivity of the gyroscope. ", "In the case of short relaxation times, the expansion rate of the precession of inert gas atoms is faster, the uncertainty of net spin is greater, and the measurement accuracy is lower. ", "ARW accumulates from previous measurement results to existing measurement results, that is to say, the total error of a single measurement depends on the cumulative error of previous measurement values, and even a slight decrease in accuracy will significantly increase ARW. ", "Therefore, it is important to measure the nuclear spin relaxation time accurately and rapidly for measuring the performance of the gyroscope and improving the detection sensitivity \\[[@B8-sensors-19-04863]\\].", "\n\n[Section 2](#sec2-sensors-19-04863){ref-type=\"sec\"} introduces the testing principle in detail and simulates the dynamic process according to the principle. [", "Section 3](#sec3-sensors-19-04863){ref-type=\"sec\"} briefly introduces the hardware of the relaxation test system and the automatic test software based on LabVIEW. [", "Section 4](#sec4-sensors-19-04863){ref-type=\"sec\"} evaluates the running example and test results of the proposed system. ", "Finally, we summarize the paper in [Section 5](#sec5-sensors-19-04863){ref-type=\"sec\"}.", "\n\n2. ", "Vapor Cell Testing Theory and Visual Simulation {#sec2-sensors-19-04863}\n==================================================\n\n2.1. ", "Relaxation Time Testing Theory {#sec2dot1-sensors-19-04863}\n-----------------------------------\n\nAn external constant magnetic field $B_{0}$ is applied along the $Z$-axis, and then Zeeman level splits along the magnetic field direction. ", "According to the principle of statistical physics, the number of atoms in the Zeeman level follows the Boltzmann distribution, and the number of particles in each energy level is basically the same. ", "Under the wavelength properties of the nuclear material, circularly polarized light spreads along the $B_{0}$ direction, which determines the sensitive axis of the gyroscope. ", "Circularly polarized light interacts with electrons in the atomic orbitals of alkali metals to transfer electrons to an excited state \\[[@B9-sensors-19-04863]\\], which is unstable and causes spontaneous decay. ", "Angular momentum is conserved under certain conditions, and electron angular momentum is transferred to the nucleus of noble gases to generate a relatively high level of net nuclear magnetization. ", "By absorbing and emitting photons continuously, the atomic ensemble is finally in a single spin state, thereby realizing the polarization of the group and forming the macroscopic magnetic moment $M_{0}$ \\[[@B10-sensors-19-04863],[@B11-sensors-19-04863]\\].", "\n\nAfter light pumping, any possible signal generated by the precession of one atom is offset by the precession signal from the other atom in the opposite phase. ", "Without an atomic group with coherent phases, the total gas sample cannot produce a measurable signal. ", "Thus, we apply alternating excitation magnetic fields, $2B_{1}\\sin\\left( {\\gamma B_{0}t} \\right)$, along the $X$-axis, which can be decomposed into a left-hand circular polarization field and a right-hand circular polarization field \\[[@B12-sensors-19-04863]\\]. ", "The circular polarization field with the same precession direction as Larmor precession is selected to establish the rotating coordinate system $X_{1}Y_{1}Z$, and then the alternating excitation magnetic field becomes a constant static magnetic field in the rotating coordinate system. ", "The precession magnetic moment originally in a random phase tends to be in the same phase, that is to say, the precession phase of the atomic ensemble is coherent, forming a uniform precession that can be measured. ", "From the rotating coordinate system, it can be observed that the macroscopic magnetic moment turns from the $Z$-axis to the $Y_{1}$-axis at the angular frequency $\\mathsf{\\gamma}B_{1}$ around the $X_{1}$-axis. ", "According to the Bloch equation \\[[@B13-sensors-19-04863],[@B14-sensors-19-04863]\\], the dynamic behavior of macroscopic magnetic moment in the magnetic field can be expressed as follows:$$\\frac{d\\overset{\\rightarrow}{M}}{dt} = \\gamma\\overset{\\rightarrow}{M} \\times \\overset{\\rightarrow}{B} - R \\cdot \\left( {\\overset{\\rightarrow}{M} - \\overset{\\rightarrow}{M_{0}}} \\right),$$ where $\\mathsf{\\gamma}$ is the gyromagnetic ratio, $\\overset{\\rightarrow}{M}$ is the instantaneous magnetic moment, $\\overset{\\rightarrow}{B}$ is the total magnetic field, and $R$ is the relaxation matrix.", "\n\nThe total magnetic field consists of the main field $\\overset{\\rightarrow}{B_{0}}$ and alternating excitation field $\\overset{\\rightarrow}{B_{1}}$, expressed as follows:$$\\overset{\\rightarrow}{B} = B_{0} \\cdot \\overset{\\rightarrow}{e_{z}} + B_{1}\\cos\\left( {\\gamma B_{0}t} \\right) \\cdot \\overset{\\rightarrow}{e_{x}} - B_{1}\\sin\\left( {\\gamma B_{0}t} \\right) \\cdot \\overset{\\rightarrow}{e_{y}},$$\n\nThe relaxation matrix can be expressed as follows:$$R = \\begin{bmatrix}\n\\frac{1}{T_{2}} & 0 & 0 \\\\\n0 & \\frac{1}{T_{2}} & 0 \\\\\n0 & 0 & \\frac{1}{T_{1}} \\\\\n\\end{bmatrix},$$ where $T_{2}$ is the transverse relaxed time, and $T_{1}$ is the longitudinal relaxed time.", "\n\nThe transverse relaxation time $T_{2}$ represents the time when the transversal component $M_{xy}$ of the magnetic moment $M$ decays to zero, whose main influencing factor is the magnetic field inhomogeneity, which is the residual magnetic field gradient in the atomic cell. ", "The longitudinal relaxation time $T_{1}$ represents the time when the longitudinal component $M_{z}$ recovers to the equilibrium state $M_{0}$ from the non-equilibrium state, whose main influencing factor is the collision of inert gas atoms with the cell wall and other atoms.", "\n\nSubstitute Equations (2) and (3) into Equation (1), we can obtain the following differential equations:$$\\left\\{ \\begin{matrix}\n{\\frac{dM_{x}}{dt} = \\gamma(M_{y}B_{0} + M_{z}B_{1}\\sin\\left( {\\gamma B_{0}t} \\right)) - \\frac{M_{x}}{T_{2}}} \\\\\n{\\frac{dM_{y}}{dt} = \\gamma( - M_{x}B_{0} + M_{z}B_{1}\\cos\\left( {\\gamma B_{0}t} \\right)) - \\frac{M_{y}}{T_{2}}} \\\\\n{\\frac{dM_{z}}{dt} = \\gamma\\left( {- M_{x}B_{1}\\sin\\left( {\\gamma B_{0}t} \\right) - M_{y}B_{1}\\cos\\left( {\\gamma B_{0}t} \\right)} \\right) - \\frac{M_{z} - M_{0}}{T_{1}}} \\\\\n\\end{matrix} \\right.", ",$$\n\nIt is assumed that, when the macroscopic magnetic moment is in the direction of $+ Y_{1}$ axis, the alternating excitation magnetic field is removed, and the macroscopic magnetic moment in the $XYZ$ coordinate system returns to the direction of *z*-axis along the helix. ", "The signal detected by the detection laser is the free induction decay (FID) signal, whose decay rate depends on $T_{2}$, which can be calculated by measuring the time constant of signal attenuation \\[[@B15-sensors-19-04863],[@B16-sensors-19-04863]\\]. ", "The rotation of the macroscopic magnetic moment is determined by the switch of the rotation field, that is, the alternating excitation magnetic field, which is called a pulse. ", "Since the rotation angle of the macroscopic magnetic moment is 90°, this pulse is also called the $\\mathsf{\\pi}/2$ pulse \\[[@B12-sensors-19-04863],[@B17-sensors-19-04863]\\]. ", "According to the formula of rotation, we can obtain $$\\mathsf{\\gamma}B_{1}t_{\\mathsf{\\pi}/2} = \\mathsf{\\pi}/2,$$\n\nThe length of time of the $\\mathsf{\\pi}/2$ pulse can be expressed as follows:$$t_{\\pi/2} = \\frac{\\pi}{2\\mathsf{\\gamma}B_{1}},$$\n\nThe length of time of the $\\mathsf{\\pi}$ pulse is twice as much as $\\mathsf{\\pi}/2$ pulse, expressed as follows:$$t_{\\pi} = \\frac{\\pi}{\\mathsf{\\gamma}B_{1}},$$\n\nThe gyromagnetic ratio of $$ is $- 7.4003 \\times 10^{7}\\ {{rad}\\ T}^{- 1}{\\ s}^{- 1}$, and the measured current is $8.4{\\ {mA}}$. The coil constant of a three-dimensional magnetic coil is 24 nT/mA. According to Equation (6), we can get the estimate of $t_{\\pi/2} = 0.21\\ s$, which is 0.11 s less than the value obtained by the experimental measurements. ", "The current is kept constant so as to keep the magnetic field constant, and the time of excitation pulse is changed. ", "The initial amplitude of the FID signal is measured to obtain a series of data points. ", "The data points show sinusoidal distribution with the pulse time length, and the time point at the position of $\\mathsf{\\pi}/2$ is obtained through fitting, namely, the time length of the $t_{\\pi/2}$ pulse.", "\n\nIf a small alternating excitation magnetic field is applied along the $X$-axis, the signal whose growth rate depends on $T_{2}$ grows to a certain amplitude and becomes stable. ", "After a period of time, the $\\mathsf{\\pi}$ pulse is used to reverse the xenon spin, which changes only the direction of the magnetic moment, leaving all other states unchanged. ", "Over time, the xenon atoms collide with the alkali and return to a positive polarization, and they are then excited again by a small magnetic field. ", "The half-life of xenon atoms $T_{1/2}$ is obtained by real-time monitoring of their transition from one polarization to the other, whose length depends on $T_{1}$, and the relationship between the two can be expressed as follows:$$T_{1/2} = T_{1}\\ln 2,$$\n\nThis equation can be obtained through the following steps. ", "Firstly, Equation (4) is simplified. ", "We ignore the action of the excitation magnetic field, and this equation becomes $$\\left\\{ \\begin{matrix}\n{\\frac{dM_{x}}{dt} = \\gamma M_{y}B_{0} - \\frac{M_{x}}{T_{2}}} \\\\\n{\\frac{dM_{y}}{dt} = - \\gamma M_{x}B_{0} - \\frac{M_{y}}{T_{2}}} \\\\\n{\\frac{dM_{z}}{dt} = - \\frac{M_{z} - M_{0}}{T_{1}}} \\\\\n\\end{matrix} \\right.", ",$$\n\nWe then assume the following initial conditions:$$\\left\\{ \\begin{array}{l}\n{M_{x} = 0} \\\\\n{M_{y} = M_{0}{\\sin\\omega}} \\\\\n{M_{z} = M_{0}\\cos\\omega} \\\\\n\\end{array}, \\right.$$ where $\\omega$ is the initially included angle between the magnetic moment and the $Z$-axis.", "\n\nThe differential equation is then solved. ", "$$\\left\\{ \\begin{matrix}\n{M_{x} = M_{0}e^{- \\frac{t}{T_{2}}}\\sin\\left( {\\gamma B_{0}t} \\right)\\sin\\omega} \\\\\n{M_{y} = M_{0}e^{- \\frac{t}{T_{2}}}\\cos\\left( {\\gamma B_{0}t} \\right)\\sin\\omega} \\\\\n{M_{z} = M_{0}\\left( {1 + \\left( {\\cos\\omega - 1} \\right)e^{- \\frac{t}{T_{1}}}} \\right)} \\\\\n\\end{matrix} \\right.", ",$$ when $M_{z}$ decays to zero, the relationship between the longitudinal relaxation time $T_{1}$ and time $t$ can be expressed as follows:$$T_{1} = t/\\ln\\left( {1 - \\cos\\omega} \\right),$$\n\nConsidering the role of persistent excitation and the relationship between initial angle $\\mathsf{\\omega}$ and persistent excitation, we can get the time $t$, namely, the half-life $T_{1/2}$ relationship with $T_{1}$, which is shown in Equation (8).", "\n\n2.2. ", "Visual Simulation {#sec2dot2-sensors-19-04863}\n----------------------\n\nTo better illustrate the correctness of the above test theory, a GUI was used for a simulation according to Equation (3), and the simulation results are shown in [Figure 1](#sensors-19-04863-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 2](#sensors-19-04863-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}. [", "Figure 1](#sensors-19-04863-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the magnetic moment motion progress in FID measurement. ", "In the upper-left three-dimensional figure, the sparse curve outside the dense curve in the shape of a straw hat is the motion curve of the magnetic moment when we apply the $\\mathsf{\\pi}/2$ pulse, and the dense curve is the free induction decay curve of the magnetic moment. ", "The two-dimensional figure below shows the observed signal of magnetic moment motion along the *X*-axis, which has the same significance as the signal collected in our experiment. ", "In the upper right, there are some parameters and trigger buttons used in our simulation experiment, including the main magnetic field, the continuous excitation magnetic field, pulse intensity, etc. ", "The simulation was only done to visualize the magnetic moment motion, in which parameter setting is not meaningful.", "\n\n[Figure 2](#sensors-19-04863-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the magnetic moment motion process in the $\\mathsf{\\pi}$ pulse measurement. ", "The sparse curve outside the dense curve in the shape of the small dumbbell is the motion curve of the magnetic moment when we apply the $\\mathsf{\\pi}$ pulse, which reverses the magnetic moment. ", "During the relaxation process of the magnetic moment along the $Z$-axis, we observe the motion of relaxation along the $X$-axis and find that the magnetic moment decays to zero and then gradually returns to a stable state along the $Z$-axis.", "\n\n3. ", "System Construction {#sec3-sensors-19-04863}\n======================\n\n3.1. ", "Experimental Platform {#sec3dot1-sensors-19-04863}\n--------------------------\n\nThe schematic diagram of the vapor cell relaxation test experimental platform is shown in [Figure 3](#sensors-19-04863-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}, which mainly includes an alkali vapor cell, a three-dimensional magnetic coil, a non-magnetic heater, a magnetic shield, a pump laser, a sense laser, and an NI computer.", "\n\nThe experiment adopted a 4-mm cubic borosilicate glass cell with no coating. ", "The cell contained noble gas atoms $$ and $$ at 2 and 8 Torr, respectively, alkali atom $Cs$, buffer gas $N_{2}$ at 760 Torr, and so on. ", "The external area of the cell included a magnetically free heater, which was used to heat the alkali atoms in the cell and promote spin hyperpolarization. ", "A home-made independently developed non-magnetic heating unit reduced the disturbed magnetic field caused by electric heating, by means of the precise spatial symmetric arrangement of cables. ", "The cell and heater were placed in the magnetic shielding barrel to shield the effect of the environmental magnetic field on the magnetic moment. ", "The coefficient of attenuation by the magnetic shield barrel was 10^4^. We applied the reverse magnetic field gradient −15 nT/cm to compensate for the residual magnetic field gradient. ", "The pumping light path was composed of a distributed feedback laser and polarizer. ", "The working frequency of the laser was the resonance frequency of the $Cs$ atom $D_{1}$ line (894 nm) and $D_{2}$ line (852 nm). ", "The detection light path was composed of the distributed feedback laser, polarizer, analyzer, and detector. ", "After the detection laser passed through the vapor cell, the analyzer divided the beam into two orthogonal polarization beams, which were amplified by the detector, and the procession signal was output. ", "The pump laser and sense laser were American New Focus commercial lasers. ", "The sense laser frequency was detuned from the optical resonance frequency, and the detuning value was 0.2 nm.", "\n\nThe whole experiment was carried out on an optical table, and the specific experimental equipment is shown in [Figure 4](#sensors-19-04863-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Program Design Based on LabVIEW {#sec3dot2-sensors-19-04863}\n------------------------------------\n\nAccording to the above principles and simulation, an automatic vapor cell relaxation time test system was developed based on LabVIEW/MATLAB hybrid programming. ", "This section uses the flow chart in [Figure 5](#sensors-19-04863-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"} to briefly describe the system.", "\n\nThe realization of the system mainly included four steps: *z*-axis main magnetic field output, temperature acquisition and control, resonance frequency search, and data acquisition, storage, and processing.", "\n\nThe main magnetic field was controlled by the source measurement unit (SMU) PXIe-4145. ", "All the boards used in the experiment came from National Instruments, which is headquartered in Austin, Texas, USA. ", "We obtained the output function, configuration current, and other operations by calling the NI DC power function in LabVIEW, and we used the SMU to output a stable DC signal. ", "We then produced the main magnetic field using a three-dimensional magnetic coil whose error was within 700 pT.\n\nTemperature acquisition and control were realized by a digital multimeter PXI-4072 and waveform generator PXI-5441. ", "The multimeter called the NIDMM function in LabVIEW to read the resistance value of the temperature sensor, and then converted it into the temperature value through the expression node; it then displayed the temperature in the waveform chart in real time. ", "The waveform generator called the NI-FGEN function to output a sinusoidal voltage signal, which was amplified by the power amplifier and then lost to a heating plate to heat the vapor cell. ", "The whole temperature control adopted PID control to realize closed-loop control.", "\n\nThe continuous sinusoidal voltage signal was output to the magnetic coil by a synchronous multi-function DAQ device with fixed frequency difference to generate a continuous excitation magnetic field. ", "PXIe-4492, a data acquisition card, read the analog signal of the detector and converted the analog voltage signal detected by the photoelectric detector into a digital voltage signal. ", "The program automatically intercepted the stable part of the signal, measured its amplitude, and compared and obtained the maximum amplitude value, whose corresponding frequency was the resonance frequency. ", "The program output a specific pulse signal to the magnetic coil according to the resonance frequency found.", "\n\nThe analog signal output was read by the photoelectric detector, which was displayed in a waveform diagram. ", "The measurement signals were stored in TDMS (technical data management streaming) format through the DAQmx configuration record VI. ", "LabVIEW/MATLAB mixed programming was used to process and fit the output signals according to the results of the evolution equation, and the relaxation time value was directly obtained. [", "Figure 6](#sensors-19-04863-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the front panel of the auto-test system.", "\n\n4. ", "Result and Discussion {#sec4-sensors-19-04863}\n========================\n\nIn order to find a suitable method to measure longitudinal relaxation time, the π pulse method, saturation recovery method, and industry-standard method were compared. ", "The baffle was used to block the pumping light before measurement, so that the atomic system in the cell was restored to a disordered state. ", "Then, the baffle was removed for light pumping. ", "After some time, the π/2 pulse was applied, and the initial amplitude of the precession signal after the π/2 pulse was recorded. ", "The longitudinal spin growth curve was obtained by changing the length of the time of the optical pumping, and then $T_{1}$ was obtained by fitting. ", "This method is called the saturation recovery method. ", "The industry-standard method mentioned in this paper was the reverse recovery method. ", "The comparison results are shown in [Figure 7](#sensors-19-04863-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The $T_{1}$ values at five temperature points were measured using the three methods, and the results showed that the variance range of the π pulse method was 0.4355--0.8511, the variance range of the saturation recovery method was 0.8716--2.085, and the variance range of the industry-standard method was 0.703--1.235. ", "The error of the π pulse method was smaller than that of the other two methods, because the other two methods were susceptible to light instability, resulting in a deviation in the measurement of signal amplitude, and a smaller deviation resulted in a larger error of fitting results.", "\n\nThe automated test system used the pulse method to measure the longitudinal relaxation time and used the FID to measure the transversal relaxation time. ", "The expected temperature was set as 110, 115, 120, 125, and 130. ", "Temperature controls and parameter settings of the main magnetic field are shown in [Figure 6](#sensors-19-04863-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The sweep frequency range of the resonance frequency was set as 100--120 Hz, 30--40 Hz, whereas the step length was set as 1 Hz, the second step length was set as 0.1 Hz, and the sweep frequency range was set as 0.8 Hz. ", "The small excitation amplitude was set as 0.1 V, the pulse amplitude was set as 2.1 V the reading sampling rate was set as 10,000, the sampling number of transverse relaxation time was set as 160,000, and the sampling number of longitudinal relaxation time was set as 400,000. [", "Figure 8](#sensors-19-04863-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the transverse relaxation time of $$ at different temperature points, and [Figure 9](#sensors-19-04863-f009){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the longitudinal relaxation time of $$. ", "It can be seen from the figures that the test data results were basically consistent with the simulation results of the GUI, which proves that there is no problem with our test method and that our test system is correct.", "\n\nAccording to the Reference \\[[@B18-sensors-19-04863]\\], we estimated that the unusual thermal dependence in $T_{1}$ for $$ could be due to relaxation in the inhomogeneous field. ", "Our team will further research the specific causes of relaxation dependence on temperature in the future. ", "The relaxation mechanism is assumed to be quadrupole coupling between the $$ nucleus and the electrical field gradients which appear at the nucleus during the adsorption of the atom on the wall. ", "The nuclear quadrupole interaction is assumed to be a perturbation of the magnetic resonance \\[[@B19-sensors-19-04863]\\]. [", "Figure 10](#sensors-19-04863-f010){ref-type=\"fig\"} show the comparison results of the manual test and automatic test system. ", "The automatic test relaxation curve was basically completely consistent with the manual test relaxation curve. ", "The error of $T_{1}$ was within 1.34% and the error of $T_{2}$ was within 0.13%, indicating that the test results of the automatic test system of relaxation time were basically the same as those of the manual test at different temperature points, which proves that the test results are accurate and reliable for the automatic test system of relaxation time of vapor cells.", "\n\nThis test system took 5 h to measure five temperature points, and the manual test took 9.25 h. If we used the industry-standard method, the time of manual testing was 14.25 h, which indicates that the π pulse method is more efficient than the traditional inversion recovery method for measuring $T_{1}$. As it takes a period of time for the $Xe$ tomic group to return to a stable state, we needed to wait at least $5\\ T_{1}$ between each delay run. ", "Each data point may take about 10 min to collect, and the inversion recovery method requires multiple data points to improve the fitting accuracy, requiring at least 1 h to measure $T_{1}$. The π pulse method can directly obtain the longitudinal relaxation time using a single measurement, which greatly reduces the time needed for the test, thereby improving the test efficiency. ", "The measuring system developed in this paper is 85% more efficient than the manual test and 185% more efficient than the industry-standard method.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusions {#sec5-sensors-19-04863}\n==============\n\nBased on the principle of relaxation time measurement, this paper built an optical test platform and used a GUI to carry out a visual simulation. ", "The test performance of the π pulse method, saturation recovery method, and industry-standard method in measuring $T_{1}$ was compared. ", "The π pulse method and FID performed best and allowed automating the test process. ", "A user only needs to press the button, and the test results of transverse relaxation time and longitudinal relaxation time can be automatically obtained after a while. ", "The system is easy to operate, which improves the test efficiency, and it works reliably and stably. ", "The test results obtained from the experiment showed that the measurement results of the automated test system were accurate and reliable. ", "The automated test system is currently functional with a stable operation process and a beautiful software interface, which meets the requirements of practical application.", "\n\nThanks to Jichuan Huang for his constructive contribution to this paper.", "\n\nC.M. and S.W. contributed to the conception of the study; T.H. contributed significantly to analysis and manuscript preparation; T.H. and X.T. performed the data analyses and wrote the manuscript; R.L. and C.M. helped perform the analysis with constructive discussions.", "\n\nProject supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. ", "61603035).", "\n\nAll authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.", "\n\n![", "The magnetic moment motion process in the free induction decay (FID) measurement of $T_{2}$. After the $\\mathsf{\\pi}/2$ pulse, the magnetic moment has free induction decay, because of atomic collision and other factors.](sensors-19-04863-g001){#sensors-19-04863-f001}\n\n![", "The magnetic moment motion process in the $\\mathsf{\\pi}$ pulse measurement of $T_{1}$. The first 25 s represent a small excitation process, and the following 60 s represent the motion process of the magnetic moment after the $\\mathsf{\\pi}$ pulse.](sensors-19-04863-g002){#sensors-19-04863-f002}\n\n![", "Schematic of the experimental set-up. ", "The red line is the light path and the blue line is the current. ", "The temperature of the vapor cell is controlled by the NI computer.](sensors-19-04863-g003){#sensors-19-04863-f003}\n\n![", "Experimental set-up.](sensors-19-04863-g004){#sensors-19-04863-f004}\n\n![", "Flow chart of the program.](sensors-19-04863-g005){#sensors-19-04863-f005}\n\n![", "Front panel.](sensors-19-04863-g006){#sensors-19-04863-f006}\n\n![", "Comparison of test results of the three methods. ", "The blue line shows the test results of the π pulse method. ", "The green line shows the test results of the saturation recovery method. ", "The red line shows the test results of the industry-standard method.](sensors-19-04863-g007){#sensors-19-04863-f007}\n\n![", "Transverse relaxation time test results of $$. ", "The determination coefficients are all close to 1, indicating excellent fitting results.](sensors-19-04863-g008){#sensors-19-04863-f008}\n\n![", "Longitudinal relaxation time test results of $$. ", "The *x*-coordinate mean half-life $T_{1/2}$ allowed us to get longitudinal relaxation times according to the Equation (8).](sensors-19-04863-g009){#sensors-19-04863-f009}\n\n![", "Comparison of test results. ", "The red line shows the test results of $$ measured by the automatic testing system. ", "The blue line shows the test results of $$ measured by the manual test. ", "The green line shows the test results of $$ measured by the automatic testing system. ", "The magenta line shows the test results of $$ measured by the manual test. ", "The test results for longitudinal relaxation times are on the left, and the test results for transversal are on the right.](sensors-19-04863-g010){#sensors-19-04863-f010}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "[Quantitative determination of the accessible surface of globular proteins by tritium planigraphy].", "\nAt the last time the term \"accessible surface\" is used for a description of protein structure. ", "The tritium planigraphy was used for quantitative detection of the accessible surface. ", "The experimental dependence of an interaction probability of the tritium atoms with globular proteins with calculated accessible surface areas was obtained. ", "The method was proposed on the basis of the information about the reactivity of amino acids residues and was used for the determination of an accessible surface of parvalbumin III of pike." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Not That You'd Know But Facebook's MorphMonkey Has Chlamydia\n\nAdFreak reports The American Social Health Association is using...what else...social media to educate people about the STD Chlamydia with a Facebook application, MorphMonkey. ", "Created by Duval Guillaume, the application, lets people create love children by combining their images with a friend's.", "\n\nIn a bit of reverse nastiness, the campaign's tagline is \"spread it to beat it.\"", "\n\nPlaying the game is fun enough. ", "After all, who doesn't like to imagine what two people's offspring might look like? ", "Oddly, unless it was missed, nowhere in the app (or in a Goggle search, for that matter) was there any association made between the app and the American Social Health Association. ", "Though it's pretty obvious no one would use a Facebook app that had Chlamydia written all over it but, at some point, one imagines the cause would be inclined to make its point known. ", "Right now, it just seems like yet another time waster.", "\n\nI once read a paper that argued if more \"clean\" singles were promiscuous, they would make the sexually active adult population more healthy. ", "This is because they would increase the likelihood that a careless slore will sleep with an STD-free dude instead of one with, say, the clap." ]
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[ "/* \n */\n\n/*\n\n Copyright (C) 2014 Ferrero Andrea\n\n This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n (at your option) any later version.", "\n\n This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", "See the\n GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n\n You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n along with this program. ", "If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n\n\n */\n\n/*\n\n These files are distributed with PhotoFlow - http://aferrero2707.github.io/PhotoFlow/\n\n */\n\n#ifndef FALSE_COLOR_CORRECTION_H\n#define FALSE_COLOR_CORRECTION_H\n\n#include <string>\n\n//#include <libraw/libraw.h>\n\n#include \"../base/operation.hh\"\n\n\n\nnamespace PF\n{\n\n class FalseColorCorrectionPar: public OpParBase\n {\n public:\n FalseColorCorrectionPar();\n bool has_intensity() { return false; }\n bool has_opacity() { return false; }\n bool needs_input() { return true; }\n\n void set_image_hints( VipsImage* img )\n {\n if( !", "img ) return;\n OpParBase::set_image_hints( img );\n rgb_image( get_xsize(), get_ysize() );\n }\n\n /* Function to derive the output area from the input area\n */\n virtual void transform(const VipsRect* rin, VipsRect* rout, int /*id*/)\n {\n rout->left = rin->left+2;\n rout->top = rin->top+2;\n rout->width = rin->width-4;\n rout->height = rin->height-4;\n }\n \n /* Function to derive the area to be read from input images,\n based on the requested output area\n */\n virtual void transform_inv(const VipsRect* rout, VipsRect* rin, int /*id*/)\n {\n rin->left = rout->left-2;\n rin->top = rout->top-2;\n rin->width = rout->width+4;\n rin->height = rout->height+4;\n }\n \n\n\n VipsImage* build(std::vector<VipsImage*>& in, int first, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t VipsImage* imap, VipsImage* omap, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t unsigned int& level);\n };\n\n \n\n\n template < OP_TEMPLATE_DEF > \n class FalseColorCorrectionProc\n {\n public: \n void render(VipsRegion** in, int n, int in_first,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVipsRegion* imap, VipsRegion* omap, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVipsRegion* out, FalseColorCorrectionPar* par) \n {\n //fast_demosaic( in, n, in_first,\n //\t imap, omap, out, par );\n }\n };\n\n\n\n\tvoid false_color_correction(VipsRegion* ir, VipsRegion* oreg);\n\n\n\n template < OP_TEMPLATE_DEF_TYPE_SPEC > \n class FalseColorCorrectionProc< OP_TEMPLATE_IMP_TYPE_SPEC(float) > \n {\n public: \n void render(VipsRegion** in, int n, int in_first,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVipsRegion* imap, VipsRegion* omap, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVipsRegion* out, FalseColorCorrectionPar* par) \n {\n\t\t\tfalse_color_correction( in[0], out );\n }\n };\n\n\n ProcessorBase* new_false_color_correction();\n}\n\n\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "\n/*\n * board/amlogic/gxtvbb_skt_v1/firmware/scp_task/dvfs_board.c\n *\n * Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n * (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License for\n * more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\n * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.", "\n*/\n\nstatic int pwm_voltage_table[][2] = {\n\t{ 0x1c0000, 860},\n\t{ 0x1b0001, 870},\n\t{ 0x1a0002, 880},\n\t{ 0x190003, 890},\n\t{ 0x180004, 900},\n\t{ 0x170005, 910},\n\t{ 0x160006, 920},\n\t{ 0x150007, 930},\n\t{ 0x140008, 940},\n\t{ 0x130009, 950},\n\t{ 0x12000a, 960},\n\t{ 0x11000b, 970},\n\t{ 0x10000c, 980},\n\t{ 0x0f000d, 990},\n\t{ 0x0e000e, 1000},\n\t{ 0x0d000f, 1010},\n\t{ 0x0c0010, 1020},\n\t{ 0x0b0011, 1030},\n\t{ 0x0a0012, 1040},\n\t{ 0x090013, 1050},\n\t{ 0x080014, 1060},\n\t{ 0x070015, 1070},\n\t{ 0x060016, 1080},\n\t{ 0x050017, 1090},\n\t{ 0x040018, 1100},\n\t{ 0x030019, 1110},\n\t{ 0x02001a, 1120},\n\t{ 0x01001b, 1130},\n\t{ 0x00001c, 1140}\n};\n\n#define CHIP_ADJUST 20\n#define RIPPLE_ADJUST 30\nstruct scpi_opp_entry cpu_dvfs_tbl[] = {\n\tDVFS( 100000000, 860+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n\tDVFS( 250000000, 860+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n\tDVFS( 500000000, 860+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n\tDVFS( 667000000, 900+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n\tDVFS(1000000000, 940+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n\tDVFS(1200000000, 980+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n\tDVFS(1296000000, 1000+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n\tDVFS(1416000000, 1020+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n\tDVFS(1536000000, 1050+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n\tDVFS(1800000000, 1050+CHIP_ADJUST+RIPPLE_ADJUST),\n};\n\n\n#define P_PIN_MUX_REG7\t\t(*((volatile unsigned *)(0xda834400 + (0x33 << 2))))\n#define P_PWM_MISC_REG_EF (*((volatile unsigned *)(0xc1100000 + (0x21b2 << 2))))\n#define P_PWM_PWM_E\t\t(*((volatile unsigned *)(0xc1100000 + (0x21b0 << 2))))\n\nenum pwm_id {\n\tpwm_a = 0,\n\tpwm_b,\n\tpwm_c,\n\tpwm_d,\n\tpwm_e,\n\tpwm_f,\n};\n\n\nvoid pwm_init(int id)\n{\n\t/*\n\t * TODO: support more pwm controllers, right now only support PWM_B\n\t */\n\tunsigned int reg;\n\n\treg = P_PWM_MISC_REG_EF;\n\treg &= ~(0x7f << 8);\n\treg |= ((1 << 15) | (1 << 1) |(1 << 0));\n\tP_PWM_MISC_REG_EF = reg;\n\n\t/*\n\t * default set to max voltage\n\t */\n\tP_PWM_PWM_E = pwm_voltage_table[ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_voltage_table) - 1][0];\n\n\treg = P_PIN_MUX_REG7;\n\treg &= ~((1 << 26)| (1 << 18)|(1 << 30));\n\tP_PIN_MUX_REG7 = reg;\n\n\treg = P_PIN_MUX_REG7;\n\treg |= (1 << 29); // enable PWM_E\n\tP_PIN_MUX_REG7 = reg;\n\n\t_udelay(200);\n}\n\nint dvfs_get_voltage(void)\n{\n\tint i = 0;\n\tunsigned int reg_val;\n\n\treg_val = P_PWM_PWM_E;\n\tfor (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_voltage_table); i++) {\n\t\tif (pwm_voltage_table[i][0] == reg_val) {\n\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (i >= ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_voltage_table)) {\n\t return -1;\n\t}\n\treturn -1;\n}\n\nvoid set_dvfs(unsigned int domain, unsigned int index)\n{\n\tint cur, to;\n\tstatic int init_flag = 0;\n\n\tif (!", "init_flag) {\n\t\tpwm_init(pwm_b);\n\t\tinit_flag = 1;\n\t}\n\tcur = dvfs_get_voltage();\n\tfor (to = 0; to < ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_voltage_table); to++) {\n\t\tif (pwm_voltage_table[to][1] >= cpu_dvfs_tbl[index].volt_mv) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (to >= ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_voltage_table)) {\n\t\tto = ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_voltage_table) - 1;\n\t}\n\tif (cur < 0 || cur >=ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_voltage_table)) {\n\t\tP_PWM_PWM_E = pwm_voltage_table[to][0];\n\t\t_udelay(200);\n\t\treturn ;\n\t}\n\twhile (cur !", "= to) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * if target step is far away from current step, don't change\n\t\t * voltage by one-step-done. ", "You should change voltage step by\n\t\t * step to make sure voltage output is stable\n\t\t */\n\t\tif (cur < to) {\n\t\t\tif (cur < to - 3) {\n\t\t\t\tcur += 3;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcur = to;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif (cur > to + 3) {\n\t\t\t\tcur -= 3;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcur = to;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tP_PWM_PWM_E = pwm_voltage_table[cur][0];\n\t\t_udelay(100);\n\t}\n}\n\n" ]
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[ " IN THE COMMONWEALTH COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA\n\nDonte Harper, :\n Petitioner :\n :\n v. : No. ", "1468 C.D. 2016\n : Submitted: January 20, 2017\nWorkers’ Compensation Appeal :\nBoard (UPS), :\n Respondent :\n\n\nBEFORE: HONORABLE P. KEVIN BROBSON, Judge\n HONORABLE ANNE E. COVEY, Judge\n HONORABLE JOSEPH M. COSGROVE, Judge\n\n\nOPINION NOT REPORTED\n\nMEMORANDUM OPINION\nBY JUDGE BROBSON FILED: June 12, 2017\n\n Petitioner Donte Harper (Claimant), acting pro se, petitions for review\nof an order of the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Board), which granted\nUnited Parcel Service’s (Employer) motion to quash as untimely Claimant’s appeal\nof a workers’ compensation judge’s (WCJ) order, denying Claimant’s claim\npetition for workers’ compensation benefits. ", "For the reasons that follow, we now\nquash Claimant’s petition for review filed with this Court.", "\n Claimant was previously employed by Employer as a package\nhandler. ", "On May 14, 2014, Claimant filed a claim petition seeking workers’\ncompensation benefits. ", "In his claim petition, Claimant alleged that he sustained a\nwork-related injury on March 18, 2014, when he fell off of a ladder onto his back\nwhile handling a package. ", "The matter was assigned to the WCJ, and Employer\nfiled an answer, denying the allegations in Claimant’s claim petition. ", "Thereafter,\n\fthe WCJ conducted a hearing, at which both Claimant and Employer provided\ntestimony in connection with the claim petition. ", " In addition, by order dated\nFebruary 20, 2015, the WCJ granted a petition to compel physical examination,\nfiled by Employer, directing Claimant to submit to an independent medical\nexamination (IME). ", "Claimant failed to attend the IME scheduled pursuant to the\nWCJ’s February 20, 2015 order. ", "Thereafter, Employer filed a motion to dismiss\nthe claim petition, arguing that Claimant had violated the WCJ’s\nFebruary 20, 2015 order by failing to attend the scheduled IME.", "\n The WCJ held a hearing on April 21, 2015, at which Employer\nsubmitted evidence that it had properly notified Claimant of the March 19, 2015\nIME and that Claimant had failed to attend that IME.1 At the conclusion of the\nhearing, the WCJ issued an order, dated July 17, 2015, denying Claimant’s claim\npetition, concluding that Claimant did not present substantial and competent\nevidence that he suffered from a disability related to the March 18, 2014 incident.", "\n Claimant filed an appeal with the Board. ", " The appeal was dated\nAugust 3, 2015, and the envelope had affixed to it a private “Pitney Bowes”\npostmark, dated July 30, 2015. ", "The Board, however, did not receive Claimant’s\nappeal until August 17, 2015. ", "Employer filed with the Board a motion to quash,\n\n\n 1\n During the hearing, Claimant attempted to enter into evidence certain medical records,\nbut the WCJ instructed Claimant that he would need to make copies to give to Employer as well.", "\nThe WCJ further instructed Claimant that he could make copies in a room located near the\nhearing room. ", "Claimant left to make copies of his proposed exhibits, but he did not return to the\nhearing. ", "Counsel for Employer stated that she searched the building for Claimant, but she was\nunable to locate him. ", "In Claimant’s absence, the WCJ closed the record and set a briefing\nschedule.", "\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\farguing that Claimant’s appeal was untimely. ", "In ruling on the motion, the Board\nconcluded that the last date on which Claimant could have filed an appeal was\nAugust 7, 2015,2 and that, because Claimant’s appeal did not bear a United States\nPostal Service Postmark, it was bound to deem Claimant’s appeal filed on the date\nit was received. ", "Accordingly, the Board held that Claimant’s appeal was untimely,\nand, the Board quashed Claimant’s appeal by order dated June 20, 2016.", "\n Claimant attempted to petition this Court for review of the Board’s\norder by mailing a letter, which the Court received on June 30, 2016. ", "The Chief\nClerk of this Court sent a reply letter to Claimant that same day, informing\nClaimant that:\n The Court has received your recent communication\n indicating your intention to appeal from a decision of the\n [Board]. ", "The Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure\n (Pa. R.A.P.) require that in order to perfect your appeal\n you must file a petition for review with this Court. . . .", "\n The date of June 30, 2016 will be preserved as the date of\n filing your appeal. ", "This is the date your communication\n indicating your intention to appeal was filed with this\n Court. ", "If this date is more than 30 days from the mailing\n date of the decision that you are appealing, your appeal\n may be dismissed because it is untimely. ", "Unless your\n perfected petition for review is filed and the filing fee (if\n any) is paid within 30 days of the date of this notice, the\n Court will take no further action in this matter. ", "See Pa.\n R.A.P. 121, 1512, 1514; Commonwealth Court Internal\n Operating Procedures § 211.[3]\n\n 2\n By this Court’s calculation, the last day to appeal was August 6, 2015—not\nAugust 7, 2015. ", "Regardless, this discrepancy is not material to our analysis.", "\n 3\n Commonwealth Court Internal Operating Procedures § 211 provides, in pertinent part:\n When the chief clerk receives a written communication that evidences an\n intention to appeal an adjudication of a state administrative agency but does not\n(Footnote continued on next page…)\n\n 3\n\fClaimant failed to file a petition for review with the Court by July 30, 2016—the\ndeadline for perfecting his appeal. ", "By letter dated August 10, 2016, the Chief\nClerk informed Claimant that the Court would take no further action on the matter.", "\nThereafter, on September 6, 2016, the Court received Claimant’s petition for\nreview and application for in forma pauperis (IFP). ", " By order dated\nOctober 17, 2016, the Court granted Claimant’s application for IFP status and\ndirected the parties to address the appealability of the underlying order in the\nprincipal briefs on the merits.", "\n On appeal,4 Claimant raises the following issues for review:\n(1) whether the Board erred in dismissing his appeal as untimely, and (2) whether\nthe Board erred in denying Claimant’s claim petition. ", "Employer, in addition to\naddressing those issues, counters that Claimant’s petition for review filed with this\nCourt is untimely and should be quashed. ", "Claimant does not address whether his\nappeal is properly before this Court.", "\n\n(continued…)\n\n conform to the rules for an appellate petition for review, the chief clerk shall\n time-stamp the written communication with the date of receipt.", "\n The chief clerk shall advise the party by letter (1) of the procedures necessary to\n perfect the appeal and (2) that the date of receipt of the communication will be\n preserved as the date of filing of the appeal if that party files a fully conforming\n petition for review within 30 days of the date of the chief clerk’s letter. ", "If the\n party fails to file a fully conforming petition for review within that period, the\n chief clerk shall advise the party by letter that the court will take no further action\n in the matter.", "\n 4\n This Court’s standard of review is limited to determining whether constitutional rights\nwere violated, whether an error of law was committed, or whether necessary findings of fact are\nsupported by substantial evidence. ", "Section 704 of the Administrative Agency Law, 2 Pa. C.S.\n§ 704.", "\n\n\n\n 4\n\f First, we will address the timeliness of Claimant’s appeal to this\nCourt. ", "As discussed above, the Board issued its decision on June 20, 2016. ", "Under\nPennsylvania Rule of Appellate Procedure 1512(a)(1), Claimant had 30 days from\nthe entry of that order, or until July 20, 2016, to file his petition for review with\nthis Court. ", "Employer asserts that because Claimant’s petition for review was not\nfiled until September 6, 2016, it was untimely and should be quashed. ", "We agree.", "\n Where a claimant submits, prior to the applicable filing deadline, a\nletter evidencing an intent to file a petition for review of an agency order, we have\njurisdiction to consider the petition if the claimant perfects his or her petition for\nreview within 30 days of the date of the Chief Clerk’s letter. ", " Larocca v.\nWorkmen’s Comp. ", "Appeal Bd. (", "Pittsburgh Press), 592 A.2d 757, 761 (Pa.\nCmwlth.), ", "appeal denied, 604 A.2d 251 (Pa. 1991). ", "We may not, however, extend\nthis 30-day window for a claimant to perfect a petition for review. ", " “[O]ur\njurisdiction is conditional on the party filing a perfected petition for review within\nthirty days of the chief clerk’s letter. ", "Once this thirty-day time period expires, the\ndate of the receipt of the pro se communication is no longer preserved and our\njurisdiction is extinguished.” ", " DeWitt v. Unemployment Comp. ", "Bd. ", "of\nReview, 6 A.3d 586, 588 (Pa. Cmwlth. ", "2010). ", " September 6, 2016, the date\nClaimant filed his petition for review, is over 60 days after June 30, 2016, the date\nnoted in the Chief Clerk’s letter. ", "Thus, because Claimant failed to perfect his\npetition for review within 30 days of the date of the letter sent by the Chief Clerk\nof this Court, we must quash Claimant’s petition for review as untimely filed.", "\n\n\n\n\n 5\n\f Accordingly, we quash Claimant’s petition for review.5\n\n\n\n\n P. KEVIN BROBSON, Judge\n\n\nJudge Cosgrove concurs in the result only.", "\n\n\n\n\n 5\n Even if Claimant had timely perfected his petition for review with this Court, it is\napparent from the record that his appeal to the Board was also untimely. ", "Pursuant to\nSection 423(a) of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (Act), Act of June 2, 1915,\nP.L. 736, as amended, 77 P.S. § 853, a party to a workers’ compensation adjudication\nhas 20 days to file an appeal with the Board. ", "Appeals filed after this timeframe are untimely and\ndivest the Board of jurisdiction to reach the merits of the issues raised in the appeal. ", "Sellers v.\nWorkers’ Comp. ", "Appeal Bd. (", "HMT Constr. ", "Servs., ", "Inc.), 713 A.2d 87, 88 (Pa. 1998). ", "An appeal\nis considered filed as of the date of the United States Postal Service postmark on the envelope.", "\nId. When a party uses a private postmark, the appeal is deemed filed as of the date the Board\nreceives the appeal. ", "Id. The failure to file a timely appeal divests the Board of jurisdiction to\nreach the merits of the issues raised in the appeal. ", "Mills v. Workers’ Comp. ", "Appeal Bd. (", "Sch.", "\nDist. ", "of Harrisburg), 24 A.3d 1094, 1096 (Pa. Cmwlth.), ", "appeal denied, 34 A.3d 84 (Pa. 2011).", "\n The WCJ denied Claimant’s claim petition by decision and order dated July 17, 2015.", "\nThus, pursuant to Section 423(a) of the Act, Claimant’s appeal to the Board should have been\nfiled by August 6, 2015. ", "Claimant’s appeal form was dated August 3, 2016. ", "The envelope\nreceived by the Board, however, was stamped with a private postmark. ", "Because Claimant used a\nprivate postmark, the date the Board received the appeal is the relevant date for determining\nwhether Claimant’s appeal was timely filed. ", "Claimant’s appeal form was not received by the\nBoard until August 17, 2015, which is beyond the deadline for Claimant to timely appeal the\nWCJ’s order denying his claim petition. ", "Thus, were we to consider this issue, we would\nconclude that the Board did not err in dismissing Claimant’s appeal as untimely.", "\n\n\n\n 6\n\f IN THE COMMONWEALTH COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA\n\nDonte Harper, :\n Petitioner :\n :\n v. : No. ", "1468 C.D. 2016\n :\nWorkers’ Compensation Appeal :\nBoard (UPS), :\n Respondent :\n\n\n\n ORDER\n\n\n AND NOW, this 12th day of June, 2017, petitioner Donte Harper’s\npetition for review of the order of the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board,\ndated June 20, 2016, is hereby QUASHED as untimely.", "\n\n\n\n\n P. KEVIN BROBSON, Judge\n\f" ]
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[ 0.004310344827586207, 0.0098159509202454, 0.021052631578947368, 0.012345679012345678, 0.011235955056179775, 0.005952380952380952, 0.025, 0.014705882352941176, 0.018779342723004695, 0.02197802197802198, 0.014634146341463415, 0.012658227848101266, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.025974025974025976, 0.016, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0.025974025974025976, 0.009900990099009901, 0.017006802721088437, 0.022222222222222223, 0.012987012987012988, 0.011363636363636364, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.004366812227074236, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.006342494714587738, 0.024, 0.015384615384615385, 0.012875536480686695, 0.018867924528301886, 0.013157894736842105, 0.02666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.031746031746031744, 0.006993006993006993, 0.014705882352941176, 0.01092896174863388, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.003134796238244514, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0.014423076923076924, 0.008733624454148471, 0.016483516483516484, 0.01293103448275862, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0.01680672268907563, 0.02040816326530612, 0.012195121951219513, 0.018518518518518517, 0.0223463687150838, 0.015748031496062992, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.0047169811320754715, 0 ]
[ "Does Medicaid expansion improve access to care for the first-time shoulder dislocator?", "\nThe purpose of this study was to assess the effect of individual state Medicaid expansion status on access to care for shoulder instability. ", "Four pairs of Medicaid expanded (Louisiana, Kentucky, Iowa, and Nevada) and unexpanded (Alabama, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Utah) states in similar geographic locations were chosen for the study. ", "Twelve practices from each state were randomly selected from the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine directory, resulting in a sample size of 96 independent sports medicine offices. ", "Each office was called twice to request an appointment for a fictitious 16-year-old first-time shoulder dislocator with either in-state Medicaid insurance or Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) private insurance. ", "A total of 91 physician offices in 8 states were contacted by telephone. ", "An appointment was obtained at 36 (39.6%) offices when calling with Medicaid and at 74 (81.3%) offices when calling with BCBS (P < .001). ", "Thirty-five (38.5%) offices were able to make appointments for both types of insurance, 39 (42.9%) for only BCBS, 1 (1.1%) for only Medicaid, and 16 (17.5%) for neither. ", "For Medicaid patients, an appointment was booked in 13 (27.7%) clinics from Medicaid expanded states and in 23 (52.3%) clinics from unexpanded states (P = .016). ", "For a first-time shoulder dislocator, access to care is more difficult with Medicaid insurance compared with private insurance. ", "Within Medicaid insurance, access to care is more difficult in Medicaid expanded states compared with unexpanded states. ", "Medicaid patients in unexpanded states are twice as likely as those in expanded states to obtain an appointment." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.011627906976744186, 0.007042253521126761, 0.005154639175257732, 0.005154639175257732, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.011764705882352941, 0.012345679012345678, 0.0078125, 0.01652892561983471, 0.008928571428571428 ]
[ "Sechs Jahre Haft für den mutmaßlichen Haupttäter, je fünf Jahre Haft für zwei weitere Beschuldigte. ", "Die drei angeklagten Frauen kamen mit drei bis 15 Monaten teilbedingt davon.", "\n\nMit teilweise unbedingten mehrjährigen Haftstrafen ist am Montag der Prozess gegen sechs Tschetschenen zu Ende gegangen. ", "Drei Männer und eine Frau wurden der terroristischen Vereinigung für schuldig befunden, zwei Frauen wurden wegen Falschaussage verurteilt. ", "Die Männer wurden zu fünf und sechs Jahren Haft verurteilt, die Frauen kamen mit drei, fünf und 15 Monaten, großteils bedingt, davon.", "\n\nDie höchste Strafe, sechs Jahre unbedingt, wurde über einen 42-Jährigen verhängt, der als Imam in einer Grazer Moschee tätig war. ", "Er habe durch seine Predigten Männer bewogen, nach Syrien zu gehen, wenn es ihm auch nicht in allen angeklagten Fällen nachgewiesen werden habe können, hieß es in der Urteilsbegründung. ", "Bei den beiden andern Männern bestehe \"an der Schuld kein Zweifel\", so der Richter. ", "Beide sind nach Meinung des Gerichts als Kämpfer für die Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat (IS) tätig gewesen und müssen jeweils fünf Jahre Haft verbüßen.. Die junge Frau, die mit drei Kindern nach Syrien gehen wollte, wurde zu 15 Monaten Haft, davon ein Monat unbedingt, verurteilt. ", "Ihre Schwester und ihre Mutter kamen wegen Falschaussage mit drei bzw. ", "fünf Monaten bedingt davon.", "\n\nDer Prozess hatte am 5. ", "Februar begonnen, nur sechs von ursprünglich acht Angeklagten waren erschienen. ", "Die Hauptrolle spielte jener 42-Jährige, der in der Funktion eines Imam - ohne offizielle Ausbildung - in einer Grazer Moschee tätig war. ", "Ihm wurde vorgeworfen, mehrere junge Männer nach als Kämpfer nach Syrien vermittelt zu haben, von denen einige bereits kurz nach ihrer Ankunft ums Leben kamen. ", "Unter ihnen war auch der Mann jener Angeklagten, die nach seinem Tod mit ihren drei Kindern nach Syrien ziehen wollte. ", "Ausschlaggebend für die Auswanderungsgedanken soll auch das Angebot des Imams an sie gewesen sein, seine dritte Frau zu werden.", "\n\nDie Schwester und die Mutter der junge Frau verhinderten die Ausreise, indem sie sie anzeigten und durchblicken ließen, sie wolle sich dem IS anschließen. ", "Doch später zogen sie ihre Aussage zurück, weswegen sie wegen Falschaussage auf der Anklagebank landeten. ", "Doch der Staatsanwalt hatte ein gewisses Verständnis für alle drei Frauen: \"Es war eine Situation unmittelbarer Not\", meinte er.", "\n\nEiner der beschuldigten Männer war in Syrien, angeblich um einen Film zu drehen, mit dem er Geld für den Kampf in Tschetschenien auftreiben wollte. ", "Der dritte Angeklagte soll für den IS gekämpft haben, hat das aber stets geleugnet. ", "Ein ehemaliger Kämpfer, der nun im Zeugenschutzprogramm ist, hatte ihn belastet.", "\n\nDer Ankläger forderte für alle drei Männer strenge Strafen: \"Österreich ist ideal für die Tschetschenen, die Männer können nach Syrien kämpfen gehen und die Frauen werden hier vom Staat versorgt. ", "Das ist ein extremer Missstand, der hier zutage kommt.\" ", "In Syrien gehe es beim IS gar nicht um den Kampf gegen Machthaber Assad, sondern \"um Raub, Mord und Versklavung.\" ", "Das alles sei nichts anderes als \"praktizierter Faschismus mit Führerkult, eine Kriegsverherrlichung sondergleichen, wie bei den Nationalsozialisten oder Stalin, immer der gleiche Mist\", wetterte der Staatsanwalt. ", "Die Männer \"sind nur groß, wenn sie eine Maschinenpistole haben, sonst sind sie sehr, sehr feig und schicken ihre Frauen vor, um zu lügen\", fuhr er auf die Angeklagten gemünzt, weiter fort.", "\n\nDie verurteilten Männer entschieden sich sofort für Berufung, die Frauen nahmen an oder erbaten drei Tage Bedenkzeit. ", "Der Staatsanwalt kündigte Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde und Berufung an. ", "Das Urteil ist damit nicht rechtskräftig.", "\n\n(APA)" ]
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[ 0.04, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0.02158273381294964, 0.022556390977443608, 0.022727272727272728, 0.016129032258064516, 0.023809523809523808, 0.024390243902439025, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.0125, 0.007246376811594203, 0.0375, 0.03361344537815126, 0.015748031496062992, 0.012738853503184714, 0.018867924528301886, 0.015625, 0.02, 0.023809523809523808, 0.0375, 0.020202020202020204, 0.017857142857142856, 0.02631578947368421, 0.014018691588785047, 0.015873015873015872, 0.008333333333333333, 0.015151515151515152, 0.024390243902439025, 0.14285714285714285 ]
[ "Rare intracranial cholesterol deposition and a homozygous mutation of LDLR in a familial hypercholesterolemia patient.", "\nFamilial hypercholesterolemia (FH MIM# 143890) is one of the most common autosomal inherited diseases. ", "FH is characterized by elevated plasma levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol. ", "Mutation in the LDLR gene, which encodes the LDL receptor protein, is responsible for most of the morbidity of FH. ", "The incidence of heterozygous FH is about 1/500, whereas the incidence of homozygous FH is only 1/1,000,000 in Caucasian population. ", "In this study, we report a homozygous LDLR mutation (c.298G>A) in a familial hypercholesterolemia patient, who exhibited intracranial cholesterol deposition, which is a rare addition to the common FH phenotypes. ", "The proband's consanguineous parents have the same heterozygous mutation with elevated concentrations of LDL-C but no xanthoma." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496 ]
[ "Path of Exile\n\nAbout\n\nPath of Exile is inspired by Diablo II and follows it basically in most of the aspects. ", "Randomly filled pre-set of locations, heavy grind and a possibility of replaying most of the areas leaves us with only one possible outcome.", "\n\nPlayers wake up on grim shores of Wraeclast. ", "Without any knowledge who we are or what have we done, players must start to explore an aggressive and cruel fantasy world of criminals, bandits and murderers. ", "Discover the mystery of a long forgotten the Eternal Empire, and survive.", "\n\nMechanics are pretty simple. ", "Choose one of six different classes, gather gems for more skills to use and grind good and synergising equipment. ", "Due to replaying, you can grind any needed equipment or resources to buy it from vendors. ", "Infinite loop of gameplay will still be challenging. ", "The cooperative mode allows beating the game with a party of friends up to six people at the same time.", "\n\nTo say one thing in advance, Path of Exile is the best Diablo-like action hack &amp; Lay-game I've ever played. ", "Actually, the Diablo comparisons don't even have to be, because in my Eyes PoE is now in a lot of levels above it and is just the better Game!", "\nAnd also to address the Elephant in the Room: Yes, despite Free to Play! ", "Because it's one of the best and fairest Funding Models ever. ", "At no Point has I been forced to buy anything Once and even what there was to buy is mainly made up of cosmetic Things that I have had no Need for until now. ", "I would like to buy a larger Inventory, but there is not even that in the Shop. ", "And nothing you could buy from, of which you could buy any playful Advantages. ", "Even if one might think how it pays off for the Makers, the Answer would be: Obviously quite good! ", "In the meantime, so unfathomable many Extensions and patches have appeared, which offer more scope than certain full Price titles, that one can't help but pull your hat off before Grinding Gear Games, because they have been so well maintaining the Game for more than four Years now and Develop that-without wanting to be lofty-it has become the best Game in its Genre. ", "And it is far from over! ", "Until the next Expansions see the Light of day is only a Matter of Time.", "\nOf Course, what \"is missing\" in such a Game is the Staging, but if you want to indulge in pure Gameplay fun without clogging in opulent Cutscenes, nothing will be missed. ", "A Story is also present, but it is irrelevant. ", "All The Fun Is drawn from the Mechanics and it really has in it.", "\nNot only will a skilltree missing the overview demand a great deal of Slavery (seriously, googlet after that!), ", "which only has passive skills in place, but you can assemble your attack and Support skills almost by Almost every Piece of Equipment provides Plinths that can be provided with a Skillorb (which, however, also want to be found or earned). ", "And even these Orbs can still be leveled. ", "Whether they are connected or not, there are a number of Possible Combinations to Try out, resulting in a barely identiable Number of Variations of Character builds.", "\nYou can see ... What kind of Genre-defunning Players could only be a Clicking Away of the Opponents becomes for Others the Circumference monster with a considerable Depth of play, which you will not have fully grasped even after hundreds of hours.", "\nThe World itself is very varied and also looks very good-especially many of the Effects in Combat can be a real Eye Candy. ", "Above all, you always have enough to do, explore and collect-and even this can be started anew at will in different Leagues with other Game Modes (Autark, Hardcore ..) with other Characters at Will. ", "Personally, but I am already busy enough with a Run.", "\nThe Only Shortcoming that struck me would be mainly the Monetary System, which is composed of Louder different Scrolls-which, on the one hand, I have not yet looked through, but on the other hand, it has never been an Obstacle.", "\nAnyone who knew how to have their Joy with a Diablo will lose themselves in this Game and has no Apologies As to why you have not already stepped in. ", "And even everyone who has meandered around this Genre so far is allowed to risk a Glance, costing it does nothing.", "\nPath of Exile is Looten &amp; Levels in its purest essence. ", "While a Game that has clearly scaled back in Terms of narrative, I think it doesn't need that, nor does it really want to. ", "You rely on pure Game Mechanics and it works terrific.", "\nOh, I was just talking about the Solo Experience.", "\nI haven't even looked back into the actual Multiplayer part yet. ;)", "\n\nWrote a review for PC GAMER long time ago. ", "Finished it when it war very different from PoE that is now. ", "People say that it's better slasher than Diablo and maybe they are right. ", "Path of Exile is THAT game that I want to play all the time. ", "Of course, I prefer to play something new all the time, but when I think about slasher genre the first thing that comes to mind is Path of Exile.", "\n\nAwesome game. ", "The depth of the game is great and the developers are very active with new leagues and mechanics every few months! ", "The only cons are the pvp and the insane amount of hours that will go into this game when you start..." ]
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[ 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0.020202020202020204, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0.005813953488372093, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.008368200836820083, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0.004032258064516129, 0.008064516129032258, 0.005025125628140704, 0, 0.0043859649122807015, 0.013245033112582781, 0.017543859649122806, 0.03278688524590164, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIs it legal for NVIDIA to deny the use of the NVIDIA Capture API on non professional devices?", "\n\nNVIDIA deny the use of their NVIDIA Capture API on what they deem professional cards, such as the Quadro, Tesla and GRID models. ", "This API allows extremely high performance video output capture from a computer that is performed in the video card's hardware.", "\nDue to this limitation other vendors that produce capture software such as Fraps and Open Broadcast Studio (OBS) are unable to use this API, which would seems fair since this restriction is supposed to apply to the class of card.", "\nHowever NVIDIA also distribute the program \"ShadowPlay\" with the NVIDIA drivers which is a competing video capture application.", "\nThe ShadowPlay program uses the NVIDIA Capture API on the non professional consumer grade cards as it is exempt from this artificial restriction.", "\nWhile I personally feel this is completely immoral, is it illegal? ", "Antitrust?", "\n\nA:\n\nNVIDIA Capture software is a program which is protected by copyright. ", "That means that it cannot be used at all except with permission of the software creator. ", "The rights-holder is allowed to set whatever conditions it wants in the permission agreement (the above-linked license). ", "They can let you use it if you pay, or for free; they can let you use it only on certain products, or with no restrictions. ", "The license specifically allows you to\n\ninstall, use and reproduce the software delivered by NVIDIA, make\n modifications and create derivative works of sample source code\n software delivered by NVIDIA and use documentation delivered by\n NVIDIA, provided that the software is executed only in NVIDIA GRID,\n Tesla or Quadro 2000+ hardware products that you separately obtain\n from NVIDIA or its affiliates, all to develop, test and service your\n products (each, a “Customer Product”) that are interoperable with\n NVIDIA GRID, Tesla or Quadro 2000+ hardware products\n\nSo they have commercially created software that enhances the operation of their hardware product, and only allow the software to be used on their hardware.", "\nThis may be legal under current anti-trust law. ", "The statutory language is not clear, and legality is determined via case law. ", "The way to determine if it is currently illegal is to inspect the record of similar cases, especially US v. Microsoft, pertaining to the relationship between the OS and their browser. ", "It is possible that a court would find NVIDIA to be in an analogous dominant position. ", "The Microsoft battle was not subjected to an ultimate court finding after an initial finding against the company, and was settled without establishing a distinguishing precedent, after the company prevailed on the highest appeal. ", "That appeal did not bring forward any legal principles that would tend to render NVIDIA's policy illegal, but one can always pour over this case to see if there is anything applicable, if one decides to pursue NVIDIA on similar grounds.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "This invention is directed to a system for processing complex business transactions, to be used in a computer system for dynamically modeling information systems of organizations.", "\nEarly computer information processing systems stored, retrieved, and modified data contained in files specifically created for each information processing application. ", "Knowledge relating to the structure and content of each data file was coded directly into each application program. ", "When a need later developed to use the data within the data file for additional purposes, the user often created other primarily redundant data files, writing a specific application program to interact with each of these files. ", "Subsequent changes in the content of any data file frequently mandated modification of related data files. ", "If the user wished to avoid creating redundant data files, those modifications necessitated by additional demands were made to the original data file. ", "Again, application programs were written to perform new tasks on the modified file.", "\nHowever, the data file modifications sometimes hampered operation of earlier application programs, thus requiring their modification. ", "As a consequence, computer installations involved in data processing faced the recurrent task of choosing between data file redundancy and repeated software modifications.", "\nWith the advent of so-called data base management systems, many of the problems encountered in the early information processing systems were alleviated. ", "In addition to removing the need for the application program to address the intricacies of data file manipulation, data base management systems promoted efficient design, enhanced file maintenance and modification, eliminated data file redundancy, and provided substantial documentation regarding data file structure.", "\nWith the shift to data base management systems, the concept of dual data representation fully emerged. ", "The first level of data representation, the physical representation, relates to the manner in which individual data records are stored and how their inter-relationships are depicted. ", "The second level of data representation, the logical representation, describes the data base users' view of the data. ", "The physical representation of the data is generally of no concern to the data base user. ", "Rather, the task of manipulating individual data storage areas is left to the data base management system.", "\nData variables are named storage structures which may be used to store information, and which are basic features of information systems. ", "These variables are capable of being assigned a value, holding that value as long as the data variable survives, and returning that value one or more times upon request. ", "The current value of a data variable essentially remains unchanged until some explicit action is taken to change the content of the variable. ", "These data variables have a number of applications, such as being the attributes of entities, being independent global attributes, being variables of processes, and being variables of operating systems, the values of which are available to all processes. ", "While data variables are capable of storing various types of information, each is generally specialized to handle one type of data, such as character strings, integers, or real numbers.", "\nOf concern to the data base user, however, is the logical representation of the data, since the users' ability to store, retrieve, and modify aggregations of data items, data records, and data relationships is dependent upon the form in which the data base management system presents data to the user.", "\nInformation management systems handle complex environments often consisting of hundreds of elements and relationships, permitting users to manipulate and employ data in ways not always anticipated by systems designers. ", "Representation of such elements and relationships to a user presents a unique set of problems not encountered, and certainly not resolved by present data base management systems. ", "Instead of being organized into application-oriented files, which are always addressed in the same way, as in data base systems, the information is organized so that it can be addressed in a variety of different ways, and can be used to answer a diversity of queries. ", "All the interesting facts about entities are stored together rather than merely those facts needed for one application. ", "As pointed out by J. Martin, \"Computer Data-Base Organization\", 2d ed., ", "chapter 3, pp. ", "24-25 (1977), this \"reservoir\" concept of information systems is much easier to conceive than to implement. ", "It is a complex and lengthy operation to build up such data bases, and it is expensive to search sufficiently quickly to give real-time answers to unanticipated queries.", "\nThe management of information has evolved into the field of Computer Aided Systems Engineering (CASE). ", "As described by C. Gane, \"Computer-Aided Software Engineering: The Methodologies, the products, the Future\" (1988), some of the common characteristics among CASE products are that they internally build a design database \"at a higher level than code statements or physical data element definitions,\" and that they \"typically hold[s] information about the data to be stored in the system, the business logic of the processes to be implemented, their physical layout of screens and reports, and other requirements/design information.\"", "\nThere are several such CASE products presently available. ", "Two such products are EXCELERATOR, from Index Technology, Cambridge, Mass., and IEW, from Knowledgeware, Inc., Atlanta, Ga. EXCELERATOR enables an operator to work with data flow diagrams and data model diagrams, structure diagrams. ", "An operator may also modify, delete, copy, rename, list or add a diagram. ", "Diagram objects may be user defined, and are stored in a dictionary.", "\nIn a similar manner, IEW enables a user to work with, and create or change objects on diagrams, which affects an encyclopedia but not existing displays or screens. ", "In addition, IEW can model relationships, entities and attributes together, or entities alone, but does not model attributes alone. ", "It is often useful to manipulate attributes independent of entities to which they may later be tied.", "\nSince one of the attractions of CASE for managing information systems is the availability of graphical tools for analysis, it would be important for a user to be able to graphically work in \"real-time\", i.e. the ability to make changes to diagram objects, and see a corresponding change to corresponding diagrams on existing screens. ", "Such dynamic linking of objects and diagrams would then become an important aspect of an effective information management system utilizing CASE technology.", "\nA user normally treats business transactions as indivisible elements, each transaction making a state change to the external environment. ", "In a complex environment, it is important to provide intermediate states for purposes of modeling that environment. ", "Present systems do not provide for such real-time modeling of business transactions There is thus a need in the information management field for a computer system which assures that a user is working with a valid model of business transactions as indivisible elements. ", "Of particular importance in the field of complex business transactions, it would be desirable to have a system which allows a user to test different objects of a model without making irreversible changes to the preestablished model.", "\nAccordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide an improved system for handling complex business transactions to be used in a computer system for modeling information systems of business organizations.", "\nIt is another object of the invention to provide a computer system which allows a user to test different model objects of a model without making irreversible changes to the preestablished model.", "\nOther objects, features, and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following description of the preferred embodiment thereof, and from the claims." ]
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