[ "Q:\n\nmaking new pandas columns based on min and max values\n\ngiven this data frame:\n HOUSEID PERSONID STRTTIME ENDTIME TDTRPNUM\n0 20000017 1 955 1020 1\n1 20000017 1 1130 1132 2\n2 20000017 1 1330 1400 3\n3 20000017 2 958 1020 1\n4 20000017 2 1022 1025 2\n5 20000017 2 1120 1122 3\n6 20000017 2 1130 1132 4\n\nI want to make 2 new columns firsttrip_time and lasttrip_time. ", "Then, add STRTTIME to the firsttrip_time for minimum number of TDTRPNUM , And add ENDTIME to lasttrip_time for the maximum number of TDTRPNUM in each HOUSEID and PERSONID category.", "\nresults:\n HOUSEID PERSONID firsttrip_time lasttrip_time \n0 20000017 1 955 1400 \n1 20000017 2 958 1132 \n\nI have tried this to get the mix and max, but have no idea how to continue the process?", "\ngrouped = df.groupby(['HOUSEID', 'PERSONID','STRTTIME', 'ENDTIME'])['TDTRPNUM']\nmax = grouped.max()\nmin = grouped.min()\n\nCan you help me with this or give me a hint?", "\nthank you\n\nA:\n\nUse groupby with agg, and finally rename your columns:\nprint (df.sort_values([\"HOUSEID\",\"PERSONID\",\"TDTRPNUM\"])\n .groupby([\"HOUSEID\", \"PERSONID\"], as_index=False)\n .agg({\"STRTTIME\":\"first\",\"ENDTIME\":\"last\"})\n .rename(columns={\"STRTTIME\":\"firsttrip_time\",\"ENDTIME\":\"lasttrip_time\"}))\n\n HOUSEID PERSONID firsttrip_time lasttrip_time\n0 20000017 1 955 1400\n1 20000017 2 958 1132\n\n" ]
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[ "Yes, ladies and gentlemen, DIY-IT is about to rock some code on the house!", "\n\nWordPress, in versions 2.9 and greater, supports a UI feature called post thumbnail. ", "They also call it \"featured image,\" just to keep things interesting. ", "The purpose of this UI feature is to give theme developers a standard way to get and display a thumbnail or main image for a given post.", "\n\nPrior to when this feature became available, most theme developers had to find their own approach to store and reference a thumbnail, which resulted in a lot of incompatibility problems for users when switching themes.", "\n\nSince I want my AI Editor and AI Publisher code to be as generalized as possible, I decided to spend a weekend updating my code to support featured images, rather than my own hacked variant of thumbnail storage and retrieval. ", "This would allow me to switch themes without having to go into a theme's code and spend hours rewriting the thumbnail display module for every theme I wanted to use.", "\n\nHow I figured it out\n\nI had a heck of a time finding any documentation about how to turn an attachment into a featured image. ", "The WordPress Codex has some good information for theme writers about using a featured image, but the general assumption is that an actual user will click the UI and upload an image. ", "I had 12,776 featured images I needed to create, so I wasn't about to do it by hand.", "\n\nOne way to find out how WordPress does something is to step through the code. ", "But that's very time-consuming. ", "So, if possible, it's best to find another way. ", "What I did was open up the database in a MySQL viewer (I like HeidiSQL) and watch what changed as I added data.", "\n\nI always use a dummy WordPress install, so it's easy to see if a record is added or deleted. ", "When I added an image to a post, I noticed that a new post record was created, with the parent_id pointing to the parent content post. ", "It also set the post type to 'inherit'. ", "The problem is, when you upload an image using the featured image UI, the exact same behavior happened. ", "There was absolutely no difference in the posts table.", "\n\nThe next thing I did was look through the other WordPress tables, paying special attention to the postmeta table, which adds key/value pairs to a given post. ", "As it turned out, while no new postmeta record was created when I just added an image, when I added a featured image, a record was created with the key '_thumb_id' set to the ID value of the inherited image post.", "\n\nI further tested it by removing that record and I noticed that the featured image disappeared from the UI. ", "When I put the record back, the featured image came back as well.", "\n\nNow, as with all hacks, it's important to understand that since this isn't documented, the core developers might change this at any time. ", "No matter, for now it works, and that's all you can ask for on a long, holiday weekend.", "\n\nImplementation\n\nNow, before I show you my code, understand that everyone has their own coding style, this is intended as one-time use code, and -- as you all well know -- programming is not my main job responsibility. ", "So, if you have constructive suggestions about coding, I'd love to hear them. ", "Also, while we're at it, here's another disclaimer. ", "I don't guarantee this will work for you, I can't debug your code, and your mileage may vary. ", "May the Force be with you.", "\n\nMy code needs to do more than just take an existing media asset and register it as featured image. ", "My code is doing a full import process. ", "So I built a one-time use plug-in that loops through every published post and retrieves an image file name I'd previously planted in a custom field. ", "It then runs the following chunk of (sanitized) code, which \"inserts\" the image as a WordPress attachment to the post.", "\n\n$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype($filename, null ); $mime_type = $wp_filetype[type]; $attachment = array( 'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'], 'post_title' => preg_replace('/\\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($filename)), 'post_name' => preg_replace('/\\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($filename)), 'post_content' => '', 'post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_excerpt' => $thumb_credit, 'post_status' => 'inherit' ); $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $filename, $post_id); if($attachment_id !", "= 0) { $attachment_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $filename); wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $attach_data); update_post_meta($post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $attachment_id); }\n\nYou may have noted, in the previous paragraph, that I put the word \"inserts\" in quotes. ", "That's because the wp_insert_attachment function doesn't actually insert an attachment. ", "What it does is update the function records to indicate that an attachment would be there, if it had actually been moved in place. ", "The wp_update_attachment_metadata attempts to record further information about the image attachments, but it turns out it didn't work in my application without a little special sauce.", "\n\nWordPress uses the concept of function filters, which are simply PHP functions it calls during the execution of specific WordPress functions. ", "One such filter is the _wp_relative_upload_path filter, which WordPress calls during the wp_insert_attachment process, when it needs to create a relative upload path (i.e., a path from a current directory, rather from root).", "\n\nThis filter proved essential, because I had discovered that wp_insert_attachment didn't actually move the image files into place in the /files directory, where WordPress expected them.", "\n\nSo, by creating the following filter, I was able to do a one-time move of those files to where they were supposed to be, and then pass back a valid relative file specification.", "\n\nadd_filter('_wp_relative_upload_path', 'zenpress_wp_plugin_convertaithumbs_upload_path'); function zenpress_wp_plugin_convertaithumbs_upload_path($old_file) { $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $file_name = basename($old_file); $new_file = $uploads[path] . '/' . ", "$file_name; if(!file_exists($new_file) and !", "is_dir($new_file) and !", "is_dir($old_file)) { // copy this bad boy into the new location copy($old_file, $new_file); } // prepend the month and day subdirectory to the file name, and return it up the chain $new_url = $uploads[subdir] . '/' . ", "$file_name; $new_url = ltrim($new_url, '/'); // get rid of extra / in path return $new_url; }\n\nupdate_post_meta($post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $attachment_id);\n\nFinally, once I'd managed to get the image to register properly with WordPress's media system, it was time to take advantage of the featured image capability. ", "To turn something into a featured image, simply set '_thumb_id' to the value of the post image ID, as I did here:One final note: my first run exceeded PHP's allowed execution time, so I first thought I'd go in and modify my php.ini. ", "But I really like reentrant code , so instead, I decided to just run a check at the beginning to see if '_thumbnail_id' existed. ", "If it did, I'd skip processing that post. ", "Worked like a charm. ", "There are better ways to make sure PHP doesn't overdo its processing time, but as I mentioned, this was one-time-use code, so I just went for the expedient solution. ", "That's the DIY-IT spirit for you -- first, and foremost, get it done.", "\n\nSo, there you go. ", "I'll be working on a lot more PHP and WordPress over the coming months, so stay tuned for other deep dives into interesting features.", "\n\nThe image in the featured image UI above courtesy Flickr user ralph and jenny." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction\n===============\n\nNeuromuscular disorders are a large group of diseases, which affect the central nervous system (CNS). ", "As a consequence, the ability to move and control one's limbs in voluntary actions is affected, resulting in disability, loss of quality of life and functional independence.", "\n\nAmong the neuromuscular disorders, this paper will address those that depend on upper motorneuron lesions (UML; or lesions of the cortico-spinal tract) of various etiologies (stroke, traumatic brain injury, arteriovenous malformations, anoxia, *etc.*) ", "and some of the movement disorders (MD; e.g., tremors, dystonia, dyskinesias) caused by alterations in the normal behavior of the basal ganglia \\[[@B1-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "The former share similar motor symptoms, among which the most relevant are a complete or incomplete paralysis of different areas of the body, with rigidity, muscular contractures, hypertone and spasticity; the latter display a phenomenology that is more varied, but is often characterized by the insurgence of phasic or tonic involuntary movements of different extent, duration, frequency, location and direction, as well as abnormalities of posture. ", "The basal ganglia (striatum, pallidum and related structures, including the substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus), in fact, together with the cerebellum, play an important role in the control of muscle tone, posture and coordination of movement by virtue of their connections, via thalamo-cortical fibers, with the cortico-spinal system and other descending cortical pathways.", "\n\nPhysical rehabilitation is fundamental in promoting the recovery of lost functions in all of these neurological disorders \\[[@B2-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Although diagnosis and disease etiology are important and can inform about the expected range of problems and natural history of each illness, individual manifestations of disability are as fundamental in defining the needs of patients during rehabilitation. ", "Therapy is often multimodal, including manipulation by physical therapists, orthotics, robotic therapy, active exercise and the use of drugs. ", "All of these actions, together, aim at restoring the normal characteristics of muscles and joints, their voluntary control by the patient, segmental and task-oriented functionality and, ultimately, personal and social independence. ", "The relative weight of each mode of treatment is strongly dependent on the clinical conditions of single patients, so that the overall plan must be customized. ", "Furthermore, there may be issues affecting the choice and efficacy of some of the standard therapeutic protocols, such as individual adverse responses to drugs, intractability of some districts (e.g., due to pain), limited time for man-delivered physical therapy and limitations in the use of robotic devices due to patients' specific impairments.", "\n\nIt can be of particular interest to focus on the development of new devices that support physical treatment in neurology and neuromuscular rehabilitation, because innovative devices can help expand the set of treatment approaches now available, allowing more patients with peculiar characteristics to be treated and limiting the inapplicability of some types of therapy due to general or individual adverse effects. ", "This paper will discuss wearable devices (orthoses) for the quasi-static and dynamic repositioning of affected body segments. ", "The application of this type of treatment is quite broad and widespread in the case of spastic UML-derived syndromes, because fighting the insurgence of ill-postures and their becoming chronically structured is essential for safeguarding the possibility of functional recovery; orthotics have currently a more limited use in dynamic movement disorders, even though for some of them (e.g., tremor and dystonia), this type of device can be employed, especially when other approaches are proven useless. ", "Some of the problems connected to the practical application of orthoses in treating of MD patients depend on the fact that they often do not possess sufficient characteristics in terms of aesthetics (appearance, size and shape), cosmetics and functionality for people with a social and more-or-less independent daily life \\[[@B3-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Another topic, which will be considered in this paper, is the use of passive limb mobilization as a means of both acting positively for the maintenance or recovery of tissue properties in UML and providing continual proprioceptive and somatosensory afference to the brain during the paretic phase of the disease (especially in the early period after the acute event). ", "While the importance of robotic devices for intensifying physical therapy and promoting better functional recovery has been recognized in the past \\[[@B4-jfb-06-00328],[@B5-jfb-06-00328]\\], the analysis of its cortical effects is still underway. ", "In order to be able to investigate this neuroscience correlate of rehabilitation treatments, it is advantageous to have available a set of robotic devices for limb mobilization that are compatible with the tight electromagnetic constraints that modern diagnostic instrumentation (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging, magnetoencephalography, electroencephalography) impose; this subject will be discussed, too.", "\n\nVersatility and customization can be valid starting points to construct new devices for the afore-mentioned applications. ", "Neurological insults generate a loss of function, which is related to the specific location of the primary damage. ", "On the other hand, the appearance of later sequelae can be due to natural history or to the missing or delayed tackling of specific problems. ", "For instance, in the case of UML syndromes, the immobility and disuse caused by acute paresis and the possible lack of early mobilization can determine the onset of vicious circles leading to muscular contractures and spasticity. ", "Recognizing that the conditions of patients are not just characterized by individual components, but are also in continuous evolution, is a sound basis for imagining new devices that address patient-specific phenomenology, try to bridge between early and later phases of the disease and anticipate and prevent negative developments. ", "Therefore, new patient-aware devices should be characterized by properties that adapt to changing patient-specific features, in the most physiological way.", "\n\nThe use of conventional materials may pose strong limitations in versatility (in particular for wearable orthoses), due to the fact that material characteristics are fixed and do not follow very well the dynamic changes in patient's clinical needs or disorder evolutions. ", "This can be true, to some extent, also for other types of devices, as will be explained. ", "Materials with unusual and nonlinear properties can hence be investigated as possible alternatives to standard ones. ", "A class of compounds that display interesting characteristics in terms of deformability, strength, weight and reliability, which are therefore good candidates for biomedical applications, is shape memory alloys (SMAs) \\[[@B6-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "A satisfactory balance between these properties gives the SMA materials the right characteristics to be employed in a number of different fields and, in particular, those related to physical rehabilitation. ", "Among the several properties of SMA, pseudoelasticity and the shape memory effect (SME) are the most useful in neurology and neuromuscular rehabilitation applications: in particular, stable (quasi constant stress levels) and long (large deformability ranges) plateaux and also the possibility to modify those parameters with thermomechanical treatments can be exploited in designing a variety of devices and solutions for rehabilitation; because, in addition, these same materials also display interesting internal friction and mechanical hysteresis characteristics, the peculiarities of SMA could be of help in applications that possess dynamic characteristics.", "\n\nThere are a number of groups who have been developing ideas and devices exploiting SMA for imparting forces on or producing movements of body parts, especially with the aim of assisting or replacing lost functions. ", "The most relevant experiences address biomedical problems, such as the mobilization of paralyzed hands, fingers (e.g., \\[[@B7-jfb-06-00328],[@B8-jfb-06-00328],[@B9-jfb-06-00328]\\]) and other segments \\[[@B10-jfb-06-00328]\\], the support of gait (e.g., \\[[@B11-jfb-06-00328],[@B12-jfb-06-00328],[@B13-jfb-06-00328],[@B14-jfb-06-00328],[@B15-jfb-06-00328]\\]) and limb repositioning \\[[@B16-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "The corpus of published literature highlights the promising aspects of SMA technology \\[[@B17-jfb-06-00328]\\] and also describes the limitations connected with those materials. ", "Considering the designs based on the shape memory effect, most papers mention the compactness and the possibility to develop flexible technologies as valuable aspects of SMA actuation, while the trade-off between torque or force output and actuation speed appears to be the main issue in rehabilitation applications. ", "The question of actuator control, which is also one of great consequence, is approached by various authors in different ways, depending on the final aim: the literature on rehabilitation applications of SMA describes open-loop strategies directed at simply triggering the start or pacing the repetition of actuation cycles \\[[@B10-jfb-06-00328],[@B11-jfb-06-00328]\\]; open-loop methods are also proposed to obtain specified movement trajectories \\[[@B8-jfb-06-00328],[@B9-jfb-06-00328]\\]; alternatively, more sophisticated closed-loop strategies are reported to provide very precise control of actuation timing and output parameters \\[[@B18-jfb-06-00328],[@B19-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\nThe use of pseudoelasticity is proposed in different papers tackling, in particular, limb positioning and gait rehabilitation \\[[@B14-jfb-06-00328],[@B15-jfb-06-00328],[@B16-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "In those works, the deformability, adaptability and the nonlinear mechanical properties of SMA are considered as a resource for obtaining compliant and biomechanically-sound solutions to the clinical problems connected with spasticity and paresis. ", "The main aspects considered in the optimization of those devices are the tuning of alloy properties and the characterization/modeling of their thermomechanical behavior in order to provide appropriate static or dynamic corrective torques.", "\n\nAn additional review of prior results can be found in \\[[@B20-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\nThe present work will show not only additional specific examples of designs that employ SMA in rehabilitation applications, but will also try to establish a link between the properties of these materials and the development of innovative therapeutic approaches for neuromuscular disorders focusing on the exploitation of residual patients' capabilities and interacting dynamically with their evolving conditions.", "\n\n2. ", "Results and Discussion of Selected Rehabilitation Applications\n=================================================================\n\nIn relation to the characteristics discussed above, some applications of SMA in the field of neuromuscular rehabilitation will be reported and described, with the aim of demonstrating the feasibility and relevant outcomes and showing how the different functionalities of this class of materials can be applied.", "\n\n2.1. ", "Portable Devices for Passive and Aided Exercise\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nThe physical rehabilitation of patients that suffer from paresis as a consequence of a neurological insult generally includes active exercise, which is often segmental at an initial stage and becomes increasingly functional as motor recovery proceeds. ", "Although it is recognized that active exercise is extremely important for the re-acquisition of motor skills, passive mobilization of the limbs is also a standard part of physical treatment, because it can help safeguard the viscoelastic properties of tissues in otherwise disused muscles and joints. ", "This approach is particularly important in the sub-acute period after the neural trauma, because in that phase, paresis itself precludes the active work-out of the patient. ", "In addition to this, it can be imagined that a repetitive mobilization of the affected segments could help maintain viable a network of neuronal circuitry that is involved in movement planning and execution, at least by continually providing proprioceptive information and avoiding deafferentation.", "\n\nIn keeping with this latter consideration, our group created a portable mobiliser for the ankle joint, described in \\[[@B21-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Portability was the fundamental requirement in order to make this device truly available to patients in the acute phase, because they are often bedridden and sometimes cannot even sit upright. ", "Therefore, it was decided that the system should be suitable to be utilized by patients sitting on or lying in bed. ", "This characteristic differentiates the present device from other ones able to produce passive movements of the tibiotarsal joint. ", "The concept was implemented using SMA actuation, because it allows compactness and low weight. ", "For reasons related to the possibility of assessing the central effects of the therapy administered through this device, it was also of interest that the actuator should emit limited electromagnetic noise, in order not to affect electroencephalographic (EEG) measurements. ", "This is also possible using SMA-based technology.", "\n\nThe Toe-Up! ", "device is shown in ([Figure 1](#jfb-06-00328-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "It includes a leg rest for the patient's shank; the foot is strapped to a moving plate that rotates up and down under the combined action of a shape-memory actuator and two pseudoelastic bias springs: the actuator, activated in a cyclic manner by an electronic controller, produces a nominal dorsiflexion of 30°, while the bias springs reset the position in plantarflexion. ", "The actuator is composed of a quadruple arrangement of 0.25-mm NiTi wires. ", "Those wires are electrically connected in series two-by-two, but produce a total force of four (max. ", "30 N) by pulling in parallel. ", "The particular wire coiling is designed in such a manner that magnetic fields produced by the flowing electric current tend to be cancelled out by antiparallel fields. ", "The actuator is powered from the mains via a transformer/rectifier (56 Vdc) lodged within the device case. ", "Therapy with Toe-Up! ", "was prescribed to seven pediatric patients affected by spastic tetraparesis as a consequence of UML (TBI, traumatic brain injury; AVM, arteriovenous malformation; anoxia). ", "The study protocol comprised two 30-min sessions of passive mobilization a day for 14 days and clinical evaluation pre- and post-treatment. ", "In addition, EEG was recorded from the patients during passive mobilization by Toe-Up! ", "and active movement, to evaluate if any differences in brain cortical (re)activity would arise over the time of treatment. ", "The data collected are currently being analyzed. ", "It can already be anticipated that the device was very well received by the patients and their families and often resulted in an added motivation to work out. ", "The working life of the SMA wire in the actuator depended on the conditions of the patient (particularly on the level of hypertone, which directly affects the intensity of mechanical stress), but it always exceeded at least two weeks. ", "The actuator was always able to produce dorsi-plantarflexion, and no problems were reported about its functioning or safety. ", "Results of preliminary trials at EEG acquisition and analysis, which were carried out on a few healthy subjects, have been published in \\[[@B22-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\nIn order to bridge the gap between the period of time when patients, being paretic, cannot do any active exercise and the later phase in which voluntary control is partially recovered and work-out is recommended, electromyography (EMG) or some other biosignal can be employed to trigger activation of the orthosis. ", "An example of this is described in \\[[@B23-jfb-06-00328]\\], where a proof-of-concept is provided, with trials on the tibiotarsal joint of healthy volunteers. ", "By setting two adjustable threshold values, it was possible to discriminate between rest, minimal voluntary contraction of the anterior tibialis (TA) muscle and a regular contraction leading to ankle dorsiflexion. ", "Now, if a patient starts regaining some voluntary control of muscular contraction, but this action is not recognized because the contraction is too weak to give rise to a perceivable movement, it could be argued that opportunities for commencing active exercise early might go missed. ", "On the other hand, if minimal contractions are picked up through EMG sensors, these events can be used to trigger passive mobilization by a suitable device. ", "In a way, patients' involvement would be halfway between active and passive, because movement initiation could be exercised directly by the patient, while the proprioceptive feedback and the reward for that effort would be provided by the device in the form of aided motion. ", "By gradually adjusting threshold values session after session, the therapist could set increasing targets for the patient, ultimately paving the way to active work-out ([Figure 2](#jfb-06-00328-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![(**", "a**) The Toe-Up! ", "device for passive ankle mobilization of bedridden patients; (**b**) the shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator used to generate ankle dorsiflexion.](jfb-06-00328-g001){#jfb-06-00328-f001}\n\n![", "Two views of the EMG-controlled SMA device for assisted ankle exercise.](jfb-06-00328-g002){#jfb-06-00328-f002}\n\n2.2. ", "Compliant Orthoses for Limb Repositioning\n----------------------------------------------\n\nSpastic syndromes, as already mentioned, are characterized by paresis, stiffness, involuntary phasic contractions and jerks of the limbs and, depending on the affected joint, unnatural flexion or extension. ", "Immobility and disuse of the affected joints tend to have adverse consequences, in that holding a static position for a long time can determine a shortening of the muscles and a worsening of contractures and spastic reflexes \\[[@B24-jfb-06-00328],[@B25-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Orthotic devices can be used to stretch muscles affected by this malformation in an attempt to restore a more physiological neutral posture and increase usable joint range of motion.", "\n\nIn the practice of standard orthotics, devices are used to hold the affected joint in a fixed position that is closer to the desired one, and muscles are expected to regain in time a more physiological length. ", "The target position can also be changed in a stepwise manner by modifying the orthosis in order to proceed with the treatment. \"", "Dynamic\" orthoses are different because they aim at producing muscular remodeling by imposing forces or torques that pull in the desired direction. ", "The target position is not fixed *a priori*, but it is the result of a dynamic balance between the pulling force of the muscles affected by contracture and the force offered by the orthosis. ", "This behavior is much more physiological, because residual movements of the limbs are potentially preserved, and involuntary postural changes are allowed by the device compliance, thus increasing the general comfort. ", "What is truly important is that, thanks to orthosis compliance, immobility and disuse are avoided and so is a major cause of the known negative chronic sequelae of paresis. ", "Under the action of the corrective torque, the muscular lengthening process generally occurs in a slow and gradual manner: in this respect, therefore, the term \"dynamic\" has to be interpreted just to mean the opposite of \"fixed\" or \"static\". ", "This explanation is given in order to differentiate this usage from that employed in [Section 2.3](#sec2dot3-jfb-06-00328){ref-type=\"sec\"}.", "\n\nIn order to implement these concepts, our group devised a set of hinges \\[[@B26-jfb-06-00328]\\] that can be used to create compliant orthoses. ", "Inside the hinges are placed two springs made of NiTi, shaped as a capital letter omega (Ω) ([Figure 3](#jfb-06-00328-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This particular shape allows the material to be loaded along its entire length, prevents localized stress concentrations and, ultimately, failures. ", "The spring action is based on pseudoelasticity. ", "The nonlinearity and hysteretic behavior of NiTi-based alloys indeed endow these orthoses with convenient characteristics for this application and solve some inherent problems of dynamic splints with purely elastic elements. ", "In fact, in classic elastic tension or torque elements, the spring-back forces change with elongation; assuming that those elements are preloaded in such a manner as to guide repositioning towards a desired posture, the corrective force applied to the limb will be high at the beginning of the process and will gradually decrease the closer the joint angle gets to the target. ", "Clockwork springs could be used to counter this effect, but they tend to be either weak or bulky. ", "On the contrary, the nonlinear behavior of pseudoelastic SMA, due to the presence of long plateaux at quasi-constant stress, makes it possible to administer a continual therapeutic action even in proximity of the goal and in general for much wider deformation/elongation ranges.", "\n\nBy selecting appropriate thermo-mechanical treatments for the phase of shape setting, it is possible to obtain springs with different plateau stresses and lengths (deformability), and in this manner, alloy properties can be adjusted for different patients' needs ([Figure 4](#jfb-06-00328-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Hence, the following can be obtained simultaneously: (1) providing a corrective push that is correlated to the biomechanical, biometric and clinical state of the patients, as well as to the likelihood that they will tolerate a given treatment intensity; (2) maximizing acceptability and adherence to prescription times by making the corrective push mild enough and the orthosis sufficiently compliant to involuntary jerks that the pain induced by lengthening on spastic muscles is reduced; (3) avoiding limb fixity, thus improving joint mobility and the chances of a residual use of the limb; (4) avoiding the need to adjust spring preload as posture evolves and the associated burden for caregivers; and (5) self-regulating the strength of the orthotic action in relation to the direction of movement; thanks to SMA hysteresis, the stress during loading is higher than during unloading, so the perceived spring stiffness is higher for actions that are directed against the clinical goal.", "\n\nThe efficacy of this new type of orthoses was compared to that of traditional fixed-angle ones in a cross-over trial carried out on 25 young patients with spastic paresis, mainly in the lower limbs (ankle joint). ", "The results, published in \\[[@B27-jfb-06-00328]\\], suggest that pseudoelastic orthoses are much more tolerable for patients than traditional ones and are as good at controlling posture. ", "A great advantage of pseudoelastic devices over traditional ones is that, it was found, while traditional devices, due to the immobility and disuse they impose on the affected joint, tend to increase its viscoelastic stiffness during a month's treatment, pseudoelastic orthoses decrease viscoelastic stiffness over an equal period of time.", "\n\n![(**", "a**) Examples of pseudoelastic orthoses; (**b**) pseudoelastic hinge prototypes; (**c**) a drawing of the hinge assembly with the SMA spring (dark grey).](jfb-06-00328-g003){#jfb-06-00328-f003}\n\n![", "Different elbow (**a**) and ankle (**b**) hinge properties for changing alloy compositions and thermal treatments. ", "Property tuning can be used for customization.](jfb-06-00328-g004){#jfb-06-00328-f004}\n\nThe promising results obtained in this study have convinced us to try and expand the functionalities of these dynamic splints and to upgrade the pseudoelastic hinges, in particular for the upper limb.", "\n\nNew devices were thus developed for producing a therapeutic action, but also for monitoring the evolution of the therapy and recording parameters linked to patient's activity. ", "The idea is that, taking advantage of the freedom of movement that the pseudoelastic hinges allow, spastic patients with some residual functional control of their affected arm, by virtue of the elbow extension gained through dynamic repositioning and thanks to the improved possibility to reach a larger number of objects and explore the space around them, will start using their limb more often for independent living. ", "The pseudoelastic orthosis would thus be a manner of improving the neutral (average) position of the limb, while its compliance will make sure that flexion-extension will always be an available degree-of-freedom for the execution of motor tasks. ", "On board the orthosis are mounted a potentiometer and a tri-axial accelerometer. ", "Those sensors can continuously log the evolution of elbow joint angle and the accelerations of the proximal arm in time; the tracings are transferred via Bluetooth^®^ technology and made available for real-time reading or off-line processing and viewing by clinicians. ", "Trials are underway on a cohort of 10 post-stroke patients with spasticity in the arm flexors and residual mobility; the purpose of this study is to establish if data collected in the described manner during given standardized tasks can have value for clinically assessing any improvements in the use of the affected arm. [", "Figure 5](#jfb-06-00328-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows a completely functional prototype of the sensorized pseudoelastic orthosis; it was designed with a geometry based on individual anatomic images from a healthy volunteer and constructed via 3D printing; the same figure also shows an example of the acquired signals for a standardized motor exercise (reach-forward).", "\n\n![(**", "a**) A 3D-printed fully-functional prototype of a pseudoelastic sensorized orthosis; (**b**) example of recorded tracings for a healthy subject during a reach-forward task.](jfb-06-00328-g005){#jfb-06-00328-f005}\n\n2.3. ", "Dynamic Applications and Movement Disorders {#sec2dot3-jfb-06-00328}\n------------------------------------------------\n\nSome issues may arise with the use of wearable devices in the rehabilitation of neuromuscular diseases that have truly dynamic features. ", "For instance, patients whose lower extremities are affected (e.g., by drop-foot or equinus) and have a residual capability of independent walking may perceive traditional orthoses as uncomfortable or quite rigid, because, while correcting for the exaggerated plantarflexion during swing, they do not preserve the ability to produce a physiological pattern of walking in all phases of the gait (e.g., plantarflexion is often hindered during propulsion).", "\n\nOur group developed and started to test a pseudoelastic AFO (ankle-foot orthosis---similar in concept to the pseudoelastic orthoses described above) in the single case of a young hemiparetic girl with mild spasticity of plantarflexor muscles and equinus foot. ", "Details of that study can be found in \\[[@B11-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "This child was able to walk barefoot and with no aids, but showed incapacity to dorsiflex the ankle joint during the swing phase of the stride cycle. ", "Observing the gait analysis results \\[[@B11-jfb-06-00328]\\], it is evident that in those conditions, the ankle angle tracing is not physiological and falls out of the normality range. ", "A pseudoelastic orthosis for the ankle joint has been designed and built with a valve on the frontal side of the leg and one on the dorsum of the foot. ", "Straps hold the proximal valve in position, while the patient's shoe creates a suitable constraint for the other one. ", "In this way, the calf and the sole remain free. ", "The pseudoelastic orthosis was equipped with two *ad hoc* omega-shaped NiTi springs able to support the patient's foot, leaving the plantarflexion/dorsiflexion motion free. ", "At the moment of the test, the patient was asked to walk first barefoot, then with a traditional AFO (which was her original prescription) and, finally, with the pseudoelastic device. ", "Gait was recorded in all three different conditions by an optoelectronic system. ", "The results suggest that the pseudoelastic splint allows a much more physiological walking pattern with respect to the traditional one or the barefoot condition; the preparation of heel-strike is improved; the plantarflexion phase that is needed for optimal propulsion before toe-off is preserved; and so is the spontaneous EMG activity during swing. ", "By comparison, plantarflexion (and thus, an efficacious propulsion) is completely prevented, and swing-phase EMG is silent with the traditional AFO. ", "A final consideration on the material is that the two springs, not being made of simple steel, but of pseudoelastic NiTi, provide a quasi-constant response: plantarflexion is allowed, and even though bringing the ankle into plantarflexion produces an extra deformation in the spring, this deformation does not correspond to an increase in the force required to carry out the movement (as would be the case with linear materials). ", "Furthermore, as already stated, the material properties are tunable, which means that the action of this type of orthosis can be adjusted to the specific needs of each patient, also following the prescriptions of the clinicians.", "\n\nThis first dynamic application in the context of a spastic syndrome gave us an inspiration to experiment with treating of other neurologic disorders characterized by dynamic components. ", "In particular, there are some diseases classified under the definition of movement disorders, which affect both the young and adults and are very disabling. ", "For these patients, very important aspects of life, such as social relationships and independence, are often compromised; the available solutions in some cases have relevant negative drawbacks, e.g., pharmacological treatments may have limited efficacy in adults and a number of systemic adverse effects in children; those issues may lead to changing very frequently the type of drugs or the dosage and long delays for establishing the correct treatment. ", "On the other hand, surgery is invasive and, thus, appropriate for very severe clinical pictures in otherwise untreatable adults \\[[@B28-jfb-06-00328]\\] and often not recommended for children. ", "Orthoses and devices for damping or at least controlling the involuntary movements caused by most movement disorders, like tremors, dystonias and dyskinesias, have been developed in the past \\[[@B3-jfb-06-00328]\\], but they are often bulky, heavy and totally uncomfortable solutions, usable just for research purposes or some spot-wise applications, but hardly for a continuous use in daily life circumstances: e.g., robotic systems are often effective, but they are too uncomfortable to wear or even carry around in ordinary life situations; sometimes, even when therapeutic devices have actually been thought out considering the portability and usability by the subject (e.g., collars), they often neglect the social aspects of their visual impact and sometimes fail to meet important biomechanical aspects, as avoiding load shielding of muscles and bones. ", "For some of the mentioned disorders, psychological components have a particular relevance, and they should be taken into account in the design process in order to ensure that the patient will have a benefit from using the device and will actually wear it and use it; in other cases, solutions are too much of a constraint on the affected limb, limit the possibilities of voluntary motion and may ultimately lead to a disuse of the muscles and structures involved, possibly worsening in some manner the specific and the general conditions of the patient.", "\n\nIn light of these considerations, it is evident that different and innovative approaches are needed, in order to develop wearable devices to control motor disorders. ", "Our research is focusing on movement disorders that hardly find other valid solutions: in particular, axial tremor and cervical dystonia in adults and hyperkinetic disorders in children. ", "For these specific applications with high dynamic characteristics, we are designing some devices to control and dampen unwanted involuntary movements, by exploiting the peculiar properties of NiTi alloys in terms of pseudoelasticity, internal friction and mechanical hysteresis. ", "These new devices will have to be compliant and light and as comfortable and \"transparent\" as possible. ", "In order to meet this goal, some basic criteria ought to be kept in mind: (1) proper knowledge of the pathology is essential, including its patient-specific features in terms of range of motion, frequency, amplitude, direction of involuntary movements and individual strategies to control the symptoms; (2) a plan is needed for how to tune specific material properties in the most efficient and precise way to customize the devices to individual patients' needs; and (3) the material-limb interfaces used to transmit the SMA action to the affected segments must be carefully designed in order to be comfortable even in dynamic conditions and as aesthetic and discreet as possible. ", "We are currently working on those three aspects and can share the following considerations: psychological and sensory mechanisms do appear to be fundamental in reducing the symptoms of MD; the use of high-energy-density SMA as core elements in the development of therapeutic devices could help concentrate into very small, light and acceptable parts the dynamic repositioning and movement-conditioning functionality of the device; the expected action is likely to have the mild-force characteristic that was effective in connection with UML orthoses and should be as well tolerated. ", "We have experience in the patient-specific adjustment of SMA behavior; in this case, rather than concentrating only on stresses, strains and optimal pseudoelasticity, we shall also consider the damping properties, which could play a role; at the moment, we are investigating the possibility of tuning these characteristic in relation to the dynamic features of patients' voluntary and involuntary movements in order to interfere minimally with the former, while controlling the latter. ", "Finally, due to the dynamic nature of MD, the design of orthosis interfaces with the human body will have to consider limb shape and size, both at rest and during movement, in order to increase the efficiency of SMA action transfer (useful to reduce SMA size) and maximize comfort.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Amagnetic Devices and Movement Guides\n------------------------------------------\n\nIn the study of diseases that affect limbs and have a neurologic origin, diagnostic instrumentation, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and other bioimaging techniques, are primary tools that provide information, such as the precise determination of damage, the investigation of structural and functional reorganization in the central nervous system and the peripheral neuromuscular one and also the assessment of the natural evolution or changes related to the application of some specific therapy. ", "All of these technologies impose strict constraints in terms of material compatibility and acceptable noise generated by external electromagnetic sources that may affect the quality of the acquisitions. ", "For the purpose of evaluating neuromuscular rehabilitation and investigating the brain correlates of motor actions in neurological disorders, it would be invaluable to possess a set of tools able to provide repeatable sensorimotor stimulation or to standardize the parameters of active and passive movements during bioimaging acquisitions: considering that standardization and repeatability may play an essential role in increasing signal-to-noise ratios in repeated-measures experiments, thus enabling more efficient and less time-consuming protocols in bioimaging, the intent of building devices totally compatible with MRI, MEG, *etc.*, ", "appears to be of fundamental importance for these studies. ", "It is evident that only some classes of materials can be employed for designing limb guides or devices for limb mobilization, due to the severe dimensional and electromagnetic constraints imposed by those technologies. ", "A partial solution to avoid this problem is to place actuators and all incompatible parts outside the shielded rooms, but this requires long transmission lines that could pick up environmental noise and corrupt the quality of the data collected.", "\n\nSMAs can be considered interesting materials for the development of this kind of device because of their high energy density (actuators and spring-back elements can be very compact) and magnetic compatibility with diagnostic instrumentation (MRI and MEG). ", "Exploiting the intrinsically non-magnetic behavior of the NiTi alloy and designing a specific arrangement for the SMA wire, our group has developed different types of actuators that are virtually amagnetic. ", "A special wire arrangement is required to counter the negative effect of using electric current to activate NiTi, *i.e.*, the fact that, due to the current, an undesired electromagnetic field arises around the wire. ", "By coiling the wire in such a way that for every loop, there is a counter-loop, closely-spaced, coaxial and antiparallel to the first, magnetic emissions can be strongly abated by mutual cancellation of the fields generated by the accelerated electric charges flowing in opposite directions. ", "This principle was implemented in different ways obtaining linear actuators as explained in \\[[@B10-jfb-06-00328]\\] and rotary ones as shown in \\[[@B29-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Both designs enabled successful neuroscience studies on brain reactivity to passive ankle mobilization in healthy subjects, respectively \\[[@B20-jfb-06-00328],[@B30-jfb-06-00328]\\] and \\[[@B20-jfb-06-00328],[@B31-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\nMore recently, we are utilizing a pseudoelastic elbow guide for functional MRI (fMRI) and EEG studies in post-stroke patients with spasticity. ", "The guide was created with an aluminum frame, and it is equipped with mechanical stops for directing the movement on a reproducible path and limiting movement stroke to a reproducible range; all parts not made of aluminum were created by a 3D printer in ABS*plus*. ", "Thanks to the quasi-constant push generated by the spring-back of pseudoelastic NiTi elements, this device also provides help to the patient in executing elbow extension, which is most problematic in this neurological condition. ", "The compactness of NiTi springs in this application (low number of turns for a given angular stroke, compared to other materials, e.g., spring steel) allowed us to make the device profile very reduced, so the whole system can fit both size-wise and emission-wise into the gantry of a standard MRI machine with the patient wearing standard head coils. ", "The design was published in \\[[@B32-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\n3. ", "Material and Methods\n=======================\n\n3.1. ", "Materials\n--------------\n\nFor the present applications, a number of different binary and ternary NiTi-based alloy compositions (Ni-rich NiTi, Ti-rich NiTi, NiTiNb) have been used. ", "In particular, several Ni-rich compositions and NiTiNb were employed for the pseudoelastic devices: starting from batches of wire between 3 and 6 mm in diameter, suitable samples (generally around 2--3 mm in diameter) were prepared by cold drawing. ", "Those work-hardened samples were shape-set at appropriate temperatures and for appropriate durations to reach good and stable pseudoelasticity. ", "The works in \\[[@B27-jfb-06-00328]\\] and \\[[@B33-jfb-06-00328]\\] fully discuss the aspects connected to the choice of alloy composition and thermomechanical treatment for our pseudoelastic applications. ", "For the thermally-activated SME applications, we generally used commercial trained Ti-rich NiTi wire for actuation applications (*A~f~* approximately 90 °C, mostly 0.25 mm in diameter), in order to make the devices easier to replicate by others.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Background on SMA Phenomenology\n------------------------------------\n\nShape memory alloys (SMAs) are a heterogeneous class of metal alloys; the main groupings are ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic alloys, but only the non-ferromagnetic ones have practical applications. ", "Among the non-ferromagnetic SMAs, two classes of compositions have been employed practically: Cu-based and NiTi-based, but the NiTi-based ones are the most widespread due to their superior characteristics in the majority of applications. ", "Ni-Ti is a quasi-stoichiometric intermetallic compound with the predominant feature of undergoing an athermic reversible martensitic transformation between a cubic (B2) parent phase (called austenite) and a monoclinic (B19') one (called martensite). ", "This phase transformation in the metallic lattice is at the base of interesting macroscopic effects, such as the shape memory effect (SME) and pseudoelasticity (PE). ", "The direct B2--B19' transformation can be obtained by either cooling or introducing mechanical strains. ", "Cooling the alloy in the B2 structure to a temperature lower than a characteristic point (*M~s~*) induces exothermal formation of B19' in twinned ordering, without any macroscopic change in shape; on the other hand, subjecting B2 to strains in excess of approximately 1%--1.5% provokes the reversible movement of atomic layers and the formation of an un-twinned (or de-twinned) version of B19'. ", "Conversely, starting with a martensitic structure, the heating the alloy above a characteristic temperature (*A~s~*) sets an endothermal transformation from B19' to B2; straining a twinned B19' structure produces a de-twinned B19'. ", "For thermally-driven processes, transformations can be considered complete below *M~f~* (direct transition B2--B19') and above *A~f~* (reverse transition B19'--B2). ", "In the mechanically-driven formation of detwinned martensite, stresses for initiating the process are proportional to the alloy temperature (Clausius--Clapeyron's law). ", "The precise values of characteristic temperatures *M~s~*, *M~f~*, *A~s~* and *A~f~* are functions of Ni content and also depend, more subtly, on thermomechanical processing. ", "In particular, increases of one part in the thousands in Ni atomic concentration can produce drops by tens of degrees Kelvin in characteristic temperatures. ", "Coming to the practical exploitation of these effects, because the detwinning stress of initially twinned martensite is low compared to the detwinning stress for the B2 phase (the latter is stable at higher temperature), NiTi is more deformable in martensitic state. ", "By detwinning B19', it is possible to obtain recoverable strains of up to 10%; recovery is achieved through heating above *A~f~* and the consequent reverse transformation to B2. ", "This is called the SME. ", "Thanks to SME, a weight heavy enough to induce B19' detwinning at a temperature lower than *M~f~* can be lifted during heating-induced strain recovery at a temperature appropriately higher than *A~f~*. ", "SME is indeed a means of making solid-state actuators. ", "PE is a different aspect of the same phenomenon. ", "For alloys having an *A~f~* lower than room temperature, the initial state before straining is B2. ", "With a sufficient level of stress, detwinned martensite can be formed by deformation. ", "Strains up to 10% are readily recoverable upon removing the loading stress, because, the working environment being at a temperature higher than *A~f~*, B2 is re-formed immediately. ", "In this case, both the direct (loading) and inverse (unloading) transformations occur at constant stresses. ", "The two plateaux are separated by mechanical hysteresis, and the area of the hysteresis loop corresponds to energy lost by structural viscosity in the process of loading and unloading. ", "Fatigue life in SMA depends strongly on the levels of stress and maximal strains. ", "In particular, strains of 10% are incompatible with cyclic applications, for which 4% can be considered an upper limit, unless a high number of cycles is required, in which case, strains as low as maximum 1% or less would be appropriate, depending on stress intensity. ", "Overheating can lead to increased accumulation of plastic deformation and early failure, this obviously being more relevant an issue for typical SME than PE applications, e.g., \\[[@B34-jfb-06-00328],[@B35-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\n3.3. ", "Tunability and Optimization of Characteristics\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nThe properties of SMA are tunable, *i.e.*, by changing alloy composition or applying suitable thermo-mechanical treatments, material characteristics, such as the transformation temperatures, the height and length of the stress plateaux, and to some extent, the hysteresis, the cycling stability, the internal friction, *etc.*, ", "can be adjusted to the final application. ", "This opportunity offered by SMA can be exploited to modify material behavior and meet specific clinical requests, as well as the needs of the one patient for whom a certain therapeutic device is made. ", "Some of our studies (e.g., \\[[@B27-jfb-06-00328]\\]) took full advantage of that possibility, by customizing every single device to patients' characteristics, such as age, severity, affected joint, tolerance, pain, *etc.* ", "Let us consider a wearable device application, like an orthosis: in practical terms, it can be imagined that a certain number of optimized processes can be utilized to produce SMA elements with as many different final properties, each of which may be suitable for a sub-group of patients with a set combination of the mentioned characteristics (age range, severity range, *etc*.). ", "In this manner, *ad hoc* devices could be prescribed for each sub-group, thus improving tolerability and outcomes. ", "Process identification can be obtained in various manners \\[[@B34-jfb-06-00328],[@B36-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "For pseudoelastic applications, we devised a simple method \\[[@B33-jfb-06-00328]\\] based on the monitoring of SMA shape setting in real time through the use of an electric probe. ", "In particular, it was found that, for a given treatment temperature, if shape setting is stopped at a precise time point corresponding to the start of a slow decrease in specimen resistance, shape setting, pseudoelasticity and cycling stability are simultaneously optimized.", "\n\n4. ", "Final Remarks and Conclusions\n================================\n\nThe nonlinear and easily-adjustable characteristics of SMA make this class of materials a very interesting resource in the development of new devices and new therapies for neurologic conditions. ", "This paper discussed a number of applications, in which SMA provides added functionality, allows customization and improves tolerability and outcomes in the clinical management of UML patients. ", "The work done so far on MD is preliminary, but based on previous experience and initial observations, we believe that the dynamic properties of SMA could help also in the design of alternative therapies for otherwise untreatable movement disorders. ", "Future work will go into expanding evidence about the clinical validity of the proposed devices and clarifying the extents of their applicability and indication.", "\n\nThe results presented in the present paper were generated thanks to the financial support of several projects: Hint\\@Lecco (sponsor: Fondazione Cariplo); Mind in Italy (sponsor: Regione Lombardia); Spider\\@Lecco (sponsor: Fondazione Cariplo); Pars&c (sponsor: Fondazione Cariplo); Riprendo\\@Home (sponsor: Regione Lombardia); and Think\\@Go (sponsors: Regione Lombardia and Fondazione Cariplo).", "\n\nClinical trials on the pseudoelastic hinges and the portable ankle mobiliser were carried out at Clinical Research Institute \"E. Medea\", Bosisio Parini, Italy (S. Strazzer, E. Beretta, E. Molteni). ", "The clinical trials on the sensorized pseudoelastic orthoses and amagnetic MR-compatible guide are underway at Clinica Villa Beretta, Costamasnaga, Italy (F. Molteni, G. Gasperini), in collaboration with the Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation CNR-ITIA (M. Malosio, M. Caimmi) and the Institute for Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology CNR-IBFM (G. Rizzo, C. Lafortuna). ", "Acquisitions with MEG and fMRI were carried out at the Institute of Science and Technologies of Cognition CNR-ISTC, Rome, Italy (F. Tecchio, F. Zappasodi, P.M. Rossini) and the Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies ITAB, Chieti, Italy (F. Zappasodi, V. Pizzella, G.L. Romani, C. Del Gratta). ", "The research on movement disorders was conducted in collaboration with Clinical Research Institute \"Carlo Besta\", Milano, Italy (A. Albanese, S. Frittoli, D. Riva, G. Baranello, E. Pagliano) and Politecnico di Milano (A. Aliverti, A. Lo Mauro).", "\n\nSimone Pittaccio was the director of all studies reported and contributed directly to all phases of the research, from the theoretical conception to the development of the devices and the analysis of the results. ", "Lorenzo Garavaglia was particularly involved in the development of pseudoelastic wearable devices, sensorized orthoses and their characterization. ", "He was also a major contributor to the conduction of experimental work for the passive mobilization studies and the collection and analysis of EEG measurements. ", "The research related to movement disorder applications is his main current topic of investigation and is the subject of his Ph.D. study. ", "Carlo Ceriotti contributed mainly to the development of sensor networks and signal analysis related to the implementation of the sensorized pseudoelastic orthoses. ", "Francesca Passaretti contributed to the research, particularly for the characterization of SMA in various applications. ", "Furthermore, she gave a fundamental contribution to the organization and financial management of research activities. ", "All authors took part in the preparation of the present paper.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "J-S32020-15\n\n\nNON-PRECEDENTIAL DECISION - SEE SUPERIOR COURT I.O.P. 65.37\n\nCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF\n PENNSYLVANIA\n Appellee\n\n v.\n\nKEITH CONRAD,\n\n Appellant No. ", "1659 WDA 2014\n\n\n Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence of May 20, 2014\n In the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield County\n Criminal Division at No(s): CP-17-CR-0000853-2013\n\n\nBEFORE: SHOGAN, OLSON AND MUSMANNO, JJ.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM BY OLSON, J.: FILED SEPTEMBER 03, 2015\n\n Appellant, Keith Conrad, appeals from the judgment of sentence\n\nentered on May 20, 2014, following his jury trial conviction for theft by\n\nfailure to make required disposition of funds received.1 Upon review, we\n\naffirm Appellant’s conviction, but remand for resentencing on restitution.", "\n\n We briefly summarize the facts and procedural history of this case as\n\nfollows. ", "Appellant is a home improvement contractor. ", " Ronald Ferry hired\n\nAppellant to install, inter alia, a geothermal heating system at Mr. Ferry’s\n\nresidence. ", "The Commonwealth charged Appellant with the aforementioned\n\ncrime, as well as deceptive or fraudulent business practices2 when Appellant\n____________________________________________\n\n\n1\n 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3927.", "\n2\n 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 4107.", "\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\npurportedly accepted payment and did not complete services. ", " On April 9,\n\n2014, a jury convicted Appellant of theft by failure to make required\n\ndisposition of funds and acquitted him of deceptive or fraudulent business\n\npractices. ", " On May 20, 2014, the trial court sentenced Appellant to six\n\nmonths to one year of incarceration, followed by two years of probation.", "\n\nThe trial court also ordered Appellant to pay $22,686.84 to Boyer\n\nRefrigeration and $4,806.20 to Mr. Ferry as restitution. ", "This timely appeal\n\nresulted.3\n____________________________________________\n\n\n3\n Appellant filed a post-sentence motion on May 29, 2014. ", "The trial court\nheld a hearing on Appellant’s post-sentence motion on June 5, 2014. ", "The\ntrial court issued an order and opinion on August 26, 2014, denying counts V\nand VII of Appellant’s post-sentence motion, which dealt with issues\npertaining to recusal. ", "The trial court did not address Appellant’s remaining\nclaims at that time. ", "On September 25, 2014, Appellant filed a notice of\nappeal. ", "On September 26, 2014, Appellant’s post-sentence motion was\ndenied by operation of law. ", "Although the notice of appeal was premature,\nbecause the trial court had not ruled on the post-sentence motion in its\nentirety, the appeal was perfected once the remaining counts were denied\nby operation of law. ", "See Pa.R.A.P. 905(a)(5) (“A notice of appeal filed after\nthe announcement of a determination but before the entry of an appealable\norder shall be treated as filed after such entry and on the day thereof.”). ", "On\nSeptember 26, 2014, the trial court ordered Appellant to file a concise\nstatement of errors complained of on appeal pursuant to Pa.R.A.P. 1925.", "\nAppellant timely complied, raising some of the claims he raised previously by\nway of post-sentence motion, but which were not addressed by the trial\ncourt. ", "On November 17, 2014, the trial court advised this Court that it\nwould rely on its August 26, 2014 opinion regarding the issues presented on\nappeal. ", "On June 9, 2015, this Court issued a memorandum decision\nremanding the case back to the trial court for the preparation of an opinion\npursuant to Pa.R.A.P. 1925(a) that addressed all of the issues raised in\nAppellant’s concise statement of errors complained of on appeal under\nPa.R.A.P. 1925(b). ", "The trial court filed a supplemental opinion on June 24,\n2015.", "\n\n\n\n\n -2-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n Appellant presents the following issues4 for our consideration:\n\n I. Whether the lower court erred in sustaining the\n verdict of guilty where the Commonwealth failed to\n present sufficient evidence at trial to support a jury\n finding that [Appellant] obtained the relevant property\n “upon agreement, or subject to a known legal\n obligation, to make specified payments or other\n disposition.”", "\n\n II. ", " Whether the lower court erred by issuing an order of\n restitution in the amount of $4,806.20 to Ronald\n Ferry, where the restitution related to the charge of\n deceptive business practices for which [Appellant] was\n acquitted by a jury.", "\n\n III. ", " Whether the trial court erred by misapplying the\n sentencing guidelines when it assigned an offense\n gravity score of (6) and used the same in calculating\n the guideline sentence, where the offense involved a\n monetary value of less than $25,000[.00].", "\n\nAppellant’s Brief at 5 (complete capitalization and suggested answers\n\nomitted).", "\n\n In the first issue, Appellant contends that the Commonwealth did not\n\npresent sufficient evidence to support his conviction for theft by failure to\n\nmake required disposition of funds received. ", " Appellant’s Brief at 26-31.", "\n\nMore specifically, Appellant argues, “where a construction contract does not\n\nrequire the specific disposition of funds, payments made to the contractor\n\nbecome the property of the contractor at the time of transfer.” ", "Id. at 26.", "\n\nAppellant claims “he completed approximately ninety-five (95) percent of\n\n____________________________________________\n\n\n4\n We have reordered and renumbered the issues for ease of discussion.", "\n\n\n\n -3-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nthe contracted work” over the course of “numerous months” and “it was only\n\nafter his business began to financially spiral that [Appellant] ceased work on\n\nthe contract.” ", " Id. at 28. ", "Thus, he contends, there was no evidence that\n\nestablished Appellant fraudulently obtained the advanced funds at the\n\ninception of the contract. ", "Id. at 27. ", "Further, Appellant claims “the record\n\ndoes not support a finding that [he] obtained any funds from Mr. Ferry that\n\nwere subject to a specific obligation to reserve a specific portion for payment\n\nof the geothermal system[.]” ", "Id. at 31.", "\n\n Our standard of review is well-settled:\n\n The standard we apply in reviewing the sufficiency of the\n evidence is whether viewing all the evidence admitted at\n trial in the light most favorable to the verdict winner, there\n is sufficient evidence to enable the fact-finder to find every\n element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. ", "In\n applying the above test, we may not weigh the evidence\n and substitute our judgment for the fact-finder. ", "In addition,\n we note that the facts and circumstances established by the\n Commonwealth need not preclude every possibility of\n innocence. ", "Any doubts regarding a defendant's guilt may be\n resolved by the fact-finder unless the evidence is so weak\n and inconclusive that as a matter of law no probability of\n fact may be drawn from the combined circumstances. ", "The\n Commonwealth may sustain its burden of proving every\n element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt by means\n of wholly circumstantial evidence. ", "Moreover, in applying the\n above test, the entire record must be evaluated and all\n evidence actually received must be considered. ", "Finally, the\n finder of fact while passing upon the credibility of witnesses\n and the weight of the evidence produced, is free to believe\n all, part or none of the evidence.", "\n\nCommonwealth v. Cahill, 95 A.3d 298, 300 (Pa. Super. ", "2014) (citation\n\nomitted).", "\n\n\n\n -4-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n The legislature defines theft by failure to make required disposition of\n\nfunds received as follows:\n\n A person who obtains property upon agreement, or subject\n to a known legal obligation, to make specified payments or\n other disposition, whether from such property or its\n proceeds or from his own property to be reserved in\n equivalent amount, is guilty of theft if he intentionally deals\n with the property obtained as his own and fails to make the\n required payment or disposition. ", "The foregoing applies\n notwithstanding that it may be impossible to identify\n particular property as belonging to the victim at the time of\n the failure of the actor to make the required payment or\n disposition.", "\n\n18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3927(a).", "\n\n We have previously determined:\n\n Section 3927(a) requires a person who accepts money or\n property of another pursuant to an agreement to meet the\n obligations of the agreement. ", "An agent who has received\n funds subject to an obligation to make a required payment\n may commingle funds if he so chooses without penalty as\n long as the obligation for which the money or property is\n entrusted is met in a timely fashion. ", "The language of the\n statute, that a person is guilty of theft by failure to make\n required disposition of funds if he ‘deals with property as his\n own,’ does not require that the defendant actually use the\n property of another. ", "The word ‘deals’ means that the\n defendant took the property designed for a specific use and\n used it as if it were his or her own property.", "\n\nCommonwealth v. Veon, 109 A.3d 754, 773-774 (Pa. Super. ", "2015)\n\n(citations and quotations omitted) (emphasis in original).", "\n\n The Commonwealth produced the following evidence at trial. ", "Mr. Ferry\n\ntestified that he contracted with Appellant to build an efficient, economical,\n\nand environmentally friendly second home on property Mr. Ferry owned near\n\n\n -5-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nTreasure Lake. ", "N.T., 4/9/2014, at 27. ", "Mr. Ferry was interested in installing\n\na geothermal heating unit at the home. ", "Id. He entered into a contract with\n\nAppellant “to construct a three-bedroom, two-bath home with about 1500\n\nsquare feet and the heat source would be geothermal-based.” ", " Id. at 30.", "\n\nUnder the written terms of the contract, the proposed cost of construction of\n\nthe house was $155,000.00, with an additional cost of $28,358.54 for the\n\ngeothermal unit. ", "Id. at 42. ", " Mr. Ferry paid Appellant the entire amount due\n\nunder the contract in nine payments, including an additional $11,387.35 for\n\npurported overages not covered under the contract, and Mr. Ferry did not\n\nmake direct payment to Charles Scott Boyer, owner of Boyer’s Refrigeration,\n\nHeating and Air Conditioning. ", " Id. at 33-34, 43-53. ", "Boyer’s Heating and\n\nCooling installed the geothermal unit in the new house. ", "Id. at 34.", "\n\nThereafter, Mr. Boyer contacted Mr. Ferry to inquire as to whether Mr. Ferry\n\npaid Appellant for the unit. ", "Id. at 34. ", "Subsequently, Mr. Ferry confronted\n\nAppellant “multiple times” about payment to Mr. Boyer and Appellant said\n\n“he was taking care of it.” ", "Id. at 35. ", " The house was never completed and\n\nMr. Boyer was not paid. ", "Id. at 36. ", "Mr. Boyer filed a mechanic’s lien against\n\nMr. Ferry’s property for $28,074.95. ", "Id. at 38.", "\n\n The Commonwealth also presented the testimony of Mr. Boyer. ", " Mr.\n\nBoyer testified he installed a geothermal system in Mr. Ferry’s house at\n\nAppellant’s request. ", "Id. at 64-66. ", "Mr. Boyer and Appellant entered into a\n\nwritten contract beforehand. ", " Id. at 71-72. ", " The cost was a little over\n\n$28,000.00 and Appellant made one initial payment of “just a little over\n\n -6-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n$2,800.00” to Mr. Boyer, representing 10% of the total cost of the\n\ngeothermal unit. ", " Id. at 66. ", " Mr. Boyer invoiced and communicated with\n\nAppellant multiple times after installation of the heating unit was almost\n\ncomplete, in an effort to receive payment of the remaining balance. ", "Id. at\n\n66-67. ", " Mr. Boyer testified that he asked Appellant if Mr. Ferry paid\n\nAppellant. ", "Id. at 68. ", "Appellant admitted to Mr. Boyer that Mr. Ferry had\n\npaid him, but “said [Appellant] had spent it elsewhere.” ", " Id. at 68. ", " Mr.\n\nBoyer attempted to secure financing for Appellant, but Appellant did not\n\nfollow through. ", "Id. Mr. Boyer testified that Appellant “acknowledged that\n\nhe didn’t intend to pay [Mr. Boyer], it wasn’t [Appellant’s] intention, [and]\n\nhe didn’t have the money[.]” ", "Id. at 69.", "\n\n Appellant testified on his own behalf. ", "Appellant confirmed the contract\n\nprices, conceded that Mr. Ferry paid him in full, and acknowledged he did\n\nnot pay Mr. Boyer. ", " Id. at 96-99, 123, 150. ", " Appellant agreed that he\n\ncontracted directly with Mr. Boyer and that Mr. Ferry expected Appellant to\n\npay Mr. Boyer. ", "Id. at 148-149. ", "Appellant had one bank account that he\n\nused for multiple construction contracts and no method of accounting for the\n\nindividual jobs. ", "Id. at 145-147. ", "Appellant paid himself, $700.00 per week,\n\nfrom that account which contained the deposits from Mr. Ferry. ", "Id. at 134-\n\n136.", "\n\n Upon review of the record, viewing it in the light most favorable to the\n\nCommonwealth as our standard requires, we conclude that there was\n\nsufficient evidence to support Appellant’s conviction. ", " Appellant accepted\n\n -7-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nmoney from Mr. Ferry based upon a contract the parties entered. ", " The\n\ncontract specifically called for the installation of a geothermal unit and\n\nspecifically named Boyer Refrigeration, Heating, and Air Conditioning as the\n\nentity to perform the work. ", "Mr. Ferry paid Appellant in full for the entirety of\n\nthe work to be completed, including installation of the geothermal unit.", "\n\nAppellant commingled funds from multiple construction jobs, including the\n\none at issue here, into one bank account, but then never met his obligation\n\nto pay Mr. Boyer. ", "Appellant accepted funds under the agreement with Mr.\n\nFerry and, instead of meeting his obligations under the agreement in a\n\ntimely fashion, used those funds as if they were his own property. ", "For all of\n\nthe foregoing reasons, we discern no abuse of discretion in finding sufficient\n\nevidence to support Appellant’s conviction for theft by failure to make\n\nrequired disposition of funds received.", "\n\n In Appellant’s last two issues, he claims that the trial court misapplied\n\nthe sentencing guidelines when it assigned an inappropriate, higher offense\n\ngravity score in fashioning Appellant’s sentence on his conviction for theft by\n\nfailure to make required disposition. ", " Appellant’s Brief at 8. ", " More\n\nspecifically, Appellant argues that since he was acquitted of deceptive\n\nbusiness practices, the trial court erred in ordering restitution in the amount\n\nof $4,806.20 to Mr. Ferry. ", "Id. at 9. ", " Appellant argues that his conviction for\n\ntheft by failure to make the required disposition of funds supported only the\n\n$22,686.84 restitution award to Boyer Refrigeration. ", "Thus, he contends:\n\n\n\n\n -8-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n Theft by failure to make required disposition of funds is\n subcategorized within the sentencing guidelines according\n to the monetary value involved in the offense. ", "Where the\n offense involved a monetary value amount between\n $2,000[.00] and $25,000[.00], the appropriate offense\n gravity score is five (5). ", "Where the offense involved a\n monetary amount between $25,000[.00] and\n $100,000[.00], the appropriate offense gravity score is six\n (6). ", "Here, the offense for which [Appellant] was convicted\n involved a monetary amount of $22,686.84, making the\n appropriate offense gravity score five (5).", "\n\n Furthermore, due to the miscalculation of the offense\n gravity score, [Appellant] was sentenced according to an\n inaccurate standard range. ", "The standard range for an\n offense gravity score of five (5) and a prior record score of\n zero (0) is RS (restorative sanctions) to nine (9) months of\n incarceration. ", "However, the standard range for an offense\n gravity score of six (6) and a prior record score of zero (0)\n increases to three (3) to twelve (12) months of\n incarceration. ", " Although [Appellant’s] minimum term of\n incarceration of six (6) months could have been imposed\n under either standard range, that does not prevent\n [Appellant] from raising the present challenge to the\n misapplication of the sentencing guidelines.", "\n\nId. at 15 (some capitalization omitted).", "\n\n In sum, in his last two issues on appeal, Appellant avers that the trial\n\ncourt erred by ordering restitution on the acquitted charge of deceptive\n\nbusiness practices. ", " Appellant further argues that this error, in turn,\n\nimproperly inflated the monetary value of Appellant’s offense under the\n\nsentencing guidelines and affected the offense gravity score used by the trial\n\ncourt to determine the applicable guideline range for theft by failure to make\n\nrequired disposition of funds received.", "\n\n First, we address the restitution issue:\n\n\n\n\n -9-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n Upon conviction for any crime wherein property has been\n stolen, converted or otherwise unlawfully obtained, or its\n value substantially decreased as a direct result of the crime,\n or wherein the victim suffered personal injury directly\n resulting from the crime, the offender shall be sentenced to\n make restitution in addition to the punishment prescribed\n therefor.", "\n\n18 Pa.C.S.A. § 1106(a). “", "Challenges to the appropriateness of a sentence of\n\nrestitution are generally considered challenges to the legality of the\n\nsentence.” ", " Commonwealth v. Langston, 904 A.2d 917, 921 (Pa. Super.", "\n\n2006) (citation omitted). ", "Our standard of review in determining the legality\n\nof a sentence is as follows:\n\n If no statutory authorization exists for a particular sentence,\n that sentence is illegal and subject to correction. ", "An illegal\n sentence must be vacated. ", "In evaluating a trial court's\n application of a statute, our standard of review is plenary\n and is limited to determining whether the trial court\n committed an error of law.", "\n\nCommonwealth v. Hall, 994 A.2d 1141, 1144 (Pa. Super. ", "2010) (citation\n\nomitted).", "\n\n On this issue, the trial court “agrees” that it “erred in ordering\n\n[Appellant] to pay $4,806.20 to Mr. Ferry in restitution.” ", " Trial Court\n\nOpinion, 6/24/2015, at 4. ", " Upon review, we also agree. ", " Section 1106\n\nprovides for restitution upon conviction of a crime involving property. ", "Here,\n\nordering restitution on the deceptive business practices charge, upon which\n\nthe jury found Appellant not guilty, was illegal. ", " “If this Court determines\n\nthat a sentence must be corrected, we are empowered to either amend the\n\nsentence directly or to remand the case to the trial court for resentencing.”", "\n\n\n\n - 10 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nCommonwealth v. Benchoff, 700 A.2d 1289, 1294 (Pa. Super. ", "1997); see\n\nalso Commonwealth v. Dobbs, 682 A.2d 388, 392 (Pa. Super. ", "1996)\n\n(noting that while this Court has the option of amending an illegal sentence\n\ndirectly or remanding it to the trial court for re-sentencing, “[i]f a correction\n\nby this [C]ourt may upset the sentencing scheme envisioned by the trial\n\ncourt, the better practice is to remand.”); ", "compare Commonwealth v.\n\nGentry, 101 A.3d 813, 818 (Pa. Super. ", "2014) (trial court order imposing\n\nrestitution of $1.00, until later evidence of the exact amount of restitution\n\ndue was provided by the Commonwealth, found illegal; case remanded\n\nbecause restitution was proper, but not accurate, and the overall sentencing\n\nscheme was upset.).", "\n\n In this case, we vacate the portion of Appellant’s sentence ordering\n\nrestitution to Mr. Ferry and remand for resentencing. ", " We have upset the\n\nsentencing scheme in this case by vacating the portion of restitution to Mr.\n\nFerry. ", " As recited above, the geothermal unit cost $28,358.54 and Mr.\n\nBoyer received a payment of $2,835.85. ", "Hence, $25,522.69 was still due to\n\nBoyer Refrigeration. ", " However, the trial court ordered restitution to Boyd\n\nRefrigeration in the amount of $22,686.84. ", "We are unable to reconcile the\n\nbalance still due and owing to Boyer Refrigeration with the trial court’s actual\n\nrestitution order to that entity. ", "We note, however, that it appears from the\n\nrecord that the trial court may have factored the restitution not properly due\n\nto Mr. Ferry in its assessment of the restitution due to Boyer Refrigeration.", "\n\n\n\n\n - 11 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nHence, we vacate those portions of Appellant’s sentence pertaining to\n\nrestitution and remand for resentencing.", "\n\n Next, Appellant challenges the trial court’s assignment of an offense\n\ngravity score of six to his conviction in sentencing him to a term of\n\nimprisonment. ", " Appellant’s claim implicates the discretionary aspects of\n\nsentencing. ", " See Commonwealth v. Lamonda, 52 A.3d 365, 371 (Pa.\n\nSuper. ", "2012) (en banc) (Appellant argued trial court abused its discretion in\n\napplying an offense gravity score of eight in calculating the guideline\n\nranges).", "\n\n A challenge to the discretionary aspects of a sentence must\n be considered a petition for permission to appeal, as the\n right to pursue such a claim is not absolute. ", "When\n challenging the discretionary aspects of the sentence\n imposed, an appellant must present a substantial question\n as to the inappropriateness of the sentence. ", "Two\n requirements must be met before we will review this\n challenge on its merits. ", "First, an appellant must set forth in\n his brief a concise statement of the reasons relied upon for\n allowance of appeal with respect to the discretionary\n aspects of a sentence. ", "Second, the appellant must show\n that there is a substantial question that the sentence\n imposed is not appropriate under the Sentencing Code. ", "That\n is, the sentence violates either a specific provision of the\n sentencing scheme set forth in the Sentencing Code or a\n particular fundamental norm underlying the sentencing\n process.", "\n\nId. In this case, Appellant has complied with the prerequisites. ", "Moreover,\n\nwe previously determined that a claim that the trial court abused its\n\ndiscretion in applying an offense gravity score raises a substantial question.", "\n\nId. Hence, we will examine Appellant’s claim.", "\n\n\n\n - 12 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n Our standard of review is as follows:\n\n Sentencing is a matter vested in the sound discretion of the\n sentencing judge, and a sentence will not be disturbed on\n appeal absent a manifest abuse of discretion. ", "In this\n context, an abuse of discretion is not shown merely by an\n error in judgment. ", "Rather, the appellant must establish, by\n reference to the record, that the sentencing court ignored or\n misapplied the law, exercised its judgment for reasons of\n partiality, prejudice, bias or ill will, or arrived at a manifestly\n unreasonable decision.", "\n\nCommonwealth v. Zirkle, 107 A.3d 127, 132 (Pa. Super. ", "2014).", "\n\n Here, the trial court explained:\n\n [Appellant] argues that the sentencing [c]ourt abused its\n discretion in assigning an offense gravity score of six to his\n conviction. ", " Plainly stated, Appellant’s argument fails.", "\n Furthermore, even if [Appellant] is correct that the\n sentencing [c]ourt used the wrong offense gravity score; it\n is of no effect because the sentence imposed is with[in] the\n standard range of either an offense gravity score of five or\n six.", "\n\n For first time offenders, the crime of theft by failure to\n make required disposition of funds received carries an\n offense gravity score of five for an offense involving a\n monetary value between $2,000.00 and $25,000.00; and\n an offense gravity score of six for an offense involving a\n monetary value of $25,000.00 to $100,000.00. ", "See 204\n Pa. Code § 303.15. ", "With an offense gravity score of five\n and prior record score of zero, Pennsylvania’s sentencing\n guidelines suggest a standard range of restorative sanctions\n (RS) to nine months of incarceration. ", "With an offense\n gravity score of six and a prior record score of zero,\n Pennsylvania’s sentencing guidelines suggest a standard\n range of three months of incarceration to 12 months of\n incarceration. ", "In either event, a six[-]month incarceration\n sentence is within the standard range of either offense\n gravity score.", "\n\n\n\n\n - 13 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n [Appellant’s] offense gravity score is properly calculated at\n six because he was given $28,358.54 for the geothermal\n system; less the 10% payment he made of $2,835.85;\n leaving a remaining balance of $25,522.69. ", "This warrants\n an offense gravity score of six as it is within the $25,000.00\n to $100,000.00 range. ", "However, in practical terms, it is of\n no effect whether his offense gravity score was calculated at\n five or six because his six[-]month sentence is within the\n standard range for both offense gravity scores.", "\n\nTrial Court Opinion, 6/24/2015, at 2-3.", "\n\n Appellant argues “the monetary amount at issue was $22,686.84,\n\nmaking the appropriate offense gravity score a five (5) rather than a six\n\n(6).” ", " Appellant’s Brief at 18. ", " However, as set forth above, the record\n\nsuggests otherwise. ", "Again, the parties agree the cost of the geothermal unit\n\nwas $28,358.54 and Appellant paid Mr. Boyer 10% of the total amount\n\nowed. ", "Hence, the trial court’s assessment that the remaining balance owed\n\ntotaled $25,522.69 was accurate. ", "Accordingly, the application of an offense\n\ngravity score of six was proper. ", "Hence, we discern no abuse of discretion.", "\n\n Moreover, Appellant concedes that the sentence imposed fell within\n\nthe guideline ranges under either an offense gravity score of five or six. ", "See\n\nAppellant's Brief, at 15. ", "We note, “where a sentence is within the standard\n\nrange of the guidelines, Pennsylvania law views the sentence as appropriate\n\nunder the Sentencing Code.” ", " Lamonda, 52 A.3d at 372. ", " Here, the\n\nmonetary value was just slightly over the $25,000.00 line. ", "The trial court\n\nimposed a sentence that overlaps the standard range of sentences under\n\neither an offense gravity score of five or six. ", " We discern no abuse of\n\ndiscretion.", "\n\n\n - 14 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n Judgment of sentence affirmed. ", " Remand for resentencing on\n\nrestitution. ", "Jurisdiction relinquished.", "\n\nJudgment Entered.", "\n\n\n\n\nJoseph D. Seletyn, Esq.", "\nProthonotary\n\n\n\nDate: 9/3/2015\n\n\n\n\n - 15 -\n\f" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProc Tabulate in SAS: repeating class names for each row\n\nIf I want to summarize my data by class1 and class2 and show the sum of var1, what's the simplest code to get an output that looks like:\n Class1 Class2 Var1Sum\n a x 123\n a y 34\n a z 990\n b y 98\n\nI tried the below:\nproc tabulate data=datasetname;\n class class1 class2;\n var var1;\n table class1,class2,var1*(SUM);\nrun;\n\nwhich gets me:\n Class1 Class2 Var1Sum\n a x 123\n y 34\n z 990\n b y 98\n\nA:\n\nOne way would be to use PROC SUMMARY to create a result dataset and then use PROC PRINT to create your report:\nproc summary nway data=mydata;\n class class1 class2;\n var var1;\n output out=summary(drop=_type_ _freq_) sum=Var1Sum;\nrun;\nproc print data=summary;\nrun;\n\nI don't use PROC TABULATE myself, but if you are looking for a reporting-only solution, read up on the PROC REPORT procedure. ", " It might also do what you want.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.002008032128514056, 0, 0 ]
[ "Russian scientist dies of Ebola after lab accident\n\nMay 25, 2004 (CIDRAP News) – A Russian scientist who was doing research on Ebola virus died after accidentally injecting herself with the deadly virus, according to news service reports.", "\n\nThe scientist was doing research on guinea pigs infected with the virus at the Vector laboratory at Novosibirsk in Siberia, according to a report from the Itar-Tass News agency, published May 22 on the ProMED-mail Web site. ", "The Vector lab produced biological weapons in the Soviet era.", "\n\nThe researcher pricked herself with a syringe May 5 and died May 19, according to a Reuters report. \"", "Her hand just slipped and she jabbed herself,\" the report said. ", "The Itar-Tass report said she was isolated in a special hospital and treated in consultation with Health Ministry specialists and a physician who has treated Ebola patients in Africa.", "\n\nA New York Times report identified the scientist as Antonina Presnyakova and said she was working on an Ebola vaccine. ", "The story said Vector officials did not report the accident to the World Health Organization (WHO) until last week, which meant that potentially helpful advice from WHO experts was not immediately available.", "\n\nThe Itar-Tass report said those who were involved in treating the scientist and investigating the case would be kept under observation for 21 days, with daily medical exams and twice-daily temperature monitoring.", "\n\nThe Times story said a similar accident with Ebola occurred several months ago at the US Army's biodefense laboratory at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., but the researcher involved didn't acquire the disease.", "\n\nNo specific treatment is available for Ebola infection, and the case-fatality rate ranges from 50% to 90%, depending on the virus subtype." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.004201680672268907, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0.01652892561983471, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nOCaml - equality of two hashtables and function with nested labelled arguments\n\nI want to compare two hashtables for equality:\nopen Core.", "Std\n\nlet hashtables_equal (x_tbl: ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t) (y_tbl: ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t) : bool =\n (Hashtbl.length x_tbl = Hashtbl.length y_tbl)\n && Hashtbl.for_alli x_tbl ~f:(fun ~key ~data -> Hashtbl.existsi y_tbl ~f:(fun ~k ~d -> k = key && d = data))\n\nThe function f in for_alli and in existsi has two labelled arguments ~key and ~data.", "\nThe code as it is above does not compile, due to using incorrect labels. ", "However, I want to reference the ~key and ~data labelled arguments from within the nested function.", "\nHow can I do this?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can give a local name to a labelled argument, you don't need to use the label itself as the name.", "\nlet hashtables_equal x_tbl y_tbl =\n Hashtbl.length x_tbl = Hashtbl.length y_tbl &&\n Hashtbl.for_alli x_tbl ~f: (fun ~key ~data ->\n Hashtbl.existsi y_tbl ~f:(fun ~key:k ~data:d ->\n k = key && d = data))\n\nFor what it's worth, there appears to be a function in Core that compares hash tables for equality:\nlet hashtables_equal x_tbl y_tbl = Hashtbl.equal x_tbl y_tbl (=)\n\nThe last parameter, (=) in this case, is for comparing elements in case the usual comparison isn't what you want. (", "As it wouldn't be for hash tables, as a case in point.)", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0070921985815602835, 0.0029850746268656717, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003937007874015748, 0, 0 ]
[ " p(-7)?", "\n-6\nLet n(p) = -p**2 + 2*p + 2. ", "Give n(-2).", "\n-6\nLet f(d) = -d**2 - 5*d + 1. ", "Calculate f(-7).", "\n-13\nLet z(c) = -c**3 + 5*c**2 - 6*c + 3. ", "Calculate z(2).", "\n3\nLet z(y) = -y**2 + 9*y + 14. ", "Determine z(10).", "\n4\nLet o(q) = q**3 + 8*q**2 + 5*q + 25. ", "Determine o(-8).", "\n-15\nLet v(j) = -j - 33. ", "What is v(-25)?", "\n-8\nLet d(g) = 3*g. ", "Calculate d(-2).", "\n-6\nLet z(s) = -s**3 + 14*s**2 - 11*s - 15. ", "Determine z(13).", "\n11\nLet w(u) = u**2 - 2*u - 6. ", "What is w(0)?", "\n-6\nLet y(p) = -2*p**2 - 24*p - 12. ", "What is y(-11)?", "\n10\nLet u(d) = d**2 - 5*d - 9. ", "Calculate u(10).", "\n41\nLet p(f) = f**2 - 24*f + 69. ", "Give p(21).", "\n6\nLet f(g) = -g**2 + 2*g + 5. ", "Calculate f(0).", "\n5\nLet m(z) = -z**3 + z**2 + z + 2. ", "Calculate m(2).", "\n0\nLet d(p) = 2*p**2 + 3*p - 5. ", "Determine d(2).", "\n9\nLet z(c) = -7*c**3 + 5*c**2 - 4*c. ", "Give z(2).", "\n-44\nLet m(y) = -y**3 - 7*y**2 - 10*y - 6. ", "Give m(-6).", "\n18\nLet h(g) = g**3 - 3*g**2 + 4*g + 2. ", "Calculate h(4).", "\n34\nLet y(g) = g**3 - 5*g**2 - 3*g - 9. ", "What is y(6)?", "\n9\nLet a(q) = 13*q + 2. ", "Calculate a(-2).", "\n-24\nLet b(i) = -2*i**3 + 2*i**2 + 6*i + 9. ", "What is b(4)?", "\n-63\nLet r(a) = -a**2 - 7*a - 4. ", "Calculate r(-6).", "\n2\nLet s(o) = o**3 + 12*o**2 + 11*o - 3. ", "Determine s(-11).", "\n-3\nLet o(n) = -9*n + 1. ", "Calculate o(1).", "\n-8\nLet o(v) = 8*v. ", "Give o(2).", "\n16\nLet c(z) = -2*z + 16. ", "Give c(-17).", "\n50\nLet y(z) = -3*z**2 - 9*z - 5. ", "Give y(-4).", "\n-17\nLet d(j) = -j**2 - j + 2. ", "Determine d(1).", "\n0\nLet c(i) = -i**2 + 7*i + 7. ", "What is c(6)?", "\n13\nLet w(a) = -4*a**3 + a**2 + a - 2. ", "What is w(2)?", "\n-28\nLet k(t) = -2*t**2 + 5*t - 3. ", "What is k(3)?", "\n-6\nLet b(u) = u**2 - 64*u + 408. ", "Determine b(7).", "\n9\nLet y(w) = w**3 - 15*w**2 - 21*w + 82. ", "Calculate y(16).", "\n2\nLet p(i) = i**3 + 3*i**2 - 11*i - 7. ", "What is p(-5)?", "\n-2\nLet m(j) = 35*j + 181. ", "Calculate m(-5).", "\n6\nLet z(g) = -g**3 + 9*g**2 + 7*g + 10. ", "Determine z(10).", "\n-20\nLet p(r) = -r**3 + 16*r**2 - 14*r - 20. ", "What is p(15)?", "\n-5\nLet z(j) = -83*j**3 + j**2 + 2*j + 1. ", "Determine z(-1).", "\n83\nLet a(o) = o + 17. ", "Calculate a(8).", "\n25\nLet d(u) = -3*u + 3. ", "What is d(-4)?", "\n15\nLet g(y) = -y + 1. ", "Determine g(13).", "\n-12\nLet t(b) = -b**3 - 7*b**2 - 14*b - 37. ", "Give t(-4).", "\n-29\nLet z(i) = i**3 - 5*i**2 - i + 9. ", "Calculate z(5).", "\n4\nLet x(r) = r**3 + 17*r**2 + 2*r - 8. ", "Calculate x(-17).", "\n-42\nLet d(m) = m**2 + 11*m - 10. ", "Give d(-8).", "\n-34\nLet f(l) = 5*l**3 - l**2 + 2*l - 2. ", "What is f(3)?", "\n130\nLet a(b) = -6*b - 50. ", "Calculate a(-10).", "\n10\nLet a(c) = 9*c + 46. ", "Determine a(-6).", "\n-8\nLet k(p) = p**3 - 23*p**2 + 7. ", "What is k(23)?", "\n7\nLet d(t) = 4*t**2 + 2*t. ", "Determine d(2).", "\n20\nLet z(f) = -3*f**3 + f**2 + 3*f - 7. ", "Calculate z(2).", "\n-21\nLet s(o) = -o**3 - 37*o**2 - 36*o - 54. ", "Determine s(-36).", "\n-54\nLet z(s) = -s**3 - s + 5. ", "Give z(0).", "\n5\nLet a(s) = 4*s + 4. ", "What is a(11)?", "\n48\nLet k(t) = t**3 + 10*t**2 - t - 13. ", "Determine k(-10).", "\n-3\nLet b(l) = l**2 - 9*l - 18. ", "Give b(-2).", "\n4\nLet c(k) = -5*k + 1. ", "What is c(-6)?", "\n31\nLet t(s) = s**3 - s + 4. ", "Determine t(-2).", "\n-2\nLet v(y) = 2*y**2 + 15*y + 27. ", "Calculate v(-5).", "\n2\nLet p(c) = 4*c - 75. ", "Give p(20).", "\n5\nLet p(q) = -2*q - 36. ", "Give p(-11).", "\n-14\nLet v(y) = -11*y - 88. ", "Give v(-12).", "\n44\nLet i(q) = -q + 18. ", "What is i(23)?", "\n-5\nLet m(h) = -h + 10. ", "Determine m(-3).", "\n13\nLet a(g) = -g**3 + 7*g**2 - 5*g + 9. ", "Determine a(6).", "\n15\nLet f(o) = -o**3 + 5*o**2 + 5*o + 1. ", "What is f(6)?", "\n-5\nLet u(m) = m**3 - 4*m**2 - 8*m + 18. ", "Determine u(7).", "\n109\nLet t(i) = -17*i**2 + 5*i + 3. ", "Calculate t(-1).", "\n-19\nLet r(x) = 2*x**3 - 22*x**2 + 21*x - 7. ", "Calculate r(10).", "\n3\nLet z(c) = c + 7. ", "Calculate z(-5).", "\n2\nLet v(f) = -38*f - 406. ", "Calculate v(-11).", "\n12\nLet v(y) = -y**3 - 4*y**2 + 34*y - 4. ", "Determine v(4).", "\n4\nLet k(g) = -g**3 + 4*g**2 + 6. ", "Give k(6).", "\n-66\nLet t(u) = 10*u + 18. ", "Give t(-3).", "\n-12\nLet u(o) = -4*o**3 - 3*o**2 - o - 2. ", "Give u(-2).", "\n20\nLet z(a) = -a**2 + 19*a - 62. ", "Give z(4).", "\n-2\nLet u(f) = -f**3 - 7*f**2 + 10*f + 18. ", "Calculate u(-8).", "\n2\nLet b(a) = -a**3 + 11*a**2 - 19*a + 10. ", "What is b(9)?", "\n1\nLet w(v) = -2*v - 6. ", "Calculate w(-5).", "\n4\nLet x(u) = -u**3 + 11*u**2 - 24*u. ", "Give x(7).", "\n28\nLet m(v) = -7*v + 19. ", "What is m(5)?", "\n-16\nLet c(y) = -4*y + 12. ", "Determine c(-5).", "\n32\nLet h(f) = 32*f - 273. ", "What is h(9)?", "\n15\nLet x(v) = -v**2 - 8*v - 15. ", "What is x(-11)?", "\n-48\nLet t(h) = 2*h**3 - 5*h**2 + 3*h. ", "Determine t(3).", "\n18\nLet n(o) = -o**2 - 14*o - 1. ", "What is n(-10)?", "\n39\nLet h(b) = b**3 - 6*b**2 + 10*b - 6. ", "Calculate h(6).", "\n54\nLet n(i) = -2*i**2 - 4*i - 1. ", "What is n(-3)?", "\n-7\nLet l(v) = -v**3 + 3*v**2 - v - 3. ", "Determine l(-2).", "\n19\nLet i(u) = -u**2 - 11*u + 12. ", "Give i(-12).", "\n0\nLet q(r) = -21*r**2 + r - 1. ", "Determine q(1).", "\n-21\nLet o(k) = -2*k**3 + 26*k**2 - 25*k + 6. ", "Calculate o(12).", "\n-6\nLet d(q) = 3*q**2 - 12*q + 10. ", "Give d(1).", "\n1\nLet v(b) = 10*b**2 + 4*b - 4. ", "Give v(1).", "\n10\nLet i(s) = s - 1. ", "What is i(4)?", "\n3\nLet r(b) = -b**3 + 8*b**2 + 10*b - 67. ", "What is r(8)?", "\n13\nLet p(s) = -s**3 + 6*s**2 - 9*s + 20. ", "Calculate p(3).", "\n20\nLet t(n) = 53*n**2 - 2*n - 1. ", "Give t(-1).", "\n54\nLet d(g) = -17*g - 2. ", "What is d(-11)?", "\n185\nLet b(t) = -t - 2. ", "Give b(8).", "\n-10\nLet j(u) = -2*u - 11. ", "What is j(-11)?", "\n11\nLet n(q) = q**3 + 5*q**2 - 13*q + 3. ", "Give n(-7).", "\n-4\nLet z(g) = -g**3 + 5*g**2 + 4*g - 11. ", "What is z(5)?", "\n9\nLet m(h) = h**2 + h - 21. ", "Give m(5).", "\n9\nLet z(j) = -j**3 - j**2 - 2*j + 11. ", "Calculate z(0).", "\n11\nLet q(y) = -y**3 - 33*y**2 - 2*y - 88. ", "Give q(-33).", "\n-22\nLet z(s) = -s**3 + 10*s**2 - 23*s - 9. ", "Calculate z(6).", "\n-3\nLet b(y) = y**3 + 5*y**2 + 15*y + 125. ", "Determine b(-6).", "\n-1\nLet i(k) = k**2 - 14*k + 24. ", "What is i(8)?", "\n-24\nLet s(c) = -2*c**3 + 9*c + 4. ", "Calculate s(3).", "\n-23\nLet k(b) = b**2 - 7*b - 6. ", "What is k(-1)?", "\n2\nLet l(j) = -j**2 - 18*j + 7. ", "Give l(-6).", "\n79\nLet h(w) = -24*w**3 + 4*w**2 + 5*w - 1. ", "Calculate h(-1).", "\n22\nLet b(z) = 91*z**3 + 2*z**2 + z - 2. ", "What is b(1)?", "\n92\nLet k(u) = -u**2 - 6*u - 5. ", "Calculate k(-5).", "\n0\nLet u(t) = -3*t**2 + 41*t - 34. ", "Give u(13).", "\n-8\nLet g(r) = -r - 1. ", "What is g(0)?", "\n-1\nLet u(l) = 12*l + 23. ", "Calculate u(5).", "\n83\nLet l(k) = -k - 2. ", "Determine l(-2).", "\n0\nLet v(i) = -i + 68. ", "Give v(-7).", "\n75\nLet l(d) = -d**3 + 9*d**2 - 5*d - 37. ", "What is l(8)?", "\n-13\nLet a(i) = i**2 - 10*i - 2. ", "What is a(8)?", "\n-18\nLet q(n) = -6*n - 153. ", "Calculate q(-26).", "\n3\nLet n(d) = 2*d**2 - 35*d - 17. ", "Determine n(18).", "\n1\nLet g(t) = -t**2 + 11*t + 39. ", "Give g(16).", "\n-41\nLet u(t) = 2*t**2 + 15*t + 1. ", "Calculate u(-7).", "\n-6\nLet c(y) = 8*y**2 + 9*y - 7. ", "Calculate c(-2).", "\n7\nLet q(l) = 5*l - 5. ", "Calculate q(8).", "\n35\nLet b(t) = 3*t**2 - t - 15. ", "Give b(6).", "\n87\nLet t(o) = -o**2 + 11*o + 17. ", "Calculate t(12).", "\n5\nLet h(l) = -21*l**3 + l**2 - l - 2. ", "What is h(-1)?", "\n21\nLet t(b) = 4*b + 8. ", "Give t(-6).", "\n-16\nLet r(k) = 2*k. ", "Give r(-2).", "\n-4\nLet h(t) = -2*t - 33. ", "Give h(-17).", "\n1\nLet g(u) = 3*u - 33. ", "What is g(12)?", "\n3\nLet b(n) = n**2 - 51*n + 338. ", "What is b(8)?", "\n-6\nLet h(m) = -5*m**3 + m**2 + m - 1. ", "Determine h(1).", "\n-4\nLet l(v) = v**2 - 18*v + 65. ", "Give l(14).", "\n9\nLet z(r) = -r**3 - 13*r**2 + 17. ", "What is z(-13)?", "\n17\nLet j(v) = -v**2 - 20*v + 26. ", "Calculate j(-20).", "\n26\nLet s(t) = 2*t**2 + 1. ", "Determine s(1).", "\n3\nLet f(w) = w - 11. ", "What is f(14)?", "\n3\nLet m(o) = 5*o + 8. ", "What is m(-4)?", "\n-12\nLet n(h) = -3*h**2 + 192*h - 4. ", "What is n(64)?", "\n-4\nLet n(v) = v**3 - 11*v**2 + 8*v + 11. ", "Give n(8).", "\n-117\nLet h(w) = 4*w - 6. ", "What is h(0)?", "\n-6\nLet s(h) = -h - 23. ", "Determine s(-22).", "\n-1\nLet t(r) = -r**3 - 2*r**2 - 2*r - 20. ", "What is t(-3)?", "\n-5\nLet r(u) = u**3 + 5*u**2 + u - 2. ", "Determine r(-4).", "\n10\nLet g(q) = -q - 6. ", "Determine g(6).", "\n-12\nLet c(v) = -2*v + 13. ", "Determine c(22).", "\n-31\nLet x(j) = j**3 - 22*j**2 + 42*j - 2. ", "Determine x(20).", "\n38\nLet y(t) = -t**3 + 12*t**2 - 24*t - 32. ", "Determine y(9).", "\n-5\nLet q(c) = c**2 - c - 63. ", "What is q(0)?", "\n-63\nLet b(x) = -x**3 - 5*x**2 - 4*x + 7. ", "What is b(-5)?", "\n27\nLet j(t) = -t**3 - 2*t**2 + 8*t + 17. ", "Give j(-3).", "\n2\nLet k(y) = -y**3 - 10*y**2 - 9*y + 3. ", "Calculate k(-9).", "\n3\nLet x(r) = 3*r**2 - 9*r - 7. ", "Calculate x(-7).", "\n203\nLet h(l) = l + 1. ", "Give h(-5).", "\n-4\nLet d(c) = 16*c. ", "Determine d(-1).", "\n-16\nLet i(f) = -f**2 + 15*f - 42. ", "Give i(11).", "\n2\nLet h(k) = 38*k + 836. ", "Determine h(-22).", "\n0\nLet f(a) = -a**3 + 9*a**2 - 16*a + 16. ", "What is f(7)?", "\n2\nLet l(b) = 3*b**2 - 2. ", "What is l(-2)?", "\n10\nLet u(g) = 12*g**3 + 2*g**2 + g - 2. ", "Determine u(-1).", "\n-13\nLet d(f) = -f**3 - 28*f**2 + 31*f + 64. ", "Calculate d(-29).", "\n6\nLet o(c) = 3*c**2 - 10*c - 4. ", "Determine o(3).", "\n-7\nLet k(y) = -y**2 - 12*y - 32. ", "Calculate k(-10).", "\n-12\nLet x(m) = m**2 + 6*m + 4. ", "Determine x(-7).", "\n11\nLet x(d) = -3*d + 50. ", "Calculate x(18).", "\n-4\nLet v(x) = -32*x + 135. ", "Determine v(4).", "\n7\nLet u(y) = -36*y - 72. ", "What is u(-2)?", "\n0\nLet t(f) = -4*f + 67. ", "Calculate t" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nPopulation aging is now a universal phenomenon, being a characteristic of developed countries as well as, increasingly, of developing countries. ", "Estimates show that by 2050, the planet will have approximately 2 billion elderly people, which will account for about 30 % of the global population. ", "Forecasts suggest that by 2025 Brazil could reach the sixth place in the number of elderly people in the world; and in 2013 individuals aged 60 years or more already accounted for 12 % of the population \\[[@CR1]\\].", "\n\nThe incidence of non-communicable chronic diseases increases with aging, including diabetes, hypertension, cancer and chronic obstructive respiratory diseases. ", "According to the 2012 report of the Pan American Health Organization \\[[@CR2]\\], these diseases accounted for approximately 35 million deaths in 2005, representing 60 % of all deaths in the world. ", "It should be noted that chronic diseases, according to this report, generate high costs, especially in the health systems of developing countries, which have very limited resources \\[[@CR2]\\]. ", "These health service systems have been shown to be only slightly effective, as they are geared to acute conditions and organized in a fragmented way, with insufficient physical capacity and human resources to address chronic conditions, despite the full investment of financial resources \\[[@CR2], [@CR3]\\]. ", "Thus, new forms of organization of these systems have been designed to better treat chronic conditions, aiming to be more equitable, cost-effective and to generate satisfaction and quality of life for their users.", "\n\nWith the prospect of re-orientation of these healthcare service systems, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) proposed an approach of Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks (IHSDNs) under the coordination of the Primary Health Care (PHC) \\[[@CR2], [@CR4], [@CR5]\\].", "\n\nIHSDNs are defined as a group of organizations that provide, or make arrangements to provide, equitable, integrated health services to a defined population. ", "They are held accountable for the health status and clinical outcomes of the population served and to provide comprehensive services (high-quality, responsible and humanized care), covering all levels of prevention and care, and with coordination, integrating all care levels and settings through the Primary Health Care \\[[@CR2]\\].", "\n\nThe IHSDN can be characterized by the establishment of horizontal relations between the care points and PHC, which is considered as the initial care point, emphasizing the problem-solving function of primary care in the most common health problems and based on which care is accomplished and coordinated in all care points \\[[@CR6]\\].", "\n\nMeaning that PHC, besides its function of solving more than 90 % of the most common health problems, should coordinate the health system \\[[@CR7]\\].", "\n\nCoordination by PHC should be understood as the ability to recognize and address the health problems of the populations, within their territories, and to promote integration among all health services the user requires, guaranteeing the integrality of care. ", "Thus, making PHC responsible for integrating all care the patient receives, independently of where it is being delivered \\[[@CR8]\\].", "\n\nTherefore the integration of Health Service Delivery Networks by PHC involves the existence of a regular service, the constitution of PHC services as the preferred entry door, the guaranteed access to the different care levels and the coordination of actions, guaranteeing continuing care \\[[@CR9]\\]. ", "The integration of health systems should improve the system performance, so that the efforts are justified to the extent that they lead to more accessible and higher quality services with a better cost-benefit relation, and users satisfaction \\[[@CR10]\\].", "\n\nThe IHSDN is an alternative to the traditional model, whereas the PHC though located in the first level of care, performs no coordination function.", "\n\nFigure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} schematically presents the main differences between the current traditional model (fragmented) and the Healthcare Networks envisioned by PAHO \\[[@CR11]\\]. ", "In the Network conformation, the PHC is formally situated in the center, being an articulator between the other levels of the system. ", "It is possible to observe a mobility of users through the health system according to their needs; however, this mobility will always be coordinated by PHC.Fig. ", "1Fragmented and Health Care Networks schemes (Modified from Mendes, 2002 \\[[@CR11]\\])\n\nA recent study emphasized the importance of the PHC in coordinating the IHSDNs, highlighting it as blueprint strategy for the XXI century \\[[@CR12]\\]. ", "It must solve the majority of the health needs of the population and therefore to be able to cope with chronic conditions demand growth. ", "Coordination is highlighted as a key attribute of the new configuration of the PHC, with lower costs, greater efficiency and resolutivity \\[[@CR12]\\].", "\n\nIn Brazil, two types of PHC systems have been implemented; one includes gynecologists, pediatricians and general practitioners, nurses, auxiliary nurses and/or nursing technicians, with or without, Community Health Agents (CHA) and covers a defined geographical area. ", "The other is the more recent Family Health Strategy (FHS), which consists of a general practitioner, a generalist nurse, auxiliary nurses and nursing technicians and CHAs. ", "The latter covers a geographical area of reference, with a population of up to 4,000 inhabitants and its work should essentially be performed in the community through home visits \\[[@CR13]\\]. ", "Since 1996, the practice of the PHC has been particularly performed through the FHS, with this modality having a strategic and decisive role in coordinating the IHSDNs \\[[@CR14]\\]. ", "According laws and rules in Brazil the coordination of care should be conducted mainly through PHC and managers of the health local systems must provide all resources to ensure that and achieving universality, equity and comprehensive which are the principles of the Unified National Health System (SUS) \\[[@CR13]\\].", "\n\nAlthough the idea of IHSDNs is not new, having started in the mid-1920s in the UK with the Dawson Report \\[[@CR15]\\], in Brazil, the proposal has grown stronger in recent years, especially after the recommendation by PAHO for the management of chronic conditions \\[[@CR2]\\] and some evaluations regarding the health outcomes produced by the health systems in the country.", "\n\nDespite the relevance of the theme for the Brazilian health system, instruments that can actually assess and measure the PHC's ability to effectively coordinate an IHSDN are not observed in the literature. ", "Some instruments have been validated in the Brazilian context to evaluate the attributes of the PHC, in general terms, such as the European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care (EUROPEP); the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATools) and the Program for Improving Quality and Access in Primary Care (PMAQ) \\[[@CR16], [@CR17]\\] however, despite containing some indicators that evaluate the quality of the PHC services, they do not include more specific and underlying aspects of the coordination of an IHSDN by the PHC.", "\n\nTool for Assessment of the Coordination of Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks by the Primary Health Care (COPAS) was the one that came closer to accomplishing this goal reason why the authors selected this tool. ", "It widely has been used in the municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais to evaluate the level of development of IHSDNs. ", "Then, in agreement with the original author \\[[@CR6]\\], the COPAS was adapted and submitted to validation.", "\n\nThe tool is a comprehensive instrument built to audit the several health care management coordination dimensions, being them: Population, Primary Health Care, Support systems, Logistic systems and Management systems \\[[@CR6]\\].", "\n\nThe expectation is that once the scientific validation is completed, the instrument can be used by managers and health workers for the situational diagnosis of their health systems and thus provide evidence regarding the rearrangements necessary to increase quality and efficiency. ", "This study aimed to present the results of the pilot phase (phase I) of the validation of the COPAS to assess the coordination of IHSDNs by the Primary Health Care.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nStudy design {#Sec3}\n------------\n\nThis was a cross sectional study \\[[@CR18], [@CR19]\\].", "\n\nThe validation of the instrument was composed of a sequence of phases, as described in Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "This paper presents the results derived from the pilot study of the instrument validation process (phase 2).Fig. ", "2A general overview of the phases in the validation of the questionnaire to evaluate the Coordination of IHSDNs by the Primary Health Care (COPAS)\n\nPopulation sample and study location {#Sec4}\n------------------------------------\n\nThe pilot study was conducted in the Alfenas microregion of Minas Gerais state. ", "The region comprises part of the Southern area of the state and encompasses 11 municipalities, with a population of 201,119 inhabitants. ", "The sample was pooled from local healthcare professionals working in units attached to the Family Health Strategy (FHS). ", "Probabilistic, randomized and stratified sampling was used, proportional to each respective professional category, resulting in 150 subjects \\[[@CR20]\\]; distributed among the professional categories as follows: 46 higher education professionals (physicians, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, psychologists, and pharmacists); 104 high school education level professionals (Community Health Agents - CHA, Dental Assistants - DA, Auxiliary Nurses - AN, and Nursing Technicians - NT). ", "The selection criterion was to have been employed in the health field for a minimum of six months. ", "Those health professionals who were not active in their professional during the data collection period were excluded.", "\n\nData collection {#Sec5}\n---------------\n\nData was collected from August to October 2013 in the health centers where the professionals worked. ", "Previously trained interviewers were utilized, aiming to standardize the process of contact with the subjects. ", "The instrument was self-administered.", "\n\nQuestionnaire and measures {#Sec6}\n--------------------------\n\nThe definition and number of items belonging to each dimension of the adapted instrument*,* named \"*Tool for Assessment of the Coordination of Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks by the Primary Health Care - COPAS\"* are presented in Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}.Fig. ", "3Definitions of the dimensions of the questionnaire and number of items in each dimension\n\nThese dimensions represent essential conditions to qualify the PHC in the performance of coordination and should be highlighted in the IHSDN \\[[@CR2], [@CR21]\\]. ", "Therefore, the idea of a robust PHC is one that is able to develop competences in these areas.", "\n\nIt should be highlighted that the instrument has a Likert type scale, with scores ranging from 1 to 5, with the following response options: 1, strongly disagree; 2, disagree; 3, neither agree nor disagree; 5 strongly agree. ", "Thus implying the use of non-parametric statistics.", "\n\nData analysis {#Sec7}\n-------------\n\nThe results were checked for the presence of floor (F) and ceiling (C) effects. ", "The presence of F and C effects is considered in dimensions when more than 15 % of the subjects achieve the lowest or highest possible score in the instrument. ", "The presence of F and C effects may indicate a loss in the responsiveness of the adapted instrument \\[[@CR22], [@CR23]\\].", "\n\n*Cronbach alpha* \\[[@CR24]\\] was used to measure the internal consistency of the adapted version of the instrument. *", "Alpha* values equal or superior to 0.70 were adopted as the reference \\[[@CR25]\\].", "\n\nThe convergent and discriminant validities of the construct were analyzed using Multitrait-Multimethod analysis (MTMM explores the relationship of the item with the dimensions of the instrument) with the Multitrait Analysis Program (MAP) \\[[@CR26]\\]. ", "This method is especially useful when there is a large number of items, which leads to a considerable number of correlations \\[[@CR23], [@CR27]\\].", "\n\nThe validation of initial studies considers the convergent validity to be satisfactory if the linear correlation between an item and its dimension is higher than 0.30. ", "For final studies, this value increases to 0.40. ", "Discriminant validity is met when the linear correlation between the item and the dimension to which it hypothetically belongs is statistically higher than its correlation with the other dimensions \\[[@CR23], [@CR27]\\].", "\n\nThe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program was used throughout the analysis. ", "A significance level of 5 % (α =0.05) was adopted for the study. ", "Data was double entered to ensure accuracy.", "\n\nEthical aspects {#Sec8}\n---------------\n\nThe study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto, College of Nursing, under authorization No. ", "10853412.4.0000.5393. ", "All subjects read and signed the consent form and were assured of the confidentiality of the study.", "\n\nResults {#Sec9}\n=======\n\nThe mean age of the participants was 33.5, the youngest being 22 and the oldest 65 years of age. ", "The number of years in the job ranged from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 15 years; the mean was 4 years.", "\n\nTable [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the demographics characteristics according to the professional categories of the study participants.", "Table 1Characteristics of the participants according to their respective professions. ", "Alfenas, Minas Gerais, 2013CharacteristicsNumberPercentGenderFemale12986.0Male2114.0Mean age in years/ Standard deviation33.5/8.7100.0Professional CategoryCommunity Health Agent7952.6Nursing technician or Auxiliary nurse1510.0Nurse1510.0Physician1510.0Dental Assistant106.7Dentist106.7Physiotherapist021.3Nutritionist021.3Pharmacist010.7Psychologist010.7Mean time in the job/Standard deviation4.0/3.4100.0\n\nFloor and ceiling effects were found to be absent in the dimensions, as a concentration above 15 % in the lowest and highest values was not found.", "\n\nThe instrument was validated using *Cronbach alpha* (Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}).Table 2*Cronbach alpha* for each dimension when the item was excluded from COPASPopulationPHCSupport systemsLogistic systemsManagementItemα\\*Itemα\\*Itemα\\*Itemα\\*Itemα\\*010.63150.78340.85490.71650.79020.65160.77350.86500.69660.77040.63180.77360.86510.72670.79050.63190.76370.86520.70680.78060.60200.75380.86530.70690.7807063210.76390.86540.76700.79080.62220.77400.87550.71710.79090.64230.77410.85560.73720.85100.65240.75420.85570.72730.79110.67250.75430.85580.73740.79120.67260.75440.85590.71750.80130.6327077450.86600.71760.79140.66280,75460.85610.69770.82290.77470.86620.70780.81300.75480.85630.69310.77640.73320.76330.78α dimension0.650.780.860.730.81α\\* = *Cronbach alpha* when the item was excluded\n\nTable [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} shows that the *Cronbach alpha* values obtained in the COPAS dimensions ranged from 0.655 and 0.865. ", "The 'population' and 'support system' dimensions had the lowest (0.655) and the highest (0.865) values, respectively. ", "These values express the internal consistency, this being a satisfactory measure of the reliability.", "\n\nTable [3](#Tab3){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the convergent validity, according to the criterion adopted, which was found to be satisfactory for the majority of the items (the adopted criterion was a correlation between the item and the dimension to which it belongs of \\> 0.30 for initial studies).Table 3Convergent validity of COPAS obtained through Multitrait-Multimethod analysis. ", "Alfenas, Minas Gerais, 2013PopulationPHCSupport systemsLogistic systemsManagementItemRItemRItemRItemRItemR010.35150.07340.53490.37650.49020.19160.26350.53500.54660.76030.44170.31360.47510.24670.47040.44180.18370.53520.45680.67050.33190.33380.52530.48690.61060.48200.58390.5154−017700.56070.32210.39410.56550.37710.53080.37220.27420.63560.1872−0.20090.26230.30430.57570.29730.52100.18240.51440.53580.18740.47110.14250.51450.38590.34750.38120.12260.56460.59600.32760.56130.36270.30470.46610.58770.17140.14280.57480.61620.47780.34290.18630.52300.45640.09310.28320,35330.14*r* Pearson's linear correlation coefficient\n\nTable [4](#Tab4){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the discriminant validity and the percentage of items with higher and significantly higher correlations to their respective dimensions, rather than to other dimensions, evidencing positive adjustments in relation to the discriminant validity. ", "The dimensions 'support system' and 'management' obtained 91.7 % and 89.3 %, respectively.", "Table 4Discriminant validity of COPAS according to Multitrait-Multimethod analysis. ", "Alfenas, Minas Gerais, 2013PopulationPHCSupport systemsLogistic systemsManagementn items%n items%n items%n items%n items%−200.045.300.0710.947.1−11628.61722.458.31320.323.612951.84255.32440.03046.93155.421119.61317.13151.71421.91933.9Adjustment71.472.491.768.889.3\n\nThe values from −2 to 2 in the table correspond to the following: 2: the item correlation with the dimension to which it belongs is significantly higher than the correlation to the dimension to which it does not belong; 1: the item correlation to the dimension to which it belongs is higher than the correlation to the dimension to which it does not belong; −1: the item correlation to the dimension to which it belongs is lower than the correlation to the dimension to which it does not belong; −2: the item correlation to the dimension to which it belongs is significantly lower than the correlation to the dimension to which it does not belong.", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec10}\n==========\n\nCurrently, there is great concern about the internal consistency of the instruments used to evaluate health systems. ", "Thus, one should emphasize the importance of valorizing the operational steps in the adaptation and validation of an instrument, because, that way, the accuracy and quality of information collected and, consequently, its analysis can be guaranteed \\[[@CR28], [@CR29]\\].", "\n\nIn this context, the adaptation and validation of the COPAS instrument presents itself as a chance to contribute significantly to the strengthening of local health systems, as one of the difficulties that the majority of municipalities have faced is the lack of comprehension of the steps necessary to strengthen a health system, as well as experiencing, given the increasing chronic disease load, the challenges of overhauling the health system \\[[@CR30]\\].", "\n\nThe generation of knowledge for \"health system strengthening\" requires qualified data, analytical skills and the ability to synthesize, adapt and disseminate evidence, therefore, the use of COPAS, can foster a culture based on scientific data, supporting decision making by managers aimed at developing sustainable health systems \\[[@CR30]--[@CR32]\\].", "\n\nAmong the tools that have been used in Brazil to assess PHC, the PCATools, EUROPEP and, more recently, the PMAQ are highlighted, the first of which being more widely used in Brazil. ", "The EUROPEP was developed to provide *evidence on* improvements in the practice, performance and organization of family medicine professionals' care in PHC. ", "The PCATools measures the presence and extent of the four core attributes (First contact, Longitudinality, Integrality and Coordination) and the three derivatives of PHC (Family orientation, Community orientation and Cultural competency) and the user's degree of affiliation with the health service.", "\n\nThe PMAQ aims to enhance the access and improve the quality of PHC, guarantee a national, regional and locally comparable quality standard with a view to greater transparency and effectiveness of governmental actions focused on PHC \\[[@CR17]\\]. ", "Although these instruments are used to assess PHC, none of them assesses PHC from the perspective of health care services coordination, which contains the support systems, logistic systems and governance systems as essential elements for the purpose of coordination.", "\n\nIn that sense, the COPAS can turn into an important tool for managers and other professionals to assess their system and the effectiveness of PHC as a coordinator, which can influence the definition of public policies and equity in health. ", "COPAS' validation study can contribute by completing an existing gap, which is the lack of validated instruments to measure the capacity of PHC to coordinate the IHSDN. ", "Therefore, it is expected that, in the future, it can be used as a management tool, mainly in the almost six thousand Brazilian cities that want to make changes in their systems guided by PHC.", "\n\nIn face of these results, one can anticipate that the COPAS instrument can be used beyond the academic context, expecting its ability to prospect changes in the organization and management form of local health systems. ", "The dimensions defining the instrument permit a more focused assessment of the constituent elements of an integrated system, the central position of the processes in the territories with a defined population assigned to PHC, the definition of user flows and counter-flows through the systems, the logistic and support systems that permit the integration among the units and governance systems with common goals and missions among all services in an IHSDN.", "\n\nIn methodological terms, it should be highlighted that, to assess the initial psychometric properties of the COPAS instrument, the absence of floor and ceiling effects was verified, in order to ensure the detection of extreme values in the items. ", "The results indicate a high level of responsiveness for the instrument, an important characteristic to assure detection of changes in the future. ", "According to Terwee et al. ", "\\[[@CR25]\\] in order to maintain the validity of the contents it is important to verify the absence of accumulation of answers in the floor and ceiling limits of the scale. ", "If more than 15 % of the answers are concentrated within those limits, it may indicate losses concentrated at the extremes, which in turn may indicate limited content validity. ", "This adapted version demonstrated a good level of content validity.", "\n\nIn the different dimensions of the study the *Cronbach alphas* ranged from 0.655 to 0.865, acceptable, good, very good or almost perfect values according to the criteria adopted \\[[@CR25]\\].", "\n\nThe discriminant validity analyzed through Multitrait-Multimethod analysis demonstrated that the collinear relationship between the items and their respective dimensions (results for the majority of items) were higher or significantly higher than the relationship with the dimensions to which they did not belong. ", "Such results confirm that COPAS possesses strong discriminant properties for the different dimensions. ", "However, the expectation is that additional fieldwork (stage 3) will show better adjustments for the relative values belonging to the remaining dimensions.", "\n\nMultitrait-Multimethod analysis was also used to analyze the convergent and discriminant validities in order to validate the construct. ", "The 'support system' dimension validity was very satisfactory, obtaining a linear correlation of 100 %, with values above 0.30. ", "These results are considered 'ideal' for initial studies \\[[@CR23]\\]. ", "Furthermore the initial psychometric properties of the study suggest that COPAS may be validated and reliable and its use may help in the search for solutions to the challenges faced by the PHC in becoming the coordinating axis for the IHSDNs.", "\n\nThe results presented in the article referred to the scale validation phase, with data obtained in the pilot phase (phase 2), which demonstrated satisfactory values. ", "Thus, it is expected that, when the scale has been finally validated (phase 3), it may be used by managers and healthcare professionals to diagnosis the coordination of their systems, allowing weaknesses to be identified and improvements to be promoted, through recommendations, aiming to reorganize the systems in order to make them more equitable, efficient and resolutive.", "\n\nIt can be said that as soon as the World Health Organization advocates the importance of structuring the systems controlled by the PHC, other health systems in the world may also use the COPAS questionnaire, validating it for their contexts and cultures.", "\n\nPHC managers may use the COPAS to assess their health services and identifying the critical aspects to develop and support the IHSDNs. ", "This tool may be applied in health care professionals who are working in the PHC and its results may be discussed with these workers in workshops, meeting, seminars, among others. ", "This tool also may be used in different moments to assess the degree of development of the IHSDNs coordinated by the PHC.", "\n\nThe managers can still consider this tool to establish goals in short, medium and long time and to adjust their system according IHSDNs. ", "It is important to highlight that changing of health system is a complex and dynamic process and through the COPAS would be possible to define clearly the steps and time to achieve a good level of the IHSDNs.", "\n\nAs research limitations, it is highlighted that a convenience sample was selected. ", "Nevertheless, as this was a pilot study, the sampling design did not entail any bias for the research results, as the idea in this phase is to test the psychometric properties of the instrument and its internal coherence. ", "Another limitation is the number of items in the instrument, which can somehow create an information bias in the results, although the initial tool contained much more items and other tools the health services use, such as the PCTA tool, also include much more items than the instrument under analysis.", "\n\nConclusion {#Sec11}\n==========\n\nThe present study was developed following the proposed guidelines for the adaptation and validation of instruments for the quantitative measurement of subjective constructs. ", "The initial results indicate that COPAS is a valid and reliable instrument and may, in the future, become widely used by researchers and healthcare workers as an instrument to audit and improved healthcare services coordination. ", "However, the findings still need to be confirmed through fieldwork and with a larger sample. ", "The fieldwork should include additional properties such as confirmatory factorial analysis.", "\n\nConsidering that a healthcare network which has the PHC as its organizing axis, needs the full commitment, work and participation of all healthcare professional and its various teams, it is suggested that COPAS may become a useful tool for professional involved in the reorganization of the health systems, as it promotes the professionals' reflections in search of better care integration, in view of the fragmentation of health services.", "\n\nIt is highlighted that this task is neither easy nor free from individual and collective tensions, as it involves power aspects and professional and institutional interests. ", "Nevertheless, innovation in the health management processes is both possible and urgent. ", "Countless evidence exists that supply-based fragmented systems do not respond to the population's health needs and that the effective implementation of the IHSDN, coordinated by PHC, is one way, as it means introducing new practices, new management instruments, in an integrated, efficient and effective manner \\[[@CR33]\\].", "\n\nPAHO\n\n: Pan American Health Organization\n\nIHSDNs\n\n: Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks\n\nPHC\n\n: Primary Health Care\n\nCHA\n\n: Community Health Agent\n\nFHS\n\n: Family Health Strategy\n\nSUS\n\n: Unified National Health System\n\nEUROPED\n\n: European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care\n\nPCATools\n\n: Primary Care Assessment Tool\n\nPMAQ\n\n: Program for Improving Quality and Access in Primary Care\n\nCOPAS\n\n: Coordination of Integrated Delivery Networks by the Primary Healthcare questionnaire\n\nDA\n\n: Dental Assistant\n\nAN\n\n: Auxiliary Nurses\n\nNT\n\n: Nursing Technicians\n\nF\n\n: Floor\n\nC\n\n: Ceiling\n\nMTMM\n\n: Multitrait-multimethod\n\nMAP\n\n: Multitrait Analysis Program\n\nNCRP\n\n: Nursing College of Ribeirão Preto\n\nUSP\n\n: University of São Paulo\n\n**Competing interests**\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\n**Authors' contributions**\n\nLBBR participated in the project inception, data analysis and interpretation, and writing the article; SLTG contributed to the data analysis and interpretation, and writing the article; CBS contributed to the methodology definition, statistical data analysis, and writing the article; MPP and MSN contributed to the data analysis and interpretation, and writing the article, MY and KCD contributed to the data analysis and interpretation, and writing the article; LMVL and SAU reviewed the technical and theoretical aspects of the article, and contributed to writing the article, and the final review; RAA contributed to the project inception, data analysis and interpretation, and the final review. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nThe authors are deeply thankful to all who contributed to data collection and also to the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) for the financial support. ", "This study would not have been possible without Dr. Eugenio Villaça Mendes, who kindly allowed the authors to use and adapt the original instrument.", "\n" ]
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[ "The present method of towing commercial aircraft on the ground at airports today requires the support of a minimum of two and in some cases three maintenance personnel. ", "First a tow bar is selected that is compatible with the type of aircraft to be towed or pushed back from the airport gate. ", "As many as 15 different tow bars may be required in an airport gate area to accommodate the various types of aircraft which have different designs of coupling means attached to their nose landing gear. ", "The selected tow bar partially supported on two wheels is then manually attached to the towing vehicle by means of an eye arrangement. ", "Next the vehicle under power moves the wheel supported tow bar to line up the coupling end of the tow bar in close proximity to the coupling means attached to the aircraft's retractable nose landing gear. ", "The coupling end of the tow bar is then manually lifted and lined up for the manual manipulation of the locking mechanism. ", "This lining up and locking operation requires a vehicle operator and at least one person to lift, align, and effect the coupling of the tow bar to the aircraft.", "\nBefore the aircraft is towed or pushed back from the gate two additional operations must be accomplished. ", "First a person must hook up a telephone connection line to the aircraft in order to communicate with the aircraft pilot while walking along the aircraft under tow. ", "The second operation required before towing is the manual disengagement of the aircraft nose hydraulic steering system so as to allow steering of the aircraft while under tow." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "High Roller Mountain Bike Poker Ride\n\nTake part in Fernie Mountain Biking Club's End of Season Poker Ride. ", "Rain or shine, come ride all day on some of the best trails in the area.", "\n\nRide all or some, collect poker cards and win awesome prizes. ", "This is a great social riding event everyone looks forward to.", "\n\nRegistration Details TBC.", "\n\nThe route takes in dozens of trails covering several of Fernie's favourite mountain bike areas on both sides of the valley.", "\n\nDay starts at 8am at (501 1st Avenue, Fernie) ending with dinner and drinks at the end of the day.", "\n\nCost is TBC (includes a fun day of riding sweet Fernie single track, Highroller toque, after party dinner, one free FBC beer)\n\nYou must be a Fernie Mountain Bike Club to participate (anyone can join, including non-residents, membership is only $25 and goes to help maintain the trails!).", "\n\n2017 Route\n\nHigh Roller:\n\nStart downtown at the Royal, head to the barn and do Hyperventilation – Hyperextension and Roots Extension (two stickers)\n\nWhen you finish Roots Extension. ", "Follow Roots Extension all the way to River Road. ", "Ext. ", "Cross coal creek and hop onto the new Trans Canada Trail (around the old dump).", "\n\nClimb Scary Trail, then up Kiddy-Up, Queen-V and Eco-Terrorist and Kid’s Stuff\n\nWhen you are done Kid’s Stuff, you’ll do all 4 Kushes (one sticker)\n\nWhen you finish the 4 Kushes, you’ll cruise Coal Discovery Trail back to town.", "\n\nNext, you’ll cross the West Fernie bridge and head up Phat Bastard, up Mushroom Head (one sticker)\n\nThen up Lactic Ridge, up Mocasassin, across the Stupid Traverse and then down S-Bomb and Brokeback (one sticker) all the way to the Lazy Lizard Connector, where you will take a Left and ride that all the way to the start of Stove\n\nBonus: Up Stove down Eric’s Trip and Mic Mac Trail. (", "one sticker)\n\nBack to the Royal to check in. (", "one sticker)\n\nHere the route map for all you Strava fantacs out there. ", "Also, here's the Garmin Course (which can be uploaded to your Garmin device):\n\nLow Roller:\n\nUprooted (loop around counterclockwise) – Resurrection – to Ruby’s Trail and out to the Trans-Canada Trail to up Scary Trail (one sticker)\n\nThen up Kiddy-Up, Queen-V and Eco-Terrorist and Kid’s Stuff and then all 4 Kushes (one sticker)\n\nWhen you finish the 4 Kushes, you’ll cruise Coal Discovery Trail back to town.", "\n\nCross the West Fernie bridge and head up Phat Bastard, then up and over Mushroom Head (one sticker)\n\nWhere is Fernie?Fernie is located in southeast British Columbia, Canada. ", "Completely surrounded by the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Fernie is a 3 hour drive from Calgary AB, 4 hours from Banff AB, 2 hours from Kalispell MT, 1 hour from Cranbrook BC and 11 hours from Vancouver, BC." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0.01, 0.01384083044982699, 0.016304347826086956, 0, 0.2, 0.012658227848101266, 0.008733624454148471, 0.02072538860103627, 0.021739130434782608, 0.014084507042253521, 0.009828009828009828, 0.017045454545454544, 0.03431372549019608 ]
[ "Gentleman’s Half Hose in Ringwood Pattern\n\nby exercisebeforeknitting\n\nI know what you’re thinking, right? ", "Didn’t you just see a pair just like this a few weeks back? ", "Knee socks? ", "Really? ", "In August? ", "Who knits knee socks in July and August? ", "Well, I do. ", "And I am not alone: Christy and Joyousknits both finished this same pattern in July and Sarah started on a pair too.", "\n\nThese were the fastest socks I have ever knit: the pair took only five and a half days! ", "Sadly, their rapid production says little about my speed a lot about the hours I spentglued to my books! ", "As a bonus, I can cross off another Knitting Vintage Socks pattern: seven down, only 17 to go!", "\n\nI did not alter the pattern at all and I found it to fit perfectly. ", "I most certainly will use this stitch pattern again; it was fast and easy to memorize, involved little purling and produced a firm and not too stretchy fabric. ", "I doubt I will even need to run elastic through the cuffs to keep these socks up but only wear will tell. ", "And isn’t the texture of this stitch pattern wonderful?", "\n\nThe calf shaping briefly appeared to be too high but the socks fit remarkably well. ", "I imagine the aggressive calf shaping placed higher up the leg contributes to keeping these socks up.", "\n\nI cannot speak highly enough of this sock pattern. ", "Leave it to Nancy Bush to use a terribly simple stitch pattern to create a snug, well shaped and attractive sock. ", "While not too exciting to knit, this is ideal if you need a good, mindless, on the go sock pattern.", "\n\nWhile I have more finished products waiting to be blogged, I thought I would leave you with a preview of some current work. ", "I’m a bit disappointed that I have blogged only finished objects this summer. ", "When I read knit blogs, I almost prefer reading works in progress posts over finished object posts, if only because I learn more from them. ", "In the spirit of blogging WIPs as well as FOs, here are a few of the ongoing projects I have right now:\n\nAaron’s Aran is almost to the armhole divide but progress slowed to a halt when I had to rip a few inches. ", "My love for this project has waned a bit purely because I loathe the Addi Lace needles I bought for it. ", "I suppose some people must like brass needles but all I smell is metal: my hands, my yarn and my needles all reek of that awful, metallic smell. ", "Ugh! ", "I still love the sweater so I will finish it this fall but I will never buy another brass needle as long as I live.", "\n\nI cast on for a tweedy yoked baby sweater to use up some New England Harrisville yarn I bought to swatch Aaron’s Aran. ", "I will likely need to buy more yarn – so much for a stash buster project, right?", "\n\nThe dullest knitting projectKatharine Hepburn Cardigan progresses slowly, in large part because of the painfully boring stitch pattern. ", "The back is done and blocked but I only have half of one front done.", "\n\nI’ve been looking for a good, mindless sock-on-the go pattern to put on my list. *", "And* I loved this sock when I first got that book, so I think I may follow your lead. ", "The fact that they look so good helps, too. ", "So cute!", "\n\nAnd ditto on the smell from those needles. ", "I feel like a little kid who’s been running around getting sweaty for hours holding a handful of pennies. ", "Drives me bonkers (I’m using them for the project I’m working on right now. ", "I will say the smell is helping me knit faster so I can be done sooner!) ", "but I love the tips. ", "I talked to the folks at Skacel about it and – guess what – it has to do with our chemistry: some folks get that smell, some don’t. ", "Some, even, get a weird black film – ew. ", "So I’m just gonna take a sec to be grateful for only the smell, not the smell plus black schmutz.", "\n\nI can’t believe you can have all those projects on the needles and study at the same time! ", "You amaze me. ", "Lovely lovely projects! ", "I was pretty excited to see that you casted on the Fascine Braid Socks – thanks!!", "\n\nThat’s some nice stuff you’ve got going. ", "Hmmm, you’re right, I too should post more WIP stuff, as it does help other knitters. ", "I know I’ve learned a lot from other bloggers that way! ", "Thanks for sharing.", "\n\nNuts, I just swatched for the Katharine Hepburn Cardigan and see what you mean by boring, but I hope it will be worth it in the end (yours will be finished before mine, so I’ll get to see if it’s worth it!). ", "Love the kneesocks, too.", "\n\nThe socks are lovely but I have never knitted knee socks before – have to give it a try. ", "I feel the same about the Addi lace needles as I hate the smell of metal – use it once & never again. ", "Love the dresses that you made – you look so good in them." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Bugsx is a program which draws biomorphs based on parametric plots of\nFourier sine and cosine series and let's you play with them using the\ngenetic algorithm.", "\n" ]
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[ 0.006329113924050633, 0 ]
[ "1. ", "Introduction {#s1}\n===============\n\nIn this paper, we approach the challenge of creating a video game based on laboratory tasks shown to improve visual function in individuals with abnormal visual development (amblyopia). ", "In amblyopia, monocular visual input is disrupted early in life due to misalignment of the ocular axes (strabismus), chronic blur in one eye (anisometropia), or a combination of the two. ", "Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and other visual judgments are reduced in the affected eye, and binocular function is degraded or absent (McKee et al., [", "@B47]; Levi et al., [", "@B34]). ", "Amblyopia is a neural rather than optical disorder (Kiorpes and McKee, [@B28]; Barrett et al., [", "@B4]), and clinical treatment comprising occlusion of the non-amblyopic eye aims at strengthening the neural response to input from the amblyopic eye. ", "This treatment is usually administered before 7 years of age, during the critical period of development when visual pathways in the brain are most malleable (Campos, [@B6]; Daw, [@B9]). ", "Occlusion therapy can improve visual acuity in the amblyopic eye, but has issues of poor compliance (Holmes et al., [", "@B19]; Loudon et al., [", "@B44]; Wallace et al., [", "@B61]) and regression of improvements in up to a third of the cases (Hoyt, [@B20]). ", "Therefore, supplementary treatments for amblyopia that surmount these issues continue to be of interest.", "\n\nPractice of visual tasks can enhance visual function in amblyopic children and adults (Levi and Polat, [@B35]; Levi et al., [", "@B36]; Polat et al., [", "@B52]; Chen et al., [", "@B7]; Astle et al., [", "@B2]; To et al., [", "@B58]; Hussain et al., [", "@B24]; Li et al., [", "@B37]). ", "Such improvements in visual function after practice are classed under the phenomenon of \"perceptual learning\" and are attributed to residual plasticity in primary- and higher sensory cortices. ", "In normally sighted individuals, perceptual learning is long-lasting and often specific to the trained task (for review see Sagi, [@B54]). ", "In amblyopes, the improvements in addition to being long-lasting, generalize beyond the trained task to standard clinical measures of visual acuity and stereo acuity. ", "The functional importance of perceptual learning for amblyopia has prompted a number of investigations into the task conditions that optimize improvements.", "\n\nVisual acuity improves in amblyopia after practice on discrimination of single stimulus dimensions such as position, spatial frequency or contrast (Li and Levi, [@B39]; Polat et al., [", "@B52]; Astle et al., [", "@B1], [@B2]), and after practice on commercial video games in which stimuli are far less constrained, but with which subjects are more likely to engage (Li et al., [", "@B40]; Jeon et al., [", "@B26]). ", "Whilst psychophysical tasks help to isolate particular dimensions of improvement (e.g., resolution vs. contrast), video games provide more stimulating conditions that elicit the reward mechanisms associated with learning (Koepp et al., [", "@B30]; Suzuki et al., [", "@B57]; Dommett et al., [", "@B11]; Seitz et al., [", "@B56]; Rokem and Silver, [@B53]). ", "From the psychophysical tasks tested to date, there is evidence that contrast sensitivity tasks are associated with the largest improvements on the trained task, and with the largest transfer of benefits to visual acuity (e.g., Polat et al., [", "@B52]; Chen et al., [", "@B7]; Astle et al., [", "@B2], see Levi, [@B32] for review). ", "Practice need not be on contrast detection or discrimination *per se*, but on a visual judgment in which stimulus contrast is the dependent variable (e.g., Landolt C discrimination, Astle et al., [", "@B2]). ", "There is also evidence that practice directed at the crowding problem in amblyopia (i.e., the inability to identify cluttered objects), improves visual acuity (Chung et al., [", "@B8]; Hussain et al., [", "@B24]). ", "In all above studies, the task was practiced monocularly with the amblyopic eye. ", "A different approach involves practice with both eyes open, each viewing an independent stimulus (i.e., dichoptic viewing), with the aim of balancing the combination of visual input between the eyes (Knox et al., [", "@B29]; Li et al., [", "@B37]; Ooi et al., [", "@B50]). ", "We chose monocular training to extend to more naturalistic settings work showing the success of this method in improving amblyopic acuity. ", "Monocular methods also have the advantage of few hardware or software requirements, and minimal intervention or supervision of experts, and therefore are more practical to implement at home. ", "With the above factors in mind, we developed a video game that incorporated the following features:\n\n1. ", " Dynamic pursuit of moving targets to maintain subject engagement\n\n2. ", " Adaptively varying target contrast\n\n3. ", " Multiple (crowded) targets and distractors\n\n4. ", " Spatially broadband targets at suprathreshold size\n\n5. ", " Monocular play with the amblyopic eye\n\nTo evaluate the effectiveness of this approach, we tested children and adults, who played the game at home for a minimum of 12 sessions. ", "A subset of participants played the game for an extended number of sessions. ", "We monitored performance on the game, and tested LogMAR acuity and stereoacuity before and after training.", "\n\n2. ", "Game concept\n===============\n\nThe game was called Pan\\'s Remarkable Adventures, and can be accessed free of charge online at <http://www.pangame.eu/beta>. ", "The game involves a central character, Pan, who travels across various destinations (or levels) in ancient Greece, collecting prizes, and avoiding enemies, with the goal of collecting as many coins as possible. ", "We chose a collection-based game rather than a first-person shooter game to appeal to both genders, and to minimize violent content for younger age groups. ", "Prizes and enemies varied across levels (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, bottom), as well as the configuration and motion of these objects. ", "In each level, the player had 90 s to collect as many coins as possible, and to win stars that unlocked the next level. ", "Progression across levels was visualized on a map showing each level as a destination (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Players used a mouse to control Pan and pursue moving targets, and avoid colliding with moving enemies, both of whose contrast varied adaptively within each level. ", "Players therefore had to discriminate and respond swiftly to targets and enemies of decreasing contrast. ", "During an initial training phase, players were guided through a fixed sequence of levels on the map (Trial, Troy, Crypt, Milos, and Labyrinth of Minos). ", "After three training runs, every training session always included the level Trial, which was used to track performance across sessions. ", "The player was free to choose the remaining levels provided they had unlocked that level before. ", "Free access to levels was designed to increase engagement with the game.", "\n\n![**", "Top left:** Main menu of game with links to all features. **", "Top right:** Each level in the game was shown as a destination on a map. **", "Middle left:** Screen showing the prize and enemy for the upcoming level. **", "Middle right:** Example of a game in progress. **", "Bottom left:** Summary of coin score and contrast sensitivity at the end of a level. **", "Bottom right:** Top 10 scores across multiple sessions. **", "Bottom:** Player\\'s icon (Pan) and examples of prizes and enemies in different levels.](fpsyg-05-01210-g0001){#F1}\n\n2.1. ", "Reward\n-----------\n\nThere were two types of reward. ", "The first, a motivational reward, was a coin score directly linked to target and enemy collisions. ", "Subjects won coins if they caught targets, and lost coins if they collided with enemies. ", "When the player caught a target, high contrast gold coins materialized near that object and swept toward a score displayed at the top of the screen. ", "More coins accumulated when targets and enemies were at low contrast, related to a second, contrast sensitivity score (see below). ", "A progress bar on the left side of the screen increased as coins accumulated, and decreased when coins were lost. ", "In addition to coins, auditory feedback and a number of bonus features (e.g., animated helpers, targets, and enemies slowing down) were included to maintain interest in the game.", "\n\nThe second type of reward was a performance-based score displaying contrast sensitivity on a scale of 1--100. ", "This score was calculated from target contrast, which was adjusted continuously using a method described below. ", "Whereas the coin score was derived from the absolute number of target and enemy collisions, the contrast score was based on the relative proportion of collisions, and provided a measure of target visibility. ", "Subjects were told that when they were performing well, the targets would be difficult to see, and that they should try to improve both their coin score and their contrast sensitivity score. ", "At the end of each 90 s level a graph was displayed to subjects showing changes in contrast sensitivity during that level.", "\n\nThus, good performance on the game was associated with a high coin score and with a high contrast sensitivity score, and the player\\'s goal was to maximize both scores during each level. ", "Bonus features affected only the coin score and not the contrast score. ", "The top coin scores and contrast scores were saved for each subject and displayed on a \"Top 10\" page that subjects could access from the menu to view their past performance (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n3. ", "Materials and methods {#s2}\n========================\n\n3.1. ", "Subjects\n-------------\n\nTen amblyopic children (mean age = 9.3 years; *SD* = 2.4 years), and 10 amblyopic adults (mean age = 41 years; *SD* = 8.1 years) participated in the study. ", "All subjects except one had at least a two-line (0.2 logMAR) difference in acuity between the amblyopic and the non-amblyopic (i.e., fellow) eye. ", "One adult subject (*SD*) was bilaterally amblyopic and had equally poor acuity in both eyes. ", "Six of ten children and six of ten adults had received patching treatment previously. ", "Tables [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}, [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} provide clinical details of the subjects. ", "All subjects were informed of the purpose and procedure of the study, which was conducted under ethics approval from the School of Psychology at the University of Nottingham. ", "All subjects provided a detailed ophthalmic history and were refracted by an optometrist before testing. ", "LogMAR acuity (ETDRS) and Stereo acuity (TNO) were measured before and after training. ", "Four adults obtained these measures from their local eye-care specialist before and after playing the game, and sent us the details through email. ", "Two children were tested at Glasgow Caledonian University by a registered optometrist. ", "Subjects who were not tested at the University of Nottingham are marked with an asterisk in Tables [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}, [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Amblyopic children clinical details**.", "\n\n **Initials** **Age (yrs.)** ", " **Sex** **Amb. ", "eye** **Type** **Refractive error** **Alignment (Diopters)** **Patched** **LogMAR PRE** **LogMAR POST**\n -------------- ---------------- --------- -------------- ------------- ---------------------- -------------------------- ------------- ---------------- -----------------\n AB 8 M L Aniso+Micro OD +1.50/−0.50 × 180 0.06 −0.10\n OS +3.50/−0.50 × 175 L Micro Yes **1.02** **0.98**\n BK 9 M R Strab OD +7.00 DS 8Δ RSOT Yes **0.86** **0.78**\n OS +5.50/−1.25 × 70 −0.10 −0.08\n DP\\* 6 M R Strab OD NA 18Δ RSOT NA **NA** **NA**\n OS NA NA NA\n LE 7 M R Strab OD +7.75/−0.25 × 135 8Δ RSOT Yes **0.50** **0.34**\n OS +8.00/−0.25 × 45 0.12 0.02\n LG 9 M L Aniso OD PL/−0.25 × 7 −0.10 −0.10\n OS +4.00/−4.50 × 170 -- No **0.14** **0.06**\n MH 9 M R Strab OD +1.00/−2.00 × 180 4Δ RSOT Yes **1.18** **0.86**\n OS +2.00/−2.00 × 177 0.12 0.10\n NJ 9 M R Aniso OD +2.00/−0.50 × 125 R Micro No **0.20** **0.08**\n +Micro OS PL −0.10 −0.08\n OD\\* 8 F L Strab OD +3.50/−0.50 × 90 0.02 0.02\n OS +3.50/−0.50 × 90 18Δ LSOT NA **0.36** **0.36**\n SR 10 M R Aniso OD+4.50/−2.50 × 100 R Micro Yes **0.42** **0.22**\n +Micro OS +0.50/−0.75 × 85 0.00 0.00\n WS 14 M R Aniso OD +6.75/−1.75 × 165 R Micro Yes **1.36** **1.32**\n +Micro OS +0.25 DS 0.02 0.00\n\nLogMAR acuity was measured using the ETDRS chart. ", "Acuity of amblyopic eye shown in bold. ", "Subjects marked with an asterisk were tested by an optometrist at Caledonian University.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Amblyopic adult clinical details**.", "\n\n **Initials** **Age (yrs.)** ", " **Sex** **Amb. ", "eye** **Type** **Refractive error** **Alignment (Diopters)** **Patched** **LogMAR PRE** **LogMAR POST**\n -------------- ---------------- --------- -------------- --------------- ---------------------- -------------------------- ------------- ---------------- -----------------\n AA\\* 42 M L Aniso OD +1.00/−0.25 × 170 0.00 −0.08\n OS +3.00 DS -- No **0.22** **0.18**\n BM 36 F R Aniso OD −0.75/−0.50 × 105 R Micro No **0.50** **0.30**\n +Micro OS −4.00/−0.50 × 120 0.06 0.04\n IB 44 M L Strab + Aniso OD +0.25/−0.25 × 110 −0.14 −0.18\n OS +4.50 DS 10 Δ LXOT Yes **0.52** **0.36**\n IT 42 M L Micro OD +1.75/−0.75 × 90 −0.14 −0.08\n OS +3.25/−1.50 × 30 L Micro Yes **0.14** **0.04**\n JA\\* 24 F L Strab OD +3.00 DS −0.08 −0.08\n OS +4.50DS 12 Δ LSOT Yes **0.44** **0.24**\n JJ\\* 53 M L Micro OD +4.00/−0.25 × 90 0.00 0.00\n OS +4.25/DS Small LXOT Yes **0.30** **0.24**\n JL\\* 41 F R Aniso OD +3.50/−0.25 × 45 -- Yes **0.18** **0.00**\n OS +0.75/−0.25 × 150 −0.08 −0.08\n RC 46 M R Micro OD +6.25/−1.75 × 10 R Micro Yes **0.42** **0.22**\n OS +6.00/−2.50 × 175 −0.06 −0.06\n RM 44 M L Aniso OD −0.50/−0.50 × 120 −0.16 −0.14\n +Micro OS +6.50/−6.25 × 85 L Micro No **0.16** **0.12**\n SD 37 F B Bilat. ", " OD +5.00/−0.50 × 100 Yes **0.32** **0.26**\n OS +3.00/−0.50 × 75 0.34 0.32\n\nLogMAR acuity was measured using the ETDRS chart. ", "Acuity of amblyopic eye shown in bold. ", "Subjects marked with an asterisk were tested by their local eye-care specialist, and received the game instructions through email.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Apparatus and software\n---------------------------\n\nThe game was written in HTML5 and JavaScript by Ilixa, a software development company ([www.ilixa.com](http://www.ilixa.com)). ", "Ilixa participated in discussions about the design of the game, created all stimuli and the game interface, and devised the algorithm for contrast adjustment based on adaptive staircase procedures (see Section 3.4.3). ", "Subjects were given a demonstration of the game on an Apple G5 iMac computer, on Google Chrome. ", "The monitor was a Trinitron Dell P1130 with a screen width of 40 cm and resolution of 1280 × 1024 pixels. ", "A subset of subjects were also given the demonstration on their laptop computers, which they used to play the game at home. ", "The training sessions were always on subjects\\' home computers, and included a variety of LCD displays ranging from large-screen television displays to smaller, laptop displays. ", "No iOS devices (e.g., iPhone, iPad) were used. ", "The game was always played with an external computer mouse.", "\n\n3.3. ", "Stimuli\n------------\n\nThe targets and enemies were broadband, suprathreshold size, gray-scale objects whose contrast varied adaptively against a uniform rectangular gray background (details on contrast follow). ", "All other items in the display besides targets and enemies were colored objects shown at high contrast (see Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, middle panels).", "\n\n### 3.3.1. ", "Target size\n\nTarget size was set to 4.7% of the screen width in pixels, which ensured a constant number of targets and distractors on the screen across displays. ", "On the laboratory display, target size at a viewing distance of 1 m subtended approximately 1° of visual angle. ", "For the purposes of the game, it was important that target size was set above the acuity limit of the amblyopic eye, rather than being set to one size for all subjects. ", "Hence, the viewing distance (and target size) was adjusted in the laboratory and in subjects\\' homes, to ensure that targets and distractors were discriminable. ", "Subjects were given one meter as a rule of thumb for viewing distance, and were instructed to adjust this distance if needed to make the targets as discriminable as during the demonstration, and to maintain the same viewing distance across sessions.", "\n\nAt the above viewing distance and size, most subjects could discriminate targets from distractors during the demonstration and practice session. ", "The experimenter ensured this was the case by monitoring performance during the practice run. ", "A few subjects (e.g., AB, WS; Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}), could not perform the task even after the viewing distance was decreased, therefore a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) task that was included within the game was used to determine the size threshold for target-distractor discrimination for those subjects. ", "A sample target and a sample distractor were shown at maximum contrast in adjacent positions on the screen for an unlimited duration, and the subject\\'s task was to click on the target item. ", "A three-down-one-up staircase was used to find the size discrimination threshold. ", "For AB and WS, this procedure confirmed that targets could not be discriminated from distractors at the default size at the nearest viewing distance, and target size was increased to 1.25× and 1.8× the default in these subjects\\' game settings.", "\n\n### 3.3.2. ", "Target-distractor configuration and motion\n\nThe motion, configuration and identity of targets and enemies on the screen varied from level to level. ", "Targets were often diamond shaped objects and enemies were either spherical rock-like objects, or other objects that varied with the level (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "An example of the target and enemy for each level was shown at the start of each level. ", "Target-distractor configurations ranged from being randomly intermingled on the screen (e.g., Trial), and forming mixed clusters (e.g., Olympia) to being placed in orderly, separated arrays (e.g., Milos). ", "Target-distractor motion ranged from smooth translation in random directions across the screen, and bouncing movements, to situations in which targets eluded and/or enemies pursued the player.", "\n\n3.4. ", "Contrast\n-------------\n\n### 3.4.1. ", "Display calibration\n\nDisplays were calibrated using an observer-based procedure developed for LCD displays (Xiao et al., [", "@B64]). ", "In this procedure, the observer matches a patch of uniform luminance to a half-tone background using the method of adjustment. ", "Matches are repeated for eight luminance levels, and judgments of relative luminance are interpolated to correct for the display non-linearity (i.e., the opto-electronic transfer function, analogous to the gamma function in CRT displays). ", "This procedure was completed through the \"Calibration\" option on the game home page. ", "Subjects matched the brightness of a central eye-shaped pattern to that of the background by pressing on \"+\" or \"−\" buttons displayed on the screen, until the pattern blended into the background (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Calibration was done in a lit room under the same conditions in which the game was played, and the entire procedure took about 5 min. ", "Subjects were instructed to perform the calibration once prior to their first session, and to ensure that the display position and settings were unchanged across sessions. ", "Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the adjustments obtained for eighteen subjects using this method. ", "Gray values of the central image (rescaled from 0--255 to 0--1.00) selected by observers to match the background are plotted for each of eight background luminances. ", "The background comprised black and white pixels (i.e., pixels set to zero and 255), and luminance was varied by increasing the proportion of white pixels (see Xiao et al., [", "@B64]). ", "Thus, the curves are analogous to the inverse gamma function applied to correct for display non-linearities in CRT displays. ", "The calibration settings were stored locally on subjects\\' computers and loaded each time the game was played.", "\n\n![**(", "A)** Calibration screen showing central pattern matched to half-tone background using method of adjustment. ", "Top: before adjustment, Bottom: adjusted pattern. **(", "B)** Calibration data for 18 displays, showing luminance adjustments (scaled from 0 to 1) against actual luminance increments (see text for details). **(", "C)** Contrast staircase from one level of the game for a child (top) and adult (bottom). **(", "D)** Correlation between contrast threshold calculated using iterative method (see text) and four other methods. ", "From left to right: average contrast shown in final 30 s and final 20 s of the level, average of final four and final six contrast reversals.](fpsyg-05-01210-g0002){#F2}\n\n### 3.4.2. ", "Contrast resolution and formula\n\nContrast resolution was increased beyond eight bits using an image dithering algorithm (Floyd and Steinberg, [@B14]), which is equivalent to adding imperceptible pixel noise to the target. ", "Target pixels vary slightly around a mean value, rather than being set to a single value. ", "These spatial fluctuations cannot be resolved by the eye, but change the effective contrast of the target against the background.", "\n\nContrast ranged between 0.00 and 1.00, and was defined as: $$c = \\frac{L_{\\text{target}} - L_{\\text{min}}}{L_{\\text{min}}}$$ where, *L*~target~ was the luminance of the target objects, and *L*~min~ was the minimum or background luminance, which was approximately 0.50. ", "This formula for contrast is the same as Weber contrast.", "\n\n### 3.4.3. ", "Contrast adjustment\n\nAdjustment of contrast was modeled on standard staircase methods used in psychophysical experiments, and based on performance within successive 3-s time windows, each of which constituted a trial. ", "Target contrast was adjusted using a probabilistic estimate of the subject\\'s proportion of target collisions to total target and enemy collisions within the trial window. ", "In a scenario where contrast must change adaptively based on events within a time window, it is more feasible to use a probabilistic estimate of performance than the actual number of collisions within each window. ", "This is because the total number of target-distractor collisions within a short period may not be large enough to provide a precise measure of performance (e.g., zero hits, or 1/1 hit = 100% performance within 3 s), leading to large variations in contrast over time. ", "Therefore, the method below was used to estimate the proportion of target collisions for the subject at a given contrast:\n\nLet *p* be the number of targets collected, *e* be the number of enemies, and *n* the total number of collisions (*p* + *e*). ", "Further, let *P*~*p*~ be the probability that any collision is a target, *p*. ", "Two criteria, *T*~1~ and *T*~2~ were set, with *T*~1~ equal to 0.7 and *T*~2~ equal to 0.5. ", "A contrast adjustment rule may be defined as:\n\n1. ", " -- If *P*~*p*~ \\> *T*~1~, contrast decreases\n\n2. ", " -- If *P*~*p*~ \\< *T*~2~, contrast increases\n\n*P*~*p*~ cannot be estimated directly, therefore *p* and *e* were used to estimate the probability *P*~1~ (the probability that *P*~*p*~ is in range \\[*T*~1~, 1.00\\]) and *P*~2~ (the probability that *P*~*p*~ is in range \\[0.00, *T*~2~\\]).", "\n\nThese probabilities are estimated from the function: $$f_{\\text{p,e}}(x) = x^{p}\\, \\cdot \\,{(1 - x)}^{e}\\, \\cdot \\,\\begin{pmatrix}\n{p + e} \\\\\np \\\\\n\\end{pmatrix}$$ where, *x* is the probability of a target collision.", "\n\nFrom the above, $$P_{\\text{1}} = \\frac{{\\sum\\limits_{T1}^{1}f_{\\text{p,e}}}(x).dx}{{\\sum\\limits_{0}^{1}f_{\\text{p,e}}}(x).dx}$$ and\n\nP\n\n2\n\n=\n\n∑\n\n0\n\nT\n\n2\n\nf\n\np,e\n\n(\n\nx\n\n)\n\n.", "\n\nd\n\nx\n\n∑\n\n0\n\n1\n\nf\n\np,e\n\n(\n\nx\n\n)\n\n.", "\n\nd\n\nx\n\nNow, if *P*~1~ is high and *P*~2~ is low, contrast decreases. ", "Conversely, if *P*~1~ is low and *P*~2~ is high, contrast increases. ", "This formulation was implemented discretely by setting *dx* to 0.001, and a stochastic variable was added to the contrast rule to smooth any sharp changes in contrast. ", "Let *r* be a random number from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1.00:\n\n1. ", " -- If *P*~1~ \\> 0.3 and *r* \\< *P*~1~ and *p* \\> 0, decrease contrast\n\n2. ", " -- If *P*~2~ \\> 0.3 and *r* \\< 1 − *P*~2~ and *n* = 0 or *e* \\> 0, increase contrast\n\n3. ", " -- Otherwise, keep contrast unchanged\n\nContrast was changed by multiplying or dividing by a multiplier (step size) to increase, or decrease contrast. ", "The multiplier itself was adjusted based on performance in the previous three time windows (i.e., previous 12 s), with the starting (maximum) value set to 1.7, reaching a minimum of 1.12. ", "Figure [2C](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows examples of staircases constructed using the above method for one child and one adult subject during a single 90 s level.", "\n\n### 3.4.4. ", "Contrast threshold calculation\n\nThe contrast threshold for each level was calculated using an iterative procedure from 30% of target contrasts nearest to the average target contrast over the 90 s duration. ", "The threshold estimate included target contrasts from 27 s (though not necessarily contiguous) of the 90 s period. ", "We compared this threshold measure with measures approximated from psychophysical procedures (i.e., average of the final four and six contrast reversals within the level) and with the average of all contrasts displayed in the final 20 and 30 s of the level. ", "Figure [2D](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the above four measures of threshold plotted against the iterative measure for all subjects, from all sessions, on one level of the game. ", "Thresholds from the iterative method were strongly correlated with the other measures (Pearsons\\'s *r* \\> 0.80, *p* \\< 0.0001 for all tests).", "\n\n3.5. ", "Procedure\n--------------\n\nSubjects were refracted and a full ophthalmic history obtained. ", "Subjects were fitted with their best optical correction for the demonstration and an initial practice run on the game, and were instructed to use their best correction when they played the game at home. ", "The game was always played monocularly, with a patch over the fellow eye. ", "Demonstration of the game included subject registration (setting up an ID and password that was used each time the subject played the game), use of the game menu, display calibration, ensuring that target size was set above the acuity limit of the amblyopic eye, and a practice run on the game. ", "During the practice run, the experimenter confirmed that target contrast decreased adaptively from its starting point, indicating that subjects understood how to play the game. ", "Detailed instructions were given on how to set up the game at home. ", "Subjects were told to download the browser Chrome if it did not already exist on their computers, to set their computer monitors to a fixed viewing distance (1 m was suggested, but also see stimulus size section above) for all sessions, and to calibrate their display using the demonstrated method prior to the first session. ", "For children, parents set up the game and confirmed that the instructions were being followed. ", "For subjects who did not attend a demonstration at the University of Nottingham or Glasgow Caledonian University (i.e., four adults), detailed instructions of all steps were provided in a separate document sent through email. ", "Subjects were instructed to play the game every day, for at least 25 min a day. ", "Visual acuity was re-measured after at least 2 weeks of training. ", "A subset of subjects (six children and four adults) continued to play the game after the first acuity re-test, and returned for a second re-test some weeks later.", "\n\n3.6. ", "Data storage\n-----------------\n\nEach subject had a unique ID, which they used each time they played the game. ", "Their data from each session were stored on a server, which could be accessed by the experimenters at the University of Nottingham. ", "The data for each subject included date of session, duration of session, number of levels played at each session, names of the levels played and the contrast threshold for each level. ", "Hardware and software details were also stored, including the OS, browser name and version, window size (in pixels), and monitor refresh rate. ", "Thus, the experimenter was able to keep track of whether subjects were playing the game regularly, and for a minimum duration each session.", "\n\n3.7. ", "Contrast thresholds\n------------------------\n\nContrast thresholds from the Trial level, which was obligatory on each run, were used to measure improvement on the game. ", "Contrast thresholds were always measured for the amblyopic eye, with a patch over the fellow eye. ", "For each subject, outlying threshold values (i.e., thresholds more than two standard deviations greater than or less than the mean threshold over all sessions of that subject), were removed from the analyses. ", "Five percent of the children\\'s thresholds and four percent of the adults\\' thresholds were removed using this criterion. ", "The number of training days between the pre- and post-training acuity tests ranged from twelve to thirty-two (mean = 23.4; *SD* = 7.21). ", "Thresholds from the very first day (open symbols, Figures [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), were discarded from the analyses as they were measured during the initial demonstration, on a different display than the display used for the remaining sessions. ", "The second day\\'s threshold was considered as the initial threshold value. ", "We measured the amount of improvement as the difference between thresholds on the initial and final training day (i.e., initial threshold minus final threshold). ", "We also calculated learning slopes from linear regression of threshold against day for each subject. ", "According to this measure, improvement is associated with a negative slope significantly different from zero. ", "Improvement on perceptual tasks has also been suggested to increase as a power- or exponential function of the amount of practice (Dosher and Lu, [@B13]). ", "We compared the fit of a linear model and a decaying exponential model of threshold against session number for each subject using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). ", "This criterion produced better exponential fits than linear fits for three of ten adult subjects, and one of ten children (child: DP; adults: BM, IB, JO). ", "For the analyses that follow, we report the linear fits for all subjects.", "\n\n![**", "Performance of 10 amblyopic children on level Trial over multiple days**. ", "Open symbol shows performance on first demonstration session. ", "Error bars show standard error of the mean (s.e.m.), ", "where the subjects played more than one run. ", "Dashed line shows regression fit of threshold on day. ", "Open symbol not included in fit. ", "Subject initials, slope of the regression fit and associated *p*-value given in each plot.](fpsyg-05-01210-g0003){#F3}\n\n![**", "Performance of ten amblyopic adults on level Trial over multiple days**. ", "Open symbol shows performance on first demonstration session. ", "Significant improvement indicated by *p*-values in red. ", "Error bars show standard error of the mean (s.e.m.), ", "where the subjects played more than one run. ", "Dashed line shows regression fit of threshold on day. ", "Open symbol not included in fit. ", "Subject initials, slope of the regression fit and associated *p*-value shown.](fpsyg-05-01210-g0004){#F4}\n\n4. ", "Results {#s3}\n==========\n\n4.1. ", "Contrast thresholds\n------------------------\n\nPerformance of amblyopic children and adults on all training days is shown in Figures [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Figure [5A](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"} summarizes the threshold data. ", "The average contrast threshold of children changed from 0.15 (*SE* = 0.05) on the initial day to 0.09 (*SE* = 0.02) on the final day. ", "This change in threshold between days was not significant \\[*t*~(9)~ = 1.021, *p* = 0.33\\]. ", "As seen in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}, there was substantial variability in children\\'s performance across days, and the learning slope did not differ from zero for any individual child. ", "Contrast thresholds decreased from the initial to final measurement for the adults \\[Figures [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [5A](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}, from 0.07 (*SE* = 0.01) to 0.045 (*SE* = 0.005)\\]. ", "This change in threshold was significant \\[*t*~(9)~ = 4.20, *p* = 0.002\\]. ", "Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows that the improvement in adults was more reliable than in children, with the learning slope for six of ten adults significantly different than zero. ", "Overall these data suggest that for the adults, but not for children, the contrast threshold was a reliable measure of performance on the game. ", "Potential explanations for this difference are discussed later.", "\n\n![**(", "A)** Initial and final contrast thresholds measured on the game for adults and children. ", "Points below the diagonal show improvement. **(", "B)** Pre- and post-training LogMAR acuity of the amblyopic eye (closed symbols) and fellow eye (open symbols) of 9 amblyopic children and 10 amblyopic adults. ", "Points below the diagonal show improvement. **(", "C)** Improvement of the amblyopic eye against improvement in the fellow eye. ", "Dashed vertical and horizontal lines show zero change. ", "Points above the diagonal show greater improvement in the amblyopic eye than fellow eye. ", "The black and red symbol shows data for two adults and one child. ", "Sixteen of nineteen points lie above the unity line.](fpsyg-05-01210-g0005){#F5}\n\n4.2. ", "LogMAR acuity\n------------------\n\nLogMAR acuity of the amblyopic eye and the fellow eye of the nineteen subjects is shown in Figure [5B](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"} (acuity data were not available for one child participant who was tested outside Nottingham). ", "Acuity of the amblyopic eye improved by 0.12 logMAR both for children \\[*t*~(8)~ = 3.51, = 0.008\\], and adults \\[*t*~(9)~ = 5.57, *p* = 0.00034\\]. ", "Acuity of the fellow eye did not change significantly after training either for children \\[*t*~(8)~ = 1.43, *p* = 0.19\\] or adults \\[*t*~(9)~ = 0.6882, *p* = 0.51\\]. ", "Figure [5C](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"} plots the improvement in acuity of the amblyopic eye against the change in acuity of the fellow eye for all subjects. ", "Improvement in the amblyopic eye outweighed improvement in the fellow eye for all but three subjects, and improvements in the acuity of the amblyopic eye were not correlated with the change in acuity of the fellow eye. ", "Therefore, subjects were not merely improving at reading the letter acuity chart. ", "For four mild amblyopes (children: LG and NJ, initial acuity: 0.14 and 0.20, Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}; adults: IT and JL, initial acuity: 0.14 and 0.18, Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}), the difference in visual acuity between the eyes was reduced to less than two lines, rendering them no longer amblyopic according to the criterion of the study. ", "Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"} gives the correlation coefficient (Pearson\\'s *r*), and *p*-values for correlations between absolute amount of logMAR improvement and threshold change, initial logMAR acuity, logMAR improvement in the fellow eye, number of sessions, session duration, total hours played and the age of the participant. ", "Improvements in logMAR acuity were not correlated with most measures, except for a marginally significant positive correlation between initial logMAR acuity and logMAR improvement of the adults (suggesting that poorer starting acuity was associated with larger improvement), and marginally significant associations between improvement and session duration, and improvement and total hours played in children (see below).", "\n\n###### \n\n**Correlation between change in LogMAR acuity and other variables**.", "\n\n **Children** **Adults**\n --------------------------------------- ----------------- -----------------\n Threshold improvement −0.05 (0.90) 0.26 (0.47)\n Initial LogMAR acuity (amblyopic eye) 0.12 (0.76) **0.63 (0.05)**\n LogMAR improvement in fellow eye −0.09 (0.81) −0.08 (0.82)\n Number of training sessions 0.11 (0.78) −0.40 (0.26)\n Median minutes per session **0.61 (0.08)** −0.15 (0.67)\n Total hours played 0.53 (0.15) −0.37 (0.28)\n Total hours after extended practice **0.66 (0.05)** −0.04 (0.91)\n Age −0.05 (0.89) −0.39 (0.26)\n\nCorrelation coefficient r, and p-value shown. ", "Acuity tested multiple times for extended practice subjects. ", "Values in parentheses are *p*-values.", "\n\n4.3. ", "Extended training, session duration, and total amount of practice\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nA subset of subjects (six children and four adults) played the game for additional days and returned for a second acuity re-test. ", "Performance of these subjects on the game is shown in Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "For these subjects, contrast thresholds did not change significantly between the logMAR pre-test and the first post-test \\[mean difference = 0.02; *t*~(8)~ = 0.82, *p* = 0.44\\], or between the first post-test and the second post-test \\[mean difference = 0.009; *t*~(8)~ = 0.52, *p* = 0.61\\]. ", "For all subjects except subject WS, learning slopes did not differ from zero. ", "Between the pre-test and first post-test, logMAR acuity of these subjects improved by 1.5 lines \\[mean = 0.15; *t*~(8)~ = 4.6904, *p* = 0.002\\]. ", "After additional practice, logMAR acuity improved further by a small amount for children \\[mean = 0.05, *t*~(5)~ = 3.02, *p* = 0.02; post-test1 minus post-test2\\], but did not change for adults \\[mean = −0.02, *t*~(5)~ = 2.45, *p* = 0.09\\]. ", "The total improvement in thresholds from the initial to the final session of these subjects was not correlated with their improvement in logMAR acuity from pre-test to the second post-test \\[*r* = 0.46; *t*~(7)~ = 1.40, *p* = 0.20\\]. ", "These data suggest that extended play of the game produced slight additional improvements in logMAR acuity only for the children, and that the improvements in logMAR acuity of both groups were maintained over the testing period.", "\n\n![**", "Performance of ten amblyopic subjects who played for an extended number of days, and whose acuity was re-tested more than once**. ", "Top six panels show children, bottom four panels show adults. ", "Closed symbols represent thresholds from subjects\\' home computers. ", "Dashed black line: regression fit of threshold over day. ", "Open symbols show thresholds measured in the laboratory and are not included in the fit. ", "Vertical red dotted lines: days on which logMAR acuity was tested. ", "Numbers at top of dashed lines: logMAR acuity. ", "See text for analyses.](fpsyg-05-01210-g0006){#F6}\n\nDid the duration of each session affect the amount of improvement? ", "Figures [7A,B](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"} show histograms of session duration (in minutes), and and the time of day at which subjects played the game, for all sessions of all subjects. ", "Adults played the game for approximately 24 min on average per session, which was significantly longer than children, who played for an average of 15 min per session \\[*t*~(462.249)~ = 12.05, *p* \\< 0.0001\\]. ", "Therefore, adults, but not children, complied with the suggested duration of practice on the game. ", "Both groups played the game during the latter part of the day, and adults played later than children (median hour: 20:28 vs. 18:52; Wilcoxon rank sum test; *W*= 32311.5, *p* = 0.00026). ", "Figure [7C](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the relationship between median session duration for each subject and their logMAR acuity improvement. ", "The correlation between improvement in logMAR acuity and duration was marginally significant for children \\[*r* = 0.61, *t*~(7)~ = 2.01, *p* = 0.08\\], but not adults \\[*r* = −0.15, *t*~(8)~ = 0.44, *p* = 0.67\\]. ", "Note that median duration for adults always exceeded 15 min, and that the range of durations was fairly narrow (Figure [7C](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**(", "A)** Histogram showing the amount of time played per session by children and adults. ", "Legend shows mean number of minutes played each session. **(", "B)** Histogram showing time of day at which children and adults played the game. ", "Legend gives median time. **(", "C)** Change in logMAR acuity for each subject (at first acuity post-test) against median minutes per session. **(", "D)** Change in logMAR acuity for each subject against total hours played over all sessions. ", "Large symbols show subjects who played for an extended duration, and whose acuity was re-tested more than once.](fpsyg-05-01210-g0007){#F7}\n\nWe examined whether larger amounts of practice, as measured by the total number of hours played by each subject, were associated with larger improvements in logMAR acuity. ", "Figure [7D](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows logMAR improvement for all subjects against the total number of hours played. ", "These data include the extra hours played by subjects who trained for additional sessions after their first acuity post-test, and whose acuity was tested more than once (final acuity and number of hours shown for every subject). ", "Figure [7D](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"} suggests that larger improvements in logMAR acuity were associated with more hours played; this correlation was marginally significant across all subjects \\[*r* = 0.41, *t*~(17)~ = 1.87, *p* = 0.08\\]. ", "When considered for each group separately, the correlation between hours played and logMAR improvement was not significant for adults \\[*r* = −0.04, *t*~(8)~ = −0.11, *p* = 0.91\\], and marginally significant for children \\[*r* = 0.66, *t*~(7)~ = 2.34, *p* = 0.05\\]. ", "Subjects whose acuity was re-tested more than once are indicated in Figure [7D](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"} (large symbols), and span the range of logMAR improvements, suggesting that this relationship was not based on acuity re-tests alone. ", "Furthermore, a similar pattern was evident (but not significant) when the number of hours between pre-test and first post-test were considered (see Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}, Total hours played, Total hours after extended practice), suggesting that the total amount of practice did matter.", "\n\nOverall, the data suggest that for children, clinically significant improvements in logMAR acuity may depend on a minimum amount of practice per session, and on the total amount of practice across all sessions. ", "The number of sessions was not a good predictor of acuity improvement in children because it was uncorrelated with session duration and total hours played. ", "The relationship between acuity improvement and session duration was less clear in adults, possibly because of the narrow range of durations across subjects. ", "Large improvements in adults also may require far greater amounts of practice than are needed for children, greater than the maximum amount measured in this study. ", "Additionally, the improvement in adults may be limited by other factors than the amount of practice, such as the depth of amblyopia and the properties of the training task. ", "More data including a broader range (and manipulation) of session durations and total amounts of practice are needed to clarify this issue.", "\n\n4.4. ", "Stereoacuity\n-----------------\n\nStereoacuity was measured using the TNO test for stereoscopic vision before and after training. ", "Stereoacuity improved from 60 to 30 s of arc for one child, from 120 to 60 s of arc for two children, and from more than 30 min of arc (No Stereo) to 30 min of arc (Gross Stereo) for two children. ", "There was no change in stereoacuity in the other five children. ", "Stereoacuity changed from No Stereo to 480 s of arc for one adult, from No Stereo to Gross Stereo for another adult, and did not change in the other adults. ", "We grouped subjects according to whether their stereo acuity changed (Group 1, *N* = 7) and did not change (Group 2, *N* = 11) after game play. ", "There was no difference between these groups in amount of change in logMAR acuity \\[*t*~(14.98)~ = 0.43, *p* = 0.67\\], median minutes per session \\[*t*~(15.496)~ = 0.40, *p* = 0.69\\], hours played on the game \\[*t*~(15.37)~ = 0.49, *p* = 0.62\\], and number of sessions played \\[*t*~(10.1)~ = 0.1.27, *p* = 0.23\\]. ", "These results suggest that improvements in stereo acuity could not be predicted from changes in letter acuity, or the amount of practice.", "\n\n4.5. ", "Level difficulty and preference\n------------------------------------\n\nFigure [8A](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows average performance on each of the fifteen levels of the game for children and adults. ", "Thresholds were higher for children than adults in all levels, and varied consistently across levels for both groups. ", "These data illustrate the variation in difficulty across levels, which arose from the dynamics of the moving objects on the screen. ", "The level Trial was always played during each session, after which subjects played a subset of the other levels, the choice of which varied across subjects. ", "Figure [8B](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows that children\\'s thresholds across all levels were uniformly larger than adult\\'s thresholds, and correlated across levels \\[*r* = 0.95, *t*~(13)~ = 10.99, *p* \\< 0.0001\\]. ", "On average across all levels, children\\'s thresholds were twice adult thresholds \\[mean = 0.39 vs. 0.18; *t*~(24.152)~ = 2.89, *p* = 0.009\\].", "\n\n![**(", "A)** Average performance of children and adults on each level of the game. **(", "B)** Children\\'s thresholds on each level of the game plotted against adult thresholds for that level. ", "Filled symbol shows the level Trial. **(", "C)** Proportion (of all levels) that each level was played across all training sessions, children vs. adults. ", "Filled symbol shows Trial. **(", "D)** Average frequency that each level was played against average threshold for that level.](fpsyg-05-01210-g0008){#F8}\n\nFigure [8C](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the preference for different levels by adults and children. ", "Each symbol shows the average proportion that a given level was played, of all levels played across all sessions. ", "With fifteen levels in the game, if subjects were choosing all levels equally, the frequency for each level would be approximately 0.07 (i.e., 1/15). ", "However, certain levels were more popular than other levels, and this preference was consistent across adults and children \\[*r* = 0.72, *t*~(13)~ = 3.71, *p* \\< 0.002\\]. ", "The gray symbol shows the level Trial, which was obligatory on each run, and which was played equally often by both groups.", "\n\nWas level preference predicted by level difficulty? ", "Figure [8D](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the average proportion that each level was played (across all levels and sessions) against the average contrast threshold on that level, separately for adults and children. ", "The frequency that each level was played was uncorrelated with difficulty as measured by the average threshold, both for adults \\[*r* = −0.32, *t*~(13)~ = −1.22, *p* = 0.24\\], and children \\[*r* = −0.27, *t*~(13)~ = −1.05, *p* = 0.31\\].", "\n\n5. ", "Discussion {#s4}\n=============\n\nOur aim was to create an engaging video game based on psychophysical tasks that achieve the largest acuity improvements in amblyopia. ", "Contrast-based tasks (i.e., tasks in which the dependent measure is target contrast), have been linked to the largest benefits for visual acuity in amblyopia (Levi and Li, [@B33]; Astle et al., [", "@B2]; Levi, [@B32]). ", "Therefore, targets that varied adaptively in contrast were a key aspect of the game. ", "We tested both adults and children, who played the game for multiple sessions. ", "The game provided reliable estimates of contrast thresholds for the adults, whose thresholds decreased with game play; thresholds were much more variable and did not change significantly after training for children. ", "The absence of improvement in contrast thresholds of children may be related to a number of other factors discussed below. ", "Threshold improvements notwithstanding, there was a significant improvement in logMAR acuity for both groups after training. ", "For four subjects with mild amblyopia (initial acuities ranging from 0.14 to 0.20), the difference in acuity between the eyes decreased to less than 0.20 logMAR such that they could no longer be classified as amblyopic after training. ", "The improvements in acuity were specific to the trained eye, and were retained when measured several weeks later for a subset of individuals who returned for a second post-test.", "\n\nThere are now a number of studies suggesting that playing of video games, whether off-the-shelf or customized, can improve visual acuity in amblyopia (Li et al., [", "@B40], [@B37]; To et al., [", "@B58]; Hess et al., [", "@B18]; Jeon et al., [", "@B26]; Knox et al., [", "@B29]; Herbison et al., [", "@B17]). ", "Across these studies, an improvement of approximately 1--2 lines (0.10--0.20 logMAR) was obtained after 5--40 h of training. ", "We obtained an average logMAR improvement of 1.3 lines (range 0--3.6 lines; across both groups, and including the improvements obtained after extended practice), after an average of 11 h of training distributed over multiple sessions. ", "An improvement in logMAR acuity of 1.3 lines within this duration compares favorably with the above reports, but it is not clear that further training would have produced more improvement. ", "We consider below factors that may constrain improvement in game-like settings, the mechanisms of improvement in such settings, and the caveats of this study.", "\n\n5.1. ", "Amount of practice\n-----------------------\n\nAn improvement of 1.5--2 lines in logMAR acuity emerges as the standard effect size from a number of studies on perceptual learning in amblyopia (see Levi and Li, [@B33]; Levi, [@B32], for reviews). ", "This effect size is fairly stable despite the considerable variety of tasks and practice durations used. ", "Prolonged practice does confer additional benefits on the trained task in certain cases, (e.g., Li et al., [", "@B41], [@B38]), but reports of complete resolution of amblyopia (based on the criterion of equivalent visual acuity in both eyes), are confined to cases of mild amblyopia (e.g., Li et al., [", "@B40], and the present study). ", "In the present case, the total number of hours played was positively correlated with logMAR improvement in children but not adults (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}), and visual acuity improved slightly after additional practice only for children and not adults (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This difference between children and adults may have arisen due to a longer initial period of procedural learning in children, due to differences in the amount of time played per session (i.e., the distribution of total practice across sessions), or simply due to differences in the maturity of sensory, cognitive and motor skills of the two groups. ", "The maximum duration of game play here was 18.3 h, less than the 50--100 h reported to produce asymptotic performance in amblyopes on a positional discrimination task (Li et al., [", "@B41], [@B38]). ", "However, the relationship between total hours played and improvement in logMAR acuity was independent of performance on the game, which varied considerably and did not improve for children, but was more reliable, and improved in adults. ", "In Li et al. ([", "@B41]) as well, asymptotic performance on the trained task after an extended amount of practice was not accompanied by full resolution of the acuity difference between eyes. ", "Hess et al. ([", "@B18]) also have reported the absence of a correlation between total hours of play on a dichoptic video game and outcome measures including improvement on the game, improvement in logMAR acuity, and stereoacuity. ", "This pattern of results suggests that for severe amblyopia, there may be a ceiling on the functional benefits of practice-based approaches that currently are being tested, and that the sheer amount of practice whilst beneficial for task performance *per se*, may only go so far toward improving visual acuity.", "\n\n5.2. ", "Task- and stimulus-related factors\n---------------------------------------\n\n### 5.2.1. ", "Pursuit of low contrast targets in a video game\n\nPursuit of moving objects mimicked the engaging aspects of action video games that are thought to activate the reward mechanisms of learning (Rokem and Silver, [@B53]; Baroncelli et al., [", "@B3]; Levi, [@B32]). ", "First person-shooter games such as Medal of Honor most frequently linked to improved visual function in amblyopia (e.g., Li et al., [", "@B40]), involve rapid responses to salient targets. ", "Psychophysical tasks on the other hand, call for sustained focus on a single attribute of a stimulus, which although not as stimulating, may evoke types of learning that are absent or diffuse in video games. ", "Contrast-based laboratory tasks that thus far have produced improvement in acuity in amblyopia, have required discrimination of foveated, static targets in clearly defined spatial or temporal intervals, that is, in stimulus conditions optimized for producing low thresholds (Polat et al., [", "@B52]; Zhou et al., [", "@B67]; Chen et al., [", "@B7]; Huang et al., [", "@B21]; Astle et al., [", "@B2]). ", "Insofar as dynamic target pursuit remains an objective of a game, threshold tasks (and especially contrast-based tasks) are not easily adapted to video games because pursuit of targets is difficult or impossible near threshold. ", "Furthermore, smooth pursuit eye movements in strabismus are abnormal, and biased toward certain parts of the visual field and directions of motion (Schor and Levi, [@B55]; Tychsen and Lisberger, [@B59]; Demer and von Noorden, [@B10]; Lions et al., [", "@B42]). ", "This asymmetry in eye movements could affect performance on a large proportion of targets presented in these conditions. ", "In other words, certain characteristics of videogames that are optimal for learning may be incompatible with those of psychophysical tasks, curtailing the overall benefits when both methods are combined. ", "Note however, that as far as video games go, it is not crucial that the game be an action video game, or that contrast be manipulated. ", "Improved visual function was shown after practice of a non-action video game (SIMS), involving no manipulation of contrast (Li et al., [", "@B40]).", "\n\n### 5.2.2. ", "Target size and other attributes\n\nAll stimulus attributes except contrast (e.g., size, speed), were above threshold and held constant across all sessions. ", "This was done intentionally to isolate contrast as the training variable, and to minimize uncertainty associated with the other variables. ", "However, there is evidence that near-threshold stimuli generate larger improvements than stimuli that are above threshold (Zhou et al., [", "@B67]; Huang et al., [", "@B21]). ", "Larger improvement may have resulted here if stimulus size for instance, had been set exactly to, rather than above the acuity limit of subjects\\' amblyopic eye, and if this size were adjusted at the start of each session (and not just the first session).", "\n\n### 5.2.3. ", "Monocular vs. dichoptic training\n\nSome studies suggest that interocular suppression (i.e., inhibition of the amblyopic eye by the fellow eye), plays a large role in the acuity deficit in amblyopia, and that treatments targeted at reducing suppression may be more successful in improving the acuity of the amblyopic eye (To et al., [", "@B58]; Hess et al., [", "@B18]; Li et al., [", "@B37]). ", "To re-establish the balance between the two eyes, these studies have used dichoptic training methods, in which visual input to the two eyes is separated, and the contribution of inputs is recalibrated with training. ", "Using a dichoptic version of the popular game Tetris, the above studies have shown significant recovery of stereo function and improvements in visual acuity, which in certain instances exceed the improvements found with monocular methods within an equivalent duration of practice (e.g., Li et al., [", "@B37], N.B. Due to the asymmetric crossover design used in this study, an enhancement of the dichoptic effect from prior monocular training cannot be ruled out). ", "Given evidence for the recovery of stereo function and acuity after monocular video game play (including full recovery for a subset of mild amblyopes, e.g., Li et al., [", "@B40]), it appears that techniques aimed at reducing suppression may be sufficient, but are not necessary to improve visual function in amblyopia. ", "The relative advantages of these two approaches remain an area of investigation.", "\n\n5.3. ", "Game design\n----------------\n\nWhat are the ingredients for a compelling video game? ", "Features such as the stopping rule, for instance, may influence subjects\\' engagement over multiple sessions, or within a single session. ", "These features are especially relevant for younger age groups less motivated by the functional benefits of game playing.", "\n\n### 5.3.1. ", "Stopping rule\n\nSubjects played out each 90 s level regardless of whether stimulus contrast was near threshold, and then proceeded to the next level of their choice. ", "Achievement was based on the total number of coins earned within the 90 s period, rather than on reaching a contrast-defined target. ", "This scenario was created to give subjects the best chance at achieving a low threshold within the specified period. ", "On the other hand, a performance-limited stopping rule rather than a time-limited stopping rule may have better guided subjects toward achieving lower thresholds. ", "For instance, one rule might require the player to remain at a particular low contrast for a fixed duration, or to achieve a particular target contrast before progressing to the next level. ", "Indeed, in many popular commercial video games, players must achieve well-specified targets or else they must re-play that particular level.", "\n\n### 5.3.2. ", "Feedback\n\nTwo sources of feedback were provided to subjects through a coin score and a contrast sensitivity score. ", "Dual feedback may have been less effective than a single score based entirely on performance and more closely linked to the type of stopping rule described above. ", "Various other mechanisms were included to boost subjects\\' interest in the game, including bonuses, auditory feedback and graphs at the end of each level showing contrast sensitivity over the 90 s period. ", "Based on subjects\\' comments, we suspect that this some of this feedback was only partially effective, and not always meaningful. ", "The link between bonuses and visual performance was sometimes not clear, and the bonuses may have distracted subjects from the targets.", "\n\n### 5.3.3. ", "Treatment of contrast\n\nIn a time-limited game with contrast changing adaptively, there were periods when the stimuli were not visible on the screen. ", "During such periods, we observed that subjects tend to pause or to move the mouse randomly across the screen, resembling guessing in standard 2AFC tasks. ", "The challenge lies in minimizing the duration of such guessing periods, which reduce engagement in the game, whilst keeping stimuli at near-threshold contrast. ", "This might be achieved through algorithms that smooth the window over which contrast changes are calculated, and by setting an artificial floor for each session that does not allow contrast to decrease beyond a certain point.", "\n\n### 5.3.4. ", "Progression through levels\n\nEach level in the game was a variation of target-distactor configuration and motion. ", "Certain levels were more difficult and/or compelling than others, but were not ordered by difficulty. ", "Subjects were free to choose which levels they played during a session, provided they had completed one run on Trial. ", "Access to all levels was intended to keep subjects interested in the game, but guided or forced progression through levels of increasing difficulty may have created a larger sense of achievement in subjects.", "\n\n5.4. ", "Age, motivation, and attention of participants\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nHigher contrast thresholds for children than adults have elsewhere been attributed to the immaturity of the sensory system rather than non-visual, attentional factors (Liu et al., [", "@B43]). ", "Here however, a number of factors could have contributed to childrens\\' larger variability in thresholds across sessions. ", "The adult subjects were motivated by the visual benefits of the game and played the game regularly and for longer periods than the children (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Keeping the children on task was more challenging. ", "Several parents reported difficulty in motivating their children to play the game after the initial week. ", "As with patching, even video games may carry issues of compliance when prescribed for children. ", "Enhanced game design could address this issue to increase the attractiveness of the game, for instance by varying some other stimulus attribute than contrast, adding narrative elements, and changing the features described above. ", "In the present case although motivational issues may have affected performance on the task, improvement in acuity did not differ between adults and children. ", "Furthermore, although children\\'s thresholds were generally higher than adults\\', they were strongly correlated with adults\\' thresholds across the different levels (Figure [8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}), suggesting that the variability in performance across levels was not due only to differences in motivation or skill. ", "Children also tended to prefer the same levels as adults, suggesting that certain aspects of the game appealed to both age groups equally.", "\n\n5.5. ", "Mechanism of improvement and constraints on plasticity\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe mechanisms of learning of basic sensory tasks and of video games continue to be investigated. ", "Learning may reside in plasticity of low-level representations (Jehee et al., [", "@B25]), decoding or decisional rules (Law and Gold, [@B31]; Gold and Ding, [@B16]), attentional sharpening (Otto et al., [", "@B51]), or in some combination of these. ", "Perceptual learning has also been attributed to increased sampling efficiency (Gold et al., [", "@B15]), reduced internal noise (Lu et al., [", "@B45]), or a combination of both (Dosher and Lu, [@B12]; Lu and Dosher, [@B46]). ", "Stimulus specific learning, a characteristic of perceptual learning in the normal visual system, was until recently interpreted as evidence for plasticity of sensory representations in primary cortices (see Karni and Bertini, [@B27], for an earlier review). ", "It is now clear that stimulus specificity depends on a number of factors including task difficulty (Wang et al., [", "@B62]), the axis of generalization (Webb et al., [", "@B63]), and attributes of the training regimen (Xiao et al., [", "@B65]; Zhang et al., [", "@B66]; Hussain et al., [", "@B23]; Hung and Seitz, [@B22]). ", "Therefore, stimulus specificity (or generalization) in itself cannot isolate the neural mechanism of learning. ", "The broader-than-normal generalization of learning found in amblyopia on contrast sensitivity tasks (Huang et al., [", "@B21]; Astle et al., [", "@B1]) and the generalization of improvements from the trained tasks to logMAR acuity could reflect higher order learning, but also may reflect the greater capacity for improvement in low-level representations in developmentally impaired visual systems. ", "Overall, the exact mechanisms of improvement after practice of sensory tasks are not yet clear, but the scope for improvement does appear larger in the amblyopic- than in the normal visual system. ", "Improvements in visual function through perceptual learning can be enhanced through pharmacological and environmental interventions (e.g., fluoxetine, dark exposure) that relax the constraints on neural plasticity (Baroncelli et al., [", "@B3]; Montey and Quinlan, [@B48]). ", "Due to the limited practicality of these interventions, other methods of enhancing the functional benefits from perceptual learning remain an area for future work.", "\n\n5.6. ", "Caveats\n------------\n\nWe tested the game on a small number of subjects (10 adults and 10 children), and found a positive effect on visual acuity after playing the game for 12 or more sessions. ", "We compared improvements in acuity between the amblyopic and the fellow eye to rule out test-retest effects, and learning on letter-based measures of visual acuity. ", "A more comprehensive study would have included a no-training group, a no-training group that was patched for a similar duration each day as the target group, and groups that played variations of the game to isolate its relevant components. ", "All subjects in this study played the game at home, outside the supervision of the experimenters. ", "Children may or may not have been supervised by their parents. ", "In the above respects, the improvements in visual acuity cannot unequivocally be attributed to game play or to sensory plasticity. ", "We also note a number of recent studies that call into question whether perceptual and cognitive benefits truly arise from practice on video games (Boot et al., [", "@B5]; Oei and Patterson, [@B49]; van Ravenzwaaij et al., [", "@B60]). ", "Larger-scale studies, using randomized controlled trial methodology are needed to establish whether video game playing improves perceptual or cognitive skills in the normal population more generally, and in clinical populations specifically.", "\n\n6. ", "Conclusions {#s5}\n==============\n\nThis study was designed to investigate the merits of combining psychophysical methods with video games for the purpose of treating amblyopia. ", "We found a modest improvement in logMAR acuity of the amblyopic eye after subjects played a video game in which the contrast of targets changed adaptively over time. ", "Future work will address more effective ways of combining the above methods to enhance the total amount of improvement.", "\n\nFunding\n=======\n\nThis work was supported by the European Community\\'s Seventh Framework Programme \\[FP2007-2013\\] under grant agreement no. ", "223326. ", "Ben S. Webb was funded by a Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship. ", "Andrew T. Astle was supported by a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Postdoctoral Fellowship.", "\n\nConflict of interest statement\n------------------------------\n\nThe authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.", "\n\nWe would like to thank Pamela Knox and Anita Simmers at Glasgow Caledonian University for contributing equipment and assistance in refracting participants.", "\n\n[^1]: Edited by: Marcello Maniglia, Centre de Recherche Cerveau & Cognition - UMR5549, France\n\n[^2]: Reviewed by: Aaron Seitz, University of California, Riverside, USA; Sophie Wuerger, The University of Liverpool, UK\n\n[^3]: This article was submitted to Perception Science, a section of the journal Frontiers in Psychology.", "\n" ]
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[ "Gallery on demand is a photo sharing web application designed to make the process of sharing libraries of digital images fast and easy. ", "Once an account has been created users are allowed to upload, group into galleries, comment, and rate their digital images. ", "They then can give their username to friends and family allowing them to view their galleries. ", "Incorporating a \"drag and drop\" system, creating galleries, and grouping images together can be done with ease. ", "The application also supports... Read More\n\nProgrammers responsible for software testing, maintenance, and quality assurance must understand the target program's structure and the ways in which its many pieces interact with each other and with the outside world. ", "This is a difficult task, and often the programmer can attain this understanding only by reading thousands of lines of source code. ", "The field of software visualization aims to facilitate program comprehension by providing programmers with visual representations of the... Read More\n\nThe owner's of AshevilleNow.com approached me to design a event calendar for their website. ", "For the event calendar project I had the task of designing not only the front end that displays events but also the backend that allows a user to simply follow a wizard style approach to adding the event. ", "The owner's plan to go live with this project in the immediate future.", "\n\nThe current system for locating and organizing customer information at Charlotte Street Computers is inefficient and limited. ", "This project is designed to give access to pertinent customer and support ticket information when the information is needed the most: upon a customer's call and inquiry. ", "The system will be based in PHP and MySQL with HTML andjava_script support. ", "The database access will be accomplished through HTML pages and forms. ", "The project will integrate... Read More\n\noverlynegative.com is a social networking website with a twist. ", "Where most sites provide users the space to describe themselves using superficial lists of favorite things, overlynegative.com instead allows users to do what at least many of my friends and I do best: complain. ", "By carefully categorizing users' rants under specific user-created topics, overlynegative.com provides not only a soapbox, but also a means to easily find people who feel the same way about the same things. ", "In this way,... Read More\n\nThe Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center (EFETAC) and the National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC) Collaborative (ENC) have undertaken a project involving the design and implementation of a large database of text, maps, and images related to forest threats. ", "Some of this information is time-sensitive in that it becomes obsolete and needs to be reloaded from Forest Service Web servers. ", "A manual system for keeping the database current is not practical due to... Read More\n\nThe purpose of this project is to provide Biblio Inc. with a client-side inventory management system that they can offer to their customers as a free download. ", "Biblio's principle business is aggregating \"For Sale\" listings of new, used, and rare books from thousands of booksellers around the world. ", "Booksellers post their listings on biblio.com where a larger group of book buyers browse for items of interest. ", "When a sale is made, Biblio Inc. handles the logistics of shipping and ensuring the... Read More\n\nThe majority of modern video games allow the player to control a character who moves through a three dimensional world. ", "The player explores this world and collects objects scattered throughout to progress in the game. ", "Explore and Discover (EaD) provides this core game functionality. ", "A 3D artist can use the simple EaD file format to describe a scene using their models, and the Windows program uses the Microsoft DirectX API to render the scene and allow the character to search for the... Read More\n\nSketchUp is an architectural modeling program owned by Google and designed for maximum ease-of-use. ", "It integrates tightly with Google Earth and provides a Ruby API. ", "I took advantage of these two features to develop a generative art project depicting a nightmarish vision of local steep-slope development. ", "The end user, after installing the Ruby script, can choose any piece of terrain directly from Google Earth and, with one command, see what it would look like covered in a shantytown of... Read More\n\nThe Multimedia Arts and Science (MMAS) Inventory and Bug Tracking System was designed and developed to keep track of the IT equipment belonging to the UNCA MMAS department and to provide an interface for documenting and tracking bugs which users encounter when using this equipment. ", "The primary technologies utilized are an Apache web server, MySQL, and a PHP based web interface. ", "The purpose of this project is to facilitate examination of MMAS software and hardware problems in order to improve... Read More" ]
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[ "Trump administration officials huddled privately on Capitol Hill last week as part of a bid to weaken legislation that would slap new sanctions on Russia and Iran, The Daily Beast has learned.", "\n\nA top Treasury Department official met with House leadership staffers and committee aides last Thursday to discuss changing a key component of the Senate bill which was sent to the House for approval after a procedural violation stalled it for weeks, two congressional aides with knowledge of the meeting told The Daily Beast.", "\n\nThe official, John E. Smith, the director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control and a career official in the Treasury Department, which oversees the implementation of foreign sanctions, met last Thursday with staff from the offices of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, as well as the Foreign Affairs and Financial Services committees.", "\n\nRepresentatives for Pelosi, McCarthy and Hoyer did not respond to requests for comment.", "\n\n“The net effect of the changes [the Trump administration] wants would certainly weaken one of the legislation’s most important components,” the aide said.", "\n\nA White House spokeswoman declined to comment on the meeting, saying she would neither confirm nor deny a meeting of Treasury officials. ", "A Treasury spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.", "\n\nThe bill— which was approved overwhelmingly on a 98-2 vote in the Senate— would slap new sanctions on Russia and codify existing ones over its election meddling and incursions into eastern Europe, and would give Congress the authority to review any attempts by the executive branch to unilaterally roll back or ramp up the sanctions. ", "It would also impose new sanctions on Iran over its ballistic missile program.", "\n\nBut the Trump administration has argued that the key congressional review provision of the Senate-passed legislation would inappropriately tie the hands of the administration. ", "Administration officials, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, have warned that slapping new sanctions on Russia would handicap their desire to repair the relationship between the two nations.", "\n\nWhile any president would likely resist efforts to cede so much power to Congress, the aide said recent efforts on the part of the Trump administration to intervene in the legislative process are significant due to President Trump’s tiptoeing around the issue of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, as well as the four congressional probes and special counsel investigation into the matter. ", "Investigators are also looking into whether Trump associates colluded with Russian operatives to tip the scales of the election.", "\n\nCongressional leaders had hoped the legislation would be on the president’s desk by the time he left last week for the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, where he met face-to-face with Russian President Vladimir Putin. ", "Supporters of new sanctions argued that it would send a strong message to Russia over its interference in the U.S. election in advance of the highly anticipated Trump-Putin bilateral.", "\n\nThe Senate-passed bill almost immediately faced a procedural logjam when it was sent to the House last month. ", "Rep. Kevin Brady, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said the Senate bill was being held up because of a constitutional violation: that legislation dealing with revenue must originate in the House.", "\n\nThe move caused McCarthy to issue an ultimatum to the Senate: send us a revised bill, or we’ll write our own. ", "Before the Senate left town for the July 4 recess, the new bill—which contained technical changes and no weakening of the sanctions, according to senators briefed on the final version—was sent over to the House under unanimous consent.", "\n\nDemocrats were worried that the delay—though simply procedural—would allow House Republicans, consulting with the White House, to water down the Senate provisions that cede ultimate authority to Congress.", "\n\n“The only question is whether the House leadership would capitulate to the president. ", "And I hope that doesn’t happen for the same reason that the Senate felt it necessary to insist on the maintenance of these sanctions. ", "We should maintain the same policy in the House,” Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told The Daily Beast last month as the House was awaiting the Senate-passed bill.", "\n\nTrump has criticized the Obama administration’s reluctance to confront Russian meddling more directly, but he has routinely referred to the Russia probes as “fake news” and a “hoax.” ", "During a news conference last week alongside the Polish president, Trump said “nobody really knows for sure” whether Russia interfered in the electoral process. ", "In a separate remark, Trump said “I think it was Russia” but “it was probably others also.”", "\n\nBoth Democrats and Republicans have continued to put pressure on both the House as well as the Trump administration to get behind the sanctions.", "\n\nRep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the former chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, told The Daily Beast last month that “once it gets to the House, nobody wants to vote for tamer sanctions.” ", "Sen. Bob Corker, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce was eager to resolve the procedural issue and move forward with the sanctions.", "\n\n“There has been no flag given to us by the administration on this legislation. ", "There might be some behind-the-scenes activities that are taking place. ", "There may well be. ", "But we have no direct flags from the administration on the legislation,” Corker told reporters before the congressional recess. “", "Senate Republicans have no issue whatsoever. ", "We’re ready to move on. … ", "There are people who would love to see this not happen. … ", "Royce has been over to our office every day this week trying to get it passed like it is—every word of it, just like it is.”", "\n\nDespite the bipartisan desire to reach a solution, the Trump administration has not taken an official position on the legislation, which would likely face a presidential veto if the congressional review language is not stripped from the bill.", "\n\n“The bottom line is, if Donald Trump wants to do something about Russia and Russia meddling, instead of just saying, ‘Obama didn't do enough’—support our sanctions bill,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said last month on ABC’s This Week.", "\n\n“I'll tell you this, I hope Paul Ryan will step up to the plate,” Schumer added. “", "With Russia meddling in our elections, that's serious, serious stuff. ", "If he passes it, and Trump vetoes it, it will be overridden by Democrats and Republicans.”", "\n\nA spokeswoman for Ryan did not return a request for comment." ]
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[ "1. ", "Bin>Custom Sift 2. ", "Choose among operations (ex. \"", "contains) 3. ", "Click in the Text to Find box and enter the text you want the system to find 4. ", "Open the column or range to search menu and choose the column you want to search\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the difference between an inclusive and exclusive sift?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nInclusive - a clip must meet only one criterion to appear in a sifted bin; Exclusive - a clip must meet all criteria\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the shortcut to view a pop-up menu containing previously entered values in a custom column?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHold down the Alt key and click on the cell in which you want the text to appear\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the difference between duplicating a clip and cloning a clip?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nCloning - changes made will happen to clone; Duplicating - changes made will not affect the original\n\nWhat do you hold to create a sub-sequence by dragging the image from the Record monitor to the bin?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAlt(-drag)\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the keys for top and tail?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nShift+I, Shift+O\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the shortcut for match frame?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nN\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is a slip?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSlip lets you change the content of a segment, to show an earlier or later part of the original master clip; Rollers are set on either end of the segment you are slipping. ", "Like a SCROLL, one is rolled up and the other is rolled out\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is a slide?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSlide lets you move a segment, but not change its content; Rollers are set to the tail frame of the segment before and the head frame of the segment after the shot you are sliding. ", "These two rollers work in tandem to pull the shot in either direction and simultaneously fill in the space behind it.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the default way to copy material from a sequence?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nC\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is Top or Tail and what function is most like it?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nEnables you to perform quick edits to segments in the timeline; Extract\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the extend function?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nExtend allows you to roll edit points w/o going into Trim mode; result is identical to using a dual-roller trim; can be used to very efficiently remove split edits in a sequence\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the shortcut for adding a keyframe?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nCtrl+Shift+click\n\nTerm\n\nWhat do you hold to drag a keyframe?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAlt(-drag)\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you select multiple keyframes?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nShift-click; lasso\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the primary tool for adjusting volume/pan levels in a sequence?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAudio Mixer (makes it easy to set the level and pan for a clip, sequence, or multiple clips within a sequence)\n\nWhen using an effect from the Image category, how do you attach a tracker to the drawn shape?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIn the tracking parameters, click the enable button for the first tracker labeled \"No Tracker.\" ", "Enabling this tracker assigns the tracking data point from the Tracking window to the Blur effect's shape\n\nTerm\n\nWhere do you access Avid Pan and Zoom to apply it to a clip?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFrom the Image category of the Effect Palette\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the difference between the Display Source and Display Target options?", "\n\nIf the render type is not set correctly, you can end up with a lower-resolution result, visible flicker within what was supposed to be a frozen frame, or a softer image.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the 4 different types of keyframes?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLinear - creates a direct path between 2 keyframe values; Spline -creates a path with a natural ease-in and ease-out at every keyframe; Bezier - same as Spline, but shape of animation can be adjusted; Shelf - holds a keyframe's value until the next frame\n\nTerm\n\nHow are motion effects created?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThey are generated from a source clip\n\nTerm\n\nHow does creating a motion effect via the Fit to Fill command differ from creating one via the Motion Effect command?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIn a motion effect, you specify the rate of the effect; with Fit to Fill, you specify the amount of source material to use within a defined duration in the Timeline\n\nTerm\n\nHow are timewarp effects constructed?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThey are applied to a clip in the sequence\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are freeze frames?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nApplied to a master clip/sub clip in the source monitor and create a new clip containing only the desired frame\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are motion effects?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nApplied to a master clip/sub clip in the source monitor, the rate of motion cannot be varied over time\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are timewarp effects?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nApplied to a segment in the timeline; the rate of motion can be keyframed\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the 3 types of freeze frame rendering?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nDuplicated field - default choice, lower quality image; Both fields - good for shots without interfield motion or progressive media; Interpolated field - good for shots WITH interfield motion\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the speed graph for?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAllows you to set the speed of the timewarp effect using keyframes\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is luminance?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe distribution of brightness across an image\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the Color Correction Tool's 2 adjustment groups?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "HSL - contains adjustments that independently manipulate the hue, saturation, and luminance of the image 2. ", "Curves - contains adjustment that manipulates the red, green, and blue channels of the image\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Remove Color Cast tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAllows you to help the correction along by identifying areas of the image that should be neutral in tone: shadows, midtones, and highlights\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is Chroma?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe color info in your image\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Color Effect tool used for?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nGenerally just color treatments\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the advantage of simple nesting?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nUsed for complex effect nests because it enables you to \"lift-up\" higher effects so that you can focus on the effects beneath\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the advantage of expanded nesting?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nYou can edit the contents of a nest but still see the composite of all effects within the nest\n\nTerm\n\nIf you add a keyframe via the Record monitor, what parameters are keyframed?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nKeyframes are added to all parameters\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you add an effect to a clip in the timeline on top of an existing effect?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHold down Alt and drag an effect on top of an existing effect (known as autonesting)\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is Autonesting?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAdds a new effect on top of an existing effect\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the 2 different methods you can use to view the effects inside of a nest?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSimple nesting - You travel down inside a nest and the video track monitor travels with you; Expanded nesting - lets you see the sequence and the nest contents simultaneously\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are multilayer effects?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nPlaying, blending, superimposing clips together\n\nTerm\n\nWhy should you nest rather than layer?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nNest when you want to add a clip(s) inside another clip\n\nTerm\n\nWhy should you layer rather than nest?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLayer when you want to add another clip to a layered effect design\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Pan and Scan effect?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nUsed when delivering alternate aspect ratio versions of a program\n\nTerm\n\nWhat method is used to remove a shot from a sequence and leave filler in its place?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nMark the clip, then lift\n\nTerm\n\nWhat editing method is used to replace an existing shot in a sequence?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nOverwrite\n\nTerm\n\nAnd editor wants to use the numeric keypad to move forward or backward by a specific number of frames in the sequence. ", "What is the first step in the process?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nType a plus sign before the number to move forward or a minus sign before the number to move backward from the current position\n\nTerm\n\nAn editor wants to locate a frame currently displayed in the Record monitor and load its master clip into the Source monitor. ", "What feature should be used to accomplish this task?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nMatch Frame\n\nTerm\n\nAn editor wants to remove frames from only the A-side of an edit in a dialogue scene. ", "What are three methods that can remove these frames while maintaining sync?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Turn on sync locks and perform the single-roller Ripple trim 2. ", "Perform an Overwrite trim 3. ", "Select the frames in the timeline using In and Out marks and click the Lift button\n\nTerm\n\nWhen moving a segment with a segment tool, which action restricts the move so that only a vertical movement of the segment is possible?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nCtrl+Shift+drag the segment\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the correct method to slide a shot forward in a sequence by a few frames?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIn Source/Record mode, Shift+Alt+drag a lasso from right to left around the shot; click the trim buttons to slide the shot\n\nTerm\n\nAnd editor modifies the tools and windows that are displayed in the Audio Toolset. ", "What action saves the modified display?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nChoose Save Current from the Toolset menu\n\nTerm\n\nWhat occurs when the Enable button on an effect parameter is deselected?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe parameter is temporarily disabled\n\nTerm\n\nAnd editor adds video to tracks V1 and V2, and then opens the Effect Palette. ", "What is the next step the editor must take to create the Picture-in-Picture effect?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nApply the Picture-in-Picture effect to the video on track V2\n\nTerm\n\nWhat procedure creates space for bars and tone at the head of a sequence?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRight-click in the timeline and choose Add Filler At Start\n\nTerm\n\nWhen working on a title in Marquee, which setting should be selected to apply a gradient to the entire word?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nContainer\n\nTerm\n\nWhich part of an image is selected with the eyedropper to automatically remove a color cast using the Remove Color Cast button?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe area that is to be color neutral\n\nTerm\n\nWhat affects the formats viewable in the Capture tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nProject format\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are common Output types for a sequence?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nVideotape, DVD, and file\n\nTerm\n\nFor DVD Output, what is the benefit of choosing Send To>DVD Authoring instead of Send To>DVD One Step?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIt allows for navigational menus and graphics\n\nTerm\n\nWhich action adds a custom column to a bin in text view?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nClick to the right of all column headings and type a new heading name\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the correct procedure to back up a project?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Navigate to the Project folder at the operating system level 2. ", "Drag the Project folder to a separate hard drive or server\n\nTerm\n\nAn editor is working on a project and accidentally deletes the sequence. ", "How can the work be retrieved?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe sequence can be restored by selecting a previous version of the bin from the Attic\n\nTerm\n\nIf you want to add multiple dissolves to a series of cut point using the Quick Transition dialog box, how do you identify the cuts that will get the dissolve?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nYou identify the cuts in the Timeline by adding an IN point just before the first cut that will receive a Dissolve transition and an OUT point just after the last cut that will receive a Dissolve transition\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is a handle and why is it important?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHandle is extra media on a clip, beyond what is edited into a sequence. ", "It is used to create a transition.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhat must you do to ensure a Quick Transition is added only to a video cut point, and not an audio cut point?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nYou must make sure the V track is enabled and that no audio tracks are enabled in the Track Selector panel.", "\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. The Transition Corner display shows the first, middle, and last frames of the A and B sides of the transition.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nTrue\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Dragging a transition from the Effect Palette onto an existing transition in the Timeline replaces the existing transition.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nTrue\n\nTerm\n\nWhere is the position bar and what is it used for?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIt is located under the Effect Preview monitor and represents the duration of the segment the effect is on.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhen using an effect from the Image category, how do you attach a tracker to the drawn shape?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIn the tracking parameters, click the enable button for the first tracker labeled \"No Tracker.\" ", "Enabling this tracker automatically assigns the tracking data point from the Tracking window to the Blur effect's shape.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhich filter setting provides the best tradeoff between quality and performance?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nBSpline Catmull\n\nTerm\n\nHow is the AMA Source Settings tab added to the Source Settings dialog box?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIt is automatically provided by the AMA plug-in. ", "Not all AMA plug-ins provide this option.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhy is it important to get a good tonal range before making any other adjustment in a treatment or correction?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe tonal range is the foundation of the image. ", "It is impossible to achieve a good-looking image unless the tonal range is correct\n\nTerm\n\nHow are RGB gain controls adjusted to create a sepia tone?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSepia is a mix of red and yellow. ", "To create a sepia tone, you add red and remove blue\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Safe Color Limiter effect designed to prevent?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe Safe Color Limiter effect is designed to prevent the grayscale from exceeding video white and video black and to ensure that the color does not exceed the limits typically allowed by broadcasters\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the major difference in the way automatic corrections are applied in the HSL group and the Curves group?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIn the HSL group, you apply Auto Correct and then Auto Balance, and in the Curves group you apply Auto Balance and then Auto Correct\n\nTerm\n\nHow can the Remove Color Cast tool improve the result of an automatic correction?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIt allows you to identify a neutral gray in the image and create an additional point on each curve to correct for any color shifts that result from strictly balancing the red, green, and blue channels\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the advantage of simple nesting?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe video monitor follows you as you travel into the nest so you can see what is happening at a given level of the nest without seeing the effects above the level\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the advantage of expanded nesting?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nYou always see the composited result of all effects in the nest regardless of where you are within the nest; you can hear audio when you play; you can access material before and after your effect nest\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you change the order of effects within a nest?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nClick and drag the effect icon in the Effect Editor for the effect you wish to reorder\n\nTerm\n\nWhat happens to an animation if you switch keyframes from linear to spline interpolation?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAn ease-in/out is added to every keyframe, making the motion smoother and more natural\n\nTerm\n\nHow do nests of effects such as 3D PIP differ from those of other effects?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n3D PIP is a two-input effect and has both a foreground and a background. ", "Both of these are visible within the nest\n\nTerm\n\nWhat can you change within a title nest?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nYou can change the fill for the title by editing a different clip onto V2\n\nTerm\n\nDo red bars or yellow bars in the Timeline indicate dropped frames?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRed bars indicate dropped frames. ", "Yellow indicate an area that has caused difficulty in playback but no frames were dropped\n\nTerm\n\nT or F: Draft quality scales the image down and lowers the frame rate to achieve more real-time performance.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFalse. ", "Does not change the frame rate\n\nTerm\n\nWhat two things determine the effect(s) that get rendered when you click the Render Effect button?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe selected tracks and the blue position indicator\n\nTerm\n\nWhere is the ExpertRender command located?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIn the Clip menu\n\nTerm\n\nWhere do you find the Image Interpolation menu for selecting Standard, Draft, or Advanced rendering quality?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIn the Render settings\n\nTerm\n\nThe transparent channel in a clip is called what?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nA matte\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. The SpectraMatte effect provides a better key than the RGB keyer effect, and it also makes it easier to fine-tune your keys.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nTrue\n\nTerm\n\nIf you have a background clip on track V2, what track should you green screen clip be edited onto?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nV3. ", "A green or blue screen clip should be edited on the track directly above your background segment.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhat do the L and R parameters stand for in the Crop Parameter group of the SpectraMatte?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLeft and right crop to cut out unwanted areas of the green screen\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. The purpose of a garbage mask is to remove all of the green or blue screen from the foreground.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFalse. ", "A garbage mask is used to remove unwanted portions from the outer areas of the frame. ", "The keyer is used to removed the remaining green/blue screen that immediately surrounds the subject\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Alpha in Source Monitor menu selection used for?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nTo view an Alpha channel or matte in the Source monitor, thereby seeing imperfections more clearly\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the two QuickTime codecs that support embedded Alpha channels?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAnimation and ProRes 4444\n\nTerm\n\nImages and movies in an RGB color space set black values to 0 and white values to 255. ", "What does the SD601/HD709 color space set black and white levels to?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n16 and 235, respectively\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you open the Marquee Title tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSelect Clip>New Title and then click Marquee in the dialog box that appears\n\nTerm\n\nWhat modifier key is used as you drag a bounding box to increase the font size of a text object in the Marquee window?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAlt; Shift+Alt to retain the text's aspect ratio\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. To add a border around text, you enable the Border check box.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFalse. ", "there is not Border check box. ", "to add a border, you enable the Change Edge Properties box in the Quick Titles window\n\nTerm\n\nIf you are defining a gradient, and the final colors on your title object's surface are not what you expect, what might you need to do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nDeselect Tint\n\nTerm\n\nWhat tab is used to make a texture more or less shiny?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSurfaces tab\n\nTerm\n\nWhere are the user materials found?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAll styles are found in the Library tab. ", "If the Library tab is not displayed, select Window>Library>Styles\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. To add a keyframe on an animation curve, you click the curve where you want to add the keyframe.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFalse. ", "To add a keyframe, you right-click on the animation curve AND select Insert Key from the pop-up menu\n\nTerm\n\nWhat determines the duration of a Quick Fade in Marquee?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe IN and OUT marks\n\nTerm\n\nWhat must the first text box be named for AutoTitler to work correctly?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe first text box must be named Text Box 1\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the shortcut for the Text tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the shortcut for Basic Layout?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nF2\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the shortcut for Basic Animation Layout?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nF4\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the shortcut for the Edit tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nE\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is a sequence?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nA series of video and audio segments that comprise your film or your program\n\nTerm\n\nA new project is created with what three files?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nA project file, a project settings file, and a bin file\n\nTerm\n\nIn Media Composer, a project's format is a combination of what?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFrame size and frame rate\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you permanently delete a bin file?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nClick the Fast menu in the Project window and choose EMPTY TRASH\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does Bin>Fill Window do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThis arranges clips to a grid pattern as wide as your current window\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does Bin>Fill Sorted do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLike Fill Window, it arranges clips to a grid pattern as wide as your current window, but it arranges them in the order they are found in Text view\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does Bin>Align to Grid do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAligns shots to an invisible grid, without reordering or significantly changing location\n\n1. ", "Park the position indicator by the transition 2. ", "Select the TRACK(S) that contain the transition(s)to be removed 3. ", "Click the REMOVE EFFECT button\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you toggle Ripple Trim?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nShift+D\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you toggle Overwrite Trim?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nShift+F\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are 2 ways to hear audio while trimming?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nJKL trim; enable Digital Audio Scrub\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Clipboard Monitor look and function nearly identical to?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSource Monitor\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the purpose of the Clipboard Monitor?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHolds copied material from one sequence for use in another\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you save clipboard contents?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nDrag the icon from the Clipboard Monitor to a bin instead of from the Record monitor; Clipboard contents are saved as a sub-sequence\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. If a marker exists within the segment of a source clip you edit to the Timeline, the marker will follow the segment and be visible in the TImeline as well.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Top button extract?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nExtracts the first portion of the segment, before the position indicator\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Tail button extract?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nExtracts the later portion of a segment, after the position indicator\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is Top and Tail?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nTop and Tail reference the active tracks and remove everything up to the next COMMON edit point (straight cut) on all active tracks\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you reference the next edit point on any active track (Top and Tail)?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAdding the ALT modifier limits Top and Tail to the next edit point on any track\n\nTerm\n\nWhat tool displays audio levels of the combined mix on a digital and analog scales?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAudio Tool\n\nTerm\n\nWhat feature of the Audio Tool resets the current max peak measurements and stops the playback of the internal calibration tone?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nReset Peak (RP) button\n\nTerm\n\nWhat feature lets you select options for customizing the mater displays and for setting and playing back the internal calibration tone?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nPeak Hold Menu (PH) button\n\nTerm\n\nWhat do Global Pan and Global Level do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nApply the current pan or level settings to all clips on entire track(s) in a sequence (Audio Mixer)\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you snap keyframes to volume decibel lines?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHold the Ctrl key while dragging the keyframe\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you move keyframes earlier or later?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHold the ALT key while dragging the keyframe\n\nTerm\n\nThe left slider (bass/low shelf) in the Audio EQ tool affects what frequencies?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n240Hz to 50Hz and below\n\nTerm\n\nThe right slider (treble/high shelf) in the Audio EQ tool affects what frequencies?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n6kHz to 20kHz and higher\n\nTerm\n\nThe middle slider (midrange) in the Audio EQ tool affects what frequencies?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAffects frequencies between the low shelf and the high shelf\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is AudioSuite?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAvid's audio plug-in standard; opens up your audio processing to plug-ins developed by Avid and by third-party developers\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the function of the BF Essential Clip Remover plug-in?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRepairs clipped audio recordings\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the function of the De-Esser Dyn 3 plug-in?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nReduces unwanted sounds to produce a smoother voiceover\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the function of the D-Verb plug-in?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nProvides control over reverberation parameters so that extremely natural-sounding reverb effects can be produced\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the function of the Expander/Gate Dyn 3 plug-in?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nOperates on low-level audio to make quiet sounds quieter\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the function of the BF Normalize plug-in?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRaises the peak of the audio signal as high as it can go w/o distortion\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Only one AudioSuite plug-in can be applied to a segment at a time.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT. To apply more than one, create an audio mixdown of the segment. ", "This creates a new master clip with the affected audio \"baked in.\"", "\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you deactivate Full Screen Playback?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nShift+Ctrl+F\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is a delivery specification?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe list of technical requirements that a video must meet in order to be accepted. ", "It typically includes file format, codec, frame dimensions, frame rate, data rate, etc.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhen setting the calibration tone parameters for a project, what do the values of 0 and -777 generate?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nA value of 0 generates random noise, while a value of -777 generates a tone sweep\n\nTerm\n\nWhat besides CREATE TONE MEDIA can be used to create tone media?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe Meter Menu button in the Timeline\n\nTerm\n\nBy default, how many seconds of filler does Media Composer add to the head of sequence when you select ADD FILLER TO START?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n30 seconds\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does LOAD FILLER do and why would you choose ADD FILLER TO START when packaging a sequence for output?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLOAD FILLER loads two minutes of filler into your Source monitor that you can use for editing; ADD FILLER TO START is more efficient for packaging for output because it automatically backtimes the sequence\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the use of semicolons vs. colons when specifying timecode indicate?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nDrop-frame vs. non-drop-frame\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does Avid's Timecode RT effect do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAllows you to add timecode displays/text annotations that update in real time; allows you to display 4 customizable pieces of timecode information at once\n\nTerm\n\nHow can you make sure that all media for the sequences is online?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nClip Color > Offline in the Timeline fast menu\n\nTerm\n\nWhat should you do if you want to ensure that all the clips have the same sample rate?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRight-click on your sequence in the bin and choose Change Sample Rate\n\nTerm\n\nIf an export with very complex sequences fails during import into some applications, what might be the problem? ", "The solution?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nMemory limitations; Try mixing down the sequence, breaking the sequence into smaller sequences and exporting the new sequences, or add more physical memory\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you perform a video mixdown?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSpecial>Video Mixdown\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. You cannot mix down compressed audio, such as AMA-linked MP3 files.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT.\n\nTerm\n\nWhy would you customize a Send To template?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nDelivering your program will be faster and more consistent if you create custom templates that match the delivery specifications for your most common distribution channels; Send To templates can perform multiple exports with one template\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the most efficient workflow for outputting a file for encoding with compressed software?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nUse a QuickTime Reference file\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Media Composer supports XDCAM as a native format.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT. It does not need to convert the media essence to another format; the system will allow you to export a clip, subclip, or sequence directly to an XDCAM disk\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is Avid DVD by Sonic?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nA professional DVD-production system that integrates authoring and disc creation into a single application\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is codec selection listed as in all settings in Media Composer?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nResolution\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are Avid high-def (HD) codecs named?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nDNxHD (with the number in the name representing the data rate; ex. ", "DNxHD 36 (higher number=more data that is being transferred with each frame)\n\nTerm\n\nWhen you import, Media Composer does what 2 things?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "It converts the media file to a new format 2. ", "It rewraps the media essence in an MXF wrapper\n\nWhat does the offline/online workflow of the metadata-media file link consist of?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe offline stage consists of capturing large amounts of footage in a very compressed format; the online stage is when you perform technical tasks that ensure the picture/sound are of the highest quality\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Media Tool do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIt allows you to see the media files on all hard drives online in a display that is similar to your bin formats\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. The Media Tool will only delete media from the drive, not master clips or other bin-level metadata.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT. If you were to copy media to the incorrect drive, you could delete those files most easily from the Media Tool.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the most common need for transcoding?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nTo convert AMA media to native Avid MXF for better performance\n\nTerm\n\nWhere is CONSOLIDATE/TRANSCODE located?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nClip>CONSOLIDATE/TRANSCODE\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Consolidate and Transcode can both be run as background processes.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nHow can you restore the pointers between the clip or sequence and its media files?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRelink\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Quick Transitions are real time effects?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does a green dot next to an effect icon indicate?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThat the effect does not require rendering and will play back in real time\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the problem when the Insufficient Source dialog box is displayed?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThere is not enough handle media to apply the default transition\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Size to Fit option in the Insufficient Source dialog box?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nMedia Composer's offer to change the duration of the effect to fit the available handle size\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the most efficient stabilization engine for locking down shots?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nCorrelation Tracker\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does Fluid Morph do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHelps solve the problem of jump cuts; can warp the two images to better align with each other, so they perform a more seamless transition\n\nTerm\n\nFluid Morph warps both images based on what?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLuminance of the images\n\nTerm\n\nHow can Feature Match improve the warping of Fluid Morph?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFeature Match improves the warping by aligning feature patterns as it warps both images\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Avid Pan & Zoom effect allow you to do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAllows you to move across as well as zoom into a still image, with extensive keyframe control over field of view\n\nTerm\n\nWhat option in Avid Pan & Zoom allows you to like the image file with the effect and display it in the Effect Preview monitor?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nImport Image option\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. If you move an image file after you have imported it into the Pan & Zoom effect, the image will no longer be linked to the effect\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Size parameter do in Avid Pan & Zoom?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe Size parameter ranges from 0.1 to 20. ", "These values act as a multiplier.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Position parameter do in Avid Pan & Zoom?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe Position parameters begin at an X and Y value of 0,0, which is the center of the image. ", "Different values move the field of view left, right, up, and down\n\nTerm\n\nWhat do the Velocity In and Out menus in Avid Pan & Zoom determine?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHow smoothly an animation starts and lands on a keyframe\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Path menu in Avid Pan & Zoom determine?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe actual motion path of the animation (Ex. ", "linear, spline)\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Filter menu in Avid Pan & Zoom determine?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLists the options from fastest and lowest quality render at the top to slowest and highest quality render at the bottom\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Source Settings dialog box?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nDetects the properties of the source media based on their metadata. ", "It allows you to quickly see the properties of the input files and make changes if necessary\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the two primary tabs of the Source Settings dialog box?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFrameFlex - used to reformat high-resolution clips to fit within an HD project; Color Encoding - used to manage the color conversion from the high resolution camera's native color space to Media Composer's HD broadcast standard (Rec. ", "709)\n\nTerm\n\nA Source Settings-modified segment can be identified by what?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nGreen dot on segment in Timeline\n\nTerm\n\nHow can you refresh your Timeline after changing the Source Settings?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nClip>Refresh Sequence>Source Settings\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are looking tables (LUTs)?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nA method of color space conversion; they perform real time color conversions so that images recorded on RAW/Log-based digital cameras look correct on HD broadcast monitors\n\nTerm\n\nDigital cinema cameras can record files in what three ways?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRAW, Log, or Rec. ", "709\n\nTerm\n\nWhen should you use the interpolated field rendering type?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nNTSC 29.97i, PAL 25i, or 1080i media\n\nTerm\n\nWhen should you use the both field rendering type?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nNTSC 24/23.976p, PAL 25p/24p, 720p or 1080p media\n\nTerm\n\nWhat will happen is you use the both fields rendering type in an interlaced project when creating freeze frames?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nVisible flutter\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Reverse and high speed motion effects cannot play in real time without being rendered\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Duplicated field requires rendering\n\nDefinition\n\nF\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Timewarp effects do not change the duration of a segment in the Timeline.", "\n\nWhy might you designate a keyframe was an \"anchor\" when graphing a Timewarp effect?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nTo ensure that a Timewarp effect does not shift the position of a specific frame; the anchor ensures that a given source frame will be held to a specific point in the Timeline; especially useful when you want to sync a particular action in the effect to a cue in the music\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. You can only have one anchor in a Timewarp effect.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are Avid Media Composer's two primary tools in terms of color adjustments and corrections?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nColor Effect and Color Correction\n\nTerm\n\nThe Color Effect is divided into what two parts?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLuminance Adjustments and Color Adjustments\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the three parameters dealing with luminance (Color Effect)?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Luma Adjust 2. ", "Luma Range 3. ", "Luma Clip\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the three parameters dealing with color (Color Effect)?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Chroma Adjust 2. ", "Color Style 3. ", "Color Gain\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are Luma Adjust's two parameters?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Brightness - increases/decreases the intensity of light across the entire tonal range 2. ", "Cont (Contrast) - stretches/compresses the difference in brightness between the light and dark areas in a shot\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are Luma Range's three parameters?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "W(hite) Point and 2. ", "B(lack) Point - defines the whitest white and the blackest black in an image; 3. ", "Gamma - a response curve that defines how the tonal range transitions between black and white\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are video black and video white?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nDefined limits for the grayscale within the digital video standards; 16, 235 (b,w)\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Gamma setting adjust?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIt adjusts the tones between the white and black points but it is not a linear adjustment; it actually adjusts all grayscale tones using what is referred to as a response curve; brightens midrange tones the most (unlike Brightness)\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are Luma Clip's two parameters?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "High and 2. ", "Low parameters - final determination on the max white level and min black levels; normally leave these at 16 and 235\n\n1. ", "Posterize - reduces the # of colors used in the images 2. ", "Solar - way to create a negative image; allows you to control the degree of inversion (unlike Invert check box)\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the primary colors of the video color space?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRed, green, and blue\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. HSL adjustments affect grayscale.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nF. HSL adjustments do not affect grayscale (luminance). ", "In Curves, you are always simultaneously adjusting both color and grayscale.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhen should you use Automatic Color Correction?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nMay be useful while doing an offline edit, particularly if you only need to correct a basic color problem.", "\n\nTerm\n\nWhen should you NOT use Automatic Color Correction?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nNot recommended for online finishing work.", "\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Because automatic color correction only analyzes the frame you are currently parked on, you should correct on a frame that is most representative of the entire shot.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nIn the HSL group, what does Auto Contrast do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAdjusts the black and white levels (known as setup and gain) to maximize the tonal range in an image\n\nTerm\n\nIn the HSL group, what does Auto Balance do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAdjusts the white balance of the image's shadows, midtones, and highlights\n\nTerm\n\nThe Curves group contains what four curves?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRed, green, blue, and master\n\nTerm\n\nIn the Curves group, what does Auto Contrast do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAdjusts the master curve\n\nTerm\n\nIn the Curves group, what does Auto Balance do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAdjusts the red, green and blue curves\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. There is a single Remove Color Cast tool in the Curves group, as opposed to HSL group's 3.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nHow does the Remove Color Cast tool in Curves perform a different function from the HSL group's?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIn the HSL group, the Remove Color Cast tool is similar to Auto Balance, but in Curves the Remove Color Cast tool changes the white balance by adding a control point between the low and high adjustments\n\nTerm\n\nHow can you tell how deep you are in a nested effect?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLook at the Track Patching panel\n\nTerm\n\nEffects are always processed from the _____ of the nest up.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nBottom\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is a shortcut to entering and existing expanded nesting?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nDouble-clicking a highlighted segment (as opposed to alt-clicking the STEP IN button)\n\nTerm\n\nIn expanded nesting, what do the two numbers in the Track Patching panel indicate? (", "ex. ", "2.1)\n\nDefinition\n\nThe first number indicates the nest level of the track, and the second number indicates the track number at that layer of the nest\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is a picture-in-picture effect (PIP)?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nA PIP allows you to layer one clip over another and adjust the size, position, and opacity of the upper clip\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Advanced keyframing allows you set keyframes for each parameter independently, with a few exceptions.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. After you change from the default All Parameters setting, you can no longer use standard keyframes under the Effect Preview monitor\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you display a parameter's keyframe graph?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nClick on the ARROW next to a keyframed parameter to display its keyframe graph\n\nTerm\n\nHow many video tracks do Title nests have? ", "What are they?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n3; V1 represents the background for the title, V2 and V3 represent the two parts of the title: its fill (on V2) and its matte (on V3)\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the matte in a Title nest?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nUsed to define the edges of the title and indicates where the title and the background are displayed; the title matte is locked and cannot be modified\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the fill in a Title nest?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nWhat is displayed wherever the matte indicates that the title should be visible; the fill can be modified\n\nTerm\n\nAccording to Avid, which two effects are useful and commonly applied to tracks instead of clips?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSafe Color Limiter and the Pan and Scan effect\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does Pan and Scan's Subdivide Effect do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAllows you to automatically break up the Pan and Scan effect up into multiple effects, one for every edit on a given track\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is rendering?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nA process by which Media Composer calculates (or creates) the effect and writes the resulting image into a video file\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are precomputes?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFiles that have been computed, or calculated, in advance of playback\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Rather than playing directly off of the hard drive, Media Composer always plays out of a special reserved area of the host computer's RAM.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT. This reserved area, or buffer, can hold over 10 seconds of full quality uncompressed video\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are dropped frames?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nFrames of video that are skipped\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. When frames are dropped, the frame rate drops dramatically, but audio/video sync is always maintained.", "\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nWhat do yellow bars in the timecode ruler at the top of the Timeline indicate?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIndicate areas that stressed the system during playback but did not cause it to drop frames\n\nTerm\n\nWhat do blue bars in the timecode ruler at the top of the Timeline indicate?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIndicate areas that overtaxed the system during playback; dropped frames\n\nTerm\n\nWhat do red bars in the timecode ruler at the top of the Timeline indicate?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nIndicate areas that stressed the drives on which the media was stored during playback but did not cause it to drop frames\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are two options you have if you stressed the system or dropped frames?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Adjust the playback quality setting 2. ", "Render the effects\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the three video quality options available?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Full Quality 2. ", "Draft Quality (scales the frame by 50% in each direction) 3. ", "Best Performance\n\nA process where two or more drives are joined together by the system and treated as a single drive; By combining multiple drives, the system can read and write material much more quickly.", "\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Although the Render Effect button does render a single effect, it also renders all the effects on all clips at the current position, on active tracks\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Once an effect is rendered, it will remain rendered until you modify the effect\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. You can interrupt lengthy render processes by pressing Ctrl+\n\nDefinition\n\nT\n\nTerm\n\nExpertRender selects segments in the recommended ranges using what rules?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Render any effect that isn't completely covered by another effect 2. ", "Render any non-real-time effect, unless completely covered by another effect that will be rendered. ", "This includes nests that contain non-real-time effects\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is Image Interpolation?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nA menu that controls the algorithm used to process effects, thereby controlling both the quality and the time it takes to complete\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the ideal configuration when working on an effects-heavy sequence in which you will be doing numerous renders and want to minimize render time during the creative process?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nImage Interpolation menu>Draft (Nearest Neighbor)\n\nTerm\n\nWhere do you set render quality?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe Render Settings dialog box from the Settings pane of the Project window\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you open the Clear Renders dialog box?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nRight-click the Timeline and choose Clear Renders at Position\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. Clear Renders deletes the rendered files\n\nDefinition\n\nF\n\nTerm\n\nT or F. While you are in Marquee, Media Composer will not auto-save you project or bins.", "\n\nThe toolbox is where you can select tools to create and transform objects\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is Quick Titles Properties for in the Marquee Title tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThis window contains the most commonly used text properties for basic title creation\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Layers Window for in the Marquee Title tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nEach text or graphical object is displayed in a stacked hierarchical order (similar to Photoshop)\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Properties Window for in the Marquee Title tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThis window shows the transform properties for scaling and rotating an object, but it can be changed to show other properties for text, surfaces, light sources, and lower thirds\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the Library for in the Marquee Title tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe library contains a number of sub-tabs that store various time-saving assets, including keyframe animation presets, materials, image textures, and templates\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the primary tool in the Toolbox and what does it do?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nEdit tool; used for repositioning, scaling, and formatting\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is the safe title area? ", "How do you view it in the Marquee Title tool?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe area all text for television broadcast should remain inside; View>Safe Action/Title\n\nTerm\n\nWhen working with gradient controls, why would you deselect the Tint check box?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nTo see your own colors for the gradient\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you add a triangular color stop to the gradient preview bar?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nAlt-clicking the gradient preview bar\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the three gradient direction types?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHorizontal, Vertical, Radical\n\nTerm\n\nWhat does the Mapping list determine?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nHow the gradient is mapped to the object's surface (Local, Container, etc.)", "\n\nTerm\n\nHow does the Local setting of the Mapping list map?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nLocal maps the gradient across each letter\n\nTerm\n\nHow does the Container setting of the Mapping list map?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nContainer maps the gradient across the entire text object\n\nTerm\n\nOnce a texture is applied to text in the Marquee Title tool, how can you further refine it?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nSurfaces Properties window, which you can access by choosing Window>Properties>Surfaces\n\nTerm\n\nHow do you save a material for reuse?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Select the OBJECT in the Monitor 2. ", "Click the MATERIALS tab in the Library window 3. ", "Right-click the USER MATERIALS and select NEW MATERIAL 4. ", "Choose which OPTIONS you wish to save into the material, name it, and click OK\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are two of Marquee's stand-out capabilities?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n3D rotation and 3D extrusion\n\nTerm\n\nWhat is extrusion?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe depth, or thickness, of an object\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are bevel styles?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nVarious edge types applied to the front and back face of the text\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the rotation sphere's three color-coded rotation circles and what do they stand for?", "\n\nWhat are the 2 critical options located on the Image tab of the Import Settings dialog box that will affect QuickTime with Alpha?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "File Pixel to Video Mapping 2. ", "Alpha Channel options\n\nTerm\n\nWhat are the 3 options of File Pixel to Video Mapping?", "\n\nDefinition\n\n1. ", "Computer RGB (0-255) - you use this setting when you have created graphics in an RGB color space; images and movie files are remapped 2. ", "601 SD or 709 HD (16-335) - you use this setting when you have created graphics in a 601/709 color space; images and movie files are NOT remapped 3. ", "Computer RGB, Dither Image Colors - this does not change the color levels, but instead adds a bit of noise to randomize the levels\n\nTerm\n\nWhen Media Composer links to a graphic or movie file with embedded Alpha, what do black and white represent?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nBlack represents the opaque areas in an image, and white represents the transparent areas (OPPOSITE OF THE SPECTRAMATTE KEY)\n\nTerm\n\nHow is Media Composer equipped to handle linking to a graphic or movie file with embedded Alpha, when is the opposite of what it expects?", "\n\nDefinition\n\nThe Alpha Channel section of the Import Settings dialog box can handle the Alpha no matter which way it was created; in most cases the Alpha channel will need to be INVERTED and you'll need to select the INVERT ON IMPORT button\n\nTerm\n\nWhat two ways can Alpha channels be created and which one is supported by Media Composer?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0045662100456621, 0, 0.011560693641618497, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0.003257328990228013, 0.011363636363636364, 0.004484304932735426, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004149377593360996, 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0036363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0044444444444444444, 0, 0.004405286343612335, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0.014598540145985401, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0.006329113924050633, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007434944237918215, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0.01910828025477707, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003003003003003003, 0.01702127659574468, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0.00684931506849315, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020618556701030927, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.011764705882352941, 0.004651162790697674, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0.0043859649122807015, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.017699115044247787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.011363636363636364, 0.008695652173913044, 0.008403361344537815, 0.01, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0.006309148264984227, 0, 0, 0, 0.004366812227074236, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0.0078125, 0.008264462809917356, 0.009900990099009901, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0, 0.005263157894736842, 0, 0.011976047904191617, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.0028169014084507044, 0.009174311926605505, 0.0048543689320388345, 0.00510204081632653, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.004166666666666667, 0.0078125, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.005917159763313609, 0.012903225806451613, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.006172839506172839, 0.007692307692307693, 0.011904761904761904, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.031746031746031744, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.011764705882352941, 0.008522727272727272, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0.012738853503184714, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0.006920415224913495, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.005813953488372093, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.010752688172043012, 0.006329113924050633, 0.008403361344537815, 0.01444043321299639, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0, 0.0041841004184100415, 0.004291845493562232, 0, 0, 0.010582010582010581, 0.004878048780487805, 0.004484304932735426, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.00625, 0.012711864406779662, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.005291005291005291, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.010822510822510822, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.01652892561983471, 0.013793103448275862, 0.006172839506172839, 0.0111731843575419, 0.004016064257028112, 0.004149377593360996, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.011235955056179775, 0.01694915254237288, 0.008403361344537815, 0.0058823529411764705, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014814814814814815, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0.03614457831325301, 0, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0.007067137809187279, 0.005917159763313609 ]
[ "Delicious and easy to make creme brulle, includes a free 5\" clay serving dish.", "\n\nWhat is crema catalanaCrema Catalana or Catalan Cream is the Catalan name and version of the French dessert, creme brulee. ", "In fact, many regions lay claim to the origin of the dessert. ", "Wherever it originated, enjoy and let it dissolve in your mouth! ", "It is a great dessert for Spring, since it is also called Crema de Sant Josep, or St. Josephs cream, traditionally prepared on March 19th, St. Josephs Day, the Spanish equivalent of Fathers Day in the USA." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0.004878048780487805 ]
[ "d. What is b(d)?", "\n-3\nSuppose 5*p - 675 = 4*h, 0 = p - 3*h - 82 - 42. ", "Suppose -33 = p*v - 142*v. ", "Let c(u) = -u**3 + 11*u**2 - u + 15. ", "Determine c(v).", "\n4\nSuppose 3*i = 5*g - 10, -4*g + 0*g - 5*i + 45 = 0. ", "Let c(u) = u**2 + 19*u + g - 4 - 22*u. ", "Calculate c(3).", "\n1\nLet c(g) be the third derivative of g**4/8 + 2*g**3/3 - g**2 + 43*g. ", "Give c(4).", "\n16\nLet z(w) = 6 - 2460*w**2 - w**3 - 2460*w**2 + 4927*w**2. ", "Let c be 1 + 7 + 3 + -4. ", "Calculate z(c).", "\n6\nSuppose 3*v + 4*o = -28, 148*v - 146*v + 14 = 2*o. ", "Let c(i) = -6*i + 6. ", "Let y(k) = -5*k + 5. ", "Let f(a) = -4*c(a) + 5*y(a). ", "Calculate f(v).", "\n9\nLet u be (-40)/(-400) - (-2)/(-20). ", "Let n(x) be the first derivative of -x**2/2 + x + 1. ", "Give n(u).", "\n1\nLet o = -760 - -762. ", "Let y(f) be the first derivative of -4 - 6*f + 1/4*f**4 - 8/3*f**3 + 4*f**o. ", "What is y(7)?", "\n1\nLet u(q) = -q**3 + 4*q**2 + q - 2. ", "Let a be (-6)/3 - (-246)/6. ", "Let f = a - 36. ", "What is u(f)?", "\n10\nLet i(q) = 2*q + 328 - 170 - 166. ", "Determine i(-9).", "\n-26\nLet d(h) = -2*h + 9. ", "Let l = -208 - -215. ", "Calculate d(l).", "\n-5\nSuppose 5*a - 2*g - 62 = -0*g, 4*a = -3*g + 45. ", "Let v be (-98)/a + 7/84*2. ", "Let q(u) = u**2 + 8*u + 2. ", "What is q(v)?", "\n2\nLet f(m) be the first derivative of m**6/120 - m**5/60 - m**4/6 + m**3/2 + 5*m**2/2 + 13. ", "Let j(b) be the second derivative of f(b). ", "Calculate j(2).", "\n-1\nLet i(w) = 2061*w**3 + 2*w - 1034*w**3 - 1031*w**3 - 2 + 2*w**2. ", "Determine i(2).", "\n-22\nSuppose 5*r - 25 = 0, 0*v + v = -3*r + 9. ", "Let w(j) = j + 11. ", "What is w(v)?", "\n5\nLet w be 8*3 + (0 - 2). ", "Let b(g) = -4*g - 1. ", "Let o(u) be the second derivative of 5*u**3/2 + 2*u**2 + u - 35. ", "Let z(j) = w*b(j) + 6*o(j). ", "What is z(-2)?", "\n-2\nLet i(o) = -o + 9. ", "Let k(c) = -3*c + 27. ", "Let v(z) = 1. ", "Let r(l) = k(l) - v(l). ", "Let n(y) = -8*i(y) + 3*r(y). ", "Give n(7).", "\n-1\nLet z(d) be the third derivative of 0*d + 0 - 1/60*d**5 - 18*d**2 + 1/6*d**3 + 1/4*d**4. ", "Calculate z(6).", "\n1\nLet f be -3*(-6 - 5/(-15)). ", "Let i(d) = -d**2 + 17*d - 21. ", "Determine i(f).", "\n-21\nSuppose 2*o - s - 75 = 17, -o + 53 = -4*s. ", "Let y be o - 0 - (2 - 5). ", "Let x be (-7)/2*y/(-28). ", "Let n(c) = -c - 5. ", "Give n(x).", "\n-11\nLet h(x) = -x**2. ", "Let r = 147 - 143. ", "Determine h(r).", "\n-16\nLet g = -33 + 21. ", "Let s = g - -15. ", "Suppose s*d = -2*q - 27, -2*q + 2*d = 1 + 1. ", "Let c(a) = -a - 5. ", "Determine c(q).", "\n1\nLet q(m) = m - 7. ", "Let s(o) = o - 36. ", "Let h(d) = 4*q(d) - s(d). ", "Determine h(-4).", "\n-4\nLet m = -36 + 42. ", "Suppose 0 = -3*b + m*b + 18. ", "Let v(j) = j**3 + 7*j**2 + 4*j + 8. ", "Determine v(b).", "\n20\nLet l(s) = 5*s**2 - 17*s - 37. ", "Let j(h) = -4*h**2 + 17*h + 37. ", "Let n(p) = -4*j(p) - 3*l(p). ", "Let t be n(19). ", "Let r(u) = 16*u**2 - 2*u + 1. ", "Calculate r(t).", "\n15\nLet d(t) = -t - 1. ", "Let l(f) = -15*f - 3. ", "Let x(z) = 12*d(z) - l(z). ", "Determine x(7).", "\n12\nLet z(f) = f**2 - 4*f - 5. ", "Let w be z(6). ", "Suppose 1 = -3*r - 38. ", "Let i = w + r. Let q(s) = -s**3 - 6*s**2 - 2. ", "Determine q(i).", "\n-2\nLet r(z) = -z - 3*z**2 + 2*z - 6*z + z**3 - 5 - 2*z**2. ", "Let x = 2 - 2. ", "Suppose -4*y = 2*m - 24 + 4, 2*m + 5*y - 22 = x. Calculate r(m).", "\n1\nLet y(v) = -v**2 + 2*v + 5. ", "Suppose -2*i - 4*t + 6 = 0, -3*i + 5*t - 3 + 12 = 0. ", "Calculate y(i).", "\n2\nLet y(g) = g**2 - g**2 + 9*g + 10*g - 11*g - 2*g**2 - 9. ", "What is y(6)?", "\n-33\nLet j = 5 + -8. ", "Let d(u) = 92*u + 42. ", "Let f(w) = 17*w + 8. ", "Let l(m) = -2*d(m) + 11*f(m). ", "Calculate l(j).", "\n-5\nLet k(x) be the second derivative of 0 - 1/120*x**5 + 0*x**2 + 5/24*x**4 - 4*x - x**3. ", "Let t(b) be the second derivative of k(b). ", "Determine t(6).", "\n-1\nLet c(r) be the first derivative of -r**4/4 - 17*r**3/3 - r**2/2 - 10*r + 59. ", "Determine c(-17).", "\n7\nLet x(p) be the first derivative of -p**3/3 + 7*p**2/2 + 3*p - 5. ", "Let i(s) = -s**2 + 8*s + 4. ", "Let h(m) = 4*i(m) - 5*x(m). ", "Calculate h(2).", "\n-1\nSuppose 5*t + 22 = -4*x, 3*t - 9 + 19 = -4*x. ", "Let w(d) = d + 8. ", "What is w(t)?", "\n2\nLet h be ((105/10)/(-7))/((-9)/12756). ", "Let a(x) = 2*x - x + h - 2123 - 2*x. ", "Let m(z) = z. Let o be m(2). ", "Calculate a(o).", "\n1\nLet k be (-2 - 7)/(-3) - -36. ", "Suppose -2*q - q = -k. ", "Let i(o) = 44*o**2 - 45*o**2 + q + 2*o - 6. ", "What is i(5)?", "\n-8\nLet n(l) be the first derivative of -15 - l + 0*l**2 + 0*l**3 - 11/4*l**4. ", "What is n(-1)?", "\n10\nLet l be 3 + -2*4 - (15 - 20). ", "Let i(b) be the first derivative of -b**3/3 - b**2/2 + 4*b + 1. ", "Calculate i(l).", "\n4\nLet n(i) = -3*i**2 - 43*i + 33. ", "Let h be n(-15). ", "Let l(t) = -t**3 + t + 4. ", "What is l(h)?", "\n-20\nLet o(w) be the second derivative of w**3/6 - 21*w**2/2 - 55*w. ", "Give o(12).", "\n-9\nLet y(c) be the second derivative of c**5/4 - c**4/6 + c**3/2 - c**2/2 - 51*c - 1. ", "Calculate y(1).", "\n5\nLet l(h) = 1 - 7*h + 1 + 2*h + 9*h. ", "Give l(-3).", "\n-10\nLet r(v) be the third derivative of v**7/5040 - 7*v**6/720 + v**5/12 + 5*v**2. ", "Let p(o) be the third derivative of r(o). ", "Determine p(0).", "\n-7\nLet k be (1 - 1 - 1)*7. ", "Let t be 45/18*(-1 + 1 + 2). ", "Let q(d) = 10*d - 4*d + 2 + 4 - t*d. ", "Give q(k).", "\n-1\nLet n(h) be the first derivative of 2*h**3/3 - h**2/2 + 2*h + 2. ", "Let x(c) be the first derivative of -c**2/2 - 4*c - 5. ", "Let v be x(-6). ", "Give n(v).", "\n8\nLet h(c) = -14*c + 7. ", "Let i be h(2). ", "Let q = i + 23. ", "Suppose 0 = 4*n + 4*v, -4 = q*n + 6*v - 2*v. ", "Let m(a) = -3*a - 2. ", "What is m(n)?", "\n-8\nLet t(k) = -4*k**2 - 3*k + 2. ", "Let g = -92 - -93. ", "Calculate t(g).", "\n-5\nLet x(w) be the third derivative of -2/3*w**3 - 1/60*w**5 - 1/3*w**4 - 8*w**2 + 0*w + 0. ", "Give x(-6).", "\n8\nLet o(l) = -l**3 - 4*l**2. ", "Let z = 107 + -100. ", "Let f be (-52)/14 - ((-2)/z)/(-1). ", "What is o(f)?", "\n0\nLet y(r) = -3*r - 3. ", "Suppose -26 = -0*k + 13*k. ", "Determine y(k).", "\n3\nLet c(k) be the second derivative of k**2 - 1/12*k**4 + 0*k**3 - 3*k + 0. ", "Suppose -2*t - 6 = -0, 3*f + 6 = -5*t. ", "What is c(f)?", "\n-7\nLet w = -35 + 64. ", "Let c(y) = -3*y**2 + w*y - 28*y + 12*y**2. ", "Give c(-1).", "\n8\nLet c(x) be the first derivative of -x**5/30 - x**3/6 - 5*x**2/2 + 6. ", "Let p(l) be the second derivative of c(l). ", "Let h be (-8)/(-6) - (-2)/(-6). ", "Determine p(h).", "\n-3\nLet w(o) = 2*o**2 - 6. ", "Let k = 448 + -443. ", "Determine w(k).", "\n44\nLet z be (-38)/(-4) - (-11)/22. ", "Let q = 14 - z. Let g(t) = -t**3 + 5*t**2 - 3*t - 3. ", "Let r be g(q). ", "Let s(n) = 10*n**3 - 2*n**2 + 1. ", "Give s(r).", "\n9\nLet k = 31 - 28. ", "Suppose k*z - 2*m = -8, -4*z - 2*m = 5 + 1. ", "Let x(j) be the second derivative of -j**3/3 - j**2/2 - j. Determine x(z).", "\n3\nLet b(h) = h**2 - 8. ", "Suppose 4*n + a + 80 = 2*n, 5*n = -4*a - 206. ", "Let r = n + 38. ", "Determine b(r).", "\n-8\nLet v(r) = -3*r - r + 3*r. ", "Let c be -2 - (-3 + (0 - -4)). ", "Let h = -7 - c. Calculate v(h).", "\n4\nSuppose 0*x - 40 = -4*x. ", "Let u(k) = -2*k**2 + 21*k - 11. ", "Let s be u(x). ", "Let t(h) = 7*h - 1. ", "Determine t(s).", "\n-8\nLet i(y) = y**3 + 8*y**2 + 5*y - 6. ", "Suppose -200*n = -201*n - 7. ", "Determine i(n).", "\n8\nLet f(i) = 2*i + 13. ", "Let u be f(-9). ", "Let d(p) be the first derivative of 7*p + 1/2*p**2 + 17. ", "Give d(u).", "\n2\nLet c = -1 - -1. ", "Let l(s) be the second derivative of 1/6*s**3 + 3*s + 1/2*s**2 + 1 - 1/12*s**4. ", "What is l(c)?", "\n1\nSuppose 16*q = -3*q. ", "Let d(a) = -a + 12. ", "Calculate d(q).", "\n12\nLet x = -149 - -149. ", "Let m(y) = y**2 + y - 37. ", "Determine m(x).", "\n-37\nLet w be (32 - -3)*(20/(-25))/2. ", "Let g be ((-12)/w)/(((-4)/14)/2). ", "Let o(x) = x**2 + 3*x - 2. ", "Determine o(g).", "\n16\nLet g(v) = 0*v**3 - 4*v - 19 + 45 + v**3 + v**2 - 23. ", "Calculate g(2).", "\n7\nLet j(r) = r**3 - 13*r**2 + 8*r - 101. ", "Let n be j(13). ", "Let l(d) = 7*d + 9. ", "Let p(c) = -20*c - 26. ", "Let m(u) = 17*l(u) + 6*p(u). ", "What is m(n)?", "\n-6\nLet d(b) be the first derivative of -b**4/4 - 5*b**3/3 + 2*b - 7. ", "Let q be d(-5). ", "Suppose 0 = q*r + 21 - 11. ", "Let x(p) = 2*p + 4. ", "What is x(r)?", "\n-6\nSuppose 3*a = -3*r + 15, -7*r + 3*r = -3*a + 15. ", "Let f(h) = h. Let n(t) = -2*t. ", "Let l(c) = -8*f(c) - 3*n(c). ", "Determine l(a).", "\n-10\nLet j(a) be the first derivative of a**4/4 + a**3/3 - 5*a**2/2 + 2*a - 282. ", "Calculate j(-4).", "\n-26\nLet s(a) = 2*a + 1. ", "Let w(l) = -3*l - 29. ", "Let u(g) = -s(g) - w(g). ", "Give u(-14).", "\n14\nLet p = 39 - 3. ", "Let m = -39 + p. Let z(k) = k + 2. ", "Determine z(m).", "\n-1\nLet z(p) = p**2 + 16*p + 21. ", "Suppose 4*x = 29*x + 350. ", "Give z(x).", "\n-7\nLet l(j) = j - 2*j - j**3 - 12*j**2 + 19*j**2 - 9. ", "What is l(7)?", "\n-16\nSuppose 2*d - 6*d = -2*c + 16, d + 3 = 0. ", "Let u(a) be the second derivative of -a**5/20 + a**4/6 - a**3/6 - 11*a. ", "What is u(c)?", "\n-2\nSuppose 2*d = 6*d - 12. ", "Suppose -42 = -2*z - z + d*w, -3*z + w = -44. ", "Suppose z = -0*o - 3*o. ", "Let p(t) = -t**2 - 5*t. ", "Determine p(o).", "\n0\nSuppose -12 = -7*h + h. Suppose 2*u - l = 6*u - 39, -h*l + 15 = u. Let p(b) = b - 2. ", "What is p(u)?", "\n7\nLet d be (-4)/(-6) - 376/141. ", "Let s(h) = -3*h**3 - 3*h**2 - h - 1. ", "Calculate s(d).", "\n13\nLet z(n) = -7" ]
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[ "\n191 Cal.", "App.3d 13 (1986)\n236 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "894\nTHE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Appellant,\nv.\nBLAYNE W. HAMILTON, Defendant and Respondent.", "\nDocket No. ", "935.", "\nCourt of Appeals of California, Appellate Department, Superior Court, Fresno.", "\nDecember 9, 1986.", "\n*15 COUNSEL\nEdward W. Hunt, District Attorney, and Mark W. Lester, Deputy District Attorney, for Plaintiff and Appellant.", "\nJames Wasson and Wasson, Brown & Bromberg for Defendant and Respondent.", "\nOPINION\nARDAIZ, P.J.\nThe People appeal from an order of the municipal court granting the defendant's motion pursuant to Penal Code section 1538.5 to suppress blood-alcohol-test results.[1] The lower court granted the motion on the ground that the defendant was not lawfully detained because the Clovis City police officer who stopped him was outside the territorial jurisdiction of the Clovis City Police Department at the time the officer made the observations giving rise to the detention and arrest.", "\nOn May 20, 1985, the Clovis City Police Officer Luis Duran was on routine patrol on Ashlan Avenue just west of Clovis Avenue in the City of Fresno. ", "Officer Duran was outside his territorial jurisdiction because he was on his *16 way to the Clovis City yard to obtain gas for his vehicle. ", "He observed defendant make a \"wide\" right hand turn eastbound onto Ashlan Avenue. ", "All four wheels of the defendant's vehicle went over the double yellow lines into the westbound lane.", "\nThe officer believed that a Vehicle Code infraction (§ 21460 [failure to drive on the right hand side of the road]) had occurred. ", "He activated his red light and pulled the defendant over. ", "The officer testified in the lower court hearing that after defendant was stopped, he showed indicia of intoxication. ", "The officer administered a field sobriety test and subsequently arrested defendant and transported him to a location where a breath test was administered. ", "Defendant was booked for a violation of Vehicle Code section 23152, subdivision (b).", "\n\nDid the trial court err in determining that the officer had no authority to detain defendant pursuant to section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3)?", "\nWe shall initially dispose of the question raised by defendant whether an infraction is a public offense. ", "Section 16 provides, \"Crimes and public offenses include: [¶] 1. ", "Felonies; [¶] 2. ", "Misdemeanors; and [¶] 3. ", "Infractions.\"", "\nDefendant contends that a violation of Vehicle Code section 21460 is an infraction and is therefore not a public offense. ", "Defendant cites the court to People v. Battle (1975) 50 Cal. ", "App.3d Supp. ", "1 at page Supp. ", "6 [123 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "636]: \"Section 16 of the Penal Code declares that `crimes and public offenses' include not only felonies and misdemeanors but also infractions. ", "Section 19c and 1042.5 of the Penal Code deprive a person accused of an infraction of the right to a jury trial. ", "Yet, section 689 of the Penal Code declares that `[no] person can be convicted of a public offense unless by verdict of a jury.\" ... [¶] ", "If the Legislature intended to treat infractions as public offenses and if the charging of a public offense invokes the right to trial by jury, sections 19c and 1042.5, which deny a jury to one who commits an infraction, conflict with section 689. ", "However, the same (1968) Legislature enacted section 19c, the pertinent amendment of section 16 and section 1042.5.... [W]e must conclude that it was not the intent of the Legislature to enact inconsistent statutes and, further, that when it added the term `public offense' to section 16 it was not so categorizing infractions because if it did so it would have caused inconsistency between sections 19c and 689 of the Penal Code. ", "Support for this interpretation is found in the language of section 1042.5 which states that a defendant `charged with an infraction and with a public offense for which there is a right to jury trial' (italics added) may be accorded a jury trial. ", "Had the Legislature intended that an infraction be treated as a public offense, it would have worded the statute differently, for example, `an infraction and with some other public offense.'\"", "\n*17 The Battle court reviewed its earlier decision in People v. Oppenheimer (1974) 42 Cal. ", "App.3d Supp.4 [116 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "795] which noted that section 689 was originally enacted in 1872 and last amended in 1951, and sections 19c and 1042.5 were enacted in 1968. ", "The Battle court held that all sections must be read together and, in case of conflict, that effect must be given to the latest enacted sections which specifically were sections 19c and 1042.5. ", "The court in Oppenheimer held that sections 19c and 1042.5 qualify section 689 insofar as infractions are concerned. ", "In footnote 2 of the Oppenheimer decision, the court addressed the question of whether a constitutional infirmity existed in the denial of a jury trial to infractions. ", "We concur in the language of Oppenheimer with respect to sections 19c and 1042.5 as qualifying section 689. (", "1) However, we decline to accept the interpretation of People v. Battle, supra, 50 Cal. ", "App.3d Supp.1, in that we determine the appropriate interpretation is that the Legislature, in drafting sections 19c and 1042.5, intended merely to exempt infractions from those public offenses which require a jury trial rather than exempting infractions from the definition of a public offense. ", "In People v. Tennessee (1970) 4 Cal. ", "App.3d 788 [84 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "697], the court construed the \"public offense\" language of section 836, subdivision 1 to include a Vehicle Code infraction of failure to stop at a traffic light. ", "In People v. Turk (1977) 75 Cal. ", "App.3d 639 [142 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "362], the court found that an officer had reasonable cause to believe a public offense had been committed where the officer observed the defendant's vehicle speeding through a residential area and observed that there was no illumination on the rear license plate.", "\nThe court notes that there is no distinction between the term public offense as it is related in section 830.1, subdivision (a)(1) and section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3).[2]\n*18 Under these circumstances, it is reasonable to infer that the Legislature intended no distinction to be drawn between the term public offense as it is used throughout section 830.1.", "\nThe court, therefore, finds that an infraction constitutes a public offense within the meaning of section 830.1.", "\nPursuant to section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3), \"... Any police officer of a city ... is a peace officer. ", "The authority of any such peace officer extends to any place in the state.... [¶] As to any public offense committed or which there is probable cause to believe has been committed in his presence, and with respect to which there is immediate danger to person or property, or of the escape of the perpetrator of such offense.\" (", "Italics added.)", "\nThe People cite Lofthouse v. Department of Motor Vehicles (1981) 124 Cal. ", "App.3d 730 [177 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "601] for support of their position that the officer in question acted within the parameters of section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3). ", "In Lofthouse, an officer of the Hawthorne Police Department spotted the defendant driving erratically which caused drivers of other cars to make sudden stops to avoid a collision. ", "At the time, the defendant was westbound on Imperial Boulevard. ", "Imperial Boulevard is the boundary line between the City of Hawthorne and the City of Inglewood, with the westbound portion of the road in the City of Inglewood. ", "The officer pursued the defendant for several blocks and eventually stopped him in the City of Inglewood. ", "At the time of the officer's observation and subsequent pursuit, the officer was outside his territorial jurisdiction. ", "The court held that the defendant's arrest was lawful: \"... Officer Klawitter undoubtedly had the status of a peace officer at the time of the arrest and his authority extended to any place in the State of California as to any public offense which he had probable cause to believe was committed in his presence and where there existed an immediate danger to persons or property or of the escape of the perpetrator. (", "Penal Code, Section 830.1.) ", "Each of those enumerated factors was present here. [", "Defendant] constituted a threat to the safety or property of others and would have escaped apprehension had he been permitted to proceed on his way.\" (", "124 Cal. ", "App.3d 730, 735.)", "\nIt is apparently defendant's contention that Lofthouse is distinguishable because both elements of section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3) were present. ", "Lofthouse's driving presented a threat to public safety and the possibility that he might escape apprehension. (", "2a) The language of the statute does not require both conditions. ", "As is evident, the statute is written in the disjunctive as opposed to the conjunctive and, therefore under the provisions of section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3) either immediate danger or possibility of escape is sufficient. (", "3) Unless it can be demonstrated that there is a *19 compelling reason why the customary import of statutory language should be disregarded, courts must give effect to the statute's plain meaning. ", "Tiernan v. Trustees of Cal. ", "State University & Colleges (1982) 33 Cal.3d 211, 218-219 [188 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "115, 655 P.2d 317].) (", "2b) No reason has been tendered to this court why the statute should be interpreted as requiring both prongs expressed in section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3) as opposed to one or the other.", "\nThe court therefore finds that section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3) is written in the disjunctive with respect to immediate danger to person or property or of the escape of the perpetrator of such offense and that the presence of either or both prongs is sufficient to justify peace officer action under the provisions of section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3).", "\n(4) Under the facts tendered, no persons or property were endangered by defendant's \"wide\" right turn. ", "Thus, if the stop is to be found lawful, it must be under the second prong, possibility of escape. ", "Courts have long recognized that vehicles can quickly be moved out of a locality. (", "Carroll v. United States (1925) 267 U.S. 132 [69 L.Ed. ", "543, 45 S.Ct. ", "280].) ", "Since the offense occurred while defendant was driving his car, there was the possibility of escape if the officer did not cite defendant when the officer observed the infraction outside the Clovis City limits.", "\nPeople v. Bush (1974) 37 Cal. ", "App.3d 952 [112 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "770], is instructive but distinguishable with respect to the escape element of section 830.1, subdivision (c).[3] In Bush, an off duty police officer outside his jurisdiction saw a car parked across the sidewalk at the entrance to a high school parking lot. ", "Defendant, Bush, was seated in the driver's seat, and codefendant, Going, was outside the car. ", "The officer saw Bush hand Going a plastic bag containing a dark green substance which appeared to be marijuana. ", "Going then handed money to Bush. ", "The officer arrested the two men. ", "He had them accompany him to the school office where sheriff's deputies were called. ", "The trial court granted defendant Bush's section 995 motion and the People appealed.", "\nThe People contended, inter alia, that the officer's authority as a police officer extended to defendant under section 830.1, subdivision (c) because of the likelihood that he would escape if the officer did not act immediately. ", "With respect to that subdivision, the court concluded that it did not apply. \"", "`As far as (c) is concerned, (c) is an emergency type statute. ", "There was *20 certainly no immediate danger to a person or property involved in the transaction which the officer saw. ", "Certainly it can hardly be said on the face of this record that either of the two perpetrators were likely to flee.'\" ", "Id. at subdivision 955, italics added.", "\nAs noted in Lofthouse v. Department of Motor Vehicles, supra, 124 Cal. ", "App.3d 730, wherein the defendant was in a vehicle being followed by the officer, the court very pointedly observed that the defendant \"... would have escaped apprehension had he been permitted to proceed on his way\" (id. at p. 735).", "\nUnlike the Bush case, supra, 37 Cal. ", "App.3d 952, if the Clovis City officer did not detain defendant or was without authority to stop and take appropriate action, defendant would have escaped apprehension. ", "We therefore find that defendant was properly detained by the officer herein and that the officer's actions subsequent to the stop in conducting a field sobriety test and taking action upon defendant's failure to pass that test were appropriate.", "\nSince the court finds that the stop was valid under the provisions of section 830.1, subdivision (a)(3) the court does not find it necessary to address the People's alternate contention that the trial court erred with respect to its determinations concerning whether the Vehicle Code infraction was one for which a private citizen could effect an arrest under section 837.", "\n\nCan this court take judicial notice of the documents submitted to this court which provide that Clovis City police officers have the authority to act in the city and county of Fresno?", "\nThe People attached to their opening brief two notices of consent from the Fresno City Chief of Police and the Fresno County Sheriff which provide City of Clovis police officers with authority to function as peace officers in those jurisdictions pursuant to the provisions of section 830.1, subdivision (a)(2).[4] The notices of consent establish that Officer Duran was authorized to detain defendant, but these documents were not presented at the motion to suppress. ", "The People request that this court take judicial notice of the notices of consent even though they were not presented to the trial court. ", "Evidence Code section 459 sets forth a separate set of rules for the taking of judicial notice by a reviewing court.", "\n*21 Pursuant to Evidence Code section 459,[5] the court is required to take judicial notice of any matter that the trial court properly noticed or was obliged to notice under section 451 or section 453 of the Evidence Code. ", "In addition, the reviewing court is authorized to take judicial notice of any matter of which a trial court might properly take judicial notice. (", "5) However, in order for a reviewing court to take judicial notice of documents offered by a party on appeal which were not before the trial court, the reviewing court must afford the other party a reasonable opportunity to indicate to the reviewing court whether it should take judicial notice of such documents. (", "City and County of San Francisco v. Padilla (1972) 23 Cal. ", "App.3d 388, 394, fn. ", "1 [100 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "223].)", "\n(6) As a general rule, documents not before the trial court cannot be included as part of the record on appeal. ", "Although a reviewing court may take judicial notice of matters not before the trial court, the reviewing court need not give effect to such evidence. ", "While the reviewing court is required to take judicial notice of decisional and statutory law pursuant to section 451 of the Evidence Code, a reviewing court may hold that points not urged in the trial court may not be advanced on appeal. (", "Doers v. Golden Gate Bridge, etc. ", "Dist. (", "1979) 23 Cal.3d 180, 184, fn. ", "1 [151 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "837, 588 P.2d 1261].)", "\nIn People v. Preslie (1977) 70 Cal. ", "App.3d 486, 493 [138 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "828], the Court of Appeal, Fifth Appellate District, stated, \"It is manifest that section 451, subdivision (d), by its terms authorized taking judicial notice of records on file in the action before the trial court whether or not they are in evidence in the proceedings and whether or not the trial judge relied upon them. ", "This is, of course, not to say that the appellate court will take judicial notice of such documents or other matters if they have not been presented to the trial court; as a general rule the court should not take such notice if, *22 upon examination of the entire record, it appears that the matter has not been presented to and considered by the trial court in the first instance. ", "As the court said in People v. Superior Court (Mahle) (1970) 3 Cal. ", "App.3d 476, 482 footnote 3 [83 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "771]: `We decline to take judicial notice of these facts on the basis that they are evidentiary matters incident to the motion to suppress which should have been presented to the court below and are not matters of which we are required to take judicial notice. ", "In this proceeding \"we are required to determine the matter on the basis of the record of the trial court\" [citation] since a proceeding to suppress evidence under section 1538.5 \"is one in which a full hearing is held on the issues before the superior court sitting as a finder of fact.\" [", "Citations.]'\"", "\n(7) At no time in the lower court did the People seek to have the magistrate take judicial notice of the two notices of consent tendered to this court. ", "We should not and decline now to belatedly consider the notices of consent for the purposes the People suggest. ", "To do so would allow the People to create a new theory which defendant had no opportunity to dispute in the lower court and which the magistrate was not given the opportunity to review. ", "This court therefore declines to take judicial notice of the notices of consent tendered by the People.", "\nThe court having found that the trial court erred in its determination that the officer had no authority to detain the defendant, the order of suppression is hereby reversed and the matter is remanded to the lower court for proceedings consistent with this court's opinion.", "\nMardikian, J., and Dibiaso, J., concurred.", "\nNOTES\n[1] All statutory references are to the Penal Code unless otherwise indicated.", "\n[2] Section 830.1 provides: \"(a) Any sheriff, undersheriff, or deputy sheriff, regularly employed and paid as such, of a county, any police officer of a city, any police officer of a district (including police officers of the San Diego Unified Port District Harbor Police) authorized by statute to maintain a police department, any marshal or deputy marshal of a municipal court, any constable or deputy constable, regularly employed and paid as such, of a judicial district, any inspector or investigator regularly employed and paid as such in the office of a district attorney, is a peace officer. ", "The authority of any such peace officer extends to any place in the state: [¶] (1) As to any public offense committed or which there is probable cause to believe has been committed within the political subdivision which employs him; or [¶] (2) Where he has the prior consent of the chief of police, or person authorized by him to give such consent, if the place is within a city or of the sheriff, or person authorized by him to give such consent, if the place is within a county; or [¶] (3) As to any public offense committed or which there is probable cause to believe has been committed in his presence, and with respect to which there is immediate danger to person or property, or of the escape of the perpetrator of such offense.", "\n\n\"(b) The Deputy Director, assistant directors, chiefs, assistant chiefs, special agents, and narcotics agents of the Department of Justice, and such investigators who are designated by the Attorney General are peace officers. ", "The authority of any such peace officer extends to any place in the state as to a public offense committed or which there is probable cause to believe has been committed within the state.\"", "\n[3] The 1980 amendment of section 830.1 designated the first paragraph as subdivision (a); redesignated items (a) to (c) as subdivisions (a)(1) to (3); and added subdivision (b).", "\n\nSection 830.1, subdivision (a)(3) is the equivalent of section 830.1, subdivision (c) referred to in People v. Bush, supra.", "\n[4] Section 830.1, subdivision (a)(2) provides \"... The authority of any such peace officer extends to any place in the state: ... (2) Where he has the prior consent of the chief of police, or person authorized by him to give such consent, if the place is within a city or of the sheriff, or person authorized by him to give such consent, if the place is within a county; ...\"\n[5] Section 459 provides: \"(a) The reviewing court shall take judicial notice of (1) each matter properly noticed by the trial court and (2) each matter that the trial court was required to notice under Section 451 or 453. ", "The reviewing court may take judicial notice of any matter specified in Section 452. ", "The reviewing court may take judicial notice of a matter in a tenor different from that noticed by the trial court. [¶] (", "b) In determining the propriety of taking judicial notice of a matter, or the tenor thereof, the reviewing court has the same power as the trial court under Section 454. [¶] (", "c) When taking judicial notice under this section of a matter specified in Section 452 or in subdivision (f) of Section 451 that is of substantial consequence to the determination of the action, the reviewing court shall comply with the provisions of subdivision (a) of Section 455 if the matter was not therefore judicially noticed in the action. [¶] (", "d) In determining the propriety of taking judicial notice of a matter specified in Section 452 or in subdivision (f) of Section 451 that is of substantial consequence to the determination of the action, or the tenor thereof, if the reviewing court resorts to any source of information not received in open court or not included in the record of the action, including the advice of persons learned in the subject matter, the reviewing court shall afford each party reasonable opportunity to meet such information before judicial notice of the matter may be taken.\"", "\n" ]
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[ "Security experts at Morphisec observed a wave of attacks against point-of-sale (PoS) thin clients using card data scraping malware and the Cobalt Strike beacon.", "\n\nOver the past 8-10 weeks, security experts at Morphisec observed multiple sophisticated attacks targeting PoS thin clients worldwide.", "\n\nMost of the indicators collected by the experts point to the FIN6 hacking group, even if some of them are also tied to the EmpireMonkey group.", "\n\nThreat actors used the FrameworkPOS scraping malware to exfiltrate payment card data, they also used PowerShell/WMI stages to download and load Cobalt Strike with PowerShell extensions directly into memory.", "\n\n“Based on the initial indicators, we identified FrameworkPOS scraping malware installed on some of the thin clients, after initializing PowerShell/WMI stages that downloaded and reflectively loaded Cobalt-Strike beacon with PowerShell extension directly into the memory.” ", "reads the analysis published by Morphisec.", "\n\n“We found many indicators linking specifically to the FIN6 group (WMI/PowerShell, FrameworkPOS, lateral movement and privilege escalation), with the difference of moving from Metasploit to Cobalt-Strike). ", "Some indicators are also tied to the EmpireMonkey group. ", "At this point, we don’t have enough data for proper attribution.”", "\n\nSome of the attacks expressly targeted PoS VMware Horizon thin clients.", "\n\nOnce infected a system, attackers leverage the Cobalt Strike beacon payload to control the system and make lateral movements. ", "The malware was used to harvest user credentials, execute code and evade advanced EDR scanning techniques.", "\n\nHackers belong to finance, insurance and healthcare industries, victims of the attacks were identified in the United States, Japan, and India.", "\n\nThe experts are still investigating the attack vector, at the time of writing that discovered that some attacks involved HTA (HTML Application) files that execute PowerShell scripts as part of an embedded VBScript. ", "Morphisec also identified other scripts leading to the same Cobalt Strike beacon.", "\n\n“ Morphisec observed 2 types of beacons during this campaign, the first one is a regular direct reflective loaded Cobalt Strike DLL beacon, usually XOR encoded.” ", "continues the analysis.", "\n\n“The second type is a shellcode backdoor beacon with PowerShell and Mimikatz functionality.”", "\n\nExperts highlighted the level of sophistication for these attacks that leverage on fileless malware to evade detection, unfortunately, these techniques are adopted by several threat actors making it hard the attribution of the attacks.", "\n\n“These types of advanced attacks that utilize memory to evade detection solutions either by reflectively loading libraries, hollowing process memory or injecting code into new processes, are harder and harder to attribute due to the simple fact that more and more criminals are taking advantage of the strength of these evasion techniques and the weakness of runtime detection technologies to cope with such evasion,” Morphisec concludes.", "\n\nPierluigi Paganini\n\n(SecurityAffairs – FIN6, PoS malware)\n\nShare this...\n\nLinkedin Reddit Pinterest\n\nShare On" ]
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[ "/*\n * arch/arm/mach-orion5x/include/mach/timex.h\n *\n * Tzachi Perelstein <tzachi@marvell.com>\n *\n * This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public\n * License version 2. ", " This program is licensed \"as is\" without any\n * warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.", "\n */\n\n#define CLOCK_TICK_RATE\t\t(100 * HZ)\n" ]
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[ "Highlights\n\n• Enjoy a scenic hop on hop off sightseeing tour of Montreal's East End • Explore the city with a professional guide • From Downtown to the Old Port, to the Olympic Park and Botanical Gardens this tour sees it all. • ", "Tickets are valid for 2 consecutive days!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Dominating decision rule\n\nIn decision theory, a decision rule is said to dominate another if the performance of the former is sometimes better, and never worse, than that of the latter.", "\n\nFormally, let and be two decision rules, and let be the risk of rule for parameter . ", "The decision rule is said to dominate the rule if for all , and the inequality is strict for some .", "\n\nThis defines a partial order on decision rules; the maximal elements with respect to this order are called admissible decision rules.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Decision theory" ]
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[ "Colonia Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City\n\nColonia Cuauhtémoc is a colonia (official neighborhood) in the Cuauhtémoc municipality of central Mexico City. ", "It is located just north of Paseo de la Reforma, west of the historic center of Mexico City.", "\n\nThe colonia was created in the late 19th century after some false starts, and is named after the Monument to Cuauhtémoc which is a nearby landmark on Paseo de la Reforma. ", "Actions taken by residents have ensured that the area remains mostly residential, with commercial development limited to the strip along Paseo de la Reforma. ", "This strip includes a number of important buildings such as the Mexican Stock Exchange, the Torre Mayor, the Torre HSBC, the British Embassy, and the United States Embassy.", "\n\nLocation\nThe neighborhood is bordered by:\n\nJames Sullivan street on the northeast, across which is Colonia San Rafael\nCircuito Interior Melchor Ocampo on the west, across which is Colonia Anzures\nPaseo de la Reforma on the south, across which is Colonia Juárez\n\nDescription\n\nThe colonia is just west of the historic center of the city, bordered by the following streets: Calzada Manuel Villalogín in the north, Paseo de la Reforma to the south and east and Avenida Melchor Ocampo in the west. ", "It is still mostly residential, with development limited to the strip right along Paseo de la Reforma. ", "It has just under 10,000 residents, on its 2,700 pieces of private property stretching over 90 blocks. ", "Public schools in the colonia include Cendi Gdf Tsj Cristina Pachecho (primary), Cendi IMSS 35 Tipo B (primary), Cendi IMSS 46 Tipo B (primary), Cendi IMSS 52 (primary), Cendi Part Colegio Cibeles, S.C., (primary), Cendi Part Colegio del Angel (primary) and Colegio Reina Maria (technical school). ", "Private schools in the colonia include Alitas (preschool), Busy Children (preschool), Centro Educativo Best, (high school), Colegio Colbert (secondary), Colegio Nueva Infancia (secondary), Colegio Reina Maria (secondary), Nihao-chop (language school) and Escuela Inglesa Kent (secondary).", "\n\nStreet vendors have proliferated in the colonia, taking over sidewalks, especially near office buildings. ", "Most of these vendors sell foods such as tortas, tacos, sweets and other fast/convenience foods. ", "Residents complain that these vendors impede traffic and have a negative effect on established and legal businesses. ", "Most are located on Lerma, Guadalquivir, Volga, Villalongin and Panuco Streets.", "\nWhen Paseo de Reforma closes for construction, protests or events, the streets on the colonia get jammed with diverted traffic.", "\n\nHistory\n\nIn 1874, Rafael Martinez de la Torre obtained permission to establish a colonia on what were the lands of the Hacienda de la Teja, located west of what was then the city. ", "The lands were located on both sides of the Paseo de la Reforma. ", "The lands on the opposite side of the Paseo are now Colonia Juárez. ", "The original name of the colonia was De la Teja and it was established in 1876, with plans to form the main streets at an angle to Paseo de la Reforma.", "\n\nHowever, construction did not begin until 1882, when Salvador Malo acquired the rights to the land. ", "This construction was interrupted in 1904 when the city contracted with the Mexico City Improvement Company to build a road leading south from the Paseo to Chapultepec Park, today Avenida Melchor Ocampo. ", "Other lands in the north of the property were expropriated for the Ferrocarrill Nacional Mexico rail line, which was later used to build the Hospital de los Ferrocarrilles, today a unit of IMSS and the Jardín del Arte.", "\nThe reduced colonia was officially approved by the city in 1907, with the new main street bearing the names of Reforma 1, 3, 5 and 7, then names such as Calle Norte 1 or Calle Sur 1. ", "Eventually, these names were changed for their permanent ones, based on rivers found in the world. ", "The colonia's name comes from the statue of Cuauhtémoc found on Paseo de la Reforma in this area, sculpted by Miguel Noreña.", "\n\nIn 1933, the neighborhood association, Asociación de Vecinos de la Colonia Cuauhtémoc, contracted with the city to make the area a “special zone for controlled development” in order to keep the area's primarily residential nature. ", "Most commercial construction is limited to the areas facing Paseo de la Reforma.", "\n\nSince the mid-1990s, the colonia was supposed to receive a percentage of the income from parking meters installed in the area by the Cuauhtemoc borough, mostly to augment public security. ", "Between 2002 and 2006, none of that money was forthcoming until a recent judicial ruling in their favor. ", "The amount in question was between 200,000 and 250,000 pesos per month from the 3,000 parking meters.", "\n\nLandmarks\n\nThe Torre Mayor is located on Paseo de la Reforma at the western end of the colonia. ", "It was finished in 2003, and from then to 2010, it was the tallest building in Latin America. ", "It continues to be the tallest building in Mexico at 225.4 meters tall. ", "Due to the earthquake-prone city, this tower was built with 96 dampers, which work like car shock absorbers to block the resonating effect of the lakebed and its own height. ", " These diamond-shaped dampers are seen architecturally on its perimeter. ", "With this extra-bracing, this tower can withstand earthquake forces nearly four times as efficiently as a conventionally damped building. ", "The dampening system proved its worth in January 2003, when a 7.6 earthquake shook the city. ", " Not only did the building survive undamaged, occupants inside at the time did not know a trembler had occurred.", "\n\nLa Torre Ejecutiva, better known as the La Torre HSBC, was constructed at a cost of US$146 million in the colonia on Paseo de la Reforma overlooking the Angel de la Independencia. ", "It was completed and occupied in 2006. ", "The building has a LEED certification, which means that is it environmentally friendly, using technology to cut needs for water and electricity.", "\n\nThe Mexican Stock Exchange, or Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BVM), is Mexico's only stock exchange. ", "It is the second largest stock exchange by market capitalization in Latin America. ", "BMV is now itself is a public company which is listed on its own stock exchange following a 2008 IPO. ", "The Mexican Stock Exchange is located on Paseo de la Reforma on the eastern half of the colonia. ", "It handles companies such as Cemex, Telmex, America Movil, Televisa, TV Azteca and Walmex.", "\n\nU.S. Embassy\nThe U.S. embassy is located in the colonia, facing Reforma. ", "This embassy has massive security around it and streets have been closed around the building for both security and construction purposes. ", "The lines for those applying for visas regularly spills out into the side streets causing streets like Rio Danubio to close during the embassy's operating hours. ", "The presence of the embassy also provokes 24-hour police presence of the area immediately surrounding the building but some residents doubt that this provides extra security.", "\n\nNew skyscrapers\n\nFour skyscrapers are under construction along the boulevard between the entrance to Chapultepec Park and the Diana the Huntress fountain: Torre Reforma (244m), Punto Chapultepec (238m), and Torre Diana (158m). ", "Across Reforma from colonia Cuauhtémoc the Torre BBVA Bancomer (235m) is rising, which will be the tallest building in the city upon completion.", "\n\nEconomy\nHSBC Mexico has its headquarters in the HSBC Tower in the community. ", "Aeroméxico has its headquarters in the community. ", "Cambridge Analytica maintains an office in the colonia.", "\n\nRío Lerma street has become a \"restaurant row\".", "\n\nTransportation\n\nPublic transportation\nThe area is served by the Mexico City Metrobús and EcoBici bikeshare.", "\n\nMetrobús stations\n La Palma\n El Ángel\n La Diana\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City\nCategory:Neighborhoods in Mexico City\nCategory:1876 establishments in Mexico" ]
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[ "MUSKEGON, MI - An officer of the law in Muskegon could soon be spending most of his time \"investigating and educating\" medical marijuana providers and marijuana-related businesses.", "\n\nThe Muskegon County Board of Commissioners Courts and Public Safety committee recently voted to accept a $61,249 Medical Marijuana Operation and Oversight grant from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, called LARA.", "\n\nLARA recently made funding available to each county in Michigan, officials said. ", "Muskegon County would collect $3,063 to serve as the grant administrator and fiduciary agent, while $58,186 is budgeted for an officer working for the city of Muskegon and the West Michigan Enforcement Team, called WEMET.", "\n\n\"There's just been an uptick in ... activity,\" said Muskegon County Grants Coordinator Connie Maxim-Sparrow.", "\n\nA city of Muskegon officer would be dedicated to \"investigating and educating\" medical marijuana providers and marijuana-related businesses, according to county documents.", "\n\nMuskegon County Prosecutor D.J. Hilson said that while caregivers are allowed to give marijuana to patients with medical marijuana cards, dispensaries are not legal. ", "The officer could check on \"grow shops\" catering toward people growing their own marijuana, or other marijuana-related businesses, he said - mostly to ensure no marijuana is sold under the table.", "\n\nThe money provides some direction into a gray area that law enforcement and prosecutors in Michigan have been trying to navigate for nearly a decade, Hilson said.", "\n\n\"We've been figuring it out for eight years,\" Hilson said. \"", "Finally, we've got some money to dedicate to an officer.\"", "\n\nMuskegon County Commissioner Charles Nash, who is trained as an addiction counselor, said that marijuana available in the present day is more potent than that consumed in previous decades.", "\n\n\"It's not the same story that we had back in the day,\" he said.", "\n\nThe Muskegon County Board of Commissioners will vote again on the grant when it meets as the full board later this month.", "\n\nStephen Kloosterman is a reporter for MLive. ", "Email him at sklooste@mlive.com or follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+\n\n." ]
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[ "Detecting Life's Influence on Planetary Atmospheres\n\nBiosignatures that vary in time and atmospheric gases that shouldn’t exist without life to replenish them could be two possible ways to detect life on exoplanets.", "\n\nFinding any life that might exist on other planets is extremely challenging. ", "Even in our own Solar System, where we can send probes and orbiters to worlds of interest such as Mars, it is difficult to assess if any microbial life is, or was ever, present. ", "When studying exoplanets, we can only look at the starlight shining through a planet’s atmosphere in the hope that it will reveal absorption or emission lines that indicate gases produced by life. ", "Detailed analyses of the atmospheres of exoplanets is still mostly in the realm of future telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), but understanding what to look for is an important step in the hunt for life on other planets.", "\n\nAn artist’s impression of a habitable exoplanet. ", "Seasonal changes and the presence of disequilibrium gases in such a planet’s atmosphere could indicate the existence of life there.", "Image credit: NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL–Caltech.", "\n\nOxygen is produced by photosynthesis and is commonly thought to be a potential biosignature on other worlds, although it is also possible for oxygen to be produced from abiotic sources. ", "Similarly, methane is produced by life and is a potential biomarker, but can also be produced by other means. ", "Now, two recent papers discuss new ways of looking for biosignatures by studying how life can influence a planet’s atmosphere.", "\n\nA paper by Stephanie Olson at the University of California, Riverside, and colleagues, discusses how seasonal changes in the atmosphere caused by life could be used as a biosignature. ", "The second paper is by Joshua Krissansen-Tottonat the University of Washington, along with Olson and David Catling, and looked at potential biosignatures produced by atmospheric gases that can only co-exist in the presence of life.", "\n\nThe changing seasons\n\nSignals from an exoplanet that vary over time, such as with the seasons, could help to rule out false positives or negatives that occur in single snapshot observations. ", "By understanding how atmospheric gases vary over the course of a year on Earth, it will help inform scientists about what signals to look for on other planets.", "\n\n“Rather that simply recognizing that a planet hosts life, we may be able to say something about how the activities of its biosphere vary in space and time,” says Olson.", "\n\nOzone is a proxy for oxygen in the search for the existence of oxygen in the atmospheres of potentially habitable planets.", "Image credit: Lynette Cook.", "\n\nSeasonality in the Earth’s atmosphere arises because of the interactions between the biosphere and the varying solar radiation reaching Earth at different points in its orbit. ", "Seasonal variations shift the balance between two different reactions: photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. ", "Photosynthesis occurs as carbon dioxide and water react to become organic matter and oxygen, and aerobic respiration causes the reverse reaction, producing carbon dioxide and water. ", "The maximum production of oxygen occurs during the summer months when temperatures are warm.", "\n\nThe researchers examined the seasonal variations in carbon dioxide on Earth, a signal that could be detectable on other planets assuming that life elsewhere is also carbon-based. ", "Carbon dioxide is an important atmospheric component on habitable worlds due to the role it plays in climate regulation via weathering.", "\n\nThey found that the seasonal carbon dioxide (CO2) signal would be dominated by land-based ecosystems, which are in direct contact with the atmosphere, indicating that CO2variability might not be detectable on ocean worlds. ", "This is seen on Earth, where the ocean-dominated Southern Hemisphere has a weaker CO2 variability signal than the Northern Hemisphere. ", "Carbon dioxide seasonality would be difficult to detect on other planets, but it is a powerful indicator of the presence of life since it is unlikely to occur on planets with an ocean unless life is present.", "\n\nEarth’s thin atmosphere is all that stands between life on Earth and the cold, dark void of space.", "Image credit: NASA.", "\n\nThey also looked at the scenario of an exoplanet that is an analog of the early-Earth, where life existed but where there was still very little oxygen in the atmosphere. ", "Weak oxygen signals are difficult to detect, but a varying ozone signature (ozone is a molecule built from three oxygen atoms) might be more visible in the spectrum of an exoplanet. ", "Such a signal is more likely to be detected for a planet with less oxygen than the present day Earth because ozone can create a stronger signal than oxygen.", "\n\n“Seasonality would be difficult to detect for a planet resembling the present-day Earth, at least in the case of oxygen,” explains Olson. “", "The reason is that baseline levels of oxygen are really high today, and so small seasonal fluctuations are very challenging to measure at our planets surface, and would be even more so on a distant planet.”", "\n\nAtmospheres in disequilibrium\n\nKrissansen-Totton, Olson and Catling also simulated early-Earth atmospheres, but this time looking for signatures of disequilibrium, meaning the presence of gases that would not ordinarily exist in an atmosphere without some active process, such as life, producing them. ", "Earth has a large atmospheric disequilibrium today, but they calculated that a disequilibrium has existed since life formed on Earth and that the evolution of disequilibrium follows the rise in biogenic atmospheric oxygen.", "\n\nIn the Archean eon (4 to 2.5 billion years ago), a disequilibrium existed via the coexistence of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, and liquid water, which ordinarily would react to create ammonium and bicarbonate, quickly removing the methane from the atmosphere without the presence of life to replenish it. ", "Carbon dioxide and methane should be detectable in exoplanet spectra by JWST, particularly on planets orbiting red dwarfs. ", "If these are detected, but no carbon monoxide is found, it could be a strong biosignature. ", "This is because many of the non-biological scenarios that replenish methane would also be expected to produce carbon monoxide (CO), and because surface life consumes CO.", "\n\n“This is a very easy metabolism to do; if there’s CO and water around, then microbes can make a living by combining these species to make CO2and molecular hydrogen (H2),” says Krissansen-Totton.", "\n\nThe largest source of disequilibrium in the Proterozoic eon (2.5 to 0.54 billion years ago) was the coexistence of nitrogen, water and oxygen. ", "Both oxygen and nitrogen are produced by life, and without life to replenish the oxygen, it would be converted to nitric acid in the ocean.", "\n\nRecognizing signs of life that use different metabolic pathways might also be possible if the atmospheric gases are in an unusual disequilibrium, but it would be challenging to detect.", "\n\n“Detecting microbes that oxidize iron in the ocean might be challenging since this particular metabolism does not generate any gaseous waste products,” says Krissansen-Totton. “", "Among the possible metabolisms that do produce waste gases are some promising possibilities. ", "For example, laughing gas (N2O) is a biogenic gas that we would not expect to see in equilibrium in the atmospheres of lifeless planets. ", "Similarly, various sulfur metabolisms might be detectable since they modify the abundances of organic molecules in a planet’s atmosphere to be out of equilibrium.”", "\n\nFinding early-Earth analogues with signs of seasonality or disequilibrium might indicate that life is not only present, but has evolved in a similar manner to life on our own planet.", "\n\nThe Olson paper was supported by the NASA Astrobiology Institute, while the Krissansen-Totton research was also supported by NASA Astrobiology through the Exobiology & Evolutionary Biology Program and the Virtual Planetary Laboratory." ]
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[ "Applicability of the prehospital termination of resuscitation rule in an area dense with hospitals in Tokyo: a single-center, retrospective, observational study: is the pre hospital TOR rule applicable in Tokyo?", "\nIt is unclear whether the prehospital termination of resuscitation (TOR) rule is applicable in specific situations such as in areas extremely dense with hospitals. ", "The objective of the study is to assess whether the prehospital TOR rule is applicable in the emergency medical services system in Japan, specifically, in an area dense with hospitals in Tokyo. ", "This study was a retrospective, observational analysis of a cohort of adult out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest (OHCA) patients who were transported to the University of Tokyo Hospital from April 1, 2009, to March 31, 2011. ", "During the study period, 189 adult OHCA patients were enrolled. ", "Of the 189 patients, 108 patients met the prehospital TOR rule. ", "The outcomes were significantly worse in the prehospital TOR rule-positive group than in the prehospital TOR-negative group, with 0.9% vs 11.1% of patients, respectively, surviving until discharge (relative risk [RR], 1.11; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03-1.21; P = .0020) and 0.0% vs 7.4% of patients, respectively, discharged with a favorable neurologic outcome (RR, 1.08; 95% CI, 1.02-1.15; P = .0040). ", "The prehospital TOR rule had a positive predictive value (PPV) of 99.1% (95% CI, 96.3-99.8) and a specificity of 90.0% (95% CI, 60.5-98.2) for death and a PPV of 100.0% (95% CI, 97.9-100.0) and a specificity of 100.0% (95% CI, 61.7-100.0) for an unfavorable neurologic outcome. ", "This study suggested that the prehospital TOR rule predicted unfavorable outcomes even in an area dense with hospitals in Tokyo and might be helpful for identifying the OHCA patients for whom resuscitation efforts would be fruitless." ]
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[ "The copyright line for this article was changed on 21 August 2015 after original online publication.", "\n\nA hexanucleotide repeat expansion (GGGGCC) in a noncoding region of *C9ORF72* is the most common genetic cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD; C9ALS/FTD).[1](#ana24453-bib-0001){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [2](#ana24453-bib-0002){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [3](#ana24453-bib-0003){ref-type=\"ref\"} Three possible pathogenic mechanisms have been linked to *C9ORF72* repeat expansions: sequestration of RNA‐binding proteins, toxicity mediated by dipeptides formed as a result of repeat‐associated non‐ATG translation, and haploinsufficiency.[1](#ana24453-bib-0001){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [2](#ana24453-bib-0002){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [4](#ana24453-bib-0004){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [5](#ana24453-bib-0005){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [6](#ana24453-bib-0006){ref-type=\"ref\"} Experimental evidence supporting each of these mechanisms is accumulating.[7](#ana24453-bib-0007){ref-type=\"ref\"} However, how these mechanisms cause ALS/FTD and their relevance in vivo remain poorly understood.", "\n\nThe function of C9ORF72 is not known, but it has been suggested to play a role in protein trafficking.[8](#ana24453-bib-0008){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [9](#ana24453-bib-0009){ref-type=\"ref\"} Several observations identify C9ORF72 haploinsufficiency as a hallmark of C9ALS/FTD. ", "First, different studies report decreased *C9ORF72* mRNA expression in brain tissue, lymphoblast cells, and induced pluripotent stem cell--derived neurons of patients.[1](#ana24453-bib-0001){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [10](#ana24453-bib-0010){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [11](#ana24453-bib-0011){ref-type=\"ref\"} Second, one study shows decreased C9ORF72 protein expression in frontal cortex of C9ALS/FTD patients.[12](#ana24453-bib-0012){ref-type=\"ref\"} Third, knockdown of C9orf72 in model organisms such as *Caenorhabditis elegans* and zebrafish embryos causes motor deficits.[10](#ana24453-bib-0010){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [13](#ana24453-bib-0013){ref-type=\"ref\"} However, knockdown of C9orf72 caused by a single intracerebroventricular injection of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) in mice does not affect motor function or anxiety.[14](#ana24453-bib-0014){ref-type=\"ref\"}\n\nTo test the haploinsufficiency model and to determine whether lack of C9orf72 expression leads to motor neuron degeneration or abnormal motor function, we generated and analyzed a conditional *C9orf72* knockout mouse model.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#ana24453-sec-0006}\n=====================\n\nMouse Husbandry, Breeding, and Genotyping {#ana24453-sec-0007}\n-----------------------------------------\n\nAll animal use and care were in accordance with local institution guidelines. ", "Mice were kept on a 12‐hour light/dark cycle with food and water available ad libitum. ", "B6;SJL‐Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym/J mice and B6.Cg‐Tg(Nes‐cre)1Kln/J mice were obtained from Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME; 003800; 003771) and C57Bl/6J mice from Charles River Laboratories (Wilmington, MA). ", "To generate *C9orf72^loxP^* mice, a targeting construct was designed to insert an Frt‐flanked neomycin cassette and 1 loxP site upstream of exon 4 and 1 loxP site downstream of exon 5 of *C9orf72*. ", "Deletion of exons 4 and 5 targets all reported *C9orf72* isoforms in the mouse. ", "This construct was electroporated into C57Bl/6 embryonic stem cells. ", "Correctly targeted stem cells, as determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot analysis, were injected into blastocysts, and chimeric mice were bred with C57Bl/6J mice. ", "The resulting *C9orf72^loxP‐neo^* mice were then bred with mice expressing Flp recombinase in their germline to remove the Frt‐flanked neomycin cassette, generating *C9orf72^loxP/+^* offspring. ", "Female *C9orf72^loxP/loxP^* or *C9orf72^loxP/+^* mice were crossed with male *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^loxP^* mice to generate neural‐specific *C9orf72* conditional knockout mice. ", "Mice were genotyped using primers to detect the *Cre* gene (forward = 5′‐GCGGTCTGGCAGTAAAAACTATC‐3′, reverse = 5‐′GTGAAACAGCATTGCTGTCACTT‐3′) and the genomic region containing the loxP sequences (forward = 5′‐CCACGGAGGGATGTTCTTTA‐3′, reverse = 5′‐GAAACCAGACCCAAACACAGA‐3′).", "\n\nAntibody Generation {#ana24453-sec-0008}\n-------------------\n\nThe anti‐C9orf72 rabbit polyclonal antibody C9‐2034 was generated from an N‐terminal thioredoxin fusion of a stretch of 58 amino acids present in all human C9orf72 isoforms comprising MEDQGQSIIPMLTGEVIPVMELLSSMKSHSVPEEIDIADTVLNDDDIGDSCHEGFLLK. ", "This was generated from a C9orf72 short isoform expression construct using the primers 5′‐CCCGAATTCGAGAGAATGGAAGATCAGGGT‐3′ and 5′‐GAAGCGGCCGCATCTGCTTCATCCAGCTTTTATGA‐3′. The PCR product was digested and cloned into the *EcoRI*/*NotI* sites of pET32a (Clontech Laboratories, Mountain View, CA). ", "Thioredoxin (Thx)‐C9orf72‐tail expression was induced in transformed BL21(DE3) *Escherichia coli* (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) using 1mM Isopropyl β‐D‐1‐thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) for 3 hours at 37°C. ", "Thx‐C9orf72‐Short was purified using HisPur resin according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) following solubilization in sonication buffer (20mM Tris pH 8.0, 100mM NaCl) using a Vibra‐Cell Ultrasonic Processor (Sonics & Materials, Newtown, CT). ", "The anti‐C9orf72 rabbit polyclonal antibody C9‐2074 was generated by reimmunization of the previously described N‐terminal thioredoxin fusion of full‐length C9orf72 short isoform.[12](#ana24453-bib-0012){ref-type=\"ref\"} The respective purified fusion proteins were used as antigens for custom rabbit polyclonal antibody generation (Covalab, Villeurbanne, France). ", "Custom antisera were immunoaffinity‐purified against their antigen following preabsorption against Thx and glial fibrillary acidic protein (Thx‐GFAP expressed in BL21\\[DE3\\] transformed with GFAP pET32a). ", "Both antibodies detected a 50 to 55kDa protein in mouse and human brain lysates, as well as myc‐tagged C9orf72 from transfected HEK293T cells.", "\n\nThe anti‐C9orf72 rabbit polyclonal antibodies were validated for Western blotting using siRNA‐mediated knockdown of endogenous C9orf72 in HEK293T cells using 27‐mer oligonucleotide duplexes as previously described.[12](#ana24453-bib-0012){ref-type=\"ref\"} Additional validation in SH‐SY5Y neuroblastoma cells was performed following knockdown of endogenous C9orf72 using Dicer substrate RNAi interference using custom dicer substrate siRNA (DsiRNA; Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville, IA). ", "Custom DsiRNA oligonucleotide duplex sequences are C9ORF72‐DsiRNA1F 5‐GGAAAGAAUAUGGAUGCAUAAGGAAA‐3′/C9ORF72‐DsiRNA1R 5′‐UUUCCUUAUGCAUCCAUAUUCUUCCUU‐3′ and C9ORF72‐DsiRNA2F 5′‐GUACUCAAUGAUGAUGAUAUUGGTG‐3′/C9ORF72‐DsiRNA2R 5′‐CACCAAUAUCAUCAUCAUUGAGUACUG‐3′. The inventoried FLuc‐S1 exogenous reporter gene DsiRNA duplex was used as a nontargeting control. ", "DsiRNA was transfected using the same conditions as 27mer oligonucleotide duplexes. ", "Whole cell and tissue lysate preparation and Western blotting were performed as described previously.[12](#ana24453-bib-0012){ref-type=\"ref\"} Western blotting using the anti‐C9orf72 rabbit polyclonal antibodies detected no C9orf72 expression in knockout mice (Fig [1](#ana24453-fig-0001){ref-type=\"fig\"}) or reduced expression following knockdown of C9orf72 (in HEK293 or SHSY5Y cells; data not shown).", "\n\n![", "Expression of *C9orf72* and generation of *C9orf72* conditional knockout mice. (", "A--G) In situ hybridization shows expression of *C9orf72* in coronal sections of the adult brain and spinal cord. (", "F, G) Double staining combining in situ hybridization for *C9orf72* and immunohistochemistry for SMI132, a marker for motor neurons (indicated by *arrowheads*). (", "E, M) Sections incubated with sense probes do not display specific staining. (", "H--O) At embryonic and early postnatal stages, *C9orf72* is expressed in spinal cord motor neurons (arrowheads in H--J), the retina, olfactory system, and other brain regions, in addition to non‐neuronal tissues such as kidney. (", "P) Schematic representation of the *C9orf72* targeting vector, targeted allele, floxed allele following Flp recombination, and deleted allele following Cre recombination. ", "Black arrows indicate transcription start site, gray arrows indicate location of loxP primers (P1, P2), and numbers indicate exons. ", "Please note that exons 4 and 5 are shared by all 3 reported mouse *C9orf72* isoforms. (", "Q) Genotyping using loxP primers on DNA isolated from ear and brain tissue of *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^+/+^* and *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice shows brain‐specific recombination. (", "R) Quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction shows tissue‐specific reduction of *C9orf72* levels in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/+^* and/or *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* in brain (0.493, *p* = 0.0004 and 0.044, *p* = 0.00007) and spinal cord (0.684, *p* = 0.083 and 0.145, *p* = 0.002), but not in muscle (0.789, *p* = 0.594 and 0.585, *p* = 0.169) or liver (1.94, *p* = 0.219 and 1.74, *p* = 0.473). ", "Results are shown with *Tbp* as a housekeeping gene. ", "Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation, n = 3 for each genotype. (", "S) In situ hybridization for *C9orf72* shows loss of *C9orf72* expression in spinal cord of *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. ", "\\*\\**p* \\< 0.01, \\*\\*\\**p* \\< 0.001. ", "CA1 = cornu ammonis 1; Cx = cortex; DG = dentate gyrus; DRG = dorsal root ganglia; F = Frt site; GL = granular cell layer; GM = gray matter; L = loxP site; Mol = molecular layer; N = neomycin cassette; OE = olfactory epithelium; P1 = forward loxP primer; P2 = reverse loxP primer; Ret = retina; RN = red nucleus; VNO = vomeronasal organ; WM = white matter; WT = wild type. ", "Scale bars: A, 200μm; H, 100μm; K, 100μm, S, 150μm.](ANA-78-426-g001){#ana24453-fig-0001}\n\nIn Situ Hybridization {#ana24453-sec-0009}\n---------------------\n\nFresh frozen mouse embryos, or spinal cord and brain tissue from adult mice were cut at 16 to 20µm on a cryostat. ", "Nonradioactive in situ hybridization was performed as described previously.[15](#ana24453-bib-0015){ref-type=\"ref\"} A digoxigenin‐labeled *C9orf72* probe was transcribed from mouse cDNA (a 736bp fragment corresponding to nucleotides 298--1,034 of *3110043O21Rik*) using a DIG RNA labeling SP6/T7 kit (Roche, Basel, Switzerland). ", "Sense probes were used to confirm specificity. ", "Images were taken on a Zeiss (Oberkochen, Germany) AxioSkop2 microscope.", "\n\nQuantitative Real‐Time PCR {#ana24453-sec-0010}\n--------------------------\n\nFresh frozen tissue was homogenized in TRIzol reagent and total RNA was isolated. ", "After DNAse treatment, cDNA was synthesized using superscript II reverse transcriptase (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) and oligo‐dT primers. ", "Quantitative real‐time PCR was performed using SYBR green reagent (Roche) on a QuantStudio 6 Flex real‐time PCR system (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) using primers against *3110043O21Rik* (Q1 \\[exon 2\\]: forward = 5′‐GACCTGGAATGCAGTGAGAC‐3′, reverse = 5′‐TCCCAGTAAGCAAAGGTAGC; Q2 \\[exons 3--6\\]: forward = 5′‐GGCACAGAGAGGATGGAAGA‐3′, reverse = 5′‐CTGCCAACTACAACGGAACA‐3′; Q3 \\[exons 6--8\\]: forward = 5′‐TGGCTGTTCCGTTGTAGTTG‐3′, reverse = 5′‐AACTGCCTGTTGCATCCTTT‐3′; Q4 \\[exons 7--8\\]: FW = 5′‐GTACGAATCGGGACTCTTTG‐3′, reverse = 5′‐GCTTGACAGTGTTGACATCC‐3′; Q5 \\[exons 8--9\\]: forward = 5′‐CAACGCAGATACATGAGGTC‐3′, reverse = 5′‐GGAAGGCTTTCACTAGAGTGTC‐3′; Q6 \\[exons 10--11\\]: forward = 5′‐CCCTTTAAGTCTCTTCGGAACC‐3′, reverse = 5′‐AGACAGACACAGCAAACCAC‐3′) and mRNA levels were normalized to *Gapdh* (forward = 5′‐GAGACGGCCGCATCTTCTTGT‐3′, reverse = 5‐′ CACACCGACCTTCACCATTTT‐3′) and *Tbp* (QT00198443; Qiagen, Valencia, CA) housekeeping genes. ", "Samples from 3 mice per genotype were amplified in triplicate, and relative quantification using comparative ΔΔCT values was statically analyzed using Student *t* test.", "\n\nWestern Blotting {#ana24453-sec-0011}\n----------------\n\nWestern blotting was performed as described previously.[16](#ana24453-bib-0016){ref-type=\"ref\"} In brief, fresh frozen tissue was homogenized in radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer (50mM Tris pH 7.6, 150mM NaCl, 0.5mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 1% Triton‐X‐100, and protease inhibitor cocktail), centrifuged twice at 10,000 × *g*, and the supernatant was used as total protein. ", "Western blotting was performed using 50µg of total protein per lane as measured by bicinchoninic acid assay (Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL), and blots were probed with the following antibodies: anti‐C9orf72 (2034; 1:250), anti‐C9orf72 (2074; 1:250), and anti--β‐actin (Sigma, St Louis, MO; 1:2,000). ", "After overnight incubation, blots were probed with horseradish peroxidase--conjugated secondary antibodies and developed with SuperSignal West Femto chemiluminescent substrate (Pierce Biotechnology).", "\n\nMotor Function Testing {#ana24453-sec-0012}\n----------------------\n\nMice were weighed and tested for their hindlimb extension reflex weekly. ", "Every 3 weeks, mice performed 5 trials on an accelerating rotarod (Ugo Basile, Varese, Italy) at 4rpm with an acceleration of 0.2rpm/s for 180 seconds and the latency to fall was recorded. ", "Mice that rotated passively were scored as fallen. ", "Grip strength of front paws and of front and hind paws together was measured every 3 months using a grip strength meter (Bioseb, Vitrolles, France). ", "Strength was measured 5 times for each mouse both for front and for front and hind paws. ", "All behavioral tests were performed on ≥11 mice per genotype for each time point. ", "Statistical analysis was carried out using R software ([http://www.r‐project.org](http://www.r-project.org)). (", "Non‐)linear mixed models were used to account for repeated measurements and other sources of correlation within the longitudinal data and to provide a correct model in case of missing data. ", "For statistical analysis of body weight, a nonlinear mixed effects model was used with gender as a covariate. ", "Interactions between time and behavioral tests were analyzed to study possible changes during follow‐up. ", "For rotarod and grip strength statistical analysis, a nonlinear mixed effects model was used with gender and body weight as covariates. ", "Survival analysis was carried out using a Cox regression analysis with mean body weight as covariate. ", "Cox proportional hazard assumptions were tested.", "\n\nImmunohistochemistry {#ana24453-sec-0013}\n--------------------\n\nImmunohistochemistry was performed as described previously.[17](#ana24453-bib-0017){ref-type=\"ref\"} Tissues were removed and cryoprotected in 30% sucrose after transcardial perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde. ", "Spinal cord and brain were cut at 20µm and mounted on SuperFrost Plus slides (Thermo Fisher Scientific). ", "For immunofluorescent stainings, sections were blocked and incubated overnight at 4°C with the following antibodies: anti‐GFAP (Dako, Carpinteria, CA), anti‐Iba1 (Wako Chemicals, Richmond, VA), anti--choline acetyltransferase (ChAT; Millipore, Billerica, MA), and anti--TDP‐43 (Proteintech, Chicago, IL). ", "Alexa Fluor--conjugated secondary antibodies were incubated for 2 hours at room temperature (RT) and 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole was used to stain nuclei. ", "For diaminobenzidine (DAB) stainings, sections were incubated overnight at 4°C with anti‐ubiquitin antibodies (Millipore) and for 1 h at RT with goat anti‐mouse biotin. ", "Slides were incubated with ABC reagent (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) for 1 h and developed with DAB reagent (Sigma). ", "For motor neuron counting, at least 10 spinal cord sections (L1--L6) per mouse using 3 mice per genotype were analyzed and only ChAT‐positive neurons with a clear nucleus were counted and measured. ", "For GFAP and Iba1 quantification, at least 10 spinal cord sections (L1--L6) from 3 mice per genotype were analyzed for positive staining area using ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda, MD). ", "For neuromuscular junction staining, gastrocnemius muscle was cut longitudinally at 40µm and stained with anti--α‐bungarotoxin‐488 (Life Technologies), anti‐sv2 (Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank \\[DSHB\\], Iowa City, IA), and anti‐neurofilament (DSHB) antibodies. ", "At least 150 neuromuscular junctions were counted per mouse. ", "Images were taken on an Olympus (Tokyo, Japan) FluoView FV1000 confocal microscope or a Zeiss AxioScope microscope followed by image analysis using ImageJ. Statistical analysis was performed using Student *t* test (SPSS Statistics; IBM, Armonk, NY).", "\n\nResults {#ana24453-sec-0014}\n=======\n\nGenetic Ablation of C9orf72 in Mice {#ana24453-sec-0015}\n-----------------------------------\n\nPrevious work analyzing *C9orf72‐LacZ* knockin mice reported *C9orf72* expression in neurons known to degenerate in ALS and FTD, such as cortical and spinal cord motor neurons.[18](#ana24453-bib-0018){ref-type=\"ref\"} To confirm and extend these findings, we performed in situ hybridization for the mouse *C9orf72* orthologue, *3110043O21Rik* (here referred to as *C9orf72*), at embryonic, postnatal, and adult stages. ", "As reported previously, neuronal *C9orf72* expression was detected in several regions of the adult brain and spinal cord (see Fig [1](#ana24453-fig-0001){ref-type=\"fig\"}; Table[1](#ana24453-tbl-0001){ref-type=\"table-wrap\"}).[18](#ana24453-bib-0018){ref-type=\"ref\"} In contrast to previous work, however, prominent expression of *C9orf72* was also observed in embryonic and early postnatal neurons. ", "These included retinal ganglion cells, sensory neurons in the olfactory epithelium and in dorsal root ganglia, and spinal motor neurons. ", "In addition, expression in non‐neuronal tissues such as kidney and tooth was detected. ", "These results indicate that C9orf72 may also function during embryonic and postnatal development.", "\n\n###### \n\nOverview of *C9orf72*Expression in the Developing Mouse Embryo and Adult Central Nervous System\n\n Location E13.5 E15.5 E17.5 P1 P15 Adult\n ------------------------ ------- ------- ------- ---- ----- -------\n Brain \n Cortex \\+ \\+ \\+ \\+ ++ \\+\n Hippocampal formation \\+ \\+ ++ ++ ++ ++\n Dentate gyrus N/D N/D ++ ++ ++ ++\n Cornu ammonis N/D N/D ++ ++ ++ ++\n Thalamus N/D N/D N/D \\+ ++ \\+\n Midbrain/pons N/D \\+ \\+ \\+ ++ ++\n Ventral tegmental area N/D N/D N/D − − −\n Pontine nuclei N/D N/D N/D \\+ ++ ++\n Red nucleus N/D N/D N/D \\+ ++ ++\n Facial motor nucleus N/D N/D N/D \\+ ++ ++\n Cerebellum \\+ \\+ \\+ \\+ \\+ \\+\n Molecular layer N/D N/D N/D \\+ \\+ \\+\n Granule cell layer N/D N/D N/D \\+ \\+ \\+\n Spinal cord \n Gray matter ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++\n White matter − − − − − −\n Dorsal root ganglia ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++\n Other \n Eye ++ ++ ++ ++ N/D N/D\n Olfactory epithelium ++ ++ ++ ++ N/D N/D\n Tooth ++ ++ ++ ++ N/D N/D\n Kidney \\+ \\+ \\+ \\+ N/D N/D\n\nN/D = not determined, − = no expression, + = weak expression, ++ = moderate/strong expression.", "\n\nTo circumvent problems such as embryonic lethality, we generated conditional *C9orf72* knockout mice using the Cre‐loxP system and bred the resulting *C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice to *Nestin‐Cre* mice (see Fig [1](#ana24453-fig-0001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In *Nestin‐Cre* mice, Cre recombination occurs in neuronal and glial precursors from E10.5 onward.[19](#ana24453-bib-0019){ref-type=\"ref\"} The specific ablation of C9orf72 mRNA and protein in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^; C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice was confirmed using different approaches. ", "First, DNA genotyping on ear clips or brain tissue showed excision of exons 4 and 5 only in brain tissue. ", "Second, quantitative real‐time PCR detected a reduction in *C9orf72* mRNA levels in brain and spinal cord tissue but not in other tissues of *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. ", "Third, in situ hybridization detected *C9orf72* in the spinal cord of *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^; C9orf72^+/+^* but not in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice.", "\n\nThree *C9orf72* isoforms have been reported in mice. ", "These isoforms all contain exons 4 and 5 and are targeted in the *C9orf72* conditional knockout mouse (Fig [2](#ana24453-fig-0002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To confirm that the expression of all isoforms is affected by the excision of exons 4 and 5, we performed quantitative real‐time PCR to detect expression of different exonic regions present in 1 or multiple isoforms. ", "As expected, a reduction of *C9orf72* mRNA levels was found for all exonic regions analyzed. ", "In addition, we generated a new anti‐*C9orf72* antibody. ", "This antibody was raised against a 58 amino acid stretch shared by all isoforms (C9‐2034). ", "The other antibody used was reported previously and was raised using a large part of the C9orf72 protein. ", "The region used is present in 2 of the 3 isoforms (C9‐2074).[12](#ana24453-bib-0012){ref-type=\"ref\"} Western blotting using these antibodies showed a predicted ∼55kDa band, corresponding to isoform 1, that was lost in brain tissue of *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. ", "The other 2 *C9orf72* isoforms (isoforms 2 and 3) were not detected in wild‐type mouse brain tissue (data not shown). ", "Together, these results confirm the neural‐specific and successful ablation of C9orf72 in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice.", "\n\n![", "Cre‐mediated excision of *C9orf72* affects all *C9orf72* isoforms. (", "A) Schematic overview of the 3 reported mouse *C9orf72* isoforms. ", "Q1 to Q6 indicate regions amplified by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). ", "The in situ probes used are indicated. ", "Dotted lines indicate antigen regions used to generate the 2 anti‐*C9orf72* antibodies (C9‐2034 and C9‐2074). (", "B) Amino acid sequence of the antigen used to generate the novel anti‐*C9orf72* antibody C9‐2034, and its comparison to human C9ORF72 isoforms and mouse *C9orf72* isoforms. (", "C) qPCR using primers that target different exonic regions shared by 1 or multiple mouse isoforms shows a significant reduction of brain *C9orf72* mRNA levels in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/+^* and/or *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. ", "Results are shown using *Tbp* as a housekeeping gene. ", "Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation, n = 2 for each genotype. (", "D) Western blot analysis of whole brain lysates using 2 different anti‐*C9orf72* antibodies shows a ∼55kDa band in control mice that is reduced or absent in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/+^* or *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice, respectively. ", "Note that only isoform 1 is detected at the protein level in mouse brain. ", "β‐Actin was used as a loading control. ", "\\*\\*\\**p* \\< 0.001. ", "L = loxP sites.](ANA-78-426-g002){#ana24453-fig-0002}\n\nMice Lacking C9orf72 in Neurons and Glial Cells Do Not Display Motor Neuron Degeneration or Defects in Motor Function {#ana24453-sec-0016}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nALS is characterized by progressive motor neuron degeneration and a decline in motor performance. ", "To examine a possible role for C9orf72 haploinsufficiency in ALS pathogenesis, we therefore assessed motor function, motor neuron number, and neuromuscular integrity in 12‐month‐old (data not shown) and 18‐month‐old *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice and littermate controls. *", "Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice were born at the expected Mendelian ratio and were indistinguishable from *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^+/+^* control littermates in viability, appearance, fertility, and the gross anatomical and histological appearance of the brain. ", "Immunohistochemistry for ChAT, to visualize spinal motor neurons, did not reveal changes in neuron number or size (Fig [3](#ana24453-fig-0003){ref-type=\"fig\"}A, B). ", "Furthermore, innervation of the gastrocnemius muscle by motor axons, as assessed by overlap between the pre‐ and postsynaptic compartment of the neuromuscular junction, was similar in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice and controls (see Fig [3](#ana24453-fig-0003){ref-type=\"fig\"}C, D). ", "Astro‐ and microgliosis are hallmarks of ALS. ", "However, no differences in immunostaining for GFAP or Iba1, to label astrocytes or microglia, respectively, were detected between spinal cord or brain tissue from *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice and littermate controls (Figs [4](#ana24453-fig-0004){ref-type=\"fig\"}A--D, [5](#ana24453-fig-0005){ref-type=\"fig\"}A--F″, 6A--F″). ", "Similarly, other hallmarks of ALS pathogenesis, such as TDP‐43 mislocalization or changes in ubiquitin staining, were absent in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice (see Figs [4](#ana24453-fig-0004){ref-type=\"fig\"}E--H, [7](#ana24453-fig-0007){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Similar results were obtained in 12‐month‐old *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice, that is, absence of defects in motor neuron number, size, and connectivity and no signs of gliosis or other pathological hallmarks of ALS (data not shown). ", "Thus, C9orf72 deficiency in mice fails to cause several of the pathological hallmarks reported in ALS patients or mouse models.", "\n\n![", "Neural‐specific ablation of C9orf72 does not cause changes in motor neuron number, size, or neuromuscular junction (NMJ) connectivity in 18‐month‐old *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. (", "A, B) Immunofluorescent staining of adult spinal cord using anti--choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) antibodies. ", "Graphs show quantification of motor neuron number and size. ", "Dotted lines indicate border between gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM). (", "C, D) Representative images of NMJs in gastrocnemius muscle visualized by immunohistochemistry for neurofilament (NF) and synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2) in combination with Alexa Fluor 488--conjugated bungarotoxin (BTX) binding. ", "Graph shows overlap between presynaptic *(gray arrowhead)* and postsynaptic staining *(white arrowhead)*. ", "Motor neurons and their NMJs are intact in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. ", "Data in graphs represent mean ± standard deviation, n = 3 per genotype. ", "Scale bars: A, 100μm; C, 30μm. ", "DAPI = 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole.](ANA-78-426-g003){#ana24453-fig-0003}\n\n![", "Neural‐specific ablation of C9orf72 does not cause signs of neuroinflammation or other pathological hallmarks of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in 18‐month‐old *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. (", "A--D) Immunofluorescent staining of adult spinal cord using anti--glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) or anti‐Iba1 antibodies. ", "Graphs show quantification of GFAP‐ or Iba1‐positive areas. ", "No signs of gliosis are observed in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. (", "E, F) Immunofluorescent staining of adult spinal cord using anti--TDP‐43 antibodies. ", "Nuclear TDP‐43 staining is detected in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice and control littermates. (", "G, H) Representative images showing immunostaining for ubiquitin in adult spinal cord. ", "Ubiquitin expression is not affected by loss of C9orf72. ", "Data in graphs represent mean ± standard deviation, n = 3 per genotype. ", "Scale bars: A, C, G, 100μm; E, 30μm. ", "DAPI = 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole; GM = gray matter; WM = white matter.](ANA-78-426-g004){#ana24453-fig-0004}\n\n![", "Immunostaining for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the brain of 18‐month‐old mice. ", "Immunofluorescent staining is shown for GFAP in frontal cortex, motor cortex, and hippocampus of *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^+/+^* mice (A--C″) and *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice (D--F″). ", "Boxes in A--C and D--F are shown at higher magnification in A′--C″ and D′--F″, respectively. ", "No changes in the distribution, number, or appearance of GFAP‐positive astrocytes were detected in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. ", "Scale bars: A, D, 200μm; A′, D′, 100μm. ", "DAPI = 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole.](ANA-78-426-g005){#ana24453-fig-0005}\n\n![", "Immunostaining for Iba1 in the brain of 18‐month‐old mice. ", "Immunofluorescent staining is shown for Iba1 in frontal cortex, motor cortex, and hippocampus of *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^+/+^* mice (A--C″) and *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice (D--F″). ", "Boxes in A--C and D--F are shown at higher magnification in A′--C″ and D′--F″, respectively. ", "No changes in the distribution, number, or appearance of Iba1‐positive microglia are detected in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. ", "Scale bars: A,D, 200μm; A′, D′, 100μm. ", "DAPI = 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole.](ANA-78-426-g006){#ana24453-fig-0006}\n\n![", "Immunostaining for TDP‐43 and ubiquitin in several brain regions of 18‐month‐old mice. (", "A--C, G--I) Immunofluorescent staining of adult spinal cord using anti--TDP‐43 antibodies is shown. ", "Nuclear TDP‐43 staining is detected in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^; C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice and control littermates. (", "D--F, J--L) Representative images show immunostaining for ubiquitin in adult spinal cord. ", "Ubiquitin expression is not affected by loss of C9orf72. ", "DAPI = 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole; GCL = granule cell layer; H = hilus. ", "Scale bars = 60μm.](ANA-78-426-g007){#ana24453-fig-0007}\n\nA reduction in body weight was detected in all *Nestin‐Cre*--positive mice, as has been previously reported for other studies using this Cre driver.[20](#ana24453-bib-0020){ref-type=\"ref\"} However, even when considering this effect, *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice displayed a small but significant decrease in body weight, as compared to *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^+/+^* control mice (−6.02%, *p* = 0.019). ", "This difference was detected at the first time point of measurements and did not significantly change in time (Fig [8](#ana24453-fig-0008){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To assess motor performance, the hindlimb extension reflex was tested (data not shown) and mice were assessed using an accelerating rotarod and a grip strength meter for a period of 18 months after birth. ", "No differences in motor performance or grip strength were found between *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^; C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice and various control mice. ", "A similar result was obtained in a smaller cohort of 2‐year‐old mice (n ≥ 4; data not shown). ", "Finally, survival was not significantly altered in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice, the oldest mice living \\>24 months. ", "Thus, *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice do not display overt defects in motor function or decreased survival.", "\n\n![", "Loss of C9orf72 in mice does not affect motor function and survival. (", "A) A small decrease in body weight is detected in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice as compared to *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^+/+^* controls (−6.02%, *p* = 0.019, linear mixed‐effect model for repeated measurements \\[LME\\]; n ≥ 11 for each genotype at each time point). (", "B--D) Rotarod performance and grip strength is similar in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^+/+^*, *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/+^*, and *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice (rotarod, *p* = 0.084 and *p* = 0.899; grip strength front, *p* = 0.346 and *p* = 0.295; front and hind, *p* = 0.731 and *p* = 0.305, LME). ", "Data are shown as mean ± standard deviation, n ≥ 11 for each genotype at each time point. (", "E) Survival rates as shown by a Kaplan--Meier curve. ", "Survival of *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice is similar to control mice.](ANA-78-426-g008){#ana24453-fig-0008}\n\nDiscussion {#ana24453-sec-0017}\n==========\n\nC9orf72 haploinsufficiency may contribute to the pathogenic mechanism in C9ALS/FTD patients. ", "To test this hypothesis, we generated a conditional *C9orf72* knockout mouse model. ", "Two previous studies have reported the generation of *C9orf72* knockout mice, but neither study provided a histological or behavioral characterization.[18](#ana24453-bib-0018){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [21](#ana24453-bib-0021){ref-type=\"ref\"} In one of these studies, using *C9orf72‐LacZ* knockin reporter mice, *C9orf72* expression was not detected at embryonic and early postnatal stages in the mouse.[18](#ana24453-bib-0018){ref-type=\"ref\"} In contrast, we show neuronal *C9orf72* expression at several sites in the embryonic nervous system, as well as in non‐neuronal tissues. ", "This observation is in line with a recent study showing expression of *C9orf72* both inside and outside the nervous system of zebrafish embryos.[10](#ana24453-bib-0010){ref-type=\"ref\"} The cause of this apparent discrepancy is unknown but may include the inability of heterozygous LacZ reporter mice to detect low levels of gene expression.[22](#ana24453-bib-0022){ref-type=\"ref\"} Together, our data suggest that C9orf72 plays a role during embryonic and postnatal development.", "\n\nThe expression of *C9orf72* at embryonic stages and in several tissues outside the nervous system prompted us to selectively ablate C9orf72 in neurons and glial cells by crossing *C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice with *Nestin‐Cre* mice. ", "The resulting *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice did not show overt defects in motor function or pathological hallmarks of ALS, such as reduced motor neuron number, gliosis, TDP‐43 mislocalization, or enhanced ubiquitination. ", "A small but significant decrease in body weight was found in *Nestin‐Cre^+/−^;C9orf72^fl/fl^* mice. ", "Our results are in apparent contrast with recent work in model organisms such as zebrafish and *C. elegans*. ", "Knockdown or knockout, respectively, of *C9orf72* orthologues in zebrafish and *C. elegans* causes motor deficits. ", "These include age‐dependent motility defects and γ‐aminobutyric acidergic motor neuron degeneration in *C. elegans*, and motor axon and behavior deficits in zebrafish.[10](#ana24453-bib-0010){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [13](#ana24453-bib-0013){ref-type=\"ref\"} The discrepancy with our results may be caused by the low homology of C9orf72 orthologues in humans and in zebrafish and *C. elegans* (76% and 23% compared to human C9ORF72, respectively) as compared to the high homology between human and mouse C9orf72 (98%). ", "Another possible explanation could be redundancy of the *C9orf72* gene in mammalian species. ", "In line with our results, a single treatment of wild‐type mice with ASOs directed against *C9orf72* did not lead to motor abnormalities.[14](#ana24453-bib-0014){ref-type=\"ref\"}\n\nTogether, our data suggest that loss of C9orf72 on its own is insufficient to cause ALS. ", "Our results, however, do not rule out the possibility that C9ORF72 loss‐of‐function modulates the disease process and influences disease onset, severity, and duration in C9ALS/FTD patients. ", "The disease mechanisms caused by repeat expansions in C9ORF72 are likely to be complex and may ultimately result from interplay between C9ORF72 loss‐ and gain‐of‐function mechanisms.[23](#ana24453-bib-0023){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [24](#ana24453-bib-0024){ref-type=\"ref\"} In support of a gain‐of‐function mechanism, recent work shows that AAV‐mediated expression of 66 GGGGCC repeats in the adult mouse brain induces key features of ALS/FTD, such as TDP‐43 pathology and behavioral deficits.[6](#ana24453-bib-0006){ref-type=\"ref\"} A different study, using transgenic mice with inducible expression of hexanucleotide (GGGGCC) repeats, found ubiquitinated inclusions, but these inclusions were not detected in neuronal populations relevant for ALS/FTD and no motor phenotype was found.[25](#ana24453-bib-0025){ref-type=\"ref\"} Our finding that loss of C9orf72 function does not lead to motor neuron disease in mice has consequences for therapeutic strategies, because it indicates that ASOs directed at the repeat expansion that also lower C9ORF72 expression are unlikely to have negative side effects due to reduced C9ORF72 expression.", "\n\nAuthorship {#ana24453-sec-0018}\n==========\n\nM.K., A.M.B., H.‐J.W., M.L.T., C.A.C.Z., R.V.d.", "S., and R.D.S. performed experiments and data analysis. ", "A.J.W. and D.J.B. provided unpublished reagents. ", "M.K., A.M.B., H.‐J.W., J.H.V., L.H.v.d.", "B., and R.J.P. designed and coordinated the study. ", "M.K. and R.J.P. prepared the manuscript with input from all coauthors. ", "L.H.v.d.", "B. and R.J.P. are joint senior authors.", "\n\nPotential Conflicts of Interest {#ana24453-sec-0019}\n===============================\n\nL.H.v.d.", "B.: scientific advisory board, Biogen Idec, Cytokinetics, Baxter; grant, travel expenses, Baxter.", "\n\nThis study was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (L.H.v.d.", "B.), Thierry Latran Foundation (J.H.V., R.J.P.), Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds (R.J.P., L.H.v.d.", "B.), Van Meer Stichting, Netherlands ALS Foundation (TOTALS; R.J.P., L.H.v.d.", "B.) European Community Health Seventh Framework Program (259867; L.H.v.d.", "B.), and Motor Neurone Disease Association (grant core Blake/Mar12/6088; A.J.W., D.J.B).", "\n\nWe thank Y. Adolfs for help with mouse experiments an L. Olsthoorn for immunohistochemical studies. ", "Anti‐SV2 (developed by K. M. Buckley) and anti‐neurofilament (2H3, developed at Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Columbia University) antibodies were obtained from the DSHB, created by the NIH National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and maintained at the Department of Biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDesign pattern for asynchronous while loop\n\nI have a function that boils down to:\nwhile(doWork)\n{\n config = generateConfigurationForTesting();\n result = executeWork(config);\n doWork = isDone(result);\n}\n\nHow can I rewrite this for efficient asynchronous execution, assuming all functions are thread safe, independent of previous iterations, and probably require more iterations than the maximum number of allowable threads ?", "\nThe problem here is we don't know how many iterations are required in advance so we can't make a dispatch_group or use dispatch_apply.", "\nThis is my first attempt, but it looks a bit ugly to me because of arbitrarily chosen values and sleeping;\nint thread_count = 0;\nbool doWork = true;\nint max_threads = 20; // arbitrarily chosen number\n\ndispatch_queue_t queue =\ndispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);\n\nwhile(doWork)\n{\n if(thread_count < max_threads)\n {\n dispatch_async(queue, ^{ Config myconfig = generateConfigurationForTesting();\n Result myresult = executeWork();\n dispatch_async(queue, checkResult(myresult)); });\n thread_count++;\n }\n else\n usleep(100); // don't consume too much CPU\n}\n\nvoid checkResult(Result value)\n{\n if(value == good) doWork = false;\n thread_count--;\n}\n\nA:\n\nBased on your description, it looks like generateConfigurationForTesting is some kind of randomization technique or otherwise a generator which can make a near-infinite number of configuration (hence your comment that you don't know ahead of time how many iterations you will need). ", "With that as an assumption, you are basically stuck with the model that you've created, since your executor needs to be limited by some reasonable assumptions about the queue and you don't want to over-generate, as that would just extend the length of the run after you have succeeded in finding value ==good measurements.", "\nI would suggest you consider using a queue (or OSAtomicIncrement* and OSAtomicDecrement*) to protect access to thread_count and doWork. ", " As it stands, the thread_count increment and decrement will happen in two different queues (main_queue for the main thread and the default queue for the background task) and thus could simultaneously increment and decrement the thread count. ", " This could lead to an undercount (which would cause more threads to be created than you expect) or an overcount (which would cause you to never complete your task).", "\nAnother option to making this look a little nicer would be to have checkResult add new elements into the queue if value!=good. ", " This way, you load up the initial elements of the queue using dispatch_apply( 20, queue, ^{ ... }) and you don't need the thread_count at all. ", "The first 20 will be added using dispatch_apply (or an amount that dispatch_apply feels is appropriate for your configuration) and then each time checkResult is called you can either set doWork=false or add another operation to queue.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Product Description\n\nNo Fear Skull Decals can be used outdoors on vehicles, windows, boats or any other hard surface. ", "Our vinyl decals hold up great in all of the elements and can last many years. ", "In extreme uses we offer\"3M Clear Guard\". ", "This is a clear vinyl that adheres over the decal and is unnoticeable. ", "It gives extra protection against abrasion and UV light. ", "To include this please select the \"3M Clear Guard box\" when purchasing. ", "An extra charge will be added. ", "Go to \"About Our Decals\" for more information." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a method and apparatus for adjusting reference frequency in receiver and storage medium storing control program therefor so as to remove reference oscillator frequency offset in a telecommunications receiver and, in particular, in a mobile telephone receiver operating in a cellular transmission system.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nIn cellular communication systems, the timing and frequency accuracy of transmissions from network base stations rely on very stable and highly accurate reference oscillators. ", "As there are a fixed and relatively small number of network base stations in a system such as universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS), or any other mobile phone system, the reference oscillators and the network base stations can be relatively expensive and accurate. ", "An accuracy of e.g., 0.05 parts per million (ppm) is typical and more accurate oscillators are available. ", "In such systems, however, there are typically far more mobile stations which communicate with the network base stations. ", "In a system such as UMTS, these are mobile telephones which have to be sold at a competitive market price and therefore costs have to be minimized. ", "Therefore, low cost reference oscillators such as voltage control crystal oscillators (VCXO) would usually be selected for the reference oscillators of mobile stations. ", "The frequency accuracy of these low cost reference oscillators is relatively low, e.g., 5 ppm.", "\nBecause the accuracy of the mobile oscillators is much less than that available to the base stations with their more accurate reference oscillators, significant problems can occur with synchronization between the base station transmission and the locally generated carrier frequency used for down conversion." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
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[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n<definitions id=\"definitions\"\n xmlns=\"http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL\" xmlns:camunda=\"http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn\"\n targetNamespace=\"Examples\">\n\n <process id=\"interruptingTimer\" isExecutable=\"true\">\n \n <startEvent id=\"theStart\"/>\n \n <sequenceFlow id=\"flow1\" sourceRef=\"theStart\" targetRef=\"subprocess\"/>\n \n <subProcess id=\"subprocess\">\n \n <multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics isSequential=\"false\">\n <loopCardinality>${4}</loopCardinality>\n </multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics>\n \n \n <startEvent id=\"innerStart\" />\n <parallelGateway id=\"innerFork\" />\n <sequenceFlow sourceRef=\"innerStart\" targetRef=\"innerFork\" />\n \n <userTask id=\"innerTask1\" />\n <userTask id=\"innerTask2\" />\n \n <sequenceFlow sourceRef=\"innerFork\" targetRef=\"innerTask1\" />\n <sequenceFlow sourceRef=\"innerFork\" targetRef=\"innerTask2\" />\n \n </subProcess>\n \n <sequenceFlow id=\"flow2\" sourceRef=\"subprocess\" targetRef=\"end\"/>\n \n <boundaryEvent id=\"timer\" attachedToRef=\"subprocess\">\n <timerEventDefinition>\n <timeDuration>PT10S</timeDuration>\n </timerEventDefinition>\n </boundaryEvent>\n \n <sequenceFlow id=\"flow3\" sourceRef=\"timer\" targetRef=\"timerFiredTask1\"/>\n \n <userTask id=\"timerFiredTask1\" />\n\n <sequenceFlow id=\"flow4\" sourceRef=\"timer\" targetRef=\"timerFiredTask2\"/>\n \n <userTask id=\"timerFiredTask2\" />\n \n <sequenceFlow id=\"flow5\" sourceRef=\"timerFiredTask1\" targetRef=\"nonInterruptingEnd1\"/>\n \n <endEvent id=\"nonInterruptingEnd1\"/>\n \n <sequenceFlow id=\"flow6\" sourceRef=\"timerFiredTask2\" targetRef=\"nonInterruptingEnd2\"/>\n \n <endEvent id=\"nonInterruptingEnd2\"/>\n \n <endEvent id=\"end\"/>\n \n </process>\n</definitions>" ]
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[ "Britain faces aggressive cuts in 'age of austerity': minister\n\nBritain faces an \"age of austerity\" as the new coalition government readies aggressive cuts in public spending to slash the deficit, Treasury minister David Laws told the Financial Times on Saturday.", "Laws, chief secretary to the Treasury in Prime Minister David Cameron's coalition, will outline plans on Monday to make 6.0 billion pounds (6.9 billion euros, 8.7 billion dollars) of cuts in the current 2010/2011 year.", "\n\nRelated\n\nBritain's new coalition government will Monday outline how it plans to slash government spending by 6.0 billion pounds (6.9 billion euros, 8.7 billion dollars) to reduce the nation's record deficit.", "A sharp deterioration in the eurozone economy has forced Britain to slash its huge public deficit faster than anticipated, Britain's Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg insisted on Sunday.", "Official data released on Friday showed that the deficit had hit 156.1 billion pounds in 2009/2010, or 11.1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).", "\n\nBritain's new coalition government unveiled some 6.2 billion pounds (7.2 billion euros, 8.9 billion) in cuts of \"wasteful\" public sector spending Monday to slash a record deficit.", "Amid warnings about an \"age of austerity\", the Conservative-Liberal Democrat administration detailed where the axe is set to fall and unveiled proposals to raise more revenue for the country's empty coffers.", "\"In the space of just one week we have found and agreed to cut 6.25 billion pounds of wasteful spending across the public sector,\" said finance minister George Osborne.", "\n\nLondon (AFP) - Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne unveiled fresh austerity measures Wednesday to slash the country's debt, evoking the plight of crisis-hit Greece in presenting the first purely Conservative budget for nearly 20 years." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "But ever since the first lady was caught on camera clearly swatting away her husband’s hand. ", "after it was reported last month that Trump allegedly had an.", "\n\nWhat many see as the future of porn was on display during the event, where a new generation of social media savvy \"cam girls\" clad in pasties, leather straps and bow ties pouted and gyrated in front of laptops on the expo floor,\n\nAgents said O’Hare used an “elaborate telescope and camera system” to.", "\n\nWhat many see as the future of porn was on display during the event, where a new generation of social media savvy \"cam girls\" clad in pasties, leather straps and bow ties pouted and gyrated in front of laptops on the expo floor," ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0 ]
[ "The City Council on Thursday unanimously approved the project for 240 homes within 10 three-story apartment buildings despite photos from early this year showing an eagle's nest on the land.", "\n\nLocated near Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street, Roosevelt Boulevard and Interstate 275, it's been a long dormant property with rich development potential.", "\n\nBeginning in 2004, during the boom years, various parts of the property were approved for townhomes and offices. ", "Applicants came and went, and the property was sold several times, getting new uses along the way. ", "On Nov. 5, 2008, the site was approved for 328 homes and 10,000 square feet of office space.", "\n\nThe new owner, Greystar GP, plans 240 homes within 10 three-story buildings. ", "The property is bisected by a preservation area and the project will encroach into about 55 percent of it. ", "The site's grade must be raised about 5 feet to avoid flooding. ", "Raising the elevation will endanger many of the trees on the site, including oak and pine.", "\n\nCity staffers recommended the plan, saying it is consistent with the city's long-range plan for growth that calls for \"high-density, mixed-use development\" adjacent to places like Gateway, with its mix of offices and apartments.", "\n\nOn Sept. 7, the Development Review Commission approved the project by a 5-2 vote. ", "David Kandz, of the environmental preservation group St. Petersburg Audubon, objected and appealed to the City Council.", "\n\nOne of his main concerns is that an eagle's nest was photographed on the site in December 2008 and February 2011. ", "While acknowledging that eagles have not been spotted there in subsequent photos, he said federal guidelines protect the site for two breeding seasons. ", "Eagles often come back to the nests, he said, and development would eliminate scarce habitat.", "\n\nHe showed a map of the area north of Gandy Boulevard that showed a lack of parks and green space, quite unlike the city's south side, which is known for its greenery.", "\n\n\"Where are the parks for this area?\" ", "Kandz said.", "\n\nBut attorney Don Mastry, who represented Greystar, stressed repeatedly that the city staff had recommended approval. ", "The staff said 2 acres of wetlands will be lost, but contend that will be offset by the creation of more than an acre of wetlands and the enhancement of existing wetlands. ", "Much of the site's vegetation is invasive, such as Brazilian pepper, and would be improved by the project, Mastry said. ", "The eagle's nest was a federal and state issue, and therefore not the province of the city, he said.", "\n\nOnly Bill Dudley voted against the project, but said afterward he had made a mistake and wanted to change his vote. ", "His statement was entered into the record, but because his vote wouldn't change the outcome, he is still officially listed as a \"no.\"", "\n\nThe rest of the council was convinced there would not be environmental damage.", "\n\n\"I think they complied with our codes and regulations,\" said Jeff Danner.", "\n\nDevelopers \"covered all bases,\" said Herb Polson.", "\n\nAudubon's Kandz said after the vote that he thinks he raised awareness about the lack of parks in the north part of the city.", "\n\n\"It's a decision we can live with,\" he said. \"", "More important is they know they are failing to create recreation space.\"" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "9.14.2010\n\nInterogation Part 1: Jackie Loveland from Promenade\n\nLadies and Gentlemen! (", "I don't think any guys follow this blog... if you do... you rock. ", "Oh wait! ", "Sorry CalvinJake! ", "Forgot you two! ", "You rock.)", "\n\nI went to high school. ", "I know I know... hold your applause... and in doing so, I made myself some of the best friends in the entire world. ", "And today I am pleased to introduce Jackie Loveland from Promenade! ", "We went to middle school together, but we weren't ever really close until Sophomore year. ", "And then I have no clue what happened, but she and I wound up being the best of friends along with our amigo, Brittany Daniels who you get to hear from at a later date.", "\n\nJackie and I had pretty much every class together, and maintained an awesome friendship for a long time. ", "Then we grew up and little tizzies got in the way, and for a while we were no longer 'friends'. ", "But you know you have a real friend when you always wind up sitting on each others doorstep laughing about things that no one else gets. ", "Jackie and I go to different schools now, and it's hard, but know what? ", "I'm good with long distance relationships :wink wink: and some day in the future, either we'll be living on the same street, or we'll be living across the country spending thousands of dollars to visit each other. ", "Something like that.", "\n\nJackie:I would describe myself as having a very large personality. ", "I'm definitely a people person, and I'm good at everything. ", "I had a rough childhood, which has caused me to be stronger as a person and as a model.", "\n\nI'm also a genius.", "\n\nAnd a musician.", "\n\nLara: Eh so I'm watching America's Next Top Model right now and that sounds like an answer to their questions. ", "Just saying.", "\n\nJackie: (That's the idea)\n\nLara: How did you feel in high school stuck in classes with people who worked so slow?", "\n\nJackie: Well, it was difficult, but I persevered. ", "I used my time to learn to better deal with people who are beneath me. ", "I think altogether, it was a very good experience for me to have, altogether.", "\n\nLara: On a related note, what is your favorite kind of cupcake frosting?", "\n\nJackie: Well, I'm not sure what the difference is between cupcake and regular frosting, but I would definitely say cream cheese, because it's delicious and holds together better.", "\n\nLara: Oh laws, it sure does.", "\n\nAck stop thinking about cupcakes at 9pm... that's not a healthy snack time.", "\n\nJackie: No it is not!Lara: Doesn't mean I didn't just eat tons of avocados.", "\n\nLara: Yeah I know. ", "But this little thing is above it and it says \"muted' like one of those labels on emails.", "What is your favorite memory of you and I?", "\n\nJackie: Remember that time we went to Christmas Village a couple years ago, and you and I were running around that giant light up globe, but we went different directions and smacked into each other? ", "Yeah, good times.", "\n\nLara: Oh my gracious, that was a good time. ", "And you were being super sneaky. ", "Yeah.", "\n\nLet's look off into the distance together, shall we?", "\n\nJackie: (look...)\n\n(nod mah head)\n\nLara: (gaze...)\n\nJackie: (ruminate)Lara: (sneeze and ruin the moment...)\n\nJackie: Gosh darn!", "\n\nLara: Type a sentence with improper grammar right now. ", "Do it! ", "I command thee!", "\n\nJackie: i cant do it its against my very nature to do such such a terrible thing lolz!!", "\n\n(shudder)That caused me pain.", "\n\nLara:BAHAHAHAHAH! ", "OMGOSH I LITERALLY LOLED THERE.", "\n\nHow do you spell the verb of LOL?", "\n\nThe past tense version...\n\nJackie: LOL'd, I believe.", "\n\nLara:\n\nWhat is your favorite form of dancing?", "\n\nJackie: Swing, without a doubt. ", "Best. ", "Ever.", "\n\nLara: And who might our awesome buddy be who is taking swing??Jackie: Brittany Daniels, y'all! (", "applause from unseen audience.)", "\n\nLara: Hey audience, you'll be very privilaged in the future to be hearing from the wicked Brittany Daniels! ", "She's bad! ", "In a good way!", "\n\nDANG IT I SPELLED PRIVILEGED WRONG.", "\n\nIf your life was a Disney Movie, how would it go?", "\n\n(Who else is singing \"If We Were A Movie\" in their head right now?)", "\n\nJackie: Well, just about the way it does, 'cept Jake and I would obviously end up on some sort of quest, during the course of which we fall in love. ", "Then get married.", "\n\nLara: What sort of quest? ", "The quest to overcome \"The Norm\" or a quest of the supernatural?", "\n\nBy the way Audience, Jake is our buddy buddy, and at some point in time, him and Jackie have to get married. ", "It's just how it is. ", "Just because.", "\n\nJackie: Indeed.", "\n\nAnd I think it would be a quest of the supernatural variety, for sure. ", "With magic and such.", "\n\nLara: Yeah I can see that happening.", "\n\nJackie: He would probably have armor.", "\n\nLara: And there is a deep moral lesson to it.", "\n\nJackie: Oh, of course!", "\n\nLara: I have a deep moral question...\n\nCanst thou guess what it is?", "\n\nJackie: I probably have the answer, being a transcendentalist.", "\n\nHmmm...\n\nLara: It has to do with baked goods.", "\n\nJackie: Not the damp variety, is it?", "\n\nLara: Nope. ", "The kind that is hard to spell.", "\n\nJackie: Croissants?", "\n\nLara: Biscuits! ", "How do you spell biscuit?", "\n\nJackie: Oh! ", "I think it's biscuit. ", "Remember when we asked Mr. Park (for those of you in the audience, that was our beloved friend, mentor, and band director who left our high school after our sophomore year) and he didn't know either?", "\n\nLara: Hahaha such was the moment I was referring to. ", "Today at the U they kept asking how many of us came from a superb band program. ", "Gotta say, freshman year rocked in Symphonic Band. ", "Soph year rocked in marching band.", "\n\nJackie: Yeeeeeeeeeah...\n\nLara: Say the silliest think you can think of at the moment.", "\n\nJackie: Oh dear... I'm not a naturally silly person, let me think...\n\nLara: You do silly things lots of the times. ", "Completely out of character. ", "And it's hillarious.", "\n\nJackie: Eh?", "\n\nLara: I dunno. ", "Just rambling. ", "SAY SILLY THINGS!Jackie: Eeep! ", "Umm, I had a dream that I slept in and woke up at 12:38 and was late for band... Then I woke up and it was actually just like 6:30. ", "Later I told my drum majors about it and they laughed because it was just so random. ", "Then I woke up again and I was confused about reality for the rest of the day.", "\n\nLara: Wow. ", "Wow.", "\n\nIn conclusion... Any last words?", "\n\nMua. ", "Ah. ", "Ah. ", "Ahhhh....\n\nJackie: Uhh, tell everyone... it was all Ian's [Jackie's ex-boyfriend] fault. ", "He created a monster.", "\n\nAnd sorry about the pineapple thing. ", "You'll understand that one later...Lara: Oh... :cry:\n\nI... um...\n\nJackie: Also, tell my parents I told them I needed to go to a doctor...\n\nLara: Wait I'm confused.", "\n\nJackie: Heh heh.", "\n\nLara: Pineapples...\n\nHow do we end this convo in the most awesome way possible?", "\n\nJackie: Uhh... by jumping out of an airplane? ", "While playing an intense improv piano duet? ", "In Tibet?", "\n\nLara: And cutWe're adorable! ", "Wrap us up and give us away as Christmas gifts to friends you hardly see as you will!Also, stay tuned, as Jackie will be featured in a epic upcoming post. ", "As will Brittany Daniels! ", "Because we rock. ", "As we will." ]
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[ "\nAI winter is well on its way - wei_jok\nhttps://blog.piekniewski.info/2018/05/28/ai-winter-is-well-on-its-way/\n======\nbitL\nI was recently \"playing\" with some radiology data. ", "I had no chance to identify\ndiagnoses myself with untrained eyes, something that probably takes years for\na decent radiologist to master. ", "Just by using DenseNet-BC-100-12 I ended up\nwith 83% ROC AUC after a few hours of training. ", "In 4 out of 12 categories this\nclassifier beat best human performing radiologists. ", "Now the very same model\nwith no other change than adjusting number of categories could be used in any\nimage classification task, likely with state-of-art results. ", "I was surprised\nwhen I applied it to another, completely unrelated dataset and got >92%\naccuracy right away.", "\n\nIf you think this is a symptom of AI winter, then you are probably wasting\ntime on outdated/dysfunctional models or models that aren't suited for what\nyou want to accomplish. ", "Looking e.g. at Google Duplex (better voice\nsynchronization than Vocaloid I use for making music), this pushed state-of-\nart to unbelievable levels in hard-to-address domains. ", "I believe the whole SW\nindustry will be living next 10 years from gradual addition of these concepts\ninto production.", "\n\nIf you think Deep (Reinforcement) Learning is going to solve AGI, you are out\nof luck. ", "If you however think it's useless and won't bring us anywhere, you\nare guaranteed to be wrong. ", "Frankly, if you are daily working with Deep\nLearning, you are probably not seeing the big picture (i.e. how horrible\nmethods used in real-life are and how you can easily get very economical 5%\nbenefit of just plugging in Deep Learning somewhere in the pipeline; this\nmight seem little but managers would kill for 5% of extra profit).", "\n\n~~~\nkhawkins\nAI winters are a result of a massive disparity between the expectations of the\ngeneral public and the reality of where the technology currently sits. ", "Just\nlike an asset bubble, the value of the industry as a whole pops as people\ncollectively realize that AI, while not being worthless, is worth\nsignificantly less than they thought.", "\n\nUnderstand that in pop-sci circles over the past several years the general\npublic is being exposed to stories warning about the singularity by well\nrespected people like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk\n([http://time.com/3614349/artificial-intelligence-\nsingularity-...](http://time.com/3614349/artificial-intelligence-singularity-\nstephen-hawking-elon-musk/)). ", "Autonomous vehicles are on the roads and Boston\nDynamics is showing very real robot demonstrations. ", "Deep learning is breaking\nrecords in what we thought was possible with machine learning. ", "All of this\nprogress has excited an irrational exuberance in the general public.", "\n\nBut people don't have a good concept of what these technologies can't do,\nmainly because researchers, business people, and journalists don't want to\ntell them--they want the money and attention. ", "But eventually the general\npublic wises up to the unfulfillment of expectations, and drives their\nattention elsewhere. ", "Here we have the AI winter.", "\n\n~~~\nFlorin_Andrei\n> _AI winters are a result of a massive disparity between the expectations of\n> the general public and the reality of where the technology currently sits._", "\n\nI think they also happen when the best ideas in the field run into the brick\nwall of insufficiently developed computer technology. ", "I remember writing code\nfor a perceptron in the '90s on an 8 bit system, 64 k RAM - it's laughable.", "\n\nBut right now compute power and data storage seem plentiful, so rumors of the\ncurrent wave's demise appear exaggerated.", "\n\n~~~\nbitL\nI wish GPUs were 1000x faster... Then I could do some crazy magic with Deep\nLearning instead of waiting weeks for training to be finished...\n\n~~~\njacquesm\nThat's more a matter of budget than anything else. ", "If you problem is valuable\nenough spending the money in a short time-frame rather than waiting for weeks\ncan be well worth the investment.", "\n\n~~~\nbitL\nI cannot fit a cluster of GPUs into a phone where I could make magic happen\nreal-time though :(\n\n~~~\njacquesm\nHm. ", "Offload the job to a remote cluster? ", "Or is comms then the limiting factor?", "\n\n~~~\nbitL\nIt won't give us that snappy feeling; imagine learning things in milliseconds\nand immediately displaying them on your phone.", "\n\n~~~\nFlorin_Andrei\nJeez. ", "That would be faster than protein-and-water-based systems, which up\nuntil now are still the faster learners.", "\n\n------\njoe_the_user\nThis is a deep, significant post (pardon pun etc).", "\n\nThe author is clearly informed and takes a strong, historical view of the\nsituation. ", "Looking at what the really smart people who brought us this\ninnovation have said and done lately is a good start imo (just one datum of\ncourse, but there are others in this interesting survey).", "\n\n _Deepmind hasn 't shown anything breathtaking since their Alpha Go zero._", "\n\nAnother thing to consider about Alpha Go and Alpha Go Zero is the vast, vast\namount of computing firepower that this application mobilized. ", "While it was\noften repeated that ordinary Go program weren't making progress, this wasn't\ntrue - the best, amateur programs had gotten to about 2 Dan amateur using\nMakov Tree Search. ", "Alpha Go added CNNs for it's weighting function and\npetabytes of power for it's process and got effectiveness up to best in the\nworld, 9 Dan professional, (maybe 11 Dan amateur for pure comparison). [", "1]\n\nAlpha Go Zero was supposedly even more powerful, learned without human\nintervention. ", "BUT it cost petabytes and petabytes of flops, expensive enough\nthat they released a total of ten or twenty Alpha Go Zero game to the world,\nlabeled \"A great gift\".", "\n\nThe author convenniently reproduces the chart of power versus results. ", "Look at\nit, consider it. ", "Consider the chart in the context of Moore's Law retreating.", "\nThe problems of Alpha Zero generalizes as described in the article.", "\n\nThe author could also have dived into the troubling question as of \"AI as\nordinary computer application\" (what does testing, debugging, interface\ndesign, etc mean when the app is automatically generated in an ad-hoc fashion)\nor \"explainability\". ", "But when you can paint a troubling picture without these\ngnawing problems appearing, you've done well.", "\n\n[1]\n[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_ranks_and_ratings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_ranks_and_ratings)\n\n~~~\ntim333\n>Deepmind hasn't shown anything breathtaking since their Alpha Go zero\n\nThey went on to make AlphaZero, a generalised version that could learn chess,\nshogi or any similar game. ", "The chess version beat a leading conventional chess\nprogram 28 wins, 0 losses, and 72 draws.", "\n\nThat seemed impressive to me.", "\n\nAlso they used loads of compute during the training but not so much during\nplay.(5000 TPUs, 4TPUs).", "\n\nAlso it got better than humans in those games from scratch in about 4 hours\nwhereas humans have had 2000 years to study them so you can forgive it some\nresource usage.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\nIt's not like humanity really needs another chess playing program 20 years\nafter IBM solved that problem (but now utilizing 1000x more compute power). ", "I\njust find all these game playing contraptions really uninteresting. ", "There are\nplenty real world problems to be solved of much higher practicality. ", "Moravec's\nparadox in full glow.", "\n\n~~~\nbatmansmk\nI guess there are reasons why researchers build chess programs: it is easy to\ncompare performance between algorithms. ", "When you can solve chess, you can\nsolve a whole class of decision-making problems. ", "Consider it as the perfect\nlab.", "\n\n~~~\nEliRivers\nWhat is that class of decision-making problems? ", "It's nice to have a machine\nreally good at playing chess, but it's not something I'd pay for. ", "What\ndecision-making problems are there, in the same class, that I'd pay for?", "\n\n _Consider it as the perfect lab._", "\n\nSeems like a lab so simplified that I'm unconvinced of its general\napplicability. ", "Perfect knowledge of the situation and a very limited set of\nvalid moves at any one time.", "\n\n~~~\njcelerier\n> What decision-making problems are there, in the same class, that I'd pay\n> for?", "\n\nan awful lot of graph and optimization problems. ", "See for instance some\nexamples in\n[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm)\n\n~~~\nAstralStorm\nPerfect information problem solving is not interesting anymore.", "\n\nDid they manage to extend it to games with hidden and imperfect information?", "\n\n(Say, chess with fog of war also known as Dark Chess. ", "Phantom Go. ", "Pathfinding\nequivalent would be an incremental search.)", "\n\nEdit: I see they are working on it, predictive state memory paper (MERLIN) is\npromising but not there yet.", "\n\n~~~\ndgacmu\nStrongly disagree. ", "There are a lot of approximation algorithms and heuristics\nin wide use - to the tune of trillions of dollars, in fact, when you consider\ntransportation and logistics, things like asic place & route, etc. ", "These are\nall intractable perfect info problems that are so widespread and commercially\nimportant that they amplify the effect of even modest improvements.", "\n\n(You said problems, not games...)\n\n~~~\nAstralStorm\nIndeed, there are a few problems where even with perfect information you will\nbe hard pressed to solve them. ", "But that is only a question of computational\npower or the issue when the algorithm does not allow efficient approximation\n(not in APX space or co-APX).", "\n\nThe thing is, an algorithm that can work with fewer samples and robustly\ntolerating mistakes in datasets (also known as imperfect information) will be\nvastly cheaper and easier to operate. ", "Less tedious sample data collection and\nlabelling.", "\n\nWorking with lacking and erroneous information (without known error value) is\nnecessarily a crucial step towards AGI; as is extracting structure from such\ndata.", "\n\nThis is the difference between an engineering problem and research problem.", "\n\n~~~\ndgacmu\nPerhaps a unifying way of saying this is: it's a research problem to figure\nout how to get ML techniques to the point they outperform existing heuristics\non \"hard\" problems. ", "Doing so will result in engineering improvements to the\nspecific systems that need approximate solutions to those problems.", "\n\nI completely agree about the importance of imperfect information problems. ", "In\npractice, many techniques handle some label noise, but not optimally. ", "Even\nMNIST is much easier to solve if you remove the one incorrectly-labeled\ntraining example. (", "one! ", "Which is barely noise. ", "Though as a reassuring example\nfrom the classification domain, JFT is noisy and still results in better real\nworld performance than just training on imagenet.)", "\n\n------\nnopinsight\nA different take by Google’s cofounder, Sergey Brin, in his most recent\nFounders’ Letter to investors:\n\n“The new spring in artificial intelligence is the most significant development\nin computing in my lifetime.”", "\n\nHe listed many examples below the quote.", "\n\n“understand images in Google Photos;\n\nenable Waymo cars to recognize and distinguish objects safely;\n\nsignificantly improve sound and camera quality in our hardware;\n\nunderstand and produce speech for Google Home;\n\ntranslate over 100 languages in Google Translate;\n\ncaption over a billion videos in 10 languages on YouTube;\n\nimprove the efficiency of our data centers;\n\nhelp doctors diagnose diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy;\n\ndiscover new planetary systems; ...”\n\n[https://abc.xyz/investor/founders-\nletters/2017/index.html](https://abc.xyz/investor/founders-\nletters/2017/index.html)\n\nAn example from another continent:\n\n“To build the database, the hospital said it spent nearly two years to study\nmore than 100,000 of its digital medical records spanning 12 years. ", "The\nhospital also trained the AI tool using data from over 300 million medical\nrecords (link in Chinese) dating back to the 1990s from other hospitals in\nChina. ", "The tool has an accuracy rate of over 90% for diagnoses for more than\n200 diseases, it said.“", "\n\n[https://qz.com/1244410/faced-with-a-doctor-shortage-a-\nchines...](https://qz.com/1244410/faced-with-a-doctor-shortage-a-chinese-\nhospital-is-betting-big-on-artificial-intelligence-to-treat-patients/)\n\n~~~\nfelippee\nHi, author here:\n\nWell first off: letters to investors are among the most biased pieces of\nwriting in existence.", "\n\nSecond: I'm not saying connectionism did not succeed in many areas! ", "I'm a\nconnectionist by heart! ", "I love connectionism! ", "But that being said there is\ndisconnect between the expectations and reality. ", "And it is huge. ", "And it is\nparticularly visible in autonomous driving. ", "And it is not limited to media or\nCEO's, but it made its way into top researchers. ", "And that is a dangerous sign,\nwhich historically preceded a winter event...\n\n~~~\nnopinsight\nI agree that self-driving had/have been overhyped over the previous few years.", "\nThe problem is harder than many people realize.", "\n\nThe difference between the current AI renaissance and the past pre-winter AI\necosystems is the level of economic gain realized by the technology.", "\n\nThe late 80s-early 90s AI winter, for example, resulted from the limitations\nof expert systems which were useful but only in niche markets and their\ndevelopment and maintenance costs were quite high relative to alternatives.", "\n\nThe current AI systems do something that alternatives, like Mechanical Turks,\ncan only accomplish with much greater costs and may not even have the scale\nnecessary for global massive services like Google Photos or Youtube\nautocaptioning.", "\n\nThe spread of computing infrastructure and connectivity into the hands of\nbillions of global population is a key contributing factor.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\n> The difference between the current AI renaissance and the past pre-winter AI\n> ecosystems is the level of economic gain realized by the technology\n\nI would argue this is well discounted by level of investment made against the\nfuture. ", "I don't think the winter depends on the amount that somebody makes\ntoday on AI, rather on how much people are expecting to make in the future. ", "If\nthese don't match, there will be a winter. ", "My take is that there is a huge bet\nagainst the future. ", "And if DL ends up bringing just as much profit as it does\ntoday, interest will die very, very quickly.", "\n\n~~~\nnopinsight\nBecause there is a dearth of experts and a lack of deep technical knowledge\namong many business people, there are still a great many companies that have\nnot yet started investing in deep learning or AI despite potential profits\nbased on _current_ technology. ", "Non-tech sectors of the economy are probably\nunderinvesting at the moment.", "\n\nThis is analogous to the way electricity took decades to realize productivity\ngains in the broad economy.", "\n\nThat said, the hype will dial down. ", "I am just not sure the investment will\ndecrease soon.", "\n\n~~~\nsanxiyn\nWhile I agree there is underinvestment in non-tech sectors, I don't see why\nthat would change and they will use deep learning. ", "There are lots of\nprofitable things in non-tech sectors that can be done with linear regression\nbut not done.", "\n\n~~~\ncm2187\nThere are lots of things in the non-tech sector that can be automated with\nsimple vanilla software but isn't. ", "To use AI instead, you need to have 1)\nsophisticated devs in place, 2) a management that gets the value added, 3)\nlots of data in a usable format, 4) willingness to invest & experiment. ", "Lots\nof non-tech businesses are lacking one if not all of these.", "\n\n------\ndekhn\nI'm a scientist from a field outside ML who knows that ML can contribute to\nscience. ", "But I'm also really sad to see false claims in papers. ", "For example, a\ngood scientist can read an ML paper, see claims of 99% accuracy, and then\nprobe further to figure out what the claims really mean. ", "I do that a lot, and\nI find that accuracy inflation and careless mismanagement of data mars most\n\"sexy\" ML papers. ", "To me, that's what's going to lead to a new AI winter.", "\n\n~~~\nmtgx\nYou hear Facebook _all the time_ saying how it \"automatically blocks 99% of\nthe _terrorist content_ \" with AI to the public and governments.", "\n\nNobody thought to ask: \"How do you _know_ all of that content is terrorist\ncontent? ", "Does anyone check every video afterwards to ensure that all the\nblocked content was indeed terrorist content?\" (", "assuming they even have an\nexact definition for it).", "\n\n~~~\nshmageggy\nAlso, how do they know how much terrorist content they aren't blocking (the\n1%), since they by definition haven't found it yet?", "\n\n------\nimh\nFYI This post is about deep learning. ", "It could be the case that neural\nnetworks stop getting so much hype soon, but the biggest driver of the current\n\"AI\" (ugh I hate the term) boom is the fact that everything happens on\ncomputers now, and that isn't changing any time soon.", "\n\nWe log everything and are even starting to automate decisions. ", "Statistics,\nmachine learning, and econometrics are booming fields. ", "To talk about two\ntopics dear to my heart, we're getting way better at modeling uncertainty\n(bayesianism is cool now, and resampling-esque procedures aged really well\nwith a few decades of cheaper compute) and we're better at not only talking\nabout what causes what (causal inference), but what causes what when\n(heterogeneous treatment effect estimation, e.g. giving you aspirin right now\ndoes something different from giving me aspirin now). ", "We're learning to learn\nthose things super efficiently (contextual bandits and active learning). ", "The\ncurrent data science boom goes far far far far beyond deep learning, and most\nof the field is doing great. ", "Maybe those bits will even get better faster if\ndeep learning stops hogging the glory. ", "More likely, we'll learn to combine\nthese things in cool ways (as is happening now).", "\n\n~~~\ndigitalzombie\nBayesian can be seen as a subset of deep learning or hell a superset.", "\n\nAI is a superset and Machine learning is a subset of AI and most funding is in\ndeep learning. ", "Once Deep Learning hit the limit I believe there will be an AI\nwinter.", "\n\nMaybe there will be hype around statistic (cross fingers) which will lead to\nBayesian and such.", "\n\n~~~\neli_gottlieb\n>Bayesian can be seen as a subset of deep learning or hell a superset.", "\n\n _eh-hem_\n\nDIE, HERETIC!", "\n\n _eh-hem_\n\nOk, with that out of my system, no, Bayesian methods are definitely _not_ a\nsubset of deep learning, in any way. ", "Hierarchical Bayes could be labeled \"deep\nBayesian methods\" if we're marketing jerks, but Bayesian methods mostly do not\ninvolve neural networks with >3 hidden layers. ", "It's just a different paradigm\nof statistics.", "\n\n~~~\ndigitalzombie\nMy mentor was very very adamant about Bayesian network and hierarchical as\nbeing deep learning.", "\n\nHe sees the latent layer in the hierarchical model as the hidden layer and the\nBayesian just have a strict restrictions/assumptions to the network where as\nthe deep learning is more dumb and less assuming. ", "A few of my professor thinks\nthat PGM, probability graphical model is a super set of deep learning/neural\nnetwork.", "\n\nThis is where my thinking come from.", "\n\nIIRC, a paper have shown that gradient descent seems to exhibit MCMCs (blog\nwith paper link inside that led to this conclusion of mine:\n[http://www.inference.vc/everything-that-works-works-\nbecause-...](http://www.inference.vc/everything-that-works-works-because-its-\nbayesian-2/)).", "\n\nBut I am not an expert in Neural Network nor know the topic well enough to say\nsuch a thing. ", "Other than was deferring to opinions of some one that's better\nthan myself. ", "So I'll keep this in mind and hopefully one day have the time to\ndo more research into this topic.", "\n\nThank you.", "\n\n~~~\neli_gottlieb\nI think your link, and your mentor, are somewhat fundamentalist about their\nBayesianism.", "\n\n------\nMichaelMoser123\nForget about self driving cars - the real killer application of deep learning\nis mass surveillance - there are big customer for that (advertising, policing,\npolitical technology - we better get used to the term) and its the only\ntechnique that can get the job done.", "\n\nI sometimes think that there really was no AI winter as we got other\ntechnologies that implemented the ideas: SQL Databases can be seen as an\napplication of many ideas in classical AI - for example its a declarative\nlanguage for defining relations among tables; you can have rules in the form\nof SQL stored procedures; actually it was a big break (paradigm shift is the\nterm) in how you deal with data - the database engine has to do some real\nbehind the scenes optimization work in order to get a workable representation\nof the data definition (that is certainly bordering on classical AI in\ncomplexity).", "\n\nthese boring CRUD applications are light years ahead in how data was handled\nback in the beginning.", "\n\n~~~\ndx034\nThe BBC recently requested information about the use of facial recognition\nfrom UK police forces. ", "Those that use facial recognition reported false\npositive rates of >95%. ", "That led some to abandon the systems, others just use\nit as one form of pre-screening. ", "Mass surveillance with facial recognition is\nnowhere near levels where it can be used unsupervised. ", "And that's even before\npeople actively try to deceive it.", "\n\nFor advertising, I'm also not sure if there's been a lot of progress. ", "Maybe\nit's because I opted out too much but I have the feeling that ad targeting\nhasn't become more intelligent, rather the opposite. ", "It's been a long time\nthat I've been surprised at the accuracy of a model tracking me. ", "Sure,\ntargeted ads for political purposes can work very well but are nothing new and\ndon't need any deep learning nor any other \"new\" technologies.", "\n\nWhere I really see progress is data visualisation. ", "Often dismissed it can be\nsurprisingly hard to get right and tools around that (esp for enterprise use)\nhave developed a lot over recent years. ", "And that's what companies need. ", "No\none's looking for a black-box algorithm to replace marketing, they just want\nto make some sense of their data and understand what's going on.", "\n\n~~~\nnmca\nAha, yeah I saw this in the news - pretty classic use of people horribly\nmisunderstanding statistics and/or misrepresenting the facts. ", "Let's say one\nperson out of 60 million has sauron's ring. ", "I use my DeepMagicNet to classify\neveryone, and get 100 positive results. ", "Only one is the ringbearer, so I have\na 99% error rate. ", "Best abandon ship.", "\n\n~~~\ndx034\nI do think of myself that I can read statistics. ", "They didn't mention it as a\nfalse positive rate, that's what I interpreted. ", "I don't have the article here\nbut they said that the system gave out ~250 alerts, of which ~230 turned out\nto be incorrect. ", "It didn't specify at all how big the database of potential\nsuspects was. ", "The number of scanned faces was ~50-100k each time (stadium).", "\nNevertheless, the 230/250 is the issue here, simply because it destroys trust\nin the system. ", "If the operator already knows that the chance of this being a\nfalse alarm is ~5%, will they really follow up all alerts?", "\n\n------\nrch\n> Deepmind hasn't shown anything breathtaking since their Alpha Go zero.", "\n\nDidn't this _just_ happen? ", "Maybe my timescales are off, but I've been thinking\nabout AI and Go since the late 90s, and plenty of real work was happening\nbefore then.", "\n\nOutside a handful of specialists, I'd expect another 8-10 years before the\ncurrent state of the art is generally understood, much less effectively\napplied elsewhere.", "\n\n~~~\nehsankia\nAlso why does every single result has to be breathtaking? ", "Here's a quick\nexample, at IO they announced that their work on Android improved battery life\nby up to 30%. ", "That's pretty damn impressive.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\n> Also why does every single result has to be breathtaking?", "\n\nIf you build the hype like say Andrew Ng it better be. ", "Also if you consume\nmore money per month than all the CS departments of a mid sized country, it\nbetter be.", "\n\n~~~\nraducu\nIn terms of hype you may be right, but it doesn't mean that if something\ndoesn't live up to the hype of Andrew Ng or Elon Musk it won't still be pretty\ngood.", "\n\nFor instance: even if Elon Musk doesn't colonize Mars but instead just builds\nthe BFR, that would still be amazing; even if BFR is never build but falcon 9\nbecomes fully reusable that would be great; even if falcon 9 won't be fully\nreusable, the fact that it cut the launching cost to space is still pretty\ngood.", "\n\nEven if we don't achieve any great breakthroughs with AGI, the fact that we\nstarted to use transfer learning to diagnose human disseases is pretty\namazing; the fact that a japanese guy used tensorflow on a raspbery pi to\ncategorize real cucumbers by shape is amazing.", "\n\nAll of this stuff won't go away; people will not say \"hey, let's just forget\nabout this deep learning thing and put it in some dusty shelf, it's useless\nfor now\". ", "Maybe it will take 20 or 50 more years, maybe it's a slow thaw, but\nhow could this be a winter?", "\n\n~~~\nrm_-rf_slash\nHonestly I think the raspberry pi indicates the (short-term) future of AI.", "\nMost of the “easy” problems have been solved (image classification, game\nplaying), but the hard ones like NLP are orders of magnitude more complex and\ntherefore elusive.", "\n\nI’m happy to leave the hard problems for the PhDs and the big tech\nresearchers. ", "Go nuts, folks.", "\n\nIn the meantime, the applications for small-scale, pre-trained neural networks\nseem limitless. ", "Manufacturing, agriculture, retail, pretty much any industry\ncould make use of portable neural networks.", "\n\n~~~\nraducu\nI feel exactly the same way. ", "Just wait 2-3 years before someone launches an\nembedded TPU and the sky will be the limit.", "\n\n------\nmastrsushi\nWarning 23 year old CS grad angst ridden post:\n\nI'm very sick of the AI hype train. ", "I took a PR class for my last year of\ncollege, and they couldn't help but mention it. ", "LG Smart TV ads mention it,\nMicrosoft commercials, my 60 year old tech illiterate Dad. ", "Do any end users\nreally know what it's about? ", "Probably not, nor should that matter, but it's\nvery triggering to see something that was once a big part of CS turned into a\nmarketable buzzword.", "\n\nI get triggered when I can't even skim through the news without hearing Elon\nMusk and Steven Hawking ignorantly claim AI could potentially takeover\nhumanity. ", "People believe them because of their credentials, when professors\nwho actually teach AI will say otherwise. ", "I'll admit, I've never taken any\ncourse in the subject myself. ", "An instructor I've had who teaches the course\nargues it doesn't even exist, it's merely a sequence of given instructions,\nmuch like any other computer program. ", "But hey, people love conspiracies, so\nlet their imagination run wild.", "\n\nAI is today what Big Data was about 4 years ago. ", "I do not look highly on any\nprogrammer that jumps bandwagons, especially for marketability. ", "Not only is it\nimpure in intention, it's foolish when their are 1000 idiots just like them\nover-saturating the market. ", "Stick with what you love, even if it's esoteric.", "\nThen you won't have to worry about your career value.", "\n\n~~~\nakvadrako\nAI taking over is the biggest threat facing humanity, but I don't think\nHawking ever claimed it was imminent; it's likely 1000+ years away.", "\n\nIt should be obvious why a superior intelligence is something dangerous.", "\n\n~~~\npfisch\n\"it's likely 1000+ years away.\"", "\n\nThat seems like a pretty high number when you consider the exponential rate of\ntechnological advancement.", "\n\n1000 years in the future is probably going to be completely unrecognizable to\nus given the current rate of change in society/tech.", "\n\n~~~\nScea91\nTrue exponentials exist very rarely. ", "What we are used to call exponential is\noften at most quadratic and even then the trend usually exists only for some\nlimited time window.", "\n\nI wouldn't dare to make prediction about mankind 1000 years from now based on\na relatively short time window of technological growth. ", "There are many huge\nobstacles in the way.", "\n\n~~~\npfisch\nEven the present would be mostly unrecognizable to someone who lived 1000\nyears ago.", "\n\n1000 years from now will certainly be even stranger to us.", "\n\n------\noh-kumudo\nAuthor's reasons:\n\n1.Hype dies down (which is really good! ", "Meaning the chance of burst, is\nactually lower!)", "\n\n2.Doesn't scale is false claim. ", "DL methods have scaled MUCH better than any\nother ML algorithms in recent history (scale SVM is no small task). ", "Scaling\nfor DL methods are much either as comparing to other traditional ML\nalgorithms, where it can be naturally distributed and aggregated.", "\n\n3\\. Partially true. ", "But self-driving is a sophisticated area by itself, DL is\npart of it, it can't really put full claim on its potential future success or\nultimate downfall.", "\n\n4\\. Gary Marcus isn't an established figure in DL research.", "\n\nAI winter will ultimately come. ", "But it is because people will become more\ninformed about DL's strengths and limits, thus becoming smarter to tell what\nis BS what is not. ", "AGI is likely not going to happen just with DL, but that is\nno way meaning it is a winter. ", "DL has revolutionized the paradigm of Machine\nLearning itself, the shift has now complete, it will stay for a very very long\ntime, and the successor is likely to build upon it not subvert it completely\nas well.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\nAuthor here: I'm using deep learning daily so I have a bit of an idea on what\nI'm talking about.", "\n\n1) Not my point. ", "Hype is doing very well. ", "But narrative begins to crack,\nactually indicative of a burst... 2) DL does not scale very well. ", "It does\nscale better than other ML algorithm because those did not scale at all. ", "If\nyou want to know what scales very well, look at CFD (computational fluid\ndynamics). ", "DL in nowhere near that ease in scaling. ", "3) self driving is the\nposter child of current \"AI-revolution\". ", "And it is where by far most money is\nallocated. ", "So if that falls, rest of DL does not matter. ", "4) Not that this\nmatters, does it?", "\n\n~~~\nevrydayhustling\nThe scaling argument in the article doesn't make any sense. ", "There are\nrhetorical queries like \"does this model with 1000x as many parameters work\n1000x as well?\" ", "but what it means to scale or perform are not clearly or\nconsistently defined - let alone defined in a way that would make your point\nabout the utility of the advances.", "\n\nOpenAI's graph shows new architectures being used with more parameters because\npeople are innovating on architecture and scale at the same time. ", "Arguing that\nold methods \"failed to scale\" is like arguing that processor development was a\nfailure because Intel had to develop a 486 instead of making a 386 work with\nmore transistors (or more _something_ ).", "\n\nAnd what does CFD have to do with anything, except maybe an odd attempt to\nargue from authority? ", "Can you formalize from CFD a notion of \"scaling well\"\nwell that anyone else agrees is useful for measuring AI research?", "\n\n~~~\nprewett\nCFD was merely used as an example of something that does scale well. ", "I'm not\nsure it was the best example, since CFD isn't very common. ", "But basically you\nhave a volume mesh and each cell iterates on the Navier-Stokes equation. ", "So if\nyou have N processor cores, you break the mesh in N pieces, each of which get\nprocessed in parallel. ", "Doubling the number of cores allows you process double\nthe amount in the same time, minus communication loses (each section of the\nmesh needs to communicate the results on its boundary to its neighbors).", "\n\nI don't fully understand the graph, but it looks like his point is that Alpha\nGo Zero uses 1e5 times as many resources than AlexNet, but does not produce\nanywhere near 10,000 times better results. ", "We saw that with CFDt 1e5 more\ncores resulted in 1e5 better results (= scales). ", "The assertion is that DL's\nresults are much less than 1e5 better, hence it does not scale.", "\n\nBasically the argument is:\n\n1\\. CFD produces N times better results given N times more resources [this is\nimplied, requires a knowledge of CFD]. ", "That is, f(a _x) = a_ f(x). ", "Or, f(a _x)\n= 1_ a * f(x).", "\n\n2\\. Empirically, we see that DL has used 1e5 more resources, but is not\nproducing 1e5 times better results. [", "No quantitative analysis of how much\nbetter the results are is given]\n\n3\\. Since DL has f(a * x) = b * a * f(x), where b < 1, DL does not scale.", "\n[Presumably b << 1 but the article did not give any specific results]\n\nThis isn't a very rigorous argument and the article left out half the\nargument, but it is suggestive.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\nThanks for that, that is essentially my point. ", "Agree it is not very rigorous,\nbut it gets the idea across. ", "By scalable we'd typically think \"you throw more\ngpu's at it and it works better by some measure\". ", "Deep learning does that only\nin extremely specific domains, e.g. games and self play as in alpha go. ", "For\nmajority of other applications it is architecture bound or data bound. ", "You\ncan't throw more layers, more basic DL primitives and expect better results.", "\nYou need more data, and more phd students to tweak the architecture. ", "That is\nnot scalable.", "\n\n~~~\nevrydayhustling\nMore compute -> more precision is just one field's definition of scalable...\nSaying that DNNs can't get better just by adding GPUs is like complaining that\nan apple isn't very orange.", "\n\nTo generalize notions of scaling, you need to look at the economics of\nconsumed resources and generated utility, and you haven't begun to make the\nargument that data acquisition and PhD student time hasn't created ROI, or\nthat ROI on those activities hasn't grown over time.", "\n\nData acquisition and labeling is getting cheaper all the time for many\napplications. ", "Plus, new architectures give ways to do transfer learning or\nencode domain bias that let you specialize a model with less new data. ", "There\nis substantial progress and already good returns on these types of scalability\nwhich (unlike returns on more GPUs) influence ML economics.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\nOK, the definition of scalable is crucial here and it causes lots of trouble\n(this is also response to several other posts so forgive me if I don't address\nyour points exactly).", "\n\nLet me try once again: an algorithm is scalable if it can process bigger\ninstances by adding more compute power.", "\n\nE.g. I take a small perceptron and train it on pentium 100, and then take a\nperceptron with 10x parameters on Core I7 and get better output by some\nmonotonic function of increase in instance size (it is typically a sub linear\nfunction but it is OK as long as it is not logarithmic).", "\n\nDL does not have that property. ", "It requires modifying the algorithm, modifying\nthe task at hand and so on. ", "And it is not that it requires some tiny tweaking.", "\nIt requires quite a bit of tweaking. ", "I mean if you need a scientific paper to\nmake a bigger instance of your algorithm this algorithm is not scalable.", "\n\nWhat many people here are talking about is whether an instance of the\nalgorithm can be created (by a great human effort) in a very specific domain\nto saturate a given large compute resource. ", "And yes, in that sense deep\nlearning can show some success in very limited domains. ", "Domains where there\nhappens to be a boatload of data, particularly labeled data.", "\n\nBut you see there is a subtle difference here, similar in some sense to\ndifference between Amdahl's law and Gustafson's law (though not literal).", "\n\nThe way many people (including investors) understand deep learning is that:\nyou build a model A, show it a bunch of pictures and it understands something\nout of them. ", "Then you buy 10x more GPU's, build model B that is 10x bigger,\nshow it those same pictures and it understands 10x more from them. ", "Look I, and\nmany people here understand this is totally naive. ", "But believe me, I talked to\nmany people with big $ that have exactly that level of understanding.", "\n\n~~~\nevrydayhustling\nI appreciate the engagement in making this argument more concrete. ", "I\nunderstand that you are talking about returns on compute power.", "\n\nHowever, your last paragraph about how investors view deep learning does not\ndescribe anyone in the community of academics, practitioners and investors\nthat I know. ", "People understand that the limiting inputs to improved\nperformance are data, followed closely by PhD labor. ", "Compute power is relevant\nmainly because it shortens the feedback loop on that PhD labor, making it more\nefficient.", "\n\nFolks investing in AI believe the returns are worth it due to the potential to\nscale deployment, not (primarily) training. ", "They may be wrong, but this is a\nstraw man definition of scalability that doesn't contribute to that thesis.", "\n\n------\njarym\nI’m not sure how the hype wagon started but I for one am glad it’s about to\npop.", "\n\nI am working (founded) a startup and while we have AI on the roadmap for about\na years time, it isn’t something that’s central to our product. (", "We already\nuse some ML techniques but I’d not confidently boast its the same thing as\nAI).", "\n\nCue an informal lunch with a VC guy who takes a look, says we’re cool and\ntells us just to plaster the word AI in more places - he was sure we could\nraise a stupendous sum of cash doing that.", "\n\nAs an AI enthusiast I was bothered by this. ", "We have everyone and their mother\nhyping AI into areas it’s not even relevant in, let alone effective at.", "\n\nA toning down would be healthy. ", "We could then focus on developing the right\ntechnology slowly and without all the lofty expectations to live up to.", "\n\n~~~\nflohofwoe\n> ...just to plaster the word AI in more places...\n\nI bet that's how the new \"AI-assisted\" Intellisense in Visual Studio got\ngreenlit:\n\n[https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/visualstudio/2018/05/07/int...](https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/visualstudio/2018/05/07/introducing-\nvisual-studio-intellicode/)\n\nIf an AI-infested text editor isn't a sure sign that the bubble is going to\npop soon then I don't know ;)\n\n~~~\nannabellish\nI think part of this ridiculousness may just be that the common lexicon\ndoesn't have enough words for AI. \"", "AI-assisted Intellisense\" at the moment\nseems to boil down to a marginally novel way of ordering autocomplete\nsuggestions, and like...\n\nIt's not wrong? ", "It's neat, it's potentially useful, and it's powered by\nsomething under the umbrella of \"AI\". ", "The problem is that that umbrella is\ngigantic, and covers everything from the AI system providing routes for the AI\nsystem in a self-driving truck on AI-provided schedules for a hypothetical\nmostly-automated shipping business, to a script I whipped up in ten minutes to\nteach something 2+2 and literally nothing else.", "\n\nSo we get to the nonsense position where there isn't a better way to describe\na minor improvement to what is essentially the ordering of a drop-down list\nexcept by comparison to the former example.", "\n\n------\nsolomatov\nAI winter is not on its way. ", "We constantly get new breakthroughs and there's\nno end in the view. ", "For example, in the last year a number of improvements in\nGANs were introduced. ", "This is really huge, since GANs are able to learn a\ndataset structure without explicit labels, and this is a large bottleneck in\napplying ML more widely.", "\n\nIMO, we are far away from AGI, but even current technologies applied widely\nwill lead to many interesting things.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\nI sure agree there are many interesting things going on, there is no question\nabout that. ", "Also most of them are toy problems focused in some restricted\ndomains, while a huge bag of equally interesting real world problems is\nsitting untouched. ", "And let me tell you, all those VC's that put in probably\nway north of $10B are not looking forward to more NIPS papers or yet another\nstyle transfer algorithm.", "\n\n~~~\nsolomatov\n>Also most of them are toy problems focused in some restricted domains, while\na huge bag of equally interesting real world problems is sitting untouched.", "\n\nIt always starts with toy problems. ", "Recognizing pictures from imagenet was\nalso a toy problem back then.", "\n\n------\nxedarius\n\"Deepmind hasn't shown anything breathtaking since their Alpha Go zero\"\n\n... what about when the Google assistant near perfectly mimicked a human\nmaking a restaurant reservation .... the voice work was done at DeepMind.", "\n\nAll the problems in AI haven't been solved yet? ", "Well no, of course not.", "\nLimitations exist and our solutions need to be evolved.", "\n\nI think perhaps the biggest constraint is requiring huge amounts of training\ndata so solve problem X. Humans simply don't need that, which must be some\nindication that what we're doing isn't quite right.", "\n\n~~~\ngaius\n_what about when the Google assistant near perfectly mimicked a human making a\nrestaurant reservation_\n\nAny sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo\n\n------\ndhab\nDisclaimer: I am a lay technical person and don't know much about AI.", "\n\nI find this article somewhat condescending. ", "I look at all the current\ndevelopment as stepping stones to progress, not an overnight success that does\neverything flawlessly. ", "I imagine the future might be some combination of\ndifferent solutions, and what the author proposes may or may not play a part\nin it.", "\n\n~~~\nbra-ket\nit's not a stepping stone, if you look closely it's a dead end\n\n~~~\nbiswaroop\nI don't see how systematically accurate image classifiers and facial\nrecognition systems built on deep learning is a 'dead end'. ", "Products are\nproducts. ", "If deep learning has led to actual profits in actual companies, it's\nnot a dead end. ", "As to whether this leads to AGI is a completely different\nquestion.", "\n\n~~~\njimothywales\nThe point is that the profits may not be as grand as the current level of hype\nmay indicate\n\nEdit: additionally it could be a dead end because the hype tends to narrow the\ndirections we explore with ML. ", "If everyone is obsessing about DL, we could be\ninfuriatingly ignoring other research directions right under our noses.", "\n\n------\nzerostar07\nAn AI \"winter\" is a long period in which [edit: funding is cut because...]\nresearchers _are in disbelief_ about having a path to real intelligence. ", "I\nthink that is not the case at this time, because we have (or approaching)\nadequate tools to rationally dismiss that disbelief. ", "The current AI \"spring\"\nhas brought back the belief that connectionism may by the ultimate tool to\nexplain the human brain. ", "I mean you can't deny that DL models of vision look\neerily like the early stages in visual processing in the brain (which is a\nvery large part of it). ", "Even if DL researchers lose their path in search for\n\"true AI\", the neuroscientists can keep probing the blueprint to find new\nclues to its intelligence. ", "Even AI companies are starting to create plausible\nmodels that link to biology. ", "So at this time, it's unlikely that progress will\nbe abandoned any time soon.", "\n\nE.g. [https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.00161](https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.00161)\n[https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04698](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04698)\n[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28095195](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28095195)\n\n~~~\ndekhn\nNo, AI winter was when the AI people oversold the tech, then failed to\ndeliver, and lost their funding. ", "This is well documented in histories of the\nfield.", "\n\n~~~\nzerostar07\nI think the scientific pessimism preceded the funding cuts:\n\n[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI_winter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI_winter)\n\n------\nfelippee\nAuthor here: seriously I'm here at the front page for the second day in the a\nrow!?", "\n\nThe sheer viral popularity of this post, which really was just a bunch of\nrelatively loose thoughts indicates that there is something in the air\nregarding AI winter. ", "Maybe people are really sick of all that hype pumping...\n\nJust a note: I'm a bit overwhelmed so I can't address all the criticism. ", "One\nthing I would like to state however, is that I'm actually a fan of\nconnectionism. ", "I think we are doing it naively though and instead of focusing\non the right problem we inflate a hype bubble. ", "There are applications where DL\nreally shines and there is no question about that. ", "But in case of autonomy and\nrobotics we have not even defined the problems well enough, not to mention\nsolving anything. ", "But unfortunately, those are the areas where most\nbest/expectations sit, therefore I'm worried about the winter.", "\n\n~~~\ns-shellfish\nDo you think there's a balance to be struck between connectionism and\ncomputationalism?", "\n\n------\nskybrian\nThe argument is that self-driving won't work because Uber and Tesla had well-\npublicized crashes. ", "But I don't see how this tells us anything about other,\napparently more cautious companies like Waymo. ", "There seem to be significant\ndifferences in technology.", "\n\nMore generally, machine learning is a broad area and there's no reason to\nbelieve that different applications of it will all succeed or all fail for\nsimilar reasons. ", "It seems more likely there will be more winners along with\nmany failed attempts.", "\n\n~~~\nAnimats\n_The argument is that self-driving won 't work because Uber and Tesla had\nwell-publicized crashes. ", "But I don't see how this tells us anything about\nother, apparently more cautious companies like Waymo. ", "There seem to be\nsignificant differences in technology._", "\n\nYes. ", "I've been saying this for a while. ", "Waymo's approach is about 80%\ngeometry, 20% AI. ", "Profile the terrain, and only drive where it's flat. ", "The AI\npart is for trying to identify other road users and guess what they will do.", "\nWhen in doubt, assume worst case and stay far away from them.", "\n\nI was amazed that anyone would try self-driving without profiling the road.", "\nEverybody in the DARPA Grand Challenge had to do that, including us, because\nit was off-road driving and you were not guaranteed a flat road. ", "The\nGoogle/Waymo people understood this. ", "Some of the others just tried dumping the\nraw sensor data into a deep learning system and getting out a steering wheel\nangle. ", "Not good.", "\n\n~~~\nBoomWav\nA lot of companies fear the ship's leaving without them. ", "They try to rush\nahead without thinking and then crashes. ", "That's what it feels like every time\na car company or another tech company say they're going to build the next\nself-driving car. ", "I don't know why but I always feel like waymo is already\n10,000 miles ahead.", "\n\n------\nmadmax108\nHonestly, I think this is a good thing for both AI researchers as well as AI\npractitioners. ", "One mans AI-winter is another mans stable platform.", "\n\nWhile the number of world-shattering discoveries using DL may be on the\ndecline (ImageNet, Playing Atari, Artistic Style Transfer, CycleGAN,\nDeepFakes, Pix2Pix etc), now both AI researchers and practitioners can work in\nrelative peace to fix the problem of the last 10%, which is where Deep\nLearning has usually sucked. ", "90% accuracy is great for demos and papers, but\nnot even close to useful in real life (as the Uber fiasco is showing).", "\n\nAs an AI practitioner, it was difficult to simply keep up with the latest\ngame-changing paper (I have friends who call 2017 the Year of the GAN!), ", "only\nto later discover new shortcomings of each. ", "Of course, you may say, why bother\nkeeping up? ", "And the answer is simply that when we are investing time to build\nsomething that will be in use 5-10 years from now, we want to ensure the\nfoundation is built upon the latest research, and the way most papers talk\nabout their results makes you believe they are best suited for all use cases,\nwhich is rarely the case. ", "But when the foundation itself keeps moving so fast,\nthere is no stability to build upon at all.", "\n\nThat and what jarym said is perfectly true as well.", "\n\nThe revolution is done, now it's time to evolution of these core ideas for\nactual value generation , and I for one am glad about that.", "\n\n------\nafpx\nAI winter? ", "Hardly. ", "Current methods have only been applied to a very tiny\nfraction of problems that they can help solve. ", "And, this trend will only\naccelerate until computing resources become too expensive.", "\n\nAs long as there is ROI, AI projects will continue to be financed, top\nthinkers around the world will be paid to do more research, and engineers will\nimplement the most recent techniques into their products and services to stay\ncompetitive. ", "This is a classic feedback system that results in exponential\nprogress.", "\n\n------\ntim333\nThis seems over negative. ", "Just the opening argument, that companies were\nsaying \"that fully self driving car was very close\" but \"this narrative begins\nto crack\"\n\nYet here they are self driving\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqRMTWqhwzM&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqRMTWqhwzM&feature=youtu.be)\nand you should be able to hail one as a cab this year\n[https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/05/09/self_driving_taxis_...](https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/05/09/self_driving_taxis_waymo/)\n\n~~~\nmastrsushi\nYou sure about that?", "\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IqpUK5teGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IqpUK5teGM)\n\nTesla self driving cars have crashed too. ", "Arrogant people like Elon Musk are\nmaking a bad name for the hardworking AI developers who are actually trying to\nmake self driving cars faulty proof.", "\n\n~~~\ntim333\nThat vid of the Uber crash - just because one company has a crap product\ndoesn't mean they are all bad. ", "Waymo is about the only one that seems about\nready to go and I think partly because they don't just count on deep learning.", "\n\n~~~\nmastrsushi\nLike I said, Uber and Tesla have both been reported. ", "If two companies of that\nstatus with their funding abilities are potentially dangerous, I wouldn't\ndoubt any smaller company would.", "\n\n------\ndaveguy\nI thought there would be more of a backlash / winter onset when people realize\nthat Alexa is so annoying to deal with (and you basically have to learn a set\nof commands) because AI isn't that clever yet. ", "Also, when people realize that\nautocorrect took a dive for making edits when Google started putting a neural\nnet in charge. (", "No! ", "Stop deleting random words and squishing spaces during\nedits).", "\n\nIn other words I figured it would be the annoyances at what \"should be easy by\nnow\" that would get Joe CEO to start thinking \"Hm. ", "Maybe this isn't such a\ngood investment.\" ", "When measurements are made and reliable algorithmic results\nattract and keep more users than narrowly trained kind of finicky AIs.", "\n\nI don't want there to be an AI winter, and it won't be as bad as before. ", "There\nare a lot of applications for limited scope image recognition, and other tasks\nthat we couldn't do before. ", "Unfortunately,I do agree with the post that winter\nis on its way.", "\n\n------\nsytelus\nThe OP is obviously not keeping up with the field and has lot to learn about\nscientific approach. ", "He basically uses the count of tweets from AndrewNg and\ncrashes from risk-taking companies as indicator of \"AI winter\". ", "He should have\ntried to look in to metrics such as number of papers, number of people getting\nin to field, number of dollars in VC money, number of commercial products\nusing DL/RL etc. ", "But you see, that's a lot of work and your conclusion might\nnot align with whatever funky title you had in mind. ", "Being an armchair opinion\nguy throwing link bait titles is much more easier.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\nI'll happily read your next post where you will include all of those. ", "In fact\namount of VC money spent in that field would only support my claim. ", "And the\nnumber of papers is irrelevant. ", "There were thousands of papers about Hopfield\nnetwork in the 90's and where are all of them now? ", "You see, all the things you\npoint out is the surface. ", "What really matters is that self driving cars crash\nand kill people, and no one has any idea how to fix it.", "\n\n------\ndidymospl\nI think the most important question is what 'winter' really means in this\ncontext. ", "The new concepts in AI tend to follow the hype cycle so the\ndisillusionment will certainly come. ", "One thing is the general public see the\namazing things Tesla or Google do with deep learning and extrapolate this\nthinking we're on the brink of creating artificial general intelligence. ", "The\ndisappointment will be even bigger if DL fails to deliver its promises like\nself-driving cars.", "\n\nOf course the situation now is different than 30 years ago because AI has\nproved to be effective in many areas so the research won't just stop. ", "The way\nI understand this 'AI winter' is that deep learning might be the current local\nmaximum of AI techniques and will soon reach the dead end where tweaking\nneural networks won't lead to any real progress.", "\n\n------\nvisarga\nAI winter is not \"on its way\". ", "There is AI hype and anti-AI hype, and then\nthere is actual practice. ", "This article is anti-AI hype, just as bad as its\nopposite. ", "In practice there are tons of useful applications. ", "We haven't even\nbegun to apply ML and DL to all the problems laying around us, some of which\nare quite accessible and impactful.", "\n\nThe hype cycle will pass with time, when we learn to align our expectations\nwith reality.", "\n\n~~~\nmeh2frdf\nGive us a list then, because what I’m seeing is shoehorning “AI” into\neverything but not with significant results.", "\n\n~~~\nvisarga\nIt's not my job to supplement the press or to do paper reading for you. ", "If\nyou're really interested in AI and don't just read the clickbait press, then\nopen Arxiv and look there.", "\n\n[http://www.arxiv-sanity.com/](http://www.arxiv-sanity.com/)\n\nIf, on the other hand, your opinion that AI is in a winter has been already\ndecided without reading the latest scientific papers, then there's nothing I\ncan say to you that will change your mind.", "\n\n------\nzitterbewegung\nI think that we will have AI Winter once we see the true limitations that face\nus having a level 5 fully autonomous self driving car. ", "The other thing we will\nsee happen is the deflation of the AdTech bubble. ", "Once we see both of these\nevents occurring that should start the AI Winter.", "\n\n~~~\njimothywales\nI agree. ", "The AdTech sphere is keeping the current hype alive more than\nanything else. ", "There's some obvious imbalances in AdTech that should lead it\nto a damning end soon enough.", "\n\n------\ntananaev\nAI and machine learning is a tool. ", "Like any other tool it's perfect for some\nproblems and doesn't work well for other. ", "Pick the right tools for the problem\nthat you are working on. ", "Don't follow the hype and don't use AI/ML just for\nsake of using it.", "\n\n------\nmatiasz\nJudea Pearl sees a way out of the winter.", "\n\n[https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/05/machi...](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/05/machine-\nlearning-is-stuck-on-asking-why/560675/)\n\n~~~\nAlexCoventry\nI think a lot of GOFAI approaches ought to be revisited to see whether they\nbenefit from the new perceptual and decision capabilities of Deep Learning\nsystems. ", "Alex Graves's papers are particularly good at this.", "\n\nThings like this reinforcement learner for theorem proving are pretty exciting\npossibilities.", "\n[https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.07563v1.pdf](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.07563v1.pdf)\n\n------\nOliverJones\nThere's a lot of good stuff coming from research in AI these days. ", "Still, I\nthink the author's right.", "\n\nAs with the onset of the previous AI winter a generation ago, the problem is\nthis: Once a problem gets solved (be it OCR or Bayesian recommendation engines\nor speech recognition or autocomplete or whatever) it stops being AI and\nstarts being software.", "\n\nAs for self-driving cars: I recently took a highway trip in my Tesla Model S.\nI love adaptive cruise control and steering assistance: they reduce driver\nworkload greatly. ", "But, even in the lab-like environment of summertime limited\naccess highways, driverless cars are not close. ", "Autosteer once misread the\nlane markings and started to steer the car into the side of a class 8 truck.", "\nFor me to sit in the back seat and let the car do all the work, that kind of\nthing must happen never.", "\n\nCourtesy is an issue. ", "I like to exit truck blindspots very soon after I enter\nthem, for example. ", "Autosteer isn't yet capable of shifting slightly to the\nleft or right so a driver ahead can see the car in a mirror. ", "Maybe when\neverything is autonomous that won't be an issue. ", "But how do we get there.", "\n\nConstruction zones are problems too: lane markings are confusing and sometimes\njust plain wrong, and the margin for error is much less. ", "Maybe the Mobileye\nrig in my car can detect orange barrels, but it certainly doesn't detect\norange temporary speed limit signs.", "\n\nThis author is right. ", "AI is hype-prone. ", "The fruits of AI generally function as\nthey were designed, though, once people stop overselling them.", "\n\n------\nrossdavidh\nWhile I basically agree, really it ought to be called \"AI autumn is well on\nits way\", since I'm not sure we're into actual winter (i.e. dramatic reduction\nin $$ available for research) quite yet. ", "But, probably soon.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\nAuthor here, yeah, it is the autumn. ", "But I guess not many people would\nrecognize the meaning, winter on the other hand is not ambiguous...\n\n~~~\nrossdavidh\nTrue.", "\n\n------\nepicmellon\n\"it is striking that the system spent long seconds trying to decide what\nexactly is sees in front (whether that be a pedestrian, bike, vehicle or\nwhatever else) rather than making the only logical decision in these\ncircumstances, which was to make sure not to hit it.\"", "\n\nThat is striking. ", "It always sort of bothered me that AI is really a big\nconglomeration of many different concepts. ", "What people are working on is deep\nlearning _for machines_ , but we think that means \"replicating human\nskill/behavior\". ", "It's not. ", "Machines will be good at what they are good at, and\nhumans good at what they're good at. ", "It's an uphill battle if your expectation\nis for a machine that processes like a human, because the human brain does not\nprocess things like computer architectures do.", "\n\nNow, if some aspiring scientist wanted to skip all that and _really_ try to\nreplicate (in a machine) how the human brain does things, I think such a\nperson would be starting from a very different perspective than even modern AI\ncomputing.", "\n\n~~~\ngoatlover\nThat's why Augmented Intelligence is a better term. ", "It doesn't scare up\nvisions of Skynet or Hal 9000 run amok. ", "Nor does it promise utopian\nsingularity right around the corner.", "\n\nIt just means better tools to increase human capacity. ", "But it's not nearly as\ngood at getting headlines in the media.", "\n\n------\nozy\nWe call it deep learning, but it is deep pattern matching. ", "Extremely useful,\nbut don't expect it to result in thinking machines.", "\n\n~~~\nhalflings\nAre our brains magic? ", "If they aren't then surely they must be doing something\nthat we can reproduce. ", "We've built so many things that we considered \"thinking\nmachines\" in the recent past (realistic speech synthesis, image recognition\nand captioning, human-level translation, elaborate recommender systems, robust\nquestion answering) on \"deep pattern recognition\".", "\n\n~~~\nollin\nBrains are not magic, and will be reproduced eventually, but DNNs are a\nfundamentally weaker architecture and won't be enough. ", "Neural nets can solve\nsome problems that brains can solve easily and lots of other ML methods\ncouldn't solve, which is great. ", "But the space of problems that brains can\nsolve and neural nets can't is still rich, and will remain so until better\nmethods are developed.", "\n\n------\ndontreact\nThe discussion on radiology is extremely sloppy.", "\n\nAndrew Ng claimed human level performance on one radiology task (pneumonia).", "\nThis claim seems to hold up pretty well as far as I can tell. ", "Then the person\ncriticizing him on twitter posts results on a completely different set of\ntasks which are just baseline results in order to launch a competition. ", "These\nresults are already close to human level performance, and after the\ncompetition it's very possible they will exceed human level performance.", "\n\nYes it's true that doing well at only Pneumonia doesn't mean that the nets are\nready to replace radiologists. ", "However, it does mean that we now have reason\nto think that all of the other tasks can be conquered in a reasonably short\ntime frame such that someone going into the field should at least consider how\nAI is going to shape the field going forward.", "\n\n------\ncs702\nWell, the breathless hype around deep learning (with and without reinforcement\nlearning) is bound to subside sooner or later, and attendance to staid\nacademic conferences like NIPS sooner or later will revert back to a smaller\ngroup of academics and intellectuals who are truly interested in the subject\nover the long term.[a] That much is certain.", "\n\nBut we're still in the early stages of a _gigantic wave of investment_ over\nthe next decade or two, as organizations of all sizes find ways to use deep\nlearning in a growing number of applications. ", "Most small businesses, large\ncorporations, nonprofits, and governments are not using deep learning for\nanything yet.", "\n\n[a]\n[https://twitter.com/lxbrun/status/908712249379966977](https://twitter.com/lxbrun/status/908712249379966977)\n\n------\njoejerryronnie\nWell, now that the cat's out of the bag in regards to AI/ML, we can all get in\non the ground floor of the next hype wave - quantum computing!", "\n\n~~~\nzitterbewegung\nIMHO Quantum computing is as well hyped as Cold Fusion and shares some of its\nproperties. ", "Until \"quantum supremacy\" occurs or something that will show a\nreal speedup we won't hear that much from it.", "\n\n~~~\nAlexCoventry\nCold Fusion was outright scientific misconduct. ", "I'm not optimistic about QC\nworking as intended, but I think the hope around it is honest.", "\n\n------\ntmalsburg2\nStopped reading after the first half. ", "The evidence for the idea that deep\nlearning is failing is that Deep Mind haven't produced anything revolutionary\nsince Alpha Go Zero which was published not even a year ago? ", "And that\npreformance doesn't scale linearly with the number of parameters? ", "And\nspeculation about why Lecun made a certain career decision? ", "Not very\nconvincing.", "\n\n~~~\nYeGoblynQueenne\nYou're forgetting that Andrew Ng is tweeting 30% less this year! ", "Isn't that\nenough to convince even the staunchest critic?", "\n\n------\nsoVeryTired\nOnly tangentially related to the article, but it's always struck me as a\nlittle unethical that Demis Hassabis' name goes on every paper that's written\nby Deepmind. ", "No-one produces that much research output.", "\n\n------\nrscho\nNo, but wait! ", "We're just on the verge of replacing doctors! ;-)", "\n\nThere's still a lot of space for the improvement of \"curve-fitting\" AI in the\nworkplace. ", "The potential of existing tech is far from being thoroughly\nexploited right now. ", "I believe the next big improvements will come more from\nbetter integration in the workplace (or road system) than new scientific\nadvances, so that might seem less sexy. ", "But I also believe this will be a\nsufficient impetus to drive the field forward for the years to come.", "\n\n------\nmirceal\nI would not call it the “AI winter”. ", "If you look at what people have called AI\nover time, the definition and the approaches have evolved (sometimes\ndrastically) over time.", "\n\nInstead of being stuck on the fact that deep learning and the current methods\nseem to have hit a limit I think I am actually excited about the fact that\nthis opens the door for experimenting other approaches that may or may not\nbuild on top of what we call AI today.", "\n\n~~~\nslowmovintarget\nPerhaps it'd be more correct to call it a \"Strong AI Winter\". ", "We're no closer\nto \"aware\" machines. ", "We've simply gotten very good at automating tasks that\nwere once difficult to automate.", "\n\n~~~\nmirceal\nA friend that’s more optimistic about Strong AI once said that the ML that\ngoes on today will probably serve the purpose of driving the peripheral sense\norgans of a future AI. ", "Although it stretches a bit what’s possible today I\ncould see that. ", "I would call this a win if this ends up happening although I\nstill belive we’re hundreds of years away from Strong AI.", "\n\n~~~\nrandcraw\nI'm inclined to agree with your friend.", "\n\nThis ability of DL to convert streams of raw noisy data into labeled objects\nseems like exactly what's needed to solve an intelligent agent's perceptual\ngrounding problem, where an agent that's new to the world must bootstrap its\nperception systems, converting raw sensory input into meaningful objects with\nphysical dynamics. ", "Only then can the agent reason about objects and better\nunderstand them by physical interaction and exploration. ", "This is one of the\nareas where symbolic AI failed hardest, but DL does best.", "\n\nWith some engineering, it's easy to imagine how active learning could use DL\nto ground robot senses - much like an infant human explores the world for the\nfirst year of life, adding new labels and understanding their dynamics as it\ngoes.", "\n\nI suspect the potential for DL's many uses will continue to grow and surprise\nus for at least another decade. ", "If we've learned anything from the past decade\nof DL, it's that probabilistic AI is surprisingly capable.", "\n\n------\nmajos\nThis reminds me of a recent Twitter thread [1] from Zachary Lipton (new\nmachine learning faculty at CMU) arguing that radiologists have a more complex\njob than we, as machine learning enthusiasts, think.", "\n\n[1]\n[https://mobile.twitter.com/zacharylipton/status/999395902996...](https://mobile.twitter.com/zacharylipton/status/999395902996516865)\n\n------\ncarlbordum\nI think all talk about computer intelligence and learning is bullshit. ", "If I'm\nright, then AI is probably the most /dangerous/ field in computer science\nbecause it sounds just likely enough that it lures in great minds, just like a\nsitcom startup idea[0].", "\n\n[0]\n[http://paulgraham.com/startupideas.html](http://paulgraham.com/startupideas.html)\n\n------\ntim333\nYou could actually make a reasonable argument for the opposite of a winter,\nthat we are heading into an unprecedented AI boom.", "\n\nThe article's main argument for a winter is that deep learning is becoming\nplayed out. ", "But this misses the once in history event of computer hardware\nreaching approximate parity with and overtaking the computing power of the\nhuman brain. ", "I remember writing about that for my uni entrance exam 35 years\nago and have been following things a bit since and the time is roughly now.", "\nYou can make a reasonable argument the the computational equivalent of the\nbrain is about 100 TFLOPS which was hard to access or not available in the\npast but you can now rent a 180 TFLOP TPU from Google for $6.50/hr. ", "While the\ncurrent algorithms may be limited there are probably going to be loads of\nbright people trying new stuff on the newly powerful hardware, perhaps\nincluding the authors PVM and some of that will likely get interesting\nresults.", "\n\n------\nsheeshkebab\nDeep learning maybe not the complete answer to gai, but it’s moving down the\nright path. ", "Computers though are still years/decades away from approaching\nhuman brain power and efficiency, so my take is that current ai hype is 10\nyears too early - a good time to get in.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\n> but it’s moving down the right path\n\nTime will tell. ", "I think DL is amazing, but is no the right path towards\nsolving problems such as autonomy. ", "I think if you enter this field today, you\nshould definitely take a look at other methods than DL. ", "I actually spent a few\nyears reading neuroscience. ", "It was painful, and I certainly can't tell I\nlearned how the brain works, but I'm pretty certain it has nothing to do with\nDL.", "\n\n------\nThomPete\nGreat essay but this \"Deep learning (does not) scale\" I think is missing an\nimportant point.", "\n\nThere are many ways to think about scale.", "\n\nIf you think about a learned skill then that skill actually scales extremely\nwell to other machines and thus to other industries that might benefit from\nthe same skill.", "\n\nThe primary problem with technology is that society doesn't just implement it\nas fast as it gets developed so you will have these natural bottlenecks where\nsociety can't actually absorb the benefits fast enough.", "\n\nIn other words, Deep Learning scales as long as society can absorb it and\napply it.", "\n\n------\npaulie_a\nHas anyone done something genuinely useful with ml/ai/whatever outside of\nadvertising or stock trading? ", "I am genuinely curious if it has really been\napplied to real commercial applications.", "\n\n~~~\ncolordrops\nImprovements in search, translation, image recognition and categorization,\nvoice recognition, and text to speech off the top of my head. ", "I'm sure there\nare a lot more.", "\n\n~~~\npaulie_a\nYeah but those are all pretty terrible to the actual end consumer. ", "They might\nbe cool technologies but at the end of the day, I am a user that hates dealing\nwith them. ", "IVRs are terrible a experience. ", "Image recognition is iffy at best.", "\nText to speak is terrible. ", "In 10 years maybe they will have it hashed out...\njust like 10 years ago, or 20 years ago\n\n~~~\ncolordrops\nI'd have to disagree. ", "While IVR sucks (most current implementations don't use\nML by the way), image recognition and categorization is at or better than\nhuman levels in most cases now. ", "Cutting edge TTS is now nearly\nindistinguishable from a human. ", "Just check out some samples [1]. ", "And while\ntranslation still sucks, ML based translation is still far better than\nprevious approaches.", "\n\n[1] [https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/27/17167200/google-ai-\nspeech...](https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/27/17167200/google-ai-speech-tts-\ncloud-deepmind-wavenet)\n\n------\nd--b\nSure the thing is overhyped, but the problem is that we cannot be sure about\nthe next big thing. ", "The advances are slow but then a giant step forwards\nhappen all of a sudden.", "\n\nEveryone dropped their jaws when they saw the first self driving car video or\nwhen alpha go started to win. ", "This was totally unthinkable 10 years ago.", "\n\nSome guy may come up with a computer model that incorporates together\nintentionality, some short term/long term memory, and some reasoning, who\nknows?", "\n\n------\nrandop\nAI is favorable for big companies to better scale their services. ", "It seems\nthat Facebook have also faced AI scaling drawbacks and they are developing\nthere own AI hardware for it\n[https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/18/17254236/facebook-\ndesigni...](https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/18/17254236/facebook-designing-\nown-chips-ai-report)\n\n------\nletitgo12345\nAI has a lot to offer to the industry right now I think where you don't need\ngood worst case performance (ex., ", "information retrieval, optimization,\nbiology, etc.). ", "The big problems in terms of application start appearing when\nyou try and remove humans from the loop completely. ", "That's not even close to\npossible yet but that doesn't mean the economic utility of even current AI is\nclose to being maximized.", "\n\n------\nmoistoreos\nI know this about the state of Deep Learning but I like to point out:\n\nWhile autonomous driving systems aren't perfect, statistically they are much\nbetter at driving than humans. ", "Tesla's autonomous system has had, what, 3 or 4\nfatal incidents? ", "Out of the thousands of cars on the road that's less than\n0.001%.", "\n\nThere will always be a margin of error in systems engineered by man, just\nhopefully moving forward fewer and fewer fatal ones.", "\n\n~~~\nyourapostasy\nDepending upon your statistical sources, US traffic fatalities are around\n1.25-1.50 per 100 million miles. [", "1] All forms of real-world autonomous\ndriving across all manufacturers across the world are still somewhere below\n200 million miles, conservatively estimated. [", "2] [3] Between the Tesla and\nUber fatalities, by these rough back-of-the-envelope numbers, autonomous of\nvarious grades is still roughly 2X higher than human drivers. ", "Maybe 1X if you\nsquint at the numbers hard enough, but likely not orders of magnitude lower. ", "I\ndon't anticipate rapid legislative and insurance liability protections for\nautonomous systems until we see orders of magnitude differences on a per 100\nmillion miles driven basis, and that will take time.", "\n\nWaymo racks up about 10,000 miles per day across about 600 vehicles spread in\nabout 25 cities. [", "4] Roughly 3.6 million miles per year if they stay level,\nbut they're anticipated to rapidly add more vehicles to their fleet. ", "In the US\nalone, about 3.22 trillion miles were driven in 2016. [", "5] Don't know what a\nstatistically valid sample size is based upon that (I get nonsensical results\nbelow 2000 miles, so I'm doing something stupid), though. ", "If Waymo puts two\norders of magnitude more cars out there, they'll still \"only\" rack up about\n365 million miles per year, and not all the miles on the same version of\nsoftware.", "\n\n[1]\n[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transportation_safety_in_the_U...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transportation_safety_in_the_United_States)\n\n[2] [https://www.theverge.com/2016/5/24/11761098/tesla-\nautopilot-...](https://www.theverge.com/2016/5/24/11761098/tesla-autopilot-\nself-driving-cars-100-million-miles)\n\n[3] [https://www.theverge.com/2017/5/10/15609844/waymo-google-\nsel...](https://www.theverge.com/2017/5/10/15609844/waymo-google-self-driving-\ncars-3-million-miles)\n\n[4] [https://medium.com/waymo/waymo-reaches-5-million-self-\ndriven...](https://medium.com/waymo/waymo-reaches-5-million-self-driven-\nmiles-61fba590fafe)\n\n[5] [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-\nway/2017/02/21/516512439...](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-\nway/2017/02/21/516512439/record-number-of-miles-driven-in-u-s-last-year)\n\n------\ntw1010\nWoah, I was prepared to be all gung-ho for this post, given that I've\nsuspected the winter was going to be here for quite a while now. ", "But\nstrangely, this post actually caused the opposite effect for me. ", "The winter\nwill probably come one day, but is all the evidence the poster can find?", "\nAndrew NG tweeting less and a statement that DNNs doesn't scale based on\nflimsy data is not at all convincing to me.", "\n\n------\ntmaly\nIs this AI Winter 2.0? ", "I was hopeful that logic programming would have\ndeveloped more and spread to a larger audience at this point.", "\n\n------\neddd\nAs a beginner in deep learning space, I am a bit baffled about the case \"You\nneed a lot of computational power\". ", "Good models learn fast, so if potential\nmodel looks promising on local machine, one can do training on gcloud for 100$\non high end machines. ", "Where am I wrong in this line of thinking?", "\n\n~~~\nnl\nNo, you are absolutely right. ", "And modern transfer learning improves this even\nmore in many domains.", "\n\n------\nfallingfrog\nThank god. ", "We're definitely not ready and perhaps could never be ready for\ntrue general purpose ai.", "\n\n------\nbewe42\nThis is something I always wondered about AI and it promises. ", "Sometimes, the\nlast 1% is the hardest or can be even impossible. ", "Self-driving cars, in\nparticular, are a good case. ", "We get to solve 99% of the use cases but\nachieving full autonomous vehicles might be just out of reach.", "\n\n------\npascalxus\nBut, they're getting more and more data every year, right? ", "All those almost\nmillions of teslas running around could provide enough video input for the\ntraining data\n\nBesides \"Good software takes 10 years\", according to Joel Spolsky. ", "As I see\nit, we're, what 5 year into ML.", "\n\n~~~\nmeh2frdf\n5 years ha! ", "Wow the rebranding has worked well.", "\n\n------\njgrant27\nAnother case in point. [", "http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-tesla-\ncollision-...](http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-tesla-\ncollision-20180529-story.html)\n\n------\ntwtw\n> Nvidia car could not drive literally ten miles without a disengagement.", "\n\nFrom the same source as the author cites, that's because their test runs are\ntypically 5 miles and resuming manual control at the end of a test counts as a\ndisengagement.", "\n\n------\npartycoder\nDeep Learning was a noticeable improvement over previous neural models, sure.", "\nBut deep learning is not the entire field of AI and ML. ", "There has been more\nstuff going on like neural turing machines and differentiable neural\ncomputers.", "\n\n------\ncrb002\nWe are beginning to see some sweet differential embeddings of discrete things\nlike stacks and context free grammars. ", "This is where deep learning gets really\nfun because it is learning to program.", "\n\n------\njvmancuso\n[https://twitter.com/jvmancuso/status/1002387357776207872](https://twitter.com/jvmancuso/status/1002387357776207872)\n\n------\nxbmcuser\nFor me Google is attacking on 2 main fronts 1\\. Quntam computing 2\\. Machine\nLearning/AI\n\nIf they are able to combine the 2. ", "A big if though the cost analysis will\nchange for AI quite dramatically.", "\n\n------\nbfung\nNumber of tweets as reliable data points? ", "Very dubious. ", "Simple explanation:\nThey are busy working, so less time to tweet.", "\n\nMaybe they're working on something so cool, that the AI winter may not even\ncome. ", "Sure, there's a lot of marketing-speak around AI at the moment.", "\n\nBut this wave of AI seems a lot stronger with better fundamentals than 20\nyears ago. ", "At the very least, at least we have the hardware to actually RUN\nNN's cost effectively now as oppose to grinding your system to a halt back\nthen.", "\n\nBefore AlphaGo, it wasn't even clear when a computer could beat a top\nprofessional in go, let alone crush humans in the game - low bound guesses\nwere 50 years.", "\n\n------\nggm\n[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighthill_report](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighthill_report)\n(1973)\n\n------\nxpuente\nLow hanging fruits are scarce now. ", "With 3 orders of magnitude difference in\npower (MW over few watts), clearly this is not the right way for reaching the\ntree top.", "\n\n------\nsigi45\n/shrug people need time to research;\n\nAnyway i also don't get what the issue is with the model from radiology. ", "It is\nalready that good?! ", "This is impressive. ", "One model is close to well trained\nexperts.", "\n\nJust today i had an small idea for a new product based on what google was\nshowing with the capabilities to distinguis two people talking in parallel.", "\n\nAt the last Google IO i was impressed because in comparision to the previous\nyears, ML created better and more impressive products.", "\n\nI was listing for years at key nodes about big data and was never impressed. ", "I\nhear now about ML and im getting impressed more and more.", "\n\n~~~\njimothywales\nGoogle IO is a developer's conference with an emphasis on marketing its own\nproducts and tools. ", "We have to take the news from it with a grain of salt.", "\n\n------\nm0llusk\nIf only there were some technology that might enable us to discern patterns so\nthat we could better predict fluctuations in demand for AI software.", "\n\n------\nthosakwe\nTruly, I agree.", "\n\nI've long been interested in learning about AI and deep learning, but to this\nday haven't done much that truly excites me within the field. ", "It feels more or\nless impossible to make anything significant without Google-scale databases\nand Google-scale computers. ", "AI really does make it easier for the few to jump\nfar ahead, leaving everyone behind.", "\n\nI also agree that a lot the news around AI is just hype.", "\n\nHonestly, I'm yet to see _anything_ practical come out of AI.", "\n\nBut hey, if something eventually does, I'm all for it.", "\n\n~~~\ntomatotomato37\nI'm kinda curious now where those giant datasets will come from now that\nthere's a big push for privacy with things like GDPR preventing some random\nresearcher from just buying data off whatever data mining corp is most\nrelevant to their AI's purpose\n\n~~~\nconfounded\nI’m kinda curious now which researchers have been buying PII from data mining\ncorps.", "\n\n~~~\nnopriorarrests\nCambridge analytica comes to mind\n\n------\nm3kw9\nBet your house on it if it’s “well on it’s way”\n\n~~~\nJohn_KZ\nYeah this is a dumb article. ", "Number of tweets by AndrewNg? ", "Really? ", "All those\narticles denying the reality of the revolution brought by AI have an emotional\nbasis, but I don't understand what it is. ", "Are they feeling threatened? ", "Or is\nit an undergrad/early 20s thing, like a complete lack of understanding of the\ndynamics coupled with abnormally strong opinions?", "\n\n------\njonbarker\nThis reinforces the need to benchmark any 'human expert equivalent' project\nagainst the wattage of the human brain.", "\n\n------\nmathattack\nHow much of this can we pin on IBM's overhype of Watson?", "\n\n------\nashelmire\nYawn. ", "Contrarianism is easy and this article offers little. ", "The real world\napplication you’re speaking of has a comically small amount of data (a few\nmillion miles?). ", "You hear about a handful of accidents that still average to\nbetter than human performance and suddenly the sky is falling.", "\n\nWhen machine learning stops successfully solving new problems daily, then\nmaybe a thread like this will be warranted.", "\n\n------\narisAlexis\nwithout being an expert just by reading articles it seems to me that some\npeople wish foe an AI winter. ", "It makes them feel better somehow\n\n------\nBromskloss\nOh, I thought \"AI winter\" would refer to a state of ruin after AI had come\ninto existence and destroyed everything, analogous to nuclear winter.", "\n\n~~~\nedanm\nAI Winter is a very well-known term in the industry referring to a general\nlack of funding of AI research, after the last time AI was overhyped.", "\n\n~~~\nBromskloss\nI guess it could be used about anything that experiences a low level of\ninterest, then.", "\n\n------\nscalablenotions\nA real Winter is a lack of warmth. ", "An AI winter is a lack of ______\n\n------\nInclinedPlane\nIf we would stop calling this stuff \"AI\" it would make all our lives a lot\neasier, but people can't resist.", "\n\nWhen computers first came on the scene a lot of people had a very poor\nconception of what it was the human mind did, computationally. ", "So when\ncomputers turned out to be good at things that were challenging \"intellectual\"\ntasks for humans like chess and calculus many were duped into thinking that\ncomputers were somehow on a similar level to human brains and \"AI\" was just\naround the corner. ", "The reality was that one of the most important tasks that\nthe human brain performs: contextualization, categorization, and abstraction\nwas taken for granted. ", "We've since discovered that task to be enormously\ncomputationally difficult, and one of the key roadblocks towards \"true AI\"\ndevelopment.", "\n\nNow, of course, we're at it again. ", "We have the computational muscle to make\ninference engines that work nothing like the human brain good at tasks that\nare difficult to program explicitly (such as image and speech recognition) and\nwe've built other tools that leverage huge data sets to produce answers that\nseem very human or intelligent (using bayesian methods, for example). ", "We look\nat this tool and too many say \"Is this AI?\" ", "No, it might be related to AI, but\nit's just a tool. ", "Meanwhile, because of all the AI hype people overpromise on\nneural networks / \"deep learning\" projects and people get lazy about\nprogramming. ", "Why bother sitting down for 15 minutes to figure out the right\nSQL queries and post processing when you can just throw your raw data at a\nneural network and call it the future?", "\n\nOne of the consistently terrible aspects of software development as a field is\nthat it continues to look for shortcuts and continues to shirk the basic\nresponsibilities of building anything (e.g. being mindful of industry best\npractices, understanding the dangers and risks of various technologies and\nsystems and being diligent in mitigating them, etc.) ", "Instead the field\nconsistently and perversely ignores all of the hard-won lessons of its\nhistory. ", "Consistently ignores and shirks its responsibilities (in terms of\nethics, public safety, etc.) ", "And consistently looks for the short cut and the\nsilver bullet that will allow them to shirk even the small vestiges of\nresponsibility they labor under currently. ", "There's a great phrase on AI that\ngoes: \"machine learning is money laundering for bias\", which points to just\none facet among so many of what's wrong with \"AI\" as it's practiced today. ", "We\nsee \"AI\" used to sell snake oil. ", "We see \"AI\" used to avoid responsibility for\nthe ethical implications inherent in many software projects. ", "We see \"AI\"\nintegrated into life critical systems (like self-driving cars) without putting\nin the effort to ensure it's robust or protect against its failures, with the\nresult being loss of life.", "\n\nAI is just the latest excuse by software developers to avoid responsibility\nand rigor while cashing checks in the meantime. ", "At some point this is going to\nbecome obvious and there is going to be a backlash. ", "Responsible developers\nshould be out in front driving for accountability and responsibility now\ninstead of waiting until a hostile public forces it to happen.", "\n\n------\nnolemurs\nI've always understood the claim that deep learning scales to be a claim about\ndeployment and use of trained models, not about training. ", "The whole point is\nthat you can invest (substantial) resources upfront to train a sufficiently\ngood model, but then the results of that initial investment can be used with\nvery small marginal costs.", "\n\nOP's argument on this front seems disingenous to me.", "\n\nHis focus on Uber and Tesla (while not even mentioning Waymo) is also a truly\nstrange omission. ", "Uber's practices and culture have historically been so toxic\nthat their failures here are truly irrelevant, and Tesla isn't even in the\nbusiness of making actual self driving cars.", "\n\nI'm the first to argue that right now AI is overhyped, but this is just\nsensationalist garbage from the other end of the spectrum.", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\nHi, it appears that \"sensationalist garbage\" triggered quite a bit of a\ndiscussion. ", "This is typically indicative that the topic is \"sensitive\".", "\nPerhaps because many people feel the winter coming as well. ", "Maybe, maybe not,\ntime will tell.", "\n\nAnd FYI, Tesla is in the business of making self driving car. ", "If you read the\narticle, you might learn that Tesla is actually the first company to sell that\noption to customers. ", "You can go to their website right now and check that out.", "\n\nUber, like it or not is one of the big players of this game. ", "I agree they may\nhave somewhat toxic culture, but I guarantee you there are plenty of really\nsmart people there who know exactly the state of the art. ", "And their failure is\ntherefore indicative of that state of the art.", "\n\nI also omitted Cruise automation and a bunch of other companies, perhaps\nbecause they have more responsible backup drivers that so far avoided fatal\ncrashes. ", "But I analyze the California DMV disengagement reports in another\npost if you care to look. ", "And by no means any of these cars is safe for\ndeployment yet.", "\n\n~~~\nnolemurs\n> Hi, it appears that \"sensationalist garbage\" triggered quite a bit of a\n> discussion.", "\n\nYes. ", "Sensationalist.", "\n\n> I also omitted Cruise automation and a bunch of other companies, perhaps\n> because they have more responsible backup drivers that so far avoided fatal\n> crashes.", "\n\nSo your explicit reason for omitting Waymo, as I understand it, is that it\ndidn't support your argument?", "\n\n~~~\nfelippee\n> Yes. ", "Sensationalist.", "\n\nYes, perhaps. ", "But I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are entitled to\nyours. ", "And time will tell who was right.", "\n\n> So your explicit reason for omitting Waymo, as I understand it, is that it\n> didn't support your argument?", "\n\nYou see, when you make any argument, you always omit the infinite number of\nthings that don't support it and focus on the few things that do. ", "The fact\nthat something does not support my argument, does not mean it contradicts it.", "\n\nYou might also note that this is not a scientific paper, but an opinion. ", "Yes,\nnothing more than an opinion. ", "May I be wrong? ", "Sure. ", "And yet this opinion\nappears to shared by quite a few people, and makes a bunch of other people\nfeel insecure. ", "Perhaps there is something to it? ", "We will see.", "\n\nBut in the worst case it will make some people think a bit and make an\nargument either for or against it. ", "I may learn today a good argument against\nit, that will make me think about it more and perhaps I will change my\nopinion, or I'll be able to defend it.", "\n\nSo far you have not provided such an argument, but I wholeheartedly encourage\nyou to do so.", "\n\n~~~\ngliboc\nThis is a list of your phrases in this comment that I find, in my opinion,\ncondescending.", "\n\n> And time will tell who was right.", "\n\n> You see, when you make any argument\n\n> You might also note that this is not a scientific paper, but an opinion.", "\n> Yes, nothing more than an opinion.", "\n\n> And yet this opinion appears to shared by quite a few people, and makes a\n> bunch of other people feel insecure. ", "Perhaps there is something to it? ", "We\n> will see.", "\n\n> So far you have not provided such an argument\n\nI immediately identified this same tone in your paper. ", "In your argumentation,\nyou quite agressively hinted hat people which don't share your views are not\nvery intelligent. ", "You also have a tendency to present your sayings as\nprophetic, which appeared multiple times both in the paper and in this\ncomment.", "\n\nThese observations put me in alarm towards your arguments, which I found\nmostly weak, sometimes used in bad faith. ", "I flagged as such the Twitter\nargument, analysing the frequency of A. Ng's tweets, and denouncing its\n\"outrageous claims\", with an example where the AI score is overall only 0.025\nless accurate than a practician.", "\n\nI also thought that you used a different (your own) definition of scaling than\nmost, and used it to make an argument, which was therefore unconvincing (but\nparent said that already).", "\n\nOverall, to me, this was not a very pleasant read, and I dislike the fact that\nyou attack the hype on machine learning by enjoying the polarization that\ncomes with anti-hype articles such as yours. ", "I also don't think that making\npeople feel insecure is such a great indicator that what you're saying is\nrelevant or prophetic.", "\n\nI hope this helps you prophecies [https://www.physics.ohio-\nstate.edu/~kagan/AS1138/Lectures/Go...](https://www.physics.ohio-\nstate.edu/~kagan/AS1138/Lectures/GottIII.html) ;)\n\n------\njacksmith21006\nOne of the more silly articles on HN in a while. ", "Waymo has cars as I type this\ndriving around Arizona without safety drivers.", "\n\nPeople were freaked out by the Google demo of Duplex a couple of weeks ago as\nit was just too human sounding.", "\n\nCan give so many other example. ", "One is foundational. ", "The voice used with\nGoogle Duplex is using a DNN at 16k cycles a second in real-time and able to\noffer at a competitive price.", "\n\nThat was done by creating the TPU 3.0 silicon. ", "The old way of piecing together\nwas NOT compute intensive and therefore doing it using a DNN requires\nproprietary hardware to be able to offer at a competitive price to the old\nway.", "\n\nBut what else can be done when you can do a 16k cycles through a DNN in real-\ntime? ", "Things have barely even got started and they are flying right now. ", "All\nyou have to do is open your eyes.", "\n\nDNN - Deep Neural Network.", "\n\n------\nmyf01d\nIt's the same story again like exaggerating the influence of IoT 5 years ago.", "\nThe whole thing is exaggerated to raise money from investors and attract\ncustomers instead of actually buidling superior product\n\n~~~\ncooper12\nIt's 99% marketing and places like HN and reddit eat it up and try to hype it\nup even more. ", "When you confront these characters about the basis on which they\nclaim AI will solve whatever problem or evolve to whichever point, they only\nreply \"it'll only keep getting better (given time, data, resources, brains,\netc)\"\n\nIt's a buzzword people brainlessly use to fetishize technological progress\nwithout understanding the inherent limitations of the technology or the actual\npracticality and real-life results outside of crafted demos or specific\nproblem domains (for example Alpha Go beating a grandmaster has almost no\nbearing on a problem like speech cognition).", "\n\nIt's turned me off a lot from reading about advances in the field because I\nknow like a lot of science releases that most of it is empty air that won't\nreally have bearing on the actual software I use (I've watched the past two\nGoogle's I/O where pretty much every presentation mentions AI, but the Android\nexperience still remains relatively stale).", "\n\n------\nbguberfain\nDeep Recession ‘18\n\n------\nkuroguro\nWinter is coming.", "\n\n------\njacinabox\nWhat a relief.", "\n\n------\nfourfaces\nThe inconvenient but amazing truth about deep learning is that, unlike neural\nnetworks, the brain does not learn complex patterns. ", "It can see new complex\npatterns and objects instantly without learning them. ", "Besides, there are not\nenough neurons in the brain to learn every pattern we encounter in life. ", "Not\neven close.", "\n\nThe brain does not model the world. ", "It learns to see it.", "\n\n~~~\nedejong\nThis post is very uninformed.", "\n\n\"It can see new complex patterns and objects instantly without learning them.\"", "\n\nExcept, it doesn't. ", "It is clearly false. ", "When animals grow up in an\nenvironment without certain patterns, they will be unable to see these\npatterns (or complex combinations of these) at a later stage. ", "We see complex\npatterns as combinations of patterns we have seen before and semantically\nencode them as such. ", "This is very similar to how neural networks work at the\nlast fully connected layers.", "\n\n\"Besides, there are not enough neurons in the brain to learn every pattern we\nencounter in life.\"", "\n\nThere is a lot of self-similarity in our environment. ", "Compression algorithms\n(and NN auto-encoders) are able to leverage this self-similarity to encode\ninformation in a very small number of data-points / neurons.", "\n\n\"The brain does not model the world. ", "It learns to see it.\"", "\n\nExcept, it doesn't. ", "Your brain continually makes abstractions of the world.", "\nWhen you 'see' the world you see a (lossy) compressed version of it,\ncompressed towards utility. ", "Similar to how MP3 compression works: the\ninformation gain of higher frequencies is low, so your brain can safely filter\nthese out.", "\n\n~~~\nerikpukinskis\nWe learn to see patterns, but we see through physical and cultural action\npatterns that are simply present, not learned.", "\n\nIt’s like a river flowing... yes, the water molecules each “discover” the\ntheir path, but the path of the river is a property of the landscape. ", "It is\nnot learned.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Other sites\n\nIntroduction to the RMS Package\n\nThe rms package offers a variety of tools to build and evaluate regression models in R. Originally named ‘Design’, the package accompanies the book “Regression Modeling Strategies” by Frank Harrell, which is essential reading for anyone who works in the ‘data science’ space. ", "Over the past year or so, I have transitioned my personal modeling scripts to rms as it makes things such as bootstrapping, model validation, and plotting predicted probabilities easier to do. ", "While the package is fairly well documented, I wanted to put together a ‘simpler’ and more accessible introduction that would explain to R-beginners how they could start using the rms package. ", "For those with limited statistics training, I strongly suggest reading “Clinical Prediction Models” and working your way up to “Regression Modeling Strategies”.", "\n\nWe start this introduction to the rms package with the datadist function, which computes statistical summaries of predictors to automate estimation and plotting of effects. ", "The user will generally supply the final data frame to the datadist function and set the data distribution using the options function. ", "Note that if you modify the data in your data frame, then you will need to reset the distribution summaries using datadist.", "\n\nThe main functions to estimate models in rms are ols for linear models and lrm for logistic regression or ordinal logistic regression. ", "There are also a few other functions for performing survival analysis,but they will not be covered in this post.", "\n\ngetHdata(prostate)\nhead(prostate)\nddd\n\nUsing the prostate data, we built a linear model using ordinary least squares estimation. ", "The argument x and y must be set to true if we plan on evaluate the model in later stages using the validate and calibrate functions. ", "Because we haven’t altered the default contrasts or incorporated any smoothing splines, the coefficients and standard errors should be identical to the results of lm. ", "Use the model variable name to see the estimates from the model and use the summary function to get an overview of the effects of each predictor on the response variable. ", "One important thing to note that the effect point estimates in the summary.rms output relate to the estimated effect of an inter-quartile range increase in the predictor variable.", "\n\nThis may not seem like anything to write home about. ", "But what makes the rms package special is that it makes the modeling process significantly easier. ", "For the above linear regression model, let’s plot the predicted values and perform internal bootstrapped validation of the model. ", "In the following code, the validate function is used to assess model fit and calibrate is used to assess if the observed responses agree with predicted responses.", "\n\nLet us now build a logistic regression model using the lrm function, plot the expected probabilities, and evaluate the model. ", "We also use the pentrace function to perform logistic regression with penalized maximum likelihood estimation.", "\n\nThere you have it, a very basic introduction to the rms package for beginners to the R programming language. ", "Once again, I strongly suggest that readers who are not trained statisticians should read and fully comprehend “Clinical Prediction Models” and “Regression Modeling Strategies” by Frank Harrell. ", "You can also access a number of handouts and lecture notes at here." ]
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[ "Order Michigan Supreme Court\n Lansing, Michigan\n\n February 7, 2011 Robert P. Young, Jr.,\n Chief Justice\n\n 141250 Michael F. Cavanagh\n Marilyn Kelly\n Stephen J. Markman\n Diane M. Hathaway\n Mary Beth Kelly\n PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, Brian K. Zahra,\n Plaintiff-Appellee, Justices\n\n v SC: 141250\n COA: 286580\n Kalamazoo CC: 2007-000606-FC\n ANDREW JOHN MILLER,\n Defendant-Appellant.", "\n\n _________________________________________/\n\n On order of the Court, the application for leave to appeal the April 22, 2010\n judgment of the Court of Appeals is considered, and it is DENIED, because we are not\n persuaded that the questions presented should be reviewed by this Court.", "\n\n\n\n\n I, Corbin R. Davis, Clerk of the Michigan Supreme Court, certify that the\n foregoing is a true and complete copy of the order entered at the direction of the Court.", "\n February 7, 2011 _________________________________________\n 0131 Clerk\n\f" ]
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[ "Farrior’s Agent Believes Steelers Set To Release Linebacker\n\nPITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Another Steelers’ veteran is on his way out of Pittsburgh.", "\n\nAccording to the Steelers website, they will release both linebacker James Farrior and defensive lineman Aaron Smith before “the start of the NFL calendar year,” which is on March 13.", "\n\nIn a statement on the team’s website, Steelers President Art Rooney II said: “Both Aaron and James have given their all during their time in Pittsburgh and we appreciate their efforts and leadership they gave us.”", "\n\nFarrior’s agent hinted to the news earlier today.", "\n\nThis morning on Twitter, Ralph Cindrich, who is Farrior’s agent, said in part: “#JamesFarrior has been a rock for the #Steelers but the #Turk takes no prisoners-he’s gone.”", "\n\nThis morning on the Morning Show over at 93-7 The Fan, Cindrich said he was pessimistic about the possibility of Farrior returning to the Steelers.", "\n\n“I think it’s the reality of it all. ", "The Steelers are so far over the cap; he’s done great things here, there’s no doubt that they would like to keep him and that still may come about, but if you were looking at it realistically, the percentages just aren’t there,” said Cindrich. “", "They’re way over the cap as many know and there are just some problems with trying to retain him.”", "\n\nClick the link below to listen to Ralph Cindrich’s full interview:\n\nFarrior's Agent Pessimistic\n\nOn Wednesday, the Steelers announced that they will release wide receiver Hines Ward of his contract prior to the start of the 2012 NFL calendar year.", "\n\nThen, on Thursday came the news that the Steelers planned to also release Smith and may also release offensive lineman Chris Kemoeatu.", "\n\nWith the releases of Ward, Smith and Kemoeatu, the Steelers cleare nearly $ 10 million in cap room." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDestructuring Nested objects in javascript | Destructure second level parent and child Objects\n\nI need to destructure and get values of title, child, childTitle from this object\nconst obj1 = {\n title : 'foo',\n child : {\n title2 : 'bar'\n }\n }\n\nlet {title, child} = obj1;\nconsole.log(title) //'foo'\nconsole.log(child) //{ title : 'bar' } \n\n// but couldn't get child object this way\n\nlet { title , child : { title2 } } = obj1;\nconsole.log(title) //'foo'\nconsole.log(child) //unDefined\nconsole.log(title2) //'bar'\n\nHow could I get the child object? ", "\n\nA:\n\nchild: { title2 } is just destructuring the child property. ", "If you want to pick up the child property itself simply specify it in the statement: let { title, child, child: { title2 } } = obj1;\n\nconst obj1 = {\r\n title: 'foo',\r\n child: {\r\n title2: 'bar'\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nlet { title, child, child: { title2 } } = obj1;\r\n\r\nconsole.log(title);\r\nconsole.log(child); \r\nconsole.log(title2);\n\nA:\n\nWhen doing child : { child : { title2 } }, child is not instantiate, so you can still doing { child, child : { title2 } } to get both title2 and child.", "\nAs simple as : \nconst obj1 = {\n title: \"foo\",\n child: {\n title2: \"bar\"\n }\n};\n\nconst { title, child, child : { title2 } } = obj1 \n\n" ]
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[ "The present invention concerns that of a new and improved vehicular temperature control device that includes an external housing, a pair of internal compartments, and a mechanism in each compartment that allows the device to either cool off or warm up an interior area within a vehicle." ]
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[ 0 ]
[ "ABC\n\nI wasn’t sure whether I loved or hated Nick this week. ", "On the one hand, he showed a surprising amount of emotional intelligence (drink!) ", "and somewhat restored my faith that he’s taking all this seriously; on the other hand, those shorts! ", "Nick is perky for FAR too long into his date with Kristina before he realizes the gravity of the things she’s telling him, but I admire his attitude toward his relationship with and subsequent elimination of Danielle L. When Danielle L. tells Nick that she’s falling in love with him (holy hell, girl) he realizes that he is super not in love with her and that he has to send her home. ", "He says that this is especially hard for him because she was one of the people he thought he’d fall for. ", "Man! ", "This is heavy! ", "I think we’re seeing Nick realize that he may not, in fact, find his soulmate on an ABC show. ", "I sympathize with him because A. Coming close to love then losing it over and over again must be awfully disheartening and B. How embarrassing will it be for him when his faux-relationship fizzles out in a few months? ", "If he doesn’t find lasting love with one of the remaining women, he’s in for a lot of unhappiness coming from all different directions. ", "And the chances of that happening are low, despite the fact that Rachel and Vanessa are still there. ", "It’s just hard to find love on TV. ", "Ask Flava Flav. ", "Nick also gets -100 points in this episode for using the EXACT SAME LINE to break up with both Whitney and Danielle L. I mean, my god. ", "Did he not know those two dates would air in the same episode?" ]
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nEmbeddedness in social networks has always been a defining characteristic of our human species. ", "Social networks are known to influence people's health above and beyond the influence of their individual attributes, and these relational structures have been recognized as strong determinants of health throughout the life course \\[[@CR1]--[@CR3]\\]. ", "A large body of research has linked social networks to various physical and mental health outcomes \\[[@CR4]--[@CR7]\\], health behaviors \\[[@CR8]\\], and longevity \\[[@CR2], [@CR9]\\]. ", "The basic association between social networks and mortality has been demonstrated more than fourty years ago \\[[@CR10]\\] and more recently the independent effect of social neworks on mortality has been established with a magnitude of this effect being comparable to well-established risk factors like smoking and obesity \\[[@CR11]\\].", "\n\nResearch from high-income countries strongly suggests that social networks are instrumental for healthy aging by protecting against a range of negative health outcomes, including chronic non-communicable disease (NCD) morbidity \\[[@CR12]--[@CR15]\\], by slowing down or aiding recovery from aging-related impairments \\[[@CR16], [@CR17]\\], cognitive decline \\[[@CR18], [@CR19]\\], disability \\[[@CR20]--[@CR23]\\], and mortality \\[[@CR10], [@CR11], [@CR24]\\]. ", "Many NCD risk factors spread through social networks \\[[@CR25], [@CR26]\\], and studies have also suggested that social networks affect patterns of health care utilization, predict institutionalizations \\[[@CR27], [@CR28]\\], and influence NCD self-management among aging populations \\[[@CR29], [@CR30]\\]. ", "However, the generalizability of these associations to aging populations in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is not well established \\[[@CR6]\\].", "\n\nDespite the general consensus that social networks have an effect on health, there is a lack of a clear theoretical understanding of *how* they affect health, i.e. the intervening mechanisms and pathways linking social networks to various health outcomes \\[[@CR4], [@CR31]\\]. ", "Social networks are commonly viewed as multifactorial constructs that can be characterized by their structural and functional components at the individual, family, community or society levels \\[[@CR32]\\]. ", "Structural indicators are commonly quantitative in nature (e.g. network size), while functional aspects refers to the functions provided by a network (e.g. social support, access to resources). ", "The conceptualization and operationalization of social network indicators varies largely between studies and behind each concept may be different mechanisms and pathways at work. ", "Recognizing that social networks are embedded in and operate through various multilevel phenomena, Berkman has presented a conceptual model of how social networks impact health \\[[@CR4]\\]. ", "The framework embeds social networks into a larger cascading causal process in which upstream macro-level social-structural forces condition the structures and features of mezzo-level social networks, which in turn, provide opportunities for a set of micro-level psychosocial mechanisms to fall into motion. ", "These downstream mechanisms operate through the provision of social support, social influence, social engagement, or by providing access to resources and material goods. ", "Ultimately, this affects health through proximate pathways including direct physiological responses, psychological states and traits, and health behaviours.", "\n\nIn our study, we focus on social network diversity. ", "Being a structural indicator, network diversity is defined as the number of different network domains in which respondents are actively embedded in \\[[@CR33]\\]. ", "Particularly for older adults, there are several advantages why more diverse social networks confer health benefits over and above other commonly used structural indicators such as network size. ", "Network diversity is an indicator for heightened social integration and participation which has been associated with various mental \\[[@CR34]\\] and physical health benefits \\[[@CR11]\\] among aging populations. ", "Greater diversity indicates the availability of more diverse types of support, which is particularly useful for aging populations with increasingly varying and enduring health and social needs \\[[@CR35]\\]. ", "And given the tendency for decreasing network size and the clustering of network losses among older adults (e.g. entering retirement, widowhood), greater diversity offers multiple opportunities to compensate for such structural network holes during the aging process. ", "While those with diverse networks are likely to be embedded into a large-sized network, the reverse may not always hold and it is therefore crucial to more clearly outline the role of social network diversity in the aging process.", "\n\nIn many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), due to various hindrances, including a lack of resources, data, and political will, epidemiological studies and thus policy responses on the health effects of social networks for particularly aging populations are still uncommon \\[[@CR6], [@CR36]\\]. ", "Studies have shown that, specifically in LMIC settings, social networks function as important safety nets, especially for older adults \\[[@CR37]--[@CR39]\\]. ", "Particularly, given the widespread non-availability of formal support structures in such settings, the provision of informal support from various sources may be more crucial for maintaining health and wellbeing as compared to high-income settings and thus, the importance of interpreting adult health outcomes in terms of social networks becomes critical. ", "Health insecurity and limited social welfare protection in health stemming from weak and fragmented health care systems, lack of adequate health insurance schemes, and financial and geographical access barriers have become a major concern in many LMICs \\[[@CR40]\\]. ", "Cross-cultural research has shown that in many non-Western cultures social networks tend to be larger by means of extended family structures and strong community bonds, but studies investigating the role of network diversity remain scarce in such settings. ", "Particularly, research on the health effect of network diversity among vulnerable populations such as older adults remains limited. ", "With a traditional (and continuing) focus on children, mothers, infectious diseases, and nutrition, health care systems in LMICs are in many ways overburdened by population aging and its rising demands for care addressing NCDs, aging-related physical and cognitive decline, and the provision of long-term geriatric services. ", "Especially due to the chronic incapacitating and disabling nature of NCDs, the growing numbers of older adults in LMICs rely on support from their informal social networks, that is, family, friends, or other informal groups, to enhance their chances of health and well-being. ", "Thus, intervening in the social networks of older adults can be an investment in population health, with manifold implications for health and public policy. ", "However, to formulate policies, one should know the degree to which social networks influence health, which aspects of health are affected, and which groups should be targeted.", "\n\nThe Indonesian setting {#Sec2}\n----------------------\n\nIndonesia -- the world's fourth most populous country -- represents a particularly interesting case for the study of social networks and adult health and aging. ", "During the past decades, Indonesia's population has aged, undergoing a swift demographic transition from high to low levels of both fertility and mortality. ", "As a result, life expectancies have risen from 55 years in 1971 to 67 years for men and 72 years for women in 2017 \\[[@CR41]--[@CR43]\\]. ", "Indonesia's age structure has gradually transitioned towards higher age groups. ", "In the 1970s, people over the age of 60 years made up 4.5% of the population, but in 2015 this figure had risen to 8.5%, and projections estimate that it will almost double to 16% by 2035 \\[[@CR44], [@CR45]\\]. ", "Such a development will have far-reaching socio-economic implications and put pressure on the existing intergenerational support systems \\[[@CR41], [@CR46], [@CR47]\\]. ", "Predictions based on population censuses show clearly that many of the country's older people will need more economic aid as their labour force participation declines, and social pensions are often not sufficient \\[[@CR43], [@CR44]\\]. ", "Many will need to engage in income-generating activities past retirement age to meet their basic needs \\[[@CR48], [@CR49]\\]. ", "Old-age care responsibilities traditionally lie with children \\[[@CR50]\\], but there will also be a growing number of older couples with fewer (or increasingly no) children on whom they can depend \\[[@CR41], [@CR51]\\]. ", "Additionally, Indonesia is facing the feminization of aging, with a larger number of women, many of them widows, living alone. ", "These women will reach old age while facing a range of challenges imminent to their lower educational attainment and labour force participation \\[[@CR41], [@CR42], [@CR45], [@CR48]\\].", "\n\nIntertwined with this demographic transition of Indonesia is the epidemiological transition towards a rising burden of NCDs. ", "A rising prevalence from 48% in 1990 to 70% in 2010 shows that, over the past decades, NCDs have decisively replaced infectious diseases and malnutrition as the leading causes of death and disability in Indonesia \\[[@CR52], [@CR53]\\]. ", "The latest data show that NCDs result in 73% of all deaths in Indonesia, identifying cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) (35%), cancers (12%), diabetes (6%), and chronic respiratory diseases (6%) as the leading causes of death \\[[@CR54]\\]. ", "The proportional mortality rates due to NCDs are especially high (84%) among adults over 50 years of age \\[[@CR55]\\]. ", "The risk of premature mortality due to NCDs increased from 23% in 2014 \\[[@CR56]\\] to 26% (men 30%; women 23%) in 2018, with stroke and ischemic heart diseases being the main causes \\[[@CR54]\\]. ", "Aging-related disability likewise increased; specifically, the percentage of adults aged over 60 years who reported at least one disability increased from 11% in 2007 to 26% in 2018 \\[[@CR53], [@CR57]\\].", "\n\nScholars and policy makers are only beginning to recognize the health and social policy challenges of population aging in Indonesia. ", "This development could generate an unprecedented increase in the number of patients in need of long-term chronic care and geriatric services \\[[@CR58]\\] and present a major challenge to the country's ambition to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) and health system equity \\[[@CR59]--[@CR61]\\]. ", "Despite the importance of interpreting adult health outcomes in terms of social networks, particularly in LMICs, the empirical research on Indonesian populations is limited and policy attention is lagging \\[[@CR46], [@CR62]\\]. ", "A systematic review synthesizing the evidence from Indonesia between the years 2000 and 2016 emphasized the need for more social network research involving health among aging populations \\[[@CR61]\\]. ", "Several qualitative and ethnographic studies have been conducted in East Java and West Sumatra, offering insights inter alia into issues like intergenerational family support systems \\[[@CR63]\\], childlessness and old-age vulnerabilities \\[[@CR64]\\], or care dependencies in relation to family network gaps \\[[@CR65], [@CR66]\\]. ", "During the past years, few quantitative studies have emerged on related concepts, such as social capital (and healthy aging in seven eastern provinces) \\[[@CR67]\\] and social engagement (and productive aging in ten rural villages) \\[[@CR68]\\]. ", "To the best of our knowledge, no epidemiological social network studies on aging populations are at present available for the larger Indonesian context. ", "This study not only offers to fill this gap but also responds to calls (e.g. \\[[@CR4], [@CR6], [@CR69]\\] to provide more evidence on the causal associations between social networks and health and particularly to strengthen the evidence base for certain sub-populations, such as older adults in LMICs.", "\n\nNovelties, rational and analytical hypotheses {#Sec3}\n---------------------------------------------\n\nCompared with other studies scrutinizing aspects of the social network--health relationship, we believe that this study offers two novelties. ", "Firstly, it is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to adopt an outcome-wide epidemiological approach \\[[@CR70]\\] to the investigation of the effects of social networks on health in general, and older adults' health in Indonesia in particular. ", "By utilizing this approach, one can see the effects of a specific exposure -- in our case social network diversity -- on multiple health outcomes simultaneously. ", "As opposed to studies focusing on one exposure and one outcome at a time or exposure-wide epidemiological studies, the results of such an approach are particularly useful for decision makers when they need guidance on prioritizing certain public health recommendations over others. ", "Secondly, we implemented a multi-method causal inference approach comparing the results from two methods that estimate causal effects by confounder-control approaches with an instrument-based approach \\[[@CR71]\\]. ", "With the premise that no single method is perfect or guarantees a true answer, employing different methods, each with different limitations, can give greater confidence to the validity of one's conclusions. ", "Additionally, by applying both confounder control and instrument-based approaches, we are able to draw conclusions both on individual and population level since these techniques produce effect estimates which apply to different populations \\[[@CR72], [@CR73]\\]. ", "While the confounder-based approaches shed light on questions such as if greater social network diversity confers better health outcomes for individual respondents, the instrument-based approach is meant to inform decision-making on a population level, i.e. will an increase in network diversity among older adults at population level lead to bettter health outcomes? ", "It has been widely acknowledged that such multiple-method analytical approaches are a key ingredient of any serious evaluation strategy \\[[@CR74], [@CR75]\\]. ", "We believe that this study is the first attempt to apply a multi-method approach to the investigation of social networks' health effects on older adults in a LMIC setting.", "\n\nThe aim of our study is to outline more clearly the role of social network diversity in the aging process in Indonesia. ", "Our primary research question centres on whether and to what degree there is an association of social network diversity with adult health in Indonesia. ", "To answer this, the present study takes an outcome-wide analytic approach \\[[@CR70]\\] to examine prospectively the associations of social network diversity on a wider battery of adult health outcomes. ", "To frame our outcome-wide approach, we apply Verbrugge and Jette's sociomedical \"disablement process\" model \\[[@CR76]\\]. ", "In this model, age-related disability is generally regarded as the common endpoint being not only a function of preceding pathologies, impairments, and functional limitations but also the result of an adaptive process subject to various intra-individual, extra-individual, and risk factors. ", "We focus on social networks as being one such factor affecting, for example speeding or slowing, the pathway from pathology to disability via impairments and functional limitations. ", "In relation to this, we propose three broader sets of hypotheses.", "\n\nFirst, based on the premise that gender is a crude indicator of the broader macro-sociocultural context of social interactions \\[[@CR4]\\], we particularly aim to explore the differences in the health-protecting potential of women's and men's social networks. ", "Second, given that the findings on the relationship between social networks and adult health have so far varied, with studies reporting positive, negative, or no associations \\[[@CR77], [@CR78]\\], we hypothesize that the dose--response relationship between social network diversity and health outcomes along the disablement process model is not linear, and we expect heterogeneous health effects, very likely varying by sex/gender. ", "In this sense, there is further added value in applying an outcome-wide approach, because it has been noted that the application of an outcome-wide approach is particularly beneficial if the exposure does not equally affect all health outcomes in the same direction \\[[@CR70]\\]. ", "Third, with the disablement process model as the conceptual base for our analyses and the notion of social networks being a psychosocial determinant of health, we seek to clarify whether there is a gradient within the model from weaker associations between social networks and outcomes manifested on cellular or body system levels (i.e. pathologies and impairments) to larger effects on dimensions relating to the person or the person's relation to society (i.e. functional limitations and disabilities). ", "This hypothesis is based on other studies that have investigated the mediating role of psychosocial determinants, such as social integration, social support, or loneliness, within the disablement process \\[[@CR79]--[@CR81]\\]. ", "We specifically chose to focus on network diversity, that is, the number of different network types in which a respondent is embedded based on the long-standing notion that more diverse networks may produce health benefits over and above the crude network size \\[[@CR10], [@CR33], [@CR82]\\]. ", "Particularly for aging populations, networks with greater diversity represent opportunities for various types of support, which may not be available for older adults with large but less diverse networks.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec4}\n=======\n\nData source: the Indonesian Family Life Survey {#Sec5}\n----------------------------------------------\n\nThe data for this analysis were sourced from the fourth and fifth waves of the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS), hereafter referred to as IFLS-4 and IFLS-5 \\[[@CR83], [@CR84]\\]. ", "The IFLS is a continuing longitudinal socioeconomic and health survey that started in 1993, making it the longest panel study outside OECD territory \\[[@CR85]\\]. ", "The IFLS is also one of few surveys in an LMIC setting that has implemented the large-scale collection of biomarkers using dried blood spots (DBS) testing \\[[@CR86]\\]. ", "The IFLS-1 baseline sample from 1993 contains 30,000 individuals from 7224 randomly selected households, representing about 83% of the Indonesian population living in 13 provinces. ", "Almost 88% of the original IFLS-1 dynasty has been interviewed in all 5 waves. ", "For this study, we use IFLS-4 and IFLS-5, which were fielded in 2007--08 and 2014--15 on the 1993 households and their split-offs. ", "The dynasty recontact rate in IFLS-4 and IFLS-5 was 94 and 92%, respectively. ", "The recontact rate of IFLS-5 with IFLS-4 households was 91%. ", "For those who had died since the completion of IFLS-4, interviews with a knowledgeable proxy were conducted. ", "Further details of the IFLS's sampling scheme and recontact protocols are available elsewhere \\[[@CR83], [@CR84], [@CR87]\\]. ", "The IFLS data are open for public use upon registration on the website of the RAND Corporation ([www.rand.org/labor/FLS/IFLS](http://www.rand.org/labor/FLS/IFLS))). ", "RAND, Survey Meter, and Gadjah Mada University, which undertook IFLS-4 and IFLS-5, obtained ethical approval.", "\n\nMeasures {#Sec6}\n--------\n\n(i)*Exposure: Social Network Index*\n\nThe primary exposure variable is the diversity of each respondents' social network at the baseline. ", "This was measured through a composite measure, a social network index (SNI), combining information about the household size together with the range of social ties with whom respondents had active contact across six different types of role relationship, including a spouse, parents, children, siblings, neighbours, and members of groups without and with religious affiliation. ", "All these variables were sourced from IFLS-4. ", "For the calculation of the SNI, we followed with few modifications the procedures described by Cohen and colleagues \\[[@CR33]\\]. ", "One point was assigned to each type of relationship, and we gave equal weight to intimate, kin and non-kin relationships. ", "Therefore, a respondent living in a household with more than four persons (the Indonesian national average household size), who is married, whose parents (if alive; or parents-in-law) co-reside in the same household, who provides and/or receives instrumental or financial support to/from siblings (or siblings-in-law) and children (biological, not co-resident), and who participates in social and religious activities monthly received the full score of seven points and thus was classified as a respondent with a diverse social network. ", "The IFLS is not particularly geared towards measuring social networks or their diversity. ", "Therefore, we needed to employ a variable which measured reciprocal instrumental and economic support to/from siblings and children as a proxy for indcating the presence of such kin networks. ", "This is a strength of our index, as we can control to some extent for the correlation between structural and functional characteristics of social networks, because the common assumption that more diverse networks should automatically be associated with increased receipt of support may not always be true. ", "The Cronbach alpha of the SNI was 0.718. ", "Based on the data-driven median split, we then dichotomized the respondents into those with low social network diversity (SNI score: 0--4 points) and those with a diverse social network (score: 5--7 points). ", "Most respondents (84.7%, *n* = 2591) had no missing data for any of the 7 indicators used to compute the SNI; the remaining 469 had two or less missing responses but could still be assigned a SNI. ", "The risk for exposure-dependent misclassification of this approach was low and affected \\< 1% of respondents.", "\n\nApproximately 1% of the respondents reported null network diversity (SNI = 0: *n* = 2; SNI = 1: *n* = 31), which further confirms that our study is primarily examining the effect of network diversity and not related concepts, such as social isolation, on adult health outcomes. ", "Further details of the derivation of the analytical sample size are provided below. (", "ii)*Outcome battery*\n\nIn our study, a wider battery of 19 health outcomes measured in 2014/15 were considered. ", "Guided by the disablement process model \\[[@CR76]\\], we grouped these outcomes into four interrelated components: eight pathologies, five impairments, four functional limitations, and two disabilities. ", "Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"} presents a summary of the different outcomes. ", "Further details are available in the IFLS-5 field report \\[[@CR84]\\] and the DBS data user guide \\[[@CR86]\\]. ", "Biomarker data for C-reactive protein (CRP) and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels are only available for a random sub-sample of respondents (CRP: *n* = 1913, 62.5%; HbA1c: *n* = 1887, 61.7%). ", "For details, see the annotations in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}. (", "iii)*Covariates*Table 1Overview and assessment of the outcome battery**OutcomeType of measurementResponse scaleI) Pathologies**1. ", "Non-communicable disease (NCD) morbiditySelf-reported physician diagnosis^1^ of any one condition listed \\#2-\\#7; \"Has a doctor ever told you that you had \\[...\\]?\"0 = yes; 1 = no2. ", "AsthmaSelf-reported physician diagnosis^1^0 = yes; 1 = no3. ", "Other chronic lung diseasesSelf-reported physician diagnosis^1^0 = yes; 1 = no4. ", "Cancer or malignant tumoursSelf-reported physician diagnosis^1^0 = yes; 1 = no5. ", "Diabetes or high blood sugarSelf-reported physician diagnosis^1^0 = yes; 1 = no6. ", "Cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks, coronary heart diseases, angina, or other heart problems)Self-reported physician diagnosis^1^0 = yes; 1 = no7. ", "StrokeSelf-reported physician diagnosis^1^0 = yes; 1 = no8. ", "Prediabetes or diabetes based on glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels^2^Biomarker; Dried blood spots (DBS) based assays taken from trained IFLS interviewers to measure glucose metabolism.", "Continuous variable (range: 3.5--12.8%); Binary variable: 0 = yes (diabetes or prediabetes, \\> 5.7%); 1 = no (normal range \\< 5.7%)^3^**II) Impairments***Cardiovascular impairments:*9. ", "HypertensionThree measures of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) in mmHg on alternate arms (starting left) by trained IFLS interviewers using an Omron meter (HEM-7203) and self-reported use of antihypertensive medication.0 = yes (hypertensive; defined as mean systolic BP ≥140 mmHg and/or mean DBP ≥90 mmHg and/or current use of antihypertensive medication); 1 = no (normotensive)^4^*Immunological impairments:*10. ", "Chronic inflammation based on C-reactive protein (CRP) levels^2^Biomarker; CRP (plasma equivalent) concentrations from finger-prick DBS specimens measured using validated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method.", "Continuous variable (range: 0.01--58.95 mg/l); Binary variable: 0 = yes (\\> 1.0 mg/l); 1 = no (normal range \\< 1.0 mg/l)^5^*Muscoskeletal impairments:*11. ", "Mean hand grip strengthsPhysical performance test; Hand grip strengths was measured by a trained IFLS interviewer using a Baseline Smedley Spring type dynamometer (daily calibration). ", "Respondents were asked to squeeze the dynamometer in each hand twice beginning with the dominant hand. ", "Two measurements per hand were recorded including information on any recent surgery, swelling, inflammation, severe pain, or injury on one or both hands and recording of dominant hand.", "Continuous variable (mean of four measurements, range: 0--47.75 kg)12. ", "Arthritis and/or rheumatismSelf-reported physician diagnosis^1^0 = yes; 1 = no*Sensory impairments:*13. ", "Hearing and/or vision problemsSelf-reported physician diagnosis^1^0 = yes; 1 = no**III) Functional limitations***Physical functional limitations*14. ", "Upper-body functional limitations (UBFL)^6^Self-reported physical functioning measures; including show cards; Question: \"If you had \\[...\\], could you do it?\"1) to carry a heavy load (like a pail of water) for 20 m2) to draw a pail of water from a well3) to sweep the house / floor / yard0 = yes (includes responses \"with difficulty\" and \"unable to do it\"); 1 = no (\"easily\")15. ", "Lower-body functional limitations (LBFL)^7^Self-reported physical functioning measures; including show cards; Question: \"If you had \\[...\\], could you do it?\"1) to walk 1 km2) to bow, squat, or kneel3) to stand up from sitting on the floor without help0 = yes (includes responses \"with difficulty\" and \"unable to do it\"); 1 = no (\"easily\")*Cognitive functional limitations*16. ", "Episodic memory scoreCognitive performance test; Immediate and delayed word recall of ten nouns. ", "These were read out slowly and the respondent was asked to repeat the list immediately and again after 4 to 5 min. ", "Questionnaire contained four lists of each ten words which were randomized across individuals within a household.", "Continuous variable (mean number of words correctly recalled for both immediate and delayed response; range: 0--8.5 words)17. ", "Visuospatial ability scoreCognitive performance test; IFLS uses an abridged version of the Raven's Progressive Matrices^8^, a non-verbal self-paced test in which each item contained a pattern with a missing part. ", "The respondent had to infer the rules underlying the pattern and apply these rules to discover which of the answer options provides the correct completion for a total of eight items.", "Continuous variable (one score point per correct answer; range: 0--8 points)**IV) Disabilities**18. ", "Activities of daily living (ADLs) limitations^9^Self-reported physical functioning measures for five basic tasks of everyday life; including show cards; Question: \"If you had \\[...\\], could you do it?\"(1) to dress without help(2) to bathe(3) to get out of bed(4) to eat (eating food by oneself when it is ready)(5) to control urination or defecationContinuous variable (range 5--25); Binary variable: 0 = yes (includes responses \"with difficulty\", \"can do with help\" and \"unable to do it\"); 1 = no (\"easily\")19. ", "Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) limitations^10^Self-reported ability to perform IADLs items; including show cards); Question: \"If you had \\[...\\], could you do it?\"(1) to shop for personal needs(2) to prepare hot meals (prepare ingredients, cooking, and serving food)(3) to take medicine (right portion at right time)(4) to do household chores (house cleaning, doing dishes, making the bed, and arranging the house)(5) to shop for groceries (deciding what to buy and pay for it)(6) to manage your money (paying your bills, keeping track of expenses, or managing assets)Continuous variable (range 6--30); Binary variable: 0 = yes (includes responses \"with difficulty\", \"can do with help\" and \"unable to do it\"); 1 = no (\"easily\")Annotations Table 1:For more details see Strauss J, Witoelar F, Sikoki B. The Fifth Wave of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS5): Overview and Field Report. ", "Santa Monica: RAND, 2016 and IFLS questionnaires available at <https://www.rand.org/well-being/social-and-behavioral-policy/data/FLS/IFLS.html>1) Includes diagnoses by paramedics, nurses and midwifes2) HbA1c and CRP values are only available for a sub-sample in IFLS-5. ", "DBS for CRP assays were introduced in IFLS-4 for a random sample of IFLS-1 dynasty households (=9944 respondents above age 1). ", "In IFLS-5, the target sample for repeated CRP assays and (newly introduced) HbA1c was the subset of respondents who had DBS taken in IFLS-4. ", "There are 7579 observations with CRP data and 7524 observations with HbA1c in wave 5. ", "Further details on sampling for the DBS and sampling weights are available in Herningtyas EH, Hu P, Edenfield M, Strauss J, Crimmins E, Witoelar F, et al. ", "IFLS Wave 5 Dried Blood Spot Data User Guide. ", "Santa Monica: RAND, 2018. ", "In our analyses, we have CRP data for 1913 (35%) and HbA1C data for 1887 (34%) respondents3) Cut-offs based on The International Expert Committee. ", "Report on the role of the A1C assay diagnosis of diabetes. ", "Diabetes Care. ", "2009 32(7):1327--344) Respondents with controlled hypertension (*n* = 62), uncontrolled hypertension (*n* = 2262) and hypertension without treatment (*n* = 33) were classified as hypertensive. ", "Hypertension definition adapted from WHO Expert Committee on Hypertension Control. ", "Hypertension control. ", "Geneva: World Health Organization, 19965) Cut-offs are based on Speidl WS, Zeiner A, Nikfardjam M, Geppert A, Jordanova N, Niessner A, et al. ", "An increase of C-reactive protein is associated with enhanced activation of endogenous fibrinolysis at baseline but an impaired endothelial fibrinolytic response after venous occlusion. ", "Journal of the American College of Cardiology. ", "2005 45 (1):30--46) Cronbach's alpha for three UBFL items = 0.78637) Cronbach's alpha for three LBFL items = 0.73068) Raven J. The Raven's progressive matrices: change and stability over culture and time. ", "Cogn Psychol. ", "2000 41 (1):1--489) Cronbach's alpha for five ADL items is 0.8319; ADL items adapted from Katz S. Assessing self-maintenance: activities of daily living, mobility, and instrumental activities of daily living. ", "J Am Geriatr Soc. ", "1983 31 (12):721--710) Cronbach's alpha for six IADL items is 0.9043; IADL items adapted from Lawton, M.P., & Brody, E.M. (1969). ", "Assessment of older people: Self-maintaining and instrumental activities of daily living. ", "The Gerontologist, 9 (3), 179--186\n\nFollowing Caliendo and Kopeinig, we selected a rich set of 15 covariates that satisfied the unconfoundedness assumption necessary for the later estimation of treatment effects \\[[@CR88]\\]. ", "Guided by the disablement process model \\[[@CR76]\\] and a systematic review providing information on the social determinants of adult health in Indonesia \\[[@CR61]\\], the following individual and household sociodemographic covariates were chosen: (i) sex/gender (men, women), (ii) age (50--57 y, \\> 57 y), (iii) educational attainment (no schooling, elementary school, high school, university), (iv) quartiles of monthly household per capita expenditure (PCE) (the first quartile contains the poorest 25%), (v) residential stability (moved once or more since year 2000 vs no change in residence), and (vi) area of residence (rural, urban). ", "We decided to group people into two age groups dichotomized at the age of 57, the 2014 average Indonesian retirement age. ", "The PCE was pre-calculated by the IFLS from the monthly total household expenditures for food and non-food consumption and expenditures including purchased goods, services, and durables as well as housing and education-related expenditures in Indonesian Rupiah divided by the number of household members \\[[@CR89]\\]. ", "We used the household PCE as a proxy for income and living standard. ", "Being a potential barrier to social network development, we decided to include a variable indicating residential instability. ", "The information was drawn from IFLS-4 but refers to the time window between IFLS-3 (fielded in 2000) and the 8 years leading up to the fielding of IFLS-4. ", "Besides these, we included the following health behaviours and biological risk factors: (vii) respondents' physical activity level (vigorous, moderate, less), (viii) smoking status (no, yes), and (ix) body mass index (BMI) (normal weight, underweight, overweight, obese). ", "Other health-related covariates included: (x) overall self-rated health (bad, good), (xi) self-reported depressive symptoms (yes, no), (xii) general health check-up in the past 5 years (no, yes; information taken from IFLS-5), and (xiii) health insurance coverage (no, yes). ", "For the BMI, we used the anthropometric cut-off points suggested for Asian populations \\[[@CR90]\\] (see the annotations in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} for the exact cut-off values). ", "To rule out reverse causation, we controlled for the presence of (xiv) NCDs and (xv) disability at the baseline. ", "All 15 covariates and the SNI with baseline descriptive statistics are presented in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Table 2Baseline characteristics of respondents in IFLS-4 (2007/08), stratified by sex/gender**CovariatesTotal**\\\n(*N* = 3060)**Men**\\\n(*n* = 1477, 48%)**Women**\\\n(*n* = 1583, 52%)***p-value***n (%) or mean ± SDn (%) or mean ± SDn (%) or mean ± SD**Social network index** SNI score4.15 (1.14)4.18 (1.02)4.12 (1.23)0.147 Low SNI1840 (60)890 (60)950 (60)0.890 High SNI1220 (40)587 (40)633 (40)**Age group** 50--57 years1736 (57)813 (55)923 (58)0.069 57+ years1324 (43)664 (45)660 (42)**Education** No schooling553 (18)145 (10)408 (26)\\< 0.001 Elementary school1706 (56)847 (57)859 (54) High school631 (21)369 (25)262 (17) University170 (6)116 (8)54 (3)**Household PCE**^**1**^ First (poorest)735 (24)363 (25)372 (23)0.336 Second783 (26)388 (26)395 (25) Third770 (25)350 (24)420 (27) Fourth (richest)772 (25)376 (25)396 (25)**Living area** Rural1611 (53)812 (55)799 (50)0.013 Urban1449 (47)665 (45)784 (50)**Residential stability** Moved once or more since 2000280 (9)167 (11)113 (7)\\< 0.001 Did not move since year 20002780 (91)1310 (89)1470 (93)**Smoking** Yes1259 (41)1132 (77)127 (8)\\< 0.001 No1801 (59)345 (23)1456 (92)**Body mass index**^**2**^ Obese385 (13)117 (8)268 (17)\\< 0.001 Overweight1010 (33)429 (29)581 (37) Underweight1211 (40)698 (47)513 (32) Normal weight454 (15)233 (16)221 (14)**Physical activity level** Less active553 (18)236 (16)317 (20)\\< 0.001 Moderately active1503 (49)554 (38)949 (60) Vigorously active1004 (33)687 (47)317 (20)**Self-rated health** Bad548 (18)218 (15)330 (21)\\< 0.001 Good2512 (82)1259 (85)1253 (79)**Self-reported depressive symptoms** Yes1064 (35)528 (36)536 (34) No1996 (65)949 (64)1047 (66)0.273**Health check-up in the past 5 years**^**3**^ No2776 (91)1329 (90)1447 (91)0.173 Yes284 (9)148 (10)136 (9)**Health insurance coverage**^**4**^ No2177 (71)1033 (70)1144 (72)0.155 Yes883 (29)444 (30)439 (28)**NCD morbidity**^**5**^ Multiple NCDs25 (1)14 (1)11 (1)0.262 Single NCD273 (9)121 (8)152 (10) None2762 (90)1342 (91)1420 (89)**Disability**^**6**^ ADL and IADL256 (8)54 (4)202 (13)\\< 0.001 ADL or IADL625 (21)152 (10)473 (30) No disability2179 (71)1271 (86)908 (57)Annotations Table 2:1) Monthly household per capita expenditure in Indonesian rupiah (IDR); the mean household PCE amount equals ca. ", "USD 59 (IDR 1 = USD 0.0001107690 as of midyear 2007)2) Based on the BMI cut-off points suggested for Asian populations: \\< 18.48 = underweight; 18.50--22.99 = normal weight; 23.00--27.49 = overweight; \\> 27.50 = obese. ", "Source: WHO Expert Consultation. ", "Appropriate body-mass index for Asian populations and its implications for policy and intervention strategies. ", "Lancet. ", "2004 363(9403):157--633) Information taken from IFLS-5 (2014/15)4) Includes health insurance programmes from ASKES, ASTEK/Jamsostek, employer provided medical reimbursement, employer provided clinic, private health insurance, savings-related insurance, JAMKESMAS, JAMKESDA, JAMKESSOS, JAMPERSAL, or ASURANSI MANDIRI5) The crude measure of baseline NCD morbidity includes self-reported physician diagnoses of asthma, other chronic lung diseases, cancer or malignant tumours, diabetes or high blood sugar, heart attacks, coronary heart diseases, angina, other heart problems, and strokes6) In the IFLS questionnaires, three IADL items across wave 4 and wave 5 were not identical. ", "The following items have been compared in IFLS-4 and IFLS-5, respectively: (i) performing household chores vs sweeping the floor; (ii) shopping for groceries vs visiting a friend in the same village; and (iii) managing money vs taking a trip out of town\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec7}\n--------------------\n\nThe distributions of the 2007/08 baseline characteristics and the prevalence of health outcomes in the 2014/15 follow-up are presented in Tables [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} and [3](#Tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Continuous variables are presented as the mean with standard deviation (SD) and compared with Fisher's t-tests. ", "Numbers (n) and proportions (%) are presented for categorical variables, which are compared with Pearson's chi-squared tests. ", "A *p*-value below 0.05 signifies statistical significance. ", "Following Pearl's transdisciplinary causal inference framework \\[[@CR71], [@CR91]\\], three methods were used to estimate the effects of social network diversity on adult health outcomes: two confounder-control approaches and one instrument-based approach. ", "In the first, we used regression adjustment (RA) models to break the association of confounders with the outcome and propensity score matching (PSM) models to break the association of the confounder with the exposure. ", "In the later, similar to a natural experiment approach, we address potentially unmeasured confounding and measurement error of the exposure-outcome association by leveraging an exogenous source of variation in form of an instrumental variable. ", "All the models are based on complete case analyses. ", "Table 3Distribution of health outcomes according to the baseline SNI, stratified by sex/gender**Health outcomesTotal**\\\n(n = 3060)**Mean**\\\n**social networkindex (SNI)**:\\\n4.2 (1.1)**Low SNI**\\\n(n = 1840, 61%)**High SNI**\\\n(n = 1220, 39%)***p-value***Men\\\n(n = 890, 29%)Women\\\n(n = 950, 31%)Men\\\n(n = 587, 19%)Women\\\n(633 (21%)n (%) or mean (SD)Mean (SD)n (%) or mean (SD)n (%) or mean (SD)n (%) or mean (SD)n (%) or mean (SD)**PathologiesNCD morbidity**Yes497 (16)4.19 (1.13)134 (47)152 (53)107 (51)104 (49)No2563 (84)4.14 (1.14)756 (49)790 (51)480 (47)537 (53)0.353**Asthma**Yes95 (3)3.97 (1.02)22 (35)41 (65)20 (63)12 (37)No2965 (97)4.16 (1.14)868 (49)909 (51)\\*567 (48)621 (52)0.211**Other chronic lung diseases**Yes67 (2)3.74 (1.06)26 (51)25 (49)10 (63)6 (38)No2993 (98)4.16 (1.14)\\*864 (48)925 (52)577 (48)627 (52)0.007**Cancer or malignant tumours**Yes21 (1)4.9 (0.89)3 (43)4 (57)6 (43)8 (57)No3039 (99)4.15 (1.14)\\*887 (48)938 (52)581 (48)633 (52)0.012**Diabetes or high blood sugar**Yes205 (7)4.32 (1.17)52 (49)55 (51)51 (52)47 (48)No2855 (93)4.14 (1.14)\\*838 (48)895 (52)536 (48)586 (52)0.016**Cardiovascular diseases**Yes132 (4)4.19 (1.17)42 (51)41 (49)24 (49)25 (51)No2928 (96)4.15 (1.13)848 (48)909 (52)563 (48)608 (52)0.510**Stroke**Yes71 (2)4.27 (1.12)23 (61)15 (39)16 (48)17 (52)No2989 (98)4.15 (1.14)867 (48)935 (52)571 (48)616 (52)0.250**HbA1c levels**Mean level (%)5.89 (1.23)--5.88 (1.19)5.83 (1.12)5.94 (1.21)5.94 (1.43)0.201Prediabetes, diabetes level670 (46)4.18 (1.14)189 (48)205 (52)136 (49)140 (51)Normal levels***\\[not measured: 1618 (53)\\]***772 (54)4.16 (1.14)215 (47)245 (53)141 (45)171 (55)0.764**ImpairmentsHypertension**Hypertensive1796 (59)4.11 (1.15)487 (44)612 (56)302 (43)395 (57)Normotensive1264 (41)4.21 (1.12)\\*403 (54)338 (46)\\*285 (54)238 (46)\\*0.153**CRP levels**Mean level (mg/l)2.21 (4.22)--2.30 (5.44)2.10 (3.67)1.95 (3.35)2.48 (3.82)0.854Medium or high risk level658 (45)4.24 (1.16)162 (43)211 (57)122 (43)163 (57)Low risk level***(not measured: 1603 (52))***799 (55)4.12 (1.12)\\*245 (50)244 (50)\\*158 (51)152 (49)\\*0.081**Grip strengths**Mean strengths (kg)21.05 (7.53)--25.75 (6.59)16.02 (4.80)\\*26.63 (6.47)16.81 (4.87)\\*0.004**Arthritis and/or rheumatism**Yes402 (13)4.17 (1.11)83 (35)156 (65)55 (34)108 (66)No2658 (87)4.14 (1.14)807 (50)794 (50)\\*532 (50)525 (50)\\*0.766**Sensory impairments**Yes345 (11)4.31 (1.14)84 (45)104 (55)66 (42)91 (58)No2715 (89)4.13 (1.13)\\*806 (49)846 (51)521 (49)542 (51)0.023**Functional limitationsUpper-body functional limitations**Yes1043 (34)4.03 (1.17)219 (33)454 (67)121 (33)249 (67)\\< 0.001No2017 (66)4.22 (1.12)\\*671 (58)496 (42)\\*466 (55)384 (45)\\***Lower-body functional limitations**Yes1140 (37)4.06 (1.15)246 (35)467 (66)168 (39)259 (61)No1920 (63)4.21 (1.13)\\*644 (57)483 (43)\\*419 (53)374 (47)\\*0.036**Episodic memory score**Mean number of words recalled (range: 0--10)3.08 (1.52)--3.06 (1.47)2.83 (1.53)\\*3.35 (1.54)3.24 (1.48)\\< 0.001**Visuospatial ability**Mean score (range: 0--8)3.06 (2.01)--3.17 (2.03)2.76 (1.85)\\*3.53 (2.11)2.93 (2.00)\\*0.005**DisabilitiesADL limitations**Mean score (range: 5--25)5.37 (1.29)--5.34 (1.36)5.56 (1.62)\\*5.24 (0.87)5.28 (0.88)\\< 0.001Any ADL limitation(s)377 (12)3.95 (1.15)92 (36)161 (64)53 (43)71 (57)No ADL limitations2683 (88)4.18 (1.13)\\*798 (50)789 (50)\\*534 (49)562 (51)0.003**IADL limitations**Mean score (range: 6--30)7.50 (3.63)--7.83 (3.99)7.75 (4.03)\\*7.25 (3.11)6.91 (2.72)\\*\\< 0.001Any IADL limitation(s)715 (23)4.01 (1.12)239 (50)235 (50)131 (54)110 (46)No IADL limitations2345 (77)4.20 (1.14)\\*651 (48)715 (52)456 (47)523 (53)\\*\\< 0.001Annotations Table 3:1) \\*(asterix) indicates a statistical difference (p \\< 0.05) of the mean SNI score between respondents with good vs bad health outcomes (column 3) and between men and women within each SNI group (columns 5 and 7)2) The p-value (column 8) indicates a statistical difference between respondents with a low vs a high SNINote: *p*-values obtained from chi-squared tests for proportions and t-tests for means. ", "Source: IFLS\n\nMultivariable linear and logistic RA models were used to estimate the independent association between the SNI and any health outcome for the total analytical sample and then for men and women separately, controlling for the 15 covariates described above. ", "Variables associated with outcomes at *p* \\< 0.05 were subsequently included in the multivariable regression models. ", "Prior to running the final models, we checked for potential multicollinearity between variables with bivariate correlation and variance inflation factor (VIF) tests, and none of these exceeded a critical value (mean VIF 1.36).", "\n\nSince the SNI was not randomly assigned to this population, we performed confirmatory PSM analyses following the conventional RA models. ", "PSM is a method that allows the use of observational data to estimate treatment effects and make causal inferences based on counterfactuals \\[[@CR92]\\]. ", "It is a multivariable scoring method that collapses the predictors of a treatment into a single value that represents the probability (i.e. propensity) of being treated, conditional on all the observed covariates. ", "Matching based on the PS produces samples with the same distribution of covariates in treated and untreated subjects. ", "It should be noted that, in this study, we used observational data and thus refer to the SNI as an exposure, not a treatment. ", "We followed the steps described by Caliendo and Kopeinig to estimate the PS using a logit model and to calculate the average treatment effect (ATE) \\[[@CR88]\\]. ", "We used nearest-neighbour matching without replacement with a ratio of 1:2 (for the total sample analyses; 1:1 for the sex/gender-stratified models) and a 0.25 standard deviation caliper width to match respondents with a high SNI (5--7 points) with ones with a low SNI (0--4 points) \\[[@CR93], [@CR94]\\]. ", "We performed PSM to isolate the effect of the exposure, a high SNI, above and beyond respondents' individual characteristics, because the method allowed us to estimate the effect of having a diverse social network on the subsequent health status in a non-exposed sample (with a low SNI), if that same sample would have had a high SNI. ", "Prior to running the PSM models, we inspected balance plots of the distribution of the propensity scores before and after matching. ", "All the plots suggested a good support scenario; that is, they showed substantial overlap of the PS for the exposed sample and the controls after matching ([Appendix 1](#Sec18){ref-type=\"sec\"}).", "\n\nLastly, we performed an IV analysis. ", "As opposed to traditional risk adjustment methods that rely on observable measures (such as RA or PSM), an IV factor in unmeasured or unobserved factors is a potential source of confounding \\[[@CR95]\\]. ", "In our study, residential stability, the length of exposure to an ecological setting, was our instrument of choice. ", "This choice was based on our review of the existing literature backing up the association between residential stability and social networks (e.g. \\[[@CR96], [@CR97]\\]), and we created this variable from a question in IFLS-4 inquiring \"How many times did you move since the interview in 2000 \\[i.e. ", "IFLS-3\\] between villages and stayed for six months or more?\" ", "After confirming the validity and strengths of our chosen IV, we performed a two-step IV regression analysis in which we regressed the coefficients of poor health outcomes on the instrumental probability of having a diverse social network to determine whether social networks were associated with health outcomes through networks' relationship with residential stability. ", "After the IV model fit, we tested whether residential stability qualified as an endogenous and strong instrumental variable. ", "Both the Durbin (*p* = 0.049) and the Wu--Hauser (*p* = 0.045) statistics confirmed the endogeneity of our IV. ", "The F-test also confirmed the overall strengths of the instrument (F = 19.58, *p* = 0.002). ", "All the IV models were adjusted for the same covariates as the RA and PSM models.", "\n\nFor all three methods, we applied an outcome-wide epidemiological approach in which a single exposure (i.e. SNI) is examined and its effects on multiple outcomes are considered simultaneously \\[[@CR70]\\]. ", "We used longitudinal panel data covering eight years in order to investigate the effect of the baseline SNI on 19 outcomes along the disablement process over time. ", "All the analyses were performed using Stata/SE V.14.2 (StataCorp, College Station, Texas, USA). ", "We used Stata's *regress and logit* functions, the *teffects psmatch* and *psmatch2* packages, and *ivregress* for the RA, PSM, and IV analyses, respectively*.* ", "The coefficient plots were produced with *coefplot* \\[[@CR98]\\].", "\n\nResults {#Sec8}\n=======\n\nIn this study, we restricted the analyses to respondents who were aged 50 years or older at the time when IFLS-4 was fielded and who were subsequently interviewed for IFLS-5 (*n* = 8049; =13% of the panel (*N* = 63,136)). ", "Complete social network data were available for 5521 respondents (8% of the panel). ", "The final analytic sample consisted of 3060 respondents. ", "The analytic sample size for the biomarkers (CRP, HbA1c) was smaller. ", "For details, see the annotations in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nIn the full analytic sample, respondents predominantly reported a low SNI (60%), and there was no statistical difference in the mean SNI score between men and women (*p* = 0.147). ", "A slightly higher percentage of respondents were women (52%), and, at the study baseline, the mean age was 58 years (SD 6.67, range 50--87 years). ", "Men were more likely to reside in rural areas (55 vs 50%, *p* = 0.013) but also changed their place of residence more often than women (11% vs 7%, *p* \\< 0.001). ", "Furthermore, the educational profiles, baseline SRH and disability, and health behaviours between men and women varied significantly (all *p*-values \\< 0.001). ", "Further details about respondents' baseline characteristics are shown in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Respondents' health profile at follow-up according to their baseline SNI is presented in Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The results from the RA, PSM, and IV models for men and women are displayed in the coefficient plots in Figs.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"} (the results for the total sample are available from [Appendices 2](#Sec19){ref-type=\"sec\"} and [3](#Sec20){ref-type=\"sec\"}). ", "Fig. ", "1Results from the multivariable regression adjustment (RA) models for men (blue/diamond) and women (red/circle). ", "Annotation Figure 1: The following confidence intervals (CIs) were truncated to a − 2 to 2 interval: lung diseases (women) 95% CI (0.1452047--2.002185); cancer (men) 95% CI (−2.302062--0.5509206); and cancer (women) 95% CI (− 2.191686--0.3012024). ", "All the models were controlled for age, education, household per capita expenditure, residential stability, area of residence, physical activity, smoking, BMI, SRH, depression, health check-up in the past 5 years, health insurance coverage, baseline NCDs, and disabilityFig. ", "2Results from the propensity score matching (PSM) models for men (blue/diamond) and women (red/circle). ", "Annotation Figure 2: The following confidence interval (CI) was truncated to a − 1 to 1 interval: grip strengths (men) 95% CI (− 0.2499284--1.17726). ", "All the models were matched on baseline age, education, household per capita expenditure, residential stability, area of residence, physical activity, smoking, BMI, SRH, depression, health check-up in the past 5 years, health insurance coverage, NCDs, and disabilityFig. ", "3Results from the instrumental variable (IV) analysis models for men (blue/diamond) and women (red/circle). ", "Annotation Figure 3: The following confidence intervals (CIs) were truncated to a − 10 to 10 interval: grip strengths (women) 95% CI (− 24.97352--12.64874); episodic memory (women) 95% CI (− 0.1034597--12.91134); visuospatial abilities (men) 95% CI (− 0.4174638--15.87406); ADLs (women) 95% CI (− 15.05158--4.946002); and IADLs (women): − 13.60297 (− 40.19411--12.98818). ", "All the models were controlled for age, education, household per capita expenditure, area of residence, physical activity, smoking, BMI, SRH, depression, health check-up in the past 5 years, health insurance coverage, baseline NCDs, and disability; IV = residential stability (tests of endogeneity: Durbin (*p* = 0.049), Wu--Hauser (*p* = 0.045); instrument strengths F = 19.58 (*p* = 0.002)\n\nOverall, for the total sample, the RA models yielded the largest number of significant results (for 6/19 outcomes), followed by the PSM (5/19) and IV models (2/19). ", "We found the highest level of concordance between the results from the RA and PSM models in both the total sample analyses (agreement on 4 significant results and 12 non-statistically significant effects, 84% concordance) and the sex/gender-stratified models (men: agreement on 1 significant and 17 insignificant results, 95% concordance; women: 6 significant and 12 insignificant results, 95% concordance). ", "There was no concordance between the IV models and the RA or PSM models. ", "Our results showed that, among women, a strong SNI subsequently affected all the dimensions of the disablement process, while, among men, its effects were restricted to the functional limitations and disability dimensions. ", "Further, the effect sizes were generally larger and more heterogeneous among women than among men.", "\n\nWith regard to pathologies, we found that, among women, pulmonary diseases were associated with the baseline SNI. ", "The RA models showed significant positive associations with self-reported asthma (coef.: ", "0.687, *p* = 0.018) and other chronic lung diseases (coef.: ", "1.074, *p* = 0.009). ", "The application of PSM likewise confirmed that the propensity for exposure to a high SNI had a subsequent effect on asthma (ATE: 0.023, *p* = 0.002) and other chronic lung diseases (ATE: 0.020, *p* \\< 0.001).", "\n\nThe only statistically significant results for impairments were derived from the PSM models among the female sample. ", "We found a significant negative association between social network diversity and immunological impairments measured by categorized (medium/high vs low) CRP levels. ", "Elevated levels of CRP above 1 mg/l were associated with prior propensity for exposure to a strong SNI (ATE: − 0.152, *p* = 0.011). ", "The continuous CRP values (data not shown) show that a strong SNI increased the inflammatory levels among women by 60% (ATE: 0.604, *p* = 0.027).", "\n\nSocial network diversity was significantly associated with physical functional limitations. ", "Both the RA and the PSM model showed that women with a high SNI at the baseline had significantly better abilities in both self-reported upper-body (coef.: ", "0.244, *p* = 0.004; ATE: 0.074, *p* = 0.016) and lower-body functions (coef.: ", "0.266, p = 0.016; ATE: 0.073, p = 0.004) at follow-up. ", "No statistically significant effect of the SNI on physical functional limitations was detected among men.", "\n\nBoth women and men with a higher SNI at the baseline reported better abilities to perform ADL and IADL tasks. ", "Disabilities in five ADL tasks were associated with a low SNI at the baseline for women in both the RA and the PSM model (coef.: ", "0.257, *p* \\< 0.001; ATE: 0.220, p \\< 0.001) and for men in the PSM model (ATE:0.177, *p* = 0.011). ", "Likewise, the ability to perform IADL tasks was significantly associated with a strong SNI for both women (coef.: ", "0.660, p \\< 0.001; ATE: 0.473, p \\< 0.001) and men (coef.: ", "0.390, *p* = 0.050; ATE: 0.492, *p* = 0.033).", "\n\nWhen regressing the 19 different health outcomes on the instrumented probability of having a strong SNI, the results showed that only cognitive functional impairments were associated with network diversity through the relationship of each respondents' SNI with his or her level of residential stability. ", "Men with a strong SNI at the baseline had better episodic memory functions at follow-up compared with men with a low SNI (coef.: ", "4.175, *p* = 0.020). ", "Women with a high SNI, however, scored significantly higher in Raven's test measuring visuospatial abilities (coef.: ", "4.983, *p* = 0.028).", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec9}\n==========\n\nTo provide additional insights into the causal effects of social networks on older adults' health, in this study, we appied an outcome-wide \\[[@CR70]\\] multi-method approach \\[[@CR74], [@CR75]\\] to longitudinal panel data to examine prospectively the causal associations of social network diversity with a wider battery of health outcomes among a sub-sample of 3060 Indonesian men and women above the age of 50 years who participated in the fourth and fifth waves of the nationally representative IFLS. ", "Including a large battery of health outcomes and applying three statistical approaches to infer causal inference, this study has produced a large and complex scope of results. ", "To aid the reader, we have organized the discussion section in the following way. ", "First, we shortly review to which extend the three initial hypothesis (gender differences; heterogeneous health effects; effect size gradient along the disablement process) have been confirmed or not. ", "After that, we turn to a more detailed discussion of the significant results (pulmonary pathologies: asthma and lung diseases; immunological impairments: raised CRP values; physical functional limitations and ADL and IADL disability) and situate these within the Indonesian context. ", "Additionally, we try to situate our findings into the overarching framework of the Berkman model and attempt to identify the underlying psychosocial mechanismsm and pathways behind the SNI-health associations in this Indonesian sample of older adults. ", "Since the results from the IV models obviously stand out, we do not only compare the results for functional cognitive outcomes with the existing literature but also discuss the IV method and the role of the instrument in our study. ", "We then turn to strenghts and limitations and conclude with some implications for policy and practice.", "\n\nSocial network diversity and adult health: gender differences, heterogeneous health effects but no gradients along the disablement process {#Sec10}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nUsing the disablement process model \\[[@CR76]\\] as a paradigm for our analysis of the social network--adult health association, this study found that greater network diversity shows statistically robust associations with various health outcomes along the disablement process. ", "As hypothesized, we identified several gender-specific effects. ", "Women's social networks exercised a greater health-protecting potential compared to men's. ", "Social network diversity affected women's health along the entire disablement process while among men only endpoint disability was affected. ", "In addition, the effect size of the SNI on ADL and IADL disability was overall larger among women compared to men. ", "Many have attempted to explain such social network-related gender differences in health through dispositional or personality differences between men and women \\[[@CR99], [@CR100]\\]. ", "Others, taking a socio-structural approach, have linked the diverging health effects of social networks to the differential impact of socio-economic position, occupational status, and educational background on social network structures and functions among the two genders \\[[@CR101], [@CR102]\\]. ", "Another body of research addressed gender differences by assessing gender-specific social network changes and dynamics across the life course, and particularly assessing aging-related network changes \\[[@CR38]\\]. ", "Particularly, events such as retirement, widowhood or the onset of a chronic disease have differential long-term effects on network size, composition and functional aspects for men and women \\[[@CR1]\\]. ", "In our study, we considered the overall SNI as exposure and did not account for gender-specific differences in the seven SNI components. ", "However, descriptive analyses (data partly not displayed in this study) showed that many of the widowed respondents were women and that re-marriage was common only among men. ", "With advancing age, social activities and thus non-kin ties to neighbors or community members decreased for both men and women but more strongly for women. ", "And with advancing age, more women than men were providing and receiving support from close kin (children, siblings). ", "Furthermore, men and women in our study differed significantly in their educational background (Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}) which possibly implies a strongly gendered nature of the structural and functional aspects and dynamics of their work and family-related social networks and their effects on health.", "\n\nAs hypothesized, we identified heterogeneous health effects of social network diversity. ", "While greater social network diversity was protective against a range of pulmonary pathologies, functional limitations, and disability outcomes, it also resulted in increased inflammatory levels measured by raised CRP values. ", "This duality has been previously reported by studies focusing also on other inflammatory markers \\[[@CR103]\\] and dysfunctional allostasis \\[[@CR104]\\]. ", "A recent review identified support failures, patterns of rejection or neglect and misdirected control or undermining of healthy practices as three distinct pathways of how negative social exchanges among network members affect health \\[[@CR78]\\]. ", "Again, our aim was to determine whether there are heterogeneous efffects and future studies should look into the exact pathways and mechanisms that link greater social network diversity to increased inflamation or other negative immune responses. ", "As described further below, we in our study hypothesized that for our female respondents network strain from caretaking obligations may play a major role in explaining these heterogeneous health effects.", "\n\nWe did not find support for our last hypothesis with regards to a gradient of social network effects across the disablement process. ", "We post hoc stratified our sample by age groups (50--59, 60--69, 70+ years and pre- vs. post-retirement age of 57 years) but these results did likewise not exhibit a clear gradient in effect size along the disablement process model. ", "To the best of our knowledge, there is no other wide-outcome study using a comparable social network indicator and testing its effect across a range of adult health outcomes to which we could compare our findings. ", "However, some studies testing mediating relationships within the disablement process model have found that main pathway variables (e.g. pathology, impairments, functional limitations) have indirect effects on disability outcomes though different psychosocial factors such as social integration \\[[@CR80]\\], social support \\[[@CR81]\\] or loneliness \\[[@CR79]\\]. ", "These studies conclude that psychosocial factors despite being potential buffers to disablement, their effect along the disablement process is relatively small. ", "These findings may be to some degree comparable to our findings and partly explain the significant effects of social network diversity on ADL and IADL disability but none to limited effects on the preceding main pathway variables. ", "In the future, additional analyses repeating our approach with another social network-related indicators such as network size or distinguishing between different network types could draw a more nuanced picture of potential effect gradients along the disablement process.", "\n\nSpecific effects along the disablement process and potential mechanisms and pathways {#Sec11}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAfter providing an overall picture of our results, we now turn to a more detailed discussion of the specific health outcomes which were significanlty related to social network diversity. ", "These findings are discussed in light of Berkman et al's. ", "conceptual framework, which postulates the mechanisms through which social networks affect health \\[[@CR4]\\]. ", "Since the aim of this study was to establish *whether* there are causal effects of network diversity on adult health outcomes and to determine the *size* of these effects, we had only limited possibilities to identify the underlying psychosocial mechanisms and pathways behind these associations. ", "However, in our discussion below, we attempt to provide a few possibilities within the framework of the Berkman model by adding some supplementary results derived from post hoc data stratifications and dissecting the SNI into its single indicators.", "\n\nDiverse social networks benefit women's pulmonary outcomes {#Sec12}\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe first point to note -- limited to women in our study -- is the finding of an association between social network diversity and pathologies, that is, pulmonary conditions such as asthma and other chronic lung diseases. ", "This finding is in line with other studies that likewise have provided empirical verification of the relationship between social networks and pulmonary health outcomes. ", "Supportive social networks have been shown to be protective of asthma and other breathing problems, particularly among children \\[[@CR105], [@CR106]\\] and among adult patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and social support from social network members has been shown to benefit self-efficacy, treatment adherence, and self-management regimes as well as a number of physical and mental health outcomes \\[[@CR107], [@CR108]\\]. ", "According to Berkman's model, there are several potential pathways through which a diverse social network may affect respiratory health among Indonesian women. ", "A low SNI among older adult women in our context may be associated with a tendency to remain at home, leading to heightened exposure to indoor triggers of respiratory diseases or lower pulmonary fitness levels, such as allergens, indoor air pollution, or reduced physical activity. ", "Another pathway is through the phenomenon of social influence, which is based on the notion that, when people are connected to others, their behaviours are influenced by them (and vice versa). ", "Social influence flows through networks, and health behaviours like smoking have been found to be \"socially transmitted\" across social network ties \\[[@CR26]\\]. ", "Data from the World Health Organization from 2016 show that the prevalence of smoking among adults aged 15+ years in Indonesia is high (39%) and that there are large differences between men (76%) and women (3%) \\[[@CR54]\\]. ", "In our data, the prevalence of smoking among women was 8% compared with 77% among men. ", "Our data show further that women with a low SNI were more likely to smoke than women with a high SNI (9% vs 6%, *p* = 0.016; coef.: ", "0.48, *p* = 0.017); however, for men, the SNI did not affect their smoking status (77% vs 76%, *p* = 0.911; coef.: ", "0.014, p = 0.911; data not shown). ", "The general religious and socio-cultural norm in Indonesia for women is not to smoke \\[[@CR109], [@CR110]\\]. ", "More diverse networks may be associated with stronger enforcement of this norm; vice versa, the gendered experiences of the smoking stigma may also intensify social isolation, marginalization \\[[@CR111], [@CR112]\\], or feelings of loneliness among Indonesian women \\[[@CR113]\\]. ", "In addition, women are generally perceived as the \"caretakers of health\" -- for their own health and the health of their family \\[[@CR114]\\]. ", "Owing to this, women tend to use more health promotion programmes and have higher health literacy than men. ", "It remains to be tested whether smoking-prohibiting norms and stigmatization are enforced in much stronger ways within women's social networks, whether there are other qualities present that spread health awareness and resilience to smoking, or whether a combination of factors is at work.", "\n\nDiverse social networks negatively affect women's CRP levels {#Sec13}\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOur results show significant negative associations between SNI and CRP values, again only among women. ", "Serum CRP levels become elevated in response to acute infections, inflammatory conditions, or trauma and increase with age \\[[@CR115]\\]. ", "A meta-analysis of 83,995 individuals from 14 studies has shown that elevated CRP values can independently predict the risk for all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality \\[[@CR116]\\], and a literature review of more than 70 studies has shown that social behaviour and inflammation are \"intricately connected\" \\[[@CR16]\\]. ", "Many studies have indicated that there appears to be a reliable relationship across the life course between social network disruptions in the form of social separation, negative social interactions, loneliness, or widowhood and increased pro-inflammatory activity in terms of an elevated CRP \\[[@CR117]\\], sTNF*α*RII \\[[@CR103]\\], or IL-1Ra and IL-6 \\[[@CR118]\\]. ", "These studies have shown that strong and more diverse social networks increase the odds of receiving instrumental or socio-emotional support, which can either lead directly to lower inflammation (direct-effects hypothesis) or prevent or lighten the effect of stress and thus lower inflammation (buffering hypothesis) \\[[@CR119]\\]. ", "However, our results indicate the opposite, namely that more diverse networks might in fact exercise stress, for example from the burden from or conflict with networks members. ", "Using the SNI as a composite measure of network diversity, we cannot draw a definite conclusion about which exact features of women's social networks exercise stress, that is, whether stress comes from a larger number of network members or whether some subjective quality plays a role. ", "However, a post hoc examination of the data shows that, after retirement age, there was a stronger negative effect of the SNI on CRP levels among women (ATE: − 0.213, *p* = 0.044). ", "One possible explanation for this may be that retired women -- despite having a diverse network -- are increasingly facing unmet needs for social support or are notably confronted with growing demands from their network members. ", "Future research should identify the individual or social burdens that lead to strained relationships between network members and affect particularly older women's health. ", "The literature has suggested that the so-called socially or physiologically defined \"elbow points\", namely entering retirement, widowhood, the onset of disease or disability, or informal caregiving obligations, may play a role in the social network--health relationship \\[[@CR1]\\], but this remains to be tested in the Indonesian context.", "\n\nSocial network diversity positively affects older adults' physical functioning and disability outcomes {#Sec14}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn our study, among women, more diverse social networks were associated with better outcomes in two functional limitation domains measured via six self-reported items of upper- and lower-body functions as well as disability in five ADL and six IADL tasks. ", "Only the ability to perform all ADL and IADL tasks independently was significantly associated with a diverse social network in both men and women, but -- except for IADLs in the PSM model -- showed stronger associations for women. ", "Our results are generally supportive of our hypotheses and in line with a number of studies that have reported positive associations between network diversity and fewer functional health declines \\[[@CR120]\\] or disabilities in later life \\[[@CR22], [@CR23]\\]. ", "We initially hypothesized to observe stronger effects of social network diversity towards the end of the disablement process, that is, on outcomes that affect respondents' activities of daily life and their role in society due to increased functional limitations. ", "While we did not idenfity such a gradient in effect size throuhout the whole disablement process, we could still observe a decrease in social network effects along a continuum of severity in disability, ranging from less severe IADL disability related to basic tasks of everyday life to more severe ADL disability related to self-care tasks that allow independent living. ", "However, in the literature, the evidence on the effect of social networks on the different domains of disability among older populations is far from conclusive, as only a few studies have reported on both ADL and IADL outcomes in relation to a social network indicator. ", "We found that our results generally correspond to the results from studies on community-dwelling older adults in Mexico \\[[@CR121]\\] and Spain \\[[@CR122]\\] but contrast with the findings from studies on American \\[[@CR123]\\] and Singaporean older adults \\[[@CR124]\\], which have reported in general more beneficial effects on the performance of ADL tasks. ", "Such mixed findings may reflect the different macro-level framing forces, such as the sociocultural norms and values in which social networks are shaped and function as well as individuals' experiences and interpretations of these networks and hence the degree to which they can affect their health. ", "In addition, especially when the analyses rely on self-reported information, one may observe cross-cultural differences in the disablement process at large, and particularly the experience of disability might differ across different socio-cultural contexts \\[[@CR125]\\]. ", "Apart from that, the fact that, in our study, social network diversity had a stronger effect on the ability to perform IADL tasks than ADL tasks could be due to several reasons. ", "First, we analysed a relatively young sample (mean age 58 years); thus, more severe ADL disability was less common than IADL disability (12% vs 23%). ", "Further, men suffered less often from ADL limitations than women (10% vs 15%, *p* \\< 0.001) but reported more disabilities in the performance of IADL tasks (25% vs 22%, *p* = 0.033), which could to some degree explain the null findings in the RA models on ADL limitations for the male sample. ", "The same observation holds for upper- and lower-body functional limitations. ", "Moreover, the ability to perform each of the tasks independently may require very different aspects of one's social network. ", "For example, ADL tasks related to personal hygiene may require a less diverse network of intimate ties, for example the instrumental help of a spouse, while some IADL tasks can be performed independently through the provision of emotional support from a more distant discretionary network member.", "\n\nTherefore, while our findings grasp the overall positive impact of social network diversity on both functional limitations and disability among older Indonesian adults, they also raise some important questions about the underlying mechanisms and pathways behind these associations. ", "Particularly, with regard to functional health and disability outcomes, numerous studies have emphasized the need to move beyond crude indicators and further dissect summary measures and discriminate between different types of networks and/or the resources emanating from them, that is, in the form of structural and functional support \\[[@CR35], [@CR126]\\]. ", "It has also been noted that the failure to do so has possibly led to a number of null findings showing that social networks were not related to disability outcomes \\[[@CR127]\\]. ", "Previous studies have shown that family-based networks, that is, relationships with the spouse and adult children, are the most frequent network types in which older adults are embedded \\[[@CR128]\\]. ", "Family members are the first ones to turn to in need of immediate assistance and should therefore play an important role when it comes to influencing functional limitations or disability outcomes in old age. ", "Studies have shown that family-based networks are protective against the onset of disability and promote recovery \\[[@CR129], [@CR130]\\]. ", "However, the evidence on spousal and parent--child (ren) relationships offers very heterogeneous results. ", "Some studies have found that childlessness can have positive effects on old-age mobility but that relationships with co-residing children can increase the risk of future disability \\[[@CR131]\\]. ", "Additionally, more nuanced analyses of spousal relationships have differential effects on mobility impairment and disability depending on whether the spouse provides emotional support, which facilitates improvement, or instrumental support, which obviates the overcoming of limitations \\[[@CR131]\\]. ", "Again, using a crude indicator, we cannot draw any definite conclusions about which network types or which structural or functional aspects of older adults' social network play a more important role in functional limitations and disability outcomes. ", "Overall, though, the SNI in this study had a strong family-based focus, and five out of seven indicators were related to family members. ", "Our results show that particularly women receive a better health impact from a more diverse social network than men, and there are indications in the data that the marital dyad and ties to adult children seem to play an important role in older women's health. ", "In fact, when replacing the crude SNI post hoc with single social network indicators (data not shown), for women, the presence of a spouse had a protective effect on functional limitations and disability, while support from or to children in our study was negatively associated with reduced lower-body functions. ", "Recent censuses and surveys have shown that many widowed older adults are women and that remarriage seems to be a more common practice among widowed men than among women \\[[@CR41]\\]. ", "Due to the country's demographic and economic transitions, women in Indonesia are facing a host of challenges that inter alia contribute to \"holes\" in older women's social networks. ", "For example, having a longer life expectancy, many women outlive their husband and many continue to live in low-income single-person households in predominantly rural areas; in addition, due to fertility declines and increasing rural-to-urban labour migration, fewer adult children are available to elderly relatives as caregivers. ", "In Indonesia, but also in other LMICs undergoing similar developments, such transitions are putting immense pressure on the traditional informal support systems of older adults, and policies should be responsive to these trends and find ways to \"fill\" these network holes, as they have strong implications for health, particularly among vulnerable segments of society, such as women, especially women who intersect with other macro-contexts, such as poverty or rurality, because they have the fewest opportunities to counterbalance the effects of small and less diverse networks on their health.", "\n\nGreater network diversity benefits older adults' cognitive health {#Sec15}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOur last finding to be discussed relates to the results from the IV models showing a strong association of the SNI with cognitive performance. ", "After instrumenting for residential instability, a factor that we -- based on the review of the literature (e.g. \\[[@CR96], [@CR132]\\]) -- appraised as a potential barrier to social network development, strong associations between social network diversity and cognitive outcomes remained; that is, men and women with a higher SNI reported better episodic memory and visuospatial abilities, respectively. ", "From a theoretical perspective, there are clear reasons to expect an association between social networks and cognitive performance outcomes (for reviews, see \\[[@CR18], [@CR34]\\]). ", "The cognitive reserve hypothesis, the vascular hypothesis, and the stress hypothesis are three major aetiological hypotheses that have been proposed to be the most relevant to the preservation of cognitive abilities \\[[@CR34]\\]. ", "A systematic review evaluating the association between different aspects of social relationships with the cognitive functioning of healthy older adults has summarized evidence from 39 studies and suggested relationships between social activity participation and processing speed and visuospatial abilities and between social support and composite measures of social relationships and episodic memory \\[[@CR18]\\]. ", "In our study, we had limited capacity to identify the psychosocial mechanisms or pathways that eventually associated the instrumental probability of a high SNI with better outcomes in episodic memory and visuospatial abilities among men and women, respectively. ", "One could suspect -- following Berkman's framework -- that more diverse networks provide more opportunities for social interactions and higher social engagement enhances cognitive reserves. ", "Such a build-up of cognitive reserves allows for more efficient use of neural networks and thus enables better visuospatial abilities. ", "The stress hypothesis, however, may be more useful for explaining the results relating to episodic memory. ", "Many studies have outlined the stress-reducing benefits of social support, and lower levels of stress have been shown to benefit memory performance (for reviews, see \\[[@CR18], [@CR34]\\]).", "\n\nOf theoretical interest is also that the degree of association between social network diversity and cognitive performance decreased along the continuum from fluid (i.e. visuospatial ability, coef.: ", "4.983) to crystallized intelligence (episodic memory, coef.: ", "4.175). ", "The opposite has been observed in a Swedish study \\[[@CR133]\\]. ", "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report results on fluid and crystallized intelligence in relation to social networks for an older LMIC population. ", "Further, we again observed distinct gender differences that could be interpreted *vis à vis* the role of the instrument in the Indonesian context. ", "Censuses have shown that, in Indonesia, many older adults migrate, that is, change their residency due to mortality or work \\[[@CR41]\\]. ", "In many cases, women, after the death of their husband, move to be near their adult children and may face a range of challenges (and cognitive demands) stemming from social network changes, namely the disruption of the old network and building up of new ties, adapting to a new physical environment, and possibly new duties, for example taking care of grandchildren. ", "Labour migration and job mobility, on the other hand, seem to be the prime reason for men to change their place of living in many cases. ", "In fact, in our study (data partly shown in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}), men moved more often than women (11% vs 7%, *p* \\< 0.001) and increasingly before reaching retirement age (15% vs 7%, *p* \\< 0.001). ", "Further, among those who changed their residency in our study, more women than men reported being single and thus were most likely to be widowed (27% vs 9%, *p* \\< 0.001).", "\n\nAnother issue to be discussed in regard to the IV models is the large number of null findings for the other health outcomes. ", "We believe that this can likewise be explained by the role of residential stability in the Indonesian setting rather than by potential model misspecifications. ", "A common assumption in IV analyses is deterministic monotonicity, meaning that, while the instrument may have no effect on some people, all those who are affected are affected in the same way \\[[@CR134]\\]. ", "Such an assumption, however, sometimes does not prove to be realistic. ", "We assumed that any move within the past 7 years would represent a disruption in people's social network. ", "However, the opposite may be true in some cases. ", "In this study, we did not consider motivations for moving, how far or to where IFLS respondents moved between the years 2000 and 2007/08. ", "In addition, the IFLS data do not contain the reasons for moving or information about to whom people moved. ", "It could have been the case that participants moved only a short distance, which enabled them to stay in touch with their old network while at the same time building up a new one. ", "Even a long-distance move might not have a negative effect if the participants returned to a familiar setting or reconnected with family, friends, or other acquaintances who already resided in the new location. ", "Possibly, the new location could also offer a better network support than the old one. ", "During the first half of 2000, social media expanded in Indonesia, and sustaining access to previous social networks through social media can attenuate the effects of migration. ", "Recent surveys have shown that, in 2018, 50% of all adults over 50 years of age owned a mobile phone; smartphone ownership increased from 3% in 2013 to 13% in 2018 \\[[@CR135]\\]. ", "Furthermore, labour migration is increasingly common in Indonesia following the Asian economic crisis. ", "Moving to a new place for economic reasons, such as a prospective job, may have benefits by itself that outweigh the potential harmful effect of disconnecting from old network members. ", "Further, in a very collectivist society like Indonesia, one move within 7 years may not have the same effects as in a less-collectivist Western society.", "\n\nMethodological considerations, strengths and limitations {#Sec16}\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn this study, we used a comprehensive and large panel data which allowed us to employ multiple analytical strategies to address potential treatment biases. ", "However, performing RA, PSM and IV techniques led to discrepant results -- a situation which overall demonstrates the difficulty of determining causal inference in observational studies. ", "Our results show that the estimated associations between social network diversity and various adult health outcomes are sensitive to the choice of analytical method. ", "There was general concordance between the RA and PSM models, which is also commonly observed in other studies \\[[@CR136]\\]. ", "However, between the RA/PSM and IV models there was no concordance and the benefits of social network diversity on physical health disappeared in the IV adjusted models but yielded effects for two cognitive health outcomes. ", "With a rising number of studies simultaneously applying multiple methods, such discrepancies between PS and IV analyses are not infrequent in medical and public health research \\[[@CR137]\\]. ", "Still, the question remains why the IV models did not yield the same picture as the RA and PSM models. ", "When results are conflicting, many tend to take the IV results as the \"true\" estimations because of the ability of IV analyses to account for unmeasured or unkown confounders in addition to the measured ones. ", "Here, we do not unquestioningly consider the IV estimates as our true results but instead argue that both PSM (and RA) and IV estimates despite yielding differences are also simultaneously correct. ", "As outlined further above, both PSM and IV techniques were systematically implemented and relied on reliable propensity scores with a good support scenario ([Appendix 1](#Sec18){ref-type=\"sec\"}) and an IV which has been theoretically and statistically validated (tests of endogeneity: Durbin (*p* = 0.049), Wu--Hauser (*p* = 0.045); instrument strengths F = 19.58 (*p* = 0.002); see Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}c). ", "Considering the conceptual differences between the two methods may aid in interpreting the discrepant results. ", "While the PSM technique produces average treatment effects (ATE), the IV results should be interpreted in terms of local average treatment effects (LATE) restricted to a group of marginal respondents. ", "These marginal respondents are a subset of respondents whose exposure choices (i.e. varying social network diversity) are affected by variations in the IV measured by residential (in) stability \\[[@CR73]\\]. ", "Under the assumption that treatment/exposure effects are heterogeneous and the exposure assignment is related to this heterogeneity (i.e. there is evidence suggesting that certain subgroups of respondents are more prone to benefit from greater social network diversity), the ATE and the LATE are different estimations. ", "Thus, despite yielding discrepant results, both estimates are simultaneously correct \\[[@CR137]\\]. ", "As mentioned earlier, by applying both confounder control and instrument-based approaches, we are able to draw conclusions both on individual and population level since these techniques produce effect estimates which apply to different populations \\[[@CR72], [@CR73]\\]. ", "While the RA and PSM models provide insights into the specific effects of social network diversity on various health outcomes for individual respondents, the IV models measure effects for a \"marginal\" population which excludes those respondents who would \"always\" or \"never\" have a diverse network independently of their residential stability and focuses on respondents whose likelihood of having a high SNI depends on their state of residential stability. ", "Since many decisions with regards to changing residence in old age are less bound to individual-level characteristics but more often context-related, the IV results can guide social and health policies that relate to late-life moving, relocations, geographic mobility and migration among aging populations and more broadly to issues relating to \"aging in place\", and the effects of social network changes and network turnover on older adults' cognitive health.", "\n\nThis study advances the prior literature in several ways. ", "First, we took an outcome-wide analytic approach to provide a comprehensive picture of the role of social network diversity across the disablement process. ", "This is the first study to present such evidence for an Indonesian sample, and it helps in synthesizing the previously scattered evidence on single outcomes from other studies. ", "Second, the application of multiple causal inference methods on a longitudinal panel data, which established the temporal order of exposure and outcome, and extensive covariate and baseline health control to reduce the option of reverse causation altogether permitted more evidence for a robust causal interpretation of our results.", "\n\nThe present study is, however, still subject to certain limitations, some of which may be dealt with in future research. ", "Many outcomes (13 out of 19) and the exposure in this study are based on self-reported information and thus might be subject to social desirability or common method bias. ", "While most outcomes were measured for all the respondents, the biomarkers CRP and HbA1c were only measured for a sub-sample, which could reduce the precision of those models. ", "Further, biomarkers are based on DBS testing and may therefore not be comparable to studies using assay results from venous blood.", "\n\nWhile we took guidance from established approaches in the calculation of the SNI, we also performed some modifications to it in our study which may make it difficult to compare our findings directly with other studies employing a measure of social network diversity. ", "One limitation of our SNI may derive from the inclusion of household size as one of the seven SNI indicators. ", "This leads to potential double counts of existing networks in the SNI and makes the different types of networks non-exclusive. ", "While this approach entails some limitations, we still deemed it valuable to include the household size measure into our SNI in order to account for the multi-ethnic and customary diverse setting of Indonesia where various living and cohabitation combinations exist. ", "The male-headed nuclear household is not the default setting across the Indonesian setting and we thus believe there is added value in incorporating houshold size into our SNI to account for networks that go beyond the spousal dyad or other co-residing close kin.", "\n\nFurther, self-selection bias may be a concern in our study. ", "As mentioned above, we do not account for any details of mobility patters between IFLS-3 and IFLS-4 nor do we account for the reasons for changing residence or perform comparisons between characteristics of the old and new area of residence. ", "It might be possible that health status or health-related attitudes and behaviors predict the decision to change residence and the choice of destination in our study. ", "Estimating the magnitude of self-selection bias in observational studies remains a methodological challenge and it has been noted that self-selecion may potentially inflate the observed associations \\[[@CR138]\\]. ", "Future studies should more closely examine the role of self-selection, particularly residential self-selection in health-related social network studies.", "\n\nLastly, our findings also need to be interpreted in the light of the vast ethnic diversity in Indonesia (300+ ethnic groups), which may have different patterns of social networks and a varied structural significance of gender. ", "On the other hand, the fact that we tested the relationships between network diversity and health in a large socio-culturally diverse sample strengthens the generalizability of our findings across populations. ", "Despite these limitations, our findings offer a better understanding of the role of social networks and network diversity in the disablement and aging process in Indonesia and offer an opportunity for future studies to investigate additional aspects of social networks in relation to adult health and aging processes.", "\n\nConclusions {#Sec17}\n===========\n\nThis study considered the social networks of older Indonesian adults, a population for which, to the best of our knowledge, only a few prior studies have been conducted. ", "We examined the effect of social network diversity on a large battery of 19 health outcomes representing disablement and aging processes, and our findings suggest that the ability to call on a diverse set of social networks confers strong heterogeneous long-term health effects, particularly for older women. ", "Due to its outcome-wide approach, this study can convey useful information to different groups of policy audiences. ", "For instance, the findings on social networks' role in shaping chronic disease outcomes, including the potential role for smoking interventions as well as results pertaining to various impairments, will be useful for policy makers who are involved with primary and secondary prevention efforts. ", "There should be room in future health polices to provide a framework to integrate patients' social network members into disease treatment and particularly NCD management schemes, particularly among older populations and for diseases that require more thorough monitoring and self-management. ", "On the other hand, the results concerning functional limitations and disability will be useful for decision makers who hold responsibilities for tertiary prevention, such as shaping social and health policies related to the promotion of aging in place, the provision of chronic long-term care, disability rehabilitation, and future health care and geriatric care management. ", "The crucial role of social networks in shaping adult health outcomes should arguably be considered in various health promotion programmes and translated into multilevel interventions and intersectoral health and welfare policies. ", "Overall, our study highlights the need for gender-specific policies, because women gain greater health protection from their social networks than men. ", "Interventions should particularly be designed to strengthen, that is, mobilize or optimize, older adults' social networks at times of certain \"elbow points\", specifically retirement, widowhood, or the onset of disease or disability. ", "Besides gender, particularly in an LMIC setting, policies should have sensitive intersections with poverty and rurality, as these are contexts in which formal structures, that is, health care services, are relatively weak and in which informal structures, that is, personal social networks, are relatively strong.", "\n\nAppendix 1 {#Sec18}\n==========\n\nFig. ", "4Balance plots showing the distribution of the propensity scores for the exposed (high SNI) and control groups (low SNI) before and after matching. ", "Source: IFLS\n\nAppendix 2 {#Sec19}\n==========\n\nFig. ", "5Coefficient plots displaying the results from (**a**) regression adjustment (RA), **b** propensity score matching (PSM), and (**c**) instrumental variable analysis models (IV) for effects of baseline SNI on various subsequent adult health outcomes for the total sample. ", "Source: IFLS\n\nAppendix 3 {#Sec20}\n==========\n\nTable 4Results from regression adjustment (RA), propensity score matching (PSM), and instrumental variable analysis models (IV) for effects of baseline SNI on various subsequent adult health outcomes for the total sample and stratified by sex/genderHealth outcomesTotal sample (***n*** = 3060)Women (***n*** = 1583, 52%)Men (***n*** = 1477, 48%)RAPSMIVRAPSMIVRAPSMIV*CoefpATTpLATEpCoefpATTpLATEpCoefpATTpLATEp*NCD morbidity0.120.4110.0290.480−0.1460.4990.260.1260.0290.052−0.6720.447−0.040.6330.0040.904−0.0130.950Asthma0.190.4100.0080.3830.0700.502**0.690.0180.0230.002**−0.1180.729− 0.340.196− 0.0070.1710.1460.196Other lung diseases**0.830.0020.0200.001**0.0890.315**1.070.0090.0200.000**− 0.0190.9400.630.1030.0130.0640.1110.262Cancer, malignant tumours**−0.930.050**− 0.0040.082− 0.0840.123− 0.950.142− 0.0060.179− 0.1650.424−0.870.213−0.0060.234−0.0620.224Diabetes−0.040.2960.0040.3700.0780.5900.040.5170.0060.8820.3890.478−0.130.3570.0100.985−0.0390.792Cardiovascular diseases**0.340.048**0.0180.134−0.1140.3620.270.1770.0140.104−0.1650.6690.430.1280.0160.224−0.1030.427Stroke0.050.844−0.0010.862−0.0190.829−0.090.859−0.0010.805−0.5380.3090.120.774−0.0090.6050.1290.223HbA1c levels−0.100.9880.0410.8370.8420.8290.180.9700.0600.732−1.2020.4920.040.972−0.0300.7700.0520.927Hypertension0.030.1550.0040.1150.4660.138−0.080.594−0.0250.9140.9810.4080.120.2320.0260.2010.3010.331CRP levels−0.210.063**−0.1310.002**1.9080.746−0.090.247**−0.1520.011**−1.2490.480−0.320.192−0.0650.2140.0880.351Grip strengths0.190.3640.3300.068−2.9590.3700.070.806−0.2600.890−6.1620.5240.380.2460.4640.326−2.0990.578Arthritis/rheumatism−0.020.808−0.0090.695−0.3590.113−0.050.7170.0030.739−1.0610.3500.070.9100.0080.627−0.1770.343Sensory impairments−0.090.576−0.0050.6600.1070.563−0.120.531−0.0230.2710.5640.455−0.040.990−0.0100.7400.0140.938Upper-body functional limitations**0.170.0140.0410.011**−0.4310.157**0.240.0040.0740.016**−1.2610.3800.180.1990.0320.364−0.2080.427Lower-body functional limitations0.120.1660.0470.133−0.1950.492**0.270.0160.0730.004**−0.4500.643−0.070.4870.0040.854−0.1630.551Episodic memory0.090.0620.1120.206**5.1440.002**0.060.2830.0430.5236.4040.0510.120.1300.0700.207**4.1750.020**Visuospatial abilities−0.040.967−0.0350.855**6.1990.003**−0.120.266−0.0800.465**4.9830.028**0.080.2080.0630.1937.7280.058ADL limitations**0.190.0000.1870.000**−0.5320.501**0.260.0000.2200.000**−5.0530.334**0.100.1120.1770.011**0.8420.270IADL limitations**0.560.0000.5000.003**−4.2830.096**0.660.0000.4730.000**−13.6020.327**0.390.0500.4920.033**−1.8120.432Note: *Coef* Regression coefficients, *ATT* Average treatment effects, *LATE* Local average treatment effects, *p p*-value (significant results are printed in **bold**)\n\nADLs\n\n: Activities of daily living\n\nATE\n\n: Average treatment effect\n\nBMI\n\n: Body mass index\n\nBP\n\n: Blood pressure\n\nCoef\n\n: Coefficient\n\nCOPD\n\n: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease\n\nCRP\n\n: C-reactive protein\n\nCVDs\n\n: Cardiovascular diseases\n\nDBS\n\n: Dried blood spots\n\nELISA\n\n: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay\n\nHbA1c\n\n: Glycated haemoglobin\n\nHICs\n\n: High-income countries\n\nIADLs\n\n: Instrumental activities of daily living\n\nIFLS\n\n: Indonesian Family Life Survey\n\nIL-1Ra and IL-6\n\n: Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and interleukin-6\n\nIV\n\n: Instrumental variable\n\nLBFL\n\n: Lower body functional limitations\n\nLMICs\n\n: Low and middle-income countries\n\nNCDs\n\n: Non-communicable diseases\n\nPCE\n\n: Per capita expenditure\n\nPSM\n\n: Propensity score matching\n\nRA\n\n: Regression adjustment\n\nSD\n\n: Standard deviation\n\nSNI\n\n: Social network index\n\nSRH\n\n: Self-rated health\n\nsTNF*α*RII\n\n: Soluble tumour necrosis factor- *α* receptor II\n\nUBFL\n\n: Upper body functional limitations\n\nUHC\n\n: Universal Health Coverage\n\nVIF\n\n: Variance inflation factor\n\nWHO\n\n: World Health Organization\n\n**Publisher's Note**\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n\nThe authors like to thank RAND for providing access to the survey data and the IFLS respondents for their cooperation in this study. ", "We would like to thank in particular Christine Peterson, Senior Research Associate at RAND, for her support with IFLS data management and Prof. Ben Jann for his guidance on the coefficient plots.", "\n\nJS conceived the idea for the study and led the study design. ", "JS and MSS developed the study analysis strategy. ", "JS conducted the study analysis. ", "JS wrote the first and final draft. ", "All authors provided intellectual and scientific input as well as reviewed and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nAuthors' information {#FPar1}\n====================\n\nJS is a PhD student at the Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University, Sweden. ", "This work is part of her PhD project which explores the role of social networks on older adults' health in Indonesia.", "\n\nThis work has been partly supported by the Umeå Centre for Global Health Research (UCGHR), with support from Forte, the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (grant number: 2006--1512). ", "The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.", "\n\nThe IFLS-4 and IFLS-5 datasets that were analysed during the current study and which support the findings of this study are publicly available upon registration from the RAND Corporation: <https://www.rand.org/well-being/social-and-behavioral-policy/data/FLS/IFLS.html>\n\nThe IFLS-4 and IFLS-5 surveys were properly reviewed and approved by IRBs (Institutional Review Boards) in the United States (at RAND) and in Indonesia at the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM). ", "All requirements for consent for adults and children were met and approved prior to starting the fieldwork.", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0, 0.024193548387096774, 0.004464285714285714, 0.010471204188481676, 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0.004830917874396135, 0.003134796238244514, 0.010101010101010102, 0.007407407407407408, 0.006564551422319475, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0.007692307692307693, 0.0037174721189591076, 0.00909090909090909, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004694835680751174, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003424657534246575, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0036900369003690036, 0.002729528535980149, 0.007407407407407408, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "F'realsies this time, we say a final farewell to our fallen comrade Randall Bennett on his last official day at CNET. ", "He takes the reigns as guest host and gives his .02 on the homeless world cup, Craigslist disasters, the deportation of America's valedic" ]
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[ 0.01694915254237288, 0 ]
[ "Troy Bodie will tag in for Matt Frattin Saturday night against the Florida Panthers.", "\n\nBodie has seven points in 32 games with AHL Toronto Marlies, while Frattin has performed a bit better with 13 points in 22 games. ", "Frattin also has just 35 points through 133 career NHL games, effectively making him and Bodie not recommendable for your squad. ", "Sat, Jan 17, 2015 07:08:00 PM\n\nDepth Charts\n\nAuston Matthews tied Saturday's game versus the Vancouver Canucks at the 1:56 mark of the third period before eventually losing in a shootout by a score of 3-2.", "\n\nThis was Matthews’ 11th goal of the season. ", "Notably, the other scorer for the Leafs also recorded his 11th when James van Riemsdyk sunk a puck at the 11:30 mark of the second. ", "The two shooters are tied at the top of the Leafs' leaderboard in terms of goals.", "\n\nTyler Bozak scored a goal in Wednesday's 3-2 loss to the Minnesota Wild.", "\n\nThe Leafs never had a lead in this game, but they managed to make it interesting. ", "Bozak's goal cut the Wild's lead to 3-2 in the second period. ", "Unfortunately for Toronto, that's as close as they'd come to tying to the game. ", "Bozak now has six goals and 12 assists in 25 games this season. ", "Ben Smith also found the back of the net for the Maple Leafs tonight.", "\n\nHe has been at home since last week. \"", "Collectively the best decision was to move Peter along, and we're going to do everything we can to do that,\" GM Lou Lamoriello said. \"", "I hope it's not too far off from being done and that it will happen in the very near future.\" ", "According to a report, Toronto is looking for a draft pick for Holland.", "\n\n\"(Blocking it out) comes from experience. ", "I remember going through that sort of thing right after I got drafted (second overall by the Flyers in 2007),\" he said. \"", "It tends to eat at you a little bit more (when you're younger), but now you realize it is completely out of your control and it does not really faze you as much.\" ", "The speculation started because the Leafs reportedly want to make changes on the back end and they may have to give up a talented forward to do it. ", "JVR leads the team in scoring with 20 points in 24 games and he is tied for the club lead with 11 goals.", "\n\nZach Hyman had two assists Wednesday in a 5-4 shootout loss to New Jersey.", "\n\nHe had the primary helper on both goals by Auston Matthews to help his linemate bust out of a 13-game goalless slump. ", "Hyman has contributed five points in 20 games this season and four have come in the last seven matches.", "\n\nMatt Martin and Erik Gudbranson dropped their gloves Saturday night to settle a score from November 5th.", "\n\nIt was inevitable that Martin and Gudbranson would tussle after the two had harsh words following an incident in a November 5th game in which Martin went after Canucks' rookie defenseman Troy Stecher. ", "For his part, Martin seems to think the subjec is closed and had the following to say about Gudbranson after Saturday night's fight. \"", "I have a lot of respect for him ... He wears his heart on his sleeve. ", "He's a guy I'd have in my corner any day.\"", "\n\nLupul underwent sports hernia surgery in February and hasn't played since. \"", "It is with deep regret that I will be unable to attend training camp and start the season with the Leafs due to injury,\" Lupul said. \"", "I pledge to work hard with a view to return to playing this season. ", "Hockey is the only life I have known. ", "This is an extremely emotional time for me. ", "Accordingly, I will not be making any further comment at this time.\" ", "Lupul rehabbed over the summer, but has experienced discomfort while skating. ", "The decision for him to start on the injured reserve was made after he went through the team's physical. ", "It's not clear how long he'll be out for.", "\n\nWilliam Nylander started Wednesday's game against Minnesota between Matt Martin and Ben Smith on the fourth line.", "\n\nHowever, he was moved up to a line with Nazem Kadri and Leo Komarov when the Leafs were trailing. ", "Nylander has continued to see power-play time though and he has 16 points in 24 games despite going scoreless in his past three outings.", "\n\nWith his two assists in the Maple Leafs' 4-2 win over Washington Saturday night, Mitch Marner is now tied with Patrik Laine for the NHL's rookie scoring lead.", "\n\nMarner has seven goals and 11 assists, one point more than teammate Auston Matthews. ", "We may be getting ahead of ourselves here, but Marner plays the game much like the Blackhawks' Patrick Kane. ", "By the way, Kane won the Clder trophy in 2008 with 72 points. ", "Marner is tracking for 70.", "\n\nConnor Brown scored two goals and added two assists in Thursday's 6-1 win over the Florida Panthers.", "\n\nBrown had just three points in 16 games coming into tonight, so this offensive outburst wasn't expected. ", "He opened the scoring at the 5:55 mark of the first period and he gave his team a 2-1 lead less than 10 minutes later. ", "Brown also helped set up goals by Leo Komarov and Jake Gardiner. ", "It was a nice performance from Brown, but don't rush to add him to your fantasy lineup. ", "He can remain on the waiver wire.", "\n\nHe had some groin tightness during Wednesday's practice, but that wasn't a problem by the time the Leafs hosted Philadelphia. ", "Soshnikov had three hits in 10:20 of ice time in Toronto's 6-3 win over the Flyers.", "\n\nNathan Horton has been left off Toronto's training camp roster after failing his physical, he is also not with the team.", "\n\nHorton, who suffers from a degenerative back condition that has prevented him from playing since the 2013-14 season, is expected to be placed on long-term injury reserve once the regular season begins. ", "The move will relieve $5.3M of cap space, which will be useful for the Maple Leafs as they're currently just $385K below the ceiling.", "\n\nMorgan Rielly picked up an assist in Wednesday's 3-2 loss to Minnesota.", "\n\nHe has contributed two helpers in the last two games. ", "Rielly has 13 assists and one goal in 25 contests this campaign. ", "He has been credited with 52 shots on 114 total attempts, so the goals should start coming again soon.", "\n\nJake Gardiner opened the scoring in a 2-1 loss to the Carolina Hurricanes on Tuesday night.", "\n\nGardiner's goal came 5:55 into the first period, and it was the only goal the Leafs could muster up in the defeat. ", "With nine points in 19 games, he is currently on pace for the best season of his NHL career. ", "He was partnered with Connor Carrick in this contest and they both seem to play much better when paired together. ", "Owned in just 14% of yahoo leagues, Gardiner could be a nice add if you are in need of a defensemen.", "\n\nThe Toronto Maple Leafs have been impressed with Nikita Zaitsev's play so far this season.", "\n\nZaitsev has five assists and a minus-4 rating in 11 games and has averaged 22:00 of ice time per game. ", "That doesn't translate into great fantasy numbers, but the coaching staff has been impressed with his play. \"", "You come here, you were in the World Cup, you weren’t in training and then you come in and they’re talking a mile a minute and you’re going through a ton of stuff,\" coach Mike Babcock said. \"", "Then what you do is you tend to overthink. ", "But he’s an impressive player to say the least.\" ", "This is his first year in the NHL after spending the previous seven years over in the KHL.", "\n\nHe had been out of action for eight games due to a lower-body injury but seemed fine against Pittsburgh logging 20:30 of ice time and registering an assist on the only Toronto goal. ", "If you for some reason you need Hunwick, feeel free to activate him.", "\n\nFrank Corrado will continue to sit as the Toronto Maple Leafs play back to back through Alberta.", "\n\nJoining Corrado in the press box is Martin Marincin. ", "Corrado, a Toronto native, has dressed in one game and he logged 16:24 of ice time against Pittsburgh back on Nov. 12. ", "This will be Marincin's third straight scratch, as he has been in and out of the lineup in 2016-17, appearing in 14 games with four points (1-3-4).", "\n\nStephane Robidas has taken a job as a consultant with the Toronto Maple Leafs.", "\n\nRobidas is still under contract to the Maple Leafs as a player, but he's been unable to return to the ice since suffering a significant knee injury last year. ", "Robidas will be doing some work during this weekend's rookie tournament and he'll also keep a close eye on the Toronto Marlies (AHL) and the NCAA.", "\n\nFrederik Andersen allowed three goals on 20 shots in Wednesday's 3-2 loss to the Minnesota Wild.", "\n\nThe Leafs goalie has now dropped back-to-back decisions and he's come out on the losing end in four of his last six games. ", "He'll enter his next start with a 10-7-4 record, a 2.87 goals-against-average and a .911 save percentage. ", "He's a middle of the pack fantasy option at his position right now." ]
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[ "Fire Emblem Warriors has gone on sale over at Amazon. ", "For Switch, you can save $10 on the special edition or $20 on the regular release. ", "The New 3DS version has also been discounted by almost $10.", "\n\nShare this: Twitter\n\nFacebook\n\nReddit\n\nTumblr\n\nPinterest\n\nMore\n\nEmail\n\nPrint\n\n\n\nLinkedIn\n\nGoogle\n\n\n\nPocket\n\n" ]
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[ 0.018518518518518517, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0.00909090909090909 ]
[ "We need to change the alcohol and drug stuff. ", " Please call me to discuss \ntomorrow morning - I'll be in after 900.", "\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\"Thompson, Peter J.\" <peterthompson@akllp.com> on 01/04/2001 04:55:27 PM\nTo: \"Kay Mann (E-mail)\" <kay.mann@enron.com>\ncc: \n\nSubject: CA Energy Development/ABB Facility Agreement\n\nJust wanted to let you know that I have a doctor's appointment at 3 pm\nCST tomorrow. ", " It will probably last an hour. ", "Chris Cobb ((202)\n662-3016) will be available in my absence.", "\n\nDo you want me to stick around any more tonight to make any additional\nchanges or just come in at 7 am CST tomorrow?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Enron Emails" }
[ 0, 0, 0.02112676056338028, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0 ]
[ "Hydrogels from a water-soluble zwitterionic polythiophene: dynamics under pH change and biomolecular interactions observed using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring.", "\nThe water-soluble zwitterionic polythiophene, poly(3-((S)-5-amino-5-carboxyl-3-oxapentyl)-2,5-thiophene) hydrochloride (POWT), is a conjugated polyelectrolyte (CPE) with properties well suited for biochip applications. ", "CPEs readily form hydrogels when exposed to water-based buffer solutions or biomolecule solutions. ", "In this work, we used in situ quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) monitoring to collect information on the interaction between POWT films exposed to buffers with different pH and POWT/DNA chains. ", "Our data show that POWT swells significantly when exposed to low-pH buffers, such as pH 4 acetate, this is seen as an increase in thickness and decrease in viscosity obtained via a Voight-based modeling of combined f and D QCM-D measurements. ", "The magnitude of thickness and viscosity change upon changing from a pH 10 carbonate buffer to pH 4 acetate is 100% increase in thickness and 50% decrease in viscosity. ", "The response of the hydrogel under pH change is well correlated with fluorescence data from POWT films on glass. ", "The state of the hydrogel is important during interaction with biomolecules; illustrated by the observation that a swollen CPE hydrogel adsorbs a higher amount of DNA than a compacted one. ", "In agreement with previous results, the QCM-D data confirmed that the POWT/DNA hydrogel sense complementary DNA specifically and with negligible binding of noncomplementary DNA. ", "These results are important for efficient constructions of biochips in water environments using this class of materials." ]
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[ "Joke gone wrong: one of the pranksters is attacked by a member of the public. ", "Credit:Reckless Youth The purpose of the video, they claim, was “to see who would try and stop a robbery if they witnessed one happening in front of them\". ", "But the venture backfired when one would-be good Samaritan threw a punch that Mr Maran said left one of his collaborators with a broken nose. ", "Meanwhile, police have warned the trio against repeating their stunt in future. ", "The video cuts together a series of scenes in which Mr Maran is attempting to withdraw money from an ATM, before one of his friends emerges in a balaclava and screams “give me the money”, at times pulling Mr Maran to the ground.", "\n\nOne of the pranksters suffered a bloody nose. ", "Credit:Reckless Youth In each scene, bystanders run forward to assist Mr Maran before the boys laugh and reveal: “It's a prank, it's a prank.” ", "In the final scene of the video, staged at the MLC Centre in Sydney, George Proestos, as the perpetrator, is attacked by a bystander who punches him in the face, reportedly breaking his nose. ", "Members of the public react to the apparent ATM robbery. ", "Credit:Reckless Youth A group of bystanders proceeds to assist the bloody youth, one bringing him paper towels from a nearby restaurant.", "\n\nMr Maran said the reaction they have received has been unexpected. ", "George Proestos was punched in the face during one of the fake robberies. “", "Every single comment has been negative, saying how stupid we are, how dumb this prank is,\" Mr Maran said. “", "Honestly, I didn't think it would be that negative. ", "I thought we'd get a few people saying this is a silly prank – but literally almost every single comment is a hate comment,” he said. ", "The response from bystanders when they staged their stunts also surprised him.", "\n\n“We thought, he'd tackle me, he'd take the wallet and then he'd run away and no one would really do anything – but from the get-go, people were jumping in and stopping it, which is kind of the point of the video, just to see who would jump in, in a robbery situation,” he said. ", "Mahendra Singh, 35, features in the video and was one such bystander who became involved when he saw a prank robbery on George Street in Sydney's CBD. “", "I saw one of the guys taking money from the ATM – and from behind came a hooded guy who just jumped on him. ", "When I saw that, I just pounced on them. ", "I was forcing my elbow on his windpipe, so that he would let go of the wallet, and I was screaming for help and asking people to call the police,” he said. ", "Mr Singh said he failed to see the humour in the incident. “", "The first thing I felt was very angry, and I just felt it was a very silly prank. ", "I was worried that this person could have been hurt or I could have been hurt. ", "I was just furious and I just walked off.”", "\n\nHe said he didn't want to interact with anyone because he felt embarrassed. ", "A NSW Police spokeswoman said police discouraged people from partaking in any activity that could cause harm to themselves or others. “", "Such activities can be highly dangerous and easily misconstrued by members of the public. ", "In some cases, participation may also constitute a criminal offence,” the spokeswoman said. ", "Mr Maran said the group would refrain from doing anything as risky in future. ", "However, late on Tuesday night, the group uploaded a new video to their page, titled: “Public fight prank gone wrong (arrested.)”", "\n\nIn the new video George and Mr Maran stage a \"fake fight\" in public. ", "The video description reads, “Security ends up breaking the 'fight' up and the police were called. ", "Luckily, one of the security guards kept the camera rolling as they took us down to interrogate us and caught it all on tape.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to use grid.show.viewport() function in R?", "\n\nHow to Plot the below graph using grid.show.viewport() function in R ?", "\nHere is my code:\nlibrary(grid)\nlibrary(gridBase)\n\na <- viewport(x = 0.6, y = 0.6, \n width = 1, height = 1, angle = 45)\n\ngrid.show.viewport(a)\n\nBut I am not sure how to convert npc to inches as shown in picture.", "\nI need to plot exactly as shown in picture.", "\nThank you for your help!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou should set the unit of width and height to \"inches\" explicitly\nlibrary(grid)\nlibrary(gridBase)\n\na <- viewport(\n x = 0.6, y = 0.6, \n width = unit(1, \"inches\"), height = unit(1, \"inches\"), \n angle = 45\n)\n\ngrid.show.viewport(a)\n\nCreated on 2020-04-16 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)\n\n" ]
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[ "The House of Delegates met at 11:00 a.m., and was called to order by the Speaker.", "\nPrayer was offered and the House was led in recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.", "\nThe Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of Monday, March 6, 2006, being the first order of\nbusiness, when the further reading thereof was dispensed with and the same approved.", "\n\nCommittee Reports\n\nChairman Beane, from the Committee on Government Organization, submitted the following\nreport, which was received:\nYour Committee on Government Organization has had under consideration:S. B. 245, Creating Consolidated Local Government Act,\nAnd reports the same back, with amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass, as\namended, and with the recommendation that second reference of the bill to the Committee on the\nJudiciary be dispensed with.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, reference of the bill (S. B. 245) to the Committee on the Judiciary was abrogated, and it was taken up for immediate\nconsideration, read a first time and ordered to second reading.", "\nChairman Amores, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on the Judiciary has had under consideration:Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 439, Strengthening one-call system requirements for excavators'\ndamage,\nAnd reports the same back, with amendment, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with the\nrecommendation that it do pass, as amended.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bill (Com. ", "Sub.", "\nfor S. B. 439) was taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time, ordered to second reading\nand then, in accordance with the provisions of House Rule 70a, was ordered to the Consent\nCalendar.", "\nChairman Amores, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on the Judiciary has had under consideration:Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 350, Authorizing Department of Health and Human Resources\npromulgate legislative rules,\nAnd reports the same back with the recommendation that it do pass.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bill (Com. ", "Sub.", "\nfor S. B. 350) was taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time and then ordered to second\nreading.", "\nMr. Speaker, Mr. Kiss, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the following report, which was received:\nYour Committee on Rules has had under consideration:H. C. R. 33, Requesting recognition of the counties of Berkeley and Jefferson as part of the\nhistoric Shenandoah Valley,H. C. R. 66, Expressing the ideal that a woman should be added to the West Virginia State\nSeal,H. C. R. 75, Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the prospect\nof reducing medical care costs for state employees,H. C. R. 76, Interim study on the improvement of access to oral health care services in states\nthat allow dental hygienists to administer services to patients,\nAnd, H. C. R. 82, Requesting that the Committee on Government and Finance study the Medicaid\nWaiver Program for the elderly and people with disabilities in West Virginia,\nAnd reports the same back with the recommendation that they each be adopted.", "\nChairman Michael, from the Committee on Finance, submitted the following report, which\nwas received:\nYour Committee on Finance has had under consideration:S. B. 581, Amending definition of \"person\" relating to motor fuel excise tax,S. B. 609, Relating to time period for filing senior citizens' property tax credit claim,\nAnd,S. B. 626, Requiring annual personal income tax withholding reconciliations,\nAnd reports the same back, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with the recommendation\nthat they each do pass.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bills (S. B. 581,\nS. B. 609 and S. B. 626) were each taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time, ordered\nto second reading and then, in accordance with the provisions of House Rule 70a, ordered to the\nConsent Calendar.", "\nChairman Amores, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on the Judiciary has had under consideration: S. B. 484, Utilizing community corrections programs in pretrial supervision,\nAnd,S. B. 497,Repealing requirement nonresidents post security for court costs,\nAnd reports the same back, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with the recommendation\nthat they each do pass.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bills (S. B. 484\nand S. B. 497) were each taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time, ordered to second\nreading and then, in accordance with the provisions of House Rule 70a, were each ordered to the\nConsent Calendar.", "\nChairman Amores, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on the Judiciary has had under consideration:Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 517, Requiring multidisciplinary treatment team for certain juveniles,\nAnd reports the same back, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with the recommendation\nthat it do pass, but that it first be referred to the Committee on Finance.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bill (Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 517) was taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time, ordered to second reading\nand then, in accordance with the former direction of the Speaker, referred to the Committee on\nFinance.", "\n\nMessages from the Senate\n\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the passage by the Senate and requested the concurrence\nof the House of Delegates in the passage ofS. B. 793 - \"A Bill making a supplementary appropriation of public moneys out of the\nTreasury from the balance of moneys remaining as an unappropriated balance in the State Fund,\nGeneral Revenue, to the Department of Administration - Consolidated Public Retirement Board,\nfund 0195, fiscal year 2006, organization 0205, to the Department of Military Affairs and Public\nSafety - Office of the Secretary, fund 0430, fiscal year 2006, organization 0601, to the Department\nof Revenue - Office of the Secretary, fund 0465, fiscal year 2006, organization 0701, and to the\nDepartment of Revenue - Tax Division, fund 0470, fiscal year 2006, organization 0702, by\nsupplementing and amending the appropriations for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June,\ntwo thousand six.\"", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, reference of the\nbill (S. B. 793) to a committee was dispensed with, and it was taken up for immediate consideration,\nread a first time and ordered to second reading.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the passage by the Senate and requested the concurrence\nof the House of Delegates in the passage ofCom. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 794 - \"A Bill expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance in the State Fund, General Revenue, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, two thousand\nsix, in the amount of five million four hundred thousand dollars from joint expenses, fund 0175,\nfiscal year 2005, organization 2300, activity 642, in the amount of twenty-four million six hundred\nthousand dollars from the Tax Reduction and Federal Funding Increased Compliance Fund, fund\n1732, fiscal year 2006, organization 2300, in the amount of six million six hundred twenty-nine\nthousand dollars from the Board of Risk and Insurance Management - Premium Tax Savings Fund,\nfund 2367, fiscal year 2006, organization 0218, and in the amount of one million two hundred fifty\nthousand dollars from the Public Service Commission, fund 8623, fiscal year 2006, organization\n0926, and making a supplementary appropriation of public moneys out of the Treasury from the\nbalance of moneys remaining as an unappropriated surplus balance in the State Fund, General\nRevenue, to the Department of Agriculture, fund 0131, fiscal year 2006, organization 1400, to the\nWest Virginia Conservation Agency, fund 0132, fiscal year 2006, organization 1400, to the\nConsolidated Public Retirement Board, fund 0195, fiscal year 2006, organization 0205, to the State\nDepartment of Education, fund 0313, fiscal year 2006, organization 0402, to the State Board of\nRehabilitation Services - Division of Rehabilitation Services, fund 0310, fiscal year 2006,\norganization 0932, to the Division of Human Services, fund 0403, fiscal year 2006, organization\n0511, to Division of Corrections - Correctional Units, fund 0450, fiscal year 2006, organization\n0608, and to the Aeronautics Commission, fund 0582, fiscal year 2006, organization 0807, by\nsupplementing and amending the appropriations for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June,\ntwo thousand six.\"", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, reference of the\nbill (S. B. 794) to a committee was dispensed with, and it was taken up for immediate consideration,\nread a first time and ordered to second reading.", "\n\nResolutions Introduced\n\nDelegates Staton and Browning offered the following resolution, which was read by its title\nand referred to the Committee on Rules:H. C. R. 94 - \"Requesting the Division of Highways to name the bridge numbered 1.13 over\nSlab Fork Creek on State Route 54 the 'Lieutenant William P. Patton Memorial Bridge' and the\nbridge numbered 1.25 over Slab Fork Creek, both being in Mullens, West Virginia, the 'Captain\nCharles H. Feller Memorial Bridge'.\"", "\nWhereas, Lieutenant Patton, 1939, and Captain Feller, 1938, were both graduates of\nMullens High School. ", "The Mullens High School National Honor Society adopted their name as the\n\"Feller-Patton National Honor Society\" after learning of their being killed in action during World\nWar II; and\nWhereas, Lieutenant William \"Bill\" Patton was an outstanding football and basketball\nplayer at Mullens High School. ", "After graduation, he attended V.P.I. at Blacksburg, VA beginning\nin 1939 and commissioned as a Second Lieutenant upon graduation in 1943; and\nWhereas, After a year of training, he was assigned to the U.S. Army 106th Infantry Division.", "\nIn May 1944, he sailed for Europe and joined the Third Army in Southern France under the\ncommand of General George S. Patton. ", "In December of 1944, with the Third Army, \"Bill\" Patton\nwas promoted to First Lieutenant when the 106th Division went to Luxembourg and Belgaum during\nthe \"Battle of the Bulge\"; and\nWhereas, On December 19, 1944, a German 88 shell explosion wounded First Lieutenant\n\"Bill\" Patton. ", "Before being discharged from the hospital, Lt. ", "Patton volunteered to return to his\ndivision; and\nWhereas, Lt. ", "William P. Patton was awarded the Silver Star for outstanding bravery when, as company commander, he lead his company in an advance to relieve Americans surrounded at the\nCity of Bastgon; and\nWhereas, On December 26, 1944, Lt. ", "William P. Patton was killed by a German bullet\nwhile leading his company across a snow-covered field in Belgium; and\nWhereas, Upon graduation from Mullens High School, Captain Charles H. Feller enrolled\nin the College of Engineering with West Virginia University. ", "Where, after completing his Junior\nyear, he received a civilian pilot training lesson at the Morgantown Airport; and\nWhereas, In August of 1941, Charles H. Feller enlisted in the Army Air Corps \"Flying\nCadet\" pilot training before the United States entered World War II and before he was old enough\nto register for the draft; and\nWhereas, On March 1, 1942, Charles H. Feller completed his pilot training, received his\nwings, and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant two weeks before he turned the age of 21; and\nWhereas, As a fighter pilot of a P-40, Charles H. Feller was sent with his group to Panama\nand Guatemala and, upon returning to the United States, was promoted to First Lieutenant and\nhelped train and form a fighter group flying the P-47 \"Thunderbird\"; and\nWhereas, In January of 1944, Charles H. Feller sailed for Europe and joined the 8th Air\nForce, where he was promoted to Captain and became Commander of the 375th Fighter Squadron;\nand\nWhereas, While escorting bombers as a fighter pilot, Captain Charles H. Feller was\naccredited with shooting down three German airplanes and disabling two on the ground; and\nWhereas, Charles H. Feller was awarded with two Air Medals and the Distinguished Flying\nCross; and\nWhereas, On April 27, 1944, Captain Feller's plane was hit by a German ground fired shell while strafing an airfield 30 miles south of Paris, France; and\nWhereas, Captain Feller's was reported to have been given an \"honorable military funeral\"\nby the German Air Force prior to being buried in a civilian cemetery near the town of Etamps,\nFrance; and\nWhereas, Captain Feller's body was later brought home and buried in Arlington National\nCemetery and is believed to be the highest ranking soldier from Wyoming County that was killed\nduring World War II; therefore, be it\nResolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:\nThat the Legislature hereby requests the Division of Highways to name the bridge numbered\n1.13 over Slab Fork Creek on State Route 54 the \"Lieutenant William P. Patton Memorial Bridge\"\nand the bridge numbered 1.25 over Slab Fork Creek, both being in Mullens, West Virginia, the\n\"Captain Charles H. Feller Memorial Bridge\"; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Division of Highways is requested to have made and placed on\nthe bridges signs identifying them as the \"Lieutenant William P. Patton Memorial Bridge\" and the\n\"Captain Charles H. Feller Memorial Bridge\", respectively; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates is hereby directed to forward a\ncopy of this resolution to the Secretary of the Department of Transportation and the remaining\nfamily of the heroes of this resolution.", "\nMr. Speaker, Mr. Kiss, and Delegates Staton and Browning, and all other members of the\nHouse offered the following resolution, which was read by its title and referred to the Committee\non Rules:H. R. 31 - \"Acknowledging the dedicated service of West Virginia's Family Physicians to\nthe West Virginia Legislature, on the 17th Anniversary of the 'Doc for a Day Program'.\"", "\nWhereas, In 1989 the West Virginia Academy of Family Physicians began a free medical\nservice program to the West Virginia Legislature during its regular session, known as the \"Doc for\na Day Program\"; and\nWhereas, The \"Doc for a Day Program\" is provided at the State Capitol Building by\nvolunteer family physicians from around the state during each day of the legislative session to\nlegislators, staff, government officials and the general public visiting the Capitol Complex; and\nWhereas, In addition to the participation of volunteer family physicians, the \"Doc for a Day\nProgram\" also includes medical residents from the Charleston Division of the West Virginia\nUniversity Medical School and the Marshall University School of Medicine; and\nWhereas, While providing medical care for cuts, bruises, coughs, colds and flu, the \"Doc\nfor a Day Program\" has also provided medical treatment for serious life-threatening injuries and\nillness, including: hypertension, heart attacks, respiratory arrest, aneurysm, strokes, broken bones,\nhead trauma, appendicitis, pneumonia, kidney stones, and major lacerations; and\nWhereas, More than twenty-eight thousand patients have received high quality medical care\nwithout charge from the \"Doc for a Day Program\". ", "The knowledge and expertise in family\nmedicine by these physicians and the willingness to share their volunteer medical service has been\nand continues to be greatly appreciated; and\nWhereas, The \"Doc for a Day Program\" has served as a model for free medical care\nprograms by many other state legislatures across this nation; and\nWhereas, The Second Regular Session of the 77th Legislature, marks the 17th Anniversary\nof the \"Doc for a Day Program\"; therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Delegates:\nThat the West Virginia House of Delegates hereby wishes to commend the West Virginia Academy of Family Physicians for its outstanding free medical program to the West Virginia\nLegislature; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates forward an official copy of this\nresolution to the West Virginia Academy of Family Physicians.", "\nDelegate Swartzmiller offered the following resolution, which was read by its title and\nreferred to the Committee on Rules:H. R. 32 - \"Promoting March 6-12, 2006, as National Problem Gambling Awareness Week\nin West Virginia.\"", "\nWhereas, On behalf of the citizens of West Virginia, the House of Delegates joins the West\nVirginia Council on Problem Gambling in promoting March 6-12, 2006, as National Problem\nGambling Awareness Week in West Virginia; and\nWhereas, Promoting the awareness week provides individuals in the problem gambling\ncommunity an opportunity to educate the public and policymakers about the social and financial\neffectiveness of services available for problem gambling; and\nWhereas, Problem gambling is a public health issue affecting millions of Americans of all\nages, races, and ethnic backgrounds in all communities and which has a significant societal and\neconomic cost; and\nWhereas, Problem gambling is treatable and treatment is effective in minimizing the harm\nto both individuals and society as a whole; and\nWhereas, Numerous individuals, professionals and organizations have dedicated their\nefforts to the education of the public about problem gambling and the availability and effectiveness\nof treatment; and\nWhereas, The Legislators of West Virginia and the West Virginia Council on Problem Gambling invite all residents of West Virginia to participate in National Problem Gambling\nAwareness Week.", "Resolved by the House of Delegates:\nThat the House of Delegates joins the West Virginia Council on Problem Gambling in\npromoting week of March 6-12 as National Problem Gambling Awareness Week in West Virginia\nand encourages all citizens to help spread the message that there is help for problem gamblers\nthrough treatment, and to support those who are in treatment and recovery and their families.", "\n\nPetitions\n\nDelegates Beach, Tansill, Poling, Fragale, Cann, Miley and Iaquinta presented resolutions,\nadopted by the County Boards of Education in their respective districts, in support of the West\nVirginia Education Association's proposals for repeal of the 80/20 PEIA legislation and the six\npercent across the board pay raise for teachers; which was referred to the Committee on Finance.", "\n\nMotions\n\nDelegate Louisos submitted a written motion, as follows:\n\nDelegate Louisos. ", "Mr. Speaker, I move, pursuant to House Rule 82, that the Committee\non the Judiciary be discharged from further consideration of S. B. 519, relating to parental\nnotification requirements for abortions performed on unemancipated minors; and that the bill be\ntaken up for immediate consideration and read a first time.", "\nThe Speaker inquired of the Gentleman if his intention were to take a series of actions as\noutlined in the written motion, or if it were his intention simply to move to discharge from further\nconsideration of the bill.", "\nThe Speaker also stated that if it were the Gentleman's intent to pursue the compound action\nas outlined in the written motion, the required vote to accomplish this purpose would be two thirds of the members present. ", "The Speaker further stated that if it were the Gentleman's intention simply\nto move to discharge the Committee, then a majority of those present and voting was the requisite\nvote.", "\nDelegate Louisos responded that it was his intention simply to move to discharge the\nCommittee from further consideration of the bill.", "\nDebate then ensued on the pending question, and at the conclusion thereof, Delegate Louisos\ngave his closing statement and demanded the yeas and nays, which demand was sustained.", "\nThe yeas and nays having been ordered, they were taken (Roll No. ", "343), and there\nwere--yeas 37, nays 62, absent and not voting 1, with the yeas and absent and not voting being as\nfollows:\nYeas: Anderson, Armstead, Ashley, Azinger, Blair, Border, Canterbury, Carmichael, Duke,\nEllem, Evans, Frederick, Frich, Hall, Hamilton, Howard, Lane, Leggett, Louisos, Miley, Overington,\nPorter, Roberts, Romine, Rowan, Schadler, Schoen, Sobonya, Stevens, Sumner, Susman, Tansill,\nTrump, Tucker, Wakim, Walters and G. White.", "\nAbsent and Not Voting: Ferrell.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting not having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the motion to discharge rejected.", "\nOn the motion to discharge the Committee on the Judiciary from further consideration of S.\nB. 519, Delegate Dale Stephens submitted a written note of explanation to the Clerk and requested\nthat it be included in the Journal of today, and was as follows:Delegate Dale Stephens. ", "Mr. Speaker, having consistently voted in favor of pro-life\nlegislation, I was particularly interested in seeing that S. B. 519 was voted on by the full House prior\nto the end of this legislative session. ", "I feel very strongly that this bill is important, sound legislation, and I am eager for it to be adopted.", "\nHowever, I found the vote today to be particularly stressful, especially considering that many\nother stalwart abortion opponents made it clear in a prior caucus that they would vote against the\nmotion to discharge the committee. ", "At the same time, I made it clear during that caucus that I favored\nthe discharge and that I would vote in the affirmative - against the will of the House leadership -\nbecause I felt so strongly.", "\nBut when the time came to vote, in midst of a harried floor session and under tense\ncircumstances, I pushed the \"no\" button and voted in the negative. ", "I intended to vote in the\naffirmative, in favor of discharging the committee. ", "I can only attribute this to human error and the\ndistracting and stressful nature of the controversial vote, which took place during a busy floor session\nin the final week.", "\n\nThe following bills on third reading, coming up in regular order, were each read a third time:Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 243, Relating to banks' self-ownership of stock,S. B. 269, Relating to parity for state-chartered banks' investments,S. B. 630, Relating to cancellation of combination insurance policies,\nAnd, H. B. 4312, Increasing the compensation of child support enforcement attorneys.", "\nOn the passage of the bills, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "344), and there\nwere--yeas 98, nays 1, absent and not voting 1, with the nays and absent and not voting being as\nfollows:\nNays: Lane.", "\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ferrell.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the bills (Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 243, S. B. 269, S. B. 630 and H. B. 4312) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates on Consent Calendar bills and request concurrence therein on those bills requiring the\nsame.", "\n\nSecond Reading\n\nS. B. 13, Requiring cross-reporting of suspected abuse or neglect of individuals or animals;\non second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 170, Creating Health Information Network; on second reading, coming\nup in regular order, was read a second time.", "\nAn amendment recommended by the Committee on Finance was reported by the Clerk and\nadopted, amending the bill on page\neleven, section four, line five, following the word \"from\" by\nstriking out the word \"coalitions\" and inserting in lieu thereof the word \"collections\".", "\nOn page eleven, section four, line nine, following the word \"chapter\" by striking out the\nword \"five-a\" and inserting in lieu thereof the word \"eleven-b\".", "\nAnd,\nOn page eleven, section four, line eleven, following the word \"thousand\" by striking out the\nword \"eight\" and inserting in lieu thereof the word \"seven\".", "\nThe bill was then ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 213, Continuing Consolidated Public Retirement Board; on second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 214, Continuing Real Estate Commission; on second reading, coming up in regular\norder, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 215, Continuing Board of Examiners in Counseling; on second reading, coming up in\nregular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 218, Continuing Capitol Building Commission; on second reading, coming up in\nregular order, was read a second time and ordered to third readingCom. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 364, Removing sunset provision from West Virginia Jobs Act; on\nsecond reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third readingCom. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 396, Authorizing Division of Rehabilitation Services promulgate\nlegislative rule relating to Ron Yost Personal Assistance Services Board; on second reading, coming\nup in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 462, Relating to filing interstate compacts with Secretary of State; on second reading,\ncoming up in regular order, was read a second time.", "\nAn amendment recommended by the Committee on the Judiciary, was reported by the Clerk\nand adopted, amending the bill on page two, following the enacting section, by striking out the\nremainder of the bill and inserting in lieu thereof the following:\n\"ARTICLE 1B. COMMISSION ON INTERSTATE COOPERATION.", "\n§29-1B-8. ", "Filing interstate compacts.(a) Within ninety days of entering into an interstate compact, a commission, agency or\nperson administering the compact between or among states or the federal government, having the\nforce of law and to which this state is a party, shall file with the office of the Secretary of State:\n(1) A copy of the compact accompanied by a signed letter of a representative of the\ncommission, agency or person administering the compact stating that the copy is a true and accurate\ncopy of the adopted compact;\n(2) A listing of all other jurisdictions party to the compact and the date on which each\njurisdiction entered into participation; and\n(3) Citations to any act or resolution of the Congress of the United States consenting to the\ncompact.", "\n(b) The commission, agency or person administering the compact shall submit, within a\nreasonable time from when the information becomes available:\n(1) The status of each compact with respect to withdrawals or additions of participating\njurisdictions; and\n(2) Any amendment, supplementary agreement or administrative rule having the force of law\nand implementing or modifying the compact.", "\n(c) The office of the Secretary of State shall index these documents and make them available\nfor inspection upon request of any person during normal business hours.", "\n(d) The provisions of this section are in addition to other requirements of law for filing,\npublication or distribution.", "\n(e) Certified copies of interstate compacts entered into by this state prior to the effective date\nof this section and the information required to be filed under subsection (a) of this section shall be\nfiled with the office of the Secretary of State by the commission, agency or person administering\nthe compacts within ninety days of the effective date of this section.\"", "\nThe bill was then ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 479, Paying certain funeral expenses for juvenile probation officers killed in line of duty; on second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third\nreading.", "S. B. 481, Relating to domestic violence protective orders served out of state; on second\nreading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 509, Clarifying automobile franchise law; on second reading, coming\nup in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 516, Finding and declaring claims against state; on second reading, coming up in\nregular order, was read a second time.", "\nThe Clerk reported an amendment to the bill, and Delegate Frich stated that she could not\nlocate the amendment in the Chamber Automation System.", "\nUnanimous consent having been obtained, the bill was advanced to third reading with the\namendment pending.", "S. B. 635, Requiring boards of education maintain certain flood insurance; on second\nreading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 784, Relating to teacher certification; on second reading, coming up in regular order,\nwas read a second time.", "\nAn amendment recommended by the Committee on Education, was reported by the Clerk\nand adopted, amending the bill on page two, line twenty, following the word \"meeting\" by striking\nout the word \"either\" and inserting in lieu thereof the underscored word \"any\".", "\nAnd,\nOn page three, line thirty-one, following the word \"In\" by striking out the words \"either\nevent\" and inserting in lieu thereof the underscored words \"any of these requirements\".", "\nAt 12:31 p.m., on motion of Delegate Staton, the House of Delegates recessed until 12:40 p.m., and reconvened at that time.", "\n\nSpecial Calendar\n\nThird Reading\n\nS. B. 242, Allowing state-chartered banks issue more than one class of stock; on third\nreading, coming up in regular order, was read a third time.", "\nThe question being on the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "349),\nand there were--yeas 95, nays none, absent and not voting 5, with the absent and not voting being\nas follows:\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ashley, Border, Butcher, Ferrell and Stephens.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the bill (S. B. 242) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates.", "S. B. 271, Reducing state banks' time period for retaining records; on third reading, coming\nup in regular order, was read a third time.", "\nThe question being on the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "350),\nand there were--yeas 97, nays none, absent and not voting 3, with the absent and not voting being\nas follows:\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ashley, Ferrell and Stephens.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the bill (S. B. 271) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 521, Authorizing deer hunting in state parks; on third reading, coming\nup in regular order, was read a third time.", "\nThe question being on the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "351),\nand there were--yeas 97, nays none, absent and not voting 3, with the absent and not voting being\nas follows:\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ashley, Ferrell and Stephens.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the bill (Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 521) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates and request concurrence therein.", "S. B. 619, Relating to Physicians' Mutual Insurance Company board member's term; on third\nreading, coming up in regular order, was read a third time.", "\nThe question being on the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "352),\nand there were--yeas 92, nays 6, absent and not voting 2, with the nays and absent and not voting\nbeing as follows:\nNays: Blair, Ellem, Hamilton, Hatfield, Lane and Tansill.", "\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ferrell and Stephens.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the bill (S. B. 619) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates.", "S. B. 673, Authorizing county service fees for infrastructure projects; bonding authority; on\nthird reading, coming up in regular order, was read a third time.", "\nThe question being on the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "353),\nand there were--yeas 87, nays 11, absent and not voting 2, with the nays and absent and not voting\nbeing as follows:\nNays: Armstead, Blair, Duke, Frich, Hatfield, Lane, Overington, Roberts, Rowan, Spencer\nand Walters.", "\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ferrell and Stephens.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the bill (S. B. 673) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates and request concurrence therein.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for H. B. 2235, Increasing salaries for magistrate clerks, magistrate assistants\nand magistrate deputy clerks; on third reading, coming up in regular order, was read a third time.", "\nThe question being on the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "354),\nand there were--yeas 95, nays 3, absent and not voting 2, with the nays and absent and not voting\nbeing as follows:\nNays: Lane, Spencer and Susman.", "\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ferrell and Stephens.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the bill (Com. ", "Sub. ", "for H. B. 2235) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates and request concurrence therein.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for H. B. 4100, Providing a salary increase for elected county officials; on third\nreading, coming up in regular order, was read a third time.", "\nDelegate Butcher requested to be excused from voting on the passage of Com. ", "Sub. ", "for H.\nB. 4100 under the provisions of House Rule 49, stating that he was a candidate for a county office.", "\nThe Speaker stated that the Gentleman did not have a certain pecuniary interest in the\npassage of the bill and refused to excuse him from voting thereon.", "\nThis ruling will stand as the judgment of the Chair and of the House, pursuant to the inherent\nright to make, interpret and enforce our rules of procedure as established by our sovereign, non-\nreviewable Constitutional authority, and shall be binding in all other potential venues.", "\nThe question being on the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "355),\nand there were--yeas 92, nays 7, absent and not voting 1, with the nays and absent and not voting\nbeing as follows:\nNays: Armstead, Butcher, Lane, Louisos, Overington, Spencer and Susman.", "\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ferrell.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the bill (Com. ", "Sub. ", "for H. B. 4100) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates and request concurrence therein.", "H. B. 4247, Relating to the time period for which state banks must retain records; on third\nreading coming up in regular order, was, on motion of Delegate Staton, laid upon the table.", "H. B. 4249, Authorizing state banking institutions to issue more than one class of stock; on\nthird reading coming up in regular order, was, on motion of Delegate Staton, laid upon the table.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for H. B. 4620, Providing for the salary range of the Commissioner of Banking\nand the Insurance Commissioner; on third reading, coming up in regular order, was read a third time.", "\nThe question being on the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "356), and there were--yeas 77, nays 21, absent and not voting 2, with the nays and absent and not voting\nbeing as follows:\nNays: Armstead, Barker, Brown, Carmichael, DeLong, Duke, Eldridge, Fragale, Frich,\nHoward, Hrutkay, Lane, Louisos, Marshall, Martin, Palumbo, Poling, Sobonya, Spencer, Susman\nand Wysong.", "\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ferrell and Sumner.", "\nSo, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the\nSpeaker declared the bill (Com. ", "Sub. ", "for H. B. 4620) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates and request concurrence therein.", "H. B. 4791,Giving counties plenary power to impose, administer, collect and enforce\npayment of voter approved service fees; on third reading coming up in regular order, was, on motion\nof Delegate Staton, laid upon the table.", "\n\nSecond Reading\n\nCom. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 18, Granting tuition waivers to children and spouses of parole and\nprobation officers killed in line of duty; on second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a\nsecond time.", "\nAn amendment recommended by the Committee on Education, was reported by the Clerk\nand adopted, amending the bill on page one, following the enacting section, by striking out the\nremainder of the bill, and inserting in lieu thereof the following:\n\n\"ARTICLE 10. ", "FEES AND OTHER MONEY COLLECTED AT STATE INSTITUTIONS\nOF HIGHER EDUCATION.", "\n\n§18B-10-7. ", "Tuition and fee waivers for children and spouses of officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty.", "\n\n(a) Each state institution of higher education shall permit any person to attend its\nundergraduate courses and classes if classroom space is available without charging suchthe person\nany tuition or any fees, including those provided in sections two and three of this article if suchif:\n(1) The person is the child or spouse of an individual who was:(A) A law-enforcement officer as defined in section one, article twenty-nine, chapter thirty\nof this code;(B) A correctional officer at a state penal institution; (C) A parole officer;\n(D) A probation officer;\n(E) A conservation officer; or (F) A registered firefighter; and such officer or firefighter was(2) Killed in the line of duty while:(A) Employed by the state or any political subdivision thereofof the state; or such firefighter\nwas(B) A member of a volunteer fire department serving a political subdivision of this state.", "\nProvided, That(b) The state institution of higher education may require suchthe person to pay:(1) Special fees, including any laboratory fees, if suchthe fees are required of all other\nstudents taking a single or thethat particular course; and may require such person to pay for parking(2) Parking fees. (", "c) The governing boards may promulgate rules:(1) For determining the availability of classroom space; and other rules(2) As it considers necessary to implement this section; including rules regarding\nqualificationsand(3) Regarding requirements for attendance, which shallmay not exceed the qualifications\nrequired ofsuch requirements for other persons.(d) The governing boards may also extend to persons attending courses and classes under\nthis section any rights, privileges or benefits extended to other students which it considers\nappropriate.\"", "\nThe bill was then ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 217, Continuing Board of Osteopathy; on second reading, coming up in regular order,\nwas read a second time.", "\nAn amendment recommended by the Committee on Government Organization, was reported\nby the Clerk and adopted, amending the bill on page two, section sixteen, line five, by striking out\nthe word \"sixteen\" and inserting in lieu thereof \"eight\".", "\nAt 1:43 p.m., on motion of Delegate Staton, the House of Delegates recessed until 6:00 p.m.,\nand reconvened at that time.", "\n\nMiscellaneous Business\n\nDelegate Butcher announced that he was absent on today when the vote was taken on Roll\nNo. ", "349, and that had he been present, he would have voted \"Yea\" thereon.", "\nDelegate Stevens asked and obtained unanimous consent that the remarks of Delegate Ashley\nregarding H. B. 4767, requiring the Attorney General to comply with certain requirements when\nentering into contracts for legal services, be printed in the Appendix to the Journal.", "\n\nSpecial Calendar\n\nS. B. 371, Reducing severance tax on timber; on second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for H. B. 4500, Providing for a salary adjustment for certain appointive state\nofficers; on second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time, advanced to third\nreading, and the rule was suspended to permit the consideration of an amendment by Delegates\nAshley and Michael.", "S. B. 558, Providing salary adjustments for certain appointive state officers; on second\nreading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time, advanced to third reading, and the rule\nwas suspended to permit the consideration of an amendment by Delegate Staton.", "S. B. 631, Relating to criminal school truancy complaints; on second reading, coming up in\nregular order, was read a second time, and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 785, Relating to school physical education requirements; on second reading, coming\nup in regular order, was read a second time, and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 786, Exempting certain severance wages from personal income tax; on second reading,\ncoming up in regular order, was read a second time.", "\nOn motion of Delegates Michael, Ennis and Swartzmiller, the bill was amended on page ten,\nsection twelve, line one hundred eighty-six, by striking out all of subdivision eleven and inserting\nin lieu thereof the following:\n\"(11) For the two thousand six taxable year only, severance wages received by a taxpayer\nfrom an employer as the result of the taxpayer's permanent termination from employment through\na reduction in force and through no fault of the employee, not to exceed thirty thousand dollars. ", "For\npurposes of this subdivision:\n(i) The term 'severance wages' means any monetary compensation paid by the employer in\nthe taxable year as a result of permanent termination from employment in excess of regular annual wages or regular annual salary;\n(ii) The term 'reduction in force' means a net reduction in the number of employees\nemployed by the employer in West Virginia, determined based on total West Virginia employment\nof the employer's controlled group;\n(iii) The term 'controlled group' means one or more chains of corporations connected\nthrough stock ownership with a common parent corporation if stock possessing at least fifty percent\nof the voting power of all classes of stock of each of the corporations is owned directly or indirectly\nby one or more of the corporations, and the common parent owns directly stock possessing at least\nfifty percent of the voting power of all classes of stock of at least one of the other corporations;\n(iv) The term 'corporation' means any corporation, joint-stock company or association, and\nany business conducted by a trustee or trustees wherein interest or ownership is evidenced by a\ncertificate of interest or ownership or similar written instrument; and.\"", "\nThe bill was then ordered to third reading.", "H. B. 4855, Making a supplementary appropriation to the department of education and the\narts, department of environmental protection, department of health and human resources, etc.; ", "on\nsecond reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to engrossment and\nthird reading. ", "H. B. 4856, Making a supplementary appropriation to the department of commerce -miners'\nhealth, safety and training fund; on second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second\ntime and ordered to engrossment and third reading.", "H. B. 4857, Making a supplementary appropriation to the department of administration\n-children's health insurance agency, to the department of commerce -division of natural resources,\nto the department of transportation -public port authority, etc.; ", "on second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to engrossment and third reading.", "H. B. 4858, Supplementary appropriation, secretary of state -state election fund; on second\nreading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to engrossment and third\nreading,\nAnd,H. B. 4859, Supplementary appropriation, department of health and human resources -\ndivision of health - tobacco settlement expenditure fund; on second reading, coming up in regular\norder, was read a second time and ordered to engrossment and third reading.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 51, Relating to name change for certain persons; on second reading,\ncoming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 473, Creating crime of reckless driving resulting in serious bodily\ninjury; on second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time.", "\nAn amendment recommended by the Committee on the Judiciary, was reported by the Clerk\nadopted, amending the bill on page one, following the enacting section, by striking out the remainder\nof the bill and inserting in lieu thereof the following:\n\"ARTICLE 5. ", "SERIOUS TRAFFIC OFFENSES.", "\n§17C-5-3. ", "Reckless driving; penalties.(a) Any person who drives any vehicle upon any street or highway, or upon any residential\nstreet, or in any parking area, or upon the ways of any institution of higher education, whether public\nor private, or upon the ways of any state institution, or upon the property of any county boards of\neducation, or upon any property within the state park and public recreation system established by\nthe Director of the Division of Natural Resources pursuant to section three, article four, chapter\ntwenty of this code in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.", "\n(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to those areas which have\nbeen temporarily closed for racing sport events or which may be set aside by the Director of the\nDivision of Natural Resources within the state park and recreation system for exclusive use by\nmotorcycles or other recreational vehicles.", "\n(c) Every person convicted of reckless driving is guilty of a misdemeanor, andmay be\npunished upon a first conviction thereof, shall be confined in jailby imprisonment for a period of\nnot less than five days nor more than ninety days, or by fine offined not less than twenty-five dollars\nnor more than five hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and on aupon\nconviction of a second or subsequent conviction thereof,mayshall be punished by imprisonment\nforconfined in jail not less than ten days nor more than six months, or by a fine offined not less\nthan fifty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by both. ", "such fine and imprisonment(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (e) of this section, any person convicted\nof a violation of subsection (a) of this section who in doing so proximately causes another to suffer\nserious bodily injury shall, upon conviction, be confined in jail not less than ten days nor more than\nsix months or fined not less that fifty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or both.", "\n(e) For purposes of subsection (d) of this section, \"serious bodily injury\" means bodily injury\nwhich creates a substantial risk of death, which causes serious or prolonged disfigurement,\nprolonged impairment of health or prolonged loss or impairment of the function of any bodily\norgan.\"", "\nThe bill was then ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 529, Updating meaning of certain terms used in state Personal Income Tax Act; on\nsecond reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 530, Updating meaning of certain terms used in state Corporation Net Income Tax Act;\non second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 551, Relating to involuntary commitment process for addicted persons; on second\nreading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time.", "\nAn amendment recommended by the Committee on the Judiciary, was reported by the Clerk,\nand adopted, on page twenty-four, section four, article five, line seventy-six, by striking out the word\n\"person\" and inserting in lieu thereof the words \"next of kin\".", "\nThe bill was then ordered to third reading.", "Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 576, Changing calculation of prejudgment and post-judgment interest;\non second reading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time.", "\nAn amendment recommended by the Committee on the Judiciary, was reported by the Clerk\nand adopted, amending the bill on page one, following the enacting section, by striking out the\nremainder of the bill and inserting in lieu thereof the following :\n\n\"CHAPTER 48. ", "DOMESTIC RELATIONS.", "\n\nARTICLE 1. ", "GENERAL PROVISIONS; DEFINITIONS.", "\n\nPART 3. ", "MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS RELATING\n\nTO DOMESTIC RELATIONS.", "\n\n§48-1-302. ", "Calculation of interest.", "\n(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the code,Ifif an obligation to pay interest arises\nunder this chapter, the rate of interest is that specified in section §56-6-31 of this codeis ten percent\nper annum, and proportionate thereto for a greater or lesser sum, or for a longer or shorter time.", "\nInterest awarded shall only be simple interest, and nothing in this section may be construed to permit\nawarding of compound interest. ", "Interest accrues only upon the outstanding principal of such obligation. ", "On and after the ninth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-five, this section\nwill be construed to permit the accumulation of simple interest and may not be construed to permit\nthe compounding of interest. ", "Interest which accrued on unpaid installments accruing before the\nninth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-five, may not be modified by any court,\nirrespective of whether such installment accrued simple or compound interest: Provided, That\nunpaid installments upon which interest was compounded before the effective date of this section\nshall accrue only simple interest thereon on and after the ninth day of June, one thousand nine\nhundred ninety-five.", "\n(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no court may award or approve prejudgment\ninterest in a domestic relations action against a party unless the court finds, in writing, that the party\nengaged in conduct that would violate subsection (b), Rule 11 of the West Virginia Rules of Civil\nProcedure. ", "If prejudgment interest is awarded, the court shall calculate prejudgment interest from\nthe date the offending representation was presented to the court pursuant to subsection (a) of this\nsection.", "\n(c) Upon written agreement by both parties, an obligor may petition the court to enter an\norder conditionally suspending the collection of all or part of the interest that has accrued on\npast-due child support prior to the date of the agreement: Provided, That said agreement shall also\nestablish a reasonable payment plan which is calculated to fully discharge all arrearages within\ntwenty-four months. ", "Upon successful completion of the payment plan, the court shall enter an order\nwhich permanently relieves the obligor of the obligation to pay the accrued interest. ", "If the obligor\nfails to comply with the terms of the written agreement, then the court shall enter an order which\nreinstates the accrued interest.(d) Amendments to this section enacted by the Legislature during the two thousand six regular session shall become effective the first day of January, two thousand seven.", "\n\nCHAPTER 56. ", "PLEADING AND PRACTICE.", "\n\nARTICLE 6. ", "TRIAL.§56-6-31. ", "Interest on judgment or decree.(a) Except where it is otherwise provided by law, every judgment or decree for the payment\nof money, whether in an action sounding in tort, contract or otherwise, entered by any court of this\nstate shall bear interest from the date thereof, whether it be so stated in the judgment or decree or\nnot: Provided, That if the judgment or decree, or any part thereof, is for special damages, as defined\nbelow, or for liquidated damages, the amount of such special or liquidated damages shall bear\ninterest from the date the right to bring the same shall have accrued, as determined by the courtat\nthe rate in effect for the calendar year in which the right to bring the same shall have accrued, as\ndetermined by the court and that established rate shall remain constant from that date until the date\nof the judgment or decree, notwithstanding changes in the federal reserve district discount rate in\neffect in subsequent years prior to the date of the judgment or decree. ", "Special damages includes lost\nwages and income, medical expenses, damages to tangible personal property and similar out-of-\npocket expenditures, as determined by the court. ", "If an obligation is based upon a written agreement,\nthe obligation shall bear a prejudgment interest at the rate set forth in the written agreement until\nthe date the judgment or decree is entered and, thereafter, the judgment interest rate shall be the\nsame rate as provided for in this section.", "The rate of interest shall be ten dollars upon one hundred\ndollars per annum, and proportionately for a greater or lesser sum, or for a longer or shorter time,\nnotwithstanding any other provisions of law.(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section five, article six, chapter forty-seven of this\ncode, the rate of interest on judgments and decrees for the payment of money, including prejudgment interest, is three percentage points above the Fifth Federal Reserve District secondary\ndiscount rate in effect on the second day of January of the year in which the judgment or decree is\nentered: Provided, That the rate of prejudgment and post-judgment interest shall not exceed eleven\npercent per annum or be less than seven percent per annum. ", "The administrative office of the\nSupreme Court of Appeals shall annually determine the interest rate to be paid upon judgments or\ndecrees for the payment of money and shall take appropriate measures to promptly notify the courts\nand members of the West Virginia State Bar of the rate of interest in effect for the calendar year in\nquestion. ", "Once the rate of interest is established by a judgment or decree as provided in this section,\nthat established rate shall thereafter remain constant for that particular judgment or decree,\nnotwithstanding changes in the Federal Reserve District discount rate in effect in subsequent years.", "\n(c) Amendments to this section enacted by the Legislature during the year two thousand six\nregular session shall become effective the first day of January, two thousand seven.\"", "\nThe bill was then ordered to third reading.", "S. B. 582, Requiring electronic filing of certain personal income tax returns; on second\nreading, coming up in regular order, was read a second time and ordered to third reading.", "\n\nFirst Reading\n\nThe following bills on first reading, coming up in regular order, were each read a first time\nand ordered to second reading:H. B. 4860, Expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance in the state fund, general\nrevenue,\nAnd,H. B. 4861, Supplementary appropriation, the department of administration -consolidated\npublic retirement board, department of military affairs and public safety, department of revenue -tax division, etc.", "\n\nCommittee Reports\n\nChairman Amores, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on the Judiciary has had under consideration:S. B. 483, Providing confidentiality of circuit court records involving guardianship of\nminors,\nAnd,Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 742, Revising Uniform Commercial Code,\nAnd reports the same back, with amendment, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with the\nrecommendation that they each do pass, as amended.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bills (S. B. 483\nand Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 742) were each taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time,\nordered to second reading and then, in accordance with the provisions of House Rule 70a, was\nordered to the Consent Calendar.", "\nChairman Browning, from the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills, submitted the following\nreport, which was received:\nYour Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills has examined, found truly enrolled, and on the 6th\nday of March, 2006, presented to His Excellency, the Governor, for his action, the following bills,\nsigned by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates:(S. B. 244), Relating to state-chartered banks' investment limitations.", "\nAnd,(Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 270), Continuing Board of Banking and Financial Institutions; membership qualifications.", "\nChairman Beane, from the Committee on Government Organization, submitted the following\nreport, which was received:\nYour Committee on Government Organization has had under consideration:S. B. 211, Continuing Board of Professional Surveyors,S. B. 212, Continuing Board of Dental Examiners\nAnd,S. B. 760, Allowing former WVU School of Mines' Director serve on Mine Inspectors'\nExamining Board,\nAnd reports the same back with the recommendation that they each do pass.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bills (S. B. 211,\nS. B. 212 and S. B. 760) were each taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time and then\nordered to second reading.", "\nChairman Beane, from the Committee on Government Organization, submitted the following\nreport, which was received:\nYour Committee on Government Organization has had under consideration:S. B. 419, Providing Public Service Commission jurisdiction for certain alternative sewer\nservice methods,\nAnd reports the same back, with amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass, as\namended.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bill (S. B. 419)\nwas taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time and then ordered to second reading.", "\nChairman Beane, from the Committee on Government Organization, submitted the following report, which was received:\nYour Committee on Government Organization has had under consideration:S. B. 770, Relating to continuing education of osteopathic physician assistants,\nAnd reports the same back, with amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass, as\namended.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bill (S. B. 770)\nwas taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time and then ordered to second reading.", "\nOn motion for leave, a bill was introduced (Originating in the Committee on Finance and\nreported with the recommendation that it do pass), which was read by its title, as follows:By Delegates Michael, Doyle, Kominar, Stalnaker, Leach, Cann, and H. White:H. B. 4862 - \"A Bill making a supplementary appropriation of public moneys out of the\nTreasury from the balance of moneys remaining as an unappropriated balance in the state fund,\ngeneral revenue, to\nthe department of military affairs and public safety - office of emergency\nservices, fund 0443, fiscal year 2006, organization 0606, by supplementing and amending the\nappropriations for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, two thousand six.\"", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bill (H. B.\n4862) was taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time and then ordered to second\nreading.", "\nChairman Michael, from the Committee on Finance, submitted the following report, which\nwas received:\nYour Committee on Finance has had under consideration:S. B. 489, Authorizing Treasurer provide remittance processing and e-government services\nto political subdivisions,\nAnd,S. B. 591, Authorizing Tax Commissioner collect cost of federal refund offset fees,\nAnd reports the same back, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with the recommendation\nthat they each do pass.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bills (S. B. 489\nand S. B. 591) were each taken up for immediate consideration, read a second time, ordered to third\nreading and then, in accordance with the provisions of House Rule 70a, were ordered to the Consent\nCalendar.", "\nChairman Campbell, from the Committee on Education, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on Education has had under consideration:S. B. 620, Relating to consolidation of administrative services by boards of education and\nregional education service agencies,\nAnd reports the same back, with amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass, as\namended.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bill (S. B. 620)\nwas taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time and then ordered to second reading.", "\nChairman Campbell, from the Committee on Education, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on Education has had under consideration:S. B. 633, Addressing certain teacher critical shortage areas,\nAnd reports the same back, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with amendment, with the\nrecommendation that it do pass, as amended, but that it first be referred to the Committee on Finance.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bill (S. B. 633)\nwas taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time, ordered to second reading and then, in\naccordance with the former direction of the Speaker, referred to the Committee on Finance.", "\nChairman Beane, from the Committee on Government Organization, submitted the following\nreport, which was received:\nYour Committee on Government Organization has had under consideration:S. B. 787, Creating Transportation Coordinating Council,\nAnd reports the same back, with amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass, as\namended, and with the recommendation that second reference of the bill to the Committee on\nFinance be dispensed with.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, reference of the\nbill (S. B. 787) to the Committee on Finance was abrogated, and it was taken up for immediate\nconsideration, read a first time and ordered to second reading.", "\nChairman Amores, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on the Judiciary has had under consideration:S. B. 443, Continuing hazardous waste management fee,\nAnd reports the same back, with amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass, as\namended, and with the recommendation that second reference of the bill to the Committee on\nFinance be dispensed with.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, reference of the\nbill (S. B. 443) to the Committee on Finance was abrogated, and it was taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time and ordered to second reading.", "\nChairman Amores, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on the Judiciary has had under consideration:S. B. 636, Relating to Court Security Fund's administrative costs,\nAnd,S. B. 790, Relating to Workers' Compensation decision appeals,\nAnd reports the same back, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with the recommendation\nthat they each do pass, and with the recommendation that second reference of the bills to the\nCommittee on Finance be dispensed with.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, reference of the\nbills (S. B. 636 and S. B. 790) to the Committee on Finance was abrogated, and they were each\ntaken up for immediate consideration, read a first time, ordered to second reading and then, in\naccordance with the provisions of House Rule 70a, ordered to the Consent Calendar.", "\nChairman Amores, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on the Judiciary has had under consideration:Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 47, Prohibiting local ordinances from discriminating against\nfactory-built housing,\nAnd reports the same back, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with the recommendation\nthat it do pass.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bill (Com. ", "Sub.", "\nfor S. B. 47) was taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time, ordered to second reading and then, in accordance with the provisions of House Rule 70a, was ordered to the Consent\nCalendar.", "\nChairman Amores, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report,\nwhich was received:\nYour Committee on the Judiciary has had under consideration:Com. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 219, Changing expiration date of graduated driver's licenses; prohibiting\ncell phone use by certain minors,\nAnd,S. B. 788, Relating to elections,\nAnd reports the same back, with amendment, by unanimous vote of the Committee, with the\nrecommendation that they each do pass, as amended.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bills (Com.", "\nSub. ", "for S. B. 219 and S. B. 788) were each taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time,\nordered to second reading and then, in accordance with the provisions of House Rule 70a, was\nordered to the Consent Calendar.", "\nChairman Michael, from the Committee on Finance submitted the following report, which\nwas received:\nYour Committee on has had under consideration: S. B. 10, Allowing tax credits for community foundation contributions,S. B. 53, Changing ratio of school nurses to enrollment,S. B. 538, Relating to state employees' deferred compensation plan,\nAnd,S. B. 693, Removing certain Court of Claims review procedures,\nAnd reports the same back, by unanimous vote of the committee, with amendment, with the\nrecommendation that they each do pass.", "\nAt the respective requests of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, the bills (S. B. 10,\nS. B. 538 and S. B. 693) were each taken up for immediate consideration, read a first time, ordered\nto second reading and then, in accordance with the provisions of House Rule 70a, was ordered to\nthe Consent Calendar.", "Clerk's Note: S. B. 53, contained in the foregoing report, was read a first time and ordered\nto second reading prior to reference to the Committee on Finance. ", "The bill reported to the House\nthis day is on Second Reading.", "\n\nMessages from the Senate\n\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced that the Senate had passed, without amendment, a bill\nof the House of Delegates as follows:H. B. 4069, Continuing the Rural Health Advisory Panel until July 1, 2009.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced that the Senate had passed, without amendment, a bill\nof the House of Delegates as follows:H. B. 4239, Continuing the Division of Unemployment Compensation.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced that the Senate had passed, without amendment, a bill\nof the House of Delegates as follows:H. B. 4310, Continuing of the Board of Risk and Insurance Management.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced that the Senate had passed, with amendment, a bill of\nthe House of Delegates as follows:H. B. 4349, Continuing the Division of Motor Vehicles.", "\nOn motion of Delegate Staton, the bill was taken up for immediate consideration.", "\nThe following Senate amendments were reported by the Clerk:\nOn page two, section twenty-four, line four, by striking out the word \"seven\" and inserting\nin lieu thereof the word \"twelve\".", "\nAnd,\nOn page two, section twenty-four, lines five and six, by striking out the words \"pursuant to\nthe provisions of that article\".", "\nOn motion of Delegate Staton, the House of Delegates concurred in the Senate amendment.", "\nThe bill, as amended by the Senate, was then put upon its passage.", "\nOn the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "357), and there were--yeas\n91, nays none, absent and not voting 9, with the absent and not voting being as follows:\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ferrell, Fragale, Houston, Miley, Stalnaker, Stephens, Tucker,\nWhite, H. and Yost.", "\nSo, a majority of the members elected to the House of Delegates having voted in the\naffirmative, the Speaker declared the bill (H. B. 4349) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced that the Senate had passed, with amendment, a bill of\nthe House of Delegates as follows:H. B. 4350, Continuing the Family Protection Services Board.", "\nOn motion of Delegate Staton, the bill was taken up for immediate consideration.", "\nThe following Senate amendment was reported by the Clerk:\nOn page one, by amending the title of the bill to read as follows:H. B. 4350 - \"A Bill to amend and reenact §48-26-1102 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931,\nas amended, relating to continuing the Family Protection Services Board.\"", "\nOn motion of Delegate Staton, the House of Delegates concurred in the Senate amendment.", "\nThe bill, as amended by the Senate, was then put upon its passage.", "\nOn the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. ", "358), and there were--yeas\n91, nays none, absent and not voting 9, with the absent and not voting being as follows:\nAbsent And Not Voting: Ferrell, Fragale, Houston, Miley, Stalnaker, Stephens, Tucker,\nWhite, H. and Yost.", "\nSo, a majority of the members elected to the House of Delegates having voted in the\naffirmative, the Speaker declared the bill (H. B. 4350) passed.", "Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of\nDelegates.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced that the Senate had passed, without amendment, a bill\nof the House of Delegates as follows:H. B. 4391, Continuing the State Rail Authority.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced that the Senate had passed, without amendment, a bill\nof the House of Delegates as follows:H. B. 4603, Authorizing rules for the Higher Education Policy Commission and the West\nVirginia Council for Community and Technical College Education regarding authorization of degree\ngranting institutions.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced concurrence by the Senate in the amendment of the\nHouse of Delegates to the amendment of the Senate, and the passage, as amended, ofCom. ", "Sub. ", "for S. B. 114, Relating to teen court program fees.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the adoption by the Senate and requested the\nconcurrence of the House of Delegates in the adoption of the following concurrent resolution, which\nwas read by its title and referred to the Committee on Rules:S. C. R. 22 - \"Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the\nfeasibility and attendant legal ramifications, part and parcel of any proposed legislation designed\nto stringently restrict and suppress the current perimeters within which lawyers advertise.\"", "\nWhereas, Since the opening of a proverbial Pandora's Box, which gave license to lawyers\nfor seemingly unrelenting and increasingly bawdy, misleading and objectionable advertisements,\nthe legal profession's public image, once perceived as honorable and noble, has eroded into a\ncarnival-like thing, akin to a blue-light special, touted on a used car lot; and\nWhereas, The general public's current perception of the legal profession, quite contrary to\nthe once-held view of a noble endeavor, has over the decades sunk into a doleful chasm wherein\nlawyers are equated with used car salesmen, moneygrubbers and shysters. ", "This unfortunate state\nof affairs has regrettably occurred due to the sheer and continual increase in the number of lawyers\nper capita, and the resulting massive aggregation of tasteless, unprofessional and gaudy advertisements that lawyers apparently are compelled to publish in an effort to compete with one\nanother while clinging to the ultimate dream of hitting the grand prize of the injury lottery; and\nWhereas, Since this once indomitably noble profession has been allowed to descend into\nthe ooze of its increasingly unprofessional and ignoble state of affairs (antithetic to its original and\nhonorable callings), a state of affairs that beckons the public with the ever-so-familiar banner query\nof \"injured?\", ", "while promising monetary jackpot recoveries that appeal to the basest of human\ninstincts, a cancerous growth has materialized which begs for substantial containment, if not outright\nexcision; and\nWhereas, In the eyes of the public, the legal profession's intended virtues of promoting\npublic justice, upholding the rights of citizens and resolving conflicts without resort to violence have\nbeen relegated to the annals of history, while being replaced by catchy limericks, jingles and punch-\nlines, endemic in the massive advertising budgets (once the exception - now the rule) extolling the\nself-appointed \"heavy hitter\", \"won't-take-no-for-an-answer\" and \"lawyer-who-will-fight-for-you\"\nwannabes; therefore, be itResolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to study the\nfeasibility and attendant legal ramifications, part and parcel of any proposed legislation designed\nto stringently restrict and suppress the current perimeters within which lawyers advertise; and, be\nitFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the\nregular session of the Legislature, 2007, regarding its findings, conclusions and recommendations,\nalong with drafts of any proposed legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations; and, be\nitFurther Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report and\nto draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on\nGovernment and Finance.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the adoption by the Senate and requested the\nconcurrence of the House of Delegates in the adoption of the following concurrent resolution, which\nwas read by its title and referred to the Committee on Rules:S. C. R.40 - \"Authorizing the West Virginia Water Development Authority to issue bonds\nand notes in excess of $400 million.\"", "\nWhereas, The West Virginia Water Development Authority was created to, and continues\nto, provide loan financing and other assistance to governmental entities for the acquisition,\nconstruction and improvements of drinking water and wastewater systems; and\nWhereas, The West Virginia Water Development Authority issues bonds to the public\nmarket and secures those bonds with repayments from loans made to governmental entities; and\nWhereas, As of January 1, 2006, the West Virginia Water Development Authority\nanticipated having $352,695,000 in bonds outstanding; and\nWhereas, The West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council has adopted a\nresolution requesting the West Virginia Water Development Authority to issue up to $45 million\nin bonds before June 30, 2006, and the West Virginia Water Development Authority has project\nfunding requirements pending that will require approximately $10 million in bond proceeds within\nthe next year; and\nWhereas, To meet the needs for the acquisition, construction and improvements of water\nand sewer projects, the West Virginia Water Development Authority must issue bonds in excess of the $400 million funding cap; and\nWhereas, Section twenty-seven, article one, chapter twenty-two-c of the Code of West\nVirginia requires the Legislature to adopt a resolution authorizing the West Virginia Water\nDevelopment Authority to issue bonds and notes in excess of $400 million; therefore, be itResolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:\nThat the Legislature hereby authorizes the West Virginia Water Development Authority to\nissue bonds and notes in excess of $400 million; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the bonds and notes issued are not to exceed $500 million, as\nprovided in section twenty-seven, article one, chapter twenty-two-c of the Code of West Virginia.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the adoption by the Senate and requested the\nconcurrence of the House of Delegates in the adoption of the following concurrent resolution, which\nwas read by its title and referred to the Committee on Rules:S. C. R.42 - \"Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study vocational,\ntechnical and adult education in West Virginia.\"", "\nWhereas, Career preparation opportunities afforded citizens of West Virginia through\npublic schools and post-secondary education programs are vital to assure a high-quality workforce\nand to promote economic development; and\nWhereas, Quality career and technical education is paramount in assuring that West\nVirginians are equipped with the necessary skill sets to succeed in the 21st century workplace; and\nWhereas, The career and technical education curriculum must be designed and delivered\nin a manner that assures a seamless and cost-effective transition between public schools and\npost-secondary education, as exemplified through the Earn a Degree - Graduate Early (EDGE) initiative; and\nWhereas,Multiple issues are involvedin delivering high-quality vocational, technical and\nadult education which intersect with both K-12 and post-secondary education programs, including,\nbut not limited to, the following:\n(1) Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of current offerings and programs in terms of\nparticipation, credentialing and placement rates;\n(2) Determining if offerings and programs are appropriately aligned with current and\nemerging workforce needs and industry standards; and\n(3) Assuring that policies and structures are in place to provide a seamless curriculum to\nproduce an effective and efficient transition for students from K-12 to post-secondary education or\nthe workplace; therefore, be itResolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:\nThat the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to study\nvocational, technical and adult education in West Virginia; and, be it Further Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the\nregular session of the Legislature, 2007, on its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together\nwith drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report and\nto draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on\nGovernment and Finance.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the adoption by the Senate and requested the\nconcurrence of the House of Delegates in the adoption of the following concurrent resolution, which was read by its title and referred to the Committee on Rules:S. C. R.43 - \"Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the\nactuarial conditions of municipal policemen's and firemen's pension funds.\"", "\nWhereas, The Legislature recognizes that police and firefighter services are necessary for\nthe health and welfare of the citizens of the state's municipalities; and\nWhereas, Providing attractive and adequately funded pension benefits assist municipalities\nin recruiting and retaining dedicated and well-trained police officers and firefighters; and\nWhereas, Many municipal police and firefighter pension funds are inadequately funded to\nprovide for projected needs; and\nWhereas, The financial costs associated with municipal police and firefighter pension funds\nhave increasingly become a burden on many of the state's municipalities; and\nWhereas, Existing unfunded liabilities of municipal pension funds threaten the financial\nstability of many of the state's municipalities; and\nWhereas, A comprehensive study is needed to determine appropriate legislation to assist\nmunicipalities in strengthening and sustaining their pension funds; therefore, be itResolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to study the\nactuarial conditions of municipal policemen's and firemen's pension funds; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance establish a task\nforce to study the effects of current legislation on those funds and to consider legislative initiatives\nto strengthen the actuarial soundness of the municipal funds, including permitting municipal police\nofficers and firefighters to participate in the Deputy Sheriff's Retirement System; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the cochairs of the Legislature's Joint Committee on Pensions and Retirement be cochairs of the task force which shall include, but not be limited to, the actuary of the\nConsolidated Public Retirement Board and representatives of the Governor, the State Treasurer, the\nWest Virginia Investment Management Board, the West Virginia Municipal League, the Fraternal\nOrder of Police and the West Virginia Professional Fire Fighters Association; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the\nregular session of the Legislature, 2007, on its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together\nwith drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report and\nto draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on\nGovernment and Finance.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the adoption by the Senate and requested the\nconcurrence of the House of Delegates in the adoption of the following concurrent resolution, which\nwas read by its title and referred to the Committee on Rules:S. C. R. 47 - \"Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study current\nand future highway financing.\"", "\nWhereas, Funding for the Division of Highways has not increased relative to the cost of\ninflation; and\nWhereas, This situation has limited the ability of the Division of Highways to maintain the\nState of West Virginia's highway system and to develop and construct new highways which are\nessential for the economy of the state; and\nWhereas, The State of West Virginia may be the recipient of additional federal funding in\nthe near future which would require the Division of Highways to provide additional matching state funding over and above what is normally allocated; and\nWhereas, A variety of highway authorities have been created by legislative acts to promote\nand secure funding for the construction of various roadways throughout the state; and\nWhereas, The funding sources available to meet the needs of the Division of Highways are\nlimited; therefore, be it Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:\nThat the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to study current\nand future highway financing; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance review and\nexamine the abilities of local government and various highway authorities in providing funding\noptions over and above that of the Division of Highways; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the\nregular session of the Legislature, 2007, on its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together\nwith drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations; and, be it Further Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report and\nto draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on\nGovernment and Finance.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the adoption by the Senate and requested the\nconcurrence of the House of Delegates in the adoption of the following concurrent resolution, which\nwas read by its title and referred to the Committee on Rules:S. C. R.52 - \"Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study revenues\ntaken in and expenditures made by the West Virginia Parkways, Economic Development and Tourism Authority.\"", "\nWhereas, The West Virginia Parkways Authority has been given authority to administer\nthe West Virginia Turnpike, including issuing bonds, refinancing bonds, setting toll rates and\nmaking expenditures; and\nWhereas, The Parkways Authority recently raised toll rates for the West Virginia Turnpike;\nand\nWhereas, This toll rate increase has caused concern for both public officials and the citizens\nof the state; and\nWhereas, Questions have been raised concerning the sources and amount of revenue and\nthe expenditures of the Parkways Authority; therefore, be itResolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:\nThat the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to study revenues\ntaken in and expenditures made by the West Virginia Parkways, Economic Development and\nTourism Authority; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the\nregular session of the Legislature, 2007, on its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together\nwith drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report and\nto draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on\nGovernment and Finance.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the adoption by the Senate and requested the\nconcurrence of the House of Delegates in the adoption of the following concurrent resolution, which was read by its title and referred to the Committee on Rules:S. C. R 76 - \"Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the titling\nand branding of vehicles which have sustained damage to an extent that the vehicles have significant\ncosts in repairs or have sustained damages that result in significant reductions in value.\"", "\nWhereas, There are current laws that require vehicles to be\ndeclared total losses if damages exceed seventy-five percent or more of the vehicles' market value;\nand\nWhereas, The cost of vehicle repairs generally is increasing; and\nWhereas, The number of air bags installed in vehicles is increasing and, consequently, the\ncost to replace these air bags is increasing as well. ", "This increased cost of air bag replacement is\ncausing more damaged vehicles to exceed the seventy-five percent threshold, resulting in vehicles\nbeing declared totaled that would otherwise be repairable. ", "Insurance companies are then required\nto acquire the vehicle, thus depriving the vehicle owner of use; and\nWhereas, The purchase of gap insurance may alleviate some of the hardship experienced\nby the owners of vehicles that have been totaled; and\nWhereas, Recent natural disasters have resulted in the addition of thousands of water- and\nstorm-damaged vehicles to the vehicle market; and\nWhereas, Current law does not provide definitions for affixing designating brands on\nvehicles that have been damaged by flood, storm or fire for the protection of a subsequent owner;\nand\nWhereas, Previous insurance claim information for subsequent purchasers of vehicles that\nmay have undisclosed damage is limited; therefore, be itResolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:\nThat the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to study the titling\nand branding of vehicles which have sustained damage to an extent that the vehicles have significant\ncosts in repairs or have sustained damages that result in significant reductions in value; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance review, examine\nand study all aspects of the issue of the increase in repair costs of vehicles which have sustained\ndamage; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance review and\nrecommend improvements in the current process of determining total loss, determining previous\ndamage to vehicles that have not been disclosed and the appropriate branding of titles to vehicles\nthat have sustained substantial damage; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the\nregular session of the Legislature, 2007, on its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together\nwith drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report and\nto draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on\nGovernment and Finance.", "\nA message from the Senate, by\nThe Clerk of the Senate, announced the adoption by the Senate and requested the\nconcurrence of the House of Delegates in the adoption of the following concurrent resolution, which\nwas read by its title and referred to the Committee on Rules:S. C. R. 77 - \"Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study providing\nan exemption for new residents from payment of the privilege tax imposed on vehicles.\"", "\nWhereas, There is a privilege tax imposed on certificates of title of each vehicle; and\nWhereas, There is no exemption for applicants who are not residents at the time the vehicle\nwas purchased and a similar tax paid to another state; and\nWhereas, An exemption for the privilege tax would impact the revenue of the Department\nof Transportation; therefore, be itResolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:\nThat the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to study providing\nan exemption for new residents from payment of the privilege tax imposed on vehicles; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance review and\nrecommend possible alternative funding sources to assist the Department of Transportation,\nincluding the allocation of personal property taxes derived from motor vehicles; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance explore other\nenforcement strategies to assure compliance with state motor vehicle registration laws; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the\nregular session of the Legislature, 2007, on its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together\nwith drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations; and, be itFurther Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report and\nto draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on\nGovernment and Finance.", "\n\nLeaves of Absence\n\nAt the request of Delegate Staton, and by unanimous consent, leave of absence for the day\nwas granted Delegate Ferrell.", "\nAt 6:36 p.m., the House of Delegates adjourned until 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 8, 2006." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Pages\n\nTuesday, January 05, 2016\n\nKiwis are Amazing. ", "And Weird.", "\n\n\"Rowi\" (Okarito Brown Kiwi, Apteryx rowi)\n\n12 x 16 inches, painted to reflect actual size\n\nOils on board\n\nKiwis are amazing. ", "And weird.", "\n\nKiwi birds, that is. ", "If you look up\n“kiwi” online, you're more likely to get listings for a fruit of the\nsame name, or else New Zealanders themselves. ", "And while the latter\nare amazing and weird as well, I'm going to prattle on a bit about the\nbirds.", "\n\nFirst of all, despite their being\nbirds, they can't fly. ", "At all. ", "They wouldn't even be able to glide if you forcibly chucked one from Auckland's Sky Tower.", "\nTheir wings are practically non-existent nubs, far less useful than\nwhat a penguin has. (", "Because hey, at least penguin wings\nwork underwater, right?) ", "Fascinatingly, these nub wings also sport a\nwicked-looking but harmless claw at their tip. ", "Bonus fact:\nkiwis don't have breastbones or kneecaps.", "\n\nKiwis are, in some ways, more critter-like than bird-like. ", "Some even call them “honorary\nmammals”. ", "Their shaggy feathers are furry and brown, and some are\nstiff and function as whiskers. ", "They don't nest in trees but dig out\nburrows in the ground. ", "Their bones aren't hollow like other birds but\nfilled with heavy marrow. ", "Female kiwis have two ovaries instead of\nthe usual one that most birds have. ", "Even their cooler base body\ntemperature (100F/38C) is closer to mammals than their hot-blooded relatives.", "\n\nLike owls and teenagers, they are creatures of\nthe night and are rarely seen in daytime. ", "But unlike owls and teens, their\neyesight isn't all that great so they make up for this be having superhero levels of hearing and smelling. ", "In fact, the kiwi's\nnostrils are located all the way at the utmost tip of their beaks, so they\ncan keep their nose to the ground like a bloodhound while\nprobing around for food.", "\n\nKiwis reportedly mate for life and can\nlive upwards of 60 years. ", "A female kiwi usually only lays one egg\nper clutch, probably because it takes up so much space in her body:\n\nThat can't be comfortable.", "\n\nWhile in New Zealand, Chad and I were fortunate\nenough to see all five unique species of kiwi.", "\n\n\"There are FIVE?\" ", "You ask.", "\n\nYes, five: Apteryx haasti, A. owenii, A. australis, A. mantelli, and\nA. rowi. ", "I've only listed the scientific names because the common\nnames can get confusing, as you will see. ", "Each one is under threat\nbecause as I previously mentioned, they cannot fly and stoats, dogs,\ncats and other kiwi-munching animals introduced by humans have put a severe dent in\ntheir population.", "\n\nThe rarest of the rare is Apteryx\nrowi. ", "Also known as the Okarito kiwi or Okarito Brown or Rowi\nkiwi or Rowi or simply, Bob.* ", "Distinguished by their softer, grayer feathers\nand occasional patches of white, there currently are just 450 or so\nleft in the world. ", "Let me say that again: only 450 left in the world. ", "Most are found in the Ōkarito forest on the\nmist-laden western coast of South Island. ", "There is a heroic effort to\nboost their numbers though a conservation effort dubbed, “Operation\nNest-Egg” where kiwi chicks are hatched and raised in fenced\nenclosures – sort of like grassy play-pens – until they're large\nenough to defend themselves in protected parks or predator-free islands. (", "Approximately 95% of kiwis don't survive\nto adulthood). ", "The day we visited the West Coast Wildlife Centre\nnear Franz Josef Glacier, we were treated to an extraordinary sight:\na rowi was hatching! ", "The egg was pale, large, and labelled in pencil\nwith a catalog number; and we could hear the plaintive, wheedling\ncalls of the chick as it tried to break out of the shell. ", "A couple\nhours later it succeeded. ", "A birth of any creature is a miracle, but\nthere was something special knowing that there was just one more of\nthese odd, rare birds in existence.", "\n\nA finicky kiwi chick being fed at Pukaha Mt. Bruce Wildlife Center\n\nDespite last month's crazy schedule, I\nmanaged to finish the painting that appears at the top of this blog post. ", "I'd been working on it on-and-off over\nthe past year; but like a young kiwi chick, it very nearly didn't make\nit. ", "The original plan was to paint it with a simple background as\nseen in the finished piece; but then I got maniacally ambitious and began\nlaying in a rain forest with trees and twisting vines and primordial ferns...and\nthe result was a mess. ", "The main problem, as I found out, is\nthat I didn't have any proper reference sketches or photographs to\nwork from, and trying to use simply my imagination to “cook things\nup” (as wildlife painter Robert Bateman would say) and so the whole\nthing became a botanical nightmare. ", "So after\nbeing saved from the trash and spending a few months in storage I decided to salvage it; carefully cutting\nthe canvas down to size, then mounted it on hardboard with archival\ngel medium. ", "After the medium had dried for a week, I then proceeded\nto paint out the distracting background with layers of neutral tones.", "\nAfter THAT had dried for a few more weeks, I decided to have a go at\nhand-lettering with a brush and – hooray! ", "The painting was done.", "\n\n(detail)\n\nI'm\nhoping that, as time goes by, I'll be able to look back on this\npiece I created in 2015 and say, “It's\nhard to believe, but there was a time when we thought the rowi was nearly extinct – and now look! ", "You can't walk anywhere in New Zealand\nwithout tripping over\none in the dark.", "\n\nSeriously they totally blend in.", "\n\n* (Just joking. ", "It's actually Robert. *", "grin* I told you the common names were complicated.)" ]
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[ "Background mercury concentrations in river water in Maine, U.S.A.\nMercury concentrations in 58 rivers in Maine was measured to range from below detection up to 7.01 ng L(-1) and averaged 1.80 +/- 1.29 ng L(-1). ", "The concentration gradient for mercury in rivers across the state was not uniform. ", "Mercury strongly correlated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and aluminum, and less strongly with copper, lead, and zinc. ", "Mercury exhibited significant differences in correlations with chemical variables and local geology when partitioned by flow state (high or low). ", "Mercury concentrations were greatest in rivers flowing across either wacke-type bedrock at low metamorphic grade, or glacial-till deposits. ", "Elevated concentrations of mercury formed a locus in northern Maine under both high and low-flow states while in southwestern Maine a locus formed only during high-flow states. ", "These regional differences were statistically significant when compared by geographical location. ", "We suggest that there is a bedrock source of mercury in northeastern Maine that is diluted during periods of high runoff. ", "The elevated concentrations detected under high-flow states, as noted in southwestern Maine, may reflect mercury released from storage in association with DOC during periods of high runoff. ", "The association of mercury with flow state indicates that watershed processes and local geology can modulate the concentration of mercury in rivers." ]
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[ "Wednesday, June 16, 2010\n\nOlivia passed her hearing tests today. ", "They tried to get Olivia to wear these ear buds, but she wouldn't tolerate it, so we had to go into the sound booth. ", "This required Olivia to sit still and be really quiet. ", "She did awesome considering that's very difficult for her. ", "They would ask her to point to her nose, eyes, ears, etc. ", "at different sound volumes. ", "She didn't respond to the real soft volumes (but I could barely hear them.) ", "Then, they'd play noises and she'd have to look towards the right or left and a toy would appear. ", "All in all, I think she did great. . ", ".with just a bit of crying. ", "Tomorrow, we try week #3 of gymnastics. ", "I hope it goes as well as the last week! ", "We've been practicing a lot at home.", "\n\nBackground\n\nAbout Me\n\nI unexpectedly gave birth at 23 weeks to micro-preemie twins on August 27, 2007. ", "Olivia Paige weighed just 1 lb 1.5 oz and was 11.5 inches long. ", "Logan William weighed just 1 lb 1.75 oz and was 11.5 inches long. ", "Our sweet Logan passed away after 1 month and 1 day. ", "After 105 days, we were able to bring Olivia home. ", "She is our miracle, our survivor, our joy. . ", ".On November 20, 2012 we welcomed little sister, Abigail, into our lives. ", "She was born at 35 weeks, but only spent 8 days in the hospital before coming home. ", "We feel very blessed.", "To contact Ryan and Jodi you may email them at: jsail63@hotmail.com or joglunt@hotmail.com\n\nOther Blogs I Read\n\nFollow Me!", "\n\nPlaying In Heaven Instead by Jodi Glunt\n\nYou were the perfect little boyOf whom we always dreamed.", "Did you know we had your name picked out?All along or so it seemed.", "\n\nYou even had your daddy’s handsSo miniature in size.", "In life we never got to hold youOr even see your opened eyes.", "\n\nWe had so many plans for you.", "Did you know you are a twin?I wanted you to grow up together.", "What a pair you would have been!", "\n\nI wanted to take you to the parkAnd push you on the swing.", "I wanted to teach you how to walk,And read and write and sing.", "\n\nI wanted to show you a fire truckAnd let you ride upon a horse.", "I wanted to take you to the zooTo see the giraffes, of course.", "\n\nI wanted you to watch cartoonsAnd play video games with dad.", "And you and I would take a napOh, the times we would have had.", "\n\nBut, your mommy’s plans were not to be.", "“I have other plans,” God said.", "“You won't be playing in life’s playgroundYou’ll be playing in heaven instead.”", "\n\nAnd although I ache with sadnessAnd in my arms I long to hold.", "I’ll see you again in heavenWhen my story on earth’s been told.", "\n\nA Poem\n\nA thousand tiny firefliesParading through the nightIlluminate the starless skiesWith incandescent lightThey are miracles, here on earthSo bold, so strong, so wiseAnd bring to life a sense of worthFor those who lack great size.", "\n\nSome of this life’s smaller treasuresAre the ones which matter moreThan the larger joys and pleasuresThat we have grown to adoreVolume is not as essentialAs the gift that lies insideSmaller souls with much potentialWho shall never be denied.", "\n\nA thousand tiny firefliesParading through the nightIlluminate the starless skiesWith incandescent lightThese children, while born prematureAre testaments of worthTheir spirits bold, their futures sureTo ever bless the earth." ]
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[ "// -*- C++ -*-\n\n// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n//\n// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. ", " This library is free\n// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms\n// of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software\n// Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later\n// version.", "\n\n// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU\n// General Public License for more details.", "\n\n// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional\n// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version\n// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.", "\n\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and\n// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;\n// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. ", " If not, see\n// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n\n// Copyright (C) 2004 Ami Tavory and Vladimir Dreizin, IBM-HRL.", "\n\n// Permission to use, copy, modify, sell, and distribute this software\n// is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright\n// notice appears in all copies, and that both that copyright notice\n// and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. ", "None\n// of the above authors, nor IBM Haifa Research Laboratories, make any\n// representation about the suitability of this software for any\n// purpose. ", "It is provided \"as is\" without express or implied\n// warranty.", "\n\n/**\n * @file binary_heap_/entry_cmp.hpp\n * Contains an implementation class for a binary_heap.", "\n */\n\n#ifndef PB_DS_BINARY_HEAP_ENTRY_CMP_HPP\n#define PB_DS_BINARY_HEAP_ENTRY_CMP_HPP\n\nnamespace __gnu_pbds\n{\n namespace detail\n {\n /// Entry compare, primary template.", "\n template<typename _VTp, typename Cmp_Fn, typename _Alloc, bool No_Throw>\n struct entry_cmp;\n\n /// Specialization, true.", "\n template<typename _VTp, typename Cmp_Fn, typename _Alloc>\n struct entry_cmp<_VTp, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, true>\n {\n\t/// Compare.", "\n\ttypedef Cmp_Fn \t\t\t\t\t\ttype;\n };\n\n /// Specialization, false.", "\n template<typename _VTp, typename Cmp_Fn, typename _Alloc>\n struct entry_cmp<_VTp, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, false>\n {\n private:\n\ttypedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_VTp>\t\t__rebind_v;\n\n public:\n\ttypedef typename __rebind_v::other::const_pointer\tentry;\n\n\t/// Compare plus entry.", "\n\tstruct type : public Cmp_Fn\n\t{\n\t type() { }\n\n\t type(const Cmp_Fn& other) : Cmp_Fn(other) { }\n\n\t bool\n\t operator()(entry lhs, entry rhs) const\n\t { return Cmp_Fn::operator()(*lhs, *rhs); }\n\t};\n };\n } // namespace detail\n} // namespace __gnu_pbds\n\n#endif // #ifndef PB_DS_BINARY_HEAP_ENTRY_CMP_HPP\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates generally to high density semiconductor devices and, more particularly, to methods of isolating semiconductor devices on a microchip.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nSuccessful manufacture of high density integrated circuits, such as processors, controllers, and memories, relies upon the ability to isolate each individual device within a circuit from those surrounding it. ", "Modem integrated circuits comprise millions of densely packed transistors, diodes, capacitors, and resistors formed on a single semiconductor substrate. ", "Individual devices are isolated from one another to prevent phenomena such as current leakage or cross-talk between adjacent devices. ", "Two standard methods of electrically isolating devices are local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS) and shallow trench isolation (STI).", "\nIn the LOCOS isolation process, a field oxide is grown in non-active regions of the semiconductor substrate. ", "This isolation process has been widely used for isolating metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) devices such as NMOS, PMOS, and CMOS devices in previous generations of integrated circuits. ", "However, LOCOS technology includes two limitations that can become increasingly pronounced as device dimensions shrink. ", "In the LOCOS isolation process an oxide undergrowth known as a birds beak occurs at the edges of the field oxide regions, which can impose an undesirable limitation to device densities. ", "Thus, the LOCOS isolation process may substantially restrict the maximum number of devices available in the manufacture of integrated circuits. ", "The field oxide also extends vertically, creating a non-planar topography between the active and inactive regions. ", "This non-planar topography may cause difficulties in later photolithographic processing such as problems resolving an image. ", "As a result of these limitations, LOCOS technology can be ineffective for semiconductor processes involving devices dimensions, for example, below about 0.35 xcexcm.", "\nA process more suitable to the manufacture of ultra large scale integrated (ULSI) circuits, in which device dimensions fall below 0.35 xcexcm, is STI In the STI process a trench is formed in a semiconductor substrate by forming protective layers and then etching through portions of those layers where isolation trenches are desired. ", "Numerous steps are then performed to fill the trenches with an appropriate dielectric or combination of dielectrics. ", "By etching almost vertically to form trenches having a dimension on the scale of a micron or sub-micron, valuable area can be preserved for the formation of a dense array of devices. ", "A standard method utilized to form isolation trenches is referred to as the deposition 1, wet etch, deposition 2 technique, in which a first trench fill layer is formed inside a trench, a wet etch is performed to remove portions of the first trench fill layer, and a second trench fill layer is formed to completely fill the trench.", "\nSTI has become the preferred method of isolation for ULSI circuits, because it requires very little area on the semiconductor substrate thereby allowing devices to be more densely distributed. ", "Denser distributions can enable the fabrication of circuits with enhanced speed and power. ", "STI structures also possess a relatively planar topography, which can facilitate subsequent photolithographic processing and an attenuation of errors.", "\nUnresolved problems in the manufacture of isolation trenches, however, can still limit device densities. ", "One problem associated with current STI techniques is the formation of air gaps or voids in the trench fill layer. ", "Such voids can occur, for example, at or below dimensions of about 0.25 xcexcm and depths above about 0.4 xcexcm. ", "These voids can adversely effect electrical characteristics of adjacent devices and can be a mechanism for device failure. ", "Therefore, a need exists in the art to create relatively narrow and/or relatively deep trench isolation structures without the formation of voids.", "\nThe present invention addresses this need by providing methods for manufacturing isolation trenches in which the possibility or probability of forming voids or air gaps in the trenches is attenuated or eliminated. ", "Consequently, the formation of isolation trenches in accordance with the present invention can reduce failures in adjacent devices.", "\nThe invention herein disclosed provides methods of effectively controlling the formation of voids or air gaps by performing a wet spin etch treatment between fill layers. ", "The wet spin etch treatment can provide selectivity between the lateral etch rate and the vertical etch rate, thereby producing or approaching minimal or desirable aspect ratios.", "\nIn accordance with an aspect of the present invention, a method for making at least one isolation trench for an integrated circuit on a semiconductor substrate comprises (a) providing a semiconductor substrate having a pad oxide layer, a nitride layer, and a patterned photoresist layer, (b) removing portions of the nitride layer, pad oxide layer, and semiconductor substrate to form at least one trench; (c) removing the photoresist; (d) forming a first fill layer inside the at least one trench; (e) etching back the first fill layer with a wet spin etch; and (f) forming a second fill layer over the first fill layer. ", "An oxide liner may be formed on the walls and base of the trench after the photoresist is removed.", "\nAccording to another aspect of the invention, a method of forming at least one isolation trench comprises providing a semiconductor substrate having at least one trench disposed therein, the at least one trench having a trench sidewall and a trench base; forming a first fill layer inside the at least one trench; performing an etch process wherein portions of the first fill layer are removed from the trench sidewall at a greater rate or to a greater extent than from the trench base; and forming a second fill layer over the first fill layer.", "\nPortions of the nitride layer, pad oxide layer, and semiconductor substrate may be removed, for example, by an anisotropic etch or an anisotropic etch followed by an isotropic etch. ", "The first fill layer may comprise an oxide formed by HDPCVD with SiH4. ", "A mixture of SiH4 and O2 may be implemented to form the oxide, the SiH4 flow ranging from 50 to 100 SCCM, and the O2 flow ranging from 80 to 150 SCCM. ", "Deposition times may range from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. ", "The second fill layer may also comprise an oxide formed by CVD, PECVD, or LPCVD. ", "The formation of the second fill layer may comprise a first step of flowing 80 to 140 SCCM of SiH4 and 130 to 200 SCCM of O2, followed by a second step of flowing 110 to 180 SCCM of SiH4 and 180 to 250 SCCM of O2.", "\nA dimension, such as a width, of the at least one trench may range from 0.25 to 0.18 xcexcm. ", "The spin speed of the wafer during the wet spin etch can be modified or tuned to create a wider top trench size and a smaller step height, thereby creating a lower aspect ratio of the resulting partially-filled trench. ", "The wet spin etch may comprise a mixture of buffered oxide etch (BOE) and diluted hydrofluoric acid (DHF), the chemical composition ranging from a ratio of about 10:1 to about 500:1. ", "Between 100 angstroms and 300 angstroms may be removed during the wet spin etch. ", "During the wet spin etch, the wafer may be situated horizontally and spun horizontally, or, for example, situated vertically and spun vertically. ", "The at least one trench may comprise a plurality of trenches.", "\nA method in accordance with another aspect of the invention comprises (a) determining a geometrical characteristic of the isolation trench; and (b) generating a wet-spin etch recipe to be used in a deposition 1, wet spin etch, deposition 2 trench filling sequence, wherein the wet-spin etch recipe is generated based upon the determined geometrical characteristic. ", "The geometric characteristic may be an aspect ratio of the isolation trench. ", "The generating of the wet-spin etch recipe may comprise selecting a spin rate, wherein greater spin rates are selected for isolation trenches having relatively large aspect ratios and smaller spin rates are selected-for trenches having relatively small aspect ratios.", "\nA method of filling isolation trenches may comprise, not necessarily in sequence, the steps of (a) performing a deposition 1, wet spin etch, deposition 2 trench filling sequence to fill a first trench having a first aspect ratio; and (b) performing a deposition 1, wet spin etch, deposition 2 trench filling sequence to fill a second isolation trench having a second aspect ratio; wherein the first aspect ratio is greater than the second aspect ratio; and wherein a spin rate of the wet spin etch in (a) is greater than a spin rate of the wet spin etch in (b).", "\nAny feature or combination of features described herein are included within the scope of the present invention provided that the features included in any such combination are not mutually inconsistent as will be apparent from the context, this specification, and the knowledge of one of ordinary skill in the art. ", "Additional advantages and aspects of the present invention are apparent in the following detailed description and claims." ]
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[ "\n\nLooking for internships - AARC233\n\nI'm looking for a computer science internship but can't find any in Minneapolis. ", "Any ideas to get me started? ", "Help would be appreciated, thanks!", "\n======\nDejen45\nA good way to start is by looking at your school. ", "Have you found any luck\nthere?", "\n\n~~~\nAARC233\nNO not yet, thanks for the tip!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nshiny dropdown button error\n\nI have been using the dropdown function found here a ton in my shiny apps. ", "However, I noticed unusual behavior when I try to use it in an application that uses navbarMenu/tabPanel ui layouts. ", "The app below will not allow you to switch from one tab to another once you have selected the tab that contains the dropdown.", "\nlibrary(shiny)\n\ndropdownButton <- function(label = \"\",\n status = c(\"default\", \"primary\", \"success\", \"info\",\n \"warning\", \"danger\"),\n ...,\n width = NULL) {\n status <- match.arg(status)\n # dropdown button content\n html_ul <- list(\n class = \"dropdown-menu\",\n style = if (!", "is.null(width))\n paste0(\"width: \", validateCssUnit(width), \";\"),\n lapply(\n X = list(...),\n FUN = tags$li,\n style = \"margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;\"\n )\n )\n # dropdown button apparence\n html_button <- list(\n class = paste0(\"btn btn-\", status, \" dropdown-toggle\"),\n type = \"button\",\n `data-toggle` = \"dropdown\"\n )\n html_button <- c(html_button, list(label))\n html_button <- c(html_button, list(tags$span(class = \"caret\")))\n # final result\n tags$div(\n class = \"dropdown\",\n do.call(tags$button, html_button),\n do.call(tags$ul, html_ul),\n tags$script(\n \"$('.dropdown-menu').click(function(e) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n});\"\n )\n )\n}\n\nui <- fluidPage(\n navbarPage(\"This is an App\", \n tabPanel(\"Start Here - Page 0\"), \n navbarMenu(\"This is Page 1\", \n tabPanel(\"p1 t1\", \n uiOutput(\"p1t1_out\"), \n checkboxInput(\"test\", \"here\")), \n tabPanel(\"p2 t2\")), \n navbarMenu(\"This is Page 2\",\n tabPanel(\"p2 t1\"), \n tabPanel(\"p2 t2\"))))\n\nserver <- function(input, output, session) {\n\n output$p1t1_out <- renderUI({\n dropdownButton(\n label = \"Select Here\",\n status = \"default\",\n width = 300,\n actionButton(inputId = \"p1t1_all\", label = \"(Un)select All\"),\n checkboxGroupInput(\n inputId = \"p1t1_choice\",\n label = \"select vars\",\n choices = as.list(names(mtcars)),\n selected = as.list(names(mtcars))\n )\n )\n })\n # Select all / Unselect all \n observeEvent(input$p1t1_all, {\n if (is.null(input$p1t1_choice)) {\n updateCheckboxGroupInput(\n session = session,\n inputId = \"p1t1_choice\",\n selected = as.list(names(mtcars))\n )\n } else {\n updateCheckboxGroupInput(\n session = session,\n inputId = \"p1t1_choice\",\n selected = \"\"\n )\n }\n })\n}\n\nshinyApp(ui, server)\n\nA:\n\nPer my comment, this can be accomplished simply by loading the shinyWidgets package and then adding circle = FALSE if you want your button to be labeled. ", "\nlibrary(shiny)\nlibrary(shinyWidgets)\n\nui <- fluidPage(\n navbarPage(\"This is an App\", \n tabPanel(\"Start Here - Page 0\"), \n navbarMenu(\"This is Page 1\", \n tabPanel(\"p1 t1\", \n uiOutput(\"p1t1_out\"), \n checkboxInput(\"test\", \"here\")), \n tabPanel(\"p2 t2\")), \n navbarMenu(\"This is Page 2\",\n tabPanel(\"p2 t1\"), \n tabPanel(\"p2 t2\"))))\n\nserver <- function(input, output, session) {\n\n output$p1t1_out <- renderUI({\n dropdownButton(\n circle = FALSE,\n label = \"Select Here\",\n status = \"default\",\n width = 300,\n actionButton(inputId = \"p1t1_all\", label = \"(Un)select All\"),\n checkboxGroupInput(\n inputId = \"p1t1_choice\",\n label = \"select vars\",\n choices = as.list(names(mtcars)),\n selected = as.list(names(mtcars))\n )\n )\n })\n # Select all / Unselect all \n observeEvent(input$p1t1_all, {\n if (is.null(input$p1t1_choice)) {\n updateCheckboxGroupInput(\n session = session,\n inputId = \"p1t1_choice\",\n selected = as.list(names(mtcars))\n )\n } else {\n updateCheckboxGroupInput(\n session = session,\n inputId = \"p1t1_choice\",\n selected = \"\"\n )\n }\n })\n}\n\nshinyApp(ui, server)\n\n" ]
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[ "Environment Ministry To Move Fukushima Soil Bags\n\nThe Environment Ministry has said they would move contaminated soil bags housed near rivers or alternatively “tie them with ropes” to try to prevent them from washing away in another flood. ", "Not mentioned in the NHK report out today was why they were placed there in the first place.", "\n\nThis article would not be possible without the extensive efforts of the SimplyInfo research team\nJoin the conversation at chat.simplyinfo.org" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.004166666666666667, 0.010869565217391304, 0.013986013986013986 ]
[ "Roman shipyard of Stifone (Narni)\n\nThe Roman shipyard of Stifone is an archaeological find of Roman origin recently discovered in Umbria, in the municipality of Narni, inside an artificial channel adjacent the Nera River, about 900 metres down-river from the village of Stifone. ", "Its position is just behind the remains of the river port of the ancient city of Narni.", "\n\nThe shipyard in the local historiography\n\nEven before the discovery, following some popular tales handed down through the centuries, it is indicative to note how the local historiography had already mentioned the ancient presence of a similar structure. ", "The former mayor of Narni, Rutilio Robusti, asserted:\n\n\"The origin of the word Stifone comes from the Greek and it has been used to indicate a place where timber boats and rafts were built to be sent towards Rome\"\n(Rutilio Robusti, Narni, guida della città e dintorni, 1924)\n\nThat contribution has been taken up by other authors, as Italo Ciaurro and Guerriero Bolli, both of whom have mentioned the origin of the toponym, the second writing of a shipyard of Stifone although he was thinking of the Byzantine period. ", "Without any evidence to support the theory, the story of an ancient shipyard was never fully investigated, leaving only a general idea based on a few quotes. ", "With Robusti's contribution, the normal thinking was that the site had perhaps been used for the construction of river rafts for the transportation of people and goods. ", "Once the ruins were actually discovered, it was realized that due to the scale of the works and effort that had gone into building it, it may have been something more. ", "The possibility that it had a connection to the Punic Wars shouldn't be excluded; for this reason, the volunteers who have been working to expand the knowledge of the site are hoping for more attention from archaeologists and public administrations. ", "Being a unique and valuable find, it is important that it be dated as accurately as possible. ", "The potential knowledge that may be gleaned from the site should not be underestimated.", "\n\nThe ancient navigability of the Nera River\n\nThe ancient navigability of the Nera River, as a natural way to send farm produce towards Rome, following the Tiber River in Orte, is confirmed by the classic authors Strabo and Tacitus. ", "The Greek geographer refers about \"not big boats\"; the Latin historian instead describes in detail the journey of the consul Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso and his wife Plancina who, in the 19, returning to Rome from the provinces of Syria, decided to leave the Via Flaminia and taking a ship at Narni.", "\n\n« Starting from Narni, to avoid suspects or because who fears is uncertain in his plans, he followed the waterway of Nera River and then of Tiber. ", "So he increased the popular grudge because, once landed with the ship at Cesari’s grave, in broad daylight and with riverside full of people, they advanced cheerful in face, him among a crowd of clients and Plancina with her following of women» (Tacitus, Annales, Book III, 9)\n\nHowever, the navigability of the Nera River is related only with the last part of its waterway, included between Stifone and the confluence of Nera with the Tiber. ", "The narrow gorges below Narni, in fact, make impossible this practice.", "\n\nThe position of the river port and its rediscovery\n\nThe geographical coordinates of the ancient river port of Narni were revealed in the 16th century by the Jesuit Fulvio Cardoli, who saw in person its traces. ", "Below his contribute:\n\n\"About one thousand steps beyond Taizzano, there was time once a port along the Nera River, as demonstrated by some traces\"\n(F. Cardoli, Ex notis Fulvij Carduli S.J. presbyteri Narniensis de Civitatis Narniae, Origine et antiquatibus).", "\n\nThe river port was found in the same position in the year 1879, when an informer of the marquis Giovanni Eroli noticed the remains of two big pilasters used to fasten the boats.", "\n\nWith the construction of some dams up stream, and the consequent rise of the river level, the port was tacitly believed as submerged. ", "The remains of it, contrary to popular belief, were however in the same place described by the Jesuit, although hidden among the bushy vegetation. ", "Only in the year 1992 was the port mentioned again in local historiography, when the archaeologist Roberto Nini wrote of the area. ", "Some years later, the river port was visited by the superintendent for the regional archaeological heritage, Daniela Monacchi, but the close presence of an ancient shipyard was not noticed, due to a body of stagnant water which has obstructed the passage.", "\n\nThe finding of the shipyard\n\nMeanwhile, someone had decided to patrol the channel which hosts the remains of the shipyard, in particular a group of people from the close village of Nera Montoro who knew the old popular story regarding the presence of a similar structure. ", "After perceiving its destination, the local artist Alvaro Caponi has tried to reconstruct the hypothetical functioning producing some sketches, but despite its importance, the discovery has remained without any development. ", "This till the beginning of the new century, when a young free-lance journalist, Christian Armadori, taken to the place by the entrant archaeologist Claudio Maturi with the prospect of an article, has been stunned by the find insomuch as undertaking an appropriate research. ", "Then, in the year 2006, a group of volunteers has established the cultural association Porto di Narni Approdo d'Europa with the aim to put the archaeological site under the attention of the local government, and few time later also the major of Narni, Stefano Bigaroni, has gone to the area in order to check the plausibility of the discovery.", "\n\nThe structure of the shipyard\nThe remains are situated inside an artificial channel dug in the rock, about 280 m long, once united with the Nera River upstream and downstream, as showed by some maps of the land office. ", "It is composed with two opposite cut walls, about 16.5 m apart, which showed a series of squared holes disposed on three lines, for a total of 30 incisions per wall, on the theoretical basis carried out by the artist who has reconstructed its scale drawing (there are only 27 holes still visible). ", "The function of these holes has been supposed to be for inserting lateral props to support and stabilise ships. ", "The fact the holes run for about 13 metres per wall, and considering how the props shouldn’t be necessary for prow and stern (the thinnest parts of the boat), the measures appear quite substantive for simple river rafts, especially with reference to the notable distance between walls. ", "So far, it has seemed more prudent not to speak about Roman quinquereme or trireme without the essential comparisons, especially considering how the historians themselves are not agreed about the exact measures of these warships. ", "However, most of them share similar opinions when they speak about their draft, supposed to be quite moderate, then potentially suitable to descend along the last stretch of the Nera River, which is very copious of water before to flow into the Tiber River. ", "The reasons of a shipyard quite far from the Tyrrhenian Sea, but however well linked with it through the river way, should be found on the abundance of raw material offered by the Umbrian territory (wood of different quality), with the area of Narni fall under the Roman domination since 299 BC. ", "In add, it is interesting to ascertain how the classical authors of that period didn’t supply clear information about the different position of the navy yard, included Polybius who has been the most important historians of the Punic Wars. ", "The need of safety could be linked with the choice to assemble ships in the up-country, without the risk to be exposed at the potential threats of the enemy from the sea. ", "In fact, the modern historians are in agreement to collocate the ancient navalia inside the city of Rome, in the area of Campus Martius. ", "It means the shipyard of Stifone could be only one of the different structures used at that époque, in whom the imposing effort made by the Romans in the year 261 BC to create their first war fleet is famous. ", "However, it’s right and proper to insist how the hypothesis, although generally shared by the researchers, are at the moment still under assessment.", "\n\nThe other finds emerged in the area\n\nA series of finds emerged in the surrounding fields had already indicated how in the past an urban settlement was based in the area. ", "In the year 1914 an ancient spa pool was found (the zone is very rich in water springs), while two stones with inscriptions came to light at short distance from the shipyard in the years 1850 and 1970. ", "Then, a new proof of the importance of the area in the Roman époque has recently emerged with the discovery of a cistern 25 metres deep, still very close to the archaeological site. ", "The ancient importance of that territory in the Roman ages is additionally confirmed by a narration of Livy for the year 207 BC, especially as a strategic point. ", "After having intercepted a correspondence between Hasdrubal and his brother Hannibal, the Roman legions decided to block the passage in proximity of the shipyard area, as it’s clearly deductible by the geographical coordinates provided by the author\n\n« Two knights of Narnia were returned from the battle in the camp situated at the entrance of the narrow gorge which opens the way to Umbria »\n(Livy, Ab urbe condita, XXVII)\n\nThe narrow gorge which opens the way to Umbria is exactly behind the archaeological area, situated just in proximity of its entrance\n\nThe non usability of the archaeological area\n\nThe remains of the shipyard, despite the pleas, are at the moment completely abandoned, with vegetation and stagnant waters to put its partial integrity under the risk of further damages. ", "The area, subjected to the possibility of sudden floods due to the presence of dams located upstream, is under the management of the multinational energetic Endesa Italia, so nobody can get there for guided visits without particular authorizations. ", "In add, the original destination of it has been strongly twisted in the medieval époque, this for the installation of several watermills.", "\n\nPresent state of the studies\n\nThe studies carried out by the free-lance journalist Christian Armadori, with the support of the other volunteers involved in the cultural association as Sara Uffreduzzi and Vittorio Budassi, has eventually been published in February 2012 by an editor specialized in the archeological field, with the endorsement of some experts of the University of Perugia arrived to the place to evaluate the credibility of the hypothesis. ", "The aim of the author is providing an input in order to develop the knowledge of the area and rouse the interest of the scientific community.", "\n\nBibliography\n\n Endesa Italia Magazine, July 2007\n Christian Armadori, Il Porto di Narnia e il Cantiere Navale Romano sul Fiume Nera, ed. ", "Quasar, 2012\n Giuseppe Fortunati, Narni e Narnia, Heos Editrice, 2006\n Alvaro Caponi, I segreti del porto etrusco e il cantiere navale di Narnia : ritrovamenti unici al mondo : Villa Pompeia Celerina, Ricerca obiettivo, 2006.", "\n Corriere dell'Umbria, 27 November 2005.", "\n Il Messaggero Umbria edition, 25 February 2006\n\nSee also\n\nRoman navy\nNemi ships\nCaligula's Giant Ship\nClassis Britannica\nClassis Flavia Moesica\nClassis Misenensis\nClassis Ravennas\n\nNotes\n\nExternal links\nThe secrets of South Umbria - Why a shipyard in Umbria?", "\nNarni: Christian Armadori ha presentato i risultati della ricerca sul porto fluviale romano scoperto nella zona di Stifone\nDalle quinqueremi alle liburne\n\nCategory:Military of ancient Rome\nCategory:Navy of ancient Rome\nCategory:Roman sites of Umbria\nCategory:Shipyards of Italy\nCategory:Archaeological sites in Umbria\nCategory:Ancient Roman buildings and structures in Italy\nCategory:Roman harbors in Italy" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a diagnostic electrode to be used to supply reference signals to an analyzer circuit. ", "More specifically, the diagnostic electrode includes an active signal generating circuit which creates reference signals to be received and analyzed by the analyzer circuitry.", "\n2. ", "Related Art\nIt is known to provide an analyzer that includes circuitry for receiving input data related to a test sample and determining characteristics of that test sample based on that data. ", "It is also known to provide a sample holding device to be in contact with the analyzer and thus transmit input information to the analyzer circuitry.", "\nAn example of such an analyzer circuitry is described in U.S. patent application Ser. ", "No. ", "07/750,534 filed Aug. 27, 1991. ", "An example of a known analyzer utilizing such analyzer-circuitry is the STAT-K ANALYZER, (a trademarked product of Porton Diagnostics Inc.), which is described in U.S. patent application Ser. ", "No. ", "07/763,696 filed Sep. 23, 1991. ", "The disclosures of these two patent applications are hereby incorporated by reference. ", "An example of a sample holding device is disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. ", "No. ", "07/401,786, filed Sep. 1, 1989, directed to a disposable sensor.", "\nThe STAT-K ANALYZER is constructed so that a disposable sensor can be inserted into a receiving portion of the analyzer. ", "The disposable sensor is designed to receive a sample of the material to be analyzed, and the interface between the sensor and the analyzer conveys information about the sample from the sensor to the analyzer circuitry. ", "That circuitry then interprets that information to determine characteristics of the sample. ", "The analyzer and associated sensor electrode are generally employed for medical purposes and analyze a material, such as blood, by studying the ion content of the material.", "\nThe disposable sensor is precalibrated and thus has an initial known ion concentration. ", "When the sample is placed on a receiving region of the disposable sensor, the ions in the sample interact and/or pass through an ion selective membrane of the sensor so as to create an ion imbalance representative of a change in ion concentration. ", "The analyzer circuit detects the ion imbalance and then determines the ion concentration in the sample disposed on the sensor.", "\nIn a preferred embodiment the disposable sensor is used only once, i.e., the sensor is used to analyze only one sample and then the user of the analyzer circuit discards the sensor.", "\nThe accuracy of any analytical device, especially those used for medical purposes, is most important to the user and must be checked at regular intervals. ", "It is common to provide a daily check of the accuracy of an analytical device as part of a regular quality control routine. ", "Where, as here, the analytical system includes an analyzer and a removable or disposable sensor, inaccuracies in performance can arise from at least three different circumstances. ", "First, inaccuracy can be the result of a failure of the sensor. ", "Inaccuracy can also be the result of a failure in the analyzer. ", "Finally, inaccuracy can be the result of a failure in the interface between the sensor and the analyzer. ", "Typically, when inaccurate results are detected, it is necessary to attempt to isolate the failure in one of these three areas. ", "One possible method for checking the accuracy of the system is to separate the sensor and the analyzer which together have produced the faulty result and separately test the sensor with a different analyzer while testing the analyzer with a different sensor.", "\nThere are shortcomings with this evaluation procedure, especially where one of the components, e.g., the sensor, can only be used once. ", "In a two component system it is conceivable that a second sensor will not be more accurate than the sensor involved in the failure. ", "In fact, since single-use sensors may be produced in batches, it is possible that each sensor in the same batch as the sensor involved in the failure will have the same or similar defect. ", "Where batch sizes are large, it may happen that many, if not all, of the sensors available to a given user are from the same batch and thus, all of the sensors in the possession of the user may have the same defect.", "\nThus, where an analyzer employs a single-use detector module and results have been found to be inaccurate, a conventional problem arises in making an early decision whether to obtain a new batch of the sensors and/or to call expert service for remedial work on the analyzer.", "\nIt is known from U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,882,544 to Uekusa to supply an inspection device for an analyzer for ionic activity. ", "Uekusa provides a passive resistive device as an inspection device. ", "The inspection device has outer dimensions approximately equal to the outer dimensions of a sample measuring device. ", "However, before the analyzer can detect any signals from the inspection device so that the operational capabilities of the analyzer circuitry can be evaluated, the possibly faulty analyzer circuitry itself must supply signals to the passive inspection device. ", "Thus, the reference signal used to test the analyzer circuitry is dependent on the analyzer. ", "This can result in a skewed analysis of the functional capabilities of the analyzer." ]
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[ "# Vue-poll\n\nA Twitter-like vote component, made with Vue.js 2\n\n[DEMO](https://ppietris.github.io/vue-poll/index.html)\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n <img src=\"https://github.com/ppietris/vue-poll/blob/master/vue-poll-example.jpg?raw=true\" alt=\"Vue-poll example image\"/>\n</p>\n\n## Prerequisites\n- [Vue.js 2](https://vuejs.org/)\n\n## Installing\n\nUsing npm:\n\n```bash\n$ npm install vue-poll\n```\n\nUsing cdn:\n\n```html\n<script src=\"https://unpkg.com/vue-poll/dist/vue-poll.min.js\"></script>\n```\n\n\n\n### Example (NPM)\n\nDefine `vue-poll` component markup inside your custom component.", "\n\nFor example in your `my-poll.vue`:\n\n```html\n<template>\n <div>\n <vue-poll v-bind=\"options\" @addvote=\"addVote\"/>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script> \n \n import VuePoll from 'vue-poll'\n \n export default { \n data() {\n return {\n options: {\n question: 'What\\'s your favourite <strong>JS</strong> framework?',", "\n answers: [\n { value: 1, text: 'Vue', votes: 53 },\n { value: 2, text: 'React', votes: 35 },\n { value: 3, text: 'Angular', votes: 30 },\n { value: 4, text: 'Other', votes: 10 } \n ]\n }\n }\n },\n components: {\n VuePoll\n },\n methods: {\n addVote(obj){\n console.log('You voted ' + obj.value + '!');", "\n }\n }\n }\n</script>\n```\n### Example (CDN)\n\n```html\n<body>\n <div id=\"app\">\n <vue-poll v-bind=\"options\" @addvote=\"addVote\"/>\n </div>\n\n <script src=\"https://unpkg.com/vue-poll/dist/vue-poll.min.js\"></script>\n <script> \n\n Vue.use(VuePoll);\n\n new Vue({\n el: '#app'\n data: function() {\n return {\n options: {\n question: 'What\\'s your favourite <strong>JS</strong> framework?',", "\n answers: [\n { value: 1, text: 'Vue', votes: 53 },\n { value: 2, text: 'React', votes: 35 },\n { value: 3, text: 'Angular', votes: 30 },\n { value: 4, text: 'Other', votes: 10 } \n ]\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n addVote: function(obj){\n console.log('You voted ' + obj.value + '!');", "\n }\n }\n });\n </script>\n</body>\n```\n## Options\n\n- #### question (required) (string-html)\n The question of the poll. ", "\n\n- #### answers (required) (array)\n An array of the answers of the poll. ", "\n\n **value (required) (integer)**\n A unique value for each answer\n \n **text (required) (string-html)**\n Answer's text\n \n **votes (required) (integer)**\n Answer's votes\n \n **selected (required when multiple is true) (boolean)**\n Selected state of the answer\n \n **custom_class (optional) (string)**\n Custom css class for the answer element\n\n\n- #### showResults (optional) (boolean) (default: false)\n Set this to true to skip the voting and show the results of the poll\n \n- #### finalResults (optional) (boolean) (default: false)\n Set this to true to skip the voting and show the results of the poll. ", "Winner will be highlighted\n\n- #### multiple (optional) (boolean) (default: false)\n Set this to true for multiple voting\n \n- #### submitButtonText (optional) (string) (default: Submit)\n Text of the multiple voting submit button\n\n- #### customId (optional) (number)\n A custom id that will be returned on the addvote method\n\n## Methods\n\n- #### addvote (returns object)\n Callback on add vote. ", "It returns an object that includes: answer's value, answer's votes, total poll's votes and the custom id \n\n## License\nMIT license\n" ]
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[ "Continental shelf pump\n\nIn oceanic biogeochemistry, the continental shelf pump is proposed to operate in the shallow waters of the continental shelves, acting as a mechanism to transport carbon (as either dissolved or particulate material) from surface waters to the interior of the adjacent deep ocean.", "\n\nOverview\nOriginally formulated by Tsunogai et al. (", "1999), the pump is believed to occur where the solubility and biological pumps interact with a local hydrography that feeds dense water from the shelf floor into sub-surface (at least subthermocline) waters in the neighbouring deep ocean. ", " Tsunogai et al.''", "'s (1999) original work focused on the East China Sea, and the observation that, averaged over the year, its surface waters represented a sink for carbon dioxide. ", " This observation was combined with others of the distribution of dissolved carbonate and alkalinity and explained as follows :\n\n the shallowness of the continental shelf restricts convection of cooling water\n as a consequence, cooling is greater for continental shelf waters than for neighbouring open ocean waters\n this leads to the production of relatively cool and dense water on the shelf\n the cooler waters promote the solubility pump and lead to an increased storage of dissolved inorganic carbon\n this extra carbon storage is augmented by the increased biological production characteristic of shelves\n the dense, carbon-rich shelf waters sink to the shelf floor and enter the sub-surface layer of the open ocean via isopycnal mixing\n\nSignificance\nBased on their measurements of the CO2 flux over the East China Sea (35 g C m−2 y−1), Tsunogai et al. (", "1999) estimated that the continental shelf pump could be responsible for an air-to-sea flux of approximately 1 Gt C y−1 over the world's shelf areas. ", " Given that observational and modelling of anthropogenic emissions of CO2 estimates suggest that the ocean is currently responsible for the uptake of approximately 2 Gt C y−1, and that these estimates are poor for the shelf regions, the continental shelf pump may play an important role in the ocean's carbon cycle.", "\n\nOne caveat to this calculation is that the original work was concerned with the hydrography of the East China Sea, where cooling plays the dominant role in the formation of dense shelf water, and that this mechanism may not apply in other regions. ", " However, it has been suggested that other processes may drive the pump under different climatic conditions. ", " For instance, in polar regions, the formation of sea-ice results in the extrusion of salt that may increase seawater density. ", " Similarly, in tropical regions, evaporation may increase local salinity and seawater density.", "\n\nThe strong sink of CO2 at temperate latitudes reported by Tsunogai et al.'' (", "1999) was later confirmed in the Gulf of Biscay, the Middle Atlantic Bight and the North Sea. ", " On the other hand, in the sub-tropical South Atlantic Bight reported a source of CO2 to the atmosphere.", "\n\nRecently, work has compiled and scaled available data on CO2 fluxes in coastal environments, and shown that globally marginal seas act as a significant CO2 sink (-1.6 mol C m−2 y−1; -0.45 Gt C y−1) in agreement with previous estimates. ", "However, the global sink of CO2 in marginal seas could be almost fully compensated by the emission of CO2 (+11.1 mol C m−2 y−1; +0.40 Gt C y−1) from the ensemble of near-shore coastal ecosystems, mostly related to the emission of CO2 from estuaries (0.34 Gt C y−1).", "\n\nAn interesting application of this work has been examining the impact of sea level rise over the last de-glacial transition on the global carbon cycle. ", "During the last glacial maximum sea level was some lower than today. ", "As sea level rose the surface area of the shelf seas grew and in consequence the strength of the shelf sea pump should increase.", "\n\nReferences\nRippeth TP, Scourse JD, Uehara, K (2008). ", "Impact of sea-level rise over the last deglacial transition on the strength of the continental shelf CO(2) pump, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 35(24), L24604\n\nSee also\n Biological pump\n Ocean acidification\n Solubility pump\n\nCategory:Aquatic ecology\nCategory:Biological oceanography\nCategory:Carbon\nCategory:Chemical oceanography\nCategory:Geochemistry\nCategory:Biogeochemistry\nCategory:Continental shelves\nCategory:Oceanographical terminology" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is the most effective way to parse JSON objects that are dynamically named?", "\n\nI'm trying to parse a JSON response that includes something I'm not quite familiar with, nor have I seen in the wild that often. ", "\nInside one of the JSON objects, there is a dynamically named JSON object. ", "\nIn this example, there is a JSON object inside \"bugs\" named \"12345\" which correlates to a bug number.", "\n{\n \"bugs\" : {\n \"12345\" : {\n \"comments\" : [\n {\n \"id\" : 1,\n \"text\" : \"Description 1\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : 2,\n \"text\" : \"Description 2\"\n }\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n\nWhat I'm curious about is: What would be the most effective way to parse a dynamically-named JSON object like this?", "\nGiven some JSON Utility tools like \n\nhttp://jsonutils.com/\nhttp://json2csharp.com/\n\nThey will take a JSON response like the one above and morph it into classes like the following respectfully:\njsonutils\npublic class Comment\n{\n public int id { get; set; }\n public string text { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class 12345\n{\n public IList<Comment> comments { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class Bugs\n{\n public 12345 12345 { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class Root\n{\n public Bugs bugs { get; set; }\n}\n\njson2charp\npublic class Comment\n{\n public int id { get; set; }\n public string text { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class __invalid_type__12345\n{\n public List<Comment> comments { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class Bugs\n{\n public __invalid_type__12345 __invalid_name__12345 { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class RootObject\n{\n public Bugs bugs { get; set; }\n}\n\nThe problem about this is that it generates a class with a dynamic name. ", "Thus subsequent queries with other identifiers to this API would result in a failure because the name does not match up nor would a generated [JsonProperty(\"\")] as it would contain the dynamic class name as per the generated examples above.", "\nAlthough the JSON is valid, this seems to be a limitation with JSON that is formatted this way. ", "Unfortunately I do not have any control on this JSON API, so I'm curious what the best way to approach this problem would be?", "\n\nA:\n\nTry Json.", "NET, available as a Nuget package (Newtonsoft.", "Json) or from http://www.newtonsoft.com/json.", "\nJson.", "NET can perform class-based serialization/deserialization such as you show. ", "It also provides a generic JObject and JToken classes for cases where the format of the Json is not known or not fixed at dev time.", "\nHere's an example loading a json object from a file.", "\n// load file into a JObject\nJObject document;\nusing (var fileStream = File.", "OpenRead(someFilePath))\nusing (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream))\nusing (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(streamReader))\n document = JObject.", "Load(jsonReader);\n\n// read the JObject\nvar bugs = (JObject) document[\"bugs\"];\nforeach (var bugEntry in bugs)\n{\n var bugID = bugEntry.", "Key;\n var bugData = (JObject) bugEntry.", "Value;\n var comments = (JArray) bugData[\"comments\"];\n foreach (JObject comment in comments)\n Debug.", "Print(comment[\"text\"]);\n}\n\nA:\n\nNewtonsoft.", "Json JsonConvert can parse it as a Dictionary<String, Comments> provided with appropriate model classes:\npublic class Comment\n{\n public int id { get; set; }\n public string text { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class Comments\n{\n public List<Comment> comments { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class RootObject\n{\n public Dictionary<String, Comments> bugs { get; set; }\n}\n\nThat can be checked with:\nvar json = \"{\\r\\n \\\"bugs\\\" : {\\r\\n \\\"12345\\\" : {\\r\\n \\\"comments\\\" : [\\r\\n {\\r\\n \\\"id\\\" : 1,\\r\\n \\\"text\\\" : \\\"Description 1\\\"\\r\\n },\\r\\n {\\r\\n \\\"id\\\" : 2,\\r\\n \\\"text\\\" : \\\"Description 2\\\"\\r\\n }\\r\\n ]\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\";\n\nConsole.", "WriteLine(json);\n\nvar obj = JsonConvert.", "DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json);\n\nConsole.", "WriteLine(obj.bugs[\"12345\"].comments.", "First().text);\n\n" ]
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[ "<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>CSS Test: overflow applied to elements with 'display' set to 'table-column'</title>\n <link rel=\"author\" title=\"Microsoft\" href=\"http://www.microsoft.com/\">\n <link rel=\"help\" href=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visufx.html#propdef-overflow\">\n <link rel=\"help\" href=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visufx.html#overflow\">\n <meta name=\"flags\" content=\"ahem\">\n <meta name=\"assert\" content=\"The 'overflow' property does not apply to elements with 'display' set to 'table-column'.\"", ">\n <style type=\"text/css\">\n #test\n {\n display: table-column;\n overflow: hidden;\n }\n #table\n {\n border: 5px solid transparent;\n color: white;\n display: table;\n font: 20px/1em Ahem;\n height: 5em;\n table-layout: fixed;\n width: 5em;\n }\n #row\n {\n display: table-row;\n }\n #cell\n {\n display: table-cell;\n white-space: nowrap;\n }\n #span2\n {\n color: green;\n }\n </style>\n </head>\n <body>\n <p>Test passes if there is a green box below.</p>\n <div id=\"table\">\n <div id=\"test\"></div>\n <div id=\"row\">\n <div id=\"cell\"><span>XXXXX</span><span id=\"span2\">XXXXX</span></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </body>\n</html>" ]
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[ "Georges Seurat, 1859-1891 by Robert L Herbert(\nBook\n)8\neditions published\nin\n1991\nin\nEnglish\nand held by\n1,142 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\n\nGeorges Seurat by Pierre Courthion(\nBook\n)7\neditions published\nin\n1988\nin\nEnglish and Undetermined\nand held by\n921 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\nNumerous black-and-white illustrations show his extraordinary handling of the mediums of charcoal and conte crayon. ", "The text\nand commentaries are by French author and critic Pierre Courthion, a foremost authority on the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists.", "\nA biographical essay is followed by an album of reproductions\n\nSeurat and the making of La Grande Jatte by Robert L Herbert(\nBook\n)8\neditions published\nin\n2004\nin\nEnglish\nand held by\n783 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\n\"Seurat and the Making of \"La Grande Jatte\" provides an in-depth exploration of one of the world's most renowned paintings,\nA Sunday on La Grande Jatte - 1884 by Georges Seurat. ", "The catalogue accompanies the first comprehensive exhibition of La Grande\nJatte and its many related drawings and oil paintings. ", "Seurat scholar Robert L. Herbert makes new revelations about the painting's\nrelationship to its preparatory studies, stressing Seurat's empirical craftsmanship. ", "He compares La Grande Jatte to works\nby Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, and Signac, also in the exhibition, and analyzes the ways that twentieth-century critics, including\nMeyer Schapiro, T.J. Clark, and Linda Nochlin, have viewed the picture. ", "Herbert proposes that the enduring fascination of\nthe famous canvas comes from Seurat's mixture of fashion and irony.\" \"", "Also giving new perspectives in this book, the noted\ncultural historian Neil Harris charts how and why La Grande Jatte attained its revered status at the Art Institute of Chicago\nand throughout the United States. ", "Additionally, the exhibition's cocurators examine the painting's place in the museum's collection.", "\nEssays by Art Institute conservators show how Seurat transferred and altered figures from studies to final canvas and elucidate\nthe exact nature of his pigments and brushwork. ", "Color scientist Roy S. Berns traces the efforts to digitally recapture the\noriginal hues of Seurat's time-altered masterpiece.", "\"--Jacket\n\nGeorges Seurat by Mike Venezia(\nBook\n)1\nedition published\nin\n2002\nin\nEnglish\nand held by\n519 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\nDescribes the life and career of the nineteenth-century French Neo-Impressionist artist Georges Seurat, best known for inventing\nthe painting technique known as Pointillism\n\nPoint counterpoint the life and work of Georges Seurat, 1859-1891(\nVisual\n)4\neditions published\nbetween\n1979\nand\n2008\nin\nEnglish and No Linguistic content\nand held by\n375 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\nProvides a close look at Seurat's pointillist technique and masterful draftsmanship, highlighted by conversations with modern\nartists Henry Moore and Bridget Riley\n\nSeurat by Richard Tilston(\nBook\n)20\neditions published\nbetween\n1991\nand\n1995\nin\n5\nlanguages\nand held by\n283 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\nA brief introduction to Seurat's career is given. ", "Each plate is critiqued\n\nSunday with Seurat by Julie Merberg(\nBook\n)3\neditions published\nin\n2005\nin\nEnglish\nand held by\n259 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\nSet against the backdrop of well-known works by the artist, Georges Seurat, rhyming text describes a variety of activities\nthat fill one day, beginning at the shore and ending with a night at the circus\n\nGeorges Seurat : the drawings by Georges Seurat(\nBook\n)10\neditions published\nbetween\n2007\nand\n2008\nin\nEnglish\nand held by\n129 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\n\"Once described as \"the most beautiful painter's drawings in existence,\" Georges Seurat's mysterious and radiant works on\npaper played a crucial role in his career. ", "Though Seurat is most often remembered as the inventor of pointillism and for paintings\nlike Un Dimanche a la Grande Jatte, his incomparable drawings are among his - and modernism's - greatest achievements. ", "Working\nprimarily with conte crayon on paper, Seurat explored the Parisian metropolis and its environs, abstracted figures, spaces,\nand structures, and dramatized the relationship between light and shadow, creating a distinct body of work that is a touchstone\nfor art the twentieth century and today.\" \"", "Accompanying the first exhibition in almost twenty-five years to focus exclusively\non Seurat's drawings, this volume surveys the artist's entire oeuvre - from his academic training and the emergence of his\nunique methods to the studies made for his monumental canvases. ", "Distinguished writers present important new research on Seurat's\nartistic strategies, materials, and themes.", "\"--Jacket\n\nGeorges Seurat : figure in space by Georges Seurat(\nBook\n)7\neditions published\nin\n2009\nin\nEnglish\nand held by\n124 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\nIn his paintings, Seurat transposed his subjects into his technique, Pointillism, as well as into his innovative compositions.", "\nIn later pieces, he even repeated and varied human forms within a single work. ", "For his increasingly geometrical visual composition,\nwhich subordinates the individual elements to a system, he earned the admiration of the Bauhaus. ", "Exhibition: Kunsthaus Zürich,\nOctober 2, 2009 - January 17, 2010; Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, February 5 - May 9, 2010\n\nSeurat's universe by Antoine Terrasse(\nBook\n)3\neditions published\nin\n1977\nin\nEnglish\nand held by\n119 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\n\nSeurat by Galeries nationales du Grand Palais (France)(\nBook\n)9\neditions published\nin\n1991\nin\nFrench\nand held by\n115 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\n\nSeurat by John Russell(\nBook\n)22\neditions published\nbetween\n1965\nand\n1994\nin\n4\nlanguages\nand held by\n95 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\nThe life and works of the French painter\n\nA Sunday afternoon on the great island of Jatte by Yvette Contempré(\nBook\n)2\neditions published\nin\n1978\nin\nEnglish\nand held by\n90 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\nPresents a fictionalized account of the activities and conversations occurring in Seurat's painting, Grande Jatte\n\nGeorges Seurat by Iain Zaczek(\nBook\n)1\nedition published\nin\n2015\nin\nEnglish\nand held by\n89 WorldCat member\nlibraries\nworldwide\nWhen one thinks of Georges Seurat, one artistic technique should come to mind: pointillism. ", "Through Seurat's study of color\nand light, he came to use tiny dots to create gorgeous, unique colors. ", "Readers see full-color photographs of some of his most\nfamous pieces, such as A Sunday Afternoon on La Grande Jatte. ", "Close-up images of small parts of the works call readers' attention\nto interesting details, like the child in this painting who's looking straight out of the canvas. ", "Through clear instructions,\nreaders can learn how to do a pointillist painting" ]
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[ "// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n// found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\n#include \"butil/memory/weak_ptr.h\"\n\n#include <string>\n\n#include \"butil/debug/leak_annotations.h\"\n#include \"butil/memory/scoped_ptr.h\"\n#include \"butil/synchronization/waitable_event.h\"\n#include <gtest/gtest.h>\n\nnamespace butil {\nnamespace {\n\nstruct Base {\n std::string member;\n};\nstruct Derived : public Base {};\n\nstruct TargetBase {};\nstruct Target : public TargetBase, public SupportsWeakPtr<Target> {\n virtual ~Target() {}\n};\nstruct DerivedTarget : public Target {};\nstruct Arrow {\n WeakPtr<Target> target;\n};\nstruct TargetWithFactory : public Target {\n TargetWithFactory() : factory(this) {}\n WeakPtrFactory<Target> factory;\n};\n\n} // namespace\n\nTEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, Basic) {\n int data;\n WeakPtrFactory<int> factory(&data);\n WeakPtr<int> ptr = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n EXPECT_EQ(&data, ptr.get());\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, Comparison) {\n int data;\n WeakPtrFactory<int> factory(&data);\n WeakPtr<int> ptr = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n WeakPtr<int> ptr2 = ptr;\n EXPECT_EQ(ptr.get(), ptr2.get());\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, OutOfScope) {\n WeakPtr<int> ptr;\n EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ptr.get());\n {\n int data;\n WeakPtrFactory<int> factory(&data);\n ptr = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n }\n EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ptr.get());\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, Multiple) {\n WeakPtr<int> a, b;\n {\n int data;\n WeakPtrFactory<int> factory(&data);\n a = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n b = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n EXPECT_EQ(&data, a.get());\n EXPECT_EQ(&data, b.get());\n }\n EXPECT_EQ(NULL, a.get());\n EXPECT_EQ(NULL, b.get());\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, MultipleStaged) {\n WeakPtr<int> a;\n {\n int data;\n WeakPtrFactory<int> factory(&data);\n a = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n {\n WeakPtr<int> b = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n }\n EXPECT_TRUE(NULL !", "= a.get());\n }\n EXPECT_EQ(NULL, a.get());\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, Dereference) {\n Base data;\n data.member = \"123456\";\n WeakPtrFactory<Base> factory(&data);\n WeakPtr<Base> ptr = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n EXPECT_EQ(&data, ptr.get());\n EXPECT_EQ(data.member, (*ptr).member);\n EXPECT_EQ(data.member, ptr->member);\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, UpCast) {\n Derived data;\n WeakPtrFactory<Derived> factory(&data);\n WeakPtr<Base> ptr = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n ptr = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n EXPECT_EQ(ptr.get(), &data);\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrTest, SupportsWeakPtr) {\n Target target;\n WeakPtr<Target> ptr = target.", "AsWeakPtr();\n EXPECT_EQ(&target, ptr.get());\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrTest, DerivedTarget) {\n DerivedTarget target;\n WeakPtr<DerivedTarget> ptr = AsWeakPtr(&target);\n EXPECT_EQ(&target, ptr.get());\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrTest, InvalidateWeakPtrs) {\n int data;\n WeakPtrFactory<int> factory(&data);\n WeakPtr<int> ptr = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n EXPECT_EQ(&data, ptr.get());\n EXPECT_TRUE(factory.", "HasWeakPtrs());\n factory.", "InvalidateWeakPtrs();\n EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ptr.get());\n EXPECT_FALSE(factory.", "HasWeakPtrs());\n\n // Test that the factory can create new weak pointers after a\n // InvalidateWeakPtrs call, and they remain valid until the next\n // InvalidateWeakPtrs call.", "\n WeakPtr<int> ptr2 = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n EXPECT_EQ(&data, ptr2.get());\n EXPECT_TRUE(factory.", "HasWeakPtrs());\n factory.", "InvalidateWeakPtrs();\n EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ptr2.get());\n EXPECT_FALSE(factory.", "HasWeakPtrs());\n}\n\nTEST(WeakPtrTest, HasWeakPtrs) {\n int data;\n WeakPtrFactory<int> factory(&data);\n {\n WeakPtr<int> ptr = factory.", "GetWeakPtr();\n EXPECT_TRUE(factory.", "HasWeakPtrs());\n }\n EXPECT_FALSE(factory.", "HasWeakPtrs());\n}\n\n} // namespace butil\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\ninitialize 2d vector in c++\n\nSo, I have the following code in c++:\nThis is the 2d vector:\nvector<vector<int>> adj;\n\nInitialization of 2d vector:\nadj[0].push_back(1);\nadj[0].push_back(2);\nadj[1].push_back(3);\nadj[1].push_back(4);\nadj[1].push_back(5);\n\nPrinting the vector:\nfor(auto i : adj) {\n for(auto j : i)\n cout << j << \" \";\n cout << endl;\n}\n\nCompilation is without error but when I try to run it shows nothing.", "\nHow to fix this?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhen you write adj[0], you're implicitly assuming that the vector has a size of at least 1, in order for the zeroth element to exist. ", "This is not the case for an empty vector, such as a newly initialized one. ", "Unfortunately, this does not guarantee an error of any kind, it is Undefined Behavior, and the compiler is allowed to let literally anything happen. ", "To avoid it, you need to make room for those elements, which can be done in a number of ways:\nadj.resize(2); // now size == 2, and [0] and [1] can be safely accessed\nadj[0].push_back(1);\nadj[1].push_back(3);\n\nor alternatively\nadj.push_back({}); // append default-constructed vector\nadj.back().push_back(1); // append 1 to the above vector\n\nor, perhaps most concisely:\nadj = {\n {1, 2},\n {3, 4, 5}\n};\n// adj now contains two vectors containing {1, 2} and {3, 4, 5} respectively\n\nIf you want to use the subscript [] operator for indexed access to a vector, consider using vector.at(), which performs the same functionality but throws an exception if the index is out of range. ", "This can be very helpful for debugging.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Find 26 listings related to Pet Boarding Kennels in Sioux City on YP.com. ... ", "From\nBusiness: * All dogs are personally walked individually several times a day *\nDogs can be kenneled anywhere from .... 2576 Barker AveSergeant Bluff, IA\n51054." ]
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[ "TYPE SIGNATURES\n foo :: String\nDependent modules: []\nDependent packages: [base-, ghc-bignum-1.0, ghc-prim-0.7.0]\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys vs literal notation\n\nWhat are the differences between using NSDictionary/NSArray constructors and the literal notation?", "\nNSDictionary *dict1 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@\"bar\", @\"foo\"];\nNSDictionary *dict2 = @{ @\"foo\" : @\"bar\" };\n\nNSArray *arr1 = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@\"one\", @\"two\"];\nNSArray *arr2 = @[ @\"one\", @\"two\" ];\n\nWhat about accessing dictionary and array elements?", "\nNSLog(@\"%@\", [dict1 objectForKey:@\"foo\"]);\nNSLog(@\"%@\", dict2[@\"foo\"]);\n\nNSLog(@\"%@\", [arr1 objectAtIndex:0]);\nNSLog(@\"%@\", arr2[0]);\n\nIs the difference purely readability, or is there a performance/behavior difference as well?", "\n\nA:\n\nAs explained in the Clang documentation, the literal @{} and @[] forms are identical to dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count: and arrayWithObjects:count:, which verify that no nil values are present.", "\nSimilarly, the subscript notations translate directly to objectAtIndexedSubscript:/setObject:atIndexedSubscript: and objectForKeyedSubscript:/setObject:forKeyedSubscript: (which can be implemented for your own classes if you so desire).", "\nCompiling this code…\n@import Foundation;\nint main() {\n NSDictionary *dict1 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@\"bar\", @\"foo\", nil];\n NSDictionary *dict2 = @{@\"foo\" : @\"bar\"};\n NSString *result1 = dict2[@\"bar\"];\n\n NSArray *arr1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"one\", @\"two\", nil];\n NSArray *arr2 = @[@\"one\", @\"two\"];\n NSString *result2 = arr2[1];\n return 0;\n}\n\n…and opening the binary with Hopper reveals this pseudocode, which is not perfect, but good enough to see what's going on:\n\n" ]
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[ "Julian Okai\n\nJulian Ebenezer N. A. Okai (born 26 February 1993) is an English footballer who plays as a midfielder for Isthmian League Division One North club Great Wakering Rovers.", "\n\nCareer\nHe made his debut on 7 November 2009 for Southend United in their 3–0 away defeat to Gillingham in the FA Cup First Round, replacing Francis Laurent in the 89th minute as a substitute. ", "Okai made a total of 49 appearances and scored 10 goals for Southend's youth team, and 16 appearances in the club's reserve team. ", "It was announced in March 2011, that Okai was not to be offered a new contract at Southend and was to be released at the end of the 2010–11 season.", "\n\nHe then went on to sign for Isthmian League Premier Division club Concord Rangers, and then Isthmian League Division One North club Great Wakering Rovers in November 2011. ", "In 2012, he accepted a scholarship at California State University to play for the Cal State Fullerton Titans.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nSouthend United profile\n\nCategory:1993 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Black English sportspeople\nCategory:English footballers\nCategory:Southend United F.C. players\nCategory:Concord Rangers F.C. players\nCategory:Great Wakering Rovers F.C. players\nCategory:Isthmian League players\nCategory:Association football midfielders" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nOther's library #define naming conflict\n\nHard to come up with a proper title for this problem. ", "Anyway...\nI'm currently working on a GUI for my games in SDL. ", "I've finished the software drawing and was on my way to start on the OpenGL part of it when a weird error came up. ", "I included the \"SDL/SDL_opengl.h\" header and compile. ", "It throws \"error C2039: 'DrawTextW' : is not a member of 'GameLib::FontHandler'\", which is a simple enough error, but I don't have anything called DrawTextW, only FontHandler::DrawText. ", "I search for DrawTextW and find it in a #define call in the header \"WinUser.h\"!", "\n//WinUser.h\n#define DrawText DrawTextW\n\nApparently it replaces my DrawText with DrawTextW! ", "How can I stop it from spilling over into my code like that?", "\nIt's a minor thing changing my own function's name, but naming conflicts like this seem pretty dangerous and I would really like to know how to avoid them all together.", "\nCheers!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou have a couple of options, all of which suck.", "\n\nAdd #undef DrawText in your own code\nDon't include windows.h. ", "If another library includes it for you, don't include that directly. ", "Instead, include it in a separate .cpp file, which can then expose your own wrapper functions in its header.", "\nRename your own DrawText.", "\n\nWhen possible, I usually go for the middle option. ", "windows.h behaves badly in countless other ways (for example, it doesn't actually compile unless you enable Microsoft's proprietary C++ extensions), so I simply avoid it like the plague. ", "It doesn't get included in my files if I can help it. ", "Instead, I write a separate .cpp file to contain it and expose the functionality I need.", "\nAlso, feel free to submit it as a bug and/or feedback on connect.microsoft.com. ", "Windows.h is a criminally badly designed header, and if people draw Microsoft's attention to it, there's a (slim) chance that they might one day fix it.", "\nThe good news is that windows.h is the only header that behaves this badly. ", "Other headers generally try to prefix their macros with some library-specific name to avoid name collisions, they try to avoid creating macros for common names, and they try avoid using more macros than necessary.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt's an unfortunate side effect of #includeing <windows.h>. ", " Assuming you're not actually using Windows' DrawText() anywhere in your program, it's perfectly safe to #undef it immediately after:\n// wherever you #include <windows.h>, or any other windows header\n#include <windows.h>\n#undef DrawText\n\nA:\n\nThere is no general way of avoiding this problem - once you #include a header file using the preprocessor it can redefine any name it likes, and there is nothing you can do about it. ", "You can #undef the name, but that assumes you know the name was #defined in the first place.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSecurity of shared hosting\n\nWhat are some of the security risks involved with using shared hosting services such as godaddy inmotion and fatcow?", "\n\nA:\n\nI worked as a sysadmin at a hosting company and there can be many issues related to security to consider. ", " \nI think a self-managed dedicated server is great IF you know what you are doing. ", " If you are willing to maintain the software packages installed and run regular security updates, etc, and you don't need admins to help set things up. ", " If part of the reason you are hosting is to tap into someone else's expertise, then go shared/VPS/managed dedicated. ", " \nOtherwise you really need to ask the host (you can ask them and get a quick response, right?) ", "about their server software versions and update policies. ", " \nA good host should be on top of all the software running on their boxes and provide rapid response (with testing) to apply security updates. ", " \nYou should run from any host that is not using currently maintained software or operating systems, or is not able to provide you with quick responses about their server software update policies. ", "\nAlso, a good host should have users isolated from each other via proper server configurations of PHP and Apache. ", " On a decent host, this shouldn't even be an issue. ", "\nAnd this doesn't even touch the security issues with whatever Forum,CMS,Blog,etc.. software you are going to run.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLotusscript date time issues\n\nI have a couple of dates stored in a view. ", "And I am using getItemValue to retrieve them.", "\nDim repsondedDate As NotesDateTime\nSet repsondedDate = timePart1doc.", "GetItemValue(\"dateResponded\")\nWhen I try to do the following, I get a type missmatch at run time.", "\nDim dateDifference As double\nSet dtLocal = New NotesDateTime( Now )\ndateDifference = repsondedDate.", "Timedifference(dtLocal)\nDoes anyone have any ideas on what is going wrong?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe following line returns an array:\nSet repsondedDate = timePart1doc.", "GetItemValue(\"dateResponded\")\n\nSo it should be:\nSet repsondedDate = timePart1doc.", "GetItemValue(\"dateResponded\")(0)\n\nIf I'm not mistaken you should be using the GetItemValueDateTimeArray method instead of the GetItemValue, so it should actually be like this:\nSet repsondedDate = timePart1doc.", "GetItemValueDateTimeArray(\"dateResponded\")(0)\n\nHope that helps\n\n" ]
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[ "Tilt-up precast concrete structures are often used in building constructions, and lifting anchors are commonly embedded or cast in the precast concrete structures to facilitate handling, since these structures can be difficult to hoist and handle due to their weight, bulkiness, and susceptibility to damage, such as cracking, chipping, and other breakage." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to electrostatic spray deposition techniques for applying an electrolyte material to a substrate, such as for a solid oxide fuel cell, wherein a precursor including the electrolyte material is discharged from a spray nozzle that has a collar positioned about the nozzle, for applying a relatively thin layer of the electrolyte material on the substrate surface.", "\n2. ", "Discussion of Related Art\nConventional electrostatic spray deposition (ESD) methods and apparatuses have been used to apply an electrolyte material to an anode structure of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), but the conventional methods and apparatuses currently produce state-of-the-art electrolyte layers each having a thickness of 30-40 μm.", "\nWith conventional designs, one disadvantage is that materials and structures used to construct SOFC components cannot operate effectively at temperatures lower than 900° C.-1000° C., which is a temperature range at which conventional SOFC components operate. ", "Yttria-stabalized zirconia (YSZ) is typically used as an electrolyte material because of its chemical stability and strength properties. ", "However, even at a temperature of 1000° C., the specific ionic conductivity is relatively low, for example about 0.1 Ω−1cm−1, and thus a thickness of the electrolyte layer must be relatively small. ", "At higher operating temperatures of a conventional SOFC, a grain-boundary morphology connected with segregation, sintering, etc., ", "can vary and thus reduce long-term and cycling stability of the conventional SOFC. ", "In the industry, there is considerable effort to define and manufacture ceramic materials suitable for an intermediate temperature (IT) SOFC that has better stability than that of a conventional SOFC. ", "One important requirement for improving a SOFC cell structure is to minimize an overall voltage loss of the SOFC.", "\nVarious conventional SOFC designs may be classified as electrolyte-supported, anode-supported and cathode-supported. ", "The cathode-supported design is rarely used. ", "In a planar cell the supporting cell component must provide sufficient mechanical strength to span a cell width, which is typically 10-20 cm. ", "Thus the supporting cell component should be thicker than the other two components, and may even be thicker than an inter-connect (IC) layer if the IC layer is not designed for structured support, for example an IT-SOFC having a thin metallic foil for the IC layer. ", "An electrolyte-supported SOFC usually has YSZ disks of approximately 100 μm thickness, on which relatively thin electrodes, each about 10 μm thick, are screen-printed. ", "At an operating temperature of 1000° C. such an electrolyte layer thickness is tolerable, but at an operating temperature of 600-800° C., the electrolyte layer thickness must be much less, for reasons discussed below.", "\nIn a tubular design developed by the business entity Siemens-Westinghouse, the cathode is used as the supporting layer and thus has a cathode thickness of approximately 2 mm, which easily causes excessive polarization at relatively high current densities. ", "The polarization is much less for an anode of comparable thickness, at least with hydrogen as a fuel. ", "Anode-supported cells normally include a pre-fabricated relatively thick anode, on which a relatively thin electrolyte layer is deposited. ", "The anode of an anode-supported SOFC is usually pre-sintered at a relatively low temperature to strengthen the anode, without significant shrinking. ", "The YSZ electrolyte is then slurry-coated and sintered to the required temperature. ", "The cathode is also slurry coated and sintered in a separate step.", "\nTable 1 identifies properties of materials used in various cell components of a conventional tubular SOFC. ", "The higher operating temperatures, around 1000° C., of the conventional SOFC limits the number of materials available for the cell components, because of a need to satisfy stringent criteria for chemical stability in oxidizing and reducing environments, for chemical stability of contacting materials, for conductivity, and for thermo-mechanical compatibility.", "\nTABLE 1Specifications of SOFC Components in Tubular SOFCComponentConventional PropertiesAnodeNi/ZrO2 cermet (Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2)Electrochemical Vapor Deposition (EVD) or Slurrydeposition (EVD expected to be replaced by anodesintering)Thermal Coefficient of Expansion (TEC)12.5 × 10−6 cm/cm ° C.~150 μm thickness20-40% porosityCathodeSr or Ca doped lanthanum manganite (SLM)Extrusion, sintering~2 mm thicknessTEC 11 × 10−6 cm/cm ° C.Expansion from room temperature to 1000° C.30-40% porosityElectrolyteYttria (8 mol %) stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ)EVDTEC 10.5 × 10−6 cm/cm ° C.Expansion from room temperature to 1000° C.30-40 μm thicknessCell InterconnectMg doped lanthanum chromitePlasma sprayTEC 10 × 10−6 cm/cm ° C.~100 μm thickness\nThe physical limitations of current materials make apparent a need to develop cells with composition of oxides and metals that operate at intermediate temperatures in a range of 600-800° C.\nConventional SOFC designs make use of thin film concepts where films of electrode, electrolyte, and inter-connect material are deposited on one another and sintered, to form a cell structure. ", "The state-of-the-art YSZ electrolyte in a SOFC operating at 1000° C. must be about 25-50 μm to keep the ohmic loss to a level comparable to that of the liquid electrolyte in a conventional PAFC. ", "In manufacturing the tubular SOFC, dense YSZ layers of about 40 μm thickness are often fabricated by an Electrochemical Vapor Deposition (EVD) method, as well as by tape casting and other ceramic processing technologies.", "\nA lower limit of the thickness of a YSZ electrolyte layer or another ceramic membrane is in part a function of the production process such as EVD, tape casting or other processes. ", "The electrolyte layers deposited not only should be very thin and 100% dense, but should also have uniform composition and optimal microstructure. ", "The electrolyte film should have sufficient mechanical strength to withstand the thermal stresses occurring due to start-up, shut-down, and other temperature swings during operation. ", "As the thickness is reduced, the microstructure of the film becomes more important to adequately reduce ohmic resistance. ", "It is believed SOFC with a thin-film electrolyte having a grain size of 100 nm or less can produce an overall electrolyte resistance at an acceptable low level.", "\nWith the IT-SOFC, whether or not using current electrolyte materials such as YSZ, there is a need to reduce resistance or ohmic losses that occur across mixed ionic-electronic conducting electrodes as well as ionic conducting electrolyte. ", "Main ohmic losses are related to the electrolyte. ", "Thus, there is an apparent need to reduce a thickness of the electrolyte layer. ", "When the electrolyte layer is a relatively thin film, such as having a thickness of 5-15 μm according to this invention, its resistance at intermediate temperatures is comparable to, or less than, that of a conventional electrolyte layer having a thickness of 30-40 μm, and operating at 900-1000° C. There is a need to reduce an electrolyte layer thickness to 5-10 μm, or perhaps less, for SOFC operation at 600-800° C. To maintain IT-SOFC power densities well above those of the high-temperature SOFC, it may be necessary to reduce the thickness of the YSZ electrolyte layer to only a few micrometers." ]
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[ "Repeat measurements of glycated haemoglobin A(1c) and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide: divergent behaviour in diabetes mellitus.", "\nPatients with diabetes mellitus have a substantially increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. ", "However, the absolute risk greatly varies not only among patients, but the risk profile for an individual patient may also change over time. ", "We investigated the prognostic role of repetitive measurements of Glycated haemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c) ) and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in patients with longstanding diabetes. ", "For this prospective, observational study data from 544 consecutive patients were collected between 2005 and 2008. ", "HbA(1c) and NT-proBNP were measured at baseline and after 1 year. ", "The median observation period was 40 months. ", "Endpoints were all-cause mortality, cardiac, cardiovascular and all-cause hospitalizations. ", "N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide concentrations significantly increased from 230 ± 385 to 280 ± 449 pg mL(-1) (P < 0·001); during the same time, HbA(1c) significantly decreased from 7·6 ± 1·5 to 7·3 ± 1·2 (P < 0·001). ", "NT-proBNP was the best baseline predictor in a Cox regression model consisting of NT-proBNP, HbA(1c) , age, gender and duration of diabetes for all endpoints (P < 0·001). ", "NT-proBNP at follow-up was the best predictor for the remaining period (P < 0·001, all endpoints). ", "HbA(1c) at baseline and follow-up was predictive for all-cause hospitalizations (P = 0·005 both). ", "In a third model that investigated the plasticity of both markers, changes in HbA(1c) concentration had no predictive value, but a change of NT-proBNP concentration was highly predictive (P = 0·025 all-cause mortality, P < 0·001 all other endpoints). ", "N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and HbA(1c) concentrations significantly diverged over a 1-year period. ", "NT-proBNP was the most potent predictor of outcome at baseline and follow-up, and changes in NT-proBNP concentrations were linked to an altered risk profile, unlike changes in HbA(1c) levels." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUsing AJAX / jQuery to refresh an image\n\nThis is probably a simple question but I am stumped and just don't know where to start.", "\nI have a PHP script (image_feed.php) that returns a URL to an image. ", "Every time this URl is called it returns the latest image available (the image changes every couple of seconds). ", "\nWhat I want to happen is that when the page loads, there is an AJAX call to image_feed.php, which returns the latest url. ", "This URl is then inserted into the HTMl replacing the appropriate image src.", "\nAfter 5 seconds, I want the process to repeat, and for the image to update. ", "However, I don't want the image to be swapped until it has finished loading, and I want to avoid a white space appearing before the new image loads.", "\nAt the moment I have the following jQuery, which simply loads the return value of image_feed.php directly into a div called #image1. ", "image_feed.php is correctly formatted to provide a html image tag.", "\n $(document).ready(function(){\n var $container = $(\"#image1\");\n $container.load('image_feed.php?CAMERA_URI=<?=$camera_uri;?", ">')\n var refreshId = setInterval(function()\n {\n $container.load('image_feed.php?CAMERA_URI=<?=$camera_uri;?", ">');\n }, 5000);\n\n}); \n\nThis works, but there is a problem. ", "I get a white space the size of the image in IE and Firefox every time the image refreshes, because the image takes a while to download.", "\nI know what I need to is for image_feed.php to return the plain URL to the image. ", "I then use some jQuery to request this URL, pre-load it and then swap it with the existing image. ", "\nHowever, I'm still struggling to get anywhere. ", "Could someone be so kind as to give me some pointers / help?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can. ", "When you want to reload something, you can just append a search query, so that it refreshes the source.", "\nFor Eg., ", "when there is a frequently changing image (say captcha) and you wanna load it again, without refreshing the browser, you can do this way:\nInitial Code:\n<img src=\"captcha.png\" alt=\"captcha\" />\n\nRefreshed Code:\n<img src=\"captcha.png?1\" alt=\"captcha\" />\n\nThe script used here would be just:\nvar d = new Date();\n$('img').attr('src', $('img').attr('src') + '?_", "=' + d.getMilliseconds());\n\nHope this helps! :)", "\n\nA:\n\n$(document).ready(function() {\n var $img = $('#image1');\n setInterval(function() {\n $.get('image_feed.php?CAMERA_URI=<?=$camera_uri;?", ">', function(data) {\n var $loader = $(document.createElement('img'));\n $loader.one('load', function() {\n $img.attr('src', $loader.attr('src'));\n });\n $loader.attr('src', data);\n if($loader.complete) {\n $loader.trigger('load');\n }\n });\n }, 5000);\n});\n\nUntested. ", "Code above should load the new image in the background and then set the src attribute of the old image on load.", "\nThe event handler for load will be executed only once. ", "The .complete check is necessary for browsers that may have cached the image to be loaded. ", "In such cases, these browsers may or may not trigger the load event.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCharging circuit\n\nI have a motorhome and tow my car behind. ", "Since I have to leave the car in accessory mode so the steering wheel is unlocked, the battery doesn't last a long time.", "\nI want to run a DS line from the motorhome hookup (fused at motorhome) to the battery in a car to utilize the motorhomes charging. ", "I plan to fuse at the car battery. ", "Really would like to add a diode to prevent the car battery from backfeeding into the motorhome. ", "\nAll batteries are flooded lead acid, 12V. Since there is a good possibility of backfeed when starting (diesel draws a lot of power to start), I'm not sure what size of a diode I should use or even where I could purchase one. ", "\nI live about 40 miles North of Toronto Canada. ", "\nAny suggestions on where to get or improve the circuit would be greatly appreciated. ", "\nThank you\n\nA:\n\nThe fastest, cheapest and easiest solution is to add a battery disconnect switch to the car. ", "After placing the ignition switch into acc mode the open the hood and disconnect the switch. ", "When you arrive at your destination, open the hood and reconnect the switch. ", "This costs under $20. ", "It also eliminates the need to run anything or calculate anything. ", "Many auto parts stores carry this in stock. ", "\nPS put this on the negative battery cable not the positive. ", "\n\nA:\n\nadding a diode would probably be counterproductive as it will cause an extra voltage drop, I'd look into fitting a relay such that the socket was not connected during engine start.", "\n\nA:\n\nDisconnecting the battery messes up your radio, etc. ", "Instead of a diode which causes a voltage drop you could put a 55 W lamp in series. ", "It will limit the current to the battery but as the battery charges up the voltage drop across the bulb will reduce and the battery gets full alternator voltage.", "\nWhen cranking the motor home its battery voltage may drop to 6 V or so. ", "The charging lamp will glow at half-voltage (about 1/4 power) and won't load the car battery.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Outcomes of pregnancies in women with pre-gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus; a population-based study in New South Wales, Australia, 1998-2002.", "\nTo determine population-based rates and outcomes of pre-gestational diabetes mellitus (pre-GDM) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in pregnancy. ", "This was a cross-sectional study, using linked population databases, of all women, and their infants, discharged from hospital following birth in New South Wales (NSW) between 1 July 1998 and 31 December 2002. ", "Women with, and infants exposed to pre-GDM or GDM were compared with those without diabetes mellitus for pregnancy characteristics and outcomes. ", "Women with a singleton pregnancy (n = 370,703) and their infants were included: 1248 women (0.3%) had pre-GDM and 17,128 (4.5%) had GDM. ", "Of those women with pre-GDM, 57% had Type 1 diabetes, 20% had Type 2 diabetes and for 23% the type of diabetes was unknown. ", "Major maternal morbidity or mortality was more common in women with pre-GDM (7.9%) [odds ratio (OR) 3.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.6, 3.9] and in women with GDM (3.1%) (OR 1.2, 95% CI 1.1, 1.4) when compared with women without diabetes (2.6%). ", "Major infant morbidity or mortality occurred more frequently in infants exposed to pre-GDM compared with no diabetes (13.6% vs. 3.1%) (OR 5.0, 95% CI 4.2, 5.8) and in infants exposed to GDM compared with no diabetes (3.2% vs. 2.3%) (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.3, 1.5). ", "Pre-GDM and GDM continue to be associated with an increased risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes; however, women with GDM have adverse outcomes less frequently. ", "Rates of GDM and pre-GDM appear to be increasing over time. ", "Clinicians should consider the potential for adverse outcomes, and arrange referral to appropriate services." ]
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[ "William Pierce Stubbs\n\n__NOTOC__\nWilliam Pierce Stubbs (1842–1909) or W.P. Stubbs was a marine painter in the Boston, Massachusetts, area in the 19th century. ", "Examples of his work are in the Bostonian Society; Cape Ann Museum; and Peabody Essex Museum. ", "He also lived in Bucksport, Maine.", "\n\nImages\n\nSee also\nAmerican Painters\nVisual art of the United States\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n Report of the international maritime exhibition, Boston 1889-90. ", "Boston: Rockwell and Churchill, 1890.", "\n Goodly ships on painted seas : ship portraiture by Penobscot Bay artists. ", "Searsport, [Maine] : Penobscot Marine Museum, 1988.", "\n\nExternal links\n\n Penobscot Bay History. ", "Maine Marine Painters\n\nCategory:1842 births\nCategory:1909 deaths\nCategory:Artists from Boston\nCategory:People from Bucksport, Maine\nCategory:19th century in Boston\nCategory:American marine artists\nCategory:Artists from Maine\nCategory:19th-century American painters\nCategory:American male painters\nCategory:20th-century American painters" ]
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[ "~FYI~\nI have informed some other DG'ers from the area, they should be contacting Lou pretty soon.", "\nI also told them about the site. ", "SO hopefully it will give us the BIG turnout.", "\nThey have a site for their meet ups if anyone wishes to look at it: discgolf.meetup.com/48...r/8736004/\n\nYou cannot post new topics in this forumYou cannot reply to topics in this forumYou cannot edit your posts in this forumYou cannot delete your posts in this forumYou cannot vote in polls in this forumYou cannot attach files in this forumYou cannot download files in this forum\n\nThe logos and trademarks used on this site are the property of their respective owners\nWe are not responsible for comments posted by our users, as they are the property of the poster\nInteractive software released under GNU GPL,\nCode Credits,\nPrivacy Policy" ]
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[ "Electron microscopy of materials at the University of Birmingham.", "\nThe School of Metallurgy and Materials has traditionally put transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in the forefront of its research interests and, through support from SERC and from the university, has always had the facility to carry out state of the art electron microscopy of materials. ", "In this brief review some of the topics where TEM has played a central role in recent work in Birmingham will be described so that it will be seen just how central to the work in Birmingham TEM has been." ]
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[ "German freelance journalist Billy Six has circled the globe with a hand-held video camera asking people living through wars and strife to tell their stories.", "\n\nBut when he turned his lens to Venezuela, documenting the economic collapse and mass migration from the socialist country, he wounded up in jail on charges that his family says include spying — accusations they reject as false.", "\n\n\"He never touched a weapon, never joined in any demonstrations,\" his father, Edward Six, told The Associated Press. \"", "He just was on the street. ", "He talked to all these normal people. ", "He asked them questions and put that on the internet.\"", "\n\nAuthorities have yet to comment on the arrest, which took place three weeks ago, leaving Six's family grasping for answers and German diplomats in the dark; so far they have been unable to visit the 31-year-old in the infamous Helicoide prison in Caracas where he's being held alongside some of the government's most strident opponents.", "\n\nThe case has alarmed press freedom groups.", "\n\nWhile Maduro's government has little tolerance for critical coverage by local press, foreign journalists who cross officials are usually spared the same harsh treatment. ", "In the past, foreign reporters, like Six, who weren't accredited would stay in custody for just a few days before being ejected from the country.", "\n\nSix's father said that officers first noticed his son on Nov. 16 during the search of a nightclub in the Caribbean oil town of Punto Fijo. ", "Six didn't have his passport on hand, so officers escorted him to his hotel for questioning, according to his father, who declined to say how he knows details of his son's plight.", "\n\nThe next day, a team of 15 officers — two in civilian clothes and others heavily armed in special forces gear — scooped him up from his hotel. ", "He was later charged with espionage, rebellion and violating a security zone and has remained in isolation, according to his father, adding that his son has not been harmed.", "\n\nSix's father believes that officials are using a photo his son took of Maduro at a May rally in Caracas as evidence in the case. ", "But Edward Six said the photo was taken from behind a security perimeter far away from the leader.", "\n\nThe Venezuelan information ministry did not respond to a request for comment.", "\n\nIn Berlin, the German Foreign Ministry said Friday it cannot give any details about the case, citing privacy laws. ", "A German diplomat said that Venezuelan officials have not allowed diplomats to visit Six, a right guaranteed by international law. ", "The diplomat was not authorized to discuss the case publicly and declined to be named.", "\n\n\"Three weeks after his reported arrest, there have been no updates about his conditions or the charges against him,\" the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists said in a statement. \"", "This poses a serious threat to the country's already limited press freedom.\"", "\n\nResident of a Berlin suburb, Six has travelled the globe as an independent journalist for 12 years, publishing his reports in right-wing outlets. ", "His recent arrest has generated little interest in mainstream German media, which relatives blame on his conservative affiliation.", "\n\nThis isn't Six's first arrest amid turmoil.", "\n\nIn 2013, he was jailed by the government of Syria's Bashar al-Assad for three months after illegally entering the country to report on its bloody civil war. ", "Talking to reporters after his release, Six described hearing the screams of people being tortured at night, but he was eventually handed over unharmed to Russian diplomats in Damascus who had helped secure his release.", "\n\nSix turned his attention to Venezuela over a year ago. ", "His father said he entered the country legally but was unable to secure journalist credentials required by Venezuela to work as a reporter.", "\n\nRonald Glaeser, a friend and editor at the German weekly Junge Freiheit (Young Freedom), said Six \"is going into places and situations that most journalists wouldn't try to go ... He puts himself in danger — unfortunately too often.\"", "\n\nWhile reporting on Venezuela, Six posted two crudely edited German-language videos online showing him walking the streets, interviewing people and at times narrating his conclusions, critical of Maduro's socialist government.", "\n\n\"Hola amigos, I'm still in Venezuela, South American socialism of the 21st century,\" Six says, opening one video. \"", "Here on the street there's dust, dirt, garbage, street dogs.\"", "\n\n___\n\nAssociated Press writer David Rising contributed to this report from Berlin." ]
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[ "As we begin our study of American Government\nand Politics, it is important that we begin\nwith a basic understanding of the field of\nPolitical Science. ", "This presentation will\ndefine political science, then we will discuss\nsome underlying topics and questions that\npolitical scientists deal with as a part of\ntheir academic and professional lives. ", "Lastly,\nwe will look at some specific areas of employment\nthat students of political science often find\nthemselves engaged in as a part of their professional\ncareer paths. ", "When you have finished reviewing\nthis presentation, please be sure to complete\nthe short quiz as an opportunity for extra\ncredit. ", "You may take this quiz as many times\nas you need to until you are satisfied with\nyour results.", "\nYour textbook defines political science as:\nThe systematic study of the ways in which\nideas, individuals, and institutions gain\npower and shape political outcomes.", "\nStudents and authorities in the field of political\nscience seek to gain an understanding of political\nideologies, institutions, policies, processes\nand behavior as well as an understanding of\ngroups and societal classes, and formal governmental\ninstitutions as well as a number of additional\ntopics including diplomacy, law, strategy,\nand war.", "\nAs with any physical or social science, students,\nresearchers, and practitioners are drawn by\nquestions of interest and research. ", "Political\nscientists are often attracted to questions,\nlike:\nHow do people gain and exercise power?", "\nHow can individuals, groups, and countries,\nget along together and what happens when they\ndon't?", "\nWhy do countries fight wars and how can they\navoid them?", "\nWhy are some individuals, classes, and countries\nrich? ", "while others live in poverty?", "\nHow can we encourage citizens to actively\nparticipate in their democracy? ", "and what happens\nwhen they don't?", "\nHow do politicians and governmental institutions\nchoose and implement policy? ", "and what specific\nservices do they provide?", "\nHow are governments and their policies funded?", "\nand how do institutions and agencies administer\nand account for those funds?", "\nAnd lastly, What does it mean to act ethically\nin politics?", "\nThe area of political theory focuses on the\nwritings and theoretical research efforts\nof political philosophers. ", "Those who study\nand specialize in this field focus their attention\non the study of human nature and human behavior,\nmoral purposes and needs for governance, and\nforms of political participation. ", "While this\nfield is very theoretical in nature, it forms\nthe foundation of many other areas of specialty\nand research in political science.", "\nComparative politics studies the diversity\nof governmental systems on an international\nbasis. ", "It focuses on evaluating, comparing,\nand contrasting governmental systems around\nthe world while also studying human rights\nissues, levels of democratic participation,\nsystems of selecting leaders, and lawmaking\nbodies on a global scale.", "\nWhile comparative politics focuses on comparing\nformal governmental institutions from around\nthe world, the field of international relations\nstudies the interrelationships between nations,\nincluding diplomacy, aggression and response\nto aggression, root causes of war and peace,\nthe use of militaries, state and non-state\nactors, and national and international security\nissues.", "\nPerhaps the most recognizable field of political\nscience is that of American Government and\nPolitics. ", "Students, researchers, and practitioners\nin this field seek an understanding of politics\nas practiced in the United States. ", "In addition\nto giving attention to the American presidency,\nthe U.S. Congress, and the courts, this field\nalso studies such topics as the political\nrole of mass media, the politics of race and\nethnicity, constitutional law, policy formation,\nstate politics, and American political thought.", "\nStudents and practitioners of political methodology\nand research are concerned with the philosophical\nbases of political science, social science,\nempirical research design and analysis, and\npractical field research experience and tend\nto be the \"geeks\" of the political science\nfield because of their heavily data-driven\nand statistical orientation.", "\nThey tend to focus on activities such as polling,\npredicting political outcomes, studying factors\nthat motivate and dissuade voters from selecting\ncandidates, factors leading to and inhibiting\nvoter participation, and other specialized\nscientific quantitative research projects.", "\nWith its focus on probability, statistics,\nand \"big\" data, this field is in high demand.", "\nPublic administration is the branch of political\nscience that specializes in preparing individuals\nfor roles in public leadership and management.", "\nPublic administrators study and implement\nthe \"nuts and bolts\" of organizing and leading\ngovernment and non-profit agencies at a local,\nstate, and national level. ", "This field prepares\nstudents to become professionals and practitioners\nof government work and administration. ", "A master\nof public administration degree, often referred\nto as an \"MPA,\" is the public-sector equivalent\nto someone who has a Master of Business Administration\ndegree, or \"MBA,\" in the private business\nsector. ", "Many practitioners of public administration\nhave both their MPA and MBA degrees.", "\nNational Security studies is really the \"new\nkid on the block\" and is a relatively new\narea of concentration when compared to others\nin the Political Science field.", "\nThis field of study focuses on preparing military\nand civilian professionals and agencies with\nresearch-based techniques for dealing with\ndomestic and international terrorism, military,\nand national defense related threats.", "\nAs with any academic field, the really big\nquestion for students is most likely \"So can\nI get a job after I earn my degree?\" ", "While\npolitical science or public administration\ndegrees may not sound as \"sexy\" as those in\nbusiness, engineering, or computer science,\nthere are a number of rewarding career opportunities\nfor those who earn degrees in political science\nand public administration. ", "Some of the more\npopular and rewarding career fields best associated\nwith political science and public administration\ninclude:\nLaw, Government service (at the municipal,\nstate, and national levels), Agency leadership\nand Institutional Systems, Policy analysis,\nGovernment Accounting and Finance, Journalism,\nGraduate school and advanced studies in political\nscience, finance, accounting or public administration,\nAcademic Research and, of course, Teaching.", "\n" ]
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[ "Article content continued\n\nBut Eyolfson, who is sponsoring the bill in the House of Commons, said he is suggesting an amendment to limit its scope to children under 13, mirroring legislation that has existed in Quebec for years.", "\n\nPhoto by Chris Mikula/Postmedia/File\n\nHe said the original bill was at risk of being challenged as a limit on freedom of expression — a challenge the Quebec ban has already weathered at the Supreme Court.", "\n\nThe food industry is striking back, claiming the new legislation doesn’t even provide a definition of “unhealthy food” — a guideline will be supplied at a later date by Health Canada bureaucrats.", "\n\nThe industry is also appealing to the libertarian impulse of parents who believe they should be the arbiters of what their children watch and eat. ", "It argues that the debate distracts from the real causes of childhood obesity — the lack of balance between diet, screen time and physical activity.", "\n\nBut the government is committed to the bill, despite the risk of unintended consequences for businesses that rely on sales of junk food, like convenience stores, or on advertising by packaged food companies, like broadcasters.", "\n\nJustin Trudeau’s mandate letter to new Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor calls on her to introduce restrictions on the commercial marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children “similar to those now in place in Quebec,” where the upper age limit is 13.", "\n\nGreene Raine said she was persuaded to raise the age limit from her original proposal after hearing expert testimony that suggested when children first leave home and have their own spending money, their tendency is to buy food their parents may not agree with." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to plot using multiple criteria in R?", "\n\nFollowing are first 15 rows of my data:\n> head(df,15)\n frame.group class lane veh.count mean.speed\n1 [22,319] 2 5 9 23.40345\n2 [22,319] 2 4 9 24.10870\n3 [22,319] 2 1 11 14.70857\n4 [22,319] 2 3 8 20.88783\n5 [22,319] 2 2 6 16.75327\n6 (319,616] 2 5 15 22.21671\n7 (319,616] 2 2 16 23.55468\n8 (319,616] 2 3 12 22.84703\n9 (319,616] 2 4 14 17.55428\n10 (319,616] 2 1 13 16.45327\n11 (319,616] 1 1 1 42.80160\n12 (319,616] 1 2 1 42.34750\n13 (616,913] 2 5 18 30.86468\n14 (319,616] 3 3 2 26.78177\n15 (616,913] 2 4 14 32.34548\n\n'frame.group' contains time intervals, 'class' is the vehicle class i.e. 1=motorcycles, 2=cars, 3=trucks and 'lane' contains lane numbers. ", "I want to create 3 scatter plots with frame.group as x-axis and mean.speed as y-axis, 1 for each class. ", "In a scatterplot for one vehicle class e.g. cars, I want 5 plots i.e. one for each lane. ", "I tried following:\ncars <- subset(df, class==2)\nby(cars, lane, FUN = plot(frame.group, mean.speed))\n\nThere are two problems:\n1) R does not plot as expected i.e. 5 plots for 5 different lanes.", "\n2) Only one is plotted and that too is box-plot probably because I used intervals instead of numbers as x-axis.", "\nHow can I fix the above issues? ", "Please help.", "\n\nA:\n\nEach time a new plot command is issued, R replaces the existing plot with the new plot. ", "You can create a grid of plots by doing par(mfrow=c(1,5)), which will be 1 row with 5 plots (other numbers will have other numbers of rows and columns). ", "If you want a scatterplot instead of a boxplot you can use plot.default\nIt is easier to do all this with the ggplot2 library instead of the base graphics, and the resulting plot will look much nicer:\nlibrary(ggplot2)\nggplot(cars,aes(x=frame.group,y=mean.speed))+geom_point()+facet_wrap(~lane)\n\nSee the ggplot2 documentation for more details: http://docs.ggplot2.org/current/\n\n" ]
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[ "themasterphil wrote:I am serious now, are we going to make a playoff this season????.....for me its hard to say, because as Rambis sad, Nash is the worst defensive player on this team and he wasnt there, what will happen then. ", "They cant play defense, and lets be honest, teams without defense always sucks and cant win anything. ", "I am also tired of this Howard talks about time, process and all of that garbage, I just dont buy it anymore. ", "You need to go to the gym and practice FT. ", "I dont play basketball too much anymore but I can shoot FT at 80% in the middle of the night....so you can work on that and be better, but you need to practice a lot.", "\n\nI don't know what to say. ", "Losing to Queens, Pacers, Magic...please, Playoffs seems a miracle. ", "This team is so bad. ", "Zero defense!", "\n\n1) apparently, these mofos think the name on the back of their jersey is worth 15 points at the start of the game2) saying \"nash will make it all work\" is a crutch. ", "if it takes nash's return to beat teams like sac town, orland, etc, then let's just mail it in for the year3) d'antoni says the team played with no heart. ", "so he doesn't play hill, who is our best hustle player. ", "a guy like hill, without him having to say anything can bring up the level of intensity pretty quickly with his effort4) does no one realize that what has helped teams win championships the last 20 years is defense? ", "clearly this team doesn't, nor does the coaching staff. ", "great teams get stops when they need to. ", "this team hasn't done that all year.5)there's less whining in this thread compared to a kobe bryant drive to the bucket\n\nas terrible as pau has been on D this season, dan tony NEEDS to put him in for dwight at the end of games to prevent the hack-a-dwight. ", "it's either leave dwight in for D, make some stops, and not score anything each time he's fouled, giving the ball right back OR put pau in and keep the other team from fouling and keep the pace and rhythm going. ", "he just needs to focus on his D more than anything so they can make the stops they need at the end of the game to preserve the lead\n\noh and pau actually can make most of his FT's. ", "c'mon dan tony, it cant be that hard to realize this\n\nwhy this team so inconsistent? ", "Dont think we can blame the coach anymore, this team just not that good afterall, or pieces aren't fitting. ", "Besides Dwight, NOBODY plays any type of D, Peace is avg at best it was frustrating watching this guy get lost on screens, Kobe D at this point actually over the last several years has all been past rep, dude plays no D whatsoever.", "\n\nkhmrP wrote:why this team so inconsistent? ", "Dont think we can blame the coach anymore, this team just not that good afterall, or pieces aren't fitting. ", "Besides Dwight, NOBODY plays any type of D, Peace is avg at best it was frustrating watching this guy get lost on screens, Kobe D at this point actually over the last several years has all been past rep, dude plays no D whatsoever.", "\n\nI think you can put some of that on the staff. ", "D' Antoni's team have always been suspect on defense. ", "It's not the emphasis of what they are doing and the coaching philosophy and offensive system run completely counter to what you would want if you were going to emphasize lock down D. Shooting early in the shot clock and trying to run and gun leads to transition basketball for the other team which is a fatal flaw for an older team like us. ", "We shouldn't be expending all of our energy on the other side of the ball. ", "But hey, we're having fun so it's all good. ", "It looks wonderful when our guys are hitting everything like they were the other night against Denver, but in close games it can lead to disaster quickly.", "\n\nThis is why I was in favor of getting a coach who had more of a middle ground philosophy in Jerry Sloan. ", "He has a system that emphasized pick and roll and pick and pop in the half court, and some off ball screening for Kobe, but wasn't a run and gun philosophy. ", "And on the defensive end no one holds guys more accountable than Jerry freaking Sloan. ", "No way Kobe or anyone else would be getting away with this kind of slacker defense we are seeing every other game. ", "No chance.", "\n\nkhmrP wrote:why this team so inconsistent? ", "Dont think we can blame the coach anymore, this team just not that good afterall, or pieces aren't fitting. ", "Besides Dwight, NOBODY plays any type of D, Peace is avg at best it was frustrating watching this guy get lost on screens, Kobe D at this point actually over the last several years has all been past rep, dude plays no D whatsoever.", "\n\nI think you can put some of that on the staff. ", "D' Antoni's team have always been suspect on defense. ", "It's not the emphasis of what they are doing and the coaching philosophy and offensive system run completely counter to what you would want if you were going to emphasize lock down D. Shooting early in the shot clock and trying to run and gun leads to transition basketball for the other team which is a fatal flaw for an older team like us. ", "We shouldn't be expending all of our energy on the other side of the ball. ", "But hey, we're having fun so it's all good. ", "It looks wonderful when our guys are hitting everything like they were the other night against Denver, but in close games it can lead to disaster quickly.", "\n\nThis is why I was in favor of getting a coach who had more of a middle ground philosophy in Jerry Sloan. ", "He has a system that emphasized pick and roll and pick and pop in the half court, and some off ball screening for Kobe, but wasn't a run and gun philosophy. ", "And on the defensive end no one holds guys more accountable than Jerry freaking Sloan. ", "No way Kobe or anyone else would be getting away with this kind of slacker defense we are seeing every other game. ", "No chance.", "\n\nmore rep stuff again, what proof do you have that says Sloan was some defensive guru? ", "Utah D during his tenure was nothing special either, especially after Stockton/Malone era when he had the trio of Okur/Boozer/Deron.", "\n\nLakerjones : our perimeter players are too slow to stay with their opponents , rotate , chase through screens ( + add Pau lack of mobility as a PF and you just can't D at a high level) ... it was true during the last season with Phil , it was true with Brown and it's true with MDA .. it's a personel pb 1st\n\nKhmrp.. you're right these Booz/Deron were bad on D ... the only D they were playing was : fouling , fouling , fouling ...\n\nI'd rather be a bad defensive team to start the year than offensive team. ", "You need to score the rock to win in this league only once in a while you see a lockdown defensive team like Detroit Pistons. ", "Our defense is fixable, right now they're not taking that end seriously, they're not communicating (happens because guys dont know what spot to be at). ", "If we're struggling on offense I'd be extremely concerned\n\nWhen the Heat started out 9-8 they had the same issues we are having right now. ", "Communication (or lack thereof) on defense and therefore not helping the helper.", "\n\nKing of Clutch wrote:Guys, notice how we're all coming up with numerous problems for this team. ", "They're ALL CORRECT to a degree. ", "kobe's play style right now (without nash), kobe's D after screens, team defense, no heart, rotations, paus pnr d and overall play, howards free throws, No one having the authority to tell kobe what to do. ", "We just have too many problems!!! ", "I'm seriously beginning to doubt this teams potential. ", "There are sooo many things fundamentally wrong with this team. ", "If nash can somehow bring this team to championship level play, then he will truly deserves mvp. ", "But I just don't see it happening. ", "Our problems lie waay past steve nash's absence...\n\nDing, ding, ding! ", "This\n\nA championship team has never looked this bad AND undergone this much change in a season. ", "Well, maybe it's happened, I just can't recall one.", "\n\nNot so much changes, but the 2011 Championship Mavericks lost 9 of 11 early that year. ", "Had a couple of nice, long win streaks. ", "Then lost 5 of 8 down the stretch, capped by a 4 game losing streak just a week before playoffs.", "\n\nSame Frankenstein deal. ", "Just hope the hot team shows up for the playoffs.", "\n\nkhmrP wrote:why this team so inconsistent? ", "Dont think we can blame the coach anymore, this team just not that good afterall, or pieces aren't fitting. ", "Besides Dwight, NOBODY plays any type of D, Peace is avg at best it was frustrating watching this guy get lost on screens, Kobe D at this point actually over the last several years has all been past rep, dude plays no D whatsoever.", "\n\nI think you can put some of that on the staff. ", "D' Antoni's team have always been suspect on defense. ", "It's not the emphasis of what they are doing and the coaching philosophy and offensive system run completely counter to what you would want if you were going to emphasize lock down D. Shooting early in the shot clock and trying to run and gun leads to transition basketball for the other team which is a fatal flaw for an older team like us. ", "We shouldn't be expending all of our energy on the other side of the ball. ", "But hey, we're having fun so it's all good. ", "It looks wonderful when our guys are hitting everything like they were the other night against Denver, but in close games it can lead to disaster quickly.", "\n\nThis is why I was in favor of getting a coach who had more of a middle ground philosophy in Jerry Sloan. ", "He has a system that emphasized pick and roll and pick and pop in the half court, and some off ball screening for Kobe, but wasn't a run and gun philosophy. ", "And on the defensive end no one holds guys more accountable than Jerry freaking Sloan. ", "No way Kobe or anyone else would be getting away with this kind of slacker defense we are seeing every other game. ", "No chance.", "\n\nmore rep stuff again, what proof do you have that says Sloan was some defensive guru? ", "Utah D during his tenure was nothing special either, especially after Stockton/Malone era when he had the trio of Okur/Boozer/Deron.", "\n\nWell, your answer is right there in your post. ", "They had Boozer, Okur and Deron. ", "None of those guys are defensive guys at all. ", "And yet Sloan had that not very good team in the playoffs every single year. ", "Always. ", "He had them playing HARD. ", "Guys always played hard for Sloan until he and D. Will just completely butted heads.", "\n\nI'm not saying Sloan was a guru defensively, now Tom Thibodeau is a genius on that end. ", "My point is that with Sloan there has always been accountability on that end of the floor.", "\n\nIf you want to get into a debate on the coaching strengths of D' Antoni versus Jerry Sloan I think you're off your rocker guys. ", "One guy is in the Hall of Fame for a reason. ", "The other guy is a pioneer in offensive basketball but his winning percentage is not great and he's been fired from his last couple gigs with good reason.", "\n\n^^^He wasn't fired from Pho or NY, and Sloan accountability stuff is just made up stuff, Deron/Booz is no worse then Nash/Pau, woulnd't have made a difference. ", "Sloan doen't have the mentality for todays players, just like Larry Brown, their antics gets old with players quick.", "\n\nsee thats what I was talking about. ", "At no point in time until the very end until last 5-6 mins did I ever feel the game was gonna be taken from us. ", "How did the game go from being tied at 88 all with like 4.50 left in the game to them racking up 113 points? ", "Just defense went to sleep, bad job closing that game out. ", "We had a 7 point lead in that 4th Q\n\nsee thats what I was talking about. ", "At no point in time until the very end until last 5-6 mins did I ever feel the game was gonna be taken from us. ", "How did the game go from being tied at 88 all with like 4.50 left in the game to them racking up 113 points? ", "Just defense went to sleep, bad job closing that game out. ", "We had a 7 point lead in that 4th Q\n\nI honestly think Dwight's FTs contributed to them giving up 31 points over the final 6 minutes though. ", "Every time he came up empty it was such a deflation to the team and especially Howard himself that they stopped trying on defense. ", "That's why we should have just taken him out.", "\n\n^ but we had a veteran group of players out there, Duhon, Kobe, MWP, Jamison, Dwight....I mean these are vets, just an inexcusable effort on defense in that 4th Q. 40 points allowed. ", "Like Hollinger said they scored on like 12 straight trips.", "\n\nkenzo wrote:F*** this. ", "Im taking a break from Lakers b-ball for the rest of the year. ", "Im not staying up till 6-7 am to watch this pathetic \"thing\". ", "Come back Steve... bye Pau.", "\n\nI am feeling the same exact way. ", "The fans seem to care more than the players do. ", "They just don't play hard, and rely on their talents. ", "You saw that dallas game. ", "They played hard on BOTH ends of the floor, and Dallas didn't stand a chance. ", "They just don't do it all the time. ", "And if thats going to be the case, i'm not going to invest all of my emotion on a team that doesn't even care enough to succeed.", "\n\nlol I say this now, but I can guarantee i'll be watching the next game. ", "lol" ]
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[ "\r\n\r\nAlexandra R. v Krone (2020 NY Slip Op 04631)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\nAlexandra R. v Krone\n\n\n2020 NY Slip Op 04631\n\n\nDecided on August 20, 2020\n\n\nAppellate Division, Fourth Department\n\n\nPublished by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.", "\n\n\nThis opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the Official Reports.", "\n\n\n\r\nDecided on August 20, 2020\r\nSUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK\r\nAppellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department\r\n\r\nPRESENT: SMITH, J.P., PERADOTTO, DEJOSEPH, NEMOYER, AND CURRAN, JJ.", "\r\n\r\n\n105 CA 19-00761\r\n\r\n[*1]ALEXANDRA R., ALEXIS R., SR., ", "AS PARENT AND NATURAL GUARDIAN OF ALEXIS R., JR. ", "AND YAMARIS R., AND AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF CHRISTIEANN G., AND DEMARIS M., AS GUARDIAN OF JAICOB G. AND JAIDEN G., AND AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF LUIS A., JR., ", "DECEASED, PLAINTIFFS-RESPONDENTS,\r\nvERIC J. KRONE, DEFENDANT-APPELLANT, ET AL., ", "DEFENDANTS. (", "APPEAL NO. ", "1.) ", "\r\n\n\nLETITIA JAMES, ATTORNEY GENERAL, ALBANY (ROBERT M. GOLDFARB OF COUNSEL), FOR DEFENDANT-APPELLANT. ", "\nGIBSON, MCASKILL & CROSBY, LLP, BUFFALO (MICHAEL J. WILLETT OF COUNSEL), FOR PLAINTIFFS-RESPONDENTS. ", "\n\n\tAppeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Erie County (Frederick J. Marshall, J.), entered February 1, 2019. ", "The judgment, insofar as appealed from, adjudged that defendant Eric J. Krone acted with reckless disregard for the safety of others and that he is 35% liable for the subject collision. ", "\nIt is hereby ORDERED that the judgment insofar as appealed from is reversed on the law without costs and the amended complaint is dismissed against defendant Eric J. Krone.", "\nMemorandum: On a morning in April 2013, a minivan carrying 10 occupants on the New York State Thruway drifted from the left travel lane to the shoulder and collided with the back of a dump truck operated by Eric J. Krone (defendant), a New York State Thruway Authority (Thruway Authority) employee, who had parked the truck on the shoulder during a cleanup operation in which two other employees were picking up debris in the median. ", "Three of the occupants died, and the remaining occupants, as well as defendant, sustained injuries. ", "Plaintiffs, consisting of the occupants and their representatives, commenced these actions alleging, inter alia, that the collision was caused by defendant's recklessness. ", "In these consolidated appeals, defendant appeals from judgments entered upon a nonjury verdict finding him partially liable for the collision on the ground that he acted with reckless disregard for the safety of others.", "\nIn each appeal, defendant challenges the verdict on the ground that Supreme Court's finding that he acted with reckless disregard for the safety of others is against the weight of the evidence. ", "As a preliminary matter, we conclude that defendant was not required to preserve his contention that the nonjury verdict is contrary to the weight of the evidence by making a postverdict motion. ", "Such a requirement is inconsistent with the principle that, \"[f]ollowing a nonjury trial, the Appellate Division has authority . . . ", "as broad as that of the trial court . . . ", "and . . . ", "may render the judgment it finds warranted by the facts' \" (Sweetman v Suhr, 159 AD3d 1614, 1615 [4th Dept 2018], lv denied 31 NY3d 913 [2018], quoting Northern Westchester Professional Park Assoc. ", "v Town of Bedford, 60 NY2d 492, 499 [1983]; see Baba-Ali v State of New York, 19 NY3d 627, 640 [2012]). ", "To the extent that any of our prior decisions suggest otherwise, they should no longer be followed (see e.g. Gaiter v City of Buffalo Bd. ", "of Educ., ", "125 AD3d 1388, 1389 [4th Dept 2015], lv dismissed 25 NY3d 1036 [2015]).", "\nUpon our review of the record, we conclude that the weight of the evidence does not [*2]support the court's determination that defendant acted with reckless disregard for the safety of others as required to impose liability against him under Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1103 (b), the applicability of which is not disputed by the parties. \"[", "T]he unambiguous language of Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1103 (b), as further supported by its legislative history, [makes] clear that the statute exempts from the rules of the road all vehicles . . . ", "which are actually engaged in work on a highway' . . . , ", "and imposes on such vehicles a recklessness standard of care\" (Deleon v New York City Sanitation Dept., ", "25 NY3d 1102, 1105 [2015]). ", "The imposition of liability under the recklessness standard, which the Court of Appeals has described as a \"minimum standard of care\" (id. at 1106 [internal quotation marks omitted]; see Riley v County of Broome, 95 NY2d 455, 466 [2000]), \"demands more than a showing of a lack of due care under the circumstances'—the showing typically associated with ordinary negligence claims\" (Saarinen v Kerr, 84 NY2d 494, 501 [1994]). ", "Rather, \"liability under [the recklessness] standard is established upon a showing that the covered vehicle's operator has intentionally done an act of an unreasonable character in disregard of a known or obvious risk that was so great as to make it highly probable that harm would follow and has done so with conscious indifference to the outcome\" (Deleon, 25 NY3d at 1105 [internal quotation marks omitted]; see Riley, 95 NY2d at 466).", "\nHere, at the time of the collision, defendant had parked the truck entirely outside of the travel lane approximately 18 inches to the left of the yellow fog line on or near the rumble strips located on the shoulder. ", "Defendant had also activated multiple hazard lights on the truck, which consisted of regular flashers, two amber lights on the tailgate, beacon lights, and four flashing caution lights on the arrow board. ", "Moreover, the undisputed evidence established that there were no weather, road, or lighting conditions creating visibility or control issues for motorists on the morning of the incident. ", "Even if, as the court found, defendant knew or should have known that vehicles occasionally leave the roadway at a high rate of speed due to motorists being tired, distracted, or inattentive, we conclude that, here, it cannot be said that defendant's actions were of an \"unreasonable character in disregard of a known or obvious risk that was so great as to make it highly probable that harm would follow and . . . ", "done . . . ", "with conscious indifference to the outcome\" (Deleon, 25 NY3d at 1105 [internal quotation marks omitted]), given the favorable weather and road conditions for motorists, as well as the safety precautions taken by defendant in positioning the truck completely off of the travel lane and activating various hazard lights (see Sullivan v Town of Vestal, 301 AD2d 824, 825 [3d Dept 2003]; Green v Covington, 299 AD2d 636, 637-638 [3d Dept 2002]; see also Vehicle and Traffic Law former § 1144-a [b]; see generally Roberts v Anderson, 133 AD3d 1384, 1385 [4th Dept 2015]).", "\nPlaintiffs nonetheless contend, and the court agreed, that defendant was reckless because Thruway Authority safety regulations require vehicles parked on the shoulder to be positioned \"as far from traffic as feasible,\" and defendant could and should have parked the truck farther to the left on the grassy median and his positioning also rendered the rumble strips useless. ", "We reject plaintiffs' contention and the court's conclusion. ", "Even if defendant, despite his belief that he was in compliance with the regulation by positioning the truck as far from traffic as feasible without getting stuck in wet ground on the median, could have positioned the truck even farther to the left and off of the rumble strips, that failing establishes, at most, a lack of due care under the circumstances, which is insufficient to impose liability under the recklessness standard (see Green, 299 AD2d at 638; Mitchell v State of New York, 108 AD2d 1033, 1034-1035 [3d Dept 1985], lv denied 64 NY2d 611 [1985], appeal dismissed and lv denied 64 NY2d 1128 [1985]).", "\nBased on the foregoing, we reverse, insofar as appealed from, the judgments in appeal Nos. ", "1, 2, and 3 and reverse the judgment in appeal No. ", "4.", "\nAll concur except Nemoyer and Curran, JJ., ", "who dissent and vote to affirm in the following memorandum: We agree with the majority that defendant-appellant (defendant) was not required to preserve his challenge to the weight of the evidence underlying Supreme Court's nonjury verdict (see Evans v New York City Tr. ", "Auth., ", "179 AD3d 105, 108-111 [2d Dept 2019]). ", "We cannot, however, join the majority in holding the verdict to be against the weight of the evidence in light of the significant proof supporting the trial judge's conclusions. ", "We therefore respectfully dissent and vote to affirm the judgment in each appeal.", "\nWe recognize, of course, that we should \"set aside the trial court's findings if they are contrary to the weight of the evidence and [thereupon] render the judgment we deem warranted [*3]by the facts\" (Mosley v State of New York, 150 AD3d 1659, 1660 [4th Dept 2017] [internal quotation marks omitted]; see e.g. Sweetman v Suhr, 159 AD3d 1614, 1615 [4th Dept 2018], lv denied 31 NY3d 913 [2018]). ", "When conducting our factual review power in a \"close case,\" however, the Court of Appeals has instructed us to \"tak[e] into account . . . ", " the fact that the trial judge had the advantage of seeing the witnesses' \" (Northern Westchester Professional Park Assoc. ", "v Town of Bedford, 60 NY2d 492, 499 [1983]). ", "It has also been held that we should \"view[ ] the evidence in the light most favorable to sustain the judgment\" (A & M Global Mgt. ", "Corp. v Northtown Urology Assoc., ", "P.C., 115 AD3d 1283, 1287 [4th Dept 2014]), and that a civil bench verdict should be upheld \"unless it is obvious that the court's conclusions could not be reached under any fair interpretation of the evidence\" (Thoreson v Penthouse Intl., ", "80 NY2d 490, 495 [1992], rearg denied 81 NY2d 835 [1993] [internal quotation marks omitted]).", "\nIn this case, the trial court found that defendant's \"operation of the . . . ", "truck on the shoulder of the road only 18 inches from high-speed traffic was intentional, unreasonable and in disregard of a known or obvious risk that was so great as to make it highly probable that harm would follow\" and that defendant's \"parking of the truck on the shoulder was done with a conscious indifference to the possibility that the truck would pose a hazard to oncoming traffic.\" ", "To support that conclusion, the trial court found that, at the time of the accident, defendant had parked his vehicle \"approximately 18 inches from the yellow fog line\"; that the regulations of the Thruway Authority \"provide that a vehicle engaged in cleanup operations, such as [the vehicle involved here], should be parked as far from traffic as feasible\"; that defendant \"could have operated and parked his vehicle further left on the grassy median, which would have avoided the collision . . . ", "according to uncontroverted expert testimony\"; that, despite defendant's \"testimony to the contrary, meteorological, photographic and testimonial evidence [demonstrates] that the grassy area to the left of the shoulder was dry enough to accommodate [defendant's] truck as it proceeded along and intermittently stopped during the cleanup operation\"; that defendant's truck \"was parked either on, or so near the rumble strips located on the left shoulder, that this safety feature was rendered useless\" and, \"[i]f the . . . ", "vehicle [that collided with the truck] had engaged the rumble strips[,] it is more likely than not that the accident would not have occurred\"; and that defendant \"did not use any signs or channeling devices to alert traffic that work on the median and the shoulder close to the highway was being conducted.\"", "\nAs the majority correctly states, the contested issue is whether defendant acted with reckless disregard for the safety of others. ", "For these purposes, a person acts recklessly when he or she \"consciously—and, thus, with general intentionality, not necessarily with intent to cause particular injury—disregard[s] known serious risks of harm\" (Campbell v City of Elmira, 84 NY2d 505, 511 [1994]). ", "In our view, the trial court correctly found that defendant acted with the requisite reckless disregard.", "\nAt trial, plaintiffs presented two expert witnesses who opined that defendant's conduct recklessly disregarded the safety of others. ", "First, a retired State Trooper and accident reconstructionist testified that, had defendant followed his stated practice of driving outside of the delineators and on the grassy median, there would have been no collision. ", "That expert also testified that, had the truck been positioned 5 feet 3.6 inches farther left, there would not have been a collision and that, if it had been positioned only 3.6 feet to the left of the fog line, the collision would have only been a sideswipe that would have resulted in much less damage. ", "That expert opined, without objection, that situating the truck 18 inches from the fog line was reckless and violated the Thruway Authority's Traffic Safety Manual.", "\nPlaintiffs' second expert, a civil engineer and former Department of Transportation employee, was also an accident reconstructionist. ", "He testified that it is well known that vehicles run off the road for various reasons, that rumble strips were installed to decrease the occurrence of run-off-the-road incidents, and that the very purpose of defendant and his truck on the day in question was to protect two laborers from vehicles running off or drifting off the road. ", "The second expert testified that, if defendant believed that the ground was wet and that his truck might get stuck, he should have come back another day when that area was firm and dry, particularly given that the work being performed by the laborers on the day in question was not urgent. ", "Like the first expert, the second expert testified that defendant's actions violated the Thruway Authority's Traffic Safety Manual. ", "Most importantly, and without objection, the second expert opined that defendant's conduct in parking approximately 18 inches from the fog line without the necessary safety measures created known and obvious risks to anyone driving on [*4]the Thruway and was thus reckless.", "\nThe testimony of the foregoing experts is, in our view, compelling proof that the trial court correctly found that defendant acted recklessly in this case (see generally Spalla v Village of Brockport, 295 AD2d 900, 900-901 [4th Dept 2002]; Allen v Town of Amherst, 294 AD2d 828, 829 [4th Dept 2002], lv denied 3 NY3d 609 [2004]). ", "The trial court also properly considered the divergence between defendant's actions on the day in question and his usual practices and behavior, his employer's policies, and departmental rules as relevant factors in finding recklessness on this record (see e.g. Bliss v State of New York, 95 NY2d 911, 913 [2000]; Freitag v Village of Potsdam, 155 AD3d 1227, 1231 [3d Dept 2017]; Ruiz v Cope, 119 AD3d 1333, 1334 [4th Dept 2014]; Allen, 294 AD2d at 829).", "\nFrom a broader perspective, we ought not to inadvertently conflate the criminal recklessness standard with the civil recklessness standard. ", "Yes, the majority is correct that this situation \"demands more than a showing of lack of due care under the circumstances'—the showing typically associated with ordinary negligence claims\" (Saarinen v Kerr, 84 NY2d 494, 501 [1994]). ", "But in defining civil recklessness, the courts have never required that the defendant's conduct be committed with a depraved heart, or for the purpose of bringing about a particular injury. ", "For example, in Deleon v New York City Sanitation Dept. (", "25 NY3d 1102, 1107 [2015]), the Court of Appeals held that, \"[i]f a factfinder concludes that the driver could, but failed to, take evasive action to avoid a forceful collision, a reasonable jury could find that this conduct rises to the recklessness standard.\" ", "Likewise, in Ruiz (119 AD3d at 1333-1334), we affirmed a nonjury finding of liability despite \"conflicting accounts whether [the] defendant slowed down or came to a near stop prior to entering the intersection.\" ", "And we have frequently held that the reasonableness of a defendant's excuse or explanation for his or her conduct is a question best left to the trier of fact (see e.g. Chase v Marsh, 162 AD3d 1589, 1590 [4th Dept 2018]; Gawron v Town of Cheektowaga, 117 AD3d 1410, 1413 [4th Dept 2014]; Ham v City of Syracuse, 37 AD3d 1050, 1051-1052 [4th Dept 2007], lv dismissed 8 NY3d 976 [2007]; Haist v Town of Newstead, 27 AD3d 1133, 1134 [4th Dept 2006]). ", "In our view, the record in this case supports the trial court's finding that defendant acted with reckless disregard for the safety of others and, therefore, the verdict is not against the weight of the evidence and the judgment in each appeal should be affirmed.", "\nEntered: August 20, 2020\nMark W. Bennett\nClerk of the Court\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Brian T. Hoskins\nEnron Broadband Services\n713-853-0380 (office)\n713-412-3667 (mobile)\n713-646-5745 (fax)\nBrian_Hoskins@enron.net\n\n\n----- Forwarded by Brian Hoskins/Enron Communications on 11/06/00 02:31 PM \n-----\n\n\tJohn House@ECT\n\t11/01/00 09:58 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: John House/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: (bcc: Brian Hoskins/Enron Communications)\n\t\t Subject: Fw: Fw: Option 7 <g>\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by John House/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 09:56 AM \n---------------------------\n\n\n> For a laugh follow these directions\n> >1. ", "Dial Deutsche Bank/National Discount Brokers at 800-888-3999 (toll\n> > > free)\n> > > 2. ", "Listen to all of the options.", "\n> > > 3. ", "After hearing the 7th option, hit 7.", "\n> > >\n> > > Every company should have an Option 7.", "\n>" ]
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[ "Help Tips:\n\nVideo Stops?: ", "Refresh and play where it stops or Clear Cache by Ctrl + Shift + DelOn Ipad or Iphone: Use TheVid, Openload, VodlR, Vidup. ", "USE Google Chrome if Safari doesnt work Important: Couchtuner will never ask for your Credit Card, and will never ask you to Sign Up or Register\n\nWhateverMan\n\nThe AllMyVideos file has a mismatched audio-to-video problem.", "\n\nOh, crap. ", "So is the VSpot video…\n\nThe only one that works / loads correctly is the one under VodLocker (the last tab).", "\n\nNanner Bux\n\nYeah.. it is really bad.", "\n\nIf you know how to rip the videos (download them from here) you can use VideoLan Video Player (VLC) to sync the audio and video- pretty easy after you do it the first time.", "\n\nWhateverMan\n\nI’m in the middle of a feud with my cable provider so I dropped Showtime and HBO so I’m unable to do this.", "\n\nMs. Oneal ツ\n\nWhy has this show stopped being funny?! ", ">:(\n\nSuzalay10\n\nProbably because it portrays a real life of an addict and everyone\ninvolved with them.", "\n\nWhateverMan\n\nStill not seeing the funny. ", "Her character is a opiate-driven misanthrope who would forsake everything and everyone just to get high and / or maintain her chemical composition to prevent her from going berserk.", "\n\nNanner Bux\n\nOh.. that is not a toughy. ", "It is no longer funny to you because you are what they call a ‘simpleton’. ", "Meaning- you have a low IQ, you laugh at people falling down for the most part, and you are in complete denial that all the white trash in your life are a bunch of narcissistic addicts and codependents.", "\n\nSo, when your goofy self starts watching Nurse Jackie and no one is falling down or you do not see any boobies or when the show tries to point out that drug addiction is a nightmare way to live for you and all of those who care for or work with you, you do not laugh.", "\n\nYou may want to run down to the corner drug dealer, buy you a grab-bag of goodies with whatever government assistance you are living on, and then lock yourself in your creeper van, keep stealing that Wifi and watch some Bill Maher and Michael Moore stuff. ", "They will help you not feel bad for being a slack jawed, non-bathing, non-working fool who blames all his problems on the white man.", "\n\nYou will laugh at how smug they both are and then I will not seem near as much of an A-hole as I do right now.", "\n\nThen the world will be yours, young…. ", "whatever the hell you are…\n\nWhateverMan\n\nYo, I watch the show and I’ve never considered it funny. ", "I’ve considered it a looking glass into the life of someone who has one, driving force in her life: her next high.", "\n\nWhateverMan\n\nI don’t understand how it ever was considered funny and when Edie Falco won an Emmy award for best actress in a comedy, even she said “I’m not funny.” ", "LOL\n\nMs. Oneal ツ\n\nThe other characters on this series in the prior series all had comic relief written into their scripts.", "\n\nThat is why I asked why would the writers decide to take this show so dark when it started out having characters that surrounded Jackie at All Saints who always were good for some comedic relief.", "\n\nGloria Akalitus -she was always good for a laugh fumbling through her day to day admin tasks while the nurses stay ahead of her!", "\n\nDr. Eleanor O’Hara – No one could be as well dressed or shallow while saving lives and still be as funny as her!", "\n\nDr. Fitch Cooper -He did have a funny line in S7 E1 when he asked if she could smell what was rotten in Dr. Roman’s “rented” apartment!" ]
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[ "RIEPILOGO ORDINE DI DONAZIONE\n\nLouis Massignon’s Badaliya Prayer Movement: Yesterday and Today\n\n18/07/2018\n| Dorothy C. Buck\n\nCoptic Christians praying in a Church in Egypt [Sun_Shine/Shutterstock]\n\nIn 1934, well before any movement towards interreligious engagement in the Western world, Louis Massignon established the International Badaliya Prayer Movement in Cairo, Egypt, whose legacy is still alive today\n\nLast update: 2018-07-19 10:12:07\n\nLouis Massignon, A Pioneer of Muslim-Christian Dialogue\n\nLouis Massignon (1883-1962) was a renowned French Catholic Islamic scholar and spiritual seeker, a man consumed by his passion for learning, for justice and for God. ", "He was a renowned Islamist, who was known for his dynamic lectures at the Collège de France in Paris where he was a professor of the Sociology of Islam. ", "He was Director of Religious Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, a member of the Arab Academy in Cairo and an expert on the Arab world with an extraordinary gift for languages and linguistics. ", "He wrote and published in ten languages and spoke many more. ", "He served the French government as a diplomat in many areas of the world, served in both World War I and II and lectured at International conferences worldwide. ", "Although he was a meticulous researcher and scholar, he was also a mystic with a deeply reflective spiritual life. ", "He was a friend to scholars, artists, writers, mystics and popes and had life-long friendships with those of all three Abrahamic faith traditions and Far Eastern traditions as well.", "\n\nHe was a passionate person whose love of God and his fellow human beings and thirst for justice and truth led him to address the many conflicts in the world in his time. ", "He saw the dangers of colonialism, marched in the streets of Paris for an Independent Algeria and predicted the difficulties for the three Abrahamic faith traditions as the foundations for the modern State of Israel produced thousands of displaced Palestinians. ", "In this regard, he pleaded to the Pope and the UN for a resolution ensuring the universality of the city of Jerusalem. ", "Further, due to his friendship with Cardinal Montini, who became Pope Paul VI, many have pointed to his influence on the Vatican II document, Nostra Aetate, addressing other non-Christian faith traditions.", "\n\nBadaliya: “Substituting” Oneself for the Other\n\nIn a small Franciscan Chapel in Alexandria, Egypt, Louis Massignon and Mary Kahil, an Egyptian woman of Greek Catholic (Melkite) faith tradition, made a vow to offer their lives for the Muslim community. ", "They called their vow, “Badaliya” and established a small prayer group of Arab Christians in Cairo.", "\n\nMassignon chose the Arabic root of the word Badaliya, which means “to replace or exchange one thing for another” and translated the word as “substitution.” ", "He understood it as an offering of one’s own life for the well-being of another in “mystical substitutionary prayer.” ", "This offering of himself for the well-being of his Muslim brothers and sisters was the inspiration for Massignon’s entire life and the spiritual ground of his faith journey and experience.", "\n\nMassignon envisioned the original Badaliya prayer movement as a call to a vocation for those Christians living as a minority in Muslim countries. ", "They were to experience their vocation as witnesses in the midst of Islam to the love of Christ for all of humanity. ", "Then, as today, Christians in the Middle East were increasingly marginalized and threatened causing them to emigrate to other countries. ", "His goal was to encourage them to stay, to support one another and to “cross over” to their Muslim colleagues and neighbors, to be open to learning about Islamic faith beliefs and practice and above all to become friends. ", "This is peace making at the most basic human level.", "\n\nA group in Paris and one in Cairo, along with both lay and consecrated groups and individuals around the world, prayed for “peace with justice,” inspired by Massignon’s monthly letters. ", "The Badaliya prayer movement continued in Paris until Massignon’s death in 1962. ", "An outgrowth of the Badaliya, called the “Sincere Brothers” continued in Cairo until Mary Kahil died at the age of 90 in 1979. ", "Today the Greek Melkite Church in Cairo called Our Lady of Peace continues to honor them both in naming gathering spaces after them.", "\n\nToday’s Badaliya in the USA\n\nIn 2002, a short time after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in the USA, a group was formed in Boston, MA inspired by Massignon’s own descriptions of the prayer gatherings in the Statutes of the Badaliya and his monthly letters. ", "It was in response to the awakening of the American public to the need to know more about the Islamic faith tradition and their Muslim co-workers and neighbors. ", "The first challenge was to carefully educate Christian members to the faith beliefs and practice of Islam and to Massignon’s “substitutionary prayer.” ", "In time, they began to share their prayer gatherings with a number of Sunni Muslim believers and grow into an Interfaith sharing group, which is today in its 16th year. ", "As Muslim believers are in the minority in the USA, the focus has been on creating a welcoming environment within which to share their different faith beliefs. ", "The Christian members continue to experience their vocation as Massignon envisioned it: witnessing to the love of Christ for each person, reflecting on the deeper meanings of substitutionary prayer and working together toward Massignon’s “peace with justice.”", "\n\nMuch in keeping with his concern for the events of his time and due to the oppression of religion in the Soviet Union during the Cold War, Massignon chose Our Lady of Pokrov, a vision in 10th century Constantinople of The Virgin Mary spreading her protective cloak over the world, as the Patron Saint of the original Badaliya in Cairo.", "\n\nGiven its concern for the volumes of refugees and displaced persons due to violence and war in the Middle East and elsewhere and the continued struggle for “peace with justice” for all Christian and Muslim Palestinian Arabs and in the Holy Land, the Badaliya USA chose Saint Maryam of Jesus Crucified as its Patron Saint. ", "She is the Arab Palestinian founder of the Carmelite Monastery in Bethlehem. ", "Well before she was recognized by the Church, Massignon envisioned Maryam Baouardy as the Patron Saint of the Holy Lands. ", "He called her “the little Arab.” ", "Years after Massignon’s death, Maryam of Jesus Crucified was Beatified by Saint Pope Jean Paul II in 1983 and canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis.", "\n\nFinally, this is the message that Massignon continued to repeat throughout his life,\n\n“In view of a serene peace between believers of all religious traditions, we must intensify our prayer to God, through the mediation of Our Lady, to hasten Peace…In order that we join with our Muslim friends, we have the obligation to multiply our spiritual and material works of mercy… It is on Sacred Hospitality that all of us will in the end be judged” (July 9, 1956).", "\n\nFurther Readings\n\nMassignon’s original letters to members of the Badaliya are available in both French and English\n\nThis website uses technical and profiling cookies in order to improve your user experience.", "It also allows third-party technical, analytical and profiling cookies.", "For more information about cookies click here. ", "If you continue browsing, we assume that you accept their use." ]
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[ "// Copyright(c) 2016 YamaArashi\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.", "\n\n#ifndef MIDI_H\n#define MIDI_H\n\n#include <cstdint>\n\nenum class MidiFormat\n{\n SingleTrack,\n MultiTrack\n};\n\nenum class EventType\n{\n EndOfTie = 0x01,\n Label = 0x11,\n LoopEnd = 0x12,\n LoopEndBegin = 0x13,\n LoopBegin = 0x14,\n OriginalTimeSignature = 0x15,\n WholeNoteMark = 0x16,\n Pattern = 0x17,\n TimeSignature = 0x18,\n Tempo = 0x19,\n InstrumentChange = 0x21,\n Controller = 0x22,\n PitchBend = 0x23,\n KeyShift = 0x31,\n Note = 0x40,\n TimeSplit = 0xFE,\n EndOfTrack = 0xFF,\n};\n\nstruct Event\n{\n std::int32_t time;\n EventType type;\n std::uint8_t note;\n std::uint8_t param1;\n std::int32_t param2;\n\n bool operator==(const Event& other)\n {\n return (time == other.time\n && type == other.type\n && note == other.note\n && param1 == other.param1\n && param2 == other.param2);\n }\n\n bool operator!=(const Event& other)\n {\n return !(*", "this == other);\n }\n};\n\nvoid ReadMidiFileHeader();\nvoid ReadMidiTracks();\n\nextern int g_midiChan;\nextern std::int32_t g_initialWait;\n\ninline bool IsPatternBoundary(EventType type)\n{\n return type == EventType::EndOfTrack || (int)type <= 0x17;\n}\n\n#endif // MIDI_H\n" ]
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[ "This is GF-Complete, Revision 1.03. ", " January 1, 2015.", "\n\nAuthors: James S. Plank (University of Tennessee)\n Ethan L. Miller (UC Santa Cruz)\n Kevin M. Greenan (Box)\n Benjamin A. Arnold (University of Tennessee)\n John A. Burnum (University of Tennessee)\n Adam W. Disney (University of Tennessee,\n Allen C. McBride (University of Tennessee)\n\nThe user's manual is in the file Manual.pdf. ", " \n\nThe online home for GF-Complete is:\n\n - http://jerasure.org/jerasure/gf-complete\n\nTo compile, do:\n\n ./configure\n make\n sudo make install\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0, 0.03713527851458886, 0.013605442176870748 ]
[ "The proposed research consists of projects designed to characterize the nature and function of Fc receptors for IgE on lymphocytes and monocytes/alveolar macrophages. ", "1. ", "Lymphocytes from normal donors and atopic patients will be cultured in vitro in presence of aggregated IgE and analyzed for changes in expression of Fc receptors for IgE, IgG and IgM. 2. ", "Lymphocytes from normal donors and atopic patients will be depleted or enriched for cells with Fc receptors for IgE. These cells will then be cultured in vitro and the supernatants analyzed for IgE by a radioimmunoassay. ", "3. ", "Peripheral blood monocytes and alveolar macrophages will be analyzed for their ability to form specific specific IgE rosettes and cellular cytotoxicity towards IgE coated target cells. ", "4. ", "The ontogeny of rat lymphocytes with Fc IgE receptors will be determined in low and high IgE responder rat strains. ", "The effect of a rat IgE myeloma tumor on the percentages of Fc IgE receptor positive lymphocytes and macrophages will also be investigated." ]
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[ "Canadian Shop Tracks Growth from Zimmermann Milling Machines\n\nFounded in 1987 in Windsor, Ontario and today run by President Martin Schuurman, ServiceMold + Aerospace is not your typical mold shop.", "While the core competence remains the design, engineering and building of injection, compression, low-pressure, blow, glass-encapsulation and forming molds for the automotive industry, the company has emerged as a contract, build-to-spec supplier of parts for that industry as well as Aerospace and Medical customers in North America and Europe.", "\n\nThe early years saw steady growth from the production of molds for automotive and consumer goods.", "Always committed to using the latest technologies for CAD and CAM programming, as well as state-of-the-art 3-axis machine tools, ServiceMold established a reputation for quality work, problem-solving and on-time delivery, quickly becoming a reliable partner to their customer base.", "\n\nThen, our industry changed.", "\n\n5Axis detailing of Steel Detail\n\nAs Schuurman explains, “In 2006, we purchased our first 5-axis machine, a Zimmermann with a 2 x 3 meter (78” x 118”) table. ", "This acquisition gave us the ability and capability to explore entering the aerospace market.", "After a number of calls and quotations, we scored a small order from a major Tier 1.”Sales began to grow, some years by more than 25%, Schuurman says proudly.", "By 2013, there were four additional Zimmermann machines on the floor and the existing facility had filled nearly to capacity.", "\n\nThe company acquired property adjacent to the current facility in Windsor and erected a new building in 2016, giving the company a capacity of 64,000 square feet.", "They purchased three Zimmermann FZ33 milling machines, two with 394’’ in the x-axis and the largest one, with 630” x-axis, 138” y-axis and 78” z-axis, giving the shop a substantially greater workpiece capability and opening up more opportunities in the aerospace structure market.", "In something of a perfect storm scenario, the emergence of composites in the aerospace industry enabled Service Mold to pursue the huge layup mandrel market to a much greater degree.", "\n\nAlways thinking strategically, Schuurman had an early ongoing commitment to pursue and maintain full certification or registration as an ISO, AS9100 rev D, CGP and ITAR facility, all of which are in force today.", "“We quickly realized what it would take to continue proving our worth in all the various industries and we went after those certs with a great determination.”", "\n\n5Axis machining on FZ37 of Aerospace Steel Bond Tool\n\nLikewise, the company introduced more machining capabilities plus welding and today is exploring the benefits of in-house heat treatment to max up its vertical integration.", "Such capital investment comes with risk, Schuurman notes, as the dual challenge of finding competent personnel combined with the need to generate sufficient workload to fill the available machining time, which today stands at approximately 15,000 hours annually on the seven Zimmermann machines alone.", "\n\nAs the company currently runs round-the-clock operations, it would appear the investment is paying off.", "\n\nNever one to rest on his laurels, however, Schuurman explains, “We are a build-to-print company for our customers. ", "By definition, that means we’re always on the hunt for more business and we’ve expanded our component production work substantially, in addition to producing more complex and larger molds and fixtures for our customers.", "”He also takes great pride in a satellite business he’s developed, over the years.", "An artistic individual, Martin Schuurman designs custom air vent designs and manufactures the molds to produce them in quantity.", "What started out as a hobby to decorate his own and family members’ home has blossomed into a thriving business for him.", "It operates as SMI Ventilation Products, with primarily online sales done through several key distribution customers.", "\n\nServiceMold utilizes the Zimmermann and other machining centers to produce molds and components from various alloys of aluminum, steel, Invar and stainless.", "The twin facilities house boring mills with rotary tables, gundrills, CNC milling machines, 3-axis high-speed mills and, the core of the company’s machining firepower, seven Zimmermann and two Parpas Diamond 5-axis high-speed machining centers.", "At the high end of the Zimmermann lineup are machines with the company’s unique portal milling head, plus an FZ33 Compact, which allows large aluminum and composite structures to be machined without moving them, as the workpiece rests on a fixed table, while the rigid portal travels in the x-direction.", "The moving bridge on the machine comprises a rigid portal, cross- and z-slides plus the milling head.", "\n\nAdditional Zimmermann machines on the floor at ServiceMold include three FZ37 5-axis portal milling machines and three FZ30 open table 5-axis portal milling machines, ideal for the one-off and short run work done so often at Service Mold.", "\n\nAlso in-house here are a CMM with 30,000-pound load capacity and ion laser tracker for the large workpiece scanning done on the floor of the facilities here.", "All data can be captured in a point cloud and instantly analyzed against the CAD files for accuracy and stress points.", "\n\nAnother emerging market for ServiceMold is the orthopaedic industry, where the high accuracy of the Zimmermann machines in Aerospace inspired the company to venture into medical device machining.", "“We’re currently working with an orthopaedic surgeon, producing joining plates for humerus and femur sections, something we’d never have considered a few years ago.", "With the programming speed and high degree of flexibility in our production work now, it’s not only become possible, but also profitable,” he muses.", "\n\nStill, the home base, with over 70% of the sales for the company, remains the aerospace market, including a favorite project for Martin Schuurman, one he describes with great excitement.", "“We have been involved in manufacturing parts for servicing the International Space Station.” ", "As happens with most workpieces in this market, there is an extremely high degree of material removal involved in the production of this workpiece and Schuurman notes the Zimmermann machine rigidity and high-precision moving milling head make the job much easier to accomplish and repeat.", "\n\n5Axis machining on FZ37 of Aerospace Steel Bond Tool\n\nCornelius Kiesel, president of Zimmermann for North America, with its headquarters located across the river from Windsor in the greater Detroit area (Wixom, Michigan) comments, “We have forged a solid, good faith working relationship with ServiceMold since that first sale in 2006.Today, ServiceMold is one of our largest customers in the world. ", "Zimmermann has other customers like Martin Schuurman and our machines were a perfect fit for his requirements, plus they offered some added advantages that have helped ServiceMold move into other markets and other types of jobs, over the years.", "When you can partner with a customer and grow together, there are few satisfactions in business that compare.", "It’s a very solid relationship and we’ve been quite pleased with the results.", "Martin brings our team new challenges all the time and we respond.", "The synergy between our companies and their respective talents makes something very special happen and that’s exciting,” Kiesel notes.", "Schuurman adds, “Our partnership with Zimmermann has brought about many expectations over the years and Cornelius and his team have delivered for us.”", "\n\n5Axis detailing of Steel Detail\n\nAs a further testimony to the value of the Zimmermann machines at ServiceMold, Kiesel notes his customer has recently rebuilt the original machine purchased, retrofitting a new milling head design, among other mechanical and controls upgrades.", "\n\nSchuurman notes in particular that the linear motor movement and high-speed spindles on the machines are key benefits in the precision machining of aluminum with substantial metal removal rates.", "\n\nAmong the many and varied components produced at this shop, in addition to the myriad molds created each day, are refrigerator trays, washer lids as well as a 22” barrel inlet for aircraft engines, which starts as a 23”diameter aluminum block, usually 15-16” high that has material removed to reduce the piece to less than 5 pounds.", "\n\nAs Schuurman point out, a key to the flexible nature of his company is the fully programmable capabilities of the Zimmermann machines.", "\n\nFZ37 16meter machine with 5Axis Operator\n\n“We’ve worked very hard over the years to carve out some unique niches for our shop and we have a very solid reputation in various industries.", "That’s given us great pride and, on a practical note, greater stability and protection from the economic volatility in certain vertical markets.”", "\n\nServiceMold runs various CAD programs, including Catia and NX CAD, post-processing in-house to run the Heidenhain CNC on each of the Zimmermann machines here.", "Weekly certification of the machines onsite, with volumetric compensation calculation done.", "\n\nIndustrial Machinery Digest (IMD) is the Industry’s Most Extensive Industrial Publication since 1986. ", "IMD is a monthly Industrial Machinery metalworking & fabricating publication that serves the owners and managers of today's diversified Job Shops, Machine Shops, Contract Manufacturer and production line manufacturing. ", "In addition to our monthly issues, we have IMD Quarterly Digital issues with a focus on new product information, and case studies, white papers application articles for the metal manufacturer. ", "Serving the manufacturing industry over a quarter-of-a-century." ]
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