[ "The US Patent and Trademark Office is a convenient whipping boy for problems with the patent system. ", "The USPTO famously approved the junk patents at the heart of the legal battle between Research in Motion and a patent-trolling firm called NTP. ", "The USPTO belatedly recognized its mistake and began invalidating the patents, but didn't finish the job in time to save RIM from being forced to pay $612.5 million to avoid having its whole BlackBerry network shut down.", "\n\nPerhaps shaken by the negative publicity generated from that case and others, the USPTO seems to have gotten religion on patent quality. ", "Over the last year, the courts have heard a series of cases in which the Patent Office has rejected software-related applications. ", "The legal theories advanced by the Patent Office in these cases are causing consternation among software patent supporters.", "\n\nIn an article last week at Patently-O, law professor John Duffy warns that the Patent Office has staked out positions that, if accepted by the courts, would amount to the de facto abolition of software patents. ", "He's right that the Patent Office has become increasingly hostile to software patents in the last couple of years. ", "However, it's far from clear that the end of software patents is imminent. ", "And Duffy is dead wrong to suggest that fewer software patents would be bad for innovation.", "\n\nGrowing hostility\n\nDuffy cites four recent cases that illustrate the Patent Office's growing hostility to the patenting of software and other abstract concepts. ", "While the USPTO hasn't formally called for the abolition of software patents, the positions it took in these cases do suggest a growing skepticism.", "\n\nIn the first two cases, decided last fall, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (which has jurisdiction over patent appeals) upheld patent rejections by the USPTO. ", "They were not software patent cases, as such. ", "In In Re Nuijten, the court considered a patent related to an algorithm for adding a watermark to a digital media file. ", "The Federal Circuit did not invalidate the claims relating to the watermarking algorithm itself; everyone seemed to agree that the algorithm was patentable. ", "Rather, the decision focused on whether a digital signal could be the subject of a patent claim. ", "The court concluded that it could not. ", "A victory for common sense, perhaps, but hardly a rejection of software patents.", "\n\nIn the case of In Re Comiskey, the Federal Circuit found that adding binding arbitration language to a legal document is an unpatentable mental process. ", "However, it sent the case back to the lower courts to consider whether automatically performing this process with a computer would have been obvious at the time the application was filed.", "\n\nTwo decisions from May and June of this year show the Patent Office moving more decisively toward rejecting patents on software. ", "They were heard by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (which is above the Patent Office but below the Federal Circuit in the appeals process) and concerned patents on simulating physical processes using mathematical models. ", "The Patent Office rejected both patents on the grounds that they involved only the manipulation of abstract mathematical formulas and were not tied to a specific machine or physical process. ", "The Board of Patent Appeals upheld the Patent Office's decision in one case but, in the other, it overturned the Patent Office because the patent described a simulation that occurred on two processors operating in parallel.", "\n\nThe Board ruled that because the patent described a specific machine—a computer with two processors instead of just one—the patent was sufficiently tied to the real world to merit patent protection.", "\n\nThe underwhelming case for software patents\n\nDuffy rightly ridicules this result. ", "Clearly, it makes no sense for the patentability of an algorithm to depend on the number of processors used to implement it. ", "And it would surely be pointless to have firms gratuitously adding or removing processors from their software algorithms simply to dodge patent liability.", "\n\nDuffy would have granted both patents. ", "But the Patent Office's position—that both applications should be rejected—is not only more consistent with Supreme Court precedents, but it's better policy as well. ", "The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that abstract concepts and mathematical algorithms are not patentable. ", "Unfortunately, the Federal Circuit has ruled that merely loading an algorithm onto a general-purpose computer and executing it transforms it into a patentable invention. ", "This doctrine makes a mockery of Supreme Court precedents. ", "However, the Supreme Court's precedents are still technically the law of the land, and the Patent Office seems to be increasingly willing to stand up for those precedents even at the risk of being overturned by the Federal Circuit.", "\n\nDuffy seems to regard the end of software patents as a calamity for innovative companies, but his argument is awfully thin. ", "Duffy focuses on Google's PageRank patent, which he has long regarded as a poster child for software patenting. ", "He describes it as \"surely one of the most famous and valuable of all modern software patents,\" and suggests that the invalidation of Google's patents would be a calamity for the company. ", "Curiously, however, he never explains how Google benefits from this or other patents in its portfolio.", "\n\nGoogle derives little, if any, of its revenue from patent royalties and has managed to dominate the search engine marketplace without suing its major rivals for patent infringement. ", "Indeed, it appears that the primary function of Google's patent portfolio is as a defensive stockpile to be used if any competitors should sue it for patent infringement. ", "If that's true, then the only real effect of software patent abolition on Google would be that the company could lay off its patent lawyers.", "\n\nLooking forward\n\nWe shouldn't overstate the significance of the Patent Office's newfound skepticism toward software patents. ", "While the USPTO has rejected a few \"pure\" software patents, it's unclear precisely where it would draw the line when it comes to software patents with a more significant physical component.", "\n\nMore importantly, the USPTO is far from the final authority on patent questions, and there is little sign that the courts immediately above it on the food chain are as enlightened. ", "The Federal Circuit has grudgingly responded to recent adverse Supreme Court decisions, but the Federal Circuit is unlikely to end its experiment with software patents unless specifically told to do so by the Supreme Court.", "\n\nThings look better at the Supreme Court, which has repeatedly smacked down the Federal Circuit in recent years. ", "The high court has never endorsed software patents, and at least three justices have voiced concerns about the patenting of software. ", "If the USPTO continues rejecting software patents, one of those rejections will eventually find its way to the Supreme Court.", "\n\nBut software patent opponents shouldn't get their hopes up just yet. ", "With the legalization of software patents more than a decade old, the Supreme Court may not have the stomach to invalidate hundreds of thousands of extant patents in one stroke. ", "Regardless, the Patent Office's newfound hostility to software patents is cause for celebration. ", "The problem is a long way from being fixed, but things are moving in the right direction." ]
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[ "How Virtual Reality Stepped in to Help People Fighting Multiple Sclerosis\n\nIf you know someone suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS), you must have noticed the emotional trauma they experience even when the physical pain subsides. ", "For those of you who are not aware of this medical condition, Multiple Sclerosis is an unforeseeable disease that leaves the body disabled as it disrupts the flow of information either within the brain, or between the brain and the body.", "\n\nRead also: Virtual Reality is About to Have a Huge Impact on our Daily Lives\n\nNew York based Amy Meisner was a professional dancer, and San Diego’s surfer Steve Bettis has been living on the waves for the past 50 years when they were both hit by Multiple Sclerosis.", "\n\nAlthough MS may have tried hard to put a full-stop to the passion of its patients, yet Virtual Reality has stepped in to do something that was never done before. ", "The National Multiple Sclerosis Society launches a new ad campaign using the real life stories of Amy and Steve, and lets them relive their past in Virtual Reality.", "\n\nPUB\n\nOne of Steve’s surfer friends mounted a 360 degree camera on his head and hit the waves at the Ocean Beach, California. ", "For Amy, a close friend captured a mesmerizing stage performance so that she could relive those golden moments. ", "The immersive videos were then shown to both Amy and Steve using a VR headset. ", "Though the VR feel would not replicate the real-life experience it was enough to bring back some familiar and beautiful smiles on their faces.", "\n\nWith the trending hashtag of #WeAreStrongerThanMS, an awareness campaign has been launched over social media. ", "The purpose of this campaign is to highlight the MS Awareness Week (7th to 13th March) and to emphasize the importance of coming up with practical solutions to defy Multiple Sclerosis.", "\n\nIn his MS awareness ad, Steve gives a very optimistic and practical message. ", "He says that he has always been a happy person and there was no reason to change that part of his personality even after his diagnosis. ", "He further adds that it would be easy for him to complain about his current condition, but complaining about the ailment won’t make it go away. ", "He now repairs surfboards to keep his spark alive. ", "Amy also continues to do what she always loved, that is, choreograph dance performances.", "\n\nThis is not the first time Virtual Reality helps people living their dreams. ", "VR has come up with a solution to experience life pre Multiple Sclerosis; and we hope to see more advancements in this technology in the coming years." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSELECT DINAMICO Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file\n\nhe tratado de hacer un select en HTML pero que sea llenado mediante la consulta a una base de datos, la BD tiene el nombre de las Areas disponibles y esas son las cuales deben de desplegarse ya intente con echo con selects dentro de un while,etc \nEsto es lo que llevo de codigo y marca un error si descomento el while\n<div class=\"col-auto\">\n <select name=\"select\" class=\"form-control\">\n <option value= 0>Seleccionar Area</option> \n <?", "php while( $fila = sqlsrv_fetch_array($sResult)):?", "> \n <?", "php ECHO '<option value=\"'.$fila[\"ID\"].'\">'.$fila[\"AREA\"].'</option>'; ?", ">\n\n </select>\n </div>\n <div class=\"col-auto\">\n <button type=\"submit\" name=\"save\" class=\"btn btn-info\">Agregar Admin</button>\n </div>\n\nA:\n\nMe parece esta incompleto tu bucle y debería ser así:\n<?", "php while( $fila = sqlsrv_fetch_array($sResult)):?", "> \n <?", "php echo '<option value=\"'.$fila[\"ID\"].'\">'.$fila[\"AREA\"].'</option>'; ?", ">\n<?", "php endwhile;?", ">\n\nDe la doc de PHP, esta sería la sintaxis a seguir\n$i = 1;\nwhile ($i <= 10):\n echo $i;\n $i++;\nendwhile;\n\nReferencia a la doc de PHP\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0015109593514353037, 0.0007907568942755461, 0.0010390689130872488, 0.0007464400259777904, 0.0015466574113816023, 0.0007907568942755461, 0.0010390689130872488, 0.0007464400259777904, 0.0010390689130872488, 0.0009697247296571732, 0.0009863084414973855 ]
[ "Whether you're holding, using or investing cryptocurrencies on an everyday basis, the price of each crypto unit signifies not only your performance as a trader, custodian, or consumer but also has an effect on your pockets.", "\n\nIf you're already experienced with at least one cryptocurrency, you must be aware of the fact that the price per crypto unit is hugely dependent on the maximum supply of the respective coin.", "\n\nFor example, most cryptocurrency enthusiasts are aware of the fact Bitcoin has a maximum supply of approximately 21 million BTC units, and while we all know the popular flagship crypto's supply is fixed to that number and no more than that units could be ever produced, there are several mechanisms that allow other cryptocurrencies to increase their total token supply, as happens with growing stablecoins.", "\n\nInversely, the total supply of certain cryptocurrencies can also be reduced for technical, marketing, and investment reasons. ", "The process of decreasing a token's maximum supply is often referred to as \"burning\".", "\n\nHere are some of the most important cryptocurrencies that utilize coin burning, along with the reasons why these projects implement this strategy.", "\n\n1. ", "Maker (MKR)\n\nIf you're familiar with the blockchain scene, it should be no surprise that Maker makes it into this list at the very top.", "\n\nThen again, if you have never heard about Maker before this article, here's a quick explanation: Maker is an Ethereum-based smart contract system that is responsible for DAI, the first decentralized stablecoin pegged to the USD. ", "DAI is backed by Ethereum instead of fiat through a dynamic system of Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs), autonomous feedback mechanisms, and \"appropriately incentivized\" external users.", "\n\nIn opposition to USDT, for example, where fiat currency is held by the Tether company as collateral, anyone can act as the provider of collateral for DAI.", "\n\nNow, it might sound like a pretty neat project already, but there's more to it. ", "In order to generate DAI, crypto users have to lock up their ETH into the Maker platform. ", "There are naturally some fees associated with the process, which vary depending on the market conditions (demand/supply of DAI) and have so far ranged between 0.5% and 11,5% with an average of 2,5%.", "\n\nMKR is burned when Maker protocol users close their collateralized debt positions. ", "This mechanism is intended to have a positive effect on the value of MKR, as the token becomes more scarce as its maximum supply drops. ", "Otherwise, MKR is used as a governance token, allowing users to have their say in how the Maker platform is operated.", "\n\n2. ", "Binance Coin (BNB)\n\nBeing one of the first utility tokens that met near-instant adoption, Binance Coin is a token issued by the Binance cryptocurrency exchange. ", "BNB is now also the native asset of the Binance Chain blockchain platform, but it still retains its original use-case of granting reduced trading fees to traders on Binance.", "\n\nWhile it took a moment for the mainstream crypto community to realize how revolutionary BNB was at the time of its introduction, BNB skyrocketed from $0.09 to nearly $40 in just a few short years, making it one of the most successful cryptocurrencies in history in terms of ROI.", "\n\nOf course, BNB's success cannot solely be attributed to its popularity as a way to reduce trading fees, but also to its burning mechanism, which didn't make much sense to some of the early BNB adopters. ", "However, the significant difference in the price shift in the remaining tokens after the first BNB burn, it became a crypto to watch for the broader community and not just for traders utilizing the Binance platform.", "\n\nIn Binance's case, the token burns happened on a quarterly basis as planned by the centralized authority behind the project, with the most recent occurring this October, where nearly 2 million BNB vanished from the available supply.", "\n\nFrom Binance's perspective, the token burn happens clearly for strategic purposes, aiming to compensate initial investors and supporters of the project, who are still sitting on a 9,000% ROI despite the general crypto market downtrend.", "\n\nYou can learn more about BNB and similar utility tokens in analogous cryptocurrency exchange markets here.", "\n\n3. ", "Kyber Network (KNC)\n\nKyber Network is a liquidity broker/platform that funds itself from a variety of decentralized crypto reserves. ", "Basically, it enables instant ERC-20 token swaps.", "\n\nThe project works with decentralized exchanges, DeFi protocols and wallets to provide its services, and it manages to do so for a small fee that can be paid with KNC. ", "It should be obvious already that KNC is Kyber Network's native token.", "\n\nConsidering the previous models, KNC utilizes a mechanism that lies somewhere between the DAI and BNB burn architectures. ", "Every time a token swap is performed through Kyber Network and fees are paid in KNC, some of that KNC is instantly and automatically burned while a portion is left as profit to cover the network's expenses." ]
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[ "Ken Jacob\n\nKen Jacob (born January 23, 1949) is an American Democratic politician who served in the Missouri Senate and the Missouri House of Representatives from 1983 until 1995.", "\n\nBorn in St. Louis, Missouri, Jacob graduated from the University of Missouri with a bachelor of science degree in education. ", " He also has master's degrees in education, counseling, and public administration and a law degree also from the University of Missouri. ", " He previously worked as an executive director of an adolescent treatment center in Columbia, Missouri.", "\n\nJacob resigned from the Missouri Senate to take a seat to the state Labor and Industrial Relations Commission under Governor Bob Holden. ", " In 2013, Governor Jay Nixon appointed Jacob acting director of the Missouri's Division of Employment Security. ", " Jacob made an unsuccessful bid for lieutenant governor in 2004 and an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2008.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1949 births\nCategory:20th-century American politicians\nCategory:Members of the Missouri House of Representatives\nCategory:Missouri Democrats\nCategory:Missouri state senators\nCategory:University of Missouri alumni\nCategory:Living people" ]
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[ "Out of the 53 officers in the Beckley Police Department in West Virginia, Patrolman Charlene Diggs is the only black woman ― and the first to serve in the town’s history.", "\n\nChris Jackson/The Register-Herald Charlene Diggs was born and raised in Beckley, West Virginia.", "\n\nDiggs, who is 25 years old, graduated from the State Police Officer training academy in 2016. ", "She told The Register Herald that she always wanted to work within law enforcement in an interview published online Sunday.", "\n\nWhen Diggs set out to pursue criminal justice administration in college, she certainly didn’t intend on making Beckley history.", "\n\nBut, as she recently told the publication, she doesn’t see her role as the town’s first black female police officer as anything to write home about.", "\n\nChris Jackson/The Register-Herald Beckley police officer Charlene Diggs in her patrol car.", "\n\n“I personally don’t feel like it’s a big deal,” Diggs said.", "\n\n“For Beckley to be so integrated and ... for there to be no other black female, ever, on the police department, I guess it is a big deal, in some aspects,” she continued. “", "To me, it’s not a big deal.”", "\n\nBlack residents make up 21% of Beckley’s population of 17,000, a number which isn’t reflected in the town’s police department. ", "Only 9% of Beckley’s Police Department is black while the national average in 2013 was 16% for full-time cops.", "\n\nChris Jackson/The Register-Herald Charlene Diggs taking an exam at the West Virginia State Police Academy in December of 2016.", "\n\nAt a time when there’s a growing mistrust between minority Americans and law enforcement, Diggs said she wants to help that dynamic in her new role.", "\n\n“As a minority, you can’t help change the system if you don’t get involved in the system,” Diggs told the publication last April. “", "That was a big aspect to me, if I want to change something, I’ve got to do something about it.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nChrome extension adding external javascript to current page's html\n\nI am adding some external JavaScript to the end of the page via my chrome extension. ", "The external JavaScript then tries to post some data back to the server, however that is not taking place.", "\nThe JavaScript wants to get the url of the current page and the referrer and post it back to the server.", "\nCan anyone please advice me what is wrong here and how can I if not possible this way can I post data from the current page back to the server.", "\nmanifest.json\n{\n \"name\": \"Website Safety\",\n \"version\": \"1.0\",\n \"manifest_version\": 2,\n \"description\": \"The Website Safety Extension.\",", "\n \"browser_action\": {\n \"name\": \"View the website information for \",\n \"default_icon\": \"icon.png\",\n \"default_popup\": \"popup.html\"\n },\n \"permissions\": [\n \"tabs\", \"http://*/*\", \"https://*/*\"\n ],\n \"background\": {\n // \"scripts\": [\"refresh.js\"]\n \"page\": \"background.html\"\n },\n \"content_security_policy\": \"script-src 'self' https://ssl.google-analytics.com; object-src 'self'\",\n //\"background_page\": \"background.html\"\n\n \"content_scripts\": [\n {\n \"matches\": [\"<all_urls>\"],\n \"js\": [\"contentScript.js\"]\n }\n ]\n}\n\nfor now contentScript.js\nvar _gaq = _gaq || [];\n_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-31046309-1']);\n_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]);\n_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);\n(function() {\nvar ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;\nga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? '", "https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';\n//ga.src = 'https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js';\nvar s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);\n})();\n\nvar _Hasync= _Hasync|| [];\n_Hasync.push(['Histats.start', '1,1342541,4,0,0,0,00000000']);\n_Hasync.push(['Histats.fasi', '1']);\n_Hasync.push(['Histats.track_hits', '']);\n(function() {\nvar hs = document.createElement('script'); hs.type = 'text/javascript'; hs.async = true;\nhs.src = ('http://s10.histats.com/js15_as.js');\n(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs);\n})();\n\nA:\n\nContent scripts do not run in the scope of the page (see also), they run in a context between your extension and the web page.", "\nSince the trackers are of the type \"Injected script\", these fully run in the context of the web page. ", "But the _gaq and Hasync variables don't. ", "As a result, the track scripts cannot read the configuration variables.", "\nThere are two (three) ways to fix it.", "\n\nInject your code (as posted in the question) using this method. ", "Using this method for your purpose is discouraged, because your script overwrites a commonly used global variable. ", "Implementing your script using this method will break the tracking on many websites - do not use it.", "\nFully run the code within the scope of a content script:\nTwo options:\n\nInclude the external files in the extension\nInclude the external files in the extension, plus implement an auto-update feature.", "\n\nMethod 1: Fully local copy\nmanifest.json (only the relevant parts are shown):\n{\n \"name\": \"Website Safety\",\n \"version\": \"1.0\",\n \"manifest_version\": 2,\n \"description\": \"The Website Safety Extension.\",", "\n \"permissions\": [\n \"tabs\", \"http://*/*\", \"https://*/*\"\n ],\n \"content_scripts\": [\n {\n \"matches\": [\"<all_urls>\"],\n \"js\": [\"ga-config.js\", \"ga.js\", \"js15_as.js\"]\n }\n ]\n}\n\nIn ga-config.js, define the variables as follows:\nvar _gaq = _gaq || [];\n_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-31046309-1']);\n_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]);\n_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);\n\nvar _Hasync= _Hasync|| [];\n_Hasync.push(['Histats.start', '1,1342541,4,0,0,0,00000000']);\n_Hasync.push(['Histats.fasi', '1']);\n_Hasync.push(['Histats.track_hits', '']);\n\nDownload https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js, and save it as ga.js.", "\nDownload http://s10.histats.com/js15_as.js, and save it as js15_as.js.", "\nMethod 2: Injecting a Up-to-date GA\nIf you want to have an up-to-date version of GA, a convoluted way of injecting the code has to be used, because Content scripts cannot be included from an external URL.", "\nAn old version of this answer relied on the background page and chrome.tabs.executeScript for this purpose, but since Chrome 20, a better method has become available: Use the chrome.storage API to cache the JavaScript code.", "\nTo keep the code updated, I will store a \"last updated\" timestamp in the storage; you can also use the chrome.alarms API instead.", "\nNote: Do not forget to include a local copy of the external file in your extension, in case the user does not have an internet connection, etc. ", "Without an internet connection, Google Analytics wouldn't work anyway.", "\nContent script, activate-ga.js.", "\nvar UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // Update after 2 hour\n\n// Retrieve GA from storage\nchrome.storage.local.get({\n lastUpdated: 0,\n code: ''\n}, function(items) {\n if (Date.now() - items.lastUpdated > UPDATE_INTERVAL) {\n // Get updated file, and if found, save it.", "\n get('https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js', function(code) {\n if (!", "code) return;\n chrome.storage.local.set({lastUpdated: Date.now(), code: code});\n });\n }\n if (items.code) // Cached GA is available, use it\n execute(items.code);\n else // No cached version yet. ", "Load from extension\n get(chrome.extension.getURL('ga.js'), execute);\n});\n\n// Typically run within a few milliseconds\nfunction execute(code) {\n try { window.eval(code); } catch (e) { console.error(e); }\n // Run the rest of your code.", "\n // If your extension depends on GA, initialize it from here.", "\n // ...\n}\n\nfunction get(url, callback) {\n var x = new XMLHttpRequest();\n x.onload = x.onerror = function() { callback(x.responseText); };\n x.open('GET', url);\n x.send();\n}\n\nMinimum manifest file:\n{\n \"name\": \"Website Safety\",\n \"version\": \"1.0\",\n \"manifest_version\": 2,\n \"permissions\": [\n \"tabs\", \"http://*/*\", \"https://*/*\"\n ],\n \"content_scripts\": [\n {\n \"matches\": [\"<all_urls>\"],\n \"js\": [\"activate-ga.js\"]\n }\n ],\n \"web_accessible_resources\": [\"ga.js\"]\n}\n\nThe same method can be used for other trackers. ", "The minimum permission requirements:\n\nhttps://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js, so that should be added at the permissions section. ", "https://*/* or <all_urls> is also sufficient.", "\noptional: unlimitedStorage - If you want to store a large piece of data with chrome.storage.", "\n\nA:\n\n2015 Update\nThe new Universal Analytics snippet can definitely handle multiple trackers, so assuming you give yours a unique name and run all Analytics code in the page's context, you should be good to go.", "\n// add Universal Analytics to the page (could be made conditional)\nrunFunctionInPageContext(function () {\n (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){\n (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o);\n a.async=1;a.src=g;document.documentElement.appendChild(a)\n })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');\n});\n\n// all Google Analytics calls should use our tracker name \n// and be run inside the page's context\nrunFunctionInPageContext(function () {\n ga('create', 'UA-12345-6', 'auto', {'name': 'myTracker'});\n ga('myTracker.send', 'pageview'); // note the prefix\n});\n\n// simple helper function\nfunction runFunctionInPageContext(fn) {\n var script = document.createElement('script');\n script.textContent = '(' + fn.toString() + '());';\n document.documentElement.appendChild(script);\n document.documentElement.removeChild(script);\n}\n\nNote, there's one slight modification in the analytics snippet to use document.documentElement instead of the first <script> element. ", "It is because google assumes you add analytics in an inline script block, whereas here you add it from a content script.", "\n\nA:\n\nI read through this thread: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/chromium-extensions/yc-ouDqfMw0 and found that there's an official chrome method for adding the analytics script to the page, and it's not in the official docs. ", "\nyou can refer to this extension for reference: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-samples/tree/master/samples/analytics and it uses this lib: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-platform-analytics\nbasically you manually include the script locally: \n <script src=\"your_path/google-analytics-bundle.js\"></script>\n <script src=\"main.js\"></script>\n\nthen you call some library functions:\nvar service, tracker, out;\n\nfunction initAnalyticsConfig(config) {\n document.getElementById('settings-loading').hidden = true;\n document.getElementById('settings-loaded').hidden = false;\n\n var checkbox = document.getElementById('analytics');\n checkbox.checked = config.isTrackingPermitted();\n checkbox.onchange = function() {\n config.setTrackingPermitted(checkbox.checked);\n };\n}\n\nnote: apparently, you have to have an opt out function https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-platform-analytics/wiki#add-privacy-support-aka-opt-out\nfunction startApp() {\n // Initialize the Analytics service object with the name of your app.", "\n service = analytics.getService('ice_cream_app');\n service.getConfig().addCallback(initAnalyticsConfig);\n\n // Get a Tracker using your Google Analytics app Tracking ID.", "\n tracker = service.getTracker('UA-XXXXX-X');\n\n // Record an \"appView\" each time the user launches your app or goes to a new\n // screen within the app.", "\n tracker.sendAppView('MainView');\n}\n\nwindow.onload = startApp;\n\n" ]
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[ "Have you ever flown with Emirates airlines? ", "The airline that have been awarded as world’s best airline, presented by Skytrax at the World Airline Award for 2013? ", "The airline people want to travel with or be part of the crew? ", "Why is this airline the best, while the other airlines have financial problems and going bankrupt at the same time?", "\n\n\n\nDepending on the price of the ticket you purchase, you can travel in three travel classes – economy class, business class and first class. ", "First class is the most expensive, but the most comfortable way how to travel.", "\n\nEconomy class: This class offers 79-81 cm wide seats and enough space for legs, what can be rarity on economy class in many other airlines. ", "In economy you have free drinks and meals and one baggage of 30 kilos. ", "Depending on the aircraft, you will get power supply, USB charging and can enjoy music with your own headphones with 3,5 mm jack. ", "Traveling in economy in Emirates on long-haul flights is not that painful, as it can be on board of the other airlines.", "\n\nBusiness class: In business class you have 150 cm wide space only for you. ", "Seat takes 52 centimeters in Boeing 777. ", "Your seat is fully adjustable and can be put into 200 cm long, lie – flat beds. ", "Many of you will appreciate massage features of the seat (not crew) :D You will get power supply, USB charging, you can use your headphones. ", "As business class passenger, you have free entrance to the aircraft bar in the rear of the aircraft and chauffeur service on purpose in more than 70 cities in the world. ", "You have your own check in with blue carpet and entrance to the airport lounge, where you can eat and drink for free before your flight departure.", "\n\nFirst class: Even in the first class, there are three types of seats. ", "The full suite with doors, Sky-cruiser – flat bed without doors and Sleeper seats. ", "The full suite comes with closing doors, coat rack, private mini bar, private storage space and 58 cm LCD screen. ", "Full suite is available in selected planes, but most of them are equipped with it. ", "Sky-cruiser is available only in Boeing 777-200 and 777-300. ", "It is seat extended in flat – beds. ", "Seats may include private minibar and 48 LCD screens. ", "Sleeper seats are available in Airbus A 330 and A 340 aircraft. ", "New delivered Airbuses A 380 are equipped with spa, shower lavatories and private suites. ", "Using chauffeur is going without saying. ", "Your check in carpet is red and you have free entrance to the airport lounge where you can eat and drink for free before your flight departure.", "\n\nMy first experience with Emirates airlines was on route from Vienna do Dubai, operated with Boeing 777-300 ER. ", "This flight takes almost 6 hours, but on board Emirates, the time does not mean anything. ", "If you are two, I hardly recommend you seats in row 49 by the window. ", "There are two seats instead of three and even much more space for legs and storage. ", "You may get rushed by lavatory, but seat is very comfortable. ", "We were lucky and while we were waiting at the gate before boarding the plane, there were also crew boarding. ", "It is unbelievable how many stewardess and stewards and necessary for one flight. ", "Later we had little chat with them, because few of them were girls from Slovakia and they were very nice to us. ", "The food we got was quiet normal. ", "Before the food is served, you get hot towel to wash you hands (even in economy class) and menu card from which you can choose vegetarian or non vegetarian menu. ", "When is whole plane washing their hands, you can smell it in the air. ", "Everything around you smells so fresh, so you are even more hungry than you were before :) There is enough for you, so you will not stay hungry. ", "As you can see on the picture, there is main dish, bread with butter, dessert and packet water. ", "I do not get this small packet water (blue one at the bottom of picture). ", "There is no more than 100 ml and you get it in almost every airline. ", "What a waste producing. ", "Imagine, there were almost 400 people on board this flight and if each of them got this small, packed water it is 400 plastic waste. ", "And it is just this flight. ", "When you have overnight flight as we had, after you finish your food, crew dim the cabin. ", "In new aircraft, as Boeing 777-300 ER is, the interior of plane is decorated with LED diodes to enhance your comfort and make you think you look at starry sky. ", "Nice :) There were many people from Japan connecting from Tokyo on our flight back, so they definitely appreciate it after 8 hours to Dubai and next 6 to Vienna. ", "Even when the lights are dimmed and most of the people are sleeping, the stewardess are still up and watching over the whole situation in plane. ", "Since we were sitting almost in the last row of aircraft very close to the lavatory and background area where is stored food and drinks, we heard a lot of laugh and chats there. ", "I felt little bit sorry for them because some times they were bothered by drunk passengers that were curious about their job. ", "A drunk passenger from Czech Republic traveling to Thailand asked a Slovak stewardess for a date when back home, she refused.", "\n\nAs whole Dubai and United Arab Emirates, also Emirates airlines want to be the best in many ways. ", "Emirates is currently proud owner of 47 Airbus A 380 aircraft – the largest and most modern plane in the world. ", "And they are still going strong – they have ordered 97 more Airbuses A 380. ", "Currently, there is no other airline in the world that have more. ", "The second one is Singapore Airlines with number of 19 aircraft and 5 more are going to be delivered soon. ", "Airbus A 380 is big king of the skies and there is nothing bigger that ever took off to the skies before. ", "Owning the most amount of world’s largest planes is the way how to present themselves as well. ", "People want to fly Emirates, people want to fly A 380.", "\n\nFlying Emirates can be more pleasure in business class or first class than in economy, of course, but you are treated much better than in other airlines in economy, as well. ", "Food is quiet comparable to the others, but when you get hot towel to clean your hands or stretch your legs in extra leg space, charge your tablet with USB or enjoy music with your headphones, you will definitely know, you are flying Emirates. ", "The fresh smell of new planes, high standard of services and smiling stewardess is definitely the reason, why Emirates was rated as world’s best airline in the year of 2013. ", "And how they do it? ", "I personally think it is because of low prices of oil in United Arab Emirates. ", "The money saved for on the fuel they spend to enhance quality of their services and buying brand new, modern and safe planes. ", "Flying Emirates totally worth it.", "\n\nMilan Bardun 2014" ]
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[ "Cognitive functioning in long-duration head-down bed rest.", "\nThis report is one of a series on the Flight Analog Project, which is designed to lay the groundwork for a standard bed rest protocol. ", "The Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT) is a self-administered battery of tests used on the International Space Station for evaluating cognitive functioning. ", "Here, WinSCAT was used to assess cognitive functioning during extended head-down bed rest. ", "There were 13 subjects who participated in 60 or 90 d of head-down bed rest and took WinSCAT during the pre-bed rest phase, the in-bed rest phase, and the post-bed rest (reconditioning) phase of study participation. ", "After adjusting for individual baseline performance, 12 off-nominal scores were observed out of 351 total observations during bed rest and 7 of 180 during reconditioning. ", "No evidence was found for systematic changes in off-nominal incidence as time in bed rest progressed, or during the reconditioning period. ", "Cognitive functioning does not appear to be adversely affected by long-duration head-down bed rest. ", "Individual differences in underlying cognitive ability and motivation level are likely explanations for the current findings." ]
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[ "November 06, 2003\n\nDid somebody say iTunes?", "\n\nNew York Post: McDonald's plans to give away up to 1 billion [Apple Music Store] songs in a marketing campaign, according to sources familiar with the matter. ... ", "A spokesperson for Apple declined comment, and a representative of McDonald's was unavailable for comment.", "\n\n(11-07) 19:46 PST CHICAGO (AP) --\nMcDonald's says it deserves a break from the unflattering way the latest Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary depicts its job opportunities.", "\nAmong some 10,000 new additions to an updated version released in June was the term \"McJob,\" defined as \"low paying and dead-end work.\"", "\nIn an open letter to Merriam-Webster, McDonald's CEO Jim Cantalupo said the term is \"an inaccurate description of restaurant employment\" and \"a slap in the face to the 12 million men and women\" who work in the restaurant industry.", "\nThe company e-mailed the letter to media organizations Friday, and it also was published in the Nov. 3 edition of an industry trade publication." ]
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[ 0.0006684748805128038, 0.0006441213190555573, 0.0006831295322626829, 0.0008167537162080407, 0.0011211850214749575, 0.04672444611787796, 0.0005606169579550624 ]
[ "\nAsk HN: What do you think of using Vi rather than Vim or Neovim? - ", "iio7\nI have been using Vim and later Neovim for a couple of years, but I have noticed they have become slower and more feels a lot more bulky, especially Vim.<p>I have also developed some nasty habits with plugins that has caused me to forget some of the original commands.<p>So I am thinking about going pure Vi.<p>I think I can live without syntax highlighting, but have any of you gone pure Vi and not gone back?", "\n======\npsv1\n> feels a lot more bulky, especially Vim.", "\n\n> I think I can live without syntax highlighting\n\nThis is the fussiest of fussy problems. ", "I can't imagine how vim can feel\nbulky, and how bad it needs to be for you to be willing to trade away all\nother features. ", "But it's your setup, do whatever you like. ", "I wouldn't make a\nHN post anytime I think about switching my code editor or IDE.", "\n\n------\nFoober223\nTry\n\n \n \n vim.tiny -u NONE\n \n\nFor a smaller vim with less features. ", "3.9mb on my system. ", "I don't have the\noriginal vi to compare, but when we are getting this small, any further memory\nsavings are just noise, unless your dev box is a strange device. ", "I doubt\noriginal vi would be faster than tiny vim.", "\n\nAlso try mg. ", "Only a tiny bit larger than ed, but supports modern screen\ndisplay and Emacs key binds. ", "1.1mb on my system. ", "Screaming fast.", "\n\nAlso try GNU Emacs. ", "It takes a bit of fiddling, but you can off-load much of\nthe start-up slowness into the build stage. ", "Loading things into the lisp image\nof temacs (at the cost of flexibility, you must rebuild when stuff changes if\nyou want to keep the speed). ", "Then you have a fully featured IDE that boots up\nin 0.2 seconds. ", "Not bad and quite a bit faster than some tricked out Vim\nIDE's. ", "You can have syntax highlighting turned off too, for more speed at\nruntime. ", "Large, but it's in charge and not slow.", "\n\n------\nkarmakaze\nI tend to use a mix of IDEs and vi, I've never converted over to using vim as\nI don't always have it on every platform. ", "I've read good things you can do\nwith vim+tmux but I haven't really felt my gap between vi and IDEs really\nwarranted picking it up.", "\n\nThe few times that I do find myself using vim, I have to override a number of\nthings to make it sane (e.g. :syntax off) for me--color especially bad\nterminal palettes make my eyes try to focus text on different depth planes\nwhich is very hard to read.", "\n\n------\nAvi-D-coder\nIf I didn't rely on neovim plugins so much, I would use kakoune. ", "Native modal\nmulti cursors and noun verb as apposed to vi's verb noun order have to be\nexperienced to be believed.", "\n[https://github.com/mawww/kakoune](https://github.com/mawww/kakoune)\n\n------\nPiskvorrr\nYou may want to look at `busybox vi`, if worried about bulkiness.", "\n\nAsceticism _is_ a virtue; as for me, alas, I'm not ready to let go of modern\nconveniences.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Image copyright Getty Images/ Channel 4 Image caption Dan Reed [L] tells the story of alleged abuse of Wade Robson and James Safechuck by Michael Jackson in the 90s\n\n\"The cult of celebrity is pernicious and it leads people to go blind and parents to do stupid things,\" says Dan Reed, director of a new Michael Jackson documentary.", "\n\nHis film, Leaving Neverland, first made headlines in January, when it was considered so graphic that mental health professionals had to be on hand at a screening.", "\n\nShowing at Sundance Festival, the four-hour film featured the testimonies of Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who say they were sexually abused by the singer as young boys in the 1990s.", "\n\nThe Jackson estate has denied the allegations and made a number of attempts to discredit the film, calling it \"an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in\" after the singer's 2009 death.", "\n\nBut Reed tells the BBC he hopes his film will \"make parents think twice about trusting strangers and will make people think twice about idolising a celebrity\".", "\n\nWith a week until its release on Channel 4, Reed has spoken about the power of the testimonies of Robson, 36 and Safechuck, 40.", "\n\nImage copyright Channel 4 Image caption Wade Robson, 36, is now a dance teacher in Los Angeles\n\nHe says it took \"a period of time\" to believe them both.", "\n\n\"I interviewed Wade for three days and James for two days.", "\n\n\"It's the cumulative impression that they made, how open they were, how consistent their accounts were, how nothing that I discovered later when I did in-depth research contradicted what they said.\"", "\n\nReed says he also spent a lot of time looking into the cases of Jordan Chandler and Gavin Arvizo, who brought legal action against Jackson whilst he was alive in 1993 and 2004.", "\n\nChandler's case was settled out of court, whilst Jackson was found not guilty on all charges during Arvizo's case.", "\n\nReed continued: \"There was also plenty of evidence in sworn statements by members of Jackson's staff, etc, that corroborated aspects of what they [Robson and Wade] told me.", "\n\n\"There's a huge amount of work we did over two years to try and test everything that they said and I never found anything that cast any doubt.\"", "\n\n'I salute their courage'\n\nImage copyright Channel 4 Image caption James Safechuck met Michael Jackson whilst making a Pepsi commercial\n\nAs part of the documentary, the families of Robson and Safechuck were interviewed, including their mothers, fathers and siblings.", "\n\nTheir interviews detail from the first time the boys met Jackson - Robson at a concert in Australia and Safechuck at a Pepsi commercial shoot - up until the present day.", "\n\nReed says \"the accounts of their [Wade and James] mothers and families were also very consistent and supported everything they said.\"", "\n\nHe added: \"I found the mothers entirely believable as well.", "\n\n\"I mean, for a mum to go on the record and admit that she had delivered her child into the clutches of a predatory paedophile is not a nice thing to have to admit for any mum.", "\n\n\"I salute their courage in sitting down and laying bare how they felt when telling you the whole story.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Channel 4 Image caption Michael Jackson with the Robson family in 1990\n\n\"I can't imagine any circumstances in which a mother would sit down and make that up - it's the most humiliating, appalling thing to have to admit as a mother you were in the next room while someone was raping your child for years and years.\"", "\n\nReed also says he had the same feeling about Wade and James too, and said \"you wouldn't make up such graphic, sexual descriptions\" when describing their sexual encounters with Jackson.", "\n\nAs boys, they both spent time at Jackson's Neverland ranch, claiming that they had shared beds with the singer.", "\n\n\"If they weren't said with such dignity, these things would be deeply humiliating for a grown man,\" he added.", "\n\nReed vs the Jacksons\n\nImage copyright Channel 4 Image caption The first time Wade Robson met Michael Jackson in Australia\n\nHBO, who made the film in partnership with Channel 4, are currently being sued by the Michael Jackson estate for breaking a reputation clause in an old contract.", "\n\nThe family maintain that Jackson is innocent and has been proven so in a court of law.", "\n\nReed says that when making the film, he had \"no contact with the estate or the family before making the film\".", "\n\n\"The views of Jackson and the views of his lawyers, and their rebuttals, their denials are plentifully represented in the film,\" he adds.", "\n\n\"We've given a lot of space to allow them to deny and we've even put fans in saying horrible things about Wade.", "\n\n\"We consider that we've given their views plenty of space and adequate representation in the film, it's not a one sided film at all and you can see the Jackson side.", "\n\n\"They still deny that any sexual abuse took place and that view hasn't changed since the last time I checked.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Channel 4 Image caption James Safechuck, 40, was allegedly abused by Jackson in the 1990s\n\nWhen Jermaine Jackson was asked about the film on ITV's Good Morning Britain, he asked people around the world to \"let this man rest\" and said his family were \"tired\" of defending Michael.", "\n\nReed's response to this was to say \"we're not digging up Michael Jackson\".", "\n\n\"What we're doing is telling the stories of two of his victims and they're very much alive and well. ", "They deserve to have their say and to be heard.", "\n\n\"I think the #MeToo movement has changed the landscape - the family has hit out in a very old-fashioned way, which is to say it's all about money.", "\n\n\"They haven't received a penny, nor will they - they have no financial interest whatsoever in the film and we never offered any.\"", "\n\n'The cult of celebrity'\n\nImage copyright Channel 4 Image caption A picture taken of Michael Jackson by Wade Robson\n\nIn light of this film being released, comparisons have been made with the allegations that have faced singer R Kelly.", "\n\nThe singer has been accused of sexually abusing a number of women, with some underage. ", "But for the large part his music has remained popular despite such allegations, which he has denied.", "\n\nReed says that the reason people like Jackson and Kelly have not been scrutinised is because \"people are dazzled by talent and status, wealth, reputation\".", "\n\nHe adds: \"Especially when you're very young and your idol is an incredible dancer or singer, you translate their talent into goodness, you translate their talent into the type of human being they are.", "\n\n\"You assume that they're a nice person and unfortunately that is not the case.", "\n\n\"We have to be more sceptical and we have to challenge fame, celebrity and power more than we have in the past.\"", "\n\nLeaving Neverland will air on Channel 4 on the 6th and 7th of March.", "\n\nFollow us on Facebook, on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts, or on Instagram at bbcnewsents. ", "If you have a story suggestion email entertainment.news@bbc.co.uk." ]
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[ "SUNNYVALE — A man riding a bicycle died Monday morning after being struck by a vehicle at the intersection of Fremont and Mary avenues, according to the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety.", "\n\nThe man’s identity has not yet been released by the Santa Clara County Coroner’s Office.", "\n\nThe collision happened at 7:01 a.m., according to Capt. ", "Jeffrey Plecque of the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety. ", "The male driver stayed at the scene and cooperated with the police investigation, Plecque said.", "\n\nThe incident did not involve any students.", "\n\nAt this point police do not believe drugs or alcohol were factors in the crash.", "\n\nThe crash remains under investigation.", "\n\nContact Mark Gomez at 408-920-5869. ", "Follow him at Twitter.com/markmgomez." ]
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[ "Harvest of faith?", "\n\nHarvest of faith?", "\n\nThis column is specially addressed to my Christian brothers and sisters of India. ", "At a time when again a Western missionary ministering in India (Father Marian Zelazek who works among leprosy patients in Orissa) has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and when Mother Teresa’s beatification – and later the canonisation – is being speeded-up by the Vatican, it is time to look into the real motives of Christian missionaries working in India.", "\n\nWe all know that Mother Teresa incarnated in the 20th century true Christian charity, helping “the poorest of the poor”, and that she lived a life of nun, with rectitude and service, as Jesus Christ would have liked her to. ", "It also should be said that Mother Teresa did the work that wealthy Hindus and Hindu organisations should have done. ", "After all, there is no denying that it takes a Westerner to pick up the dying in the streets of Calcutta and raise abandoned orphans, a thankless task if there is one. ", "Hindus, even though their religion has taught them compassion for 4,000 years, have become very callous towards their less fortunate brethren and there are not enough Hindu organisations, apart from the Art of Living, the Vivekananda and Ramakrishna missions, or the RSS, doing charitable work as the Christians do. ", "This is despite the fact that there is growing awareness amongst Hindu organisations that it is time to get their act together, that they ought to be doing more for the dispossessed and the poor of the land than they have so far.", "\n\nUnfortunately – and in spite of herself maybe – Mother Teresa carried a very negative image of India: That of poverty beyond humanity, of a society which abandons its children, of dying without dignity. ", "Alright, it is accepted there is some truth in it. ", "But then it may be asked again: Did Mother Teresa ever attempt to counterbalance this negative image of India, of which she was the vector, with a more positive one? ", "After all, she had lived here for so long that she knew the country as well as any Indian, having even adopted Indian nationality. ", "Surely she could have defended her own country? ", "She could, for example, have spoken about India’s infinite spirituality, her exquisite culture, the gentleness of its people, the brilliance of its children…\n\nRegrettably, Mother Teresa said nothing of the sort. ", "Does this mean that she stood for the most orthodox Christian conservatism? ", "Was it, as some of her detractors said, that her ultimate goal was to convert India to Christianity, the only true religion in her eyes? ", "I cannot believe it, although it is true that she never once said a good word about Hinduism, which after all is the religion of 700 millions people of the country she said she loved, and has been their religion for 5,000 years – long before Christianity appeared. ", "Did Mother Teresa consider, as all good Christians do – particularly the conservatives ones – that Hinduism is a pagan religion which adores a multitude of heathen gods and should be eliminated?", "\n\nThe hardline Hindus argue that there has been no change in Christian or Protestant designs on India since they arrived with the Portuguese and the British, and that Mother Teresa was much more clever than Lord Hastings: She knew that on the eve of the 21st century, it would have looked very bad if she had openly stated her true opinions about Hinduism; so she kept quiet. ", "It seems a bit farfetched but, ultimately, is not her charitable work – whatever its dedication – an indirect method to convert people? ", "For without any doubt, most of the people she saved from the streets did ultimately become Christians. ", "And if you ask those “elite” Indians who knew her well, such as photographer Raghu Rai, a great admirer of her, she always said: “It is now time for you to embrace the true religion.” (", "Raghu Rai politely declined.)", "\n\nIndia today is an emerging super power and Indian Christians, while worshipping the memory of Mother Teresa, should try – by talking around themselves, writing articles and books – to propagate a more positive image of their country. ", "Why does India’s intelligentsia, most of whom are born Hindus, also defend her? ", "These are intelligent, educated people; they must surely have some inkling of Mother Teresa’s negative impact? ", "Does Vir Sanghvi or for that matter Naveen Chawla, Mother Teresa’s ever admiring biographer, understand what she really stood for? ", "That she may have been someone basically hostile to their culture, their religion, their way of life?", "\n\nAlso, do they know that Hindu society has always been the target of Christians since their coming here? ", "Do they understand that they and a thousand of their peers, who belong to the intellectual elite of India and keep praising Mother Teresa (or Father Zelazek), are doing harm to their country and opening it to its enemies? ", "The Christian influence is very strong in India today: It shapes the minds of its young people in a subtle way through its schools, which many of the children of the affluent attend. ", "It moulds the thinking of the tribes it has converted, particularly in the North-East where the missionaries have always covertly encouraged separatism (see the remarkable book Indigenous Indians by the Dutch Scholar, Koenrad Elst).", "\n\nIt is also sad to see the majority of Hindus are unaware of the very negative image of their country and religion which Mother Teresa’s name is carrying. ", "It is even more unfortunate to see that Hindus vote for her as the most popular Indian (as reported by a weekly magazine that recently conducted an opinion poll). ", "Was Mother Teresa really Indian? ", "Did she really love India as an Indian? ", "While we must respect her memory, it is necessary that Mother Teresa’s sainthood or Father Zelatek’s potential Nobel prize be seen in their proper perspective by both Hindus and Indian Christians: By making her a saint, or giving Father Zelatek a Nobel, the Vatican and the West are still perpetuating a kind of condescending, neo-colonial attitude: “We, the Westerners, bring to you, the heathens, the civilisation and the true God.”", "\n\nUltimately, when she becomes a saint, Mother Teresa’s spirit will continue to haunt India because she will be worshiped by millions of Westerners for the very negative qualities and aspects that India is trying to emerge out of: Poverty, human despair and lack of self respect." ]
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[ "We asked 414 New Yorkers — someone who lives and/or works in New York City — to answer 24 questions about the neighborhoods. ", "Below we've mapped the percentage of people who named each area for different questions.", "\n\nThe Upper East Side has the most Yuppies. ", "Solid performance from Park Slope though.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nThis should surprise absolutely nobody:\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nBy far one of the most contested issues in the entire city of New York, we now have statistical evidence that, yes, the East Village does have the best bars.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nA second outstandingly contested question, with a win by the slimmest of margins, Greenwich Village takes it over Midtown. ", "The Halal Guys are crying somewhere, but Two Brothers must be quite pleased.", "\n\nThis will also be the final time Little Italy makes a showing on the map in any category.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nAnd in the opposite-of-coveted Worst Food category, known food desert The Financial District takes the \"crown.\"", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nI have no idea why we even bothered asking this question. ", "Solid showing from Flushing though.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nI don't know why we asked this either.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nBut why does Midtown have the worst tourists? ", "Well apparently it's because Midtown also has the best architecture.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nThe beautiful people live on Manhattan, specifically the Upper East Side.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nThe rest move to Staten Island, or so they say.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nThe survey found that people thought Harlem had changed the most over the past fifteen years. ", "Williamsburg and Meatpacking get honorable mentions.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nPeople thought Harlem had also improved the most. ", "Other success stories include Meatpacking, Hell's Kitchen, and almost all of Brooklyn.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nThis is your time to shine, Upper East Side.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nPeople are finding value in a ton of neighborhoods, especially northernmost on Manhattan Inwood.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nPeople see Bushwick as the new, up-and-coming neighborhood now that Williamsburg is stuffed to the gills.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nMidtown is the most \"New York\" with solid competition from Greenwich Village, and the Upper East and West Sides.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nHonestly they're just cheating with this one, they get to take credit for that big one in the middle.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nLots of great scenery in New York. ", "Besides the usual suspects, you can get awesome views from Brooklyn Heights.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nThe Upper East Side has the best schools.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nStaten Island there is no way people are taking that ferry for a party.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nGreenwich Village is the New Yorker's favorite, by a hair.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nDespite some stiff competition Staten Island is the the least favorite.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nMidtown and Williamsburg are just annoying.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nUh, yeah, you guys can keep it, no really, all we really ever wanted was Liberty Island back.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nThe Upper East Side: scientifically proven to be overrated. ", "Thank you for winning a bet for me, New York.", "\n\nSource Map: Mike Nudelman Coloration: Walter Hickey, Business Insider\n\nWhen it comes to underrated neighborhoods, we get a ton of contenders. ", "Inwood takes the top spot, but also keep an eye on Harlem, Astoria, Redhook and the Lower East Side." ]
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[ "Expensive Cities, Part 3: Millennials in Cities Tend to be More Financially Responsible\n\nThe final instalment in a three-part series looking at the different financial challenges between those living in expensive Canadian cities and those outside of them. ", "The series also explores generational differences within these cities from a personal finance point of view. ", "The data is based on a self-reported survey of 1,208 respondents conducted by Ratehub.ca between May 1-14. ", "Read Part 1 and Part 2.", "\n\nOne would think those living in expensive cities such as Toronto and Vancouver carry large amounts of debt or are unable to save because the cost of living is so high, making it harder to make ends meet. ", "Interestingly, this didn’t appear to be the case.", "\n\nWhile there’s no doubt that people are struggling in these cities, when it came to the three metrics we looked at, millennials in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) reported being more financially responsible than those who live outside those areas. ", "In a nutshell, fewer of them reported having debt, more of them reported saving regularly, and a larger percentage reported saving 10% or more of their income compared to millennials living in other locations.", "\n\nWhile there are many reasons for why this may be the case, it’s possible that because the GTA and GVA are more expensive than other cities in Canada, city dwellers are basically forced to become financially responsible, lest they drown in debt. ", "With a higher cost of living, millennials are forced to shape up or get out; in order to survive, millennials must quickly learn the ins and outs of personal finance.", "\n\nWhile 54% of millennials in the GTA and GVA and 70% outside of these areas reported having debt, the type of debt varies dramatically. ", "Forty four per cent of millennials living in the GTA or GVA who reported having debt listed student loans as a form of debt they carry, compared to only 26% of those outside these cities.", "\n\nSimilarly, when it came to reasons why millennials weren’t saving, 53% of those in these expensive cities cited having debt to pay off as the primary reason why they couldn’t save, vs. 65% of those outside the cities citing a lack of funds as their reason.", "\n\nAmong millennials, it’s possible that those in expensive cities have a steady stream of income but are paying down student loans, whereas those outside are not making as much and therefore can’t save.", "\n\nThis was the most surprising insight taken from our survey. ", "This isn’t to say millennials outside of these cities are not financially responsible, but rather that those within these cities are more likely to be. ", "One can speculate as all the reasons why this may be the case, the most likely of which is simply that to survive in one of these cities you need to have your house in order.", "\n\nPersonal finance can feel like an insider’s club. ", "There’s also a lot of “rules,” often centred around frugality and fitting into a clearcut style of budgeting — even if it doesn’t necessarily fit your circumstances. ", "When … Read More\n\nFlickr: [email protected] The following article is a guest post by Kyle Grooms, a financial security advisor in Toronto, and looks at tactical ways to use TFSAs and RRSPs to save for a down payment. ", "A common thread … Read More\n\nFor Canadians who are worried about the effects of the COVID-19 response, these programs welcome relief in the short-term. ", "But a recession appears inevitable, and may already be underway. ", "For the long-term, that means potential implications for your retirement savings and overall wealth. ", "But the implications aren’t necessarily negative." ]
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[ "Long term effect of early intervention service on duration of untreated psychosis in youth and adult population in Hong Kong.", "\nThe current study explored the effect of an early intervention (EI) service for psychosis in Hong Kong (EASY) on the reduction of the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) at 10 years, in adolescent and adult patients. ", "Data from three first-episode psychosis (FEP) studies conducted over 10 years using the same DUP assessment was analysed. ", "FEP study 1 year before the EI service (2000) was used as a control, with those aged <25 comprising the youth psychosis control group and those aged over 25 comprising the adult psychosis control group. ", "Data from the EASY service collected in 2010 constituted the youth psychosis EI group and data from an adult EI service collected from 2009 to 2011 constituted the adult psychosis EI group. ", "DUP of EI and control groups was compared. ", "The effect of the mode of onset and family history of psychosis on DUP was studied. ", "DUP in the adult group was significantly reduced from median of 180 days to 93 days after 10 years (U = 12 906.50, P = 0.01), particularly in those with gradual onset and without family history. ", "However, no significant change of DUP was found in the youth psychosis group. ", "Results of the current study provide evidence that EI programmes with public awareness campaign can significantly reduce DUP of adult patients but not in youth group. ", "The effect is more specific in those with long DUP. ", "Further research should explore the specific factors contributed to the long DUP of patients of different age groups so as to establish targeted intervention strategies." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nlocalhost, Cross-Origin Request Blocked , CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing\n\nThere is a jar file random_file.jar , which will produce output to a URL like , http://localhost:8010/statistics in XML format , the client UI program need to read the data and plot it as graph.", "\nWhile making ajax call, it throws error as, Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8010/statistics . (", "Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). ", "below is the ajax call;\n var url= 'http://localhost:8010/statistics ';\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n crossOrigin: true,\n type: 'GET',\n dataType: \"xml\",\n accept: 'application/xml'\n }).done(function (data) {\n console.write(data); \n })\n\nthough client UI program running in local web server, the ajax call fails with CORS error, please suggest.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe request origin is only considered the same if protocol + host + port are equal.", "\nYou can try fixing it by using the Jetty CORS Filter (configurable in web.xml) or by using a proxy.", "\n\n" ]
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[ " greatest common divisor of x and u?", "\n9\nLet p(s) = -3*s + 2. ", "Let a be p(-1). ", "Calculate the highest common factor of 30 and a.\n5\nLet a = -17 - -19. ", "Suppose -a*o + 4*c = -6*o + 112, -4*o + 140 = -3*c. ", "What is the highest common factor of 48 and o?", "\n16\nLet d(x) = -6*x + 12. ", "Let i be d(-8). ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of i and 10.", "\n10\nLet d be 28*(-1 - (-1)/4). ", "Let j = 9 + d. Let m = -1 - j. What is the greatest common divisor of m and 11?", "\n11\nLet r be (17 - 2)*4/6. ", "Let j be -3*(3 + 10/(-3)). ", "Suppose -j - 9 = -2*a. ", "What is the highest common divisor of a and r?", "\n5\nLet l(f) = 3*f + 2. ", "Let g be l(0). ", "What is the highest common divisor of g and 14?", "\n2\nLet p = 9 - 7. ", "Let l = -108 - -192. ", "Suppose 4*t - 6 = -v, 3*v + v - l = 4*t. ", "What is the greatest common factor of v and p?", "\n2\nLet y(g) = 112*g + 1. ", "Let v be y(3). ", "Suppose i = -0*i + v. Suppose 4*q = 2*x - x + i, -2*q + 173 = -5*x. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of q and 21?", "\n21\nLet q = 12 - 0. ", "What is the highest common factor of 36 and q?", "\n12\nLet r = 12 + 78. ", "Suppose -5*y = -r - 35. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of 5 and y?", "\n5\nLet p = -3 + 8. ", "Suppose -o + p = 1. ", "What is the highest common factor of o and 4?", "\n4\nLet l be 1/(-2) - (-27)/2. ", "Suppose -70 = -4*z + 190. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of l and z.\n13\nLet d be 2*3 - (6 - 5). ", "Suppose 3*z = -d*l + 131, -4*l + 6*z - 3*z = -94. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of l and 5.", "\n5\nLet k(s) = 4*s - 8. ", "Let z be k(6). ", "Let j be (z/6)/(5/15). ", "Suppose 3*n + u = n + 24, 3*n - 36 = u. What is the highest common factor of n and j?", "\n4\nLet n(a) = 3*a**2 - a - 1. ", "Let y be n(-1). ", "Let l be (108/(-8))/9*-2. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of l and y.\n3\nLet o = 92 - 65. ", "What is the greatest common factor of 27 and o?", "\n27\nLet s(t) = t - 3. ", "Let v be s(5). ", "Suppose 0 = -0*h - v*h + 48. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of 6 and h.\n6\nLet m be 988/10 - (-2)/10. ", "Let w be (-2)/6 + (-168)/(-18). ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of w and m.\n9\nLet a be 2 + -21*(-2)/3. ", "What is the highest common divisor of a and 4?", "\n4\nLet v be (-1 - (-2 + -4)) + 2. ", "Let r be 12/(-54) - 65/(-9). ", "What is the highest common factor of r and v?", "\n7\nLet d = 0 + 2. ", "Suppose 0 = -w + d*l - 3, 3*l - 11 = 3*w - 8*w. ", "What is the highest common divisor of w and 1?", "\n1\nLet x(h) = 2*h**2 + h - 6. ", "Let d be x(-6). ", "What is the greatest common factor of d and 15?", "\n15\nSuppose 4*f - 2*r = 2*r - 64, -r + 80 = -5*f. ", "Let u be (-79)/(-4) - 4/f. What is the highest common factor of 100 and u?", "\n20\nSuppose -3*z + 85 = 2*z. ", "Let x be 30/50 - (-2)/5. ", "Let q be (z - x) + 2 + -3. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 5 and q.\n5\nSuppose 0 = 2*t - 6, 4*j - 9 = -2*t + 1. ", "Let h be (j - -94*1) + -2. ", "Let c be 2/(-6) + h/9. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 5 and c.\n5\nLet o = 177 - 149. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of o and 70.", "\n14\nLet l be ((-42)/(-35))/((-1)/(-5)). ", "Suppose -34*c = -35*c + 6. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of c and l.\n6\nLet s(o) = -15*o + 5. ", "Let z be s(-5). ", "Suppose 7*b - 5*b = z. Let x(m) = -3*m + 5. ", "Let r be x(-5). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of b and r.\n20\nLet k = 21 + 89. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of 22 and k?", "\n22\nSuppose -3*l - 9 = -3*s, l + 0 = -3*s + 13. ", "What is the highest common factor of s and 32?", "\n4\nLet d be (104/6 - 2) + 7/(-21). ", "Let p(b) = -59*b**3 - 2*b - 1. ", "Let s be p(-1). ", "What is the greatest common factor of s and d?", "\n15\nLet t be (4 + (-14)/3)*-33. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 242 and t.\n22\nLet v = 5 - 0. ", "Suppose -220 = -4*s + 5*c, v*s - 304 = -0*s - c. Calculate the highest common factor of s and 24.", "\n12\nLet x(u) = -84*u**3 - 2*u**2 + 2*u - 3. ", "Let k be x(2). ", "Let a be (-6)/(-10) + k/(-35). ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 5 and a.\n5\nSuppose -19*p + 252 + 432 = 0. ", "Let c = 1 + 9. ", "Let z = c - 6. ", "What is the greatest common factor of z and p?", "\n4\nSuppose 5*v - 7 = -4*h + 8, 3*v - 3*h = 9. ", "Suppose -v*y - y = -208. ", "Suppose y = 3*w + 13. ", "What is the greatest common factor of 117 and w?", "\n13\nSuppose 0 = -4*f - f - v - 119, 0 = 4*f - 5*v + 101. ", "Let w = f + 44. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of 30 and w?", "\n10\nLet d be ((-210)/(-9))/((-2)/(-12)). ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of 28 and d.\n28\nLet q(t) = 13*t - 2. ", "Let a be q(2). ", "What is the highest common divisor of a and 96?", "\n24\nSuppose 5*f = 6*f - 2. ", "Let j be 3/(((-6)/f)/(-3)). ", "Let v(k) = k**3 + 7*k**2 + 7*k + 9. ", "Let p be v(-6). ", "What is the highest common divisor of p and j?", "\n3\nSuppose -7*c + 16 - 2 = 0. ", "Suppose 3 - 13 = -5*g. ", "What is the highest common factor of g and c?", "\n2\nSuppose -3*y + r = -49, 3*y - r = -2*y + 79. ", "Let g = 25 - y. Let a be 4/g - (-133)/5. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of a and 18.", "\n9\nLet u be 275/7 + 6/(-21). ", "Let i(f) = f**3 + 9*f**2 + 10*f. ", "Let n be i(-7). ", "Let c = u - n. Calculate the highest common divisor of c and 88.", "\n11\nSuppose 18 = 2*d - 5*y, d + 0*y + y - 2 = 0. ", "Suppose -4*q = -2*l - 0*l - 4, 0 = -2*q - 5*l + 2. ", "What is the greatest common factor of q and d?", "\n1\nLet u be 44/10 + (-2)/5. ", "Suppose 3*f - 5 = u*f + 2*x, 0 = -f + x - 2. ", "Let g be ((-93)/9 + 1)*f. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 70 and g.\n14\nSuppose 2*v + 4*v = 360. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of v and 12.", "\n12\nLet x be (-372)/(-16) + 1*3/(-12). ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 207 and x.\n23\nLet o(h) be the first derivative of h**4/4 + 8*h**3/3 + 3*h**2 + 4*h - 7. ", "Let d be o(-7). ", "What is the highest common factor of 77 and d?", "\n11\nLet y = 56 - -49. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of 15 and y.\n15\nLet a = -56 - -81. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of a and 75?", "\n25\nLet j = -83 - -32. ", "Let z be 2/(-2)*6 + 0. ", "Let t = z - j. What is the greatest common factor of t and 9?", "\n9\nSuppose 2*l + 2*a = 0, 3*l - 24 = 3*a + 6. ", "Suppose -100 = -l*n - 5. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 38 and n.\n19\nLet z = -104 + 219. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of 46 and z.\n23\nSuppose -75 = 5*m - 0*m. ", "Let h be (m/(-30))/(2/100). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 75 and h.\n25\nSuppose t = z + 19, 5*z + 80 = 4*t - 0*z. ", "Suppose -u - 135 = -2*u. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of t and u.\n15\nSuppose 14 + 50 = 4*z. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of z and 16.", "\n16\nSuppose 0 = -5*r - 2*k + 25, -4*r + 4*k - 6 = 2. ", "Suppose 220 = r*x - x. Suppose -q = -x - 26. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 17 and q.\n17\nLet w be (-135)/(-12) - (-9)/12. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 36 and w.\n12\nSuppose 5 = 3*t + 2*t. ", "Let w = t + 5. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of w and 4?", "\n2\nLet x = 8 + 2. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of x and 2.", "\n2\nLet o(i) = 7*i**2 - 3*i - 4. ", "Let m be o(-3). ", "Let z = m - 41. ", "Let n(j) = -j**2 + 7*j + 11. ", "Let a be n(8). ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of a and z.\n3\nSuppose p = 31 + 81. ", "Let b(f) = 15*f**3 - f + 2. ", "Let j be b(1). ", "Calculate the highest common factor of j and p.\n16\nLet z be (6/7)/(27/126). ", "What is the highest common divisor of z and 3?", "\n1\nLet t be (-620)/(-36) - 4/18. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of 51 and t.\n17\nSuppose -5*y = -t - 221, 109 = 3*y - 2*t - 18. ", "Suppose -4*d - y = d. Let r = 18 + d. Calculate the greatest common divisor of 36 and r.\n9\nSuppose -9 = 5*f - 34. ", "Suppose -5*s + 2*p = -10 - 7, 3*s + f*p = 35. ", "Suppose -s*b = 0, 0 = -o + 6*o - 2*b - 360. ", "What is the greatest common factor of 9 and o?", "\n9\nLet w be 84/8 + 2/(-4). ", "Calculate the highest common factor of w and 5.", "\n5\nSuppose 0 = a - 9 + 8. ", "Let k(r) = 6*r**3 - 2*r**2 + 2*r - 1. ", "Let f be k(a). ", "What is the highest common factor of f and 15?", "\n5\nLet c(r) = r**3 + 6*r**2 - 17*r - 7. ", "Let k be c(-8). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 9 and k.\n1\nSuppose -b + 3*q = -32, 0 = -0*q - 2*q + 8. ", "Suppose 5*k = b - 14. ", "Suppose 0 = -m - 4*u + 13, 3*m - k = -0*u - u. What is the highest common factor of 4 and m?", "\n1\nLet y be (-1 - -2)/(2/20). ", "Suppose 0 = -4*l + 14 + 6. ", "Suppose 0 = -4*x + h + 125, l*x + 5*h - 46 = 79. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of x and y.\n10\nLet o be 0 + 15/1 + -1. ", "Suppose 0*m - m + x + 57 = 0, 5*m - 267 = -4*x. ", "Let z be 4/16 - m/(-4). ", "What is the greatest common factor of z and o?", "\n14\nLet m = 22 + 62. ", "Let f(i) = -13*i**3 - i**2. ", "Let r be f(-1). ", "What is the greatest common factor of m and r?", "\n12\nLet w = 181 + -165. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of w a" ]
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[ "@inherits DemoWithResizableComponent\r\n\r\n<div class=\"demo-description\" id=\"LimitPageButtonsNumber\">\r\n <h2><DemoNavLink Link=\"Pager#LimitPageButtonsNumber\" />Pager - Limit the Number of Page Buttons</h2>\r\n <p>\r\n In this demo module, the total number of pages (<a class=\"helplink\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://docs.devexpress.com/Blazor/DevExpress.", "Blazor.", "DxPager.", "PageCount\">PageCount</a>)\r\n is set to 100 and the number of visible numeric buttons (<a class=\"helplink\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://docs.devexpress.com/Blazor/DevExpress.", "Blazor.", "DxPager.", "VisibleNumericButtonCount\">VisibleNumericButtonCount</a>)\r\n is set to 7. ", "Use the <a class=\"helplink\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://docs.devexpress.com/Blazor/DevExpress.", "Blazor.", "DxPager\">Pager</a> component's navigation buttons to switch between pages.", "\r\n\r\n </p>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"card demo-card demo-card-shadow\">\r\n <div class=\"card-header\">\r\n <DemoToolbar @bind-SelectedSize=\"SizeMode\" Title=\"Click page numbers or navigation buttons\"/>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"card-body overflow-auto\">\r\n <DxPager PageCount=\"100\"\r\n VisibleNumericButtonCount=\"7\"\r\n ActivePageIndex=\"50\"\r\n NavigationMode=\"PagerNavigationMode.", "NumericButtons\"\r\n SizeMode=\"SizeMode\">\r\n </DxPager>\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<CodeSnippet_Pager_Large/>\r\n" ]
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[ "Here is a link to our Diamond Polished Concrete site. ", "We offer unique artistic concrete floor art, polishing and staining. ", "This is a relatively new service for Alaska. ", "There is no top coating or sealer to wear away or scratch, no wax to keep it shiny, very low maintenance, durable and beautiful.", "\n\nMy Point of Sale and Contact Management suite which runs under FileMaker on\nboth Macintosh and Windows is available for sale. ", "It is fully customizable for\nyour business. ", "A demo is available. ", "Drop me an email to get more information.", "\nJim email\nto: POSsofware at Magic Together dot org" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.000937013712245971, 0.0008108276524581015, 0.0005953843356110156, 0.0007006727391853929, 0.0005668260273523629, 0.0005701956106349826, 0.0005493613425642252, 0.0007840112084522843, 0.0008012112812139094 ]
[ "// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style\n// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\n// +build !", "gccgo\n\n#include \"textflag.h\"\n\n//\n// System call support for AMD64, OpenBSD\n//\n\n// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions.", "\n// The runtime may know about them.", "\n\nTEXT\t·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56\n\tJMP\tsyscall·Syscall(SB)\n\nTEXT\t·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80\n\tJMP\tsyscall·Syscall6(SB)\n\nTEXT\t·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104\n\tJMP\tsyscall·Syscall9(SB)\n\nTEXT\t·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56\n\tJMP\tsyscall·RawSyscall(SB)\n\nTEXT\t·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80\n\tJMP\tsyscall·RawSyscall6(SB)\n" ]
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[ "Diego González Polanco\n\nDiego González Polanco (born 28 January 1995) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Málaga CF as a central defender.", "\n\nClub career\nBorn in Chiclana de la Frontera, Province of Cádiz, Andalusia, González joined Cádiz CF's youth setup in 2012, from EF Sancti Petri. ", "After starting out as a senior with the former's reserves in Tercera División, he made his first-team debut on 11 November 2012, coming on as a late substitute in a 0–1 Segunda División B away loss against Albacete Balompié.", "\n\nIn 2013, González had unsuccessful trials at Liverpool and A.S. Roma, being also strongly linked to Real Madrid. ", "On 20 December 2014 he signed a new four-year deal at the Estadio Ramón de Carranza, running until 2018.", "\n\nOn 20 January 2015, González joined another reserve team, Granada CF B on loan until June. ", "On 22 July he signed a two-year contract with Sevilla Atlético, for a fee of €200,000.", "\n\nGonzález first appeared with Sevilla's main squad on 2 December 2015, starting in a 3–0 away win over UD Logroñés for the season's Copa del Rey. ", "The following 8 May, as manager Unai Emery made changes ahead of two cup finals, he made his La Liga debut as a substitute and scored a back-heeled equaliser with his first touch in a 1–4 loss to neighbours Granada CF, at the Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán Stadium.", "\n\nOn 3 August 2017, after featuring regularly with the B-side in Segunda División, González signed a four-year deal with top level club Málaga CF.", "\n\nCareer statistics\n\nHonours\nSpain U21\nUEFA European Under-21 Championship runner-up: 2017\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nStats and bio at Cadistas1910 \n\nCategory:1995 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Chiclana de la Frontera\nCategory:Spanish footballers\nCategory:Andalusian footballers\nCategory:Association football defenders\nCategory:La Liga players\nCategory:Segunda División players\nCategory:Segunda División B players\nCategory:Tercera División players\nCategory:Cádiz CF B players\nCategory:Cádiz CF players\nCategory:Club Recreativo Granada players\nCategory:Sevilla Atlético players\nCategory:Sevilla FC players\nCategory:Málaga CF players\nCategory:Spain under-21 international footballers" ]
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[ "Introduction {#Sec1}\n============\n\nBrimonidine tartrate, a highly selective α~2~-adrenergic agonist, is an intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering drug. ", "Brimonidine tartrate decreases the IOP by reducing the production of aqueous humor and increasing its outflow via the uveoscleral pathway \\[[@CR1]\\]. ", "It has been reported that the bioavailability of brimonidine in the aqueous humor following ophthalmic administration is enhanced by increasing the solution pH, in accordance with the pH partition hypothesis \\[[@CR2]--[@CR4]\\]. ", "Brimonidine is a base (p*K*~a~ = 7.78), and this change in bioavailability is assumed to be caused by the increase in non-ionized molecules, which have a higher membrane permeability than ionized molecules in a more alkaline pH. An ophthalmic formulation containing brimonidine tartrate as an active ingredient has been improved based on this characteristic. ", "In this context, the distribution of brimonidine in the anterior parts of the eye following ophthalmic administration has been well investigated.", "\n\nThe distribution of brimonidine in the posterior parts of the eye after ophthalmic administration is as important as that in the anterior parts because brimonidine tartrate not only has IOP-lowering effects but also neuroprotective effects. ", "In a randomized clinical trial, twice-daily treatment of eyes with 0.2% brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution, pH 6.4 (0.2% ophthalmic solution; Alphagan^®^; Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA, USA), preserved visual function better than did treatment with 0.5% timolol maleate ophthalmic solution, despite the similar IOP-lowering effect of both drugs \\[[@CR5]\\]. ", "Alpha~2~-adrenergic receptors are expressed in the retina \\[[@CR6]--[@CR8]\\], and in a few animal studies these receptors have been shown to mediate the neuroprotective effect following activation \\[[@CR9], [@CR10]\\].", "\n\nSeveral research groups have investigated the distribution of brimonidine in the posterior ocular tissues after ophthalmic administration \\[[@CR11]--[@CR15]\\]. ", "However, unlike our body of knowledge on the distribution of brimonidine in the aqueous humor, it is still unclear how solution pH influences brimonidine bioavailability in the posterior parts of the eye following ophthalmic administration. ", "Furthermore, there is no report of investigations on the effect of solution pH on any topically applied drugs.", "\n\nTherefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the solution pH on brimonidine bioavailability in the posterior ocular tissues following ophthalmic administration. ", "In an earlier study, we determined brimonidine concentrations in the posterior ocular tissues of pigmented rabbits after a single ophthalmic administration of 0.1% brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution, pH 7.3 (0.1% ophthalmic solution, Aiphagan^®^; Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan) \\[[@CR15]\\]. ", "In the present study, brimonidine concentrations in the ocular tissues were investigated following the administration of 0.2% ophthalmic solution at pH 6.4 in a similar manner as in the previous study, and the bioavailability of brimonidine in the posterior ocular tissues was compared between these commercial ophthalmic solutions. ", "The results of this investigation are significant in the context of improving the neuroprotective effect of the ophthalmic solution by modifying the pH of the solution.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nAnimals {#Sec3}\n-------\n\nForty male pigmented rabbits (Dutch) weighing 1.7--2.1 kg were obtained from Kitayama Labes Co. Ltd. (Nagano, Japan). ", "All animals were housed individually in a temperature- and humidity-controlled facility on a 12/12-h light/dark cycle. ", "Food and water were available ad libitum. ", "All animal management in this study was performed in accordance with the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research and was approved by the local Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees.", "\n\nDrugs and Chemicals {#Sec4}\n-------------------\n\nAlphagan^®^, a 0.2% ophthalmic solution of brimonidine tartrate at pH 6.4 (Allergan Inc.), was topically administered. ", "Brimonidine tartrate and 5-chloro-6-(2-imidazolidinylideneamino) quinoxaline, internal standard (IS) for quantitation, were provided by Allergan Inc. All other reagents were of special grade or higher and were obtained commercially.", "\n\nTopical Administration and Tissue Sampling {#Sec5}\n------------------------------------------\n\nA 35-μL drop of ophthalmic solution was topically applied to one eye of all rabbits. ", "The rabbits were subsequently euthanized by an intravenous overdose of pentobarbital sodium at eight time points after administration of the solution (0.67, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 24, 168, and 360 h). ", "The eyes were then enucleated from each animal, frozen in a dry ice/acetone bath, and divided at the equator. ", "The vitreous body, anterior retina/choroid, and posterior retina/choroid were collected, and all tissue samples were stored at − 80 °C until sample processing.", "\n\nTissue Sample Processing {#Sec6}\n------------------------\n\nAll tissue samples were pretreated with solid-phase extraction methods before analysis. ", "All weighed tissues were minced with methanol using scissors, followed by sonication and centrifugation (8000 or 10,000 *g*), and then the supernatants were collected and evaporated to dryness under nitrogen gas. ", "Dried residues were dissolved in a mixture of methanol/pure water (1:1) and subsequently added to OASIS HLB μElution 96-well plates (Waters Corp., Milford, MA, USA) preconditioned with methanol and pure water. ", "After rinsing with pure water, analytes were eluted using acetonitrile. ", "Pretreatment of the vitreous body involved filtering the solutions before the solid-phase extraction.", "\n\nAnalytical Method {#Sec7}\n-----------------\n\nBrimonidine concentrations in the ocular tissue samples were determined using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry with an amide column. ", "An ACQUITY ultraperformance liquid chromatography system (UPLC) and a Micromass Quattro Premier mass spectrometer (both Waters Corp.) were used for the analysis. ", "Analytes were separated using an ACQUITY UPLC ethylene bridged hybrid (BEH) Amide column (2.1 × 50 mm, 1.7 μm; Waters Corp.) under gradient chromatography conditions. ", "The injection volume was 10 µL, flow rate was 0.3 mL/min, and the mobile phase consisted of methanol/10 mM ammonium formate (2:3) and acetonitrile. ", "Brimonidine and the IS were analyzed in the positive ionization mode with the multiple reaction monitoring transitions of 292.10 → 212.20 and 248.20 → 205.20, respectively. ", "The lower limits of quantitation were 0.012 and 0.006 ng/tissue (retina/choroid and vitreous body, respectively).", "\n\nPharmacokinetics Analysis {#Sec8}\n-------------------------\n\nPharmacokinetic parameters after single topical administration were determined using noncompartmental analysis using Phoenix^®^ WinNonlin^®^ version 6.1 software (Certara LP, Princeton, NJ, USA). ", "The following parameters were determined: the time to reach maximum concentration (*T*~max~), the maximum concentration (*C*~max~), the elimination half-life (*T*~1/2~), and the area under the curve from time 0 to 360 h (AUC~0--360~).", "\n\nResults {#Sec9}\n=======\n\nTopically applied brimonidine was distributed rapidly into all tissues after a single ophthalmic administration of 0.2% ophthalmic solution (Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The highest brimonidine concentration was in the anterior retina/choroid, followed in decreasing amounts by the posterior retina/choroid and the vitreous body, in order.", "Fig.", " 1Brimonidine concentration--time curves in posterior ocular tissues after a single topical administration of brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution in pigmented rabbits. ", "Each pigmented rabbit was administered 35 µL of 0.2% brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution. ", "Data are presented as the mean + standard deviation (*n* = 5)\n\nIn the anterior retina/choroid, the *T*~max~ was 3 h, *C*~max~ was 2820 ± 1940 ng/g (mean ± standard deviation \\[SD\\]) *T*~1/2~ was 600 h, and AUC~0--360~ was 500,000 ± 90,000 ng h/g (mean ± standard error \\[SE\\]) (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In the posterior retina/choroid, the *C*~max~ and AUC~0--360~ were 173 ± 102 (SD) ng/g and 14,300 ± 2100 (SE) ng h/g, respectively, which were 16- and 35-fold lower than the values in the anterior retina/choroid, respectively. ", "The *T*~max~ and *T*~1/2~ in the posterior retina/choroid were 1.5 and 306 h, respectively, and the *T*~1/2~ values were relatively similar to those of the anterior retina/choroid. ", "In the vitreous body, the *T*~max~, *C*~max~, *T*~1/2~, and AUC~0--360~ were 0.67 h, 1.42 ± 1.21 (SD) ng/g, 90.2 h, and 28.7 ± 3.9 (SE) ng h/g, respectively.", "Table 1Pharmacokinetics parameters in the posterior ocular tissues after single topical administration of 0.2% brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution in pigmented rabbitsTissue*T*~max~ (h)*C*~max~ (ng/g)*T*~1/2~ (h)AUC~0--360~ (ng h/g)Anterior retina/choroid3.02820 ± 1940600500,000 ± 90,000Posterior retina/choroid1.5173 ± 10230614,300 ± 2100Vitreous body0.671.42 ± 1.2190.228.7 ± 3.9*T*~*max*~ Time to reach maximum concentration, *C*~*max*~ maximum concentration, presented as the mean ± standard deviation (*n* = 5); *T*~*1/2*~ elimination half-life.*AUC*~*0--360*~ area under the curve from time 0 to 360 h, presented as the mean ± standard error (*n* = 5 eyes at each of eight time points)\n\nDiscussion {#Sec10}\n==========\n\nThe solution pH influences the brimonidine bioavailability in the aqueous humor following ophthalmic administration. ", "Dong et al. ", "\\[[@CR3]\\] showed that the concentration of brimonidine in the aqueous humor after topical administration was comparable between a 0.2% ophthalmic solution at pH 6.4 and a 0.15% ophthalmic solution at pH 7.3, thereby demonstrating that the bioavailability of topically applied brimonidine in the aqueous humor is improved by approximately 1.3-fold by increasing the pH of the formulation from 6.4 to 7.3. ", "Here, we report, for the first time, the effect of the solution pH on the distribution of brimonidine into the posterior ocular tissues following ophthalmic administration. ", "We obtained brimonidine distribution into the posterior ocular tissues following topical administration of 0.2% brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution at pH 6.4, allowing us to compare these results with those obtained using a 0.1% ophthalmic solution at pH 7.3 in our previous study \\[[@CR15]\\]; both studies were conducted under the same experimental conditions.", "\n\nIn all posterior ocular tissues, such as the anterior retina/choroid, posterior retina/choroid, and vitreous body, the AUC~0-360~ ratios following ophthalmic administration were \\< 2-fold, which was the difference in the brimonidine concentrations of these two products. ", "There was no difference between the two products that could affect the distribution of brimonidine---with the exception of pH. This result indicates that the bioavailability of brimonidine in the posterior ocular tissues was improved by increasing the pH of the ophthalmic solution, a result similar to that observed in the aqueous humor. ", "The study by Dong et al. ", "\\[[@CR3]\\] indicated that there was a 1.5-fold difference in brimonidine concentration in the aqueous humor between the 0.2% ophthalmic solution at pH 6.4 and the 0.1% ophthalmic solution at 7.3. ", "In the anterior retina/choroid, the AUC~0--360~ following administration of the 0.2% ophthalmic solution was 1.7-fold higher than that after administration of the 0.1% ophthalmic solution. ", "This value was relatively similar to the estimated ratio in the aqueous humor. ", "Furthermore, the AUC~0--360~ ratio in the posterior retina/choroid was 1.1, in contrast to that in the anterior retina/choroid. ", "These results indicate a variation in the contribution ratios of the penetration routes between the anterior and posterior segments in the retina/choroid following ophthalmic administration.", "\n\nThree possible local penetration routes into the posterior ocular tissues have been suggested after topical administration: (1) periocular and transposterior sclera, (2) transvitreous, and (3) uveal routes \\[[@CR16]\\]. ", "The periocular and transposterior sclera route is a pathway via the conjunctival cul-de-sac, periocular Tenon tissue, and posterior sclera. ", "The transvitreous route is channeled via the cornea, aqueous humor, and vitreous body, while the uveal route involves the cornea, aqueous humor, and choroid. ", "The first step in the process in all three routes involves penetration of either the cornea or conjunctiva, and it is surmised that the solution pH particularly influences this process. ", "In vitro permeability studies have shown that the pH affects corneal penetration more than conjunctival penetration \\[[@CR17], [@CR18]\\]. ", "In the present study, the AUC~0--360~ ratio of the two ophthalmic solutions in the anterior retina/choroid was comparable to the estimated ratio in the aqueous humor. ", "This similarity indicates that penetration of the anterior retina/choroid by ophthalmically administered brimonidine may mainly occur through the uveal route, which involves the aqueous humor.", "\n\nSome studies have indicated that the periocular and transposterior sclera route plays a main role in the penetration of topically applied drugs to the posterior parts of the retina/choroid \\[[@CR16], [@CR19]\\]. ", "The first process in this route following ophthalmic administration is conjunctival penetration. ", "In the in vitro studies described above, the effect of pH on the conjunctival penetration was less than that on corneal penetration, which is the first process of the uveal route \\[[@CR17], [@CR18]\\]. ", "However, our results show that the difference in AUC~0--360~ between the two ophthalmic solutions in the posterior retina/choroid was less than that in anterior retina/choroid, which seem to be inconsistent with the in vitro results. ", "However, this result suggests that after ophthalmic administration in an in vivo model, some factors not associated with in vitro permeability experiments, but involved in brimonidine distribution, may be functional.", "\n\nOur previous study demonstrated that the vitreous concentration could be a surrogate indicator of the concentration of free brimonidine in the posterior retina/choroid after ophthalmic dosing of 0.1% ophthalmic solution \\[[@CR15]\\]. ", "This result led us to conclude that brimonidine concentrations were correlated between these tissues. ", "The data from the present experiment show similar AUC~0--360~ ratios between the 0.1 and 0.2% ophthalmic solutions in these tissues, indicating that the brimonidine concentration relationship between the two tissues, as previously reported, is also applicable when a different formulation is administered.", "\n\nThe finding of the current study regarding the effect of solution pH on brimonidine distribution is based on data obtained in the rabbit. ", "A few studies have shown brimonidine concentrations in the vitreous body of human after topical administration of each ophthalmic product of brimonidine \\[[@CR12]--[@CR14]\\]. ", "However, the effect of solution pH in humans remains uncertain because there are differences in study conditions among the published studies, such as the dosing duration and sampling time points. ", "Further studies to reveal the effect of solution pH in human are needed for a more accurate prediction of the clinical neuroprotective effects of these products.", "\n\nConclusions {#Sec11}\n===========\n\nThe results of the present study demonstrate that the bioavailability of brimonidine in the posterior ocular tissues was improved by increasing the pH of the ophthalmic solution. ", "We believe that this finding supports the validity of using a brimonidine ophthalmic solution with a lower drug concentration and a higher pH to achieve the predicted neuroprotective effect concomitantly with the IOP-lowering effect. ", "In addition, the AUC~0-360~ ratios of the two ophthalmic solutions were different between the anterior and posterior parts of the retina/choroid, suggesting that different penetration routes may be the main contributors to the distribution of brimonidine in these tissues following ophthalmic administration.", "\n\n**Enhanced digital features**\n\nTo view enhanced digital features for this article go to 10.6084/m9.figshare.7825235.", "\n\nFunding {#FPar1}\n=======\n\nThis research and publication processing costs were supported by Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. All authors had full access to all of the data in this study and take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and accuracy of the data analysis.", "\n\nAuthorship {#FPar2}\n==========\n\nAll named authors meet the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this article, take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, and have given their approval for this version to be published.", "\n\nEditorial and Other Assistance {#FPar3}\n==============================\n\nThe authors thank Mr. Yoshiyuki Koga and his coworkers, LSI Medience Corporation, for technical assistance in the distribution study. ", "The authors thank Dr. Hideyuki Sakaki and Dr. Masaaki Kurata, Senju Pharmaceutical, for their helpful advice in the preparation of this paper.", "\n\nDisclosures {#FPar4}\n===========\n\nKeisuke Shinno is an employee of Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Kazuya Kurokawa is an employee of Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Seiko Kozai is an employee of Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Akio Kawamura is an employee of Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Katsuhiro Inada is an employee of Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Hideki Tokushige is an employee of Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.\n\nCompliance with Ethics Guidelines {#FPar5}\n=================================\n\nAll institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed.", "\n\nData Availability {#FPar6}\n=================\n\nThe datasets during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.", "\n\nOpen Access {#d29e709}\n===========\n\nThis article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/>), which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.", "\n" ]
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[ "HK and Cult Film News's Fan Box\n\nTuesday, December 8, 2009\n\nJudging by the cover art and synopsis, the Thai action-comedy CHAI LAI ANGELS: DANGEROUS FLOWERS (2006) looked so dumb that I expected to have a fun time by not taking it too seriously. ", "After a few minutes, however, it became clear that the only way to enjoy this movie at all is to take it super-duper unseriously, and even then you might have trouble sticking with it to the end.", "\n\nThe story concerns five beautiful (more or less) female agents who live in a mansion, work for a mysterious slob (Petchtai Wongkamlao, ONG-BAK) who sends them on various missions, and are all code-named after flowers. ", "Rose, Lotus, Hibiscus, Pouy-sian, and Spadix are ordered to prevent the Dragon crime syndicate from kidnapping a litle girl named Miki who knows the secret location of an enormous pearl of great value--removal of which from its ocean environment may upset the balance of nature and destroy the ecosystem.", "\n\nOf course, Miki gets kidnapped and the Chai Lais must spend the rest of the movie trying to get her back while battling the Dragon minions, including a big, prissy transvestite named King Kong and Miki's evil stepmother Mei Ling, who's in on the whole thing. ", "Along the way they encounter a band of super-powerful bounty hunters and an army of what appear to be rejects from the Crazy 88s, while still finding time to fall in love, dance around in skimpy clothes, and look semi-fabulous.", "\n\nI wasn't sure exactly what the movie's tone was going to be until I started to hear cartoon sound effects during the first kidnapping attempt on a plane. ", "This scene lets us know right off the bat that whenever an action sequence is about to start, all the cameramen suddenly spaz out and start doing the watusi. ", "Rarely have I seen such seriously bad Shaky-Cam, rendering much of what's going on almost incomprehensible and a real headache to try and follow. ", "This occurs in every action scene, which is a major detriment that gives the entire film an overall slapdash quality.", "\n\nWith better direction and choreography, some of this stuff might've been almost spectacular. ", "There's lots of promise to these setpieces, particularly the one in which the Chai Lais are attacked at a beauty spa and must go into battle in the middle of a shopping mall dressed only in towels. ", "A car chase through city traffic has them hanging from a speeding van and leaping from vehicle to vehicle with some impressive stuntwork. ", "Again, however, we're left with dizzying camerawork that turns everything into a kinetic mush.", "\n\nThe fights themselves feature very little actual choreography--they're mainly just a lot of very simple moves edited together. ", "The only person who looks like she's really performing anything of this nature is Miki, who proves quite a handful to her captors. ", "Her fight against a mob of bad guys is pretty funny, especially when some over-the-top wirework has her leaping over their heads and spin-kicking them all into dreamland like a top.", "\n\nThere are the occasional seriocomic romantic interludes thrown in here and there, mainly between Rose and her boyfriend Gus. ", "Her job as a Chai Lai Angel will become a sticking point in their marriage plans, especially after the Dragons capture him to use as a hostage. ", "This subplot provides the film with one of its few really serious moments. ", "Hibiscus, who's cute and shy even though their boss says she has a \"hillbilly face\", finds herself the object of affection from a handsome young cop who gets involved in the whole mess.", "\n\nThe level of humor varies wildly between occasionally clever parody of films such as CHARLIE'S ANGELS and the kind of live-action superhero stuff Filmation used to do on Saturday mornings, with generous dollops of Adam West-style \"Batman\" silliness mixed in. ", "SCTV's Johnny LaRue seems to be behind some of the more girlie-show sequences such as Rose's underwear bedroom dance to the film's theme song. ", "Lotus' club dance inside a big plastic ball is also way hot, and of course the girls end up in bikinis before it's over.", "\n\nSome of the slapstick becomes quite violent as King Kong gets shot, loses body parts, and gets squirted in the face with his own blood, all for comic effect. ", "A late character in the film, King Kong's dimwitted, severely crosseyed protege, ends up shooting him every time she aims at someone else. ", "She and Miki, who's such an effective fighter that she eventually joins the Chai Lais herself, are probably the funniest characters in the film.", "\n\nThe DVD from Magnolia's Magnet label is in 1.78:1 widescreen with Dolby 5.1. ", "You can listen to the original Thai soundtrack with English or Spanish subtitles, or an English dub. ", "Extras include about fifteen minutes of cast interviews, two \"Spice Girls\"-style music videos, and an international trailer.", "\n\nCHAI LAI ANGELS: DANGEROUS FLOWERS is a loud, colorful mess of a movie that is lighthearted dumb fun one minute and cheap-looking tedium the next. ", "It's loaded with action, but it's so poorly shot that you might go crosseyed yourself trying to focus on what's going on. ", "And it's so cartoonish at times that it almost makes CHARLIE'S ANGELS look like CASINO ROYALE." ]
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[ "Michael Sam Signed to Canadian Football League's Montreal Alouettes\n\nThe 25-year-old defensive end will suit up for a two-year contract with the Montreal Alouettes starting next month.", "\n\nMichael Sam, the first openly gay man to be drafted into the National Football League, has signed a two-year deal with the Montreal Alouettes, reports the Associated Press.", "\n\nAfter being drafted by the St. Louis Rams in the seventh round of the 2014 draft, Sam was cut from that team in August. ", "He was subsequently picked up for the practice squad of the Dallas Cowboys in September, but was released from that team without seeing any game time in October.", "\n\nSince then, Sam has been a free agent, and observers have been speculating about whether Sam would find a place in the NFL — which has yet to see an openly gay player take the field — or would migrate north to the Canadian Football League. ", "The Alouettes play in the league's East Division.", "\n\n\"With the signing of Michael Sam, we have become a better organization today. ", "Not only have we added an outstanding football player, we have added even a better person that brings dignity, character, and heart to our team,\" said Alouiettes general manager Jim Popp in a statement.", "\n\nThe Alouettes also welcomed their newest defensive end to the team with a tweet:\n\nThe 25-year-old thanked the Alouettes' ownership and management for the opportunity to play professional football, saying \"I cannot wait to put on the pads, get back on the field and work hard each and every day with my teammates to bring a Grey Cup to the great fans here in Montreal.\"", "\n\nHe echoed that sentiment in a tweet shared shortly after the news broke Friday morning:\n\n“Very excited and proud to be joining @MTLAlouettes! ", "Cannot wait to get back on the field and bring a Grey Cup to #Montreal! — ", "Michael Sam (@MichaelSamNFL) May 22, 2015\n\nSam made history when he came out as gay shortly before last year's draft, after he had been named an All-American defensive lineman at the University of Missouri." ]
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[ "South Carolina Ends Segregation of HIV-Positive Inmates\n\nSouth Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) inmates who test positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) will no longer be housed separately from the rest of the state’s prisoners, state corrections officials announced July 10.", "\n\nThe new policy is one of the key features of an overhaul of how state health services are provided to prison inmates. ", "According to the SCDC, an exact date of integration has not been set.", "\n\n“Since October, 1998, inmates who test positive for the HIV virus at incarceration into the Department of Corrections have been separated from the general population and housed in dedicated facilities known as Therapeutic Communities,” said a statement released by the department July 10. “", "SCDC currently houses a total of 366 inmates, 351 men and 15 women, infected with the HIV virus at two different institutions in Columbia.”", "\n\nThe decision comes months after U.S. District Court Judge Myron H. Thompson ruled, in a December order in a lawsuit challenging the policy, that the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) must stop keeping it’s HIV infected prisoners locked away from the general population.", "\n\n“It is evident that, while the ADOC’s categorical segregation policy has been an unnecessary tool for preventing the transmission of HIV, it has been an effective one for humiliating and isolating prisoners living with the disease,” said Thompson, in his decision on the case.", "\n\n“Because HIV is also more common among minorities and the poor, the stigma attached to HIV deeply implicates race and class prejudice, as well as homophobia.”", "\n\nSouth Carolina currently operates 26 different facilities for approximately 22,000 prisoners that all must get HIV tests upon entering the system.", "\n\nLabeling the facilities where infected inmates are kept secluded as “HIV ghettos,” the American Civil Liberties Union praised the changes announced and the end to discrimination against HIV-positive prisoners in South Carolina.", "\n\n“Today, we wholeheartedly celebrate South Carolina's decision to end HIV segregation,” the ACLU said in a statement.", "\n\n“This HIV segregation policy has long subjected all South Carolina prisoners to far harsher and more degrading conditions, with far fewer opportunities for rehabilitation, than their HIV-negative peers – and in many cases it has resulted in people with HIV serving longer time in prison solely because of their HIV status,” the civil liberties advocate said.", "\n\n“HIV segregation in prison came into being during the earliest days of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, when panic, fear and confusion were at their height,” said Margaret Winter, head of the ACLU’s National Prison Project, from her blog on the organization’s website.", "\n\nWinter said that the decision by the SCDC will “dramatically affect the lives of all HIV-positive prisoners in the State's custody, now and in the future.”", "\n\n“What's more, it will have a powerful affirmative effect on the community as a whole, by breaking down deeply-rooted HIV prejudice, which – just like prejudices based on race and sexual orientation – has for too long needlessly divided us,” she said.", "\n\nAlong with the end of inmate segregation based on HIV test results, there are also plans for a more centralized health facility at the Broad River Correctional Institution located in the state’s capital of Columbia.", "\n\nThe revamping of the health services also calls for all medical records, such as dental reports, to become electronic in form.", "\n\nSouth Carolina is the latest state to abandon prison segregation by HIV status. ", "Mississippi scuttled a similar policy in 2010. ", "Alabama is not yet in compliance with the order by the federal judge to house prisoners regardless of HIV status.", "\n\nThompson ruled that the policy violated the Americans with Disabilities Act.", "\nThe practice was once the norm in 46 states." ]
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[ 0.0015214476734399796, 0.0009177361498586833, 0.0005634964327327907, 0.0008488164166919887, 0.0019010277464985847, 0.0038511650636792183, 0.0008396798511967063, 0.21431341767311096, 0.015604766085743904, 0.002364583546295762, 0.0015306314453482628, 0.002156852511689067, 0.001359374145977199, 0.001518782926723361, 0.01390413660556078, 0.0005935041699558496, 0.0006702466635033488, 0.03983354941010475, 0.0008408937137573957, 0.0019001592881977558, 0.0007916647009551525, 0.0006504794582724571 ]
[ "[Mucous membrane manifestations in HIV infection].", "\nWe report the occurrence of mucous membrane manifestations in six patients with HIV-infections: Kaposi sarcomas of the hard palate, of the gingiva, of the larynx and of the glans penis, unusual spreading of condylomata acuminata, bowenoid papulosis, thrush and hairy leukoplakia." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0012810413027182221, 0.01938704401254654 ]
[ "Guidelines, practice policies, and parameters: the case for geriatrics.", "\nAs the population ages, the care of older persons becomes more important. ", "At the same time, practice guidelines that provide recommendations for appropriate care are being published in greater numbers. ", "The purpose of this work is to determine the proportion of guidelines that contain specific information about older persons. ", "Through a random sample of published guidelines listed in the AMA Directory of Practice Parameters, 1992 Edition, we determined the proportion of guidelines that contain specific age-related information. ", "We also determined if, over time, there was a difference in the proportion of practice guidelines containing information about older persons. ", "45.9% (95% CI, range 33.4-58.4) of guidelines that could conceivably pertain to older persons contain no age information; 24.6% (95% CI, range 13.8-35.4) of guidelines contain information only about persons less than 65 years of age; 29.5% (95% CI, range 18.1-41.0) of guidelines contain specific information about older persons. ", "Moreover, there were no secular trends in the proportion of guidelines pertaining to older persons. ", "Only a minority of practice guidelines contain information about older persons. ", "Possible causes and solutions to this shortfall are discussed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005709272809326649, 0.0008224016055464745, 0.0005506349843926728, 0.0006136873853392899, 0.0005381984519772232, 0.000539550615940243, 0.0008463124395348132, 0.0006781306583434343, 0.0005936954403296113, 0.0005773217417299747 ]
[ "REVIEW: Oshima’s “Taboo”: The Gay Samurai Movie\n\nREVIEW: Oshima's \"Taboo\": The Gay Samurai Movie\n\n(indieWIRE/10.5.00) —Nagisa Oshima, 68, stroke-recovery victim and Japanese game show host, is best known on Western shores as a master filmmaker. ", "A leading figure of the Japanese New Wave in the early 60’s, he received world recognition for his ode to castration and sexual strangulation, “In the Realm of the Senses” (1976). ", "When reels of the movie were seized by American customs just as it was to play the New York Film Festival, its reputation and financial success was ensured.", "\n\nNot everyone was bowled over though. ", "On the occasion of “In The Realm’s” re-release decades later, The San Francisco Chronicle‘s Edward Guthman opined, “To call the film a masterpiece is way off-base. ", "Oshima’s film wouldn’t be enjoying a re-release if it weren’t for the fact that it shows male and female genitalia, and depicts actors in a series of sex acts — felatio, coitus, lesbian sex, asphyxiation, sex with food" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0028983140364289284, 0.07757861167192459, 0.00057999137789011, 0.00067470024805516, 0.0008262083865702152, 0.20889128744602203 ]
[ "1930–31 Polska Liga Hokejowa season\n\nThe 1930–31 Polska Liga Hokejowa season was the fifth season of the Polska Liga Hokejowa, the top level of ice hockey in Poland. ", "Four teams participated in the final round, and AZS Warszawa won the championship.", "\n\nFirst round\n\nGroup A\n\nGroup B\n\nQualification for final round \n AZS Poznań - Czarni Lwów 7:0\n\nFinal round\n\nFinal\n AZS Warszawa - Legia Warszawa 1:0\n\nExternal links\n Season on hockeyarchives.info\n\nCategory:Polska Hokej Liga seasons\nPolska\nCategory:1930–31 in Polish ice hockey" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.0017435752088204026, 0.0007978121866472065, 0.0010358133586123586 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSQL Server 2005 and above - Atomicity of a stored procedure that contains TRUNCATE TABLE\n\nI have a stored procedure that looks something like this:\nTRUNCATE TABLE TableA;\nINSERT INTO \n TableA \nSELECT \n a,b,c \nFROM \n TableB;\nUPDATE TableA SET a = ...;\n\nTableA has no FK references so I can use TRUNCATE freely, and I use it because TableA has an autoinc column that I'd like to reset.", "\nI need to ensure that at no point in time another QR or SP or UDF running in parallel will see TableA as empty (and TableB is never empty). ", "I know I can use transactions, but I don't know if a simple BEGIN TRAN would do. ", "\nDo I need to set some special transaction level, or some locks or something? ", "And if I use BEGIN TRAN and some error occurs inside the transaction, will the transaction automatically be dropped when my SP ungracefully exits or will the transaction stay and block further reads for other queries (this is something that bothers me about transactions in SPs in general)?", "\n\nA:\n\nAssuming default READ COMMITTED transaction levels, both for your sp as well as readers, a simple BEGIN TRAN will do what you need. ", "Readers will be blocked until your sp commits or rolls back. ", "Your sp will automatically roll back if it ungracefully exits.", "\nNote that you cannot protect yourself against other transactions using the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006973728304728866, 0.0007149190059863031, 0.0005521638668142259, 0.0006233291933313012, 0.0023385577369481325, 0.0005947247846052051, 0.04760054871439934, 0.13312435150146484, 0.0007747968775220215, 0.001995587022975087 ]
[ "module Main where\n\nimport ClassyPrelude\nimport Data.", "String.", "Conversions (cs)\nimport qualified System.", "Directory as Directory\nimport qualified System.", "Posix.", "Env.", "ByteString as Posix\nimport Control.", "Monad.", "Fail\nimport IHP.IDE.CodeGen.", "ControllerGenerator\nimport IHP.IDE.CodeGen.", "Controller (executePlan)\nimport qualified Data.", "Text as Text\n\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = do\n ensureIsInAppDirectory\n\n args <- map cs <$> Posix.getArgs\n case headMay args of\n Just \"\" -> usage\n Just appAndControllerName -> do\n generateController appAndControllerName\n\nusage :: IO ()\nusage = putStrLn \"Usage: new-controller RESOURCE_NAME\"\n\n\nensureIsInAppDirectory :: IO ()\nensureIsInAppDirectory = do\n mainHsExists <- Directory.doesFileExist \"Main.hs\"\n unless mainHsExists (fail \"You have to be in a project directory to run the generator\")\n \ngenerateController :: Text -> IO ()\ngenerateController appAndControllerName = do\n case Text.splitOn \".\" ", "appAndControllerName of\n [controllerName] -> do\n planOrError <- buildPlan controllerName \"Web\"\n case planOrError of\n Left error -> putStrLn error\n Right plan -> executePlan plan\n [applicationName, controllerName] -> do\n planOrError <- buildPlan controllerName applicationName\n case planOrError of\n Left error -> putStrLn error\n Right plan -> executePlan plan\n _ -> usage\n\n " ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0007080257637426257, 0.004803210962563753, 0.0006257527275010943, 0.000684519240166992, 0.0012364585418254137, 0.0007785476627759635, 0.0012596000451594591, 0.0009929693769663572, 0.0013923289952799678, 0.0009320243261754513, 0.0006699836230836809, 0.0015244416426867247, 0.0014404113171622157 ]
[ "[MISC]\n\n– Client bone setup performance optimizations.", "\n\n– Fixed bullet hits on players beyond max bullet penetration distance always counting as penetration hits.", "\n\n[KILLER REPLAY]\n\n– Fixed sometimes incorrect in-scope fog and blur in Killer Replay.", "\n\n– Fixed some instances where a player could get stuck in Killer Replay.", "\n\n[GAME STATE INTEGRATION]\n\n– Bomb plant timer Game State Integration event is now slightly delayed when playing on Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist team.", "\n\n– CDN URLs for images of weapons and weapon finishes are now available in items_game_cdn.txt\n\n[STEAM CONTROLLER]\n\n– Added support for haptic feedback.", "\n\n– Use steam_controller_haptics convar to turn haptics on or off." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0006614048616029322, 0.0014102048007771373, 0.0008828241843730211, 0.0007270762580446899, 0.0008029863238334656, 0.0006348483730107546, 0.0012667080154642463 ]
[ "Contraceptive efficacy and patient acceptance of Lunelle.", "\nTo review the efficacy, safety, and patient acceptance of the Lunelle monthly contraceptive injection and to raise awareness of this new contraceptive in the United States. ", "Worldwide scientific literature, reports of clinical trials, and manufacturers' product information and guidelines. ", "Lunelle is a combined hormonal method with a safety/tolerability profile comparable to that of oral contraceptives (OC) and a high efficacy rate and provides a rapid return of fertility after discontinuation. ", "Moreover, Lunelle was well accepted in a large clinical trial, with satisfaction levels similar to those of new-start OC users. ", "Oral contraceptives are the most popular hormonal birth control method in the United States; however, typical use is associated with higher failure rates than those observed with perfect use because of poor compliance. ", "Poor compliance has been attributed in part to the need for daily administration. ", "A new contraceptive method that does not require daily administration and is readily reversible may be suitable for many women, resulting in better overall efficacy." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007146917632780969, 0.0006104256026446819, 0.0005586406914517283, 0.0007979620131663978, 0.0005757931503467262, 0.006119584199041128, 0.000939045159611851, 0.0034990098793059587 ]
[ "|Google logo|\n\n========================\nCreating Imagery Mosaics\n========================\n\n.. container::\n\n .. container:: content\n\n The simplest way to import source data is to create one resource\n from each data file. ", "In certain cases, though, you might obtain\n multiple source files that comprise a single image. ", "In that case,\n you can combine the source files into a single resource, called a\n *mosaic*. ", "This lesson guides you through the process of creating\n an imagery mosaic.", "\n\n .. note::\n\n All of the steps in this lesson apply to terrain data as well.", "\n\n - :ref:`Create an Imagery Resource <Create_Imagery_Resource>`\n - :ref:`Create a Virtual Mosaic <Create_Virtual_Mosaic>`\n - :ref:`Apply a Custom Mask to the Virtual Mosaic <Apply_Custom_Mask_Mosaic>`\n\n .. _Create_Imagery_Resource:\n .. rubric:: Create an Imagery Resource\n\n To create a mosaic, the source images must meet the following\n requirements:\n\n - Source images must be in the same projection and use the same\n coordinate system\n - Source images must have the same resolution\n - Source images must have geographic proximity to each other\n - Ideally, the individual source images are perfectly abutting\n (no overlap, no gaps)\n\n .. rubric:: To define an imagery mosaic:\n :name: to-define-an-imagery-mosaic\n\n #. ", "Select **Asset Manager** from the **Tools** menu. ", "The Asset Manager\n appears.", "\n #. ", "Click |Imagery Resource Editor Icon| on the toolbar. ", "The\n Imagery Resource Editor appears.", "\n\n |Imagery Resource Editor|\n\n #. ", "Set the **Acquisition Date** to today’s date in year-month-day\n format by clicking each section of the date and enter the\n values.", "\n #. ", "Select **USGS Imagery** from the Provider drop-down list.", "\n #. ", "Set the **Mask Type** (under **Mask Options**) to **No Mask**.", "\n #. ", "Click **Add**. ", "The Open Source dialog appears.", "\n #. ", "Navigate to the\n ``/opt/google/share/tutorials/fusion/Imagery/SF_grayscale/SFnorth``\n folder.", "\n #. ", "Select all four TIFF files (only the four files with the\n ``.tif`` extension), and click **Open**.", "\n\n |Open Source Dialog|\n\n The selected files appear on the Source File(s) list.", "\n\n Notice that the Mosaic Options area is enabled when you import\n more than one imagery file. (", "Refer to the **Reference Guide**\n for detailed explanations of these settings.)", "\n\n #. ", "Under **Mosaic Options**, for **Tile Fill**, select **Black**. ", "Now the\n **Fill Tolerance** option is enabled.", "\n #. ", "For **Fill Tolerance**, select **1**.", "\n #. ", "Select **File > Save**.", "\n #. ", "Navigate to the ``/ASSET_ROOT/Resources/Imagery`` folder you\n created in `Setting Up the\n Tutorial <../answer/../fusionTutorial/setup.html>`__.", "\n #. ", "Enter the name **ImageryMosaic** for the resource, and click\n **Save**.", "\n\n The name of the resource appears on the right when you select\n the ``/ASSET_ROOT/Resources/Imagery``\\ folder in the asset\n navigation tree.", "\n\n #. ", "Right-click **ImageryMosaic**, and select **Build** from the\n context menu. ", "Google Earth Enterprise Fusion builds the\n resource.", "\n\n .. note::\n\n Building this resource may take several minutes,\n since it contains four images.", "\n\n #. ", "When the status of the resource changes to **Succeeded** in the\n Asset Manager, drag it to the Preview List pane.", "\n #. ", "Check the box next to **ImageryMosaic** in the Preview List\n pane, and then right-click it and select **Zoom to Layer** from\n the context menu.", "\n\n The grayscale image of San Francisco appears in the Preview\n pane, surrounded by a bounding box. ", "This is the single mosaic\n resource created from four separate source files.", "\n\n |Grayscale Image of San Francisco|\n\n Notice the black border and uneven edges of the mosaic. ", "These are\n called *fill pixels*. ", "The fill pixels fill the frame around the\n imagery where its borders are uneven.", "\n\n If you want to add more imagery around this image and have all of\n the imagery blend together seamlessly, you need to *mask* the fill\n pixels. ", "Masking blocks the pixels that you do not want users to\n see. ", "The auto mask feature in Google Earth Enterprise Fusion does\n a very good job of creating masks for most situations. ", "The *Google\n Earth Enterprise Fusion Reference Guide* provides instructions for\n doing so.", "\n\n In some cases, however, you might want to use a custom mask that\n you create outside of Google Earth Enterprise Fusion so you have\n more control over the pixels that are blocked and the pixels that\n are allowed to show through. ", "However, since Google Earth\n Enterprise Fusion allows you to use custom masks with resources\n that include a single source file only, you cannot apply a custom\n mask to a resource that includes more than one source file.", "\n\n There is a way to resolve this problem. ", "You can create a *virtual\n mosaic* and apply your custom mask to it. ", "A virtual mosaic is a\n single source file created from multiple source files. ", "The\n following exercises walk you through the process of creating a\n virtual mosaic and applying a custom mask to it.", "\n\n .. _Create_Virtual_Mosaic:\n .. rubric:: Create a Virtual Mosaic\n\n If you have multiple source files that you want to combine into a\n single resource to which you want to apply a custom mask, you can\n create a virtual mosaic using command line tools and then apply\n the custom mask within the GUI.", "\n\n .. rubric:: To create a virtual mosaic:\n :name: to-create-a-virtual-mosaic\n\n #. ", "At the command prompt, change to the folder that contains the\n imagery source files by entering:\n\n ``cd /opt/google/share/tutorials/fusion/Imagery/SF_grayscale/SFnorth``\n\n #. ", "Change the permissions to ``read/write`` for the directory and\n files that you are using to create the virtual mosaic:\n\n ``chmod 777 /path/mydirectory``\n\n ``chmod 777 /opt/google/share/tutorials/fusion/Imagery/SF_grayscale/SFnorth/*``\n\n #. ", "Create a virtual raster file by entering (all on one line):\n\n ``gevirtualraster --fill 0,0,0 -o path/all_files.khvr *.tif``\n\n where *path* is the path to the folder where you want to save\n the resulting ``.khvr`` file.", "\n\n The ``gevirtualraster`` command specifies the fill value to be\n used for the mosaic (``0,0,0`` = black), the name of the file\n to be generated (``all_files.khvr``), and includes all of the\n ``.tif`` files in the specified folder as input.", "\n\n #. ", "Change to the folder where you stored the all_files.khvr file\n (the value of *path* in step **2**) by entering:\n\n ``cd path``\n\n #. ", "Enter the following command to be sure the file was created\n successfully:\n\n ``ls a*``\n\n The file ``all_files.khvr`` should be listed.", "\n\n #. ", "Change the permissions for the newly created all_files.khvr\n file:\n\n ``sudo chmod 777 all_files.khvr``\n\n #. ", "Preview the new virtual mosaic:\n\n a. In the Google Earth Enterprise Fusion GUI, click |Open File\n Icon|.", "\n\n The Open dialog appears.", "\n\n b. Navigate to the ``path`` folder.", "\n c. Select **all_files.khvr**, and click **OK**.", "\n\n Two entries appear in the Preview List pane: **all_files:0**\n and **all_files:1**. (", "If Imagery Mosaic is still listed, you\n can leave the box next to it checked.)", "\n\n When you check the box next to **all_files:0**, a bounding\n box indicates the position of the entire virtual mosaic.", "\n When you check the box next to **all_files:1**, four\n bounding boxes indicate the position of each of the\n individual source files.", "\n\n .. note::\n\n Because you have not yet built this resource,\n only the bounding boxes appear, not the actual imagery.", "\n\n #. ", "You can check and uncheck the boxes to see the different views.", "\n When you finish, right-click any layer in the Preview List\n pane, and select **Remove All Layers** from the context menu. ", "A\n message prompts you to confirm that you want to remove all\n layers from the Preview panes.", "\n #. ", "Click **OK**. ", "All of the layers disappear from the Preview\n panes.", "\n #. ", "Back at the command prompt, enter the following command:\n\n ``cp /opt/google/share/tutorials/fusion/Imagery/SF_grayscale/all_files-mask.tif path``\n\n This command copies the mask file provided with the tutorial\n data into the same folder as ``all_files.khvr`` you created in\n step 3.", "\n\n #. ", "Change to the ``path`` folder, if necessary, and enter the\n following command:\n\n ``ls a*``\n\n Both files, ``all_files.khvr`` and ``all_files-mask.tif``,\n should be listed.", "\n\n The mask for your input must be located in the same folder as the\n source file, and the file name must match the name of the source\n file with ``-mask`` appended. ", "In this case, the mask file is named\n ``all_files-mask.tif``. ", "When you select **Have Mask** in the\n Imagery Resource Editor in the next exercise, Google Earth\n Enterprise Fusion automatically applies the mask file by reference\n to the source file.", "\n\n .. _Apply_Custom_Mask_Mosaic:\n .. rubric:: Apply a Custom Mask to the Virtual Mosaic\n\n Now that you have a virtual mosaic and a custom mask for it, you\n can import the virtual mosaic into a resource and apply the mask.", "\n This exercise guides you through that process.", "\n\n .. rubric:: To apply a custom mask to the virtual mosaic:\n :name: to-apply-a-custom-mask-to-the-virtual-mosaic\n\n #. ", "Select **Asset Manager** from the **Tools** menu. ", "The Asset Manager\n appears.", "\n #. ", "Click |Imagery Resource Editor Icon| on the toolbar. ", "The\n Imagery Resource Editor appears.", "\n\n |Imagery Resource Editor|\n\n #. ", "Set the **Acquisition Date** to today’s date in year-month-day\n format by clicking each section of the date and enter the\n values.", "\n #. ", "Select **USGS Imagery** from the **Provider** drop-down list.", "\n #. ", "Set the **Mask Type** (under **Mask Options**) to **Have Mask**.", "\n #. ", "Click **Add**. ", "The Open Source dialog appears.", "\n #. ", "Navigate to the ``path``\\ folder.", "\n #. ", "Select ``all_files.khvr``, and click **Open**. ", "The selected\n file appears on the Source File(s) list.", "\n #. ", "Select **File > Save**.", "\n #. ", "Navigate to the ``/ASSET_ROOT/Resources/Imagery`` folder you\n created in :doc:`../fusionTutorial/setup`.", "\n #. ", "Enter the name **VirtualMosaic** for the resource, and click\n **Save**. ", "The name of the resource appears on the right when\n you select the ``/ASSET_ROOT/Resources/Imagery``\\ folder in the\n asset navigation tree.", "\n #. ", "Right-click **VirtualMosaic**, and select **Build** from the\n context menu. ", "Google Earth Enterprise Fusion builds the\n resource.", "\n\n .. note::\n\n Building this resource may take several minutes.", "\n\n #. ", "When the status of the resource changes to **Succeeded** in the\n Asset Manager, drag it to the Preview List pane.", "\n #. ", "Check the box next to **VirtualMosaic** in the Preview List\n pane, and then right-click it and select **Zoom to Layer** from\n the context menu.", "\n\n The grayscale image of San Francisco appears in the Preview\n pane, surrounded by a bounding box. ", "This is the mosaic created\n from four separate tiles.", "\n\n Notice that the black border and uneven edges of the mosaic are\n gone. ", "The mask has done its job.", "\n\n.. |Google logo| image:: ../../art/common/googlelogo_color_260x88dp.png\n :width: 130px\n :height: 44px\n.. |Imagery Resource Editor Icon| image:: ../../art/fusion/tutorial/iconResImagery.png\n.. |Imagery Resource Editor| image:: ../../art/fusion/tutorial/imageryResEditor.png\n.. |Open Source Dialog| image:: ../../art/fusion/tutorial/mosaicImageryAddDia.png\n.. |Grayscale Image of San Francisco| image:: ../../art/fusion/tutorial/mosaicPreview.png\n.. |Open File Icon| image:: ../../art/fusion/tutorial/iconOpenFile.png\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCommunication between different Baud rates\n\nI am totally new to just about all of this, first off. ", "\nI have two boards that I want to be able to communicate. ", "Both are using half-duplex serial connection, but one is fixed at 4800bps, and the other is at 57600bps. ", "\nI've dug in, and to the best of my understanding, I'll need something with 2 UARTs to more or less convert the signal from one to the other. ", "That is about where my understanding has hit a wall. ", " I'm unsure what chip would work, how to setup the chip, or if there are other, simpler options. ", "I just need a bit of direction from someone with some experience! ", "\n\nA:\n\nAs @IgnacioVazquez-Abrams noted, the difference in speed is potentially a real problem. ", "Data transfer requirements can take a variety of forms. ", "For your purposes, let's look at a few possibilities:\n1 - A bunch of small, intermittent, packets in both directions\nIn this case, any small device with 2 UARTs and enough RAM to buffer the largest typical transfer will be sufficient.", "\n2 - Large amounts of data coming from the slower device with acknowledgements or other small packets being returned by the faster device\nIn this case as well, any small device with 2 UARTs and enough RAM to buffer the largest typical transfer from the faster device will be sufficient.", "\n3 - Large amounts of data coming from the faster device with acknowledgements of other small packets being returned by the slower deive\nIn this case, I recommend researching to find a different solution. ", "While it is possible to create ever-larger RAM buffers for serial data, eventually, inevitably, there will be a problem.", "\nNote that I use the term \"packets\" here very loosely. ", "The data does not need to conform to anything like Ethernet network packets or similar highly-structured data. ", "But most data transfers, in my experience, beyond keyboard input, fit one of these 3 models.", "\nThere is an additional factor - handshaking. ", "Either device, or both, may be able to handle incoming data at the full defined speed. ", "But one or both may require handshaking to be implemented in order to function reliably. ", "That handshaking may be hardware (CTS, RTS or other pins) or software (e.g., XON/XOFF). ", "If you can't configure the bit rates then you are unlikely to be able to configure the handshaking and should support whatever each device needs. ", "Again, a small device with 2 UARTs can handle different handshaking methods as well, but needs to be configured properly to do so.", "\nI am also a little surprised that you would have 2 devices that BOTH have fixed bit rates. ", "Most devices I have worked with for the past 30 years have had configurable bit rates. ", "Even if one device is fixed due to other constraints (e.g., you are capturing data that is already being sent to another system), that typically doesn't apply to BOTH parts of a project.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006936860154382885, 0.0005426815478131175, 0.0007134308107197285, 0.0006183629739098251, 0.008184429258108139, 0.0005645124474540353, 0.0005822029197588563, 0.0007308577769435942, 0.0005712806014344096, 0.0005368742276914418, 0.0006289458833634853, 0.000549008313100785, 0.0007602745317853987, 0.000574556936044246, 0.0006217598565854132, 0.0005527167813852429, 0.0006248888093978167, 0.0005640636081807315, 0.0005647148354910314, 0.0006597234169021249, 0.0006331332842819393, 0.0005736606544815004, 0.0006020045839250088, 0.0005832756869494915, 0.0006744263810105622, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDisplay Subclass of List correctly in Debugger\n\nIn my Program I wrote a Subclass of List here called BetterList.", "\nThe debugger shows both as follows:\n\nCan I override something so that BetterList is displayed properly?", "\n\nA:\n\nAssuming the new class exposes a Count property, You can add the DebuggerDisplayAttribute to the class to show the property while debugging\n[DebuggerDisplay(\"Count = {Count}\")]\npublic class BetterList: List<SomeType> {\n //...\n\n public int Count { get; }\n}\n\nFor more complex display scenarios review Using DebuggerTypeProxy Attribute \n\nDebuggerTypeProxyAttribute specifies a proxy, or stand-in, for a type and changes the way the type is displayed in debugger windows. ", "When you view a variable that has a proxy, the proxy stands in for the original type in the display. ", "The debugger variable window displays only the public members of the proxy type. ", "Private members are not displayed.", "\n\n[DebuggerDisplay(\"Count = {Count}\")]\n[DebuggerTypeProxy(typeof(BetterListDebuggerView))]\npublic class BetterList: List<SomeType> {\n //...\n\n public int Count { get; }\n\n internal class BetterListDebuggerView {\n private BetterList list;\n public BetterListDebuggerView(BetterList list) {\n this.list = list;\n }\n\n [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.", "RootHidden)]\n public SomeType[] Items {\n get {\n return list.", "ToArray();\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0008663206244818866, 0.0008724032668396831, 0.0009156883461400867, 0.000606919638812542, 0.000841309258248657, 0.0006657616468146443, 0.001749717746861279, 0.0009573427378199995, 0.00094749586423859 ]
[ "The effect of air temperature, velocity and visual lean (VL) composition on the tempering times of frozen boneless beef blocks.", "\nBeef blocks of two compositions, 100% and 50% visual lean (VL), in standard commercial packaging with nominal dimensions of 510×390×150mm were tempered from -18°C to -3°C using air at temperatures from 3°C to -3°C and velocities of 0.5 and 5ms(-1). ", "These conditions were then modelled using a finite difference mathematical model and the accuracy of the model assessed by comparison with the experimental results. ", "An extended range of conditions (including an intermediate air velocity of 2ms(-1) and an intermediate composition of 75% VL) was then modelled to produce data that can be used to design tempering processes. ", "The results show that single stage air tempering of even single blocks within their cartons needs to be a long process. ", "In air at 3°C and 5ms(-1), blocks of 50% VL rose to deep temperatures of -10°C and -3°C after 4.0 and 22.5h, respectively, while with 100% VL 4.6 and 27.3h were required. ", "Under these conditions, the surface layers of the meat would have spent many hours in a thawed condition that would be detrimental to both drip and optimal processing. ", "Using lower temperatures avoids thawing and at the same time produces an optimum temperature difference for subsequent processing. ", "However, tempering times are substantially extended. ", "For example, times to the above temperatures using air at -1°C and 5ms(-1) were 4.8 and 37.5h for 50% VL and 5.1 and 44.5h for 100% VL." ]
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[ 0.0016615457134321332, 0.0006580106564797461, 0.000549371528904885, 0.0005628507351502776, 0.000619548955000937, 0.0007938244380056858, 0.0006366809830069542, 0.0006329679163172841, 0.0005809191497974098, 0.0006791334599256516 ]
[ "Comparison of rhabdomyosarcoma, buffalo green monkey kidney epithelial, A549 (human lung epithelial) cells and human embryonic lung fibroblasts for isolation of enteroviruses from clinical samples.", "\nTraditionally, primary monkey kidney (PMK) epithelial cells have been one of the more widely used cell types for the isolation of enteroviruses from clinical samples. ", "For the isolation of coxsackie A viruses, intraperitoneal inoculation of newborn mice has been used in some laboratories. ", "With the discontinued availability of PMK epithelial cells and the reported growth of coxsackie A viruses in rhabdomyosarcoma cells (RD), we compared the use of the latter cell line with our routinely used microwell cell cultures. ", "Microwell cell cultures of buffalo green monkey epithelial cell line (BGM), human lung carcinoma epithelial cell line (A549) and human embryonic lung (HEL) fibroblasts were compared with RD cell line for the isolation of enteroviruses from clinical samples. ", "A total of 39 enteroviruses was isolated from 3517 specimens. ", "The HEL fibroblasts yielded 28 (72%) enteroviruses, followed by A549 (25 isolates, 64%), BGM (23 isolates, 59%) and RD cells (18 isolates, 46%). ", "All isolates which grew in RD cells showed specific cytopathic effects in one or more of the other inoculated cell cultures. ", "Quantitative determinations (TCID50) with five different enteroviruses showed that the HEL fibroblasts and RD cell line to be the most sensitive cell types, followed by BGM and A549 cell lines. ", "However, integrity of the inoculated cell monolayers was best with HEL fibroblasts and A549 cells but morphology was not optimal with RD cells during the incubation period of 14 days." ]
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[ 0.0010431549744680524, 0.0009049936779774725, 0.0006954846321605146, 0.0006207026890479028, 0.000617470417637378, 0.0007139830850064754, 0.0008267557132057846, 0.0006137371528893709, 0.0006783597636967897, 0.0007135844207368791 ]
[ "Haemolytic anaemia due to cold agglutinins caused by psittacosis.", "\nA 69-yr-old previously healthy woman, presenting with jaundice and the clinical symptoms of an atypical pneumonia, was hospitalized. ", "Haemolytic anaemia due to cold agglutinins was diagnosed, and erythromycin therapy for a suspected Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection was instituted. ", "Serological testing revealed, however, that the infection was attributable to Chlamydia psittaci. ", "The literature on psittacosis and haematological complications is reviewed. ", "Cold agglutinins are sometimes found in association with psittacosis, but a concomitant haemolytic anaemia is rare." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0014234714908525348, 0.013403058983385563, 0.0012761481339111924, 0.0010787710780277848, 0.0005860996898263693, 0.000977552030235529 ]
[ "Kingdom Hearts has gained notoriety over the years for its overly complex plot, as well as almost every title being released for different systems. ", "Recently Square Enix has made valiant efforts to fix at least the latter of those issues, gradually re-releasing every Kingdom Hearts title to date in remastered packages for PlayStation 3 (and as of this March, PlayStation 4 as well). ", "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue is the final of these compilations, once again packing together two playable games and one high definition cinematic experience. ", "Final Chapter Prologue may sound like a mouthful, but the title rings true in that the games contained within 2.8 all lead the player right up to the beginning moments of the highly anticipated Kingdom Hearts 3, which is to be the aforementioned “final chapter” in this saga.", "\n\nWhile the big draws for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 were the previously-unreleased-in-the-west Final Mix versions of several titles, 2.8 seeks to gain its popularity another way; by bringing two brand new titles into the fold that pave the way for KH3: Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage- and Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover. ", "Additionally, 2.8 comes with Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD, a high-def remaster of the 2012 3DS game. ", "Without further ado, let’s take a look at what each of these titles has to offer.", "\n\nKingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD (KH3D)\n\nKH3D is a possibly the best place for newcomers to the series to start, or for those who haven’t played all of the non-numbered titles. ", "Throughout the game you unlock Chronicles for each previous game in the series, which are text documents you can read to catch up with the important events of those titles. ", "Considering even the most hardore Kingdom Hearts fans can get confused when explaining the plot, these Chronicles are extremely helpful resources for everyone. ", "They’re a bit lengthy, but do a lovely job of getting you up to speed.", "\n\nIt makes the most sense to play KH3D before 0.2, since the events of the former lead straight into those of the latter. ", "Plus while the graphics of KH3D look superb when compared to those of the 1.5 and 2.5 compilations before it, they pale in comparison to those of the Unreal Engine 4-developed 0.2.", "\n\nBesides looking great, it plays like a hot knife through butter. ", "The game was played for this review on a PS4 Slim, and even on that model it felt like playing a high-framerate film. ", "Sometimes while jumping around it would feel almost dizzying because how how fast everything moved, but even during grand battles with many enemies on-screen the framerate never noticeably dropped.", "\n\nPart of what makes this important is the inclusion of Flowmotion, a mobility mechanic introduced to the series in KH3D. Instead of a standard jump or double-jump action, Sora and Riku can now use Flowmotion to grind on rails, wall-jump to the highest of ceilings, and glide swiftly through short distances of air. ", "Flowmotion is also effective in battles as you can dash rapidly toward or away from enemies, use the momentum from a wall jump to thrust yourself into the action with a powerful attack, or even swing around a large enemy and throw it into others, damaging them all. ", "As the name suggests, Flowmotion flows incredibly smooth. ", "Moving around in other Kingdom Hearts games after this just feels dull.", "\n\nPerhaps the only drawback to Flowmotion (or perk, depending on your point of view) is that there are several puzzles and platforming segments throughout KH3D that can be completely bypassed with the right series of wall jumps and glides. ", "Still, it’s difficult to complain about a mechanic that actively makes moving around as easy and efficient as Flowmotion.", "\n\nOf course such freedom of movement requires wide, open spaces in which to take advantage of it, and there is certainly no lack of these spaces in KH3D. The good news is that this means less loading screens in between areas, as each space is vastly larger than in past games in the series. ", "Unfortunately KH3D suffers from the same problem as other handheld titles that were upgraded to home consoles, like Final Fantasy Type-0 and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. ", "While the environments look crisp and vibrant, they also tend to look quite barren in areas. ", "Portions of the Country of the Musketeers and Prankster’s Paradise, in particular, often look quite empty and lacking, which means you’re just running through nothing to get to the other side where a cutscene awaits.", "\n\nSince the majority of KH3D takes place inside a dream world, Sora and Riku’s companions are Dream Eaters instead of the standard Disney teammates of Donald, Goofy, and Mickey. ", "The Dream Eater are also your enemies, as opposed to Heartless, and they are broken down into good and bad types, called Spirits and Nightmares respectively.", "\n\nSpirits are like pets that you can touch, pet, feed, and play with, and there are several fun, if simple, mini-games you can play while training them. ", "These games are not only an entertaining way to break up the action of the main game, but also prove to be an extremely helpful way of boosting your Spirits’ stats and affinity for you. ", "There are other mini-games such as Flick Rush and Diving (KH3D’s answer to Gummi Ship stages) to try out as well, so there’s plenty to do aside from just playing through the game.", "\n\nA slightly confusing matter is that of trophies. ", "Of course, being a PS4 title, it comes packed with dozens of Trophies you can unlock throughout the game, either for completing certain chapters, excelling at a mini-game, or reaching a particular level. ", "However, the original 3DS version of KH3D also had its own in-game trophies, of which you have to unlock a specific amount in order to unlock the secret ending. ", "While some of the in-game trophies mirror the PS4 ones (like completing the game on Proud or Critical Mode), many of them are completely different. ", "If you’re a PS4 trophy hunter, this may lead to some confusion when looking for tips. ", "Ultimately it doesn’t affect the game in any way, but it’s an interesting point nevertheless.", "\n\nWhether you’re diving into a new world, flowing through the iconic scenery of Fantasia, playing with your Dream Eaters, or fighting the final boss, there’s one constant throughout the entire game: the quality of its soundtrack. ", "It wouldn’t be difficult to write another review entirely for the KH3D soundtrack, as there is so much greatness to be had between the new mixes of The World Ends With You tracks in Traverse Town, a fresh take on the familiar tune Dearly Beloved, and even just the background music in the many all-new worlds like The Grid and La Cité des Cloches. ", "It’s all A+ work, and sets the varying moods perfectly.", "\n\nDespite its few shortcomings, Kingdom Hearts 3D HD on PS4 is extremely fun, and easily the best version of the game to play thanks to smooth animations and even smoother tunes. ", "The fact that it finally moves the plot forward chronologically for the first time since 2006’s Kingdom Hearts 2 certainly doesn’t hurt either.", "\n\nKingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage\n\nKingdom Hearts 3D and Kingdom Hearts 0.2 are practically day and night. ", "KH3D is bright and colorful where 0.2 is dark and dreary. ", "KH3D is mostly light-hearted and fun, while 0.2 is bleak and depressing. ", "KH3D started on the 3DS, and 0.2 began life on the PS4 (and it shows, drastically). ", "Though there are many differences between the two, there is at least one trait they share: each is well deserving of your time.", "\n\nElaborating on the hardware, the difference between how worlds look in KH3D and other previous titles compared to 0.2 is staggering. ", "This is our first look at how a Kingdom Hearts game made specifically for the PS4 with Unreal Engine 4 will play, and it certainly is exciting. ", "The environments in particular are stunningly detailed, and each part of the Dark World Aqua explores showcases the beauty in different ways. ", "Familiar creatures like Shadow and Neoshadow Heartless, though they are essentially jet black blobs, show more detail and texture than ever before, and the shadows cast by Aqua and those she fights are dynamic and move with the lighting. ", "It is a marvel to behold, especially following a nearly 20 hours with KH3D.\n\nFor every yin there is a yang, however, and unfortunately there’s one big problem with the current animation: the people. ", "Original characters such as Sora and Riku, whose designs were inspired by a blend of Final Fantasy and Disney characters, fit in well with the likes of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, thanks to everything looking a bit cartoony. ", "Even many of the recurring Final Fantasy characters received makeovers when appearing in the Kingdom Hearts series to make them less realistic. ", "Now the series is filled to the brim with proportional characters like our heroine Aqua, the members of Organization XIII, and of course Sora.", "\n\nAgainst such detailed backdrops like those present in 0.2, Aqua, Terra, and all the others that show up look like plastic toys, all shiny and smooth. ", "There are no imperfections on any of them; they look more out of place than Sora looked in Port Royal in Kingdom Hearts 2. ", "The hair is admittedly more impressive, showing strands blow with a breeze instead of all moving as one unit, but only on some characters. ", "Yen Sid is shown as well – a Disney-born human character as opposed to Nomura-designed – and he looks bizarre in an entirely different way. ", "His hair doesn’t impress at all; it’s just a grey clump that looks as plasticlike as Aqua’s skin. ", "It just seems like Square Enix is still trying to find that sweet spot between realistic and fantastic, but they’re not quite there yet. ", "Perhaps the character models will look less out of place in brighter worlds such as those based on previously announced properties Tangled and Big Hero 6, but in the Dark World they just look a bit wrong.", "\n\nConversely, there’s one aspect of Aqua looking like a plastic doll that works well; the accessories you can unlock to customize her outfit. ", "There are no alternate outfits or anything, but by completing specific objectives throughout the game you unlock various pieces of headgear, backgear, armlets, and shoulder pads, as well as different designs for Aqua’s outfit. ", "You can even change the colors of her outfit, in case her standard blue and white isn’t doing it for you.", "\n\nThe accessories range from tiaras and Minnie Mouse ears, to glowing angel wings and laser antennae, and much more, but they are purely aesthetic. ", "It’s fun to try out different looks on Aqua for a bit, but it’s slightly disappointing that none of them offer any kind of stat boost or enhancement, like all equippable items in the past. ", "This may be splitting hairs, but it’s also disappointing that your custom gear doesn’t translate to cutscenes. ", "Your Aqua might be wearing cat ears and a green and red stitch-patterned skirt, but when a new scene rolls you’ll just see plain old Aqua. ", "There’s nothing wrong with Aqua as-is, but it feels like a step backwards when if you entered a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts 2 while Sora was in a Drive Form, he would appear in those duds.", "\n\nRegardless, even if you opt to stick with Aqua’s initial gear the whole way through, the 51 objectives you can take on during the game make for fun challenges. ", "Some are simple enough, such as vanquishing 30 Shadows or defeating 50 Heartless with Fire-based magic, but others encourage you to explore the Dark World in ways you may not normally, such as finding the highest point in Castle Town. ", "Of course none of the objectives are mandatory, but since many of them are locked away until you’ve beaten the game, they give 0.2 more longevity past its modest 4-6 hour play time.", "\n\nThough the play time is relatively short, the content packed within is exemplary. ", "Aqua’s struggle through the Dark World is quite emotional, especially if you’re well familiar with the events of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. ", "Voice actress Willa Holland knocks it out of the park, bringing more weight and gravitas to Aqua’s turmoil than most of her Birth by Sleep performance in its entirety. ", "Truly a step up.", "\n\nThe boss fights shine in 0.2 as well, with particular praise for the final boss. ", "Without getting into spoiler territory, the fight offers unique challenges that, while extremely frustrating when you die multiple times in a row, give you an immense feeling of satisfaction once you finally conquer it. ", "You are rewarded mightily for your efforts, too, as the cutscenes following the final fight last around half an hour. ", "Again, no spoilers, but suffice to say that when director Tetsuya Nomura claimed 0.2 would lead into Kingdom Hearts 3, he wasn’t kidding. ", "Any fan who completes this game will be wanting that long-awaited threequel immediately.", "\n\nKingdom Hearts χ: Back Cover (BC)\n\nIt might be unfair to compare the beauty of a completely CGI movie to playable games, but this is easily the best Kingdom Hearts has ever looked. ", "Nomura has stated previously that he would like the cutscenes in Kingdom Hearts 3 to look like Back Cover, which is a truly exciting prospect.", "\n\nThere’s not much to say much about Back Cover without spoiling it, but it does provide some intriguing insight for fans interested in KH lore. ", "The movie tells the story of the Foretellers and the Master of Masters, and hides many secrets within. ", "Slightly disappointing is that you finish the movie with more questions than answers, but it also feels like many important breadcrumbs have been laid out for Sora and friends to follow to find the answers in the future.", "\n\nThe highlight of this movie is easily the Master of Masters, who assigns tasks to each of his six apprentices in wildly slapstick manner. ", "His voice is full of whimsy and humor, his mannerisms reflecting that as well. ", "His aloof nature complements the serious tone of the rest of the movie surprisingly well, acting as the comic relief. ", "Ray Chase of Final Fantasy XV fame provides his voice to the role, and does an absolutely splendid job. ", "You’d never guess the Master of Masters and Noctis were the same guy, and that’s splendid.", "\n\nAt the end of the day Back Cover will most likely appeal to players of the mobile game Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, as you meet some of the Foretellers and the Dream Eater companion Chirithy in that game, but casual Kingdom Hearts fans may find themselves in over their heads. ", "It might pay off in the long run when all is revealed in Kingdom Hearts 3, but as it stands it’s not particularly thrilling to be left with even more questions than before.", "\n\nClosing Thoughts\n\nTaking everything into account, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue legitimately feels like the penultimate episode in this epic 15-year old series, and it does an excellent job in ramping up the hype for the finale in Kingdom Hearts 3. ", "There might not be as much content in terms of sheer hours of gameplay in this collection compared to those past, but the amount of brand new content in 0.2 and Back Cover more than makes up for that. ", "Plus the stellar amount of post-game content in both KH3D and 0.2 gives you plenty of reason to keep playing well past the games’ finales." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * @APPLE_APACHE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\") ;\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n *\t http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n *\n * @APPLE_APACHE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@\n */\n\n/*\n\tFile:\t\taglib.h\n\n\tCopyright:\t(C) 2001-2011 Apple, Inc.\n*/\n\n#ifndef AGLIB_H\n#define AGLIB_H\n\n#include <stdint.h>\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n\n#define QBSHIFT\t\t9\n#define QB\t\t\t(1 << QBSHIFT)\n#define PB0\t\t\t40\n#define MB0\t\t\t10\n#define KB0\t\t\t14\n#define MAX_RUN_DEFAULT 255\n\n#define MMULSHIFT\t2\n#define MDENSHIFT\t(QBSHIFT - MMULSHIFT - 1)\n#define MOFF\t\t((1 << (MDENSHIFT - 2)))\n\n#define BITOFF 24\n\n/* Max. ", "prefix of 1's. */", "\n#define MAX_PREFIX_16\t\t\t9\n#define MAX_PREFIX_TOLONG_16\t15\n#define MAX_PREFIX_32\t\t\t9\n\n/* Max. ", "bits in 16-bit data type */\n#define MAX_DATATYPE_BITS_16\t16\n\ntypedef struct AGParamRec\n{\n\tuint32_t mb, mb0, pb, kb, wb, qb ;\n\tuint32_t fw, sw ;\n\n\tuint32_t maxrun ;\n\n\t// fw = 1, sw = 1 ;\n\n} AGParamRec, *AGParamRecPtr ;\n\nstruct BitBuffer ;\n\nvoid\tset_standard_ag_params (AGParamRecPtr params, uint32_t fullwidth, uint32_t sectorwidth) ;\nvoid\tset_ag_params (AGParamRecPtr params, uint32_t m, uint32_t p, uint32_t k, uint32_t f, uint32_t s, uint32_t maxrun) ;\n\nint32_t\tdyn_comp (AGParamRecPtr params, int32_t * pc, struct BitBuffer * bitstream, int32_t numSamples, int32_t bitSize, uint32_t * outNumBits) ;\nint32_t\tdyn_decomp (AGParamRecPtr params, struct BitBuffer * bitstream, int32_t * pc, int32_t numSamples, int32_t maxSize, uint32_t * outNumBits) ;\n\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n\n#endif //#ifndef AGLIB_H\n" ]
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[ "An 11,000-year-old pendant discovered in North Yorkshire was nearly mistaken for a regular piece of rock, but it turned out to be the rarest item of its kind ever found—because there’s nothing else quite like it.", "\n\nThe triangular pendant, which was crafted from a single piece of shale, was found by archaeologists at an Early Mesolithic site in England known as Star Carr. ", "Measuring roughly 1.22 by 1.38 inches (31 by 35 mm), it features the earliest known Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) art in all of Britain—a series of lines that have been variously interpreted as a tree, a map, a leaf, or simple tally marks.", "\n\nNot only does the pendant contain the earliest Mesolithic art ever found in the UK, but engraved pendants from the same time period are extremely rare globally—and no other pendants found have been made of shale.", "\n\n“It was incredibly exciting to discover such a rare object,” said lead researcher Nicky Milner, of the Department of Archaeology at York, in a statement. “", "It is unlike anything we have found in Britain from this period. ", "We can only imagine who owned it, how they wore it and what the engravings actually meant to them.”", "\n\nAlmost missed and forgotten\n\nScientists almost missed the pendant entirely. ", "When it was drawn from some lake edge deposits in Star Carr, it looked like a natural stone, as the perforation (the hole presumably through which string was strung) had been filled in with mud. ", "Further, the engravings—which are hard to see when the pendant is clean—were obscured.", "\n\nBut, after cleaning it up, they realized they had found something immensely important. ", "According to the study, which is published in Internet Archaeology, the team then set to work to study the engravings. ", "Using a variety of digital microscopy techniques, they were able to generate high res images of the art, which they discovered has interesting relations to art outside of the UK.", "\n\n“This exciting find tells us about the art of the first permanent settlers of Britain after the last Ice Age,” said Dr. Chantal Conneller, the co-director of the excavations at The University of Manchester.", "\n\n“This was a time when sea-level was much lower than today. ", "Groups roamed across Doggerland (land now under the North Sea) and into Britain. ", "The designs on our pendant are similar to those found in southern Scandinavia and other areas bordering the North Sea, showing a close cultural connection between northern European groups at this time.”", "\n\nHow was the pendant used?", "\n\nThe researchers also tested the pendant to establish whether it had been strung and worn, or whether pigments had been added to it to make the artwork more prominent. ", "There doesn’t appear to be any traces of pigment left on the stone—if there was any on it to begin with. ", "Furthermore, there is little to no wear around the perforation, which would be expected if the pendant was used as a necklace.", "\n\nAlthough that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.", "\n\n“[I]t remains possible that the pendant was suspended and worn, but for such a limited duration of time as to leave no traces,” wrote the authors in the paper. “", "Indeed, it is also possible that it was intended for a single use, such as a ceremony, which is unlikely to leave any signatures of use at all.”", "\n\nIn fact, the idea of it being used for ceremonial purposes is something the researchers consider as a fairly intriguing option.", "\n\n“One possibility is that the pendant belonged to a shaman – headdresses made out of red deer antlers found nearby in earlier excavations are thought to have been worn by shamans,” said Milner. “", "We can only guess what the engravings mean but engraved amber pendants found in Denmark have been interpreted as amulets used for spiritual personal protection.”", "\n\nRegardless of its use, the Star Carr shale pendant is an extraordinarily rare find—and has already added new knowledge to the books.", "\n\n“The discovery of the pendant is a sensational find,” said Duncan Wilson, Chief Executive of Historic England—which both contributed to and part-funded the excavation and research publication.", "\n\n“Star Carr is an internationally important ‘at risk’ site, which is why we have provided substantial financial support for the excavation and assistance through the input of our specialist archaeological and archaeological science teams. ", "The results have exceeded our expectations and will help rewrite the story of this long and complex, but little understood early prehistoric period.”", "\n\n—–\n\nCredit: Nicky Milner et al.", "\n\nComments\n\ncomments" ]
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[ "Sunday, June 11, 2006\n\nWorld Cup\n\nMissing you already... i've just been working with a few friends (www.abiogenesisdesign.com) on an exhibition/stage thingy to promote the world cup at Rich Mix.", "The idea behind it was to celebrate a clash of cultures not through cliche references to institutions and flags but though different environments and products that make up a certain culture.", "Please come visit:" ]
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[ "Trancault\n\nTrancault is a commune in the Aube department in north-central France.", "\n\nPopulation\n\nSee also\nCommunes of the Aube department\n\nReferences\nINSEE\n\nCategory:Communes of Aube\nCategory:Aube communes articles needing translation from French Wikipedia" ]
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[ "1960 in animation\n\nThe year 1960 in animation involved some animation-related events.", "\n\nEvents\n\nJanuary\n January 21: Wolfgang Reitherman's Goliath II, produced by the Walt Disney Company, premiers.", "\n\nFebruary\n February 8: \n Mel Blanc receives a star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the first voice actor for animated cartoons to receive this honour. ", "\n Walt Disney receives a star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the first animator to receive this honour. ", "\n George Pal receives a star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. ", "\n February 23: The first episode of Torchy the Battery Boy is broadcast. ", "\n February 25: The first episode of Four Feather Falls is broadcast.", "\n\nApril\n April 4: 32nd Academy Awards: Moonbird by John Hubley wins the Academy Award for Best Animated Short.", "\n\nJune\n June 20: 12th Primetime Emmy Awards: The Huckleberry Hound Show wins an Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Children's Programming. ", "It's the first animated TV series to receive this honour.", "\n\nAugust\n August 14: The anime film Alakazam the Great by Taji Yabushita and Daisaku Shirakawa premiers.", "\n\nSeptember\n September 3: Friz Freleng's Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam cartoon From Hare to Heir premiers. ", "\n September 30: The first episode of The Flintstones is broadcast, the first American prime time animated television series to become a ratings hit. ", "It marks the debut of Fred Flintstone, Wilma Flintstone, Barney Rubble and Betty Rubble.", "\n\nOctober\n October 11: The first episode of The Bugs Bunny Show is broadcast.", "\n\nDecember\n November 7: The first episode of the Mister Magoo TV series is broadcast. ", "\n December 3: Chuck Jones' High Note premiers. ", "\n The first episode of Joë Chez Les Abeilles / Joë Petit Boum-Boum (Joe the Little Boom Boom) is broadcast.", "\n\nSpecific date unknown\n The first episode of the Popeye the Sailor TV series is broadcast. ", "\n The first episode of Snip and Snap is broadcast. ", "\n Valentin Lalayants, Valentina and Zinaida Brumberg's It Was I Who Drew the Little Man premiers. ", "\n In Annecy, France, the International Animated Film Association is established, consisting of the Annecy International Animated Film Festival.", "\n\nFilms released\n\nTelevision series debuts\n\nBirths \n September 27 - J. Allen Williams, American animator (Darkstar: The Interactive Movie).", "\n\nDeaths\n\nJanuary\n January 26: Riley Thomson, American comics artist and animator (Warner Brothers Animation, Walt Disney Company), dies at age 47.", "\n\nMay\n May 27: Edward Brophy, American comedian and actor (voice of Timothy Q. Mouse in Dumbo), dies at age 65.", "\n\nSeptember\n September 24: Mátyás Seiber, Hungarian-British composer (wrote music for Animal Farm and A Short Vision), dies at age 55 in a road accident.", "\n\nOctober\n October 10: Basil Ruysdael, American opera singer and actor (voice of truck driver in 101 Dalmatians), dies at age 82.", "\n\nNovember\n November 14: Walter Catlett, American actor (voice of the Fox in Pinocchio ), dies at age 71.", "\n\nSpecific date unknown\n Helena Smith Dayton, American animated film director, painter and sculptor, dies at age 76-77.", "\n\nSee also\n1960 in anime\n\nSources\n\nCategory:1960s in animation\nCategory:1960 in animation" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nReading Multiple S3 Folders / Paths Into PySpark\n\nI am conducting a big data analysis using PySpark. ", "I am able to import all CSV files, stored in a particular folder of a particular bucket, using the following command: \ndf = sqlContext.read.format('com.databricks.spark.csv').options(header='true', inferschema='true').load('file:///home/path/datafolder/data2014/*.csv')\n\n(where * acts like a wildcard) \nThe issues I have are the following:\n\nWhat if I want to do my analysis on 2014 and 2015 data i.e. file 1 is .load('file:///home/path/SFweather/data2014/*.csv'), file 2 is .load('file:///home/path/SFweather/data2015/*.csv') and file 3 is .load('file:///home/path/NYCweather/data2014/*.csv') and file 4 is .load('file:///home/path/NYCweather/data2015/*.csv'). ", "How do I import multiple paths at the same time to get one dataframe? ", "Do I need to store them all individually as dataframes and then join them together within PySpark? (", "You may assume they all CSVs have the same schema) \nSuppose it is November 2014 now. ", "What if I want to run the analysis again, but on the \"most recent data\" run e.g. dec14 when it is December 2014? ", "For example, I want to load in file 2: .load('file:///home/path/datafolder/data2014/dec14/*.csv') in December 14 and use this file: .load('file:///home/path/datafolder/data2014/nov14/*.csv') for the original analysis. ", "Is there a way to schedule the Jupyter notebook (or similar) to update the load path and import the latest run (in this case 'nov14' would be replaced by 'dec14' and then 'jan15' etc). ", "\n\nI had a look through the previous questions but was unable to find an answer given this is AWS / PySpark integration specific. ", "\nThank you in advance for the help!", "\n[Background: I have been given access to many S3 buckets from various teams containing various big data sets. ", "Copying it over to my S3 bucket, then building a Jupyter notebook seems like a lot more work than just pulling in the data directly from their bucket and building a model / table / etc ontop of it and saving the processed output into a database. ", "Hence I am posting the questions above. ", "If my thinking is completely wrong, please stop me! :)]", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can read in multiple paths with wildcards as long as the files are all in the same format.", "\nIn your example:\n.load('file:///home/path/SFweather/data2014/*.csv')\n.load('file:///home/path/SFweather/data2015/*.csv')\n.load('file:///home/path/NYCweather/data2014/*.csv')\n.load('file:///home/path/NYCweather/data2015/*.csv')\n\nYou could replace the 4 load statements above with the following path to read all csv's in at once to one dataframe:\n.load('file:///home/path/*/*/*.csv')\n\nIf you want to be more specific in order to avoid reading in certain files/folders, you can do the following:\n.load('file:///home/path/[SF|NYC]weather/data201[4|5]/*.csv')\n\n" ]
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[ "Tazeh Kand-e Nahand\n\nTazeh Kand-e Nahand (, also Romanized as Tāzeh Kand-e Nahand and Tāzeh Kand Nahand; also known as Tazakend and Tāzeh Kand) is a village in Mavazekhan-e Sharqi Rural District, Khvajeh District, Heris County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. ", "At the 2006 census, its population was 278, in 74 families.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Heris County" ]
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[ "Sunday, March 31, 2013\n\n“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,And do not return there,But water the earth,And make it bring forth and bud,That it may give seed to the sowerAnd bread to the eater,So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;It shall not return to Me void,But it shall accomplish what I please,And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.\"", "\n\nIsaiah 55:10, 11 Tonight, as I heard this passage read at our Easter Vigil, it became so clear to me: the Word Isaiah prophesied about? ", "That's Jesus!Every time the Scripture's authors wrote of the Law and Prophets, they spoke of it as the Law and Prophets, or as Scripture. ", "But every time the Word is mentioned, they are speaking of Jesus.", "And Jesus has accomplished that for which He was sent: our redemption and life!Happy Easter!", "\n\nFriday, March 29, 2013\n\nFor to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps:\n\n“Who committed no sin,Nor was deceit found in His mouth”;\n\nwho, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; who\nHimself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died\nto sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. ", "For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.", "\n\nWednesday, March 27, 2013\n\nWhat I do NOT love about it? ", "The brackets. ", "I have never, ever filled out a bracket with my predictions of the winners. ", "Never. ", "It drives me crazy! ", "Picking the teams to win every game over two weeks' time, and then crashing when your favorite team doesn't even make it out of the first round? ", "I can't take the pressure!", "\n\nSo, every year, I print a bracket. ", "Then, as the games are played, I fill in the winner, so I can track which teams will be playing the next round of games. ", "Nice, safe, and low-stress.", "\n\nThe real reason is that I don't like the uncertainty of the \"gamble\". ", "I am not a risk-taker. ", "I want to know what's going on, have time to adjust to that matter, and then go on with life. ", "Very safe.", "\n\nThe problem with this is that it severely limits my trust in God. ", "I cannot count the number of times God has told me, \"Trust me.\" ", "No matter what the situation we were in or facing, those were the words He whispered to my heart. \"", "Trust me.\"", "\n\nBut God, what if my team doesn't win? (", "What if my plans are not Your plans?)", "\n\nWhat if it's a close game? (", "What if I can't see the outcome until it actually happens?)", "\n\nWhat if one of my favorite players get hurt? (", "What if the road isn't easy, and people I love have to suffer?)", "\n\nWhat if the coach gives the wrong play, and the other team capitalizes? (", "What if Your directions seem unreasonable, and Satan attacks me with doubts and worries?)", "\n\nWhat if I have the ball with only seconds to go, my team is behind, and I blow the play? (", "What if I mess up and fail You and those I love?)", "\n\nWhat if I play great defense, only to get called for a foul? (", "What if, no matter how hard I try to serve You...I stumble and fall?)", "\n\nRecently, He spoke once again to me...\"I love You this much [the cross]. ", "Trust Me.\"", "\n\nI don't even trust myself, God. ", "How can I trust You, whom I cannot see, touch, or hear audibly? ", "How?", "\n\nThe wonderful thing about those NCAA brackets? ", "Every year there is a new one. ", "Some teams make it to the tournament every year. ", "Often, though, there are is at least one unexpected team. ", "Some small school that has an awesome, up-and-coming group of guys who play with passion. ", "New teams getting a chance to show their skills on the court. ", "There are always those great come-back games, or the last-minute buzzer beater that decides the outcome.", "\n\nThe wonderful thing about God, and the life He gives us? ", "Every time I do it wrong, there's a new chance. ", "Or an unexpected twist I had not...expected:\n\n- Just when I think things couldn't be worse, a friend will come along to give me that \"buzzer beater\" moment. ", "A smile. ", "A hug. ", "A note on Facebook that God woke them in the night to pray for me.", "\n\n- A prayer that I had been praying for a very long time will be answered in a way that totally amazes me. ", "God doing things in a mind-blowing manner. ", "That \"come from behind\" and win the day moment.", "\n\n- Strength coming to my spirit, even when I feel like I can't possibly take another step or dribble that ball one more inch. ", "That \"I made it through to the final seconds\" moment.", "\n\nThe amazing thing about trust? ", "The more I do it, the more I want to do it. ", "The more I see His faithfulness, the more I have faith in Him. ", "The more I learn to trust that my team will finally win, because it's His team.", "\n\nSo, maybe one year, I'll fill out the entire bracket before the first game is even played.", "\n\nOr maybe not...! ", "After all, NCAA teams are not nearly as trustworthy as God!", "\n\nWednesday, March 20, 2013\n\nOver the past couple of years, I have received several private messages via Facebook. ", "The common theme has been: \"I just saw on your personal info that your religion is listed as 'Catholic.' ", "How is that possible?\"", "\n\nWell, for anyone who has followed our lives over the past 11 years or so, this isn't a big shock. ", "For those who have recently reconnected with us via Facebook, it's a heart-stopper. ", "If this is your first time hearing it, I apologize, and recommend you go directly to your nearest ER--do not pass \"Go,\" do not collect $200. ", ":o)\n\nWhen I first began my blog, I shared our journey through several posts. (", "And more here!) ", "As the questions have multiplied, though, I thought I should give an updated post on the subject, as well as bringing everyone up-to-date on our lives. ", "So, here goes!", "\n\nKeith and I were married in June, 1989, just one month after graduating from Central Bible College, an Assemblies of God college. ", "We lived in the Detroit area for the first two years we were married. ", "We were involved in ministry in Detroit, as well as being part of a team that worked to start a church in Highland Park (pastored by Tim Dilena and Roosevelt Hunter). ", "From there, we moved to the Kansas City, MO, area to youth pastor. ", "After that, we were in Swartz Creek, MI, as youth/young adult pastors in a home missions church.", "\n\nWe moved back to the Detroit area, and our first son was born during that time. ", "Keith worked at Detroit Teen Challenge as their evangelism coordinator. ", "We lived in Detroit for about 1 1/2 years (Grand River/Burt Rd., ", "just a few blocks from 6 Mile Rd.). ", "Following our time there, we moved to Sault Ste. ", "Marie, MI, where Keith pastored New Life Chapel A/G. Our youngest son was born in \"the Soo\".", "\n\nEarlier in our marriage, Keith had read a book called, \"Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up?\" ", "The premise of the book is that the early Church had a true Christian lifestyle and would have a better understanding of the faith, since they lived closer in time to the apostles of Jesus. ", "Keith thought it was a good book, but life and ministry took over, and on we went. ", "He revisited this book while we lived in Sault Ste. ", "Marie. ", "This began a journey into reading the actual writings of the Church Fathers.", "\n\nAt the same time, he was planning to teach our church about the errors of the Catholic Church. ", "He purchased a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. ", "He wanted to read their doctrine from their point of view--not the point of view of a Protestant. ", "He had many disagreements with what he was reading. ", "However, he also saw the beauty of the presentation of their beliefs.", "\n\nAs this all progressed, he was also very involved with the local Ministerial Alliance. ", "The men in this group became close, and worked together to spread the Gospel in our community. ", "One big project they undertook was the distribution of the \"Jesus\" movie. ", "It was sent to every household in our area, with the opportunity for people to return \"interest\" cards and be contacted by local pastors. ", "Keith headed this up, as well as being involved in the hospital chaplaincy, the local jail chaplaincy, and working as the \"go to\" pastor when a local funeral home needed someone to perform a funeral. ", "He was also the chaplain for our county hospice program.", "\n\nHe became friends with the pastors. ", "They were such a great support for each other. ", "However, it also triggered something inside Keith: They were all Christian pastors, saying they were preaching the truth of the Gospel, and yet, there were also some major doctrinal differences. ", "How did he know that what he was teaching our people was \"the Truth\"? ", "Where was his authority to teach these things? ", "Every one of those men would say their authority was based on Scripture alone. ", "Yet they had those incredibly large differences. ", "Who was right? ", "And who had the authority to say who was right?", "\n\nThe more he read the Church Fathers, the more he realized that some of the things he was teaching were not in line with what they taught and believed. ", "And after all, who had the better view of things: Keith Johnson in the 20th century, or those who were taught by the apostles and their disciples?", "\n\nHe spoke to our sectional and district leadership. ", "He spent a week at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. ", "He was on a quest for the truth. ", "What he found was disturbing to him. ", "There were large gaps in the history we had been taught. ", "Gaps which had been filled in by the Church Fathers and the other early Church writers and apologists. ", "Something just didn't fit with him.", "\n\nWithout belaboring the point, he eventually told me what was happening. ", "Frankly, I was very upset. ", "He was calling into question many of the foundational things I had been taught all my life. ", "He was forcing me to know why I believed all I believed. ", "That was one of the hardest years of our marriage. ", "We had always been \"one\" in our journey. ", "Now, we were very divided.", "\n\nAt the end of that year, he received the paperwork to renew his ordination with the A/G. In order to do this, he needed to sign a paper that said he believed and taught everything the Assemblies of God believed and taught. ", "He really wanted to be able to just sign it, and go on with life. ", "In his deepest heart of hearts, though, he knew that would be dishonest. ", "Finally, he said, \"Joni, I can't sign that. ", "It would be a lie. ", "This is my decision to make. ", "My integrity is on the line. ", "We will make the decision of where to go from here together. ", "But this decision is mine. ", "I just can't sign it.\" ", "I knew he was right. ", "I had seen his study, struggle, prayer...I knew this was one of the hardest decisions of his life. ", "But I knew he was right.", "\n\nHe resigned the church. ", "We said our tearful goodbyes, and headed back to the Detroit area.", "\n\nHe had been corresponding with Fr. ", "Ken Bieber, who pastored a small Charismatic Episcopal Church (CEC) in the suburbs of Detroit. ", "Keith and Fr. ", "Ken had exchanged enough e-mails to fill three floppy disks! ", "Keith asked him all kinds of questions about early Church teachings, etc. ", "After we moved, we attended Fr. ", "Ken's church for a couple of months. ", "The Holy Spirit spoke to both of us: this is where you need to be.", "\n\nKeith was eventually ordained a priest, and our bishop's council asked us to move to Ohio. ", "Fr. ", "Ken had moved down the year before, and was pastoring two churches. ", "Keith was to assist at one of those churches. ", "He was made the pastor a few months later. ", "Long story short: the church was a mess, and ended up closing. ", "We moved to Wadsworth, with the plan to possibly start over and begin a mission church here.", "\n\nThe CEC as a whole was also going through some major issues, and a huge split occurred. ", "We had neither the heart nor the desire to keep waging the battles. ", "Our bishop urged us to take some time away from ministry, and pray for the Spirit's guidance. ", "Since the closest CEC church was 45 minutes away, he also counseled us to attend other churches for a time. ", "We visited several. ", "We knew our time in the CEC was done. ", "God had released us. ", "We needed to find a new home.", "\n\nWe finally decided we would check out the Roman Catholic church nearby. ", "At first visit, we were impressed. ", "We both felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in such an incredible way...like we hadn't felt His presence in a very long time. ", "After 2-3 months of talking to the pastor of the church, Fr. ", "Joe, and attending a Mass here and there, we decided to check it out in a deeper way. ", "The Catholic Church has a program called R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). ", "Fr. ", "Joe suggested we attend some of the classes, and continue to pray. ", "The next 8 months were educational, difficult, and a time for a lot of prayer by our entire family.", "\n\nOn April 7, 2007, we were received into the Catholic Church--all four of us.", "\n\nNow, this may still seem like a mystery to you. ", "How did we get from Point A to Point B? ", "The process I have (tried) to briefly describe took place over about a 18-year time span, but especially the last 11 years. ", "There were no hasty decisions. ", "There were no moves made without hours and hours of prayer. ", "We did not just \"pick up and move\" at any time. ", "These were years of anguish, study, prayer, and lots and lots of listening.", "\n\nI have published many posts on the beauty of the Catholic Church. ", "I don't claim to know everything. ", "I do know that my faith has deepened in unimaginable ways in the past 6 years. ", "I do know that Keith and I are very united in being in the Catholic Church. ", "I do know that he has found the place for his authority: the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.", "\n\nI do not despise my heritage. ", "I cherish it. ", "I cannot say enough about the great love I (was taught) for the Bible and having a very personal relationship with Jesus Christ. ", "I am so blessed to have been taught to share my faith, and to rely on the Holy Spirit. ", "I revel in the joy of knowing that Jesus Christ died, rose again, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for me. ", "The A/G and CEC both focused on allowing the Holy Spirit to use each of us in the gifts He has for us.", "\n\nAnd now, our family brings that into the Catholic Church. ", "May God use us as He deems best for His glory and His honor.", "\n\nThursday, March 07, 2013\n\n\"Behold, I have taught you statutes and ordinances, as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should do them in the land which you are entering to take possession of it. ", "Keep\nthem and do them; for that will be your wisdom and your understanding\nin the sight of the peoples, who, when they hear all these statutes,\nwill say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’ ", "For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as the Lord our God is to us, whenever we call upon him? ", "And what great nation is there, that has statutes and ordinances so righteous as all this law which I set before you this day? ", "Only\ntake heed, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things\nwhich your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the\ndays of your life; make them known to your children and your children’s\nchildren.\"", "\n\nDeuteronomy 4:5-9\n\nTomorrow will be the anniversary of the death of my grandpa Davis. ", "Grandpa was born in the early 1900's. ", "His childhood was filled with twists and turns. ", "They were poor, and for a portion of his life he lived in a sod house. ", "After marrying my grandmother, when my dad was very young, he spent some time at Southwestern Assemblies of God College, which was then in Oklahoma.", "\n\nHe did pastor a small, rural church in their community for a time. ", "In my remembrance, he was a farmer and a Sunday school teacher. ", "He and my grandmother raised their children during tough times. ", "My father, who is the oldest, was born after the stock market crashed and the Great Depression had begun. ", "Kansans suffered through the Dust Bowl and did their best to keep their families fed.", "\n\nMy grandpa was enigma to me. ", "He had a strong personality. ", "Yet, his laughter came easily at times. ", "One of my favorite memories were his weekly words to me. ", "He stood at the back of our church every Sunday. ", "When I would come by (often too quickly, considering I was in church!), ", "he would reach out and touch my shoulder, and say, \"There's my girlfriend!\" ", "Another sweet memory is eating cold watermelon in their home on a hot summer day.", "\n\nGrandpa had this huge board for checkers. ", "I don't remember ever playing a game with him, but I know my older cousins did. ", "And anyone who lived in the community knew whose red pickup that was coming down the road!", "\n\nWhen I was in high school, Grandpa suffered his first stroke. ", "My grandmother practically lived at the hospital during his stay there. ", "The family tried putting him into a nursing home, but felt the care there was not best for him. ", "After he returned home, my grandmother, mom, and aunts all worked diligently to tend to him. ", "One bright memory from that time was during my senior year of high school. ", "I was assigned to interview three people who had grown up in our small town, regarding the history of our community. ", "Grandma, Grandpa, and I had some great laughs that day, especially when he told the story of the horse being spooked by the train!", "\n\nIn the years afterward, he had other strokes. ", "Eventually, he ended up in a \"swing bed\" situation at our hospital. ", "He lived out the rest of his time there.", "\n\nIn those years, I learned to know him in a whole new way. ", "His demeanor was somehow softer, and the years of suffering opened my eyes to the truth strength within him. ", "It was not easy to see this man lying in a bed, relying on others to feed him, and his short term memory so sketchy. ", "He did remember things from years gone by, though. ", "I remember sitting at his bedside, and seeing his hand curled up and useless. ", "I remember rubbing it, and wishing I could make the tension in it relax, so he could stretch out his hand again. ", "He could still make his silly little growling noise at me, though, and wiggle his ears!", "\n\nGrandpa passed away in 1990, less than a year after I got married. ", "One of the many things I regret is that my children never met him (or any of my other grandparents). ", "He would have loved watching them and laughing at their antics. ", "He would have shared his love for the Bible and the land. (", "And probably his views on politics--he was a staunch conservative!)", "\n\nI miss you, Grandpa. ", "My life is richer for the heritage you passed on to my dad and myself. ", "I look forward to seeing my \"boyfriend\" again some day!" ]
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[ "Lais of Corinth (Holbein)\n\nLais of Corinth by Hans Holbein the Younger portrays the famous Lais of Corinth, a courtesan of ancient Greece who charged a high price for her favours. ", "It has been suggested that Holbein is also referring to the Lais who was the lover of Apelles, the great painter of antiquity (Holbein was called \"Apelles\" in humanist circles). ", "The model, the same used for Holbein's Darmstadt Madonna and for his Venus and Amor, has been identified as Magdalena Offenburg, who may have been Holbein's mistress. ", "\n\nHolbein's Lais was painted a year or two after Venus and Amor and, in effect, acts as its companion piece, though Holbein does not appear to have originally planned the second painting. ", "According to some commentators, the portrayal of the sitter as a hetaera or courtesan may contain a coded message by Holbein about his relationship with her. ", "\n\nArt historian Peter Claussen, however, dismisses this interpretation as \"pure nonsense\". ", "Both paintings employ the same colours and depict the same costume and drapery. ", "Holbein adopts the style of Leonardo and the Lombard muralists, whose work he may have studied during a visit to Italy. ", "He uses Leonardo's sfumato (smoky) technique to blend the skin tones, as well as the device of the parapet to set the subject back from the viewer.", "\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\nBuck, 44–43\nDerek Wilson, Hans Holbein: Portrait of an Unknown Man, London: Pimlico, 2006, , pp. ", "112–13\nPeter Claussen, \"Holbein's Career between City and Court\", in Müller, Kemperdick, Ainsworth, et al., ", "Hans Holbein: The Basel Years, 1515–1532, Munich: Prestel, 2006. . ", "47\nBuck, Stephanie. ", "Hans Holbein. ", "Cologne: Könemann, 1999, .", "\n Toman, Rolf (ed). ", "Renaissance: Art and Architecture in Europe during the 15th and 16th Centuries''. ", "Bath: Parragon, 2009. ", "\n\nCategory:Paintings by Hans Holbein the Younger" ]
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[ "15:09h CEST\n\nThe main talking point from Wednesday's Champions League quarter-final tie at the Santiago Bernabéu centres on the penalty decision after English official Michael Oliver awarded a spot kick for Real Madrid in the 93rd minute of the tie, having adjudged that Medhi Benatia fouled Lucas Vazquez as the Galician was about to strike on goal.", "\n\nCristiano Ronaldo confidently dispatched the penalty which saw Zidane's side progress in the competition winning 4-3 on aggregate after it appeared the Italian side had done enough to take the tie to extra time. ", "The fallout for the penalty decision is the key talking point from the night with former match officials casting their opinion on the pivotal decision.", "\n\nFull screen MICHAEL OLIVER FELIPE SEVILLANO (DIARIO AS)\n\nResident AS and Carrusel Deportivo referee Eduardo Iturralde González was the most vocal in claiming that the spot kick should have not been awarded for Real Madrid, deeming that the push from Benatia was not forceful enough for the English official to award the spot kick.", "\n\nCOPE Radio's in house referring analyst Pedro Martín was also of the inclination that it was not a penalty kick, but was slightly more ambiguous in his vision of the decision: \"I wouldn't have whistled in that situation but at the same time I can see why the penalty was awarded\" claimed the former match official on the Tiempo de Juego sports programme.", "\n\nOnda Cero's former professional referee García de Loza also felt that the decision at the Bernabéu was incorrect:.\"I don't feel it's a penalty and have my doubts about the push\".", "\n\nFull screen CRISTIANO RONALDO FELIPE SEVILLANO (DIARIO AS)\n\nEnglish officials\n\nThere was more support for the decision from former Premier League match officials with ex-Premier League man in black Mark Halsey applauding Michael Oliver for having the bravery to make such an important decision and award Real Madrid a penalty kick at the end of the game. \"", "I feel he acted correctly\" stated the ex-match official.", "\n\nHis view was echoed by Graham Poll who also deemed that Oliver made the correct call in both awarding the penalty and a straight red card for Gigi Buffon for his protests against the decision.", "\n\nReal Madrid Spain Champions League Table PTS W D L 1 Tottenham 16 5 1 0 2 Real Madrid 13 4 1 1 3 B. Dortmund 2 0 2 4 Full standing *Update 12 de abril de 2018" ]
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[ "Wouldn't it be great if you could create cloisonne jewelry elements right home and without any complicated equipment, hot metals, or melted glass?", "\n\nYou can make a very close and convincing imitation of this ancient metal-working technique using polymer clay and resin. ", "Let me teach you my signature Faux Cloisonne technique, which you will be able to use with any of your own designs.", "\n\n“This is a great tutorial. ", "I didn't make the heart, but made a pendant from a pattern that I already had. ", "It turned out great.” ", "Binnie (Tennessee, United States)\n\nYou will learn:\n\nhow to make focal polymer clay parts for necklaces, brooches, rings, or earrings in ANY shape;\n\nhow to choose and shape the wire for your faux cloisonne designs;\n\nhow to color your focal parts;\n\nhow to decorate them with Swarovski crystals;\n\nhow to make your Faux Cloisonne creations smooth and durable;\n\nand above all – how to avoid and correct the most common mistakes while working with this technique.", "\n\nThis tutorial includes 16 pages of instructions with more than 30 big full-color pictures showing every step and a complete list of tools and materials. ", "Bonus: 15 ready-to-use sketches for different faux cloisonne heart pendants." ]
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[ "If your blog is precious to you, you’ve probably already backed it up with one of the methods we show in our Blogger Tutorial Videos. ", "Those techniques provide ways to restore your Blogger blog if something should go wrong, or to make web pages out of your Blogger monthly archives if you just don’t want to use Blogger anymore. ", "But, what if you just don’t want to use computers anymore? ", "You’d like future generations to be able to peruse your Blog just like they do your other photo albums and boxes of letters. ", "If your Blog is solely a web thing, it will dissolve into the ether one of these days, certainly in a generation or two!", "\n\nIt is so easy now to convert your blog into a book! ", "When my Mom traveled with us in the RV for 6 weeks, I took just those 6 weeks and turned them into a beautiful hard-back book. ", "I used Blog2Print.com and it was just a few clicks to specify what part of the blog to use and what format I wanted. ", "The woman in the photo likes to have her blog in book format just for herself – so much fun to flip thru the pages and revisit her travels.", "\n\nMake a .pdf Document of your Blog\n\nThose hard-back books can get expensive. ", "See the image below showing $44.67 for a hard cover book, and I only selected a couple of months! ", "But notice the $7.95 Digital File format. ", "And, that remains $7.95 no matter how many pages are involved. ", "Then, you can print it yourself if you want. ", "At least you have a complete copy of all your posts and pictures in a file on your computer!", "\n\nOur Blog covers 10 years and 1600+ posts. ", "I decided to make one book for each year. ", "2012, for example, uses 122 pages in a book created by Blog2Print. ", "Here are the possible prices they offer:\n\nDeluxe Hard-Cover:$65.67\n\nHard-cover book:$60.65.", "\n\nSoft Cover (color):$50.65\n\nSoft Cover (B&W):$21.15\n\nDigital File Download (.pdf):$7.95\n\nThere are probably other services like blog2print, if you have any experience printing your blog, please leave a comment below.", "\n\n2 Responses to “Backup Your Blog with a Book”\n\nI tried out Blog2print for my travel blog and found it very easy to use, with just a few limitations. ", "At first i used the “compact” option, but found the embedded captions on the pictures were separated from the picture; so I opted for the “snapshot” option, and it took care of it. ", "If you used the wrap text feature in the blog, there is often a strange break in the words when it shows up on the book pages, but i accepted this limitation, because the rest of the book looked so good. ", "It does not handle the transfer of a chart, but I called the help line and talked to a REAL person who gave me a solution for it. (", "I replaced the chart in the blog post with an image of the chart). ", "If you make certain changes (I.e. move from compact to snapshot, or change a chart in the blog post), you have to build a new book. ", "But, because it is easy, it wasn’t a big problem. ", "I ended up ordering both a book and a digital copy. ", "I can’t wait to see my blog in print. ", "Thanks Geeks for first getting me started on a blog, and then for providing the timely tip on saving the blog in a book!" ]
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[ " NUMBER 13-17-00431-CV\n\n COURT OF APPEALS\n\n THIRTEENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS\n\n CORPUS CHRISTI - EDINBURG\n\n\n ESTATE OF W.R. DURRILL, DECEASED\n\n\n On appeal from the County Court at Law No. ", "3\n of Nueces County, Texas.", "\n\n\n OPINION\n Before Chief Justice Contreras and Justices Rodriguez and Benavides1\n Opinion by Justice Benavides\n Appellant Georgeanne Costello Gasaway Durrill (Gasaway) 2 appeals from a\n\njudgment that voided her alleged marriage to William R. “Dusty” Durrill. ", "The trial court’s\n\njudgment resulted from a partial directed verdict and jury verdict in favor of appellees,\n\n\n\n\n 1 The Honorable Nelda V. Rodriguez, former Justice of this Court, did not participate in this decision\n\nbecause her term of office expired on December 31, 2018.", "\n 2 The Court refers to appellant by the name Gasaway to avoid confusion. ", "Many of the witnesses\n\nin the case are named Durrill and they will be referred to by their relationship to the deceased or by their\nfirst name.", "\n\fDurrill’s children.3 After Durrill’s death, his children sued to void the marriage pursuant\n\nto chapter 123 of the estates code. ", "See TEX. ", "EST. ", "CODE ANN. ", "Ch. ", "123 (West, Westlaw\n\nthrough 2017 1st C.S.).", "\n\n Gasaway’s first issue complains that the children did not obtain a finding on a\n\nmandatory element of their claim: that the marriage was commenced no earlier than three\n\nyears before Durrill’s death. ", "See id. § 123.102(a)(2). ", "By her second issue, Gasaway\n\ncontends that the Declaration of Marriage and Registration of Informal Marriage\n\n(Declaration) she and Durrill filed is prima facie evidence of the marriage and the marriage\n\nis therefore presumed valid on January 22, 2010. ", "Gasaway’s third issue argues that the\n\ncodicil to Durrill’s will in favor of Gasaway was concealed by Durrill’s lawyer which gives\n\nrise to a presumption or inference of marriage. ", " Gasaway’s fourth and fifth issues\n\ncomplain that the trial court reversibly erred by refusing her proposed jury charge\n\ninstructions regarding the presumed validity of marriage and the effect of the Declaration\n\nas proof of a marriage.", "\n\n We affirm.4\n\n I. BACKGROUND\n\n On November 2, 2015, Durrill and Gasaway filed the Declaration stating that they\n\nhad been informally married since January 22, 2010. ", "Durrill died on April 8, 2016, at the\n\nage of 82 from natural causes.", "\n\n\n\n\n 3 William R. Durrill, Jr. (Bill Jr.), Melissa Holtz (Holtz), Michelle Durrill (Mickey), and Ginger Durrill\n(Ginger).", "\n\n 4 The parties filed a joint motion requesting that this Court address whether the judgment was a\nfinal appealable order. ", "We hereby grant the motion and discuss the issue herein.", "\n 2\n\f The Durrill children filed an application to probate Durrill’s 2004 will and then\n\nlearned that Durrill had also executed a 2014 codicil that granted Gasaway a twenty\n\npercent interest in some assets of Durrill’s estate, a life estate in Durrill’s house and\n\nfurnishings, as well as ownership of funeral plots next to him. ", "The children amended\n\ntheir application to probate the will to include the codicil on May 2, 2016, the same day\n\nthe codicil was filed in the probate proceedings.", "\n\n Within the probate proceeding, the children filed an application pursuant to section\n\n123.102 of the estates code to declare Durrill’s and Gasaway’s marriage void claiming he\n\ndid not have the mental capacity to enter a marriage. ", "See id. § 123.102. ", "The jury heard\n\nthe evidence discussed in the following pages.", "\n\nA. William R. Durrill\n\n Durrill was a prominent businessman in Corpus Christi who had multiple business\n\nventures throughout the city and the local areas. ", "He also created a charitable foundation\n\nthat contributed to the beautification of the City. ", "Durrill’s wife of fifty years and the mother\n\nof his children died in 2008 after a lengthy illness. ", "Durrill began living with Gasaway in\n\n2009.", "\n\n The Durrill businesses included ventures owned by Durrill alone or with outside\n\npartners, with some or all of his adult children, and ventures owned by the children, some\n\nwith and some without outside partners or investors. ", "Bill Jr. was the general manager of\n\nDurrill Properties which managed the businesses which included restaurants, concert\n\nvenues, retail, and real estate. ", "Durrill Properties was also used to operate the Devary\n\n\n\n\n 3\n\fDurrill Foundation (Foundation),5 which was named after Durrill’s eldest daughter who\n\ndied in 1977.", "\n\n Durrill remained active in his businesses until after his wife died in 2008. ", "In 2009,\n\nDurrill signed a general power of attorney in favor of Bill Jr. that gave him the right to\n\ntransact business on Durrill’s behalf. ", "Durrill was less and less involved in the businesses\n\nafter 2009.", "\n\n Durrill had various chronic health problems by 2009. ", "The most serious were a\n\ncardiac condition, significant osteoarthritis in multiple joints that caused him pain, and\n\ncirrhosis of the liver. ", "Durrill also had severe hearing loss.", "\n\n In 2010, Donna Kelly, who was the controller for all the Durrill businesses and dealt\n\nwith Durrill on a near daily basis from 1983 until 2013, noticed that Durrill was beginning\n\nto “slip” mentally. ", "Among other things, she noticed that Durrill could no longer read\n\nfinancial statements.", "\n\n In 2011, Durrill came into the office and advised the staff that he was no longer\n\ngoing to be coming into the office daily and that Bill Jr. was in charge. ", "By then, Bill Jr.\n\nwas running the businesses, but he testified that he still tried to involve Durrill. ", "Durrill\n\nsigned a statutory durable power of attorney on September 14, 2014, giving Bill Jr. the\n\nright to make decisions for Durrill in all matters.", "\n\n In late 2012, the seventy-eight-year-old Durrill had a severe stroke and was\n\nhospitalized. ", " After two weeks of local hospitalization, he was transferred to a\n\n\n 5 Durrill’s adult children were the directors of the Foundation. ", "Bill Jr. became president of the\n\nFoundation in 2007. ", "Durrill continued to participate in the Foundation after 2007 but was no longer on the\nboard of directors.", "\n\n 4\n\frehabilitation facility in Houston where he remained for approximately one month. ", "He\n\nwas then transferred to a Houston hospital for placement of two cardiac stents. ", "When\n\nDurrill returned home, he had left side hemiparesis which impaired his ability to walk, his\n\nspeech was impaired, and he needed on-going care and therapy. ", " Durrill was first\n\ndiagnosed with congestive heart disease in 2012 after his stroke.", "\n\n By September 2015, Durrill needed in-home care. ", "Frances Mir, R.N., coordinated\n\nthe planning for day-time care givers for Durrill. ", "By October 29, 2015, caregivers were\n\nordered twenty-four hours a day. ", "Durrill needed help for nearly all activities of daily living.", "\n\n By December 2015, Durrill had significant difficulty leaving home and could not do\n\nso alone. ", "The effort was “significant and taxing” due to his shortness of breath on\n\nexertion. ", "That month, Durrill was also diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.", "\n\n By January 2016, Durrill required intermittent skilled nursing care in addition to\n\ncare givers. ", "Durrill was generally weak, lacked energy, and was not sleeping well by\n\nMarch 2016. ", "According to Dr. Mark Dodson, Durrill’s primary care physician, Durrill was\n\njust “gradually deteriorating with multiple organs starting to go out” and he “was just kind\n\nof heading down hill.” ", "By this time, Durrill was spending most of his days in bed.", "\n\n Durrill was admitted to the hospital on April 6, 2016, for kidney failure and\n\ndehydration. ", "He died the morning of April 8, 2016.", "\n\nB. Evidence of Durrill’s Cognitive Function and Mental Lapses\n\n At trial, the two primary issues were Durrill’s mental capacity to execute the\n\nDeclaration in November 2015 and whether the parties had entered into an informal\n\n\n\n\n 5\n\fmarriage before the Declaration. ", "6 The trial court heard from both lay and expert\n\nwitnesses about Durrill’s mental capacity.", "\n\n 1. ", "Dr. David Sutter (primary care physician)\n\n David Sutter, M.D., was Durrill’s physician for many years before 2012. ", "In July\n\n2012 during his physical, Durrill admitted to Dr. Sutter that his memory was declining but\n\nDurrill refused a mental status exam. ", "Durrill changed primary care physicians to Dr.\n\nDodson late in 2012, before his stroke.", "\n\n 2. ", "Donna Kelly (business associate)\n\n Kelly testified that Durrill had always loved to buy and sell cars. ", "In the summer of\n\n2013, Durrill called Kelly and told her to wire $12,500 to an internet site for a car. ", "Kelly\n\nwanted to confirm that the site was valid before sending the bank wire, but Durrill insisted\n\nshe send the wire immediately so he would not lose the car. ", "Within fifteen minutes, but\n\nafter the wire went through, Kelly’s assistant confirmed that the website was fraudulent,\n\nbut it was too late to recover the money. ", "According to Kelly, Durrill would not have acted\n\nso impulsively in the past.", "\n\n Before 2014, Durrill had been working on estate planning with Julie Buckley,\n\nDurrill’s accountant, and Kelly. ", "Kelly talked to Durrill about which assets to transfer to a\n\ntrust set up for his grandchildren. ", "By November 1, 2015, Kelly was concerned that Durrill\n\ndid not understand the assets he owned. ", "Although Durrill had previously been familiar\n\nwith all thirty-five Durrill entities and their functions, by 2015 he could not identify them.", "\n\n\n\n 6 In August 2015, before Durrill died, there was a separate legal dispute over Durrill’s competency\n\nto grant a power of attorney to Gasaway. ", "The litigation that ensued between the parties began after the\nchildren applied for a temporary guardianship for Durrill.", "\n 6\n\f In December 2015, Durrill came to Durrill Properties to “fire everyone.” ", "While\n\nDurrill was there, Mickey, Bill Jr., and Kelly sat with him and showed Durrill photos from\n\nDurrill’s office. ", "One of the photos was taken when Durrill was in the military. ", "Kelly\n\nasked Durrill about the photo and he identified the uniformed soldier as one of Bill Jr.’s\n\nsons; he did not recognize himself.", "\n\n 3. ", "Dr. Mark Dodson (primary care physician)\n\n Beginning in 2013, Dr. Dodson performed several mini-mental status exams at\n\nDurrill’s request.7 According to Dr. Dodson’s 2015 medical records, Durrill had severe\n\nhearing loss. ", "Even with hearing aids, Durrill had substantial difficulty with the tests.", "\n\nAccording to Dr. Dodson, Durrill was mentally competent in August 2015. ", "Dr. Dodson\n\nfurther attested that Durrill saw him in early November 2015 to obtain clearance for dental\n\nsurgery. ", "At that time, Dr. Dodson noted that Durrill had appropriate affect and demeanor,\n\na slow speech pattern which was normal for Durrill since his stroke, and normal thought\n\nand perception.", "\n\n 4. ", "Melissa Holtz (daughter)\n\n Holtz, the youngest of Durrill’s children described her relationship with her father\n\nand siblings as close. ", "She and her father talked on the phone and emailed regularly until\n\nthe last year or two of his life. ", "In the summer of 2015, Holtz had a conversation with\n\nDurrill in which he did not recall Holtz’s husband’s or son’s names and did not remember\n\nthat Holtz’s husband was deployed to Afghanistan even though Holtz and her father had\n\n\n 7 Durrill was tested on April 16, 2013 and he scored 28 out of a maximum of 30. ", "He was tested\n\nagain on April 15, 2015 and scored 24. ", "His last test by Dr. Dodson was on August 11, 2015, and he scored\na 27. ", "A score between 20 to 26 indicates reason for concern that the patient is “beginning to have memory\nissues and cognitive issues” according to Dr. Dodson at trial.", "\n 7\n\ftalked about her husband’s deployment many times before. ", "That same summer, Durrill\n\ntelephoned Holtz, and while they were talking, he asked her for Sissa Ann’s phone\n\nnumber. ", "Sissa Ann is one of Holtz’s family nicknames\n\n 5. ", "Bill Jr. (son and business associate)\n\n Bill Jr. was given authority to transact business on behalf of the Foundation by a\n\n2009 resolution of the Foundation’s board of directors. ", "However, in 2015, Durrill claimed\n\nhe was president for life of the Foundation, though at the time documents filed with the\n\nTexas Secretary of State reflect that Durrill was not even a member of the board of\n\ndirectors.", "\n\n Also, in the summer of 2015, Durrill met with Jerry Setliff, a business associate\n\nwith whom the Durrills were involved in over nine different partnerships. ", "8 Bill Jr. and\n\nRobert Anderson, Durrill’s business attorney, had been working on a sale of the\n\npartnerships and had been discussing the negotiations with Durrill. ", "Bill Jr. testified that\n\nhe was concerned that his father no longer understood the extent of their involvement\n\nwith the Setliffs, the amount of debt, the cash flow issues, and the complexity of the\n\ntransaction.", "\n\n 6. ", "Robert Anderson (business attorney)\n\n Anderson was also very concerned about Durrill’s mental capacity by the summer\n\nof 2015. ", "During the negotiations for the sale of the Durrill interests in the Setliff/Durrill\n\npartnerships, Setliff went to Durrill’s house and convinced Durrill to sign off on a document\n\nrelating to the sale of the Durrill interests, even though Durrill could not sell Bill Jr.’s\n\n\n 8The ownership of the Setliff/Durrill entities was divided as follows: 25% each to Durrill and Bill Jr.,\n25% to Setliff and 25% to Setilff’s brother.", "\n 8\n\finterest. ", "Although Anderson had been discussing the negotiations with Durrill, Durrill\n\nsigned an agreement with Setliff that Anderson had not reviewed. ", "Durrill told Anderson\n\nthat he could take that document to Frost Bank and get $2 million for it. ", "Instead, the\n\ndocument was an effort by Setliff to take over the transaction for the partnerships. ", "After\n\nhe discussed it with Durrill, Anderson stopped the attempted transaction with Setliff by\n\ncalling the bank and by withdrawing Durrill’s approval. ", "By 2015, Durrill almost never\n\ncame to the Durrill Properties’ office, even when he was invited to meetings.", "\n\n 7. ", "Michael Lee (attorney)\n\n Attorney Michael Lee was hired to represent Durrill on February 1, 2016, after\n\nDurrill terminated his relationship with other attorneys. ", "He had not met Durrill before that\n\ndate. ", "Lee was originally approached by one of Gasaway’s attorneys to be local counsel\n\nalthough that did not occur.", "\n\n Any sale of Durrill’s assets after the temporary guardianship was filed in 2015 had\n\nto be approved by the temporary guardian and his counsel. ", " Lee was tasked with\n\nreviewing financial records regarding the sale of the Setliff partnerships and the sale of a\n\nKingsville shopping mall. ", "Lee was also hired to assist Durrill in the guardianship litigation\n\nregarding Durrill’s competence and whether a permanent guardian should be appointed.", "\n\nLee testified that he reviewed the Setliff transaction with Durrill and had the impression\n\nthat Durrill understood the transaction.", "\n\n Lee reviewed the documents regarding the sale of the Kingsville shopping mall in\n\nlate February or early March 2016 with Durrill. ", "Durrill had a concern about that sale,\n\nalthough Lee did not understand his concern because Durrill’s speech was impaired from\n\n\n 9\n\fhis stroke. ", "After talking with Durrill’s accountant, Lee determined that there was some\n\nproperty behind the mall that had buffle grass and Durrill wanted to exclude that part of\n\nthe property from the sale. ", "Once Durrill was satisfied that the property with buffle grass\n\nwas not part of the transaction, he approved the sale.", "\n\n Durrill understood he was in litigation with his children and did not like it. ", "Lee\n\ntestified that he believed Durrill understood what Lee told him and recommended.", "\n\n 8. ", "Loyd Neal (Friend)\n\n Loyd Neal, the former county judge for Nueces County, testified that he had known\n\nDurrill for fifty years at the time of Durrill’s death. ", "Neal knew Durrill through his insurance\n\nbusiness. ", "Neal and his wife used to socialize with Durrill and his deceased wife. ", "Neal\n\nand his wife attended a reception at Durrill’s home on November 14, 2015 at which Durrill\n\ntold him that he had gotten married. ", " Neal believed that Durrill understood their\n\nconversation. ", "Neal was at Durrill’s house for about an hour with a few other couples.", "\n\n 9. ", "Durrill’s Conduct\n\n On November 9, 2015, Durrill sent an email to a Durrill Properties’ employee, Mark\n\nSchaberg, with the subject, “Party at my home” and the text read as follows: “M marrying\n\noyd andmarrying Loyd Neal & Sheriff Caelin/. Come on over!! ", "About 500.OOpm.. .0.”", "\n\nA subsequent email to Schaberg, who was in charge of booking music for Durrill’s\n\nentertainment venues, asked Schaberg to provide quiet music for the reception at Durrill’s\n\nhouse on November 14, 2015.", "\n\n On November 30, 2015, Durrill sent an email to Kelly, advising her that her\n\nemployment was terminated effective that day and any questions could be directed to his\n\n\n 10\n\fattorney Steve Lopez. ", "Kelly testified that she no longer worked for Durrill on that date;\n\nshe worked for Bill Jr.\n\n Durrill went to the Durrill Properties office on December 15, 2015, with two\n\ncaregivers, a county sheriff’s deputy, and a locksmith. ", "Bill Jr. and Mickey were present\n\nalong with the office staff. ", "Durrill announced that they all had to leave the building and\n\nsaid, “[y]ou’re all fired.” ", " Durrill announced that he was evicting them from Durrill\n\nProperties and changing the locks. ", "Kelly asked Durrill if he remembered that he gifted\n\nthe building to his grandchildren. ", "Durrill responded, “If I did I did.” ", "Durrill made no\n\nfurther effort to evict Durrill Properties.", "\n\n 10. ", "Psychological Testing\n\n Durrill was tested in September 2015 and in February 2016 by two different\n\nneuropsychologists to determine his mental functioning. ", " According to the children’s\n\nexpert witness Bennett Blum, M.D., the testing revealed that Durrill had “cognitive\n\nproblems that would have severely impacted his mental capacity.” ", " Dr. Blum, a\n\npsychiatrist with subspecialty training in geriatric and forensic psychiatry, did no testing\n\nbut relied on the testing performed in 2015 and 2016 by the neuropsychologists. ", "Dr.\n\nBlum never met Durrill.", "\n\n Douglas Cooper, Ph.D., performed the first neuropsychological examination on\n\nDurrill at the request of Durrill’s lawyers in 2015.9 He also performed the same mini-\n\nmental status exam that Dr. Dodson previously administered to Durrill. ", "On September\n\n\n\n 9 The testing was performed while temporary guardianship proceedings were pending in Nueces\n\nCounty Court at Law No. ", "5. ", "That proceeding was initiated by Durrill’s children in 2015. ", "Although Dr. Blum\nrelied on Dr. Cooper’s testing, Dr. Cooper did not testify at trial the trial in this case.", "\n 11\n\f17, 2015, during Dr. Cooper’s testing, Durrill scored a 21. ", "Dr. Dodson administered the\n\nsame test a month earlier and Durrill scored a 27, but there was some evidence that\n\nGasaway coached Durrill before Dr. Dodson’s testing.", "\n\n Dr. Blum testified that the mini-mental status exam was developed to screen for\n\nthe presence of various cognitive problems and to help assess the progression of certain\n\ntypes of dementia. ", "He also testified that the test does not address executive function of\n\nthe brain based upon studies conducted by the developer of the mini-mental status exam\n\nand others. ", "Executive functioning is the ability to plan, analyze, and adapt to ongoing\n\nconditions; such functioning requires more than simply an intact memory but also\n\nengages higher-level brain functions.", "\n\n Based upon Dr. Cooper’s testing, Dr. Blum concluded that Durrill had severe\n\ncognitive problems on September 17, 2015 that would have severely affected his mental\n\ncapacity. ", "According to Dr. Cooper’s records, Durrill was not fully oriented to place or\n\ntime; his speech was disinhibited at times; and his expressive language was disorganized\n\nand not fully comprehensible. ", " Dr. Cooper’s testing reflected that Durrill’s executive\n\nfunctioning was in the bottom percentile, like that of an eight-year-old child. ", "Although\n\nDurrill’s long term memory was intact, his working memory was poor, which comported\n\nwith his performance on tests of his executive function. ", " Dr. Blum testified that on\n\nNovember 2, 2015, Durrill “had such severe cognitive impairment that he could not have\n\nunderstood the document that he was executing nor, would he have understood even the\n\nconcept of marriage beyond that of what would be expected of . . . ", "a child of eight.”", "\n\n Gilbert Martinez, Ph.D., another neuropsychologist, performed additional\n\n\n 12\n\fneuropsychological testing on Durrill in February 2016 while various litigation was\n\npending, including the guardianship proceedings.10 Dr. Blum testified that Durrill’s test\n\nresults in 2016 were very similar to those in September 2015 and again showed that his\n\nexecutive functioning was severely impaired, and he suffered from diminished mental\n\ncapacity.", "\n\n Dr. Blum further testified that someone with Durrill’s limited capacity could be\n\nunduly influenced or manipulated by someone else and he saw evidence of those risk\n\nfactors in Durrill’s case. ", "The risk factors Dr. Blum described were: 1) physical weakness\n\nor illness; 2) cognitive problems; 3) vulnerability in his relationship with Gasaway; 4)\n\nisolation from family, outside information, or pertinent advisors; 5) dependence for\n\nphysical care, emotional support, and information; 6) emotional manipulation or\n\nexploitation; 7) acquiescence; and 8) loss or harm to the impaired person.", "\n\nC. Gasaway and Durrill\n\n Gasaway lived with Durrill from 2009 until he died. ", "According to Gasaway, Durrill\n\nwas fully competent until he died, and continued to actively run his businesses until at\n\nleast 2015. ", "She further testified that she and Durrill believed that Bill Jr. was trying to\n\ntake over the businesses and the Foundation by having Durrill declared incompetent. ", "At\n\nthe time of Durrill’s death, Gasaway was approximately fifty years old.", "\n\n 1. ", "Durrill’s Children’s Testimony\n\n Bill Jr. thought Gasaway came into Durrill’s life as early as 2002. ", "Holtz recalls\n\nseeing Gasaway at the Durrill house after Durrill’s wife died.", "\n\n\n\n 10 Dr. Martinez did not testify at the trial in this case.", "\n 13\n\f At the time of Durrill’s stroke in November 2012, according to Bill Jr., Gasaway\n\ntook legal documents with a notary to Durrill in the ICU, but Durrill’s accountant and long-\n\ntime friend Julie Buckly prevented Durrill from signing anything. ", "Bill Jr. was on a cruise\n\nwith his family when Durrill was hospitalized and Anderson was also unavailable because\n\nhe had a major heart attack.", "\n\n On August 7, 2015, Durrill signed a power of attorney in favor of Gasaway that\n\nrevoked all other powers of attorney. ", "Anderson was out of town at the time. ", "Later that\n\nmonth, the children filed an application for temporary guardianship over Durrill and an\n\napplication for a temporary restraining order as to Gasaway.11\n\n In the summer of 2015, none of the children saw Durrill although they all called\n\nregularly and left messages.", "\n\n On October 29, 2015, Bill Jr. went to see Durrill for a prearranged visit. ", "Bill Jr.\n\nbrought lunch for Durrill and the aides. ", "He sat on the coffee table across from his father\n\nand tried to talk with him about the pending sale of the Wildhorse Mall in Kingsville. ", "One\n\n\n\n\n 11 The petition for temporary guardianship sought an independent medical examination and to\nname Bill Jr. as guardian. ", "Bill Jr. testified that he filed the suit to avoid the power of attorney Durrill granted\nto Gasaway earlier that month and to prevent her from attempting to run the Durrill businesses. ", "Durrill was\nrepresented in that litigation by Steve Lopez and Amanda Torres. ", "The Durrill children owned several\nbusinesses and they, the Foundation, and Ginger sued Gasaway on August 18, 2015 seeking a temporary\nrestraining order and injunction. ", "Ginger had separately invested in Gasaway’s sign company.", "\n Durrill filed suit against Bill Jr. seeking a temporary restraining order and a temporary and\npermanent injunction. ", "The object of Durrill’s suit was to restrain Bill Jr. from accessing any of Durrill’s\nbusinesses; from making any statements about Durrill’s mental capacity; from communicating with any\nprofessionals employed by Durrill, including bookkeepers, accountants, attorneys or physicians; from\ncommunicating with any employees or any entity or business owned by Durrill; from accessing or\nwithdrawing funds; from authorizing payment on any account of Durrill’s or of any entity or business owned\nor controlled by Durrill; and from exercising any control over assets or property belonging to Durrill. ", "Durrill\nalso sued for money damages for breach of fiduciary duty and slander. ", "He was represented by Steve\nLopez.", "\n In December 2015, Gasaway sued Darla, a company that belonged to the children, seeking reentry\nto Gasaway’s business warehouse after she was locked out for nonpayment of rent.", "\n 14\n\fof the aides characterized Bill Jr. as yelling but Bill Jr. testified he was speaking loudly so\n\nthat his father could hear him. ", "The aide asked Durrill if he wanted to continue the visit\n\nand he said “no.” ", "The aide asked Bill Jr. to leave, and he did so reluctantly. ", "Bill Jr. was\n\nangry at the termination of the visit and expressed his frustration. ", "Later that day, Durrill’s\n\nattorney Amanda Torres unilaterally terminated visits by any of the children after that date\n\nwith the excuse that the visit caused Durrill’s blood pressure to plummet, although it had\n\nbeen lower on other occasions when Bill Jr. was not present. ", "The Monday after Bill Jr.’s\n\nvisit, Durrill and Gasaway executed the Declaration.", "\n\n Holtz made arrangements to visit Durrill with her sons around Christmas 2015, but\n\nwhen she arrived, no one would answer the door or the telephone even though the cars\n\nwere at the house and she could see people through the windows. ", "A day or two later,\n\nafter involving the attorneys, Holtz and her children were allowed to see Durrill with her\n\nsister Ginger.", "\n\n 2. ", "Gasaway’s Business\n\n Gasaway owned a sign company that she formed in 2010 with a $250,000 loan\n\nguaranteed by Durrill. ", "In 2010, Durrill loaned her approximately $100,000, according to\n\nKelly who wrote the check at Durrill’s instruction. ", "Gasaway leased warehouse space\n\nfrom one of the Durrill Properties companies and sold signage to several businesses\n\nmanaged by Durrill Properties. ", "Gasaway’s son Eric was an employee of Gasaway’s sign\n\ncompany. ", "Eric testified that there was a period when his mother would pay him and\n\nanother employee their weekly salary with gift cards. ", "On approximately ten occasions,\n\nGasaway bought the gift cards at the grocery store using Durrill’s American Express or\n\n\n 15\n\fother credit cards.", "\n\n 3. ", "Donna Kelly\n\n On August 5, 2015, Kelly notified Gasaway that there were over $31,000 in\n\ncharges on Durrill’s American Express card authorized by Gasaway and in a later email\n\nthat day, Kelly asked Gasaway for copies of the receipts. ", " Before that, Gasaway had\n\nbeen using Durrill’s other credit cards, but Gasaway had exceeded their limits of $25,000.", "\n\nThe charges were for supplies for Gasaway’s sign company, airline tickets for her\n\ndaughter, and various other things.", "\n\n 4. ", "Georgeanne Gasaway\n\n By 2014, Gasaway chained and locked the back gate to the house. ", "None of the\n\nfamily members had a key; only Gasaway, Eric, and the pool man had keys. ", "According\n\nto Gasaway, Durrill had a gate camera installed. ", "When Gasaway and Durrill were home,\n\nthe gate was generally chained and locked. ", "Sometime in 2015, they put a camera on\n\nthe front porch, so they could see who was at the door.", "\n\n In June 2014, Gasaway sent Durrill an email confirming an appointment with the\n\nGonzalez & Gonzalez law firm so Durrill could move all his business affairs to that firm.12\n\nDurrill responded stating, “I am NOT moving ALL my business to their firm.” (", "emphasis in\n\noriginal). ", "According to Gasaway, the original email to Durrill was designed to determine\n\nwho was reading Durrill’s email and there was never any intent to move the business.", "\n\n Gasaway acknowledged that during the summer of 2015, there were efforts to\n\n\n 12 Arnold Gonzalez, a Corpus Christi attorney, was Durrill’s roommate during part of the time Durrill\n\nwas at the rehabilitation hospital in November and December 2012. ", "Steve Lopez, a lawyer with the Corpus\nChristi firm of Gonzalez & Gonzalez is Gonzalez’s brother-in-law.", "\n\n 16\n\fterminate Durrill’s relationships with Anderson, who had been Durrill’s attorney for thirty\n\nyears, Kelly, and others employed at Durrill Properties who had been with him for many\n\nyears. ", "Gasaway instructed the caregivers not to answer the telephone unless Durrill\n\nasked them to and instructed them not to answer the door. ", " There is conflicting evidence\n\nas to whether the phone was turned down so Durrill could not hear it, and whether he was\n\ndeprived of his hearing aids.", "\n\n Gasaway drove Durrill to San Antonio for testing with Dr. Cooper in September\n\n2015. ", "The next day, on September 18, 2015, there was a hearing in the guardianship\n\nmatter, but Durrill was not present because he was at the emergency room.", "\n\n After mediation in October 2015, there was an agreement between the children,\n\nDurrill’s attorneys, and Gasaway, that Gasaway would relinquish the power of attorney\n\nDurrill gave her in August 2015 and Kelly would be granted the medical power of attorney.", "\n\nThere was also an agreement that each of the children could visit Durrill weekly for an\n\nhour and could bring their children during the visit without Gasaway’s presence. ", "After\n\nBill Jr.’s visit on October 29, 2015, Durrill’s attorneys reneged on the mediation agreement\n\nfor visitation.", "\n\n On November 14, 2015, Gasaway and Durrill had a small reception at Durrill’s\n\nhome that did not include any of Durrill’s family. ", "Over the remaining five and a half\n\nmonths of Durrill’s life, he was mostly home-bound other than trips to Gasaway’s office or\n\nfor medical care.", "\n\nD. Trial Court\n\n After Durrill died and the applications to probate his will and the codicil were filed,\n\n\n 17\n\fDurrill’s children filed a petition to void Durrill’s alleged marriage to Gasaway based upon\n\nDurrill’s mental incapacity. ", "After a two-week jury trial, the trial court granted a directed\n\nverdict in favor of Durrill’s children that no informal marriage existed between Gasaway\n\nand Durrill before November 2, 2015. ", "The jury then found that Durrill did not have the\n\nmental capacity to enter a marriage on November 2, 2015 and did not thereafter gain the\n\nmental capacity to recognize a marriage relationship. ", "Based on the directed verdict and\n\nthe jury’s findings, the judgment voided the Declaration that Durrill and Gasaway signed.13\n\nThis appeal followed.", "\n\n II. ", " JURISDICTION\n\n As a general rule, appeals may be taken only from final judgments. ", "De Ayala v.\n\nMackie, 193 S.W.3d 575, 578 (Tex. ", "2006) (citing Lehmann v. Har–Con Corp., 39 S.W.3d\n\n191, 195 (Tex. ", "2001)). “", "Probate proceedings are an exception to the ‘one final judgment’\n\nrule; in such cases, ‘multiple judgments final for purposes of appeal can be rendered on\n\ncertain discrete issues.’” ", "Id. The need to review “controlling, intermediate decisions\n\nbefore an error can harm later phases of the proceeding” has been held to justify this rule.", "\n\nId. (citing Logan v. McDaniel, 21 S.W.3d 683, 688 (Tex. ", "App.—Austin 2000, pet. ", "denied)).", "\n\n The estates code provides that, “[a] final order issued by a probate court is\n\nappealable to the court of appeals,” and provides that the entire probate proceeding from\n\napplication to probate until distribution and discharge is a single proceeding for purposes\n\n\n 13 Gasaway filed a motion for new trial and a motion to correct, modify, or to reform the judgment.", "\nThe motion for new trial was based upon claims of factual insufficiency and challenged the trial court’s\npartial directed verdict. ", "In addition, the motion raised the omission of a finding that the marriage occurred\nless than three years before Durrill’s death. ", "The motion to modify or reform the judgment attacked the\nlegal sufficiency of the evidence. ", "The trial court heard argument on the motions and subsequently denied\nthem both by written orders dated October 11, 2017.", "\n\n 18\n\fof jurisdiction in rem. ", "TEX. ", "EST. ", "CODE ANN. § ", "32.001(c), (d) (West, Westlaw through 2017\n\n1st C.S.). ", "The supreme court has adopted the following test for assessing whether a\n\njudgment is final for purposes of probate appeals:\n\n If there is an express statute, such as the one for the complete heirship\n judgment, declaring the phase of the probate proceedings to be final and\n appealable, that statute controls. ", "Otherwise, if there is a proceeding of\n which the order in question may logically be considered a part, but one or\n more pleadings also part of that proceeding raise issues or parties not\n disposed of, then the probate order is interlocutory. ", "For appellate\n purposes, it may be made final by a severance order, if it meets the\n severance criteria, as did the order in the present case. ", "In setting this\n standard, we are mindful of our policy to avoid constructions that defeat\n bona fide attempts to appeal.", "\n\nCrowson v. Wakeham, 897 S.W.2d 779, 783 (Tex. ", "1995).", "\n\n Here, the judgment before us was rendered after a jury trial in which the sole issue\n\nwas the validity of Gasaway’s marriage to Durrill. ", "The judgment voided the marriage and\n\ndisposed of Gasaway’s claim as a spouse to the Durrill estate. ", "The trial court made clear\n\nby two separate orders that it intended that the judgment be separately appealable. ", "See\n\nChurchill v. Mayo, 224 S.W.3d 340, 345 (Tex. ", "App.—Houston [1st Dist.] ", "2006, pet.", "\n\ndenied) (holding that an order to partition and sell a widow’s homestead land in probate\n\nwas a final and appealable order); Estate of Wright, 676 S.W.2d 161, 163 (Tex. ", "App.—", "\n\nCorpus Christi 1984, writ ref’d n.r.e.) (", "holding “an order is appealable if it finally\n\nadjudicates some substantial right . . . ", "if it merely leads to further hearings on the same\n\nissue, it is interlocutory.”); ", "see also In re O’Neil, No. ", "04-11-00587-CV, 2012 WL 3776490,\n\nat *3 (Tex. ", "App.—San Antonio, Aug. 31, 2012, no pet.) (", "mem. ", "op.) (", "holding summary\n\njudgment that disposed of decedent’s testamentary capacity was an appealable final\n\n 19\n\fjudgment). ", " The remaining separate proceedings involve the probate of Durrill’s\n\ncomplicated estate.", "\n\n Chapter 123 of the estates code establishes a procedure to declare certain\n\nmarriages void after the death of one spouse. ", "See TEX. ", "EST. ", "CODE ANN. ", "ch. ", "123. ", "If a\n\nmarriage is declared void pursuant to section 123.102, the other party “is not considered\n\nthe decedent’s surviving spouse for purposes of any law of this state.” ", "Id. § 123.104.", "\n\nChapter 123 does not specify whether such orders are interlocutory or final; however, an\n\norder pursuant to such a proceeding finally determines the party’s status as an heir. ", "Id.\n\nHistorically, the determination of the interest of a party in an estate was tried separately\n\nbefore the trial of issues affecting the validity of the will. ", "Womble v. Atkins, 331 S.W.2d\n\n294, 298 (Tex. ", "1960) (holding “[a] judgment of no interest and consequent dismissal of\n\nan application for probate, or contest of, a will is in no sense interlocutory. . . . [", "T]he\n\njudgment is a final judgment.”); ", "but see Fischer v. Williams, 331 S.W.2d 210 (Tex. ", "1960)\n\n(holding that because “the order overruling respondents’ motion to dismiss failed to finally\n\ndispose of the controverted issue, it [was] no more than an interlocutory order . . . ", "made\n\nin the progress of the trial, and, therefore, not appealable.”).", "\n\n The trial court intended the judgment to be final because it resolved Gasaway’s\n\nclaim to inherit as a spouse which would facilitate the final disposition of the estate in\n\nseparate proceedings. ", "The judgment also meets the tests in Crowson and in Lehman\n\nthat “[a] judgment that finally disposes of all remaining parties and claims, based on the\n\nrecord in the case, is final . . . .” ", "897 S.W.2d at 783; 39 S.W.3d at 200. ", " Accordingly,\n\nwe hold that we have jurisdiction. ", "The parties’ joint motion is granted.", "\n\n\n 20\n\f III. ", " DIRECTED VERDICT\n\n By her second issue which we address first, Gasaway challenges the trial court’s\n\ngranting of a directed verdict that there was no common-law marriage before November\n\n2, 2015. ", "Gasaway argues that the Declaration itself constituted probative evidence of\n\nan informal marriage and that the trial court ignored the presumption that marriages are\n\nvalid. ", "As a result, Gasaway contended that the children could not conclusively establish\n\nthat there was no common-law marriage.", "\n\nA. Standard of Review\n\n We review the trial court’s grant of instructed verdict de novo. ", "City of Keller v.\n\nWilson, 168 S.W.3d 802, 823 (Tex. ", "2005). ", " A directed verdict is proper when the\n\nevidence conclusively proves a fact that establishes a party’s right to judgment as a matter\n\nof law. ", "See id. at 816; Coastal Transp. ", "Co. v. Crown Cent. ", "Petroleum Corp., 136 S.W.3d\n\n227, 233 (Tex. ", "2004); Sterner v. Marathon Oil Co., 767 S.W.2d 686, 690 (Tex.1989); see\n\nalso Jones v. Hand, No. ", "13-12-00647-CV, 2014 WL 1007875, at *2 (Tex. ", "App.—Corpus\n\nChristi Mar. 13, 2014, no pet.) (", "mem. ", "op.).", "\n\n To prevail at trial, the children had the burden to negate the existence of an\n\ninformal marriage. ", "If the evidence supporting a finding of informal marriage “rises to a\n\nlevel that would enable reasonable and fair-minded people to differ in their conclusions,”\n\nit constitutes more than a scintilla of evidence and the case must be reversed and\n\nremanded for a jury determination. ", "See King Ranch, Inc. v. Chapman, 118 S.W.3d 742,\n\n751 (Tex. ", "2003). ", "We review the evidence in the light most favorable to the non-movant,\n\ncredit evidence a reasonable juror could credit, and disregard contrary evidence and\n\n\n 21\n\finferences unless a reasonable juror could not. ", "JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Orca\n\nAssets G.P., L.L.C., 546 S.W.3d 648, 653 (Tex. ", "2018); City of Keller, 168 S.W.3d at 827–\n\n28.", "\n\nB. Applicable Law\n\n An informal or “common-law” marriage may be proved,\n\n (a) In a judicial, administrative, or other proceeding . . . ", "by evidence that:\n\n (1) a declaration of their marriage has been signed as\n provided by this subchapter; or\n\n (2) the man and woman agreed to be married and after the\n agreement they lived together in this state as husband and\n wife and there represented to others that they were married.", "\n\nTEX. ", "FAM. ", "CODE ANN. § ", "2.401 (West, Westlaw through 2017 1st C.S.) (emphasis added);\n\nsee Russell v. Russell, 865 S.W.2d 929, 932–33 (Tex. ", "1993); Small v. McMaster, 352\n\nS.W.3d 280, 283 (Tex. ", "App.—Houston [14th Dist.] ", "2011, pet. ", "denied). ", "The trial court\n\ngranted the directed verdict based upon uncontroverted evidence that Gasaway and\n\nDurrill did not represent themselves to others as married before November 2, 2015.", "\n\n“Holding out” is an essential element of an informal marriage. ", "TEX. ", "FAM. ", "CODE ANN. §", "\n\n2.401(a)(2); Ex parte Threet, 333 S.W.2d 361, 364–65 (Tex. ", "1960).", "\n\n Gasaway and Durrill’s Declaration swore that they began a common-law marriage\n\non January 22, 2010. ", "A filed declaration of marriage is “prima facie evidence of the\n\nmarriage of the parties,” see TEX. ", "FAM. ", "CODE ANN. § ", "2.404(d) (West, Westlaw 2017\n\nthrough 1st C.S.), yet the declaration may be rebutted with contrary evidence. ", "Colburn\n\nv. State, 966 S.W.2d 511, 515 (Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App. ", "1998).14\n\n\n 14 The Colburn Court held that the trial court did not abuse its discretion by disregarding a filed\n 22\n\f Gasaway relies upon the Declaration as prima facie evidence of the marriage to\n\ninvoke the separate presumption of validity. ", " TEX. ", "FAM. ", "CODE ANN. § ", "1.101 (West,\n\nWestlaw 2017 through 1st C.S.).15 The presumption that a marriage is valid may also\n\nbe rebutted. ", "Nixon v. Wichita Land & Cattle Co., 19 S.W. 560, 561 (Tex. ", "1892); see also\n\nMiller v. Berryhill, No. ", "5:16-CV-078, 2017 WL 2493626, at *5–6 (N.D. Tex. ", "May 16, 2017),\n\nadopted by 2017 WL 2493131 (N.D. Tex. ", "June 8, 2017) (finding that contradictory\n\nevidence rebutted the presumption of validity of the informal marriage supported by a filed\n\ndeclaration).", "\n\n Gasaway argued that the Durrill children were not entitled to a directed verdict\n\nbecause they did not overcome the presumption created by the Declaration that the\n\nmarriage is valid. ", "See Estate of Claveria v. Claveria, 615 S.W.2d 164, 165–66 (Tex.", "\n\n1981); Schacht v. Schacht, 435 S.W.2d 197, 201 (Tex. ", "Civ. ", "App.—Dallas 1968, no writ)\n\n(holding presumption of validity of marriage was rebutted by evidence).", "\n\nC. Analysis\n\n Gasaway testified that she and Durrill cohabited from 2009 until his death, but they\n\ndid not tell others they were married until after November 2015, except that Gasaway\n\nbelieved she told Mir they were “common-law.” ", "Durrill did not tell anyone Gasaway was\n\nhis wife until after November 2, 2015. ", "Gasaway further testified that she did not use\n\nDurrill as her surname until after November 2, 2015. ", "They each filed tax returns as single\n\n\n\ndeclaration of informal marriage after the proponent testified contrary to the declaration and thereby\ncontradicted any presumption of validity. ", "Colburn v. State, 966 S.W.2d 511, 515 (Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App. ", "1998).", "\n 15 “It is the policy of this state to preserve and uphold a marriage against a claim of invalidity, unless\n\nstrong reasons exist for holding it void or voidable. ", "Therefore, every marriage entered into in this state is\npresumed to be valid . . . .” ", "TEX. ", "FAM. ", "CODE ANN. § ", "1.101 (West, Westlaw 2017 through 1st C.S.).", "\n 23\n\fpersons for the years 2010 through 2014 according to Gasaway and Buckley.", "\n\n Holtz testified that she asked Gasaway whether she and Durrill were married after\n\nDurrill’s stroke in November 2012. ", "Gasaway denied that they were married.", "\n\n Dr. Dodson treated Durrill beginning in late 2012 and continuing until his death in\n\n2016. ", "His intake records reflect that Durrill’s marital status was widowed, and phone\n\nmessages left by Gasaway reflected her status as “Georgeanne, girlfriend.” ", " Dr.\n\nDodson’s records after 2015 occasionally refer to Gasaway as Durrill’s wife.", "\n\n Buckley testified that she and Durrill spoke regularly from the 1990’s until the last\n\nyears of his life. ", "Neither Durrill nor Gasaway said anything about being married to each\n\nother until after November 2, 2015, when Durrill told Buckley in mid-November 2015, after\n\nthe Declaration was filed, “I never thought I would get married again.”", "\n\n Durrill had a long-standing personal and professional relationship with Anderson\n\nwho did much of Durrill’s business work for over thirty years. ", "Anderson testified that\n\nDurrill sold various pieces of real estate between 2010 and 2015, and on each of the\n\ndeeds stated that he was single or widowed. ", "Durrill’s marital status was important to the\n\ntitle companies in each of those transactions. ", " Anderson spoke to and saw Durrill\n\nregularly. ", "Durrill told Anderson that he was not getting married again. ", "In 2014, Durrill\n\nspecifically denied to Anderson that he was married to Gasaway when he and Anderson\n\nwere working on the codicil to leave property to Gasaway.16 Durrill did not tell Anderson\n\n\n 16 Anderson testified regarding the codicil that Durrill signed in September 2015:\n\n [Durrill] just wanted [Gasaway] to have the right to live in [the house]. ", "And so we had [] a\n discussion. ", "I had to make him aware that he had to put it in his will, because since they\n weren’t married that the only way she could maintain a life estate in the house is if he\n specifically granted that in the context of the Codicil. ", "If he had died without that language,\n she would have no right to live in that house as not being his wife. ", "And he’s telling me as\n 24\n\fhe was married to Gasaway until after November 2, 2015.", "\n\n Eric testified that Gasaway told him that she and Durrill were married yesterday,\n\nreferring to November 2, 2015.", "\n\n Kelly worked for Durrill in 1983 and continued to work for him and Durrill Properties\n\nuntil after Durrill died. ", "She last saw him in the summer of 2015. ", "He did not tell her he\n\nwas married to Gasaway.", "\n\n In 2014, when Durrill was honored at an American Heart Association gala, the\n\nHeart Ball, Gasaway was introduced as Durrill’s “companion.”", "\n\n In April 2015, Phil Benz, Durrill’s long-time friend from the Navy, stayed with Durrill\n\nand Gasaway for several days. ", "Benz testified that Durrill did not tell Benz that he and\n\nGasaway were married, nor did Durrill refer to Gasaway as his wife. ", "Other long-time\n\nfriends of Durrill’s, Neal and former Nueces County Sheriff Jim Kaelin, each testified that\n\nDurrill did not indicate that he was married to Gasaway before November 2015.", "\n\n Durrill never told Holtz that he was married to Gasaway. ", "After the Declaration\n\nwas filed, Holtz found out about it through the lawyers. ", "She and her family were not\n\ninvited to the wedding reception on November 14, 2015. ", "There was an email sent to the\n\nchildren that announced the marriage, but they doubted that the email came from Durrill.", "\n\nThe email dated November 16, 2015 purports to be from Durrill and states: “Got married\n\na few days ago & wanted you to understand.” (", "emphasis added).", "\n\n Gasaway argues that a funeral announcement (that ran on a single day) describing\n\nher as Durrill’s wife is some evidence of an informal marriage before and after November\n\n\n we sit there, I am not married to her. ", "So I said, so we need it put it in there? ", "He said, I\n want you to put it there . . . .", "\n 25\n\f2, 2015. ", "However, two other funeral announcements were published, one the day before\n\nand one the day after the one Gasaway cites, each of which refer to Gasaway as Durrill’s\n\n“companion.” ", "Holtz testified that the announcement cited by Gasaway was revised to\n\nrefer to her as Durrill’s wife solely to prevent Gasaway from delaying the funeral due to\n\ndisagreements between her and the children.", "\n\n Gasaway cites generally to medical records that refer to her as Durrill’s wife,\n\nparticularly those of Dr. Dodson. ", "Yet Dr. Dodson’s intake notes for Durrill in 2012 stated\n\nDurrill was widowed even though Gasaway accompanied Durrill to the office and may\n\nhave filled out the forms. ", "In December 2012, the discharge notes from the rehabilitation\n\nhospital after Durrill’s stroke, recite Durrill’s social history in part, “Patient lives in 2 story\n\nhome with an elevator with his girlfriend.” ", "Durrill’s social history from July 2011 by his\n\nprevious primary care physician, Dr. Sutter, reflects, “Widowed. ", "Auth Release 3/2/11:\n\nBill Durrill, Jr., son: Georgeanne Gasaway, girlfriend.”", "\n\n Mir, whose company provided care-givers to Durrill beginning in September 2015,\n\nshows Durrill’s marital status as widowed in the initial paperwork, but also reflects\n\nGasaway as the primary contact. ", "Notes after November 2, 2015, refer to Gasaway as\n\nDurrill’s wife.", "\n\n Records from Caring Senior Services dated September 24, 2015 by Kelly Diggs\n\nreflect that Gasaway was the informant and described herself as Durrill’s spouse, but in\n\nanother portion of the record on the same date, the records state that Durrill’s marital\n\nstatus is widowed and Gasaway is his girlfriend. ", "Nursing notes dated February 26, 2016,\n\nreflect that Gasaway and Durrill were married recently.", "\n\n\n 26\n\f Although the Declaration may be some evidence that Durrill and Gasaway were\n\nmarried from January 22, 2010 until November 2, 2015, Gasaway admitted that they did\n\nnot hold themselves out to others as married at any time before November 2, 2015. ", "See\n\nCity of Keller, 168 S.W.3d at 814 (“Undisputed contrary evidence may also become\n\nconclusive when a party admits it is true”). ", " “Whether the evidence is sufficient to\n\nestablish that a couple held themselves out as husband and wife turns on whether the\n\ncouple had a reputation in the community for being married.” ", "Small, 352 S.W.3d at 285.", "\n\n Because Gasaway admitted that she and Durrill did not hold themselves out as\n\nmarried to the community, there was no valid informal marriage before November 2, 2015,\n\nand thus, no presumption of validity of a marriage before that date. ", "See Ex parte Threet,\n\n333 S.W.2d at 364–65 (noting that keeping an alleged common-law marriage secret “is\n\ninconsistent and irreconcilable with the requirement of a public holding out that the couple\n\nare living together as husband and wife.”); ", "Small, 352 S.W.3d at 283 (holding all elements\n\nof an informal marriage must be proved). ", "Gasaway’s admission, along with the other\n\nevidence, conclusively negated the “holding out” element of a pre-November 2, 2015\n\ninformal marriage. ", "See Ex parte Threet, 333 S.W.2d at 364–65. ", "As a result, the trial\n\ncourt correctly granted a directed verdict that there was no informal marriage before\n\nNovember 2, 2015. ", "We overrule Gasaway’s second issue.", "\n\n IV. ", " WHEN DID DURRILL’S MARRIAGE TO GASAWAY, IF ANY, BEGIN?", "\n\n In her first issue, Gasaway argues that the children failed to establish as a matter\n\nof law that the marriage commenced no earlier than three years before Durrill’s death.", "\n\n\n\n\n 27\n\fSee TEX. ", "EST. ", "CODE ANN. § ", "123.102.17 Gasaway further argues that the children failed\n\nto obtain a jury finding on this issue. ", "Because Gasaway alleges that this is an element\n\nof the children’s cause of action, we construe this issue as a “no evidence” complaint that\n\nwe review de novo. ", "See City of Keller, 188 S.W.3d at 823.", "\n\n Gasaway and Durrill’s filed Declaration asserted an informal marriage beginning\n\non January 22, 2010. ", " However, the trial court found the evidence conclusively\n\nestablished that they did not represent themselves as married to others before that date.", "\n\nAs a result, we overruled Gasaway’s challenge to the directed verdict in her second issue.", "\n\nThus, any marriage between Durrill and Gasaway could only have occurred on or after\n\nNovember 2, 2015, less than three years before Durrill died in April 2016. ", "We overrule\n\nGasaway’s first issue.", "\n\n V. ALLEGED CONCEALMENT OF THE 2014 CODICIL\n\n By her third issue, Gasaway argues that the 2014 codicil drafted by Anderson that\n\nhe allegedly concealed gives rise to a presumption of marriage. ", "The codicil granted\n\nGasaway twenty percent of some of Durrill’s assets, a life estate in Durrill’s house, and\n\nthe right to funeral plots beside him.", "\n\n Durrill’s 2004 will was prepared by attorney Richard Leshin. ", "An application to\n\n 17 (a) Subject to Subsection (c), if a proceeding described by Section 123.101(a) is not\n pending on the date of a decedent’s death, an interested person may file an application\n with the court requesting that the court void the marriage of the decedent if:\n (1) on the date of the decedent’s death, the decedent was married; and\n (2) that marriage commenced not earlier than three years before the date\n of the decedent’s death.", "\n (b) The notice applicable to a proceeding for a declaratory judgment under Chapter 37, Civil\n Practice and Remedies Code, applies to a proceeding under Subsection (a).", "\n (c) An application authorized by Subsection (a) may not be filed after the first anniversary of the\n date of the decedent’s death.", "\n\nTEX. ", "EST. ", "CODE ANN. § ", "123.102 (West, Westlaw through 2017 1st C.S.) (emphasis added).", "\n 28\n\fprobate the 2004 will was filed the day Durrill died. ", "Anderson prepared and held the\n\n2014 codicil according to Durrill’s instructions. ", "Anderson filed the codicil two weeks after\n\nDurrill’s death and provided copies to the parties.", "\n\n Gasaway argues that Durrill’s bequest of the funeral plots was evidence that Durrill\n\npublicly recognized their marriage as of the date of the codicil in September 2014.", "\n\nHowever, the codicil and its contents were known only to Durrill and Anderson until after\n\nDurrill died. ", "Anderson testified that he did not show the codicil to anyone during Durrill’s\n\nlifetime because Durrill expressly instructed him not to do so. ", "A secret codicil does not\n\nconstitute a “holding out” before the codicil was published. ", "See Ex parte Threet, 333\n\nS.W.2d at 364–65.", "\n\n Gasaway also argues that the codicil treats her as a wife would be treated and\n\ntherefore, is proof that Durrill recognized her as his wife. ", "This argument also fails. ", "The\n\ncodicil does not refer to Gasaway as his wife and the provision for a life estate in the\n\nhouse was necessary only because Durrill told his attorney they were not married.", "\n\nOtherwise Gasaway would be entitled to a life estate as a matter of law. ", "See TEX. ", "EST.", "\n\nCODE ANN. §§ ", "102.002, 102.003 (West, Westlaw through 2017 1st C.S.).", "\n\n Finally, Gasaway argues that Anderson’s concealment of the 2014 codicil\n\namounted to spoliation or criminal conduct. ", " However, there is no evidence that\n\nAnderson did anything other than follow Durrill’s explicit instructions not to reveal the\n\ncodicil to anyone until Durrill’s death. ", "Gasaway supports her argument with citation to\n\ncriminal statutes and cases involving spoliation of evidence. ", "We do not find that authority\n\ncontrolling or persuasive given the very different facts in this case.", "\n\n\n 29\n\f Gasaway’s argument that the allegedly concealed codicil supports her claim that\n\nshe was married to Durrill in September 2014 has no legal or evidentiary support. ", "We\n\noverrule Gasaway’s third issue.", "\n\n VI. ", " CHARGE ERROR\n\n By Gasaway’s fourth and fifth issues she contends that the trial court’s refusal of\n\nher requested jury instructions constituted reversible error. ", " The trial court refused\n\nproposed jury instructions: 1) that a marriage is presumed valid; and 2) regarding the\n\neffect of a declaration of informal marriage.", "\n\nA. Standard of Review and Applicable Law\n\n A trial court must give “such instructions and definitions as shall be proper to\n\nenable the jury to render a verdict.” ", "TEX. ", "R. CIV. ", "P. 277. ", "A trial court has considerable\n\ndiscretion to determine proper jury instructions, and “[i]f an instruction might aid the jury\n\nin answering the issues presented to them, or if there is any support in the evidence for\n\nan instruction, the instruction is proper.” ", "Thota v. Young, 366 S.W.3d 678, 687 (Tex.", "\n\n2012) (quoting La.-Pac. ", "Corp. v. Knighten, 976 S.W.2d 674, 676 (Tex. ", "1998)). “", "We\n\nreview a trial court’s decision to submit or refuse a particular instruction under an abuse\n\nof discretion standard of review.” ", "Id. at 687 (quoting In re V.L.K., 24 S.W.3d 338, 341\n\n(Tex. ", "2000)) (internal citations omitted). ", " “When a trial court refuses to submit a\n\nrequested instruction on an issue raised by the pleadings and evidence, the question on\n\nappeal is whether the request was reasonably necessary to enable the jury to render a\n\nproper verdict.” ", "Shupe v. Lingafelter, 192 S.W.3d 577, 579 (Tex. ", "2006) (per curiam).", "\n\nTo determine whether an instruction or its absence caused harm, this Court must review\n\n\n 30\n\fthe record as a whole. ", "See Boatland of Houston, Inc. v. Bailey, 609 S.W.2d 743, 749–\n\n50 (Tex. ", "1980); Chandler v. Chandler, 842 S.W.2d 829, 834 (Tex. ", "App.—El Paso 1992,\n\nwrit denied). ", " The omission of an instruction is reversible error only if the omission\n\nprobably caused the rendition of an improper judgment. ", "TEX. ", "R. APP. ", "P. 44.1(a); see\n\nWal–Mart Stores, Inc. v. Johnson, 106 S.W.3d 718, 723 (Tex. ", "2003) (reversing due to\n\nimproper jury instructions).", "\n\nB. Discussion\n\n Gasaway’s counsel requested a jury instruction on the statutory presumption that\n\nevery marriage is valid. ", "The trial court rejected the instruction. ", "Gasaway’s counsel also\n\nrequested instructions on proof of an informal marriage following a portion of section\n\n2.401 of the family code and on the effect of filing a declaration and registration of informal\n\nmarriage. ", "See TEX. ", "FAM. ", "CODE ANN. §§ ", "2.401, 2.402 (West, Westlaw through 2017 1st\n\nC.S.). ", "The trial court also refused those instructions.", "\n\n The questions submitted to the jury asked:\n\n QUESTION 1\n\n Did William “Dusty” Durrill, Sr. ", "have the mental capacity to consent to a\n marriage and understand the nature of the Declaration and Registration of\n Informal Marriage executed on November 2, 2015?", "\n\n A person has mental capacity if he is able to appreciate the effect of what\n he is doing and understand the nature and consequences of his acts and\n the marriage he was transacting.", "\n\n Answer \"Yes\" or \"No\"\n\n Answer Question 2 only if you answered \"No\" to Question 1; otherwise, do\n not answer Question 2.", "\n\n\n\n 31\n\f QUESTION 2\n\n After November 2, 2015, did William “Dusty” Durrill, Sr. ", "gain the mental\n capacity to recognize a marriage relationship and did recognize a marriage\n relationship?", "\n\n A person has mental capacity if he is able to appreciate the effect of what\n he is doing and understand the nature and consequences of his acts and\n the marriage he was transacting.", "\n\n Answer “Yes” or “No”\n\nThe jury answered both questions “No.”", "\n\n Gasaway argues that the jury should have been instructed on legal presumptions\n\nand the requisites of an informal marriage. ", "Although an instruction may be necessary to\n\ndefine legal or technical terms, marriage is a word that is generally understood within the\n\ncommunity. ", " The object of the jury questions was to determine Durrill’s capacity to\n\nunderstand what he was doing and its legal effect. ", "The instructions Gasaway submitted\n\ndid not further that goal and thus, their absence could not have caused an improper\n\nverdict.", "\n\n An additional reason for the trial court to refuse Gasaway’s proposed instructions\n\nwas that they constituted an improper comment on the weight of the evidence. ", "See TEX.", "\n\nR. CIV. ", "P. 277. “", "The court shall not in its charge comment directly on the weight of the\n\nevidence or advise the jury of the effect of their answers . . . .” ", "Id. A jury instruction\n\nconstitutes an impermissible comment on the weight of the evidence when it encourages\n\nthe jury to give undue weight to certain evidence. ", "Ganesan v. Vallabhaneni, 96 S.W.3d\n\n345, 351 (Tex. ", "App.—Austin 2002, pet. ", "denied) (trial court did not abuse its discretion in\n\nrefusing proposed instructions). ", "Gasaway’s instructions would have improperly focused\n\n\n 32\n\fthe jury on the issue of marriage, not the issue of capacity. ", " Accordingly, the trial court\n\ndid not abuse its discretion by refusing to include the instructions. ", "See Shupe, 192\n\nS.W.3d at 580 (holding that omission of negligent entrustment issue was harmless); see\n\nalso State v. Luby's Fuddruckers Rests, LLC, 531 S.W.3d 810, 822 (Tex. ", "App.—Corpus\n\nChristi 2017, no pet.); ", "Muhs v. Whataburger, Inc., No. ", "13-09-00434-CV, 2010 WL\n\n4657955, at *9 (Tex. ", "App.—Corpus Christi Nov. 18, 2010, pet. ", "denied) (mem. ", "op.).", "\n\n The Court overrules Gasaway’s fourth and fifth issues.", "\n\n VII. ", " CONCLUSION\n\n We affirm the judgment of the trial court.", "\n\n\n GINA M. BENAVIDES,\n Justice\n\n\nDelivered and filed the\n7th day of February, 2019.", "\n\n\n\n\n 33\n\f" ]
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0.0011531239142641425, 0.0014655467821285129, 0.0007920201169326901, 0.001494296477176249, 0.0007498990744352341, 0.0008772103465162218, 0.0008372008451260626, 0.0006761391996406019, 0.0010216385126113892, 0.0013518950436264277, 0.0006906287162564695, 0.0006107357912696898, 0.0007550036534667015, 0.0007832145201973617, 0.0013790144585072994, 0.0008133569499477744, 0.0006803919095546007, 0.0006483698380179703, 0.0008617184939794242, 0.0010376351419836283, 0.0007761346641927958, 0.0006464450852945447, 0.0007251673960126936, 0.0007648497703485191, 0.0007928197155706584, 0.000804957642685622, 0.0005990806384943426, 0.0007517084595747292, 0.0006134918075986207, 0.0006799634429626167, 0.0008286379161290824, 0.0007009819964878261, 0.000637843506410718, 0.0006746835424564779, 0.0007137823849916458, 0.000756436085794121, 0.0009189199190586805, 0.0008617184939794242, 0.0009977801237255335, 0.0006853864761069417, 0.0006319634267129004, 0.0007166528957895935, 0.0006838913541287184, 0.000645001302473247, 0.0007498990744352341, 0.029933452606201172, 0.0008372008451260626, 0.0006230957806110382, 0.000829425931442529, 0.0007095527253113687, 0.03764013573527336, 0.06124752387404442, 0.0007661964627914131, 0.0007849935791455209, 0.03171394020318985, 0.06124752387404442, 0.0006444876198656857, 0.0007510114810429513, 0.0005601146258413792, 0.000784370000474155, 0.0008076236699707806, 0.0008241612231358886, 0.0007498990744352341, 0.0010376351419836283, 0.000733625260181725, 0.0007881280616857111, 0.0007046422688290477, 0.0007248129695653915, 0.0006782120908610523, 0.0006607371033169329, 0.0007166222203522921, 0.0006962037878111005, 0.0013371756067499518, 0.0006608869880437851, 0.0010587364668026567, 0.0008435782510787249, 0.0006794231594540179, 0.0007316100527532399, 0.0008704487117938697, 0.0007943844539113343, 0.0009985731448978186, 0.0005721687921322882, 0.0006145765073597431, 0.0013659746618941426 ]
[ "For the first time in life, when I say I want to lose weight People ask why\n\n395 shares" ]
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[ 0.0008771451539359987 ]
[ "Q:\n\n\"Syntax error on token ID\" in Android with Eclipse\n\ni have a class like that in the package map1:\nimport android.graphics.", "Bitmap;\n\npublic class Map {\n\n public Bitmap Structure;\n\n public String name;\n\n public Integer ID;\n}\n\nin a different project a have the following code:\npublic class dummy {\n map1.Map MM = new map1.Map();\n MM.ID = 5;//this line is a error: \"Syntax error on token \"ID\", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token\"\n}\n\ni checked the references and all is O.K. (as far as I could tell) \ni have a different and there all works fine. ", "i couldn't find any significant difference, but I'm quite new to eclipse.", "\nwhy does that happen and how do I make my second project work?", "\n\nA:\n\nYour code is broken, basically. ", "This statement:\nMM.ID = 5;\n\nis not inside a constructor, method, or initializer. ", "It needs to be. ", "For example, you might want to put it in a constructor:\npublic class dummy {\n map1.Map MM = new map1.Map();\n\n public dummy() {\n MM.ID = 5;\n }\n}\n\nI suspect your other working class doesn't have such a syntax error.", "\n(Aside from that, it would be a very good idea to start using private variables, avoiding clashes with standard library types such as Map, and following Java naming conventions.)", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006428316119126976, 0.0008212822140194476, 0.0005961523856967688, 0.0008627944043837488, 0.0010246059391647577, 0.000742962583899498, 0.0009046755731105804, 0.003688259283080697, 0.0005464147543534636, 0.001995587022975087 ]
[ "Dual use research: investigation across multiple science disciplines.", "\nMost recent studies of dual use research have focused on the life sciences, although some researchers have suggested that dual use research occurs across many disciplines. ", "This research is an initial investigation into the prevalence of dual use research in other scientific disciplines by surveying senior editors of scientific journals, drawn from Journal Citation Reports. ", "The survey was emailed to 7,500 journal editors with a response rate of 10.1 %. ", "Approximately 4.8 % of life science editors reported they had to consider whether to publish dual use research and 38.9 % said they decided to not publish the research in question. ", "In disciplines other than the life sciences, 7.2 % of editors from other science disciplines reported that they had to consider whether to publish dual use research, and 48.4 % declined to publish it. ", "The survey investigated relationships between dual use and the journal's source of funding and place of publication, but no relationships were found. ", "Further research is needed to better understand the occurrence of dual use research in other science disciplines." ]
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[ 0.0005682150949724019, 0.0005410732119344175, 0.0005578452255576849, 0.0005944756558164954, 0.000600287748966366, 0.0005771316355094314, 0.0005420666420832276, 0.0005262841586954892 ]
[ "Determination of the effect of polyamines on an oil-degrading strain of Yarrowia lipolytica using an odc minus mutant.", "\nYarrowia lipolytica is an ascomycetous dimorphic yeast with immense potential for industrial applications, including bioremediation of crude oil-contaminated environments. ", "It has been shown that a dimorphic marine isolate of Y. lipolytica (var. ", "indica) has significant capacity to degrade fatty acids and alkanes, when in its yeast morphology. ", "It has also been demonstrated that polyamines play an important role in the yeast-to-mycelium transition of different strains of Y. lipolytica that are unable to utilize those carbon sources. ", "To determine the role of polyamines on their capacity to utilize oils and hydrocarbons, on the dimorphic transition, and also on other characteristics of the var. ", "indica strain of Y. lipolytica, we proceeded to obtain ornithine decarboxylase minus (odc-) mutants. ", "These mutants behaved as yeasts independently of the concentrations of putrescine added. ", "Further, they conserved the oil-degrading capacity of the parent strain. ", "The odc- mutant can thus be used in fatty acid degradation, and oil spill remediation with distinct advantages." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.000904152519069612, 0.0013572629541158676, 0.0009824950248003006, 0.008893090300261974, 0.0006131427944637835, 0.0006352423806674778, 0.0007216649246402085, 0.0006405690801329911, 0.0010591585887596011, 0.0006514243432320654 ]
[ "looking out to the hills, to the setting sun, i feel a cold wind bound to come; another change, another end i cannot see, but your faithfulness to me\n\nis making it all right. ", "i fall down on my knees; tell me that it’s all right. ", "you give me what i need. ", "years of knockin’ on heaven’s door have taught me this, if nothing more, that it’s all right, what may come.", "\n\ni’ve heard it said, when the river’s running high, you get to higher ground or you die. ", "well, muddy waves of pain washed over me, and it only made me see,\n\nit’s gonna be all right. ", "i, i fall down on my knees; tell me that it’s all right. ", "you give me what i need. ", "years of knockin’ on heaven’s door have taught me this, if nothing more, that it’s all right, what may come.", "\n\nwhen will i learn there’re no guarantees? ", "what strengthens hope, my eyes have never seen, but it won’t be long till the faith will be sight, and the heavens will say,\n\nit’s all right. (", "all right.) (", "all right.) (", "all right.)", "\n\nall right, i fall down on my knees; tell me that it’s all right. ", "you give me what i need. ", "years of knockin’…heaven’s door, have taught me this, if nothing more, and it’s all right. ", "whatever comes.", "\n\nall right, fall on my knees, tell me that it’s all right. ", "you give me what i need. (", "after all these) years of knockin’ on heaven’s door, (years of knockin’ on heavens’ door,) (it’s gonna be) all right. (", "oooooh, yeah.) ", "all right. ", "i fall down on my knees, tell me that it’s all right, ’cause you give me what i need, (after all these years of knockin’ on heaven’s door,) years of knockin’ on heaven’s door, (it’s gonna be) all right. ", "whatever comes, yes sir, all right. ", "i fall down on my knees. ", "all right." ]
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[ 0.0008042216068133712, 0.04138968139886856, 0.0026959043461829424, 0.11747581511735916, 0.5845814943313599, 0.012783524580299854, 0.028966683894395828, 0.0026959043461829424, 0.11747581511735916, 0.000880599080119282, 0.0007568589644506574, 0.0006653937161900103, 0.0006653937161900103, 0.0006839988636784256, 0.034479595720767975, 0.0026959043461829424, 0.07711710780858994, 0.0016523193335160613, 0.16320230066776276, 0.0009774211794137955, 0.05842554569244385, 0.0009658999042585492, 0.0007856041775085032, 0.17464058101177216, 0.0006870980723761022, 0.14372485876083374, 0.0007856041775085032 ]
[ "Release factors and their role as decoding proteins: specificity and fidelity for termination of protein synthesis.", "\nThe decoding of stop signals in mRNA requires protein release factors. ", "Two classes of factor are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, a decoding factor and a stimulatory recycling factor. ", "These factors form complexes at the active centre of the ribosome and mimic in overall shape the complexes found at other stages of protein synthesis. ", "The decoding release factor is shaped like a tRNA and has a domain for codon recognition at the decoding site of the ribosome, and a domain for peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis that is inferred to be near the peptidyltransferase centre. ", "Initial interaction of the decoding factor with the ribosome is a low fidelity event involving multiple contacts with the ribosomal components. ", "A subsequent discrimination step, at present poorly defined, ensures high fidelity of codon recognition." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005538233672268689, 0.0005701741320081055, 0.0006091763498261571, 0.0006727604777552187, 0.0006847786135040224, 0.0005824759718962014, 0.0005618173745460808 ]
[ "Robert, have you been able to get Alan's comments? ", " Mark" ]
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[ 0.0007123560062609613, 0.002461026655510068 ]
[ "Q:\n\nwhy is my htaccess doing the proper url but loads 401 error page?", "\n\nI've been researching for days trying to figure out what is wrong with my htaccess and no luck. ", "In both cases I get the url acting correctly but it loads a 401 error page\nRight now, I have localhost/test/profile.php?username=gadgetster\nI want it to show localhost/test/profile/gadgetster in the url\nAnd for localhost/test/pages/aboutus.php\nI want to show localhost/test/aboutus.php\nOptions -Indexes -MultiViews +FollowSymlinks\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase /\n\n#username\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-d\nRewriteRule ^profile/(.*)$ test/profile.php?username=$1\n\n#pages folder\nRewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} pages/\nRewriteRule pages/(.*)$ test/$1 [L,NC,R]\n\nEDIT:\nOptions -Indexes -MultiViews +FollowSymlinks\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase /\n\n#------------------remove index || index.php---------------------------------\n# remove /index.php\nRewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\\ /(.*)index\\.php($|\\ |\\?)", "\nRewriteRule ^ %1 [R,L]\n\n# remove /index\nRewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\\ /(.*)index($|\\ |\\?)", "\nRewriteRule ^ %1 [R,L]\n\n#------------------remove pages/ dirctory---------------------------------\n# externally redirect /dir/foo to /foo\nRewriteRule ^pages/(.*)$ test/$1 [L,NC,R]\n\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-d\nRewriteRule ^pages/(.*)$ test/pages/$1 [L]\n\n#-------------------remove .php-----------------------------------------\n# externally redirect /dir/foo.php to /dir/foo\nRewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,}\\s([^.]+)\\.php [NC]\nRewriteRule ^ %1 [R,L,NC]\n\n# internally forward /dir/foo to /dir/foo.php\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-d\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\\.php -f\nRewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?$ test/$1.php [L]\n\n#-------------------User Profile-----------------------------------------\n# Remove long profile url to simple 'profile/username'\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-d\nRewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)$ test/profile/$1/ [R=301,L]\n\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !", "-d\nRewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)/$ test/profile.php?username=$1 [QSA]\n\n#Deny access to htaccess\n<files .htaccess>\n order allow,deny\n deny from all\n</files>\n\nA:\n\nPlace your .htaccess in your /test/ directory\nOptions -Indexes -MultiViews +FollowSymlinks\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase /test/\n\n#pages folder\nRewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /pages/ [NC]\nRewriteRule pages/(.+)$ $1 [L,NC,R=302,NE]\n\nRewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /test/(?:index)?(.*?)\\.php[\\s?] [", "NC]\nRewriteRule ^ %1 [R=302,L,NE]\n\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d\nRewriteRule ^ - [L]\n\n#username\nRewriteRule ^profile/(.+)$ profile.php?username=$1 [L,NC,QSA]\n\nRewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/test/pages/$1 -f [NC]\nRewriteRule ^(.+?\\.php)/?$ pages/$1 [L]\n\nRewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/test/pages/$1\\.php -f [NC]\nRewriteRule ^(.+?)/?$ pages/$1.php [L]\n\nRewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%{REQUEST_URI}\\.php -f [NC]\nRewriteRule ^(.+?)/?$ $1.php [L]\n\n" ]
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[ 0.04824001342058182, 0.009202737361192703, 0.001194700482301414, 0.001327774953097105, 0.0011565457098186016, 0.0009438341367058456, 0.0012816747184842825, 0.001327774953097105, 0.0011034175986424088, 0.001327774953097105, 0.0014466026332229376, 0.001327774953097105, 0.0007986233686096966, 0.001327774953097105, 0.0022189051378518343, 0.001895996741950512 ]
[ "Tucker Carlson’s Fox News segment on South African land reform that President Donald Trump praised on Wednesday was “filled with factual errors,” experts tell The Daily Beast.", "\n\nIn the piece, Carlson claimed that a land expropriation plan being considered by the South African government amounts to stealing “land from people because they are the wrong skin color,” referring to white South African landowners.", "\n\nResponding to a State Department statement saying that the plan would be enacted through South Africa’s democratic process, Carlson compared the land reform push to a group of muggers robbing State Department employees.", "\n\n“By their logic, as long as you outnumber them, they’ll be OK with getting robbed, because it’s democracy,” Carlson said.", "\n\nTrump cited the segment in a tweet Wednesday, urging Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to closely study the “farm seizures” and the “large scale killing of farmers.”", "\n\nTrump’s tweet won cheers from white supremacists in the United States, who have made South Africa’s land expropriation push and the supposed epidemic of farmer killings into talking points for their case that the world is on the verge of “white genocide.” ", "But experts told The Daily Beast that Trump should think twice before basing United States foreign policy on a Fox News segment, especially this one.", "\n\nThe segment Trump cited is “filled with factual errors,” according to Judd Devermont, the director of the Africa Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.", "\n\nCarlson portrayed the South Africa land push as an attempt to wrest land from white South Africans because of their skin color. ", "But Devermont said the land reform plan being considered by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, which aims to correct apartheid-era laws that handed lands to the white Afrikaner minority and pushed black South Africans into tribal “homelands,” wouldn’t target land owners on race.", "\n\nInstead, Devermont said, a law legalizing land expropriation without compensation would apply to a wide variety of land owners, including tribal and community groups and corporations, affecting both white and black South Africans.", "\n\n“It is likely to follow legal proceedings, and I think some of it will be symbolic, if it ever does happen,” Devermont said.", "\n\nIt's unclear how much land could be taken if South Africa legalizes expropriating land without compensation in an effort to speed up land reform efforts. ", "Ramaphosa is considering the plan in the face of an electoral challenge from the left-wing Economic Freedom Fighters party, which has called for much more aggressive land redistribution.", "\n\nThe Carlson segment “betrays an almost complete misunderstanding of what is going on in South Africa,” according to John Campbell, a senior fellow for Africa policy studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and a former ambassador to Nigeria in the George W. Bush administration.", "\n\nCampbell pushed back on the idea, promoted in Trump’s tweet, that South Africa is facing a “large scale killing” of white farmers.", "\n\n“The statement about the white killings is essentially false,” Campbell said.", "\n\nWhile claims about a wave of farm attacks have become a popular trope for far-right groups in the United States, Campbell points to statistics from a South African agricultural group, which said in May that farm killings were at a 19-year low.", "\n\nThe Trump tweet inspired by Carlson’s Fox News segment threatens to add more tension to an already volatile policy debate in South Africa, according to Devermont.", "\n\n“It just makes it much more contentious, and much more prone to hyperbole,” Devermont said. “", "And it already is a difficult conversation.”" ]
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[ 0.0011549664195626974, 0.0007394552230834961, 0.0007959221256896853, 0.00131104770116508, 0.0009677818161435425, 0.007310210261493921, 0.0006386434542946517, 0.000706234946846962, 0.0026191803626716137, 0.0026877988129854202, 0.0043350281193852425, 0.0006200416246429086, 0.0007509011775255203, 0.0007646165322512388, 0.0005527910543605685, 0.07300189882516861, 0.0015075489645823836, 0.0006302858237177134, 0.0006125114159658551, 0.0008807224221527576, 0.0007406044169329107 ]
[ "AUSTIN (KXAN) — This handsome black coyote couldn’t look any more peaceful as it chilled out in a rural area in Austin.", "\n\nThe rare creature was finally caught on camera after a painstaking three-month search conducted by wildlife officers from the Austin Animal Center.", "\n\nWhen they started receiving reports of a black coyote in Austin, wildlife officers set up cameras to try to find it — but it was months before the shy animal finally showed its face.", "\n\nBlack coyote spotted somewhere in Austin (Austin Animal Center)\n\nThe center posted images of the coyote on Facebook, and said it was spotted hanging out with five other coyotes, of typical color.", "\n\nThey did not reveal where it was found to ensure that it won’t be disturbed.", "\n\nAustin Animal Center said the distinctive black fur is believed to come from hybridization with domestic dogs, but how it arises remains a mystery.", "\n\nThe center also included some advice for what to do if anyone spots a coyote during daylight.", "\n\n“Remember – as beautiful as he is, if you see a coyote during the day, remember to haze it,” the animal center said. ", "That means doing a variety of actions, such as yelling and waving arms, to deter it from a certain area. ", "The Humane Society of the United States has a guide for how to be “loud and large” when encountering a coyote.", "\n\n“It’s important for them to learn that coming out during the day is scary, and they should stick to hunting at night,” it continued. “", "We can share space with coyotes, but not time!”" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.00081947713624686, 0.0005892051849514246, 0.0006740157841704786, 0.0005939218099229038, 0.0006516310968436301, 0.0008355444297194481, 0.0005587274790741503, 0.0007644478464499116, 0.0008822549134492874, 0.0006342311971820891, 0.00069885712582618, 0.0006236599292606115 ]
[ "Mulayam Singh Yadav, who was the then Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, had ordered firing on karsewaks in Ayodhya in 1990 in which 16 people were killed.", "\n\nAbout 25 years after the incident, Samajwadi Party Chief Mulayam Singh Yadav on Sunday said he \"felt sad\" for ordering firing on 'karsewaks' in Ayodhya in 1990 but it was necessary to save the religious place.", "Mr Yadav, who was the then Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, had ordered firing on karsewaks in Ayodhya in 1990 in which 16 people were killed.", "\"I feel sad for firing on Karsewaks but it was necessary to save the religious place (Babri Mosque),\" Mr Yadav said while addressing party workers at party headquarter in Lucknow on occasion of birth anniversary of socialist leader Karpoori Thakur.", "Mr Yadav said when the then Leader of Opposition Atal Bihari Vajpayee had mentioned the incident in Parliament, he had replied that it was necessary to order firing.", "\"He would have not considered his decision, if more lives would have gone to save the religious place,\" he said, mentioning his replying in Parliament.", "Addressing the party workers, Mr Yadav came down heavily on party ministers saying, \"he knew what they were doing. ", "If they (ministers) have to earn money they should quit politics and start business\"." ]
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[ "In the re-match of LCK Spring Split finals, Kingzone DragonX came out victorious over Afreeca Freecs.", "\n\nThroughout the best-of-3, Kingzone seemed to return to the traditional EU composition with PraY playing marksman in all three Games. ", "In Game 1, Bdd took the MVP with his immaculate performance on Zoe, leading the damage chart with his pokes. ", "In Game 3, Khan was awarded the MVP on the surprise pick Kled, which he utilized to lead teamfights and secure Kingzone’s snowball towards the victory.", "\n\nAfter the match, OGN interviewed the two MVPs, Bdd and Khan.", "\n\nCongratulations on the win! ", "Bdd, you look a little unsatisfied by your performance on the last match, while Khan looks very smug. ", "Could you please introduce yourselves to the fans?", "\n\nBdd: I’m very happy to have beaten a powerful team…but I think I should go back to practising again.", "\n\nKhan: Hello, I’m Khan, who’ve just played the last game spectacularly well.", "\n\nBdd, you shouldn’t hang your head so low. ", "You’ve shown some amazing performance on Zoe on Game 1. ", "Then Kuro also played a good game on Zoe on Game 2. ", "Today, it looked like whichever team took Zoe played a favourable game.", "\n\nBdd: I was a little triggered when Kuro also took the MVP with Zoe in the second game. ", "However, I played well on Game 1 so I guess I don’t feel too bad overall.", "\n\nZoe’s damage is very difficult to predict. ", "How do you play Zoe and calculate damage so perfectly with her?", "\n\nBdd: When I first started playing her, it was also difficult for me to predict her damage output. ", "Nowadays, I’ve become used to it and I’ve become better at getting kills with her.", "\n\nKhan, you played Kled today. ", "In LPL, Kled has made an appearance to counter Akali in mid-lane. ", "Was your Kled pick inspired by other regions playing him? ", "Or have you been practising Kled by yourself?", "\n\nKhan: I have been practising on Kled. ", "In Solo Q, CuVee has been playing Kled a lot. ", "So I was inspired by him.", "\n\nIn a previous interview, you stated that you’ve never been bad at tank champions. ", "Today, you’ve played Ornn for the first time and you currently sit at 0% winrate with him.", "\n\nKhan: I don’t think I played him too bad. ", "Don’t think my Ornn itself had any problems. (", "Laughs)\n\nKhan, now you’ve gone against the other two top-laners of LCK, Kiin and CuVee. ", "Who would you say is the best top-laner in LCK at the moment?", "\n\nKhan: Which teams are 1st place in the LCK rankings at the moment? ", "Gen.G and Griffin…So we have to say that the players for these teams, at the moment, are the best players. ", "There’s still a lot of time left until the end of the season. ", "Whoever comes first at the end of the split will naturally be the best top-laner.", "\n\nKhan, you’ve really become “softer” these days.", "\n\nBdd: I do think he’s softened these days, both on camera and off camera.", "\n\nKhan: I haven’t softened, I’ve just mellowed as a person. ", "The moment that I reach the 1st place again…I’ll let the sentence finish on its own.", "\n\nIn all 3 games, the tide of the game seems to be decided on how well the team’s bot-lane is doing.", "\n\nKhan: I think every team is trying to adjust to these new changes, especially in the bot-lane. ", "Once the changes have been fully researched on and enough practices have been carried out, I think PraY and GorillA will dominate once again. ", "If you just look at pure skills, I think our bot lane is still the best in LCK.", "\n\nKhan, these days your opponent teams pick Jayce against you. ", "Possibly to prevent you from picking Jayce yourself. ", "How does it feel to lane against Jayce?", "\n\nKhan: During the lane phase I’d be thinking – “Ah, it’s what it feels like to be at the receiving end of Jayce’s pokes.” ", "It does hurt. ", "I was a little bittersweet to lane against Jayce.", "\n\nDue to unexpected difficulties we had a few in-game pauses today. ", "The time of the games really got pushed back. ", "Do you have a word to your fans, who’ve remained to watch the match until the end despite all the pauses and delays?", "\n\nBdd: First of all, our form is improving again, so thank you to fans who’ve been cheering us all along. ", "Also – I was talking to Madlife yesterday. ", "Madlife wished me well, and I think I’ve played well today because of that. ", "Madlife-hyung, I love you.", "\n\nDo you also have a word for PraY? ", "Tomorrow, he would be celebrating having played 6 years in LCK.", "\n\nBdd: Well, PraY-hyung already knows I love him, so I won’t say anything." ]
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[ "Anomalous Hall conductivity from the dipole mode of spin-orbit-coupled cold-atom systems.", "\nMotivated by recent experiments by Lin et al., [", "Nature (London) 471, 83 (2011)] that engineered spin-orbit coupling in ultracold mixtures of bosonic atoms, we study the dipole oscillation of trapped spin-orbit-coupled noncondensed Bose and Fermi gases. ", "We find that different directions of oscillation are coupled by the spin-orbit interactions. ", "The phase difference between oscillatory motion in orthogonal directions and the trapping frequencies of the modes are shown to be related to the anomalous Hall conductivity. ", "Our results can be used to experimentally determine the anomalous Hall conductivity for cold-atom systems." ]
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[ "Alban Berg\n\nWozzeck\n\nIntroduction at 6.50 pm\n\nGeorg Büchner’s drama “Woyzeck” (1836), which was found as a fragment in his papers posthumously, tells the story of a soldier who becomes the desperate murderer of his lover. “", "Morality: that’s when you have morals,” they try to explain to him, but Woyzeck responds: “Yes, if I was a gent and could talk posh, then I’d be virtuous all right.” ", "Peter Konwitschny’s new production of Alban Berg’s masterwork (1925) was celebrated by audience and critics alike in the autumn of 1998. ", "Konwitschny created an intense chamber drama in which the spiritual deformation of the figures weighs more than the issue of their possessions. ", "A theatrical event.", "\n\nScene I: Wozzeck is shaving the Captain, who mocks him because of his stupidity and philosophizes on his conformity and on the fact that he has an illegitimate child. ", "Wozzeck’s answer is that he is too poor to be able to afford conventional morality. – ", "Scene II: Wozzeck and his comrade Andres are cutting sticks for the Major. ", "In the glow of the setting sun Wozzeck is overcome by weird fantasies. – ", "Scene III: A military band is marching by. ", "Marie admires the Drum-Major, who waves to her. ", "Margret, a neighbour, maliciously comments on her bad name. ", "Marie sings her young child to sleep. ", "Wozzeck arrives and tells her of his strange visions. – ", "Scene IV: Wozzeck is with the Doctor, for whom he is an interesting „case“. ", "The Doctor laughingly describes Wozzeck’s vision as a mania. ", "For a suitable sum of money Wozzeck agrees to submit to an experimental diet. – ", "Scene V: Marie is standing in front of her door. ", "After some hesitation she takes the Drum-Major into her house.", "\n\nAct II\n\nScene VI: Marie is admiring her new ear-rings in a piece of broken mirror. ", "Wozzeck enters. ", "He guesses from where the ear-rings have come, gives Marie his earnings and leaves. – ", "Scene VII: The captain and the Doctor meet in the street. ", "Wozzeck hurries by. ", "They torment him about the Drum-Major and he flees in despair. – ", "Scene VIII: Wozzeck discovers Marie’s unfaithfulness. – ", "Scene IX: Soldiers and young men and women are dancing. ", "Wozzeck sees Marie dancing with the Drum-Major. ", "A Fool approaches him: „I smell blood.“ ", "Wozzeck: „Blood! ", "Everything I see is red.“ – ", "Scene X: Wozzeck’s barrack room. ", "The picture of the Drum-Major and Marie dances before his eyes. ", "The drunken Drum-Major enters and boasts of his success with Marie. ", "A fight takes place between the Drum-Major and Wozzeck in which Wozzeck is beaten.", "\n\nAct III\n\nScene XI: Marie is quietly reading the Bible. – ", "Scene XII: Marie and Wozzeck are beside a pond at dusk. ", "Marie wishes to leave but Wozzeck persuades her to sit down. ", "He takes out a knife and stabs her. – ", "Scene XIII: Wozzeck is drinking in a tavern. ", "He is seen to have bloodstains on him. ", "He hurries away to the scene of the crime. – ", "Scene XIV: Wozzeck searches for the knife and throws it into the pond. ", "He wades in himself in an effort to wash the blood from him and drowns in the process. ", "The Captain and the Doctor appear, and hearing an eerie sound, they hurry away. – ", "Scene XV: Children are playing in front of Marie’s house. ", "Other children announce that Marie has been found murdered. ", "They all run off to see for themselves. ", "Marie’s son continues playing, unconcerned. ", "Eventually he follows the others, riding upon his little hobby-horse." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to display a moodle site inside iframe?", "\n\nI am trying to integrate moodle with my own PHP application. ", "Is it possible to display a moodle site within a iframe?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn your Site administration, check out the config variable \"allowframembedding\". ", "It is in Site administration > Security > HTTP security.", "\nBy default \"Allow frame embedding\" is set to \"No\", just click on the checkbox to enable Moodle to be embedded in an iframe.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Nacreous pigments exhibit pearl-like and/or iridescent effects upon the transmission and reflection of light therethrough. ", "As is well known in the art, the characteristics of such pigments depends upon optical interference phenomena as more fully described, for example, in \"The Properties of Nacreous Pigments\", Greenstein and Miller, Technical Papers, Vol. ", "XIII, Annual Technical Conference, Society of Plastic Engineers, May 1967.", "\nNacreous pigments are conventionally formulated for use in suspensions of light transmitting resinous media which can be applied by dipping or spraying operations to form plastic coatings or by extruding, molding, casting or like techniques to provide solid plastic articles incorporating such pigments. ", "Nacreous pigments so utilized should have indexes of refraction which differ from the suspending media because the pearly or nacreous effect displayed by such pigments depends upon the difference between the index of refraction of the oriented, plate-like pigment particles and the index of refraction of the medium in which they are dispersed.", "\nMica by itself is not a satisfactory nacreous pigment inasmuch as its average index of refraction is about 1.58 which is too close to the index of conventional transparent resinous media of about 1.5-1.59. ", "Excellent nacreous pigments may, however, be provided by the deposition of titanium dioxide or iron oxide coatings on mica flakes.", "\nLinton U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,087,828 describes the preparation of 20-250.mu. ", "titanium dioxide coated mica nacreous pigments which optionally can be topped with a layer of iron oxide, the latter layer amounting to 0.5 to 20 weight percent of the titanium dioxide. ", "The amount of Fe.sub.2 O.sub.3 is thus 4.9-16.7% (or calculated as Fe is 3.4-11.7%) of the total weight of the two oxides. ", "The patent indicates that the titanium dioxide layer is at least 10 weight percent of the pigment and indicates that 10 weight percent is equivalent to about 50 mg TiO.sub.2 /m.sup.2 mica or a TiO.sub.2 geometric thickness of about 30 m.mu..\nLinton U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,087,829 describes a pigment made by depositing hydrated iron oxide on mica and the coating is then dehydrated and crystallized by means of heat resulting in an iron oxide coated mica pigment. ", "The iron oxide constitutes 10 to 40 weight percent of the pigment.", "\nBrand, et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,711,308 teaches a coated mica pigment in which a first coat contains titanium or zirconium oxide mixed with iron oxide and a second layer of only the titanium or zirconium oxides which is about twice as thick as the first coating. ", "Bernhard, et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,874,890 teaches a TiO.sub.2 coated mica pigment which is top coated with iron oxide in an amount up to 20 percent of the final pigment. ", "The TiO.sub.2 coating is about 100-300 mg TiO.sub.2 /m.sup.2 of mica surface which, based on Linton's teachings, means that the geometric thickness of the titanium layer is about 60 m.mu..\nBernhard, et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,926,659 teaches that in a mica/TiO.sub.2 or ZrO.sub.2 /Fe.sub.2 O.sub.3 pigment, the TiO.sub.2 or ZrO.sub.2 interlayer can be reduced to as little as 5 mg/m.sup.2 if the iron is initially deposited as a single form of iron (III) oxide hydroxide, viz., ", "only one of .alpha., ", ".beta. ", "or .gamma.-FeOOH or magnetite.", "\nArmanini, et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,146,403 describes iron oxide-coated mica nacreous pigments which are improved by interposing a thin layer of titanium dioxide or aluminum oxide between the iron oxide and the mica. ", "Dark colors and a very good adhesion of the iron oxide layer are obtained.", "\nPearlescent or nacreous pigments are frequently evaluated by examining or measuring reflectance by means of conventional drawdowns on a hiding power chart. ", "For instance, drawdowns are prepared from a suspension containing 3% pigment in a nitrocellulose lacquer as described, inter alia, in the aforementioned Armanini, et al. ", "patent.", "\nThe pearlescent pigments are conventionally used to color various materials. ", "They can be incorporated, for instance, in plastics or coated on a substrate using conventional techniques. ", "In such applications, the pearlescent plastics exhibit a constant pearlescent effect. ", "It has now been surprisingly discovered that certain pearlescent pigments exhibit a unique effect when coated on a color card, a metallic substrate or incorporated into a plastic chip. ", "More particularly, these pigments exhibit unique \"color travel\", i.e., the apparent color changes as the angle of viewing changes." ]
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[ 0.0008194349356926978, 0.0005835022893734276, 0.0006020884029567242, 0.0006418977282010019, 0.0006842880975455046, 0.000893991906195879, 0.0006556978914886713, 0.0013396000722423196, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0007709298515692353, 0.0007894555456005037, 0.0011577631812542677, 0.0007234569056890905, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0007299869903363287, 0.0007191271288320422, 0.0006805909797549248, 0.001088482327759266, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0007226514280773699, 0.0006840526475571096, 0.001088482327759266, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0007702446891926229, 0.0006997758755460382, 0.001088482327759266, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0008932770579122007, 0.0008459431119263172, 0.0012430399656295776, 0.004730265587568283, 0.0007678570691496134, 0.001088482327759266, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0007042122888378799, 0.0005894110072404146, 0.0007327305502258241, 0.000645936990622431, 0.0007568614673800766, 0.0007659398252144456, 0.0005587250925600529, 0.0007071434520184994, 0.0005824168911203742, 0.0005995204555802047 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to colored pigment compositions of high refractive index and hue intensity and physical properties, and aims generally to improve the same and provide novel processes for the production thereof.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nIn the prior art it has been well known to produce the so-called \"Laked\" or \"Extended\" pigment colors, usually by precipitation of a water soluble organic dye or pigment color base onto an inert and inherently colorless or white substrate material to either impart useful pigmentary properties to an otherwise unsuitable organic or inorganic color material or to give improved physical properties to an already useful color. ", "Such treatments and combinations thereof included the enclosing or encapsulation of inorganic color material such as the lead chromate yellows with a siliceous envelope or encapsulation, to inhibit or reduce their toxicological properties, and also includes the laking of azo and related organic pigments on such insoluble substrate material as alumina, blanc fixe and similar compositions.", "\nAll these earlier methods simply dilute the color portion of the resulting pigment composition and essentially provide a wet or dry dispersion of the color pigment or chromogen containing part, intimately admixed with the inert or extender portion of the composition.", "\nSuch \"Laked\" or \"Extended\" colors are usually considerably duller and much weaker tinctorially than the original chromogen containing constituent, and furthermore are not infrequently themselves easily disunited into the separate components of said composition. ", "This is especially true concerning the use of mixtures of organic color pigments where two or more are combined together to produce a shade different from either alone." ]
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[ 0.0009393597138114274, 0.0005594991962425411, 0.0011863111285492778, 0.0005730578559450805, 0.0006865609320811927, 0.000675087736453861, 0.0009971257532015443, 0.0005878561059944332 ]
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[ 0.0008972517680376768, 0.0012429854832589626, 0.9394146203994751 ]
[ "Cellular dynamics of corneal wound re-epithelialization in the rat. ", "I. Fate of ocular surface epithelial cells synthesizing DNA prior to wounding.", "\nThe fate of ocular surface epithelial cells in response to injury of the cornea was examined. ", "Corneal epithelial cells were labeled during DNA synthesis with [3H]thymidine 1 h prior to wounding. ", "A 3-mm diameter epithelial defect was made in the center of the rat cornea, with the basement membrane remaining intact. ", "Within 12 h of abrasion, labeled cells were detected in the regenerating surface. ", "At 18 h, there was a 2.7- and 17-fold increase of labeled basal and suprabasal cells, respectively, in the epithelium adjacent to the wound, and at 24 and 30 h there was an excessive number of cell layers (up to 7) at the margin of the abrasion. ", "Re-epithelialization progressed as a gradient of cell layers that became diminished towards the center of the wound. ", "Completion of layers 1, 2, 3, and 4 were recorded at 24, 30, 36, and 72 h, respectively. ", "No changes in the labeling index of the limbus or conjunctiva were noted. ", "These results suggest that processes of centripetal and vertical migration, as well as events related to cell division, in the uninjured corneal surface are not impeded by wounding of the corneal epithelium. ", "However, wound healing appears to require cells with a basal phenotype, presumably because of this cell type's migratory capability." ]
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[ 0.009124391712248325, 0.0007574340561404824, 0.0008492920896969736, 0.0007113483152352273, 0.0022385057527571917, 0.0007872356218285859, 0.0009509397787041962, 0.0006224885582923889, 0.0006146740633994341, 0.0013899767072871327, 0.0007114954059943557, 0.0006077474099583924 ]
[ "Efficient visual information sampling develops late in childhood.", "\nIt is often unclear which course of action gives the best outcome. ", "We can reduce this uncertainty by gathering more information, but gathering information always comes at a cost. ", "For example, a sports player waiting too long to judge a ball's trajectory will run out of time to intercept it. ", "Efficient samplers must therefore optimize a trade-off: when the costs of collecting further information exceed the expected benefits, they should stop sampling and start acting. ", "In visually guided tasks, adults can make these trade-offs efficiently, correctly balancing any reductions in visuomotor uncertainty against cost factors associated with increased sampling. ", "To investigate how this ability develops during childhood, we tested 6- to 11-year-olds, adolescents, and adults on a visual localization task in which the costs and benefits of sampling were formalized in a quantitative framework. ", "This allowed us to compare participants to each other and to an ideal observer who maximizes expected reward. ", "Visual sampling became substantially more efficient between 6 and 11 years, converging onto adult performance in adolescence. ", "Younger children systematically undersampled information relative to the ideal observer and varied their sampling strategy more. ", "Further analyses suggested that young children used a suboptimal decision rule that insufficiently accounted for the chance of task failure, in line with a late developing ability to compute with probabilities and costs. ", "We therefore propose that late development of efficient information sampling, a crucial element of real-world decision-making under risk, may form an important component of suboptimality in child perception, action, and decision-making. (", "PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved)." ]
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[ 0.0006017464329488575, 0.0005528524634428322, 0.0006433436647057533, 0.0007459166226908565, 0.0005887697916477919, 0.0006381180137395859, 0.0006155112059786916, 0.000533998419996351, 0.000616560981143266, 0.0006132482667453587, 0.0007075893809087574, 0.0005788258276879787, 0.0006115891737863421 ]
[ "Background:\n\nBefore you Explore Ambervale:\n\nFictional Background:\n\nCredit Where Credit is Due:\n\nAmbervale is a project that I began in the summer of 2014 while serving as a Soldier in Afghanistan. ", "Fundamentally, it's an endeavor that allowed me to enjoy two great hobbies: playing Minecraft and world building. ", "On a deeper level, however, this project was a way for me to escape the high operational tempo, boredom and stress of life in a combat zone.", "I shared a few images of my progress on Reddit and, to my surprise, Ambervale was very well received. ", "The overwhelmingly-positive response inspired me to continue building even after I returned home. ", "While I'll be the first to admit that I am not the strongest builder architecturally, I've developed a fair reputation for developing atmosphere and environment.", "Initially I had no plans to release Ambervale unfinished, but two realizations compelled me to have a change of heart:1.) ", "I may never personally be satisfied with calling this project “finished.", "”2.) ", "If I can enjoy this unfinished project so much, why wouldn't others be able to do the same?I am eager to give people the opportunity to get into the world and explore. ", "I’m also curious to see how people may continue building in ways that make Ambervale better than I could have ever imagined. ", "Of course, I will continue with my own progress as well.", "Enjoy!This project was built with one texture pack exclusively in mind – “Conquest” by Monsterfish. ", "From the very first block, this is the texture pack I have used and I honestly have no idea what the project would look like using any other pack, to include vanilla. ", "I also highly recommend that you install “optifine,” which will enable Conquest’s connected textures and fog settings. ", "I adjust the atmospheric fog settings to the lowest distance. ", "The results are absolutely gorgeous. ", "If you’re going to play in my world, you should experience it as it was designed to be experienced.", "The village of Ambervale rests quietly long the banks of the river Scarlett in the sovereign summer lands of Adelysia. ", "Tucked away in a sequestered corner of the realm, Ambervale has enjoyed peace and prosperity for more than 600 years. ", "The ruins of a large stone stronghold silently decay in the forest west of the village. ", "Now covered in moss and vegetation, the stronghold whispers of an ancient time when Adelysia’s old friends were once bitter enemies. ", "Today, townsfolk work hard on their fertile lands and relax when the sun begins to cast its golden rays upon the surrounding fields.", "If you seek excitement and adventure, then you are advised to look elsewhere. ", "But if it is tranquil beauty you are after, then look no further.", "I would like to acknowledge jortgutter, whose castle ruins have a near facsimile residing in the woods outside of Ambervale. ", "While I did build the Ambervale stronghold brick by brick, completely from scratch, the design is based off of jortgutter’s outstanding work. ", "Thank you.", "I would also extend a huge acknowledgement to lentebriesje’s custom trees. ", "I based my trees off of so many of his designs and without them as a foundation, I would have never been inspired to build Ambervale in the first place.", "When designing the homes of Ambervale, I had a “Tudor” style in mind. ", "A google search inspired with several images that I used as reference when building some of the homes in my villiage. ", "If you see a house that looks familiar, it could be that I built my home by looking off of a picture of yours. ", "I will happily give you credit you demonstrate that this is the case." ]
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[ "what kind of death does he associate with the pit?", "\n\nAnswers\n1\n\nThe Pit is like a giant whole with water at the bottom in the center of the cell. ", "This symbolizing a drop to an abyss or hell. ", "We really don't know what is at the bottom. ", "We just know the narrator is terrified of it. ", "THere is also the razor sharp pendulum which descends above him." ]
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[ "Carly\n\nAh! ", "what can I say Carly is a lovely MILF with a great set of tits who loves to suck dick and get fucked the hard way. ", "She answered an ad in a local paper and showed up to the house with a very skimpy outfit on. ", "She loved to tease my Don and I with her great bodily assets. ", "First she starts of by undressing and playing with her tits. ", "Then she pull off Don's pants and sucks him off. ", "Finally she gets fucked all over the couch and ends it of with a cum shot on her face.", "ENJOY!!!" ]
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[ "S'mores Pie\n\nRegular price\n$42.00\n\nOne of the most popular items at our shop, this pie is beloved by even the most ardent “I’m not really a chocolate person” people.", "Every element is made from scratch, from the graham crackers for the crust, to the gooey chocolate custard, even the toasted marshmallow topping.", "\n\n10 InchesServes 8-10 Slices\n\nPreparationServe at room temperature. ", "If you would like to refresh your toasted marshmallow, stick the pie under the broiler in your oven for 2-3 minutes, or until it gets toasty brown. ", "Alternately, if you have a kitchen torch, go ahead and torch the top until dark brown and it smells like a campfire.", "\n\nStorage/Shelf LifeIf you are not eating your pie immediately, store either in the fridge or freezer, wrapped in plastic wrap. ", "Your pie will keep in the fridge for up to one week, or in the freezer for up to two months." ]
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[ "[Effects of artificial atmospheric ionization on thyroid gland in albino rat (author's transl)].", "\nArtificial atmospheric ionization acts on rat thyroid gland, but results are depending on treatment polarity: After negative aero-ionization, thyroid gland shows signs of high activity (increased area of follicular epithelium, increased volume of epithelial cell nucleus, and resorption of follicular colloidal material). ", "On the contrary, after positive aero-ionization, hypothyroidism symptoms may be observed, however these signs are less distinct and less homogeneous than signs of activity reported after negative treatment. ", "The simultaneous modifications of serotonemia would be able to partially explain these results." ]
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[ "Use of gratings for line narrowing of lasers is well known. ", "See, for example, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "5,095,492 and 5,852,627. ", "Typically, a line narrowing unit consists of a grating and a beam expander. ", "Such prior art techniques are shown in FIG. ", "1A which is also FIG. ", "1 is U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,095,492 and FIG. ", "1B which is also FIG. ", "1 in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,852,627. ", "In these prior art embodiments, the laser is tuned by pivoting the pivot mirror as specifically shown in FIG. ", "1B to change the angle of illumination of the grating which in each of these cases is arranged in Littrow configuration. ", "The laser could also be tuned by pivoting the grating.", "\nAs explained in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,095,492 the wave front of the light illuminating the grating typically deviates from a flat front due to distortions produced by the various optical components of the laser. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,095,492 discloses a technique for bending the grating to make the lined surface increasingly curved to compensate for the curvature of the illuminating beam. ", "The bandwidth of the laser can be substantially reduced by proper adjustment of the curvature of the lined surface of the grating." ]
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[ "Test automation is the use of software to control the execution of tests, the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the setting up of test preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions. ", "An automation framework is not a single tool to perform some specific testing task, but a set of tools that provide support for automated software testing in a unified manner, thereby providing a common platform for an automation engineer to do a job. ", "If there is change to any test case for an application that is being tested, only the test case file needs to be updated, such that the driver script and startup script remain the same. ", "The automation framework integrates the function libraries, test data sources, object details and various reusable modules. ", "The automation framework is responsible for defining the format in which to express expectations, creating a mechanism to drive the application being tested, executing the tests, and reporting the results. ", "Typically an automation framework resides on a host computer and includes a test initializer, a script parser, a script execution engine, and a logger that logs and reports the test results. ", "Since many automation frameworks offer relatively limited test coverage, some real time environments are not adequately simulated, such that some regression tests may be missed, which may cause issues when a tested application is executed in the field." ]
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[ 0.0006204779492691159, 0.0006069376249797642, 0.0005737328319810331, 0.000582930282689631, 0.0005436274223029613, 0.0006274597835727036, 0.0005661437753587961 ]
[ "Pages\n\nWednesday, 17 April 2013\n\nLet's go travelling\n\nThere is a wonderful collection of tools for the traveller available online. ", "Here are some of the multipurpose and specialist sites for planning and organising your travel. ", "Find out how to make your own free travel guide to access offline throughout your trip. ", "Learn about apps for a wide range of mobile devices designed to enhance your travel and for managing your data and photos while travelling. ", "View a range of methods for preserving the memories upon your return home.", "\nThis presentation was prepared for a Friends of Noosa Library event held on 17th April in the Noosa branch of the Sunshine Coast Libraries." ]
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[ "The Boardroom: What New Directors Need to Learn Before the First Meeting\n\nBy Beverly Behan -- Once you've accepted a board invitation, the company will organize your orientation program. ", "The savviest directors make sure they're learning what they really need to know before they enter the boardroom and frequently make specific requests for information, meetings, and visits to supplement whatever the company has planned. ", "Here are some areas you'll want to think about. ", "Read full article below." ]
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[ "Image caption Atomhawk Design is displaying its work as part of the Great Exhibition of the North\n\nWith Avengers: Infinity War having taken $2bn (£1.5bn) at the box office, Marvel's superhero films continue to dominate the cinema landscape. ", "But just how do the comic book characters make the transition to the big screen?", "\n\nIt is now 10 years since Iron Man rocketed his way into cinemas, with Robert Downey Jr's quick-witted charm winning over audiences across the globe.", "\n\nAnd from the afro-futurist Wakanda to the gleaming Asgard and nightmarish Dark Dimension, advances in computer-generated effects and the studio's blockbuster budgets have enabled filmmakers to push the envelope ever more.", "\n\nBut while the fantastical deeds of its costumed crusaders continue to thrill, the Marvel Cinematic Universe owes much of its success to the teams of unsung stars who never appear on screen.", "\n\nFor long before the films are released to sold-out showings amid a media frenzy, concept artists spend months painstakingly creating and honing the look and feel of each instalment.", "\n\n\"It's totally critical [to the end product],\" says Ron Ashtiani, director of Atomhawk Design, which counts Thor: The Dark World, Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers: Age of Ultron among its portfolio.", "\n\n\"It's a huge amount of pressure, but also really rewarding.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Atomhawk/Marvel Image caption The Leviathan Chamber was among Atomhawk's designs for Avengers: Age of Ultron\n\nThe studio, based in Gateshead in north-east England, is displaying examples of its work as part of the Great Exhibition of the North .", "\n\nAtomhawk was enlisted by Marvel after impressing with its videogame design work.", "\n\nThat area of expertise, Ashtiani believes, lent itself well to the vision Marvel had for its films.", "\n\nWorking digitally with illustration software, its team of artists design and refine the appearance of characters, props and environments - often dozens of times over.", "\n\nFrom initial sketches through to detailed scene shots, no stone is left unturned.", "\n\n\"Every project we work on, we do a significant amount of reference-gathering,\" Ashtiani reveals.", "\n\n\"We explore real-world reference points and fiction.", "\n\n\"You've got to be careful not to create something that's been done before. ", "You can get easily influenced by things you've seen.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Atomhawk/Marvel Image caption Thor: The Dark World saw Norse mythology combined with futuristic ideas\n\nTasked with adding \"an extra layer of believability\" to the second Thor adventure, the team dived deep into Norse mythology and created the Asgardian skiff by combining a Viking longboat with futuristic-looking technology and materials.", "\n\nIt would be the first Guardians of the Galaxy instalment, though, that provided the company with its biggest opportunity to stamp its authority on a film's final look.", "\n\nThe comics, Ashtiani says, had \"always been a bit niche\", without a settled visual identity.", "\n\n\"It was a new imagining of IP [intellectual property] for Marvel.", "\n\n\"We looked at pulp movies like Barbarella and Forbidden Planet - a lot of very colourful and comic sci-fi, as they wanted to take that kind of feeling and mix it with a modern sci-fi look.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Atomhawk/Marvel Image caption The Boot of Jemiah bar would feature prominently in Guardians of the Galaxy\n\nAs drawn up by Atomhawk, the hero crew's Milano spaceship as well as the Kyln interstellar prison and Knowhere - the floating giant skull of a celestial being - all took starring roles.", "\n\nFar from a simple process, \"upwards of 50 versions\" of the spaceship were designed.", "\n\nThe 18 months of hard work ultimately paid off, though. \"", "About 25%\" of the firm's ideas ended up on screen, having been realised by the film's visual effects teams.", "\n\nDirector James Gunn was so impressed he later tweeted his approval, saying Atomhawk's efforts had helped inspire a key scene between the villainous Thanos and Ronan.", "\n\nSorry, this Twitter post is currently unavailable.", "\n\nWhile directors and production staff will no doubt have one eye on a film's overall budget, concept artists are free to \"dream big and think of any option possible,\" says Martin Macrae, head of art at Oscar-winning visual effects company Framestore.", "\n\nHeadquartered in London and with offices worldwide, it has also worked on a number of Marvel projects including both Guardians films, Doctor Strange and Avengers: Infinity War.", "\n\n\"Budgets can cramp the creativity. ", "If we can give examples of what something 'could' look like then the design can be adjusted to fit budgets,\" he says.", "\n\n\"Because our process is so early on in the production, it is a natural evolution to have images and designs change.", "\n\n\"We can design a character, but if it moves through to the animation team and its body can't move how the client wants, then adjustments will be needed.", "\n\n\"There are always times a design doesn't make it into the film - it is the nature of the beast. ", "We had some fun designs for a character in Thor: Ragnarok, but due to the budgets and timescales they were not carried through to the final cut.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Framestore/Marvel Image caption Framestore's concept artists worked on designing Knowhere, from Guardians of the Galaxy\n\nFor the digital effects experts at Framestore who translate those creations into on-screen action, having a clear set of designs to work from is vital.", "\n\n\"It's key to have concept art approved by the director and/or the client VFX [visual effects] supervisor before we start,\" says Alexis Wajsbrot, the firm's VFX supervisor.", "\n\n\"Before starting to texture an asset or create a piece of VFX, we ask our art department to come up with ideas and we explore options with them.", "\n\n\"It's similar to how important it is to work on a storyboard before starting a physical shoot. ", "It is possible to do it without it, but you lose a lot of time and might not even end up with the best possible shot.", "\n\n\"But even with the latest technology it is still very hard to adapt a concept and make it photorealistic. ", "It's a lot easier to paint FX than to simulate it.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Atomhawk/Marvel Image caption The Guardians would break out of the Kyln interstellar prison facility\n\nWhat, though, of those frequent amendments - do the redesigns create tensions within a team?", "\n\n\"You have to manage the crew's expectations and let them know that a character will evolve,\" Wajsbrot says. \"", "Nothing is locked in until the last month of delivery.", "\n\n\"That is our role as a creative partner - to be as efficient as possible in adapting to the requests of clients and for the crew to be aware some of the work we are achieving will need to be tailored or reshaped.", "\n\n\"It's part of the creative process - trial and error.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Mary Turner Image caption Ron Ashtiani says only the strongest ideas will make it on to the screen\n\nFor Atomhawk's Ashtiani, the process and its focus on detail mirror a change in society as a whole.", "\n\n\"These days people in general are way more in tune with design,\" he says.", "\n\n\"If you look at mobile phones and cars they're highly designed. ", "A car used to be a box with four wheels. ", "At best you would have a choice of colours.", "\n\n\"The industry we're in is quite Darwinian - it's survival of the best idea.\"" ]
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[ "400 Ethiopian refugees arrive in Sudan following ethnic clashes: official\n\nNovember 16, 2018 (KHARTOUM) - The Sudanese Commission of Refugees (SCR) said 400 Ethiopian refugees have arrived in the eastern state of Gedaref following ethnic clashes between Amhara and Tigray.", "\n\nSudan’s commissioner of refugees Hamad al-Gizouli said the Ethiopian refugees have entered Sudan through Gallabat and Metemma border crossing points between the two countries.", "\n\nHe expected that further influx of Ethiopian refugees would arrive in Sudan during the next days, saying among the 400 refugees there were 181 children and 100 women including pregnant and breastfeeding women.", "\n\nAl-Gizouli added they have agreed with the UNHCR and UNICEF to provide the Ethiopian refugees with ready-made meals and medical assistance.", "\n\nHe pointed out that the 400 refugees have expressed a desire to stay in Sudan and apply for asylum because they are afraid to return to Ethiopia for their own safety.", "\n\nIt is noteworthy that the Amhara region on the border with Sudan has witnessed violent clashes between Amhara and Tigray ethnicities since last week." ]
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[ "From 2009 to 2011 at The Dreamcast Junkyard, I hosted the Dreamroom – a SEGA Dreamcast marathon celebrating the console’s memorable American launch date. ", "Since 2011, however, the Dreamroom remained locked. ", "I knew I wanted to host another, but I was busy with work and my increasing duties at SEGAbits. ", "Not to mention, I didn’t think aiming a webcam at the TV cut it as a live stream anymore.", "\n\nThis year, however, I’m excited to announce that the Dreamroom is reopening on 9/9 at 9am ET at the SEGA Channel Retro Twitch channel for a special 9 hour marathon of Dreamcast games streaming directly from the console! ", "Yes, I’ve finally caught up with streaming technology.", "\n\nHope to see SEGAbits and DCJY readers new and old there as we celebrate 15 years of the SEGA Dreamcast!" ]
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[ "How to Market Like an Arrogant Bastard\n\nAmerica's love affair with craft beers was still in its infancy when Greg Koch and his partner, Steve Wagner, started Stone Brewing in 1996. ", "At that point, many Americans had never heard of craft beer, much less tasted it. ", "To make matters worse, the majority of people who tried Stone's strong brews found them unpalatable. \"", "It was too intense for them,\" says Koch, the CEO of the Escondido, California-based company.", "\n\nWith no money in the budget to spend on advertising and a public unfamiliar with the product, the company faced a hard road winning customers. ", "Rather than tone down their beer, Koch and Wagner amped up the attitude and created a brand that took pride in being outside the mainstream. ", "Stone found a following among craft-beer enthusiasts and is now the 10th-largest craft brewer. ", "Below, Koch shares his tips for building a $100 million business without spending a dime on advertising.", "\n\n1. ", "Attitude is everything. ", "Rather than try to downplay the public's early reaction to their beer, Koch and Wagner wore it as a badge of honor. ", "Besides giving one of their earliest brews the eyebrow-raising name Arrogant Bastard Ale, they proudly stated on the beer's label, This is an aggressive beer. ", "You probably won't like it. ", "The strategy created a deep loyalty among the drinkers who did like it. ", "Koch likens his branding philosophy to that of the heavy-metal group Metallica. \"", "Metallica never cared if you didn't like Metallica,\" he says.", "\n\n2. ", "Pick a fight. ", "Stone revels in its anti-corporate, iconoclastic image. \"", "We enjoy poking fun at sheeplike consumerism and taste,\" Koch says. ", "Part of that means throwing some playful barbs at the giants in the industry, such as Budweiser and Coors. ", "Stone's T-shirts and stickers carry the slogan: Fizzy yellow beer is for wussies. ", "And Koch himself frequently takes up the cause against mass-market brews. \"", "I'm picking a fight with mediocrity,\" he says. \"", "I'm picking a fight with the idea that beer is nothing more than the industrialized stuff of the TV commercials.\"", "\n\n3. ", "Don't fit in. ", "When Stone's brews first hit retail shelves, the company chose to sell its beer in what the industry calls bomber bottles--22-ounce containers that stand out against traditional 12-ounce bottles. ", "Koch says it was a good package size for people who might want to try the beer for the first time. ", "Selling single bottles also allowed Stone to give its beers a premium price, along with a higher profit margin. \"", "For a young brewery trying desperately to find its way to breakeven, it was a smart move for us,\" Koch says.", "\n\n4. ", "Ally with other outcasts. ", "From the beginning, Koch realized a rising tide would lift the whole nascent craft-brew industry. ", "In 1997, he co-founded the San Diego Brewers Guild, an organization created to promote and educate the public about locally brewed beers. ", "Today, San Diego boasts more than 80 craft brewers. \"", "We took a bit of a leadership position,\" Koch says. \"", "It fostered a competitive industry.\" ", "Stone also carries its competitors' beers as part of its distribution business and keeps them on tap at its two Southern California restaurants." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nComo tratar o erro 404 e 500 no vRaptor?", "\n\nJá vi tutorial do vraptor4 ensinando a colocar esse erro no web.xml, pra redirecionar, o seguinte código xml:\n<error-page>\n <error-code>404</error-code>\n <location>/404.jsp</location>\n</error-page>\n\nEu posso colocar esse código em qualquer local do web.xml que ele funciona normal? ", "Ou devo fazer algo mais, pois pelas apostilas do vraptor da Caelum não está muito claro essa parte.", "\n\nA:\n\nSe você estiver falando do error-page da especificação de Servlets, até a versão 2.5, dentro da tag web-app (a tag principal do arquivo web.xml que fica dentro de WEB-INF) existe a possibilidade de você ter uma ou mais tags error-page, ex:\n<!-- ", "não encontrado -->\n<error-page>\n <error-code>404</error-code>\n <location>/404.jsp</location>\n</error-page>\n\n<!-- ", "erro interno -->\n<error-page>\n <error-code>500</error-code>\n <location>/500.jsp</location>\n</error-page>\n\nSe for a partir do Servlet 3.0, você pode generalizar, fazendo:\n<!-- ", "qualquer erro -->\n<error-page>\n <location>/minhaPaginaDeErro.jsp</location>\n</error-page>\n\nAproveitando que estamos falando de paginas de erro, você pode ter acesso a objetos especiais (consegue até ver a stacktrace em caso de erro 500 por exemplo). ", "Para mais mais detalhes, veja este link.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "For a leading scientist, Rob Jackson has what may seem a strange remedy for the deeply polarized national debate on climate change: look past the science.", "\n\nGo to the web site to view the video.", "\n\nWorldview Stanford Stanford Earth scientist Rob Jackson urges Americans to find common ground on issues around climate change, health and employment.", "\n\nRather than focus on evidence of global warming’s harmful impacts, Americans would do better to explore how action on the issue can improve areas of shared values, such as job creation, health and safety, according to Jackson, the Michelle and Kevin Douglas Provostial Professor at Stanford’s School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences. ", "He recently published his unusual argument in Scientific American.", "\n\nJackson spoke with Stanford Report about how and why the shift makes sense. ", "He also delivered a related lecture at Stanford in January.", "\n\nCan you give an example of what you mean by turning the climate conversation away from science?", "\n\nWe need to relate to people’s daily lives. ", "People care more about improving human health than reducing greenhouse gas emissions. ", "If I say coal use in the United States dropped by 20 percent in the last two years, slashing carbon dioxide emissions and future climate change, many people would yawn. ", "If I say the same drop in coal use will save 3,000 American lives this year by reducing air pollution, people notice. ", "Both things are true.", "\n\nIs there an example from your own work of how framing the climate conversation around more relatable issues has led to action?", "\n\nWhen you walk down a street and smell a natural gas leak, you are thinking about safety, not climate. ", "Our mapping of street leaks showed cities that replaced all of their century-old cast-iron and unprotected steel pipes had a tenth the leaks of other cities. ", "Based in part on our work, Massachusetts passed an accelerated pipeline replacement program a few years ago. ", "Costing households only a dollar a month, it will reduce leaks and greenhouse gas emissions and make the system safer from the risks of fire and explosion.", "\n\nWhat are some pending environmental decisions in which the conversation fails to account properly for the kinds of shared values you describe?", "\n\nWorkers at a solar station attach the robot that cleans the panels. ", "Jobs like these are increasing rapidly as the nation moves to sustainable energy sources. (", "Image credit: L.A. Cicero)\n\nThe administration’s threat to cut fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks is a great example because – although it is often discussed in terms of climate change – it also impacts finance, health and security. ", "Consumer Reports estimates people will save about $4,500 over the life of their car once the standards are fully implemented. ", "Half of Americans live in towns and cities that don’t meet air quality standards, caused in part by ozone and particulate pollution from cars and trucks. ", "We’re still importing 3 millions barrels of oil a day from OPEC countries.", "\n\nAnother example is the threat to the “Clean Waters Rule,” which protects smaller streams and rivers from toxic pollution. ", "It’s important because, just like our blood vessels, smaller streams connect to larger ones. ", "Who would say we don’t need to worry about a toxin that enters the capillaries in our fingertips? ", "Farmers and businesses have legitimate concerns about the rule, but its benefits for clean drinking water are clear.", "\n\nIn a bifurcated news world, people form stereotypes about issues depending on where they get their news. ", "How do we sidestep those pre-existing stereotypes when talking about climate issues?", "\n\nWe can cut through stereotypes by discussing what people value. ", "Jobs are a good example. ", "In the electricity sector, there are 475,000 people working in the solar and wind industries, three times more than in coal and natural gas combined. ", "Solar and wind power created an astonishing 100,000 new jobs last year. ", "We’re gaining green jobs much faster than we’re losing jobs in the coal sector.", "\n\nMore than 2 million Americans work in fields related to energy efficiency, a sector that created 133,000 jobs last year. ", "Green energy and technologies don’t just help our climate. ", "They put people to work. ", "That’s a story that crosses news worlds.", "\n\nHow did we get to the current political climate in which addressing climate change is seen by many people as unimportant or even burdensome?", "\n\nMoney has poured in to discredit the benefits of environmental progress. ", "Part of the blame goes to lobbyists and to industry. ", "Scientists share some blame, too, though. ", "When we document the effects of environmental harm (or progress), we forget that reporting a change doesn’t necessarily prompt society to act on it. ", "Scientists need to learn to talk about their discoveries in ways that resonate with what people care about and help society know how to take action. ", "Other priorities may soak up the limited funds available for society to fix the problem.", "\n\nDespite the challenges you describe in communicating about climate change and advocating for action, is there any good news to report?", "\n\nThere is. ", "Carbon dioxide emissions in the United States have been dropping slowly but steadily for a decade because of greater energy efficiency and a switch from coal power to natural gas, wind and solar.", "\n\nGlobally, we’re seeing the start of something new: a decoupling of economic growth from fossil fuels. ", "Previously the only time we’d seen carbon dioxide emissions stabilize or fall was when the global economy shrank, such as during the financial crisis of 2008 or the breakup of the Soviet Union. ", "Based on our research at the Global Carbon Project, carbon dioxide emissions have been flat for the past three years while the global economy is still growing. ", "We’re starting to decarbonize the global economy.", "\n\nJackson is chair of the Stanford Department of Earth System Science and a senior fellow with the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and the Precourt Institute for Energy. ", "He also chairs the Global Carbon Project." ]
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[ "There's a furor going on in the feminist blogsphere. ", "The issue is complicated, but what follows is an attempt to give a general gist of what's gone down: On March 29 in Cambridge, the blogger known as Brownfemipower (BFP) spoke at WAM (Women, Action & the Media conference). ", "Apparently, Brownfemipower (who has been called \"one of the most important feminist bloggers in the history of the web\") spoke about the racism and sexism faced by immigrant women in the US in our current \"build a wall\" climate. ", "On April 2, writer Amanda Marcotte published an article on RH Reality Check called \"Can A Person Be Illegal?\" (", "It was republished a few days later on Alternet.) ", "The jumping off point was a New York Times article about a 22-year-old immigrant from Colombia whose immigration agent used the threat of deportation to rape her. (", "The woman recorded the assault on her cell phone and the guy was busted.) ", "Marcotte's article made many of the same points BFP made in her speech (the text of which she posted on her blog immediately after the conference.) ", "BFP was not credited or linked to; Amanda Marcotte maintains that though she reads BFP's blog, she did not \"steal\" her ideas from BFP. ", "In fact, Marcotte replied to a post on Feministe thusly:\n\n\"Considering the severity of the accusations leveled at me—plagiarism is not a minor thing to accuse someone of—my right to defend myself with the much-maligned facts shouldn't be a matter of question, regardless of race. ", "I'm extremely eager to address racism, but I won't be made a scapegoat who has to roll over to scurrilous accusations to make anyone feel better. ", "If you have to unfairly malign someone's reputation to make your point, then you have to reconsider if you have a point. ", "Maligning people's reputations—making up lies and then spreading them around and saying, \"Well, where there's smoke, there's fire\" is a right wing strategy. ", "I am deeply disturbed to see it picked up by people who ostensibly on the side of the angels.\"", "\n\nSome WOC (women of color) bloggers maintain that BFP's views were marginalized because she is not white; Marcotte is white, gets and has a book deal. ", "The book in question? ", "It's a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments. ", "Which, to make matters worse, is illustrated with retro comics picturing a blonde, white woman wearing animal print. ", "Writes Holly from Feministe: \"You know, the jungle. ", "Where the savage brown people and ferocious animals are defeated by heroic white folks.\" ", "She continues:\n\n\"The saddest thing about these images is that they have practically nothing to do with the content of the book, as far as I can tell. ", "They're a riff on the title; they're part of the marketing. ", "But what they end up doing is making a disturbing commentary, a damning exegesis that's surely not part of the real intent of the author or publisher but that can't help but bubble to the surface of our minds after recent events.\"", "\n\n\nIt is, as previously stated, complicated stuff. ", "There is a history of tension between white feminists and black women; some of it was covered in the Times article about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass, who worked together on abolition, but then had a bitter split over who should be first to get the right to vote — women or blacks. ", "The worst part is that BFP, tired of being attacked and forced to defend herself has taken down her blog. ", "She has a farewell post which reads, in part:\n\n\"I never said that it's important to recognize that I had the idea first. ", "I don't give a shit who came up with the idea first—even if it WAS me. ", "I don't give a shit who thought of what first. ", "I don't fucking want credit for anything outside of existing. (", "For those who care, what I really said: There's a lot of women of color (and men of color!) ", "who have talked about immigration. ", "There's a lot of women of color and men of color who have examined how sexualized violence has been the foremost result of the \"strengthening\" of borders. ", "There's been a lot of us who have insisted for a long time now that immigration is a feminist issue, goddamn it, get your head out of your ass.\"", "\n\n\nYou are encouraged to read all of this post (and all of the posts linked) for more on this issue, which simply cannot be summed up in the (admittedly infinite) space here. ", "But if you only glean one thing from all this, hopefully it is that we are living in a country — and an era — in which sexism and racism are not only alive but well, often in ways that may not immediately be obvious.", "\n\nUpdate: Feministing is reporting that Seal Press has issued an apology in reference to the images in 'It's A Jungle Out There.' \"", "We do not believe it is appropriate for a book about feminism, albeit a book of humor, to have any images or illustrations that are offensive to anyone.\" ", "They also plan to remove those images from Marcotte's book.", "\n\n\nSecond Update: Marcotte has now issued an apology.", "\n\nThis Has Not Been A Good Week For Woman Of Color Blogging [Feministe]\n\n\n\nCan A Person Be Illegal? [", "RH Reality Check]\n\n\n\nAbuse Fueled by Abusive Immigration Language [Alternet]\n\n\n\nTODAY: Amanda Marcotte at KGB Bar in Manhattan [Feministe]\n\n\n\nTaking Credit For Other Womens' Work Isn't Feminist. ", "It's Just Tacky. [", "Fetch Me My Axe]\n\n\n\nFeminists, too, Steal [A Woman's Ecdysis]\n\n\n\nIntellectual Theft Is Still Theft [High On Rebellion]\n\n\n\nIf It's \"Stealing,\" You'd Better Prove It: On Amanda Marcotte, BFP, And RH Reality Check [Hugo Schwyzer]\n\n\n\nBFP Final [Problem Chylde]\n\n\n\nSome Context [BFP]\n\n\n\nI Guess It's A Jungle In Here Too, Huh? [", "Feministe]\n\n\n\nRelated: Rights vs. Rights: An Improbable Collision Course [NY Times]" ]
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[ "I made tonight a memoryI can walk the miles and milesI left a shadow at her feetI can see her all aloneThe night itself a revelryI can dream this out for a whileI keep her lost in lock and keyCuz she's just my kind of style\n\n[Chorus:]She takes my hand and leads me inIt is not overShe sets the mood and so I beginAnd I walk overShe speaks the word to make me grinCan I please have her?We grab a hold to brace the endThis is where I am speaking of\n\nI made tonight a memoryYea you took me higher and higherYou make it hard for me to leaveBut I'm coming back to you\n\n[Chorus:]She takes my hand and leads me inIt is not overShe sets the mood and so I beginAnd I walk overShe speaks the word to make me grinCan I please have her?We grab a hold to brace the endThis is where I am speaking of\n\nI crawl my wayBack in your endTo hear you speakAnd dream againTo touch your lipsFrom deep withinA bit like love and heroinI cross the graveInvite the bendsCarry you outWhen the world endsAcross the waveIt lures you inYou're in my armsJust like the wind\n\nIt's not over, over, overIt's not over, over, over\n\n[Chorus:]She takes my hand and leads me inIt is not overShe sets the mood and so I beginAnd I walk overShe speaks the word to make me grinCan I please have her?We grab a hold to brace the endThis is where I am speaking of\n\n(X2)I crawl my wayBack in your endTo hear you speakAnd dream againTo touch your lipsFrom deep withinA bit like love and heroinI cross the graveInvite the bendsCarry you outWhen the world endsAcross the waveIt lures you inYou're in my armsJust like the wind" ]
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[ "Find out why Direct Energy has already earned the trust of more than four million home and business customers across the United States and Canada. ", "Although we're among the largest residential energy retailers in North America, our headquarters are in Texas, making us one of your friendly neighborhood electric companies. ", "We provide big-business know-how without giving up the dedication you'd expect from a hometown energy provider.", "\n\nFeel empowered to track, understand and manage the electricity you use with our simple tools. ", "Direct Energy is a resource you can rely on, with specially-designed offerings across North America.", "\n\nValid for new residential customers only. ", "Rates above reflect average usage of 2,000 kWh/month. ", "Please see the Electricity Facts Label for other pricing information.", "\n\nIf you didn't think there was a perfect energy plan for you, think again!", "\n\nThere's more to life than worrying about your electric plan! ", "In the Lone Star State, you could be spending your time enjoying a scenic walk at the nearby sculpture garden. ", "Lock in competitive electricity rates from Direct Energy today! ", "We offer excellent customer service and as your Kempner electric company, we're here to help power your home and make life easier! ", "During the hot and muggy Kempner summers, you shouldn't have to worry about your electricity bill. ", "At Direct Energy, we believe in providing customers with energy choice, so we offer many plans to meet the needs of your home and family. ", "We offer a wide variety of plans, from green energy to a fixed rate, which grants you a rate that will not change from one month to the next.", "\n\nHere is a list of our most in-demand electricity plans:\n\nGreen Texas 12: Support green energy with a fixed-rate electricity plan that fuels your home with 100% renewable energy for one year!", "\n\nLive Brighter 12: Plug in to our standard fixed-rate electricity plan for a year of savings, rewards and more!", "\n\nWeekends on Command 24: Enjoy free weekend electricity from Friday at 6 p.m. to Sunday at 11:59 p.m. and receive a Echo Dot when you sign up!1\n\nThe benefits that come with all of our plans extend beyond competitive electricity rates and exceptional customer service. ", "Once you've settled on your perfect plan, you can use our Online Account Manager to view your payment history, check out exclusive offers, and more. ", "You can even do it right from your computer or smartphone! ", "Get the most out of your dollar - check out our Learning Center to learn about energy in Texas. ", "While you're there, browse through some ways to decrease your energy use. ", "We provide the knowledge and tools to help you become more energy-savvy and save on your electricity bill.", "\n\nDirect Energy is not your standard electricity supplier.", "\n\nAre you on a mission to Live Brighter™? ", "Guess what! ", "We're committed to helping you do just that. ", "We supply our customers in the Oncor area with the resources and tools they need. ", "Direct Your Energy, a custom suite of energy usage insight tools, helps make sense of your charges and enables you to lower your overall usage. ", "The Predictive Weather Overlay is a unique planning tool. ", "It not only predicts upcoming temperatures, but mathematically estimates your future bill amount based on your historical usage measured against the predicted weather. ", "Based on upcoming conditions and predictions, you can proactively adjust your usage to potentially lower costs.", "\n\nWant to learn more about your energy use? ", "Head to our Learning Center to access the considerable resources that are at your disposal. ", "Direct Energy is committed to helping you understand and manage your energy use and care for your home. ", "A pressure cooker can help you save time and energy. ", "We have information on that and more!", "\n\nDon't settle for what's normal. ", "Choose an electricity company in your town that's dedicated to you and your home's needs. ", "Make Direct Energy your energy provider today and take control of your energy use and Texas electricity bills every month!", "\n\nSign up with Direct Energy and save.", "\n\nIf you've been researching TXU Energy, or other electricity providers such as Reliant Energy or Green Mountain Energy, look no further. ", "Whether you need new service or you're changing Kempner electricity providers, trust Direct Energy to make the process simple. ", "We have a plan for everyone, from the freedom of a connected home bundle to the stability of a fixed rate and everything in between. ", "Any plan can be managed in our easy-to-use Online Account Manager, where you can sign up for options like Auto Pay and Paperless Billing to make paying your bill even easier.", "\n\nThere are some things you can always count on, no matter which electricity plan you choose for your Kempner home - like fixed rates and great customer service! ", "We empower you to make smarter, more informed choices with our energy insights tool, Direct Your Energy. ", "Browse through our educational resources to increase your energy efficiency and save on your monthly bills. ", "Unlike some other electricity companies, we are committed to helping you spend less money on your electric bill. ", "Did you know that if you sign up for the Reduce Your Use Rewards program and reduce your energy consumption during peak events, you'll receive a 10% discount on your next bill? ", "We have everything you need to live smarter. ", "Get started with Direct Energy today.", "\n\n1Offer valid for new residential customers in Texas only. ", "Provisioned smart meter required. ", "Free power begins on Fridays at 6:00 PM and ends Sunday at 11:59 PM. ", "To utilize all features of the Echo Dot, you will need an 'always on' Wi-Fi internet service. ", "If you cancel your plan early there's a fee of $135. ", "You cannot return your Echo Dot to avoid the early cancellation fee. ", "Terms and Conditions apply. ", "All Amazon trademarks and copyrights are property of Amazon.com or its affiliates. ", "The Echo Dot is provided by Direct Energy, Amazon is not a sponsor of this energy plan offer.", "\n2Offer valid for new residential customers in Texas only. ", "To utilize all features of the Echo Dot, you will need an 'always on' Wi-Fi internet service. ", "If you cancel your plan early there's a fee of $135. ", "You cannot return your Echo Dot to avoid the early cancellation fee. ", "Terms and Conditions apply. ", "All Amazon trademarks and copyrights are property of Amazon.com or its affiliates. ", "The Echo Dot is provided by Direct Energy, Amazon is not a sponsor of this energy plan offer.", "\n3Flat bill rate applicable up to 2,000 kWh a month. ", "See your terms of service for more information.", "\n4Offer valid for new residential customers in Texas only. ", "Provisioned smart meter required. ", "Free power begins on Fridays at 6:00 PM and ends Sunday at 11:59 PM. ", "Terms and Conditions apply.", "\n5Green energy plans are supported 100% by Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) that are purchased and retired in an amount sufficient to match your annual consumption. ", "RECs are a tradeable, non-tangible energy commodity in the United States that represents proof that 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from an eligible renewable energy resource like biomass, hydro, solar or wind. ", "Please see your Terms of Service for more information.", "\n\nPlease enter your postal code to view offers in your area.", "\n\nNot in Dallas? ", "Please Enter Your LocationWe would like to provide you with the most accurate information on on our offers, including available plans and pricing. ", "Please enter at least your zip code, but you may also enter your complete address for more detailed information." ]
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[ "Emergency situations on board of an aircraft may be characterized by a decompression of the cabin, smoke or fire, wind turbulences and mechanical impacts. ", "Usually, a pilot will seek to conduct a quick emergency descent of the aircraft in such an emergency situation and to reach the closest airport or emergency landing lane. ", "After landing the aircraft, a quick exit of all passengers out of the aircraft is required. ", "Such quick exit may be hindered by smoke and/or insufficient oxygen in the aircraft passenger cabin.", "\nIt is known to supply oxygen to passengers in an emergency situation like a decompression situation, smoke or fire in the cabin. ", "For this purpose, oxygen masks drop out of a passenger service unit and oxygen is supplied to the passenger via said oxygen mask. ", "The oxygen mask is connected to the passenger service unit via a connecting line. ", "In the passenger service unit an oxygen source is comprised which stores oxygen and provides said oxygen to the passenger after activation of the oxygen supply. ", "Usually, the passenger can activate the oxygen supply pulling a connecting line wherein said connecting line may be a flexible tube which at the same time serves to direct the oxygen from the passenger service unit to the oxygen mask or maybe a wire or rope or the like distinct from the connecting line. ", "It is known to store oxygen in the passenger service unit in a chemically bound form and to produce said oxygen in a chemical reaction after activation. ", "This type of oxygen source is called chemical oxygen generator (COG). ", "It is further known to store oxygen in a pressurized tank wherein activation of said oxygen source comprises opening a valve or a sealing component to open said pressure tank and allow flow of oxygen out of said tank to the oxygen mask.", "\nSuch emergency oxygen devices have shown to be insufficient in certain emergency situations, in particular in case of smoke of fire in the cabin or during the quick exit of the passengers out of the cabin. ", "It is an object of the invention to provide an emergency oxygen supply device for passengers of an aircraft which improves the safety of the passenger in such emergency situations and facilitates the handling of the emergency oxygen supply device by the passenger." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0005848299479112029, 0.0006027754279784858, 0.0006096796132624149, 0.0008981151040643454, 0.0007522244122810662, 0.0007524057873524725, 0.0006164693040773273, 0.0005746528040617704, 0.0006024991162121296, 0.0005831383750773966, 0.0006461333832703531, 0.0005783256492577493, 0.0006234031752683222, 0.0006183694349601865 ]
[ "Q:\n\nReference Web.", "Config file from another project in same solution C#\n\nI have a VC2010 C# Solution, with a number of projects in it. ", "\nSo for example, I have a web project, and I have a class library.", "\nIn the web.config file, I have a key in the <appSettings> section, e.g. \n<add key=\"FileDirectory\" value=\"G:\\ftproot\\sales\" />\n\nI have also added a key in the Web.Production.config file to reflect the file directory on the server. ", "\nSo when I reference it in my web project (It's MVC) - I do so like this:\nvar FTPPath = ConfigurationManager.", "AppSettings[\"FileDirectory\"];\n\nthis works fine within my web project. ", "However, I also need to reference this in the class library, which gets to my question - Is there a way to reference a key in the web.config file from another project, e.g. a class library, in the same solution??", "\nAll help is appreciated.", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nYes you can use exactly the same code. ", ".Net will look up the configuration key in the config file of the application which started the app domain. ", "A class library used by such an application will have access to it's config file.", "\n\nA:\n\nclass libraries do not have their own configuration. ", " They use the configuration of which ever executable they are being used in.", "\nThis means that for you you should be able to use the same code, and it will read the setting from the config (assuming that it is there). ", "\nThis is not always convenient though (for example if you write a .net based plugin for a MMC snap-in, as this means you have to modify the mmc.exe.config in the system folder.)", "\nYou might be better having a method to pass this required configuration setting into you library code. ", " then in apps where you control the config you can just read it from there and pass it in, and in apps where you can't you can use another approach, like reading from the registry or from a manually read config file. ", " Or have the best of both worlds and make it so you can pass it in, and if this is not done it attempts to read it from the default configuration.", "\nThis question has some more details on the pitfalls associated with dll configuration, but also has some techniques for doing it if you need to.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006591665442101657, 0.0006710734451189637, 0.0007426487281918526, 0.0006438731215894222, 0.0006611109129153192, 0.0005735628074035048, 0.0006038351566530764, 0.0005348144331946969, 0.0005475609214045107, 0.000620340695604682, 0.0007009642431512475, 0.0009795442456379533, 0.0007555694319307804, 0.0005462309345602989, 0.0006016850820742548, 0.0006587947718799114, 0.0006530333776026964, 0.0005873643676750362, 0.0005348256672732532, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Human rhinovirus (HRV) infection causes at least 50% of asthma exacerbations. ", "Airway epithelial cell (AEC) infection evokes the release of inflammatory, growth and bronchospastic factors, and other autocrine/paracrine mediators leading to generalized AEC and airway smooth muscle (ASM) \"pro-exacerbation\" pathology. ", "This includes altered AEC lining fluid/ion content, ASM hyperreactivity, and ASM resistance to relaxation by (-agonists, which are controlled by G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) on these cells. ", "The heterogeneity of these asthmatic responses is, in part, thought to be dependent on the HRV strain (serotype). ", "There are over 100 HRV strains, yet little is known about how genomic differences in strains impact asthma exacerbation phenotypes. ", "We have very recently completed sequencing the genomes of all 99 reference HRV-A and -B serotypes from a banked historical repository. ", "This revealed previously unknown aspects of HRV RNA and protein structure, phylogenetic relationships, recombination, and extensive diversity among the canonical serotypes. ", "It also provided structure-based sequence alignments which are a scaffold for integration of additional HRVs into the phylogenetic tree. ", "The broad long-term objectives of this revised proposal are to ascertain the genomic features of modern HRV strains that contribute to specific asthmatic airway GPCR phenotypes and their heterogeneity. ", "This will be accomplished by three aims. ", "In Aim 1, we will determine the complete genome sequences of HRVs from 200 modern clinical isolates using massively parallel sequencing methods. ", "In Aim 2, this data will be integrated into our structure-based reference genomic scaffold so as to define genomic regions that are similar and dissimilar amongst the strains, providing a rigorous mechanism to select the HRVs for in vitro functional studies. ", "In Aim 3, GPCR signaling phenotypes of HRVs in the context of AEC and ASM will be ascertained in cell culture models using high-throughput methods (Sub Aim 1). ", "And, these signaling phenotypes will be correlated to HRV genome features using Bayesian techniques with internal and external validations (Sub Aim 2). ", "Such studies will provide a genomic basis for those HRVs that do, and do not, evoke AEC and ASM phenotypic traits, and thus establish some of the mechanisms of heterogeneity of viral induced asthma exacerbations. ", "These findings may provide diagnostic and prognostic information, and pharmacologic strategies, for managing the most common cause of asthma exacerbations. ", "PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Human rhinovirus (HRV) infection causes about 50% of asthma attacks (and COPD exacerbations). ", "There is, though, substantial variability in the nature and severity of the clinical features of asthma attacks from HRV infections, for reasons that are not known. ", "However, it is now clear that there are many distinct HRV strains, and this proposal will define which HRVs, and which parts of their genomes, impose changes in airway receptor function that contribute to the pathology and symptoms of asthmatic attacks during HRV infection." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0.0017169922357425094, 0.0008924620342440903, 0.0006811675266362727, 0.0006793882348574698, 0.0006214254535734653, 0.0005802545929327607, 0.0005478230305016041, 0.0006215009489096701, 0.0006162545760162175, 0.0005779798957519233, 0.0005894654896110296, 0.0005280976765789092, 0.000553680642042309, 0.0006575097795575857, 0.0006166673847474158, 0.0006233598687686026, 0.0008887626463547349, 0.0005806816625408828, 0.0006794121582061052 ]
[ "We’ve been trying for weeks to get the details of Ark Encounter’s attendance in its second year of existence, but Ken Ham has given conflicting reports to different news outlets. ", "Until a public records request comes through, it’s hard to know what’s actually happening.", "\n\nHere’s the big discrepancy: Ham told a mainstream news outlet that:\n\n1) 1,000,000 people visited the Ark in its second year, and…\n\n2) … this was a 20% jump from the first year…\n\n3) … Which means 800,000 people visited in that first year.", "\n\nTotal: 1.8 million visitors altogether.", "\n\nBut Ham also told the Grant County News, which routinely publishes puff pieces designed to make the Ark look good, something very different. ", "He told them more than two million people have visited so far.", "\n\nOn top of all that, there’s another problem. ", "We don’t have any confirmed attendance numbers for the first year, but starting in the second year, because of a local “safety fee,” anyone can look at the public records to see what Ham was reporting as actual paid attendance.", "\n\nWhile we’re still waiting for the last few months of data (coming soon!), ", "but get this: City officials in Williamstown reported that over 11 months, the safety fee amount they collected meant attendance was only 748,590 people.", "\n\nEither Ham was going to bring in 250,000 people in that final month to get to that million people attendance mark… or he’s a liar.", "\n\nOkay. ", "So lots of different numbers floating around. ", "And since Ham isn’t an honest guy, I’m tempted to believe the city officials who say attendance is much, much lower than a million people.", "\n\nDan Phelps, the president of the Kentucky Paleontological Society, has been amazing about getting this data as it comes out, and he’s already filed a request with Williamstown to get the safety fee data that would shed light on the numbers.", "\n\nIn the meantime, he noticed that the Grant County News published an interview with Ken Ham that doesn’t appear on their website, but which includes an explanation by Ham for his different attendance numbers.", "\n\nHe basically says the discrepancy between visitors and paid customers (who contribute to the safety fee) can be explained by the number of free passes they give away.", "\n\nHere’s the relevant transcript of that piece:\n\nWe are like most attractions in that we don’t release annual attendance figures. ", "We know how people will attempt to figure them out on their own, but some will cherry pick information from different sources and try to argue the Ark has not been successful. ", "For example, you can’t look at ticket sales to come up with the grand total. ", "You see, thousands of young children under 5 who have visited in the last two years came free with their families. ", "Also, Ark members who have life-time passes don’t have to pay for a ticket, and they also receive a number of free tickets each year to use for family and friends. ", "Also annual pass holders may visit multiple times, and they don’t show up in ticket sales. ", "But we can say that attendance for year two was higher than our excellent first year.", "\n\nI find it hard to believe that the number of free admissions would bridge the gap between 748,590 paid customers (in 11 months) and 1,000,000 visitors (in 12 months). ", "Are we supposed to believe that hundreds of thousands of people are getting in for free? ", "That’s… just bad business.", "\n\nMake a note of this other thing Ken Ham said:\n\nIt’s important to mention that almost all attractions see a drop in attendance after the initial excitement of the opening year wears off. ", "But we have experienced another remarkable year and an uptick in attendance.", "\n\nAn “uptick in attendance.” ", "We’ll see about that. ", "Remember that on the first anniversary of Ark Encounter, Ham said attendance had been 1.2 million people. ", "There’s no way they topped that this year by their own admission.", "\n\nIn the same interview, Ham places a lot of blame on the lack of local hotels, making it tougher for people to visit the Ark, but he also says there are big plans for expansion in the coming years.", "\n\nIt sounds like they’re going to build a bigger and bigger Ark for fewer and fewer people.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0005551163339987397, 0.000634494237601757, 0.000909963680896908, 0.0006305216229520738, 0.0007145725539885461, 0.0005903288256376982, 0.0013539650244638324, 0.0005761843058280647, 0.0005778520717285573, 0.0006170909618958831, 0.7340278029441833, 0.0008893839549273252, 0.0006650992436334491, 0.0007664593285880983, 0.0005659360904246569, 0.0005784662207588553, 0.000712416775058955, 0.0005894289934076369, 0.0005992216756567359, 0.000720651529263705, 0.0010453445138409734, 0.0006385478773154318, 0.0005744663067162037, 0.0006054940167814493, 0.0005913861677981913, 0.000851818360388279, 0.0034375255927443504, 0.0006365717854350805, 0.0005370958824642003, 0.0009610219276510179, 0.0005710650002583861, 0.0006111052352935076, 0.0007229686598293483, 0.0006019067950546741, 0.00146670697722584, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Journal club: outcome measures, interim analyses, and bayesian approaches to randomized trials.", "\nEditor's Capsule Summary for Ferre et al(1) WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPIC: Patients with ureteral calculi are often prescribed adjunctive treatment with an alpha-blocking agent to enhance spontaneous stone passage. ", "This practice has not been validated in emergency department (ED) patients. ", "WHAT QUESTION THIS STUDY ADDRESSED: Does the addition of a 10-day course of tamsulosin to standard therapy after discharge from the ED increase the rate of passage of distal ureteral stones? ", "WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS TO OUR KNOWLEDGE: In this randomized trial of 80 patients, most of whom had stones of 4 mm or less, time to stone passage was similar in tamsulosin and control patients. ", "HOW THIS MIGHT CHANGE CLINICAL PRACTICE: This study does not support the routine use of tamsulosin in ED patients, though it is possible that it would be beneficial in patients with larger stones." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005746210226789117, 0.0007017653551883996, 0.0005988148623146117, 0.0010445640655234456, 0.0005539223784580827, 0.0006019583670422435 ]
[ "Network access control (NAC), also called network admission control, enhances or enables the security of a proprietary network (e.g., a Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) proprietary network server) by restricting the availability of network resources to endpoint user devices that comply with a defined security policy. ", "In some cases, an NAC server performs authentication and authorization functions for the user devices of potential subscribers by verifying login information, e.g. username and password, when the user devices attempt to login to the proprietary network, e.g., through the Internet. ", "In addition, the NAC server may restrict the data that each particular user or user device can access and may implement anti-threat applications such as firewalls, antivirus software, and spyware-detection programs. ", "The NAC server may also regulate and restrict the actions that individual subscribers can do within the proprietary network once they are logged in.", "\nNAC is commonly used by corporations, agencies, and other entities that require the user environment to be rigidly controlled. ", "However, security issues still arise with respect to NAC systems in proprietary networks with large numbers of users and many different, frequently changing, devices that may be used to access the proprietary network. ", "An example is a proprietary network for a large university with multiple departments, numerous access points and thousands of users with various backgrounds and objectives." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0006396055105142295, 0.0005822470411658287, 0.0007308981730602682, 0.0006159043405205011, 0.0006162584177218378, 0.00055371702183038, 0.0005827505956403911 ]
[ "Thanks to Facebook’s settings, I am privy to whole conversations on others’ timelines simply because my wife makes a comment. ", "A couple years ago, I read through a “discussion” about the movement to forgive student loan debt, which continues to linger, though it has passed through many different phases over the last couple of years, […]\n\nLibby Nelson at Vox.com has taken a look at what studies tell us about college graduates. ", "They are more likely to vote. ", "They are less likely to smoke…but more likely to drink. ", "They are also more likely to get married and less likely to get divorced: College graduates are much less likely to get divorced: […]" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005580986617133021, 0.0005275068106129766, 0.0006896417471580207, 0.12061022222042084, 0.0036253042053431273 ]