[ "1. ", "Introduction {#s0005}\n===============\n\nThe means by which places are understood to shape health outcomes is multifactorial and remains contested ([@bib30], [@bib42]). ", "Across both individual and multi-level studies of place, the majority of variance in health outcomes is consistently attributed to individual risk factors that play out through the composition of those places ([@bib1], [@bib9], [@bib25], [@bib29], [@bib30]). ", "In particular, a robust body of evidence demonstrates the critical role of income as a source of health disparities (see [@bib43] for example), yet policy responses rarely seek to improve the material realities of individual lives ([@bib35]). ", "Instead, health promotion efforts commonly target health behaviours through community-level or policy responses, the success of which is often sensitive to socio-economic status ([@bib27]). ", "Gaining prominence within health promotion is the concept of community capacity building, understood as the process of enhancing the skills, networks, and resources of a community to improve their own health outcomes ([@bib21]). ", "Health promoters commonly leverage community capacity to achieve programme goals, yet the health implications of low community capacity are unknown. ", "In this paper, we explore the concept of community capacity further by examining the relationship between community capacity and health at the individual level and contextualise this relationship in light of evidence surrounding associations between income and self-rated health. ", "In the following paragraphs, we examine the evidence gained from individual level studies demonstrating (1) the importance of subjective experiences of community to health, (2) that community is inextricably grounded in the place and is (3) (re)produced through our social interactions.", "\n\nIndividual-level studies of sense of place have lacked conceptual cohesion, coming under various guises including 'place attachment' ([@bib13], [@bib34]), 'sense of community' ([@bib9]), and 'sense of place' ([@bib32], [@bib44]). ", "Perceptions of place provide an indicator of our cognitive and emotional responses to the local environment and, in turn, may shape our physiological and behavioural response to that place ([@bib6], [@bib14], [@bib20], [@bib29], [@bib34]). ", "Unresolved in this literature are the specific perceptions of place that elicit responses that impact our health. ", "Work to-date has found positive associations between various dimensions of mental and physical health and sense of attachment to one\\'s neighbourhood ([@bib29], [@bib44]), community participation ([@bib29], [@bib31]), perceptions of neighbourhood problems ([@bib7]), and satisfaction with the physical features of one\\'s neighbourhood ([@bib29], [@bib45]). ", "Collectively, this research indicates that residents holding positive perceptions of the place they live are more likely to rate their own health highly.", "\n\nTurning to the psychological literature, connections to place that evoke personal meaning often arise from our experiences in those places ([@bib34]). ", "Importantly, *perceptions* of one\\'s neighbourhood appear more closely linked to health outcomes than objective measures of neighbourhood quality ([@bib41]). ", "This leads us to question whether the physical features of a landscape can elicit a cognitive response that is distinct from the social connections to place identified in the previous paragraph. ", "That is, when I visit a familiar beach does hearing the waves crashing and feeling the warm sand between my toes evoke the same sense of place as when I visit the beach of my childhood and recall memories of running across the hot sand to score a run during a family cricket match? [", "@bib13] found social connections to place elicited greater place attachment than the physical dimensions at the home, neighbourhood and city scales. [", "@bib9] similarly found sense of community was a predictor of higher quality of life whereas attachment to place was not; conflicting results from [@bib41] suggest this debate is a long way from being resolved. ", "Nonetheless, neurological evidence that heightened emotions play a positive role in memory retention would suggest that a sense of place is greatest where both physical and social stimuli have been elicited (see [@bib20] for discussion).", "\n\nWhen we consider the sociological literature, 'community' is now more frequently defined by the common qualities or interests we share with others rather than geographic co-location. ", "Advances in technology and our lived environment have led us to become more mobile and connected with those beyond our neighbourhood ([@bib4]). ", "Measures of sense of community are multidimensional capturing the meanings, attachments and satisfaction that are elicited from individual and collective experiences of a place ([@bib37]). ", "As a community-level construct, place may be co-constituted, its meaning embedded in a group\\'s social and cultural practices ([@bib34]). ", "Perhaps even more importantly, a community may be a site of belonging. ", "Research illustrates that a positive sense of identity can emerge from strong social connections ([@bib10], [@bib37]), and confidence in the collective efficacy of a community ([@bib17]). ", "Interestingly, perceived problems within one\\'s neighbourhood have been identified as a stronger predictor of poor health than a sense of neighbourhood cohesion ([@bib7]). ", "We argue that significant health promotion efforts remain focussed on the community and the changing nature of 'community' warrants further investigation.", "\n\nResearch quantifying community capacity has identified statistically significant differences amongst neighbourhoods ([@bib16]) and between towns ([@bib23]), thus confirming the importance of place to our social relationships. ", "Place is recognised by geographers as those aspects of space that possess meaning for both individuals and collectives ([@bib2]). ", "Research examining the impact of such place effects on health has garnered considerable attention in the fields of sociology, geography, and public health (see [@bib26] and [@bib30] for discussion). ", "Frequently measured with multi-level studies, place effects are understood as the impact that contextual variables have on health outcomes ([@bib30], [@bib1]). ", "Yet, within the geographic literature, researchers have highlighted that place effects may be multiple and impact people and places differentially ([@bib26]). ", "Place are locations individuals imbue with a sense of meaning arising from their connections with people, social institutions and the built environment; this paper explores how such perceptions of one\\'s community, may be associated with self-rated health.", "\n\n2. ", "Measuring individual community capacity and health {#s0010}\n=====================================================\n\nCommunity capacity building has gained traction as a strengths-based health promotion tool as it emphasises local ownership over both health problems and their solutions. ", "Health promoters have recognised the appeal of such approaches to communities so commonly adopt capacity building as a means to achieve the goals of their health promotion programmes ([@bib12]; [@bib24]). ", "Despite support for the concept, evidence that initiatives to build community capacity can improve health outcomes is far from conclusive. ", "Promising work by [@bib17] in Seoul, Korea has identified an association between community capacity and self-rated health (dichotomised as low versus high). ", "However, a paucity of research into the health outcomes of investing in community capacity may be leading supporters to overstate the benefits of capacity building ([@bib5]; [@bib21]). [", "@bib17] justifiably conclude that building community capacity should be further investigated as a health promotion tool ([@bib17]).", "\n\nEvidence highlighting the affective dimensions of place clarifies the value of examining community capacity from the perspective of residents. ", "In the current study, we use the qualified term 'individual community capacity' to capture the perceptions, experiences, and attitudes participants held about their town. ", "When aggregated, individual community capacity ought to be an indicator for the community capacity of a place. ", "We reserve the unqualified term 'community capacity' for those instances where the town or neighbourhood is the unit of analysis. ", "Community capacity is captured through six distinct but interrelated constructs. ", "Each construct, or 'dimension', reflects an emphasis of the community capacity literature. ", "First, 'participation' in one\\'s community has been associated with higher self-rated health in Germany ([@bib31]), less emotional distress but, interestingly, not overall health status in Canada ([@bib40]). ", "Constructs were measured on scales using likert-type items, for example, measuring community participation, we sought to capture residents' perceived support (in-kind and financially) for local groups with questions such as \"I support the local school whenever I can\", \"Participating in local clubs and events is good for the community\". ", "Second, 'sense of place' taps into notions of place attachment as a source of identity ([@bib37]); survey questions addressed residents' attachment to the landscape and history of their town e.g. \"I am very attached to the local environment and landscape\", \"I see how economic changes have affected \\[my town\\].\" ", "Whereas sense of place emphasises the affective experience of belonging, 'community attitudes', captured participant\\'s satisfaction with their place of residence e.g. \"My town has a positive future.\" \"", "I am happy to live in \\[name of town\\].\" ", "Fourth, 'social cohesion' addressed residents' perceptions of their community as a trusting and inclusive place e.g. \"I have little in common with most people who live here\" (reverse scored). [", "@bib25] and self-rated health were indirectly associated but social support remained an important factor when rating one\\'s health.", "\n\nCommunity capacity building eschews a focus on deficits and considers concepts of place through residents' sense of community ([@bib17]), and perceived collective efficacy. ", "Consistent with [@bib7] findings that perceived problems within a community were associated with worse health, the final two dimensions of the community capacity scale consider the potential of a community to resolve problems. '", "Problem assessment' captures whether residents communicate to identify problems and take action e.g. \"If there was a serious problem, people here could get together and solve it\", \"I frequently discuss community issues with my friends and neighbours.\" '", "Leadership' addresses residents' confidence in, perceived accessibility and responsiveness of local leaders e.g. \"The most important issues affecting \\[my town\\] are being addressed\", \"If I share my ideas and opinions with local leaders they will listen.\" ", "Putnam\\'s early work in Italy, found a clear relationship between indicators of civic participation and effective governance or \"the hallmarks of a successful region\" ([@bib33]). ", "In measuring collective efficacy and leadership, we extend the current literature on health and community by capturing these neglected, political dimensions of place.", "\n\nCommunity capacity building is commonly used as a tool by health promoters tasked with implementing community-level interventions and is considered the mainstay of public health. ", "Given the paucity of evidence addressing the health impacts of community capacity building, we sought to interrogate community capacity as a predictor of self-rated health. ", "Previous research demonstrating associations between income inequality and health at the ecological level has highlighted the possible mediating role of social capital in this relationship ([@bib18], [@bib39]). ", "This work had us questioning whether community capacity could play a mediating role in the income-health nexus. ", "We explore these issues by testing the following hypotheses:H1Income was anticipated to demonstrate a strong association with self-rated health.", "H2We anticipated that, when socio-demographic factors were controlled for, individual community capacity would be directly associated with self-rated health.", "H3We expected that income would demonstrate a stronger association with self-rated health than individual community capacity.", "\n\nAnalysing perceptions of community capacity, and its six dimensions, at the individual-level allowed us to explore how the affective dimensions of place, identity and connectedness are associated with self-rated health.", "\n\n3. ", "Methods {#s0015}\n==========\n\n3.1. ", "Design and sample {#s0020}\n----------------------\n\nA baseline survey of residents of four study towns was undertaken between October and November, 2011. ", "Methods for the baseline survey are described in more detail in [@bib23] and only essential details are provided here. ", "The baseline sample consisted of residents of a small town (Mataura) who were matched with a comparison population from three additional towns comparative in size and demographics. ", "Participants were randomly selected from the New Zealand electoral role, (including those of Māori ethnic identity who opted to register in a Māori electorate rather than a General electorate) with the sample stratified using age, sex and NZ Deprivation Quintile (a place-based indicator of socio-economic status). ", "Baseline (2011) survey respondents (n=295) received a follow-up postal survey in 2013; the results of this follow-up survey are reported in the current study.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Measures {#s0025}\n-------------\n\nThe key variable in our study was individual community capacity which was measured through a survey instrument previously developed by the authors [@bib23] and consisting of six dimensions (discussed earlier). ", "Self-rated health was reported using one of five ordinal categories: excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor. ", "As a single-item, self-reported health status is a compact and efficient indicator of health that has been significantly associated with mortality ([@bib15]). ", "However, as a subjective measure, self-rated health is often relative and can be conflated with other factors ([@bib28]). ", "Socio-demographic data (including age, sex, homeownership status, employment status, estimated household income, and time spent in the community) was also collected as part of the baseline (2011) and follow-up (2013) surveys.", "\n\n3.3. ", "Study sites {#s0030}\n----------------\n\nIn November of 2013, a five-page 46-item questionnaire was disseminated by post to residents in four South Island, New Zealand towns who had been randomly selected from the Electoral Roll in the previous phase of the study. ", "Located at the far south of New Zealand\\'s South Island, Mataura, Winton, Riverton and Milton are small (populations 1500--2000) rural towns. ", "Rural areas are widely acknowledged as disproportionately affected by New Zealand\\'s history of economic restructuring. ", "The neoliberal drive of the 1980s and '90s hollowed out the provision of state services to rural areas while impacting the profitability of many industries within the primary sector ([@bib19]). ", "Each of the study towns faired differently during this period: Mataura experienced a series of major industry closures, the dramatic decline of its main street and a drop in house prices whereas Milton and Winton retained robust retail streets that serve the rural hinterland. ", "Riverton, a coastal community, has begun to transition into a tourist town but, like the other centres, residents retain a low average income of NZ\\$24,547 (well below the median New Zealand income of NZ\\$29,900 for individuals in 2013) and an ageing population.", "\n\n3.4. ", "Data collection procedures {#s0035}\n-------------------------------\n\nThe questionnaire was tailored to each town by using the town\\'s name but otherwise the same questions were asked of all participants. ", "A cover letter was personally addressed to each recipient introducing the purpose of the survey and assuring confidentiality. ", "The survey procedure was based on a modified form of Dillman\\'s Tailored Design Methods (2007) with up to five contacts with each participant: the first mail-out of the questionnaire, a thank you/reminder postcard (sent to both responders and non-responder), a replacement questionnaire for non-responders, and a final reminder postcard to non-responders. ", "In addition, non-responders residing in Mataura were approached once in a door-to-door method as the focus of the follow-up study was the impact of a specific economic event within that community. ", "Data collection ended in December 2013. ", "To minimise data errors, all data were entered twice and compared with any inconsistences resolved. ", "Ethical approval was granted by the University of Otago Ethics Committee; informed consent was implied by the return of a completed survey.", "\n\n3.5. ", "Statistical analysis {#s0040}\n-------------------------\n\nSample size calculations were based on a planned intervention in one of the study towns rather than the secondary analyses presented here and details of these calculations can be found in [@bib23]. ", "Prior to undertaking the present analyses, the internal consistency of items in the community capacity scale and each subscale was evaluated using Cronbach alpha; this is discussed in detail in [@bib23]. ", "Where participants did not answer all items, their score for the (sub)scale was estimated using the mean of all of their available item responses as long as at least 80% of items in the (sub)scale were answered.", "\n\nAppropriate descriptive statistics are presented for all relevant variables. ", "For statistical modelling, household income categories were collapsed into up to \\$30,000, between \\$30,001 and \\$70,000, and over \\$70,000; relationship statuses were collapsed to single/separated/divorced/widowed and married/de facto; and ethnicities were collapsed to New Zealand European/Other and Māori with the latter being prioritised over the former due to the particular interest in the wellbeing of the indigenous people of New Zealand. ", "Where age was missing in this follow-up survey, it was estimated by adding two to their baseline survey age.", "\n\nOrdinal logistic regression models were used to explore individual-level associations between both income and individual community capacity scores (and subscale scores) and self-rated health. ", "For these analyses, health was collapsed into poor/fair, good, very good, and excellent due to small numbers in the poor category. ", "Proportionality was assessed, and non-proportionality modelled when appropriate, using a generalised ordinal logistic regression model, for the income, individual community capacity, and other variables included as potential confounders (age, sex, Māori ethnicity, relationship status, and location). ", "As well as models examining the associations with health, similar models were investigated with income as the outcome variable and linear regression models were investigated with each community capacity measure as an outcome. ", "All of the these sets of models followed a similar process: an unadjusted model was constructed looking at a single predictor; same but adjusting for non-modifiable potential confounders (age, sex, Māori ethnicity, relationship status, and location); and an adjusted model including all of these variables along with income, health, or individual community capacity also included. ", "Where the predictor was health or income, linear and higher-order trends were examined using orthogonal polynomials. ", "All models incorporated [@bib8] robust standard errors with clustering by town. ", "For linear regression models, residual diagnostics were inspected for evidence of non-normality, heteroscedasticity, and non-linearities. ", "Where appropriate, natural log transformations were investigated along with the inclusion of quadratic terms following centring of continuous predictors. ", "Data analysis was undertaken by the second author using the software programme Stata 14.1 for all analyses and two-sided p\\<0.05 was considered statistically significant in all cases. ", "No formal adjustments were made for multiple comparisons as this was an exploratory study. ", "Isolated or marginal results should be interpreted with caution.", "\n\n3.6. ", "Response rate {#s0045}\n------------------\n\nThe final response rate was 70% (195/(295-7-8), after taking into account seven deceased individuals and eight non-deliveries. ", "The response rates between the four towns ranged from 64% in Mataura to 78% in Winton. ", "Of this 195, 14 respondents were no longer living in their original community and a further three did not provide sufficient data to allow their inclusion in any analyses, leaving 178 individuals across four communities.", "\n\nBetween 21 and 78 responses were received from each community. ", "For the 175 respondents, who provided this information (3 missing ages), the median age was 59 years and most (86% of those with a valid ethnicity with 11 missing) identified as NZ European. ", "The median household income was \\$30,001--50,000 (9 missing, see [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"} for further demographic details of the study sample). ", "As shown in [Table 2](#t0010){ref-type=\"table\"}, the scale had excellent internal consistency (alpha 0.91) with four of the subscales displaying acceptable internal consistency (alphas 0.74--0.77) with two of the subscales being slightly short of acceptable (alphas of 0.58 and 0.59).Table 1Characteristics of the sample.", "Table 1**Total (n=178)Mataura (n=78)Milton (n=53)Riverton (n=21)Winton (n=26)**Agemedian (IQR)59.0 (21.0)60.0 (19.0)58.5 (22.0)51.5 (25.0)64.0 (22.0)*Missing31110*

SexMale n(%)78 (44)34 (44)24 (46)10 (48)10 (38)Female n(%)98 (56)43 (56)28 (54)11 (52)16 (62)*Missing21100*

Income--\\$20,00029 (17)17 (23)8 (16)2 (10)2 (8)--\\$30,00035 (21)18 (24)8 (16)3 (15)6 (24)--\\$50,00040 (24)14 (19)15 (30)5 (25)6 (24)--\\$70,00035 (21)15 (20)9 (18)5 (25)6 (24)--\\$100,00024 (14)9 (12)10 (20)3 (15)2 (8)\\>\\$100,0006 (4)1 (1)0 (0)2 (10)3 (12)*Missing94311*

Relationship statusSingle20 (11)9 (12)6 (12)3 (15)2 (8)Separated5 (3)4 (5)1 (2)0 (0)0 (0)Divorced8 (5)4 (5)1 (2)1 (5)2 (8)Widowed24 (14)9 (12)9 (17)0 (0)6 (23)Married92 (53)40 (52)27 (52)12 (60)13 (50)Living as married26 (15)11 (14)8 (15)4(20)3 (12)*Missing31110*

EthnicityNZ European144 (86)56 (77)46 (98)17 (81)24 (92)Māori15 (9)12 (16)1 (2)2 (10)1 (4)Other8 (5)5 (7)0 (0)2 (10)1 (4)*Missing115600*Table 2Instrument properties.", "Table 2**Number of itemsCronbach alphaItem-test correlationsItem-rest correlations**Total score320.910.17--0.77[a](#tbl2fna){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}0.12--0.74[a](#tbl2fna){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}Participation40.580.53--0.770.22--0.54Leadership40.740.65--0.840.39--0.67Connections80.750.51--0.770.33--0.68Sense of place40.590.55--0.750.27--0.47Community attitudes50.760.59--0.820.38--0.64Problem assessment70.770.62--0.720.43--0.57[^1]\n\n4. ", "Results {#s0050}\n==========\n\nOf the 175 respondents providing their self-rated health, the most common response (36%) was 'very good' (see [Table 3](#t0015){ref-type=\"table\"}) with a further 21% rating their health as 'excellent'. ", "This pattern was consistent across the four settings with the median response dipping into 'good' in two towns (Milton and Riverton). ", "A community capacity score was calculated for each town based on the aggregated response of individual residents; median scores ranged from 4.96 in Mataura to 5.45 in Riverton; the overall median score was 5.13. ", "The instrument\\'s subscales were developed to identify the unique strengths of each community. ", "High scores were observed in the 'participation' subscale across the four communities but, when examining the remaining dimensions of community capacity, residents' 'sense of place' emerged as a particular strength for Mataura and Riverton whereas positive 'community attitudes' was weaker in Mataura compared to other towns (see [Table 3](#t0015){ref-type=\"table\"}).Table 3Community capacity and self-rated health by town.", "Table 3**OverallMatauraMiltonRivertonWintonnMean (SD) or n (%)Mean (SD) or n (%)Mean (SD) or n (%)Mean (SD) or n (%)Mean (SD) or n (%)**Community capacity[a](#tbl3fna){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}Total score1785.13 (0.70)4.96 (0.73)5.13 (0.65)5.45 (0.67)5.42 (0.54)Participation1625.42 (0.91)5.21 (1.00)5.60 (0.82)5.61 (0.86)5.52 (0.73)Leadership1704.55 (1.10)4.63 (1.13)4.22 (1.08)4.56 (1.24)4.99 (0.79)Connections1765.06 (0.87)4.80 (0.92)5.06 (0.79)5.43 (0.81)5.50 (0.62)Sense of place1745.51 (0.82)5.41 (0.85)5.44 (0.89)5.96 (0.64)5.58 (0.62)Community attitudes1785.37 (0.91)4.99 (1.00)5.45 (0.79)5.92 (0.59)5.90 (0.50)Problem assessment1775.01 (0.79)4.90 (0.83)5.03 (0.72)5.25 (0.81)5.08 (0.76)

Self-rated health[b](#tbl3fnb){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}Poor1755 (3)2 (3)0 (0)3 (14)0 (0)Fair20 (11)8 (11)6 (12)3 (14)3 (12)Good49 (28)18 (24)21 (40)5 (24)5 (19)Very good64 (36)32 (42)14 (27)5 (24)13 (50)Excellent37 (21)16 (21)11 (21)5 (24)5 (19)*Missing32100*[^2][^3]\n\nIncome was positively associated with health in a dose-response manner both before and following adjustment in the individual-level analyses using three levels of income and including clustering at the town-level (linear trend p=0.009), see [Table 4](#t0020){ref-type=\"table\"} (unadjusted results were very similar to the adjusted results with linear trend p=0.002).Table 4Associations between both individual-level income and community capacity and self-rated health showing odds ratios of a higher health category.", "Table 4**Income without adjusting for community capacity (n=155)Total score**[c](#tbl4fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**(n=175/161/155)Participation**[c](#tbl4fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**(n=159/147/143)Leadership**[c](#tbl4fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**(n=167/154/151)Connections**[c](#tbl4fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**(n=173/160/154)Sense of place**[c](#tbl4fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**(n=171/157/153)Community attitudes**[c](#tbl4fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**(n=175/161/155)Problem assessment**[c](#tbl4fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**(n=174/160/154)OR95% CIpOR95% CIpOR95% CIpOR95% CIpOR95% CIpOR95% CIpOR95% CIpOR95% CIp**Community capacity measure unadjusted1.360.75, 2.480.3121.481.15, 1.89**0.002**1.230.81, 1.870.3271.080.69, 1.710.7261.100.74, 1.630.6291.180.83, 1.670.3571.200.87, 1.660.269Community capacity measure partially adjusted[a](#tbl4fna){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}1.430.83, 2.440.1951.610.97, 2.650.0631.290.92, 1.830.1431.160.79, 1.700.4501.100.75, 1.590.6311.190.91, 1.570.2081.250.93, 1.690.145Income[a](#tbl4fna){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**0.0090.0080.0060.0040.0070.0080.0140.009** --\\$30,0001. --\\$70,0002.731.60, 4.672.761.70, 4.472.521.61, 3.942.921.64, 5.192.731.64, 4.552.811.60, 4.922.741.60, 4.692.821.76, 4.51 \\>\\$70,0003.941.24, 12.593.971.23, 12.793.531.26, 9.923.741.34, 10.463.971.27, 12.363.891.25, 12.113.841.13,, 13.44Community capacity measure fully adjusted[b](#tbl4fnb){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}1.330.67, 2.650.4101.530.89, 2.620.1251.310.91, 1.880.1401.120.70, 1.780.6361.030.71, 1.490.8681.110.75, 1.620.6061.150.75, 1.780.518[^4][^5][^6][^7]\n\nAssociations between self-rated health and the instrument\\'s subscales were investigated (shown in [Table 4](#t0020){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Among the subscales, participating in one\\'s community demonstrated the strongest relationship and was associated with health in a positive direction both before and after adjustment for non-modifiable factors. ", "The participation measure captured apolitical elements of civic engagement, such as support for community groups, and corresponds with a Canadian study that found social participation was positively associated with self-rated health (whereas civic participation was not) ([@bib38]). ", "In the partially adjusted models, total individual community capacity, sense of place, community attitudes, and problem assessment variables were all statistically significantly positively associated with health. ", "For the non-significant associations, we note that all of these associations were also in the positive direction providing an overall consistency to these models.", "\n\nIn the interest of further exploring associations between community capacity and health, we included income alongside each dimension of community capacity. ", "Along with the non-modifiable variables, income was always statistically significantly associated with self-rated health and individual community capacity and subscale measures were always non-significant, although again with all seven estimates being in the positive direction. ", "Irrespective of which of the variables was included in the model, income remained positively associated with health. ", "There was little evidence of attenuation in the association between income and health by individual community capacity, although there was a 10% reduction in the effect when participation was included and a 5% reduction when leadership was included.", "\n\nTo examine whether the associations were consistent with a particular causal direction, we next explored associations between health and community capacity in the opposite direction ([Table 5](#t0025){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Here we found no evidence of an association between health and any community capacity measure aside from problem assessment (linear trend p=0.020) when partially adjusted (including all covariates aside from income). ", "Given that 21 models were examined, this is at the level expected by chance under the global null hypothesis of no associations. ", "In this instance, good health does not appear to be a prerequisite for individuals to rate their community capacity highly.", "Table 5Associations between self-reported health and individual-level community capacity showing differences in mean community capacity scores for each health category.", "Table 5**Total score**[c](#tbl5fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**Participation**[c](#tbl5fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**Leadership**[c](#tbl5fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**Connections**[c](#tbl5fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**Sense of place**[c](#tbl5fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**Community attitudes**[c](#tbl5fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**Problem assessment**[c](#tbl5fnc){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**Effect95% CIpEffect95% CIpEffect95% CIpEffect95% CIpEffect95% CIpEffect95% CIpEffect95% CIp**Unadjustedn=175n=159n=167n=173n=171n=175n=174Health0.3950.1160.4180.7740.6460.4600.341Poor/fair0., 0.540.370.03, 0.700.00-0.64, 0.65-0.14-0.47, 0.190.20-0.40, 0.800.01-0.72, 0.730.24-0.24, 0.73Very good0.06-0.47, 0.590.32-0.34, 0.980.19-0.68, 1.06-0.17-0.79, 0.460.02-0.63, 0.670.08-0.75, 0.900.08-0.25, 0.41Excellent0.29-0.41, 0.990.70-0.02, 1.410.38-1.06, 1.820.08-0.61, 0.780.25-0.43, 0.930.19-0.65, 1.040.32-0.11, 0.76Partially adjusted[a](#tbl5fna){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}n=161n=147n=154n=160n=157n=161n=160Health0.1150.1290.1850.2630.1250.192**0.020**Poor/fair0.**0.00**Good0.18-0.38, 0.750.480.03, 0.930.25-0.33, 0.840.00-0.91, 0.910.24-0.14, 0.630.09-0.51, 0.68**0.31-0.39, 1.01**Very good0.180.04, 0.320.460.12, 0.810.420.15, 0.69-0.00-0.45, 0.440.11-0.16, 0.380.23-0.43, 0.89**0.17-0.08, 0.42**Excellent0.49-0.04, 1.020.86-0.01, 1.720.66-0.44, 1.760.32-0.14, 0.780.500.13, 0.870.35-0.32, 1.03**0.540.12, 0.96**Fully adjusted[b](#tbl5fnb){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}n=155n=143n=151n=154n=153n=155n=154Health0.2150.1640.2280.3540.1680.3040.142Poor/fair0., 0.770.460.06, 0.860.28-0.24, 0.810.00-0.74, 0.750.30-0.01, 0.620.16-0.62, 0.930.38-0.34, 1.09Very good0.15-0.12, 0.420.400.03, 0.770.390.11, 0.68-0.04-0.24, 0.160.11-0.17, 0.390.23-0.62, 1.070.16-0.13, 0.45Excellent0.46-0.22, 1.140.81-0.12, 1.750.64-0.54, 1.820.29-0.14, 0.720.470.09, 0.860.33-0.52, 1.180.52-0.18, 1.22[^8][^9][^10][^11]\n\n5. ", "Discussion {#s0055}\n=============\n\nWe investigated the relationships between individual community capacity, income, and self-rated health undertaking regression modelling of data from residents of four small, high-deprivation communities in the South Island of New Zealand. ", "Previous research has demonstrated differences in community capacity scores that may be attributed to both the unique context of a community and the population\\'s characteristics ([@bib16]; [@bib22]). ", "In the introduction, we conceived of community capacity as produced via the socio-affective relationships people have with place. ", "We anticipated that individual community capacity scores would be associated with self-rated health. ", "However, evidence indicating a relationship between individual community capacity and self-reported health was unconvincing once the effects of income were incorporated. ", "That is, people rating their town\\'s community capacity higher did not have better self-rated health. ", "These results contrast with the work of Minsoo, [@bib17] who found self-rated health was positively associated with community capacity, notably, they controlled for risk factors such as smoking, obesity and exercise.", "\n\nTurning to the socio-demographic characteristics of our communities, we found consistent positive associations between income and self-rated health. ", "Individual income is well established as a determinant of health ([@bib43]), and was statistically significant in both our unadjusted and partially-adjusted models. ", "Interestingly, when we adjusted for individual community capacity, the association between income and self-rated health was slightly attenuated in some cases, with the strongest effect from including the measure of participation in one\\'s community. ", "These findings suggest that individuals who rate their community\\'s capacity highly may be more resilient to the detrimental health effects of low income but that these effects are likely to be very small. ", "Overall, this data provides no evidence that intervening to build community capacity will be an effective health promotion strategy to improve health outcomes. ", "Rather, our findings provide further evidence of the need to address income as a sustained and inequitable determinant of health.", "\n\nInterrogating the six dimensions of community capacity highlights the underexplored relationship between local political context and self-rated health. ", "Among the subscales (participation, leadership, social cohesion, sense of place, community attitudes, and problem solving), participation offered the most promise for associations with health (being statistically significant in the unadjusted model, p=0.002, and a non-significant tendency with p=0.063 after adjustment for confounders other than income). ", "Community participation has received considerable attention as a proxy for social capital ([@bib11], [@bib31]), and demonstrated a dose-response relationship in our study. ", "Previous research (e.g. [@bib3]; [@bib38]) has provided conflicting evidence for another construct, *civic* participation. ", "Predominantly explored in the form of voting behaviour, civic participation *may* capture experiences of marginalisation and disenfranchisement leading to poorer health outcomes ([@bib3]). ", "Yet, local politics remains under-researched as a dimension of community in the health literature. ", "The small town context of our study enabled us to go beyond variables such as voting behaviour to identify perceived efficacy and responsiveness of local leaders. ", "The tendency for positive perceptions of local leadership to predict higher self-rated health highlights the need for further research to untangle whether such perceptions are consistent with effective governance. ", "Alternatively, positive perceptions of leadership may be associated with psycho-social dimensions such as belonging. ", "These results provide motivation for collecting data on as full a set of potential confounders as possible when examining the complex interplay between any of income, health, and individual community capacity.", "\n\nThe results presented here are from a follow-up survey with attrition of the study cohort leading to modest responses in some communities that weakened the statistical power of our analysis. ", "We have provided confidence intervals in all cases to enable consideration of whether statistically non-significant results are still consistent with practically important effects. ", "Further, our analysis relies on data from only four reasonably homogenous communities; a much larger sample of communities would have reduced the impact of any outlying communities in the dataset. ", "The average age of respondents in the four study communities exceeded the median age of the four towns (averaging 59 years compared with Census data indicating a median age ranging from 41 to 51 years) ([@bib36]). ", "These differences impact on the generalisability of our results as we have previously observed trends in community capacity scores that differ with age ([@bib23]). ", "Only one previous study has comprehensively examined the relationship between community capacity and health outcomes; [@bib17] observed positive associations between community capacity and health in a study of over 400 communities in South Korea, however, the authors controlled for health behaviours which may be influenced by the place one lives. ", "Our research, instead, suggests that some dimensions of community capacity, may have indirect health benefits by providing a buffer against the health impacts of low income but we estimate that any such effects are small.", "\n\nThe financial support of the Department of Preventive & Social Medicine, University of Otago and The Foundation for Youth Development to complete this research are gratefully acknowledged.", "\n\n[^1]: The low item-test and item-rest correlation was for \"I see how economic changes have affected \\[my town\\]\". ", "This item had item-test and item-rest correlations of 0.02 and -0.02 respectively in Mataura but these were higher with values of 0.34--0.61 and 0.28--0.58 respectively for the other three locations.", "\n\n[^2]: Showing mean (SD) on a 1--7 scale.", "\n\n[^3]: Showing n (%).", "\n\n[^4]: All models include clustering at the town level (clustered robust standard errors) and p-values for income are for linear trends.", "\n\n[^5]: Adjusting for age, sex, location, Māori ethnicity, relationship status.", "\n\n[^6]: Also adjusting for income/community capacity.", "\n\n[^7]: Note that each of these models includes only one measure of community capacity, either the total score or a single subscale. ", "The n\\'s in these columns refer to the unadjusted model, the model adjusted without income, and the model also adjusted for income.", "\n\n[^8]: All models include clustering at the town level (clustered robust standard errors) and p-values for health are for linear trends.", "\n\n[^9]: Adjusting for age, sex, location, Māori ethnicity, relationship status.", "\n\n[^10]: Adjusting for age, sex, location, Māori ethnicity, relationship status, and income.", "\n\n[^11]: Note that each of these models includes only one measure of community capacity, either the total score or a single subscale.", "\n" ]
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[ "Included in \"[others]\" are stuff like file handles, images, spreadsheets, FTP connections, and stuff like that... there's a whole bunch of them, and I won't try to list all of them because I'll forget something, which'll mean someone will need to add a comment to point this out. ", "So I'm just saving us all some time.", "\n\nThe first four are all \"simple values\", and the rest are \"complex values\". ", "Basically a simple value is one that has only one part to its value; the complex ones are multi-part. ", "For example an array as a number of elements, a struct has a bunch of key/value pairs, etc.", "\n\nI'm not going to say much about simple values in this, other than that they're all - clearly - copied by value. ", "Given this code:\n\nSo that's different. ", "Changing the value of a key in st1 also changes it in st2. ", "Some clever people will nod knowingly and go \"yeah, it's because structs are copied by reference in CFML\". ", "Sorry, but no they're not.", "\n\nStructs are still copied by value, but unlike simple objects wherein the \"value\" is the contents of the string (or the date, etc), for structs (and most other complex objects), the value being copied is a reference.", "\n\nSo how's that different from copying by reference? ", "It sounds the same.", "\n\nTo be honest, I understand what's going on, but I find it difficult to articulate. ", "And I'm not 100% sure of the absolute vagaries, but I reckon it's something like this:\n\nCopy by value:\n\nVariable\n\nReference ID\n\nMemory address\n\nst1\n\n@12345678\n\n0x00001234\n\nst2\n\n@9ABCDEF0\n\n0x00001234\n\nCopy by reference:\n\nVariable\n\nReference ID\n\nMemory address\n\nst1\n\n@12345678\n\n0x00001234\n\nst2\n\n@12345678\n\n0x00001234\n\n(I've made the reference ID and memory addresses look all hexadecimal and stuff for illustrative purposes).", "\n\nYou can see in both examples they all point to the same location of memory, but in the copy-by-value example the references are actually different. ", "st2 is a new reference, it's just pointing to the same memory location as st1. ", "Whereas in the latter example, st1 and st2 both point to exactly the same reference (and, accordingly, the same location in memory).", "\n\nFor almost all situations you'll encounter in CF the end results are the same, but I've got an example later on that demonstrate the difference.", "\n\nNow... having said that, for the rest of this article I am going to use the term \"copy by reference\" for the sake of brevity. ", "I actually mean \"copy by reference value\".", "\n\nNow the gist of this article is to demonstrate how the various CFML complex object types behave when being assigned or passed.", "\n\nI'm going to start with the odd-one-out. ", "Arrays.", "\n\nArrays\n\nArrays are complex data types, but for historical reasons (and - IMO - a bad decision on the part of Macromedia's CF team) arrays are actually passed by value in ColdFusion.", "\n\nIf arrays were copied by reference, then one would expect a2 to have been \"fixed\" too. ", "But because when a1's value is assigned to a2, it's a value-copy, then the values of a1 and a2 are thereafter completely distinct from each other, so the \"fix\" is not propagated to a2.", "\n\nWhat's completely weird is that ColdFusion's array functions all seem to actually pass the input array by reference, as demonstrated here:\n\nSo there's no return value, the passed-in array is simply modified \"inline\", implying it's passed by reference. ", "Seriously? ", "I do not know what Allaire / Macromedia were thinking by implementing arrays the way they did. ", "That's partly pithy derision, partly an admission I actually don't know... there might've been a good reason for it. ", "I doubt there actually was though.", "\n\nNoticed I italicised \"ColdFusion\" before in the first para, when describing that arrays are passed by value. ", "If I was to run that first example on Railo or Lucee, I get slightly different results.", "\n\nWARNING:\nThose that have any sort of sense of the aesthetic might want to look away now, because I'm about to show you a <cfdump> from Railo (and they look frickin' ghastly).", "\n\nHere goes...\n\nScope\n\nA1\n\nArray\n\n1\n\nstring\n\nTahi\n\n2\n\nstring\n\nRua\n\n3\n\nstring\n\nToru\n\n4\n\nstring\n\nWha\n\nA2\n\nArray\n\n1\n\nstring\n\nTahi\n\n2\n\nstring\n\nRua\n\n3\n\nstring\n\nToru\n\n4\n\nstring\n\nWha\n\nOnce your eyes recover from that visual assault, you'll be able to note how a2 has also been updated with the \"fix\" to the element at index 2. ", "This is because Railo decided that ColdFusion's behaviour here was daft, so they \"fixed\" it in Railo (discussion here).", "\n\nOn OpenBD, the code runs the same as on ColdFusion.", "\n\nFor the rest of this doc, one can assume the results are the same on all three of ColdFusion, Railo/Lucee and OpenBD, other than where I indicate otherwise.", "\n\nIf one really wanted to pass arrays by reference value in CFML, there is a way to kind of shoe-horn it in. ", "Ben Nadel wrote an article a while back which covered how an ArrayList is passed by reference, so one could just use an ArrayList instead. ", "I've slightly finetuned his approach here: one can use a CF array until the last moment, then turn it into an ArrayList when the pass-by-reference-value is needed:\n\nThis demonstrates that the refs for both st1 and st2 are pointing to the same struct in memory.", "\n\nI'm going sideline slightly into some code that demonstrates exactly the same thing, but it threw me when I first encountered it, despite being obvious what's going on.", "\n\nst1 = {\ninner1 = {\none = \"Tahi\"\n}\n};\nst1.inner2 = st1.inner1; // so those two references are pointing to the same struct in memory\nst2 = st1;\nst1.inner1.two = \"Rua\";\nwriteDump(variables); // note that TWO has been set into both inner1 and inner2\nst3 = duplicate(st1); // make a proper value-based copy; so completely different references pointing to different bits of memory\nst3.inner1.three = \"Toru\";\nwriteDump(variables); // inner2 also had a copy of \"THREE\"\n\nThe first dump shows:\n\nstruct\n\nST1\n\nstruct\n\nINNER1\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nINNER2\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nST2\n\nstruct\n\nINNER1\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nINNER2\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nThat's all predicable. ", "After the duplicate(), though, I expected all the substructs to be discrete entities. ", "So adding a THREEto st3.inner1 oughtn't also add it to st3.inner2. ", "but it does:\n\nstruct\n\nST1\n\nstruct\n\nINNER1\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nINNER2\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nST2\n\nstruct\n\nINNER1\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nINNER2\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nST3\n\nstruct\n\nINNER1\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTHREE\n\nToru\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nINNER2\n\nstruct\n\nONE\n\nTahi\n\nTHREE\n\nToru\n\nTWO\n\nRua\n\nAfter a while of doubting my sanity, it occurred to me that the duplicate()had made everything discrete from a memory point of view, but the two references that st3.inner1 and st3.inner2 - whilst being different from their counterparts in st1 & st2 - still pointed to the same piece of memory (a different piece of memory from the other two structs, but the same as each other). ", "So I squinted and went \"oh yeah... makes sense I guess\". ", "And moved on.", "\n\nNote: there appears to be a bug in Railo here, in that the output of the st3 is:\n\nStruct\n\ninner1\n\nStruct\n\none\n\nstring\n\nTahi\n\nTHREE\n\nstring\n\nToru\n\nTWO\n\nstring\n\nRua\n\nINNER2\n\nStruct\n\none\n\nstring\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nstring\n\nRua\n\nThat's not right (OpenBD is also wrong here, in the same way).", "\n\nHere's an example showing that it's not just assignments and passings that point to the same bit of memory. ", "The rather useful structFindKey() returns an array of structs which all reference the original struct, so manipulating the result from the function call also manipulates the source struct:\n\nstructCopy() does some sort of weird / hybrid / neither-use-nor-ornament kind of copy wherein the top level items are discrete, but the rest of the thing is not. ", "So the code \"fixes\" the THREE/Toru, but not the TWO/Rua. ", "I have no idea why one would want to copy a struct like this.", "\n\nLastly (as far as structs go), here's a demo of structs being passed rather than just being assigned:\n\nOne of the new syntactical features of ColdFusion 10 is that one can now load data into a query straight in the queryNew() expression (as per above), as well as in queryAddRow(). ", "That's a cool addition to the language. ", "An example of using queryAddRow() like this is below:\n\nNote what I'm testing here: I'm doing the old \"update the struct\" trick, to see whether it propagates into the query as well, wondering if the query data might somehow might still use the struct's reference. ", "No. ", "And now that I think about it, it was a pretty daft thing to try. ", "Oh well. ", "here's the result anyways ('cos, like, we're not sick of dumps saying \"tahi, rua, toru, wha\" yet, eh?):", "\n\nstruct\n\nA\n\narray\n\n1\n\nstruct\n\nDIGIT\n\n5\n\nMAORI\n\nRima\n\nQ1\n\nquery\n\nDIGIT\n\nMAORI\n\n1\n\n1\n\ntahi\n\n2\n\n2\n\nRua\n\n3\n\n3\n\nToru\n\n4\n\n4\n\nWha\n\n5\n\n5\n\nFIVE\n\nST\n\nstruct\n\nDIGIT\n\n5\n\nMAORI\n\nRima\n\nThere's nothing more to say about queries here. ", "Pretty dull.", "\n\nOh... Railo supports this new syntax (and works the same as CF does), but it seems OpenBD does not: it just errors with that code.", "\n\nThe difference here is that I'm lower-casing the XML, because I want to use a case-insensitive XPATH look-up. ", "One can do this with XPath 1.0, but it was a bit of a hack, so often when I want to just find stuff, and don't need to use the values, I just lcase() the XML. ", "I seem to recall that CF10 uses XPath 2.0 now, so I could just use a case-insensitive look-up without messing about. ", "I still have to look at XPath 2.0, and will probably write something about that at a later date.", "\n\nHowever this was outputting:\n\nstruct\n\nA\n\narray\n\n1\n\nxml element\n\nXmlName\n\ntwo\n\nXmlNsPrefix\n\nXmlNsURI\n\nXmlText\n\nRua\n\nXmlComment\n\nXmlAttributes\n\nstruct [empty]\n\nXmlChildren\n\nX1\n\nxml document [short version]\n\nnumbers\n\nXmlText\n\none\n\nXmlText\n\nTahi\n\nTWO\n\nXmlText\n\nTWO\n\nthree\n\nXmlText\n\nToru\n\nfour\n\nXmlText\n\nWha\n\nNote how it's changed the xmlText in the search result, but hadn't updated the XML doc. ", "It took me ages to twig why I was being a muppet here.", "\n\nWhen I do the lcase() call, I'm no longer using the original XML document: as lcase() is a string function, it passes copies of the value around, so the XML I'm doing the search on is not x1. ", "It's a copy of it (well: it's a copy of it that's been cast to a string, then copied again, then turned back into an XML doc).", "\n\nOK. ", "Getting close to the end now. ", "Cheers for sticking with me thusfar.", "\n\nObjects\n\nHere's some code to demonstrate objects are passed by object reference value too:\n\n(NB: I did not test this on OpenBD because it does not support CFScript-only CFCs, so the code didn't work. ", "I could not be bothered refactoring it to demonstrate what I strongly suspect to be the case: OpenBD performs the same here..?)", "\n\nIf st1 was actually being passed by reference, then st (arguments.st, inside the function) would be exactly the same reference. ", "So if we then assign it a different value, then that would be assigning st1 the same value as well. ", "Which is not the case. ", "The reference passed into f() is a new reference which happens to point at the same memory location as st1. ", "however when we reassign st, we're pointing it to a new memory address. ", "But st1 still points at the old one.", "\n\nHence in CFML, complex objects are not passed by reference.", "\n\nMake sense?", "\n\nThis ended up being way longer than I expected, but there's a lot of code and dumpery going on amongst the narrative. ", "I hope it was a bit useful / interesting for some people. ", "I will admit it actually formalised a few things in my head as I typed this stuff in, so it was good for me if nothing else.", "\n\nSearch This Blog\n\nAbout\n\nI've been a web developer since 2001. ", "I have spent 13yrs as a CFML developer, and until Sept 2014, that was the main subject matter here. ", "I've now been re-tasked as a PHP developer, so learning PHP will become the focus of this blog. ", "But I also mess around with other languages too.", "\n\nI tend to be a bit \"forthright\" in my opinions, I am indelicate, and I tend to swear too much. ", "This will come out occasionally here: I make no apology for it.", "\n\nEverything said here is my own opinion. ", "Feel free to disagree with me :-)" ]
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[ "Note: microbial resistance of wool fabric treated with bis-Quats compounds.", "\nIn this paper, the antibacterial activity against Bacillus pumilus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa of the wool fabrics treated with new antimicrobial bis-quaternary surfactants, DABK and DABB, is studied. ", "The activity was established on the basis of the agar diffusion and protective antibacterial test results and on the basis of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation. ", "The results were compared with the HTAB, a monoquaternary surfactant of conventional use. ", "The results from the agar diffusion and protective antibacterial tests do not enable us to confirm whether these compounds are potentially useful antimicrobial agents for the protection of textiles. ", "However, SEM observations show clearly the efficacy of these compounds to protect the wool fabrics against the micro-organisms. ", "SEM has been a useful technique for the assessment of antibacterial activity in textiles." ]
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[ "Portuguese Model Sara Sampaio Biography, Marriage\n\nSara Sampaio is a Portuguese model best known for her works in Victoria’s Secret and Calzedonia. ", "She got extremely popular after Sara Sampaio Calzedonia summer show and apart from this, Portuguese model Sara Sampaio biography will have lots to talk about her. ", "As already known, she is one of the most famous Portuguese female models of today. ", "At a young age, Sara Sampaio model profile consists of lots of accomplishments and all of Sara Sampaio modelling assignments are a new addition to her hat. ", "For a woman like her, it is hard to put a particular name tag at biography of model Sara Sampaio, and so we will be dividing it in various headings. ", "Although Sara Sampaio wiki narrates mostly about her career, we’re going to sneak peak a little and look for the details of Sara Sampaio personal life for her fans to cherish another side of her. ", "She is often seen with other models like Emily Didonato and Kendall Jenner.", "\n\nModel Sara Sampaio Age, Family\n\nThis young model started her career at a very young age and Sara Sampaio date of birth is 21st July, 1991. ", "Since model Sara Sampaio age is only 23 years, she is seen as a big threat to other models in the industry as she has accomplished so much already. ", "Being a model, Sara Sampaio height is one of her assets and she is 1.73 metres tall.", "\n\nAlso, she has to manage her body and so Sara Sampaio weight is one hell of a task for her. ", "It all started with Sara Sampaio photo shoots and since then, there has been an endless list of Sara Sampaio bikini wallpapers for her fans to go crazy about. ", "To talk about her personal life, Sara Sampaio birthplace is Portugal and since she is Portuguese by birth, Sara Sampaio nationality is also the same. ", "Born and brought up there, Sara Sampaio education was also completed in Portugal only.", "\n\nAs regards Sara Sampaio family, nothing much is known except for the fact that they belong to traditional Portugal culture. ", "So it looks like Sara Sampaio parents are a mystery as long as her family background is concerned. ", "Similarly, nothing much is known about Sara Sampaio siblings, so we will have to wait until the model tells us something about her family.", "\n\nSara Sampaio Modeling Career\n\nHer terrific career started in the year 2007 when she won the Cabeles Pantene. ", "Along with all her achievements, Sara Sampaio Portuguese model biography will also talk about her various works in the industry. ", "Of all the Portuguese fashion female models, she was awarded the Best Female Model for two consecutive years, and then again the awards for Best Rookie of the Year in 2014.", "\n\nAlthough Sara Sampaio model agency is in all the big cities of the world including Milan and NYC, she is named amongst one of the few Portuguese top models. ", "She received much fame while Sara Sampaio and Emily Didonato magazine photo-shoot took place. ", "Both of them are considered the most promising young female models and it looks like Sara Sampaio upcoming photo shoots are much awaited all the time.", "\n\nSince she is one of the most trending female models in Portugal, Sara Sampaio Portugal fashion statement has been changed in a lot of better ways. ", "Not only is she glamorous, she is very confident as well and that shows in Sara Sampaio interviews. ", "Her female fans are always trying to crack Sara Sampaio beauty tips as they wish they could look like her.", "\n\nSara Sampaio TV Commercials\n\nAs of now, it seems that Sara Sampaio modelling contracts are much lined up and when one ends, Sara Sampaio next modelling contract is just round the corner for her. ", "These include Sara Sampaio advertisements of which the most famous is Sara Sampaio Adidas campaign. ", "As she is known as one of the sexiest Portuguese swimsuit models, she has also done several Sara Sampaio TV commercials wearing a swimsuit. ", "She also did an assignment with Barbara Palvin and everybody loved that piece of work by Sara Sampaio and Barbara Palvin.", "\n\nSince Sara Sampaio Hollywood debut was with a TV show where this Portuguese Victoria secret models were rewarded with great deal of acclaim. ", "She was also one of the most popular celebrities at certain events including Sara Sampaio Adriana Lima Blumarine, and since then Sara Sampaio fashion spot has been fixed in the industry.", "\n\nSara Sampaio Photo Shoots\n\nShe is better known for her works in the partnership of Sara Sampaio and Marc Marquez which rendered her lots of attention. ", "However, ever since Sara Sampaio first photo shoot, people have seen her as a great artist and this is why Victoria’s secret model Sara Sampaio bio-data is full of Sara Sampaio hot pics among other things. ", "Another notable work was Sara Sampaio and Candice Swanepoel together starring in Victoria’s Secret.", "\n\nSara is one of the few Portuguese supermodels and she has done her native land proud. ", "Every time the news about Sara Sampaio next photo shoot comes out, her fans are all intrigued and the hunt for Sara Sampaio HD images begins on Sara Sampaio website with all the eagerness.", "\n\nSara Sampaio Personal Life\n\nApart from her personal details and her career, there is more to Sara Sampaio biography, and as it turns out, there is yet another Sara Sampaio controversy round the corner. ", "The talks about Sara Sampaio dating some man or the other is out every now and then which makes Sara Sampaio love life really complex. ", "As soon as news about Sara Sampaio love affairs, it takes even lesser time for Sara Sampaio breakups to happen. ", "The most popular of all was Sara Sampaio and Cristiano Ronaldo news where he was allegedly called as boyfriend of Sara Sampaio, however, this got no lead later on.", "\n\nAt no point did it happen that talks about Sara Sampaio single were heard of. ", "So it turns out that Sara Sampaio relationships are unstable and obviously, much talked about. ", "It was then that model Sara Sampaio personal details were revealed and Sara Sampaio romance with Alexander Deleon became more public. ", "The news about Sara Sampaio and Alexander Deleon dating each other left the fans of the two awestruck. ", "However, it did not last long either too.", "\n\nSara Sampaio Marriage Gossips\n\nThen the news about Sara Sampaio married broke out and these rumours got so worse that even Sara Sampaio wedding date was being guessed. ", "It looks like Sara Sampaio marriage controversy ended soon as talks about Sara Sampaio Bryce Thompson relationship aired the media again. ", "However, Sara Sampaio dating Bryce Thompson was never confirmed and so; Sara Sampaio Bryce Thompson affair does not count as one. ", "To know more about her, follow Sara Sampaio blog and stay updated with all the latest news.", "\n\nSara Sampaio Latest Buzz\n\nAs regards Sara Sampaio latest news, it is expected that with the kind of work she is doing in the industry, Sara Sampaio new movie will be out soon. ", "Till then, look out for her profile on Facebook and Instagram as Sara Sampaio Instagram photos are a delight. ", "And in future, we really wish to look out for some Sara Sampaio movies and of course, it will definitely add to Sara Sampaio net worth.", "\n\nOur vision is to create a biopic portal where the user can get information about their favorite celebrities or ideal personalities. ", "We are striving hard to get all genuine information about famous personalities and highlight unique details about their personal and professional life. ", "Follow us on Twitter and Pinterest" ]
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[ "Behaviour and Mood Management\n\nIt is understandable when significant events have an impact on our lives. ", "There is nothing wrong with feeling a sting of pain or jab of remorse or to be choked with sorrow. ", "These are all legitimate ways to experience life. ", "You just don’t want to stay spinning on those states of mind when you were meant to move on. ", "In fact the pain is there to indicate to you that you are not supposed to ruminate on thoughts of that type and that it is time to move on to other things.", "\n\nYou have two choices after you’ve experienced hardship, pain or loss. ", "You can allow those experiences to diminish you—to crush your spirit—and you can shroud yourself in dark thoughts about the past or damning ones about the future. ", "Or you can accept those experiences as valuable and in doing so integrate them into your being. ", "Previous experience is what creates empathy and that leads to compassion which is a form of love and connection. ", "So pain and suffering are ultimately an invitation to have more love and connection in your life. ", "But not if you hide away and shroud yourself in wishful thinking.", "\n\nEveryone you meet has experienced great pain. ", "And you can see how it’s affected them. ", "For some they are hunched and tired and defeated, whereas others are bright and empathetic and aware. ", "Some relive their pain regularly whereas others are only glad to have survived it. ", "My father said there was only two ways to come back from WWII: sorry you went or glad you made it back. ", "These aren’t two different wartime experiences, these are two different choices about how to process the fact of being in a war. ", "So the person in pain will say that their experience is the source of their suffering just as the compassionate person will say that the very same experience is the source of their compassion.", "\n\nI’ve referred to kintsukoroi in a previous blog. ", "It’s the Japanese practice of repairing broken pottery with gold. ", "The notion is that no one should be upset by a broken vase because it now has the opportunity to be even more beautiful. ", "The same holds for people. ", "As Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross points out, the cracks are where the light gets out. ", "The uninjured are of little comfort to a grieving person. ", "But someone who understands? ", "That person is invaluable. ", "That person can connect with you. ", "That person can share your pain and thereby diminish its intensity. ", "You are grateful for those people in your life.", "\n\nI am not suggesting that you enjoy your next struggle. ", "But do keep in mind that it is in a way a form of Life University, where are you being constantly re-trained in matters of the heart. ", "Do not let your unpleasant experiences lead you to lock yourself away. ", "This is like getting your angels wings and then not flying. ", "After those events you are made more powerful, larger and more connected. ", "In fact your own strength will increase with each additional person you help. ", "And all the time you will be bound together by the gold of your relationship—the bond of shared pain.", "\n\nLife is sometimes beautiful and rewarding. ", "And other times it is harsh and cruel. ", "But the way to beautiful and rewarding from harsh and cruel is often through someone who has enough experience with the latter that they can lead you to the former. ", "And it’s important to remember that sometimes that person will be you." ]
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[ "Amish bishop received 16years in prison for beard shearing\n\nPerhaps you remember Samuel Mullet, the Amish bishop going to trial for masterminding a series of beard-shearing attacks on those who disagreed with him. ", "The prosecutor voiced his opinion on the case.", "\n\n“Plainly stated, Samuel Mullet Sr. ", "should be sentenced to a life term of imprisonment because, but for [italics added by prosecutors] Samuel Mullet Sr., ", "it is highly unlikely any of his co-defendants would have engaged in violent and obstructive behavior,” wrote assistant U.S. attorneys Bridget Brennan and Kristy Parker in a sentencing memorandum. “", "Samuel Mullet Sr.", "’s control over the Bergholz community was — and is — absolute. ", "He was able to get men to surrender their wives to him. ", "Wives would be forced to leave their small children and live in Mullet Sr.", "’s home so that they could be available to him.”", "\n\nWhile Mullet didn’t actually engage in the hair cutting, he did, “openly encourage a campaign of terror.”", "\n\n“There is no doubt that Mullet Sr. ", "wanted, agreed with and encouraged all of these attacks,” the prosecutors wrote. “", "And for that reason, it is remarkable that he continues to deny his own culpability while throwing the other defendants under the proverbial bus, especially when some of these defendants are his children, his nephews and his clergymen.”", "\n\nPlus, while speaking to investigators, Mullet appeared to have, shall we say, sung like a bird.", "\n\nProsecutors said that in a Nov. 23, 2011, interview with the FBI, Mullet was “all too eager to tell agents” about his sons Johnny, Lester, Danny and nephew Eli Miller’s roles in the attacks. “", "For Mullet Sr., ", "retribution and vengeance were far more important than protecting his children, grandchildren and community members,” the prosecutors wrote. “", "It was then, and still is, all about Mullet Sr.”", "\n\nMullet’s attorney disagrees.", "\n\n“I’m appalled. ", "I’m flabbergasted. ", "They are making him out to be a David Koresh-caricature,” Bryan said, referring to the leader of the Branch Davidians cult in Waco, Texas. “", "I can’t believe the U.S. Justice Department is doing this. “", "It’s clear from the government’s sentencing brief that the government is continuing to push its false narrative that Sam Mullet is a diabolical cult leader,” Bryan said. “", "While I recognize that the government’s responsibility to prosecute violations of the law, there comes a time a prosecution becomes a persecution. ", "Based on what the government is seeking, it is clear that they’ve crossed that line.”", "\n\nI should note that Mullet’s brand of religion is in contrast to more mainstream Amish people.", "\n\nWitnesses likened the bishop’s ultraconservative Amish sect in Jefferson County, 100 miles southeast of Cleveland, to a cult that had turned its back on the religion’s nonviolent traditions. ", "The trial in September offered a rare glimpse into Ohio’s typically reclusive and peaceful Amish community. ", "The proceeding also was an unprecedented application of a landmark 2009 federal law that expanded government powers to prosecute hate crimes and attracted national and international attention. ", "In their sentencing memorandum, prosecutors brought up Mullet’s role in the greater Amish community. “", "Mullet Sr.", "’s vengeful efforts to terrorize Amish practitioners who have made religious decisions to avoid and exclude him or who have disregarded his excommunications, illustrates that he is a danger to the greater Amish community,” prosecutors wrote.", "\n\nLink\n\nToday we received word that Mullet received 16 years.", "\n\nThe Justice Department announced that 16 folks would be sent to prison for hate crimes against Amish folks. ", "The defendants, who range in age from 23 to 67 and all lived in Ohio, were found guilty of “forcibly remov[ing] beard and head hair from practitioners of the Amish faith with whom they had ongoing religious disputes.” “", "Sixteen people were sentenced to prison today for hate crimes arising out of a series of religiously-motivated assaults on practitioners of the Amish religion, announced Thomas E. Perez, the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division; Steven M. Dettelbach, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio; and Stephen Anthony, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI – Cleveland Field Office,” the Justice Department announced.", "\n\nEveryone involved received varying sentences\n\nThe list of guilty reads: “The defendants all reside in Bergholz, Ohio, unless otherwise noted. ", "Samuel Mullet, 67, received a 15 year sentence. ", "Johnny S. Mullet, 39; Lester Mullet, 28, of Hammondsville, Ohio; Levi F. Miller, 54; and Eli M. Miller, 33, received seven year sentences. ", "Daniel S. Mullet, 38; Lester Miller, 38; and Emanuel Schrock, 44, received five year sentences. ", "Raymond Miller, 28, of Irondale, Ohio; and Linda Shrock, 45, both received two year sentences. ", "Freeman Burkholder, 32, of Irondale; Anna Miller, 33; Elizabeth A. Miller, 38, of Irondale; Emma J. Miller, 38; Kathryn Miller, 23, of Irondale; and Lovina Miller, 33, all received a sentence of one year and one day.”", "\n\nLink" ]
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[ "Determining the position and orientation of objects in free space has many applications. ", "Specific applications include targeting systems used in conjunction with various aircraft, computer peripherals which utilize the position sensing apparatus to position a cursor, and many other pointing applications. ", "Generally, either a single sensor or a plurality of sensors are attached to a device such as a helmet and the position of those sensors is determined relative to known reference points. ", "In an aircraft targeting application, a plurality of sensors are placed in a pilot's helmet and the position of those sensors is determined. ", "Knowing the position of the plurality of sensors, the orientation of the pilot's helmet can be calculated in relation to a reference axis of the aircraft. ", "The orientation of the pilot's helmet can then be used to direct certain devices in the same general direction as the pilot's line of sight.", "\nOne prior approach to determining the position and orientation of an object is to utilize magnetic transmitters and receivers. ", "Typically, a magnetic signal is transmitted of a known value from a known reference point. ", "Receivers, or sensors, placed in free space sense the magnetic signal and the position of the receiver is calculated based on the magnitude and direction of the sensed magnetic field signal. ", "The receivers used in this type of application are three axis magnetic sensors which can detect three orthogonal components of a magnetic field.", "\nWhen these magnetic transmitters and sensors are utilized in an aircraft cockpit, adjustments must be made to account for the large amounts of metal in the area. ", "The presence of a metal object in close proximity to the magnetic transmitter can seriously alter the strength and uniformity of a magnetic field. ", "Since large amounts of metals exist on an aircraft, eddy currents in the metal produce magnetic fields which distort any transmitted magnetic fields at all points in the cockpit. ", "Due to these eddy currents, signals received by the sensor are not true indications of position. ", "These metal effects produce serious errors when trying to determine the position and orientation of sensors within a cockpit.", "\nOne solution to the problem of metal effects has been to map the area involved. ", "More specifically, measurements are made in the cockpit wherein a known signal is generated and the sensor is positioned at a known position, resulting in a sensor signal. ", "This sensor signal is then stored and the characteristics of the magnetic field within the entire cockpit are thus determined. ", "Once the magnetic field characteristics are determined, the errors due to metal effects can thus be accounted for.", "\nAnother solution to the problem of metal effects is to utilize optical signals rather than magnetic signals. ", "In this application an optical signal is generated from a known point within the cockpit and an optical sensor receives the optical signal. ", "Several disadvantages are inherent in the use of optical signals. ", "One disadvantage is the necessity to have a free path between the sensor and transmitter. ", "Any object placed between the transmitter and the receiver will render the device inoperable and ineffective. ", "Furthermore, the receivers will have a limited field of operation. ", "For example, when an optical signal is placed directly behind the pilot's head and the optical sensor is placed directly on the back of the pilot's helmet, should the pilot turn his head too far the optical signal will not be received. ", "Thus, there is a need for multiple optical sensors and multiple optical signal sources." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is this file in .htaccess?", "\n\nI am realy wonder why in .htaccess has those code bellow, can tell me what is this code?", "\n<Files 403.shtml>\norder allow, deny\nallow from all\n</Files>\n\ndeny from\n\nA:\n\nIt is not definitely malware.", "\nAt least, not in the sense it's intended for malicious reasons...\nIn the case you are using cpanel and you have used its IP Deny Manager to block access to then this will automatically be written to your .htaccess file with the intended purpose of blocking that IP (and any others you may wish to enter):\n<Files 403.shtml>\norder allow, deny\nallow from all\n</Files>\n\ndeny from\n\nDo you use cpanel and if so, do you remember doing that?", "\n\nA:\n\nAllowing the 403 to All simply prevents a loop. ", "If you block an IP using the 'deny from' method, then serving of the 403 to that IP would also get blocked, creating a loop. ", "Allowing the specific 403 file to ALL, will override the block -- of serving the 403 to that specific IP -- that otherwise would have occurred. ", "That prevents a loop.", "\n\nA:\n\nUPDATE: This answer was based on speculation using the facts provided when it was originally posted. ", "The overall consensus seems to be this modification of the .htaccess file is most likely the result of using server management software such as CPanel so it’s not—on its own—an indication of malware infection.", "\nThe contents of that .htaccess are a bit odd. ", "\n<Files 403.shtml>\norder allow, deny\nallow from all\n</Files>\n\ndeny from\n\nThe <Files 403.shtml> part refers to the 403.shtml file and it seems to be allowing a custom 403: Forbidden response (assumption based on file naming) .shtml file to be sent. ", "The order allow, deny and related allow from all explain it to me. ", " It seems like the site is blocking all traffic in some way but wants that 403.shtml to come through?", "\nBut the deny from is quite specific & odd as a result. ", "That is basically blocking any/all access from", "\nNow typing that out it seems like the .htaccess is set to explicitly deny access from address which would send a 403 response code, and the <Files 403.shtml> allows the actual 403: Forbidden htaccess page to be sent?", "\nBut still, it seems odd for a directive to block traffic from one single IP address would be in an .htaccess file like that.", "\nEDIT: Did a Google search for <Files 403.shtml>—because if you know Apache configs, that is a highly odd directive—and it seems like this might be part of some malware? ", " Look at this page as well as this page and this other page.", "\nSeems like this is part of a definite XSS backdoor? ", "Perhaps the .htaccess is in a malware directory, and the deny from is denying the infected server from accessing itself?", "\nANOTHER EDIT: Okay, putting on my thinking cap—as well as personal experience with web malware—and looking at the specificity of the deny from I think I know what the deal is. ", "This is part of a malware infection. ", "But I bet that is a node on a bonnet because you can curl -I it & visit it in a browser & it seems to be an active server. ", "Most client IP addresses just won’t do that; who has a web server exposed on a basic ISP connection, right? ", "Unless the machine is infected. ", "So the 403.shtml is not actually a real 403: Forbidden page but actually part of the malware. ", "Meaning, a connection being made FROM would trigger 403.shtml—which is a server side include HTML file—that could be used for unauthorized access. ", "I mean, when has anyone in 2014 last seen active .shtml files on legit servers, right? ", "It’s all PHP, Python, Java or Ruby nowadays.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.012002481147646904, 0.004490492399781942, 0.0013409038074314594, 0.0019341845763847232, 0.000653679424431175, 0.0013827993534505367, 0.0006465710466727614, 0.0008166560437530279, 0.0005789290298707783, 0.0009707928984425962, 0.011341768316924572, 0.000788473931606859, 0.000744215096347034, 0.0019354424439370632, 0.0006644561653956771, 0.0010863395873457193, 0.0026414014864712954, 0.005648897495120764, 0.0015706963604316115, 0.0007083184318616986, 0.0011903390986844897, 0.009548483416438103, 0.0007648624596185982, 0.009106086567044258, 0.0007760189473628998, 0.0006636492325924337, 0.0018703154055401683, 0.005212652962654829, 0.0007504622917622328, 0.0008491282933391631, 0.0006847205222584307, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWebsites visited on a VPN network\n\nMy residence provides wifi and I'm using my personal computer to connect to it. ", "I use a login and password to have access to the internet. ", "Some websites are blocked by it. ", "\nSometimes I log into VPN (using ANyConnect) to access data on my university's server. ", "When I'm on the VPN, the websites usually blocked aren't.", "\nMy question is, can web pages I visit to be tracked when I'm on the VPN or directly connected to the WiFi? ", "How does it work? ", "Do they keep a record of the websites I visit?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe VPN operator can track and record what websites you visit while you're using the VPN if they want to, and you'd have to check their policies to see what they actually do. ", "If everything is set up properly, your wifi provider can only see that you're sending encrypted data to and from the VPN, but can't see what pages you're visiting. ", "If you're connected to the wifi and not using the VPN, the wifi provider can then see what pages you're visiting, and for pages not served using https they can even see the full content of all of your communication with those pages.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006644282839260995, 0.0007134372717700899, 0.0007774174446240067, 0.0006961533799767494, 0.0011395295150578022, 0.0008166034240275621, 0.000767980411183089, 0.0008233703556470573, 0.0006420525023713708, 0.0008117282995954156, 0.0007185671129263937, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJavaassist and Webstart\n\nThis looks like an old problem that is resolved, but unfortunately I couldn't find a good reference.", "\nI have a Java application using Javaassist. ", "It was working fine until I upgraded it to a webstart application.", "\nNow Javaassist gives me a classNotFoundException. ", "The class is definitely in class path though.", "\nI found this related post https://community.jboss.org/message/302408 which is kind of old and I couldn't decode it. ", "Can someone gime me a hand here?", "\nthanks\nHere is the code snippet:\n ctClasses = new HashMap<String, CtClass>();\n classPool = ClassPool.getDefault();\n\n try {\n ctEntity = classPool.get(\"org.myclass\");\n } catch (NotFoundException e) {\n logger.error(\"Could not find entity class, this should not happen\");\n throw new RuntimeException(\"Could not find Entity class\",e);\n }\n\nThere is nothing in stacktrace. ", "\n java.lang.", "RuntimeException: Could not find Entity class\n at ca.cbc.panacea.metadata.", "JavassistClassGeneratorImpl.<init>(JavassistClassGeneratorImpl.java:32)\n at ca.cbc.panacea.metadata.", "ClassGeneratorFactory.getDefaultClassGenerator(ClassGeneratorFactory.java:12)\n at ca.cbc.panacea.metadata.", "ClassCreator.<init>(ClassCreator.java:30)\n at ca.cbc.panacea.", "Panacea.digestMappingFile(Panacea.java:75)\n at ca.cbc.panacea.console.", "PanaceaConsole.validateMappingFile(PanaceaConsole.java:46)\n at ca.cbc.panacea.console.", "PanaceaConsoleUI.actionPerformed(PanaceaConsoleUI.java:132)\n at javax.swing.", "AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2028)\n at javax.swing.", "AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2351)\n at javax.swing.", "DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:387)\n at javax.swing.", "DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:242)\n at javax.swing.plaf.basic.", "BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(BasicButtonListener.java:236)\n at java.awt.", "Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:6373)\n at javax.swing.", "JComponent.processMouseEvent(JComponent.java:3267)\n at java.awt.", "Component.processEvent(Component.java:6138)\n at java.awt.", "Container.processEvent(Container.java:2085)\n at java.awt.", "Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:4735)\n at java.awt.", "Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2143)\n at java.awt.", "Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:4565)\n at java.awt.", "LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:4621)\n at java.awt.", "LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:4282)\n at java.awt.", "LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:4212)\n at java.awt.", "Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2129)\n at java.awt.", "Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:2478)\n at java.awt.", "Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:4565)\n at java.awt.", "EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:679)\n at java.awt.", "EventQueue.access$000(EventQueue.java:85)\n at java.awt.", "EventQueue$1.run(EventQueue.java:638)\n at java.awt.", "EventQueue$1.run(EventQueue.java:636)\n at java.security.", "AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)\n at java.security.", "AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(AccessControlContext.java:87)\n at java.security.", "AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(AccessControlContext.java:98)\n at java.awt.", "EventQueue$2.run(EventQueue.java:652)\n at java.awt.", "EventQueue$2.run(EventQueue.java:650)\n at java.security.", "AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)\n at java.security.", "AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(AccessControlContext.java:87)\n at java.awt.", "EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:649)\n at java.awt.", "EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:296)\n at java.awt.", "EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:211)\n at java.awt.", "EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:201)\n at java.awt.", "EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:196)\n at java.awt.", "EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:188)\n at java.awt.", "EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:122)\n Caused by: javassist.", "NotFoundException: ca.cbc.panacea.metadata.", "Entity\n at javassist.", "ClassPool.get(ClassPool.java:436)\n at ca.cbc.panacea.metadata.", "JavassistClassGeneratorImpl.<init> (JavassistClassGeneratorImpl.java:29)\n\nThe problem is actually the ClassLoader. ", "JNLP uses a different classloader than java command line. ", "The question is how to reconcile JNLP class loader with Javassist. ", "\n\nA:\n\nThe key is setting up the ClassPool to see the class loader of your application's classes. ", " This can be done by adding a classpath to the ClassPool:\nctClasses = new HashMap<String, CtClass>();\nclassPool = ClassPool.getDefault();\n\n//Add the classloader of your application's classes so Javassist can find them\nClassLoader loader = org.", "MyClass.class.getClassLoader();\npool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(loader));\n\ntry {\n ctEntity = classPool.get(\"org.", "MyClass\");\n} catch (NotFoundException e) {\n logger.error(\"Could not find entity class, this should not happen\");\n throw new RuntimeException(\"Could not find Entity class\",e);\n}\n\nYou need to do customize the classpath of the class pool for any application that does not load its classes from the system classloader, such as web-start applications, Eclipse plugins and applications that run under a Java EE container.", "\nMore details under the class search path section of the Javassist tutorial.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nHelminths are various species of nematode and trematode worms that infect more than a billion people worldwide.[@b1-ijwh-8-651] Though quite diverse ([Box 1](#bx1-ijwh-8-651){ref-type=\"boxed-text\"}), helminths share common features, such as life cycles that require life stages outside of the primary host and complex effects on host immunity.[@b2-ijwh-8-651] Helminths can be asymptomatic or can cause disease in their hosts, including anemia, nutritional deficiencies, changes in immunity, and more serious complications, such as elephantiasis and organ blockages.[@b3-ijwh-8-651]--[@b12-ijwh-8-651] Since these complications might have consequences for pregnant women or developing fetuses, the World Health Organization has recommended that pregnant women be treated for helminth infections.[@b3-ijwh-8-651] However, these recommendations were made largely in the absence of adequate clinical trials, and more recent studies have begun to recognize that helminth infection and helminth treatment can have complex effects on mothers and infants ([Tables 1](#t1-ijwh-8-651){ref-type=\"table\"}[](#t2-ijwh-8-651){ref-type=\"table\"}--[3](#t3-ijwh-8-651){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "These effects include alterations in immunity, with implications for the development of allergy and autoimmune disease, as well as resistance to other infections.", "\n\nIn this review, I first discuss the effects of helminths on mothers and infants during pregnancy, as well as the results of trials examining the effects of helminth treatment. ", "I then discuss these findings in the context of evolutionary ecology and the history of human--helminth interactions.", "\n\n###### Three kinds of helminths\n\nThe term helminth is a non-taxonomical term used to refer to several species of infectious trematodes and nematodes. ", "For the purposes of this review, I discuss three broad groups of helminths that infect humans.", "\n\n**Soil-transmitted nematodes** are transmitted to humans via a life stage occurring in soil. ", "Soil-transmitted helminths reside in the intestine, where they produce eggs that are excreted in the feces. ", "Hookworm is a common name referring to two distinct species, *Necator americanus* and *Ancylostoma duodenale*. ", "These two species of hookworms cannot be distinguished by standard fecal egg counts, and so are frequently referred to simply as hookworms. ", "Hookworm larvae infect their hosts by penetrating through the skin, generally through the feet.[@b7-ijwh-8-651] *Ascaris lumbricoides* or roundworm is the largest of the infectious nematodes. *", "A. lumbricoides* is transmitted by ingestion of eggs.[@b8-ijwh-8-651] After infection, both hookworm and roundworm larvae migrate into the vasculature, to the heart, and then into the lungs. ", "From the lungs, they are coughed up and swallowed, entering the gastrointestinal tract where they develop into adults.[@b7-ijwh-8-651],[@b8-ijwh-8-651] Other soil-transmitted nematodes such as *Strongyloides stercoralis* (threadworm) have complex life cycles that involve free-living stages and less directed tissue migration,[@b9-ijwh-8-651] while some nematodes, such as *Trichuris trichiura* (whipworm), infect the gastrointestinal tract directly, without tissue migration, when eggs are ingested.[@b10-ijwh-8-651]\n\n**Filarial nematodes** are smaller than soil-transmitted nematodes. ", "Larvae called microfilariae are transmitted by biting insects from host to host. *", "Wuchereria bancrofti* is transmitted by mosquitos and infects the lymphatic system. ", "Complications can include elephantiasis. *", "Onchocerca volvulus* is transmitted by black flies and infects subcutaneous tissue. ", "O*nchocerciasis* (river blindness) is caused when microfilariae migrate into the eye. *", "Mansonella perstans* is transmitted by midges and infects serous body cavities, usually producing only mild symptoms.[@b11-ijwh-8-651]\n\n**Schistosomes**, also referred to as blood flukes, are trematodes that infect either the mesenteric veins around the intestine or the venous plexus around the bladder. ", "Schistosomes secrete eggs into the intestine or bladder, which are excreted into water. ", "Eggs hatch, and larvae infect snails which serve as intermediary hosts. ", "Motile larvae called cercariae leave the snails to seek out human hosts which they infect through the skin when humans come into contact with infected water.[@b12-ijwh-8-651] The most serious complications of schistosome infections occur when the host immune system forms granulomas around eggs, which can lead to obstructions in the intestine, liver, kidney, or other areas. ", "The most common species are *Schistosoma mansoni*, *Schistosoma haematobium*, and *Schistosoma japonicum*.", "\n\nReview methodology\n==================\n\nArticles pertaining to infection with helminths during pregnancy were searched for on Google Scholar and Web of Science using the terms (\"pregnancy\" OR \"birth\") AND (\"helminth\" OR the name of one of the helminth species mentioned in [Box 1](#bx1-ijwh-8-651){ref-type=\"boxed-text\"}, eg, \"*Ascaris lumbricoides*\"). ", "Google Scholar was also used to identify relevant articles citing the articles identified by the initial search. ", "Additional articles cited within the articles found in the search were also included, as were articles previously known to the author through past research, for example, the articles cited in my past study.[@b4-ijwh-8-651] Other authors have conducted recent meta-analyses of helminth treatment during pregnancy,[@b5-ijwh-8-651],[@b6-ijwh-8-651] while for topics other than treatment, the identified articles reflected substantial heterogeneity in research context and methods, or were very few in number. ", "Thus, in order to provide as broad an overview as possible, formal inclusion and exclusion criteria were not applied to the located articles, and instead, all articles with relevant and interpretable findings are discussed.", "\n\nIntersections between pregnancy and helminth infection\n======================================================\n\nHelminths and developing fetuses can both be thought of as foreign, immunologically distinct organisms living in a maternal body. ", "Both helminths and pregnancy are associated with changes in maternal immunity and physiology. ", "Normal pregnancy is associated with shifts in immunity toward the production of type 2 (T~H~2) responses, which may increase tolerance of an immunologically distinct fetus.[@b13-ijwh-8-651],[@b14-ijwh-8-651] Helminths cause similar biases in immunity toward T~H~2 responses,[@b2-ijwh-8-651],[@b15-ijwh-8-651] and also affect regulatory T-cells, modulating both T~H~1 and T~H~2 responses.[@b16-ijwh-8-651],[@b17-ijwh-8-651] Whether these changes reflect adaptive host responses, parasite manipulation, or some combination remains unclear,[@b2-ijwh-8-651] particularly since for helminths, the most adaptive host response may be to develop tolerance rather than mount an excessive immune attack.[@b18-ijwh-8-651],[@b19-ijwh-8-651] However, the similarity between the immune responses to helminths and those induced in pregnancy suggests that similar mechanisms of tolerance may be invoked, and that helminths may have evolved to utilize similar mechanisms for avoiding maternal immune responses that are used by a human fetus.", "\n\nSome evidence in animals suggests that pregnant individuals might be at a greater risk for helminth infections than nonpregnant individuals.[@b20-ijwh-8-651],[@b21-ijwh-8-651] However, in humans, there is little evidence that pregnancy alters transmission risks for helminths,[@b4-ijwh-8-651],[@b22-ijwh-8-651] though a few results are suggestive of this possibility.[@b23-ijwh-8-651] Despite this, helminths and pregnancy might have synergistic effects on other health outcomes. ", "Helminths and pregnancy both require nutritional and energetic resources such as iron, glucose, lipids, and other molecules critical for fetal growth and development. ", "Organisms face trade-offs in allocating resources between competing demands, such as survival, reproduction, and somatic maintenance,[@b24-ijwh-8-651],[@b25-ijwh-8-651] and these trade-offs may be especially exacerbated by the dual demands of simultaneous helminth infection and pregnancy. ", "Moreover, helminth infections often occur in the context of coinfection with other parasites and pathogens, such as HIV, malaria, and giardia,[@b26-ijwh-8-651] and are most prevalent in areas where resources are scarce and nutrition may be limited.[@b1-ijwh-8-651],[@b27-ijwh-8-651]\n\nAnemia during pregnancy\n=======================\n\nAnemia is defined as low iron in the blood, typically measured in terms of hemoglobin concentration. ", "Pregnancy is characterized by a decline in hemoglobin due primarily to hemodilution; as the total blood plasma volume increases, the number of erythrocytes per unit of blood declines.[@b28-ijwh-8-651] Hemoglobin varies across pregnancy, declining during the first and second trimesters, and improving or leveling off during the third trimester as the mother compensates for the added plasma volume.[@b29-ijwh-8-651] Guidelines for what constitutes anemia reflect this pattern, as anemia for pregnant women is defined by the World Health Organization as a hemoglobin concentration of 11 g/dL versus 12 g/dL for nonpregnant women.[@b30-ijwh-8-651] These normal changes in hemoglobin are not associated with adverse outcomes. ", "In fact, women who do not experience pregnancy-related declines in hemoglobin or who have elevated hemoglobin have a higher risk of adverse outcomes, possibly due to a failure of plasma expansion.[@b31-ijwh-8-651],[@b32-ijwh-8-651]\n\nAnemia is one of the most common side effects of infection with geohelminths or schistosomes ([Table 3](#t3-ijwh-8-651){ref-type=\"table\"}), due to blood loss in the intestine or urinary tract. ", "Hookworm, in particular, has been associated with moderate reductions in hemoglobin during pregnancy.[@b33-ijwh-8-651]--[@b38-ijwh-8-651] Other geohelminths and schistosomes are associated with mild iron deficiency, but generally only when parasite burdens are high.[@b33-ijwh-8-651],[@b34-ijwh-8-651],[@b36-ijwh-8-651],[@b39-ijwh-8-651] However, there is little evidence to suggest a synergistic effect between infection and pregnancy; effects resemble those observed in nonpregnant women. ", "Moreover, helminth infections alone are rarely associated with severe anemia in the absence of other confounding factors, such as nutritional deficiencies or coinfection with malaria or HIV. ", "When nutritional deficiencies are present, helminths, and in particular hookworm, may exacerbate iron deficiency.[@b36-ijwh-8-651],[@b37-ijwh-8-651] Malaria coinfection is also associated with an increased risk of anemia and other negative outcomes during pregnancy,[@b39-ijwh-8-651],[@b40-ijwh-8-651] while the effects of helminths alone are often less clear.[@b40-ijwh-8-651]\n\nUnfortunately, there is a paucity of data examining whether helminth-induced anemia affects birth outcomes or infant health. ", "Studies typically examine associations between helminths and anemia or anemia and birth outcomes, but have not examined whether birth outcomes differ with different causes of anemia. ", "Severe anemia during pregnancy is associated with a number of adverse outcomes, including increased maternal mortality,[@b41-ijwh-8-651] increased risk of preterm birth or low birth weight,[@b29-ijwh-8-651],[@b42-ijwh-8-651],[@b43-ijwh-8-651] and increased risk of neonatal anemia.[@b29-ijwh-8-651],[@b44-ijwh-8-651] However, mild anemia is generally associated with limited risks during pregnancy.[@b41-ijwh-8-651],[@b45-ijwh-8-651] These results suggest that anemia due to helminths may only be of concern when worm burdens are high or when other factors contribute to anemia.", "\n\nCoinfection during pregnancy\n============================\n\nIn addition to direct effects on mothers, helminths may affect coinfection risk or disease progression by biasing immunity or through other processes. ", "To date, studies in pregnant women have primarily examined malaria and HIV, as these frequently co-occur in the populations in which helminth infections have been most frequently studied. ", "In the case of malaria, interactions vary considerably by helminth species, parasite burden, and other factors.[@b46-ijwh-8-651] The fly-borne *Mansonella perstans* is associated with higher malaria parasitemia[@b36-ijwh-8-651] and prevalence.[@b47-ijwh-8-651] Mosquito-borne *Wuchereria bancrofti* has a more complex association with malaria, in part because the same mosquitos transmit both the helminth and *Plasmodium falciparum* parasites and high worm burdens can impact mosquitos, affecting the spread of malaria.[@b48-ijwh-8-651] A number of studies have found positive associations between geohelminths and malaria, suggesting that helminths may increase susceptibility,[@b36-ijwh-8-651],[@b49-ijwh-8-651],[@b50-ijwh-8-651] with the strongest evidence for an association with hookworm.[@b40-ijwh-8-651] Yet, some studies have also found that some species, such as *A. lumbricoides*, may be associated with reduced risk of malaria,[@b51-ijwh-8-651] and others have reported that infection with *Schistosoma haematobium* can limit parasitemia.[@b46-ijwh-8-651],[@b52-ijwh-8-651] In a randomized trial, treatment of helminths led to a short-term increase in malaria parasitemia, but with no long-term effects on malaria symptoms or prevalence.[@b53-ijwh-8-651] Thus, the actual effects of helminths on malaria coinfection remain somewhat unclear, as do any possible interactions with pregnancy.", "\n\nA number of studies have examined coinfection between HIV and helminths in pregnant women. ", "Both HIV and helminth infections can cause depletions in CD4^+^ T-cells,[@b54-ijwh-8-651]--[@b58-ijwh-8-651] and treatment of helminths reduces HIV progression and improves CD4 counts, although reductions in viral load may be small.[@b59-ijwh-8-651] At least one study has found that helminths are associated with increased mother-to-infant transmission of HIV.[@b60-ijwh-8-651]\n\nPremature birth and low birth weight\n====================================\n\nA number of studies have found associations between helminths and lower birth weights; however, the majority of these studies have involved limited samples with comorbid conditions, and many have not used multivariate statistics to partition the effects of different helminth species or other contributing factors. ", "In a study of HIV-infected women in Tanzania, helminth infections were associated with low birth weight,[@b61-ijwh-8-651] and another study in Nigeria found that helminth infections were associated with lower birth weight, but without isolating the effects of HIV status.[@b62-ijwh-8-651] Yatich et al[@b39-ijwh-8-651] found that in women with anemia, coinfection with helminths and malaria was associated with low birth weight, preterm delivery, and small birth weight for gestational age. ", "Much of this effect appeared to be driven by malaria, as the only significant effect of helminths alone was an increase in the risk of being small for gestational age. ", "A hospital-based study of Nigerian women found that helminth--malaria coinfection was associated with lower birth weight than malaria infection alone, but did not present data or make comparisons with uninfected women.[@b63-ijwh-8-651] A study conducted in Guatemala City found that helminth and protozoa were associated with risk of small birth weight for gestational age, but only in undernourished women, with undernourishment determined based on maternal height.[@b64-ijwh-8-651] In contrast to these studies, other studies of helminths alone have found no association between infection and birth weight[@b65-ijwh-8-651] or have actually found that women with infections have higher birth weights even in the presence of coinfections.[@b66-ijwh-8-651]\n\nPerinatal mortality\n===================\n\nFew studies have directly measured whether infant mortality is affected by maternal infection during pregnancy. ", "In a non-randomized study in which women were given albendazole, prenatal mortality was lower in the women who received treatment.[@b67-ijwh-8-651] A second study in Sri Lanka found that mebendazole was associated with reduced odds of stillbirth or perinatal death.[@b68-ijwh-8-651] However, neither study determined infection status either before or after treatment, and both may have been confounded by factors affecting which women received treatment in the first place. ", "In three randomized trials, treatment had no significant effect on perinatal mortality.[@b5-ijwh-8-651],[@b65-ijwh-8-651],[@b69-ijwh-8-651],[@b70-ijwh-8-651]\n\nModulation of infant immune response\n====================================\n\nIn humans, there are scattered case reports suggesting that maternal--fetal transmission of infection may occasionally occur.[@b71-ijwh-8-651],[@b72-ijwh-8-651] Yet, these reports are rare, and on the whole, it appears that, for humans, helminths are rarely able to infect a developing fetus. ", "However, several studies have found that helminth antigens are transferred to infants in utero. ", "Evidence suggests that this occurs across a range of species, including filarial helminths,[@b73-ijwh-8-651]--[@b75-ijwh-8-651] geohelminths,[@b76-ijwh-8-651] and tremadodes.[@b77-ijwh-8-651] As a consequence, infants whose mothers are infected during pregnancy show a variety of alterations in immunity, frequently characterized by increases in T~H~2 responses to helminth antigens and decreases in T~H~1 responses to non-helminth antigens.[@b78-ijwh-8-651] For example, *W. bancrofti* infection during pregnancy is associated with changes in cytokine production in response to helminth antigens, as well as reductions in interferon (IFN)-γ production in response to tuberculosis antigen.[@b73-ijwh-8-651],[@b79-ijwh-8-651],[@b80-ijwh-8-651] There is also evidence that infants with helminth-infected mothers are less likely to develop eczema, suggesting reductions in certain allergic responses.[@b81-ijwh-8-651],[@b82-ijwh-8-651] In many cases, these alterations resemble the effects of infection on adult immunity.[@b77-ijwh-8-651],[@b78-ijwh-8-651] However, in some cases, effects on infants have been found to be contrary to those in adults; that is, one study found that infants of mothers with hookworm showed increased IFN-γ production to hookworm antigen, whereas their mothers had decreased IFN-γ.[@b76-ijwh-8-651] While most studies have grouped all infants and measured average changes in immune function or resistance in children, a study by Malhotra et al[@b74-ijwh-8-651] took a different approach, and grouped infants of mothers with *W. bancrofti* based on whether their cord blood mononuclear cells showed a response to helminth antigen. ", "Roughly half of the exposed newborns showed a response and were considered sensitized, while the other half did not respond and were considered tolerant. ", "Tolerant infants were themselves more likely to become infected with *W. bancrofti* and had reduced IFN-γ responses relative to sensitized or unexposed infants.", "\n\nThe evolutionary context of antigen transmission and tolerance\n==============================================================\n\nMost studies have implicitly considered the in utero transfer of antigen to infants to be a negative consequence of infection, with warnings that such transfers can induce tolerance or sensitization in the infant. ", "The idea is that antigens transferred from the mother might be mistaken as self-antigens by the developing fetal immune system, and thus, responses to these antigens might be suppressed. ", "Indeed, some evidence suggests that infants of infected mothers are at higher risk of infection, at least for filarial nematodes, including *W. bancrofti* and *Onchocerca volvulus*.[@b78-ijwh-8-651],[@b80-ijwh-8-651],[@b83-ijwh-8-651],[@b84-ijwh-8-651] Some of these changes appear to persist for years, with effects documented as much as 19 years later.[@b85-ijwh-8-651]\n\nHowever, immunological tolerance may not always represent a negative outcome, despite the potential for higher prevalences of infection. ", "In many instances, the most serious consequences of infections are caused not by the infections themselves, but by an overactive immune response to an infection. ", "In the case of *W. bancrofti*, clinical disease such as elephantiasis develops in those with more hyperactive immune responses. ", "Those with tolerant responses are often asymptomatic, despite being infected.[@b86-ijwh-8-651],[@b87-ijwh-8-651] Similarly, schistosomiasis is characterized by the formation of granulomas around schistosome eggs in the intestine or urinary tract, which accumulate to form physical blockages. ", "The immunological profiles of those who develop disease differ from those who do not, with those developing disease having stronger responses to egg antigen.[@b88-ijwh-8-651]\n\nFrom an evolutionary perspective, immune responses always represent trade-offs between the costs of immunity and the benefits.[@b89-ijwh-8-651]--[@b91-ijwh-8-651] Immune responses have both energetic and somatic costs from collateral damage. ", "Thus, organisms have evolved to modulate immune responses when possible to avoid excess damage to self. ", "Similarly, immune responses should be moderated when they are ineffective, or when the cost of clearing an infection outweighs the costs imposed by the infection itself. ", "Under these circumstances, tolerance may represent the most adaptive host immunological strategy.[@b18-ijwh-8-651],[@b19-ijwh-8-651]\n\nThus, an alternate hypothesis is that the tolerance induced by the maternal transfer of antigens to her infant represents an adaptive strategy. ", "In support of this, most proteins cannot passively diffuse across the placental membrane, and so must be actively transported.[@b92-ijwh-8-651] This includes antibodies and antibody--antigen complexes, which are actively transported across the placental membrane.[@b93-ijwh-8-651]--[@b95-ijwh-8-651] Moreover, transplacental immunization is not specific to helminths but is rather a much more general phenomenon.[@b96-ijwh-8-651]--[@b98-ijwh-8-651] Thus, the maternal transfer of antigens is unlikely to be a consequence of manipulation by the parasite and more likely to represent an adaptation for preparing the immune system of the neonate to face pathogens present in the local environment. ", "Infants who receive information from their mothers which conveys immunity, as well as information about the appropriate moderation of immune responses, might be expected to be at an advantage compared to infants born with completely naïve immune systems.", "\n\nHypothetical interactions between helminths and pregnancy\n=========================================================\n\nFecundity and early pregnancy loss\n----------------------------------\n\nThere are multiple pathways through which helminth infections might affect fecundity or lead to early loss of pregnancies, including redirection of resources, alteration of the hormonal milieu,[@b20-ijwh-8-651] or immunological biasing.[@b4-ijwh-8-651] However, there is little direct evidence. ", "Anemia may affect egg maturation, leading to overall lower fecundity.[@b29-ijwh-8-651] Consistent with this, one study found that infection with hookworm was associated with both lower hemoglobin and a lower probability of a women becoming pregnant.[@b4-ijwh-8-651] The same study found that *A. lumbricoides*, which was not associated with anemia, was associated with an increased risk of becoming pregnant, perhaps due to immunological biasing toward an immunological environment favorable for a fetus.[@b4-ijwh-8-651]\n\nGestational diabetes\n--------------------\n\nWe know of no studies testing whether helminth infections lead to complications such as gestational diabetes. ", "However, helminth infections affect blood glucose, insulin resistance, and diabetes, leading to improved glucose tolerance and lower blood levels.[@b99-ijwh-8-651]--[@b104-ijwh-8-651] Thus, helminths might also help modulate blood glucose during pregnancy.[@b22-ijwh-8-651] Helminth-induced anemia may also affect the risk of gestational diabetes, as excess iron during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of gestational diabetes.[@b105-ijwh-8-651]\n\nPreeclampsia\n------------\n\nPreeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy characterized by hypertension, systemic inflammation, and increased protein in the urine. ", "The symptoms of preeclampsia resemble tissue rejection of an immunologically distinct fetus.[@b106-ijwh-8-651]--[@b108-ijwh-8-651] Indeed, a primary cause of preeclampsia is a mismatch between maternal killer immunoglobulin receptors and fetal HLA molecules.[@b109-ijwh-8-651] Given the immunological effects of helminths on maternal immunity, helminth infections might also affect preeclampsia, by increasing maternal tolerance of the fetus and by moderating inflammatory responses. ", "Unfortunately, data addressing this hypothesis are currently lacking. ", "However, such an effect might be behind the association between *A. lumbricoides* infection and increased fertility that we have previously reported.[@b4-ijwh-8-651]\n\nAntihelminth treatment during pregnancy\n=======================================\n\nGiven the complex interactions helminths can have on maternal and infant immune function, health, and coinfection risks, the question of whether helminths should be treated in pregnant women is far from straightforward. ", "Initial studies established the safety of common helminth treatments, including albendazole, mebendazole, and praziquantel. ", "These studies have generally found that treatment does not result in an increased prevalence of birth defects.[@b65-ijwh-8-651],[@b68-ijwh-8-651],[@b110-ijwh-8-651] However, these and additional studies have also found that treatment has limited effects on maternal and infant health. ", "Both a meta-analysis conducted in 2012[@b5-ijwh-8-651] and a more recent Cochrane review[@b6-ijwh-8-651] found that antihelminth treatment had no clear overall effect on maternal anemia, low birth weight, or perinatal mortality. ", "The 2012 review found a reduction in very low birth weight, but this was based only on one study with a significant effect and one without.[@b5-ijwh-8-651],[@b69-ijwh-8-651]\n\nWhat these meta-analyses may obscure is heterogeneity between study populations. ", "Given the limited number of studies, it is difficult to ascertain whether antihelminth treatment might have beneficial effects under certain conditions and limited effects under others. ", "For example, one study that found an effect of albendazole on maternal anemia also found that albendazole had far less effect than iron supplementation and had little effect when given alone.[@b111-ijwh-8-651] It may be that antihelminth treatment is only beneficial in women with very high parasite burdens, dietary insufficiencies, or both. ", "In most instances when women are adequately nourished and burdens are low or moderate, treatment might have little effect.", "\n\nAdditional studies have examined whether helminth treatment during pregnancy affects infant immune responses. ", "Several have found that treatment is associated with an increased incidence of eczema, suggesting that treatment may affect the development of mechanisms regulating infant immune responses.[@b81-ijwh-8-651],[@b82-ijwh-8-651],[@b112-ijwh-8-651] Others have examined whether treatment affects infant immune responses to helminth antigens. ", "In general, infants of mothers who were infected but treated have similar immunological responses as infants of mothers infected but not treated.[@b76-ijwh-8-651],[@b81-ijwh-8-651],[@b113-ijwh-8-651] Treatment has also been found to have no significant effect on HIV transmission.[@b113-ijwh-8-651] However, given the limited scope of these trials, a number of questions remain regarding the effectiveness of treatment, the generalizability across helminth species, and possible effects dependent on the timing of treatment during pregnancy.[@b114-ijwh-8-651]\n\nConclusion: old enemies or old friends?", "\n=======================================\n\nHosts and the organisms that live within them are constantly negotiating their relationships, both within individual lifetimes and over evolutionary time spans of many generations. ", "Thus, these relationships are rarely settled, and the same organisms can impose costs or provide benefits to different individuals or in different contexts. ", "Helminths are relatively long-lived organisms that depend on the survival of their hosts for continuous transmission. ", "In this respect, helminths and their hosts share an interest in keeping the host alive and defending it against other competing pathogens and parasites. ", "Unlike some other pathogens, such as viruses, for which humans develop effective immunity against particular strains, humans are also constantly reinfected by helminths, and transmission occurs largely within localized geographical areas. ", "Thus, helminths may also benefit from maintaining reasonably healthy hosts that their descendants can continually infect. ", "This history helps explain why the symptoms of helminth infections are often subtle and why human hosts frequently develop tolerant immune responses.", "\n\nThe difficulty of studying parasite interactions in natural settings means that many studies of helminths and pregnancy remain inconclusive. ", "Confounding factors such as multiple comorbidities and small sample sizes make isolating the effects of particular species difficult, let alone elucidating the details on multispecies interactions. ", "Future studies might provide more insight by using more sophisticated multivariate statistical approaches to partition variance and test explicit causal pathways, as opposed to simple associations which might be confounded by other variables.[@b115-ijwh-8-651]\n\nDespite these difficulties, some general conclusions can be drawn with regard to helminth infections during pregnancy. ", "While comorbidities make separating effects difficult, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that some helminths are more harmful than others. ", "Hookworm, for example, is found to cause anemia in pregnancy much more frequently than other geohelminths. ", "As with most interactions of this kind, the evidence also suggests that conflicts of interest between host and parasite are most pronounced when resources are scarce. ", "Helminths are more likely to be associated with negative outcomes when they occur with comorbid conditions, such as malaria or nutritional deficits. ", "Yet in these cases, treating the comorbid condition may be more beneficial than treating the helminths.[@b111-ijwh-8-651] In the absence of such confounding factors or evidence of confounds, such as severe anemia, treatment may impose more costs than benefits, for example, by increasing the risk of infant eczema. ", "Treatment may also have additional unanticipated effects by altering maternal blood glucose regulation, microbiota, or hormonal environment. ", "Thus, broad efforts to treat all women should be approached with caution until future studies investigate these outcomes and how they play out under different ecological conditions.", "\n\nThe author thanks Richard McElreath and the Department of Human Behavior, Ecology, and Culture at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, for support during writing.", "\n\n**Disclosure**\n\nThe author reports no conflicts of interest in this work.", "\n\n###### \n\nEffects of soil-transmitted nematodes during pregnancy\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Species (common name) Adult worm infection site Direct effects on host Effects on coinfection risk Effects on infant\n --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n *Necator americanus*/*Ancylostoma duodenale* (hookworm) Small intestine Anemia[@b34-ijwh-8-651]--[@b38-ijwh-8-651],[@b63-ijwh-8-651],[@b67-ijwh-8-651],[@b111-ijwh-8-651]\\ Higher malaria parasitemia[@b36-ijwh-8-651] or prevalence[@b40-ijwh-8-651],[@b49-ijwh-8-651]\\ Higher IFN-γ response to tuberculosis lysate[@b76-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Lower IFN-γ response to tuberculosis lysate[@b76-ijwh-8-651]\\ Higher HIV viral load[@b116-ijwh-8-651]\\ Lower rate of eczema[@b81-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Reduced maternal fertility[@b4-ijwh-8-651] Reduced giardia prevalence[@b117-ijwh-8-651] Lower odds of low birth weight with infection[@b66-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Poorer motor skills and lower cognitive ability[@b118-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Increased risk of childhood malaria[@b119-ijwh-8-651]\n\n *Ascaris lumbricoides* (roundworm) Small intestine Often asymptomaticOccasional anemia[@b39-ijwh-8-651]\\ Increased odds of *Plasmodium falciparum*[@b50-ijwh-8-651]\\ Possibility of limited maternal--infant transmission[@b71-ijwh-8-651]\n Increase in geophagy[@b120-ijwh-8-651]\\ Higher malaria prevalence[@b49-ijwh-8-651] \n Higher maternal fertility[@b4-ijwh-8-651] \n\n *Trichuris trichiura* (whipworm) Large intestine Often asymptomatic, but may cause abdominal pain and anemia Increased odds of *P. falciparum*[@b50-ijwh-8-651]\\ Increase in low weight for gestational age, but only in undernourished mothers[@b64-ijwh-8-651]\n Higher HIV viral load[@b116-ijwh-8-651] \n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n**Abbreviations:** IFN-γ, interferon-γ; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.", "\n\n###### \n\nEffects of filarial nematodes during pregnancy\n\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Species Adult worm infection site Direct effects on host Effects on coinfection Effects on infant\n ------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n *Wuchereria bancrofti* Lymphatic system Elephantiasis in hyperresponsive individuals Little effect on HIV[@b121-ijwh-8-651]\\ Reduced odds of low birth weight with infection[@b66-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Unclear or mixed effects on malaria[@b48-ijwh-8-651] Increased maternal/infant HIV transmission[@b60-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Helminth-specific T-cell immunity and lower IFN-γ response to tuberculosis[@b73-ijwh-8-651],[@b79-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Lower response to *W. bancrofti* antigen 17--19 years later[@b85-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Increased infection in tolerant, but not sensitized children[@b74-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Increased infection in children of infected mothers[@b80-ijwh-8-651],[@b84-ijwh-8-651]\n\n *Onchocerca volvulus* Subcutaneous tissue Onchocerciasis (river blindness) Children of infected mothers are also more likely to be infected[@b78-ijwh-8-651],[@b83-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Children of infected mothers have higher T~2~H cytokines and lower T~H~1 cytokines[@b78-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Possible in utero transmission[@b72-ijwh-8-651]\n\n *Mansonella perstans* Serous body cavities Generally mild or asymptomatic, but occasional symptoms may occur[@b122-ijwh-8-651] Higher malaria parasitemia[@b36-ijwh-8-651] andprevalence[@b47-ijwh-8-651] Maternal infection associated with higher IL-10 to BCG and tetanus immunogens[@b75-ijwh-8-651]\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n**Abbreviations:** IFN-γ, interferon-γ; IL-10, interleukin-10; BCG, bacillus Calmette--Guérin; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.", "\n\n###### \n\nEffects of *Schistosoma* during pregnancy\n\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Species Adult worm infection site Direct effects on host Effects on coinfection risk Effects on infant\n --------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n *Schistosoma mansoni* Mesenteric veins Intestinal schistosomiasis\\ No effect on malaria[@b47-ijwh-8-651]\\ Increase in total IgE and tuberculosis-specific IgG transfer from mothers.\\\n Anemia and undernutrition[@b110-ijwh-8-651],[@b123-ijwh-8-651]\\ No effect on HIV viral load[@b116-ijwh-8-651]\\ Lower IFN-γ response to tuberculosis lysate, but no change in IL-4 response[@b77-ijwh-8-651]\n Lower serum cholesterol[@b124-ijwh-8-651] Increased odds of coinfection with *Schistosoma haematobium* or hookworm[@b125-ijwh-8-651] \n\n *Schistosoma haematobium* Venous plexus around the bladder Urinary schistosomiasis Anemia[@b110-ijwh-8-651] Increased odds of coinfection with *Schistosoma mansoni* or hookworm[@b125-ijwh-8-651] Reduced odds of low birth weight with infection[@b66-ijwh-8-651]\\\n Increase in preterm deliveries and lower birth weight in preterm deliveries[@b126-ijwh-8-651]\n\n *Schistosoma japonicum* Mesenteric veins Intestinal schistosomiasis\\ Possible lower birth weight[@b127-ijwh-8-651]\n Anemia[@b110-ijwh-8-651] \n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n**Abbreviations:** IgE, immunoglobulin E; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IFN-γ, interferon-γ; IL-4, interleukin-4; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.", "\n" ]
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[ "teapone: So, first thing is first.", "\n\n[10:07 PM] teapone: Are we a *MARE*, a *STALLION*, or a *FUTAPONE*?", "\n\n[10:07 PM] bronystar: Futa, more options\n\n[10:08 PM] ivory: Mare. ", "Keep it simple.", "\n\n[10:08 PM] giggles entered the room.", "\n\n[10:08 PM] guest-613280 changed nickname to giggles\n\n[10:08 PM] ivory: Giggles! ", ":D\n\n[10:08 PM] giggles: Hivory\n\n[10:09 PM] ivory: XD Haven't heard that one before.", "\n\n[10:09 PM] lulaspookydesu: Fut\n\n[10:09 PM] lulaspookydesu: Futa plox\n\n[10:10 PM] teapone: So, we have 2 for *FUTA* and 1 for *MARE*, and sadly 0 for *STALLION*\n\n[10:10 PM] e_z: i'll vote for mare just to be a tit\n\n[10:10 PM] e_z: and also have them\n\n[10:11 PM] guest-613310 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:11 PM] zahhak changed nickname to e_z\n\n[10:11 PM] teapone: So, that's @ for *FUTA and 2 for *MARE*, anypony else?", "\n\n[10:11 PM] guest-613310 left the room.", "\n\n*Please don't spam/flood the chat.*", "\n\n[10:11 PM] kristil entered the room.", "\n\n[10:11 PM] guest-613316 changed nickname to kristil\n\n*Please don't spam/flood the chat.*", "\n\n[10:11 PM] kristil: H-hello?", "\n\n[10:11 PM] e_z: hey\n\n[10:12 PM] teapone: So that's 2 votes for *FUTA* and 2 votes for *MARE*\n\n[10:12 PM] bronystar: hi\n\n[10:12 PM] teapone: Anypony else?", "\n\n[10:12 PM] teapone: We are currently filling out our character sheet.", "\n\n[10:12 PM] kristil: FOr wh-what?", "\n\n[10:12 PM] giggles: I'm for mare\n\n[10:12 PM] bronystar: deciding the character\n\n[10:13 PM] teapone: CRPG, a Dungeons & Dragons formet RP, but all of you share control over a single pony\n\n[10:13 PM] bronystar: mare, stallion, or herm\n\n[10:13 PM] bronystar: herm/futa\n\n[10:13 PM] kristil: o.O\n\n[10:13 PM] cloppyhooves entered the room.", "\n\n[10:13 PM] teapone: 3 for *MARE and 2 for *FUTA/HERM*\n\n[10:13 PM] guest-613340 changed nickname to cloppyhooves\n\n[10:14 PM] e_z: hey\n\n[10:14 PM] bronystar: cloppy vote for futa!", "\n\n[10:14 PM] bronystar: or not, do what you want\n\n[10:14 PM] e_z: hehe\n\n[10:15 PM] giggles: No Cloppy is my mind slave, she agrees with me.", "\n\n[10:15 PM] cloppyhooves: I would vote for futa, actually : O\n\n[10:15 PM] bronystar: Yes~\n\n[10:15 PM] teapone: So, 3 for *FUTA* and 3 for *MARE*\n\n[10:15 PM] ivory: Well, I guess a futa *does* keep things fair.", "\n\n[10:15 PM] teapone: We need a tie breaker, herr\n\n[10:15 PM] kristil left the room.", "\n\n[10:15 PM] bronystar: did suna vote?", "\n\n[10:16 PM] bronystar: or rarity\n\n[10:16 PM] teapone: http://poll.pollcode.com/rre23s\n\n[10:16 PM] bronystar: voted\n\n[10:17 PM] teapone: We are currently 2/2/0 F/M/S\n\n[10:18 PM] kristil entered the room.", "\n\n[10:18 PM] guest-613400 changed nickname to kristil\n\n[10:18 PM] kristil: *votes for futa*\n\n[10:19 PM] teapone: http://poll.pollcode.com/rre23s\n\n[10:19 PM] ivory: I should switch votes for teh sake of not being an ass...\n\n[10:19 PM] e_z: XD\n\n[10:19 PM] kristil: yay\n\n[10:19 PM] teapone: You can't d:\n\n[10:19 PM] kristil: democracy\n\n[10:19 PM] newuser5709 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:19 PM] guest-613409 changed nickname to newuser5709\n\n[10:20 PM] newuser5709 left the room.", "\n\n[10:20 PM] teapone: Currently *FUTA* is in the lead.", "\n\n[10:20 PM] lulaspookydesu: Woohoo!", "\n\n[10:20 PM] bronystar: Yes~\n\n[10:22 PM] teapone: Now, what species?", "\n\n[10:22 PM] teapone: *EARTH PONE* gets +5 to strength\n\n[10:22 PM] teapone: *PEGASUS* recieves the ability *FLY*\n\n[10:22 PM] bronystar: speed too?", "\n\n[10:22 PM] lulaspookydesu: Pegasus\n\n[10:22 PM] teapone: *UNICORN* can to *MAJYX*\n\n[10:22 PM] lulaspookydesu: Hands down\n\n[10:22 PM] teapone: *do\n\n[10:23 PM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[10:23 PM] lulaspookydesu: Pegasuses are the sexiest\n\n[10:23 PM] giggles: pegasus\n\n[10:23 PM] bronystar: Hmm Unicorns are sorta OP\n\n[10:23 PM] bronystar: So I vote pegusus!", "\n\n[10:23 PM] rarityx2: 1 vote for mare\n\n[10:23 PM] rarityx2: how do i know ponies aren\n\n[10:23 PM] rarityx2: t voting twice\n\n[10:23 PM] bronystar: rarity = slowpoke\n\n[10:23 PM] rarityx2: (sorry!)", "\n\n[10:23 PM] cloppyhooves: If we're a unicorn again, we'll just spend 10 hours deciding what spell to learn xD\n\n[10:24 PM] teapone: http://poll.pollcode.com/btgdn6\n\n[10:24 PM] bronystar: we got 3 pegasus\n\n[10:24 PM] e_z: @cloppy, we should definetly take a unicorn\n\n[10:24 PM] e_z: : P\n\n[10:24 PM] teapone: also, PollCode only lets you vote once\n\n[10:25 PM] rarityx2: ok cool\n\n[10:26 PM] bronystar: lol someone voted Earthpone\n\n[10:26 PM] teapone: Same pone who voted for Stallion, I bet...\n\n[10:26 PM] ivory: As much as I loVE Earth Ponies, pegasi are more interesting in RP\n\n[10:26 PM] majesticrarity entered the room.", "\n\n[10:26 PM] ivory: Most of my RPs are actually as an earth pony\n\n[10:26 PM] guest-613493 changed nickname to majesticrarity\n\n[10:26 PM] ivory: but I won't handicap the group\n\n[10:26 PM] teapone: Also, I forgot to mention\n\n[10:26 PM] bronystar: hey majesticrarity\n\n[10:27 PM] 8bit0 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:27 PM] guest-613499 changed nickname to 8bit0\n\n[10:27 PM] majesticrarity: hi, what is this?", "\n\n[10:27 PM] bronystar: we're setting up a crpg\n\n[10:27 PM] teapone: *EARTH PONE* gets +5 to *ORGASM STRENGTH*\n\n[10:27 PM] majesticrarity: oh cool\n\n[10:27 PM] 8bit0 left the room.", "\n\n[10:27 PM] cloppyhooves: In that case, can I chance to earth pone? ", ":3\n\n[10:27 PM] 8bit0 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:27 PM] ivory: I wish i voted for earth pony now!", "\n\n[10:27 PM] guest-613505 changed nickname to 8bit0\n\n[10:27 PM] ivory: Can we redo this poll?", "\n\n[10:27 PM] teapone: *PEGASUS* gets ability *WINGGASM*\n\n[10:27 PM] bronystar: nooo\n\n[10:27 PM] bronystar: winggasm?", "\n\n[10:28 PM] bronystar: wat does that do?", "\n\n[10:28 PM] e_z: I popped a link to here in the main chat's MotD just FYI\n\n[10:28 PM] teapone: Which can only occur at the same time as *ORGASM*\n\n[10:28 PM] teapone: and *UNICORN* gets *HORNGASM*\n\n[10:28 PM] bronystar: hmm\n\n[10:28 PM] majesticrarity: alicoen much?", "\n\n[10:29 PM] majesticrarity: alicorn*\n\n[10:29 PM] bronystar: so does that mean that an Earthpone would be more fertile/able to impregnate better?", "\n\n[10:29 PM] 8bit0 left the room.", "\n\n[10:29 PM] teapone: You are not a *PRINCESS* nor a *MUTANT* and therefore are only one of these.", "\n\n[10:29 PM] bronystar: alicorns are haxor anyway\n\n[10:29 PM] teapone: @Star: possibly.", "\n\n[10:29 PM] majesticrarity: unicorn\n\n[10:29 PM] teapone: http://poll.pollcode.com/btgdn6\n\n[10:30 PM] bronystar: but what does a Winggasm do?", "\n\n[10:30 PM] teapone: Poll closing in lesss than 1 minute\n\n[10:30 PM] bronystar: just more pleasure?", "\n\n[10:30 PM] teapone: Depends\n\n[10:30 PM] teapone: All abilities are variable in result\n\n[10:30 PM] ivory: Is that just like an intense wingboner?", "\n\n[10:30 PM] bronystar: still voted pegasus\n\n[10:30 PM] majesticrarity: so wat, what exactly are we doing for the crpg?", "\n\n[10:31 PM] majesticrarity: what*\n\n[10:31 PM] majesticrarity: sorry, im tired\n\n[10:31 PM] bronystar: thinnk like an actual RPG game\n\n[10:31 PM] majesticrarity: uh huh\n\n[10:31 PM] bronystar: you set up a character and send them on an adventure\n\n[10:32 PM] bronystar: that's what we're doing\n\n[10:32 PM] teapone: You are a *FUTASUS*, rare and majestic. ", "You have a dark blue coat and a slightly lighter\n\n[10:32 PM] majesticrarity: so an actual game?", "\n\n[10:32 PM] teapone: blue mane\n\n[10:32 PM] bronystar: yep\n\n[10:32 PM] bronystar: blue mane?", "\n\n[10:32 PM] majesticrarity: cool, whos making it?", "\n\n[10:32 PM] bronystar: I dunno\n\n[10:32 PM] bronystar: teapone\n\n[10:32 PM] majesticrarity: thats what i thought\n\n[10:33 PM] bronystar: Oh so we're completely blue\n\n[10:33 PM] teapone: Your name is Rivets and your cutie mark is a stone furnace\n\n[10:35 PM] teapone: You can begin with the ability *FLY*, which uses your wings to *FLOAT IN THE AIR*\n\n[10:35 PM] teapone: You start with\n\n[10:35 PM] teapone: *\n\n[10:35 PM] bronystar: can?", "\n\n[10:36 PM] teapone: You are not very *GRACEFUL* and you fly in a *MEDIOCRE FASHION*\n\n[10:36 PM] divebomb entered the room.", "\n\n[10:36 PM] teapone: You crack open your eyes to see nothing but *BLACK* What do?", "\n\n[10:37 PM] majesticrarity left the room.", "\n\n[10:37 PM] e_z: do a barrel roll\n\n[10:37 PM] guest-613598 changed nickname to divebomb\n\n[10:38 PM] bronystar: Stand up\n\n[10:38 PM] divebomb: Go back to sleep\n\n[10:39 PM] divebomb: Sweet, my text is red!", "\n\n[10:39 PM] e_z: don't be afraid to suggest stuff y'all\n\n[10:39 PM] divebomb: It knows...\n\n[10:39 PM] e_z: also let it be know if you agree with someone\n\n[10:39 PM] lulaspookydesu: Go to school with emo clothes on because I sound like an emo?", "\n\n[10:39 PM] bronystar: Yell for help\n\n[10:40 PM] cloppyhooves: Quickly retrieve arms from darnkness\n\n[10:40 PM] otterfiyah entered the room.", "\n\n[10:40 PM] ivory: Open your eyes fully, waking yourself up and rubbing your eyes\n\n[10:40 PM] teapone: You do not own any *arms* except that one bow that broke that one time you tried to use it\n\n[10:41 PM] bronystar: wow Rivets sucks\n\n[10:41 PM] e_z: XD\n\n[10:41 PM] bronystar: Look for light\n\n[10:41 PM] lulaspookydesu: That's why rivets is an emo : P\n\n[10:41 PM] lulaspookydesu: Duuuuuh : P\n\n[10:41 PM] guest-613637 changed nickname to otterfiyah\n\n[10:42 PM] otterfiyah: [hi]\n\n[10:42 PM] e_z: [hey]\n\n[10:42 PM] lulaspookydesu: [Hey]\n\n[10:42 PM] bronystar: [boop]\n\n[10:42 PM] guest-613658 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:42 PM] divebomb: [oh, now we're whispering?]", "\n\n[10:42 PM] otterfiyah: [beep boop]\n\n[10:42 PM] sparklesbright_brb entered the room.", "\n\n[10:42 PM] guest-613658 left the room.", "\n\n[10:42 PM] ivory: Attempt to find your bearings. ", "Where are you?", "\n\n[10:42 PM] guest-613664 changed nickname to sparklesbright\n\n[10:42 PM] divebomb: clop\n\n[10:42 PM] teapone: So, current options are barrel roll, stand up, go back to sleep, wake up, or retrieve arms\n\n[10:43 PM] teapone: or find bearings\n\n[10:43 PM] bronystar: Find bearings\n\n[10:43 PM] ivory: Find bearings\n\n[10:43 PM] otterfiyah: find ball bearings\n\n[10:43 PM] ivory: [XD}\n\n[10:43 PM] lulaspookydesu: Find bearings for scooter\n\n[10:44 PM] lulaspookydesu: Then put scooter together\n\n[10:44 PM] divebomb: Find those bears\n\n[10:44 PM] lulaspookydesu: Then go scoot with scootaloo\n\n[10:44 PM] bronystar: Then sex scootaloo\n\n[10:44 PM] divebomb: who is a chicken.", "\n\n[10:44 PM] sparklesbright_brb: :o\n\n[10:44 PM] lulaspookydesu: Yes\n\n[10:44 PM] teapone: So, consensus?", "\n\n[10:44 PM] divebomb: [buh-COCK]\n\n[10:44 PM] 8bit0 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:44 PM] guest-613688 changed nickname to 8bit0\n\n[10:44 PM] bronystar: Find bearings\n\n[10:45 PM] divebomb: Find the bearings\n\n[10:45 PM] e_z: ^\n\n[10:45 PM] cloppyhooves: ^\n\n[10:45 PM] sparklesbright_brb: This.", "\n\n[10:45 PM] 8bit0 left the room.", "\n\n[10:45 PM] teapone: Which bearings?", "\n\n[10:45 PM] divebomb: immediate ones\n\n[10:45 PM] otterfiyah: *puts on scootaloo costume*\n\n[10:46 PM] ivory: Relative ones. ", "Where are you? ", "What do you have on hand?", "\n\n[10:46 PM] ivory: Relevent ones*\n\n[10:46 PM] 8bit0 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:46 PM] guest-613712 changed nickname to 8bit0\n\n[10:46 PM] teapone: You look for the nearest bearings, and find a *MAP* that has a *NORTH ARROW*\n\n[10:46 PM] 8bit0 left the room.", "\n\n[10:46 PM] ivory: Inspect map for landmarks\n\n[10:46 PM] bronystar: but we can't read cuz it's too dark\n\n[10:46 PM] ivory: Oh true >.>\n\n[10:46 PM] bronystar: Fly up\n\n[10:46 PM] 8bit0 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:46 PM] bronystar: find the sun\n\n[10:46 PM] guest-613724 changed nickname to 8bit0\n\n[10:47 PM] divebomb: Fly up\n\n[10:47 PM] e_z: we're in a black void with a map?", "\n\n[10:47 PM] divebomb: but slowly\n\n[10:47 PM] teapone: You know it is a *MAP* because you put it there.", "\n\n[10:47 PM] 8bit0: yeay i made it work!", "\n\n[10:47 PM] giggles: [ok I'm back.]", "\n\n[10:47 PM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[10:47 PM] bronystar: [don't be afraid 8bit, we don't bite]\n\n[10:47 PM] ivory: Find source of light\n\n[10:47 PM] bronystar: fly up and find the sun\n\n[10:47 PM] teapone: (also, no comments until \"What do?\" ", "please)\n\n[10:47 PM] bronystar: oh sorry\n\n[10:47 PM] ivory: [oki]\n\n[10:47 PM] otterfiyah: [order flashlight hat on ponynet]\n\n[10:48 PM] lulaspookydesu: You try to remember what the map is for\n\n[10:48 PM] teapone: You cannot remember.", "\n\n[10:48 PM] ivory: Attempt to find light source\n\n[10:48 PM] divebomb left the room.", "\n\n[10:48 PM] teapone: (rolled a 2 on a D20)\n\n[10:48 PM] divebomb entered the room.", "\n\n[10:49 PM] bronystar: [is that how you're deciding thins?]", "\n\n[10:49 PM] sparklesbright_brb: Yeah, try to find a light source.", "\n\n[10:49 PM] guest-613754 changed nickname to divebomb\n\n[10:49 PM] teapone: (mostly.)", "\n\n[10:49 PM] bronystar: Fly up and find the sun!", "\n\n[10:49 PM] divebomb: I like Flying up\n\n[10:49 PM] ivory: What if you're in a building wit ha roof though?", "\n\n[10:49 PM] divebomb: [damn purple now]\n\n[10:49 PM] sparklesbright_brb: Exactly.", "\n\n[10:49 PM] divebomb: Then we know we're in a building\n\n[10:49 PM] otterfiyah: is this it? ", "http://tinyurl.com/9xxy3wx\n\n[10:50 PM] divebomb: that is pitch black\n\n[10:50 PM] otterfiyah: Its based on a real treasure map\n\n[10:50 PM] ivory: [XD]\n\n[10:50 PM] bronystar: [we don't know we're in a building]\n\n[10:50 PM] guest-613778 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:50 PM] 8bit0: [so whats up]\n\n[10:50 PM] ivory: find out if we're in a building or not.", "\n\n[10:50 PM] teapone: You know it is *DARK* and that you have your *MAP*\n\n[10:50 PM] divebomb: Which is why I agree with flying up\n\n[10:50 PM] teapone: Consensus?", "\n\n[10:50 PM] bronystar: fly up\n\n[10:51 PM] ivory: Fly up\n\n[10:51 PM] otterfiyah: stumble blindly\n\n[10:51 PM] divebomb: Spread mah wings and fly\n\n[10:51 PM] guest-613778 left the room.", "\n\n[10:51 PM] e_z: ^\n\n[10:51 PM] sparklesbright_brb: I'd try to find a light source first.", "\n\n[10:51 PM] divebomb: in a pitch black room witha map?", "\n\n[10:51 PM] bronystar: [we could be in a dense forest]\n\n[10:51 PM] sparklesbright_brb: I did say *try*\n\n[10:52 PM] ivory: I'd like to try at least one of those. ", "Or both. ", "if oen doesn't work, try the other.", "\n\n[10:52 PM] ivory: [one*]\n\n[10:52 PM] lulaspookydesu: http://youtu.be/hKCGBv65w_M ?", "\n\n[10:52 PM] sparklesbright_brb: But fly up *slowly*\n\n[10:52 PM] divebomb: valid point sparkles\n\n[10:52 PM] ivory: ^\n\n[10:52 PM] divebomb: which is what I said way back when\n\n[10:53 PM] sparklesbright_brb: Emphasis on slowly - if there's a steel beam or something above you and you fly fast...\n\n[10:53 PM] lulaspookydesu: Try to fly slowly north til you find your way to a light source?", "\n\n[10:53 PM] sparklesbright_brb: You've just knocked yourself out.", "\n\n[10:53 PM] 8bit0: *looks around*\n\n[10:53 PM] 8bit0 left the room.", "\n\n[10:53 PM] divebomb: We'll see stars\n\n[10:53 PM] sparklesbright_brb: In pitch black, you don't know which way is north.", "\n\n[10:53 PM] teapone: Consensus?", "\n\n[10:53 PM] divebomb: Fly up slow\n\n[10:54 PM] 8bit0 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:54 PM] guest-613826 changed nickname to 8bit0\n\n[10:54 PM] 8bit0 left the room.", "\n\n[10:54 PM] ivory: Fly up slowly\n\n[10:54 PM] sparklesbright_brb: Yeah, I'd fly up slowly.", "\n\n[10:54 PM] 8bit0 entered the room.", "\n\n[10:54 PM] bronystar: fly slowly\n\n[10:54 PM] guest-613832 changed nickname to 8bit0\n\n[10:54 PM] teapone: You stretch your wings. ", "They *ACHE SLIGHTLY*. ", "You flap them a few times and lif off the\n\n[10:55 PM] teapone: ground. ", "On your second flap you hit something rough and hard. ", "it does not make a noise.", "\n\n[10:55 PM] teapone: *lift\n\n[10:55 PM] teapone: You scrape a wing on the surface.", "\n\n[10:56 PM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[10:56 PM] lulaspookydesu: Investigate further\n\n[10:56 PM] ivory: Attempt to find light source\n\n[10:56 PM] rarityx2: can we walk around the general area?", "\n\n[10:56 PM] rarityx2: see if we can find anything\n\n[10:56 PM] divebomb: sniff\n\n[10:56 PM] bronystar: follow the ceiling in the direction staight in front of you\n\n[10:56 PM] teapone: ((different colors Lula and Rarity, please))\n\n[10:57 PM] divebomb: hit the floor\n\n[10:57 PM] teapone: Consensus?", "\n\n[10:57 PM] bronystar: fly forward following the ceiling\n\n[10:57 PM] ivory: Attempt to find light source. ", "You knew there was a map in teh room, so you must know a few\n\n[10:57 PM] ivory: other things\n\n[10:57 PM] divebomb: sniff for fresh air, or hit the floor to see if it is solid\n\n[10:58 PM] divebomb: oh, sit and think sounds good\n\n[10:58 PM] teapone: ...\n\n[10:58 PM] teapone: (waiting for a descision)\n\n[10:58 PM] ivory: Attempt to find light source\n\n[10:59 PM] bronystar: ^\n\n[10:59 PM] ivory: (for the 30th time X3)\n\n[10:59 PM] divebomb: meh\n\n[10:59 PM] giggles: [can someone recap for me?]", "\n\n[10:59 PM] divebomb: fine ^\n\n[10:59 PM] 8bit0 left the room.", "\n\n[10:59 PM] ivory: [We are a blue futa pegasus in a dark room with a map]\n\n[10:59 PM] ivory: [That's all we know]\n\n[10:59 PM] teapone: http://poll.pollcode.com/p5jmkp\n\n[11:01 PM] teapone: You turn in a circle, looking for light. ", "Because you are a *SILLY PONY* you scrape your\n\n[11:02 PM] teapone: other wing on the ceiling. ", "Maybe you should have descended a little. ", "You see a patch of\n\n[11:02 PM] teapone: extremely dim blue-gray *SOMETHING.* ", "It looks to have the texture of rock.", "\n\n[11:02 PM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[11:03 PM] ivory: Investigate further\n\n[11:03 PM] bronystar: Investigate odd rock\n\n[11:03 PM] otterfiyah left the room.", "\n\n[11:03 PM] e_z: ^\n\n[11:03 PM] divebomb: Fly down to the object to investigate it\n\n[11:03 PM] sparklesbright_brb: Investigate carefully and quietly. ", "It may not be a rock.", "\n\n[11:03 PM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[11:04 PM] starscrye entered the room.", "\n\n[11:04 PM] sparklesbright_brb: (first rule of RPG: assume everything is out to kill you)\n\n[11:04 PM] divebomb: I'm okay with what you said sparkles, but please include flying down.", "\n\n[11:04 PM] cloppyhooves: (Or in this case, sex you :3)\n\n[11:04 PM] divebomb: [hawwwwwwwwwwwwwt]\n\n[11:05 PM] guest-613904 changed nickname to starscrye\n\n[11:05 PM] sparklesbright_brb: Well, yes, lower oneself first.", "\n\n[11:05 PM] sparklesbright_brb: *carefully*\n\n[11:05 PM] teapone: You descend in the air, making sure not to lose any more than the 1 health you already did\n\n[11:06 PM] divebomb: (how much health do we have?)", "\n\n[11:06 PM] teapone: from scraping the ceiling. ", "You proceed cautionsly toward the *mysterious object.* ", "It does\n\n[11:07 PM] teapone: not react. ", "You come closer, and see it is a *GROUND* on which one normally *STANDS*\n\n[11:07 PM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[11:07 PM] bronystar: Cautiously set yourself down on it\n\n[11:07 PM] ivory: Inspect for traps. ", "If the platform seems safe, stand on it.", "\n\n[11:08 PM] teapone: (Also, I will try to be a little more consistent with the caps/noncaps bold things, sowwy)\n\n[11:08 PM] divebomb: Use sense of sight and smell to inspect the ground before touching it\n\n[11:09 PM] teapone: Inspect the ground?", "\n\n[11:10 PM] bronystar: yes\n\n[11:10 PM] divebomb: yes\n\n[11:10 PM] ivory: Carefully though!", "\n\n[11:10 PM] divebomb: yes\n\n[11:10 PM] divebomb: (Careful derpy!)", "\n\n[11:11 PM] sparklesbright changed nickname to sparklesbright_brb\n\n[11:11 PM] teapone: You approach the *GROUND* cautiously. ", "You look at it. ", "It looks like *ROCK*. ", "You smell it.", "\n\n[11:12 PM] teapone: It smells like *DIRT* and *OLD.* ", "What do?", "\n\n[11:12 PM] starscrye left the room.", "\n\n[11:12 PM] bronystar: [smells like old?]", "\n\n[11:12 PM] giggles: [yeah]\n\n[11:12 PM] lulaspookydesu: Eww\n\n[11:12 PM] lulaspookydesu: Old smell\n\n[11:12 PM] ivory: [Like a grandma, or like egyptian tablets?]", "\n\n[11:12 PM] teapone: (musty, mildew, old.)", "\n\n[11:12 PM] lulaspookydesu: [eww old smell]\n\n[11:13 PM] rarityx2: so now we can land?", "\n\n[11:13 PM] ivory: Land^\n\n[11:13 PM] divebomb: ^\n\n[11:14 PM] rarityx2: better land carefully too since it's dark\n\n[11:14 PM] teapone: You go to land, and see something dark race towards your *HOOVES*.", "\n\n[11:14 PM] bronystar: Up!", "\n\n[11:15 PM] bronystar: Go up!", "\n\n[11:15 PM] ivory: Fly up again mother bucker! ", "In a hurry!", "\n\n[11:15 PM] giggles: charge!", "\n\n[11:15 PM] ivory: But don't hit teh cieling!", "\n\n[11:15 PM] divebomb: UP^\n\n[11:15 PM] sunasmine: [can we wait till what do?]", "\n\n[11:15 PM] bronystar: [sorry]\n\n[11:15 PM] ivory: [oopssorry]\n\n[11:16 PM] divebomb: [Oops]\n\n[11:16 PM] divebomb: [sorry]\n\n[11:16 PM] teapone: You are a very scared filly, and run away. ", "The black thing runs away too, in a different\n\n[11:16 PM] teapone: direction. ", "What do?", "\n\n[11:17 PM] sunasmine: facehood and land again\n\n[11:17 PM] sunasmine: *hoof\n\n[11:17 PM] kristil: democracy\n\n[11:17 PM] ivory: ^\n\n[11:17 PM] e_z: land, walk foreward, hit wall, follow it to a door\n\n[11:17 PM] sunasmine: no doors please\n\n[11:17 PM] bronystar: cautiously walk towards it\n\n[11:18 PM] teapone: You are *FLY*ing\n\n[11:18 PM] divebomb: follow it through the air\n\n[11:18 PM] bronystar: cautiously fly towards it\n\n[11:18 PM] divebomb: it may be headed towards a light\n\n[11:18 PM] divebomb: or better lit area\n\n[11:18 PM] sunasmine: just land, feeling silly :3\n\n[11:19 PM] lulaspookydesu left the room.", "\n\n[11:19 PM] lulaspookydesu entered the room.", "\n\n[11:19 PM] guest-614042 changed nickname to lulaspookydesu\n\n[11:20 PM] teapone: consensus?", "\n\n[11:20 PM] bronystar: follow it cautiously\n\n[11:21 PM] sunasmine: Land and facehoof plz\n\n[11:21 PM] sparklesbright_brb left the room.", "\n\n[11:21 PM] teapone: ...\n\n[11:21 PM] cloppyhooves left the room.", "\n\n[11:21 PM] divebomb: I want to follow it\n\n[11:21 PM] divebomb: I'm with bronystar\n\n[11:22 PM] sunasmine: guys\n\n[11:22 PM] sunasmine: hey guys\n\n[11:22 PM] sunasmine: guys\n\n[11:22 PM] sunasmine: srs\n\n[11:22 PM] sunasmine: guys\n\n[11:22 PM] teapone: ...\n\n[11:22 PM] sunasmine: Its our shadow\n\n[11:22 PM] bronystar: ...\n\n[11:22 PM] bronystar: oh\n\n[11:22 PM] ivory: Follow it!", "\n\n[11:23 PM] rarityx2: i thought it was dark?", "\n\n[11:23 PM] sunasmine: shadows are dark?", "\n\n[11:23 PM] bronystar: so wait if we can see our shadow\n\n[11:23 PM] bronystar: then there is some light!", "\n\n[11:23 PM] ivory: Following your shadow leads to yourself. ", "When you find yourself, all is found.", "\n\n[11:23 PM] bronystar: It's coming from behind us!", "\n\n[11:23 PM] ivory: zen shit right there\n\n[11:23 PM] bronystar: Turn 180 degrees and go that way\n\n[11:24 PM] teapone: consensus?", "\n\n[11:24 PM] divebomb: Hooray for clever conciousness! ", "^\n\n[11:24 PM] ivory: Land and inspect the platform again\n\n[11:24 PM] sunasmine: land and facehoof please :3\n\n[11:25 PM] sunasmine: and inspect too i guess\n\n[11:25 PM] bronystar: 180 and go!", "\n\n[11:25 PM] bronystar: no wait\n\n[11:25 PM] bronystar: land ad inspect\n\n[11:25 PM] guest-614102 entered the room.", "\n\n[11:25 PM] guest-614102 left the room.", "\n\n[11:25 PM] divebomb: ^\n\n[11:27 PM] sunasmine: [Damn I have to work tommorow, have fun out there ponies!]", "\n\n[11:27 PM] teapone: You land on the rock, feeling *STUPID.*", "\n\n[11:27 PM] bronystar: [bye suna]\n\n[11:27 PM] ivory: [Shit! ", "I gotta go!]", "\n\n[11:27 PM] sunasmine: [And always, always wait for What do!]", "\n\n[11:27 PM] ivory left the room.", "\n\n[11:27 PM] bronystar: [suna plotkissu]\n\n[11:27 PM] teapone: It is just a *GROUND.*", "\n\n[11:27 PM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[11:27 PM] teapone: (G'night Sunapone)\n\n[11:27 PM] bronystar: was the thing your shadow?", "\n\n[11:28 PM] sunasmine: Masturbate\n\n[11:28 PM] sunasmine: [cya later ponies!]", "\n\n[11:28 PM] sunasmine left the room.", "\n\n[11:28 PM] rarityx2: carefully walk around and inspect your surroundings\n\n[11:28 PM] divebomb: {buy ponies}\n\n[11:28 PM] divebomb: {by}\n\n[11:28 PM] divebomb: {bye}\n\n[11:28 PM] rarityx2: making note of any walls or large obstructions\n\n[11:28 PM] divebomb: I agree with examining surroundings\n\n[11:29 PM] rarityx2: (also is it confirmed we only have a map?)", "\n\n[11:29 PM] bronystar: check to see if the thing was your shadow\n\n[11:29 PM] e_z: look around\n\n[11:30 PM] teapone: The *DARK THING* is very flat, and looks like you. ", "It is your *SHADOW*. ", "You feel *STUPID*\n\n[11:30 PM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[11:30 PM] divebomb: head in the direction opposite of your shadow\n\n[11:30 PM] bronystar: ^\n\n[11:31 PM] teapone: consensus?", "\n\n[11:32 PM] bronystar: go in opposite direction of shadow\n\n[11:32 PM] divebomb: ^\n\n[11:32 PM] lulaspookydesu: ^\n\n[11:33 PM] giggles: ^\n\n[11:33 PM] teapone: You turn around and *MARCH MERRILY* away from your shadow, which follows you. ", "You emerge\n\n[11:34 PM] teapone: from a *CAVE*. ", "There is a *FOREST and a *SKY* which has a *MOON* and *STARS*\n\n[11:34 PM] bronystar: Horray~\n\n[11:34 PM] divebomb: woohooo\n\n[11:35 PM] teapone: You proclaim your joy and hear a rumbling nearby. ", "What do?", "\n\n[11:35 PM] e_z: [don't interupt the narration]\n\n[11:35 PM] bronystar: Fly away to a safe cloud\n\n[11:35 PM] giggles: fly awaay~\n\n[11:36 PM] divebomb: [i'm so bad at this :p sorry]\n\n[11:37 PM] teapone: You prepare your wings for *FLY*. ", "You take off from the ground, and go in a *DIRECTION*.", "\n\n[11:37 PM] teapone: The rumble slowly fades.", "\n\n[11:37 PM] rarityx2: (is this rumbling scary?)", "\n\n[11:37 PM] bronystar: [sure seems scary]\n\n[11:38 PM] teapone: However, your wings are now close to *OVERHEATING* because of how fast you ran. ", "You should\n\n[11:38 PM] teapone: probably *GROUND*.", "\n\n[11:38 PM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[11:38 PM] divebomb: gournd\n\n[11:38 PM] divebomb: ground\n\n[11:38 PM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[11:38 PM] bronystar: ^\n\n[11:38 PM] giggles: ^\n\n[11:40 PM] teapone: You *GROUND*. ", "There is a strip of *LAND* under you that is lighter than the rest.", "\n\n[11:41 PM] teapone: It appears to be a path. ", "What do?", "\n\n[11:41 PM] divebomb: look both directions of the path\n\n[11:41 PM] e_z: have a gander at your map, if you still can't read it follow path\n\n[11:41 PM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[11:41 PM] divebomb: check map and check both directions of the path\n\n[11:41 PM] bronystar: Look at map first\n\n[11:42 PM] giggles: ^\n\n[11:43 PM] teapone: You look at your *MAP.* ", "It has *LINES,* some of which look like the path. ", "Others look like\n\n[11:43 PM] teapone: *LETTERS.* ", "Giving up, you look to the *RIGHT* and see the path slope downwards. ", "You look\n\n[11:44 PM] lulaspookydesu left the room.", "\n\n[11:44 PM] teapone: *LEFT* and see the path curve off into the *TREES*\n\n[11:44 PM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[11:44 PM] bronystar: Quick question\n\n[11:44 PM] teapone: ?", "\n\n[11:44 PM] bronystar: can Rivets read?", "\n\n[11:45 PM] bronystar: based on what you just told us it seems like she can't\n\n[11:45 PM] rarityx2: there are no caves on the map?", "\n\n[11:45 PM] rarityx2: or sources of rumbling?", "\n\n[11:45 PM] teapone: Rivets is very proud of the fact that she *FINISHED LAW SCHOOL*\n\n[11:45 PM] giggles: No, rivets are metal cylinders\n\n[11:45 PM] giggles: They cannot read\n\n[11:45 PM] bronystar: so she can read, but it's just too dark\n\n[11:46 PM] bronystar: alright\n\n[11:46 PM] bronystar: carefully follow the path\n\n[11:46 PM] teapone: You were looking for where you were on the map, which you could not find.", "\n\n[11:46 PM] bronystar: oh\n\n[11:46 PM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[11:47 PM] rarityx2: ok we just don't know our position\n\n[11:47 PM] rarityx2: so left or right?", "\n\n[11:47 PM] divebomb: check map for landmarks and fly up to try to see landmarks\n\n[11:47 PM] bronystar: we're too tired to fly remember\n\n[11:48 PM] divebomb: no we aren't\n\n[11:48 PM] divebomb: just close\n\n[11:48 PM] teapone: consensus?", "\n\n[11:48 PM] rarityx2: follow the path\n\n[11:48 PM] divebomb: I like going right\n\n[11:48 PM] bronystar: I suggest going right into the slope\n\n[11:48 PM] rarityx2: i say slope\n\n[11:48 PM] divebomb: [also, I must go, bye for now]\n\n[11:48 PM] divebomb left the room.", "\n\n[11:49 PM] hank_nj entered the room.", "\n\n[11:50 PM] guest-614357 changed nickname to hank_nj\n\n[11:51 PM] teapone: You trot down the slope, and find yourself at a solid looking *BRIDGE*. ", "A small stream\n\n[11:51 PM] teapone: runs beneath.", "\n\n[11:51 PM] teapone: Ahead on the path you can see a dim *FIRE LIKE GLOW*\n\n[11:51 PM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[11:51 PM] hank_nj left the room.", "\n\n[11:52 PM] 8bit entered the room.", "\n\n[11:52 PM] bronystar: Carefully approach the glowing area\n\n[11:52 PM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[11:54 PM] guest-614375 changed nickname to 8bit\n\n[11:54 PM] teapone: You approach the glowing area carefully. ", "The forest opens up into a small town, the glow\n\n[11:54 PM] 8bit: [ok Got it this time]\n\n[11:55 PM] bronystar: [yay]\n\n[11:55 PM] teapone: was the light spilling from open windows.", "\n\n[11:55 PM] 8bit left the room.", "\n\n[11:55 PM] 8bit entered the room.", "\n\n[11:55 PM] guest-614411 changed nickname to 8bit\n\n[11:55 PM] 8bit changed nickname to 8bit0\n\n[11:56 PM] 8bit: [maybe not... that was weird]\n\n[11:56 PM] 8bit0 changed nickname to 8bit\n\n[11:56 PM] teapone: You hear music coming from a building with a sign of a *MUG*. ", "there is a building\n\n[11:56 PM] teapone: across the street with a sign of a *BED*. ", "What do?", "\n\n[11:57 PM] e_z: try and read the map under windowlight\n\n[11:57 PM] bronystar: ^\n\n[11:57 PM] rarityx2: what is our energy level?", "\n\n[11:58 PM] teapone: You are *TOO AFRAID OF YOUR OWN SHADOW* to be that introspective, Rarity\n\n[11:58 PM] rarityx2: <3 hehe\n\n[11:59 PM] teapone: But you have used 3 energy thus far.", "\n\n[11:59 PM] 8bit left the room.", "\n\n[11:59 PM] 8bit entered the room.", "\n\n[11:59 PM] guest-614444 changed nickname to 8bit\n\n[12:00 AM] rarityx2: if enough energy i say appraoch the mug sign and attempt enter?", "\n\n[12:00 AM] teapone: You approach a window examine your *MAP*. ", "The lines have not changed. ", "This town looks like\n\n[12:00 AM] 8bit: [GAH this is frustrating!]", "\n\n[12:01 AM] teapone: *PONYVILLE* or *MANELAND* or *HOOFTON*\n\n[12:02 AM] teapone: You can't really tell.", "\n\n[12:02 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[12:02 AM] bronystar: Do we know anypony in any of these towns?", "\n\n[12:02 AM] e_z left the room.", "\n\n[12:03 AM] teapone: All of your friends have *FLED THE COUNTRY*.", "\n\n[12:03 AM] teapone: You never really liked him, anyway.", "\n\n[12:03 AM] 8bit: [i cant keep up with this right now Tea ill be on skype if you wana talk or Rp]\n\n[12:04 AM] bronystar: go to the building with the mug to ask for information\n\n[12:04 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[12:05 AM] 8bit: joined the group whiteboard.", "\n\n[12:05 AM] teapone: You notice that the voices in your head seem particularly quiet tonight. ", "You shrug it off,\n\n[12:05 AM] 8bit left the room.", "\n\n[12:05 AM] teapone: and enter the *MUG BUILDING*. ", "It appears to be a *PARTY OR SOMETHING*\n\n[12:07 AM] teapone: The music is cheery, and you feel drawn to the dance floor. ", "You feel *HOOFLOOSE*\n\n[12:07 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[12:08 AM] rarityx2: be in the moment and pony dance?", "\n\n[12:08 AM] rarityx2: we need to meet some ponies since we have no friends\n\n[12:08 AM] bronystar: ^\n\n[12:08 AM] teapone: ((I need to be more engaging, dammit. ", "I'm fine with sex scenes, but not elsewhere))\n\n[12:08 AM] bronystar: this will also help get information\n\n[12:08 AM] teapone: ((Porbably why so many left))\n\n[12:08 AM] rarityx2: well it took us an hour to land\n\n[12:08 AM] rarityx2: hehe\n\n[12:09 AM] teapone: ((True...))\n\n[12:09 AM] bronystar: [their lose]\n\n[12:10 AM] teapone: You drift onto the *GROUND OF MOVING RHYTHMICALLY* and begin to *GET YOUR GROOVE ON.*", "\n\n[12:10 AM] teapone: You dance like a wounded buffalo.", "\n\n[12:10 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[12:10 AM] bronystar: Seek out an attractive mare\n\n[12:11 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[12:11 AM] rarityx2: and stop dancing if you are terrible at it\n\n[12:11 AM] bronystar: no no\n\n[12:11 AM] bronystar: keep dancing horribly, be silly\n\n[12:11 AM] bronystar: mare's like that funny\n\n[12:12 AM] bronystar: right?", "\n\n[12:12 AM] bronystar: show them you're fun\n\n[12:13 AM] teapone: Which one?", "\n\n[12:13 AM] clopity entered the room.", "\n\n[12:13 AM] bronystar: well rarity it's between us\n\n[12:13 AM] guest-614591 changed nickname to clopity\n\n[12:13 AM] bronystar: and clopity now\n\n[12:13 AM] clopity: wut are we doin here\n\n[12:13 AM] rarityx2: keep dancing\n\n[12:13 AM] clopity: whats between who?", "\n\n[12:13 AM] teapone: ((CRPG))\n\n[12:13 AM] bronystar: keep dancing\n\n[12:13 AM] clopity: ((ah))\n\n[12:14 AM] rarityx2: (also teapone i think you should decide more for us, to keep things moving?)", "\n\n[12:14 AM] bronystar: [we're trying to get our futa-pegasus to dance]\n\n[12:14 AM] bronystar: [with a pretty mare]\n\n[12:14 AM] rarityx2: maybe we should pick out a prety mare?", "\n\n[12:14 AM] teapone: You decide to *CONTINUE THE MATING RITUAL* while looking for a mare to seduce. ", "However,\n\n[12:14 AM] rarityx2: andd approach her\n\n[12:15 AM] bronystar: [\"however\"...oh dear]\n\n[12:15 AM] teapone: there is nothing cute or funny about a *WOUNDED BUFFALO.*", "\n\n[12:15 AM] bronystar: [darn]\n\n[12:15 AM] rarityx2: [lol]\n\n[12:16 AM] teapone: The other dancers continue to dance, giving you room enough to not knock them out.", "\n\n[12:17 AM] teapone: You spot a filly in the corner, another pegasus, dancing almost exactly like you.", "\n\n[12:17 AM] bronystar: [filly?]", "\n\n[12:17 AM] teapone: She is *GRAY* and *BLONDE* and the has a *BUBBLES* on her butt.", "\n\n[12:17 AM] teapone: *she has a\n\n[12:17 AM] bronystar: [:3]\n\n[12:17 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[12:17 AM] bronystar: Dance with the Derp\n\n[12:18 AM] rarityx2: ^^^\n\n[12:19 AM] rarityx2: (must seduce the derp)\n\n[12:19 AM] bronystar: [we must!]", "\n\n[12:20 AM] teapone: You approach the silly loking pony and begin to *SHAKE IT LIKE A CAN OF SPRAY PAINT*\n\n[12:20 AM] teapone: *looking\n\n[12:21 AM] teapone: She giggles and *MOVES HER BUTT IN TIME WITH THE MUSIC* next to you.", "\n\n[12:21 AM] rarityx2: (so cute)\n\n[12:21 AM] bronystar: [awwyess]\n\n[12:22 AM] giggles: [ok, baack]\n\n[12:22 AM] bronystar: [great timing]\n\n[12:22 AM] bronystar: [we're gonna seduce Derpy]\n\n[12:24 AM] teapone: When the song ends, you find yourself facing the mare, who suffers from strabismus.", "\n\n[12:24 AM] teapone: \"Hi, I'm Derpy! ", "Who are you?\"", "\n\n[12:25 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[12:25 AM] nursereshard entered the room.", "\n\n[12:25 AM] guest-614696 changed nickname to nursereshard\n\n[12:25 AM] bronystar: [hey nurse]\n\n[12:25 AM] nursereshard: (hi)\n\n[12:25 AM] bronystar: Introduce self\n\n[12:25 AM] nursereshard: Hi my name is nurseredheart..\n\n[12:26 AM] bronystar: [not you silly]\n\n[12:26 AM] nursereshard: (o.o)\n\n[12:26 AM] rarityx2: (heh)\n\n[12:26 AM] bronystar: [we're in a crpg]\n\n[12:26 AM] giggles: [hi nurse]\n\n[12:26 AM] nursereshard: (oh)\n\n[12:26 AM] rarityx2: als yes introduce self to derpy\n\n[12:27 AM] rarityx2: ask her for dance?", "\n\n[12:27 AM] bronystar: Tea: introduce self and say that you like derpy's moves\n\n[12:27 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[12:28 AM] giggles: ^\n\n[12:28 AM] teapone: \"Hi, Derpy, I'm Rivets. ", "Those were some sweet dance moves out there.\"", "\n\n[12:30 AM] bronystar: [say you'd like to buy her a drink]\n\n[12:30 AM] teapone: \"Haha, thanks. ", "I'm usually a bit of a klutz, but I love dancing. ", "You were pretty good too!", "\n\n[12:30 AM] bronystar: [oops]\n\n[12:30 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[12:30 AM] rarityx2: ^ offer drink\n\n[12:30 AM] bronystar: ^\n\n[12:30 AM] teapone: (luckily you had that in brackets -_-)\n\n[12:31 AM] bronystar: :3\n\n[12:32 AM] teapone: You ask her if she would like to join you for a drink. \"", "Yeah, that sounds nice. ", "Dancing as\n\n[12:33 AM] teapone: good as we do is tiring.\" ", "She sticks her tongue out before following over you to the bar.", "\n\n[12:33 AM] teapone: \"So, I don't think weve met before.\" ", "Her right eye seems to be the dominat one.", "\n\n[12:33 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[12:34 AM] rarityx2: (did we buy a drink for her yet?)", "\n\n[12:34 AM] bronystar: \"I'm just passing through\"\n\n[12:34 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[12:34 AM] bronystar: \"looking for a new home in [insert 3 town names]\"\n\n[12:35 AM] flintlock entered the room.", "\n\n[12:35 AM] teapone: (The barmare has not approached you yet)\n\n[12:35 AM] teapone: consensus?", "\n\n[12:36 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[12:36 AM] teapone: \"Looking for a home\" or not?", "\n\n[12:36 AM] giggles: looking for hole\n\n[12:36 AM] bronystar: I meant that to be all one thing\n\n[12:37 AM] nursereshard left the room.", "\n\n[12:38 AM] teapone: http://poll.pollcode.com/2e1idv\n\n[12:38 AM] guest-614768 changed nickname to flintlock\n\n[12:39 AM] teapone: (heyo Flintlockpone)\n\n[12:39 AM] bronystar: New home\n\n[12:39 AM] bronystar: vote\n\n[12:40 AM] giggles: [hi flint]\n\n[12:41 AM] flintlock: [Hello.]", "\n\n[12:42 AM] teapone: You tell her you're just passing through, looking for a place to hole up for the night.", "\n\n[12:44 AM] teapone: \"Well, there's the *PONYVILLE HOSTEL* just across the street.\" ", "She seems clueless to your\n\n[12:44 AM] teapone: *GENIUS SEX JOKE*\n\n[12:45 AM] teapone: The barmare approaches you. \"", "Hi! ", "What can I get you?\" ", "She's a purple filly with pink hair.", "\n\n[12:45 AM] teapone: You can't see her cutiemark. ", "What do?", "\n\n[12:46 AM] bronystar: Order 2 drinks\n\n[12:46 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[12:46 AM] rarityx2: maybe order something strong\n\n[12:47 AM] bronystar: 2 strong drinks yes\n\n[12:47 AM] giggles: yus\n\n[12:49 AM] teapone: You place your order for two pints of heavy cider. ", "She turns away to fetch the order.", "\n\n[12:50 AM] teapone: \"Oh, you didn't have to...\" Derpy's voice trails off, and her face turns slightly red.", "\n\n[12:51 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[12:52 AM] bronystar: CHEERS~\n\n[12:52 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[12:56 AM] teapone: The barmare brings you your drinks, brown and frothing. ", "You tip your glass towards her a\n\n[12:56 AM] teapone: little. \"", "Cheers.\"", "\n\n[12:56 AM] teapone: She picks up her mug and smiles, tapping it against yours before drinking half of it.", "\n\n[12:56 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[12:57 AM] bronystar: Ask about her\n\n[12:57 AM] bronystar: derpy i mean\n\n[12:57 AM] giggles: down drink\n\n[12:57 AM] rarityx2: ^ ask derpy if she lives here, maybe hint if she has a place to stay?", "\n\n[12:58 AM] bronystar: ^\n\n[1:00 AM] teapone: You proceed to *INHALE YOUR SPIRIT,* downing all but a small sip in *ONLY A FEW GULPS*\n\n[1:01 AM] teapone: You ask the mare if she lives here. \"", "No. ", "I just come down for the parties every now and\n\n[1:01 AM] teapone: then. ", "They're the best part of living here.\"", "\n\n[1:02 AM] teapone: She finishes her drink, and then hails the barmare. ", "She comes over and asks \"What can I\n\n[1:02 AM] teapone: get you two?\" ", "What do?", "\n\n[1:03 AM] bronystar: another round, then ask derpy if she has a special somepony\n\n[1:03 AM] rarityx2: ask her where she is staying tonight\n\n[1:03 AM] rarityx2: ask both of those ^\n\n[1:03 AM] rarityx2: (but she did go out alone?)", "\n\n[1:03 AM] flintlock: Yawns as he trots lazily in to the bar, a saddle pack slung over his tired back.", "\n\n[1:04 AM] twilight63d entered the room.", "\n\n[1:04 AM] guest-615002 changed nickname to twilight63d\n\n[1:05 AM] teapone: (lol, not quite, Flint XP)\n\n[1:05 AM] bronystar: [we're not apart of this, just deciding what happens]\n\n[1:06 AM] flintlock: [Sorry I\"m not familiar with this type of game. ", "^_^;]\n\n[1:06 AM] twilight63d: (sup?)", "\n\n[1:06 AM] teapone: (It's pretty different. ", "Also, suggestions closed atm)\n\n[1:07 AM] twilight63d: (can i play?)", "\n\n[1:07 AM] bronystar: [sure, we're trying to get derpy drunk and sleep with us]\n\n[1:08 AM] twilight63d: (sweeeet)\n\n[1:08 AM] teapone: You ask the mare behind the counter for another round of cider. ", "She turns to go make the\n\n[1:09 AM] teapone: drinks, but *DERPYPONE* stops her. \"", "Hey, wait! ", "Got anyothing stonger than this?\" ", "she asks.", "\n\n[1:09 AM] bronystar: [aawwwwsnap]\n\n[1:09 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[1:09 AM] guest-615023 entered the room.", "\n\n[1:09 AM] guest-615023 left the room.", "\n\n[1:10 AM] teapone: \"Let me see what I can find.\" ", "The earth pony behind the bar respods with a smile. ", "What do?", "\n\n[1:10 AM] teapone: *responds\n\n[1:10 AM] giggles: hoofbump Derpy\n\n[1:10 AM] twilight63d: (what's the rp order)\n\n[1:10 AM] teapone: (Not really an order XD)\n\n[1:11 AM] bronystar: [we've made a character and are deciding her actions]\n\n[1:11 AM] twilight63d: (ohhh)\n\n[1:12 AM] giggles: [it's one character controlled by concensus and written by teapone]\n\n[1:13 AM] teapone: (Yep. ", "once I start writing, please don't write again until I say \"What do?\")", "\n\n[1:13 AM] bronystar: Give derpy a smile and ask her about herself\n\n[1:13 AM] teapone: (Also, we are a blue fua pegasus named Rivets trying to seduce Derpy at a party)\n\n[1:13 AM] teapone: (*futa)\n\n[1:14 AM] twilight63d: slip her a mickey\n\n[1:14 AM] rarityx2: question derpy's choice of stronger drink?", "\n\n[1:14 AM] teapone: consensus?", "\n\n[1:14 AM] bronystar: I say ask her about herself\n\n[1:14 AM] rarityx2: yes we need to know about her\n\n[1:15 AM] battlerarity entered the room.", "\n\n[1:15 AM] twilight63d: ^\n\n[1:15 AM] bronystar: family for example\n\n[1:15 AM] twilight63d: or boyfran\n\n[1:15 AM] guest-615086 changed nickname to battlerarity\n\n[1:15 AM] bronystar: ask if she has a family or boyfriend\n\n[1:17 AM] teapone: You ask her about to tell you a little about herself, *NOT SO SUBTLY* asking if she's\n\n[1:18 AM] teapone: seeing somepony. ", "She *BLUSHES REDGRAY.* \"", "Not really, no. ", "Well, there is this one mare...\"\n\n[1:19 AM] teapone: She looks over her shoulder, and seeing nopony there, leans in close \"I sort of have a\n\n[1:20 AM] kristil left the room.", "\n\n[1:20 AM] teapone: crush on *SPITFIREPONE*.", "\n\n[1:20 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[1:20 AM] mcauliffe entered the room.", "\n\n[1:20 AM] guest-615137 changed nickname to mcauliffe\n\n[1:20 AM] mcauliffe: hey guys\n\n[1:20 AM] bronystar: Call her bluff, say she doesn't actually know Spitfire\n\n[1:21 AM] twilight63d: Say spitfire's taken, and point her out to rivets.", "\n\n[1:21 AM] rarityx2: (well i am a pegasus, this might be ok?)", "\n\n[1:23 AM] teapone: consensus?", "\n\n[1:23 AM] bronystar: Say Spitfire is obvi with Sorren\n\n[1:23 AM] rarityx2: keep talking to her\n\n[1:24 AM] mcauliffe: Would someone mind PM'ing me the rules/help me catch up with this?", "\n\n[1:24 AM] clopity left the room.", "\n\n[1:25 AM] twilight63d: brony ^\n\n[1:26 AM] teapone: So, tell Derpy Spitfire's with Soarin'?", "\n\n[1:26 AM] giggles: [are people handling that?]", "\n\n[1:26 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[1:26 AM] bronystar: yes tea\n\n[1:26 AM] mcauliffe: I'll vote yes\n\n[1:27 AM] giggles: Yes, lie for sex\n\n[1:27 AM] giggles: We are amoral pony.", "\n\n[1:27 AM] bronystar: no gigs no lies\n\n[1:27 AM] bronystar: We are a morally good pony\n\n[1:28 AM] twilight63d: Just smooth with da ladies.", "\n\n[1:28 AM] giggles: but we don't know Spitponi is with Soarin, we are making lieful conjectures for sex. : ", "O\n\n[1:28 AM] twilight63d: Truth benders yo.", "\n\n[1:28 AM] bronystar: but it's obvi those two are fucking and derpy isn't telling us the whole truth\n\n[1:29 AM] bronystar: call her bluff tea!", "\n\n[1:29 AM] twilight63d: ^\n\n[1:30 AM] teapone: Call her on that she doesn't know Spitfire? ", "Or tell her that Spitfire is bangin' Soarin'?", "\n\n[1:30 AM] rarityx2: (ask her if she has met spitfire?", "\n\n[1:30 AM] twilight63d: Former\n\n[1:30 AM] bronystar: former\n\n[1:30 AM] mcauliffe: First one definitely\n\n[1:32 AM] giggles: ok first\n\n[1:32 AM] guest-615260 entered the room.", "\n\n[1:32 AM] teapone: You call her bluff, saying that she doesn't know Spitfire. \"", "Well, I'm going to change that\n\n[1:32 AM] guest-615260 left the room.", "\n\n[1:33 AM] teapone: soon. ", "The Wonderbolts are holding auditions in a week, and my friend Rainbow Dash invited\n\n[1:34 AM] teapone: me to watch her try out. ", "She says she'll try to hook me up once she gets in.\"", "\n\n[1:35 AM] teapone: The barmare returns and puts two glasses in from of each pegasus, one a pint of cider,\n\n[1:35 AM] cherrychanga entered the room.", "\n\n[1:35 AM] teapone: the other a shotglass full of a dark brown liquid. ", "Derpy drops her entire shot glass into\n\n[1:35 AM] guest-615281 changed nickname to cherrychanga\n\n[1:36 AM] teapone: the cider, and drinks the entire thing without stopping for breath.", "\n\n[1:36 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[1:37 AM] mcauliffe: Well, we should walk her home when the time comes\n\n[1:37 AM] bronystar: well not yet tho\n\n[1:37 AM] bronystar: hmm\n\n[1:37 AM] rarityx2: hehe\n\n[1:37 AM] rarityx2: might as well buy her another then?", "\n\n[1:37 AM] rarityx2: since that one is gone\n\n[1:37 AM] mcauliffe: Drinks for both of us!", "\n\n[1:38 AM] rarityx2: (not sure how many drinks to get pony drunk?)", "\n\n[1:38 AM] twilight63d: Say you're impressed\n\n[1:38 AM] twilight63d: and the next drink is on the barmare\n\n[1:38 AM] mcauliffe: (cider is 2%-8.5% ABV)\n\n[1:39 AM] bronystar: tell her she's beautiful\n\n[1:39 AM] bronystar: we gotta seduce her!", "\n\n[1:39 AM] twilight63d: true, but she'll be seduced with more drink in her\n\n[1:40 AM] rarityx2: (she is beautiful so yes we should tell her this!)", "\n\n[1:40 AM] bronystar: tell her she's beautiful and be sincere\n\n[1:40 AM] mcauliffe: (derpy is a very pretty pony, and most certainly not an ugly pony)\n\n[1:41 AM] cherrychanga: Subtlety is a weapon in seduction. ", "I suggest starting smaller talk or simple conversation.", "\n\n[1:41 AM] twilight63d: Compliment her eyes\n\n[1:41 AM] cherrychanga: Before the compliments, that is. ", "Keep her occupied with speech while she drinks\n\n[1:41 AM] twilight63d: compliment her big, beautiful yellow derpy eyes\n\n[1:41 AM] bronystar: ^\n\n[1:42 AM] bronystar: the eyes\n\n[1:42 AM] bronystar: go for the eyes\n\n[1:42 AM] mcauliffe: (what if she is sensitive about them?)", "\n\n[1:42 AM] bronystar: say she has the most beautiful eyes\n\n[1:44 AM] teapone: You proceed to *GUSH EXTRAVAGANTLY* about her *AMAZING PERFECT EYES.* ", "She slams them shut\n\n[1:44 AM] mcauliffe: fuck I knew it\n\n[1:44 AM] cherrychanga: Well shit, son\n\n[1:44 AM] bronystar: [we're not very smooth]\n\n[1:44 AM] twilight63d: nope\n\n[1:45 AM] bronystar: [we must have her!]", "\n\n[1:45 AM] teapone: and *TURNS AWAYLIKE,* and begins to choke a little. \"", "You're lying. ", "They always lie.\"", "\n\n[1:45 AM] bronystar: [but not rape]\n\n[1:45 AM] twilight63d: never rape\n\n[1:45 AM] twilight63d: we are honorable pony\n\n[1:45 AM] mcauliffe: >rape\n\n[1:45 AM] teapone: (also, STFU)\n\n[1:45 AM] cherrychanga: (Sowwyz)\n\n[1:45 AM] teapone: (wait until \"What do?\" ", "please)\n\n[1:46 AM] giggles: [^]\n\n[1:47 AM] teapone: Derpy flies off into the crowd, and darts up a back flight of stairs.", "\n\n[1:47 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[1:47 AM] twilight63d: Chase after her, you silly\n\n[1:47 AM] mcauliffe: Chase her\n\n[1:47 AM] twilight63d: okie dokie lokie\n\n[1:47 AM] rarityx2: ^^\n\n[1:47 AM] bronystar: Follow and try not to freak her out this time\n\n[1:48 AM] giggles: give chase\n\n[1:48 AM] rarityx2: explain to her that you were being genuine\n\n[1:48 AM] rarityx2: and she is a pretty pony etc\n\n[1:48 AM] twilight63d: It makes her unique\n\n[1:48 AM] twilight63d: and gives her personality!", "\n\n[1:48 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[1:48 AM] bronystar: ^\n\n[1:48 AM] mcauliffe: ^\n\n[1:50 AM] teapone: You *WINGS* over the crowd, flying after the cute *BUBBLEPONE.* ", "At the top of the stairs,\n\n[1:51 AM] teapone: you catch a glimpse of a yellow tail slip into a room before the door *CLOSES LOUDLIKE*\n\n[1:51 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[1:51 AM] battlerarity left the room.", "\n\n[1:52 AM] bronystar: Knock on the door and call to her\n\n[1:52 AM] twilight63d: and say ^\n\n[1:52 AM] mcauliffe: Knock on the door and ask nicely to talk to her\n\n[1:52 AM] cherrychanga: Knock quietly and ask if you can reiterate what you said.", "\n\n[1:52 AM] bronystar: ^\n\n[1:52 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[1:52 AM] bronystar: what cherrychanga\n\n[1:52 AM] bronystar: said\n\n[1:54 AM] teapone: You tap lightly on the door, and recieve a muffled call in return. \"", "Whuddoyuan?\" ", "You ask\n\n[1:57 AM] teapone: her to just listen, so you can explain what you said. \"", "Leafmealon.\" ", "What do?", "\n\n[1:57 AM] bronystar: Please open the door so I can explain\n\n[1:57 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[1:57 AM] rarityx2: be sweet yet persistent\n\n[1:58 AM] mcauliffe: ^\n\n[1:58 AM] twilight63d: Tell her that pone's mom had derpy eyes\n\n[1:58 AM] twilight63d: and she was the sweetest pone ever, and that's why you like her eyes.", "\n\n[1:59 AM] bronystar: that might be a little much\n\n[1:59 AM] bronystar: let's just try to get her to open the door for now\n\n[1:59 AM] cherrychanga: I'll put my ballot for what bronystar said. ", "I don't think the eye strat worked so far. ", ">.>\n\n[1:59 AM] twilight63d: maybe for later\n\n[1:59 AM] twilight63d: but you have to address the elephant in the room\n\n[1:59 AM] bronystar: we'll revisit that, but we gotta get her to listen\n\n[1:59 AM] twilight63d: eventually, but go with brony\n\n[1:59 AM] mcauliffe: I vote brony\n\n[2:00 AM] rarityx2: ^bstar\n\n[2:02 AM] mcauliffe: brb\n\n[2:03 AM] teapone: You ask her to *OPENDOOR*. ", "You hear hoofbeats, and the door eases open, revealing\n\n[2:03 AM] rarityx2: ..\n\n[2:04 AM] teapone: *BUBBLEPONE* in a softly lit room. ", "There is a *BEDLIKE OBJECT* as well as a *CLOSET TYPE*\n\n[2:04 AM] teapone: *THING*, and a *CONTRAPTION SIMILAR IN APPEARANCE TO A DRESSER.*", "\n\n[2:04 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[2:05 AM] bronystar: Ask if you can come in to explain\n\n[2:05 AM] horsey_saucier entered the room.", "\n\n[2:05 AM] twilight63d: ^\n\n[2:06 AM] cherrychanga: ^\n\n[2:06 AM] guest-615491 changed nickname to horsey_saucier\n\n[2:06 AM] rarityx2: ^ but just do don't ask\n\n[2:06 AM] cumdumpster entered the room.", "\n\n[2:06 AM] guest-615497 changed nickname to cumdumpster\n\n[2:07 AM] rarityx2: (anypones need updates can pm?)", "\n\n[2:07 AM] bronystar: @rarity: i think asking is important\n\n[2:07 AM] bronystar: like if you just went in that would be kinda dickish\n\n[2:08 AM] rarityx2: heh yeah i agree not sure if she's inviting us in\n\n[2:08 AM] rarityx2: by opening the door\n\n[2:08 AM] twilight63d: yeah, we were already kinda dicksih\n\n[2:08 AM] twilight63d: eyes and all.", "\n\n[2:08 AM] rarityx2: yep should have jsut kept buying her drinks\n\n[2:08 AM] bronystar: just very calmly ask if you come insdie\n\n[2:08 AM] rarityx2: ^^\n\n[2:10 AM] teapone: You *ASK REALLY SORT OF CUTELY* if you can come in. \"", "Tell me why you're here.\" ", "She replies\n\n[2:11 AM] teapone: She sounds *HURTLIKE*\n\n[2:11 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[2:12 AM] twilight63d: sigh and tell her about your derpy mother\n\n[2:12 AM] bronystar: to say sorry for freaking her out and that she really is beautiful\n\n[2:12 AM] rarityx2: be honest tell her you wanted to spend more time with her and you didn't mean to offend he\n\n[2:12 AM] cumdumpster: Yell at her\n\n[2:12 AM] bronystar: nNo derpy mother is crazy talk\n\n[2:12 AM] rarityx2: also bstar^\n\n[2:12 AM] giggles: ^\n\n[2:12 AM] twilight63d: i concede\n\n[2:12 AM] bronystar: That'll scare her again\n\n[2:12 AM] rarityx2: also might want to not comment on her looks anymore?", "\n\n[2:12 AM] horsey_saucier: you bust down the door, shover her to the ground and raper her. ", "I mean, she's retarded.", "\n\n[2:13 AM] horsey_saucier: what is she going to do? ", "call the pony cops?", "\n\n[2:13 AM] mcauliffe: back\n\n[2:13 AM] rarityx2: focus on her personality, dancing,?", "\n\n[2:13 AM] twilight63d: we are righteous pone\n\n[2:13 AM] twilight63d: not rapist pone\n\n[2:13 AM] cherrychanga: I think it's still to early for compliments again. ", "Last time wasn't good.", "\n\n[2:13 AM] twilight63d: ^ ryx2\n\n[2:13 AM] rarityx2: derpy is much to sweet to rape\n\n[2:14 AM] cumdumpster: ^horsey\n\n[2:14 AM] cherrychanga: \"I'm really sorry for offending you, I swear I didn't mean any harm. ", "Can we talk?\"", "\n\nhorsey_saucier was banned by teapone (teapone)\n\n[2:14 AM] horsey_saucier left the room.", "\n\n[2:14 AM] cumdumpster: :(\n\n[2:14 AM] twilight63d: justice.", "\n\n[2:14 AM] mcauliffe: I like CC's idea\n\n[2:14 AM] cumdumpster: I thought it was a fun idea\n\n[2:14 AM] bronystar: with CC\n\n[2:15 AM] teapone: It was a normal, acceptable response until the retarded part\n\ncumdumpster was banned by teapone (teapone)\n\n[2:15 AM] cumdumpster left the room.", "\n\n[2:15 AM] cherrychanga: (lolz)\n\n[2:15 AM] rarityx2: ^ cc idea too\n\n[2:15 AM] twilight63d: justice\n\n[2:16 AM] twilight63d: x2\n\n[2:16 AM] twilight63d: hoooo\n\n[2:16 AM] bronystar: and now that the trolls are gone\n\n[2:16 AM] cherrychanga: ((Hey by the way is the whole idea of righteousness a rule by you Tea?)", "\n\n[2:16 AM] cherrychanga: ((Or did we just assume that role))\n\n[2:16 AM] bronystar: we assumed it\n\n[2:16 AM] teapone: You tell her that you really didn't mean to offend her, and *ASK FOR TALKS.* \"", "It's okay,\n\n[2:17 AM] teapone: I'm just really sensitive about my eyes...\" She stands aside and hold the *INFERNAL DOOR*\n\n[2:18 AM] divebomb entered the room.", "\n\n[2:18 AM] teapone: to the side so you can enter. ", "She lets it swing closed behind you.", "\n\n[2:18 AM] guest-615566 changed nickname to divebomb\n\n[2:18 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[2:18 AM] twilight63d: Sit her down on the bed\n\n[2:19 AM] twilight63d: and say sorry again\n\n[2:19 AM] twilight63d: and compliment her personality this time\n\n[2:19 AM] cherrychanga: Too forward still I think. ", "And No I'm not just a pussy\n\n[2:19 AM] rarityx2: well she brought it up now\n\n[2:19 AM] rarityx2: so i think she does want to talk about it\n\n[2:19 AM] twilight63d: ^\n\n[2:19 AM] bronystar: I say sit her down on the bed and say that you really do think she's beautiful\n\n[2:19 AM] cherrychanga: I meant sitting her down on the bet\n\n[2:19 AM] cherrychanga: bed*\n\n[2:19 AM] bronystar: just don't point out her eyes\n\n[2:20 AM] rarityx2: ^ sitting her down\n\n[2:20 AM] mcauliffe: I agree with BS\n\n[2:20 AM] cherrychanga: You wouldn't get weirded out by some stranger coming into your room and making you sit?", "\n\n[2:20 AM] twilight63d: well just sit on the bed\n\n[2:20 AM] bronystar: hmm\n\n[2:20 AM] twilight63d: and let her do what derpy do\n\n[2:20 AM] cherrychanga: Sit on the bed without her, but leave room if she wants to join you.", "\n\n[2:20 AM] twilight63d: if she wants to sit next to pone then she will\n\n[2:20 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[2:21 AM] bronystar: yes that\n\n[2:21 AM] mcauliffe: ^\n\n[2:21 AM] cherrychanga: While you sit, just look around the room and compliment it.", "\n\n[2:21 AM] flutterwhy4 entered the room.", "\n\n[2:21 AM] bronystar: its not her room\n\n[2:21 AM] guest-615593 changed nickname to flutterwhy4\n\n[2:21 AM] cherrychanga: Well shit then\n\n[2:21 AM] bronystar: she's just visiting as well\n\n[2:21 AM] flutterwhy4: )i'm back)\n\n[2:21 AM] bronystar: hey flutter\n\n[2:21 AM] rarityx2: let her talk first\n\n[2:21 AM] bronystar: Yeah lets try that\n\n[2:21 AM] cherrychanga: There we go.", "\n\n[2:22 AM] bronystar: Let Derpy speak\n\n[2:22 AM] mcauliffe: I agree, let's wait for her\n\n[2:22 AM] teapone: Consensus?", "\n\n[2:22 AM] twilight63d: Sit on bed\n\n[2:22 AM] twilight63d: let her speak\n\n[2:22 AM] cherrychanga: 6\n\n[2:22 AM] cherrychanga: Derp ^\n\n[2:22 AM] flutterwhy4: w/ whatever the most outrageous suggestion was\n\n[2:23 AM] flutterwhy4: color\n\n[2:23 AM] bronystar: we're trying to be righteous\n\n[2:23 AM] bronystar: no rapes or crazyness\n\n[2:23 AM] flutterwhy4: : /\n\n[2:23 AM] flutterwhy4: Okies\n\n[2:23 AM] teapone: (I banned those ponies, FW4, for calling Derpy retarded.)", "\n\n[2:23 AM] divebomb: hooray for righteous towards derpy!", "\n\n[2:23 AM] flutterwhy4: I didn't call her retarded\n\n[2:23 AM] teapone: (also, use unused color, for my sake\n\n[2:23 AM] teapone: )\n\n[2:23 AM] flutterwhy4: I just agreed with the suggetion\n\n[2:23 AM] twilight63d: Golden rule, mah nigga.", "\n\n[2:24 AM] flutterwhy4: (this okay)\n\n[2:24 AM] teapone: (yep)\n\n[2:24 AM] divebomb: (this?)", "\n\n[2:24 AM] cherrychanga: joined the group whiteboard.", "\n\n[2:24 AM] twilight63d: joined the group whiteboard.", "\n\n[2:25 AM] teapone: You *GRAFULLY ALIGHT*\n\n[2:25 AM] teapone: carp\n\n[2:25 AM] teapone: *You *GRACEFULLY ALIGHT* onto the bed, and settle and wait for Derpy to break the ice.", "\n\n[2:27 AM] teapone: \"I was born with hypertrophia,\" she finally begins. \"", "And they teased me about it whenever\n\n[2:28 AM] teapone: I did something. ", "I don't have any real depth perception, so I tended to be a bit of a\n\n[2:29 AM] teapone: klutz.\" ", "She turned her head away. \"", "When I finally got a date for prom, he told me how much\n\n[2:30 AM] teapone: he loved my eyes, how special they made me. ", "Later that night, I went to his house. ", "And...\"\n\n[2:30 AM] rarityx2: (!)?", "\n\n[2:31 AM] divebomb: (snake has been discovered ^)\n\n[2:31 AM] cherrychanga: (shh)\n\n[2:32 AM] teapone: She begins to tear, but then takes a dep breath to calm herself. \"", "He told me to close my\n\n[2:33 AM] teapone: eyes. ", "And I did. ", "And... and...\" She began to break up, tears streaming down her face. \"", "He\n\n[2:35 AM] teapone: said 'That's a good look for you.'\" ", "She completely breaks down, and runs toward you on the\n\n[2:36 AM] teapone: *BEDLIKE OBJECt.* ", "She misses you by mere inches, and stuffs her face into a pillow,\n\n[2:36 AM] teapone: sobbing uncontrolably next to you. ", "What do?", "\n\n[2:36 AM] flutterwhy4: (do we have any special magical abilities, weapons, armor or inventory?)", "\n\n[2:36 AM] bronystar: [all we have is a map]\n\n[2:36 AM] mcauliffe: hug tiem\n\n[2:36 AM] teapone: (we have a *MAP* and *WINGS*)\n\n[2:36 AM] twilight63d: hug tiem\n\n[2:36 AM] bronystar: Hug\n\n[2:36 AM] cherrychanga: In a totally NONCREEP-O way, embrace and shush her. ", "Fix her hair, it's prolly a mess.", "\n\n[2:37 AM] rarityx2: ^hugs\n\n[2:37 AM] twilight63d: Lightly wrap arms around her and pat her gently.", "\n\n[2:37 AM] divebomb: ^\n\n[2:37 AM] twilight63d: Let her cry into pone's shoulder\n\n[2:37 AM] bronystar: W/twilight\n\n[2:37 AM] rarityx2: (poor derpy my heart is crushed)\n\n[2:38 AM] flutterwhy4: search the room for things to fill our inventory with\n\n[2:38 AM] twilight63d: lol flutter\n\n[2:38 AM] bronystar: [we should kill that guy]\n\n[2:38 AM] cherrychanga: Wat\n\n[2:38 AM] bronystar: [but later]\n\n[2:38 AM] bronystar: hug derpy time\n\n[2:39 AM] rarityx2: ^ ponyhugs\n\n[2:39 AM] flutterwhy4: Hug then acquire things\n\n[2:39 AM] flutterwhy4: :3\n\n[2:39 AM] teapone: How? ", "I mean, her head is basically facing your butt right now. ", "So, get up and turn around?", "\n\n[2:40 AM] bronystar: No\n\n[2:40 AM] bronystar: hang on\n\n[2:40 AM] teapone: Also, Rivets is not a Kleptomaiacpone\n\n[2:40 AM] rarityx2: i think we need a diagram\n\n[2:40 AM] bronystar: hmm\n\n[2:40 AM] flutterwhy4: make sure we don't far\n\n[2:40 AM] teapone: *maniac\n\n[2:40 AM] rarityx2: *diagram\n\n[2:40 AM] flutterwhy4: fart*\n\n[2:40 AM] teapone: joined the group whiteboard.", "\n\n[2:40 AM] bronystar: srsly?", "\n\n[2:40 AM] bronystar: joined the group whiteboard.", "\n\n[2:40 AM] mcauliffe: joined the group whiteboard.", "\n\n[2:40 AM] flutterwhy4: joined the group whiteboard.", "\n\n[2:40 AM] rarityx2: (but umm somehow postion to but hoof on back?)", "\n\n[2:40 AM] twilight63d: joined the group whiteboard.", "\n\n[2:40 AM] rarityx2: if can't embrace huhh\n\n[2:40 AM] rarityx2: *hugz\n\n[2:40 AM] cherrychanga: Alright then, rub her back and shush her. ", "Gently brush a hoof through her hair and say,\n\n[2:41 AM] cherrychanga: \"I'm so sorry to hear that. ", "Some ponies can be so cruel...\"\n\n[2:41 AM] bronystar: Rub back yeah\n\n[2:41 AM] bronystar: apologize for jerk\n\n[2:41 AM] giggles: ^\n\n[2:41 AM] twilight63d: ^\n\n[2:41 AM] mcauliffe: ^\n\n[2:41 AM] cherrychanga: ^\n\n[2:42 AM] flutterwhy4: >\n\n[2:42 AM] cherrychanga: v\n\n[2:42 AM] mcauliffe: We playing DDR?", "\n\n[2:43 AM] twilight63d: I can Stepmania with the best of them\n\n[2:43 AM] teapone: (^^vv<><>BA?)", "\n\n[2:43 AM] twilight63d: br br br? ", "huehuehue\n\n[2:43 AM] bronystar: ^^vv<><>\n\n[2:43 AM] flutterwhy4: <><><<>><>M><>><><><>><>>>><><><>><><\n\n[2:43 AM] bronystar: oh tea yea~\n\n[2:44 AM] cherrychanga: Those look like fishies when you're off your ass drunk\n\n[2:44 AM] bronystar: so we decided to console derpy by rubbing her back and apologize for jerky pony\n\n[2:44 AM] giggles: comfort derppone\n\n[2:44 AM] twilight63d: (.)", "<>\n\n[2:44 AM] cherrychanga: Yeah I guess we were going with what I said?", "\n\n[2:45 AM] mcauliffe: I think we should apologize too\n\n[2:45 AM] bronystar: yes\n\n[2:45 AM] cherrychanga: Nah we need to focus all negative attention away from ourselves\n\n[2:45 AM] bronystar: Include an apology from us for reminding her of it\n\n[2:45 AM] teapone: You gently place your hoof on *BUBBLEPONEBACK*, gently shhing her. ", "Her crying slowly\n\n[2:47 AM] teapone: subsides, and you turn your body to the side and pet her mane back into place. ", "You tell\n\n[2:48 AM] teapone: her about how the cruelty of others shold never stop you from loving yourself, and begin\n\n[2:48 AM] teapone: to apologize for bringing up the subject in the first place.", "\n\n[2:50 AM] teapone: \"No, I'm sorry for piling all this on you. ", "You're a beautiful mare, and here I am a silly\n\n[2:50 AM] teapone: emotional wreck, bawling my eyes out in front of you, even though we just met.\"", "\n\n[2:50 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[2:50 AM] flutterwhy4: Conjure Teabag\n\n[2:51 AM] bronystar: \"You think i'm beautiful?\"", "\n\n[2:51 AM] giggles: shush flutter\n\n[2:51 AM] flutterwhy4: Use boil and heat her some tea\n\n[2:51 AM] flutterwhy4: :3\n\n[2:52 AM] cherrychanga: Is she facing us now?", "\n\n[2:52 AM] teapone: (I would absolutely LOVE to do that, FW4)\n\n[2:52 AM] teapone: joined the group whiteboard.", "\n\n[2:52 AM] twilight63d: brony ^\n\n[2:52 AM] mcauliffe: Thank her for the compliment\n\n[2:52 AM] twilight63d: also tell her that she's beautiful regardless of what she do\n\n[2:53 AM] twilight63d: even if that's crying her eyes out\n\n[2:54 AM] divebomb left the room.", "\n\n[2:54 AM] cherrychanga: (Only regard this if she's facing us) Smile compassionately and wipe a tear from her face.", "\n\n[2:54 AM] cherrychanga: \"You need to realize just how beautiful you are.\" ", "Put her hoof in yours.", "\n\n[2:55 AM] teapone: (wow, I didn't even realize the metaness of the \"Bawling my eyes out\" phrase...)\n\n[2:55 AM] twilight63d: (teapone... so meta)\n\n[2:56 AM] teapone: Consensus?", "\n\n[2:56 AM] bronystar: \"You think I'm beautiful~?\"", "\n\n[2:56 AM] twilight63d: thank her.", "\n\n[2:56 AM] twilight63d: and then tell her something self effacing\n\n[2:57 AM] bronystar: \"I think you're beautiful too\"\n\n[2:57 AM] twilight63d: but funny, like I peed my bed even after i got my cutie mark\n\n[2:57 AM] bronystar: Self-effacing?", "\n\n[2:57 AM] bronystar: we have a penis\n\n[2:57 AM] bronystar: we're futapone\n\n[2:58 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[2:58 AM] flutterwhy4: Use Dominate, make her tell us what we want to know\n\n[2:58 AM] twilight63d: use Batman voice?", "\n\n[2:58 AM] flutterwhy4: ^\n\n[2:58 AM] bronystar: we have not reached a consensus\n\n[2:59 AM] rarityx2: well lets be nice to her a bit yet\n\n[2:59 AM] rarityx2: can't rape her\n\n[2:59 AM] twilight63d: ryx2\n\n[2:59 AM] twilight63d: ^\n\n[2:59 AM] flutterwhy4: Tell her we have a biiiiig present that'll make her feel better\n\n[2:59 AM] twilight63d: Apologize, be a bit modest about the compliment, thank her and then shoot the shit for a b\n\n[2:59 AM] twilight63d: it\n\n[2:59 AM] mcauliffe: Twi gets my vote\n\n[3:00 AM] bronystar: w/twi\n\n[3:00 AM] teapone: Apologize for what?", "\n\n[3:00 AM] bronystar: well i guess we've already apologized\n\n[3:00 AM] bronystar: so skip that\n\n[3:00 AM] cherrychanga: My vote is for Cherrychanga\n\n[3:00 AM] twilight63d: Cherry/Changa 2012\n\n[3:00 AM] twilight63d: but i'm with me.", "\n\n[3:01 AM] cherrychanga: Don't vote Chimmy/Cherry.", "\n\n[3:02 AM] bronystar: i'm still going with\n\n[3:02 AM] bronystar: \"You think I'm beautiful~?\"", "\n\n[3:03 AM] rarityx2: hell lets just make her some tea\n\n[3:03 AM] bronystar: we don't have the tools\n\n[3:03 AM] cherrychanga: We aren't younikorns\n\n[3:03 AM] mcauliffe: guys, we have winghands\n\n[3:04 AM] bronystar: we don't have the leaves\n\n[3:04 AM] rarityx2: oh yes we aren't magical\n\n[3:04 AM] teapone: You play off the compliment, and rest a hoof over hers, telling her that she should have\n\n[3:06 AM] teapone: no reason to believe anything anypony in elementary school said. ", "You tell her she's unique\n\n[3:07 AM] teapone: and not just beautiful, and that's something none of them could ever hope to be.", "\n\n[3:08 AM] teapone: She looks up to you with thanks in her eyes. \"", "You really think I'm beautiful?\"", "\n\n[3:08 AM] teapone: What do\n\n[3:08 AM] twilight63d: nod and go in for the kiss\n\n[3:09 AM] giggles: [Ok ponies, this has gone on a long time and I have to sleep for tomorrow]\n\n[3:09 AM] twilight63d: night gigs\n\n[3:09 AM] giggles: [I want to do this again, when I'm les unable to aprticipate]\n\n[3:09 AM] mcauliffe: NIght!", "\n\n[3:09 AM] giggles left the room.", "\n\n[3:09 AM] bronystar: nightygigs\n\n[3:09 AM] flutterwhy4: (aaaaand he's gone)\n\n[3:09 AM] mcauliffe: sloppy makeout\n\n[3:09 AM] bronystar: Tell her yes and lean in for a kiss\n\n[3:10 AM] cherrychanga: Alright, I got nothin. ", "I'll just vote with the rest. ", "No guts, no glory\n\n[3:10 AM] rarityx2: yes tll her she is beautiful\n\n[3:11 AM] rarityx2: again and again\n\n[3:11 AM] rarityx2: because she is!", "\n\n[3:11 AM] twilight63d: You bettah recognize\n\n[3:11 AM] cherrychanga: I feel like it'd be out of character to go on a monologue ballad describing her beauty.", "\n\n[3:11 AM] cherrychanga: but I would totally be game for that\n\n[3:12 AM] twilight63d: Play Parasprite Polka for mood music\n\n[3:12 AM] twilight63d: haha\n\n[3:12 AM] teapone: \"Absolutely.\" ", "You lean in and kiss her gently on the lips. ", "She seems taken aback at first,\n\n[3:13 AM] teapone: You break the kiss when the pulls back. \"", "Very beautiful,\" you say, looking her in her\n\n[3:13 AM] teapone: dominant eye, smiling.", "\n\n[3:14 AM] teapone: She leans out and puts her lips to yours again.", "\n\n[3:14 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[3:14 AM] flutterwhy4: Go super-saiyan\n\n[3:15 AM] flutterwhy4: And yell aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!", "\n\n[3:15 AM] bronystar: passionite makeout\n\n[3:15 AM] twilight63d: lie down on the bed\n\n[3:15 AM] twilight63d: and bring her with you\n\n[3:15 AM] twilight63d: but no shenanigans\n\n[3:15 AM] teapone: (Flutterwhy: you op a blood vessel and die. ", "The end.)", "\n\n[3:15 AM] twilight63d: just kiss\n\n[3:15 AM] cherrychanga: Get physical, physical. ", "Close your eyes and put your hoof behind her head, pulling her to-\n\n[3:15 AM] teapone: *pop\n\n[3:15 AM] cherrychanga: you\n\n[3:16 AM] cherrychanga: And then do what Twilight said.", "\n\n[3:16 AM] rarityx2: kisses and nibbles\n\n[3:16 AM] mcauliffe: nonsexual feels are very nice as well\n\n[3:16 AM] flutterwhy4: (Can I make a hilariously awful suggestion? ", ":3)\n\n[3:16 AM] teapone: Of course\n\n[3:17 AM] flutterwhy4: Ask her if she has a sister.", "\n\n[3:17 AM] rarityx2: ohyou.jpg\n\n[3:17 AM] cherrychanga: Ask her if Dinky wants to join\n\n[3:17 AM] flutterwhy4: ^\n\n[3:17 AM] flutterwhy4: ^^^\n\n[3:17 AM] bronystar: ^ i'm okay with this\n\n[3:17 AM] flutterwhy4: ^^^^^^^\n\n[3:17 AM] bronystar: but not now\n\n[3:17 AM] cherrychanga: oshit\n\n[3:17 AM] cherrychanga: Don't do it Tea!", "\n\n[3:17 AM] bronystar: passionite make ou\n\n[3:17 AM] rarityx2: we had better get some been seducing this young mare for hours!", "\n\n[3:17 AM] bronystar: make out\n\n[3:18 AM] teapone: Consensus?", "\n\n[3:18 AM] flutterwhy4: Sure, makeout so we can get to filly threeway\n\n[3:18 AM] bronystar: passionite makeout\n\n[3:18 AM] twilight63d: makeout\n\n[3:18 AM] twilight63d: lie down on the bed\n\n[3:18 AM] twilight63d: just make out\n\n[3:18 AM] twilight63d: no shenanigans\n\n[3:18 AM] mcauliffe: makeout\n\n[3:18 AM] cherrychanga: Bring her closer to you and do the mouthdance\n\n[3:18 AM] twilight63d: shenanigans come soon\n\n[3:18 AM] twilight63d: but not now\n\n[3:18 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[3:18 AM] flutterwhy4: Do the Caramelldansen\n\n[3:18 AM] cherrychanga: Also how do futapones hide their hardons? ", "I would've been fucked long ago\n\n[3:19 AM] flutterwhy4: You were hard when she was talking about her horrible prom?", "\n\n[3:19 AM] flutterwhy4: You sick fuck\n\n[3:19 AM] twilight63d: also, when shenanigans come, i insist on playing Parasprite Polka\n\n[3:19 AM] twilight63d: as mood music\n\n[3:19 AM] cherrychanga: You're acting like you weren't, flutter\n\n[3:19 AM] flutterwhy4: :3\n\n[3:19 AM] flutterwhy4: Maybe a bit\n\n[3:20 AM] bronystar: so yeah make out\n\n[3:22 AM] teapone: You continue the kiss, gently pushing your *SEXY PONY TONGUE* against her *CUTE LIPS.*", "\n\n[3:23 AM] teapone: As you *SLOPPYMAKEOUTSDO*, you begin to feel a familiar friend begin to press against your\n\n[3:23 AM] sparklesbright entered the room.", "\n\n[3:23 AM] guest-616085 changed nickname to sparklesbright\n\n[3:24 AM] cherrychanga left the room.", "\n\n[3:24 AM] teapone: *PONYBELLY*. ", "You continue to hold *BUBBLEPONE*'s hoof, as your kiss slowly gets more\n\n[3:25 AM] teapone: *SEXY AND TOTALLY HOT*\n\n[3:25 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[3:25 AM] cherrychanga entered the room.", "\n\n[3:25 AM] guest-616097 changed nickname to cherrychanga\n\n[3:25 AM] bronystar: try to hide your boner\n\n[3:25 AM] flutterwhy4: Go to the castle to talk to *BLUEBLOOD PONY*.", "\n\n[3:25 AM] rarityx2: (how is derpy pony react to all this?)", "\n\n[3:25 AM] cherrychanga: It's a surprise\n\n[3:26 AM] twilight63d: Derpy probably feels the boner\n\n[3:26 AM] twilight63d: slide your hooves down to her poneplot\n\n[3:26 AM] flutterwhy4: (this would be hotter if I hadn't just farted IRL and wasn't imagining myself farting in\n\n[3:27 AM] flutterwhy4: mid make-out, really rank foul odor)\n\n[3:27 AM] bronystar: c'mon be kawaii and try to hide the boner~\n\n[3:27 AM] twilight63d: you're righteous and decisive pone\n\n[3:27 AM] twilight63d: no need for kawaiiness\n\n[3:28 AM] bronystar: there's always a need to be kawaii\n\n[3:28 AM] flutterwhy4: I don't like Kawaiian pizza\n\n[3:28 AM] cherrychanga: I say break the kiss and push your forehead against hers and smile suggestively.", "\n\n[3:28 AM] cherrychanga: Then rub your hands down her back slowly, seeing how she responds\n\n[3:29 AM] flutterwhy4: Turn her into a jar\n\n[3:29 AM] cherrychanga: Become marmalade\n\n[3:29 AM] cherrychanga: And then fill said derpyjar\n\n[3:30 AM] flutterwhy4: We should make her wear a diaper and do some age-regression play\n\n[3:30 AM] bronystar: Pull away from derpy and show her your penis\n\n[3:30 AM] teapone: This Derp is a jar?", "\n\n[3:30 AM] flutterwhy4: Or have us wear a diaper\n\n[3:30 AM] flutterwhy4: and her mommy us\n\n[3:30 AM] flutterwhy4: Also ^\n\n[3:31 AM] teapone: Consensus?", "\n\n[3:31 AM] flutterwhy4: Break off make-out, produce armfull of pinecones, say \"put these in your butt!\"", "\n\n[3:31 AM] bronystar: tell derpy your secret\n\n[3:31 AM] mcauliffe: activate horsecock\n\n[3:31 AM] bronystar: Penis pokes derpy\n\n[3:31 AM] flutterwhy4: Or whatever everyone else wants\n\n[3:32 AM] rarityx2: ^ cherry\n\n[3:32 AM] cherrychanga: Do yo-yo tricks with your penor\n\n[3:32 AM] cherrychanga: But no, I'm done, I'm going with what I originally saifd\n\n[3:32 AM] cherrychanga: said*\n\n[3:32 AM] cherrychanga: God I'm silly tonight\n\n[3:33 AM] flutterwhy4: Silly is best\n\n[3:33 AM] teapone: So... Show penis or get sexy first?", "\n\n[3:33 AM] mcauliffe: Ladies before futas\n\n[3:33 AM] bronystar: show her so she's not all freaked out later\n\n[3:34 AM] cherrychanga: I say bring sexy back. ", "You wouldn't want to frighten the poor dear with your madam'ledick\n\n[3:34 AM] rarityx2: she knows\n\n[3:34 AM] rarityx2: unless you are wearing clothing?", "\n\n[3:35 AM] teapone: ponies are naked unless otherwise noted\n\n[3:35 AM] bronystar: penis gets hard from kissing and pokes Derpy\n\n[3:35 AM] cherrychanga: Take the precautious yet seductive route instead of diving headfirst into candy vag.", "\n\n[3:35 AM] twilight63d: blush, push her away\n\n[3:35 AM] twilight63d: and say i have an issue\n\n[3:36 AM] twilight63d: i have a penis coming out of my vag\n\n[3:36 AM] twilight63d: and then feel unsexy\n\n[3:36 AM] twilight63d: til derpy wants to get sexy\n\n[3:36 AM] teapone: FYI, futa means full genetalia of both genders\n\n[3:37 AM] twilight63d: i know\n\n[3:38 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[3:38 AM] divebomb entered the room.", "\n\n[3:38 AM] guest-616184 changed nickname to divebomb\n\n[3:39 AM] bronystar: Teapone, you make the choice\n\n[3:39 AM] cherrychanga: That's just not the point though. ", "He could be doing this on his own if that's how it was.", "\n\n[3:39 AM] teapone: You slowly pull your *SWEET CANDY LIPS* from hers, tilting your head forward gently.", "\n\n[3:39 AM] cherrychanga: Let's just be more cooperative\n\n[3:40 AM] flutterwhy4: (are we made of candy? ", "Are we Peppermint Butler?)", "\n\n[3:41 AM] teapone: You smile lovingly at *BUBBLEPONE*, and slide a hoof gently down her back, keeping the\n\n[3:42 AM] teapone: other one placed softly over her forehoof. ", "Her breath grows quicker at your touch, and she\n\n[3:44 AM] teapone: pulls her head back a little, and her hips rock away from you. ", "She reaches a hoof behind\n\n[3:46 AM] teapone: your back and pulls you into another kiss. ", "She rolls onto her back, bringing you with her.", "\n\n[3:46 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[3:46 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[3:46 AM] bronystar: sex\n\n[3:46 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[3:47 AM] cherrychanga: Slowly descend down her form, giving kisses and licks around her body until you get to the\n\n[3:47 AM] twilight63d: alright fellers\n\n[3:47 AM] twilight63d: it's late\n\n[3:47 AM] rarityx2: also everything cheery says ^\n\n[3:47 AM] cherrychanga: Candy vag. ", "Wrap your hooves around her backside and look up at her with a maliciously\n\n[3:47 AM] twilight63d: night. ", "will someone save me the clop for later?", "\n\n[3:47 AM] mcauliffe: lick crotchtits\n\n[3:47 AM] cherrychanga: seductive look and grind her hips into your snout, going to town like a fat kid in a buffe\n\n[3:47 AM] cherrychanga: t\n\n[3:48 AM] teapone: All transcripts will be recorded raw\n\n[3:48 AM] twilight63d: yay al teapone <3\n\n[3:48 AM] twilight63d: thanks\n\n[3:48 AM] cherrychanga: If you guys want to add onto that or change it, go ahead, I'll be completely cooperative\n\n[3:48 AM] bronystar: I just think sex is good\n\n[3:48 AM] twilight63d left the room.", "\n\n[3:49 AM] rarityx2: well we know this mare wants sex\n\n[3:49 AM] rarityx2: but how?", "\n\n[3:49 AM] rarityx2: can't just ram and run\n\n[3:49 AM] bronystar: Teapony is in control\n\n[3:49 AM] cherrychanga: Do you want to have more foreplay?", "\n\n[3:49 AM] divebomb: nuzzle her, snuggle her, touch her more sensitive areas\n\n[3:49 AM] bronystar: yes more foreplay\n\n[3:49 AM] mcauliffe: I want a long foreplay personally\n\n[3:50 AM] rarityx2: i think derpy is worth it\n\n[3:50 AM] rarityx2: she's not just any old pony\n\n[3:50 AM] divebomb: (anyone using this color?)", "\n\n[3:50 AM] mcauliffe: I want us to drive Derpy wild\n\n[3:50 AM] teapone: (Divebomb, you can use the dark red)\n\n[3:51 AM] flutterwhy4: Let's\n\n[3:51 AM] teapone: consensus?", "\n\n[3:51 AM] flutterwhy4: Fuck\n\n[3:51 AM] flutterwhy4: Dinky\n\n[3:51 AM] cherrychanga: Okie dokie! ", "How about we nibble and lick all around Derpone's ears and neck and make her\n\n[3:51 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[3:51 AM] bronystar: Cunnilingus\n\n[3:51 AM] cherrychanga: But...\n\n[3:51 AM] mcauliffe: I like CC's new idea\n\n[3:51 AM] cherrychanga: That's what I said before >.<\n\n[3:51 AM] flutterwhy4: Ask her if she can blow bubbles with her vag\n\n[3:52 AM] flutterwhy4: That cutie mark has to mean something\n\n[3:52 AM] cherrychanga: Okay okay, while we're taking care of her up top, make her really feel the need, rubbing\n\n[3:52 AM] cherrychanga: a hoof in little circles around her labia but never actually touching. ", "Whisper in her ear,\n\n[3:52 AM] cherrychanga: \"I hope you like herpes\"\n\n[3:52 AM] mcauliffe: lol\n\n[3:53 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[3:53 AM] flutterwhy4: Do it\n\n[3:53 AM] cherrychanga: Oops. ", "I meant, \"I've been waiting so long for this. ", "Do you want it as badly as I do?\"", "\n\n[3:53 AM] divebomb: I'm all for the excessive nibbles around her neck and ears, and the stray hoof between her\n\n[3:53 AM] divebomb: legs but not the herpes\n\n[3:54 AM] flutterwhy4: \"Welcome to the world of AIDS management, bitch\"\n\n[3:54 AM] cherrychanga: lol, I'm sorry Tea. ", "I just couldn't let that slip\n\n[3:54 AM] flutterwhy4: ^\n\n[3:54 AM] bronystar: 69\n\n[3:54 AM] cherrychanga: No but really, if you guys are ok with what I put or if you want to do more, suggest more\n\n[3:55 AM] divebomb: We aren't gonna hurt her, are we? ", "We're not some massive futa, right?", "\n\n[3:55 AM] bronystar: i think its just normal size\n\n[3:55 AM] divebomb: ah, good\n\n[3:55 AM] teapone: Normal proportions for our ponypens\n\n[3:56 AM] cherrychanga: So pretty much to sum things up, *Be an extreme tease and make Derpone beg for us*\n\n[3:56 AM] cherrychanga: Oh wow\n\n[3:56 AM] cherrychanga: didn't know * did that\n\n[3:56 AM] teapone: Alright, from now on I'f I send the message ... that means I have something to write\n\n[3:56 AM] mcauliffe: ^\n\n[3:56 AM] cherrychanga: Okie dokie.", "\n\n[3:56 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[3:56 AM] bronystar: kk\n\n[3:57 AM] flutterwhy4: Dots, are a terrible candy\n\n[3:58 AM] teapone: You kiss *BUBBLEPONE* back, wrestling with your *SEXYPONYTONUGES* on top of her. ", "You\n\n[3:59 AM] rarityx2: (... works perfectly for that)\n\n[3:59 AM] teapone: eventually break the *DELICIOUSSLOPPYMAKEOUTS* and kiss her gently down her neck, using\n\n[4:00 AM] teapone: a hoof under her neck to hold her close. ", "As you *KISS AND NIBBLE AND TEASE* her, you slide\n\n[4:02 AM] teapone: a hoof down to her *SWEETCANDYVAG*, slowly, tantilizingly circling it, drawing in close\n\n[4:02 AM] teapone: before moving back out. ", "You can feel the heat radiate off her, and she megins to moan in\n\n[4:02 AM] teapone: *SWEETECSTASY*\n\n[4:03 AM] teapone: Her wings slowly fan out under her, and you can feel yours begin to extend as well, filled\n\n[4:03 AM] teapone: with *SEXDRENALINE*\n\n[4:03 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[4:03 AM] flutterwhy4: (G'night)\n\n[4:04 AM] cherrychanga: Oo, oo, are wings sensitive here or not?", "\n\n[4:04 AM] bronystar: [night]\n\n[4:04 AM] mcauliffe: (night)\n\n[4:04 AM] divebomb: [gnight]\n\n[4:04 AM] cherrychanga: Wait are you all saying night to FW4 or leaving?", "\n\n[4:04 AM] teapone: [g'night?]", "\n\n[4:05 AM] mcauliffe: I vote for hardcore wing action\n\n[4:05 AM] flutterwhy4: Rape derpy, use her as a cockwarmer for the rest of her life\n\n[4:05 AM] flutterwhy4 left the room.", "\n\n[4:05 AM] rarityx2: i vote softcoe wing massage\n\n[4:05 AM] rarityx2: *softcore\n\n[4:05 AM] bronystar: massage wings and kiss her\n\n[4:06 AM] mcauliffe: Preen her wings, it's cute and intimate\n\n[4:06 AM] cherrychanga: Yeah, that sounds delightful. ", "Give her wings a few licks and nips and preens\n\n[4:06 AM] cherrychanga: And while we're at it, we also try and tease her thighs with our wing feathers\n\n[4:06 AM] bronystar: and that's when she notices you poking her in the back\n\n[4:06 AM] bronystar: with your penis\n\n[4:07 AM] cherrychanga: With WHAT?!", "\n\n[4:07 AM] bronystar: the painis\n\n[4:07 AM] mcauliffe: brb\n\n[4:07 AM] teapone: (futa...)\n\n[4:07 AM] divebomb: we are a futa\n\n[4:07 AM] rarityx2: oh yes preen is adorable\n\n[4:07 AM] divebomb: I agree with preening\n\n[4:07 AM] rarityx2: ^preen that mare!", "\n\n[4:07 AM] cherrychanga: I know, sarcasm doesn't work on the interwebs\n\n[4:08 AM] cherrychanga: I keep forgetting\n\n[4:08 AM] teapone: preen how?", "\n\n[4:08 AM] cherrychanga: Not like a fullblown ripping the feathers out, I think they want more of a wing massage\n\n[4:08 AM] rarityx2: preen = clean and separate feathers?", "\n\n[4:09 AM] cherrychanga: With the mouth, maybe?", "\n\n[4:09 AM] teapone: I know what preen means, I was just wondering with mouth or hooves?", "\n\n[4:09 AM] cherrychanga: Like, soft little bites and whatnot?", "\n\n[4:09 AM] divebomb: mouth\n\n[4:09 AM] divebomb: while hooves roam over her body\n\n[4:11 AM] rarityx2: ^\n\n[4:11 AM] bronystar: i'm good with that\n\n[4:11 AM] rarityx2: (brb ponies)\n\n[4:11 AM] cherrychanga: And I don't know if it's physically possible to control your wings, but maybe\n\n[4:11 AM] cherrychanga: Wrap ours around her in a hug manner? ", "Or tease her legs with the feathers?", "\n\n[4:12 AM] cherrychanga: Votes?", "\n\n[4:12 AM] teapone: people, y'all gotta weigh in on dis shit\n\n[4:12 AM] rarityx2: ohh good idea too\n\n[4:12 AM] rarityx2: i think you could do all of those things\n\n[4:13 AM] rarityx2: (too hard to decide)\n\n[4:13 AM] divebomb: so wing huggles while preening her and exploring her body with our hooves?", "\n\n[4:13 AM] bronystar: I like CC's idea\n\n[4:13 AM] teapone: Wings aren't very controllable when all hyped up on *SEXDRENALINE*\n\n[4:14 AM] bronystar: Let's just fuck her now\n\n[4:14 AM] divebomb: so preening and exploring her body with our hooves\n\n[4:14 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[4:15 AM] divebomb: with our growing erection nuzzling between our bodies\n\n[4:15 AM] mcauliffe: back\n\n[4:15 AM] bronystar: Yes let's go with divebombs ideaa\n\n[4:15 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[4:15 AM] cherrychanga: Shh\n\n[4:16 AM] bronystar: [sorry]\n\n[4:16 AM] divebomb: votes?", "\n\n[4:16 AM] teapone: Dive, shh\n\n[4:16 AM] teapone: ... means typing\n\n[4:16 AM] divebomb: [didn't know, sorry]\n\n[4:17 AM] teapone: You remove yourself from on top of her and step to the side. ", "Nudging her onto her stomach,\n\n[4:18 AM] teapone: you sit next to *BUBBLEPONE* and begind to tug getly on her *WINGBONERFEATHERS,* wrapping\n\n[4:20 AM] teapone: your lips around each group and weaving them together the way only another pegasus can.", "\n\n[4:21 AM] teapone: *BUBBLEPONE* extends her wingout horizantally to allow you better access. ", "You drape a\n\n[4:21 AM] teapone: single hoof across her bod, just at the sensitive base fo the wings, while the other one\n\n[4:22 AM] teapone: explorse her flank, rubbing the base of her tail, massaging her cutie mark, and teasing\n\n[4:23 AM] teapone: the *FURNACE OF LOVE* between her legs. ", "She moans quitely but sensually, burying her head\n\n[4:24 AM] teapone: in the soft, white pillow on the *BEDLIKE OBJECT.*", "\n\n[4:24 AM] teapone: What do\n\n[4:24 AM] mcauliffe: Rimming\n\n[4:25 AM] mcauliffe: also wonderful job at DM'ing\n\n[4:25 AM] cherrychanga: I think it's time to satisfy some of B*'s wishes. ", "How about we sandwich our big ol' poneis\n\n[4:25 AM] bronystar: despite our interuptions :#\n\n[4:25 AM] bronystar: :3\n\n[4:25 AM] cherrychanga: In between us and derpy and slowgly grind it back and forth between, using her secretions\n\n[4:25 AM] cherrychanga: As a sort of lubricant.", "\n\n[4:26 AM] teapone: (note, one thing quick I forgot to mention)\n\n[4:26 AM] teapone: We have only done her left wing thusfar\n\n[4:27 AM] mcauliffe: My inner wingfaggot is calling out, we must massage her pretty wing(s)!", "\n\n[4:27 AM] bronystar: guess we gotta do the right wing\n\n[4:27 AM] bronystar: lets rub our cock on her butt while doing so\n\n[4:27 AM] cherrychanga: Okie dokie, we're not a pone known for neglect. ", "Move onto the other one.", "\n\n[4:28 AM] cherrychanga: Bronystar do you agree with my first suggestion or would you rather go for the booteh\n\n[4:28 AM] mcauliffe: Hotdogging is a good idea\n\n[4:29 AM] cherrychanga: I'm game for either or, I'm just a sucker for using candy-juice as lube.", "\n\n[4:29 AM] bronystar: well we're behind her and we need to preen her other wing\n\n[4:29 AM] bronystar: so 2 birds 1 stone\n\n[4:30 AM] cherrychanga: Ohhh\n\n[4:30 AM] cherrychanga: My bad, I derped on our perspective on this =X\n\n[4:30 AM] bronystar: it's fine\n\n[4:30 AM] cherrychanga: Yeah let's go with star's thinkbox\n\n[4:30 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[4:32 AM] teapone: You move your hoof off of *BUBBLEPONE*'s back, and instead plant it on the other side of\n\n[4:33 AM] teapone: the gray pegasus. ", "You slowly lower yourself down across her croup to preen her other wing.", "\n\n[4:33 AM] ivory entered the room.", "\n\n[4:34 AM] guest-616454 changed nickname to ivory\n\n[4:34 AM] cloppyhooves entered the room.", "\n\n[4:34 AM] guest-616457 changed nickname to cloppyhooves\n\n[4:34 AM] ivory left the room.", "\n\n[4:34 AM] teapone: As you descend, your *FUTACOCK* presses into her, cusing a startled reaction from the\n\n[4:35 AM] teapone: cross-eyed mare. ", "However, before she has a chance to respond your lips grasp the feathers\n\n[4:37 AM] teapone: of her wing and being to *PULL THE MESSINESS OUT*, causing her to forget her words before\n\n[4:37 AM] teapone: they come out. ", "You continue to taunt and tease her rear with your hoof, running it across\n\n[4:39 AM] teapone: her *BUBBLEFLANK,* and up and down her *TAIL-TO-CANDYVAG AREA*. ", "Her butt *TWITCHES*\n\n[4:40 AM] teapone: *ADORABLY* at your touch, simply melting in your talented hooves.", "\n\n[4:40 AM] teapone: what do\n\n[4:41 AM] bronystar: Time to mount and fuck her\n\n[4:41 AM] cherrychanga: I say we go back to an intimate approach as we prep for enterring her. ", "Give her a big\n\n[4:41 AM] cherrychanga: old hug, lining up cheek to cheek with her face, wrap both arms around her stomach and\n\n[4:42 AM] cherrychanga: line up our ponepenis and slowly prod the opening of her heart box\n\n[4:42 AM] cherrychanga: Anyone else?", "\n\n[4:42 AM] bronystar: yes\n\n[4:42 AM] bronystar: Do it\n\n[4:42 AM] bronystar: i love this\n\n[4:43 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[4:43 AM] mcauliffe: very romantic\n\n[4:43 AM] mcauliffe: yes\n\n[4:43 AM] cherrychanga: It'\n\n[4:43 AM] bronystar: [shh]\n\n[4:43 AM] cherrychanga: ^\n\n[4:44 AM] teapone: You decide to *THAT DO*. ", "With her wings freshly preened, you gently nudge her onto her\n\n[4:45 AM] teapone: onto her back again. ", "You *GET ALL COZY LIKE* and lower yourself on top of her, pressing\n\n[4:47 AM] teapone: your *BLUE CHEEK* against her *GRAY CHEEK*, nuzzling her gently. ", "You line up your\n\n[4:49 AM] teapone: *COCK OF IRON* with her *BLAST FURNACE,* and pland a kiss on her as you *DESCEND INTO HER*\n\n[4:51 AM] teapone: You can feel her every breath, her every twitch, as you slowly *GO SPELUNKING*. ", "You\n\n[4:52 AM] teapone: continue until your entire *THROBBING MEMBER* is inside her, at which she lets out a small\n\n[4:54 AM] teapone: squeak of \"No more.\" ", "Your wings *GET BONERER* as you realize that you are her perfect size\n\n[4:54 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[4:54 AM] bronystar: Ask if it's alright to continue\n\n[4:55 AM] cherrychanga: Put a hoof under her chin and turn her head towards you to give her another sloppy smooch\n\n[4:55 AM] cherrychanga: Then start working your way in and out, rubbing her lower lips with your other hoof.", "\n\n[4:55 AM] cherrychanga: Oops\n\n[4:55 AM] cherrychanga: I forgot this was me...I guess it would be \"us\" and \"our\"\n\n[4:55 AM] cherrychanga: My bad...so tired...\n\n[4:56 AM] mcauliffe: second person lends well to self insertion too\n\n[4:56 AM] mcauliffe: but anyways\n\n[4:56 AM] bronystar: Kiss her and gently continue thrusting\n\n[4:56 AM] cherrychanga: Additions? ", "Disapprovals? ", "Too busy clopping?", "\n\n[4:57 AM] thunderbucks entered the room.", "\n\n[4:57 AM] mcauliffe: I think we should stop moving for at least a bit\n\n[4:57 AM] mcauliffe: We must be kind to poor Derpy\n\n[4:57 AM] bronystar: Yeah give her time to adjust\n\n[4:57 AM] cherrychanga: Oh, and how about we pause for a bit when she's facing us, and before we kiss her, say,\n\n[4:57 AM] guest-616565 changed nickname to thunderbucks\n\n[4:57 AM] cherrychanga: \"You really are beautiful, you know that?\"", "\n\n[4:57 AM] cherrychanga: That would put the heat on this cold heart of mine\n\n[4:58 AM] bronystar: I like it\n\n[4:58 AM] bronystar: let's do that\n\n[4:58 AM] cherrychanga: God I'm shitfaced tonight....\n\n[4:58 AM] teapone: lol\n\n[4:58 AM] guest-616580 entered the room.", "\n\n[4:58 AM] guest-616580 left the room.", "\n\n[4:58 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[4:59 AM] thunderbucks left the room.", "\n\n[5:00 AM] teapone: You pull away from the mare's cheek and take her chin with a hoof. ", "Looking directly into\n\n[5:01 AM] teapone: *BUBBLEPONE*'s eyes, you whisper softly to her \"You are the most beautiful mare in all of\n\n[5:02 AM] teapone: Equestria tonight.\" ", "You seal her lips with a kiss, long and slow, as you begin to rock\n\n[5:03 AM] teapone: your hips gently between her legs, loving the tight, hot feel of her *CANDYVAG* around\n\n[5:04 AM] teapone: your *FUTACOCK*. ", "She moans into the kiss before reacing her hooves over you, one on your\n\n[5:05 AM] teapone: shoulders and another on yourr flank, pulling you in tight as you continue to rock against\n\n[5:05 AM] teapone: her, slowly building in *FUCKSPEED*\n\n[5:05 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[5:05 AM] mcauliffe: engage maximum *FUCKSPEED*\n\n[5:06 AM] cherrychanga: I'm running out of ideas here, Brony! ", "Care package?", "\n\n[5:06 AM] cherrychanga: Divebomb?", "\n\n[5:06 AM] cherrychanga: Rarity?", "\n\n[5:06 AM] bronystar: hold on\n\n[5:07 AM] bronystar: Yeah pretty much just keep fucking\n\n[5:07 AM] bronystar: maybe keep talking to her as well\n\n[5:07 AM] cherrychanga: Ugh. ", "This always happened to me. ", "I get it in, then I'm just like...\"Well shit.\"", "\n\n[5:08 AM] mcauliffe: We could always steer this towards fetishville if you guys have any ideas\n\n[5:08 AM] cherrychanga: I'm honestly not just running out of idas\n\n[5:08 AM] cherrychanga: Urg\n\n[5:08 AM] bronystar: my fetishes go in directions I don't want to take with derpy\n\n[5:08 AM] cherrychanga: Ideas\n\n[5:08 AM] sparklesbright: haha.", "\n\n[5:09 AM] sparklesbright: Hiya.", "\n\n[5:09 AM] cherrychanga: I have been fighting the ghosts of sleepy headedness for a long long time. ", "They're winning\n\n[5:09 AM] cherrychanga: And herro, Sparkles\n\n[5:09 AM] sparklesbright: (was watching for a while to get a feel for context)\n\n[5:09 AM] mcauliffe: Hey sparkles\n\n[5:09 AM] sparklesbright: Keep teasing and brushing while fucking. ", "Seriouly, you don't do all that to build her up\n\n[5:10 AM] bronystar: fuck derpy harder, kiss her cheeks, more you so beautiful\n\n[5:10 AM] sparklesbright: and then just use her as a fucktool.", "\n\n[5:10 AM] bronystar: maybe change up the position\n\n[5:10 AM] cherrychanga: I'm going to bed, sorry you frisky pones\n\n[5:10 AM] mcauliffe: consentual sex in the missionary position with the lights off\n\n[5:10 AM] mcauliffe: Night buddy!", "\n\n[5:10 AM] sparklesbright: bye-a cherrychanga. (", "lame rhyme. ", "I know)\n\n[5:10 AM] bronystar: end it with Derpy licking our girls pussy and stroking the futa cock\n\n[5:11 AM] teapone: g'night, really glad you made it in ^^\n\n[5:11 AM] bronystar: as we cum on her face\n\n[5:11 AM] bronystar: night\n\n[5:11 AM] cloppyhooves: Made it in indeed x3\n\n[5:11 AM] cherrychanga: Ciao\n\n[5:11 AM] cherrychanga left the room.", "\n\n[5:11 AM] teapone: Star, as awesome as that would be, it's extremely difficult to do\n\n[5:11 AM] bronystar: darn\n\n[5:12 AM] teapone: just physically\n\n[5:12 AM] mcauliffe: I would say to spank her but we can't do that to Derpy\n\n[5:12 AM] sparklesbright: hehe.", "\n\n[5:13 AM] bronystar: well we can give her a little ass slap\n\n[5:13 AM] sparklesbright: Yeah, just a playful one.", "\n\n[5:13 AM] bronystar: not like beating the crap outta her, but teasingly\n\n[5:13 AM] mcauliffe: Yeah, that'd be good\n\n[5:13 AM] sparklesbright: Try to make it obvious you're just being playful though.", "\n\n[5:15 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[5:17 AM] teapone: You continue to make out with the mare as you thrust. ", "With each pull out she squeezes\n\n[5:17 AM] teapone: aroung your *THICK COCK*, and with each thrust in she relaxes, wecoming you back like an\n\n[5:18 AM] teapone: old friend. ", "You *SUPER STEATHILY* snake a hoov down her side, stopping only to massage the\n\n[5:19 AM] teapone: sensitive base of her *WING APPENDAGE* before continuing to her flank. ", "Breaking the kiss,\n\n[5:20 AM] teapone: you *SMILE DEVIOUSLY* at her, and give her cutie mark a short, playful slap. ", "She lets out\n\n[5:21 AM] teapone: a *LETHALLY CUTE SQUEAK*, and smiles up at you with expectant eyes.", "\n\n[5:21 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[5:22 AM] mcauliffe: uhh\n\n[5:22 AM] bronystar: Derpy spank again~\n\n[5:22 AM] mcauliffe: Lightly pull on her tail?", "\n\n[5:22 AM] cloppyhooves left the room.", "\n\n[5:24 AM] bronystar: I don't want to suggest anal\n\n[5:24 AM] sparklesbright: haha\n\n[5:24 AM] bronystar: just like I don't want to bring her daughters into this\n\n[5:24 AM] sparklesbright: o.0\n\n[5:24 AM] mcauliffe: haha\n\n[5:25 AM] teapone: ????", "\n\n[5:25 AM] bronystar: what?", "\n\n[5:25 AM] divebomb: I like the tailpull and derpy spank options\n\n[5:25 AM] bronystar: maybe doggie style and do that\n\n[5:25 AM] divebomb: a fine position\n\n[5:26 AM] sparklesbright: Hmm, maybe.", "\n\n[5:26 AM] mcauliffe: What position were we in before?", "\n\n[5:26 AM] bronystar: missionary\n\n[5:26 AM] divebomb: missionary?", "\n\n[5:26 AM] divebomb: which is more or less the default for sex nowadays\n\n[5:26 AM] mcauliffe: Switching up would definitely be good\n\n[5:27 AM] bronystar: So shift over to Doggiestyle\n\n[5:27 AM] teapone: *ponystyle\n\n[5:27 AM] bronystar: everystyle is ponystyle\n\n[5:27 AM] teapone: y/n?", "\n\n[5:27 AM] bronystar: they're ponies\n\n[5:28 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[5:29 AM] teapone: You give her another smack on the rear, this one a bit harder than the last. *", "BUBBLEPONE*\n\n[5:30 AM] teapone: moans at the touch, before squeaking as you pull all the way out of her. ", "You twist her\n\n[5:31 AM] teapone: over onto her stomach, and the pull her *HOT BUTT* up gently. ", "She gets the idea and stands\n\n[5:32 AM] teapone: on the *BEDLIKE OBJECT*, flagging you with her tail, calling for you to mount her.", "\n\n[5:33 AM] teapone: You happily comply, and place both of your forehooves on her *TOTALLY NAKED BUTT* and pull\n\n[5:35 AM] teapone: her down just a little for you. ", "You reach forward and pull yourself onto her, hooking your\n\n[5:35 AM] teapone: foorehooves around the base of her wings.", "\n\n[5:35 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[5:36 AM] bronystar: Have you penetrated her from behind?", "\n\n[5:36 AM] bronystar: if not do so\n\n[5:36 AM] bronystar: also pull at her hair a little, not painfully just a little\n\n[5:37 AM] mcauliffe: nibble her ears\n\n[5:38 AM] teapone: You have not yet penetrated *BUBBLEPONE*\n\n[5:38 AM] bronystar: Penetrate\n\n[5:38 AM] mcauliffe: Penetrate with extreme prejudice\n\n[5:39 AM] teapone: Which hole?", "\n\n[5:40 AM] bronystar: ...\n\n[5:40 AM] bronystar: vag\n\n[5:40 AM] bronystar: I don't want to hurt her bum\n\n[5:40 AM] mcauliffe: no asspain today\n\n[5:41 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[5:42 AM] teapone: You line up your *THROBBINGFUTACOCK* with her *DRIPPINGTUNNEL* and pull yourself back in,\n\n[5:43 AM] teapone: resuming at the same pace to left off earlier. ", "You manage to snag some of her cute mane in\n\n[5:44 AM] teapone: your teeth, and pull on it gently with each thrust. *", "BUBBLEPONE* moans, and begins to pull\n\n[5:45 AM] teapone: against your thrusts, tugging her mane more with each thrust. ", "You unhook one of your\n\n[5:46 AM] teapone: hooves and proceed to *SPANK* her cutiemark repeatedly, not playfully but not painfully.", "\n\n[5:46 AM] teapone: What do?", "\n\n[5:46 AM] mcauliffe: hmm\n\n[5:47 AM] mcauliffe: aerial pegasus sex\n\n[5:47 AM] bronystar: ...can we do that?", "\n\n[5:47 AM] mcauliffe: We can sure try\n\n[5:47 AM] bronystar: it's night time, we could fuck in the sky!", "\n\n[5:47 AM] bronystar: Tea?", "\n\n[5:47 AM] teapone: Kinky\n\n[5:47 AM] teapone: y/n?", "\n\n[5:48 AM] bronystar: y\n\n[5:48 AM] mcauliffe: Also, thanks Tea, for sticking around when there's only 2 other dudes here\n\n[5:48 AM] mcauliffe: y\n\n[5:48 AM] teapone: Well, I refuse to end until orgasm\n\n[5:49 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[5:50 AM] teapone: You wrap your hooves around her midsection, just under her wings. ", "You begin to flap them\n\n[5:50 AM] teapone: heavily, and then get a crazy idea. ", "You fly *BUBBLEPONE*, still impaled upon your glorious\n\n[5:51 AM] divebomb: [sorry, gf taking my attention]\n\n[5:51 AM] teapone: *FUTACOCK* over to the window, where you have her unlatch the lock and let warm night air\n\n[5:51 AM] mcauliffe: (np man)\n\n[5:53 AM] teapone: in, before flying outside and up to the top of the town hall, still *BUCKING HER SILLY.*", "\n\n[5:53 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[5:54 AM] bronystar: Flyfuck her over to a soft cloud where you proceed to have loud sex\n\n[5:55 AM] divebomb: I dunno, aerial sex over fluttershy's house would be hilarious and erotic\n\n[5:56 AM] bronystar: But we're not really in ponyville\n\n[5:56 AM] divebomb: ah\n\n[5:56 AM] divebomb: then give her a beautiful view of the moon\n\n[5:56 AM] mcauliffe: ^\n\n[5:56 AM] divebomb: while you make her feel more beautiful\n\n[5:57 AM] teapone: who said we aren't in Ponyvill :O\n\n[5:57 AM] teapone: *Ponyville : O\n\n[5:58 AM] bronystar: so yea loud cloud sex\n\n[5:58 AM] mcauliffe: I rather like the moonlight fucking\n\n[5:58 AM] sparklesbright: Indeed.", "\n\n[5:59 AM] sparklesbright: Don't go too high though, it can get cold up there...\n\n[5:59 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[6:00 AM] teapone: You spot a comfy looking cloud floating lazily low, and fly over to the nimbus, still\n\n[6:01 AM] teapone: rutting *BUBBLEPONE*. ", "From the perch, you can make out your make by the bright moonlight\n\n[6:02 AM] teapone: as she squirms under you, her walls celnching an tightening more rapidly as she approaches\n\n[6:03 AM] teapone: her *SEXY HOT CLIMAX*. ", "Her pants and moans become louder in the air, and you feel yourself\n\n[6:04 AM] kristil entered the room.", "\n\n[6:04 AM] guest-616934 changed nickname to kristil\n\n[6:05 AM] teapone: start to loose control of your own voice, moaning and grunting as the you rut the mare\n\n[6:05 AM] teapone: what do?", "\n\n[6:06 AM] bronystar: can you have her do the thing i mentioned?", "\n\n[6:06 AM] bronystar: with the licking and the stroking?", "\n\n[6:06 AM] teapone: ????", "\n\n[6:06 AM] rarityx2: whoa\n\n[6:07 AM] bronystar: Pull out and 69 derpy\n\n[6:07 AM] rarityx2: climax as she does\n\n[6:07 AM] bronystar: have her lick our gir's pussy and stroke our dick while we eat her out until we both clima\n\n[6:07 AM] bronystar: x\n\n[6:08 AM] kristil left the room.", "\n\n[6:08 AM] sparklesbright: I like this.", "\n\n[6:08 AM] rarityx2: wrap your wings around her as you climax\n\n[6:09 AM] rarityx2: or do whatever it is wings do\n\n[6:10 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[6:10 AM] kristil entered the room.", "\n\n[6:11 AM] guest-616973 changed nickname to kristil\n\n[6:11 AM] teapone: You lay down on the cloud and against your instincts, pull her off of your *STALLION MEAT*\n\n[6:12 AM] teapone: and lay her down on top of you, her *GLISTENING CANGDYVAG* dripping onto your face.", "\n\n[6:13 AM] teapone: You pull her down on top of you and wrap your hind hooves around her head *SEXY-LIKE* and\n\n[6:14 AM] teapone: pull her face into your crotch. ", "You press and pull and kiss and lick her *PONYCUNT*, her\n\n[6:15 AM] teapone: sweet, clean juice matting the fur on your muzzle. ", "She gets the idea, and begins to eat\n\n[6:16 AM] teapone: your marehood out, while reaching a hoof between your bellies to stroke your cock. ", "You can\n\n[6:17 AM] teapone: tell from her heat and reaction to your tongue that shes increbily close to orgasm, as are\n\n[6:17 AM] teapone: you. ", "What do\n\n[6:18 AM] bronystar: Finish her\n\n[6:18 AM] bronystar: and by that I mean make her cum\n\n[6:18 AM] mcauliffe: ^\n\n[6:18 AM] bronystar: then cum all over her\n\n[6:18 AM] mcauliffe: unless you guys like orgasm denial or something\n\n[6:19 AM] bronystar: no i want them to finish so i can sleep\n\n[6:19 AM] teapone: ^\n\n[6:19 AM] teapone: ...\n\n[6:21 AM] teapone: You press your tongue against *BUBBLEPONE*'s clit, winning a loud, high pitch scream of\n\n[6:21 AM] flintlock: [*Chuckles* Can't sleep... Gotta' clop.]", "\n\n[6:22 AM] teapone: *SEXTASY* as she *CUMS IN BUCKETS* all over your face. ", "Her hipps spassm wildly, rocking\n\n[6:23 AM] teapone: her clit even more against your muzzle. ", "The *ORAL SEX OF YOUR MOAN PARTS* feels pretty\n\n[6:24 AM] teapone: *FUCKING AMAZING*, and your pleasure skyrockets. ", "Just a few moments after you had your\n\n[6:25 AM] teapone: *FACE COVERED IN SWEET BUBBLY-FLAVORED PONE JUICE*, you reach your own *DUAL ORGASM* as\n\n[6:26 AM] teapone: both your *CANDYVAG* and *FUTACOCK* cum at once, spilling metallic tasting fluid all over\n\n[6:26 AM] mcauliffe left the room.", "\n\n[6:27 AM] mcauliffe entered the room.", "\n\n[6:27 AM] guest-617045 changed nickname to mcauliffe\n\n[6:27 AM] teapone: *BUBBLEPONE*'s innocennt face and coveing yourself in your own unborn fillies, sandwiching\n\n[6:28 AM] teapone: them between you and the other pegasus as you both drift off in one-another's hooves still" ]
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0.0007938909693621099, 0.0008083940483629704, 0.0010670725023373961, 0.0007309315842576325, 0.000636810262221843, 0.004882617853581905, 0.0023781259078532457, 0.27447569370269775, 0.000838457781355828, 0.0011656865244731307, 0.0009699140791781247, 0.0007130841840989888, 0.0017661376623436809, 0.0006349781760945916, 0.0059021818451583385, 0.0006769183673895895, 0.0007987984572537243, 0.003469412447884679, 0.0010390719398856163, 0.0016884199576452374, 0.09644481539726257, 0.0011061503319069743, 0.0008156927651725709, 0.0007018472533673048, 0.0014236043207347393, 0.0016570881707593799, 0.0007239448605105281, 0.0024016210809350014, 0.0018573455745354295, 0.0469050258398056, 0.0009001674479804933, 0.003373292274773121, 0.0011145432945340872, 0.000765536620747298, 0.0008440819219686091, 0.0006449325010180473, 0.0007978365174494684, 0.0006919706938788295, 0.0006419594283215702, 0.002565536415204406, 0.0016635694773867726, 0.6695780158042908, 0.0011280702892690897, 0.0007046463433653116, 0.0005974105442874134, 0.0008500320836901665, 0.0007896198658272624, 0.0006523513002321124, 0.0007010053377598524, 0.0011572211515158415, 0.028355145826935768, 0.1779840886592865, 0.0011100384872406721, 0.0008708219975233078, 0.0007079016650095582, 0.0007557393400929868, 0.0007475867751054466, 0.0006942962063476443, 0.0007171342149376869, 0.000632582581602037, 0.0008360432693734765, 0.03398708999156952, 0.0006843591690994799, 0.0009352008928544819, 0.001142036751843989, 0.1646914780139923, 0.41856348514556885, 0.000975297880358994, 0.0014492846094071865, 0.17845498025417328, 0.002238897606730461, 0.0019913094583898783, 0.009447206743061543, 0.0011421123053878546, 0.0029417872428894043, 0.022668153047561646, 0.5969445705413818, 0.0015407276805490255, 0.0015707456041127443, 0.05727919563651085, 0.0010402030311524868, 0.31691378355026245, 0.0011462621623650193, 0.000975297880358994, 0.022556040436029434, 0.0011504769790917635, 0.0008827485144138336, 0.0012186899548396468, 0.002419913187623024, 0.001163909095339477, 0.0008524236618541181, 0.0014060040703043342, 0.0010473920265212655, 0.004960863385349512, 0.014029478654265404, 0.00680611003190279, 0.6125786304473877, 0.0008687214576639235, 0.0008991858921945095, 0.0008145063184201717, 0.0008191593806259334, 0.3965405821800232, 0.8934922218322754, 0.9643490314483643, 0.0017590842908248305, 0.0008084248402155936, 0.0011392831802368164, 0.0007574910414405167, 0.0008411553571932018, 0.0017434308538213372, 0.9257753491401672, 0.0017357200849801302, 0.0006204607780091465, 0.03354610875248909, 0.09014042466878891, 0.9120728969573975, 0.0009008426568470895, 0.014224437065422535, 0.0011378857307136059, 0.0008081982959993184, 0.000975297880358994, 0.0010368666844442487, 0.016554823145270348, 0.000619844882749021, 0.0008221414755098522, 0.003967047203332186, 0.0007008059765212238, 0.0008437953074462712, 0.000986312166787684, 0.20658329129219055, 0.0006739617674611509, 0.000975297880358994, 0.0011883407132700086, 0.0007833309355191886, 0.0008260793401859701, 0.0010445675579831004, 0.03774208202958107, 0.0008403458632528782, 0.0007419664179906249, 0.001348690944723785, 0.0007682981085963547, 0.0006869902717880905, 0.0007721179281361401, 0.0009054201655089855, 0.000725261343177408, 0.0006261735688894987, 0.0009485584450885653, 0.0008879238157533109, 0.0012065719347447157, 0.0006466197082772851, 0.001191591494716704, 0.0010931153083220124, 0.0017660594312474132, 0.00062672229250893, 0.0008542275172658265, 0.0033523268066346645, 0.001741743995808065, 0.0018379294779151678, 0.0011146574979647994, 0.000975297880358994, 0.0007315047550946474, 0.009215637110173702, 0.0037172860465943813, 0.0018388007301837206, 0.0011335652088746428, 0.0006258910871110857, 0.0006168336840346456, 0.0008885373827069998, 0.0008399963844567537, 0.0008487589657306671, 0.0007654377841390669, 0.0018566242652013898, 0.0023526025470346212, 0.0008843180839903653, 0.003985361661761999, 0.0008427555439993739, 0.0019433118868619204, 0.001059762085787952, 0.0006861962028779089, 0.02194962464272976, 0.0012163248611614108, 0.011615139432251453, 0.0036152524407953024, 0.0022022684570401907, 0.0008388046990148723, 0.09042048454284668, 0.0008848048164509237, 0.0010456448653712869, 0.0010122903622686863, 0.0006296935025602579, 0.001140458625741303, 0.0007889515836723149, 0.0007631632033735514, 0.008946744725108147, 0.0014870896702632308, 0.0008860902162268758, 0.8780872225761414, 0.0008407211280427873, 0.001763070235028863, 0.0895780697464943, 0.08381114155054092, 0.005875620990991592, 0.005154879298061132, 0.0008363412925973535, 0.0009851997019723058, 0.02169816382229328, 0.001294623943977058, 0.0006247247802093625, 0.0008725591469556093, 0.026651807129383087, 0.0005994050297886133, 0.0010018355678766966, 0.000666755368001759, 0.0005731373676098883, 0.0006500020390376449, 0.09972012788057327, 0.0006053174147382379, 0.0035306464415043592, 0.0008412331808358431, 0.0009330087923444808, 0.0006959965103305876, 0.0006451571825891733, 0.0007251386996358633, 0.001973522361367941, 0.0006849835626780987, 0.007834543474018574, 0.0006824521697126329, 0.12267428636550903, 0.0011054102797061205, 0.0010781310265883803, 0.09553495794534683, 0.0007100180955603719, 0.000975297880358994, 0.005628391169011593, 0.0013678636169061065, 0.025209777057170868, 0.0008609356009401381, 0.008671208284795284, 0.0009425976313650608, 0.0005409368313848972, 0.0008347207331098616, 0.0008500046096742153, 0.001416222658008337, 0.0021413930226117373, 0.0013787426287308335, 0.000599146296735853, 0.0008497583912685513, 0.0007819359307177365, 0.0008350496646016836, 0.000975297880358994, 0.0012418944388628006, 0.006408786401152611, 0.0010314573301002383, 0.0006197607144713402, 0.0007868463872000575, 0.0006246974226087332, 0.0006684582913294435, 0.01804291643202305, 0.002567131770774722, 0.0028255709912627935, 0.026349075138568878, 0.0012560734758153558, 0.001608957420103252, 0.0009359380346722901, 0.0006005563773214817, 0.0014309223042801023, 0.000975297880358994, 0.0009460484725423157, 0.0006855040555819869, 0.0023050822783261538, 0.0006940980674698949, 0.0006834427476860583, 0.000903615087736398, 0.00896739587187767, 0.0008129094494506717, 0.0008051743498072028, 0.0007973401807248592, 0.0008442022372037172, 0.0011671459069475532, 0.0015434494707733393, 0.0006651534349657595, 0.0006909624789841473, 0.0010271241189911962, 0.0014542615972459316, 0.0031878550071269274, 0.0006691788439638913, 0.061924707144498825, 0.001464662840589881, 0.12084168195724487, 0.002686950145289302, 0.9548105001449585, 0.0008743556682020426, 0.049071479588747025, 0.0009860876016318798, 0.0006611068383790553, 0.0017655971460044384, 0.0007391688413918018, 0.0006835749954916537, 0.0006940236198715866, 0.013972523622214794, 0.0012511707609519362, 0.0006951125687919557, 0.002269462216645479, 0.0008387199486605823, 0.0014059264212846756, 0.0013839165912941098, 0.0038604026194661856, 0.028925886377692223, 0.0011072509223595262, 0.0015863549197092652, 0.0005745336529798806, 0.0006269615842029452, 0.018075741827487946, 0.0012834460940212011, 0.9779644012451172, 0.04381755366921425, 0.2600618302822113, 0.003120546694844961, 0.09283264726400375, 0.0035097100771963596, 0.0008469001622870564, 0.5034422874450684, 0.0014180331490933895, 0.003250035922974348, 0.0011312266578897834, 0.0023676599375903606, 0.0007225425797514617, 0.001025517238304019, 0.0005921541014686227, 0.001243411679752171, 0.000975297880358994, 0.05103157460689545, 0.00080490653635934, 0.001144733396358788, 0.0007880687480792403, 0.0028715229127556086, 0.000923819956369698, 0.0008470784523524344, 0.0010632985504344106, 0.000992683577351272, 0.009010153822600842, 0.09423666447401047, 0.0009578408789820969, 0.0014320979826152325, 0.0048248241655528545, 0.10576845705509186, 0.8856200575828552, 0.9544076919555664, 0.0014179013669490814, 0.08687521517276764, 0.0007889588014222682, 0.013499470427632332, 0.0008489353349432349, 0.07370595633983612, 0.0007361078751273453, 0.0011417549103498459, 0.01660882495343685, 0.05473430082201958, 0.001517140888608992, 0.0006014410755597055, 0.0013381062308326364, 0.000888960377778858, 0.004555296152830124, 0.000833079859148711, 0.001718514715321362, 0.17452651262283325, 0.0032872327137738466, 0.0007352238171733916, 0.001191937830299139, 0.2718468904495239, 0.0007352259708568454, 0.2551930844783783, 0.06244916841387749, 0.4767850637435913, 0.000764711236115545, 0.0006265389383770525, 0.0006286422722041607, 0.03894045203924179, 0.001829964341595769, 0.0006198316114023328, 0.0006333037745207548, 0.010278934612870216, 0.0010165839921683073, 0.002836961532011628, 0.0008697157609276474, 0.003579850075766444, 0.0022293843794614077, 0.0014355294406414032, 0.010432122275233269, 0.0005859123193658888, 0.008816778659820557, 0.054089706391096115, 0.000975297880358994, 0.0007040794007480145, 0.011873193085193634, 0.02287355810403824, 0.0011421192903071642, 0.07828933000564575, 0.963394820690155, 0.01243053749203682, 0.00939828809350729, 0.0024246906396001577, 0.0006984906503930688, 0.0007440473418682814, 0.0007145392009988427, 0.0025424237828701735, 0.0006313351914286613, 0.5601189732551575, 0.010592799633741379, 0.3348005712032318, 0.0006628338596783578, 0.0008392212330363691, 0.7199162840843201, 0.000627314206212759, 0.015004990622401237, 0.05747533589601517, 0.002772644627839327, 0.0011124780867248774, 0.24796627461910248, 0.000830011791549623, 0.0011257537407800555, 0.0037699739914387465, 0.0006145834922790527, 0.001131144119426608, 0.005056729540228844, 0.0006800068076699972, 0.4319990575313568, 0.001327544217929244, 0.0009353141067549586, 0.0005992394289933145, 0.1199968084692955, 0.6637229323387146, 0.13825637102127075, 0.000769811449572444, 0.000827913056127727, 0.000824519491288811, 0.022063499316573143, 0.0009574485593475401, 0.0006023067981004715, 0.0012159113539382815, 0.0017803701339289546, 0.007161028683185577, 0.0069468338042497635, 0.0006988924578763545, 0.16268271207809448, 0.000732279964722693, 0.0007044667145237327, 0.109141044318676, 0.0009190700948238373, 0.0006479859002865851, 0.04767803102731705, 0.0008416540804319084, 0.6564050316810608, 0.8452437520027161, 0.0007415224681608379, 0.002842962509021163, 0.24491702020168304, 0.012000118382275105, 0.0009522634791210294, 0.002247853670269251, 0.27506759762763977, 0.0007481994107365608, 0.007699437905102968, 0.980189859867096, 0.9813507795333862, 0.004701175726950169, 0.0007995634223334491, 0.00128182175103575, 0.030140651389956474, 0.0007961220107972622, 0.05005523934960365, 0.0015184402000159025, 0.06001672521233559, 0.8188815712928772, 0.03728605434298515, 0.80385422706604, 0.27221792936325073, 0.037368521094322205, 0.06652577966451645, 0.8086625933647156, 0.4547068774700165, 0.0006952771218493581, 0.0007687598699703813, 0.09147965908050537, 0.0007336406270042062, 0.005620263051241636, 0.006942930165678263, 0.008707983419299126, 0.17857758700847626, 0.14536577463150024, 0.0008389920694753528, 0.29955190420150757, 0.32029175758361816, 0.013434718362987041, 0.38015061616897583, 0.07863026857376099, 0.0028741087298840284, 0.05412396788597107, 0.0035453173331916332, 0.9775475263595581, 0.41960278153419495, 0.12484484910964966, 0.0006097150617279112, 0.0037822723388671875, 0.5589083433151245, 0.002385796047747135, 0.04567655548453331, 0.0008455220959149301, 0.47071772813796997, 0.12592701613903046, 0.134473517537117, 0.09168390929698944, 0.0008451781468465924, 0.0023274037521332502, 0.0009761792025528848, 0.4243013858795166, 0.0014123303117230535, 0.9670442342758179, 0.013851352967321873, 0.0009826271561905742, 0.0008575075189583004, 0.0023505790159106255, 0.000665119499899447, 0.0016581197269260883, 0.000927734945435077, 0.03862227126955986, 0.0006829026970081031, 0.5089103579521179, 0.6168641448020935, 0.013156476430594921, 0.05973970890045166, 0.000731299864128232, 0.03141164034605026, 0.022322898730635643, 0.0007466495735570788, 0.02563457377254963, 0.6218251585960388, 0.8793091773986816, 0.00215684506110847, 0.005791585426777601, 0.012779426760971546, 0.08685383945703506, 0.0008958426769822836, 0.000938392651733011, 0.0012532263062894344, 0.12790261209011078, 0.0012512934627011418, 0.717570960521698, 0.8589276075363159, 0.92396479845047, 0.011425487697124481, 0.0010185901774093509, 0.005646931938827038, 0.5232678055763245, 0.8938335180282593, 0.5169792771339417, 0.20840035378932953, 0.584456741809845, 0.0012130493996664882, 0.0011105145094916224, 0.0033646353986114264, 0.0012597806053236127, 0.005922399461269379, 0.02928743325173855, 0.0008673447300679982, 0.0015390942571684718, 0.062131769955158234, 0.005478234961628914, 0.4811737537384033, 0.9610327482223511, 0.9607445001602173, 0.0009636736940592527, 0.000837227504234761, 0.0006887658964842558, 0.9351422190666199, 0.0006643935339525342, 0.9452027082443237, 0.00338438106700778, 0.000807648291811347, 0.0020732886623591185, 0.9142468571662903, 0.995345413684845, 0.47719305753707886, 0.0006689512520097196, 0.0023762814234942198, 0.9213138818740845, 0.010282063856720924, 0.9060530662536621, 0.5807561278343201, 0.0008985161548480392, 0.917207658290863, 0.3411700427532196, 0.45436233282089233, 0.002251436933875084, 0.000844934955239296, 0.01806618832051754, 0.0019067026441916823, 0.2102373242378235, 0.0011110769119113684, 0.001525436993688345, 0.0009708224679343402, 0.0008741127094253898, 0.009159265086054802, 0.16034802794456482, 0.09104431420564651, 0.9289178848266602, 0.04830845072865486, 0.6743659377098083, 0.006707632914185524, 0.0008498855167999864, 0.009460745379328728, 0.04670267552137375, 0.2738250494003296, 0.005841408856213093, 0.0018982143374159932, 0.04082278907299042, 0.0008497255621477962, 0.0235334150493145, 0.9636052846908569, 0.0009840942220762372, 0.0008540801936760545, 0.023152412846684456, 0.0013114449102431536, 0.18721410632133484, 0.0008535814704373479, 0.9095748066902161, 0.00200180453248322, 0.002210063161328435, 0.046775612980127335, 0.033695198595523834, 0.000901081773918122, 0.03158930316567421, 0.0010518963681533933, 0.9479881525039673, 0.0006763170822523534, 0.0011030476307496428, 0.41211938858032227, 0.9667951464653015, 0.9078386425971985, 0.9381718039512634, 0.15793178975582123, 0.5717645287513733, 0.9612805247306824, 0.8368195295333862, 0.9928454756736755, 0.5839145183563232, 0.0010979907820001245, 0.024008585140109062 ]
[ "Company info\n\nRelated products\n\nInternational force and weight measurement specialist Flintec has announced the release of the touch screen FT-30M on-board vehicle weight indicator. ", "The FT-30M offers a complete on-board weighing solution, combined with a range of specifically designed load sensors and accessories.", "\n\nThe heart of the system is the easy to use and versatile indicator itself. ", "Designed with a straightforward, color touch-screen display with intuitive finger swipe action, the FT-30M is capable of displaying weights in either kg or lbs and can be used for recording and printing container receipts. ", "Data can be downloaded, viewed or printed via the multiple connections available, including USB and RS232.", "\n\nOne of the unique features of this latest system from Flintec is the fact that it is powered by a Windows-embedded operating system. ", "This clearly distinguishes it from other products on the market and allows for easy system updates and customized software modifications, if required.", "\n\nFT-30M is easy to operate and is ideal for drivers who want to weigh and display. ", "Standard features include anti-tamper password protection, onscreen diagnostics and internal flash memory for storing weights. ", "Integration with trackers and printers provides complete flexibility and ease of use.", "\n\nThe FT-30M offers users complete flexibility when measuring and recording loaded weights. ", "Readings can be taken from the unit at the point of loading, ensuring accurate customer pricing, whilst avoiding overload penalties. ", "Weights can also be linked to customer accounts and transferred easily to back-office software systems for administrative purposes.", "\n\nThe easy fit nature of the FT-30M indicator allows for it to be fixed directly to the dashboard within a DIN radio slot or mounted via an adjustable bracket. ", "External mounting is also possible using an IP68 waterproof enclosure.", "\n\nAdditionally, Flintec has developed a wide range of on-board weighing load cells, complimenting the easy fit nature of the FT-30M indicator. ", "Various high-capacity, high-accuracy, stainless steel load cells are available for use with the FT-30M across both commercial and agricultural vehicle applications. ", "The indicator is also suitable for existing body mounted load cell installations thanks to its plug and play capabilities.", "\n\nThe FT-30M is VCA approved, CE compliant and has undergone rigorous vibration testing. ", "Field trials have been conducted to ensure accuracy in the harsh environments trucks operate in.", "\n\nMore from Collection & Hauling\n\nPhilippi-Hagenbuch Inc., (PHIL) a specialist in off-highway truck customization, has invented a new version of their Autogate Tailgate specifically for off-highway trucks and roll-off containers that require a 100 percent positive seal. ", "This new design can be paired with PHIL's proprietary fluidic seal material to create a water-tight seal that contains liquid materials within an off-highway truck body or roll-off container when environmental regulations or local laws make even slight spillage undesirable.", "\n\nCompology, based in San Francisco, got its start in the fall of 2013, with its first camera-based container monitoring system deployed in 2014 at the University of California in Santa Cruz. ", "The system is designed to monitor container fullness and automate the process of container pickups between waste generators and haulers. ", "Today, about a fifth of Compology's business is in Canada, with the remainder in the U.S.\n\nAMCS, based out of Ireland and one of the world's leading suppliers of integrated software and vehicle technology for the waste and recycling sector, has announced the acquisition of Germany's leading recycling and waste management software specialist, Recy Systems (Recy).", "\n\nHeavy-haul carriers transport oversized objects using public roadways. ", "While these loads may weigh hundreds of thousands of pounds, operators must still comply with permitted limits, while also completing their job safely. ", "Intercomp has a variety of options to fill this unique application for a range of applications including construction, oil & gas, waste and recycling, heavy-haul transportation and electrical utility.", "\n\nGalbreath recently launched its new WT-1216/X and WT-2018/X work truck series cable hoists. ", "Combining all the toughness and durability Galbreath hoists are known for in a more compact and lighter-weight package, the new models were designed to offer a lighter-duty option to Galbreath's original 8-inch main frame single axle cable hoist, making them perfect for landscapers, general contractors and private waste haulers who need less power and easier maneuverability.", "\n\nLong before a single load is booked or any wheels turn, someone - usually a fleet manager - needs to determine exactly what is going to separate the road and the load. ", "There's a lot riding on this decision because, as much as some would like to think otherwise, a trailer is never just a trailer. ", "It can be manufactured to many different specifications, with multiple raw material options, dozens of load and geographical considerations, various top speed requirements and hundreds of possible axle configurations coming into play. ", "And it all comes down to one objective - the ideal trailer for an operation's specific loads.", "\n\nEquipment manufacturers, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) companies, and power and process plant owners and operators for waste and recrycling commonly face the challenge of keeping their fleet, machinery, and other assets working efficiently, while also reducing the cost of maintenance and time-sensitive repairs.", "\n\nGet our newsletter\n\nDaimler Trucks North America (DTNA) has announced that Detroit Connect Analytics has extended its services to additional truck models and can also be added to vehicles in the aftermarket. ", "Analytics is now available to order as a new truck option or in the aftermarket on the new FreightlinerCascadia, original Cascadia and Western Star 5700 truck models spec'd with Detroit engines. ", "Detroit Connect Analytics automatically translates critical fuel consumption and safety data into interactive and easy-to-understand reports that provide actionable insights for increased vehicle and fleet performance.", "\n\nASA Electronics has expanded their line of sensor systems with the CVPS18 four-channel system. ", "The CVPS18 is an easy, economical way to outfit virtually any vehicle with the latest safety technology. ", "The four ultrasonic, weatherproof sensors are easy to install and can be painted to match the colour of the vehicle, making them a universal solution for aftermarket application.", "\n\nFleetForce Truck Rental, New Way's refuse truck rental and leasing service, has hired Jesse Geeslin as its new director of sales. ", "Geeslin brings in-depth sales experience to the growing program, including as a New Way vendor.", "\n\nWaste industry aside, the typical attitude toward renting equipment, vehicles and other assets has historically been negative, and in some cases, rental has been viewed as an alternative that can lead toward organizational failure. ", "However, what used to be a last-effort solution, viewed as unorthodox or unattainable, has evolved and changed over time. ", "For the waste industry, specifically, new challenges continue to present themselves daily for haulers of all sizes and for municipalities as well. ", "The landscape of asset ownership in the industry is quickly changing. ", "Some of the reasons for this stem from the industry's improved understanding of the benefits of rental, based on what we refer to as the five key elements of renting: financial flexibility, total cost of ownership, growth opportunities, equipment availability and, most importantly, improved fleet management.", "\n\nHeavy-duty diesel vehicles that collect and transport waste and recyclables in urban environments, and which work at transfer station sites, material recycling facilities (MRFs) scrapyards and landfills, operate under tough conditions. ", "In these settings, fleet managers are required to maintain high levels of monitoring on specialized vehicles to ensure optimum performance and safety of their employees.", "\n\nRefuse and recycling trucks are some of the busiest big vehicles on the road, and spend most of their time navigating streets that are filled with other vehicles, as well as pedestrians and other potentially dangerous obstacles. ", "To protect their drivers and trucks from potential harm, fleet managers are increasingly turning to camera systems that can provide views of both the drivers themselves and the roadway around them, offering multiple ways to improve safety.", "\n\nMountain Tarp, a Wastequip brand, has recently expanded its tarp line to include the ESR2000, an electric side-to-side lock and roll tarping system. ", "Mountain Tarp is the leading manufacturer of flip tarp systems for dump bodies for paving and construction as well cable style systems, side roll and side flip systems for waste, landscaping, agriculture and scrap applications.", "\n\nIt should come as no great shock to hear that the waste management industry is thriving. ", "According to the Environmental Resource and Education Foundation, the solid waste industry contributes nearly $100 billion, one million jobs, and just over one percent of U.S. GDP to the nation's economy. ", "This economic growth fuels demand and results in increased waste generation.", "\n\nGalbreath recently launched the SLCH-X series of loaded container handler with hydraulically adjustable fork assembly. ", "According to Galbreath, part of Wastequip, the new SLCH-93X and SLCH-113X models offer all the durability and performance Galbreath handlers are known for with added versatility and capability.", "\n\nMack Trucks has released the fifth episode of its RoadLife series on roadlife.tv and Amazon Prime Video. \"", "Ryan's Route\" stars 8-year-old Ryan Hickman, a recycling entrepreneur and owner of Orange County, California-based Ryan's Recycling, as he trades in the family pickup for a more appropriate work truck: a Mack LR refuse model.", "\n\nTalbert Manufacturing's 60/65SA trailer has been designed to accommodate both tri-axle and tandem-axle jeeps. ", "It features 2+2, 3+1 and 4 axle close coupled configurations. ", "This innovative Talbert design gives customers in a range of industries, including construction, oil and gas, and recycling and waste, flexibility to carry a variety of load options.", "\n\nASA Electronics has added the VCMS20B full color camera to the company's line of heavy duty Voyager observation equipment. ", "The VCMS20B uses a 1/3-inch CMOS sensor and 19 LED lights to help deliver a high quality, full-color image even in low-light conditions.", "\n\nFleetMind has published a new industry white paper titled \"By the Numbers - Smart Fleets Are the Smart Choice,\" which examines the return-on-investment (ROI) of a smart fleet management system as derived from real-life deployment results.", "\n\nGet our newsletter\n\nRefuse and recycling collection fleets are challenged every day by some of the most severe hauling environments. ", "From residential locations to inner city streets to landfills, waste fleets must tackle challenging routes to get the job done. ", "These harsh operating conditions can cause tires to wear more quickly which leads to frequent need for replacement; this has significant cost implications for fleets.", "\n\nNew Way Trucks and Recology have announced a continued partnership that is working on a project that will bring the first two electric refuse collection trucks to Seattle, Washington. ", "The BYD Motors 8R Class-8 battery-electric trucks, fitted with New Way Viper Rear Loader bodies, are scheduled for delivery to Recology in early 2019. ", "The two trucks will be used for residential solid waste pick up and will be the first electric refuse trucks in the Pacific Northwest region, according to New Way.", "\n\nLionel Valentine, a father of six who describes himself as a \"family man as well as a working man,\" grew up on New York City's Lower East Side. ", "For the past five years, he's risen every day before the sun to roll out onto the streets and work his shift in Manhattan with the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY).", "\n\nAutocar Trucks will be the first truck manufacturer to offer the new CumminsX12 engine to customers serving the refuse industry. ", "The X12 12-liter diesel engine has remarkably reduced weight, enabling waste and recyclables haulers to handle more material and simultaneously lower their operating costs. ", "Autocar will begin accepting orders in June for X12-powered ACX trucks to be produced in October of this year, immediately after Cummins begins full U.S. production of the X12. ", "Autocar will offer the X12 across all Class 8 severe-duty vocational applications.", "\n\nJust three weeks after the unveiling of Volvo Trucks' first all-electric truck, the Volvo FL Electric, the company is expanding its product range with yet another electric truck. ", "The Volvo FE Electric is designed for heavier city distribution and refuse transport operations with gross weights of up to 27 tonnes. ", "Sales will commence in Europe in 2019.", "\n\nBridgestone Americas, Inc. showed two new all-position radial tires at WasteExpo 2018 in Las Vegas, held April 24-26. ", "The new Bridgestone M870 and Firestone FS860 tires are designed exclusively for the waste industry and will enter the market later this year. ", "With these two products, Bridgestone says it has expanded its portfolio for the waste segment to provide innovative products at multiple price points.", "\n\nLocated in southwestern Ontario, the Region of Waterloo encompasses three cities and around 530,000 residents. ", "Set in the middle of the triangle formed by Lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario, it's a greenbelt community that features a mixture of farms, educational facilities and technological innovation." ]
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[ "How We Help\n\nAlmost all students attending college in the United States can use some additional help to find the right college. ", "But international students generally need even more help. ", "Gaining admission to the most selective colleges is becoming more difficult each year with acceptance rates of less than 10% becoming more common. ", "For international students, the acceptance rates are even lower.", "\n\nSo how can we help? ", "We are constantly investigating various colleges around the United States and have visited many of the most selective colleges. ", "With our knowledge we can help you find the college that will be the best fit for you. ", "And the better the fit the greater the chance of you gaining admission. ", "We understand the entire process of applying to selective colleges and can help you navigate the maze of colleges admissions in this country. ", "Our college admission consultant, Todd Johnson, is trained as a lawyer and has a critical eye to help find the best college options for each of the students we work with.", "\n\nWe also understand the issues facing international students who might need financial aid to attend college in the United States. ", "We can help navigate through those issues to help you afford the cost of going to college in this country.", "\n\nWe use a variety of methods to keep in contact with the students we are helping. ", "We are available by email as well as telephone not only during the day but also at night and on weekends. ", "We also have a webcam available to talk one on one to help find you the best college for you.", "\n\nAdmissions to the best colleges in the United States is extremely difficult. ", "If you want to increase your chance of admission to one of these colleges, give us a call or drop us an email. ", "We can help." ]
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[ "The rapid identification of a new metabolite of warfarin via a chemical ionization mass spectrometry ion doublet technique.", "\nAn ion doublet chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique was utilized for the rapid detection and elucidation of the structure of a new hydroxylated metabolite of the oral anticoagulant warfarin. ", "This technique involves the use of a 50:50 mixture of stable isotope labeled and unlabeled drug. ", "With this procedure ions found in the mass spectrum which are associated with the administered drug can be identified unambiguously. ", "The unknown metabolite from rat liver microsomal preparations was identified as benzylic hydroxywarfarin by reincubating the microsomes with warfarin specifically labeled in the benzylic position and observing the subsequent loss of label in the product. ", "The ion doublet technique was also employed in a single human study, and benzylic hydroxywarfarin was detected and identified." ]
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[ "Last week, I got to chat with Epic CEO Tim Sweeney, one of the virtual reality gaming industry’s most prominent figures. ", "Like many others, Sweeney believes that VR has the potential to transform how we interact online, especially as more sophisticated tracking systems translate body language, facial expressions, and other details into digital worlds. ", "More specifically, he thinks virtual reality could make us treat each other better there. ", "Unfortunately, this is almost certainly wrong — and if we wait for it to happen, I fear we’ll ruin social VR in the process.", "\n\nDuring the interview, I asked Sweeney about how social VR would deal with the toxicity that multiplayer games and social networks already have had to address. “", "Both multiplayer games and online forums have this property of virtual anonymity. ", "Other people can’t really see you, they don’t really know who you are. ", "And so the sort of social moderating mechanisms in real life, and your desire not to offend people around you, don’t really adjust,” Sweeney told me. “", "Once your VR avatar really looks like you, and people can see you, and you can see them and their faces and emotions, I think all of the normal restraining mechanisms will kick in. ", "If you insult somebody and you see that they have a sad look on their face, then you’re going to feel really, really bad about that. ", "And you’re probably not going to do it again.”", "\n\nAnyone who’s been bullied or catcalled knows that face-to-face decency has limits\n\nAt first glance, this sounds theoretically possible: if people are more civil in face-to-face conversation, maybe that means we need more virtual faces on the internet. ", "Anecdotally, virtual reality developers have shifted away from photorealism because some players have found killing real-seeming people in VR disturbing. ", "But there’s a gulf between a willingness to kill and a willingness to say nasty things, and even if a minority of people treat each other badly, that can ruin things for everyone else.", "\n\nAs anyone who’s been bullied, catcalled, or otherwise harassed in real life can attest, social restraining mechanisms don’t create a blanket aversion to “offending people.” ", "They make everyone worry about offending people they see as part of their in-group — or people they could face punishment for bothering.", "\n\nThere are good reasons to make online communication more expressive. ", "Being able to read someone’s emotions better is great if you’re already invested in having a decent conversation. ", "It could make it easier to detect sarcasm, convey intimacy, or tell whether you’ve accidentally caused distress. ", "It’s a worthy and interesting goal, and one that could transform how we interact online.", "\n\nBut saying that emotions will make you care about a person is totally backward. ", "Online griefers, for instance, love seeing firsthand evidence that they’ve hurt someone. ", "The platitude “don’t feed the trolls” has limits, but it accurately captures an important harassment dynamic: the more visible and agitated someone’s response, the more “exploitable” they are for future attacks. ", "Outside virtual reality, games like Hearthstone and Splatoon were praised for removing — not expanding — the ability to communicate with other players. ", "And the argument that VR has a unique empathy-generating power has its own set of problems.", "\n\nIf griefers love knowing that they’ve hurt someone, will more emotions really help?", "\n\nThe internet isn’t hostile because people there don’t look real enough — it’s not even clear that making internet users tie their actions to real-life identities helps that much, except insofar as it helps prosecutors literally put offenders in jail. ", "Among other reasons, the internet is hostile because it puts a lot of disparate groups within arm’s reach of each other, and it’s extremely easy to deliver abuse with said proximity. ", "The odds of suffering any external social consequences are vanishingly low, and they’re often offset by your own digital tribe’s approval — see, for example, the rise of “professional victimizers” and their legions of fans. ", "Even if you assume that the majority of users are kind (or indifferent) to everyone they meet online, communications technology can vastly amplify a few bad voices. ", "And the attempts to correct them through old-fashioned social shaming often backfire tremendously, simply creating a new cycle of abuse.", "\n\nHarassment has already proved to be a problem in VR social networks and multiplayer experiences: one of the most famous incidents of 2016 involved an anonymous player grabbing his female partner’s virtual chest in an archery game. ", "Saying that things will get better once we just have the right combination of sensors only inspires complacency. ", "Why bother fixing something in the short term when you could chase a utopian dream instead?", "\n\nThe internet isn’t hostile because people don’t look real enough\n\nFortunately, this isn’t the approach I’ve seen most developers take. ", "When QuiVR’s creators found out about the incident above, they instituted a personal space bubble that prevented unwanted touching, as well as a gesture that could totally erase another player from view. ", "VR social network AltspaceVR introduced a similar bubble after people reported harassment on the platform. ", "These technological solutions aren’t a silver bullet; you also need strong social norms and moderation. ", "But they’re a kind of infrastructure that empowers good citizens and makes trolls’ lives harder.", "\n\nThe sheer scale of the digital world can make it feel more dangerous than the “real” one, both inside and outside VR. ", "But the internet can also provide spaces to engage with people you would never meet offline, safe from threats of physical force or economic pressure. ", "The best communities have thrived by giving users control over what they can share, letting them choose who to interact with, and consistently kicking out people who break the rules — not by waiting for some final, perfect method of communication." ]
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[ "Enlarging Emily Dickinson\n\nThe first part of Jerome Charyn’s title alludes to one of Emily Dickinson’s most enigmatic and powerful poems, which begins, “My Life had stood—A Loaded Gun—[.]” ", "Generations of critics have interpreted the poem in different ways, including, for example, that the “Owner” and “Master” who carries away the female speaker might be a lover who has released her pent-up energy. ", "Charyn prefers to think of that loaded gun as her poetic gift, which has made her explode with a power readers have still not been able to reckon with. ", "If there is an Emily Dickinson for the twenty-first century, it is because she is still well ahead of our understanding of her—and Charyn counts himself among her bemused followers. ", "For Charyn, she is not the recluse of Amherst, retiring and timid, but instead a bold writer who needed the world far less than it has needed her. ", "His Dickinson wrote for herself—and occasionally for family and friends—but not for posthumous fame or recognition. ", "This sublime independence is part of what makes Dickinson great, and also makes her such a challenge to scholars and critics, who look for the key to her mythology, so to speak, and the wellspring of her biography.", "\n\nCharyn’s book can be compared favorably to other recent books that might be called metabiographies, which concern how biographies are composed, generation by generation. ", "I have in mind Lucasta Miller’s The Brontë Myth (2004) and Sarah Churchwell’s The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe (2005), books that do not merely assess earlier biographies, but also show how biography itself becomes a cumulative and incremental enterprise. ", "Charyn is intrigued by the hermeneutics of biography and literary criticism. ", "He is steeped in the work of Dickinson scholars and readers, including Christopher Benfey, R. P. Blackmur, Susan Howe, Thomas H. Johnson, Jay Leyda, Rebecca Patterson, Camille Paglia, Adrienne Rich, Richard Sewall, Marta Werner, and others. ", "In a sense, for Charyn the poems are Emily Dickinson, the vital part of herself that as a woman in nineteenth-century Massachusetts she could only fully express by keeping to herself—not as someone shy of society so much as one who knew society simply could not reciprocate what she had to offer. ", "In other words, Charyn’s Dickinson is not agoraphobic, not a neurotic, but a writer in charge of her destiny.", "\n\nTo Dickinson scholars, part of Charyn’s story will, of course, be familiar, especially the parts about how Mabel Loomis Todd and Thomas Wentworth Higginson tried to regularize Dickinson’s unorthodox lines—those dashes, for instance, that looked so jagged and unkempt to their conventional minds. ", "The scholar hero of Charyn’s narrative is Jay Leyda, the dogged chronicler of Melville who did much the same for the poet in The Years and Hours of Emily Dickinson (1960). ", "Leyda revealed, for example, how important Dickinson’s dog, Carlo, was to her, and Charyn shows how the dog’s absence deforms the work of various biographers and critics:\n\nMost Dickinson scholars have paid scant attention to Carlo, even though that big brown dog haunts her letters and her poems. ", "Carlo isn’t even listed in the index of Cynthia Griffin Wolff’s six-hundred-page biography. ", "And John Cody, who spends page after page analyzing Dickinson’s psychic dilemma as a love-starved woman and poet, mentions him only once. “", "Carlo seems to have accompanied Emily on all her rambles, and it is clear that she became fond of him.” ", "But he finds no connection at all between Carlo and the poet’s “inner life.” ", "I suspect that Carlo occupied more psychic and physical space than any other creature; she couldn’t have thrived without him. ", "With all her aristocratic mien, she was little more than an expensive chattel who couldn’t even buy her own writing paper and pens without her father’s funds.", "\n\nCharyn is not indulging in idle speculation. ", "Dickinson owned this Newfoundland for sixteen years. ", "She took the pet with her on social visits. ", "In her letters she makes a point of identifying him as her companion. ", "The dog probably weighed about 150 pounds and was as big as herself, as Dickinson claimed. “", "I started Early—Took my dog—” one of her poems begins, “And visited the Sea—[.]” ", "In the poem, the speaker seems to become a creature of the enveloping sea until “The Sea withdrew—[.]” ", "Charyn calls her a “poet-wanderer” and this poem “a reckless version of herself.” ", "And why not? ", "He adds, “[S]he can afford to be reckless in this poem—she has her dog.” ", "There are almost as many entries in Charyn’s index for Carlo as there are for Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Dickinson’s impresario to her contemporaries. ", "Unreconciled to Carlo’s death, Dickinson wrote to Higginson, “I wish for Carlo. ", "I explore but little since my mute Confederate [died].” ", "In fact, in Charyn’s words, the poet seemed to go “underground” when Carlo could no longer accompany her.", "\n\nReading Jerome Charyn sometimes evokes the sensation of seeing Dickinson arise from her poems, at once liberated from a domineering father, a purblind society, and even from the well-meaning ministrations of Higginson, Todd, and Todd’s daughter, Millicent. ", "In Charyn, Dickinson emerges in the Manhattan peregrinations of Joseph Cornell, who puts the poet in his theater boxes as he communes with Jay Leyda about how adventuresome she was. ", "Cornell constructed her in bits and pieces in imitation of Leyda’s “assemblages” of her life. “", "Cornell and Dickinson were intensely secretive and private souls. ", "But she wasn’t ‘the eccentric, quivering, overstrung recluse’ that Deborah Solomon writes about in her 1997 biography of Cornell, nor was she trapped in her Amherst prison-house, as Rebecca Patterson would have us believe,” Charyn contends.", "\n\nThese quotations from Charyn might leave the impression that he goes out of his way to quarrel with biographers and critics. ", "Not so. ", "Just as often he shows how he has learned from them. ", "But he is very good at showing how perceptions of artists get encrusted into the boilerplate of other biographies of other subjects. ", "Thus, for example, biographers simply repeated a catechism about an obese, self-loathing poet when considering Amy Lowell, when in fact her life was a triumph—and a loving one, as well. ", "Just so Charyn relieves Dickinson of her neuroses and gives her life back to her, treating her with a dignity and respect that decades of psychologizing have lacked.", "\n\nCharyn is not aiming for new, definitive readings of Dickinson poems. ", "Instead, he is about the work of enlarging the universe of her person and her poetry while he shows how much more there is still to do in fathoming her depths and contours. ", "Too often criticism seems to drain the work it seeks to explicate. ", "Charyn, on the other hand, revels in Dickinson’s elusiveness. ", "He does not believe in solving her mysteries, but rather exhibiting how much more we have yet to encompass. ", "After a perceptive account of the efforts to identify her image in daguerreotypes of doubtful provenance, he concludes, “She will continue to fuel our hunger and to baffle us, no matter how many portraits of her we uncover, or how many interpretations we have of every image. ", "She’s still out there ‘opon Circumference,’ where she’ll always be hard to find.”", "\n\nCarl Rollyson is the author of Amy Lowell Anew: A Biography, American Isis: The Life and Art of Sylvia Plath, Confessions of a Serial Biographer, and with Lisa Paddock, Emily Dickinson: Self-Discipline in the Service of Art." ]
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[ "KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE\n\n— Sorry, friends, but you are going to have to actually read this one.", "\n\n— Our full list of ratings changes is available here.", "\n\nOur best guesses for Tuesday\n\nThe 2018 midterm has long been a study in contradictory signs. ", "There is, for Republicans, the benefit of running at a time of relative peace and prosperity. ", "Unpopular wars and economic recessions have spelled doom for the president’s party in many past midterm elections. ", "But then there is also the weak approval rating of President Trump, who thanks to his deliberately polarizing style has kept the GOP base in line but strongly alienated Democrats and, perhaps more importantly, independent, swing voters. ", "Democrats have held a steady lead in the high single digits on the national House generic ballot polling, a lead suggestive of a potential House flip but not one large enough to indicate that such a flip is an absolute lock.", "\n\nThere is the shifting political landscape that emerged nationally in 2016, with some traditionally Democratic blue collar small cities and rural areas across the North moving toward Trump and the Republicans, and some traditionally Republican suburbs dominated by voters with high formal educational attainment breaking sharply away from Trump and the GOP. ", "Those latter areas make up a significant share of the competitive House districts, many of which seem poised to deliver for Democrats on Tuesday, although some Trumpy, traditionally Democratic turf is part of the Democratic House calculus too.", "\n\nThere are the competing maps in the battles for major statewide offices. ", "In the Senate, Democrats are defending 26 seats while Republicans are only defending nine. ", "In the gubernatorial races, the Republicans are defending 26 seats while Democrats are only defending nine. ", "We’re expecting vastly different overall results in the Senate and gubernatorial contests.", "\n\nOur expectations for this election have been consistent for the past several months. ", "We favor the Democrats in the House and Republicans in the Senate, and we expect the Democrats to pick up a significant share of governorships. ", "Our picks[1] follow.", "\n\nWe’ve also included an “upset watch” listing in each category to flag some potential surprises that we didn’t pick in our ratings but that might emerge on Election Night.", "\n\nTHE HOUSE\n\nTable 1: Final Crystal Ball House ratings\n\nDistricts shaded by color of current party control (red for Republicans, blue for Democrats.", "\n\nOur ratings changes leave 229 seats at least leaning to the Democrats and 206 at least leaning to the Republicans, so we are expecting the Democrats to pick up more than 30 seats (our precise ratings now show Democrats netting 34 seats in the House, 11 more than the 23 they need). ", "We have long cautioned against assuming the House was a done deal for the Democrats, and we don’t think readers should be stunned if things go haywire for Democrats tomorrow night. ", "That said, it may be just as likely — or even more likely — that we’re understating the Democrats in the House. ", "Many of our sources on both sides seemed to think the Democratic tally would be more like +35 to 40 (or potentially even higher) when we checked in with them over the weekend.", "\n\nThose who think the Republicans can or will keep the House will think we are being overly aggressive in some of our ratings. ", "For instance, we now have Democrats favored in all four of their takeover opportunities in New Jersey. ", "If Democrats come through, they will hold all but one of the House seats in the Garden State, sending the GOP to a low in the state’s congressional delegation not seen in more than a century. ", "Democrats netting three seats in Virginia might also seem high to some, along with Democrats netting four combined seats in heartland states Iowa and Kansas.", "\n\nOn the flip side, those who think the Democrats will win the House comfortably will quibble with some of the seats that we’re picking the Republicans to hold. ", "We don’t have Democrats winning any new seats in Georgia, where Democrats are hoping to net a couple of suburban seats, and we have Democrats netting only a single seat in Florida despite the party having a few other credible targets there. ", "If Democrats netted three seats in Pennsylvania, as our ratings indicate, that might be a mild disappointment for them, too. ", "We have something of a split decision in California, with Democrats picking up four seats, a little short of their ideal scenario. ", "Those looking for the Democratic number to go higher might look to these places to exceed our expectations.", "\n\nUpset watch: Speaking of California and Florida, Reps. ", "David Valadao (R, CA-21) and Carlos Curbelo (R, FL-26) have long seemed like two of the most secure Republicans in districts Hillary Clinton won, and yet both may have been ill-served by the president’s hard emphasis on immigration down the stretch. ", "Curbelo losing actually would not be much of a surprise; some Democrats expect it. ", "Valadao losing would be more surprising. ", "Reps. ", "Don Young (R, AK-AL), Duncan Hunter (R, CA-50), Steve King (R, IA-4), Greg Gianforte (R, MT-AL), and Chris Collins (R, NY-27) are all Republicans in usually safe seats who are being pushed for myriad reasons; it may be asking too much for all of them to win, but that is what our ratings suggest.", "\n\nAlso, watch Reps. ", "Mike Kelly (R, PA-16) and Scott Perry (R, PA-10), who both face credible opponents in redrawn, Trump-won seats. ", "It wouldn’t surprise us at all if one lost. ", "Two Republicans who won very close special elections earlier this cycle, Reps. ", "Karen Handel (R, GA-6) and Troy Balderson (R, OH-12), are also right on the edge of losing.", "\n\nWhile his race has attracted zero attention, Rep. Collin Peterson (D, MN-7) represents the most Republican district held by any Democrat — Trump won it by about 30 points. ", "It would be shocking if Peterson lost, but it would make sense in the larger scheme of things. ", "Meanwhile, also in Minnesota, most are assuming Republicans pick up the open MN-8, a Trump-won seat covering the Iron Range. ", "And yet the district’s Democratic DNA is deep enough that a Democratic hold remains a possibility. ", "And an open Democratic-held seat, NH-1, is always competitive and has not been quite as easy of a hold as Democrats might have hoped.", "\n\nFor a list of all 435 Crystal Ball House ratings, please take a look at the chart at the bottom of our ratings page.", "\n\nTHE SENATE\n\nMap 1: Final Crystal Ball Senate ratings\n\nBecause of the bad map Democrats faced this year, the GOP picking up seats always seemed like a possibility, even a strong possibility. ", "Our final ratings reaffirm this potential; we have 52 Senate seats at least leaning to the Republicans, and 48 at least leaning to the Democrats.", "\n\nThe potential GOP gain would come from places that make sense: We have them favored in three of the five strongly Republican states that have Democratic senators running for reelection: Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota. ", "Meanwhile the two Republican-held seats where we now favor Democrats, Arizona and Nevada, are much more competitive states at the presidential level and thus are susceptible to Democratic takeovers in a challenging environment for Republicans.", "\n\nThe reasonable range of outcomes in the Senate still seems fairly wide, with a bigger GOP gain possible, or no gain at all or even a Democratic gain. ", "The Democrats still essentially have no path to the majority without winning one of these three states: North Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas, and the Republicans retain what appear to be edges in all three.", "\n\nUpset watch: An overall upset pick to watch would be the Senate majority itself: Democrats winning everything where they are currently favored, plus Indiana and Missouri, and then one of North Dakota, Tennessee, or Texas. ", "It’s not likely but it is possible: Just this morning, NBC News/Marist showed Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) up by three points, and the same pollster had Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) up a couple of points last week.", "\n\nAnd then there is the Lone Star State. ", "We have been flooded with messages from credible contacts in Texas, from both sides of the aisle, warning us not to discount the possibility of an upset by Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D, TX-16) against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). ", "The energy on O’Rourke’s side, they say, is palpable. ", "This all may be reminiscent of the grassroots energy that helped power Trump himself to victory in 2016. ", "Of course, analysis by anecdote isn’t always the right formula; while measuring crowd size might’ve helped navigate the last presidential race, it can deceive, too, like back in 1972 when the reporters following George McGovern (D) to big rallies smelled a massive upset brewing against President Richard Nixon (R). ", "McGovern lost in a landslide. ", "So we don’t know if the buzz is real, but we’ve heard enough of it that we’re paying attention.", "\n\nOn the other hand, Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) has been a shaky Leans Democratic in our ratings the whole cycle. ", "Would anyone be shocked if he lost? ", "He’s never won a majority and if Donnelly and/or McCaskill end up losing earlier in the evening, it would make some sense that Tester would be in trouble too. ", "Also, Democratic outside groups have put a little bit of money into appointed Sen. Tina Smith’s (D-MN) bid for a first electoral victory and a lot of money in Sen. Bob Menendez’s (D-NJ) bid for a third term. ", "And of course, Republicans could end up winning any of Arizona, Florida, or Nevada, but any one of those happening wouldn’t really be an upset in races we’ve listed as Toss-ups for about a year or more until now. ", "If so, it will likely be the actual Election Day vote (as opposed to the early vote) that would save the Republicans in these races, much like how in 2016 Republicans did very well on Election Day across the country.", "\n\nTHE GOVERNORS\n\nMap 2: Final Crystal Ball gubernatorial ratings\n\nFor all the focus on the House and the Senate, the real story of the night may be in the gubernatorial races, where we see the Democrats poised to make big gains.", "\n\nRight now, the Republicans hold 33 governorships, the Democrats just 16, and an independent, Bill Walker holds Alaska. ", "Our ratings suggest the Democrats could net 10 governorships, while the GOP could lose nine (we favor Republicans to pick up Alaska, which throws off the net change statistic a little bit). ", "That does not include Georgia, where we are maintaining a unique “Toss-up/Leans Runoff” rating in anticipation of a possible runoff on Dec. 4 if neither major party candidate gets a majority. ", "If the runoff happens, just think about how much money former state House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams (D) might raise from the Democrats’ hyper-active small donor network. ", "This is something that concerns Republicans if there’s a runoff.", "\n\nMore than half of the Democratic pickups could come in the Midwest. ", "While we think the GOP could claw back one or two of these states — Iowa, Kansas, and Wisconsin are the picks we’re the least confident in – we thought the data and the year’s overall trends pointed to the Democrats in each of these states individually. ", "Besides the national environment, there may just be a fatigue with eight years of conservative GOP rule in places like Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin, particularly in a time of conservative governance in Washington. ", "The public is idiosyncratic and often wants what it doesn’t have; the same dynamic helped Trump win many states in the Midwest after eight years of a liberal Democratic president.", "\n\nUpset watch: The Republicans have a real shot to pick off Connecticut or Oregon, two blue states agitating for fresh leadership. ", "The Democrats could very well spring an upset in red states Oklahoma and South Dakota. ", "The gubernatorial races follow traditional political patterns less than the federal races. ", "And keep an eye on Alaska, which has tightened considerably since Walker left the race, leaving a matchup between former state Sen. Mike Dunleavy (R) and former Sen. Mark Begich (D) that the latter definitely has a chance to win.", "\n\nConclusion\n\nWe know, dear readers, that many of these picks — though hopefully not too many — will be off. ", "But we pick all the races because we believe you deserve our best guess as to what will happen in each contest.", "\n\nOne last thing. ", "A couple of months ago, we featured a handful of political science forecasting models that attempt to predict the net change in the House, and a couple of them also try to project the Senate. ", "More details on the models are available here, and their findings are in Table 2:\n\nTable 2: Political science model predictions of 2018 congressional race\n\nWhile we did not deliberately fit our seat-by-seat projections to mirror these models, our picks do line up fairly well with them, although we’re slightly closer to the smaller forecasts for Democrats in the House than the larger ones. ", "And note that the two models that are more bullish on Democrats in the House still also forecast a modest GOP gain in the Senate, which is also what we’re expecting. ", "A poll-based model from Ipsos on our jointly-run Political Atlas site shows a similar House gain to what we’re suggesting as well if one assumes that the model’s Toss-ups break about evenly.", "\n\nWe’ll be back sometime on Wednesday with a quick reaction to tomorrow night’s results.", "\n\nA disclaimer\n\n[1]The Crystal Ball picks represent a collaborative, consensus effort between Editor-in-Chief Larry J. Sabato and Managing Editor Kyle Kondik with the help of many special advisers from both parties who have been with us for years (you all know who you are, and we enormously appreciate your help once again). ", "There are two exceptions: Sabato deferred to Kondik on the pick in KY-6, because Rep. Andy Barr (R, KY-6) is Sabato’s former student, and Kondik deferred to Sabato on the pick for Ohio governor because Kondik used to work for former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray (D)." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nExtending PX.Objects.", "CR.CRMSourcesAttribute\n\nI am trying to add entries to the CRMSourcesAttribute class for more options in the Opportunities Dropdown Box. ", "\nI see PXAttributeExtension but apparently this is not meant for developers as I cannot provide a constructor for the base class PXStringListAttribute where the actual values are set.", "\nThere must be a simple way to add entries to that dropdown box!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou don't even need to do any customization or programming to change this list. ", "By adding the screen to Automation Steps screen, you can put the Source field in the Fields tab of the automation definition and override the combo box values. ", "Please note that if you're trying that with Acumatica 5.0, you may need to remove the \"Opportunities\" list as entry point from the generic inquiries, otherwise it will interfere with your selection when you try to select the Opportunities screen from the Automation Steps.", "\nIf you want to do it via programming - you'd need to replace the CRMSourcesAttribute on the field with your own version of this attribute. ", "This attribute is fairly simple and is only derived from PXStringList attribute:\npublic class CRMSourcesAttribute : PXStringListAttribute\n{\n public const string _WEB = \"W\";\n public const string _PHONE_INQ = \"H\";\n public const string _REFERRAL = \"R\";\n public const string _PURCHASED_LIST = \"L\";\n public const string _OTHER = \"O\";\n\n public CRMSourcesAttribute() : \n base(new[] { _WEB, _PHONE_INQ, _REFERRAL, _PURCHASED_LIST, _OTHER },\n new[] { Messages.", "Web, Messages.", "PhoneInq, Messages.", "Referral, Messages.", "PurchasedList, Messages.", "Other })\n {\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "GENOME ANNOUNCEMENT {#h0.0}\n===================\n\nFrom the 1940s, phages, especially *Escherichia coli* phages, were used as tools to answer basic molecular and biophysical questions ([@B1], [@B2]). ", "Enterobacteria phage T1, a member of the family *Siphoviridae*, was discovered by Delbrück in 1942 ([@B3]). ", "Among the T-phage group, studies of phage T1 are rare; the first paper reporting the complete annotated sequence of the T1 genome was published in 2004 ([@B4]). ", "To date, only four genome sequences of T1-like phages have been released in GenBank. ", "Here, we present the complete sequences of two novel members of the T1 family, which will extend our knowledge of the T1 family.", "\n\n*Escherichia* phages JMPW1 and JMPW2 were originally isolated from contaminated experiment samples by the double-layer agar plaque method. ", "Phage particles were purified from bacteria lysates using the standard PEG (polyethylene glycol) protocol, and phage DNA was extracted from the purified phage particles using the SDS-proteinase K protocol ([@B5]). ", "The whole-genome sequencing of *Escherichia* phages JMPW1 and JMPW2 was performed using the Ion Torrent PGM at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences (Beijing, China). ", "Sequencing reads with \\~1,600-fold (JMPW1) and \\~1,900-fold (JMPW2) average coverage were assembled using the Newbler software (version 2.9). ", "Genome annotations of the phages were revealed using fgenesV (<http://linux1.softberry.com/berry.phtml?topic=virus&group=programs&subgroup=gfindv>) and manually verified by screening all the predicted proteins against the NCBI protein database using BLASTp ([@B6]). ", "Then, the results were submitted via the software Sequin (version 13.70) ([@B7]).", "\n\nJMPW1 and JMPW2 are all linear double-stranded DNA phages with genome sizes of 49,840 bp and 50,298 bp, respectively. ", "The two phages have a G+C content of 45.6% (JMPW1) and 45.4% (JMPW2). ", "The genomes contain 76 putative open reading frames (ORFs) (JMPW1) and 82 putative ORFs (JMPW2). ", "No tRNAs were found in the two genomes. ", "JMPW1 and JMPW2 are closely related to enterobacteria phage T1, and both of them share over 90% sequence identity with T1. ", "Nonetheless, the tail fiber proteins of JMPW1 and JMPW2 are very different from T1. ", "Furthermore, compared to T1, function-unknown genes 003, 007, 010, 011, and 012 of JMPW1 and genes 006, 010, 011, 080, 081, and 082 of JMPW2 were added, and two genes related to endonucleases were lost in the JMPW1 genome. ", "Studies of phages JMPW1 and JMPW2 will provide new insight into the diversity of *E. coli* phages.", "\n\nNucleotide sequence accession numbers. {#", "s1}\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe complete genome sequences of these two phages have been deposited in GenBank under the accession no. [", "KU194206](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KU194206) (JMPW1) and [KU194205](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KU194205) (JMPW2).", "\n\n**Citation** Shen M, Zhu H, Lu S, Le S, Li G, Tan Y, Zhao X, Shen W, Hu F, Wang J. 2016. ", "Complete genome sequences of T1-like phages JMPW1 and JMPW2. ", "Genome Announc 4(3):e00601-16. ", "doi:10.1128/genomeA.00601-16.", "\n\nThis work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, grant 31201341) and the Third Military Medical University Youth Science Foundation (grant 2010XQN06).", "\n\nWe thank Professor Yigang Tong for helping us sequence and assemble the JMPW1 and JMPW2 genomes.", "\n" ]
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[ "Lead in finger-bone analysed in vivo in active and retired lead workers.", "\nIn 75 active lead workers the median lead level in finger-bone (bone-Pb), as determined in vivo by an X-ray fluorescence method, was 43 micrograms/g (range less than 20-122). ", "In 32 retired workers the median level was even higher, 59 micrograms/g (range less than 20-135), which indicates a slow turnover rate of lead in finger-bone. ", "This was confirmed in 18 of the \"active\" workers, in whom bone-Pb was studied in connection with an exposure-free period. ", "In spite of a significant decrease in blood-lead levels (B-Pb), no systematic change of bone-Pb occurred. ", "There was an increase of bone-Pb with time of employment, but with a large interindividual variation. ", "No association was found between bone-Pb and present B-Pb in the active lead workers. ", "However, in the retired ones, B-Pb rose with increasing bone-Pb. ", "The bone-lead pool thus causes an \"internal\" lead exposure." ]
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[ "2016\n\n‘Big Data’ resource raises possibility of research revolution\n\nA group of UK scientists led by the University of Dundee have demonstrated how aggregating image data from laboratories all around the world has the potential to revolutionise scientific research.", "\n\nA team headed by Professor Jason Swedlow in the University’s School of Life Sciences has built the Image Data Resource (IDR), a public database that collects and integrates imaging data related to experiments published in leading scientific journals. ", "This means that ‘Big Data’ from imaging experiments conducted by scientists all over the world that were previously too large and difficult to share are now publicly available.", "\n\nIDR is a collaboration between scientists in the Open Microscopy Environment (OME), based at Dundee, and groups at Universities of Cambridge and Bristol, and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI). ", "The collaboration brings together biologists, imaging specialists, big data scientists and computer scientists.", "\n\nAccess to primary research data is vital for the advancement of science but comparing and analysing image datasets produced by individual researchers is notoriously difficult for scientists. ", "The images are large, unwieldy, complex and heterogeneous. ", "They are rarely publicly available and, even if they are, different means of collating and storing image data mean they cannot be easily reproduced, compared or re-analysed.", "\n\nIDR automates these processes and pulls individual pieces of related research together to create a vast bank of knowledge that can save researchers time, effort and money while serendipitously highlighting previously unexplored areas with the potential to solve scientific mysteries. ", "This free resource is the first general biological image repository that stores and integrates data from multiple modalities and laboratories.", "\n\nProfessor Swedlow explained, “Researchers collaborate with each other and keep abreast with research work from the global scientific community at meetings and in published papers, but the image datasets that underpin these communications are almost never published. ", "As a result there is a huge amount of information that cannot be shared, accessed, compared or understood.", "\n\n“IDR makes these datasets available, and allows scientists worldwide to combine, mine and analyse these imaging data. ", "The potential to speed up research and link datasets so that scientists can look for patterns and commonalities is enormous. ", "Even before officially announcing IDR, we’ve had contacts from cell biologists, drug discovery scientists and deep learning developers asking if they can use IDR.”", "\n\nIDR collects and integrates imaging data acquired across many different imaging modalities. ", "It links high-content screening, super-resolution microscopy, time-lapse and digital pathology imaging experiments to public genetic or chemical databases. ", "IDR also includes information on experimental protocols, imaging parameters, analyses and the cellular and tissue changes scientists have observed.", "\n\nUsing IDR, Professor Swedlow and his colleagues in the Open Microscopy Environment (OME) Consortium found connections between different research projects that had eluded individual researchers. ", "They identified genes from different studies that, when mutated or removed, caused cells to elongate and stretch out.", "\n\nThey assembled gene lists from the different studies and built a gene network that gives a more complete picture of how genes control shape, one of the properties that change in metastatic cancer. ", "Elongation is just one of more than 150 effects on cells that IDR currently records, meaning further significant discoveries are anticipated.", "\n\nThis area is of huge interest to the biotech industry and drug discovery companies because of its potential to identify new therapies and targets and broaden the scope of research by allowing scientists to access each other’s datasets.", "\n\n“Imaging will only be truly transformative for science if we make the data publicly available,” explains Alvis Brazma, a lead author and Senior Scientist at EMBL-EBI. “", "Scientists should be able to query existing data to identify commonalities and patterns. ", "But to make this possible we need a robust platform where researchers can upload their imaging data and easily access data from other experiments. ", "The Image Data Resource is the first step towards creating a public image data repository for the life sciences.”", "\n\nProfessor Rafael Carazo Salas, who led the IDR team at Cambridge and Bristol, said, “Reproducibility and re-use are key concerns in the scientific community. ", "We have shown how they can enhance research by integrating and cross-validating different imaging studies and by enabling the generation of discoveries, added value and increased return on investment that could not be obtained from individual studies on their own.", "\n\n“IDR is world-leading not only because of the discoveries it makes for the first time possible but also because it is an open source platform that others can use to publish their own image data. ", "Thus IDR provides both a novel online resource and a software infrastructure that promotes and extends publication and re-analysis of scientific image data.”", "\n\nThe paper showing connections between studies of elongated genes is published to in the journal Nature Methods. ", "The research has been funded by BBSRC and EU Horizon 2020." ]
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[ "Waaxens\n\nWaaxens () is a small village in Noardeast-Fryslân municipality in the province of Friesland, the Netherlands. ", "It had a population of only 35 in January 2017. ", "Before 2019, the village was part of the Dongeradeel municipality.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Noardeast-Fryslân\nCategory:Populated places in Friesland" ]
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[ 0.0017026696586981416, 0.0007072078296914697, 0.0006950260722078383, 0.0008791361469775438 ]
[ "Q:\n\nGit rebase first 2 Commit\n\nHere is what I have done so far. ", "And what I'm trying to do is merge the first and second commits into a single commit before I push (have not added remote repository yet).", "\n$ git init\n\n$ vim myprogram\n\n$ git add myprogram && git commit -m \"Initial commit\"\n\n$ vim README.md\n\n$ git add README.md && git commit -m \"Added readme\"\n\n$git log --pretty=oneline\nb8e2979 Added readme\na579d65 Initial commit\n\n$ git rebase -i HEAD~2\nfatal: Needed a single revision\ninvalid upstream HEAD~2\n\nWhat have I done wrong that is causing the fatal error.", "\nIf this exact question has been asked, please flag it and provide a link.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou want to use the --root option:\n\n... Rebase all commits reachable from <branch>, instead of limiting them with an <upstream>. ", "This allows you to rebase the root commit(s) on a branch. ...", "\n\ngit rebase -i --root\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.008134905248880386, 0.0006909308140166104, 0.022189432755112648, 0.0005201073945499957, 0.000715516391210258, 0.0009137496235780418, 0.0024661757051944733 ]
[ "Introduction\n============\n\nThe amplification of the *HER-2*gene is associated with shorter disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) in patients with early-stage and metastatic breast cancer \\[[@B1]-[@B3]\\]. ", "The anti-*HER-2*monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin; Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, CA, USA) is an effective treatment for breast tumors with *HER-2*gene amplification, both alone and in combination with other therapies. ", "Randomized clinical trials have shown that the addition of trastuzumab to cytotoxic chemotherapy improves DFS and OS in patients with metastatic disease \\[[@B4],[@B5]\\] and as adjuvant therapy \\[[@B6],[@B7]\\]. ", "However, not all patients with HER-2-overexpressing tumors benefit from trastuzumab therapy \\[[@B8]\\]. ", "Approximately 30% of *HER-2*-overexpressing metastatic breast tumors show an objective response to single-agent first-line trastuzumab treatment, and most will eventually progress \\[[@B9]-[@B11]\\]. ", "Similarly, as many as 15% of early-stage HER-2-overexpressing breast tumors will relapse despite adjuvant chemotherapy that includes trastuzumab \\[[@B6],[@B7]\\].", "\n\nWe recently reported results from a clinical trial in which 42 patients with operable HER-2-overexpressing breast cancer were randomly assigned to receive either 6 months of preoperative T/FEC chemotherapy (four cycles of paclitaxel followed by four cycles of 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide) alone or concomitant with weekly trastuzumab followed by definitive surgery. ", "An interim analysis showed that the patients in the trastuzumab-plus-T/FEC group had a pathologic complete response (pCR) rate of 65% compared with 26% in the T/FEC-alone group (*P*\\<0.016) \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "Because of the large and significant difference in pCR rates, the randomized study was closed after these results became available. ", "A single-arm extension study accrued 22 more patients to the trastuzumab-plus-T/FEC arm to further characterize the efficacy and toxicity of the regimen. ", "In the second cohort, the pCR rate was 55% (95% confidence interval \\[CI\\], 32% to 76%).", "\n\nBecause the achievement of pCR correlates closely with improved DFS and OS \\[[@B13],[@B14]\\], we were interested in examining the clinical and molecular tumor characteristics in the subset of women with residual disease (RD) in our original and extension trials. ", "Our goal was to identify molecular predictors of resistance to preoperative concomitant trastuzumab and T/FEC by analyzing gene expression in specimens from pretreatment fine-needle biopsies. ", "The identification of markers of resistance to trastuzumab-based chemotherapy could help in the design of future clinical trials of novel agents with the potential to overcome drug resistance.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nPatients\n--------\n\nThe therapeutic study and optional biopsy protocol were approved by the institutional review board, and each patient who participated gave written informed consent. ", "Patient accrual and inclusion and exclusion criteria have been described previously \\[[@B12],[@B15]\\]. ", "Briefly, all patients in both the original and extended trials were required to have histologically confirmed stage II to IIIA, *HER-2*-positive invasive breast cancer. *", "HER-2*positivity was defined as the overexpression of HER-2 receptors (an immunohistochemistry \\[IHC\\] score of greater than or equal to 3) or *HER-2*gene amplification (a *HER-2*gene/centromeric sequence of chromosome 17 \\[CEP17\\] ratio of greater than 2, as measured by fluorescence *in situ*hybridization \\[FISH\\]). ", "Estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) expression levels were measured using IHC.", "\n\nThe initial preoperative regimen consisted of four cycles of paclitaxel at 225 mg/m^2^given as a 24-hour infusion at 3-week intervals followed by four cycles of FEC. ", "Patients treated on the open-label phase of the protocol received 80 mg/m^2^paclitaxel per week for a total of 12 weeks. ", "The FEC regimen consisted of 500 mg/m^2^5-fluorouracil on days 1 and 4, 500 mg/m^2^cyclophosphamide on day 1, and 75 mg/m^2^epirubicin on day 1. ", "Patients also received a loading dose of intravenous trastuzumab (4 mg/kg over the course of 90 minutes) on day 1 of the first cycle of paclitaxel. ", "Then, patients received 2 mg/kg trastuzumab, administered intravenously over the course of 30 minutes weekly, during each week in which chemotherapy agents were given. ", "All patients underwent mammograms and ultrasound imaging at baseline and during therapy. ", "If, during the course of treatment, imaging detected that a tumor had shrunk to less than 2 cm, metallic markers were placed in the tumor bed under ultrasonographic guidance.", "\n\nAt the completion of preoperative chemotherapy, all patients had a modified radical mastectomy or lumpectomy and a sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary lymph node dissection, depending on patient preference and the opinion of the surgeon. ", "Grossly visible residual cancer was measured, and representative cross-sections of the tumor were submitted for histopathologic examination. ", "When grossly visible residual cancer was not found, the slices of the surgical specimen were radiographed, and all areas of radiologically or architecturally abnormal tissue were submitted for histopathologic study. ", "A pCR was defined as no residual invasive cancer in the breast and lymph nodes. ", "Residual ductal carcinoma *in situ*was allowed because it has no impact on long-term survival \\[[@B16]\\].", "\n\nTissue processing and microarray analysis\n-----------------------------------------\n\nPatients who participated in the original trial and its extension were given the option of undergoing a one-time, pretreatment fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of their primary tumor. ", "Forty-five patients consented to the procedure. ", "Each FNA was performed using a 23- or 25-gauge needle. ", "Cells from two or three passes were collected into vials containing 1 mL of RNA *later*solution (Ambion, Inc., Austin, TX, USA) and stored at -80°C. ", "RNA was extracted from the FNA samples using the RNAeasy kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, CA, USA). ", "The amount and quality of RNA were assessed with a DU-640 spectrophotometer (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA, USA) and considered adequate for further analysis if the optical density 260/280 ratio was greater than 1.8 and the total RNA yield was greater than 1 μg. ", "All FNA specimens met these quality control criteria and were hybridized to Affymetrix U133A GeneChips (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA) as described previously \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "Expression data were quantified using dCHIP version 1.3 (available from \\[[@B18]\\]). ", "All hybridization experiments met the quality control standards of the study, with scaling factors within threefold of one another, percentage present call rates greater than or equal to 35%, percentage of probe set outliers less than or equal to 15%, percentage of single-probe outliers less than or equal to 5%, and 3\\':5\\' ratio less than 3. ", "All gene expression data were normalized to a standard reference chip using the dCHIP software. ", "The normalized gene expression values were transformed to a log~10~scale for further analysis.", "\n\nStatistical analyses\n--------------------\n\nData analysis was performed using the statistical software package S-PLUS (version 7; Insightful Corporation, Seattle, WA, USA). ", "We used univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses to examine associations between RD, pCR, and clinical pathologic variables, including routine ER and PR status, Black\\'s modified nuclear grade, tumor size, and level of *HER-2*gene amplification. ", "To examine correlations between the pathologic response to treatment and the mRNA expression levels of single-gene molecular markers, including ER, Ki67, and HER-2, we performed rank correlation tests as well as unequal variance *t*tests. ", "The probe sets that targeted the most 3\\' end of each transcript were selected to represent these genes of interest (ER: 205225_at, Ki67: 212021_s\\_at, and *HER-2*: 216836_s\\_at). ", "We have previously shown that these probes correlate closely with clinical receptor status but represent more quantitative measurements \\[[@B19]\\].", "\n\nWe used unequal variance *t*tests to identify genes that were differentially expressed in specimens from patients with RD and those with pCR. ", "Beta uniform mixture analysis of the *P*values was used to estimate false discovery rates (FDRs) \\[[@B20]\\]. ", "We also examined whether a 30-gene pharmacogenomic predictor of pCR previously developed by our group in patients treated with T/FAC (in which doxorubicin \\[A\\] replaces the epirubicin \\[E\\] in T/FEC) \\[[@B17]\\] would predict pCR in patients treated with T/FEC plus trastuzumab. ", "The code for this predictor is available at \\[[@B21]\\].", "\n\nWe used gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) to assess the association between pCR, RD, and 1,275 distinct *a priori*-defined gene sets. ", "All of these gene sets are available to the public and have been described in detail in a previous publication \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "The goal of the GSEA was to determine whether members of a particular gene set (that is, a list of 15 to 500 biologically interesting genes) tended to occur at the top or bottom of the complete rank-ordered gene list. ", "In this case, we ranked the 22,283 probe sets measured by the U133A gene chip based on the probe sets\\' correlation with pCR. ", "We examined three groups of gene sets, including 319 gene sets corresponding to probes associated with 295 different cryptogenic bands on 24 chromosomes, 522 gene sets corresponding to genes involved in various metabolic and signaling pathways, and 427 gene sets of expression neighborhoods centered on cancer-related genes \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "Complete linkage hierarchical clustering was carried out using 1,792 probe sets described as the \\'revised intrinsic gene set\\' (supplementary Table 1) and using a 1 -- Pearson correlation coefficient \\[[@B23]\\].", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nForty-five women who received concomitant trastuzumab and T/FEC volunteered for pretreatment FNA biopsies. ", "Patient and disease characteristics are presented in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Twenty-nine patients (64%) achieved pCR after 24 weeks of preoperative therapy. ", "Age, nuclear grade, tumor size, nodal status, clinical ER status, and *HER-2*gene amplification level, as detected by FISH, showed no significant association with pCR in either univariate or multivariate logistic regression analyses. ", "Quantitative expression of the ER and *HER-2*receptor and Ki67 mRNA levels also showed no significant association with pCR in univariate analyses (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Supervised cluster analysis using the revised intrinsic probe sets showed two distinct clusters, but these were not associated with known clinical variables or with response to therapy (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "An unequal variance *t*test identified 132 genes with *P*values of less than 0.01 which were seemingly differentially expressed between cases of pCR and RD. ", "However, the FDR associated with these *P*values was near 100%. ", "Therefore, we could not identify any genes that would discriminate between pCR and RD with statistical confidence.", "\n\n###### \n\nPatient and tumor characteristics\n\n Characteristic Number of patients (percentage)\n -------------------------------- ---------------------------------\n Age \n  \\<50 years 19 (42)\n  ≥50 years 26 (58)\n *HER-2*^a^ \n  IHC (score 3+) 26 (58)\n  FISH-positive 42 (95)\n Estrogen receptor-positive \n  Yes 17 (38)\n  No 28 (62)\n Progesterone receptor-positive \n  Yes 10 (22)\n  No 35 (78)\n Nuclear grade \n  Intermediate 14 (31)\n  High 31 (69)\n Tumor size (baseline) \n  T1 5 (11)\n  T2 24 (53)\n  T3 8 (18)\n  T4 8 (18)\n Nodal status (baseline) \n  N0 19 (42)\n  N1-N3 26 (58)\n\n^a^All tumors were HER-2-positive by either IHC (score, 3+) and/or FISH. ", "Not every patient had both tests. ", "Two tumors were 2+ by IHC and positive by FISH, and one tumor was 3+ by IHC and negative by FISH. ", "FISH, fluorescence *in situ*hybridization; IHC, immunohistochemistry.", "\n\n![", "Association between pathologic complete response (pCR) and HER-2, estrogen receptor (ER), and Ki-67 mRNA levels and *HER-2*gene copy number ratio shown by fluorescence *in situ*hybridization (FISH). ", "Association between pCR and **(a)**the mRNA expression levels of HER-2 (Spearman\\'s rank correlation = 0.087; *P*= 0.69), **(b)**ER (Spearman\\'s rank correlation = -0.052; *P*= 0.81), and **(c)**Ki-67 (Wilcoxon rank sum = 148; *P*= 0.2) or **(d)**the level of *HER-2*gene amplification shown by FISH (Wilcoxon rank sum = -0.45; *P*= 0.65). ", "Each circle represents results from one case and has been grouped by response category (pCR or RD \\[residual disease\\]).](bcr1836-1){#F1}\n\n![", "Hierarchical clustering with the revised intrinsic gene set. ", "Supervised cluster analysis using 1,792 intrinsic probe sets showed two distinct clusters among these HER-2-positive cases, but the clusters were not associated with known clinical variables or response to therapy. ", "Cases with residual disease (RD) are marked with an asterisk. ", "ER, estrogen receptor; pCR, pathologic complete response.](bcr1836-2){#F2}\n\nWe also tested the accuracy of a 30-gene pharmacogenomic predictor of pCR which had been previously developed from a study of patients treated preoperatively with T/FAC. ", "This predictor showed both high sensitivity (92%) and negative predictive value (NPV) (96%) in an independent validation conducted in a cohort of T/FAC-treated patients \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "The same 30-gene test showed a diminished sensitivity of 52% (95% CI, 0.27 to 0.79) for predicting pCR in patients treated with trastuzumab plus T/FEC. ", "The NPVs and positive predictive values were also low at 36% (95% CI, 0.17 to 0.59) and 65% (95% CI, 0.43 to 0.84), respectively. ", "The overall accuracy was 51% (95% CI, 0.36 to 0.66) in the present cohort of patients compared with 76% (95% CI, 0.62 to 0.87) in the validation cohort, which did not receive trastuzumab.", "\n\nHowever, because the original validation cohort included both HER-2-positive and HER-2-negative tumors and the cohort of the present study included only HER-2-positive tumors treated with trastuzumab, it was unclear whether the diminished accuracy was due to the inclusion of trastuzumab or the application of the predictor. ", "We therefore calculated the performance metrics for the subset of patients in the validation cohort who had HER-2-positive tumors and compared them with the results from the present study and found that overall accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity remained high in this group of patients (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nPredictive performance (and 95% confidence interval) of the DLDA30 predictor in patients treated with preoperative chemotherapy\n\n Breast tumors of any phenotype HER-2-positive breast tumors \n --------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------\n Area under the curve 0.877 (0.066) 0.565 (0.089) 0.81 (0.092)\n Overall accuracy 0.76 (0.62--0.87) 0.51 (0.36--0.66) 0.67 (0.47--0.83)\n Sensitivity 0.92 (0.64--1.00) 0.52 (0.33--0.71) 0.90 (0.56--1.00)\n Specificity 0.71 (0.54--0.85) 0.50 (0.25--0.75) 0.55 (0.32--0.77)\n Positive predictive value 0.52 (0.31--0.73) 0.65 (0.43--0.84) 0.50 (0.26--0.74)\n Negative predictive value 0.96 (0.82--1.00) 0.36 (0.17--0.59) 0.92 (0.62--1.00)\n\n^a^Hess KR, Anderson K, Symmans WF, Valero V, Ibrahim N, Mejia JA, Booser D, Theriault RL, Buzdar AU, Dempsey PJ, *et al*. ", "\\[17\\]. ", "T/FAC, paclitaxel followed by 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide; T/FEC, paclitaxel followed by 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide.", "\n\nThe evaluation of 1,275 distinct gene sets showed significant enrichment for only one gene signature: the CD40 signaling pathway, which involves 64 genes (supplementary Table 2). ", "Complete results from the GSEA are included in supplementary Table 3. ", "Patients whose tumors expressed the CD40 signature were significantly more likely to achieve pCR. ", "The FDR associated with this observation was 0.0022 (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "CD40 pathway gene set significantly enriched in patient\\'s pathologic complete response and residual disease phenotypes. **(", "a)**Plot of the running sum for CD40 pathway gene set in the expression data set. **(", "b)**Plot of null bimodal ES distributions **(c)**Heat map produced using expression data from CD40 pathway gene set, and sorted by pCR and RD phenotypes. ", "ES: enrichment score; FDR: false discovery rate; FWER: family wise error rate; NES: normalized enrichment score; pCR: pathologic complete response; RD: residual disease.](bcr1836-3){#F3}\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThis analysis of gene expression data, which included 22,277 probe sets corresponding to more than 14,000 genes, revealed no robust gene expression differences between the two subgroups of HER-2-positive patients (those with pCR and those who had RD) treated with preoperative concomitant trastuzumab and T/FEC. ", "Relatively modest differences in gene expression can have important biological implications if the number of genes is large enough; however, the transcriptional differences between the two response categories tested here were subtle and thus not easily identified using *t*statistics. ", "Therefore, we subjected our data to GSEA, a more complex analytical method than *t*statistics, which can detect subtle gene expression differences for *a priori*-defined sets of genes between two groups (for this study, patients with pCR and those with RD). ", "GSEA results indicated that patients whose tumors showed decreased expression of the genes associated with the CD40 signaling pathway were more likely to have residual cancer after trastuzumab-plus-T/FEC chemotherapy. ", "One of the reasons why we could not find more differentially expressed gene sets may be the small sample size and the low number of patients in the group who had RD after preoperative chemotherapy and trastuzumab treatment. ", "It should be noted that, in small pharmacogenomic studies, the association between large-scale gene expression patterns and ER status and grade represents substantial biological noise for outcomes that are not associated with these clinical variables \\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\n*HER-2*gene amplification (*HER-2*/CEP17 ratio of greater than 2.0) and protein overexpression (IHC staining intensity of greater than 3) remain the best predictors of response to trastuzumab therapy \\[[@B2],[@B4]\\]. ", "According to these criteria, all patients in the present study were *HER-2*-positive. ", "We found no correlation between the *HER-2*gene copy number or semiquantitative *HER-2*mRNA levels and the amount of residual invasive cancer after preoperative T/FEC-plus-trastuzumab therapy. ", "This suggests the existence of a threshold effect, in which a *HER-2*/*CEP17*ratio of greater than 2.0 would predict a response to trastuzumab.", "\n\nThere are many research findings indicating the potential oncogenic role of CD40. ", "In particular, although CD40, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, is expressed in B lymphocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts, and endothelial and epithelial cells, it is also expressed in a variety of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. ", "For example, transfection studies have shown that constitutive CD40 signaling plays an important role in the transformation of murine fibroblasts, an oncogenic effect that was inhibited by the suppression of the nuclear factor-kappa B signaling pathway \\[[@B25]\\]. ", "Similarly, the treatment of human breast cancer cells with a recombinant CD40 ligand (CD40L) inhibited cell growth *in vitro*and *in vivo*\\[[@B26],[@B27]\\]. ", "Wingett and colleagues \\[[@B28]\\] observed that, in contrast to normal B cells, in which CD40 signaling provides a potent survival signal, CD40 ligation in breast carcinoma cells results in growth inhibition and enhanced susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis. ", "Tong and colleagues \\[[@B29]\\], in their study using CD40-positive (T47D and BT-20) and CD40-negative (MCF-7 and ZR-75-1) cell lines, likewise examined the growth outcome of CD40 ligation in human breast cancer cells. ", "They found that treatment with CD40L reduced \\[^3^H\\]thymidine uptake in BT-20 and T47D cells but did not affect the growth of CD40-negative MCF-7 or ZR-75-1 cells. ", "These investigators observed similar results *in vivo*. ", "CD40 expression has also been shown to play a role in the activation of dendritic cells, which are promising candidates for breast cancer immunotherapy \\[[@B30],[@B31]\\]. ", "In keeping with this finding, Pinzon-Charry and colleagues \\[[@B32]\\] found a significantly higher proportion of apoptotic circulating dendritic cells in patients with early-stage breast cancer (stage I to II; *n*= 13) than in healthy volunteers (*n*= 15). ", "These findings collectively show the oncogenic potential of CD40.", "\n\nSeveral preclinical studies from different laboratories have suggested that the CD40 signaling pathway plays a role in the modulation of chemosensitivity in breast cancer cells. ", "In one such study, Stumm and colleagues \\[[@B33]\\] reported that stimulation of the CD40 receptor inhibited paclitaxel-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cell lines. ", "Voorzanger-Rousselot and colleagues \\[[@B34]\\] showed that, in breast cancer cell lines, doxorubicin, cisplatin, etoposide, vinblastine, and paclitaxel increased apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner through a caspase-independent mechanism. ", "Co-culture with irradiated L cells expressing CD40L significantly reduced the percentage of apoptotic cells in breast cancer cell lines treated with these drugs. ", "These experimental data are consistent with our observation that the activation of the CD40 pathway in primary breast tumors is associated with an improved pathologic response to preoperative trastuzumab-plus-T/FEC chemotherapy.", "\n\nTo address the potential problem of the characteristics of our validation cohort not sufficiently matching those of the present study cohort, we examined the predictive performance of a previously developed 30-gene pharmacogenomic predictor of pCR which had also been validated in patients who received preoperative T/FAC alone, regardless of HER-2 status \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "The genomic predictor was less accurate in the trastuzumab-treated patients than in the patients of the validation cohort who did not receive trastuzumab. ", "However, the 30-gene predictor also performed well in the HER-2-positive subset of patients included in the original validation set. ", "This suggests that the loss of accuracy was due to the inclusion of a new drug, trastuzumab, rather than the application of the predictor to a particular subset of cases. ", "The lack of correlation between factors known to be predictive of pCR in preoperative chemotherapy trials, such as ER and Ki67, can be explained by the powerful effect of trastuzumab in patients with HER-2-overexpressing tumors.", "\n\nOur previous work identified alterations in protein levels and protein phosphorylation as important contributors to trastuzumab resistance *in vitro*\\[[@B35]\\]. ", "Potential mechanisms of trastuzumab resistance include loss of PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10) \\[[@B36]\\], cross-talk between the HER-2 and insulin-like growth factor-I receptor proteins \\[[@B37]\\], and downregulation of the p27^kip1^protein \\[[@B38]\\]. ", "Such protein level alterations cannot be directly measured by transcriptional analysis; hence, it is not surprising that these genes did not emerge as predictors from our microarray data set. ", "Protein level analysis of these clinical specimens has yet to be performed. ", "Indeed, it is possible that markers of trastuzumab resistance will be easier to identify at the protein level than at the mRNA expression level.", "\n\nIt is important to point out that, in this study, only 36% of patients (*n*= 16) had residual invasive breast cancer after 6 months of preoperative T/FEC-plus-trastuzumab therapy and that all of these patients had some clinical response to therapy. ", "Therefore, any analysis we can perform can only compare extreme sensitivity (that is, pCR) to lesser sensitivity (that is, clinical response but pathologic RD). ", "This may have limited our ability to identify transcriptional differences between these two response groups. ", "Also, sample size was limited by the availability of specimens, a challenge inherent in most optional correlative science studies. ", "As similar studies are published and more transcriptional data become publicly available, the option to perform pooled analyses may allow investigators to study larger data sets.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nIn summary, our findings indicate that certain clinical variables, including grade and ER status, and a pharmacogenomic predictor of pCR which has been proven accurate in the absence of trastuzumab are no longer accurate when trastuzumab is included in the treatment. ", "Our GSEA results suggest that a CD40 gene signature may be able to identify a subset of patients with HER-2-overexpressing breast cancer who are more likely to achieve pCR in response to trastuzumab-plus-T/FEC therapy.", "\n\nAbbreviations\n=============\n\nCEP17 = centromeric sequence of chromosome 17; CI = confidence interval; DFS = disease-free survival; ER = estrogen receptor; FDR = false discovery rate; FISH = fluorescence *in situ*hybridization; FNA = fine-needle aspiration; GSEA = gene set enrichment analysis; IHC = immunohistochemistry; NPV = negative predictive value; OS = overall survival; pCR = pathologic complete response; PR = progesterone receptor; RD = residual disease; T/FAC = paclitaxel followed by 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide; T/FEC = paclitaxel followed by 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nM. D. Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX, USA) has received clinical research funding to conduct clinical trials from Genentech, Inc. (South San Francisco, CA, USA), which is the manufacturer of trastuzumab (Herceptin). ", "The authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nFJE conceived of the study, participated in its design and coordination, and helped to draft the manuscript. ", "JW, FL, and KY performed the statistical analysis. ", "JAM and KA participated in the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of clinical data. ", "VV, AUB, GNH, WFS, and LP participated in the design and coordination of the study and helped to draft the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nThe authors thank Angelique Siy, of the Department of Scientific Publications at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, for editorial assistance. ", "This study was supported in part by the Ellence Foundation, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and the Nellie B. Connally Breast Cancer Research Fund.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFind maximum by day in Rails\n\nIn my application I have a model called Pdata which contains (amongst others) the columns pdc (integer) and timestamp. ", "pdc is a measurement value that is done every 5 minutes.", "\nMy question is:\nWhat is the best way to get the maximum pdc for each day? ", "\nThe result should be a list of the maximum pdc value and the timestamp (or Pdata.id).", "\nThanks a lot, Andreas\n\nA:\n\nYou can use combination of maximum and group. ", "You need to extract the date part of the timestamp and group on it. ", "The syntax for extracting the date can vary depending on the database, but give this a try:\nPdata.group(\"DATE(timestamp)\").maximum(:pdc)\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0005577729316428304, 0.0006417983095161617, 0.0006585633964277804, 0.0006010927027091384, 0.0005393883329816163, 0.0005448625888675451, 0.0005386531702242792 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates generally to an image searching system for finding an image that resembles a specified image from among images managed by the image searching system where the search criteria are determined from the specified image. ", "The present invention relates more specifically to an image searching system for finding an image based on a plurality of specified images.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nImages stored to a database for managing image data are typically stored with additional information that can be used to specify search conditions, including search keys, such as identifying keywords and image color keys, and image features, such as information on the shapes and colors appearing in the image. ", "Using this common type of image database, it is possible to search the stored images to find an image similar to a user-specified image.", "\nImage similarity in similar-image searching is determined based on such feature quantities as image shape, texture, and color. ", "More specifically, the user specifies an image in the image database that is similar to a desired image to be searched for. ", "Feature quantities are then extracted from the image selected by the user as the search key (referred to below as the “key image”), and the extracted feature quantities are then compared with the feature quantities registered in the image database. ", "Image similarity indicative of the similarity between the key image and a found image is then calculated. ", "Information on any stored image determined to resemble the key image based on this calculated image similarity is then returned as the search result.", "\nUsually there is only one key image selected by the user, and it is often impossible to find the one image sought by the user based on the feature quantities defined from a single key image. ", "Search accuracy is therefore often low. ", "This can happen, for example, when there are plural features in a single image and the user focuses on only one feature, that is, when the user's search criteria are narrower than the criteria that can be extracted from the key image, as well as when numerous search conditions are specified to broaden the range of the search.", "\nJapanese Patent Laid-Open Publication 7-65169 teaches one method proposing to solve this problem. ", "According to the taught method, a plurality of key images is specified, a specific area in each of the key images is selected, and the features to be used as search criteria are extracted from the selected areas. ", "The search is then conducted using these features from plural selected areas in plural images. ", "This method thus makes it possible to search for images having all of the features found in the specified areas of the plural key images. ", "In other words, this method enables the user to specify a wide range of search conditions based on plural images.", "\nThe drawback to said taught method is that the user is required to specify in each of the selected key images those features that are to be used for searching, and this task becomes increasingly difficult and time-consuming as the number of key images increases and the variety of selected features increases.", "\nThe present invention is therefore directed to an image searching system and an image searching method for reducing the user burden and improving search accuracy when a plurality of key images is specified and a desired image is searched for based on these selected key images.", "\nThe present invention is further directed to a recording medium for storing an image searching program embodying the image searching method of the present invention." ]
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[ 0.0009393597138114274, 0.0005703031783923507, 0.0005496785161085427, 0.0011863111285492778, 0.0005746525130234659, 0.0005708402022719383, 0.0005696320440620184, 0.0005842674872837961, 0.0005707485834136605, 0.0005593957030214369, 0.0005837122444063425, 0.0005844814004376531, 0.000651067472063005, 0.0006053667748346925, 0.000621733779553324, 0.0005544183659367263, 0.0005422550020739436, 0.0005764043307863176, 0.0005920668481849134, 0.0008106781751848757, 0.0006108978996053338, 0.0005601101438514888 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates generally to electronic circuits. ", "More particularly, the present invention relates to a method of arranging signal and destination pads in electronic circuits to provide multiple signal/destination connection configurations.", "\n2. ", "Disclosure Information\nIn electronic circuits, components are attached to a substrate and the inputs and outputs of the components are interconnected by wires or, more typically, circuit traces. ", "Circuit traces electrically connect an output terminal, or signal origination, of one component to an input terminal, or signal destination, of another component. ", "An individual circuit trace may consist of a single path having only one origination and one destination, or it may be branched so as to have multiple originations and/or destinations. ", "In either case, each end of a circuit trace usually terminates in a pad, to which a component input or output terminal is attached.", "\nWhen a circuit is designed, it is generally laid out such that each of the components may be oriented in only one way on the circuit substrate. ", "However, it may sometimes be desired to lay out a circuit such that one or more components may be oriented in more than one way, so that more than one configuration of signal/destination connections can be made using a single circuit trace layout. ", "This idea is illustrated in FIG. ", "1. ", "Here, a signal circuit trace 20 having two signal pads 21/22, and two destination circuit traces 30/35 each having one destination pad 31/36, respectively, have been laid out on a substrate 50. ", "The signal trace 20 is attached at one end to an output terminal (signal origination) of an electronic component, while the destination traces 30/35 are each attached to an input terminal (signal destination) of another component. ", "Although these components and their terminals are not shown, the signal originations are denoted by single-digit reference numerals 1, 2, 3, and so forth, and the signal destinations are denoted by reference letters A, B, C, and so forth.", "\nOnce the circuit traces 20/30/35 have been laid out on the substrate 50 as shown in FIG. ", "1, the circuit can then be populated with components. ", "At this point, the substrate populator has the option of attaching a jumper 10 (1) between signal pad 21 and destination pad 31, thereby connecting signal 1 with destination A, or (2) between signal pad 22 and destination pad 36 (as indicated by the dashed outline of a jumper 10), thereby connecting signal 1 with destination B. In either combination, a unique circuit is produced. ", "Thus it can be seen that a single circuit trace arrangement may be populated with jumpers 10 in more than one way so as to provide more than one signal/destination connection combination (hereinafter referred to as an \"SDCC\"). ", "This means that rather than producing two separate circuit trace arrangements--e.g., two unpopulated printed circuit boards (PCBs)--which have similar layouts except for a few signal/destination connections, it is possible to use the foregoing multiconfigurable pad arrangement to produce only one such circuit trace/PCB which has the possibility of producing either of two SDCCs. ", "In short, one circuit/PCB using the foregoing pad arrangement can take the place of two separate but similarly laid out circuits/PCBs.", "\nFIG. ", "1 illustrates a prior art attempt at providing more than one SDCC for one signal origination 1 and two potential destinations A/B. This arrangement offers two possible SDCCs: 1A (i.e., signal 1 to destination A) and 1B. FIG. ", "2 illustrates the prior art case for two signals 1/2 and two destinations A/B, which also provides two possible connection combinations: 1A/2B and 1B/2A. FIG. ", "3 illustrates an arrangement of three signals 1/2/3 and three destinations A/B/C, which once again offers two possible connection combinations: 1A/2B/3C and 1B/2C/3A.\nSeveral things should become apparent from the arrangements presented in FIGS. ", "1-3. ", "First, the layout of the signals and destinations may be re-arranged in many different ways to achieve the same result. ", "For example, FIG. ", "4 illustrates one of the many ways in which the three signals 1/2/3 and three destinations A/B/C of FIG. ", "3 may be re-arranged to produce the same two possible SDCCs as FIG. ", "3. ", "Second, the signals and destinations may be arranged so as to present different sets of two SDCCs. ", "To illustrate this, note that with three signals and three destinations, 3-factorial, or six, SDCCs are possible in all:\nI II III IV V VI 1A 1A 1B 1B 1C 1C 2B 2C 2A 2C 2A 2B 3C 3B 3C 3A 3B 3A\n(This assumes, of course, that each signal is connected to one and only one distinct destination, and vice versa.) ", "However, although three inputs and three outputs can be arranged in six different SDCCs, only two may be provided for according to the foregoing pad arrangement without adding additional pads. ", "FIG. ", "5 illustrates one way of arranging the same three signals 1/2/3 and destination pads A/B/C to provide two different SDCCs: 1B/2A/3C and 1C/2A/3B. Third, it should become apparent that the number of signals does not have to equal the number of destinations. ", "For example, FIG. ", "1 presents the case of one signal 1 and two destinations A/B. Fourth, note that an arrangement having n signals and at least n destinations requires the use of 4n pads. ", "Thus, in FIG. ", "1 where n=1, four pads are required. ", "In FIG. ", "2 where n=2, eight pads are needed, and in FIGS. ", "3-5 where n=3, twelve pads are needed.", "\nFurthermore, several assumptions underlie the prior art arrangements shown in FIGS. ", "1-5. ", "First, each signal origination and each signal destination may have multiple pads, but each signal must ultimately connect with one and only one signal destination, regardless of which particular pads are jumpered together; likewise, each signal destination must ultimately connect with one and only one signal origination. ", "Second, each signal pad may be connected to no more than one destination pad, and vice versa. ", "Third, each signal or destination pad can have no more than one jumper attached to it. ", "Fourth, jumpers may not cross one another.", "\nAnother prior art approach which is an improvement upon the aforementioned one signal-two destination arrangement of FIG. ", "1, and which also relies upon the assumptions discussed above, is illustrated in FIG. ", "6. ", "This approach differs from the one pictured in FIG. ", "1 in that (1) the two signal pads 21/22 and their associated branches have been combined to form only one signal pad 23 and one branch, and (2) the signal pad 23 has been interposed between the two destination pads 31/36. ", "This combination and interposition allows a jumper 10 to be placed either between signal 1 and destination A, as shown in FIG. ", "6, or between signal 1 and destination B, as represented by the dashed outline. ", "Thus, this improved approach allows the same connection combinations as allowed by FIG. ", "1, but with the added benefit of requiring only three pads rather than four, thereby taking up less space on the substrate 50.", "\nAlthough the foregoing prior art approaches are effective ways of arranging signal and destination pads so as to provide multiple SDCCs, they nonetheless suffer some serious drawbacks. ", "First, the methods illustrated in FIGS. ", "1-5 take up a lot of space on the substrate. ", "Second, these methods provide an undesirable dangling signal trace for each signal in either of the two possible connection combinations. ", "For example, when the jumpers are positioned as shown in FIG. ", "2, signal pads 22 and 27 and their associated branches form dangling signal traces for signals 1 and 2, respectively. ", "Likewise, when the alternate, dashed-line connections are made in FIG. ", "2, pads 21 and 26 and their associated branches form dangling traces. (", "The arrangements shown in FIGS. ", "3-5 also leave a dangling trace for each signal 1/2/3.) ", "These dangling traces may act as unwanted RF transmitters or receivers, thus interfering with the electrical function of elements within the circuit or with other circuits and equipment in the surrounding environment. ", "As for the approach shown in FIG. ", "6, dangling traces have been eliminated and the number of pads reduced, but its application has been limited to cases involving only one signal and two possible destinations.", "\nIt is desirable, therefore, to provide a way of arranging signal and destination pads on a substrate for multiple (i.e., two or more) signals and an equal or greater number of destinations so as to provide multiple SDCCs while eliminating dangling traces and reducing the overall number of pads required." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0009393597138114274, 0.0005940242554061115, 0.0005628327489830554, 0.0011863111285492778, 0.0005717670428566635, 0.0005967424367554486, 0.0006207488477230072, 0.0006237915949895978, 0.0005517406389117241, 0.0005547719774767756, 0.0006015849648974836, 0.0009393597138114274, 0.0005773819866590202, 0.000606143323238939, 0.0005850702291354537, 0.0005668324884027243, 0.0005590407527051866, 0.000585404341109097, 0.0005978388362564147, 0.0006588042015209794, 0.0005936382804065943, 0.0008293872233480215, 0.0005726838717237115, 0.000599802762735635, 0.0005352619336917996, 0.0008185972110368311, 0.0005497526726685464, 0.0007322907913476229, 0.0006774181965738535, 0.0006113685667514801, 0.0011741509661078453, 0.000568951538298279, 0.0005864045233465731, 0.0005739994812756777, 0.0008293872233480215, 0.0005872199544683099, 0.0007322907913476229, 0.0005876183276996017, 0.0007059725467115641, 0.0006723483093082905, 0.0006813941872678697, 0.0006074778502807021, 0.0006270117592066526, 0.0005859882803633809, 0.00081299664452672, 0.0005992944934405386, 0.0005989284836687148, 0.0006025627953931689, 0.0009591002017259598, 0.0006784862489439547, 0.0006190089043229818, 0.0012020888971164823, 0.0006494097178801894, 0.0005968929035589099, 0.0005666972137987614, 0.0005765787791460752, 0.0005701667978428304, 0.0006477496935985982, 0.0006056775455363095, 0.0006272125756368041, 0.0006238317582756281, 0.0005900455871596932, 0.0005985102034173906, 0.0005656759021803737, 0.0005837464705109596, 0.0005507770110853016, 0.000609122624155134, 0.0006029463256709278, 0.0006690249429084361, 0.000601871230173856, 0.0005637696012854576, 0.0005942646530456841 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNodejs on VPS only running on my network\n\nNodejs server which is installed on my VPS is accessible only on my network. ", "People from outside world cannot access it. ", "If its online, it should either be accessible all over the world or nowhere. ", "What to do?", "\nCode in my js file:\nvar app = require('express')();\nvar http = require('http').Server(app);\n\n// Also tried http.listen(3000, \"\", function(){\nhttp.listen(3000, function(){\n console.log('Server listening to port 3000');\n});\n\nA:\n\nMy bad adding the site's IP as the second parameter of listen function solved it.", "\nhttp.listen(3000, \"xx.xxx.xx.xxx\", function(){\n console.log('Server listening to port 3000');\n});\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0008540085982531309, 0.0007965883705765009, 0.0006606857059523463, 0.0012232915032655, 0.0007719325367361307, 0.0006852852529846132 ]
[ "The device can be of use for everyone - men, women, children and the elderly.", "\n\nWith sexual assault being on the rise, a company called ROAR for Good has dedicated themselves to preventing sexual assault through a product.", "\n\n‘Athena’ is a small round button that clips onto a belt or lapel.", "\n\nWhen this button is pressed, it emits a loud alarm and immediately texts the user’s location to their designated emergency contacts.", "\n\nIt contains a small low energy Bluetooth chip that works together with a smartphone in order for the text messaging system to work.", "\n\nThe alarm will sound off when activated unless the SilentROAR mode is activated.", "\n\nSilentROAR is designed to not trigger the alarm, but will still continue to transmit your location to your emergency contacts.", "\n\nThe idea is to allow users to alert their state of danger without cautioning the attacker. ", "It also acts as a preemptive measure if the user feels threatened.", "\n\nIt can also be worn as jewellery to be even more discreet, like a necklace, so that it is not just for the wrist.", "\n\nROAR for Good’s co-founder, Yasmine Mustafa explains: “We took a self defence class and found that the worst place to wear a safety device is on your wrist, because you only have one hand to activate it.”", "\n\nThe device is primarily marketed towards women, but it is also designed to be unisex and can be used for everyone – men, children and the elderly.", "\n\nIt is available in three colours: rose gold, antique silver and timeless black.", "\n\nThere are hopes to eventually add upgrades allowing victims of sexual assault to contact the police from the device, and to make it more discreet by inserting it directly into clothes.", "\n\nFind out more about Athena in this video:\n\nYasmine says the idea to create Athena came to her during a solo backpacking trip across South America.", "\n\nShe describes: “As amazing as the trip was… Literally everywhere I went, I would hear of a time where a woman was attacked.”", "\n\nWhen she returned from her trip, she also heard a nearby neighbour had been brutally beaten and sexually assaulted when she had gone outside to read her meter.", "\n\nYasmine continues: “When I heard the news story the next day, that’s when the idea for ROAR was born.”", "\n\nSexual assault has been an issue in society for as long as there have been people, but with the rise of social media, the dialogue has been re-opened and continues to be discussed.", "\n\nCriticisms of how women are taught ‘how not to be raped’ over teaching men ‘not to rape’ has been the loudest, and as a result, worrying statistics have come to light over the issue.", "\n\nAccording to the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention, 19.3 per cent of women and 1.7 per cent of men in the US have been raped during their lifetimes.", "\n\nOn the other side of the pond, Crowd Voice reports in 2013 that rape have increased by 35 per cent in India.", "\n\nIn 2014, it is found that 86 per cent of rapes involved an attacker that is known to the victim in India.", "\n\nThe Telegraph also conducted their own survey, revealing that one-third of female students in British universities have endured sexual assault or unwanted advances.", "\n\n31 per cent of women and 13 per cent of men claim to have experienced inappropriate touching or groping, while 34 per cent of women and 1 per cent of men have experienced some form of sexual assault or abuse.", "\n\nWith a device like Athena, it is hoped that potential victims can protect themselves from harm until law enforcement is available to them in those situations.", "\n\nROAR for Good also hopes to change the culture of assault through the means of education and empathy. ", "They plan to donate 10 per cent of its Indiegogo proceeds to the One Love Foundation.", "\n\nThis American foundation aims to educate high school and college students about relationship violence, as a means to prevent the attitudes and beliefs that allow a culture of violence to persist in our society.", "\n\nYasmine says: “The whole idea of educating young children on what constitutes a healthy relationship with the goal of not needing these devices one day.”", "\n\nOther products similar to Athena can be found on the market. ", "For example, the Safelet is a bracelet that allows users to alert friends, family and the police to where they are and that help is needed.", "\n\nThese types of innovations are also seen in apps, such as ‘bSafe’, which is a personal safety app designed to aid users who are concerned over their wellbeing whilst traveling.", "\n\nAfter the user registers as a primary contact, they can add an unlimited number of friends to your network. ", "The ‘Follow Me’ feature really helps as it allows friends to track the user’s journey to help them feel less alone.", "\n\nOther apps include ‘Circle of 6’ (localised for Delhi), ‘Hollaback’ and ‘Guardly’ which all have similar features, focusing on having a network and tracking your location.", "\n\nAthena is making waves, and although it is regrettable that we live in a world where this device is even needed, it is allowing users to take charge of their own safety.", "\n\nThrough empowerment, users no longer have to fear potential attackers around every corner.", "\n\nFatima is a Politics and Sociology graduate with a passion for writing. ", "She enjoys reading, gaming, music and film. ", "A proud nerd, her motto is: \"In life, you fall down seven times but get up eight. ", "Persevere and you’ll be successful.\"" ]
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[ "\n802 So.2d 1176 (2001)\nMichael Wayne CORN, Appellant,\nv.\nSusan D. BLACKMON f/k/a Susan D. Corn, Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "1D01-47.", "\nDistrict Court of Appeal of Florida, First District.", "\nDecember 19, 2001.", "\nMichael Wayne Corn, Pro Se.", "\nSusan D. Blackmon, Pro Se.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\nThe appellant in this dissolution of marriage action is a prisoner in the Florida Department of Corrections. ", "He requested that the trial court allow him the opportunity to appear by telephone at the final hearing. ", "The court entered an order by which the appellant's request was granted upon the condition that he make the appropriate *1177 arrangements and initiate the call. ", "Although the appellant had previously notified the court of his correct address at Union Correctional Institution, the order was mailed to the Santa Rosa County Jail. ", "The appellant made several subsequent requests to appear telephonically at the hearing, asserting that he had not received a ruling from the court on his prior motions. ", "The court notified the appellant at his correct address of the scheduled date for the final hearing but made no mention of the earlier order and did not address the pending requests to appear. ", "Because he had not received the court's order, the appellant did not make the necessary arrangements and did not appear at the hearing. ", "The court's final judgment of dissolution of marriage noted that the court had granted the appellant's motion to appear telephonically. ", "Upon receiving a copy of the final judgment, the appellant set forth the facts recited above in a motion for rehearing. ", "The motion for rehearing was denied without a hearing.", "\nThe appellant's due process right to participate in the final hearing was violated when the appellant was not notified prior to the final hearing of the court's order granting the motion to participate by telephone. ", "See, e.g., Days v. Days, 655 So.2d 1302 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995). ", "The final judgment is therefore reversed and this case is remanded.", "\nALLEN, C.J., MINER and DAVIS, JJ., ", "concur.", "\n" ]
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[ "Windows Web Hosting Plans\n\nWindows Web Hosting Plans\n\nWINDOWS WEB HOSTING OPTIONS\n\nWindows is the most well-known operating system available in the world today. ", "This often speeds development time for those familiar with Microsoft’s vast array of applications, such as MS SQL. ", "Windows also offers full support for the ASP.NET programming language. ", "Simply choose the best plan to suit your needs.", "\n\nWe provide Windows web hosting plans for businesses of all sizes and have the expertise to ensure that you have all the features you need. ", "From 2GB of storage to unlimited storage, one email account to 60 accounts, we have plans to suit businesses and organisations of every size." ]
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-108, -149, -184, -207, -212, -193?", "\n-144\nWhat comes next: 762, 1370, 1828, 2136, 2294?", "\n2302\nWhat comes next: -299, -576, -815, -1004, -1131, -1184, -1151, -1020?", "\n-779\nWhat is the next term in -263, -620, -977, -1334, -1691?", "\n-2048\nWhat comes next: -5599, -11200, -16803, -22408, -28015, -33624, -39235?", "\n-44848\nWhat is next in -485, 125, 1133, 2533, 4319, 6485, 9025?", "\n11933\nWhat comes next: 23061, 92233, 207519, 368919, 576433?", "\n830061\nWhat is the next term in 14997, 29984, 44975, 59970, 74969?", "\n89972\nWhat comes next: 465, 402, 339, 276, 213?", "\n150\nWhat is next in 563, 1005, 1443, 1877, 2307?", "\n2733\nWhat comes next: -87813, -87814, -87815?", "\n-87816\nWhat comes next: 76415, 76403, 76389, 76373, 76355, 76335?", "\n76313\nWhat is the next term in 10606, 21754, 32894, 44020, 55126?", "\n66206\nWhat is next in 129, 47, -41, -135, -235, -341?", "\n-453\nWhat is the next term in -394, -797, -1190, -1567, -1922?", "\n-2249\nWhat comes next: 5049, 5047, 5045?", "\n5043\nWhat is the next term in 8, 167, 390, 671, 1004, 1383, 1802, 2255?", "\n2736\nWhat is the next term in -116224, -232442, -348660, -464878?", "\n-581096\nWhat is next in 5372, 5372, 5376, 5384, 5396, 5412, 5432?", "\n5456\nWhat is the next term in 17464, 69672, 156686, 278506, 435132?", "\n626564\nWhat is next in -35, -248, -725, -1568, -2879, -4760, -7313?", "\n-10640\nWhat is next in -2024, -2022, -2020?", "\n-2018\nWhat is the next term in -6597, -13178, -19759, -26340, -32921, -39502?", "\n-46083\nWhat comes next: -53, -74, -181, -416, -821, -1438?", "\n-2309\nWhat is the next term in -211951, -211949, -211947, -211945, -211943?", "\n-211941\nWhat is the next term in -418, -464, -500, -526?", "\n-542\nWhat comes next: 15, 4, 17, 66, 163, 320, 549?", "\n862\nWhat is the next term in 29833, 59674, 89515, 119356, 149197?", "\n179038\nWhat is the next term in -326341, -326353, -326365, -326377, -326389, -326401?", "\n-326413\nWhat comes next: 39989, 39991, 39997, 40007, 40021?", "\n40039\nWhat comes next: 5, -13, -47, -109, -211, -365, -583, -877?", "\n-1259\nWhat is the next term in -46, -79, -68, 11, 182?", "\n469\nWhat comes next: 5048, 4923, 4798?", "\n4673\nWhat comes next: -4527, -4423, -4243, -3981, -3631, -3187, -2643?", "\n-1993\nWhat is next in -3545, -7124, -10723, -14342?", "\n-17981\nWhat comes next: -7543, -7739, -7935, -8131?", "\n-8327\nWhat is the next term in 141, -15, -161, -291, -399, -479, -525, -531?", "\n-491\nWhat comes next: -380, -994, -1588, -2150, -2668, -3130, -3524?", "\n-3838\nWhat is next in 1792, 3675, 5556, 7435?", "\n9312\nWhat is the next term in 172, 964, 2284, 4132, 6508, 9412, 12844?", "\n16804\nWhat comes next: -234, -493, -772, -1071, -1390?", "\n-1729\nWhat is the next term in 17066, 17068, 17070, 17072, 17074?", "\n17076\nWhat is the next term in -572321, -572322, -572323, -572324, -572325, -572326?", "\n-572327\nWhat comes next: -15828, -31617, -47384, -63135, -78876, -94613, -110352?", "\n-126099\nWhat is the next term in 835, 1671, 2507, 3343?", "\n4179\nWhat is the next term in 28, -4, -58, -134?", "\n-232\nWhat comes next: -70, -456, -1460, -3376, -6498, -11120, -17536, -26040?", "\n-36926\nWhat is the next term in 872, 1746, 2620?", "\n3494\nWhat comes next: 6564, 6611, 6658, 6705, 6752?", "\n6799\nWhat is the next term in 3, -47, -143, -297, -521?", "\n-827\nWhat is the next term in -205, -335, -371, -307, -137, 145, 545?", "\n1069\nWhat comes next: -1257, -5024, -11303, -20094?", "\n-31397\nWhat is next in -9663, -9674, -9691, -9714, -9743, -9778?", "\n-9819\nWhat is the next term in 36, -164, -364, -564?", "\n-764\nWhat comes next: -52, -52, -10, 74, 200?", "\n368\nWhat is next in 682, 1030, 1386, 1750, 2122, 2502, 2890?", "\n3286\nWhat is next in -1544243, -3088485, -4632727, -6176969, -7721211, -9265453?", "\n-10809695\nWhat is next in -529, -526, -523, -520, -517, -514?", "\n-511\nWhat is next in -335064, -335057, -335048, -335037?", "\n-335024\nWhat comes next: -120, -224, -338, -462?", "\n-596\nWhat is the next term in 52809, 52817, 52825, 52833?", "\n52841\nWhat comes next: 628, 1351, 2168, 3085, 4108, 5243?", "\n6496\nWhat is next in -78598, -78600, -78602, -78604, -78606?", "\n-78608\nWhat is the next term in -6348, -6361, -6380, -6405, -6436, -6473, -6516?", "\n-6565\nWhat comes next: 59, 130, 231, 374, 571?", "\n834\nWhat is the next term in -74086, -74067, -74046, -74023?", "\n-73998\nWhat comes next: 2242681, 4485361, 6728039, 8970715?", "\n11213389\nWhat is next in 1031, 1112, 1193, 1274?", "\n1355\nWhat comes next: -240, -232, -222, -210, -196?", "\n-180\nWhat comes next: -11715, -11717, -11719, -11721, -11723?", "\n-11725\nWhat is next in -1989, -3974, -5959, -7944, -9929, -11914?", "\n-13899\nWhat is the next term in -6814, -6799, -6782, -6763, -6742?", "\n-6719\nWhat comes next: 175437, 175438, 175439?", "\n175440\nWhat is next in -182, -614, -1302, -2228, -3374, -4722?", "\n-6254\nWhat is the next term in -2191, -8720, -19587, -34792, -54335, -78216, -106435?", "\n-138992\nWhat is next in 25787, 25834, 25881, 25928?", "\n25975\nWhat comes next: 47250, 47257, 47268, 47283, 47302?", "\n47325\nWhat comes next: -206, -493, -774, -1049, -1318, -1581, -1838?", "\n-2089\nWhat is next in 507, 1226, 2161, 3312, 4679, 6262, 8061?", "\n10076\nWhat is the next term in 563, 1125, 1687, 2249, 2811?", "\n3373\nWhat is the next term in 10161, 10850, 11999, 13608, 15677, 18206, 21195?", "\n24644\nWhat is next in -1018813, -1018814, -1018815, -1018816, -1018817?", "\n-1018818\nWhat is the next term in -1351, -1717, -2079, -2437, -2791?", "\n-3141\nWhat comes next: 19067, 19074, 19099, 19148, 19227, 19342, 19499?", "\n19704\nWhat is the next term in -6830, -54779, -184940, -438419, -856322, -1479755, -2349824, -3507635?", "\n-4994294\nWhat is next in 179700, 179714, 179728, 179742, 179756, 179770?", "\n179784\nWhat is next in -317, -1272, -3871, -8936, -17289, -29752, -47147?", "\n-70296\nWhat is next in -12770, 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next in -161, -315, -423, -461, -405, -231?", "\n85\nWhat comes next: -200683, -401362, -602041, -802720, -1003399, -1204078?", "\n-1404757\nWhat is next in 466, 465, 464?", "\n463\nWhat is the next term in -3756, -4945, -6136, -7329?", "\n-8524\nWhat is the next term in 278755, 278750, 278723, 278662, 278555, 278390?", "\n278155\nWhat is next in 37, -31, -311, -905, -1915, -3443?", "\n-5591\nWhat comes next: 24311, 97225, 218739, 388847, 607543, 874821?", "\n1190675\nWhat is the next term in 6235, 6238, 6235, 6220, 6187?", "\n6130\nWhat is next in 446, -99, -648, -1201, -1758, -2319?", "\n-2884\nWhat is the next term in -403, -409, -413, -415, -415, -413, -409?", "\n-403\nWhat comes next: -6301, -25272, -56907, -101206, -158169, -227796, -310087?", "\n-405042\nWhat comes next: -251223, -502453, -753683, -1004913, -1256143, -1507373?", "\n-1758603\nWhat comes next: -10930, -10920, -10904, -10882, -10854, -10820?", "\n-10780\nWhat comes next: 5306, 10564, 15822, 21080?", "\n26338\nWh" 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[ "The value of reasons for encounter in early detection of colorectal cancer.", "\nSymptoms with a high predictive power for colorectal cancer (CRC) do not exist. ", "To explore the predictive value of patients' reason for encounter (RFE) in the two years prior to the diagnosis of CRC. ", "A retrospective nested case-control study using prospectively collected data from electronic records in general practice over 20 years. ", "Matching was done based on age (within two years), gender and practice. ", "The positive likelihood ratios (LR+) and odds ratios (OR) were calculated for RFE between cases and controls in the two years before the index date. ", "We identified 184 CRC cases and matched 366 controls. ", "Six RFEs had significant LR + and ORs for CRC, which may have high predictive power. ", "These RFEs are part of four chapters in the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) that include tiredness (significant at 3-6 months prior to the diagnosis; LR+ 2.6 and OR 3.07; and from 0 to 3 months prior to the diagnosis; LR+ 2.0 and OR 2.36), anaemia (significant at three months before diagnosis; LR+ 9.8 and OR 16.54), abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and constipation (significant at 3-6 months before diagnosis; LR+ 3.0 and OR 3.33; 3 months prior to the diagnosis LR+ 8.0 and OR 18.10) and weight loss (significant at three months before diagnosis; LR+ 14.9 and OR 14.53). ", "Data capture and organization in ICPC permits study of the predictive value of RFE for CRC in primary care." ]
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[ 0.00142705871257931, 0.0015675014583393931, 0.00053954723989591, 0.0005580324213951826, 0.0005671686376444995, 0.0005695902509614825, 0.0005870347376912832, 0.000622195890173316, 0.0007082471274770796, 0.0005571722285822034 ]
[ "America's Public Power: Efficient & Green\n\nSustainability and Conservation - Watchwords for the Public Power Industry\n\nSteve Stackhouse-Kaelble (Dec/Jan 08)\n\n(page 3 of 3)\n\nEditors Picks\n\nRelated Resources\n\nWin-Win SituationIt's easy to see how customers benefit from energy-efficiency initiatives, and how the environment wins when businesses and homes use less power and obtain more of it from green sources. ", "But isn't it a bit counterintuitive for utilities to work so hard to get customers to use less of their product?", "\n\nOn the contrary, says Adkinson, it's a winning situation for all parties: \"This helps the utility by offsetting for the need for future generation, reduces emissions, and saves our customers on their energy costs.\"", "\n\n\"We do have capacity needs going out into the future,\" says Shepherd. \"", "For part of those capacity needs, we're hoping to fill them with energy conservation instead.\"", "\n\nIndeed, creating new power generation operations is incredibly expensive. ", "If the need for new plants can be delayed or even eliminated, the savings are great enough to make it worth spending some cash on demand-side reduction.", "\n\nWhat's more, Shepherd adds, it's a good thing to do for customer satisfaction. \"", "You don't want customers having higher bills and complaining.\"", "\n\nPublic Power BenefitsThat kind of customer-focused attitude is prevalent in the public power business. ", "That's because the customers are, essentially, also the owners. ", "And that's one of the things that makes a business location in a public power community so attractive.", "\n\n\"Public power communities are great in that you have a say-so in local policymaking,\" says Shepherd. \"", "That's where the decisions are made. ", "The customer has a lot more input.\"", "\n\n• Public power providers don't have shareholders to serve, Christianson points out, because they're owned by governmental entities. \"", "We don't have to worry about making a profit for shareholders,\" he says. \"", "Public power profits are reinvested in our system to ensure supply and reliability for our future customer growth. ", "Dividends are returned to our customer-owners in the form of low rates.\"", "\n\n• Public utilities often offer more than just electricity. \"", "We provide electricity, natural gas, water, wastewater, and telecommunication services,\" Shepherd says. \"", "We can offer businesses a package of services that can help them grow.\"", "\n\n• Public power is more affordable. ", "According to the American Public Power Association (APPA), residential rates in communities served by private utilities are on average more than 10 percent higher than they are in public power communities.", "\n\n• Public utilities are strong boosters of their communities. ", "Public power systems provide state and local payments-in-lieu-of-taxes and other support that on average are worth 15 percent more than the state and local taxes paid by private power companies. ", "And they've heavily involved in economic development efforts.", "\n\n• Public power is reliable. ", "Management and maintenance personnel are all local, so if there's a problem, they're right there to fix it promptly. ", "Lots of people have heard about \"rolling blackouts\" when the power supply gets tight in California. ", "Not in communities like Riverside, Shepherd says: \"During rolling blackouts, Riverside didn't black out once.\"", "\n\n• Customer service tends to be attentive, again because employees and management are locals. ", "In Omaha, Christianson notes that OPPD has been honored by quality gurus J.D. Power and Associates six years in a row for outstanding customer service.", "\n\nWhat's more, public power utilities often serve relatively small territories, and as Boatright in Westerville, Ohio, points out, small can be a good thing. \"", "With only 13 square miles of service territory, the city's consumer-owned utility provides excellent service response 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year.\"", "\n\nFor more information about the benefits of public power, contact the American Public Power Association at 202-467-2900 or visit www.appanet.org." ]
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[ 0.0005898077506572008, 0.0007500770152546465, 0.000696253206115216, 0.0007801837637089193, 0.0005361884832382202, 0.0008815439068712294, 0.0005890908651053905, 0.000580573221668601, 0.0074610356241464615, 0.000661337748169899, 0.0007618363597430289, 0.000695408321917057, 0.0006035701371729374, 0.0006351080373860896, 0.0005554190720431507, 0.0005978759145364165, 0.0007240207633003592, 0.0005821979139000177, 0.0007187459268607199, 0.0005380759248510003, 0.0005855474737472832, 0.0005350199062377214, 0.0006221828516572714, 0.0006111565162427723, 0.000540593289770186, 0.0006345528527162969, 0.0005421160021796823, 0.0006847303011454642, 0.000598835467826575, 0.0007126283599063754, 0.0007560062222182751, 0.0005593221285380423, 0.0005613043322227895, 0.0005530191701836884, 0.000574585166759789, 0.000555661041289568 ]
[ "Psacothea hilaris\n\nThe Yellow spotted longicorn beetle (Psacothea hilaris) is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. ", "It was described by Francis Polkinghorne Pascoe in 1857. ", "It is known from North Korea, China and Japan. ", "It has been introduced to Italy.", "\n\nSubspecies\n Psacothea hilaris botelensis Ohbayashi & Ohbayashi, 1965\n Psacothea hilaris hilaris (Pascoe, 1857)\n Psacothea hilaris insularis Hayashi, 1957\n Psacothea hilaris intermedia Breuning & Ohbayashi, 1966\n Psacothea hilaris iriomotensis Hayashi, 1969\n Psacothea hilaris ishigakiana Ohbayashi & Ohbayashi, 1956\n Psacothea hilaris macronotata Hayashi, 1956\n Psacothea hilaris maculata Breuning, 1954\n Psacothea hilaris miyakejimana Matsushita, 1937\n Psacothea hilaris miyakoana Ohbayashi & Ohbayashi, 1956\n Psacothea hilaris tenebrosa Matsushita, 1933\n Psacothea hilaris yonaguniana Ohbayashi & Ohbayashi, 1956\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Lamiinae\nCategory:Beetles described in 1857" ]
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[ 0.00541630107909441, 0.0006470913649536669, 0.0008437623619101942, 0.0006042481982149184, 0.001353110303170979 ]
[ "Blog\n\nInnovation in Identity Governance & Administration: 2018 Predictions\n\nGal HelemskiMay 01, 2018\n\nEnterprises with a successful data governance model have a significant competitive advantage. ", "As the ability to manage, control, analyze, and interpret data becomes increasingly crucial in driving business-decision making, the future success of an enterprise may well depend on it.", "\n\nAn IGA (Identity Governance & Administration) solution is the key to ensuring IAM process integrate fully with business processes, and is essential in allowing organizations to utilize their data to maximize profits and improve ROI.", "\n\nUnderstanding the IGA Approach\n\nAn umbrella term, IGA touches upon all aspects of an enterprise: it includes the technical side and the more business-oriented side, as well as covering legal and regulatory perspectives – e.g., audit and compliance requirements.", "\n\nIGA may be confused with IAM (Information and Access Management). ", "However, they are not the same. ", "IAM refers to the technology used in managing identities and access privileges. ", "IGA, in contrast, focuses first on the people and the business processes – emphasizing these aspects rather than on technology per se.", "\n\nRoadmap to Success\n\nSo is there a secret sauce to creating an IGA solution that does everything you need it to do? ", "There are certainly “dos and don’ts.” ", "Best practices in implementing IGA involves, at the outset, buy-in at the highest levels to the basic concepts of data governance.", "\n\nAs outlined in this article about IGA specifically in academic settings, “buy-in” means investment in a roadmap: defining transparency expectations; choosing data trustees; determining a high-level development process; finding the right technologies.", "\n\nEstablishing clear principles of operation is key – creating a basis of expectations for both the business side and the tech side, and a system to resolve conflicts that arise.", "\n\nReaching the Finish Line\n\nIGA is integrated only by large organizations. ", "In fact, it primarily applies to enterprises with over 2,500 users – though some organizations have 700 users.", "\n\nThere’s a good reason smaller organizations aren’t opting in: Substantial CapEx and OpEx are involved: in setting up a solution, hiring the necessary services, and maintaining the system. ", "Because the cost is high, defining a roadmap “up front” is crucial – allowing an organization to assess the cost.", "\n\nCareful definition also avoids a mismatch between an IGA solution and the enterprise’ business needs. ", "It is typical for problems to arise, for example, when an enterprise approaches IGA as a technology project, rather than as a form of business transformation. ", "Initial guidelines force consideration of all aspects of the process.", "\n\nLooking to the Cloud\n\nLooking to the future, Gartner’s latest 2017 Access Management Magic Quadrant points out some of the trends to consider when looking at vendors. ", "For example, you may prefer a vendor who is building out cloud-delivered IGA and adding SaaS connectors for on-premise solutions – providing new options that enhance control in an era of growing proliferation of identities, resources, and data.", "\n\nThere are functional differences, and trade-offs between traditional, on-premise IGA and IGA delivered as a service. ", "It’s important to know what you are getting with each option. ", "IGA in the cloud and IGA hosted in the cloud, each has its advantages and disadvantages.", "\n\nIt is essential that IAM professionals gain the necessary understanding of the differences between the platforms, understanding what each solution can and cannot do – and convey the benefits of each solution to business leaders within the organization.", "\n\nThe Power of Analytics\n\nIGA of the future will place a greater focus on analytics capabilities. ", "This is because solutions that apply analytics in establishing identity management policies offer on-demand visibility to identity audit reporting with comprehensive identity intelligence.", "\n\nThis capability grants Risk & Compliance officers complete visibility into what exists, the logic behind decisions, and how it works in real time.", "\n\nUser and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) are being integrated by some vendors and are important in facilitating more intelligent, real-time response – evaluating user behavior, providing input to governance (such as when access is used), and spotting anomalous usage. ", "This is exactly the kind of data that business users want to see. ", "According to Gartner, enterprises are looking for IGA tools that integrate advanced analytics – that support risk analysis and fine-grained SoD (separation of duties) analysis, providing a more comprehensive level of insight.", "\n\nHow Authorizations are Determined: RBAC, ABAC and PBAC\n\nAnother growing trend in IGA relates to the fundamental question of user authorizations. ", "Traditional approaches to authorization were focused on RBAC, as a means of limiting access to data only to those who need it.", "\n\nBut as organizations increase adoption of cloud-based technologies and security becomes complicated by the growth of BYOD, IoT, SaaS, IaaS, and mobile – and as features like analytics and UEBA are implemented – RBAC and ABAC are being replaced by PBAC, a more dynamic and fine-grained approach that provides greater control. (", "See our recent post about IT complexity, and its impact on IAM.)", "\n\nPBAC changes the way policies are created and audited, utilizing context-based security policies to allow greater flexibility of definition. ", "By implementing better policy management capabilities, enterprises can streamline administrative processes, saving time and money – by using connections among groupings of people with comparable entitlements and dramatically reducing the number of definitions required\n\nThe more fine-tuned IGA of the future depends on having this degree of automated control, access restriction, and security – helping enterprises manage identity and access life cycles across multiple systems within a complex IT landscape while leading to increased business productivity and lower ongoing expenses of user administration.", "\n\nBottom Line: IGA is the Best Approach to IAM\n\nFrom a technical vantage point, IGA provides a unified management portal that offers delegated account management and provisioning while maximizing security – creating a smooth interface between IT and business priorities.", "\n\nDevelopment of an IGA solution successfully requires an investment of time, thought, and discussion, and the determination of precisely what is needed to create a solution that effectively facilitates the business transformation of an organization. ", "Business leaders can take IGA to the next level with PBAC, giving them the required flexibility and comprehensive view they need to manage policies." ]
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[ "In the initial language analysis, OCaml did well in most areas except for diagnostics (which turned out to have an easy solution) and shared libraries / binary compatibility. ", "Now it’s time to look for a solution to that.", "\n\nTable of Contents\n\nIntroduction\n\n0install 2.3 was released last week with an (optional) OCaml front-end. ", "This code can handle the startup-time-critical operations of running applications and generating shell tab-completions by itself, and will fall back to the Python version for any other case.", "\n\nConverting the Python to OCaml was mostly straight-forward. ", "The only difficulty was getting access to the SHGetFolderPath function on Windows. ", "The standard library doesn’t include this function, so I had to write a wrapper for it in C, and use the OCaml pre-processor to make the OCaml use my wrapper only on Windows.", "\n\nHowever this OCaml front-end means we now have some duplicated code, which must be kept in sync and creates extra opportunities for bugs. ", "So the next step is to eliminate the duplicated Python code and use the OCaml in all cases. ", "This means that the OCaml part of 0install will no longer be optional, which in turn means that it has to work for everyone.", "\n\nThere are three ways people end up running the 0install code:\n\nThey install the zeroinstall-injector package from their distribution.", "\n\npackage from their distribution. ", "They install manually using a generic tarball or Windows installer from 0install.net.", "\n\nThey run a tool (e.g. 0compile) that depends on 0install (and will often require a newer version than was provided by their distribution).", "\n\nThis last case may seem a little confusing. ", "The user is using their local (probably distribution-provided) 0install to run 0compile with its libraries, one of which happens to be another version of 0install.", "\n\nDistribution packages\n\nDistribution packages are the simplest from a binary-compatibility point of view. ", "Each distribution runs a build farm, which builds separate binary packages for each supported architecture. ", "Even here, compatibility can be an issue however. ", "For example, if someone hits a bug in the version of 0install in the stable/LTS version of the distribution, we often tell them to try the package from a newer release.", "\n\nOCaml provides two options when compiling:\n\nocamlc compiles to bytecode.", "\n\ncompiles to bytecode. ", "ocamlopt compiles to native platform-specific code. ", "This is not available on all platforms.", "\n\nThe Debian OCaml packaging guide says that “The bytecode versions are portable. ", "In order to spare the buildds and the Debian archive, bytecode versions should be compiled once for all for big packages (which either take a lot of place on disks or take a lot of time to build).”", "\n\nHowever, this turned out not to be the case. ", "Packages compiled on 64-bit systems didn’t install on 32-bit systems. ", "I had to change the Debian source package to build a different binary for each architecture (and since I had to do that anyway, I also changed it to compile to native code where possible, since that’s slightly faster and more portable between distribution releases).", "\n\nUpstream packages\n\nFor making upstream packages, we don’t have the ability to build (or test) native binaries for multiple platforms. ", "It would be far more convenient to release a single package containing bytecode and have it work everywhere, the way we currently do with the Python. ", "However, there are some problems to solve here:\n\nThe 64-bit issue which affected the Debian packages, as noted above.", "\n\nOCaml bytecode compiled on Linux doesn’t run on Windows.", "\n\nEven backwards compatible changes to OCaml libraries prevent bytecode from linking (see next section). ", "This includes e.g. OCaml adding a new function to its standard library.", "\n\nI tried to reproduce the 64-bit issue by building the bytecode on a 32-bit Ubuntu Raring VM and then running it on a 64-bit Arch Linux system. ", "It worked fine. ", "So, I’m going to assume for now that this is an unnecessary incompatibility introduced by Debian’s OCaml packaging system, and not a genuine problem with the bytecode.", "\n\nOCaml library compatibility\n\nTo understand how OCaml checks bytecode compatibility, let’s look at a simple example (based on the one in Enforcing type-safe linking using package dependencies):\n\nSay you have a library providing a function:\n\nlib.ml 1 let inc x = x + 1\n\nYou can compile it to bytecode like this, getting a lib.cmo file:\n\n$ ocamlc -c lib.ml\n\nYou can compile a program using the library in the same way (note that module names are capitalised in OCaml code):\n\nprog.ml 1 Printf . ", "printf \"Result: %d\n\n\" ( Lib . ", "inc 5 )\n\n$ ocamlc -c prog.ml\n\nThen you can link them together and run like this:\n\n$ ocamlc -o prog lib.cmo prog.cmo $ ./prog Result: 6\n\nIf you change the implementation of the function, it still works:\n\nlib.ml 1 let inc x = x + 100\n\n$ ocamlc -c lib.ml $ ocamlc -o prog lib.cmo prog.cmo $ ./prog Result: 105\n\nBut, if you add a new function to the library then it breaks:\n\nlib.ml 1 2 let inc x = x + 1 let dec x = x - 1\n\n$ ocamlc -c lib.ml $ ocamlc -o prog lib.cmo prog.cmo File \"_none_\", line 1: Error: Files prog.cmo and lib.cmo make inconsistent assumptions over interface Lib\n\nThe reason is that OCaml calculates a hash over the module’s signature. ", "You can see a .cmo file’s dependencies (with their hashes) like this:\n\n$ ocamlobjinfo prog.cmo File prog.cmo Unit name: Prog Interfaces imported: 265928798c0b8a63fa48cf9ac202f0ce Int32 10fca44c912c9342cf3d611984d42e34 Printf 3f6c994721573c9f8b5411e6824249f4 Buffer ad977b422bbde52cd6cd3b9d04d71db1 Obj 5c4b312910d7250e3a67621b317619f0 Prog 4836c254f0eacad92fbf67abc525fdda Pervasives 8ce323e7f6c1a7ba1b604d93cde0af3d Lib Uses unsafe features: no Force link: no\n\nThe hash for “Lib” covers the “inc” and “dec” functions together and OCaml refuses to link prog with the new library, even though all the functions it needs are still there, unchanged.", "\n\nAt first, I thought we could just disable the hash checks and use some cleverer tools to check that libraries remained backwards compatible. ", "However, OCaml doesn’t use symbol names to find functions in OCaml libraries. ", "A module is just an array of values (the inc and dec closures in this case) and prog locates the function it wants by index. ", "Here’s prog and its compiled bytecode (comments added by me):\n\nprog.ml 1 Printf . ", "printf \"Result: %d\n\n\" ( Lib . ", "inc 5 )\n\n$ dumpobj prog.cmo ## start of ocaml dump of \"prog.cmo\" 0 CONSTINT 5 2 PUSHGETGLOBALFIELD Lib, 0 (* Lib[0] = Lib.inc *) 5 APPLY1 (* Call inc with 1 argument *) 6 PUSHGETGLOBAL \"Result: %d\n\n\" 8 PUSHGETGLOBALFIELD Printf, 1 (* Printf[1] = Printf.printf *) 11 APPLY2 (* Call printf with 2 arguments *) 12 ATOM0 (* The empty array *) 13 SETGLOBAL Prog (* Prog = [] *) ## end of ocaml dump of \"prog.cmo\"\n\nSo, it’s as if we’d written:\n\nprog.ml 1 Printf . [", "1] \" Result : % d \\ n \" (Lib.[0] 5)\n\nTherefore, OCaml cannot cope with any change to the signature of a library. ", "For example, if the inc and dec functions are switched around so that dec is defined first, prog will then call the dec function instead. ", "The hashes allow OCaml to detect such changes and refuse to run the bytecode.", "\n\nTo allow dynamic linking, there are several options:\n\nDisable the hash checks and then ensure that we never make a backwards incompatible change (e.g. we only add new methods at the end of a module, never change signatures, etc). ", "That would require a bit of care, and it wouldn’t help with changes to libraries we don’t control.", "\n\nExport a series of submodules: ZeroInstall.", "APIv1, ZeroInstall.", "APIv2, etc. ", "Then we only ever create new modules; we never change existing ones. ", "That works with OCaml’s existing hash scheme, but it also doesn’t support third-party libraries (e.g. Libxmlm and the standard library).", "\n\nWrite a front-end for ocamlrun that dynamically compiles and caches everything on demand. ", "That’s rather inefficient for users, though, and requires installing a complete development environment everywhere. ", "Also, it may make the first run of an upgraded program very slow, with potentially no way to display a progress indicator.", "\n\nMake the compiler add a map of symbol names to each module and use that for dynamic linking, based on the Dynlink module module. ", "That would be the most useful, but also the most difficult to implement. ", "You’d also need extra code to handle extensions to class interfaces, new tags in variant types, etc. ", "Not impossible (languages like Java and C# do this well), but not simple either.", "\n\nFor now, we can just statically link all bytecode (which OCaml does by default) and build all libraries from source on the build system. ", "That’s not a long-term solution, because every time we made a new release of 0install we’d have to make new releases of all the tools that depend on it (0compile, 0test, 0release, etc). ", "But we’re not yet trying to provide an OCaml API to other tools, just a portable OCaml binary. ", "We won’t get automatic updates to the libraries we use (e.g. Xmlm and Yojson), but we can probably live with that for now.", "\n\nWindows / Linux compatibility\n\nThe cause of the Windows / Linux incompatibility is the “Unix” module in the standard library. ", "Despite the name, this includes general-purpose operating system functions such as rename , create_process , etc, and is used on Windows too.", "\n\nHowever, there are actually two separate unix.ml modules in the OCaml source: ./otherlibs/unix/unix.ml and ./otherlibs/win32unix/unix.ml . ", "When you compile OCaml bytecode, it will statically link one of these versions, which means that the generated bytecode will support only the platform on which it was built.", "\n\nIn the short-term, we could create separate binaries of 0install for Windows and Linux. ", "However, that makes the release process more complicated and error-prone. ", "And if we provide an OCaml API to other tools, everyone developing tools would need to produce separate binaries too.", "\n\nThe two modules implement the same interface (i.e. they have the same hash), so code compiled for one would work with the other if it could find it. ", "I experimented with several approaches here:\n\nStatically-linking both versions\n\nMy first attempt was to make a single module that contained code to support both Windows and Linux. ", "The most natural thing to do here would be to create a class type (interface) with two implementing classes. ", "However, the Unix interface is a module, not a class, and I wanted it to be compatible with existing code. ", "Asking on the Ocaml Beginners group, Gabriel Scherer recommended the first-class modules extension, which allows treating modules as values (it’s called an “extension”, but it’s supported by the standard compiler). ", "So here’s my first attempt, which defines RealUnix and Win32 submodules and then sets Unix to the correct one at runtime ( Posix contains the current Unix API):\n\nportable_unix.ml 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 module type Posix = module type of Posix module RealUnix : Posix = struct [ contents of unix / unix . ", "ml ] end module Win32 : module type of Posix = struct [ contents of win32unix / unix . ", "ml ] end module Unix = ( val match Sys . ", "os_type with | \"Win32\" -> ( module Win32 : Posix ) | _ -> ( module RealUnix : Posix ) );;\n\nOne problem with this is that it needs to link against all the C symbols for both versions, so you need to provide stubs for win_waitpid on Unix and for unix_waitpid on Windows, etc. ", "Only the OCaml code is linked statically into the executable; C libraries are resolved dynamically on the target platform. ", "Turns out, there are quite a lot of stub symbols to define. ", "For testing, I just hacked it to stop complaining about missing C primitives.", "\n\nIt almost worked, expect that I got a strange error on Windows trying to resolve the hostname “” (which the Win32 version does during initialisation). ", "However, I didn’t track it down because I got a better suggestion…\n\nUsing the ocaml interpreter to link\n\nGerd Stolpmann suggested just compiling to a library (not an executable) and then using a script to load the modules dynamically:\n\nlauncher.ml 1 2 3 #!/ ", "usr / bin / env ocaml # load \"unix.cma\" ;; # load \"myprog.cma\" ;;\n\nThe advantage here is that we don’t ship copies of unix.ml with our code; we just use the one that comes with the runtime. ", "However, this also has a few problems:\n\nIt’s a bit slower.", "\n\nIt depends on the ocaml binary (1.3 MB), not just ocamlrun (170 KB).", "\n\nbinary (1.3 MB), not just (170 KB). ", "For other libraries (e.g. Xmlm, Yojson), if we want to link statically, we have to include the whole library archive, not just the modules we need, because the OCaml compiler only knows what we need when it does the final link to generate an executable, which we’re not doing here.", "\n\nStill, if ocaml can link unix.cma dynamically, why can’t we?", "\n\nUsing Dynlink\n\nOCaml comes with the Dynlink module, which allows loading bytecode at runtime. ", "However, it has quite a few limitations. ", "Unlike ocaml , it doesn’t search for the library in the default paths (easy enough to fix), doesn’t load dependencies recursively, and doesn’t let you access the module after you’ve loaded it (it’s intended for plugins, where the plugin knows the API for the main system, not for libraries where the main program knows the API of the library).", "\n\nI had a dig through the ocaml code to see how it does it. ", "It seems to find the names using the Symtable module. ", "I couldn’t find a public API for that, so I hacked the Dynlink module to export a lookup_module function (it needs better error reporting; this is just for testing):\n\ndynlink.ml 1 2 3 4 5 6 let lookup_module name = try Symtable . ", "get_global_value ( Ident . ", "create_persistent name ) with Symtable . ", "Error ex -> Symtable . ", "report_error Format . ", "err_formatter ex ; Format . ", "pp_print_flush Format . ", "err_formatter () ; raise Not_found\n\nNow you can find modules after loading them, and use the first-class modules stuff to treat the result as a regular module:\n\ntest_dyn.ml 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 (* Load Unix module dynamically *) open Dynlink let libdir = if Sys . ", "os_type = \"Win32\" then \"c: \\\\ ocamlmgw \\\\ lib\" else \"/opt/ocaml/lib/ocaml\" let () = try let _ = Callback . ", "register in allow_unsafe_modules true ; Dynlink . ", "loadfile ( Filename . ", "concat libdir \"unix.cma\" ); with Error ex -> failwith ( error_message ex ) module type UnixType = module type of Unix module Unix = ( val ( Obj . ", "obj ( lookup_module \"Unix\" )) : UnixType ) (* Use Unix module in the normal way *) open Unix let child = create_process \"gpg\" ( Array . ", "of_list [ \"gpg\" ; \"--version\" ]) stdin stdout stderr ;; Printf . ", "printf \"Child %d\n\n\" child ;; match snd ( Unix . ", "waitpid [] child ) with | WEXITED 0 -> print_endline \"Success!\" ", "| _ -> failwith \"Failure!\"", "\n\nYes, there are some hard-coded paths in there. ", "We could fix that easily enough, or get 0install to set them for you. ", "The dummy reference to Callback.register is to ensure Callback gets linked (it’s a dependency of Unix , but Dynlink doesn’t handle dependencies).", "\n\nI also had to modify the Dll module to use the correct extension ( .so or .dll ) based on the current platform. ", "The original version used whatever extension was correct for the platform where the code was compiled.", "\n\nWith that, it’s now working: code compiled on Linux runs on Windows and vice versa!", "\n\nTimings\n\nAll approaches are reasonably fast (faster than Python, anyway, and this use isn’t speed critical):\n\nTime Method 7 ms Static native code (not portable) 10 ms Static bytecode (not portable) 11 ms Bytecode using Dynlink 20 ms Using #load with ocaml 26 ms Python 2 60 ms Python 3\n\nOn balance, I think we should go for the #load trick for now. ", "It’s a bit less efficient than using Dynlink, but it doesn’t require any modifications to the OCaml libraries and it handles recursive dependencies. ", "Also, it doesn’t require any changes to code.", "\n\nThe times above are for the “gpg –version” test script. ", "This shell script and launcher can be used to test the actual 0install OCaml code:\n\nlaunch.sh 1 ocaml ` ocamlfind query -r -i-format yojson xmlm ` ./launch.ml \"$@\"\n\nlaunch.ml 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # load \"easy_format.cmo\" ;; # load \"biniou.cma\" ;; # load \"yojson_biniou.cmo\" ;; # load \"yojson.cmo\" ;; # load \"xmlm.cmo\" ;; # load \"str.cma\" ;; # load \"unix.cma\" ;; # load \"main.cma\" ;;\n\nTimes are around 40 ms, compared to 10 ms for static byte-code and 5 ms for native code. ", "We should be able to get 0install to pass the -I flags itself, if we want to avoid calling ocamlfind and using a shell script.", "\n\nConclusions\n\nI think that dynamically linking the Unix module, as described above, is sufficient for the next step in converting 0install: we should be able to ship cross-platform bytecode that statically links all libraries except Unix and which works everywhere. ", "It will run with an unmodified ocaml and unix.cma , providing the runtime versions match exactly the compile-time ones. ", "Essentially, that means that we ship binaries of ocaml though 0install and just stick with a single version for as long as possible. ", "Fixing that will have to wait for later.", "\n\nUsing #load isn’t safe. ", "When you do ocaml /path/to/script.ml , it adds the current directory (not the directory containing the script) to the start of the search path. ", "Thus:\n\n$ cd /tmp $ /usr/bin/myprog\n\nwill first try to load myprog’s libraries (e.g. unix.cma ) from /tmp !" ]
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[ "Experts are full of valuable knowledge and are ready to help with any question. ", "Credentials confirmed by a Fortune 500 verification firm.", "\n\nGet a Professional Answer\n\nVia email, text message, or notification as you wait on our site.", "Ask follow up questions if you need to.", "\n\n100% Satisfaction Guarantee\n\nRate the answer you receive.", "\n\nAsk Dr B Your Own Question\n\nDr B, Cat Veterinarian\n\nCategory: Cat Veterinary\n\nSatisfied Customers: 1457\n\nExperience: DVM\n\n27344366\n\nType Your Cat Veterinary Question Here...\n\nDr B is online now\n\nSore throat. ", "have doxycycline on hand. ", "can't get to vet\n\nCustomer Question\n\nsore throat. ", "have doxycycline on hand. ", "can't get to vet today because husband has cancer and is extremely sick.", "JA: I'm sorry to hear that. ", "What is the cat's name and age?Customer: Lulu, age 12. ", "She has stomatitis and has all her teeth removed, but this is more of a sore throat symptom today. ", "She acts like she is trying to clear her throat, she's not eating.", "JA: Is there anything else the Veterinarian should be aware of about Lulu?Customer: stomatitis, no teethJA: OK. ", "Got it. ", "I'm sending you to a secure page on JustAnswer so you can place the $5 fully-refundable deposit now. ", "While you're filling out that form, I'll tell the Veterinarian about your situation and then connect you two.", "\n\nHi this is DRB and I would be happy to help you with this. ", "First off I would not use the doxycycline until you can have a vet examine her. ", "This is especially true in a cat that is not eating. ", "If she is anorexic you can make it worse with the doxycycline. ", "Also you cannot give cat's the pill form of this drug without risking a strictured esophagus. ", "And that is life threatening.", "\n\nSo, what you can do is to get some chicken or turkey baby food or some very soft cat food and slowly force feed her. ", "The baby food works well because it is pasty and can be wiped on the roof of her mouth. ", "Also you can pick up nutrical from the pet store and force feed her some of that as well. ", "Getting this food into her will help prevent fatty liver which is a condition that cats get when they do not eat. ", "Then you can get her to the vet as soon as you possibly can for an exam so they can figure out her problem. ", "The symptoms you described are non specific and she will have to be examined.", "\n\nI hope this helps you but feel free to leave additional questions here as I will be happy to get back to you.", "\n\nI understand perfectly but you cannot give Doxycycline on an empty stomach as you will just make your cat more and definitely she will not eat then. ", "Do you have any canned food that you could give her?", "\n\nUnfortunatley there is no home remedy for a sore throat and Doxycycline can actually make sore throat worse. ", "And usually when cats are swallowing and trying to clear their throat there is another cause other than a sore throat. ", "The best thing you can do is try to get some food into her. ", "That is very important to prevent fatty liver. ", "Regardless of her current symptoms if she does not eat that can shut her liver down and lead to death of the patient.", "\n\nI am very sorry things are so tough for you right now and I am sorry that I could not assist you more. ", "Sincerely, DRB" ]
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[ "If this is your first visit, be sure to\ncheck out the FAQ by clicking the\nlink above. ", "You may have to register\nbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. ", "To start viewing messages,\nselect the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.", "\n\nIncluding a YouTube video in a post!", "\n\nIf you would like to include a Youtube video in your post, it could not be simpler. ", "All you need is the video code, which is found after the \"v=\". ", "So let us say for example you would like to post the Youtube video of \"Trouble FREE Bell Syphon - Automatic Siphon Aquaponics Flood & Drain Beds\". ", "You first need to grab the URL, which in this case is \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXaruS5z_Xc\". ", "So you need to copy and paste the code after the \"v=\" which in this case is \"CXaruS5z_Xc\".", "\n\nNext click on the \"YouTube icon\". . ", "When you click on it code will appear in your post.", "\n\n[Y0UTUBE][/Y0UTUBE].", "\n\nYou next need to post your code between the code. [", "Y0UTUBE]CXaruS5z_Xc[/Y0UTUBE].", "\n\nIf done correctly, you will get the following in your post when posted.", "\n\nUse a 4 inch diameter shroud to be able to put hand in and clean out roots, do not use round holes in the shroud as the media will plug them (especially round media like Hydroton, AKA \"LECA\") and cut the top horizontal slit (as shown in the above video) in the shroud for the height of the bottom of your desired cycle level; and make it at least 2 inches above the bottom of the grow bed so as not to suck up sediment. ", "Throw away the \"vacuum chamber\" shown in the video, as the shroud becomes your bell housing by placing a wetted rubber cap (via Home Depot etc) on top of the shroud. ", "This does away with extra components and eliminates the tube on the side of the bell that tends to get plugged up preventing the siphon from working properly, or at all. ", "You can remove the steel clamp that comes with the rubber clamp as it is not needed.", "\n\nPlace an Affnan funnel on top of the stand pipe to facilitate siphon initiation. ", "Adjust the stand pipe plus Affnan funnel length for maximum water height, which is one inch below top of media. ", "Make sure the shroud cap is only about an inch above the Affnan funnel by cutting the shroud to the proper length. ", "This reduces the size of the air pocket inside the shroud/bell aiding in siphon operation and is high enough not to interfere with the water flow during siphon. ", "Use a threaded to slip adapter for the stand pipe to bulkhead interface so you can easily remove the stand pipe for root cleaning. ", "You might need to sand the bottom of the stand pipe a little for easy removal.", "\n\nFor siphon internal cleaning pop off the cap and remove the stand pipe by pulling it out. ", "To manually break siphon just lift the cap.", "\n\nI have spent hundreds of hours over the last several years building and testing different bell siphons while attempting to improve on the the above design without success. ", "We have shipped many grow beds using this bell siphon design and have never had a problem with them. ", "They have a good flow range of about 2:1 while continuing to work.", "\n\nI am giving you this bell siphon information as we have currently shifted over to and only use loop siphons. ", "They provide more growing area but they were tricky to design and have work in our grow bed design. ", "Once these design problems were overcome we found the loop siphon to have an almost 2.5:1 flow range and still siphon properly plus provide a fast cycle time." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I access customized UITableViewCell from UITableView using indexPath?", "\n\nI created custom UiTableViewCell with some UIImageViews and UILabels.", "\nNow I have problem: when I scroll tableView I want to get this cellForYoutube in visiblePaths.", "\nThats how I trying to do this: \n - (void)loadImagesForOnscreenRows\n{\n if (videos.count > 0)\n {\n NSArray *visiblePaths = [self.tableView indexPathsForVisibleRows];\n\n for (NSIndexPath *indexPath in visiblePaths)\n {cellForYoutube *cell = (cellForYoutube *)[(UITableView *)self.view cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];\n//There it show me erorr: -[UIView cellForRowAtIndexPath:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance.", "\n if (!", "cell.thumb.image){\n NSLog(@\"WAS NOTHING IN IMAGE\");\n [self startIconDownload:cell withIndexPath:indexPath];}\n\n }\n }\n}\n\nHow can fix it?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou are sending the -cellForRowAtIndexPath: message to self.view which is apparently a UIView and not a UITableView. ", "Instead send that message to self.tableView (the same object you called -indexPathsForVisibleRows on.", "\nCasting self.view to a UITableView * tells the compiler to trust that that object will be of that type but does not make it so.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Hannibal: Enemy of Rome by Ben Kane\n\nWarfare is a part of the human condition. ", "It can erupt into bloody conflict because of greed, envy, aggrandisement, sometimes simply because there are too many people in one place. ", "There remains however one cause above all others that has men flocking to the colours to bear arms against the other side. ", "Hatred.", "\n\nHannibal Barca was brought up by his father to hate Rome. ", "So passionate was this hatred that Hannibal deliberately picked a fight. ", "It seems remarkable that more than two thousand years later, a man so determined to wage war upon a rival empire is regarded in such glowing terms today.", "\n\nThe reason of course is Hannibalís march across the Alps with his elephants, and his ensuing victories on Italian soil, one of which remains the most studied battle ever fought. ", "For although Hannibal ultimately failed to conquer Rome, he won something far more persistent. ", "Fame.", "\n\nThis then is the backdrop for Ben Kane's Hannibal: Enemies of Rome. ", "The story focuses on a cast of characters dragged into the conflict. ", "We read of impetuous youths, indignant slaves, callous masters, vengeful fathers, capricious barbarians, and wayward daughters. ", "In fact, Hannibal himself doesn't appear until a third of the way through the story. ", "He's never the focus of the tale but rather a sort of puppet master figure whose decisions impact upon the lives of the characters we follow.", "\n\nReviewing this book was never going to be an easy task for me. ", "I have an unremitting dislike for historical fiction as a genre. ", "This is mostly inspired by our incessant need to paint the past in modern colour. ", "Instead of asking what these people were like, what they did, what kind of world they fought over, all too often we ask how much like us were they? ", "In fairness, the author doesn't worry about such niceties. ", "He avoids archaic phrases and concentrates on making the book readable for an audience of less well informed readers.", "\n\nBen Kane has done his research and throws period detail at the reader at an astonishing rate. ", "It does lend a necessary air of authority to the setting, which for a book of this kind, is probably no bad thing. ", "However, the fact we need to learn so much about the environment is something that makes me a little uneasy. ", "Storytelling is not a new science, but an art practised since our earliest ancestors, and I note the tales that survive the longest are those driven by personality. ", "The setting is unimportant. ", "What matters is drama, emotion, the decisions and actions that bind a person to their fate.", "\n\nIf this book deserves any criticism, it's about personality. ", "The characters themselves seem curiously unable to grow and develop. ", "Certainly they're affected by the events unfolding around them, but there's nothing emerging, nothing nurtured, no inner substance lurking beneath the surface to be revealed at a moment of high drama.", "\n\nAm I being too harsh? ", "This is a tale which isn't really about the various fortunes of those involved, nor for that matter Hannibalís invasion of Italy, but rather a subtle account of love versus hatred. ", "Of course it's easy to criticise, and presenting a tale within the narrow boundaries of history can't be all that simple. ", "Neither for that matter is it an easy task to tell stories from multiple viewpoints. ", "Not for nothing was traditional storytelling done from a third person perspective.", "\n\nNonetheless, I have to confess that despite my misgivings, there is something tangible in this story. ", "The author has a well defined style and manages to create an atmosphere all of his own. ", "There is a sense of being swept along by the tide of war, something hinted strongly at the beginning, becoming ever more intense toward the climax as we reach the battlefield of Trebia and its aftermath.", "\n\nBy the way, I spotted two deliberate errors. ", "I'm sure there might be others lurking in the text. ", "I'm also sure the majority of readers won't notice any and enjoy the book for what it is. ", "And enjoy it they should." ]
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[ "Differential mediation of the anticonvulsant effects of carbamazepine and diazepam.", "\nPossible mechanisms of action of carbamazepine and diazepam on amygdala-kindled seizures were studied using compounds acting at the central and \"peripheral-type\" benzodiazepine binding sites. ", "Ro-15-1788, a selective antagonist at the central benzodiazepine site, blocked the anticonvulsant effect of diazepam, but not of carbamazepine. ", "In contrast, Ro5-4864, which acts at the \"peripheral-type\" benzodiazepine site, blocked the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine, but not of diazepam. ", "The effect of Ro5-4864 was itself reversed by PK-11195, a compound that displaces Ro5-4864 binding in vitro and in vivo. ", "These data indicate that the anticonvulsant effects of carbamazepine and diazepam on amygdala-kindled seizures are differentially mediated and suggest that the \"peripheral-type\" benzodiazepine binding site is functionally involved in the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine." ]
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[ 0.0008731900597922504, 0.0015570586547255516, 0.0010241820709779859, 0.00119130895473063, 0.000682464218698442, 0.0013373888796195388 ]
[ "[Questionnaire on professional satisfaction with psychiatric emergency services: the professionals' opinion].", "\nProfessional's satisfaction concerning medical wards to which they address their patients are scarce, but is part of quality evaluation. ", "The primary care network criticizes often the access to specialized psychiatric cares in emergency. ", "The rapid emergency crisis team (ERIC) is a mobile emergency and post-emergency crisis team depending from public services. ", "It has for purpose to offer early access to specialized care before admission to psychiatric hospital, which general practitioners or other members of social network alert it for a crisis psychiatric situation. ", "The aim of this study was to evaluate the adequacy of ERIC to the needs of professionals, and to improve the collaboration within the network. ", "We performed a mailed study using a questionnaire to 150 general practitioners, 25 private psychiatrists, 7 social circonscriptions, and 5 police departments depending on our intervention's catchment area. ", "Forty-two percent of the professionals answered. ", "Emergency psychiatric crisis situations are scarce, and professional's satisfaction is excellent. ", "ERIC is considered as useful, and the accessibility is underlined. ", "However, information transmitted at the end of the intervention is criticized by the professionals. ", "This study allows to improve some of the procedures and will help to an evolution of our functioning. ", "Moreover, it allows to propose a strategy of prevention oriented to early access to specialized cares." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006327815935947001, 0.0005639432347379625, 0.0007096180343069136, 0.0006415912648662925, 0.0008010138408280909, 0.0005436007049866021, 0.000598942453507334, 0.0007684986921958625, 0.0006412257207557559, 0.0005381784285418689, 0.0005325616803020239, 0.0005404142430052161, 0.0005578226409852505 ]
[ " UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT\n FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA\n\n____________________________________\n )\nDARREN LAMONT KEYS, )\n )\n Plaintiff, )\n )\n v. ) Civil Action No. ", "08-0726 (ESH/AK)\n )\nDEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND )\nSECURITY, et al., ", " )\n )\n Defendants. ", " )\n____________________________________)\n\n ORDER ADOPTING MAGISTRATE JUDGE’S\n REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION\n\n Pursuant to Local Civil Rule 72.3, this Court referred this matter to Magistrate Judge\n\nAlan Kay for report and recommendation. ", "Magistrate Judge Kay issued a Report and\n\nRecommendation on February 13, 2009.", "\n\n Under Local Civil Rule 72.3(b), parties may file objections within ten days of service of a\n\nmagistrate judge’s Report. ", "A party’s failure to file a timely objection may waive appellate\n\nreview of a district court order adopting the Report and Recommendation. ", "See LCvR 72.3(b).", "\n\n In this case, the Court concurs with the recommendations contained in the magistrate\n\njudge’s Report. ", "Since no party has filed any objections within the prescribed time period, it is\n\nthis 10th day of March, 2009, hereby\n\n ORDERED that the Magistrate Judge’s Report and Recommendation of February 13,\n\n2009, is ADOPTED IN FULL; and it is\n\n FURTHER ORDERED that defendants’ motion for summary judgment [Dkt. # ", "18] is\n\nGRANTED for the reasons stated in the Report and Recommendation; and it is\n\n FURTHER ORDERED that this case is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE.", "\n\f SO ORDERED.", "\n\n\n /s/\n ELLEN SEGAL HUVELLE\n United States District Judge\n\nDated: March 10, 2009\n\n\n\ncc: Magistrate Judge Alan Kay\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\f" ]
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[ 0.0008826239500194788, 0.0006329634925350547, 0.000732612272258848, 0.0006761691183783114, 0.0005723818321712315, 0.0005741879576817155, 0.0006888902862556279, 0.0006063825567252934, 0.0005584685131907463, 0.0005955032538622618, 0.0006433522794395685, 0.0025758198462426662, 0.0006588349351659417 ]
[ "[Acute exacerbation of interstitial pneumonia associated with active systemic lupus erythematosus in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis].", "\nA 36-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis was admitted to our hospital for evaluation of newly developed active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). ", "After hospitalization, she showed progressive respiratory failure. ", "Chest CT revealed exacerbation of interstitial pneumonia, showing acute development of air-space consolidation and ground-glass opacity in addition to intensified reticular shadows. ", "Administration of high-dose corticosteroids and cyclosporine A resulted in recovery from respiratory failure, accompanied by obvious improvement in the chest radiographs and CT, as demonstrated by the disappearance of air-space consolidation and ground-glass opacity. ", "Clinically, the exacerbation of her interstitial pneumonia was compatible with acute lupus pneumonitis, a rare complication with active SLE." ]
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[ 0.0010389734525233507, 0.006024978123605251, 0.00598186906427145, 0.0006146725500002503, 0.0009671282605268061, 0.0017113522626459599 ]
[ "Male central hypogonadism secondary to exogenous androgens: a review of the drugs and protocols highlighted by the online community of users for prevention and/or mitigation of adverse effects.", "\nAndrogen- or anabolic steroid-induced hypogonadism (ASIH) is no longer confined to professional athletes; its prevalence amongst young men and teenagers using androgens and/or anabolic steroids (AASs) is rising fast, and those affected can experience significant symptoms. ", "Clinicians are increasingly encountering demanding, well-informed men affected by ASIH, yet lacking authoritative information on the subject may struggle to project a credible message. ", "In this article, we overview the methods and drugs that men use in an attempt to counteract ASIH (with a view to either preventing its onset, or reversing it once it has developed) and summarize the scientific evidence underpinning these. ", "The main channel for obtaining these drugs is the Internet, where they can be readily sourced without a valid prescription. ", "An Internet search using relevant terms revealed a huge number of websites providing advice on how to buy and use products to counteract ASIH. ", "Drugs arising repeatedly in our search included human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and aromatase inhibitors (AIs). ", "The quality and accuracy of the online information was variable, but review of medical literature also highlighted a lack of scientific data to guide clinical practice. ", "It is important for clinicians to be aware of the AAS user's self-treatment strategies with regard to ASIH side-effect mitigation. ", "By ensuring that they are well-informed, clinicians are more likely to retain the credibility and trust of AAS users, who will in turn likely be more open to engage with appropriate management." ]
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[ 0.002920082537457347, 0.0009988020174205303, 0.0006064692279323936, 0.0005712007987312973, 0.0006649626302532852, 0.0006154539878480136, 0.0008308074320666492, 0.0005781471263617277, 0.0005645815981552005, 0.0005232201074250042 ]
[ "Q:\n\nReflecting points in an RGB image over a reflection line (MATLAB)\n\nI have an RGB image of size MxNx3. ", "Let's imagine we have a reflection line somewhere in the bottom half of the image. ", "How do I reflect all the points above the line onto the line? ", "I know what I need to do but I can't get it right on MATLAB. ", "Thanks for any help.", "\nFor example, in the image below the blue line is the reflection line. ", "\n\nA:\n\nCode\n%%// Read input image\nimg =imread(IMG_FILEPATH);\n\n%%// Let user select the mask, top of which will basically act \n%%// as the reflection line\nfigure,imshow(img)\n[mask,xi,yi] = roipoly(img);\n\n%%// Remove the last element as that is same as the first one\nxi(end)=[];\nyi(end)=[];\n\n%%// Find the two corner points each on the left and right sides of the mask\npt_matrix = [xi yi]\n[val,ind] = sort(xi)\nleft_two_pts = pt_matrix(ind(1:2),:)\nright_two_pts = pt_matrix(ind(end-1:end),:)\nfour_pts = round([left_two_pts;right_two_pts])\n\n%%// Remove a 5x5 neighborhood around the four corners, so that biggest\n%%// blob that is the line could be separated out\nBW1 = edge(mask,'canny');\nfor k = 1:4\n BW1(four_pts(k,2)-2:four_pts(k,2)+2,four_pts(k,1)-2:four_pts(k,2)+1) = 0;\nend\n\n%%// Get the biggest blob that is the reflection line\n[L, num] = bwlabel(BW1);\ncounts = sum(bsxfun(@eq,L(:),1:num));\n[~,ind] = max(counts);\nBW1 = (L==ind);\n\n%%// Connect the endpoints of the line to left and right sides of the image\nxlimit = [find(sum(BW1,1),1) find(sum(BW1,1),1,'last')];\n[row1,col1] = ind2sub(size(BW1),find(BW1));\nBW1(row1(1),1:col1(1)-1)=1;\nBW1(row1(end),col1(end)+1:end)=1;\n\n%%// Select only one per column for the reflection\n[xt0,yt0] = find(BW1);\n[yt1,a2,a3] =unique(yt0,'first');\nxt1=xt0(a2);\nsz1 = size(BW1,1)-xt1;\n\n%%// Perform the reflection\nfor k = 1:numel(yt1)\n img(xt1(k):end,k,:) = img(xt1(k):-1:xt1(k)-sz1(k),k,:);\nend\n\nfigure,imshow(img)\n\nTypical mask with roipoly would look like -\n\nOutput\n\nNote: User has to select exactly two points on the left side to represent the left side border of the mask and exactly two points on the right side for the right side border. ", "Also, there must enough image pixels on top of the line to reflect over the line.", "\n\nA:\n\nI'm assuming the line is stored in a mask, as stated by the OP. ", "I will assume the mask is black above the line and white below it. ", "Here is a \"fancy\" way to solve the problem. :)", "\n% 1. ", "Open your image (MxNx3 matrix).", "\nimg = im2double(imread('original.png'));\n\n% 2. ", "Open your 'line image' as a logical array (MxNx3 matrix)\nline = imread('line.png') > 0;\n\n% 3. ", "Now, we will \"align\" the upper part of the image based on the line,\n% so that the line will be straight at the bottom of the image. ", "We will\n% do that by sorting the 'line image', moving the ones of the mask\n% above. ", "The code was adapted from:\n% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_thread/28715\nupper = zeros(size(line));\nupper(~line) = -1;\nupper = sort(upper, 'descend');\nupper(upper == -1) = img(~line);\n\n% 4. ", "Let's concatenate both the image with it's mirror below.", "\nimgConcat = [upper; upper(end:-1:1, :, :)];\n\n% 5. ", "Also, The line mask will be concatenated to it's negative, and we'll\n% invert the order of the rows.", "\nlineConcat = [line; ~line];\nlineConcat = lineConcat(end:-1:1,:,:);\n\n% 6. ", "Now we repeat the \"alignment procedure\" used on step 4 so that the\n% image will be positioned on the upper part. ", "We will also remove the\n% lower part, now containing only zeros.", "\nmirror = zeros(size(lineConcat));\nmirror(lineConcat) = -1;\nmirror = sort(mirror, 'ascend');\nmirror(mirror == -1) = imgConcat(lineConcat);\nmirror = mirror(1:end/2,:,:);\n\nHere you see the result (step by step);\n\nTo generate that image, I used this code:\n% Display the results, step by step (final result is in the 'mirror' matrix).", "\nsubplot(2,3,1), imshow(img, []); title('Step 1. ", "Original image')\nsubplot(2,3,2), imshow(double(line), []); title('Step 2. ", "Line image');\nsubplot(2,3,3), imshow(upper, []); title('Step 3. ", "Image \"alignment\"');\nsubplot(2,3,4), imshow(imgConcat, []); title('Step 4. ", "Mirror concatenation');\nsubplot(2,3,5), imshow(double(lineConcat), []); title('Step 5. ", "Mask concatenation');\nsubplot(2,3,6), imshow(mirror, []); title('Step 6. ", "Result by a final alignment');\n\n" ]
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[ "Advance care planning throughout the end-of-life: focusing the lens for social work practice.", "\nAdvance care planning throughout the end-of-life is an increasingly important aspect of professional practice with older adults and their families. ", "As the nation's population continues to live longer, more and more people will experience years of functional and cognitive decline prior to death. ", "This article discusses the growing importance of advance care planning using a long-range, holistic perspective of examining care needs throughout the end of life. ", "End-of-life care is conceptualized by three trajectories of decline leading to death, with about two-thirds of all older adults succumbing to four key conditions: congestive heart failure, emphysema, frailty, and dementia. ", "Research regarding the advance care planning needs of older adults with the key conditions is presented. ", "Further research is needed to enhance social work practice in this area." ]
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[ 0.0005877765361219645, 0.00065136473858729, 0.030767519026994705, 0.0005852467147633433, 0.0011337250471115112, 0.0006375390221364796, 0.0005410992889665067 ]
[ "A camel farm can be seen far away there, we are\nnear Al Khawaneej in Dubai\nThere were many camels, we could side the car only\nhere safely on the road side\nWe saw another vast area of the farm with more camels there\nWe can see them tied up on their toes there.", "\nAt some places we have seen these animals kept free\nNow\nSunlight..\nThe outside temperature at present is 40+\nSee that camel standing cool at this weather. ", "Their body can adjust to the hot weather.", "\nA person is keeping food (grass) for those animals there.", "\nThrough this under pass we are crossing the Emirates\nroad and entering the opposite side\nand now driving towards Dubai direction\nA new residential complex is here on the Al Qudra street\nIts name is Time Square Dubai. ", "It's on our right side.", "\nNow we are traveling through the real desert.", "\nWe came towards Al Qudra area and we turned left\ntowards another road where we haven't traveled earlier.", "\nand .. its open desert on both side of the road.", "\nWe can see herds of camel in this area.", "\nAnd now we reached to an open area of the desert.", "\nSee this !!", "\nWe are reaching to the dead end of the road up there.", "\nSo our today's journey is though the desert enjoying the scenes\nWe came to Al Qudra area in Dubai and took a turn to\nthis new location, (we don't know the name of this place)\nand now we have reached to the dead end of this road\nHere we have the beautiful views of the desert and\nalso the camels\nSo let's start to these views and proceed to the new\nareas from here after this.", "\nWe can see the vehicles coming to the end and taking U turns from there\nThese are camels foot prints\nThey have relatively larger hoof enabling them to walk through the deserts\nCan see lot of camels of all sizes.. Small big and all\n \nFar away there we can see another group of camels\nThere is someone to take care of those animals there.", "\nTwo people\nCan't identify them, 2 young tourists are walking there\ntowards the camels\nIt's a dangerous practice they are doing...\nCamels may attack humans or sometimes they kick..\nAfraid if they are aware about it, while walking near the camels\nWe are back on the road and reached to the place where we took the diversion\nNow we shall move to new locations.. where we haven't visited earlier\n \nIt's the Adnoc Fuel station near to Last Exit at Al Qudra\nThe fuel pump is there on the side of that parked van there\nLooks good with a stand out design for a fuel station\nAlso far there, the food out lets of Last exit also can be seen\nWe used to turn inside from here before\nToday we are going straight to the new areas where we haven't visited yet\nThere are various new projects underway in this area.", "\n \nNew trees are being planted and various beautification works are being done.", "\nAfter that area its empty area with just desert and a narrow road\nThere are speed breakers and the speed limit is 80kmph\nThis is the same route to reach to the Love Lake Dubai\nThis area is known as Al Marmoom Desert Conservation Reserve\nInstructions and Rules to follow in this area is displayed on that board\nNames and details of some birds and animals seen in this area is displayed on the board\nHope to see them is we are lucky today\nWe got to see many species of birds in this area today\nUnfortunately Greater Flamingo and swans were not seen today\nIt seems that there are identification towers near each lake\nWe are standing under Tower J right now.", "\nEntering the water pool is not allowed\nVarious types of birds can be seen here\nLot of people come here to do camping, it's an ideal location for camping\nWe reached to Al Qudra Lake Oasis\nTowards the evening almost all birds gathered to enter\ntheir nest or resting area\nThose are Egyptian goose. ", "They swim like a duck and at\nthe same time they can fly high like a normal bird\nSaw them flying higher even higher than a tree's height\nThe sunset time is over.", "\nNow we are driving towards the Love Lake Dubai..\nIt's a different feel to drive through this area\nIt's night time and there is no light anywhere\nIt's the love lake entrance.. There are few cars parked there\nThere are 2 entrances for Love lake. ", "P1 and P2\nWe drove past the 1st entrance and now reaching to the second\nThe awesome feel of driving through this desert ..\nEspecially it would be much thrilling if it was a 4 wheel drive vehicle\nWe are at love lake\nSo let's enter this lake just to have a quick round through this place\nWe won't go much inside, but just to see from inside\nIt's an ideal location to visit during winter season\nIdeal place to do BBQ, camping in the cold weather.", "\nIt's the night view from love lake\nVery few people are here right now..\nApt location to sit peaceful and talk to our soul\nSee the walk way here, it glitters in the night\nDrive through the desert similar to the drive we had through the forest in the night\nWe do not expect to see any animals for sure\nThere are only birds here and its too dark to see any now\nBut this drive is beautiful and a different experience\nWe have to drive about 3 kms to reach to the road\nAhhaha ha see that !!!", "\nTurn the car towards right...\nIt's a well on this desert on the road side\nIt's too dark, We planned to reach here early, but got delayed\nIts' so deep and can't see anything from bottom.", "\nThis well is the only scene here\nJust came here to see this well\nIt's on the road side before we enter the muddy road towards love lake.", "\nIts night already and time to wind up our trip today.", "\nTill we see on another video, This is Bejoy Varghese signing off\nThank you and bye\n" ]
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[ "The neurobiological basis of lateralized cerebral function. ", "A review.", "\nThe first part of this review considers the empirical findings regarding the anatomical asymmetries that may be related to the left hemisphere's dominance for language. ", "The review reveals that there are interhemispheric differences in the anatomy of the posterior sylvian region and of portions of the inferior frontal gyrus. ", "In the second section, difficulties in attributing functional significance to these morphological asymmetries are discussed. ", "The third section considers anatomical, behavioural and neurochemical asymmetries in animals and their relation to problems of human cerebral asymmetry." ]
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[ "import normalizeErrors from './normalizeErrors';\n\nexport default (stats) => {\n return normalizeErrors(stats.compilation.warnings.sort());\n};\n" ]
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[ "Milan-owned Niang arrested\n\nBy Football Italia staff\n\nMilan-owned striker Mbaye Niang is in custody after reportedly lying about a car accident and resisting arrest.", "\n\nThe teenage striker is currently on loan at Montpellier, but seems to have lost none of his penchant for trouble.", "\n\nFrench police confirmed Niang was “summoned and detained” at a station after his Ferrari crashed into a tree near the Montpellier training ground.", "\n\nAt first he had denied being at the wheel and reportedly left when police arrived, as he had his driving licence suspended due to accumulation of points.", "\n\nThis isn’t entirely new behaviour, as Niang famously drove in Milan without a valid licence and told traffic police he was teammate Bakaye Traorè instead.", "\n\nNiang has scored three goals in four Ligue 1 games for Montpellier.", "\n\nWatch Serie A live in the UK on Premier Sports for just £9.99 per month including live LaLiga, Eredivisie, Scottish Cup Football and more. ", "Visit: https://www.premiersports.com/subscribenow" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHandle url pattern that has user name as part of the url\n\nSuppose I have 3 url patterns that needs to be handled by Spring MVC as follows:\n1) www.example.com/login (to login page)\n2) www.example.com/home (to my home page)\n3) www.example.com/john (to user's home page)\nI would like to know what is the best practice way of handling the url pattern that has username as part of the url (real world example is facebook fanpage www.faceboo.com/{fanpage-name})\nI have come up with my own solution but not sure if this is the clean way or possible to do it.", "\nIn my approach, I need to intercept the request before it being passed to Spring MVC's dispatchservlet, then query the database to convert username to userid and change the request URI to the pattern that Spring MVC can recognize like www.example/user/userId=45.", "\nBut I am not sure if this is doable since the ServletAPI does not have the setter method\nfor requestURI(it does have the getter method for requestURI)\nOr if you have a better solution please share with me. ", "Thank in advance :-) \n\nA:\n\nSpring MVC should be able to handle this just fine with PathVariables.", "\nOne handler for /login, one handler for /home, and one handler for /{userName}. ", " Within the username handler you can do the lookup to get the user. ", " Something like this:\n@RequestMapping(value=\"/login\", method=RequestMethod.", "GET)\npublic String getLoginPage() {\n // Assuming your view resolver will resolve this to your jsp or whatever view\n return \"login\";\n}\n\n@RequestMapping(value=\"/home\", method=RequestMethod.", "GET)\npublic String getHomePage() {\n return \"home\";\n}\n\n@RequestMapping(value=\"/{userName}\", method=RequestMethod.", "GET)\npublic ModelAndView getUserPage( @PathVariable() String userName ) {\n // do stuff here to look up the user and populate the model\n // return the Model and View with the view pointing to your user page\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "A Simple Plan: Sales\n\nTips on Buying Home Property at Reasonable Prices When you are buying a house, you can choose to hire a real estate consultant so that they ease the process for you. ", "Sometimes, getting a house from the many choices that you have can be hard. ", "This process can be made easy by choosing houses depending on the location or the budget that you have. ", "Before you can make this purchase, then there are not many factors that you need to consider. ", "Some of the tips that can assist you with the entire procedure are as mentioned in the article. ", "One thing that you can be sure to find online is websites that have information that is detailed on features found in different sites. ", "When you visit these websites, then you will find that you will have an easy time looking for various choices. ", "You will find that your time and also energy is not exhausted. ", "You can then hire a real estate consultant to buy the homes at the desired location. ", "Every person has a dream of getting a home and d?cor it in the way they find fit. ", "This excitement is what leads to people to settle for the first house that they find suitable. ", "The first thing to do before you decide is to select several houses that you like from the whole lot. ", "Another behavior that is with most people is the buying homes that have been foreclosed so that they get them cheaply. ", "These foreclosures will also include lands, and most people will prefer getting their houses in this procedure. ", "In the foreclosure process, it is important that you make a decision after being properly guided by a professional. ", "When you still have the hope of buying a house with this process, then go online to look for the ones available.", "Getting Down To Basics with Houses\nFor you to be able to buy a house, then you may end up spending a lot as property is not cheap. ", "It is best that you plan your budget before purchasing any property. ", "Find an area that you think will be suitable for you. ", "The property consultants can then assist you with the search. ", "These experts will help you have a smooth documentation procedure and will also ensure that you do not spend much. ", "You may also find that purchasing land is not a bad investment.6 Facts About Tips Everyone Thinks Are True\nThe cost of purchasing the house is not the only thing to consider when you are buying homes. ", "When you decide to buy a house, a deal will not necessarily be right just because the prices are reduced. ", "You may find that you have made a wrong choice because of the low price. ", "You should still confirm if the property you are getting is in a good condition." ]
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[ " UNPUBLISHED\n\nUNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT\n\n\nUNITED STATES OF AMERICA, \n Plaintiff-Appellee,\n v.  No. ", "02-4464\nDONALD EUGENE SMILEY,\n Defendant-Appellant.", "\n \n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Norfolk.", "\n Rebecca Beach Smith, District Judge.", "\n (CR-01-213)\n\n Submitted: May 8, 2003\n\n Decided: May 20, 2003\n\n Before WIDENER, WILLIAMS, and MOTZ, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n\n\nAffirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.", "\n\n\n COUNSEL\n\nBrian Gay, THE B & G LAW GROUP, P.C., Virginia Beach, Vir-\nginia, for Appellant. ", "Paul J. McNulty, United States Attorney, James\nAshford Metcalfe, Assistant United States Attorney, Norfolk, Vir-\nginia, for Appellee.", "\n\n\n\nUnpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit. ", "See\nLocal Rule 36(c).", "\n\f2 UNITED STATES v. SMILEY\n OPINION\n\nPER CURIAM:\n\n Donald E. Smiley pled guilty to possession of a firearm and ammu-\nnition by a convicted felon, 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1) (2000). ", "He filed a\nmotion to suppress the gun found in a locked box in the closet of his\nlocked office in his home. ", "The district court denied the motion, and\nSmiley entered a conditional guilty plea, reserving the right to chal-\nlenge the denial of the motion. ", "On appeal, Smiley asserts two errors\nin the denial of his motion to suppress evidence acquired pursuant to\na consent search and contends that the district court erred in accepting\nhis guilty plea in the face of insufficient evidence that he possessed\nthe firearm. ", "Finding no error, we affirm.", "\n\n Smiley asserts that the district court erred in its factual determina-\ntion that the officers offered credible testimony and the testimony by\nSmiley, his wife, and a friend was less credible. ", "The district court’s\nfactual findings regarding the credibility of witnesses are reviewed for\nclear error and accorded great deference on appeal. ", "See United States\nv. Murray, 65 F.3d 1161, 1169 (4th Cir. ", "1995). ", "We have reviewed the\ntranscript of the suppression hearing and find that the district court’s\ncredibility findings were not clearly erroneous.", "\n\n Next, Smiley asserts that his wife’s verbal consent to search his\nlocked office and closet and his written permission to search the\nlocked office and closet did not extend to the locked box that con-\ntained the firearm. ", "We review the factual findings underlying a\nmotion to suppress for clear error, while the legal determinations are\nreviewed de novo. ", "See United States v. Rusher, 966 F.2d 868, 873\n(4th Cir. ", "1992). ", "The scope of a consent to search is determined by\nconsidering the interchange between the law enforcement officer and\nthe suspect and by applying a test of \"objective reasonableness\" to\nascertain the usual meaning of what was said. ", "Also of importance in\ndefining the scope of a search is its object, as a general consent autho-\nrizes the search of any area that may contain the object of the search.", "\nSee Florida v. Jimeno, 500 U.S. 248, 250-51 (1991). ", "In giving con-\nsent, a suspect may limit the scope of that consent, but if officers\nreceive a general consent to search a particular place, they are not\nrequired to repeatedly return for consent as to specific containers\n\f UNITED STATES v. SMILEY 3\nfound in that place. ", "Id. at 252; see also Walter v. United States, 447\nU.S. 649, 656 (1980) (stating that, in a search properly authorized by\nconsent or warrant, \"the scope of the search is limited by the terms\nof its authorization\").", "\n\n The district court found that Smiley gave written consent to a\nsearch of his locked office and the closet therein. ", "The district court\nalso found that Mrs. Smiley consented on two occasions to a search\nof the locked office and the closet. ", "Smiley additionally described to\nthe officers the location of the gun in the closet prior to the search and\nin conjunction with signing the written waiver. ", "The Smileys did not\nlimit the permissible scope of that search. ", "Accordingly, we conclude\nthat Smiley’s consent extended to the locked box where officers\nfound the gun.", "\n\n Finally, Smiley asserts that the court erred in accepting his guilty\nplea because he had neither actual nor constructive possession of the\ngun recovered from the closet. ", "Smiley pled guilty to the indictment,\nand he does not challenge the validity of his guilty plea. ", "Smiley’s\nguilty plea precludes a challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence.", "\nSee United States v. Willis, 992 F.2d 489, 490-91 (4th Cir. ", "1993).", "\nConsequently, we decline to consider the merits of this claim.", "\n\n Accordingly, we conclude that the district court’s denial of the\nmotion to suppress was not clear error. ", "We therefore affirm the crimi-\nnal judgment. ", "We deny Smiley’s motion to consolidate this appeal\nwith No. ", "03-6344 and to relieve his attorney. ", "We dispense with oral\nargument because the facts and legal contentions are adequately pre-\nsented in the materials before the court and argument would not aid\nthe decisional process.", "\n\n AFFIRMED\n\f" ]
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[ "The Mikisew Cree First Nation is seeking to have Wood Buffalo National Park, a crown jewel of Canada's national park system, classified as \"at-risk\" internationally in an effort to protect it from oil sands and hydroelectric projects.", "\n\nThe Mikisew sent a request on Monday to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to reclassify the park from its current status as a World Heritage Site. ", "The northern Alberta park received the designation because it has the world's largest freshwater delta, at the meeting place of the Peace and Athabasca Rivers. ", "The Mikisew say water levels in the park have dropped over the past decade and contaminant levels have increased.", "\n\nThe Alberta and federal governments are not obligated to make regulatory changes because of UNESCO designations, but the issue could bring further international attention to the oil sands. ", "The only North American site currently on the at-risk list is Everglades National Park in Florida.", "\n\nStory continues below advertisement\n\nThe designation \"at-risk\" means a site is in danger of losing the attribute that made it a World Heritage Site.", "\n\nThe two rivers that flow into Wood Buffalo, the country's largest national park, are tangled with Western Canada's energy industry. ", "The winding Peace River produces much of the hydroelectricity that powers the Pacific Coast, while the Athabasca River flows through Fort McMurray and is used in oil sands development.", "\n\nMembers of the Mikisew Cree say they have watched water levels drop for decades across the 800,000-acre delta, a nesting place for endangered whooping cranes. ", "The delta and the park are the small community's home, where locals hunt, fish and trap.", "\n\n\"We are already deeply concerned about the impact of industrial activity on our traditional lands,\" Mikisew Chief Steve Courtoreille said in a statement. \"", "We are using every possible means before it is too late to save the land that has supported our people for millennia.\"", "\n\nMelody Lepine, a director for the Mikisew, said she was shocked this summer when she saw the fast spread of thistle weed in the delta. ", "An invasive species, thistle weed grows in dried-out areas that were once underwater. ", "To complicate matters, the 5,000 bison in the park avoid the thistle, limiting their access to water.", "\n\nMs. Lepine said she expects the worst from future projects, including BC Hydro's proposed Site-C dam on the Peace River. \"", "We want Canada and the world to consider that this place is endangered, because it is,\" she said.", "\n\nSite C, which has been in the works since the 1970s, now has federal and provincial approval.", "\n\nStory continues below advertisement\n\nAccording to Dave Conway, a spokesman for BC Hydro, the Site C dam will not affect the delta.", "\n\n\"This project is 1,100-kilometres upstream. ", "It does not hold water; it lets water through. ", "There would be no effect from this project on any aspect of the environment in the Peace-Athabasca delta, according to a federal-provincial panel,\" Mr. Conway said.", "\n\nThe Mikisew are also asking governments to create a buffer zone where development is banned in an area between 50 and 100 kilometres around the park, citing a proposal for an oil sands mine just south of the park boundaries as a concern.", "\n\nThe sprawling Frontier Oil Sands Mine could produce 240,000 barrels of oil daily after opening in 2021. ", "It is currently undergoing federal review. ", "A buffer would imperil the proposed mine, said Alison Ronson, executive director of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society in northern Alberta. ", "She said the request to the UN could force the government to take a more active role in regulating the oil sands.", "\n\n\"This is a site that is supposed to be protected, and just because borders are drawn on a map, the park is not immune to what's going on around it,\" Ms. Ronson said.", "\n\nMs. Ronson's organization had success earlier in 2014 when UNESCO called on Canadian officials to create a buffer to protect Gros Morne National Park on Newfoundland's west coast from proposed oil drilling." ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a card connector for connecting an IC card to electronic devices, such as cellular phones, telephones, PDAs (personal digital assistants), portable audio devices and cameras, and more specifically to a switch structure for detecting the position of a write protect button of the IC card and the presence or absence of the IC card.", "\nIn electronic devices such as cellular phones, telephones, PDAs and digital cameras, a variety of functions are added by inserting an IC card with a built-in memory or control IC, such as a SIM (subscriber identity module) card, an MMC (multimedia card), a Smart Media (tradename) card and an SD (super density or secure digital) card.", "\nIn a connector structure for removably accommodating such an IC card, a plurality of contact terminals made of a metal leaf spring are provided in a connector housing to make contact with a plurality of contact pads formed on the front or back surface of the inserted IC card to electrically connect the IC card to the electronic device having that connector. ", "The contact pads of the IC card include a power supply pad connected to a power supply line and a plurality of signal pads for transferring various signals. ", "These contact pads are connected via the contact terminals of the card connector to a power supply circuit and various signal processing circuits in the electronic device.", "\nThe IC card of this kind normally employs some means for prohibiting the write operation in order to protect information stored in its internal memory. ", "One such means is a write protect button that can slide between two positions, as in a floppy disk. ", "In such a slide button system, the card is provided with a write protect button that can slide between two positions and which, when it is situated at one position, sets the card to a write disable state and, when it is slid to the other position, sets it to a write enable state. ", "On the connector side, a detector needs to be provided that detects the slide position of the write protect button.", "\nFurther, in addition to the slide position signal of the write protect button, the electronic device often calls for a signal indicating whether the card is inserted or not. ", "Hence, the connector should also be provided with a detector for checking the card insertion.", "\nAs a sensor structure for detecting a variety of these states, a light-based sensor structure may be considered. ", "The light-based sensor structure, however, has drawbacks that a sufficient detection precision cannot be expected as the card becomes thinner and smaller and that the installation of a light sensor can hinder reductions in size and cost. ", "Hence, a sensor into structure utilizing the engagement and disengagement of a contact leaf spring is considered the most promising structure overall.", "\nWhen these detectors are to be constructed of contact leaf springs, because each detector requires a pair of contact leaf springs, the total number of contact leaf springs required in the connector as a whole is two times the number of detectors.", "\nSuch a construction therefore has a large number of parts making up the detectors and requires a large space to accommodate these parts, which is detrimental to reducing the thickness and size of the connector structure.", "\nFurther, when the detection switch for the write protect button and the card recognition switch are to be installed inside the connector, it is difficult to arrange the two switches efficiently in a small space. ", "Thus, a layout has been called for which allows these two switches to be arranged efficiently in as small a space as possible.", "\nThe present invention has been accomplished under these circumstances. ", "It is an object of the invention to provide a switch structure of a card connector that can efficiently arrange in a small space the switches for detecting the write protect button and for checking the presence or absence of the card.", "\nIt is also an object of the invention to provide a switch structure of a card connector which can construct the write protect detection switch and the card recognition switch, both composed of contact leaf springs, by using a small number of parts and which can arrange these switches in a small space.", "\nViewed from one aspect, the present invention provides a switch structure of a card connector, wherein the card connector holds a card in a connector housing in such a manner that contact pads of the card engage contact terminals arranged in the connector housing, the card having a write protect button slidable in a recess formed in a card side surface, the switch structure comprising: a first switch arranged on a side wall portion of the connector housing to detect a slide position of the write protect button; and a second switch arranged in a card abutment wall of the connector housing to detect the presence or absence of the inserted card.", "\nWith this invention, a pair of the first and second switches are collectively arranged in a part of the connector housing corresponding to a front corner of the card, thus allowing the two switches to be installed efficiently in a small space and contributing to a reduction in the size of the connector structure.", "\nAnother aspect of the present invention provides a switch structure of a card connector, wherein the first switch and the second switch have: a cantilevered first contact leaf spring urged to engage its engagement portion with a part of the recess corresponding to one slide position of the write protect button of the inserted card; a second contact leaf spring urged to engage its engagement portion with a part of the recess corresponding to the other slide position of the write protect button of the inserted card, the second contact leaf spring extending along the first contact leaf spring on the inner side of the first contact leaf spring; and a third contact leaf spring urged to engage with a front face wall of the inserted card and adapted to come into contact with the second contact leaf spring when the card is inserted; wherein the first switch detects the slide position of the write protect button according to a displacement of the first and second contact leaf springs in a direction of their engagement or disengagement and the second switch detects the presence or absence of the inserted card according to a displacement of the second and third contact leaf springs in a direction of their engagement or disengagement.", "\nIn this invention, one of the contact leaf springs making up the two switchesxe2x80x94the write protect detection switch and the card recognition switchxe2x80x94is shared by the two switches. ", "This can reduce the number of parts of the contact leaf springs and therefore the cost and space." ]
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[ 0.0005730125703848898, 0.0005984106683172286, 0.0006428472697734833, 0.0006443076417781413, 0.000616905395872891, 0.0006985834916122258, 0.0010315149556845427, 0.000795617641415447, 0.0006322528934106231, 0.0006348169408738613, 0.0005515841767191887, 0.0005189743242226541, 0.0006905118352733552, 0.0005485691362991929, 0.0006363731808960438, 0.0006846735486760736, 0.0005789077840745449, 0.0005413914914242923, 0.0005526184686459601, 0.0006668799323961139, 0.0005712177371606231, 0.0005679670721292496, 0.000553320802282542, 0.0007431169506162405, 0.0007623218698427081, 0.0007566465646959841 ]
[ "The benefits of internal thoracic artery catheterization in patients with chronic abdominal aortic occlusion.", "\nOcclusion of the abdominal aorta may be caused by an embolic lesion, but more commonly by thrombotic disease at the aortoiliac area, progressing retrograde. ", "However, the visualization of the distal run-off via internal thoracic-epigastric inferior artery collateral channel may be a very important diagnostic tool, especially in countries with poor technical equipment. ", "This study was designed to show the benefit of the selective internal thoracic angiography in cases with complete aortic occlusion. ", "We present 30 patients with chronic aortic abdominal occlusion who were submitted to the transaxillary aortography and selective ITA angiography with purpose of distal run off evaluation. ", "Angiographic evaluation was performed by two independent radiologists according to previously defined classification. ", "Good angiographic score via internal thoracic angiography by first observer was achieved in 19 (63.3%) patients and in 18 (60%) by a second observer. ", "Transaxillary aortography showed inferior results: good angiographic score by the first observer in six (20%) patients and by the second observer in three (3%) patients. ", "Low extremity run-off is better visualized during internal thoracic angiography than during transaxillary aortography." ]
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[ 0.002085756743326783, 0.001736415084451437, 0.0007721739239059389, 0.0021518405992537737, 0.000612630567047745, 0.0006130951805971563, 0.0007460186025127769, 0.000775322609115392, 0.0011082720011472702 ]
[ "Repression of thrombospondin-1 expression, a natural inhibitor of angiogenesis, in polyoma middle T transformed NIH3T3 cells.", "\nThrombospondin-1 (TSI) is a modular extracellular matrix glycoprotein and expressed by many cell types in culture. ", "Thrombospondin-1 inhibits angiogenesis and its expression inversely correlates with the degree of invasiveness and metastasis in tumor cell lines. ", "Here, we demonstrate that expression of Polyoma middle T oncogene in NIH3T3 cells results not only in transformation but also represses expression of three thrombospondin isoforms, TS1, TS2, and TS3. ", "Similar results were observed in ras, and to a lesser extent in src transformed NIH3T3 cells. ", "Middle T and ras transformed cells expressed higher levels of c-jun mRNA, while the src transformed cells expressed higher levels of junB mRNA when compared to control cells. ", "Thus, repression of thrombospondin levels appears to play an important role in establishment and maintenance of a malignant phenotype. ", "This is mediated, at least in part, by alteration in c-jun activity in middle T and ras transformed NIH3T3 cells." ]
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[ 0.0011612428352236748, 0.0008931391639634967, 0.0008262430783361197, 0.000852887227665633, 0.0007455038139596581, 0.0007586548454128206, 0.0022752536460757256, 0.0008885750430636108 ]
[ "Sven Hoppe/picture alliance via Getty Images\n\nClearview AI, a controversial facial recognition app being used by US law enforcement to identify suspects and other people, is facing another lawsuit. ", "The new suit, filed Thursday, seeks class-action status and $5 million in damages for what it calls willful, reckless or negligent violations of biometrics laws in Illinois by Clearview and CDW.", "\n\nIt's fighting Clearview's collection, storage and use of biometric information without written consent, which is illegal, according to the lawsuit, which was spotted earlier Thursday by BuzzFeed.", "\n\nThe app identifies people by comparing photos to a database of images scraped from social media and other sites. ", "It came under fire after a New York Times investigation into the software company last month, with Clearview AI being called a \"chilling\" privacy risk by Democratic Sen. Edward Markey in late January. ", "Google, YouTube and Twitter have sent cease-and-desist letters to Clearview AI since.", "\n\n\"Clearview has amassed a database of more than 3 billion photographs that it scraped from sources including Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Venmo and millions of other websites,\" the lawsuit says. \"", "Users can take a picture of a stranger on the street, upload it to Clearview's tool and instantly see photos of that person on various social media platforms and websites, along with the person's name, address and other identifying information.\"", "\n\nNow playing: Watch this: Clearview AI's facial recognition goes creepier than...\n\nThe lawsuit also takes aim at CDW, which it alleges has licensed the Clearview app to law enforcement agencies including the Chicago Police Department. ", "That department paid almost $50,000 on Jan. 1, 2020, for a two-year contract to use the facial recognition software, the lawsuit alleges, following a free trial of Clearview.", "\n\n\"The CPD was so impressed with the results that it gave approximately 30 CPIC officials full access to Clearview's technology, effectively unleashing this vast, Orwellian surveillance tool on the citizens of Illinois,\" the lawsuit alleges.", "\n\nThe lawsuit was filed in the US District Court in the Southern District of New York -- because the company is headquartered there -- by two Illinois citizens on behalf of others affected. ", "The two plaintiffs are seeking injunctions to stop Clearview from doing this, as well as $5,000 in damages for each willful or reckless violation of the law, and $1,000 for for each negligent violation.", "\n\nIt follows another lawsuit filed in January in Illinois, which called the app an \"insidious encroachment\" on civil liberties. ", "It alleged Clearview AI \"acted out of pure greed.\"", "\n\n\"Without obtaining any consent and without notice, defendant Clearview used the internet to covertly gather information on millions of American citizens, collecting approximately three billion pictures of them, without any reason to suspect any of them of having done anything wrong, ever,\" the Illinois complaint, filed Jan. 24, alleges.", "\n\nClearview AI didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.", "\n\nOriginally published Feb. 13, 4:10 p.m. PT.", "\n\nUpdate, 5:02 p.m.: Adds more info on previous lawsuit." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAsynchronous (non-blocking) version of synchronized(){}\n\nIs there a good way to implement an asynchronous version of synchronized keyword? ", "Obviously the synchronized() keyword will frequently block the current thread. ", "For example:\n public static boolean getLockSync(Runnable r) {\n\n if (isLocked) {\n r.run();\n return true;\n }\n\n synchronized (My.lock) { // this is blocking, could block for more than 1-2 ms\n isLocked = true;\n r.run();\n isLocked = false;\n return false;\n }\n\n }\n\nI can return a boolean from this block - it's synchronous. ", "Is there a way to do this asynchronously?", "\nSomething like this:\n public static void getLockAsync(Runnable r) {\n\n if (isLocked) {\n CompletableFuture.runAsync(r);\n return;\n }\n\n Object.onLockAcquisition(My.lock, () -> { // this is non-blocking\n isLocked = true;\n r.run();\n isLocked = false;\n Object.releaseLock(My.lock);\n });\n\n }\n\nI made up the Object.onLockAcquisition method, but looking for something like that.", "\n\nA:\n\nHave you investigated alternatives? ", "Depending what you're trying to achieve then one - or a combination - of the following might help (or not):\n\ndouble locking alternatives (using volatile + monitor and check the volatile twice, once before locking, once after locking)\nuse AtomicXXX and there compareAndSet/compareAndExchange etc.. methods\nuse the java.util.concurrent.locks\nuse a single threaded executor to execute the critical section\nuse a queue\n\nA:\n\nThe correct solution in terms of Vert.x would be to use SharedData.getLock()\nReason for that is that asynchronicity is part of a specific library, and not of JVM platform.", "\nUnless Vert.x runs in a clustered mode, it will fall back to local lock:\npublic void getLockWithTimeout(String name, long timeout, Handler<AsyncResult<Lock>> resultHandler) {\n ...\n if (clusterManager == null) {\n getLocalLock(name, timeout, resultHandler);\n } else {\n ...\n }\n }\n\ngetLock uses LocalAsyncLocal underneath:\nlocalAsyncLocks.acquire(vertx.getOrCreateContext(), name, timeout, resultHandler);\n\nacquire() uses ConcurrentHashMap.compute under the hood:\nhttps://github.com/eclipse-vertx/vert.x/blob/master/src/main/java/io/vertx/core/shareddata/impl/LocalAsyncLocks.java#L91\nSo if you really want to have your own implementation, you can take inspiration from the code above.", "\n\nA:\n\nOne solution in Vertx is the toolkit's asynchronous locking calls:\nhttps://vertx.io/docs/vertx-core/java/#_asynchronous_locks\nwhich looks like:\nsd.getLock(\"mylock\", res -> {\n Lock lock = res.result();\n vertx.setTimer(5000, tid -> lock.release());\n});\n\nhowever, this is not really the solution I am looking for, as this is a networked lock, which means it's pretty slow compared to a normal in-memory lock. ", "I only need to create a lock in a single thread not across threads or processes.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "It's always been difficult to get a read on what exactly FIBA is meant to be for global basketball. ", "FIFA, the soccer version, is meant to mint money. ", "That is obvious. ", "I'll direct you to the popular FIFA video games, the billion-dollar rights deals and Qatar 2022. ", "FIBA is different: the NBA is the overwhelmingly dominant brand in basketball here and everywhere, and FIBA competition has always been a bit of a sideshow. ", "For American fans and players, it's primarily the vessel during which countries qualify for the Olympics. ", "Consider the minimal outrage when Team USA fails to win the World Championship (now called the World Cup) vs. when it wins bronze in the Olympics. ", "FIBA is far from dominant -- it's barely relevant.", "\n\nAs such, a shake-up would seem to be in order. ", "FIBA decided to expand the World Cup field from 24 to 32, they moved the World Cup off of the FIFA World Cup schedule and, in an apparent bid to please the NBA, they removed all extracurricular importance from the continental championship like EuroBasket. ", "In the past, these tournaments -- EuroBasket, FIBA Americas, etc. -- ", "were used to qualify teams for the World Championship and the Olympics. ", "No longer. ", "Now the tournaments will be held once every four years, and won't be used to qualify anyone for anything.", "\n\nLike FIFA, FIBA will now qualify teams for the World Cup and Olympics through a separate system. ", "This separate system includes new qualification windows throughout the year (as in soccer). ", "The windows: February, June, September and November. ", "Weird, because three of those months are during the NBA season. ", "FIFA international qualification works because FIFA is dominant and all of the other leagues adjust to allow players to return to their national teams for qualification. ", "FIBA isn't in that spot. ", "The NBA is not likely to adjust its schedule to have multi-week breaks during November and February where players can go off to play a few games of international ball, and June is certainly out of the question for a) players in the NBA Finals, b) prospects preparing for the draft and c) free agents to be hesitant to risk their contracts.", "\n\nHere's the thing about this new schedule: it kills Team USA, right? ", "The entire Team USA roster is in the NBA. ", "So that entire roster will be out of luck when qualification hits. ", "Use college kids? ", "OK, let's go tell Roy Williams he needs to give up his players for a couple weeks in February to play for a team they aren't likely to make in the end anyway. ", "That makes sense. ", "So ... are we going to use high school players? ", "Americans who aren't in the NBA? ", "Retired NBA players?", "\n\nThe only solution for Team USA will be to win every World Cup (which qualifies the team for the following Olympics) and win every Olympic tournament (which qualifies the team for the next World Cup). ", "Then Team USA would never need to worry about qualification windows. ", "But lose one tournament and it's mayhem.", "\n\nOther national teams? ", "They can't rely on that. ", "As such, the teams with NBA or Euroleague players will be at a distinct disadvantage. (", "The Euroleague could adjust its schedule, given that it's already pretty light. ", "Domestic leagues in Europe may also do the same. ", "But it's worth nothing that the European leagues opposed FIBA's shift.) ", "What's France without Tony Parker, Joakim Noah, Nicolas Batum and Boris Diaw? ", "What's Russia without Andrei Kirilenko and Alexey Shved? ", "What's Montenegro without Nikola Pekovic? ", "These NBA players will be allowed to play in less than half of FIBA's qualification windows, which could seriously squelch their countries' ability to qualify for this expanded World Cup.", "\n\nSo this is what we're left with: primarily second-string teams will compete for spots in the World Cup and Olympics during the traditional league season (when no one will be paying attention), and then the stars might be helicoptered in to perform in those big events, which will be held in back-to-back summers. ", "We're left with a Team USA that needs to win every big tournament to avoid playing high school kids in qualification rounds. ", "We're left with seemingly no one happy, and a product that hardly seems stronger in the wash.", "\n\nGood job, FIBA. ", "You've really outdone yourself this time.", "\n\n***\n\nThe Hook is a daily NBA column by Tom Ziller. ", "See the archives." ]
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[ "Dr. Peter Bryce\n\nDr. Peter Bryce studied psychiatry in Europe, worked in New Jersey, and later went to South Carolina. ", "From there, he went on to Alabama to work at the Bryce Hospital as its first superintendent. ", "At the time, he was considered to be revolutionary in the world of mental illness treatment, as he wanted to treat patients with kindness, respect, and courtesy at all times.", "\n\nBryce was also against the use of shackles, straightjackets, and other restraints, and they were eventually abandoned at the hospital in 1882." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Axions, originally proposed to solve the strong CP problem of quantum chromodynamics, emerge now as leading candidates of WISP dark matter. ", "The rich phenomenology associated to the light and stable QCD axion can be described as an effective magnetic field that can be experimentally investigated. ", "For the QUAX experiment, dark matter axions are searched by means of their resonant interactions with electronic spins in a magnetized sample. ", "In principle, axion-induced magnetization changes can be detected by embedding a sample in an rf cavity in a static magnetic field. ", "In this work we describe the operation of a prototype ferromagnetic haloscope, with a sensitivity limited by thermal fluctuations and receiver noise. ", "With a preliminary dark matter search, we are able to set an upper limit on the coupling constant of DFSZ axions to electrons $g_{aee}<4.9\\times10^{-10}$ at 95% C.L. for a mass of $58\\,\\mu$eV (i.e. 14GHz). ", "This is the first experimental result with an apparatus exploiting the coupling between cosmological axions and electrons.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'N. Crescini'\n- 'D. Alesini'\n- 'C. Braggio'\n- 'G. Carugno'\n- 'D. Di Gioacchino'\n- 'C. S. Gallo'\n- 'U. Gambardella'\n- 'C. Gatti'\n- 'G. Iannone'\n- 'G. Lamanna'\n- 'C. Ligi'\n- 'A. Lombardi'\n- 'A. Ortolan'\n- 'S. Pagano'\n- 'R. Pengo'\n- 'G. Ruoso'\n- 'C. C. Speake'\n- 'L. Taffarello'\nbibliography:\n- 'quax\\_gaee.bib'\ndate: 'Received: date / Accepted: date'\ntitle: 'Operation of a ferromagnetic Axion haloscope at $m_a=58\\,\\mu\\mathrm{eV}$'\n---\n\nIntroduction {#intro}\n============\n\nA major fraction of the mass content of the universe is composed of dark matter (DM), i.e. particles not interacting significantly with electromagnetic radiation, with ordinary matter or self-interacting (cold dark matter) [@zwicky; @rubin78; @rubin80]. ", "Up-to-date results [@pdg] show that with respect to the universe critical density the DM fraction is the $25.8\\%$ while the luminous matter fraction is $5.7\\%$, meaning that DM is about five times more abundant than ordinary baryonic matter. ", "This outstanding result triggered theoretical studies aiming to understand the nature of DM, for instance in the form of new particles beyond the Standard Model (SM).", "\n\nThe axion is a good candidate for DM but was not originally introduced to account for this specific issue. ", "To solve the strong CP problem Peccei and Quinn added a new symmetry to the SM [@pq], which breaks at an extremely high energy scale $F_a$ producing a pseudo-Goldstone boson, the axion [@weinberg1978new]. ", "Among the proposed models, the “invisible axion” model classes KSVZ and DFSZ still hold [@DINE1981199; @SHIFMAN1980493; @PhysRevLett.43.103; @DINE1983137]. ", "For scales $F_a\\sim10^{12}\\,$GeV, corresponding to typical mass values $m_a\\lesssim1\\,$meV, large quantities of axions may have been produced in the early universe and could account even for the totality of cold dark matter [@wilczek1978problem]. ", "Consequently, several detection schemes have been devised during the last decades to search for relic axions. ", "The value of $F_a$ is not fixed by the theory, however, cosmological considerations and astrophysical observations [@PRESKILL1983127; @raffelt1996stars; @turner1990windows; @abbott1983cosmological; @fox2004probing; @spergel170wilkinson] provide boundaries on $F_a$ and suggest a favoured axion mass range $1\\,\\mu\\mathrm{eV}<m_a<10\\,\\mathrm{meV}$. In addition, lattice results on QCD topological susceptibility, based on reliable computations of the axion relic density, indicate a preferred window for the axion mass in the range of tens of $\\mu$eV [@BURGER2017880; @berkowitz2015lattice; @borsanyi2016calculation; @diCortona2016; @petreczky2016topological; @bonati].", "\n\nAxion model classes can be tested with different experimental techniques [@PhysRevLett.51.1415; @ringwald; @axion_searches; @redondo; @kim]. ", "Most of these experiments are based on the Primakoff effect, i.e. an axion to photon conversion in a strong static magnetic field [@PhysRevLett.112.091302; @1475-7516-2007-04-010; @PhysRevLett.118.061302; @PhysRevLett.104.041301; @PhysRevD.74.012006; @MCALLISTER201767; @refId0; @caldwell2017dielectric]. ", "In particular, the ADMX experiment reached the cosmologically relevant sensitivity to exclude the axion mass range $1.9\\,\\mu\\mathrm{eV}\\lesssim m_a\\lesssim3.7\\,\\mu\\mathrm{eV}$ for the KSVZ model and $2.66\\,\\mu\\mathrm{eV}<m_a<2.81\\,\\mu\\mathrm{eV}$ for the DFSZ model [@PhysRevLett.120.151301], assuming a local DM density of 0.45GeV/cm$^3$. On the other hand the axion-fermion coupling, explicitly predicted in different axion models including DFSZ [@PhysRevLett.118.071802; @1475-7516-2017-08-001; @Ernst2018; @Ema2017; @PhysRevD.95.095009], allows for designing new detectors that exploit the interaction between axions and fermionic spins [@Garcon:2017ixh; @PhysRevX.4.021030; @1742-6596-718-4-042051]. ", "Among these, the QUAX detector [@BARBIERI2017135] takes advantage of the resonant interaction between relic axions and a magnetized magnetic sample housed in a microwave cavity. ", "In this paper we present results on the operation of a QUAX demonstrator, based on 5 GaYIG (Gallium Yttrium Iron Garnet) 1mm diameter spheres placed in a 14GHz resonant cavity. ", "The apparatus is operated at cryogenic temperatures and its sensitivity is limited only by thermal effects. ", "Section \\[esr\\] describes the proposed detection scheme, Sections \\[quax\\_prototype\\] and \\[discussioni\\] report on the measurement of an upper limit on the axion interaction with electronic spins, using the small-scale prototype of the final apparatus. ", "Conclusions are eventually drawn in Section \\[conclusion\\].", "\n\nAxion detection by resonant interaction with electron spin {#esr}\n==========================================================\n\nThe first ideas on axion detection via their conversion to magnons, collective excitations of the spins in a ferromagnet, were discussed in Ref.s [@vorobyov1995ferromagnetic; @BARBIERI1989357; @kakhidze1991antiferromagnetic; @Caspers:1989ix]. ", "As the DFSZ axion and other axion models [@PhysRevLett.118.071802; @1475-7516-2017-08-001; @Ernst2018; @Ema2017; @PhysRevD.95.095009] does not suppress the coupling between an axion $a$ and an electron $\\psi$ at the tree level, the Lagrangian reads $${\\cal L}=\\bar{\\psi}(x)(i\\hbar \n\\gamma^\\mu \\partial_\\mu- mc)\\psi(x) - ig_{aee} a(x) \\bar{\\psi}(x)\\gamma_5\\psi(x),\n \\label{eq1}$$ where $\\hbar$ is the reduced Planck constant, $\\gamma^\\mu$ is the Dirac matrices vector, $m$ is the mass of the electron and $c$ is the speed of light. ", "The second term of Eq.(\\[eq1\\]) describes the interaction between $a$ and the spin of the fermion, proportional to the dimensionless coupling constant $g_{aee}$. In the non-relativistic limit, the interaction term can be expressed as a function of the Bohr magneton $\\mu_B$ and of the effective axionic field $\\mathbf{B}_a$ $$-\\frac{g_{aee}\\hbar }{2m}\\hat{\\sigma}\\cdot \\mathbf{\\nabla}a = -2 \\frac{e \\hbar }{2m}\\hat{\\sigma}\\cdot\\left(\\frac{g_{aee}}{2e} \\right)\\mathbf{\\nabla}a \\equiv -2\\mu_B \\hat{\\sigma}\\cdot \\mathbf{B}_a,\n \\label{nabla_sigma}$$ where $\\hat{\\sigma}$ is the Pauli matrices vector and $e$ is the charge of the electron.", "\n\nDue to the Earth motion through the DM halo of the Galaxy, relic axions can be seen as a wind in an Earth-based laboratory, thus a non zero value of $\\nabla a$ is expected. ", "The DM wind average speed is $v_a\\simeq220\\,$km/s with a dispersion of about 270km/s [@PhysRevD.42.1001]. ", "Axions will interact with an electron spin as an effective magnetic field pointing roughly in the direction of Vega [@a50b3ba39b3d4d4b96edd70993223af4; @doi:10.1093/mnras/221.4.1023]. ", "The effective field frequency $f_a$ and amplitude $B_a$ are determined by the mass of the axion $m_a$ and the coupling constant $g_{aee}=3\\times10^{-11}(m_a/1\\,\\mathrm{eV})$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\begin{split}\n \\frac{\\omega_a}{2\\pi}&=f_a=\\frac{m_ac^2}{h}\\simeq14\\,\\Big( \\frac{m_a}{58.5\\,\\mu\\mathrm{eV}} \\Big)\\,\\mathrm{GHz}, \\\\\n B_a&=\\frac{g_{aee}}{2e}\\sqrt{\\frac{\\hbar n_a}{m_a c}}m_a v_a \\\\\n &=7\\times10^{-23}\\,\\Big( \\frac{\\varrho_\\mathrm{dm}}{0.45\\,\\mathrm{GeV}} \\Big)^\\frac{1}{2}\\Big( \\frac{m_a}{58.5\\,\\mu\\mathrm{eV}} \\Big)\\Big( \\frac{v_a}{220\\,\\mathrm{km/s}} \\Big)\\,\\mathrm{T},\n \\label{B_values}\n \\end{split}\n \\end{aligned}$$ meaning that $\\mathbf{B}_a$ is an extremely weak effective rf magnetic field with a linewidth of $\\Delta f_a=7.0\\,(m_a/58.5\\,\\mu\\mathrm{eV})\\,$kHz, due to the dispersion of $v_a$. The axion occupation number is $n_a=\\varrho_\\mathrm{dm}/m_a$, where $\\varrho_\\mathrm{dm}=0.45$GeV/cm$^3$ is the local DM density [@pdg]. ", "For a reference mass $m_a=58.5\\,\\mu$eV the mean de Broglie wavelength is $\\lambda_{\\nabla a}=0.74\\lambda_a=0.75h/(m_av_a)=5.1\\,\\mathrm{m}$, while the coherence time is $\\tau_{\\nabla a }=0.68\\tau_a=58\\,\\mu$s[^1]. ", "Placing a sample in a static magnetic field $\\mathbf{B}$, perpendicular to the axion wind, it is possible to tune the Larmor frequency of the electrons to $f_a$, for $\\mathbf{B}_0=(0,0,B_0)$, the direction of the electron spin $\\hat{\\sigma}$ is along the $z$-axis. ", "The axionic field $\\mathbf{B}_a$, acting on the spins of matter, deposits in the material an amount of power $P_\\mathrm{in}$ $$P_\\mathrm{in}=B_a \\dv{M}{t} V_s=4\\pi \\gamma \\mu_B f_a B_a^2 \\tau_\\mathrm{min} n_s V_s,\n \\label{pin}$$ where $V_s$ is the volume of the material, $M$ its magnetization, $n_s$ its spin density, $\\gamma$ is the gyromagnetic ratio of the electron, and $\\tau_\\mathrm{min}$ the minimum relaxation time of the system. ", "The absorbed power is then re-emitted in the form of rf radiation, which can be collected and represents our axion signal. ", "In free space $\\tau_\\mathrm{min}$ is mainly determined by radiation damping mechanisms (i.e. magnetic dipole emission of the sample) [@AUGUSTINE2002111; @doi:10.1063/1.1722859; @PhysRev.95.8], with values much smaller than the material relaxation times.", "\n\n![", "Transmission spectrum of the hybrid system as a function of the external field $B_0$, showing the anticrossing curve of the cavity mode (red dashed line) and Kittel mode (blue dashed line). ", "The coupling $g$ is defined by Eq.(\\[g\\_coupling\\]).[]{data-label=\"antic\"}](antic.png \"fig:\"){width=\".34\\textwidth\"} ![", "Transmission spectrum of the hybrid system as a function of the external field $B_0$, showing the anticrossing curve of the cavity mode (red dashed line) and Kittel mode (blue dashed line). ", "The coupling $g$ is defined by Eq.(\\[g\\_coupling\\]).[]{data-label=\"antic\"}](antic_legend.pdf \"fig:\"){width=\"8.00000%\"}\n\nTo avoid the radiation damping issue and thus increase the sensitivity, the magnetic sample is placed inside a resonant cavity. ", "A cavity mode with frequency $f_c \\simeq f_L$ couples to the Kittel mode (uniform spin precession) of the material, hybridization takes place and the single cavity mode splits into two hybrid modes with frequencies $f_-$ and $f_+$ (strong coupling regime) [@kittel; @kittel2; @Tabuchi405; @PhysRevLett.113.083603]. ", "This phenomenon limits the phase space of the dipole emission avoiding radiation damping, and is described by the anti-crossing curve represented in Fig.\\[antic\\], which also justifies the strong coupling regime approximation. ", "The coupling between the cavity mode and the Kittel mode is $$g=\\frac{\\gamma}{2\\pi}\\sqrt{\\frac{\\mu_0 h f_a}{V_m}n_sV_s}=f_+-f_-,\n \\label{g_coupling}$$ where $\\mu_0$ is vacuum magnetic permeability and $V_m=\\xi V_c$ is the product of the cavity volume $V_c$ and a mode-dependent form factor $\\xi$. The linewidths of the hybrid modes $k_{+,-}$ are an average of the linewidth of the cavity $k_c$ and of the material $k_m$, i.e. $k_{+,-}=\\frac{1}{2}(k_c+k_m)\\equiv k_h$. The calculated power spectral density of an empty cavity and of a cavity with the volume $V_s$ and $5V_s$ of material are shown in Fig.\\[hyb\\]. ", "The two hybrid modes are more sensitive to the power deposited by the axion field since they are not affected by radiation damping, the minimum relaxation time is $\\tau_\\mathrm{min}=\\min(\\tau_h,\\tau_{\\nabla a})$, where $\\tau_h=1/k_h$. With an antenna critically coupled to one of the hybrid resonant modes, the extracted power is $P_\\mathrm{out}=P_\\mathrm{in}/2$.\n\n![", "Power spectrum of the cavity (blue line), and hybrid modes calculated for a critically coupled antenna and a sample volume $V_s$ (orange line) and $5V_s$ (green line). ", "The used parameters are close to the experimental values of our apparatus.[]{data-label=\"hyb\"}](split.png){width=\".4\\textwidth\"}\n\nThe scalar product $\\hat{\\sigma}\\cdot\\nabla a$ of Eq.(\\[nabla\\_sigma\\]) shows that the effect is directional. ", "Due to earth rotation, an earth-based experiment experiences a full daily modulation of the signal, due to the variation of the axion wind direction.", "\n\nThe QUAX prototype {#quax_prototype}\n==================\n\nTo implement the scheme presented in Section \\[esr\\] we use a cylindrical copper cavity TM110 mode with resonance frequency $f_c\\simeq13.98\\,$GHz and linewidth $k_c/2\\pi\\simeq400\\,$kHz at liquid helium temperature, measured with a critically coupled antenna. ", "The shape of the cavity is not a regular cylinder, two symmetric sockets are carved into the cylinder to remove the angular degeneration of the normal mode, the maximum and minimum diameters are 26.7mm and 26.1mm, and the length is 50.0mm. ", "The shape of the cavity and of the mode magnetic field are shown in Fig.\\[cavity\\]. ", "The choice of the TM110 mode has the advantage of having a uniform maximum magnetic rf field along the cavity axis. ", "Its volume can be increased just using a longer cavity without changing the mode resonance frequency. ", "For this mode we calculate a form factor $\\xi=0.52$ [@doi:10.1063/1.4938164].", "\n\n![", "Design of the microwave cavity and magnetic field distribution of the TM110 mode (see text for details). ", "The black arrows represent the direction of the magnetic field, and the color is the normalized field amplitude. ", "The GaYIG spheres are placed on the cavity axis at the maximum of the rf magnetic field.[]{data-label=\"cavity\"}](tm110.png){width=\".45\\textwidth\"}\n\nThe cavity mode is coupled to a magnetic material, thus we studied the properties of several paramagnetic samples and some ferrites. ", "Highest values of $n_s$ together with long relaxation times have been found for YIG (Yttrium Iron Garnet) and GaYIG (Gallium doped YIG). ", "To avoid inhomogeneous broadening of the linewidth due to geometrical demagnetization, these garnets are shaped as highly polished spheres. ", "Five GaYIG spheres of 1mm diameter have been placed in the maximum magnetic field of the mode, which lies on the axis of the cavity. ", "The spheres are housed inside a PTFE support large enough to let them rotate in all possible directions, in order to automatically align the GaYIG magnetization easy axis with the external magnetic field.", "\n\nThe amplitude of an external magnetic field $B_0$ determines the Larmor frequency of the electrons. ", "The uniformity of $B_0$ on all the spheres must be enough to avoid inhomogeneous broadening of the ferromagnetic resonance. ", "To achieve a magnetic field uniformity $\\le 1/Q_h$, where $Q_h\\sim10^4$ is the quality factor of the hybrid mode, we make use of a superconducting NbTi cylindrical magnet equipped with a concentric cylindrical NbTi correction magnet. ", "With $B_0=0.5\\,$T we have $f_L\\simeq f_c$ and thus the hybridization of the cavity and Kittel modes, as discussed in Section \\[esr\\]. ", "The power supply of the main magnet is a high-precision, high-stability current generator, injecting 15.416A into the magnet with a precision better than 1mA, while a stable current generator provides 26.0A for the correction magnet. ", "A simplified scheme of the cavity, material and magnet setup is represented in the left part of Fig.\\[app2\\].", "\n\nIn the strong coupling regime, the hybrid mode frequencies are $f_+=14.061\\,$GHz and $f_-=13.903\\,$GHz, yielding a splitting $g=158\\,$MHz. ", "The coupling $g$ scales exactly with $\\sqrt{n_sV_s}$, in fact $g=\\sqrt{5}\\delta$, where $\\delta\\simeq71\\,$MHz is the measured splitting due to a single sphere. ", "This means that all the spins are coherently participating to the material-cavity mode, and ensures that all the spheres magnetization easy axes are aligned along $B_0$. We use $g$ to calculate the effective number of spins in the sample using the relation described by Eq.(\\[g\\_coupling\\]), we obtain $n_s=2.13\\times10^{28}\\,\\mathrm{m}^{-3}$. The weakly coupled linewidth is $0.7\\,$MHz, yielding a critically coupled one of $k_+/2\\pi=1.4\\,$MHz, corresponding to the hybrid modes relaxation times $\\tau_-\\simeq\\tau_+=0.11\\,\\mu$s.", "\n\nThe detection electronics consists in an amplification chain which has two inputs, called Input Channel 1 and 2, (IC-1 and IC-2, respectively). ", "Channel 1 measures the signal power, while Channel 2 has calibration and characterization purposes. ", "A cryogenic switch is used to select the desired channel:\n\nIC-1\n\n: - The rf power inside the cavity is collected with a dipole antenna whose coupling to the cavity can be changed using an external micro-manipulator, allowing us to switch continuously from sub-critical to over-critical coupling. ", "For optimal measurement conditions, we tune the antenna to critical coupling by doubling the sub-critical linewidth of the selected mode;\n\nIC-2\n\n: - A 50$\\Omega$ termination $R_J$, enclosed in a copper block together with a heater resistance, is used as Johnson noise source. ", "The emitted power can be used to calibrate the noise temperature of the system and the total gain, detailed in Section \\[calib\\].", "\n\nThe detection electronics, as shown in Fig.\\[app2\\], is divided into a liquid helium temperature part (LTE) and a room temperature part(HTE). ", "The collected power is amplified by a HEMT cryogenic low-noise amplifier (A1) with gain $G_\\mathrm{A1}\\simeq38\\,$dB. To avoid the back-action noise of the amplifier, a cryogenic isolator with 18dB of isolation is inserted in the chain. ", "The HTE consists of a room temperature FET amplifier (A2), with $G_\\mathrm{A2}\\simeq34\\,$dB, followed by an IQ mixer used to down-convert the signal with a local oscillator (LO).", "\n\nThe energy distribution of DM axions is highly peaked ($Q_a \\sim 10^6$) around the actual axion mass, so the corresponding frequency distribution can significantly overlap with one (e.g. $f_+$) of the two hybrid modes. ", "As the axion mass is unknown, both modes could be monitored independently in order to double the frequency scan rate of the detector. ", "In our simplified scheme we choose to work only with $f_+$, thus setting the LO frequency to $f_\\mathrm{LO}=f_+-0.5\\,$MHz and its amplitude to 12dBm. ", "The antenna output at the hybrid mode frequency is down-converted in the 0 - 1MHz band, allowing us to efficiently digitize the signal. ", "The phase and quadrature outputs are fed to two low frequency amplifiers (A3$_{I,Q}$), with a gain of $G_3\\simeq50\\,$dB each, and are acquired by a 16 bit ADC sampling at 2MHz.", "\n\n![*", "Left* - Simplified scheme (not to scale) of the experimental apparatus showing the high temperature and low temperature electronics (HTE and LTE) and the source oscillator (SO). *", "Right* - Electronics layout. ", "From bottom to top, the blue-dashed line encloses the cryogenic part of the apparatus, the crossed rectangles represent the magnet, the orange rectangle is the cavity with black spheres inside standing for the ferrimagnetic material. ", "At the top of the cavity are located the sub-critical antenna (left) and the variably-coupled antenna (right). ", "The sub-critical antenna is connected with a room temperature attenuator and then to the source oscillator SO, while the other antenna is connected to one of the switch inputs. ", "The other input is the 50$\\Omega$ resistor $R_J$, and the gray rectangle is the plate where $R_J$ is placed and that can be heated with a current generator. ", "The output of the switch is connected to an isolator and then to the A1 and A2 amplifiers. ", "The rf coming from A2 is down-converted by mixing it with a local oscillator LO. ", "The two outputs, phase $I$ and quadrature $Q$, are fed into the low frequency amplifiers A3$_I$ and A3$_Q$, and eventually to the ADC. ", "The red $T$’s are thermometers.[]{data-label=\"app2\"}](app2.png \"fig:\"){width=\".21\\textwidth\"} ![*", "Left* - Simplified scheme (not to scale) of the experimental apparatus showing the high temperature and low temperature electronics (HTE and LTE) and the source oscillator (SO). *", "Right* - Electronics layout. ", "From bottom to top, the blue-dashed line encloses the cryogenic part of the apparatus, the crossed rectangles represent the magnet, the orange rectangle is the cavity with black spheres inside standing for the ferrimagnetic material. ", "At the top of the cavity are located the sub-critical antenna (left) and the variably-coupled antenna (right). ", "The sub-critical antenna is connected with a room temperature attenuator and then to the source oscillator SO, while the other antenna is connected to one of the switch inputs. ", "The other input is the 50$\\Omega$ resistor $R_J$, and the gray rectangle is the plate where $R_J$ is placed and that can be heated with a current generator. ", "The output of the switch is connected to an isolator and then to the A1 and A2 amplifiers. ", "The rf coming from A2 is down-converted by mixing it with a local oscillator LO. ", "The two outputs, phase $I$ and quadrature $Q$, are fed into the low frequency amplifiers A3$_I$ and A3$_Q$, and eventually to the ADC. ", "The red $T$’s are thermometers.[]{data-label=\"app2\"}](app1.pdf \"fig:\"){width=\".225\\textwidth\"}\n\nA weakly coupled dipole antenna is used to inject low power signals and make transmission measurements of the system using a source oscillator, SO. ", "All the apparatus devices are referenced to a GPS disciplined, oven controlled, local oscillator. ", "The cryogenic part of the apparatus is enclosed in a vacuum vessel immersed in liquid helium, as shown schematically in Fig.\\[app2\\]. ", "Measurements are performed at temperatures $T_c\\sim T_a\\simeq5.0\\,$K and $T_r\\simeq5.5\\,$K, as read by the cavity, amplifier and $R_J$ thermometers, respectively.", "\n\nCalibration and measurements {#calib}\n----------------------------\n\nFor the calibration of the system, the load $R_J$ is heated to a temperature $T_r$, as described in Section \\[quax\\_prototype\\]. ", "Using IC-2 it is possible to measure the Johnson noise of $R_J$ in the temperature range $5 \\divisionsymbol 25\\,$K without significantly heating other parts of the apparatus. ", "The rf power from IC-2 is $$P_n=k_B (T_r+T_n) \\Delta f,\n \\label{pin_cal}$$ where $k_B$ is the Boltzmann constant, $T_n$ is the noise temperature of the system and $\\Delta f$ is the bandwidth. ", "By gradually increasing $T_r$ we linearly change the measured power level of Eq.(\\[pin\\_cal\\]) to determine the noise temperature and gain of the detection electronics, similarly to what is usually obtained with the Y-factor method [@BRAGGIO2009451].", "\n\n![", "Measurement of noise temperature and gain of the detection electronics. ", "The statistical error for each point is smaller than the size of the symbol. ", "In the plot the mean square amplitude of the ADC output is plotted vs $T_r$. The noise temperature at the input of A1 is $10^{L/10}\\times T_n=8.0\\,$K, where $L=-1.0\\,$dB are the measured losses between $R_J$ and A1.[]{data-label=\"stab_noiset\"}](cal_stab_1.pdf){width=\".45\\textwidth\"}\n\nIn Fig.\\[stab\\_noiset\\], four collected points are fitted with $q(T)=aT+b$ to obtain the noise temperature $T_n=-b/a$ and the total gain $G_\\mathrm{tot}=a$. The error of the estimated parameters is less than 1%. ", "Using this method we verified that the noise of the system changes linearly with the temperature, and that the measured cavity output power at the temperature $T_c$ is given by Eq.(\\[pin\\_cal\\]) with $T_r=T_c$, assuming that IC-1 and 2 have the same losses, which is true within 0.2dB. Typical measured values are $T_n=9\\divisionsymbol11\\,$K and $G_\\mathrm{tot}=106\\divisionsymbol108\\,$dB, at different frequencies around 14GHz. ", "This procedure ensures the accuracy of the measurement and then, using IC-1, we perform measurements on the hybrid system with the calibrated electronic chain.", "\n\nMultiple measurements of the effective axion field have been performed as follows. ", "The vacuum vessel containing the system is cooled down to liquid helium temperature and when a proper thermalization is achieved the detection electronics parameters $G_\\mathrm{tot}$ and $T_n$ are measured through IC-2. ", "Then we switch to IC-1, set the magnetic field $B_0$ to $0.5\\,$T to hybridize the cavity and Kittel mode at $f_c\\simeq f_L\\simeq 14\\,$GHz, and critically couple the antenna with the $f_+$ hybrid mode using the manipulator. ", "A dedicated DAQ software is used to control the oscillators and the ADC, and verifies the correct positioning of the LO with an automated measurement of the hybrid mode transmission spectrum. ", "The ADC digitizes the time-amplitude down-converted signal coming from A3$_I$ and A3$_Q$ and the DAQ software stores collected data binary files of 5s each. ", "The software also provides a simple online diagnostic, extracting 1ms of data every 5s, and showing its 512 bin FFT together with the moving average of all FFTs.", "\n\nAs seen in Section \\[esr\\], the axion wind releases a faint power in a band of $\\sim7$kHz around $f_a$. This signal can be seen only if $f_a$ falls into the detection bandwidth, which corresponds to the linewidth of the hybrid peak. ", "The expected noise power is given by $$P_n=1.48\\times10^{-18} \\Big( \\frac{T_c+T_n}{5.2\\,\\mathrm{K}+10.1\\,\\mathrm{K}} \\Big) \\Big( \\frac{\\Delta f}{7.0\\,\\mathrm{kHz}} \\Big)\\,\\mathrm{W},\n\\label{pin_misura}$$ calculated from Eq.(\\[pin\\_cal\\]) using the data collected from IC-2. ", "Considering the losses of the system and the gain of the amplifiers,we will show that the mean of the measured power is indeed compatible with the expected noise.", "\n\nAnalysis and results {#sens_res}\n--------------------\n\nThe signal is down-converted in its in-phase and quadrature components $\\{\\phi_n\\}$ and $\\{q_n\\}$, with respect to the local oscillator, that are sampled separately. ", "We applied a complex FFT to $\\{s_n\\}=\\{\\phi_n\\}+i\\{q_n\\}$ to get its power spectrum $s^2_\\omega$ with positive frequencies for $f>f_\\mathrm{LO}$ and negative frequencies for $f<f_\\mathrm{LO}$. In our experimental settings, the axion signal is mapped almost completely onto the positive frequencies since the hybrid mode linewidth is of order 1MHz.", "\n\nFig.\\[back\\] reports the analysis of RUN31, which we describe hereafter in some details. ", "The $\\sim$2.3 hours of the measurement consist in 2048000 FFTs of 8192 bins each (frequency resolution of 244Hz), which were square averaged and rebinned to the bandwidth $\\Delta f=7.8\\,$kHz (256 bins), close to $\\Delta f_a$. As explained, we consider only the positive part of the spectrum, consisting of 128 bins, and then calibrate $s^2_\\omega$ using Eq.(\\[pin\\_misura\\]). ", "Some frequency intervals of the power spectrum were affected by disturbances at the ADC output, and has been ignored in the analysis procedure. ", "A polynomial of degree 5 is fitted to the averaged spectrum and the residuals estimated. ", "The averaged spectrum is reported in Fig.\\[back\\] together with the fitting function.", "\n\n![", "Down-converted power spectrum and residuals of RUN31. ", "The black dots are the measured data points and their error is within the symbol dimensions, the red line is a polynomial fit of such points. ", "The residuals are represented in blue and, as an inset, we show them on an histogram. ", "The corrupted intervals are removed.[]{data-label=\"back\"}](power_measure.pdf){width=\".5\\textwidth\"}\n\nIn Fig.\\[back\\] a plot of the residuals and their histogram is also given. ", "The average value of the residuals is $-4.6\\times10^{-23}\\,$W with standard deviation $\\sigma_P=2.2\\times10^{-22}\\,$W. The result is compatible with Dicke radiometer equation $$\\sigma_\\mathrm{D}=k_BT_D\\sqrt{\\frac{\\Delta f}{t}} = 2.1\\times10^{-22} \\sqrt{\\Big(\\frac{\\Delta f}{7.8\\,\\mathrm{kHz}} \\Big)\\Big(\\frac{8280\\,\\mathrm{s}}{t} \\Big)}\\,\\mathrm{W},\n \\label{dike}$$ where $t$ is the total integration time and $T_D=T_c+T_n$. This means that the standard deviation of the noise decreases as $1/\\sqrt{t}$ trend at least within the RUN31 time span.", "\n\nThe stability of $f_+$ is monitored by injecting with SO an rf probe signal at $f_+-0.9\\,\\mathrm{MHz}=f_\\mathrm{LO}+0.1\\,\\mathrm{MHz}$. The transmitted amplitude of the probe peak is a monitor of the hybrid peak frequency since it changes if $f_+$ drifts. ", "Such amplitude is registered during the whole measurement and is plotted in Fig.\\[stab\\_noiset\\_2\\], the frequency stability of this run was around 3.5%, which was enough for the purposes of this measurement. ", "We presume that this variation is mostly due to drifts of the external static magnetic field, since with a $B_0=0$ run the corresponding variation was much smaller.", "\n\n![", "Stability of the hybrid mode, measured through the amplitude of a calibration peak injected with SO (see text for further details).[]{data-label=\"stab_noiset_2\"}](cal_stab_2.pdf){width=\".45\\textwidth\"}\n\nTo increase the confidence and the consistency of our estimators, additional offline tests have been performed on the acquired data. ", "Firstly, to search for $P_\\mathrm{in}$ when distributed into two adjacent bins, the analysis procedure was repeated using a binning shifted of $\\Delta f/2$. This test confirmed the reported result. ", "Secondly, we calculate the residuals of the averaged spectra for each 5s data segment verifying that there are no outliers.", "\n\nTo infer the axion sensitivity of our measurement, two corrections have to be introduced: *(i)* a loss of $0.98\\,\\mathrm{dB}$ (a factor 0.8) at the cavity antenna due to imperfect matching between cavity and axion field [@modellorlc]; *(ii)* a factor 1/2 to account for the binning search procedure. ", "In fact, the collected power in a single bin results in $P_\\mathrm{in}/2$ because our resolution bandwidth $\\Delta f$ overlaps partially with the axion distribution. ", "The correct power standard deviation results $\\sigma_P^\\prime=2\\sigma_P/0.8$.\n\nThe measured rf power is compatible with the modeled noise for every bin and no statistically significant signal consistent with axions was found. ", "The upper limit at the 95% C.L. is $2\\sigma^\\prime_P=1.1\\times10^{-21}\\,$W. This value can be converted to equivalent axion field with the help of Eq.(\\[pin\\]), obtaining $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\begin{split}\n B_m<& \\Big( \\frac{P_\\mathrm{out}=2\\sigma_P^\\prime}{4\\pi \\gamma \\mu_B n_S f_+ \\tau_+ V_s}\\Big)^{1/2}=2.6\\times10^{-17} \\Big[\\Big( \\frac{14\\,\\mathrm{GHz}}{f_+} \\Big) \\times\\\\\n & \\times\\Big( \\frac{2.13\\cdot10^{28}/\\mathrm{m}^3}{n_S} \\Big) \\Big( \\frac{0.11\\,\\mu\\mathrm{s}}{\\tau_+} \\Big) \\Big( \\frac{2.6\\,\\mathrm{mm}^3}{V_s} \\Big)\\Big]^{1/2}\\,\\mathrm{T},\n \\label{field_limit}\n \\end{split}\n \\end{aligned}$$ where all the reported parameters have been explicitly measured. ", "The limit holds for the central frequency of the hybrid mode, while for other frequencies the sensitivity have to be normalized: the correct sensitivity is obtained dividing $B_m$ by the normalized amplitude of the hybrid mode Lorentzian. ", "Several measurements have been performed for different cool downs of the setup. ", "Probably due to mechanical instabilities and to the low resolution of the correction magnet power supply, the resulting working frequency $f_+$ slightly changed between the runs, allowing us to perform also a limited frequency scan over a $\\sim$3MHz range. ", "The maximum integration time for a 1MHz band was 6 hours, and no deviations from the $1/\\sqrt{t}$ scaling of $\\sigma_P$ were found.", "\n\nDiscussions {#discussioni}\n===========\n\nOur results represent also a limit on the axion-electron coupling constant. ", "Since $B_m$ depends on $g_{aee}$, the explicit form of the effective magnetic field given in Eq.(\\[B\\_values\\]) can be recast with the help of Eq.(\\[pin\\]), to $$g_{aee}>\\frac{e}{\\pi m_av_a}\\sqrt{\\frac{2\\sigma^\\prime_P}{2\\mu_B \\gamma\\, n_a n_s V_s \\tau_+}},\n \\label{gaee2}$$ at 95% confidence level. ", "The results of this preliminary measurements are far from the sensitivity requirements for a cosmological axion search \\[see Eq.(\\[B\\_values\\])\\], however they can be used to detect DM Axion-like particles (ALPs), which can account for the whole dark matter density [@1475-7516-2012-06-013]. ", "During the measurement time the DM-wind amplitude was on the maximum of the daily modulation, allowing us to use the collected data to obtain an upper limit on the ALP-electron coupling at the maximum sensitivity. ", "Through Eq.(\\[gaee2\\]) we are able to exclude values of the ALP-electron coupling constant for ALP masses given by $f_+$ through Eq.(\\[B\\_values\\]). ", "By repeating the analysis procedure described in Section \\[sens\\_res\\] for seven measurement runs and averaging together overlapping bandwidths, we produce the plot in Fig.\\[limit\\]. ", "The minimum measured value of $g_{aee}$ is $4.9\\times10^{-10}$, corresponding to an equivalent axion field limit of $1.6\\times 10^{-17}\\,$T.\n\n![", "Excluded values of the $g_{aee}$ coupling (blue area) compared to its theoretical prediction for the DFSZ axion model with $\\beta=1$ (orange line) and a DM density of 0.45GeV/cm$^3$. The green shaded area is excluded by white dwarf cooling [@raffeltaxions; @battich; @Corsico:2016okh], while the black dashed line is the best upper limit obtained with solar axion searches relying on the axio-electric effect [@PhysRevLett.118.261301; @201346; @PhysRevD.90.062009; @PhysRevD.95.029904; @1475-7516-2013-11-067; @Yoon2016; @Derbin2012]. ", "Other statistically significant limits can be found in [@1475-7516-2017-10-010; @cicoli].[]{data-label=\"limit\"}](limit.png){width=\".5\\textwidth\"}\n\nImprovements and discovery potential {#improvements}\n------------------------------------\n\nTo push the present sensitivity towards smaller values of the coupling constant $g_{aee}$, several improvements should be implemented. ", "In fact, using Eq.(\\[pin\\]), the power released by a DFSZ-axion wind in the five GaYIG spheres of our prototype is $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\begin{split}\n P_{\\rm out}=&\\frac{P_{\\rm in}}{2}=1.4 \\times 10^{-33} \\left(\\frac{m_a}{58.5\\, \\mu{\\rm eV}}\\right)^3 \\times\\\\\n &\\times \\left( \\frac{n_s}{2 \\cdot10^{28} /{\\rm m}^3}\\right)\\left( \\frac{V_s}{2.6\\,\\, {\\rm mm}^3}\\right)\n \\left( \\frac{\\tau_{\\rm min}}{0.11 \\,\\mu{\\rm s}}\\right)\\,{\\rm W},\n \\label{power}\n \\end{split}\n \\end{aligned}$$ corresponding to a rate $r_a\\sim10^{-10}\\,\\mathrm{Hz}$ of 14GHz photons, which is clearly not detectable. ", "To have a statistically significant signal within a reasonable integration time it is mandatory to increase the signal rate, for example in the mHz range, that will give tens counts per day. ", "The present sensitivity to the power deposited in the system by the axion wind maintains an excess photon rate of order $100\\,$photons/s. Short term improvements that will be installed in the prototype include a larger volume of narrow-linewidth magnetic material, namely 10 YIG spheres of 2mm diameter, a lower cavity temperature with dilution refrigeration and the use of a Josephson Parametric Amplifier (JPA). ", "The increased volume will enhance the axionic signal of a factor 16. ", "As for the noise reduction, a working temperature of 100mK will reduce the thermal fluctuations and there are hints suggesting that it can also reduce the YIG linewidth. ", "Ultra cryogenic temperatures allow us to use JPAs as first-stage amplifier to drastically increase the sensitivity, since its noise temperature can be of the order of 100mK. The upgraded prototype should be capable of setting a limit on the effective magnetic field $B_m$ two orders of magnitude better than the present one.", "\n\nTo achieve the QUAX goal [@BARBIERI2017135], the detector requires an improvement of three to four more orders of magnitude in sensitivity, which can be obtained increasing the signal and reducing the noise. ", "Using a $V_s\\simeq0.1\\,$liters and $\\tau_\\mathrm{min}\\simeq1\\,\\mu$s, the axionic power deposited in the system is $\\sim 10^{-27}\\,$W. This power is smaller than the quantum noise, meaning that a quantum counter, immune to such noise, must be exploited to push the sensitivity to the axion level [@PhysRevD.88.035020; @kuzmin].", "\n\nTo scan different axion masses we must vary the working frequency of the haloscope. ", "A large tuning can be achieved by changing both the cavity mode resonance frequency and the Larmor frequency (i.e. the static magnetic field $B_0$). ", "A small frequency tuning is possible by varying only $B_0$: in this case, a scanning of several MHz is possible without a significant reduction of the sensitivity. ", "In the favored case of a signal detection, its nature can be systematically studied by QUAX. ", "Since the axion signal is persistent, it will be possible to infer DM properties by using the directionality of the apparatus. ", "Moreover, this setup is able to test different axion models, measuring separately the axion-to-photon and axion-to-electron couplings. ", "In fact the apparatus has also the features of a Sikivie haloscope [@PhysRevLett.51.1415], and can be sensitive to the axion-photon coupling by using a suitable cavity mode.", "\n\nConclusions {#conclusion}\n===========\n\nWe described the operation of a prototype of the QUAX experiment, a ferromagnetic haloscope sensitive to DM axion through their interaction with electron spin. ", "Our findings indicate the possibility of performing electron spin resonance measurements of a sizable quantity of material inside a cavity cooled down to cryogenic temperatures. ", "By using low noise electronics we search for extra power injected in the system that could be due to DM axions. ", "We reach a power sensitivity of $10^{-22}\\,$W that can be translated to an upper limit on the the coupling constant $g_{aee}<4.9\\times10^{-10}$ for an axion mass of $58\\,\\mu$eV, which, to our knowledge, is the first measurement of the coupling between cosmological axions and electrons. ", "The sensitivity of our apparatus is presently limited only by the noise temperature of the system and thermodynamic fluctuations, as it reaches the limit of Dicke radiometer equation. ", "The overall behavior of the apparatus is as expected, and thus we are confident that the planned upgrades will be effective.", "\n\nAcknowledgments {#ack .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThe authors wish to thank Fulvio Calaon, Mario Tessaro, Mario Zago, Massimo Rebeschini, Andrea Benato and Enrico Berto for the help with cryogenics and for the mechanical and electronic work on the experimental setup. ", "We acknowledge the support of Giampaolo Galet and Lorenzo Castellani for the building of the high-precision power supply and Nicola Toniolo, Michele Gulmini and Stefano Marchini for the work on the DAQ system. ", "We also acknowledge Paolo Falferi and Renato Mezzena for the useful experimental suggestions, and finally we thank Riccardo Barbieri and Andreas Ringwald for the stimulating theoretical discussion and advice.", "\n\n[^1]: The numerical factors account for the differences between $a$ and $\\nabla a$, see [@BARBIERI2017135] for further details.", "\n" ]
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[ "# calc.pkg \n\n/* This file provides glue code for building the calculator using the\n * parser and lexer specified in calc.lex and calc.grammar.", "\n*/\n\npackage Calc: api\n\t my parse: Void -> Void\n end\n{\n\n/* \n * We apply the generics generated from calc.lex and calc.grammar to produce\n * the CalcParser package.", "\n */\n\n package CalcLrVals =\n CalcLrValsFun (package token = lr_parser::token)\n\n package CalcLex =\n CalcLexFun (package tokens = calc_lr_vals::tokens)\n\n package calc_parser =\n make_complete_yacc_parser_g (package lr_parser = lr_parser\n\t package parser_data = CalcLrVals::parser_data\n\t package Lex = CalcLex)\n\n/* \n * We need a function which given a lexer invokes the parser. ", "The\n * function invoke does this.", "\n */\n\n fun invoke lexstream =\n let fun print_error (s, i: Int, _) =\n\t file::write (file::stdout,\n\t\t\t \"Error, line \" + (int::to_string i) + \", \" + s + \"\\n\")\n in CalcParser::parse (0, lexstream, print_error, ())\n end\n\n/* \n * Finally, we need a driver function that reads one or more expressions\n * from the standard input. ", "The function parse, shown below, does\n * this. ", "It runs the calculator on the standard input and terminates when\n * an end-of-file is encountered.", "\n */\n\n fun parse () = \n let lexer = CalcParser::make_lexer (\\\\ _ => file::read_line file::stdin)\n\t dummy_eof = CalcLrVals::Tokens::EOF (0, 0)\n\t dummy_semi = CalcLrVals::Tokens::SEMI (0, 0)\n\t fun loop lexer =\n\t let my (result, lexer) = invoke lexer\n\t\t my (next_token, lexer) = CalcParser::Stream::get lexer\n\t\t case result\n\t\t\t of THE r =>\n\t\t\t\tfile::write (file::stdout,\n\t\t\t\t \"result = \" + (int::to_string r) + \"\\n\")\n\t\t\t | NULL => ()\n\t in if CalcParser::sameToken (next_token, dummy_eof) then ()\n\t\t else loop lexer\n\t end\n in loop lexer\n end\n\n} # package Calc \n" ]
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[ "\n493 F.Supp. ", "345 (1980)\nOllie J. VENTERS and Charlene K. Venters, Plaintiffs,\nv.\nMICHIGAN GAS UTILITIES COMPANY, a Michigan Corporation, Defendant.", "\nMICHIGAN GAS UTILITIES COMPANY, a Michigan Corporation, Third-Party Plaintiff,\nv.\nWOODRUFF & SONS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, a Foreign Corporation, and Williams and Works, a Michigan Corporation, Third-Party Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "K75-398 CA8.", "\nUnited States District Court, W. D. Michigan, S. D.\nJune 4, 1980.", "\n*346 Clarence Borns, Merrillville, Ind., Reamon, Williams, Klukowski & Craft, Grand Rapids, Mich., for plaintiffs.", "\nF. William McKee, Grand Rapids, Mich., for defendant.", "\nCharles E. Ritter, Kalamazoo, Mich., for third-party defendant Woodruff & Sons.", "\nGrant J. Gruel, Grand Rapids, Mich., for third-party defendant Williams & Works.", "\n\nOPINION\nDOUGLAS W. HILLMAN, District Judge.", "\nThis is a diversity action for injuries sustained by plaintiff Ollie J. Venters (Venters) *347 in a gas explosion while he was working in a manhole at the intersection of Eighth and Boughton Streets in Benton Harbor, Michigan, on December 18, 1973. ", "Venters filed suit against defendant Michigan Gas Utilities Company (MGU) and MGU in turn sued Woodruff & Sons Construction Company (Woodruff), Venters's employer, and Williams & Works (Williams). ", "The case is before the court on the motion of third-party defendant Woodruff for judgment on the third-party pleadings, pursuant to Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 12(c). ", "Because matters outside the pleadings have been presented to and not excluded by the court, the motion will be treated as one for summary judgment under Rule 56. ", "For purposes of this motion, facts asserted and supported by the opposing party, the defendant and third-party plaintiff, are regarded as true. ", "Day v. UAW, 466 F.2d 83 (6th Cir. ", "1972).", "\n\nFACTS AND PLEADINGS\nPlaintiff Venters, an Indiana resident, was employed by third-party defendant Woodruff, a foreign corporation authorized to do business in Michigan, when the accident occurred. ", "Woodruff had been hired by the City of Benton Harbor to construct sewers in the city. ", "The other third-party defendant, Williams, an engineering firm, had been hired by the City to supervise the sewer construction. ", "Williams is not a party to this motion to dismiss. ", "Defendant and third-party plaintiff, MGU, a Michigan corporation, is and was the owner of sub-surface natural gas lines at the intersection of Eighth and Boughton Streets.", "\nDuring the week of December 10, 1973, Woodruff, the contractor, was excavating at the aforementioned intersection under the supervision of Williams and MGU. ", "MGU had staked out the gas lines and informed both third-party defendants of the location of the lines under the streets. ", "On Friday, December 14, MGU employees were called to the intersection to investigate suspected gas leaks. ", "They capped a service line, but did not replace a cast iron \"cross\" connecting two mains, though MGU admits a \"fuzz\" leak was observed at the cross. ", "On Monday, December 18, plaintiff Venters and a coworker entered a manhole at the intersection. ", "An explosion occurred and Venters was severely burned. ", "An MGU investigation on the same day found the cross to be cracked and leaking gas, approximately 12 inches from the manhole.", "\nPlaintiff Venters and his wife sued MGU in June, 1975, alleging liability of the Gas Company on the following six counts:\nCount 1: Negligence in using inadequate materials, failing to inspect and control its pipelines as required by industry custom and federal and state law, failing to repair the leak on December 14, failing to warn plaintiff, and failing to supervise Woodruff's backfilling on the site of the leak.", "\nCount 2: Gross negligence and willful and wanton misconduct in the above acts.", "\nCount 3: Breach of implied warranties of safety, fitness, merchantability of its product, its means of distribution, and its repairs of December 14.", "\nCount 4: Strict liability for an inherently dangerous activity.", "\nCount 5: Negligence under res ipsa loquitur doctrine.", "\nCount 6: Incorporation of these claims as a basis for the loss of services and companionship of Venters by his wife.", "\nIn March, 1977, then Chief Judge Fox of this court permitted MGU to file a third-party complaint against the two third-party defendants, Woodruff and Williams. ", "MGU asserts a right of contribution or indemnity against Woodruff on the ground that the contractor's alleged negligent acts or omissions could result in the imposition of liability on MGU for plaintiff Ollie Venters's injuries, and if so, liability would be imposed without a finding of fault on the part of MGU. ", "Specifically, MGU charges Woodruff was negligent in excavating above the gas pipeline; leaving the gas line exposed and unsupported; allowing concrete or asphalt to fall onto the gas line, causing it to crack and to permit gas to escape; backfilling soil over the gas line when Woodruff knew or should have known it may *348 have been leaking, or in a manner that failed to provide sufficient support; allowing heavy traffic over the gas line; failing to warn and instruct Venters and to post warning signs; and failing to inspect the manhole and take proper precautions to prevent gas ignition. ", "The failure to fulfill these non-delegable duties, MGU alleges, was the direct and proximate cause of the explosion on December 18, 1973.", "\nWoodruff denies liability and filed this motion for judgment on the pleadings on September 28, 1977.", "\n\nDISCUSSION\nIt is settled law that the law of the forum state is to be applied in diversity actions. ", "Erie R. R. Company v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64, 58 S.Ct. ", "817, 82 L.Ed. ", "1188 (1938). ", "Substantive rights of the third-party plaintiff to recover under a contribution or indemnity theory from a third-party defendant as the result of an accident in Michigan are determined under Michigan law. ", "Pelkey v. State Sales, Inc., 210 F.Supp. ", "924, 925 (E.D.Mich.1962). ", "In this case, the explosion causing Venters's injuries occurred in Michigan, the claim accrued here, and consequently, Michigan law will govern MGU's rights against Woodruff on the third-party claim.", "\nThe principal issue before the court is whether, under applicable Michigan law, third-party plaintiff MGU has either a right of contribution or a right of indemnity against third-party defendant Woodruff. ", "For the reasons given below, I conclude that depending on facts to be established at trial, MGU may have a right of indemnity against Woodruff and, accordingly, I deny third-party defendant's motion for judgment on the pleadings.", "\n\nA. CONTRIBUTION.", "\nThe court first turns to third-party plaintiff MGU's claim of a right to contribution from Woodruff. ", "A right to contribution arises when tortfeasors have a common liability to the plaintiff. ", "Moyses v. Spartan Asphalt Paving Company, 383 Mich. 314, 174 N.W.2d 797 (1970). ", "A common liability may exist even though the parties are found liable on separate theories of law and for separate acts, if the concurrence of their acts was the proximate cause of a single, indivisible injury to the plaintiff. ", "Where a common liability exists, each individual wrongdoer may be held liable to the plaintiff for the entire amount of the damages. ", "Caldwell v. Fox, 394 Mich. 401, 231 N.W.2d 46 (1975). ", "If one pays more than his pro-rata share, however, by Michigan statute, he is entitled to contribution from the other wrongdoers. ", "M.C.L.A. § 600.2925a, M.S.A. § 27A.2925(1).", "\nThis general right of contribution is limited by Michigan law which holds a defendant may not implead an employer for contribution if the plaintiff was compensated for his injuries under the Workers' Disability Compensation Act, M.C.L.A. § 418.101, et seq., ", "M.S.A. § 17.237(101), et seq. ", "Husted v. Consumers Power Company, 376 Mich. 41, 135 N.W.2d 370 (1965); Minster Machine Company v. Diamond Stamping Company, 72 Mich.App. ", "58, 248 N.W.2d 676 (1977). ", "The exclusive remedy provision of the Act, Section 131, states in pertinent part:\n\"A right to the recovery of benefits as provided in this act shall be the employee's exclusive remedy against the employer. ", "As used in this section . . . ", "`employee' includes the person injured, his personal representative and any other person to whom a claim accrues by reason of the injury to or death of the employee . . .\"", "\nBecause the third-party plaintiff's claim of contribution against the third-party defendant is derivative of the principal plaintiff's right, an impleader action would require a finding that, with respect to the plaintiff, the employer and third-party plaintiff are joint tortfeasors. ", "But this would violate the exclusive remedy provision of Section 131. ", "Under the worker's compensation law, an employer has no common liability, and is not a joint tortfeasor with the defendant. ", "Husted, 135 N.W.2d at 376.", "\n*349 Third-party plaintiff MGU argues that the employer immunity rule was effectively abrogated by the Michigan Supreme Court's recent adoption of comparative negligence in Placek v. City of Sterling Heights, 405 Mich. 638, 275 N.W.2d 511 (1979). ", "In Placek, the Court heralded comparative negligence as a more equitable doctrine than contributory negligence because it \"most nearly accomplishes the goal of a fair system of apportionment of damages\". ", "275 N.W.2d at 519. ", "The case concerned only the apportionment of fault between the plaintiff and the defendant. ", "It did not involve a third-party complaint or worker's compensation, and the Court did not reach the effect of comparative negligence on impleader, joint and several liability, or contribution. ", "See, 275 N.W.2d at 537, n.11 (Coleman, C. J., concurring in part, dissenting in part). ", "Nevertheless, MGU urges this court to strike down employer immunity on the ground it is inconsistent with the philosophy of Placek and unfair. ", "It maintains that Woodruff should be joined as a third-party defendant in order to accurately calculate relative degrees of fault.", "\nThis the court declines to do. ", "No compelling reason has been presented to the court for striking down employer immunity. ", "There are simpler ways to fairly calculate any damages MGU may owe plaintiffs without overturning an integral part of a complex legislative scheme for insuring worker protection, enacted nearly 70 years ago. ", "Admittedly, the third-party plaintiff raises interesting questions of first impression in this court. ", "For example, does the adoption of comparative negligence make the exclusion of employers from the calculation of damages unrealistic and unfair to defendants? ", "Should the traditional theory of joint and several liability under which one defendant may be liable for the entire amount of damages also be swept aside? ", "These questions, however, are properly left to the legislature and judiciary of the state to decide. ", "I hold that Woodruff cannot be joined by MGU as a third-party defendant for the purposes of contribution.", "\n\nB. INDEMNITY.", "\nThe court turns next to third-party plaintiff MGU's claim to a right of indemnification from Woodruff. ", "Indemnity is based on the equitable principle that where the wrongful act of one results in another being held liable, the latter party is entitled to total restitution from the wrongdoer. ", "Hill v. Sullivan Equipment Company, 86 Mich.App. ", "693, 273 N.W.2d 527 (1979). ", "The doctrine is distinct from contribution: it is not derivative of the plaintiff's rights against the third-party defendant but rather arises from a separate duty owed by the third-party defendant to the third-party plaintiff. ", "Thus, the employer immunity provision of the Worker's Compensation Act does not bar an impleader action for indemnity against an employer. ", "Dale v. Whiteman, 388 Mich. 698, 202 N.W.2d 797 (1972); Husted, supra. ", "In Dale, the Michigan Supreme Court reviewed the various grounds for indemnity, including an express contract, an implied contract, or the special relationship of the parties. ", "In addition, it noted that courts have permitted a defendant to implead and recover indemnity from a third party where the defendant was a \"passive\" tortfeasor, free from active, causal fault, and liable to the original plaintiff only by operation of law, whereas the third party was negligent as an \"active\" tortfeasor. ", "202 N.W.2d at 800. ", "See also, Roe v. Bryant and Johnston Company, 193 F.Supp. ", "804 (E.D.Mich.1961); Prosky v. National Acme Company, 404 F.Supp. ", "852 (E.D.Mich.1975); Pelkey, supra; Provencal v. Parker, 66 Mich.App. ", "431, 239 N.W.2d 623 (1976). ", "Quoting from 42 C.J.S. Indemnity § 21 at p. 597, the Michigan Supreme Court, in Dale, wrote:\n\"This right of indemnity . . . ", "exists independently of statute, and whether or not contractual relations exit [sic] between the parties, and whether or not the negligent person owed the other a special or particular legal duty not to be negligent.\" ", "202 N.W.2d at 800.", "\nThus in Dale, when the owner of a car was held liable to an injured car wash employee solely on the basis of the Michigan Automobile Owner's Liability Statute, without a *350 finding of fault, he was permitted to recover common law indemnity from the owner of the car wash, whose active negligence caused the injury. ", "And in Nanasi v. General Motors Corporation, 56 Mich.App. ", "652, 224 N.W.2d 914 (1974), the court permitted a general contractor and site owner to implead for indemnity the subcontractor-employer of the plaintiff's decedent because the principal complaint alleged vicarious liability for failing to supervise inherently dangerous activities, a form of passive negligence. ", "It made no difference that the complaint also alleged the defendants' active negligence because, the court noted, they had pleaded freedom from all fault.", "\nThe instant action is similar to these cases. ", "Counts 3 and 4 of the Venters' complaint allege that defendant MGU is, respectively, liable for breach of implied warranties of safety, fitness and merchantability and strictly liable for damages resulting from the conduct of inherently dangerous activities — both theories of passive liability without a finding of fault. ", "Although the complaint alleges active negligence as well, MGU pleads that on the facts to be adduced at trial, it can be found liable, if at all, only on passive grounds. ", "In turn, MGU claims that third-party defendant Woodruff is liable to it for active negligence in failing to warn MGU of its excavation, failing to excavate according to reasonable construction practices, failing to take precautions to prevent accidental ignition of gas, and failing to supervise an ultra-hazardous activity. ", "Breach of these duties to warn MGU and make the area safe are alleged to be the proximate cause of Ollie Venters's injuries.", "\nWoodruff denies that MGU has a right of indemnification against it. ", "It states first that MGU cannot be found liable on the plaintiffs' claims of passive negligence alone. ", "It points to cases wherein a power company was held to a normal negligence standard, Kawbawgam Hotel Company v. Michigan Gas and Electric Company, 372 Mich. 507, 127 N.W.2d 377 (1964), and the dismissal of strict liability and breach of warranty counts was upheld, McLaughlin v. Consumers Power Company, 52 Mich.App. ", "663, 218 N.W.2d 122 (1974). ", "But these cases are distinguishable on their facts from the instant case. ", "In Kawbawgam Hotel Company, the defendant was held to an active negligence standard after it was shown that its employees actually approved the faulty method of backfilling used by Marquette city employees. ", "In the instant case, by contrast, the power company's control was less direct. ", "In its answer to plaintiffs' interrogatory No. ", "104, MGU stated that neither the company nor its agents or employees backfilled or supervised the backfilling of the excavation, an alleged cause of Ollie Venters's injuries. ", "In its answer to plaintiffs' request for admission, No. ", "2, MGU admitted that Tony Richardson, an employee and agent of the company, had been \"assigned to coordinate excavating activities between [Woodruff] and [MGU],\" but added that \"during this assigned time period, Mr. Richardson was assigned to coordinate other construction projects as well.\" ", "And in its answers to requests for admissions, Nos. ", "19, 20, 21 and 22, MGU stated that, although it \"held itself available to [Woodruff] to supervise backfilling upon their request\", it denied knowing Woodruff's standard operating procedure was to backfill on the same day pipe was laid, denied being aware that backfilling causes \"unavoidable ground movement which increases stress and pressure on gas lines\", and denied knowing Woodruff was backfilling a portion of the excavation where the pipeline cross was located. ", "Taking these answers and denials as true for the purposes of this motion, it is entirely possible MGU could be found free of active negligence, but still liable on the passive or strict negligence counts alleged by the Venters.", "\nThe McLaughlin court's dismissal of the strict liability and breach of warranty counts is distinguishable, too, because as the court stated tersely, the plaintiff had merely pleaded legal conclusion without adequate factual support. ", "That does not appear to be the case here.", "\nThird-party defendant Woodruff also argues that MGU cannot be liable on a breach of implied warranty theory because, on the authority of Williams v. Detroit Edison *351 Company, 63 Mich.App. ", "559, 234 N.W.2d 702 (1975), no warranty can arise until the manufacturer gives up control of the good or service to a third person. ", "The court of appeals, however, refused to follow Williams in Kulhanjian v. Detroit Edison Company, 73 Mich.App. ", "347, 251 N.W.2d 580 (1977). ", "The court attempted to distinguish the cases by explaining that Williams involved wires strung over a public road, whereas Kulhanjian involved wires attached to a pole on private property. ", "Despite the purported importance of this distinction, it is clear that the Williams \"control\" test is in doubt because the manner in which the wires were installed in Kulhanjian was no less under the control of the power company. ", "Nevertheless, should the control test survive, the degree of control exercised respectively by MGU and Woodruff becomes a relevant factual question to be determined at trial.", "\nThe second part of Woodruff's response states that it cannot be subject to a right of indemnity because the pleadings do not show a contract or special relationship between MGU and Woodruff. ", "But MGU's claim for indemnity is based on a different and wholly alternative ground, the passive/active negligence dichotomy between the two parties. ", "Thus, it is irrelevant that MGU has not based its indemnity claim on the existence of a contract or special relationship.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nTaking the facts asserted by the party opposing the motion as true, and giving it the benefit of any implications arising from the pleadings and other matters submitted to the court, I find that MGU's third-party complaint states an enforceable claim for indemnity from Woodruff as a matter of law. ", "On the facts alleged, it is possible that a jury may find MGU liable to the Venters only as a passive tortfeasor, and that Woodruff may be found liable as an active tortfeasor. ", "Third-party plaintiff MGU is entitled to have its claim for indemnity tested factually at trial.", "\nAccordingly, I hold that third-party defendant Woodruff's motion for summary judgment must be denied.", "\nIT IS SO ORDERED.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nJavascript - Aparecer resultado de função em classe\n\nTenho uma função em JavaScript que retorna a data de hoje:\nfunction getData(){\n var dataAtual = document.getElementsByClassName(\"dataAtual\");\n var today = new Date();\n var dd = today.getDate();\n var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0!", "\n var yyyy = today.getFullYear();\n\n if (dd < 10) {\n dd = '0' + dd;\n }\n\n if (mm < 10) {\n mm = '0' + mm;\n }\n\n today = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy;\n return (today);\n}\n\nPreciso que ela apareça nessa div:\n<tr>\n <th scope=\"row\">Data Abertura</th>\n <td class=\"dataAtual\">AQUI</td>\n</tr>\n\nPrecisa ser ao entrar na página, como faço isso?", "\n\nA:\n\nChame a função no .innerHTML selecionando a classe com document.querySelector(\".dataAtual\"):\n\nfunction getData(){\r\n // var dataAtual = document.getElementsByClassName(\"dataAtual\");\r\n var today = new Date();\r\n var dd = today.getDate();\r\n var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0!", "\r\n var yyyy = today.getFullYear();\r\n \r\n if (dd < 10) {\r\n dd = '0' + dd;\r\n }\r\n \r\n if (mm < 10) {\r\n mm = '0' + mm;\r\n }\r\n \r\n today = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy;\r\n return (today);\r\n}\r\n\r\ndocument.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", function(){\r\n \r\n document.querySelector(\".dataAtual\").innerHTML = getData();\r\n \r\n});\n<table>\r\n <th scope=\"row\">Data Abertura</th>\r\n <td class=\"dataAtual\">AQUI</td>\r\n</table>\n\nMas faça isso dentro do evento DOMContentLoaded, que é disparado após o carregamento do DOM (elementos da página).", "\n\nO seu código var dataAtual = document.getElementsByClassName(\"dataAtual\"); não dá certo porque irá selecionar todos os elementos com a classe dataAtual criando um nodelist, e não um elemento específico. ", "Pode remover do código essa linha.", "\n\nOu você pode fazer do seguinte modo, adicionando o índice [0] ao document.getElementsByClassName, considerando que só existe 1 elemento com essa classe na página (se houver mais de 1, irá pegar apenas o primeiro):\n\nfunction getData(){\r\n var dataAtual = document.getElementsByClassName(\"dataAtual\")[0];\r\n var today = new Date();\r\n var dd = today.getDate();\r\n var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0!", "\r\n var yyyy = today.getFullYear();\r\n \r\n if (dd < 10) {\r\n dd = '0' + dd;\r\n }\r\n \r\n if (mm < 10) {\r\n mm = '0' + mm;\r\n }\r\n \r\n today = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy;\r\n \r\n dataAtual.innerHTML = today;\r\n \r\n return (today);\r\n}\r\n\r\ndocument.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", getData);\n<table>\r\n <th scope=\"row\">Data Abertura</th>\r\n <td class=\"dataAtual\">AQUI</td>\r\n</table>\n\nA:\n\nAo invés de usar class, dê preferência a usar id. Por serem únicos, eles evitam possíveis side-efects em seu código. ", "Fica assim:\n\nfunction getData(){\r\n var today = new Date();\r\n var dd = today.getDate();\r\n var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0!", "\r\n var yyyy = today.getFullYear();\r\n\r\n if (dd < 10) {\r\n dd = '0' + dd;\r\n }\r\n if (mm < 10) {\r\n mm = '0' + mm;\r\n }\r\n\r\n var today = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy;\r\n return today;\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar dataAtual = document.getElementById(\"dataAtual\");\r\ndataAtual.innerText = getData()\n<div id='dataAtual'></div>\n\nAo selecionar o elemento através da função getElementById, podemos ter acesso à sua propriedade innerText que permite a inserção de um texto customizado. ", "Esse código será executado logo ao carregar a página.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "In follow-up experiments to this Letter, we have been unable to replicate key aspects of the original results. ", "Most importantly, the findings from behaviour studies and sequencing of microglia isolated from 564Igi autoimmune mice as shown in Figs. ", "1a, b, d and 3a, b are not substantiated upon further analysis of the original data. ", "The authors therefore wish to retract the Letter. ", "We deeply regret this error and apologize to our scientific colleagues." ]
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[ "Albert Strohschein\n\nAlbert William Strohschein (January 5, 1905 – February 27, 1985) was a provincial politician from Alberta, Canada. ", "He served as a member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1963 to 1971 sitting with the Social Credit caucus in government.", "\n\nPolitical career\nStrohschein ran for a seat to the Alberta Legislature in the 1963 Alberta general election as the Social Credit candidate in the electoral district of Wetaskiwin. ", "He won a large majority to hold the seat easily for his party.", "\n\nStrohschein ran for a second term in the 1967 Alberta general election. ", "He faced a strong challenge from Progressive Conservative candidate Dallas Schmidt but was able to hang on to his seat. ", "He retired from the Assembly at dissolution in 1971.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nLegislative Assembly of Alberta Members Listing\n\nCategory:Alberta Social Credit Party MLAs\nCategory:1905 births\nCategory:1985 deaths" ]
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[ "<?", "xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no' ?", ">\n<!-- -*- ", "Mode: xml; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- -->\n<!-- ", "vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: (add to ~/.vimrc: set modeline modelines=5) -->\n<!-- ", "This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public\n - License, v. 2.0. ", "If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this\n - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->\n\n<errors> This table contains all of the error messages generated by core\n avmplus. ", " This will likely be replaced by a resource table\n for easy localization.", "\n %o = ScriptObject*\n %t = Traits*\n %m = MethodInfo*\n %n = Multiname (name portion only)\n %N = Multiname (namespace portion only)\n %a = Atom\n %d = int\n %f = double\n %S = Stringp\n %s = char*\n\n <error id=\"1000\" label=\"kOutOfMemoryError\">The system is out of memory.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n Flash Player needs more memory to compile your code than your system has available.", "\n Close some of the applications or processes running on your system.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1001\" label=\"kNotImplementedError\">The method %1 is not implemented.</error>\n <error id=\"1002\" label=\"kInvalidPrecisionError\">Number.toPrecision has a range of 1 to 21. ", "Number.toFixed and Number.toExponential have a range of 0 to 20. ", "Specified value is not within expected range.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n You specified a value that is not within the expected range of the <code>precision</code> argument. ", "Number.toPrecision has a range of 1 to 21. ", "Number.toFixed and Number.toExponential have a range of 0 to 20.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1003\" label=\"kInvalidRadixError\">The radix argument must be between 2 and 36; got %1.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n You passed a value less than 2 or greater than 36 for the <code>radix</code> argument of a method or property.", "\n Pass a value between 2 and 36 as a <code>radix</code> argument.", "\n ]]></description> </error>\n <error id=\"1004\" label=\"kInvokeOnIncompatibleObjectError\">Method %1 was invoked on an incompatible object.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n You tried to call a method that is not available to the specified object. ", "This error occurs when\n you have copied a prototype function from one object to another, and then invoked it, but the\n target object is not the same type as the original object. ", "Ensure that the target object and\n original object are the same type. ", "See the ECMAScript Language Specification, 3rd Edition, Chapter 15 for more details.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <!-- ", "ISSUE jsshell reports \"invalid array length\" -->\n<error id=\"1005\" label=\"kArrayIndexNotIntegerError\">Array index is not a positive integer (%1).", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n You tried to access a member of an array using an index value that is not a positive integer. ", "Pass only positive integers as index values for arrays.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n\n\n<error id=\"1006\" label=\"kCallOfNonFunctionError\">%1 is not a function.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n This error occurs when you attempt to call a function that does not exist.", "\n Make sure you are calling the correct function, and that the API has\n not changed from ActionScript 2.0. ", "Also, make sure you are using the correct\n object. ", "For example, you will see this error when you use the following code\n (because the last line mistakenly calls the variable <code>big</code> instead\n of <code>blg</code>):\n\n <pre><code>var blg:String = \"foo\";\nvar big:Sprite = new Sprite();\nvar error:int = big.length(); </code></pre>\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1007\" label=\"kConstructOfNonFunctionError\">Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.</error>\n <error id=\"1008\" label=\"kAmbiguousBindingError\">%1 is ambiguous; Found more than one matching binding.</error>\n <error id=\"1009\" label=\"kConvertNullToObjectError\">Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n An object that evaluates to <code>null</code> can have no properties. ", "This error can occur in some unexpected\n (though valid) situations. ", "For example, consider the following code, which creates a Sprite\n object. ", "Because this Sprite object is never added to the display list (through the\n <code>addChild()</code> method of a DisplayObjectContainer object), its <code>stage</code>\n property is set to <code>null</code>. ", "Thus, the example generates this error because Sprite object's <code>stage</code> property\n cannot have any properties:\n\n <pre><code>import flash.display.", "Sprite;\nvar sprite1:Sprite = new Sprite();\nvar q:String = sprite1.stage.quality;</code></pre>\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1010\" label=\"kConvertUndefinedToObjectError\">A term is undefined and has no properties.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n This error can occur if you try to access a property of an object that does not exist. ", "For example:\n <pre><code>var obj:Object = new Object();\nobj.a = \"foo\";\ntrace(obj.b.prop);</code></pre>\n\n <p>You can also see this error because of a misspelling, for example in the following, where\n <code>mc</code> represents a MovieClip object in the display list, and the <code>stage</code>\n property is misspelled with a capital S (it should be <code>stage</code>):</p>\n\n <pre><code>trace(mc.", "Stage.quality);</code></pre>\n\n\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1011\" label=\"kIllegalOpcodeError\">Method %1 contained illegal opcode %2 at offset %3.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1012\" label=\"kLastInstExceedsCodeSizeError\">The last instruction exceeded code size.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1013\" label=\"kFindVarWithNoScopeError\">Cannot call OP_findproperty when scopeDepth is 0.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1014\" label=\"kClassNotFoundError\">Class %1 could not be found.</error>\n <error id=\"1015\" label=\"kIllegalSetDxns\">Method %1 cannot set default xml namespace\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1016\" label=\"kDescendentsError\">Descendants operator (..) not supported on type %1.</error>\n <error id=\"1017\" label=\"kScopeStackOverflowError\">Scope stack overflow occurred.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1018\" label=\"kScopeStackUnderflowError\">Scope stack underflow occurred.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1019\" label=\"kGetScopeObjectBoundsError\">Getscopeobject %1 is out of bounds.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1020\" label=\"kCannotFallOffMethodError\">Code cannot fall off the end of a method.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1021\" label=\"kInvalidBranchTargetError\">At least one branch target was not on a valid instruction in the method.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1022\" label=\"kIllegalVoidError\">Type void may only be used as a function return type.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1023\" label=\"kStackOverflowError\">Stack overflow occurred.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1024\" label=\"kStackUnderflowError\">Stack underflow occurred.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1025\" label=\"kInvalidRegisterError\">An invalid register %1 was accessed.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1026\" label=\"kSlotExceedsCountError\">Slot %1 exceeds slotCount=%2 of %3.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1027\" label=\"kMethodInfoExceedsCountError\">Method_info %1 exceeds method_count=%2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1028\" label=\"kDispIdExceedsCountError\">Disp_id %1 exceeds max_disp_id=%2 of %3.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1029\" label=\"kDispIdUndefinedError\">Disp_id %1 is undefined on %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1030\" label=\"kStackDepthUnbalancedError\">Stack depth is unbalanced. %", "1 !", "= %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1031\" label=\"kScopeDepthUnbalancedError\">Scope depth is unbalanced. %", "1 !", "= %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1032\" label=\"kCpoolIndexRangeError\">Cpool index %1 is out of range %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1033\" label=\"kCpoolEntryWrongTypeError\">Cpool entry %1 is wrong type.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1034\" label=\"kCheckTypeFailedError\">Type Coercion failed: cannot convert %1 to %2.</error>\n\n <error id=\"1035\" label=\"kIllegalSuperCallError\">Illegal super expression found in method %1.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <!-- ", "<error id=\"1036\" label=\"kUncaughtExceptionWarning\">The VM exited due to an uncaught exception.</error> -->\n\n <error id=\"1037\" label=\"kCannotAssignToMethodError\">Cannot assign to a method %1 on %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n\n<error id=\"1038\" label=\"kRedefinedError\">%1 is already defined.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n You cannot declare a variable or function with the same identifier name more than once\n within the same scope.", "\n In ActionScript 3.0, different code blocks (such as those used in two <code>for</code> loops\n in the same <code>function</code> definition) are considered to be in the same scope.", "\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1039\" label=\"kCannotVerifyUntilReferencedError\">Cannot verify method until it is referenced.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1040\" label=\"kCantUseInstanceofOnNonObjectError\">The right-hand side of instanceof must be a class or function.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n The expression on the right side of the <code>instanceof</code> operator must be a class or function.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1041\" label=\"kIsTypeMustBeClassError\">The right-hand side of operator must be a class.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n The expression on the right side of the <code>is</code> operator must be a class.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1042\" label=\"kInvalidMagicError\">Not an ABC file. ", " major_version=%1 minor_version=%2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\nYou are attempting to use an invalid file with the player: the tool that generates the SWF may be out of date or the SWF itself may be corrupt.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1043\" label=\"kInvalidCodeLengthError\">Invalid code_length=%1.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1044\" label=\"kInvalidMethodInfoFlagsError\">MethodInfo-%1 unsupported flags=%2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n\n <error id=\"1045\" label=\"kUnsupportedTraitsKindError\">Unsupported traits kind=%1.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1046\" label=\"kMethodInfoOrderError\">MethodInfo-%1 referenced before definition.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1047\" label=\"kMissingEntryPointError\">No entry point was found.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n <!", "--<error id=\"1048\" label=\"kNativeMethodNotFoundError\">Native method not found: %a.</error>-->\n\n <error id=\"1049\" label=\"kPrototypeTypeError\">Prototype objects must be vanilla Objects.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1050\" label=\"kConvertToPrimitiveError\">Cannot convert %1 to primitive.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1051\" label=\"kIllegalEarlyBindingError\">Illegal early binding access to %1.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1052\" label=\"kInvalidURIError\">Invalid URI passed to %1 function.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1053\" label=\"kIllegalOverrideError\">Illegal override of %1 in %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1054\" label=\"kIllegalExceptionHandlerError\">Illegal range or target offsets in exception handler.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n <!-- ", "obsolete\n <error id=\"1055\" label=\"kHasNoPropertiesTypeError\">%S has no properties</error>\n -->\n <error id=\"1056\" label=\"kWriteSealedError\">Cannot create property %1 on %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n You are trying to assign a value to a nonexistent property on an instance of a non-dynamic\n class. ", "This is only possible for instances of dynamic classes]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1057\" label=\"kIllegalSlotError\">%1 can only contain methods.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1058\" label=\"kIllegalOperandTypeError\">Illegal operand type: %1 must be %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1059\" label=\"kClassInfoOrderError\">ClassInfo-%1 is referenced before definition.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1060\" label=\"kClassInfoExceedsCountError\">ClassInfo %1 exceeds class_count=%2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n\n<error id=\"1061\" label=\"kNumberOutOfRangeError\">The value %1 cannot be converted to %2 without losing precision.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n\n This error appears if you attempt to assign a decimal number to a property that has data type\n int.", "\n\n <p>This error also appears for out-of-range assignments, such as the following:</p>\n\n <pre><code>var m0:int = 2147483648; // int.", "MAX_VALUE == 2147483647</code></pre>\n <p>You can also see this error when using the bitwise left shift operator (&lt&lt).", "\n For example, consider the following code:</p>\n\n <pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;\nvar m1:uint = m0&lt&lt24;</code></pre>\n\n <p>The result of left shift operator (&lt&lt) is interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement number\n with sign. ", "In the example, the result is a negative value, which causes the error when assigned\n to the uint typed property. ", "A workaround is the following:</p>\n\n <pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;\nvar m1:uint = uint(m0&lt;&lt;24);</code></pre>\n\n ]]></description></error>\n <!", "--<error id=\"1062\" label=\"kPackageCircularityError\">Package %a imported while being defined</error>-->\n <error id=\"1063\" label=\"kWrongArgumentCountError\">Argument count mismatch on %1. ", "Expected %2, got %3.</error>\n <error id=\"1064\" label=\"kCannotCallMethodAsConstructor\">Cannot call method %1 as constructor.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n Extracted methods are permanently bound to the object they are extracted from.", "\n Therefore, they can not later be called as a constructor. ", "For example, the following\n creates function <code>f()</code> in Class A:\n <pre><code>class A {\n function f() {}\n }</code></pre>\n In the following code, extracting the function causes no error. ", "However, creating\n a new instance of the function causes an error.", "\n <pre><code>var a = new A()\n var m = a.f // extract f, don't call it\n m() // same as a.f()\n new m() // causes this error</code></pre>\n\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1065\" label=\"kUndefinedVarError\">Variable %1 is not defined.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n You are using an undefined lexical reference. ", "For example, in the following statements, the\n statement <code>trace(x)</code> generates an error because <code>x</code> is undefined. ", "However, the\n statement <code>trace(y)</code> doesn't generate an error because <code>y</code> is defined:\n <pre><code>trace(\"hello world\")\n trace(x) // x is undefined\n var y\n trace(y) // No error, y is defined.</code></pre>\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1066\" label=\"kFunctionConstructorError\">The form function('function body') is not supported.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n Unlike JavaScript, Flash does not compile code on-the-fly using <code>eval()</code> and\n <code>function()</code>. ", " Thus, calling these as a constructor in ActionScript 3.0 generates this error.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n\n<error id=\"1067\" label=\"kIllegalNativeMethodBodyError\">Native method %1 has illegal method body.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n\n<error id=\"1068\" label=\"kCannotMergeTypesError\">%1 and %2 cannot be reconciled.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1069\" label=\"kReadSealedError\">Property %1 not found on %2 and there is no default value.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n You are referencing an undefined property on a non-dynamic class instance. ", "For example, the following generates this error when it references property\n <code>x</code>, which is not defined and cannot be created dynamically:\n <pre><code>class A {} // sealed class, not dynamic\n trace(new A().x) // no property x defined on A, and A is not dynamic</code></pre>\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1070\" label=\"kCallNotFoundError\">Method %1 not found on %2\n <description><![CDATA[\n You are using a <code>super</code> statement to call a function, but the function doesn't exist in the super class.", "\n For example, the following code generates the error: <pre><code>class A() {}\nclass B extends A {\n function f() { trace(super.f()); } // error 1070, there is no f on A\n}</code></pre>\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1071\" label=\"kAlreadyBoundError\">Function %1 has already been bound to %2.</error>\n\n<error id=\"1072\" label=\"kZeroDispIdError\">Disp_id 0 is illegal.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1073\" label=\"kDuplicateDispIdError\">Non-override method %1 replaced because of duplicate disp_id %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n<error id=\"1074\" label=\"kConstWriteError\">Illegal write to read-only property %1 on %2.</error>\n <error id=\"1075\" label=\"kMathNotFunctionError\">Math is not a function.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n You are trying to call <code>math()</code> as a function, but the Math class is a class with static methods.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1076\" label=\"kMathNotConstructorError\">Math is not a constructor.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n You can not instantiate the Math class.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1077\" label=\"kWriteOnlyError\">Illegal read of write-only property %1 on %2.</error>\n <error id=\"1078\" label=\"kIllegalOpMultinameError\">Illegal opcode/multiname combination: %1&lt;%2&gt;.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1079\" label=\"kIllegalNativeMethodError\">Native methods are not allowed in loaded code.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1080\" label=\"kIllegalNamespaceError\">Illegal value for namespace.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n\n <error id=\"1081\" label=\"kReadSealedErrorNs\">Property %1 not found on %2 and there is no default value.</error>\n <!", "--<error id=\"1081\" label=\"kIllegalMultinameCallError\">Illegal call to %1</error>-->\n\n <error id=\"1082\" label=\"kNoDefaultNamespaceError\">No default namespace has been set.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1083\" label=\"kXMLPrefixNotBound\">The prefix \"%1\" for element \"%2\" is not bound.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n An attribute name or element name has a prefix but no matching namespace was\n found. ", "This statement generates an error because there is no <code>foo</code>\n namespace to match <code>foo:x</code>:<pre/>&lt;foo:x xmlns:clowns='http://circuscenter.org'&gt;</pre>\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1084\" label=\"kXMLBadQName\">Element or attribute (\"%1\") does not match QName production: QName::=(NCName':')?NCName.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n You have <code>foo: </code> or <code>:foo</code> as an element or attribute name, but there is nothing\n on the other side of the colon.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1085\" label=\"kXMLUnterminatedElementTag\">The element type \"%1\" must be terminated by the matching end-tag \"&lt;/%2&gt;\".</error>\n <error id=\"1086\" label=\"kXMLOnlyWorksWithOneItemLists\">The %1 method only works on lists containing one item.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n The XMLList class propagates the XML-specific functions to one child if it has only one\n item in its list. ", "If more than one item is in the list, the routines fail with this\n error. ", "This happens for the following XMLList functions that mimic XML functions:\n <p><code>addNamespace</code>, <code>appendChild</code>, <code>childIndex</code>,\n <code>inScopeNamespaces</code>, <code>insertChildAfter</code>, <code>insertChildBefore</code>,\n <code>name</code>, <code>namespace</code>, <code>localName</code>, <code>namespaceDeclarations</code>,\n <code>nodeKind</code>, <code>prependChild</code>, <code>removeNamespace</code>, <code>replace</code>,\n <code>setChildren</code>, <code>setLocalName</code>, <code>setName</code>, and <code>setNamespace.", "\n\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1087\" label=\"kXMLAssignmentToIndexedXMLNotAllowed\">Assignment to indexed XML is not allowed.</error>\n <error id=\"1088\" label=\"kXMLMarkupMustBeWellFormed\">The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n These are possible causes of this error:\n <ul>\n <li>Parsing an XMLList style object as XML</li>\n <li>Misbalanced strings</li>\n </ul>\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1089\" label=\"kXMLAssigmentOneItemLists\">Assignment to lists with more than one item is not supported.</error>\n <error id=\"1090\" label=\"kXMLMalformedElement\">XML parser failure: element is malformed.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n An element name is malformed. ", "This example of an element name is malformed because a\n trailing right angle bracket <code>></code> is missing:\n\n <pre>&lt;a/&gt;&lt;b&gt;&lt;/b</pre> ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1091\" label=\"kXMLUnterminatedCData\">XML parser failure: Unterminated CDATA section.</error>\n <error id=\"1092\" label=\"kXMLUnterminatedXMLDecl\">XML parser failure: Unterminated XML declaration.</error>\n <error id=\"1093\" label=\"kXMLUnterminatedDocTypeDecl\">XML parser failure: Unterminated DOCTYPE declaration.</error>\n <error id=\"1094\" label=\"kXMLUnterminatedComment\">XML parser failure: Unterminated comment.</error>\n <error id=\"1095\" label=\"kXMLUnterminatedAttribute\">XML parser failure: Unterminated attribute.</error>\n <error id=\"1096\" label=\"kXMLUnterminatedElement\">XML parser failure: Unterminated element.</error>\n <error id=\"1097\" label=\"kXMLUnterminatedProcessingInstruction\">XML parser failure: Unterminated processing instruction.</error>\n <error id=\"1098\" label=\"kXMLNamespaceWithPrefixAndNoURI\">Illegal prefix %1 for no namespace.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n The namespace constructor throws this error if you try to pass in an empty URI with a\n non-empty prefix as in this example:\n\n<pre>ns = new Namespace (\"prefix\", \"\");\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <!", "--<error id=\"1099\" label=\"kNullArgumentError\">Argument %s cannot be null.</error>-->\n <error id=\"1100\" label=\"kRegExpFlagsArgumentError\">Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n Creating a new regular expression from an existing one also copies its flags. ", "To create a regular expression with\n different flags, use the <code>new</code> operator and set the flags as desired. ", "For example, this statement\n creates a regular expression and specifies flag settings:\n <pre><code>var re:RegExp = new RegExp(\"ali\", /s)</code></pre>\n Alternatively, this statement creates a regular expression that has the same flags as re:\n <pre><code>var re2:RegExp = new RegExp(re, ...)</code></pre> ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1101\" label=\"kNoScopeError\">Cannot verify method %1 with unknown scope.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1102\" label=\"kIllegalDefaultValue\">Illegal default value for type %1.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1103\" label=\"kCannotExtendFinalClass\">Class %1 cannot extend final base class.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1104\" label=\"kXMLDuplicateAttribute\">Attribute \"%1\" was already specified for element \"%2\".</error>\n <!", "--<error id=\"1105\" label=\"kStringIndexOutOfBoundsError\">The string index %d is out of bounds; must be in range %d to %d.</error>-->\n <!", "--<error id=\"1106\" label=\"kInvalidRangeError\">The range specified is invalid.</error>-->\n <error id=\"1107\" label=\"kCorruptABCError\">The ABC data is corrupt, attempt to read out of bounds.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1108\" label=\"kInvalidBaseClassError\">The OP_newclass opcode was used with the incorrect base class.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1109\" label=\"kDanglingFunctionError\">Attempt to directly call unbound function %1 from method %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1110\" label=\"kCannotExtendError\">%1 cannot extend %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1111\" label=\"kCannotImplementError\">%1 cannot implement %2.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1112\" label=\"kCoerceArgumentCountError\">Argument count mismatch on class coercion. ", " Expected 1, got %1.</error>\n <error id=\"1113\" label=\"kInvalidNewActivationError\">OP_newactivation used in method without NEED_ACTIVATION flag.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1114\" label=\"kNoGlobalScopeError\">OP_getglobalslot or OP_setglobalslot used with no global scope.", "\n<description><![CDATA[\n See the <a href=\"#note\">note</a> at the bottom of this table.&#42;\n ]]></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1115\" label=\"kNotConstructorError\">%1 is not a constructor.</error>\n <error id=\"1116\" label=\"kApplyError\">second argument to Function.prototype.apply must be an array.</error>\n <error id=\"1117\" label=\"kXMLInvalidName\">Invalid XML name: %1.</error>\n <error id=\"1118\" label=\"kXMLIllegalCyclicalLoop\">Illegal cyclical loop between nodes.</error>\n <error id=\"1119\" label=\"kDeleteTypeError\">Delete operator is not supported with operand of type %1.</error>\n <error id=\"1120\" label=\"kDeleteSealedError\">Cannot delete property %1 on %2.</error>\n <error id=\"1121\" label=\"kDuplicateMethodBodyError\">Method %1 has a duplicate method body.</error>\n <error id=\"1122\" label=\"kIllegalInterfaceMethodBodyError\">Interface method %1 has illegal method body.</error>\n <error id=\"1123\" label=\"kFilterError\">Filter operator not supported on type %1.</error>\n <error id=\"1124\" label=\"kInvalidHasNextError\">OP_hasnext2 requires object and index to be distinct registers.</error>\n <error id=\"1125\" label=\"kOutOfRangeError\">The index %1 is out of range %2.</error>\n <error id=\"1126\" label=\"kVectorFixedError\">Cannot change the length of a fixed Vector.</error>\n <error id=\"1127\" label=\"kTypeAppOfNonParamType\">Type application attempted on a non-parameterized type.</error>\n <error id=\"1128\" label=\"kWrongTypeArgCountError\">Incorrect number of type parameters for %1. ", "Expected %2, got %3.</error>\n <error id=\"1129\" label=\"kJSONCyclicStructure\">Cyclic structure cannot be converted to JSON string.</error>\n <!-- ", "id 1130 was allocated and later became unnecessary. --", ">\n <error id=\"1131\" label=\"kJSONInvalidReplacer\">Replacer argument to JSON stringifier must be an array or a two parameter function.</error>\n <error id=\"1132\" label=\"kJSONInvalidParseInput\">Invalid JSON parse input.</error>\n \n <!-- ", "The following errors are specific to the AVM2 command-line shell.-->\n <error id=\"1500\" hidden=\"true\" label=\"kFileOpenError\">Error occurred opening file %1.</error>\n <error id=\"1501\" hidden=\"true\" label=\"kFileWriteError\">Error occurred writing to file %1.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n The file you are writing to cannot be opened. ", "Possibly the filename contains an error, the file is read-only, or\n you do not have access privileges.", "\n ]]></description>\n </error>\n <error id=\"1502\" label=\"kScriptTimeoutError\">A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n A script executed after the timeout period. (", "The default timeout period is 15 seconds.) ", "After this error occurs, the\n script can continue to execute for 15 seconds more, after which the script terminates and throws run-time error number 1503 (A script failed to exit after 30 seconds and was terminated.)", "\n ]]></description>\n </error>\n <error id=\"1503\" label=\"kScriptTerminatedError\">A script failed to exit after 30 seconds and was terminated.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n The script was still executing after 30 seconds. ", "Flash Player first throws run-time error number 1502 (A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds.) ", "if the script executed more than 15\n seconds, which is the default timeout period. ", "This error occurs 15 seconds after Error 1502 occurs.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1504\" hidden=\"true\" label=\"kEndOfFileError\">End of file.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n Flash Player unexpectedly encountered the end of the file. ", "Possibly the file was not saved correctly or Flash Player expected more data\n in the file.", "\n ]]></description>\n </error>\n <error id=\"1505\" hidden=\"true\" label=\"kStringIndexOutOfBoundsError\">The string index %1 is out of bounds; must be in range %2 to %3.</error>\n <error id=\"1506\" hidden=\"true\" label=\"kInvalidRangeError\">The specified range is invalid.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n The method's <code>start</code> parameter is greater than its <code>end</code> parameter.", "\n ]]></description></error>\n <error id=\"1507\" label=\"kNullArgumentError\">Argument %1 cannot be null.</error>\n <error id=\"1508\" label=\"kInvalidArgumentError\">The value specified for argument %1 is invalid.", "\n <description><![CDATA[\n You are possibly trying to pass the wrong data type. ", "For example, the code\n <pre><code>public function doSomething(const:int):void {\n }\n this [\"doSomething\"] (\"str\")</code></pre>\n generates an error at runtime because <code>doSomething</code> is cast as an int data type. ]]", "></description></error>\n\n <error id=\"1510\" label=\"kArrayFilterNonNullObjectError\">When the callback argument is a method of a class, the optional this argument must be null.</error>\n <error id=\"1511\" label=\"kWorkerAlreadyStarted\">Worker is already started.</error>\n <error id=\"1512\" label=\"kFailedWorkerCannotBeRestarted\">Starting a worker that already failed is not supported.</error>\n <error id=\"1513\" label=\"kWorkerTerminated\">Worker has terminated.", "\"</error>\n <error id=\"1514\" label=\"kMutextNotLocked\">unlock() with no preceding matching lock().</error>\n <error id=\"1515\" label=\"kConditionInvalidTimeout\">Invalid condition timeout value: %1.</error>\n <error id=\"1516\" label=\"kConditionCannotNotify\">Condition cannot notify if associated mutex is not owned.</error>\n <error id=\"1517\" label=\"kConditionCannotNotifyAll\">Condition cannot notifyAll if associated mutex is not owned.</error>\n <error id=\"1518\" label=\"kConditionCannotWait\">Condition cannot wait if associated mutex is not owned.</error>\n <error id=\"1519\" label=\"kConditionCannotBeInitialized\">Condition cannot be initialized.</error>\n <error id=\"1520\" label=\"kMutexCannotBeInitialized\">Mutex cannot be initialized.</error>\n <error id=\"1521\" label=\"kWorkerIllegalCallToStart\">Only the worker's parent may call start.</error>\n\n <error id=\"2004\" label=\"kInvalidParamError\">One of the parameters is invalid.</error>\n <error id=\"2006\" label=\"kParamRangeError\">The supplied index is out of bounds.</error>\n <error id=\"2007\" label=\"kNullPointerError\">Parameter %1 must be non-null.</error>\n <error id=\"2008\" label=\"kInvalidEnumError\">Parameter %1 must be one of the accepted values.</error>\n <error id=\"2012\" label=\"kCantInstantiateError\">%1 class cannot be instantiated.</error>\n <error id=\"2030\" label=\"kEOFError\">End of file was encountered.</error>\n <error id=\"2058\" label=\"kCompressedDataError\">There was an error decompressing the data.</error>\n <error id=\"2085\" label=\"kEmptyStringError\">Parameter %1 must be non-empty string.</error>\n <error id=\"2088\" label=\"kProxyGetPropertyError\">The Proxy class does not implement getProperty. ", "It must be overridden by a subclass.</error>\n <error id=\"2089\" label=\"kProxySetPropertyError\">The Proxy class does not implement setProperty. ", "It must be overridden by a subclass.</error>\n <error id=\"2090\" label=\"kProxyCallPropertyError\">The Proxy class does not implement callProperty. ", "It must be overridden by a subclass.</error>\n <error id=\"2091\" label=\"kProxyHasPropertyError\">The Proxy class does not implement hasProperty. ", "It must be overridden by a subclass.</error>\n <error id=\"2092\" label=\"kProxyDeletePropertyError\">The Proxy class does not implement deleteProperty. ", "It must be overridden by a subclass.</error>\n <error id=\"2093\" label=\"kProxyGetDescendantsError\">The Proxy class does not implement getDescendants. ", "It must be overridden by a subclass.</error>\n <error id=\"2105\" label=\"kProxyNextNameIndexError\">The Proxy class does not implement nextNameIndex. ", "It must be overridden by a subclass.</error>\n <error id=\"2106\" label=\"kProxyNextNameError\">The Proxy class does not implement nextName. ", "It must be overridden by a subclass.</error>\n <error id=\"2107\" label=\"kProxyNextValueError\">The Proxy class does not implement nextValue. ", "It must be overridden by a subclass.</error>\n <error id=\"2108\" label=\"kInvalidArrayLengthError\">The value %1 is not a valid Array length.</error>\n <error id=\"2173\" label=\"kReadExternalNotImplementedError\">Unable to read object in stream. ", " The class %1 does not implement flash.utils.", "IExternalizable but is aliased to an externalizable class.</error>\n <error id=\"3735\" label=\"kAPICannotAcceptSharedByteArray\">This API cannot accept shared ByteArrays.</error>\n\n</errors>\n" ]
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[ "Tonmahe\n\nTonmahe is a village in Homalin Township, Hkamti District, in the Sagaing Region of northwestern Burma.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nMaplandia World Gazetteer\n\nCategory:Populated places in Hkamti District\nCategory:Homalin Township" ]
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[ "Labour accused Boris Johnson, the new UK prime minister, of acting \"only in the interest of the wealthy elite\" after he gave a government job to a businessman who lent him his £9.5 million flat.", "\n\n\n\nThe millionaire businessman, Andrew Griffith, was appointed as a \"corporate adviser\" to Johnson's new administration.", "\n\nJohnson and his campaign team are holed up in Griffith's £9.5 million property in central London.", "\n\nGriffith has stepped down from his role at the broadcasting giant Sky.", "\n\nLONDON — Boris Johnson was accused of allowing friends to \"buy influence\" after a business executive who lent the incoming prime minister his lavish £9.5 million home was offered a job in Johnson's new administration.", "\n\nAndrew Griffith has stepped down from his role as the chief financial officer of the broadcasting giant Sky to work as a \"corporate adviser\" to Johnson.", "\n\nAccording to a Guardian report, Johnson and his campaign team were handed Griffith's lavish Westminster property for the past few weeks as Johnson fought Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt in the Conservative leadership contest.", "\n\nLabour's shadow cabinet office minister, Jon Trickett, said in a statement on Tuesday: \"Before he is even appointed Prime Minister, one of Boris Johnson's first acts is to dish out a powerful job in Number 10 to his super-rich pal who lent him his luxurious house in Westminster for the Tory leadership campaign.", "\n\n\"The public would be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that Johnson's friends can buy influence within the new administration.", "\n\n\"It's blindingly obvious — Boris Johnson and his government will act only in the interest of the wealthy elite.\"", "\n\nJohnson had worked from the flat belonging to his partner, Carrie Symonds, in Camberwell, south London. ", "But the pair were forced to move out after the police were called to the property following a row, drawing protests outside.", "\n\nThe couple have been living in Oxfordshire, but Johnson's sizeable campaign team apparently needed a property near Westminster from which it could operate.", "\n\nGriffith is a former Conservative election candidate who worked at Sky for 20 years.", "\n\nCEO Jeremy Darroch told Sky News: \"Over the course of his 20 years at Sky and since 2008 as a member of the Board as CFO (chief financial officer) and then as chief operating officer, Andrew has played a fundamental role in many of our proudest collective achievements.\"", "\n\nHe added that while Griffith \"will be missed, he leaves behind a business that is performing well, has an ambitious set of growth plans and a strong team of colleagues.\"", "\n\nJohnson will formally become prime minister on Wednesday after Theresa May travels to Buckingham Palace to offer her resignation. ", "He will then meet with the queen and tell her he is able to form a government.", "\n\nAfterward he is expected to make a speech on the steps of Downing Street and make key appointments to his Cabinet.", "\n\nSajid Javid, Liz Truss, and Matt Hancock are thought to be battling it out to become chancellor. ", "Javid arrived with Johnson at the 1922 Committee meeting of Tory MPs on Tuesday in a sign that he could be the favourite.", "\n\nPriti Patel, a former international development secretary, is reportedly lined up to be home secretary.", "\n\nJohnson reportedly offered Hunt the role of defence secretary, but Hunt refused the offer." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat part of speech is 'на!' ", "when used for 'take!'?", "\n\nNot sure what part of speech 'на!' ", "is when used in the meaning of 'take!'", "\n\nA:\n\nWhen you use на like take, it is not an interjection \"междометие\", and of course it is not a verb \"глагол\", it's a particle \"частица\" (colloquial).", "\nProoflink: http://www.gramota.ru/slovari/dic/?word=%ED%E0&all=x\n\n" ]
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[ "Hepatocyte growth factor affects satellite cell activation and differentiation in regenerating skeletal muscle.", "\nHepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is the only known growth factor that activates quiescent satellite cells in skeletal muscle. ", "We hypothesized that local delivery of HGF may enhance regeneration after trauma by increasing the number of myoblasts available for restoring normal tissue architecture. ", "Injection of HGF into muscle at the time of injury increases myoblast number but does not enhance tissue repair as determined using quantitative histological analyses. ", "Rather, depending on the dose and the timing of HGF administration relative to the injury, regeneration can be inhibited. ", "The greatest inhibitory effect is observed when HGF is administered on the day of injury and continued for 3 days, corresponding to the time when satellite cell activation, proliferation, and early differentiation normally occur. ", "To establish a mechanism for this inhibition, we show that HGF can act directly on primary muscle cells to block differentiation. ", "These results demonstrate that 1) exogenous HGF synergizes with factors in damaged muscle to increase myoblast number, 2) regeneration is not regulated solely by myoblast number, and 3) HGF inhibits muscle differentiation both in vitro and in vivo." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to controls, such as electro-optical controls, and controls for linear motion variable resistors and other devices.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nIn prior art controls, it is difficult to conveniently, easily and accurately control various devices. ", "With prior art controls, it is necessary to use at least two fingers of one hand to grasp a control knob in order to apply sufficient friction to properly turn the control." ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a solid-state laser device which can be used in the industrial field, medical field, and the like.", "\nA conventional solid-state laser device generally comprises an arrangement wherein an optical fiber is connected to a laser generator to guide a laser beam to an arbitrary position, or an arrangement wherein a laser resonator including a solid-state laser medium is housed in a housing different from that for a pumping light source, and the laser resonator and the light source are connected via an optical fiber so that they can be disassembled from each other, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,665,529.", "\nFIG. ", "1 shows the arrangement of a conventional solid-state laser device. ", "Reference numeral 20 denotes a semiconductor laser for generating a laser beam having a wavelength of 809 nm; 21, a laser beam emitted from the semiconductor laser 20; 22, a collimator lens; 23, a focusing lens; and 24, a solid-state laser medium (e.g., Nd:YAG). ", "A coating film which has a transmittance of 99.5% for a wavelength of 809 nm and a reflectance of 99.9% for a wavelength of 1.064 .mu.m is formed on a facet 24a of the solid-state laser medium 24, and a coating film which has a transmittance of 99.9% for a wavelength of 1.064 .mu.m is formed on the other facet 24b. ", "Reference numeral 25 denotes a reflection mirror. ", "A coating film which has a reflectance of 97% for a wavelength of 1.064 .mu.m is formed on a facet 25a of the reflection mirror 25. ", "Reference numeral 27 denotes a focusing lens; 28, an optical fiber cable; 29, an output laser beam; and 30, a device main body.", "\nThe operation of the conventional solid-state laser device with the above-mentioned arrangement will be explained below. ", "The laser beam 21 having a wavelength of 809 nm, which is generated by the semiconductor laser 20, is shaped into a collimated beam by the collimator lens 22, and the collimated beam is focused on the facet 24b of the solid-state laser medium 24 by the focusing lens 23, thus pumping the solid-state laser medium 24. ", "Light pumped in the solid-state laser medium 24 reciprocates between the facet 24a and the facet 25a of the reflection mirror 25 to cause laser generation, and then emerges from the reflection mirror 25 as a laser beam 26 having a wavelength of 1.064 .mu.m. ", "Thereafter, the laser beam 26 is focused by the focusing lens 27, and is incident on an incident end 28a of the optical fiber cable. ", "The laser beam 26 is guided to a distal end portion 28b via the optical fiber cable 28, and emerges from the optical fiber cable as the output laser beam 29. ", "For this reason, the output laser beam can be irradiated at an arbitrary position separated from the device main body 30.", "\nFIG. ", "2 shows the arrangement of a second conventional solid-state laser device. ", "Reference numeral 20 denotes a semiconductor laser for generating a laser beam having a wavelength of 809 nm; 21, a laser beam emitted from the semiconductor laser 20; 22, a collimator lens; 23, a focusing lens; and 24, a solid-state laser medium (e.g., Nd:YAG). ", "A coating film which has a transmittance of 99.5% for a wavelength of 809 nm and a reflectance of 99.9% for a wavelength of 1.064 .mu.m is formed on a facet 24a of the solid-state laser medium 24, and a coating film which has a transmittance of 99.9% for a wavelength of 1.064 .mu.m is formed on the other facet 24b. ", "Reference numeral 25 denotes a reflection mirror. ", "A coating film which has a reflectance of 97% for a wavelength of 1.064 .mu.m is formed on a facet 25a of the reflection mirror 25. ", "Reference numeral 40 denotes an optical fiber cable; 41, a focusing lens; 42, an output laser beam having a wavelength of 1.064 .mu.m; 43, a device main body which houses the semiconductor laser 20 and its driving circuit; and 44, a housing which houses a solid-state laser generation unit. ", "Reference numerals 45 and 46 denote optical fiber connectors. ", "The device main body 43, the optical fiber cable 40, and the generation unit housing 44 can be disassembled from each other.", "\nThe operation of the second conventional solid-state laser device with the above-mentioned arrangement will be described below. ", "The laser beam 21 having a wavelength of 809 nm, which is generated by the semiconductor laser 20, is shaped into a collimated beam by the collimator lens 22, and the collimated beam is focused by the focusing lens 23. ", "The focused beam is incident on an incident end 40a of the optical fiber cable, and propagates through the optical fiber cable 40. ", "Thereafter, the laser beam 21 emerging from an exit end 40b of the optical fiber cable is focused again by the focusing lens 41 onto the facet 24a of the solid-state laser medium 24, thus pumping the solid-state laser medium 24. ", "Light pumped in the solid-state laser medium 24 reciprocates between the facet 24a and the facet 25a of the reflection mirror 25 to cause laser generation, and then emerges from the generation unit housing 44 via the reflection mirror 25 as the output laser beam 42 having a wavelength of 1.064 .mu.m.", "\nHowever, according to the examination of the present inventors, in the solid-state laser device having the arrangement of the first prior art, since the light transmission characteristics of the optical fiber have wavelength dependence, when, for example, a quartz optical fiber is used, it is difficult to guide light components in a wavelength range exceeding 2.5 .mu.m and a wavelength range below 300 nm through this fiber, thus preventing a practical application.", "\nIn particular, when such a solid-state laser device is used in the medical field, water contents contained in an affected part must be heated to heat the affected part. ", "In order to achieve this object, it is effective to irradiate a laser beam having a wavelength of about 2.8 .mu.m, as a wavelength which is most easily absorbed by water, onto the affected part. ", "More specifically, the above-mentioned device cannot effectively guide a laser beam having a wavelength of 2.8 .mu.m, which is most required in the medical field.", "\nOn the other hand, the solid-state laser device having the arrangement in the second prior art aims at replacing the solid-state laser medium or preventing heat generated upon driving of the semiconductor laser in the device main body from influencing the solid-state laser generation unit. ", "For this purpose, the laser generation unit is housed in a housing different from the device main body, and the distal end portion of the fiber has a large size, thus considerably retarding the guiding performance of the generated laser beam to an arbitrary position." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTI Design Equation Syntax Question\n\nHave been reviewing the TI Designs – Precision: Verified Design - 1 MHz, Single-Supply, Photodiode Amplifier Reference Design. ", " In one of the equations (See embedded graphic below), there is a syntax that I have not seen before: \n(R2||R3) \nIt looks like the result is close to the modulus 13700 mod 280 (result 260) but when I work backwards, I get 1/(2*pi*1/1e6 * 274.3902) == 580.028Hz so it isnt the modulus. ", " \nDoes anyone know what specifically it is?", "\n\nA:\n\nThat means the Parallel combination of R2 and R3, or R2*R3/(R2+R3)\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0005596285336650908, 0.0006634794408455491, 0.0007628647144883871, 0.0008524358854629099 ]
[ "President Trump signs bill repealing FCC's broadband privacy rules\n\nISPs now have a green light to sell your browsing history to the highest bidder.", "\n\nAs was the expected outcome, President Trump on Monday signed a bill that effectively erases Internet privacy rules passed by the Federal Communications Commission under the previous administration, The New York Times reports. ", "Now broadband providers and wireless carriers can track and sell a customer's browsing history without first getting permission.", "\n\nThat would not have been the case later this year when the rules were to take effect. ", "Had this bill rescinding those rules not been passed by Congress and signed by President Trump, ISPs would have been bound to an opt-in policy whereby customers would have to give their permission for ISPs to track and share their online data.", "\n\nHere is a summary of those proposed rules, and what could have been regulatory policy if this bill wasn't passed:\n\n\"In adopting these rules the Commission implements the statutory requirement that telecommunications carriers protect the confidentiality of customer proprietary information. ", "The privacy framework in these rules focuses on transparency, choice, and data security, and provides heightened protection for sensitive customer information, consistent with customer expectations. ", "The rules require carriers to provide privacy notices that clearly and accurately inform customers; obtain opt-in or opt-out customer approval to use and share sensitive or non-sensitive customer proprietary information, respectively; take reasonable measures to secure customer proprietary information; provide notification to customers, the Commission, and law enforcement in the event of data breaches that could result in harm; not condition provision of service on the surrender of privacy rights; and provide heightened notice and obtain affirmative consent when offering financial incentives in exchange for the right to use a customer's confidential information. ", "The Commission also revises its current telecommunications privacy rules to harmonize today's privacy rules for all telecommunications carriers, and provides a tailored exemption from these rules for enterprise customers of telecommunications services other than [broadband internet].\"", "\n\nThe bill rescinding the FCC's rules passed without too much trouble because of something called the Congressional Review Act (CRA). ", "This allows Congress to fast-track the repeal of regulations passed by the previous administration by requiring a simple majority vote in the Senate and House of Representatives. ", "In this case, the bill also prevents the FCC from implementing similar rules in the future.", "\n\nSenator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) introduced the bill to Congress where it was voted along party lines. ", "It passed in the Senate 50-48 before heading to the House of Representatives where it also passed (215-205, with 15 Republican joining the Democrats to vote against the repeal). ", "The resolution then headed to the White House where President Trump on Monday signed it into law.", "\n\nISPs and other proponents of the bill claim the FCC's rules were too broad in scope. ", "They argued that companies like Google and Facebook are not bound by opt-out policies when it comes to selling user data, and therefore ISPs shouldn't be, either.", "\n\nThe flip side to that argument is that Internet users can choose whether or not to use services that share and sell their data. ", "In many cases, they don't have that same luxury when it comes to choosing an ISP.", "\n\nThe former argument won out. ", "If you're concerned about your data being sold without your permission, you might want to think about using a VPN." ]
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[ 0.0007501205545850098, 0.0006164525984786451, 0.0006858373526483774, 0.0006521632894873619, 0.0006520274328067899, 0.0005796332843601704, 0.0005690657417289913, 0.0006156795425340533, 0.0005872891051694751, 0.0006334097124636173, 0.0006009208736941218, 0.0005944122676737607, 0.0006134508294053376, 0.0006279755034483969, 0.000566264963708818, 0.000752872321754694, 0.0007373090484179556, 0.001097816159017384, 0.000598202517721802, 0.0007614592905156314, 0.0007860703044570982 ]
[ "Q:\n\nUnderstanding Code in Java\n\npublic static void mystery2d(int[][] a) {\n for (int r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {\n for (int c = 0; c < a[0].length - 1; c++) {\n if (a[r][c + 1] > a[r][c]) {\n a[r][c] = a[r][c + 1];\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nIf a two-dimensional array named numbers is initialized to store the following integers, what are its contents after the call shown?", "\nint[][] numbers = {\n {3, 4, 5, 6},\n {4, 5, 6, 7},\n {5, 6, 7, 8}\n};\nmystery2d(numbers);\n\nI am really trying to understand code with 2D list but am having difficulties following along through the for loops. ", "If someone could walk me through the steps or explain to me how it works that would be great thank you very much!", "\nFor example what would be a the values of the code bellow so I could have something to see if I could see the iterations of the loop better?", "\nnumbers[0][0] = ??", "\nnumbers[1][1] = ??", "\nnumbers[2][3] = ??", "\n\nA:\n\nThe code is to remove the smallest element in each row.", "\nThis is how it works.", "\nIn First row, it will check if 3<4? ", "It is true. ", "So, the a[0]=3 is replaced as a[0]=4 but a[1]=4 remains same. ", "The same procedure happens till it reaches the end of each row. ", "So the number in the last position at the end of every 'c'th iteration remains same. ", "\nHence, the Output will be :\n4566\n5677\n6788\nSo, the smallest element in each row. ", "i.e. 3,4,5 in 1st, 2nd and 3rd row respectively is removed from array. ", "I hope you got something!", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007303985767066479, 0.0006707397405989468, 0.0005390943842940032, 0.0006505486089736223, 0.000871919677592814, 0.0007818096200935543, 0.0008388382848352194, 0.000718860246706754, 0.0007348109502345324, 0.0006942389882169664, 0.0007550709415227175, 0.0008096502278931439, 0.0007145729614421725, 0.0008600291330367327, 0.000729848921764642, 0.0006752248154953122, 0.0011163826566189528, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "<?", "php\n/**\n * Smarty plugin\n * @package Smarty\n * @subpackage plugins\n */\n\n/**\n * Smarty assign_smarty_interface core plugin\n *\n * Type: core<br>\n * Name: assign_smarty_interface<br>\n * Purpose: assign the $smarty interface variable\n * @param array Format: null\n * @param Smarty\n */\nfunction smarty_core_assign_smarty_interface($params, &$smarty)\n{\n if (isset($smarty->_smarty_vars) && isset($smarty->_smarty_vars['request'])) {\n return;\n }\n\n $_globals_map = array('g' => 'HTTP_GET_VARS',\n 'p' => 'HTTP_POST_VARS',\n 'c' => 'HTTP_COOKIE_VARS',\n 's' => 'HTTP_SERVER_VARS',\n 'e' => 'HTTP_ENV_VARS');\n\n $_smarty_vars_request = array();\n\n foreach (preg_split('!!', ", "strtolower($smarty->request_vars_order)) as $_c) {\n if (isset($_globals_map[$_c])) {\n $_smarty_vars_request = array_merge($_smarty_vars_request, $GLOBALS[$_globals_map[$_c]]);\n }\n }\n $_smarty_vars_request = @array_merge($_smarty_vars_request, $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']);\n\n $smarty->_smarty_vars['request'] = $_smarty_vars_request;\n}\n\n/* vim: set expandtab: */\n\n?", ">\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0009998893365263939, 0.0009325164137408137, 0.0008756624301895499, 0.0012749132001772523 ]
[ "We noticed that you're using an unsupported browser. ", "The TripAdvisor website may not display properly. ", "We support the following browsers:\nWindows:Internet Explorer,\nMozilla Firefox,\nGoogle Chrome.", "\nMac:Safari.", "\n\nMade a trip to Samlesbury Hall for christmas lunch whilst the in laws were visiting. ", "Sat down to a three course set lunch menu at 2pm and asked for our drink orders immediately. ", "After about 20 minutes we had not even seen another member of staff, asked our orders and had received no drinks. ", "I actually ordered the families starter...\nMore\n\nHelpful?", "\n\nThank char987\n\nReport\n\nSharon J, General Manager at Samlesbury Hall Restauant, responded to this review\n\nHi Char,\nThank you for your review - I think your feedback is much needed.", "\nIt's great to know the food is so good, and we will deal with the service accordingly (this is not acceptable at all) If you can please contact us at the Hall we would be delighted to welcome you back for a cream tea (on...\nMore\n\nI came with family for an afternoon that was purchased as a gift. ", "Although the afternoon tea itself was ok we were fairly disappointed by the overall service. ", "We wished to modify the booking from 2 to 3 people and tried without any success to phone from Thursday onwards (we visited on sunday). ", "Finally got an answer on sunday morning...\nMore\n\nHelpful?", "\n\nThank ladybectoria\n\nReport\n\nSharon J, General Manager at Samlesbury Hall Restauant, responded to this review\n\nDear Ladybectoria,\nWe are horrified to read that you didn't have a pleasant afternoon tea - we have discovered that one of our phone lines isn't working correctly and are still waiting for BT to sort this out for us.", "\nOur afternoon tea standards should be as high as the rest of the food and we are mortified that we...\nMore\n\nWe came here with 7 people as a nice place close to the motorway to meet. ", "Beautiful surroundings and friendly staff when we arrived. ", "It's a small menu but all good. ", "The portions are not huge so don't come here if you are very hungry. ", "Desserts in particular were very well presented. ", "So everyone was happy with this place and...\nMore\n\nHelpful?", "\n\nThank John B\n\nReport\n\nSharon J, General Manager at Samlesbury Hall Restauant, responded to this review\n\nHello\nHow nice to hear that you enjoyed our food.", "\nOften, diners tell us that our portions are too big.. so we are not sure which 'small portion' you had\nWe are applauded for the use of white gloves ... it saves offering food with bare hands which some people find offensive and we pride ourselves on hot plates ......\nMore\n\nI'm sad to say we were very disappointed in our visit to this restaurant. ", "We visited at lunch time for a sandwich and coffee and was directed to seating just outside the restaurant. ", "None of the tables had been cleared and not one had a menu on. ", "It took 10 minutes to get somebodies attention to ask for a menu...\nMore\n\nHi Amy,\nThank you for your review - I am most upset to hear about your wait and the uncleared tables. ", "Unfortunately we were so much busier than anticipated at the weekend, and this combined with lots of newer staff (we have lost a few of the team to university!) ", "meant there was a bit of a wait.", "\nPlease do...\nMore\n\nVisited Samlesbury Hall with friends on 22/09/2016.", "\nToured the hall and grounds for an hour or so before settling down at a reserved table in the hall restaurant.", "\nLovely setting and a pleasant day out overall.", "\nBetween us we had Sunday roast(with all the trimmings) trout and hot pot x 2 followed by puddings made up of brownies with chocolate...\nMore\n\nHelpful?", "\n\n2Thank Edward K\n\nReport\n\nSharon J, General Manager at Samlesbury Hall Restauant, responded to this review\n\nThank you so much ... the trustees need to ensure that visitors are happy and that there is enough of an income to repair and maintain the Hall ... you have helped us fulfil those requirements... see you soon\nMore\n\nI went with a group of almost 60 for a tour of the hall including lunch. ", "Providing food to a large group often results in a disappointing meal but this was really very good. ", "A good home made soup, salmon cooked perfectly, a very creditable fruit crumble with a nut topping and all served hot. ", "I loved the tour, the...\nMore\n\nThe staff were very pleasant and helpful but all seemed inexperienced and lacked the attention to detail one would have expected at such a location. ", "We had been informed that pre-booking was essential and the time given on the phone was confusing as upon arrival the restaurant was empty. ", "We were told to wait while our table and food was...\nMore\n\nHelpful?", "\n\nThank JoGarrigan\n\nReport\n\nSharon J, General Manager at Samlesbury Hall Restauant, responded to this review\n\nHello Jo\nIt's such a shame that you didn't enjoy your afternoon tea\nWe make a tremendous amount of these and are not sure why you find the food tasty but disappointing. ", "As with most quality traditional afternoon teas white sliced bread with the crusts cut off is quite usual.", "\nLike all other quality afternoon tea purveyors, we need to...\nMore\n\nOn the whole we had excellent food, super swift and pleasant service and it was good value for money. ", "The only complaint was from the four year old with us who said that the chips had no flavour. ", "In fact he was quite right. ", "They were very flavourless indeed. ", "Possibly using the wrong variety of potato ?", "\n\n* TripAdvisor LLC is not a booking agent and does not charge any service fees to users of our site... (more)\n\nWe noticed that you're using an unsupported browser. ", "The TripAdvisor website may not display properly. ", "We support the following browsers:\nWindows:Internet Explorer,\nMozilla Firefox,\nGoogle Chrome.", "\nMac:Safari.", "\n\nTripAdvisor LLC is not responsible for content on external web sites. ", "Taxes, fees not included for deals content.", "\n\nTripAdvisor uses cookies to improve your site experience. ", "Learn more or change your settings. ", "By continuing, you consent to our cookies." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007815526332706213, 0.0006437717820517719, 0.000710542663000524, 0.0009617028990760446, 0.000816360698081553, 0.0006875867256894708, 0.0007035493035800755, 0.0005937101086601615, 0.0005676472210325301, 0.0005219347076490521, 0.0005352844018489122, 0.0005307411774992943, 0.0006775105139240623, 0.0006220408249646425, 0.0010809128871187568, 0.0005248416564427316, 0.0005746117094531655, 0.0019227106822654605, 0.0005794112221337855, 0.000601518782787025, 0.0005511913332156837, 0.0006362336571328342, 0.0005884217098355293, 0.0011757524916902184, 0.0009059159783646464, 0.0006694816402159631, 0.0007303077727556229, 0.0005814346368424594, 0.0006741564720869064, 0.0005708506214432418, 0.0007597057265229523, 0.0006013637175783515, 0.0005404296680353582, 0.0008760154596529901, 0.0005639789742417634, 0.0005691348924301565, 0.0006694720359519124, 0.0012216734467074275, 0.0006383418804034591, 0.0006564572686329484, 0.025870472192764282, 0.0006665762048214674, 0.000916937249712646, 0.0015367190353572369, 0.0007806984358467162, 0.0006437717820517719, 0.000710542663000524, 0.0009617028990760446, 0.0006611276185140014, 0.0006260527879931033, 0.0007091947481967509, 0.0009021861478686333, 0.0005755613674409688 ]
[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 1996, 2003 VIA Networking Technologies, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n * (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\n * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.", "\n *\n *\n * File: wmgr.h\n *\n * Purpose:\n *\n * Author: lyndon chen\n *\n * Date: Jan 2, 2003\n *\n * Functions:\n *\n * Revision History:\n *\n */\n\n#ifndef __WMGR_H__\n#define __WMGR_H__\n\n#include \"ttype.h\"\n#include \"80211mgr.h\"\n#include \"80211hdr.h\"\n#include \"wcmd.h\"\n#include \"bssdb.h\"\n#include \"wpa2.h\"\n#include \"vntwifi.h\"\n#include \"card.h\"\n\n/*--------------------- Export Definitions -------------------------*/\n\n\n\n// Scan time\n#define PROBE_DELAY 100 // (us)\n#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY 200 // (us)\n#define WLAN_SCAN_MINITIME 25 // (ms)\n#define WLAN_SCAN_MAXTIME 100 // (ms)\n#define TRIVIAL_SYNC_DIFFERENCE 0 // (us)\n#define DEFAULT_IBSS_BI 100 // (ms)\n\n#define WCMD_ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME 50 //(ms)\n#define WCMD_PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME 100 //(ms)\n\n\n#define DEFAULT_MSDU_LIFETIME 512 // ms\n#define DEFAULT_MSDU_LIFETIME_RES_64us 8000 // 64us\n\n#define DEFAULT_MGN_LIFETIME 8 // ms\n#define DEFAULT_MGN_LIFETIME_RES_64us 125 // 64us\n\n#define MAKE_BEACON_RESERVED 10 //(us)\n\n\n#define TIM_MULTICAST_MASK 0x01\n#define TIM_BITMAPOFFSET_MASK 0xFE\n#define DEFAULT_DTIM_PERIOD 1\n\n#define AP_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT 4\n\n#define DEFAULT_IBSS_CHANNEL 6 //2.4G\n\n\n/*--------------------- Export Classes ----------------------------*/\n\n/*--------------------- Export Variables --------------------------*/\n\n/*--------------------- Export Types ------------------------------*/\n#define timer_expire(timer,next_tick) mod_timer(&timer, RUN_AT(next_tick))\ntypedef void (*TimerFunction)(unsigned long);\n\n\n//+++ NDIS related\n\ntypedef unsigned char NDIS_802_11_MAC_ADDRESS[6];\ntypedef struct _NDIS_802_11_AI_REQFI\n{\n unsigned short Capabilities;\n unsigned short ListenInterval;\n NDIS_802_11_MAC_ADDRESS CurrentAPAddress;\n} NDIS_802_11_AI_REQFI, *PNDIS_802_11_AI_REQFI;\n\ntypedef struct _NDIS_802_11_AI_RESFI\n{\n unsigned short Capabilities;\n unsigned short StatusCode;\n unsigned short AssociationId;\n} NDIS_802_11_AI_RESFI, *PNDIS_802_11_AI_RESFI;\n\ntypedef struct _NDIS_802_11_ASSOCIATION_INFORMATION\n{\n unsigned long Length;\n unsigned short AvailableRequestFixedIEs;\n NDIS_802_11_AI_REQFI RequestFixedIEs;\n unsigned long RequestIELength;\n unsigned long OffsetRequestIEs;\n unsigned short AvailableResponseFixedIEs;\n NDIS_802_11_AI_RESFI ResponseFixedIEs;\n unsigned long ResponseIELength;\n unsigned long OffsetResponseIEs;\n} NDIS_802_11_ASSOCIATION_INFORMATION, *PNDIS_802_11_ASSOCIATION_INFORMATION;\n\n\n\ntypedef struct tagSAssocInfo {\n NDIS_802_11_ASSOCIATION_INFORMATION AssocInfo;\n unsigned char abyIEs[WLAN_BEACON_FR_MAXLEN+WLAN_BEACON_FR_MAXLEN];\n // store ReqIEs set by OID_802_11_ASSOCIATION_INFORMATION\n unsigned long RequestIELength;\n unsigned char abyReqIEs[WLAN_BEACON_FR_MAXLEN];\n} SAssocInfo, *PSAssocInfo;\n//---\n\n\n/*\ntypedef enum tagWMAC_AUTHENTICATION_MODE {\n\n\n WMAC_AUTH_OPEN,\n WMAC_AUTH_SHAREKEY,\n WMAC_AUTH_AUTO,\n WMAC_AUTH_WPA,\n WMAC_AUTH_WPAPSK,\n WMAC_AUTH_WPANONE,\n WMAC_AUTH_WPA2,\n WMAC_AUTH_WPA2PSK,\n WMAC_AUTH_MAX // Not a real mode, defined as upper bound\n\n\n} WMAC_AUTHENTICATION_MODE, *PWMAC_AUTHENTICATION_MODE;\n*/\n\n\n// Pre-configured Mode (from XP)\n/*\ntypedef enum tagWMAC_CONFIG_MODE {\n WMAC_CONFIG_ESS_STA,\n WMAC_CONFIG_IBSS_STA,\n WMAC_CONFIG_AUTO,\n WMAC_CONFIG_AP\n\n} WMAC_CONFIG_MODE, *PWMAC_CONFIG_MODE;\n*/\n\ntypedef enum tagWMAC_SCAN_TYPE {\n\n WMAC_SCAN_ACTIVE,\n WMAC_SCAN_PASSIVE,\n WMAC_SCAN_HYBRID\n\n} WMAC_SCAN_TYPE, *PWMAC_SCAN_TYPE;\n\n\ntypedef enum tagWMAC_SCAN_STATE {\n\n WMAC_NO_SCANNING,\n WMAC_IS_SCANNING,\n WMAC_IS_PROBEPENDING\n\n} WMAC_SCAN_STATE, *PWMAC_SCAN_STATE;\n\n\n\n// Notes:\n// Basic Service Set state explained as following:\n// WMAC_STATE_IDLE : no BSS is selected (Adhoc or Infra)\n// WMAC_STATE_STARTED : no BSS is selected, start own IBSS (Adhoc only)\n// WMAC_STATE_JOINTED : BSS is selected and synchronized (Adhoc or Infra)\n// WMAC_STATE_AUTHPENDING : Authentication pending (Infra)\n// WMAC_STATE_AUTH : Authenticated (Infra)\n// WMAC_STATE_ASSOCPENDING : Association pending (Infra)\n// WMAC_STATE_ASSOC : Associated (Infra)\n\ntypedef enum tagWMAC_BSS_STATE {\n\n WMAC_STATE_IDLE,\n WMAC_STATE_STARTED,\n WMAC_STATE_JOINTED,\n WMAC_STATE_AUTHPENDING,\n WMAC_STATE_AUTH,\n WMAC_STATE_ASSOCPENDING,\n WMAC_STATE_ASSOC\n\n} WMAC_BSS_STATE, *PWMAC_BSS_STATE;\n\n// WMAC selected running mode\ntypedef enum tagWMAC_CURRENT_MODE {\n\n WMAC_MODE_STANDBY,\n WMAC_MODE_ESS_STA,\n WMAC_MODE_IBSS_STA,\n WMAC_MODE_ESS_AP\n\n} WMAC_CURRENT_MODE, *PWMAC_CURRENT_MODE;\n\n/*\ntypedef enum tagWMAC_POWER_MODE {\n\n WMAC_POWER_CAM,\n WMAC_POWER_FAST,\n WMAC_POWER_MAX\n\n} WMAC_POWER_MODE, *PWMAC_POWER_MODE;\n*/\n\n\n// Tx Management Packet descriptor\ntypedef struct tagSTxMgmtPacket {\n\n PUWLAN_80211HDR p80211Header;\n unsigned int cbMPDULen;\n unsigned int cbPayloadLen;\n\n} STxMgmtPacket, *PSTxMgmtPacket;\n\n\n// Rx Management Packet descriptor\ntypedef struct tagSRxMgmtPacket {\n\n PUWLAN_80211HDR p80211Header;\n QWORD qwLocalTSF;\n unsigned int cbMPDULen;\n unsigned int cbPayloadLen;\n unsigned int uRSSI;\n unsigned char bySQ;\n unsigned char byRxRate;\n unsigned char byRxChannel;\n\n} SRxMgmtPacket, *PSRxMgmtPacket;\n\n\n\ntypedef struct tagSMgmtObject\n{\n\n void * pAdapter;\n // MAC address\n unsigned char abyMACAddr[WLAN_ADDR_LEN];\n\n // Configuration Mode\n WMAC_CONFIG_MODE eConfigMode; // MAC pre-configed mode\n CARD_PHY_TYPE eCurrentPHYMode;\n CARD_PHY_TYPE eConfigPHYMode;\n\n\n // Operation state variables\n WMAC_CURRENT_MODE eCurrMode; // MAC current connection mode\n WMAC_BSS_STATE eCurrState; // MAC current BSS state\n\n PKnownBSS pCurrBSS;\n unsigned char byCSSGK;\n unsigned char byCSSPK;\n\n// unsigned char abyNewSuppRates[WLAN_IEHDR_LEN + WLAN_RATES_MAXLEN];\n// unsigned char abyNewExtSuppRates[WLAN_IEHDR_LEN + WLAN_RATES_MAXLEN];\n\n // Current state vars\n unsigned int\tuCurrChannel;\n unsigned char abyCurrSuppRates[WLAN_IEHDR_LEN + WLAN_RATES_MAXLEN + 1];\n unsigned char abyCurrExtSuppRates[WLAN_IEHDR_LEN + WLAN_RATES_MAXLEN + 1];\n unsigned char abyCurrSSID[WLAN_IEHDR_LEN + WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN + 1];\n unsigned char abyCurrBSSID[WLAN_BSSID_LEN];\n unsigned short wCurrCapInfo;\n unsigned short wCurrAID;\n unsigned short wCurrATIMWindow;\n unsigned short wCurrBeaconPeriod;\n bool bIsDS;\n unsigned char byERPContext;\n\n CMD_STATE eCommandState;\n unsigned int\tuScanChannel;\n\n // Desire joinning BSS vars\n unsigned char abyDesireSSID[WLAN_IEHDR_LEN + WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN + 1];\n unsigned char abyDesireBSSID[WLAN_BSSID_LEN];\n\n // Adhoc or AP configuration vars\n //unsigned char abyAdHocSSID[WLAN_IEHDR_LEN + WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN + 1];\n unsigned short wIBSSBeaconPeriod;\n unsigned short wIBSSATIMWindow;\n unsigned int\tuIBSSChannel;\n unsigned char abyIBSSSuppRates[WLAN_IEHDR_LEN + WLAN_RATES_MAXLEN + 1];\n unsigned char byAPBBType;\n unsigned char abyWPAIE[MAX_WPA_IE_LEN];\n unsigned short wWPAIELen;\n\n unsigned int\tuAssocCount;\n bool bMoreData;\n\n // Scan state vars\n WMAC_SCAN_STATE eScanState;\n WMAC_SCAN_TYPE eScanType;\n unsigned int\tuScanStartCh;\n unsigned int\tuScanEndCh;\n unsigned short wScanSteps;\n unsigned int\tuScanBSSType;\n // Desire scannig vars\n unsigned char abyScanSSID[WLAN_IEHDR_LEN + WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN + 1];\n unsigned char abyScanBSSID[WLAN_BSSID_LEN];\n\n // Privacy\n WMAC_AUTHENTICATION_MODE eAuthenMode;\n WMAC_ENCRYPTION_MODE eEncryptionMode;\n bool bShareKeyAlgorithm;\n unsigned char abyChallenge[WLAN_CHALLENGE_LEN];\n bool bPrivacyInvoked;\n\n // Received beacon state vars\n bool bInTIM;\n bool bMulticastTIM;\n unsigned char byDTIMCount;\n unsigned char byDTIMPeriod;\n\n // Power saving state vars\n WMAC_POWER_MODE ePSMode;\n unsigned short wListenInterval;\n unsigned short wCountToWakeUp;\n bool bInTIMWake;\n unsigned char *pbyPSPacketPool;\n unsigned char byPSPacketPool[sizeof(STxMgmtPacket) + WLAN_NULLDATA_FR_MAXLEN];\n bool bRxBeaconInTBTTWake;\n unsigned char abyPSTxMap[MAX_NODE_NUM + 1];\n\n // management command related\n unsigned int\tuCmdBusy;\n unsigned int\tuCmdHostAPBusy;\n\n // management packet pool\n unsigned char *pbyMgmtPacketPool;\n unsigned char byMgmtPacketPool[sizeof(STxMgmtPacket) + WLAN_A3FR_MAXLEN];\n\n\n // One second callback timer\n struct timer_list\t sTimerSecondCallback;\n\n // Temporarily Rx Mgmt Packet Descriptor\n SRxMgmtPacket sRxPacket;\n\n // link list of known bss's (scan results)\n KnownBSS sBSSList[MAX_BSS_NUM];\n\n\n\n // table list of known node\n // sNodeDBList[0] is reserved for AP under Infra mode\n // sNodeDBList[0] is reserved for Multicast under adhoc/AP mode\n KnownNodeDB sNodeDBTable[MAX_NODE_NUM + 1];\n\n\n\n // WPA2 PMKID Cache\n SPMKIDCache gsPMKIDCache;\n bool bRoaming;\n\n // rate fall back vars\n\n\n\n // associate info\n SAssocInfo sAssocInfo;\n\n\n // for 802.11h\n bool b11hEnable;\n bool bSwitchChannel;\n unsigned char byNewChannel;\n PWLAN_IE_MEASURE_REP pCurrMeasureEIDRep;\n unsigned int\tuLengthOfRepEIDs;\n unsigned char abyCurrentMSRReq[sizeof(STxMgmtPacket) + WLAN_A3FR_MAXLEN];\n unsigned char abyCurrentMSRRep[sizeof(STxMgmtPacket) + WLAN_A3FR_MAXLEN];\n unsigned char abyIECountry[WLAN_A3FR_MAXLEN];\n unsigned char abyIBSSDFSOwner[6];\n unsigned char byIBSSDFSRecovery;\n\n struct sk_buff skb;\n\n} SMgmtObject, *PSMgmtObject;\n\n\n/*--------------------- Export Macros ------------------------------*/\n\n\n/*--------------------- Export Functions --------------------------*/\n\n\nvoid\nvMgrObjectInit(\n void *hDeviceContext\n );\n\nvoid\nvMgrTimerInit(\n void *hDeviceContext\n );\n\nvoid\nvMgrObjectReset(\n void *hDeviceContext\n );\n\nvoid\nvMgrAssocBeginSta(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PSMgmtObject pMgmt,\n PCMD_STATUS pStatus\n );\n\nvoid\nvMgrReAssocBeginSta(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PSMgmtObject pMgmt,\n PCMD_STATUS pStatus\n );\n\nvoid\nvMgrDisassocBeginSta(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PSMgmtObject pMgmt,\n unsigned char *abyDestAddress,\n unsigned short wReason,\n PCMD_STATUS pStatus\n );\n\nvoid\nvMgrAuthenBeginSta(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PSMgmtObject pMgmt,\n PCMD_STATUS pStatus\n );\n\nvoid\nvMgrCreateOwnIBSS(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PCMD_STATUS pStatus\n );\n\nvoid\nvMgrJoinBSSBegin(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PCMD_STATUS pStatus\n );\n\nvoid\nvMgrRxManagePacket(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PSMgmtObject pMgmt,\n PSRxMgmtPacket pRxPacket\n );\n\n/*\nvoid\nvMgrScanBegin(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PCMD_STATUS pStatus\n );\n*/\n\nvoid\nvMgrDeAuthenBeginSta(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PSMgmtObject pMgmt,\n unsigned char *abyDestAddress,\n unsigned short wReason,\n PCMD_STATUS pStatus\n );\n\nbool\nbMgrPrepareBeaconToSend(\n void *hDeviceContext,\n PSMgmtObject pMgmt\n );\n\n\nbool\nbAdd_PMKID_Candidate (\n void *hDeviceContext,\n unsigned char *pbyBSSID,\n PSRSNCapObject psRSNCapObj\n );\n\nvoid\nvFlush_PMKID_Candidate (\n void *hDeviceContext\n );\n\n#endif // __WMGR_H__\n" ]
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[ 0.0006164219812490046, 0.0006835049716755748, 0.0006371174240484834, 0.0005785456742160022, 0.0006118430756032467, 0.0009729998419061303 ]
[ "[First experience with an in vitro fertilization program at the Rostock University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics].", "\nIn vitro fertilization as an aid in diagnosis and treatment of the sterile couple has been used at the university clinic of gynecology and obstetrics in Rostock since the beginning of 1983. ", "17 women were treated in the first series of in vitro-fertilization and embryo transfer in September and October 1983. ", "After treatment with clomiphene and HCG in 16 women one or more oocytes were harvested. ", "In 14 women one or more oocytes were fertilized. ", "Embryo transfer was performed in five cases. ", "No pregnancy resulted. ", "The causes of the low cleavage rate and possibilities for improvement of the results are discussed." ]
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[ 0.000780919857788831, 0.0007949595456011593, 0.0007670277846045792, 0.0010596874635666609, 0.006559375673532486, 0.0005745925009250641, 0.0006843783776275814, 0.0005663283518515527 ]
[ "\"Listen here, I'm going to give you all advice because it's too late for this guy,\" Murray continued. \"", "This is what I recommend to you. ", "If you have someone who you think is the one … Take that person and travel around the world. ", "Buy two plane tickets and travel all around the world. ", "Go to places that are hard to go to and hard to get out of.\"" ]
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[ 0.0009209974086843431, 0.0005680242320522666, 0.0006644736276939511, 0.0012122056214138865, 0.02736569195985794 ]
[ "This invention relates to a down hole assembly used to clean tubular strings. ", "More particularly, but not by way of limitation, this invention relates to an apparatus and method for cleaning the internal diameter of casing strings with a bristle brush circumferentially arranged about a down hole assembly.", "\nIn the development of oil and gas fields, operators will drill a well to a hydrocarbon reservoir, and thereafter, run a casing string through the production formation. ", "The casing string will then be cemented into place. ", "In turn, the well will then be completed as is well appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art.", "\nThe optimization of production is an important criteria of any completion. ", "Studies have shown that residue on the internal diameter of the casing string (such as cement, pipe dope, scale, burrs, etcetera) have a negative impact on productivity. ", "Specialized completion fluids devoid of fines, solids and other debris are used to complete the well. ", "Therefore, a major emphasis has been made to clean the inner diameter of the casing string.", "\nThus, when the operators have finished the pumping of a cement composition through the well casing, a work string is lowered on which a mechanical scraping device is used to scrap the walls of the casing. ", "In the prior art, various types of casing scrapers are in use prior to displacement of a clean completion fluid. ", "That is why it is so important to clean the casing wall as much as possible since it takes less time to ultimately filter the displaced completion fluids. ", "Also, cleaning will eliminate foreign matter such as cement sheaths, scale, burrs and barite which in turn allows the tools used in the completion process to properly perform.", "\nThe scraping action of traditional scrapers with blades also have been known to leave a fine film of oil base or synthetic fluid residue on the casing wall. ", "Prior art devices also cause problems because of the hardness of their blades cannot get into the casing connections as brushes can. ", "Also, casing scrapers in high deviated holes collapse to the low side of the casing causing a great deal of wear on one side and the top side of the hole is not properly cleaning the high side due to ineffective engagement with the high side.", "\nTherefore, there is a need for a down hole assembly that will be effective in cleaning a well bore that contains an oil base and/or synthetic fluid. ", "There is also a need for a cleaning apparatus that will be effective in highly deviated wells. ", "There is also a need for a down hole assembly that will have scraper brushes that are of sturdy construction and allow for ease of replacement." ]
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[ 0.0006570728728547692, 0.0006400793208740652, 0.0005514564691111445, 0.0007021697820164263, 0.0005206482601352036, 0.0005627901409752667, 0.0007653156644664705, 0.0005974139785394073, 0.001024318509735167, 0.0006906066555529833, 0.0006148293032310903, 0.0012039578286930919, 0.0006105888169258833, 0.0005672707920894027, 0.0006701097008772194, 0.0013944089878350496, 0.0008033384219743311, 0.0006635901518166065, 0.0006061132298782468 ]
[ "// CopyDialog.cpp\r\n\r\n#include \"StdAfx.h\"\r\n#include \"CopyDialog.h\"\r\n\r\n#include \"Common/StringConvert.h\"\r\n\r\n#include \"Windows/Control/Static.h\"\r\n#include \"Windows/Shell.h\"\r\n#include \"Windows/FileName.h\"\r\n\r\n#ifdef LANG \r\n#include \"LangUtils.h\"\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nusing namespace NWindows;\r\n\r\n#ifdef LANG \r\nstatic CIDLangPair kIDLangPairs[] = \r\n{\r\n { IDOK, 0x02000702 },\r\n { IDCANCEL, 0x02000710 }\r\n};\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nbool CCopyDialog::OnInit() \r\n{\r\n #ifdef LANG \r\n LangSetDlgItemsText(HWND(*this), kIDLangPairs, sizeof(kIDLangPairs) / sizeof(kIDLangPairs[0]));\r\n #endif\r\n _path.", "Attach(GetItem(IDC_COPY_COMBO));\r\n SetText(Title);\r\n\r\n NControl::CStatic staticContol;\r\n staticContol.", "Attach(GetItem(IDC_COPY_STATIC));\r\n staticContol.", "SetText(Static);\r\n for(int i = 0; i < Strings.", "Size(); i++)\r\n _path.", "AddString(Strings[i]);\r\n _path.", "SetText(Value);\r\n return CModalDialog::OnInit();\r\n}\r\n\r\nbool CCopyDialog::OnButtonClicked(int buttonID, HWND buttonHWND)\r\n{\r\n switch(buttonID)\r\n {\r\n case IDC_COPY_SET_PATH:\r\n OnButtonSetPath();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return CModalDialog::OnButtonClicked(buttonID, buttonHWND);\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid CCopyDialog::OnButtonSetPath() \r\n{\r\n UString currentPath;\r\n _path.", "GetText(currentPath);\r\n\r\n /*\r\n #ifdef LANG \r\n UString title = LangLoadString(IDS_EXTRACT_SET_FOLDER, 0x02000881);\r\n #else\r\n UString title = MyLoadString(IDS_EXTRACT_SET_FOLDER);\r\n #endif\r\n */\r\n UString title = LangStringSpec(IDS_SET_FOLDER, 0x03020209);\r\n // UString title = L\"Specify a location for output folder\";\r\n\r\n UString resultPath;\r\n if (!", "NShell::BrowseForFolder(HWND(*this), title, currentPath, resultPath))\r\n return;\r\n NFile::NName::NormalizeDirPathPrefix(resultPath);\r\n _path.", "SetCurSel(-1);\r\n _path.", "SetText(resultPath);\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid CCopyDialog::OnOK()\r\n{\r\n _path.", "GetText(Value);\r\n CModalDialog::OnOK();\r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ 0.001598438248038292, 0.0006950300303287804, 0.0007076571928337216, 0.0008825247641652822, 0.0007984651601873338, 0.0007850275724194944, 0.007719902787357569, 0.0009770585456863046, 0.001568752690218389, 0.0007567479624412954, 0.0011761172208935022, 0.0010363201145082712 ]
[ "The Greek bailout is the most recent example of “kick the can down the road” solutions.", "\n\nThe US housing bubble was an attempt to cover up/recover from the dot-com bust. ", "Now the US is in a financial bubble engineered to recover from the housing bubble debacle. ", "Soon this bubble will burst. ", "Only the date is unknown.", "\n\nTwo predictions can be made with reasonable confidence:\n\nThe stock market is likely to be halved and that might be optimistic. ", "Only the date is unknown.", "\n\nThe economy will eventually resemble the Great Depression. ", "Only the date is unknown.", "\n\nNothing is ever certain. ", "An experienced CFO told me at the beginning of my career that “even the impossible has a 20% probability.” ", "In deference to him and years of empirical evidence, I put the the above two events as virtually certain, i.e., an 80% probability.", "\n\nThe Current Problem\n\nPhoenix Capital provided reasons to expect horrible outcomes:\n\nThe REAL problem for the financial system is the bond bubble. ", "In 2008 when the crisis hit it was $80 trillion. ", "It has since grown to over $100 trillion.", "\n\nThe derivatives market that uses this bond bubble as collateral is over $555 trillion in size.", "\n\nMany of the large multinational corporations, sovereign governments, and even municipalities have used derivatives to fake earnings and hide debt. ", "NO ONE knows to what degree this has been the case, but given that 20% of corporate CFOs have admitted to faking earnings in the past, it’s likely a significant amount.", "\n\nCorporations today are more leveraged than they were in 2007. ", "As Stanley Druckenmiller noted recently, in 2007 corporate bonds were $3.5 trillion… today they are $7 trillion: an amount equal to nearly 50% of US GDP.", "\n\nThe Central Banks are now all leveraged at levels greater than or equal to where Lehman Brothers was when it imploded. ", "The Fed is leveraged at 78 to 1. ", "The ECB is leveraged at over 26 to 1. ", "Lehman Brothers was leveraged at 30 to 1.", "\n\nThe Central Banks have no idea how to exit their strategies. ", "Fed minutes released from 2009 show Janet Yellen was worried about how to exit when the Fed’s balance sheet was $1.3 trillion (back in 2009). ", "Today it’s over $4.5 trillion.", "\n\nThe cumulative effects of decades of interventions to mask economic weakness are harmful to the economy. ", "Statistical manipulation and outright lies in government reporting of economic conditions suggest that times are becoming ever more desperate for the political class. ", "There is not enough bailing wire in the world to hold this train wreck in check. ", "Nor is there any way to solve the massive problems created over decades.", "\n\nMac Slavo believes we are already in a world-wide depression stating:\n\nWith stock markets in China having self destructed, Greece and Europe in another crisis, and corporate earnings for some of the world’s biggest corporations showing lackluster performance, it should be clear that the situation is rapidly deteriorating.", "\n\nBut for the last several years America has appeared to remain fairly insulated from overt crisis. ", "We were told that a recovery had taken hold, jobs were returning and consumer confidence had reached new highs, propaganda which drove millions of investors back into stock markets and real estate. ", "No one in the mainstream world, it seems, believes there’s anything to be concerned about. ", "Except there is.", "\n\nNassim Taleb described the problem:\n\nUncertainty should not bother you. ", "We may not be able to forecast when a bridge will break, but we can identify which ones are faulty and poorly built. ", "We can assess vulnerability. ", "And today the financial bridges across the world are very vulnerable. ", "Politicians prescribe ever larger doses of pain killer in the form of financial bailouts, which consists in curing debt with debt, like curing an addiction with an addiction, that is to say it is not a cure. ", "This cycle will end, like it always does, spectacularly.", "\n\nEach intervention has been bigger than the previous one. ", "And they are needed more frequently. ", "Bad times are here and have been despite what government says. ", "Worse times lie ahead. ", "Only the date is unknown.", "\n\nGovernment is helpless at this point. ", "Their cover-ups have made matters worse. ", "When the unknown date arrives, America will likely look like some third-world country. ", "Its political system may not survive.", "\n\nWelcome to Venezuela with nuclear weapons.", "\n\nThe Emergency Election Sale is now live! ", "Get 30% to 60% off our most popular products today!" ]
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[ "Usefulness of intraoperative nerve monitoring in esophageal cancer surgery in predicting recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and its severity.", "\nRecurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy is a critical postoperative complication in esophageal cancer surgery. ", "However, intraoperative prediction of its occurrence and severity is difficult. ", "In this prospective study, we evaluated the usefulness of intraoperative nerve monitoring (IONM) in predicting RLN palsy and its severity. ", "Twenty patients who underwent subtotal esophagectomy with 3-field lymph node dissection were enrolled. ", "Intraoperative electromyography (EMG) amplitudes of the vocal cords were measured by IONM at RLN and vagus nerve (VN) stimulation. ", "Comparison was made between the vocal cords with RLN palsy and those without palsy and additionally between the vocal cords with transient RLN palsy and those with persistent palsy. ", "Among 40 vocal cords in 20 patients, 26 were intact and 14 were paralyzed. ", "Seven had transient, six had permanent palsy. ", "The mean EMG amplitude of intact vocal cords was significantly larger than that of paralyzed ones at VN (506 ± 498 µV vs. 258 ± 226 µV, p = 0.022) and RLN stimulation (642 ± 530 µV vs. 400 ± 308 µV, p = 0.038). ", "The cut-off value for postoperative palsy were 419 µV [positive predictive value (PPV): 48.0%, negative predictive value (NPV): 84.6%] at VN and 673 µV (PPV: 44.8%, NPV: 90.9%) at RLN stimulation. ", "The mean EMG amplitude of persistently paralyzed vocal cords tended to be small, compared with that of recovered ones at both VN (168 ± 173 µV vs. 336 ± 266 µV, p = 0.11) and RLN (244 ± 223 µV vs. 536 ± 344 µV, p = 0.051) stimulation. ", "The absolute EMG amplitude of IONM might be helpful to predict the occurrence and severity of RLN palsy after esophageal surgery although the predictive value is low." ]
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[ 0.00114667066372931, 0.013394354842603207, 0.0005867251311428845, 0.000612911768257618, 0.006107531487941742, 0.001130862394347787, 0.0009302842081524432, 0.0006160969496704638, 0.001507330103777349, 0.0006393803050741553, 0.0007721856818534434, 0.000625990389380604, 0.0007893629372119904 ]
[ "IDEMA STANDARD\n\n“Cleanliness is not an absolute. ", "It is a relative condition denoting the degree to which a product can be isolated from or cleaned of contaminants.", "\nThe level of required cleanliness must first be established for the end product before the level of cleanliness for packaging or containers can be\ndetermined. ", "The cleanliness requirements should be based on individual company manufacturing specifications.”", "\n\n5.1.2\n\n“Non-Volatile Residue NVR Testing: The filtered solvent from particle testing is heated and analyzed for total non-volatile residue.”", "\n\n5.1.3\n\n“Outgassing The analysis of volatile chemicals typically uses gas chromatography / mass spectroscropy. ", "The packaging material sample is heated in a\nclosed container, driving off volatile components. ", "The collected sample is then analyzed by weight. ", "This outgassing is caused by a combination of\nvacuum and/or high temperatures in the test environment that may be well beyond what can be expected in real handling and shipping situations.”", "\n\n5.1.4 Ionic Contamination\n\nIonic contamination is defined as chemical species that are not electrically neutral, but are either charged positively or negatively. ", "Ionic\ncontaminants are anions (e.g. fluorine, chlorine, bromides, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, and sulfates) and cations (e.g. lithium, sodium,\nammonium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium). ", "The presence of ionic contamination may cause corrosion. ", "Ionic contaminants are determined by ion\nchromatography. ", "The user must define the level of ionic contamination based on product requirements.”" ]
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[ 0.0011670280946418643, 0.0007963940734043717, 0.0005896509392186999, 0.0006253929459489882, 0.0005772020667791367, 0.0008605734328739345, 0.0005794159369543195, 0.0005697009619325399, 0.0006618103361688554, 0.0006686681881546974, 0.0010101833613589406, 0.0005969239282421768, 0.0006759202224202454, 0.000551748787984252 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'We re-examine the so-called Nambu-Jona-Lasinio mechanism suggested by Song, Xu and Chin in breaking the supersymmetry in the Wess-Zumino model and show that this mechanism cannot be justified without assuming special effects between fermions. ", "The fermion condensation suggested by them corresponds to an unstable vacuum configuration. ", "As a result, there is no fermion condensation and no supersymmetry breaking in the model discussed by them.'", "\n---\n\n9.3in 6.3in = -0.4in = -0.8in\n\n[UT-699\\\nJan. ’95]{}\n\n1.5 truecm\n\n.75 truecm\n\n**Tomohiro Matsuda**\n\n.4 truecm\n\n*Department of Physics,University of Tokyo*\n\n*Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113,Japan*\n\n1\\. truecm\n\naddtoreset[equation]{}[section]{}\n\n1\\. truecm\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nRecently it has been discussed in a series of papers by Song, Xu and Chin [@xu] that spontaneous supersymmetry breaking can be realized in a chiral symmetric model without adding a Fayet-Iliopoulos or O’Raifeartaigh term. ", "In their analysis, the so-called Nambu-Jona-Lasinio mechanism was used, and they suggest that the fermion pair condensation induces a mass gap between supersymmetric partners. ", "If their mechanism really works, it would open many possibilities in supersymmetric models. ", "The purpose of the present paper is to present the short comings of their argument and clarify the physical backgrounds of it. ", "The main point is very simple: They neglected the one-loop effects of bosonic particles. ", "Including these contributions correctly, we obtain the well-known one-loop effective potential, and their solution corresponds to an unstable configuration of this effective potential.", "\n\nThis paper is organized as follows. ", "In section 2 we review the construction of an effective potential in the Wess-Zumino model. ", "Then we re-examine the so-called NJL method proposed in[@xu] and clarify the physical backgrounds. ", "Concluding remarks are also given in section 3.", "\n\nReview of one-loop effective potential in WZ model\n==================================================\n\nThe analysis of supersymmetry breaking in the Wess-Zumino model is as old as the modern theory of supersymmetry[@zumino]. ", "Using a superfield method, Fujikawa and Lang[@fuji] constructed a one-loop effective potential for the Wess-Zumino model and discussed the stability of the supersymmetric vacuum. ", "Many authors, for example in[@miller], later discussed this and related topics.", "\n\nFor the notational convention, we use the two-component representation : By explicitly separating the vacuum expectation values of bosonic fields, we derive the one-loop effective potential by means of the tadpole method[@tad] instead of the direct evaluation of it[@fuji].", "\n\nThe starting Wess-Zumino Lagrangian for a chiral super multiplet is given by $$\\begin{aligned}\nL&=&\\Phi^{+}\\Phi|_{\\theta\\theta\\overline{\\theta}\\overline{\\theta}}+\\left[\n\\frac{1}{3!}\\lambda\\Phi^{3}|_{\\theta\\theta}+\\frac{1}{2}\nm\\Phi^{2}|_{\\theta\\theta}+h.c.\\right]\\nonumber\\\\\n&=&i\\partial_{m}\\overline{\\psi}\\overline{\\sigma}^{m}\\psi+\\overline{A}\n\\Box{A}+\\overline{F}F+\\left[\\frac{\\lambda}{2}(A^{2}F-\\psi\\psi{A})+\nm(AF-\\frac{1}{2}\\psi\\psi)+h.c.", "\n\\right]\\end{aligned}$$ Shifting the bose fields of the theory in the fashion $$\\begin{aligned}\nA&\\rightarrow&A+a\\nonumber\\\\\nF&\\rightarrow&F+f\\end{aligned}$$ we obtain $$\\begin{aligned}\nL'&=&i\\partial_{m}\\overline{\\psi}\\overline{\\sigma}^{m}\\psi+\\overline{A}\n\\Box{A}+\\overline{F}F\\nonumber\\\\\n&&+\\left[\\eta(AF-\\frac{1}{2}\\psi\\psi)+\\frac{\\lambda}{2}(AAF-\\psi{\\psi}A)\n+\\frac{\\lambda}{2}fAA\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&&\\left.\\hspace*{\\fill}+F(ma+\\frac{\\lambda}{2}a^{2}-\\overline{f})+A\\eta{f}+\nh.c.\\right]\\end{aligned}$$ here we set $$\\eta=m+\\lambda{a}.$$ Before calculating the effective potential, we should derive the propagators of the theory. ", "Extracting the quadratic part of the boson fields, $$\\begin{aligned}\nS_{0}&=&\\int{d}^{4}x\\frac{1}{2}\\Phi^{T}A\\Phi+\\Phi^{T}J\\nonumber\\\\\n&&\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{l}\n\\Phi^{T}=(A,\\overline{A},F,\\overline{F})\\\\\nJ=(J,\\overline{J},K,\\overline{K})\n\\end{array}\n\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&&A=\\left(\n\\begin{array}{llll}\n-\\lambda{f} & \\Box & -\\eta & 0 \\\\\n\\Box & -\\lambda\\overline{f} & 0 & \\overline{\\eta}\\\\\n-\\eta & 0 & 0 & 1 \\\\\n0 & -\\overline{\\eta} & 1 0\n\\end{array}\n\\right)\\end{aligned}$$ the matrix $A$ is easily inverted to obtain $$A^{-1}=\\frac{1}{\\Delta}\\left(\n\\begin{array}{llll}\n\\lambda\\overline{f} & \\Box-\\overline{\\eta}\\eta & \\overline{\\eta}(\\Box\n-\\overline{\\eta}\\eta) & \\lambda\\overline{f}f \\\\\n\\Box-\\overline{\\eta}\\eta & \\lambda{f} & \\lambda{f}\\overline{\\eta} &\n\\eta(\\Box-\\overline{\\eta}\\eta)\\\\\n\\overline{\\eta}(\\Box-\\overline{\\eta}\\eta) & \\lambda{f}\\overline{\\eta} &\n\\lambda{f}\\overline{\\eta}\\overline{\\eta} & -\\lambda^{2}\\overline{f}f\n+ \\Box(\\Box-\\overline{\\eta}\\eta)\\\\\n\\lambda\\overline{f}\\eta & \\eta(\\Box-\\overline{\\eta}\\eta) & -\\lambda^{2}\n\\overline{f}f+\\Box(\\Box-\\overline{\\eta}\\eta) & \\lambda\\overline{f}\n\\eta\\eta\n\\end{array}\n\\right)$$ where $$\\Delta=(\\Box-\\overline{\\eta}\\eta)^{2}-\\lambda^{2}\\overline{f}f.$$ The tree level generating functional is now given by $$lnZ_{0}=-\\frac{i}{2}\\int{d}^{4}x(J^{T}A^{-1}J).$$ Looking at $\\frac{\\delta^{2}ln(Z_{0})}{{\\delta}J_{1}{\\delta}J_{2}}|_{J=0}$ the propagators of the theory are obtained directly.", "\n\nNow let us derive the effective potential by means of the tadpole method. ", "According to ref.[@tad], the following relation exists between the derivative of effective potential and 1PI tadpole. ", "$$\\frac{dV(\\phi_{0})}{d\\phi_{0}}=-\\Gamma'^{(1)}$$ In this expression $\\phi_{0}$ means the vacuum expectation value(vev) of the field $\\phi$ which can be any scalar field of the theory( in the present theory $\\phi$ means $A$ or $F$, and $\\phi_{0}$ means $a$ or $f$), $\\Gamma'^{(1)}$ is the 1PI tadpole that is calculated after separating the vev and quantum fluctuation of the scalar fields as $\\phi\\rightarrow\\phi+\\phi_{0}$. So we use (2.3) to calculate $\\Gamma'^{(1)}$. Using these relations, we obtain $$\\frac{V_{0}}{df}=ma+\\frac{\\lambda}{2}a^{2}-\\overline{f}$$ and $$\\frac{dV_{1}}{df}=-\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda^{2}\n\\int\\frac{d^{4}p}{(2\\pi)^{4}}\n\\frac{\\overline{f}}{(p^{2}+\\overline{\\eta}\\eta)^{2}-\\overline{f}f\n\\lambda^{2}}.$$ After integration we get $$V_{0}=\\left(ma+\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda a^{2}\\right)f\n-\\overline{f}f+P(\\overline{f},a,\\overline{a})$$ and $$V_{1}=\\frac{1}{2}\\int\\frac{d^{4}p}{(2\\pi)^{4}}ln[(p^{2}+\\overline{\\eta}\n\\eta)^{2}-\\lambda^{2}\\overline{f}f]+H(\\overline{a},a)$$ where $P(\\overline{f},a,\\overline{a})$ and $H(\\overline{a},a)$ are integration constants. ", "We can impose supersymmetric boundary condition $$V_{0}|_{f=0}=0$$ and $$V_{1}|_{f=0}=0.$$ Then we recover the effective potential, which is also directly calculated in ref.[@fuji], $$V_{0}=\\left[(ma+\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda a^{2})f+h.c.\\right]-\\overline{f}f$$ and $$V_{1}=\\frac{1}{2}\\int\\frac{d^{4}p}{(2\\pi)^{4}}ln\\left[1-\\frac{\\lambda^{2}\n\\overline{f}f}{(p^{2}+\\overline{\\eta}\\eta)^{2}}\\right].$$ The vacuum stability of this potential is well analyzed in ref.[@fuji; @miller]. ", "Eq.(2.17) can be evaluated as $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{1}&=&\\frac{\\pi^{2}}{(2\\pi)^{4}}\\left\\{-\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda^{2}\n|f|^{2}\\left(ln\\Lambda^{2}+\\frac{1}{2}\\right)\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&&\\left.+\\frac{1}{2}|f|^{2}ln|\n\\eta|^{2}+\\frac{1}{2}|\\eta|^{2}[(1-x^{2})ln(1-x)+(1-x)^{2}\nln(1+x)]\\right\\}\\nonumber\\\\\n&&-(Z-1)|f|^{2}\\end{aligned}$$ where we set $x=\\frac{|{\\lambda}f|}{|\\eta|^{2}}$, and $\\Lambda$ stands for the ultra-violet cut-off.", "\n\nWe also added the wave function renormalization factor $Z$(in the last term in (2.18)) in order to absorb the infinity contained in $log\\Lambda^{2}$. In order to avoid the infrared singularity, which can appear because we set $m=0$ in the next section, we renormalize the wave function at $$|f|=0 \\hspace{1cm} and \\hspace{1cm} |\\eta|=M$$ where $M$ has the dimensions of a mass. ", "The wave-function renormalization factor is then fixed as $$Z=1-\\alpha\\left(ln\\frac{\\Lambda}{M^{2}}-1\\right).$$ The total effective potential up to one-loop level is now given by $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{eff}&=&-|f|^{2}\\left(1-{\\alpha}ln\\frac{|\\eta|^{2}}{M^{2}\\lambda^{2}}\\right)\n\\nonumber\\\\\n&&+\\frac{\\alpha|\\eta|^{4}}{2\\lambda^{2}}\n[(1+x)^{2}ln(1+x)+(1-x)^{2}ln(1-x)-3x^{2}]\n\\nonumber\\\\\n&&+\\lambda[(a_{1}^{2}-a_{2}^{2})f_{1}+2a_{1}a_{2}f_{2}]+2m(a_{1}f_{1}\n+a_{2}f_{2}).\\end{aligned}$$ Here we set $$\\begin{aligned}\n&&\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{c}\nf=f_{1}+if_{2}\\\\\na=a_{1}-ia_{2}\n\\end{array}\n\\right.", ",\\nonumber\\\\\n&&\\alpha=\\frac{\\pi^{2}\\lambda^{2}}{2(2\\pi)^{4}}\\ , \\\nx=\\frac{|\\lambda{f}|}{|\\eta|^{2}}.\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ In order to discuss the vacuum stability, we parametrize $f_{1}$ and $f_{2}$ by $$tan\\beta=\\frac{f_{1}}{f_{2}}$$ and evaluate $V_{eff}$ at $\\frac{\\partial{V}_{eff}}{\\partial{\\beta}}=0$ ( This corresponds to the direction of the valley of the effective potential). ", "We then find $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{eff}&=&-\\frac{|\\eta|^{4}x^{2}}{\\lambda^{2}}\n\\left(1-{\\alpha}ln\\frac{|\\eta|^{2}}{M^{2}}\\right)\n+\\frac{\\alpha}{2}|\\eta|^{4}[(1+x)^{2}ln(1+x)+(1-x)^{2}ln(1-x)-3x^{2}]\n\\nonumber\\\\\n&&+\\frac{x|a||\\eta|^{2}}{\\lambda}\\sqrt{\\lambda^{2}(a_{1}^{2}+a_{2}^{2})+\n2m{\\lambda}a_{1}+m^{2}}\\end{aligned}$$ To take account of the two possible signs of the square-root, we extend the range of $x$ to $-\\infty<x<+\\infty$. This potential develops an imaginary part for $|x|>1$ and this means that the solution $$|f|\\ne0 \\hspace{1cm} and \\hspace{1cm} |\\eta|=0$$ is dynamically unstable. ", "We can find the stationary value of this effective potential in the region $|x|\\leq1$ assuming that $\\alpha$ is small. ", "The effective potential can be written as $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{eff}&\\cong&-\\frac{|\\eta|^{4}x^{2}}{\\lambda^{2}}\n\\left(1-{\\alpha}ln\\frac{|\\eta|^{2}}{M^{2}}\\right)\n\\nonumber\\\\\n&&+\\frac{x|a||\\eta|^{2}}{\\lambda}\\sqrt{\\lambda^{2}(a_{1}^{2}+a_{2}^{2})+\n2m{\\lambda}a_{1}+m^{2}}.\\end{aligned}$$ Taking the minimum of the potential ($\\partial{V_{eff}}/\\partial{x}=0$), we obtain $$V_{eff}=\\frac{|a|^{2}}{4}\n\\frac{\\lambda^{2}(a_{1}^{2}+a_{2}^{2})+\n2m{\\lambda}a_{1}+m^{2}}{1-{\\alpha}ln\\frac{|\\eta|^{2}}{M^{2}}}$$ for $$x=\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\lambda|a|\\sqrt{\\lambda^{2}(a_{1}^{2}+a_{2}^{2})+\n2m{\\lambda}a_{1}+m^{2}}}{|\\eta|^{2}\\left(\n1-\\alpha{ln}\\frac{|\\eta|^{2}}{M^{2}}\\right)}$$ This potential has its minimum at $$\\begin{aligned}\na_{1}=0,\\ && a_{2}=0,\\ \\ and \\ \\ f=0 \\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ or $$\\begin{aligned}\na_{1}=-\\frac{m}{\\lambda}, \\ && a_{2}=0, \\ \\ and \\ \\ f=0.\\end{aligned}$$ In both solutions, $f$ is zero and supersymmetry is not broken. ", "The second solution gives non-zero vev of $a$ but $f$ still remains zero: Two solutions (2.28) are actually two stable physically equivalent solutions, since one can pass from one to the other by a redefinition of the fields[@zumino]. ", "When we consider the massless Wess-Zumino model in the next section, the second solution becomes $a_{1}=0, a_{2}=0$ so the vev of $a$ remains zero. ", "Detailed study of this phenomenon from another point of view is given in ref.[@zumino].", "\n\nLet us examine the physical meanings of this solution. ", "At the tree level, the equation of motion for auxiliary field is $$F=\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda\\overline{A}^{2}.$$ At the first glance, this equation seems to suggest that if the tree level potential develops a non-zero vacuum expectation value$<\\overline{A}>$, $<F>$ becomes non-zero and the supersymmetry of the theory can be broken spontaneously. ", "But this does not happen. ", "Including higher order quantum corrections, supersymmetry-breaking vacuum ($<F>=\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda<\\overline{A}>^{2}$ and$<\\overline{A}>$ is non-zero) becomes unstable and the supersymmetric vacuum ($<F>=0$) remains stable.", "\n\nFurthermore, there is no $\\Lambda$ dependence in the effective potential after renormalization of the wave-function.", "\n\nTo analyze the behavior of the effective potential at small $|\\eta|$ reliably, the renormalization group improvement of the effective potential has also been discussed in ref.[@fuji]. ", "The effective potential for the massless theory is $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{eff}&=&-\\frac{|\\eta|^{4}x^{2}}{\\lambda^{2}}\n\\left(1-{\\alpha}ln\\frac{|\\eta|^{2}}{M^{2}}\\right)\n+\\frac{\\alpha}{2}|\\eta|^{4}[(1+x)^{2}ln(1+x)+(1-x)^{2}ln(1-x)-3x^{2}]\n\\nonumber\\\\\n&&+x|a|^{2}|\\eta|^{2}\\end{aligned}$$ The stationary value of this potential in this region $|x|<1$ is estimated to be $$V_{eff}=\\frac{\\lambda^{2}|a|^{4}}{4\\left(1-\\alpha\nln\\frac{|\\eta|^{2}}{M^{2}}\\right)}$$ at $$x=\\frac{\\lambda|a|^{2}}{|\\eta|^{2}\\left(1-\\alpha\nln\\frac{|\\eta|^{2}}{M^{2}}\\right)}.$$ Renormalization group improvement of $V_{eff}$ suggests that $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_{eff}&\\simeq&\\frac{1}{4}(\\lambda(M)|a|^{3})^{\\frac{4}{3}}\n\\lambda(|a|)^{\\frac{2}{3}}\n\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\simeq&\\frac{1}{4}(\\lambda(M))^{2}|a|^{4}\\frac{1}{\\left(1-3\\alpha\nln\\frac{|\\eta|^{2}}{M^{2}}\\right)^{\\frac{1}{3}}}\\end{aligned}$$ with the running coupling $$\\lambda(|a|)=\\frac{\\lambda(M)}{\\left[1-3\\alpha ln\\frac{|a|^{2}}{M^{2}}\n\\right]^{\\frac{1}{2}}}.$$ Note that the combination $\\lambda(M)|a|^{3}$ is renormalization group invariant in this theory.", "\n\n$V_{eff}$ in (2.33) has a minimum at $|a|=0$ for which $\\lambda(|a|)\\rightarrow 0$ and the analysis of $V_{eff}$ is reliable. ", "For $|a|\\rightarrow 0$, $x\\rightarrow 0$ in (2.33) and thus $|f|\\rightarrow0$ and no supersymmetry breaking.", "\n\nThis explicit analysis, which is useful to the discussion in the next section, is of course consistent with the analysis on the basis of Witten index[@witten].", "\n\nFor the discussion of the next section, we summarize the results restricting ourselves to the massless Wess-Zumino model. ", "First, there is no supersymmetry-breaking vacuum. ", "Second, the vev of scalar field $A$ remains zero.", "\n\nThe meaning of NJL method in WZ model\n=====================================\n\nIn this section we re-examine the physical backgrounds of the NJL method proposed in ref.[@xu]. ", "For convenience, we first recapitulate the basic procedure in ref.[@xu].", "\n\nThe same lagrangian (2.1) is used, but at the first stage we eliminate the auxiliary field $F$ using the equation of motion. ", "The result is (we here set $m=0$) $$L=i\\partial_{m}\\overline{\\psi}\\overline{\\sigma}^{m}\\psi+A^{*}\\Box{A}\n-[\\frac{\\lambda}{2}\\psi\\psi{A}+h.c.]-\\frac{1}{4}\\lambda^{2}|A|^{4}.$$ The equations of motion are given by $$\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{ccc}\n\\Box{A}+\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda^{2}A^{*}AA+\\frac{1}{2}\n\\lambda\\overline{\\psi}\\overline{\\psi} & = & 0\\\\\n\\Box{A^{*}}+\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda^{2}A^{*}A^{*}A+\\frac{1}{2}\n\\lambda\\psi\\psi & = & 0\\\\\n\\left[i\\partial_{m}\\overline{\\sigma}^{m}-\\lambda{A}\\right]\\psi & = & 0\n\\end{array}\n\\right..$$ Taking the vacuum expectation value of the first equation in (3.2), one obtains $$\\Box<A>+\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda^{2}<AAA^{*}>=-\\frac{1}{2}\n\\lambda<\\overline{\\psi}\\overline{\\psi}>.$$ Expansion of $<A^{*}AA>$ and $<\\overline{\\psi}\\overline{\\psi}>$ to the one-loop level(i.e., ", "to the order of $\\hbar$) is given by $$\\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{lll}\n<A^{*}AA>&=&<A^{*}><A><A>+<A^{*}>\\left[\\frac{\\frac{}{}}{\\frac{}{}}\nAAloop\\right]+<A>\\left[\\frac{\\frac{}{}}{\\frac{}{}}\nAA^{*}loop\\right]\\\\\n<\\overline{\\psi}\\overline{\\psi}>&=&\\left[\\frac{\\frac{}{}}{\\frac{}{}}\n\\overline{\\psi}\\overline{\\psi}loop\\right].", "\n\\end{array}\n\\right.$$ Here the results of the one-loop diagrams are symbolically represented. ", "Then eq.(3.3) becomes, to the one-loop order, $$\\begin{aligned}\n0&=&\\Box{a}+\\frac{\\lambda^{2}}{2}aaa^{*}\\nonumber\\\\\n&&+\\frac{\\lambda^{2}}{2}a\n\\left[\\frac{\\frac{}{}}{\\frac{}{}}AA^{*}loop\\right]+\n\\frac{\\lambda^{2}}{2}a^{*}\n\\left[\\frac{\\frac{}{}}{\\frac{}{}}AAloop\\right]+\n\\frac{\\lambda}{2}\n\\left[\\frac{\\frac{}{}}{\\frac{}{}}\\overline{\\psi}\n\\overline{\\psi}loop\\right]\\end{aligned}$$ Neglecting the tadpoles of the bosonic fields and setting $\\Box a=0$ in (3.5), we get the same answer as in ref.[@xu]; $$\\lambda{a}aa^{*}+Tr\\left[\\frac{\\lambda}{2}\\int\\frac{d^{4}p}{(2\\pi)^{4}}\n\\frac{1}{i\\partial_{m}\\overline{\\sigma}^{m}-\\lambda{a}^{*}}\\right]=0.$$ which leads to the fermion pair condensation and a mass gap between the supersymmetric partners[@xu]. ", "In fact, the above equation (3.6) can be rewritten as $$|a|^{2}=4\\int\\frac{d^{4}p}{(2\\pi)^{4}}\\frac{1}{p^{2}-\\lambda^{2}|a|^{2}}.$$ This equation looks like a well-known mass-gap equation. ", "The integration requires an ultra-violet cut-off, so the solution ($a$) of the self-consistent equation(3.7) depends on the ultra-violet cut-off parameter. ", "Shifting the fields in the lagrangian as $A\\rightarrow{A}+a$, with $a$ given by eq.(3.7), we obtain the masses $$\\begin{aligned}\nm_{A}^{2}&=&\\frac{\\lambda^{2}}{2}|a|^{2}\\nonumber\\\\\nm_{\\psi}&=&\\lambda|a|.\\end{aligned}$$ The supersymmetric partners thus appears to acquire different masses. ", "This is the mechanism noted in ref.[@xu].", "\n\nBut we must not neglect bosonic tadpoles. ", "As discussed in the previous section, the neglect of bosonic tadpoles in (3.5) is not consistent with the expansion in $\\hbar$ and the resulting effective potential corresponds to the expansion around an unstable vacuum (i.e., $x=\\frac{1}{2}$ in (2.23)). ", "The meaning of the equation (3.3) is now clear: This equation means that the derivative of the effective potential is set to zero at the minimum, i.e., $\\frac{\\partial(V^{0}+V^{one-loop})}{\\partial{a}^{*}}|_{vac}=0$. One can easily obtain (3.3) by applying the tadpole method (2.9) to the variable $a$, not to $f$. Substituting $A$ in (3.1) as $A\\rightarrow A+a$ and using the tadpole method, one obtains $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{d(V_{0}+V_{1})}{da^{*}}&=&\\frac{\\lambda^{2}}{2}aaa^{*}\\nonumber\\\\\n&&+\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda\\left[\\frac{\\frac{}{}}{\\frac{}{}}\\overline{\\psi}\n\\overline{\\psi}loop\\right]\n+\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda^{2}a\\left[\\frac{\\frac{}{}}{\\frac{}{}}\nAA^{*}loop\\right]\n+\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda^{2}a^{*}\\left[\\frac{\\frac{}{}}{\\frac{}{}}\nAAloop\\right]\\nonumber\\\\\\end{aligned}$$ The evaluation and integration of (3.9) is slightly complicated in the present calculational scheme but the result is the same as (2.30)(see ref.[@miller]). ", "Of course, there is no cutoff dependence in the final result which explicitly remains in the analysis of ref.[@xu], nor supersymmetry breaking induced by fermion pair condensation in the full effective potential resulting from (3.9). ", "The stationary point of the effective potential correspond to the supersymmetry preserving point of (2.30).", "\n\nIn conclusion, we have shown that the supersymmetry breaking solution in ref.[@xu] is a direct consequence of the neglect of one-loop bosonic effects in the loop expansion of the effective potential. ", "Since no dynamical mechanism why the one-loop fermion effects should be retained and why the one-loop boson effects should be neglected is given in ref.[@xu], we conclude that the so-called Nambu-Jona-Lasinio mechanism suggested there is not justified in the conventional framework of field theory without assuming some special attractive force between fermions.", "\n\nAcknowledgment {#acknowledgment .unnumbered}\n==============\n\nWe thank K.Fujikawa and A.Yamada for many helpful discussions.", "\n\n[1]{} He-Shan Song and Guang-Nan Xu, J. Phys. ", "A26 (1993) 2699\\\nHe-Shan Song, Guang-Nan Xu and Ying An Chin, J. Phys. ", "A26 (1993) 4463\\\nHe-Shan Song and Guang-Nan Xu, J. Phys. ", "A25 (1992) 4941\n\nJ.Iliopoulos and B.Zumino, Nucl.", "Phys.", "B76(1974)310\n\nK.Fujikawa and W.Lang, Nucl.", "Phys.", "B88(1975)77\n\nR.Miller, Phys.", "Lett.124B(1983)59, Nucl.", "Phys.", "B241(1984)535\n\nS.Weinberg, Phys.", "Rev.D7(1973)2887\n\nE.Witten, Nucl.", "Phys. ", "B202(1982)253\n" ]
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[ "Noninfectious lung pathology in patients with Crohn's disease.", "\nLung involvement in Crohn's disease is not well characterized. ", "We reviewed our experience with 11 lung biopsies (seven wedge and four transbronchial) from patients with Crohn's disease to study this association further. ", "Negative cultures, special stains for organisms Gomori-methenamine-silver [GMS], acid fast), and polymerase chain reaction for (four cases) were required for inclusion. ", "The group included five women and six men with a mean age of 47 years (range 13-84 years). ", "A diagnosis of Crohn's disease preceded the lung disease in nine patients. ", "In two patients the diagnosis of Crohn's disease followed the diagnosis of their pulmonary disease 1 and 15 months later. ", "Radiologically, eight patients had diffuse infiltrates, two had bilateral nodular infiltrates, and one had a mass. ", "Chronic bronchiolitis with nonnecrotizing granulomatous inflammation was present in four patients, one of whom was taking mesalamine. ", "Two patients had an acute bronchiolitis associated with a neutrophil-rich bronchopneumonia with suppuration and vague granulomatous features. ", "One patient on mesalamine had cellular interstitial pneumonia with rare giant cells. ", "Four patients demonstrated organizing pneumonia with focal granulomatous features, two of whom were taking mesalamine, and one of these two responded to infliximab (anti-tumor necrosis factor) monoclonal antibody therapy. ", "Noninfectious pulmonary disease in patients with Crohn's disease has variable histologic appearances, including granulomatous inflammation and airway-centered disease resembling that seen in patients with ulcerative colitis. ", "Drugs may contribute to pulmonary disease in some patients." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0011852075112983584, 0.0008570827776566148, 0.0006018353160470724, 0.0005580965662375093, 0.0007124144467525184, 0.0008334684534929693, 0.0006212276057340205, 0.0006711633177474141, 0.0016297976253554225, 0.002475414425134659, 0.0006994091672822833, 0.000660092628095299, 0.0009532728581689298, 0.0006506686331704259 ]
[ "black and white and read all over\n\nWhile I’m not thrilled with this whole ‘not really being ambulatory’ thing, I’m trying to make the most of it. ", "That roughly translates to ‘knitting more than usual.’ ", "Yeah, I know, you didn’t think that was actually possible, but there were a few more minutes to squeeze out of the day. ", "As proof of my putting this time to good use, I present to you… the second sock! (", "Together with its partner, the first sock, that is.)", "\n\nHuzzah, the second sock!", "\n\nI have also finished SSMS #3, but need to finish blocking it, so no pictures yet. ", "Soon." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0008336261380463839, 0.000605856825131923, 0.001221383223310113, 0.0011271894909441471, 0.0008665179484523833, 0.027408979833126068, 0.0007144428673200309, 0.0012467763153836131 ]
[ "Q:\n\nConverting tuples to lists and getting rid of inner tuple/list\n\nHere's my tuple of tuples:\n(('dlazarov',), ('ant1',))\n\nI would like to turn this into this:\n['dlazarov', 'ant1']\n\nI was trying to use this:\nuserdata = (('dlazarov',), ('ant1',))\n\nuserdata = map(list, userdata)\nuserdata = sum(userdata, [])\n\nBut this doesn't seem to work.", "\nNevermind, I had a typo in my end.", "\nAlso - question, if you guys want to answer it - where is the best way to get better with knowledge on lists, itertools, etc. ", "I keep using inefficient workarounds that I know well, but which are definitely inefficient, and time consuming. ", "Hell, half the time, I have to use strings and splitting to turn things into a list.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can use a list comprehension:\n>>> userdata = (('dlazarov',), ('ant1',))\n>>> [x[0] for x in userdata]\n['dlazarov', 'ant1']\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.00818566419184208, 0.0021038763225078583, 0.0005960202543064952, 0.0007019830518402159, 0.06708558648824692, 0.0006239577778615057 ]
[ "// PopupText.cpp: implementation of the CPopupText class.", "\n//\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n#include \"stdafx.h\"\n#include \"PopupText.h\"\n#include \"InterfaceMgr.h\"\n#include \"GameClientShell.h\"\n#include \"VarTrack.h\"\n\nVarTrack\tg_vtPopupAdjust;\n\n#define INVALID_ANI\t((HMODELANIM)-1)\n\nnamespace\n{\n LTVector g_vPos;\n\tHLTCOLOR hTextColor;\n}\n\nstatic void UpdateModelPos(HOBJECT hObj, int key)\n{\n LTFLOAT fIncValue = 0.005f;\n\n\tLTVector vPos;\n\tg_pLTClient->GetObjectPos(hObj, &vPos);\n\n\tfloat fDirOffset = 0.0f;\n\n\t// Move model forward or backwards...\n\n\tif ((key == VK_LEFT) || (key == VK_RIGHT))\n\t{\n\t\tfIncValue = (key == VK_LEFT ? ", "-fIncValue : fIncValue);\n\t\tfDirOffset += fIncValue;\n\t}\n\n\n\tfloat fDirUOffset = 0.0f;\n\n\t// Move the model up/down\n\n\tif ((key == VK_UP) || (key == VK_DOWN))\n\t{\n\t\tfIncValue = (key == VK_DOWN) ? ", "-fIncValue : fIncValue;\n\t\tfDirUOffset += fIncValue;\n\t}\n\n\tvPos.z += fDirOffset;\n\tvPos.y += fDirUOffset;\n\n\t// Okay, set the new position...\n\n\tif (fDirOffset || fDirUOffset)\n\t{\n\t\tg_pLTClient->SetObjectPos(hObj, &vPos, LTTRUE);\n\t\tg_pLTClient->CPrint(\"Popup pos = %f, %f, %f\", vPos.x, vPos.y, vPos.z);\n\t}\n}\n\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// Construction/Destruction\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nCPopupText::CPopupText()\n{\n\tm_bVisible\t\t\t= LTFALSE;\n\n m_hForeSurf = LTNULL;\n m_pForeFont = LTNULL;\n}\n\n\n\nCPopupText::~CPopupText()\n{\n\tTerm();\n}\n\n\nvoid CPopupText::Init()\n{\n g_vtPopupAdjust.", "Init(g_pLTClient, \"PopupAdjust\", NULL, 0.0f);\n\n\tm_rcRect\t\t= g_pLayoutMgr->GetPopupTextRect();\n\n\tm_pForeFont\t\t= g_pInterfaceResMgr->GetMsgForeFont();\n\n\tm_nLineHeight\t= m_pForeFont->GetHeight();\n\n\tm_bVisible\t\t= LTFALSE;\n\tm_dwWidth\t\t= 0;\n\tm_dwHeight\t\t= 0;\n\n\thTextColor = g_pLayoutMgr->GetPopupTextTint();\n}\n\nvoid CPopupText::Term()\n{\n\tif (m_bVisible)\n\t{\n\t\tClear();\n\t}\n\n\tif (m_hForeSurf)\n\t{\n g_pLTClient->DeleteSurface(m_hForeSurf);\n m_hForeSurf = LTNULL;\n\t}\n}\n\nvoid CPopupText::ClearSurfaces()\n{\n\tuint32 dwWidth = 0;\n\tuint32 dwHeight = 0;\n\tg_pLTClient->GetSurfaceDims(m_hForeSurf,&dwWidth,&dwHeight);\n LTRect rcFore(0,0, dwWidth, dwHeight);\n g_pLTClient->FillRect(m_hForeSurf, &rcFore, LTNULL);\n\tg_pLTClient->OptimizeSurface(m_hForeSurf, LTNULL);\n}\n\n\nvoid CPopupText::ShowText(int nStringId)\n{\n\tHSTRING hText = g_pLTClient->FormatString(nStringId);\n\tif (!", "hText) return;\n\n\tchar* pText = g_pLTClient->GetStringData(hText);\n\tif (!", "pText || !*", "pText) return;\n\n\tm_pos.x = (int)(g_pInterfaceResMgr->GetXRatio() * (LTFLOAT)m_rcRect.left);\n\tm_pos.y = (int)(g_pInterfaceResMgr->GetYRatio() * (LTFLOAT)m_rcRect.top);\n\tint width = m_rcRect.right - m_rcRect.left;\n\tint height = m_rcRect.bottom - m_rcRect.top;\n\twidth = (int)(g_pInterfaceResMgr->GetXRatio() * (LTFLOAT)width);\n\theight = (int)(g_pInterfaceResMgr->GetYRatio() * (LTFLOAT)height);\n\n\tm_dwWidth = 0;\n\tm_dwHeight = 0;\n\t\n\tif (m_hForeSurf)\n\t{\n\t\tg_pLTClient->GetSurfaceDims(m_hForeSurf,&m_dwWidth,&m_dwHeight);\n\t}\n\n\tLTIntPt size = m_pForeFont->GetTextExtentsFormat(hText,width);\n\tif (size.y > height) size.y = height;\n\n\tif ((uint32)size.x > m_dwWidth || (uint32)size.y > m_dwHeight)\n\t{\n\t\tif (m_hForeSurf) g_pLTClient->DeleteSurface(m_hForeSurf);\n\t\tm_hForeSurf = g_pLTClient->CreateSurface(size.x,size.y);\n\t\tm_dwWidth = (uint32)size.x;\n\t\tm_dwHeight = (uint32)size.y;\n\t}\n\n\tClearSurfaces();\n\n\tm_pos.x += (width - size.x) / 2;\n\tm_pos.y += (height - size.y);\n\n\tm_pForeFont->DrawFormat(hText,m_hForeSurf,0,0,(uint32)width,kWhite);\n\n\tm_bVisible = LTTRUE;\n\tg_pLTClient->FreeString(hText);\n\n\tif (g_pInterfaceMgr)\n\t{\n\t\tg_pGameClientShell->GetWeaponModel()->Disable(LTTRUE);\n\t\tg_pInterfaceMgr->EnableCrosshair(LTFALSE);\n\t}\n\n\tm_nKey = GetCommandKey(COMMAND_ID_ACTIVATE);\n}\n\nvoid CPopupText::Clear()\n{\n\tClearSurfaces();\n\n\twhile (m_SFXArray.", "GetSize() > 0)\n\t{\n\t\tCSpecialFX *pSFX = m_SFXArray[0];\n\t\tdebug_delete(pSFX);\n\t\tm_SFXArray.", "Remove(0);\n\t}\n\n\tm_bVisible = LTFALSE;\n\n\tif (g_pInterfaceMgr)\n\t{\n\t\tg_pGameClientShell->GetWeaponModel()->Disable(LTFALSE);\n\t\tg_pInterfaceMgr->EnableCrosshair(LTTRUE);\n\t}\n}\n\nvoid CPopupText::Draw()\n{\n\tif (!", "m_bVisible) return;\n\n\tLTSurfaceBlend oldBlend = LTSURFACEBLEND_ALPHA;\n\n\tg_pLTClient->SetOptimized2DBlend(LTSURFACEBLEND_MASK);\n\tg_pLTClient->DrawSurfaceToSurface(g_pLTClient->GetScreenSurface(), m_hForeSurf, NULL, m_pos.x+1, m_pos.y+1);\n\tg_pLTClient->SetOptimized2DBlend(LTSURFACEBLEND_ADD);\n\tg_pLTClient->SetOptimized2DColor(hTextColor);\n\tg_pLTClient->DrawSurfaceToSurface(g_pLTClient->GetScreenSurface(), m_hForeSurf, NULL, m_pos.x, m_pos.y);\n\tg_pLTClient->SetOptimized2DColor(kWhite);\n\tg_pLTClient->SetOptimized2DBlend(oldBlend);\n}\n\n\nvoid CPopupText::Show(HMESSAGEREAD hMessage)\n{\n//\tg_pLTClient->ClearInput();\n uint32 dwId = g_pLTClient->ReadFromMessageDWord(hMessage);\n\tShowText((int)dwId);\n\n uint8 nSFX = g_pLTClient->ReadFromMessageByte(hMessage);\n\tint nSFXID = 0;\n\tchar szSFX[128] = \"\";\n\tif (!", "m_bVisible) return;\n\n\tHOBJECT hCamera = g_pGameClientShell->GetCamera();\n\tif (!", "hCamera) return;\n\tg_pLTClient->GetObjectPos(hCamera, &g_vPos);\n\tif (nSFX)\n\t{\n\t\tfor (uint8 i = 0; i < nSFX; i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\thMessage->ReadStringFL(szSFX, sizeof(szSFX));\n\t\t\tCreateScaleFX(szSFX);\n\t\t\tCScaleFX* pScaleFX = g_pFXButeMgr->GetScaleFX(szSFX);\n\t\t\tnSFXID = pScaleFX->nId;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tCreateScaleFX(\"DefaultPopup\");\n\t}\n\n\tg_pGameClientShell->GetIntelItemMgr()->AddItem(nSFXID,dwId);\n\n}\n\n\nvoid CPopupText::CreateScaleFX(char *szFXName)\n{\n\tCBaseScaleFX *pSFX = LTNULL;\n\tCScaleFX* pScaleFX = g_pFXButeMgr->GetScaleFX(szFXName);\n\tif (pScaleFX)\n\t{\n\t\tpSFX = debug_new(CBaseScaleFX);\n\t\t// This assumes that flag_reallyclose is always used with\n\t\t// these fx.", "\n\t\tg_pFXButeMgr->CreateScaleFX(pScaleFX, g_vPos, LTVector(0, 0, 1),\n\t\t\tLTNULL, LTNULL, pSFX);\n\t\tm_SFXArray.", "Add(pSFX);\n\n\t\tif (pScaleFX->eType == SCALEFX_MODEL)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tHOBJECT hObj = pSFX->GetObject();\n\t\t\tif (hObj)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tuint32 dwAni = g_pLTClient->GetAnimIndex(hObj, \"Interface\");\n\t\t\t\tif (dwAni !", "= INVALID_ANI)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tg_pLTClient->SetModelAnimation(hObj, dwAni);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nvoid CPopupText::Update()\n{\n\tfor (uint32 i = 0; i < m_SFXArray.", "GetSize(); i++)\n\t{\n\t\tm_SFXArray[i]->Update();\n\t}\n}\n\nLTBOOL CPopupText::OnKeyDown(int key, int rep)\n{\n\t// They pressed escape - close the popup\n\tif (key == VK_ESCAPE)// || key == m_nKey)\n\t{\n\t\tClear();\n return LTTRUE;\n\t}\n\telse if (g_vtPopupAdjust.", "GetFloat())\n\t{\n\t\tfor (uint32 i = 0; i < m_SFXArray.", "GetSize(); i++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (g_vtPopupAdjust.", "GetFloat())\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (g_pLTClient->GetObjectType(m_SFXArray[i]->GetObject()) == OT_MODEL)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tUpdateModelPos(m_SFXArray[i]->GetObject(), key);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn LTFALSE;\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0007732106605544686, 0.001269225962460041, 0.0014193449169397354, 0.007139161229133606, 0.014085826463997364, 0.006827617529779673, 0.005570860113948584, 0.012853173539042473, 0.0012764587299898267, 0.01770143397152424, 0.007164386101067066, 0.004253819119185209, 0.004258584696799517, 0.0010295312386006117, 0.0015540459426119924, 0.0018312783213332295, 0.004824838135391474, 0.0018035259563475847, 0.002339206403121352, 0.0031894678249955177 ]
[ "Sundaram Mutual - Sundaram Micro Cap — Series XV 5 Year Equity Fund\n\nSundaram Mutual Fund (MF) on may\n10, 2017 launched Sundaram Micro Cap —\nSeries XV (five years), according to a notice on the fund house’s website.", "\n\nThe close-ended equity scheme\nwill close for subscription on May 24, 2017.", "\n\nIt will invest at least 80% of\nthe corpus in equity and equityrelated securities of micro-cap companies, and\nthe remaining up to 20% in other equity, including investments in derivatives\nof large-caps, and fixed income and money market securities.", "\n\nThe minimum subscription for\ninvesting in the fund is Rs. ", "5,000.", "\n\nThe fund is benchmarked to the\nS&P BSE Small Cap Index.", "\n\nMr.\nS. Krishnakumar and Mr. Dwijendra Srivastava are fund managers to the fund." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006208067643456161, 0.0005694862920790911, 0.0005704227951355278, 0.0006303789559751749, 0.00111329962965101, 0.0006585913943126798, 0.0007079549832269549 ]
[ "Homestead Natural Foods has been a key vendor at Boise Co-op for quite a few years. ", "To us at Boise Co-op, they are much more than a company we buy products from. ", "They are important community members and business partners that have similar aspirations to our own - of being dedicated to improving the quality of life in Treasure Valley.", "\n\nDue to the brush fire burning near the Idaho/Oregon border, The Wilseys from Homestead Natural Foods have lost everything but their home and their cows. ", "They are in need of assistance to raise $50,000 in order to feed their cows and ensure the continued success of their business.", "\n\nWe think that many Co-op co-owners will want to support Homestead in their time of need. ", "Boise Co-op is matching donations, dollar for dollar up to $10,000 from Co-op co-owners who provide support for their farm. ", "Many small donations by our co-owners will show Homestead how much appreciation we have for the work that they do.", "\n\nTo donate to the Wilseys, please go to this page. ", "In the comments, simply write “Co-op Member” or Co-op Co-owner” and we will match your donation.", "\n\nUPDATE: You can now also donate in-store at the registers if you prefer not to donate online. ", "Just ask a cashier, and we'll match your donation.", "\n\nThank you for helping us to support our local producers in this time of need, and ensure the long-term stability and success of agriculture in our region.", "\n\nIn cooperation,\n\nThe Boise Co-op Board of Directors\n\nA little information about the Wilsey Ranch, from the Go Fund Me site:\n\nWilsey RanchWilsey Ranch has been family owned and operated for 30 years. ", "Our cattle and pigsare ran on intensively managed range in the Owyhee mountains their entire lives, feeding on a unique mix of grass and forbs. ", "We supplement the cattle with ranch-raised hay in the winter months, and they are finished on irrigated meadows in the summer. ", "The pigs are supplemented with all natural feed. ", "They are not given hormones, antibiotics, animal byproducts, or genetically modified feeds; they are as natural as an animal can get. ", "We handle our animals humanely and with respect. ", "We provide them with a stress free life.", "\n\nOur mission is to produce a healthy, nutritious, sustainable product, with a minimal impact on the environment. ", "To care for the land for future generations." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005698869936168194, 0.0006705460255034268, 0.0005632634274661541, 0.00158164172898978, 0.0025650642346590757, 0.0005796669865958393, 0.0006389045738615096, 0.0005238313460722566, 0.0014280397444963455, 0.0006258782232180238, 0.0007635559886693954, 0.001108263386413455, 0.0004907551920041442, 0.0005946802557446063, 0.020604519173502922, 0.0006483515608124435, 0.16113196313381195, 0.000871328345965594, 0.000777305627707392, 0.0010129691800102592, 0.0006216854671947658, 0.0013522497611120343 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJava output console error message to file?", "\n\nI have a simple piece of code that outputs console text to a text file in Java:\nPrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"test2_output.txt\"));\nSystem.setOut(out);\n\nHowever I require this text file to contain the error messages that is produced in the console but they are not included.", "\nHow do I do this?", "\n\nA:\n\nAdd:\nSystem.setErr(out);\n\nat the end.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007187195005826652, 0.0005753383738920093, 0.0008603217429481447, 0.0007645065197721124, 0.001994825666770339 ]