[ "Q:\n\nQuestion with close votes not appearing in close queue\n\nThere is a question for which I can see 4 close votes. ", "I checked the Close Votes review queue, but strangely, it doesn't appear there. ", "Why?", "\nSome more info:\n\nThe post is a meta post on EE.SE. ", "There isn't much activity there, so the Close Vote queue is actually empty (at least that's how I see it).", "\nI did not cast a close/reopen vote myself on this question. ", "I checked on my profile (votes>closure tab), and there is no activity shown for this question here.", "\n\nThe specific question is Where is Olin Lathrop?.", "\n\nA:\n\nAs you can see from the question's timeline; it has been in the Close Votes review queue, but the outcome was to leave it open. ", "This does not (by design) invalidate/cancel the pending close votes; the question can still be closed outside the review queue.", "\n\nSince you have 10k reputation, you're able to review reviews, so you could also find this review on the review history page.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006073064869269729, 0.0005614816909655929, 0.0009684975957497954, 0.0006083936314098537, 0.000620504783000797, 0.0006725566345266998, 0.0005507129244506359, 0.0007454174337908626, 0.0005482814158312976, 0.0006049901130609214, 0.0005866930005140603, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "/*=============================================================================\r\n Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Joao Abecasis\r\n Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Tobias Schwinger\r\n\r\n Use modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software\r\n License, Version 1.0. (", "See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at\r\n http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).", "\r\n==============================================================================*/\r\n\r\n#if !", "defined(BOOST_FUSION_FUNCTIONAL_INVOCATION_INVOKE_PROCEDURE_HPP_INCLUDED)\r\n#if !", "defined(BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING)\r\n\r\n#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/iterate.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat_from_to.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_shifted.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_shifted_params.hpp>\r\n\r\n#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/core/enable_if.hpp>\r\n\r\n#include <boost/mpl/front.hpp>\r\n\r\n#include <boost/function_types/is_callable_builtin.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/function_types/is_member_function_pointer.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/function_types/parameter_types.hpp>\r\n\r\n#include <boost/fusion/support/category_of.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/at.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/size.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/begin.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/fusion/iterator/next.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/fusion/iterator/deref.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/fusion/functional/invocation/limits.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/fusion/functional/invocation/detail/that_ptr.hpp>\r\n\r\nnamespace boost { namespace fusion\r\n{\r\n namespace detail\r\n {\r\n namespace ft = function_types;\r\n\r\n template<\r\n typename Function, class Sequence,\r\n int N = result_of::size<Sequence>::value,\r\n bool MFP = ft::is_member_function_pointer<Function>::value,\r\n bool RandomAccess = traits::is_random_access<Sequence>::value\r\n >\r\n struct invoke_procedure_impl;\r\n\r\n #define BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1 \\\r\n <boost/fusion/functional/invocation/invoke_procedure.hpp>\r\n #define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_LIMITS \\\r\n (0, BOOST_FUSION_INVOKE_PROCEDURE_MAX_ARITY)\r\n #include BOOST_PP_ITERATE()\r\n\r\n }\r\n\r\n namespace result_of\r\n {\r\n template <typename Function, class Sequence, class Enable = void>\r\n struct invoke_procedure;\r\n\r\n template <typename Function, class Sequence>\r\n struct invoke_procedure<Function, Sequence,\r\n typename enable_if_has_type<\r\n typename detail::invoke_procedure_impl<\r\n typename boost::remove_reference<Function>::type,Sequence\r\n >::result_type\r\n >::type>\r\n {\r\n typedef void type;\r\n };\r\n }\r\n\r\n template <typename Function, class Sequence>\r\n BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED\r\n inline typename result_of::invoke_procedure<Function, Sequence>::type\r\n invoke_procedure(Function f, Sequence & s)\r\n {\r\n detail::invoke_procedure_impl<\r\n typename boost::remove_reference<Function>::type,Sequence\r\n >::call(f,s);\r\n }\r\n\r\n template <typename Function, class Sequence>\r\n BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED\r\n inline typename result_of::invoke_procedure<Function, Sequence const>::type\r\n invoke_procedure(Function f, Sequence const & s)\r\n {\r\n detail::invoke_procedure_impl<\r\n typename boost::remove_reference<Function>::type,Sequence const\r\n >::call(f,s);\r\n }\r\n\r\n}}\r\n\r\n#define BOOST_FUSION_FUNCTIONAL_INVOCATION_INVOKE_PROCEDURE_HPP_INCLUDED\r\n#else // defined(BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING)\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//\r\n// Preprocessor vertical repetition code\r\n//\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n#define N BOOST_PP_ITERATION()\r\n\r\n#define M(z,j,data) fusion::at_c<j>(s)\r\n\r\n template <typename Function, class Sequence>\r\n struct invoke_procedure_impl<Function,Sequence,N,false,true>\r\n {\r\n typedef void result_type;\r\n\r\n#if N > 0\r\n\r\n BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED\r\n static inline void call(Function & f, Sequence & s)\r\n {\r\n f(BOOST_PP_ENUM(N,M,~));\r\n }\r\n\r\n#else\r\n\r\n BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED\r\n static inline void call(Function & f, Sequence & /*s*/)\r\n {\r\n f();\r\n }\r\n\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n };\r\n\r\n#if N > 0\r\n template <typename Function, class Sequence>\r\n struct invoke_procedure_impl<Function,Sequence,N,true,true>\r\n {\r\n typedef void result_type;\r\n\r\n BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED\r\n static inline void call(Function & f, Sequence & s)\r\n {\r\n (that_ptr<typename mpl::front<\r\n ft::parameter_types<Function> >::type\r\n >::get(fusion::at_c<0>(s))->*f)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_SHIFTED(N,M,~));\r\n }\r\n };\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#undef M\r\n\r\n#define M(z,j,data) \\\r\n typedef typename result_of::next< BOOST_PP_CAT(I,BOOST_PP_DEC(j)) \\\r\n >::type I ## j ; \\\r\n I##j i##j = fusion::next(BOOST_PP_CAT(i,BOOST_PP_DEC(j)));\r\n\r\n template <typename Function, class Sequence>\r\n struct invoke_procedure_impl<Function,Sequence,N,false,false>\r\n {\r\n typedef void result_type;\r\n\r\n#if N > 0\r\n\r\n BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED\r\n static inline void call(Function & f, Sequence & s)\r\n {\r\n typedef typename result_of::begin<Sequence>::type I0;\r\n I0 i0 = fusion::begin(s);\r\n BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1,N,M,~)\r\n f( BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,*i) );\r\n }\r\n\r\n#else\r\n BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED\r\n static inline void call(Function & f, Sequence & /*s*/)\r\n {\r\n f();\r\n }\r\n\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n };\r\n\r\n#if N > 0\r\n template <typename Function, class Sequence>\r\n struct invoke_procedure_impl<Function,Sequence,N,true,false>\r\n {\r\n typedef void result_type;\r\n\r\n BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED\r\n static inline void call(Function & f, Sequence & s)\r\n {\r\n typedef typename result_of::begin<Sequence>::type I0;\r\n I0 i0 = fusion::begin(s);\r\n BOOST_PP_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1,N,M,~)\r\n\r\n (that_ptr<typename mpl::front<\r\n ft::parameter_types<Function> >::type\r\n >::get(*i0)->*f)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_SHIFTED_PARAMS(N,*i));\r\n }\r\n };\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#undef M\r\n\r\n#undef N\r\n#endif // defined(BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING)\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0012111703399568796, 0.0005814390606246889, 0.07873670011758804, 0.0007344895857386291, 0.0012630106648430228 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to use RegEx with a variable for replacing\n\nMy title might not be worded correctly sorry in advance. ", "\nI've looked everywhere and I honestly can't seem to figure it out. ", "\nI want to use a variable in a RegEx but the solution that i've found and tried to work off of works but it is not flexible for what I need. ", "I can't seem to figure out how to convert it to a RegEx constructor object which I think is my best bet. ", "Any help will be greatly appreciated.", "\n\nlet str = 'haeandviaecy'\r\n\r\nlet newString = str.replace(/(\\w{3})/g, '$1 ').replace(/(^\\s+|\\s+$)/, '')\r\n//hae and via ecy\n\nreplace(/(^\\s+|\\s+$)/,'') removes any preceding or trailing space from the string - just giving you a heads up\nSo what this snippet does is go to every third and put a blank space in it. ", "What I want is to make my code more flexible and be able to put a variable to let me choose the number for when it puts a blank space using a variable.", "\nright now it prints out - \"hae and via ecy\"\nfor ex. ", "every 4th would be - haea ndvi aecy\nI've read you cant put in variables unless it is a RegEx contructor object. ", "When I've tried to convert it doesn't seem to work.", "\n\nA:\n\nIf gather the question correctly, you can use a template literal as parameter passed to RegExp constructor.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006630388670600951, 0.0005876737413927913, 0.0005445347051136196, 0.0007262091967277229, 0.0005287346430122852, 0.0064246742986142635, 0.0005842752871103585, 0.000918076781090349, 0.0016227539163082838, 0.000762295676395297, 0.0006863026064820588, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Most of the time I've heard people discuss the spin of hydrogen is in the context of NMR spectroscopy, a technique that measures the energy differences between nuclear spin states in the presence of a magnetic field. ", "For this technique, the spin of the electrons are not important." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005461455439217389, 0.0007323916652239859 ]
[ "{\r\n \"cells\": [\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"markdown\",\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"# 寻找特征\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 1,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"import os\\n\",\r\n \"import pandas as pd\\n\",\r\n \"data_folder = os.path.join(\\\".\\\", \\\"data\\\")\\n\",\r\n \"adult_filename = os.path.join(data_folder, \\\"adult.data\\\")\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 2,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"adult = pd.read_csv(adult_filename, header=None, names=[\\\"Age\\\", \\\"Work-Class\\\", \\\"fnlwgt\\\", \\\"Education\\\",\\n\",\r\n \" \\\"Education-Num\\\", \\\"Marital-Status\\\", \\\"Occupation\\\",\\n\",\r\n \" \\\"Relationship\\\", \\\"Race\\\", \\\"Sex\\\", \\\"Capital-gain\\\",\\n\",\r\n \" \\\"Capital-loss\\\", \\\"Hours-per-week\\\", \\\"Native-Country\\\",\\n\",\r\n \" \\\"Earnings-Raw\\\"])\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 3,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"text/plain\": [\r\n \"Index(['Age', 'Work-Class', 'fnlwgt', 'Education', 'Education-Num',\\n\",\r\n \" 'Marital-Status', 'Occupation', 'Relationship', 'Race', 'Sex',\\n\",\r\n \" 'Capital-gain', 'Capital-loss', 'Hours-per-week', 'Native-Country',\\n\",\r\n \" 'Earnings-Raw'],\\n\",\r\n \" dtype='object')\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"execution_count\": 3,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"output_type\": \"execute_result\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"adult.dropna(how='all', inplace=True)\\n\",\r\n \"adult.columns\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 4,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"text/plain\": [\r\n \"count 32561.000000\\n\",\r\n \"mean 40.437456\\n\",\r\n \"std 12.347429\\n\",\r\n \"min 1.000000\\n\",\r\n \"25% 40.000000\\n\",\r\n \"50% 40.000000\\n\",\r\n \"75% 45.000000\\n\",\r\n \"max 99.000000\\n\",\r\n \"Name: Hours-per-week, dtype: float64\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"execution_count\": 4,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"output_type\": \"execute_result\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"adult[\\\"Hours-per-week\\\"].describe()\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 5,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"text/plain\": [\r\n \"10.0\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"execution_count\": 5,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"output_type\": \"execute_result\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"adult[\\\"Education-Num\\\"].median()\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 6,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"text/plain\": [\r\n \"array([' State-gov', ' Self-emp-not-inc', ' Private', ' Federal-gov',\\n\",\r\n \" ' Local-gov', ' ?', ' ", "Self-emp-inc', ' Without-pay', ' Never-worked'], dtype=object)\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"execution_count\": 6,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"output_type\": \"execute_result\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"adult[\\\"Work-Class\\\"].unique()\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 7,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"text/plain\": [\r\n \"array([[ 0, 1, 2],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 3, 4, 5],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 6, 7, 8],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 9, 10, 11],\\n\",\r\n \" [12, 13, 14],\\n\",\r\n \" [15, 16, 17],\\n\",\r\n \" [18, 19, 20],\\n\",\r\n \" [21, 22, 23],\\n\",\r\n \" [24, 25, 26],\\n\",\r\n \" [27, 28, 29]])\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"execution_count\": 7,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"output_type\": \"execute_result\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"import numpy as np\\n\",\r\n \"X = np.arange(30).reshape((10, 3))\\n\",\r\n \"X\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 8,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"text/plain\": [\r\n \"array([[ 0, 1, 2],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 3, 1, 5],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 6, 1, 8],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 9, 1, 11],\\n\",\r\n \" [12, 1, 14],\\n\",\r\n \" [15, 1, 17],\\n\",\r\n \" [18, 1, 20],\\n\",\r\n \" [21, 1, 23],\\n\",\r\n \" [24, 1, 26],\\n\",\r\n \" [27, 1, 29]])\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"execution_count\": 8,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"output_type\": \"execute_result\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"X[:,1] = 1\\n\",\r\n \"X\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 9,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"[[ 0 2]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 3 5]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 6 8]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 9 11]\\n\",\r\n \" [12 14]\\n\",\r\n \" [15 17]\\n\",\r\n \" [18 20]\\n\",\r\n \" [21 23]\\n\",\r\n \" [24 26]\\n\",\r\n \" [27 29]]\\n\",\r\n \"[ 74.25 0. ", " 74.25]\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"vt = VarianceThreshold()\\n\",\r\n \"Xt = vt.fit_transform(X)\\n\",\r\n \"print(Xt)\\n\",\r\n \"print(vt.variances_)\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 10,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"X = adult[[\\\"Age\\\", \\\"Education-Num\\\", \\\"Capital-gain\\\", \\\"Capital-loss\\\", \\\"Hours-per-week\\\"]].values\\n\",\r\n \"y = (adult[\\\"Earnings-Raw\\\"] == ' >50K').values\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 11,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"[[ 39 13 2174 0 40]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 50 13 0 0 13]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 38 9 0 0 40]\\n\",\r\n \" ..., \\n\",\r\n \" [ 58 9 0 0 40]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 22 9 0 0 20]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 52 9 15024 0 40]]\\n\",\r\n \"[ 8.60061182e+03 2.40142178e+03 8.21924671e+07 1.37214589e+06\\n\",\r\n \" 6.47640900e+03]\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest\\n\",\r\n \"from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2\\n\",\r\n \"print(X)\\n\",\r\n \"transformer = SelectKBest(score_func=chi2, k=3)\\n\",\r\n \"Xt_chi2 = transformer.fit_transform(X, y)\\n\",\r\n \"print(transformer.scores_)\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 12,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"from scipy.stats import pearsonr\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"def multivariate_pearsonr(X, y):\\n\",\r\n \" scores, pvalues = [], []\\n\",\r\n \" for column in range(X.shape[1]):\\n\",\r\n \" cur_score, cur_p = pearsonr(X[:,column], y)\\n\",\r\n \" scores.append(abs(cur_score))\\n\",\r\n \" pvalues.append(cur_p)\\n\",\r\n \" return (np.array(scores), np.array(pvalues))\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 13,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"[ 0.2340371 0.33515395 0.22332882 0.15052631 0.22968907]\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"transformer = SelectKBest(score_func=multivariate_pearsonr, k=3)\\n\",\r\n \"Xt_pearson = transformer.fit_transform(X, y)\\n\",\r\n \"print(transformer.scores_)\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 14,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stderr\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"/home/dlinking-lxy/more-space/pyworks/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sklearn/cross_validation.py:44: DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. ", "Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. ", "This module will be removed in 0.20.\\n\",\r\n \" \\\"This module will be removed in 0.20.\\\", DeprecationWarning)\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier\\n\",\r\n \"from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score\\n\",\r\n \"clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=14)\\n\",\r\n \"scores_chi2 = cross_val_score(clf, Xt_chi2, y, scoring='accuracy')\\n\",\r\n \"scores_pearson = cross_val_score(clf, Xt_pearson, y, scoring='accuracy')\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 15,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"Chi2 performance: 0.829\\n\",\r\n \"Pearson performance: 0.771\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"print(\\\"Chi2 performance: {0:.3f}\\\".format(scores_chi2.mean()))\\n\",\r\n \"print(\\\"Pearson performance: {0:.3f}\\\".format(scores_pearson.mean()))\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"markdown\",\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"# 创造特征\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 16,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stderr\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"/home/dlinking-lxy/more-space/pyworks/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:2728: DtypeWarning: Columns (3) have mixed types. ", "Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.\\n\",\r\n \" interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 1549 \\\\\\n\",\r\n \"0 125.0 125.0 1.0000 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 \\n\",\r\n \"1 57.0 468.0 8.2105 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 \\n\",\r\n \"2 33.0 230.0 6.9696 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 \\n\",\r\n \"3 60.0 468.0 7.8000 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 \\n\",\r\n \"4 60.0 468.0 7.8000 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 \\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \" 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 \\n\",\r\n \"0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 \\n\",\r\n \"1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 \\n\",\r\n \"2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 \\n\",\r\n \"3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 \\n\",\r\n \"4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 \\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"[5 rows x 1559 columns]\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"import os\\n\",\r\n \"import pandas as pd\\n\",\r\n \"import numpy as np\\n\",\r\n \"data_folder = os.path.join(\\\".\\\", \\\"data\\\")\\n\",\r\n \"data_filename = os.path.join(data_folder, \\\"ad.data\\\")\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"def convert_number(x):\\n\",\r\n \" try:\\n\",\r\n \" return float(x)\\n\",\r\n \" except ValueError:\\n\",\r\n \" return np.nan\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"from collections import defaultdict\\n\",\r\n \"converters = defaultdict(convert_number) #{i: convert_number for i in range(1558)}\\n\",\r\n \"converters[1558] = lambda x: 1 if x.strip() == \\\"ad.\\\" else 0\\n\",\r\n \" \\n\",\r\n \"ads = pd.read_csv(data_filename, header=None, converters=converters)\\n\",\r\n \"# ads = ads.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if isinstance(x, str) and not x == \\\"ad.\\\" else x)\\n\",\r\n \"# ads[[0, 1, 2]] = ads[[0, 1, 2]].astype(float)\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"ads = ads.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')\\n\",\r\n \"ads = ads.astype(float).dropna()\\n\",\r\n \"print(ads[:5])\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 17,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"(2359, 1558) (2359,)\\n\",\r\n \"[[ 125. ", " 125. ", " 1. ", " ..., 0. ", " 0. ", " 0. ", " ]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 57. ", " 468. ", " 8.2105 ..., 0. ", " 0. ", " 0. ", " ]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 33. ", " 230. ", " 6.9696 ..., 0. ", " 0. ", " 0. ", " ]\\n\",\r\n \" ..., \\n\",\r\n \" [ 101. ", " 140. ", " 1.3861 ..., 0. ", " 0. ", " 0. ", " ]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 23. ", " 120. ", " 5.2173 ..., 0. ", " 0. ", " 0. ", " ]\\n\",\r\n \" [ 40. ", " 40. ", " 1. ", " ..., 0. ", " 0. ", " 0. ", " ]]\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"# ads = ads.astype(float).dropna()\\n\",\r\n \"X = ads.drop(1558, axis=1).values\\n\",\r\n \"y = ads[1558]\\n\",\r\n \"print(X.shape,y.shape)\\n\",\r\n \"print(X)\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 18,\r\n \"metadata\": {\r\n \"scrolled\": true\r\n },\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"(2359, 5)\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"from sklearn.decomposition import PCA\\n\",\r\n \"pca = PCA(n_components=5)\\n\",\r\n \"Xd = pca.fit_transform(X)\\n\",\r\n \"print(Xd.shape)\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 19,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"text/plain\": [\r\n \"array([ 0.854, 0.145, 0.001, 0. ", " , 0. ", " ])\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"execution_count\": 19,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"output_type\": \"execute_result\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)\\n\",\r\n \"pca.explained_variance_ratio_\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 20,\r\n \"metadata\": {\r\n \"scrolled\": true\r\n },\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"The average score is 0.9334\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier\\n\",\r\n \"from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=14)\\n\",\r\n \"scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, scoring='accuracy')\\n\",\r\n \"print(\\\"The average score is {:.4f}\\\".format(np.mean(scores)))\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 21,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"text/plain\": [\r\n \"array([ 0.092, 0.995, 0.024, ..., 0. ", " , 0. ", " , 0. ", " ])\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"execution_count\": 21,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"output_type\": \"execute_result\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"pca.components_[0]\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 22,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"The average score from the reduced dataset is 0.9326\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=14)\\n\",\r\n \"scores_reduced = cross_val_score(clf, Xd, y, scoring='accuracy')\\n\",\r\n \"print(\\\"The average score from the reduced dataset is {:.4f}\\\".format(np.mean(scores_reduced)))\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 23,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"image/png\": \"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAYIAAAD8CAYAAAB6paOMAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\\nSCbN7t6hWBlqozYqMTH42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\"text/plain\": [\r\n \"<matplotlib.figure.", "Figure at 0x7fcf9ebb2588>\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"output_type\": \"display_data\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"%matplotlib inline\\n\",\r\n \"from matplotlib import pyplot as plt\\n\",\r\n \"classes = set(y)\\n\",\r\n \"colors = ['red', 'green']\\n\",\r\n \"for cur_class, color in zip(classes, colors):\\n\",\r\n \" mask = (y == cur_class).values\\n\",\r\n \" plt.scatter(Xd[mask,0], Xd[mask,1], marker='o', color=color, label=int(cur_class))\\n\",\r\n \"plt.legend()\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"plt.show()\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"markdown\",\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"# 创造自己的转换器\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 24,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin\\n\",\r\n \"from sklearn.utils import as_float_array\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"class MeanDiscrete(TransformerMixin):\\n\",\r\n \" def fit(self, X, y=None):\\n\",\r\n \" X = as_float_array(X)\\n\",\r\n \" self.mean = np.mean(X, axis=0)\\n\",\r\n \" return self\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \" def transform(self, X):\\n\",\r\n \" X = as_float_array(X)\\n\",\r\n \" assert X.shape[1] == self.mean.shape[0]\\n\",\r\n \" return X > self.mean\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 25,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"mean_discrete = MeanDiscrete()\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"X_mean = mean_discrete.fit_transform(X)\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 28,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"#%%file ./data/adult_tests.py\\n\",\r\n \"import numpy as np\\n\",\r\n \"from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"def test_meandiscrete():\\n\",\r\n \" X_test = np.array([[ 0, 2],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 3, 5],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 6, 8],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 9, 11],\\n\",\r\n \" [12, 14],\\n\",\r\n \" [15, 17],\\n\",\r\n \" [18, 20],\\n\",\r\n \" [21, 23],\\n\",\r\n \" [24, 26],\\n\",\r\n \" [27, 29]])\\n\",\r\n \" mean_discrete = MeanDiscrete()\\n\",\r\n \" mean_discrete.fit(X_test)\\n\",\r\n \" assert_array_equal(mean_discrete.mean, np.array([13.5, 15.5]))\\n\",\r\n \" X_transformed = mean_discrete.transform(X_test)\\n\",\r\n \" X_expected = np.array([[ 0, 0],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 0, 0],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 0, 0],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 0, 0],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 0, 0],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 1, 1],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 1, 1],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 1, 1],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 1, 1],\\n\",\r\n \" [ 1, 1]])\\n\",\r\n \" assert_array_equal(X_transformed, X_expected)\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 29,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"test_meandiscrete()\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 30,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline\\n\",\r\n \"\\n\",\r\n \"pipeline = Pipeline([('mean_discrete', MeanDiscrete()),\\n\",\r\n \" ('classifier', DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=14))])\\n\",\r\n \"scores_mean_discrete = cross_val_score(pipeline, X, y, scoring='accuracy')\"\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"cell_type\": \"code\",\r\n \"execution_count\": 31,\r\n \"metadata\": {},\r\n \"outputs\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"stdout\",\r\n \"output_type\": \"stream\",\r\n \"text\": [\r\n \"Mean Discrete performance: 0.917\\n\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"source\": [\r\n \"print(\\\"Mean Discrete performance: {0:.3f}\\\".format(scores_mean_discrete.mean()))\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"metadata\": {\r\n \"kernelspec\": {\r\n \"display_name\": \"Python 3\",\r\n \"language\": \"python\",\r\n \"name\": \"python3\"\r\n },\r\n \"language_info\": {\r\n \"codemirror_mode\": {\r\n \"name\": \"ipython\",\r\n \"version\": 3\r\n },\r\n \"file_extension\": \".py\",\r\n \"mimetype\": \"text/x-python\",\r\n \"name\": 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[ "Walsh's Week 2 Waiver Wire Weport\n\nWelcome, welcome! ", "To Walsh’s Week 2 Waiver Wire Weport! ", "I’m here to tell you exactly who to target on your waiver wire this week to make your team better! ", "Had a bad week 1? ", "Don’t worry about it! ", "Team riddled with injuries? ", "Not a problem! ", "Sit back and buckle up. ", "We’re about to hit that waiver wire and turn that season around. ", "The following players are my top (in no particular order) waiver wire pickups for week 2.", "\n\nNote: These aren’t streaming options for week 2. ", "If you’re looking for those, look here. ", "These are guys who you can roster with the hope of using them long-term.", "\n\nNote 2: I'm assuming the Markus Wheatons, Kelvin Benjamins, Knowshon Morenos, and Terrance Wests of the world are already rostered in your league. ", "If not, go out and get them first.", "\n\nAndrew Hawkins\n\nThe diminutive slot receiver appears to be the pass-catcher to own (outside of Jordan Cameron) in Cleveland’s offense. ", "Against the Steelers, he caught 8 of 9 targets for 87 yards, 30 of which were gained after the catch. ", "His value is volume-based, but, with defenses focusing on Cameron, the volume should be there for the foreseeable future.", "\n\nAllen Hurns\n\nHurns exploded out of the gate in week 1, gaining 110 yards and 2 touchdowns on 4 receptions in the first half. ", "The Eagles found a way to shut him out in the second half, and the impending return of Cecil Shorts limits his upside, but Hurns belongs on a roster in every league. ", "He’s an excellent bye-week fill-in with touchdown potential.", "\n\nJustin Forsett\n\nRay Rice is gone, and Bernard Pierce got benched this past week. ", "It’s unlikely that the 28-year-old journeyman Forsett is the long-term answer for the Ravens, but he should provide a decent short-term option if you’re in need of a running back.", "\n\nLorenzo Taliaferro\n\nIf Pierce truly has fallen out of favor with the Ravens coaching staff, Taliaferro may be an every-week starter for your fantasy team by the end of the season. ", "Like I said above, Forsett may have short-term value, but it’s highly doubtful that he’s a feature back all year. ", "It’s more likely that the 230-pound Coastal Carolina product emerges as the lead runner with Forsett as the change-of-pace back. ", "If you’ve got a roster spot where you can afford to stash someone long-term, Taliaferro is a spectacular person to stash.", "\n\nBrian Quick\n\nThe Rams offense was pitiful in week 1. ", "That didn’t stop Brian Quick from catching 7 of 9 targets for 99 yards. ", "Quick was the only receiver consistently involved in the Rams passing game, and he’s currently the only receiver worth owning on the team. ", "Scoop him up as a solid bye-week fill-in with the potential to turn into a starter.", "\n\nIsaiah Crowell\n\nWith Ben Tate’s status unknown, the Browns’ defacto goal line back becomes a nice little waiver target. ", "Terrance West will still get the bulk of the carries, but Crowell, who was only undrafted due to character concerns, will be getting any rushing touchdowns available. ", "If you’ve got a spot, go ahead and roster him.", "\n\nI'm a New Jersey native currently residing in San Francisco and I'm the commissioner of the little league that we here at Let's Talk Fantasy Football play in. ", "I like my fantasy football how I like my coffee: all the damn time." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWho would win with currently available technology, a Commander from 500 years ago, against one 500 years from now?", "\n\nHere's the scenario:\nTwo countries of equal power have access to equal/similar technology and military hardware, that is also what is currently available IRL (In Real Life).", "\nAlso time travel exists, and both sides use it to get a military commander to lead all attacks against the Enemy (the other country).", "\nCountry A goes back in time, and gets a General that lived exactly 500 years ago.", "\nCountry B goes forward in time, and gets a General that won't be born for another 500 years.", "\nThat is the only major difference between both commanders, they are of equal/similar base Intelligence/IQ, primal skills, etc.", "\nWhich commander would have the upper hand? ", "One that sees all these flying dragon-like machines, loud tiny cannons, etc for the first time, or the one that is from the future, who even though SHOULD be well aware of the technology, might be used to tech completely different from ours - hence he might be equally handicapped in this battle.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe commander of the future.", "\nThe ancient commander would not be able to deal with the speed and scale of modern warfare. ", " Where a future commander would be able to deal with the slower smaller wars we have today.", "\nAs an example Agincourt a large battle in 1415 (I know 600 years ago) had 12,000 men on one side and 9,000 on the other. ", " A commander could see all of this troops and control them easily with drums and runners he would rarely need to delegate command. ", " In Kursk (1943) around 2 million and 800,000 men fought in several fronts over 140 KM away from each other. ", " As technology improves and the human population grows our ability to fight larger and fast wars increases. ", "\nThe role of a commander changes and the size of the army increases. ", " A commander of a small army must be a charismatic leader who directly motivates his army and does everything himself. ", " The commander of a 2 million person operation must be able to see a big picture. ", " He has to find, choose, and organize subordinates and get them to work together. ", " \nIn addition a wise commander from the future may have read about the upcoming battle in a history book.", "\n\nA:\n\nTo take the other side. ", "500 year old commander will win. ", "The basics of formulating a good strategy are the same. ", "Sun Tzu's the art of war is still applicable today. ", "Both commanders will need a staff to bring them up to speed.", "\nOnce up to speed a future commander though would be to dependent upon his technologies. ", "Computers to offer suggestions. ", "Instantaneous communication to make decisions. ", "Transportation technology that eliminates the need for logistics. ", "A future commanders innovations will be to try and force current tech to meet his future needs and expectations. ", "He will be stuck in that mindset. ", "His response is “This is crap how can I make this work”\nThe ancient commander will have a better grasp of the fundamentals of combat. ", "He will have achieved victories without all the amazing advances. ", "His innovations will not be limited by technology. ", "His reaction to modern tech will be “this is amazing how much more can I accomplish with this”.", "\nExample. ", "A WW2 general is used to trains moving troops and supplies. ", "He knows how many soldiers he can field based upon a rail network supplying them. ", "Dump him back 500 years before that. ", "He tries to field an army. ", "But it is to large, he cannot get supplies to it. ", "It takes longer to move than he anticipated. ", "His plans are behind schedule. ", "\nBoth commanders would have staff to assist them. ", "But the more they have to depend upon staff the less value there is in the commander himself. ", "The future commander when left on his own judgment is more likely to make mistakes. ", "The past commander is more likely to underutilize his forces. ", "In combat mistakes are more deadly.", "\n\nA:\n\nAssuming that both are equally skilled and experienced, the future commander would have the advantage. ", " Military academies teach military history and discuss the limitations and strategies of the past. ", " For obvious reasons they can't really do this with the future. ", " \nWould both be equally experienced? ", " If they are typical of their times, you might find that the typical commander from 1500 would be more experienced than the typical commander from 2500. ", " Most men from my parents' generation have some military experience, as there was a draft in the late sixties and early seventies. ", " No one in my generation has been drafted. ", " If that trend continues, our hypothetical future commander may have never fought in a real battle. ", " \nIf I had a time machine, I wouldn't pick a typical commander of 500 years ago. ", " I'd pick an extraordinary commander: Sun Tzu, Hannibal, Napoleon, etc. ", " Those are famous examples. ", " A military expert could probably come up with a much better list, even if constricted to a time period between 1450 and 1550. ", " \nYou can't do the same kind of selection bias in the future selection (unless you make two trips, one to pick the commander and the second to fetch that person). ", " So your historical commander may be better skilled and more experienced than your future commander. ", " \nThat's no guarantee though. ", " The future commander can look up the historical commanders actual battles. ", " The historical commander can't do the same without another time travel trip. ", " And of course, commanders don't win battles, armies do. ", " What happens when communications break down and forces have to use their own discretion? ", " Which side shoots more accurately? ", " Does the weather end up favoring one or the other? ", " Which side has the easier goal? ", " It's unlikely that a modern battle would be decided only based on the talents of their ultimate commanders. ", " Even if one has the advantage, either could win. ", " \n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to filter JSONB list\n\nI have table with this data:\nid | 1\naccounts | [{\"id\": \"100\", \"properties\": [{\"id\": \"PR-001\", \"name\": \"name1\"}, {\"id\": \"PR-002\", \"name\": \"name2\"}]}]\nproperty | \"PR-001\"\n\naccounts is jsonb field.", "\nI need to get all property.name where accounts.property.id equals property with SELECT.", "\nI am using Postgres 9.5\n\nA:\n\nYou can use LEFT LATERAL JOIN:\nWITH tbl (id,accounts,property) AS (\n SELECT 1, '{\"id\": \"100\", \"properties\": [{\"id\": \"PR-001\", \"name\": \"name1\"}, {\"id\": \"PR-002\", \"name\": \"name2\"}]}'::jsonb, 'PR-001'::text\n )\nSELECT t.id, acc->>'name'\nFROM tbl t\nLEFT JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(t.accounts->'properties') acc ON (acc->>'id' = t.property)\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of The Invention\nThis invention relates to a coating composition which is capable of yielding a hard coating film having a high refractive index and a very high hardness. ", "The invention also relates to coated articles obtained by coating and cuing the composition on appropriate substrates.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nPlastic lenses, which are a kind of transparent shaped article, are better in safety, ease of processability, fashionability and lightness than glass lenses. ", "Recent developments of hard coat techniques and reflection inhibiting techniques for the lenses have expedited the rapid spread of the lenses. ", "The silica-based hard coat film which is applied to plastic lenses has attracted attention due to its high hardness and high scratch resistance. ", "Nevertheless, as plastic lenses having a high refractive index have been developed and start to be in wide spread use, there appears a phenomenon where interference fringes are developed owing to the great difference in refractive index and also in thickness between the hard coat film and the plastic lens substrate.", "\nUsing, in place of silica, high refractive index metal oxides such as antimony oxide, zirconium oxide, titanium oxide, tin oxide and the like, attempts and developments have been made to form high refractive index coating films on plastic lenses and other transparent moldings or shaped articles.", "\nFor instance, Japanese Patent Publication No. ", "63-37142 discloses out a hard coating film comprised of antimony oxide and an epoxysilane, and Japanese Laid-open Patent Application No. ", "5-2102 discloses a hard coating film comprised of fine particles of titanium oxide, iron oxide and silicon dioxide and an epoxysilane. ", "Moreover, Japanese Laid-open Patent Application. ", "No. ", "5-164902 discloses a hard coating film which is made of fine particles of titanium oxide, cerium oxide and silicon oxide, an epoxysilane and a tetrafunctional silane compound.", "\nHowever, the existing high refractive index hard coating films on transparent substrates have been able to undergo little dyeing after coating or may be dyed in a slight degree but cannot be subjected to deep color dyeing. ", "For the deep color dyeing, it is necessary to lower the hardness of the hard coating film." ]
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[ 0.0009392039501108229, 0.0006064201006665826, 0.000585935777053237, 0.0011860732920467854, 0.0005922949058003724, 0.0005474636564031243, 0.0005776891484856606, 0.0005889519234187901, 0.000716511916834861, 0.00066826690454036, 0.0007024448132142425, 0.0006529120728373528, 0.0005965377204120159, 0.0013787426287308335, 0.0006914851837791502, 0.000608113594353199, 0.0005795391043648124 ]
[ "Q:\n\nspecial table for Vlookup in Excel\n\nI am searching for a excel vlookup function, but vlookup table is different.", "\nThere are two excel tables. ", "\n table 1\none 11 12 13\ntwo 21 22 23 24 \nsix 61 62\n\n table 2\n11 one\n13 one\n22 two\n61 six\n\nSo the problem is that I have Table 1 as in input and in Table 2 I have numbers 11,13,22,61 and I have to get from the Table 1 words one, two, six. ", "So this is like Vlookup table but inverse. ", "There are multiple keys in one line and wanted values is the the first column. ", "Do you have some idea how to get these values \n\nA:\n\nUse a formula like:\n=INDEX(A:A,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW($B$2:$E$4)/($B$2:$E$4=G2),1))\n\n" ]
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[ "Gerry and The Crocodettes\n\nGerry And The Crocodettes are a space themed children's musical group formed in New Zealand in 2006 by Gerry Holmes (now Gerry Drummond). ", "The group is led by Gerry Drummond and currently also consists of the characters, Frincess (a frog princess), Herman (a yeti), Pat the Alligator and two Star Fairies, Venus and Saturn.", "\n\nStoryline\nAccording to their website, the storyline of Gerry And The Crocodettes is that all of the characters apart from Herman came to earth from a place called Croco Galaxy. ", "Herman is a yeti from Tibet that Pat befriended when he came to earth.", "\n\nConcerts\nThe group perform live concerts for children at venues throughout New Zealand. ", "Their live concerts feature original songs and dances woven with educational messages. ", "They have been described as \"New Zealand's answer to The Wiggles\"\n\nRecordings\nGerry And The Crocodettes have released a CD (2008) and a DVD (2009), both titled \"Gerry And The Crocodettes\" and are releasing a Christmas CD in 2010 titled \"Christmas With The Crocodettes\".", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n \n\nCategory:Children's musical groups" ]
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[ "Gas engine\n\nA gas engine is an internal combustion engine that runs on a gaseous fuel, such as coal gas, producer gas, biogas, landfill gas or natural gas. ", "In the United Kingdom, the term is unambiguous. ", "In the United States, due to the widespread use of \"gas\" as an abbreviation for gasoline (petrol), such an engine might also be called a gaseous-fueled engine or natural gas engine or spark ignited.", "\n\nGenerally, the term gas engine refers to a heavy-duty industrial engine capable of running continuously at full load for periods approaching a high fraction of 8,760 hours per year, unlike a gasoline automobile engine, which is lightweight, high-revving and typically runs for no more than 4,000 hours in its entire life. ", "Typical power ranges from to .", "\n\nHistory\n\nLenoir \nThere were many experiments with gas engines in the 19th century, but the first practical gas-fuelled internal combustion engine was built by the Belgian engineer Étienne Lenoir in 1860. ", "However, the Lenoir engine suffered from a low power output and high fuel consumption.", "\n\nOtto and Langen \nLenoir's work was further researched and improved by a German engineer Nikolaus August Otto, who was later to invent the first four-stroke engine to efficiently burn fuel directly in a piston chamber. ", "In August 1864 Otto met Eugen Langen who, being technically trained, glimpsed the potential of Otto's development, and one month after the meeting, founded the first engine factory in the world, NA Otto & Cie, in Cologne. ", "In 1867 Otto patented his improved design and it was awarded the Grand Prize at the 1867 Paris World Exhibition. ", "This atmospheric engine worked by drawing a mixture of gas and air into a vertical cylinder. ", "When the piston has risen about eight inches, the gas and air mixture is ignited by a small pilot flame burning outside, which forces the piston (which is connected to a toothed rack) upwards, creating a partial vacuum beneath it. ", "No work is done on the upward stroke. ", "The work is done when the piston and toothed rack descend under the effects of atmospheric pressure and their own weight, turning the main shaft and flywheels as they fall. ", "Its advantage over the existing steam engine was its ability to be started and stopped on demand, making it ideal for intermittent work such as barge loading or unloading.", "\n\nFour-stroke engine \nThe atmospheric gas engine was in turn replaced by Otto's four-stroke engine. ", "The changeover to four-stroke engines was remarkably rapid, with the last atmospheric engines being made in 1877. ", "Liquid-fuelled engines soon followed using Diesel (around 1898) or gasoline (around 1900).", "\n\nCrossley \nThe best-known builder of gas engines in the United Kingdom was Crossley of Manchester, who in 1869 acquired the United Kingdom and world (except German) rights to the patents of Otto and Langden for the new gas-fuelled atmospheric engine. ", "In 1876 they acquired the rights to the more efficient Otto four-stroke cycle engine.", "\n\nTangye \nThere were several other firms based in the Manchester area as well. ", "Tangye Ltd., of Smethwick, near Birmingham, sold its first gas engine, a 1 nominal horsepower two-cycle type, in 1881, and in 1890 the firm commenced manufacture of the four-cycle gas engine.", "\n\nPreservation \nThe Anson Engine Museum in Poynton, near Stockport, England, has a collection of engines that includes several working gas engines, including the largest running Crossley atmospheric engine ever made.", "\n\nCurrent manufacturers \nManufacturers of gas engines include Hyundai Heavy Industries, Rolls-Royce with the Bergen-Engines AS, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Liebherr, MTU Friedrichshafen, GE Jenbacher, Caterpillar Inc., Perkins Engines, MWM, Cummins, Wärtsilä, GE Energy Waukesha, Guascor Power, Deutz, MTU, MAN, Fairbanks-Morse, Doosan, and Yanmar. ", "Output ranges from about micro combined heat and power (CHP) to . ", "Generally speaking, the modern high-speed gas engine is very competitive with gas turbines up to about depending on circumstances, and the best ones are much more fuel efficient than the gas turbines. ", "Rolls-Royce with the Bergen Engines, Caterpillar and many other manufacturers base their products on a Diesel engine block and crankshaft. ", "GE Jenbacher and Waukesha are the only two companies whose engines are designed and dedicated to gas alone.", "\n\nTypical applications\n\nStationary \nTypical applications are base load or high-hour generation schemes, including combined heat and power (for typical performance figures see), landfill gas, mines gas, well-head gas and biogas, where the waste heat from the engine may be used to warm the digesters. ", "For typical biogas engine installation parameters see. ", "For parameters of a large gas engine CHP system, as fitted in a factory, see. ", "Gas engines are rarely used for standby applications, which remain largely the province of Diesel engines. ", "One exception to this is the small (<150 kW) emergency generator often installed by farms, museums, small businesses, and residences. ", "Connected to either natural gas from the public utility or propane from on-site storage tanks, these generators can be arranged for automatic starting upon power failure.", "\n\nTransport \nLiquefied natural gas (LNG) engines are expanding into the marine market, as the lean-burn gas engine can meet the new emission requirements without any extra fuel treatment or exhaust cleaning systems. ", "Use of engines running on compressed natural gas (CNG) is also growing in the bus sector. ", "Users in the United Kingdom include Reading Buses. ", "Use of gas buses is supported by the Gas Bus Alliance and manufacturers include Scania AB.", "\n\nUse of gaseous methane or propane \nSince natural gas, chiefly methane, has long been a clean, economical, and readily available fuel, many industrial engines are either designed or modified to use gas, as distinguished from gasoline. ", "Their operation produces less complex-hydrocarbon pollution, and the engines have fewer internal problems. ", "One example is the liquefied petroleum gas, chiefly propane. ", "engine used in vast numbers of forklift trucks. ", "Common United States usage of \"gas\" to mean \"gasoline\" requires the explicit identification of a natural gas engine. ", "There is also such a thing as \"natural gasoline\", but this term, which refers to a subset of natural gas liquids, is very rarely observed outside the refining industry.", "\n\nTechnical details\n\nFuel-air mixing \nA gas engine differs from a petrol engine in the way the fuel and air are mixed. ", "A petrol engine uses a carburetor or fuel injection. ", "but a gas engine often uses a simple venturi system to introduce gas into the air flow. ", "Early gas engines used a three-valve system, with separate inlet valves for air and gas.", "\n\nExhaust valves \nThe weak point of a gas engine compared to a Diesel engine is the exhaust valves, since the gas engine exhaust gases are much hotter for a given output, and this limits the power output. ", "Thus, a Diesel engine from a given manufacturer will usually have a higher maximum output than the same engine block size in the gas engine version. ", "The Diesel engine will generally have three different ratings — standby, prime, and continuous, a.k.a. ", "1-hour rating, 12-hour rating and continuous rating in the United Kingdom, whereas the gas engine will generally only have a continuous rating, which will be less than the Diesel continuous rating.", "\n\nIgnition \nVarious ignition systems have been used, including hot-tube ignitors and spark ignition. ", "Most modern gas engines are essentially dual-fuel engines. ", "The main source of energy is the gas-air mixture but it is ignited by the injection of a small volume of Diesel fuel.", "\n\nEnergy balance\n\nThermal efficiency \nGas engines that run on natural gas typically have a thermal efficiency between 35-45% (LHV basis)., ", "As of year 2018, the best engines can achieve a thermal efficiency up to 50% (LHV basis). ", "These gas engines are usually medium-speed engines Bergen Engines Fuel energy arises at the output shaft, the remainder appears as waste heat. ", "Large engines are more efficient than small engines. ", "Gas engines running on biogas typically have a slightly lower efficiency (~1-2%) and syngas reduces the efficiency further still. ", "GE Jenbacher's recent J624 engine is the world's first high efficiency methane-fueled 24-cylinder gas engine.", "\n\nWhen considering engine efficiency one should consider whether this is based on the lower heating value (LHV) or higher heating value (HHV) of the gas. ", "Engine manufacturers will typically quote efficiencies based on the lower heating value of the gas, i.e. the efficiency after energy has been taken to evaporate the intrinsic moisture within the gas itself. ", "Gas distribution networks will typically charge based upon the higher heating value of the gas. ", "i.e., total energy content. ", "A quoted engine efficiency based on LHV might be say 44% whereas the same engine might have an efficiency of 39.6% based on HHV on natural gas.", "\nIt is also important to ensure that efficiency comparisons are on a like-for-like basis. ", "For example, some manufactures have mechanically driven pumps whereas other use electrically driven pumps to drive engine cooling water, and the electrical usage can sometimes be ignored giving a falsely high apparent efficiency compared to the direct drive engines.", "\n\nCombined heat and power \n\nEngine reject heat can be used for building heating or heating a process. ", "In an engine, roughly half the waste heat arises (from the engine jacket, oil cooler and after-cooler circuits) as hot water, which can be at up to 110 °C. ", "The remainder arises as high-temperature heat which can generate pressurised hot water or steam by the use of an exhaust gas heat exchanger.", "\n\nEngine cooling \nTwo most common engine types are an air-cooled engine or water cooled engine. ", "Water cooled nowadays use antifreeze in the internal combustion engine\n\nSome engines (air or water) have an added oil cooler.", "\n\nCooling is required to remove excessive heat, as overheating can cause engine failure, usually from wear, cracking or warping.", "\n\nGas consumption calculation \nThe formula shows the gas flow requirement of a gas engine in norm conditions at full load.", "\n\nwhere:\n is the gas flow in norm conditions\n is the engine power\n is the mechanical efficiency\n LHV is the Low Heating Value of the gas\n\nGallery of historic gas engines\n\nSee also \n Autogas\n CHP Directive\n Cogeneration\n Gas turbine\n History of the internal combustion engine\n List of natural gas vehicles\n Tables of European biogas utilisation\n Anson Engine Museum\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\n Crossley Gas Engine\n Antique Stationary Engines\n Old Engines\n Gas Engine Articles\n Gas Engine Magazine — An internal combustion historical magazine\n \n\nCategory:Engines\nCategory:Stationary engines\nCategory:Internal combustion piston engines" ]
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[ "The proposed research is intended to develop a large scale cell process and purification system for the production of recombinant AAV-CFTR vector. ", "A suspension adapted packaging cell line will be constructed. ", "This cell line will be used to develop a large scale batch suspension process utilizing a temperature-sensitive adenovirus mutant for bulk vector production. ", "Vector recovery and purification methods will be optimized for large scale clinical manufacture. ", "Formulation and drug delivery development will be initiated with purified vector. ", "Clinical production of large quantities of AAV-CHR vector will be required for mid- and late-stage trials in patients with cystic fibrosis. ", "Development of efficient and large scale methods to produce AAV vectors could also lead to new products for the treatment of other diseases in addition to cystic fibrosis. ", "PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATION: Development of AAV-CFTR vectors for the treatment of cystic fibrosis could result in a gene delivery \"drug\" that could slow or halt disease progression. ", "This product would serve an existing market of 30,000 affected individuals. ", "In addition, this AAV vector production technology would be of utility in other gene transfer applications, including treatment of genetic disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer." ]
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[ "The federal government plans to introduce new regulations on e-cigarettes this fall, saying it wants to protect young people from nicotine addiction.", "\n\nWhile there are few details about what will be in the new regulations, Mark Tyndall, Executive Medical Director of the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, warns the government against making it harder to vape.", "\n\nIf we could switch everybody tomorrow, then we'd have a huge impact on people's health, almost right away. - ", "Mark Tyndall, Executive Medical Director, BCCDC\n\nHe sees vaping as a form of harm reduction, and thinks treating e-cigarettes the same as tobacco is unnecessary and counterproductive.", "\n\n\"My interest in this really spurred from all my work in HIV prevention and dealing with people with other addictions. ", "Everybody that I follow in our clinics and in our cohort studies are dying from tobacco-related illness, they're not dying from HIV anymore. ", "And it's fascinating how we've thought of tobacco as just in the background and it's not really an issue for people with addictions, but it is the number one issue we should be dealing with.\"", "\n\nTyndall believes there is confusion about just what's harmful about tobacco. ", "While nicotine is addictive, it's one of the safer chemicals in traditional tobacco cigarettes.", "\n\n\"We know the toxins in combustible tobacco that cause disease, and they're just not present in e-cigarettes. ", "There's no reason to believe that they are anywhere near as dangerous as combustible tobacco.\"", "\n\nTyndall says we've associated so many diseases with nicotine addiction, we've begun to believe that it's the nicotine that's harmful.", "\n\n\"We've had a massive international experiment of what nicotine does to people and there isn't a lot of hard evidence it's dangerous. ", "Probably in the developing brain or youth, much like our debates over marijuana, it's probably not great to expose people to nicotine, but long term-nicotine exposure should be seen like long-term caffeine exposure.\"", "\n\nRight now, Health Canada does not permit the sale of nicotine in e-cigarettes, but it's still available in some places. ", "Tyndall worries that the government will make it harder to buy e-cigarettes, when it should be making it very easy for people to switch over.", "\n\n\"It would be crazy for us to be sitting here in 20 years still waiting for the results of a study to come out so we can say \"A-ha! ", "They're not as dangerous!\" ", "and meanwhile countless thousands have died from tobacco. ", "If tomorrow, everybody threw away their combustible tobacco and started using e-cigarettes we'd notice almost instantaneous improvements in people's health, and fairly quickly see improvements in our health care system.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I remap the Caps Lock key to be Shift Lock?", "\n\nI would like Caps Lock to behave as if it were Shift Lock - so when you have Shift Lock on and press 1, it gives !. ", "I am using GNOME, but if I can use a package for another DE on GNOME, I'm happy to hear!", "\nIs this possible?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn Gnome, you can change Caps Lock beavior in Gnome-Tweak-tool, then Typing: \n\nUnfortunately, due to a bug/misfeature, the descriptions are hardly readable (they are truncated too short). ", "You should match that with the full descriptions in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.lst --- this seems the one you want: \n caps:shiftlock Caps Lock toggles ShiftLock (affects all keys)\n\nJust select a couple of them until you get what you want.", "\n\nA:\n\nYes, in KDE at least, this is easily configurable in the Keyboard system settings. ", "Various options for mapping Caps Lock to Shift with locking are available:\n\n" ]
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[ "For nucleic acid analyses based upon detection of polymerase-mediated incorporation of nucleotides, the label on the detectable nucleotides can have a significant impact on the efficiency and accuracy of such analyses. ", "Fluorophore-labeled nucleotides are generally used in such nucleic acid analyses. ", "However, traditional methods of labeling nucleotides with fluorophores can pose problems with respect to lack of brightness of the label, photodamage to the polymerase, and instability of the label due to photobleaching. ", "In addition, such fluorophore-labeled nucleotides can require the use of expensive equipment, such as high power lasers, electron multiplying CCD cameras, and the like. ", "As such, brighter, more robust labels for sequencing applications are desirable." ]
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[ "on •\n\nOpSafeWinter, one of Anonymous’ most effective non-hacking Ops, is back (not that it actually went away) and we’ve got an interview with the international team behind it. ", "As is traditional, the interviewees declined to identify themselves, other than as organizers of OpSafeWinter.", "\n\nLaunched November 7 of 2013, the operation aims to support the homeless by providing basic needs like food, warm clothing and camping supplies, as well as by raising public awareness of the housing crisis. ", "It’s also one of the most “outreachy” operations, working alongside non-Anon organizations and individuals who are already active in fighting homelessness. ", "The op grew spontaneously and inevitably out of various winter holiday-themed ops scattered around the globe which had been perennially popping up, winter over winter. ", "In its first year, OpSafeWinter boasted participation from 12 countries on an official basis, and several others on an ad-hoc basis.", "\n\nThe most active countries in last year’s coalition were the UK, the US, and Brazil, where the normally fearsome Black Bloc were highly active in a food and toys drive in Sao Paulo. ", "Throughout the year several local groups continued their operations, liaising with non-Anonymous organizations, creating resource banks, offering soup kitchens and more. ", "Portland produced a Million Blanket March, in solidarity with the spirit of the November 5 Million Mask March. ", "The UK’s East Coast Homeless Outreach project, which is up for an award from the Lloyds Bank Foundation, grew out of the operation. ", "Organizer JediKnight says, “Nov 5th I am planning #OpFeedTheHomeless in London. ", "I have teams ready on standby for donations to give to homeless on the streets all night. ", "We want all people going to London to bring a drink and a sandwich to donate.”", "\n\nI learned to give Not because I have much But because I know exactly How it feels to have nothing #OpSafeWinter pic.twitter.com/2qA3grLEDG — OPSafeWinter (@OPSafeWinter) September 24, 2014\n\nIn traditional Anonymous fashion, the press release was posted on Pastebin first, with a video follow-up. ", "This year’s op specifically calls on participants to help create a census of the homeless in each locale, as well as indexing services both civilian and Anonymous.", "\n\nFellow Anon and Citizens of the world, We are proud to re-announce #OPSafeWinter. ", "In this age of consumerism there is very little love or care about each other, and we’re here to change that. ", "No longer shall we stand by and watch isolation and fear be spread by the establishment, which is killing and destroying community and lives. ", "We all have a voice, so make yours heard, you are the power, your choice, your life, you are the motivation for justice. ", "Our mission: to highlight the homeless situation in areas throughout world. ", "Build up a resource network for food supply, blankets, clothes socks etc. ", "that can be donated. ", "Amenities for warm showers etc. ", "1st Mission Please list the current homeless count in alphabetical order by town/City Country. ", "Within each town contact local charities, shops, businesses that will support with any of the above list and more. ", "You can get the latest figures from your local council by sending them a freedom of information request if you are not sure of the figures in your town. ", "2nd Mission, coordinate with anons and others willing to participate in the execution/distribution of services we are able to provide. ", "Whether its’ transport, collection of donations etc. ", "This is not definitive, any other suggestions ideas are welcome. ", "Please list at the bottom of the pad as bullet points to make it easy to follow. ", "Lets make winter as safe and comfortable for as many people within our reach and beyond. ", "@OpSafeWinter #OpSafeWinter https://www.facebook.com/anonymousopsafewinter\n\nThe Cryptosphere: What is different about this year’s OpSafeWinter?", "\n\nAnonymousA: We started with a great team last year, some members have left, some found us as the op progressed, we feel we start this year with a stronger team, with a better idea of whats required.", "\n\nAnonymousB: In spite of its name, OpSafeWinter was designed to continue year round. ", "Those involved in the Op are global partners and winter happens somewhere on Earth at any given time. ", "Several groups continued the Op through the summer, some calling it OpSafeSummer. ", "Homelessness is growing on Earth, by leaps and bounds, so continuing the Op throughout the year was an effective way to combat homelessness. ", "This year is different because we have set a precedent as a collective last year. ", "We have a solid base from which to start and we have made great friends with many people all over who are continuing the Op. ", "We also have an idea of what to expect from law enforcement and TPTB this year. ", "Plus, experience with something is always a benefit.", "\n\nAnonymousA: A honeypot was setup against opsafewinter [in other words, Twitter user @ihazcandy tried to obtain supporters’ IP addresses, presumably so they could collect a list of activists marked for future surveillance]. ", "See http://pastebin.com/qf1S1LN0 and Operation Safe Winter – http://pastebin.com/pcm9dR98. ", "Why anyone would want to attack an operation to help the homeless is beyond me, the guy should stick to chasing ISIL! ", "The pad release (at time of writing this) was less than 48hrs old, hits already 1442. ", "http://pastebin.com/7M8xe7Br [4451 now]\n\nAnonymousB: We have some forward motion from the success of the Op last year, so we hope that this year people will already be familiar with the idea and practices involved in OpSafeWinter.", "\n\nTheCryptosphere: What are you seeing in terms of international participation? ", "Are certain nations more active and enthusiastic about the op than others?", "\n\nAnonymousA: Well we have had a surprising result, to be honest. ", "We were taken aback because the op was originally designed on the irc in a chat, just bouncing ideas off each other, and to our amazement within 2 weeks it had gone global. ", "What shocked everyone was the heartfelt response from all around the globe. ", "People just started giving out food, clothes … they just shared the idea and it grew exponentially.", "\n\nWe were kinda shocked also at the business-like and negative response from a lot of charities that we thought would understand and help people down on their luck. ", "It was a Show By Example op which grew and grew. ", "We are of the opinion people want to do and feel good, but with the governments of the world for examples they’re not getting good role models.", "\n\nEach and every country is different, it has its own culture and the op seems to have touched everyone. ", "It was a spectacular response, and it’s growing daily.", "\n\nWe will be ensuring plenty of disclaimers are shown highlighting we will not be asking for monetary donations. ", "Any campaign asking for monetary donations will be seriously vetted before a hint of endorsement is shown.", "\n\nTheCryptosphere: What kind of media coverage has the op had?", "\n\nAnonymousB: We have had some amazing radio coverage from all over the world.", "\n\nAnonymousA: Elite daily & some homeless publications in the UK also reported. ", "Mainstream media is sort of lacking, but we see them as part of the problem, doing their governments’ bidding, but all in all we’ve had a fantastic coverage by all that take part. ", "The internet is a great place to share.", "\n\nTheCryptosphere: Do you seek changes in government policy or do you prefer citizen action?", "\n\nAnonymousA: We don’t see national or local governments policies changing to help individuals. ", "Thats why this op has taken off so well around the globe; people don’t like what they see, so the only way they can change it is by making the change themselves. ", "People will always show their governemts up and try to change things for the better. ", "At present a lot of the groups that carried this on throughout the year are having issues with local government, but its being ironed out, charity is charity, its none negotiable when people want to good for one another in a genuine and unconditional, so unfortunately it will rock the boat for big business, but businesses are asked to help, its their choice to act now.", "\n\nAnonymousB: We have actually seen changes in the government in some areas of the world in regards to helping to feed some less fortunate folks. ", "Some jurisdictions have even gone so far as to outlaw the practice of providing food to the homeless. ", "They cite safety (what else) concerns for the organizations and the homeless population alike.", "\n\nThe Cryptosphere: What is the specific goal of the op? ", "Has it changed at all from last year? ", "And what would total success look like for the Op?", "\n\nAnonymousA: No change, if you help one person survive winter, great success. ", "This year though, we have set up an email for people to send us info on their group/organization: contactopsafewinter@gmail.com and we will put them on a global map, having all the help accessable to the homeless and less fortunate can only be a good thing.", "\n\nAnonymousB: The first goal of the Op was basically awareness: finding out the numbers of homeless in your specific area, and raising awareness about the plight of these marginalized people. ", "Success would be the annihilation of homelessness, but we’re looking to be a bit more pragmatic at first.", "\n\nSuccess would be people recognizing that homeless people are just that…PEOPLE. ", "They deserve compassion and care, just like anyone else. ", "Some actual full-blown shelters have been set up as a result of the Op, [whereas] some see success as a Feed The Homeless Day or a blanket give away.", "\n\nWe think being human is the success, reminding people that we are just as vulnerable as these homeless folks are. ", "In a heartbeat we could be out on the streets ourselves: war, climate change, financial difficulty…it’s all taking a toll on humanity.", "\n\nCategories: Activism, Anonymous, Facebook, Hacktivism, News, OpSafeWinter" ]
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[ "About the Book\n\nSynopsis:\n​MARKER OF HOPE IS THE FINAL BOOK IN THE AWARD WINNING CREATURA SERIES, SURE TO KEEP YOU ENTICED FROM BEGINNING TO END.", "\n\nWho will save her from herself?", "\n\nUpon her return from Greece with three new friends and a broken heart, Isis' hunger for human flesh is stronger than ever. ", "She's a miserable mess after losing David following her betrayal. ", "Her mutation into Creatura is all but over when she receives the surprise of her life, compelling her to seek out David's family. ", "Only, they've broken all ties with her, and she doesn't know how to reach them.", "\n\nLinks\n\nAmazon\n\nGoodreads\n\n​Turpis, the demonic beings that attacked Isis in Greece, have tracked her whereabouts. ", "Now, in order to fend for her life, Isis must join forces with deities she doesn't trust.", "\n\nIs Isis truly the Marker of Hope as she's believed to be, or will she lose the battle to her starving inner beast and demons, obliterating humankind from existence? ", "Find out in the epic finale of the best-selling CREATURA SERIES.", "\n\n“Because I know you live on the hope of seeing a better tomorrow, unlike the skeptics who have nothing to live for today. ", "I would rather die with hope, than to live without any hope at all.”", "\n\nReview\n\nI actually read this book when it first came out... but I never wrote my review for some crazy reason. ", "Which meant I had to reread it entirely. ", "Okay, I didn't actually have to read it again, but I wanted to - and I do what I want\n\nAnyway, I love Nely Cab's writing. ", "She's just... fantastic. ", "There's feels and there's hilarity. ", "Very important things for me. ", "And I loved it the second go-round.", "\n\nI did have issues with the end though. ", "I felt it was too rushed. ", "I think it would have been better had it been drawn out more... into another book. ", "The training and war bits could have all been their own story. ", "But whatever. ", "At least questions were answered. ", "Ultimately it was a good time.", "\n\nEros needs his own story though. ", "That's important to note. ", "Maybe just the whole thing from his side of thing... plus a prequel/sequel. ", "That'd be cool. ", "I'd read it." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNumber of days between two dates not based on time\n\nI save a date and then compare that against the current date using \nDateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\");\nintroDateTimeSaved = formatter.parseDateTime(introDateViewedString);\nintroDays = Days.daysBetween(introTodaysDate, introDateTimeSaved);\n\nin order to determine how many days it has been since the saved date has been updated. ", "This is to show how long ago a particular button has been pressed. ", "The problem is that the days goes off of 24 hours and I want it to go off purely days. ", "For instance:\nSaved Date Variable: 2016-10-15 08:26:00\nToday Date Variable 2016-10-16 08:25:00\nThis returns a difference in days of 0 and my best guess is because the time between these two dates is 23 hours and 59 minutes. ", "I want this to return 1 since its a difference of 1 day from the 15th to the 16th or return 2 if its the 14th and today is the 16th ect etc.", "\n\nA:\n\nApplying an hour-based solution as suggested before is dangerous and often wrong. ", "Proof choosing an input around a daylight-saving-change (in my local timezone Europe/Berlin):\nString introDateViewedString = \"2016-03-26 00:00:00\";\nString introTodaysDateString = \"2016-03-31 00:00:00\";\nDateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\");\nDateTime introDateTimeSaved = formatter.parseDateTime(introDateViewedString);\nDateTime introTodaysDate = formatter.parseDateTime(introTodaysDateString);\n\nSystem.out.println(introDateTimeSaved); // 2016-03-26T00:00:00.000+01:00\nSystem.out.println(introTodaysDate); // 2016-03-31T00:00:00.000+02:00\n\nFollowing code proves that an hour-based solution is generally wrong:\nHours hours = Hours.hoursBetween(introDateTimeSaved, introTodaysDate);\nSystem.out.println(hours); // PT119H\nSystem.out.println(hours.getHours() / 24); // 4 (should be 5)\n\nAnd following code proves that just using period.getHours() is a bad idea because that method only yields a partial amount and ignores the fact that the period in question can also contain other units:\nPeriod p = new Period(introDateTimeSaved, introTodaysDate); // P5D\nSystem.out.println(p); // P5D\nint days = p.getHours() / 24;\nSystem.out.println(days); // 0 (period does not contain hours but days)\n\nSo what is the best approach? ", "\nUse plain calendar dates if you are not interested in clock time!", "\nString introDateViewedString = \"2016-03-26 00:00:00\";\nString introTodaysDateString = \"2016-03-31 00:00:00\";\nDateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\");\nLocalDateTime introDateTimeSaved = formatter.parseLocalDateTime(introDateViewedString);\nLocalDateTime introTodaysDate = formatter.parseLocalDateTime(introTodaysDateString);\n\nLocalDate date1 = introDateTimeSaved.toLocalDate(); // 2016-03-26\nLocalDate date2 = introTodaysDate.toLocalDate(); // 2016-03-31\n\nSystem.out.println(Days.daysBetween(date1, date2).getDays()); // 5\n\nThis solution has also the advantage not to use any home-grown calculation based on dividing numbers etc. ", "Using such arithmetic in context of date and time should let users ring the alarm bells (in most cases).", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0008440228994004428, 0.000698091636877507, 0.005359209608286619, 0.0005983308074064553, 0.0007009191904217005, 0.0007552425959147513, 0.0008805390680208802, 0.0007316679111681879, 0.0009228776325471699, 0.0006091601098887622, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "31 former players file lawsuit here against NFL\n\nPublished 10:47 pm, Tuesday, April 24, 2012\n\nImage 1of/1\n\nCaption\n\nClose\n\nImage 1 of 1\n\n31 former players file lawsuit here against NFL\n\n1 / 1\n\nBack to Gallery\n\nThirty-one former NFL players, including Pro Football Hall of Fame members Bob Lilly, Randy White and Rayfield Wright and several other former Dallas Cowboys and Southwest Conference players, filed suit against the NFL on Tuesday in Houston, accusing the league of concealing the links between concussions and permanent brain injury.", "\n\nFormer players named in the lawsuit suffer from issues ranging from short-term memory loss to dementia that requires constant medical care, said Matthew Matheny with the Beaumont law firm of Provost Umphrey, which filed the 38-page lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Houston.", "\n\n\"It breaks your heart,\" Matheny said. \"", "You see people you recognize and who ... were supermen at one time and physically dominant. ", "And now you see the effects of a brain injury and how it has altered the course of their life.\"", "\n\nThe complaint alleges the NFL engaged in \"irresponsible and dangerous\" activity by failing to research, inform and take reasonable action to mitigate the risks associated with multiple concussions.", "\n\nFormer Cowboys linebacker Lee Roy Jordan, 70, who is the first former player listed as a plaintiff, said he contacted Beaumont attorney Walter Umphrey two months ago as the number of lawsuits against the NFL continued to mount.", "\n\n\"I was having some problems, and there are a lot of other guys who are having serious issues or are getting to the age where they are really realizing the problems they will face,\" he said.", "\n\n\"We've had so many commit suicide from depression, which is a scary thing to me.\"", "\n\nJordan said the NFL of the 1960s and '70s treated head injuries much differently than injuries to other body parts.", "\n\n\"They didn't consider it an injury, because you could still run,\" he said. \"", "With a knee, ankle or hip, they would take you out and ice you down and check you out thoroughly. ", "But with a concussion or brain injury, as long as you could count and remember plays, you were back in the game.\"" ]
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[ "Storage systems may comprise storage arrays in synchronous replication relationships. ", "In such storage arrays, data may be stored on a first storage array and then mirrored to a second and/or other storage arrays. ", "Upon unavailability of the first storage array, the data is not lost to the user, but may be accessed via the second and/or other storage array(s). ", "Thus, these storage systems may provide users with multiple access points to data.", "\nIn some examples, one or more of the storage arrays in these storage systems may become out-of-sync (have less or more data than the other storage arrays in the system). ", "This may occur, for example, when one storage array fails and new write requests are processed by the other remaining storage array(s). ", "In these examples, once the previously-unavailable storage array becomes available again, the storage system may go through a resyncing process. ", "The resyncing process may allow a storage array to once again have the same data as the storage array(s) with which it has a synchronous replication relationship." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0005726178060285747, 0.0005960500566288829, 0.0005786179099231958, 0.0005689396639354527, 0.000575261889025569, 0.0007244338630698621, 0.0005429480224847794, 0.0005767101538367569 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present relates generally to vertical blinds and more particularly to a unitary, one-piece vane carrier therefor.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nVanes of vertical blinds are usually supported by and suspended from members commonly referred to as carriers. ", "The carriers include means interconnecting them to limit the distance by which they may be separated; such means are commonly referred to as spacers or spacer links. ", "The carriers also include means for mounting drive means for rotating the vanes and at least one of the carriers in the blind includes means by which that carrier may be moved along the track or traversed. ", "In carriers of the type which include gearing driven by a rod extending through the carrier, such as those disclosed in, for example, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "3,996,988 and 3,343,588, it is important that the width of the carrier be small so that the vanes may be compactly bunched or stacked. ", "It is also important that such carriers be constructed so that they slide smoothly along the track for the blinds without binding, permit smooth rotation of the vanes, and so that the carriers may easily be mounted in the track and interconnected, and disengaged and removed. ", "The prior art carriers are particularly burdensome when interconnecting and disengaging the spacers and the carriers; the prior art carriers also tend to bind during traversing. ", "Thus, prior art carriers have not been completely satisfactory and additionally they are complex, and are expensive and difficult to manufacture and assemble.", "\nIn the prior art, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,343,588, discloses an arrangement of two levels of carriers which alternate in supporting the vanes for reducing the spacing between the vanes when the vanes are bunched. ", "The spacers and carriers are separate pieces and the spacers are secured to the carriers in the slot through which the spacer of an adjacently interconnected carrier extends which make the carriers prone to binding during traversing. ", "In U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,996,988, the spacers and carriers are also separate pieces, similarly making the carriers prone to binding. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "2,635,686 and 2,790,492 disclose spacers which do not include a carrier body and are not adaptable to include therein gearing for rotating the vanes. ", "The spacers disclosed in these latter two patents are also susceptible to binding since the spacers must be rocked to rotate the vanes, and the vanes are not rotatable in any traverse location of the spacers.", "\nThe present invention overcomes the aforementioned drawbacks and disadvantages of the prior art and provides a new and improved carrier which is simple and inexpensive to manufacture and assemble, is compact, smoothly traversable essentially without binding, permits smooth rotation of the vanes and permits easy mounting, interconnection and disengagement of the carriers." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0009392039501108229, 0.000578868028242141, 0.0011860732920467854, 0.0005805541295558214, 0.0006255037733353674, 0.0005891762557439506, 0.0006299311644397676, 0.0008321290370076895, 0.0006262658280320466, 0.0005715711740776896, 0.0007448546821251512, 0.0006812539068050683, 0.0008239382295869291, 0.0013787426287308335, 0.0006387313478626311, 0.0007538792560808361, 0.0007582797552458942, 0.0013787426287308335, 0.0007783955661579967, 0.0010888095712289214, 0.0008321290370076895, 0.0006992565467953682, 0.0006131524569354951, 0.0006269122241064906 ]
[ "Alkenyl Boronates: Synthesis and Applications.", "\nOrganoboron compounds have become one of the most versatile building blocks in organic synthesis owing to their accessible and efficient conversion into many different functional groups. ", "In particular, alkenyl boronates have received a great deal of attention as very reactive substrates in Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions. ", "Accordingly, efforts towards the development of efficient methods to prepare this type of compound are ongoing. ", "In this contribution, the progress in the search for synthetic routes for alkenyl boronates and their use in a variety of organic transformations is accounted." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006771451444365084, 0.0006319585954770446, 0.000571070471778512, 0.0005409043515101075, 0.0005548359476961195 ]
[ "Molecular genetic analysis of Drosophila rDNA arrays.", "\nLarge repeated DNA arrays are a major component of the eukaryotic genome, but we know little about their internal organization. ", "Understanding their architecture, however, is critical for describing genome structure and for inferring the mechanisms that shape it. ", "One repeated family that is yielding a picture of how structure, function and recombination mechanisms come together is the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of Drosophila melanogaster." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005925015429966152, 0.0006103622145019472, 0.000536730804014951, 0.0007831528782844543 ]
[ "Review\n======\n\nThirty years have passed since the first prenatal diagnosis of a fetus with a brain malformation was made by ultrasound \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "Since then, rapid development of new US machines and transducers have established the basis for a new field in Obstetrics: the diagnosis of congenital anomalies\\[[@B2]\\].", "\n\nShortly after the report by Campbell et al \\[[@B1]\\] Kratochwil et al diagnosed fetal hydrocephaly \\[[@B3]\\], Michell and Bradley-Watson described a case of fetal meningocele \\[[@B4]\\] and Karp et al reported the use of ultrasound for the exclusion of primary microcephaly \\[[@B5]\\].", "\n\nDuring the second half of the 70\\'s and during the 80\\'s studies on the normal anatomy and biometry of the fetal brain enabled prenatal screening for CNS malformations \\[[@B6]-[@B9]\\].", "\n\nBy 1988 the now classical textbook on the prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies by Romero et al \\[[@B2]\\] included a comprehensive chapter on the normal anatomy and pathology of the fetal CNS. ", "In their book they describe the ultrasonographic features of holoprosencephaly, agenesis of the corpus callosum, intracranial arachnoid cysts, and choroid plexus cysts.", "\n\nOne year later, Filly et al suggested the use of 3 specific axial planes for the evaluation of the fetal CNS \\[[@B10]\\]. ", "By routine visualization of the transventricular, transthalamic and transcerebellar planes, they were able to diagnose, retrospectively, most cases with CNS anomalies.", "\n\nFurther progress was made after the introduction of high-resolution transvaginal probes. ", "Transvaginal ultrasound permits the study of the brain in fetuses in vertex presentation in planes that are usually difficult to obtain with the transabdominal approach \\[[@B11],[@B12]\\]. ", "Recently, fetal magnetic resonance emerged as an additional potential useful method for the diagnosis of CNS anomalies \\[[@B13]\\].", "\n\nThe modern approach to the diagnosis of fetal CNS pathologies requires an in-depth knowledge of brain anatomy and embryology, expertise in the different imaging techniques and proficiency in the different genetic aspects of congenital brain disorders. ", "Moreover, in order to establish the specific prognosis in a given case experience in pediatric neurology is essential. ", "These requirements can only be met by a multidisciplinary team that includes experts in the fields of fetal medicine, neuroradiology, genetics, pediatric neurology, neonatology and pathology \\[[@B14]\\].", "\n\nA cornerstone in the understanding of the development of the normal and pathologic brain is the understanding that the brain develops as a continuum during pregnancy and even after delivery and that different insults at a specific time may produce similar pathologies \\[[@B15]\\]. ", "The current recommendation for screening of fetal anomalies is a second trimester ultrasound examination between 19 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. ", "However a substantial amount of significant brain anomalies will remain undiagnosed at this gestational age \\[[@B16]\\].", "\n\nWe present a structured approach to the diagnosis of late manifesting fetal intracranial pathologies. ", "In this first part we review the different aspects of cell proliferation disorders.", "\n\nBrain Development\n=================\n\nVolpe describes the sequential development of the human brain \\[[@B15]\\]. ", "Early events include dorsal and ventral induction while later events, occurring from the second month of gestation through the postnatal period, include cell proliferation, migration, organization and myelination.", "\n\nNew classifications based on information obtained from MRI and genetic studies have recently been published \\[[@B17],[@B18]\\]. ", "The classification system proposed by Barkovich et al \\[[@B17]\\] is based on Volpe\\'s framework \\[[@B15]\\] but expands the sub-classifications. ", "On the other hand, Sarnat \\[[@B18]\\] proposed a new etiologic classification based fundamentally on the different patterns of genetic expression of malformations without consideration of the temporal pattern of development.", "\n\nThe most useful classification for the fetal neurosonographer is the one proposed by Barkovich et al \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "Description of the abnormal ultrasonographic findings in a particular fetus enables categorization into one of the following entities: 1. ", "Cell proliferation anomalies (i.e. microcephaly, megalencephaly and hemimegalencephaly); 2. ", "Neuronal migration anomalies (i.e. lissencephaly, cobblestone complex and heterotopia); or 3. ", "Abnormal cortical organization (i.e. polymicrogyria, schizencephaly and cortical dysplasia).", "\n\nCell proliferation disorders\n----------------------------\n\n### Microcephaly\n\nMicrocephaly is defined postnatally as low brain weight and a small head circumference (HC) more than two standard deviations (SD) below the mean or below the 3^rd^percentile. ", "Such a broad definition obviously includes normal individuals. ", "The smaller the head circumference, the higher the chances of associated mental retardation. ", "Prenatally, there is no consensus regarding the exact definition of abnormally small HC, some authors propose the -2SD \\[[@B17]\\] cutoff while others propose the -3SD \\[[@B19]\\] cutoff. ", "Using the -3SD definition, Chervenak et al showed that the prenatal HC measurement was sensitive for diagnosis of microcephaly with no false negatives, -4SD was a specific test with no false positive cases\\[[@B19]\\].", "\n\nThe incidence of microcephaly at birth is estimated to be in the range between 1:6250 and 1:8500 deliveries. ", "The incidence is much higher, 1.6 per 1000 after the first year of life \\[[@B19]\\] due to progressive microcephaly following perinatal insults or due to a neurodegenerative metabolic or neurogenetic process. ", "Congenital microcephaly may present as an isolated finding, in this case it is known as primary microcephaly or microcephaly vera and be associated with a wide range of CNS and non-CNS pathologies\\[[@B20]\\].", "\n\nThe prenatal diagnosis of microcephaly, particularly in cases of primary microcephaly, is usually difficult before the 3^rd^trimester. ", "Reece and Goldstein in a study of 9600 low risk pregnancies in which the brain was scanned for congenital anomalies failed to diagnose all 5 cases of microcephaly \\[[@B21]\\]. ", "The authors did not state the gestational age in which the examinations were performed.", "\n\nBromely and Benacerraf \\[[@B22]\\] found that 6 out of 7 fetuses with postnatally diagnosed microcephaly had normal head size measurements before 22 weeks of pregnancy and were diagnosed only after 27 weeks of gestation.", "\n\nIn some cases the presence of microcephaly may be suspected based on additional sonographic findings like: small frontal lobe \\[[@B23]\\], sloping forehead \\[[@B24]\\], enlarged subarachnoid space \\[[@B24],[@B25]\\] and/or abnormal power Doppler demonstration of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries \\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\nThe accuracy of ultrasound in the diagnosis of microcephaly has not been studied prospectively. ", "Two retrospective analyses of cases diagnosed prenatally have recently been reported. ", "Den Hollander et al reported on 30 fetuses with prenatally diagnosed microcephaly \\[[@B26]\\]. ", "The main referral indications were: reduced head size or suspected IUGR (16 fetuses), intracranial anomalies (5 fetuses), and extracranial anomalies (3 fetuses). ", "Mean gestational age at the time of referral was 27 weeks and at the time of diagnosis 28 weeks. ", "Associated anomalies were present in 83.3% of the patients: holoprosencephaly (16.7%), chromosomal anomalies (23.3%), genetic syndromes (20%) and multiple anomalies (23.3%). ", "Only 5 patients were considered to represent \\\"isolated microcephaly\\\" but a careful analysis of these cases showed that 3 of them had other minor anomalies, one was probably associated with twin to twin transfusion syndrome with ventriculomegaly and one was diagnosed in a family with a previous history of microcephaly. ", "The authors did not describe the number of fetuses with microcephaly diagnosed after delivery in their center.", "\n\nDahlgren and Wilson reviewed all cases of microcephaly diagnosed during a 10-year period at British Columbia Women\\'s Hospital \\[[@B27]\\]. ", "They found 45 cases; in 21, the diagnosis was made prenatally and confirmed postnatally. ", "In 15 patients, the second trimester ultrasound was available and 12 of these patients had a normal scan between 15 and 20 weeks of gestation. ", "In 9 patients (43%) the etiologic cause of microcephaly remained unclear: possible viral infection based on placental signs of villitis or chorioamnionitis (4), multiple malformations (1), constitutional (1) and no specific etiology identified (3).", "\n\nThe counseling dilemma for fetuses with a small HC remains difficult. ", "Mental retardation can safely be predicted in cases with associated US findings, abnormal karyotype or positive test for intrauterine infection. ", "In fetuses with isolated small HC an effort should be made to determine gyral normality in utero by US or MRI. ", "Children with severe primary microcephaly may have a simplified gyral pattern that in the most severe cases may resemble lissencephaly. ", "It is noteworthy that this pattern may develop late in pregnancy or even after delivery.", "\n\nTo illustrate this dilemma we present the HC growth curves (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) of two fetuses suspected of having microcephaly vera during pregnancy. ", "Both fetuses were considered morphologically normal by US and MR examinations. ", "In these cases the family history was the cornerstone for counseling. ", "The mother of patient A has a small HC (51 cm) and is of normal intelligence. ", "Patient B has a sibling with severe microcephaly and neurodevelopmental retardation and the parents are second cousins. ", "While patient A is neurologically normal at 18 months of age and the HC continues to be below the 3^rd^percentile, patient B suffers from microcephaly with profound neurodevelopmental retardation. ", "These examples illustrates that the evaluation of the patient\\'s family members is crucial before counseling is attempted.", "\n\n![", "Head circumference growth curves in 2 fetuses with suspected microcephaly vera. ", "Patient A is neurologically normal at 18 months of age. ", "Patient B suffers from severe neurodevelopmental retardation at 12 months of age.](1477-7827-1-110-1){#F1}\n\nIn fetuses with severe associated malformations, the diagnosis is made based on the presence of these anomalies (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Severe microcephaly with associated brain atrophy at 24 weeks. ", "The brain parenchyma is atrophic and echoegenic (arrow) with ventriculomegaly (v) and enlarged subarachnoid space (s).](1477-7827-1-110-2){#F2}\n\nPrimary microcephaly is genetically heterogeneous, with several loci currently mapped \\[[@B28]\\]. ", "The advances in identifying genes associated with brain development will enable future prenatal molecular diagnosis in families at risk. ", "The recurrence risk to parents of a child with primary microcephaly is 25% \\[[@B28]\\]. ", "The proposed prenatal investigation of fetuses with microcephaly is presented in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "Flow chart in patients with suspected microcephaly.](1477-7827-1-110-3){#F3}\n\n### Macrocephaly\n\nMacrocephaly is defined as a head circumference above the 98^th^percentile or more than 2 SD above the mean. ", "In the absence of hydrocephaly or enlarged subarachnoid spaces it is synonymous with megalencephaly. ", "In a study of Swedish boys it was found in 0.5% of the population and was associated with lower intelligence \\[[@B29]\\]. ", "Other investigators found that the vast majority of children with megalencephaly have normal intelligence \\[[@B30]\\].", "\n\nThe most common form of megalencephaly is autosomal dominant and familial, and usually not associated with mental retardation. ", "Yet, megalencephaly may be associated with many syndromes \\[[@B20],[@B31]\\].", "\n\nThe prenatal diagnosis of macrocephaly has been occasionally reported \\[[@B16],[@B32],[@B33]\\]. ", "The differential diagnosis in these cases is difficult. ", "The demonstration of an enlarged subarachnoid space, particularly in the frontal region, in a fetus with macrocephaly is suggestive of benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces and is usually associated with a good prognosis (when the head circumference is normal or low enlarged subarachnoid spaces may imply brain atrophy) \\[[@B25]\\].", "\n\nAn essential part of the evaluation is measurement of the parents\\' head circumference. ", "When one parent has a large head circumference it is not immediately reassuring that the fetus has benign familial macrocephaly, since several syndromes which may combine macrocephaly and mental retardation, can be inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion while the affected parent may only present with macrocephaly. ", "These syndromes include Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) \\[[@B34]\\], Sotos syndrome \\[[@B33],[@B35]\\], Weaver syndrome \\[[@B35]\\], Cole-Hughes syndrome \\[[@B36]\\], and the inherited macrocephaly-hamartomas syndrome due to PTEN mutations \\[[@B37]\\]. ", "Therefore, a careful medical history of the affected parent should be obtained regarding neurological problems, developmental milestones, skin abnormalities, endocrine disorders and propensity for the development of tumors. ", "The parent with macrocephaly should be examined with special attention to the skin (lipomas, macules, café au lait spots, neurofibromas) and dysmorphic features. ", "If there are specific findings in the parent, molecular diagnosis is now possible for NF1, Sotos syndrome and macrocephaly-hamartomas syndromes. ", "A large head circumference of the fetus is even more alarming when the parents have a normal head circumference. ", "When it is associated with overgrowth both Sotos and Weaver syndromes should be considered because most cases are sporadic. ", "When it is observed in a fetus with short femur, skeletal dysplasias such as achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia are possible \\[[@B16]\\].", "\n\nThe flow chart for the investigation of fetuses with megalencephaly is presented in Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "Flow chart in patients with suspected macrocephaly.](1477-7827-1-110-4){#F4}\n\n### Abnormal proliferation with abnormal cell types\n\nAccording to the classification proposed by Barkovich et al \\[[@B17]\\] this category includes: non-neoplastic and neoplastic abnormal cell types. ", "The non-neoplastic category includes 3 different entities: cortical hamartomas of tuberous sclerosis, cortical dysplasia with balloon cells and hemimegalencephaly. ", "The neoplastic category also includes 3 different entities: dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors, ganglioglioma and gangliocytoma.", "\n\n### Tuberous sclerosis\n\nTuberous sclerosis is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with variable expression and genetic heterogeneity, and occurs as a result of a de novo mutation in approximately 60% of the patients. ", "Multiple organs may be involved including CNS skin, kidneys, heart and eyes. ", "Seizures are the most common presenting symptom and are usually accompanied by mental retardation. ", "Neuroimaging is the best diagnostic tool and is abnormal in 90% of the cases. ", "Computed tomography demonstrates subependymal calcified nodules and cortical or subcortical areas of decreased attenuation (corresponding to tubers). ", "Magnetic resonance does not show calcified lesions well but demonstrates the tubers better. ", "The tubers are composed of clusters of heterotopic cells and are indicative of a migration disorder associated with abnormal cell differentiation \\[[@B38]\\].", "\n\nPrenatal diagnosis of cortical tubers may be considered in affected families and in fetuses following ultrasonographic visualization of a cardiac rhabdomyoma and are therefore at risk of having tuberous sclerosis \\[[@B39],[@B40]\\]. ", "Sonigo et al studied 8 fetuses with multiple cardiac tumors \\[[@B39]\\]. ", "In all their patients the antenatal sonographic evaluation of the brain was considered normal but fetal MRI demonstrated hyperintense subependymal and cortical nodules on T1-weighted images in 5 patients while in one the nodules were only demonstrated after delivery \\[[@B39]\\]. ", "Sgro et al reported the prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis at 30 weeks of gestation with confirmation by postnatal US, CT and MRI \\[[@B40]\\].", "\n\nIn affected families and in fetuses with cardiac tumors visualization of brain nodules should be attempted by MRI. ", "However, failure of visualization does not provide complete reassurance that the newborn will not suffer from tuberous sclerosis.", "\n\n### Cortical dysplasia with balloon cells\n\nThe diagnosis of cortical dysplasia with balloon cells (CDBC) is based on the presence of focal cortical dysplasia with balloon cells without concurrent manifestations of TS. ", "It is not clear if CDBC and TS represent different entities or if they are different clinical and radiological expressions of the same disease \\[[@B41]\\]. ", "Most of the patients present with seizures and are often refractory to medical treatment \\[[@B41]\\].", "\n\nThe prenatal diagnosis of cortical dysplasia with balloon cells has not been reported but must be considered in cases with suspected focal cortical anomalies as demonstrated by US or MRI.", "\n\n### Hemimegalencephaly\n\nHemimegalencephaly (HME) is a rare congenital malformation characterized by unilateral enlargement of the cerebral hemisphere. ", "It may present as an isolated finding or in conjunction with neurocutaneous disorders \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "HME is considered a primary disturbance in cellular lineage, differentiation and proliferation, interacting with a disturbance in gene expression of body symmetry \\[[@B41]\\].", "\n\nAll patients have seizures that are usually intractable and most are mentally retarded \\[[@B42]\\]. ", "HME has characteristic imaging findings that include: asymmetry of the hemispheres with a pathologically enlarged side, abnormal gyral pattern, ventriculomegaly and abnormally thickened white matter \\[[@B43]\\]. ", "Associated CNS pathologies (agenesis of the corpus callosum, Dandy-Walker malformation or abnormal cerebellum) may be present.", "\n\nThe prenatal diagnosis of HME has been reported in at least 4 occasions \\[[@B16],[@B44]-[@B46]\\] at 32 \\[[@B44]\\], 20 \\[[@B45]\\] and 22 weeks \\[[@B46]\\]. ", "The diagnosis was suspected due to unilateral ventricular dilatation with a shift of the falx cerebri. ", "We recently reported an additional fetus with HME \\[[@B16]\\]. ", "The referral diagnosis at 25 weeks was asymmetric ventriculomegaly, but during the transvaginal neurosonographic examination abnormal sulci and gyri and abnormal periventricular echogenicity on the affected side were observed. ", "An MRI established the diagnosis of HME at 29 weeks and final confirmation was achieved by the pathological examination after the termination of pregnancy.", "\n\n### Neoplastic cell proliferation disorders\n\nThese entities are extremely rare. ", "Chung et al reported on the prenatal diagnosis of an enlarging intracranial mass that proved to be a gangliocytoma \\[[@B47]\\]. ", "Even with the use of neurosonography or MRI the differential diagnosis of fetal intracranial tumors will remain difficult and in most cases the diagnosis will be made postnatally.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nObstetricians often encounter the diagnostic dilemma presented by abnormal fetal head growth. ", "Although the developmental outcome in most cases is good, a maximal effort should be made to reduce the chances of misdiagnosis of one of the multiple syndromes that can present with fetal microcephaly or macrocephaly.", "\n" ]
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[ "Entity Framework 4 “Code-First”: Custom Database Schema Mapping Friday, July 23, 2010\n\nLast week I blogged about the new Entity Framework 4 “code first” development option. ", "The EF “code-first” option enables a pretty sweet code-centric development workflow for working with data. ", "It enables you to:\n\nDevelop without ever having to open a designer or define an XML mapping file\n\nDefine model objects by simply writing “plain old classes” with no base classes required\n\nUse a “convention over configuration” approach that enables database persistence without explicitly configuring anything\n\nIn last week’s blog post I demonstrated how to use the default EF4 mapping conventions to enable database persistence. ", "These default conventions work very well for new applications, and enable you to avoid having to explicitly configure anything in order to map classes to/from a database.", "\n\nIn today’s blog post I’m going to discuss how you can override the default persistence mapping rules, and use whatever custom database schema you want. ", "This is particularly useful for scenarios involving existing databases (whose schema is already defined and potentially can’t be changed) as well as for scenarios where you want your model shape to be different than how you want to persist it within a relational database.", "\n\nQuick Recap of our NerdDinner Sample\n\nIn my blog post last week I walked through building a simple “NerdDinner” application from scratch, and demonstrated the productivity gains EF “code first” delivers when working with data.", "\n\nBelow are the two model classes we created to represent data within the application. ", "They are “plain old CLR objects” (aka “POCO”) that only expose standard .NET data types:\n\nWe then created a “NerdDinners” class to help map these classes to/from a database. “", "NerdDinners” derives from the DbContext class provided by the EF “code first” library and exposes two public properties:\n\nWe used the default EF4 “code first” conventions to enable database persistence. ", "This means that the “Dinners” and “RSVPs” properties on our “NerdDinners” class map to tables with the same names within our database. ", "Each property on our “Dinner” and “RSVP” model classes in turn map to columns within the “Dinners” and “RSVPs” tables.", "\n\nBelow is the database schema definition for the “Dinners” table within our database:\n\nBelow is the database schema definition for the “RSVPs” table within our database:\n\nWe did not have to configure anything in order to get this database persistence mapping with EF4 “code first” – this occurs by default simply by writing the above three classes. ", "No extra configuration is required.", "\n\nEnabling Custom Database Persistence Mappings with EF4\n\nEF4 “Code First” enables you to optionally override its default database persistence mapping rules, and configure alternative ways to map your classes to a database.", "\n\nThere are a few ways to enable this. ", "One of the easiest approaches is to override the “OnModelCreating” method defined on the DbContext base class:\n\nThe OnModelCreating method above will be called the first time our NerdDinners class is used within a running application, and it is passed a “ModelBuilder” object as an argument. ", "The ModelBuilder object can be used to customize the database persistence mapping rules of our model objects. ", "We’ll look at some examples of how to do this below.", "\n\nEF only calls the “OnModelCreating” method once within a running application – and then automatically caches the ModelBuilder results. ", "This avoids the performance hit of model creation each time a NerdDinners class is instantiated, and means that you don’t have to write any custom caching logic to get great performance within your applications.", "\n\nScenario 1: Customize a Table Name\n\nLet’s now look at a few ways we can use the OnModelCreating method to customize the database persistence of our models. ", "We will begin by looking at a pretty common scenario – where we want to map a model class to a database schema whose table names are different than the classes we want to map them to.", "\n\nFor example, let’s assume our database uses a pattern where a “tbl” prefix is appended to the table names. ", "And so instead of a “Dinners” table we have a “tblDinners” table in the database:\n\nWe want to still map our clean “Dinners” model class to this “tblDinners” table – and do so without having to decorate it with any data persistence attributes:\n\nWe can achieve this custom persistence mapping by overriding the “OnModelCreating” method within our NerdDinners context class, and specify a custom mapping rule within it like so:\n\nThe code within our OnModelCreating() method above uses a Fluent API design – which is a style of API design that employs method chaining to create more fluid and readable code. ", "We are using the ModelBuilder object to indicate that we want to map the “Dinner” class to the “tblDinners” table.", "\n\nAnd that is all the code we need to write. ", "Now our application will use the “tblDinners” table instead of the “Dinners” table anytime it queries or saves Dinner objects. ", "We did not have to update our Dinner or RSVP model classes at all to achieve this – they will continue to be pure POCO objects with no persistence knowledge.", "\n\nTrying out the Above Change\n\nIf you downloaded the completed NerdDinner sample from my previous blog post, you can modify it to include the above custom OnModelCreating() method and then re-run it to see the custom database persistence in action.", "\n\nWe enabled the automatic database creation/recreation feature within EF “code-only” with the previous blog post. ", "This means that when you re-run the downloaded NerdDinner application immediately after making the above OnModelCreating() code change, you’ll notice that the SQL CE database is updated to have a “tblDinners” table instead of a “Dinners” table. ", "This is because EF detected that our model structure changed, and so re-created the database to match our model structure. ", "It honored our custom OnModelCreating() mapping rule when it updated it – which is why the table is now “tblDinners” instead of “Dinners”.", "\n\nSeveral people asked me at the end of my first blog post whether there was a way to avoid having EF auto-create the database for you. ", "I apparently didn’t make it clear enough that the auto-database creation/recreation support is an option you must enable (and doesn’t always happen). ", "You can always explicitly create your database however you want (using code, .sql deployment script, a SQL admin tool, etc) and just point your connection string at it – in which case EF won’t ever modify or create database schema. ", "I showed the auto-database creation feature in the first blog post mostly because I find it a useful feature to take advantage of in the early stages of a new project. ", "It is definitely not required, and many people will choose to never use it.", "\n\nImportantly we did not have to change any of the code within the Controllers or Views of our ASP.NET MVC application. ", "Because our “Dinner” class did not change they were completely unaffected by the database persistence change.", "\n\nScenario 2: Customize Column/Property Mappings\n\nLet’s now look at another common scenario – one where we want to map a model class to a database schema whose table and column names are different than the classes and properties we want to map them to.", "\n\nFor example, let’s assume our “tblDinners” database table contains columns that are prefixed with “col” – and whose names are also all different than our Dinner class:\n\nWe still want to map our clean “Dinners” model class to this “tblDinners” table – and do so without having to decorate it with any data persistence attributes:\n\nWe can achieve this custom persistence by updating our “OnModelCreating” method to have a slightly richer mapping rule like so:\n\nThe above code uses the same .MapSingleType() and .ToTable() fluent method calls that we used in the previous scenario. ", "The difference is that we are also now specifying some additional column mapping rules to the MapSingleType() method. ", "We are doing this by passing an anonymous object that associates our table column names with the properties on our Dinner class.", "\n\nThe dinner parameter we are specifying with the lambda expression is strongly-typed – which means you get intellisense and compile-time checking for the “dinner.” ", "properties within the VS code editor. ", "You also get refactoring support within Visual Studio – which means that anytime you rename one of the properties on the Dinner class - you can use Visual Studio’s refactoring support to automatically update your mapping rules within the above context menu (no manual code steps required).", "\n\nScenario 3: Splitting a Table Across Multiple Types\n\nRelational tables within a database are often structured differently than how you want to design your object-oriented model classes. ", "What might be persisted as one large table within a database is sometimes best expressed across multiple related classes from a pure object-oriented perspective – and often you want the ability to split or shred tables across multiple objects related to a single entity.", "\n\nFor example, instead of a single “colAddr” column for our address, let’s assume our “tblDinners” database table uses multiple columns to represent the “address” of our event:\n\nRather than surface these address columns as 4 separate properties on our “Dinner” model class, we might instead want to encapsulate them within an “Address” class and have our “Dinner” class exposes it as a property like so:\n\nNotice above how we’ve simply defined an “Address” class that has 4 public properties, and the “Dinner” class references it simply by exposing a public “Address” property. ", "Our model classes are pure POCO with no persistence knowledge.", "\n\nWe can update our “OnModelCreating” method to support a mapping of this hierarchical class structure to a single table in the database using a rule like so:\n\nNotice how we are using the same mapping approach we used in the previous example – where we map table column names to strongly-typed properties on our model object. ", "We are simply extending this approach to support complex sub-properties as well. ", "The only new concept above is that we are also calling modelBuilder.", "ComplexType<Address>() to register our Address as a type that we can use within mapping expressions.", "\n\nAnd that is all we have to write to enable table shredding across multiple objects.", "\n\nDownload an Updated NerdDinner Sample with Custom Database Persistence Rules\n\nYou can download an updated version of the NerdDinner sample here. ", "It requires VS 2010 (or the free Visual Web Developer 2010 Express).", "\n\nYou must download and install SQL CE 4 on your machine for the above sample to work. ", "You can download the EF Code-First library here. ", "Neither of these downloads will impact your machine.", "\n\nSummary\n\nThe CTP4 release of the “EF Code-First” functionality provides a pretty nice code-centric way to work with data. ", "It brings with it a lot of productivity, as well as a lot of power. ", "Hopefully these two blog posts provides a glimpse of some of the possibilities it provides.", "\n\nYou can download the CTP4 release of EF Code-First here. ", "To learn even more about “EF Code-First” check out these blog posts by the ADO.NET team:\n\nHope this helps,\n\nScott\n\nP.S. In addition to blogging, I am also now using Twitter for quick updates and to share links. ", "Follow me at: twitter.com/scottgu" ]
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[ "//\n// RestrictionMangerUtilsTestAppViewController.m\n// RestrictionMangerUtilsTestApp\n//\n// Created by Syam Sasidharan on 6/18/12.", "\n// Copyright __MyCompanyName__ 2012. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n//\n\n#import \"RestrictionMangerUtilsTestAppViewController.h\"\n#import \"RestrictionCriteriaChecker.h\"\n#import \"SyncTime.h\"\n#import \"SyncTimeUtils.h\"\n#import \"BlockEvent.h\"\n#import \"CD.h\"\n#import \"CDCriteria.h\"\n\n@interface RestrictionMangerUtilsTestAppViewController (private)\n- (void) testRestrictionManagerUtils;\n- (void) testSyncTime;\n- (void) testOthers;\n@end\n\n\n@implementation RestrictionMangerUtilsTestAppViewController\n\n\n/*\n// The designated initializer. ", "Override to perform setup that is required before the view is loaded.", "\n- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {\n if ((self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil])) {\n // Custom initialization\n }\n return self;\n}\n*/\n\n/*\n// Implement loadView to create a view hierarchy programmatically, without using a nib.", "\n- (void)loadView {\n}\n*/\n\n- (void)testRestrictionManagerUtils {\n //CDCriteria\n //Daily => Multiplier\n //Weekly => Multiplier & Days of week\n //Monthly => Nultiplier & Day of month\n //Yearly => Multiplier & Day of month & Month of year\n\t\n\t[self testSyncTime];\n}\n\n\n\n- (void) testSyncTime {\n\t/*\n SyncTime *syncTime = [[[SyncTime alloc] init] autorelease];\n\t//2012-06-12 08:16:18 +0000\n\t[syncTime setMTime:@\"2012-06-12 09:49:18\"]; // Server time\n\t//[syncTime setMTimeZone:@\"-00:45\"];\n\t//[syncTime setMTimeZone:@\"Asia/Bangkok\"];\n\t[syncTime setMTimeZone:@\"Asia/Kolkata\"];\n\t[syncTime setMTimeZoneRep:1];\n\tNSLog (@\"New server time after sync = %@\", syncTime);\n\tsyncTime = [SyncTimeUtils clientSyncTime:syncTime];\n\tNSLog (@\"New client time after sync = %@\", syncTime);\n\t\n\tNSLog (@\"Sync time now = %@\", [SyncTimeUtils now]);\n\t */\t\n\t\n\tSyncTime *syncTime = [[[SyncTime alloc] init] autorelease];\n\t//2012-06-12 08:16:18 +0000\n\t[syncTime setMTime:@\"2012-06-12 09:49:18\"];\t\t\t\t\t// Server time\n\t[syncTime setMTimeZone:@\"Asia/Kolkata\"];\t\t\t\t\t// +05:30\n\t[syncTime setMTimeZoneRep:1];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// 1 --> kRepTimeZoneRegional\n\tNSLog (@\"server time (Asia/Kolkata) = %@\", syncTime);\n\tsyncTime = [SyncTimeUtils clientSyncTime:syncTime];\n\tNSLog (@\"client time = %@\", syncTime);\n\tNSLog(@\"--------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[syncTime setMTime:@\"2012-06-12 09:49:18\"];\t\t\t\n\t[syncTime setMTimeZone:@\"Pacific/Auckland\"];\t\t\t\t// +12\n\tNSLog (@\"server time (Pacific/Auckland) = %@\", syncTime);\n\tsyncTime = [SyncTimeUtils clientSyncTime:syncTime];\n\tNSLog (@\"client time = %@\", syncTime);\t\t\t\t\t\t// 2012-06-12 09:49:18\n\tNSLog(@\"--------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[syncTime setMTime:@\"2012-06-12 01:10:08\"];\t\t\t\n\t[syncTime setMTimeZone:@\"Pacific/Auckland\"];\t\t\t\t// +12\n\tNSLog (@\"server time (Pacific/Auckland) = %@\", syncTime);\n\tsyncTime = [SyncTimeUtils clientSyncTime:syncTime];\n\tNSLog (@\"client time = %@\", syncTime);\t\t\t\t\t\t// 2012-06-11 20:10:08\n\tNSLog(@\"--------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[syncTime setMTime:@\"2012-06-12 01:10:08\"];\t\t\t\n\t[syncTime setMTimeZone:@\"+12:00\"];\t\t\t\t// +12\n\tNSLog (@\"server time (Pacific/Auckland) = %@\", syncTime);\n\t[syncTime setMTimeZoneRep:kRepTimeZoneTimeSpan];\t\t\t// 2 --> kRepTimeZoneTimeSpan\n\tsyncTime = [SyncTimeUtils clientSyncTime:syncTime];\n\tNSLog (@\"client time = %@\", syncTime);\t\t\t\t\t\t// 2012-06-11 20:10:08\n\tNSLog(@\"--------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n}\n\n- (void) testStartEnd: (BlockEvent *) event \n\t\t dateFormatter: (NSDateFormatter *) dated \n\t\t\t\t\tcd: (CD *) notInRangeCommunicationDirective \n\t\t\t checker: (RestrictionCriteriaChecker *) restrictionChecker{\n\t// case 1: current is before start \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2011-06-17 10:00:00\"]];\t\t// BEFORE start date\t\t\n\t[restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\n\t\n\t\n\t// case 2: current is after end\t\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t// AFTER start date\t\t\n\t[restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\t\n\t// case 3: current is in the range\t\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-06-18 10:00:00\"]];\t\t// AFTER start date\t\t\n\t[restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n}\n\n\n\n- (void) testDirection: (BlockEvent *) event \n\t\tdateFormatter: (NSDateFormatter *) dated \n\t\t\t\t cd: (CD *) notInRangeCommunicationDirective \n\t\t\t checker: (RestrictionCriteriaChecker *) restrictionChecker {\n\t// case 4: current is in the range + direction match\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMEndDate:@\"2012-07-20\"];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMRecurrence:kRecurrenceDaily];\n\t\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-06-18 10:00:00\"]];\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\t\n\tBOOL isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!!\");", "\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionOut];\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!!\");", "\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n // case 5: current is in the range + direction does NOT match (IN)\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionIN];\t\t// block in only\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionOut];\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!!\");", "\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n // case 6: current is in the range + direction does NOT match (OUT)\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionOUT];\t\t// block out only\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!!\");", "\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n}\n\n\n- (void) testEventType: (BlockEvent *) event \n\t\tdateFormatter: (NSDateFormatter *) dated \n\t\t\t\t cd: (CD *) notInRangeCommunicationDirective \n\t\t\t checker: (RestrictionCriteriaChecker *) restrictionChecker{\n\t// case 7: event type match \n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\t\t// block all direction\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\t[event setMType:kCallEvent];\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:1];\t// block call event only\n\tBOOL isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!!\");", "\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t// case 8: event type does NOT match \t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\t\t// block all direction\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\t[event setMType:kMMSEvent];\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:1];\t// block call event only\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!!\");", "\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n}\n\n\n- (void) testDailyRecurrence: (BlockEvent *) event \n\t\t\t dateFormatter: (NSDateFormatter *) dated \n\t\t\t\t\t\t cd: (CD *) notInRangeCommunicationDirective \n\t\t\t\t\t checker: (RestrictionCriteriaChecker *) restrictionChecker\n\t\t\t\t\tcriteria: (CDCriteria *) criteria {\n\t[event setMType:kCallEvent];\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:31];\n\t\n\tNSLog(@\"==============\tRecurrence Daily TESTING: multipiler ==============\");\n\t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMEndDate:@\"2012-07-20\"];\t\n\t\n\t// case 9: multiplier is 0, TODAY = START_DATE\n\t[criteria setMMultiplier:0];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-06-18\"];\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-06-18 10:00:00\"]]; \t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:criteria];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\t\t// block all direction\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\tBOOL isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "d1\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t// case 10: multiplier is 0, TODAY !", "= START_DATE\n\t[criteria setMMultiplier:0];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-06-18\"];\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-06-19 10:00:00\"]]; \t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:criteria];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\t\t// block all direction\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "d2\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t// case 11: multiplier is 1\t\n\t[criteria setMMultiplier:1];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-06-01\"];\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-06-02 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// one day after start date\t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:criteria];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\t\t// block all direction\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "d3\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t// case 12: multiplier is 2, UNBLOCK (recurrent: 01, 03, 05, 07, ....) \n\t[criteria setMMultiplier:2];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-06-01\"];\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-06-02 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// 1 day after start date, so should not block\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:criteria];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\t\t// block all direction\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "d4\");\n\t\n\t// case 13: multiplier is 2, BLOCK (recurrent: 01, 03, 05, 07, ....)\n\t[criteria setMMultiplier:2];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-06-01\"];\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-06-03 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// 2 days after start date, so should not block\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:criteria];\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\t\t// block all direction\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:notInRangeCommunicationDirective];\t\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "d5\");\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n}\n\n\n- (void) testWeeklyRecurrence: (BlockEvent *) event \n\t\t\t\tdateFormatter: (NSDateFormatter *) dated \n\t\t\t\t\t checker: (RestrictionCriteriaChecker *) restrictionChecker {\n\tCD *weeklyCommunicationDirective = [[CD alloc] init];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMAction:kCDActionDisAllow];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:31];\n \n CDCriteria *weeklyCriteria = [[CDCriteria alloc] init];\n [weeklyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:18];\t\t// not used for weekly recurrence\n [weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:2];\t\t// MON\n [weeklyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:6];\t\t// not used for weekly recurrence\n [weeklyCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n \n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\n\t\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMEndDate:@\"2013-07-20\"];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"16:00\"];\n\t\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"10:00\"];\n\t\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMRecurrence:kRecurrenceWeekly];\n \n [event setMContacts:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"Test\",nil]];\n [event setMData:nil];\n [event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-03 10:00:00\"]];\t\t// today: Tuesday\n [event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n [event setMParticipants:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"0826478302\",nil]];\n [event setMTelephoneNumber:@\"0826478302\"];\n [event setMType:kCallEvent];\n \n\t// case 14: day of week doesn't match\n BOOL isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w1\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t// case 15: day of week match + modular = 1\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:1];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// SUN\t\tnote that day of week is bitwise\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-08 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: next Sunday\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w2\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:4];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// TUE\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-10 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: next Tuesday\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w3\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:7];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Sun, Mon, Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\t\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-10 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: next Tuesday\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w4\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:5];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Sun, Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-17 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: next 2 Tuesday\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w5\");\t\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t\n\t// case 16: day of week match + multiplier = 0\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:1];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// SUN\t\tnote that day of week is bitwise\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-08 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: next Sunday\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w6\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:4];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// TUE\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-03 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: this Tuesday\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w7\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:4];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// TUE\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-10 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: next Tuesday\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w8\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:7];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Sun, Mon, Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\t\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-10 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: next Tuesday\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w9\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:5];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Sun, Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-17 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: next 2 Tuesday\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w10\");\t\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t\n\t// case 17: day of week match + multiplier = 2 (week 1 (03/07), week 3(17/7), week 5(31/7), week 6(7/8), week 7(14/8))\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:4];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// TUE\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-03 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: week 1\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w11\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:4];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\t\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-10 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: week 2\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w12\");\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\t\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:5];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Sun, Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-17 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: week 3\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w13 \");\t\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\t\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:5];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Sun, Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-24 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: next week 4\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w14\");\t\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\t\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:5];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Sun, Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-31 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: week 5\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w15\");\t\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\t\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:5];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Sun, Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-07 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: week 6\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w16\");\t\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\t\t\n\t[weeklyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:5];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Sun, Tue\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:weeklyCriteria];\n [weeklyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-07-01\"];\t\t\t// start date: Sunday \n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-14 11:30:00\"]];\t\t// today: week 7\n\tisBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:weeklyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "w17\");\t\n\tNSLog(@\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\");\n\t\n\t[weeklyCommunicationDirective release];\n\t[weeklyCriteria release];\n}\n\t\n\n\n- (void) testMonthlyRecurrence: (BlockEvent *) event \n\t\t\t\tdateFormatter: (NSDateFormatter *) dated \n\t\t\t\t\t checker: (RestrictionCriteriaChecker *) restrictionChecker {\n\tCD *monthlyCommunicationDirective = [[CD alloc] init];\n [monthlyCommunicationDirective setMAction:kCDActionDisAllow];\n [monthlyCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:31];\n \n CDCriteria *monthlyCriteria = [[CDCriteria alloc] init];\n [monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n [monthlyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:0];\t\t\t// not used for weekly recurrence\n [monthlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:6];\t\t// not used for weekly recurrence\n [monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\n \n [monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n [monthlyCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\n [monthlyCommunicationDirective setMEndDate:@\"2013-06-20\"];\n [monthlyCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"16:00\"];\n\t\n [monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t// start date: month 5 date 18\n [monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"08:30\"];\t\t\t\t\n [monthlyCommunicationDirective setMRecurrence:kRecurrenceMonthly];\n\t\n [event setMContacts:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"Test\",nil]];\n [event setMData:nil];\n [event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today: month 8\tdate 20\n [event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n [event setMParticipants:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"0826478302\",nil]];\n [event setMTelephoneNumber:@\"0826478302\"];\n [event setMType:kCallEvent];\n\t\n\t// case 18: (day of month match) + (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is in this month)\n\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t// start date:\tmonth 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\tmonth 8\tdate 20\n BOOL isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:monthlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "debug 6\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 19: (day of month match) + (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is NOT in this month)\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:31];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-01-18\"];\t\t\t// start date:\tmonth 1 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-02-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\tmonth 8\tdate 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:monthlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "debug 7\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 20: (day of month match) + (multiplier = 0) + not first recurrence\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t// start date:\tmonth 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\tmonth 8\tdate 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:monthlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "debug 8\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 21: (day of month match) + (multiplier = 0) + not first recurrence\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t// start date:\tmonth 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\tmonth 7\tdate 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:monthlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "debug 9\");\t\n\t\n\t\n\t// case 22: (day of month match) + (multiplier = 0) + (criterial is in this month and not passed) + first recurrence\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t// start date:\tmonth 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-05-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\tmonth 5\tdate 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:monthlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "1\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 23: (day of month match) + (multiplier = 0) + (criterial is in this month and not passed) + NOT first recurrence\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t// start date:\tmonth 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-06-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\tmonth 6\tdate 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:monthlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "2\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 24: (day of month match) + (multiplier = 0) + (criterial is today) + first recurrence\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:3];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t// start date:\tmonth 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-06-03 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\tmonth 6\tdate 3\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:monthlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "3\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 25: (day of month match) + (multiplier = 0) + (criteria is today) + not first recurrence\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:3];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t// start date:\tmonth 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-07-03 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\tmonth 7\tdate 3\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:monthlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "4\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 26: (day of month match) + (multiplier = 0) + (criterial is in this month and passed)\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[monthlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:3];\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:monthlyCriteria];\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t// start date:\tmonth 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-05-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\tmonth 5\tdate 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:monthlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "5\");\t\n\t\n\t[monthlyCommunicationDirective release];\n\t[monthlyCriteria release];\n}\n\n- (void) testYearlyRecurrence: (BlockEvent *) event \n\t\t\t\tdateFormatter: (NSDateFormatter *) dated \n\t\t\t\t\t checker: (RestrictionCriteriaChecker *) restrictionChecker {\n\t\n CD *yearlyCommunicationDirective = [[CD alloc] init];\n [yearlyCommunicationDirective setMAction:kCDActionDisAllow];\n [yearlyCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:31];\n \n CDCriteria *yearlyCriteria = [[CDCriteria alloc] init];\n [yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:18];\n [yearlyCriteria setMDayOfWeek:0];\n [yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:6];\n [yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\n\t\n [yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n [yearlyCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\n [yearlyCommunicationDirective setMEndDate:@\"2020-06-20\"];\n [yearlyCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"20:00\"];\n\t\n [yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2010-06-12\"];\n [yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:00\"];\n [yearlyCommunicationDirective setMRecurrence:kRecurrenceYearly];\n \n [event setMContacts:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"Test\",nil]];\n [event setMData:nil];\n [event setMDate:[NSDate date]];\n [event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n [event setMParticipants:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"0826478302\",nil]];\n [event setMTelephoneNumber:@\"0826478302\"];\n [event setMType:kCallEvent];\n \n \n\t// case 27: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is in this month)\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-20 10:04:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2012 month 8\tdate 20\n BOOL isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y1\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 28: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is in this month)\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2013-08-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2013 month 8\tdate 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y2\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 29: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 2) + (criterial is in this month) (block 2012, 2014, 2016)\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2012 month 8 date 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y3\");\t\n\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2013-08-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2013 month 8\tdate 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y4\");\t\n\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:2];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2014 month 8 date 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y5\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 30: (month of year match) + (day of month NOT match)+ (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is in this month) (block 2012, 2014, 2016)\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2012 month 8 date 20\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y6\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 31: (month of year match) + (day of month match)+ (multiplier = 0) + (today = start) + first occurence\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:21];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-08-21\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 8 date 21\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2012 month 8 date 21\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y7\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 32: (month of year match) + (day of month match)+ (multiplier = 0) + (today > start) + first occurence\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:21];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2012 month 8 date 21\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y8\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 33: (month of year match) + (day of month match)+ (multiplier = 0) + (today < start) + + first occurence\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:21];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-09-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2013-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2013 month 8 date 21\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y9\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 34: (month of year match) + (day of month match)+ (multiplier = 0) + (today = start, diff year) + NOT first occurence\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:21];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-08-21\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 8 date 21\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2013-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2013 month 8 date 21\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y10\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 35: (month of year match) + (day of month match)+ (multiplier = 0) + (today = start, diff year) + NOT first occurence\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:21];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-08-21\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 8 date 21\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2014 month 8 date 21\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y11\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 36: (month of year match) + (day of month match)+ (multiplier = 0) + (today > start, diff year) + NOT first occurence\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:21];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2013-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2013 month 8 date 21\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y12\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 37: (month of year match) + (day of month match)+ (multiplier = 0) + (today > start, diff year) + NOT first occurence\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:21];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-05-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2014 month 8 date 21\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y13\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 38: (month of year match) + (day of month match)+ (multiplier = 0) + (today < start, this year) + NOT first occurence\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:21];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-09-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2012-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2012 month 8 date 21\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y14\");\t\n\t\n\t// case 39: (month of year match) + (day of month match)+ (multiplier = 0) + (today < start, next two year) + NOT first occurence\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMultiplier:0];\t\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMDayOfMonth:21];\t\n\t[yearlyCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:yearlyCriteria];\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2012-09-18\"];\t\t\t\t// start date:\t2012 month 5 date 18\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-21 10:00:00\"]];\t\t\t// today:\t\t2014 month 8 date 21\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:yearlyCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "y15\");\t\n\t\n\t[yearlyCommunicationDirective release];\n\t[yearlyCriteria release];\t\n}\n\n// 71 test cases for test \"checkBlockEvent:usingCommunicationDirective:\" method in RestrictionCriteriaChecker\n- (void) testOthers {\n\tSyncTime *serverSyncTime = [[[SyncTime alloc] init] autorelease];\n\t//2012-06-12 08:16:18 +0000\n\t[serverSyncTime setMTime:@\"2012-06-12 09:49:18\"];\t// Server time\n\t//[serverSyncTime setMTimeZone:@\"-00:45\"];\n\t//[serverSyncTime setMTimeZone:@\"Asia/Bangkok\"];\n\t[serverSyncTime setMTimeZone:@\"Asia/Kolkata\"];\t\t// GMT+05:30\n\t/* \n\t mTimeZoneRep\n\t kRepTimeZoneRegional\t= 1,\n\t kRepTimeZoneTimeSpan\t= 2\n\t */\n\t[serverSyncTime setMTimeZoneRep:1];\n\tNSLog (@\"syncTime (Before convert) = %@\", serverSyncTime);\n\tSyncTime *syncTime = [SyncTimeUtils clientSyncTime:serverSyncTime];\t\n\t\n\tNSLog (@\"syncTime (After convert) %@\", syncTime);\n\tRestrictionCriteriaChecker *restrictionChecker = [[RestrictionCriteriaChecker alloc] initWithSyncTime:serverSyncTime];\n\t\n\tNSDateFormatter *dated = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];\n\t[dated setDateFormat:@\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\"];\n\t\n\t// -- initialize CD \n\t/*\n\t kCDBlockCall\t= 1,\n\t kCDBlockSMS\t= kCDBlockCall << 1,\n\t kCDBlockMMS\t= kCDBlockCall << 2,\n\t kCDBlockEmail\t= kCDBlockCall << 3,\n\t kCDBlockIM\t\t= kCDBlockCall << 4\n\t */\n\tCD *notInRangeCommunicationDirective = [[CD alloc] init];\n [notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMAction:kCDActionDisAllow];\n //[dailyCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:65];\n [notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:31]; // block all 11111 \n\t\n\t// -- initialize CDCriteria \t\n\tCDCriteria *criteria = [[CDCriteria alloc] init];\n [criteria setMDayOfMonth:0];\t\t// not used for daily recurrence\n [criteria setMDayOfWeek:0];\t\t\t// not used for daily recurrence\n [criteria setMMonthOfYear:0];\t\t// not used for daily recurrence\n [criteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:criteria];\t\t\t\t// Criteria\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\t\t// Direction\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2011-06-18\"];\t\t\t// Start\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:00\"];\t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMEndDate:@\"2012-07-20\"];\t\t\t// End\t(yyyy-mm-dd)\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"16:00\"];\t\t\t\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective setMRecurrence:kRecurrenceWeekly];\t// Recurrent\n\t\n\tBlockEvent *event = [[BlockEvent alloc] init];\n\t[event setMContacts:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"Test\",nil]];\n\t[event setMData:nil];\n\t\n\t[event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n\t[event setMParticipants:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"0826478302\",nil]];\n\t[event setMTelephoneNumber:@\"0826478302\"];\n\t[event setMType:kCallEvent];\n\t\n\tBOOL isBlock;\n\n\t\n#pragma mark 1) START/END TESTING\n\t\n \n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n \tNSLog(@\"*************************\tSTART/END TESTING\t************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\t\n//\t[self testStartEnd:event\n//\t\t dateFormatter:dated\n//\t\t\t\t\tcd:notInRangeCommunicationDirective \n//\t\t\t checker:restrictionChecker];\n\t\n#pragma mark 2) DIRECTION TESTING\n\t\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"*************************\tDIRECTION TESTING\t************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n//\t\n//\t[self testDirection:event\n//\t\t dateFormatter:dated \n//\t\t\t\t\t cd:notInRangeCommunicationDirective \n//\t\t\t\tchecker:restrictionChecker];\n\n#pragma mark 3) EVENT TYPE TESTING\n\t\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"*************************\tEVENT TYPE TESTING\t************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\t\n//\t[self testEventType:event\n//\t\t dateFormatter:dated\n//\t\t\t\t\t cd:notInRangeCommunicationDirective\n//\t\t\t\tchecker:restrictionChecker];\n\t\n\n#pragma mark 4) Recurrence Daily TESTING\n\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"*************************\tRecurrence Daily TESTING\t****************************\");\n NSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\t\n//\t[self testDailyRecurrence:event \n//\t\t\t\tdateFormatter:dated \n//\t\t\t\t\t\t cd:notInRangeCommunicationDirective\n//\t\t\t\t\t checker:restrictionChecker\n//\t\t\t\t\t criteria:criteria];\n\t\t\t\n \n#pragma mark 5) Recurrence Weekly TESTING\n\t\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"*************************\tRecurrence Weekly TESTING\t****************************\");\n NSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\t\n//\t[self testWeeklyRecurrence:event dateFormatter:dated checker:restrictionChecker];\n\t\n\t\n#pragma mark 6) Recurrence Monthly TESTING\n\t\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"*************************\tRecurrence Monthly TESTING\t****************************\");\n NSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\n//\t[self testMonthlyRecurrence:event dateFormatter:dated checker:restrictionChecker];\n\t\t\n\n#pragma mark 7) Recurrence Yearly TESTING\n\t\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"*************************\tRecurrence Yearly TESTING\t****************************\");\n NSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n//\t[self testYearlyRecurrence:event dateFormatter:dated checker:restrictionChecker];\n\t\n\t\n#pragma mark 8) Time TESTING\n\t\n\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"*************************\tTime TESTING\t****************************\");\n NSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n\t\n\t\n CD *timeCommunicationDirective = [[CD alloc] init];\n [timeCommunicationDirective setMAction:kCDActionDisAllow];\n [timeCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:31];\n \n CDCriteria *timeCriteria = [[CDCriteria alloc] init];\n [timeCriteria setMDayOfWeek:0];\n [timeCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\n\t[timeCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n\t[timeCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t\n [timeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:timeCriteria];\n [timeCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\n [timeCommunicationDirective setMEndDate:@\"2020-06-20\"];\n [timeCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"20:00\"];\t\n [timeCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2010-06-12\"];\n [timeCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:00\"];\n [timeCommunicationDirective setMRecurrence:kRecurrenceYearly];\n \n [event setMContacts:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"Test\",nil]];\n [event setMData:nil];\n [event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n [event setMParticipants:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"0826478302\",nil]];\n [event setMTelephoneNumber:@\"0826478302\"];\n [event setMType:kCallEvent];\n \n//\t// case 40: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is in this month) + equal to start time\n//\t[timeCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:timeCriteria];\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [timeCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 2:40:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:timeCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "t1\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 41: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is in this month) + equal to end time\n//\t[timeCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\t\n//\t[timeCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n//\t[timeCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:timeCriteria];\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:00\"];\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [timeCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:01\"];\t\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 23:01:00\"]];\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:timeCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "t2\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 42: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is in this month) + before start time\n//\t[timeCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\t\n//\t[timeCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n//\t[timeCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:timeCriteria];\t\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"02:00\"];\n// [timeCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:01\"];\t\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 1:59:00\"]];\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:timeCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "t3\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 43: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is in this month) + after end time\n//\t[timeCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\t\n//\t[timeCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n//\t[timeCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:timeCriteria];\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:00\"]; // in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [timeCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t // in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 0:31:00\"]];\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:timeCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "t4\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 44: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (criterial is in this month) + within start and end time\n//\t[timeCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\t\n//\t[timeCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n//\t[timeCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:timeCriteria];\n//\t[timeCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:00\"];\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [timeCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 02:41:00\"]];\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:timeCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "t5\");\t\n//\t\n//\t\n//#pragma mark 9) Timezone TESTING\n//\tNSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n//\tNSLog(@\"*************************\tTimezone TESTING\t****************************\");\n// NSLog(@\"************************************************************************************\");\n//\t\n\tCD *tzCommunicationDirective = [[CD alloc] init];\n [tzCommunicationDirective setMAction:kCDActionDisAllow];\n [tzCommunicationDirective setMBlockEvents:31];\n \n CDCriteria *tzCriteria = [[CDCriteria alloc] init];\n [tzCriteria setMDayOfWeek:0];\n [tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\n\t[tzCriteria setMDayOfMonth:20];\t\n\t[tzCriteria setMMonthOfYear:8];\n\t\n [tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n [tzCommunicationDirective setMDirection:kCDDirectionALL];\n\t\n\t// start\n\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartDate:@\"2010-06-12\"];\n [tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:00\"];\n\t// end\n [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndDate:@\"2020-06-20\"];\n [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\n\t\t\n [tzCommunicationDirective setMRecurrence:kRecurrenceDaily];\n \n [event setMContacts:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"Test\",nil]];\n [event setMData:nil];\n [event setMDirection:kBlockEventDirectionIn];\n [event setMParticipants:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@\"0826478302\",nil]];\n [event setMTelephoneNumber:@\"0826478302\"];\n [event setMType:kCallEvent];\n\t\n\tSyncTime *testedSyncTime = [[[SyncTime alloc] init] autorelease];\n\t//2012-06-12 08:16:18 +0000\n\t[testedSyncTime setMTime:@\"2012-06-12 09:49:18\"];\t\t\t\t\t// Server time\n\t//[testedSyncTime setMTimeZone:@\"Asia/Kolkata\"];\t\t\t\t\t// +05:30\n\t[testedSyncTime setMTimeZone:@\"+05:30\"];\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t[testedSyncTime setMTimeZoneRep:kRepTimeZoneTimeSpan];\t\t\t\t// 1 --> kRepTimeZoneRegional, 2 --> kRepTimeZoneTimeSpan\n\t//NSLog (@\"server time (Asia/Kolkata) = %@\", testedSyncTime);\n\t//testedSyncTime = [SyncTimeUtils clientSyncTime:testedSyncTime];\n\t//NSLog (@\"client time = %@\", testedSyncTime);\n\t\n\tRestrictionCriteriaChecker *restrictionChecker2 = [[RestrictionCriteriaChecker alloc] initWithSyncTime:testedSyncTime];\n\t\n\t/*\n\t Example case\n\t <-------> <----------------------------------------->\n\t 0.01 0.30 2.40\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t23.59\n\t */\n\t\n\t// case 45: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (discontinuous interval) + not match time \n\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 01:10:00\"]];\t\t// 1:10 is NOT in blocked period\t\n isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz1\");\t\n\t\n//\t// case 46: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (discontinuous interval) + match end interval\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 05:10:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz2 match end interval\" );\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 46: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (discontinuous interval) + match begin interval\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 00:10:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz3 match begin interval\");\n//\t\n//\t// case 47: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (discontinuous interval) + begin interval [0.01]\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 00:01:00\"]];\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz4 begin interval [0.01]\");\n//\t\n//\t// case 48: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (discontinuous interval) + end interval [23.59]\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 23:59:00\"]];\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz5\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 49: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (discontinuous interval) + begin interval [criteria end]\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 00:30:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz6\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 50: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (discontinuous interval) + end interval [criteria start]\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 02:40:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz7\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 51: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (discontinuous interval) + not match\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 00:31:00\"]];\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz8\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 52: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (discontinuous interval) + not match\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"23:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 0:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 02:39:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz9\");\t\n//\t\n//\t\n//\t/*\n//\t Example case\n//\t <----------------------------------------->\n//\t\t0.01 2.40\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t21:30 23.59\n//\t */\n//\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 53: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (continuous interval) + not match\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"20:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 21:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 02:39:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz10\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 54: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (continuous interval) + not match\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"20:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 21:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 21:31:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz11\");\t\n//\t\n//\t// case 55: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (continuous interval) + match (match start)\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"20:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 21:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 2:40:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz12\");\n//\t\n//\t// case 56: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (continuous interval) + match (match end)\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"20:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 21:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 21:30:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz13\");\n//\t\n//\t// case 57: (day of month/year match) + (multiplier = 1) + (continuous interval) + match (match end)\n//\t[tzCriteria setMMultiplier:1];\t\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMCDCriteria:tzCriteria];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective setMStartTime:@\"01:10\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 2.40 in client time zone\n// [tzCommunicationDirective setMEndTime:@\"20:00\"];\t\t// in server timezone --> 21:30 in client time zone\n//\t[event setMDate:[dated dateFromString:@\"2014-08-20 2:41:00\"]];\t\t\t\n// isBlock = [restrictionChecker2 checkBlockEvent:event usingCommunicationDirective:tzCommunicationDirective];\n//\tif (!", "isBlock) NSLog(@\"!!!!!!!!!!! ", " FAIL\t\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!! ", "tz14\");\n\t\n#pragma mark Release\n\t\n\tNSLog(@\"Prepare to release...\");\n\t// ------ release variable ---------\n\t[notInRangeCommunicationDirective release];\n\t[timeCommunicationDirective release];\n//\t[tzCommunicationDirective release];\n\t\n\t[event release];\n\t\n\t[criteria release];\n\t[timeCriteria release];\n//\t[tzCriteria release];\n\t\n\t[dated release];\n\t\n\t[restrictionChecker release];\n//\t[restrictionChecker2 release];\n\tNSLog(@\"Done Release\");\n\t// ---------------------------------\n\n}\n\n// Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.", "\n- (void) viewDidLoad {\n// UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@\"TestApp\" \n// message:@\"Please turn on the log to see the results Command+Shift+R\" \n// delegate:nil \n// cancelButtonTitle:@\"OK\" \n// otherButtonTitles:nil];\n// [alert show];\n// [alert release];\n //[self testRestrictionManagerUtils];\n\tNSLog(@\"knownTimeZoneNames %@\", [NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames]);\n\tNSLog(@\"abbreviationDictionary %@\", [NSTimeZone abbreviationDictionary]);\n\t[self testSyncTime];\n\tNSLog(@\"**************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"**************************\");\n\tNSLog(@\"**************************\");\n\t[self testOthers];\n\tNSString *date = @\"2112-08-10 24:00:00 +0000\";\n\tNSString *endOfDay\t\t\t= @\" 24:\";\n\tNSString *adjustedEndOfDay\t= @\" 00:\";\n\tBOOL isNotFound = NSEqualRanges([date rangeOfString:endOfDay], NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0));\n\tif (!", "isNotFound) {\n\t\tdate = [date stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:endOfDay \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t withString:adjustedEndOfDay\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t options:0 \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trange:NSMakeRange(10, 4)];\n\t\tNSLog (@\"Adjust end of day for server date to %@\", date);\n\t}\n\t\n [super viewDidLoad];\n}\n\n\n/*\n// Override to allow orientations other than the default portrait orientation.", "\n- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {\n // Return YES for supported orientations\n return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);\n}\n*/\n\n\n#pragma mark -\n#pragma mark Syam's version \n// this code is moved to backup.m\n\n\n#pragma mark -\n\n- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {\n\t// Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.", "\n [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];\n\t\n\t// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.", "\n}\n\n- (void)viewDidUnload {\n\t// Release any retained subviews of the main view.", "\n\t// e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;\n}\n\n\n- (void)dealloc {\n [super dealloc];\n}\n\n@end\n" ]
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[ "Weightlifting at the 1970 Asian Games\n\nWeightlifting was contested from December 10 to December 17 at the 1970 Asian Games in Bangkok, Thailand. ", "The competition included only men's events for eight different weight categories.", "\n\nMedalists\n\nMedal table\n\nReferences\n Results\n\nExternal links\n Weightlifting Database\n\nCategory:1970 Asian Games events\n1970\nAsian Games\nAsian" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nManipulating multiple shopping cart rules in Magento\n\nI have previously asked how to manipulate shopping cart rules when I had difficulty with it last time in this article. ", "Now, I have added further conditions to my shopping cart rules.", "\nTo further explain, I have 2 shopping cart rules (get 5% off for every 5 items and get 10% off for every 10 items) and I have added 2 yes/no attributes corresponding to each shopping cart rule. ", "The basic idea's like this:\n\nShopping Cart Rule 1 = Yes/No Attribute 1\nShopping Cart Rule 2 = Yes/No Attribute 2\n\nIf the yes/no attribute is set to yes, then the corresponding shopping cart rule should apply. ", "The catch is, if I start mixing the cart rules, only the 5% discount applies properly. ", "So if I enabled rule 1 and rule 2, only rule 1 would work properly rule 2 works when I buy 10 items but if I buy more, the discount disappears.", "\nI'm not 100% certain if my conditions are right but here's the idea of how I've set it:\n\nCart Rule 1:\nApply cart rule if Yes/No 1 is Yes and Yes/No 2 is Yes and quantity >= 5 and quantity <= 9 or apply cart rule if Yes/No 1 is Yes and Yes/No 2 is No and quantity is >= 5\nCart Rule 2:\nApply cart rule if Yes/No 2 is Yes and quantity >= 10\n\nSo my question is, how can I mix the cart rules to work well with each other? ", "I'm planning to add more rules. ", "Please advice.", "\n\nA:\n\nI think in Cart rule 2 also , you should mention the condition like this : \nApply cart rule if Yes/No 1 is No and Yes/No 2 is Yes and quantity >=10 .", "\nI think this will work. ", "Just give a try.", "\nAlternatively, please have a look at this link :\nhttp://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/what-are-shopping-cart-price-rules-and-how-do-i-use-them \nOr you can make your work easy with the help of Magento's extension : MageTitan.", "\nHere's a link for that : \nhttp://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/magetitan-s-ultimate-cart-rules-7657.html\nThanks, \nSweet72\n\n" ]
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[ "// Copyright 2005, Google Inc.\n// All rights reserved.", "\n//\n// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are\n// met:\n//\n// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer\n// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n// distribution.", "\n// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its\n// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n// this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n//\n// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n// \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n\n// A sample program demonstrating using Google C++ testing framework.", "\n\n#ifndef GTEST_SAMPLES_SAMPLE2_H_\n#define GTEST_SAMPLES_SAMPLE2_H_\n\n#include <string.h>\n\n\n// A simple string class.", "\nclass MyString {\n private:\n const char* c_string_;\n const MyString& operator=(const MyString& rhs);\n\n public:\n // Clones a 0-terminated C string, allocating memory using new.", "\n static const char* CloneCString(const char* a_c_string);\n\n ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n //\n // C'tors\n\n // The default c'tor constructs a NULL string.", "\n MyString() : c_string_(NULL) {}\n\n // Constructs a MyString by cloning a 0-terminated C string.", "\n explicit MyString(const char* a_c_string) : c_string_(NULL) {\n Set(a_c_string);\n }\n\n // Copy c'tor\n MyString(const MyString& string) : c_string_(NULL) {\n Set(string.c_string_);\n }\n\n ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n //\n // D'tor. ", " MyString is intended to be a final class, so the d'tor\n // doesn't need to be virtual.", "\n ~MyString() { delete[] c_string_; }\n\n // Gets the 0-terminated C string this MyString object represents.", "\n const char* c_string() const { return c_string_; }\n\n size_t Length() const {\n return c_string_ == NULL ? ", "0 : strlen(c_string_);\n }\n\n // Sets the 0-terminated C string this MyString object represents.", "\n void Set(const char* c_string);\n};\n\n\n#endif // GTEST_SAMPLES_SAMPLE2_H_\n" ]
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[ "It all started with an email. ", "I was in my dressing room on August 8, 2009, taking off my makeup after a performance. ", "I’d been on tour for almost a year as one of three dancers in David Byrne’s show for the album Everything That Happens Will Happen Today, and my whole life felt electric. ", "I was kicking it, working hard with my creative heroes and seriously starting to feel my power as an artist, as a woman.", "\n\nThat night we were in Edinburgh, Scotland. ", "I’d been getting a lot of fan emails, but this one stopped me in my tracks. ", "The sender said he’d seen us in Lyon, France, a week before and went into detail about my performance. ", "He mentioned wanting to work together in a company he was starting, but something about his tone made the hair on my neck stand up. ", "He was too familiar, too intimate in the way he described how I danced.", "\n\nI honestly don’t remember whether I answered that email. ", "If I did, it would have been a “Thank you, glad to inspire,” which I generally said to our fans. ", "What I do know is that, despite seven years and hundreds of emails, letters, Facebook messages, phone calls, and packages—despite him showing up in person to hunt me down—I have never once responded since. ", "And although experts have told me that’s exactly what I should keep doing, warning me that to acknowledge him in any way would only feed the fire, I’ve had enough. ", "After months of agonizing deliberation, I’ve decided to go public. ", "I want to be a voice for people who haven’t found theirs, and to call attention to the terror of stalking. ", "And I want to say to my own stalker, right here and right now: Stop.", "\n\n“I know you love me, Lily”Back to where it began. ", "Finishing up the tour, I forgot about the email. ", "And when I got home to New York, I rented a funky sixth-floor walk-up in the East Village. ", "I was ready to move on from the dance world and try putting my artistic energies into making films. ", "Fortunately, I still had private clients from a fitness and wellness business I’d started before going on the road, which would help pay the bills—but that website is where Z (I won’t give him the power of using his name) must have found my contact info.", "\n\nBy January 2010 he was coming on strong: In just two weeks he called 20 times and sent eight packages. ", "I never answered the phone, but the packages I did open; they were full of eerie mementos that he said reminded him of me—ticket stubs, a crushed beer can, a napkin from a ­restaurant, a scrawled letter saying, “I know you love me, Lily, I really do.” ", "In one package I found a crinkled Xerox of his passport photo: a worn man with pasty skin and sharp eyes. ", "I tried to put the whole thing out of my mind, and I forced myself not to remember his face.", "\n\nBut he kept coming back. ", "By February he was maxing out my voice mail, and even though I knew I’d lose business, I finally changed my number. ", "The calls ended, but the emails didn’t—five, 10, 12 pages of poems or hostile observations. (“", "My anger has been building…and it’s partly about you,” read one. “", "APOLOGISE or i’ll tell them you’re PSYCHOTIC,” said another.) ", "His intense scrutiny of everything I did was deeply disturbing. “", "I viewed an online video of one of your performances and…I felt you were choking inside,” he’d say, or “You’re here but you’re gone, it’s in your eyes. ", "Something’s wrong.”", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nFriends and family told me just to block him, but I didn’t. ", "I felt knowledge would protect me. ", "If he said he was going to wait for me at the bodega on Friday, I knew where not to be. ", "Logging every message became a brutal exercise, but I got good at it. ", "And on April 20, 2010, I also had a legal firm send a cease and desist letter, telling him to stop contacting me. ", "He didn’t listen, and in fact, on August 9, 2011, he showed up in New York City, walked into a company I’d worked with, and told them he was off to search for me at every dance studio in town.", "\n\nFor the first time, I was truly afraid.", "\n\n“You can guess where I’m going next week, or need I spell it out?”Z’s coming to my city was a crossing-the-­Rubicon moment, in the words of my new lawyer. ", "With the emails and evidence I had saved showing a clear escalation of stalking behavior, we were able to get detectives at the Manhattan district attorney’s office involved in the case. ", "But after a short stay, Z returned to Europe, and I went back to pretending he didn’t exist. ", "Still, I questioned how I should exist: As a woman, how do I use my power to make people pay attention to what I have to say without attracting unwanted gaze? ", "As an artist, how do I express myself in public when I have to stay private to be safe?", "\n\nOver the next two years, Z continued emailing, but I was mostly able to tune out his presence. ", "That came to a terrifying halt in May 2013, when I bumped into a woman I’d done a video with years before. “", "Oh, I met your friend the other night,” she said, cheerfully describing Z. “He mentioned you guys were working together? ", "He’s so sweet.” ", "I could feel my face drop. ", "He must have scoured every video I’d ever done and somehow tracked down this woman at a dance event. ", "Holy sh-t, I thought, he’s back.", "\n\nI alerted the D.A.’s team, which was still on the case. ", "Over the next few days, I planned an escape route everywhere I went—even my coffee shop. ", "Everything felt infused with danger. ", "One night I came home late to find my door open a crack. ", "The scene was right out of a horror film: I knocked. “", "Hello? ", "Hello?” ", "Finally I pushed the door open, and the place was just as I’d left it; no one was there. ", "I called 911. ", "As I stood waiting for someone to come, I imagined Z’s hands on the doorknob. ", "Had he been there? ", "Did he do this? ", "Was he f--king with me?", "\n\nI never found out what happened. ", "But I immediately escaped to Los Angeles in search of somewhere safe and rented a bungalow with my boyfriend. ", "We’d been long-distance for about three years, and with the stakes so high now, our relationship took on new meaning. ", "Together we settled into a domestic rhythm, and as I worked furiously on a new film, Sleepover LA, the editing became an outlet for my anxiety, as if this were the one story I could control. ", "But the respite was brief. “", "You never contact me…which is why I’m angry,” Z wrote on June 19. “", "If you don’t act it’s all going to tumble down…you can guess where I’m going next week, or need I spell it out? ", "I have absolutely nothing to lose.”", "\n\nI was having tea at a friend’s place in Silver Lake when my phone rang. “", "He just landed in L.A.,” my lawyer said. ", "He went on to relay advice from the investigators: Disappear, don’t go anywhere you usually do, and tell only a few select people where you are. ", "I stumbled outside into the middle of the street and stopped, feeling as if I were in quicksand. ", "It’s true, Z had shown up in New York—twice—but I’d had the protection of the detectives and my lawyer there. ", "Now they were 3,000 miles away, telling me to hide. ", "I didn’t know where to turn. ", "This stranger could be anywhere. ", "It was a glorious day, and I could see the palm trees down Sunset Boulevard, that iconic image of Hollywood dreams. ", "And suddenly it all looked dirty—the places I loved, contaminated.", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nI got in my car and locked the doors and rolled up the windows. ", "I called my boyfriend. ", "I called my parents. ", "And I said, “I don’t know what to do.”", "\n\n“I will do everything I need to do to be with you”I ended up checking into the Chateau Marmont (ultraexpensive but known for keeping celebrities incognito) under a pseudonym. ", "There, surrounded by luxury, my mind began to play games on me: I’d see Z’s face in the shadows or imagine someone attacking me as I waited for the elevator. ", "I kept switching rooms and always wore a disguise, my hand white-knuckling the pepper spray in my bag. ", "Meanwhile, Z was emailing: He’d gone looking for me at a studio where I’d once done a YouTube interview; he invited me to a pool party nearby. ", "My boyfriend tried to reassure me, but I’d become so suspicious of everyone, even him.", "\n\nOn July 11, I had sneaked out for a walk when I noticed I had a voice mail, from my lawyer. “", "Hi, Lily,” he said. “", "They have him. ", "They got him at baggage.” ", "I still have that call saved on my phone—5:35 P.M. exactly—because the relief the 20-­second message gave me was so huge. ", "Z had been apprehended in Newark, New Jersey, where he’d flown from L.A. Now I was on the offensive. ", "A trial was quickly scheduled; I had three weeks to gear up for it.", "\n\n“You’re playing with fire”Back in New York, Z faced charges of five misdemeanors of stalking and harassment. ", "I was amped, ready to finally take him down in court. ", "But before I had the chance, he was found mentally ill and deemed incompetent to stand trial. ", "It’s a legal procedure known as a 730 exam, and when the charges are only mis­demeanors, a case can be automatically dismissed, which mine was, along with the order of protection I’d worked so hard to get. ", "I felt like the rug had been pulled out from beneath me. ", "And I’m furious now, because despite five weeks of jail time, several months in a psychiatric facility, and his being ushered out of the country, Z is still at it on Facebook, sending messages like, “I don’t want to hurt you; but I think it’s necessary you understand…you’re playing with fire.”", "\n\nIf Z had been charged with a felony, the case would have gone to court. ", "And that’s the point: We must rethink how we measure violence. ", "Z has never explicitly threatened me with imminent physical harm, but his unrelenting, nonconsensual contact and implicit threats were—and continue to be—a serious violation that should be deemed a felony. ", "He has eroded my ability to trust and left me living in fear. ", "The way he’s tracking every single thing I do is insidious.", "\n\nEver since those first emails, I’ve wanted to scream, “What do you want? ", "Why me? ", "You don’t know me for sh-t!” ", "I’ve held myself back and played by the rules. ", "But I can’t anymore. ", "One out of seven women in America has been stalked, according to the most recent data. ", "And just 41 percent of incidents are reported to the police. ", "I must call attention to this issue. ", "I want the stalking laws to better protect us. ", "I want people to recognize the damage this invisible violence inflicts. ", "I’m done with the silence, because keeping a secret eats away at your sense of self.", "\n\nExperts tell me it’s dangerous to go public (yes, I do have a safety plan in place). ", "But only 11 percent of stalkers pursue their victims five years or more; Z is at seven and counting. ", "That’s why I’m determined to take back my power. ", "If no one speaks out, nothing will change. ", "It’s also why I was compelled to make stalking the subject of my next film, Glass, a fictionalized version of my personal experience, and to tell my story to Glamour.", "\n\nI’m scared to do this. ", "But even more, I’m angry. ", "I want people like me to know they’re not alone. ", "I’m sick of being trapped by a stranger’s fantasy, and I am ready to be free again." ]
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[ "not know (someone) from a bar of soap\n\n(redirected from not know from a bar of soap)\n\nLike this video? ", "Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day!", "\n\nnot know (someone) from a bar of soap\n\nTo be completely unaware of or know nothing about someone; to have never met the person indicated. ", "My girlfriend got really excited when a movie star apparently walked past us, but I wouldn't know him from a bar of soap.", "Someone I wouldn't know from a bar of soap just contacted me online, claiming to be a distant relative.", "\n\nAll content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. ", "This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional." ]
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[ 0.0006745986174792051, 0.0013262723805382848, 0.0007161306566558778, 0.0008293421706184745, 0.0006721369572915137, 0.0005678190500475466, 0.0005836360505782068 ]
[ "Q:\n\nExact value of $\\tan 50^\\circ$\n\nDirectly related to: What is $\\tan50^\\circ$\n\n$50^\\circ = \\frac{5\\pi}{18} $ is a rational multiple of $\\pi$. Therefore should be related to the ninth roots of unity $e^{\\pi i /18}$, but how does one compute the exact value ?", "\nEDIT I will settle for the extension $\\mathbb{Q}[\\tan 50^\\circ]$ and the minimal polynomial over $\\mathbb{Q}$...\n\nHere it is done for the 5-th roots of unity: How to find the exact value of $ \\cos(36^\\circ) $?", "\n\nA:\n\nOne cannot express $\\tan(50^\\circ)$ purely in terms of real radicals. ", "For if one could, then one could express $\\cos(20^\\circ)$ in terms of real radicals, and it is known that one cannot do that. (", "It is an instance of the casus irreducibilis of the cubic.)", "\nAs is implicitly pointed out in the post, one can express $\\tan(50^\\circ)$ in terms of a primitive ninth root of unity. ", "\nAdded: The edited question asks for the minimal polynomial of $\\tan(50^\\circ)$. Let $x=\\tan(50^\\circ)$. Using the identity $\\tan(3\\theta)=\\frac{3\\tan\\theta -\\tan^3\\theta}{1-3\\tan^2\\theta}$, we find that $\\frac{3x-x^3}{1-3x^2}=-\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{3}}$. Square and simplify. ", "We get a sextic in $x$, which is irreducible by the Eisenstein Irreducibility Criterion. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Celluloid Screams 2012: Day Three Coverage\n\nDay Three proved to be the most spook-tastic day at Celluloid Screams with strong contenders in both genre features and shorts. ", "Unfortunately Celluloid were unable to screen the UK premiere of Memory of the Dead due to a technical difficulty which could not have been rectified at the time. ", "I missed Entity also due to taking a break, but I really hope I can view it soon as I’ve heard very good things. ", "Sunday had so much to offer in terms of films and guests and was full of surprises!", "\n\n…\n\nLeyenda (2011) (UK Premiere) (Short)\n\nThis short from Spain plays out as a warped post-modern fairytale, reminiscent of the style and tone of the Brothers Grimm. ", "A ten-year-old girl named Claudia reads her fairytale about a “big bad wolf” type creature much to her mother’s dismay on a car journey. ", "When the family make a stop at the gas station, a mysterious woman appears and creates carnage and bloodshed. ", "Leyenda is dark and brutal and holds no barriers, its a terrifying watch and requires a strong stomach, however the violence is done very well and leaves the heart racing.", "\n\nWith their marriage on the rocks Alex (Played by Dominic Brunt) and Meg (Played by Joanne Mitchell) retreat to the Yorkshire countryside in an attempt to fix their troubled relationship, but little do they know a zombie epidemic has spread across the area. ", "As they attempt to fix their problems in a tense atmosphere, Meg soon falls victim to the virus after being attacked and bitten by a zombie, now Alex must do all he can and figure out what lengths he will go to in order to save his wife, will they be able to salvage what they have before its too late? ", "Before Dawn incorporates stunning cinematography of the Yorkshire landscapes, and a sense of gritty British drama as it hybrids a social realist style with edge-of-the-seat, gory horror. ", "The film is most definitely a refreshing take on the Zombie sub-genre. ", "Joanne Mitchell proves that there are more avenues available to go down as a writer when it comes to the zombie concept rather than churning out a repetitive formula that’s been done over and over again. ", "Along with Dominic Brunt’s direction, they really pull it off and the result is a relate-able story with identifiable characters.", "\n\nIts every day life with a horror metaphor as a backdrop, Meg is very career driven while Alex is out of a job, the social and economical frustrations that affect many relationships in today’s society is therefore played out. ", "Brunt and Mitchell ensure that the audience gains a sense of understanding and empathy with Alex and Meg and are compelled into their story. ", "The whole scenario feels very naturalistic due to Dominic and Joanne’s existing chemistry and a lot of authenticity is brought into their performances. ", "Nicky Evans is brilliant in a small role, his character Stephen’s scenes with Alex are great to watch with the right balance of humor and intensity. ", "Apart from the performances, the FX used were outstanding and are some of the most detailed zombie make-up effects that have been featured in a recent horror film, Meg is barely recognizable when she turns. ", "The FX team have achieved special effects of an impressive standard. ", "Before Dawn is a must see and holds a wider appeal even beyond only genre fans. ", "If you enjoy Horror, British realism or even Emmerdale and Shameless then this is the film for you!", "\n\nAn unexpected and unconventional entry into the Horror circuit, Resolution is psychologically creepy while at the same time has an endearing commentary on what it truly means to be friends and what we do for those we care about. ", "After seeing directors Aaron and Justin’s dynamic during their introduction and Q&A it is clear where the heart of this story really comes from, not only that but they are hilariously funny guys and stole the show at this year’s festival! ", "Their collaboration has resulted in a genuinely interesting, heart-warming and sinister film. ", "Resolution begins when Michael (played by peter Cilella) is sent a video of his best friend Chris (played by Vinny Curran) passed out in an abandoned cabin high on drugs, he then makes the decision to intervene. ", "Chris is apathetic about the situation and has accepted that he is nothing more than a junkie, Michael handcuffs him to a pipe and forces him to go cold turkey in an attempt to help his friend sort his life out. ", "The tension between the two friends is played out well with very sincere performances from the lead actors. ", "Michael soon realizes that Chris never sent the video and from then on the two find themselves caught up in a series of odd events as they try to investigate who or what is manipulating them. ", "Resolution is cleverly written, it takes genre fans out of expected cliches and does something different, the idea of the unknown and the mystery surrounding the events that unfold for Michael and Chris gives out an unsettling feeling for the viewer but keeps the audience gripped throughout. ", "With likeable characters and a strong narrative Resolution shines as a genre piece, however there are so many layers to it than first imagined.", "\n\n…\n\nHim Indoors (2012) (Short)\n\nAn agoraphobic serial killer on the brink of eviction falls into disastrous consequences when his nosy neighbor/potential date unexpectedly visits! ", "This is one of the funniest, comedy/horror shorts that’s emerged recently. ", "The humor is laugh out loud funny and the dynamic between Reece Shearamith and The Woman’s Pollyanna McIntosh is just brilliant. ", "Gregory Brewster is a modern day, bumbling version of Norman Bates, notions from Hitchcock’s Psycho are loosely referenced as well as Rear Window in terms of how no one really knows what goes on behind closed doors. ", "It has a bit of a kitchen sink feel to it as well however it exaggerates an every day occurrence and uses it to its advantage. ", "Him Indoors is without a doubt a highlight!", "\n\n…\n\nExcision (2012)\n\nTake Tod Solondz and mix in some Lucky McGee with a hint of Ginger Snaps and the result is Excision! ", "Visually, Excision is intriguing and mesmerizing to look at with its disturbing fantasy sequences. ", "Its a twisted coming-of-age tale with some truly squeamish moments, Excision depicts the dark side of suburbia and how appearances can be deceiving. ", "Pauline (played by Annalynne McCord) is a severely cynical and socially awkward teenager with a morbid and eventually dangerous obsession for surgery, she lives with her controlling mother (Played by Traci Lords), reserved father (Played by Roger Bart) and her long-suffering sister Grace (played by Ariel Winter) who has cystic fibrosis. ", "Her family fail to understand her and the film portrays a breakdown in family communication as Pauline struggles to make sense of the world around her. ", "She goes as far as convincing herself that she can perform a surgical procedure to “cure” Grace resulting in horrific and devastating consequences. ", "There are some wonderful cameos from the likes of John Waters and Malcolm McDowell which adds to its promising cult feel. ", "Its a fairly satisfying film that pays off well, leaving the audience unsettled. ", "Annalynne McCord is mostly known for her part in TV’s 90210, an American teenage-based drama, therefore the fact she plunged into this unconventional role as a repulsive and disturbed teenager is an interesting move. ", "She proves herself as an exceptional young actress, and makes the character difficult to achieve empathy with for the majority of the film. ", "Even if the main character is unlikeable, her psychological state keeps the audience drawn in and questions whether she will redeem herself by the film’s end. ", "Excision is beautifully shot and edited and was the perfect way to close Celluloid Screams 2012.", "\n\n…\n\nAnd now for the fun…Short Film and Feature Winners + Closing Ceremony…I also encountered some INBREDS!", "\n\n[…] film from collaborative husband and wife team Mitchell-Brunt Films following 2012’s zombie drama Before Dawn. ", "Much like Before Dawn, Bait is a bleak, gritty and powerful piece of British cinema however packs […]\n\n[…] (Director) and Joanne Mitchell (Actress/Writer), their first being the zombie kitchen sink drama Before Dawn. ", "Bait is a completely different beast and was the film of the year that kept the heart pounding and […]\n\n[…] and Justin Benson are staples of Celluloid having screened both their previous feature films, Resolution in 2012 and Spring in 2014, respectively. ", "They have hit a hat-trick with their latest flick, The […]" ]
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[ "The indulgent pleasure of traveling alone first occurred to me on a business trip to New York one not-so-steamy August years ago. ", "I had a day to kill by myself, and I didn't really know what the hell to do. ", "The weather was warm, but not stifling, so I started walking around. ", "One neighborhood lead to the next, and whenever I strolled past a shop that looked interesting, I popped in.", "\n\nWhen my aimless walking lead me past a particularly tasty-smelling Asian restaurant, I knew it was time to stop for dinner. ", "I didn't have to ask anyone what they felt like eating, or if this place looked good, I just went in and ordered an ice cold beer to go with my spicy noodles. ", "Later, I discovered that bartenders at hip hotels are always clued into what you should be checking out while in town.", "\n\nSince then, I've reveled in going it alone. ", "Not all the time, of course. ", "I enjoy spending time with my friends and loved ones. ", "But sometimes, a solo experience really suits me. ", "And I think it'd suit you too. ", "Whether traveling or at home, there are times when a man should embrace his inner introvert and lean into the JOMO (that's, Joy Of Missing Out). ", "Take yourself to that museum you've been wanting to see, out to dinner, to a bad movie or even a quick weekend trip by yourself. ", "Because when you're by yourself, any wild whim or seemingly ridiculous idea is yours to follow." ]
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[ "Huang Dongyan\n\nHuang Dongyan (, born 14 December 1993) is a Chinese professional racing cyclist. ", "She rides for China Chongming-Liv-Champion System Pro Cycling. ", "She is from Shanghai. ", "She also competed at the 2014 Asian Games.", "\n\nMajor results\n\n2014\nAsian Track Championships\n1st Scratch Race\n1st Team Pursuit (with Jiang Wenwen, Jing Yali and Zhao Baofang)\n1st Team Pursuit, Asian Games (with Jiang Wenwen, Jing Yali and Zhao Baofang)\n3rd Omnium, China Track Cup\n2015\n1st Team Pursuit, Asian Track Championships (with Jiang Wenwen, Jing Yali and Zhao Baofang)\n2nd Omnium, China Track Cup\n3rd Omnium, South Australian Grand Prix\n2016\n1st Team Pursuit, Asian Track Championships (with Chen Lulu, Ma Menglu and Wang Hong)\n2017\nAsian Track Championships\n1st Team Pursuit (with Chen Qiaolin, Chen Siyu and Luo Xiaoling\n3rd Individual Pursuit\n1st Team Pursuit, National Track Championships (with Jing Yali, Ma Menglu and Wang Hong)\n\nSee also\n List of 2015 UCI Women's Teams and riders\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nPersonal page at chinaprocycling.com\n\nCategory:1993 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Chinese female cyclists\nCategory:Cyclists from Shanghai\nCategory:Asian Games medalists in cycling\nCategory:Cyclists at the 2014 Asian Games\nCategory:Asian Games gold medalists for China\nCategory:Medalists at the 2014 Asian Games\nCategory:Olympic cyclists of China\nCategory:Cyclists at the 2016 Summer Olympics" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nConvert .CSV data, with regEx?", "\n\nI have a .CSV containing the following data:\n\"http://iis.se/write-content/?submitted\",\"The intro\",\"<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ", "Phasellus dictum lectus eget enim condimentum, eget bibendum libero porta. ", "Suspendisse vestibulum libero nisl, quis tempus nisl semper in. ", "Ut mi nisl, vehicula quis tristique ut, molestie et est. ", "Donec auctor, ante eu venenatis aliquam, felis nisi pretium turpis, ut mattis dui orci et sem. ", "Duis vitae accumsan velit. ", "Sed tristique lacus nisl, vehicula congue turpis ultrices sed. ", "In hac habitasse platea dictumst. ", "Sed dictum scelerisque nibh non venenatis. ", "In viverra eros non arcu pellentesque, nec pulvinar turpis placerat.</p> <p>Proin suscipit metus vitae nisi dignissim ullamcorper. ", "Nullam eleifend tempor ligula, sit amet semper metus.</p><p>Proin bibendum bibendum suscipit. ", "Cras pretium lectus sit amet urna interdum, in ultricies eros scelerisque. ", "Pellentesque id condimentum libero. ", "Aenean placerat orci a dictum pharetra. ", "Pellentesque sagittis egestas gravida. ", "Pellentesque suscipit mauris neque, quis auctor lacus blandit et. ", "Curabitur a quam a velit condimentum tristique. ", "Morbi volutpat pulvinar viverra. ", "Duis cursus lectus ac sem dictum, eu tempor risus blandit. ", "In accumsan arcu at lorem mattis lacinia. ", "Vestibulum vitae mollis sem, nec commodo nunc. ", "Donec vel ultricies nunc. ", "Nam at sapien nec libero aliquam pharetra vitae eget leo.</p><p>Read more here <a href=\"\"http://www.google.com\"\">here</a></p>\",\"Thank you!\"", "\n\"http://website.com/add/?submitted\",\"The, nice, Second\",\"<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ", "Phasellus dictum lectus eget enim condimentum, eget bibendum libero porta. ", "Suspendisse vestibulum libero nisl, quis tempus nisl semper in. ", "Ut mi nisl, vehicula quis tristique ut, molestie et est. ", "<a href=\"\"http://www.altavista.com\"\">Donec auctor</a>, ante eu venenatis aliquam, felis nisi pretium turpis, ut mattis dui orci et sem. ", "Duis vitae accumsan velit. ", "Sed tristique lacus nisl, vehicula congue turpis ultrices sed. ", "In hac habitasse platea dictumst. ", "Sed dictum scelerisque nibh non venenatis. ", "In viverra eros non arcu pellentesque, nec pulvinar turpis placerat.</p> <p>Proin suscipit metus vitae nisi dignissim ullamcorper. ", "Nullam eleifend tempor ligula, sit amet semper metus.</p><p>Proin bibendum bibendum suscipit. ", "Cras pretium lectus sit amet urna interdum, in ultricies eros scelerisque. ", "Pellentesque id condimentum libero. ", "Aenean placerat orci a dictum pharetra. ", "Pellentesque sagittis egestas gravida. ", "Pellentesque suscipit mauris neque, quis auctor lacus blandit et. ", "Curabitur a quam a velit condimentum tristique. ", "Morbi volutpat pulvinar viverra. ", "Duis cursus lectus ac sem dictum, eu tempor risus blandit. ", "In accumsan arcu at lorem mattis lacinia. ", "Vestibulum vitae mollis sem, nec commodo nunc. ", "Donec vel ultricies nunc. ", "Nam at sapien nec libero aliquam pharetra vitae eget leo.</p>\",\"Thank you!, ", "even more!!!\"", "\n\nSimply,\n\nIn COL1, I want to strip everything after the top domain\nIn COL2, I want commas, spaces to become hyphens, but it may not double hyphens at any point\nCOL1 and COL2 shall be merged into (The Output) COL1\nIn COL3, everything should be removed besides the domain contained within <a> </a>\nCOL4 is untouchable\n\nSo, in this case, I want the output to become:\n\"http://iis.se/the-intro\",\"http://www.google.com\",\"Thank you!\"", "\n\"http://website.com/the-nice-second\",\"http://www.altavista.com\",\"Thank you!, ", "even more!!!\"", "\n\nIs it possible or very advanced? ", "\nI am thinking a few RegEx replace in Notepad++ recorded with a macro.", "\n\nA:\n\nFirst of all, you should really start putting your attempts, even if they fail. ", "It shows what you've been trying and other people can point out what you did wrong so you can get them right in the future.", "\n\nYou can use this series of replaces (F means find, R means replace and the second replace is empty):\nF: (http://[^/]+/)[^\"]+\",\"([^\"]+\")\nR: $1$2\n\nF: \"<[^\"]+\"\nR:\n\nF: \">[^<]+</\nR: ,\"\n\nF: ,?", "\\s(?=[^\"]+\",)\nR: -\n\nThere can be something possible in less find/replaces, I haven't explored all the possibilities. ", "Note that regex does not handle replacing character case, so your actual end product will be:\n\"http://iis.se/The-intro\",\"http://www.google.com\",\"Thank you!\"", "\n\"http://website.com/The-nice-Second\",\"http://www.altavista.com\",\"Thank you!, ", "even more!!!\"", "\n\nCompare against the result you want:\n\"http://iis.se/the-intro\",\"http://www.google.com\",\"Thank you!\"", "\n\"http://website.com/the-nice-second\",\"http://www.altavista.com\",\"Thank you!, ", "even more!!!\"", "\n\nTo convert those to lowercase, you could perhaps select the columns and convert them to lowercase if the links are all about the same character length (by press and hold Alt then selecting text, you select vertically in notepad++ and using Ctrl+U turns all the characters to lowercase).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\npreventing /account.1111 routes in rails application?", "\n\nI am able to enter /account.111 or /profile.111 in my URL's.", "\nIs it possible to prevent these routes to be accepted by a rails application?", "\n\nA:\n\nJust add constraints block on the top of routes.rb\n#config/routes.rb \nconstraints(EndingWithDigit) do \n match '*path' => redirect('/404')\nend\n\nNow, create class EndingWithDigit on lib/ending_with_digit.rb\n#lib/ending_with_digit.rb\nclass EndingWithDigit\n def self.matches?(request)\n path = request.fullpath \n if path =~ /^\\/[\\w]+[.]{1}+[\\d]+/\n true\n else\n false\n end\n end\nend\n\nNow, include it in config/initializers/\n#config/initializers/constraints.rb\nrequire \"ending_with_digit.rb\"\n\nYou can check the Ruby Regex Expression to know which urls it will send to 404. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "declare export default (string)\n" ]
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[ "Computers and various computer related systems have been developed over the years. ", "Advancements in these computers and computer systems occur rapidly, especially with the competitive nature of the commercial marketplace. ", "These computers often include a display or monitoring screen for monitoring data, one or more processors for processing data, and a hard-disk drive for storing and retrieving data. ", "These hard-disk drives often take the form of a magnetic storage device which is a portion of the \"recording channel front-end.\" ", "This front-end of the hard disk drive, for example, includes a read/write transducer which operates as a recording head, an electronics module which includes a read pre-amplifier circuit and a write driver, and interconnections between the various heads and the electronics module. ", "These electronics modules conventionally are placed close to the heads to keep the interconnections as short as possible.", "\nA read pre-amplifier circuit for hard-disk drives often includes a magneto-resistive (\"MR\") element as the sensor. ", "The MR element advantageously does not present as much bandwidth restriction as some other types of read elements, e.g., inductive. ", "The MR preamplifier circuit generally has a very low level \"read\" signal which is generated by an MR sensor and which is detected by a low noise preamplifier circuit. ", "The preamplifier circuit of the electronics module generally has to provide the \"sense current\" for reading the resistance changes of the energetically passive MR sensor. ", "In some types of MR preamplifiers, this sense current also provides the circuit biasing needed so that the sense current doubles as the bias current. ", "The MR sensor, for example, can be biased by either maintaining a constant current through it or by applying a certain constant voltage across it.", "\nIn all circuits, the MR sensor, whose electrical equivalent is a simple resistor of nominal value R (typically in the order of 10 to 50 ohms), detects a magnetic read signal from the hard-disk by sensing changes in magnetic data flux. ", "A magneto-resistive effect causes the equivalent resistor value to change by a small fraction of R, e.g., a few tenths of a percent, resulting in a variation of the voltage programmed to bias the head in its most linear operating range. ", "For most MR sensors, the nominal direct current (\"DC\") bias voltage across the head is about 100 to 500 mV, and is a function of head manufacturing characteristics. ", "The preamplifier circuitry therefore should provide for both low-noise, digital-to-analog (\"DAC\") programmable current biasing of the head and very low-noise amplification of its signal.", "\nIn addition, some multiplexing of the preamplifier input stage to different read heads should be provided, without compromising the noise performance. ", "In most current-bias, current-sense architectures, where the head is directly biased by a current source controlled by a current-summing DAC and where the signal voltage is connected to a low input-impedance preamplifier input stage, two large external decoupling capacitors are usually required to eliminate the noise contributions from the bias current source itself and from the analog circuitry connected to the base (or the gate for MOS input stages) of the preamplifier input transistor. ", "The need for offset removal within the preamplifier also calls for the use of a large capacitor which is, however, usually combined with one of the others so as not to increase external component count.", "\nAs an example, in FIG. ", "3 of the article titled \"Read/Write Amplifier Design Considerations For MR Heads,\" by Klaassen et al., ", "IEEE Transactions ON Magnetics, Vol. ", "31, No. ", "2 (March 1995), pp. ", "1056-1061, such an implementation is shown where a first external capacitor C decouples the gate of the input low-noise device, while a second external capacitor (not shown) is used to implement a low-noise current source I.sub.b. ", "One drawback of this particular example is the fact that the low-noise current source I.sub.b is directly connected to the drain of the input transistor and severely limits the amplifier bandwidth which is another critical parameter of the circuit." ]
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[ "10 Old Indie Pop Music Videos That are Making Us Question Our Childhood Choices Hard\n\nOkay, we loved the 90s-00s indie pop music videos to death! ", "If you hadn't seen one, grooved to its every beat, and memorised all the lines you were not really considered a cool kid. ", "But, by the virtue of being kids, we didn't really pay much heed to a lot of the questionable and/or NSFW shit that went down in those videos.", "\n\nOn hindsight, we will feel really uncomfortable letting our kids groove to these songs now. ", "But then again, may be if we ever have kids we will take a different route altogether. ", "It would definitely be more fun if we let our kids watch every questionable thing in the world, so that they can go tell other, more sanskari, parents all about it to render them speechless in horror.", "\n\nKeeping our future parental planning aside, we present to you all the WTF things our favourite Indie pop music videos had that we never noticed as kids.", "\n\nLove how they just casually threw in a phone sex line as the basic premise for the \"Tu Tu Hai Wohi\" remix!", "\n\nAny lonely bois nearby?", "\n\nJust check out Tanushree Dutta, Dhrashti Dhami, and co. dancing off to this blatant rip off of \"Wannabe\" by the Spice Girls in \"Saiyan Dil Mein Aana Re\" remix video.", "\n\n... lots of gratuitous navel shots are complimentary too.", "\n\nThe original for more groove-worthy moments in your life:\n\nWe were rendered thoroughly confused by the \"Mere Naseeb Mein\" remix video to be honest.", "\n\nWere these girls mechanics?", "\n\nYay to early representation of female empowerment then!", "\n\nWere they just strippers who came dressed as mechanics?", "\n\nUmm okay... it's possible.", "\n\nWere they just the manifestation of that random long-haired dude's twisted fantasy of a foursome?", "\n\nMost definitely!", "\n\nMoving on...\n\nWhen there was a subtle \"say no to drugs\" campaign in this otherwise totally WTF \"Mera Babu Chail Chabeela\" remix video.", "\n\nThe WTF elements? ", "Take your pick - that random sexual moan at 3:03 minute, or the lack of a changing room in (what we assume is) Sophie Chaudhry's dance school, or that random fluffy-flufferton pup that shows up in the club! ", "The only reason we would want to go to a club, TBH!", "\n\n\"Kaanta Laga\" was just a revelation for us then okay?", "\n\nWhere do we look? ", "That thong? ", "The tramp stamp? ", "OR that butt naked man in the very first shot of the video!?", "\n\nHow did our eyes not hurt at this searing latex-and leather setup in the \"O Haseena Zulfon Wali\" video?", "\n\nAnd what about that not-so-subtle role play going on in there!?", "\n\nThe jury is still out on this one, but was that umm... paedophilia in \"Pari Hoon Main\"?", "\n\nThat girl was the student, and the professor was clearly old enough to be her father. ", "Was that just a teenage crush? ", "Or (if you follow the lyrics carefully) was there something much more sinister going on?", "\n\nHere's some more disturbing role play fantasies involving (female, obv!) ", "students in this remix of \"Rangeela Re\".", "\n\nThe video is clearly an NSFW ripoff of Britney Spears' \"Hit Me Baby One More Time\" and the song was pretty terrible too. ", "Why did we watch this one again?", "\n\nThis \"Pardesiya\" video gave us Rakhi Sawant, but also where is the sexual harassment cell in this office!?", "\n\nSeriously, where is it? ", "We need to make some calls!", "\n\nAnd finally, these three girls were obviously tripping balls on some kind of drugs in this \"Chadti Jawani\" remix video!", "\n\nThey're grabbing at their own butts while looking at mirrors, they are fascinated with mundane objects like irons, and they actually catch a thief! ", "I mean lolwut?!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nVBA - pin a row under dynamic range\n\nI'm looking for solution in VBA, that will stick/pin a 4 cell range under dynamic range. ", "By that I mean that sometimes the dynamic range is 5 rows and sometimes it's 10 rows. ", "I need a row that's summing values from dynamic range and it should be directly under dynamic range. ", "If dynamic range ends on 5th row, the summing row should be 6th etc.", "\nI would be grateful for any kind of support in that.", "\n\nA:\n\nI hope I understood you correctly. ", "The following script adds all values from Cell A1 to the LastRow and print the result one Cell below\nPrivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()\n\n Dim LastRow As Long\n 'get the number of the last row \n With ActiveSheet\n LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.", "Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row\n End With\n 'sum up all values and write the result below the last row\n Cells(LastRow, 1).Offset(1, 0).Value = _\n Application.", "Sum(Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, 1)))\n\nEnd Sub\n\n" ]
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[ "Introduction {#s1}\n============\n\nSepsis is a complicated clinical syndrome characterized by excessive and uncontrolled host\\'s systemic inflammatory response to infection (Liu et al., [", "@B29]). ", "The mechanism of sepsis is not completely known, although we know systemic inflammatory reaction contributes to its morbidity in complex and multiple pathways (Remick, [@B38]). ", "Severe sepsis, with an extremely high incidence and mortality in critically ill and elderly patients, is frequently accompanied by multiple organ dysfunction syndyome (MODS) and even death (Bone et al., [", "@B7]; Liu et al., [", "@B29]). ", "In the United States, more than 1.5 million cases of sepsis occur annually and was estimated to cost \\$24.3 billion in 2007, which places a substantial burden on the healthcare system (Lagu et al., [", "@B21]; Seymour et al., [", "@B40]). ", "Despite rapid progresses achieved in clinical treatment over the past decades, sepsis still has a high intensive care units (ICU) admission rate and is a leading cause of death in many ICU (Angus et al., [", "@B4]; Backer and Dorman, [@B5]). ", "Up until now, precautionary measures, specific medications, and management strategies for the control of sepsis are quite limited.", "\n\nUlinastatin (UTI), a broad-spectrum protease inhibitor separated and purified from human urine, was originally applied to acute pancreatitis patients (Tsujino et al., [", "@B44]). ", "With the deepening of research, clinical researchers discovered it has an inhibitory effect not only on various protease activities, such as trypsin, kallikrein, plasmin, thrombin and so forth, but also on the release of inflammatory cytokines induced by adverse immunostimulation (Linder and Russell, [@B28]). ", "On the basis of aforementioned properties, UTI has been widely applied for the treatment of sepsis in Asia (Zhang et al., [", "@B50]).", "\n\nXuebijing injection (XBJ), a Chinese medicine preparation, is transformed from a classical formula---Xuefuzhuyu decoction---under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine therapeutic principle \"bacteria and bacterial toxin treated simultaneously\" (Zuo et al., [", "@B55]). ", "It is made from five Chinese herb extracts including Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, and Flos Carthami, which work together to implement the effects of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis and cooling blood to remove toxic substances. ", "XBJ was approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of China in 2004, aiming directly at the treatment of sepsis and MODS (He et al., [", "@B12]; Yin and Li, [@B49]). ", "Pharmacological studies manifested XBJ blocks the progression of sepsis through anti-bacteria, anti-inflammation and anti-endotoxin, which is an effective agent for improving survival rate (Ma et al., [", "@B33]).", "\n\nRecently, an increasing number of clinical trials suggested that XBJ and UTI combination therapy had beneficial implications on sepsis patients\\' conditions and prognoses (Liao et al., [", "@B27]; Wang et al., [", "@B45]; Jiang et al., [", "@B19]), however, no definite conclusion was drawn on this. ", "To provide believable and solid evidence whether XBJ combined with UTI can improve the efficacy of UTI for sepsis, this meta-analysis was performed by systematically evaluating the efficacy and safety of XBJ plus UTI compared with UTI alone.", "\n\nMethods {#s2}\n=======\n\nData sources and filtration strategy\n------------------------------------\n\nAll randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing XBJ plus UTI with UTI alone in treating sepsis were retrieved. ", "Eight databases, including Cochrane Library, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, China Science and Technology Journal Database (VIP), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Chinese Biomedical Database (CBM), and WanFang Database, were searched to identify all relevant publications from inception to February 5, 2018. ", "Search terms included \"Xuebijing injection\", \"ulinastatin\", and \"sepsis\". ", "The following search strategy was utilized and modified into various forms to suit all databases: \"Xuebijing injection\" \\[Title/Abstract\\] AND \"ulinastatin\" \\[Title/Abstract\\] AND \"sepsis\" \\[Title/Abstract\\]. ", "References of retrieved literatures and reviews were checked to collect potentially relevant studies.", "\n\nInclusion criteria\n------------------\n\nStudies conformed to the following items could be involved in this meta-analysis: (1) Study type: RCTs published in English or Chinese comparing XBJ plus UTI with UTI alone for the treatment of sepsis. (", "2) Participants: All patients were diagnosed as sepsis in accordance with internationally recognized diagnostic criteria proposed by the American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine (ACCP/SCCM) Consensus Conference in 1991 or International Sepsis Definitions Conference in 2001 (Bone et al., [", "@B7]; Levy et al., [", "@B22]). ", "No restrictions were set on age, race, gender, or disease severity. (", "3) Interventions: Both the experimental and control groups received conventional therapies, on the basis of this, the experimental group was administered XBJ combined with UTI, while the control group was administered UTI alone. ", "Conventional therapies were implemented according to international guidelines for management of sepsis, which include controlling the source of infection, empiric antimicrobial therapy, hemodynamic support, mechanical ventilation, nutritional support, and so on (Rhodes et al., [", "@B39]). ", "No limitations were set on dosages and courses of the treatment. (", "4) Outcomes: One or more outcome indicators of the following must be involved: 28-day mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation, length of ICU stay, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II score, serum levels of inflammatory cytokines, procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP)/high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and lipopolysaccharide (LPS).", "\n\nExclusion criteria\n------------------\n\nThe criteria for exclusion were as follows: (1) duplicate literatures, reviews, commentaries, meta-analyses, animal and cell experiments. (", "2) Full texts of the studies could not be obtained. (", "3) Data of the articles was statistically flawed. (", "4) Any other specific medicines or interventions were involved in the experimental group or control group. (", "5) Patients with complications, such as serious heart, liver, lung, kidney, coagulation and other organ or system diseases, HIV infection, malignant tumors, connective tissue diseases; discharged or died within 72 h of treatment. (", "6) As for duplicate publications with the similar authors and results, the one that had larger sample size and more complete data was included.", "\n\nStudy selection\n---------------\n\nTwo researchers (GC, YG) independently browsed the literature titles and abstracts to rule out studies that did not meet the criteria established above. ", "Full texts of the remaining potential studies were obtained to validate their inclusion or not. ", "When discrepancies occurred, they were resolved by discussing to reach an consensus or consultation with a third party (QM).", "\n\nData extraction and quality assessment\n--------------------------------------\n\nTwo researchers (GC, YG) independently performed data extraction of each identified study for the following information with a pre-specified electronic table: first author, publication year, age, sample sizes of the experimental and control groups, intervention measures, dosages, courses of treatment, outcome measures, and the number of adverse events (AEs).", "\n\nThe Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment Tool was utilized to assess methodological quality of the identified studies, which contains 7 aspects: (1) random sequence generation, (2) allocation concealment, (3) blinding of participants and personnel, (4) blinding of outcome assessment, (5) incomplete outcome data, (6) selective reporting, and (7) other bias (Higgins et al., [", "@B14]). ", "The quality of each item was assessed as high risk, uncertain risk, or low risk. ", "When researchers had uncertainty about the information of treatment and methodology, the original authors were contacted via telephone or e-mail to acquire additional information. ", "If there were no responses, the trials were ruled out.", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nThis meta-analysis was conducted utilizing Review Manager 5.3 (Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK). ", "For dichotomous variables, outcomes were expressed as risk ratio (RR) along with 95% confidence intervals (CI), while for continuous variables, mean difference (MD) or standard mean difference (SMD) together with 95% CI were calculated. ", "Chi-square test and *I*^2^ test were applied to reflect statistical heterogeneity among pooled RCTs (Higgins et al., [", "@B15]). *", "P* ≥ 0.1 and *I*^2^ ≤ 50% was deemed as acceptable homogeneous data and a fixed-effects model was carried out, otherwise a random-effects model was performed due to data with significant heterogeneity (*P* \\< 0.1 and *I*^2^ \\> 50%). ", "Where possible, a funnel plot would be utilized to assess publication bias. ", "Besides, to test the robustness of the outcome, a sensitivity analysis of 28-day mortality was performed using STATA 12.0 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX).", "\n\nResults {#s3}\n=======\n\nSearch results\n--------------\n\nIn accordance with the search strategy, 229 potentially relevant records were retrieved in the initial search. ", "After browsing titles and abstracts, 147 articles were removed due to duplicates, and 58 literatures were selected for full-text reading. ", "Ultimately, 17 RCTs corresponding with the inclusion criteria were included in this meta-analysis (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Sun et al., [", "@B43]; Ye and Wu, [@B48]; Abuli et al., [", "@B1]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Wang, [@B46]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Zhou and Fang, [@B53]; Li, [@B26], [@B23]; Ji et al., [", "@B17]; Shan, [@B41]; Bian et al., [", "@B6]; Chen, [@B9]; Chen et al., [", "@B8]; Li and Jia, [@B24]; Lu et al., [", "@B31]). ", "A detailed flowchart that presented the process of selection was shown in Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "Flow chart of literature search.](fphar-09-00743-g0001){#F1}\n\nCharacteristics of included studies\n-----------------------------------\n\nThe 17 included studies, consisting of a total of 1,247 participants, were published in Chinese academic journals between 2008 and 2017. ", "On the basis of conventional therapies, 621 participants in the control group and 626 participants in the experimental group were administered single UTI and XBJ combined with UTI respectively. ", "The doses of UTI ranged from 100 to 900 KU, with the frequency ranging from once a day to thrice a day. ", "When it came to XBJ, the doses administered were 40, 50, or 100 ml, with the frequency ranging from once a day to thrice a day. ", "Courses of treatment varied from 7 to 14 days, the vast majority of which were 7 days. ", "The identified RCTs and their primary information are listed in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n###### \n\nCharacteristics of the included studies.", "\n\n **Study ID** **Age** **Sample size EG/CG** **Interventions** **Course of treatment (days)** **Outcome measures** **AEs** \n ----------------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------\n **EG** **CG** \n Mao et al., [", "@B34] EG:50.1 ± 9.6 CG:51.5 ± 11.5 57/57 XBJ 100ml Q12h + UTI 200KU Q12h + CT UTI 200KU Q12h + CT 7 (1),(2),(3),(5),(6),(7),(10) None\n Sun et al., [", "@B43] -- 20/20 XBJ 100ml Q12h + UTI 200KU Q12h + CT UTI 300KU Q12h + CT 10 (2),(3) None\n Ye and Wu, [@B48] 20--58 27/23 XBJ 100ml Q12h + UTI 200KU Bid + CT UTI 200KU Bid + CT 7 (4),(5) Unclear\n Zhou and Fang, [@B53] 43.47 ± 1.38 61/61 XBJ 100ml/d + UTI 900KU/d + CT UTI 900KU/d + CT 14 (5),(6),(7) Unclear\n Zhao and Liu, [@B51] 27--83 44/44 XBJ 100ml Bid + UTI 200KU Bid + CT UTI 200KU Bid + CT 7 (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(10) CG 2\n Abuli et al., [", "@B1] 20--60 15/15 XBJ 50ml Q12h + UTI 300KU Q12h + CT UTI 300KU Q12h + CT 7 (2),(3) None\n Jiang and Mao, [@B18] EG:49.5 ± 11.2 CG:49.3 ± 11.5 43/43 XBJ 50ml Bid + UTI 200KU Tid + CT UTI 200KU Tid + CT 7 (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(10) EG 3, CG 2\n Wang, [@B46] EG:45.4 ± 8.5 CG:45.9 ± 7.6 20/20 XBJ 40ml Bid + UTI 200KU Q8h + CT UTI 200KU Q8h + CT 7 (3),(4),(5),(6),(8) None\n Li, [@B26] 23--62 40/40 XBJ 50ml Bid + UTI 300KU Bid + CT UTI 300KU Bid + CT 7 (2),(3) None\n Ji et al., [", "@B17] EG:55.9 ± 8.3 CG:56.4 ± 8.8 30/30 XBJ 50ml Bid + UTI 200KU Bid + CT UTI 200KU Bid + CT 7 (1),(2),(3),(4),(6),(7),(8) Unclear\n Shan, [@B41] EG:43.1 ± 9.6 CG:41.8 ± 8.9 35/35 XBJ 50ml Bid + UTI 200KU Bid + CT UTI 200KU Bid + CT 7 (6),(7),(9) None\n Li, [@B23] EG:37.0 ± 10.8 CG:36.7 ± 10.9 40/40 XBJ 100ml Bid + UTI 100KU Bid + CT UTI 100KU Bid + CT 7 (1),(2),(3),(4),(6),(7),(8) Unclear\n Lu et al., [", "@B31] EG:42.3 ± 5.3 CG:42.5 ± 5.5 49/49 XBJ 50ml Bid + UTI 200KU Bid + CT UTI 200KU Bid + CT 7 \\(4\\) None\n Li and Jia, [@B24] EG:46.2 ± 10.3 CG:47.4 ± 10.8 54/54 XBJ 50ml Bid + UTI 200KU Bid + CT UTI 200KU Bid + CT 7 \\(5\\) Unclear\n Chen et al., [", "@B8] EG:68.7 ± 4.4 CG:67.6 ± 5.4 30/30 XBJ 50ml Tid + UTI 200KU Bid + CT UTI 200KU Bid + CT 14 (5),(7),(9) EG 4, CG 3\n Chen, [@B9] EG:33.4 ± 5.7 CG:33.0 ± 5.5 35/34 XBJ 100ml Bid + UTI 200KU Bid + CT UTI 200KU Bid + CT 10 (1),(7) Unclear\n Bian et al., [", "@B6] EG:39.2 ± 2.4 CG:38.7 ± 2.1 26/26 XBJ 50ml Tid + UTI 100KU Tid + CT UTI 100KU Tid + CT 10 (6),(8) Unclear\n\n*EG, Experimental group; CG, Control group; XBJ, Xuebijing injection; UTI, Ulinastatin; CT, Conventional therapies; Outcome measures: (1), 28-Day mortality; (2), Duration of mechanical ventilation; (3), Length of ICU stay; (4), APACHE II score; (5), Procalcitonin, (6), Interleukin-6; (7), Tumor necrosis factor-α; (8), C-reactive protein; (9), High-sensitivity C-reactive protein; (10), Lipopolysaccharide; AEs, Adverse events*.", "\n\nRisk of bias in included studies\n--------------------------------\n\nMethodological quality of the 17 identified RCTs was assessed in accordance with the Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment Tool. ", "All included RCTs claimed to have adopted random allocation, while only six of them utilized random digital table (Wang, [@B46]; Shan, [@B41]; Bian et al., [", "@B6]; Chen et al., [", "@B8]; Li and Jia, [@B24]; Lu et al., [", "@B31]), and two utilized softwares to generate random numbers (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]). ", "Allocation concealment, blinding of participants and personnel along with blinding of outcome assessment were assessed as unclear risk, because none of the 17 RCTs made descriptions of them. ", "Two of the 17 trials reflected high risk of incomplete outcome and selective reporting (Sun et al., [", "@B43]; Abuli et al., [", "@B1]). ", "Furthermore, the risk of other bias was assessed as unclear (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Risk of bias graph.](fphar-09-00743-g0002){#F2}\n\nMeta-analyses results\n---------------------\n\n### 28-day mortality\n\nSix researches involving 497 participants compared mortality within 28 days between XBJ plus UTI group and single UTI group (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Ji et al., [", "@B17]; Li, [@B23]; Chen, [@B9]). ", "No significant heterogeneity was detected across the six included studies (*P* = 0.89, *I*^2^ = 0%), thus a fixed-effects model was adopted. ", "Analysis of the pooled data manifested that XBJ plus UTI was associated with a significant lower 28-day mortality than single UTI (RR = 0.54, 95% CI \\[0.39, 0.73\\], *P* \\< 0.0001) (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Forest plot of 28-day mortality in sepsis patients treated with XBJ+UTI therapy and UTI alone.](fphar-09-00743-g0003){#F3}\n\nDuration of mechanical ventilation\n----------------------------------\n\nThere were eight trials measured duration of mechanical ventilation after the treatment (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Sun et al., [", "@B43]; Abuli et al., [", "@B1]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Li, [@B26], [@B23]; Ji et al., [", "@B17]). ", "Heterogeneity among the studies was moderate (*P* = 0.12, *I*^2^ = 39%). ", "This meta-analysis, applying a fixed-effects model, showed that compared to single UTI, XBJ combined with UTI could significantly shorten the duration that patients had to be on a mechanical ventilator by 1.13 days (SMD = −1.13, 95% CI \\[−1.30, −0.95\\], *P* \\< 0.00001) (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Forest plot of duration of mechanical ventilation in sepsis patients treated with XBJ+UTI therapy and UTI alone.](fphar-09-00743-g0004){#F4}\n\nLength of ICU stay\n------------------\n\nThe length of ICU stay was reported in 9 RCTs with 618 participants enrolled (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Sun et al., [", "@B43]; Abuli et al., [", "@B1]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Wang, [@B46]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Li, [@B26], [@B23]; Ji et al., [", "@B17]). ", "A fixed-effects model was selected for this meta-analysis due to no heterogeneity among the trials (*P* = 0.54, *I*^2^ = 0%). ", "The result revealed that XBJ plus UTI group had an advantage over single UTI group in reducing the length of ICU stay by 0.84 day (SMD = −0.84, 95% CI \\[−1.00, −0.67\\], *P* \\< 0.00001) (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Forest plot of length of ICU stay in sepsis patients treated with XBJ+UTI therapy and UTI alone.](fphar-09-00743-g0005){#F5}\n\nAPACHE II score\n---------------\n\nSeven trials involving 482 participants calculated APACHE II score (Ye and Wu, [@B48]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Wang, [@B46]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Ji et al., [", "@B17]; Li, [@B23]; Lu et al., [", "@B31]). ", "Heterogeneity of these trials was substantial (*P* = 0.0003, *I*^2^ = 76%), therefore, a random-effects model was utilized. ", "The pooled analysis demonstrated that statistically significant difference was presented between XBJ plus UTI group and single UTI group, which meant XBJ combined with UTI was superior to single UTI in terms of ameliorating APACHE II score (SMD = −1.09, 95% CI \\[−1.49, −0.69\\], *P* \\< 0.00001) (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Forest plot of APACHE II score in sepsis patients treated with XBJ+UTI therapy and UTI alone.](fphar-09-00743-g0006){#F6}\n\nSerum levels of PCT\n-------------------\n\nEight included RCTs (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Ye and Wu, [@B48]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Wang, [@B46]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Zhou and Fang, [@B53]; Chen et al., [", "@B8]; Li and Jia, [@B24]), involving 668 participants, measured levels of PCT in serum. ", "Since significant heterogeneity was detected among the trials (*P* \\< 0.00001, *I*^2^ = 92%), a random-effects model was adopted. ", "The result signified that there was statistically significant difference between XBJ plus UTI group and single UTI group (SMD = −1.61, 95% CI \\[−2.23, −0.98\\], *P* \\< 0.00001), so a combination of XBJ and UTI could significantly lower PCT levels than single UTI (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Forest plot of serum PCT levels in sepsis patients treated with XBJ+UTI therapy and UTI alone.](fphar-09-00743-g0007){#F7}\n\nSerum levels of inflammatory cytokines\n--------------------------------------\n\nInflammatory cytokines, including interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), were measured in 11 RCTs (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Wang, [@B46]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Zhou and Fang, [@B53]; Ji et al., [", "@B17]; Li, [@B23]; Shan, [@B41]; Bian et al., [", "@B6]; Chen, [@B9]; Chen et al., [", "@B8]). ", "The random-effects model was utilized for substantial heterogeneity among the studies (*P* = 0.02, *I*^2^ = 57%; *P* = 0.0002, *I*^2^ = 74%). ", "As shown in Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}, co-administration of XBJ with UTI was superior to single UTI in reducing serum levels of inflammatory cytokines---IL-6 and TNF-α (SMD = −1.45, 95% CI \\[−1.71, −1.19\\], *P* \\< 0.00001; SMD = −1.11, 95% CI \\[−1.42, −0.80\\], *P* \\< 0.00001).", "\n\n###### \n\nMeta-analysis of inflammation indexes.", "\n\n **Outcomes** **RCTs** **Heterogeneity** **Model** **SMD \\[95% CI\\]** ***Z*** ***P***\n -------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------- ---------\n IL-6 9 *P* = 0.02, *I*^2^ = 57% Random-effects model −1.45 \\[−1.71, −1.19\\] 10.98 0.00001\n TNF-α 9 *P* = 0.0002, *I*^2^ = 74% Random-effects model −1.11 \\[−1.42, −0.80\\] 7.10 0.00001\n CRP 4 *P* = 0.04, *I*^2^ = 64% Random-effects model −1.50 \\[−2.00, −1.00\\] 5.91 0.00001\n hs-CRP 2 *P* = 0.53, *I*^2^ = 0% Fixed-effects model −1.31 \\[−1.70, −0.93\\] 6.75 0.00001\n\n*IL-6, interleukin-6; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-α; CRP, C-reactive protein; hs-CRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein*.", "\n\nSerum levels of CRP\n-------------------\n\nSerum levels of CRP and hs-CRP were respectively mentioned in 4 studies (Wang, [@B46]; Ji et al., [", "@B17]; Li, [@B23]; Bian et al., [", "@B6]) and 2 studies (Shan, [@B41]; Chen et al., [", "@B8]). ", "There were high heterogeneity among studies concerning CRP (*P* = 0.04, *I*^2^ = 64%) and no heterogeneity between studies concerning hs-CRP (*P* = 0.53, *I*^2^ = 0%), thus the random-effects model and fixed-effects model were adopted respectively. ", "Statistically significant differences were observed in both CRP and hs-CRP levels between XBJ plus UTI group and single UTI group (SMD = −1.50, 95% CI \\[−2.00, −1.00\\], *P* \\< 0.00001; SMD = −1.31, 95% CI \\[−1.70, −0.93\\], *P* \\< 0.00001), which signified that XBJ combined with UTI decreased CRP levels in a greater degree than UTI alone (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nLPS improvement\n---------------\n\nThe improvement of LPS was reported in 3 RCTs with 288 participants involved (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]). ", "No significant heterogeneity was detected among the trials (*P* = 0.60, *I*^2^ = 0%), and a fixed-effects model was utilized. ", "The pooled analysis manifested that compared to single UTI, a combination of XBJ and UTI was more effective in lowering LPS levels (SMD = −1.17, 95% CI \\[−1.42, −0.92\\], *P* \\< 0.00001) (Figure [8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Forest plot of LPS improvement in sepsis patients treated with XBJ+UTI therapy and UTI alone.](fphar-09-00743-g0008){#F8}\n\nPublication bias\n----------------\n\nLimited by the small number of studies included in each outcome indicator (\\<10), we failed to assess publication bias by the means of carrying out a funnel plot. ", "All included trials were published in Chinese academic journals. ", "Since trials with negative or neutral results are less likely to be published, the efficacy of published studies might be overestimated. ", "Consequently, the possibility of publication bias could not be ruled out.", "\n\nSensitivity analysis\n--------------------\n\nTo inspect the stability of the outcome, we implemented a sensitivity analysis of 28-day mortality (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Ji et al., [", "@B17]; Li, [@B23]; Chen, [@B9]). ", "By seriatim excluding one trial each time and re-performing meta-analysis of the remaining trials, we could observe whether the outcomes have dramatically changed. ", "Figure [9](#F9){ref-type=\"fig\"} indicated that the outcomes of 28-day mortality were very similar, which had relatively good stability.", "\n\n![", "Sensitivity analysis of 28-days mortality.](fphar-09-00743-g0009){#F9}\n\nSafety\n------\n\nAmong all included studies, 7 RCTs definitely elucidated that no AE occurred in their treatment (Mao et al., [", "@B34]; Sun et al., [", "@B43]; Abuli et al., [", "@B1]; Wang, [@B46]; Li, [@B26]; Shan, [@B41]; Lu et al., [", "@B31]), 3 RCTs described 14 cases of AEs (Jiang and Mao, [@B18]; Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Chen et al., [", "@B8]). ", "Seven cases occurred in XBJ plus UTI group were manifested as 1 case of phlebitis, 4 cases of cutaneous pruritus, 1 case of mouth thirst, and 1 case of mild elevation of aminotransferase; while the other 7 cases associated with the administration of UTI were manifested as 2 cases of phlebitis, 2 cases of rash, 1 case of cutaneous pruritus, and 2 cases of nausea. ", "All symptoms of AEs were slight, which could disappear after drug withdrawal (Jiang and Mao, [@B18]) or relieve after symptomatic treatment (Zhao and Liu, [@B51]; Chen et al., [", "@B8]). ", "The rest 7 RCTs made no mention of AEs (Ye and Wu, [@B48]; Zhou and Fang, [@B53]; Ji et al., [", "@B17]; Li, [@B23]; Bian et al., [", "@B6]; Chen, [@B9]; Li and Jia, [@B24]).", "\n\nDiscussion {#s4}\n==========\n\nSepsis has been called a hidden public health disaster that tremendously threatens people\\'s health and living quality. ", "Patients who survive sepsis not only have to endure long-term cognitive impairment and physical disability, but also suffer a more-than-doubled risk of death in the following 5 years (Quartin et al., [", "@B36]; Angus, [@B2]; Iwashyna et al., [", "@B16]). ", "International guidelines for sepsis management recommend the prompt identification of sepsis and broad-spectrum antibiotics therapy (Rhodes et al., [", "@B39]; Seymour et al., [", "@B40]). ", "Clinical practice validates early treatment with appropriate antibiotics is an effective means for sepsis, by which patients\\' prognoses can usually be improved (Feng et al., [", "@B10]). ", "However, the mis- and overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotic agents result in the emergence of multiple drug-resistant bacillus, antibiotics available for clinicians to select is extremely limited. ", "Given the high morbidity, high mortality and poor prognosis of sepsis, it is critical to identify more effective, innovative, adjunctive therapeutic strategies and drugs for clinical application.", "\n\nUTI is a promising drug for regulating patients\\' immune function, whose immunomodulatory property has been widely investigated for the treatment of sepsis. ", "An Indian multicenter RCT indicated that severe sepsis treated with UTI was associated with a reduction in 28-day all-cause mortality (Karnad et al., [", "@B20]). ", "Additionally, numerous Chinese RCTs also manifested UTI can lower 28-day mortality, improve inflammatory response, mitigate damages to vital organs, shorten duration of mechanical ventilation and length of hospital stay in patients with sepsis (Xiao et al., [", "@B47]; Zhou, [@B54]).", "\n\nXBJ is the only kind of traditional Chinese medicine injection approved for the treatment of sepsis in China (Ma et al., [", "@B33]). ", "As an injection prepared from five Chinese herbs, approximately 30 bioactive compounds of it were identified or tentatively characterized, which include tanshinol, hydroxysafflor yellow A, paeoniflorin, ferulic acid, senkyunolide I and so forth (Ma et al., [", "@B32]; Zuo et al., [", "@B55]). ", "Pharmacological researches confirmed that XBJ has capacities of regulating inflammatory response, alleviating microcirculation, protecting endothelial cells, improving immune function, and fighting oxidative stress of sepsis patients (Zheng, [@B52]; Li et al., [", "@B25]). ", "A recent published meta-analysis indicated that compared with conventional therapies, XBJ as adjunctive therapy for sepsis could significantly decrease APACHE II score, 28-day mortality, temperature, and serum levels of PCT, WBC, CRP, and NEU (Shi et al., [", "@B42]).", "\n\nDespite both XBJ and UTI achieving satisfactory efficacy in treating sepsis, most systematic reviews reported either XBJ or UTI, rather than the combination of them. ", "With respect to XBJ and UTI combination therapy, only an English abstract was searchable in English database, and it\\'s excerpted from an article published in Chinese academic journal (Liu and Li, [@B30]). ", "The objective of current study is to provide an English full-text to evaluate the efficacy and safety of XBJ and UTI combination therapy for sepsis.", "\n\nAccording to the results of this meta-analysis, XBJ and UTI combination therapy had more notable influence than single UTI on sepsis patients, which was reflected in the following aspects: first of all, XBJ plus UTI had an advantage over UTI alone in lowering 28-day mortality, which is the crucial clinical and prognostic parameter for evaluating therapeutic effect of a treatment (Liu et al., [", "@B29]). ", "Moreover, the combination therapy was highly superior to UTI alone in improving indexes that had direct correlations with sepsis patients\\' conditions, namely, shortening duration of mechanical ventilation and length of ICU stay, and ameliorating APACHE II score.", "\n\nPotential mechanisms\n--------------------\n\nCRP is an acute phase reactive protein that increases rapidly when inflammation or tissue damage occurs, and is therefore frequently utilized as a biomarker to evaluate the severity of sepsis (Reinhart et al., [", "@B37]). ", "PCT is produced ubiquitously in response to endotoxin or to mediators released in response to bacterial infections (Gogos et al., [", "@B11]). ", "Second to CRP, PCT to date has become the most widely utilized biomarker in sepsis management worldwide. ", "Both CRP and PCT can serve as significant indicators in evaluating therapeutic effects of sepsis. ", "This meta-analysis exhibited that compared with single UTI, XBJ plus UTI was associated with dramatically lower PCT, CRP, and hs-CRP levels.", "\n\nInflammatory cytokines are immune-modulating products, whose secretion occurs from the very first moment of sepsis. ", "Persistently high or increasing levels of inflammatory cytokines are mostly detected in non-survivors of sepsis, while the opposite are detected in survivors (Heper et al., [", "@B13]; Reinhart et al., [", "@B37]). ", "In this systematic review, comparison with UTI revealed that XBJ combined with UTI could remarkably improve inflammatory cytokines by reducing IL-6 and TNF-α levels.", "\n\nLPS released by invading bacteria is an early sign of infection. ", "Minute amounts of it can result in fatal septic shock if inflammatory reaction is amplified and uncontrolled (Park et al., [", "@B35]). ", "LPS concentration is a potential indicator of sepsis severity and treatment effect. ", "The meta-analysis result suggested that XBJ combined with UTI had a more prominent performance on lowering LPS level than UTI.", "\n\nSafety\n------\n\nWith regard to AEs, all their symptoms reported were mild and transient. ", "No difference was shown in quantity of AEs between the two groups, both of which were 7 cases. ", "Since phlebitis and cutaneous pruritus were detected in both groups, we suspect they might be attributable to the administration of UTI. ", "To decrease the incidence of AEs, drugs should be applied strictly in accordance with instructions. ", "Before initiating treatment, clinicians are recommended to carefully enquire whether patients have allergic history of relevant drugs. ", "In addition to studies claiming no occurrence of AEs, there remained 7 studies that did not refer to AEs, consequently, a definite conclusion on the safety of XBJ and UTI combination therapy for sepsis can not be drawn from the provided information. ", "In our further research, clinical trials focused specifically on safety should be synthesized to fully elucidate the safety of the combination therapy.", "\n\nLimitations\n-----------\n\nThere were, of course, still some potential limitations that might downgrade the certainty of this paper. (", "1) Our research only retrieved studies published in English and Chinese, which might result in a certain degree of selective bias because no reference was made to studies published in other languages. (", "2) All included studies were conducted in China, therefore, whether the findings of our paper could be generalized to broad ranges of geography and ethnic origin was slightly in doubt. (", "3) All included trials stated random allocation was adopted, nevertheless, some of them did not elaborate on the means by which randomization were implemented. (", "4) Although blinding and allocation concealment are vitally important elements to ensure methodological quality of clinical trials, none of the original studies made adequate descriptions of these. ", "The investigators and participants might have been aware of the therapeutic interventions implemented, which could lead to the emergence of false-positive conclusions. (", "5) Considerable heterogeneity among trials was detected in some outcome indicators. ", "That measurement methods of the same outcome differed across the studies may be the source of heterogeneity. (", "6) The trials included primarily compared short-term 28-day mortality, while 2002 Brussels Roundtable, \"Surviving Intensive Care\", highlighted that clinical trials should include long-term follow-up of survival rate and quality of life, and follow-up ought to be for at least 6 months (Angus and Carlet, [@B3]). ", "Consequently, researches to gather further data of long-term prognoses are clearly needed.", "\n\nConclusions {#s5}\n===========\n\nIn summary, our study made a comprehensive comparison on efficacy and safety between XBJ plus UTI and UTI alone for sepsis. ", "The findings provided evidence that the combination therapy had superiority over single UTI in improving short-term survival rate, alleviating illness severity, shortening ICU stay and mechanical ventilation duration, and decreasing PCT, inflammatory cytokines, CRP, and LPS levels. ", "However, drawbacks of the included studies---small sample sizes and general methodological quality---may undermine the credibility of these findings, thus, we cautiously come to a conclusion that XBJ and UTI combination therapy was beneficial for sepsis. ", "Our study here provides not only an evidence-based approach to novel therapy for sepsis, but also a framework for designing future preclinical and clinical trials. ", "It is essential to carry out more rigorously designed, larger-scale, multicenter, higher-quality RCTs to further confirm our findings.", "\n\nAuthor contributions {#s6}\n====================\n\nGC conceived the study, conducted the database search, assessed studies for inclusion, extracted the data, and prepared the manuscript. ", "YG searched the databases, assessed studies for inclusion, extracted the data followed by cross checking with GC. ", "YJ, FY, SL, and DT analyzed the data. ", "QM revised the manuscript.", "\n\nConflict of interest statement\n------------------------------\n\nThe authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.", "\n\nACCP/SCCM\n\n: American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine\n\nAEs\n\n: adverse events\n\nAPACHE II score\n\n: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II score\n\nCBM\n\n: Chinese Biomedical Database\n\nCI\n\n: confidence intervals\n\nCNKI\n\n: China National Knowledge Infrastructure\n\nCRP\n\n: C-reactive protein\n\nFDA\n\n: Food and Drug Administration\n\nhs-CRP\n\n: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein\n\nICU\n\n: intensive care units\n\nIL-6\n\n: interleukin-6\n\nLPS\n\n: lipopolysaccharide\n\nMD\n\n: mean difference\n\nMODS\n\n: multiple organ dysfunction syndyome\n\nPCT\n\n: procalcitonin\n\nRCTs\n\n: randomized controlled trials\n\nRR\n\n: risk ratio\n\nSMD\n\n: standard mean difference\n\nTNF-α\n\n: tumor necrosis factor-α\n\nUTI\n\n: ulinastatin\n\nVIP\n\n: China Science and Technology Journal Database\n\nXBJ\n\n: Xuebijing injection.", "\n\n[^1]: Edited by: Dominique J. Dubois, Free University of Brussels, Belgium\n\n[^2]: Reviewed by: Sunita Nair, Independent Researcher, India; Domenico Criscuolo, Genovax S.r.l., ", "Italy\n\n[^3]: This article was submitted to Pharmaceutical Medicine and Outcomes Research, a section of the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology\n" ]
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[ "//\n// Configurable.swift\n// compositional-layouts-kit\n//\n// Created by Astemir Eleev on 19/06/2019.", "\n// Copyright © 2019 Astemir Eleev. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n//\n\nimport Foundation\n\nprotocol Configurable {\n func configure()\n}\n" ]
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[ "Physaloptera hispida\n\nPhysaloptera hispida is a parasitic nematode in the genus Physaloptera. ", "It has been found on the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris), hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus), Florida mouse (Podomys floridanus), cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus), and oldfield mouse (Peromyscus polionotus) in Florida.", "\n\nSee also \n List of parasites of the marsh rice rat\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nLiterature cited \nKinsella, J.M. 1974. ", "Comparison of helminth parasites of the cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus, from several habitats in Florida. ", "American Museum Novitates 2540:1–12.", "\nKinsella, J.M. 1988. ", "Comparison of helminths of rice rats, Oryzomys palustris, from freshwater and saltwater marshes in Florida. ", "Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 55(2):275–280.", "\nKinsella, J.M. 1991. ", "Comparison of helminths of three species of mice, Podomys floridanus, Peromyscus gossypinus, and Peromyscus polionotus, from southern Florida. ", "Canadian Journal of Zoology 39:3078–3083.", "\n\nCategory:Spirurida" ]
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[ "The present disclosure is directed to encryption systems for devices. ", "In particular, the present disclosure is directed to random number generators for generating seeds for pseudorandom number generators in devices, such as data storage devices.", "\nThere are many applications that require the fast production of random numbers having high levels of unpredictability. ", "Such applications include cryptographic key generation in key servers, session keys, and nonces; simulations; Monte Carlo or randomized computations; dithering; gambling; video games; and the like. ", "Often buffered, off-line generated random numbers may be used. ", "However, the necessary large secure buffer is typically expensive and may introduce a significant latency for the buffer to be filled.", "\nAnother application of highly unpredictable random numbers is related to securing data storage devices. ", "Common techniques for securing data storage devices include the use of cryptographic algorithms that rely on secret values, such as passwords or cryptographic keys. ", "Such algorithms are typically open to the public and as such rely heavily on the secret quantity. ", "Thus, the strength of the secret value is a function of how easy it is to guess the value. ", "In general, the strongest secret quantity will be one that is selected through a true random process, such as random number generation. ", "Accordingly, there is an ongoing need for techniques and systems for efficiently generating random numbers for securing data storage devices." ]
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[ "It’s hard to believe that Ryan Callahan still flies under the radar on a nationwide basis. ", "His five goals in the past three games might finally be enough evidence to prove to fans outside New York that he’s more than just a team-first, defensively responsible two-way forward.", "\n\nTortorella responded, “I think sometimes people think he’s just a shot-blocker and a guy who can bang along the boards, forecheck and finish checks. ", "This is his third season now with 20-plus goals. ", "He can also play and make plays.”", "\n\nHe continued, “I think ‘Cally’ has a little bit of a chip under his shoulder that everybody thinks he’s a one-dimensional guy and he isn’t. ", "As he keeps on growing as a player, he’s certainly showing that.”", "\n\nThis season, Callahan is on pace for 33 goals and 61 points. ", "His 10 powerplay goals are equal to Capitals’ superstar Alexander Ovechkin. ", "Both players are tied for fifth best in the NHL.", "\n\nAfter Sunday’s game, I chatted with Brandon Dubinsky about Callahan’s breakthrough offensive season. ", "Dubinsky has spent the past six seasons playing alongside Callahan from their days with the Hartford Wolf Pack to their current Presidents’ Trophy contending campaign with the Rangers.", "\n\n“He’s definitely taken it to another level this year. ", "He was always one of the best, if not the best defensive forwards on our team with all the little things that he does. ", "His offensive game has really come to a completely new level,” Dubinsky stated.", "\n\n“Listen, the guy scored 50 at one point in his career. ", "It wasn’t in the NHL but when you’re able to score that many at any level, I’m pretty confident you can put the puck in the net. ", "He’s shown some of that this year,” he concluded.", "\n\nThe 50-goal season that Dubinsky was referring to was Callahan’s 52-goal season in 2005-06 with the Guelph Storm of the Ontario Hockey League. ", "A 50-goal year at the NHL level is a rarity for any player. ", "Even sniper Marian Gaborik hasn’t accomplished this feat in his career.", "\n\nFor Callahan, a 30-goal season would mark be a nice landmark and proof of his continued growth into a more complete NHL forward.", "\n\nLast season, Callahan was on the verge of turning heads but was limited by two unfortunate injuries that derailed his season and that of the Rangers. ", "Still, he was able to record 48 points in 60 games.", "\n\nThe second of which took place on the Rangers’ 80th game of the 2010-11 season. ", "Callahan stood near the point to block a one-timed blast from Zdeno Chara. ", "He somehow hobbled back to the bench with a broken leg. ", "The Bruins’ captain felt remorseful about ending Callahan’s season and told reporters:\n\n“Callahan is a top-six guy yet he still plays with so much heart and grit. ", "You don’t see many guys that throw their bodies around to block shots like that. ", "He plays the game so hard. ", "You have to respect a guy like that. ", "I heard after the game that he’d probably broken a bone, so I just hope that he’s okay long term.”", "\n\nBy combining his increased offensive output with his usual trademarks of physical play, defensive aptitude, leadership and numerous intangible qualities, Callahan has made himself into one of the league’s best multi-purpose players. ", "Tortorella can confidently plug him into any situation.", "\n\nHe has logged the most time on the penalty kill among Rangers’ forwards and is a big reason why New York ranks 5th in the NHL with a PK% of 87.2%. ", "Overall, the Blueshirts have struggled on the powerplay but Callahan cannot be blamed. ", "He has accounted for 10 of the Rangers’ 27 powerplay goals.", "\n\nThrough 54 games, Callahan ranks 4th overall among NHL forwards with 60 blocked shots but is yet to miss a game. ", "He’s only four blocked shots behind Boyd Gordon of the Coyotes who leads all NHL forwards. ", "Callahan is also ranks 4th in the entire NHL with 195 hits.", "\n\nBy season’s end, he could conceivably finish with 30 goals, 30 assists, 60 points, 15 powerplay goals and 300 hits. ", "All would easily eclipse his previous career bests.", "\n\nRangers fans, do you believe Callahan deserves more credit nationally? ", "Is this his best season as a Ranger? ", "Share your opinions below and send your tweets to @HartnettWFAN." ]
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[ "One of the central principles of research ethics is that the benefits and burdens of research with human participants should be equitably distributed.[^1^](#eahr500055-bib-0001){ref-type=\"ref\"} This principle has important implications for questions about where research will be conducted, how participants will be recruited, what questions will be investigated, and who will control the distribution of any innovations that result. ", "In the rush to initiate clinical trials of treatments and vaccines for Covid‐19, careful attention to these questions is particularly important. ", "If clinical trials are not designed with equity considerations consciously in mind, the response to the pandemic may exacerbate disparities in health status between population groups.", "\n\nThe question of where Covid‐19 clinical trials will be conducted is relevant to both the burdens and benefits of research. ", "On the burdens side, there have long been concerns about the \"off‐shoring\" of studies to low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs) to take advantage of looser regulation and of populations eager to participate in research because they have no other good options for accessing health care.[^2^](#eahr500055-bib-0002){ref-type=\"ref\"} This concern explains the outrage sparked by a French doctor\\'s statement that Covid‐19 trials should be conducted in Africa to take advantage of the fact that \"there are no masks, treatment, or intensive care\" (which would presumably make it easier to determine whether the experimental intervention was working).[^3^](#eahr500055-bib-0003){ref-type=\"ref\"} World Health Organization (WHO) Director‐General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus condemned the comment as \"a hangover from a colonial mentality.", "\"[^4^](#eahr500055-bib-0004){ref-type=\"ref\"}\n\nAt the same time, excluding LMICs from Covid‐19 research is clearly not the solution, as doing so would reduce the potential benefits of research for persons in those regions. ", "This is because the results of clinical trials conducted in one part of the world are not necessarily applicable to persons living elsewhere, due to differences in genetic makeups, the prevalence of comorbidities, and local health care infrastructures.[^5^](#eahr500055-bib-0005){ref-type=\"ref\"} It is therefore discouraging that the WHO\\'s Solidarity Trial, which is comparing the safety and efficacy of four treatment options for Covid‐19, currently includes only a few sites in Africa, Latin America, and South or Southeast Asia.[^6^](#eahr500055-bib-0006){ref-type=\"ref\"} The global community must commit to supporting clinical trials in LMICs that contribute to the development of locally relevant interventions, while also ensuring that these efforts do not take resources away from other critical clinical and public health needs.", "\n\nThe manner in which participants are recruited into studies also raises equity considerations. ", "For example, in the United States, there is substantial evidence that African American and Hispanic and Latinx patients are underrepresented among clinical trial participants.[^7^](#eahr500055-bib-0007){ref-type=\"ref\"} This is a problem because, just like people from different parts of the world, people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds may respond differently to medical interventions.[^8^](#eahr500055-bib-0008){ref-type=\"ref\"} While the reasons for racial and ethnic disparities in clinical trial participation are complex, one factor is reliance on recruitment strategies unlikely to generate significant minority enrollment, such as direct recruitment by physician‐investigators at academic medical centers.[^9^](#eahr500055-bib-0009){ref-type=\"ref\"} Proven strategies to increase the diversity of clinical trial participants include the development of culturally and linguistically appropriate communication materials, in‐person recruitment at free clinics, and the careful use of financial incentives.[^10^](#eahr500055-bib-0010){ref-type=\"ref\"} These and other strategies to overcome racial disparities in research will be particularly important in Covid‐19 clinical trials, given that the disease is infecting and killing African Americans at a disproportionately high rate.[^11^](#eahr500055-bib-0011){ref-type=\"ref\"}\n\nAlso important is support for research specifically focused on the unique needs of certain subpopulations. ", "For example, residents of nursing homes and group homes for the developmentally disabled have been especially hard hit by the Covid‐19 outbreak.[^12^](#eahr500055-bib-0012){ref-type=\"ref\"} Because these populations have suffered a disproportionate share of the burdens of the pandemic, equity requires support for research specifically designed to reduce risk and improve outcomes in these institutional settings. ", "Similarly, studies should focus on the unique needs of other populations that may be excluded from large‐scale clinical trials, such as patients who are pregnant.", "\n\nThe looming issue with respect to research on treatments and vaccines for Covid‐19 relates to control over any medical products that are developed. ", "In most cases, companies that develop new medical products are entitled to patent them, even when the research is supported in part by government funds. ", "Patents enable companies to exclude competition and charge high monopoly prices, which effectively blocks large portions of the global population from access to these products. ", "This means that, even when individuals assume risks by participating in research that leads to the development of a medical product, they have no guarantee that, once the product is on the market, it will be made available in their community at a price they can afford.", "\n\nEfforts are already underway to ensure more equitable access to Covid‐19 treatments and vaccines. ", "The WHO and some prominent government and industry leaders recently pledged to work together to ensure that \"all people have access to all the tools to prevent, detect, treat and defeat Covid‐19.\"[^13^](#eahr500055-bib-0013){ref-type=\"ref\"} Some companies have committed to making any such products that they develop available on a nonprofit basis.[^14^](#eahr500055-bib-0014){ref-type=\"ref\"} One idea that will be considered at this year\\'s World Health Assembly is a proposal to establish a mechanism for companies to \"pool\" patents and other intellectual property rights over Covid‐19 products, making it easier for developers to access new technologies and for generic manufacturers to produce needed products at an affordable price.[^15^](#eahr500055-bib-0015){ref-type=\"ref\"}\n\nYet, while these are encouraging developments, they remain insufficient. ", "The Trump administration has made clear that it has no interest in supporting any WHO‐led initiatives, and, in any event, the WHO lacks the authority to override national intellectual property laws. ", "While voluntary corporate philanthropy is admirable, with more than 100 vaccine candidates currently in development, there is no assurance that the companies making philanthropic pledges will be the ones whose candidate vaccines ultimately succeed.", "\n\nWhat is needed is an international governance system to oversee access to Covid‐19 vaccines and treatments. ", "Given the fundamental ethical principle of equity in research, advocating for such a system should be a priority for everyone involved in designing, conducting, and funding clinical trials.", "\n" ]
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[ 0.0005790736177004874, 0.0005443930276669562, 0.0006043002940714359, 0.000573852623347193, 0.0007927499245852232, 0.0005738055915571749, 0.0005714488797821105, 0.0005370585131458938, 0.0007372686523012817, 0.0006327475421130657, 0.0005570464418269694, 0.0005830416921526194, 0.0005932126077823341, 0.0007130671292543411, 0.0005762730143032968, 0.0005474062636494637, 0.0005661907489411533, 0.0006654707831330597, 0.0005779308849014342, 0.0005537371034733951, 0.000522645132150501, 0.001995587022975087 ]
[ "Truncal valve repair: initial experience with infants and children.", "\nThe truncal valve regurgitation that frequently arises in patients with truncus arteriosus accounts for increased operative and late mortality. ", "Five patients underwent truncal valve repair at UCLA Medical Center between August 1990 and September 1991. ", "This group consisted of 2 infants who underwent complete repair and 3 who underwent valve repair together with right ventricle-pulmonary artery conduit replacement. ", "The techniques used for repair were individualized according to the specific valve morphology, and consisted of the suturing of partially developed commissures, suspension of the cusps, resection of redundant portions of the cusps, annuloplasty at the commissures, and resection of excrescences on the surface of valve leaflets. ", "In 1 infant who had a severely dysplastic truncal valve, stenosis and regurgitation recurred and progressed, and he died 4 months after truncal valve replacement. ", "The remaining 4 patients, who were followed for from 8 to 21 months after repair, are in New York Heart Association class I, and have minimal or no aortic regurgitation. ", "Except in patients with severely deformed and dysplastic valves, truncal valve repair can be an attractive and successful alternative to valve replacement." ]
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[ " SECOND DIVISION\n DILLARD, P. J.,\n REESE and BETHEL, JJ.", "\n\n NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be\n physically received in our clerk’s office within ten\n days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.", "\n http://www.gaappeals.us/rules\n\n\n June 27, 2017\n\n\n\n\nIn the Court of Appeals of Georgia\n A17A0132. ", "CHEROKEE FUNDING LLC et al. ", "v. RUTH et al.", "\n A17A0208. ", "RUTH et al. ", "v. CHEROKEE FUNDING LLC et al.", "\n\n REESE, Judge.", "\n\n The Appellants, Cherokee Funding LLC, Cherokee Funding II, LLC, and\n\nCherokee Funding III, LLC, and Reid Zeising (collectively, “Defendants”), appeal\n\nfrom the trial court’s orders denying in part and granting in part their motion to\n\ndismiss this putative class action for damages premised on violations of the Georgia\n\nIndustrial Loan Act (“GILA”),1 and the Payday Lending Act (“PLA”).2 Cross-\n\nAppellants Kimberly Oglesby (the Plaintiff who sued individually and on behalf of\n\nothers similarly situated) and Ronald Ruth, (collectively, “Plaintiffs”), seek review\n\n\n\n 1\n OCGA § 7-3-1 et seq.", "\n 2\n OCGA § 16-17-1 et seq.", "\n\f of the same orders. ", "For the reasons set forth, infra, we affirm in part and reverse in\n\n part.", "\n\n Viewed in favor of the Plaintiffs,3 the record shows that Ruth and Oglesby\n\n retained attorney Michael Hostilo4 to represent them in personal injury lawsuits after\n\n being involved in separate unrelated vehicle accidents. ", "During the course of Hostilo’s\n\n representation, the Defendants entered into separate “funding agreements” with Ruth5\n\n and Oglesby6 and provided funds to them, each in a principal amount of less than\n\n $3,000. ", "Ruth claims that when his personal injury lawsuit settled in February 2016,\n\n the Defendants sought repayment of about $84,000, which encompassed about $5,300\n\n in principal. ", "Oglesby claims that she borrowed around $400 from the Defendants and,\n\n when her personal injury litigation was resolved in 2014, Hostilo deducted about\n\n $1,000 to pay the Defendants for her “loans.”", "\n\n\n\n\n 3\n LaSonde v. Chase Mtg. ", "Co., 259 Ga. App. ", "772, 774 (1) (577 SE2d 822) (2003).", "\n 4\n Michael Hostilo is not a party to this appeal.", "\n 5\n The record indicates that after initially receiving $1,000 from the Defendants, Ruth\nentered into additional funding agreements, receiving at least another $2,300 in principal.", "\n 6\n The record does not contain the funding agreement signed by Oglesby or any of\nher requests for funding from the Defendants.", "\n\n 2\n\f The Defendants moved to dismiss the complaint for failure to state a claim,\n\n arguing that they were not subject to the PLA or the GILA because the “funding\n\n agreements” at issue were not “loans,” but rather were “investments” in the Plaintiffs’\n\n litigation.7 After a hearing, the trial court granted in part and denied in part the\n\n Defendants’ motion, dismissing the GILA claims, but allowing the PLA claims to\n\n proceed. ", "The Defendants filed a motion seeking a certificate of immediate review.", "\n\n The trial court certified its orders for immediate review. ", "This Court granted the\n\n application for interlocutory appeal, and these appeals follow.", "\n\n This Court reviews a trial court’s ruling on a motion to dismiss de novo.8 “A\n\n motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim should be sustained if the allegations of\n\n the complaint reveal, with certainty, that the plaintiff would not be entitled to relief\n\n under any state of provable facts asserted in support of the complaint.", "”9 With these\n\n guiding principles in mind, we turn now to the parties’ specific claims of error.", "\n\n\n\n 7\n Zeising also moved to dismiss all claims against him on the ground that he was\nshielded from liability by the Georgia Limited Liability Company Act, OCGA § 14-11-100\net seq. ", "The trial court converted Zeising’s motion to dismiss on this issue to a motion for\nsummary judgment. ", "That ruling is not at issue in the instant appeal.", "\n 8\n Houseboat Store, LLC v. Chris-Craft Corp., 302 Ga. App. ", "795 (692 SE2d 61)\n(2010).", "\n 9\n LaSonde, 259 Ga. App. ", "at 774 (1) (citation omitted).", "\n\n 3\n\f Case No. ", "A17A0132\n\n 1. ", "The Defendants assert that the trial court erred in denying their motion to\n\n dismiss the Plaintiffs’ PLA claim, arguing that under the rule of lenity, the PLA does\n\n not apply because the funding agreements do not constitute “loans” that are regulated\n\n by the statute.10 We agree.", "\n\n In reviewing the statutes at issue in this appeal, we are mindful that in\n\n considering the meaning of a statute, our charge as an appellate court is to “presume\n\n that the General Assembly meant what it said and said what it meant.", "”11 Toward that\n\n end, we must afford the statutory text its plain and ordinary meaning,12 consider the\n\n 10\n In their appeal, the Defendants also appear to seek affirmation of the trial court’s\nruling that the GILA does not apply. ", "It is well settled in Georgia that appellate courts are\ncourts of review for the correction of errors. ", "See Alpha Nursing Svcs. ", "v. Vickery, 319 Ga.\nApp. ", "533, 537 (3), n. 6 (732 SE2d 760) (2012) (“In order for a Georgia appellate court to\nreview a trial court ruling for legal error, a party must set forth in the enumeration of errors\nthe allegedly erroneous ruling.”); ", "see also OCGA § 5-6-40; Court of Appeals Rule 25. ", "In\ntheir cross-appeal, the Plaintiffs have alleged in their enumeration of error that the trial\ncourt erred in finding that the GILA does not apply in this action.", "\n 11\n Deal v. Coleman, 294 Ga. 170, 172 (1) (a) (751 SE2d 337) (2013) (punctuation\nand citation omitted); accord Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc. v. McRae, 292 Ga. 243, 245\n(1) (734 SE2d 55) (2012); Martinez v. State, 325 Ga. App. ", "267, 273 (2) (750 SE2d 504)\n(2013).", "\n 12\n Deal, 294 Ga. at 172 (1) (a) (“To that end, we must afford the statutory text its\nplain and ordinary meaning.” (", "punctuation and citation omitted)); see State v. Able, 321\nGa. App. ", "632, 636 (742 SE2d 149) (2013) (“A judge is charged with interpreting the law\n\n 4\n\f text contextually,13 read the text “in its most natural and reasonable way, as an\n\n ordinary speaker of the English language would,”14 and seek to “avoid a construction\n\n that makes some language mere surplusage.", "”15 Simply put, when the language of a\n\n statute is “plain and susceptible of only one natural and reasonable construction,\n\n courts must construe the statute accordingly.", "”16\n\n\n\n\nin accordance with the original and/or plain meaning of the text at issue (and all that the\ntext fairly implies). . . .”).", "\n 13\n See Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., ___U.S. ___, ___ (II) (B)\n(133 SCt 2247, 186 LE2d 239) (2013) (“Words that can have more than one meaning are\ngiven content, however, by their surroundings.” (", "punctuation omitted)); Deal, 294 Ga. at\n172 (1) (a) (“[W]e must view the statutory text in the context in which it appears[.]”); ", "see\nalso Tibbles v. Teachers Retirement Sys. ", "of Ga., 297 Ga. 557, 558 (1) (775 SE2d 527)\n(2015) (“The common and customary usages of the words are important, but so is their\ncontext.” (", "punctuation omitted)).", "\n 14\n Deal, 294 Ga. at 172-73 (1) (a); accord Luangkhot v. State, 292 Ga. 423, 424 (1)\n(736 SE2d 397) (2013).", "\n 15\n In the Interest of L.T., 325 Ga. App. ", "590, 592 (754 SE2d 380) (2014) (punctuation\nomitted); accord Ga. Transmission Corp. v. Worley, 312 Ga. App. ", "855, 856 (720 SE2d\n305) (2011).", "\n 16\n Holcomb v. Long, 329 Ga. App. ", "515, 518 (1) (765 SE2d 687) (2014) (punctuation\nomitted); see Deal, 294 Ga. at 173 (1) (a) (“[I]f the statutory text is clear and unambiguous,\nwe attribute to the statute its plain meaning, and our search for statutory meaning is at an\nend.” (", "punctuation omitted)).", "\n\n 5\n\f The PLA prohibits “making, offering, arranging, or acting as an agent in the\n\n making of loans of $3,000.00 or less” unless permitted under certain other federal and\n\n state laws, which are delineated in the PLA.17 Although the PLA does not define the\n\n term “loan,”18 the statute applies, by its terms, to “all transactions in which funds are\n\n advanced to be repaid at a later date, notwithstanding the fact that the transaction\n\n contains one or more other elements[.]”19\n\n The PLA is a criminal statute.20 Thus, under the rule of lenity, it “must be\n\n construed strictly against criminal liability and, if it is susceptible to more than one\n\n reasonable interpretation, the interpretation most favorable to the party facing\n\n\n\n\n 17\n OCGA § 16-17-2 (a).", "\n 18\n See generally OCGA §§ 16-7-1 through 16-17-10.", "\n 19\n OCGA §§ 16-17-1 (a); 16-17-2 (b). ", "See also Clay v. Oxendine, 285 Ga. App. ", "50,\n51 (1) (645 SE2d 553) (2007) (Generally, a payday loan has been defined as “a loan of\nshort duration, typically two weeks, at an astronomical annual interest rate. ", "Payday loans\nare the current version of salary buying or wage buying. ", "The fees, charges, and interest on\na payday loan are between 15 percent and 30 percent of the principal for a two-week loan,\nconstituting a pretext for usury. ", "Because the maturity date of these loans is usually set to\ncoincide with the borrower’s next payday, the loans are often called payday loans.”)", "\n(citations and punctuation omitted).", "\n 20\n OCGA § 16-17-2 (d); see OCGA §16-17-2 (b).", "\n\n 6\n\f criminal liability must be adopted.", "”21 Further, the General Assembly lacks the power\n\n to “legislate the truth of the facts” and to “bind the courts by recitals of facts in a\n\n public statute.", "”22\n\n In the present case, the funding agreements state as follows: “[i]f Client\n\n complies with this funding agreements and recovers nothing from the legal claim,\n\n then [Defendants] shall receive nothing.” ", "The funding agreements also contain the\n\n following language:\n\n THIS IS A NON RECOURSE TRANSACTION: This Agreement, and\n the obligation to pay, is speculative, and contingent upon the successful\n resolution of the litigation. ", "Cherokee Funding is taking a high risk\n giving me[, the Client,] this Funding. ", "I understand that there is a\n premium charged in doing so. ", "I have been advised that I should not\n accept this Funding if I have any other alternative to meet my immediate\n economic needs. ", "However, Cherokee Funding will be paid only from the\n Proceeds of the lawsuit, and agrees not to seek money from me[, the\n Client,] directly in the event the lawsuit is not successful. ", "IF THERE IS\n\n\n 21\n See Fleet Finance v. Jones, 263 Ga. 228, 231 (3) (430 SE2d 352) (1993) (citations\nomitted) (interpreting OCGA § 7-4-18).", "\n 22\n Western Sky Financial v. State of Ga., 300 Ga. 340, 345 (1) (a) (793 SE2d 357)\n(2016) (citations and punctuation omitted). ", "In that case, the Supreme Court of Georgia held\nthat the statement that payday lending “does not encompass loans that involve interstate\ncommerce” is a legislative finding of fact that was not intended to define the limits of the\nPLA. ", "Id. at 346 (1) (b).", "\n\n 7\n\f NO RECOVERY OF PROCEEDS BY THE CLIENT, THEN\n CHEROKEE FUNDING SHALL RECEIVE NOTHING AND THERE\n IS NO ASSOCIATED OBLIGATION TO PAY THE AMOUNTS\n ADVANCED.", "\n\n\n A plain reading of the quoted portion of the funding agreements demonstrates that the\n\n use of the phrase “shall receive nothing” in conjunction with “no associated\n\n obligation to pay” means that the requirement of repayment is completely contingent\n\n upon the recovery of proceeds from the related legal claims. ", "Stated another way, if\n\n the Plaintiffs had not prevailed in their personal injury litigation, the Defendants\n\n would have received nothing.", "\n\n Thus, we conclude that, based on the plain language of OCGA §§ 16-17-1 (a)\n\n and 16-17-2 (b), the funding agreements do not fall under the auspices of “loans”\n\n under the PLA. ", "Instead of being loans that are regulated by the PLA, the funding\n\n agreements appear to be investment contracts.", "\n\n An “investment contract” is not statutorily defined in Georgia.23 However, the\n\n United States Supreme Court has devised a test to determine if “a particular scheme\n\n 23\n See Cushing v. Cohen, 323 Ga. App. ", "497, 502 (1) (746 SE2d 898) (2013) (The\nterm “investment contract” is not comprehensively defined by the Georgia Securities Act\nof 1973. ", "The Georgia Securities Act of 1973 was repealed in its entirety and replaced with\nthe Georgia Uniform Securities Act of 2008.); ", "see also OCGA § 10-5-80 (a).", "\n\n 8\n\f is an investment contract[.]”24 The test is “whether the scheme involves an investment\n\n of money in a common enterprise with profits to come solely from the efforts of\n\n others.", "”25 The Supreme Court of Georgia has adopted this test.26\n\n In the present case, the funding agreements specifically state that “no part of\n\n the funding amount will be used to support, direct or maintain the legal claim or its\n\n prosecution”27 and that the agreements provide the Defendants with “a security\n\n interest from [the Plaintiffs].” ", "From the language of the funding agreements, it is clear\n\n that the Defendants and the individual Plaintiffs are involved in a common venture,\n\n which is to prevail in the underlying personal injury lawsuits. ", "However, the phrase\n\n indicating that the monies received is not to be used to fund the underlying personal\n\n injury litigation shows that the Defendants are not directly involved in the pursuit or\n\n\n\n 24\n Securities & Exchange Comm. ", "v. Edwards, 540 U. S. 389, 393 (II) (124 SCt 892,\n157 LE2d 813) (2004) (citation omitted).", "\n 25\n Id. (citing Securities & Exchange Comm. ", "v. W. J. Howey Co., 328 U. S. 293, 298-\n299 (66 SCt 1100, 90 LEd 1244) (1946) (punctuation omitted)).", "\n 26\n See Hicks v. State, 315 Ga. App. ", "779, 781-782 (1) (728 SE2d 294) (2012).", "\n 27\n See OCGA § 44-12-24 (“A right of action for personal torts, for legal malpractice,\nor for injuries arising from fraud to the assignor may not be assigned.”); ", "American Chain\n& Cable Co. v. Brunson, 157 Ga. App. ", "833, 835 (278 SE2d 719) (1981) (It is\nimpermissible to assign a personal injury claim in Georgia.).", "\n\n 9\n\fthe outcome of the individual Plaintiffs’ legal actions that the funding agreements\n\nreference.", "\n\n Consequently, we find that the Defendants invested money in the outcome of\n\nthe personal injury lawsuits of the Plaintiffs, with a return on the investments that\n\nwere attributable to the efforts of others, namely the Plaintiffs and their counsel,\n\nwhich is consistent with the United States Supreme Court’s broad construction of\n\nwhat constitutes an investment contract.28 Applying the rule of lenity and strict\n\nconstruction, we must conclude that the funding agreements at issue are not loans\n\nand, thus, are not subject to the PLA.", "\n\n Therefore, the trial court erred in denying the Defendants’ motion to dismiss\n\nthe PLA claim.", "\n\n Case No. ", "A17A0208\n\n 2. ", "The Plaintiffs argue that the trial court erred in granting the Defendants’\n\nmotion to dismiss claims based upon the GILA. ", "We disagree.", "\n\n The GILA was enacted to\n\n provide a source of regulated loans for those who had been borrowing\n at usurious interest rates from loan sharks, street shylocks and wage\n\n 28\n See Securities & Exchange Comm., ", "540 U. S. at 393 (II).", "\n\n 10\n\f buyers. [", "The] GILA applies to all persons, defined as individuals,\n copartnerships, associations, corporations, and all other legal and\n commercial entities, engaged in the business of making loans in amounts\n of $3,000 or less, unless such persons are expressly exempted.29\n\n\n The GILA defines a “loan” as “any advance of money in an amount of $3,000.00 or\n\n less under a contract requiring repayment and any and all renewals or refinancing\n\n thereof or any part thereof.", "”30 As used in OCGA § 7-3-3 (4), the phrase, “requiring\n\n repayment” has a clear and unambiguous requirement that a loan must be repaid. ", "This\n\n is bolstered by the General Assembly’s stated intent that,\n\n [t]he purpose of this chapter is to authorize and provide regulation of the\n business of making loans of $3,000.00 or less and to bring within the\n regulation of this chapter and within its provisions all loans of $3,000.00\n or less, whether or not made by a person organized or operating under\n the provisions and authority of some other statute, except those persons\n and loans expressly exempted by the terms of this chapter. ", "Even though\n\n\n 29\n BankWest, Inc. v. Oxendine, 266 Ga. App. ", "771, 772-773 (1) (598 SE2d 343)\n(2004) (citations and punctuation omitted).", "\n 30\n OCGA § 7-3-3 (4). ", "See also Isaacson v. House, 216 Ga. 698, 702 (1) (119 SE2d\n113) (1961) (The Supreme Court of Georgia has defined a loan as “the delivery by one\nparty to, and the receipt by another party of, a sum of money upon an agreement, express\nor implied, to repay the sum with or without interest”) (citation and punctuation omitted);\nsee Golden Atlanta Site Dev. ", "v. Tilson, 299 Ga. App. ", "646, 647-648 (1) (683 SE2d 166)\n(2009).", "\n\n 11\n\f authorized by other statutes of force, such loans and the persons making\n them, unless expressly exempted, shall be within the operation of this\n chapter in accordance with its terms.31\n\n\n As explained in Division 1, supra, we conclude that the funding agreements are\n\n investment contracts and not loans. ", "Unlike loans, the funding agreements do not\n\n always require repayment. ", "Any repayment, under the funding agreements, is\n\n contingent upon the direction and time frame of the Plaintiffs’ personal injury\n\n litigation, which may be resolved through a myriad of possible outcomes, such as\n\n settlement, dismissal, summary judgment, or trial.", "\n\n While the litigation funding engaged in by the Defendants, with its associated\n\n fees and charges, may legitimately be labeled financially insidious, it is the General\n\n Assembly, not this Court, which must, if it so chooses, expressly promulgate laws to\n\n regulate this activity.32 Because we view the funding agreements between the\n\n Plaintiffs and the Defendants as investment contracts, it was not error for the trial\n\n\n\n\n 31\n OCGA § 7-3-2.", "\n 32\n See Deal, 294 Ga. at 174 (1) (a), n. 11 (Policy arguments are for the legislature to\nconsider. ", "It is the duty of the judiciary to “interpret the laws as they are written.”) (", "citation\nand punctuation omitted).", "\n\n 12\n\fcourt to find that the GILA did not apply. ", "Thus, the trial court properly dismissed the\n\nGILA claims.", "\n\n Judgment affirmed in Case No. ", "A17A0208. ", "Judgment reversed in Case No.", "\n\nA17A0132. ", "Dillard, P. J., and Bethel, J., concur.", "\n\n\n\n\n 13\n\f" ]
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[ "6. ", "During cold weather spell, Fox & Friends host urges Trump to take credit for solving global warming\n\nA brutal winter storm in early January left at least 22 people dead on the East Coast, and Fox & Friends used that storm to praise its favorite viewer, President Donald Trump. ", "On the January 7 episode of Fox & Friends Weekend, co-host Pete Hegseth said, “I think President Trump should take credit for solving global warming. ", "Look at how cold it is, that is just another accomplishment that we need to put on the list. ", "Global warming, done. ", "President Trump eradicated it.”", "\n\n7. ", "Former Rep. Allen West says God has climate change “under control”\n\nFormer Republican Rep. Allen West, a senior fellow at the right-wing Media Research Center, has an interesting theory about climate change. ", "On October 4 West stated on CRTV, “God couldn't get the weather right, it's man-made climate change. ", "I remember when people asked me about climate change, I said yeah, winter, spring, summer, and fall. ", "They said no, man-made climate-- I said no, no -- so, you know, there's a creator that's got this under control. ", "But what they're doing is they’re delegitimizing, they're undermining the sovereignty of the creator.”", "\n\n8. ", "Conservative host Mark Levin likens climate change to Marxism\n\nOn the February 13 episode of LevinTV Tonight on CRTV, Mark Levin laments that because climate change has been “pushed out as a scientific fact,” it's assumed that …“there’s something wrong with” those who dare question it. ", "Levin also calls climate change a “no growth, anti-capitalism movement” that has been “exported to the United States like Marxism itself.” ", "Levin has a history of making idiotic statements denying climate change.", "\n\n9. ", "According to radio host Rush Limbaugh, the Hurricane Florence forecast was “all to heighten the belief in climate change”\n\nWhat’s a list of ridiculous climate change claims without right-wing media’s most prolific offender, Rush Limbaugh? ", "On the September 11 episode of The Rush Limbaugh Show, as Hurricane Florence was headed for the Carolinas, he claimed, “The forecast and the destruction potential doom and gloom is all to heighten the belief in climate change.”", "\n\n10. ", "Fox’s Sean Hannity says that “they do lie to us repeatedly about global warming”\n\nSean Hannity, never one to shy away from denying climate change, did it again in 2018 when discussing a winter storm. ", "On the March 6 episode of his radio program, The Sean Hannity Show, Hannity said, “They do lie to us repeatedly about global warming.” ", "He continued: “They just call it global whatever -- climate change, because this way, it's generic. ", "And if it's hot or too hot, they can say it's climate change. ", "If it's cold, or too cold, they can say it's climate change. ", "But it didn't work out when they said ‘global cooling’ or ‘global warming,’ so they had to fix it.”", "\n\n11. ", "CNN commentator says there is a “climate change industrial complex”\n\nStephen Moore, a CNN commentator and self-described “economist,” is part of CNN's recent climate-denier problem. ", "On the November 26 edition of CNN's Erin Burnett OutFront, Moore tried to discredit the National Climate Assessment by saying, “We have created a climate change industrial complex in this country, with billions and billions and billions of dollars at stake. ", "A lot of people are getting really, really, really rich off the climate change issue.” ", "Moore repeated these claims the next day, again on Burnett’s show. ", "Like Santorum, Moore has been the beneficiary of money from fossil fuel companies, which have funded some of the groups he's worked for.", "\n\n12. ", "Commentator Mark Steyn says that that climate change is a form of class war\n\nOn the November 29 episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, commentator Mark Steyn said that climate change “is actually a form of class war.” ", "He continued: “In macro terms it’s a way of the developed world denying the developing world any chance to live the kind of lives that people in the developed world live.” ", "He also stated, “It’s an elite thing. ", "Nobody takes it seriously.” ", "Although Steyn has been attacking the climate consensus for at least the last decade, he has no actual background in climate science.", "\n\n13. ", "Breitbart’s James Delingpole claims that the “great global warming scare” was launched by “dirty tricks”\n\nIn June 1988, NASA scientist James Hansen gave now-famous testimony to the Senate in which he described humans’ contributions to global warming. ", "On the 30th anniversary of that landmark testimony, Breitbart writer and notorious climate denier James Delingpole penned an article lambasting it, claiming that Hansen used “dirty tricks” to help launch the “great global warming scare.” ", "Delingpole wrote: “But – like the scare itself – the claims were dishonest, hysterical, misleading, unscientific, needlessly alarmist, and cynically stage-managed.” ", "Some of the “dirty tricks” that Delingpole mentioned include the committee chairman scheduling the testimony on the hottest day in June and opening all of the windows in the room. ", "Delingpole, of course, didn’t mention that the evidence of human-induced global warming existed long before Hansen’s testimony. ", "He also predictably failed to note the incredible accuracy of Hansen’s global warming claims.", "\n\n14. ", "Columnist Cal Thomas doesn’t think climate change is “settled science”\n\nSyndicated columnist Cal Thomas criticized the National Climate Assessment in an opinion piece that was published in a number of papers and websites, including the Chicago Tribune. ", "Thomas claimed that climate change is not “settled science” and criticized “scare tactics by leftists who want even more government control over our lives.” ", "To back up his claims, Thomas cited Climate Depot, a website dedicated to denying global warming, and quoted its founder, the industry-funded fraudster Marc Morano. ", "He also cited Patrick Michaels, a climate denier who has received funding from various fossil fuel companies. ", "Finally, Thomas misattributed a quote that called the report a “pile of crap,” saying it came from Princeton oceanographer John P. Dunne when in fact it came from John Dunn of the climate-denier group Heartland Institute. ", "It speaks volumes that a number of newspapers chose to publish Thomas’ column despite its multiple inaccuracies (though some later corrected the quote attribution).", "\n\n15. ", "Conservative author Ann Coulter cites white nationalism as a reason to pretend to “believe in global warming”\n\nOn April 25, Coulter tweeted: “I'm fine with pretending to believe in global warming if we can save our language, culture & borders. #", "MacronCode.” ", "Coulter, a virulent racist who has long supported Trump’s dehumanizing immigration policies, has made ridiculous claims about climate change before, and once stated that global warming deniers are considered equivalent to Holocaust deniers. ", "Her April tweet, sent on the day that French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the U.S. Congress, points to a disturbing trend in which some white nationalists take climate change seriously only because the changing climate will lead to the northward migration of refugees from the Global South." ]
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[ "Rituximab inactivates signal transducer and activation of transcription 3 (STAT3) activity in B-non-Hodgkin's lymphoma through inhibition of the interleukin 10 autocrine/paracrine loop and results in down-regulation of Bcl-2 and sensitization to cytotoxic drugs.", "\nDevelopment of the chimeric mouse antihuman CD20 antibody, Rituximab, presented a notable advance in the treatment of patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). ", "Its use allowed the specific targeting of tumor B cells without the systemic toxicity of traditional therapies. ", "The mechanisms by which Rituximab induces its antitumor activity are not fully understood. ", "We have shown previously that Rituximab down-regulates Bcl-2 expression in some B-NHL cell lymphoma lines through an interleukin 10 (IL-10)-dependent autocrine loop, an effect that renders the resistant cells susceptible to chemotherapeutic drugs. ", "The objective of this study was to delineate the signaling pathway by which Bcl-2 is controlled by Rituximab and IL-10. ", "We hypothesized that the down-regulation of IL-10 by Rituximab decreases activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) protein, which in turn, is responsible for decreased levels of Bcl-2. ", "We demonstrate by phosphoprotein immunoblotting and gel shift analyses that endogenous IL-10 induces activation of STAT3 in the 2F7 cell line. ", "Furthermore, we show that Rituximab and anti-IL-10 antibody treatment decreases the ability of STAT3 to bind to its DNA binding site. ", "The decrease in STAT3 activation by these treatments correlates with a decrease in Bcl-2 expression. ", "Additionally, piceatannol, an inhibitor of STAT3 activation, down-regulates the expression of Bcl-2. ", "Altogether, these results demonstrate that Bcl-2 expression is under the regulation of the STAT3 signaling pathway, which is regulated by endogenously secreted IL-10. ", "Hence, Rituximab-induced down-regulation of IL-10 expression is responsible for the down-regulation of Bcl-2 and sensitization of NHL cells by therapeutic drugs. ", "Furthermore, these findings support the notion that circulating IL-10 in vivo may control the resistance of NHL to drug-mediated cytotoxicity." ]
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[ "Jetbull\n\nOnline since 2007, this bookmaker has a lot of experience in the online gambling industry. ", "They claim to offer the largest selection of online casino games in the world, which includes all of the most popular and trusted brands. ", "It is not just the casino that they take pride in, as their sportsbook has also won a number of awards. ", "The website is fully licensed in the UK and Malta.", "\n\nWith over 1,000 matches available to bet on from around the world at any given time, the football betting on the website is very in depth. ", "Of course, there are markets available for domestic matches in the UK as well as those from all around the globe too. ", "This stretches from the English Premier League all the way to the Singapore S League. ", "There’s also betting markets for international football such as the World Cup and Copa America.", "\n\nHow many betting markets there are for each match depends on how popular the competition is. ", "For example, English Premier League matches have over 100 markets listed, while matches in the Hungarian u19 league are restricted to just the match betting market. ", "You can create your own football coupon easily through using the filters available on the main football page. ", "It is set to Match Odds by default, but by clicking ‘Choose Bet Type’ you can select others such as Double Chance, Goals Over/Under, Both Teams To Score and Asian Handicap.", "\n\nThis bookmaker offers Horse Racing betting for meetings taking place in the UK and Ireland. ", "This is limited to Win or Each Way markets, which are essentially the basics for Horse Racing betting. ", "By adding a selection to your betslip, you can then back Each Way by clicking a tick box.", "\n\nIn all honesty, the odds available on the site are not great when compared to some of their bigger name rivals. ", "That being said, there are still value bets available on occasion, especially surrounding major sporting events and televised football matches.", "\n\nCash out is not a feature that is currently available on the site.", "\n\nMatchedbets.com teaches its members how to make money from betting offers and its guides explain how to turn bookmaker offers into expected cash profits.", "\n\nMake Profit from Jetbull\n\nThe lay out of the website looks sleek, with a red, black and white colour scheme. ", "Though there is nothing particularly unique about the look, it still provides a positive user experience. ", "It is easy to navigate and this is helped by the search function on the website, which allows you to find specific events or markets in just one click. ", "There are also some handy quick links to popular events in the top left of the home page. ", "As well as the sportsbook, the site offers casino, live casino and lottery sections.", "\n\nSigning up for an account is a simple process. ", "All that is required is to enter personal details and choose a unique username and password to use on the site, while also selecting a preferred currency. ", "When logged in, your cash balance is shown in the header bar. ", "There are also quick links to deposit funds and log out of your account.", "\n\nClicking on ‘My Account’ will take you to the My Account area where you can review your betting history, set your preferences and perform other various user functions. ", "You can also edit selected personal details here, such as your email address and password.", "\n\nLive betting is available when clicking the Live Sports tab at the top of the page. ", "Live betting markets are available for Football, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Basketball, Handball, Rugby, Volleyball, Table Tennis and a handful of other sports. ", "There are some statistics available for selected in-play events, most notably for football matches. ", "Here, you will find a 2D pitch view, which shows where the ball is at all times, as well as describing which team is on the attack. ", "Accompanying stats include possession, corners and cards. ", "This all helps you determine how the match is going before placing a bet. ", "Currently, live video streaming is not available on the site.", "\n\nJetbull mobile\n\nWhen you first arrive on the website, your smartphone or tablet will be detected and the screen will alter to fit your device. ", "The mobile betting site is simple to use and browsing the pages is easy when you have a reliable internet connection. ", "All of the same sports and markets that are available on the desktop version of the site are also available on the mobile version.", "\n\nThere are currently no mobile apps available for download.", "\n\nJetbull\nBonus\n\n50% Deposit Bonus Up To £75\n\nJetbull 50% Deposit Bonus Up To £75. ", "Register and make a deposit for a 50% cash match sports bonus. ", "Click to read about the Jetbull free bet offer.", "\n\nClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. ", "CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ", "ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products." ]
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[ "ALVAC-mediated gene transfer is efficient in lymphoid malignancies of T-and early B-cell origin, but not in tumors arising from mature B-cells.", "\nNatural attenuation of ALVAC virus in mammals makes it an attractive vector for cancer vaccine therapy of immunocompromised hosts, such as patients with lymphoid malignancies. ", "However, the transduction efficiency of ALVAC constructs in lymphoid tumors has not yet been characterized. ", "We studied a wide spectrum of human T- and B-cell leukemia and lymphomas and found significant heterogeneity of the ALVAC-mediated gene product expression in these tumors. ", "While ALVAC-B7.1, ALVAC-B7.2, or ALVAC-luciferase vectors effectively expressed recombinant genes in malignancies arising from T- or early B-cell precursors, negative or low expression of ALVAC recombinant genes occurred in tumors arising from mature B-cells. ", "We showed that ALVAC-encoded B7.1 or B7.2 was continuously expressed on the infected, and subsequently irradiated, leukemia cells, and only cells with ALVAC-mediated expression of costimulatory molecules (but not unmodified leukemia cells or those infected with the ALVAC-parental vector) induced significant proliferation and IFN-gamma production by alloreactive T-cells. ", "These data provide the rationale for clinical studies using the ALVAC vector system for gene transfer into lymphoid tumors of T- and early B-cell origin to render them more immunogenic, while alternative strategies should be considered for immunotherapy of mature B-cell malignancies." ]
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[ "DigiTimes\n\nDigiTimes () is a daily newspaper for semiconductor, electronics, computer and communications industries in Taiwan and the Greater China region. ", " It was established in 1998. ", " The company is based in Taipei, Taiwan and currently has a daily newspaper in traditional Chinese as well as Chinese-language and English-language websites.", "\n\nIn Taiwan, the company claims to have over 1,300 member companies and offers various levels of membership, which allows members access to its news archive, preferential booking for events and, for the higher levels of membership, access to DigiTimes Research reports.", "\n\nThe newspaper is cited by various information technology media and blogs like CNN, ZDNet, Los Angeles Times, Laptop Magazine, Cnet and others.", "\n\nSee also\nMedia in Taiwan\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nDigiTimes official website \nDigiTimes English - \n\nCategory:Taiwanese news websites\nCategory:Companies based in Taipei\nCategory:Taiwanese companies established in 1998" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to managing digital images, and more particularly, to providing a web based application that allows multiple users to review digital images on a web-based interface and tracks user review of the digital images.", "\n2. ", "Background\nDigital cameras are commonly used in personal and professional situations. ", "Progress in overall computing power has made digital cameras easy to use in various situations. ", "Digital cameras today can be used as a quality inspection tool before a product is released, for example, before a car, aircraft or any other assembled/unassembled product is released. ", "Another use of a digital camera is in sophisticated space programs. ", "Before a rocket/space ship launch, all major assemblies/subassemblies are photographed and the photographs are then reviewed by various personnel for a final approval. ", "Photo requirements for the launch are pre-determined.", "\nAlthough fast and efficient digital cameras are available, the conventional imaging environment lacks an efficient software based solution that allows users to easily access stored digital images, review the images, approve/reject the images and generate an alert (for example, via email) when an image is rejected. ", "Conventional systems may use a Microsoft Access based databases for managing stored digital images. ", "However, such systems are not flexible or easy to use. ", "Therefore, there is a need for a method and system that provides easy access to digital images where multiple users can review, approve and/or reject digital images." ]
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[ " IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TENNESSEE\n\n AT JACKSON FILED\n MAY 1999 SESSION\n July 7, 1999\n\n Cecil Crowson, Jr.\n Appellate Court Clerk\nSTATE OF TENNESSEE, )\n ) NO. ", "02C01-9810-CC-00308\n Appellee, )\n ) HARDEMAN COUNTY\nVS. ", " )\n ) HON. ", "JON KERRY BLACKWOOD,\nCHARLES R. SMITH, ) JUDGE\n )\n Appellant. ", " ) (Aggravated Burglary and Theft)\n\n\n\nFOR THE APPELLANT: FOR THE APPELLEE:\n\nC. MICHAEL ROBBINS PAUL G. SUMMERS\n(On Appeal) Attorney General and Reporter\n46 North Third Street\nSuite 719 J. ROSS DYER\nMemphis, TN 38103 Assistant Attorney General\n Cordell Hull Building, 2nd Floor\nGARY F. ANTRICAN 425 Fifth Avenue North\nDistrict Public Defender Nashville, TN 37243-0493\n\nRICKEY W. GRIGGS ELIZABETH T. RICE\n(At Trial) District Attorney General\nAssistant District Public Defender\nP.O. Box 700 JERRY W. NORWOOD\nSomerville, TN 38068-0700 Assistant District Attorney General\n 302 Market Street\n Somerville, TN 38068\n\n\n\n\nOPINION FILED:\n\n\n\nAFFIRMED\n\n\n\nJOE G. RILEY,\nJUDGE\n\f OPINION\n\n\n\n A Hardeman County jury convicted defendant of aggravated burglary, a\n\nClass C felony, and theft of property valued at $500, a Class A misdemeanor. ", "The\n\nsole issue in this appeal as of right is sufficiency of the evidence. ", "We find the\n\nevidence sufficient to support the convictions and AFFIRM the judgment of the trial\n\ncourt.", "\n\n\n\n\n FACTS\n\n\n\n On the night of October 16, 1997, a home owned by Radye and Virgie\n\nMorphis in the Pocahontas community was burglarized. ", "Law enforcement found\n\nsigns of forced entry and the inside of the house in disarray. ", "A microwave oven was\n\nleft on the floor in front of the kitchen door. ", "Items missing from the house included:\n\na deer rifle, compound bow, microwave oven, weed trimmer, kerosene heater, and\n\ntool belt. ", "These items were not recovered. ", "Radye Morphis valued these items at\n\n$1500.", "\n\n\n\n Grace Short, a next-door neighbor, disturbed by the barking of a dog at about\n\n10:00 p.m., looked out her window and saw an individual moving about the Morphis’\n\nproperty and observed a dim light inside the home (from a match or a lighter). ", "Her\n\nhusband saw the individual leave the house, put a box-like object on the handlebars\n\nof a bicycle and ride south on Main Street over the railroad tracks. ", "The husband\n\nsaw the individual return to the house a few minutes later.", "\n\n\n\n Grace Short alerted another neighbor, Lynn Hudson, to the suspicious\n\nactivity. ", "Hudson saw a man in the Morphis’ front yard get on a bike with something\n\non the handlebars and ride past her house. ", "The rider went south on Main Street\n\nand over the railroad tracks. ", "Like Mr. Short, Hudson witnessed the man’s return.", "\n\n\n\n 2\n\fShe knew it was the same person because she recognized the squeaking sound\n\nmade by the bicycle. ", "Upon the man’s return, Hudson observed his shadow moving\n\nbetween the house and the garage until law enforcement patrol cars arrived.", "\n\n\n\n Hardeman County Sheriff’s Deputy Rick Chandler responded to the burglary\n\ncall. ", "Upon his arrival at the scene, Chandler saw Grace Short gesturing toward the\n\nback of the Morphis’ house. ", "As he approached the house and came near the\n\ndetached garage, he saw a bicycle leaning against the garage door. ", "He eventually\n\ncame upon a pile of scrap materials under which he saw the defendant.", "\n\n\n\n Chandler ordered the defendant to come out from under the scrap materials\n\nand placed him under arrest. ", "The defendant behaved belligerently and protested\n\nhis arrest. ", "In response to the deputy’s investigative questioning, defendant claimed\n\nto be in the house for a legitimate purpose 1 and said he hid for fear of being in\n\ntrouble solely because of his reputation.", "\n\n\n\n\n SUFFICIENCY OF THE EVIDENCE\n\n\n\n Defendant challenges the sufficiency of the evidence used to support his\n\nconvictions for aggravated burglary and theft of property. ", "Specifically, he claims\n\nthat the evidence is purely circumstantial in nature and only establishes his\n\npresence in the garage, not the house.", "\n\n\n\n Although the evidence of the defendant’s guilt is circumstantial in nature,\n\ncircumstantial evidence alone may be sufficient to support a conviction. ", "State v.\n\nTharpe, 726 S.W.2d 896, 899-900 (Tenn. 1987); State v. Gregory, 862 S.W.2d\n\n574, 577 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App. ", "1993); State v. Buttrey, 756 S.W.2d 718, 721 (Tenn.\n\n\n 1\n Defendant claimed to be seeking a labor-for-rent arrangement and was looking at\nthe house with that purpose in mind. ", "However, at the time of the offense, defendant was\non house arrest and in violation of his community correction’s curfew.", "\n\n 3\n\fCrim. ", "App. ", "1988). ", "However, in order for this to occur, the circumstantial evidence\n\nmust be consistent with the guilt of the accused, inconsistent with innocence, and\n\nmust exclude every other reasonable theory or hypothesis except that of guilt.", "\n\nTharpe, 726 S.W.2d at 900.", "\n\n\n\n While following the above guidelines, this Court must remember that the jury\n\ndecides the weight to be given to circumstantial evidence and that “[t]he inferences\n\nto be drawn from such evidence, and the extent to which the circumstances are\n\nconsistent with guilt and inconsistent with innocence are questions primarily for the\n\njury.” ", "Marable v. State, 313 S.W.2d 451, 457 (Tenn. 1958)(citation omitted); see\n\nalso Gregory, 862 S.W.2d at 577; State v. Coury, 697 S.W.2d 373, 377 (Tenn.\n\nCrim. ", "App. ", "1985). ", "Great weight is given to the result reached by the jury in a\n\ncriminal trial. ", "A jury verdict accredits the state's witnesses and resolves all conflicts\n\nin favor of the state. ", "State v. Bigbee, 885 S.W.2d 797, 803 (Tenn. 1994); State v.\n\nHarris, 839 S.W.2d 54, 75 (Tenn. 1992).", "\n\n\n\n The eyewitness testimony in this case established that a male individual\n\nentered the Morphis’ property and took several items out of the house. ", "He left on\n\na bicycle with some of the property and returned a few minutes later. ", "When law\n\nenforcement arrived on the scene, they found a bicycle leaning against the garage\n\nand discovered defendant hiding under a scrap pile. ", " Defendant offered an\n\nincredible explanation for his presence on the property at approximately 10:00 p.m.\n\n(i.e., his desire to make rental arrangements with the homeowners.)", "\n\n\n\n Defendant fails to overcome the presumption of guilt established by the jury\n\nverdict in this case. ", "The evidence was sufficient to support defendant’s convictions\n\nfor aggravated burglary and theft of property.", "\n\n\n\n CONCLUSION\n\n\n\n\n 4\n\f Based upon the foregoing, the judgment of the trial court is AFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n\n ____________________________\n JOE G. RILEY, JUDGE\n\n\n\n\nCONCUR:\n\n\n\n\n____________________________\nJOHN H. PEAY, JUDGE\n\n\n\n\n____________________________\nTHOMAS T. WOODALL, JUDGE\n\n\n\n\n 5\n\f" ]
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[ "Work on Eastern Road bridge into Portsmouth starts next week\n\nPortsmouth council staff take 31,000 sick days off a year\n\nA SCHEME costing millions of pounds to prevent structural damage to a bridge is due to start on Monday.", "\n\nWork on the Eastern Road Water Bridge, in Portsmouth, begins on Monday and is being carried out to prevent structural damage. ", "It will see corrosion-resistant paint applied.", "\n\nThe project is taking place to prevent further damage to the bridge, which is one of the major routes on and off Portsea Island.", "\n\nStructural concrete repairs and general improvement work may also take place at the same time.", "\n\nA barge will be used to put up scaffolding from underneath the bridge to avoid disrupting road users. ", "There will be some lane closures as part of the scheme but these will be outside the rush hour and drivers will be warned in advance. ", "There will also be some temporary footpath closures and diversions will be signposted.", "\n\nCouncillor Jim Fleming, cabinet member for traffic and transportation, said: ‘It is really important that we invest in this work to protect the bridge from further corrosion and ensure it continues to provide a safe route on and off the island.’" ]
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[ 0.0011383654782548547, 0.0006824501906521618, 0.0005579896387644112, 0.0010884191142395139, 0.000540458015166223, 0.006266786716878414, 0.0006033765967004001, 0.000563636131118983, 0.0005245170905254781 ]
[ "It looks like Donald Trump's hotels aren't benefiting from his omnipresence in the media the same way his campaign has, at least according to one hotel booking site.", "\n\nTravel planning site Hipmunk reported that it has seen first-quarter bookings for Trump Hotels decline 59.3 percent year over year, while overall bookings through the site have generally risen during the same period.", "\n\nTrump Hotels told CNBC in an email that it believes the numbers are not representative of its business and that it is pleased with its own performance.", "\n\nRelated: Trump Clinches Nomination, Then Gives GOP New Reasons to Worry\n\nPriceonomics, a data analytics firm that crunches Hipmunk's numbers, said that before Trump's political campaign, Trump Hotels accounted for 1.7 percent of all bookings on the site in the major cities where the hotels were located.", "\n\nPriceonomics also said Hipmunk users \"may skew younger and more urban than the general population.\"", "\n\n*While the Trump Taj Mahal retains the billionaire's name, it is actually owned by Trump Entertainment Resorts, a subsidiary of Icahn Enterprises.", "\n\nTrump Hotels said that it is \"very pleased with the performance of Trump Hotels, and with the business we receive from our direct brand channels as well as from the larger, significant third party distribution channels with which we partner.\"", "\n\n\"The use of percentages that come from minute numbers, such as those cited, are inconsequential and do not provide a complete or accurate representation of performance,\" it said. \"", "We encourage all travel planning channels to exercise caution in reporting and interpreting these figures.\"", "\n\nTrump's campaign did not respond to CNBC's requests for comment.", "\n\nThis article originally appeared on CNBC. ", "Read more from CNBC:\n\nBusinesses trying to meet another big Obamacare and IRS deadline\n\nHere's who controls 88% of hedge funds' cash\n\nThe disturbing new way hackers are shaking down big business" ]
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[ 0.0006204565870575607, 0.0006655481411144137, 0.0005782480002380908, 0.0010637149680405855, 0.004984740633517504, 0.0006024755421094596, 0.0005127495969645679, 0.0006518603186123073, 0.0005201721214689314, 0.0007204008870758116, 0.0005954056396149099, 0.0007051218417473137 ]
[ "Fiscal Watchdog Bites Capital Master\n\nBy MICHAEL JANOFSKY\n\nPublished: March 27, 1996\n\nWASHINGTON, March 26—\nHe challenged residents to mow their lawns and clean their alleys, business leaders to create more jobs. ", "He implored the District of Columbia Council to protect his summer jobs program, Congress to pass the District's 1996 appropriation bill.", "\n\nIn his first State of the City address since regaining office in 1994, Mayor Marion S. Barry Jr. deliveredan impassioned plea on Monday night that the nation's capital be protected from financial, physical and spiritual ruin.", "\n\nBut today, the head of the city's financial control board said in an interview that there was one crucial figure who was not doing his part to help the city recover: Mr. Barry.", "\n\n\"I saw promises and the reiteration of promises, but I don't see a display of any means of achieving them,\" Andrew F. Brimmer, the economist appointed by President Clinton last year to lead the District into financial stability, said in an interview today, referring to newspaper accounts of Mr. Barry's speech, which Mr. Brimmer did not attend. \"", "Even when the Mayor makes substantial commitments, I don't see any determination to stick with them.\"", "\n\nThe speech was Mr. Barry's most wide-ranging assessment of the city since its financial ills became apparent. ", "He hammered away at two themes, calling for more public service by citizens and less \"District bashing\" by critics. ", "He also strived to convince listeners that even with the city's appropriation stalled in Congress, many of the steps to return the city to sound financial footing, including the cutting of thousands of government jobs, were well under way at his direction.", "\n\n\"Let me report,\" he said, \"that this government has not just been standing around, waiting for a financial ambulance or cash transfusion. ", "We have worked every day to meet our challenges with whatever resources, skills, friends or ingenuity we could find.\"", "\n\nHe also took pride in pointing out that the District had reduced spending this year by a record $151 million.", "\n\nBut Mr. Brimmer, whose board has authority over all fiscal matters and who has frequently expressed such concerns, said he was not yet convinced that Mr. Barry was earnest in his efforts to reach a balanced budget by 1999, as required by the law that created the five-member board. ", "Mr. Brimmer said he felt that Mr. Barry, whose political success has largely been built upon job creation, was using the board \"as a foil\" to preserve his base by passing blame for tough decisions, like cutting jobs.", "\n\n\"I'm not optimistic,\" Mr. Brimmer said. \"", "Some of my colleagues are more optimistic than I am. ", "They believe there has been a major sea change in the Mayor's behavior. ", "I do not see that sea change.\"", "\n\nMr. Brimmer cited several recent examples of actions by Mr. Barry that leave him unconvinced. ", "One involved Mr. Barry's veto of a measure passed by the City Council that would have forced the school system to cut 1,500 jobs. ", "Mr. Barry had previously supported the cuts but changed his mind under pressure from teacher unions and the National Education Association.", "\n\n\"That is the latest illustration of the Mayor's ambivalence,\" Mr. Brimmer said. \"", "The lack of commitment to achieve these goals, I find that very troublesome.\"", "\n\nMr. Brimmer also cited Mr. Barry's comments to students from the University of the District of Columbia who blocked a major street for 14 hours, protesting a perceived cut in the school's budget.", "\n\nAnthony Williams, city's chief financial officer who was appointed by Mr. Barry but is answerable only to the control board, notified all city agencies that had overspent their budgets, including the university, that 10 percent of their current appropriation would be held up until he was certain they would not overspend again.", "\n\nIn addressing the students, Mr. Barry told them to blame Mr. Williams, not school officials, for any cuts.", "\n\n\"That disappointed me,\" Mr. Brimmer said.", "\n\nBeyond those incidents, Mr. Brimmer cited a variety of other issues that he said worried him, including Mr. Barry's proposed budget for 1997 that estimates an increase in overspending by $102 million, after a $54 million increase this year. ", "Adding the carry-over debt of $335 million from Mr. Barry's predecessor, Sharon Pratt Kelly, the new increase would leave the city with overall debt of $544 million by next year.", "\n\nMr. Brimmer said the city's indebtedness had grown to such an enormous problem that he almost daily encountered city contractors who plead with him to help them get their money.", "\n\n\"My voice mail at home is clogged with calls from contractors and vendors, telling me their difficulties with the city,\" he said, adding:.", "\n\n\"I can't accommodate any of them. ", "I refer them to the chief financial officer. ", "That's all I can do.\"", "\n\nPhoto: Andrew Brimmer, head of the fiscal control board for theDistrict of Columbia, says he is not impressed by the Mayor's calls for change. (", "David Scull/The New York Times)" ]
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[ "Interesting (to me) that such forks are not being handled like stock splits. ", "Way back when, you owned some EMC stock through a brokerage, then EMC spun off VMWare, and presto, now you own VMware stock too. ", "The “true” owner of stock is actually really complicated with 101 intermediaries, but nevertheless none of them jumped in to claim your part of the spinoff. ", "But various exchanges are saying they don’t support the fork, so the “split” shares just get tossed in the garbage. ", "If that happened to some stock I owned, I’d be pretty miffed." ]
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[ 0.0005895360372960567, 0.0013866183580830693, 0.0008384902030229568, 0.14666898548603058, 0.0008231134852394462 ]
[ "Q:\n\nActivityを保持しないを有効にした時にCustomViewでの状態保存がうまく動作しない\n\nActivityにボタンがあり、そのボタンを押すとギャラリーが開いて画像の読み込みをします。", "\nこの時、画面回転を行ってもギャラリーから選択した画像が保持されるようにしようとしています。", "\n以下のコードでギャラリーから画像を選択すると、選択した画像がUriImageViewに表示されます。その後で画面回転を行うと選択した画像が保持されていました。", "\nしかし、開発者オプションで「Activityを保持しない」オプションを有効にすると、以下のエラーが発生してアプリが落ちます。", "\nエラー\n04-26 21:30:43.793 22479-22479/? ", "E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main\nProcess: jp.gcreate.sample.savestatecustomview, PID: 22479\njava.lang.", "RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{jp.gcreate.sample.savestatecustomview/jp.gcreate.sample.savestatecustomview.", "MainActivity2Activity}: java.lang.", "RuntimeException: Parcel android.os.", "Parcel@18c09797: Unmarshalling unknown type code 2131296303 at offset 264\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2325)\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2387)\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread.access$800(ActivityThread.java:151)\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1303)\n at android.os.", "Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)\n at android.os.", "Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5254)\n at java.lang.reflect.", "Method.invoke(Native Method)\n at java.lang.reflect.", "Method.invoke(Method.java:372)\n at com.android.internal.os.", "ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:903)\n at com.android.internal.os.", "ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:698)\n Caused by: java.lang.", "RuntimeException: Parcel android.os.", "Parcel@18c09797: Unmarshalling unknown type code 2131296303 at offset 264\n at android.os.", "Parcel.readValue(Parcel.java:2228)\n at android.os.", "Parcel.readSparseArrayInternal(Parcel.java:2546)\n at android.os.", "Parcel.readSparseArray(Parcel.java:1874)\n at android.os.", "Parcel.readValue(Parcel.java:2209)\n at android.os.", "Parcel.readArrayMapInternal(Parcel.java:2485)\n at android.os.", "BaseBundle.unparcel(BaseBundle.java:221)\n at android.os.", "Bundle.getSparseParcelableArray(Bundle.java:822)\n at com.android.internal.policy.impl.", "PhoneWindow.restoreHierarchyState(PhoneWindow.java:2006)\n at android.app.", "Activity.onRestoreInstanceState(Activity.java:1023)\n at android.app.", "Activity.performRestoreInstanceState(Activity.java:978)\n at android.app.", "Instrumentation.callActivityOnRestoreInstanceState(Instrumentation.java:1162)\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2298)\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2387)\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread.access$800(ActivityThread.java:151)\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1303)\n at android.os.", "Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)\n at android.os.", "Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)\n at android.app.", "ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5254)\n at java.lang.reflect.", "Method.invoke(Native Method)\n at java.lang.reflect.", "Method.invoke(Method.java:372)\n at com.android.internal.os.", "ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:903)\n at com.android.internal.os.", "ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:698)\n\nデバッグで確認すると、ギャラリーで画像を選択した後にActivityのonCreateで渡されるBundleの値がBundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=760]となっていました。", "\nCustomViewのonSaveInstanceStateがうまく動作していないのかと思い、UriImageViewのonSaveInstanceStateにブレークポイントを置いてステップ実行を行って確認してみました。", "\nBundleの値はBundle[{android:viewHierarchyState=Bundle[{android:views={16908290=android.view.", "AbsSavedState$1@33173215, 2131296291=jp.gcreate.sample.savestatecustomview.", "UriImageView$ImageState@8c95d9e, 2131296303=android.view.", "AbsSavedState$1@33173215, 2131296304=android.view.", "AbsSavedState$1@33173215, 2131296305=android.support.v7.widget.", "Toolbar$SavedState@303f5002, 2131296306=android.view.", "AbsSavedState$1@33173215, 2131296320=android.view.", "AbsSavedState$1@33173215}}]}]となっており、アプリは落ちることなく動作しました。", "\nステップ実行するとうまく動作する理由がよく分からず困惑しています。", "\nそもそもどこかのコードが根本的に間違っているのかもしれません。", "\nどうやれば「Activityを保持しない」が有効な状態でも、カスタムビューの状態を保存できるでしょうか?", "\nどこを直したら上手く動くようになるのか手助けしていただけるとありがたいです。", "\nActivity\npublic class MainActivity2Activity extends ActionBarActivity {\n private Button mButton;\n private UriImageView mImageView;\n\n @Override\n protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n setContentView(R.layout.activity_main_activity2);\n mButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);\n mImageView = (UriImageView) findViewById(R.id.image);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onResume() {\n super.onResume();\n mButton.setOnClickListener(new View.", "OnClickListener() {\n @Override\n public void onClick(View v) {\n Intent intent = new Intent();\n intent.setAction(Intent.", "ACTION_GET_CONTENT)\n .setType(\"image/*\");\n startActivityForResult(intent, 1);\n }\n });\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onPause() {\n super.onPause();\n mButton.setOnClickListener(null);\n }\n\n @Override\n protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {\n if(requestCode == 1 && resultCode == Activity.", "RESULT_OK){\n Uri uri = data.getData();\n mImageView.setUri(uri);\n }\n }\n}\n\nUriImageView\npublic class UriImageView extends ImageView{\n private Uri mUri;\n\n public UriImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {\n super(context, attrs);\n setImage();\n }\n\n private void setImage() {\n if(mUri == null){\n setImageDrawable(getContext().getResources().getDrawable(android.", "R.drawable.btn_star, getContext().getTheme()));\n }else{\n setImageURI(mUri);\n }\n }\n\n public void setUri(Uri uri) {\n mUri = uri;\n setImage();\n }\n\n @Override\n protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {\n Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState();\n ImageState imageState = new ImageState(superState);\n imageState.savedUri = mUri;\n return imageState;\n }\n\n @Override\n protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {\n ImageState imageState = (ImageState) state;\n super.onRestoreInstanceState(imageState.getSuperState());\n setUri(imageState.savedUri);\n requestLayout();\n }\n\n static class ImageState extends BaseSavedState{\n public static final Parcelable.", "Creator<ImageState> CREATER = new Parcelable.", "Creator<ImageState>(){\n\n @Override\n public ImageState createFromParcel(Parcel source) {\n return new ImageState(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public ImageState[] newArray(int size) {\n return new ImageState[size];\n }\n };\n Uri savedUri;\n\n public ImageState(Parcel source) {\n super(source);\n savedUri = source.readParcelable(Uri.class.getClassLoader());\n }\n\n public ImageState(final Parcelable superState) {\n super(superState);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, int flags) {\n super.writeToParcel(dest, flags);\n dest.writeParcelable(savedUri, flags);\n }\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nImageStateのCREATERがスペル間違いのため起きていると例外が出ているのだと思います。", "\nParcelクラスのreadParcelableCreatorメソッド内で下記のようにリフレクションで名前を指定しているのでCREATORとする必要があります。", "\nField f = c.getField(\"CREATOR\");\n\n" ]
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[ "A new face will have to be added to the 2017 group photo of the government. ", "Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter (second from left) will step down in October Bundeskanzlei/Beat Mumenthaler\n\nThe resignation and replacement of a government minister may not be worth more than a shrug of the shoulders in most countries. ", "Not in Switzerland: the distribution of the portfolios in the seven-member cabinet has its own rules and particularities.", "\n\nThis content was published on September 19, 2017 - 16:26\n\nRenat Kuenzi Studied history and politics at University of Bern. ", "Worked at Reuters, the newspapers Der Bund and Berner Zeitung, and the Förderband radio station. ", "I am concerned with the Swiss practice of modern direct democracy in all its aspects and at all levels, my constant focus being the citizen. ", "More about the author | German Department swissinfo.ch\n\nIt didn’t take long for pundits to begin speculating about possible successors when Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter for personal reasons.", "\n\nSwiss citizens have no say in the matter, strictly speaking. ", "Parliament chose Ignazio Cassis as Burkhalter's successor on September 20, and the newly-elected minister will soon meet his six colleagues to decide on the portfolios.", "\n\nIn line with the Swiss consensus policy, they will agree together on a solution in the best interest of the collective government. ", "The idea is to reach a decision in talks without a formal vote and certainly not by decree.", "\n\nAll individual cabinet members are equal in status, not even the president, a largely ceremonial post, has extra powers.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nSeniority and exception\n\nIf the seven members agree on the distribution of the ministries the principle of seniority applies.", "\n\nThe longest-serving member is given first choice, followed by the others in order of their election. ", "The newcomer therefore has to wait for his or her turn and must take what’s left. ", "This is a practical lesson in Swiss consensus politics and a lesson in humility, as some have argued.", "\n\nIf there’s no agreement on the procedure, the cabinet ministers can decide in a vote based on the majority system.", "\n\nIn 1993, the allocation of cabinet seats apparently had to be decided in a vote and the president at the time put his foot down. ", "The records of the cabinet meetings are not public, so the following is based on hearsay.", "\n\nFlavio Cotti, the then-newly elected cabinet minister from Ticino, apparently insisted on taking over the foreign ministry, but his Christian Democratic Party colleague, Arnold Koller, had set his eyes on the very same ministry.", "\n\nNeither of them was willing to compromise and after much discussion Adolf Ogi, who chaired the meeting as president, gave his vote to newcomer Cotti, ending the stalemate. ", "Breaching the rule of seniority, Ogi ignored the fact that Koller had already served in the cabinet for six years.", "\n\nAgainst the will\n\nNearly 20 years later, the newly elected Simonetta Sommaruga couldn’t rely on similar favours or of a majority of her colleagues in cabinet.", "\n\nAgainst her own wishes, the Social Democrat was asked to take over the justice ministry in 2010, including the immigration portfolio, making her the sworn political enemy of the Swiss People’s Party.", "\n\nIt could be argued that a member of the rightwing party in the cabinet should have been put in charge of justice and police. ", "But the majority in the seven-member cabinet decided otherwise – and landed a member of a leftwing party with the task.", "\n\nThe case of Sommaruga shows that the Swiss government system is truly unique, according to some. ", "And Sommaruga, a classical pianist without formal training in law, is said to be happy in her post.", "\n\nParty interests\n\nParty political interests traditionally play a major role in assigning portfolios. ", "To some extent, the four main parties have laid a “claim” for certain ministries – while others have been excluded.", "\n\nTake the defence ministry: it has never been led by a Social Democrat. ", "This might be a legacy of the past as the leftwing party with its pacifist policies could not be entirely trusted with the task, even after more than 70 years in Switzerland’s multi-party government.", "\n\n\n\nThis article was automatically imported from our old content management system. ", "If you see any display errors, please let us know: community-feedback@swissinfo.ch" ]
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[ "Qualcomm, to no one's surprise, says it \"does not agree with the decision.\" ", "However, arbitration means there's no appeal here. ", "As such, the company could easily end up shelling out billions of dollars for its licensing practices, which allegedly include everything from demanding excessive payments (BlackBerry's claim) to charging patent royalties for unrelated tech (as Apple maintains).", "\n\nAnd to call this win for BlackBerry would be an understatement. ", "While the Canadian tech company is slowly turning around its fortunes after getting out of phone design, it made a total of $286 million in revenue last quarter -- $814.9 million could cover most of the money it makes in a year. ", "Although the payout ultimately stems from a failure to compete in the smartphone industry, it gives BlackBerry a huge amount of breathing room as it shifts its focus toward automotive tech and corporate software." ]
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[ "To prevent Angelenos from suffering long and agonizing power outages in scorching weather, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power says it might have to cut their electricity.", "\n\nUtility officials said Tuesday that “planned outages” that are advertised to residents beforehand will be needed to upgrade aging infrastructure.", "\n\nDWP General Manager David Wright raised the idea two weeks after a blistering heat wave that left more than 100,000 customers without electricity at some point, some of whom went days without power. ", "Wright said the practice, standard in the industry, would involve notifying residents in advance that their power would be out during specific hours on a selected day.", "\n\nDan Barnes, director of power transmission and distribution, said the utility already does some planned outages for replacing equipment, but usually keeps electricity flowing to Angelenos as it replaces old cables, by switching to another cable while work is underway. ", "Shutting off the power would help crews get the work done more quickly, Barnes said.", "\n\n\nUtility spokesman Joseph Ramallo said there were no immediate details about the scope of the planned outages, but that they could affect neighborhoods across the city where electrical upgrades are already planned. ", "Wright said the department would cancel any planned outages if the weather turned out to be hot on the chosen day.", "\n\n1 / 15 Mountain biker Guillermo Salazar of Reseda wipes sweat from his forehead while taking a break from riding amid temperatures in the 90s at San Vicente Mountain Park in Los Angeles. (", "Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times) 2 / 15 A surfer wipes out at the Wedge in Newport Beach. (", "Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times) 3 / 15 As beachgoers watch the waves at the Wedge in Newport Beach, a boy executes a back flip off the sand berm. (", "Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times) 4 / 15 A windsurfer catches a wave at Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro, where temperatures reached into the 80s. (", "Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times) 5 / 15 A woman walks past the fountain at Exposition Park, where temperatures reached into the 90s on Tuesday. (", "Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times) 6 / 15 Lisa Rotunno shares water with her horse, Lexi, during a daily walk in their Chatsworth neighborhood. ", "Normally, she would be riding, but decided it was too. ", "hot (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times) 7 / 15 Two women stroll through Marina Bay during the heat wave that is scheduled to last through Thursday. (", "Maria Alejandra Cardona / Los Angeles Times) 8 / 15 Isabel Gonzalez, 11, of Los Angeles, participates in Junior Lifeguard training at Celes King III Swimming Pool in Los Angeles. ", "The eight-week summer program offered through the city of Los Angles allows youths 10-17 to improve their swimming skills and learn basic water rescue, first aid and snorkeling techniques. (", "Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times) 9 / 15 Instructor Devin Mora, right, keeps an eye on students during Junior Lifeguard training at Celes King III Swimming Pool in Los Angeles. (", "Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times) 10 / 15 Summer crowds converge on Newport Beach, where temperatures reached into the 80s. ", "Hot and dry weather is expected to peak in Southern California on Wednesday, with the mercury topping triple digits in many inland areas. (", "Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times) 11 / 15 Beachgoers are reflected in the mirrored windows of a lifeguard station in Newport Beach. (", "Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times) 12 / 15 Mountain biker Guillermo Salazar, of Reseda, wipes sweat from his forehead while taking a break from riding amid temperatures in the 90’s at San Vicente Mountain Park in Los Angeles Tuesday, July 24. (", "Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times) 13 / 15 A child rides the surf aboard an inflatable flamingo at Newport Beach. (", "Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times) 14 / 15 Shadows are cast as the sun begins to set and children cool off at Sunset Beach. ", "An excessive heat warning for the Los Angeles area has been issued as Southern California faces its second major heat wave this summer. (", "Frederic J. Brown / AFP/Getty Images) 15 / 15 Children play beside a lifeguard tower as sunset approaches at Sunset Beach. (", "Frederic J. Brown / AFP/Getty Images)\n\nThe utility also wants the city to loosen restrictions that prevent its crews from working in the street during “peak traffic hours” in the morning and afternoon. ", "Those rules leave workers with little time to get the work done, Wright said.", "\n\n“We can work between 9 and 3, but a half-hour for traffic control and a half-hour for a lunch … that’s like five hours of work,” he told the Board of Water and Power Commissioners.", "\n\n\nDuring the power outages earlier this month, many residents complained the DWP had given them little information as they weighed whether to leave their homes or board their pets. ", "City Councilmen Mitch O’Farrell and David Ryu, who represented some of the hardest hit areas, said they were deluged with complaints from frustrated residents.", "\n\nWright told board members that as crews were laboring to fix the problems, they could not give precise answers about when power would be restored.", "\n\nHowever, the DWP chief said the utility needed to be clearer with residents about where they could find information and what work was being done. ", "He told the board that within the next year, the utility will roll out a new system to send text messages to residents about power outages in their neighborhoods.", "\n\nWright said the utility also needed to encourage residents to prepare ahead of time for power outages, especially if they had medical needs that required electricity, by buying a small generator or a phone charger that runs on solar power. ", "That could be crucial in an earthquake or another emergency, he said.", "\n\n\nExtreme temperatures are not going away, Wright told the board. “", "This is what the future looks like for us,” Wright said, “We are seeing real extremes in the way of what we’re having to deal with.”", "\n\nAs temperatures spiked again Monday, roughly 3,800 people lost power, including 3,500 customers in Beverly Grove who got their electricity restored later that evening, according to the utility. ", "By the middle of the day Tuesday, only a few dozen people were reporting problems, Ramallo said.", "\n\nIn recent years, the DWP has boosted spending on in its electrical infrastructure, utility figures show. ", "Wright said its average frequency of outages compares well to other California utilities.", "\n\nBut Fred Pickel, the city ratepayer advocate, pointed out that the DWP lags many other California utilities in how long it takes customers suffering an outage to get their power restored.", "\n\n\n“That’s the area where we need work,” Pickel told the board, adding that lengthy waits for customers left without power are generally a sign that field staffing is too low.", "\n\nPickel later added that he was not weighing in on whether staffing was adequate during the recent outages — the data do not cover that period — but that “in general, we need more field staff for line work and available for emergency outage restorations.”", "\n\nemily.alpert@latimes.com\n\nTwitter: @AlpertReyes" ]
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[ "[Fatty acid composition of rat liver chromatin fractions under conditions of stimulation of lipid peroxidation].", "\nThe residues of non-saturated fatty acids being the substrates of lipids peroxidation in chromatin are introduced to the composition of fractions of transcriptionally active and repressed chromatin of rat liver. ", "The amount of non-saturated fatty acids is higher in transcriptionally active chromatin fraction as compared to their amount in the repressed fraction which correlated with the level of lipids peroxidation in these fractions under its activation in vitro. ", "Stimulation of lipids peroxidation in vivo as a result of a single administration of tetrachloroethane and under E-avitaminosis results in the expressed shift of fatty -acid composition of the both chromatin fractions: the amount of substrate lipid peroxide oxidation increases in its repressed part and decrease in its transcriptionally active part. ", "Administration of ionol antioxidant does not result in any noticeable normalization of the shift of fatty-acid composition of chromatin evoked by the lipids peroxidation." ]
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[ "City firm lands £3.9m pipe deal\n\nA Sheffield firm has landed a major contract to build a gas supply pipeline.", "\n\nFulcrum was awarded a £3.95m contract to install a 13km pipeline to link Scotland’s gas network to the Speyside distilleries, Tamdhu, Dalmunach, Cardhu and Knockando.", "\n\nThe new pipeline will deliver approximately 4,700 cubic metres of gas every hour to the plants.", "\n\nThe contract will be funded by a partnership of three companies - Chivas Brothers, Diageo and Ian MacLeod Distillers.", "\n\nImportantly, the connection to the gas network will help reduce the distilleries’ carbon footprints by cutting their reliance on fuel oil and ending the need for delivery by road tankers during the summer months. ", "As a result of the limitations of the current local gas infrastructure, the new pipeline will enable the distilleries to receive a gas supply from April 1 until September 30 each year, when domestic usage is lower.", "\n\nScheduled to begin in August 2015, the contract follows on from Fulcrum’s completion of a 16-mile pipeline connecting four other Speyside distilleries in 2014. ", "This previous project brought gas to Cragganmore, Glenlivet, Tormore and Tomintoul distilleries on behalf of Chivas Brothers, Diageo and Angus Dundee.", "\n\nMartin Donnachie, chief executive of Fulcrum, said: “We are delighted to be further endorsing our relationship with Scotland’s historic whisky industry by the award of this second prestigious contract. ", "We look forward to working with them on delivering a sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly utilities service.”" ]
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[ "package ec2metadata\n\nimport (\n\t\"encoding/json\"\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"net/http\"\n\t\"strconv\"\n\t\"strings\"\n\t\"time\"\n\n\t\"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws\"\n\t\"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr\"\n\t\"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request\"\n\t\"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/internal/sdkuri\"\n)\n\n// getToken uses the duration to return a token for EC2 metadata service,\n// or an error if the request failed.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) getToken(ctx aws.", "Context, duration time.", "Duration) (tokenOutput, error) {\n\top := &request.", "Operation{\n\t\tName: \"GetToken\",\n\t\tHTTPMethod: \"PUT\",\n\t\tHTTPPath: \"/api/token\",\n\t}\n\n\tvar output tokenOutput\n\treq := c.NewRequest(op, nil, &output)\n\treq.", "SetContext(ctx)\n\n\t// remove the fetch token handler from the request handlers to avoid infinite recursion\n\treq.", "Handlers.", "Sign.", "RemoveByName(fetchTokenHandlerName)\n\n\t// Swap the unmarshalMetadataHandler with unmarshalTokenHandler on this request.", "\n\treq.", "Handlers.", "Unmarshal.", "Swap(unmarshalMetadataHandlerName, unmarshalTokenHandler)\n\n\tttl := strconv.", "FormatInt(int64(duration/time.", "Second), 10)\n\treq.", "HTTPRequest.", "Header.", "Set(ttlHeader, ttl)\n\n\terr := req.", "Send()\n\n\t// Errors with bad request status should be returned.", "\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\terr = awserr.", "NewRequestFailure(\n\t\t\tawserr.", "New(req.", "HTTPResponse.", "Status, http.", "StatusText(req.", "HTTPResponse.", "StatusCode), err),\n\t\t\treq.", "HTTPResponse.", "StatusCode, req.", "RequestID)\n\t}\n\n\treturn output, err\n}\n\n// GetMetadata uses the path provided to request information from the EC2\n// instance metadata service. ", "The content will be returned as a string, or\n// error if the request failed.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) GetMetadata(p string) (string, error) {\n\treturn c.GetMetadataWithContext(aws.", "BackgroundContext(), p)\n}\n\n// GetMetadataWithContext uses the path provided to request information from the EC2\n// instance metadata service. ", "The content will be returned as a string, or\n// error if the request failed.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) GetMetadataWithContext(ctx aws.", "Context, p string) (string, error) {\n\top := &request.", "Operation{\n\t\tName: \"GetMetadata\",\n\t\tHTTPMethod: \"GET\",\n\t\tHTTPPath: sdkuri.", "PathJoin(\"/meta-data\", p),\n\t}\n\toutput := &metadataOutput{}\n\n\treq := c.NewRequest(op, nil, output)\n\n\treq.", "SetContext(ctx)\n\n\terr := req.", "Send()\n\treturn output.", "Content, err\n}\n\n// GetUserData returns the userdata that was configured for the service. ", "If\n// there is no user-data setup for the EC2 instance a \"NotFoundError\" error\n// code will be returned.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) GetUserData() (string, error) {\n\treturn c.GetUserDataWithContext(aws.", "BackgroundContext())\n}\n\n// GetUserDataWithContext returns the userdata that was configured for the service. ", "If\n// there is no user-data setup for the EC2 instance a \"NotFoundError\" error\n// code will be returned.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) GetUserDataWithContext(ctx aws.", "Context) (string, error) {\n\top := &request.", "Operation{\n\t\tName: \"GetUserData\",\n\t\tHTTPMethod: \"GET\",\n\t\tHTTPPath: \"/user-data\",\n\t}\n\n\toutput := &metadataOutput{}\n\treq := c.NewRequest(op, nil, output)\n\treq.", "SetContext(ctx)\n\n\terr := req.", "Send()\n\treturn output.", "Content, err\n}\n\n// GetDynamicData uses the path provided to request information from the EC2\n// instance metadata service for dynamic data. ", "The content will be returned\n// as a string, or error if the request failed.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) GetDynamicData(p string) (string, error) {\n\treturn c.GetDynamicDataWithContext(aws.", "BackgroundContext(), p)\n}\n\n// GetDynamicDataWithContext uses the path provided to request information from the EC2\n// instance metadata service for dynamic data. ", "The content will be returned\n// as a string, or error if the request failed.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) GetDynamicDataWithContext(ctx aws.", "Context, p string) (string, error) {\n\top := &request.", "Operation{\n\t\tName: \"GetDynamicData\",\n\t\tHTTPMethod: \"GET\",\n\t\tHTTPPath: sdkuri.", "PathJoin(\"/dynamic\", p),\n\t}\n\n\toutput := &metadataOutput{}\n\treq := c.NewRequest(op, nil, output)\n\treq.", "SetContext(ctx)\n\n\terr := req.", "Send()\n\treturn output.", "Content, err\n}\n\n// GetInstanceIdentityDocument retrieves an identity document describing an\n// instance. ", "Error is returned if the request fails or is unable to parse\n// the response.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) GetInstanceIdentityDocument() (EC2InstanceIdentityDocument, error) {\n\treturn c.GetInstanceIdentityDocumentWithContext(aws.", "BackgroundContext())\n}\n\n// GetInstanceIdentityDocumentWithContext retrieves an identity document describing an\n// instance. ", "Error is returned if the request fails or is unable to parse\n// the response.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) GetInstanceIdentityDocumentWithContext(ctx aws.", "Context) (EC2InstanceIdentityDocument, error) {\n\tresp, err := c.GetDynamicDataWithContext(ctx, \"instance-identity/document\")\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn EC2InstanceIdentityDocument{},\n\t\t\tawserr.", "New(\"EC2MetadataRequestError\",\n\t\t\t\t\"failed to get EC2 instance identity document\", err)\n\t}\n\n\tdoc := EC2InstanceIdentityDocument{}\n\tif err := json.", "NewDecoder(strings.", "NewReader(resp)).Decode(&doc); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn EC2InstanceIdentityDocument{},\n\t\t\tawserr.", "New(request.", "ErrCodeSerialization,\n\t\t\t\t\"failed to decode EC2 instance identity document\", err)\n\t}\n\n\treturn doc, nil\n}\n\n// IAMInfo retrieves IAM info from the metadata API\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) IAMInfo() (EC2IAMInfo, error) {\n\treturn c.IAMInfoWithContext(aws.", "BackgroundContext())\n}\n\n// IAMInfoWithContext retrieves IAM info from the metadata API\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) IAMInfoWithContext(ctx aws.", "Context) (EC2IAMInfo, error) {\n\tresp, err := c.GetMetadataWithContext(ctx, \"iam/info\")\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn EC2IAMInfo{},\n\t\t\tawserr.", "New(\"EC2MetadataRequestError\",\n\t\t\t\t\"failed to get EC2 IAM info\", err)\n\t}\n\n\tinfo := EC2IAMInfo{}\n\tif err := json.", "NewDecoder(strings.", "NewReader(resp)).Decode(&info); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn EC2IAMInfo{},\n\t\t\tawserr.", "New(request.", "ErrCodeSerialization,\n\t\t\t\t\"failed to decode EC2 IAM info\", err)\n\t}\n\n\tif info.", "Code !", "= \"Success\" {\n\t\terrMsg := fmt.", "Sprintf(\"failed to get EC2 IAM Info (%s)\", info.", "Code)\n\t\treturn EC2IAMInfo{},\n\t\t\tawserr.", "New(\"EC2MetadataError\", errMsg, nil)\n\t}\n\n\treturn info, nil\n}\n\n// Region returns the region the instance is running in.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) Region() (string, error) {\n\treturn c.RegionWithContext(aws.", "BackgroundContext())\n}\n\n// RegionWithContext returns the region the instance is running in.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) RegionWithContext(ctx aws.", "Context) (string, error) {\n\tec2InstanceIdentityDocument, err := c.GetInstanceIdentityDocumentWithContext(ctx)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn \"\", err\n\t}\n\t// extract region from the ec2InstanceIdentityDocument\n\tregion := ec2InstanceIdentityDocument.", "Region\n\tif len(region) == 0 {\n\t\treturn \"\", awserr.", "New(\"EC2MetadataError\", \"invalid region received for ec2metadata instance\", nil)\n\t}\n\t// returns region\n\treturn region, nil\n}\n\n// Available returns if the application has access to the EC2 Metadata service.", "\n// Can be used to determine if application is running within an EC2 Instance and\n// the metadata service is available.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) Available() bool {\n\treturn c.AvailableWithContext(aws.", "BackgroundContext())\n}\n\n// AvailableWithContext returns if the application has access to the EC2 Metadata service.", "\n// Can be used to determine if application is running within an EC2 Instance and\n// the metadata service is available.", "\nfunc (c *EC2Metadata) AvailableWithContext(ctx aws.", "Context) bool {\n\tif _, err := c.GetMetadataWithContext(ctx, \"instance-id\"); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn false\n\t}\n\n\treturn true\n}\n\n// An EC2IAMInfo provides the shape for unmarshaling\n// an IAM info from the metadata API\ntype EC2IAMInfo struct {\n\tCode string\n\tLastUpdated time.", "Time\n\tInstanceProfileArn string\n\tInstanceProfileID string\n}\n\n// An EC2InstanceIdentityDocument provides the shape for unmarshaling\n// an instance identity document\ntype EC2InstanceIdentityDocument struct {\n\tDevpayProductCodes []string `json:\"devpayProductCodes\"`\n\tMarketplaceProductCodes []string `json:\"marketplaceProductCodes\"`\n\tAvailabilityZone string `json:\"availabilityZone\"`\n\tPrivateIP string `json:\"privateIp\"`\n\tVersion string `json:\"version\"`\n\tRegion string `json:\"region\"`\n\tInstanceID string `json:\"instanceId\"`\n\tBillingProducts []string `json:\"billingProducts\"`\n\tInstanceType string `json:\"instanceType\"`\n\tAccountID string `json:\"accountId\"`\n\tPendingTime time.", "Time `json:\"pendingTime\"`\n\tImageID string `json:\"imageId\"`\n\tKernelID string `json:\"kernelId\"`\n\tRamdiskID string `json:\"ramdiskId\"`\n\tArchitecture string `json:\"architecture\"`\n}\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'A Puiseux monoid is a submonoid of $({\\mathbb{Q}},+)$ consisting of nonnegative rational numbers. ", "Although the operation of addition is continuous with respect to the standard topology, the set of irreducibles of a Puiseux monoid is, in general, difficult to describe. ", "In this paper, we use topological density to understand how much a Puiseux monoid, as well as its set of irreducibles, spread through ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$. First, we separate Puiseux monoids according to their density in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$, and we characterize monoids in each of these classes in terms of generating sets and sets of irreducibles. ", "Then we study the density of the difference group, the root closure, and the conductor semigroup of a Puiseux monoid. ", "Finally, we prove that every Puiseux monoid generated by a strictly increasing sequence of rationals is nowhere dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$ and has empty conductor.'", "\naddress:\n- |\n Departament d’Enginyeria Inform[à]{}tica i Matem[à]{}tiques\\\n Universitat Rovira i Virgili\\\n Avinguda dels Pa[ï]{}sos Catalans 26\\\n E-43007 Tarragona\\\n Spain\n- |\n Research and Development\\\n Biogen\\\n Cambridge\\\n MA 02142\\\n USA\nauthor:\n- 'Maria Bras-Amoros'\n- Marly Gotti\ntitle: Atomicity and density of Puiseux monoids\n---\n\nIntroduction {#sec:intro}\n============\n\nA Puiseux monoid is an additive submonoid of $({\\mathbb{Q}}_{\\ge 0},+)$. The first significant appearance of Puiseux monoids in commutative algebra seems to date back to the 1970s, when A. Grams used them in [@aG74] to disprove P. Cohn’s conjecture (see [@pC68]) that every atomic integral domain satisfies the ACCP (i.e., every ascending chain of principal ideals eventually stabilizes). ", "However, it was not until recently that Puiseux monoids became the focus of significant attention in factorization theory because of their rich and complex atomic structure. ", "The first systematic study of Puiseux monoids appeared in [@fG17], and since then they have been present in the semigroup and factorization theory literature (see, for instance, [@CGG20a] and [@fG18b]). ", "Recent applications of Puiseux monoids to numerical semigroups and commutative algebra can be found in [@GS18] and [@CG19], respectively.", "\n\nIn general, the atomic structure of a Puiseux monoid can be significantly complex. ", "Puiseux monoids range from antimatter monoids (i.e., monoids without atoms) such as $\\langle 1/2^n \\mid n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\rangle$ to atomic monoids whose sets of atoms are dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$ (see Example \\[ex:atomically dense PM\\]). ", "Even though sufficient conditions for atomicity have been found (see [@GG18 Theorem 5.5] and [@fG19 Proposition 4.5]), there is no characterization of atomic Puiseux monoids in terms of their generating sets. ", "In this paper we study how much Puiseux monoids and, in particular, their sets of atoms, can spread through ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$, hoping our study can contribute towards the understanding of their atomic structure.", "\n\nIn Section \\[sec:general facts of DPM\\], we subclassify Puiseux monoids according to how much they spread throughout ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$: Puiseux monoids that are dense (in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$), Puiseux monoids that are eventually dense (i.e., dense in $[r,\\infty)$ for some $r > 0$), Puiseux monoids that are somewhere dense (i.e., dense in some finite interval), and Puiseux monoids that are nowhere dense (in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$). ", "We characterize members of each of these four classes in terms of their sets of atoms and generating sets. ", "In this section we also exhibit an atomic Puiseux monoid whose set of atoms is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$.\n\nIn the first part of Section \\[sec:increasing PM\\], we argue that the difference group (resp., ", "the root closure) of a Puiseux monoid $M$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}$ (resp., ", "in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$) provided that $M$ is not finitely generated. ", "Then we fully describe the density of Puiseux monoids with nonempty conductor: such Puiseux monoids are nowhere dense if and only if they are finitely generated. ", "In the second part of Section \\[sec:increasing PM\\], we restrict our attention to increasing Puiseux monoids. ", "A submonoid of $({\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0},+)$ is called increasing provided that it can be generated by an increasing sequence. ", "Increasing monoids were first studied in [@GG18] in the context of Puiseux monoids, and then they were investigated in [@mBA19; @mBA20]. ", "Increasing monoids are always atomic [@fG19 Proposition 4.5]. ", "We conclude this paper proving that every non-finitely generated increasing Puiseux monoid is nowhere dense and has empty conductor.", "\n\nPreliminary {#sec:Background and Notation}\n===========\n\nGeneral Notation\n----------------\n\nIn this section, we review most of the notation and terminology we shall be using later. ", "The interested reader can consult [@pG01] for background material on commutative semigroups and [@GH06] for extensive information on factorization theory of atomic monoids. ", "The symbol $\\mathbb{N}$ (resp., ", "$\\mathbb{N}_0$) denotes the set of positive integers (resp., ", "nonnegative integers), while ${\\mathbb{P}}$ denotes the set of primes. ", "For $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$ and $S \\subseteq {\\mathbb{R}}$, we let $S_{\\ge r}$ denote the set $\\{s \\in S \\mid s \\ge r\\}$ and, in a similar manner, we shall use the notation $S_{> r}$. If $q \\in {\\mathbb{Q}}_{> 0}$, then we call the unique $a,b \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ such that $q = a/b$ and $\\gcd(a,b)=1$ the *numerator* and *denominator* of $q$ and denote them by $\\mathsf{n}(q)$ and $\\mathsf{d}(q)$, respectively. ", "For each subset $S$ of ${\\mathbb{Q}}_{>0}$, we call the sets $\\mathsf{n}(S) = \\{\\mathsf{n}(q) \\mid q \\in S\\}$ and $\\mathsf{d}(S) = \\{\\mathsf{d}(q) \\mid q \\in S\\}$ the *numerator set* and *denominator set* of $S$, respectively.", "\n\nMonoids\n-------\n\nEvery time the term “monoid\" is mentioned here, we tacitly assume that the monoid in question is commutative and cancellative. ", "Unless we specify otherwise, we use additive notation on any monoid. ", "For a monoid $M$, we let $M^\\bullet$ denote the set $M \\! ", "\\setminus \\! ", "\\{0\\}$, and we let $M^\\times$ denote the set of invertible elements of $M$. The monoid $M$ is called *reduced* when $M^\\times = \\{0\\}$. For $x,y \\in M$, we say that $x$ *divides* $y$ *in* $M$ and write $x \\mid_M y$ provided that there exists $x' \\in M$ satisfying $y = x + x'$. An element $a \\in M \\! ", "\\setminus \\! ", "M^\\times$ is *irreducible* or an *atom* if whenever $a = u + v$ for $u,v \\in M$, either $u \\in M^\\times$ or $v \\in M^\\times$. The set of atoms of $M$ is denoted by $\\mathcal{A}(M)$.\n\nFor the remaining of this section, assume that $M$ is a reduced monoid. ", "Let $S$ be a subset of $M$. If no proper submonoid of $M$ contains $S$, then $S$ is called a *set of generators* (or *generating set*) of $M$, in which case we write $M = \\langle S \\rangle$. The monoid $M$ is called *finitely generated* if $M$ can be generated by a finite set; otherwise, $M$ is called *non-finitely generated*. ", "It is not hard to see that $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is contained in any set of generators of $M$. If $M = \\langle \\mathcal{A}(M) \\rangle$, then $M$ is called *atomic*. ", "By contrast, $M$ is called *antimatter* if $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is empty. ", "The notion of being antimatter was introduced and studied in [@CDM99] in the setting of integral domains.", "\n\nFactorization Theory\n--------------------\n\nThe (multiplicative) free commutative monoid on $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is denoted by $\\mathsf{Z}(M)$ and called *factorization monoid* of $M$; the elements of $\\mathsf{Z}(M)$ are called *factorizations*. ", "If $z = a_1 \\cdots a_\\ell \\in \\mathsf{Z}(M)$ for some $\\ell \\in {\\mathbb{N}}_0$ and $a_1, \\dots, a_\\ell \\in \\mathcal{A}(M)$, then $|z| := \\ell$ is called the *length* of the factorization $z$. The unique homomorphism $\\pi_M \\colon \\mathsf{Z}(M) \\to M$ satisfying that $\\pi_M(a) = a$ for all $a \\in \\mathcal{A}(M)$ is called the *factorization homomorphism* of $M$. For each $x \\in M$, the set $$\\mathsf{Z}(x) := \\pi_M^{-1}(x) \\subseteq \\mathsf{Z}(M)$$ is called the *set of factorizations* of $x$. The monoid $M$ is said to be an [*FF-monoid*]{} (or a *finite factorization monoid*) if $\\mathsf{Z}(x)$ is finite for all $x \\in M$. It follows from [@GH06 Proposition 2.7.8(4)] that every finitely generated monoid is an FF-monoid. ", "For each $x \\in M$, the *set of lengths* of $x$ is defined by $$\\mathsf{L}(x) := \\{|z| : z \\in \\mathsf{Z}(x)\\}.$$ The set of lengths is an arithmetic invariant of atomic monoids that has been very well studied in recent years (see [@aG16] and the references therein). ", "If $\\mathsf{L}(x)$ is a finite set for all $x \\in M$, then $M$ is called a *BF-monoid* (or a *bounded factorization monoid*). ", "Clearly, every FF-monoid is a BF-monoid.", "\n\nNumerical and Puiseux Monoids\n-----------------------------\n\nA special class of atomic monoids is that one comprising all *numerical monoids*, i.e., cofinite submonoids of $({\\mathbb{N}}_0,+)$. Each numerical monoid has a unique minimal set of generators, which is finite. ", "Let $N$ be a numerical monoid. ", "If $\\{a_1, \\dots, a_n\\}$ is the minimal set of generators of $N$, then $\\mathcal{A}(N) = \\{a_1, \\dots, a_n\\}$ and $\\gcd(a_1, \\dots, a_n) = 1$. Thus, every numerical monoid is atomic and contains only finitely many atoms. ", "The *Frobenius number* of $N$, denoted by $\\mathfrak{f}(N)$, is the minimum $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ such that ${\\mathbb{Z}}_{> n} \\subseteq N$. Readers can find an excellent exposition of numerical monoids in [@GR09] and some of their applications in [@AG16].", "\n\nA *Puiseux monoid* is a submonoid of $({\\mathbb{Q}}_{\\ge 0},+)$. Clearly, every numerical monoid is a Puiseux monoid. ", "In addition, a Puiseux monoid is isomorphic to a numerical monoid if and only if the former is finitely generated [@fG17 Proposition 3.2]. ", "Puiseux monoids are not always atomic; for instance, consider $\\langle 1/2^n \\mid n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\rangle$. However, if $M$ is a Puiseux monoid such that $0$ is not a limit point of $M^\\bullet$, then $M$ is a BF-monoid [@fG19 Proposition 4.5] and, therefore, atomic. ", "The atomic structure of Puiseux monoids was first studied in [@fG17] and [@GG18].", "\n\nAtomicity and Density {#sec:general facts of DPM}\n=====================\n\nOur goal is to understand how much the set of atoms of an atomic Puiseux monoid can spread through ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$. To do this it will be convenient to sub-classify Puiseux monoids into classes according to their topological density in positive rays of the real line.", "\n\nLet $(X, \\mathcal{T})$ be a topological space. ", "If $Y \\subseteq X$, then $Y$ naturally becomes a topological space with the subspace topology, in which case we write $(Y, \\mathcal{T}|_Y)$. Let $A,B \\subseteq X$ such that $A \\subseteq B$. Recall that $A$ is a dense set of $(X, \\mathcal{T})$ (or dense in $X$) if the closure of $A$ is $X$. We say that $A$ is *dense in* $B$ if $A \\cap B$ is a dense set of $(B, \\mathcal{T}|_B)$. Also recall that $A$ is a nowhere dense of $(X, \\mathcal{T})$ (or nowhere dense in $X)$ if the interior of its closure is empty. ", "We say that $A$ is *nowhere dense in* $B$ if $A \\cap B$ is a nowhere dense set of $(B, \\mathcal{T}|_B)$. Here we only consider the real line ${\\mathbb{R}}$ with the Euclidean topology.", "\n\nLet $M$ be a Puiseux monoid. ", "We say that $M$ is\n\n1. ", " *dense* if $M$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$;\n\n2. ", " *eventually dense* if there exists $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$ such that $M$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{> r}$;\n\n3. ", " *somewhere dense* if there exists a nonempty open interval $(r,s) \\subseteq {\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$ such that $M$ is dense in $(r,s)$;\n\n4. ", " *nowhere dense* if for all $r,s \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$ with $r < s$, the set $M$ is not dense in the open interval $(r,s)$.\n\nObserve that, *a priori*, none of the definitions above provides information about the set of atoms or any generating set of $M$. However, the density of a Puiseux monoid according to the previous definitions can be characterized in terms of the topological distribution of its set of atoms.", "\n\n\\[prop:characterization of dense PM\\] For an atomic Puiseux monoid $M$ the following conditions are equivalent.", "\n\n1. ", " $M$ is dense.", "\n\n2. ", " $0$ is a limit point of $M^\\bullet$.\n\n3. ", " $0$ is a limit point of any generating set of $M$.\n\n4. ", " $0$ is a limit point of $\\mathcal{A}(M)$.\n\nClearly, (1) implies (2). ", "Since $M$ is reduced, any generating set of $M$ must contain $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ and, therefore, (2), (3), and (4) are equivalent. ", "To prove that any of the conditions (2), (3), and (4) implies (1), assume that $0$ is a limit point of $M^\\bullet$. Let $\\{r_n\\}$ be a sequence in $M^\\bullet$ converging to $0$. Fix $p \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{> 0}$. To check that $p$ is a limit point of $M$, fix $\\epsilon > 0$. Because $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} r_n = 0$, there exists $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ such that $r_n < \\min\\{p, \\epsilon\\}$. Take $m = \\max\\{k \\in {\\mathbb{Z}}\\mid p - kr_n > 0 \\}$, and set $r = mr_n$. Then we have that $0 < p - r = p - (m+1) r_n + r_n \\le r_n < \\epsilon$. As for any $\\epsilon > 0$ we have found $r \\in M \\setminus \\{p\\}$ with $|p-r|< \\epsilon$, it follows that $p$ is a limit point of $M$. So $M$ is a dense Puiseux monoid.", "\n\n\\[cor:density and atomicity\\] If a Puiseux monoid is not dense, then it is atomic.", "\n\nIt follows immediately from [@fG19 Proposition 4.5], which implies that a Puiseux monoid $M$ is a BF-monoid when $0$ is not a limit point of $M^\\bullet$.\n\nObserve that the conditions (1), (2), and (3) in Proposition \\[prop:characterization of dense PM\\] are equivalent even when $M$ is not atomic. ", "In addition, condition (4) always implies all the three previous conditions. ", "However, the atomicity of $M$ is required to obtain condition (4) from any of the previous conditions; for example, consider the antimatter Puiseux monoid $\\langle 1/2^n \\mid n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\rangle$.\n\nLet us characterize the atomic Puiseux monoids that are somewhere dense.", "\n\n\\[prop:PM with somewhere dense generating sets\\] Let $M$ be an atomic Puiseux monoid. ", "Then the following conditions are equivalent.", "\n\n1. ", " $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is somewhere dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$.\n\n2. ", " Each generating set of $M$ is somewhere dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$.\n\nIf any of the above conditions holds, then $M$ is a somewhere dense Puiseux monoid.", "\n\nSince $M$ is reduced, every generating set contains $\\mathcal{A}(M)$. Therefore (1) implies (2). ", "Since $M$ is atomic, $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is a generating set of $M$ and, therefore, (2) implies (1). ", "The last statement follows straightforwardly.", "\n\nThe equivalent conditions in Proposition \\[prop:PM with somewhere dense generating sets\\] are not superfluous as there are examples of atomic Puiseux monoids whose sets of atoms are not only dense in certain interval, but they span to a whole interval.", "\n\nTake $r,s \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{> 0}$ such that $r < s < 2r$. Now consider the Puiseux monoid $M := \\langle (r,s) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}\\rangle$. Since $0$ is not a limit point of $M^\\bullet$, it follows that $M$ is atomic. ", "On the other hand, the condition $2r > s$ implies that $s$ is a lower bound for $M^\\bullet + M^\\bullet$. Hence $\\mathcal{A}(M) = (r,s) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}$.\n\nWhat is even more striking is the existence of an atomic Puiseux monoid whose set of atoms is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$.\n\n\\[ex:atomically dense PM\\] First, we verify that the set $S = \\{m/p^n \\mid m,n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\text{ and } p \\nmid m\\}$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$ for every $p \\in {\\mathbb{P}}$. To see this, take $\\ell \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{> 0}$ and then fix $\\epsilon > 0$. Now take $n,m \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ with $1/p^n < \\epsilon$ and $m/p^n < \\ell \\le (m+1)/p^n$. Clearly, $s := m/p^n$ of $S$ satisfies that $|\\ell - s| < \\epsilon$. Since $\\epsilon$ was arbitrarily taken, $\\ell$ is a limit point of $S$. Because $0$ is also a limit point of $S$, we conclude that $S$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$.\n\nNow take $\\{r_n\\}$ to be a sequence of positive rationals with underlying set $R$ dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$. Let $\\{p_k\\}$ be an increasing enumeration of the prime numbers. ", "It follows from the previous paragraph, that for each $k \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, the set $$\\bigg\\{\\frac m{p_k^n} \\ \\bigg{|} \\ m,n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\text{ and } p_k \\nmid m \\bigg\\}$$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$. Therefore, for every natural $k$, there exist naturals $m_k$ and $n_k$ satisfying that $|r_k - m_k/p_k^{n_k}| < 1/k$. Consider the Puiseux monoid $$\\label{eq:PM with dense set of atoms}\n M := \\bigg \\langle \\frac{m_k}{p_k^{n_k}} \\ \\bigg{|} \\ k \\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\bigg \\rangle.$$ As distinct generators in have powers of distinct primes in their denominators, $M$ must be atomic and $\\mathcal{A}(M) = \\{m_k/p_k^{n_k} \\mid k \\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\}$. To check that $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$, take $x \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$ and then fix $\\epsilon > 0$. Since $R$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$, there exists $k \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ large enough such that $1/k < \\epsilon/2$ and $|x - r_k| < \\epsilon/2$. So $|r_k - m_k/p_k^{n_k}| < 1/k < \\epsilon/2$. Then $$\\bigg{|} x - \\frac{m_k}{p_k^{n_k}} \\bigg{|} < |x - r_k| + \\bigg{|} r_k - \\frac{m_k}{p_k^{n_k}} \\bigg{|} < \\epsilon.$$ Hence $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$.\n\nWe conclude this section proving that being somewhere dense and being eventually dense are equivalent conditions in the setting of Puiseux monoids.", "\n\n\\[prop:eventually dense characterization\\] For a Puiseux monoid $M$, the following conditions are equivalent.", "\n\n1. ", " $M$ is eventually dense.", "\n\n2. ", " $M$ is somewhere dense.", "\n\nIt is clear that (1) implies (2). ", "To verify that (2) implies (1), suppose that $M$ is somewhere dense, i.e., there exists an interval $(r,s)$ with $r < s$ such that $M$ is topologically dense in $(r,s)$. Since $M$ is closed under addition, it follows that $M$ is topologically dense in $(nr, ns)$ for each $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$. Take $N \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ such that $n(s-r) > r$ for every $n \\ge N$. In this case, we can see that $nr < (n+1) r < ns < (n+1)s$ for each $n \\ge N$ which means that $${\\mathbb{R}}_{> Nr} = \\bigcup_{n=N}^\\infty \\big( nr, ns \\big).$$ Now fix $p \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{> Nr}$ and $\\epsilon > 0$. Take $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ such that $p \\in (nr, ns)$. Since $M$ is topologically dense in $(nr,ns)$, there exists $x \\in M \\cap (nr,ns)$ such that $|x-p| < \\epsilon$. Hence $M$ is topological dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{> Nr}$ and, as a result, eventually dense.", "\n\n\\[cor: if the atoms are somewhere dense the monoid is eventually dense\\] Let $M$ be a Puiseux monoid. ", "If $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is somewhere dense, then $M$ is eventually dense.", "\n\nThe converse of Corollary \\[cor: if the atoms are somewhere dense the monoid is eventually dense\\] does not hold in general, as our next example illustrates. ", "First, recall that the Cantor set $C$ is the subset of ${\\mathbb{R}}$ one obtains starting with the interval $[0,1]$ and then removing iteratively the open middle third of each of the intervals in each iteration. ", "Formally, we can write $$C := [0,1] \\setminus \\bigcup _{n=0}^{\\infty } \\bigcup_{k=0}^{3^n-1} \\left( {\\frac{3k+1}{3^{n+1}}},{\\frac {3k+2}{3^{n+1}}} \\right).$$ It is well known that the Cantor set is an uncountable nowhere dense subset of $[0,1]$ satisfying that $C + C = [0,2]$. Also, it is well known that the set $E$ consisting of the end points of all the intervals obtained in each iteration in the construction of $C$ is a subset of $C$ that is dense in $C$.", "\n\n[^1] \\[ex:atomic and eventually dense PM whose set of atoms is nowhere dense\\] As $C+C = [0,2]$, the equality $(1 + C) + (1 + C) = [2,4]$ holds. ", "Let us argue that $[(1 + C) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}] + [(1 + C) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}]$ is dense in the interval $[2,4]$. Note that $1 + C$ is just the Cantor set constructed in the interval $[1,2]$. Since $E \\subseteq {\\mathbb{Q}}\\cap C$ is dense in $C$, we obtain that $[(1 + C) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}] + [(1 + C) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}]$ is dense in $[2,4]$, as desired. ", "Now consider the Puiseux monoid $M = \\langle (1 + C) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}\\rangle$. It is clear that $\\mathcal{A}(M) = (1 + C) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}$, which implies that $M$ is atomic. ", "On the other hand, $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is nowhere dense as it is a subset of $1 + C$. ", "However, we have seen before that $M$ is dense in $[2,4]$.\n\nFor the sake of completeness, we record the following proposition whose proof is straightforward.", "\n\nFor a Puiseux monoid $M$, the following statements are equivalent.", "\n\n1. ", " $M$ is nowhere dense.", "\n\n2. ", " Each generating set of $M$ is nowhere dense.", "\n\nIf any of the above statements holds, then $M$ is atomic and $\\mathcal{A}(M)$ is nowhere dense.", "\n\nEvery finitely generated Puiseux monoid is isomorphic to a numerical monoid and, therefore, must be a nowhere dense Puiseux monoids. ", "In addition, there are non-finitely generated atomic Puiseux monoids that are nowhere dense. ", "We shall determine a class of such monoids in Theorem \\[thm:increasing PMs\\].", "\n\nDifference Group, Closures, and Conductor {#sec:increasing PM}\n=========================================\n\nDifference Group and the Root Closure\n-------------------------------------\n\nThe *difference group* of a monoid $M$, denoted by ${\\mathsf{gp}}(M)$, is the abelian group (unique up to isomorphism) satisfying that any abelian group containing a homomorphic image of $M$ will also contain a homomorphic image of ${\\mathsf{gp}}(M)$. When $M$ is a Puiseux monoid, the difference group ${\\mathsf{gp}}(M)$ can be taken to be a subgroup of $({\\mathbb{Q}},+)$, namely, $${\\mathsf{gp}}(M) = \\{ x-y \\mid x,y \\in M \\}.$$ The difference group of a Puiseux monoid can be characterized in terms of the denominators of its elements. ", "Before stating such a characterization it is convenient to introduce the notion of the root closure. ", "The *root closure* $\\widetilde{M}$ of a monoid $M$ with difference group ${\\mathsf{gp}}(M)$ is defined by $$\\widetilde{M} := \\big\\{ x \\in {\\mathsf{gp}}(M) \\mid nx \\in M \\ \\text{for some} \\ n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\big\\}.$$ The monoid $M$ is called *root-closed* provided that $\\widetilde{M} = M$. The difference group and the root closure of a Puiseux monoid $M$ were described by Geroldinger et al. ", "in [@GGT19] in terms of the set of denominators of $M$ in the following way.", "\n\n[@GGT19 Proposition 3.1] \\[prop:closure of a PM\\] Let $M$ be a Puiseux monoid, and let $n = \\gcd( \\mathsf{n}(M^\\bullet))$. Then $$\\label{eq:equality of closures of a PM}\n \\widetilde{M} = {\\mathsf{gp}}(M) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}_{\\ge 0} = n \\bigg\\langle \\frac{1}{d} \\ \\bigg{|} \\ d \\in \\mathsf{d}(M^\\bullet) \\bigg\\rangle.$$\n\nThe normal closure and the complete integral closure are two other algebraic closures of a monoid that play an important role in semigroup theory and factorization theory. ", "However, we do not formally introduce any of these two notions of closures as, in virtue of [@GR19 Lemma 2.5] and [@GGT19 Proposition 3.1], they are both equivalent to the root closure in the context of Puiseux monoids.", "\n\nTake $r \\in {\\mathbb{Q}}_{> 0}$ such that $\\mathsf{d}(r) \\in {\\mathbb{P}}$, and consider the Puiseux monoid $M = \\langle r^n \\mid n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}_0 \\rangle$. Since $1 \\in M$, one sees that $\\gcd(\\mathsf{n}(M^\\bullet)) = 1$. Also, it is clear that $\\mathsf{d}(M^\\bullet) = \\{\\mathsf{d}(r)^n \\mid n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}_0\\}$. Then Proposition \\[prop:closure of a PM\\] guarantees that $$\\widetilde{M} = \\bigg\\langle \\frac{1}{\\mathsf{d}(r)^n} \\ \\bigg{|} \\ n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}_0 \\bigg\\rangle,$$ which is the nonnegative cone of the localization ${\\mathbb{Z}}_{\\mathsf{d}(r)}$ of ${\\mathbb{Z}}$ at the multiplicative set $\\{q^n \\mid n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}_0\\}$. Observe that $M$ is closed under multiplication, and so it is a cyclic rational semiring. ", "Various factorization invariants of cyclic rational semirings were recently investigated in [@CGG20] by Chapman et al.", "\n\nAlthough it is difficult in general to determine whether a given Puiseux monoid is dense, a criterion to determine the density of its difference group and its root closure can be easily established, as the following proposition shows.", "\n\n\\[prop:density of difference group and root closure\\] Let $M$ be a Puiseux monoid. ", "Then the following statements are equivalent.", "\n\n1. ", " ${\\mathsf{gp}}(M)$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}$;\n\n2. ", " $\\widetilde{M}$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$;\n\n3. ", " $M$ is not finitely generated.", "\n\nTo prove that (1) implies (2), suppose that ${\\mathsf{gp}}(M)$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}$. It is clear that every additive subgroup of ${\\mathbb{Q}}$ is symmetric with respect to $0$. This, together with Proposition \\[prop:closure of a PM\\], guarantees that $\\widetilde{M} = {\\mathsf{gp}}(M) \\cap {\\mathbb{Q}}_{\\ge 0}$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$, which is condition (2).", "\n\nLet us argue now that (2) implies (3). ", "Suppose, by way of contradiction, that the monoid $M$ is finitely generated. ", "Then $\\mathsf{d}(M^\\bullet)$ is a finite set, and it follows from Proposition \\[prop:closure of a PM\\] that $m \\widetilde{M}$ is a submonoid of $({\\mathbb{N}}_0,+)$, where $m = \\text{lcm}( \\mathsf{d}(M^\\bullet))$. Therefore the monoid $m \\widetilde{M}$ is not dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$. However, this clearly implies that $\\widetilde{M}$ is not dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$, which is a contradiction.", "\n\nFinally, we show that (3) implies (1). ", "Assume that $M$ is not finitely generated. ", "Then $\\mathsf{d}(M^\\bullet)$ contains infinitely many elements as, otherwise, $\\text{lcm}( \\mathsf{d}(M^\\bullet)) M$ would be a submonoid of $({\\mathbb{N}}_0,+)$ and, therefore, finitely generated. ", "Then it follows from Proposition \\[prop:closure of a PM\\] that $0$ is a limit point of $\\widetilde{M}^\\bullet$, and it follows from Proposition \\[prop:characterization of dense PM\\] that $\\widetilde{M}$ is a dense Puiseux monoid. ", "Hence Proposition \\[prop:closure of a PM\\] ensures that ${\\mathsf{gp}}(M) = \\widetilde{M} \\cup -\\widetilde{M}$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}$.\n\nThe Conductor of a Puiseux Monoid\n---------------------------------\n\nLet $M$ be a monoid. ", "The *conductor* of a Puiseux monoid $M$ is defined to be $$\\label{eq:conductor}\n \\mathfrak{c}(M) := \\{ x \\in {\\mathsf{gp}}(M) \\mid x + \\widetilde{M} \\subseteq M \\}.$$ It is clear that $\\mathfrak{c}(M)$ is a subsemigroup of the group ${\\mathsf{gp}}(M)$. Although it is more convenient for our purposes to define the conductor of a Puiseux monoid in terms of its root closure, we would like to remark that in general the conductor of a monoid is defined in terms of its complete integral closure; see for example, [@GH06 Definition 2.3.1]. ", "However, recall that the notions of root closure and complete integral closure coincide in the setting of Puiseux monoids.", "\n\n\\[ex:conductor of NMs\\] Let $M$ be a numerical monoid, and let $\\mathfrak{f}(M)$ be the Frobenius number of $M$. It follows from Proposition \\[prop:closure of a PM\\] that ${\\mathsf{gp}}(M) = {\\mathbb{Z}}$ and $\\widetilde{M} = {\\mathbb{N}}_0$. For $n \\in M$ with $n \\ge \\mathfrak{f}(M) + 1$, the inclusion $n + \\widetilde{M} = n + {\\mathbb{N}}_0 \\subseteq M$ holds . ", "In addition, for each $n \\in {\\mathbb{Z}}$ with $n \\le \\mathfrak{f}(M)$ the fact that $\\mathfrak{f}(M) \\in n + \\widetilde{M}$ implies that $n + \\widetilde{M} \\nsubseteq M$. Thus, $$\\label{eq:Frobenius number and conductor}\n \\mathfrak{c}(M) = \\{ n \\in {\\mathbb{Z}}\\mid n \\ge \\mathfrak{f}(M) + 1 \\}.$$ As the equality of sets (\\[eq:Frobenius number and conductor\\]) shows, the minimum of $\\mathfrak{c}(M)$ is $\\mathfrak{f}(M) + 1$, namely, the conductor number of $M$ as usually defined in the setting of numerical monoids.", "\n\nThe conductor of a Puiseux monoid has been recently described in [@GGT19] as follows.", "\n\n[@GGT19 Proposition 3.2] \\[prop:conductor of a PM\\] Let $M$ be a Puiseux monoid. ", "Then the following statements hold.", "\n\n1. ", " If $M$ is root-closed, then $\\mathfrak{c}(M) = \\widetilde{M} = M$.\n\n2. ", " If $M$ is not root-closed, then set $\\sigma = \\sup \\, \\widetilde{M} \\setminus M$.\n\n 1. ", " If $\\sigma = \\infty$, then $\\mathfrak{c}(M) = \\emptyset$.\n\n 2. ", " If $\\sigma < \\infty$, then $\\mathfrak{c}(M) = M_{\\ge \\sigma}$.\n\nPuiseux monoids with nonempty conductor have been considered in [@GGT19] and, more recently, in [@BG20]. ", "The density of a Puiseux monoid with nonempty conductor can be fully understood with the following criterion.", "\n\nLet $M$ be a Puiseux monoid with nonempty conductor. ", "Then $M$ is nowhere dense if and only if $M$ is finitely generated.", "\n\nFor the direct implication, suppose that $M$ is a nowhere dense Puiseux monoid. ", "Since $M$ has nonempty conductor, it follows from Proposition \\[prop:conductor of a PM\\] that either $M$ is root-closed or $\\sup \\widetilde{M} \\setminus M < \\infty$. We consider the following two cases.", "\n\nCASE 1: $M$ is root-closed. ", "Suppose, by way of contradiction, that $M$ is not finitely generated. ", "Then Proposition \\[prop:density of difference group and root closure\\] guarantees that $\\widetilde{M}$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$. Since $M$ is root-closed $M = \\widetilde{M}$, and so $M$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$. However, this contradicts that $M$ is nowhere dense.", "\n\nCASE 2: $M$ is not root-closed. ", "In this case, the inequality $\\sup \\widetilde{M} \\setminus M < \\infty$ must hold. ", "Taking $\\tau := 1 + \\sup \\widetilde{M} \\setminus M$, we find that $M_{\\ge \\tau} = \\widetilde{M}_{\\ge \\tau}$. Suppose for a contradiction that $M$ is not finitely generated. ", "Then $\\widetilde{M}_{\\ge \\tau}$ would be dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge \\tau}$ by Proposition \\[prop:density of difference group and root closure\\] and, therefore, $M_{\\ge \\tau}$ would also be dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge \\tau}$. However, this contradicts that $M$ is nowhere dense.", "\n\nThe reverse implication follows immediately. ", "Indeed, if $M$ is finitely generated, then $\\mathsf{d}(M^\\bullet)$ is finite and the set $\\text{lcm}(\\mathsf{d}(M^\\bullet)) M \\subseteq {\\mathbb{N}}$ is nowhere dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$, which in turns implies that $M$ is nowhere dense.", "\n\nIncreasing Puiseux Monoids\n--------------------------\n\nA submonoid $M$ of $({\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0})$ is called *increasing* if $M$ can be generated by an increasing sequence of real numbers. ", "Clearly, every Puiseux monoid generated by an increasing sequence of rationals is an example of an increasing monoid. ", "Increasing (and decreasing) Puiseux monoids were first studied in [@GG18]. ", "If an increasing submonoid of ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$ (in particular, an increasing Puiseux monoid) can be generated by an unbounded (resp., ", "bounded) sequence it is called a *strongly increasing* (resp., *", "weakly increasing*) monoid. ", "Strongly increasing monoids were considered in [@mBA19; @fG19] and more recently in [@mBA20] under the term “$\\omega$-monoids.\" ", "Increasing Puiseux monoids are always atomic. ", "Indeed, it was proved in [@fG19 Proposition 4.5] that every increasing Puiseux monoid is an FF-monoid.", "\n\nOur goal in this final subsection is to prove that increasing Puiseux monoids are nowhere dense and also that they have empty conductors provided that they are not finitely generated. ", "First, we will establish some needed lemmas.", "\n\nLet $S$ be a subset of ${\\mathbb{R}}$, and take $\\alpha \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$. We say that $\\alpha$ is a limit point of $S$ *from the right* if for every $\\epsilon \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{> 0}$ the set $(\\alpha, \\alpha+ \\epsilon) \\cap S$ is nonempty.", "\n\n\\[lem:contradictone\\] Let $M$ be an increasing Puiseux monoid. ", "If $M$ has a limit point $\\alpha$ from the right, then $M$ also has another limit point $\\beta$ from the right with $\\beta < \\alpha$.\n\nAssume that $M$ has a limit point $\\alpha$ from the right. ", "Then $M$ cannot be finitely generated. ", "Since $M$ is increasing it is an atomic monoid. ", "As $M$ is not finitely generated there exists a strictly increasing sequence $(a_n)_{n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ with underlying set $\\mathcal{A}(M)$. Notice that if the equality $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} a_n = \\infty$ held, it would imply that $|M \\cap [0,n]| < \\infty$ for every $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, contradicting that $\\alpha$ is a limit point of $M$ from the right. ", "Hence the sequence $(a_n)_{n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ must converge to some $\\ell \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{> 0}$.\n\nFor each $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ the monoid $\\langle a_1, \\dots, a_n \\rangle$ is finitely generated and, therefore, the set $\\{ s \\in \\langle a_1, \\dots, a_n \\rangle \\mid s > \\alpha \\}$ has a minimum, which we denote by $s_n$. Clearly, the sequence $(s_n)_{n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ is decreasing. ", "Since $\\alpha$ is a limit point of $M$ from the right, $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} s_n = \\alpha$. Let $(j_n)_{n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ be the strictly increasing sequence with underlying set $\\{j \\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\mid s_j < s_{j-1}\\}$. Notice that $a_{j_n} \\mid_M s_{j_n}$ for every $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$. Hence after setting $b_n := s_{j_n} - a_{j_n}$ for every $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, we obtain that each term of the sequence $(b_n)_{n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ belongs to $M$. In addition, $b_n = s_{j_n} - a_{j_n} > s_{j_{n+1}} - a_{j_{n+1}} = b_{n+1}$ for every $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, whence $(b_n)_{n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ is a strictly decreasing sequence. ", "As $(b_n)_{n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ consists of nonnegative numbers, $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} b_n = \\beta$ for some $\\beta \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$. So $\\beta$ is a limit point of $M$ from the right. ", "It is clear that $\\beta = \\lim_{n \\to \\infty} b_n = \\lim_{n \\to \\infty} s_{j_n} - \\lim_{n \\to \\infty} a_{j_n} = \\alpha - \\ell < \\alpha$, from which the lemma follows.", "\n\n\\[lem:increasing PMs have no limit points from the right\\] Let $M$ be an increasing Puiseux monoid. ", "Then $M$ does not contain limit points from the right.", "\n\nSuppose, by way of contradiction, that the set $A$ consisting of all the limit points of $M$ from the right is nonempty. ", "Set $\\alpha = \\inf A$. ", "We will first argue that $\\alpha$ is indeed the minimum of $A$. ", "To do so take a decreasing sequence $(\\alpha_n)_{n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ whose terms belong to $A$ such that $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} \\alpha_n = \\alpha$. Because each $\\alpha_n$ belongs to $A$, for each fixed $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ there exists a strictly decreasing sequence $(b_{n,j})_{j \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ whose terms belong to $M$ such that $\\lim_{j \\to \\infty} b_{n,j} = \\alpha_n$. So for each $n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ there exists $k_n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ such that $b_{n, k_n} < \\alpha_n + 1/n$. Therefore $(b_{n,k_n})_{n \\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ is a sequence of elements of $M$ satisfying that $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} (b_{n,k_n}) = \\alpha$. Hence $\\alpha$ is a limit point of $M$ from the right and, therefore, $\\alpha \\in A$. ", "So $\\alpha = \\min A$. ", "Now Lemma \\[lem:contradictone\\] guarantees the existence of a limit point $\\beta$ of $M$ from the right such that $\\beta < \\alpha$. However, this contradicts the minimality of $\\alpha$. Thus, one can conclude that $M$ has no limit point from the right.", "\n\nWe are now ready to prove the main result of this section.", "\n\n\\[thm:increasing PMs\\] Let $M$ be an increasing Puiseux monoid. ", "Then the following statements hold.", "\n\n1. ", " $M$ is nowhere dense.", "\n\n2. ", " $\\mathfrak{c}(M)$ is nonempty if and only if $M$ is finitely generated.", "\n\nTo argue the statement (1) we proceed by contradiction. ", "Suppose that $M$ is not a nowhere dense Puiseux monoid. ", "Then there exist $r,s \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$ with $0 < r < s$ such that $M$ is dense in $(r,s)$. Take $b \\in M \\cap (r,s)$. Since $M$ is an increasing Puiseux monoid, Lemma \\[lem:increasing PMs have no limit points from the right\\] guarantees the existence of $\\epsilon \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{> 0}$ such that $M \\cap [b, b + \\epsilon] = \\{ b \\}$. Then the set $M \\cap (b, \\min\\{s, b + \\epsilon\\})$ is empty. ", "However, this contradicts that $M$ is dense in $(r,s)$ because the open interval $(b, \\min\\{s, b + \\epsilon\\})$ is contained in the open interval $(r,s)$. Hence $M$ is a nowhere dense Puiseux monoid, as desired.", "\n\nTo establish the direct implication of (2), suppose that $M$ be a non-finitely generated increasing Puiseux monoid. ", "Then, by Proposition \\[prop:density of difference group and root closure\\], the set $\\widetilde{M}^\\bullet$ has $0$ as a limit point. ", "Since $0$ is not a limit point of $M^\\bullet$, it follows that $M \\ne \\widetilde M$. Hence $M$ cannot be root-closed. ", "On the other hand, let us argue that $\\widetilde M \\setminus M$ is unbounded and so $\\sup \\, \\widetilde M \\setminus M = \\infty$. Indeed, let us see that for each $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$ there exists an element $\\widetilde c$ in $\\widetilde M \\setminus M$ with $\\widetilde c > r$. Since the underlying set of $M$ is unbounded, there exists $c \\in M$ such that $c > r$. It follows now from Lemma \\[lem:increasing PMs have no limit points from the right\\] that there exists $\\epsilon \\in {\\mathbb{R}}_{> 0}$ such that $M \\cap [c, c + \\epsilon] = \\{c\\}$. Since $M$ is not finitely generated, Proposition \\[prop:density of difference group and root closure\\] ensures that $\\widetilde{M}$ is dense in ${\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}$ and, therefore, there exists $\\widetilde c_0 \\in \\widetilde M$ such that $0 < \\widetilde c_0 < \\epsilon$. Now take $\\widetilde c := c + \\widetilde c_0$. The element $\\widetilde c$ belongs to $\\widetilde M$ and satisfies that $c < \\widetilde c < c + \\epsilon$, whence $\\widetilde c \\in \\widetilde M \\setminus M$. In addition, $\\widetilde{c} > c > r$. As $r$ was taken arbitrarily in ${\\mathbb{R}}$, we obtain that $\\sup \\, \\widetilde{M} \\setminus M = \\infty$, as desired. ", "Hence it follows from Proposition \\[prop:conductor of a PM\\] that $\\mathfrak{c}(M)$ is necessarily empty.", "\n\nFor the reverse implication of (2), it suffices to notice that $M$ is finitely generated if and only if $M$ is isomorphic to a numerical monoid and that, as seen in Example \\[ex:conductor of NMs\\], the conductor of a numerical monoid is always nonempty.", "\n\nWe have seen that if a non-finitely generated monoid is increasing, then it has empty conductor. ", "We would like to remark that there are non-finitely generated atomic Puiseux monoids that are not increasing and still have empty conductor. ", "The following example illustrates this.", "\n\nConsider the Puiseux monoid $M$ generated by the infinite set $A := \\{1\\} \\cup \\{1 + 1/p \\mid p \\in {\\mathbb{P}}\\}$. Since $0$ is not a limit point of $M^\\bullet$, it follows from [@fG19 Proposition 4.5] that $M$ is atomic. ", "Indeed, it is not hard to check that $\\mathcal{A}(M) = A$. ", "So $M$ is not finitely generated. ", "On the other hand, the fact that $1$ is a limit point of $M$ from the right, along with Lemma \\[lem:increasing PMs have no limit points from the right\\], guarantees that $M$ is not an increasing Puiseux monoid. ", "In addition, it has been verified in [@GGT19 Example 3.9] that $\\mathfrak{c}(M)$ is empty.", "\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThe authors would like to thank Felix Gotti for his valuable feedback during the preparation of this paper.", "\n\n[20]{}\n\nA. Assi and P. A. García-Sánchez: *Numerical Semigroups and Applications*. ", "New York: Springer-Verlag, 2016.", "\n\nN. R. Baeth and F. Gotti: *Factorizations in upper triangular matrices over information semialgebras*. ", "Available on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.09828.pdf\n\nM. 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0.0008675737190060318, 0.009118882939219475, 0.0006606020033359528, 0.0011378299677744508, 0.0016212386544793844, 0.005412349011749029, 0.0032118521630764008, 0.00094285310478881, 0.0006897160201333463, 0.024935662746429443, 0.012217191979289055, 0.0007178433006629348, 0.012674296274781227, 0.0005955707747489214, 0.0009392039501108229, 0.005354676861315966, 0.007231069728732109, 0.007003696169704199, 0.0012383915018290281, 0.000809352844953537, 0.25112053751945496, 0.001517970347777009, 0.0068603819236159325, 0.0016784078907221556, 0.000802470080088824, 0.0008437137003056705, 0.0016017274465411901, 0.0007263272418640554, 0.007044924423098564, 0.010968165472149849, 0.004915645811706781, 0.0005756510654464364, 0.0059118447825312614, 0.0016033059218898416, 0.0011219301959499717, 0.0006396042881533504, 0.001115924445912242, 0.0006074743578210473, 0.0007525926339440048, 0.0006018927088007331, 0.0008922787965275347, 0.0011198240099474788, 0.0008223338518291712, 0.0006825383752584457, 0.02328670211136341, 0.1349729299545288, 0.0012047321069985628, 0.0013014860451221466, 0.0009263495448976755, 0.0018061331938952208, 0.008599093183875084, 0.012897875159978867, 0.008764389902353287, 0.007986245676875114, 0.006119862664490938, 0.0010397343430668116, 0.0009864874882623553, 0.0444951169192791, 0.0019409714732319117, 0.013950795866549015, 0.016853688284754753, 0.0013480277266353369, 0.0006381174316629767, 0.040678296238183975, 0.0005955707747489214, 0.0009392039501108229, 0.013108095154166222, 0.0011860732920467854, 0.003099751193076372, 0.0006096125580370426, 0.08427868038415909, 0.02325325645506382, 0.003614797256886959, 0.001896696980111301, 0.0009798029204830527, 0.0019969234708696604, 0.016020065173506737, 0.001206836779601872, 0.0007238324033096433, 0.000710278342012316, 0.0008505535079166293, 0.0006020441651344299, 0.004221647512167692, 0.0009235110483132303, 0.0018597878515720367, 0.001469581387937069, 0.0010977470083162189, 0.0005956576787866652, 0.0006502563483081758, 0.0006521244067698717, 0.0006567222881130874, 0.0006797213573008776, 0.001785094034858048, 0.0008406738634221256, 0.0006129768444225192, 0.0008482156554237008, 0.0007786664646118879, 0.0012176126474514604, 0.00125192292034626, 0.0008406738634221256, 0.0006129768444225192, 0.000642046332359314, 0.000913874595426023, 0.000823771464638412, 0.001119174063205719, 0.0007924591191112995, 0.0007385907229036093, 0.000739515176974237, 0.0017825663089752197, 0.0008406738634221256, 0.0007232452626340091, 0.0008078814717009664, 0.0006090413080528378, 0.0007698382250964642, 0.000699998636264354, 0.0006218123016878963, 0.0008729545515961945, 0.0007745325565338135, 0.0007935771136544645, 0.0009351082844659686, 0.007199375424534082, 0.0008562701405026019, 0.0006235422333702445, 0.0008406738634221256, 0.0009954050183296204, 0.000913874595426023, 0.000823771464638412, 0.0007100718794390559, 0.0007310942746698856, 0.0006718763033859432, 0.000588734750635922, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "--This query must pass even when vectorized reader is not available for\n--RC files. ", "The query must fall back to the non-vector mode and run successfully.", "\n\nCREATE table columnTable (key STRING, value STRING)\nROW FORMAT SERDE\n 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.", "ColumnarSerDe'\nSTORED AS\n INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.", "RCFileInputFormat'\n OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.", "RCFileOutputFormat';\n\nFROM src\nINSERT OVERWRITE TABLE columnTable SELECT src.key, src.value LIMIT 10;\ndescribe columnTable;\n\nSET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true;\n\nSELECT key, value FROM columnTable ORDER BY key;\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0006610979326069355, 0.0006586177623830736, 0.0008363679517060518, 0.0009615523158572614, 0.0009911343222483993, 0.0010606145951896906 ]
[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-pathogens-09-00070}\n===============\n\n*Fusarium oxysporum* is a ubiquitous species complex of fungi that includes soil-borne plant pathogenic lineages that are the causal agents of vascular wilt disease in a broad range of plant species, such as bananas, cotton, tomatoes, and legumes \\[[@B1-pathogens-09-00070],[@B2-pathogens-09-00070],[@B3-pathogens-09-00070],[@B4-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Pathogenic strains of *F. oxysporum* are grouped into *formae speciales* (ff. ", "spp.), ", "depending on the host species they infect \\[[@B5-pathogens-09-00070],[@B6-pathogens-09-00070],[@B7-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "A *forma specialis* (f. sp.) ", "can be subdivided into races that are defined by the virulence patterns on the resistant or susceptible varieties of the host species \\[[@B3-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\nTomatoes are one of the most important vegetable crops worldwide \\[[@B8-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "However, their production is severely affected by diseases caused by pathogens. ", "Among these, vascular wilt and crown root rot diseases caused by *Fusarium oxysporum* ff. ", "spp. *", "lycopersici* (*Fol*) and *radicis-lycopersici* (*Forl*), respectively, are responsible for substantial yield losses (up to 80% in severe epidemics), and they coexist in the same fields as tomato crops \\[[@B6-pathogens-09-00070],[@B9-pathogens-09-00070],[@B10-pathogens-09-00070],[@B11-pathogens-09-00070],[@B12-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\nThe interaction between *Fol* and tomatoes is one of the best-studied *F. oxysporum* pathosystems, and its impact on tomato production worldwide has been reduced due to the effective deployment of major disease resistance (R) genes. ", "In tomatoes, four R genes (named *I* for immunity), *I*, *I-2*, *I-3*, and *I-7*, have been isolated \\[[@B13-pathogens-09-00070],[@B14-pathogens-09-00070],[@B15-pathogens-09-00070],[@B16-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "The proteins encoded by the *I* genes can recognize specific effector proteins secreted by *Fol* (e.g., secreted in xylem (SIX) proteins) during host colonization \\[[@B17-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "The genes *SIX4* (*AVR1*), *SIX3* (*AVR2*), and *SIX1* (*AVR1*) are required for *I*-, *I-2*-, and *I-3*-mediated resistance to *Fol* races 1, 2, and 3, respectively \\[[@B2-pathogens-09-00070],[@B13-pathogens-09-00070],[@B14-pathogens-09-00070],[@B18-pathogens-09-00070],[@B19-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Therefore, tomato-resistant materials carrying immunity genes (*I*, *I-2*, and *I-3*) have been developed and successfully deployed to control the three known races of *Fol* \\[[@B17-pathogens-09-00070],[@B20-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Moreover, *SIX* genes might be used to differentiate between *Fol* races and between *Fol* and other *F. oxysporum* ff. ", "spp. ", "\\[[@B11-pathogens-09-00070],[@B21-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\nStrains of *F. oxysporum* that infect different crop species have already been reported in Colombia. ", "In the 1950s, *Fusarium oxysporum* f. sp. *", "cubense* (*Foc*) race 1 (i.e., the causal agent of Panama disease), was detected in the banana cultivar Gros Michael in the banana production region of Magdalena (Northern Colombia) \\[[@B22-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Recently, Garcia-Bastidas et al. ", "\\[[@B23-pathogens-09-00070]\\] reported a major outbreak of the highly aggressive f. sp. ", "of *Foc* known as tropical race 4 (TR4), which struck banana plantations in Northern Colombia, threatening the entire banana production of the Americas. *", "Fusarium oxysporum* f. sp. *", "dianthi*, which infects carnations (i.e., the most limiting disease for this crop species), has been well characterized, with at least four pathogenic races identified, from which race 2 is the most frequent in this crop \\[[@B24-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "In another study, 12 isolates obtained from plant and animal tissues were identified as *Fusarium* spp., ", "7 of them grouped into the *F. oxysporum* species complex (FOSC), and were tested for their ability to infect different hosts (cross-infection) in plant hosts such as tomatoes, passionfruit, and carnations and in animal hosts. ", "The isolates showed no cross-infection, suggesting host specificity for each f. sp. (", "e.g., *Fol* to tomatoes) \\[[@B25-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\nIn 2017, a total of 347,636 tons of tomato were produced in Colombia \\[[@B26-pathogens-09-00070]\\], representing 18.1% of national vegetable production. ", "Despite the increase in production, there is a lack of knowledge about wilting diseases in the tomato cultivars used. ", "Furthermore, outbreaks of vascular wilt disease (presumably caused by *F. oxysporum*) have been unofficially reported in tomato, cucumber, lentil, and chickpea crops from the Central Andean departments of Cundinamarca, Boyacá, and Valle del Cauca \\[[@B22-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Currently, there is only one pathogenic isolate of *Fol* that has been identified by pathogenicity tests in 15 accessions of wild tomatoes \\[[@B27-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "However, information about the race of *Fol* or the presence of resistance genes in the plant accessions evaluated was not reported.", "\n\nIn Colombia, tomato production consists of the use of seeds of more than 60 different types of imported tomato hybrids, most of them with reported resistance to *Fol* races 1 and 2 \\[[@B28-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Nevertheless, there is no information about the ff. ", "spp. ", "and physiological races affecting tomato crops. ", "Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform an accurate identification of *Fol* strains from 120 *Fusarium* spp. ", "isolates collected from wilted tomato plants in four different departments in the Central Colombian Andean Region (Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Antioquia, and Caldas) using a combination of morphological and molecular analyses. ", "The morphological characterization was carried out by optical and scanning electron microscopy. ", "The molecular analysis consisted of PCR screening of secretions in the xylem (*SIX*) effector genes, one new marker specific to *Forl* isolates and a phylogenetic analysis using the *translation elongation factor 1-alpha* (*EF1a*) gene of *Fusarium* species. ", "Additionally, we performed pathogenicity assays to identify virulent strains of *F. oxysporum* on susceptible tomato plants. ", "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study describing the *Fol* races, *Forl*, and the nonpathogenic *F. oxysporum* isolates associated with the tomato cropping system in Colombia.", "\n\n2. ", "Results {#sec2-pathogens-09-00070}\n==========\n\n2.1. ", "Fungal Isolates from the Central Colombian Andean Region {#sec2dot1-pathogens-09-00070}\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n\nA total of 120 fungal isolates were obtained from 15 commercial hybrid tomato genotypes, collected from 32 tomato field locations that were visited in four departments of the Colombian Andean Region, including Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, and Cundinamarca ([Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Samples were collected from infected plants at different developmental stages between the first flowering (30 days old, approximately) and last fruit harvest (7 months old, approximately). ", "The plants exhibited the typical symptoms of vascular wilt disease: wilting, chlorosis in the oldest leaves, and vascular browning, which is typical for *Fol* infections ([Figure 1](#pathogens-09-00070-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Most of the isolates were obtained from four commercial hybrid tomato varieties: Chonto Aslam (16), Roble (14), Libertador (15), and Milano-Nicolas (19) ([Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nIn 2017, a total of 32 tomato fields with vascular wilting symptoms and necrosis of the xylem vessels were visited in the departments of Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Antioquia, and Caldas, located in the Central Colombian Andean Region ([Figure 1](#pathogens-09-00070-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}A,B). ", "In those visits, a total of 222 growers were surveyed using two questions regarding *Fusarium* wilt disease and the types of chemicals applied to control the wilting disease symptoms observed. ", "The questions were: (i) Has your tomato crop been affected by *Fusarium* wilt in the last year? (", "ii) Which chemical products do you use to control the disease?", "\n\nThe data collected revealed that 24% of the tomato crops visited were affected by a wilt disease (presumably caused by *Fusarium oxysporum*) in 2017. ", "Moreover, in all of the tomato crops affected by the wilting disease, the farmers used chemical products to control the wilting symptoms observed. ", "Farmers reported a total number of 49 different commercial products they used to control the wilt disease. ", "Interestingly, only 14% of these commercial products have an active ingredient to control *Fusarium* spp., ", "but they do not specifically control *Fol* or *Forl*.", "\n\n2.2. ", "Identification of F. oxysporum Isolates {#sec2dot2-pathogens-09-00070}\n--------------------------------------------\n\n### 2.2.1. ", "Morphology {#sec2dot2dot1-pathogens-09-00070}\n\nMacroscopic analysis of the colony showed a variation in color between white, pale-to-dark violet, and magenta ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S1A](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "Microscopic characteristics showed the formation of a slightly curved macroconidia over the sporodochia, with 3--4 septates and with a somewhat hooked apex and pedicellate base. ", "The microconidia were oval, curved, or kidney-shaped, without or with one septate and formed over short monophialids and conforming pseudoheads. ", "Microconidia were the most abundant structure in the culture media. ", "All isolates also formed intercalary or terminal chlamydospores on hyphaes, which had a thickened cell wall. ", "Microconidia ranged in size from 6.14 to 9.75 μm, macroconidia varied from 18.7 to 48.9 μm, and chlamydospores had a diameter from 7.5 to 8.4 μm ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S1B](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "The fungal macroscopic characteristics and variations observed in the size and shape of the microconidia, macroconidia, and chlamydospores \\[[@B29-pathogens-09-00070]\\] suggested that the isolates collected may have corresponded to *Fusarium* spp.", "\n\n### 2.2.2. ", "Molecular Identification of the Putative Fusarium Isolates {#sec2dot2dot2-pathogens-09-00070}\n\nTo further characterize the *Fusarium* isolates, we amplified the *Pg1* fragment ([Table 2](#pathogens-09-00070-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}) in the 120 isolates obtained. ", "In this PCR analysis, 105 isolates amplified a fragment that corresponded to the *Pg1* ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S2](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "This result, together with morphology and microscopic analyses, suggested that 105 isolates out of the 120 collected might have been grouped into the *F. oxysporum* species complex. ", "Moreover, in order to further support this evidence, we used the primers for the *EF1a* gene, designed by Cobo-Diaz et al. ", "\\[[@B30-pathogens-09-00070]\\] ([Table 2](#pathogens-09-00070-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The *EF1a* gene has been widely used for phylogenetic studies with isolates of the *Fusarium* genus \\[[@B4-pathogens-09-00070],[@B30-pathogens-09-00070],[@B31-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "In this study, 113 of the 120 isolates were amplified with *EF1a* ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S3](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "This group of 113 isolates was used for further analyses with the *EF1a* gene. ", "The PCR products of the *EF1a* obtained from the isolates was sequenced using the SANGER platform, and a total of 95 sequences were selected based on quality and length (≥350 bp), while 18 sequences were not considered for further analysis. ", "A phylogenetic analysis was performed for the 95 fungal isolates with an *EF1a* sequence of good quality ([Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The analysis included 22 *EF1a* reference sequences of different *Fusarium* species and 10 *EF1a* reference sequences of *F. oxysporum* isolates, which were associated with tomato crops ([Table 3](#pathogens-09-00070-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Figure 2](#pathogens-09-00070-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This analysis showed that the isolates were not grouped according to geographical location. ", "Six of the ninety-five fungal isolates analyzed (49_Boyacá, 58_Boyacá, 69_Antioquia, 71_Boyacá, 93_Antioquia, and 116_Caldas) could be related to the *F. solani* clade, while three isolates (47_Boyacá, 48_Boyacá, and 89_Cundinamarca) were grouped close to *Fusarium* species different from *F. oxysporum*. ", "The remaining fungal isolates were grouped with reference sequences of the *F. oxysporum* species complex ([Figure 2](#pathogens-09-00070-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n### 2.2.3. ", "Identification of *Fusarium oxysporum* f. sp. *", "lycopersici* Candidate Isolates {#sec2dot2dot3-pathogens-09-00070}\n\nTo perform a rapid and unambiguous identification of *Fol* from the fungal isolates described before, we used the effector genes *SIX1*, *SIX3*, and *SIX4*, which are specific pathogenic strains of the *F*. *", "oxysporum* species complex \\[[@B18-pathogens-09-00070],[@B21-pathogens-09-00070],[@B35-pathogens-09-00070]\\], as molecular markers. ", "The effector *SIX1* is present in the majority of pathogenic strains of *Fol* \\[[@B21-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "In this study, *SIX1* was identified in 2 isolates (94 and 105, named hereafter as *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10, respectively) out of the 120 fungal isolates ([Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S4A](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "In *Fol*, the effector gene *SIX4* was only present in strains classified as race 1 \\[[@B36-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Thus, we used *SIX4* to determine whether *Fol*59 and/or *Fol-*UDC10 could correspond to race 1. ", "However, no amplification of *SIX4* was observed in either *Fol*59 or *Fol-*UDC10 ([Figure 3](#pathogens-09-00070-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}A, [Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S4B](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "To determine whether *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10 might correspond to *Fol* race 2 (lost *SIX4*, carrying *SIX1* and *SIX3*) or race 3 (lost *SIX4*, carrying *SIX1* and *SIX3* with Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in the nucleotides 121, 134, or 137) \\[[@B21-pathogens-09-00070]\\], a PCR amplification and a sequencing of *SIX3* were performed on both *Fol* candidate isolates ([Figure 3](#pathogens-09-00070-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}B and [Figure 4](#pathogens-09-00070-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). *", "SIX3* was identified on *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10 ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S4C](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}) isolates, and the sequencing analysis of the *SIX3* Coding Sequence (CDS) suggested that both *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10 belonged to *Fol* race 2, as no polymorphism was found in *SIX3* (compared to the corresponding reference sequences of *Fol* races 2 and 3) ([Figure 5](#pathogens-09-00070-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n### 2.2.4. ", "Identification of *Forl* Candidates {#sec2dot2dot4-pathogens-09-00070}\n\nA specific primer pair that could distinguish *Forl* from *Fol* was designed. ", "Briefly, the genome sequences of *Fol* race 2 (GCA_000259975.2), *Fol* race 3 (GCA_000149955.2), and *Forl* (GCA_000260155.3) were compared, and a pair of primers (*Forl*\\_155.3) specific to a region of 337 bp that is only present in the *Forl* genome was designed. ", "We used the *Forl*\\_155.3 primers in the 118 fungal isolates (with no evidence of the presence of *SIX* genes) and both *Fol*59 and *Fol*UDC-10 as a negative control. ", "As a result, the newly designed marker specific for *Forl* isolates was amplified only in 4 isolates (Fut52, Fur55, Fur38, and Fut64) out of the 120 tested ([Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Figure 6](#pathogens-09-00070-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "As shown in [Figure 6](#pathogens-09-00070-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}, a specific and well-defined PCR band was observed for the *Forl* positive isolates.", "\n\n2.3. ", "The Colombian Isolates Fol59 and Fol-UDC10 Were Highly Virulent on Susceptible Tomato Plants {#sec2dot3-pathogens-09-00070}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nA comparative analysis of the three inoculation methods (soil suspension (SS), root dipping (RD), and an RD + SS combination) was performed in tomato seedlings two, three, and four weeks old of the cultivar Santa Cruz Kada (susceptible to all three races of *Fol*) with the Colombian isolate *Fol-*UDC10. ", "Plants inoculated using both the RD and RD + SS methods exhibited typical symptoms of vascular wilt disease (e.g., chlorosis of the lower leaves and wilting) ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S5](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "After 18 dpi, the plants inoculated using both the RD and RD + SS methods showed significantly higher incidence and severity of wilting disease symptoms compared to those inoculated using the SS method ([Figure 7](#pathogens-09-00070-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Although there were no significant differences between RD and RD + SS, the RD method was selected for further analysis (using both *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10 isolates) due to the development of the typical symptoms of *Fusarium* wilt ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S5](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}).", "\n\nOnce the RD infection protocol was selected, seedlings of three different ages (i.e., two, three, and four weeks old) were inoculated with *Fol*59 in order to describe the typical wilting symptoms appropriately and to describe the disease progress in a time course experiment. ", "After 14 dpi, plants corresponding to all three ages showed the typical disease symptoms of *Fusarium* wilt, with an incidence ranging from 95% to 100%. ", "Disease incidence and severity were not significantly different when comparing inoculated plants at different ages. ", "Nevertheless, both disease symptoms and progress were better recorded using four-week-old plants ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S5](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "Therefore, four-week-old seedlings of Santa Cruz Kada were used in further pathogenicity tests.", "\n\nIn further plant disease assays, the RD inoculation method was carried out with a spore suspension of 5 × 10^6^ conidia mL^−1^ using the preselected isolates *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10. ", "To test whether *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10 isolates were indeed virulent, four-week-old seedlings were inoculated with both isolates, and severe disease symptoms were observed after 21 dpi ([Figure 8](#pathogens-09-00070-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}A,B). ", "Non-inoculated plants (mock control) as well as *Fol* isolates Fut31 and Fu040 (which lack the *SIX* genes and were identified as *F. oxysporum* in this study, but with no evidence that they are pathogenic in tomato-susceptible plants) served as controls. ", "The distribution of disease scores for susceptible plants to *Fol* ([Figure 8](#pathogens-09-00070-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}B) showed that plants inoculated with Fut31 and Fu040 presented mostly a score of 0 (indicating healthy plants), whereas *Fol*59- and *Fol-*UDC10-inoculated plants were scored as 4, indicating wilted plants with brown coloration in vascular bundles. ", "This result confirmed that *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10 were highly virulent strains of *Fol*.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Pathogenicity Assays with the Forl Candidate Isolates Showed Root Rot Symptoms in Tomato Plants {#sec2dot4-pathogens-09-00070}\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn the tomato plants with *Fusarium* wilt symptoms sampled in the Central Andean departments of Colombia, four isolates (Fut52, Fur55, Fur38, and Fut64) were identified as *Forl* using the new diagnostic molecular marker (*Forl*\\_155.3) reported in this study ([Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Figure 6](#pathogens-09-00070-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To investigate whether these isolates identified as *Forl* could produce *Fusarium* crown and root rot (FCRR) symptoms, tomato plants 30 days old were inoculated through root dipping using a microconidia suspension of *Forl*, and plants non-inoculated with *Forl* were used as a control. ", "After 60 dpi, external symptoms of FCRR, including brown discoloration and rot in the crown and root, were observed ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S6](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}).", "\n\n3. ", "Discussion and Conclusions {#sec3-pathogens-09-00070}\n=============================\n\nIn Colombia, a total of 347,636 tons of tomato were produced during 2017, representing one of the most cultivable vegetable crops in the country. ", "However, this crop is highly susceptible to biotic and abiotic stresses, which result in an increase in production costs \\[[@B26-pathogens-09-00070],[@B28-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. *", "Fusarium* wilt is currently a disease of major significance throughout the country. ", "Varietal resistance is a highly efficient alternative to control the disease, using a number of commercial tomato hybrid varieties derived from the introgression of resistance genes specific to *Fol* races 1 and 2 \\[[@B11-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "The seeds of tomato hybrids used in Colombia are imported, and there is no information about *Fol* races present in the country. ", "Tomato producers located in departments with high yields, such as Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Antioquia, and Caldas, use tomato seeds with no information about resistance to local populations of *Fol* \\[[@B28-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "The lack of knowledge about the causal agent of the vascular wilting symptoms affecting tomato crops makes the development of adequate management practices difficult. ", "After varietal resistance, the use of chemical fungicides has been the most common management strategy for disease symptoms caused by either *Fol* or *Forl* \\[[@B11-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "The survey carried out in this study indicated that Colombian farmers use agrochemicals to control *Fusarium* wilt, in most cases without knowledge. ", "However, there is no suitable fungicide for controlling the wilt disease caused by *Fol* \\[[@B3-pathogens-09-00070],[@B6-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "The average use of chemical pesticides for the year 2015 in Colombia was 14.7 kg/ha, and Colombia was third in the word in terms of pesticide consumption (compared to a 3.9 kg/ha worldwide average). ", "The control of *Fusarium* wilt should be based on an integrated disease management (IDM) strategy based on monitoring, economic thresholds, and preventive approaches to determine when and how fungicide application is needed \\[[@B37-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Despite the fact that appropriate control strategies for wilt disease that could be implemented in Colombian tomato crops exist (reviewed in Reference \\[[@B38-pathogens-09-00070]\\]), a suitable IDM strategy in Colombia to control *Fusarium* wilt in tomatoes has not been established due to the absence of knowledge, sources, and socioeconomic conditions among producers.", "\n\nThis study presents the current state of pathogenic and nonpathogenic *F. oxysporum* populations associated with tomato fields in four different regions from the Central Colombian Andean Region. ", "Most of the fungal isolates obtained exhibited a variable range of morphological characteristics of *F. oxysporum* (e.g., colony color, texture, and sporulation) according to the taxonomic description reported in References \\[[@B29-pathogens-09-00070],[@B39-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Combining all of the analyses performed using the new specific markers for the *Forl*\\_155.3, *SIX*, and *EF1a* genes in the 120 isolates obtained in this study, 2 isolates were identified as *Fol* (*Fol*59 and *Fol*-UDC10), 4 isolates were identified as *Forl* (Fur38, Fut64, Fut52, and Fur55, [Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}), 5 isolates belonged to the *F. solani* clade (49_Boyacá, 58_Boyacá, 69_Antioquia, 71_Boyacá, 93_Antioquia, and 116_Caldas, [Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}), 3 isolates clustered were with other *Fusarium* species different from *Fol* and *Forl* (47_Boyacá, 48_Boyacá, and 89_Cundinamarca, [Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}), and finally, most of the fungal isolates were clustered with reference sequences of the *F. oxysporum* species complex and could potentially correspond to nonpathogenic strains of *F. oxysporum*.", "\n\nTo test the potential of *SIX* genes as pathogenicity markers, we initially assessed the presence of *SIX1*, *SIX3*, and *SIX4* in a collection of 120 *F. oxysporum* isolates. ", "Only two isolates, *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10, were positive for *SIX1* and *SIX3* amplification. ", "Then, the absence of *SIX4* and SNPs in the coding sequence of *SIX3* on *Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10 (compared to the corresponding reference sequences in *Fol* races 1, 2, and 3) indicated that these two isolates belonged to *Fol* race 2 \\[[@B11-pathogens-09-00070],[@B21-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Pathogenicity assays showed that *Fol59* and *Fol-*UDC10 were both highly virulent in tomato-susceptible plants compared to the isolate Fut31 (25_Antioquia, [Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}) obtained in this study and to the local reference strain Fu040 (16_Cundinamarca, [Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}) of *Fusarium oxysporum*. ", "As a result, no disease symptoms were observed in plants inoculated with Fu040, contrary to the previous evidence described by Moreno et al. ", "\\[[@B40-pathogens-09-00070]\\]; however, different inoculation methods, experimental conditions, and plant material were used compared to the results obtained by Moreno et al. ", "\\[[@B40-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\nIn addition, the *SIX* genes evaluated were found to be absent in the other 118 nonpathogenic isolates (including Fut31 and Fu040), thus showing a direct correlation between the presence of *SIX* genes and the ability of *Fol* isolates to cause severe wilting symptoms ([Figure 7](#pathogens-09-00070-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Previous studies have demonstrated the usefulness of *SIX* genes for the discrimination of *Fol* races \\[[@B7-pathogens-09-00070],[@B21-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "These results propose a basis for an understanding of the races of *Fol* present in Colombia and for establishing a linkage between races and commercial tomato hybrid varieties. ", "As mentioned before, more than 90% of the commercial tomato seeds growing in Colombia are introduced from other countries without adequate resistance tests for local *Fol* and *Forl* populations, and there is deficient technological appropriation in terms of the conditions of specific microenvironments.", "\n\nDuring the isolation process of the causal agent of the wilting symptoms from infected plant tissues, it is common to recover more than one species of *Fusarium* (as they are common inhabitants of soil and the rhizosphere), but some species or strains may be pathogens, while others are saprophytes or endophytes and have no role in the disease process whatsoever \\[[@B29-pathogens-09-00070],[@B41-pathogens-09-00070],[@B42-pathogens-09-00070],[@B43-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\nA phylogenetic analysis of the 95 isolates using the *EF1a* gene showed that 7 of them could be related to other *Fusarium* species (*F. solani*, *F. falciforme*, and *F. fujikuroi*), while 82 corresponded to *F. oxysporum* (possibly nonpathogenic isolates due to the absence of any of the *SIX* effector genes analyzed). ", "This evidence agrees with other studies where *F. oxysporum* nonpathogenic isolates were collected from infected plant tissues from tomato crops in India and Algeria and from soil samples from Florida (the United States) \\[[@B41-pathogens-09-00070],[@B42-pathogens-09-00070],[@B43-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\nTherefore, nonpathogenic strains of *F. oxysporum* are commonly isolated from tissue samples of wilted tomato plants. ", "The *F. oxysporum* species complex also includes numerous nonpathogenic strains, some of which have been shown to be effective in plant protection or biocontrol \\[[@B44-pathogens-09-00070],[@B45-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "According to our results, we hypothesize that when the tissue samples were collected to isolate pathogenic strains of *F. oxysporum*, there was a high proportion of nonpathogenic *F. oxysporum* strains, and we obtained more nonpathogenic isolates during the purification of the fungal cultures. ", "The nonpathogenic isolates collected in this work may therefore represent interesting candidates for further analyses on alternative biocontrol approaches to control *Fusarium* wilt.", "\n\nIt is important to note that after the phylogenetic analysis of *EF1a* sequences, *Forl* isolates were not clustered alone or with any *Fusarium* pathogenic strains in tomatoes. ", "They were scattered within the FOSC group, without evidence of a phylogenetic structure with respect to pathogenicity ([Figure 2](#pathogens-09-00070-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This suggests that *EF1a* might not be useful in resolving the phylogenetic positions of the *Forl* isolates studied. ", "Thus, further studies are needed using the polymorphisms in DNA sequences for other markers, such as RNA polymerase II (*rpb2*) or the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region, to gain insight into the phylogenetic relationship between *Fol* and *Forl* within the FOSC group.", "\n\nIn addition, the results obtained in this study have another practical consequence for Colombian tomato crops: the *SIX* genes and the specific marker *Forl*\\_155.3 may be used as specific markers in epidemiological studies of *F. oxysporum* pathogenic isolates, for rapid diagnosis, and for discrimination from nonpathogenic isolates. ", "Such tools, which are applicable for both diagnosis and tracking, will help to prevent the spread of pathogenic strains of *Fol* and *Forl* to other regions in Colombia and to nearby countries.", "\n\nKnowledge of the *Fol* physiological races affecting tomato crops will be useful for the development of better disease management strategies, including plant breeding and tomato grafting. ", "Part of the diversity of tomato genetic resources (more than 1000 accessions) is maintained in the Tomato Germplasm Bank (TGB) located in the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (AGROSAVIA). ", "The majority of accessions contained in the TGB have not yet been characterized for their resistance/susceptibility to any phytopathogen, such as *F. oxysporum*. ", "Therefore, this study provides primary insight into the search for tomato-resistant genotypes and their interactions with local *Fol* and *Forl* populations and thus contributes to improving management strategies for this important disease.", "\n\n4. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec4-pathogens-09-00070}\n========================\n\n4.1. ", "Fusarium Isolates and Culture Conditions {#sec4dot1-pathogens-09-00070}\n---------------------------------------------\n\nSamples consisting of roots and stem tissues from wilted tomato plants ([Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}) were collected from the surveyed fields, wrapped in plastic bags, and carried to the Agricultural Microbiology Laboratory at the Tibaitatá Research Center of AGROSAVIA-Colombia for subsequent analysis. ", "The samples were surface-sterilized using 2% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution for 15 min and 70% ethanol for 1 min, and they were finally rinsed three times in sterile water. ", "For each sample, plant tissue was dried, sectioned in six segments of 0.5 cm, and placed directly on one plate of Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) amended with 0.1% Triton 100X (Sigma-Aldrich^TM^, Saint Louis, MO, USA) and 0.3% chloramphenicol to avoid bacterial contamination. ", "Plates were incubated at 25 ± 2 °C in 24-h light conditions for four days. ", "The plates were observed routinely, and all colonies with typical *Fusarium* morphology were checked using optical microscopy for microconidia, macroconidia, and chlamydospores. ", "Then, positive colonies were transferred to fresh PDA until pure fungal colonies were obtained, from which monosporic cultures were obtained. ", "Two long-term fungal culture preservation methods were used: filter paper and 30% (*v*/*v*) glycerol--water.", "\n\n4.2. ", "Morphological Characterization {#sec4dot2-pathogens-09-00070}\n-----------------------------------\n\nFungal isolates were plated onto Carnation Leaf Agar (CLA) medium \\[[@B39-pathogens-09-00070]\\] and incubated at 25 °C for three to five days. ", "Propagative structures of *F. oxysporum* were observed using an optical microscope (Olympus CX31™, Tokyo, Japan). ", "To perform environmental scanning electron microscopy, samples collected from fields with vascular wilting symptoms were disinfected with a 1% NaOCl solution for 1 min and 70% ethanol for 50 s, triple-washed with distilled sterile water, and transferred onto a sterile paper towel to remove excess moisture. ", "A portion of the infected material was placed on PDA medium and incubated for 5 days at 28 °C until pure fungal colonies were obtained. ", "Visualization of the samples was carried out using a scanning electron microscope (ESEM-FEI QUANTA 250, FEI Co., Hillsboro, OR, USA) located in the Instituto de Estatigrafía de la Universidad de Caldas, Colombia. ", "An untreated mycelium portion was cut, fixed, and placed on aluminum stubs (FEI Co., Hillsboro, OR, USA) double-coated with conductive carbon tape. ", "The samples were examined with the ESEM using a secondary electron detector (SE), an acceleration voltage of 10 kV, a working distance of 10 mm, and a magnification of 5000×. The morphological and microscopic characteristics were described according to Leslie and Summerell \\[[@B29-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\n4.3. ", "DNA Extraction and PCR Analysis {#sec4dot3-pathogens-09-00070}\n------------------------------------\n\nThe purified isolates were grown on PDA, and DNA was extracted from 100 mg of the mycelia from each isolate using the cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) protocol \\[[@B46-pathogens-09-00070]\\] modified for fungal DNA. ", "Additionally, DNA from the reference strains *Fol*004 (race 1), *Fol*007 (race 2), and *Fol*1943 (race 3), kindly provided by Professor David Jones of the Australian National University, were used as a positive control. ", "The sets of primers Uni-F and Uni-R, which amplify a fragment of 670\\~672 bp (from the endo-polygalacturonase gene (*Pg1*) \\[[@B32-pathogens-09-00070]\\]), and EF1-F and EF1-R, which amplify a fragment of approximately 770 bp (from the *translation elongation factor 1-alpha* (*EF1a*) gene of *F. oxysporum* (GenBank: MK172058.1), reported by Cobo-Diaz et al. ", "\\[[@B30-pathogens-09-00070]\\] ([Table 2](#pathogens-09-00070-t002){ref-type=\"table\"})), were used in order to determine whether the isolates could correspond to the *F. oxysporum* species complex. ", "An identification of the effector gene *SIX1* (using the primers P12-F and P12-R ([Table 2](#pathogens-09-00070-t002){ref-type=\"table\"})) was performed to determine putative *Fol* isolates. ", "Additionally, primers that amplify the effector genes *SIX4* and *SIX3* ([Table 2](#pathogens-09-00070-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}) were used to determine the race of the *Fol* isolates (i.e., isolates positive for *SIX4* were classified as race 1, while negatives for *SIX4* but positives for *SIX3* could be classified as either race 2 or 3) \\[[@B18-pathogens-09-00070],[@B21-pathogens-09-00070],[@B35-pathogens-09-00070],[@B36-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "The primer pairs SIX3-F1/SIX3-R2, SIX3-G121A-F2/SIX3-R2, SIX3-G134A-F2/SIX3-R2, and SIX3-G137C-F1/SIX3-R2 were used to differentiate between *Fol* races 2 and 3 \\[[@B21-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "DNA from the reference strains *Fol*067 (*Fol*MM10), *Fol*029 (5397), and *Fol*035 (IPO3), which belong to *Fol* race 3 and contain SNPs on the nucleotides 121, 134, and 137 of *SIX3*, respectively, were kindly provided by Dr. Martijn Rep, University of Amsterdam, and were used as a control.", "\n\nTo identify putative *Forl* isolates, a specific pair of primers (named *Forl*\\_155.3) was designed based on a comparison of the genome sequences of *Fol* race 2 (NCBI genome accession GCA_000259975.2), *Fol* race 3 (GCA_000149955.2), and *Forl* (GCA_000260155.3). ", "A DNA fragment that contained the *Forl*\\_155.3 region was synthesized (gBlock, Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville IA, USA) and used as a positive control.", "\n\nFor amplification of the *SIX* genes and the *Forl*\\_155.3 fragment, PCR reactions were conducted with Taq DNA Polymerase (Invitrogen™, Carlsbad, CA, USA) in a 25-µL reaction volume. ", "The PCR reaction consisted of 0.25 µL Taq Polymerase, 2.5 µL of 10X buffer (Invitrogen™, Carlsbad, CA, USA), 0.16 µM of each primer, 0.16 mM of dNTP mix, 2 mM MgCl~2~, and 25 ng of template DNA. ", "PCRs were carried out with an initial denaturing step at 95 °C for 2 min, followed by 30 cycles of denaturing at 95 °C for 45 s, the annealing of primers at 59 °C (62 °C for *Forl*\\_155.3) for 45 s, and primer extension at 72 °C for 45 s. The PCR was completed by a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. ", "The melting temperature for each primer was determined using a temperature gradient. ", "A touchdown PCR \\[[@B47-pathogens-09-00070]\\] was performed to amplify the primer pairs for the *SIX3* gene as follows: the first phase consisted of 10 cycles with an annealing temperature of 69 °C for the first PCR cycle, which decreased by 1 °C per cycle until an optimal annealing temperature of 59 °C was reached. ", "The remaining cycling conditions consisted of 20 cycles with an annealing temperature of 59 °C. ", "Amplification was visualized on 1.4% *w*/*v* agarose gel stained using SYBR™ Safe DNA Gel Stain (Invitrogen™, Carlsbad, CA, USA).", "\n\n4.4. ", "Sequencing Analysis of the EF1a Gene among the Fungal Isolates {#sec4dot4-pathogens-09-00070}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe *EF1a* gene was amplified by PCR with the same conditions used for the *SIX* genes (described above) with modifications of the annealing temperature at 62 °C. ", "The PCR products of the *EF1a* gene, which were obtained from the 120 fungal isolates, were sequenced by SANGER (Applied Biosystems/Thermo Fisher Scientific, model ABI 3500 Genetic Analyser, Foster City, CA, USA), trimmed for sequence quality using the software Geneious v.2019.2.1 \\[[@B48-pathogens-09-00070]\\], and compared to 12 *EF1a* reference sequences reported for other *Fusarium* species and 10 *EF1a* sequences reported for *F. oxysporum* isolates associated with tomatoes ([Table 3](#pathogens-09-00070-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}) (using the software MAFFT) \\[[@B49-pathogens-09-00070],[@B50-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "Phylogenetic analysis was performed with the multiple sequence alignment of the *EF1a* gene mentioned above using the software BEAST (Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees) v2.6.1 \\[[@B51-pathogens-09-00070],[@B52-pathogens-09-00070]\\] with default settings. ", "The resulting phylogenetic trees were visualized using Figtree v1.4.3 \\[[@B53-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\nSequences of *SIX1*, *SIX3*, and *EF1a* from the fungal isolates obtained in this study were deposited in the GenBank database under accession numbers MN745203, MN745204, MN745207, MN745208 (*SIX1* and *SIX3*), and MN745105-MN745199 (*EF1a*). ", "Unique sequence identifiers and annotation information are provided in the [Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Table S1](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}.", "\n\n4.5. ", "Pathogenicity Assays {#sec4dot5-pathogens-09-00070}\n-------------------------\n\nThree inoculation methods were evaluated using the *Fol*59 isolate with the presence of *SIX* genes on the susceptible tomato cultivar Santa Cruz Kada (Impulsemillas™, Bogotá, Colombia) in order to establish a reliable pathogenicity assay with a virulent strain of *Fol* and susceptible tomato plants. ", "Seeds were disinfected using 2% NaOCl solution for 10 min and then 70% ethanol for 1 min, rinsed three times in sterile water, and finally sown in sterile peat. ", "Fifteen-day-old seedlings were inoculated with *Fol* microconidia using three methods, as follows: (i) Soil suspension (SS) consisted of transplanting the seedlings to 0.5-L pots with a sterile vermiculite/soil (2:8) mixture containing 1 × 10^6^ microconidia mL^−1^ of *Fol* suspension. ", "Seedlings transplanted to pots with a sterile mixture and mock-inoculated plants with water were used as a control. (", "ii) Root dipping (RD), the second method, which has been described by Mes et al. ", "\\[[@B54-pathogens-09-00070]\\] and adapted by Rep et al. ", "\\[[@B55-pathogens-09-00070]\\], Gonzalez-Cendales et al., ", "\\[[@B15-pathogens-09-00070]\\] and Simbaqueba et al. ", "\\[[@B56-pathogens-09-00070]\\], with modifications, consisted of the uprooting of the seedlings, preserving the root integrity. ", "The roots were submerged for 15 min in a 5 × 10^6^ microconidia mL^−1^ suspension of *Fol*. ", "Seedlings dipped in sterile water served as a mock for inoculation. (", "iii) The third method was a combination of the first two methods mentioned. ", "Additionally, seedlings from three developmental times (i.e., 15 days old, 25 days old, and 30 days old, or the seedling stage for transplanting) were tested using the most effective inoculation method. ", "The plants were maintained in a controlled-environment growth room with a 12 h/30 °C day (100 mmol m^−2^ s^−1^) and a 12 h/30 °C night cycle for the first 6 days post-inoculation (dpi). ", "They were transferred to greenhouse conditions until 14 to 18 dpi. ", "Plants were sampled according to external disease symptoms every four days during the infection process.", "\n\nThe pathogenicity assays of *Fol* consisted of a randomized complete-block design, where four different treatments were compared: SS, RD, RD + SS, and mock-inoculated plants. ", "To maximize the statistical reliability of the data, three biological replicates were carried out, and for each biological replicate, four technical replicates were performed, where the experimental unit consisted of 5 plants. ", "The number of wilted leaves per plant was recorded as a *Fol* symptom, according to the disease severity scale reported by Cakir et al. ", "\\[[@B57-pathogens-09-00070]\\], Akhter et al. ", "\\[[@B58-pathogens-09-00070]\\], and Rongai et al. ", "\\[[@B59-pathogens-09-00070]\\] and modified for this study ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Table S2](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"} and [Figure S5](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "The severity disease index was calculated using the Equation (1) described by Chiang et al. ", "\\[[@B60-pathogens-09-00070]\\]:$$DSI(\\%) = \\frac{\\sum\\left( {disease~class~frequency \\times disease~class} \\right)}{\\left( {\\#~total~observations} \\right) \\times \\left( {highest~disease~level} \\right)} \\times 100$$\n\nDifferences in the disease incidence and disease severity between treatments were tested for statistical significance with ANOVA and Kruskal--Wallis tests using the software Statistix version 8.0 with a probability value of *p* = 0.05. ", "Additional plant wilting symptoms and vascular browning were recorded and used to calculate disease scores according to the following criteria (described by Rep et al. ", "\\[[@B61-pathogens-09-00070]\\], Gonzalez-Cendales et al. ", "\\[[@B15-pathogens-09-00070]\\], and Simbaqueba et al. ", "\\[[@B56-pathogens-09-00070]\\]): 0, healthy plant; 1, slightly swollen or bent hypocotyl; 2, one or two brown vascular bundles in the hypocotyl; 3, at least two brown vascular bundles and growth distortion; and 4, all vascular bundles brown and plant either dead or very small and wilted. ", "Differences in the distributions of disease scores between treatments were tested for statistical significance through pairwise two-tailed Mann--Whitney tests \\[[@B62-pathogens-09-00070]\\].", "\n\nFor the pathogenicity test with *Forl* isolates, we performed the same inoculation procedure used for *Fol* with modifications in the controlled-environment growth room (with a 12 h/25 °C day cycle and a 12 h/25 °C night cycle for 60 dpi). ", "Plants were considered diseased when they exhibited brown necrosis on the crown and vascular discoloration in the lower stem ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S6](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}).", "\n\nThis work was supported by the Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria, AGROSAVIA, and the Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (MADR). ", "We thank Martijn Rep from the University of Amsterdam for kindly providing us with DNA from *Fol*067 (*Fol*MM10), *Fol*029 (5397), and *Fol*035 (IPO3), which are *Fol* race 3-containing SNPs in the positions 121, 134, and 137, respectively. ", "The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on this article.", "\n\nThe following are available online at <https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0817/9/1/70/s1>, Figure S1: Morphological propagative structures of the isolate *Fol*-UDC10, observed on CDA plates; Figure S2: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis showing the presence of the fragment of the *pg1* gene specific to *Fusarium oxysporum*; Figure S3: PCR analysis showing the presence of the *EF1a* gene on 113 from the 120 isolates obtained; Figure S4: PCR results for *SIX1*, *SIX4*, and *SIX3* for the 120 fungal isolates; Figure S5: Disease scale implemented in this study; Figure S6: Symptom development of *Fusarium oxysporum* f. sp. *", "radicis-lycopersici* (*Forl*)-infected tomato cultivar (Santa Cruz Kada); Table S1: GenBank sequence unique identifiers and annotation information for the *EF1a* gene; Table S2: Disease scale implemented in this study.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nConceptualization, M.S.-S. and J.S.; methodology, S.L.C., D.B.-D., M.R.G., W.L., and J.S.; formal analysis, J.S., S.L.C., D.B.-D., M.R.G., N.C., J.C.-Z., and M.S.-S.; writing---original draft preparation, M.S.-S., S.L.C., D.B.-D., M.R.G., and J.S.; project administration, M.S.-S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.", "\n\nThis research was funded by the Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (MADR), Gobierno de Colombia.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflicts of interest.", "\n\n###### \n\nLocation of the Central Colombian Andean Region, where 32 tomato fields with vascular wilting symptoms were visited. (**", "A**) Tomato fields visited in four different departments of the Central Colombian Andean Region (Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Antioquia, and Caldas). (**", "B**) Photographs of tomato plants showing symptoms of vascular wilt disease taken from the field locations visited in the Central Andean Region of Colombia. ", "Upper part: plants showing wilting symptoms. ", "Bottom: horizontal cortex of the stem, showing vascular browning of the xylem vessels. ", "Pictures from Magda R. Gómez and Sandra L. Carmona. ", "Photographic records from the Agricultural Microbiology Group, AGROSAVIA.", "\n\n![](", "pathogens-09-00070-g001a)\n\n![](", "pathogens-09-00070-g001b)\n\n![", "Phylogenetic tree of a partial sequence of the *EF1a* gene from 32 reference sequences of the *Fusarium* clade ([Table 3](#pathogens-09-00070-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}) and the 95 fungal isolates obtained in this study. ", "The node labels are the bootstrapping support, indicated as Bayesian probabilities. ", "A key to the labels used for each taxa is provided in [Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Table 3](#pathogens-09-00070-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The scale bar indicates time in millions of years. ", "The pathogenic strains of *Fol* identified in this study (*Fol*59 and *Fol*-UDC10) are highlighted in dark blue to show their close phylogenetic relationship with reference strains of *F. oxysporum* f. sp. *", "radicis-lycopersici* (GenBank accession FOCG_09093) and *Fol* races 1, 2, and 3 (GenBank accessions MALH01000103.1, MALV01000081.1, and RBXW01000019.1, respectively). ", "Strains with one asterisk indicate those positive for *Forl* molecular identification. ", "Strains with two asterisks indicate ones used for pathogenicity tests. ", "FOSC = *Fusarium oxysporum* species complex.](pathogens-09-00070-g002){#pathogens-09-00070-f002}\n\n![", "Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis showing the presence of *Fusarium oxysporum* f. sp. *", "lycopersici* (*Fol*) *SIX4* and *SIX3* on the positive isolates and the presence of *SIX1* ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S4A](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). (**", "A**) PCR amplification of *SIX4*, showing a band of the expected size (967 bp) only in the DNA from the strain *Fol*004, which was used as a positive control for *Fol* race 1. (**", "B**) PCR amplification of *SIX3*, showing a band of the expected size (608 bp) in the DNA of the Colombian isolates *Fol*59 and *Fol*-UDC10, compared to the control DNA from the three races. ", "Colombian isolates *Fol*59 = 94 and *Fol*-UDC10 = 105 ([Table 1](#pathogens-09-00070-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Supplementary Materials](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}, [Figure S4](#app1-pathogens-09-00070){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "Control DNA: *Fol*004 = race 1, *Fol*007 = race 2, and *Fol*3 = race 3; bp: base pair. ", "A fragment of approximately 608 and 967 bp was expected for *SIX3* and *SIX4*, respectively. ", "PCR product visualization was carried out following electrophoresis in a 1% agarose gel.](pathogens-09-00070-g003){#pathogens-09-00070-f003}\n\n![", "Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis showing a comparison between the presence of *Fol SIX3* gene and the possible Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) on the coding sequence (CDS) of five isolates of *Fol.* ", "It has been already reported that *Fol* race 3 isolates differing in a single nucleotide from race 1 and race 2 isolates (within the CDS: G121 \\> A, G134 \\> A and G137 \\> C \\[[@B32-pathogens-09-00070]\\]). ", "The upper left part of the gel shows the bands corresponding to the *SIX3* CDS using SIX3-F1/SIX3-R2 primers. ", "Based on these three SNPs differences on *SIX3* gene, three primer pairs were developed by Lievens et al. ", "\\[[@B32-pathogens-09-00070]\\] (SIX3-G121A-F2/SIX3-R2, SIX3-G134A-F2/SIX3-R2 and SIX3-G137C-F1/SIX3-R2) enabling unambiguous PCR differentiation of race 2 and race 3 isolates when using stringent PCR conditions. ", "The lower left part of the figure shows an amplification of the *SIX3* gene using primers SIX3-G134A-F2/SIX3-R2 in the *Fol*\\_R3 control strain for *Fol* race 3, indicating that *Fol*\\_R3 carry the point mutation G134 \\> A on *SIX3* gene. ", "The right part shows no PCR products using primers SIX3-G121A-F2/SIX3-R2 or SIX3-G137C-F1/SIX3-R2 in any of the five strains analyzed. *", "Fol*004 = *Fol* race 1, *Fol*007 = *Fol* race 2, and *Fol_R*3 = *Fol* race 3 (control strains). *", "Fol*59 and *Fol-*UDC10 = the Colombian isolates analyzed in this study. ", "A fragment of approximately 429, 414, or 412 bp was generated when using SIX3-G121A-F2/SIX3-R2, SIX3-G134A-F2/SIX3-R2, or SIX3-G137C-F1/SIX3-R2, respectively. ", "PCR product visualization was carried out following electrophoresis in a 1% agarose gel.](pathogens-09-00070-g004){#pathogens-09-00070-f004}\n\n![", "Schematic representation of the nucleotide sequence alignment of the *SIX3* gene, comparing the sequences of five different isolates. ", "The brown highlighted nucleotide in the alignment and the bullet point in the chromatograms indicate the presence of an SNP, A/G, in nucleotide 134, which was only observed in the sequencing products of the *Fol*1943 and *Fol*029 strains, which were used as a control and reference sequence of *Fol* race 3, respectively. ", "No SNPs were identified in the rest of the sequencing products of the *SIX3* gene from *Fol* races 1 and 2 and the Colombian isolates. *", "Fol*029_R3 = the reference sequence for *SIX3* used in this analysis. ", "Variable nucleotides are indicated with \\*. *", "Fol* 004_R1, *Fol*007_R2, and *Fol*1943_R3 = the sequencing products of *SIX3* used as a control for *Fol* races 1, 2, and 3, respectively. *", "Fol\\_*59 and *Fol*\\_UDC10 = the sequencing products of the *SIX3* gene from the *Fol* Colombian isolates. ", "The alignment and SNP identification analyses were performed with the software Sequencher^TM^ v4.9.](pathogens-09-00070-g005){#pathogens-09-00070-f005}\n\n![", "PCR analysis showing the amplification of a new specific marker (*Forl*\\_155.3) developed for *Forl* in this study. ", "The four positive bands are indicated by white arrows (expected size 337 bp). ", "A DNA fragment contained in the *Forl*\\_155.3 region was synthesized (gBlock, Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville, IA, USA) and used as a positive control (gB). ", "The DNA of *Fusarium solani* was used as a negative control (F.sol). ", "Mk: Gene Ruler 100 bp Plus DNA Ladder, Thermo Scientific Waltham, MA, USA. ", "PCR product visualization was carried out following electrophoresis in a 1% agarose gel.](pathogens-09-00070-g006){#pathogens-09-00070-f006}\n\n![", "Inoculation methods tested in this study. ", "Disease incidence and severity were evaluated at four different time points (0, 10, 14, and 18 days post-inoculation) with *Fol-*UDC10. ", "The percentage of disease incidence (**A**) and severity (**B**) were significantly higher in plants inoculated with *Fol*-UDC10 using the root-dipping method compared to those inoculated using the soil-suspension method. ", "RD = root-dipping inoculation method, SS = soil-suspension inoculation method, RD + SS = mix of root-dipping and soil-suspension inoculation methods. ", "Treatments with different letters are significantly different at *p* = 0.05.](pathogens-09-00070-g007){#pathogens-09-00070-f007}\n\n###### \n\nPathogenicity tests on Santa Cruz Kada tomato plants with the *F. oxysporum* isolates Fut31, Fu040 (reference strain), *Fol*59, and *Fol*-UDC10. (**", "A**) Photographs taken at 21 days post-inoculation (dpi) of infected Santa Cruz Kada plants from one experiment. (**", "B**) Distribution of disease scores for plants shown in (**A**), pooled from two replicate experiments (*n* = 18--20). ", "Probability values were obtained using the nonparametric Mann--Whitney test to determine significant differences in disease scores between plants infected with different fungal isolates. ", "Treatments with different letters are significantly different at *p* = 0.05. ", "Photographs taken by Jaime Simbaqueba. ", "Photographic records are from the Agricultural Microbiology Group, AGROSAVIA.", "\n\n![](", "pathogens-09-00070-g008a)\n\n![](", "pathogens-09-00070-g008b)\n\npathogens-09-00070-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nEndophyte fungal isolates found in 32 tomato fields in the Colombian Andean Region.", "\n\n Department Field Location Coordinates Tomato Cultivar *Fol* Resistance Isolates and Tissue of Sample Collection \n -------------- ---------------- ------------- ----------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------------\n Cundinamarca Cáqueza N.A. N.A. Libertador ^a^ R1, R2 36_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Cáqueza N.A. N.A. Nicolas ^b^ R1, R2 37_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Cáqueza 4°39′84.46″ 73°94′90.32″ Nicolas ^b^ R1, R2 1_Cundinamarca 38_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Cáqueza N.A. N.A. Libertador ^a^ R1, R2 2_Cundinamarca 39_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Cáqueza N.A. N.A. Libertador ^a^ R1, R2 3_Cundinamarca 40_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Quetame N.A. N.A. Nicolas ^b^ R1, R2 4_Cundinamarca 41_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Quetame N.A. N.A. Nicolas ^b^ R1, R2 5_Cundinamarca 42_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Quetame N.A. N.A. Nicolas ^b^ R1, R2 6_Cundinamarca 43_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Quetame N.A. N.A. Nicolas ^b^ R1, R2 7_Cundinamarca 44_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Quetame N.A. N.A. Nicolas ^b^ R1, R2 8_Cundinamarca 45_Cundinamarca\n Boyacá Villa de Leyva N.A. N.A. Aslam ^a^ R1, R2, R3 46_Boyacá\n Boyacá Villa de Leyva N.A. N.A. Aslam ^a^ R1, R2, R4 9_Boyacá 58_Boyacá\n Boyacá Villa de Leyva N.A. N.A. Aslam ^a^ R1, R2, R3 10_Boyacá 47_Boyacá\n Boyacá Villa de Leyva N.A. N.A. Libertador ^a^ R1, R2 11_Boyacá 48_Boyacá\n Boyacá Villa de Leyva N.A. N.A. Roble ^a^ R1, R2, R3 12_Boyacá 49_Boyacá\n Boyacá Villa de Leyva N.A. N.A. Roble ^a^ R1, R2, R3 13_Boyacá 50_Boyacá\n Boyacá Villa de Leyva N.A. N.A. Roblea ^a^ R1, R2, R3 14_Boyacá 71_Boyacá\n Boyacá Villa de Leyva N.A. N.A. Libertador ^a^ R1, R2 117_Boyacá\n Boyacá Sutamarchán N.A. N.A. Libertador ^a^ R1, R2 15_Boyacá 51_Boyacá\n Cundinamarca Mosquera 4°41′44″ 74°12′12″ Santa Clara ^a^ N.D. 16_Cundinamarca (Fu40) ^e^ \n Boyacá Santa Sofía 5°43′2.36″ 73°36′7.38″ Conquistador ^a^ R1, R2 17_Boyacá 52_Boyacá\n Boyacá Santa Sofía 5°43′15.36″ 73°35′28.9″ Monterone ^a^ R1, R2 18_Boyacá 53_Boyacá\n Boyacá Santa Sofía 5°43′10.57″ 73°35′41.05″ Nicolás ^b^ R2 19_Boyacá 54_Boyacá\n Boyacá Santa Sofía 5°41′42.72″ 73°35′19.73″ Libertador ^a^ R1, R2 20_Boyacá 55_Boyacá\n Boyacá Santa Sofía 5°41′42.72″ 73°35′19.73″ Aslam ^a^ R1, R2 21_Boyacá 56_Boyacá\n Antioquia El Peñol 6°15′25.39″ 75°16′28.18″ Aslam ^a^ R1, R2, R3 22_Antioquia 57_Antioquia\n Antioquia El Peñol 6°15′25.39″ 75°16′28.18″ Aslam ^a^ R1, R2, R3 23_Antioquia 59_Antioquia\n Antioquia El Peñol N.A. N.A. Aslam ^a^ R1, R2, R3 24_Antioquia 72_Antioquia\n Antioquia El Peñol 6°15′25.39″ 75°16′28.18″ Gem 604 ^a^ R1, R2, R3 25_Antioquia (Fut31) 60_Antioquia\n Antioquia El Peñol 6°16′04.98″ 75°14′54.27″ Aslam ^a^ R1, R2 26_Antioquia 61_Antioquia\n Antioquia El Peñol 6°16′04.98″ 75°14′54.27″ Aslam ^a^ R1, R2, R3 27_Antioquia 62_Antioquia\n Antioquia Urrao 6°15′8.41″ 75°14′48″ Venanzio ^a^ R1, R2, R3 28_Antioquia 63_Antioquia\n Antioquia Urrao 6°15′48.78″ 76°07′39.20″ Venanzio ^a^ N.D. 29_Antioquia 64_Antioquia\n Antioquia Urrao 6°15′48.78″ 76°07′39.20″ Torrano ^a^ N.D. 30_Antioquia 65_Antioquia\n Antioquia Urrao 6°16′41.74″ 76°05′46.18″ Torrano ^a^ R1, R2 31_Antioquia 66_Antioquia\n Antioquia Urrao 6°16′41.74″ 76°05′46.18″ Torrano ^a^ R1, R2 32_Antioquia 67_Antioquia (Fur38) ^g^\n Antioquia Urrao 6°20′38.56″ 76°05′30.03″ Torrano ^a^ R1, R2 33_Antioquia 68_Antioquia\n Antioquia Urrao 6°20′38.56″ 76°05′30.03″ Torrano ^a^ R1, R2 34_Antioquia 69_Antioquia\n Antioquia Urrao 6°20′38.56″ 76°05′30.03″ Torrano ^a^ R1, R2 35_Antioquia 70_Antioquia\n Antioquia Urrao 6°20′29.3″ 76°07′62.1″ Torrano ^a^ R1, R2 118_Antioquia\n Antioquia Urrao 6°20′11.5″ 76°08′30.50″ Roble ^a^ R1, R2, R3 119_Antioquia\n Antioquia Medellín 6°18′33.3″ 75°67′54.54″ Roble ^a^ R1, R2, R3 120_Antioquia (Fut64) ^g^ \n Cundinamarca Fómeque 4°28.094′ 73°31.868′ Roble ^a^ R1, R2, R3 73_Cundinamarca 88_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Fómeque 4°28.094′ 73°31.868′ Roble ^a^ R1, R2, R3 74_Cundinamarca 89_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Fómeque 4°28.053′ 33°51.980′ Libertador ^a^ R1, R2 90_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Fómeque N.A. N.A. Nicolás ^b^ R1, R2 75_Cundinamarca 91_Cundinamarca\n Cundinamarca Fómeque N.A. N.A. Nicolás ^b^ R1, R2 76_Cundinamarca 92_Cundinamarca\n Antioquia Rionegro 6°9.735′ 75°24.307′ Tropical ^c^ R1, R2 77_Antioquia 93_Antioquia\n Antioquia Rionegro 6°9.735′ 75°24.307′ Tropical ^c^ R1, R2 78_Antioquia 95_Antioquia\n Antioquia Rionegro 6°9.735′ 75°24.307′ Tropical ^c^ R1, R2 79_Antioquia 96_Antioquia\n Antioquia Rionegro 6°9.735′ 75°24.307′ Tropical ^c^ R1, R2 80_Antioquia 97_Antioquia\n Antioquia Rionegro 6°9.735′ 75°24.307′ Tropical ^c^ R1, R2 81_Antioquia (Fut52) ^g^ 98_Antioquia\n Antioquia San Vicente 6°16.222′ 75°22.361′ N.A. N.D. 82_Antioquia 99_Antioquia\n Antioquia San Vicente 6°16.222′ 75°22.361′ N.A. N.D. 83_Antioquia 100_Antioquia\n Antioquia San Vicente 6°16.222′ 75°22.361′ N.A. N.D. 84_Antioquia 101_Antioquia (Fur55) ^g^\n Antioquia San Vicente 6° 16.222′ 75°22.361′ N.A. N.D. 85_Antioquia 102_Antioquia\n Antioquia Guarne N.A. N.A. N.A. N.D. 86_Antioquia 103_Antioquia\n Antioquia Guarne N.A. N.A. N.A. N.D. 87_Antioquia 104_Antioquia\n Caldas Chinchiná 4° 56′33″ 75°37′10″ Calima ^a^ R1, R2 116_Antioquia 94_Caldas (*Fol*59) ^f^\n Caldas Manizales 5°3′14″ 75°29′30″ N.A. N.D. 105_Caldas (*Fol-*UDC10) ^f^\n Caldas Manizales N.A. N.A. N.A. N.D. 106_Caldas\n Caldas Chinchiná 4°59′7″ 75°39′58″ Armada Carguero ^d^ R1, R2 107_Caldas\n Caldas Chinchiná 4°59′7″ 75°39′58″ Armada Carguero ^d^ R1, R2 108_Caldas\n Caldas Palestina 4°56′29″ 75°39′25″ Roble ^a^ R1, R2, R3 109_Caldas\n Caldas Manizales 5°5′55″ 75°37′13″ Venanzio ^a^ N.D. 110_Caldas\n Caldas Villamaría 4°57′297″ 75°31.371′ Roble ^a^ R1, R2, R3 111_Caldas\n Caldas Chinchiná 05°00.447′ 75°35.831′ Calima ^a^ R1, R2 112_Caldas\n Caldas Villamaría 4° 57′397′ 75° 31.377′ Roble ^a^ R1, R2, R3 113_Caldas\n Caldas Chinchiná 04°56′ 34″ 75°37′7″ Calima ^a^ R1, R2 114_Caldas\n Caldas Palestina 05°1′ 6″ 75°36′40″ Ciénaga ^a^ R1, R2 115_Caldas\n\n^a^ Hybrids derived from the cultivar Chonto. ", "^b^ Hybrids derived from the variety Milano. ", "^c^ Hybrids derived from the cultivar Cherry (*Solanum lycopersicum* var. *", "cerasiforme*). ", "^d^ Hybrids obtained by grafting. ", "^e^ *Fusarium oxysporum* reference strain (Fu40) obtained from the microorganism germplasm bank of AGROSAVIA. ", "^f^ 94_Caldas = *Fol*59 and 105_Caldas = *Fol-*UDC10 (*F. oxysporum* f. sp. *", "lycopersici*). ", "^g^ Fungal isolates identified as *Forl* using the new marker (*Forl*\\_155.3). ", "N.A.: not available. ", "N.D.: not determined. ", "R1 = *Fol* race 1; R2 = *Fol* race 2; R3 = *Fol* race 3.", "\n\npathogens-09-00070-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nPrimers used to identify *Fusarium oxysporum* isolates.", "\n\n Primer Sequence Region Amplified Predicted Size\n -------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ----------------\n Uni F ATCATCTTGTGCCAACTTCAG *Pg1* ^a^ 670 bp ^a^\n Uni R GTTTGTGATCTTTGAGTTGCCA \n EF1-F ATGGGTAAGGAGGACAAGACTCA *EF1A* ^b^ 776 bp ^b^\n EF1-R TGGAGATACCAGCCTCGAAC \n P12-F2B GTATCCCTCCGGATTTTGAGC *SIX1* ^c^ 992 bp\n P12-R1 AATAGAGCCTGCAAAGCATG \n SIX3-F1 CCAGCCAGAAGGCCAGTTT *SIX3* ^c^ 608 bp ^c^\n SIX3-R2 GGCAATTAACCACTCTGCC \n G121A-F2 ^e^ ACGGGGTAACCCATATTGCA 429 bp ^d^ \n G134A-F2 ^e^ TTGCGTGTTTCCCGGCCA 414 bp ^d^ \n G137C-F1 ^e^ GCGTGTTTCCCGGCCGCCC 412 bp ^d^ \n SIX4-F1 TCAGGCTTCACTTAGCATAC *SIX4* ^c^ 967 bp\n SIX4-R1 GCCGACCGAAAAACCCTAA \n Forl_155.3F GGTGAGGTTGCCACATTTCT GCA_000260155.3 ^f^ 337 bp\n Forl_155.3R TCTTTGTTCATTCCCCAAGC \n\n^a^*Endo-polyglacturonase* gene (*Pg1*) (Ensembl fungi ID: FOXG_14695), reported by Hirano and Arie \\[[@B32-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "^b^ *Translation elongation factor 1 alpha* gene (*EF1a*) (GenBank: MK172058.1), reported by Cobo-Diaz et al. ", "\\[[@B30-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "^c^ Reported by van der Does et al. ", "\\[[@B7-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "^d^ Reported by Lievens et al. ", "\\[[@B21-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "^e^ Amplicon generated through combination with the SIX3-R2 primer, according to Lievens et al. ", "\\[[@B21-pathogens-09-00070]\\]. ", "^f^ National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) genome accession number of *Fusarium oxysporum* f. sp. *", "radicis-lycopersici*.", "\n\npathogens-09-00070-t003_Table 3\n\n###### \n\nHomologous *EF1a* genes in the *Fusarium* species used in the phylogenetic analysis.", "\n\n GenBank Accession *Fusarium* Species Isolate/Code Reference\n ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------\n KY365602.1 *avenaceum* UBOCC-A-109 096 \\[[@B30-pathogens-09-00070]\\]\n MG550947.1 *verticillioides* UBOCC-A-109 122 \n MH496628.1 *proliferatum* SL0018 \\[[@B31-pathogens-09-00070]\\]\n MK604519.1 *fujikuroi* SL0089 \n KY283870.1 *graminearum* 17a GenBank\n KX034250.1 *falciforme* RRK20 \\[[@B33-pathogens-09-00070]\\]\n MG857253.1 *solani* SL0002 \\[[@B31-pathogens-09-00070]\\]\n MG707130.1 *solani* SL0016 \n MH716809.1 *commune* SL0021 \n JF740825.1 *foetens* FOSC-21 \n AB917000.1 *Fusarium* sp. ", " SL0584 GenBank\n AB817202.1 *Fusarium* sp. ", " FOSC-1065 \n ***Fusarium oxysporum* Species Complex** \n MALH01000103.1 f\\. sp. *", "lycopersici* race 1 Fol004 \\[[@B34-pathogens-09-00070]\\]\n MALV01000081.1 f\\. sp. *", "lycopersici* race 2 Fol4287 \n RBXW01000019.1 f\\. sp. *", "lycopersici* race 3 D11 GenBank\n FOCG_09093 f\\. sp. *", "radicis-lycopersici* 26381 Ensembl fungi\n FOZG_08502 *oxysporum* Fo047 \n JX258849.1 *oxysporum* Bra2 GenBank\n MK172058.1 *oxysporum* FR3 \n MK226334.1 *oxysporum* SL0001 \\[[@B31-pathogens-09-00070]\\]\n MK414772.1 *oxysporum* SL0035 \n MK799835.1 *oxysporum* SL0019 \n\n[^1]: These authors contributed equally to this work.", "\n" ]
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[ "Editorial Note: I am taking the week off in order to catch up on a few projects. ", "But I’ll be back on Monday, so stay tuned to this space. – ", "Justin Raimondo\n\nThis weekend and the following week marks a triple anniversary: on March 19, 2011, the US and its European and Middle Eastern allies launched an assault on Libya that resulted in hundreds of deaths, and the complete destruction of that country as a viable political entity. ", "The “mainstream” media isn’t breathing a word of this, lest it causes us to remember that it was Hillary Clinton who ginned up this disaster.", "\n\nAlso, on March 24, 1999, the NATO alliance, led by the United States, began bombing the former Yugoslavia, a conflict that resulted in the creation of Kosovo, a gangster state run by criminals who have been credibly charged with trafficking in human organs and whose leadership is essentially the Albanian Mafia. (", "That war, by the way, can also be laid at Hillary’s doorstep.)", "\n\nAs I warned my readers at the time, the US alliance with the “Kosovo Liberation Army” has resulted in the unleashing of Albanian ultra-nationalism — and today we see that the Kosovo government is being violently challenged by a movement that seeks to create a “Greater Albania.”", "\n\nYes, the ides of March are certainly a favored time for launching wars: in 2003, it was on March 19 that George W. Bush launched the invasion of Iraq – the consequences of which are reverberating throughout the Middle East today in a paroxysm of violence and terrorism.", "\n\nThat none of these anniversaries are being acknowledged in the “mainstream” media is hardly surprising: they don’t want us to remember, in large part because these “journalists” were and are complicit in ginning up support for Washington’s wars. ", "They are – for the most part – nothing but publicists for the War Party. ", "And this is the reason for Antiwar.com – to provide the American people with the real story of what is being done in our name all across the globe.", "\n\nYes, the Ides of March are pretty action-packed on the home front as well. ", "I see that Bernie Sanders has excused himself from attending the AIPAC conference being held Monday, on the grounds that he is engaged elsewhere. ", "This will make his “radical” left-wing supporters happy, because they’ll be spared the embarrassment of having to watch Sanders prostrate himself before the Israel lobby – as he has done consistently throughout his career. ", "Salon calls his refusal to attend a “bold move” – because running and hiding is the New Boldness.", "\n\nSpeaking of Israel and the 2016 presidential election: that was the subject of my talk at a recent conference on “Israel’s Influence: Good or Bad for America?” ", "It was quite an experience speaking to an audience made up of many Muslims, leftists, and others not inclined to contemplate my contrarian view – which is that Donald Trump’s promise to be “evenhanded” on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the most reasonable position of anyone in the race. ", "Yet, as you can see below, the response was much more favorable than I thought it would be.", "\n\nSpeaking of Trump, the campaign to silence him is taking on new and more ominous dimensions: the “protesters” are openly proclaiming that their goal is to “shut down” Trump’s rallies. ", "They even resorted to a roadblock to prevent rally goers from attending his Arizona events. ", "And of course the “mainstream” media’s attempt to blame Trump for “provoking” violence by his words marches on: an attempt by a “protester” to assault the GOP candidate resulted in an admiring interview for assaulter Tommy DiMassimo and a piece in the Washington Post (where else?) ", "justifying the interview. ", "If this looks like an open invitation to future Trump assailants to win their fifteen minutes of fame, well then – yes, that’s precisely the point.", "\n\nWe haven’t seen this kind of concerted media campaign targeting a presidential candidate since the “mainstream” assault on Ron Paul. ", "The whole point is to ignore who’s starting the fights that break out at his rallies and simply to surround the Trump campaign with a penumbra of violence.", "\n\nSpeaking of the presidential campaign, the leading Anti-Trump Candidate, Ted Cruz, has announced his foreign policy team, and what a list it is! ", "Such familiar characters as Elliott Abrams and Michael Ledeen – the cream of the neocon crop – are prominently featured, along with the ineffable Frank Gaffney, of the Center for Security Policy. ", "Gaffney represents the radical fringe of the neoconservative movement: He has spent the last few years advancing a conspiracy theory that the administration of George W. Bush was infiltrated by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. ", "Anti-tax crusader and noted libertarian-leaning publicist Grover Norquist is singled out for special attention for the “crime” of being married to a Palestinian.", "\n\nWill this cause Rep. Justin Amash, who has endorsed Cruz, to reconsider his support for a candidate who has the support of the War Party’s biggest wack-jobs? ", "Don’t bet the farm on it….", "\n\nYes, beware the Ides of March, a time when the war at home as well as the wars at home and abroad tend to erupt in all their fury. ", "And what better place to get a perspective on all these conflicts than right here on Antiwar.com?", "\n\nA SCHEDULING NOTE: I’m taking a short break from writing this column: I’ll be out all this week. ", "But never fear – I’ll be back on Monday, March 28. ", "Of course, if Something Big happens, I’ll be here, but barring that tune in next week for the latest edition of “Behind the Headlines.”", "\n\nNOTES IN THE MARGIN\n\nYou can check out my Twitter feed by going here. ", "But please note that my tweets are sometimes deliberately provocative, often made in jest, and largely consist of me thinking out loud.", "\n\nI’ve written a couple of books, which you might want to peruse. ", "Here is the link for buying the second edition of my 1993 book, Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, with an Introduction by Prof. George W. Carey, a Foreword by Patrick J. Buchanan, and critical essays by Scott Richert and David Gordon (ISI Books, 2008).", "\n\nYou can buy An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard (Prometheus Books, 2000), my biography of the great libertarian thinker, here." ]
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[ "In this, The Year of Higher Launch Angles and Homer and Strikeout Spikes, most of the game’s marquee offensive players have joined the party. ", "Mike Trout was Mike Trout when healthy, Bryce Harper is back, while Cody Bellinger, Aaron Judge, Miguel Sano, and others are leading the youth brigade. ", "In the meantime, though, has anyone seen Manny Machado?", "\n\nYou know, the other contender, besides Harper, for the largest contract in the sport’s history. ", "The guy who won’t turn 25 for a couple weeks, who is actually a couple weeks younger than Judge. ", "He’s tooling around with an on-base percentage straddling .300 and a slugging mark under .450. ", "The Orioles clearly have many bigger problems than their young third baseman, but if they want to go anywhere at all, they need him to start looking like a franchise player.", "\n\nToday, let’s look at his 2017 body of work, including his strikeout and walk rates, plus the exit-velocity and launch-angle mix of every ball he’s put into play this season, to see whether his issues are real, or if he’s simply suffering from small-sample misfortune — or, perhaps, a combination of the two.", "\n\nMachado was the third overall pick in the 2010 draft, a 17-year-old slam-dunk prospect featuring five tools, solid present production, and projection. ", "Innate, joyful feel for the game, to boot. ", "The minor leagues could not contain him; just over two years after signing, he was in the O’s lineup. ", "Amazingly, the numbers he put up as a 19-year-old are virtually the same ones he’s posting this season. ", "Not exactly what the O’s were expecting.", "\n\nEach season, I prepare my own set of minor-league position-player rankings. ", "They’re statistically based, with players needing to meet certain age/production levels to qualify. ", "The list serves mainly as a master follow list of full-season-league prospects; the rankings themselves are secondary, and traditional scouting methods are used afterward. ", "Still, for a youthful middle infielder whose physical ship had yet to come in, to rank 16th and 21st in 2011 and 2012, respectively, was quite a distinction; there are no positional adjustments in my system.", "\n\nSo, he met the eye test, met the numbers test, and quickly established himself as a Gold Glove third baseman who could easily slide over to shortstop and be an asset there if need be. ", "The power showed up in 2015, cementing him as one of the most valuable assets in the game. ", "At the time, he looked like a hit-before-power guy whose power had developed. ", "Guys like that who also play elite defense on the tough side of the defensive spectrum are pure gold.", "\n\nSo what’s going on in 2017? ", "In the two tables below, let’s look at Machado’s plate appearance frequency and ball-in-play authority data for 2016-17:\n\nPlate Appearance Frequency Data Name POP % FLY% LD% GB% K% BB% Machado 17 7.7% 35.8% 14.0% 42.5% 21.1% 9.1% Machado 16 6.1% 36.6% 20.0% 37.3% 17.2% 6.9%\n\nBIP Authority/Overall Production Data Name UNADJ C U-FLY-A U-LD-A U-GB-A ADJ C wRC+ PRJ PRD Machado 17 98 91-162 135-149 122-122 126 91 118 Machado 16 131 111-148 124-117 152-140 140 129 140\n\nThe first table breaks down all of Machado’s batted balls by type and also lists his K and BB rates for both 2016 and 2017. ", "For this table, color-coding is used to note significant divergence from league average. ", "As usual, when I do these sorts of tables, red cells indicate values that are over two full standard deviations above league average; orange cells are over one STD above; yellow cells over one-half-STD above; blue cells over one-half STD below; and black cells over one STD below league average.", "\n\nThe concepts of Unadjusted and Adjusted Contact Score are central to the second table above. ", "Unadjusted Contact Score (1st column) represents Machado’s production relative to the league (average of 100) on all batted balls — i.e., his production with K and BB stripped from his batting line. ", "Adjusted Contact Score is what Machado “should have” batted relative to the league if each of his batted balls produced at a league-average rate for its exit-speed/launch-angle “bucket”. ", "Columns 2-4 list Machado’s Unadjusted and Adjusted Contact Scores for flies, liners, and grounders, respectively. ", "Column 5 lists his overall Adjusted Contact Score, column 6 lists his actual wRC+, and Column 7 lists his Projected Production (Adjusted Contact Score with the K and BB added back to the equation). ", "All data extends through Friday night’s games. ", "Red font indicates that an extreme grounder-pulling penalty was applied to his Adjusted Contact Score and Projected Production level.", "\n\nSo what have we got? ", "Let’s start with the frequency data. ", "The very high pop-up rate is the first thing that jumps out. ", "While it’s not that unusual for a power hitter to pop up quite a bit, it is unusual for a hitter with an average-range fly-ball rate to record a pop-up rate over a full standard deviation above league average. ", "He’s encroaching upon two STD at this point. ", "His pop ups as a percentage of his flies are in the danger zone. ", "This is the darker side of the increased launch angle: once you get above 35 degrees on any individual fly ball, the odds of it becoming an out increase exponentially. ", "That’s one point in favor of there being an actual problem, rather than simple small-sample noise.", "\n\nNow for some small-sample noise. ", "That 14.0% liner rate ranks with the very lowest among AL regulars. ", "The good news here is that individual hitters’ liner rates correlate very poorly from year to year compared to those of other BIP types. ", "Machado’s liner rate ranked in the 91st and 71st percentiles among AL regulars in his first two full seasons, and in the 19th and 39th his last two. ", "While it is a bit concerning that his liner rate has been low since his power kicked in, I’m still willing to bank on a near-term rebound in the second half.", "\n\nOtherwise, it’s a pretty vanilla frequency profile. ", "There’s a little room for his fly-ball rate to grow, but he’s got to do something about the pop ups. ", "Strikeouts have never been a big problem for Machado, but while he’s still in the average range in that department, he’s been trending upward. ", "Something else to keep an eye on. ", "On to the authority/production profile.", "\n\nObviously, Machado’s actual performance on batted balls (his Unadjusted Contact Score) is way down, from 131 in 2016 to 98 in 2017. ", "Again, our aim is to determine how much of that is real, and how much is due to random chance.", "\n\nMachado would benefit from (a) a more all-fields approach and (b) better luck. (", "Photo: Keith Allison\n\nOn fly balls, Machado has been bitten quite a bit by context this season. ", "His Unadjusted Fly Ball Contact Score of 91 is actually below league average, while his adjusted mark of 162 is well above. ", "His average fly-ball authority of 95.6 mph ranks among the league’s best and is well above his 2016 average of 90.4. ", "Normally, such a high average velocity would translate to an even higher Adjusted Contact Score, but it’s a bit misleading in this case, as Machado hasn’t hit a single blooper under 75 mph all season, while hitting 17 cans of corn between 85-95 mph.", "\n\nAnother key note on the fly balls, which would also support Machado getting more air production as the summer heat turns up. ", "A few weeks back I posted my first 2017 interim progress report on seasonal park factors. ", "I use the same logic used to determine Adjusted Contact Scores to derive park factors — i.e., what has happened to batted balls vs. what should have happened. ", "Through May 20, Camden Yards had an 82.5 overall park factor and an even lower 71.4 fly-ball park factor. ", "Cool early spring in the mid-Atlantic. ", "Since then, the O’s pitching staff has imploded, and those factors have certainly begun to tick upward. ", "Bottom line: the power side of Machado’s game is intact.", "\n\nMachado absolutely scalds his line drives. ", "A 149 Liner Adjusted Contact Score is elite level, and it’s well up from 2016. ", "His average liner has been hit at 102.1 mph, up from 98.3 in 2016. ", "He’s been a tad unlucky on them (135 Unadjusted Contact Score), but no big deal. ", "On the rare occasion that he’s hit a liner, he’s toasted it. ", "Here’s to more toasted liners in the second half.", "\n\nNow to the nub of the issue, the grounders. ", "He hits them plenty hard, at an average of 91.2 mph in 2017, and 90.3 in 2016. ", "That’s well above league average. ", "Problem is, he has developed an extreme pull tendency, which I define as hitting more than five times as many grounders to the pull side than the other way. ", "Around that point, defenses begin to overshift, and a hard cap forms over a hitter’s ground-ball production. ", "I cap such hitters’ adjusted grounder production at their actual production level, which in Machado’s case, isn’t bad. ", "Based on his actual authority level, he “should” be hitting over 50 points higher on grounders, if only he used the field.", "\n\nMachado is fortunate to still be hitting in the .250 range on grounders; ask Ryan Howard, David Ortiz, and others how low one’s grounder average can go once you become an exclusive puller. ", "There is real downside here. ", "Machado is way too young to be falling into this trap. ", "Hitters can get intoxicated by the long ball and try to force the issue. ", "This guy, at this stage in his career, can hit 30 homers by mistake, and with his contact-making ability, there is no reason that a .300 average shouldn’t also be an annual occurrence. ", "He has to nip this grounder-pulling thing in the bud.", "\n\nSo, once it’s all factored in, Machado “should” have a 126 Adjusted Contact Score, rather than his 98 unadjusted mark, and 118 Projected Production, rather than a 91 wRC+. ", "A stingy home park in April/May is no fault of his own, and that low liner rate should at least partially take care of itself. ", "A player with such defensive chops with 118 Projected Production is a darned good player.", "\n\nThing is, Machado should be better than that. ", "We should be talking about him with the Trouts and Harpers. ", "He must get back to hit-before-power, rather than his current power-before-hit modus operandi. ", "If he weren’t so power-focused, that pop-up rate would probably drift downward, and he’d spray bullets all over the infield to keep defenders honest. ", "Then we’d be seeing the 140+ wRC+ younger version of Josh Donaldson that we know is in there." ]
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[ "The heterogeneity of protein/surface interactions and structural alterations of adsorbed albumin and immunoglobulin G.\nThe theoretical model is developed for the reversible and irreversible protein adsorption in kinetic regime by assuming the continuous energetical heterogeneity for protein/surface interaction and the possibility of structural alterations of adsorbed molecules. ", "The simplest rectangular distributions of adsorption centers in energy of activation are used to explain the logarithmic kinetics of IgG and human serum albumin (HSA) adsorption on a quartz surface. ", "To explain the Freindlich character of HSA adsorption onto a precoated surface, the exponential distributions of adsorption centers in energy of activation are used. ", "A competitive analysis of some of the approaches allowed for the energetical heterogeneity of protein/surface interaction is made. ", "The possibility of lateral electrostatic repulsion to form the logarithmic kinetics of HSA adsorption is checked experimentally. ", "The influence of the temperature on HSA adsorption onto quartz is discussed also." ]
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", "Consider writing \\pgfplotsset{compat=1.14} into your preamble.", "\n on input line 8.", "\n\n(./test.nav)epstopdf ($Id: epstopdf.pl 41577 2016-06-30 16:38:01Z karl $) 2.25\n!!! ", "Error: Cannot open Ghostscript for piped input: gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=./img/circle_fitted-eps-converted-to.pdf -dPDFSETTINGS#/prepress -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dAutoRotatePages#/None - -c quit\nsystem returned with code 512\n\n./test.tex:14: Package pdftex.def Error: File `./img/circle_fitted-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found.", "\n\nSee the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation.", "\nType H <return> for immediate help.", "\n ... \n\nl.14 \\end{frame}\n\nLaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/cmss/m/n' in size <4> not available\n(Font) size <5> substituted on input line 14.", "\n\n[1{/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}]\n(./test.aux)\n\nLaTeX Font Warning: Size substitutions with differences\n(Font) up to 1.0pt have occurred.", "\n\n )\n(see the transcript file for additional information)</usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmtt10.pfb>\nOutput written on test.pdf (1 page, 14000 bytes).", "\nTranscript written on test.log.", "\n\nTeX Output exited abnormally with code 1 at Mon Sep 12 19:31:38\n\nUpdate\nAs David Carlisle mentioned in the comments, the problem is with the Ghostscript (gs). ", "If I run lualatex --jobname=main -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode \"\\input\" main.tex in the terminal everything works out fine. ", "So the problem is with Emacs not being able to locate gs even after I insert the following in the ~/.emacs file:\n(setq preview-gs-command \"/opt/local/bin/gs\")\n\nI took the path from the output of entering which gs in the terminal. ", "Is there anyone who has a clue about what I can try to solve my problem?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe solution that worked for me turned out to be the following:\n\nSince I was able to compile from terminal, I suspected that there is smth wrong with the path to gs. ", "I ran which gs in the internal shell which revealed that, indeed, Emacs does not see gs.", "\nI added the following line to my .emacs file (the location of gs was obtained by running which gs in the terminal):\n(setenv \"PATH\" (concat \"/opt/local/bin/:\" (getenv \"PATH\")))\n\nAnd it worked! ", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0009075847920030355, 0.0006812697974964976, 0.0005958322435617447, 0.0006024319445714355, 0.0007156213978305459, 0.0007199859828688204, 0.0008202282479032874, 0.0006386799504980445, 0.0008460137178190053, 0.0007041589706204832, 0.0008480746764689684, 0.0009798038518056273, 0.0011226003989577293, 0.0006345658912323415, 0.0011548844631761312, 0.0011465345742180943, 0.0005804534303024411, 0.0006024319445714355, 0.0007499819039367139, 0.0006678689969703555, 0.000573662284296006, 0.0006288805743679404, 0.0007002375205047429, 0.0007635370711795986, 0.0008217854774557054, 0.0013836128637194633, 0.0007340598967857659, 0.0007593532209284604, 0.0007286146865226328, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "'Earth Mysteries' can also refer to...\n\nMore Like This\n\nQuick Reference\n\nUnusual geophysical and environmental phenomena exercise a persistent fascination on the human imagination. ", "Since its coinage in the early 1970s, the term earth mysteries has become an umbrella designation covering ..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005857152282260358, 0.0005948145990259945 ]
[ "Itching/burning on the tip of the penis\n\nPatient\n\nQ:I had unprotected sex with a hired girl. ", "Now I feel itch on the tip of my penis and some yellow sticky liquid keeps on coming out after sometime like 10 to 15 mins interval.", "\nI m quite concerned about the problem. ", "Any advice will help\nThanks\n\nSymptoms: Itching and burning on the tip of my penis, and some yellow sticky liquid keeps on coming out\n\n(*)\nThese Q&A’s are for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice you may receive from your physician. ", "If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. ", "These answers do not constitute or initiate a patient/doctor relationship." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.9856416583061218, 0.9675825834274292, 0.0005765235400758684, 0.5399159789085388, 0.003640375565737486, 0.0007439938490279019 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNovel: person duplicated, triskadecimal (base 13) computer\n\nCan't remember a whole lot about this. ", "Probably read it directly from the library's science fiction shelf, in the late 80s. ", "A person was somehow being duplicated, I think; each duplication was different. ", "One of the duplicates was an artist; another was an engineer. ", "\nThe engineer was interrogating a computer, and discovered that the capacity of the computer was given in trits, i.e. triskadecimal units. ", "I believe he thought to himself how much he would hate learning arithmetic in base 13.", "\nSomething about the style now makes me think the author could have been A. E. Van Vogt.", "\n\nEDIT: the line I thought I remembered actually came from Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke:\n\nI'd hate to do arithmetic, George thought to himself, in a system based on fourteen.", "\n\nThis book I'm looking for now definitely did have a base 13 computer, but there was probably no line about learning arithmetic in it.", "\n\nA:\n\nThis may be The Triune Man by Richard A. Lupoff (1976). ", "On p. 55 on google books, there is a reference to \"trits\" as the equivalent of \"bits\" in a triskadecimal base system:\n\n\"My memory is hierarchic,\" the response came after a pause. \"", "Prime storage access time is point-oh-oh-one picosecond. ", "Prime capacity thirteen trillion trits—\"\n\"Hold it!\" ", "Auburn interrupted. \"", "Trits? ", "What are trits?\"", "\n\"Triskidecimal storage units, each subject to values ranging from zero through twelve.\"", "\nAuburn actually laughed. ", "Thirteen-base numbering! ", "What kind of strange creatures had designed that system! ", "But if it worked, it worked.", "\n\nAs described in the Kirkus review here, the plot seems to involve a character with \"multiple selves\" which sounds like it could match your description of a person being \"duplicated\":\n\nSplit-identity story of a gentle middle-aged cartoonist, creator of intrepid Diamond Sutro, unaccountably locked in the same body as an American Nazi leader. ", "There's a third self unknown to the others, and a still more buried remnant awaiting its own moment. ", "The action spins between a posh Earthside funny farm, a robot supercivilization to which the multiple selves are summoned to save the universe, and the Diamond Sutro cartoon plot's increasing encroachments on outside realities--with additional disturbing (and not awfully well-managed) WW II flashbacks. ", "The denouement is brought off with confidence though in several shades of purple. ", "A superior and stimulating effort.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006327384617179632, 0.0006041896995157003, 0.0006163321086205542, 0.000682122481521219, 0.0007742358720861375, 0.001709603937342763, 0.0007216610829345882, 0.0007515577017329633, 0.0005879936506971717, 0.0006313289050012827, 0.000697289768140763, 0.0008323026704601943, 0.007236400619149208, 0.0007400150061585009, 0.00451312493532896, 0.006403793580830097, 0.0006563384085893631, 0.0010994132608175278, 0.0008517189999110997, 0.0046465122140944, 0.0008498126408085227, 0.0012244151439517736, 0.0008719594916328788, 0.0010711199138313532, 0.0006705824634991586, 0.0006300032837316394, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Acute acalculous cholecystitis after cardiovascular surgery.", "\nThe development of acute acalculous cholecystitis (AAC) after cardiovascular surgery is an infrequent but devastating complication, the etiology and management of which remains controversial. ", "To evaluate the etiology, treatment, and outcome of patients with AAC, the cases of six patients encountered within an 8-year period who developed AAC after cardiovascular surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) were reviewed. ", "Atherosclerotic risk factors including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and smoking were evident in five patients, three of whom had a history of stroke or arteriosclerosis obliterans, while low cardiac output was recognized in three. ", "Percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy was performed in five patients, and another required cholecystectomy for peritonitis due to gangrene of the gallbladder. ", "Two patients died of respiratory failure and sepsis after 15 and 82 days of percutaneous drainage, respectively; however, the four survivors had an excellent outcome without any biliary tract disease during a mean follow-up period of 5.3 years. ", "In conclusion, AAC after cardiovascular surgery may result from hypoperfusion of the gallbladder due to various factors including CPB, visceral atherosclerosis, and low cardiac output. ", "We advocate early percutaneous cholecystostomy for patients without peritonitis, while early cholecystectomy is indicated for those with peritonitis." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0025093976873904467, 0.0008512401836924255, 0.0006163135985843837, 0.0008775041787885129, 0.004184101242572069, 0.0016987263225018978, 0.0010928258998319507, 0.0015197369502857327 ]
[ "Cusuma flavifusa\n\nCusuma flavifusa is a moth of the family Geometridae first described by George Hampson in 1893. ", "It is found in India and Sri Lanka.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Moths of Asia\nCategory:Moths described in 1893" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.003973850980401039, 0.0011393873719498515, 0.0005580257857218385 ]
[ "Kris Krohn here on Limitless TV, and I\nhave Marianne DeNovellis joining us today,\ntalking about our paradigms, really big\nword. ", "A lot of you are out there and\nsearching online saying, \"How do I change\nmy paradigm?\" ", "and we're gonna talk about\nwhat is a paradigm, what can you do to\nchange it and I've asked Marianne also\nin this video to bring out the big guns\nand share her most powerhouse technique\nfor changing the way that you think for\nthe better.", "\nParadigm is such a big word, right? ", "Marianne,\nwhat is a paradigm?", "\nParadigm is your way of thinking,\nit's your framework, it's a blueprint if\nyou will, for where all of the\nexperiences, the thoughts, everything in\nyour world, how it fits in your life. - ", "Yeah\nand it consists essentially of all of\nyour beliefs, your beliefs essentially\nmake up your perception and so\nultimately, if you want to change your\nparadigm, you have to understand that\nyour view of the world right now, you've\ngot all of this information coming in\nbut you've already defined a filter of\nwhat gets to come in and what you're\ngoing to interpret. ", "It's interesting that\nif you were to take a dog and beat it\nevery day of its life and then bequeath\nit to a new master that would love it,\nit's probably going to show up the first\nday with the master scared and terrified,\nwetting itself, biting or doing some type\nof inappropriate behavior because that's\nits lens, it's all that it knows. ", "We as\nhuman beings,\nwe've also formed our lens. ", "Tell me what\nkind of human beings get produced from\nchildhood, typical childhood? - ", "Oh my gosh,\nthis is such a fascinating conversation.", "\nWhen childhood, it's said that we hear,\nyou hear the word 'no', how many times?", "\n60,000 times by the age of 16. ", "By the age\nof 16 it's 60,000 times we hear. ", "Now how\nmany times would you hear as a child\n\"don't touch that\"? ", "Well as parents, I mean,\nour children are doing all sorts of\nthings they don't understand in the\nworld and so I don't think it's\nnecessary even bad parents but we say no\nto children to keep them safe or because\nthey're not ready for bigger\nresponsibility when they're so small\nand so underdeveloped. - ", "So all of these\nideas of \"no\" \"don't touch that\" \"you can't\"\nIf they're intended to keep the child\nsafe but think about all of those ideas\nevery time you hear that, it's another\nbeam, in your building, in your framework,\nin your paradigm of how you see life so\nif you hear the word \"no\" or if you hear\nraised tones of voices, maybe you grew up\nin a home where there's loud voices and\nanger and bad words that were said\nall around, that's the paradigm with\nwhich you see the world. - ", "Well then we\nbecome adults and it doesn't just change\nfrom one night to next, we're actually\nstill living in a world of no's and\ncan'ts and don'ts and shouldn'ts and I\nthink that that's why so many of us are\nso limited in just, hey I wanted to lose\nweight but I'm struggling to or I want\nto have a happier marriage but I'm too\nbusy blaming my spouse for what's going\nwrong or you know, I'd like about\njob but I don't know how to get a raise.", "\nAnd it's living in that world of \"no I\ncan't\" - And it caught the world of big fat\n\"but\" I want to but I can't, I want to but\nI don't know how, I want to but, and it's\nan excuse excuse after excuse and that's\nwhere you end up with this, it's a whole load\nof excuses. - ", "You know, so the question\ntoday is, we have our paradigms and it's\nit's constructed by all of our beliefs\nand some of our empowering, some of them\nare positive but we also got a lot of\njust junk in there that just says \"I\ncan't\" \"I shouldn't\" \"I'm not allowed\" \"I'm\ntoo old\" \"I'm too young\" \"I'm too fat and my\nbody won't do this\" \"My genetics don't\nallow me this\" however this, again this,\n\"That's too much money\" \"My financial problem says no\"\nRight? ", "All of these ideas. ", "So how do\nyou change it? - ", "Okay, first you can\nidentify, it you've gotta identify that\nyour thoughts are actually what is\ncreating all of this and you see that's\nwhere people get mixed up, but they say,\nlook at all of this evidence, it must be\ntrue. - ", "So pause, you're telling me that\neveryone watching the video right now\ncould actually have this pause moment,\nsay you're telling me that my current\nperception and the things that aren't\nworking with me are optional? ", "And that\nthey don't have to be there? ", "Absolutely,\nif it had to be there then guess who\nwould be experiencing it. ", "Everybody,\neveryone would experience it but we know\nthat people don't we know that people\nhave different experiences in life, we\nknow that there are people that live on\nthe street and they have all of these I\ncan't notions, and they have plenty of\nevidence to support it.", "\nWe know there are people that live in\namazing homes with affluence all around\nthem and they have some belief systems\nthat support that. ", "Instead of looking\noutside in, we need to start inside and\nwork out. - ", "Awesome. ", "Now Marianne, I know\nthat you've got a system that you\nlove, that is transformational, it works\nevery single time, what is it? - ", "Lightening\nbreakthrough. - ", "Lightning breakthrough?", "\nLightning as in, like, fast? - ", "Lightning\nas in, fast, lightning as and now,\nlightning as in, I'm gonna pause time\nfor a moment and shift things around so\nthey work better for me. - ", "Pause. ", "Isn't\nchange hard? - ", "Oh gosh, only if you say so.", "\nOkay, so you're saying it's also just a\nbelief? - ", "Absolutely! - ", "Okay, so by the way, for\nyou changes what then? - ", "Change is easy,\nit's fast, it's fun, I love upgrading.", "\nAlright, so you might have to actually\nbelieve that what Marianne is sharing is\ntrue if you want it to work, so maybe\nhave a little bit of faith like,\nalright, sounds weird, I haven't, I'm not\naware of evidence, I've clicked in the\npast that changes\neasy but hey, you know what, for the sake\nof Limitless TV and what I'm learning\ntoday for a few minutes, yeah, I'll hold space\nthat change is easy and even fun. ", "Let's\ndo it. - ", "Let's play on the playground.", "\nOkay, so what is the number one thing in your\nworld that needs to change? ", "What is the\nbelief that needs to shift? ", "What was the\nresult that you wanted that you didn't\nget? ", "Let's give them the steps. ", "So the\nfirst step of belief breakthrough is\nwhat? - ", "Question it. ", "The first step is, what\nis the number one limiting belief coming\nup for me right now? - ", "Okay so I want to\nchange my paradigm and all I got to do\nis, I got to, now how do I listen\nfor the answer? ", "Like break it down even\nmore simple for me. - ", "I love this, this is\nthe step of grounding. ", "So many times our\nheads are so busy especially if you're\nin living the United States and this day\nand age, you've got so many messages\ncoming at you from all directions, it's\ntime to just stop. - ", "So we're not just even\nsearching in our mind for what we know\nbecause that can only give us what we've\ngot? - ", "Mm-hmm.", "\nSo I'm going to have you take me\nthrough this. ", " I'm just gonna sit here\nI'm gonna ground, I'm gonna take a deep\nbreath in. - ", "This is important, everyone\nwatching on TV, do this right now, stop\nare you doing, in fact, pause this video\nyou can hit play in a moment, take a deep\nbreath, close your eyes and ground. ", "Empty\nyour thought of everything that's going\non in your mind. - ", "Okay.", "\nNow ask this question, \"What is the number one\nbelief getting in my way?\" - ", "The number one\nbelief getting in my way is I can't\neffectively do business from overseas\nbecause I'm about to leave to\nAfrica and I've got a lot of important\nprojects, right? ", "And I think the belief\nthat's come up is, it's easier to do my\nprojects if I'm on site than if I'm\noff site. - ", "And you've probably got a lot\nof evidence to support that. - ", "Well, it's\nall I've been looking for my whole life.", "\nYeah and you have to support that\nbecause your brain thinks that's right.", "\nAnd yet the weird thing is, if I were, if\nI grew up on a yacht that was traveling\nthe world or if I might, I was an army\nbrat and my parents were constantly\ntaking, I might actually have created\nspace for the fact that, oh I can be\nmobile in a hyper effective rather than\nlandlocked and ineffective. - ", "Mm-hmm, so we\nhave to ask, is that belief serving you? -", "\nNo, it's not because I'm gonna be gone in\nAfrica for a couple of weeks and I\nwant to have the time of my life but I\nwant to stay plugged in to some of the\nimportant business decisions and I\nactually want to produce good\nresults during that time. - ", "And I've\nheard you tell me so many times that some\nof your best memories come from travel\nand you travel overseas several times a\nyear and one of the two things that's\ngot to happen, either you've got to be\nreally bad at business and keep\ntraveling or you need to stop traveling\nand rock business. ", "Now is that a paradigm\nthat's working for you? - ", "No, it's not. ", "I\nwould actually love to live in a world\nwhere I could just travel as much as I\nchoose and business goes the same\nregardless. ", "Business is always growing,\nimproving and moving along whether I'm\npresent or not. - ", "Now you've actually taken\nthe third step. ", "We've asked the first\nstep.", "\nWhat's the number one limiting belief?", "\nSo, mine is that I can't effectively do\nbusiness from a distance. - ", "And we've\nboth analyzed the cost. - ", "That's high. ", "I'm\nnot gonna have as much fun on my trip\nbecause I'll be worrying. - ", "Yeah, and now we\nneed to ask the third question. ", "What will\nserve me better? ", "And you just\nexplained all of it, you just gave me all\nthe answers, I want to rock my business, I\nwant to travel, I want to have fun. ", "You already did it.", "\nSee that our brain is already functioning to\ndo this, to create life. - ", "So instead of\nbelieving that I am less effective at a\ndistance, I want to believe instead that\nmy business grows regardless of my\nlocation, my business grows effectively\nwhile I travel. - ", "Absolutely. ", "Now let's\nstart to collect evidence already that\nthat is happening. ", "What evidence do you\nhave that that's already true?", "\nYou know what? ", "It's interesting, I do travel\noverseas four times a year on average\nand every time I come back I'm actually\npleased with what my business is done.", "\nSo all I really am manifesting is a worry\nand the evidence that I have is that I\neffectively do business from a distance. -", "\nAnd can I even add something on top of\nthat? ", "That when you are traveling it\nactually enhances your business.", "\nOkay, that's a belief that I want to run with,\nI don't even think it matters in this\nmoment whether it's ever been true in\nthe past, it's more this idea that I want\nto make it true so I want to collect\nevidence to that and so I'm gonna\nbelieve that I'm more effective doing\nbusiness from a distance. - ", "How incredible\nis that!? - ", "Yeah, that feels good I like that.", "\nSo how do I lock in this new belief,\nright? ", "Like okay, we went through the\nprocess, I found a part of my paradigm\nthat wasn't working, I analyzed the cost,\nI replaced it with an idea that I liked\na whole lot more. ", "Now what? - ", "Now you got to\nlock it in, you got to anchor it, you got\nto make it real for you. ", "Now we're gonna\nattach a motion to it, emotion is what\nanchors a thought. ", "Whenever we have a\nlimiting belief it's\nbecause this thought combined with\nan emotion, it got planted, it made a seed.", "\nNow we're going to attach emotion to\nit. ", "Now how does it feel to be\nexcited about traveling overseas, to be\nexcited that your business is not only\ndoing well but expanding because you're\ntraveling? - ", "I'm seeing myself on my trip,\nI'm seeing myself having a blast, hanging\nout with friends, enjoying this travel,\ngetting my my e-mails, having time set\naside for doing them and I'm easily\nhanding projects off, checking in on\nprojects, reviewing certain things and\nit's actually a fun way for me to travel,\nit's fun to see projects moving forward\nthat require minimal time for me, I'm\nenjoying weighing in on the\nconversations, pushing things along, being\naware of what's happening and empowering\nmy employees to be an effective team\nwhile I'm away to make really good\ndecisions and I'm choosing my choice to\nfeel joy, actually eagerness and\nexcitement, there's a lot of excitement\nbuilding and that I'm loving this part\nof my life. - ", "Yeah, and what does it\nfeel like to include all of those things?", "\nFeels really really good.", "\n- Now what do you get to do in the next 24\nhours that reflects that choice? - ", "I'm\ngoing to, so my action step is, I'm going\nto sit down with members of my team and\nI'm gonna review the priorities of\nprojects and invite them what to keep\nmoving forward and maybe review some of\nour deadlines and what we're trying to\ndo and empowering them to be able to let\nthem know that I'm available through\ne-mail and text but I'm otherwise\nempowering them to take initiative on\nthe project and to continue furthering\nit whether I weigh in or not. - ", "So it sounds\nlike not only are you able to take\nthings on and own what's yours but\nyou're able to pass things off and\nempower others, which actually moves your\nbusiness forward at a faster rate than\nit would have otherwise. - ", "I like this. - ", "Yeah,\nlighting breakthrough is a total key to\nre-paradigm. - ", "Okay, so if we were just to\nreview the steps, it starts off with\nfinding a limiting belief in a grounded state, the next thing is weighing out the\ncost, the third thing is finding a new\nbelief, locking it in by imagining it,\nvisualizing it with all the energy that\nI choose to attach to it and then number\nfive is an action step of, alright, what\ndo I get to do different now to help set\nmy new choice of motion - Absolutely - Oh\nthat's awesome.", "\nI love this. ", "Okay, changing paradigm, super\nfun, super fast, super easy, that's a\nbelief and it works\nfor me, it serves me. ", "Oh, Marianne\nfinal final nugget, when people are\nthinking, can I really change that fast?", "\nIs it really possible to review over\ntime the beliefs and thoughts that\naren't serving me and replace them with\nsomething good, something that fulfills\nsomething that brightens my life?", "\n- Absolutely. ", "I'll share with you one thing\nthat my friend, Felicia, taught me and it\nwas this, I choose to change because it's\neasy and I made the choice in the first\nplace\nso I can make another one. ", "That's the\npower of choice, I get to change that\nquickly.. We talked earlier about our\nbodies evolved and they change and\nthey replace old cells with new cells\nautomatically, we don't need to tell it\nhow to do it so that's how easy change is\nfor me because it's already built in my DNA.", "\nWow, Marianne, thank you so much. ", "Belief\nbreakthrough is the key and secret to\naltering your mindset and your\nparadigm to create the life in the world\nof your dreams.", "\nThank You, Marianne.", "\nMarianne what we did\ntoday on belief breakthrough, I'm\npositive, has got to feel foreign for a\nlot of people because it's not what we\nwere taught in school, in our homes, in\ncollege and yet this is some of the most\npowerful mentoring I've experienced and\nthat I've been able to deliver with\npeople I know, same absolutely true for\nyou. ", "If people wanted to learn more about\nbreakthrough, obviously, you're an author\non the book, the definitive bestseller on\nLimitless, which is all about how do you\ndo breakthrough but if someone wanted to\nget hands-on, spend time with you and\neven certify and belief breakthrough and\nreally make it first nature so they\nbecome the expert of change in their\nmindset, how would they do that?", "\nYou know, we actually make this available\nto the public on a regular basis. ", "In fact,\nthere's a link below you're gonna want\nto click on. ", "Come join us at our next\nevent and see how you can not only\nexperience breakthrough but get\ncertified in it as well.", "\n- Awesome. ", "Come join us at one of our three\nday limitless breakthrough events, learn\nabout our certification processes which\ncan be as little as free to many of our\npeople because we're super passionate\nabout change in the world and we want to\ninvite you to be a part of it. ", "Hands down,\nif I could go back to my very beginnings,\nhop out of my time machine and tell my\nyounger self the ultimate fast shortcut\nto get anywhere I want to go,\nit would be belief breakthrough. - ", "Totally\nagree.", "\nFriends, subscribe and we'll see\nyou soon.", "\n" ]
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[ "Power line communications (PLC) include systems for communicating data over the same medium (i.e., a wire or conductor) that is also used to transmit electric power to residences, buildings, and other premises. ", "Once deployed, PLC systems may enable a wide array of applications, including, for example, automatic meter reading and load control (i.e., utility-type applications), automotive uses (e.g., charging electric cars), home automation (e.g., controlling appliances, lights, etc.), ", "and/or computer networking (e.g., Internet access), to name only a few.", "\nVarious PLC standardizing efforts are currently being undertaken around the world, each with its own unique characteristics. ", "Generally speaking, PLC systems may be implemented differently depending upon local regulations, characteristics of local power grids, etc. ", "Examples of competing PLC standards include the IEEE 1901, HomePlug AV, and ITU-T G.hn (e.g., G.9960 and G.9961) specifications. ", "Another standardization effort includes, for example, the Powerline-Related Intelligent Metering Evolution (PRIME) standard designed for OFDM-based (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing) communications. ", "The current or existing PRIME standard referred to herein is the PRIME R1.3E Draft Standard prepared by the PRIME Alliance Technical Working Group (“PRIME R1.3E”) and earlier versions thereof.", "\nThe inventors hereof have determined that, generally speaking, existing PLC systems and proposed standards operate well on low voltage (LV) power lines. ", "However, the channel environments are more severe on medium voltage (MV) lines. ", "For instance, MV lines have higher background noise power than LV lines and, therefore, reliable communication may sometimes not be possible on those lines." ]
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[ 0.0006154976435936987, 0.0005945615121163428, 0.0006280150264501572, 0.0005297581665217876, 0.0005391807062551379, 0.0006006048060953617, 0.0005851725582033396, 0.0005664746859110892, 0.0005901164840906858, 0.0006431867950595915, 0.0006714665796607733 ]
[ "The present invention relates to an optical add/drop multiplexer (OADM) and a control method therefore. ", "More specifically, the invention relates to an optical add/drop multiplexer with a controlled add amplifier and a method of controlling an add amplifier of an OADM. ", "The invention also relates to an optical add multiplexer (OAM) and a control method therefore.", "\nWavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is a burgeoning field. ", "The reason so much interest surrounds WDM is the ability to transmit a large amount of information. ", "Each of the wavelengths in a WDM system may carry in excess of 40 Gb/sec and advances in the WDM field are expected to increase the capacity of each wavelength dramatically. ", "Moreover, the number of channels or operating wavelengths is also expected to increase dramatically.", "\nOne of the common problems faced by WDM systems and the vendors making WDM equipment is spectral flatness. ", "A spectrally flat signal in which all of the channels have substantially the same gain is preferred because such a signal may be transmitted a longer distance without regeneration while still permitting the constituent channels to be distinguished from one another by a receiver.", "\nTo that end, WDM equipment vendors have invested large sums inventing gain-flattened optical amplifiers designed to impart substantially equal gain to signals over the operating wavelength range.", "\nAs recognized by the inventors, however, problems occur when an OADM (optical add drop multiplexer) is used to add and drop channels. ", "Specifically, the power balance may be significantly affected when channels are added or dropped and added to a WDM signal.", "\nOne method of achieving the desired power balance for a WDM system with an OADM is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,069,719 (the Mizrahi patent). ", "In that patent, a optical amplifier is placed before or after the OADM to balance or adjust the power levels of the WDM signal." ]
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[ 0.0006238938658498228, 0.0006605195812880993, 0.0006170327542349696, 0.0007713832892477512, 0.0005877908552065492, 0.0006479253643192351, 0.0005716228624805808, 0.0007799571030773222, 0.0006242614472284913, 0.0006322176195681095, 0.000692747300490737, 0.0006221937364898622, 0.0006120384787209332, 0.0013787426287308335, 0.0006702253012917936, 0.0006555606960318983 ]
[ "Young Thug Releases Mixtape ‘I’m Up’\n\nLast night, Young Thug released his newest mixtape I’m Up,which follows last year’s Slime Season and Slime Season 2. ", "I’m Up was originally titled Slime Season 3, but was changed earlier this week. ", "The newly released mixtapefeatures the previous single “F Cancer (Boosie)”, which was released late last month. ", "Guest acts include Lil Durk and Quavo (from Migos), among others. ", "Listen to the new mixtape and check out the tracklisting below." ]
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[ "Hello SG I know I said I was gonna be around more and I disappeared again. ", "Remember those demons I said I was struggling with????? ", "well they caught up with me. ", "Ya know I was embarrassed to tell anyone about it.......but fuck it. ", "I've been in Will county Jail for the past few weeks caught with 10 grams of heroin 19 xanax and misc parafanila charges . ", "My bail was set at 20,000 and UI dad it reduced yo 10,000 10% of hat to walk.", "\n\nNow I have no not one mark on my record before this. ", "I sat about 14 days before i was bonded out. ", "I was so thrilled when they buzzed my intercom and told me i was released. ", "that had to be one of the best feelings ive ever felt in my life. ", "So i finally get dressed and walk out expecting to see my husband....guess what????? ", "it wasn't him but his ex step father, what a kick in the ass that was. ", "All i could think was how muck i wanted to see him and it wasn't him. ", "Not that i don't care about my father in law and love him dearly for what he did. ", "That was a stand up thing he did. ", "It broke my heart not to see there man I loved not waiting there for me.", "\n\nThere is soooo much more to this in which ill get into tomorrow. ", "for now I smell like jail and I'm gonna smash some cheese burgers yes in the plural, Take a bath and get some dick." ]
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[ "Cog\n\nGreg van Eekhout\n\nCog looks like any normal twelve-year old boy, but he’s actually a highly advanced robot. ", "After an accident leaves Cog damaged and his creator is nowhere to be found, he recruits four robot accomplices on a mission to find her.", "\n\nAbout the Book\n\nFive robots. ", "One unforgettable journey. ", "Their programming will never be the same.", "\n\nWall-E meets The Wild Robot in this middle grade instant classic about five robots on a mission to rescue their inventor from the corporation that controls them all.", "\n\nCog looks like a normal twelve-year-old boy. ", "But his name is short for “cognitive development,” and he was built to learn.", "\n\nBut after an accident leaves him damaged, Cog wakes up in an unknown lab—and Gina, the scientist who created and cared for him, is nowhere to be found. ", "Surrounded by scientists who want to study him and remove his brain, Cog recruits four robot accomplices for a mission to find her.", "\n\nCog, ADA, Proto, Trashbot, and Car’s journey will likely involve much cognitive development in the form of mistakes, but Cog is willing to risk everything to find his way back to Gina.", "\n\nIn this charming stand-alone adventure, Greg van Eekhout breathes life and wisdom into an unforgettable character and crafts a story sure to earn its place among beloved classics like Katherine Applegate’s The One and Only Ivan." ]
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[ 0.12156008929014206, 0.015381394885480404, 0.0007391262333840132, 0.002302187029272318, 0.0008130783098749816, 0.0015424113953486085, 0.16307660937309265, 0.0007110510487109423, 0.0017704665660858154, 0.053389426320791245, 0.0008514474611729383, 0.0009978922316804528 ]
[ "Wednesday, July 10, 2013\n\nSecond Life and Real Life Converge, not once but twice!", "\n\nJust a month ago, one my my Second Life and blogging friends came to Vancouver to stay with the OS and myself for a couple of days. ", "LastDitch is from the UK and shipped his Ferrari across the Atlantic to tour the United States and visit all of the 48 lower states. ", "15,000 miles in just under two months! ", "We'd met before in RL so he made a relatively short detour to Vancouver to catch up with me again.", "\n\nWe met another local blogging friend, Cascadian for lunch on the deck at Bridges at Granville Island, on a beautiful sunny day.", "\n\nLastDitch on the left, Cascadian on the right\n\nMy lunch: halibut, asparagus etc\n\nMy dessert: a small Pavlova. ", "Actually not so small!", "\n\nHaving a Ferrari in your driveway gives you cachet in the neighbourhood!", "\n\nSetting off again for Washington\n\nYesterday the OS and I had dinner at The Teahouse in Stanley Park with one of my other long time Second Life friends, Dido, who is from The Netherlands and holidaying with her husband in Western Canada. ", "It was a fun evening with good food, good wine, a great view and wonderful company.", "\n\nI forgot to take my camera and was so busy talking I never thought to use my iPhone so you have to excuse me lifting images from Dido's blog. ", "I hope you don't mind Dido.", "\n\nThe OS and Dido raise their glasses in a toast!", "\n\nDido's husband gets a top-up of his wine\n\nThe Cheese Plate: the only food photo. ", "How unusual!", "\nWe started with stuffed mushrooms or salads, followed by Sockeye Salmon with scallops\nWhile Dido's husband chose the cheese plate the rest of us indulged in decadent\ndesserts!", "\n\nView from our table by the window at the Teahouse, as the sun\ndisappeared in the western sky\n\n.", "\n\nDido is the fourth Second Life person I have been fortunate to meet in Real Life, each one of them from a different country, which is one of the great pluses of that virtual world.", "\n\nA fun evening and it was a great pleasure to meet someone whom I have considered a friend for a long time as well as her husband." ]
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[ "import { Api } from '../../../../../../../../_common/api/api.service';\nimport { Growls } from '../../../../../../../../_common/growls/growls.service';\nimport {\n\tgetLinkedAccountProviderDisplayName,\n\tLinkedAccount,\n} from '../../../../../../../../_common/linked-account/linked-account.model';\nimport {\n\tBaseRouteComponent,\n\tRouteResolver,\n} from '../../../../../../../../_common/route/route-component';\nimport { CreateElement } from 'vue';\nimport { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';\nimport { Route } from 'vue-router';\nimport { RouteStore, RouteStoreModule } from '../../../manage.store';\n\n@Component({\n\tname: 'RouteDashGamesManageGameLinkedAccountsLinkCallback',\n})\n@RouteResolver({\n\tresolver({ route }) {\n\t\tconst url = RouteDashGamesManageGameLinkedAccountsLinkCallback.constructUrl(\n\t\t\t'/web/dash/linked-accounts/link-callback/',\n\t\t\tparseInt(route.params.id, 10),\n\t\t\troute\n\t\t);\n\n\t\treturn Api.sendRequest(url, {});\n\t},\n})\nexport default class RouteDashGamesManageGameLinkedAccountsLinkCallback extends BaseRouteComponent {\n\t@RouteStoreModule.", "State\n\tgame!: ", "RouteStore['game'];\n\n\tprivate static constructUrl(baseUrl: string, gameId: number, route: Route) {\n\t\tlet url = baseUrl + route.params.provider;\n\t\tlet firstParam = true;\n\n\t\tfor (const param of ['oauth_verifier', 'state', 'code']) {\n\t\t\tconst value = route.query[param];\n\t\t\tif (value) {\n\t\t\t\turl += (firstParam ? '?' : '&') ", "+ param + '=' + value;\n\t\t\t\tfirstParam = false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\turl += (firstParam ? '?' : '&') ", "+ 'resource=Game&resourceId=' + gameId.toString();\n\n\t\treturn url;\n\t}\n\n\trouteResolved($payload: any) {\n\t\tif (!", "this.game) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tconst provider = this.$route.params.provider;\n\t\tconst providerName = getLinkedAccountProviderDisplayName(provider);\n\t\tif (!", "$payload.success || !", "$payload.account) {\n\t\t\tGrowls.error(\n\t\t\t\tthis.$gettextInterpolate('Unable to link your %{ provider } account to %{ game }', {\n\t\t\t\t\tprovider: providerName,\n\t\t\t\t\tgame: this.game.title,\n\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tconst account = new LinkedAccount($payload.account);\n\n\t\t\tswitch (provider) {\n\t\t\t\tcase LinkedAccount.", "PROVIDER_TWITTER:\n\t\t\t\t\tGrowls.success(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.$gettextInterpolate(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Your %{ provider } account (@%{ name }) has been linked to %{ game }',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprovider: providerName,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname: account.name,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgame: this.game.title,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.$gettext('Account Linked')\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase LinkedAccount.", "PROVIDER_FACEBOOK:\n\t\t\t\tcase LinkedAccount.", "PROVIDER_GOOGLE:\n\t\t\t\tcase LinkedAccount.", "PROVIDER_TWITCH:\n\t\t\t\tcase LinkedAccount.", "PROVIDER_TUMBLR:\n\t\t\t\t\tGrowls.success(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.$gettextInterpolate(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Your %{ provider } account (%{ name }) has been linked to %{ game }',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprovider: providerName,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname: account.name,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgame: this.game.title,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.$gettext('Account Linked')\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.$router.push({\n\t\t\tname: 'dash.games.manage.game.linked-accounts',\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\trender(h: CreateElement) {\n\t\treturn h('div');\n\t}\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0011945735896006227, 0.0009714876650832593, 0.0007431640406139195, 0.0017611585790291429, 0.001067530014552176, 0.0020307337399572134, 0.0010037070605903864, 0.0010949944844469428, 0.0007872434798628092, 0.0006634339224547148, 0.0006656908662989736, 0.0007302276790142059, 0.0009563504136167467 ]
[ "-7*m**2 + 20*m - 15. ", "Let y be x(5). ", "Let w be ((-3)/(-15)*2)/((-9)/y). ", "Solve -g = o, -2*g + w*o = -0*g + 6 for g.\n-1\nLet f(x) = x**2 + x - 306. ", "Let i be f(-18). ", "Let g be -7 - -10 - (i - -1). ", "Solve -5*c = 3*t - 14, -4*c + 3*c = 3*t + g for t.\n-2\nLet m(s) = s**3 - 11*s**2 + 15*s + 1. ", "Let w be m(9). ", "Let o = 31 + w. Suppose -6 = o*a - 8*a. ", "Solve 0 = a*z + 4*u - 12, -3*z = -z + u for z.\n-2\nLet p = 1475 - 1468. ", "Solve 4*c - 2*n = 10, p*c = 6*c + 2*n - 5 for c.\n5\nLet m = 277 + -283. ", "Let p(r) = -r**3 - 8*r**2 - 18*r - 13. ", "Let u be p(m). ", "Solve -2*c = -5*a - 23, 0 = -3*c - 5*a + a - u for c.\n-1\nLet y = -5303 + 5306. ", "Solve 0 = 2*l + y*b - 19, -35 = -6*l + l - 5*b for l.\n2\nLet p be (-92)/322 - (-8)/(-21)*(-4 - 2). ", "Solve -5*t - 4 = 4*q, 4*q - 10 - 14 = p*t for t.\n-4\nSuppose -b + 7 = 4*f, 0 = -2*f + 3*b + 16 + 5. ", "Solve 35 = f*t + 5*s, 1 = -24*t + 25*t - s for t.\n5\nLet g(w) = 5*w**3 + 21 + 46*w + 6*w**2 - 38*w - 4*w**3. ", "Let j be g(-5). ", "Solve 9 = -o - 2*u, -u = -o + j*o + 18 for o.\n-3\nSuppose 3*d + 15 = 9*w - 6*w, -3*d = 4*w - 20. ", "Solve -3*y + 24 = 5*a, -w*y = -6*a + a for y.\n3\nLet p(m) = -3*m - 18. ", "Let q be p(-7). ", "Suppose 5*i = q*b + 12, 5*b + 11 - 1 = 5*i. ", "Let o be (4/(-5))/(24/30 - b). ", "Solve -19 = s + s - 3*l, 4*l = o*s + 28 for s.\n-2\nLet l = -9812 + 9816. ", "Suppose 3*k - 27 = 3. ", "Solve 0 = -l*s - 2*n - 12, -2*n - k = 2*s - 0*s for s.\n-1\nSuppose -2*k = i - 5*i - 26, 5*i + 40 = 5*k. ", "Let b be (-1)/(0 + -2*4/(-96)). ", "Let u = b - -16. ", "Solve -o = r - k, -3*o + u + 7 = 4*r for r.\n2\nSuppose 3*z - 9 = -6*u, 114*u + 39 = 119*u - 2*z. ", "Solve -j - 24 = u*n, n = -9*j + 11*j + 4 for j.\n-4\nSuppose 55*l + 66*l - 3872 = 0. ", "Solve 0*j + 4*w + l = -4*j, -4*j + 2*w = 8 for j.\n-4\nSuppose 8*r = -50494 + 50622. ", "Solve n = -n + 5*v - 17, 4*n + r = 4*v for n.\n-1\nSuppose -50*c - 605 = -171*c. ", "Solve -15 = -2*z + c*i, 12*z + 3*i = 9*z - 9 for z.\n0\nLet p(w) = w**3 - w**2 + 15*w + 3. ", "Let z be p(7). ", "Suppose -405*a + 6 = -z*a. ", "Solve -b + 4 = a*u - 4*u, 4*b = 0 for u.\n-2\nSuppose -550 + 565 = 5*d. ", "Solve 4*x - d*o = 22, 4*o - 4 = -x - 2*x for x.\n4\nLet y = -14 - -69. ", "Suppose 0 = -8*m - 23 + y. Suppose 5*l = 4*u + 55, -5*u - 58 = -3*l - 12. ", "Solve 0 = -0*n + m*n + 3*v + 15, -2*n - v = l for n.\n-3\nLet z(w) = w**2 - 3*w - 1. ", "Let x be z(3). ", "Let v be x/(1/(3 - -1)). ", "Let m be ((-5)/(-2))/(v/(-8)). ", "Solve -m = -3*u - 4*f, 4*u = 3*f + f + 16 for u.\n3\nLet m be 74/19 + (-44)/11 - 679/(-133). ", "Solve m*f + 12 = r + 21, -3*f - 9 = 3*r for r.\n-4\nSuppose 7*j + 8 = 29. ", "Let l be j + (-2 - 4) + 8. ", "Solve -k - l*u - 3 = -23, -3*u - 5 = 4*k for k.\n-5\nSuppose 3*r + 141 = 5*s, -4*s - 22*r = -19*r - 102. ", "Solve -25*j - 10 = -s*j + 3*k, -j + 5 = -4*k for j.\n5\nLet w(m) = -m**3 - 7*m**2 + 19*m + 7. ", "Let c be w(-8). ", "Let t = c - -52. ", "Let n = t - -32. ", "Solve -n*u + 6 = -0*u, -o - 5*u + 8 = 0 for o.\n-2\nSuppose 2*m - 11*m + 72 = 0. ", "Suppose -5*q + m = 4*a - 6*q, 4*a = -2*q + 20. ", "Solve 3*x + 20 = -5*l, x = 4*l - a + 2 for x.\n-5\nLet s = -207 + 208. ", "Suppose 0 = 5*l - 4*l - 5. ", "Suppose 7 = l*n - 13. ", "Solve 3*d - b - b = s, 10 = -2*d + n*b for d.\n3\nSuppose 2*l - 18 = 2*t - 0*l, -l - 3 = t. Let u(m) = -19*m - 111. ", "Let b be u(t). ", "Solve -g = -b*c + 3, 6*g - 2*g = c - 12 for g.\n-3\nLet l be (0 + 48/(-30))*(-9 - 1). ", "Solve 4*a + l = -2*x + x, -4*a - 3*x = 24 for a.\n-3\nLet j(d) = -d**2 - d + 26. ", "Let g be j(-6). ", "Let q be (-11)/(-132)*-9 - 11/g. Solve 0 = -2*f - 2*s - q, -6*f - 4*s - 10 = -5*f for f.\n2\nSuppose 7984*k - 7974*k - 30 = 0. ", "Solve -26*o = 3*z - 29*o - k, -3 = -2*z + o for z.\n2\nSuppose -19*v + 2*s + 13 = -18*v, 0 = -3*s - 12. ", "Solve a + v*m = -5, 5*a - 4*a - 1 = -2*m for a.\n5\nSuppose 0 = -2*a + a. Suppose -18*t + 134 = 116*t. ", "Solve 2*u - t = -4*l + 11, a = -l + 3*u - 4 for l.\n2\nLet h be (-2 + 184/299)/((-3)/39). ", "Solve 0 = -5*c - 3*a + h, -3*c - 11*a = -8*c + 74 for c.\n6\nLet l = -168 - -176. ", "Suppose -7*v = -l*v + 2. ", "Solve v*x = 2*f + 10, -2*f - 4*x - 5 = -x for f.\n-4\nLet w(q) = 2*q**3 + 19*q**2 + 2*q + 123. ", "Let z be w(-10). ", "Solve v - 11 = -z*l + 6*l, 6*l + 23 = v for v.\n-1\nLet t(g) = -2*g**2 + 70*g - 64. ", "Let p be t(34). ", "Suppose 8*x = -5*v + 3*x + 55, p*v + 3*x = 40. ", "Solve 4 = -3*j + 5*l, -2*l = 4*j - v - 5 for j.\n2\nLet q(m) = m**3 + 35*m**2 + 263*m + 761. ", "Let a be q(-26). ", "Solve 5*u + 5*i = 0, 2*i = 13 - a for u.\n-3\nLet d(h) = h**3 + 9*h**2 - h - 7. ", "Let b be (86/(-4) - -3)*2. ", "Let f = -46 - b. Let u be d(f). ", "Solve 0*l - 4 = -2*o + 4*l, -u*o - 2 = -2*l for o.\n-4\nLet p(w) = -10*w - 457. ", "Let y be p(-46). ", "Solve y*z = 5*f - 9, -2*z + 9*f - 6 = 6*f for z.\n-3\nLet y be 80/30*8/((-112)/(-21)). ", "Solve -y*s - b = 2, -3*b - 2*b = -2*s + 10 for s.\n0\nSuppose 3*r + 6 = 15. ", "Suppose -r*m - 4*g + 14 = -2*g, -m + g = 2. ", "Let i be (m/(-7))/(10/(-70)). ", "Solve 2*d + 5 = -2*s - 3*s, 2*d + 8 = -i*s for d.\n-5\nLet g(p) = p**2 + 3*p. ", "Let y be g(-4). ", "Let s(u) = u**2 + 36*u - 1045. ", "Let k be s(-55). ", "Solve k = 2*o + 2*f - y, o - 3*o + 6 = f for o.\n4\nLet n(l) = 3*l - l**2 + 3*l - 2 - l + 0. ", "Let c be n(3). ", "Suppose -2*u + 3*h = -c, 2*u + 0*h = 2*h + 6. ", "Solve -5*w + 2*y = -15, 27 - 2 = -u*y for w.\n1\nLet w be ((-20)/18)/(39/9 - 3)*-18. ", "Solve 2*x - 12 = -n - w, -2*x = 0 for n.\n-3\nLet a be ((-10)/(-125))/((-1)/10)*-20. ", "Suppose -5*z + 6*z - a = 2*t, 4*t = -20. ", "Suppose -z = -f - f. Solve f*s = -u + 10, 0 = 3*s + 2 - 11 for u.\n1\nSuppose 4*i = x + 270, 0 = -i - i - 2*x + 130. ", "Suppose -i = u - 44. ", "Let d = u + 23. ", "Solve 3*o + 11 + 4 = 4*p, -p + 3 = d for o.\n-1\nSuppose 3*k - 15 = 5*q + 8, 9 = -3*k - 3*q. ", "Suppose -454*z + 2 = -453*z. ", "Let w be (-3)/(-3)*z - 28/(-14). ", "Solve 3*g = 4*i + 1, -i + 3*g + k = w*i for i.\n2\nLet o be (-2)/(8 - 198/27) - -9. ", "Solve -5 = -y - 3*j + o, -4*y + 4*j = -12 for y.\n5\nLet c = 3921 - 3919. ", "Solve 0 = 4*v + 2*w - 16, -5*v = c*w - 3*w - 20 for v.\n4\nSuppose 0 = -2*u + 2 + 6. ", "Suppose 6 = 7*v - u*v. ", "Suppose 0 = -2*k + 3*k - 3, 3*b - 9 = 2*k. ", "Solve 0 = -b*d - 25, -5*f - 3*d - 3 = -v*f for f.\n4\nSuppose 39 - 51 = -2*z. ", "Suppose -2*b + z*b - 4*s = 0, 4*b + s - 20 = 0. ", "Suppose b*h = 24 - 4. ", "Solve -4*t + 12 = -5*x - 12, -3*t + h*x = -23 for t.\n1\nLet f = 5500 + -5496. ", "Solve f*h + 3*l + 4 = 0, 21*h - 16*h + 4*l + 4 = 0 for h.\n-4\nSuppose -30*n + 25*n = -130. ", "Suppose n = 9*u - 118. ", "Let k = -13 + u. Solve -3*c + 12 = 3*x, 2*x + k*c = 10 + 2 for x.\n0\nLet o = 2410 - 2408. ", "Solve k = -4*x - 16, o*x + 23 = -2*k - 3*x for k.\n-4\nLet k(f) = 5*f**3 - f**2 + 2*f - 1. ", "Let s be k(1). ", "Suppose 14 = 4*o + p, 2*o - 44 = -4*p - 16. ", "Solve -4*n + o*t + 10 = 0, -n + 8 + s = 3*t for n.\n4\nSuppose 0 = -4*r - 3*t + 2 + 89, r = -6*t + 7. ", "Solve -3*z + 30*o = r*o - 15, 3 = -2*z - o for z.\n0\nLet c(a) = a**3 + 17*a**2 + 2*a + 30. ", "Let w be c(-16). ", "Let d = -250 + w. Solve 0 = -d*o + 8, 2*u + 3*u + 4*o = 23 for u.\n3\nLet q be (48/64)/(3/16). ", "Suppose t = -2*b - q, 6*b = 10*b + 8. ", "Solve -3*w = 5*j - 9, w + j - 3 + t = 0 for w.\n3\nSuppose -3124*p + 20 = -3114*p. ", "Solve 12*n - 1 = 9*n + 5*c, p*c + 10 = -2*n for n.\n-3\nSuppose 16 = 9*t - 11. ", "Let g(m) = 11*m**2 + 4*m - 8. ", "Let a be g(-3). ", "Let w = -79 + a. Solve 15 = t*o - h, 4*o + 3*h + 0*h - 20 = w for o.\n5\nLet h be (-6)/14 - 62510/(-4655). ", "Solve -25*r + 27*r - 1 = -5*i, i = 4*r - h for i.\n-1\nLet r(s) = s**2 - 2769*s + 5537. ", "Let d be r(2). ", "Suppose 0 = -4*t + 4 + 8. ", "Solve -20 = 3*o + o, -21 = -d*j + t*o for j.\n2\nLet z be (-5 - (4 - 5))*24/(-3). ", "Solve p = a, -5*p + 33*a - z*a + 4 = 0 for p.\n1\nLet c = -4910 - -4912. ", "Solve -3*k - 9*v = -18, -c*k + 7*v = 4*v + 15 for k.\n-3\nLet k = 3867 + -3859. ", "Let n be (-4)/(-1) + (-2 - 0). ", "Solve -l + 5*s + 10 = 0, 3*l - n*s + k = 5*l for l.\n5\nLet o be 4*(2/2 + 0). ", "Suppose 8 = o*j - 3*p, -j + 2*p = 2*j - 6. ", "Let r be (100/12)/(j/6). ", "Solve 0 = s + 5*a + r, -3*s - a - 1 = 18 for s.\n-5\nLet k = 132 + -102. ", "Suppose -2*i + 8*i = k. Solve -2*v + 13 = 3*r, 1 + i = 3*v for r.\n3\nSuppose -4*j = -5*n - 10, 5*j - 17 = -3*n + 14. ", "Suppose 3*o - 5*t = -7 + n, 3*t = 5*o + 3. ", "Solve 2*d + 8 = 6*d + 4*x, o = -d + 5*x + 2 for d.\n2\nSuppose -n = 4*v - 2*v - 45, -2*v + 4*n = -50. ", "Let d = 22 - v. Let t be -13 + 29 - (d + -3). ", "Solve 3*z - 4*l + 8*l - 23 = 0, 2*z + 5*l - t = 0 for z.\n5\nLet b be (-58)/(-5) + 1 + 3/(-5). ", "Let n = -2 + b. Suppose -15*p = -17*p + n. Solve 20 + 0 = -5*j - p*y, -j + 8 = -5*y for j.\n-2\nSuppose -w = -3*s - 166, 0 = -5*w + 3*s + 1195 - 413. ", "Suppose -8*v = 122 - w. Solve b - 3*x = -12, -x = v*b + 4*x - 3 for b.\n-3\nSuppose 0 = -2*n - 8, r - 4*r + 20" ]
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[ "MHM\n\nMHM may refer to:\n\n Mill Hill Missionaries, a society of apostolic life of Catholic missionaries\n Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C., US accountancy firm\n Maritime Heritage Minnesota, historical society\n Menstrual hygiene management" ]
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[ "Father of two, Stephen Teap who lost his wife, Irene to cervical cancer has been honoured for his activism on behalf of all those affected by the Cervical Check scandal by being named Cork Person of the Month for September.", "\n\nCork Person of the Year Award organiser, Manus O’Callaghan recalled how Mr Teap had become involved in the campaign following the death of his wife, Irene in July 2017 following two incorrect test results in 2010 and 2013.", "\n\n“Those two incorrect test results which missed pre-cancerous cells and the early stages of the disease led to Irene’s delayed diagnosis in 2015 and she sadly lost her battle in July 2017,” said Mr O’Callaghan.", "\n\nTen months after Ms Teap’s death, the CervicalCheck debacle came to light after the Vicky Phelan court case, which exposed how the misreading of smear test results in a lab meant many Irish women had got incorrect diagnoses.", "\n\n“In 2018, Stephen, alongside fellow campaigners Vicky Phelan and Loraine Walsh, launched the 221Plus Patient Support Group to help victims directly affected by the CervicalCheck screening failure, as well as their families.", "\n\n“And since then, Stephen has become one of Ireland’s leading campaigners for improvements to the CervicalCheck Screening Programme. ", "He is one of three patient representatives on the CervicalCheck Steering Committee,” he said.", "\n\nAn honour\n\nCork Person of the Month sponsor Ann-Marie O’Sullivan also paid tribute to Mr Teap who was nominated for the award by Cork South Central, Michael McGrath from Carrigaline where Mr Teap lives with his son, Oscar and Noah.", "\n\n“The awareness that Stephen has raised, and continues to raise, surrounding cervical cancer and CervicalCheck has been invaluable. ", "His work has given a voice to the women and their families affected by these issues,” she said.", "\n\nMr Teap said he was honoured to be chosen as Cork Person of the Month for September as he recalled how just last month he and Lorraine Walsh met with An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Minister for Health, Simon Harris.", "\n\n“We met with them to discuss the basis for a formal apology on behalf of the State to the women and families affected by the CervicalCheck scandal – one of the reasons for an apology is that it starts the healing process,” he said.", "\n\n“I felt this scandal affected everybody in Ireland, and it was not just a problem for women, but for everyone whose lives were impacted and behind every case you hear of, there are families just like mine.", "\n\n“On behalf of those families, I want to make sure that the problems surrounding the CervicalCheck Screening Programme and general women’s health are improved upon for Irish women in the future.”", "\n\n“I hope this award will help promote our work to get accountability and justice for all those involved. ", "The system failed my wife, Irene and mother of our two young sons and I just want to make sure it never happens again to any other family.”" ]
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[ "The invention relates to a rod baffle. ", "In another aspect the invention relates to tube bundles. ", "In yet another aspect, the invention relates to heat exchangers, and to a method and apparatus to radially support the tubes in such heat exchangers and to improve shell side fluid flow distribution.", "\nHeat transfer is an important part of any process. ", "As is well known, an indirect transfer of heat from one medium to another is usually accomplished by the use of heat exchangers of which there are many types. ", "For example, there are double pipe, shell and tube, plate heat exchangers and others. ", "Indeed, the art of heat exchanger design has developed to a very high degree; however, there is still room for improvement in a number of areas. ", "For example, in shell and tube heat exchangers, improving tube support, and also improving the flow pattern of shell side fluids.", "\nPlate type baffles have been used in shell and tube heat exchangers for many years. ", "Such baffles provide support for the tubes at least to some degree. ", "The double segmental plate-baffle heat exchanger is well known to those skilled in the art, and although heat exchangers using plate type baffles were a relatively early development in heat exchanger design, such exchangers are still widely used today. ", "In most plate baffled heat exchangers the passages in the plates through which the tubes pass are slightly larger in diameter than the outside diameter of the tubes in order to facilitate construction of the exchanger. ", "As a result vibration of the tubes can and does occur which frequently results in premature tube failure. ", "Also, exchangers utilizing plate baffles suffer from relatively stagnant volumes in the flow of shell side fluid immediately downstream of each baffle, in the sheltered area. ", "Heat transfer is adversely affected. ", "Further, especially where heat exchangers having plate-baffles are utilized for steam generation, localized overheating and vaporization can occur in the stagnant regions, causing scale formation and loss of heat transfer efficiency. ", "Further, scale deposition or crevice corrosion can occur between the baffle and the tube which can lead to tube failure in the bundle.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,693,942, issued to J. R. Guala on Nov. 9, 1954, describes a heat exchanger utilizing plate-baffles arranged so as to provide a helical flow pattern of shell side fluid. ", "A disadvantage of the apparatus disclosed by Guala is that it is extremely difficult to construct. ", "Each baffle comprises two criss cross plates, with each plate being in the form of a segment of an elipse and pierced to permit passage therethrough of the tubes of the bundle. ", "Construction of such a bundle would clearly be quite difficult." ]
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[ "/*\n *\n * Copyright © 2011 The General Hospital Corporation (Boston, MA) \"MGH\"\n *\n * Terms and conditions for use, reproduction, distribution and contribution\n * are found in the 'FreeSurfer Software License Agreement' contained\n * in the file 'LICENSE' found in the FreeSurfer distribution, and here:\n *\n * https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferSoftwareLicense\n *\n * Reporting: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu\n *\n */\n\n\n#ifndef GENERAL_H\n#define GENERAL_H\n\nvoid order(int *small, int *big) ;\n\n#if 1\n/* putting these prototypes in causes the canny edge detecter to fail, so\n leave them out for now */\nshort nearestshort(float x) ;\nvoid fporder(float *big, float *small) ;\nfloat fpclip(float x, float bound1, float bound2) ;\nint nearestint(float x) ;\n#endif\n\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "Framed (TV series)\n\nFramed is a British television crime drama series, created and written by acclaimed author Lynda La Plante, adapted from her novel of the same name. ", "The four-part series, broadcast on ITV, ran from 27 November to 18 December 1992 and followed police officer Lawrence Jackson (David Morrissey), who whilst on holiday in Spain, bumps into career criminal Eddie Myers (Timothy Dalton), who was known to have been involved a bank robbery committed several years ago, but was never caught. ", "The officer who investigated the original case, Jimmy McKinnes (Timothy West) assigns Jackson to go undercover and live with Myers in an attempt to finally bring him to justice.", "\n\nAnnabelle Apsion co-stars as Susan Jackson, Larry's long-suffering wife who has an affair whilst Larry is working on the case, and Penélope Cruz stars as Lola Del Moreno, one of Myers' girls who has been protecting him during his time living in Spain. ", "For its broadcast in the United States, the series was edited down into one, feature-length special, of just 120 minutes long. ", "It removed most of the first episode, which was filmed in Spain, and various scenes of Morrissey and Apsion from the other episodes. ", "The series was remade in the United States in 2002, starring Rob Lowe and Sam Neill in the title roles.", "\n\nThe series was produced by Anglia Television, in association with A&E Network Television and Tesauro Productions. ", "The complete series was released on DVD on 16 January 2006.", "\n\nCharacters\n Timothy Dalton as Eddie Myers\n Timothy West as D.C.I. Jimmy McKinnes\n David Morrissey as D.C. Lawrence 'Larry' Jackson\n Annabelle Apsion as Susan Jackson\n Penélope Cruz as Lola Del Moreno\n Trevor Cooper as D.I. Frank Shrapnel\n James Findleton as Tony Jackson\n Barry Findleton as John Jackson \n Rowena King as Charlotte Lampton\n Sheila White as Moyra Sheffield \n Glyn Grimstead as D.I. Jimmy Falcon \n Anthony Smee as Superintendent Glycin\n Wayne Foskett\tas D.C. Summers \n Francis Johnson as D.C. Frisby \n Carol Holt as Nurse Jackie\n\nEpisodes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:1992 British television series debuts\nCategory:1992 British television series endings\nCategory:1990s British drama television series\nCategory:1990s British crime television series\nCategory:ITV television dramas\nCategory:1990s British television miniseries\nCategory:Television series by ITV Studios\nCategory:Television series produced at Pinewood Studios\nCategory:English-language television programs\nCategory:Spanish-language television programs\nCategory:Television shows set in the United Kingdom\nCategory:Television shows set in Spain\nCategory:Television programmes produced by Anglia Television" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to overrunning coupling assemblies and, in particular, to overrunning coupling assemblies having improved shift feel and/or noise reduction.", "\n2. ", "Background Art\nOverrunning coupling assemblies are used for transferring torque from a driving member to a driven member in a variety of structural environments. ", "This permits the transfer of torque from a driving member to a driven member while permitting freewheeling motion of the driving member relative to the driven member when torque is interrupted.", "\nFor purposes of this disclosure, the term coupling should be interpreted to include clutches or brakes wherein one of the plates is drivably connected to a torque delivery element of a transmission and the other plate is drivably connected to another torque delivery element or is anchored and held stationary with respect to a transmission housing. ", "The terms coupling, clutch and brake may be used interchangeably.", "\nA pocket plate may be provided with angularly disposed recesses or pockets about the axis of a one-way clutch. ", "The pockets are formed in the planar surface of the pocket plate. ", "Each pocket receives a torque transmitting pawl or strut, one end of which engages an anchor point in a pocket of the pocket plate. ", "An opposite edge of the strut, which may hereafter be referred to as an active edge, is movable from a position within the pocket to a position in which the active edge extends outwardly from the planar surface of the pocket plate. ", "The struts may be biased away from the pocket plate by individual springs.", "\nA notch plate may be formed with a plurality of recesses or notches located approximately on the radius of the pockets of the pocket plate. ", "The notches are formed in the planar surface of the notch plate.", "\nPawl-type clutches inherently have shift bump issues. ", "Impact loading is described from the following formula:F*t=m*V.Stated in words: average force multiplied by impact time equals mass multiplied by change in velocity. ", "If one could somehow increase the time, there would be a corresponding decrease in force at time of impact.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "5,852,932; 6,032,774; and 6,745,880 show the use of a wave spring to assist a pawl or strut into a locked position. ", "For example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,852,932 show such an arrangement as well as the use of a compression spring to absorb shock in a circumferential direction.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "6,745,880; 6,032,774; and 5,852,932 also show a wave spring utilized to assist a strut or pawl into a locked position. ", "For example, the prior art wave spring of the '932 patent engages a “drive dog” style clutch.", "\nThe '774 patent discloses the combination of a drive dog and a ratcheting style one-way clutch (i.e., OWC) in combination with a wave ring. ", "The wave ring disengages the dog style clutch.", "\nThe wave spring of the '880 patent is used to bias a controllable mechanism which is attached to a roller system.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,125,980 discloses an overrunning coupling assembly including a snap ring or retainer device.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,193,038 discloses a one-way clutch including a retaining device such as a weir or snap ring disposed in a groove defined by first and second members of an outer plate assembly.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,290,044 discloses a selectable one-way clutch assembly including a weir plate installed in a groove of a drum to absorb forces.", "\nHowever, a need still exists for an overrunning coupling assembly which addresses shift bump issues to thereby improve shift feel and/or noise reduction." ]
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[ "Donald Trump tweeted that Obamacare \"will soon be history,\" adding pressure to congressional Republicans to repeal the law quickly. ", "| AP Photo Trump: '\"Unaffordable\" Care Act will soon be history'\n\nPresident-elect Donald Trump appears eager to make good on his promise to do away with President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation, writing on Twitter Friday that “The ‘Unaffordable’ Care Act will soon be history!”", "\n\nFollowing the lead of Republicans who have attempted to repeal the law for years, Trump promised throughout his campaign to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. ", "He has kept up that pledge since winning last year’s presidential election, vowing to quickly undo the law and just as quickly replace it with a new one. ", "He has said that an extended gap between the repeal of Obamacare and the installation of its replacement would be unacceptable.", "\n\n\nTrump’s interest in urgently replacing Obamacare has prompted Congress to speed up its own timetable, which had initially allowed House Republicans a period of years within which to craft their own replacement healthcare legislation. ", "Thursday night at a town hall event hosted by CNN, House Speaker Paul Ryan said Republicans will repeal and replace Obamacare at almost the same time and expect to do so within the first 100 days of the Trump administration.", "\n\nMany details of what an Obamacare replacement program would look like remain up in the air as Republicans scramble to piece together legislation that will meet Trump’s expedited timetable. ", "The president-elect has nominated Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), a doctor and vocal critic of the Affordable Care Act, to be his secretary of health and human services." ]
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[ "Genetic diversity of Leishmania tropica strains isolated from clinical forms of cutaneous leishmaniasis in rural districts of Herat province, Western Afghanistan, based on ITS1-rDNA.", "\nDespite the high incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Afghanistan, there is a little information concerning epidemiological status of the disease and phylogenetic relationship and population structure of causative agents. ", "This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and distribution of CL cases and investigate the Leishmania tropica population structure in rural districts of Heart province in the West of Afghanistan in comparison to neighboring foci. ", "Overall, 4189 clinically suspected CL cases from 177 villages (including 12 districts) in Herat province were enrolled in the referral laboratory of WHO sub-office in Herat city from January 2012 to December 2013. ", "3861 cases were confirmed as CL by microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained slides. ", "ITS1 PCR-RFLP analysis showed dominance of L. tropica (more than 98%) among 127 randomly chosen samples. ", "Analysis of the ITS1 sequences revealed 4 sequence types among the 21 L. tropica isolates. ", "Comparison of sequence types from Herat rural districts with the representatives of L. tropica from Iran, India, and Herat city showed two main population groups (cluster A and B). ", "All isolates from Herat province, India and Southeast, East, and Central Iran were found exclusively in cluster A. The close proximity of West Afghanistan focus and Birjand county as the capital of Southern Khorasan province in East Iran can explain relatively equal to the genetic composition of L. tropica in these two neighboring regions. ", "In addition, two populations were found among L. tropica isolates from Herat rural districts. ", "Main population showed more similarity to some isolates from Birjand county in East Iran while minor population probably originated from the Southeast and East Iranian L. tropica. ", "Recent study provided valuable information concerning the population structure of L. tropica and epidemiology of ACL in the West of Afghanistan, which could be the basis for molecular epidemiology studies in other regions of Afghanistan." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCant see the UIActivityIndicatorView during Call to Server for data\n\nI'm writing an app that is calling a server to get data to show to the user as the app starts, the call to the server is a sync call, i want to show the user a UIActivityIndicatorView, but i cant see it Although i'm activating the UIActivityIndicatorView in a new Thread, hear is the code:\n- (void)viewDidLoad {\n [super viewDidLoad];\n spinner = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge];\n spinner.frame = CGRectMake(50, 50, 50, 50);\n\n [self.tableView addSubview:spinner];\n [self.tableView bringSubviewToFront:spinner];\n\n singeltoneData *sing = [singeltoneData sharedInstance]; \n firstTimeSearch = YES;\n firstTimeSearchClick = YES;\n NSNumber *num = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithInt:-1];\n [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(spin:) toTarget:self withObject:nil];\n [self getData:num];\n\n filterCalls = [[sing.globalCallsDitionary objectForKey:@\"Calls\"]mutableCopy];\n allCalls = [[sing.globalCallsDitionary objectForKey:@\"Calls\"]mutableCopy];\n callsDetails = [[sing.globalCallsDitionary objectForKey:@\"CallDetails\"]mutableCopy];\n filteredCallsDetails = [[sing.globalCallsDitionary objectForKey:@\"CallDetails\"]mutableCopy];\n\n#if defined(__IPHONE_5_0) && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_5_0\n if ([self.navigationController.navigationBar respondsToSelector:@selector( setBackgroundImage:forBarMetrics:)]){\n [self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@\"top.png\"] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];\n }\n#endif\n\n [self buildBar]; \n woman = [UIImage imageNamed:@\"woman.png\"];\n\n}\n\nnext my spin function looks like this\n/************************************************************/\n/* Spinner */\n/************************************************************/ \n- (void) spin:(id)data{\n [spinner startAnimating];\n\n}\n\nI'm also calling it from refresh data call to the server:\n- (void)activateActions:(id)sender {\n [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(spin:) toTarget:self withObject:nil];\n singeltoneData *sing = [[singeltoneData sharedInstance]autorelease]; \n\n [allCalls removeAllObjects];\n [callsDetails removeAllObjects];\n [filterCalls removeAllObjects];\n [filteredCallsDetails removeAllObjects];\n NSNumber *num = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithInt:-1];\n [self getData:num];\n filterCalls = [[sing.globalCallsDitionary objectForKey:@\"Calls\"]mutableCopy];\n filteredCallsDetails = [[sing.globalCallsDitionary objectForKey:@\"CallDetails\"]mutableCopy];\n allCalls = [[sing.globalCallsDitionary objectForKey:@\"Calls\"]mutableCopy];\n callsDetails = [[sing.globalCallsDitionary objectForKey:@\"CallDetails\"]mutableCopy];\n [self.tableView reloadData]; \n}\n\nstill i dont see the spinner\nany help?", "\n\nA:\n\n[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(spin:) toTarget:self withObject:nil];\n\n- (void) spin:(id)data{\n [spinner startAnimating];\n\n}\n\nBased on above you are animating the spinner on a different thread..but all UI update should be done on the main thread..so that might be the reason you don't see the activity animating\n\n" ]
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