[ "Just5\n\nJust5 is an international mobile phone designer and developer headquartered in Riga, Latvia. ", "The development of Just5 mobile phones started in 2008 and the trademark was acquired on October 5, 2009.", "\n\nHistory \n\nJust5 mobile phones are developed in cooperation with the design-bureau Newplan which is based in Beijing and Shenzhen and a joint company Just5-Newplan was created in 2009. ", "Just5 mobile phones are manufactured by ODMs in Taiwan and are based on Infineon and MediaTek hardware platforms.", "\n\nJust5 started sales in Europe in the first quarter of 2009 and the devices appeared in the markets of Russia and US in the third quarter of 2009. ", "As of September 2010, Just5 mobile phones were being sold in 33 countries worldwide. ", "In 11 of those countries the devices were sold as rebranded under a local operator's brand.", "\n\nThe Just5 brand received the grand-prix award in the category \"New Name\" (new product or service) for 2009 at the BEST BRAND/EFFIE RUSSIA and the mobile phone \"with big buttons\", Just5 CP10, was awarded the iF Product Design Gold Award in 2010.", "\n\nLogo \n\nThe Just5 logo represents an inkblot consisting of five connected circles that are all colored bright orange with the exception of being colored silver in the US.", "\n\nThe five points and also the digit five in brand refer to the key qualities of the brand:\n\n Unique original design;\n Big buttons;\n Simplified menu;\n High quality assembling;\n Reliability.", "\n\nProducts\n\nJust5 CP \n\nIn October 2010, two mobile phone models were released - the Just5 CP09 and the Just5 CP10 - which were the initial iterations of their simplified mobile phones aimed at seniors. ", "The both models had differences in the specifications, but both followed the same idea of ease of use.", "\n\nIn December 2010, the Just5 CP11 was released and housed a 2.4\" pop-up screen where when the screen was closed, only a third of it could be seen. ", "It was designed with white and black metallic cases offering both glossy and \"soft touch\" finishes and also provides a charging dock.", "\n\nIn March 2013, the Just5 CP10S was released by Just5. ", "The device is an iteration of the previously released CP10 having similar functionality to it and adding such variations as multiple color schemes instead of the black and white models which were the only choices available previously for the CP10. ", "One of the color schemes was called BestInSpace and released as a limited edition as Just5 had cooperated with the sound designers from BestInSpace for the project.", "\n\nJust5 Brick \n\nIn July 2013, the Just5 Brick, a mobile phone model that follows the same mindset of having simple features, was released. ", "It is designed with the appearance of a brick - bulky, with squared corners, sturdy. ", "The phone uses a simplified UI and houses a 1.77\" LCD screen and large buttons. ", "It is also available in multiple color palettes, including Just5 Brick Red.", "\n\nJust5 Surf \n\nThe Just5 Surf has a streamlined design and backs away from the blocky buttons that could be seen in the previous models. ", "It still displays a colorful case available with either black or lime as the base color. ", "It follows the simplification mindset and as multiple compromises were made for the device, its price was kept small making it accessible to anyone.", "\n\nJust5 Spacer \n\nThe Just5 Spacer was released in November 2013 and is the latest mobile phone by Just5. ", "It features a 5\" touchscreen, an 8MP camera on the back and a 2Mp one on the front and a variety of other features and is their attempt at establishing itself in the smartphone market with a competitively priced device. ", "It has been critiqued for having a weak GPS radio and an unstable Wi-Fi MAC address that changes each time WiFi is enabled or the device boots.", "\n\nIn October 2014, the Just5 Spacer 2 was released for the general public as the successor of the initial Just5 Spacer. ", "It brings an improved screen and GPS fixes to the table while still keeping the price fairly low, compared to the competing products, but has shown touch registering and battery life issues during testing.", "\n\nIn December 2014 the next version of Spacer was released called Spacer 2s.", "\n\nMore Recent Models \n\nFrom February 2015 through October 2017, Just5 released ten models of its new Blaster, Freedom, and Cosmo phones.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\n Just5 on YouTube\n Website of BESTINSPACE\n\nCategory:Telecommunications companies of Latvia\nCategory:Mobile phone manufacturers\nCategory:Companies based in Riga\nCategory:Electronics companies of Latvia\nCategory:Companies established in 2009\nCategory:Latvian brands" ]
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[ "Modulation of synaptic transmission and differential localisation of mGlus in cultured hippocampal autapses.", "\nMetabotropic glutamate receptors (mGlus) are known to modulate synaptic transmission in various pathways of the central nervous system, but the exact mechanisms by which this modulation occurs remain unclear. ", "Here we utilise electrophysiological and immunocytochemical techniques on cultured autaptic hippocampal neurones to investigate the mechanism of action and distribution of mGlus. ", "Agonists at all three groups of mGlus depressed glutamatergic transmission, whereas only agonists at group I mGlus depressed GABAergic transmission. ", "Agonists at all mGlus failed to modulate Ca2+ and K+ channels in glutamatergic autapses whereas an agonist at group III mGlus did depress the frequency of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs). ", "Agonists failed to modulate Ca2+ or K+ channels and miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) in GABAergic autapses. ", "Distribution studies using selective antibodies revealed punctate staining for group III mGlus that co-localised with the synaptic marker, synaptophysin. ", "Staining for the remaining mGlus was more diffuse throughout the soma and processes with little co-localisation with synaptophysin. ", "The distribution of the group III receptors is consistent with the direct 'downstream' modulation of mEPSCs, although the exact mechanism of action for the remaining receptors remains unclear." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nImpressive Examples of Progressive Enhancement\n\nI see the value in using progressive enhancement in web development and I already use it regularly. ", "That said, almost every website I've seen that strongly advocates progressive enhancement is a website with no images that has a div for a title and a div for navigation -- in other words, really basic (and boring) stuff.", "\nDo you know of any examples of sites that use progressive enhancement to great effect? ", "I love poking around disabling all sorts of things on sites to see what they look like but I rarely find something that degrades beautifully. ", "I'm looking for something with images, dynamic content, tables, embedded players, or anything somewhat more tricky to develop than just blocks of text.", "\nI'm still waiting to find that site that displays perfectly in text-only browsers and still blows me away in its full-featured glory ;)\n\nA:\n\nAmazon site degrades quite well.", "\nIf JavaScript is off, then it is still possible to browse through product pictures (with full page reload of course). ", "If JavaScript is on, then the nice Ajax improves the experience.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The Mayor of Deerfield Beach, Florida, Jean Robb, could be removed from office after the State Ethics Commission found “probably cause” that she misused her office to benefit her church.", "\n\nThe alleged violations include:\n\n— Giving her pastor a beach parking sticker reserved for city employees.", "\n\n— Telling city officials involved in code enforcement to back off a luxury automobile dealership because the owner donated “two $500 checks” to her favorite charities.", "\n\n— Having the city clean up her church’s parking lot after an event.", "\n\nThere’s more where that came from, but none of it looks good.", "\n\nRobb served as mayor from 1980 to 1993. ", "She was elected once again in 2013 and is up for re-election next year. ", "If the Ethics Commission finds her guilty of these violations, she may be forced to step down from her position.", "\n\nBut maybe the most interesting aspect of this story is the person who filed these charges in the first place: Chaz Stevens, the Satanist activist best known for putting up a Festivus pole in the State Capitol and erecting other provocative displays on government property.", "\n\n… Chaz Stevens, the Deerfield Beach blogger who filed the charges, said his prayers have been answered. “", "Satan and I are vindicated,” said the church-state separation activist, who has spurred cities to drop religious invocations by applying to lead one to Satan.", "\n\nI’m glad Satan is happy.", "\n\nGiven all the criticism of Stevens’ displays, it’s important to remember that activism takes many forms and you might disagree with some of them. ", "But this is a wonderful example of a citizen taking action when a government official abuses the system. ", "If Robb is found guilty, Stevens deserves all the credit for making it happen.", "\n\n(Image via YouTube)\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\n*Entameba histolytica* infects 10 % of the world's population, resulting in 50 million cases of invasive amebiasis (colitis and liver abscess) and 100,000 deaths annually \\[[@CR1]--[@CR6]\\]. ", "In developed countries such as the United States, amebiasis is most often seen in recent immigrants, travelers to an endemic area, homosexuals, institutionalized or immunocompromised individuals \\[[@CR7], [@CR8]\\]. ", "Amebic colitis may present with fever, abdominal pain, watery or bloody diarrhea \\[[@CR9]\\]. ", "The diagnosis of amebic colitis can be difficult because the gastrointestinal symptoms are nonspecific and can mimic other colonic diseases. ", "Complications of amebic colitis include fulminant amebic colitis, intestinal perforation, peritonitis, hemorrhage, strictures or obstruction \\[[@CR10]--[@CR15]\\]. ", "Amebic liver abscesses occur in 3--9 % of all cases of intestinal amebiasis \\[[@CR16], [@CR17]\\]. ", "Some individuals presenting with amebic liver abscess have concurrent amebic colitis, but more often they have no bowel symptoms and stool microscopy is negative for *E. histolytica* trophozoites and cysts. ", "Ameboma is a rare complication that is found in the cecum or ascending colon \\[[@CR18]\\]. ", "The most reliable method for diagnosing intestinal amebiasis is the demonstration of the trophozoites on tissue biopsy \\[[@CR19]--[@CR22]\\].", "\n\nWe have observed the presence of amebiasis on the United States-Mexico border, but it is not common. ", "In fact, in a review of 2744 stool specimens submitted to our hospital's lab over a 2 year period. *", "E. histolytica/E. dispar* was only found in 6 (0.22 %) of stool specimens \\[[@CR23]\\]. ", "We present a case series of patients with amebic colitis in a United States-Mexico border city to alert physicians to this potentially life-threatening disease and to present its various clinical manifestations and endoscopic findings.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nThis study is a retrospective chart review that was performed on all patients diagnosed with clinical and endoscopic manifestations of amebic colitis between the period of October 1, 1999 through April 30, 2009 at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center of El Paso, Texas and its affiliated hospital, University Medical Center of El Paso. ", "The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center of El Paso, Texas.", "\n\nThe following criteria were used to establish the diagnosis of amebic colitis: (1) history of bloody diarrhea; (2) endoscopic evidence of diffuse mucosal inflammation, with or without mucosal ulceration; (3) presence of motile hematophagous trophozoites of *E.histolytica* in colon biopsy or stool samples; and (4) histologic confirmation of invasive amebiasis in colonic tissue. ", "The presence of cysts of *E. histolytica* or a positive indirect hemagglutination test for amebiasis was not criteria for diagnosis of amebic colitis. ", "Symptomatic patients with *E. histolytica* in stool who also demonstrated pathogenic virus or bacteria in stool sample or colonic tissue were excluded from the study. ", "The demographic, clinical manifestations, physical examination and laboratory findings, endoscopic and pathology reports and management were analyzed retrospectively.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec3}\n--------------------\n\nDescriptive statistical analysis are presented as mean, median or percentage for variables measured on a continuous scale (e.g., age) and as proportions for variables measured on a discrete scale (e.g., gender).", "\n\nCase presentation {#Sec4}\n-----------------\n\nNine patients were diagnosed with amebic colitis with a mean age of 56 (range 38--83), 6 were male, and all were Hispanic. ", "Clinical manifestations are described in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "None of the patients reported previous episodes of dysentery or amebiasis. ", "The main symptoms were diarrhea (56 %), hematochezia (33 %) or abdominal distension (11 %). ", "Secondary complaints included fever, anemia, abdominal pain and rectal discomfort/pain. ", "Median duration of symptoms was from 5--14 days; one patient had chronic episodes of hematochezia lasting approximately 6 months. ", "Patient 6 had recurrent bouts of chronic diarrhea likely related to flares in her ulcerative colitis. ", "Physical findings included abdominal distention (33 %), abdominal tenderness to palpation (67 %) that was either localized (33 %) or diffuse (67 %). ", "Other abdominal examination findings included decreased bowel sounds or a normal exam. ", "One patient was found to have a palpable mass in the right lower quadrant (RLQ) that was first thought to be due to a partial small bowel obstruction, but this was later discovered to be from a large cecal mass.", "Table 1Overall characteristics of patients with amebic colitisNo.", "SexAgeMain symptomSecondary symptomPhysical findingsDuration of symptoms (days)Diagnosis (amebic trophozoites)1F45Abdominal distensionEmesisAbdominal distention, RLQ tenderness with a palpable mass5Colon biopsy (+)2F83DiarrheaAbdominal painAbdominal distension, decreased bowel sounds14Colon biopsy (+)3M38DiarrheaFeverDiffuse tenderness to palpation7Colon biopsy: Non-diagnostic Stool (+)4M46Diarrhea--Abdominal distention, diffuse tenderness14Colon biopsy (+)5M70DiarrheaAbdominal painTender to palpation LLQ10Colon biopsy (+) Stool (+)6F60DiarrheaAbdominal painDiffuse abdominal tenderness14Colon biopsy (+)7M45HematocheziaRectal painNormal abdominal exam14Colon biopsy (+)8M44HematocheziaRectal discomfortDiffuse abdominal tenderness7Colon biopsy (+) Stool (+)9M76HematocheziaAnemiaNormal abdominal exam180Colon biopsy (+)*RLQ* Right lower quadrant, *LLQ* left lower quadrant, *NS* None stated\n\nThe diagnosis of amebic colitis was established in the following ways: 8 patients by colonoscopy with biopsy and 1 by surgical histopathology analysis after undergoing an exploratory laparotomy with a right hemicolectomy for colonic obstruction. ", "In the 8 patients that had a colonoscopy, the cecum/ileum was reached in 4 patients. ", "Endoscopic, histopathological and surgical findings are in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "All 8 patients who underwent colonoscopy had various abnormal endoscopic findings. ", "Inflammation of the colon with or without ulceration was the most frequently encountered endoscopic finding. ", "6 of 8 patients (75 %) in whom colonoscopy was done had inflammation with rectosigmoid involvement and 5 (62.5 %) had ulcerations.", "Table 2Endoscopic, surgical findings and outcome of patients with amebic colitisNo.", "ProcedureLocation/distanceFindingsHistopathologyTreatmentOutcome1SurgeryTerminal ileum, cecum, ascending colonLarge cecal massExtensive flask shaped ulcers with large abscesses with numerous hemophagocytic amebic trophozoitesmetronidazole 14 days5 days later: colonic perforation secondary to amebiasis. ", "Ileostomy. ", "1 year later: amebic liver abscess2ColonoscopyTo transverseMultiple ulcersAmebiasis with deep ulcerationsmetronidazole 14 days + paromomycin 7 daysComplete resolution of symptoms3ColonoscopyTo splenic flexureRectosigmoid ulceration/colitisAcute and chronic colitis. ", "No amebic trophozoits foundmetronidazole 14 days + paromomycin 10 days7 days later: amebic liver abscess4ColonoscopyTo descendingSevere rectosigmoid colitis/ulcerationsSurface ulcerations covered by necrotic fibrinous exudate. ", "Many amebic trophozoites in exudatemetronidazole 14 days + paromomycin 20 daysComplete resolution of symptoms5ColonoscopyTo ileumPancolitis/multiple ulcersMucosal edema and ulcerations/necrosis with fibrinous exudate. ", "Hemophagocytic amebic trophozoites in exudatemetronidazole 14 daysDischarged in good condition.6ColonoscopyTo cecumDiffuse inflammation/pseudopolypsAcute and chronic colitis with superficial erosion/necrosis. ", "Amebic trophozoites presentmetronidazole 14 days + paromomycin 10 daysAmebiasis resolved. ", "Diarrhea persists due to ulcerative colitis7ColonoscopyTo ileumPancolitis/multiple ulcersAcute colitis. ", "Amebic trophozoites presentmetronidazole 14 days + iodoquinol 20 daysDischarged in good condition.8ColonoscopyTo cecumPancolitisAcute and focal colitis. ", "Amebic trophozoites presentmetronidazole 14 daysResolution of symptoms9ColonoscopyTo hepatic flexureFungating, ulcerated, partially obstructing mass in distal sigmoid colonInvasive Sigmoid Adenocarcinoma. ", "Amebic trophozoites presentmetronidazole 14 days + paromomycin 7 daysChemotherapy*RLQ* right lower quadrant, *LLQ* left lower quadrant, *ND* not done, *NS* not stated\n\nFor clinical reasons, the cecum was not reached in all colonoscopies. ", "Involvement of the cecum and ascending was observed in 50 % of cases (three cases of pancolitis and one case of cecum and ascending colon) and 50 % of these had ulcerations present. ", "The diagnosis of amebic colitis was confirmed in 8 (89 %) patients in whom amebic trophozoites were present in histopathologic sections. ", "Only one case (Patient 3) with rectosigmoid ulcerations, had no evidence of invasive amebiasis in histopathologic examination, but stool examination revealed the presence of amebic trophozoites. ", "One patient had concomitant inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis) and the diagnosis of amebic colitis was made based on *E. histolytica* serology and histological examination of biopsies from colonoscopy. ", "One (11 %) patient had amebiasis associated with invasive sigmoid adenocarcinoma. ", "The amebic colitis infection resolved after treatment with metronidazole usually followed by a course of paromomycin or iodoquinol in 6 (67 %) patients. ", "However, 2 (22 %) patients developed an amebic liver abscess.", "\n\nCase summaries {#Sec5}\n--------------\n\n### Case 1 {#Sec6}\n\nA 45 year old Hispanic woman presented with fever, vomiting and abdominal distention for 5 days. ", "Vital signs revealed hypertension and tachycardia. ", "Physical examination revealed abdominal distention and tenderness with a palpable mass in the right lower quadrant. ", "The abdominal CT on admission revealed a partial small bowel obstruction and a right colonic mass. ", "She underwent an exploratory laparotomy with a right hemicolectomy with ileotransverse colon anastomosis. ", "Pathological findings discovered extensive amebic colitis with perforation, necrosis, acute and chronic inflammation with abscess formation and peritonitis in the terminal ileum and right colon. ", "Microscopic examination of the terminal ileum and right colon revealed multiple flask shaped ulcers and numerous *E. histolytica* trophozoites. ", "One week later she developed peritonitis secondary to an anastomotic leak that required another exploratory laparotomy with resection of the ileotransverse anastomosis and creation of an ileostomy. ", "She was subsequently discharged on metronidazole therapy. ", "Five months later she was readmitted for ileostomy takedown and ileocolonic anastomosis. ", "Nine months after her first admission, she presented complained of diarrhea and hematochezia for 6 months. ", "An upper endoscopy found an extraluminal mass close to the fundus of the stomach. ", "Abdominal CT revealed an amebic liver abscess. ", "She was treated with metronidazole for 2 weeks followed by paromomycin for 1 week.", "\n\n### Case 2 {#Sec7}\n\nAn 83 year old Hispanic woman presented with weakness, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, tenesmus for 2 weeks. ", "Her concurrent medical problems included hypertension, diabetes and a stroke. ", "Vital signs revealed hypotension. ", "Significant physical examination included abdominal distention and hypoactive bowel sounds. ", "Laboratory findings were significant for anemia, leukocytosis with a bandemia, hyponatremia and hyperglycemia. ", "A colonoscopy was done 2 days later and revealed multiple ulcers throughout the entire colon and rectum. ", "Histopathology of the biopsy specimens revealed amebiasis with deep ulcerations in the distal transverse, proximal descending and rectum. ", "She was treated with metronidazole for 2 weeks followed by paromomycin for 1 week.", "\n\n### Case 3 {#Sec8}\n\nA 38 year old Hispanic man presented with fever, chills, weakness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and watery diarrhea for 1 week. ", "His concurrent medical problems included hepatitis C. Vital signs revealed a high grade fever and tachycardia. ", "Physical examination was significant for diffuse abdominal tenderness. ", "Laboratory findings were significant for leukocytosis and hyponatremia. ", "Stool studies revealed *E. histolytica* trophozoites. ", "Five days after admission, a colonoscopy revealed rectosigmoid ulcerations with histopathology showing acute and chronic colitis. ", "He was discharged on a 10 day course of metronidazole and paromomycin. ", "Seven days after being discharged, the patient was readmitted for right upper quadrant pain and shortness of breath. ", "Abdominal CT revealed two large liver abscesses that were subsequently drained by interventional radiology and found to be positive for *E. histolytica*. ", "He was subsequently discharged and retreated with a 10 day course of metronidazole followed by paromomycin for another 10 days.", "\n\n### Case 4 {#Sec9}\n\nA 46 year old Hispanic man presented with watery diarrhea for 1 month that became bloody within the last 2 weeks. ", "Vital signs revealed tachycardia. ", "Physical examination findings were significant for abdominal distention and diffuse tenderness to palpation and guarding. ", "Laboratory findings were significant for leukocytosis, anemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia and hyperglycemia. ", "Stool studies revealed *E. histolytica* trophozoites. ", "One day after admission, a colonoscopy revealed rectosigmoid colitis and ulceration with histopathology revealing surface ulcerations covered by fibrinous exudate containing hemophagocytic amebic trophozoites (Figs.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}a, b). ", "He was subsequently discharged with a 2 week course of metronidazole followed by paromomycin for another 20 days.", "Fig.", " 1Endoscopic findings of a patient who presented with diarrheaFig.", " 2**a** Low power microscopic view (100×) of biopsy from same patient showing an inflammatory exudate containing amebas floating free close to the surface colonic mucosa (*orange arrow*). **", "b** High power microscopic view (400×) of biopsy from same patient of the mucosal exudate displaying amebas, with a red cell in their cytoplasm (*blue arrow*)\n\n### Case 5 {#Sec10}\n\nA 70 year old Hispanic man presented with abdominal pain and watery diarrhea for 10 days. ", "Concurrent medical problems included diabetes mellitus. ", "Physical examination findings included abdominal tenderness to palpation at the left lower quadrant. ", "Laboratory findings were significant for leukocytosis with a bandemia, anemia, hyponatremia and hyperglycemia. ", "Stool studies revealed *E. histolytica* trophozoites. ", "Amebic serology was positive. ", "One day after admission, a colonoscopy revealed pancolitis with multiple ulcerations throughout the entire colon with histopathology revealing mucosal edema, ulcerations and necrosis with fibrinous exudate containing hemophagocytic amebic trophozoites. ", "He was subsequently discharged with a 2 week course of metronidazole.", "\n\n### Case 6 {#Sec11}\n\nA 60 year old Hispanic woman presented with watery diarrhea and abdominal pain for 2 weeks. ", "Concurrent medical problems included ulcerative colitis for more than 20 years, currently being treated with prednisone and sulfasalazine. ", "Physical examination findings included diffuse abdominal tenderness. ", "Laboratory findings were significant for leukocytosis and anemia. ", "Stool studies revealed *E. histolytica* trophozoites. ", "Amebic serology was positive. ", "One day after admission, a colonoscopy revealed diffuse inflammation and multiple pseudopolyps. ", "Histopathologic examination was consistent with acute and chronic colitis with superficial erosions, focal liquefactive necrosis and amebic trophozoites. ", "The patient was subsequently discharged with a 2 week course of metronidazole followed by 10 days of paromomycin.", "\n\n### Case 7 {#Sec12}\n\nA 45 year old Hispanic man presented with hematochezia and rectal pain for 2 weeks. ", "Vital signs were significant for hypotension. ", "Physical examination findings of the abdomen were unremarkable. ", "However, rectal examination was positive for occult blood but no masses were felt in the rectal vault. ", "Laboratory findings were significant for leukocytosis, severe anemia, hyponatremia and hypokalemia. ", "One day after admission, a colonoscopy revealed pancolitis with severe proctitis and perirectal ulcerations (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Histopathologic examination was consistent with acute colitis with amebic trophozoites (Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}a, b). ", "The patient was subsequently discharged with a 2 week course of metronidazole followed by 20 days of iodoquinol.", "Fig.", " 3Endoscopic findings of patient who originally presented with hematocheziaFig.", " 4**a** Low power microscopic view (100×) of biopsy from same patient showing an inflamed colonic mucosa with preservation of its architecture and amebas floating free close to the surface epithelium (*green arrow*). **", "b** High power view (400×) of biopsy from same patient of the mucosal exudate displaying two amebas, one of them with a red cell in its cytoplasm (*red arrow*)\n\n### Case 8 {#Sec13}\n\nA 44 year old Hispanic man presented with diarrhea for 7 days prior to admission followed by constipation, rectal discomfort, and melena. ", "Past medical history was significant for hepatitis C infection. ", "Physical examination findings included diffuse abdominal tenderness. ", "Lab results were significant for elevated transaminases and total serum bilirubin of 1.2 mg/dL. Stool examination was positive for *Clostridium difficile* toxin. ", "An abdominal and pelvic CT scan showed thickening of the rectal wall. ", "A subsequent colonoscopy showed a normal terminal ileum, with congested, erythematous, eroded, granular mucosa throughout the colon and rectum. ", "No areas of ulceration or erosions were present. ", "Biopsies revealed focal active colitis and microorganisms compatible with *E. histolytica.* ", "Amebic serology was positive. ", "He was treated with metronidazole for 14 days, for *C. difficile* infection and invasive amebiasis.", "\n\n### Case 9 {#Sec14}\n\nA 76 year old Hispanic man presented with intermittent hematochezia for 6 months and a 20 pound weight loss. ", "Physical examination of the abdomen was unremarkable. ", "Lab results were significant for anemia. ", "Abdominal CT showed soft tissue densities of the sigmoid colon with extra colonic invasion and associated perilesional adenopathy and liver metastases. ", "A subsequent colonoscopy revealed two fungating and ulcerated partially obstructive masses in the distal sigmoid colon and distal descending colon. ", "Pathological findings confirmed a sigmoid adenocarcinoma, with positive amoeba on PAS stain. ", "Liver biopsy showed metastatic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. ", "An amebic serology was positive at a titer of 1:256. ", "Due to persistent hematochezia, a sigmoid resection followed by formation of a colostomy was performed. ", "Pathology of the sigmoid colon mass from the segmental colectomy showed invasive adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon, with the tumor invading the entire thickness of the colonic wall, pericolic soft tissue, and directly invading an adjacent segment of colon with direct extension into the mucosa forming a secondary mucosal ulcerated mass. ", "The original ulcerated tumor bed was invaded by trophozoites of *E. histolytica* with organisms present in the necrotic and inflammatory debris and infiltrating the tumor parenchyma. ", "In our case this was an adenocarcinoma infiltrated by amebic trophozoites and not an ameboma. ", "Treatment was with metronidazole IV for 14 days followed by paromomycin for 7 days.", "\n\nConclusions {#Sec15}\n===========\n\nThe clinical manifestations of amebic colitis are varied, as demonstrated in our case series of amebic colitis. ", "In our patients, the most common manifestations were diarrhea or hematochezia. ", "Less common presentations included a patient with an inflammatory bowel disease flare with superimposed amebic colitis, bowel perforation and amebic trophozoite invasion of a colon adenocarcinoma. ", "Inflammation of the colon, with or without ulceration, was the most frequently encountered endoscopic finding. ", "The typical method for diagnosing intestinal amebiasis was the histopathological demonstration of the trophozoites in the biopsied lesions. ", "Treatment of amebic colitis with metronidazole with or without paromomycin was successful in the majority of patients but complications such as amebic liver abscess did occur.", "\n\nThere have been a few worldwide case series or studies that report on the various clinical manifestations of amebic colitis \\[[@CR11], [@CR17], [@CR24]--[@CR30]\\]. ", "The classic study from South Africa by Adams in 1977 was an analysis of 3013 adult patients admitted with intestinal amebiasis \\[[@CR12]\\]. ", "The majority of patients presented with watery diarrhea, followed by bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain for at least 1--4 weeks. ", "These symptoms were also observed in other clinical studies \\[[@CR1], [@CR24]--[@CR27]\\]. ", "These retrospective studies observed less common complaints of high grade fever, severe weight loss, tenemus and overt gastrointestinal bleeding \\[[@CR24], [@CR27]\\]. ", "The most frequent physical examination findings in these studies were abdominal tenderness, tachycardia, hypotension and abdominal rebound \\[[@CR27]\\]. ", "Common laboratory findings were anemia, and leukocytosis, which was also observed in our case series \\[[@CR1], [@CR25], [@CR27]\\]. ", "Patients with amebic liver abscess may demonstrate an elevation of liver function tests and erythrocyte sedimentation rate and/or other acute phase reactants \\[[@CR28]\\].", "\n\nColonoscopy combined with biopsy or intestinal fluid sample collection can be useful in distinguishing amebic colitis from other colonic entities. ", "The mucosal appearance of amebic colitis on endoscopy may be grossly indistinguishable from that of intestinal tuberculosis, other forms of infectious colitis and inflammatory bowel disease \\[[@CR29]\\]. ", "Common but nonspecific endoscopic findings include diffusely inflamed and friable mucosa \\[[@CR25], [@CR26]\\]. ", "Histological examination will usually demonstrate ulcerations, acute and/or chronic inflammation with amebic trophozoites invading through the bowel wall \\[[@CR27]\\].", "\n\nWe would like to highlight four important cases in the series, including case 1---bowel perforation with formation of liver abscess, case 3---liver abscess formation, case 6---ulcerative colitis exacerbation and case 9---adenocarcinoma with amebic infiltration. ", "We cannot speculate on the relationship of patients suffering from Hepatitis C followed by the burden of amebic colitis and formation of amebic liver abscess. ", "A few studies have evaluated the predictive value of the location of endoscopic findings in the diagnosis of acute intestinal amebiasis. ", "These studies concluded that the cecum is the most common site involved in amebic colitis \\[[@CR17], [@CR29], [@CR30]\\]. ", "Other studies have evaluated the endoscopic findings in patients with amebic colitis and an amebic liver abscess. ", "In a prospective study from India, colonic lesions in patients with amebic liver abscess most commonly involved the cecum followed by the ascending colon \\[[@CR30]\\]. ", "However, in their control group of patients with only amebic colitis, they found more extensive disease with large ulcers and diffuse mucosal inflammation in the left colon, predominantly the rectosigmoid and descending colon \\[[@CR30]\\].", "\n\nOne of our patients presented with a flare of inflammatory bowel disease. ", "This has also been described in another case report \\[[@CR31]\\]. ", "A study from Turkey that found *E. histolytica/E. dispar* cysts and trophozoites in 14 (8.75 %) of 160 cases, 13 (10 %) of 130 patients with ulcerative colitis and 1 (3.3 %) of the 30 patients with Crohn's disease \\[[@CR32]\\]. ", "Amebic infection in these patients with inflammatory bowel disease was more prevalent than in the normal population \\[[@CR32]\\]. ", "A study from Bosnia--Herzegovina analyzed 31 patients with ulcerative colitis and co-infected with ameba. ", "They concluded that ameba infection in ulcerative colitis patients was not related to the grade of disease activity and other clinical variables such as gender, age and parameters of inflammation \\[[@CR33]\\].", "\n\nWe have one patient in our case series with the rare occurrence of amebic trophozoite invasion of colonic adenocarcinoma. ", "A couple of case series have found the association of amebiasis with adenocarcinoma. ", "They observed that the amebic trophozoites invaded the colorectal adenocarcinoma, but invasion was not present in the normal colonic mucosa \\[[@CR34], [@CR35]\\]. ", "Invasion of the amebic trophozoites into the tumor appeared to be coincidental, rather than the etiology of the adenocarcinoma \\[[@CR34], [@CR35]\\]. ", "The disruption in the mucosa and reduced efficiency of local immune mechanisms caused by the carcinoma may have facilitated invasion of the trophozoites through the mucosa \\[[@CR35]\\]. ", "A case report from India described a patient with clinical and radiological suspicion of colonic carcinoma. ", "However, after resection of perforated cecum, histopathological examination showed numerous trophozoites of *E. histolytica* in a background of abundant necrosis \\[[@CR36]\\]. ", "This case suggests that the differentiation between ameboma and carcinoma is critical.", "\n\nOur study has some limitations. ", "The number of cases seen in this time period was modest and may have been subject to bias. ", "Not all patients with symptoms were required to have a colonoscopy. ", "This was a respective study and every patient reported had a colonoscopy but the endoscopist decided how far they needed to go during colonoscopy based on clinical judgement.", "\n\nNot every patient had a complete colonoscopy that reached the terminal ileum, therefore we cannot comment on the right colon in some patients. ", "A real-time PCR assay targeting *E. histolytica* specific probe was not utilized in our cases to confirm our results, as has been reported in Bangladesh \\[[@CR37]\\]. ", "It has the strengths of describing cases in detail of amebic colitis in the Hispanic population of the United States-Mexico border.", "\n\nIn conclusion, the occurrence of amebic colitis in our United States-Mexico border city hospital population was not common, but some cases were potentially life threatening. ", "Clinicians should be alert to the varied clinical manifestations and endoscopic findings of amebic colitis. ", "The most common symptoms in our patients were diarrhea and hematochezia, but physicians should be alert to the less common presentations of overt gastrointestinal bleeding, inflammatory bowel disease flares, acute abdomen or association with colon cancer. ", "Rectosigmoid involvement was typically found on colonoscopy; however, other case series have reported that the cecum is the most commonly involved site. ", "Endoscopic evaluation should be utilized to assist in the diagnosis, with attention to the observation of colonic inflammation, ulceration and amebic trophozoites on histopathological examination.", "\n\nConsent {#Sec16}\n=======\n\nWritten informed consent was obtained from the patients for publication of this case report and any accompanying images.", "\n\nIRB\n\n: Institutional Review Board\n\nCT\n\n: computed tomography\n\nRLQ\n\n: right lower quandrant\n\nPAS\n\n: periodic acid--Schiff\n\nRF and MZ participated in study design/planning, data analysis/statistics, data interpretation, preparation/editing of the manuscript and literature search/analysis. ", "CC participated in data analysis/statistics, data interpretation, preparation/editing of the manuscript and literature search/analysis. ", "RR participated in data collection (chart review) and data analysis/statistics. ", "AH participated in data analysis/statistics. ", "DB participated in study design/planning and pathological examination. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nAcknowledgements {#FPar1}\n================\n\nThe authors would like to thank Dr. Easwaran P. Variyam, Dr. Richard W. McCallum, Nancy Casner, CCRC, and Georgina Grado.", "\n\nCompeting interests {#FPar2}\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRule in a Table\n\nI need to put a rule in a table's column. ", "\nIs a date's column. ", "And i need a rule that only accepts an update only if the day is saturday or sunday. ", "And between march to november.", "\nI'm doing this, but doesn't work:\nALTER TABLE MyTable WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT CHECK check_name ( (datepart(dw, myDate) =7 OR (datepart(dw, myDate) = 1)) AND (datepart(mm, myDate) < 2 AND datepart(mm, myDate) < 12 ) )\n\nWhat's wrong with this?", "\nThank you!", "\n\nA:\n\nI think you are looking for something like this:\nALTER TABLE MyTable WITH CHECK \nADD CONSTRAINT check_name CHECK \n ( (datepart(dw, myDate) = 7 OR (datepart(dw, myDate) = 1)) AND \n (MONTH(myDate) BETWEEN 3 AND 11) )\n\n" ]
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[ "Soyopa\n\nSoyopa (Yaqui: \"hot land\") is a town in Soyopa Municipality, in the eastern region of the Mexican state of Sonora. ", " The elevation is 350 meters. ", " \n\nThe main economic activities are cattle raising (16,000 head in 2000), agriculture (rye, sorghum, wheat), and mining.", "\n\nSilver was mined here beginning in the eighteenth century and the town had its economic heyday around 1880. ", " After that the silver mines ran out and the population declined.", "\n\nExternal links\nSoyopa, Ayuntamiento Digital (Official Website of Soyopa, Sonora)\nThe Road to Soyopa a book about exploring the back roads of Sonora\n\nCategory:Populated places in Sonora" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nContinued fraction to irrational number\n\nLet $[1;\\overline{2,1}$] be a continued fraction. ", "I want to find the corresponding number. ", "I know how to transform fractions of the form $[a;\\overline{b}]$ but I am having a hard time here. ", "Thank you.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe idea is not much different. ", "For something like this, it becomes $$ \\left[ 1; \\overline {2, 1} \\right] = 1 + \\cfrac {1}{2 + \\cfrac {1}{1 + \\cfrac {1}{2 + \\cfrac {1}{1 + \\cdots}}}} $$Then, you can use the regular technique. ", "If this is $x$, then $$ x - 1 = \\cfrac {1}{2 + \\cfrac {1}{x}} \\implies x - 1 = \\cfrac {1}{\\cfrac {2x + 1}{x}} = \\frac {x}{2x+1}, $$then you can solve. ", "\nIn general, for $\\overline{b_1,b_2,\\cdots,b_n}$, instead of the denominators outside of the infinite fractions being continues $b$ as suggested by $\\overline{b}$, it keeps cycling between $b_1,b_2,b_3,\\cdots,b_n$. \n\nA:\n\nLet $$A = 1+ \\cfrac{1}{2+\\cfrac{1}{1+\\cfrac{1}{2+\\cfrac{1}{\\ddots}}}}$$\nThen notice that $$A=1+\\cfrac{1}{2+\\cfrac{1}{A}}$$\nThis gives\n$$(A-1)(2A+1)=A$$\nYou can solve this quadratic :)\n\nNotice that this method works for many types of infinite and repeating expressions. ", "For example, this nested square root thing:\n$$B=3+\\sqrt{3+\\sqrt{3+\\dots}} \\qquad \\Rightarrow\\qquad (B-3)^2=B$$\nThe geometric series is another example ($|a|<1$ of course):\n$$B=a+a^2+a^3+\\dots\\qquad\\Rightarrow\\qquad B-a=aB$$\n\n" ]
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[ "List of Nyaruko: Crawling with Love characters\n\nThe following is a list of characters from the series Nyaruko: Crawling with Love.", "\n\nMain characters\n\nIn the series, Nyaruko is a member of a race of alien known as a Nyarlathotep which was originally featured in Lovecraft's books as a type of monster. ", "She is sent by an organization called the Space Defence Agency to Earth in order to protect a human named Mahiro Yasaka. ", "Nyaruko quickly falls in love with him though which she refers to as \"love at first sight\". ", "Her feelings towards Mahiro become serious with her going so far as eventually talking about marriage and a family together. ", "She takes the form of a human girl with long silver-colored hair, but jokingly says to Mahiro that she can change to her original form if he wants her to. ", "In order to blend in she takes the name Nyaruko Yasaka as Mahiro's cousin when staying at Mahiro's house, and attending his school. ", "Her actual age is unknown since she always stops Mahiro whenever he becomes curious or questions her age. ", "When it comes to education she stated to Mahiro that she graduated from one of the best universities at the top of her class, and entered the Space Defense Agency after her exam. ", "Despite her graduation, she joins Mahiro at his school in order to get closer to him. ", "Nyaruko is shown to be highly into gaming, and says that Earth's entertainment is well known to aliens across the universe. ", "While in combat, Mahiro notices that she doesn't hold back when it comes to brutal habits to any hostile aliens. ", "She mainly uses her own form of space CQC close quarter combat weapons while fighting, with her weapon of choice being \"Some Kind of Unspeakable Bar Thing\". ", "While in full force mode she adorns a black and red helmet with armor that covers her entire body.", "\n\nA human boy who reluctantly finds himself under the protection of Nyaruko. ", "He tends to attack aliens by stabbing or throwing forks whenever they make him angry. ", "He appears to attack so fast that currently no alien has been able to dodge yet. ", "At first he dislikes aliens and wants to kick them out, but as the story progresses he starts to become more tolerant toward their actions. ", "He is attracted to Nyaruko (in her human form), but is put off by her aggressive advances at the same time. ", "He has also kissed her a few times, the most prominent being their on-screen kiss during the events of the final OVA, Nyaruko F. According to Nyaruko and Kūko, Mahiro's appearance is strangely attractive to aliens, which explains why Nyaruko falls in love with him after only looking at his profile, as well as why alien criminals wanted to kidnap him.", "\n\nA female Cthughan (alien from Cthugha). ", "She takes the form of a slender, red-haired girl. ", "She is in love with Nyaruko despite that her race is the archnemesis of Nyarlathotepians, and appears to be clingy. ", "She is hostile toward Mahiro and threatens him to stay away from Nyaruko in the beginning of the story. ", "As the story progress, she becomes more friendly towards him. ", "She transfers to Mahiro's school and takes the name Kūko Yasaka, Nyaruko's \"wife\". ", "She is also obsessed with otaku culture and video games. ", "Kūko was Nyaruko and Hasuta's space elementary school classmate and appears to at the same age as them, although she became a NEET after graduating from high school, and become a Space Defense Agency agent and colleague to Nyaruko later by using the relationship of her uncle who is an employee in the human resource department of the Space Defence Agency. ", "She concealed her feelings for Nyaruko from her family and lied to them that Mahiro is her fiance, as love between Nyarlathotep and Cthugha are considered a shame of the family among Cthughans, however she has displayed having feelings for Mahiro. ", "She possess the power of fire, able to control fireballs, heat, or drones that fire lasers; she refers to them as space CQC - Cthugha version. ", "Her strength in combat is lower than that of Nyaruko's. ", "Her combat form is covering her lower body with red fire patterns.", "\n\nA male Hasturan (alien from Hastur) who was the space elementary school classmate of Nyaruko and Kūko. ", "He is the son of the owner of CCE (Carcosa Computer Entertainment, parody of Sony Computer Entertainment), a famous video game company in space. ", "He was first sent to get intel of Earth's entertainment from Yoriko, but he failed and decided to stay on Earth, and was later hired as an agent of the Space Defense Agency and colleague to Nyaruko and Kūko. ", "He has feelings for Mahiro and enrolls in Mahiro's school under the name Hasuta Yasaka. ", "He possesses the power of air, fights by creating strong wind, vacuum blades, or forming nearby vacuum areas around enemies. ", "He is the one who always stopped Nyaruko and Kūko's fights during space elementary school, so at least then he was stronger than either. ", "His normal form appears to be obedient, shy, and can be easily mistaken for a young girl, but when switched to power form he will change to a more mature personality and appearance.", "\n\nHumans\n\nMahiro's mother, a real monster hunter who started her career during college. ", "She has a young appearance that makes it hard to believe that she has a son in high school. ", "She conceals her true job from her son until returning home during the plot. ", "She is kind to friendly aliens, accepting Nyaruko, Kūko, and Hasuta living in the house, and their actions to pursue Mahiro. ", "She advises Nyaruko to take her relationship with Mahiro a bit slower at first, but permits their relationship later after they rescued her. ", "Just like her son, she uses throwing forks as her main weapons, being better skilled and able to carry more \"ammo\" than him. ", "She is obsessed with video games, buying different game machines whenever she returns home from hunting. ", "She also has a habit of hugging Mahiro, claiming she's replenishing her \"son-onium\".", "\n\nClass representative of Mahiro, Nyaruko, Kūko, and Hasuta's class. ", "A friend to Mahiro, often giving him advice in school.", "\n\nMahiro, Nyaruko, Kūko, and Hasuta's classmate. ", "Nicknamed \"Walking Speaker\". ", "Very talkative, likes to gather and spread gossip among the class. ", "She became a close friend to Nyaruko and often gives advise for her to pursue Mahiro, despite often feeling depressed as her plans fail. ", "She actually has feelings toward Mahiro, but decided to give up and support Nyaruko since she feels that she is no match for her.", "\n\nAliens\n\nKūne is a Cthugan and Kūko's cousin (the daughter of Kūko's uncle in HR). ", "Her appearance resembles Kūko's despite being taller and has better body figure. ", "Her personality is described as vulgar by Mahiro. ", "She introduces herself as a member of the Galactic Defense Force tasked with overseeing her cousin's job, while her true intent is to buy otaku-related products. ", "She has feeling toward Kūko, and is also clingy that she treats Kūko similar to how Kūko treats Nyaruko. ", "In order to stop her pursuit, Kūko lied to her and said that she is in love with Mahiro and they are already engaged, which made her very depressed. ", "She looks down on Mahiro because he is not as powerful as the aliens, as well as acting hostile toward Nyaruko, as their races are arch-nemesis. ", "She is also a friend of Luhy Distone.", "\n\nNyaruko's pet. ", "A female shantak (monster in Cthulhu mythos; a bird with a horse's head and a bat's wings). ", "Has many different forms including sizes as tall as a building or as small as a rabbit. ", "Can also turn into different vehicles. ", "According to Nyaruko, the eggs of shantaks are precious and expensive food in space, though Mahiro never accepts to eat them anyway. ", "Nyaruko arrived on Earth by taking a spaceship transformed from Shantak-kun.", "\n\nLuhy Distone is a , also known as the star-spawn of Cthulhu, who was working at Cthulhu Corp., a space company that produces video games and other entertainment that rivals that of CCE. ", "Like Hasuta, she tried to get intel of Earth's entertainment from Yoriko, while preparing to show the new developed video game platform. ", "The video game platform turns out to be a disaster, being too high-end to ever be affordable to consumers, and is destroyed by Kūko. ", "Luhy was then fired by Cthulhu Corp. and become a vendor selling Takoyaki. ", "She starts to have feelings toward Hasuta in the latter part of the story and declares to Mahiro that she will become his opponent.", "\n\nAn Atlach-Nachan. ", "Her character design resembles Hatsune Hirasaka from the visual novel Atlach-Nacha; an outfit with a spider motif. (", "It is named after Clark Ashton Smith's creation Atlach-Nacha, the spider-god from the Cthulhu Mythos.) ", "She has an appearance that is more mature than Nyaruko, Kūko and Hasuta, despite the fact that they are all around the same age.", "\nAtko appears in the 10th light novel. ", "Her family owes the largest Textile manufacturing company in space and she is on a trip to earth to do a research on a new material, and decided to stay in Mahiro's house. ", "She was Nyaruko's classmate and friend in high school, and also Kūko's online friend that makes bodypillow with Nyaruko printing for her. ", "Since high school, she has a bad habit of seducing other girls' boyfriends, as she felt pleasure when doing so, but dumped them once they are separated from their girlfriends. ", "In novel she deliberately hugged Hasuta in front of Luhy to get pleasure from the latter's jealousy. ", "She also states that she will support Nyaruko's pursuit toward Mahiro, and seduce him after they become couple so the guilt of robbing best friend's lover can bring more pleasure to herself. ", "According to her, she can smell the scent of falling in love, and Mahiro has that scent, despite latter's denial. ", "She fights with her own spider silk, web, and poison; according to Nyaruko, she is not as strong as them, but dealing with her attack is troubling.", "\n\nOnly appears in the 2012 anime, Ghutatan comes to Earth from the planet Ghatanothoa for Mahiro to take care of her as if he were babysitting her. ", "She is kind of childish for an alien, as seen in episode 11 when the Nyarlathotepian trio chases Mahiro for her. ", "She has a butler named Roy Fooger the Lloigor. ", "It was revealed that in episode 12 that Lloigor has been using Mahiro so he can bring all of Earth's adult games into space, as Ghutatan has completed her purpose on Earth. ", "After Lloigor is destroyed, Mahiro and the Nyarlathotepian trio wish Ghutatan goodbye as she departs for Ghatanothoa.", "\n\n A Yithian who swaps bodies with Kurei to stop a group of extremists.", "\n\n A Yithian extremist who swaps bodies with Yoichi to capture all of Earth's entertainment.", "\n\n An alien from planet Ut'ulls-Hr'her who enters Earth illegally and has an obsession with Mahiro. ", "She is a fujoshi.", "\n\n A member of the Planetary Defense Organization's Dreamlands Management Division.", "\n\n Another member of the Planetary Defense Organization's Dreamlands Management Division.", "\n\nAntagonists\n\nA space smuggler. ", "He attempts to kidnap Mahiro, planning to use him to star in a yaoi film. ", "He sends nightgaunts to attack Mahiro while hiring Kūko as a bodyguard. ", "After he is defeated and reveals his true plan, Mahiro orders Nyaruko to \"destroy\" him. ", "Note that the name \"Nodens\" include any alien from Nodens, while this space smuggler is one of them.", "\n\nNyaruko's older brother. ", "He has great hatred and jealousy toward Nyaruko since she graduated from one of the best colleges in space as the best of her year, while he dropped out of a third-class college. ", "To seek revenge, he arrived on Earth and killed the gods in Dreamlands. ", "He is defeated by Nyaruko with Shantak-kun in her motorcycle form; in the novel he was run over multiple times in Dreamlands and later taken into custody by the Space Defence Agency; in the anime he is bumped on the leg and sent flying. ", "Nyaruko looks down on him as she calls him a \"wild Nyarlathotep\" rather than her brother in the story.", "\n\nGhutatan's butler who takes the alias of Roy Fogger. ", "He arrived on Earth for Mahiro to look after Ghutatan, but was later revealed that he was the one who hurt Ghutatan so Nyaruko can fight the monsters. ", "It is also revealed that he blocked the communication between Mahiro and Ghutatan, as seen in episode 11 of the 2012 anime. ", "He then turned out to be an evil monster as of the finale. ", "He wanted to bring all of Earth's entertainment, including eroge, but was unsuccessful and was defeated by Nyaruko.", "\n\n \n and Takamasa Ōhashi\nTwo deities who attack Celeano library in search of a book. ", "They are later revealed to be environmental extremists who simply want their organization to continue receiving funding by creating new endangered species to protect.", "\n\nA Cthughan who takes over Mahiro's school in an attempt to better understand Earth's analogue games.", "\n\nBoss Mi-Go\nThe leader of a group of Mi-Go that land in the Arctic Circle to mine Earth of all its resources. ", "His gang once trampled the Earth in the Mesozoic era. ", "He is shown to be quite clever, having planned for virtually every eventuality but is ultimately defeated by his convenient weakness to music.", "\n\nReception\n\nA series of interviews were done with the Japanese cast members in which they talked about the characters they voice. ", "In an interview done with Kana Asumi who plays Nyaruko, she stated that the favorite thing about her character was how she uses her whole body to express her love for Mahiro. ", "Eri Kitamura commented on how her favorite things about Mahiro are how he is earnest, and a Tsundere. ", "Miyu Matsuki commented on Kūko saying she liked how she is single minded, as well as cool and hot. ", "Rie Kugimiya also left a comment about Hasuta liking how he appears shy but is actually pushy.", "\n\nThe characters have also received outside reception from various anime/manga reviewers. ", "Aiden Foote from THEM Anime reviews commented on the first season saying Nyaruko \"deserved\" better side characters. ", "Mahiro was a big issue for Foote whom he said he wanted to punch in the face for being \"obnoxious and uselessly violent\". ", "LB Bryant from Japanator also did a review of the first season in which he called the characters \"over the top\" when it comes to love or hate to the point of them being disliked. ", "Travis Bruno from Capsule Computers gave both seasons reviews and praised the lead character Nyaruko for her personality calling her an \"amazing female lead\".", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n at 5pb. ", "\n\nNyaruko Crawling with Love" ]
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[ "Acute sheep poisoning from a copper sulfate footbath.", "\nAn outbreak of footrot occurred in a flock of Corriedale sheep; 27 animals were treated with antibiotic and footbathed in a 5% copper sulfate solution. ", "Being deprived of water for > 17 h, many sheep drank the footbath solution. ", "After 6 h 16 sheep became ill with acute copper poisoning, 10 animals died within 10 h; 6 were severely ill and were sent to Veterinary Hospital, and 4 had mild signs and recovered without treatment. ", "The sick sheep had anorexia, dullness, grinding teeth, moaning, rumen atony, dehydration, dark blue-green diarrheic feces and congested membranes. ", "They were treated with 3.4 mg tetrathiomolybdate/kg body weight and lactated Ringer's solution iv, oral molybdate, sulfate, kaolin and pectin, and drenched with antacids. ", "Two of the 6 sheep died during hospitalization. ", "The ingestion of copper solution caused an intense gastrointestinal injury that resulted in ulcers, petechial and echymotic hemorrhages in the mucosa, mild hemolysis detected by microscopic hemoglobinuria and a lowered packed cell volume, severe hepatic injury that raised the AST and gammaGT blood values, and moderate kidney lesions with increasing serum blood urea and nitrogen creatinine levels." ]
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[ "Man of the House by Chris Erskine\n\nA fall ritual kicks in\n\nCleats, doughnuts and bail money: Welcome to youth soccer\n\nSO HERE I AM, in my 17th season of AYSO, the Joe Paterno of youth soccer. ", "I am like one of those guys who marries the same woman three times, not realizing my mistake, thinking this go-around will somehow be different. \"", "Do you, Coach, take this team to drive you completely bonkers for the next three months, till death do you part?\"", "\n\n\"I do.\"", "\n\nOf course, I do. ", "How else would I spend a fall Saturday? ", "Sure, I find myself eyeing books unread. ", "Or fantasizing about a cool weekend on a warm couch, where saner men collapse and study their wives -- the constellations of their freckles, the laugh lines around their eyes.", "\n\nMe, I prefer coaching a monkey pen of 5-year-olds.", "\n\n\"Men,\" I tell my players, \"we need to talk.\"", "\n\nLet me describe this little team. ", "They seem to be constructed of spare IKEA parts, the stuff left over after you assemble the new coffee table.", "\n\nMost of them still have puppy breath, which they exhale through their mouths and ears. ", "Some of them breathe through their butts. ", "Trust me, if you've ever been in a huddle with a bunch of 5-year-old soccer players, you know what I mean.", "\n\n\"Men, we have the potential to be a great, great team,\" I say.", "\n\n\"We do?\" ", "asks one.", "\n\n\"Yes, we do,\" I say.", "\n\nThey nod and smile, not sure what to make of me, their coach, their Moses. ", "I am older than most of their houses. ", "I smell of cheap Dominican cigars and apparently give myself my own haircuts. ", "My clothes don't fit so great. ", "My face is always flushed. ", "To them, I am not unlike the clowns who entertain at birthday parties.", "\n\n\"Your dad is so funny,\" one player tells my son.", "\n\n\"I know,\" the little guy says. \"", "Some people don't like that.\"", "\n\nIt's too early to draw conclusions about our season. ", "So far, we've had a couple of practices, a couple of games, dozens of glazed doughnuts.", "\n\nLast weekend, we had some sort of opening ceremony at the Rose Bowl that was like Mardi Gras without the booze. ", "Somewhere, in the crush of 3,500 kids, we lost two of our players. ", "I'm pretty sure they'll turn up eventually.", "\n\nIn our defense, we had the players hold hands as we exited the giant stadium, in a row like ducklings, and still four of them almost wandered off toward a team of 7-year-old girls they'd been eyeing. ", "One of the many AYSO tenets is \"Don't lose the kids,\" so we quickly rounded them up and marched them to a spot where their parents could claim them, assuming they had a driver's license and a valid receipt.", "\n\nIt was a great morning, really. ", "The whole opening ceremony couldn't have taken more than a few hours.", "\n\nThen there are the games. ", "Ours resemble bar fights between teams of tiny choreographers, lots of slapping and kicking and crying. ", "We won our first brawl and split the second. ", "The cops were called, bond was set, we bailed them out. ", "The whole team is now on double-secret probation. ", "One more arrest and we're taking away their scholarships.", "\n\n\"There's a lot of talent out here,\" one of the dads tells me after the first game.", "\n\n\"Where?\" ", "I say.", "\n\nI think maybe he was talking about the wives. ", "The soccer moms. ", "Our moms are so tough they eat hockey moms for breakfast.", "\n\nSeriously, we have terrific moms, especially considering that they're getting about four hours of sleep a night now that school has started. ", "One of them, draped in infants and diaper bags and fatigue, showed up at the last practice with Froot Loops stuck to her fanny. ", "I was going to point this out, but I didn't want to embarrass her in front of the other frazzled moms, who can turn on you in an instant. ", "Grrrrrrrr.", "\n\nThen there are the dads, who stand along the sidelines in their Georgetown and Princeton T-shirts, undermining my authority at every turn. ", "When I scolded the players one day for their newfound habit of spontaneously bearhugging each other during practice, my own assistant said, \"Yeah, quit acting like you're 5.\"", "\n\nI just assumed he was talking to me.", "\n\nBy the way, while waiting for the opening day parade, we adopted the team motto, \"Yes, we are!\" ", "We like it because it is irrefutable, slightly droll and doesn't set the bar too high. ", "The last thing we need is for some overly excited parent to stroke out along the sideline. ", "Me, in particular.", "\n\n\"Yes, we are!\" ", "I shout as we show up for our third contest of the year.", "\n\nIt's a good motto that aspires to nothing. ", "At the end of the season, we hope to auction it off to a major airline." ]
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[ "Tuesday 10: Paleo Flavor Boosters\n\nI don’t know if it’s the 100-degree temps or merely general laziness, but I’ve been craving super simple meals lately: crisp green salads, grilled chicken, tuna salad with a pile of raw vegetables, hard-boiled eggs with Sunshine Sauce. ", "I want bright, fresh tastes that don’t require much more than chopping and piling on a plate.", "\n\nBut as those of us with a dark history of dieting know all too well that keeping it simple can sometimes wander dangerously close to boring. ", "And boring leads to binging. ", "That’s why it’s essential to amp up the flavor whenever possible, and a first step to that is understanding how our tasting mechanism works.", "\n\nThat’s a Japanese word, defined by Japanese scientist Dr. Kikunae Ikeda, who discovered this unique taste. ", "It’s based on the words uami (delicious or savory but not meaty) and mi (taste). ", "In practical terms, it’s that almost undefinable thing that makes certain foods so luscious. ", "Think about a Thai coconut curry and that little something extra underlying it all. ", "That’s the umami of the fish sauce. (", "Is it a coincidence that umami and yummy kinda sound the same? ", "I think not.)", "\n\nThis post includes fast, easy ideas for adding a Super Flavor Power Boost™ to ordinary ingredients. ", "By satisfying our desire for different flavors, we can eat healthful, tasty food that’s never dull.", "\n\nI know “creamy” isn’t a taste, but it is a sensation that I think adds to the pleasure and satisfaction of eating. ", "So my flavor graphic, technically incorrect but emotionally appropriate, looks like this:\n\nGood Finishing SaltWhen I’m playing in the kitchen, I usually use iodized sea salt during the cooking process, but at the end, when it’s time to “taste and adjust,” I like to finish with fancy salt: truffle salt, smoked salt, Jane’s Crazy Mixed Up Salt (which I used to eat on popcorn all the time, but now enjoy on steamed veg with coconut oil), or the Savory Spice Shop’s Ornate Onion Salt. ", "Try a pinch of flavorful salt on browned ground meat, grilled chicken or chops, and cooked veggies to instantly amp up the flavor. ", "And if you want to do a little kitchen alchemy, try this Citrus Salt recipe from 101cookbooks.", "\n\n2\n\nTomato PasteThat humble little can is packed with umami flavor. ", "Try this: Sauté onion in a little coconut oil. ", "When the onion is tender and translucent, add a clove of garlic and cook for 30 seconds, then add a tablespoon or two of tomato paste, frying it in the onion-y, garlicky oil for a minute. ", "Then add whatever seasonings you like — chili powder+cumin or ginger+Chinese five-spice powder or Ras el Hanout — and crumble in ground meat. ", "Cook ’til browned, place on top of a pile of veggies, and chow down.", "\n\n3\n\nCitrus JuiceNo matter what you’re eating, I bet it can be improved with a spritz of citrus juice. ", "Try it! ", "You’ll see! ", "Grilled chicken and broccoli? ", "Ho-hum. ", "Grilled chicken and broccoli and a spritz of lemon juice? ", "YUM! ", "But don’t put yourself in lemon jail; limes and oranges are badass flavor boosters, too. ", "Lime is particularly good with Mexican flavors: cilantro, chili powder, cumin. ", "Orange is nice with Asian (five-spice powder, ginger) and Middle Eastern (orange + cumin + parsley = profound deliciousness). ", "Want to be even bolder? ", "Sure you do! ", "Grate a little of the zest over your plate of instant WOW.", "\n\n4\n\nOils or Homemade MayoSometimes it’s not about spicing things up so much as making them luscious. ", "Even half a teaspoon of flavorful oil like high-quality extra-virgin olive oil, drizzled over a plate of meat and veggies transforms them from “ingredients” to “meal.” ", "Rather than cooking with a lot of fat in my food, I reserve my fats for flavoring on top where I can enjoy the tastes the most. ", "A tiny drizzle of sesame oil instantly makes Chinese food taste more like the eat-it-from-the-takeout-carton restaurant food I don’t enjoy any more — and a dollop of homemade mayo on top of a hot-from-the-grill chicken breast tastes decadent. ", "TRICK! ", "It’s really healthy. ", "Neener.", "\n\n5\n\nCrushed GarlicHere’s a trick I learned from Cook’s Illustrated: put a little fat — coconut oil, ghee, extra-virgin olive oil, whatever you like — in a pan, along with 1-2 crushed garlic cloves. ", "Turn the heat to low. (", "I know! ", "I usually crank it up to high, but I’m learning restraint.) ", "Let the garlic and fat hang out together for 10 minutes or so, ’til the garlic is tender and mellow, then spoon over whatever meat and veg are making a guest appearance on your plate.", "\n\n6\n\nChopped ChivesThis is my secret weapon when my plate looks like it might be boring. ", "I use dried chopped chives from Penzeys — Don’t judge! ", "I hate gardening. — ", "on everything from fried eggs to hard-boiled eggs to broccoli to cucumber salad. ", "I have never eaten a vegetable or meat that was not improved by the application of chives. (", "For Asian food, I usually use the thinly-sliced, green tops of scallions instead because they’re bolder.)", "\n\n7\n\nFresh HerbsForget the sad sprig of parsley used as garnish on the side of the plate! ", "Grab a handful of fresh parsley, mince it, and throw it with abandon over the top of whatever you’re eating. ", "It’s an instant picker-upper, kind of like the right red lipstick or a coat of mascara. ", "Suddenly, everything is brighter, fresher, and more attractive.", "\n\n8\n\nCoconut Aminos (or homemade substitute)If you use the recipes from my site or Well Fed, you’re familiar with coconut aminos in Asian-influenced dishes, but they’re also a good stand in for Worcestershire sauce in other recipes — anytime you need a dark, salty, underlying flavor. ", "Don’t be afraid to splash a little into soups and egg or tomato dishes to deepen the flavor.", "\n\n9\n\nToasted CoconutSo easy and instantly makes a plate feel exotic and tropical. ", "Heat a non-stick pan over medium-high heat, then throw in a handful of unsweetened coconut. ", "Stir, stir, stir until it’s toasted, then season generously with salt. ", "Sprinkle the coconut over curries, grilled meat, cooked veg… whatever.", "\n\nSmoked salt? ", "How did I not know this existed?! ", "I haven’t quite gotten hooked on coconut aminos yet, they’re ok. ", "I do love a drizzle of sesame oil, and probably will try walnut and avocado oil also Many of the other things on the list I can’t eat for other reasons (citrus/tomato, garlic, anything hot/spicy). ", "🙁 Enjoying my homegrown basil, just moved it to a larger pot, and and my lettuce is trying to take over the planet! (", "or at least my front porch)\n\nI can’t imagine a world where Coconut Aminos doesn’t exist….seriously it keeps me up at night thinking about it which then causes me to buy 10 bottles the next time I’m at WholeFoods just in case a shortage occurs 🙂\n\nCurse you, Melissa, for writing about truffle salt. ", "I bought a jar of the brand you recommended and it now haunts my dreams. ", "And my cupboard. ", "The aroma is so intense it invaded my bottle of vitamin D capsules, so now my vitamin D tastes like truffles. ", "I love it.", "\n\nI’m the third generation in my family that’s addicted to Jane’s Crazy Salt. ", "My grandmother would salt the bowl of salad so it was wilted by the time we ate it, but it was still good. ", "My mom shakes it on all sorts of meats, and I have a shaker in my kitchen, one in my desk and there’s the one I sent to work with my boyfriend. ", "Herbamare is also great and can be found at many health/natural food stores and Whole Foods.", "\n\nHi Mel just found your site today and made the homemade mayo for the first time! ", "It turned out perfect. ", "A hint for helping the oil pour slowly is to put in in a biking bottle with the top on the oil just drizzles out real slow!", "\n\nThanks for the suggestions! ", "I love using the tomato paste idea with the italian seasoning in your book…add some meat and julienned zucchini/butternut squash, delish!", "\n\nOn an unrelated note….I made the bora bora fireballs last night. ", "I ate a couple after I made them and they were so so for me….today however, delish! ", "I think these are awesome after a night in the refrigerator and then toasted again. ", "Yummy! ", "I will definitely make it again!", "\n\nI often feel like I’ve tried everything out there. ", "It’s so great to be reminded how wrong I am about that. ", "Thank you. ", "I also tend to forget I have something until I see someone else talk about it and remember. ", "So, thanks again. ", "These are delightful suggestions.", "\n\nSad news… Savory is discontinuing their Ornate Onion Salt. ", "They’ve built themselves a test kitchen and are developing new mixes as we speak… but they don’t have an alternative onion salt lined up (that my saleslady knew of).", "\n\nWonderful flavor hints … I’m starting to branch out into “finishing” flavors, too, because with ancestral eating there’s so much repetition, and finishing stuff with flavor is easier than cooking complex, fussy stuff. ", "The Flavor Bible is also excellent.", "\n\nI am going to give you something, from one popcorn lover to another. ", "Haven’t seen this anywhere else, but IT WORKS for the popcorn craving. ", "I toast up some coconut chips ’til they’re golden brown and crispy. ", "Do not burn them. ", "🙂\nToss them in a bowl with melted ghee, and salt generously. ", "Eat immediately, with a spoon. ", "Close eyes and imagine MOVIE POPCORN! ", "It zaps the craving, and is way more filling than actual popcorn. ", "The coconut flavor harks back to the day when coconut oil was used for movie popcorn, before it was banned as too unhealthy.", "\n\nThank you. ", "This is such a great post. ", "I don’t have this talent, so I am learning. ", "I recently switched to sea salt and what a difference, I had no idea! ", "I am collecting spices now from your list, a little at a time.", "\n\nI have heard from the rumor-mill that the vast majority of grocery store-bought olive oil has supplemental oils (PUFA oils, ack!) ", "in it as well…and I have noticed that there are no ingredient labels on the bottles for me to check….any truth to this? ", "On another note, my issue with making mayo with olive oil/blender method is that it is super bitter in the end…sad face. ", "What am I doing wrong? ", "I have heard a mix of bacon and walnut oil is do-able…thoughts?", "\n\nI read that article, too — basically, I buy high-quality extra-virgin olive oil and hope for the best. ", "I mean, at some point, I just have to eat, ya know what I mean?!", "\n\nAs for mayo, you MUST use light-tasting olive oil, or it tastes terrible. ", "Extra-virgin doesn’t work. ", "If you’re concerned about the olive oil, you can use avocado oil for mayo instead, but it’s quite expensive.", "\n\nI’ve used bacon fat for mayo, and you just have to be careful about your ratio of bacon fat to other fat because the bacon fat is saturated, so when you store it in the fridge, it gets really solid if there’s too much bacon fat relative to the other fat(s).", "\n\nSometimes, if I get a little carried away with the dry mustard in my mayo it gets bitter. ", "Maybe try cutting back on that a little?", "\n\nThese look wonderful! ", "I grew up in a Hamburger Helper family (that was the “delicious” food in my house,) and I have an autistic daughter that I have to cook from scratch for now, so your book and blog are going to be staples for us here. ", "Any advice on how to flavor a puree of cooked meat and boiled veggies? ", "I have to puree for my kiddo who can’t chew. ", "It always comes out bland unless I use a possibly iffy broth from a bouillon cube, which is a no-no these days. ", "Help!!!!!!", "\n\nI have been experimenting with a few of the recipes in your book and have been enjoying them thus far. ", "I love that you offer suggestions for alternative versions of the recipes. ", "I’m not confident in the kitchen (yet!) ", "so I always feel like I have to follow a recipe exactly or everything will fall apart! ", "I had never heard of coconut aminos and I’m interested in trying it out. ", "Do you have a specific brand that you recommend? ", "I don’t think I saw a recommendation in the book, but I may have missed it…\n\nThanks for your awesome cookbook! ", "I have used your recipes online but its a lot harder for me to use the computer these days as I have kids that like to pound on the keys whenever I’m using it!", "\n\nAffiliates\n\nSERIOUS BUSINESS\n\nPAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE:\nTo support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or links to products or services from this blog. ", "This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to amazon.com... but it doesn't cost you anything extra. ", "How cool is that?!" ]
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[ "The major aims of this research project are: (a) evaluate the method of biofeedback treatment for TMJ pain, (b) investigate the etiology of TMJ pain, (c) investigate the physiological and psychological changes associated with treatment of TMJ pain and (d) evaluate the effects of motivation on the success of treatment." ]
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[ "May 2020 Baja Bulletin\n\nCOVID-19 Updates for Baja California\n\n-The U.S.-Mexico land borders will remain closed at least until May 19, 2020. ", "U.S. Citizens and Canadian Citizens have been allowed to cross back north into the U.S.\n\n-The Mexican government has declared a state of emergency with all non-essential businesses closed and non-essential activities banned throughout the country until May 30, 2020.", "\n\n-Hotels, resorts, time shares, and home rentals throughout Mexico have been closed since April 5, 2020. ", "There are a few accommodations along the peninsula that have been permitted to operate at limited capacity for essential travel.", "\n\n-Some of the California/Baja land borders are now operating on reduced hours. ", "The following are the current hours for border crossings:\nSan Ysidro: open 24 hours\n(PedWest is closed but PedEast remains open 24 hours)\nOtay Mesa: open 6am-10pm\nTecate: 5am-2pm daily\nCalexico West: open 24 hours\nCalexico East: open 6am-2pm\nAndrade: open 6am-2pm\n\n-For Emergency Assistance for U.S. citizens in Mexico, call 55-8526-2561 from Mexico or 1-844-528-6611 from the United States. ", "The U.S. Embassy in Mexico has put together a COVID-19 webpage or you can follow them on Facebook for updates.", "\n\nDiscover Baja Membership Promo & Gift Cards\n\nFor the month of May, Discover Baja is offering members 18 months of membership for the usual annual rate of $39. ", "That’s 18 months of membership for the price of 12. ", "Members who renew for two years will receive a third year for free. ", "Your membership does not have to be renewing this month in order for you to take advantage of this offer. ", "We’re also selling Discover Baja gift cards which can be used toward membership, insurance, or books/maps from DBTC. ", "Please call us at 800-727-2252 to take advantage of either of these offers.", "\n\nYahoo Email Addresses\n\nThe Discover Baja insurance renewal system has been unable to deliver mail to Yahoo email addresses. ", "If you have a Yahoo email address on file with us, it’s possible that you are not receiving your reminder emails for membership and insurance renewals. ", "If you have another type of email address you could use instead, please let us know by calling the office at 800-727-2252.", "\n\nNew 20 Peso Coin\n\nMexico has released a new 20 peso coin into circulation and will be phasing out the 20 peso bill. ", "The new coin has 12 sides and celebrates the 500th anniversary of the founding of Veracruz. ", "One side of the coin depicts the original Veracruz town hall and the other side of the coin features Mexico’s coat of arms, as all Mexican coins do.", "\n\nAssisting Baja During COVID-19\n\nBaja Californian families have been deeply affected by COVID-19. ", "There are a number of charities providing relief programs to help the region during this time and we encourage you to help if you are able.", "\n\nProject Mercy Baja\nProject Mercy Baja is a non-profit that builds houses for those in need in the Tijuana/Tecate areas of Baja California. ", "They need assistance raising funds to purchase materials for construction. ", "You can find out more on the Project Mercy Baja website and can donate by going to their GoFundMe campaign.", "\n\nEnsenada Rotary Clubs\nFive Rotary Clubs in Ensenada have banded together to help raise funds to assist with COVID-19 needs. ", "The funds will help to purchase PPE for medical personnel at the General Hospital in Ensenada and will also help to give food to families in need who were affected by COVID-19. ", "You can find out more on their Facebook page or donate on their Moneypool platform.", "\n\nInternational Community Foundation\nICF is working to help families in Mexico who have been deprived of income, food, and access to health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. ", "ICF’s local nonprofit partners will distribute the funds to address these critical needs of the communities in the form of food baskets, medical and hygiene supplies, and support for first responders. ", "You can learn more and make a donation on the ICF website." ]
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[ "Genotyping-by-Sequencing Analysis for Determining Population Structure of Finger Millet Germplasm of Diverse Origins.", "\nFinger millet [ (L.) Gaertn.] ", "is grown mainly by subsistence farmers in arid and semiarid regions of the world. ", "To broaden its genetic base and to boost its production, it is of paramount importance to characterize and genotype the diverse gene pool of this important food and nutritional security crop. ", "However, as a result of nonavailability of the genome sequence of finger millet, the progress could not be made in realizing the molecular basis of unique qualities of the crop. ", "In the present investigation, attempts have been made to characterize the genetically diverse collection of 113 finger millet accessions through whole-genome genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), which resulted in a genome-wide set of 23,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) segregating across the entire collection and several thousand SNPs segregating within every accession. ", "A model-based population structure analysis reveals the presence of three subpopulations among the finger millet accessions, which are in parallel with the results of phylogenetic analysis. ", "The observed population structure is consistent with the hypothesis that finger millet was domesticated first in Africa, and from there it was introduced to India some 3000 yr ago. ", "A total of 1128 gene ontology (GO) terms were assigned to SNP-carrying genes for three main categories: biological process, cellular component, and molecular function. ", "Facilitated access to high-throughput genotyping and sequencing technologies are likely to improve the breeding process in developing countries, and as such, this data will be very useful to breeders who are working for the genetic improvement of finger millet." ]
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[ "In fact, the last post that I wrote was meant to be this one. ", "However, as I worked through the process of creating a custom UI, I found that the setup of Compass compilation for ExtJS 4 might have some *gotchas* that could trip people up (like me), so I decided to start from the beginning, get a solid foundation, and now move on to the actual fun stuff.", "\n\nOk? ", "Good? ", "On we go!", "\n\nWhat We’re Going to Make\n\nIn this walkthrough, we’re going to try to accomplish a few things.", "\n\nObjective #1: I want to show how it’s perfectly possible (maybe preferable?) ", "to mix custom UIs with the stylesheets/images/etc. ", "of the “default” ExtJS 4 theme. ", "In this particular example, we’re going to create a custom Ext.", "ProgressBar UI.", "\n\nObjective #2: We’re also going to create a custom stylesheet that produces only the minimum of what we need for the “application” we’re going to build. ", "So instead of having a monster ext-all.css file that includes ALL the styles for the entire library, we’re going to pare down our final stylesheet to only the bare bones of what we need.", "\n\nObjective #3: We’re going to use the SDK’s “slice” tool to create “backup” images for old, crappy browsers that don’t support CSS3 goodness like background gradients and borde-radius.", "\n\nBTW, I want to be completely up front about this. ", "Nothing I’m doing here is “new” to me. ", "The basic structure of what we’ll be doing is shamelessly stolen from the Theming Guide on Sencha’s website. ", "I wanted to walk through the process, though, a bit more in depth with screenshots, code snippets, and real examples, just so any trip-ups can be explained and dealt with along the way.", "\n\nLet’s Get Started\n\nIn what follows, I’ll be using the structure that we setup in the last post on this subject. ", "Obviously, you can flex it to suit your needs; however, if you want to follow along step-by-step, be sure to take care of that first. ", "If you’d like some source code, grab it on GitHub.", "\n\nOnce you’ve got these set up, go ahead a open your file in the browser. ", "You should see a fancy blue panel, which contains a fancy blue animated progress bar.", "\n\nNow that we have something that’s working, let’s get down to styling the darn thing!", "\n\nOk, the first thing we’re going to do is to make a copy of our “my-ext-all.scss” file with the playground/extjs/resources/custom folder. ", "Since we’re making a custom Ext.", "ProgressBar UI, I’m going to call this new file “progress.scss” (if you can’t tell, I’m a sucker for originality). ", "Since our config.rb file was working as expected in our last walkthrough, it’s fine how it is; no need for us to mess with it anymore.", "\n\nNow, open up progress.scss. ", "At the very top, you’ll see a variable called $include-default. ", "If it’s not already, set it to false. ", "This tells the compiler to NOT include the entire all components in our final .css file. ", "Also, setting this to false will allow us more granularly specify exactly what components we want to include (see Objective #2 above).", "\n\nMoving on down the file, we’ll come to a section that has a list of all the components. ", "It should look something like this:\n\nIf we leave this as is, the compiler is going to pull in all of the style rules for these components into our stylesheet. ", "However, since we’re only using 2 of them (panel and progress bar), let’s get rid of the others.", "\n\nThe final list should look like this:\n\n@include extjs-panel;\n@include extjs-progress;\n\nAwesome. ", "Ok, the final line in our progress.scss file is the variable $relative-image-paths-for-uis, and is set to true. ", "I’ll leave the note for you to read, but let’s leave its value as true.", "\n\n// Unless you want to include all components, you must set $include-default to false\n// IF you set this to true, you can also remove lines 10 to 38 of this file\n$include-default: false;@import 'compass';@import 'ext4/default/all';\n// You may remove any of the following modules that you\n// do not use in order to create a smaller css file.", "\n@include extjs-progress;@include extjs-panel;\n// This line changes the location of your images when creating UIs to be relative instead of within the ExtJS directory.", "\n// You MUST set this to true/string value if you are creating new UIs + supporting legacy browsers.", "\n// This only applies to new UIs. ", "It does not apply to default component images (i.e. when changing $base-color)\n// The value can either be true, in which case the image path will be \"../images/\"\n// or a string, of where the path is\n$relative-image-path-for-uis: true; // defaults to \"../images/\" when true\n\nBefore moving on, let’s go ahead an compile. ", "I want to show that while we haven’t actually done any style customization yet, we can reduce the size of our CSS file by only including the components we need.", "\n\nTo compile, navigate to the custom folder and execute the compass compile command. ", "Once this completes successfully, you should see a new CSS file in the playground/extjs/resources/css folder called progress.css.", "\n\nNow go back to your progress.html file and change the stylesheet link to point to this new CSS file. ", "Reload the page. ", "If everything compiled correctly, you shouldn’t notice any difference. ", "However, if you look at the progress.css file itself, you’ll notice that it’s quite a bit lighter than the full ext-all.css. ", "Yay, we did it Objective #2 is complete!", "\n\nGet on with the Custom UI Already!", "\n\nYeah, I know, we’ve gone through a lot of background stuff. ", "However, I think it’s important. ", "After all, you don’t want to spend a bunch of time creating custom UIs if your .scss file’s basic structure won’t compile correctly. ", "So I strongly advocate verifying that each step is working correctly before moving on. ", "But since we’ve already done that, let’s get to some styling!", "\n\nAs with creating a custom toolbar UI in Sencha Touch, a great place to start with creating our custom ProgressBar UI is to figure out what the “mixin” for the ProgressBar UI looks like, what arguments it takes, etc. ", "This will allow us to fully maximize the customization that we make in our custom UI.", "\n\nTo inspect the ProgressBar UI mixin, we can simply navigate to the following:\n\nIn the above, I’m creating a new progress bar UI called “lime.” ", "I set a custom variable for the base-color I want to use, and then simply specify the colors that I’d like for the background, border, text, etc.", "\n\nOnce everything looks good, it’s time to compile. ", "Now that my newly compiled CSS file has the “lime” ui for my progress bar, all that’s left is to apply the UI to the progress bar itself:\n\nIn playground/js/progress.js:\n\nvar p = Ext.create('Ext.", "ProgressBar', {\nmargin: 50,\nui: 'lime'\n});\n\nOnce I save this, I should be able to reload my HTML page, and see a beautiful lime green progress bar inside of the default blue themed panel.", "\n\nUsing this approach, we could create as many UIs as we’d like, simply adding similar snippets to our progress.scss file and recompiling when ready to use them.", "\n\nAh, But We Couldn’t Get This Far WIthout a Gotcha…\n\nYes, indeed. ", "Even though we’ve successfully compiled our custom CSS file with a custom progress bar UI, there’s one slight problem…depending on how you look at it, at least. ", "What’s the issue?", "\n\nPop open your progress.css file that you just compiled. ", "If you go all the way to the end of it, you’ll see this style rule:\n\nNotice the background-image with “lime” in its name. ", "Now, if you go to that path, guess what you’ll find? ", "You’ll find a progress-default-bg-gif file, but no progress-lime-bg.gif file. ", "What gives?", "\n\nWell, because ExtJS is a thoroughly committed cross-browser framework, the theming tools automatically create style rules to accomodate old, crappy browsers like < IE9. ", "So for example, since older versions of IE don’t support background gradients and rounded corners in pure CSS. ", "ExtJS 4’s stylesheets achieve the same effect through background images.", "\n\nTherefore, when you create a custom UI, the compilation automatically provides a rule to a theoretical image that you will create, and even handily names it according to your theme.", "\n\nAt this point, you might feel hoodwinked. ", "After all, who wants to be bothered with creating images for background gradients and rounded corners? ", "Not me, for sure. ", "And if you really don’t care, just skip it. ", "However, if you need to finish out this process, the SDK fortunately has one more tool that will make this ridiculously easy…and you’ll never have to open Photoshop, not even once.", "\n\nSencha Slicing Tool\n\nSorry, the Sencha Slicing Tool won’t give you finely shaved roast beef (I tried…). ", "However, it will help you create the “helper” images to support your theme in outdated browsers. ", "Here’s how we do it.", "\n\nThe first step is that you have to create a “manifest” of your UIs and the components to which they correspond. ", "This basically allows the Slicing Tool to determine precisely which images it needs to create based on the type of component, the parameters of your UI, etc.", "\n\nThe manifest is a simple JSON file. ", "I added mine into the playground/extjs/resources/custom folder, right along side my custom .scss file.", "\n\nNothing to it. ", "We simply define the component’s xtype, as well as the label of our custom UI that we’re going to use for it.", "\n\nIf you don’t know the “xtype” for the component you’re using, the easy way to find out is to look up the component in the documentation. ", "Next to the class’ name, you’ll see the xtype.", "\n\nNow for the fun part. ", "Open up Terminal, and navigate to the root of your project.", "\n\nNow, we need to execute the proper command with the appropriate arguments in order to allow the SDK to do its magic. ", "First, here’s the full string I used. ", "Assuming you have the same setup, it should work without issue:\n\n-d extjs : -d is for the directory of ExtJS. ", "In our case, this is “extjs”, relative to our root directory\n\n-c …progress.css : -c is for the path to the CSS file which will be used in the Slicing process\n\n-o …default : the path to the main “theme” images folder. ", "Since our CSS is already pointing to the “default” theme’s images folder, that’s where we want the new image(s) created by the Slicing tool to go\n\n-m …manifest.json: -m is for the path to the manifest.json file we created, which will tell the Slicing tool what kinds of images it needs to be creating, based on the custom UIs that we’ve specified\n\n-v : this simply instructs the program to give us a listing of the images that its creating\n\nAlright, good to go. ", "Let’s run the command. ", "You should see something like the following:\n\nAs you’ll notice, the tool has generated a new image, and saved it to the location we specified. ", "If we go back and look now, we’ll see that we now have two images in our folder.", "\n\n…And with that, we’re done. ", "Objective #3 complete!", "\n\nWrapping Up\n\nIf you’ve been following along this and the previous posts on theming ExtJS 4 and Sencha Touch, I hope you’re catching on to just how powerful the theming possibilities are. ", "Sure, it can take a few minutes to get setup…but once you are set up, making remarkable changes to your application’s theme is dead simple. ", "As we’ve only just scratched the surface of what can be done, I hope you’ll continue to explore.", "\n\nTo answer your question, the new lime green bar does have a gradient (if you inspect the .x-progress-lime .x-progress-bar in Firebug/DevTools, you’ll see that it’s using a background-gradient). ", "I think because of how light the base color already is, the gradient is just more subtle than it is with the dark blue.", "\n\nAnd the best part is that with the mixin, you could easily adjust this if needed.", "\n\nI was going through your tutorial and found an error, I believe, in your first code snippet. ", "In the declaration of the progress bar variable you use “p” but then do a .wait call on “pb” and add “pb” to the items array for the panel. ", "I changed the initial variable declaration from “p” to “pb” and all is good.", "\n\nNo trackbacks yet.", "\n\nYesterday, I was helping someone figure out how to add a custom, complex editor for use in a ExtJS Property Grid. ", "The Anatomy of a Property Grid For some context, a Property Grid is like an editable grid, but instead of editing rows of data, you use a grid like interface to edit the properties…\n\nIf you’ve been following along the last few posts, you’ve seen how it’s relatively simple to set up your local development environment to leverage global library assets to create ExtJS 4 applications. ", "What you’ve probably also noticed is that there are a number of configurations (some one-time, others per-application) that need to be implemented before…\n\nOver the last several months, I’ve been incredibly lucky to be able to work with ExtJS 4 on a daily basis. ", "And I’m not just talking about dabbling here and there; rather, I mean developing a full-on legit application. ", "It’s been awesome. ", "As I’ve been building this application, I’ve developed a TON of custom, reusable…\n\nRecently, I’ve been concentrating a lot on theming for Sencha Touch. ", "If you’ve read much of what I’ve posted, you know that I really love how the framework is put together, and think the SASS-y mode of custom theming is just awesome. ", "Of course, ExtJS 4 has many of the same theming features, and a…\n\nDuring the course of developing your Sencha Touch app, you will inevitably get around to theming…after all, while the default styles are nice, they don’t exactly scream individuality. ", "Fortunately, Sencha Touch makes theming ridiculously easy, and there are a lot of resources available to help with getting started with that. ", "But let’s talk about a…\n\nIn a blog post I ran across recently, someone was trying to intercept the closure of a window via the “X” icon in the top right corner. ", "The idea was to be able to run additional processing before closing the window (such as confirming save/cancel of data, resetting a form, updating a record, or whatever…\n\nIn ExtJS 4, you can do some pretty powerful stuff inside your controllers using ComponentQuery. ", "In the following example, I have a simple grid panel view, and I’m using ComponentQuery in my controller to handle itemcontextmenu events within the grid: views/Bookmarks.js Ext.define(“ME.view.bookmarks.", "List”, { extend: “Ext.grid.", "Panel”, alias: “widget.bookmarks”, store: “Bookmarks”, scroll: “vertical”, title: “My Bookmarks”, initComponent:…\n\nRecently, I’ve been working pretty furiously on the rewrite of Gloss, my first serious ExtJS application. ", "I wrote Gloss in ExtJS 3, but wanted to give it a much-needed overhaul now that ExtJS 4 is out. ", "One of the more useful features of Gloss (well, I think it is at least) is the search functionality.…", "\n\nOk, so a lot of posts I make are not so much about “hey, look at this cool thing I figured out” as much as it is saving a reminder of myself for how to do something when I inevitably forget it later on So for today’s example, the problem I was having was how…" ]
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[ "Her Greatest Hits (Jo Stafford album)\n\nHer Greatest Hits is a 2008 compilation album of songs recorded by American artist Jo Stafford. ", "This album, released by JSP on January 8, 2008, features over 100 of Stafford's recordings.", "\n\nTrack listing\nDisc #1\n\n Crazy Rhythm\t\t \t\n Piggy Wiggy Woo\t\t \t\n In a Little Spanish Town\t\t \t\n What Is This Thing Called Love\t\t \t\n What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry\t\t \t\n My! ", "My!", "\t\t \t\n Funny Little Pedro\t \t\n You've Got Me This Way\t\t \t\n For You\t\t \t\n Yes, Indeed!", "\t\t \t\n Swingin' on Nothin'''\t\t \t\n It Isn't a Dream Anymore\t\t \t\n Embraceable You\t\t \t\n The Night We Called It a Day\t\t \t\n Blues in the Night\t\t \t\n Manhattan Serenade\t \t\n Snooty Little Cutie\t\t \t\n Old Acquaintance\t\t \t\n Pistol Packin' Mama\t\t \t\n Jamboree Jones\t\t \t\n Long Ago (and Far Away)\t\t \t\n Mairzy Doats\t\t \t\n The Trolley Song\t\t \t\n Tumbling Tumbleweeds\t\t \t\n Converstation While DancingDisc #2\n\t\t \t \n Blue Moon\t\t \t\n Baby Won't You Please Come Home\t\t \t\n Bakery Blues\t\t \t\n Carry Me Back to Old Virginia\t\t \t\n I'll Be Seeing You\t \t\n Alone Together\t\t \t\n When Our Hearts Were Young and Gay\t\t \t\n3 Gee, It's Good to Hold You\t \t\n Haunted Heart\t\t \t\n Tallahassee\t\t \t\n Georgia on My Mind\t \t\n (I'll Be With You) In Apple Blossom Time\t \t\n Smilin' Through\t\t \t\n Smoke Dreams\t\t \t\n Tim-Tayshun\t\t \t\n Prisoner of Love Song\t\t \t\n Passing By\t \t\n Feudin' and A-Fightin'\t\t \t\n Serenade of the Bells\t\t \t\n The Gentleman Is a Dope\t\t \t\n He's Gone Away Autumn in New York\t \t\n Smoke Gets in Your Eyes\t\t \t\n Say Something Sweet to Your Sweetheart\t\t \t\n Girls Were Made to Take Care of Boys\t\t \t\n Tea for Two\t\n\nDisc #3\n\t \t \n Smiles\t\t \t\n Whispering Hope\t\t \t\n Simple Melody\t\t \t\n Goodnight Irene\t\t \t\n Autumn Leaves\t\t \t\n La Vie en Rose\t\t \t\n No Other Love\t\t \t\n The Handsome Stranger\t\t \t\n A Friend of Johnny's\t\t \t\n It is No Secret\t\t \t\n Tennessee Waltz\t\t \t\n My Heart Cries for You\t\t \t\n San Antonio Rose\t\t \t\n With These Hands\t\t \t\n Pretty Eyed Baby\t \t\n Allentown Jail\t\t \t\n Star of Hope\t\t \t\n Shrimp Boats\t\t \t\n Kissin' Bug Boogie\t \t\n Heaven Drops Her Curtain Down\t\t \t\n There's a Small Hotel\t\t \t\n A-Round the Corner\t \t\n As You Desire Me\t\t \t\n Hawaiian War Chant\t\t \t\n Raminay!", "\t\t \t\n You Belong to Me\t\t \t\n Early Autumn\t \t\n Jambalaya \t\n Without My Lover\t\n\nDisc #4\n\t \t \n Smoking My Sad Cigarette\t\t \t\n If I Were a Bell\t \t\n Just Another Polka\t\t \t\n Basin Street Blues\t\t \t\n Make Love to Me\t\t \t\n Indiscretion\t\t \t\n One Love Forever\t\t \t\n The Temple of an Understand Heart\t\t \t\n Teach Me Tonight\t\n Darling, Darling, Darling\t \t\n I Only Have Eyes for You\t\t \t\n I Got a Sweetie\t\t \t\n Suddenly There's a Valley\t\t \t\n The Nearness of You\t\t \t\n Moonlight in Vermont\t\t \t\n Big D\t\t \t\n Warm All Over \t\n Wouldn't It Be Lovely\t\t \t\n With a Little Bit of Luck\t \t\n Flow Gently Sweet Afton\t \t\n Annie Laurie\t\t \t\n The Gypsy in My Soul\t\t \t\n But Not for Me\t\t \t\n Bells Are Ringing\t\t \t\n On London Bridge\t\t \t\n The King of Paris Black out the Moon\t\t \t\n St. Louis Blues#''\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:2007 greatest hits albums\nCategory:Jo Stafford compilation albums" ]
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[ "Sageria\n\nSageria is a genus of fungi in the family Helotiaceae. ", "The genus contains xx species.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Helotiaceae" ]
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[ "Welcome! ", "We are an Open adoption family with 5 kids via open adoption and 2 homegrown kids as well- all are Miracles to us! ", "This is our way to journal and share our adventures and musings to help other understand what OPEN ADOPTION looks like to us. ", "Please Check out the other awesome families, who are hoping to adopt, on our side bar!", "\n\nOur Family ~ Nov 2017\n\nTuesday, March 8, 2011\n\nback in the saddle again...\n\nYep, I'm once again clearing out ALL my supplies and goods from my Boutique business and the last bits of stuff are on my ETSY store. ", "So, if you missed it- you get this last time to check it out. ", "I don't have many things posted at the moment but, You will see the rest of what i have left appear sooner than later. ", "And Honestly, I can't wait till it's all gone. ", "I really did have a ton of supplies that i needed to USE up and re-coup some of what i had invested into it. ", "It was a great 5 years and i had fun but, now it's on to better and more important things!", "\n\nI'm sure i will make all these goodies for our future children and for gifts for others- I'm just done with the business side of it all! ", "Thanks to all who supported me while i was in it though! ", "And snag stuff while I still have it!", "\n\nBrandon and Corrine\n\nWelcome to Our Blog!", "\n\nBrandon loses his voice at basketball games, owns a real estate business, his own bowling shoes and ball, camps, fly fishes and loves to play with the kids! ", "Corrine bakes up a storm, busts out back flips, does photography, hot yoga, sewing, singing and dances around the house like a nut, with the kids! ", "We are a lively, open couple with a passion for all that we do!", "\n\nWe hope this blog gives you and idea of who we are and some insight to ?", "'s you might have. ", "Our family is missing someone and we are always open to welcome another child/ren into our family and all the wonderful people they come with , through adoption but, know that there are so many wonderful and deserving couples who are waiting as well. ", "Our desire is to know that God's plan is being fulfilled and that ALL our children make it to our family- no matter how they come here. ", "We love Open Adoption and We will see where God takes our growing family and are optimistic for the future. ", "Thanks for taking the time to read our blog and consider our family. ", "We are praying & waiting for not just any child/ren but, for the RIGHT ones to come into our lives!", "\n\nHave a ? ", "or want to know more about us:Contact us at corrine.ccbabyinc@gmail.comwe will give you our # over email!" ]
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[ "Allergic rhinitis in Rosa domescena cultivators: a novel type of occupational allergy?", "\nAfter the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis due to Rosa domescena was suspected in one subject with skin prick and nasal provocation tests, we recruited all other workers employed in rose cultivation in Yakaören village, Isparta. ", "From May 2000 to July 2000 (exposure period 'time of rose handling'), we studied 600 individuals employed in rose cultivation. ", "A questionnaire was administered by a physician, and skin testing was done by a nurse on 75 individuals suffering from asthma and/or rhinitis. ", "Sera from these 75 subjects were available for immunologic testing. ", "The diagnosis of atopy against rose was based on the presence of work-related symptoms, positive skin prick test (SPT) with rose extracts, and positive RAST. ", "While no subject reported asthmatic symptoms, twenty of them reported either rhino-conjunctivitis, rhinitis or both on exposure to Rosa domescena. ", "Fourteen of these subjects had increased specific IgE levels to Rosa domescena. ", "Eleven (78.5%) also had a positive skin reaction to Rosa domescena. ", "Out of the six negative sera with normal specific IgE levels to rose, only two (33.3%) had positive skin reactivity. ", "No subject had significant daily peak expiratoy flow rate (PEFR) variations. ", "We conclude that exposure to Rosa domescena may represent a risk for allergic rhinitis. ", "The possibility of an occupational rose allergy should therefore be taken into consideration in the subjects working in rose cultivation." ]
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[ "Radiofrequency (RF) ablation is a treatment modality that kills unwanted tissue by heat. ", "Starting with cardiac arrhythmia treatment in the 1980s, RF ablation has found clinical application in a number of diseases, and is now the treatment of choice for certain types of cardiac arrhythmia, and certain cancers. ", "During RF ablation, an electrode is inserted into proximity with the target region under medical imaging guidance. ", "Tissue surrounding the electrode in the target region is destroyed by heating via RF electric current.", "\nRF ablation is typically performed at continuous power levels of the order of 20-50 watts, with a contact force of approximately 10 g, and under irrigation. ", "The time of ablation, depending on the size of the lesion to be achieved, is typically approximately 1 minute. ", "In general, higher power levels reduce the time needed for forming a specific lesion. ", "However, in prior art systems large values of continuous power cannot be used because of the danger of steam pops being formed.", "\nUS Patent Application 2010/0057072, to Roman et al., ", "whose disclosure is incorporated herein by reference, describes an ablation catheter for performing tissue ablation. ", "The disclosure states that RF energy may be safely delivered potentially at wattages up to 100 W.\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "7,207,989, to Pike Jr. et al., ", "whose disclosure is incorporated herein by reference, describes a method for ablating tissue in or around the heart to create an enhanced lesion. ", "The distal end of a needle electrode is introduced into the tissue. ", "An electrically-conductive fluid is infused through the needle electrode and into the tissue. ", "The tissue is ablated after and/or during introduction of the fluid into the tissue.", "\nUS Patent Application 2015/0272655, to Condie et al., ", "whose disclosure is incorporated herein by reference, describes a system for preventing unintended tissue damage from the delivery of unintended bipolar radiofrequency energy. ", "The disclosure states that if 100 watts of RF energy is being delivered but only 10 watts is required to produce a desired electrode temperature, an electrode may be activated for 10% of a given period of time and deactivated for 90% of that duration of time.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "8,641,705, to Leo et al., ", "whose disclosure is incorporated herein by reference, describes an apparatus for controlling lesion size in catheter-based ablation treatment. ", "The apparatus measures the force exerted by a contact ablation probe on a target tissue and integrates the force over an energization time of the ablation probe. ", "The force-time integral can be calculated and utilized to provide an estimated lesion size (depth, volume and/or area) in real time.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "8,882,761, to Desai, whose disclosure is incorporated herein by reference, describes a catheter for ablation. ", "The disclosure refers to commonly practiced ablation procedure, and states that in such a procedure 35 to 50 watts of power is delivered at 40 to 50 degree Celsius through a temperature controlled Radiofrequency Generator, and that the saline irrigation fluid rate during the ablation is 30 ml/min.", "\nUS Patent Application 2011/0009857, to Subramaniam et al., ", "whose disclosure is incorporated herein by reference, describes an open-irrigated catheter with turbulent flow. ", "Pressurized fluid is delivered from a fluid lumen of a catheter body into an ablation electrode. ", "Fluid flow in the fluid lumen is generally laminar. ", "The generally laminar fluid flow is transformed from the fluid lumen into a turbulent fluid flow within the ablation electrode.", "\nIn an article by Topp et al., ", "entitled “Saline-linked surface radiofrequency ablation: Factors affecting steam popping and depth of injury in the pig liver,” Ann. ", "Surg., ", "vol. ", "239, no. ", "4, pp. ", "518-27 (2004), the authors claim to have determined parameters that predict steam popping, and depth of tissue destruction under nonpopping conditions. ", "The article is incorporated herein by reference.", "\nDocuments incorporated by reference in the present patent application are to be considered an integral part of the application except that, to the extent that any terms are defined in these incorporated documents in a manner that conflicts with definitions made explicitly or implicitly in the present specification, only the definitions in the present specification should be considered." ]
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[ " UNPUBLISHED\n\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT\n\n\n No. ", "13-6357\n\n\nDONALD RAY BROWN,\n\n Plaintiff – Appellant,\n\n v.\n\nMARYLAND PAROLE COMMISSION,\n\n Defendant - Appellee.", "\n\n\n\nAppeal from the United States District Court for the District of\nMaryland, at Baltimore. ", " Catherine C. Blake, District Judge.", "\n(1:13-cv-00481-CCB)\n\n\nSubmitted: September 26, 2013 Decided: September 30, 2013\n\n\nBefore SHEDD, DUNCAN, and WYNN, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n\nAffirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.", "\n\n\nDonald Ray Brown, Appellant Pro Se.", "\n\n\nUnpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.", "\n\fPER CURIAM:\n\n Donald Ray Brown appeals the district court’s order\n\ndenying relief on his 42 U.S.C. § 1983 (2006) complaint. ", " We\n\nhave reviewed the record and find no reversible error.", "\n\nAccordingly, we affirm for the reasons stated by the district\n\ncourt. ", " Brown v. Maryland Parole Comm’n, No. ", "1:13-cv-00481-CCB\n\n(D. Md. Feb. 25, 2013). ", " We dispense with oral argument because\n\nthe facts and legal contentions are adequately presented in the\n\nmaterials before this court and argument would not aid the\n\ndecisional process.", "\n\n\n\n AFFIRMED\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\f" ]
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[ "The new Royal Enfield Twins — Continental GT and Interceptor — are called so because of their parallel twin engine configurations. ", "The models have created a storm in the motorcycling world. ", "Serving this new global demand is a well-oiled corporate machine that has been years in the making, says RUDRATEJ SINGH, president of Royal Enfield, in an interview with Alnoor Peermohamed. ", "Edited excerpts:\n\nRelated Stories\n\nNo Related Stories Found\n\nWidgets Magazine\n\nThe Twins are your first truly global products and they have been received fairly well. ", "How will you back this up with a global presence?", "\n\nWhat the Twins have done is special. ", "We launched them first in California, then at EICMA in Milan, followed by Asia Pacific, and we have seen newfound appreciation. ", "But this has been years in the making. ", "As early as 2013, we started building things with the conviction that we were going to be global.", "\n\nThough, at that time, we had a product deficit. ", "We only had Singles (single-cylinder motorcycles), which aren’t the best fit for North America, as the average road speeds there are much higher than the Indian roads. ", "But we committed ourselves to launching subsidiaries in North America, Brazil, in some of our key markets in Southeast Asia, starting with Thailand. ", "This commitment will start paying off, as the product deficit is over and the Twins are accepted widely.", "\n\nYour firm is disrupting the middleweight motorcycle market. ", "But how much room is there to grow?", "\n\nIn India, the middleweight segment did not exist until Royal Enfield grew. ", "There were commuter bikes and there was very little at the top. ", "Today, in the 250cc plus market, we have 90-95 per cent share. ", "While this segment is 850,000 units per annum, the total market is 12-13 million units. ", "So, the headroom to grow is tremendous. ", "This same opportunity to grow exists in mature markets such as North America or Europe.", "\n\nOur mid-range is their entry level and it’s a highly underrepresented segment. ", "New riders have not been coming into leisure motorcycling there, which is why the markets have either been declining or are flat. ", "Then you have the Southeast Asia market, where there is a large commuter segment but there are no aspirational, authentic, everyday-use motorcycles. ", "There is a vacuum there that we feel only Royal Enfield can plug with our Twins as well as Singles.", "\n\nWill the Singles continue to be Royal Enfield’s staples or is the launch of the Twins, the first sign of a march upwards?", "\n\nSingles will continue to be the bedrock for growth in India and abroad. ", "If you look at the big opportunity, it is sitting in markets like India, Southeast Asia and Brazil. ", "The US and Europe are very strategic markets for us because they tell us whether we’re fit to compete. ", "The Himalayan was designed for India as we felt there was a need for something more adve nture oriented. ", "But when we launched it, the demand came from mature markets such as North America and Europe. ", "So there will be other pure leisure seekers who will directly buy into the Twins.", "\n\nWhat does your overseas presence look like today?", "\n\nWe’ve grown significantly in the past 5-6 years, and are there over 55 markets. ", "But our approach has been curated — not just to expand dealerships across eight cities. ", "We try to find the right partners, whether it’s in-house (we have own employees in key markets such as Columbia, Brazil, North America, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand) or external partners.", "\n\nWe’re opening one or two dealerships and seeing how people are behaving, so we can keep evolving. ", "Today, the international markets are growing at high double or even triple-digits, but we’re in no rush to create India-like markets. ", "We know it will take 5-10 years. ", "It’s taken us 12 years to get here just in India, so we’re in no rush to do it elsewhere.", "\n\nWhen will there be world-class production? ", "Will the long waiting periods end?", "\n\nWe’re doubling capacity every three years. ", "That’s the minimum time it takes while increasing quality and performance at the same time. ", "We’re pushing hard, and while it’s a good problem to have, it’s not part of our design. ", "Even with the Thunderbird X, or the Himalayan and now the Twins, order books have fattened up and we’re not able to deliver. ", "That’s because there’s a ramp-up phase for every new bike." ]
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[ "Quantum cascade lasers generate light in the mid- to far infrared (IR) using inter-subband transitions in a repeated stack of semiconductor multiple quantum well heterostructures. ", "A spectroscopy system based on these tunable lasers and various applications for such a system have been discussed by Kotidis et al., ", "in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "8,780,347 B2, entitled “QCL Spectroscopy System and Applications Therefor”, which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety." ]
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[ "Asymmetric synthesis of 3,4-anti- and 3,4-syn-substituted aminopyrrolidines via lithium amide conjugate addition.", "\nThe diastereoselective conjugate addition of homochiral lithium amides to methyl 4-(N-allyl-N-benzylamino)but-2-enoate has been used as the key step in a simple and efficient protocol for the preparation of 3,4-substituted aminopyrrolidines. ", "This protocol provides a complementary and stereoselective route to both anti- and syn-3-amino-4-alkylpyrrolidines as well as anti- and syn-3-hydroxy-4-aminopyrrolidines, in high de and ee viabeta-amino enolate functionalisation. ", "This methodology has been applied to the synthesis of anti-(3S,4S)- and syn-(3R,4S)-3-methoxy-4-(N-methylamino)pyrrolidine." ]
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[ "// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.", "\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n// limitations under the License.", "\n\npackage memory\n\nimport (\n\t\"fmt\"\n\n\t\"go.chromium.org/luci/gae/impl/dummy\"\n\t\"go.chromium.org/luci/gae/service/info\"\n\t\"go.chromium.org/luci/gae/service/info/support\"\n\n\t\"golang.org/x/net/context\"\n)\n\nvar giContextKey = \"holds a *globalInfoData\"\n\nvar defaultGlobalInfoData = globalInfoData{\n\t// versionID returns X.Y where Y is autogenerated by appengine, and X is\n\t// whatever's in app.yaml.", "\n\tversionID: \"testVersionID.1\",\n\trequestID: \"test-request-id\",\n}\n\ntype globalInfoData struct {\n\tappID string\n\tfqAppID string\n\tnamespace string\n\tversionID string\n\trequestID string\n}\n\nfunc curGID(c context.", "Context) *globalInfoData {\n\tif gid, ok := c.Value(&giContextKey).(*globalInfoData); ok {\n\t\treturn gid\n\t}\n\treturn &defaultGlobalInfoData\n}\n\nfunc useGID(c context.", "Context, f func(mod *globalInfoData)) context.", "Context {\n\tcur := curGID(c)\n\tif cur == nil {\n\t\tcur = &defaultGlobalInfoData\n\t}\n\n\tclone := *cur\n\tf(&clone)\n\treturn context.", "WithValue(c, &giContextKey, &clone)\n}\n\n// useGI adds a gae.", "GlobalInfo context, accessible\n// by gae.", "GetGI(c)\nfunc useGI(c context.", "Context) context.", "Context {\n\treturn info.", "SetFactory(c, func(ic context.", "Context) info.", "RawInterface {\n\t\treturn &giImpl{dummy.", "Info(), curGID(ic), ic}\n\t})\n}\n\ntype giImpl struct {\n\tinfo.", "RawInterface\n\t*globalInfoData\n\tc context.", "Context\n}\n\nvar _ = info.", "RawInterface((*giImpl)(nil))\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) GetNamespace() string { return gi.namespace }\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) Namespace(ns string) (context.", "Context, error) {\n\tif err := support.", "ValidNamespace(ns); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn gi.c, err\n\t}\n\n\treturn useGID(gi.c, func(mod *globalInfoData) {\n\t\tmod.namespace = ns\n\t}), nil\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) AppID() string {\n\treturn gi.appID\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) FullyQualifiedAppID() string {\n\treturn gi.fqAppID\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) DefaultVersionHostname() string {\n\treturn fmt.", "Sprintf(\"%s.example.com\", gi.appID)\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) IsDevAppServer() bool {\n\treturn true\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) ServiceAccount() (string, error) {\n\treturn \"gae_service_account@example.com\", nil\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) VersionID() string {\n\treturn curGID(gi.c).versionID\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) RequestID() string {\n\treturn curGID(gi.c).requestID\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) GetTestable() info.", "Testable {\n\treturn gi\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) SetVersionID(v string) context.", "Context {\n\treturn useGID(gi.c, func(mod *globalInfoData) {\n\t\tmod.versionID = v\n\t})\n}\n\nfunc (gi *giImpl) SetRequestID(v string) context.", "Context {\n\treturn useGID(gi.c, func(mod *globalInfoData) {\n\t\tmod.requestID = v\n\t})\n}\n" ]
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[ "Fyrestone\n\nRegion\n\nFast Travel\n\nGame\n\nFyrestone is located in the Arid Badlands on Pandora. ", "It is the first town encountered in the game; the bus seen in the opening cinematic drops off the newcomers just outside of the town gates. ", "Dr. Zed - the first NPC to issue a mission - is the only encountered human resident of Fyrestone. ", "The only other visible resident of Fyrestone is the Claptrap that initially acts as a guide to gain entry into Fyrestone.", "\n\nContents\n\nHistory\n\nFyrestone was once a town predominantly housing Dahl's Pandoran mining force, but a rising bandit presence in the area caused the population to plummet from 273 down to a meagre 2. ", "Graves litter the entrance to Fyrestone as testament to its fall from glory.", "\n\nThe town originally also had a mayor, but the title is now a hollow one; the last mayor of Fyrestone was murdered after a short stint in office, but many of his would-be successors had already fled or been killed, leaving the town leaderless.", "\n\nNotes\n\nThere is a Claptrap hiding above and behind the weapon store, within the rock formation. ", "When spotted, he waves, but cannot actually be interacted with. ", "This same Claptrap reappears in Borderlands 2, at the same location, but deactivated.", "\n\nAfter returning to that original New-U Station the yellow claptrap may follow Vault Hunters and become stuck after the wall leading into Fyrestone, shouting \"I'm over here!\" ", "repeatedly.", "\n\nThanks to a texture bug, it is possible to drive a runner inside Fyrestone as shown in the video below. ", "This provides a marginal shortcut for completing some missions and reporting quickly to Fyrestone's bounty board by teleporting to the runner from any of Scooter's stations in Arid Badlands. ", "By using the same bug again at the gate towards the bus stop, it is possible to get a car there.", "\n\nThe New-U Station at the bus stop will allow fast travel to other locations but is not defined as a fast travel destination itself.", "\n\nTrivia\n\nFyrestone was originally going to have a mechanic, an arms dealer, and a population of 86, but after many concept changes these numbers were reduced. ", "Fyrestone's original population was 273. (", "See photos on the talk page)\n\nFyrestone still stands in Borderlands 2. ", "It is located in what is now known as the Arid Nexus - Badlands. ", "Despite its state, it was preserved by Handsome Jack, who went so far as to rename it Jackville in order to highlight the original four Vault Hunters' failure to protect it." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'A detailed study is presented of the relativistic Wigner function for a quantum spinless particle evolving in time according to the Salpeter equation.'", "\naddress: 'Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Łódź, ul.", " Pomorska 149/153, 90-236 Łódź, Poland'\nauthor:\n- 'K. Kowalski'\n- 'J. Rembieliński'\ntitle: The Wigner function in the relativistic quantum mechanics\n---\n\nQuantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics; Wigner quasi-probability function;\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe Wigner function also referred to as the Wigner quasi-probability function is one of the most important concepts of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. ", "Its applications range from nonequilibrium quantum mechanics, quantum optics, quantum chaos and quantum computing to classical optics and signal processing. ", "As far as we are aware, in spite of the fact that the paper by Wigner was dated 1932 [@1], the relativistic generalization of the Wigner function in the simplest case of the spinless particle was introduced by Zavialov and Malokostov only in 1999 [@2]. ", "The dynamics of that relativistic Wigner function was studied in recent papers [@3; @4] by Larkin and Filonov. ", "Clearly, the difficulties in extending the concept of the Wigner function to the relativistic domain sometimes considered as unattainable [@5] are closely related with problems in finding the relativistic counterpart of the Schrödinger equation, that is constructing the relativistic quantum mechanics. ", "In this work we discuss the advantages and limitations of the Wigner function introduced by Zavialov and Malokostov and analyze an alternative relativistic generalization of the Wigner function based on the standard nonrelativistic formula that was applied earlier in the case of the Dirac particle. ", "Both of these approaches utilize the relativistic quantum dynamics described by the spinless Salpeter equation. ", "The theory is illustrated by concrete examples of relativistic Wigner function for a spinless free particle.", "\n\nThe Zavialov-Malokostov Wigner function\n=======================================\n\nDefinition of the Wigner function\n---------------------------------\n\nWe now summarize the basic facts about the Wigner function introduced in ref.", " 2. ", "The point of departure in [@2] was the following form of the non-relativistic Wigner function $$%<2.1>\nW({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)=\\frac{1}{(2\\pi)^3}\\frac{1}{\\hbar^6}\\int d^3{\\bm p}_1\nd^3{\\bm p}_2\\tilde\\phi^*({\\bm p}_1,t)\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p}_2,t)\\delta({\\bm p}\n-{\\textstyle{\\frac{1}{2}}}({\\bm p}_1+{\\bm p}_2)) e^{\\frac{{\\rm i}({\\bm p}_2-{\\bm p}_1)\n\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}{\\bm x}}{\\hbar}},$$ where $\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p},t)$ is the Fourier transform of the wave function $\\phi({\\bm x},t)$, that is $$%<2.2>\n\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p},t)=\\frac{1}{(2\\pi)^\\frac{3}{2}}\\int d^3{\\bm x}\\,e^{-{\\rm i}\n\\frac{{\\bm p}\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}{\\bm x}}{\\hbar}}\\phi({\\bm x},t).$$ Furthermore, Zavialov and Malokostov restrict to the case of the free relativistic evolution described by the Salpeter equation (see [@6] and references therein) $$%<2.3>\n{\\rm i}\\hbar\\frac{\\partial\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p},t)}{\\partial t}=\\sqrt\n{{\\bm p}^2c^2+m^2c^4}\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p},t),$$ and demand that the relativistic Wigner function has the basic properties of the nonrelativistic one referring to integration over the spatial and momentum variables such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.4>\n\\int d^3{\\bm p}W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t) &= |\\phi({\\bm x},t)|^2=\\rho({\\bm \nx},t),\\\\\n\\int d^3{\\bm x}W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t) &= \\frac{1}{\\hbar^3}|\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p},t)|^2\n=\\rho_p({\\bm p},t),\\end{aligned}$$ and satisfy the evolution law $$%<2.6>\nW({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t+\\tau)=W({\\bm x}-\\frac{c{\\bm p}}{p_0}\\tau,{\\bm p},t),$$ where $p_0=E/c=\\sqrt{{\\bm p}^2+m^2c^2}$. It is easy to verify that the evolution law (2.6) is the global form of the local relation $$%<2.7>\n\\frac{\\partial W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)}{\\partial t}+\\frac{c{\\bm p}}{p_0}{\\bm\\cdot}{\\bm\\nabla}\nW({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)=0$$ generalizing the nonrelativistic equation that is valid in the case of the free evolution $$%<2.8>\n\\frac{\\partial W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)}{\\partial t}+\\frac{{\\bm p}}{m}{\\bm\\cdot}{\\bm\\nabla}\nW({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)=0.$$ With these assumptions the following relativistic generalization of (2.1) was obtained in [@2]: $$%<2.9>\nW({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)=\\frac{1}{(2\\pi)^3}\\frac{1}{\\hbar^6}\\int d^3{\\bm p}_1\nd^3{\\bm p}_2\\tilde\\phi^*({\\bm p}_1,t)\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p}_2,t)\\delta({\\bm p}\n-({\\bm p}_1\\oplus{\\bm p}_2)) e^{\\frac{{\\rm i}({\\bm p}_2-{\\bm p}_1)\n\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}{\\bm x}}{\\hbar}},$$ where ${\\bm p}_1\\oplus{\\bm p}_2$ is a counterpart of the sum on the mass hyperboloid. ", "More precisely, ${\\bm p}_1\\oplus{\\bm p}_2$ is the spacial part of the fourvector $p_1\\oplus p_2$ on the mass hyperboloid $p^2=m^2c^2$ of the form $$%<2.10>\np_1\\oplus p_2=mc\\frac{p_1+p_2}{\\sqrt{(p_1+p_2)^2}},$$ so $(p_1\\oplus p_2)^2=m^2c^2$, and is given by $$%<2.11>\n{\\bm p}_1\\oplus{\\bm p}_2=mc\\frac{{\\bm p}_1+{\\bm p}_2}{\\sqrt{2(m^2c^2+\np_0({\\bm p}_1)p_0({\\bm p}_2)-{\\bm \np}_1\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}{\\bm p}_2})},$$ where $p_0({\\bm p}_i)=\\sqrt{{\\bm p}_i^2+m^2c^2}$, $i=1,\\,2$. The formula (2.9) can be immediately generalized to involve the particle in the external potential $V({\\bm x})$ [@4] by demanding that $\\tilde\\phi({\\bm x},t)$ in (2.9) fulfils the Salpeter equation in the momentum representation $$%<2.12>\n{\\rm i}\\hbar\\frac{\\partial\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p},t)}{\\partial t}=[\\sqrt\n{m^2c^4+{\\bm p}^2c^2} + V({\\rm i}\\hbar{\\bm\\nabla}_{\\bm p})]\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p},t).$$\n\nThe Wigner function and probability current\n-------------------------------------------\n\nAn interesting property of the relativistic Wigner function (2.9) that was not recognized neither in [@2] nor [@3; @4] is the following easily proven relation $$%<2.13>\n{\\bm j}({\\bm x},t)=\\int d^3{\\bm p}\\frac{c{\\bm p}}{p_0}W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t),$$ where ${\\bm j}({\\bm x},t)$ is the relativistic probability current introduced by us in ref. ", "6, describing the conservation of the probability in the Salpeter equation in the coordinate representation $$%<2.14>\n{\\rm i}\\hbar\\frac{\\partial\\phi({\\bm x},t)}{\\partial\nt}=[\\sqrt{m^2c^4-\\hbar^2c^2\\Delta}+V({\\bm x})]\\phi({\\bm x},t),$$ where $\\Delta\\equiv{\\bm\\nabla^2}$, via the continuity equation $$%<2.15>\n\\frac{\\partial\\rho}{\\partial t} + {\\bm\\nabla}{\\bm\\cdot}{\\bm j} = 0,$$ where $\\rho({\\bm x},t)=|\\phi({\\bm x},t)|^2$ is the probability density, such that $$%<2.16>\n{\\bm j}({\\bm x},t) = \\frac{c}{(2\\pi)^3\\hbar^6}\\int d^3{\\bm p}d^3\n{\\bm k}\\,\\frac{{\\bm p}+{\\bm k}}{p_0({\\bm p})+p_0({\\bm k})}\\,e^{{\\rm i}\\frac{({\\bm k}-{\\bm p})\n\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}{\\bm x}}{\\hbar}}\n\\tilde\\phi^*({\\bm p},t)\\tilde\\phi({\\bm k},t).$$ Of course, (2.13) is the relativistic generalization of the relation $$%<2.17>\n{\\bm j}({\\bm x},t)=\\int d^3{\\bm p}\\frac{{\\bm p}}{m}W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t),$$ leading via the formula for quantum expectation values of an observable $\\hat A$ $$%<2.18>\n\\langle\\phi|\\hat A\\phi\\rangle=\\int d^3{\\bm x}d^3{\\bm p}A({\\bm x},{\\bm \np})W({\\bm x},{\\bm p}),$$ where $A({\\bm x},{\\bm p})$ is the Weyl transform of the operator $\\hat A$, to the well-known expression describing the connection of the integral of the probability current and average velocity in the given state $$%<2.19>\n\\int{\\bm j}({\\bm x},t)\\,d^3{\\bm x} = \\langle\\phi|\\hat{\\bm v}\\phi\\rangle,$$ where $\\hat{\\bm v}={\\bm p}/m$ is the velocity operator. ", "It must be borne in mind that (2.13) cannot be regarded as the definition of the relativistic probability current. ", "The proper definition of the probability current that holds regardless of the accepted definition of the Wigner function and ensures the validity of the continuity equation (2.15) is (2.16). ", "Nonetheless, the formula (2.13) is really remarkable.", "\n\nMassless limit of the Wigner function\n-------------------------------------\n\nAs we have seen the relativistic Wigner function (2.9) has some nice properties as (2.4), (2.5), (2.7) and (2.13). ", "Nevertheless, the authors of [@2] and [@3; @4] seem to be unaware of its problematic behavior in the limit $m=0$. Indeed consider for simplicity the case of a free relativistic particle on a line. ", "The relativistic Wigner function takes then the form $$%<2.20>\nW(x,p,t)=\\frac{1}{2\\pi\\hbar^2}\\int dp_1dp_2\\tilde\\phi^*(p_1,t)\n\\tilde\\phi(p_2,t)\\delta(p-(p_1\\oplus p_2))e^{\\frac{{\\rm i}(p_2-p_1)x}{\\hbar}},$$ where $\\tilde\\phi(p,t)$ satisfies the Salpeter equation $$%<2.21>\n{\\rm i}\\hbar\\frac{\\partial\\tilde\\phi(p,t)}{\\partial t}=\\sqrt\n{p^2c^2+m^2c^4}\\,\\tilde\\phi(p,t),$$ and $$%<2.22>\np_1\\oplus p_2=mc\\frac{p_1+p_2}{\\sqrt{2(m^2c^2+p_0(p_1)p_0(p_2)-p_1p_2)}},$$ where $p_0(p_i)=\\sqrt{p_i^2+m^2c^2}$, $i=1,\\,2$. Now we have the parametric form of the Wigner function introduced in ref.[@2] that can be easily obtained from (2.20) by switching to coordinates $p_{1,2}=mc\\sinh\\gamma_{1,2}$ on the mass-shell hyperboloid: $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.23>\n&W(x,p,t)\\nonumber\\\\\n&=\\frac{mc}{\\pi\\hbar^2}\\frac{1}{\\cosh\\kappa}\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty\nd\\beta\\cosh(\\kappa+\\beta)\\cosh(\\kappa-\\beta)\\tilde\\phi^*(mc\\sinh(\\kappa+\\beta),t)\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\hspace*{1em}\\times\\tilde\\phi(mc\\sinh(\\kappa-\\beta),t)\\exp\\left\\{\\frac{{\\rm i}mc}{\\hbar}\n[\\sinh(\\kappa-\\beta)-\\sinh(\\kappa+\\beta)]x\\right\\}, \\end{aligned}$$ where $p=mc\\sinh\\kappa$. From (2.23) we can derive the following formula for the Wigner function $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.24>\n&W(x,p,t)=\\frac{1}{\\pi\\hbar^2\\sqrt{p^2+m^2c^2}}\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\hspace*{1em}\\times\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty \nd\\beta(p^2+m^2c^2\\cosh^2\\beta)\\tilde\\phi^*(p\\cosh\\beta+\\sqrt{p^2+m^2c^2}\\sinh\\beta,t)\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\hspace*{1em}\\times\\tilde\\phi(p\\cosh\\beta-\\sqrt{p^2+m^2c^2}\\sinh\\beta,t)\n\\exp\\left(-\\frac{2{\\rm i}x}{\\hbar}\\sqrt{p^2+m^2c^2}\\sinh\\beta\\right).\\end{aligned}$$ An immediate consequence of (2.24) is the massless limit of the Wigner function such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.25>\n&W_0(x,p,t)=\\lim_{m\\to0}W(x,p,t)\\nonumber\\\\\n&=\\frac{|p|}{\\pi\\hbar^2}\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty \nd\\beta\\tilde\\phi^*(p\\cosh\\beta+|p|\\sinh\\beta,t)\\tilde\\phi(p\\cosh\\beta-|p|\\sinh\\beta,t)\ne^{-\\frac{2{\\rm i}x}{\\hbar}|p|\\sinh\\beta},\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\tilde\\phi(p,t)$ fulfills the Salpeter equation $$%<2.26>\n{\\rm i}\\hbar\\frac{\\partial\\tilde\\phi(p,t)}{\\partial t}=c|p|\\tilde\\phi(p,t).$$ We point out that for a spinless particle we have no problems connected with procedures of contractions of representations of little groups corresponding to massive and massless particles. ", "Indeed, we then deal in both cases with trivial representations. ", "The limit (2.25) gives the correct density in the momentum representation i.e. $$%<2.27>\n\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty W_0(x,p,t)dx=\\frac{1}{\\hbar}|\\tilde\\phi(p,t)|^2.$$ Nevertheless, it leads to erroneous formula for the density in the coordinate representation and the probability current. ", "We now illustrate this observation by the example of the “Lorentzian\" wave packet [@6].", "\n\nConsider the following normalized solution [@6] $$%<2.28>\n\\tilde\\phi(p,t) = \\sqrt{a}e^{-(a+{\\rm i}t)|p|},$$ where $a>0$, to the Salpeter equation in the momentum representation for a massless particle moving in a line (2.26), where we set $\\hbar=1$ and $c=1$. The normalized wave function corresponding to (2.28) satisfying the Salpeter equation $$%<2.29>\n{\\rm i}\\frac{\\partial\\phi(x,t)}{\\partial t}=\\sqrt{-\\frac{\\partial^2}{\\partial x^2}}\\,\\phi(x,t),$$ is given by $$%<2.30>\n\\phi(x,t)=\\sqrt{\\frac{2a}{\\pi}}\\frac{a+{\\rm i}t}{x^2+(a+{\\rm i}t)^2}.$$ From (2.30) and the one-dimensional counterpart of (2.16) for $m=0$ such that $$%<2.31>\nj(x,t) = \\frac{1}{2\\pi}\\int dpdk\\,\\frac{p+k}{|p|+|k|}e^{{\\rm i}(k-p)x}\\tilde\\phi^*(p,t)\n\\tilde\\phi(k,t),$$ we immediately get the following formulas for the probability density and current, respectively [@6] $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.32>\n\\rho(x,t)&=|\\phi(x,t)|^2=\\frac{2a}{\\pi}\\frac{a^2+t^2}{(x^2-t^2+a^2)^2+4a^2t^2},\\\\\nj(x,t)&= \\frac{a}{4\\pi t^2}\\ln\\frac{(x+t)^2+a^2}{(x-t)^2+a^2}-\\frac{ax}{\\pi t}\n\\frac{x^2-3t^2+a^2}{(x^2-t^2+a^2)^2+4a^2t^2}.\\end{aligned}$$ We now return to (2.25). ", "Inserting (2.28) into (2.25) where we set $\\hbar=1$, and $c=1$, we find that the probability density and probability current corresponding to the massless limit are expressed by $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.34>\n\\rho_0(x,t)&=\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty W_0(x,p,t)dp=\\frac{a}{2\\pi}\\left[\\frac{1}{(x-t)^2+a^2}\n+\\frac{1}{(x+t)^2+a^2}\\right],\\\\\nj_0(x,t)&=\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty\\frac{p}{|p|} W_0(x,p,t)dp=\\frac{a}{2\\pi}\\left[\\frac{1}{(x-t)^2+a^2}\n-\\frac{1}{(x+t)^2+a^2}\\right].\\end{aligned}$$ Thus it turns out that $\\rho_0$ and $j_0$ obtained from the massless limit of the Wigner function are different from the correct probability density $\\rho$ and probability current $j$ given by (2.32) and (2.33), respectively. ", "We point out that $\\rho_0$ and $j_0$ can be written as $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.36>\n\\rho_0(x,t)&=\\frac{1}{2}(|\\phi_+(x,t)|^2+|\\phi_-(x,t)|^2),\\\\\nj_0(x,t)&=\\frac{1}{2}[j_+(x,t)+j_-(x,t)],\\end{aligned}$$ where $$%<2.38>\n\\rho_\\pm(x,t) = |\\phi_\\pm(x,t)|^2 = \\pm j_\\pm(x,t)=\n\\frac{a}{\\pi}\\frac{1}{(x\\mp t)^2+a^2},$$ and $\\rho_\\pm$ is the probability density and $j_\\pm$ is the probability current related to the wave packet $\\phi_\\pm$ referring to the particle moving to the right and left, respectively such that [@6] $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.39>\n\\phi_\\pm(x,t)&= \\sqrt{\\frac{a}{\\pi}}\\frac{\\pm{\\rm i}}{x\\mp t\\pm {\\rm \ni}a},\\\\\n\\rho_\\pm(x,t)&= |\\phi_\\pm(x,t)|^2 = \\pm j_\\pm(x,t)=\n\\frac{a}{\\pi}\\frac{1}{(x\\mp t)^2+a^2},\\end{aligned}$$ where $$%<2.41>\n\\tilde\\phi_\\pm(p,t)=\\sqrt{2a}\\theta(\\pm p)e^{-(a+{\\rm i}t)|p|}$$ and $\\theta(p)$ is the Heaviside step function. ", "Since $$%<2.42>\n\\phi(x,t)=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}[\\phi_+(x,t)+\\phi_-(x,t)],$$ where $\\phi(x,t)$ is given by (2.30), therefore $\\rho_0(x,t)$ differs from the correct probability density in lack of the interference terms. ", "We remark that $\\rho_0(x,t)$ and $j_0(x,t)$ satisfy the continuity equation $$%<2.43>\n\\frac{\\partial\\rho_0}{\\partial t}+\\frac{\\partial j_0}{\\partial x}=0.$$\n\nIn spite of their suggestive form, the problems with the massless limit of the relativistic Wigner function (2.9) are related to the conditions (2.7) and (2.13). ", "To see this let us assume that (2.7) holds in the ultra-relativistic limit $m\\to0$. Furthermore, we confine to the particle on a line, so we have $$%<2.44>\n\\frac{\\partial W(x,p,t)}{\\partial t}+\\frac{cp}{|p|}\\frac{\\partial W(x,p,t)}\n{\\partial x}=0.$$ Consider now the relation $$%<2.45>\nj(x,t)=\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty dp\\frac{cp}{|p|}W(x,p,t),$$ that is the massless limit of (2.13). ", "Using (2.44) we get $$%<2.46>\n\\frac{\\partial j(x,t)}{\\partial t}=-c^2\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\n\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty dpW(x,p,t)=-c^2\\frac{\\partial\\rho(x,t)}{\\partial x},$$ where $\\rho(x,t)=|\\phi(x,t)|^2$ is the probability density. ", "Combining this with the continuity equation $$%<2.47>\n\\frac{\\partial\\rho(x,t)}{\\partial t}+\\frac{\\partial j(x,t)}{\\partial x}=0,$$ we arrive at the wave equation $$%<2.48>\n\\frac{1}{c^2}\\frac{\\partial^2\\rho(x,t)}{\\partial t^2}-\\frac{\\partial^2\\rho(x,t)}\n{\\partial x^2}=0.$$ On the contrary, in view of (2.32) and (2.33) both relations (2.46) and so (2.48) are easily shown to be erroneous in the case with the free evolution of the massless particle described by the wavefunction (2.30).", "\n\nThe formula for the Wigner function referring to the solution (2.28) can be derived with the help of (2.25) where we set $\\hbar=1$, and the identity (see [@7] and [@8]) $$%<2.49>\n\\int_0^\\infty dx\\,\\frac{\\exp(-\\alpha\\sqrt{x^2+\\beta^2})}{\\sqrt{x^2+\\beta^2}}\n\\cos\\gamma x =K_0(\\beta\\sqrt{\\alpha^2+\\gamma^2}),\\qquad{\\rm Re}\\alpha >0,\\, \n{\\rm Re}\\beta >0.$$ Namely, we have $$%<2.50>\nW_0(x,p,t)=\\frac{2a|p|}{\\pi}K_0[2\\sqrt{a^2p^2+(pt-x|p|)^2}],$$ where $K_\\nu(z)$ is the modified Bessel function (Macdonald function). ", "We remark that the Wigner function (2.50) is nonnegative. ", "The time evolution of the Wigner function is shown in Fig.", " 1. ", "As one might expect in view of the form of the wave packet (2.42) we have two stable maxima of the quasiprobability function (2.50) — one moving to the left and one moving to the right with the same constant absolute value of the momenta.", "\n\n -------------------- --------------------\n ![", "image](fig1.pdf) ![", "image](fig2.pdf)\n -------------------- --------------------\n\nWe now discuss the solutions $\\phi_\\pm(x,t)$ to the Salpeter equation (2.29) given by (2.39) referring to the particle moving to the right and left. ", "Using (2.41) and proceeding as with (2.28) we get the following Wigner function (2.25) with $\\hbar=1$, corresponding to $\\phi_\\pm(x,t)$, respectively $$%<2.51>\nW_{0\\pm}(x,p,t)=\\pm\\theta(\\pm p)\\frac{4ap}{\\pi}K_0[\\pm2p\\sqrt{(x\\mp t)^2+a^2}].$$ As with (2.50) both Wigner functions (2.51) are nonnegative. ", "Of course, the plot of the function $W_{0\\pm}(x,p,t)$ refers to the upper (lower) part of Fig.", " 1. ", "As mentioned earlier the functions $\\phi_\\pm(x,t)$ satisfy the condition (2.27), where we set $\\hbar=1$. Moreover, using the identity [@8] $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.52>\n\\int_0^\\infty x^\\mu \nK_\\nu(ax)dx&=2^{\\mu-1}a^{-\\mu-1}\\Gamma\\left(\\frac{1+\\mu+\\nu}{2}\\right)\n\\Gamma\\left(\\frac{1+\\mu-\\nu}{2}\\right),\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\qquad{\\rm Re}(\\mu+1\\pm\\nu)>0,\\quad {\\rm Re}\\,a>0,\\end{aligned}$$ we find that, in opposition to (2.50), the Wigner functions (2.51) give the correct formulas for the density in the coordinate representation, that is we have $$%<2.53>\n\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty dp\\,W_{0\\pm}(x,p,t)=|\\phi_\\pm(x,t)|^2.$$ We conclude that the Wigner functions corresponding to the wave packets $\\phi_\\pm(x,t)$ referring to the massless particle moving to the right and left respectively, satisfy all requirements imposed on the Wigner function valid in the massive case. ", "It seems that such good behavior of the Wigner functions (2.51) and bad one of the Wigner function (2.50) are related to the fact that in the massless case one can define the sum of vectors on a cone $p\\to|p|$ that remains on a cone, analogous to (2.10), only for vectors with the same direction (proportional ones). ", "We finally remark that in opposition to the nonrelativistic case when Hudson theorem [@9] holds, which states that the only wave packet with non-negative Wigner function is the exponential of a quadratic polynomial, the wave functions (2.39) corresponding to the non-negative Wigner functions (2.51) are rational. ", "This is to the best of our knowledge, the first example in the literature of such wave packets for a relativistic spinless particle. ", "For the relativistic spin one-half particle the wave functions violating the Hudson theorem were introduced recently in ref.[@10].", "\n\nThe Wigner function for the massive case\n----------------------------------------\n\nWe finally discuss the normalized solution [@6] $$%<2.54>\n\\tilde\\phi(p,t) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2mK_1(2ma)}}e^{-(a+{\\rm \ni}t)\\sqrt{p^2+m^2}},$$ where $a>0$, to the Salpeter equation in the momentum representation for a free massive particle moving in a line $$%<2.55>\n{\\rm i}\\frac{\\partial\\tilde\\phi(p,t)}{\\partial \nt}=\\sqrt{m^2+p^2}\\,\\tilde\\phi(p,t),$$ where we set $\\hbar=1$ and $c=1$. The solution (2.54) is the Fourier transform of the following normalized wave function [@6] $$%<2.56>\n\\phi(x,t) = \\sqrt{\\frac{m}{\\pi K_1(2ma)}}\\frac{a+{\\rm\ni}t}{\\sqrt{x^2+(a+{\\rm i}t)^2}}K_1[m\\sqrt{x^2+(a+{\\rm i}t)^2}]$$ satisfying the Salpeter equation of the form $$%<2.57>\n{\\rm i}\\frac{\\partial\\phi(x,t)}{\\partial t} =\n\\sqrt{m^2-\\frac{\\partial^2}{\\partial x^2}}\\,\\phi(x,t).$$ It can be easily demonstrated with the help of the asymptotic formula $$%<2.58>\nK_1(z) = \\frac{1}{z},\\qquad z\\to 0,$$ that (2.28) and (2.30) are the massless limits of (2.54) and (2.56), respectively. ", "In this sense (2.54) and (2.56) are the massive generalizations of (2.28) and (2.30). ", "Now, taking into account the definition in the parametric form (2.23), the identity (2.49) and elementary properties of the modified Bessel function we get after some calculation the following formula for the Wigner function corresponding to (2.54) $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.59>\nW(x,p,t)=&\\frac{m}{2\\pi \nK_1(2ma)}\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{p^2+m^2}}\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\times\\left\\{\n\\left(1+\\frac{2p^2}{m^2}\\right)K_0\\left[2\\sqrt{a^2(p^2+m^2)+(tp-x\\sqrt{p^2+m^2})^2}\\right]\n\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&{}+\\frac{a^2(p^2+m^2)-(tp-x\\sqrt{p^2+m^2})^2}{a^2(p^2+m^2)+(tp-x\\sqrt{p^2+m^2})^2}\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\times\\left. ", "K_2\\left[2\\sqrt{a^2(p^2+m^2)+(tp-x\\sqrt{p^2+m^2})^2}\\right]\\right\\}.\\end{aligned}$$ Using (2.58) we can verify that the Wigner function obtained for the massless particle (2.50) is indeed the limit $m\\to0$ of (2.59), i.e. we have $$%<2.60>\n\\lim_{m\\to0}W(x,p,t)=W_0(x,p,t)=\\frac{2a|p|}{\\pi}K_0[2\\sqrt{a^2p^2+(pt-x|p|)^2}].$$ The time development of the Wigner function (2.59) is depicted in Fig.", " 2.", "\n\n -- --\n \n \n -- --\n\nWe remark that for a wide range of parameters it is qualitatively similar to the time evolution of the nonrelativistic Wigner function for the (normalized) state that can be regarded as a counterpart of (2.54) $$%<2.61>\n\\tilde\\phi_\\text{nrel}(p,t)=\\left(\\frac{a}{\\pi m}\\right)^{1/4}e^{-(a+{\\rm i}t)\\frac{p^2}{2m}},$$ where $a>0$, such that $$%<2.62>\nW_\\text{nrel}(x,p,t)=\\frac{1}{\\pi}\\exp\\left[-a\\frac{p^2}{m}-\\frac{m}{a}\n\\left(x-\\frac{p}{m}t\\right)^2\\right].$$ In particular, for large $t$ the Wigner function is concentrated around $p=0$ and goes to the uniform distribution along $x$-axis corresponding to its maximum. ", "Nevertheless, as easily seen from (2.59) by considering the case of small $a$ and $p$, in opposition to the nonrelativistic case (2.62), the Wigner function (2.59) can take negative values. ", "Such behavior is depicted in Fig.", " 3. ", "We also point out that, in contrast to the nonrelativistic Wigner function, the function (2.59) is not constrained to be bounded via the inequality $$%<2.63>\n|W(x,p,t)|\\le\\frac{2}{h},$$ where $h$ is the Planck constant, that is a reflection of the uncertainty principle. ", "On the other hand, it is unclear what is the form of the upper bound in the general case of the Wigner function (2.24).", "\n\n![", "image](fig7.pdf)\n\nWe finally write down the following equivalent form of the Wigner function (2.24) that can be regarded as a relativistic generalization of the standard formula for the Wigner function in the momentum space (see (3.14) in the next section) $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.64>\nW(x,p,t)=\\frac{1}{4\\pi\\hbar^2}\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty dk&\\frac{m^2c^2k^2+4(p^2+m^2c^2)^2}\n{(p^2+m^2c^2)^{\\frac{3}{2}}\\sqrt{k^2+4(p^2+m^2c^2)}}\\tilde\\phi^*\\left(\\frac{f(p,k)-k}{2},t\n\\right)\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\times\\tilde\\phi\\left(\\frac{f(p,k)+k}{2},t\\right)e^{\\frac{{\\rm i}kx}{\\hbar}},\\end{aligned}$$ where $$%<2.65>\nf(p,k)=\\frac{p\\sqrt{k^2+4(p^2+m^2c^2)}}{\\sqrt{p^2+m^2c^2}}.$$ Hence, taking the limit $m\\to0$, we get the counterpart of (2.25) $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<2.66>\nW_0(x,p,t)=\\frac{|p|}{\\pi\\hbar^2}\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty&\\frac{dk}{\\sqrt{k^2+4p^2}}\n\\tilde\\phi^*\\left(\\frac{\\frac{p}{|p|}\\sqrt{k^2+4p^2}-k}{2},t\\right)\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\times\\tilde\\phi\\left(\\frac{\\frac{p}{|p|}\\sqrt{k^2+4p^2}+k}{2},t\\right)e^{\\frac{{\\rm i}kx}{\\hbar}}.\\end{aligned}$$ the relation (2.64) can be obtained from (2.24) by formal substitution $$%<2.67>\n\\sqrt{p^2+m^2c^2}\\sinh\\beta=-k/2.$$ Nevertheless, it can be also obtained from (2.20) by effective integration of the delta function, without usage of coordinates on the mass-shell hyperboloid and the formula (2.24).", "\n\nThe relativistic Wigner function based on the standard definition\n=================================================================\n\nIn our opinion the plausible relativistic generalization of the Wigner function for a free spinless particle is given by $$%<3.1>\nW({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)=\\frac{1}{(2\\pi\\hbar)^3}\\int d^3{\\bm q}\\phi^*({\\bm x}-{\\bm q}/2,t)\n\\phi({\\bm x}+{\\bm q}/2,t)e^{-{\\rm i}\\frac{{\\bm \np}\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}{\\bm q}}{\\hbar}},$$ where $\\phi({\\bm x},t)$ satisfies the Salpeter equation $$%<3.2>\n{\\rm i}\\hbar\\frac{\\partial\\phi({\\bm x},t)}{\\partial\nt}=\\sqrt{m^2c^4-\\hbar^2c^2\\Delta}\\,\\phi({\\bm x},t),$$ so we apply the nonrelativistic formula for the Wigner function but we use the relativistic dynamics. ", "We point out that the similar form of the relativistic Wigner function has been already utilized in [@10] and [@11] for the Dirac spin one-half particle. ", "Evidently, we can also express the Wigner function in terms of the momentum representation $$%<3.3>\nW({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)=\\frac{1}{(2\\pi)^3\\hbar^6}\\int d^3{\\bm k}\\tilde\\phi^*({\\bm p}-{\\bm k}/2,t)\n\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p}+{\\bm k}/2,t)e^{{\\rm i}\\frac{{\\bm k}\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}{\\bm x}}{\\hbar}},$$ where $\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p},t)$ fulfills (2.3). ", "It is also clear the Wigner function given by (3.1) or equivalently (3.3) can be immediately generalized to the case of of a particle in a potential field by postulating that evolution of states is described by (2.14) and (2.12), respectively.", "\n\nBy differentiating both sides of (3.3) with respect to time and using (2.3) as well as the identity $$%<3.4>\n\\int d^3{\\bm q}W({\\bm q},{\\bm p},t)e^{-{\\rm i}\\frac{{\\bm q}\n\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}{\\bm \nk}}{\\hbar}}=\\frac{1}{\\hbar^3}\\tilde\\phi^*({\\bm p}-{\\bm \nk}/2,t)\\tilde\\phi({\\bm p}+{\\bm k}/2,t),$$ we find $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<3.5>\n&\\frac{\\partial W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)}{\\partial \nt}=-\\frac{2c^2}{(2\\pi\\hbar)^3}\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\times{\\bm p}{\\bm\\cdot}{\\bm\\nabla}\\int d^3{\\bm k}d^3{\\bm q}\n\\frac{W({\\bm q},{\\bm p},t)e^{{\\rm i}\\frac{{\\bm k}\n\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}({\\bm x}-{\\bm q})}{\\hbar}}}\n{\\sqrt{({\\bm p}-{\\bm k}/2)^2c^2+m^2c^4}+\\sqrt{({\\bm p}+{\\bm k}/2)^2c^2+m^2c^4}}.\\end{aligned}$$ It thus appears that in opposition to (2.9) the evolution of the Wigner function (3.1) in the case of a free particle is nonlocal. ", "One finds easily that in the limit $c\\to\\infty$ (3.5) reduces to (2.8) that is we get the correct nonrelativistic evolution. ", "Finally, putting in (3.5) $m=0$ we obtain the massless limit such that $$%<3.6>\n\\frac{\\partial W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)}{\\partial t}=-\\frac{2c}{(2\\pi\\hbar)^3}\n{\\bm p}{\\bm\\cdot}{\\bm\\nabla}\\int d^3{\\bm k}d^3{\\bm q}\n\\frac{W({\\bm q},{\\bm p},t)e^{{\\rm i}\\frac{{\\bm k}\n\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\scriptstyle{\\cdot}$}({\\bm x}-{\\bm q})}{\\hbar}}}\n{|{\\bm p}-{\\bm k}/2|+|{\\bm p}+{\\bm k}/2|}\\qquad (m=0).$$ where $|{\\bm a}|$ designates the norm of the vector ${\\bm a}$. The formula (3.5) enables to easily demonstrate the correctness of the nonrelativistic limit, nevertheless we have the simpler relation describing the evolution of the Wigner function that can be derived with the use of the identity [@12] $$%<3.7>\n\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty\\sqrt{x^2+a^2}\\,e^{{\\rm i}px}\\,dx =\n-\\frac{2a}{|p|}K_1(a|p|)$$ and the differentiation rule satisfied by the Bessel functions of the form $$%<3.8>\nK'_1(z)=\\frac{1}{z}K_1(z)-K_2(z).$$ Namely, we have $$%<3.9>\n\\frac{\\partial W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)}{\\partial t}=\\frac{2m^2c^3}{(2\\pi\\hbar)^2}\n\\int d^3{\\bm q}\\frac{K_2\\left(\\frac{2mc}{\\hbar}|{\\bm x}-{\\bm q}|\\right)}{|{\\bm x}-{\\bm q}|^2}\n\\sin\\frac{2{\\bm p}{\\bm\\cdot}({\\bm x}-{\\bm q})}{\\hbar}W({\\bm q},{\\bm p},t).$$ We remark that (3.9) has the form analogous to the Salpeter equation for a free particle written in the form of the integro-differential equation [@6]. ", "On taking the limit $m\\to0$ of Eq.", " (3.9) and using the asymptotic formula $$%<3.10>\nK_2(z) = \\frac{2}{z^2},\\qquad z\\to 0,$$ we arrive at the following massless limit of Eq.", " (3.9) $$%<3.11>\n\\frac{\\partial W({\\bm x},{\\bm p},t)}{\\partial t}=\\frac{c}{(2\\pi)^2}\n\\int d^3{\\bm q}\\frac{\\sin\\frac{2{\\bm p}{\\bm\\cdot}({\\bm x}-{\\bm q})}{\\hbar}}{|{\\bm x}-{\\bm q}|^4}\nW({\\bm q},{\\bm p},t).$$ The one-dimensional version of the formula (3.9) corresponding to the case of a relativistic particle moving in a line is $$%<3.12>\n\\frac{\\partial W(x,p,t)}{\\partial t}=\\frac{2mc^2}{\\pi\\hbar}\n\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty} dq\\frac{K_1\\left(\\frac{2mc}{\\hbar}|x-q|\\right)}{|x-q|}\n\\sin\\frac{2p(x-q)}{\\hbar}W(q,p,t).$$ An immediate consequence of (3.12) and the asymptotic formula (2.55) is the following limit $m=0$ of (3.12) $$%<3.13>\n\\frac{\\partial W(x,p,t)}{\\partial t}=\\frac{c}{\\pi}\n\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty} dq\\frac{\\sin\\frac{2p(x-q)}{\\hbar}}{(x-q)^2}W(q,p,t)\\qquad (m=0).$$\n\nIn order to illustrate the approach introduced in this section based on the definition of the Wigner function (3.1) and compare it with the Zavialov-Malokostov formalism discussed in the previous section we now consider a free particle on a line and the states (2.28) and (2.54) referring to the massless and massive particle, respectively. ", "The relativistic Wigner function for the motion in a line takes the form $$%<3.14>\nW(x,p,t)=\\frac{1}{2\\pi\\hbar^2}\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}dk\\,\\tilde\\phi^*(p-k/2,t)\n\\tilde\\phi(p+k/2,t)e^{\\frac{{\\rm i}kx}{\\hbar}},$$ where $\\tilde\\phi(p,t)$ satisfies (2.21) and (2.26) for the massive and massless case, respectively. ", "Consider first the massless particle and the state (2.28). ", "On inserting (2.28) into (3.14) with $\\hbar=1$ and making use of the identity [@8] $$%<3.15>\n\\int_0^\\infty \ne^{-px}\\cos(qx+\\lambda)dx=\\frac{1}{p^2+q^2}(p\\cos\\lambda-q\\sin\\lambda),\\qquad \np>0,$$ we arrive at the following formula for the Wigner function $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<3.16>\nW(x,p,t)=&\\frac{a}{\\pi}e^{-2a|p|}\\left\\{|p|\\frac{\\sin2(pt-x|p|)}{pt-x|p|}\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n&{}+\\left.\\frac{a}{a^2+x^2}\\left[\\cos2(pt-x|p|)+\\frac{x}{a}\\cos2(pt-x|p|)\\right]\\right\\}.\\end{aligned}$$ The time evolution of the Wigner function (3.16) is demonstrated in Fig.", "  4 and Fig.", " 5. ", "The characteristic feature of the Wigner function is the existence of the stable global maximum centered around $x=0$, $p=0$, and appearance of local extrema whose number increases as the time develops.", "\n\n -- --\n \n \n -- --\n\n![", "image](fig12.pdf)\n\nWe finally discuss the case of a free massive particle on a line and the state (2.54). ", "Substituting (2.54) into (3.14) and setting $\\hbar=1$ we get $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<3.17>\nW(x,p,t)=&\\frac{1}{2m\\pi K_1(2ma)}\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\times\\int_0^\\infty dk\\exp\\{-a[\\sqrt{(p-k/2)^2+m^2}\n+\\sqrt{(p+k/2)^2+m^2}]\\}\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\times\\cos\\{t[\\sqrt{(p-k/2)^2+m^2}-\\sqrt{(p+k/2)^2+m^2}]+kx\\}.\\end{aligned}$$ The authors do not know any analytic expression for the integral from (3.17). ", "The only exception besides $m=0$ is the case $p=0$ when it reduces to the integral of the form [@8] (see also (2.49)) $$\\begin{aligned}\n%<3.18>\n\\int_0^\\infty dx\\,\\exp(-\\alpha\\sqrt{x^2+\\beta^2})\\cos\\gamma x =&\n\\frac{\\alpha\\beta}{\\sqrt{\\alpha^2+\\gamma^2}}K_1(\\beta\\sqrt{\\alpha^2+\\gamma^2}),\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\qquad{\\rm Re}\\alpha>0,\\, {\\rm Re}\\beta >0.\\end{aligned}$$ The Wigner function is then given by $$%<3.19>\nW(x,0,t)=\\frac{1}{\\pi K_1(2ma)}\\frac{a}{\\sqrt{a^2+x^2}}K_1(2m\\sqrt{a^2+x^2}).$$ The time development of the Wigner function (3.17) obtained by numerical calculation of the integral is shown in Fig.", " 6 and Fig.", " 7. ", "In opposition to the massless case the global maximum is not stable in the limit of large $t$ and behaves similarly as in the case of (2.59) that is preserves maximal value but flatten. ", "Analogously as in the massless case we have also multiple local extrema whose number increases with time. ", "As with (2.59) the Wigner function can take the negative values as well (see Fig.", " 7).", "\n\n -- --\n \n \n -- --\n\n![", "image](fig17.pdf)\n\nSummary\n=======\n\nIn this work we discuss two approaches to relativistic generalization of the Wigner function for a free spinless particle based on the Salpeter equation. ", "The first one introduced by Zavialov and Malokostov postulates the local law of evolution for the Wigner function in the case of a free particle. ", "Its flaw is the problematic behavior of the Wigner function in the limit $m=0$. The problems with the limit $m=0$ are related to the definition of the Wigner function (2.9) utilizing without clear physical motivation, the “sum” of two fourvectors on the mass hyperboloid that remains on the hyperboloid. ", "Such “sum” cannot be in general defined on a cone in the case of massless particles. ", "On the other hand, we have demonstrated that the difficulties with the discussed formalism are connected with the simultaneous validity of (2.7) and (2.13). ", "Therefore, the question naturally arises as to whether the Wigner function satisfying assumptions (2.4), (2.5) and (2.7) is unique. ", "The second approach is based on the standard definition applied in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics but with states evolving according to the relativistic Salpeter equation. ", "In opposition to (2.7) assumed by Zavialov and Malokostov, the dynamics of such Wigner function is nonlocal in the case of a free particle. ", "On the one hand this is quite plausible in view of the nonlocality of the Salpeter equation related only to the kinetic energy term [@6]. ", "On the other hand, we know for example that in spite of the nonlocality of the current (2.16), it satisfies the local continuity equation (2.15). ", "Bearing in mind all pros and cons we find that there is no conclusive evidence which candidate for the relativistic Wigner function is better. ", "Nonetheless, it seems to us that the observations obtained herein, especially the analytic expressions for the Wigner functions, would be of importance for the further studies of the subject. ", "Finally, we point out possible application of the method for construction of the Wigner functions for general Lie groups developed in [@13; @14; @15]. ", "Indeed, the role of addition of vectors on the mass hyperboloid in the Zavialov-Malokostov approach to the relativistic Wigner function and results obtained with the help of the method in the nonrelativistic case suggest some group-theoretic context of the problem. ", "Nevertheless, in spite of the fact that Wigner functions obtained by means of the method have many desirable properties such as for example the covariance, their physical interpretation can be unclear (see for instance [@16]). 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[ "William McGibbon\n\nWilliam McGibbon (April 1690, in Glasgow, Scotland – 3 October 1756) was a Scottish composer and violinist.", "\n\nLife\nEighteenth-century sources disagree about many details of his life, and consequently his early life is shrouded in uncertainty. ", " He was probably born in Glasgow, the child of the violinist Duncan McGibbon and his wife Sarah Muir, although earlier sources say he was born in Edinburgh. ", " He may have studied in London under William Corbett, and may have travelled in Italy in his youth, possibly with Corbett. ", " He seems to have settled in Edinburgh in the 1720s.", "\n\nHe died in 1756, and left his estate to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.", "\n\nCareer\nHe was the principal violinist of the Edinburgh Musical Society orchestra from 1726 until his death.", "\n\nAlthough a prolific composer, particularly for the flute, recorder and fiddle, only a few of his works are now known. ", " Grove says they \"vary in quality\"; his early work shows influences of Corelli, Handel, Veracini, and Purcell, while after 1740 he produced many settings of Scottish tunes, which were then very popular, but still show an Italian influence.", "\n\nSee also\n Scottish Baroque music\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1690 births\nCategory:1756 deaths\nCategory:Musicians from Edinburgh\nCategory:Scottish classical composers\nCategory:British male classical composers\nCategory:Scottish classical violinists\nCategory:British male violinists\nCategory:18th-century Scottish musicians\nCategory:18th-century British composers\nCategory:18th-century male musicians\nCategory:18th-century classical composers\nCategory:18th-century violinists" ]
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[ "Офіс президента повідомив НАЗК, що чартерний літак з Оману, яким у січні до Києва повертався президент Володимир Зеленський, оплатив Султанат Оман. ", "Про це в інтерв’ю виданню «НВ» розповів голова Національного агентства з питань запобігання корупції Олександр Новіков.", "\n\n«Ми направляли запити в Офіс президента про те, за чий кошт були сплачені переліт та проживання в Омані. ", "ОП та Державне управління справами нещодавно повідомили, що це не відбувалось за державні кошти, а літак для повернення був наданий Султанатом Оман», – сказав Новіков.", "\n\nІ додав, що після того в НАЗК направили запит безпосередньо Володимиру Зеленському.", "\n\n«Ми направили запит (4 березня) Зеленському вже як фізичній особі для того, щоб він повідомив, хто оплачував відпочинок. ", "Якщо сплачував хтось із членів родини, то закон не зобов’язує надавати таку інформацію. ", "Але якщо президент сам сплачував і він про це не повідомив, то це факт порушення», – пояснив очільник Нацагентства.", "\n\nЧитайте також: Антикорупційний суд розгляне справу про недостовірне декларування ексголови Держекоінспекції – САП​\n\nВ інтерв’ю «НВ» Новіков також зазначив, що відведений на відповідь термін – десять днів з моменту отримання листа президентом. ", "На уточнення, якими будуть дії НАЗК у разі, якщо Зеленський не надасть такої інформації, відповів: «Він не може не надати. ", "Тому що тоді складається протокол щодо ненадання необхідної інформації НАЗК».", "\n\nГолова Нацагентства уточнив: «У запиті ми попросили надати документи, що підтверджують витрати. ", "Сподіваємося, вони будуть надані НАЗК, щоб зняти це питання відносно цієї ситуації в інтересах як суспільства, так і президента».", "\n\nНа початку січня цього року ЗМІ оприлюднили фото Володимира Зеленського у Маскаті – і повідомили, що він перебуває там начебто на відпочинку із сім'єю.", "\n\nПісля того Офіс президента підтвердив, що Зеленський перебуває в Омані: там зазначили, що президент вирушив туди з родиною за власні кошти рейсовим літаком. ", "Водночас повідомлялося про «зустрічі на найвищому рівні», які були заплановані в очільника держави.", "\n\nЗгодом з посиланням на тодішнього керівника Офісу президента Андрія Богдана, стало відомо, що поїздка президента до Султанату Оман «не була офіційним візитом, не мала офіційного статусу, здійснювалася з приватною метою та за власні кошти».", "\n\nПізніше, 13 лютого, було оприлюднене розслідування «Схем» під назвою «Оманлива відпустка». ", "У ньому йшлося про те, що 9 січня президент України Володимир Зеленський повернувся з Оману до України на літаку Bombardier Global Express 6000 із бортовим номером 9H-VJN – журналісти встановили це за допомогою онлайн-сервісу відстежування повітряних бортів та зафіксували, як кортеж, який забрав пасажирів після приземлення літака, заїхав до Офісу президента.", "\n\n14 лютого у НАЗК заявили, що проводять контроль «своєчасності подання повідомлення про суттєві зміни в майновому стані президентом України».", "\n\nРаніше про це повідомляв народний обранець від «Європейської солідарності» Олексій Гончаренко, посилаючись на відповідь Нацагентства на його депутатське звернення." ]
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[ "KANSAS CITY, Kan. -- In 2017, a child has died in an accidental shooting at least every other day. ", "Officials say the deaths are either self-inflicted or caused by another child, but some classes are hoping to teach kids about gun safety.", "\n\nThird-grader Brody Risen is pulling a trigger for the very first time. ", "He's learning how to load and fire a .22 caliber handgun during this class called \"First Shots.\" ", "It's designed for children as young as 8.", "\n\nThe goal of this two hour lesson is to teach gun safety while satisfying a child's curiosity about firearms. ", "Brody's father, Paul Risen, is a gun owner.", "\n\n\"I think the younger you are the more you're comfortable with it around 'em, the better they are to handle them,\" Risen said.", "\n\nIn Kansas City, Kansas, \"Frontier Justice\" offers birthday parties like a \"Sweet 16,\" where the bullets fired outnumber the candles. ", "Psychologist Sherry Hamby is studying the impact of guns on children.", "\n\nSome classes are hoping to teach kids about gun safety. ", "CBS News\n\n\"At what age does a child have the impulse control and maturity to handle a firearm?\" ", "CBS News asked.", "\n\n\"Impulse control and maturity and cognitive capacity are all somewhat different things, the more we know about brain development, the more you would really have to say mid 20s,\" Hamby said.", "\n\nJulvonnia and Byron McDowell lost their 14-year-old son JaJuan last year. ", "His 13-year-old cousin accidentally shot and killed him at relative's house with an unsecured handgun he thought was unloaded.", "\n\n\"Even if they go through safety classes, that's not going to prevent them from saying, 'look what I can do, and just that quick, life can change,'\" Julvonnia said.", "\n\nAs for Brody, he's happy he hit the bullseye.", "\n\nHe said he \"learned the four safety rules ... Never point the gun somewhere or in danger and never... I forgot.\"", "\n\nHis dad says, they'll be back." ]
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[ 0.0028855775017291307, 0.003101130947470665, 0.008105199784040451, 0.0010138649959117174, 0.01727784052491188, 0.0036881982814520597, 0.0013759597204625607, 0.000655932875815779, 0.0007046997779980302, 0.005970909725874662, 0.0018018459668383002, 0.0007678896654397249, 0.0007660839473828673, 0.0006927103386260569, 0.0012247598497197032, 0.029314003884792328, 0.000943942170124501, 0.00392754003405571, 0.0014714516000822186, 0.013457520864903927 ]
[ "Free Research Reports on BIOF, CLSN, FTNT and SWKS Issued by the Bedford Report\n\nNote to Editors: The Following Is an Investment Opinion Being Issued by the Equity News Circuit\n\nNEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - Feb 1, 2013) - The Bedford Report has released new equity reports today. ", "As a leading provider of free in depth reports and timely market updates, Bedford is an essential resource for hundreds of thousands of investors across the country.", "\n\nBioFuel Energy Corp. (NASDAQ: BIOF) shares gained 14.5 percent on over three-times the average daily volume Thursday. ", "The company currently operates two 110 million gallon per year ethanol production facilities in Fairmont, Minnesota and Wood River, Nebraska.", "\n\nCelsion Corporation (NASDAQ: CLSN) shares of the biotech company plummeted over 80 percent on nearly 40 million shares traded Thursday. ", "The company reported ThermoDox did not meet the primary endpoint of the Phase III HEAT Study in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.", "\n\nFortinet, Inc. (NASDAQ: FTNT) shares soared 22 percent on nearly five-times the average daily volume Thursday. ", "The company reported revenues grew 25 percent year-over-year to $151.2 million in the fourth quarter, topping the average analyst estimate of $144.3 million according to Bloomberg.", "\n\nSkyworks Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: SWKS) shares of the company surged 12.5 percent on over 11 million shares traded Thursday. ", "Skyworks reported revenues increased 15 percent to $453.7 million in the fiscal first quarter, exceeding the Company's guidance of $450 million.", "\n\nDisclaimer: Information, opinions and analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be reliable, but no representation, expressed or implied, is made as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. ", "The opinions contained herein reflect our current judgment and are subject to change without notice. ", "We accept no liability for any losses arising from an investor's reliance on or use of this report. ", "This report is for information purposes only, and is neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell securities. ", "Certain information included herein is forward-looking within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to, statements concerning manufacturing, marketing, growth, and expansion. ", "Such forward-looking information involves important risks and uncertainties that could affect actual results and cause them to differ materially from expectations expressed herein.", "\n\nA third party, Providence Media Strategies LLC has paid Equity News Circuit five hundred dollars for the publication of this news release. ", "Neither Equity News Circuit, nor the hiring party, has a financial relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this release. ", "Neither Equity News Circuit nor the hiring party are a registered investment advisor, and nothing in this report is intended as a solicitation to buy or sell any security." ]
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[ 0.0005380379152484238, 0.0005367762641981244, 0.0006464684847742319, 0.0005776574253104627, 0.0007077879854477942, 0.0006544526549987495, 0.0006423542508855462, 0.0005821660161018372, 0.0006047670030966401, 0.0005787235568277538, 0.0006630237330682576, 0.0006074361735954881, 0.0005670937825925648, 0.0006732312613166869, 0.0005281143821775913, 0.0005570543580688536, 0.0005829561268910766, 0.0006107651861384511, 0.000722401135135442 ]
[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. ", "All Rights Reserved.", "\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license\n * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source\n * tree. ", "An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found\n * in the file PATENTS. ", " All contributing project authors may\n * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.", "\n */\n#ifndef CALL_RTP_STREAM_RECEIVER_CONTROLLER_H_\n#define CALL_RTP_STREAM_RECEIVER_CONTROLLER_H_\n\n#include <memory>\n\n#include \"call/rtp_demuxer.h\"\n#include \"call/rtp_stream_receiver_controller_interface.h\"\n#include \"rtc_base/critical_section.h\"\n\nnamespace webrtc {\n\nclass RtpPacketReceived;\n\n// This class represents the RTP receive parsing and demuxing, for a\n// single RTP session.", "\n// TODO(nisse): Add RTCP processing, we should aim to terminate RTCP\n// and not leave any RTCP processing to individual receive streams.", "\n// TODO(nisse): Extract per-packet processing, including parsing and\n// demuxing, into a separate class.", "\nclass RtpStreamReceiverController\n : public RtpStreamReceiverControllerInterface {\n public:\n RtpStreamReceiverController();\n ~RtpStreamReceiverController() override;\n\n // Implements RtpStreamReceiverControllerInterface.", "\n std::unique_ptr<RtpStreamReceiverInterface> CreateReceiver(\n uint32_t ssrc,\n RtpPacketSinkInterface* sink) override;\n\n // Thread-safe wrappers for the corresponding RtpDemuxer methods.", "\n bool AddSink(uint32_t ssrc, RtpPacketSinkInterface* sink) override;\n size_t RemoveSink(const RtpPacketSinkInterface* sink) override;\n\n // TODO(nisse): Not yet responsible for parsing.", "\n bool OnRtpPacket(const RtpPacketReceived& packet);\n\n private:\n class Receiver : public RtpStreamReceiverInterface {\n public:\n Receiver(RtpStreamReceiverController* controller,\n uint32_t ssrc,\n RtpPacketSinkInterface* sink);\n\n ~Receiver() override;\n\n private:\n RtpStreamReceiverController* const controller_;\n RtpPacketSinkInterface* const sink_;\n };\n\n // TODO(nisse): Move to a TaskQueue for synchronization. ", "When used\n // by Call, we expect construction and all methods but OnRtpPacket\n // to be called on the same thread, and OnRtpPacket to be called\n // by a single, but possibly distinct, thread. ", "But applications not\n // using Call may have use threads differently.", "\n rtc::CriticalSection lock_;\n RtpDemuxer demuxer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&lock_);\n};\n\n} // namespace webrtc\n\n#endif // CALL_RTP_STREAM_RECEIVER_CONTROLLER_H_\n" ]
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[ "/*\r\n \r\n This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public\r\n License, v. 2.0. ", "If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this\r\n file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\r\n \r\n Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Michael Möller <mmoeller@openhardwaremonitor.org>\r\n\t\r\n*/\r\n\r\nusing System.", "Globalization;\r\nusing System.", "Text;\r\nusing System;\r\n\r\nnamespace OpenHardwareMonitor.", "Hardware.", "LPC {\r\n internal class IT87XX : ISuperIO {\r\n \r\n private readonly ushort address;\r\n private readonly Chip chip;\r\n private readonly byte version;\r\n\r\n private readonly ushort gpioAddress;\r\n private readonly int gpioCount;\r\n\r\n private readonly ushort addressReg;\r\n private readonly ushort dataReg;\r\n\r\n private readonly float?[] ", "voltages = new float?[0];\r\n private readonly float?[] ", "temperatures = new float?[0];\r\n private readonly float?[] ", "fans = new float?[0];\r\n private readonly float?[] ", "controls = new float?[0];\r\n\r\n private readonly float voltageGain;\r\n private readonly bool has16bitFanCounter;\r\n \r\n // Consts\r\n private const byte ITE_VENDOR_ID = 0x90;\r\n \r\n // Environment Controller\r\n private const byte ADDRESS_REGISTER_OFFSET = 0x05;\r\n private const byte DATA_REGISTER_OFFSET = 0x06;\r\n\r\n // Environment Controller Registers \r\n private const byte CONFIGURATION_REGISTER = 0x00;\r\n private const byte TEMPERATURE_BASE_REG = 0x29;\r\n private const byte VENDOR_ID_REGISTER = 0x58;\r\n private const byte FAN_TACHOMETER_DIVISOR_REGISTER = 0x0B;\r\n private readonly byte[] FAN_TACHOMETER_REG = \r\n { 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x80, 0x82 };\r\n private readonly byte[] FAN_TACHOMETER_EXT_REG =\r\n { 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x81, 0x83 };\r\n private const byte VOLTAGE_BASE_REG = 0x20;\r\n private readonly byte[] FAN_PWM_CTRL_REG = { 0x15, 0x16, 0x17 };\r\n\r\n private bool[] restoreDefaultFanPwmControlRequired = new bool[3]; \r\n private byte[] initialFanPwmControl = new byte[3];\r\n\r\n private byte ReadByte(byte register, out bool valid) {\r\n Ring0.WriteIoPort(addressReg, register);\r\n byte value = Ring0.ReadIoPort(dataReg);\r\n valid = register == Ring0.ReadIoPort(addressReg);\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n\r\n private bool WriteByte(byte register, byte value) {\r\n Ring0.WriteIoPort(addressReg, register);\r\n Ring0.WriteIoPort(dataReg, value);\r\n return register == Ring0.ReadIoPort(addressReg); \r\n }\r\n\r\n public byte? ", "ReadGPIO(int index) {\r\n if (index >= gpioCount)\r\n return null;\r\n\r\n return Ring0.ReadIoPort((ushort)(gpioAddress + index));\r\n }\r\n\r\n public void WriteGPIO(int index, byte value) {\r\n if (index >= gpioCount)\r\n return;\r\n\r\n Ring0.WriteIoPort((ushort)(gpioAddress + index), value);\r\n } \r\n\r\n private void SaveDefaultFanPwmControl(int index) {\r\n bool valid;\r\n if (!", "restoreDefaultFanPwmControlRequired[index]) {\r\n initialFanPwmControl[index] = \r\n ReadByte(FAN_PWM_CTRL_REG[index], out valid);\r\n restoreDefaultFanPwmControlRequired[index] = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n private void RestoreDefaultFanPwmControl(int index) {\r\n if (restoreDefaultFanPwmControlRequired[index]) {\r\n WriteByte(FAN_PWM_CTRL_REG[index], initialFanPwmControl[index]);\r\n restoreDefaultFanPwmControlRequired[index] = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n public void SetControl(int index, byte? ", "value) {\r\n if (index < 0 || index >= controls.", "Length)\r\n throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(\"index\");\r\n\r\n if (!", "Ring0.WaitIsaBusMutex(10))\r\n return;\r\n\r\n if (value.", "HasValue) {\r\n SaveDefaultFanPwmControl(index);\r\n\r\n // set output value\r\n WriteByte(FAN_PWM_CTRL_REG[index], (byte)(value.", "Value >> 1)); \r\n } else {\r\n RestoreDefaultFanPwmControl(index);\r\n }\r\n\r\n Ring0.ReleaseIsaBusMutex();\r\n } \r\n\r\n public IT87XX(Chip chip, ushort address, ushort gpioAddress, byte version) {\r\n\r\n this.address = address;\r\n this.chip = chip;\r\n this.version = version;\r\n this.addressReg = (ushort)(address + ADDRESS_REGISTER_OFFSET);\r\n this.dataReg = (ushort)(address + DATA_REGISTER_OFFSET);\r\n this.gpioAddress = gpioAddress;\r\n\r\n // Check vendor id\r\n bool valid;\r\n byte vendorId = ReadByte(VENDOR_ID_REGISTER, out valid); \r\n if (!", "valid || vendorId !", "= ITE_VENDOR_ID)\r\n return;\r\n\r\n // Bit 0x10 of the configuration register should always be 1\r\n if ((ReadByte(CONFIGURATION_REGISTER, out valid) & 0x10) == 0)\r\n return;\r\n if (!", "valid)\r\n return;\r\n\r\n voltages = new float?[9];\r\n temperatures = new float?[3];\r\n fans = new float?[chip == Chip.", "IT8705F ? ", "3 : 5];\r\n controls = new float?[3];\r\n\r\n // IT8620E, IT8628E, IT8721F, IT8728F and IT8772E use a 12mV resultion \r\n // ADC, all others 16mV\r\n if (chip == Chip.", "IT8620E || chip == Chip.", "IT8628E || chip == Chip.", "IT8721F \r\n || chip == Chip.", "IT8728F || chip == Chip.", "IT8771E || chip == Chip.", "IT8772E) \r\n {\r\n voltageGain = 0.012f;\r\n } else {\r\n voltageGain = 0.016f; \r\n }\r\n\r\n // older IT8705F and IT8721F revisions do not have 16-bit fan counters\r\n if ((chip == Chip.", "IT8705F && version < 3) || \r\n (chip == Chip.", "IT8712F && version < 8)) \r\n {\r\n has16bitFanCounter = false;\r\n } else {\r\n has16bitFanCounter = true;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Set the number of GPIO sets\r\n switch (chip) {\r\n case Chip.", "IT8712F:\r\n case Chip.", "IT8716F:\r\n case Chip.", "IT8718F:\r\n case Chip.", "IT8726F:\r\n gpioCount = 5;\r\n break;\r\n case Chip.", "IT8720F:\r\n case Chip.", "IT8721F:\r\n gpioCount = 8;\r\n break;\r\n case Chip.", "IT8620E:\r\n case Chip.", "IT8628E:\r\n case Chip.", "IT8705F: \r\n case Chip.", "IT8728F:\r\n case Chip.", "IT8771E:\r\n case Chip.", "IT8772E:\r\n gpioCount = 0;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n public Chip Chip { get { return chip; } }\r\n public float?[] ", "Voltages { get { return voltages; } }\r\n public float?[] ", "Temperatures { get { return temperatures; } }\r\n public float?[] ", "Fans { get { return fans; } }\r\n public float?[] ", "Controls { get { return controls; } }\r\n\r\n public string GetReport() {\r\n StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder();\r\n\r\n r.AppendLine(\"LPC \" + this.", "GetType().Name);\r\n r.AppendLine();\r\n r.Append(\"Chip ID: 0x\"); r.AppendLine(chip.", "ToString(\"X\"));\r\n r.Append(\"Chip Version: 0x\"); r.AppendLine(\r\n version.", "ToString(\"X\", CultureInfo.", "InvariantCulture));\r\n r.Append(\"Base Address: 0x\"); r.AppendLine(\r\n address.", "ToString(\"X4\", CultureInfo.", "InvariantCulture));\r\n r.Append(\"GPIO Address: 0x\"); r.AppendLine(\r\n gpioAddress.", "ToString(\"X4\", CultureInfo.", "InvariantCulture));\r\n r.AppendLine();\r\n\r\n if (!", "Ring0.WaitIsaBusMutex(100))\r\n return r.ToString();\r\n\r\n r.AppendLine(\"Environment Controller Registers\");\r\n r.AppendLine();\r\n r.AppendLine(\" 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F\");\r\n r.AppendLine();\r\n for (int i = 0; i <= 0xA; i++) {\r\n r.Append(\" \"); \r\n r.Append((i << 4).ToString(\"X2\", CultureInfo.", "InvariantCulture)); \r\n r.Append(\" \");\r\n for (int j = 0; j <= 0xF; j++) {\r\n r.Append(\" \");\r\n bool valid;\r\n byte value = ReadByte((byte)((i << 4) | j), out valid);\r\n r.Append(\r\n valid ? ", "value.", "ToString(\"X2\", CultureInfo.", "InvariantCulture) : \"??\");", "\r\n }\r\n r.AppendLine();\r\n }\r\n r.AppendLine();\r\n\r\n r.AppendLine(\"GPIO Registers\");\r\n r.AppendLine();\r\n for (int i = 0; i < gpioCount; i++) {\r\n r.Append(\" \");\r\n r.Append(ReadGPIO(i).Value.", "ToString(\"X2\",\r\n CultureInfo.", "InvariantCulture));\r\n }\r\n r.AppendLine();\r\n r.AppendLine();\r\n\r\n Ring0.ReleaseIsaBusMutex();\r\n\r\n return r.ToString();\r\n }\r\n\r\n public void Update() {\r\n if (!", "Ring0.WaitIsaBusMutex(10))\r\n return;\r\n\r\n for (int i = 0; i < voltages.", "Length; i++) {\r\n bool valid;\r\n \r\n float value = \r\n voltageGain * ReadByte((byte)(VOLTAGE_BASE_REG + i), out valid); \r\n\r\n if (!", "valid)\r\n continue;\r\n if (value > 0)\r\n voltages[i] = value; \r\n else\r\n voltages[i] = null;\r\n }\r\n\r\n for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.", "Length; i++) {\r\n bool valid;\r\n sbyte value = (sbyte)ReadByte(\r\n (byte)(TEMPERATURE_BASE_REG + i), out valid);\r\n if (!", "valid)\r\n continue;\r\n\r\n if (value < sbyte.", "MaxValue && value > 0)\r\n temperatures[i] = value;\r\n else\r\n temperatures[i] = null; \r\n }\r\n\r\n if (has16bitFanCounter) {\r\n for (int i = 0; i < fans.", "Length; i++) {\r\n bool valid;\r\n int value = ReadByte(FAN_TACHOMETER_REG[i], out valid);\r\n if (!", "valid)\r\n continue;\r\n value |= ReadByte(FAN_TACHOMETER_EXT_REG[i], out valid) << 8;\r\n if (!", "valid)\r\n continue;\r\n\r\n if (value > 0x3f) {\r\n fans[i] = (value < 0xffff) ? ", "1.35e6f / (value * 2) : 0;\r\n } else {\r\n fans[i] = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n for (int i = 0; i < fans.", "Length; i++) {\r\n bool valid;\r\n int value = ReadByte(FAN_TACHOMETER_REG[i], out valid);\r\n if (!", "valid)\r\n continue;\r\n\r\n int divisor = 2;\r\n if (i < 2) {\r\n int divisors = ReadByte(FAN_TACHOMETER_DIVISOR_REGISTER, out valid);\r\n if (!", "valid)\r\n continue;\r\n divisor = 1 << ((divisors >> (3 * i)) & 0x7);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (value > 0) {\r\n fans[i] = (value < 0xff) ? ", "1.35e6f / (value * divisor) : 0;\r\n } else {\r\n fans[i] = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n for (int i = 0; i < controls.", "Length; i++) {\r\n bool valid;\r\n byte value = ReadByte(FAN_PWM_CTRL_REG[i], out valid);\r\n if (!", "valid)\r\n continue;\r\n\r\n if ((value & 0x80) > 0) {\r\n // automatic operation (value can't be read)\r\n controls[i] = null; \r\n } else {\r\n // software operation\r\n controls[i] = (float)Math.", "Round((value & 0x7F) * 100.0f / 0x7F);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n Ring0.ReleaseIsaBusMutex();\r\n }\r\n } \r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ "19F nuclear magnetic resonance of 5-fluorouridine-substituted tRNA1Val from Escherichia coli.", "\nThe 19F NMR spectrum of Escherichia coli tRNA1Val in which [5-19F]uridine replaces 93% of all uridine and uridine-derived residues has been examined at 93.6 and 235 MHz. ", "The resolution of 11 peaks and visibility of two additional shoulders at either frequency for the 14 FUra residues in the molecule attests to the excellence of 19F as a probe for the structure of tRNA1Val in solution. ", "No significant gain in resolution was attained at the higher frequency. ", "A comparison of the relative areas in the different regions of the 19F spectrum of mixed [FUra]tRNAs with that of [FUra]tRNA1Val suggests that the three single resonances at lowest field in the region 86.5 to 88.5 ppm upfield from trifluoroacetate correspond to the three invariant bases which form tertiary hydrogen bonds in all tRNAs, namely, 8 (U or s4U), 54 (T), and 55 (phi) in unsubstituted tRNAs." ]
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[ 0.0006589441909454763, 0.0006363161373883486, 0.0005676231812685728, 0.0005779975326731801, 0.0006532553234137595 ]
[ "Scanlon Announces Retirement From Freeholder Board Effective End Of Year\n\nUNION COUNTY–Citing a desire to spend more time with her family, Freeholder Deborah P. Scanlon announced today she will retire at the end of the year, ending her fifth term in office.", "\n\nScanlon, a resident of the Township of Union who is a mother of three with nine grandchildren, distinguished her career as a freeholder by serving as a steady advocate for women, children, and families in need. ", "A two-time survivor of cancer, she has championed cancer-prevention programs including mammography awareness for young and underprivileged women. ", "She served as a liaison to Runnells Hospital, and worked to expand one of the county’s most popular family services, the Union County Child Safety Seat program, which has provided more than 50,000 inspections.", "\n\n“It has been a privilege serving the people of Union County for 15 years and providing a voice for the public in County government,” Scanlon said in a press release issued by the Union County Democratic Committee. “", "I would also like to thank my colleagues on the Board, and our Democratic Chairwoman for their support. ", "I will also greatly miss our family of county government employees, our county directors, and all the extraordinary people at the different levels of government and private sector I’ve had the pleasure of working with through my years as an elected official. ", "It has been a fantastic experience.”", "\n\nFreeholder Chairman Alexander Mirabella, who was originally elected with Scanlon in 1997 to the Freeholder Board and have run together successfully ever since, said he would miss Scanlon.", "\n\n“I was truly blessed to have someone as honorable and decent as Debbie is to run for public office with,” said Mirabella. “", "Debbie is a person with a great heart and charm who has devoted her time on the board to helping women, children and families. ", "She was also someone who was not afraid to take on the challenges of the leadership of this board. ", "She did so with class and dignity. ", "I will miss her dearly, and on behalf of the Freeholder Board, I wish her well in her retirement from public life.”", "\n\n“Debbie was a champion for those who most needed a voice in county government,” said DeFilippo, herself a former Union County Freeholder. “", "She grew into a leadership position on the Board, and successfully helped guide county government through some tough transitional periods post 9-11 and the recent global recession.”", "\n\nScanlon served two times as chairman of the Board of Freeholders in 2003 and 2011, implementing a wide range of initiatives. ", "In 2003, she led the creation of the Committee on Homeland Security, a countywide program. ", "As chairman in 2011, Scanlon initiated the production of a free educational DVD on cyber safety and cyberbullying in partnership with the prosecutor’s office.", "\n\nAlso as Chairman in 2011, she was instrumental in promoting science based nutritional guidelines designed to help families fight childhood obesity and improve overall health. ", "Through her career, she also served several times as the chair of the Open Space Trust Fund, which has saved well over 300 acres of green space from development throughout Union County, renovated existing and built new playing fields and playgrounds, and provided equipment and recreational assistance for children.", "\n\nWorkforce development has been another hallmark of her tenure as freeholder, and she has worked with numerous committees, advisory boards and associations to help connect jobseekers with Union County businesses.", "\n\nSince 2006, Scanlon has served on the Union County Shade Tree committee. ", "The Bureau of Shade Tree and Conservation offers free trees to schools and sponsors the “Young Writers of Union County” poetry contest for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students.", "\n\nScanlon is a former member of the Union Township Board of Education, where she served as Finance Chair, liaison to the Union County School Boards Association and representative to the Union Township committee.", "\n\nShe was born and raised in Summit and moved to Union in 1983. ", "She is married to Patrick Scanlon, former Mayor of Union and former member of the Union Township Committee. ", "She and Patrick reside in Union Township. ", "They have three children: Tammie, Lisa and Patrick IV, and nine grandchildren." ]
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[ "Scientists fabricate first plasma transistor\n\nA plasma lamp contains a partially ionized gas. ", "For the first time, researchers have fabricated a plasma transistor (not shown). ", "Image credit: Luc Viatour.", "\n\nSince their development in the 1940s, transistors have been at the heart of computers and other modern electronic devices. ", "Transistors - whose job is to start, stop, or amplify electric current - come in all shapes, sizes and materials, depending on the application. ", "Recently, scientists have fabricated a new variation: a micro-sized plasma transistor.", "\n\nResearchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign developed the microplasma transistor by integrating a conventional microcavity plasma device with an electron emitter. ", "Kuo-Feng (Kevin) Chen and Professor J. Gary Eden, Director of the Laboratory for Optical Physics and Engineering, published their study in a recent issue of Applied Physics Letters. ", "As Eden explained, a plasma transistor could one day have certain advantages compared with conventional transistors.", "\n\n“As you might imagine, this first plasma transistor has not yet been engineered to the degree necessary for a commercial product,” Eden told PhysOrg.com. “", "Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that a microplasma transistor is advantageous in those situations requiring the transistor to handle high voltages and power. ", "Unlike conventional transistors that can be damaged by a voltage transient, for example, the microplasma transistor is expected to be quite rugged because a gas (and plasma) cannot be ‘burnt.’”", "\n\nIn the plasma transistor, the electron emitter injects electrons in a controlled manner into the sheath of a partially ionized neon gas (the plasma). ", "The scientists discovered that even a voltage as low as 5 volts can change the properties of the microplasma, including quadrupling the current and increasing the visible light emission.", "\n\nBy controllably altering the microplasma’s properties, the electron emitter effectively transforms the plasma microcavity device into a three-terminal transistor. ", "Like a regular transistor, the microplasma transistor has the ability to control the current traveling through the terminals, and act as a switch or amplifier.", "\n\nThe scientists began investigating the plasma transistor while trying to solve a problem that arises in plasma devices, such as those in plasma TV displays. ", "In such devices, scientists have limited control over electron production in the plasma sheath, in which current flow is normally dominated by ions. ", "The result is that these plasma devices require high voltages to operate. ", "In an attempt to lower the required voltage and increase efficiency, Chen, Eden, and others have been investigating methods of generating additional electrons, such as by growing electron-emitting carbon nanotubes on the inside wall of the microplasma device, as in a previous study.", "\n\nIn the current study, the auxiliary electrons provided by the electron emitter filled the role of injecting electrons into the plasma sheath, thereby reducing the required voltage. ", "But because the electron source is also controllable, the scientists could modulate the plasma’s conductive properties, as well. ", "As the main component of the plasma transistor, the plasma sheath is analogous to the base of a conventional transistor.", "\n\nBesides controlling the current and visible light emission, the scientists could also reduce the ratio of ion-to-electron density at the edge of the sheath of the device. ", "In addition, injecting electrons into the plasma sheath provides a way to estimate the electron density in the sheath without the need for an internal probe.", "\n\n“With regard to potential applications of microplasma transistors, the most attractive near-term opportunity is possibly for high-resolution displays for cell phones or portable DVD players,” Eden said. “", "Other interesting applications include environmental sensors (producing plasmas in air samples and detecting light produced by pollutants) and biomedical diagnostics.”", "\n\nRelated Stories\n\nFreak waves, as well as other less striking localised excitations, occur in nature at every scale. ", "The current theory and models of such waves can be applied to physics and, among others, to oceanography, nonlinear optics ...\n\nComputer chip makers continuously strive to pack more transistors in less space, yet as the size of those transistors approaches the atomic scale, there are physical limits on how small they are able to make the patterns ...\n\nNeurons are connected to each other through synapses, sites where signals are transmitted in the form of chemical messengers. ", "Reinhard Jahn, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, has ...\n\nGraphene is the stuff of the future. ", "For years, researchers and technologists have been predicting the utility of the one-atom-thick sheets of pure carbon in everything from advanced touch screens and semiconductors to long-lasting ...\n\n(PhysOrg.com) -- By integrating a solid-state electron emitter and a microcavity plasma device, researchers at the University of Illinois have created a plasma transistor that could be used to make lighter, less expensive ...\n\nUniversity of Utah electrical engineers fabricated the smallest plasma transistors that can withstand high temperatures and ionizing radiation found in a nuclear reactor. ", "Such transistors someday might enable smartphones ...\n\nRecommended for you\n\n(Phys.org)—According to a new study, there are more familiar strangers in our lives than friends, coworkers, and all other acquaintances combined. ", "Encounters with familiar strangers, defined as pairs of individuals who ...\n\nResearchers at the Division of Solid-State Physics and the Division of Materials Physics at Uppsala University have shown how the collective dynamics in a structure consisting of interacting magnetic nano-islands can be manipulated. ...", "\n\nAn international team led by University of Arkansas physicists has discovered drastic changes in material properties occurring in a group of two-dimensional materials that are being investigated as candidates to power the ...\n\nPhysicists of the University of Würzburg have made an astonishing discovery in a specific type of topological insulators. ", "The effect is due to the structure of the materials used. ", "The researchers have now published their ...\n\nResearchers have developed a way to use commercial inkjet printers and readily available ink to print hidden images that are only visible when illuminated with appropriately polarized waves in the terahertz region of the ...\n\nAn international team of scientists has succeeded in making further improvements to the lifetime of superconducting quantum circuits. ", "An important prerequisite for the realization of high-performance quantum computers is ..." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to maximize a UWP window (not fullscreen)\n\nHow can I maximize a window in a UWP project (not fullscreen!) ", "using C#? ", "I tried the method TryResizeView with the window bounds as parameters but nothing happens.", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nThis is not possible in UWP at this time. ", "So, I can't get you Maximize, but I can get you pretty close:\nvar av = Windows.", "UI.ViewManagement.", "ApplicationView.", "GetForCurrentView();\nvar di = Windows.", "Graphics.", "Display.", "DisplayInformation.", "GetForCurrentView();\nvar bounds = av.", "VisibleBounds;\nvar factor = di.", "RawPixelsPerViewPixel;\nvar size = new Windows.", "Foundation.", "Size(bounds.", "Width * factor, bounds.", "Height * factor);\nsize.", "Height -= 100;\nsize.", "Width -= 100;\nav.", "TryResizeView(size);\n\nBasically, subtract 100 (to allow for the taskar). ", "This will work in most cases, but without a true screen bounds measurement, I think this is the best we can do right now. ", "Sorry I can't give you more. ", "The TaskBar size (and location) is the variable.", "\n\nThis is implemented in http://aka.ms/template10 (https://github.com/Windows-XAML/Template10/blob/master/Template10%20(Library)/Utils/MonitorUtils.cs#L58)\n\nBest of luck!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Speedgoat Wins #35 with Buffalo Run 100 Course Record\n\nKarl “Speedgoat” Meltzer (Sandy, Utah), the defending champ, chopped an incredible 54 minutes from his own course record for a 14:34 winning time, pushing his 100-mile win tally to 35. ", "Nick Pedatella (Boulder, Colo.) gave chase, but was a distant second in 16:10. ", "Jeremy Bradford (Denver), who ran nine 100-milers in 2012 and won eight, was third in 17:39. ", "Kristel Liddle (Fort Collins, Colo.) topped the women’s field in 20:59, a new course record by more than two hours. ", "With the Quad Rock 50 and Speedgoat 50K leading up September’s The Bear 100, Liddle has a big year ahead. ", "Chris Grove (Colorado Springs, Colo.) and Lynette Vanschoiack (Meridian, Idaho) trailed in 23:45 and 23:52 for second and third, respectively.", "\n\nResults of the 50-mile and 50K races were unofficial as of Sunday evening. ", "Taking possible inaccuracies in the preliminary results into account, Scott Jaime (Highlands Ranch, Colo.) is the 50-mile winner at 6:24, with Danny Farnsworth three minutes back in 6:27. ", "Sarah McCloskey (Alta, Utah) gained women’s honors in 8:01. ", "Amie Blackham was second in 8:06 and Suzanne Lewis (Salt Lake City), scheduled to run the upcoming Zion and San Diego 100s, was third in 8:20. ", "Ryan Ghelfi (Ashland, Ore.) appears to be the 50K winner in 3:38:28, just 20 seconds off the course record. ", "Seth Wold (Lehi, Utah) looks to be a distant second in 3:55. ", "In the women’s race, Quincie Albrecht (Missoula, Mont.) bested the women’s field by more than an hour with a 4:01 finish.", "\n\nNamed for a former Green Beret who perished in Vietnam, the JC Stone memorial race was heated on both the men and women’s sides. ", "Stacey Kopchak (Gibsonia, Pa.) held onto first in 4:02:22. ", "Just 22 seconds back, Christine Forrest (Pittsburgh) was a close second. ", "Multiple U.S. champ Connie Gardner (Medina, Ohio) ran 4:05:15 for third, less than three minutes separating the three at the front end of the race. ", "Evan Cestari (Shrewsbury, N.J.) took the men’s win in 3:24:59. ", "Ben English (Jackson Center, Pa.) made sure it was close with a second-place 3:25:40. ", "Andrew Bartle (Pittsburgh) kicked for a third in 3:38:05, a mere second ahead of Douglas Basinski (Pittsburgh).", "\n\nA full slate of distances brought runners to the White Tank Mountain Regional Park where Brian Peterson (Minneapolis) used the 50-mile race as training for the San Diego 100, finishing first in 7:25. ", "Jane Larkindale (Tucson, Ariz.), training for the same race, topped the women’s field in 9:45. ", "Bret Sarnquist (Flagstaff, Ariz.) earned a slim 50K win in 4:33, just 16 seconds ahead of Aarick Nietert. ", "Christopher Payton (Denver) was third in 4:58. ", "Brittany Orkney (Tucson, Ariz.) was victorious in the women’s 50K at 5:32, nine minutes ahead of Emily Robbins (Phoenix).", "\n\nRacing out-and-back on a rails-to-trails circuit, Thomas Aten (Oklahoma City) dipped under the 7-hour mark with a 6:58 winning time in the inaugural event. ", "Eric Buckley (St. Louis) was a close second in 7:10, with Fernando Martinez (Wichita, Kan.) just off the lead pace in third at 7:55. ", "April Calaway (Wichita, Kan.) dominated the women’s race in 7:36, an hour ahead of her closest chaser.", "\n\nA small field for the 100-miler didn’t keep two frontrunners from pushing the pace. ", "Brandon Purdeu (Lawton, Okla.) finished first in 16:09, just ahead of a trailing Eric John (Covington, Ga.) in 16:32.", "\n\nJosh Holloway rocketed up onto the bluffs above the Tennessee River Gorge and down through Short Creek’s rock garden first, finishing the 10.2-mile course in 1:16:47. ", "Joseph Goetz fought off Nathan Holland for second, finishing in 1:18:03 to Holland’s 1:18:36. ", "The women’s race followed suit with a clear champion, and a close battle between second and third. ", "Sarah Gollub’s 1:28:24 brought her home way ahead of her chasers. ", "Dee Goodwin scored runner-up honors in 1:43:14, just 13 seconds up on third-place Christine Warren.", "\n\nJoe Fejes (Hoschton, Ga.), who starred last at the Across the Years three-day event, ran 100K in 10:42. ", "Joe Buono took second in 11:17. ", "For the women, Michele Tellez and Jennifer Carvallo finished third and fourth overall, first and second in the women’s race, in 12:41 and 12:48, respectively.", "\n\nA Part of Hearst Digital Media\nRunner's World participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites." ]
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[ "package com.taobao.arthas.bytekit.asm.interceptor.parser;\n\nimport java.lang.annotation.", "Annotation;\nimport java.lang.reflect.", "Method;\nimport java.lang.reflect.", "Modifier;\nimport java.util.", "ArrayList;\nimport java.util.", "List;\n\nimport com.taobao.arthas.bytekit.asm.interceptor.", "InterceptorProcessor;\nimport com.taobao.arthas.bytekit.asm.interceptor.annotation.", "InterceptorParserHander;\nimport com.taobao.arthas.bytekit.utils.", "InstanceUtils;\nimport com.taobao.arthas.bytekit.utils.", "ReflectionUtils;\nimport com.taobao.arthas.bytekit.utils.", "ReflectionUtils.", "MethodCallback;\n\npublic class DefaultInterceptorClassParser implements InterceptorClassParser {\n\n @Override\n public List<InterceptorProcessor> parse(Class<?", "> clazz) {\n final List<InterceptorProcessor> result = new ArrayList<InterceptorProcessor>();\n\n MethodCallback methodCallback = new MethodCallback() {\n\n @Override\n public void doWith(Method method) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {\n for (Annotation onMethodAnnotation : method.getAnnotations()) {\n for (Annotation onAnnotation : onMethodAnnotation.annotationType().getAnnotations()) {\n if (InterceptorParserHander.class.isAssignableFrom(onAnnotation.annotationType())) {\n\n if (!", "Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"method must be static. ", "method: \" + method);\n }\n\n InterceptorParserHander handler = (InterceptorParserHander) onAnnotation;\n InterceptorProcessorParser interceptorProcessorParser = InstanceUtils\n .newInstance(handler.parserHander());\n InterceptorProcessor interceptorProcessor = interceptorProcessorParser.parse(method,\n onMethodAnnotation);\n result.add(interceptorProcessor);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n };\n ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(clazz, methodCallback);\n\n return result;\n }\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "---\nauthor:\n- |\n Frank Gronwald[^1]\\\n Institute for Theoretical Physics\\\n University of Cologne, 50923 Köln\\\n GERMANY\ntitle: 'BRST–Antifield–Treatment of Metric–Affine Gravity'\n---\n\nł PS. ", "ø § Ø\n\nPACS no.: ", "04.60; 04.55; 11.17\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nIn search of a satisfactory theory of quantum gravity there still exists, in addition to the new methods of canonical quantization of general relativity, supergravity, and superstring theories, the more traditional approach which is based on a gauging of non–supersymmetric extensions of the Poincaré group. ", "It developed from the early papers of Utiyama [@utiy56], Sciama [@scia62; @scia64], and Kibble [@kibb61]. ", "The main motivation to follow this approach is provided by the fact that the spacetime symmetry which is nowadays really observed is the Poincaré symmetry. ", "Within the concept of a relativistic field theory, it is more natural to consider [*local*]{} spacetime symmetries rather than keeping spacetime symmetry [*rigid*]{}. ", "Therefore it is natural to gauge the Poincaré group. ", "In this scheme, general relativity can be straightforwardly derived as a gauge theory of translations. ", "However, in a perturbative expansion the quantization of gravity models which are based on a gauging of the Poincaré group leads to either non–unitarity or non–renormalizability[^2] [@sezg80; @sezg81; @kuhf86]. ", "In order to ‘repair’ these defects, it has been suggested that the Poincaré group originates from a symmetry reduction of one of its extensions [@neem88]. ", "A possible and fairly general framework of such a mechanism is provided by the metric–affine gauge theory of gravity (MAG) [@hehl95]. ", "MAG is based on a gauging of the $n$–dimensional affine group $A(n,R)=T^n\\semidirect GL(n,R)$, i.e. the semidirect product of the translation group $T^n$ and the group of general linear transformations $GL(n,R)$. The affine group enlarges the transformations of the Poincaré group by dilation and shear transformations. ", "For a particular model of MAG a spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism was constructed [@lee92], indicating renormalizability, but with the proof of unitarity left as an open problem.", "\n\nIn this article we reconsider the approach to the quantization of MAG and fit MAG into the covariant Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin-(BRST)-antifield formalism in order to demonstrate how to obtain gauge fixed quantum actions. ", "The BRST–antifield formalism was developed by Batalin and Vilkovisky [@bata81; @bata83], using earlier ideas of Zinn–Justin [@zinn75] and others [@dewi79]. ", "It relies heavily on the concept of BRST–symmetry [@henn92] and was mainly developed in view of the quantization of gauge theories which are characterized by open or reducible gauge algebras. ", "However, the antifield formalism seems to become a standard tool of quantum field theory [@gomi95; @wein96] which is also of considerable use in the context of the closed and irreducible Yang–Mills theory. ", "The more standard but less general Feynman–DeWitt–Faddeev–Popov method is suitable to covariantly gauge fix Yang–Mills theory [@fadd67] and general relativity [@feyn63; @dewi64]. ", "But it cannot straightforwardly be applied to MAG since the gauge algebra of MAG contains field dependent structure functions and thus constitutes no Lie–algebra.", "\n\nIn the literature we have found several BRST–formulations of specific gauge models of gravity which are included in MAG, see for example [@baul84; @lee89; @mori94; @kalm97]. ", "In these gauge models the generator of translations on the spacetime manifold is taken to be a [*non–gauge–covariant*]{} Lie–derivative. ", "This yields a corresponding gauge algebra which is field independent. ", "However, a gauge–covariant notion of translational invariance is required if matter is included which transforms non–trivially under the linear part of the external gauge group[^3], e.g. fermionic matter. ", "Such matter can be covariantly translated on the spacetime manifold by the use of a [*gauge–covariant*]{} Lie–derivative. ", "The corresponding gauge algebra of MAG, as already mentioned above, is field dependent, and it is this general case we will deal with in this paper.", "\n\nIn order to put MAG into the BRST–antifield formalism we will proceed as follows: In Sec.", " 2 we will shortly review MAG and later derive its gauge algebra in Sec.", " 3. ", "The gauge algebra is the main ingredient of MAG to be inserted into the BRST–antifield formalism. ", "This will be done in Sec.", " 4 in order to display the BRST–symmetry of MAG. ", "In Sec.", " 5 we will outline the general process of gauge fixing and explicitly apply it to a general two–dimensional model of MAG. ", "This yields a corresponding gauge fixed quantum action. ", "The quantum action of the bosonic string in conformal gauge is derived as a special case from this.", "\n\nMAG as a classical gauge field theory\n=====================================\n\nA physical theory constitutes a gauge theory if some of its dynamical fields are to be expressed with respect to a certain reference frame, the specific choice of which is pointwise determined only modulo symmetry transformations. ", "These are the gauge transformations. ", "In this case of a local symmetry we need to describe the equivalence of reference frames at different spacetime points in order to define the differential of a field. ", "This requires the introduction of a gauge potential, i.e. a gauge connection, and establishes the gauging of the symmetry group. ", "In a physical gauge theory the gauge potential is usually made a dynamical variable, for example by adding a corresponding kinetic term on the Lagrangian level.", "\n\nThis pattern can be followed to build up MAG: One starts from an $n$–dimensional, differential base manifold which represents spacetime. ", "At each point $x$ on $M$ it is possible to define a tangent space $T_x M$, an affine tangent space $A_x M$, and an affine frame $(e_a, p)(x)$ [@koba63]. ", "If physical fields are to be described in affine frames, the postulate of local affine invariance requires the introduction of an affine gauge connection $(\\G^{(T)\\a}, \\G_\\a{}^\\b)$. Here, $\\G^{(T)\\a}$ denotes the translational part of the affine gauge connection which accounts for local translation invariance while $\\G_\\a{}^\\b$ denotes the linear part of the affine gauge connection which accounts for local $GL(n,R)$–invariance. ", "This completes the gauging of the affine group.", "\n\nTo arrive at a gravity theory we next have to turn the affine gauge connection $(\\G^{(T)\\a}, \\G_\\a{}^\\b)$ into an external spacetime structure. ", "This step has no analogue in the case of an internal gauge theory, such as ordinary Yang–Mills theory, and is still not completely understood. ", "Roughly speaking, any affine frame has to be “soldered” to the base manifold $M$. Here, soldering means to identify the point $p$ of an affine frame with a point $x$ of the base manifold $M$. This procedure breaks the translational part of the original affine invariance and turns it into translation or diffeomorphism invariance on the base manifold. ", "It is this transition from internal to external translation invariance which, in the gauge approach, generates gravity and should deserve future investigations. ", "This should happen not only on a geometric level but also in the context of Higgs fields and their role as generators of mass.", "\n\nAfter the soldering procedure one can replace the affine gauge connection $(\\G^{(T)\\a}, \n\\G_\\a{}^\\b)$ by a so–called Cartan connection $(\\vt^\\a,\\G_\\b{}^\\a)$ [@cart86; @koba63], where the relation between $\\G^\\a$ and $\\vt^\\a$ is given by [@gron97] \\^:=\\^\\_i dx\\^i+\\^[(T)]{}. ", "The importance of the introduction of $\\vt^\\a$ is rooted in the fact that under affine transformations $\\d_{(\\ve\\!,\\ve_\\a{}^\\b)}$, generated by infinitesimal vector fields $\\ve=\\ve^i \\6_i$ (internal translation) and parameters $\\ve_\\a{}^\\b$ (general linear transformation), it transforms linearly, i.e., $\\vt^\\a$ is [*internally*]{} translation invariant: \\_[(,\\_\\^)]{}\\^= \\_\\^\\^. Therefore, expressing physical fields by means of the, in general anholonomic, coframe $\\vt^\\a$, yields, by construction, an internally translation invariant theory, which typically represents a gravitation theory. ", "However, we stress that this construction comes [*after*]{} the soldering procedure. ", "What remains to be considered are the general linear transformations and the (external) translations on the manifold $M$. These symmetry transformations are the ones which, in MAG, generate the physically meaningful Noether identities.", "\n\nTranslations on a manifold are generated by the flow of vector fields $\\ve$. The effect of such translations on physical fields is measured by Lie–derivatives. ", "For physical fields which transform trivially under GL(n,R)–transformations, for example the Maxwell field or a scalar field, the Lie–derivative can be taken as the commutator of exterior derivative and interior product, $l_\\ve...=d(\\ve \\rfloor...)\\;+(\\ve\\rfloor d...)$. Otherwise, in the case of spinning matter, e.g., it should be replaced by the gauge–covariant Lie–derivative $\\L_\\ve...=\\DG(\\ve\\rfloor...)\\;+(\\ve\\rfloor \\DG...)$, where $\\DG$ denotes the $GL(n,R)$–covariant exterior derivative. ", "The operator $\\L_\\ve$, in contrast to $l_\\ve$, allows to translate tensors into tensors, i.e. it is, as its name suggests, gauge covariant and thus independent of the orientation of linear frames at different points. ", "Therefore it is independent of the linear part of the affine gauge transformations and leads to gauge–covariant Noether identities, a property we want to require for a proper translation generator[^4].", "\n\nLet us sum up: The gauging of $A(n,R)$ and the subsequent soldering procedure has supplemented the initial base manifold $M$ with a Cartan connection $(\\vt^\\a,\\G_\\b{}^\\a)$. A metric $g=g_{\\a\\b}\\vt^\\a\\otimes\\vt^\\b$ on $M$ is not provided by either the gauging or the, somewhat unclear, soldering procedure. ", "Its existence has to be postulated, a conceptual drawback which has not been resolved, yet. ", "The set of field variables to be put in the gauge Lagrangian is then given by $(g_{\\a\\b}, \\vt^\\a, \\G_\\b{}^\\a)$. The corresponding field strenghts nonmetricity, curvature, and torsion are defined by Q\\_&:=&-g\\_=-dg\\_+\\_+\\_, \\[nonmetricity\\]\\\n[torsion]{}T\\^&:=&\\^= d\\^+\\_\\^\\^,\\[torsion\\]\\\n[curvature]{}R\\_\\^&:=&\\^ \\_\\^ \\^ = d\\_\\^-\\_\\^\\_\\^.\\[curvature\\] Then the general form of an $A(n,R)-$gauge invariant first order gauge Lagrangian $V$ becomes V=V(g\\_, \\^, Q\\_, T\\^, R\\_\\^). ", "An $A(n,R)$–gauge invariant matter Lagrangian with matter fields $\\psi$ is of the form L\\_[mat]{}=L\\_[mat]{}(g\\_, \\^,, ), such that a general model of MAG is determined by a Lagrangian L= V(g\\_, \\^, Q\\_, T\\^, R\\_\\^) + L\\_[mat]{}(g\\_, \\^,, ).", "\n\nThe gauge algebra of MAG\n========================\n\nIn order to quantize a gauge theory one needs the knowledge of either the gauge constraints (Hamiltonian formulation) or the structure of the group of gauge transformations which leave the action invariant (Lagrangian formulation). ", "The latter is determined by the gauge algebra. ", "The gauge algebra is the main input required by the covariant BRST-antifield formalism. ", "It can be determined by commuting the gauge transformations of a given gauge theory: Suppose we begin with an action functional of the form $S_0=\\int L(\\Phi^i, d\\Phi^i)$, where the index $i$ numbers the field species of the theory. ", "The gauge transformations on the fields $\\Phi^i$ can be generated by a generating set \\_\\^i=R\\^i\\_a()\\^a, \\[gtrafos\\] with $\\ve^\\a$ the spacetime-dependent gauge parameters and $R^i{}_a (\\Phi)$ the, in general field dependent, generators of the gauge transformations. ", "The condensed notation used in (\\[gtrafos\\]) and in the following was first introduced by DeWitt [@dewi65]: A repeated discrete index not only implies a sum over that index but also an integration over the corresponding spacetime-variable. ", "Thus, formula (\\[gtrafos\\]) has to be understood as \\_\\^i(x)=dy R\\^i\\_a()(x,y)\\^a(y). ", "The generating set must be chosen such that it contains all the information about the Noether identities. ", "That is, from the invariance of the action $S_0$ under the gauge transformations of a generating set follow the Noether identities in the form S\\_[0,i]{}R\\^i\\_a=0. ", "\\[noether\\] Having determined a generating set, any gauge transformation $\\d \\Phi^i$ can be written in the form \\_\\^i=\\^c\\_aR\\^i\\_c\\^a+\\^[ij]{}\\_a[[S\\_0]{}]{}\\^a, \\^[ij]{}\\_a=-(-1)\\^[\\_i\\_j]{}\\_a\\^[ji]{}, \\[gengauge\\] where the coefficients $\\m^c_a$ and $\\m_a^{ij}$ are arbitrary functions which may involve the fields and $\\e_i$ denotes the Grassmann parity of the field $\\Phi ^i$. The transformations of the form \\^i=\\^[ji]{}[[S\\_0]{}]{},\\^[ji]{}=- (-1)\\^[\\_i \\_j]{}\\^[ij]{}, \\[trivtrafos\\] appearing on the right hand side of (\\[gengauge\\]), are called trivial gauge transformations [@dewi79]. ", "They leave the action $S_0$ invariant, as is easily verified. ", "Since gauge transformations form a group the commutator $[\\d_1,\\d_2]$ of two gauge transformations is again a gauge transformation. ", "Hence it can be expressed in the form (\\[gengauge\\]), \\^i=T\\^c\\_[ab]{} R\\^i\\_c\\^b\\_1\\^a\\_2 -E\\^[ij]{}\\_[ab]{}[[S\\_0]{}]{}\\^b\\_1\\^a\\_2, \\[gencomm\\] with, possibly field dependent, structure functions $T^c_{ab}$ and $E^{ij}_{ab}$. To determine the complete gauge algebra one has to check for higher order structure functions and calculate higher order commutators which manifest themselves in (generalized) Jacobi identities [@vann81; @bata83]. ", "The gauge algebra is said to be open if $E^{ij}_{ab}\\neq 0$. Otherwise it is called closed. ", "A closed gauge algebra with constant structure functions $T^c_{ab}$ specializes to a Lie algebra.", "\n\nLet us now determine the gauge algebra of MAG. ", "The generating set of MAG is spanned by the covariant Lie–derivative $\\L_\\ve$ and the generator of linear transformations $\\d_{\\ve_\\a{}^\\b}$. This defines $R^i{}_a$. Thus we have to take into account the commutator of two translations generated by $\\L_{\\ve_1}, \\L_{\\ve_2}$, the commutator of a translation $\\L_{\\ve_1}$ and a general linear transformation $\\d_{\\ve_{2\\a}{}^\\b}$, and the commutator of two general linear transformations $\\d_{\\ve_{1 \\a}{}^\\b},\\d_{\\ve_{2 \\g}{}^\\d}$. After some algebra we arrive at the commutation relations &=&Ł\\_[\\[\\_1,\\_2\\]]{} + \\_[(\\_2 (\\_1d\\_\\^) + (\\_1\\_\\^)(\\_2\\_\\^)- (\\_2\\_\\^)(\\_1\\_\\^))]{}\\\n&=&Ł\\_[\\[\\_1,\\_2\\]]{} + \\_[(\\_2 (\\_1R\\_\\^))]{} \\[gaugealgebra1\\],\\\n&=& \\_[\\_1(\\_[2]{}\\^)]{} ,\\[gaugealgebra2\\]\\\n&=& \\_[\\_[1 ]{}\\^\\_[2 ł]{}\\^-\\_[2 ]{}\\^\\_[1 ł]{}\\^]{} ,\\[gaugealgebra3\\] where, as before, the symbol $\\rfloor$ denotes the interior product.", "\n\nWe note that the commutator of two local translations does not only yield another local translation but also exhibits a general linear transformation involving the curvature two-form $R_\\a{}^\\b = d\\G_\\a{}^\\b-\\G_\\a{}^\\g\\wedge\\G_\\g{}^\\b$. Also the commutator of a local translation and a general linear transformation yields as result a general linear transformation which depends on the connection $\\G_\\a{}^\\b$. Therfore the gauge algebra of MAG depends on the field variable $\\G_\\a{}^\\b$ and forms no Lie–algebra.", "\n\nThe commutator of two general linear transformations constitutes a subalgebra which resembles the familiar gauge algebra of a YM-theory: Denote the $n^2$ generators of $GL(n,R)$-transformations as $L^\\a{}_\\b$. The commutation of two such generators defines, according to [@dewi65], structure constants $C_\\l{}^\\rho{}^\\a{}_\\b{}^\\g{}_\\d$ = C\\_ł\\^\\^\\_\\^\\_ L\\^ł\\_. ", "\\[glnrcomm\\] The structure constants are explicitly given by C\\_\\^\\^\\_\\^\\_=\\^\\_\\^\\_ł\\^\\_ -\\^\\_\\^\\_\\^\\_ł, such that the commutation relation (\\[glnrcomm\\]) can be rewritten as = \\^\\_L\\^\\_-\\^\\_L\\^\\_. ", "\\[glnrcomm2\\] Commutation of two general linear transformations $L_1=\\ve_{1\\a}{}^\\b L^\\a{}_\\b $, $L_2=\\ve_{2\\a}{}^\\b L^\\a{}_\\b$ yields a third transformation $L_3=\\ve_{3\\a}{}^\\b L^\\a{}_\\b $, where the parameter $\\ve_{3\\a}{}^\\b$ is determined by the relation &=& \\_[1]{}\\^\\_[2]{}\\^ C\\_ł\\^\\^\\_\\^\\_\\\n&=& \\_[1]{}\\^\\_[2ł]{}\\^-\\_[1ł]{}\\^\\_[2]{}\\^\\\n&=& (\\_1\\_2-\\_2\\_1)\\_ł\\^\\\n&=& \\_[3ł]{}\\^.\n\nNow the structure functions $T^c_{ab}$ and $E^{ij}_{ab}$, which were defined in (\\[gencomm\\]), can be deduced: First we notice that the gauge algebra of affine transformations closes and thus E\\^[ij]{}\\_[ab]{} =0. ", "Next we define the parameter $\\ve^a$ of an affine transformation as the pair \\^a:= (\\^1, \\^2) :=(, \\_\\^). ", "From (\\[gaugealgebra1\\]) – (\\[gaugealgebra3\\]) we find T\\^1\\_[11]{} &=& \\[...,...\\] = ...d ... - ...d ..., \\[cstruc1\\]\\\nT\\^2\\_[11]{} &=& (...(...d\\_\\^)) + (...(...(\\_\\^\\_\\^)))\\\n&=&(...(...R\\_\\^)) ,\\\nT\\^1\\_[12]{} &=& T\\^1\\_[21]{} = T\\^1\\_[22]{} =0 ,\\\nT\\^2\\_[12]{} &=& -T\\^2\\_[21]{} = ...... \\[cstruc3\\],\\\nT\\^2\\_[22]{} && T\\_\\^\\^\\_\\^\\_ = C\\_\\^\\^\\_\\^\\_\\[cstruc2\\]. ", "The expressions on the right hand sides of (\\[cstruc1\\]) and (\\[cstruc3\\]) look rather cryptic. ", "This is because condensed notation within the formalism of exterior calculus is used. ", "In order to make contact with less condensed notation, as introduced in Ref.", " [@dewi65], we evaluate the commutator $[\\ve_1,\\ve_2]$, appearing on the right hand side of (\\[gaugealgebra1\\]), as follows: &=& \\[\\^i\\_1\\_i,\\^j\\_2\\_j\\]\\\n&=& \\_1\\^i\\_id\\_2\\^j\\_j-\\_2\\^j\\_jd\\_1\\^i\\_i\\\n&=&\\_1\\^i\\_[2,l]{}\\^j \\_i\\^l\\_j-\\_2\\^j\\^i\\_[1,l]{}\\^l\\_j\\_i\\\n&=&(\\_1\\^i\\_[2,i]{}\\^j\\_j\\^k-\\_2\\^j\\_[1,j]{}\\^i\\_i\\^k)\\_k. ", "Therefore we obtain from (\\[cstruc1\\]) the structure function $T^1_{11}$ in the alternative form T\\^1\\_[11]{} T\\^k\\_[i’j”]{}=(x-y’)(x-z”)\\_[,i]{}\\^k\\_j -(x-z”)(x-y’)\\_[,j]{}\\^k\\_i. ", "Converting also the remaining components of $T^c_{ab}$ yields the result T\\^2\\_[11]{}&& T\\_\\^\\_[i’j”]{}\\\n&=&(x-y’)(x-z”) \\_[j]{}\\^\\_[,i]{} - (x-z”)(x-y’) \\_[i]{}\\^\\_[,j]{}\\\n&& +(x-y’)(x-z”)\\_[i]{}\\^\\_[j]{}\\^- (x-z”)(x-y’)\\_[j]{}\\^\\_[i]{}\\^\\\n&=& (x-y’)(x-z”) R\\_[ij]{}\\^, \\[curvdef\\]\\\nT\\^2\\_[12]{}&& T\\_\\^\\_[i’]{}\\^[”]{}\\_[”]{}\\\n&=& (x-y’)((x-z”)\\_[,i]{}+\\_[i]{}\\^(L\\_\\^)(x-z”)) \\^\\_\\^\\_ ,\\\nT\\^2\\_[22]{} && T\\_\\^\\^[’]{}\\_[’]{}\\^[”]{}\\_[”]{}\\\n&=& C\\_\\^\\^\\_\\^\\_(x-y’)(x-z”). ", "In Equation (\\[curvdef\\]) the components of the curvature tensor got introduced according to R\\_[ij]{}\\^:= \\_[j]{}\\^\\_[,i]{} - \\_[i]{}\\^\\_[,j]{}+ \\_[i]{}\\^\\_[j]{}\\^-\\_[j]{}\\^\\_[i]{}\\^.\n\nAfter having established the structure functions $R^i{}_a$, $T_{ab}^c$, and $E_{ab}^{ij}$, one has to consider in a next step the Jacobi identity \\_[[cyclic]{} 1,2,3]{} \\^i =0 \\[Jacobi\\] in order to check if it produces any non–trivial relations. ", "If we substitute in place of any affine gauge transformation the sum of an infinitesimal translation and a general linear transformation, $\\d_i=\\L_{\\ve_i}+\\d_{\\ve_{i\\a}{}^\\b}$, it is algebraically straightforward to show that the Jacobi identity $(\\ref{Jacobi})$ is identically satisfied. ", "No nontrivial relations are produced such that there are no nonzero higher order structure functions besides $T^c_{ab}$.\n\nAs final step in the investigation of the gauge algebra it remains to observe that the $n$ generators of translations $\\L_{\\ve_i}$ together with the $n^2$ generators of general linear transformations $\\d_{\\ve_\\a{}^\\b}$ are independent, i.e., they define [*irreducible*]{} gauge transformations.", "\n\nWe thus conclude from this section that MAG constitutes a closed, irreducible gauge theory with field dependent structure functions.", "\n\nBRST–antifield symmetry of MAG\n==============================\n\nThe BRST–antifield construction allows to covariantly identify physical functions which differ by (i) a gauge transformation or (ii) a term proportional to the equations of motion [@henn92; @gomi95]. ", "Such functions are viewed as physically indistinguishable. ", "An equivalence class of physically indistinguishable functions is called an observable. ", "Covariant quantization requires to consider observables rather than single functions. ", "The BRST–differential $s$ allows to associate observables to its cohomology.", "\n\nIn the case of a closed, irreducible gauge theory the construction of $s$ can shortly be summarized as follows [@henn92]: One first introduces two differentials, the so–called longitudinal exterior derivative $d_L$ and the Koszul–Tate differential $\\d_{KT}$. The longitudinal exterior derivative measures the change of physical functions along the gauge orbits. ", "Applied to a gauge invariant function, for example, the exterior longitudinal derivative yields zero. ", "Affiliated with the introduction of $d_L$ is the introduction of ghostfields $\\h^a$, each of which corresponds to an infinitesimal gauge parameter $\\ve^a$, and a grading called the pure ghostnumber. ", "The Koszul–Tate differential allows to identify functions which differ by terms proportional to the equations of motion. ", "This requires the introduction of antifields $\\Phi_i^*$ and $\\h_a^*$, which correspond to the fields $\\Phi^i$ and $\\h^a$, and a grading called the antighostnumber. ", "The BRST–differential $s$ is defined as the sum of $d_L$ and $\\d_{KT}$ modulo terms which make $s$ nilpotent, $s^2=0$. The grading associated to $s$ is called the ghostnumber and given by the difference of pure ghostnumber and antighostnumber, gh = puregh - antigh. ", "The objects of this paragraph are summarized in Table \\[gradtab\\]. ", "The action of $d_L$ and $\\d_{KT}$ on the various fields is given by Table \\[acttab\\].", "\n\n object antigh puregh $\\;\\;$gh$\\;\\;$ parity\n ------------ ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------\n \n $\\Phi^i$ 0 0 0 $\\e_{i}$\n \n \n $\\h^a$ 0 1 1 $\\e_{a}+1$\n \n \n $\\Phi_i^*$ 1 0 –1 $\\e_{i}+1$\n \n \n $\\h_a^*$ 2 0 –2 $\\e_{i}$\n \n \n $\\d_{KT}$ –1 0 1 1\n \n \n $d_L$ 0 1 1 1\n \n \n $s$ not applicable not applicable 1 1\n \n\n : The different degrees of the main objects in the irreducible antifield-construction. ", "The different gradings are the antighostnumber associated to $\\d_{KT}$, the pure ghostnumber associated to $d_L$, and the ghostnumber defined by gh = puregh – antigh.[]{data-label=\"gradtab\"}\n\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n $\\quad\\qquad\\d_{KT}\\quad\\qquad$ $\\quad\\qquad d_L\\quad\\qquad$\n ------------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------\n \n\n $\\Phi^i$ $\\d_{KT}\\Phi^i=0$ $d_L\\Phi^i=R^i{}_a\\h^a$\n\n \n\n \n\n $\\h^a$ $\\d_{KT}\\h^a=0$ $d_L\\h^a=(-1)^{\\e_b}{1\\over 2}T^a_{bc}\\h^c\\h^b$\n\n \n\n \n\n $\\Phi^*_i$ $\\d_{KT}\\Phi_i^*=-(-1)^{\\e_i} S_{0,i}$ $\n d_L\\Phi^*_i=-(-1)^{\\e_a\\e_i}\\Phi^*_j R^j{}_{a,i}\\h^a$\n\n \n\n \n\n $\\h_a^*$ $\\d_{KT}\\h_a^*=(-1)^{\\e_a} $d_L\\h^*_a=\\h_c^*T^c_{ab}\n \\Phi_i^*R^i{}_a$ \\h^b$\n\n \n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n : The action of the Koszul-Tate differential and the longitudinal exterior derivative on the fields involved in the closed, irreducible antifield-construction.[]{data-label=\"acttab\"}\n\nWith these definitions the observables are obtained as the cohomology classes of $s$ at ghostnumber 0: H\\^0(s)={[gauge invariant functions on shell]{}}= {[observables]{}} \\[fundament\\] The classical BRST–transformations of a closed and irreducible gauge theory are explicitly given by [@bata83] s\\^i &=& R\\^i\\_a\\^a ,\\[brst1\\]\\\ns\\^a &=& (-1)\\^[\\_b]{}[12]{}T\\^a\\_[bc]{}\\^c\\^b,\\\ns\\_i\\^\\* &=& -(-1)\\^[\\_i]{} S\\_[0,i]{}-(-1)\\^[\\_i \\_a]{} \\^\\*\\_jR\\^j\\_[a,i]{}\\^a\\\n&&-(-1)\\^[(\\_b+\\_i(\\_b+\\_c+1))]{}[12]{} \\_a\\^\\* T\\^a\\_[bc,i]{}\\^c\\^b,\\\ns\\_a\\^\\* &=& (-1)\\^[\\_a]{}\\^\\*\\_i R\\^i\\_a +\\_c\\^\\* T\\^c\\_[ab]{}\\^b.\\[brst4\\]\n\nIn order to apply this formalism to MAG we first have to enlarge the field algebra of MAG, which is given by $g_{\\a\\b}$, $\\vt^\\a$, and $\\G_\\a{}^\\b$, by antifields and ghosts. ", "In particular we need the following additional fields:\n\n1. ", " Ghost fields $\\h^\\a$, $\\h_\\a{}^\\b$ corresponding to the gauge parameters $\\ve^\\a$ and $\\ve_\\a{}^\\b$. The parameter $\\ve^\\a$ denotes the component of the vector field $\\ve = \\ve^\\a e_\\a$ which generates an infinitesimal external translation. ", "Correspondingly we also introduce the notation $\\h:= \\h^\\a e_\\a$.\n\n2. ", " Antifields $g^{*\\a\\b}, \\vt^*_\\a$, and $\\G^{*\\a}{}_\\b$ of antighostnumber 1. ", "In particular, it follows from Table \\[acttab\\] that they have to fulfill \\_[KT]{} g\\^[\\*]{} &=& -[[S\\_0]{}]{}, \\[affanti1\\]\\\n \\_[KT]{} \\^\\*\\_ &=& -[[S\\_0]{}]{},\\\n \\_[KT]{} \\^[\\*]{}\\_ &=& -[[S\\_0]{}]{} .", "\n\n3. ", " Antifields $\\h^*_\\a$, $\\h^{*\\a}{}_\\b$ of antighostnumber 2. ", "In the BRST–antifield formalism they got, in fact, introduced in order to ensure the validity of the Noether identities and to make the antifields $g^{*\\a\\b}, \\vt^*_\\a$, $\\G^{*\\a}{}_\\b$ $\\d_{KT}$–exact [@henn92]. ", "The corresponding transformation behavior $\\d_{KT}\\h_a^*=(-1)^{\\e_a}\\Phi_i^* R^i{}_a$, see Table \\[acttab\\], becomes explicitly \\_[KT]{}\\^\\*\\_&=& g\\^[\\*]{}Ł\\_[e\\_]{}g\\_ + \\^\\*\\_Ł\\_[e\\_]{}\\^+ \\^[\\*]{}\\_Ł\\_[e\\_]{}\\_\\^ ,\\\n \\_[KT]{}\\^[\\*]{}\\_&=& +2g\\^[\\*]{} g\\_ + \\^\\*\\_\\^+\\^[\\*]{}\\_ . ", "\\[affanti5\\]\n\nIt is straightforward to obtain explicit expressions like this: Take for example the term $\\Phi_i^* R^i{}_a\\h^a$, where $R^i{}_a$ is supposed to represent the generating set of $A(n,R)$–gauge transformations. ", "Its explicit form is derived from the transformation behavior of the fields $g_{\\a\\b}$, $\\vt^\\a$, and $\\G_\\a{}^\\b$ under external translations and $GL(n,R)$–gauge transformations: One simply replaces gauge parameters by ghosts and contracts with the corresponding antifield. ", "This furnishes successively the contributions \\^i&& g\\_ \\_i\\^\\* R\\^i\\_a\\^a g\\^[\\*]{}(Ł\\_g\\_ +2\\_[()]{}) ,\\\n\\^i&& \\^ \\_i\\^\\* R\\^i\\_a\\^a \\^\\*\\_(Ł\\_\\^+ \\_\\^\\^) ,\\\n\\^i&& \\_\\^ \\_i\\^\\* R\\^i\\_a\\^a \\^[\\*]{}\\_ (Ł\\_\\_\\^-\\_\\^) . ", "As another example we consider the term ${1\\over 2} \\h_a^* T^a_{bc}\\h^c\\h^b$. Its explicit form follows from the gauge structure functions (\\[cstruc1\\]) – (\\[cstruc2\\]). ", "The opposite statistics of the ghosts, relative to the gauge parameters, simplifies the commutator structure a bit. ", "We obtain \\^\\*\\_a&& \\^\\* \\_a\\^\\* T\\^a\\_[bc]{}\\^c\\^b [12]{}\\^\\*\\[,\\]= \\^\\*(d) ,\\\n\\^\\*\\_a&& \\^[\\*]{}\\_ \\_a\\^\\* T\\^a\\_[bc]{}\\^c\\^b \\^[\\*]{}\\_(d\\_\\^) + \\^[\\*]{}\\_(\\_\\^\\_\\^) .", "\n\nNow we write down the classical BRST(–antifield)–transformations of MAG according to the general formulas (\\[brst1\\]) – (\\[brst4\\]): sg\\_ &=& Ł\\_g\\_ + 2\\_[()]{} ,\\[cmag1\\]\\\ns\\^&=& Ł\\_\\^+\\_\\^\\^,\\\ns\\_\\^&=& Ł\\_\\_\\^-\\_\\^,\\\ns\\^&=& -d\\^,\\\ns\\_\\^&=& -(R\\_\\^) -\\_\\^-\\_\\^\\_\\^,\\\nsg\\^[\\*]{} &=& -[[S\\_0]{}]{} -g\\^[\\*]{} Ł\\_ - g\\^[\\*]{}\\_\\^- g\\^[\\*]{}\\_\\^,\\\ns\\_\\^\\* &=& -[[S\\_0]{}]{} - \\^\\*\\_Ł\\_ -\\^\\*\\_\\_\\^,\\\ns\\^[\\*]{}\\_&=& -[[S\\_0]{}]{} - \\^[\\*]{}\\_Ł\\_ + \\^[\\*]{}\\_C\\_\\^\\_\\^\\_\\_\\^\\\n&&+ \\^[\\*]{}\\_ C\\_\\^\\_\\^\\_\\_\\^ + \\^[\\*]{}\\_(d)\\\n&&+ 2 ,\\\ns\\_\\^\\* &=& g\\^[\\*]{}Ł\\_[e\\_]{}g\\_ + \\^\\*\\_Ł\\_[e\\_]{}\\^+ \\^[\\*]{}\\_Ł\\_[e\\_]{}\\_\\^\\\n& &+ \\^\\*\\_(e\\_d\\^) +\\^[\\*]{}\\_(e\\_ \\_\\^) + 2 \\^[\\*]{}\\_e\\_(R\\_\\^) ,\\\ns\\^[\\*]{}\\_&=& +2g\\^[\\*]{} g\\_ +\\^\\*\\_ \\^+ \\^[\\*]{}\\_\\\n& & + \\^[\\*]{}\\_+\\^[\\*]{}\\_\\_\\^. \\[cmag2\\] If matter fields $\\psi$ are present we also have to introduce an antifield $\\psi^*$ corresponding to any matter field $\\psi$. The BRST–transformations of these fields are of the form s&=& (Ł\\_+ \\_[\\_\\^]{}) ,\\\ns\\^\\* &=& - (-1)\\^[\\_]{}[[S\\_0]{}]{} - [[(s)]{}]{}. ", "\\[cmag3\\]\n\nIn the antifield formalism the BRST–transformations are generated by means of the antibracket $(\\;,\\;)$ and the extended action $S$. That is, the BRST–transformation $s\\FF$ of a functional $\\FF=\\FF[\\Phi^i, \\Phi_i^*,\\h^a,\n\\h_a^*]$ are given by s=(, S). ", "\\[brstgen\\] The antibracket is explicitly defined by the requirements (\\^i(x),\\^\\*\\_j(x’))&=&\\^i\\_j(x-x’), (\\^i,\\_j\\^\\*)=\\^i\\_j, \\[br1\\]\\\n(\\^a(x),\\^\\*\\_b(x’))&=&\\^a\\_b(x-x’), (\\^a,\\_b\\^\\*)=\\^a\\_b. ", "\\[br2\\] such that its action on functionals $\\FF$, $\\GG$ reads[^5] (, ) =- [[\\^r ]{}]{}[[\\^l ]{}]{} + [[\\^r]{}]{}[[\\^l ]{}]{}- [[\\^r ]{}]{}[[\\^l]{}]{}. ", "The nilpotency of the BRST–transformation, $s^2=0$, is equivalent to the (classical) [*Master equation*]{} (S,S)=0, \\[master\\] which can also be taken as the starting point of the BRST–antifield construction.", "\n\nIn the case of a closed, irreducible gauge theory the BRST–transformations (\\[brst1\\]), (\\[brst4\\]) are generated according to (\\[brstgen\\]) if the extended action $S$ takes the form S=S\\_0+\\^\\*\\_i R\\^i\\_a \\^a+ (-1)\\^[\\_b]{} [12]{}\\_a\\^\\*T\\^a\\_[bc]{}\\^c\\^b . ", "\\[propsol\\] This is easily proven by taking in (\\[brstgen\\]) the functional $\\FF$ successively as $\\Phi$, $\\Phi_i^*$, $\\h^a$, and $\\h_a^*$. Due to the nilpotency of the BRST–transformations the extended action $S$ satisfies automatically the Master equation (\\[master\\]), i.e. the extended action is BRST–invariant. ", "It is a proper BRST–invariant extension of the gauge invariant, classical action $S_0$.\n\nAccording to (\\[propsol\\]), the BRST–transformations of MAG, (\\[cmag1\\]) – (\\[cmag3\\]), are generated by the extended action S=S\\_0 &+&(g\\^[\\*]{}(Ł\\_g\\_ + 2\\_[()]{})+ \\^\\*\\_(Ł\\_\\^+ \\_\\^\\^)\\\n&&+ \\^[\\*]{}\\_ (Ł\\_\\_\\^-\\_\\^) +\\^\\*(Ł\\_+\\_[\\_\\^]{})\\\n&&+ +\\^\\*\\_(d\\^) + \\^[\\*]{}\\_((R\\_\\^) +\\_\\^+ \\_\\^\\_\\^)). ", "\\[caffextact\\]\n\nGauge fixing of two–dimensional MAG\n===================================\n\nThe BRST–invariant action (\\[propsol\\]) is not yet suitable to be used in a generating functional of the form Z\\[J\\]\\~([i]{}S(, , \\^\\* , \\^\\*, J)) ([not]{}). ", "\\[wrong\\] This is because differentiating the Master equation yields an unwanted set of gauge transformation under which $S$ is invariant [@henn92]. ", "Also one would like to eliminate the antifields before deriving Green’s functions in a perturbative expansion, simply because there exists no satisfying physical interpretation of the antifields, yet.", "\n\nFollowing [@bata81] we can eliminate both the unwanted gauge invariances and the antifields by introducing a [*gauge fixing fermion $\\Psi$*]{} which is defined to be a functional of fields $\\Phi^A$. With an appropriate gauge fixing fermion a gauge fixed extended action $S_{fix}$ can be reached by the replacement of antifields by fields according to \\^\\*\\_A=-. ", "\\[antireplace\\] Since $\\Phi^*_A$ and $\\Phi^A$ are of different parity, $\\Psi$ must be of odd parity, i.e. fermionic.", "\n\nA field $\\Phi^A$, i.e., an original field or a ghost field, possesses a ghost number $n\\geq 0$. The corresponding antifield $\\Phi^*_A$ is of ghostnumber $-(n+1)<0$. Thus, according to equation (\\[antireplace\\]), $\\Psi$ must be of ghostnumber $-1$. Since $\\Psi$ is supposed to be a functional of fields only it is inevitable to introduce auxiliary fields with negative ghostnumber (plus their corresponding antifields in order to maintain the symplectic structure on $M$). ", "This can be done straightforwardly since it is always possible to add within the BRST-formalism [*cohomologically trivial pairs*]{} that do not change the physical content of the theory: Consider the auxiliary fields $\\overline{\\h}^a, b^a$ which are defined to satisfy s\\^a=b\\^a,sb\\^a =0. ", "\\[auxtrafos\\] The field $\\overline{\\h}^a$ is not an element of the kernel ${\\rm Ker}(s)$ while the field $b^a$ is both an element of ${\\rm Ker}(s)$ and the image ${\\rm Im}(s)$. Thus both fields $\\overline{\\h}^a$ and $b^a$ are not contained in $H(s)={{{\\rm Ker}(s)} \\over{{\\rm Im}(s)}}$ and do not contribute to the spectrum of observables.", "\n\nAccording to (\\[brstgen\\]) one can impose the BRST-transformations (\\[auxtrafos\\]) by adding the auxiliary term $S_{aux}=\\int\\overline{\\h}^*_a\\wedge b^a$ to the action $S$: S S\\_[non-min]{} = S+S\\_[aux]{}= S+\\^\\*\\_ab\\^a . ", "\\[nonmini\\] The extended action together with this supplementary term is an example of a non-minimal solution of the master equation. ", "The antibracket $(\\;, \\,)={{\\d^R}\\over{\\d\\Phi^A}}{{\\d^L}\\over\n{\\d\\Phi^*_A}}-{{\\d^R}\\over{\\d\\Phi^*_A}}{{\\d^L}\\over{\\Phi^A}}$ now also contains derivatives involving the field-antifield pairs $\\overline{\\h}^a$, $\\overline{\\h}^*_a$ and $b^a$, $b^*_a$.\n\nFinally one has to gauge fix the action $S_{non-min}$ by actually choosing a gauge fixing fermion $\\Psi$. Not all choices are meaningful. ", "The trivial choice $\\Psi=0$, for example, sets all antifields to zero and leads back to the classical action $S_0$. There are no definite rules how to choose an appropriate gauge fixing fermion.", "\n\nIn the following we will illustrate gauge fixing of MAG by means of a general two–dimensional model. ", "Gauge fixing procedures for higher dimensional models follow the same pattern but quickly get algebraically more complicated.", "\n\nWe start from the extended action S=S\\_0 &+&(g\\^[\\*]{}(Ł\\_g\\_ + 2\\_[()]{})+ \\^\\*\\_(Ł\\_\\^+ \\_\\^\\^)\\\n&&+ \\^[\\*]{}\\_ (Ł\\_\\_\\^-\\_\\^) +\\^\\*(Ł\\_+\\_[\\_\\^]{})\\\n&& +\\^\\*\\_(d\\^) + \\^[\\*]{}\\_ ((R\\_\\^) +\\_\\^+ \\_\\^\\_\\^)). ", "\\[caffextact2\\] The indices $\\a$, $\\b$ run from 0 to 1. ", "Here and in the following we will use $0,1$ to indicate anholonomic indices and $\\tau,\\;\\s$ to indicate holonomic indices. ", "A convention like this is necessary in view of partial derivatives or frames which could be understood as holonomic $(\\6_i, dx^i)$ or anholonomic $(\\6_\\a=e^i{}_\\a\\6_i\\,,\\; \\vt^\\a=e_i{}^\\a dx^i$, with, in general, coordinate dependent tetrad coefficients $e^i{}_\\a$, $e_i{}^\\a$).", "\n\nNext we introduce the following $4\\times 2=8$ auxiliary fields: &&\\_,b\\_,\\^[\\*]{} ,b\\^[\\*]{},\\\n[lineartransformations:]{}&&\\_\\^,b\\_\\^ , \\^[\\*]{}\\_,b\\^[\\*]{}\\_. ", "We impose the correct BRST–transformation behavior of these auxiliary fields by adding the auxiliary term S\\_[aux]{}=(\\^[\\*]{} b\\_+[12]{}\\^[\\*]{}\\_b\\_\\^) \\[magaux2\\] to the extended action.", "\n\nNow we have to think of an appropriate gauge fixing fermion. ", "In two dimensional MAG we have six gauge parameters, i.e., two parameters $\\ve_\\a$ of translation invariance and four parameters $\\ve_\\a{}^\\b$ of general linear invariance. ", "We can use four of these degrees of gauge freedom to fix the coframe $\\vt^\\a$ to the conformal gauge \\^0= d,\\^1= d. \\[conformal\\] However, this does not fix the coframe to be orthonormal since the metric components are independent fields of the theory. ", "In two dimensions, the metric tensor has three independent components. ", "We can use the remaining two degrees of gauge freedom to fix the metric to be diagonal with one remaining degree of freedom, $g_{01}=g_{10}=0$, $g_{00}=-g_{11}=:(1/2)\\exp(\\rho)=(1/2)\\exp(\\rho(\\tau,\\s))$. (We put $g_{00}=-g_{11}$ since we assume a Minkowskian signature of the metric. ", "The following procedure works also for Euclidean signature, though.) ", "This gauge can be reached if we choose the gauge fixing fermion as (We note that the star $*$ to the [ *left*]{} of a field denotes the usual Hodge–star operator.) ", "=&&(\\*\\_0\\^0 (\\_\\^1-\\_\\^0) +\\*\\_1\\^1(\\_\\^0-\\_\\^1)\\\n&&+\\*\\_0\\^1(\\_\\^1+\\_\\^0) +\\*\\_1\\^0(\\_\\^0+\\_\\^1-2)\\\n&&+\\*\\_0 g\\_[01]{} + \\^\\*\\_1 (g\\_[00]{}+g\\_[11]{}) ). ", "\\[mag2fermion2\\] We remove the antifields via the rule $\\Phi_A^*\\,=\\,-{{\\d\\Psi}\n\\over{\\d\\Phi^A}}$ and obtain the explicit replacements \\^[\\*0]{}\\_0&=& -\\*(\\_\\^1-\\_\\^0), \\[mob1\\]\\\n\\^[\\*1]{}\\_1&=& -\\*(\\_\\^0-\\_\\^1),\\\n\\^[\\*0]{}\\_1&=& -\\*(\\_\\^1+\\_\\^0),\\\n\\^[\\*1]{}\\_0&=& -\\*(\\_\\^0+\\_\\^1-2) \\[mob2\\],\\\n\\^[\\*0]{}&=&-\\*g\\_[01]{},\\\n\\^[\\*1]{}&=&-\\*(g\\_[00]{}+g\\_[11]{}),\\[mob2a\\]\\\n\\^\\*\\_0&=&-\\_\\_0\\^0+\\_\\_1\\^1 +\\_\\_[0]{}\\^1+\\_\\_1\\^0, \\[mob3\\]\\\n\\^\\*\\_1&=&+\\_\\_0\\^0-\\_\\_1\\^1 +\\_\\_[0]{}\\^1+\\_\\_1\\^0, \\[mob4\\]\\\ng\\^[\\*01]{}&=&- \\*\\_0\\[mob5\\],\\\ng\\^[\\*00]{}&=& g\\^[\\*11]{} = - \\*\\_1,\\[mob6\\]\\\n\\^[\\*]{}\\_&=&\\^[\\*]{}=\\^[\\*]{}\\_=0.\\[mob7\\] Within a path integral we can integrate out the auxiliary variables $b_\\a$, $b_\\a{}^\\b$ and also $\\vt^\\a$, $g_{01}$, and $g_{00}$. This leads to the gauge conditions \\_\\^1&=&\\_\\^0, \\[gc1\\]\\\n\\_\\^0&=&\\_\\^1,\\\n\\_\\^1&=&-\\_\\^0,\\\n\\_\\^0+\\_\\^1&=&2,\\\ng\\_[01]{}&=&0,\\\ng\\_[00]{}&=&-g\\_[11]{},\\[gc2\\] and the gauge fixed action reduces to S\\_[fix]{}=S\\_0 + ( g\\^[\\*]{}(Ł\\_g\\_ + 2\\_[()]{})+ \\_\\^\\*(Ł\\_\\^+\\_\\^\\^)) . ", "\\[magrest2\\] The single terms that appear in the integral of (\\[magrest2\\]) turn out to be g\\^[\\*]{}Ł\\_g\\_&=& 0,\\\n2g\\^[\\*]{}\\_[()]{}&=& - \\*\\_1()(\\_0\\^0+\\_1\\^1) - \\*\\_0()(\\_0\\^1+\\_1\\^0),\\\n\\^\\*\\_Ł\\_\\^&=& \\*\\_0\\^0(\\_\\^0- \\_\\^1) + \\*\\_1\\^1(\\_\\^1- \\_\\^0)\\\n&& - \\*\\_[0]{}\\^[1]{}(\\_\\^1+\\_\\^0) - \\*\\_1\\^0(\\_\\^0+\\_\\^1),\\\n&& + \\*\\_0\\^0(\\_1\\^0 - \\_0\\^1) + \\*\\_1\\^1(\\_1\\^1- \\_0\\^0)\\\n&& - \\*\\_[0]{}\\^[1]{}(\\_0\\^1+ \\_1\\^0) - \\*\\_1\\^0(\\_0\\^0 +\\_1\\^1),\\[noncompact\\]\\\n\\_\\^\\*\\_\\^\\^&=& -( \\*\\_1\\^1+ \\*\\_1\\^0)\\_0\\^0 -( \\*\\_0\\^0+ \\*\\_0\\^1)\\_0\\^1\\\n&& -( \\*\\_0\\^0- \\*\\_0\\^1)\\_1\\^0 -( \\*\\_1\\^1- \\*\\_1\\^0)\\_1\\^1. ", "The expression (\\[noncompact\\]) can be written in a more compact way: We first note that, due to the conformal gauge, (Ł\\_\\^)(\\_i)=\\_i\\^+(\\_\\^)\\_i\\^=: D\\_i\\^,\\[help2\\] An example of (\\[help2\\]) is $(L_\\h\\vt^0)(\\6_\\tau)=\\6_\\tau\\h^0+\\h\\rfloor\\G_0{}^0=D_\\tau\\h^0$. With this notation we can write the term (\\[noncompact\\]) in the form \\^\\*\\_Ł\\_\\^&=& \\*\\_0\\^0(D\\_\\^0- D\\_\\^1) + \\*\\_1\\^1(D\\_\\^1- D\\_\\^0)\\\n&& - \\*\\_[0]{}\\^[1]{}(D\\_\\^1+D\\_\\^0) - \\*\\_1\\^0(D\\_\\^0+D\\_\\^1). ", "We collect all pieces and obtain the gauge fixed action S\\_[fix]{}=&& S\\_0+( \\*\\_0\\^0(D\\_\\^0- D\\_\\^1) + \\*\\_1\\^1(D\\_\\^1- D\\_\\^0)\\\n&& + \\*\\_[0]{}\\^[1]{}(D\\_\\^1+D\\_\\^0) + \\*\\_1\\^0(D\\_\\^0+D\\_\\^1)\\\n&&-( \\*\\_1\\^1+ \\*\\_1\\^0+ \\*\\_1())\\_0\\^0 -( \\*\\_0\\^0+ \\*\\_0\\^1+ \\*\\_0())\\_0\\^1\\\n&&-( \\*\\_0\\^0- \\*\\_0\\^1 + \\*\\_0())\\_1\\^0 -( \\*\\_1\\^1- \\*\\_1\\^0+ \\*\\_1())\\_1\\^1).\\\n\\[maggaugefix2\\] Integrating out the ghosts $\\h_0{}^0$, $\\h_0{}^1$, $\\h_1{}^0$, and $\\h_1{}^1$ yields finally S\\_[fix]{}= S\\_0+()( \\*\\_0(D\\_\\^1-D\\_\\^0) + \\*\\_1 (D\\_\\^0-D\\_\\^1)). ", "\\[redux4\\] This is a general result which does not refer to any particular form of the initial action $S_0$.\n\nWe see that in (\\[redux4\\]) the ghosts not only couple to the conformal factor $\\exp(\\rho)$ but, via (\\[help2\\]), also to the connection $\\G_\\a{}^\\b$. This feature could have been expected by the use of the [*gauge–covariant*]{} Lie–derivative as generator of translations. ", "It makes it no longer possible to straightforwardly quantize a model based on (\\[redux4\\]). ", "The coupling to the connection forbids to write down plane–wave solutions for the (anti–)ghosts.", "\n\nAs a particular example of (\\[redux4\\]) we can consider the action of the bosonic string [@gree87] which is given by the two–dimensional integral S\\_0\\[X\\_, g\\_, \\^\\] =-[14]{}dX\\_dX\\^= -[14]{}\\_[= -]{}\\^[=+]{} \\_[=0]{}\\^[=]{} dX\\_(, )dX\\^(,). ", "\\[stringact\\] The integration area, commonly called the [*world–sheet*]{}, is parameterized by the timelike coordinate $\\tau$ and the spatial coordinate $\\s$. The spatial region is supposed to be finite. ", "This is indicated by letting $\\s$ range from 0 to $\\pi$. The fields $X^\\mu$ are defined to be scalar fields on the world–sheet. ", "The index $\\mu$ is a priori unrelated to the two–dimensional integration area and can be seen as merely numbering the scalar fields $X^\\mu$. The integrand $ -{1\\over 4} dX_\\m\\wedge *dX^\\m$ of the action (\\[stringact\\]) is not written in a transparent form since it mixes derivatives of the scalar fields with the integration measure. ", "We can write more explicitly -[14]{}dX\\_dX\\^&=& -[14]{}\\_X\\_\\_X\\^\\^\\^\\\n&=& -[14]{}\\_X\\_\\_X\\^g\\^\\_\\^\\^\\\n&=& -[12]{}\\_X\\_\\_X\\^g\\^, \\[moreex\\] where we introduced the two–dimensional volume element $\\h={1\\over 2}\\h_{\\a\\b}\\vt^\\a\\wedge\\vt^\\b$ with $\\h_{\\a\\b}=\n\\sqrt{|\\det g|}\\e_{\\a\\b}$, $\\e_{01}=1, \\e_{\\a\\b}=-\\e_{\\b\\a}$. The absence of a connection $\\G_\\a{}^\\b$ in (\\[stringact\\]) reduces the general formula (\\[redux4\\]) to the well-known quantum action of the bosonic string in conformal gauge, S\\_[fix]{} &=& (-[12]{}(\\_X\\_\\_X\\^-\\_X\\_\\_X\\^)\\\n&&+ ()( \\*\\_0(\\_\\^0 -\\_\\^1) + \\*\\_1(\\_\\^1- \\_\\^0))).\\[redux1\\] Now the ghost are only coupled to the conformal factor $\\exp(\\rho)$ which is the origin of the conformal anomaly.", "\n\nIn the context of string theory, models based on (\\[redux4\\]) with nontrivial connection $\\G_\\a{}^\\b$ seem to have not been investigated, yet. ", "Also the quantization of some other two–dimensional model of MAG, based on the general solution (\\[redux4\\]), seems to have never been conducted.", "\n\nAcknowledgment {#acknowledgment .unnumbered}\n==============\n\nThe author would like to thank Professor F.W. Hehl for carefully reading the manuscript, useful advice, and constant support\n\n[99]{}\n\nR. Utiyama, [*Phys. ", "Rev.*]{} [**101**]{} (1956) 1597.", "\n\nD.W. Sciama, in [*Recent Developments in General Relativity*]{} (Pergamon+PWN, Oxford 1962) p.415.", "\n\nD.W. Sciama, [*Rev. Mod. ", "Phys.*]{} [**", "36**]{} (1964) 463 and 1103.", "\n\nT.W.B. Kibble, [*J. Math. ", "Phys.*]{} [**", "2**]{} (1961) 212.", "\n\nE. Sezgin and P. van Niewenhuizen, [*Phys. ", "Rev.*]{} [**D21**]{} (1980) 3269.", "\n\nI. Bars and S.W. MacDowell, [*Phys.", " Lett.", " *]{} [**129B**]{} (1983) 182.", "\n\nM. Blagojević and M. Vasilić, [*Phys.", " Rev. *]{} [**D34**]{} (1986) 357.", "\n\nM.Yu Kalmykov, [*Class. ", "Quant. ", "Grav.*]{} [**", "14**]{} (1997) 367.", "\n\nE. Sezgin and P. van Niewenhuizen, [*Phys. ", "Rev.*]{} [**D24**]{} (1981) 1677.", "\n\nR. Kuhfuss and J. Nitsch, [*Gen. Rel. ", "Grav.*]{} [**", "18**]{} (1986) 1207.", "\n\nY. Ne’eman and Dj. [", "Š]{}ija[č]{}ki, [*Phys. ", "Lett.*]{} [**", "B200**]{} (1988) 489.", "\n\nF.W. Hehl, J.D. McCrea, E.W. Mielke, and Y. Ne’eman, [*Phys. ", "Rep.*]{} [**258**]{} (1995) 1.", "\n\nC.–Y. Lee, [*Class. ", "Quant. ", "Grav.*]{} [**", "9**]{} (1992) 2001.", "\n\nI.A. Batalin and G.A. Vilkovisky, [*Phys. ", "Lett.*]{} [**", "B102**]{} (1981) 27.", "\n\nI.A. Batalin and G.A. Vilkovisky, [*Phys. ", "Rev.*]{} [**D28**]{} (1983) 2567.", "\n\nJ. Zinn–Justin, in [*Trends in Elementary Particle Physics*]{}, Lecture Notes in Physics [**37**]{}, H. Rollnik and K. Dietz, eds. (", "Springer, Berlin 1975).", "\n\nB. de Wit and J. van Holten, [*Phys. ", "Lett.*]{} [**", "B79**]{} 389.", "\n\nM. Henneaux and C. Teitelboim: “Quantization of Gauge Systems”, (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1992).", "\n\nJ. Gomis, J. Paris, and S. Samuel, [*Phys. ", "Rep.*]{} [**259**]{} (1995) 1.", "\n\nS. Weinberg: [*The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol.", "II: Applications*]{}, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1996).", "\n\nL.D. Faddeev and V.N. Popov, [*Phys. ", "Lett.*]{} [**", "B25**]{}, (1967) 29.", "\n\nR.P. Feynman, [*Acta Phys. ", "Pol.*]{} [**", "26**]{} (1963) 697.", "\n\nB.S. DeWitt, [*Phys. ", "Rev. Lett.*]{} [**", "12**]{} 742 (1964).", "\n\nL. Baulieu and J. Thierry-Mieg, [*Phys. ", "Lett.*]{} [**", "145B**]{} 53 (1984).", "\n\nC.–Y. Lee and Y. Ne’eman, [*Phys. ", "Lett*]{} [**B233**]{} (1989) 286.", "\n\nO. Moritsch, M. Schweda, and S.P. Sorella, [*Class. ", "Quant, Grav.*]{} [**", "11**]{} (1994) 1225.", "\n\nS. Kobayashi and K. Nomizu: [ *“Foundations of Differential Geometry”*]{}, Vol.", "I (Interscience Publ., ", "New York 1963).", "\n\nÉ. Cartan: [*“On Manifolds with an Affine Connection and the Theory of General Relativity”*]{}, English translation of the French original (Bibliopolis, Napoli 1986).", "\n\nF. Gronwald, Int.", " J. of Mod.", " Phys.", " [**D6**]{} (1997) 263.", "\n\nA. Trautman, in [*Differential Geometry, Symposia Mathematica*]{} [**12**]{} (Academic Press, London 1973) p.139.", "\n\nY. Ne’eman, in [*Diff.", " Geom.", " Methods in Math. ", "Phys.*]{}, ", "Lecture Notes in Mathematics [**676**]{} (Proc.", " Bonn 1977), K. Bleuler, H.R. Petry and A. Reetz, eds. (", "Springer, Berlin 1979) p.189.", "\n\nB.S. DeWitt: “Dynamical Theory of Groups and Fields”, (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1965).", "\n\nP. van Nieuwenhuizen, [*Phys. ", "Rep.*]{} [**68**]{} (1981) 189.", "\n\nM.B. Green, J.H. Schwarz, and E. Witten: [*“Superstring theory”*]{}, Vols.", "I+II (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1987).", "\n\n[^1]: e-mail:fg@thp.uni-koeln.de\n\n[^2]: It is nevertheless interesting to note that, as already observed in [@sezg80], the presence of extra symmetries in certain models of Poincaré gauge theory [@bars83; @blag86] might yield surprising features. ", "The role of extra symmetries in the context of metric–affine gravity was recently discussed in [@kalm97].", "\n\n[^3]: The linear part of the external gauge group is, in general, the group $GL(n,R)$ or, after the symmetry reduction, the Lorentz group $SO(1, n-1)$.\n\n[^4]: For a more geometric discussion of this point in favor of the gauge–covariant Lie–derivative see [@traut73; @neem79].", "\n\n[^5]: The indices $r$ and $l$ denote right and left differentiation, respectively. ", "So far we used right differentiation without an index.", "\n" ]
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[ "A rain of meteors fell to Earth. ", "Four catapults are being used to shoot down fly\n\nA rain of meteors fell to Earth. ", "Four catapults are being used to shoot down flying meteorites with exactly the same stones. ", "Miss three and you lose. ", "Rack up as many points as you can! ", "Control: 1, 2, 3, 4 - fire catapults. ", "Aim with the mouse." ]
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[ "Contact Us\n\nContact Us\n\nOur global network shares the same business DNA - so you'll always find the same service standards and systems in every country where we're based and always receive the same levels of professional expertise. ", "You'll also find 24/7 service delivered by dedicated local small teams of travel experts." ]
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[ 0.0005374784232117236, 0.0005446268478408456 ]
[ "Initial accumulation of paraquat in the heart leading to acute death.", "\nWhen a large amount of paraquat (364 mg/kg) which caused death in several hours was orally ingested in rats, the herbicide concentration in blood continued to increase until the animal died. ", "Furthermore, there was a correlation between the paraquat concentration in the blood, heart, liver and adrenal gland and the survival time. ", "While the paraquat concentration in the heart had the most evident correlation in those tissues (r = -0.962), there was no correlation between the paraquat concentration and survival time in the lung or kidney. ", "ECG of the rats which died in the early stages showed severe damage in the heart. ", "It was found by histopathological studies that edema, congestion and hemorrhage occurred in the myocardium of rats that had died shortly after administration of a large amount of paraquat (364 mg/kg). ", "These results suggest that a rapid accumulation of paraquat into the heart in the early stages may play an important role in the cause of acute death." ]
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[ "Vladimir Salo\n\nVladimir Salo (born 6 February 1974) is a retired Kyrgyzstan international football player.", "\n\nCareer statistics\n\nInternational\n\nStatistics accurate as of match played 17 November 2004\n\nHonors\nKant-Oil\n Kyrgyzstan League (2): 1994, 1995\nDinamo Bishkek\n Kyrgyzstan League (1): 1997\nAlga-PVO Bishkek\n Kyrgyzstan Cup (1): 1997\nSKA-PVO Bishkek\n Kyrgyzstan League (1): 2000\n Kyrgyzstan Cup (4): 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Kyrgyzstani footballers\nCategory:Kyrgyzstan international footballers\nCategory:1974 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Association football defenders\nCategory:Kyrgyzstani people of Russian descent\nCategory:FC Volgar Astrakhan players" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWords or phrases that describe a person who knows the answer to a problem but is not believed\n\nI'm trying to find either a word or a phrase that describes a person who knows the answer to a problem or problems but is never believed, even though the person is actually correct. ", "\nThe nearest I can come up with is maybe the story of Cassandra, but that is about knowing the future but never being believed. ", "\nThe word or a phrase may indicate they are simply ignored, but I am more interested in answers indicating the person suffers negative consequences such as being ridiculed or even persecuted for their correct solution. ", "Maybe think of people such as Galileo\n\nA:\n\nI would argue that Cassandra does work here: the name is often used metaphorically, in a variety of fields. ", "For example,\n\nachieving a clear, shared vision in an organization is often difficult due to a lack of commitment to the new vision by some individuals in the organization, because it does not match reality as they see it. ", "Those who support the new vision are termed ‘Cassandras’ – able to see what is going to happen, but not believed.", "\n\n(same Wikipedia source linked above)\nWhile Cassandra does have connotations of having to do with the future, any solution to a present problem is, by definition, a future thing. ", "Someone who posits a solution is predicting that their solution will solve the problem. ", "And failure to agree with a solution (that, we stipulate, would turn out to solve the problem) is most likely due to a failure of perception: either the perception that the person offering the solution isn’t worth listening to, or that the problem and/or its solution would work out differently than they will.", "\n\nA:\n\nNot strictly a description of the person, but...\nFalling on deaf ears\n\nif a request or advice falls on deaf ears, people ignore it.", "\nWarnings that sunbathing can lead to skin cancer have largely fallen on deaf ears in Britain.", "\n\nLink\n\nA:\n\nConsider 'a voice in the wilderness' Different sources give slightly different nuance, \nMeaning: You're a voice in the wilderness, or a voice crying in the wilderness, if you're expressing an unpopular opinion or insight.", "\n\nMeaning: You're a voice in the wilderness, or a voice crying in the\n wilderness, if you're expressing an unpopular opinion or insight.", "\nFor example:\nWhen Galileo stated that the sun was the centre of the solar system,\n he was a voice crying in the wilderness. ", "Most people thought he was\n crazy or evil, or possibly both.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006841038702987134, 0.000576465914491564, 0.0006725944695062935, 0.0005515210796147585, 0.000565597671084106, 0.0005502869025804102, 0.000584173365496099, 0.0007584253908134997, 0.0008830517181195319, 0.003953367471694946, 0.14664950966835022, 0.0006167546380311251, 0.0026586002204567194, 0.0005995358806103468, 0.036270227283239365, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Cancer is the second leading cause of human death next to coronary disease. ", "Worldwide, millions of people die from cancer every year. ", "In the United States alone, as reported by the American Cancer Society, cancer causes the death of well over a half-million people annually, with over 1.2 million new cases diagnosed per year. ", "While deaths from heart disease have been declining significantly, those resulting from cancer generally are on the rise. ", "In the early part of the next century, cancer is predicted to become the leading cause of death.", "\nWorldwide, several cancers stand out as the leading killers. ", "In particular, carcinomas of the lung, prostate, breast, colon, pancreas, and ovary represent the primary causes of cancer death. ", "These and virtually all other carcinomas share a common lethal feature. ", "With very few exceptions, metastatic disease from a carcinoma is fatal. ", "Moreover, even for those cancer patients who initially survive their primary cancers, common experience has shown that their lives are dramatically altered. ", "Many cancer patients experience strong anxieties driven by the awareness of the potential for recurrence or treatment failure. ", "Many cancer patients experience physical debilitations following treatment. ", "Furthermore, many cancer patients experience a recurrence.", "\nWorldwide, prostate cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer in men. ", "In North America and Northern Europe, it is by far the most common cancer in males and is the second leading cause of cancer death in men. ", "In the United States alone, well over 30,000 men die annually of this disease—second only to lung cancer. ", "Despite the magnitude of these figures, there is still no effective treatment for metastatic prostate cancer. ", "Surgical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, hormone ablation therapy, surgical castration and chemotherapy continue to be the main treatment modalities. ", "Unfortunately, these treatments are ineffective for many and are often associated with undesirable consequences.", "\nOn the diagnostic front, the lack of a prostate tumor marker that can accurately detect early-stage, localized tumors remains a significant limitation in the diagnosis and management of this disease. ", "Although the serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) assay has been a very useful tool, however its specificity and general utility is widely regarded as lacking in several important respects.", "\nProgress in identifying additional specific markers for prostate cancer has been improved by the generation of prostate cancer xenografts that can recapitulate different stages of the disease in mice. ", "The LAPC (Los Angeles Prostate Cancer) xenografts are prostate cancer xenografts that have survived passage in severe combined immune deficient (SCID) mice and have exhibited the capacity to mimic the transition from androgen dependence to androgen independence (Klein et al., ", "1997, Nat. ", "Med. ", "3:402). ", "More recently identified prostate cancer markers include PCTA-1 (Su et al., ", "1996, Proc. ", "Natl. ", "Acad. ", "Sci. ", "USA 93: 7252), prostate-specific membrane (PSM) antigen (Pinto et al., ", "Clin Cancer Res 1996 Sep. 2 (9): 1445-51), STEAP (Hubert, et al., ", "Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. ", "1999 Dec. 7; 96(25): 14523-8) and prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) (Reiter et al., ", "1998, Proc. ", "Natl. ", "Acad. ", "Sci. ", "USA 95: 1735).", "\nWhile previously identified markers such as PSA, PSM, PCTA and PSCA have facilitated efforts to diagnose and treat prostate cancer, there is need for the identification of additional markers and therapeutic targets for prostate and related cancers in order to further improve diagnosis and therapy.", "\nRenal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for approximately 3 percent of adult malignancies. ", "Once adenomas reach a diameter of 2 to 3 cm, malignant potential exists. ", "In the adult, the two principal malignant renal tumors are renal cell adenocarcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis or ureter. ", "The incidence of renal cell adenocarcinoma is estimated at more than 29,000 cases in the United States, and more than 11,600 patients died of this disease in 1998. ", "Transitional cell carcinoma is less frequent, with an incidence of approximately 500 cases per year in the United States.", "\nSurgery has been the primary therapy for renal cell adenocarcinoma for many decades. ", "Until recently, metastatic disease has been refractory to any systemic therapy. ", "With recent developments in systemic therapies, particularly immunotherapies, metastatic renal cell carcinoma may be approached aggressively in appropriate patients with a possibility of durable responses. ", "Nevertheless, there is a remaining need for effective therapies for these patients.", "\nOf all new cases of cancer in the United States, bladder cancer represents approximately 5 percent in men (fifth most common neoplasm) and 3 percent in women (eighth most common neoplasm). ", "The incidence is increasing slowly, concurrent with an increasing older population. ", "In 1998, there was an estimated 54,500 cases, including 39,500 in men and 15,000 in women. ", "The age-adjusted incidence in the United States is 32 per 100,000 for men and eight per 100,000 in women. ", "The historic male/female ratio of 3:1 may be decreasing related to smoking patterns in women. ", "There were an estimated 11,000 deaths from bladder cancer in 1998 (7,800 in men and 3,900 in women). ", "Bladder cancer incidence and mortality strongly increase with age and will be an increasing problem as the population becomes more elderly.", "\nMost bladder cancers recur in the bladder. ", "Bladder cancer is managed with a combination of transurethral resection of the bladder (TUR) and intravesical chemotherapy or immunotherapy. ", "The multifocal and recurrent nature of bladder cancer points out the limitations of TUR. ", "Most muscle-invasive cancers are not cured by TUR alone. ", "Radical cystectomy and urinary diversion is the most effective means to eliminate the cancer but carry an undeniable impact on urinary and sexual function. ", "There continues to be a significant need for treatment modalities that are beneficial for bladder cancer patients.", "\nAn estimated 130,200 cases of colorectal cancer occurred in 2000 in the United States, including 93,800 cases of colon cancer and 36,400 of rectal cancer. ", "Colorectal cancers are the third most common cancers in men and women. ", "Incidence rates declined significantly during 1992-1996 (−2.1% per year). ", "Research suggests that these declines have been due to increased screening and polyp removal, preventing progression of polyps to invasive cancers. ", "There were an estimated 56,300 deaths (47,700 from colon cancer, 8,600 from rectal cancer) in 2000, accounting for about 11% of all U.S. cancer deaths.", "\nAt present, surgery is the most common form of therapy for colorectal cancer, and for cancers that have not spread, it is frequently curative. ", "Chemotherapy, or chemotherapy plus radiation, is given before or after surgery to most patients whose cancer has deeply perforated the bowel wall or has spread to the lymph nodes. ", "A permanent colostomy (creation of an abdominal opening for elimination of body wastes) is occasionally needed for colon cancer and is infrequently required for rectal cancer. ", "There continues to be a need for effective diagnostic and treatment modalities for colorectal cancer.", "\nThere were an estimated 164,100 new cases of lung and bronchial cancer in 2000, accounting for 14% of all U.S. cancer diagnoses. ", "The incidence rate of lung and bronchial cancer is declining significantly in men, from a high of 86.5 per 100,000 in 1984 to 70.0 in 1996. ", "In the 1990s, the rate of increase among women began to slow. ", "In 1996, the incidence rate in women was 42.3 per 100,000.", "\nLung and bronchial cancer caused an estimated 156,900 deaths in 2000, accounting for 28% of all cancer deaths. ", "During 1992-1996, mortality from lung cancer declined significantly among men (−1.7% per year) while rates for women were still significantly increasing (0.9% per year). ", "Since 1987, more women have died each year of lung cancer than breast cancer, which, for over 40 years, was the major cause of cancer death in women. ", "Decreasing lung cancer incidence and mortality rates most likely resulted from decreased smoking rates over the previous 30 years; however, decreasing smoking patterns among women lag behind those of men. ", "Of concern, although the declines in adult tobacco use have slowed, tobacco use in youth is increasing again.", "\nTreatment options for lung and bronchial cancer are determined by the type and stage of the cancer and include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. ", "For many localized cancers, surgery is usually the treatment of choice. ", "Because the disease has usually spread by the time it is discovered, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are often needed in combination with surgery. ", "Chemotherapy alone or combined with radiation is the treatment of choice for small cell lung cancer; on this regimen, a large percentage of patients experience remission, which in some cases is long lasting. ", "There is however, an ongoing need for effective treatment and diagnostic approaches for lung and bronchial cancers.", "\nAn estimated 182,800 new invasive cases of breast cancer were expected to occur among women in the United States during 2000. ", "Additionally, about 1,400 new cases of breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in men in 2000. ", "After increasing about 4% per year in the 1980s, breast cancer incidence rates in women have leveled off in the 1990s to about 110.6 cases per 100,000.", "\nIn the U.S. alone, there were an estimated 41,200 deaths (40,800 women, 400 men) in 2000 due to breast cancer. ", "Breast cancer ranks second among cancer deaths in women. ", "According to the most recent data, mortality rates declined significantly during 1992-1996 with the largest decreases in younger women, both white and black. ", "These decreases were probably the result of earlier detection and improved treatment.", "\nTaking into account the medical circumstances and the patient's preferences, treatment of breast cancer may involve lumpectomy (local removal of the tumor) and removal of the lymph nodes under the arm; mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast) and removal of the lymph nodes under the arm; radiation therapy; chemotherapy; or hormone therapy. ", "Often, two or more methods are used in combination. ", "Numerous studies have shown that, for early stage disease, long-term survival rates after lumpectomy plus radiotherapy are similar to survival rates after modified radical mastectomy. ", "Significant advances in reconstruction techniques provide several options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy: Recently, such reconstruction has been done at the same time as the mastectomy.", "\nLocal excision of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) with adequate amounts of surrounding normal breast tissue may prevent the local recurrence of the DCIS. ", "Radiation to the breast and/or tamoxifen may reduce the chance of DCIS occurring in the remaining breast tissue. ", "This is important because DCIS, if left untreated, may develop into invasive breast cancer. ", "Nevertheless, there are serious side effects or sequelae to these treatments. ", "There is, therefore, a need for efficacious breast cancer treatments.", "\nThere were an estimated 23,100 new cases of ovarian cancer in the United States in 2000. ", "It accounts for 4% of all cancers among women and ranks second among gynecologic cancers. ", "During 1992-1996, ovarian cancer incidence rates were significantly declining. ", "Consequent to ovarian cancer, there were an estimated 14,000 deaths in 2000. ", "Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system.", "\nSurgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are treatment options for ovarian cancer. ", "Surgery usually includes the removal of one or both ovaries, the fallopian tubes (salpingo-oophorectomy), and the uterus (hysterectomy). ", "In some very early tumors, only the involved ovary will be removed, especially in young women who wish to have children. ", "In advanced disease, an attempt is made to remove all intra-abdominal disease to enhance the effect of chemotherapy. ", "There continues to be an important need for effective treatment options for ovarian cancer.", "\nThere were an estimated 28,300 new cases of pancreatic cancer in the United States in 2000. ", "Over the past 20 years, rates of pancreatic cancer have declined in men. ", "Rates among women have remained approximately constant but may be beginning to decline. ", "Pancreatic cancer caused an estimated 28,200 deaths in 2000 in the United States. ", "Over the past 20 years, there has been a slight but significant decrease in mortality rates among men (about −0.9% per year) while rates have increased slightly among women.", "\nSurgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are treatment options for pancreatic cancer. ", "These treatment options can extend survival and/or relieve symptoms in many patients but are not likely to produce a cure for most. ", "There is a significant need for additional therapeutic and diagnostic options for pancreatic cancer." ]
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[ "\n\nPlease send your questions to the\n[googlemock](http://groups.google.com/group/googlemock) discussion\ngroup. ", "If you need help with compiler errors, make sure you have\ntried [Google Mock Doctor](#How_am_I_supposed_to_make_sense_of_these_horrible_template_error.md) first.", "\n\n## I wrote some matchers. ", " After I upgraded to a new version of Google Mock, they no longer compile. ", " What's going on? ##", "\n\nAfter version 1.4.0 of Google Mock was released, we had an idea on how\nto make it easier to write matchers that can generate informative\nmessages efficiently. ", " We experimented with this idea and liked what\nwe saw. ", " Therefore we decided to implement it.", "\n\nUnfortunately, this means that if you have defined your own matchers\nby implementing `MatcherInterface` or using `MakePolymorphicMatcher()`,\nyour definitions will no longer compile. ", " Matchers defined using the\n`MATCHER*` family of macros are not affected.", "\n\nSorry for the hassle if your matchers are affected. ", " We believe it's\nin everyone's long-term interest to make this change sooner than\nlater. ", " Fortunately, it's usually not hard to migrate an existing\nmatcher to the new API. ", " Here's what you need to do:\n\nIf you wrote your matcher like this:\n```\n// Old matcher definition that doesn't work with the latest\n// Google Mock.", "\nusing ::testing::MatcherInterface;\n...\nclass MyWonderfulMatcher : public MatcherInterface<MyType> {\n public:\n ...\n virtual bool Matches(MyType value) const {\n // Returns true if value matches.", "\n return value.", "GetFoo() > 5;\n }\n ...\n};\n```\n\nyou'll need to change it to:\n```\n// New matcher definition that works with the latest Google Mock.", "\nusing ::testing::MatcherInterface;\nusing ::testing::MatchResultListener;\n...\nclass MyWonderfulMatcher : public MatcherInterface<MyType> {\n public:\n ...\n virtual bool MatchAndExplain(MyType value,\n MatchResultListener* listener) const {\n // Returns true if value matches.", "\n return value.", "GetFoo() > 5;\n }\n ...\n};\n```\n(i.e. rename `Matches()` to `MatchAndExplain()` and give it a second\nargument of type `MatchResultListener*`.)", "\n\nIf you were also using `ExplainMatchResultTo()` to improve the matcher\nmessage:\n```\n// Old matcher definition that doesn't work with the lastest\n// Google Mock.", "\nusing ::testing::MatcherInterface;\n...\nclass MyWonderfulMatcher : public MatcherInterface<MyType> {\n public:\n ...\n virtual bool Matches(MyType value) const {\n // Returns true if value matches.", "\n return value.", "GetFoo() > 5;\n }\n\n virtual void ExplainMatchResultTo(MyType value,\n ::std::ostream* os) const {\n // Prints some helpful information to os to help\n // a user understand why value matches (or doesn't match).", "\n *os << \"the Foo property is \" << value.", "GetFoo();\n }\n ...\n};\n```\n\nyou should move the logic of `ExplainMatchResultTo()` into\n`MatchAndExplain()`, using the `MatchResultListener` argument where\nthe `::std::ostream` was used:\n```\n// New matcher definition that works with the latest Google Mock.", "\nusing ::testing::MatcherInterface;\nusing ::testing::MatchResultListener;\n...\nclass MyWonderfulMatcher : public MatcherInterface<MyType> {\n public:\n ...\n virtual bool MatchAndExplain(MyType value,\n MatchResultListener* listener) const {\n // Returns true if value matches.", "\n *listener << \"the Foo property is \" << value.", "GetFoo();\n return value.", "GetFoo() > 5;\n }\n ...\n};\n```\n\nIf your matcher is defined using `MakePolymorphicMatcher()`:\n```\n// Old matcher definition that doesn't work with the latest\n// Google Mock.", "\nusing ::testing::MakePolymorphicMatcher;\n...\nclass MyGreatMatcher {\n public:\n ...\n bool Matches(MyType value) const {\n // Returns true if value matches.", "\n return value.", "GetBar() < 42;\n }\n ...\n};\n... MakePolymorphicMatcher(MyGreatMatcher()) ...\n```\n\nyou should rename the `Matches()` method to `MatchAndExplain()` and\nadd a `MatchResultListener*` argument (the same as what you need to do\nfor matchers defined by implementing `MatcherInterface`):\n```\n// New matcher definition that works with the latest Google Mock.", "\nusing ::testing::MakePolymorphicMatcher;\nusing ::testing::MatchResultListener;\n...\nclass MyGreatMatcher {\n public:\n ...\n bool MatchAndExplain(MyType value,\n MatchResultListener* listener) const {\n // Returns true if value matches.", "\n return value.", "GetBar() < 42;\n }\n ...\n};\n... MakePolymorphicMatcher(MyGreatMatcher()) ...\n```\n\nIf your polymorphic matcher uses `ExplainMatchResultTo()` for better\nfailure messages:\n```\n// Old matcher definition that doesn't work with the latest\n// Google Mock.", "\nusing ::testing::MakePolymorphicMatcher;\n...\nclass MyGreatMatcher {\n public:\n ...\n bool Matches(MyType value) const {\n // Returns true if value matches.", "\n return value.", "GetBar() < 42;\n }\n ...\n};\nvoid ExplainMatchResultTo(const MyGreatMatcher& matcher,\n MyType value,\n ::std::ostream* os) {\n // Prints some helpful information to os to help\n // a user understand why value matches (or doesn't match).", "\n *os << \"the Bar property is \" << value.", "GetBar();\n}\n... MakePolymorphicMatcher(MyGreatMatcher()) ...\n```\n\nyou'll need to move the logic inside `ExplainMatchResultTo()` to\n`MatchAndExplain()`:\n```\n// New matcher definition that works with the latest Google Mock.", "\nusing ::testing::MakePolymorphicMatcher;\nusing ::testing::MatchResultListener;\n...\nclass MyGreatMatcher {\n public:\n ...\n bool MatchAndExplain(MyType value,\n MatchResultListener* listener) const {\n // Returns true if value matches.", "\n *listener << \"the Bar property is \" << value.", "GetBar();\n return value.", "GetBar() < 42;\n }\n ...\n};\n... MakePolymorphicMatcher(MyGreatMatcher()) ...\n```\n\nFor more information, you can read these\n[two](V1_5_CookBook#Writing_New_Monomorphic_Matchers.md)\n[recipes](V1_5_CookBook#Writing_New_Polymorphic_Matchers.md)\nfrom the cookbook. ", " As always, you\nare welcome to post questions on `googlemock@googlegroups.com` if you\nneed any help.", "\n\n## When using Google Mock, do I have to use Google Test as the testing framework? ", " I have my favorite testing framework and don't want to switch. ##", "\n\nGoogle Mock works out of the box with Google Test. ", " However, it's easy\nto configure it to work with any testing framework of your choice.", "\n[Here](V1_5_ForDummies#Using_Google_Mock_with_Any_Testing_Framework.md) is how.", "\n\n## How am I supposed to make sense of these horrible template errors? ##", "\n\nIf you are confused by the compiler errors gcc threw at you,\ntry consulting the _Google Mock Doctor_ tool first. ", " What it does is to\nscan stdin for gcc error messages, and spit out diagnoses on the\nproblems (we call them diseases) your code has.", "\n\nTo \"install\", run command:\n```\nalias gmd='<path to googlemock>/scripts/gmock_doctor.py'\n```\n\nTo use it, do:\n```\n<your-favorite-build-command> <your-test> 2>&1 | gmd\n```\n\nFor example:\n```\nmake my_test 2>&1 | gmd\n```\n\nOr you can run `gmd` and copy-n-paste gcc's error messages to it.", "\n\n## Can I mock a variadic function? ##", "\n\nYou cannot mock a variadic function (i.e. a function taking ellipsis\n(`...`) arguments) directly in Google Mock.", "\n\nThe problem is that in general, there is _no way_ for a mock object to\nknow how many arguments are passed to the variadic method, and what\nthe arguments' types are. ", " Only the _author of the base class_ knows\nthe protocol, and we cannot look into his head.", "\n\nTherefore, to mock such a function, the _user_ must teach the mock\nobject how to figure out the number of arguments and their types. ", " One\nway to do it is to provide overloaded versions of the function.", "\n\nEllipsis arguments are inherited from C and not really a C++ feature.", "\nThey are unsafe to use and don't work with arguments that have\nconstructors or destructors. ", " Therefore we recommend to avoid them in\nC++ as much as possible.", "\n\n## MSVC gives me warning C4301 or C4373 when I define a mock method with a const parameter. ", " Why? ##", "\n\nIf you compile this using Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1:\n```\nclass Foo {\n ...\n virtual void Bar(const int i) = 0;\n};\n\nclass MockFoo : public Foo {\n ...\n MOCK_METHOD1(Bar, void(const int i));\n};\n```\nYou may get the following warning:\n```\nwarning C4301: 'MockFoo::Bar': overriding virtual function only differs from 'Foo::Bar' by const/volatile qualifier\n```\n\nThis is a MSVC bug. ", " The same code compiles fine with gcc ,for\nexample. ", " If you use Visual C++ 2008 SP1, you would get the warning:\n```\nwarning C4373: 'MockFoo::Bar': virtual function overrides 'Foo::Bar', previous versions of the compiler did not override when parameters only differed by const/volatile qualifiers\n```\n\nIn C++, if you _declare_ a function with a `const` parameter, the\n`const` modifier is _ignored_. ", " Therefore, the `Foo` base class above\nis equivalent to:\n```\nclass Foo {\n ...\n virtual void Bar(int i) = 0; // int or const int? ", " Makes no difference.", "\n};\n```\n\nIn fact, you can _declare_ Bar() with an `int` parameter, and _define_\nit with a `const int` parameter. ", " The compiler will still match them\nup.", "\n\nSince making a parameter `const` is meaningless in the method\n_declaration_, we recommend to remove it in both `Foo` and `MockFoo`.", "\nThat should workaround the VC bug.", "\n\nNote that we are talking about the _top-level_ `const` modifier here.", "\nIf the function parameter is passed by pointer or reference, declaring\nthe _pointee_ or _referee_ as `const` is still meaningful. ", " For\nexample, the following two declarations are _not_ equivalent:\n```\nvoid Bar(int* p); // Neither p nor *p is const.", "\nvoid Bar(const int* p); // p is not const, but *p is.", "\n```\n\n## I have a huge mock class, and Microsoft Visual C++ runs out of memory when compiling it. ", " What can I do? ##", "\n\nWe've noticed that when the `/clr` compiler flag is used, Visual C++\nuses 5~6 times as much memory when compiling a mock class. ", " We suggest\nto avoid `/clr` when compiling native C++ mocks.", "\n\n## I can't figure out why Google Mock thinks my expectations are not satisfied. ", " What should I do? ##", "\n\nYou might want to run your test with\n`--gmock_verbose=info`. ", " This flag lets Google Mock print a trace\nof every mock function call it receives. ", " By studying the trace,\nyou'll gain insights on why the expectations you set are not met.", "\n\n## How can I assert that a function is NEVER called? ##", "\n\n```\nEXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(_))\n .Times(0);\n```\n\n## I have a failed test where Google Mock tells me TWICE that a particular expectation is not satisfied. ", " Isn't this redundant? ##", "\n\nWhen Google Mock detects a failure, it prints relevant information\n(the mock function arguments, the state of relevant expectations, and\netc) to help the user debug. ", " If another failure is detected, Google\nMock will do the same, including printing the state of relevant\nexpectations.", "\n\nSometimes an expectation's state didn't change between two failures,\nand you'll see the same description of the state twice. ", " They are\nhowever _not_ redundant, as they refer to _different points in time_.", "\nThe fact they are the same _is_ interesting information.", "\n\n## I get a heap check failure when using a mock object, but using a real object is fine. ", " What can be wrong? ##", "\n\nDoes the class (hopefully a pure interface) you are mocking have a\nvirtual destructor?", "\n\nWhenever you derive from a base class, make sure its destructor is\nvirtual. ", " Otherwise Bad Things will happen. ", " Consider the following\ncode:\n\n```\nclass Base {\n public:\n // Not virtual, but should be.", "\n ~Base() { ... }\n ...\n};\n\nclass Derived : public Base {\n public:\n ...\n private:\n std::string value_;\n};\n\n...\n Base* p = new Derived;\n ...\n delete p; // Surprise! ", "~Base() will be called, but ~Derived() will not\n // - value_ is leaked.", "\n```\n\nBy changing `~Base()` to virtual, `~Derived()` will be correctly\ncalled when `delete p` is executed, and the heap checker\nwill be happy.", "\n\n## The \"newer expectations override older ones\" rule makes writing expectations awkward. ", " Why does Google Mock do that? ##", "\n\nWhen people complain about this, often they are referring to code like:\n\n```\n// foo.", "Bar() should be called twice, return 1 the first time, and return\n// 2 the second time. ", " However, I have to write the expectations in the\n// reverse order. ", " This sucks big time!!!", "\nEXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar())\n .WillOnce(Return(2))\n .RetiresOnSaturation();\nEXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar())\n .WillOnce(Return(1))\n .RetiresOnSaturation();\n```\n\nThe problem is that they didn't pick the **best** way to express the test's\nintent.", "\n\nBy default, expectations don't have to be matched in _any_ particular\norder. ", " If you want them to match in a certain order, you need to be\nexplicit. ", " This is Google Mock's (and jMock's) fundamental philosophy: it's\neasy to accidentally over-specify your tests, and we want to make it\nharder to do so.", "\n\nThere are two better ways to write the test spec. ", " You could either\nput the expectations in sequence:\n\n```\n// foo.", "Bar() should be called twice, return 1 the first time, and return\n// 2 the second time. ", " Using a sequence, we can write the expectations\n// in their natural order.", "\n{\n InSequence s;\n EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar())\n .WillOnce(Return(1))\n .RetiresOnSaturation();\n EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar())\n .WillOnce(Return(2))\n .RetiresOnSaturation();\n}\n```\n\nor you can put the sequence of actions in the same expectation:\n\n```\n// foo.", "Bar() should be called twice, return 1 the first time, and return\n// 2 the second time.", "\nEXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar())\n .WillOnce(Return(1))\n .WillOnce(Return(2))\n .RetiresOnSaturation();\n```\n\nBack to the original questions: why does Google Mock search the\nexpectations (and `ON_CALL`s) from back to front? ", " Because this\nallows a user to set up a mock's behavior for the common case early\n(e.g. in the mock's constructor or the test fixture's set-up phase)\nand customize it with more specific rules later. ", " If Google Mock\nsearches from front to back, this very useful pattern won't be\npossible.", "\n\n## Google Mock prints a warning when a function without EXPECT\\_CALL is called, even if I have set its behavior using ON\\_CALL. ", " Would it be reasonable not to show the warning in this case? ##", "\n\nWhen choosing between being neat and being safe, we lean toward the\nlatter. ", " So the answer is that we think it's better to show the\nwarning.", "\n\nOften people write `ON_CALL`s in the mock object's\nconstructor or `SetUp()`, as the default behavior rarely changes from\ntest to test. ", " Then in the test body they set the expectations, which\nare often different for each test. ", " Having an `ON_CALL` in the set-up\npart of a test doesn't mean that the calls are expected. ", " If there's\nno `EXPECT_CALL` and the method is called, it's possibly an error. ", " If\nwe quietly let the call go through without notifying the user, bugs\nmay creep in unnoticed.", "\n\nIf, however, you are sure that the calls are OK, you can write\n\n```\nEXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(_))\n .WillRepeatedly(...);\n```\n\ninstead of\n\n```\nON_CALL(foo, Bar(_))\n .WillByDefault(...);\n```\n\nThis tells Google Mock that you do expect the calls and no warning should be\nprinted.", "\n\nAlso, you can control the verbosity using the `--gmock_verbose` flag.", "\nIf you find the output too noisy when debugging, just choose a less\nverbose level.", "\n\n## How can I delete the mock function's argument in an action? ##", "\n\nIf you find yourself needing to perform some action that's not\nsupported by Google Mock directly, remember that you can define your own\nactions using\n[MakeAction()](V1_5_CookBook#Writing_New_Actions.md) or\n[MakePolymorphicAction()](V1_5_CookBook#Writing_New_Polymorphic_Actions.md),\nor you can write a stub function and invoke it using\n[Invoke()](V1_5_CookBook#Using_Functions_Methods_Functors.md).", "\n\n## MOCK\\_METHODn()'s second argument looks funny. ", " Why don't you use the MOCK\\_METHODn(Method, return\\_type, arg\\_1, ..., arg\\_n) syntax? ##", "\n\nWhat?! ", " I think it's beautiful. :-)", "\n\nWhile which syntax looks more natural is a subjective matter to some\nextent, Google Mock's syntax was chosen for several practical advantages it\nhas.", "\n\nTry to mock a function that takes a map as an argument:\n```\nvirtual int GetSize(const map<int, std::string>& m);\n```\n\nUsing the proposed syntax, it would be:\n```\nMOCK_METHOD1(GetSize, int, const map<int, std::string>& m);\n```\n\nGuess what? ", " You'll get a compiler error as the compiler thinks that\n`const map<int, std::string>& m` are **two**, not one, arguments. ", "To work\naround this you can use `typedef` to give the map type a name, but\nthat gets in the way of your work. ", " Google Mock's syntax avoids this\nproblem as the function's argument types are protected inside a pair\nof parentheses:\n```\n// This compiles fine.", "\nMOCK_METHOD1(GetSize, int(const map<int, std::string>& m));\n```\n\nYou still need a `typedef` if the return type contains an unprotected\ncomma, but that's much rarer.", "\n\nOther advantages include:\n 1. ", "`MOCK_METHOD1(Foo, int, bool)` can leave a reader wonder whether the method returns `int` or `bool`, while there won't be such confusion using Google Mock's syntax.", "\n 1. ", "The way Google Mock describes a function type is nothing new, although many people may not be familiar with it. ", " The same syntax was used in C, and the `function` library in `tr1` uses this syntax extensively. ", " Since `tr1` will become a part of the new version of STL, we feel very comfortable to be consistent with it.", "\n 1. ", "The function type syntax is also used in other parts of Google Mock's API (e.g. the action interface) in order to make the implementation tractable. ", "A user needs to learn it anyway in order to utilize Google Mock's more advanced features. ", " We'd as well stick to the same syntax in `MOCK_METHOD*`!", "\n\n## My code calls a static/global function. ", " Can I mock it? ##", "\n\nYou can, but you need to make some changes.", "\n\nIn general, if you find yourself needing to mock a static function,\nit's a sign that your modules are too tightly coupled (and less\nflexible, less reusable, less testable, etc). ", " You are probably better\noff defining a small interface and call the function through that\ninterface, which then can be easily mocked. ", " It's a bit of work\ninitially, but usually pays for itself quickly.", "\n\nThis Google Testing Blog\n[post](http://googletesting.blogspot.com/2008/06/defeat-static-cling.html)\nsays it excellently. ", " Check it out.", "\n\n## My mock object needs to do complex stuff. ", " It's a lot of pain to specify the actions. ", " Google Mock sucks! ##", "\n\nI know it's not a question, but you get an answer for free any way. :-)", "\n\nWith Google Mock, you can create mocks in C++ easily. ", " And people might be\ntempted to use them everywhere. ", "Sometimes they work great, and\nsometimes you may find them, well, a pain to use. ", "So, what's wrong in\nthe latter case?", "\n\nWhen you write a test without using mocks, you exercise the code and\nassert that it returns the correct value or that the system is in an\nexpected state. ", " This is sometimes called \"state-based testing\".", "\n\nMocks are great for what some call \"interaction-based\" testing:\ninstead of checking the system state at the very end, mock objects\nverify that they are invoked the right way and report an error as soon\nas it arises, giving you a handle on the precise context in which the\nerror was triggered. ", " This is often more effective and economical to\ndo than state-based testing.", "\n\nIf you are doing state-based testing and using a test double just to\nsimulate the real object, you are probably better off using a fake.", "\nUsing a mock in this case causes pain, as it's not a strong point for\nmocks to perform complex actions. ", " If you experience this and think\nthat mocks suck, you are just not using the right tool for your\nproblem. ", "Or, you might be trying to solve the wrong problem. :-)", "\n\n## I got a warning \"Uninteresting function call encountered - default action taken..\" Should I panic? ##", "\n\nBy all means, NO! ", " It's just an FYI.", "\n\nWhat it means is that you have a mock function, you haven't set any\nexpectations on it (by Google Mock's rule this means that you are not\ninterested in calls to this function and therefore it can be called\nany number of times), and it is called. ", " That's OK - you didn't say\nit's not OK to call the function!", "\n\nWhat if you actually meant to disallow this function to be called, but\nforgot to write `EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar()).Times(0)`? ", " While\none can argue that it's the user's fault, Google Mock tries to be nice and\nprints you a note.", "\n\nSo, when you see the message and believe that there shouldn't be any\nuninteresting calls, you should investigate what's going on. ", " To make\nyour life easier, Google Mock prints the function name and arguments\nwhen an uninteresting call is encountered.", "\n\n## I want to define a custom action. ", " Should I use Invoke() or implement the action interface? ##", "\n\nEither way is fine - you want to choose the one that's more convenient\nfor your circumstance.", "\n\nUsually, if your action is for a particular function type, defining it\nusing `Invoke()` should be easier; if your action can be used in\nfunctions of different types (e.g. if you are defining\n`Return(value)`), `MakePolymorphicAction()` is\neasiest. ", " Sometimes you want precise control on what types of\nfunctions the action can be used in, and implementing\n`ActionInterface` is the way to go here. ", "See the implementation of\n`Return()` in `include/gmock/gmock-actions.h` for an example.", "\n\n## I'm using the set-argument-pointee action, and the compiler complains about \"conflicting return type specified\". ", " What does it mean? ##", "\n\nYou got this error as Google Mock has no idea what value it should return\nwhen the mock method is called. ", " `SetArgumentPointee()` says what the\nside effect is, but doesn't say what the return value should be. ", " You\nneed `DoAll()` to chain a `SetArgumentPointee()` with a `Return()`.", "\n\nSee this [recipe](V1_5_CookBook#Mocking_Side_Effects.md) for more details and an example.", "\n\n\n## My question is not in your FAQ! ##", "\n\nIf you cannot find the answer to your question in this FAQ, there are\nsome other resources you can use:\n\n 1. ", "read other [wiki pages](http://code.google.com/p/googlemock/w/list),\n 1. ", "search the mailing list [archive](http://groups.google.com/group/googlemock/topics),\n 1. ", "ask it on [googlemock@googlegroups.com](mailto:googlemock@googlegroups.com) and someone will answer it (to prevent spam, we require you to join the [discussion group](http://groups.google.com/group/googlemock) before you can post.).", "\n\nPlease note that creating an issue in the\n[issue tracker](http://code.google.com/p/googlemock/issues/list) is _not_\na good way to get your answer, as it is monitored infrequently by a\nvery small number of people.", "\n\nWhen asking a question, it's helpful to provide as much of the\nfollowing information as possible (people cannot help you if there's\nnot enough information in your question):\n\n * the version (or the revision number if you check out from SVN directly) of Google Mock you use (Google Mock is under active development, so it's possible that your problem has been solved in a later version),\n * your operating system,\n * the name and version of your compiler,\n * the complete command line flags you give to your compiler,\n * the complete compiler error messages (if the question is about compilation),\n * the _actual_ code (ideally, a minimal but complete program) that has the problem you encounter." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Riboflavin as a source of autofluorescence in Eisenia fetida coelomocytes.", "\nImmunocompetent cells of earthworms (coelomocytes) contain adherent amoebocytes and large eleocytes (chloragocytes); the latter are filled with numerous granules. ", "We have previously shown that eleocytes of several (but not all) earthworm species exhibit strong autofluorescence detectable by fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry. ", "In the present article, the molecular origin of eleocytes autofluorescence was elucidated in coelomocytes expelled via dorsal pores in the integument of Eisenia fetida subjected to electric shock (1 min at 4.5 V). ", "Spectrofluorometry (excitation and emission spectra and fluorescence lifetime), together with HPLC analysis of coelomocyte suspensions and supernatants, indicated that riboflavin but not FMN (flavin mononucleotide) or FAD (flavin-adenine dinucleotide) is the main fluorophore responsible for eleocyte fluorescence in this species. ", "Additionally, lipofuscins are suspected to participate in this phenomenon." ]
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[ 0.0008818237693049014, 0.0020781445782631636, 0.0006176408496685326, 0.0006480548181571066, 0.0008200907032005489, 0.000708620180375874 ]
[ "There She Goes (TV series)\n\nThere She Goes is a British comedy-drama television programme which first aired on BBC Four on 16 October 2018. ", "The show follows the learning-disabled Rosie Yates (Miley Locke), along with her parents Emily (Jessica Hynes) and Simon (David Tennant), and her older brother Ben (Edan Hayhurst). ", "There She Goes is based on the experiences of series creator Shaun Pye, whose daughter was born with a chromosomal disorder. ", "It contains scenes set in 2006, as the parents learn of Rosie's abnormalities, and 2015, when Rosie is aged nine. ", "The programme received mostly positive reviews.", "\n\nCast and characters\n Miley Locke as Rosie Yates, a non-verbal nine-year-old with a learning disability. ", "She is stubborn when refusing to go where her parents want, eating food she is offered and she often throws and damages things.", "\n David Tennant as Simon Yates, Rosie's father. ", "An alcoholic in 2006, he is often disparaging towards his daughter despite loving her.", "\n Jessica Hynes as Emily Yates, Rosie's mother. ", "She bears most of the work involved in looking after Rosie.", "\n Edan Hayhurst as Ben Yates, Rosie's older brother. ", "A well-behaved kid, his needs are often overshadowed by Rosie.", "\n Yasmine Akram as Helen, a friend of David's.", "\n Ben Willbond as Chris, the Yates's next door neighbour.", "\n Maya Kelly as Ellie, Chris's daughter.", "\n Nigel Planer as Gandalf.", "\n Philip Jackson (actor) as Grandad John.", "\n\nEpisodes\n\nProduction\nWritten by Shaun Pye, everything in the programme is based on events from real life with his learning disabled daughter Jo, who was born in 2006. ", "He would regularly make Facebook posts about funny incidents involving her, to positive feedback from friends, leading him to consider that the topic could be suitable for a sitcom. ", "However, he noted that it is not \"a generalised story about disability\", only one about his experiences. ", "Whilst not wanting to \"sugarcoat\" his experiences, he did want to demonstrate how \"wonderful\" his life with his daughter is.", "\n\nPye's first draft focused on a more sympathetically-portrayed Simon, but this was rewritten after he showed his wife Sarah the script. ", "Sarah had a considerable role in the writing of the show, with her and Pye having lengthy conversations about the darker period of their life, which the 2006 timeline is based off. ", "Pye commented that Simon's dialogue is based on his own manner of speech, rather than what may be considered politically correct. ", "The programme's title comes from the song \"There She Goes\" by The La's, which Pye listened to while writing the first script.", "\n\nJessica Hynes and David Tennant were cast as parents Emily and Simon Yates, having worked together on the science fiction programme Doctor Who in the past. ", "They found that their familiarity with each other aided their acting as a couple. ", "Hynes was interested in the script because of its \"naturalistic\" presentation of family life and the \"familiar and recognisable\" mother character. ", "As a parent, Hynes found much of the material relatable and could \"completely identify with\" Sarah. ", "She aimed to create something \"unerringly truthful\" and described the series as \"gentle, poignant, truthful and funny\".", "\n\nTennant knew Pye prior to the series, having also worked with him when appearing on the panel show Have I Got News For You and talk show The Jonathan Ross Show. ", "Tennant said that he was attracted to the role as the writing was \"so honest and so candid\". ", "He said that his acting style was \"ruthlessly honest\", commenting that \"at no point are we trying to construct comic moments\" as the power of the story is that \"it is just what happened\". ", "At the time of filming, Tennant had three children and said that the series affected his perspective on parenthood.", "\n\nMiley Locke, who does not have learning difficulties, was cast as Rosie. ", "Though disabled actors were auditioned for the role, advice from psychologists was that the long working hours with minimal breaks would be too burdensome for a learning disabled child. ", "Characters such as the Yates' neighbour are based on real people from Pye's life, as are some scenes such as Simon taking Rosie to a Baby Sing class and Emily hearing Rosie laugh for the first time. ", "During filming, Pye had to leave the set for a couple of scenes due to the emotive acting by Hynes and Tennant.", "\n\nAnalysis\nPye has a background in comedy writing, but he describes the show as comedy-drama. ", "It also contains some traits of biopics and tragicomedies. ", "Its humour is dark, bleak and contains bathos; it is presented in the form of one-liners. ", "Rachel Aroesti of The Guardian commented that the show is rare in that it shows the negative effects of motherhood, and compared it to the 2018 thriller series The Cry.", "\n\nReception\nFor her performance as Emily Yates, Jessica Hynes won the category of Best Female Performance in a Comedy Programme at the 2019 British Academy Television Awards (BAFTAs). ", "Simon Hynd won the 2019 Royal Television Society Scotland Award for Best Director.", "\n\nVictoria Segal of The Sunday Times chose There She Goes as the \"TV pick of the week\". ", "Segal commented that the \"gallows humour might be a bit tough for some viewers to stomach\", but praises that the parents are presented as loving whilst still sometimes acting poorly. ", "\nThe Times Chris Bennion rated the programme four out of five stars, calling it \"bracingly honest\" and \"a marvel from start to finish\". ", "Sean O'Grady of The Independent also gave the show four out of five stars, praising the \"searing emotional honesty\" and the \"sensitive and engaging\" acting of Hynes and Tennant. ", "O'Grady gives the first series finale a rating of four out of five stars, lauding the \"formidable quantity of quality talent\".", "\n\nLouisa Mellor of Den of Geek praised There She Goes as \"unsentimental, honest [and] well-written\", lauding the usage of two timelines, so the \"lighter and warmer\" 2015 timeline can balance the 2006 timeline which is \"full of pain\". ", "Mellor praised Pye for being \"bravely unflattering\" in his portrayal of Simon, and for his \"boldly unsentimental writing and diamond-clear truths\". ", "Aroesti gave the show a positive review, describing it as an \"uplifting experience\". ", "She praised the programme as \"mordantly, outrageously funny\" and lauded Hynes' acting. ", "Joel Keller of Decider praised Pye for demonstrating that Simon \"can be a total prat\" at times, calling the programme a \"very realistic and balanced look\" at parenthood which any parent can relate to. ", "Keller praised Locke, saying he was surprised to find out that she was not disabled, but found Tennant's Scottish accent tough to understand. ", "Euan Ferguson of The Observer described Pye's writing as \"gutsily and refreshingly honest\" and praises its delivery by Hynes and Tennant.", "\n\nIn a negative review for New Statesman, Rachel Cooke described the show as \"airless and over-loaded\", criticising the number of flashbacks. ", "Cooke praised it as \"determinedly unsentimental\" but described the humour as \"a few carefully deployed bad-taste gags\". ", "Whilst Saskia Baron of The Arts Desk approved that the parents were not \"impossibly warm and saintly\", she found that some of their dialogue made for \"uncomfortable viewing\" and recommended \"more consideration of the feelings of learning disabled people and perhaps their greater involvement\". ", "However, Baron praised the programme's \"ring of complete authenticity\" and hoped that it would \"[make] viewers think before rushing to judgement next time they see someone with unusual behaviour\".", "\n\nRelease\nA short trailer for the programme was released on the BBC website on 5 October 2018. ", "The first series premiered on BBC Four in the UK, from 16 October to 13 November 2018. ", "It is available in the United States and Canada on the streaming service Britbox.", "\n\nReferences\n\nNotes\n\nExternal links\n \n Official website\n \n\nCategory:2018 British television series debuts\nCategory:2010s British comedy-drama television series\nCategory:BBC Television programmes\nCategory:English-language television programs\nCategory:Television shows about disability\nCategory:Television series about families" ]
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[ "Foto: Ragnar Schmuck\n\nWhen being asked about his long lasting career as a DJ and producer in an interview for the current Groove edition, Markus Kaye described the past two years as his “most productive ever”. ", "The game changing events for Kaye, who has been an important player in the british drum’n’bass scene for almost two decades as Marcus Intalex, had been the discovery of Ableton as a production tool and his subsequent forays into house and techno territory under his new alias Trevino. ", "To cut a long story short, Kayes arrival on non-d’n’b dancefloors has been a smashing success so far and we are very excited about his contribution to our podcast series.", "\n\nHow did you choose the tracks for this mix? ", "Did you have a particular concept in mind?", "\n\nI just wanted it to be a little bit more uptempo than The mix I did for Fact Magazine recently which was predominantly more houseier. ", "I enjoy house and techno equally so just wanted to represent that. ", "I also finished on a classic hardcore track from the early nineties to represent where I come from. ", "The rest I just chucked together as I went along. ", "Some old some new and some recent favourites of mine.", "\n\nHow and where did you record the mix?", "\n\nAt home at some godforesaken hour in the studio. ", "I have been trying out a Traktor S4 which I enjoy using at home. ", "So that has now become my default studio mix machine. ", "I do buy bits of vinyl but I instantly rip them so I can use thm with Serato in the clubs.", "\n\nWith six releases as Trevino (and a few more as Marcus Intalex) in the past twelve months, 2012 has been a particularly strong year for you. ", "What are your wishes for 2013?", "\n\nWell I’m sitting on about 20 or 30 tunes and am currently in talks about an album project. ", "The next few months I plan to hit the studio hard." ]
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[ 0.004964025225490332, 0.000657203490845859, 0.0007025288650766015, 0.0006537641165778041, 0.0007113459287211299, 0.000610462564509362, 0.0005717166350223124, 0.0006349337054416537, 0.0005676239961758256, 0.0007941534859128296, 0.0006525462376885116, 0.03274160996079445, 0.0009159343899227679, 0.0007438950124196708, 0.005919110495597124, 0.0006904042675159872, 0.0007822802290320396, 0.000562302942853421, 0.0007448270916938782 ]
[ "A PARISH council vice-chairman has been booted out of his post for \"bickering and undermining the chairman\" and asking too many questions at meetings.", "\n\nGeoffrey Adams was given the thumbs down by Sonning Common Parish Council after his fellow\n\ncouncillors claimed he made meetings too long.", "\n\nThey agreed a vote of no confidence in Mr Adams at a council meeting last month.", "\n\nThe vote was proposed by councillor Ann Dayton who claimed Mr Adams had \"caused dissension within the council by bickering and undermining the chairman, wasting the council's time and giving a bad impression to members of the public that the council was always arguing\".", "\n\nCouncillor Pat Hughes seconded the resolution and added that Mr Adams' continual questions made the meeting last for two hours instead of finishing in an hour.", "\n\nDefending Mr Adams, Councillor Don Naish said he was amazed that such a resolution had been entered and had never heard such accusations of bickering being made.", "\n\nHe argued that a councillor's responsibility was to actually ask questions and councillors should be encouraged to do that.", "\n\nDetails of the row at the village hall on Monday, February 17, were recorded in the council's minutes, which also included the dictionary\n\ndefinition of bickering as \"bad-tempered arguing about unimportant matters\".", "\n\nArthur Badcock, the council's clerk, said it was not the political but the general procedures of the meetings that were in question.", "\n\nHe said: \"It's a bit unusual. ", "Some people felt the meeting should finish earlier, the resolution was accepted and the vice-chairman had to leave.\"", "\n\nMr Naish, the longest serving member of the council, said: \"I was taken aback by the motion because he was a person who always developed debates.", "\n\n\"He asked the right questions.\"", "\n\nMr Adams was voted out by a majority of seven of the 12 councillors present on the night.", "\n\nThe same evening, Jane Armitage, who chairs the council and who voted in favour of the resolution, decided to carry out new elections." ]
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[ 0.0010351449018344283, 0.0006570901605300605, 0.0005575193790718913, 0.000867457187268883, 0.0005599067662842572, 0.0010380864841863513, 0.0005508173489943147, 0.0008882842375896871, 0.0006918773287907243, 0.0006037171697244048, 0.0005815324257127941, 0.0005435455241240561, 0.0005894621135666966, 0.0007250343332998455, 0.0006916832062415779 ]
[ "Postoperative infection in cardiac surgery: the influence of a change in prophylactic antibiotic regimen.", "\nA total of 448 patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery were followed for the development of postoperative infection. ", "Non-extracorporeal procedures were assigned to group 1 and open-heart procedures to group 2. ", "The incidence of infection was compared in two groups who received prophylactic antibiotics. ", "Patients (n = 253) received ampicillin alone (group 1) or in combination with gentamicin (group 2) for 7 days starting 1 day before the operation (period A). ", "One hundred and ninety-five patients (period B) received cefazolin starting preoperatively 30 min before induction, alone (group 1) or in combination with gentamicin (Group 2) for 3 days. ", "The percentage of patients developing infection in periods A and B for group 1 patients was 4.2% and 3.5% and for group 2 it was 25.8% and 18.7% respectively. ", "The overall infection rate was 13%. ", "The number of infection sites involved were 1.5 per infected patient. ", "Urinary tract infections were the most frequent followed by endocarditis and other deep infections, wound infections and respiratory infection. ", "Gram-negative rods were the predominant pathogens (Klebsiella spp. ", "and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) during both periods (47 out of 70 isolates). ", "Wound infections due to Gram-positive cocci were higher in period A (4/8) as compared to period B (1/5). ", "During period B there were three cases of fungal endocarditis whereas no case occurred during period A. Although the incidence of infection was reduced during the period of cefazolin prophylaxis, the difference was not statistically significant." ]
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[ 0.0007183695561252534, 0.0006426387117244303, 0.000628833135124296, 0.0005544680170714855, 0.0006742579862475395, 0.0006628155242651701, 0.0006448157364502549, 0.0009106741053983569, 0.0007147452561184764, 0.0017820191569626331, 0.0006500970921479166, 0.0006535834399983287, 0.0006820083362981677, 0.0009652950684539974 ]
[ "Q:\n\nVBA: How to Space Items evenly in a Userform List?", "\n\nFor a starter, I have the following in a loop:\nlstResults.", "AddItem Range(\"A\" & row).value & vbTab & _\n Range(\"B\" & row).value & vbTab & _\n Range(\"C\" & row).value\n\nI want to replace vbTab with some other function that will give me consistent spacing, regardless the width of character. ", "My results need to look something like:\nTitle1 Title2 Title3\n12 34 56\n\nA:\n\nDon't loop through your source range, put it into a 2D variant array instead:\nDim source As Variant\nsource = Range(\"A1:C10\").Value ' assuming your loop boundaries here.. adjust accordingly\n\nThen, configure the listbox columns:\nlstResults.", "ColumnCount = 3\nlstResults.", "ColumnWidths = \"50,50,50\" ' adjust as you see fit\nlstResults.", "ColumnHeads = True\n\nNow fill the list with the array:\nlstResults.", "List = source\n\nDone :)\n\n" ]
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[ 0.000758751411922276, 0.000560837215743959, 0.0007074332679621875, 0.0006228161510080099, 0.0010842124465852976, 0.0008391812443733215, 0.000991249457001686, 0.0006587225361727178 ]
[ "[Effects of gap size on seedling natural regeneration in artificial Pinus tabulaeformis plantation].", "\nTo clarify the effects of gap size created by thinning on the seedling natural regeneration in artificial Pinus tabulaeformis plantation, a plot investigation was conducted to study the ecological factors and the age structure, height, diameter, length of needles, and dry biomass of roots, stems, and needles of 1-10 year-old seedlings in different habitats, and a path analysis was made on the environmental factors affecting the seedling regeneration. ", "Obvious differences were observed in the ecological factors in different size gaps and slope aspects. ", "There lacked of above 3 year-old seedlings in understory and of above 7 year-old seedlings in small gap, and the seedlings of 5 and 6 year-old were lesser in big gap. ", "The 1-10 year-old seedlings could be divided into 3 development phases, i. e. , 1-3 year-old, 4-7 year-old, and 8-10 year-old seedlings, among which, 1-3 year-old seedlings were critical for the establishment and growth of the population. ", "The growth situation of the seedlings in different habitats was in order of big gap in shady slope > big gap in sunny slope > small gap in sunny slope > small gap in shady slope > understory in sunny slope > understory in shady slope. ", "Path analysis showed light intensity had decisive positive effects on the seedling number of different development phases, shrub coverage had decisive negative effects on the seedling number of 4-7 year-old and 8-10 year-old phases, whereas humus dry mass had negative effects on the seedling number of 4-7 year-old but positive effects on the seedling number of 8-10 year-old. ", "It was suggested that in the management of artificial P. tabulaeformis plantation, relatively high intensity thinning combined with shrub clearing should be adopted to provide favorable conditions for the sustainable development of P. tabulaeformis population." ]
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[ "Today\n\nToday my heart is breaking,\nand I'm numb to the core.", "\nSeeing more evil in this world,\nall the violence all the gore.", "\nMy heart bleeds today,\nI swear I feel their pain.", "\nIt's been a curse of mine,\nit makes me feel insane.", "\nI would trade places,\nwith the wounded or those who died.", "\nSo it wouldn't seem so unfair,\nto the loved ones who've cried.", "\nDo you ever feel this way?", "\nI long to take the pain away.", "\nEven if it means the death of me,\njust so He or She could stay.", "\nI'm feeling the pain of the world today,\nand if only God would allow.", "\nI'd pay the ultimate price,\nto erase what happened now.", "\n\nMy thoughts and prayers are with Las Vegas. ", "Most importantly for the victims, the families of the victims and the family of the shooter. ", "It's time to forget about race, religion, gender, sexual preference ect and come together." ]
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[ 0.000966687046457082, 0.29510608315467834, 0.08853944391012192, 0.02168707177042961, 0.011671185493469238, 0.0007905862294137478, 0.001055644010193646, 0.002829988021403551, 0.023772863671183586, 0.002079531317576766, 0.021101780235767365, 0.0006264863768592477, 0.0005840442609041929, 0.0038510130252689123 ]
[ "Semayawi supporters gathered despite chairman’s stalled US tour\n\nSupporters of Semayawi Party attending the fundraising event in Washington, D.C. (EthioTube)\n\nWhat does the chairman of Ethiopia’s youngest opposition party do when he is allegedly barred by the government from attending his U.S. fundraising tours? ", "He presses on via a video chat.", "\n\nYilkal Getnet (Eng.), ", "chairman of Semayawi Party, was set out to tour seven US cities this month to raise funds for the upcoming general elections. ", "But that was until the party announced — at the very last minute — he won’t be able to make it because authorities have confiscated his passport.", "\n\nThe party says, the government hasn’t given any explanation for its actions as yet.", "\n\nBut party supporters here in the United States refuse to backtrack. “", "We shouldn’t let our plans be interrupted by the regime’s action,” said Aklog Limeneh, one of the event-coordinators, during his opening remarks at the fundraising in Boston this past Sunday.", "\n\n“We carried on with the event to show our determination in supporting Ethiopia’s ongoing peaceful struggle.”", "\n\nSunday’s fundraising had the party chief stay up late at night at his campaign quarters in Ethiopia to hold a live video chat session with supporters about his party’s activities ahead of the May elections.", "\n\n“As you can see, the ruling regime has already started to panic,” said Getnet, starting off his speech by a brief remark on why he couldn’t physically attend the event. “", "The ever anxious regime has stalled my tour but we will not be discouraged.”", "\n\nHe praised the diaspora community for its continuous support to opposition members in Ethiopia, even when those efforts time and again failed to bring a lasting solution. “", "Despite what the ruling party says, the diaspora community’s support has been crucial in helping the struggle at home.”", "\n\n“Ethiopians overseas should know that their activism, at the very least, has become the voice of the oppressed,” Getnet emphasized. “", "I have a great respect and admiration for your community.”", "\n\nWhen asked if his party has any plans for Ethiopians residing overseas, Getnet replied that at this stage, his party is not in a position to present anything specifically designed for the diaspora other than offering leadership for the peaceful struggle at home.", "\n\nSemayawi supporters having a video chat session with the party chairman during Boston’s meeting\n\nFew in the audience, however, were heard questioning if indeed the peaceful struggle advocated by parties like Semayawi is working at all.", "\n\n“Just by simply participating in this election, we are showing how undemocratic the regime is,” said Getnet. “", "When I’m forbidden to leave the country for no apparent reason, it is clear to tell how frightened the regime is with our peaceful engagement.”", "\n\nHe further noted that armed struggle is not new to Ethiopia, and that it hasn’t brought any good to the country thus far.", "\n\n“Still, there are those who have taken up arms within the last 24 years but really, what have they achieved? ", "They haven’t been able to capture even a single kebele (neighborhood)!”", "\n\nJust last month, three members of the party were arrested by security officials for reportedly trying to cross into Eritrea to join the Ginbot 7 armed struggle.", "\n\nOfficials at Semayawi have also confirmed the arrests but, they were reserved to comment further.", "\n\n“We are still verifying the case related with our members who are in custody,” said Getnet, “And because this is a legal matter that requires careful handling, our party can’t readily give detailed information — we need time.”", "\n\nThe party’s U.S. fundraising efforts kicked off in the nation’s capital on April 4th, with Yacob Hailemariam (PhD) as the guest speaker. ", "The meeting that followed in Boston the next day, which was attended by not more than thirty people, was able to raise over $4,000.", "\n\nWith five more US cities to go before the end of this month, the party continues to raise funds for the $2 million (ETB 42,000,000) budget it has allocated for this year’s election campaign." ]
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[ "侍の身を守ったよろいかぶとが、スマホを守る。「越谷甲冑(かっちゅう)」の伝統工芸技法を残そうと、埼玉県越谷市の甲冑工芸会社3代目がスマートフォンのカバーケース「サムライ フォン カバー」を試作中だ。甲冑の需要が端午の節句に集中するなか、通年で売れる商品の開発は経営の安定にもつながり、業界の悲願だ。", "\n\nスマホカバーを試作するのは、越谷市新川町の「甲冑工房 朝比奈」の職人、朝比奈龍さん(40)。祖父が1959年に創業し、3代目になる。", "\n\n戦国武者の身を守った甲冑は、江戸の頃から子どもを守るシンボルとして飾り物になったという。今も端午の節句に需要があるが、住宅事情や少子化が影響し「自分が子供の頃の30年前に比べて生産数は半分くらい」と朝比奈さんは話す。", "\n\n古来の伝統を絶やさず、経営の安定や職人育成のためにも、新商品の開発は急務。そのため、2016年に県が実施した「伝統工芸品等新製品開発コンテスト」に参加し、最優秀賞を受けた。同コンテストは県が指定する伝統的手工芸品が対象で、デザイナーらと意見交換し、外国人や女性、若者に受け入れられる商品作りを目指すものだ。", "\n\n朝比奈さんが手がけたのが、伝統技法「威(おど)し」を活用したスマホカバーだった。威しは、威し糸と呼ばれる正絹の糸で、アルミ製の小札(こざね)という甲冑金具を編み込む技法。編み方や使う糸の色の違いで、さまざまな柄模様が作れる。", "\n\nスマホカバーに着目したのは、伝統工芸品を手軽に手にとってもらえると思ったからだ。スマホは今や必需品でカバーを装着している人も多い。甲冑の感触を味わってもらい、工芸技術を後世に残したいという思いがある。", "\n\nただ、まだ「商品化に向けたテスト販売の段階で主に受注販売」という。価格は税込みで7020円。対応機種もiPhoneの一部に限られているため、商品をブラッシュアップさせながら対応機種も増やしていく予定だ。", "\n\n「色の相談も受け付ける。受注から納品まで約1カ月かかるが、ぜひ侍気分の感触を味わってほしい」と朝比奈さんは話す。", "\n\n問い合わせは、同工房(048・987・9144)へ。(春山陽一)" ]
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[ "Uruguay national under-20 rugby union team\n\nThe Uruguay under 20 rugby team is the junior national rugby union team from Uruguay. ", "They replace the two former age grade teams Under 19s and Under 21s. ", "The team competed at the World Rugby Under 20 Championships and World Rugby Under 20 Trophy.", "\n\nUruguay qualified for the 2015 Under 20 Trophy after defeating Chile 22-12 in the South American Junior Rugby Championship.", "\n\nOverall\nSummary for all under 20 matches at the World Rugby Under 20 Championship and World Rugby Under 20 Trophy, including 2015:\n\nResults\n\nCurrent squad\nSquad to 2015 World Rugby Under 20 Trophy.", "\n\nManagement\nJuan Baldomir - Head Coach\nRicardo Martínez - Team Manager\nJoaquín Pastore - Assistant Coach\nSantiago Ramirez - Physiotherapist\nMarcelo Santurio - Team Doctor\nFlorencia Orozco - Strength & Conditioning\n\nOutstanding squad\n\n2008 IRB Junior World Rugby Trophy: Champion\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Unión de Rugby del Uruguay - Official Site\n\nunder20\nCategory:National under-20 rugby union teams" ]
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[ 0.0008129942580126226, 0.001338902278803289, 0.0006797505193389952, 0.0007490533753298223, 0.0006863793823868036, 0.0007464293157681823 ]
[ "Q:\n\nError: A function expression can't have a name. ", "Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: context){ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nI am getting this exception while trying to navigate to another page using Navigator.of(context).push() : \nlib/main.dart:20:41: Error: A function expression can't have a name.", "\n Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: context){\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nlib/main.dart:20:68: Error: Not a constant expression.", "\n Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: context){\n ^^^^^^^\nlib/main.dart:20:66: Error: Non-optional parameters can't have a default value.", "\nTry removing the default value or making the parameter optional.", "\n Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: context){\n ^\nlib/main.dart: Error: The argument type 'HomePage Function(dynamic)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Route'.", "\nCode : \nclass MyApp extends StatelessWidget {\n @override\n Widget build(BuildContext context) {\n return MaterialApp(\n title: 'Are You Present?',", "\n debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,\n home: Scaffold(\n body: Center(\n child:\n FlatButton(onPressed: () {\n Navigator.of(context).push(\n MaterialPageRoute(builder: context){\n return HomePage();\n }\n );\n }, child: Text(\"Press to Continue\")),\n ),\n ));\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nThis is the correct way to use Navigator.of(context).push() :\nTry changing the code inside the onPressed with following\nNavigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(\n builder: (context){\n return HomePage();\n }\n ));\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0008970542694441974, 0.0007152375183068216, 0.0007655443041585386, 0.0006660999497398734, 0.0008826167904771864, 0.0006592852878384292, 0.0007200406398624182, 0.0013005448272451758 ]
[ "Sunlight-induced effective heterogeneous photocatalytic decomposition of aqueous organic pollutants to CO2 assisted by a CO2 sorbent, amine-containing mesoporous silica.", "\nPhotocatalytic mineralization of aqueous formic acid and phenol on pure TiO(2) under sunlight irradiation was substantially accelerated to give a reliable photocatalytic efficiency by conducting the reactions in the presence of a CO(2) sorbent, amine-containing SBA-15, placed in the gas phase of the reactor." ]
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[ 0.0009839071426540613, 0.0006700829253531992 ]
[ "Hundreds of metres of underground tunnels used by Islamic State militants under the Iraqi city of Sinjar have been discovered by Kurdish forces.", "\n\nSinjar was retaken by Kurdish and coalition forces on 12 November.", "\n\nVideo footage shows tunnels dug under the houses by IS militants to protect them from regular coalition airstrikes." ]
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[ "-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-\n-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab\n-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;\n-- =============================================================================\n-- Authors: Jens Voss\n--\n-- Entity: Stack (LIFO)\n--\n-- Description:\n-- -------------------------------------\n-- Implements a stack, a LIFO storage abstraction.", "\n--\n-- License:\n-- =============================================================================\n-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany\n-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture\n--\n-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n-- You may obtain a copy of the License at\n--\n-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n--\n-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n-- distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n-- limitations under the License.", "\n-- =============================================================================\n\nlibrary IEEE;\nuse\t\t\tIEEE.std_logic_1164.all;\n\n\nentity dstruct_stack is\n generic (\n D_BITS : positive; -- Data Width\n MIN_DEPTH : positive -- Minimum Stack Depth\n );\n port (\n -- INPUTS\n clk, rst : in std_logic;\n\n -- Write Ports\n din : in std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0); -- Data Input\n put : in std_logic; -- 0 -> pop, 1 -> push\n full : out std_logic;\n\n -- Read Ports\n got : in std_logic;\n dout : out std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0);\n valid : out std_logic\n );\nend entity dstruct_stack;\n\n\nlibrary IEEE;\nuse IEEE.numeric_std.all;\n\nlibrary PoC;\nuse PoC.config.all;\nuse PoC.utils.all;\nuse PoC.ocram.all;\n\narchitecture rtl of dstruct_stack is\n\n -- Constants\n constant A_BITS : natural := log2ceil(MIN_DEPTH);\n\n -- Signals\n signal stackpointer : unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');\n signal we : std_logic := '0';\n signal adr : unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');\n signal s_adr : unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');\n signal s_dout : std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');\n signal s_valid : std_logic := '0';\n signal s_din : std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');\n\n -- ctrl signal for stackpointer operations\n type ctrl_t is (PUSH, POP, IDLE);\n signal ctrl : ctrl_t;\n\n type state is (SEMPTY, NOTFULL, WAITING, SFULL);\n signal current_state, next_state : state; -- current and next state\n\nbegin\n\n -- Backing Memory\n ram : entity poc.ocram_sp\n generic map(\n\t\tA_BITS => A_BITS,\n\t\tD_BITS => D_BITS,\n FILENAME => \"\"\n\t)\n\tport map(\n\t\tclk => clk,\n\t\tce\t=> '1',\n\t\twe\t=> we,\n\t\ta\t=> adr,\n\t\td\t=> s_din,\n\t\tq\t=> s_dout\n\t);\n\n process(clk)\n begin\n if rising_edge(clk) then\n if(rst = '1') then\n current_state <= SEMPTY;\n else\n current_state <= next_state;\n end if;\n end if;\n end process;\n\n process(current_state, put, stackpointer, got)\n begin\n ctrl <= IDLE;\n we <= '0';\n s_adr <= (others =>'0');\n valid <= '1';\n full <= '0';\n case( current_state ) is\n when SEMPTY =>\n valid <= '0';\n next_state <= SEMPTY;\n if(put = '1') then\n -- push to empty stack!", "\n next_state <= NOTFULL;\n ctrl <= PUSH;\n we <= '1';\n else\n -- enable is 0 -> do nothing\n ctrl <= IDLE;\n end if;\n when NOTFULL=>\n next_state <= NOTFULL;\n s_adr <= stackpointer - 1;\n if(got = '1' and put = '0') then\n ctrl <= POP;\n s_adr <= stackpointer - 2;\n if stackpointer = 1 then\n -- last value popped from stack -> empty\n next_state <= SEMPTY;\n end if;\n elsif (got = '0' and put = '1') then\n -- push to Stack\n ctrl <= PUSH;\n s_adr <= stackpointer;\n we <= '1';\n if stackpointer = (MIN_DEPTH - 1) then\n next_state <= SFULL;\n end if;\n elsif (got = '1' and put = '1') then\n -- overwrite ToS\n we <= '1';\n ctrl <= IDLE;\n else\n -- do nothing\n ctrl <= IDLE;\n end if;\n when SFULL=>\n next_state <= SFULL;\n full <= '1';\n s_adr <= stackpointer-1;\n if(got = '1') then\n -- pop from Stack\n ctrl <= POP;\n next_state <= NOTFULL;\n s_adr <= stackpointer-2;\n else\n -- got is 0 -> do nothing\n ctrl <= IDLE;\n end if;\n when others =>\n ctrl <= IDLE;\n next_state <= SEMPTY;\n end case;\n end process;\n\n process(clk)\n begin\n if rising_edge(clk) then\n case( ctrl ) is\n when IDLE =>\n stackpointer <= stackpointer;\n when PUSH =>\n stackpointer <= stackpointer + 1;\n when POP =>\n stackpointer <= stackpointer - 1;\n when others =>\n stackpointer <= stackpointer;\n end case;\n end if;\n end process;\n\n s_din <= din;\n dout <= s_dout;\n\n -- map local signals to ports\n adr <= s_adr;\nend rtl;\n" ]
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[ "7725 Valentine Sandberg watercolor Ilustration c1900 - For Sale\n\nValentine Sandberg watercolor Illustration c1900. ", "Sandberg was Swedish born in 1881, He is listed as one of the important artists in the Golden Age of Illustration. ", "Here is a listing taken from AmericanArchives.com New York newspaper art departments until he his first assignment, a plumb one, painting a cover for The Munsey. ", "With further Munsey work, he did covers for Success, Harper's Weekly, Life, Sunday Magazine, Home Life, Modern Priscilla, Judge, and People's Popular Monthly. ", "Ad assignments included Ferry's Seeds, Swift's, Falstaff, and Vitralite. ", "He was so popular, he was reprinted in posters and calendars. ", "When Sandberg, like others, was asked to mimic the fade-away style of Coles Phillips, he fulfilled his assignment brilliantly and this became a curse with time. ", "Other artists (Leyendecker, Stanlaws) did fade-aways, but Sandberg alone was saddled with \"copying.\" ", "Sandberg was capable of far more than his excellent fade-away work and deserves a re-evaluation.", "There was an article about Sandberg winning a prize for a patriotic U. S. art slogan that appeared in Time magazine July 11, 1932 under \"Clarion Call\". ", "This piece is in original estate condition. ", "The frame measures 20 inches by 20 inches, the image itself measures 16 x 16 inches. ", "Signed lower left.", "\nShipping extra. ", "Connecticut residents and buyers picking up in Connecticut add 6% state sales tax. ", "Buyers outside the USA are responsible for any taxes,tariffs or customs that might apply. *** ", "If you wish to see examples of similar items we have sold and/or appraised please go to our affiliate site www.OneofaKindAntiques.com and click the Archives / Homepage logo ***" ]
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[ "Prevalence of androgen deficiency in chronic spinal cord injury patients suffering from erectile dysfunction.", "\nRetrospective cross-sectional study. ", "To estimate the prevalence of biochemical androgen deficiency in Iranian spinal cord injured men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) and to determine factors related to this problem. ", "An andrology clinic of a teaching hospital in Tehran. ", "Men, 18 years of age and older, with chronic (>2 years) spinal cord injury (SCI) suffering from ED were recruited. ", "Demographic data, hormonal and lipid levels, injury variables and drug history were obtained from the medical records. ", "The relationships between biochemical androgen deficiency (unequivocally low serum testosterone levels) and patient characteristics, injury variables and laboratory data were determined. ", "Out of 319 patients, 32.6% had total testosterone deficiency and 29.1% had biochemical androgen deficiency. ", "Of those with biochemical androgen deficiency, 93.5 and 85.7% had luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) within or below the normal ranges, respectively. ", "Opioid use, triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) were associated with biochemical androgen deficiency. ", "Significant correlations between total testosterone level and sex hormone binding globulin (r=0.3, P<0.001), LH (r=0.2, P=0.02), TC (r=-0.1, P=0.04) and TG (r=-0.3, P<0.001) were found. ", "A substantial proportion of our patients with chronic SCI and ED had biochemical androgen deficiency. ", "Opioid use, TG and TC levels were associated with biochemical androgen deficiency in our studied population. ", "Standard screening of androgen deficiency and testosterone replacement therapy are recommended in men with chronic SCI suffering from ED. ", "Tehran University of Medical Sciences." ]
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[ "GameTrailers TV with Geoff Keighley\n\nGameTrailers TV with Geoff Keighley (or GT.TV) is a television show about video games hosted by video game journalist Geoff Keighley. ", "Originally titled Game Head, on January 25, 2008, the show relaunched under its current name with a slightly different format and further incorporation of GameTrailers hosts, Amanda MacKay and Daniel Kayser. ", "The series airs Friday nights at different times (depending on the previous programming) at 12am, 12:30am, 1am, and 1:30am Eastern Time on Spike in the U.S. and Canada.", "\n\nIn September 2016, Geoff Keighley partnered with YouTube to launch a new show dubbed \"Live with YouTube Gaming\", which carries a lot of similarities with GameTrailers TV.", "\n\nSeries overview\nIn the program, host Geoff Keighley, along with his correspondents, are seen on location at video game companies or interviewing with special guests while divulging exclusive information on upcoming video games. ", "During the program, video game previews, reviews, new gadgets, and trivia facts about the video games are featured.", "\n\nNotable episodes\nPast episodes have included interviews with film director Uwe Boll, former Nintendo of America President and Chief Operating Officer Reggie Fils-Aime, professional video gamer Johnathan \"Fatal1ty\" Wendel, and fashion designer Marc Ecko.", "\n\nEpisodes have also focused on the \"Best of E3\" (Electronic Entertainment Expo) in their E³ 2006 and E³ 2007 episode, featuring editors from internet gaming site GameSpot. ", "Other episodes have featured the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences's D.I.C.E. Summit, including an interview with the former head of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business division Peter Moore, the 8th Annual Independent Games Festival, PAX East, and Spike TV Video Game Awards (VGAs).", "\n\nRatings\nAccording to Spike TV, GT.TV is the highest rated video game show on television, and consistently has higher ratings than anything on G4 or MTV2.", "\n\nHosts\nGeoff Keighley (2005–present) - Video game journalist for online, print and television, freelance writer, and executive producer. ", "Former correspondent for G4TV's The Electric Playground.", "\nAmanda MacKay (2007–present) - On-location host, actress, and producer.", "\nDaniel Kayser (2007–present) - On-location correspondent and interviewer.", "\niJustine (2010–present) - On-location gadget correspondent, and actress.", "\n\nCelebrity guests\nA number of celebrities have also appeared as guests, including Clint Eastwood, Kiefer Sutherland, Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, and even Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.", "\n\nGame Head: Episode Guide\n\nSeason 1 (2005)\n 101 – Frag Dolls profile show\n 102 – The Nintendo Fusion Tour with Fall Out Boy\n 103 – Star Wars: Battlefront II Show, shot at LucasArts/LucasFilm's new office in San Francisco, CA\n 104 – Spike TV Video Game Awards Nomination Special\n 105 – Xbox 360 Launch Special\n 106 – Fight Night Round 3\n 107 – Spike TV Video Game Awards Post-Show\n 108 – University of Southern California Videogame Program Show\n 109 – 1UP/Ziff Davis 2006 Preview Show\n\nSeason 2 (2006)\n 201 – Blur Studios, a 3D animation company\n 202 – The Collective, developer of The Da Vinci Code and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith video games\n 203 – Uwe Boll, infamous videogame filmmaker\n 204 – Alex Ward, game designer of Burnout and BLACK\n 205 – Marc Ecko about his game, Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure\n 206 – Reggie Fils-Aime, A profile of Nintendo's top North American executive\n 207 – Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences's D.I.C.E. Summit\n 208 – EA Los Angeles. ", "This show featured an exclusive preview for Medal of Honor: Airborne\n 209 – Training Day with Johnathan \"Fatal1ty\" Wendel.", "\n 210 – The Godfather: The Game Shot at Paramount Pictures backlot in Hollywood, CA\n 211 – NBA Ballers Phenom\n 212 – Kingdom Hearts II\n 213 – The Sundance of Gaming. ", "Shot at the Game Developers Conference in San Jose, CA Features Cliff Bleszinski from Epic Games\n\nSeason 3 (2006)\n 301 – I Am 8 Bit Art Exhibit at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles, CA\n 302 – Ubisoft Montreal Show shot in Montreal, QC, Canada\n 303 – E3 2006 Special\n 304 – X-Men: The Official Game\n 305 – E3 Game Critics Awards Show\n 306 – Mega64\n 307 – Pandemic Studios\n 308 – Video Games Live Music Concert, shot in Philadelphia, PA\n 309 – Sex and Videogames\n 310 – God of War II\n 311 – The Madden NFL 07 Kickoff Party at the ESPN SportsZone in New York City, NY\n 312 – Resident Evil: Extinction. ", "On the set of the new movie in Mexico City, Mexico\n 313 – San Diego Comic-Con 2006\n 314 – Red vs. Blue from Buda, TX, and the world exclusive look at Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars gameplay\n 315 – QuakeCon 2006.", "\n 316 – Game On: The History of Videogames\n 317 – The Warped Tour – Thirty Seconds to Mars, Less Than Jake and other bands discuss lending songs to videogames\n 318 – The cast of Family Guy discuss their new video game\n 319 – The PlayStation 3 game Resistance: Fall of Man from Insomniac Games\n 320 – Scarface: The World is Yours in Miami with Steven Bauer (Manny in the film).", "\n 321 – The Sopranos: Road to Respect with show creator David Chase and actor Vincent Pastore (Big Pussy) \n 322 – Warner Brothers Interactive and Superman Returns: The Game\n 323 – Uwe Boll on the set of his new film Postal\n 324 – Call of Duty 3 Challenge\n 325 – PlayStation 3 launch special\n 326 – Nintendo Wii launch special with Reggie Fils-Aime\n 327 – 2006 Spike TV Video Game Awards hour-long special\n\nSeason 4 (2007)\nDuring the 2006 Spike TV Video Game Awards on December 13, 2006, a 30-second commercial revealed that Game Head will return for a fourth season in 2007. ", "Commercials stated that new episodes would premiere on Fridays at 1AM in January. ", "However, the first new episode actually aired on Friday, February 2, 2007. ", "The start of season 4 brought with it a new logo and new graphics throughout the show. ", "Other new additions include a ratings score for game reviews, based on a 10-point scale, and a Game Head Icon segment, highlighting an iconic character in video game history. ", "Also, a feature called Open World lists the top-selling games at a given independent video game retailer.", "\n\n 401 – 2007 videogame preview show from the offices of IGN in San Francisco, CA (February 2, 2007)\n 402 – Behind the scenes at Sega\n 403 – Madden Bowl 2007 from Miami, FL\n 404 – DICE Convention 2007 with Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft\n 405 – NBA All-Star Game in Las Vegas\n 406 – Atari founder Nolan Bushnell\n 407 – God of War II Special with David Jaffe\n 408 – Fable creator Peter Molyneux plus a feature on Kotaku\n 409 – Inside Nintendo Power Magazine\n 410 – Alternative Reality Gaming at 42 Entertainment\nIn keeping with the ARG theme, Game Head had a URL and images of Shigeru Miyamoto – hidden in split-second images flashed on the screen – to a trailer for the next episode: a Super Tribute to Shigeru Miyamoto. ", "The link was \"miyamoto.spiketv.com\"\n 411 – Shigeru Miyamoto: A Super Tribute\n 412 – Inside Valve for Team Fortress 2\n 413 – Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta Special\n 414 – Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\n 415 – Big Buck Hunter Pro and Eugene Jarvis\n 416 – A look at Star Wars games at Star Wars Celebration IV\n 417 – Video game modder Ben Heckendorn\n 418 – The Voice of Mario: Charles Martinet\n 419 – Naughty Dog on Uncharted: Drake's Fortune\nThis episode was re-aired in January 2008 with an updated Head Start news segment\n 420 – Gears of War creators Epic Games\n 421 – E3 2007 Special\n 422 – E3 Hangover Special\n 423 – Comic-Con 2007 with David Jaffe, Uwe Boll and the casts of Iron Man and Heroes\n 424 – Madden NFL 08 launch from Times Square\n 425 – Stranglehold special\n 426 – EA Chicago\n 427 – Projekt Revolution Tour 2007\n 428 – EA Summer Showcase\n 429 – Halo 3: LAUNCHED!", "\n 430 – Hollywood and Games\n 431 – World Cyber Games\n 432 – Call of Duty 4 creators Infinity Ward\n 433 – The writers of The Simpsons\n 434 – E For All Expo 2007\n 435 – Mass Effect at BioWare\n 436 – Harmonix the creators of Rock Band\n 437 – Videogame Violence with Jack Thompson\n 438 – Game Head Best of 2007\n 439 - Game Head: A Mockumentary (Online Short)\n\nGameTrailers TV (GT.TV) Episode Guide\n\nSeason 1 (2008)\nIn January 2008 it was announced that the 5th season Game Head would be relaunched as GameTrailers TV with Geoff Keighley, further aligning the show with MTV's popular gaming site GameTrailers. ", " The format of the show is largely the same as Game Head, although game reviews are now handled by GameTrailers.com so the scores match those on the website. ", "The show was also re-launched in high-definition on SpikeHD and is available in HD on GameTrailers.com and Xbox Live Marketplace.", "\n\n 101 – The world premiere of Tiberium with EA Los Angeles\n 102 – Turok creators Propaganda Games\n 103 – The Most Anticipated Games of 2008\n 104 – Madden Bowl 2008 with Peter Moore\n 105 – D.I.C.E. Summit 2008\n 106 – 2008 Game Developers Conference\n 107 – Iron Man creators Secret Level\n 108 – Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Special from LucasArts\n 109 – The Bourne Conspiracy creators High Moon Studios\n 110 – Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway creators Gearbox Software\n 111 – Ghostbusters: The Video Game creators Terminal Reality\n 112 – Dead Space creators EA Redwood Shores\n 113 – FaceBreaker creators EA Canada\n 114 – Resistance 2 with Insomniac Games\n 115 – Lord of the Rings: Conquest with Pandemic Studios\n 116 – Prototype with Radical Entertainment\n 117 - Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe with Midway Games\n 118 – Gears of War 2 with Epic Games\n 119 - E3 2008 Special\n 120 - Comic-Con 2008\n 121 - The Godfather II with Electronic Arts\n 122 - TNA Impact! ", "with TNA wrestlers and Midway Games\n 123 - 2008 Penny Arcade Expo\n 124 - Halo Wars with Ensemble Studios\n 125 - Fallout 3 with Bethesda Game Studios\n 126 - Call of Duty: World at War with Treyarch\n 127 - Skate 2 with EA Canada\n 128 - Wanted: Weapons of Fate with GRIN and F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin with Monolith Productions\n 129 - 2008 Spike Video Game Awards preview special\n\nSeason 2 (2009)\n 201 - Most Anticipated Games of 2009\n 202 - Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned with Rockstar Games\n 203 - inFamous with Sucker Punch Productions\n 204 - D.I.C.E. Summit 2009\n 205 - Alpha Protocol with Obsidian Entertainment\n 206 - Wolfenstein with Raven Software\n 207 - BioWare special\n 208 - 2009 Game Developers Conference\n 209 - Fight Night Round 4 with Electronic Arts\n 210 - Mafia II with 2K Games\n 211 - Army of Two: The 40th Day with EA Montreal\n 212 - Tony Hawk: Ride with Robomodo\n 213 - Heavy Rain with Quantic Dream\n 214 - E3 2009 Preview\n 215 - E3 2009\n 216 - Dante's Inferno with Visceral Games\n 217 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves with Naughty Dog\n 218 - Brütal Legend with Double Fine Productions\n 219 - Comic-Con 2009\n 220 - Valve special\n 221 - Halo 3: ODST with Bungie\n 222 - LucasArts special\n 223 - Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time with Insomniac Games\n 224 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with Infinity Ward\n 225 - Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony with Rockstar North\n 226 - BioShock 2 with 2K Marin\n 227 - Nintendo special\n 228 - Mass Effect 2 with BioWare\n\nSeason 3 (2010)\n301 - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (January 21, 2010)\n302 - Most Anticipated Games 2010 (January 28, 2010)\n303 - Splinter Cell Conviction (February 11, 2010)\n304 - X10 Convention (February 18, 2010)\n305 - God of War III (February 25, 2010)\n306 - TBA (March 5, 2010)\n307 - TBA (March 12, 2010)\n308 - GDC 2010 (March 19, 2010)\n309 - Halo: Reach (April 4, 2010)\n310 - Red Dead Redemption (May 8, 2010)\n311 - TBA (May 15, 2010)\n312 - Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions (May 22, 2010)\n313 - Bulletstorm (May 29, 2010)\n314 - Crysis 2 (June 5, 2010)\n315 - TBA (June 12, 2010)\n316 - The Big 3 at E3 (June 18, 2010)\n317 - Deadliest Warrior (July 3, 2010)\n318 - God of War III/Fallout: New Vegas (July 24, 2010)\n319 - Comic Con 2010 (July 31, 2010)\n320 - TBA (August 14, 2010)\n321 - Portal 2 (August 21, 2010)\n322 - Halo Reach/Bungie (August 28, 2010)\n323 - Dead Space 2 (September 11, 2010)\n324 - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 (September 18, 2010)\n325 - Epic Mickey (September 25, 2010)\n326 - Call of Duty: Black Ops (October 15, 2010)\n327 - Rock Band 3 (October 22, 2010)\n328 - Mortal Kombat (October 29, 2010)\n329 - Fall Games Preview (November 5, 2010)\n330 - Back to the Future: The Game (December 3, 2010)\n331 - 2010 VGA Preview (December 10, 2010)\n\nSeason 4 (2011)\n401 - Fight Night Champion/Twisted Metal (January 29, 2011)\n402 - Nintendo 3DS (February 4, 2011)\n403 - Duke Nukem Forever/Madden Bowl 2011 (February 11, 2011)\n404 - Infamous 2/SOCOM 4 (February 24, 2011)\n405 - GDC 2011 Special (March 3, 2011)\n406 - Rage (March 8, 2011)\n407 - PAX East (March 11, 2011)\n408 - L.A. Noire/Twisted Metal (April 15, 2011)\n409 - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim/Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (April 22, 2011)\n410 - Sony Surprise: Starhawk/Madden NFL 12 (Top 5 Most Anticipated Games at E3) (May 13, 2011)\n411 - Countdown to E3 2011 (May 26, 2011)\n412 - E3 First Look (Exclusive E3 2011 Trailers) (June 3, 2011)\nSpecial - GT.TV Presents: E3 2011 All Access Live (June 6, 2011)\n413 - BioShock Infinite (15 minute trailer from E3) (July 8, 2011)\n414 - Resistance 3 (July 22, 2011)\n415 - Comic-Con 2011: Saint's Row: The Third/Mass Effect 3/Batman: Arkham City (July 29, 2011)\n416 - Saints Row: The Third (August 12, 2011)\n417 - Gears of War 3 (August 19, 2011)\n418 - Fall Preview/GamesCon/Kotaku.com (August 26, 2011)\n419 - NBA 2K12/PAX '11 (September 2, 2011)\n420 - Assassin's Creed: Revelations (September 9, 2011)\n421 - Batman: Arkham City (September 16, 2011)\nSpecial - GameStop All Access (Battlefield 3/Assassin's Creed: Revelations/Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception/Batman: Arkham City) (September 16, 2011)\n422 - Aliens & Syndicate (Aliens: Colonial Marines/Syndicate) (September 30, 2011)\n\nSeason 5 (2012)\n501 - Battlefield 3 (October 7, 2011)\n502 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (October 14, 2011)\n503 - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (October 21, 2011)\n504 - Nintendo Exclusives (w/ Reggie Fils-Aime) (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) (October 28, 2011)\n505 - The Simpsons E3 Parody/Spike Video Game Awards Nominees (November 11, 2011)\n506 - Gamestop Unwrapped (The biggest games of the season)/World Premiere DLC (November 25, 2011)\n507 - VGA Games of the Year (Spike's VGA nominees of the year) (December 9, 2011)\n508 - Mass Effect 3/CES 2012 (January 20, 2012)\n509 - Spring Preview: Madden Bowl 2012/Starhawk/MLB 12: The Show/Darksiders II/Syndicate (February 10, 2012)\n510 - DICE Summit2012/Transformers: Fall of Cybertron/Sleeping Dogs (February 17, 2012)\n511 - Xbox 360 Spring Showcase/Halo 4/Forza Horizon (March 9, 2012)\n512 - GDC 2012 (San Francisco Game Developer's Conference)/Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD/Bellator: MMA Onslaught (March 16, 2012)\n513 - Junction Point Studio Visit: Disney's Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (March 23, 2012)\n514 - FreddieW (April 6, 2012)\n515 - Medal of Honor: Warfighter (April 13, 2012)\n516 - PlayStation 3 Exclusive Game: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (April 27, 2012)\nSpecial - GT.TV presents Max Payne 3 (May 4, 2012)\n517 - Transformers Fall of Cybertron (May 11, 2012)\n518 - Far Cry 3 (May 18, 2012)\n519 - E3 2012 First Look Special (Star Wars: 1313/Guardians of Middle-earth/Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance/Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2/Dishonored/Tomb Raider) (May 31, 2012)\n520 - Epic Games (June 8, 2012)\n521 - Dead Space 3 (June 15, 2012)\n522 - Tomb Raider (June 22, 2012)\n523 - Borderlands 2/Vid Con 2012 (July 13, 2012)\n524 - Dishonored (August 3, 2012)\n525 - Valve (Dota 2/Source Film Maker/Steam/QuakeCon) (August 17, 2012)\n526 - Media Molecule/Forza Horizon (September 7, 2012)\n527 - Fuse (September 14, 2012)\n528 - Halo 4 (September 21, 2012)\n529 - Assassin's Creed III (September 28, 2012)\n\nSeason 6 (2013)\n601 - Need For Speed: Most Wanted and Medal of Honor: Warfighter (October 5, 2012)\n602 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (October 12, 2012)\n603 - God of War: Ascension (November 9, 2012)\n604 - VGA 10 Nomination Special (December 7, 2012)\n605 - CES 2013 (January 18, 2013)\n606 - Star Trek/Star Wars Pinball (February 22, 2013)\n607 - South by Southwest/Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (March 15, 2013)\n608 - GDC 2013/Battlefield 4 (April 12, 2013)\n609 - Behind the Scenes: Microsoft Xbox One (May 24, 2013)\n610 - Pre-E3 2013 Countdown (Dying Light/Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z) (June 7, 2013)\n612 - Penny Arcade Expo 2013 (PAX) (September 13, 2013)\n\nSeason 7 (2013)\n701 - Killzone Shadow Fall/Batman: Arkham Origins (October 18, 2013)\n702 - Xbox & Nintendo Fall Preview (November 7, 2013)\nSpecial - PS4 All Access: Greatness Awaits (Special) (November 14, 2013)\nSpecial - Xbox One: Day One Countdown (Special) (November 21, 2013)\n703 - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (November 22, 2013)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n\nCategory:Spike (TV network) original programming\nCategory:Television programs about video games\nCategory:2005 American television series debuts\nCategory:2008 American television series endings\nCategory:2008 American television series debuts\nCategory:2013 American television series endings\nCategory:2000s American television series\nCategory:2010s American television series\nCategory:English-language television programs" ]
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[ "Lebara Money 1.0.58\n\nLebara Money - For UK registered users? ", "Register once ? ", "Instant transfer? ", "Secure payments ? ", "Full history and tracking Just sign up once and you have access to 3 great services from the UK. ", "1.", "\nLebara Money is a completely free software. ", "You can free download and use it as long as you like.", "\n\nLebara Money - For UK registered users? ", "Register once ? ", "Instant transfer? ", "Secure payments ? ", "Full history and tracking Just sign up once and you have access to 3 great services from the UK. ", "1. ", "Money Transfer a Powered by MoneyGramAFast cash* ...\n\nLebara Money - For UK registered users\n\n? ", "Register once ? ", "Instant transfer? ", "Secure payments ? ", "Full history and tracking\n\nJust sign up once and you have access to 3 great services from the UK.", "\n\n2. ", "Lebara Money Prepaid MasterCardAGet 2 linked Prepaid cards. ", "Use wherever MasterCard is accepted in the World. ", "What's great is you can load your card, send money to the Family card and they can spend or withdraw money at 31 million locations.", "\n\n3. ", "Mobile Top Up Top Up family and friends mobile's around the world anytime. ", "It's a small gift that goes a long way in an instant! ", "Plus top up your own Lebara Mobile in the UK.", "\n\n*Cash is available as per MoneyGram's 10 minute service which is subject to agent hours and availability\n\nMoney Organizer Deluxe 3.9\nComplete program that will help you organize your bank accounts and investment information, personal web accounts, money related web resources. ", "Intuitive interface and ready-to-use templates make it easy to set up and use.", "\n\nMoney Planner 1.0\nMoney Planner is the software for the account and planning your income and expenses.", "You can also use Money Planner for planning your family budget.", "Very simple and intuitively understandable interface.", "\n\nMoney Key 7.9\nMoney Key is an easy-to-use password recovery tool for MS Money files (.MNY). ", "All versions of MS Money up to 2006 are supported.", "\n\nBunny Money 5 18.0.0\nThe Bunny Money slot or pokie game challenges you just as much as a traditional slot or pokie machine game. ", "The game is very easy to install and when launched, the program will adjust your graphics to suit viewing the game.", "\n\nMoney Blues 1 1\nMoney Blues is a personal finance manager for people that don´t like to spend hours filling in spreadsheets and hoping their budget is accurate.", "\n\nUnclaimed Money Search Software 5 1\nSearch 60 free international databases for unclaimed money entering a name only once. ", "The record of unclaimed money is on file in the state or country where the agency owing the money is located - not in your state of residence.", "\n\nMoney Clipart 2.0\nEnhance your financial or accounting-oriented projects with readily available professional Money Clipart. ", "Professionally designed for Mac OS and carefully crafted images representing various financial and business images are included.", "\n\nFunny money 7.2\nThis is a game full of money and rocks. ", "Usually the rocks are on top of the money, and you have to figure out how to get the money you need to get to the next level without getting bonked." ]
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[ "MACHINERY - SOFTWARE - CONSUMABLES\n\nMACHINERY – INSTRUMENTS & UPGRADES\n\nWe offer a modular system of intelligent machines to create your own custom workflow from sample preparation to result generation for use of ChipCytometry in your laboratory or facility. ", "For research groups and small clinical projects, we recommend Zellscanner ONE, which can be customized for additional workflows such as tissue cytometry or live cell cytometry by adding upgrade packages. ", "Zellscanner ONE is a completely automated, microscope scanner based on Zeiss hardware equipped with additional features such as 32-bit HDR imaging, optimized filter sets, and high-speed data connections for transmitting large amounts of image data.", "\n\nOur ”workhorse”, the CytoBot, is recommended for larger projects and multicenter clinical studies. ", "CytoBot is based on Tecan hardware and facilitates up to three Zeiss-based scanners. ", "It covers the entire workflow comprising antibody predilution, staining, optional permeabilization for intracellular stains, and scanning/bleaching.", "\n\nAll components are interlinked by software-based communication. ", "So, you can plan your projects from the comfort of your office. ", "The robots will automatically start sample processing. ", "If support is required or new data is available, the robots will contact you via messenger apps or desktop notifications.", "\n\nCYTOBOT\n\nZELLSCANNER ONE\n\nAutoWasher Upgrade Package\n\nTISSUE Upgrade Package\n\nVideocytometry Upgrade\n\nMULTICOLOR Upgrade Package\n\nSERVICE CONTRACT 1st year\n\nSERVICE CONTRACT 12 months\n\nCONSUMABLES & BUFFERS\n\nWe are happy to offer a wide range of reagents and consumables that are optimized for ChipCytometry workflows covering sample preparation, long-term storage, and cell and tissue analysis:\n\nFor further information on the use of these products, you can find a list of continuously updated standard operating procedures (SOPs) here or watch ourvideo tutorials on our Youtube channel." ]
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[ "Places of Interest\n\nContents Tree\n\nOverview\n\nThe greatest empire in the known World of Rodinia. ", "This civilization stretches from the plains of Nubia in the south west all the way to the desolate mountains of Marlek in the east. ", "It borders the warlike empire of Honshu in the north, and its close ally of Athena in the south east. ", "Most of the entire continent of Rodinia is part of the great empire that bears its name. ", "Those areas which have yet to be annexed by this expansionist realm view it with wary eyes.", "\n\nPlaces of Interest\n\nThe Dardanians were frequently at war with the Kurgans over the Kurgans natural resources, and they were allies of Rodinia in its wars against Kurgan. ", "The Dardanians continued to raid Kurgan after it became a Rodinian province, provoking the Rodinians to brutal retaliation. ", "They finally submitted to Rodinian rule 100 years later - only a few score years ago.", "\nThe Dardinians are noted for their worship of a snake god.", "\n\nThe Elamites are an ancient people who have long inhabited the region between the Honshu mountains and the vast Rodinian plains. ", "An early city state civilization had evolved here when Rodinia was still in its infancy.", "\n\nThe Kurgans are primarily a farming people but they also mine their homeland's rich deposits of iron, silver and gold. ", "The Kurgans are famous gold and silversmiths. ", "Their country's natural riches has lead to many wars with their neighbours, especially Dardania and Rodinia. ", "Eventually they fell to the Rodinian might.", "\n\nNubia is a large flat arid country inhabitted by a largely backward and peaceful peoples. ", "Nubians are dark of skin with black hair and large flat noses. ", "They are strong and are renouned for their constitution. ", "Sadly the Rodinians tore into Nubia with a force the local people were unprepared for and occupied the whole country within weeks of invasion. ", "As is their practice the Rodinians left the current system of government in place, and appointed a regional governor to oversee the lands. ", "They also raped the country for slave labour and as a result Nubians are commonly seen as slaves throughout the Rodinian empire.", "\n\nThe Nung are an agricultural village based people who typically live in thatched houses raised on stilts. ", "They use slash and burn techniques to cultivate valleys and terraces on hillsides, producing chiefly rice and corn; they also exploit the upland forests. ", "They have a strong textile, handicraft and folk culture tradition. ", "In dress they favour the colour indigo, associated with loyalty and fidelity. ", "Their religion centers mainly on ancestor worship but also includes and eclectic mix of beliefs in spirits and deities.", "\n\nRodinia is the country at the very centre of the world, the country which gives its name to the continent it dominates and indeed to the world itself. ", "It is the single most powerful country in the world, possibly in competition with Khemit and Honshu, and the most advanced civilization, perhaps with the exception of Athena, its ally.", "\n\nThe Semang live as a nomadic people, traditionally hunter gatherers, in self governed tribes and sub-tribes. ", "They use blow pipes to hunt small game. ", "The name Semang means debt slave as the Rodinians use them as a source of slaves, much like the Nubians. ", "In religion, the Semang practice mostly druidical magic. ", "The Semang still live a traditional life, in caves, under rocks and leaf covered overhangs. ", "They are easily quelled by the powerful Rodinian army and their traditions are very threatened by the occupying forces.", "\n\nTana Toradja is Rodinian for \"The Land of Hope\" or \"Hopeful Lands\". ", "They gave this realm this name after invading here and driving out the goblinoids of Marlek in around 647 AR, in the hope of encouraging other people of the expanding Empire to come and settle this hilly region.", "\n\nWeissland is the furthest from the base of the Rodinian empire. ", "It is a buffer to the fierce warrior lands of the Kilts. ", "Weissland was a tribal land of loose knit groups. ", "Weissland is the name given to the country by the Rodinians, as this land is frequently blanketed by snow." ]
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[ "[^1]: Please address requests for reprints to Dr. M. S. Hofstad, Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50010.", "\n\n[^2]: Present address: CSIRO, Institute of Agriculture, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia.", "\n" ]
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[ "Surveyor (typeface)\n\nSurveyor is a Didone serif typeface that recalls type found on engraved maps and charts. ", "It was designed by Tobias Frere-Jones in 2001 as a custom typeface for use in Martha Stewart Living magazine and released publicly in March 2013, in a wider range of styles, by the type foundry Hoefler & Frere-Jones.", "\n\nDescribing it Jonathan Hoefler said, \"We had the twin goals of making a typeface that felt very handmade, to evoke the craft philosophy of the magazine, and that could handle all of the charts, tables, recipes, graphs, almanacs and step-by-step instructions that they run in the magazine. ", "We had been waiting to do a typeface based on the distinct style of lettering you find on engraved maps.... A lot of the time, there are things that can be incorporated into the font that are relatively simple – like switching out an alternate character or interpolating a slightly different weight – that are easy for us to do in the process, but can save hundreds of hours in the client's production department.\"", "\n\nSurveyor has a vertical axis and a high contrast of stroke weight similar to Bodoni or Didot but a less strident, more organic, structure recalling early nineteenth century faces like Bell, Scotch Roman, and Thorowgood. ", "The italics have a slightly more extreme forward slant than is common and curved strokes often terminate in a ball.", "\n\nStyles\nSurveyor's most notable feature is its extremely wide range of weights and styles, designed to provide many options for complex publications such as magazines. ", "The typeface is created in weights from light to black, with italic styles offering designs with or without swashes. ", "Swashes themselves are controlled programmatically so that they only appear where there is space for them, so words that are fully capitalised only have swashes at the start. ", " It is also sold in three different optical sizes, for text printed in different sizes from small to large.", "\n\nExternal links\nHoefler & Frere-Jones website describing Surveyor's feature list, showing sample settings of text.", "\nArticle in eye magazine mentioning the Surveyor typeface\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Hoefler & Frere-Jones typefaces\nCategory:Typefaces designed by Tobias Frere-Jones\nCategory:Modern serif typefaces\nCategory:Digital typefaces\nCategory:Typefaces with optical sizes\nCategory:Typefaces with text figures" ]
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[ "Students at the University of California, Berkeley held a violent protest on campus Friday to demand additional segregated “spaces of color” for non-white students.", "\n\nA video of the protest shows demonstrators repeatedly heckling white passersby, barring them entry to a key bridge on campus by forming a human chain while simultaneously allowing students of color to pass unmolested.", "\n\n“I'm talking to you, UCPD. ", "I don't give a fuck about you.”", "\n\nAt one point, the video even shows a protester refusing to allow an older white man to cross the bridge, eventually directing him to cross by way of a creek that flows underneath the bridge.", "\n\n[RELATED: Illinois college defends ‘blacks only’ course offerings]\n\nJust a few moments later, another white man attempted to cross the bridge by forcing his way through the crowd, only to be surrounded by a mob of students who began shouting expletives at him as they pushed him back in the direction he had come from.", "\n\nTime and again, white students and professors were denied entry to the bridge as they were surrounded by aggressive protesters shouting “go around!”", "\n\nApparently, protesters were angered because one of their “safe spaces” was relocated to the basement of a building where it had previously occupied the fifth floor. ", "When protesters were asked about the motive for their demonstration, though, they refused to be recorded, leaving little to no explanation for the rationale behind such an aggressive protest.", "\n\nOne protester did offer her take on the issue, however, when she was given the chance to speak to the crowd, shouting “Berkeley, why the fuck do you let UCPD do what they want with our bodies?”", "\n\n[RELATED: Segregated dorms for males ‘who identify as black’ coming to UConn]\n\n“I'm talking to you, UCPD,” she then asserts before declaring, “I don't give a fuck about you.”", "\n\nThe protest eventually made its way to an on-campus building that was apparently rented out to a private corporation, leading students to post an eviction notice on its doors alleging a “misallocation of space.”", "\n\n“You are hereby notified by the students of the University of California, Berkeley to vacate the premises immediately,” it read, according to video footage of the demonstration. “", "University administration wrongly allocated this two-story facility to a third-party corporation, keeping in line with its intensifying legacy of prioritizing financial profit over student needs.”", "\n\nThe mock eviction notice went on to demand that the building be converted into a “queer alliance resource center,” threatening that “community action will continue to escalate” if they “fail to vacate immediately.”", "\n\nThe protest then made its way through Berkeley’s student center, where the activists disrupted students from their studies with chants of “students over profit” before finally making their way to an off-campus intersection, where, naturally, they blocked the flow of traffic.", "\n\n(H/t: Heat Street)\n\nFollow the author of this article on Twitter: @AGockowski" ]
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[ "Harry Redmond (footballer)\n\nHarry Redmond (24 March 1933 – 1985) was an English-born former footballer who played as a full back in the Football League in the late-1950s and early 1960s. ", "He was born in Manchester.", "\n\nHe first played in the Football League with Crystal Palace in 1957–58, and made two league appearances for the club. ", "He then played for Millwall in the League between 1958/59 and 1960/61, making 54 appearances for them before moving into non-league football with Dartford.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nMillwall stats at millwall-history.org.uk\n\nCategory:1933 births\nCategory:1985 deaths\nCategory:Sportspeople from Manchester\nCategory:Association football fullbacks\nCategory:English Football League players\nCategory:Crystal Palace F.C. players\nCategory:Millwall F.C. players\nCategory:Dartford F.C. players\nCategory:English footballers" ]
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[ "Histoplasmosis in Australia: report of 16 cases and literature review.", "\nWe describe 16 previously unreported patients with histoplasmosis from Queensland and northern New South Wales, Australia, and review all previous Australian reports, providing 63 cases in total to study (17 cases of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis, 2 cases of chronic pulmonary disease, and 44 cases of systemic disease, including 17 cases of single-organ infection and 27 instances of disseminated disease). ", "All acute pulmonary disease was acquired in Australia, with 52% of systemic disease definitely autochthonous. ", "Most cases of single-organ disease occurred in immunocompetent patients (76%), and were oropharyngeal (53%) in location. ", "Forty-one percent of disseminated disease occurred in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). ", "Patients with HIV had high rates of systemic symptoms, pancytopenia, fungemia, and hepatosplenomegaly. ", "Oropharyngeal and adrenal involvement as well as systemic symptoms were prominent in immunocompetent patients with disseminated disease, with 6 of 7 cases of adrenal involvement leading to Addison disease. ", "Most systemic disease was diagnosed by culture of Histoplasma capsulatum. ", "Where serology was assessed in cases other than acute pulmonary disease, it was positive in only 32%.Prognosis for patients with single-organ disease was excellent. ", "Disseminated disease was associated with recurrence in 30% and death in 37%. ", "The results of this study confirm several previously known patterns of disease but also provide new insights into this rare but endemic condition in Australia." ]
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[ " In the\n\nUnited States Court of Appeals\n For the Seventh Circuit\n\nNo. ", "11-3802\n\nU NITED S TATES OF A MERICA,\n Plaintiff-Appellee,\n v.\n\nR ICKY D IXON,\n Defendant-Appellant.", "\n\n\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.", "\n No. ", "1:99-cr-00545—John W. Darrah, Judge.", "\n\n\n\n A RGUED M ARCH 28, 2012—D ECIDED JULY 18, 2012\n\n\n\n\n Before M ANION, S YKES, and H AMILTON, Circuit Judges.", "\n H AMILTON, Circuit Judge. ", "Ricky Dixon is serving a\nsentence for conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine.", "\nThe district court denied his motion for a reduced\nsentence pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(2) based on retro-\nactive changes to the crack cocaine sentencing guide-\nlines. ", "The district court held that it lacked the authority\nto grant Dixon the relief he sought because his sen-\ntence was based not on a sentencing range that was\n\f2 No. ", "11-3802\n\nsubsequently lowered retroactively, but was instead\nbased on his binding plea agreement. ", "In light of the\nSupreme Court’s several opinions in Freeman v. United\nStates, 564 U.S. ___, 131 S. Ct. ", "2685 (2011), we must affirm.", "\n Dixon pled guilty to conspiracy to possess crack cocaine\nwith the intent to distribute it. ", "He was sentenced in\nNovember 2001 pursuant to a binding plea agreement.", "\n(It was governed by the provision that was then codified\nas Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(e)(1)(C) but\nwas later moved without substantive change to Rule\n11(c)(1)(C).) ", "Dixon and the government agreed “that the\nsentence imposed by the Court shall include a term of\nimprisonment in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons\nfor at least fifteen but no more than twenty years.” ", "Ac-\ncepting the parties’ agreement, the district court sen-\ntenced Dixon to fifteen years and ten months in prison.1\n\n\n\n1\n A binding plea agreement may stipulate that “a specific\nsentence or sentencing range is the appropriate disposition of\nthe case, or that a particular provision of the Sentencing Guide-\nlines, or policy statement, or sentencing factor does or does not\napply.” ", "Fed. ", "R. Crim. ", "P. 11(c)(1)(C). ", "Once the court accepts the\nplea agreement, “such a recommendation or request binds\nthe court.” ", "Id. A court considering a binding plea agreement\nhas only three options: “accept the agreement, reject it, or\ndefer a decision until the court has reviewed the presentence\nreport.” ", "Fed. ", "R. Crim. ", "P. 11(c)(3)(A). ", "If the court accepts the\nagreement, “the agreed disposition will be included in the\njudgment.” ", "Fed. ", "R. Crim. ", "P. 11(c)(4). ", "If the court rejects it, the\ndefendant must be advised that “the court is not required\n (continued...)\n\fNo. ", "11-3802 3\n\n Ten years later, in November 2011, Dixon filed a\nmotion to reduce his sentence pursuant to 18 U.S.C.\n§ 3582(c)(2), Amendment 750 to the Sentencing Guide-\nlines, and U.S.S.G. § 1B1.10. ", "The district court denied\nhis motion, concluding that Dixon’s sentence was based\non his binding plea agreement rather than on a\nGuideline sentencing range that had been lowered. ", "As\na result, Dixon was not legally eligible for a sentence\nreduction. ", "Dixon appeals. ", "We review de novo a district\ncourt’s determination of whether a sentence is legally\neligible for a discretionary reduction under § 3582(c)(2).", "\nSee United States v. Johnson, 571 F.3d 716, 717 (7th Cir.", "\n2009); accord, United States v. Rivera, 662 F.3d 166, 170\n(2d Cir. ", "2011) (even though a ruling granting or denying\nan eligible offender’s request for a reduction under\n§ 3582(c)(2) is reviewed for abuse of discretion, an order\ndeclaring an offender legally ineligible for a reduction\nis reviewed de novo); United States v. Fanfan, 558 F.3d 105,\n106-07 (1st Cir. ", "2009) (same); United States v. Melvin, 556\nF.3d 1190, 1191 (11th Cir. ", "2009) (applying de novo\nreview to scope of authority).", "\n The Sentencing Commission issued a policy state-\nment, effective November 1, 2011, that made retroactive\nthe terms of Amendment 748, which had lowered the\noffense levels for most crack cocaine offenses. ", "U.S.S.G.\n§ 1B1.10(c); U.S.S.G. Appx. ", "C., Amend. ", "750 (Part A). ", "The\n\n\n\n1\n (...continued)\nto follow the plea agreement” and must be given an oppor-\ntunity to withdraw the plea. ", "Fed. ", "R. Crim. ", "P. 11(c)(5)(B).", "\n\f4 No. ", "11-3802\n\nCommission’s exercise of this authority triggered an\nexception to the general rule that sentencing courts are\nnot authorized to modify sentences after they are im-\nposed. ", "The precise phrasing of the statutory exception\nis critical for the issue presented here: a district court\nmay exercise this authority “in the case of a defendant\nwho has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment\nbased on a sentencing range that has subsequently been\nlowered by the Sentencing Commission. . . . ” ", "18 U.S.C.\n§ 3582(c)(2) (emphasis added). ", "The question is whether\nDixon’s sentence, which was imposed pursuant to a\nbinding plea agreement, was “based on” a subsequently\nreduced sentencing range or whether it was instead\nbased on the agreement itself, distinct from the guide-\nline range.", "\n In Freeman v. United States, 564 U.S. ___, 131 S. Ct. ", "2685\n(2011), the Supreme Court faced this question and split\nfour to one to four. ", "Four Justices concluded: “Even when\na defendant enters into an 11(c)(1)(C) agreement, the\njudge’s decision to accept the plea and impose the recom-\nmended sentence is likely to be based on the Guidelines;\nand when it is, the defendant should be eligible to seek\n§ 3582(c)(2) relief.” ", "Id. at 2695 (Kennedy, J.). ", "For those\nJustices, in other words, a binding plea agreement will\nnearly always be based on the applicable Guidelines, so\nthat the resulting sentence will essentially always be based\non the applicable Guidelines and eligible for relief under\n§ 3582(c)(2). ", "Four dissenting Justices took the opposite\nview, concluding that a district court never has authority\nto grant § 3582(c)(2) relief to defendants sentenced\nunder a binding plea agreement. ", "Those Justices reasoned\n\fNo. ", "11-3802 5\n\nthat such a defendant’s sentence is based not on a Guide-\nline sentencing range but on the plea agreement. ", "131 S. Ct.", "\nat 2700-01 (Roberts, C.J., dissenting). ", "In a separate\nopinion concurring in the judgment authorizing relief to\npetitioner Freeman, Justice Sotomayor concluded that\ndistrict courts sometimes have authority to grant\n§ 3582(c)(2) relief to a defendant who enters a binding\nplea agreement, and sometimes do not, depending on\nthe specific language of the written plea agreement. ", "131\nS. Ct. ", "at 2695 (Sotomayor, J., concurring in the judgment).", "\n Justice Sotomayor agreed with the dissent that a sen-\ntence imposed pursuant to a binding plea agreement\nis based on the agreement so that relief under § 3582(c)(2)\nis usually not available. ", "The binding plea agreement is\nthe foundation of the term of imprisonment, and “at the\nmoment of sentencing, the court simply implements\nthe terms of the agreement it has already accepted.” ", "Id. at\n2696. ", "In this view, the fact that a judge may consult\nthe Sentencing Guidelines when deciding whether to\naccept a binding plea agreement is irrelevant. “[", "P]lea\nbargaining necessarily occurs in the shadow of the sen-\ntencing scheme to which the defendant would otherwise\nbe subject. . . . ", "The term of imprisonment imposed by\nthe district court, however, is not ‘based on’ those back-\nground negotiations; instead . . . ", "it is based on the\nbinding agreement produced by those negotiations.” ", "Id.\nat 2697 (internal citations omitted).", "\n Justice Sotomayor concluded, however, that there\nshould be two limited exceptions to this general rule. ", "One\napplied to Freeman, so she voted to grant relief in that\n\f6 No. ", "11-3802\n\nspecific case. ", "The first exception is when a binding plea\nagreement itself “call[s] for the defendant to be sentenced\nwithin a particular Guidelines sentencing range,” which\nthe court then accepts. ", "Id. at 2697. ", "In such a case, “there\ncan be no doubt that the term of imprisonment the court\nimposes is ‘based on’ the agreed-upon sentencing\nrange within the meaning of § 3582(c)(2).” ", "Id. Under the\nsecond exception:\n a plea agreement might provide for a specific term\n of imprisonment — such as a number of months — but\n also make clear that the basis for the specified term\n is a Guidelines sentencing range applicable to the\n offense to which the defendant pleaded guilty. ", "As\n long as that sentencing range is evident from the\n agreement itself, for purposes of § 3582(c)(2) the term\n of imprisonment imposed by the court in accordance\n with that agreement is “based on” that range.", "\nId. at 2697-98. ", "In Freeman, this second exception applied.", "\nFreeman’s binding plea agreement expressly used the\nGuidelines to establish the term of imprisonment, so\nJustice Sotomayor concurred in the plurality’s judgment\nthat the district court had authority to reduce his sen-\ntence. ", "See id. at 2699-2700.", "\n When a majority of the justices do not agree on a\nsingle rationale for deciding a case, “the holding of the\nCourt may be viewed as that position taken by those\nMembers who concurred in the judgments on the nar-\nrowest grounds.” ", "Marks v. United States, 430 U.S. 188, 193\n(1977); quoting Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S. 153, 169 n.15\n(1976) (opinion of Stewart, Powell, and Stevens, JJ.). ", "Marks\n\fNo. ", "11-3802 7\n\nis easy to apply here. ", "Even though eight Justices\ndisagreed with Justice Sotomayor’s approach and\nbelieved it would produce arbitrary and unworkable\nresults, see 131 S. Ct. ", "at 2694-95 (plurality), 2703-04 (dis-\nsent), her reasoning provided the narrowest, most case-\nspecific basis for deciding Freeman. ", "Her approach there-\nfore states the controlling law. ", "See United States v.\nAustin, 676 F.3d 924, 927-28 (9th Cir. ", "2012) (applying\nMarks to treat Justice Sotomayor’s concurring opinion in\nFreeman as controlling authority); United States v. Rivera-\nMartínez, 665 F.3d 344, 348 (1st Cir. ", "2011) (same), petition\nfor cert. ", "filed (March 19, 2012) (No. ", "11-10759); United States\nv. Smith, 658 F.3d 608, 611 (6th Cir. ", "2011) (same); United\nStates v. Brown, 653 F.3d 337, 340 n.1 (4th Cir. ", "2011) (same).", "\nThus, the operative question in determining whether\nDixon is eligible for a sentence reduction is whether his\nplea agreement expressly uses a Guidelines sentencing\nrange to establish his term of imprisonment. ", "It does not,\nand under Justice Sotomayor’s controlling rationale, he\nis not eligible.", "\n Under Justice Sotomayor’s approach, a prisoner sen-\ntenced under a binding plea agreement is eligible for\n§ 3582(c)(2) relief only if the binding plea agreement\nitself expressly refers to and relies on a guideline sen-\ntencing range. ", "Dixon’s written plea agreement provided\nthat “the parties have agreed that the sentence imposed\nby the Court shall include a term of imprisonment in\nthe custody of the Bureau of Prisons for at least fifteen\nbut no more than twenty years.” ", "Because there was no\nspecific reference to a Guideline range, Dixon’s agree-\nment does not qualify for Justice Sotomayor’s first excep-\n\f8 No. ", "11-3802\n\ntion. ", "To qualify under her second exception, his agree-\nment either would have had to “expressly use” a Guide-\nline range or a Guidelines sentencing range would have\nto be “evident from the agreement itself.” ", "No Guideline\nrange appears in the written terms of the plea agree-\nment that could have formed the basis for the fifteen\nto twenty year sentencing range. ", "Nevertheless, the agree-\nment sets forth information about Dixon’s offense level\n(37) and criminal history category (VI). ", "The Guideline\nrange for offense level 37 and criminal history category VI\nis 360 months to life in prison. ", "That much is evident\nfrom the agreement itself. ", "Unlike the plea agreement in\nFreeman, though, Dixon’s plea agreement did not\nexpressly link the offense level and criminal history to\nthe much lower agreed sentence range — fifteen to\ntwenty years’ imprisonment. ", "In short, the written terms\nof the agreement itself do not “make clear” that any\nparticular Guidelines range was “employed.” ", "See\nFreeman, 131 S. Ct. ", "at 2697, 2700 (Sotomayor, J., concurring\nin the judgment).", "\n Instead, the link between the Guidelines and the range\nunder the binding plea agreement came from the pros-\necutor’s oral statements at the sentencing hearing.", "\nDixon argues that those statements show beyond rea-\nsonable doubt that, although a Guidelines range is not\nexpressly stated in the written agreement, the imprison-\nment range agreed to by the parties was based on the\nGuidelines. ", "The agreed range was from one-half to two-\nthirds of the bottom of the applicable Guideline\nrange, with the reduction based on Dixon’s substantial\nassistance to the government. ", "See U.S.S.G. § 5K1.1 (down-\n\fNo. ", "11-3802 9\n\nward departure for substantial assistance). ", "At the sen-\ntencing hearing, the prosecutor advised the court\nthat Dixon had provided helpful and truthful informa-\ntion relating to several ongoing investigations and had\nassisted the government in securing the cooperation of\nother individuals still on the street, ultimately making “a\nstrong recommendation for a downward departure in\nthis case.” ", "The prosecutor explained more specifically\nthe terms of the parties’ agreement as providing a de-\nparture for substantial assistance: “In terms of some\nadditional guidance for Your Honor. ", "The range, the 15- to\n20-year range is a half to a third off. ", "That’s the spread.”", "\nNov. 2, 2001 Tr. ", "at 18-19. ", "The judge sentenced Dixon to\n190 months, saying that was “close to the low end of the\nagreement.” ", "Id. at 24. ", "For present purposes, these oral\nstatements tie the range in the binding plea agreement\ndirectly to the applicable Guideline range: the parties\nagreed that Dixon’s sentence should be one-half to two-\nthirds of the low end of his applicable Guideline range.", "\n If the written agreement itself had said what the pros-\necutor told the court, that Dixon should receive a\ndiscount of one-third to one-half from the bottom of\nthe applicable Guideline range, then under Justice\nSotomayor’s opinion, the district court could have exer-\ncised its discretion to decide to grant or deny relief\nto Dixon. ", "See 131 S. Ct. ", "at 2700 n.9. ", "But are such oral\nstatements sufficient to allow § 3582(c)(2) relief under\nJustice Sotomayor’s approach in Freeman? ", "As we read\nthe opinion, we think the answer is no.", "\n The Sixth Circuit recently considered this question\nfrom the opposite perspective, whether oral statements\n\f10 No. ", "11-3802\n\ncould contradict a written plea agreement’s reliance on\na Guideline range, and said no. ", "In United States v. Smith,\n658 F.3d 608, 612-13 (6th Cir. ", "2011), the Sixth Circuit held\nthat the defendant was eligible for sentence reduction\nbased on the worksheet attached to the plea agreement\ndetailing the parties’ Guideline calculations. ", "The govern-\nment had opposed the defendant’s sentence reduction\nmotion by arguing that statements made by defendant’s\ntrial counsel in objecting to the probation officer’s cal-\nculation of the Guideline range were an “admission” that\nthe defendant’s binding plea agreement was not based on\nthe Guidelines, contrary to a Guidelines worksheet the\nparties had attached to the agreement. ", "The court rea-\nsoned that Justice Sotomayor had rejected the idea that\ncourts can consider parol evidence to ascertain whether\nthe sentence in the plea agreement was based on the\nGuidelines. ", "Id. at 613, quoting Freeman, 131 S. Ct. ", "at 2697\n(“I therefore cannot agree with Freeman that § 3582(c)(2)\ncalls upon district courts to engage in a free-ranging\nsearch through the parties’ negotiating history in search\nof a Guidelines sentencing range that might have been\nrelevant to the agreement or the court’s acceptance of\nit.”). ", "Consequently, the Sixth Circuit found that Smith’s\ncounsel’s “after-the-fact statements about the basis for\nthe plea agreement” were not relevant to Smith’s eligi-\nbility for a sentence reduction. ", "658 F.3d at 613.", "\n In this case, it is the defendant who seeks to rely on\nthe oral statements. ", "The prosecutor’s oral statements in\nDixon’s sentencing hearing informed the court of the\nparties’ negotiations that resulted in the binding plea\n\fNo. ", "11-3802 11\n\nagreement for a one-third to one-half discount from the\nbottom of the applicable Guideline range. ", "It is hard to\nbelieve that these assurances were not relevant, per-\nhaps even decisive, in the judge’s decision to accept\nthe binding plea agreement. ", "Nevertheless, Justice\nSotomayor’s controlling opinion in Freeman addressed\nthis possibility and rejected reliance on the parties’ negoti-\nations and oral explanations beyond the scope of\nthe written agreement itself.", "\n All that matters is whether the parties’ binding plea\nagreement was expressly based on the Sentencing Guide-\nlines, not whether the Guidelines informed the parties’\ndecision to enter into the agreement or whether the\nGuidelines informed the court’s decision to accept the\nagreement. ", "See, e.g., Rivera-Martínez, 665 F.3d at 349-50\n(defendant ineligible where plea agreement contained\nan offense level but did not identify any Guidelines\nsentencing range or a criminal history category); Brown,\n653 F.3d at 340 (defendant ineligible where plea agree-\nment, although specifying a range of possible terms of\nimprisonment, did not “expressly use a Guidelines sen-\ntencing range to establish his term of imprisonment”).", "\nDixon’s binding plea agreement contained an offense\nlevel and criminal history category sufficient to\ndetermine that the applicable Guideline range was 360\nmonths to life in prison. ", "The written agreement then\nprovided for a binding range of 180 to 240 months in\nprison. ", "The written agreement therefore did not expressly\nbase the agreed sentence on a Guideline range in the\nwritten agreement itself. ", "Pursuant to Justice Sotomayor’s\ncontrolling opinion in Freeman, we find ourselves con-\n\f12 No. ", "11-3802\n\nstrained to conclude that Dixon’s sentence was not\n“based on” a subsequently-reduced Sentencing Guide-\nline range. ", "Accordingly, Dixon is not eligible for a\nsentence reduction under § 3582(c)(2). ", "The judgment of\nthe district court is\n A FFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n\n 7-18-12\n\f" ]
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[ "Article content continued\n\n“Research suggests that curbside collection programs may not be the most effective way to recycle glass,” a city report says. “", "A depot program would lead to a lower capture rate, but lead to a higher percentage of glass actually being recycled.”", "\n\nThe results of the pilot project could lead to the removal of glass from the next recycling contract, the report says.", "\n\nThe report will be considered by city council’s environment, utilities and corporate services committee Monday.", "\n\nAbout 90 per cent of glass is broken by the time it arrives for sorting in the city’s residential collection programs for single-family homes and apartment buildings and townhouses, the report says.", "\n\nDropping glass off at a depot would mean it arrives unbroken and can be properly recycled.", "\n\nPlastic bags were removed from the recycling stream earlier this year because the international market for recycling so-called plastic film has evaporated. ", "Also, the bags contaminate the rest of the recycling materials.", "\n\nGlass poses a similar problem with contaminating the rest of the recycling material, mainly paper and cardboard. ", "By weight, glass only accounts for four per cent of the collected material.", "\n\nPlus, the international market for recycled material is now demanding higher quality with less contamination, the report says.", "\n\n“Political decisions” are also influencing demand in addition to market conditions, the report adds.", "\n\nPhoto by Gord Waldner / The StarPhoenix\n\nSpecifically, the report mentions the trade sanctions between China and the U.S. without referring specifically to trade war enthusiast American President Donald Trump." ]
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[ "Iron(III) sulfate\n\nIron(III) sulfate (or ferric sulfate), is the chemical compound with the formula Fe2(SO4)3. ", "Usually yellow, it is a salt and soluble in water. ", "A variety of hydrates are also known. ", " Solutions are used in dyeing as a mordant, and as a coagulant for industrial wastes. ", "It is also used in pigments, and in pickling baths for aluminum and steel.", "\n\nProduction\nGenerally, ferric sulfate is used as a solution generated from iron wastes. ", "The actual speciation is vague but its applications do not demand high purity materials.", "\n\nIron(III) sulfate is often generated as a solution rather than being isolated as a solid. ", "It is produced on a large scale by treating sulfuric acid, a hot solution of ferrous sulfate, and an oxidizing agent. ", " Typical oxidizing agents include chlorine, nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide.", "\n2 FeSO4 + H2SO4 + H2O2 → Fe2(SO4)3 + 2 H2O\n\nNatural occurrences\nMikasaite, a mixed iron-aluminium sulfate of chemical formula (Fe3+, Al3+)2(SO4)3 is the name of mineralogical form of iron(III) sulfate. ", "This anhydrous form occurs very rarely and is connected with coal fires. ", "The hydrates are more common, with coquimbite (nonahydrate) as probably the most often met among them. ", "Paracoquimbite is the other, rarely met natural nonahydrate. ", "Kornelite (heptahydrate) and quenstedtite (decahydrate) are rarely found. ", "Lausenite (hexa- or pentahydrate) is a doubtful species. ", "All the mentioned natural hydrates are unstable compounds connected with Fe-bearing primary minerals (mainly pyrite and marcasite) oxidation in ore beds. ", "In the solutions of the ore beds oxidation zones the iron(III) sulfate is also an important oxidative agent.", "\n\nSee also\n ferric ammonium sulfate\n ferrous ammonium sulfate\n ferrous sulfate\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nMaterial Safety Data Sheet\n\nCategory:Iron(III) compounds\nCategory:Sulfates" ]
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[ "Electrokinetics of polar liquids in contact with nonpolar surfaces.", "\nZeta potentials of several polar protic (water, ethylene glycol, and formamide) as well as polar aprotic (dimethyl sulfoxide) liquids were measured in contact with three nonpolar surfaces using closed-cell electroosmosis. ", "The test surfaces were chemisorbed monolayers of alkyl siloxanes, fluoroalkyl siloxanes, and polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS) grafted on glass slides. ", "All these liquids exhibited substantial electrokinetics in contact with the nonpolar surfaces with these observations: the electrokinetic effect on the fluorocarbon-coated surface is the strongest and on a PDMS grafted surface, the effect is the weakest. ", "Even though these hygroscopic liquids contain small amounts of water, the current models of charging based on the adsorption of hydroxide ions at the interface or the dissociation of pre-existing functionalities (e.g., silanol groups) appear to be insufficient to account for the various facets of the experimental observations. ", "The results illustrate how ubiquitous the phenomenon of electrokinetics is with polar liquids contacting such apparently passive nonpolar surfaces. ", "We hope that these results will inspire further experimental and theoretical studies in this important area of research that has potential practical implications." ]
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[ "# mach: crisv0 crisv3 crisv8 crisv10 crisv32\n# output: 1\\n0\\n1\\n0\\n1\\n0\\n1\\n0\\n0\\n1\\n1\\n0\\n1\\n0\\n1\\n0\\n1\\n0\\n0\\n1\\n0\\n1\\n1\\n0\\n1\\n0\\n0\\n1\\n1\\n0\\n1\\n1\\n0\\n\n\n .include \"testutils.inc\"\n\n .macro lcheckr3 v\n\tmove\t $ccs, $r9\n\tcheckr3 \\v\n\tmove\t$r9, $ccs\n .endm\n\n start\n clearf nzvc\n scc r3\n lcheckr3 1\n scs r3\n lcheckr3 0\n sne r3\n lcheckr3 1\n seq r3\n lcheckr3 0\n svc r3\n lcheckr3 1\n svs r3\n lcheckr3 0\n spl r3\n lcheckr3 1\n smi r3\n lcheckr3 0\n sls r3\n lcheckr3 0\n shi r3\n lcheckr3 1\n sge r3\n lcheckr3 1\n slt r3\n lcheckr3 0\n sgt r3\n lcheckr3 1\n sle r3\n lcheckr3 0\n sa r3\n lcheckr3 1\n setf nzvc\n scc r3\n lcheckr3 0\n scs r3\n lcheckr3 1\n sne r3\n lcheckr3 0\n svc r3\n lcheckr3 0\n svs r3\n lcheckr3 1\n spl r3\n lcheckr3 0\n smi r3\n lcheckr3 1\n sls r3\n lcheckr3 1\n shi r3\n lcheckr3 0\n sge r3\n lcheckr3 1\n slt r3\n lcheckr3 0\n sgt r3\n lcheckr3 0\n sle r3\n lcheckr3 1\n sa r3\n lcheckr3 1\n clearf n\n sge r3\n lcheckr3 0\n slt r3\n lcheckr3 1\n\n .if 1 ;..asm.arch.cris.v32\n setf p\n ssb r3\n .else\n moveq 1,r3\n .endif\n lcheckr3 1\n\n .if 1 ;..asm.arch.cris.v32\n clearf p\n ssb r3\n .else\n moveq 0,r3\n .endif\n lcheckr3 0\n\n quit\n" ]
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[ "<!", "DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">\n<!-- ", "NewPage -->\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n<!-- ", "Generated by javadoc (1.8.0_74) on Mon Mar 05 13:43:59 PST 2018 -->\n<title>UnknownProducerIdException (kafka 1.0.1 API)</title>\n<meta name=\"date\" content=\"2018-03-05\">\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../../../../stylesheet.css\" title=\"Style\">\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../../../../../script.js\"></script>\n</head>\n<body>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n try {\n if (location.href.indexOf('is-external=true') == -1) {\n parent.document.title=\"UnknownProducerIdException (kafka 1.0.1 API)\";\n }\n }\n catch(err) {\n }\n//-->\n</script>\n<noscript>\n<div>JavaScript is disabled on your browser.</div>\n</noscript>\n<!-- ", "========= START OF TOP NAVBAR ======= -->\n<div class=\"topNav\"><a name=\"navbar.top\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<div class=\"skipNav\"><a 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href=\"#methods.inherited.from.class.org.apache.kafka.common.errors.", "ApiException\">Method</a></li>\n</ul>\n<ul class=\"subNavList\">\n<li>Detail:&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Field&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>\n<li><a href=\"#constructor.detail\">Constr</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Method</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n<a name=\"skip.navbar.top\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a></div>\n<!-- ", "========= END OF TOP NAVBAR ========= -->\n<!-- ", "======== START OF CLASS DATA ======== -->\n<div class=\"header\">\n<div class=\"subTitle\">org.apache.kafka.common.errors</div>\n<h2 title=\"Class UnknownProducerIdException\" class=\"title\">Class UnknownProducerIdException</h2>\n</div>\n<div class=\"contentContainer\">\n<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n<li>java.lang.", "Object</li>\n<li>\n<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n<li>java.lang.", "Throwable</li>\n<li>\n<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n<li>java.lang.", "Exception</li>\n<li>\n<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n<li>java.lang.", "RuntimeException</li>\n<li>\n<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../org/apache/kafka/common/KafkaException.html\" title=\"class in org.apache.kafka.common\">org.apache.kafka.common.", "KafkaException</a></li>\n<li>\n<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../org/apache/kafka/common/errors/ApiException.html\" title=\"class in org.apache.kafka.common.errors\">org.apache.kafka.common.errors.", "ApiException</a></li>\n<li>\n<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../org/apache/kafka/common/errors/OutOfOrderSequenceException.html\" title=\"class in org.apache.kafka.common.errors\">org.apache.kafka.common.errors.", "OutOfOrderSequenceException</a></li>\n<li>\n<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n<li>org.apache.kafka.common.errors.", "UnknownProducerIdException</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<div class=\"description\">\n<ul class=\"blockList\">\n<li class=\"blockList\">\n<dl>\n<dt>All Implemented Interfaces:</dt>\n<dd>java.io.", "Serializable</dd>\n</dl>\n<hr>\n<br>\n<pre>public class <span class=\"typeNameLabel\">UnknownProducerIdException</span>\nextends <a href=\"../../../../../org/apache/kafka/common/errors/OutOfOrderSequenceException.html\" title=\"class in org.apache.kafka.common.errors\">OutOfOrderSequenceException</a></pre>\n<div class=\"block\">This exception is raised by the broker if it could not locate the producer metadata associated with the producerId\n in question. ", "This could happen if, for instance, the producer's records were deleted because their retention time\n had elapsed. ", "Once the last records of the producerId are removed, the producer's metadata is removed from the broker,\n and future appends by the producer will return this exception.</div>\n<dl>\n<dt><span class=\"seeLabel\">See Also:</span></dt>\n<dd><a href=\"../../../../../serialized-form.html#org.apache.kafka.common.errors.", "UnknownProducerIdException\">Serialized Form</a></dd>\n</dl>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n<div class=\"summary\">\n<ul class=\"blockList\">\n<li class=\"blockList\">\n<!-- ", "======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->\n<ul class=\"blockList\">\n<li class=\"blockList\"><a name=\"constructor.summary\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<h3>Constructor Summary</h3>\n<table class=\"memberSummary\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"Constructor Summary table, listing constructors, and an explanation\">\n<caption><span>Constructors</span><span class=\"tabEnd\">&nbsp;</span></caption>\n<tr>\n<th class=\"colOne\" scope=\"col\">Constructor and Description</th>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"altColor\">\n<td class=\"colOne\"><code><span class=\"memberNameLink\"><a href=\"../../../../../org/apache/kafka/common/errors/UnknownProducerIdException.html#UnknownProducerIdException-java.lang.", "String-\">UnknownProducerIdException</a></span>(java.lang.", "String&nbsp;message)</code>&nbsp;</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<!-- ", "========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->\n<ul class=\"blockList\">\n<li class=\"blockList\"><a name=\"method.summary\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<h3>Method Summary</h3>\n<ul class=\"blockList\">\n<li class=\"blockList\"><a name=\"methods.inherited.from.class.org.apache.kafka.common.errors.", "ApiException\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;org.apache.kafka.common.errors.<a href=\"../../../../../org/apache/kafka/common/errors/ApiException.html\" title=\"class in org.apache.kafka.common.errors\">ApiException</a></h3>\n<code><a href=\"../../../../../org/apache/kafka/common/errors/ApiException.html#fillInStackTrace--\">fillInStackTrace</a></code></li>\n</ul>\n<ul class=\"blockList\">\n<li class=\"blockList\"><a name=\"methods.inherited.from.class.java.lang.", "Throwable\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.", "Throwable</h3>\n<code>addSuppressed, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString</code></li>\n</ul>\n<ul class=\"blockList\">\n<li class=\"blockList\"><a name=\"methods.inherited.from.class.java.lang.", "Object\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.", "Object</h3>\n<code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait</code></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n<div class=\"details\">\n<ul class=\"blockList\">\n<li class=\"blockList\">\n<!-- ", "========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->\n<ul class=\"blockList\">\n<li class=\"blockList\"><a name=\"constructor.detail\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<h3>Constructor Detail</h3>\n<a name=\"UnknownProducerIdException-java.lang.", "String-\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<ul class=\"blockListLast\">\n<li class=\"blockList\">\n<h4>UnknownProducerIdException</h4>\n<pre>public&nbsp;UnknownProducerIdException(java.lang.", "String&nbsp;message)</pre>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n</div>\n<!-- ", "========= END OF CLASS DATA ========= -->\n<!-- ", "======= START OF BOTTOM NAVBAR ====== -->\n<div class=\"bottomNav\"><a name=\"navbar.bottom\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<div class=\"skipNav\"><a href=\"#skip.navbar.bottom\" title=\"Skip navigation links\">Skip navigation links</a></div>\n<a name=\"navbar.bottom.firstrow\">\n<!-- ", " -->\n</a>\n<ul class=\"navList\" title=\"Navigation\">\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../overview-summary.html\">Overview</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"package-summary.html\">Package</a></li>\n<li class=\"navBarCell1Rev\">Class</li>\n<li><a href=\"package-tree.html\">Tree</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../deprecated-list.html\">Deprecated</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../index-all.html\">Index</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../help-doc.html\">Help</a></li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n<div class=\"subNav\">\n<ul class=\"navList\">\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../org/apache/kafka/common/errors/UnknownMemberIdException.html\" title=\"class in org.apache.kafka.common.errors\"><span class=\"typeNameLink\">Prev&nbsp;Class</span></a></li>\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../org/apache/kafka/common/errors/UnknownServerException.html\" title=\"class in org.apache.kafka.common.errors\"><span class=\"typeNameLink\">Next&nbsp;Class</span></a></li>\n</ul>\n<ul class=\"navList\">\n<li><a href=\"../../../../../index.html?org/apache/kafka/common/errors/UnknownProducerIdException.html\" target=\"_top\">Frames</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"UnknownProducerIdException.html\" 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[ "Meena (actress)\n\nMeena is an Indian film actress who works in the South Indian film industry. ", "Meena debuted as a child artist in the Tamil film Nenjangal in 1982 and has later appeared in films produced by various regional industries.. \n\nShe has acted in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and several Hindi films. ", "She is among the few actresses who have been successful in all the South Indian languages. ", "She is one of the leading actress of Telugu cinema in 90s. ", "She has established herself as a great performer through the decades in the South Indian film industry. ", "In addition to acting, Meena is model, singer, dancer, TV judge and occasional dubbing artist.", "\n\nPersonal life\nMeena was born in Chennai. ", "She was brought up in Chennai by her Tamil father Durairaj and Malayali mother Rajamallika from Chirakkal Palace-Kannur district. ", "She was enrolled in Vidyodhya schools in Chennai. ", "Because of her busy acting schedule, she had to discontinue schooling in the 8th standard, later taking up private coaching and completing the 10th standard in vidyodaya schools in Chennai. ", "She went on to get her master's in History from the University of Madras through the open university system in 2006. ", "Meena is a trained Bharathanatyam dancer and speaks six languages: Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, and English.", "\n\nMeena married Vidyasagar, a Bangalore-based software engineer, on 12 July 2009 at Arya Vysya Samaj Kalyana Mandapam. ", "The couple later visited Tirumala Venkateswara Temple, Andhra Pradesh. ", "The couple came back to Chennai to hold a reception at Mayor Ramanathan Chettiar Hall, in which all leading southern Indian actors participated. ", "The couple have a daughter, \"Nainika Vidyasagar\" (born 1 January 2011), who made her acting debut at the age of 5 in Theri (2016) alongside actor Vijay.", "\n\nCareer\n\nChild artist\nMeena started her career in 1982 as a child artist in the film Nenjangal, featuring Sivaji Ganesan in the lead role after Ganesan saw her at a birthday party. ", "Meena was still very young at that time. ", "Her mother Rajamallika brought her to A.M. Ratnam's office for an offer. ", "Even though she looked chubby, they felt she fitted the bill. ", "She has acted in several films along with Dr. Sivaji Ganesan and Rajinikanth as a child artist. ", "Meena acted in Kollywood by appearing as a child artiste alongside Rajinikanth in the movie Anbulla Rajinikanth, in which she acted as a terminally ill child who warms up to\nRajinikanth —that became a major pointer in her career growth. ", "After the success of that movie, she became a child artist in South Indian movies. ", "She says of Ganesan that \"I feel extremely proud to have been discovered by the legend\". ", "She appeared in over 45 films as a child.", "\n\nLead female roles\nMeena has been one of the top star pairing up with every big star down South . ", "She made her debut in Telugu beside Akkineni Nageswara Rao in Seetharamaiah Gari Manavaralu, where Meena played his granddaughter Seeta. ", "The film was showcased among the Indian panorama section, at the 1991 International Film Festival of India. ", "The film was made under the banner VMC Productions. ", "She won Nandi Award for Best Actress from the Government of Andhra Pradesh for Seetharamaiah Gari Manavaralu.", "\n\nWhile she made her debut as a leading lady in Tamil film Oru Pudhiya Kadhai and played heroine roles in more than three dozen films, and also starred in Malayalam and Kannada films, her first role in Malayalam that gained attention was in Sandhwanam directed by Sibi Malayil in 1991. ", "She played Suresh Gopi's daughter in the film. ", "Its success made her famous, which led to roles with senior Malayalam heroes. ", "Meena has expressed a wish to do more films in Malayalam. ", "She says of her transition from being a child star to being a heroine that \"Memories as a child are fabulous and I still cherish them. ", "And it is still more special as that phase is over. ", "Now, I am enjoying my stint as a heroine.\" ", "She made her Bollywood debut opposite Chunky Pandey in the comedy film Parda Hai Parda (1992).", "\n\nShe has played the role of the leading heroines in Telugu and Tamil films since the early 1990s, often playing characters with unidimensional personality with no negativity or gray shades. ", "She has generally avoided glamorous roles though she has acted in a few like Maaman Magal in Tamil opposite Sathyaraj and She was part of Successful movies Like Putnanja, Swathi Mutthu in Kannada.", "She has worked with Ravichandran, Vishuvardhan in Kannada Cinema. ", " In the Kannada remake of Autograph as My Autograph, were directed, produced and enacted by Sudeep. ", "In this film, Meena starred Sneha's role of Divya.", "\n\nMeena has the unique distinction of starring opposite legendary actors of different generations across various languages. ", "She has acted with Dr. Mohanlal, Dr. Mammootty, Rajinikanth, Dr. Kamal Haasan, Chiranjeevi, Dr. Vishnuvardhan, Krishna, Balakrishna, Ravichandran and other stars like Vijayakanth, Akkineni Nagarjuna, Venkatesh, Ajith Kumar, Sathyaraj, Prabhu Deva, Sarathkumar, K. Bhagyaraj, Jayaram, Suresh Gopi, Prashanth, Kichcha Sudeep, Raviteja. ", "She had hits with the films Nattamai film directed by K. S. Ravikumar. ", "It starred Sarath Kumar, Meena and Kushboo in the lead roles. ", "The film was successful and completed a 175-day run at the box office (1994). ", "She just grabs the continuous offer and the opportunity to act in films like Avvai Shanmughi (1996) with Kamal Haasan, Porkkaalam with Murali (1997), Bharathi Kannamma (1997) with Parthiban and so on. ", "Telugu audience remembers her for a variety of roles that called for mature acting that seemed tailor-made for her. ", "The peppy girl who wins over her unrelenting grandfather with her endearing ways in Seetharamaiah Gari Manavaralu, the protected sister in Chanti the innocent housewife in Sundarakanda, the renowned poet and devotee ‘Tarigonda Vengamamba’ are but just few of the many characters she played with relative ease and subtle charm. ", "The combo of Victory Venkatesh and Meena is said to be one of the most successful combinations in Tollywood. ", "They have 5 Blockbuster hits to their credit. ", "Another excellent performance in the movie Rhythm (2000). ", "This movie makes the most impact on multiple viewings. ", "Meena was an exceptionally brilliant performance in each scene. ", "Strangely enough, she looks the best in this movie in terms of makeup and this movie had her in her best performance to date. ", "While she picked up Best Actress at the Cinema Express Awards.", "\n\nMeena has acted both as a child and as an adult opposite Rajinikanth. ", "Her first hit with Rajinikanth was Yejaman, where she plays the role of Vaitheeswari, a simple village girl. ", "She always played the quiet, serious woman. ", "In one Interview Meena said that Rajinikanth was shocked to see her fan following in Telugu after the release of her film Chanti. ", "When Meena and Rajinikanth were shooting for Yejaman in Andhra, she was surrounded by a huge number of fans- mostly female- which shocked Rajnikanth. ", "In one interview in 1992 Rajinikanth himself said that Meena is a superstar in Telugu In her follow-up movie with Rajini, Veera, Meena again dazzled. ", "Romantic-comedy film. ", "Rajinikanth, Meena and Roja (actress) in the lead role. ", "This film was controversial for its climax but went on to become one of the highest-grossing films in 1994. ", "But the film that brought her true recognition and fame was Muthu, one of Rajini's biggest hits. ", "The movie was successful across Japan. ", "Ranganayaki as the talkative, cheeky street theatre actress won the hearts of the audience. ", "The film was directed by K. S. Ravikumar and produced by K. Balachander, and became the first Tamil film to be dubbed into Japanese, as Mutu: Odoru Maharaja.[47] [48] The film grossed a record $1.6 million in Japan in 1998 and was responsible for creating a large Japanese fan-base for Rajinikanth and Meena. ", "Following the release of Muthu in Japan and its commercial success, Meena's popularity rose in Japan.", "\n\nMeena agreed to appear in as herself in the K. S. Ravi – directed film Shahjahan starring Vijay (actor). ", "She has acted with almost all leading actors in South India. ", "A role in Kadha Parayumbol and in its Tamil and Telugu remakes, Kuselan and Kathanayakudu respectively, were well received by audiences. ", "Meena has expressed regret about Kuselan, after her part was overshadowed.", "\n\nMeena has said that her favorite roles were in Bharathi Kannamma and Shock in Tamil, Seetharamaiah Gari Manavaralu in Telugu, Sandhwanam in Malayalam and Swathi Muthu in Kannada, \"though every film of mine is close to my heart.\" ", "Meena became heroine in 1990 and even 2020, she has the highest grossing movies as lead heroine in Malayalam, and making her most promising heroine after 30 years also.. No other heroine has that credit in the history of Indian cinema.", "\n\nRecent roles\nMeena's releases in 2009 were Mariyadhai with Vijayakanth, directed by Vikraman, who earlier directed hits like Poove Unakkaga (1996) and Vanathai Pola (2000). ", "and Katha, Samvidhanam: Kunchacko with Sreenivasan. ", "She played in Telugu as Saint Vengamamba in Tarigonda Vengamamba, directed by Uday Bhaskar.", "\n\nIn 2011, she played the role of Narain's sister in the film Thambikottai, in which Poonam Bajwa is the pair for Narain. ", "Other actors in this movie include Prabhu and Santhanam. ", "Her role in this movie was very good and well accepted.", "\n\nAfter marriage, she paired with Ramesh Aravind in the film Hendtheera Darbar, which was a remake of Varavu Ettana Selavu Pathana that starred Nassar, Radhika, Goundamani, Senthil, Vadivelu and Kovai Sarala.", "\n\nIn 2012, Udaya Bhaskar made a film titled Sri Vasavi Vaibhavam with Meena playing the Goddess' role in the film which also stars Suhasini, Priyahassan, Suman, Saikiran, Kannada Sridhar, Raghunatha Reddy, and others. ", "Meena plays the lead role in this Telugu devotional film. ", "This marks her re-entry to films after a long period. ", "After being a mother, we will get to see the sizzling Meena in this one. ", "There are many graphic-significant episodes. ", "The film has music by Arjun Sharma. ", " Cinematography is by Raman Ji. ", "Directed by Uday Baskar. ", "The film is said to be released around mid-August.", "\n\nMeena, all-time favorite actress of actor Vijay, was rumored to have been roped into a movie name Sattam oru iruttarai, which was a remake of the movie under the same name by his father and director, S.A. Chandrasekhar. ", "The movie is said to be produced by actor's Vijay new launched production house, Ghilli Productions. ", "But since Meena refused the offer, Reema Sen was finalized to play the role of a Police Officer in this film and the sister to the hero.", "\n\nThe actress was approached by a Mollywood director to play Lal's wife with a woman-centric film with several actresses, including Rima Kallingal. \"", "It had an interesting subject, but I wanted something more for my character. ", "There were a lot of women in the film and everybody's got a story. ", "I was more interested in a story focussing on a single woman character and that's why I haven't signed up for the movie,\" she says.", "\nMeena who had taken a temporary break from acting will be facing the arc lights once again.", "\nIt seems she has agreed to star in an ad film, and she is currently shooting near Kovalam with Prakash Raj.", "\nThe commercial is being directed by producer Siva. ", "Meanwhile, Meena is currently in a Telugu film, Sri Vasavi Vaibhavam. ", "She had played a cameo in J.K. Bharavi's Jagadguru Adi Shankara-devotional film lastly and did justice to her roles.", "\n\nAfter a brief hiatus, Meena returned to Malayalam cinema and will be seen playing the role of wife to Mohanlal in Drishyam (2013). ", "Directed by Jeethu Joseph, she will be portraying the role of a mother of two daughters, of which the elder is pursuing her plus two. ", "The actress will also be seen in Pramod Payyanur's much-awaited movie, Balyakalasakhi alongside Mammootty. ", "The actress confirmed that she would be playing Drishyam's remake in Telugu with Venkatesh. ", "Meena will playing a leading role in Allari Naresh's upcoming movie Mama Manchu Alludu Kanchu.", "\n\nOther work\n\nMusic composing\nMeena has been a playback singer for some albums with actor Manoj. ", "She sang a song for the Tamil film Kadhal Sadugudu. ", "Meena has composed music and sung and recorded two pop albums, 16 Vayathinile, and Kadhalism, which she began recording in 2001 with actor Vikram. ", "Meena has been a playback singer in the music of D. Imman in the movie sena and the song is \"indru intha kalayil en nenjil echo aachu\", a super hit song.", "\n\nDubbing\nMeena dubbed for Cheran's movie Pokkisham. ", "Meena has rendered voice for Padmapriya Janakiraman.", "\n\nFilmography\n\nTelevision\n\nAwards and honours\n\n Asianet Film Awards\n Best Character Actress – Drishyam (2013)\n\n TSR TV9 awards 2010\n Special jury award – Tarikonda Venkamamba (2011)\n\n Ugadi Puraskar awards\n Best Telugu Actress – Tarikonda Venkamamba (2009)\n\n Tamil Nadu Government\n Kalaimamani Award (1998)\n\n Filmfare Awards South\n Best Tamil Actress – Bharathi Kannamma (1997)\n Best Kannada Actress – Swathi Muthu (2003)\n\n Tamil Nadu State Film Awards\n Best Actress – Ejamaan (1993)\n Best Actress – Sethupathi IPS (1994)\n Best Actress – Porkkaalam (1997)\n Best Actress – Ivan (2002)\n\n Nandi Award for Best Actress\n Best Actress – Seetharamaiah Gari Manavaralu (1990)\n Best Actress – Rajeshwari Kalyanam (1992)\n\n Cinema Express Awards\n Best Actress – Nattamai 1994 (Tamil)\n Best Actress – Muthu 1995 (Tamil)\n Best Actress – Avvai Shanmugi 1996 (Tamil)\n Best Actress – Bharathi Kannamma 1997 (Tamil)\n Best South Actress – Rhythm – 2000 (Tamil)\n\nTSR-TV9 Film Awards\n Best Actress – Drushyam (2014)\n\nVayalar Awards\n 2014: Vayalar Film Award for Best Actress Drishyam (2013)''\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Malayali people\nCategory:Actresses in Malayalam cinema\nCategory:Child actresses in Malayalam cinema\nCategory:Tamil actresses\nCategory:Actresses in Telugu cinema\nCategory:Actresses in Kannada cinema\nCategory:Indian film actresses\nCategory:Indian television actresses\nCategory:Actresses from Chennai\nCategory:Tamil Nadu State Film Awards winners\nCategory:Filmfare Awards South winners\nCategory:Nandi Award winners\nCategory:Recipients of the Kalaimamani Award\nCategory:21st-century Indian actresses\nCategory:Indian child actresses\nCategory:20th-century Indian actresses\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "Effects of insulin-like growth factor-II on growth hormone release from human somatotrophinoma cells in vitro.", "\nInsulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-II receptors have previously been demonstrated on membranes prepared from human somatotrophinomas. ", "IGF-I has been shown to have a variable effect on GH secretion by these tumours in vitro. ", "The effects of purified IGF-II on GH secretion have not been described. ", "We have studied the direct actions of human recombinant IGF-II on GH release from eight somatotrophinomas cultured in vitro. ", "Somatotrophinoma cells were cultured as monolayers at a density of 10(5) cells/0.5 ml. ", "Treatment with IGF-II for 4 and 24 h resulted in discrete inhibitory effects on GH release from two tumours (tumour 5: 4 h, IGF-II 0.5 nmol/l; tumour 2; 24 h, IGF-II 1 nmol/l). ", "Treatment with IGF-II for 24 h resulted in significant inhibitory effects on GH release from one tumour over a range of concentrations tested (IGF-II 0.5-10 nmol/l). ", "Addition of human GH-releasing factor (hGRF) (1-44) (20 nmol/l) for 4 and 24 h resulted in stimulation of GH release by five tumours. ", "Two tumours demonstrated significant inhibitory effects of IGF-II on GRF-stimulated GH release (tumour 2: 24 h, IGF-II 1-5 nmol/l; tumour 3; 4 h, IGF-II 5 nmol/l; 24 h, IGF-II 0.5-50 nmol/l). ", "These data emphasize the heterogeneity of somatotrophinomas in terms of their response to modulators of GH secretion. ", "IGF-II does not appear to have a modulatory role on GH release by most somatotrophinomas." ]
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[ 0.0008402233943343163, 0.0008279607282020152, 0.001316781621426344, 0.0022811475209891796, 0.000693808076903224, 0.0010541932424530387, 0.00075041368836537, 0.0006189950508996844, 0.0007691599312238395, 0.0006759923417121172, 0.0010907300747931004, 0.003418778069317341 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to pass a integer and character type at runtime\n\nI'm using subprocess in Python and passing ec2 instance id at runtime..while giving instance id it is taking as a string and throwing error saying instance id is not valid. ", "Please don't suggest boto3 package as my company restricted of using it.", "My question is how can I send the character+integer+special character at runtime.", "\nPgm:\n#!", "/bin/python\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\ndef describe_one(instanceid):\n subprocess.call([\"aws\", \"ec2\", \"describe-instances\", \"--instance-ids\", '\"instanceid\"'])\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n instanceid=sys.argv[1]\n describe_one(instanceid)\n\nOutput \n# ./sample.py i-061e41edcc2afc01\n\nAn error occurred (InvalidInstanceID.Malformed) when calling the DescribeInstances operation: Invalid id: \"\"instanceid\"\"\n\nA:\n\nAre you intending to pass the literal string \"instanceid\"?", "\nSurely you mean to use its value?", "\nsubprocess.call([\"aws\", \"ec2\", \"describe-instances\", \"--instance-ids\", f'\"{instanceid}\"'])\n\nor\nsubprocess.call([\"aws\", \"ec2\", \"describe-instances\", \"--instance-ids\", '\"{}\"'.format(instanceid)])\n\nif not using Python3.6+\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007795428391546011, 0.0006252036546356976, 0.0005808926071040332, 0.0030889534391462803, 0.0010208653984591365, 0.0007076989859342575, 0.0006943060434423387 ]
[ "Ethanol and hepatic protein turnover.", "\nAcute and chronic effects of ethanol on three pathways of hepatic protein turnover, synthesis, secretion and degradation, are reviewed and their contribution to ethanol-induced protein accumulation are discussed. ", "In several studies it has been shown that acute dose of ethanol does not change the rate of protein synthesis in vivo, while in vitro inhibition is generally found. ", "The reported effects of chronic ethanol treatment are more variable, since increased, unchanged and inhibited rates of protein synthesis has been measured. ", "Thus further research is needed to clarify the role of protein synthesis in ethanol-induced accumulation of hepatocellular protein. ", "Secretion of plasma proteins decreases both after acute and chronic administration of ethanol due to inhibition of synthesis, glycosylation and exocytosis. ", "Although inhibition of glycosylation and exocytosis cause retention of export proteins in the liver and thus increase hepatic protein, no single plasma protein has been found to accumulate inside the hepatocyte in large amounts. ", "This can be explained by rapid lysosomal degradation of nonsecreted plasma proteins in the hepatocyte. ", "Acute as well as chronic ethanol treatment inhibit lysosomal protein degradation suggesting that resident proteins play an important role in the ethanol-induced accumulation of protein. ", "Taken together, it is evident that the effect of ethanol on protein metabolism is multifunctional and the ethanol-induced changes in synthesis, secretion and degradation of proteins contribute either positively or negatively to the increase in hepatic protein mass that is frequently observed after chronic ethanol treatment." ]
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[ "IKEA.com\n- 4-Pack of Rechargeable 2450mAh AA Batteries $7 In-Store\nIKEA stores are selling a 4-pack of \"Ladda\" 2450mAh-capacity AA batteries for $7.", "\nSimilar batteries sell for about $22.", "\nThey also sell a charger for $13.", "\nAll rechargeable batteries work fine in low-power devices like remote controls and wireless computer mice, but only quality batteries work with power-hungry devices like cameras and flashlights.", "\nAs an overly long video review says, skipping ahead to 6:19 reveals the IKEA \"Ladda\" batteries are the same as the big-Brand batteries which cost 3 times the price." ]
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[ 0.0008779796771705151, 0.0007790668169036508, 0.001540674827992916, 0.0009657664340920746, 0.00068341672886163 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSequence of functions inequality\n\nI need some help to prove that $f_n(x)\\leq 1$ , where $f_n:[0,1]\\to\\mathbb{R}, f_n(x)=\\frac{1+nx^2}{(1+x^2)^n}, n\\in\\mathbb{N}$. \n I can write $(1+x^2)^n=\\binom{0}{n}x^n+\\binom{1}{n}x^{n-1}y+\\binom{2}{n}x^{n-2}y^2+...+\\binom{n-2}{n}x^2y^{n-2}+\\binom{n-1}{n}xy^{n-1}+\\binom{n}{n}y^n=\\\\x^n+nx^{n-1}y+\\frac{n(n-1)}{2!}x^{n-2}y^2+...+\\frac{n(n-1)}{2!}x^2y^{n-2}+nxy^{n-1}+y^n$\n$\\\\$\nI unsuccessfully tried to find $1+nx^2$ in $(1+x^2)^n$ to show that $1+nx^2\\leq(1+x^2)^n$.\n\nA:\n\nYou did not substitute $1$ and $x^2$ for $x$ and $y$ in the binomial theorem. ", "The correct expansion is\n$$\n (1+x^2)^n = \\sum_{k=0}^n \\binom nk 1^{n-k}(x^2)^k = \\sum_{k=0}^n \\binom nk x^{2k} \\, .", "\n$$\nIt follows (by taking only the first two terms of the sum) that\n$$\n (1+x^2)^n \n\\ge \\binom n0 x^0 + \\binom n1 x^2 = 1 + n x^2 \\, .", "\n$$\n\n" ]
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[ "On Tuesday, headlines were filled with reports out of Ukraine - which not a single journalist decided to fact-check - that a prominent anti-Putin journalist, Arkady Babachenko, had been murdered in his Kiev apartment - \"shot three times in the back\" after returning from the store to buy bread. ", "Immediately, the echo chamber shouted \"Putin's fault.\"", "\n\nThe next day, Babachenko showed up at a press conference, where Ukrainian authorities announced that his death had been an elaborate hoax in order to catch his actual assassins who they claim are now in custody.", "\n\nWATCH: Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko, reported to have been killed, appears at a news conference, as Ukrainian Security Service says the agency faked his death to catch those who were trying to kill him - @MSNBC pic.twitter.com/WnhAkVSls2 — NBC News (@NBCNews) May 30, 2018\n\nThe scheme has received massive international backlash - from horrified journalist colleagues who were kept in the dark and thought, to the Kremlin, to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) - which called the staging \"intolerable\" and \"inadmissible.\"", "\n\n“Arkady Babchenko is still alive and can continue to do his job as a critical journalist: the news is excellent,” said Philippe Leruth, the president of the IFJ, in a statement.", "\n\n“But in falsely spreading the news of his murder, the Ukrainian authorities have gravely harmed the credibility of information, and their brief communication risks being seen as a propaganda operation ,”\n\nJournalist Sophie Pinkham writes in The Guardian of the rollercoaster of emotions she and fellow journalists experienced over their friend, concerns they had for their own safety, and the damage this has done to Ukraine's credibility.", "\n\nNo one had trouble believing this story; no one even considered questioning it. ", "It was gruesomely familiar, similar to the many horrifying stories we’d already heard from Russia, Ukraine, and other countries where journalists are killed for their reporting. ... ", "Would they be killed, too? ", "We agreed that it was unlikely that the Ukrainian government would find Babchenko’s killer. ", "If anyone would discover the truth, it would be journalists. ", "And by investigating the killing, they might very well be risking their own lives. ... ", "For me, for my visiting friend, and for many others, relief soon gave way to doubts about the ethics and the wisdom of this “special operation ”. ", "On Facebook, the Ukrainian MP Anton Herashchenko tried to explain why it had been necessary to disseminate an artist’s sketch of a supposed killer “with a Caucasian appearance”. ... ", "Ukraine has an increasingly serious problem of ultranationalist attacks on ethnic and other minorities, as well as journalists.) ... ", "In its endless one-upmanship against Russia, Ukraine has once again cut off its nose to spite its face, severely undermining its own credibility and that of journalists . ", "This stunt also seems a gratuitous blow to what is left of public sincerity, compassion, and trust. ", "Next time a journalist is killed in Ukraine (and, unfortunately, it seems certain that there will be a next time), even the least cynical observers, the kinds of people who wept all night over Babchenko’s supposed death, will likely wonder whether they should believe in a tragic death until they’ve inspected the corpse themselves . ", "-The Guardian\n\nAccording to Tuesday's media \"reports\", the journalist, Arkady Babachenko, was shot three times in the back in his apartment building in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev last Tuesday after going out to buy bread - his wife finding him in a pool of blood after she came out of the bathroom following the \"murder.\" ", "He was pronounced dead in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.", "\n\nВот всё, что вы можете повторить, ублюдки pic.twitter.com/St8E9sFG4D — Уголок циника (@cynicarea) May 29, 2018\n\nFollowing his \"death,\" Ukrainian officials confirmed Babachenko had been shot and said it was believed he had been targeted due to his work as an anti-Putin journalist. ", "Ukrainian lawmaker Anton Gerashchneko told the BBC that the killer waited for Babachenko near his Kiev apartment and then shot him from behind.", "\n\nA neighbor told local media that the assassin had probably used a silencer, since they didn't hear any shots.", "\n\nUkrainian authorities patted themselves on the back during Wednesday's press conference, while Gerashchneko likened it to a spy novel.", "\n\n\"After all, the hero of Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes successfully used the method of staging his own death for the effective investigation of complex and intricate crimes. ", "No matter how painful it was for his family and Dr. Watson,\" he wrote on Facebook.", "\n\nAnd in doing so, Ukraine has significantly damaged its credibility when it comes to making sweeping claims of aggression by Vladimir Putin. ", "What's more, as we noted earlier, the number of Russian journalists killed under Putin has actually dropped from an average of 5 per year to between 1 and 2 per year.", "\n\nStill not great, but it certainly dispels the notion that the problem has worsened under Putin. ", "Meanwhile, Ukraine also continues to be a deadly place for journalists - though who knows if anyone will believe it the next time one goes down." ]
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[ "Alright, I must focus. ", "A bit more studious approach. ", "My first card was the Diregraf Captain, and as I began looking for Zombies, a BU creation seemed in order. ", "A bit too focused - I passed a lot of good stuff I could have hate-drafted...\n\nLost first match 2 - 0 very quickly to Joe’s UW - saw a lot of stuff I let go past me! ", "I was too slow, plus he was putting the Captain on my library repeatedly for a nice stall. ", "Won second match 2 - 0 against Steve’s BU. ", "He was to my left in draft and we were both drafting the same colors, so it was interesting. ", "In my third match against Gary, I lost 2 - 1. ", "I took the first game, which took forever with both of us moving slowly. ", "He did a lot of time thinking. ", "Second game was all his with a Huntmaster out, but I slowed down his victory blocking and resurrecting where I could. ", "We had under two minutes for the last game, and now, all of a sudden, he was Mr. Speed play. ", "I should have been deliberate, but I let him rush me, and he did get the win on the fifth turn after time was called. ", "Should have been a draw. ", "Apparently he does this frequently. ", "Takes his own time in initial games, but doesn’t feel another player should. ", "My last match against Michael saw me apathetic the first game, which I lost quickly on a mana stall. ", "The second game saw him top deck a life loss and put me away on a close, great game. ", "Joe won the night.", "\n\nBack to getting door prizes after NONE last week. ", "An 80-count pack of Ultra Pro sleeves, and a FOIL Dismember! ", "Other notable draft cards I didn't use - Intangible Virtue, Burning Vengeance, Reckless Waif, Heckling Fiends, and Grim Flowering.", "\n\nAll rares into the pool! ", "I went 11th and got: Angel of Flight Alabaster, Requiem Angel, and Heretic’s Punishment.", "\n\nDid some league play before/during: 2-0 match loss to Zach and a close 1 game victory over Steve‘s Trep Blade. ", "He actually could have blocked and won or milled me next turn, but missed it. ", "Wrapped up Week 2 with a 3 -3 match record, with 1 pending completion…" ]
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[ "Cooee, Tasmania\n\nCooee is a small town on the north-west coast of Tasmania immediately west of Burnie, to which it is in effect a dormitory suburb. ", "At the 2011 census, Cooee had a population of 559.", "\n\nThe Burnie GP Super Clinic is located in Cooee as well as a pharmacy and North West Pathology.", "\n\nHistory\nCooee Creek Post Office opened on 1 April 1906 and was renamed Cooee in 1912.", "\n\nDuring the 1970s it proudly promoted its \"Golden Mile\" of new and used car lots and service stations. ", "One of Burnie's two State Schools is situated on its western edge.", "\n\nEducation \n Cooee Primary School\n Burnie High School Est. ", "1916\n\nSport\nThe Cooee Bulldogs and Burnie Tigers joined the North Western Football Association in the 1940s. ", "They merged in the 1980s and become the Burnie Hawks. ", "They merged again in 1995 to become the Burnie Dockers In 2007 the merged club Burnie-Cooee was inducted into the Tasmanian Football Hall of Fame.", "\n\nNotable people\nHarold Dowling Games Record Holder – Cooee F.C. was inducted into the Tasmanian Football Hall of Fame in 2008.", "\nJoshua Thomas Hoskins Whitsitt – Politician MHR 1909–22\nHon. ", "Ron Cornish – Politician (Liberal); Former member of the Tasmanian House of Assembly for Braddon\nBryan Green – Politician (ALP); Member of the Tasmanian House of Assembly for the Braddon\nAlastair Lynch – AFL football player for Fitzroy, the Brisbane Bears and Brisbane Lions\nFrank Neasey – Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Tasmania\nIan Rist – National and Commonwealth Clay Target Shooting Champion. ", "Australian International Shooting Team member 1975.", "\n\nNotes and references\n\nExternal links \nCooee Primary\nBurnie High School\nBurnie GP Super Clinic\nNorth west Pathology\nBurnie Football Club official site\n\nCategory:Towns in Tasmania" ]
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[ "Image reconstruction for in-line holography with the Yang-Gu algorithm.", "\nA new approach to the numerical reconstruction of wave fronts stored by in-line holography is presented. ", "The new algorithm can achieve good reconstructed results in both unitary and nonunitary systems. ", "The influences of recording distance and noise as well as of digitalization errors on the quality of reconstruction are numerically investigated. ", "The experimental results demonstrate the validity of this new approach." ]
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[ "Nonclinical and clinical experiences with CPP-based self-assembling peptide systems in topical drug development.", "\nConsiderations in rational designs of CPP-based transcutaneous delivery systems are described. ", "Impact of design considerations of nonclinical and clinical results are presented in detail." ]
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[ "'I Wanted To Live': New Depression Drugs Offer Hope For Toughest Cases\n\nEnlarge this image toggle caption Lianne Milton for NPR Lianne Milton for NPR\n\nA club drug called \"Special K\" is generating a lot of buzz among researchers who study depression.", "\n\nThat's because \"Special K,\" which is actually an FDA-approved anesthetic named ketamine, can relieve even suicidal depression in a matter of hours. ", "And it works on many patients who haven't responded to current antidepressants like Prozac.", "\n\nThose traditional drugs, which act on the brain's serotonin system, can take more than a month to kick in, and don't work for up to 40 percent of people with major depression.", "\n\n\"We can take care of a migraine in hours,\" says Carlos Zarate, a brain researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health who is studying ketamine. \"", "So why do we have to wait weeks or months with depression?\"", "\n\nKetamine itself isn't likely to become the next big drug for depression because it has troubling side effects, including hallucinations, Zarate says. ", "But understanding how ketamine works could lead to safer drugs that are just as effective, he says.", "\n\nDrugs For Depression, Without Success\n\nKetamine was developed in the 1960s as an anesthetic and pain reliever. ", "In the 1970s, recreational drug users figured out that if you take enough ketamine, you can have a mind-bending experience.", "\n\nMonday afternoon I felt like a completely different person. ", "I woke up Tuesday morning and I said, 'Wow, there's stuff I want to do today.' ", "And I woke up Wednesday morning and Thursday morning and I actually wanted to do things. ", "I wanted to live life.", "\n\nBut the drug's ability to relieve depression wasn't clear until just a few years ago. ", "And since then, most of the people who have received ketamine for depression have been participants in scientific studies of the drug.", "\n\nOne of those people is Christopher Stephens, 28, who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and was diagnosed with depression when he was just 15.", "\n\n\"My first prescription was for Paxil,\" he says. \"", "Then I started on Prozac, and then, you know, at 19, that's when I decided that I had to go and try new medications.\"", "\n\nIt's hard to remember all of those medications, Stephens says. ", "Then he reels off a list that includes Klonopin, Ativan, Valium, Xanax, Remeron, Gabapentin, Buspar and Depakote.", "\n\nSome of these drugs didn't work, Stephens says. ", "Others caused nausea, headaches and insomnia, as well as sexual side effects.", "\n\nAnd despite all the drugs, Stephens' depression kept getting worse.", "\n\nUltimately, he just couldn't function. ", "He lost his job as a special education assistant. ", "Even his greatest joy, teaching martial arts, wasn't enough to keep him going, he says.", "\n\n\"I went on the Internet and I started researching ways to end your life,\" he says. \"", "A lot of people think, 'Oh, I can down a bottle of Tylenol and that'll do it.' ", "What that'll actually do is kill your liver and you slowly die, which is not a good way to go. ", "I wanted to research the most efficient and painless way to do it.\"", "\n\nBut Stephens wanted to do something good before he died, something that might help other people avoid the hopelessness he was feeling.", "\n\nSo he called up the University of California, San Francisco, and offered himself up as a sort of human lab animal. ", "He thought maybe scientists could learn something about depression by studying his brain.", "\n\nDepression: A Leaky Faucet In The Brain\n\nThe call to UCSF got Stephens referred to Zarate, a researcher who thinks current depression drugs are on the wrong track.", "\n\nZarate sees depression as a bit like a leaky faucet in the brain. ", "There are different ways to stop the leak, he says. \"", "You can go straight to the faucet and you can fix it,\" he says. \"", "Or you can go to the water plant and shut down the water plant. ", "The end result will be the same.\"", "\n\nWe can take care of a migraine in hours. ", "So why do we have to wait weeks or months with depression?", "\n\nThe current antidepressants act in a way that is like shutting down the water plant, Zarate says. ", "It takes a long time for the water to stop flowing through the miles of pipes that eventually lead to the leaky faucet.", "\n\nHe thinks the reason is that these drugs act primarily on the brain chemicals serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. ", "Ketamine acts on a chemical called glutamate, which is much closer to the problem, Zarate says.", "\n\nSo Zarate was intrigued in the early 2000s when he began to hear anecdotal reports that ketamine could relieve depression almost instantly. ", "But as a scientist, he says, he was concerned that these dramatic reports might be too good to be true. ", "So he and other researchers decided to conduct a scientific study.", "\n\nIt involved 17 patients with depression — people who, like Christopher Stephens, had tried lots of medications without success. ", "After a single dose of ketamine, though, 12 of the 17 got much better within hours. ", "And the effect lasted for more than a week.", "\n\nThe result, published in 2006, got international attention. ", "And since then, Zarate has given ketamine to many more patients, including Stephens.", "\n\n'I Wanted To Live Life'\n\nStephens himself has vivid memories of the day he got ketamine.", "\n\nIt was a Monday morning and he woke up feeling really bad, he says. ", "His mood was still dark when doctors put in an IV and delivered the drug.", "\n\n\"Monday afternoon I felt like a completely different person,\" he says. \"", "I woke up Tuesday morning and I said, 'Wow, there's stuff I want to do today.' ", "And I woke up Wednesday morning and Thursday morning and I actually wanted to do things. ", "I wanted to live life.\"", "\n\nAbout 18 months ago, researchers at Yale found a possible explanation for ketamine's effectiveness. ", "It seems to affect the glutamate system in a way that causes brain cells to form new connections.", "\n\nResearchers have long suspected that stress and depression weaken some connections among brain cells. ", "Ketamine appears to reverse the process.", "\n\nBut the drug has some serious drawbacks, Zarate says.", "\n\nFor example, it's given intravenously, and patients often report alarming side effects during the infusion, he says. ", "These include out-of-body experiences, hallucinations and memory problems.", "\n\nAlso, people can get hooked on ketamine, and habitual use has been linked to serious mental and physical health problems.", "\n\nSo scientists have been checking out other drugs that also tweak the glutamate system.", "\n\nDepression Drugs, Without The Side Effects\n\nHow Ketamine Works To Treat Depression Traditional antidepressants like Prozac work on a group of chemical messengers in the brain called the serotonin system. ", "Researchers once thought that a lack of serotonin was the cause of depression, and that these drugs worked simply by boosting serotonin levels. ", "Recent research suggests a more complicated explanation. ", "Serotonin drugs work by stimulating the birth of new neurons, which eventually form new connections in the brain. ", "But creating new neurons takes time — a few weeks, at least — which is thought to explain the delay in responding to antidepressant medications. ", "Ketamine, in contrast, activates a different chemical system in the brain — the glutamate system. ", "Researcher Ron Duman at Yale thinks ketamine rapidly increases the communication among existing neurons by creating new connections. ", "This is a quicker process than waiting for new neurons to form and accomplishes the same goal of enhancing brain circuit activity. ", "To study how ketamine might work, Duman turned to rats. ", "The first image below shows the neuron of a rat that has received no ketamine treatment. ", "The small bumps and spots on the side of the neuron are budding connections between neurons. ", "Enlarge this image Ronald Duman/Yale University Ronald Duman/Yale University Just hours after giving the rats doses of ketamine, Duman saw a dramatic increase in the number of new connections between brain cells. ", "This increase in neuronal connectivity is thought to relieve depression. ", "Enlarge this image Ronald Duman/Yale University Ronald Duman/Yale University — Andrew Prince\n\nOne is a pill called riluzole, which seems to be less potent than ketamine. ", "Christopher Stephens has been taking it ever since his ketamine treatment at NIH. ", "It's been more than a year now, and his depression hasn't returned, he says.", "\n\nAnother possibility is a drug called scopolamine, which is used to prevent seasickness.", "\n\nMaura Furey, another researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health, began studying scopolamine about the same time Zarate began looking into ketamine.", "\n\nAnd when the public heard about her work, Furey says, she started getting phone calls, including one from a depressed woman who had tried scopolamine by accident.", "\n\n\"She had gone out on a boat with her sister and used a scopolamine patch and noticed that her symptoms had lifted,\" Furey says.", "\n\nFurey's research showed that scopolamine often does work, though not as quickly as ketamine.", "\n\nOne of the people who has been helped by the seasickness drug is Helene Najar, who lives in Bethesda, Md., with her family, a dog, a cat and a parrot named Wilbur.", "\n\nCurrent drugs helped control her depression, but always came with side effects, Najar says. ", "So about five years ago she signed up for an NIH trial run by Furey. ", "The study would give her scopolamine once a week for three weeks.", "\n\nThe first dose didn't seem to make a difference, Najar says. ", "But after the second one, she began to feel a change.", "\n\n\"By the third, I was like a new person,\" she says.", "\n\nScientists are still trying to figure out precisely how scopolamine works against depression. ", "But there's evidence that the glutamate system is involved.", "\n\nAnd Najar says the effect is unlike any other drug she has taken.", "\n\n\"There's no doubt in my mind [that] however it works or whatever receptors in the brain it works on, absolutely it has nailed exactly where my imbalance is,\" she says.", "\n\nThe goal of the NIH experiments with ketamine, riluzole and scopolamine is to identify compounds that pharmaceutical companies can use as molecular models to develop an entirely new class of antidepressants, Furey says.", "\n\n\"For people who actually design drugs, it would tell them chemically what they need to focus on,\" she says.", "\n\nDrug companies have taken notice. ", "Several are now working on glutamate drugs for depression." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ncyclic permutation or numpy.roll() type function to dplyr group\n\nIf I have data like:\ng in\n1 a\n1 b\n1 c\n1 d\n2 e\n2 f\n2 g\n2 h\n\nwith g being the group How can I use dplyr to create a second column with the values like:\ng in out\n1 a b\n1 b c\n1 c d\n1 d a\n2 e f\n2 f g\n2 g h\n2 h e\n\nThat is a roll() or permutation which takes the first row and puts it at the end. ", "I have tried combinations of lead/lag, vector slices inside c(), tail/head using the standard evaluation functions. ", " I either get no such desired permutation, NAs (which I don't want), or a type conversion from factor to int. ", "\n\nA:\n\nWe can use lead with default as the first value of \"In\"\nlibrary(dplyr)\ndf1 %>% \n group_by(g) %>% \n mutate(Out=dplyr::lead(In, default=first(In)))\n# g In Out\n# (int) (chr) (chr)\n#1 1 a b\n#2 1 b c\n#3 1 c d\n#4 1 d a\n#5 2 e f\n#6 2 f g\n#7 2 g h\n#8 2 h e\n\nNOTE: I changed the column name from \"in\" to \"In\" as it could create some trouble while calling within mutate.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Reuters –Rescue teams toiled in pouring rain on Thursday in the debris left by last week's devastating earthquake in Nepal, but officials said the chance of finding any more survivors was bleak as the death toll neared 5,500.", "\n\nWhile rescue teams were out in the capital Kathmandu despite the rain, helicopters could not fly to the worst-hit areas in the countryside of the impoverished Himalayan nation.", "\n\n\"There may not be any more survivors,\" said Rameshwor Dandal, chief of the disaster management center at Nepal's home ministry.", "\"The rain is adding to the problems. ", "Nature seems to be against us.\"", "\n\nMany people have been sleeping in the open since Saturday's quake. ", "According to the United Nations, 600,000 houses have been destroyed or damaged.", "\n\nEight million people have been affected, with at least two million in need of tents, water, food and medicines over the next three months.", "\n\nAn official from Nepal's home ministry said the number of confirmed deaths from the 7.8 magnitude earthquake had risen to 5,489 by Thursday morning, and almost 11,000 were injured. ", "More than 80 people have been killed in neighboring India and Tibet.", "\n\nAnger over the pace of the rescue has flared up in some areas, with Nepalis accusing the government of being too slow to distribute international aid that has flooded into the country.", "\n\nIt has yet to reach many in need, particularly in remote areas hard to access given the quake damage and weather conditions.", "Tensions between foreigners and Nepalis desperate to be evacuated have also surfaced. ", "In Langtang valley, where 150 people are feared trapped, a helicopter pilot was taken hostage by locals demanding to be evacuated first, one report said.", "\n\nRussell Brice, head of climbing company Himalayan Experience, said he had asked the government to send a military helicopter to fly into Langtang to rescue the stranded, including three of his Indonesian clients, because civilian helicopter teams were afraid to go there.", "\n\n\"EVERYTHING ON OUR OWN\"\n\nIn Ashrang village in Gorkha, one of the worst-hit districts about four hours by road fromKathmandu, hundreds of Nepali villagers were living out in the open with little food and waterdespite boxes of biscuits, juices and sacks of rice and wheat being stored in a nearby government office.", "Police commandos shut the high iron gates of the building, refusing people access while they counted the relief supplies.", "\"We told them we can manage without their help,\" saidMohammad Ishaq, a school teacher, who had been offered four plastic sheets. \"", "It is as if we are doing everything on our own, feeding our people, tending to the sick.\"", "\n\nIn Sangachowk village, another badly hit district, a stand-off on Wednesday between soldiers and angry local residents who blocked trucks carrying supplies to earthquake victims was resolved and the vehicles were allowed to pass.", "\n\nThe army promised villagers it would return with aid later.", "\n\nForeign rescue teams told government officials their work was nearly done because there was little chance of finding many more survivors.", "\n\nA Nepali-French rescue team pulled a 28-year-old man, Rishi Khanal, from a collapsed apartment block in Kathmandu on Tuesday after he had spent around 80 hours trapped in a room with three dead bodies.", "\"I managed to take out the handkerchief from my pocket, soaked it with my urine and squeezed it in my mouth,\" Khanal told Reuters on Thursday, a day after he had one of his legs amputated. \"", "It gave me some energy to shout and I survived.\"", "\n\nBut he wondered how he would live with his injury, which would prevent him seeking work in theMiddle East as a laborer or on a farm in Nepal.", "\n\n\"I don't even have the money to buy a wheelchair now. ", "How will I spend the rest of my life and support my family?\"", "\n\nAPPEAL FOR HELICOPTERS\n\nNepal is appealing to foreign governments for more helicopters. ", "There are currently about 20 Nepali army, private and Indian army helicopters involved in rescue operations, according to Laxmi Prasad Dhakal, a home ministry official.", "\n\nChina is expected to send helicopters on Thursday, he said.", "Prime Minister Sushil Koirala told Reuters earlier this week the death toll could reach 10,000, with information on casualties and damage from far-flung villages and towns yet to come in.", "\n\nThat would surpass the 8,500 who died in a 1934 earthquake, the last disaster on this scale to hit the nation of 28 million people sandwiched between India and China.", "\n\nIn Kathmandu and other cities, hospitals quickly overflowed with injured soon after the quake, with many being treated out in the open or not at all.", "\n\n\"The new waves of patients are those who survived the quake, but are sick because they were living in the open and drinking contaminated water,\" said Binay Pandey, a doctor at the government-run Bir Hospital in the capital.", "Pandey said at least 1,200 patients suffering fromwater-borne illnesses had been admitted in the hospital since Wednesday morning.", "\n\nSporadic rains made it difficult for students and volunteers to clean the streets and dispose of garbage.", "\n\nIn the Himalayas, climbing is set to reopen on Mount Everest next week after damage caused by avalanches triggered by the quake is repaired.", "\n\nA massive avalanche wiped out a swath of Everest base camp, killing 18 climbers and sherpa mountain guides and injuring more than 60 on Saturday. ", "Many climbers have abandoned their ascent of Everest, the world's tallest peak at 29,035 feet." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a display device with touch panel, and, more particularly to a display device with touch panel having an electrostatic capacitance coupling type touch panel function that is capable of detecting plural touch positions touched by an observer.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nIn recent years, according to the spread of mobile apparatuses, a touch panel technique for supporting a “user friendly” graphical user interface is becoming important.", "\nAs the touch panel technique, an electrostatic capacitance coupling type touch panel is known. ", "As the electrostatic capacitance coupling type touch panel, a touch panel that detects plural touch positions touched by an observer is known (see JP-A-8-16307).", "\nIn the touch panel disclosed in JP-A-8-16307, a demultiplexer and a multiplexer are provided around a tablet, the demultiplexer and the multiplexer is sequentially switched to detect coupling capacitances of an electrode line in an X direction and an electrode line in a Y direction and detect coordinates of plural touch positions touched by the observer." ]
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[ "Q:\n\naggregate values in dataframe by partly matching rownames in R\n\nI'm thumbling around with the following problem, but to no evail:\nd <- data.frame(value = 1:4, row.names = c(\"abc\", \"abcd\", \"ef\", \"gh\"))\n value\nabc 1\nabcd 2\nef 3\ngh 4\n\nl <- nrow(d)\nwordmat <- matrix(rep(NA, l^2), l, l, dimnames = list(row.names(d), row.names(d)))\nfor (i in 1:ncol(wordmat)) {\n rid <- agrep(colnames(wordmat)[i], rownames(wordmat), max = 0)\n d$matchid[i] <- paste(rid, collapse = \";\") \n }\n\n# desired output:\n(d_agg <- data.frame(value = c(3, 3, 4), row.names = c(\"abc;abcd\", \"ef\", \"gh\")))\n value\nabc;abcd 3\nef 3\ngh 4\n\nis there a function for this?", "\n\nA:\n\nHere's a possible solution that you might be able to modify to suit your needs.", "\nSome notes:\n\nI couldn't figure out how to deal with rownames() directly, particularly in the last stage, so this depends on you being happy with copying your row names as a new variable.", "\nThe function below \"hard-codes\" the variable names, functions, and so on. ", "That is to say, it is not by any means a generalized function, but one which might be useful as you look further into this problem. ", "\n\nHere's the function. ", "\nmatches <- function(data, ...) {\n temp = vector(\"list\", nrow(data))\n for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {\n temp1 = agrep(data$RowNames[i], data$RowNames, value = TRUE, ...)\n temp[[i]] = data.frame(RowNames = paste(temp1, collapse = \"; \"),\n value = sum(data[temp1, \"value\"]))\n }\n temp = do.call(rbind, temp)\n temp[!duplicated(temp$RowNames), ]\n}\n\nNote that the function needs a column called RowNames, so we'll create that, and then test the function.", "\nd <- data.frame(value = 1:4, row.names = c(\"abc\", \"abcd\", \"ef\", \"gh\"))\nd$RowNames <- rownames(d)\nmatches(d)\n# RowNames value\n# 1 abc; abcd 3\n# 3 ef 3\n# 4 gh 4\nmatches(d, max.distance = 2)\n# RowNames value\n# 1 abc; abcd 3\n# 3 abc; abcd; ef; gh 10\nmatches(d, max.distance = 4)\n# RowNames value\n# 1 abc; abcd; ef; gh 10\n\n" ]
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[ "view blog online\n\nTranslate\n\nTuesday, October 27, 2015\n\nBroken and Shared Minute Meditations\nFor you and I are the body of Christ, broken and shared so that others might live…just like the Eucharist. ", "Every one of the tears I have ever shed has, in time, helped another. ", "If my brokenness can bring hope or comfort, wisdom or counsel, peace or even joy to another member of God’s family, then that pain was not worthless but very worthwhile.", "\n\n— from Ask The Bible Geek\n\nBlessed Bartholomew of Vicenza(c. ", "1200-1271)\n\nDominicans honor one of their own today, Blessed Bartholomew of Vicenza. ", "This was a man who used his skills as a preacher to challenge the heresies of his day. ", "Bartholomew was born in Vicenza around 1200. ", "At 20 he entered the Dominicans. ", "Following his ordination he served in various leadership positions. ", "As a young priest he founded a military order whose purpose was to keep civil peace in towns throughout Italy.", "\nIn 1248, Bartholomew was appointed a bishop. ", "For most men, such an appointment is an honor and a tribute to their holiness and their demonstrated leadership skills. ", "But for Bartholomew, it was a form of exile that had been urged by an antipapal group that was only too happy to see him leave for Cyprus. ", "Not many years later, however, Bartholomew was transferred back to Vicenza. ", "Despite the antipapal feelings that were still evident, he worked diligently—especially through his preaching—to rebuild his diocese and strengthen the people's loyalty to Rome.", "\nDuring his years as bishop in Cyprus, Bartholomew befriended King Louis the Ninth of France, who is said to have given the holy bishop a relic of Christ's Crown of Thorns.", "\nBartholomew died in 1271. ", "He was beatified in 1793.", "\n\nDaily Prayer - 2015-10-27\n\nPresence\n\nWhat is present to me is what has a hold on my becoming.", "\nI reflect on the Presence of God always there in love,\namidst the many things that have a hold on me.", "\nI pause and pray that I may let God\naffect my becoming in this precise moment.", "\n\nFreedom\n\nYour death on the cross has set me free.", "\nI can live joyously and freely\nwithout fear of death.", "\nYour mercy knows no bounds.", "\n\nConsciousness\n\nTo be conscious about something is to be aware of it.", "\nDear Lord help me to remember that You gave me life.", "\nThank you for the gift of life. ", "Teach me to slow down, to be still and enjoy the pleasures created for me. ", "To be aware of the beauty that surrounds me. ", "The marvel of mountains, the calmness of lakes, the fragility of a flower petal. ", "I need to remember that all these things come from you.", "\n\nThe Word of God\n\nBrothers and sisters:\nI consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing\ncompared with the glory to be revealed for us.", "\nFor creation awaits with eager expectation\nthe revelation of the children of God;\nfor creation was made subject to futility,\nnot of its own accord but because of the one who subjected it,\nin hope that creation itself\nwould be set free from slavery to corruption\nand share in the glorious freedom of the children of God.", "\nWe know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now;\nand not only that, but we ourselves,\nwho have the firstfruits of the Spirit,\nwe also groan within ourselves\nas we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.", "\nFor in hope we were saved.", "\nNow hope that sees for itself is not hope.", "\nFor who hopes for what one sees?", "\nBut if we hope for what we do not see, we wait with endurance.", "\n\nR. (3a) The Lord has done marvels for us. ", "When the LORD brought back the captives of Zion,\nwe were like men dreaming.", "\nThen our mouth was filled with laughter,\nand our tongue with rejoicing.", "\nR. The Lord has done marvels for us. ", "Then they said among the nations,\n\"The LORD has done great things for them.\"", "\nThe LORD has done great things for us;\nwe are glad indeed.", "\nR. The Lord has done marvels for us. ", "Restore our fortunes, O LORD,\nlike the torrents in the southern desert.", "\nThose that sow in tears\nshall reap rejoicing.", "\nR. The Lord has done marvels for us. ", "Although they go forth weeping,\ncarrying the seed to be sown,\nThey shall come back rejoicing,\ncarrying their sheaves.", "\nR. The Lord has done marvels for us.", "\n\nJesus said, \"What is the Kingdom of God like?", "\nTo what can I compare it?", "\nIt is like a mustard seed that a man took and planted in the garden.", "\nWhen it was fully grown, it became a large bush\nand the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches.\"", "\n\nAgain he said, \"To what shall I compare the Kingdom of God?", "\nIt is like yeast that a woman took\nand mixed in with three measures of wheat flour\nuntil the whole batch of dough was leavened.\"", "\n\n- - -\n\nSome thoughts on today's scripture\n\nThe secret of the Kingdom of God is to allow Jesus to grow in us. ", "As we do so, we come to love him and depend on him as our travelling companion. ", "Like the birds making their nests in the branches of the trees, we too nestle in the heart of Jesus and find nourishment in his care.", "\n\nConversation\n\nWhat feelings are rising in me as I pray and reflect on God's Word?", "\nI imagine Jesus himself sitting or standing near me and open my heart to him.", "\n\nConclusion\n\nI thank God for these few moments we have spent alone together and for any insights I may have been given concerning the text.", "\n\nMeditation: Romans 8:18-25\n\nWe all do it—groaning. ", "Something goes wrong, and we sigh dejectedly. ", "We hear bad news, and we moan in disappointment. ", "Disappointment in itself is a natural thing, but when you feel moved to groaning, what does it tell you about the situation? ", "And more important, what will your groaning move you to do?", "\nWhen you come right down to it, groaning is a sign that deep down, we recognize that all is not as it should be. ", "We all have an inner, hidden sense of the glory God wants us to experience. ", "And we all know that we fall short of that glory. ", "We understand too that we are still works in progress, that we don't yet experience the fullness of the life we were made for. ", "And so we groan longingly, like a woman in labor. ", "She knows that her baby is coming, but isn't here yet. ", "She knows that the process is painful, but she also trusts that the result will be glorious.", "\nBelieve it or not, groaning is actually a sign of hope! ", "We groan because we know and believe that we are meant for more. ", "We expect that wonderful glory that we do not yet see. ", "If we had no more hope, we wouldn't care anymore. ", "We'd just resign ourselves to the status quo. ", "But deep down, we know that God hasn't given up! ", "He's still moving his creation forward to the glory he has intended for us.", "\nSo when you catch yourself groaning, recognize that it's a good thing! ", "Your inner self is recognizing that you are not yet clothed in glory—but you hope to be. ", "There is more of the kingdom yet to be built, and you are longing to see it come to fruition. ", "Use that groan as a springboard for intercession and action.", "\nSo rejoice! ", "God isn't finished yet. ", "He's still at work. ", "Remember, childbirth is a process that, once begun, doesn't stop until a new life comes into the world. ", "You are undergoing a similar process—the birth of a new life in the glory of heaven. ", "That's worth a few groans, isn't it?\"Lord Jesus, I so want to see the glory you have in store for me! ", "Help me see the ways you are moving us all closer to that goal.\"", "\n\nmy2cents:\nI will try to be brief, because the Gospel is brief, but it's smallness is greatness, and let this be an example of humility. ", "The 5minutos talks about the lands that suffered dryness. ", "Plants soon died, trees soon died, and in the vast dryness a spring was barely giving drops of water, and there a small flower was living. ", "It spoke \"What point is there with only me giving two drops of water?\" ", "and an ancient dying tree nearby heard and replied before dying \"no one is waiting for you to make green the whole desert again, and the fields. ", "Your work is to keep giving life to that flower that is by you, and nothing else...\" and so we are called to give life to your family, your work, your community, your city. ", "Make grow the Kingdom of God where you act every day. ", "Another reflection I read (super long text) said \"God always acts in secret and with small things. ", "God does great things with small things. ", "Our danger is to forget these simple things...\". ", "It's those little things that we make into big things. ", "Faith. ", "Feed it and it will flourish. ", "Or if that little problem you keep feeding is nourished...it will grow too. ", "It's the story of the Indian chief that told the story of two fighting wolves, a black wolf and a whilte wolf and the children asked \"who will win the fight!?\" ", "and the answer came \"the one that you feed\". ", "Last night, we sat in a meeting with RENEW international, a program for parishes, and our Bishop was accompanying us. ", "Meeting was about over and a lady asked a question, \"how big should our group be? ", "10 people? ", "12?\". ", "The answer was somewhat shocking, something like \"if you have 30 or 40 families..then 3 or 4...1800 families maybe 10-15\". ", "What? ", "And this is about evangelization!? ", "Isn't it about growing wildly and in high numbers? ", "Yet, we must go in faith. ", "Just a handful for now, that's all God is asking. ", "Just give me this little bit...and watch. ", "Watch what happens, watch what is about to happen. ", "If you are faithful, then what have you to fear? ", "They showed a video of a witness story. ", "It was a man that came to the U.S. at the age of 12. ", "He was crying at a birthday party because he couldn't see his family and it was his dad's birthday too. ", "A woman came up to him and askeD him why he was crying. ", "He wouldn't say. ", "Eventually he shared, and she said \"let me give you a hug, a hug from your mother\" and he said \"I felt God holding me\". ", "Isn't that amazing? ", "Something so small that goes such a long ways? ", "Watch what God does with your faith. ", "You just remain strong in your faith and grow stronger in humility. ", "He does everything right, and you will realize this when you get right with the Lord. ", "As we drove home, a faithful parishioner I was giving a ride to spoke all the way home, an hour drive. ", "She was talking about how she used to be a nun, \"there was no God there, you couldn't feel His presence there\" she said. \"", "They made me do this, and made me do that, and they were so mean to me...\" and she went on and on about how she was mistreated and almost wasn't let go as she called her mom to come pick her up because she had decided to quit. ", "That being said, why is she here say 50 years later still found slaving away for the Lord? ", "I mean, certainly they couldn't knock humility into her right? ", "LOL. ", "Something caught my attention that you did not hear, \"I loved the Father so much\" as she spoke about priests. ", "That love of the Father kept her strong. ", "That little seed mattered. ", "We agreed, that we invite people and years later they accept the invitation to come to the Lord. ", "His timing is not ours. ", "Ours is a seed. ", "Given. ", "To be given. ", "As a matter of fact, my penance for confessing this Saturday was for me to pray and to give this cross to someone. ", "I haven't given it yet, but I'm constantly thinking about it, waiting. ", "What's holding me up? ", "What's holding you up on giving? ", "Time is ticking. ", "I've had it for going on 3 to 4 days. ", "Every day counts. ", "Every day passes by fast. ", "Fast our birth into the new world is coming. ", "Learn the lesson of humility and love, one makes the other one grow. ", "Which one goes first? ", "This servitude and slavery will eliminate the atrocities going on in the world, the divorces, the gossip, the slander, the greed. ", "Learn what it means to Love, and to Love God above all..." ]
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[ "My Hindu Friend\n\nMy Hindu Friend is a 2015 Brazilian drama film, directed and written by Hector Babenco, starring Willem Dafoe, Maria Fernanda Cândido, Bárbara Paz, Selton Mello and Reynaldo Gianecchini.", "\n\nIt was released on 3 March 2016.", "\n\nPlot \nDiego (Willem Dafoe) is a film director who is diagnosed with cancer and, while hospitalized, meets and befriends a Hindu 8-year-old boy who is also a patient at the hospital.", "\n\nCast \nWillem Dafoe as Diego Fairman\nMaria Fernanda Cândido as Livia Monteiro Bueno\nReynaldo Gianecchini as Ricardo Steen\nSelton Mello as Common Man\nBárbara Paz as Sofia Guerra\nGuilherme Weber as Antonio Fairman\nDan Stulbach as Marcos\nGilda Nomacce as Antonio's Wife\nTuna Dwek as Gabi\nTania Khalill as Rosemary\nMaitê Proença as Debora\nDalton Vigh as Dr. Morris\nSupla as Paiva\nAry Fontoura as Dudu\nRio Adlakha as Hindu Friend\nSoren Hellerup as Herbert Spencer\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n\nCategory:2015 films\nCategory:Portuguese-language films\nCategory:English-language films\nCategory:2010s drama films\nCategory:Brazilian films\nCategory:Brazilian drama films\nCategory:Films about cancer\nCategory:Films set in hospitals\nCategory:Brazilian independent films\nCategory:Films set in São Paulo\nCategory:Films directed by Héctor Babenco\nCategory:Films scored by Zbigniew Preisner" ]
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