[ "Trying to shake off some programming rust, my goal for the winter break is to improve my mobile application programming skills, or, in other words, creating and selling apps for cell phones. ", "Where to start?First, which platform should I use? ", "Creating apps for the iPhone is my preference, but, as I've ranted about before , Apple requires me to own a Mac (which I don't have). ", "It's obnoxious. ", "Meanwhile, Google's Android doesn't require anything, and that's quite a selling point.", "Second, looking a few steps down the line, when I eventually want to sell my app, Apple's App Store requires a $100 registration fee, whereas the Android Market only asks for $25. ", "Both companies take a 30% cut from sales, but Apple won't pay you anything until you break the $250 threshold, whereas Google has a $1-earned minimum. ", "Additionally, employees at Apple have to approve all apps before they get posted in the store, and this has been a nightmare for some developers , since Apple often rejects apps without giving any explanation as to why.", "Third, from a programming perspective, iPhone apps require that they be coded in the language of Objective-C. Meanwhile, Android apps can be coded in either Java, PHP, C/C++, or several other languages. ", "Thus, no need to reinvent the wheel - you can just go with what's already your area of expertise. ", "For a more detailed technical comparison, I recommend reading Green's Opinion All things considered, I'm going with Android." ]
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[ 0.0006411615759134293, 0.0008179822470992804, 0.0006993784918449819, 0.0469730906188488, 0.0007079741917550564, 0.0006175019079819322, 0.0008397295605391264, 0.0006706801941618323, 0.0005974965170025826, 0.0006516920402646065, 0.0005300450138747692 ]
[ "Thinkly 09 – Artificial Womb, Flying Cars, and Bills Saving the World\n\nA lot of great content this week, including a premature sheep carried to term in a laboratory bag-and-hose womb, tech companies racing to put out the first production-grade flying car, and an archeological find in California that tentatively suggests proto-human activity in North America tens of thousands of years before we were supposed to be here. ", "We also discuss the new Netflix original show Bill Nye Saves the World and Bill Gates who is working to save the world without a TV show—by bringing the number of Indian citizens with access to clean toilet sanitation from 62% to 100% before 2020." ]
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[ "//\n// This cell does not perform cell recycling, do not use as\n// sample code for new elements. ", "\n//\nusing System;\nusing CoreGraphics;\nusing System.", "Threading;\nusing CoreFoundation;\nusing Foundation;\nusing UIKit;\n\nnamespace CodeHub.iOS.DialogElements\n{\n public class LoadMoreElement : OwnerDrawnElement\n {\n static NSString key = new NSString (\"LoadMoreElement\");\n public string NormalCaption { get; set; }\n public string LoadingCaption { get; set; }\n public UIColor TextColor { get; set; }\n public UIColor BackgroundColor { get; set; }\n public bool AutoLoadOnVisible { get; set; }\n public event Action<LoadMoreElement> Tapped = null;\n public UIFont Font;\n UITextAlignment alignment = UITextAlignment.", "Center;\n bool animating;\n UILabel _caption;\n \n public LoadMoreElement () \n : base (UITableViewCellStyle.", "Default, key.", "ToString())\n {\n }\n \n public LoadMoreElement (string normalCaption, string loadingCaption, Action<LoadMoreElement> tapped) : this (normalCaption, loadingCaption, tapped, UIFont.", "BoldSystemFontOfSize (16), UIColor.", "Black)\n {\n }\n \n public LoadMoreElement (string normalCaption, string loadingCaption, Action<LoadMoreElement> tapped, UIFont font, UIColor textColor) \n : base (UITableViewCellStyle.", "Default, key.", "ToString())\n {\n NormalCaption = normalCaption;\n LoadingCaption = loadingCaption;\n Tapped += tapped;\n Font = font;\n TextColor = textColor;\n }\n\n public override void Draw(CGRect bounds, CoreGraphics.", "CGContext context, UIView view)\n {\n if (AutoLoadOnVisible)\n {\n LoadMore();\n }\n }\n\n protected override void CellCreated(UITableViewCell cell, UIView view)\n {\n var activityIndicator = new UIActivityIndicatorView () {\n ActivityIndicatorViewStyle = UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.", "Gray,\n Tag = 1\n };\n _caption = new UILabel () {\n AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = false,\n Tag = 2,\n HighlightedTextColor = UIColor.", "White,\n AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.", "FlexibleWidth,\n };\n cell.", "ContentView.", "AddSubview (_caption);\n cell.", "ContentView.", "AddSubview (activityIndicator);\n view.", "BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor ?? ", "UIColor.", "Clear;\n }\n \n public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tv)\n {\n var cell = base.", "GetCell(tv);\n var activityIndicator = cell.", "ContentView.", "ViewWithTag (1) as UIActivityIndicatorView;\n var caption = cell.", "ContentView.", "ViewWithTag (2) as UILabel;\n\n if (Animating){\n caption.", "Text = LoadingCaption;\n activityIndicator.", "Hidden = false;\n activityIndicator.", "StartAnimating ();\n } else {\n caption.", "Text = NormalCaption;\n activityIndicator.", "Hidden = true;\n activityIndicator.", "StopAnimating ();\n }\n if (BackgroundColor !", "= null){\n cell.", "ContentView.", "BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor ?? ", "UIColor.", "Clear;\n } else {\n cell.", "ContentView.", "BackgroundColor = null;\n }\n caption.", "BackgroundColor = UIColor.", "Clear;\n caption.", "TextColor = TextColor ?? ", "UIColor.", "Black;\n caption.", "Font = Font ?? ", "UIFont.", "BoldSystemFontOfSize (16);\n caption.", "TextAlignment = Alignment;\n Layout (cell, activityIndicator, caption);\n return cell;\n }\n \n public bool Animating {\n get {\n return animating;\n }\n set {\n if (animating == value)\n return;\n animating = value;\n var cell = GetActiveCell ();\n if (cell == null)\n return;\n var activityIndicator = cell.", "ContentView.", "ViewWithTag (1) as UIActivityIndicatorView;\n var caption = cell.", "ContentView.", "ViewWithTag (2) as UILabel;\n if (value){\n caption.", "Text = LoadingCaption;\n activityIndicator.", "Hidden = false;\n activityIndicator.", "StartAnimating ();\n } else {\n activityIndicator.", "StopAnimating ();\n activityIndicator.", "Hidden = true;\n caption.", "Text = NormalCaption;\n }\n Layout (cell, activityIndicator, caption);\n }\n }\n \n public override void Selected (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath path)\n {\n base.", "Selected(tableView, path);\n LoadMore();\n }\n\n private void LoadMore()\n {\n if (Animating)\n return;\n\n if (Tapped !", "= null){\n Animating = true;\n Tapped (this);\n }\n }\n \n CGSize GetTextSize (string text)\n {\n return new NSString (text).StringSize (Font, UIScreen.", "MainScreen.", "Bounds.", "Width, UILineBreakMode.", "TailTruncation);\n }\n \n public static int Padding = 10;\n public static int IndicatorSize = 20;\n\n public override nfloat Height(CGRect bounds)\n {\n return GetTextSize (Animating ? ", "LoadingCaption : NormalCaption).Height + 2*Padding;\n }\n \n void Layout (UITableViewCell cell, UIActivityIndicatorView activityIndicator, UILabel caption)\n {\n var sbounds = cell.", "ContentView.", "Bounds;\n\n var size = GetTextSize (Animating ? ", "LoadingCaption : NormalCaption);\n \n if (!", "activityIndicator.", "Hidden)\n activityIndicator.", "Frame = new CGRect ((sbounds.", "Width-size.", "Width)/2-IndicatorSize*2, Padding, IndicatorSize, IndicatorSize);\n\n caption.", "Frame = new CGRect (10, Padding, sbounds.", "Width-20, size.", "Height);\n }\n \n public UITextAlignment Alignment { \n get { return alignment; } \n set { alignment = value; }\n }\n public UITableViewCellAccessory Accessory { get; set; }\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "**Correction to: J Exp Clin Cancer Res (2019) 38: 329**\n\n**https://doi.org/10.1186/s13046-019-1331-8**\n\nIn the original publication of this article \\[[@CR1]\\], the indicated stages (I-II III-IV) were missing in the clinical stage part at both Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"} and Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The revised tables are shown below. ", "Table 1Correlation expression of KIFC1 and clinicopathological parameters in 168 HCC cases in SYSUCC cohortVariableAll cases (*N* = 168)KIFC1 expression (%)*P* valuesLow expression (*N* = 97)High expression (*N* = 71)Age (years)0.763 ≤ 519051 (56.7)39 (43.3) \\> 517846 (59.0)32 (41.0)Sex0.849 Male14383 (58.0)60 (42.0) Female2514 (56.0)11 (44.0)AFP (ng/ml)0.652 ≤ 207243 (59.7)29 (40.3) \\> 209654 (56.3)42 (43.7)HBsAg0.394 negative115 (45.5)6 (54.5) positive15792 (58.6)65 (41.4)Cirrhosis0.713 No9956 (56.6)43 (43.4) Yes6941 (59.4)28 (40.6)Necrosis0.506 No7646 (60.5)30 (39.5) Yes9251 (55.4)41 (44.6)Clinical stage0.009 I-II11172 (64.9)39 (35.1) III-IV5725 (43.9)32 (56.1)Histologic grade (WHO)0.113 G1-G28353 (63.9)30 (36.1) G3-G4^\\*^8544 (51.8)41 (48.2)Tumor size (cm)0.031 ≤ 57349 (67.1)24 (32.9) \\> 59548 (50.5)47 (49.5)Tumor multiplicity0.688 Unifocal12875 (58.6)53 (41.4) Multifocal4022 (55.0)18 (45.0)Intravascular emboli0.688 No10059 (59.0)41 (41.0) Yes6838 (55.9)30 (44.1)Recurrence0.037 No12578 (62.4)47 (37.6) Yes4319 (44.2)24 (55.8)^\\*^:including 3 cases sarcomatoid liver cancer Table 2Univariate and multivariate analysis of different prognostic parameters in 168 HCC patientsVariableUnivariate analysisMultivariate analysisAll casesMean survival (months)*p* ValueHR (95% CI)*p* ValueAge (years)0.339 ≤ 519049.799 \\> 517869.089Sex0.061 Male14369.106 Female2543.696AFP (ng/ml)0.055 ≤ 207272.295 \\> 209653.431HBsAg0.329 negative1159.111 positive15766.402Cirrhosis0.829 No9957.617 Yes6966.272Necrosis0.179 No7660.350 Yes9263.514Clinical stage0.0000.000 I-II11165.8131 III-IV5743.7785.173 (2.456--10.894)Histologic grade (WHO)0.0000.035 G1-G28265.2541 G3-G4^\\*^8655.8822.334 (1.063--5.126)Tumor size (cm)0.0170.915 ≤ 57374.428 \\> 59549.049Tumor multiplicity0.0000.478 Unifocal12861.089 Multifocal4050.483Intravascular emboli0.0130.483 No10061.257 Yes6859.172Recurrence0.0070.061 No12570.974 Yes4344.667KIFC10.0020.012 Low74.1531 High45.5682.371 (1.207--4.660)^\\*^:including 3 cases sarcomatoid liver cancer\n\nThe authors sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to the readers.", "\n" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nKnowledge regarding the biology of tumors and malignant cells has greatly expanded in recent years. ", "Several hallmarks of cancer have been identified: proliferative signaling, replicative immortality, evasion of growth suppressors, resistance to cell death, induction of angiogenesis, and the activation of invasion and metastasis ([@B24]). ", "A key recent focus for basic and clinical investigators has been the identification of \"driver mutations,\" including ones that are shared among anatomically distinct types of cancer and predicted to be responsive to molecularly targeted therapeutics. ", "In parallel has been the growth of personalized (precision) medicine approaches guided by genetic analyses that seek to identify such driver mutations ([@B44]; [@B8]; [@B9]; [@B26]). ", "In addition, increased understanding of the immune suppression that contributes to tumor growth and metastasis and development of therapeutics directed at this immune suppression have yielded improved clinical outcomes for a variety of cancers ([@B11]; [@B21]; [@B36]).", "\n\nIn spite of such progress, new therapies are needed for most cancers. ", "In this regard, GPCRs, the largest family of signaling receptors in humans and the largest family of protein targets for approved drugs ([@B47]), have rarely been exploited as therapeutic targets in cancer with the exception of certain endocrine cancers (e.g., pituitary, adrenal, testes, ovarian) and hormone-responsive tumors (e.g., breast and prostate cancer). ", "Even though GPCRs are not thought to be functionally mutated and commonly expressed (i.e., they are not \"genetic drivers\") in cancers, GPCRs and post-GPCR signaling mechanisms play an important role in regulating cellular functions integral to the hallmarks of cancer (e.g., growth/proliferation, metabolism, death/apoptosis, ion and nutrient transport, and migration; [@B15]; [@B24]; [@B41]). ", "GPCRs are not only expressed by cancer cells themselves, but also by cell-types in the tumor microenvironment, including stromal (fibroblast), vascular, immune, and inflammatory cells. ", "Numerous effects of GPCRs, including their regulation of apoptotic cell death, are mediated by the second messenger cAMP ([@B29], [@B28]). ", "Moreover, as plasma membrane proteins, GPCRs should be targetable as are numerous other types of cell surface proteins in various cancers.", "\n\nThe lack of consideration of GPCRs as therapeutic targets may relate, at least in part, to the limited information regarding their expression by cancer cells and cells of the tumor microenvironment. ", "We therefore have used an unbiased (GPCRomic) approach to identify and quantify GPCR expression in cancer cells in order to identify GPCRs that may contribute to the malignant phenotype and might be therapeutic targets. ", "Here, we present findings that utilize GPCR-specific PCR-based arrays, RNA-seq, and mining of databases to define GPCR expression of primary cancer cells, cancer cell lines, cells in tumor tissue, and the tumor microenvironment. ", "The findings reveal previously unrecognized GPCR expression in these cells suggesting that they could serve as novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets in various types of cancer.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#s1}\n=====================\n\nPrimary Cells and Cell Lines\n----------------------------\n\n**Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}** summarizes the cells used in the current studies and the source from which they were obtained. ", "Patient cells were isolated after informed consent, under an Institutional Review Board-approved protocol, and within the guidelines of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. ", "All cells were grown under standard tissue culture conditions and studied when growing at log phase and at low passage number.", "\n\n###### \n\nHuman cells and cell lines used for assessment of GPCR expression.", "\n\n Type of cancer Cells or cell lines used Source of cells or cell lines\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) Patient-derived primary cells Normal human B cells UCSD Moores Cancer Ctr\n Bone marrow stromal natural killer (NK) cells that support CLL cell growth NK cells immortalized with telomerase reverse transcriptase UCSD Moores Cancer Ctr\n Colon cancer T-84, Caco-2 cell lines ATCC\n Triple-negative breast cancer BT-20, HS-578, MDA-MB-157, MDA-MB-436 cell lines ATCC\n Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 34E/79E patient-derived cells (PDAC) cells and PDAC tumors Human control pancreatic ductal epithelial cells AsPC-1, MiaPaCa-2 cell lines UCSD Moores Cancer Ctr. ", "ATCC\n Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 5 primary patient-derived CAFs Human PSCs: Corresponding \"normal\" precursor cells Lowy lab, UCSD Moores Cancer Ctr ScienCell Research Laboratories (\\#3830; ScienCell Research Laboratories, Carlsbad, CA, United States)\n \n\nIsolation of mRNA and Preparation of cDNA\n-----------------------------------------\n\nRNA was isolated using a Qiagen RNeasy MiniKit, with on-column DNase-1 digestion (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, United States). ", "cDNA was synthesized using a Superscript III First Strand Synthesis Kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, United States) as per the manufacturer's instructions, using random hexamer priming.", "\n\nAnalysis of GPCR Expression\n---------------------------\n\nWe used TaqMan GPCR arrays (Thermo Fisher Scientific) to identify and quantify GPCR expression ([@B46]). ", "The Taqman GPCR arrays for humans contain primers for the majority (340) of GPCRs in peripheral tissues that have endogenously expressed ligands (i.e., endoGPCRs), including all well characterized GPCRs which are targets for approved drugs ([@B47]). ", "mRNAs for only seven olfactory receptors, one taste receptor, and three vision receptors are detectable by these arrays. ", "For each array, ∼1 μg of total RNA converted to cDNA was loaded into a 384-well microfluidic card along with TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix according to the manufacturer's instructions. ", "Exponential curves for each detected cDNA were analyzed using RQ manager software. ", "GPCR expression was normalized to the Ct of 18S rRNA (whose Ct was generally ∼12). ", "Data are expressed as ΔCt = Ct~x~ - Ct~18S~ for each GPCR (x) detected. ", "We typically used a ΔCt of 25 as the GPCR detection threshold, a value similar to that in prior studies ([@B46]; [@B3]; [@B54]; [@B30]). ", "Independent qPCR analyses consistently confirmed the expression of array-identified GPCRs. ", "We also found excellent concordance between GPCR data from TaqMan arrays and RNA-seq. ", "We assigned G protein linkage of GPCRs based on information for the primary or multiple linkages in the IUPHAR/British Pharmacological Society (BPS) GtoPdb ([@B1]). ", "Certain GPCRs reportedly have multiple such linkages but this may depend on the cells studied and on the use of transfection/over-expression approaches, which may not accurately reflect signaling in cells *in vivo*. ", "The patterns of G protein linkages we report should therefore be considered tentative. ", "In figures that show the number of GPCR linkages (e.g., **Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), we include all reported linkages for a given GPCR. ", "Hence, the number of linkages indicated is generally greater than the number of GPCRs identified. ", "RNA-seq data on pancreatic CAFs were generated as described in [@B56]. ", "In brief, Truseq stranded mRNA libraries were sequenced at ∼25 million 75 bp single reads per sample, on an Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencer by DNA Link, Inc. (San Diego, CA, United States). ", "Data were analyzed via alignment using STAR ([@B14]) and quantification via Cufflinks ([@B49]) with the hg38 reference genome and refseq annotations; and subsequently via edgeR ([@B42]) to facilitate comparison of gene expression between samples. ", "Accession number for RNA-seq data: [GSE101665](GSE101665).", "\n\n![", "GPCR expression in B-CLL cells. **(", "A)** Venn diagram showing the number of GPCRs expressed in B-CLL cells (I1, I2, and I3) isolated from three different patients with indolent CLL. ", "I1, I2, and I3, expressed 142, 162, and 147 GPCRs, respectively, and shared in expression of 106 GPCRs. **(", "B)** G protein linkages of the 106 commonly expressed GPCRs. **(", "C)** The expression (ΔCt normalized to 18S rRNA) and fold-increase in expression in indolent CLL cells compared to control B cells of the four GPCRs (GABBR1, CNR2, CELSR1, and GPR92) with approximately twofold (or greater) increases in expression in the CLL cells. *", "n* = 3 biological replicates of B-CLL, analyzed on one array each.](fphar-09-00431-g001){#F1}\n\nData Mining and Analysis\n------------------------\n\nRNA-seq data for normal pancreas from the GTEx database (GTEx [@B12]) and pancreatic tumors from TCGA ([@B55]) were downloaded from the Xena portal^[1](#fn01){ref-type=\"fn\"}^ from data generated by the TOIL pipeline ([@B53]). ", "Data were generated using alignment via STAR ([@B14]), and quantification via RSEM ([@B35]), using the hg38 reference genome and Gencode V23 annotations^[2](#fn02){ref-type=\"fn\"}^. Gene-level RSEM estimated counts for normal pancreas (*n* = 165) and pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAAD, *n* = 179 tumors plus four matched normal in TCGA) were downloaded, along with information regarding phenotype. ", "The histology of 147 of the 179 tumors was consistent with PDAC; thus we compared the expression data in those 147 tumors with that of normal pancreas. ", "The counts matrix with GTEx and TCGA samples was analyzed via edgeR ([@B42]) using TMM normalization to obtain expression in counts per million (CPM). ", "Exact testing was used to evaluate differential expression. ", "We used the batch correction tool in Limma ([@B45]) to verify that factors such as plate identity, sequencing center or source collection center (as relevant variables^[3](#fn03){ref-type=\"fn\"}^) had minimal impact on GPCR expression. ", "GPCR expression was extracted by querying expression of genes corresponding with annotated GPCR gene names from the GtoPdb database ([@B1]).", "\n\nWe determined GPCR expression in cancer cell lines from the EBI database ([@B32]) containing analyzed samples via the iRAP pipeline^[4](#fn04){ref-type=\"fn\"}^ ([@B18]), yielding gene expression in FPKM, as computed by Cufflinks on aligned BAM files generated using Tophat2 ([@B49]) with GRCh37.66 from Ensembl as the reference human genome.", "\n\nWe set the detection threshold for GPCRs as \\>0.1 FPKM, as used previously ([@B10]; [@B58]), which yields results comparable to the ΔCt = 25 threshold of the TaqMan array data. ", "GPRC5A expression in PDAC cell lines assayed via RNA-seq was normalized to β-actin (ACTB) for comparison with TaqMan array data and to facilitate comparison of our GPRC5A expression data in control PDECs with the EBI data for PDAC cell lines. ", "Use of other housekeeping genes (e.g., GAPDH, β2 microglobulin) did not alter our conclusions.", "\n\nImmunocytochemistry for Detection of GPRC5A\n-------------------------------------------\n\nBXPC-3 and MIA PaCa-2 cells (pancreatic cancer cell lines that express GPRC5A mRNA) were plated on cover slips at ∼50% confluency and fixed using 4% paraformaldehyde, 24 h after plating. ", "Cells were stained with GPRC5A primary antibody HPA007928 from Sigma Aldrich, United States, based on protocols provided by the manufacturer, followed by 1 h incubation with secondary goat-anti rabbit antibody (cat \\# A-11008, Invitrogen, United States). ", "Cells were also stained with DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) to visualize nuclei. ", "Images were then taken via a Keyence BZ-X700 microscope and analyzed using ImageJ ([@B43]).", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nLimited information exists regarding the profile of GPCRs expressed by malignant cells. ", "Prior studies primarily assessed individual GPCRs, in terms of expression, signaling and functional activities ([@B33]; [@B16]; [@B41]; [@B6]; [@B37]; [@B51]). ", "TaqMan GPCR arrays provide an unbiased method to identify and quantify non-chemosensory GPCRs (other than those for taste, olfaction, and vision). ", "These arrays include ∼340 endoGPCRs (GPCRs that respond to endogenously expressed hormones, neurotransmitters, autocoids and metabolites), ∼120 of which are orphan GPCRs (i.e., without known physiologic agonists). ", "Data for individual mRNAs as a PCR Ct is compared to the Ct for a housekeeping gene (e.g., 18S rRNA) to yield a ΔCt value. ", "Since Ct values are inversely related to expression, lower Ct values indicate higher mRNA expression.", "\n\nHuman B-CLL Cells and Control B Cells\n-------------------------------------\n\nB-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, the most common adult leukemia in economically developed countries, is characterized by the accumulation of mature B cells, primarily as a consequence of reduced apoptosis ([@B7]; [@B23]). ", "CLL is clinically quite variable: patients with CLL can survive a few months (aggressive CLL) or many years (indolent CLL) after diagnosis ([@B40]). ", "Increases in cAMP can promote apoptosis in CLL cells ([@B39]). ", "Analysis of malignant B cells from three patients with indolent CLL identified 106 commonly detected (including 30 orphan) GPCRs (**Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). ", "Most highly expressed GPCRs (ΔCt \\< 18) were expressed by all three patients. ", "More of these GPCRs couple to Gi than to other G proteins but 31 GPCRs have unknown G protein linkages (**Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). ", "The highest expressed Gi-coupled receptors include CXCR4, EBI2, and CCR7 (ΔCt values of 12.2, 12.7, and 14.5, respectively). ", "The highest expressed Gs-coupled receptors include ADRB2 (β2-adrenergic receptor, ΔCt = 14.6) and PTGER4 (ΔCt = 14.9). ", "Control B cells express 175 GPCRs, including 101 of the 106 CLL-expressed GPCRs. ", "B-CLL cells have a greater than twofold increase in expression of a subset of GPCRs that are highly expressed (ΔCt ∼18 or less) in normal B cells (**Figure [1C](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}**): GABBR1 (GABA B1 receptor, ΔCt = 16), CNR2 (CB~2~ cannabinoid receptor, ΔCt = 17), CELSR1 (an orphan adhesion receptor, ΔCt = 17), and GPR92 (aka LPAR5, a lysophosphatidic acid receptor, ΔCt = 18).", "\n\nHuman Bone Marrow Stromal Natural Killer Cells (BMNK Cells)\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nBone marrow stromal natural killer cells, immortalized by expression of human telomerase reverse transcriptase, enhance the viability of primary cultures of B-CLL cells and are considered an important component of the CLL microenvironment ([@B57]; [@B48]). ", "BMNK cells express 116 GPCRs, including 33 orphan GPCRs. ", "The 20 highest expressed GPCRs include seven orphan GPCRs \\[e.g., ", "GPR176 (ΔCt = 14.9), LPHN2 (ΔCt = 15.5), CD97 (ΔCt = 16.1)\\]. ", "Gi-coupled GPCRs are the largest category of GPCRs for which G protein linkage is known (**Figure [2A](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). ", "Such GPCRs include a number of the highest expressed receptors, including F2R (protease activated receptor 1, PAR1, ΔCt = 15.7), LPAR1 (also known as EDG2; ΔCt = 16.3), and SSTR1 (somatostatin receptor-1, ΔCt = 17.7). ", "PAR1 and LPARs both couple to Gq and G12/13.", "\n\n![", "GPCR expression in BMNK cells. **(", "A)** G protein linkages of the 116 GPCRs detected in BMNK cells. **(", "B)** Venn diagram of GPCRs expressed in B-CLL compared to BMNK cells, indicating that 51 GPCRs are shared but most receptors are unique for each cell-type. **(", "C)** Lower expression in the BMNK cells (higher ΔCt values) for most of the highest expressed GPCRs in B-CLL cells (lower ΔCt values). *", "n* = 1 for each cell type.](fphar-09-00431-g002){#F2}\n\nTo determine the similarity in GPCR expression of CLL cells and cells of their tumor microenvironment, we compared the GPCR profiles of B-CLL and BMNK cells. ", "Although 51 of the 106 shared GPCRs among B-CLL cells are also detected in BMNK cells (**Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), most of the highest expressed GPCRs in B-CLL cells are either undetectable or expressed at much lower levels in BMNK cells: 103 of the 106 commonly detected receptors in B-CLL cells were more than twofold higher expressed than in BMNK cells and almost all of the highly expressed GPCRs in B-CLL cells have much lower expression in BMNK cells (**Figure [2C](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}**).", "\n\nHuman Breast Cancer Cells\n-------------------------\n\nWe assessed GPCR expression in four human triple-negative breast cancer cell lines (BT-20, HS-578, MDA-MB-157, and MDA-MB-436) and a control cell line (MCF-10A, a breast epithelial cell line). ", "The four breast cancer cell lines expressed on average 88 GPCRs and had shared expression of 23 GPCRs (**Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}**), 21 of which were also detected in the control cell line. ", "Gq-coupled GPCRs are more frequent among the GPCRs with known G protein linkages (**Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). **", "Figure [3B](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}** shows the fold-increases in expression for 11 of the commonly expressed GPCRs with a greater than twofold increase in expression compared to the control breast epithelial cell line. ", "We detected two receptors uniquely expressed in all breast cancer cell lines but not in control cells: GPRC5B (a Class-C orphan receptor, ΔCt = 17.8) and TBXA2R (thromboxane A2 receptor, ΔCt = 19.4).", "\n\n###### \n\nGPCR expression in Triple-negative breast cancer cells: The 23 commonly detected GPCRs in four triple-negative breast cancer cell lines with expression (ΔCt) normalized to 18S rRNA.", "\n\n Gene name ΔCt vs 18S Gene name ΔCt vs 18S Gene name ΔCt vs 18S\n ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------\n FZD6 16.1 GPR126 17.7 P2RY11 18.4\n CD97 16.6 GPRC5B 17.8 FZD1 18.4\n GPR153 16.8 OXTR 17.9 BAI2 18.6\n FZD4 16.9 LPHN2 18.0 GPR161 18.7\n FZD2 17.2 FZD7 18.0 TBXA2R 19.4\n F2R 17.4 GABBR1 18.0 MC1R 19.5\n ADORA2B 17.5 GPR125 18.1 GPR135 20.7\n OPN3 17.6 EDG3 18.3 \n \n\n![", "GPCR expression in triple-negative breast cancer cells. **(", "A)** G protein linkages of the 23 commonly detected GPCRs in four breast cancer cell lines. **(", "B)** Average (and SEM) of the fold-increases in expression of GPCRs in triple-negative breast cancer cells compared to control cells. ", "Of the 23 commonly detected GPCRs, the 11 shown have a greater than twofold average increase in expression. *", "n* = 4 cell lines, assayed on one array each.](fphar-09-00431-g003){#F3}\n\n**Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}** shows the identities and average expression values (ΔCt normalized to 18S rRNA) of the 23 commonly expressed GPCRs in the four breast cancer cell lines. ", "Five of these receptors (BAI2, GPR125, CD97, GPR126, and LPHN2) are members of the adhesion family of GPCRs. ", "Of note, GPR161, an orphan receptor with more than twofold increase in expression, has previously been reported to contribute to the malignant phenotype in triple-negative breast cancer ([@B17]).", "\n\nAnalysis of 47 invasive breast carcinomas, including triple-negative cancer cell lines, in the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE, [@B5], hosted at the EBI expression atlas, [@B32]) revealed that the cell lines express on average ∼107 GPCRs and highly express several GPCRs identified in our studies above, including CD97, OXTR, ADORA2B, and FZD7. ", "As in the GPCR array studies, the cell lines shared in the expression of relatively few GPCRs: only 19 (including CD97, MC1R, BAI2, FZD1, P2RY11, OPN3, GPR153, and FZD4 in **Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}**) were detected in all 47 cell lines. ", "The CCLE cell lines include 16 triple-negative cancers (including four cell lines we assessed using GPCR arrays). ", "Of the 23 commonly detected GPCRs in **Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}**, 19 were detectable in all 16 CCLE triple-negative breast cancer cell lines; four other GPCRs (LPHN2, GPRC5B, EDG3, TBXA2R) were detected in 11--14 of the 16 cell lines. ", "Hence, the GPCRs highlighted in **Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}** may be ones that contribute to triple-negative breast cancer. ", "Of note, GPR161 is detected in all 16 triple-negative cell lines but only 24 of 31 cell lines from non-triple-negative cancers. ", "With a higher detection threshold (1 FPKM), GPR161 is detected in 12 of 16 triple-negative cell lines but only 13 of 31 other breast cancer cell lines. ", "On average, GPR161 is ∼1.6-fold higher expressed among the triple negative cancer cell lines than in non-triple-negative cell lines.", "\n\nHuman Colon Cancer Cell Lines\n-----------------------------\n\nTaqMan array analysis of T-84 and Caco-2 colon adenocarcinoma cell lines revealed that they share in expression of 74 GPCRs (**Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), including 24 Gi-, 23 Gq- and 11 Gs-coupled receptors (**Figure [4B](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). ", "F2RL1 (PAR2, ΔCt = 15.3) is the highest expressed Gq-coupled GPCR. ", "Among the highest expressed Gs-coupled GPCRs are adenosine A2B (ADORA2B, ΔCt = 17.6) and vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1 (VIPR1, ΔCt = 17.8). ", "The highest expressed Gi-coupled receptors are OXER1 (oxoeicosanoid receptor 1/GPR170, ΔCt = 17.3) and EDG4/LPAR2 (lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2, ΔCt = 17.3). ", "Of the 74 commonly detected receptors, 18 are orphans; GPR160 is the highest expressed orphan GPCR.", "\n\n![", "GPCR expression in colon cancer cells. **(", "A)** Venn diagram showing GPCRs expressed in two colon cancer cell lines, Caco-2 and T84 with 74 GPCRs commonly detected between the two cell lines. **(", "B)** G protein linkage of the 74 commonly detected GPCRs. *", "n* = 2 cell lines, assayed on one array each.](fphar-09-00431-g004){#F4}\n\nData mining of GPCR expression in 41 colon adenocarcinoma cell lines in the CCLE ([@B32]; [@B5]) yielded results consistent with those findings. ", "On average, the cell lines expressed 101 GPCRs of which 21 were commonly expressed. ", "F2R/PAR1 was the highest expressed Gi-coupled GPCR (detected in all 41 cell lines). ", "ADORA2B, the highest expressed Gs-coupled GPCR, was detected in 39 cell lines. ", "F2RL1 was the highest expressed Gq-coupled GPCR and overall, the second highest expressed GPCR. ", "Of note and relevant to data for pancreatic cancer (see below), GPRC5A, an orphan receptor, was the highest expressed GPCR, detected in 40 of 41 colon adenocarcinoma cell lines and the highest expressed GPCR in 27 of the 41 cell lines.", "\n\nHuman Pancreatic Cancer Cells\n-----------------------------\n\nUsing TaqMan GPCR arrays, we assessed GPCR expression of pancreatic cancer (PDAC) cell lines (AsPC-1 and MiaPaCa-2), patient-derived primary PDAC cells (identified as 34E and 79E in **Figure [5A](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), and a normal pancreatic ductal epithelial (PDEC) cell line. ", "We found that PDAC and PDEC cells express ∼100 GPCRs, of which 54 (including 20 orphan GPCRs) were expressed in all four PDAC samples (**Figure [5A](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). ", "Those shared GPCRs included most of the highly expressed GPCRs in each cell line. ", "Gi-coupled and Gq-coupled receptors are the largest groups of GPCRs with known G protein linkages (**Figure [5B](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}**).", "\n\n![", "GPCR expression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cells. **(", "A)** Venn diagram showing GPCRs expressed in two PDAC cell lines (MiaPaCa, AsPC-1) and primary PDAC cells (34E, 79E); 54 GPCRs were detected in all four samples. ", "The number of GPCRs in each cell-line was: MiaPaCa-2: 92, AsPC-1: 114, 79E: 175, 34E: 130. **(", "B)** G protein linkage of the 54 commonly detected GPCRs. **(", "C)** Fold-increase in GPRC5A expression in PDAC cells compared to the control pancreatic ductal epithelial cells (PDEC). *", "n* = 4 cell lines, each assayed on one array each.](fphar-09-00431-g005){#F5}\n\nGPRC5A was the highest expressed GPCR of the 54 receptors commonly expressed by the PDAC cells and had \\>10-fold higher expression than any other GPCR. ", "Compared to control PDEC cells, GPRC5A had the greatest fold-increase (\\>eightfold) in expression in all four PDAC cell samples with larger fold-increases in the primary cancer cells, 34E and 79E (**Figure [5C](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}**).", "\n\nHuman Pancreatic Cancer Tumor Tissue\n------------------------------------\n\nTaqMan GPCR array analysis of three PDAC tumors revealed that they share in expression of 77 GPCRs (**Figure [6A](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), 16 of which are orphan receptors. ", "The tumors expressed ∼150 or more GPCRs (i.e., more than did the PDAC cell lines, **Figures [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}**, **[6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), perhaps because of the heterogeneous cell populations and their diverse GPCR repertoires in the tumors. ", "The G protein coupling of tumor-expressed GPCRs was similar to that of PDAC cells (Cf. **", "Figures [5B](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}**, **[6B](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}**): Gi- and Gq-coupled GPCRs were the largest categories of receptors with known G protein coupling. ", "Most of the highest expressed GPCRs were commonly expressed among the tumor samples.", "\n\n![", "GPCR expression in pancreatic cancer tumors. **(", "A)** Venn diagram of GPCR expression, determined using Taqman GPCR arrays, of three PDAC tumor samples with 77 GPCRs commonly detected among the samples. ", "T1424, T1255, and T760 expressed 185, 175, and 145 GPCRs, respectively. **(", "B)** G-protein linkage of the 77 commonly detected GPCRs. **(", "C)** GPRC5A is expressed at similar levels in PDAC cells and tumors. ", "The highest expressed GPCRs in cancer cells were also highly expressed in tumors. *", "n* = 3 primary tumors, each assayed on one array each.](fphar-09-00431-g006){#F6}\n\nAs in the PDAC cells, GPRC5A was the highest expressed GPCR in the tumor samples (∼fourfold more highly expressed than any other GPCR). ", "GPRC5A, an orphan GPCR, may couple to Gi~.~ ([@B25]). ", "Previous work suggested a role for GPRC5A in various cancers ([@B59]). [", "@B60] have also noted high expression of GPRC5A in PDAC and found that GPRC5A may contribute to cell proliferation, survival, and drug-resistance in PDAC tumors.", "\n\nHuman Pancreatic Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs)\n-----------------------------------------------------\n\nCancer-associated fibroblasts, an abundant cell type in pancreatic tumor microenvironment, contribute to the extensive fibrotic stroma (desmoplasia) in PDAC. ", "We sought to assess GPCR expression in CAFs to investigate if (a) GPCRs may regulate their pro-fibrotic phenotype and (b) GPCRs contribute to the interaction between CAFs and PDAC cells.", "\n\nWe isolated CAFs from five PDAC patient tumors and assessed GPCR expression in the CAFs by both RNA-seq and Taqman GPCR arrays ([@B56]), which allowed us to compare results with the two methods. ", "We also assessed GPCR expression in normal PSCs, precursor cells for CAFs, to determine if GPCR expression changes after PSCs convert to CAFs.", "\n\nTaqman GPCR arrays and RNA-seq detected ∼110 GPCRs in CAFs and yielded similar results for identities of detected GPCRs and fold-changes in expression between CAFs and PSCs (**Figure [7A](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}** and [@B56]). ", "The 82 GPCRs commonly detected by Taqman arrays of five CAF samples (**Figure [7B](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}**) link to various Gα proteins (**Figure [7C](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), most frequently to Gq/11 and Gi/Go, and include 28 orphan GPCRs. ", "F2R/PAR1 was the highest expressed GPCR in CAFs, as also found in cardiac fibroblasts ([@B46]). ", "Multiple orphan and adhesion GPCRs are highly expressed in CAFs. ", "GPR68, a proton-sensing GPCR, is much higher expressed in CAFs than in PSCs and has functional effects, including the production of IL6, which can promote the growth of PDAC cells ([@B56]).", "\n\n![", "GPCR expression in CAFs. **(", "A)** Increase in expression, as determined by Taqman GPCR arrays or RNA-seq in one CAF sample (CAF3) compared to pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) of the 15 GPCRs with the largest increases in expression in CAFs compared to PSCs. **(", "B)** CAFs express ∼110 GPCRs, with 82 receptors commonly detected in five patient replicates tested. **(", "C)** G protein linkage of the 82 commonly detected GPCRs. ", "Five separate CAF biological replicates were analyzed via Taqman arrays, while three of these were also analyzed via RNA-seq.](fphar-09-00431-g007){#F7}\n\nComparison of the repertoires of 82 GPCRs commonly detected in CAFs and the 54 commonly detected GPCRs in PDAC cells revealed 37 GPCRs that were detected in both cell types (**Figure [8A](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), among the highest expressed GPCRs in each cell type (**Figure [8B](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), and often expressed at comparable magnitudes of expression. ", "These commonly expressed GPCRs include certain orphan GPCRs (e.g., GPRC5A, CD97, GPR126) and GPCRs that are targets of approved drugs (e.g., OXTR, F2R/PAR1).", "\n\n![", "Comparison of GPCR expression in PDAC cells and CAFs. **(", "A)** PDAC cells and CAFs share in expression of 37 GPCRs. **(", "B)** The 20 GPCRs shared in expression by PDAC cells and CAFs and with the highest expression in PDAC cells and CAFs, determined by averaging GPCR expression in the two cell types. ", "Mean and SEM are indicated for ΔCt values (normalized to 18S rRNA). ", "Lower Δ Ct values indicate higher expression.](fphar-09-00431-g008){#F8}\n\nExpression of Novel GPCRs (GPRC5A and GPR68) in PDAC Tumors and Cells\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAnalysis of differential gene expression in PDAC tumors (TCGA) compared to normal pancreatic tissue (GTEx) revealed that GPRC5A and GPR68 are more highly expressed in the tumors than in normal tissue: GPRC5A is ∼50-fold increased in PDAC compared to normal pancreatic tissue, and GPR68 has ∼10-fold increased expression, each with a False Discovery Rate (FDR) \\<\\< 0.05, indicating high statistical significance (**Figure [9A](#F9){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). ", "Both GPCRs lack evidence for dependence on factors such as patient's sex and tumor grade (**Figures [9B,C](#F9){ref-type=\"fig\"}**), suggesting that expression of these receptors increases early in tumor development and is highly prevalent in both male and female PDAC patients.", "\n\n![", "GPRC5A and GPR68 are highly expressed in PDAC tumors. **(", "A)** Median, upper and lower quartile expression values (indicated by the error bars) for GPRC5A and GPR68 in PDAC tumors (TCGA, *n* = 147) and in normal pancreatic tissue (GTEx, *n* = 165). ", "In PDAC tumors, GPRC5A is increased ∼50-fold (FDR \\<\\< 0.05) and GPR68 is increased ∼10-fold (FDR \\<\\< 0.05). **(", "B)** Mean (and SEM) expression of GPRC5A and GPR68 in PDAC tumors (in TCGA) with tumor grades G1, G2, and G3. **(", "C)** Mean (and SEM) expression of GPRC5A and GPR68 in TCGA PDAC tumors from males and females. ", "Expression differences for tumor grades and between males and females are not statistically significant.](fphar-09-00431-g009){#F9}\n\nData in the CCLE database support these findings regarding GPRC5A: it is the highest expressed GPCR in multiple PDAC cell lines \\[EBI gene expression atlas ([@B32]) of results from cell lines in the CCLE ([@B5])\\]. ", "GPRC5A is more highly expressed in every PDAC cell line with 31 of 33 PDAC cell lines having greater than twofold increased expression. ", "GPRC5A is the highest expressed GPCR in 21/33 cell lines and among the three highest expressed GPCR in 30/33 cell lines.", "\n\nImmunocytochemistry staining of pancreatic cancer cells supports the mRNA expression data, indicating the presence of GPRC5A protein in these cells (**Figure [10](#F10){ref-type=\"fig\"}**). ", "Other data document the expression of GPRC5A using immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry in pancreatic cancer cells and tumors, respectively ([@B50]; [@B60], with relevant tumor staining data hosted at proteinatlas.org/ENSG00000013588-GPRC5A/pathology). ", "In addition, other data show protein expression via immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting, which confirm the presence of GPR68 in pancreatic CAFs, and in PSCs in which GPR68 is overexpressed via transfection ([@B56]).", "\n\n![", "GPRC5A antibody staining in PDAC cells. **(", "A)** BXPC-3 **(B)** MIA PaCa-2. ", "Using RNA-seq and qPCR, MIA PaCa-2 cells express \\>10-fold more GPRC5A mRNA than do BXPC-3 cells. ", "Hence, MIA PaCa-2 cells stain more intensely for GPRC5A. Magnification = 10×. Images are representative of data for *n* = 3 separate slides for each cell line, respectively.](fphar-09-00431-g010){#F10}\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThe results shown here are, we believe, the first use of an unbiased (GPCRomic) approach to assess GPCR expression in the cells and tumors we studied. ", "qPCR-based TaqMan GPCR arrays provide a means to identify and quantify GPCR mRNAs with a sensitivity and specificity superior to commercial tiling arrays that assess the entire transcriptome ([@B27]). ", "Accordingly, gene expression data from the latter type of arrays (including data in public repositories) do not reveal an accurate or complete assessment of the GPCR repertoire of cancer cells. ", "Improved detection by RNA-seq provides greater confidence regarding GPCR expression than tiling arrays but expression of GPCRs as a gene family has not previously been systematically culled out of RNA-seq data on cancer. ", "The results here show that data from Taqman GPCR arrays and RNA-seq identify similar numbers of GPCRs in breast and colon cancers cells and in PDAC tumors and pancreatic CAFs. ", "These assays hence provide complementary means of detection of GPCR expression in cancer cells and tumors.", "\n\nA key conclusion from our studies is that each type of cancer cell/tumor expresses a common set of GPCRs. ", "Some cell types and tumors express \\>150 different GPCRs, including ones expressed at relatively high levels. ", "Many of the highly expressed receptors are orphan GPCRs. ", "As we show for CLL and PDAC cells, multiple GPCRs are much more highly expressed by the malignant cells than by their normal precursors, B cells, and PDEC cells, respectively.", "\n\nCertain cancer cell types may possess a \"GPCR signature,\" such that one or more GPCRs might serve as novel biomarkers and/or as therapeutic targets for such cancers. ", "Therapeutic utility will require validation of the GPCRs preferentially expressed in cancer cells, including confirmation of expression of GPCR proteins, their signaling, and functional roles. ", "Initial efforts indicate that at least certain of the GPCRs we have identified are functional in cancer cells \\[e.g., ", "GPR161 in breast cancer ([@B17]) and GPRC5A in pancreatic cancer ([@B60])\\] and in the microenvironment (e.g., GPR68; [@B56]). ", "These examples suggest that certain GPCRs are selectively overexpressed in specific cancer types, suggesting that different types of cancer may each possess a unique \"GPCR-ome.\" ", "Certain GPCRs (e.g., CD97 and GPR56) are expressed in multiple cancer types, but also are widely expressed in normal tissue and cells (e.g., [@B50], corresponding data for each GPCR hosted at proteinatlas.org). ", "Besides the presence of these \"promiscuously\" expressed receptors, there does not appear to be a GPCR signature in common among cancer cells from different types of cancer.", "\n\nIn addition to cancer cells themselves, cells in the tumor microenvironment, as we show for BMNK cells and pancreatic CAFs, express a large number of GPCRs. ", "Certain GPCRs, such as chemokine receptors, have been implicated in intercellular communication that can facilitate cancer cell proliferation, protection from apoptosis, and other features of the malignant phenotype ([@B24]; [@B52]; [@B22]). ", "In addition, we recently documented a functional role for CAF-expressed GPR68 and its interaction with PDAC cells ([@B56]).", "\n\nAssessment of data in public databases has certain caveats, especially as related to reliability, reproducibility, and consistency of results from different labs, which may use different procedures and bioinformatics tools. ", "We find that data derived from qPCR based arrays yield conclusions broadly supportive of those from analysis of public databases: Taqman array data for GPCR expression in PDAC tumors and cells that show GPRC5A is highly expressed are supported by TCGA data for PDAC tumors and RNAseq data from various cell lines (from the EBI portal). ", "These complementary data suggest that while sources of technical variability may exist between datasets, the overall patterns of GPCR expression observed, and conclusions derived therefrom, are robust and reproducible.", "\n\nAs noted above, GPCRs with increased expression in cancer cells may be novel therapeutic targets. ", "These include GPCRs for which approved drugs exist while other receptors identified include orphan, frizzled and/or adhesion GPCRs, which may provide unique therapeutic opportunities. ", "GPCRs are commonly targeted by small molecules but other approaches may be possible, for example, techniques to blunt GPCR expression, GPCR-directed antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, and bio-conjugates. ([", "@B31]; [@B34]; [@B20]; [@B19]).", "\n\nThe approach described here -- studies of patient-derived cells and cell lines to define a GPCR profile and the differential expression of GPCRs of cancer cells compared to that of normal cell precursors---should be applicable to other types of cancer. ", "Perhaps therapies directed at such GPCRs can be part of therapeutic cocktails with multiple agents, especially since drug combinations may be able to optimize efficacy and minimize side-effects and drug resistance in cancer therapy ([@B4]; [@B2]; [@B13]; [@B21]; [@B38]).", "\n\nAuthor Contributions\n====================\n\nPI, KS, HY, RC, SW, MF, and FM designed the experiments. ", "AW, TK, TM, HY, LZ, SW, DL, and FM conducted experiments with GPCR arrays and analyzed data. ", "AL and RF isolated and initially cultured pancreatic CAFs, PDAC, and PDEC cells and provided PDAC tumor samples. ", "MF provided cDNA from breast cancer cell lines. ", "KS performed immunocytochemistry, compiled and analyzed array data and mined data from databases. ", "PI, KS, RC, and FM wrote the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the manuscript.", "\n\nConflict of Interest Statement\n==============================\n\nThe authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.", "\n\n**Funding.** ", "Financial support for these studies was provided by Roche, the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society, Friends of ANCHOR, an ASPET-Astellas Award and grants from the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute (CA189477, CA121938, and CA155620); National Cancer Institute (NCI) Therapeutic Training Grant No. ", "5T32CA121938, NIH/NCI Research Grants R21 CA189477, an ASPET David Lehr Award, and the Padres Pedal the Cause \\#PTC2017 award.", "\n\nWe dedicate this article to our colleague Nakon Aroonsakool, who assisted with some of the studies reported here. ", "His untimely death in April, 2016 deeply saddened all of the members of the Insel laboratory. ", "We thank Thomas Kipps and Laura Rassenti (UCSD Moores Cancer Center) for their assistance in obtaining samples from patients with CLL and the BMNK cells and Pinyi Du and the UCSD Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Genomics Core for the assistance in conducting TaqMan GPCR array studies.", "\n\n[xena.ucsc.edu](http://xena.ucsc.edu)\n\n<https://xenabrowser.net/datapages/?hub=https://toil.xenahubs.net:443>\n\n<http://bioinformatics.mdanderson.org/tcgambatch/>\n\n<https://nunofonseca.github.io/irap/>\n\nBMNK cell\n\n: Bone Marrow Natural Killer cell\n\nCLL/B-CLL\n\n: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia\n\nCt/ΔCt\n\n: Cycle threshold/Difference in Cycle threshold\n\nEBI\n\n: European Bioinformatics Institute\n\nFPKMs\n\n: Fragments Per Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads\n\nGPCR\n\n: G protein-coupled receptor\n\nGtoPdb\n\n: Guide to Pharmacology database\n\nIUPHAR\n\n: International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology\n\nPDAC\n\n: Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma\n\nPDEC\n\n: Pancreatic Ductal Epithelial Cell\n\nPSCs\n\n: Pancreatic stellate cells\n\nRNA-seq\n\n: High throughput RNA sequencing\n\nTCGA\n\n: The Cancer Genome Atlas\n\nTMM\n\n: trimmed mean of M values\n\n[^1]: Edited by: Ramaswamy Krishnan, Harvard Medical School, United States\n\n[^2]: Reviewed by: Kevin D. G. Pfleger, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Australia; Deepak A. Deshpande, Thomas Jefferson University, United States\n\n[^3]: ^†^These authors have contributed equally to this work.", "\n\n[^4]: This article was submitted to Translational Pharmacology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology\n" ]
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0.0009099541930481791, 0.0013780620647594333, 0.0007152593461796641, 0.0009675481705926359, 0.0006310681346803904, 0.0008219432202167809, 0.0007335140835493803, 0.0006729803862981498, 0.0006168005056679249, 0.0005912726046517491, 0.0006549078389070928, 0.0008743639918975532, 0.011541387997567654, 0.0011510924668982625, 0.0009772800840437412, 0.0008553058723919094, 0.0006028750212863088, 0.0007476096507161856, 0.0008129520574584603, 0.0007688931655138731, 0.0006917405989952385, 0.0005916795926168561, 0.0005992119549773633, 0.000728923361748457, 0.007162909954786301, 0.0006760699325241148, 0.0007615213980898261, 0.0009201850625686347, 0.0007435299921780825, 0.0009711272432468832, 0.0007276771939359605, 0.0007782658794894814, 0.0006842424045316875, 0.0019055769080296159, 0.001061591086909175, 0.0006744745769537985, 0.0007602582918480039, 0.0007002138299867511, 0.0006495820707641542, 0.0006788594182580709, 0.0006599610787816346, 0.0009270691080018878, 0.0006957282312214375, 0.0007588241132907569, 0.0006313821650110185, 0.0006015540566295385, 0.0006534427520819008, 0.0019055769080296159, 0.0011383556993678212, 0.0006636129110120237, 0.0006501674070023, 0.0006875723483972251, 0.0012010324280709028, 0.0008644710760563612, 0.0006810003542341292, 0.0007631250191479921, 0.0006460954900830984, 0.0007260853890329599, 0.0006683280225843191, 0.0005856267525814474, 0.0019055769080296159, 0.0007449342519976199, 0.0006317436345852911, 0.0006206633406691253, 0.0006676074117422104, 0.0009252363233827055, 0.0006071403622627258, 0.000759289541747421, 0.000649631314445287, 0.0005504788714461029, 0.0006081832107156515, 0.00153875641990453, 0.0006663116510026157, 0.0005459293024614453, 0.0006655745091848075, 0.0006078363512642682, 0.0006063284818083048, 0.0010387146612629294, 0.0006892492529004812, 0.0007051330176182091, 0.0019055769080296159, 0.0006608942057937384, 0.0006229511927813292, 0.0007075408357195556, 0.0028475283179432154, 0.0005828922148793936, 0.0006231801235117018, 0.0019055769080296159, 0.0005913864588364959, 0.0006838724366389215, 0.0006608535186387599, 0.0005704102804884315, 0.0007430837140418589, 0.0006923634791746736, 0.0019055769080296159, 0.0006031707744114101, 0.0008448182488791645, 0.0009381857817061245, 0.0006654476746916771, 0.0012640692293643951, 0.000710221123881638, 0.0006865881150588393, 0.0008369515999220312, 0.0006244149408303201, 0.000580347259528935, 0.000692947069182992, 0.0019055769080296159, 0.0007261725259013474, 0.003466589841991663, 0.0008318032487295568, 0.0006729438900947571, 0.0005784580134786665, 0.0006129792309366167, 0.0005826287087984383, 0.0006075620767660439, 0.0006382745923474431, 0.0005836758064106107, 0.0005928362370468676, 0.0006189947598613799, 0.0007064567762427032, 0.0006794354412704706, 0.0005472139455378056, 0.0006406967295333743, 0.0008281237096525729, 0.0007178224623203278, 0.0005920460098423064, 0.0006410576752386987, 0.0008154180832207203, 0.0007028543041087687, 0.0005702255293726921, 0.0005733887082897127, 0.0005396545166149735, 0.0006207656697370112, 0.0006349660689011216, 0.0006197158363647759, 0.0005776844336651266, 0.0009581284248270094, 0.0006815746892243624, 0.0006489420193247497, 0.000743383658118546, 0.0006022792076691985, 0.000745499855838716, 0.0010142301907762885, 0.0007862927741371095, 0.0006022017332725227, 0.0005328214028850198, 0.0008035447681322694, 0.0007677400135435164, 0.0007476609316654503, 0.0006506347563117743, 0.000560539832804352, 0.002997049130499363, 0.0006145990337245166, 0.0007690759957768023, 0.000843860034365207 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCreating geojson with lat lon out of shapefile using QGIS?", "\n\nI have a shapefile which I want to export as geojson from qgis. ", "To mix it with other data in my d3 project I want go get the coordinates als lat-lon-values (similar to the values you get by geocoding points with google-maps-API). ", "Unfortunately qgis gives me x-y-values all the time like this:\n{\n\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\",\n\"name\": \"Rettungsdienstbereiche-BW-RLP\",\n\"crs\": {\n \"type\": \"name\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"name\": \"urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84\"\n }\n},\n\"features\": [{\n \"type\": \"Feature\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"GEN\": \"Name\",\n \"BEZ\": \"Class\"\n },\n \"geometry\": {\n \"type\": \"MultiPolygon\",\n \"coordinates\": [[[[393361.66645,\n 5504072.61038],\n [393366.83389,\n 5503968.65939],\n [393096.0904,\n 5503949.01054],\n ...\n\nI read many times that I have to give the layer a different CRS (e.g. EPSG 4326) but it does not seem to fix it.", "\nAny ideas?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou actually have to set a combination of CRS - the layer should be in the CRS that the shapefile is in, and when saving the layer as GeoJSON, you should set select EPSG:4326 as (output) CRS. ", "QGIS will then do the transformation for you.", "\nFrom the name of your layer, I guess that you should set your layer to be in EPSG:32632 (UTM zone 32N, for Rheinland-Pfalz). ", "If you have a .prj-File included with your shapefile, the layer CRS should be set automatically.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0009462562738917768, 0.0008014021441340446, 0.0006205799290910363, 0.0006987396045587957, 0.0007957352208904922, 0.0006552574923262, 0.0014548669569194317, 0.000608258240390569, 0.0006056770216673613, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Testing WHAM-FTOX with laboratory toxicity data for mixtures of metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Ag, Pb).", "\nThe Windermere humic aqueous model using the toxicity function (WHAM-FTOX ) describes cation toxicity to aquatic organisms in terms of 1) accumulation by the organism of metabolically active protons and metals at reversible binding sites, and 2) differing toxic potencies of the bound cations. ", "Cation accumulation (νi , in mol g(-1) ) is estimated through calculations with the WHAM chemical speciation model by assuming that organism binding sites can be represented by those of humic acid. ", "Toxicity coefficients (αi ) are combined with νi to obtain the variable FTOX (= Σ αi νi ) which, between lower and upper thresholds (FTOX,LT , FTOX,UT ), is linearly related to toxic effect. ", "Values of αi , FTOX,LT , and FTOX,LT are obtained by fitting toxicity data. ", "Reasonable fits (72% of variance in toxic effect explained overall) were obtained for 4 large metal mixture acute toxicity experiments involving daphnids (Cu, Zn, Cd), lettuce (Cu, Zn, Ag), and trout (Zn, Cd, Pb). ", "Strong nonadditive effects, most apparent in results for tests involving Cd, could be explained approximately by purely chemical competition for metal accumulation. ", "Tentative interpretation of parameter values obtained from these and other experimental data suggests the following order of bound cation toxicity: H < Al < (Cu Zn Pb UO2 ) < (Cd Ag). ", "Another trend is a strong increase in Cd toxicity relative to that of Zn as organism complexity increases (from bacteria to fish)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005789781571365893, 0.0006868882337585092, 0.0006521200994029641, 0.0006647601840086281, 0.0006066339556127787, 0.0009028521599248052, 0.0005735463928431273, 0.0006033765967004001, 0.0006081524188630283 ]
[ "About Culross Palace\n\nGet a sense of what it would have been like to live in Culross Palace in its prime, with original painted woodwork and beautifully restored 17th- and 18th-century interiors. ", "The Palace allows you to enjoy your tour at your own pace.", "\n\nWe love Outlander! ", "The streets of Culross have appeared many times in this hit TV series. ", "Follow in the footsteps of Jamie and Claire.", "\n\nWander along charming, peaceful streets which were once full of the hustle and bustle of a thriving 17th-century port on the River Forth.", "\n\nMore History and Culture in Fife\n\nAberdour Castle and Gardens ,\nAberdour KY3 0SL\n\nGet up close to what is possibly Scotland’s oldest standing castle. ", "Aberdour Castle was built in the 1100s and went on to serve generations of three noble families – including a Regent of ScotlandRead more\n\nAdvertise With Us\n\nAbout What's On Fife\n\nWe pride ourselves on keeping you up to date on events in Fife taking place throughout the year. ", "From the latest theatre events and live music performances to local activities and fantastic attractions, we keep you up to date daily!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007216703379526734, 0.0008057000814005733, 0.0007766973576508462, 0.0009253434836864471, 0.0006648124544881284, 0.0008815167238935828, 0.0007273014634847641, 0.0006373662035912275, 0.0005509373731911182 ]
[ "AMEL 300-3\n\nAMEL 300-3 an Algeria design of drone operating since October 2016.", "\nIt is manufactured by the Center Industrial research and Technology (Algeria) Balhrach (CRTI) and is composed of fiberglass and carbon for durability and low weight. ", "It can not be detected by radar reconnaissance.", "\nThe UAV contains an electric motor and two surveillance cameras and provides live images.", "\n\nSee also\n Amel (UAV)\n AMEL 400-1\n AMEL 700-2\n Al Fajer L-10\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Unmanned aerial vehicles of Algeria" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.000625448941718787, 0.0005992890801280737, 0.0006166499806568027, 0.000649410649202764, 0.0005859187222085893 ]
[ "A filamentous form of Drosophila casein kinase II.", "\nThe self-aggregation behavior of casein kinase II from Drosophila melanogaster has been analyzed by velocity sedimentation and electron microscopy. ", "The results indicate that self-aggregation involves the formation of linear polymers or filaments approximately 10 nm in diameter. ", "In the presence of 1 mM EDTA filament length was inversely proportional to total ionic strength over a range from 0.05 to 0.28, and filaments as long as 0.5 micron were observed at the lower ionic strengths. ", "Similar results were obtained in the presence of 10 mM MgCl2, but two additional ionic strength-dependent phenomena were superimposed. ", "First, at subphysiological ionic strength side-to-side aggregation of filaments occurred which resulted in enzyme precipitation. ", "Second, at physiological ionic strength a time- and temperature-dependent increase in filament length occurred which generated polymers up to 5 micron long. ", "No side-to-side aggregation occurred under the latter conditions. ", "Filamentous forms of the kinase could be readily reconverted to the standard alpha 2 beta 2 tetramer by the addition of high salt. ", "Filamentous casein kinase II was observed over a pH range from 6.8 to 8.0, at enzyme concentrations ranging from 6 to 150 micrograms/ml, in the presence of ATP, and at MgCl2 concentrations from 1 to 10 mM. However, time-dependent growth of long filaments was not observed at Mg2+ concentrations below 10 mM. The conditions under which filaments are observed in vitro suggest that they may also exist in vivo. ", "The possibility that filament formation plays a role in the regulation of casein kinase II activity is discussed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0009562711347825825, 0.0007174548809416592, 0.0005815468612127006, 0.0007464538794010878, 0.0006047454080544412, 0.0005711744306609035, 0.0006112835253588855, 0.0005901214899495244, 0.000707253348082304, 0.0006110365502536297, 0.0006155563751235604 ]
[ "Management and maternal outcome in morbidly adherent placenta.", "\nMorbidly adherent placenta (MAP) with its variants is one of the most feared complications causing high morbidity and mortality in obstetrics. ", "The objective of this study was to analyse different management options and maternal outcome in diagnosed cases of morbidly adherent placenta. ", "Descriptive case series was carried out in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi and one private hospital from Jan 2008 to Dec 2010. ", "During this period all cases of morbidly adherent placenta diagnosed by colour flow Doppler and MRI were analysed. ", "Operative delivery was carried out in all patients. ", "Three different surgical managements namely total abdominal hysterectomy with non separation of placenta, subtotal hysterectomy and trial haemostasis with uterine sparing surgery were carried out on when and where required basis. ", "The outcome like total blood loss, blood transfused, Intensive unit care, postnatal complications including febrile morbidity, hospital stay and prolonged follow ups, were recorded. ", "Total 32 cases of morbidly adherent placenta diagnosed by colour Doppler ultrasound/MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) were identified. ", "In this study the frequency of morbidly adherent placenta found to be 1/274.8 deliveries and 1/122.6 caesarean sections. ", "Initially total caesarean hysterectomy was performed in 16 patients, while subtotal hysterectomy in 9 and Trial haemostasis with uterine sparing in 7 cases out of which two cases underwent total hysterectomy due to massive postpartum haemorrhage same day. ", "One case in subtotal hysterectomy for placenta percreta with bladder invasion had re-laparotomy for bladder fistula, while two for severe postpartum haemorrhage. ", "Two needed ventilator support. ", "Maternal morbidity was greater in subtotal hysterectomy and uterine sparing group. ", "One patient died in this study. ", "Antenatal diagnosis of morbidly adherent placenta followed by well-planned total abdominal hysterectomy with non-separation of placenta adapting multidisciplinary approach is the best surgical option to reduce maternal morbidity/mortality." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.000936497759539634, 0.01313252653926611, 0.0008123252191580832, 0.0006657312042079866, 0.0008992698858492076, 0.000584011955652386, 0.0011480029206722975, 0.006055076606571674, 0.0009206727845594287, 0.0010785865597426891, 0.003258033422753215, 0.005862650461494923, 0.003456480335444212, 0.004512773361057043, 0.0007752399542368948, 0.0014813655288890004 ]
[ "/* Security.vcl breach2vcl config VCL\n * Copyright (C) 2009 Kacper Wysocki\n * \n * the rules enabled here are auto-generated by ../tools/all2vcl.pl\n */\n\ninclude \"/etc/varnish/security/breach/20_protocol_violations.vcl\";\ninclude \"/etc/varnish/security/breach/21_protocol_anomalies.vcl\";\ninclude \"/etc/varnish/security/breach/23_request_limits.vcl\";\ninclude \"/etc/varnish/security/breach/30_http_policy.vcl\";\ninclude \"/etc/varnish/security/breach/35_bad_robots.vcl\";\ninclude \"/etc/varnish/security/breach/40_generic_attacks.vcl\";\ninclude \"/etc/varnish/security/breach/45_trojans.vcl\";\ninclude \"/etc/varnish/security/breach/50_outbound.vcl\";\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0012334072962403297 ]
[ "Q:\n\nTransforming JSON to nested ruby hash\n\nI have a JSON block that I want to convert to a ruby hash.", "\njson_blob = {\"WHATEVER\"=>{\"FOO\"=>\"BAR\", \"CAT\"=>\"DAY}}\nso that when I am using the data, I can check whether the data is there. ", " Example:\nhashed_json_blob[:whatever][:foo] returns \"bar\"\nand also, I could handle values that don't exist either (they were omitted in the json_blob).", "\nhashed_json_blob[:whatever][:nonexistant] returns nil\nNote: if there is an easier way with the data as XML, that can work to. ", " The json_blob was pulled using JSON.parse \n\nA:\n\nyour json_blob object is already a hash (minus one missing quote at the end of \"DAY\"):\njson_blob = {\"WHATEVER\"=>{\"FOO\"=>\"BAR\", \"CAT\"=>\"DAY\"}}\n\nwith this you can do:\njson_blob[\"WHATEVER\"]\n=> {\"FOO\"=>\"BAR\", \"CAT\"=>\"DAY\"}\n\njson_blob[\"WHATEVER\"][\"FOO\"]\n=> \"BAR\"\n\nThe same data as a json object would look like this: \n{\"WHATEVER\":{\"FOO\":\"BAR\",\"CAT\":\"DAY\"}}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0022137940395623446, 0.0006783139542676508, 0.0006918618455529213, 0.0006262768292799592, 0.0015946985222399235 ]
[ "A 25-year-old man who allegedly planned to blow up a Confederate statue in Houston, Texas has been arrested, authorities said on Monday, as debate raged in the United States over what to do with the nation’s Civil War-era symbols.", "\n\nHouston authorities said they arrested Andrew Schneck, who at the time was toting highly volatile chemical compounds used in bomb-making on Saturday, near the statue of a Confederate soldier.", "\n\nA judge ordered him held in custody pending a court hearing, which has been set for on Thursday." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.008824953809380531, 0.0008610565564595163, 0.0011438117362558842 ]
[ "Dosimetric effects of the prone and supine positions on image guided localized prostate cancer radiotherapy.", "\nTo compare target coverage and doses to rectum and bladder in IMRT of localized prostate cancer in the supine versus prone position, with the inclusion of image guidance. ", "Twenty patients with early stage localized prostate carcinoma who received external beam radiotherapy in the supine and prone positions underwent approximately 10 serial CT examinations in their respective treatment position in non-consecutive days, except for one patient who was treated prone but serially imaged supine. ", "The prostate, bladder and rectum were contoured on all CT scans. ", "A PTV was generated on the first scan of each patient's CT series by expanding the prostate with a 5mm margin and an IMRT plan was created. ", "The resultant IMRT plan was then applied to that patient's remaining serial CT scans by aligning the initial CT image set with the subsequent serial CT image sets using (1) skin marks, (2) bony anatomy and (3) center of mass of the prostate. ", "The dosimetric results from these three alignments were compared between the supine and prone groups. ", "To account for the uncertainties associated with prostate delineation and intra-fractional geometric changes, a fictional \"daily PTV\" was generated by expanding the prostate with a 3mm margin on each serial CT scan. ", "Thus, a more realistic target coverage index, V95, was quantified as the fraction of the daily PTV receiving at least 95% of the prescription dose. ", "Dose-volume measures of the organs at risk were also compared. ", "The fraction of the daily PTV contained by the initial PTV after each alignment method was quantified on each patient's serial CT scan, and is defined as PTV overlap index. ", "As expected, alignment based on skin marks yielded unacceptable dose coverage for both groups of patients. ", "Under bony alignment, the target coverage index, V95, was 97.3% and 93.6% for prone and supine patients (p<0.0001), respectively. ", "The mean PTV overlap indices were 90.7% and 84.7% for prone and supine patients (p<0.0002), respectively. ", "In the supine position 36% of cases showed a V95<95% after bony alignment, while only 12.5% of prone patients with V95<95% following bony alignment. ", "Under soft-tissue alignment matching the center of mass of the prostate, the mean V95 was 99.3% and 98.6% (p<0.03) and the PTV overlap index was 97.7% and 94.8% (p<0.0002) for prone and supine groups, respectively. ", "Soft-tissue alignment combined with 5mm planning margins is appropriate in minimizing treatment planning and delivery uncertainties in both the supine and prone positions. ", "Alignment based on bony structures showed improved results over the use of skin marks for both supine and prone setups. ", "Under bony alignment, the dose coverage and PTV overlap index for prone setup were statistically better than for supine setup, illustrating a more consistent geometric relationship between the prostate and the pelvic bony structures when patients were treated in the prone position." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0010070133721455932, 0.00437512481585145, 0.0012804686557501554, 0.1049269437789917, 0.000729900726582855, 0.0008616975392214954, 0.0006909160292707384, 0.0010819167364388704, 0.000621412938926369, 0.0007099622744135559, 0.0006435414543375373, 0.0005478888051584363, 0.0006545272190123796, 0.0006613440345972776, 0.0008825890254229307, 0.0010135091142728925, 0.0006122234044596553, 0.0006369702168740332, 0.0006788859609514475 ]
[ "Why Kanye West named his new album, 808s & Heartbreak, after a drum machine.", "\n\nWhat's an 808?", "\n\nA drum machine's journey from obscurity to ubiquity.", "\n\nClick here to read a review of Kanye West's new album, 808s and Heartbreak.", "\n\nKanye West\n\nThe title of Kanye West's stark new album, 808s & Heartbreak, doesn't mark the rapper's foray into numerology. ", "The title refers to the Roland TR-808, a drum machine whose indelible thump has bullied its way into nearly every chapter of hip-hop history.", "\n\nIf you've stopped at a nightclub or a traffic light in the past 20 years, you know the 808. ", "Its unmistakable kick drum comes pummeling out of club speakers and car stereos with a distinct, low-frequency boom that rattles the kidneys as much as the eardrums. ", "After a 28-year journey through the subterranea of electro, techno, and regional hip-hop, the 808 has achieved an influential presence in today's popscape—almost by accident.", "\n\nThe TR-808 was never intended for life in the spotlight or even a place on professional recordings. ", "Roland introduced the machine in 1980 as a behind-the-scenes tool for rock musicians who wanted to record inexpensive demos when a living, breathing drummer wasn't on hand. ", "Users could create a beat by tap-tap-tapping on the machine's trigger pads or by programming their own sequenced drum patterns.", "\n\nThe 808 was easy to use, but the percussive sounds that came spurting out of the machine felt artificial and bizarre. ", "The snare drum was a harsh slap. ", "The high-hat was a synthetic swoosh. ", "The kick drum was a blunt, unforgiving thud that didn't come close to resembling the sound of an actual drum. ", "Unlike competing models that used digital sampling to replicate the timbre of acoustic drums, the 808 was unconcerned with approximating real life, instead offering an otherworldly vocabulary of tones that most pop musicians deemed unusable.", "\n\nAs a result, the 808 was a commercial flop. ", "Its main rival, the Linn LM-1, was the first drum machine to utilize digital sampling, offering a sound so crisp that session drummers began fretting over their imminent obsolescence. ", "And perhaps with good reason—the machine soon began showing up on pop tunes. ", "It was the ideal beat machine for a sexy young control freak like Prince, who first used the LM-1 on his 1981 album Controversy.", "\n\nBut the LM-1 wasn't cheap—it retailed for about $5,000. ", "The 808, by contrast, sold for just $1,000, putting it within reach of an emerging DJ from the South Bronx who was planning a trip to deep space on a limited budget. ", "His name was Afrika Bambaataa, and his 1982 masterstroke \"Planet Rock\" is widely believed to be the first hip-hop single to utilize the 808.", "\n\nThe song would become hip-hop's sonic Magna Carta. ", "Bambaataa pushed the 808's resonant kicks to the fore and put a premium on the speaker-rattling bass frequencies that would eventually become a fixture in all strands of hip-hop.", "\n\nSoon enough, the 808 could be heard rumbling beneath the raps of Run-DMC, LL Cool J, and the Beastie Boys. ", "The drum machine even appeared on a couple of mainstream pop hits, including Marvin Gaye's \"Sexual Healing\" and Phil Collins' \"One More Night.\" ", "But most pop acts continued to ignore it. ", "Linn extended its dominance with the LinnDrum, the successor to the M-1, while Oberheim's DMX, a model that also used digital sampling, surged in popularity with Madonna's \"Holiday\" and Herbie Hancock's \"Rockit.\" ", "New Order's \"Blue Monday\" shows how the DMX's kick offered a satisfying punch.", "\n\n808s started collecting dust. ", "Roland took it out of production in 1984, banishing the 808 to pawn shop purgatory. ", "Though hip-hop would continue to rely on the machine for beats throughout the '80s, its influence was otherwise limited to the regional fringes of pop music.", "\n\nIn 1983, a young Detroit producer named Juan Atkins recorded the visionary jam \"Clear\" with his group Cybotron, a tune that would lodge the 808 in the spine of Detroit techno and make it a tool of the trade for fellow techno pioneers Kevin Saunderson and Derrick May.\n\nMeanwhile, producers in South Florida got their hands on the 808 just in time for hip-hop's puberty, creating the über-lewd, über-loud woofer-spasms of Miami bass. ", "The 808 kick became an essential component of MC A.D.E.'s \"Bass Rock Express\" and 2 Live Crew's 1986 anthem \"Throw the D,\" whose kicks take on an almost surreal, subsonic quality.", "\n\nThis was music designed for club systems and car speakers, where underground hip-hop would flourish across the South during the 1990s. ", "Even on subpar car systems, the 808's unmistakable boom could be heard blocks away, making it a remarkably effective publicist.", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nThroughout the late '80s and deep into the '90s, New York maintained its hold as hip-hop's power center. ", "Numerous producers fell under the spell of sampling and swarmed around the E-mu SP-1200, a machine capable of both processing samples and programming beats. ", "But down South, the 808 maintained a foothold. \"", "All the rap records we grew up on back in the day was all 808 kits,\" crunk architect Lil Jon toldRemix magazine in 2005. \"", "In the South, we ain't never really let that shit go.\"", "\n\nThe 21st century found Southern rap moving from the margins to the mainstream, and the 808 began to enjoy new pop cachet. ", "It figured prominently in the beat (and sometimes even in the lyrics) of OutKast's 2003 chart-topper \"The Way You Move,\" Beyoncé's \"Deja Vu,\" numerous riotous crunk singles, and regional hits like \"Tell Me When To Go\" by Oakland rapper E-40.", "\n\nAll of a sudden, the 808 sound was in demand. ", "Various so-called clone units have tried to replicate the 808's circuitry at a cheaper price, while sample libraries have proliferated on the Web, putting the 808 sound in the hands of home-studio producers and bedroom beatsmiths the world over. (", "Most producers will tell you, however, that the 808's superpowers are compromised unless taken directly from the source.)", "\n\nToday the 808 stands as hip-hop's answer to rock's Stratocaster—an iconic instrument that's changed the way we hear music. ", "And while no one's burned one to a crisp onstage, its praises have been sung in the lyrics of Lil Wayne, Kelis, T.I.—even Britney Spears. (\"", "You got my heart beating like an 808,\" she cooed on 2007's \"Break the Ice.\")", "\n\nWest, however, pays more than just lip service to his beat box of choice—his new album is full of thick, resonant 808 brawn. ", "In a recent MTV interview, one of the album's producers, Mike Dean, said West wanted to move away from \"typical hip-hop beats\"—as if employing hip-hop's most venerated rhythm machine were some kind of risk.", "\n\nThen again, despite the role the machine has played throughout hip-hop history, the 808 has never lost its outsider's mystique. ", "And West, to his credit, manages to make the machine's artificial throb sound both alien and pedestrian all at once. ", "The chorus is particularly striking, not for West's gooey, auto-tuned refrain, but for the sound of two hands (presumably Kanye's) clapping slightly out of sync with 808 tremors below. ", "Somehow, it's the clapping hands that feel unnatural, not the track's familiar electronic pulse. ", "Having adopted the 808's heartbeat as our own, it's hard to tell what sounds fake and what sounds real.", "\n\nChris Richards is a writer living in Brooklyn. ", "His work appears regularly in the Washington Post.", "\n\nMarch 3 2015 1:39 PMThe “Most Pleasurable Portrayal of Libertarianism“ Bonus SegmentDavid, Emily, and John discuss what Parks and Recreation got right about government.", "Emily Bazelon, David Plotz, and John Dickerson" ]
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[ "Breastfeeding Rates and Programs in Europe: A Survey of 11 National Breastfeeding Committees and Representatives.", "\nAmong the world's regions, the WHO European Region has the lowest rates of exclusive breastfeeding at the age of 6 months with approximately 25%. ", "Low rates and early cessation of breastfeeding have important adverse health consequences for women, infants, and young children. ", "Protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding are a public health priority. ", "National breastfeeding data and monitoring systems among selected European countries and the WHO European Region are compared. ", "Mechanisms for the support, protection, and promotion of breastfeeding are reviewed and successes and challenges in implementation of national programs are presented. ", "National representatives of national breastfeeding committees and initiatives in 11 European countries, including Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, participated in a standardized survey. ", "Results are evaluated and compared in a narrative review. ", "Variation exists in Europe on breastfeeding rates; methodology for data collection; and mechanisms for support, protection, and promotion of breastfeeding. ", "Directly after birth, between 56% and 98% of infants in all countries were reported to receive any human milk, and at 6 months 38% to 71% and 13% to 39% of infants to be breastfed or exclusively breastfed, respectively. ", "National plans addressing breastfeeding promotion, protection, and support exist in 6 of the 11 countries. ", "National governments should commit to evidence-based breastfeeding monitoring and promotion activities, including financial and political support, to improve breastfeeding rates in the Europe. ", "Renewed efforts for collaboration between countries in Europe, including a sustainable platform for information exchange, are needed." ]
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[ "Hope of Deliverance\n\n\"Hope of Deliverance\" is a Rock/Latin song by Paul McCartney featured on his 1993 album Off the Ground. ", "It reached number 18 on the UK Singles Chart and became a top-five hit in Austria, Canada, Germany, Italy, Norway and Switzerland.", "\n\nRecording\nThe song was recorded during sessions for \"Off the Ground\". ", "The overdub session has been told in detail by Italian percussionist Maurizio Ravalico in the book Paul McCartney: Recording Sessions (1969–2013). ", "It took place on July 17, 1992.", "\n\nChart performance\n\"Hope of Deliverance\" became a hit in McCartney's native UK, reaching number 18. ", "It did not fare well on the US Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number 83, but it did better on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart, reaching number nine, and in Canada, where it reached number five. ", "It also did very well in Germany, peaking at number three. ", "Remix versions were released on 15 January 1993, and picked up massive airplay in clubs. ", "The song went on to become the 11th biggest worldwide hit of 1993.", "\n\nMusic video\n\nThe official music video for the song was directed by Andy Morahan.", "\n\nLive performances\nThe song was featured in the set list of 1993's The New World Tour. ", "It was in hiatus until McCartney performed it again in Bogotá, Colombia on 19 April 2012 during his On the Run Tour—the first time performing a song from Off the Ground with his 2012 lineup. ", "During the Out There Tour, McCartney performed \"Hope of Deliverance\" with all musicians in his band playing guitar, including the tour opener in Belo Horizonte.", "\n\nTrack listings\n7″ single\n\"Hope of Deliverance\" – 3:20\n\"Long Leather Coat\" (P. McCartney/L. McCartney) – 3:33\n\nAudio cassette\n\"Hope of Deliverance\" – 3:20\n\"Long Leather Coat\" (P. McCartney/L. McCartney) – 3:33\n\nCD maxi\n\"Hope of Deliverance\" – 3:20\n\"Big Boys Bickering\" – 3:19\n\"Long Leather Coat\" (P. McCartney/L. McCartney) – 3:33\n\"Kicked Around No More\" – 5:25\n\nPersonnel\nPaul McCartney: bass, guitar and vocals\nLinda McCartney: autoharp and backing vocals\nHamish Stuart: backing vocals\nRobbie McIntosh: guitar\nBlair Cunningham: backing vocals and percussion\nPaul \"Wix\" Wickens: piano, LinnDrum, drum programming, percussion and backing vocals\nDavid Giovannini: percussion\nDave Pattman: percussion\nMaurizio Ravalico: percussion\n\nCharts and certifications\n\nWeekly charts\n\nYear-end charts\n\nCertifications\n\nReferences\n\n \n\nCategory:1992 songs\nCategory:1993 singles\nCategory:Capitol Records singles\nCategory:Paul McCartney songs\nCategory:Music published by MPL Music Publishing\nCategory:Music videos directed by Andy Morahan\nCategory:Parlophone singles\nCategory:Song recordings produced by Paul McCartney\nCategory:Song recordings produced by Julian Mendelsohn\nCategory:Songs written by Paul McCartney" ]
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[ 0.000851731572765857, 0.0009341376135125756, 0.0005602104938589036, 0.0005610673106275499, 0.0006109657697379589, 0.0006893642130307853, 0.0008566300384700298, 0.0006588544347323477, 0.0006396551616489887, 0.0011493247002363205, 0.0007461157510988414, 0.0006566850352101028, 0.0005907827871851623, 0.000593924371059984, 0.0006571781123057008 ]
[ "Путин призвал бороться с коррупцией изъятием имущества\n\nПо его словам, в прошлом году из 15,5 млрд рублей, подлежащих взысканию с коррупционеров, удалось вернуть только 588 млн рублей\n\nПрезидент России Владимир Путин Фото: ТАСС, Михаил Метцель\n\nМосква. ", "26 января. ", "INTERFAX.RU - Президент РФ Владимир Путин высказался за более активное использование механизма изъятия незаконно нажитого имущества, а также борьбу с дачей взяток российским чиновникам за пределами РФ.", "\n\n\"Нужно совершенствовать такой антикоррупционный механизм, как изъятие и обращение в доход государства имущества, которое приобретено на незаконные или сомнительные деньги, в том числе с учетом международно-правовых норм\", - сказал он на заседании президентского Совета по противодействию коррупции.", "\n\n\"Следует возвращать активы, нелегально или незаконно выведенные в другие юрисдикции\", - подчеркнул глава государства.", "\n\nОн отметил также важность вопроса компенсации ущерба, нанесенного коррупционерами. \"", "По статистике из 15,5 миллиарда рублей, подлежащих взысканию по делам о коррупции, в прошлом году удалось вернуть только 588 миллионов рублей. ", "Согласитесь, это достаточно скромная сумма\", - сказал президент.", "\n\nПо его словам, необходимо \"пресекать попытки дачи взяток от имени коммерческих структур российским и иностранным чиновникам, которые предпринимаются на территории иностранных государств\".", "\n\nПутин отметил, что соответствующие поправки уже внесены на рассмотрение Госдумы.", "\n\nУспехи в борьбе с коррупцией\n\nПрезидент отметил, что антикоррупционное законодательство России отвечает мировым стандартам и с его помощью в прошлом году за коррупционные преступления осуждено более 8800 чиновников.", "\n\n\"Принято немало антикоррупционных мер, внедрены механизмы, которые помогают выявить коррупционные схемы на любом уровне\", - сказал.", "\n\nПо его словам, только за девять месяцев 2015 года по уголовным делам о коррупции осуждено свыше 8800 человек, почти 11 тыс. ", "должностных лиц привлечены к дисциплинарной ответственности за нарушение антикоррупционных стандартов.", "\n\nПутин подчеркнул, что важно двигаться дальше в этом направлении, и напомнил, что на это направлен указ, подписанный в конце прошлого года. ", "Он установил механизм раскрытия информации о личной заинтересованности служащего и привлечения к ответственности нарушителей вплоть до увольнения в связи с утратой доверия." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do websites change content without refreshing the whole page?", "\n\nFor instance, on most blogs you can click on an article and it will take you to the article without refreshing the banner at the top or the navigation bar. ", " I always thought that this was done with javascript, but I found that these websites still work even when I disable javascript.", "\nSimilar questions were asked here and here and the answers are all about javascript. ", " But how are websites (Wordpress, for example) doing this when I have javascript disabled?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn some cases this behavior is just the browser caching the layout of the website.", "\nIf everything remains the same on the next page except for one article, it will seem to the eye as if only this article is refreshed. ", "This is because it takes milliseconds to load the images from your harddrive while it takes seconds to load an image from the web. ", "This is why you don't see them loading again, while they actually are. ", "It just goes too fast.", "\nTo figure it out if this is it, you could clear your temporary internet files and click on another link again you should see that the website actually completely loads again.", "\nAs others have said, iframes can be the cause too but I don't think they are used very often anymore. ", "They aren't used on the wordpress.com website anyway. (", "View Source > Find iframe)\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0008493168861605227, 0.0005600863369181752, 0.0006662322557531297, 0.0006086293724365532, 0.0008146620239131153, 0.0007635672809556127, 0.0005561856087297201, 0.001187935471534729, 0.000720353564247489, 0.0009527815855108202, 0.0007692251238040626, 0.0006325431168079376, 0.0006237014895305037, 0.0007715923711657524 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNot able to get random post\n\nI want to display a single random post out of the 5 latest posts in the category 'news'.", "\nThe approach I'm using is this:\n // Custom function to retrieve catgory ID by category name.", "\n $cat = $lib->getCatIDbyCatName('news');\n // Retrieve the 5 latest posts\n $news = get_posts( array( 'numberposts' => 5,'category_name' => $cat ) );\n\n foreach($news as $post) : setup_postdata($post); \n echo the_title(); \n echo the_intro(); // <- Custom function to retrieve custom field\n endforeach;\n\nThe above code works and I'm dispalying the title and the custom value of all 5 posts. ", "Now I only want one random post out of these 5 posts. ", "So I do this:\n // Get a single random post from fetched posts\n $single_news = $news[rand(0, 4)];\n\n foreach($single_news as $post) : setup_postdata($post); \n echo the_title(); \n echo the_intro(); // <- Custom function to retrieve custom field\n endforeach;\n\nThis however, is not working.", "\nDoes anyone have any ideas of what I can do? ", "OR maybe a better solution?", "\n\nA:\n\n// Get a single random post from fetched posts \n $post = $news[rand(0, 4)]; \n setup_postdata($post); \n echo the_title(); \n echo the_intro(); // <- Custom function to retrieve custom field\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006171647692099214, 0.0007398203015327454, 0.0006909404182806611, 0.0007297456031665206, 0.0008766271639615297, 0.0006868054042570293, 0.0007001460180617869, 0.0007477956241928041 ]
[ "Permanent hypoparathyroidism following radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism.", "\nPersistent hypoparathyroidism following 131I treatment is a rare but recognized complication. ", "A case is presented, where a relatively small dose of 131I produced persistent hypocalcaemia." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Sipping from the firehose\n\n...trying to keep up with Microsoft technologies...\n\nThursday, February 03, 2011\n\nIn an open letter to the .NET community, RedGate announces Reflector is going commercial. ", "Worse yet, the current version is set to expire after the 1st quarter of this year! ", "I had reservations about the original takeover by RedGate - looks like it was right to be concerned.", "\n\nIt would be ideal if they would make a Community or Express version, with/without ads, with/without restrictions on business use. ", "At the very least, they should make an old version perpetually free, as some other vendors have done.", "\n\nIf something useful but somewhat niche goes commercial, can MySql be far behind? ", "Is Oracle any less profit-driven than RedGate?", "\n\nThursday, March 05, 2009\n\nThere is a commonly expressed idea (a recent example here) that can be summed up as “you are not your code”. ", "In short, if someone tells you “this is bad code”, you should rejoice, because it’s an opportunity for improvement.", "\n\nWhen expressed, everyone rushes to agree with this sentiment. ", "And so do I. It is very difficult to improve if you cannot listen to criticism and make changes based on it.", "\n\nBut there is a another side to this that is rarely expressed. ", "When someone delivers this message, you are actually the person who wrote the code. ", "You are not the code, but you are a person who wrote bad code.", "\n\nWhen you receive this message, it should be not only a time for rejoicing in the learning opportunity, it should also be a red flag. ", "You do not want to continue to be the person who writes bad code.", "\n\nConsider the situation where this message is delivered in a code review session. ", "The team is gathered, the code you wrote is being projected on the wall, and, well, it’s baaaaad. ", "People are snickering behind their hands or WTF-ing all over the place. ", "How many times do you want to hear “this is bad code”? ", "Put another way, how many times would it take before you would begin to be labeled as “the guy who writes bad code”?", "\n\nNo team wants that guy as a member for long, whether learning is taking place or not. ", "It’s a drag on everyone else’s attitude and on the team’s output – someone is going to have to write the good code to replace the mess you wrote (or take the time to supervise your rewrite).", "\n\nSo, go ahead and use constructive criticism to improve. ", "But don’t let yourself be in a position where you keep receiving such criticism.", "\n\nYou’ve got to learn, and not just from code reviews. ", "Take the initiative to get out of this penalty box. ", "Take some time to study the code of team members who don’t get criticized, because they write good code the first time. ", "Read a book, subscribe to some RSS feeds on coding, do some code katas. ", "Refactor, using some better or clearer techniques from the language.", "\n\nWednesday, August 20, 2008\n\nIn an interview with Lutz Roeder and James Moore entitled The Future of Reflector, we find out that development of Reflector is being taken over by Red Gate Software. ", "The promise is that Reflector will continue to be \"available for free downloading\". ", "Will source code still be available? ", "Not discussed in the brief transcript of the interview.", "\n\nIt will be interesting to see what happens to such a widely-used tool. ", "How will the community of add-in writers react? ", "Will there be a hue and cry from the Open Source community at large?" ]
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[ "This is a generated file for the l3build validation system.", "\nDon't change this file in any respect.", "\n============================================================\nNot trying to extensively check logic here, just evaluation of the main functions.", "\n============================================================\nNew font family\nTU/texgyreheros-regular.otf(0)/m/n:\n [texgyreheros-regular.otf]:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;\n============================================================\nSet font family\nTU/texgyrepagella-regular.otf(0)/m/n:\n [texgyrepagella-regular.otf]:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;\n============================================================\nRenew font family\nTU/texgyretermes-regular.otf(0)/m/n:\n [texgyretermes-regular.otf]:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;\n============================================================\nProvide font family\nTU/texgyretermes-regular.otf(0)/m/n:\n [texgyretermes-regular.otf]:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;\n============================================================\nNew font face\nTU/texgyreheros-italic.otf(0)/m/n:\n [texgyreheros-italic.otf]:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;\n============================================================\nSet font face\nTU/texgyrepagella-italic.otf(0)/m/n:\n [texgyrepagella-italic.otf]:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;\n============================================================\nRenew font face\nTU/texgyretermes-italic.otf(0)/m/n:\n [texgyretermes-italic.otf]:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;\n============================================================\nProvide font face\nTU/texgyretermes-italic.otf(0)/m/n:\n [texgyretermes-italic.otf]:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;\n***************\nCompilation 1 of test file completed with exit status 0\n" ]
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[ 0.0006692366441711783, 0.0007231529452838004, 0.001241319696418941, 0.03133675083518028 ]
[ "The effects of serotonin agonists and antagonists on the response properties of complex ganglion cells in the rabbit's retina.", "\nSelective agonists and antagonists were employed to determine the role of indoleaminergic amacrine cells in the generation of the light-evoked responses and spontaneous activity of direction and orientation selective cells. ", "Perfusion with 5-HT2 antagonists reduced the spontaneous activity and both the leading and trailing edge responses of ON/OFF direction selective cells. ", "5-HT1a agonists had a similar effect on this class of cell, namely, a reduction of light-evoked and spontaneous activity. ", "Results from ON-center and OFF-center orientation selective cells were consistent with those obtained from direction selective cells in that no disruption of direction or orientation selectivity was observed during perfusion of these drugs. ", "These data suggest that the indoleaminergic cells are not directly involved in the generation of the trigger features of complex ganglion cells, but may be facilitating synaptic transmission in the inner retina. ", "This function is discussed relative to the connectivity of the rod bipolar cells and the putative indoleaminergic amacrine cells. ", "The similarity of the effects of 5-HT1a agonists and 5-HT2 antagonists supports the hypothesis, developed during our prior studies of brisk ganglion cells, that these two receptor classes mediate antagonistic processes in the target neurons." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.002099374309182167, 0.001060597482137382, 0.0008188998908735812, 0.00088997941929847, 0.0006861459696665406, 0.0008388086571358144, 0.0008583978051319718, 0.0007211337797343731 ]
[ "Cardiovascular responses to chemoreflex activation with potassium cyanide or hypoxic hypoxia in awake rats.", "\nAlthough intravenous (iv) injection of potassium cyanide (KCN) activates the arterial chemoreflex, it has been questioned whether cytotoxic hypoxia reproduces a physiological stimulus such as hypoxic hypoxia (low inspired O2 tension). ", "Thus, the goal of the present study was to compare the cardiovascular responses elicited by intravenous injection of KCN to those caused by hypoxic hypoxia in awake rats before and after bilateral ligature of carotid body arteries. ", "We tested the hypothesis that hypoxic hypoxia activates the cardiovascular chemoreflex just as KCN does, causing an increase in arterial pressure and bradycardia. ", "Intact adult Wistar rats received an intravenous injection of KCN (160 microg/kg) and were exposed to hypoxic hypoxia (7-5% O2 breathing) for 10-15 s at random while mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were measured. ", "After the experiments, the animals were submitted to bilateral ligature of carotid body arteries or sham operation and the protocol was repeated on the subsequent day. ", "Before surgery, all rats showed an abrupt rise in arterial pressure accompanied by a marked bradycardia in response to KCN or hypoxic hypoxia, with a very similar pattern. ", "After surgery, these responses persisted only in the sham-operated group and were totally abolished in the ligature group. ", "In conclusion, our data show that KCN is an appropriate stimulus to activate arterial chemoreflex because its cardiovascular responses are comparable to those induced by hypoxic hypoxia. ", "Thus, the use of KCN as a tool to evaluate different aspects of the complex pattern of cardiovascular, respiratory, and behavioural responses to chemoreflex activation seems to be physiologically acceptable." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.009987987577915192, 0.0009392903302796185, 0.0008737243479117751, 0.0009300683159381151, 0.001265328610315919, 0.0007058735936880112, 0.0010602236725389957, 0.0006570895202457905, 0.0015767697477713227, 0.00054992112563923 ]
[ "Isolation and screening of phlD (+) plant growth promoting rhizobacteria antagonistic to Ralstonia solanacearum.", "\nTomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is important widely grown vegetable in India and its productivity is affected by bacterial wilt disease infection caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. ", "To prevent this disease infection a study was conducted to isolate and screen effective plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) antagonistic to R. solanacearum. ", "A total 297 antagonistic bacteria were isolated through dual culture inoculation technique, out of which forty-two antagonistic bacteria were found positive for phlD gene by PCR amplification using two primer sets Phl2a:Phl2b and B2BF:BPR4. ", "The genetic diversity of phlD (+) bacteria was studied by amplified 16S rDNA restriction analysis and demonstrated eleven groups at 65% similarity level. ", "Out of these 42 phlD (+) antagonistic isolates, twenty exhibited significantly fair plant growth promoting activities like phosphate solubilization (0.92-5.33%), 25 produced indole acetic acid (1.63-7.78 μg ml(-1)) and few strains show production of antifungal metabolites (HCN and siderophore). ", "The screening of PGPR (phlD (+)) for suppression of bacterial wilt disease in glass house conditions was showed ten isolated phlD (+) bacteria were able to suppress infection of bacterial wilt disease in tomato plant (var. ", "Arka vikas) in the presence R. solanacearum. ", "The PGPR (phlD (+)) isolates s188, s215 and s288 was observed to be effective plant growth promoter as it shows highest dry weight per plant (3.86, 3.85 and 3.69 g plant(-1) respectively). ", "The complete absence of wilt disease symptoms in tomato crop plants was observed by these treatments compared to negative control. ", "Therefore inoculation of tomato plant with phlD (+) isolate s188 and other similar biocontrol agents may prove to be a positive strategy for checking wilt disease and thus improving plant vigor." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007351198000833392, 0.0007932285661809146, 0.000805378018412739, 0.0006975506548769772, 0.0005618655122816563, 0.0007065586978569627, 0.0008162560989148915, 0.0006928327493369579, 0.0005665638018399477, 0.0006907010683789849, 0.0009165411465801299 ]
[ "// -*- mode: objective-c -*-\n\n@import Cocoa;\n\n@interface AppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>\n@end\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTrying to save a generated heatmap in Azure Storage\n\nI have a Heatmap that currently works on a stand alone sever that I am porting to Azure Storage. ", "How do I go about saving the butmap file in Azure Storage. ", "Originally I had a entry in my web.config file that pointed the image cache to a direct path on anther drive (IE ) Everything now will be in ~/map_cache folder in the Storage Account. ", "How can I mod this for storage locally in Azure.", "\nprotected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)\n{\n xxxxxxxdb = new xxxxxxx(ConfigurationManager.", "AppSettings[\"xxxxxxx\"]);\n\n string imageCachePath = Server.", "MapPath(\"/map_cache/HotSpots\");\n int fileExpirationTime = int.", "Parse(ConfigurationManager.", "AppSettings[\"HotspotImageExpirationTime\"]);\n Bitmap bitmap;\n\n string requestParam = Page.", "Request.", "Params[\"id\"];\n string bitmapFileName = Path.", "Combine(imageCachePath, requestParam + \".png\");\n if (File.", "Exists(bitmapFileName) && File.", "GetCreationTime(bitmapFileName) > DateTime.", "Now.", "AddHours(-fileExpirationTime))\n {\n bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.", "FromFile(bitmapFileName);\n }\n else\n {\n int zoomLevel = requestParam.", "Length;\n\n double tileX = 0;\n double tileY = 0;\n for (int index = 0; index < zoomLevel; index++)\n {\n int digit = int.", "Parse(requestParam[index].ToString());\n tileY += ((digit & 2) / 2) * Math.", "Pow(2, (zoomLevel - index - 1));\n tileX += (digit & 1) * Math.", "Pow(2, (zoomLevel - index - 1));\n }\n double pixelXMin = tileX * 256;\n double pixelYMin = tileY * 256;\n double pixelXMax = (tileX + 1) * 256 - 1;\n double pixelYMax = (tileY + 1) * 256 - 1;\n\n double longMin = ((pixelXMin * 360) / (256 * Math.", "Pow(2, zoomLevel))) - 180;\n double longMax = ((pixelXMax * 360) / (256 * Math.", "Pow(2, zoomLevel))) - 180;\n double latMin = Math.", "Asin((Math.", "Exp((0.5 - pixelYMin / 256 / Math.", "Pow(2, zoomLevel)) * 4 * Math.", "PI) - 1) /\n (Math.", "Exp((0.5 - pixelYMin / 256 / Math.", "Pow(2, zoomLevel)) * 4 * Math.", "PI) + 1)) * 180 /\n Math.", "PI;\n double latMax = Math.", "Asin((Math.", "Exp((0.5 - pixelYMax / 256 / Math.", "Pow(2, zoomLevel)) * 4 * Math.", "PI) - 1) /\n (Math.", "Exp((0.5 - pixelYMax / 256 / Math.", "Pow(2, zoomLevel)) * 4 * Math.", "PI) + 1)) * 180 /\n Math.", "PI;\n\n double pixelResolution = (Math.", "Cos(latMax * Math.", "PI / 180) * 2 * Math.", "PI * 6378137) / (256 * Math.", "Pow(2, zoomLevel));\n double pixelArea = Math.", "Pow(pixelResolution, 2);\n\n double maxHotspotDensity = Math.", "Max(120.0 / zoomLevel, 3.0) / pixelArea;\n\n bitmap = GenerateBlankBitmap();\n\n var accidents = from hs in db.cs_PT_VEGeoDatas\n where hs.", "Latitude <= latMin && hs.", "Latitude >= latMax\n && hs.", "Longitude >= longMin && hs.", "Longitude <= longMax\n select new { hs.", "Latitude, hs.", "Longitude };\n\n Dictionary<Point, HotSpot> hotSpots = new Dictionary<Point, HotSpot>();\n foreach (var accident in accidents)\n {\n int pixelX, pixelY;\n LatLongToPixelXY(accident.", "Latitude, accident.", "Longitude, zoomLevel, out pixelX, out pixelY);\n pixelX %= 256;\n pixelY %= 256;\n for (int ix = -doublePixelSize; ix <= doublePixelSize; ix++)\n {\n for (int iy = -doublePixelSize; iy <= doublePixelSize; iy++)\n {\n Point point;\n bool borderPoint = false;\n if (zoomLevel < doublePixelZoomLevel)\n {\n point = new Point(pixelX, pixelY);\n }\n else\n {\n if (pixelX + ix >= 0 && pixelX + ix <= 255 && pixelY + iy >= 0 && pixelY + iy <= 255)\n {\n point = new Point(pixelX + ix, pixelY + iy);\n borderPoint = (ix == -doublePixelSize) || (iy == -doublePixelSize) ||\n (ix == doublePixelSize) || (iy == doublePixelSize);\n }\n else\n {\n break;\n }\n }\n HotSpot hotSpot;\n if (hotSpots.", "ContainsKey(point))\n {\n hotSpot = hotSpots[point];\n hotSpot.borderPoint &= borderPoint;\n hotSpot.count += 1;\n }\n else\n {\n hotSpot = new HotSpot { borderPoint = borderPoint, count = 1 };\n hotSpots.", "Add(point, hotSpot);\n }\n if (zoomLevel < doublePixelZoomLevel)\n {\n break;\n }\n }\n if (zoomLevel < doublePixelZoomLevel)\n {\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n foreach (var hotspotPixel in hotSpots)\n {\n double hc = hotspotPixel.Value.count;\n double hcDensity = hc / pixelArea;\n\n Color color;\n if (!", "hotspotPixel.", "Value.borderPoint)\n {\n color = Color.", "FromArgb(255, 255,\n (int)\n Math.", "Max((maxHotspotDensity - hcDensity) / maxHotspotDensity * 255, 0.0),\n 0);\n }\n else\n {\n color = Color.", "Black;\n }\n bitmap.", "SetPixel(hotspotPixel.", "Key.", "X, hotspotPixel.", "Key.", "Y, color);\n }\n bitmap.", "Save(bitmapFileName);\n }\n\n WritePngToStream(bitmap, Response.", "OutputStream);\n}\n\nCurrently I get the following Error message\nA generic error occurred in GDI+.", "\n\nDescription: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. ", "Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.", "\nException Details: System.", "Runtime.", "InteropServices.", "ExternalException: A generic error occurred in GDI+.", "\nSource Error:\nAn unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. ", "Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.", "\nStack Trace:\n[ExternalException (0x80004005): A generic error occurred in GDI+.]", "\n System.", "Drawing.", "Image.", "Save(String filename, ImageCodecInfo encoder, EncoderParameters encoderParams) +772265\n HotSpotTileServer.", "Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\\Projects\\xxx\\xxx\\SpeedTrap\\HotSpotTileServer.aspx.cs:141\n System.", "Web.", "Util.", "CalliHelper.", "EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +25\n System.", "EventHandler.", "Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e) +0\n System.", "Web.", "UI.Control.", "LoadRecursive() +71\n System.", "Web.", "UI.Page.", "ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3048\nVersion Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1 \n\nA:\n\nThere are three things you can try:\n\nfor temporary files - that don't need to be shared across web servers (which is rare!) - ", "then you can use Local Storage - http://vkreynin.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/learning-azure-local-storage-with-me/\nfor a disk shared between web servers (but only one of these will have write access) you could use an Azure Drive - http://blog.maartenballiauw.be/post/2010/02/02/Using-Windows-Azure-Drive-(aka-X-Drive).aspx\nfor general flexible shared file storage, try using Azure Blob Storage - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jnak/archive/2008/10/29/walkthrough-simple-blob-storage-sample.aspx\n\nDefinitely the last of these is the one I'd recommend - it's fast, flexible and scalable.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Welcome to interLOST, the blog dedicated to everything related to the TV show LOST. ", "Here you’ll find news, episode previews and reviews, a few teasers, and a whole lot of passion for the best show on TV today!", "\n\nI have to admit, I’ve started and stopped writing this entry multiple times. ", "It’s extremely difficult to put into perspective just what this show has meant to me over the years, and it’s important to me to do justice to this type of summary. ", "In addition, my understanding, perceptions, and emotions have all changed numerous times since I first viewed the finale. ", "It’s almost as if I needed to give it more time to wash over me before I dove in. ", "But I feel like I have it where I want it, and am ready to share it with you now. ", "So here it is…the final entry of interLOST.", "\n\nWriters’ unwritten contract?", "\n\nAs I said in the opening, I’ve actually let the thoughts and ideas flow about 3 or 4 separate times before pushing out this post. ", "And to be fair, most of them were negative in nature. ", "In fact, immediately after the finale, I felt cheated on many levels. ", "Obviously, if I’ve spent many, many hours writing a blog trying to unearth the mysteries of the show, and trying to analyze each of the tiniest of clues, I’m going to feel a little bit of disappointment if the show failed to answer those questions in a straightforward fashion. ", "I think that’s natural. ", "Even after waking up the day after the show, I still felt somewhat robbed. ", "My disappointment actually turned to resentment. ", "How could they do this? ", "How could they leave so much unanswered? ", "Allow me to digress for just a moment, so I can help you understand my perspective.", "\n\nSome of you readers may disagree, but I think that writers have an unwritten contract with their audience. ", "I think that people choose to watch a show based upon the “rules” that the show operates under. ", "For example, if you like comedy but hate sci-fi, you’ll probably watch something like “How I Met Your Mother” or “Modern Family” as opposed to “Fringe” or “Caprica”. ", "But how would you feel as an audience member if “How I Met Your Mother” slowly morphed into a “CSI” or a “Law and Order” rip-off? ", "I imagine you’d feel betrayed. ", "You started watching a comedy, and it turned into a cop show or a courtroom drama. ", "You were hooked in by one thing, but then the show changed. ", "You’d probably jump ship and stop watching…but you’d have to be disappointed that you invested time in the show just to have it make a u-turn on you.", "\n\nThat may be an exaggerated scenario, but I think it gets my point across. ", "LOST always had to balance a fine line between the mythology/mystery, and character development. ", "And whether or not they succeeded, they always seemed to at least make the effort. ", "Character episodes like “I Do”, “Tricia Tanaka Is Dead” (which I loved, by the way), and “Some Like It Hoth” were balanced by mythology episodes like “Lockdown”, “Flashes Before Your Eyes”, and “Cabin Fever”. ", "Sometimes they even pulled off episodes with great mythology and great character development in the same episode, like what we got with “The Constant”.", "\n\nBut by dedicating half of Season 6 to the flash-sideways, they clearly made the decision to prioritize character development at the expense of the mythology, despite the fan reaction they had to know was on the horizon. ", "And really, the most bizarre part of that, is that any of the character development that happened in the flash-sideways is largely a throw-away. ", "Yes, they’re the same people, as we found out in the end. ", "But the only purpose of the flash-sideways is to get the characters to reach enlightment together, so that they can advance to the next realm. ", "Most of the experiences we saw in the flash-sideways leading up the finale are even less relevant than anything done during any character’s island time.", "\n\nDismissing the hard-core viewers?", "\n\nThat’s what makes the ending so puzzling. ", "Obviously, the show started as a character drama in Season 1. ", "But it clearly moved into a genre show as the years progressed. ", "In fact, it embraced it…even to the show’s diminishing ratings. ", "As the show shifted more and more to a science fiction bonanza (where time travel, possession, and teleportation were all in a day’s work), more and more viewers decided it wasn’t for them. ", "Viewership diminshed, but there was a hard-core fan base that stuck with the show through it all…and these were the folks that wanted some sort of payoff for the years they watched the show. ", "But then, when the show reached the ending, it’s almost as if the writers made a conscious decision NOT to cater to the fans that stuck with the show as it became straight-up sci-fi, but instead, to appeal to fans on the edge, or those that checked out long ago.", "\n\nWhen you think about the series as a whole, and try to make a critical assessment of it, it’s important to remember that the writers created these mysteries. ", "Major narrative thrusts and episode-to-episode cliffhangers centered around things like the numbers, the infertility issue, and Jacob’s cabin. ", "In some cases (like the blast door map, what the smoke monster is, and who the Others are) questions were answered well. ", "In others (like the first ones listed above), the attempt wasn’t even made.", "\n\nHere’s a way to look at it: do you think that LOST would have continued to have the ratings it had if the writers came right out from the beginning and said, “we’re not going to answer all of these questions, so prepare yourselves now. ", "We’ll answer a few, but don’t get too emotionally invested in any one specific mystery, because there’s a good chance we won’t get to it.” ", "In a very real way, that would be a slap in the face to a viewer that was considering investing 6 years in a show. ", "I’m sure many viewers would check out right then and there, for fear of that the question they wanted an answer to wouldn’t be resolved. ", "It seems to me that the same question should be asked now that the series is over. ", "What hammers that point home the most is when you think about someone who’s thinking about starting from the beginning, asking you about the mysteries of the show and whether or not they were answered. ", "What could you say? ", "I think trying to sell that person on the fact that the show isn’t really about that, but more about the journey, would be selling them a bill of goods.", "\n\nNailing what they set out to accomplish in the finale\n\nAll of that being said, I must have hated the finale, right? ", "Well, no, not exactly. ", "Actually, I think that the writers did a masterful job with what they wanted to accomplish. (", "I’ll get to that in just a minute.) ", "But the point I’m trying to get across is that I think the writers did a disservice to their most die-hard fans by not even trying to give resolution to some of the key plot points. ", "And what’s the most discouraging about it is that it seems to me that it could have been done with a single Jacob/MIB flashback episode. ", "Simply walking back through some of the critical moments of the show from the perspective of either Jacob or MIB could have brought resolution to things like the infertility issue or Jacob’s cabin, and they could have even squeezed in the outrigger shootout in the process. ", "It’s quite puzzling: the writers requested to shorten the series to 6 seasons because they felt as though they couldn’t keep “treading water”, but in the end, they failed to answer some of the questions they themselves posed to the audience. ", "It appears to the casual viewer that they ended the show too early, and/or they planned the narrative exit strategy very poorly. ", "Either of those thoughts is very discouraging.", "\n\nOn a positive note, despite not giving all of the answers they promised, the writers largely achieved what they set out to do in the finale: create a compelling sense of closure to the characters. ", "Three other shows I watch also had series finales this year: Heroes, 24, and FlashForward. ", "And each of them paled in comparison to the LOST finale in terms of scope and closure. ", "Heroes and FlashForward may have an excuse: the writers thought they were writing a season finale, not a series finale. ", "Typically, that’s the reason why series finales are so poor: half the time, the show is getting cancelled, and the writers didn’t have the opportunity to write an over-arching, compelling wrap-up to the storyline. ", "But this was not an excuse for 24, whose writers knew it was coming to a close. ", "And in reality, that show is a perfect example of a show that knew the end was coming, but still couldn’t wrap it up in a meaningful way. ", "The moral of that story is: even when you know the end is near, it’s still hard to wrap it up exactly the way you want. ", "But that’s where I think LOST hit a home run.", "\n\nYes, it was a season-long lead-up, and perhaps could have been achieved with a tighter narrative and less time devoted to it, but it was absolutely a clever and unique way to send all of these characters off with a happy ending, and not render the entire time on the island meaningless. (", "It still lessened the characters’ time on the island, but I’ll get to that in a bit.) ", "With any show, you want those final moments to be a time where the characters have resolution, and that there’s a sense of closure. ", "The way the writers dovetailed our desire for closure with the characters need for enlightment to advance to the next stage of the afterlife was incredibly brilliant. ", "I can’t imagine a better way to engage the audience than seeing each of the character’s remembrances of their times on the island, and having the viewers “move on” along with the characters. ", "In and of itself, it was a conceptual masterstroke for finale writing. ", "But because LOST is what it is, it’s hard to judge simply within the context of the finale itself. ", "You have to judge it in the way it fits in with the rest of the series. ", "And that’s where it again fals a bit short of expectations.", "\n\nIf it’s about the characters, how do you explain John Locke?", "\n\nI’ll get right to the point. ", "I was a big fan of the character of John Locke. ", "And while the show gave meaningful and fully satisfying character arcs to Jack and Ben, they really seemed to make Locke’s journey an ultimately bitter one, despite the finale’s last scenes. ", "He got to his spiritual enlightenment via Jack’s help, he got a heartfelt apology from Ben, and he got to advance to the next realm with all of his friends from the island. ", "But here’s what he didn’t get: redemption.", "\n\nLocke was a man that was deeply troubled in his off-island life. ", "He had a horrific relationship with his father, one in which he was pushed out of building 8 stories up, and was confined to a wheelchair. ", "Even later in life, that same father stole one of Locke’s kidneys in a terribly emotionally painful long con. ", "When Locke came to the island, it granted him a second lease on life. ", "He regained full mobility and could ditch the wheelchair. ", "He took advantage of the situation and attempted to be the person he never was during his off-island time. ", "And because this magical place granted him this 2nd chance, he invested his faith in it. ", "He wasn’t always 100% faithful; at times he failed in his beliefs. ", "But early on in the series, it was Locke’s faith and belief that the island was a special place that superceded everyone else’s, including the eventual savior of the remaining survivors.", "\n\nBut as it turns out, it was all a long con. ", "Locke put his faith in the island, but what he was really putting his faith in was the manipulations of the Smoke Monster. ", "The monster used Locke’s undying faith to create an opportunity to get to and kill Jacob. ", "In essence, Locke was simply a pawn…as MIB put it later in the series, when he was using Locke’s physical form: “Locke was a sucker.” ", "And that is the legacy of John Locke. ", "A man who provided so much inspiring, blind faith on a show that concluded with a huge leap of faith required by the audience about the afterlife, met with his demise alone (remember, each of his friends off-island rejected him before his death) and confused. ", "Every taunting comment that the Man in Black made about him, even as he stole his body, was left unchanged by the finale. ", "Even for those that believed that the journey of LOST was about the characters would have a tough time explaining how anyone who felt an association with Locke could feel content about his character arc.", "\n\nIn my mind, the one logical response is that in the flash-sideways, Locke got to move on to the next realm. ", "He got his apology from Ben, and he clearly forgave him. ", "But that doesn’t equate to redemption. ", "The only way that moment is meaningful, is if you take it at its face. ", "As in, “Locke found enlightenment and went to some version of heaven.” ", "But is that enough? ", "Sure, I suppose…if you concede the fact that nothing on the island was relevant. ", "Or at least, that the happenings on-island were less relevant than what happened afterwards. ", "But if you do that, doesn’t it make the first 5 seasons mostly meaningless? ", "Now, suddenly “the journey” doesn’t matter: only the end result. ", "Let me put it to you another way. ", "According to the nature of the afterlife we saw on the show, the only thing required for this arrangement to happen was that all of these people had to meet and become meaningful in each others’ lives. ", "It wouldn’t have mattered if it happened on an island, on a mountain, out at sea, or in Los Angeles. ", "If that’s the case…if that’s the message that LOST wants to tell us…then why should we have cared about the island in the first place? ", "The writers have stated on numerous occasions that the island is the character the fans forget about the most…it seems as though they took a page out of that book in the finale.", "\n\nFinale in and of itself versus the series as a whole: a tale of two dichotomies\n\nIt’s those two dichotomies that make the finale such a difficult thing to digest. ", "First, it makes it seem as though the writers didn’t even try to answer some mysteries that they could have nailed to the satisfaction of the hard-core viewers with simply a single episode addressing them. ", "Why choose to end the series in a timeframe that wouldn’t allow you to answer the questions you presented to the viewers? ", "Second, while the finale was brilliant when taken in and of itself, it ultimately lessens the time of the survivors on the island. ", "This point is driven home by the character of John Locke, who ultimately found heaven, but whose life on earth was just as flawed as MIB/Smoke Monster claimed it was.", "\n\nUltimately, your perception of the finale, and the series in general, is going to be determined by how forgiving you are of these two dichotomies. ", "If you realy didn’t care about getting answers, or had resolved yourself to the idea that you wouldn’t get any, then you probably mostly enjoyed the finale. ", "And, if you didn’t put too much thought into what the trip to the afterlife meant, or didn’t care because you got to see your favorite characters together again one last time, then you probably thought that the finale was the best one created in the history of television.", "\n\nFinal thoughts\n\nAs for me, I’m still mixed (which is better than where I was immediately after the finale aired). ", "I’ve enjoyed the finale more each time I’ve watched it, and I’ve come to truly appreciate what the writers were trying to achieve, and the fact that I think they pulled it off. ", "However, I’m still disappointed in the long-term strategy of Team Darlton, and their propensity to insert situations or mysteries into the show without a real plan of resolving them. ", "In some cases they were able to go back and make it work, in others they didn’t, and in others, they inexplicably didn’t even try. ", "But I suppose that at the end of the day, I look back on my time with LOST, and don’t feel cheated. ", "I feel as though the show pushed me into writing a blog, helped me build friendships that will go beyond the show’s run, and gave me a sense of accomplishment and comaradarie that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.", "\n\nOverall, my experience with LOST was alternatingly incredible and challenging. ", "And ultimately, I will look back on it fondly, with a twinge of bittersweetness for what it might have been if just a piece or two more had been put in the right place. ", "And with that, I officially end my time with this blog. ", "Thanks again to all of you that joined me on this journey. ", "I hope you all find that it was worth the effort. ", "I’ll see you all in another life (or another blog), brotha!", "\n\nWow, and I thought that “Across The Sea” was polarizing! ", "Coming in, there had to be some expectation that the finale would not be all things to all people. ", "We even discussed it here on this blog…it’s hard to stick the landing on a series finale. ", "In fact, it’s almost impossible…I can’t think of a single show I’ve watched that has pulled it off. ", "And even now, I think I can put LOST on that list of shows that didn’t quite pull off the ending. ", "But I might be getting a bit ahead of myself with that. ", "For this entry, I’m going to do my darnedest to separate the commentary and critique from the analysis. ", "What I want to do here is to share my thoughts and interpretations of what we saw on-screen. ", "And in a separate entry (one that I originally said I’d write in June but don’t think I can wait until then), I’ll comment on the series as a whole, and how the finale delivered in the grand scheme of the show’s overall structure.", "\n\nSo for now, let me get into the typical review, and see if I can share any insights with you that you haven’t potentially already seen somewhere else…\n\n“The End”\n\nI almost don’t need to comment on the multiple meanings here: the end of the show, the end of Jack’s journey, the end of the Smoke Monster, the end of this realm of existence…it’s all relevant. ", "You probably figured all of that out already, but I thought I’d mention it just in case.", "\n\n“Christian Shephard? ", "Seriously?”", "\n\nWhen you hear a quote like this at the start of the finale, it’s not too hard to think that the writers had something to the effect of the ending planned all along. ", "The Season 1 character was well-named for his role in the finale, as well as him being the catalyst for bringing Jack to the island.", "\n\n“That Locke-smoke thing wants to put it out?”", "\n\nThere’s something that happened in the last few episodes of the show that wasn’t immediately evident to me until I did some re-watches. ", "Those of you that have been paying close attention to detail may have realized that Smokey’s motives seem to have changed in the show’s last few hours. ", "Wasn’t it that he wanted nothing more than to get off the island? ", "What’s up with him now wanting to put out the light in the cave? ", "Well, I think the answer is twofold, and they also may not be mutually exclusive.", "\n\nFirst off, it may be that Smokey’s motives changed once he talked to Widmore and realized that he could potentially use Desmond as a way to disrupt the island’s light source. ", "Up until that point, it’s possible that Smokey didn’t think he could put out the light, and chose escape instead. ", "Alternately, it could be that he was looking to put out the light all along, thinking that was the only way to get off the island. ", "He could have believed that he had to kill all of the candidates first because if he didn’t, they’d potentially become Jacob’s successor and try to stop him. ", "It’s certainly possible that both are true, and that he was trying to kill the candidates so that they couldn’t protect the light in Jacob’s absence, and then he’d be free to put it out, sink the island, and leave.", "\n\n“We built this place in ’75, and lived here a couple of years…and then the sky lit up again.”", "\n\nRose and Bernard cautiously eyeball Locke\n\nIn case you were curious, Rose gives a good explanation here as to why she and Bernard have made it to 2007 and not aged 30 years as you might expect. ", "It seems as though they time-shifted to island-present after Jughead went off, just like Jack, Kate, Juliet, Sawyer, Sayid, Hurley, and Jin. ", "If we make the assumption that Jacob is the one flashing people around through the different timelines (and you’d think he is based upon his “They’re coming” line last season), then he knew that he needed Rose and Bernard to get Desmond out of the well. ", "This way, they wouldn’t be headed to the cave of light until Jack was crowned the new Jacob and had a chance to intercept him along the way.", "\n\n“I think I just realized I wanna live.”", "\n\nRichard realizes he's no longer immortal\n\nOne of the messages we appear to get in the finale is that the mythology of the island is unimportant in a relative sense. ", "But despite that, we’re given insight into the fact that it seems as though Richard’s immortality dissapated along with Jacob’s ashes. ", "Although it appears as though the “rules” move from one island protector to the next, any specific supernatural abilities “wear off” once the protector who issued them no longer has a physical presence on the island. ", "Jacob’s gone; so is Richard’s ability to live forever.", "\n\n“Jacob being who he is, I expected to be a little more surprised…you’re sort of the obvious choice, don’t you think?”", "\n\nYeah, I know that we get the follow-up answer to this later in the episode (great prediction, DDay!), ", "but I can’t help but to comment that the writers didn’t stop giving us little clues to what they had in store, even when it was in the same episode. ", "For those of you that are regulars and are looking forward to my higher level assessment of the finale and how it fits in the series overall, this is something you want to file away in your memory banks. ", "I’ll be coming back to that point in my next entry.", "\n\nTo me, the conversation between Desmond and Jack just prior to Desmond being lowered into the light is the most important conversation of the finale, and perhaps the series itself. ", "This seemingly simple conversation is the key to everything the showrunners want us to think and believe about the entire run of the show. ", "As we reach a conclusion to the on-island story, we’re being told by a character “in the know” (otherwise known as “Johnny The Explainer” as described by Damon and Carlton) that the outcome of the battle is irrelevant. ", "Jack insists that it is…that he’s been down the road of trying to find a short-cut back to a happy ending, and there is none. ", "He believes that every action is important, and that you’ve got to take advantage of the opportunities you have in front of you.", "\n\nFolks, in a nutshell, this is what the finale is trying to tell us. ", "And, as much as the two opinions seem to be diametrically opposed, I also think they’re trying to tell us that both viewpoints are true. ", "As the episode comes to a close, Jack’s actions based upon the beliefs he conveys in this conversation are shown to be noble; that his opinions that “all of this matters” is what ends up saving the day and allowing everyone else to survive. ", "But at the same time, Desmond’s stance is also correct: what happened within the context of the island’s multiple face-offs is secondary to the experience that Jack has afterwards. ", "This is the profound duality of meaning that the writers want to impart to us, both within the episode and series, as well as within your personal life. ", "And make no mistake: this show, and especially the finale, is a commentary on life, and a perspective therein the writers want you to see. ", "I’m coming dangerously close to speaking to some of the items I’ll touch on as a retrospective of the series, but I wanted to make sure all of you understood the higher level game the writers are playing here. ", "They’ve thrown their cards on the table and are showing you their hand. ", "They are making a social commentary, and how much you like the episode, and even the series overall, likely depends on how willing you are to accept the message they’re trying to send. ", "That’s all I’ll get into regarding that now, but I’ll have more on this conversation and its place in LOST lore in my next entry.", "\n\n“Dude, it was worth it.”", "\n\nI’ve been avoiding discussing much of the flash-sideways events up to this point, mostly because the final scene of the flash-sideways is the only one that really matters. ", "But I also wanted to wait to comment on the individual flash-sideways as a whole until you had the right frame of reference regarding Desmond and Jack’s conversation. ", "The writers have a very clear dual purpose with these remembrances in the flash-sideways. ", "Yes, it’s a key for the characters to achieve enlightenment for what awaits them at the end of the episode. ", "But it’s just as much about you as it is about that. ", "The writers know you’re watching with the fact that it’s the finale in your head. ", "Each of the flash-sideways remembrances is an attempt to elicit an emotional response from you, as much as it is about the advancement of the plot. ", "It’s a beautifully designed literary construct, and clearly a reason why some folks think the finale was so brilliant. ", "I won’t give you my take on it just yet, but I wanted to point it out for anyone that may have missed the direct connection. ", "I imagine that how much you enjoyed the finale is greatly tied to just how much these scenes resonated with you on an emotional level.", "\n\n“Looks like you were wrong too.”", "\n\nThe Man in Black realizes he's not invulnerable\n\nThe scene where Jack is able to give Locke a bloody lip speaks to two pieces of island mythology, for those of you still keeping score. ", "First, it indicates that Jacob knew all along what was going to happen. ", "Why he didn’t put these events in motion himself is somewhat unclear…perhaps he needed Jack to convince Desmond that he could go into the cave despite it dovetailing with what Smokey wanted…perhaps he didn’t have the heart to kill his own brother after turning him into the Smoke Monster. ", "But what is incredibly clear is that with the light drained, every single thing that we know about the island is “off”. ", "The “rules” of the game are no longer in effect (in other words, the combatants can kill each other), the mystical power that turned MIB into the Smoke Monster is nullified, and I imagine that everything else (like the healing properties of the island) are all out of play as well. ", "Jacob knew that Desmond’s actions would both allow the LOSTies the opportunity to kill MIB, as well as put the entire island in a vulnerable position. ", "After 2,000 years of battling Smokey, it was a gamble he was willing to take.", "\n\n“I thought I made it clear that you were to stop this.”", "\n\nThe conversation between Desmond and Eloise at the concert is very interesting, and gives us a couple of secondary clues to some of the rules and fates of others as it applies to the flash-sideways. ", "First of all, it’s clear that Eloise is just as enlightened as Desmond. ", "However, for some reason, she is choosing to stay behind, much like Ben does later in the episode. ", "I would imagine it’s because she’s still wracked with guilt over her decision to set her own son up for death in order to keep the island path intact. ", "But even more importantly, it explains why Faraday, Charlotte, Miles, and others were not in the church for the final scene. ", "Desmond says that Faraday’s fate is “not with me”, but instead, with someone else. ", "I don’t think that we’re meant to infer that Faraday and the others that interacted with our LOSTies *won’t* be enlightened and move into the next phase, but rather that they are going to do so with another group of individuals…ones that are more meaningful and special to those within their own circle.", "\n\n“I saved you a bullet!”", "\n\nKate takes out the Man in Black\n\nAlthough the battle between Jack and Locke was fairly straightforward, there are a couple of things that are below the surface that I want to draw your attention to. ", "First off, it’s very fitting that Kate’s the one to pull the trigger. ", "Her character has largely been discounted by the online community, something the writers acknowledged with their tongue-in-cheek dialog between Sawyer and Kate when former goes to the well looking for Desmond. ", "Kate’s inability to resist following the group has caused issues in the past, but in this case, she saves the day. ", "One other minor thing to point out is the location of Locke’s fatal blow to Jack. ", "While everyone was likely focusing on the cut on his neck, I’d suggest that the main stab wound is just as significant. ", "Note that it’s right in the location of his appendectomy scar…something that he reminisces about in a prior flash-sideways sequence. ", "I’m sure that some re-watchers will see that as an “a-ha” moment at some point.", "\n\n“I’ll see you in another life, brother.”", "\n\nAnother thing to lead you to believe that the writers had this whole thing planned from early on is Desmond’s line to Jack from way back in Season 2. ", "Jack returns the line to Desmond in their final conversation of the finale, just as a little reminder to all of us that we’ve been given this information quite some time ago. ", "I’m sure that there are some folks out there that think the “another life” thing is a bit of a throw-away line, but I think there are enough hints to suggest that some form of this finale was in the writers’ heads for years. ", "Irrespective of whether or not the finale worked for you, I think it’s only fair to give the writers the benefit of the doubt that they had a reasonably thought-out plan for how they wanted to end this show.", "\n\n“I have some things that I still need to work out. ", "I think I’ll stay here for awhile.”", "\n\nBen decides not to move on just yet\n\nOne of the things I had wondered about coming into Season 6 was whether or not Ben was going to find redemption for what he had done. ", "While he was fairly duplicitous in nature, it always seemed as though he had the propensity to rise up and and become more than what he was. ", "I had envisioned that it might come in the form of him sacrificing himself for the greater good in some way, but what eventually happens is even better. ", "While he ends up staying back from joining the LOSTies in their journey to the next realm so as to work through some issues with Danielle and Alex Rousseau, his storyline of helping Hurley through his role as protector of the island is both highly redeeming and thoroughly in line with the motivation of the character. ", "Aside from Jack, Ben’s character arc feels the most well thought-out and satisfying of anyone on the show. ", "I don’t think you could have asked for a better ending if you’re a fan of Ben.", "\n\nJack makes one last trek through the island\n\nAfter Jack restores the light in the cave, he’s spit out in the same position that the Man in Black was. ", "I’m not sure how he managed to survive it without being turned into a Smoke Monster, or having some other strange reaction, but perhaps it’s because he was the protector of the island at the moment the light came back on. ", "Perhaps it was that status that helped him to retain all aspects of his humanity, and head back to the same place where it all started for him.", "\n\n“I’ll be waiting for you there…once you’re ready.”", "\n\nKate tells Jack she'll be there when he's ready\n\nWhile this line from Kate to Jack becomes more clear after the final scene, I couldn’t help but to think that it’s also a line to us the fans. ", "Yes, the LOSTies are moving on to the next realm. ", "But I can’t help but to think that the most ambitious part of the finale was how the writers tried to frame this last scene for all of us. ", "I’m going to discuss this in much more detail in my final retrospective entry, but I feel as though I’d be doing this entry a bit of injustice if I didn’t at least scratch the surface here.", "\n\nOver the years, LOST has tried its best to play a balancing act between those that watched the show for the characters and what would happen to them, and those that watched for the mythology and the mysterious aspects of the island. ", "I believe that the writers had to make a conscious decision on which aspect of the two sides would have a higher priority as the series came to a close. ", "I think they tried to give us a satisfying end to the mythological aspects of the island, what caused all of the crazy happenings, and bring things to a logical conclusion. ", "But ultimately, they chose the characters and their ultimate fate as the higher priority. ", "Devoting the entire final season to the flash-sideways is proof of that. ", "But I also think that they were very self-aware in making that decision. ", "And I think they knew that they would have multitudes of fans that would be upset with unanswered questions.", "\n\nI believe the commentary here with Kate and Jack is a direct message to those fans. ", "They know that it’s tough to let go of so many unanswered questions. ", "They know that it’s tough to let go of this show and everything you’ve been invested in for the past 6 years. ", "So take your time. ", "Digest what you’ve seen. ", "Discuss the open-ended mysteries with your friends. ", "Re-watch episodes if you need to. ", "But when you’re ready to let go…when you’re ready to give up LOST and move on to that next thing…watch this last scene with us. ", "We’ll send you off with a proper good-bye to all of these characters that you’ve spent so much time with. ", "And we’ll all move on to the next thing together.", "\n\nJack discovers his fate\n\nI’ve noticed a few odd interpretations of the final scenes today. ", "I don’t want to call them erroneous or wrong, but I can’t help but to try to give my interpretation of what the end meant, so as to help other get a little clarity. ", "First off, there needs to be a clear distinction between what happened on the island, and the flash-sideways. ", "They are not one in the same, and in fact, the flash-sideways clearly follows what happens on-island. ", "Thus, while the description Christian gives for the flash-sideways is sounds very much like Purgatory, or some waiting station before moving to the next realm, I believe that the writers went through a lot of trouble to explain that the on-island events were NOT part of that wait station. ", "I believe that the on-island events were intended to be “real life”, and that they only entered the flash-sideways once they died.", "\n\nI also know that there was a bit of confusion surrounding how Hurley or Ben or Desmond could be there if we didn’t see them die. ", "But Christian tells Jack that everyone dies sometime, and that some of them died before him, and some died long after (probably referring to Ben and Hurley). ", "But all of them came together at this moment because they are all linked spiritually. ", "Irrespective of when they died, they will all make the journey into the next realm together because they all had a profound impact on each others’ lives.", "\n\nJack finds his old spot and sees the results of his efforts before closing his eyes forever\n\nJack closes his eyes for the last time\n\nThe beauty of the symmetry in Jack’s final island scene is simply hard to ignore. ", "It clarifies that this story was always about Jack and his journey, closing the series with the focus on him. ", "It also allows for a complete arc for his character that is thoroughly satisfying. ", "Prior to coming to the island, this was a man struggling for a purpose. ", "He would consistently destroy relationships due to his uncontrollable need to fix things. ", "But during the course of the series, he was able to break through his personal barriers and become the man of faith that he struggled so mightily with, and ultimately, was able to fix one final issue that theoretically saved all of humanity…but at the very least, saved all of his friends.", "\n\nSorry folks, no “post-episode questions” after the finale. ", "It just seems so inappropriate. ", "But I will be back soon with my evaluation of how the finale fits into the series overall, and how I “feel” about how things ended. ", "To be honest, I’ve run through a ton of emotions over the last 24 hours, and I found it difficult at times to remove those from the pure analysis of the finale. ", "I hope this review was better for it, but I will be sure to let it all loose in my next entry, which in all likelihood, will be the last of interLOST. ", "I hope you’ll come back for it!" ]
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0.0007691899663768709, 0.0007684793090447783, 0.008724365383386612, 0.0007668494945392013, 0.0006707524880766869, 0.0005962478462606668, 0.0005619911244139075, 0.0007770027732476592, 0.0005546353640966117, 0.000603463442530483, 0.0006099769379943609, 0.0012985236244276166, 0.0006248278077691793, 0.0015557617880403996, 0.0006009148783050478, 0.0008424483821727335, 0.0007076004985719919, 0.0005945932352915406, 0.0005683107301592827, 0.0005185811896808445, 0.008095345459878445, 0.0005757890758104622, 0.0006050028023310006, 0.0018228301778435707, 0.0005968317855149508, 0.0005479653482325375, 0.0006180188502185047, 0.0005444231210276484, 0.0009347528102807701, 0.0031363144516944885, 0.0007854641298763454, 0.0006011743098497391, 0.0005561707657761872, 0.0005436652572825551, 0.000986696220934391, 0.007401392329484224, 0.0007183650741353631, 0.015289517119526863, 0.0005919086397625506, 0.0025995492469519377, 0.011154296807944775, 0.003452652134001255, 0.000844435126055032, 0.0005488487076945603, 0.0008006540592759848, 0.0007400452741421759, 0.02602086029946804, 0.0005790106952190399, 0.0008203642792068422, 0.003432887839153409, 0.2561763525009155, 0.0008293251739814878, 0.02713720127940178, 0.0005884307320229709, 0.0007133872713893652, 0.0010078705381602049, 0.0017853811150416732, 0.0008265060605481267, 0.0011889548040926456, 0.011082330718636513, 0.0006088216905482113, 0.0005780046922154725, 0.0006614988087676466, 0.0005768424016423523, 0.0005610405933111906, 0.0006567767704837024, 0.000639320642221719, 0.0017298926832154393, 0.000753397645894438, 0.000709264655597508, 0.0006447139894589782, 0.0012281406670808792, 0.0036616045981645584, 0.0012335353530943394, 0.001265757018700242, 0.0010390442330390215, 0.00070163793861866, 0.006518946494907141, 0.0005697973538190126, 0.0005600271397270262, 0.0005860547535121441, 0.0005540784331969917, 0.0006004897295497358, 0.0005831008893437684, 0.0017727104714140296, 0.0005484653520397842, 0.001054883934557438, 0.0006008395575918257, 0.0008555060485377908, 0.0007387100486084819, 0.0015248872805386782, 0.0007435544393956661, 0.0005550134228542447, 0.0008016488864086568, 0.0068254899233579636, 0.00204967032186687, 0.0006664043758064508, 0.0007335784030146897, 0.0006178442272357643, 0.0005642825271934271, 0.0007418737513944507, 0.0006985082291066647, 0.0006740964017808437, 0.0010170440655201674, 0.004147129599004984, 0.000610335438977927, 0.002290106378495693, 0.002814902225509286, 0.0005696213920600712, 0.0006088797235861421, 0.0008239609887823462, 0.06456960737705231, 0.0009826068999245763, 0.0006502179894596338, 0.0009007971966639161, 0.0005381671944633126, 0.0005449282471090555, 0.0008435967611148953, 0.07026105374097824 ]
[ "Q:\n\nOpenPgp encryption using Bouncycastle very slow on Unix\n\nI am sign and encrypt a text file of 12 GB using (bcpg-jdk16-145.jar , bcprov-jdk16-145.jar) jar files. ", "File will be encrypted and signed approximately 18 minutes in Windows Vista , jdk 1.6. ", "But when I try to encrypt it on LINUX/UNIX system process will become very slow I takes 1 to 1:30 hours. ", "Kindly suggest.", "\nCode for signing file is as below :\nprivate static void signFile(String fileName, InputStream keyIn,\n OutputStream out, char[] pass, boolean armor, int bufferSize)\n throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,\n NoSuchProviderException, PGPException, SignatureException {\n if (armor) {\n out = new ArmoredOutputStream(out);\n }\n PGPSecretKey pgpSec = readSecretKey(keyIn);\n PGPPrivateKey pgpPrivKey = pgpSec.extractPrivateKey(pass, \"BC\");\n PGPSignatureGenerator sGen = new PGPSignatureGenerator(pgpSec\n .getPublicKey().getAlgorithm(), PGPUtil.", "SHA1, \"BC\");\n sGen.initSign(PGPSignature.", "BINARY_DOCUMENT, pgpPrivKey);\n Iterator it = pgpSec.getPublicKey().getUserIDs();\n if (it.hasNext()) {\n PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator spGen = new PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator();\n spGen.setSignerUserID(false, (String) it.next());\n sGen.setHashedSubpackets(spGen.generate());\n }\n PGPCompressedDataGenerator cGen = new PGPCompressedDataGenerator(\n PGPCompressedData.", "ZLIB);\n BCPGOutputStream bOut = new BCPGOutputStream(cGen.open(out));\n sGen.generateOnePassVersion(false).encode(bOut);\n File file = new File(fileName);\n PGPLiteralDataGenerator lGen = new PGPLiteralDataGenerator();\n OutputStream lOut = lGen.open(bOut, PGPLiteralData.", "BINARY, file);\n FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(file);\n byte[] byteArray = new byte[bufferSize];\n while (fIn.read(byteArray) >= 0) {\n lOut.write(byteArray);\n sGen.update(byteArray);\n }\n lGen.close();\n\n sGen.generate().encode(bOut);\n\n cGen.close();\n\n out.close();\n}\n\nA:\n\nThis is an educated guess, maybe you're having a problem with /dev/random?", "\nPGP is going to use a secure hash, which in Java will probably rely on SecureRandom. ", " The default source for SecureRandom in Linux (but not Windows) is /dev/random.", "\nThe problem is that SecureRandom will block waiting for /dev/random to gather more entropy if it currently can't satisfy the number of bits requested.", "\nTry installing a utility called \"haveged\" (apt-get install or whatever). ", " It will gather more entropy for your linux system and prevent this behavior.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0010826550424098969, 0.0007152290199883282, 0.0006604090449400246, 0.0008007597643882036, 0.0016471940325573087, 0.0008317801984958351, 0.0033373001497238874, 0.0011599455028772354, 0.000819768407382071, 0.0007315727416425943, 0.0006413281080313027, 0.0016054966254159808, 0.006213217042386532, 0.001465021399781108, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhy is the piwik tracking script not usually directly included on the page?", "\n\nPiwik (analytics software), works by including a small script just before the </body>:\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var _paq = _paq || [];\n _paq.push(['trackPageView']);\n _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']);\n (function() {\n var u=\"//piwik.example.com\";\n _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']);\n _paq.push(['setSiteId', 1]);\n var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];\n g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);\n })();\n</script>\n\nThis script will then include piwik.js (basically this script) from your piwik installation on the page. ", "piwik.js records a couple of things (screen size, ip, etc.) ", "and sends that to your piwik installation in a GET request, to register the pageview.", "\nNow I don't understand why you would not just include piwik.js on your page straightaway. ", "Why go through the trouble of fetching it from a separate location when you can just concatenate and minify it with the rest of your scripts?", "\nIt is possible to host piwik.js on a cdn (see here and here), so I'm wondering why you wouldn't skip that step and concatenate it with the rest of your scripts and optimize from there?", "\n\nGoogle analytics does the same thing I believe, so the answer doesn't need to be specific to Piwik as long as it applies to both.", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is to prevent the piwik.js file from blocking the rendering of the page. ", "As you say, the snippet provided by Google Analytics works in much the same way. ", "Steve Souders has a good write-up on the many benefits at http://www.stevesouders.com/blog/2009/12/01/google-analytics-goes-async/.\nSee also:\nhttp://googlecode.blogspot.nl/2009/12/google-analytics-launches-asynchronous.html\n\nThe second half of the snippet provides the logic that loads the\n tracking code in parallel with other scripts on the page. ", "It executes\n an anonymous function that dynamically creates a element and\n sets the source with the proper protocol. ", "As a result, most browsers\n will load the tracking code in parallel with other scripts on the\n page, thus reducing the web page load time.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007055702735669911, 0.0011386409169062972, 0.0006492494721896946, 0.0011954044457525015, 0.0009573987917974591, 0.001089797937311232, 0.0007112401654012501, 0.000674417067784816, 0.0014768856344744563, 0.0006902010063640773, 0.0006048998911865056, 0.0006465772748924792, 0.0006742107798345387, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "As I believe I mentioned a few weeks back, I’m currently looking for a full-time job.", "\n\nThis is something I’ve been slowly working up to over the past year or so, a decision borne partly of economic necessity and partly of personal choice.", "\n\nI’ve worked as a freelancer writer for the past five years. ", "And I have absolutely loved the flexibility it has afforded me vis a vis my family as well as the various projects I’ve pursued during that time (e.g., writing a novel, starting this blog, getting super-involved in the PTA).", "\n\nThat was OK, for a while. ", "I didn’t really mind not making a ton of money, because I was investing in growing my platform and most importantly, I was having fun. ", "But now that we are looking to purchase a home (and p.s., ", "London housing prices would appear to be immune to the global economy), it has become clear that if we want to put our family of four into something larger than a bread box, we need to have a serious second income.", "\n\nBut it’s not just about the money. ", "I think that even if I were a gazillionaire, I’d probably be looking for a full-time job right now. ", "For better or for worse, I was born to work. ", "Call it an excess of energy. ", "Call it an identity crisis. ", "Or call it tired of doing pick-up every day after school. ", "Whatever the cause, I’m at a point in my life where I really want to put my heart and soul into something outside of my family – and my own mind – and get paid for it.", "\n\nI’ve always been a firm believer that – to the extent that one has a choice (which most women don’t) – decisions about work/life balance should come down to your gut. ", "When I moved to London five years ago, what felt right was working part-time and investing a lot of time and energy into the kinds of things – like writing – that I simply didn’t have time for when I produced a daily talk show for public radio with two small kids at home.", "\n\nBut life is pendulum and now it’s swung the other way. ", "My gut is telling me that it’s time to go back into the work force, if not full time, then very close to it. (", "Wednesday’s post will explain how I came to that conclusion.)", "\n\nYes, it’s incredibly hard to make a living as a freelancer, especially in down economic times. ", "Some of us were forced into it (by the economy), and supply & demand being what they are in the job markets, may find few options even with experience.", "\n\nI wish you much luck in your search, wonder how it will differ on that side of the pond from this, and look forward to hearing how it goes.", "\n\nBest wishes, Delia, as you look for a position that works for you. ", "Your post comes just as I am making a transition of my own – from full-time stay-at-home motherhood to part-time freelance writing – and I agree completely: to the extent we can afford it, we all need to choose what feels right in our gut. ", "And for me? ", "Being at home full-time with three little ones wasn’t a great fit. ", "So I’ll make a change and then another one and prepare myself for a lifetime of more.", "\n\nOn a side note, I have oddly warm feelings for Dolly Parton. ", "When I was younger, I thought of her as a sort of caricature, but, as I’ve learned more about her charitable work and the class with which she moves through her life, I’ve become a real fan.", "\n\nGood luck to you! ", "Does this mean you will be turning down the blogging? ", "I really enjoy what you have to say, especially the Adulthood series!", "\n\nI’ve been thinking about Stay-At-Home-Mom-ing vs Freelancing vs Working Full Time a lot lately. ", "I have an infant, so I’m hoping to be able to stay home with him until he is in school. ", "But part of me really misses working – I love being involved in the community, collaborating with interesting people, and that happy-to-be-home feeling. ", "I am so grateful to be with my baby now, but I find myself taking on projects and started playgroups just for some adult interaction!", "\n\nThanks, everybody. ", "Really appreciate the support. ", "@Kristen – yes I love Dolly too. ", "She is an amazing woman all around (and I love her voice!) ", "@Vicki – will certainly keep the blog going…especially now! (", "So much to talk about!!) ", "@biglittlewolf – I am also curious if it is harder/easier on this side of the pond. ", "I’ll keep you posted…it is all very scary and exciting!", "\n\nGood luck, Delia! ", "I still remember when I first “met” you, through your essay on Motherlode on NYT. ", "You were struggling then with the mixed emotions of freelancing/stay at home mothering. ", "Ít is a good feeling to just “know” what is right for you. ", "I hope you find something fulfilling, but hope you will continue to write!", "\n\nTrackbacks/Pingbacks\n\n[…] I have mixed feelings about that. ", "On the upside, I feel a tremendous amount of relief. ", "Relief to have a steady income stream after years of working part-time as a freelancer. ", "Relief to (finally!) ", "be able to secure a mortgage […]" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005631088279187679, 0.0005432241596281528, 0.0006038538413122296, 0.0005490158800967038, 0.0006008054479025304, 0.0006315702921710908, 0.0007171308388933539, 0.0006523863994516432, 0.0009046182967722416, 0.001267345156520605, 0.003714110469445586, 0.0012432554503902793, 0.001472779898904264, 0.0009897301206365228, 0.01158103533089161, 0.09603835642337799, 0.0006187036633491516, 0.000971021770965308, 0.002206831006333232, 0.0005922500276938081, 0.0008202692843042314, 0.0006057598511688411, 0.0005322853685356677, 0.0006062149768695235, 0.0013055357849225402, 0.0011879457160830498, 0.019382543861865997, 0.0013501658104360104, 0.0006349817849695683, 0.0007604513084515929, 0.0006921892636455595, 0.000932785274926573, 0.00056160130770877, 0.0010507730767130852, 0.0036846655420958996, 0.0005896625225432217, 0.0011053270427510142, 0.0005573015660047531, 0.0005552475340664387, 0.0006951178074814379, 0.0006176108145155013, 0.000871266471222043, 0.0007375192362815142, 0.0008457875810563564, 0.00076909433118999, 0.0009855845710262656, 0.0014892293838784099, 0.08393878489732742, 0.0005532983923330903, 0.0006882754387333989, 0.0005533274379558861, 0.0006707272841595113, 0.0006485540070571005, 0.0006839304696768522, 0.0006224653916433454 ]
[ " -1, 1\nPut -0.7, 48160970, 0.3 in descending order.", "\n48160970, 0.3, -0.7\nSort 48/5, 2, 3/4, -9/7, 2/5 in increasing order.", "\n-9/7, 2/5, 3/4, 2, 48/5\nSort 0.3, 2/7, 45, -291, 7 in increasing order.", "\n-291, 2/7, 0.3, 7, 45\nSort -1/2, 7, 0.1, -3, 52363.", "\n-3, -1/2, 0.1, 7, 52363\nPut 1862, -83, -752 in ascending order.", "\n-752, -83, 1862\nSort 15, 57, -64221.", "\n-64221, 15, 57\nSort -1/6, 1659/11, -6, 8 in ascending order.", "\n-6, -1/6, 8, 1659/11\nPut -109080, 2/33, 1/3 in ascending order.", "\n-109080, 2/33, 1/3\nPut 42, 1, 275/2, -4, 4/3, -1, 2 in descending order.", "\n275/2, 42, 2, 4/3, 1, -1, -4\nSort 0, -7, -5868, -3, 2.", "\n-5868, -7, -3, 0, 2\nSort -0.06, -1.35, -20, 0.2, 5, 10.", "\n-20, -1.35, -0.06, 0.2, 5, 10\nPut 4, 2/9, 5, -3/503053, -2/11 in descending order.", "\n5, 4, 2/9, -3/503053, -2/11\nSort 2, -24481, -6 in increasing order.", "\n-24481, -6, 2\nSort 3, 45, 4, -1, -4, 51 in ascending order.", "\n-4, -1, 3, 4, 45, 51\nPut 33107, -3, -127, 5 in decreasing order.", "\n33107, 5, -3, -127\nSort 2, 4, 5, -4, -5608 in increasing order.", "\n-5608, -4, 2, 4, 5\nPut 2/15, 17/2, 28783 in increasing order.", "\n2/15, 17/2, 28783\nPut 77/8, -0.6, -8.16 in descending order.", "\n77/8, -0.6, -8.16\nSort 1, -2315, 2, 11, 4, -7 in decreasing order.", "\n11, 4, 2, 1, -7, -2315\nSort -5, 13, 7972.", "\n-5, 13, 7972\nSort 0, 14, -17300, -312.", "\n-17300, -312, 0, 14\nPut -274, 0.3, 5/2, -8/13, -0.22 in ascending order.", "\n-274, -8/13, -0.22, 0.3, 5/2\nSort -3/7, -71680, 3, 0.3 in descending order.", "\n3, 0.3, -3/7, -71680\nPut -2/23, -95210, 2/31, 1/2 in descending order.", "\n1/2, 2/31, -2/23, -95210\nSort -161, -2, 134, 1, 293, -4.", "\n-161, -4, -2, 1, 134, 293\nPut 684, 0, -1, -73 in ascending order.", "\n-73, -1, 0, 684\nSort 111, 427, 3, -2, 0.87 in descending order.", "\n427, 111, 3, 0.87, -2\nSort 6, 2, -3, 429981, 3 in decreasing order.", "\n429981, 6, 3, 2, -3\nPut -2, 87, -7, 2, 160, 3 in descending order.", "\n160, 87, 3, 2, -2, -7\nPut -0.04, 2761, -6169 in increasing order.", "\n-6169, -0.04, 2761\nPut 5, -3, -117, 1, -5, 7, 3 in descending order.", "\n7, 5, 3, 1, -3, -5, -117\nPut -1/9, -3/7, -2, 1/683 in increasing order.", "\n-2, -3/7, -1/9, 1/683\nPut -0.1, 2, 0, 4, -269, 3 in descending order.", "\n4, 3, 2, 0, -0.1, -269\nSort 1, 99859, 615 in descending order.", "\n99859, 615, 1\nSort 29, -3/2, 88, 7/6 in descending order.", "\n88, 29, 7/6, -3/2\nPut -3, -222581, 6 in increasing order.", "\n-222581, -3, 6\nPut -17, -0.04, 3/73, 3/2, 4 in descending order.", "\n4, 3/2, 3/73, -0.04, -17\nSort -12, -800146, 2, 0 in decreasing order.", "\n2, 0, -12, -800146\nSort -154, -4, 1164283 in ascending order.", "\n-154, -4, 1164283\nSort 37, -2, -9043, 0, 1 in decreasing order.", "\n37, 1, 0, -2, -9043\nPut -24, 3, 971, 0, -1, 37.6 in descending order.", "\n971, 37.6, 3, 0, -1, -24\nSort -55, -3, 43, 3, -118 in decreasing order.", "\n43, 3, -3, -55, -118\nSort 0, 106, 2, -3, 15, -60 in decreasing order.", "\n106, 15, 2, 0, -3, -60\nSort -237150, -5, -0.3, 12 in ascending order.", "\n-237150, -5, -0.3, 12\nSort 41, -37, 3, 464 in decreasing order.", "\n464, 41, 3, -37\nPut -1/4, 0, -1528287, 10, 1 in ascending order.", "\n-1528287, -1/4, 0, 1, 10\nPut -13, -1, -4, -2, 2231, -39, -5 in decreasing order.", "\n2231, -1, -2, -4, -5, -13, -39\nSort -6, -10, 1/224, -3, 3/2 in increasing order.", "\n-10, -6, -3, 1/224, 3/2\nSort 0.0638, 1/7, 5, -1/3, -1/39.", "\n-1/3, -1/39, 0.0638, 1/7, 5\nSort -9, -6, 2, 18, 5, 15, 10 in decreasing order.", "\n18, 15, 10, 5, 2, -6, -9\nPut 5, -2496, 28, -38, -3 in decreasing order.", "\n28, 5, -3, -38, -2496\nPut -0.5, -2/19, -3019, -6 in decreasing order.", "\n-2/19, -0.5, -6, -3019\nSort 2/11, -4, 11, -0.1, 3/89, 5 in ascending order.", "\n-4, -0.1, 3/89, 2/11, 5, 11\nPut 0, -5285016, -1, 1 in descending order.", "\n1, 0, -1, -5285016\nSort -2, -7, 10, -1, 1496.", "\n-7, -2, -1, 10, 1496\nSort 3, -66, 78, 1400 in decreasing order.", "\n1400, 78, 3, -66\nSort 11, -4, 0, -4.6, -2/1507 in increasing order.", "\n-4.6, -4, -2/1507, 0, 11\nPut -1, 0, -1061, 857, -5, -3 in ascending order.", "\n-1061, -5, -3, -1, 0, 857\nPut -0.0037, -4.303, 3, 0.1 in descending order.", "\n3, 0.1, -0.0037, -4.303\nPut -1, 535, -119, -1/2, -3, -46 in descending order.", "\n535, -1/2, -1, -3, -46, -119\nSort -23503, 2/39, 5/4, 30 in ascending order.", "\n-23503, 2/39, 5/4, 30\nSort -9986, 5, -22, -4 in increasing order.", "\n-9986, -22, -4, 5\nPut -4, 1, -2, 486, -3, 71, 0 in increasing order.", "\n-4, -3, -2, 0, 1, 71, 486\nPut 2, 3, -31054, 0.5, -3 in increasing order.", "\n-31054, -3, 0.5, 2, 3\nSort 0.3, 0.4, 55/6, -42816 in decreasing order.", "\n55/6, 0.4, 0.3, -42816\nSort 2, 5, -3, -163, -930, -8, -4 in descending order.", "\n5, 2, -3, -4, -8, -163, -930\nPut 3419, 894, -14/5 in decreasing order.", "\n3419, 894, -14/5\nSort -0.97, 33067, 2/17 in ascending order.", "\n-0.97, 2/17, 33067\nPut 1, 3, -7, 4, -66, -5, 44 in decreasing order.", "\n44, 4, 3, 1, -5, -7, -66\nSort -10, 1/13, 374942.", "\n-10, 1/13, 374942\nPut -3, -22606646, -5 in ascending order.", "\n-22606646, -5, -3\nPut 96, -4, 5, -5, 3, 19, 0 in decreasing order.", "\n96, 19, 5, 3, 0, -4, -5\nPut 120, -211, -13, 9, -4, 4 in increasing order.", "\n-211, -13, -4, 4, 9, 120\nPut 17947369, 1, -5 in increasing order.", "\n-5, 1, 17947369\nPut -1, -4, 0, 431091, -2 in decreasing order.", "\n431091, 0, -1, -2, -4\nPut -3, 430726, -2, 3, 1 in decreasing order.", "\n430726, 3, 1, -2, -3\nSort 82670, 0.2, 0.31 in ascending order.", "\n0.2, 0.31, 82670\nSort 4, -5/6, -2, 0.1, 1/4973.", "\n-2, -5/6, 1/4973, 0.1, 4\nSort 8, 477, 1, 9, 5 in increasing order.", "\n1, 5, 8, 9, 477\nPut -6, -3, 115, -1, -228 in descending order.", "\n115, -1, -3, -6, -228\nPut 3, 73, -1.3, -1/3, 1/16145 in descending order.", "\n73, 3, 1/16145, -1/3, -1.3\nSort 1, -116/13, -3, -0.2, -1, 370.", "\n-116/13, -3, -1, -0.2, 1, 370\nSort 108, -256, -2674.", "\n-2674, -256, 108\nSort -3, -2/7, -313, 0.2, 0.8, 1/8.", "\n-313, -3, -2/7, 1/8, 0.2, 0.8\nPut -10, 3, 1260, 2, 67, -2 in decreasing order.", "\n1260, 67, 3, 2, -2, -10\nPut 263519, -132, 4, -1 in descending order.", "\n263519, 4, -1, -132\nSort 0, -4, -12, -24730 in increasing order.", "\n-24730, -12, -4, 0\nSort 40, -191, 487 in increasing order.", "\n-191, 40, 487\nPut 18, 11, 5, -458, -1, 2 in ascending order.", "\n-458, -1, 2, 5, 11, 18\nPut 5, 2, 10, -1345, -24, 54 in ascending order.", "\n-1345, -24, 2, 5, 10, 54\nSort 12882, -0.452, 2 in increasing order.", "\n-0.452, 2, 12882\nPut -2, -13, 0.2, 16, -1, 13, 4 in descending order.", "\n16, 13, 4, 0.2, -1, -2, -13\nPut -67139921, -5, 1/5, -0.1 in increasing order.", "\n-67139921, -5, -0.1, 1/5\nPut 0, -68, -136, 144 in decreasing order.", "\n144, 0, -68, -136\nSort -1546, -19125, -1, 3 in descending order.", "\n3, -1, -1546, -19125\nSort 3, 2/21, 0.5, -9, -2, 88.9, -4 in descending order.", "\n88.9, 3, 0.5, 2/21, -2, -4, -9\nPut 5, -506755, -583, -2 in descending order.", "\n5, -2, -583, -506755\nSort -0.1, 0, 62, 7/2, -5/7, -0.2 in increasing order.", "\n-5/7, -0.2, -0.1, 0, 7/2, 62\nSort 0.01, 3, -1, -0.3, -4, 665, 17 in decreasing order.", "\n665, 17, 3, 0.01, -0.3, -1, -4\nSort 2, 1/2, 5, -34405/8, 0, -1/6.", "\n-34405/8, -1/6, 0, 1/2, 2, 5\nPut 16, 24, 0, -73, -1 in ascending order.", "\n-73, -1, 0, 16, 24\nPut 5555, -0.21, -1/3 in decreasing order.", "\n5555, -0.21, -1/3\nPut 5, 3, 35828439 in decreasing order.", "\n35828439, 5, 3\nPut -2/19, 9, 1, 335/6, -2040 in increasing order.", "\n-2040, -2/19, 1, 9, 335/6\nSort -348, -5, 2, -105, 4, -1 in increasing order.", "\n-348, -105, -5, -1, 2, 4\nPut 262, 273, -2 in descending order.", "\n273, 262, -2\nPut 3/22, 2911, -0.2, -0.1 in decreasing order.", "\n2911, 3/22, -0.1, -0.2\nPut 0.1, 38645, -1/3, -1/409 in ascending order.", "\n-1/3, -1/409, 0.1, 38645\nSort -309, -10, 1, 4 in descending order.", "\n4, 1, -10, -309\nSort -513569, -2, 1, -6 in descending order.", "\n1, -2, -6, -513569\nSort 57/8, -16238, 4, 1/3 in decreasing order.", "\n57/8, 4, 1/3, -16238\nPut 396, -53, -2, -4, 1, -3 in descending order.", "\n396, 1, -2, -3, -4, -53\nSort -7, -20, 14, 0, -3 in descending order.", "\n14, 0, -3, -7, -20\nSort 14, 2573, -58 in decreasing order.", "\n2573, 14, -58\nSort 2/753, -0.1, -7, 4, -3, -4 in increasing order.", "\n-7, -4, -3, -0.1, 2/753, 4\nPut -3, -317, -28, 6, -94 in increasing order.", "\n-317, -94, -28, -3, 6\nPut 3, -14, -9, -1259 in descending order.", "\n3, -9, -14, -1259\nSort 9, 31, 2, -1, 1, -8.", "\n-8, -1, 1, 2, 9, 31\nSort 80, -34, 12, 43, -8, -3, 1 in decreasing order.", "\n80, 43, 12, 1, -3, -8, -34\nPut -5, -6, 23, 0, 345 in decreasing order.", "\n345, 23, 0, -5, -6\nSort 30, -2, -3, -595, -4 in increasing order.", "\n-595, -4, -3, -2, 30\nPut -5, -2, 17, -5698, -3, 0 in decreasing order.", "\n17, 0, -2, -3, -5, -5698\nSort -3, 1, 0.087, -29, 4 in ascending order.", "\n-29, -3, 0.087, 1, 4\nSort 2428, -1," ]
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[ 0.0008636501734144986, 0.0007141188252717257, 0.0006892482633702457, 0.0007675410597585142, 0.0007213688804768026, 0.0007181183900684118, 0.0006399418343789876, 0.0006737765506841242, 0.0008014861959964037, 0.001229774788953364, 0.0013732335064560175, 0.0010824725031852722, 0.0006722557591274381, 0.0006718583172187209, 0.0008153333910740912, 0.000696300994604826, 0.0007421784684993327, 0.0008555121021345258, 0.0006999763427302241, 0.0009077105787582695, 0.000858745479490608, 0.0006879088468849659, 0.0006875083781778812, 0.0008327997056767344, 0.0008953818469308317, 0.000807287055067718, 0.0007255544769577682, 0.0007125824922695756, 0.0009643041412346065, 0.000798592169303447, 0.0009064422338269651, 0.0009087040089070797, 0.0009764401474967599, 0.0007193978526629508, 0.0006724123959429562, 0.0007283303420990705, 0.0007801786414347589, 0.0007167014409787953, 0.0007106988341547549, 0.0007110948208719492, 0.0010160572128370404, 0.0007264026789925992, 0.0007226376910693944, 0.0007156016072258353, 0.0006791043560951948, 0.0008865140844136477, 0.0009099134476855397, 0.0006986713269725442, 0.0010221515549346805, 0.0007883752114139497, 0.000870496325660497, 0.0008449507295154035, 0.0007549601141363382, 0.0008912868215702474, 0.0009458677959628403, 0.0006530729006044567, 0.0006703534163534641, 0.0009469254873692989, 0.0009570590918883681, 0.0009655194589868188, 0.0007159229135140777, 0.0006827465258538723, 0.0009088036022149026, 0.0008222594042308629, 0.0006271519232541323, 0.0007300784345716238, 0.0007465207600034773, 0.0006961118779145181, 0.0008065869333222508, 0.0008360142819583416, 0.0006475306581705809, 0.0008757471805438399, 0.0009476325358264148, 0.0007470559212379158, 0.0008295035222545266, 0.0008065089350566268, 0.0006809011101722717, 0.0009450268116779625, 0.0007240462582558393, 0.0008828275022096932, 0.0009573368006385863, 0.0011109758634120226, 0.0007672971696592867, 0.0007710492354817688, 0.0010356297716498375, 0.0007233403739519417, 0.0006482203607447445, 0.0006394997471943498, 0.0008521219715476036, 0.0009251799201592803, 0.0006860964931547642, 0.0009370935731567442, 0.0008860956877470016, 0.00079529476352036, 0.0007173030753619969, 0.0007311016088351607, 0.0010077179176732898, 0.0007187496521510184, 0.000794652383774519, 0.0013281817082315683, 0.001009149826131761, 0.0008767828694544733, 0.0008578953566029668, 0.0007100140210241079, 0.0006444433820433915, 0.0007425174117088318, 0.0008375332108698785, 0.0009096668218262494, 0.0006705655250698328, 0.0006471903761848807, 0.0006632495787926018, 0.0008101981948129833, 0.0007484975503757596, 0.0006928080110810697, 0.0006864922470413148, 0.0008260855684056878, 0.0007762482273392379, 0.0009911276865750551, 0.0007350101950578392, 0.0008762062643654644, 0.0007106937118805945, 0.0010388422524556518, 0.0007771344971843064, 0.0010785239282995462 ]
[ "Preoperative medical evaluation of the vascular patient.", "\nThe vascular patient has a systemic disease, atherosclerosis, and this may be present in all arteries in varying degrees. ", "Thus, preoperative evaluation of the vascular patient is essential to identify areas of risk. ", "The cardiovascular system is the chief source of mortality and morbidity. ", "Primary emphasis will be placed on the diagnostic tests involved and the nursing responsibility to the patient." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006091984105296433, 0.0007845425861887634, 0.0005798532511107624, 0.008810055442154408, 0.000525014300365001 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDynamic loading elements from database\n\nI'm trying to create a blog thing which displays comments stored inside a database: however I would like the comments to appear when the user scrolls down, dynamically creating it on the page, rather than having links to the next set of comments.", "\nAt the moment I am using MySQL with php to display the comments stored.", "\n$query = \"SELECT * FROM comment ORDER BY time DESC\";\n$result = mysql_query($query);\n\nwhile($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){\n echo \"<comment><div class='comment-bubble'><p>\" . ", "$data['comment'] . \"", "</p></div>\";\n //other div structure & data here\n}\n\nI know there are plugins available like jscroll. ", "But this fetches data from other HTML files rather than from a database.", "\nI know the method may need changing as php loads the data before the page is ... so what would be the best way to go about this?", "\nThanks guys!", "\n\nA:\n\nOk so from the amount of research I put into this: it is actually impossible to update dynamically through mySQL without loading all the comments first. ", "This is because PhP loads before the page displays it, so JavaScript cannot dynamically present more comments unless the page is refreshed.", "\nI am going to give a whirl at AJAX as it is made for dynamically changing websites. ", "I hopefully will post my full answer to the problem soon.", "\n \nEDIT: Using jquery AJAX I came up with this:\n//Load more comments when reaching the end of the page\nvar isPreviousEventComplete = true, isDataAvailable = true;\n$(window).scroll(function () {\n if ($(document).height() - 50 <= $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) {\n if (isPreviousEventComplete && isDataAvailable) {\n\n isPreviousEventComplete = false;\n $(\".LoaderImage\").css(\"display\", \"block\");\n\n $.ajax({\n type: \"POST\",\n url: 'ajax/query.php',\n data: \"from=\" + counter,\n\n success: function (html) {\n $(\"#comments\").append(html);\n counter++;\n isPreviousEventComplete = true;\n\n if (html == '') isDataAvailable = false;\n\n $(\".LoaderImage\").css(\"display\", \"none\");\n },\n error: function (error) {\n alert(\"error \" + error);\n }\n });\n\n }\n }\n});\n\nWorks like a charm. ", "Thanks to Hendry Tanaka for pointing me in the right direction.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.000574436504393816, 0.0006150827393867075, 0.0006771932239644229, 0.0006237280322238803, 0.0011676084250211716, 0.000734636269044131, 0.0006031998200342059, 0.0006918931612744927, 0.0005694107967428863, 0.0008185956394299865, 0.024726809933781624, 0.0010901795467361808, 0.0009870228823274374, 0.0006338517414405942, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "LaLiga beat Real Madrid in court over shirt typography LaLiga Santander - Real Madrid Spanish club did not agree with rules\n\nAccording to Anton Meana from Cadena SER, LaLiga have defeated Real Madrid in the dispute over shirt typography and therefore Los Blancos will have to pay the cost of the case.", "\n\nThe Madrid court of first instance number 58 ruled in favour of the league and as a result the Spanish club will be forced to embellish their shirt names and numbers with a specific font, something which they did not agree with, despite the rest of LaLiga Santander teams having to abide by the same rules." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0012258902424946427, 0.0006597774336114526 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAre all non-garbage-collected objects eventually referenced statically?", "\n\nI'm using some fairly heavy reflection to inspect and walk through a library of classes. ", "I want to extract and modify fields - both static and instance. ", "Static fields are easy to find and modify; I can collect up classes, ask for lists of their fields, record the fields and inspect/alter their values.", "\nInstance fields are different. ", "I can collect references to their Field objects, but in order to alter their values I need to run code that instantiates objects of that type. ", "Let's say we have no idea what this code does, but we have some method blackBox() that instantiates some objects, runs some code, does things using the library we're interested in. ", "After it runs, I want to find instances of a class, C.\nIf I collect a list of all static fields, and iterate through their references far enough, will I eventually find all instances that are alive in the code? ", "That is, I'm proposing that:\n\nFor all objects instantiated in a Java program that are not garbage-collected, there exists a chain of references starting with a static field and ending with that object.", "\n\nIs this a general rule about Java programs?", "\nEDIT: Two extra qualifiers:\n\nI'm only interested in sequential programs, that don't spawn threads.", "\nI'm assuming that blackBox() has finished processing, and the garbage collector has run. ", "There might be more code we want to execute later using the library (moreBlackBox()) - imagine an application that has started up, and is now paused.", "\n\nA:\n\nNo. ", "Either you have a chain of references starting from a static field, or (and it's probably more often the case) you have a chain of references starting from a local variable on a thread's stack:\npublic static void main(String[] args) {\n Foo foo = new Foo();\n doSomethingWithFoo(foo);\n}\n\nIn the above, foo migh in fact reference a whole bunch of other objects, recursively, and they're all non collectable by the GC because the main thread still has the local variable foo in its stack.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.04578782618045807, 0.0005393089377321303, 0.0006149447290226817, 0.0006155252922326326, 0.0006237791385501623, 0.0006170503329485655, 0.0005890498869121075, 0.0006277378997765481, 0.001269261701963842, 0.0007911183056421578, 0.0005843766848556697, 0.015407267957925797, 0.0006725008715875447, 0.0010212905472144485, 0.0009376982343383133, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Share\n\nNayra goes under the knife\n\nShare\n\nThe Bomber Latino, Nayra Alonso, looks set to miss the opening event of 2008. ", "Following a nasty crash which broke her foot, she had hoped to be back on the water in time for the PWA Tenerife event, but bad news this week has put all her plans on stand by.", "\n\nIt was hoped that the break could repair without surgery, but after 3 weeks a second X-ray revealed she would have to go under the knife. ", "Wires will apparently be used to hold the bone together and unfortunately for her it means another 8 weeks before we can expect to see her ripping up the waters of Gran Canaria again.", "\n\nNayra took the last win of 2008 in Sylt and was apparently ripping in South Africa before the accident. ", "Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery and a quick return to her top form.", "\n\nNews\n\nNewsletter Terms & Conditions\n\nPlease enter your email so we can keep you updated with news, features and the latest offers. ", "If you are not interested you can unsubscribe at any time. ", "We will never sell your data and you'll only get messages from us and our partners whose products and services we think you'll enjoy." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.005142037756741047, 0.0011173832463100553, 0.0035881309304386377, 0.0006883544847369194, 0.00104690867010504, 0.0006879478460177779, 0.0005292827263474464, 0.0005858000949956477, 0.0013122038217261434 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates generally to shock absorbing padding materials and the like, and more particularly to an improved shock absorbing sheet material having a plurality of small, active pumping elements formed therein including chambers of different sizes interconnected by communicating passageways such that a compressive force applying member engaging the material will first contact a wall forming one of the larger chambers causing it to collapse resiliently and pressurize a connected smaller chamber which expands and is subsequently engaged by the compressing member, and the two thereafter jointly exert resilient resistance to continued compression of the sheet material.", "\n2. ", "Brief Description of the Prior Art\nPrior art sheet materials and pads include various types of gas-containing chambers intended to resiliently resist compression of the material and thereby perform shock-absorbing or dampening functions. ", "Examples include bubble-pack packing materials, honeycomb pads, and simple sponge-configured pads such as the type used under carpet. ", "However, in all such materials a compressive force applied thereto will experience a more or less uniform resistance as the resilient material and/or entrained gases are compressed. ", "This causes the material to react in a manner similar to an undamped spring. ", "In many applications, shock absorbing performance could be improved if the reactance of the pad had a non-linear characteristic, that is, if in response to the application of a uniform compressive force the pad resisted in a stepped or non-linear fashion. ", "For example, in the case of shoe sole applications the anatomical impact experienced by the wearer of the shoes could be improved by causing the foot to experience a non-linear deceleration before it bottoms out as the sole reaches maximum compression." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0009391900966875255, 0.0005991894286125898, 0.001185585861094296, 0.0006258702487684786, 0.000599595601670444, 0.0006062426837161183, 0.0008160861325450242, 0.0005697398446500301, 0.0006059547304175794 ]
[ "r\"\"\"\nFeatures that are imported by default in the interpreter namespace\n\"\"\"\nfrom __future__ import absolute_import\n\nfrom .qsym import QuasiSymmetricFunctions\nfrom .ncsf import NonCommutativeSymmetricFunctions\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0012021574657410383 ]
[ "Please note that the paper money\nthat you receive may have a different serial number than the one that the\npicture on the site displays. ", "The picture may also be of a higher grade note\nthan the banknote you receive,\nbut each note will be accurately graded according to the IBNS grading standards.", "\nRemember, the pictures are for reference only and may not be of the actual note\nyou receive." ]
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[ "Volunteer 'Cajun Navy' Rescues Fellow Community Members Trapped by Louisiana Floods One man says the typical volunteer is just an \"everyday Joe\" with a boat.", "\n\n— -- Local volunteers who call themselves the Cajun Navy have come together to provide hope and support in Louisiana as the historic flooding continues to devastate their community.", "\n\nArea residents are taking their boats on the water to search for and rescue people who have been trapped.", "\n\nWarren Holmes, an Ascension Parish native, told ABC News today that he has been going out every day to rescue people from the rising floodwaters with the ragtag Cajun Navy.", "\n\n\"The true Cajun Navy is the everyday Joe that had a full-time job and had a boat at his house and then launched his boat at the side of the highway,\" he said. \"", "I knew if I was the one who couldn't get out, there would be somebody who would come and get me. ", "We are a people that stick together, take care of our own.\"", "\n\nHolmes said he lost count of how many people the Cajun Navy has rescued. \"", "One of the roads that we were on, I know that there was every bit of a thousand people, between all the boats,\" he said.", "\n\nHe added that volunteers make up 90 percent of the Cajun Navy. ", "He said he, his son and his wife have gone out every day since Saturday to rescue others.", "\n\nThe Cajun Navy gets calls for help on social media, according to Holmes.", "\n\n\"Facebook was really the big way of finding out who needed help and where people were,\" he said.", "\n\nHolmes added that he was concerned that some groups have been trying to monetize the Cajun Navy by asking for money online.", "\n\n\"Its really disheartening to know that some people have tried to monetize this, but we were just there to save lives and get people out of those floodwaters,\" he said.", "\n\nHe said he was very fortunate that his home has not been seriously affected by the flooding, but other members of the Cajun Navy have not been as lucky.", "\n\n\"There were a lot of people out here with the Cajun Navy and their houses were flooded,\" Holmes said, adding that there was \"nothing they could do with their places, so they went out and rescued others.\"" ]
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[ "To link to the entire object, paste this link in email, IM or documentTo embed the entire object, paste this HTML in websiteTo link to this page, paste this link in email, IM or documentTo embed this page, paste this HTML in website\n\n&inia\nVol. ", "IV, No. ", "2\nRIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA\nApril 21, 1956\nSeptember 18 Is\nFounder's Day, Here\nThe board of trustees for California Baptist College at a recent\nmeeting announced the date, September 18, 1956, for the first formal observance of Founder's Day\non this campus:1\n(Continued on page 4)\nBert Turner is\nCollege Evangelist\nSuccessful. ", "campaigns in the\nCoachella Valley and Northern\nSacramento areas, mark the opening services of California Baptist\nCollege evangelist, Bert Turner,\ni according to Dr. P. Boyd Smith.", "\nA native of Belfast, Ireland,\n(Continued on, pa**.? ", "2^\nBroadway Bonds Are\nAnswer For College,\nBracewell States\n\"In all probability Southern\n[Baptist Churches in California will\njissue $3,000,000 in Broadway Plan\nJBonds during 1956, $4,000,030 in\n1957, and $5,000,000 in 1958, thus\nyielding $150,000, $200,000 and\n$250,000 in each of such years,\"\nstated Judge J. S. Bracewell, director of the Broadway Plan of\ni\n(Continued on page 2)\nMissions Cctll Two\nJo Ann Wells and Carol Henniger this week received notice from\nthe Home Mission Board that they\nhad been selected to serve as\n'summer missionaries in New Mexico.", "\nEvangelist Bert Turner, center, is shown as he was welcomed to the\nCalifornia Baptist College fcmily by Dr. S. G. Posey, right, and Dr.\nP. Boyd SmitSi left.", "\n(B( Opens Campus\nTo High School\nSeniors and Guests\nHigh School seniors shall reign\non the campus of California Baptist College todayi according to a\ndeclaration of the Student Council proclaiming this Senior Day.", "\nUnder lthe leadership of Hilda\nMcGarty, Student Body president,\nthe day will begin at 9 o'clock\nwith tours of the campus. ", "At\n10:30 a.m. the Baptist Student\n(Continued on page 3)\nTrouveres Concert\nHere, April 24\nThe Trouveres have scheduled\nApril 24 for their annual spring\nconcert in the college chapel.", "\nBeginning at 7:30 p.m. the varied program will be performed\nin a series of settings featuring\nmadrigals, spirituals and classical\ncompositions. ", "Compositions from\nsuch composers as Bach, Handel,\nPurcell, and Hindemith will be\nsung. ", "Trio 'and quartet numbers\nwill vary the evening's program. '", "\nCurtis Cheek, vocal instructor,\nwill direct the concert, with\nFrankie Phillips at the piano.", "\nSeniors Sell Cards\nPicture post cards carrying two\nscenes of California Baptist Col\nlege campus will go on sale this\nweek.", "\nThe cards will sail for five\ncents each and are being sold by\nmembers of tlie senior class as\ntheir project, according to Keith\nJestice, class president.", "\n\n&inia\nVol. ", "IV, No. ", "2\nRIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA\nApril 21, 1956\nSeptember 18 Is\nFounder's Day, Here\nThe board of trustees for California Baptist College at a recent\nmeeting announced the date, September 18, 1956, for the first formal observance of Founder's Day\non this campus:1\n(Continued on page 4)\nBert Turner is\nCollege Evangelist\nSuccessful. ", "campaigns in the\nCoachella Valley and Northern\nSacramento areas, mark the opening services of California Baptist\nCollege evangelist, Bert Turner,\ni according to Dr. P. Boyd Smith.", "\nA native of Belfast, Ireland,\n(Continued on, pa**.? ", "2^\nBroadway Bonds Are\nAnswer For College,\nBracewell States\n\"In all probability Southern\n[Baptist Churches in California will\njissue $3,000,000 in Broadway Plan\nJBonds during 1956, $4,000,030 in\n1957, and $5,000,000 in 1958, thus\nyielding $150,000, $200,000 and\n$250,000 in each of such years\"\nstated Judge J. S. Bracewell, director of the Broadway Plan of\ni\n(Continued on page 2)\nMissions Cctll Two\nJo Ann Wells and Carol Henniger this week received notice from\nthe Home Mission Board that they\nhad been selected to serve as\n'summer missionaries in New Mexico.", "\nEvangelist Bert Turner, center, is shown as he was welcomed to the\nCalifornia Baptist College fcmily by Dr. S. G. Posey, right, and Dr.\nP. Boyd SmitSi left.", "\n(B( Opens Campus\nTo High School\nSeniors and Guests\nHigh School seniors shall reign\non the campus of California Baptist College todayi according to a\ndeclaration of the Student Council proclaiming this Senior Day.", "\nUnder lthe leadership of Hilda\nMcGarty, Student Body president,\nthe day will begin at 9 o'clock\nwith tours of the campus. ", "At\n10:30 a.m. the Baptist Student\n(Continued on page 3)\nTrouveres Concert\nHere, April 24\nThe Trouveres have scheduled\nApril 24 for their annual spring\nconcert in the college chapel.", "\nBeginning at 7:30 p.m. the varied program will be performed\nin a series of settings featuring\nmadrigals, spirituals and classical\ncompositions. ", "Compositions from\nsuch composers as Bach, Handel,\nPurcell, and Hindemith will be\nsung. ", "Trio 'and quartet numbers\nwill vary the evening's program. '", "\nCurtis Cheek, vocal instructor,\nwill direct the concert, with\nFrankie Phillips at the piano.", "\nSeniors Sell Cards\nPicture post cards carrying two\nscenes of California Baptist Col\nlege campus will go on sale this\nweek.", "\nThe cards will sail for five\ncents each and are being sold by\nmembers of tlie senior class as\ntheir project, according to Keith\nJestice, class president." ]
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[ "//---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//\tGreenplum Database\n//\tCopyright (C) 2012 EMC Corp.\n//\n//\t@filename:\n//\t\tCLogicalSequence.h\n//\n//\t@doc:\n//\t\tLogical sequence operator\n//---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n#ifndef GPOPT_CLogicalSequence_H\n#define GPOPT_CLogicalSequence_H\n\n#include \"gpos/base.h\"\n#include \"gpopt/operators/CLogical.h\"\n#include \"gpopt/operators/CExpressionHandle.h\"\n\nnamespace gpopt\n{\n//---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//\t@class:\n//\t\tCLogicalSequence\n//\n//\t@doc:\n//\t\tLogical sequence operator\n//\n//---------------------------------------------------------------------------\nclass CLogicalSequence : public CLogical\n{\nprivate:\n\t// private copy ctor\n\tCLogicalSequence(const CLogicalSequence &);\n\npublic:\n\t// ctor\n\texplicit CLogicalSequence(CMemoryPool *mp);\n\n\t// dtor\n\tvirtual ~CLogicalSequence()\n\t{\n\t}\n\n\t// ident accessors\n\tvirtual EOperatorId\n\tEopid() const\n\t{\n\t\treturn EopLogicalSequence;\n\t}\n\n\t// return a string for operator name\n\tvirtual const CHAR *\n\tSzId() const\n\t{\n\t\treturn \"CLogicalSequence\";\n\t}\n\n\t// match function\n\tvirtual BOOL Matches(COperator *pop) const;\n\n\n\t// sensitivity to order of inputs\n\tBOOL\n\tFInputOrderSensitive() const\n\t{\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\n\t// return a copy of the operator with remapped columns\n\tvirtual COperator *\n\tPopCopyWithRemappedColumns(CMemoryPool *,\t\t//mp,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t UlongToColRefMap *,\t//colref_mapping,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t BOOL\t\t\t\t\t//must_exist\n\t)\n\t{\n\t\treturn PopCopyDefault();\n\t}\n\n\t//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t// Derived Relational Properties\n\t//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t// derive output columns\n\tvirtual CColRefSet *DeriveOutputColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCExpressionHandle &exprhdl);\n\n\t// dervive keys\n\tvirtual CKeyCollection *DeriveKeyCollection(\n\t\tCMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const;\n\n\t// derive max card\n\tvirtual CMaxCard DeriveMaxCard(CMemoryPool *mp,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const;\n\n\t// derive partition consumer info\n\tvirtual CPartInfo *DerivePartitionInfo(CMemoryPool *mp,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const;\n\n\t// derive constraint property\n\tvirtual CPropConstraint *\n\tDerivePropertyConstraint(CMemoryPool *,\t //mp,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t CExpressionHandle &exprhdl) const\n\t{\n\t\treturn PpcDeriveConstraintPassThru(exprhdl, exprhdl.", "Arity() - 1);\n\t}\n\n\t//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t// Required Relational Properties\n\t//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t// compute required stat columns of the n-th child\n\tvirtual CColRefSet *\n\tPcrsStat(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionHandle &exprhdl, CColRefSet *pcrsInput,\n\t\t\t ULONG child_index) const\n\t{\n\t\tconst ULONG ulLastChildIndex = exprhdl.", "Arity() - 1;\n\t\tif (child_index == ulLastChildIndex)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t// only pass through the required stats column to the last child since\n\t\t\t// the output of the sequence operator is the output of the last child\n\t\t\treturn PcrsStatsPassThru(pcrsInput);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp);\n\t}\n\n\t// derive statistics\n\tvirtual IStatistics *\n\tPstatsDerive(CMemoryPool *,\t //mp,\n\t\t\t\t CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,\n\t\t\t\t IStatisticsArray *\t //stats_ctxt\n\t) const\n\t{\n\t\t// pass through stats from last child\n\t\tIStatistics *stats = exprhdl.", "Pstats(exprhdl.", "Arity() - 1);\n\t\tstats->AddRef();\n\n\t\treturn stats;\n\t}\n\n\t//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t// Transformations\n\t//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t// candidate set of xforms\n\tvirtual CXformSet *PxfsCandidates(CMemoryPool *mp) const;\n\n\t// stat promise\n\tvirtual EStatPromise\n\tEsp(CExpressionHandle &) const\n\t{\n\t\treturn CLogical::EspHigh;\n\t}\n\n\t//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\t// conversion function\n\tstatic CLogicalSequence *\n\tPopConvert(COperator *pop)\n\t{\n\t\tGPOS_ASSERT(NULL !", "= pop);\n\t\tGPOS_ASSERT(EopLogicalSequence == pop->Eopid());\n\n\t\treturn dynamic_cast<CLogicalSequence *>(pop);\n\t}\n\n};\t// class CLogicalSequence\n\n} // namespace gpopt\n\n\n#endif\t// !", "GPOPT_CLogicalSequence_H\n\n// EOF\n" ]
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[ "# Design Amazon's sales rank by category feature\n\n*Note: This document links directly to relevant areas found in the [system design topics](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#index-of-system-design-topics) to avoid duplication. ", " Refer to the linked content for general talking points, tradeoffs, and alternatives.*", "\n\n## Step 1: Outline use cases and constraints\n\n> Gather requirements and scope the problem.", "\n> Ask questions to clarify use cases and constraints.", "\n> Discuss assumptions.", "\n\nWithout an interviewer to address clarifying questions, we'll define some use cases and constraints.", "\n\n### Use cases\n\n#### We'll scope the problem to handle only the following use case\n\n* **Service** calculates the past week's most popular products by category\n* **User** views the past week's most popular products by category\n* **Service** has high availability\n\n#### Out of scope\n\n* The general e-commerce site\n * Design components only for calculating sales rank\n\n### Constraints and assumptions\n\n#### State assumptions\n\n* Traffic is not evenly distributed\n* Items can be in multiple categories\n* Items cannot change categories\n* There are no subcategories ie `foo/bar/baz`\n* Results must be updated hourly\n * More popular products might need to be updated more frequently\n* 10 million products\n* 1000 categories\n* 1 billion transactions per month\n* 100 billion read requests per month\n* 100:1 read to write ratio\n\n#### Calculate usage\n\n**Clarify with your interviewer if you should run back-of-the-envelope usage calculations.**", "\n\n* Size per transaction:\n * `created_at` - 5 bytes\n * `product_id` - 8 bytes\n * `category_id` - 4 bytes\n * `seller_id` - 8 bytes\n * `buyer_id` - 8 bytes\n * `quantity` - 4 bytes\n * `total_price` - 5 bytes\n * Total: ~40 bytes\n* 40 GB of new transaction content per month\n * 40 bytes per transaction * 1 billion transactions per month\n * 1.44 TB of new transaction content in 3 years\n * Assume most are new transactions instead of updates to existing ones\n* 400 transactions per second on average\n* 40,000 read requests per second on average\n\nHandy conversion guide:\n\n* 2.5 million seconds per month\n* 1 request per second = 2.5 million requests per month\n* 40 requests per second = 100 million requests per month\n* 400 requests per second = 1 billion requests per month\n\n## Step 2: Create a high level design\n\n> Outline a high level design with all important components.", "\n\n![", "Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/vwMa1Qu.png)\n\n## Step 3: Design core components\n\n> Dive into details for each core component.", "\n\n### Use case: Service calculates the past week's most popular products by category\n\nWe could store the raw **Sales API** server log files on a managed **Object Store** such as Amazon S3, rather than managing our own distributed file system.", "\n\n**Clarify with your interviewer how much code you are expected to write**.", "\n\nWe'll assume this is a sample log entry, tab delimited:\n\n```\ntimestamp product_id category_id qty total_price seller_id buyer_id\nt1 product1 category1 2 20.00 1 1\nt2 product1 category2 2 20.00 2 2\nt2 product1 category2 1 10.00 2 3\nt3 product2 category1 3 7.00 3 4\nt4 product3 category2 7 2.00 4 5\nt5 product4 category1 1 5.00 5 6\n...\n```\n\nThe **Sales Rank Service** could use **MapReduce**, using the **Sales API** server log files as input and writing the results to an aggregate table `sales_rank` in a **SQL Database**. ", " We should discuss the [use cases and tradeoffs between choosing SQL or NoSQL](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#sql-or-nosql).", "\n\nWe'll use a multi-step **MapReduce**:\n\n* **Step 1** - Transform the data to `(category, product_id), sum(quantity)`\n* **Step 2** - Perform a distributed sort\n\n```\nclass SalesRanker(MRJob):\n\n def within_past_week(self, timestamp):\n \"\"\"Return True if timestamp is within past week, False otherwise.\"\"\"", "\n ...\n\n def mapper(self, _ line):\n \"\"\"Parse each log line, extract and transform relevant lines.", "\n\n Emit key value pairs of the form:\n\n (category1, product1), 2\n (category2, product1), 2\n (category2, product1), 1\n (category1, product2), 3\n (category2, product3), 7\n (category1, product4), 1\n \"\"\"\n timestamp, product_id, category_id, quantity, total_price, seller_id, \\\n buyer_id = line.split('\\t')\n if self.within_past_week(timestamp):\n yield (category_id, product_id), quantity\n\n def reducer(self, key, value):\n \"\"\"Sum values for each key.", "\n\n (category1, product1), 2\n (category2, product1), 3\n (category1, product2), 3\n (category2, product3), 7\n (category1, product4), 1\n \"\"\"\n yield key, sum(values)\n\n def mapper_sort(self, key, value):\n \"\"\"Construct key to ensure proper sorting.", "\n\n Transform key and value to the form:\n\n (category1, 2), product1\n (category2, 3), product1\n (category1, 3), product2\n (category2, 7), product3\n (category1, 1), product4\n\n The shuffle/sort step of MapReduce will then do a\n distributed sort on the keys, resulting in:\n\n (category1, 1), product4\n (category1, 2), product1\n (category1, 3), product2\n (category2, 3), product1\n (category2, 7), product3\n \"\"\"\n category_id, product_id = key\n quantity = value\n yield (category_id, quantity), product_id\n\n def reducer_identity(self, key, value):\n yield key, value\n\n def steps(self):\n \"\"\"Run the map and reduce steps.\"\"\"", "\n return [\n self.mr(mapper=self.mapper,\n reducer=self.reducer),\n self.mr(mapper=self.mapper_sort,\n reducer=self.reducer_identity),\n ]\n```\n\nThe result would be the following sorted list, which we could insert into the `sales_rank` table:\n\n```\n(category1, 1), product4\n(category1, 2), product1\n(category1, 3), product2\n(category2, 3), product1\n(category2, 7), product3\n```\n\nThe `sales_rank` table could have the following structure:\n\n```\nid int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT\ncategory_id int NOT NULL\ntotal_sold int NOT NULL\nproduct_id int NOT NULL\nPRIMARY KEY(id)\nFOREIGN KEY(category_id) REFERENCES Categories(id)\nFOREIGN KEY(product_id) REFERENCES Products(id)\n```\n\nWe'll create an [index](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#use-good-indices) on `id `, `category_id`, and `product_id` to speed up lookups (log-time instead of scanning the entire table) and to keep the data in memory. ", " Reading 1 MB sequentially from memory takes about 250 microseconds, while reading from SSD takes 4x and from disk takes 80x longer.<sup><a href=https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#latency-numbers-every-programmer-should-know>1</a></sup>\n\n### Use case: User views the past week's most popular products by category\n\n* The **Client** sends a request to the **Web Server**, running as a [reverse proxy](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#reverse-proxy-web-server)\n* The **Web Server** forwards the request to the **Read API** server\n* The **Read API** server reads from the **SQL Database** `sales_rank` table\n\nWe'll use a public [**REST API**](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#representational-state-transfer-rest):\n\n```\n$ curl https://amazon.com/api/v1/popular?category_id=1234\n```\n\nResponse:\n\n```\n{\n \"id\": \"100\",\n \"category_id\": \"1234\",\n \"total_sold\": \"100000\",\n \"product_id\": \"50\",\n},\n{\n \"id\": \"53\",\n \"category_id\": \"1234\",\n \"total_sold\": \"90000\",\n \"product_id\": \"200\",\n},\n{\n \"id\": \"75\",\n \"category_id\": \"1234\",\n \"total_sold\": \"80000\",\n \"product_id\": \"3\",\n},\n```\n\nFor internal communications, we could use [Remote Procedure Calls](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#remote-procedure-call-rpc).", "\n\n## Step 4: Scale the design\n\n> Identify and address bottlenecks, given the constraints.", "\n\n![", "Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/MzExP06.png)\n\n**Important: Do not simply jump right into the final design from the initial design!**", "\n\nState you would 1) **Benchmark/Load Test**, 2) **Profile** for bottlenecks 3) address bottlenecks while evaluating alternatives and trade-offs, and 4) repeat. ", " See [Design a system that scales to millions of users on AWS](../scaling_aws/README.md) as a sample on how to iteratively scale the initial design.", "\n\nIt's important to discuss what bottlenecks you might encounter with the initial design and how you might address each of them. ", " For example, what issues are addressed by adding a **Load Balancer** with multiple **Web Servers**? ", " **CDN**? ", " **Master-Slave Replicas**? ", " What are the alternatives and **Trade-Offs** for each?", "\n\nWe'll introduce some components to complete the design and to address scalability issues. ", " Internal load balancers are not shown to reduce clutter.", "\n\n*To avoid repeating discussions*, refer to the following [system design topics](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#index-of-system-design-topics) for main talking points, tradeoffs, and alternatives:\n\n* [DNS](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#domain-name-system)\n* [CDN](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#content-delivery-network)\n* [Load balancer](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#load-balancer)\n* [Horizontal scaling](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#horizontal-scaling)\n* [Web server (reverse proxy)](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#reverse-proxy-web-server)\n* [API server (application layer)](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#application-layer)\n* [Cache](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#cache)\n* [Relational database management system (RDBMS)](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#relational-database-management-system-rdbms)\n* [SQL write master-slave failover](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#fail-over)\n* [Master-slave replication](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#master-slave-replication)\n* [Consistency patterns](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#consistency-patterns)\n* [Availability patterns](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#availability-patterns)\n\nThe **Analytics Database** could use a data warehousing solution such as Amazon Redshift or Google BigQuery.", "\n\nWe might only want to store a limited time period of data in the database, while storing the rest in a data warehouse or in an **Object Store**. ", " An **Object Store** such as Amazon S3 can comfortably handle the constraint of 40 GB of new content per month.", "\n\nTo address the 40,000 *average* read requests per second (higher at peak), traffic for popular content (and their sales rank) should be handled by the **Memory Cache** instead of the database. ", " The **Memory Cache** is also useful for handling the unevenly distributed traffic and traffic spikes. ", " With the large volume of reads, the **SQL Read Replicas** might not be able to handle the cache misses. ", " We'll probably need to employ additional SQL scaling patterns.", "\n\n400 *average* writes per second (higher at peak) might be tough for a single **SQL Write Master-Slave**, also pointing to a need for additional scaling techniques.", "\n\nSQL scaling patterns include:\n\n* [Federation](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#federation)\n* [Sharding](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#sharding)\n* [Denormalization](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#denormalization)\n* [SQL Tuning](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#sql-tuning)\n\nWe should also consider moving some data to a **NoSQL Database**.", "\n\n## Additional talking points\n\n> Additional topics to dive into, depending on the problem scope and time remaining.", "\n\n#### NoSQL\n\n* [Key-value store](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#key-value-store)\n* [Document store](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#document-store)\n* [Wide column store](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#wide-column-store)\n* [Graph database](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#graph-database)\n* [SQL vs NoSQL](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#sql-or-nosql)\n\n### Caching\n\n* Where to cache\n * [Client caching](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#client-caching)\n * [CDN caching](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#cdn-caching)\n * [Web server caching](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#web-server-caching)\n * [Database caching](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#database-caching)\n * [Application caching](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#application-caching)\n* What to cache\n * [Caching at the database query level](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#caching-at-the-database-query-level)\n * [Caching at the object level](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#caching-at-the-object-level)\n* When to update the cache\n * [Cache-aside](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#cache-aside)\n * [Write-through](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#write-through)\n * [Write-behind (write-back)](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#write-behind-write-back)\n * [Refresh ahead](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#refresh-ahead)\n\n### Asynchronism and microservices\n\n* [Message queues](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#message-queues)\n* [Task queues](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#task-queues)\n* [Back pressure](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#back-pressure)\n* [Microservices](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#microservices)\n\n### Communications\n\n* Discuss tradeoffs:\n * External communication with clients - [HTTP APIs following REST](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#representational-state-transfer-rest)\n * Internal communications - [RPC](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#remote-procedure-call-rpc)\n* [Service discovery](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#service-discovery)\n\n### Security\n\nRefer to the [security section](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#security).", "\n\n### Latency numbers\n\nSee [Latency numbers every programmer should know](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer#latency-numbers-every-programmer-should-know).", "\n\n### Ongoing\n\n* Continue benchmarking and monitoring your system to address bottlenecks as they come up\n* Scaling is an iterative process\n" ]
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[ "A need exists for an improved AK 47-type rifle apparatus, system, assembly, and method which will allow the user to more easily change the caliber and the barrel length of the weapon." ]
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[ 0.0006493379478342831 ]
[ "Protesters disrupted a vote Monday that made Donald Trump's election in Wisconsin official.", "\n\nWisconsin's Republican electors officially voted to certify Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes from November's presidential election.", "\n\nAround 50 protestors marched outside the state Capitol in sub-zero wind chills, while dozens more marched inside.", "\n\nAs the members of the Wisconsin Electoral College made the announcement, a protestor began shouting \"This is my America\" and other slogans, and was quickly escorted outside by security.", "\n\nOther protestors chanted \"shame\" at the Republican presidential electors during the meeting and as they were leaving.", "\n\nProtests were planned Monday in several state capitals, but they're unlikely to persuade the Electoral College to dump Trump. ", "An Associated Press survey of electors found very little appetite to vote for alternative candidates.", "\n\nHillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.6 million votes. ", "But Trump is poised to win 306 of the 538 electoral votes under the state-by-state distribution of electors used to choose presidents since 1789.", "\n\nBe sure and try our new SNOWCAST APP! ", "It is the \"snow equivalent to STORM SHIELD\" - a great new product that gives you high resolution snow forecasts for any part of the nation! ", "It has just been introduced for iPhones, but we are working on the Android version! ", "Just search SNOWCAST in the App Store or click here." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it safe to use the Keras' clip function with max_value set to None?", "\n\nIs it safe to use keras.backend.clip() function with max_value set to None? ", "The source code suggests that numpy.inf is used in this case (i.e. no upper clipping is done), but the Keras manual says nothing about it. ", "My code works as expected with max_value=None, but I wonder if there is any potential problem I can run into with this setting later on. ", "\nSame question on min_value=None. ", "I am using the TensorFlow backend. ", "\n\nA:\n\nThe only possible problem is losing the gradients of the clipped tensor if all values fall into a clipped region. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007696269312873483, 0.0008390288567170501, 0.0006865852046757936, 0.0005527309258468449, 0.0007037403411231935, 0.0006510067032650113, 0.0007613642374053597, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "\n159 F.2d 278 (1947)\nALBERTY\nv.\nUNITED STATES.", "\nNo. ", "11338.", "\nCircuit Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.", "\nJanuary 31, 1947.", "\nHauerken, Ames & St. Clair and George H. Hauerken, all of San Francisco, Cal., ", "O'Connor & O'Connor and William V. O'Connor, all of Los Angeles, Cal., ", "for appellant.", "\nJames M. Carter, U.S. Atty., ", "Ernest A. Tolin and Walter S. Binns, all of Los Angeles, Cal., ", "and Tobias G. Klinger, of Washington, D. C., Asst. ", "U. S. Attys., ", "and William Strong, Sp. ", "Asst. ", "to the U. S. Atty., ", "of Los Angeles, Cal., ", "for appellee.", "\nBefore GARRECHT, DENMAN and ORR, Circuit Judges.", "\nDENMAN, Circuit Judge.", "\nAppellant appeals from a judgment sentencing her to three years on probation for violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a), 21 U. S.C.A. § 331(a).", "\nThe language of the information is that \"* * * Ada J. Alberty, * * * doing business * * * at Hollywood, Los Angeles, State of California, did * * * on or about April 18, 1944 then and there, in violation of the Act of Congress * * * 21 U.S.C. 331(a) [21 U.S.C.A. § 331(a)],[1] unlawfully introduce and deliver for introduction into interstate commerce, from Hollywood, Los Angeles, State of California, to Kansas City, State of Missouri, consigned to Natural Food Store, a certain consignment, to wit, a number of bottles containing a drug within the meaning of 21 U.S.C. § 321(g) (2) [21 U. S.C.A. § 321(g) (2)] * * *\n\"That displayed upon written, printed, and graphic matter accompanying said drug when introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce, as aforesaid, namely upon a number of leaflets entitled `So it's You again, is it?' ", "relating to said drug which said leaflets were shipped by the said Ada J. Alberty trading and doing business as `Alberty Food Products' to said Natural Food Store prior *279 to the date of the shipment of said drug as aforesaid, to wit, on or about February 7, 1944, were among other things the following statements: * * *\n\"That said drug, when introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce, as aforesaid, was then and there misbranded within the meaning of the said act of Congress [21 U.S.C. § 352(a), 21 U.S.C.A. § 352(a)], in that the statements aforesaid appearing in the leaflets entitled `So it's You again, is it?,' ", "accompanying said drug, as aforesaid were false and misleading in this, that said statements represented and suggested that said drug would be efficacious to restore color to gray hair and would be efficacious to prevent hair from turning gray; whereas in fact and in truth said drug would not be efficacious to restore color to gray hair and would not be efficacious to prevent hair from turning gray.\" (", "Emphasis supplied.)", "\nAppellant demurred to the information on the ground that it does not charge an offense within the sections of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, contending to the court below, as follows: \"The Act in question (Secs. ", "343(a) and 352(a) of Title 21, U.S.C. [21 U.S.C.A. §§ 343(a), 352(a)]) provides that a food or drug shall be deemed to be misbranded `if its labeling is false or misleading in any particular.' ", "Another section of the Act (Sec. ", "321 (m) of Title 21 U.S.C. [21 U.S.C.A. § 321 (m)]) defines the term `labeling' to mean `all labels and other written, printed or graphic matter (1) upon any article or any of its containers or wrappers, or (2) accompanying such article.' * * *.\"", "\nand that the labels did not accompany the drug within Section 321(m).", "\nThe district court overruled the demurrer, thus ruling against appellant's contention that the literature did not accompany the drug when it was introduced into interstate commerce. ", "Appellant assigns this ruling as error.", "\nSection 331(a) provides\n\n\"Prohibited acts\n\"The following acts and the causing thereof are hereby prohibited:\n\"(a) The introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded.\" (", "Emphasis supplied.)", "\nIt will be noted that the verb \"is\" is in the present tense. ", "Section 331(a) confines the offense to a misbranding at the \"introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce\" as recognized in the information by the use of the words \"then and there.\"", "\nA drug is misbranded \"If its labeling is false or misleading in any particular.\" ", "21 U.S.C. § 352(a), 21 U.S.C.A. § 352(a). \"", "Labeling\" of an article is defined to mean \"all labels * * * accompanying such article.\" ", "21 U.S.C. § 321(m), 21 U. S.C.A. § 321(m).", "\nThe information charges that the false labels were shipped by appellant to the Natural Food Store at Kansas City, Missouri, on February 7, 1944, that is, two months and 11 days before April 18, 1944, when the drug was \"then and there\" introduced into interstate commerce. ", "It does not allege that the labels were to be placed with the drug or used together with it by the consignee. ", "For all the information alleges, the labels may not have arrived in Missouri. ", "Or they may have been destroyed. ", "Or they may have been distributed to the prospective customers a month before the arrival of the drug in Missouri and hence never accompanied it there. ", "Or they may have been used in connection with other drugs shipped and sold long prior to April 18, 1944, when the charged offense is alleged \"then and there\" to have been committed.", "\nWe do not think that the bald statement that the labels were shipped to the Missouri consignee 71 days before the drug was shipped charges the offense of causing them to be \"accompanying\" the drug's introduction into interstate commerce on or about April 18, 1944.", "\nAppellee cites our decision United States v. Research Laboratories, Inc., 9 Cir., ", "126 F.2d 42. ", "In that case, a condemnation proceeding, the libel charged that the false circulars accompanied the drug into interstate commerce and all arrived at their common destination simultaneously. ", "The information in the instant appeal alleges *280 no such facts and, on the contrary, cannot be construed as charging that the drug and labels were in interstate commerce at the same time, much less introduced therein at the same time. ", "United States v. 7 Jugs of Dr. Salsbury's Rakos, D. C., 53 F.Supp. ", "746, has similar facts and follows the Research Laboratories case.", "\nAppellee also cites United States v. Lee, 7 Cir., ", "131 F.2d 464, 143 A.L.R. 1451. ", "The complaint there sought an injunction because of an entirely different offense — the placing of the drug and false printed matter together after the interstate shipment in violation of 331(k), referred to in our footnote above. ", "It in no way supports the information purported to be based upon the claimed violation of 321(m) at the time of shipment, to which appellant demurred.", "\nThese three cases were civil proceedings and not criminal prosecutions. ", "They construe the Act liberally. ", "The question was raised at the hearing here whether in construing the Act as the basis of a criminal prosecution there should be a similar construction against the accused. ", "Cf. ", "the recent case of M. Kraus & Bros., Inc., v. United States, 327 U.S. 614, 621, 66 S.Ct. ", "705, 707, construing in a criminal proceeding the Emergency Price Control Act, 50 U.S.C.A.Appendix, § 901 et seq., ", "which, like the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, also afforded civil relief. ", "There the Supreme Court states \"This delegation to the Price Administrator of the power to provide in detail against circumvention and evasion, as to which Congress has imposed criminal sanctions, creates a grave responsibility. ", "In a very literal sense the liberties and fortunes of others may depend upon his definitions and specifications regarding evasion. ", "Hence to these provisions must be applied the same strict rule of construction that is applied to statutes defining criminal action * * *\".", "\nHowever, we think that, whatever the criterion of construction, the ordinary use of the word \"accompanying\" which we have here accepted is that applicable.", "\nAfter overruling the demurrer, the case was tried on a stipulation of facts which stated that the shipment of labels was received by the consignee on February 11, 1944, and the drug on April 25, 1944, clearly establishing that the two did not accompany each other when introduced into interstate commerce nor at any time in that interstate transit. ", "It was also stipulated that they were exhibited together in the consignee's store. ", "Here there might be said to be accompaniment after the interstate commerce was completed, but nothing is stipulated as to appellant's then ownership or control of the drug and labels or her participancy in these later acts to bring her within 331(k), a section not involved in the information.", "\nThe judgment is reversed, the case is remanded, and the information ordered to be dismissed.", "\nNOTES\n[1] There is another provision of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331 (k), 21 U.S.C.A. § 331 (k), forbidding misbranding after the drug has passed through interstate commerce, as follows: \"(k) The alteration, mutilation, destruction, obliteration, or removal of the whole or any part of the labeling of, or the doing of any other act with respect to, a food, drug, device, or cosmetic, if such act is done while such article is held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce and results in such article being misbranded.\"", "\n\nThis section has no application to a charge that at the moment of introducing the drug into interstate commerce the misbranding \"then and there\" occurred.", "\n" ]
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[ "[Study on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for cholecystokinin].", "\nThis study was undertaken to develop a method for assaying octapeptide cholecystokinin (CCK-8) using ELISA. ", "The design of the method was based on the pretreatment of polystyrene microplates with ultraviolet irradiation and glutaraldehyde activation piror to coating. ", "The results showed that this pretreatment let to stable attachment of CCK-8 to the solid-phase. ", "Competitive ELISA with CCK-8 as a competitor gave excellent quantitive relationship. ", "Using this method we distinguished two kinds of CCK-related peptides. ", "This method proved to be simple, stable and reproducible, the intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 4.75% and 7.80% respectively." ]
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[ 0.0008988441550172865, 0.0006918971776030958, 0.0007128796423785388, 0.0006038032006472349, 0.0005877485382370651, 0.000558972533326596, 0.0005994150415062904 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAssigning array to pointer confusion\n\nI was confused by a line of code I found in a tutorial on C. Here is the code:\nint main(int argc, char *argv[]){\n ...\n char **inputs = argv+1; // This is the confusing line\n ...\n return 0;\n}\n\nI can't understand how can you assign an array to a pointer like that. ", "I would be glad if someone could clarify this for me. ", "Thanks ahead!", "\n\nA:\n\nSay you execute a program like this\n\nC:\\Temp>myprog.exe hello world\n\nthe operating system takes these strings and puts them together, in an array of null-terminating strings:\n{ \"myprog.exe\", \"hello\", \"world\", NULL } \n\nThen it calls main() and passes it the number of strings (3) as argc and a pointer to the first string in this array. ", "this pointer is calles argv, and is of type char** (char* argv[] is just a syntactic convenience, semantically equivalent inside function signatures)\nbut you want inputs to hold only the string \"hello\" and \"world\", so you takes this pointer, argc, and point to the next element - add one to it:\nchar **inputs = argv+1;\n\nnow inputs points toward { \"hello\", \"world\", NULL } .", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007366510108113289, 0.0005015059723518789, 0.0006963670602999628, 0.0012967006769031286, 0.00078759272582829, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Happy Birthday Kathryn Bigelow! ", "Today You Are 59, Nov 27.", "\n\nLast year you made history by becoming the first female to win an Academy Award for Best Director for your powerful war film The Hurt Locker, even beating out ex-husband James Cameron!", "\n\nKathryn, you are an inspiration to not only women in Hollywood, but young girls who want to break boundaries. ", "This year take that strength and channel it into that project you’ve been stirring around in your mind for a while. ", "Now is the perfect time to take a chance and go for it! ", "Astrology.com has all the details.", "\n\nHappy birthday, Kathryn Bigelow! ", "As a philosophical Sagittarius with a Moon in unflinching Scorpio, it makes cosmic sense that you’re so adept at dealing with the raw subject matter portrayed within your Academy Award-winning film, ‘The Hurt Locker.’ ", "You gravitate toward thrilling subject matter while providing a realistic spin on things you find fascinating. ", "This year, you may get hit over the head with a brilliant idea once Jupiter comes to your natal Jupiter and, once again, gets you dreaming about doing what others find impossible." ]
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[ 0.0010931872529909015, 0.02250109799206257, 0.008691838011145592, 0.0008697899174876511, 0.0006390044582076371, 0.0007764591136947274, 0.0006376052624545991, 0.0009219429921358824, 0.0363226979970932, 0.0006940908497199416, 0.06796468794345856 ]
[ "The Canada Media Fund (CMF) has announced the factors weights for the 2013-2014 Performance Envelope calculations. ", "This announcement reflects decisions made by the CMF’s Board of Directors following a series of consultation sessions and working groups with members of the industry, and aligns with the CMF’s objectives of simplification, rewarding success and driving convergence across the industry.", "\n\nThe iseedocs system has been fully implemented at Host China facilities. ", "Host China is expected to commercially launch iseedocs service in the New Year and make it available to their enterprise customers in China. ", "This service will be offered for free during a 90-day promotional period and Host China will pay monthly royalties to iseemedia thereafter per iseedocs subscriber.", "\n\niseedocs provides fast, secure and cost-efficient access to rich email attachments for Microsoft Exchange Direct Push emails on Windows Mobile and other Exchange ActiveSync devices. ", "With iseedocs, one can access even large email attachments in seconds, and its patented content adaptation and on-demand streaming technology allows for data savings of over 90%, bringing cost savings to Wireless Operators, Hosted Exchange Service Providers, Enterprises and Consumers.", "\n\n\"We are delighted to sign an agreement with Host China to bring iseedocs to one of the largest mobile marketplaces worldwide\", said Anthony DeCristofaro, president & CEO of iseemedia. \"", "This is a major milestone for iseemedia. ", "While enterprise push mobile email is relatively a new service in Asia today, China’s 480 million mobile subscribers make this market primed for exponential growth. ", "We look forward to working together with Host China and making this partnership a success for both companies.\"", "\n\n\"We have integrated iseedocs rich attachment viewing solution with our Push Mail Service and the specialized iseedocs solution allows our customers to easily view Microsoft Office, Adobe PDF and other critical documents on their Windows Mobile devices,\" said David Chain, Vice President of Host China. \"", "iseedocs makes this service very affordable and mobile users can now communicate via email just like they would from a personal computer.\"", "\n\niLuv unveils the iMM183 Hi-Fi Dual Dock Alarm Clock with Weather Band Radio, a CES 2009 Best of Innovations Honoree, to iPhone 3G and iPod fans. ", "The digital dual alarm clock brings rich sound combined with dual dock options and a Weather Band Radio with NOAA emergency alert system to your beside starting March 2009. ", "Retail price to be determined." ]
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[ 0.0005457953666336834, 0.0005298462929204106, 0.0005648944061249495, 0.0005509058828465641, 0.0005669192178174853, 0.0006329244934022427, 0.0005683125928044319, 0.0005603701574727893, 0.0007111340528354049, 0.0005739962216466665, 0.0004946499248035252, 0.000568521732930094, 0.0006008243653923273, 0.0006924588233232498, 0.000595443940255791, 0.000606138666626066 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSystemMediaTransportControls not found\n\nI am writing a WPF application in C# using JetBrains Rider. ", "Now I want to play MP3-files and also display these Windows 10 media controls next to the volume bar. ", "I figured out I need to use SMTC, or SystemMediaTransportControls, to do that.", "\nHowever, this class is in the namespace Windows.", "Media, so I added using Windows.", "Media; to my C# file, but this leads to Cannot resolve symbol 'Windows'. ", "When I try to add a reference to Windows.Media.dll in the Rider 'Add reference'-dialog I can't find anything.", "\nI tried directly editing the .csproj-file:\n<Reference Include=\"Windows.", "Media\">\n <HintPath>C:\\Windows\\System32\\Windows.", "Media.dll</HintPath>\n</Reference>\n\nwhich leads to the following error message:\nReference wasn't resolved by MsBuild:\nResolved file has a bad image, no metadata, or is otherwise inaccessible. ", "Could not load file or assembly 'Windows.Media.dll' or one of its dependencies. ", "The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.", "\n\nThe only namespace I can find is System.", "Windows.", "Media, but this is a different one than Windows.", "Media.", "\nSo where can I find SMTC? ", "And why can't I use Windows.", "Media?", "\n\nA:\n\nSystemMediaTransportControls is for UWP. ", "But you can use UWP APIs in WPF project.", "\nFollow the steps outlined in this blog post.", "\nBasically, reference these two files from References->Add Reference->Browse...\nC:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\UnionMetadata\\Windows.winmd\nC:\\Program Files (x86)\\Reference Assemblies\\Microsoft\\Framework\\.NETCore\\v4.5\\System.", "Runtime.", "WindowsRuntime.dll\n\nThen add the namespace \nusing Windows.", "Media;\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007959214271977544, 0.0007793809636496007, 0.0006545340875163674, 0.0006802038988098502, 0.0006920432206243277, 0.0006697230855934322, 0.0005867265863344073, 0.0006949462695047259, 0.0008573552477173507, 0.0006672445451840758, 0.0007416150765493512, 0.0005619630101136863, 0.0007522631785832345, 0.0009332639747299254, 0.0006719745579175651, 0.0007661037379875779, 0.001028238795697689, 0.0016863123746588826, 0.0007825225475244224, 0.00115764734800905, 0.0006555347936227918, 0.000577634375076741, 0.0009942022152245045, 0.0007687499164603651, 0.0006881655426695943, 0.0007114126929081976 ]
[ "B.O.S.S. — Rage of the Cursed, Part 4\n\nThis’ll be the last RoC for a bit. ", "I’m not sure what’s next on the menu, but when I come back to it’ll be a different time fox Xallion. ", "As always, feel free to let me know what you think of the story so far.", "\n\nRage of the Cursed, Part 4 — Doctor\n\nXallion slogged back to the camp, clenching a fist around two dangling chains. ", "K’rros followed close behind tapping the back of his axe on his shoulder. ", "Ane is going to be angry.", "\n\nHe opened his hand to reveal two Rhialnin standard issue tags. ", "The cold tin bit into his palm, he held one up, noting the etching. “", "Harold Graves, why did you die today?”", "\n\nBlood ran down Xallion’s cheek, the open wound stung in the cold air. ", "Had he been human when it happened, he would have lost the eye. ", "Harold’s crossbow bolt would leave a scar, reminding him for the rest of his life.", "\n\nK’ross reached over and pinched Xallion’s good cheek. ", "The L’kavrikan babbled something in old tongue. ", "The disorientation and encroaching weakness that came with reverting to human, sapped his urge to complain.", "\n\n“<So you’re a Cursed, huh?", ">” K’rros said again.", "\n\nXallion nodded, reaching up to push away the pinching hand.", "\n\nK’rros laughed. “", "<Should have known, Wolven don’t wear shiny armor.", ">”\n\nXallion raised the tag to his cheek. ", "The cold tag helped the swelling go down, but did nothing to stop the bleeding.", "\n\n“<That’ll leave a good one,>” K’rros said, clapping a hand on his chest. “", "<You’re no adult if you don’t have a scar on your face.", ">”\n\n“<Shut up,>” Xallion said. ", "Translating made his head hurt.", "\n\nK’rros shrugged and walked into the camp clearing. ", "Ane hopped down from a tree branch and hurried to Xallion. “", "You’re hurt?”", "\n\n“A scratch,” he said.", "\n\n“This was made by a crossbow bolt. ", "The bruise goes all the way to your cheek. ", "You were shot?”", "\n\nK’rros set her down and gave her a gentle shove towards Xallion. ", "He caught her handily. ", "Even though it’ll never happen. ", "She’s Cerenish. ", "He moved her away, slow and polite.", "\n\n“Thanks,” she said glancing back. “", "I shudder to think what he had in mind for me.”", "\n\nK’rros widened his grin. “", "<Lucky guy. ", "A strong slap means good—>”\n\n“Enough,” Xallion said.", "\n\nRhyys sniffed at the air, and called forth a spell. ", "It lead him to the bloody tags. ", "He stooped over and ran a thumb over them. “", "Two casualties? ", "Rhialn soldiers.”", "\n\n“One of them got me with a crossbow bolt. ", "I lost my temper and ripped out one’s throat. ", "K’rros killed the other one… on my command.”", "\n\nRhyys narrowed his sightless eyes. “", "Four hours of meditation.”", "\n\n“Y—yes, Rhyys.” ", "Xallion offered a wary glance to Ane.", "\n\n“As Loki,” Rhyys said.", "\n\n“But—”\n\n“No buts. ", "If you want to control this part of yourself you need to face it. ", "Remember, I spoke up for you. ", "If not for me, they would have put you down like a wild beast. ", "Show me how right I am for doing so.” ", "He softened his glare. “", "Besides, I’m only throwing you a bone.”", "\n\n“Really Rhyys?” ", "Xallion said, muttering.", "\n\nRhyys clapped an arm around K’rros’ shoulder. “", "<You know how to clean a deer? ", "I’m starving.", ">”\n\n“<Yep, though they’re better raw.", ">”\n\n“<It may be only you and I eating today. ", "Seeing as Xallion already ate and Ane doesn’t eat meat.", ">”\n\nK’rros laughed. “", "<Oh, that’s good. ", "I can eat one on my own. ", "As long as I get the eyeballs, they’re better than grapes.", ">”\n\nRhyys chuckled. “", "<They’re all yours. ", "I’ll be happy with a slice of flank.", ">”" ]
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[ ". ", "Let w(p) = 34*f(p) + 6*j(p). ", "Let r(q) = -11*v(q) + 6*w(q). ", "What is r(-1)?", "\n-3\nLet y = 5 + -10. ", "Let t(j) = -j**3 - 5*j**2 + 2*j + 5. ", "Calculate t(y).", "\n-5\nSuppose -3*x = -2*n, 5*n - 4*x = -2*x + 11. ", "Suppose n*r = r. Let q(p) = p**3 - p + 5. ", "Calculate q(r).", "\n5\nLet o(t) = t**2 + 2*t + 3. ", "Let h be o(-3). ", "Let x(f) = -f - 2*f + h*f**3 + 4*f. ", "Suppose -36*r + 13 + 23 = 0. ", "Determine x(r).", "\n7\nLet v = 8 - 5. ", "Let i(m) = -3*m + m + 7*m**2 - 3*m - 2*m**2 - m**v. ", "What is i(4)?", "\n-4\nSuppose 7*m = 12*m - b - 22, -m + 12 = -4*b. ", "Let w(h) = 2*h**2 - 2*h**2 - 6 - h**2 + 3*h. ", "Calculate w(m).", "\n-10\nLet u(x) = -x**3 - 5*x**2 + x + 7. ", "Let v be u(-5). ", "Let n(r) = -3 + r + 5*r**v - r**3 - 2*r + 5. ", "Determine n(5).", "\n-3\nSuppose -2*u + 2*u - 11*u = 0. ", "Let h(j) = 5*j - 5*j + j - 7 - j**2. ", "What is h(u)?", "\n-7\nLet j(m) = 4*m - 1. ", "Let z(w) = 3*w - 1. ", "Let a(p) = 5*j(p) - 7*z(p). ", "Suppose -5*b - 3*c = -3 - 17, c = -b + 4. ", "Suppose x - b + 2 = 0. ", "What is a(x)?", "\n0\nSuppose -4*a + 35 - 3 = 0. ", "Let j(v) = 0*v + a*v**2 - 3*v + 0 - 10*v**2 - 1. ", "Suppose -h - 2 = 3*m, 5*m + 2 = -3*h + 4. ", "Give j(m).", "\n-3\nLet y = -7 + 1. ", "Let h = y + 9. ", "Let u(w) = w**3 - 3*w**2 - 2*w + 3. ", "Calculate u(h).", "\n-3\nLet k(d) = -d**2 - 3*d. ", "Let t(g) = -g**2. ", "Let q(h) = k(h) + 6*t(h). ", "Calculate q(-2).", "\n-22\nLet u(b) be the first derivative of -b**2/2 + 3*b - 1. ", "What is u(-3)?", "\n6\nLet c(l) = l**3 + l**2 - l - 2. ", "Let a be (3 - 2)*-1 + -1. ", "Let u be ((0 + 1)*0)/(-1). ", "Let s = a - u. Give c(s).", "\n-4\nLet z(o) be the second derivative of o**5/20 - o**4/3 + o**3/2 + 2*o**2 + 9*o. ", "Calculate z(4).", "\n16\nLet g be ((-2)/(-3))/(1/(-9)). ", "Let y(w) = w**2 + 3*w - 6. ", "What is y(g)?", "\n12\nLet w(b) = -2*b**3 - 7*b**2 + 7*b - 6. ", "Let y(j) = -2*j**3 - 6*j**2 + 6*j - 5. ", "Let q(p) = -6*w(p) + 7*y(p). ", "Let x(v) = 2*v + 13. ", "Let d be x(-7). ", "What is q(d)?", "\n3\nLet m(a) = a + 4. ", "Let g(r) = -2. ", "Suppose -3*i + 5 + 1 = 0. ", "Let l(k) = i*m(k) + 5*g(k). ", "What is l(-2)?", "\n-6\nSuppose 2*r - 24 = 4*s, 2*r = -4*s - 6 - 10. ", "Let t(u) = u**3 - 2*u - 4*u**r - 1 + u + 3*u. ", "What is t(3)?", "\n-4\nSuppose -3*d + 2*d = 0. ", "Suppose d = 5*a - 4*a - 5. ", "Let x(z) = 1 - 6 + 1 + 6*z**2 - z**3 - 5*z. ", "Give x(a).", "\n-4\nLet a(n) = -2*n - n + n**2 + n - 7 - 4*n. ", "What is a(7)?", "\n0\nLet v(m) be the third derivative of -m**6/120 - m**5/12 + m**4/24 - 2*m**3/3 + 4*m**2. ", "Give v(-5).", "\n-9\nLet h(x) be the second derivative of 2*x + 1/3*x**3 + 1/4*x**4 + 0*x**2 - 1/20*x**5 + 0. ", "Determine h(3).", "\n6\nLet r(x) be the third derivative of x**6/120 - 2*x**5/15 + x**4/4 + x**3/6 + 46*x**2. ", "Determine r(7).", "\n-6\nLet c(i) = -i**3 - i - 13. ", "Suppose -7*d = -10*d. ", "Give c(d).", "\n-13\nLet m(k) = -3*k**2 - 9 + 8*k + 4*k**2 - 5. ", "What is m(-10)?", "\n6\nLet b(m) be the second derivative of m**5/20 + m**4/3 - m**3/2 + 3*m**2/2 - 2*m. ", "Suppose 4*v = 7*v + 15. ", "Give b(v).", "\n-7\nSuppose -4*t + 28 = 4*y, 9*y - 5*t + 19 = 6*y. ", "Let m(s) = 4*s - 2. ", "Determine m(y).", "\n6\nSuppose 5*m + 4*j + 6 = 7*m, 4*m + 2*j - 22 = 0. ", "Let c(s) = -2*s - 7. ", "Determine c(m).", "\n-17\nSuppose 0*g = -g - 1, g + 13 = 4*s. ", "Let w(u) = u - 5. ", "Let d be w(6). ", "Let x(n) = -d - 2*n**2 - 2 + n**3 + n - 2*n**2. ", "Determine x(s).", "\n-9\nLet w = 0 - 2. ", "Let m(c) = -4 + c**2 - c**3 + 2 - 2*c**2 + 0*c**3 - c. Determine m(w).", "\n4\nLet n(t) = -t**2 - 4*t + 5. ", "Let d be (-5)/(-35) - 72/14. ", "Calculate n(d).", "\n0\nSuppose 1 = 3*v - 5*d - 12, -4*v - d = -48. ", "Let n = -16 + v. Let f(h) = h**3 + 6*h**2 + 5*h + 4. ", "Calculate f(n).", "\n4\nLet x(b) = 5*b**3 + b**2 - 3*b**2 + 6*b - 4*b**3 - 3*b. ", "Let d be 4/20 - 9/(-5). ", "Give x(d).", "\n6\nSuppose -5 = 3*f - 17. ", "Let x(a) = a**2 - 4*a + 1. ", "Let n be x(f). ", "Let g(k) = -k**3 + 2*k**2 - k. Calculate g(n).", "\n0\nLet z(a) = a**3 + 6. ", "Let b(p) = -p**3 + p**2 + p - 7. ", "Let n(g) = 3*b(g) + 4*z(g). ", "Let f be n(-3). ", "Let o(w) = w**2 + 7*w + 3. ", "Give o(f).", "\n-3\nLet a = -23 + 12. ", "Let q(c) = -c**3 - 12*c**2 - 10*c + 15. ", "Give q(a).", "\n4\nSuppose 3*w + 2*w = 0. ", "Let a(c) = c + 3. ", "Let y be a(-4). ", "Let u be 4 + (y + 0)*w. ", "Let m(o) = -o**2 + 5*o - 3. ", "Calculate m(u).", "\n1\nLet h(y) = 2*y**3 - 4*y**2 + y + 2. ", "Suppose 4*r = -0*r + 8. ", "Let v be h(r). ", "Let j(p) = -4 - 4*p - p + 0*p + v*p. ", "Determine j(-3).", "\n-1\nLet x(f) = f**3 - 2*f**2 + 3*f. ", "Suppose 2 + 4 = 3*c. ", "Let n be 40/16 - c/4. ", "What is x(n)?", "\n6\nLet n(m) = 7*m + 8. ", "Let d(g) = 11*g + 12. ", "Let u(a) = 5*d(a) - 8*n(a). ", "Calculate u(0).", "\n-4\nLet g(v) = -v**2 + 5*v - 4. ", "Let k(p) = -3*p. ", "Let h(r) = 7*r. ", "Let q(m) = 2*h(m) + 5*k(m). ", "Let z(j) = -g(j) - q(j). ", "Let u be 0/1 + 18/6. ", "Determine z(u).", "\n1\nSuppose 0 = 4*j - 5*j + 10. ", "Let z(p) = 2*p**2 - p**2 + j - 6 + 6*p. ", "Give z(-6).", "\n4\nSuppose -4*v + 4 = -0. ", "Let n(w) be the second derivative of -11*w**4/12 + w**3/6 + 4*w. ", "Determine n(v).", "\n-10\nLet f(v) = -6*v**3 + 30*v**2 + 36*v + 11. ", "Let p(a) = a**3 - 6*a**2 - 7*a - 2. ", "Let w(n) = 2*f(n) + 11*p(n). ", "Give w(-4).", "\n-12\nLet k be 12/(-3)*5/10. ", "Let g(t) = 6*t + 3. ", "Give g(k).", "\n-9\nLet x be -2*3/6*3. ", "Let d(m) = m. Let h(p) = 3*p - 1. ", "Let n(r) = 6*d(r) - h(r). ", "Determine n(x).", "\n-8\nSuppose p + 3*p - 28 = 0. ", "Let s = p + -5. ", "Let c(z) = -2*z**3 + z**2 - 2*z + 1. ", "Let n(a) = a**3 + a**2 - a + 1. ", "Let u(y) = c(y) + n(y). ", "Determine u(s).", "\n-4\nLet g(i) = 10*i + 7. ", "Let d(l) = -7*l - 6. ", "Let r(k) = 3*d(k) + 2*g(k). ", "Suppose -f + 10 = f. Calculate r(f).", "\n-9\nLet u(z) = z**2 - z - 1. ", "Let j(m) = 5*m**2 + 3*m + 2. ", "Let n(k) = j(k) + u(k). ", "What is n(-1)?", "\n5\nLet l = -24 + 20. ", "Let n(f) = 2*f**2 + 5*f - 4. ", "Calculate n(l).", "\n8\nLet u(n) be the first derivative of n**3/3 - n**2 - n - 50. ", "Give u(3).", "\n2\nLet r(w) = w**3 + 6*w**2 + 4*w - 5. ", "Suppose -4 = 3*c - 5*c. ", "Let p be (c/(-4))/(2/20). ", "Let i be r(p). ", "Let a(b) = -b**3 - b**2 - b + 4. ", "Calculate a(i).", "\n4\nLet v(z) = 6 + z + 1 - 5 + 2. ", "Calculate v(5).", "\n9\nLet n(j) = j**3 - 3*j**2 - 3*j - 3. ", "Let s be n(4). ", "Let q be s/(((-2)/(-2))/1). ", "Let y(m) = 5*m**2 + m - 1. ", "What is y(q)?", "\n5\nLet v(u) = -u**2 - 3*u + 4. ", "Let m = -2 - 1. ", "Let g(i) = 2*i**2 + 4*i - 4. ", "Let t(o) = m*v(o) - 2*g(o). ", "Let q(z) = z - 7. ", "Let x be q(7). ", "Give t(x).", "\n-4\nLet d(s) be the first derivative of s**6/360 - s**5/30 - s**4/24 + 2*s**3/3 - 2. ", "Let y(l) be the third derivative of d(l). ", "Suppose 0*v = v - 5. ", "What is y(v)?", "\n4\nLet g(p) = -p**2 - p + 3. ", "Let l = 45 + -48. ", "Calculate g(l).", "\n-3\nSuppose -3*q - 21 = -2*i + 2*q, 0 = -3*q - 15. ", "Let t(k) = -4*k**2 - k. What is t(i)?", "\n-14\nLet y(s) = s**2 - 7*s**2 + 5*s**2 - 7*s**2 - 1. ", "Let b be 2/(2 - (-1 + 1)). ", "Determine y(b).", "\n-9\nLet p(t) = t - 8. ", "Suppose 6*v + 3 = 2*w + 3*v, -33 = 3*w + 3*v. ", "What is p(w)?", "\n-14\nLet h(q) be the first derivative of q**2/2 - 4*q - 2. ", "Let f(o) = 2*o. ", "Suppose 0 = -l - 2 + 3. ", "Let v be f(l). ", "Determine h(v).", "\n-2\nLet h(d) = 7*d**2 - 23*d + 21. ", "Let m(f) = 10*f**2 - 34*f + 31. ", "Let a(n) = 7*h(n) - 5*m(n). ", "What is a(9)?", "\n-8\nLet g = -13 + 16. ", "Let r(w) = -g - 12*w + 0*w**2 - 3*w**2 + 6*w + 2*w**2. ", "Calculate r(-6).", "\n-3\nSuppose -y - r = -0*y + 8, 5*y + 20 = 5*r. ", "Let g(n) = -n - 7. ", "Give g(y).", "\n-1\nLet c = -6 - 6. ", "Let m = 17 + c. Let z(u) = u. Let a(j) = 3*j - 6. ", "Let l(r) = a(r) - 4*z(r). ", "What is l(m)?", "\n-11\nLet l(i) = i + 3. ", "Suppose -y + 4*y - 15 = 0. ", "Suppose 2*p - 6*p + c = 0, y*p - 3*c - 7 = 0. ", "Let u be -1 + (0/3 - p). ", "Give l(u).", "\n3\nSuppose 2 = 5*r - 4*r. ", "Let f(k) = -7 + k**r + 4 - k + 1. ", "What is f(0)?", "\n-2\nLet l = 16 + -11. ", "Let b(z) be the second derivative of 3*z**2 - z**3 + 6*z + 1/12*z**4 + 0. ", "What is b(l)?", "\n1\nSuppose -7*b = -11*b. ", "Let h(r) = -r**2 - 5. ", "Give h(b).", "\n-5\nLet s(z) = -3*z + 5. ", "Let q(m) = -10*m + 15. ", "Let a(p) = -2*q(p) + 7*s(p). ", "Determine a(0).", "\n5\nLet j(t) = t**3 + 2*t**2 + t + 3. ", "Let c(v) = 13*v**2 + v - 1. ", "Let o be c(1). ", "Let i = 10 - o. What is j(i)?", "\n-9\nLet l(s) = 4 - 2 + 5*s - 3*s. ", "Let k(v) = -2*v - 2. ", "Let y(o) = 2*k(o) + 3*l(o). ", "Determine y(2).", "\n6\nLet b(n) = 14*n**3 - n**2 - 5*n - 2. ", "Let j(a) = -7*a**3 + 2*a + 1. ", "Suppose -2*c - 4 = -0*c. ", "Let s(p) = c*b(p) - 5*j(p). ", "Let k = -3 - -2. ", "What is s(k)?", "\n-6\nLet m(d) = d**3 - d**2 - d. Suppose 7*h - 16 = 3*h, g + 2*h - 10 = 0. ", "Calculate m(g).", "\n2\nLet h(c) = 14*c - 5. ", "Let q(b) = 7*b - 3. ", "Let r(n) = 4*h(n) - 7*q(n). ", "Determine r(1).", "\n8\nLet b(l) = 3*l + 2. ", "Suppose -2*w - 5*j + 33 = 0, -j + 2*j = 4*w - 11. ", "Let g = 6 - w. Calculate b(g).", "\n8\nLet f(v) = v + 2. ", "Let n(a) = -6*a - 13. ", "Let p(i) = 39*f(i) + 6*n(i). ", "Let x(j) = -j**3 - j**2 + 2*j + 1. ", "Let m be x(-1). ", "What is p(m)?", "\n-3\nLet r = -8 - -14. ", "Let z(c) = 2*c - 7. ", "What is z(r)?", "\n5\nLet z(a) = -1 - 5*a - 1 + 1. ", "Let v(x) = -11*x - 3. ", "Let f(s) = 3*v(s) - 7*z(s). ", "Calculate f(3).", "\n4\nLet v be 3 + 0 + 0 + -31. ", "Let i be 3 - (-1)/2*-4. ", "Let y be v/6 + i/(-3). ", "Let o(f) " ]
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0.004163536708801985, 0.04850434139370918, 0.0031368404161185026, 0.000985043472610414, 0.015134943649172783, 0.0008810926228761673, 0.02365761436522007, 0.002450409810990095, 0.09219899028539658, 0.0007242067367769778, 0.011149590834975243, 0.004179919138550758, 0.0011650315718725324, 0.005240899510681629, 0.005106950644403696, 0.5965604782104492, 0.006366034969687462, 0.0014884653501212597, 0.0013421311741694808, 0.00174811203032732, 0.004555724561214447, 0.0009604169172234833, 0.010154366493225098, 0.002180367475375533, 0.36517298221588135, 0.0006935119163244963, 0.015037267468869686, 0.0015293406322598457, 0.0017465075943619013, 0.014262600801885128 ]
[ "The Fall of Constantinople occurred on May 29, 1453, after a siege which began on April 6. ", "The battle was part of the Byzantine-Ottoman Wars (1265-1453) and is referred to as one of the darkest days in Greek history.", "\n\nAscending to the Ottoman throne in 1451, Mehmed II began making preparations to reduce the Byzantine capital of Constantinople.", "\n\nReduced to the area around the city as well as a large part of the Peloponnese in Greece, the Empire was led by Constantine XI. ", "Already possessing a fortress on the Asian side of the Bosporus, Anadolu Hisari, Mehmed began construction of one on the European shore known as Rumeli Hisari.", "\n\nEffectively taking control of the strait, Mehmed was able to cut off Constantinople from the Black Sea and any potential aid that might be received from the Genoese colonies in the region. ", "Increasingly concerned about the Ottoman threat, Constantine appealed to Pope Nicholas V for aid. ", "Despite centuries of animosity between the Orthodox and Roman churches, Nicholas agreed to seek help in the West. ", "This was largely fruitless as many of the Western nations were engaged in their own conflicts and could not spare men or money to aid Constantinople.", "\n\nWhile Mehmed tightened the noose around Constantinople, elements of his army swept through the region capturing minor Byzantine outposts. ", "Emplacing his large cannon, he began battering at the Theodosian Walls, but with little effect. ", "As the gun required three hours to reload, the Byzantines were able to repair the damage caused between shots.", "\n\nAs initial assaults against the Theodosian Walls had repeatedly failed, Mehmed ordered his men to begin digging tunnels to mine beneath the Byzantine defenses.", "\n\nConstantinople began to plummet as word was received that no aid would be coming from Venice. ", "In addition, a series of omens including a thick, unexpected fog which blanketed the city on May 26, convinced many that the city was about to fall. ", "Believing that the fog masked the departure of the Holy Spirit from Hagia Sophia, the population braced for the worst. ", "Frustrated by the lack of progress, Mehmed called a council of war on May 26. ", "Meeting with his commanders, he decided that a massive assault would be launched on the night of May 28/29 after a period of rest and prayer.", "\n\nShortly before midnight on May 28, Mehmed sent his auxiliaries forward. ", "Poorly equipped, they were intended to tire and kill as many of the defenders as possible. ", "These were followed by an assault against the weakened Blachernae walls by troops from Anatolia.", "\n\nThese men succeeded in breaking through but were quickly counterattacked and driven back. ", "Having achieved some success, Mehmed’s men attacked next but were held by Byzantine forces under Giustiniani. ", "The Byzantines in Blachernae held until Giustiniani was badly wounded. ", "As their commander was taken to the rear, the defense began to collapse.", "\n\nTo the south, Constantine led forces defending the walls in the Lycus Valley. ", "Also under heavy pressure, his position began to collapse when the Ottomans found that the Kerkoporta gate to the north had been left open. ", "With the enemy surging through the gate and unable to hold the walls, Constantine was forced to fall back. ", "Opening additional gates, the Ottomans poured into the city.", "\n\nThough his exact fate is not known, it is believed that Constantine was killed leading a last desperate attack against the enemy. ", "Fanning out, the Ottomans began moving through the city with Mehmed assigning men to protect key buildings.", "\n\nHaving taken the city, Mehmed allowed his men to plunder its riches for three days.", "\n\nOttoman losses during the siege are not known, but it is believed that the defenders lost around 4,000 men. ", "A devastating blow to Christendom, the loss of Constantinople led Pope Nicholas to call for an immediate crusade to recover the city.", "\n\nDespite his pleas, no Western monarch stepped forward to lead the effort. ", "A turning point in Western history, the Fall of Constantinople is seen as the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance. ", "Following the Fall of Constantinople, Hagia Sophia was turned into a mosque.", "\n\nFleeing the city, Greek scholars arrived in the West bringing with them priceless knowledge and rare manuscripts. ", "The loss of Constantinople also severed European trade links with Asia leading many to begin seeking routes east by sea and keying the age of exploration. ", "For Mehmed, the capture of the city earned him the title “The Conqueror” and provided him with a key base for campaigns into Europe.", "\n\nThe Ottoman Empire held the city until its collapse after WWI." ]
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[ 0.0008980039856396616, 0.002586537040770054, 0.0012261384399607778, 0.0007572085014544427, 0.00070282252272591, 0.0021588995587080717, 0.0008609573123976588, 0.0006079658051021397, 0.0008476916700601578, 0.0007936326437629759, 0.01019996590912342, 0.004801526665687561, 0.0033014758955687284, 0.0011525199515745044, 0.0008270149701274931, 0.00273885577917099, 0.023286335170269012, 0.0007110930746421218, 0.0013415802968665957, 0.16522634029388428, 0.0023290670942515135, 0.0014406354166567326, 0.0025082880165427923, 0.011508501134812832, 0.013997603207826614, 0.001105244504287839, 0.0016745012253522873, 0.014333708211779594, 0.010895737446844578, 0.001902015064842999, 0.0033626342192292213, 0.02567746862769127, 0.0007960404618643224, 0.009124710224568844, 0.0008100770064629614, 0.0007413451094180346, 0.0018602978670969605, 0.0006381052080541849, 0.0005879356758669019, 0.001194740878418088, 0.0012455431278795004 ]
[ "The invention relates to an internal combustion engine having at least one piston which performs stroke movements in a cylinder crankcase and which, via two connecting rods, interacts with two parallel crankshafts which rotate synchronously in opposite directions.", "\nA reciprocating-piston assembly is known, from EP 2 426 336 A2, which includes a reciprocating piston. ", "The reciprocating piston is connected via two connecting rods to two crankshafts which are oriented parallel to one another. ", "Each crankshaft is equipped with a synchronization gearwheel, wherein the two synchronization gearwheels are in the form of spur gears and are in engagement with one another such that said gearwheels rotate synchronously with the crankshafts in opposite directions.", "\nIn the case of assemblies of this type of construction, adverse addition of manufacturing tolerances, thermal influences during operation or wear on the tooth flanks of the synchronization gearwheels may give rise to a clearance between the intermeshing synchronization gearwheels. ", "This clearance gives rise to an asymmetry during the rotation of the two crankshafts, which asymmetry can lead to undesired tilting of the piston in the cylinder of the reciprocating-piston assembly. ", "Owing to the asymmetry of the rotation of the crankshafts, the crankshafts duly rotate in temporally synchronized fashion in opposite directions but, during the rotation of the two crankshafts, one of the crankshafts leads the other crankshaft, such that the crankshaft-side connecting rod spindles reach their top dead center not simultaneously but successively. ", "This has the result that the piston-side connecting rod bearings also reach their top dead center temporally in succession, which results in a tilting movement of the piston. ", "The advance of one crankshaft in relation to the other crankshaft exists throughout the rotation of the synchronized crankshafts, giving rise to the stated systemic asymmetry. ", "The latter has the effect that, when the piston is at top dead center, a tilting moment toward one side acts on the piston, and when the piston is at bottom dead center, a corresponding tilting moment toward the other side acts on the piston.", "\nTo compensate the asymmetry of the rotation of the two crankshafts, it is provided in the above-cited EP 2 426 336 A2 that the piston-side pivot bearings of the connecting rod are articulatedly connected to a device which, in the form of a cylindrical bearing element, is pivotably articulated in a bearing bore of the piston. ", "A tilting of the piston, with its piston longitudinal axis, relative to the cylinder longitudinal axis is thereby counteracted.", "\nDE 10 2006 036 827 B4 discloses a power or working machine with a single reciprocating piston and with two crankshafts which extend parallel to one another with a spacing. ", "Two connecting rods act between the oppositely rotating crankshafts, which are in engagement by way of synchronization gearwheels, and the reciprocating piston. ", "In order that tilting of the piston in the cylinder caused by the asymmetry during the rotation of the two crankshafts does not have an adverse effect on the functional back-and-forth movement of the reciprocating piston, the reciprocating piston is designed as follows: in a cross-sectional plane lying perpendicular to the axes of rotation of the crankshafts, the reciprocating piston has a radius which varies along the piston axis. ", "This is such that the piston has, adjacent to the cylinder inner wall, a region which has a greater diameter than the piston regions above and below the region. ", "Even in the event of slight tilting of the piston, only the relatively short section of the piston with the largest diameter makes contact with the piston wall. ", "In this way, the risk of jamming of the piston is greatly reduced.", "\nIt is an object of the invention to design a high-grade reciprocating-piston assembly with a reciprocating piston and with two crankshafts which are arranged parallel to one another and which are connected by way of connecting rods to the reciprocating piston, and a device for compensating an asymmetry of the rotation of the crankshafts. ", "Here, it should be ensured that the device can be easily realized and contributes to good functioning of the reciprocating-piston assembly.", "\nThis and other objects are achieved in accordance with the invention by an internal combustion engine having at least one piston which performs stroke movements in a cylinder crankcase and which, via two connecting rods, interacts with two parallel crankshafts which rotate synchronously in opposite directions, wherein the connecting rods have, on a side facing toward a piston crown of the piston, bearing eyelets which, via piston pins, are operatively connected to the first and second bearings provided at opposite first and second sides of the piston. ", "These bearings and piston pins act as a device for compensating an asymmetry of the profile of the crankshafts, wherein the first and the second bearings for the device have cylindrical bearing disks which, firstly, are rotatably mounted in piston bores and which, secondly, comprise disk bores for receiving first and second pin sections of the piston pins.", "\nThe main advantages attained with the invention can be seen in the fact that the device for compensating a possible asymmetry of the profile of the crankshafts contributes to the efficient operation of the internal combustion engine in an ideal manner. ", "This is assisted by the two standard-setting cylindrical bearing disks and the piston pins which, with regard to structural design, can be produced easily and under expedient conditions. ", "The bearing disks are received by the piston bores in an excellent manner; likewise, the first and second pin sections of the piston pins in the disk bores. ", "It is to be emphasized that, owing to the different diameters of the pin sections it is possible for there to be provided on the respective piston pin a step with a collar in the form of a stop, which collar is supported on an inner side of an associated bearing disk. ", "The laterally reversed arrangement of the piston pins ensures a targeted transmission of force from the piston to the connecting rods. ", "Commercially available, inexpensive circlips, which act between the piston bores and the bearing disks, are suitable for axially securing the bearing disks; corresponding circlips may also be used between the piston pins and the bearing disks. ", "Owing to the sophisticated structural solution of the piston pins, that is to say the step with a collar in the form of a stop, in each case only one circlip is required to axially secure the piston pins in the pin bores. ", "Finally, the bearing disks are equipped with thickened disk portions in the region of the first and second pin sections in order to realize an advantageous bearing base.", "\nOther objects, advantages and novel features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description of one or more preferred embodiments when considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings." ]
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[ "Assessment of the reproductive toxic potential of dermally applied 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone to male B6C3F1 mice.", "\nThe potential of 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (HMB) to cause male reproductive toxicity was assessed in B6C3F1 mice. ", "HMB was administered topically for 13 weeks (5 days/week) to groups of 10 mice each at dosages of 0, 10, 20, 100, or 400 mg/kg/day. ", "Additional high dosage and control mice were also included and euthanized at interim time points to characterize the time course of any effects. ", "After 91 days (or at interim periods) mice were euthanized and reproductive organ weights, cauda epididymal sperm concentration and proportion of motile and abnormal sperm, and testicular spermatid concentration were determined. ", "Testicular histology was evaluated in fixed tissue. ", "HMB treatment had no effect on body weight gain or any of the male reproductive parameters assessed at any time point. ", "These results indicate that topically applied HMB has no reproductive toxic potential in male B6C3F1 mice at dosages as high as 400 mg/kg/day." ]
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[ "Also there are a ton of new members who aren't engaged in the forums. ", "Mafia beginner games also brings in a ton of new blood to the forums and it's about time for another series. ", "Tvellalott said he wanted to do that series so i'll probably work with him to make sure they go through smoothly.", "\n\nMe -Phil left the site in my charge. ", "I have a recorded phone conversation to prove it.", "\nkohai -If you're the owner, then do something useful like ip block him and get us away from juggle and on a dofferent host!", "\nMe -haha you apparently don't know my history\nKohai - Maybe not, but that doesn't matter! ", "You shoukd still listen to your community and quit being a tyrrant!", "\nMe - i was being completely sarcastic\nKohai - then u misrepresented yourself by impersonating the owner—a violation of the tos" ]
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[ "Israel, the so-called Start-up Nation, could soon become known as the Silicon Valley of medical marijuana if leaders in the industry have their way. ", "Israel’s medical cannabis sector is flourishing, thanks in part to growing business ties with Canada, which recently legalized marijuana.", "\n\nFollow Ynetnews on Facebook STRONG> and Twitter\n\n\n\nHundreds of millions of dollars in deals between Canadian and Israeli companies have already been inked, with investments covering innovative products treating a wide range of health issues—from cancer, to epilepsy, to sleep disorders.", "\n\nResearchers at CannRx labs in Jerusalem show their facilities (Photo: David Rawlings)\n\nSaul Kaye is the man behind the CannaTech conference—one of the biggest international events in the industry—which takes place each year in Israel.", "\n\n“We have about 106 clinical trials running right now in cannabis and nowhere else in the world has been able to do that,” Kaye, who also founded the Israel-based company iCan, revealed to The Media Line.", "\n\n“We’ve got nearly 40,000 patients now and when I started there were 12,000 patients so that’s a huge amount of growth, and obviously with growth comes capital. ", "Capital all over the world is looking at the cannabis (industry),” he added.", "\n\nKaye stresses that Israel is the perfect place to experiment with medical cannabis not only because the climate is ideal, but also because researchers are years ahead of their peers in many other countries.", "\n\nFor instance, CannRx Technology, a subsidiary of Izun Pharmaceuticals, has developed a revolutionary technology that can produce cannabis extractions to treat serious medical conditions.", "\n\n“We created VCT or Vapor Capture Technology,” Dr. William Z. Levine, Founder & Executive Chairman at CannRx, explained to The Media Line.", "\n\n“Basically, (the machine) vaporizes cannabis. ", "A gas plume comes out from the material similar to what you would inhale into your lungs. ", "We then capture that gas plume, solubilize it down through a series of solubilization chambers and transform it into a very clean, efficient, very controlled liquid. ", "It can be water soluble or oil-based, (depending on how) we choose to deliver it to the system.”", "\n\nAlvit Pharma is also making strides with unique products combining medicinal mushrooms and cannabis. ", "The company has already signed deals with several Licensed Producers (or LPs) in Canada.", "\n\n“It seems like almost every LP here has something to do with somebody in Canada right now,” Yona Levy, CEO of Alvit LCS Pharma, asserted to The Media Line.", "\n\n“Canada is probably the most mature market now in terms of cannabis in the world. ", "They’ve taken it very seriously and they’ve approached it the right way,” she said.", "\n\nNevertheless, the prospects for medical cannabis in Israel are not as rosy—or “green”—as they could be. ", "The industry is plagued by uncertainty, particularly due to stringent government regulations that currently forbid the export of marijuana products.", "\n\nFor several years and following countless Israeli parliament debates, the sale overseas of Israeli medical cannabis remains banned.", "\n\nThe most recent committee meeting, held just this summer, was marred by political infighting between officials at the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Public Security, with the head of the latter, Gilad Erdan, objecting to export reform for a variety of reasons.", "\n\nMedical cannabis (Photo: AP)\n\nCannabis industry insiders argue that while numerous foreign investors have expressed an interest in Israeli products, agreements in the works with Canada and other countries—reaching into the billions of dollars—could ultimately fall through if the government does not solve the issue quickly.", "\n\n“It all got held up by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who said ‘I want to do a final review before we allow exports,’” Kaye, who created CannaTech, asserted. “", "A third of my investors are Canadians, a third are Australians and a third are Americans so we need to be able to export to other countries.”", "\n\nFor its part, the Canadian government is ready and willing to collaborate with Israeli companies in the near future.", "\n\n“Canadian and Israeli companies are exploring opportunities for trade and investment in the cannabis-for-medical-purposes industry, in addition to partnerships in research and development,” a spokesperson at the Canadian Embassy in Tel Aviv wrote in a statement provided to The Media Line.", "\n\n“Canada does not support any international trade in cannabis for non-medical or non-research purposes,” she added.", "\n\nDespite the legislative and bureaucratic hurdles that remain, some in the industry have found creative ways to keep their businesses alive.", "\n\nTo circumvent legislative hurdles and the export ban, some Israeli businesses have relocated their research and development facilities to other nations, whereas other entrepreneurs have started growing marijuana outside of Israel.", "\n\nOne such company is Together Pharma, which recently reached an agreement with an unnamed Canadian firm to sell five tons of cannabis oil worth hundreds of millions of dollars.", "\n\n“Due to the Israeli export regulations, we are opening a greenhouse in Uganda, where regulations to export cannabis are already in place,” Arik Filstein, founder of Together Pharma, related to The Media Line.", "\n\n“At the moment, Israel is losing money. ", "Instead of taxable revenue being generated here, it’s going to other countries, which is unfortunate,” Filster concluded.", "\n\nArticle written by Maya Margit" ]
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[ "Is there a clinical standing balance measurement appropriate for use in sports medicine? ", "A review of the literature.", "\nThe aims of this review paper are (1) to discuss the relevance of proprioception and standing balance in rehabilitation and prevention of sports injuries, (2) to examine the evidence supporting decreased balance as a risk factor and balance training as a prevention strategy for injury in sport, (3) to review the evidence in the literature supporting the reliability and validity of clinical balance measurements, (4) to examine factors potentially influencing lower extremity balance and (5) to discuss the implications for future research in identifying clinical balance measurement tools appropriate for use in rehabilitation and injury prevention in sports medicine. ", "Laboratory measurement techniques for balance (using costly, highly technical, and often non-portable equipment) are often not appropriate for use in a clinical setting or for research in a large field based clinical trial. ", "Many of the clinical tools for balance measurement are not appropriate for use in the healthy active population, as they are not challenging enough or they are static balance measures. ", "Evidence from original research suggests that static unipedal timed balance is a reliable measurement in both children and adults. ", "There is little evidence to support the reliability and validity of dynamic clinical measurements of balance developed. ", "It is impaired dynamic unipedal balance in sport which may be a significant risk factor for re-injury following rehabilitation or injury in sport. ", "Dynamic standing balance measurement tools appropriate for use in the clinical setting need to be developed and assessed for reliability and validity." ]
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[ "Rjurik Davidson’s The Stars Askew—available July 12th from Tor Books—continues the story that began with Unwrapped Sky. ", "With the seditionists in power, Caeli-Amur has begun a new age. ", "Or has it? ", "The escaped House officials no longer send food, and the city is starving.", "\n\nWhen the moderate leader Aceline is murdered, the trail leads Kata to a mysterious book that explains how to control the fabled Prism of Alerion. ", "But when the last person to possess the book is found dead, it becomes clear that a conspiracy is afoot. ", "At its center is former House Officiate Armand, who has hidden the Prism. ", "Armand is vying for control of the Directorate, the highest political position in the city, until Armand is betrayed and sent to a prison camp to mine deadly bloodstone.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Maximilian is sharing his mind with another being: the joker-god Aya. ", "Aya leads Max to the realm of the Elo-Talern to seek a power source to remove Aya from Max’s brain. ", "But when Max and Aya return, they find the vigilants destroying the last remnants of House power.", "\n\nIt seems the seditionists’ hopes for a new age of peace and prosperity in Caeli-Amur have come to naught, and every attempt to improve the situation makes it worse. ", "The question now is not just whether Kata, Max, and Armand can do anything to stop the bloody battle in the city, but if they can escape with their lives.", "\n\nOne\n\nA revolution is a festival of the oppressed. ", "Caeli-Amur was alive with color and energy. ", "Demonstrations coursed along the thoroughfares. ", "Chants reverberated among the buildings. ", "Everyone seemed involved in that carnivalesque atmosphere. ", "In the crisscrossing alleyways, hardy washerwomen debated the new world; in the redbrick factories, committees discussed the conflict between the vigilants and the moderates; on street corners, avant-garde theater acts performed bizarre agitprop. ", "At the university, students held endless parties, breaking into orgies or fisticuffs before returning to their dwindling stocks of flower-liquors and their nasty Yensa fudge. ", "Love affairs were begun; hearts were broken; new ways of living invented. ", "Life itself seemed to have taken on a new intensity, and time itself expanded so that each moment seemed to last forever. ", "And yet, everything was moving at such a pace!", "\n\nIn the grand Opera building’s northern wing, the moderate leader Thom pressed a letter into Kata’s hand, his eyes wild. ", "Barrel-chested, his beard sprouting in all directions, the second-in-command of the moderate faction possessed an artist’s sensibility. ", "He was nowhere more at home than in the Quaedian Quarter’s galleries and theaters. ", "Kata had always liked his unrepressed romanticism, and he was popular with the citizens. ", "His strengths were suited to the moment of liberation.", "\n\nNow, in the Opera, Thom’s passion seemed to have taken a dark turn. ", "His eyes were those of a haunted man. “", "I was meant to meet Aceline here earlier but was held up. ", "Take her this letter. ", "Guard it though.” ", "He turned his head, eyed Kata with a piercing sideways glance. “", "I must attend to something, something…”\n\nAs she slipped the letter into her jacket pocket, Kata felt a cold rush over her skin. ", "Thom often acted extravagantly, but there was something different about this request, a desperation she had never noticed before.", "\n\nKata had become a go-between for various moderates. ", "She spent most of her days scurrying up along the alleyways, across the whitetopped cliffs, from Opera to factory to university. ", "Most important, she carried letters between Thom and the moderate leader, the bone-white, childlike Aceline. ", "It was a lowly role that suited her.", "\n\nThom grasped her arm, pulled her back. “", "Be careful.”", "\n\n“What is it?” ", "asked Kata.", "\n\nThom adjusted the large bag that hung from his shoulder. ", "A shadow crossed his face as he looked at it. “", "Go.”", "\n\nThen Kata was on her way, through the corridors, past the stream of people, and out into the square, where Dexion waited for her. ", "The minotaur was like an image from ancient times, standing against that background of the red sun setting over the ocean. ", "For a moment the rays blinded her, and all she saw was a magnificent silhouette: a creature too large to be a man, its bull’s head outlined against a ball of fire. ", "Kata was mesmerized by his explosive energy, the scent of his spiced hide. ", "The inky blackness of his eyes always captivated and frightened her, but occasionally his joyfulness would shine through and she would breathe again.", "\n\nSmall groups watched the immense creature carefully, turning away quickly if he glanced in their direction. ", "An old man kneeled in supplication—many of the older citizens still worshipped the minotaurs. ", "Even farther away, a group of young women watched Dexion in awe, yearning to approach him yet held back by fear. ", "In the corners of the square, shadowy figures lurked, looking on from under dark hoods. ", "Kata thought of the black market, of the demand for minotaur parts, of the sound of a saw cutting through horn and bone, of her own dark past.", "\n\n“Aceline is at Marin’s water palace,” she said.", "\n\nDexion’s eyes gleamed. ", "Still young for a minotaur, he was forever ready for new adventures, which pleased Kata no end, for the minotaur’s exuberance helped bring her out of her bleak moods. ", "He was a good, if unreliable, companion.", "\n\nTogether they charged along the streets, cutting across the unused tram tracks and over the tiny bridges that spanned the canals running between Market Square and the Northern Headland, where Caeli-Amur’s famous water palaces and steam baths were built. ", "A stench drifted over from piles of refuse banked up against the walls.", "\n\nThe sound of a protest march resounded in the streets ahead. ", "First they heard chanting echoing between the buildings, drums setting the march’s rhythm. “", "Down with the Houses, down with the hoarders! ", "Bread! ", "Bread! ", "Bread!” ", "The protest turned a corner onto the long and narrow Via Trasta. ", "For Kata, such marches were a joy, for she found herself dissolved into them, at one with the other demonstrators and their passions, calling out spontaneous slogans, the energy surging into her from the seething mass. ", "There was something intimate about a march, and for that reason they were frightening, too.", "\n\nYet there was an increasingly strident tone to the recent demonstrations and open-air meetings. ", "The blockade by the remnants of the Houses was taking its toll. ", "House Technis had been crushed, but Marin had withdrawn its ships to the Dyrian coast, and the House Arbor villas to the south were refusing to ship goods—corn, wheat, grapes, anything—to the city. ", "Varenis had joined the blockade, and Caeli-Amur’s machinery was slowly breaking down without the parts that would normally come from that great northern city. ", "Now some of the marches bordered on riots; there was always some desperate cause, some grievance to be heard. ", "A dark presence lurked in the free air.", "\n\nNow the crowd pressed up against the walls of Via Trasta and reached a boarded-up bakery, where it milled around, engaged in conversation with lots of gesturing, and then a couple of men came forward and began levering open the bakery’s shutters. ", "There was a crack of wood accompanied by splinters falling onto the ground.", "\n\nA distressed-looking man burst from an alleyway between the buildings and rushed up to them. “", "Citizens! ", "Please! ", "There must be some kind of order!”", "\n\nA woman in the crowd yelled back at him, “Hoarder!”", "\n\nBy the time the shutters had been broken open, Kata and Dexion were close to the doors. ", "Several in the crowd glanced at the minotaur, alarmed, and for a moment Kata wondered whether she should intervene. ", "But what would she do? ", "This was no way to organize a city, but the citizens must be fed.", "\n\nIn any case, the tone of Thom’s voice urged her on, so she pushed through the milling crowd, Dexion beside her.", "\n\nA squad of black-uniformed vigilant guards rushed down the street. ", "Kata glanced back as the guards reached the crowd and pushed their way through to the bakery.", "\n\nThe baker cried out, “Finally I—” but a second later one of the guards had the man’s hands behind his back. ", "He protested, “But I’m the owner!” ", "The vigilant struck him anyway, and the baker slumped to his knees.", "\n\nKata pulled at Dexion. “", "Come on.”", "\n\nHad it been just weeks since the seditionist movement had overthrown the three Houses? ", "Events moved at a breathtaking pace. ", "The Insurgent Assembly (though they had risen to power, they still called themselves seditionists—it seemed old habits die hard) was nominally in charge. ", "Already it was divided. ", "On one side, the cold Northerner Ejan led the vigilants, determined to use force against any resistance. ", "On the other, Aceline and her moderates argued for freedom for all to express their opinions and take their own actions.", "\n\nKata aligned herself with the moderates. ", "Like so many, the city’s transformation had reshaped her, too. ", "After the overthrow of the Houses, Kata had begun to learn about friendship. ", "It was the moderate leader, Aceline, who had opened her to this strange and frightening possibility. ", "Kata approached it like a cat entering a new room, ready to flee at the slightest danger, but Aceline sat patiently, allowing Kata to come to her at her own pace. ", "Together they spent long evenings discussing the philosophy of the seditionist movement. ", "They both felt that the movement itself should embody the kind of values they hoped to bring into being—a world of justice and freedom.", "\n\nKata was a seditionist at heart, living in a city that finally belonged to them.", "\n\n* * *\n\nGreat pillars adorned the façade of Marin’s water palace of Taium. ", "Its many domes rose above them like a collection of bubbles in the corner of a soapy bath. ", "The entry hall was equally wondrous. ", "Water coursed along channels to each side of the entryway. ", "Glorious mosaics decorated the walls, depicting minotaurs standing on the rocky island of Aya and looking far across the ocean toward the Sirens singing back at them from Taritia.", "\n\nInside the water palace was a maze of corridors and pools, rocky open-air gardens and long halls filled with great spheres. ", "Apparently, a complex of rooms in the center of the palace could be filled with superoxygenated water, allowing the bathers to swim through worlds of imagination and fancy, breathing water as they journeyed. ", "The notion of total submersion filled Kata with horror.", "\n\nAs Kata passed from room to room, great clouds of steam drifted around her, at one moment obscuring everything, the next revealing half-naked figures laughing giddily at their newfound freedom. ", "Once the sole province of the upper echelons of the Houses, Marin’s water palace was now constantly filled with seditionists, members of the Collegia, thaumaturgists liberated from the yoke of the Houses, and workers who had never been allowed in such a rarefied building. ", "The once-stratified world was mixed up, and since one group of social rules had been shattered, why not others?", "\n\nA long-haired woman bumped into Kata, then drunkenly staggered toward the archway that led to the steam rooms, renowned as a place for easy sex. ", "Just beyond it, a group of students lay semi-comatose, arms and legs draped over one another, half-empty bottles of flower-draughts loosely gripped in their hands or toppled over beside them. ", "Kata was both attracted to and repelled by these libertines. ", "She pictured joining in but crushed the idea the moment she had it.", "\n\nKata’s eyes roved the place for Aceline’s lithe figure and close-cropped black hair. ", "Aceline had been coming to the water palace recently, which surprised Kata, for Aceline was a moderate in all things: philosophy, politics, personal predilection. ", "Still, House Technis had captured Aceline just before the revolt and subjected her to the terror-spheres in their dungeons. ", "Who knew what nightmares she needed to escape from? ", "Despite their newfound friendship, Kata did not dare ask her about it yet. ", "But if Aceline needed the louche attractions of the baths, Kata could not judge her for it.", "\n\nThe minotaur shifted his great bulk and looked longingly at the baths, half obscured by steaming air. ", "Linked by thin channels, they formed a labyrinth of connected baths—some circular, others square or octagonal.", "\n\n“Oh, go on,” she said.", "\n\nDexion’s eyes blinked rapidly in excitement. ", "In seconds he had dropped his clothes onto the floor. ", "He leaped, seeming to hover for a moment in the air above one of the pools, while the other bathers’ eyes widened in fear. ", "They screamed, grimaced, and tried to push themselves away through the water, but Dexion crashed into it and drenched them before they could escape.", "\n\nKata passed through an archway, heavy wooden doors and exquisite crimson circular patterns disappearing and reemerging in the roiling mist.", "\n\nAt the end of the corridor, a half-hidden figure lurked. ", "Kata moved closer until she caught the young man’s profile: a fine nose and lustrous shoulder-length black hair. ", "Walking close to the wall, Kata stopped beside the young man and examined the frigidarium beyond, where citizens plunged into the icy baths, laughing and giving cries of pleasurable shock. ", "Others staggered from the cold waters and ran through another archway, toward a great central complex containing the water-spheres.", "\n\n“So, Rikard,” Kata said. “", "Ejan has you spying on his opponents, does he?”", "\n\n“Spying is such a cruel word, don’t you think?” ", "Rikard turned his brown eyes to Kata. ", "He had just recently passed over the cusp of adulthood and had a newly grown, soft, thin mustache. ", "His father had died in the tramworkers’ strike against Technis, and Rikard had joined the seditionists not long after. ", "Now there was a steely cast to his high cheekbones and thoughtful eyes.", "\n\nA couple embraced in one of the nearby baths. ", "They dropped beneath the waters, then burst up again, calling out in joy.", "\n\nKata said, “Have you seen Aceline?”", "\n\n“Taking a message to her, are you?” ", "Rikard asked nonchalantly.", "\n\nKata smiled grimly. “", "Always at work, I see.”", "\n\nThis time Rikard shrugged and raised his eyebrows rapidly, a half-humorous gesture he liked to disarm people with. “", "Tell me the message, and I’ll tell you where she is.”", "\n\nKata checked Rikard with her shoulder. “", "Don’t do that, Rikard. ", "You’re too kind for such bargaining.” ", "When Rikard didn’t reply, Kata changed the topic. “", "All this space devoted to quick pleasure— Ejan must hate it.”", "\n\n“The new order is fragile. ", "The Directors, officiates, and subofficiates of the Houses—they all wait up in their mansions in the Arantine and here on the Northern Headland, out in their country villas or on the Dyrian coast. ", "All the while, their agents are among us, encouraging this dissoluteness, weakening us by the minute. ", "Just when we need discipline, the seditionists indulge themselves. ", "Flower-draughts, hot-wine, gorging on food—look at them. ", "How different are they from those who came before?”", "\n\nKata looked on. “", "Don’t they have the right to celebrate their freedom?”", "\n\nRikard pushed his hair back with his hands. “", "You call this freedom?”", "\n\nKata knew if she could establish some rapport with Rikard, he might help her. ", "She tried another tack. “", "We look alike, you know. ", "We could be brother and sister.”", "\n\nRikard pressed his lips together, the closest he came to a smile, and ignored her attempt. “", "Not all of us are uncertain about what should happen. ", "We’re not all like you moderates.”", "\n\n“Certainty can be a dangerous thing.”", "\n\n“No! ", "It’s uncertainty that is dangerous. ", "Audacity is what made us victorious. ", "That’s what I don’t understand about you, Kata. ", "You’re a woman of action. ", "Every part of you screams it. ", "You grew up on the streets, fought your way up and out. ", "Your soul and your allegiance to the moderates will always be in conflict.”", "\n\n“I liked it more when you used to stand silently as if you were mute.” ", "Kata smiled. “", "Can’t we go back to those days?”", "\n\nRikard pressed his lips together again. ", "This time, the edges of a smile did appear. ", "Dark and brooding, romantic—already he was a favorite among the young women of the city. ", "Rikard seemed unaware of this—or, perhaps, like the cold-blooded leader Ejan, he had cut off that personal part of himself. ", "For Ejan—and perhaps for Rikard—the seditionist movement was the four points of the compass.", "\n\n“Come on, Rikard. ", "This is serious. ", "I need to find Aceline.”", "\n\n“She’s in one of the private rooms along this corridor. ", "I didn’t see who she met, though. ", "Come, I’ll show you.” ", "They retraced Kata’s steps along the corridor and stopped before a closed arched door. ", "So it seemed Rikard had been spying on Aceline, after all. ", "Kata kept the accusation to herself.", "\n\n“They’re probably…” Kata let the sentence drop away.", "\n\nRikard shrugged and knocked on the door. ", "No response came. ", "He knocked again. “", "Aceline?”", "\n\nWhen there was again no response, he finished her sentence. “", "Enjoying themselves too much.”", "\n\nKata placed her ear against the wooden door and heard what sounded like a single knock, followed by a groaning sound. ", "Images sprang to Kata’s mind of Aceline writhing with whomever she had met that day, her pretty face distended into a leer, groans escaping from her lips. ", "But the sound also brought thoughts of violence to her mind.", "\n\nKata turned the handle, but the door held fast. “", "Aceline—it’s Kata!” ", "She knocked insistently. ", "Anxiety gripped her. ", "She turned to Rikard, who shook his head. ", "They threw their weight against the door, but it didn’t budge.", "\n\nKata said, “Wait. ", "I’ll get Dexion.”", "\n\nDexion had dried himself and was half dressed when she found him. ", "He rapidly threw on his remaining clothes and followed her. ", "Kata pressed her ear against the door again. ", "There was a slight thudding clunk—perhaps someone banging against a table—then all was quiet.", "\n\nShe stood back and nodded at the minotaur. ", "He placed his immense hands against the doorway, which groaned briefly. ", "There was a crack; shards of wood burst into the air; and the door broke open.", "\n\nOne quick look into the room and Dexion stepped back, his nostrils flaring.", "\n\nA few feet in front of the door, the body of a short heavy man was sprawled facedown, the smell of burning flesh drifting from it. ", "A second man lay on his back in the middle of the room, the skin of his face seemingly melted, white froth around where his mouth had once been. ", "His arms lay above his head as if he were stretching. ", "Both wore black suits, the traditional uniforms of the thaumaturgists.", "\n\nIn the corner, Kata caught a glimpse of Aceline’s black hair, her skin whiter than ever.", "\n\nKata raised her fingers to her lips. “", "Oh no,” she said. “", "Oh no.”", "\n\nGrief gripped her heart like a ghostly hand, for Aceline’s eyes were rolled back in her head. ", "Death had taken her into the land of light.", "\n\n* * *\n\nKata had cried only once in the last fifteen years. ", "She did not cry now, though grief seemed to press her from her insides, threatening to erupt at any moment.", "\n\nRikard turned and whistled. ", "A moment later a grubby little urchin was at his side. “", "Ejan. ", "Immediately.” ", "The guttersnipe took a brief look into the room, his mouth as wide as his eyes. ", "Rikard grabbed him by his torn jacket. “", "Keep that trap shut.”", "\n\nThe urchin nodded—mouth still agape—and sped off through the mist. ", "A couple, arms thrown around each other, staggered toward them along the steamy corridor.", "\n\n“Come on.” ", "Rikard stepped lightly into the room. “", "Close the door.”", "\n\nDexion forced the damaged door back into its frame, jamming it when it wouldn’t fit.", "\n\nKata surveyed the scene. ", "The door’s latch lay shattered on the ground. ", "On the left side of the room, a large bath was cut into the stone floor. ", "On the right side, three massage tables were lined up against the wall. ", "The three bodies lay in between: the two men closest to them, and Aceline up against the far wall, near the edge of the bath.", "\n\nKata stepped gently across the room to Aceline’s body. ", "She avoided looking at the dead woman’s empty staring eyes. ", "She needed to focus, to reconstruct events.", "\n\n“Look.” ", "Rikard knelt beside the shorter man. ", "He pointed to the ground near him. “", "There’s some kind of burned black powder on the floor.”", "\n\n“Here too.” ", "Dexion pointed to a place nearer the center of the room, close to the thinner thaumaturgist. “", "His face has been completely melted.” ", "Dexion’s nostrils flared again with distaste.", "\n\nKata knelt beside her former friend and noticed several tiny black specks on the skin between her nostrils and mouth. ", "A thin deep red mark encircled Aceline’s neck, bleeding slightly in places. “", "Aceline was strangled.” ", "There were no cuts on her hands, though. ", "It was almost as if she’d given up without a struggle.", "\n\nKata felt a familiar pressure building within her. ", "She took a flask from her bag and swallowed some of the medicine that kept her seizures at bay. ", "Without the precautionary medication, the fits came at moments of stress and left her incapacitated for hours. ", "Now her mouth was filled with the pungent taste of dirt and ul-tree roots. ", "She gagged, steadied herself, and returned the flask to her bag.", "\n\nDelicately, using the edge of her knife, she lifted as many of the black specks from under Aceline’s nose as she could. ", "She looked around hopelessly for a vial, then placed the knife carefully onto the nearest massage table. ", "Then Kata began to scrape some of the blackened powder from the floor with her second knife, until she had recovered a thick curl.", "\n\nRikard pushed his hair back with his hand. “", "The thaumaturgists must have killed each other.”", "\n\n“I suppose they knew the same thaumaturgical formulae,” said Dexion. “", "A burning conjuration. ", "Like two gladiators who strike at the same time, each mortally wounded the other with the same spell.”", "\n\nKata agreed. “", "They probably dispatched Aceline first. ", "One held her down; the other did the strangling. ", "But afterward they fought. ", "It must have been this one I heard falling when I pressed my ear to the door.” ", "Kata pointed to the heavy thaumaturgist near the entrance. “", "Maybe he was making his last effort to escape.”", "\n\nKata took in the rest of the room. ", "A glorious mosaic depicting one of the Eyries of the Augurers decorated the far wall. ", "The rocky pinnacle rose into the sky, breathtakingly thin against an azure sky. ", "Through a window, an Augurer could be seen seated in the center of a room, her wild hair waving in the air. ", "With one black and piercing eye she stared toward the viewer as if inviting them in, as the line of Augurers had invited citizens of Caeli-Amur and Varenis since the time of the ancients. ", "Around the pinnacle, the griffins circled in the sky, their feathered wings beating against invisible drafts, their eagle heads rearing up proudly.", "\n\nThe mosaic covered the arch of the roof above, the tiles there becoming first the light blue of the sky, then the dark blue of night. ", "On the wall behind them, the mosaic depicted Caeli-Amur, a thousand little glittering lights in the night. ", "At its center stood the door with its ruined latch.", "\n\nLeaving Dexion and Rikard to guard the room, Kata slipped out and searched for an attendant. ", "There seemed to be none working—perhaps they were gone for good—so it took her a few minutes to find a storeroom, which had already been ransacked, presumably after the uprising. ", "She snatched two vials, returned to the room, carefully dropped the tiny specks into one vial, and screwed its lid back on. ", "Kata then scraped the blackened powder from the second knife into the second vial.", "\n\nThere was a rattle at the door, and Dexion opened it. ", "Ejan strode into the room and surveyed the scene with his usual Olympian cast. ", "Tall, glacial-eyed, and with white-blond hair in a city predominated by olive-skinned and dark-haired people, it was ironic that he had become the preeminent seditionist leader. ", "He stood out, and he used this fact to his advantage. ", "Kata had never liked the man’s calculating, machinelike mind. ", "She felt that if she ever touched him, she might find his skin cold like ice. ", "The vigilant leader built those around him in the same mold: a collection of lieutenants ready to take any action. ", "Even those who had begun with a touch of softness, like Rikard, soon took on the harness of a hammer.", "\n\nEjan’s bodyguard, Oskar, stood behind him, straight like a flagpole. ", "Scars from the House wars ran across his arms, and a long scar ran in a jagged line from forehead to chin on the left side of his face. ", "Kata knew him immediately as a pragmatist, one of the philosopher-assassin schools that had remained aloof from events, mercenaries for hire. ", "Oskar possessed the same cold distance as his employer.", "\n\nAt the rear of the group, the wide-eyed waif edged around the door and looked at the bodies with amazement. ", "For a moment Kata felt as if she were in a play, some surrealist tragedy: enter the leader, enter the assassin, enter the urchin. ", "Each would play his role.", "\n\nEjan turned to Oskar. “", "This must remain secret. ", "The city is already teetering precariously; if the citizens discover Aceline has died, who knows what vengeance they might take? ", "We’ll take the bodies back to the Opera and bring the embalmers in.”", "\n\n“Wait,” said Kata. “", "There may be answers here we haven’t yet discovered. ", "They’ll be lost if we move too quickly.”", "\n\nNo one moved. ", "In the silence, Oskar sized up Dexion. ", "Sensing his gaze, Dexion let out a soft and deep grumble, like the growl of a lion. ", "Oskar’s eyelids twitched once before his impassive and dark stare returned.", "\n\nKata stepped closer to Ejan. “", "You can’t stage-manage everything. ", "Aceline deserves recognition. ", "Her death is not only a personal matter, it is a matter for the entire movement. ", "For the city. ", "If we suppress it, how can anyone judge the truth of things? ", "Freedom requires knowledge.”", "\n\n“The dead don’t have rights,” said Ejan. “", "You know that people are already carrying out private vendettas. ", "Our guards can barely keep the peace. ", "Once Aceline’s murder becomes known, mobs will wreak vengeance on the city. ", "Is that what you want?”", "\n\nThere was truth to his words. ", "In these overheated days, who knew what the consequences might be? ", "But the seditionists had to rule in a new way. ", "Kata shook her head. “", "We can’t continue the secrecies and lies of the Houses.”", "\n\n“And who are you to make this decision, Kata? ", "Who do you represent?”", "\n\nKata froze. ", "She had no authority over Ejan, an acknowledged leader of seditionism. ", "Kata remembered the great demonstration on Aya’s Day, which had led to the overthrow of the Houses. ", "She recalled the way he and his troops had placed themselves at the head of the march, a symbolic position gained as much by audacity and assertiveness as by anything else.", "\n\nBut Kata was only a foot soldier with a lifetime of crimes to make up for. ", "She hated to think about the biggest betrayal of them all, informing Technis of the location of the seditionists’ hideout just before the overthrow of the old system. ", "How many had been captured or died because of her? ", "Aceline was one of them, Maximilian another. ", "She couldn’t bear to think of it. ", "A foot soldier was all she wanted to be.", "\n\nEjan turned to Rikard. “", "What do you think?”", "\n\nRikard took a breath. “", "I suspect these thaumaturgists are House agents. ", "Blocking the grain supply and moving their ships up to the Dyrian coast surely isn’t enough for them, so they’ve begun a campaign of low-intensity warfare. ", "Trying to decapitate the seditionist movement to leave it weak and confused.”", "\n\n“Find out who these thaumaturgists are and who they represent,” said Ejan. “", "I want to know what occurred here.”", "\n\nWords tumbled from Kata’s mouth. “", "I’ll work with Rikard.”", "\n\nEjan shook his head. “", "You’d only be wasting your time.”", "\n\n“I’ll pursue it on my own, then. ", "Aceline was…” Grief swept over Kata again. ", "She looked at the tile floor, which blurred from the tears swimming in her eyes. ", "She blinked.", "\n\n“Was?” ", "Even Ejan’s inquiring look was unnerving.", "\n\n“She was my friend, and you have no control over me. ", "I’m sick of people telling me what to do, Ejan. ", "I’ll do it whether you like it or not.”", "\n\nEjan tilted his head to one side and eyed her calculatingly. “", "All right, then. ", "You’ll work together, and report to me.”", "\n\n“I’ll report to Thom. ", "He is the leader of the moderates now,” said Kata.", "\n\nEjan shrugged and turned from her as more seditionists arrived, wrapping the bodies in blankets and treading over the floor with great dirty boots.", "\n\nRikard spoke softly to her, as if he might disturb the dead. “", "Shall we find out what Thom knows about this fatal meeting?”", "\n\nExcerpted from The Stars Askew © Rjurik Davidson, 2016" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nnode.js - Combining mysql results into a single object\n\nSo basically what I'm trying to do is something like this (not handling errors to make it shorter):\n.get('/info', function(req, res){\n var combinedString = \"\";\n\n connection.query('SELECT col FROM table1 WHERE id = ?', [", "req.user.id], function(err, rows){\n combinedString += rows; \n });\n\n connection.query('SELECT col FROM table2 WHERE id = ?', [", "req.user.id], function(err, rows){\n combinedString += rows; \n });\n\n res.send(combinedString);\n})\n\nNow I understand that this is a problem due to node's async nature. ", "Is there a way around it to get the result I want?", "\n\nA:\n\nBecause the connection.query is async, combinedString is still empty at that time you res.send.", "\nYou'll need to res.send inside the callback function(s):\n.get('/info', function(req, res){\n var combinedString = \"\";\n\n connection.query('SELECT col FROM table1 WHERE id = ?', [", "req.user.id], function(err, rows){\n combinedString += rows; \n connection.query('SELECT col FROM table2 WHERE id = ?', [", "req.user.id], function(err, rows){\n combinedString += rows; \n res.send(combinedString);\n });\n });\n\n})\n\n" ]
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[ "Evening Edition: July 15\n\nDeputies: This couple left an infant in a hot car\n\nThe baby, who was found covered in dirt, wearing a dirty diaper and wrapped in a blanket inside a hot car, looked like she had been \"rolling in a dirt garden,\" according to officials. ", "Eleven days ago, Amanda Colsgrove, 27, was found outside city limits next to a 1994 Dodge Caravan holding a sign that read \"out of gas, infant inside,\" deputies say. ", "Deputies were sent to the area after getting reports that Colgrove and another person, Dustin Bussard, 28, were seen panhandling. ", "When deputies arrived, they allegedly found the 2-month-old girl in the van with the windows closed and no air conditioning on. ", "The temperature was about 84 degrees, and the baby was in a car seat wrapped in a heavy fleece blanket, documents say. ", "Both Colgrove and Bussard are charged with several counts of first-degree and second-degree child endangerment.", "\n\nWho stole from this former NFL star?", "\n\nA former NFL star who was in Springfield for a weekend celebrity event had his car broken into. ", "Thieves hit Mel Gray's Toyota Tundra while it was parked at a North Glenstone hotel early last Thursday morning. ", "The vehicle was even moved to a different parking spot. ", "Later that day, a Springfield man called 911 about items he found on the ground on South Weller. ", "Police matched that report with Gray's earlier theft report, and returned some of the stolen items to him. ", "Gray who played wide receiver for the Cardinals from 1971 to 1982, and was selected for four consecutive Pro Bowls beginning in 1974.", "\n\nDrowned Glendale assistant coach remembered for charisma\n\nThe body of the Glendale volunteer assistant football coach who drowned yesterday in Bull Shoals Lake has been recovered. ", "Terrence Christian, 41, was swimming with family members near Cow Pen Cove when he disappeared after going under water. ", "Glendale football coach Tyler Overstreet said the Falcons remembered Christian as a charismatic coach, but one who got his point across without raising his voice. ", "Players looked up to Christian, who was often surrounded by dozens of kids during water breaks because he had a personality that everybody gravitated to, Overstreet said. ", "Christian had previously coached at Parkview and Nixa.", "\n\nKum & Go near campus closes for renovation\n\nThe Kum & Go on Elm and Kimbrough will be closed until November in order to expand. ", "The convenience store will more than double in size to about 5,000 square feet and increase from eight to 18 pumps. ", "An apartment building behind the store will be torn down to make way for the renovation, which will make the store look similar to the one at the intersection of National and Division. ", "The company, which has more than 400 locations in 11 states, has put an emphasis on larger stores in recent years.", "\n\nMan gets life for killing woman, burning corpse\n\nThe man who killed a woman and then burned her body received a life sentence. ", "Jay Rothe, 66, insisted throughout the hearing that the February 2012 death of Linda Riley was an accident. ", "He admitted to hitting her, but said she fell and hit her head, which caused her death. ", "A week after Riley disappeared, Rothe told investigators he accidentally killed Riley after she spurned his advances, and then took her body to a secluded area off Stockton near Aldrich, where he fished while he burned the body in a fire pit. ", "Rothe will serve at least 12 years in prison before he will be eligible for parole.", "\n\nERROR: Macro snl_pagetracker is missing!", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nEmail this article\n\nEvening Edition: July 15\n\nDeputies: This couple left an infant in a hot car\nThe baby, who was found covered in dirt, wearing a dirty diaper and wrapped in a blanket inside a hot car, looked like she had been 'rolling in a" ]
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[ 0.011848876252770424, 0.0012928821379318833, 0.0007769779185764492, 0.0019829566590487957, 0.0008190906373783946, 0.005127110984176397, 0.008953874930739403, 0.0010833472479134798, 0.001461573294363916, 0.0006652834126725793, 0.000660885067190975, 0.0007091230945661664, 0.0006023107562214136, 0.001483446336351335, 0.0009866364998742938, 0.0006925812340341508, 0.0007376830326393247, 0.00065791787346825, 0.0007363554905168712, 0.0007006974192336202, 0.0006951694958843291, 0.0005534033407457173, 0.857228696346283, 0.000800601439550519, 0.0654815286397934, 0.007518379483371973, 0.011044615879654884, 0.008527220226824284, 0.027101978659629822 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhy does my Activity leak?", "\n\nI have an Activity that has an IntentFilter and a BroadcastReceiver, and I register them in my onCreate(). ", " \nIntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(ACTION_RCV_MESSAGE);\nfilter.addCategory(Intent.", "CATEGORY_DEFAULT);\nreceiver = new MessageReceiver();\nregisterReceiver(receiver, filter);\n\nBut upon ending my app, Logcat says:\n\n07-03 01:38:19.567: ERROR/ActivityThread(304): android.app.", "IntentReceiverLeaked: Activity com.intentservicetest5.IntentServiceTest5Activity has leaked IntentReceiver com.intentservicetest5.IntentServiceTest5Activity$MessageReceiver@44efe8a8 that was originally registered here. ", "Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()?", "\n\nBut I do have \npublic void onDestroy(Bundle savedInstanceState){\n unregisterReceiver(receiver);\n}\n\nWhy is my Activity still leaking when I do call unregisterReceiver()?", "\n\nA:\n\nPer the Activity Lifecycle, your app is killable any time after onPause() on most devices (any device with less than Android 3.0 / API level 12), and any time after onStop() on any device. ", " That means onDestroy() is not guaranteed to be called. ", " The best place in an Activity to register and unregister for broadcasts, then, is onResume() and onPause(), respectively:\n@Override\nprotected void onResume() {\n super.onResume();\n\n IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(ACTION_RCV_MESSAGE);\n filter.addCategory(Intent.", "CATEGORY_DEFAULT);\n receiver = new MessageReceiver();\n registerReceiver(receiver, filter);\n}\n\n@Override\nprotected void onPause() {\n super.onPause();\n\n unregisterReceiver(receiver);\n}\n\nNote that as @VipalShah pointed out, you were using the wrong signature for onDestroy(). ", "This is why unregisterReceiver() wasn't being called. ", " Using @Override will help you catch this kind of problem.", "\nAlso note that the symmetry between onPause() and onResume() is intentional. ", " If you look at the Activity lifecycle article linked to above, you'll see that onResume() is called during the initial start-up, not just when resuming from pause. ", " So you only need to register for the broadcast here, not in onCreate().", "\nFinally, note that I used your code for simplicity. ", " In reality, you'll probably want to set up your IntentFilter and MessageReceiver in onCreate(), and then just call registerReceiver() in onResume().", "\nUpdate: One more important note. ", " As per Implementing the lifecycle callbacks:\n\nYour implementation of these lifecycle methods must always call the superclass implementation before doing any work.", "\n\nMany people here were showing the call to super.onWhatever() at the end of the method rather than at the beginning.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0010096995392814279, 0.0009714975021779537, 0.000966021791100502, 0.0006653319578617811, 0.0012174653820693493, 0.0008274559513665736, 0.00070664327358827, 0.005638568662106991, 0.0008840009104460478, 0.0008360134088434279, 0.0008470974862575531, 0.0007073517772369087, 0.0007799203158356249, 0.00063348124967888, 0.0005419751978479326, 0.0007624977151863277, 0.0006497570429928601, 0.00075945706339553, 0.0005949671030975878, 0.0005961816059425473, 0.0010473596630617976, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Pressure pinched injection of nanolitre volumes in planar micro-analytical devices.", "\nA new method for injecting and driving fluids by means of a multi-port injection valve and syringe pumps in a micro-channel network is described. ", "A structure composed of two micro-channels arranged as a cross is connected with capillary tubes to an external multi-port injection valve. ", "The fluid flows are driven by pressure and the multi-port valve controls the direction of the flow within the different sections of the structure. ", "The first position of the multi-port valve allows the preparation of the loading of the sample, which is pinched in the cross section of the two micro-channels. ", "The second position allows the precise injection of nL volumes. ", "No dead volume exists between injection and separation modes. ", "The system can be used to prepare a sample plug by pressure in order to perform chromatography with a broad range of buffered or non-buffered solutions. ", "Thanks to the insensitivity to the ionic strength of the sample, this injection method is useful for the injection of complex biological samples in microchip analysis. ", "In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the method, different solutions of ionic or fluorescent molecules were injected and detected in a photoablated planar polymer device." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006133613642305136, 0.0006068499642424285, 0.0006464081234298646, 0.0005766834947280586, 0.0005653565167449415, 0.0005805499968118966, 0.0006230895523913205, 0.000720897747669369, 0.0005566412000916898, 0.0005441551911644638 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'Pure entangled states of two spatial qudits have been produced by using the momentum transverse correlation of the parametric down-converted photons \\[Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. **", "94** 100501\\]. ", "Here we show a generalization of this process to enable the creation of mixed states of spatial qudits and by using the technique proposed we generate mixed states of spatial qubits. ", "We also report how the process of quantum tomography is experimentally implemented to characterize these states. ", "This tomographic reconstruction is based on the free evolution of spatial qubits, coincidence detection and a filtering process. ", "The reconstruction method can be generalized for the case of two spatial qudits.'", "\naddress:\n- 'Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Caixa Postal 702, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil.'", "\n- 'Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Departamento de Física, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, Concepción, Chile.'", "\n- 'Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Caixa Postal 702, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil.'", "\n- 'Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Departamento de Física, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, Concepción, Chile.'", "\n- 'Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Departamento de Física, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, Concepción, Chile.'", "\n- 'Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Caixa Postal 702, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'G. Lima[^1]'\n- 'F.A. Torres-Ruiz'\n- 'Leonardo Neves [^2]'\n- 'A. Delgado'\n- 'C. Saavedra'\n- 'S. Pádua'\ntitle: State reconstruction for composite systems of two spatial qubits\n---\n\nIntroduction {#sec:intro}\n============\n\nThe concept of quantum state plays a central role in the Quantum Theory. ", "It is considered to be the most complete description for a physical system. ", "Statistical distributions of results of experiments carried out on a physical system can be completely predicted from its initial state. ", "Therefore, the experimental determination of an initially unknown quantum state becomes a very important research subject. ", "This has led to the development of techniques to perform the state determination. ", "In recent years the problem of state determination has received a considerable degree of attention due to important results in Quantum Information Theory.", "\n\nSeveral techniques have been designed and used for the state estimation of different physical systems. ", "In the field of atomic physics, quantum endoscopy was used to determine the state of ions and atoms [@Vogel1; @Schleich; @Walmsley]. ", "In quantum optics, the Wigner function of multi mode fields could be measured using homodyne detection [@Vogel2; @Smithey; @Vogel3] and the technique of quantum tomographic reconstruction (QTR) was used for measuring the polarization state of parametric down-converted photons [@White].", "\n\nIn general, these methods are based on a linear inversion of the measured data. ", "In the case of QTR, the data is acquired with a series of measurements performed on a large number of identically prepared copies of a quantum system. ", "The fact that this transformation is linear, makes it strongly dependent of any experimental error that may occur while recording the data. ", "It can appear as a consequence of the experimental noise or misalignment and therefore, the reconstructed state is only a reasonable approximation of the real quantum state. ", "The density matrices obtained may have properties that are not fully compatible with a quantum state. ", "Another alternative that has been considered for the state determination is the numerical technique called maximum likelihood estimation [@Hradil; @James]. ", "It is based on a relation between the measured data and the quantum state that could have generated them. ", "Even though it generates only possible density matrices, it has the drawback of enhancing the uncertainty on the state estimation.", "\n\nIn this article we are interested in the determination of the state of a composite system. ", "In our experiment, the system corresponds to two photons generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). ", "In this nonlinear process a photon from a pump laser beam incident to a non-linear crystal originates probabilistically two photons, signal and idler [@MandelBook]. ", "The photons of this pair are also called twin photons for being generated simultaneously [@HOM-interferometer]. ", "Recently, we have demonstrated that by placing $D$ symmetric slits at the path of each twin photon it is possible to use the transverse correlations of the photon pair to generate maximally entangled states of two effective $D$-dimensional quantum systems [@Leonardo; @GLima; @otherqudits]. ", "We refer to these $D$-dimensional quantum systems as spatial qudits. ", "In the present work we extend previous results to the generation of mixed states of two spatial qubits, which also applies to the case of qudits. ", "Following this, we investigate the state determination of two spatial qubits. ", "We show both theoretically as well as experimentally, that one can implement the process of QTR to obtain the density operator of a state composed of two spatial qubits. ", "The quality of the reconstruction performed is also discussed. ", "Even though we had considered only the special case of spatial qubits, it is straightforward to show that the technique used can be generalized for being applied to a system composed of two spatial qudits. ", "The main motivation on studying both the generation and the reconstruction of mixed states of spatial qudits is to consider more realistic experimental situations in case of using them in technological fields, such as quantum communication, where pure states can become into mixed ones due to interactions with their environment.", "\n\nControlled generation of mixed states {#sec:generation}\n=====================================\n\nIt was shown in [@Leonardo; @GLima] that the state of parametric down-converted photons when each photon is transmitted through identical multi slits is given by $$\\label{stgeral} {\\ensuremath{|\\,{\\Psi}\\,\\rangle}} = \\sum_{l=-l_D}^{l_D} \\; \\sum_{m=-l_D}^{l_D} W_{lm} \\;\n\\exp\\left(i\\frac{kd^{2}}{8z_{A}}(m-l)^2\\right) \\; {\\ensuremath{|\\,{l}\\,\\rangle}}{\\ensuremath{_{_{\\!\\scriptstyle s}}}} \\otimes\n{\\ensuremath{|\\,{m}\\,\\rangle}}{\\ensuremath{_{_{\\!\\scriptstyle i}}}},$$ where $D$ is the number of slits in each multi slits array, $d$ is the distance between the center of two consecutive slits, $a$ is the half width of the slits and $l_D = (D-1)/2$. The function $W_{lm}$ is the spatial distribution of the pump beam at the plane of the multi slits ($z=z_{A}$) and at the transverse position $x=(l+m)d/2$, $$\\label{wlm}\nW_{lm} = W \\left[\\frac{(l+m)d}{2};z_A\\right].$$\n\nThe ${\\ensuremath{|\\,{l}\\,\\rangle}}_{s}$ (or ${\\ensuremath{|\\,{m}\\,\\rangle}}_{i}$) state is a single-photon state defined, up to a global phase factor, by the expression $$\\label{base}\n{\\ensuremath{|\\,{l}\\,\\rangle}}{\\ensuremath{_{_{\\!\\scriptstyle j}}}} \\equiv \\sqrt{\\frac{a}{\\pi}} {\\ensuremath{\\int\\!\\!d{q_{j}}\\,}} \\exp(-iq_{j}ld) {\\ensuremath{\\mbox{\\hspace{1.3pt}sinc}\\,}}(q_{j}a){\\ensuremath{|\\,{1q_{j}}\\,\\rangle}},$$ and represents the photon in mode $j$ ($j = i, s$) transmitted by the slit $l$. The transverse component of wave vector of the down-converted photons in the mode $j$ is represented by $q_{j}$. The states in the set $\\{\\,{\\ensuremath{|\\,{l}\\,\\rangle}}{\\ensuremath{_{_{\\!\\scriptstyle j}}}}\\}$ are orthonormal, that is ${\\ensuremath{_{_{\\!\\scriptstyle j}}}}{\\ensuremath{\\langle\\,{l}\\,|\\,{l'}\\,\\rangle}}{\\ensuremath{_{_{\\!\\scriptstyle j}}}}=\\delta_{ll'}$. We use these states to define the logical states of the qudits. ", "In this sense (\\[stgeral\\]) describes a composite system of two qudits. ", "Each qudit is represented by a state in a Hilbert space of dimension $D$, being $D$ the number of available paths for its transmission through the multi slits array.", "\n\nIt can be seen from (\\[stgeral\\]) and (\\[wlm\\]), that it is possible to create different pure states of spatial qudits if one knows how to manipulate the pump beam in order to generate distinct transverse profiles at the plane of the multi slits ($W(\\xi;z_{A})$) [@GLima]. ", "Let us now assume that, before reaching the crystal, the pump beam pass through an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer where the transverse profile of the laser beam is modified differently in each arm. ", "If the difference between the lengths of these arms is set larger than the laser coherence length, we will obtain an incoherent superposition of the spatial qudits states generated by each arm.", "\n\nWe show in the following section how to use the QTR technique to determine the density matrix of these composite systems. ", "The state whose the density matrix is reconstructed experimentally is a mixed state of two spatial qubits. ", "This state is generated with the experimental setup represented in figure \\[fig:setup\\](a). ", "A $5$ mm $\\beta$-barium borate crystal is pumped by a $500$ mW krypton laser emitting at $\\lambda = 413$ nm for generating SPDC. ", "Before being incident at the crystal, the pump beam cross an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer. ", "The difference between the lengths of each interferometer arm ($200$ mm) is set larger than the laser coherence length ($80$ mm). ", "Two identical double slits $A_s$ and $A_i$ are aligned in the direction of the signal and idler beams, respectively, at a distance of $200$ mm from the crystal ($z_A$). ", "The slits’ width is $2a = 0.09$ mm and their separation, $d = 0.18$ mm. ", "The smaller dimension of the double-slits are in the x-direction. ", "All measurements are done in the x-axes, at the detection plane. ", "At the arm 1 of the interferometer, we place a lens that focus the laser beam at the plane of these double slits, into a region smaller than $d$. In arm 2, we use a set of lenses that increases the transverse width of the laser beam at $z_A$. The transverse profiles generated are illustrated in figure \\[fig:setup\\](a). ", "The photons transmitted through the double-slits are detected in coincidence between the detectors $D_i$ and $D_s$. Two identical single slits of dimension $5.0$ x $0.1$ mm and two interference filters centered at $826$ nm with $8$ nm full width at half maximum (FWHM) bandwidth are placed in front of the detectors.", "\n\n![(", "a) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup used for generating and characterizing the mixed states of spatial qubits. ", "The pump beam that cross arm 1 is focused in a narrow region at $z_{A}$ or in a broader spatial region when it cross arm 2. ", "$A_s$ and $A_i$ are the double-slits at signal and idler propagation paths, respectively. ", "$D_s$ and $D_i$ are detectors and C is a photon coincidence counter. ", "The configuration used to determine the diagonal elements is represent in (b). (", "c) and (d) were used for the second type of measurement and (e) for the third type. ", "All measurements are done in the x-axes, at the detection plane.[]{data-label=\"fig:setup\"}](Figure1a_1e.eps){width=\"37.00000%\"}\n\nBy using (\\[stgeral\\]) and (\\[wlm\\]), we can show that the two-photon state, after the double slits, when only arm 1 is open is given by $$\\label{qubittomo}\n{\\ensuremath{|\\,{\\Psi}\\,\\rangle}}_1 =\n\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}({\\ensuremath{|\\,{+}\\,\\rangle}}_s{\\ensuremath{|\\,{-}\\,\\rangle}}_i+{\\ensuremath{|\\,{-}\\,\\rangle}}_s{\\ensuremath{|\\,{+}\\,\\rangle}}_i).$$ To simplify, we used the state ${\\ensuremath{|\\,{+}\\,\\rangle}}_j$ and ${\\ensuremath{|\\,{-}\\,\\rangle}}_j $ in place of the states ${\\ensuremath{|\\,{\\frac{1}{2}}\\,\\rangle}}_j$ and ${\\ensuremath{|\\,{\\frac{-1}{2}}\\,\\rangle}}_j $. ", "Thus, the state ${\\ensuremath{|\\,{+}\\,\\rangle}}_j$ (${\\ensuremath{|\\,{-}\\,\\rangle}}_j$) represents the photon in mode $j$ being transmitted by the upper (lower) slit of its double slit. ", "The state of (\\[qubittomo\\]) is a maximally entangled state of two spatial qubits and their correlation is such that when the idler photon passes through the upper (lower) slit of its double slit, the signal photon will only pass through its lower (upper) slit, and vice-versa.", "\n\nHowever, if the laser beam cross only arm 2, the state of the twin photons transmitted by these apertures will be given by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{prodtomo}\n{\\ensuremath{|\\,{\\Psi}\\,\\rangle}}_2 &= &\\frac{1}{2}\n\\,e^{i\\phi}({\\ensuremath{|\\,{-}\\,\\rangle}}_s{\\ensuremath{|\\,{+}\\,\\rangle}}_i+{\\ensuremath{|\\,{+}\\,\\rangle}}_s{\\ensuremath{|\\,{-}\\,\\rangle}}_i)\n\\nonumber \\\\\n& &+ \\frac{1}{2}({\\ensuremath{|\\,{-}\\,\\rangle}}_s{\\ensuremath{|\\,{-}\\,\\rangle}}_i + {\\ensuremath{|\\,{+}\\,\\rangle}}_s{\\ensuremath{|\\,{+}\\,\\rangle}}_i),\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\phi = k d^{\\,2}/8 z_{A}$. And now the correlation of this spatial qubits is different since we can also have both photons of the pair generated, crossing their upper or lower slits, simultaneously.", "\n\nTherefore, the two-photon state generated in our experiment when the two arms are liberated, is a mixed state of the spatial maximally entangled state shown in (\\[qubittomo\\]) and the state of (\\[prodtomo\\]). ", "It is described by the density operator $$\\label{OPDENSTOMO}\n\\rho_{\\textrm{the}} = A {\\ensuremath{|\\,{\\Psi}\\,\\rangle}}{\\ensuremath{_{_{\\!\\scriptstyle \\,1\\,1\\!}}}}{\\ensuremath{\\langle\\,{\\Psi}\\,|}} + B\n{\\ensuremath{|\\,{\\Psi}\\,\\rangle}}{\\ensuremath{_{_{\\!\\scriptstyle \\,2\\,2\\!}}}}{\\ensuremath{\\langle\\,{\\Psi}\\,|}}.$$ where A and B are the probabilities for generating the states of arm 1 and arm 2, respectively.", "\n\nReconstruction {#sec:reconstruction}\n==============\n\nNow, we show how QTR can be experimentally implemented to reconstruct the density operator of the state (\\[OPDENSTOMO\\]) generated in our setup without the use of any information about the scheme used for this generation.", "\n\nLet us briefly review the process of quantum tomography. ", "The diagonal elements of any density operator can be measured directly. ", "Therefore, quantum tomographic reconstruction is a protocol to determine the non-diagonal elements. ", "It consists in the use of known unitary transformations on the system. ", "Each transformation generates a new density operator whose diagonal elements are a combination of the coefficients of the transformation and of the non-diagonal elements of the original density operator. ", "These new diagonal elements can be measured. ", "The iteration of this procedure creates a set of equations which allows the determination of the non-diagonal elements of the initially unknown density operator. ", "For a detailed account on this subject we refer the reader to [@Blum; @Leon].", "\n\nTo characterize the density operator generated in our experiment, we first adopt a general form for it\n\n$$\\rho =\\sum_{l,m=\\pm}\\rho _{l_{s}l_{i}m_{s}m_{i}}|\\,l_{s},l_{i}\\,\\rangle \\left\\langle\nm_{s},m_{i}\\right\\vert .", "\n\\label{rhoger}$$\n\nAs we are dealing with two qubits states, the total number of measurement basis necessary for the QTR is nine [@sqt]. ", "They can be generated by using three basis for each qubit. ", "Since we have spin 1/2 like systems, these basis are the eigenvectors of the Pauli operators $\\{\\sigma _{x},\\sigma _{y},\\sigma _{z}\\}$. In our case, the eigenvectors of $\\sigma _{z}$ are the slit’s states given by (\\[base\\]). ", "They form the logical base, such that $U_{j}^{(z)}=\\mathbb{I}_{j}$. Measurements in basis $\\{\\sigma\n_{x},\\sigma _{y}\\}$ in mode $j$ require local unitary operations $\\{U_{j}^{(x)},U_{j}^{(y)}\\}\\,$, which allow us for going from $\\sigma_z$ eigenvectors to ${\\sigma_x,\\sigma_y}$ eigenvectors, respectively. ", "The density operator under these local transformations can be written as\n\n$$\\rho ^{(\\lambda,\\mu)}=U_{s}^{(\\lambda)}\\otimes U_{i}^{(\\mu)}\\rho\nU_{s}^{(\\lambda)\\dagger }\\otimes U_{\\mu}^{(y)\\dagger },$$\n\nwith $\\lambda,\\mu=x,y$. Since the $\\sigma _{z}$ eigenvectors are the slit’s states, the question which remains is: How one can implement the above discrete local operations in these slit’s states to perform the QTR of $\\rho$? ", "For answering this, we first consider the state of a photon crossing a given slit $l$ ($l=\\pm $) along mode $j$ ($j=s,i$), and propagating through the free space to a detection plane located at position $z$. This state can be calculated by the method presented in [@Leo] and is described by\n\n$$|\\,{g_{l}}\\,\\rangle _{j}=\\sqrt{\\frac{a}{\\pi }}\\int \\!\\!d{q_{j}}\\,\\exp(-i\\alpha\nq_{j}^{2})\\exp(-ilq_{j}d)\\mbox{\\hspace{1.3pt}sinc}\\,{(q_{j}a)}|\\,{1q_{j}} \\,\\rangle. ", " \\label{g+-}$$\n\nIt corresponds to the free evolution of the state $|l\\rangle_j$ generated by the unitary operator $U_j$ (restricted to the one-photon subspace), that is $|\\,{g_{l}}\\,\\rangle _{j}=U_{j}|\\,{l}\\,\\rangle _{j}$. The operator $U_j$ is given by $$U_{j}=\\exp(-ik(z-z_{A}))\\int \\!\\!d{q}\\,\\exp(-i\\alpha q^{2})|\\,{1q}\\,\\rangle _{jj}\\langle\n\\,{1q}\\,|,\n\\label{Free_evolution}$$ where $\\alpha =(z-z_{A})/2k$ .", "\n\nTherefore, if we propagate the state $\\rho$ from the plane-$z_{A}$ to plane-$z$ the result is\n\n$$\\label{pz}\n\\rho _{_{Z}}=\\sum_{l,m=+,-}\\rho _{l_{s}l_{i}m_{s}m_{i}}|g_{l_{s}},g_{l_{i}}\\,\\rangle\n\\left\\langle g_{m_{s}},g_{m_{i}}\\right\\vert ,$$\n\nand it becomes clear that $\\rho $ and $\\rho _{_{Z}}$ have the same coefficients, and thus, that one can reconstruct $\\rho$ by determining $\\rho\n_{z}$, i.e, by doing the measurements in the detection plane-z.\n\nIt can be deduced from (\\[g+-\\]) that photons spread out along the measurement plane, so that we have passed from discrete variables, states $|\\,{l}\\,\\rangle _{j}$, to a continuously distributed state $|\\,{g_{l}}\\,\\rangle _{j}$. Thus, for carrying out the measurement in discrete basis in plane-$z$, we need to implement an adequate postelection process, which will allow us to recover the discrete nature of the logical states. ", "As we shall show in the following lines, this can be properly done by allocating at the detection plane two new slits for each mode j.\n\nIn order to explicitly show how the transformations $U_{j}^{(\\lambda )}$ and $U_{j}^{(\\mu )}$ ($\\lambda ,\\mu =x,y$) can be implemented to do the QTR for $\\rho _{z}$, we first write an arbitrary two photon pure state in the transverse plane-$z$ as\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n|\\,{\\Psi }\\,\\rangle _{z} &\\propto & \\sum_{m,n=\\pm}A_{m,n}|\\,{g_{m}}\\,\\rangle\n_{s}|\\,{g_{n}} \\,\\rangle _{i} \\label{psizg+_g-}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe transmitted state through the double slits placed at the detection plane is\n\n$$\\label{transmitted s}\n|\\,{\\Psi }_{T_{\\lambda \\mu }}\\,\\rangle _{z}={\\ensuremath{\\int\\!\\!d{q_{s}}\\!\\!}} {", "\\ensuremath{\\int\\!\\!d{q_{i}}\\,}} F_{T_{\\lambda \\mu\n}}(q_{s},q_{i})|\\,1_{q_{s}}\\,\\rangle |\\,1_{q_{i}}\\,\\rangle,$$\n\nwhere the transmitted state biphoton amplitude is given by [@Leo]\n\n$$F_{T_{\\lambda \\mu }}(q_{s},q_{i})={\\ensuremath{\\int\\!\\!d{q'_{s}}\\!\\!}} {", "\\ensuremath{\\int\\!\\!d{q'_{i}}\\,}}F(q_{s}^{\\prime\n},q_{i}^{\\prime })T_{\\lambda }(q_{s}^{\\prime }-q_{s})T_{\\mu }(q_{i}^{\\prime }-q_{i}).", "\n\\label{F_transmitted}$$\n\n$T(q_{j})$ is the Fourier transform of the double slits transmission function at mode $j$\n\n$$T_{\\mu }(q_{j})\\propto \\left( e^{iq_{j}x_{\\mu ,0}}+e^{iq_{j}x_{\\mu ,1}}\\right) \\mbox{\\hspace{1.3pt}sinc}\\left( q_{j}b\\right), \\label{FT}$$\n\nwhere $x_{\\mu ,k}$ is the position of the slit $k$ ($k = 0 , 1$) in mode $j$ at the plane-$z$. By replacing the expressions for the states $|\\,{g_{l}}\\,\\rangle _{j}$ in $|\\,{\\Psi }\\,\\rangle _{z}$, we determine the biphoton amplitude $F(q_{s},q_{i})$ in (\\[psizg+\\_g-\\]). ", "By inserting $F(q_{s},q_{i})$ and (\\[FT\\]) into (\\[F\\_transmitted\\]), we obtain $F_{T_{\\lambda \\mu }}(q_{s},q_{i})$. After a straightforward derivation, we can rewrite the two photon transmitted state (\\[transmitted s\\]) as\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n|\\,{\\Psi }_{T_{\\lambda ,\\mu }}\\,\\rangle _{z} &\\varpropto &\n\\sum_{k,l=0,1} B_{k,l}|f(x_{\\lambda,k})\\rangle _{s}|f(x_{\\mu ,l})\n\\rangle _{i}, \\label{Psi_transmitted}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nB_{k,l}= \\sum_{m,n=\\pm} r_{m}(x_{\\lambda ,k})r_{n}(x_{\\mu ,l}) A_{m,n}.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe states of the post-selected photons which crossed this additional pair of slits are described by\n\n$$|f(x_{\\mu ,k})\\,\\rangle _{_{\\!j}}\\equiv \\sqrt{\\frac{b}{\\pi }}\\int\n\\!\\!dq_{j}^{\\prime }\\,\\exp(-iq_{j}^{\\prime }x_{\\mu ,k})\\mbox{\\hspace{1.3pt}sinc}\\,\\left( q_{j}^{\\prime }\\frac{x_{\\mu k}}{2\\alpha }+q_{j}^{\\prime }b\\right) |1q_{j}^{\\prime }\\,\\rangle , \\label{new_slits_states}$$\n\nwhere $x_{\\mu ,k}$ is the position of the slit $k$ ($k = 0 , 1$) in mode $j$ at the plane-$z$. The transversal position of these slits determines which effective unitary operation was performed at the transmitted photon. ", "We have also defined\n\n$$r_{\\pm }(x_{\\mu ,k})=\\exp\\left(i\\frac{\\left( x_{\\mu ,k}\\mp d\\right) ^{2}}{4\\alpha }\\right)\\mbox{\\hspace{1.3pt}sinc}\\,\\left( \\frac{\\left( x_{\\mu ,k}\\mp d\\right) }{2\\alpha }\\right).$$\n\nHere, by comparing (\\[Psi\\_transmitted\\]) and (\\[psizg+\\_g-\\]), it can be observed that the post selection process acts on the $|\\,g_{\\pm }\\,\\rangle _{j}$ states with the following effective transformation $$U_{j}^{(\\mu)} |\\,{\\tilde{g}_{\\pm }}\\,\\rangle _{j} \\varpropto r_{\\pm }(x_{\\mu\n,0})|f(x_{\\mu ,0})\\rangle _{j} + r_{\\pm }(x_{\\mu ,1})|f(x_{\\mu ,1})\\rangle _{j},\n\\label{U_effective}$$ where $|\\,{\\tilde{g}_{\\pm }}\\,\\rangle _{j}{\\ }$ state denotes the post selected state arising from $|\\,{g_{\\pm }}\\,\\rangle _{j}$ state. ", "By considering the value of the experimental parameters: $z-z_{A}$, $d$, $a$ and $b$, it can be shown that the states $|f(x_{\\mu ,0})\\rangle _{j}$ and $|f(x_{\\mu ,1})\\rangle _{j}\\ $ are orthogonal when the condition $\\left\\vert x_{\\mu ,1}-x_{\\mu\n,0}\\right\\vert>4b$ is satisfied.", "\n\nThe positions of the new slits for generating the effective transformation $U_{j}^{(x)}$ ($U_{j}^{(y)}$) are $x_{x,0}=0$ ($x_{y,0}=-\\Delta /2$) and $x_{x,1}=\\Delta $ ($x_{y,1}=\\Delta\n/2$), with $\\Delta =\\frac{\\alpha \\pi }{d}=1376$ mm (Note that condition $\\left\\vert x_{\\mu ,1}-x_{\\mu ,0}\\right\\vert =\\Delta\n>4b$ is widely satisfied). ", "We remark that we refer to the transformations done by these slits as effective transformations, due to the fact that they act as unitary transformations only for the photons in mode $j$ which were transmitted through the pair of slits at the detection plane.", "\n\nBecause of the linearity of quantum mechanics and because we are performing only local operations to the twin photons, we know that the diagonal elements of $\\rho ^{(\\lambda ,\\mu )}$ operators are linear combinations of the coefficients $\\rho\n_{l_{s}l_{i}m_{s}m_{i}}$ of (\\[pz\\]). ", "The diagonal elements of the transformed density operators $\\rho ^{(\\lambda ,\\mu )}$ at the plane-z are simply determined by using four coincidence numbers measured when $D_{s}$ is at the position $x_{\\lambda ,k}$ for $k=0,1$ and $D_{i}$ is fixed at the transversal position $x_{\\mu\n,0}$ or at $x_{\\mu ,1}$. We assume that detectors $D_{s}$ and $D_{i}$ are placed just behind the new slits at the plane-z. These diagonal elements are then $$\\rho _{L_{s}L_{i},L_{s}L_{i}}^{(\\lambda ,\\mu )}=\\sum_{l_{s}l_{i}m_{s}m_{i}= \\pm\n}U_{L_{s},l_{s}}^{(\\lambda )}U_{L_{i},l_{i}}^{(\\mu )}\\rho\n_{l_{s}l_{i}m_{s}m_{i}}U_{m_{s},L_{s}}^{(\\lambda )}U_{m_{i},L_{i}}^{(\\mu )},\n\\label{new_diagonal}$$ where $L_{s},L_{i}=0,1$ for $\\lambda,\\mu=x,y$ or $L_{s},L_{i}=\\pm$ for $\\lambda,\\mu=z$, and $U_{L_{j},l_{j}}^{(\\mu)}$ are coefficients of the effective transformation $U_{j}^{(\\mu)}$ given by (\\[U\\_effective\\]). ", "One can now obtain the non-diagonal elements of the density operator, $\\rho$, just by inverting the above linear equations. ", "Besides, in case of a QTR for spatial qudits, the number of necessary slits at the plane-$z$ is equal to the dimension $D$ of the qudits. ", "The positions of these slits can be determined by using the eigenvectors of the $D^{\\,2}-1$ generators of $su(D)$ algebra [@algebra].", "\n\nDiagonal Elements\n-----------------\n\nThe measurement in the logical base, namely $\\rho ^{(z,z)}$, can be determined by coincidence measurements with the detectors just behind the double slits [@GLima] or at the plane of image formation when lenses are placed in the path of the double-slits transmitted photons as showed in figure \\[fig:setup\\](b) [@GLima2]. ", "In this last configuration, when the detector $D_{j}$ is at position $x_{z,0}=-100$ $\\mu $m ($x_{z,1}=+100$ $\\mu\n$m), it detects all photons that cross the slit $+$ ($-$). ", "By doing these measurements and normalizing the coincidences recorded for the four slits we obtained: $\\rho _{++,++}=0.028$, $\\rho\n_{+-,+-}=0.468$, $\\rho_{-+,-+}=0.462$ and $\\rho _{--,--}=0.042$.\n\nNon diagonal Elements\n---------------------\n\nThe second type of coincidence measurements were done by positioning the signal detector at $x_{z,0}=-100$ $\\mu $m or $x_{z,1}=+100$ $\\mu $m and with the idler detector in the plane-z at the transversal positions $x_{y,0}=-\\Delta /2$ ($-0.688$mm), $x_{y,1}=\\Delta /2$ ($0.688$mm), $x_{x,0}=0\\,$mm and $x_{x,1}=\\Delta $ ($1.376\\,$mm) (See figure \\[fig:setup\\](c)). ", "When the idler detector is at the transverse position $x_{y,0}$ or $x_{y,1}$, the detector selects the idler photons in the $|f(x_{y,0})\\rangle _{i}$ state or in the$|f(x_{y,1})\\rangle _{s}$ state. ", "When the idler detector is at the transverse position $x_{x,0}$ or $x_{x,1}$, it detects the idler photons in the $|f(x_{x,0})\\rangle _{i}$ state or in the $|f(x_{x,1})\\rangle\n_{s}$ state. ", "With these eight measured coincidence numbers, we determined the non diagonal elements of the density operator $\\{\\rho _{++,+-},\\rho _{+-,++},\\rho _{-+,--},\\rho _{--,-+}\\}$. By repeating this detection procedure and reversing the roles of the signal and idler detectors (See figure \\[fig:setup\\](d)), we found the non diagonal elements $\\{\\rho _{++,-+},\\rho\n_{-+,++},\\rho _{+-,--},\\rho _{--,+-}\\}$. We show below the explicit expressions that determine $\\rho _{++-+}$\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\ensuremath{\\mbox{\\hspace{1.3pt}Re}}({\\rho _{++-+}})} &=&\\frac{\\rho _{0+,0+}^{(x,z)}-\\rho _{++++}\\cos ^{2}\\theta\n_{x}-\\rho _{-+-+}\\sin ^{2}\\theta _{x}}{\\sin 2\\theta _{x}}, \\label{real} \\nonumber \\\\\\end{aligned}$$\n\nand\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\ensuremath{\\mbox{\\hspace{1.3pt}Im}}({\\rho _{++-+}})} &=& \\frac{-\\rho _{0+,0+}^{(y,z)}+\\rho _{++++}\\cos ^{2}\\theta _{y} +\n\\rho _{-+-+}\\sin ^{2}\\theta _{y}}{\\sin 2\\theta _{y}}\n\\label{imag}, \\nonumber \\\\\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere\n\n$$\\cos \\theta _{\\mu }=\\frac{\\left\\vert r_{+}(x_{\\mu ,0})\\right\\vert }{\\sqrt{\\left\\vert r_{+}(x_{\\mu ,0})\\right\\vert ^{2}+\\left\\vert r_{-}(x_{\\mu ,1})\\right\\vert\n^{2}}}.$$\n\nThe above expressions for ${\\ensuremath{\\mbox{\\hspace{1.3pt}Re}}({\\rho _{++-+}})}$ and ${\\ensuremath{\\mbox{\\hspace{1.3pt}Im}}({\\rho\n_{++-+}})}$ are obtained by inverting Eq. (", "\\[new\\_diagonal\\]), with $L_s=0,L_i=+$, both for ${\\lambda=x,\\mu=z}$ and for ${\\lambda=y,\\mu=z}$.\n\nIn the third measurement type shown in figure \\[fig:setup\\](e), signal and idler detectors are positioned in the detection plane-$z$ at the positions $x_{\\lambda ,k}$ and $x_{\\mu ,l}$, with $\\lambda ,\\mu $ being $x$ or $y$ and $k,l$ being $0$ or $1$. This allows, by means of similar expressions to (\\[real\\]) and (\\[imag\\]), the determination of $\\{\\rho _{++,--},\\rho\n_{--,++},\\rho _{+-,-+},\\rho _{-+,+-}\\}$. This set of measurements correspond to local operations being applied to each of the down-converted photons, simultaneously.", "\n\nThe Reconstructed Density Operator\n----------------------------------\n\nBy performing the quantum tomographic reconstruction, as described above, we found the following form for the density operator in its matrix representation of our experiment\n\n$$\\qquad \\rho = \\left[\\begin{array}{cccc}\n0.028 &0.083 + 0.004i &0.081 + 0.005i &-0.129 + 0.062i \\\\\n0.083 - 0.004i &0.468 &0.444 - 0.058i &0.097 - 0.008i \\\\\n0.081 - 0.005i &0.444 + 0.058i &0.462 &0.096 - 0.006i \\\\\n-0.129 - 0.062i &0.097 + 0.008i &0.096 + 0.006i &0.042 \\\\\n\\end{array}\\right]. ", "\\label{rhoexp}$$\n\nThe elements of a density operator must satisfy the Schwarz inequality, i.e., $|\\rho_{jk}|\\leq\\sqrt{\\rho_{jj}\n\\rho_{kk}}$, where $j,k=++$, $+-$, $-+$ and $--$, if it really represents a quantum state. ", "This is not our case for the matrix element $\\rho_{++--}$, since it can be seen that $|\\rho_{++--}|>\n\\sqrt{\\rho_{++++} \\rho_{----}}$. The reason for that are the experimental fluctuations present in the coincidence measurements which can affect the final result as we discussed in the Introduction. ", "This discrepancy can be reduced by increasing the detection time. ", "Even though our reconstructed density matrix presents properties which are not fully compatible with the quantum state description, it is possible to show that it is consistent with the theory developed in section \\[sec:generation\\]. ", "This is done in the next section, where we also show experimental evidences of the good quality of our reconstruction.", "\n\nDiscussion and Conclusion {#sec:discussion}\n=========================\n\nThe measured density operator shown in (\\[rhoexp\\]) can be approximately written as $$\\label{OPDENSTOMOExp}\n\\rho = 0.87 |\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle _{_{\\!\\scriptstyle \\,1\\,1\\!}} ", "\\langle\\,{\\Phi}\\,| + 0.13 |\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle _{_{\\!\\scriptstyle \\,2\\,2\\!}} ", "\\langle\\,{\\Phi}\\,| ,$$ where the states $|\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle $ are given by\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{phimes}\n|\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle _1 &= &0.077 e^{i\\phi_1} |\\,{++}\\,\\rangle + 0.704\ne^{i\\phi_2}|\\,{+-}\\,\\rangle \\nonumber \\\\\n& &+ 0.699 e^{i\\phi_2}|\\,{-+}\\,\\rangle + 0.099 e^{i\\phi_3} |\\,{--}\\,\\rangle ,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nand\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{phiparc}\n|\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle _2 &= &0.514 |\\,{++}\\,\\rangle + 0.502 e^{i\\theta}|\\,{+-}\\,\\rangle \\nonumber \\\\\n& &+ 0.501 e^{i\\theta}|\\,{-+}\\,\\rangle + 0.483|\\,{--}\\,\\rangle ,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwith $\\phi_1 \\simeq \\phi_2 \\simeq \\phi_3 \\approx 4.2$ and $\\theta=0.07$.\n\nHowever, the possibility to decompose the density operator, $\\rho$, in terms of the projectors of a state, $|\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle\n_1$, which has a high degree of entanglement and a state, $|\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle _2$, that is of the form predicted by (\\[prodtomo\\]), is not sufficient for associating them with the states generated by each arm of the interferometer in our experiment. ", "We still have to give an experimental evidence which corroborates with (\\[OPDENSTOMOExp\\]) as a reasonable approximation for the quantum state of the twin photons, i.e., we need to show that the values of $A=0.87$ and $B=0.13$, obtained mathematically, are reasonable for the probabilities of generating these states in each arm.", "\n\nWe measured the values of $A$ and $B$ by blocking one of the arms of the interferometer and detecting the transmitted coincident photons through the signal and idler double-slits. ", "A (B) is the ratio between the coincidence rate when arm 2 (arm 1) is blocked and the total coincidence rate when both arms are unblocked. ", "From this measurement we obtained, $A = 0.85 \\pm 0.03$ and $B = 0.15\n\\pm 0.03$.\n\nAnother experimental evidence for the high value of $A$ can be found in the fourth order interference pattern recorded (See figure \\[fig:Conditional\\]). ", "The interference pattern is recorded by using the configuration shown in figure \\[fig:setup\\](e). ", "Fourth order interference pattern as a function of $D_{s}$ position was recorded. ", "In (a), the detector idler was fixed at the transverse position $x = 0$ mm. ", "In (b), it was fixed at the transverse position $x = 1376$ mm. ", "The solid curves were obtained theoretically [@Fonseca], with $A$ and $B$ as free parameters. ", "Since the state $|\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle _1$ is almost a maximally entangled state we would expect to observe conditional interference patterns [@Fonseca; @Greenberger] when both interferometer arms are unblocked. ", "This would not be the case for high values of $B$. The conditionality can be clearly observed in our interference patterns. ", "The reason for having the probability of generating the state from arm 1 much higher than the probability of generating the state of arm 2 is quite simple. ", "The laser beam that cross arm 1 of the interferometer is focused at the double slit’s plane-$z_A$, and the spatial correlation of the generated photons is such that it is more favorable to the transmission of the twin photon through the slits than it is when the photon pairs are generated by the pump beam that cross arm 2 [@Leonardo]. ", "These values can be properly manipulated by inserting attenuators at the interferometer.", "\n\n![", "Fourth order interference pattern as a function of $D_{s}$ position. ", "In (a), the detector idler was fixed at the transverse position $x = 0$ mm. ", "In (b), it was fixed at the transverse position $x = 1376$ mm. ", "The solid curves were obtained theoretically.[]{data-label=\"fig:Conditional\"}](Figure2.eps){width=\"27.00000%\"}\n\nThese experimental observations confirm the good quality of the QTR performed on the two photon state and allow us to consider the states $|\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle _1$ and $|\\,{\\Phi}\\,\\rangle _2$ as good approximations for the states generated by arm 1 and arm 2 of the interferometer used. ", "Figure \\[fig:histograma\\] shows a histogram of the real part of the matrix elements of (a) the measured density operator of (\\[rhoexp\\]), (b) the density operator given by (\\[OPDENSTOMOExp\\]) and, (c) the predicted density operator of section \\[sec:generation\\]. ", "The agreement between the predicted and the measured density operator is good within the experimental errors. ", "The largest error for the diagonal elements is only $3.5\\%$. But, for the non-diagonal elements the propagated errors reaches $30\\%$ for their real parts and up to $65\\%$ for the imaginary parts. ", "Again we remember that these errors can be decreased by increasing the detection time.", "\n\n![", "Histogram of the real part of the matrix elements for (a) the measured density operator, (b) the density operator given by (\\[OPDENSTOMOExp\\]) and (c) the predicted density operator of Sec.", "  \\[sec:generation\\].[]{data-label=\"fig:histograma\"}](Figure3.eps){width=\"45.00000%\"}\n\nIn conclusion, we have demonstrated that it is possible to generate a broad family of mixed states of spatial qudits by exploring the transverse correlation of the down-converted photons. ", "A statistical mixture of spatial qubits were used to show the quantum tomographic reconstruction performed to measure its density operator. ", "The process was discussed in details and experimental evidences for the good quality of the reconstruction performed were showed. ", "Even though we had considered the state determination only for the case of qubits, it can be generalized and performed in a similar way for higher dimension systems in a mixed state. ", "The importance of this work comes from the possibility of using spatial qudits for quantum communications protocols, where it requires the ability to characterize them in the presence both of noise source and of an undesired user at the quantum communication channel.", "\n\nACKNOWLEDGMENT {#acknowledgment .unnumbered}\n==============\n\nThe authors would like to express their gratitude to Marcelo T. Cunha for having called their attention to this problem and initiating the discussions which culminated in this work. ", "G. Lima, L. Neves and S. Pádua were supported by CAPES, CNPq, FAPEMIG and Instituto do Milênio de Informação Quântica. ", "C. Saavedra and A. Delgado were supported by Grants Nos. ", "FONDECYT 1061046 and Milenio ICM P02-49F. F. Torres was supported by MECESUP UCO0209. ", "This work is part of the international cooperation agreement CNPq-CONICYT 491097/2005-0.", "\n\n[99]{}\n\nWallentowitz S and Vogel W 1996 **75** 2932\n\nBardroff P J, Mayr E, and Schleich W P 1995 **51** 4963; Bardroff P J, Leichtle C, Schrade G and Schleich W P 1996 **77** 2198\n\nDunn T J, Walmsley I A and Mukamel S 1995 **74** 884\n\nVogel K and Risken H 1989 **40** 2847\n\nSmithey D T, Beck M, Raymer M G and Faridani A 1993 **70** 1244\n\nKuhn H, Welsch D G and Vogel W 1995 **51** 4240\n\nWhite A G, James D F V, Eberhard P H and Kwiat P G 1999 **83** 3103\n\nHradil Z 1997 **55** R1561\n\nJames D F V, Kwiat P G, Munro W J and White A G 2001 **64** 052312\n\nMandel L and Wolf E 1995 *Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics* (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)\n\nHong C K, Ou Z Y and Mandel L 1987 **37** 2044\n\nNeves L, Pádua S and Saavedra C 2004 **69** 042305\n\nNeves L, Lima G, Gómez J G A, Monken C H, Saavedra C and Pádua S 2005 **94** 100501\n\nSee also these qudit experimental works: Moreva E V, Maslennikov G A, Straupe S S and Kulik S P 2006 **97** 023602; Oemrawsingh S S R, Ma X, Voigt D, Aiello A, Eliel E R, ’t Hooft G W and Woerdman J P 2005 **95** 240501; O’Sullivan-Hale M N, Khan I A, Boyd R W and Howell J C 2005 **94** 220501; Thew R T, Acín A, Zbinden H and Gisin N 2004 **93** 010503; Vaziri A, Weihs G and Zeilinger A 2002 **89** 240401\n\nBlum K 1981 *Density Matrix Theory and Applications* (New York: Plenum Press)\n\nLeonhardt U 1997 *Measuring the Quantum State of Light* (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)\n\nFano U 1957 [*Rev. 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[ "Article focus\n=============\n\n- The aim of this study is to aid a definitive evaluation of whether meniscal allograft transplantation is chondroprotective compared with standard treatment.", "\n\n- It will assess the variability and distribution of the primary outcome measure, to inform a sample size calculation in a definitive evaluation.", "\n\n- It will also identify issues with the trial study design including recruitment, retention, trial delivery and intervention fidelity.", "\n\nKey messages\n============\n\n- It has not been definitively shown that meniscal allograft transplantation is chondroprotective, despite being scientifically plausible.", "\n\n- This trial will provide the first high-level evidence testing the hypothesis that it may be chondroprotective in patients with a symptomatic meniscal deficient knee compartment.", "\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe menisci have important functions in the knee including load sharing and shock absorption; they also function as secondary stabilisers.^[@r1]-[@r3]^ Meniscal tears are the most common knee injury, with an incidence of 61 per 100 000 per year, equating to over 36 000 per year in the United Kingdom.^[@r4]^ Partial meniscectomy is the usual procedure performed in the symptomatic knee if the meniscus is not amenable to, or has had a failed, repair. ", "Removal of part or all of the meniscus increases the stress on the knee articular cartilage, with one study showing a 75% reduction in knee joint contact area and increased peak contact pressures of 235%.^[@r5]^ It is well documented that (partial and total) meniscectomy increases the risk of osteoarthritis (OA),^[@r6],[@r7]^ with one systematic review showing a mean prevalence of 53.5% in patients that had undergone some form of meniscectomy, at a minimum of five-years follow-up.^[@r7]^\n\nMeniscal allograft transplantation is a well-recognised procedure for treatment of pain and swelling in a meniscus-deficient compartment of the knee.^[@r8]^ However, there has been very little research on human participants to assess its potential chondroprotective effect on articular cartilage.", "\n\nVolumetric MR mapping of the change in knee cartilage has been shown to be highly sensitive with a very low error.^[@r9]^ It is also increasingly accurate, focusing analysis on the central weight-bearing areas of the articular surface within the knee.^[@r10]^ This study aims to provide the first high-level evidence testing the hypothesis that meniscal allograft transplantation is chondroprotective by comparing it with a non-operative personalised knee therapy programme.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods\n=====================\n\nStudy design\n------------\n\nThis will be a comprehensive cohort study with an embedded pilot randomised trial. ", "Therefore, there will be a randomised arm and a parallel non-randomised patient-preference arm. ", "The study will be performed at a single centre in the United Kingdom (University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW)). ", "Recruitment to randomised operative *versus* non-operative trials is notoriously difficult due to strong patient preferences.^[@r11],[@r12]^ Having a parallel patient preference group should improve recruitment and may provide a more precise estimate of effect size when analysed as a single cohort, due to a larger sample size. ", "It will also give the study greater external validity as the overall rate of recruitment is anticipated to be significantly higher.^[@r13]^\n\nStudy funding\n-------------\n\nThis study has been supported by Arthritis Research UK as part of a Clinical Research Fellowship award (award number 20149).", "\n\nEthical approval\n----------------\n\nThis study has been reviewed by the West Midlands -- Solihull Research Ethics committee (Ref: 13/WM/0315). ", "It was given ethical approval on the 3 October 2013. ", "The study will be carried out in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration.", "\n\nStudy registration\n------------------\n\nThis study has been registered with the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register (ISRCTN14194954) and the National Institute for Health Research Comprehensive Research Network (CRN) Portfolio (UKCRN ID15557).", "\n\nTimeline\n--------\n\nThe study started recruiting on the 28 November 2013 and will be open for one year. ", "Follow-up will be complete at one year following the start of the intervention in the last patient.", "\n\nStudy participants\n------------------\n\nPatients between the ages of 16 and 50 years with a symptomatic, meniscal-deficient compartment of the knee, in which the treating surgeon believes that the patient may benefit from meniscal allograft transplantation, will be included. ", "These broad and pragmatic criteria should ensure that the results of this study can be generalised to the wider population of patients with a symptomatic meniscal-deficient knee compartment.", "\n\nSymptoms in the knee include pain, swelling or stiffness and can be present intermittently to be eligible. ", "The amount of meniscal deficiency is difficult to accurately quantify. ", "Therefore, it is left to the treating surgeon to decide whether there is enough meniscal deficiency (loss) that the patient may benefit from meniscal allograft transplantation. ", "The following guidance will be used in the decision-making process: a deficient meniscal rim providing no circumferential fibre support or an intact rim of less than 2 mm width over the majority of the meniscus. ", "Meniscectomy due to trauma is likely to be the most common reason for meniscal deficiency. ", "However, other meniscal pathologies would be eligible, for example previous excision of a discoid meniscus.", "\n\nPatients will be excluded if they have had previous cartilage modifying procedures such as autologous chondrocyte implantation or have significant exposed subchondral bone in the affected compartment due to arthritis (diagnosed on previous arthroscopy or MRI scan), as these factors would confound the assessment of the articular cartilage in the study. ", "Patients that have contraindications to anaesthetic, as well as those who show evidence that they would be unable to adhere to trial procedures, will also be excluded.", "\n\nRecruitment\n-----------\n\nPatients will be recruited from elective knee clinics at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. ", "Once an eligible patient is identified by the treating surgeon, they will be referred to a research fellow or research associate.", "\n\nConsent\n-------\n\nThe patients will be informed about the randomised controlled trial (RCT) group and given a patient information sheet (PIS) specific to the RCT. ", "If patients are unwilling to have their treatment allocation decided by randomisation, they will be given the opportunity to be part of the patient-preference follow-up group. ", "A second PIS, which gives information about this follow-up group will be given to patients. ", "These participants will be allowed to decide their treatment allocation and will have their data collected as part of a 'follow-up-only' group. ", "They will, therefore, not have MRI scans at four and eight months. ", "Potential participants will be offered as much time as they require to consider the study. ", "They may withdraw from the study at any time without prejudice.", "\n\nRandomisation\n-------------\n\nThis will be by a computer-generated sequence and a 1:1 allocation, stratified for ipsilateral limb malalignment. ", "The Warwick Clinical Trials Unit secure telephone randomisation service will be used to provide the participant allocation once the patient has consented to take part in the study. ", "The allocated treatment will then be reported back to the chief investigator and the treating surgeon.", "\n\nBlinding\n--------\n\nThe participants cannot be blind to their treatment. ", "The treating surgeons will of course not be blind to the treatment, but will take no part in the post-operative assessment of the participants which will be performed by a research associate blinded to the treatment allocation. ", "The MRI volume analysis will be performed by IMorphics Ltd (Manchester, United Kingdom), an independent medical image analysis company who will also be blinded to the treatment allocation. ", "The statistical analysis will also be performed blind to the patients' treatment.", "\n\nStudy interventions\n===================\n\nOperative group\n---------------\n\nParticipants will usually have a general anaesthetic and femoral nerve block, but the attending anaesthetist will make the final decision based on the patient's clinical requirements. ", "Participants will be in a supine position with a thigh side support. ", "The surgery will be performed by one of the knee surgeons competent in meniscal transplantation and osteotomies. ", "There will be no learning curve effect in this study as all participating surgeons performing the operations are proficient and experienced in the procedures.", "\n\nThe meniscal allograft is fresh--frozen and sourced from one of two tissue banks: NHSBT Tissue Services, (Liverpool, United Kingdom), or Allosource USA, (Denver, Colorado, imported by Fannin UK, Dublin, Ireland). ", "These sources have been regularly used for meniscal transplantation as standard practice at UHCW NHS trust. ", "The lack of availability from any one source requires that more than one source is used. ", "The meniscal allograft is dissected from the tibial bone block marking the topographical orientation. ", "Number two non-absorbable sutures are inserted in the anterior and posterior horns using a Bunnell type stitch and an absorbable middle traction suture is inserted at the anterior aspect of the popliteal hiatus laterally or at a point 40 mm from the posterior horn medially.", "\n\nSurgery is performed using an arthroscopic technique. ", "The procedure starts with a full assessment of the knee surfaces and the remaining amount of meniscal tissue. ", "A 2 mm meniscal rim of tissue is maintained where possible. ", "The meniscal bed is prepared to a fresh vascular margin before insertion of the allograft. ", "Anterior and posterior meniscal root attachments are located and prepared using a shaver and rasp to expose bleeding bone. ", "Guide wires are drilled from the anterior tibia to the insertion sites, maintaining a bone bridge on the tibia between the tunnels, and the guide wires are then over drilled to create 4.5 mm tibial bone tunnels. ", "Lead sutures are inserted through the tunnels and are retrieved through the arthroscopic portal.", "\n\nThe meniscal allograft sutures are fed through the lead sutures and the allograft is \\'parachuted\\' into place with the assistance of the middle traction suture. ", "Fixation of the meniscal roots is achieved by tying the anterior horn and posterior horn lead sutures over the bone bridge on the anterior tibia. ", "The meniscal rim is secured by placing multiple vertical stacked mattress sutures around the anterior two thirds of the meniscus with an inside-out technique. ", "The posterior third of the meniscus is secured with all inside fixation devices, such as the Fast-Fix 360 (Smith and Nephew, Andover, United Kingdom).", "\n\nOsteotomy\n---------\n\nParticipants will be assessed for limb malalignment prior to randomisation, and then stratified accordingly. ", "Participants in which the weight-bearing line falls greater than 5% from the centre of the tibial plateau, where 100% represents the total tibial plateau width, will be offered an osteotomy. ", "A medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy would be performed for a varus proximal tibia and a medial closing wedge distal femoral osteotomy would be performed for a valgus distal femur, subject to surgeon's preference and participant factors. ", "In these procedures the medial tibia or medial distal femur is exposed through a longitudinal incision and an oblique osteotomy fashioned using image intensifier guidance. ", "The final position is then held using a titanium plate and screws.", "\n\nRehabilitation\n--------------\n\nAll participants randomised into the operative group will receive a standardised written programme of physiotherapy for their post-operative rehabilitation. ", "Post-operatively, participants will be advised to touch weight bear with crutches for six weeks, followed by progression to full weight bearing by eight weeks. ", "Cycling exercises can commence at four weeks when 90º bend has been achieved. ", "Strength work starts at three months and running is not allowed until nine months. ", "Participants will be advised of the risks of participating in contact sports and encouraged not to return to these activities in the long term. ", "Although there is no agreement in the literature on the post-operative rehabilitation protocols, this regime is broadly in line with other studies that have published their post-operative protocols. ", "It has been used for the rehabilitation of over 140 patients following meniscal allograft transplantation in our institution.^[@r14]^\n\nNon-operative group\n-------------------\n\nParticipants will have a personalised knee therapy course, specifically designed for patients with pain in a meniscus-deficient knee. ", "The course will involve a personalised knee therapy programme working on quadriceps control and strength, along with a core-strengthening programme to be delivered over a minimum of three months. ", "The initial assessment will be performed by a senior knee physiotherapist, who will give a written booklet of exercise prescription, an exercise diary and an instruction list of common exercises. ", "If the participant wishes to continue physiotherapy nearer their home, for example if they are not local to the area, they will be referred for continued physiotherapy at a local unit. ", "They will be assessed at routine follow-up clinics every four months, where adjustments to the personalised knee therapy can be made.", "\n\nParticipants with malalignment that are randomised to the non-operative group will also be given a size-matched offloading knee brace.", "\n\nFidelity of the interventions\n-----------------------------\n\nPatients' treatments in both the operative and non-operative groups will be assessed for adherence to the trial protocols. ", "In the operative group, the surgery and post-operative rehabilitation will be reviewed by the chief investigator and a surgeon that is not directly involved in the treatment of trial patients. ", "In the non-operative group, the treatment adherence will be determined by the chief investigator and a senior physiotherapist that is not directly involved in the treatment of trial patients. ", "The type and extent of physiotherapy will be determined from responses to the physiotherapy case report form completed at follow-up appointments. ", "Adherence to the surgical protocol will be determined from the operative note and pictures.", "\n\nOutcome measures\n----------------\n\nThe primary endpoint of the trial is the mean change in cartilage volume in the central weight-bearing portion of the affected compartment of the knee at one year following the intervention. ", "Secondary endpoints are cartilage volume changes at four and eight months following the intervention. ", "The central weight-bearing portion of the affected compartment will be identified using the methods by Williams et al.^[@r10]^ This method has been shown to reveal focal cartilage losses, even in the presence of minimal global cartilage changes. ", "It is also thought to be more accurate than global cartilage measurement as the cartilage edges, which are difficult to define accurately, are trimmed.^[@r10]^ The cartilage segmentation will be semi-automated and analysed by IMorphicsLtd, an independent medical image analysis company that specialise in changes in knee biomarkers for OA. ", "They use active appearance models of the knee, which allow precise measurements of articular cartilage and changes in bone shape.^[@r15],[@r16]^ They have extensive experience in measuring cartilage and changes in bone shape in both observational and experimental trials.", "\n\nLoss of cartilage was chosen as a surrogate marker for OA in the absence of long-term follow-up. ", "Loss of cartilage is a cardinal feature of OA and an annual loss of 4% to 6% has been shown in patients with knee OA, which exceeds errors of precision.^[@r17]^ A number of studies have also demonstrated an inverse relationship between pain and volume of cartilage.^[@r17]-[@r20]^\n\nThe secondary outcome measures will include the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS),^[@r21]^ Lysholm score,^[@r22]^ International Knee Documentation Committee score (IKDC)^[@r23]^ and complications. ", "An economics analysis will be performed using the EuroQol EQ5D-5L health utility score.^[@r24]^ The mean change in cartilage thickness, changes in bone shape^[@r15]^ and T2 cartilage mapping, will also be performed.", "\n\nFollow-up\n---------\n\nIn the randomised group, the participants will have MRI scans at baseline, four, eight and 12 months. ", "In the patient preference group, the participants will have MRI scans at baseline and at one year. ", "All participants will complete questionnaires at all time points (baseline, four, eight and 12 months). ", "The trial period will start from the start of the intervention, rather than the date of randomisation. ", "Questionnaires collected before the start of treatment may be used as the baseline questionnaire if the treatment starts within four months of the questionnaire being collected. ", "MRI scans will be done as close as possible to the start of the intervention. ", "If an MRI scan was done for clinical reasons (and was performed using the correct protocol) before the intervention started, it may be used as the baseline scan, as long as the intervention starts within four months of the scan. ", "Participants in the patient preference group will not have repeat baseline scans, as they are a 'follow-up-only' group.", "\n\nIn the first instance a research associate that is blinded to the treatment allocation will collect all functional outcome scores from the participant in person. ", "If the participant misses the appointment or is not willing to attend, the outcomes pack will be sent out by post and the patient will be telephoned. ", "If the research associate is unable to obtain this information within four weeks of the time point for collection, the information will be deemed missing. ", "Further data will be collected at later time points as originally planned.", "\n\nPost-recruitment withdrawals and exclusions\n-------------------------------------------\n\nParticipants may withdraw from the trial at any time. ", "If participants decide to have a different treatment to which they were randomised, participants will be followed up wherever possible and data collected as per the protocol until the end of the trial. ", "Participants may be withdrawn from the study by the chief investigator at any time if any safety concerns arise.", "\n\nSample size\n-----------\n\nThere are no previously performed similar studies, thus there is no way of gaining a meaningful standardised effect size. ", "This study will therefore be a pilot and no formal power calculation will be performed. ", "The recruitment period will be 12 months and it has been estimated that 18 patients will be entered into the randomised arm of the trial, based on a 50% recruitment rate. ", "We expect that the majority of patients that do not wish to be randomised will wish to be part of the parallel patient preference group. ", "One of the important findings of this study will be recruitment, as it will give information on the feasibility of a full RCT and expected timescales. ", "A sample size of 18 participants will provide some guidance as to the likely size of the treatment effect and will allow nuisance parameters such as the variability (standard deviation) in the primary outcome to be estimated with some precision. ", "These data will enable a sample size calculation for a full RCT to be determined.", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nThe main analysis will investigate differences in the primary outcome measure, cartilage volume between the treatment groups (operative and non-operative) on an intention-to-treat basis, at 12 months post-intervention. ", "As this is a pilot study, the main analysis will be exploratory in nature, the aim being to assess the size and direction of observed differences between the two treatment groups, and the variability and distribution of the outcome measures at each point of assessment (four months, eight months and 12 months). ", "It is likely that the primary outcome will not be normally distributed, so a range of data transformations (e.g. cube root) will be tested to see if they improve the measurement properties. ", "Baseline data will be summarised to check comparability between treatment arms, and to highlight any characteristic differences between those individuals in the study, those ineligible, and those eligible but withholding consent. ", "This is a relatively small study, and so group means are unlikely to be estimated with much precision. ", "However, the statistical significance of responses between treatment groups will be formally assessed using *t*-tests, based on an assumed approximate normal distribution for the primary outcome measure. ", "Analyses will also be performed to identify whether there are differences between the RCT groups and the parallel patient preference groups and subsequent analysis of the merged groups if appropriate.", "\n\nThe results of these analyses will be used to recommend an optimal sample size, based on a formal power analysis, and design for the full RCT. ", "In addition to the formal assessment of the primary outcome measure, analyses will also be reported for the secondary outcome measures (KOOS, Lysholm, IKDC questionnaires and EQ-5D) and complication rates reported for all groups.", "\n\nEconomics analysis\n------------------\n\nA cost-effectiveness analysis, expressed in terms of incremental costs per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained, will be performed. ", "Health-related quality of life will be estimated using the EuroQol EQ5D 5L, collected at baseline and four, eight and 12 months, and converted to a multi-attribute utility score. ", "Responses will be converted into an overall score using a published utility algorithm for the population of the United Kingdom.^[@r25]^ Unit cost data will be obtained from national databases such as the British National Formulary^[@r26]^ and Personal Social Services Research Unit^[@r27]^ Costs of Health and Social Care. ", "Where these are not available the unit cost will be estimated in consultation with the UHCW finance department. ", "Primary, community and social care service use as well as medication use will be collected using a participant questionnaire at four, eight and 12 months. ", "A 3.5% discount rate will be used as per the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) methods guide.^[@r28]^\n\nThe analyses will initially take the perspective of the service provider including the costs of health and social care. ", "Subsequent analyses will adopt a societal perspective taking into account productivity costs (time away from work) and out of pocket expenditures by the participant in relation to their treatment. ", "A series of sensitivity analyses will be conducted to explore the effect of parameter uncertainty on the results. ", "Cost-effectiveness modelling will also take place, based on different assumptions in regards to risk of future OA.", "\n\nReporting plan\n--------------\n\nThis study is expected to report its findings in 2016.", "\n\n**Author contributions:**N. A. Smith: Design of trial, Writing the paper\n\nJ. Achten: Writing and editing the paper\n\nN. Parsons: Statistical input of trial design, Writing the paper\n\nD. Wright: Comparator (physio) development, Writing the protocol for the physiotherapy, Editing the paper\n\nB. Parkinson: Intervention input, Editing the paper\n\nP. Thompson: Surgeon performing operations, Trial design, Editing the paper\n\nC. E. Hutchinson: Trial design input (re imaging), Development of MRI protocols, Writing the paper\n\nT. Spalding: Senior surgeon performing operations in the trial, Trial design, Editing the paper\n\nM.L. Costa: Data analysis, Writing the paper\n\n**ICMJE Conflict of Interest:**None declared\n\n**Supplementary material**. ", "A table showing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol settings is available alongside the online version of this article at www.bjr.boneandjoint.org.uk\n" ]
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[ 0.0010108486749231815, 0.0005155174876563251, 0.0005274525610730052, 0.0019239328103139997, 0.0018024386372417212, 0.001647125813178718, 0.002515752101317048, 0.000899018079508096, 0.0006360778352245688, 0.0006486726924777031, 0.0005504568689502776, 0.0005722800851799548, 0.0005443741101771593, 0.0005885221180506051, 0.0005458855885080993, 0.0005569765926338732, 0.0005795968463644385, 0.0005510749761015177, 0.0005353045416995883, 0.0011234194971621037, 0.002331807976588607, 0.000875816447660327, 0.0011309157125651836, 0.0008805312099866569, 0.0006819216068834066, 0.003570458386093378, 0.01921660639345646, 0.000737709691748023, 0.00062228599563241, 0.0006282772519625723, 0.0005262186750769615, 0.0005476627266034484, 0.0005562216974794865, 0.0006129745161160827, 0.0005403835675679147, 0.0006087367073632777, 0.0005155698163434863, 0.0005977104301564395, 0.0007540739607065916, 0.0005332629079930484, 0.0005338472547009587, 0.0011156209511682391, 0.0005655338172800839, 0.000582883891183883, 0.0007392068509943783, 0.0007399821770377457, 0.0019407599465921521, 0.029908841475844383, 0.0005551970098167658, 0.0006566394004039466, 0.0009275961783714592, 0.0006321130786091089, 0.0010830345563590527, 0.0007081978837959468, 0.001028015511110425, 0.0028123974334448576, 0.002071813214570284, 0.000746110687032342, 0.015548202209174633, 0.0005958711844868958, 0.0006372419302351773, 0.0013527256669476628, 0.0010936475591734052, 0.000838472624309361, 0.0007787065114825964, 0.000800290668848902, 0.0007076622569002211, 0.002249960321933031, 0.0006992724956944585, 0.000802877708338201, 0.0006599075859412551, 0.0008367980481125414, 0.000545166723895818, 0.0005633541732095182, 0.0005219182930886745, 0.0005564168095588684, 0.0011301112826913595, 0.0006075067794881761, 0.0007449740078300238, 0.0007600518292747438, 0.0006159422337077558, 0.0010813602712005377, 0.0005811027367599308, 0.0005156786646693945, 0.0005919890245422721, 0.0007342306198552251, 0.0005341137293726206, 0.0006633830489590764, 0.0006807210738770664, 0.0006331058102659881, 0.0007112849270924926, 0.0006554105202667415, 0.0007291047368198633, 0.0010378847364336252, 0.0006333867786452174, 0.0005739463958889246, 0.0005372392479330301, 0.0005497057572938502, 0.0005777389160357416, 0.000547896372154355, 0.000545782851986587, 0.0005516262608580291, 0.0006513374391943216, 0.00055790162878111, 0.0005492492928169668, 0.0005645727505907416, 0.0005398057401180267, 0.0007194411009550095, 0.0005462621338665485, 0.0005346100660972297, 0.0005936060915701091, 0.0006566631491295993, 0.0005674319691024721, 0.00059452501591295, 0.0005111171049065888, 0.0005359271308407187, 0.0005618542782031, 0.0005801207735203207, 0.000517886655870825, 0.0005360847571864724, 0.0005179333384148777, 0.0005525476881302893, 0.0005548169137910008, 0.0005161928129382432, 0.0005212779506109655, 0.000528189295437187, 0.000600971223320812, 0.0005561482394114137, 0.0005847912398166955, 0.0005826245178468525, 0.0005343092489056289, 0.0005811708979308605, 0.0005359005881473422, 0.0005120462737977505, 0.0005716182640753686, 0.0005752720753662288, 0.0006116803851909935, 0.000578149629291147 ]
[ "[Expression of thymidine phosphorylase in cancer].", "\nTo study the thymidine phosphorylase (TP) expression in different types of cancer and its correlation with tumor microvessel density (MVD). ", "The expression of TP and MVD was detected by immunohistochemistry method. ", "In a series of 251 cancer patients there were 48 patients with gastric cancer, 53 with colorectal cancer, 47 with breast cancer, 56 with cervical cancer, 47 with lung cancer. ", "Normal gastric (n = 25), colorectal (n = 25), cervical (n = 17) and lung (n = 25) tissues around the cancer were also examined. ", "The TP expression rate was 64.6% in gastric cancer, 67.9% in colorectal cancer, 80.9% in breast cancer, 82.1% in cervical cancer, and 63.8% in lung cancer, which was significantly higher than that in normal tissues (P = 0.0000). ", "TP expression was positively correlated with MVD in gastric, colorectal, breast, and cervical cancers. ", "The correlation was not statistically significant in lung cancer. ", "This study indicates that TP overexpression in cancer may be associated with tumor angiogenesis." ]
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[ 0.0008033671765588224, 0.0006709173903800547, 0.0005767730763182044, 0.0016384599730372429, 0.0011759951012209058, 0.0010412490228191018, 0.0007538225036114454, 0.001199988299049437, 0.000870583055075258 ]
[ "Hebita Station\n\nis a railway station on the Senseki Line in the city of Ishinomaki, Miyagi, Japan, operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East).", "\n\nLines\nHebita Station is served by the Senseki Line (including the Senseki-Tōhoku Line). ", "It is located 46.6 kilometers from the terminus of the Senseki Line at Aoba-dōri Station.", "\n\nStation layout\nThe station has one side platform serving a single bidirectional track. ", "The station is unstaffed.", "\n\nAdjacent stations\n\nHistory\nHebita Station opened on November 22, 1928 as a station on the Miyagi Electric Railway. ", "The Miyagi Electric Railway was nationalized on May 1, 1944. ", "The station was absorbed into the JR East network upon the privatization of JNR on April 1, 1987. ", "The station was closed from March 11, 2011 due to damage to the line associated with the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. ", "Services were restored to and on July 16, 2011.", "\n\nSurrounding area\n National Route 45\n Hebita Post Office\n\nSee also\n List of railway stations in Japan\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n \n\nCategory:Stations of East Japan Railway Company\nCategory:Railway stations in Miyagi Prefecture\nCategory:Senseki Line\nCategory:Railway stations opened in 1928\nCategory:1928 establishments in Japan\nCategory:Ishinomaki" ]
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[ 0.0011685565114021301, 0.0008813911117613316, 0.0007106405682861805, 0.0007706040632911026, 0.0007055766182020307, 0.0006078108563087881, 0.0007284105522558093, 0.0007220102124847472, 0.0009581617196090519, 0.0005867762956768274, 0.0006137324380688369 ]
[ "The importance of acclimation in acoustic startle amplitude and pre-pulse inhibition testing of male and female rats.", "\nThe acoustic startle reflex (ASR) and pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) of the ASR are used extensively to index drug effects in rodents. ", "Important methodological issues exist, however, with regard to the specific procedures and equipment used. ", "In particular, the effects of acclimation to the startle procedure on response stability and the effects of testing animals in groups vs. individually have not been examined but are relevant to data interpretation. ", "The present experiment measured acoustic startle responses with and without a pre-pulse of 25 adult Sprague-Dawley rats (12 male, 13 female) tested individually and in same-sex groups at four time points. ", "Individual testing increased startle responses and PPI of males at time 1 and altered PPI of females at times 1, 2, and 3 compared with group testing. ", "Responses were indistinguishable in the two testing environments at time 4. ", "Results indicate that testing environment may affect responses when subjects have not been acclimated to the testing situation and that there are sex differences in these effects. ", "Because responses stabilized by the fourth testing point, repeated testing of subjects particularly females, may be an important methodological inclusion when evaluating effects of drugs and other manipulations on ASR and PPI." ]
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[ 0.0010434669675305486, 0.0006031274097040296, 0.0005543451989069581, 0.0005696936859749258, 0.0007676489185541868, 0.0008400724618695676, 0.0006344025605358183, 0.00078417151235044, 0.00070689752465114 ]
[ "Q:\n\ngetting input with select\n\nin my react application I wish to change the input to a select tag in my form , how can I do that?", "\n<form className=\"form-maker\" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>\n Type:\n <input name=\"inputType\" type=\"text\" onChange={this.handleChange} />\n</form>\n\nin to this:\n<select>\n <option value=\"text\">text</option>\n <option value=\"color\">color</option>\n <option value=\"date\">date</option>\n <option value=\"email\">email</option>\n <option value=\"tel\">tel</option>\n <option value=\"number\">number</option>\n</select>\n\nA:\n\nThe handleChange goes in the <select /> element, similar to the <input />.", "\nHere is a small running example:\n\nclass App extends React.", "Component {\r\n state = { value: \"text\" };\r\n\r\n onSelect = ({target}) => this.setState({value: target.value})\r\n\r\n render() {\r\n const { value } = this.state;\r\n return (\r\n <div>\r\n <select onChange={this.onSelect}>\r\n <option value=\"text\">text</option>\r\n <option value=\"color\">color</option>\r\n <option value=\"date\">date</option>\r\n <option value=\"email\">email</option>\r\n <option value=\"tel\">tel</option>\r\n <option value=\"number\">number</option>\r\n </select>\r\n <div>{`Selectet Value is ${value}`}</div>\r\n </div>\r\n );\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst rootElement = document.getElementById(\"root\");\r\nReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);\n<script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js\"></script>\r\n<script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js\"></script>\r\n<div id=\"root\"/>\n\nYou will probably want an array of these values, so it will be easier to render the <options /> and set the selected attribute.", "\nHere is another example, this time with a different default value selected: \n\nconst values = [\r\n \"text\", \"color\", \"date\", \"email\", \"tel\",\"number\"\r\n]\r\n\r\nclass App extends React.", "Component {\r\n state = { value: \"date\" };\r\n\r\n onSelect = ({target}) => this.setState({value: target.value})\r\n\r\n render() {\r\n const { value } = this.state;\r\n return (\r\n <div>\r\n <select onChange={this.onSelect}>\r\n {values.map(val => <option key={val} value={val} selected={val === value}>{val}</option>)}\r\n </select>\r\n <div>{`Selectet Value is ${value}`}</div>\r\n </div>\r\n );\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst rootElement = document.getElementById(\"root\");\r\nReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);\n<script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js\"></script>\r\n<script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js\"></script>\r\n<div id=\"root\" />\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0005707357777282596, 0.000685494567733258, 0.0006153645226731896, 0.0007913433946669102, 0.0005956940003670752, 0.0009875830728560686 ]
[ "Ian Hutchinson recently wrote, Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles?: ", "An MIT Professor Answers Questions about God and Science. ", "Most of the book is a set of questions and answers he’s taken up in various presentations on faith and science.", "\n\nHaving read his book, I find most of it is good but a few of the questions could be better explained with some Catholic presentations like John Paul II’s Fides et Ratio.", "\n\nThe first chapter is a spiritual biography tracing his own studies and doubts about the faith. ", "Eventually, he accepts the faith as true as all the arguments against it seem to be arguments that can apply to other knowledge too.", "\n\nIn his biography, he notes how he struggled with secularism vs Christianity, eventually choosing the latter. ", "At first, he didn’t think much about Christianity knowing it was inconvenient, but as he began to think, it made more sense. ", "He explains, “I had as much difficulty with the enlightened attitude as I did with Christianity. ", "It seemed pretty obvious that despite the material benefits of science and technology, the secular society and the academy was, if anything, doing a worse job at developing and sustaining the virtues I valued: truth, integrity, rationality, compassion.” (", "5)\n\nAs far as his questions, you can read each chapter and almost each question independently. ", "Once or twice, I wished he might have gone deeper but overall his answers are very good on a topic that many struggle with today. ", "Let me review a few responses I found helpful.", "\n\nRegarding reconciling the scientific understanding of matter and the reality of a spiritual world he notes, “Reconciling matter and spirit is not intrinsically more difficult than reconciling body and mind or ink and literature or sound and music. ", "They are aspects of the world at different levels of description, the one embodying or expressing or supporting the other.” (", "27)\n\nHutchinson points out in several ways how Christianity is and the knowledge by faith and authority in religion is similar to other knowledge. ", "He explains that a scientist who doesn’t take the authority of prior scientists will spend all his time repeating, not discovering, likewise in religion we take some knowledge by authority. ", "This relates to faith we have both in God and in our fellow man and institutions. ", "Then, he notes that science developed in Christian societies, as Christianity was fertile soil for such exploration due to our metaphysical beliefs.", "\n\nHe argues for the authority of faith and science each in their proper realm. ", "He states, “Knowledge in natural science rightly commands respect.” (", "100) But at the same time clarifies, “Scientism is science attempting to go beyond its own competence, and in a sense invading areas where other types of knowledge are required.” (", "89) At the same time, he clarifies what “literal” means in Biblical interpretation (hint, a literal reading of Genesis 1 is as a religious text not a scientific textbook). ", "He notes the limits of science in talking about God: “Asking for scientific evidence of God’s personal character is asking too much, not of God but of science. ", "Science is not well-equipped to discover the personal character of God.” (", "214) And he critiques both extremes – fundamentalism and scientism – that create bumper stickers but both lack part of knowledge and end up in an endless and fruitless rivalry.", "\n\nIf you are struggling with how faith and science relate, Hutchinson’s book is a good explanation to begin with. ", "At times, the Protestant lack of philosophy comes out but it is not that strong. ", "I would highly recommend this book.", "\n\nNotes:" ]
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[ 0.0007526965346187353, 0.0006350538460537791, 0.0006293847691267729, 0.0005726617528125644, 0.0006535355350933969, 0.0005746650858782232, 0.0005821801605634391, 0.0006515817367471755, 0.0006563322385773063, 0.0005839036894030869, 0.000596063444390893, 0.0005948502803221345, 0.0005403400864452124, 0.0007597002550028265, 0.0006172050489112735, 0.0006468339706771076, 0.0006841192371211946, 0.0005449544987641275, 0.0005661321920342743, 0.0006947886431589723, 0.0005589237553067505, 0.0006920880987308919, 0.0006070162635296583, 0.0007717280532233417, 0.0007136609638109803, 0.0011057984083890915, 0.0008707469096407294, 0.000903365493286401, 0.0005538983386941254, 0.0006752476328983903 ]
[ "Q:\n\nQuais as diferenças em questão de performance ao utilizar querys com EF vs ADO\n\nQual é a diferença em relação a performance ao utilizar os métodos de consulta a base SqlQuery<TElement> e ExecuteSqlCommand do EntityFramework em relação a utilizar diretamente o ADO.NET? ", "\nCaso haja diferença considerável em performance, esta é devido ao processamento de dados realizado na aplicação pelo EntityFramework antes de acessar o banco de dados ou o EntityFramework também causa impactos no banco de dados? ", "\nUtilizando ADO.NET para realizar um select\nusing (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(\"connectionString\"))\n{\n using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(\"SELECT * FROM TABLE\", connection))\n {\n SqlDataReader reader = command.", "ExecuteReader();\n while (reader.", "Read())\n {\n ///...\n }\n }\n}\n\nUtilizando Entity Framework para realizar um select com SQLQuery\ncontext.", "Database.", "SqlQuery<Table>(\"SELECT * FROM TABLE\");\n\nUtilizando ADO.NET para realizar um statement de insert\nusing (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(\"connectionString\"))\n{\n using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(\"INSERT INTO TABLE VALUES ('foo', 'ba', GETDATE())\", connection))\n {\n int records = command.", "ExecuteNonQuery(); \n }\n}\n\nUtilizando EntityFramework para realizar um statement de insert com ExecuteSqlCommand\ncontext.", "Database.", "ExecuteSqlCommand(\"INSERT INTO TABLE VALUES ('foo', 'ba', GETDATE())\");\n\nA:\n\nExiste uma comparação antiga mostrado a performance de alguns ORMs com o acesso bruto. ", "O Entity Framework melhorou muito de lá pra cá, especialmente o EF Core, mas ainda há um overhead natural nele. ", "Mais um benchmark.", "\nObviamente que estas comparações dependem muito do que está sendo realizado, qual a estratégia e as configurações específicas estão sendo usadas. ", "Ainda que todo mundo queira uma informação mágica sobre qual é mais rápido, não dá para afirmar nada sobre performance sem fazer testes específicos em situação real.", "\nA maneira usada no código de EF é pouco usual, no fundo quase não está usando o que o EF tem a oferecer, não usa ele como um ORM completo, o que pode ser uma boa e equalizar a performance. ", "Com estratégias iguais não haverá muita diferença de performance, pelo menos para montar a query que é um dos custos que pesam na performance.", "\nQuando você opta por escrever suas próprias queries SQL serão elas que determinarão o grosso da performance. ", "É muito comum o programador conseguir escrever queries melhores que um ORM pode escrever partindo de uma expressão C#. ", "Novamente, vai variar de caso pra caso.", "\nPara quem optar pelo EF, uma estratégia de otimização certamente é abandonar sua sintaxe normal que abstrai o SQL e usar uma query própria. ", "Claro que esta situação pode impedir uma das vantagens do ORM que é permitir a abstração do banco de dados (algo que em geral a pessoa não precisa mas ela faz generalização prematura)\nSe for para usar sempre assim, provavelmente tem pouca vantagem em usar o EF, é melhor usar um ORM mais simples como o Dapper já mencionado no link acima ou mesmo o ADO.NET puro.", "\nObviamente que outras coisas podem fazer diferença dependendo do contexto aplicado. ", "Nem sabemos como o EF está configurado para dizer alguma coisa. ", "Mesmo sabendo ainda será difícil fazer afirmações definitivas.", "\nSempre vai caber a pergunta: você está tendo problemas de performance ou só quer que seja mais rápido o que já é rápido o suficiente?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Nintendo has announced the latest of its IPs to make the leap to smartphones, and it’s a big one: Mario Kart. ", "An app called Mario Kart Tour is set to be released in the next financial year, meaning anywhere between April 2018 and March 2019.", "\n\nNo details about Mario Kart Tour have been made available other than its existence, but the Mario Kart franchise is one of Nintendo’s biggest. ", "Yesterday the company announced that 14.86 million Switch consoles have been sold, along with about half as many copies of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe — a straight port of a game that managed to sell a further eight million copies even on the Wii U.\n\nNintendo is likely to have more mobile titles in the works. ", "The company originally planned to have released five smartphone games by 2017, but only Super Mario Run, Fire Emblem Heroes, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, and the ill-fated Miitomo social app have made it out so far. ", "Last year The Wall Street Journal reported that Nintendo was working on a Legend of Zelda mobile title." ]
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[ "\n\nSolve the halting problem, $300-$1000 - jcapote\nhttp://www.getacoder.com/projects/bug_finder_92913.html\n\n======\nmarkessien\nUnfortunately, the person who put up the project did not specify that the\nsolution has to complete within a timespan. ", "So given a piece of code, a\nproposed solution could just try all possible values, trying to discover if it\nwill halt. ", "This may take very long.", "\n\nIf the project client complains, he will need to prove that your solution is\nwrong, and he cannot prove that if he does not give your solution enough time\nto try all possible combinations.", "\n\n~~~\nken\nAssuming Alan is using a Turing-complete language, how exactly do you propose\nto \"just try all possible values\"? ", "Given an infinite loop, what values are you\ntrying?", "\n\nAnd it's a freshman problem to prove that the halting problem is undecidable.", "\n(It's also in about a million CS and math textbooks.)", "\n\nYou could always just say \"To demonstrate that your program works, show the\noutput of it running on itself, given this input...\"\n\n~~~\nmarkessien\nWe're demonstrating that we've solved the problem as stated, not demonstrating\nthat the halting problem can be solved. ", "There is no time frame for how long\nyour test program can run (in the clients wishes), so even if there is an\ninfinite loop in the program fed in - your own test program also waits\ninfinitely. ", "Because your program never stops, and is basically still doing\nit's job, the client cannot tell you that your solution is wrong. ", "He can only\ntell you that your solution is wrong if you return a wrong answer, but you\nnever do.", "\n\nSo while the halting problem cannot be solved, the clients requirements can be\nfulfilled (logically).", "\n\n~~~\nneilc\nThe job of the program is to return true or false; until it does that, it\ncan't be said to be \"basically doing its job\" if it never terminates. ", "The\nclient might also not be able to tell you that a solution of \"while (true) ;\"\nis \"wrong\" because it never returns the wrong answer, but that isn't a\nsolution either.", "\n\n~~~\nmarkessien\nOkay, imagine a program that takes 100 years to complete, before returning\ntrue. ", "My program has to wait 100 years to return its result, but it will\nreturn the result correctly. ", "Now, assuming that my program runs correctly, how\ncan the client prove that my program does not work, and hence deny me the\npayment?", "\n\n~~~\nneilc\nSuppose the analysis program is given an input that fails to terminate. ", "The\nclient expects your program to indicate this fact after a finite time, but\nyour program will not be able to do so in the general case.", "\n\nIn any case, looking at individual test cases is not the point. ", "The client is\njustified in asking for a _proof_ that your program detects non-termination\nfor _all possible_ input programs in the language. ", "Since no such proof can\nexist, you don't get paid. ", "The burden of proof is on the person proposing the\nsolution, not the client.", "\n\n~~~\nmarkessien\nNo, he's asking for a program, not a proof. ", "The point I'm making is that it's\npossible to fulfill the guys request without solving the halting problem,\nbecause you can inteprete his request in ways he did not intend.", "\n\nThe request did not include any 'finite time' specification.", "\n\n------\ndhoe\nAn expert team of 70 Webdesigners can get this done in no time. ", "Edit: this is\nactually an interesting demonstration of what happens if the sales people are\ndisconnected from engineering. ", "I've yet to see a big company that doesn't do\nthe equivalent of this. ", "Slightly more professional, but still the same thing.", "\n\n~~~\nDarmani\nI feel that most of these responses were made by bots.", "\n\n~~~\nalecco\nI'm not sure, the amounts vary. ", "The top one at least looks like someone\nincompetent just guessed a number.", "\n\n------\nswombat\nThis is a good demonstration of why you should only outsource things that you\ncould do yourself but don't have the time to do. ", "Never outsource something you\ndon't know how to do (at least not if it's a core competitive requirement).", "\n\n~~~\ntdavis\nOne time I outsourced the creation of a simple Wordpress template which I\ndidn't have time to do. ", "I paid $300. ", "Despite being given a pre-cut Photoshop\nfile, the people could not figure out simple CSS bugs or even create the CSS\nnecessary for the tabs. ", "I spent more time managing them (aka _teaching_ ) than\nit would have taken me to do it, in the end I had to do half of it anyway and\nthis entire sick ordeal took nearly two weeks.", "\n\nMy new mantra is \"Don't outsource anything the neighbors' 10 year old couldn't\ncomplete properly.\"", "\n\n~~~\nswombat\nThat's a good point... I wouldn't consider it wise to try and outsource any\n_complicated_ technology development to India/Pakistan/etc. ", "However, I would\nconsider doing so to an onshore firm that demonstrates to me that they have a\nclue. ", "For instance, I know plenty of people who take on consulting work and\ncould deal with your CSS without any problems. ", "Depending on how much work was\ninvolved, they might even have been able to do it within $300.", "\n\n~~~\nalecco\nOutsourcing to a far away place to a random contractor is looking for trouble.", "\nBut your generalization is offensive.", "\n\n~~~\njm4\nWhat is offensive about that post? ", "Maybe I'm missing something or others are\nreading too much into it. ", "He says he would not recommend outsourcing to India,\nPakistan, etc., ", "but would consider outsourcing to a qualified firm closer to\nhome.", "\n\nThis doesn't necessarily imply that he thinks developers in India and Pakistan\nare a bunch of dopes. ", "In fact, it doesn't imply anything at all except that he\nprefers not to outsource overseas. ", "We can really only speculate since he\ndoesn't provide any reasons for his opinion, but maybe we should give him a\nlittle more credit here before we jump to conclusions and call the post\noffensive.", "\n\nHis opinions could be explained with a variety of reasons like time\ndifference, difficulty in communicating (either long distance phone calls or\nhaving to do everything over email) or even possible language barriers.", "\nSometimes when you need a very specific result you need to be careful how you\nexplain this to someone whose native language is different from your own. ", "Even\ncommon figures of speech can be taken literally and result in confusion over\nwhat is expected. ", "All of these possible hurdles can be alleviated by working\nwith a group closer to home.", "\n\n~~~\nshard\nMaybe I'm reading too much into it, or maybe you missed this point: In\nresponse to a post that talked about an outsourced team that didn't even have\nthe technical expertise to handle simple CSS bugs, he said he wouldn't\nconsider outsourcing to India and Pakistan, which implies that those places\nhave the characteristics of not having the technical expertise to handle\nsimple bugs.", "\n\n~~~\njm4\nI don't think it's even possible to miss the point I was trying to make more\nthan you already have. ", "I was cautioning against making assumptions about a\nperson who has stated a vague opinion without the reasons for having that\nopinion. ", "And just like the person I was responding to, you have done exactly\nthat.", "\n\nSome people, based on past experience, expect to be offended and see malice in\nwords where there is none. ", "Sometimes we make connections between others'\nstatement based on our own beliefs. ", "I guess it's just human nature. ", "It's\nprobably easier to ask for some clarification.", "\n\n~~~\nshard\nWhat's wonderful about our world is that there are a myriad of ways that\npeople can perceive a situation, which allows all sorts of different\nviewpoints to emerge. ", "I interpreted the situation differently from you based\non my experience of conversation flow, and there's no need for me to agree to\nyour point even though I understood it the first time.", "\n\nSome people, based on past experience, are unaware that their words may carry\nunintended malice or hurtfulness (see Rosie O'Donnell's 'Ching Chong'\ncomments) or may harbor subconscious prejudices (see Project Implicit,\n<https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/>). ", "It's better for all of us that\nthese are pointed out rather than ignored.", "\n\n------\nedu\nProject Creator: Alan T. And the reply by K. Gödel. ", "Made my day.", "\n\n~~~\nbdfh42\nMine too. ", "Geek humour at its best\n\n------\nhenryw\ni like the last post response:\n\nAs the superior German programmer I am I've already solved the problem in my\nhead as per your specification. ", "I'm able to deliver a solution in source code\nin any language that can print a line of text. ", "If necessary, I can also\nprovide flowcharts and a solution on solid German-made paper.", "\n\n~~~\nparaschopra\nThis response must be from a HN user -- i guess the response is actually a\npun. :)", "\n\n------\namix\nThe thing to note about the halting problem is that it's impossible to create\na general solution that works for all the input programs. ", "That said, one could\ncreate an approximative solution and even solve the halting problem for non-\nturning complete languages.", "\n\nA lot of the time when we actually solve \"hard\" problems, we only find\napproximative solutions (this is for example true when doing static code\nanalysis). ", "Asking does program X have any non-trivial property G is impossible\nto do in the general case, so we find an approximative solution that can\nanswer this in most of the cases.", "\n\n~~~\nFreaky\n<http://research.microsoft.com/Terminator/>\n\nThe ultimate goal of the TERMINATOR project is develop automatic techniques\n(and tools that implement them) that will allow us to prove that industrial\nsoftware components cannot hang.", "\n\n~~~\nLogicHoleFlaw\nMy father designs HVAC systems for nuclear missile silos. ", "I was asked him\nabout how the embedded controls software works, and how they handle error\nconditions. ", "The biggest concern? ", "EMP blasts. ", "The solution? ", "Mechanical\nfailsafes.", "\n\n~~~\na-priori\nThis is the solution in other high-reliability systems as well. ", "You develop to\nas strict standards as are feasible, then provide provisions (e.g. watchdog\ntimers and replication) for when it fails.", "\n\n~~~\nmleonhard\nAnd supervisor processes, as in Erlang.", "\n\n------\nblasdel\nThe replies were all removed, I've mirrored the page pre-moderation:\n\n<http://www.wabdo.com/fred/bugfinder.html>\n\n~~~\nfrisco\nthanks! ", "i was worried that it was lost for a second.", "\n\n------\nDilpil\nFunny, after reading jeff atwood's article on codinghorror\n(<http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001190.html>), I left a comment\nsuggesting someone do this. ", "I see someone took me up on the offer.", "\n\nPS, mega points to whoever claimed to know BNF, and also to whoever made the\nGeorge Cantor post. ", "Also mega points to the creator for using the handle\n\"AlanT\".", "\n\n~~~\njgrahamc\nI am 'GeorgCantor'... I couldn't resist because Gödel's reply seemed lame. ", "He\njust assumed the undecidability and used it to bang on about his own ideas.", "\n\n~~~\nqueensnake\nWell Cantor's diagonalization doesn't have anything to do with it either.", "\n\n~~~\njgrahamc\nI disagree.", "\n\nIn Turing's paper \"On computable numbers, with an application to the\nEntscheidungsproblem\" he makes direct reference to diagonalization arguments\n(section 8 \"Application of the diagonal process\") alluding to the proof that\nthe real numbers are not enumerable.", "\n\nHis proof then relies on a diagonal argument.", "\n\n------\ngjm11\nNeat way of getting a list of outfits to avoid when you have a real software\ndevelopment task that you want to outsource...\n\n(Though I bet it was done solely as a joke. ", "Good one, too.)", "\n\n------\nanewaccountname\nIf it is running on a 32 bit machine, and can't make IO calls, you can just\nenumerate every possible memory/register state and see if the resulting fsa\nhas any loops for the given input range of the function.", "\n\n------\nivanstojic\nI think that the biggest boon to the users of GetACoder is the fact that this\nclearly demonstrates who the idiots on the site are.", "\n\nI mean, take the first bid, the \"kagtech\" group/person. ", "Not only are they\nobviously bidding automagically, but obviously doing so quite successfully\nenough to pay for a premium account.", "\n\nThere's nothing wrong with outsourcing to India in my opinion, but outsourcing\nto Idiotistan is worthy of a punishment that can only be delivered by an\nIdiotistan \"coder.\"", "\n\n------\nFiReaNG3L\nI love those kinds of sites. ", "A month ago I Googled my site name and found\nsomeone asking for a clone of my site (which is pretty complex and involve\nclustering and automated categorization - <http://esciencenews.com> ) for\n250-750$. I laughed a lot, then I cried a little inside at how much people\nvalue software and IT skillset in general.", "\n\n------\nvegashacker\nOne way to satisfy AlanT's spec is to choose a \"non-standard\" language to\nwrite this this \"Bug Finder\" for. ", "If the language has the strong normalization\nproperty (<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normalization_property>), then the\nrequested debugger is quite simple:\n\n \n \n (define (halt? ", "p) #t)\n \n\n(As for error checking, assuming this means, say, type errors, I think if you\nchoose a language like the typed lambda calculus that's easy too.)", "\n\n~~~\nicky\nIf you look at \"sleep\"'s response:\n\n _Dear Sir, You have found the right person to do the job. ", "I am a\nrepresentative of a company that has recently completed a large enterprise\ncommercial project related to the development of a HaltLib.", "NET library that is\nmeant specifically to solve the problem of interest to you, and I am ready to\nshare my experiences and code. ", "Note that our library works for a wide variety\nof programming languages, including, but not limited to, HTML, XML, PNG, CSV,\nSQL, BNF, Regular Expressions and even \"Field=Value\" .property file formats. ", "I\nguarantee you maximally efficient and clean code on this project._", "\n\nYou'll note that he doesn't list any Turing-complete languages. (", "The\nimplementation will almost certainly look like yours). ", ":P\n\n------\nsdfx\nlove the comment on their discussion board:\n\n\"BTW.. I think it is incredibly ignorant to post such a question with the\npurpose of mocking those who are not informed on Turing.\"", "\n\n~~~\ngaius\nI think ernie is ignorant of the meaning of the word ignorant!", "\n\n------\ngills\nThat's a beautiful lightning rod for finding the people you would never hire\nfor a real project :)\n\n------\nbcater\nIt has already been linked here, but I think it's worth noting that Cathedral-\nsoft is working on it: <http://research.microsoft.com/Terminator/default.htm>\n\n------\nkailashbadu\nAnother one: <http://www.getacoder.com/projects/programming_c_87390.html>\n\n------\nfrisco\nThe response by KGodel was classic.", "\n\n------\nthomasmallen\nDude, \"sleep\" knows PNG! ", "That's the man for the job.", "\n\n------\nannoyed\neasy money, here i come!", "\n\n------\nAllocator2008\n\",[.]\"", "\n\nThat is a BrainF*k program. ", "It reads a char (\",\"), then if value is greater\nthan 0 (i.e. not null since ANSI 0 is 48, so more precisely, if the input is\nnot null, rather than greater than 0), then in that case it enters the square\nbrackets. ", "It outputs the entered char (\".\"). ", "It does not decrement the value\nin that cell (\"-\"), it does not add to it (\"+\"), it does not move the pointer\nto another cell (\">\" or \"<\"). ", "It just sits there and outputs, forever (\".\")", "\nsince so long as the value in that cell is not null it will not get out of the\nsquare brackets (the \"while\" loop) and since it never decrements the values\n(\"-\") it will always be not null. ", "This is the same as saying \"while(true)\nputchar(c)\". ", "This program will not terminate.", "\n\nSeems to me, go thru a program source code, and look at all loops and see if\nthe pointer controlling the loops ever decrements the cell it is pointing to.", "\nIf it does, program terminates. ", "If it doesn't program does not terminate. ", "If\ncell pointer is at overflows its capacity program blows up. ", "There. ", "I just\nsolved the requirements of the \"get a coder\" posting. ", "That will be 300 euros\nplease (because the dollar sucks). :-)", "\n\nMore seriously, I think in terms of the requirements, it is not a matter of\nrunning f(x). ", "It is a matter of analyzing f(x). ", "Maybe you can't do this for\nall x, but surely it seems like you can for all f. Meaning, you can't test an\ninfinite number of inputs to a given input program. ", "But you can go thru the\nsource code, like the above example, and determine how it will handle the\ninput x. Feeding x into the f above will give you an infinite loop. ", "You don't\nknow that if all you do is feed x to f. But if you look at f first and you\nlook at x (in this case, to know x is not null), then you can predict f(x)\nwill infinite loop, without ever having to run it.", "\n\nIn other words the requirements are not asking for a debugger. ", "They are asking\nfor an oracle, i.e., an \"intelligence\" in the program smart enough to look at\nf, look at x, and figure ok f never stops, f does stop, or f blows up. ", "The\noracle won't run f(x). ", "The oracle will merely analyze f(x). ", "And she does this\nby simply looking for while type loops, and figuring out the affect x will\nhave on the pointers controlling them. ", "Will x cause the cell pointed to by the\npointer to get decremented to the point of stopping an infinite loop or not?", "\nIf so, f(x) halts, if not, it doesn't. ", "Gosh, this doesn't sound so impossible\n(again, viewing the requirements as really asking for an oracle, not a\ndebugger). ", "Maybe I'm missing something here, and would welcome comments.", "\n\n~~~\nshawnyar217\nWhat you are missing is: 1) Analyzing a function's behavior sometimes\n(frequently) takes as long as running the function itself, 2) some functions\ncan run forever, and 3) sometimes we can't tell the functions that run forever\nfrom those that run a very long time.", "\n\nExample: Write a simple function F to generate prime numbers. (", "Search the\ninternet for examples if you've never tried it. ", "It can be done in a few lines\nwith two loops.) ", "Your prime-number-generating function F will never halt,\nbecause it will never run out of integers to check -- i.e. because there are\ninfinite integers to be tested for being prime. ", "So the halting problem is\nsolvable for F, it is known that F will never halt.", "\n\nNow slightly modify function F to notice whenever it has generated two primes\nin a row that are only two away from each other, such as 11 and 13. ", "Increment\na counter C whenever these Twin Primes are detected. ", "This is as simple as\nstoring the previous prime P1, subtracting it from the newly-generated prime\nP2, and seeing if P2-P1 is equal to 2. ", "Finally, make one last tiny change to\nyour function: accept a parameter X, and halt when the counter C becomes\ngreater than X. At this point the function F is probably less than ten lines\nlong and not very complicated at all. ", "I get to pick X for you. ", "Can you write\nan analyzer function A to decide if function F(X) halts or not?", "\n\nThe answer is: No, you can't. ", "To write function A you would have to prove or\ndisprove the Twin Prime Conjecture, which mathematicians have been trying to\ndo and failing at for centuries.", "\n\n<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_prime_conjecture>\n\nLets imagine that the Twin Prime Conjecture is wrong and there are a finite\nnumber of Twin Primes, N. We've been searching for N for so long that I'm\nconfident than N is very, very large, whatever it is. ", "Meaning I can pick an X\nthat is less than N, but still so large that function F(X) will take longer\nthan our lifetime to generate that many Twin Primes and halt. ", "Alternately,\nlets imagine that the Twin Prime Conjecture is correct and there are\ninfinitely many Twin Primes. ", "Again, I can pick an X so large that it will take\nlonger than our lifetime for F(X) to halt. ", "Either way, we would both be dead\nbefore knowing the results of the test, and maybe the test will never\ncomplete, who can say?", "\n\nWorse, any analyzer function A you could write would have to know N to decide\nif F(X) will halt or not. ", "But N is not known and has not yet been discovered\nafter hundreds of years of trying. ", "So function A would either have to disprove\nthe Twin Primes Conjecture (unlikely with anything less than artificial\nintelligence) or it would have to calculate C by generating all the primes\nthat F(X) would generate, meaning that A is equivalent to F, meaning that A is\nno faster than F.\n\nTherefore, neither you nor any currently-conceivable function A can decide if\nfunction F(X) will halt or if F(X) will continue searching forever. ", "That's the\nhalting problem and it's unsolvable for this F(X).", "\n\n------\nlisp_hacker\nThe gur \"AlanT\" is obviously nuts. ", "The halting problem is one that can never\nbe solved.", "\n\n~~~\nfrisco\nAlanT is most definitely not nuts.", "\n\n~~~\nsciolizer\nJust gay. :)", "\n\n~~~\ndgordon\nSo, by the standards of his time, nuts.", "\n\n~~~\nparenthesis\nWell, I believe the authorities were more concerned about the perceived\nsecurity risk. ", "Male homosexuality was not decriminalised in England and Wales\nuntil 1967 (and not until 1980 in Scotland and 1982 in Northern Ireland).", "\nBefore that there was the concern that someone like Turing could be\nblackmailed for state secrets (he played a key role in the wartime code-\nbreaking effort).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSublime - Change background color based on Build System\n\nThere is a question asking how to change background color based on file type, Sublime 2 -changing background color based on file type?.", "\nSomething close to this came to my mind. ", "I was thinking in change the background color based on current Sublime Build System. ", "Would it be possible?", "\nFor example, Red means Python, Green means LaTeX, Blue means Automatic.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere are some built-in commands to run a specified build system or to set a particular one as the active build system, so you could possibly set an EventListener to listen for the set_build_system command and fire off a plugin to change the current view's background (or all the views in a window, or all views in all windows) when the build system is changed.", "\nHere's a brief proof of concept:\nimport sublime\nimport sublime_plugin\n\nclass ListenToBuildSystem(sublime_plugin.", "EventListener):\n def on_window_command(self, window, command, args):\n if command == \"set_build_system\":\n window.run_command(\"toggle_minimap\")\n\nThis toggles the display of the minimap every time the build system is changed.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Detailed Description\n\nThis interface represents the engine part of the material definition.", "\n\nUsing this interface you will be able to access the original texture wrappers that were used to create the material. ", "If you have something that implements iMaterial you can query for iMaterialEngine. ", "So this interface basically augments iMaterial with engine specific features." ]
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[ "EnCase\n\nEnCase is the shared technology within a suite of digital investigations products by Guidance Software (now acquired by OpenText). ", "The software comes in several products designed for forensic, cyber security, security analytics, and e-discovery use. ", "Encase is traditionally used in forensics to recover evidence from seized hard drives. ", "Encase allows the investigator to conduct in depth analysis of user files to collect evidence such as documents, pictures, internet history and Windows Registry information.", "\n\nThe company also offers EnCase training and certification.", "\n\nData recovered by EnCase has been used in various court systems, such as in the cases of the BTK Killer and the murder of Danielle van Dam. ", "Additional EnCase forensic work was documented in other cases such as the evidence provided for the Casey Anthony, Unabomber, and Mucko (Wakefield Massacre) cases.", "\n\nCompany and Product Overview \nEnCase was originally created by Shawn McCreight the founder of Guidance Software in 1997 out of his home. ", "In 1998 EnCase Forensic officially released (originally named Expert Witness for Windows). ", "At the time there were no GUI forensic tools available.", "\n\nIn 2002 EnCase Enterprise was released allowing the first network enabled digital forensic tool to be used in forensic, investigative, and security matters.", "\n\nIn 2005 EnCase eDiscovery was released which further enabled the network abilities of EnCase to allow Identification, Collection, Preservation, and Analysis of ESI for Litigation and Investigative purposes.", "\n\nIn 2007 EnCase AIRS (Automated Incident Response Suite) was released (now discontinued and evolved to EnCase Endpoint Security) to automate the scanning, documenting, and remediation abilities of EnCase Enterprise. ", "Also in 2007 was the release of EnCase Information Assurance, EnCase Data Audit and Policy Enforcement (both also effectively integrated into EnCase Endpoint Security).", "\n\nIn 2008 EnCase Cybersecurity was released which combined many of the tools and automation from previous security functions an streamlined the workflow of incident response.", "\n\nIn 2015 EnCase Endpoint Security was released which was the evolution of Endpoint Security into a more user friendly web interface as well as further integration with many other security tools to further expedite and shorten the response time from an attack or event.", "\n\nIn 2016 EnCase Enterprise needed a face lift and the distributed agent (formerly referred to as servlet) was given more abilities with the redesign into EnCase Endpoint Investigator. ", "Also in 2016 the release of EnCase Risk Manager for data risk assessment, audit, DLP-like services, and compliance.", "\n\nIn 2017 Guidance Software was acquired by OpenText, and the company name \"Guidance Software\" is no longer used.", "\n\nEnCase Product Line\nEnCase technology is available within a number of products, currently including: EnCase Forensic, EnCase Endpoint Investigator, EnCase eDiscovery (which includes EnCase Legal Hold), EnCase Endpoint Security and EnCase Portable. ", "Guidance Software also runs training courses from Foundations in Computer Forensics, to several expert series courses to include an EnScripting course to automate various functions within EnCase. ", "Further, certification os offered to train toward and prove knowledge within various fields to include EnCE (EnCase Certified Examiner), EnCEP (EnCase Certified eDiscovery Practitioner), CFSR (Certified Forensic Security Responder). ", "The EnCase training team have trained over 100000 individuals to date.", "\n\nFeatures\nEnCase contains tools for several areas of the digital forensic process; acquisition, analysis and reporting. ", "The software also includes a scripting facility called EnScript with various API's for interacting with evidence.", "\n\nExpert Witness File Format\nEnCase contains functionality to create forensic images of suspect media. ", "Images are stored in proprietary Expert Witness File format; the compressible file format is prefixed with case data information and consists of a bit-by-bit (i.e. exact) copy of the media inter-spaced with CRC hashes for every 64K of data. ", "The file format also appends an MD5 hash of the entire drive as a footer.", "\n\nMobile forensics\nAs of EnCase V7, Mobile Phone Analysis is possible with the addition some add-ons available from Guidance Software.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links\n Guidance Software web site\n\nCategory:Law enforcement equipment\nCategory:Hard disk software\nCategory:Computer forensics\nCategory:Digital forensics software\nCategory:Computer security" ]
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[ "\n/**\n * For Node.js, simply re-export the core `util.deprecate` function.", "\n */\n\nmodule.exports = require('util').deprecate;\n" ]
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[ "Influenza spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands annually—millions in pandemic years. ", "For example, three influenza pandemics occurred in the 20th century and killed tens of millions of people, with each of these pandemics being caused by the appearance of a new strain of the virus in humans. ", "Often, these new strains result from the spread of an existing influenza virus to humans from other animal species.", "\nInfluenza is primarily transmitted from person to person via large virus-laden droplets that are generated when infected persons cough or sneeze; these large droplets can then settle on the mucosal surfaces of the upper respiratory tracts of susceptible individuals who are near (e.g. within 6 feet) infected persons. ", "Transmission might also occur through direct contact or indirect contact with respiratory secretions, such as touching surfaces contaminated with influenza virus and then touching the eyes, nose or mouth. ", "Adults might be able to spread influenza to others from 1 day before getting symptoms to approximately 5 days after symptoms start. ", "Young children and persons with weakened immune systems might be infectious for 10 or more days after onset of symptoms.", "\nInfluenza viruses are RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae, which comprises five genera: Influenza virus A, Influenza virus B, Influenza virus C, ISA virus and Thogoto virus.", "\nThe Influenza virus A genus has one species, influenza A virus. ", "Wild aquatic birds are the natural hosts for a large variety of influenza A. Occasionally, viruses are transmitted to other species and may then cause devastating outbreaks in domestic poultry or give rise to human influenza pandemics. ", "The type A viruses are the most virulent human pathogens among the three influenza types and cause the most severe disease. ", "The influenza A virus can be subdivided into different serotypes based on the antibody response to these viruses. ", "The serotypes that have been confirmed in humans, ordered by the number of known human pandemic deaths, are: H1N1 (which caused Spanish influenza in 1918), H2N2 (which caused Asian Influenza in 1957), H3N2 (which caused Hong Kong Flu in 1968), H5N1 (a pandemic threat in the 2007-2008 influenza season), H7N7 (which has unusual zoonotic potential), H1N2 (endemic in humans and pigs), H9N2, H7N2, H7N3 and H10N7.", "\nThe Influenza virus B genus has one species, influenza B virus. ", "Influenza B almost exclusively infects humans and is less common than influenza A. The only other animal known to be susceptible to influenza B infection is the seal. ", "This type of influenza mutates at a rate 2-3 times slower than type A and consequently is less genetically diverse, with only one influenza B serotype. ", "As a result of this lack of antigenic diversity, a degree of immunity to influenza B is usually acquired at an early age. ", "However, influenza B mutates enough that lasting immunity is not possible. ", "This reduced rate of antigenic change, combined with its limited host range (inhibiting cross species antigenic shift), ensures that pandemics of influenza B do not occur.", "\nThe Influenza virus C genus has one species, influenza C virus, which infects humans and pigs and can cause severe illness and local epidemics. ", "However, influenza C is less common than the other types and usually seems to cause mild disease in children.", "\nInfluenza A, B and C viruses are very similar in structure. ", "The virus particle is 80-120 nanometers in diameter and usually roughly spherical, although filamentous forms can occur. ", "Unusually for a virus, its genome is not a single piece of nucleic acid; instead, it contains seven or eight pieces of segmented negative-sense RNA. ", "The Influenza A genome encodes 11 proteins: hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), nucleoprotein (NP), M1, M2, NS1, NS2(NEP), PA, PB1, PB1-F2 and PB2.", "\nHA and NA are large glycoproteins on the outside of the viral particles. ", "HA is a lectin that mediates binding of the virus to target cells and entry of the viral genome into the target cell, while NA is involved in the release of progeny virus from infected cells, by cleaving sugars that bind the mature viral particles. ", "Thus, these proteins have been targets for antiviral drugs. ", "Furthermore, they are antigens to which antibodies can be raised. ", "Influenza A viruses are classified into subtypes based on antibody responses to HA and NA, forming the basis of the H and N distinctions (vide supra) in, for example, H5N1.", "\nInfluenza produces direct costs due to lost productivity and associated medical treatment, as well as indirect costs of preventative measures. ", "In the United States, influenza is responsible for a total cost of over $10 billion per year, while it has been estimated that a future pandemic could cause hundreds of billions of dollars in direct and indirect costs. ", "Preventative costs are also high. ", "Governments worldwide have spent billions of U.S. dollars preparing and planning for a potential H5N1 avian influenza pandemic, with costs associated with purchasing drugs and vaccines as well as developing disaster drills and strategies for improved border controls.", "\nCurrent treatment options for influenza include vaccination, and chemotherapy or chemoprophylaxis with anti-viral medications. ", "Vaccination against influenza with an influenza vaccine is often recommended for high-risk groups, such as children and the elderly, or in people that have asthma, diabetes, or heart disease. ", "However, it is possible to get vaccinated and still get influenza. ", "The vaccine is reformulated each season for a few specific influenza strains but cannot possibly include all the strains actively infecting people in the world for that season. ", "It may take six months for the manufacturers to formulate and produce the millions of doses required to deal with the seasonal epidemics; occasionally, a new or overlooked strain becomes prominent during that time and infects people although they have been vaccinated (as by the H3N2 Fujian flu in the 2003-2004 influenza season). ", "It is also possible to get infected just before vaccination and get sick with the very strain that the vaccine is supposed to prevent, as the vaccine may take several weeks to become effective.", "\nFurther, the effectiveness of these influenza vaccines is variable. ", "Due to the high mutation rate of the virus, a particular influenza vaccine usually confers protection for no more than a few years. ", "A vaccine formulated for one year may be ineffective in the following year, since the influenza virus changes rapidly over time, and different strains become dominant.", "\nAlso, because of the absence of RNA proofreading enzymes, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of influenza vRNA makes a single nucleotide insertion error roughly every 10 thousand nucleotides, which is the approximate length of the influenza vRNA. ", "Hence, nearly every newly-manufactured influenza virus is a mutant—antigenic drift. ", "The separation of the genome into eight separate segments of vRNA allows mixing or reassortment of vRNAs if more than one viral line has infected a single cell. ", "The resulting rapid change in viral genetics produces antigenic shifts and allows the virus to infect new host species and quickly overcome protective immunity.", "\nAntiviral drugs can also be used to treat influenza, with neuraminidase inhibitors being particularly effective, but viruses can develop resistance to the standard antiviral drugs.", "\nThus, there is still a need for drugs for treating influenza infections, such as for drugs with expanded treatment window, and/or reduced sensitivity to viral titer. ", "Further, there is a need for methods for preparing such drugs efficiently." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nOverriding a property value in custom JSON.net contract resolver\n\nI am attempting to implement a custom JSON.net IContractResolver that will replace all null property values with a specified string. ", "I'm aware that this functionality is available via attributes on member of types that get serialized; this is an alternative route that we're considering.", "\nMy resolver implementation so far is as follows. ", "StringValueProvider is a simple implementation of IValueProvider that doesn't affect the problem, which is that I can't figure out how to get the value of property as I have no knowledge in this method of the instance that supplied member so I can't pass it in as an argument to GetValue() (marked as WHAT-GOES-HERE? ", "in the code sample).", "\nIs there a way that I can get what I need from member or from property?", "\npublic class NullSubstitutionPropertyValueResolver : DefaultContractResolver\n{\n private readonly string _substitutionValue;\n\n public NullSubstitutionPropertyValueResolver(string substitutionValue)\n {\n _substitutionValue = substitutionValue;\n }\n\n protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)\n {\n JsonProperty result = base.", "CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);\n\n PropertyInfo property = member as PropertyInfo;\n\n if (property == null)\n {\n return result;\n }\n\n // What do I use here to get the property value?", "\n bool isNull = property.", "GetValue(WHAT-GOES-HERE?) ", "== null;\n\n if (isNull)\n {\n result.", "ValueProvider = new StringValueProvider(_substitutionValue);\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nThe contract resolver is not concerned with instances, it is concerned with types. ", " The value provider is concerned with instances. ", " In the contract resolver, you decide whether the value provider should be applied to the property based on the property type (for example, maybe you only want to use a StringValueProvider on string properties?) ", " Then, you make the value provider store a reference to the property (pass it in the constructor along with the substitution value). ", " In the value provider, you can read the value from the object instance, check if it is null and do the appropriate value substitution. ", "\nThe code should look something like this:\npublic class NullSubstitutionPropertyValueResolver : DefaultContractResolver\n{\n private readonly string _substitutionValue;\n\n public NullSubstitutionPropertyValueResolver(string substitutionValue)\n {\n _substitutionValue = substitutionValue;\n }\n\n protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)\n {\n JsonProperty result = base.", "CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);\n\n PropertyInfo property = member as PropertyInfo;\n\n if (property.", "PropertyType == typeof(string))\n {\n result.", "ValueProvider = new StringValueProvider(property, _substitutionValue);\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n}\n\npublic class StringValueProvider : IValueProvider\n{\n private PropertyInfo _targetProperty;\n private string _substitutionValue;\n\n public StringValueProvider(PropertyInfo targetProperty, string substitutionValue)\n {\n _targetProperty = targetProperty;\n _substitutionValue = substitutionValue;\n }\n\n // SetValue gets called by Json.", "Net during deserialization.", "\n // The value parameter has the original value read from the JSON;\n // target is the object on which to set the value.", "\n public void SetValue(object target, object value)\n {\n _targetProperty.", "SetValue(target, value);\n }\n\n // GetValue is called by Json.", "Net during serialization.", "\n // The target parameter has the object from which to read the value;\n // the return value is what gets written to the JSON\n public object GetValue(object target)\n {\n object value = _targetProperty.", "GetValue(target);\n return value == null ? _", "substitutionValue : value;\n }\n}\n\nHere is a working demo: https://dotnetfiddle.net/PAZULK\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nYii how to validate one part of fields and than the whole form?", "\n\nI have few fields in my form, and all of them are required. ", "One of those field is fileField. ", "So what I am trying to do is using Transaction validate one part of fields, and if everything is ok for those fields, upload image, save on disk, set another field's values and save all fields in database.", "\nBut as I wrote the problem is that all fields need to be set. ", "And when I will validate one part of parameters, another will not be set, so validation will return \"false\".", "\nP.S.\nSorry for my English skills\n\nA:\n\nThere are some ways to do that.", "\nFirst, You can create a validation class.", "\nfor example:\nclass testModel extends CModel{\n public $test;\n public function attributeNames() {\n return array(\n 'test'=>'Test'\n );\n }\n public function rules() {\n return array(\n array('test','required'),\n array('test','exist','className'=>'testClass','attributeName'=>'testAtttibute')\n );\n }\n}\n\nThen\n$test=new testModel();\n$test->test=$_POST['ANYNAME'];\nif($test->validate()){\n //Do something\n}\n\nYou can also validate only one attribute by passing your attribute into validate method\n$test->validate(array('test','other attr');\n\n" ]
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[ "Le chef des urgences de l'hôpital européen Georges Pompidou a assuré dimanche sur franceinfo que toutes les recommandations scientifiques allaient dans le sens de se couvrir au maximum la bouche pour limiter la propagation du virus.", "\n\n\"Les Français doivent porter un masque au moment du déconfinement mais aussi dès maintenant\", assure ce dimanche 19 avril sur franceinfo Philippe Juvin, le chef du service des urgences à l’hôpital européen Georges Pompidou à Paris. \"", "Un masque vaut mieux que rien du tout, même fabriqué à la maison. ", "Il vaut mieux se couvrir la bouche et le nez\", précise-t-il. \"", "C’est une intervention qui ne coûte pas très cher quand on le compare à un patient qui passe en réanimation et qui a probablement une efficacité importante.\"", "\n\n>> Coronavirus : ce qu'il faut faire (et ne pas faire) avec votre masque\n\n\"De plus en plus de voix s’élèvent sur ce sujet, comme l'Anses ou la communauté scientifique internationale\", explique Philippe Juvin. \"", "Les politiques devraient commencer à les écouter\", estime-t-il. \"", "Je pense que sur ça, le président de la République se trompe\", a-t-il réagit.", "\n\nPour déconfiner, il faut pouvoir tester\n\nPour permettre le déconfinement, \"il faut également que nous ayons des capacités de testing de la population extrêmement massives\", poursuit Philippe Juvin, \"mais aussi des lits disponibles, surtout en réanimation\". \"", "Quand vous faites la guerre, il faut avoir des munitions. ", "Sinon, on ne pourra pas déconfiner les Français en toute sécurité.\"", "\n\n>> Coronavirus : retrouvez toutes les informations dans notre direct\n\nEnfin, le chef des urgences de l'hôpital Pompidou, qui est aussi maire Les Républicains de La Garenne-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine), est contre un déconfinement total le 11 mai. \"", "Déconfiner tout le monde en même temps, c’est exposer les gens à une forme grave de la maladie\", explique-t-il." ]
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[ "On a remote and mostly desolate sub-Antarctic island, researchers have discovered that fur seals are chasing and raping penguins in an exhibition of extreme sexual behavior.", "\n\nThe incident has been captured on video, the details of which have been published in the Polar Biology journal in a study entitled Multiple occurrences of king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) sexual harassment by Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella).", "\n\nThe scientists that recorded the shocking sexual behavior of the fur seals are not completely surprised, as they have already seen it happen back in 2006.", "\n\nIn 2006, on the Sub-Antarctic Island known as Marion Island, the scientists saw a fur seal forcing itself upon a king penguin. ", "The team published the details of what happened, speculating that the sexual behavior they witnessed could have been caused by a seal's sexual inexperience or frustration. ", "They also though that perhaps the behavior was a predatory act by the fur seal, or maybe a playful gesture that became sexual in nature.", "\n\n\"Honestly I did not expect that follow up sightings of a similar nature to that 2006 one would ever be made again, and certainly not on multiple occasions,\" Nico de Bruyn said, who is from the Mammal Research Institute at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.", "\n\nThe island is routinely monitored by scientists, as they search for unusual behavior among the animals.", "\n\nA team of researchers led by de Bruyn and William Haddad saw three separate incidents of young seals sexually forcing themselves upon penguins. ", "Two of the instances happened in Goodhope Bay, while the other happened on Funk beach. ", "The first instance back in 2006 happened on Trypot beach.", "\n\nIn all four instances, the researchers witnessed a seal chase and mount a penguin in an attempt to copulate with it. ", "The seals attempted to rape the penguins several times, with each time lasting around five minutes.", "\n\nIn some attempts, the seals were able to penetrate the penguins through their openings named cloaca, through which male and female penguins also mate.", "\n\nIn three incidents, the fur seal allowed the penguin to run free after the animal was done. ", "However, in one instance, the seal finished by eating and killing the penguin, which the fur seals usually prey upon.", "\n\nThe recorded incidents are the only ones wherein animals from different biological classes have been known to mate, with these incidents occurring between a mammal and a bird.", "\n\nSpeculation among the scientists, especially after the most recent observations, is that the sexual advances on penguins are turning into a learned behavior for the fur seals on the island. ", "The fur seals could be copying other seals that are chasing and raping the penguins.", "\n\nScientists are also thinking that the fur seals could be practicing their sexual skills on the penguins, or that the young males were releasing sexual frustration that was building up as they were not yet strong enough to be able to collect and defend harems of female seals.", "\n\nⓒ 2018 TECHTIMES.com All rights reserved. ", "Do not reproduce without permission." ]
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[ "\n\nAsk HN: Anyone have a sample software development contract? - ", "Dramatize\n\n\n======\nmrleinad\nUnless you're asking for something a bit more specific, Google is your friend:\n<http://lmgtfy.com/?q=software+development+contract>\n\n~~~\nDramatize\nA recommendation is much more valuable than Google.", "\n\n~~~\nnoinput\ni think mrleinad is recommending a google search. :)", "\n\ndocstoc.com has some fantastic resources. ", "a quick search for \"software\ndevelopment contract\" under my account on their site pulls up 14 docs avail.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is the workflow for application startup and configuration when using Apache TomEE\n\nI understand that Apache TomEE is a regular Tomcat installation with openejb as a web app.", "\nI am trying to understand how all this bootstraps. ", "I will try and ask a few directed questions:\n\nIs it important to have an application startup order ? ", "Should openejb start before my web app, or the other way round, or does it not matter ? ", "\nRelated to the earlier question. ", "How does an enterprise application register it's beans with openejb, or is it that openejb goes around hunting for enterprise applications in the same server, for EJB's ?", "\nAt a very layman level, how were they able to provide openejb as the EJB container, when it is a different web app. (", "IIRC every webapp in Tomcat gets a different classpath and they cannot step on each other's toes)\n\nAny other important information.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe integration is bootstrapped via this line in the conf/server.xml:\n<Listener className=\"org.apache.tomee.loader.", "OpenEJBListener\" />\n\nThis happens immediately at startup before any applications are started. ", " The libraries from the <tomcat-home>/webapps/openejb/lib directory are added to the Tomcat system classloader, another listener is installed to participate in deployment and from then on out everything happens using events in the Tomcat lifecycle. ", " Tomcat will issue several events at application startup (deploy) and shutdown. ", " Tomcat itself uses them for deployment of servlets and essentially the integration is just more of the same. ", " Other vendors that include Tomcat also use these hooks. ", " From that perspective the integration is really quite boring :)\nThe only interesting twist is putting the extra libraries in a war file. ", " That's really only done to make delivering the and adding the extra libraries to an existing Tomcat install as easy as possible (and as easy as possible to remove). ", " All the libraries from <tomcat-home>/webapps/openejb/lib could just as easily go right in <tomcat-home>/lib. ", " At which point, the only thing you might want the webapss/openejb/ war for is to be able to invoke EJBs over HTTP.", "\nSo the short answers are:\n\nAppliction startup order doesn't matter\nEJB Deployment happens side-by-side with Servlet deployment\nJars are added to the Tomcat system classloader immediately on Tomcat itself starts up\n\nInteresting thing to note in the other answer is that Tomcat actually starts up with only two jars in the classpath. ", " Tomcat itself actually adds all the jars from <tomcat-home>/lib/ automatically at startup. ", " We're basically doing the same thing, just from <tomcat-home>/webapps/openejb/lib\nI don't think we've actually tested moving the libraries into <tomcat-home>/lib/ and deleting the openejb webapp (which is called tomee.war in the coming final release), but I'll make a note to try that. ", " Seems like a good thing to support or maybe even do by default. ", " You can delete the Tomcat manager and ROOT webapps, so it seems like a good idea to make it easy to delete the openejb.war as well.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007087542326189578, 0.003924379590898752, 0.0006696691852994263, 0.0008736389572732151, 0.0006267264834605157, 0.000667333253659308, 0.0006480955053120852, 0.001029602368362248, 0.0006840520654805005, 0.0006634427700191736, 0.0006956038996577263, 0.0008297334425151348, 0.0006595476879738271, 0.0007233549258671701, 0.0007400988833978772, 0.0007380208699032664, 0.0006425969768315554, 0.0010128653375431895, 0.0008141575381159782, 0.0007131262682378292, 0.0006137373857200146, 0.0005406017298810184, 0.002621225081384182, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "920 F.2d 930\nDowellv.", "Whitley*\nNO. ", "90-3102\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Fifth Circuit.", "\nNOV 30, 1990\n\n1\nAppeal From: M.D.La.", "\n\n\n2\nAFFIRMED IN PART.", "\n\n\n\n*\n Fed.", "R.App.", "P. 34(a); 5th Cir.", "R. 34.2\n\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[ 0.0010247540194541216, 0.0017963876016438007, 0.0007723725866526365, 0.0006813648506067693, 0.0006463770405389369, 0.006078991107642651, 0.0009975661523640156, 0.0008306369418278337, 0.0009522970067337155 ]
[ "Menu\n\nPCs call Liberal leader a ''kitten eater''\n\n”Dalton McGuinty: He’s an evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet,” said a release from Eves’s campaign headquarters, e-mailed to news organizations across the province on Friday morning in the latest, and oddest, Tory attack on the Liberal leader…. ”", "I think someone either had way too much coffee this morning or had way too much time,” Eves said in a hastily arranged media availability on the campaign trail. —", "PCs call Liberal leader a ”kitten eater” (Canada.com)\n\nI kind of miss Canadian politics. ", "I was riveted to the TV a few years back when Quebec just barely rejected a referendum that would have had it secede from Canada (though as I recall the leaders of the secession movement planned to retain use of the Canadian dollar and all the existing Canadian embassies, but not to take with them a share of the Canadian national debt).", "\n\nJust one question… how necessary is the term “media availability“? ", "When working for a news radio station, I tried to correct anybody who referred to a “press conference,” but the term I used was “news conference.”" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.11590832471847534, 0.0005815612967126071, 0.025939777493476868, 0.0005446447758004069, 0.0006595131126232445, 0.0005692849517799914 ]
[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<Type Name=\"HttpResponse\" FullName=\"System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse\">\n <TypeSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public sealed class HttpResponse\" Maintainer=\"auto\" />\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyName>System.", "Web</AssemblyName>\n <AssemblyPublicKey>\n </AssemblyPublicKey>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n <ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the &lt;link location=\"node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads\"&gt;Gtk# Thread Programming&lt;/link&gt; for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>\n <Base>\n <BaseTypeName>System.", "Object</BaseTypeName>\n </Base>\n <Interfaces />\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The methods and properties of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse\" /> class are exposed through the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "Response\" /> property of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication\" />, <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpContext\" />, <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "UI.Page\" />, and <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "UI.UserControl\" /> classes.</para>\n <para>The following methods of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse\" /> class are supported only in postback scenarios and not in asynchronous postback scenarios:</para>\n <list type=\"bullet\">\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "BinaryWrite(System.", "Byte[])\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Clear\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ClearContent\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ClearHeaders\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Close\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "End\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Flush\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "TransmitFile(System.", "String)\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"Overload:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Write\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"Overload:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "WriteFile\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "WriteSubstitution(System.", "Web.", "HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback)\" />\n </para>\n </item>\n </list>\n <para>Partial-page updates are enabled when you use <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "UI.UpdatePanel\" /> controls to update selected regions of a page instead of updating the whole page with a postback. ", "For more information, see <format type=\"text/html\"><a href=\"29a2265d-9674-4c19-b70e-e5560ee9689a\">UpdatePanel Control Overview</a></format> and <format type=\"text/html\"><a href=\"5c12736d-d9e9-464a-9388-3fe0f9f49e49\">Partial-Page Rendering Overview</a></format>.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Encapsulates HTTP-response information from an ASP.NET operation.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <Members>\n <Member MemberName=\".ctor\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public HttpResponse (System.", "IO.TextWriter writer);\" />\n <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue />\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"writer\" Type=\"System.", "IO.TextWriter\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</para>\n <para>The methods and properties of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse\" /> class are exposed through the intrinsic <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpContext.", "Response\" /> object in ASP.NET.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse\" /> class.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"writer\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />A <see cref=\"T:System.", "IO.TextWriter\" /> object that enables custom HTTP output.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AddCacheDependency\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AddCacheDependency (System.", "Web.", "Caching.", "CacheDependency[] dependencies);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"dependencies\" Type=\"System.", "Web.", "Caching.", "CacheDependency[]\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "AddCacheDependency(System.", "Web.", "Caching.", "CacheDependency[])\" /> method allows dependencies to be created between cached responses and a <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "Caching.", "CacheDependency\" /> object.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Associates a set of cache dependencies with the response to facilitate invalidation of the response if it is stored in the output cache and the specified dependencies change.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"dependencies\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />A file, cache key, or <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "Caching.", "CacheDependency\" /> to add to the list of application dependencies.</param>\n </Docs>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AddCacheItemDependencies\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AddCacheItemDependencies (System.", "Collections.", "ArrayList cacheKeys);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"cacheKeys\" Type=\"System.", "Collections.", "ArrayList\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>When the items referred to in the <paramref name=\"cacheKeys\" /> parameter are removed from the cache, the cached response of the current item is not valid.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Makes the validity of a cached response dependent on other items in the cache.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"cacheKeys\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The <see cref=\"T:System.", "Collections.", "ArrayList\" /> that contains the keys of the items that the current cached response is dependent upon.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AddCacheItemDependencies\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AddCacheItemDependencies (string[] cacheKeys);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"cacheKeys\" Type=\"System.", "String[]\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>When any of the <paramref name=\"cacheKey\" />s are removed from the cache, the cached response of the current item is invalid.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Makes the validity of a cached item dependent on another item in the cache.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"cacheKeys\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />An array of item keys that the cached response is dependent upon.</param>\n </Docs>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AddCacheItemDependency\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AddCacheItemDependency (string cacheKey);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"cacheKey\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>When the item corresponding to the <paramref name=\"cacheKey\" /> parameter is removed from the cache, the cached response of the current item is invalid.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Makes the validity of a cached response dependent on another item in the cache.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"cacheKey\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The key of the item that the cached response is dependent upon.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AddFileDependencies\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AddFileDependencies (System.", "Collections.", "ArrayList filenames);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"filenames\" Type=\"System.", "Collections.", "ArrayList\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>To be added</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Adds a group of file names to the collection of file names on which the current response is dependent.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"filenames\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The collection of files to add.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AddFileDependencies\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AddFileDependencies (string[] filenames);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"filenames\" Type=\"System.", "String[]\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>To be added.</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Adds an array of file names to the collection of file names on which the current response is dependent.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"filenames\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />An array of files to add.</param>\n </Docs>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AddFileDependency\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AddFileDependency (string filename);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"filename\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>When you use the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "AddFileDependency(System.", "String)\" /> method to add a file dependency, you must also specify output caching programmatically or declaratively. ", "For example, to specify output caching declaratively, use the <format type=\"text/html\"><a href=\"28a9e101-fb44-4198-9cb6-b8a52312fec2\">@ OutputCache</a></format> directive. ", "For more information, see <format type=\"text/html\"><a href=\"95ad1c54-329e-45af-9343-a03a1d2ce9db\">How to: Cache Page Output with File Dependencies</a></format>.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Adds a single file name to the collection of file names on which the current response is dependent.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"filename\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The name of the file to add.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AddHeader\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AddHeader (string name, string value);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"name\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"value\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "AddHeader(System.", "String,System.", "String)\" /> is the same as <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "AppendHeader(System.", "String,System.", "String)\" /> and is provided only for compatibility with earlier versions of ASP. ", "With ASP.NET, use <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "AppendHeader(System.", "String,System.", "String)\" />.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Adds an HTTP header to the output stream. ", "<see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "AddHeader(System.", "String,System.", "String)\" /> is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of ASP.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"name\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The name of the HTTP header to add <paramref name=\"value\" /> to.</param>\n <param name=\"value\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The string to add to the header.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AppendCookie\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AppendCookie (System.", "Web.", "HttpCookie cookie);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"cookie\" Type=\"System.", "Web.", "HttpCookie\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>This is equivalent to: Response.", "Cookies.", "Add (cookie).</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Adds an HTTP cookie to the intrinsic cookie collection.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"cookie\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpCookie\" /> to add to the output stream.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AppendHeader\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AppendHeader (string name, string value);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"name\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"value\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>If you use the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "AppendHeader(System.", "String,System.", "String)\" /> method to send cache-specific headers and at the same time use the cache object model (<see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Cache\" />) to set cache policy, HTTP response headers that pertain to caching (Cache-Control, Expires, Last-Modified, Pragma, and Vary) might be deleted when the cache object model is used. ", "This behavior enables ASP.NET to maintain the most restrictive settings. ", "For example, consider a page that includes user controls. ", "If those controls have conflicting cache policies, the most restrictive cache policy will be used. ", "If one user control sets the header \"Cache-Control: Public\" and another user control sets the more restrictive header \"Cache-Control: Private\" via calls to <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpCachePolicy.", "SetCacheability(System.", "Web.", "HttpCacheability)\" />, then the \"Cache-Control: Private\" header will be sent with the response.</para>\n <para>For a list of standard HTTP/1.1 headers, see section 14, \"Header Field Definitions,\" in the <see cref=\"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=73147\">Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1</see> specification on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web site.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Adds an HTTP header to the output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"name\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The name of the HTTP header to add to the output stream.</param>\n <param name=\"value\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The string to append to the header.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"AppendToLog\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void AppendToLog (string param);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"param\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>To allow for the specified string to be recorded in the log file, you first must enable the <ui>URI Query</ui> option of the <ui>Extended Logging Properties</ui> dialog box for the site that you want to log activity for in IIS.</para>\n <para>To customize extended logging in IIS 6.0, follow these steps:</para>\n <list type=\"ordered\">\n <item>\n <para>In IIS Manager, expand the local computer node, expand the Web or FTP Sites folder, right-click the Web or FTP site, and then click <ui>Properties</ui>. ", "</para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>Click the <ui>Web or FTP Site</ui> tab, and then select the <ui>Enable logging</ui> check box (if it is not already selected). ", "</para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>In the <ui>Active log format</ui> box, click <ui>W3C Extended Log File Format</ui>. ", "</para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>Click <ui>Properties</ui>. ", "</para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>Click the <ui>Advanced</ui> tab, select the properties that you want to log, and then click <ui>OK</ui>.</para>\n </item>\n </list>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Adds custom log information to the Internet Information Services (IIS) log file.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"param\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The text to add to the log file.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"ApplyAppPathModifier\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public string ApplyAppPathModifier (string virtualPath);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "String</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"virtualPath\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ApplyAppPathModifier(System.", "String)\" /> is used only with cookieless sessions to construct absolute HREFs.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Adds a session ID to the virtual path if the session is using <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "Configuration.", "SessionStateSection.", "Cookieless\" /> session state and returns the combined path. ", "If <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "Configuration.", "SessionStateSection.", "Cookieless\" /> session state is not used, <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ApplyAppPathModifier(System.", "String)\" /> returns the original virtual path.</para>\n </summary>\n <returns>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The <paramref name=\"virtualPath\" /> with the session ID inserted.</para>\n </returns>\n <param name=\"virtualPath\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The virtual path to a resource. ", "</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"BinaryWrite\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void BinaryWrite (byte[] buffer);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"buffer\" Type=\"System.", "Byte[]\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>The contents of this buffer are sent back to the client without being altered by the current encoding of the response.</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes a string of binary characters to the HTTP output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"buffer\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The bytes to write to the output stream.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Buffer\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public bool Buffer { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Boolean</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>The current state of buffering.</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Buffer\" /> property has been deprecated in favor of the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "BufferOutput\" /> property and is provided only for compatibility with earlier versions of ASP. ", "With ASP.NET, use <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "BufferOutput\" />.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets a value indicating whether to buffer output and send it after the complete response is finished processing.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"BufferOutput\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public bool BufferOutput { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Boolean</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>Whether output is currently being buffered.</value>\n <remarks>This controls whether HttpResponse should buffer the output before it is delivered to a client. ", " The default is <see langword=\"true\" />.", "\n\n<para>\nThe buffering can be changed during the execution back and forth if needed.", "\n</para><para>\nThis property is the same as <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Buffer\" /></para></remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets a value indicating whether to buffer output and send it after the complete page is finished processing.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Cache\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public System.", "Web.", "HttpCachePolicy Cache { get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Web.", "HttpCachePolicy</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Docs>\n <value>To be added: an object of type 'HttpCachePolicy'</value>\n <remarks>To be added</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets the caching policy (such as expiration time, privacy settings, and vary clauses) of a Web page.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"CacheControl\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public string CacheControl { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "String</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>To be added: an object of type 'string'</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The values for Private, Public, and No-Cache are strings and must be enclosed in quotation marks (\" \"). ", "If the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "CacheControl\" /> property is set to a value that does not match one of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpCacheability\" /> enumeration values, then an <see cref=\"T:System.", "ArgumentException\" /> is thrown. ", "If the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "CacheControl\" /> property is not set, the cacheability of the response is set to <see cref=\"F:System.", "Web.", "HttpCacheability.", "NoCache\" />.</para>\n <para>The CacheControl, <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Expires\" />, and <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ExpiresAbsolute\" /> properties have been deprecated. ", "Instead, the methods of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpCachePolicy\" /> class are available through the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Cache\" /> intrinsic object to control the Internet Information Services (IIS) output cache and client caches.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets the Cache-Control HTTP header that matches one of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpCacheability\" /> enumeration values.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Charset\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public string Charset { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "String</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>The current character set.</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The Charset property can be set to null to suppress the HTTP Content-Type header.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets the HTTP character set of the output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Clear\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Clear ();\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Clear\" /> method does not clear header information.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Clears all content output from the buffer stream.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"ClearContent\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void ClearContent ();\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ClearContent\" /> method does not clear header information.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Clears all content output from the buffer stream.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"ClearHeaders\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void ClearHeaders ();\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <remarks>This clears all the header definitions that might have been added with <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "AppendHeader\" />.", "\n\n<para>\n This throws an <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpException\" /> if the headers have already been sent to the client (for example, if the user has called the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Flush\" /> method.", "\n</para></remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Clears all headers from the buffer stream.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Close\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Close ();\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>This method terminates the connection to the client in an abrupt manner and is not intended for normal HTTP request processing. ", "The method sends a reset packet to the client, which can cause response data that is buffered on the server, the client, or somewhere in between to be dropped. ", "</para>\n <para>You might use this method in response to an attack by a malicious HTTP client. ", "However, typically you should call <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "CompleteRequest\" /> instead if you want to jump ahead to the <see cref=\"E:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "EndRequest\" /> event and send a response to the client.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Closes the socket connection to a client.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"ContentEncoding\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public System.", "Text.", "Encoding ContentEncoding { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Text.", "Encoding</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <value>a <see cref=\"T:System.", "Text.", "Encoding\" /></value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Default ContentEncoding can be specified in an ASP.NET configuration file in the <format type=\"text/html\"><a href=\"e2dffc8e-ebd2-439b-a2fd-e3ac5e620da7\">globalization Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)</a></format> section. ", "If <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ContentEncoding\" /> is specified by the client, the default configuration settings are overridden.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets the HTTP character set of the output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"ContentType\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public string ContentType { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "String</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>The current Content-Type value.</value>\n <remarks>The default value is text/html.</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets the HTTP MIME type of the output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Cookies\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public System.", "Web.", "HttpCookieCollection Cookies { get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Web.", "HttpCookieCollection</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Docs>\n <value>A collection with all the cookies being sent back to the client.</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>ASP.NET includes two intrinsic cookie collections. ", "The collection accessed through the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpRequest.", "Cookies\" /> collection of <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpRequest\" /> contains cookies transmitted by the client to the server in the Cookie header. ", "The collection accessed through the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Cookies\" /> collection of <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse\" /> contains new cookies created on the server and transmitted to the client in the Set-Cookie header.</para>\n <para>After you add a cookie by using the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Cookies\" /> collection, the cookie is immediately available in the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpRequest.", "Cookies\" /> collection, even if the response has not been sent to the client.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets the response cookie collection.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"End\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void End ();\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>This method is provided only for compatibility with ASP—that is, for compatibility with COM-based Web-programming technology that preceded ASP.NET. ", "If you want to jump ahead to the <see cref=\"E:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "EndRequest\" /> event and send a response to the client, it is usually preferable to call <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "CompleteRequest\" /> instead. ", "</para>\n <para>To mimic the behavior of the End method in ASP, this method tries to raise a <see cref=\"ThreadAbortException\" /> exception. ", "If this attempt is successful, the calling thread will be aborted, which is detrimental to your site's performance. ", "In that case, no code after the call to the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "End\" /> method is executed.</para>\n <para>If the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "End\" /> method is not able to raise a <see cref=\"ThreadAbortException\" />, it instead flushes the response bytes to the client. ", "It does this synchronously, which can also be detrimental to your site's performance.</para>\n <para>In either case (whether or not a <see cref=\"ThreadAbortException\" /> exception is successfully raised), the response pipeline jumps ahead to the <see cref=\"E:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "EndRequest\" /> event.</para>\n <para>The <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "CompleteRequest\" /> method does not raise an exception, and code after the call to the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "CompleteRequest\" /> method might be executed. ", "If your intention is to avoid execution of subsequent code, and if the performance penalty of <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "End\" /> is acceptable, you can call <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "End\" /> instead of <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "CompleteRequest\" />.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Sends all currently buffered output to the client, stops execution of the page, and raises the <see cref=\"E:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "EndRequest\" /> event.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Expires\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public int Expires { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Int32</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>To be added: an object of type 'int'</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The Expires, <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ExpiresAbsolute\" /> and <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "CacheControl\" /> properties have been deprecated in favor of the methods of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpCachePolicy\" /> class available through the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Cache\" /> intrinsic object to control the Internet Information Services (IIS) output cache and client caches.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets the number of minutes before a page cached on a browser expires. ", "If the user returns to the same page before it expires, the cached version is displayed. ", "<see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Expires\" /> is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of ASP.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"ExpiresAbsolute\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public DateTime ExpiresAbsolute { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "DateTime</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>To be added: an object of type 'DateTime'</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The ExpiresAbsolute, <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Expires\" />, and <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "CacheControl\" /> properties have been deprecated in favor of the methods of the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpCachePolicy\" /> class available through the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Cache\" /> intrinsic object to control the Internet Information Services (IIS) output cache and client caches.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets the absolute date and time at which to remove cached information from the cache. ", "<see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ExpiresAbsolute\" /> is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of ASP.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Filter\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public System.", "IO.Stream Filter { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "IO.Stream</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <value>a <see cref=\"T:System.", "IO.Stream\" /></value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>When you create a Stream object and set the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Filter\" /> property to the Stream object, all HTTP output sent by <see cref=\"Overload:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Write\" /> passes through the filter.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets a wrapping filter object that is used to modify the HTTP entity body before transmission.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Flush\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Flush ();\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Forces all currently buffered output to be sent to the client. ", "The <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Flush\" /> method can be called multiple times during request processing.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Sends all currently buffered output to the client.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"HeaderEncoding\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public System.", "Text.", "Encoding HeaderEncoding { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Text.", "Encoding</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Docs>\n <value>To be added.</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "HeaderEncoding\" /> property gives you the ability to disable or change the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Text.", "Encoding\" /> object on a response header by using the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Text.", "ASCIIEncoding\" />, <see cref=\"T:System.", "Text.", "UnicodeEncoding\" />, <see cref=\"T:System.", "Text.", "UTF7Encoding\" />, or <see cref=\"T:System.", "Text.", "UTF8Encoding\" /> object. ", "The default encoding value is the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Text.", "UTF8Encoding\" /> class.</para>\n <para>By changing the type of the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "HeaderEncoding\" /> property, you can potentially increase the risk of certain malicious attacks or cause sensitive data to be sent through the response header. ", "Header injection attacks can be avoided, in part, by leaving the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "HeaderEncoding\" /> property of a response to the default setting. ", "An attack against a vulnerable application could echo back entrusted data as part of a response header. ", "If the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "HeaderEncoding\" /> is disabled because of a requirement for continuation lines in a header or if any header is constructed based on the result of untrusted data, the header data should be validated before sending to the response stream.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets an <see cref=\"T:System.", "Text.", "Encoding\" /> object that represents the encoding for the current header output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"IsClientConnected\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public bool IsClientConnected { get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Boolean</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Docs>\n <value>\n <see langword=\"true\" /> if the client is still connected, <see langword=\"false\" /> otherwise.</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>The <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "IsClientConnected\" /> property returns false when the following conditions are true:</para>\n <list type=\"bullet\">\n <item>\n <para>The connection to the client was terminated. ", "This can occur if the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Close\" /> method was invoked, or if the client stopped execution of the Web page or browsed to another page.</para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>The <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpWorkerRequest\" /> object that is handling the request is null or the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpWorkerRequest.", "IsClientConnected\" /> method returns false. ", "If a custom <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpWorkerRequest\" /> object handles the request, then the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpWorkerRequest.", "IsClientConnected\" /> method might be set based on custom criteria. ", "For example, the custom worker request might force a time-out after a period of time.</para>\n </item>\n </list>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets a value indicating whether the client is still connected to the server.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"IsRequestBeingRedirected\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public bool IsRequestBeingRedirected { get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Boolean</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Docs>\n <value>To be added.</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Use the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "IsRequestBeingRedirected\" /> property with the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "RedirectLocation\" /> property to test and determine whether the absolute URI that is transmitted to the client in the HTTP Location header is different than the current URI and what the new intended URI that is being transferred to will be.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the client is being transferred to a new location.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Output\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public System.", "IO.TextWriter Output { get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "IO.TextWriter</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <value>The textwriter.</value>\n <remarks>The text writer uses the encoding specified in the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "ContentEncoding\" />. ", " This writer is TextWriter wrapper on top of the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "OutputStream\" /> stream.</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Enables output of text to the outgoing HTTP response stream.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"OutputStream\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public System.", "IO.Stream OutputStream { get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "IO.Stream</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters />\n <Docs>\n <value>a <see cref=\"T:System.", "IO.Stream\" /></value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Starting with the .NET Framework version 2.0, when you use the <see cref=\"M:System.", "IO.Stream.", "Write(System.", "Byte[],System.", "Int32,System.", "Int32)\" /> method of the IO stream returned by the <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "OutputStream\" /> property, the following exceptions might be thrown:</para>\n <list type=\"bullet\">\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"T:System.", "ArgumentOutOfRangeException\" />, if the <paramref name=\"offset\" /> or <paramref name=\"count\" /> parameter is negative or if the <paramref name=\"buffer\" /> parameter's length minus the <paramref name=\"offset\" /> parameter is less than or equal to zero.</para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"T:System.", "ArgumentNullException\" />, if the <paramref name=\"buffer\" /> parameter is null.</para>\n </item>\n </list>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Enables binary output to the outgoing HTTP content body.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Pics\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Pics (string value);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"value\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard for content labeling. ", "PICS is essentially a language for creating a ratings system.</para>\n <para>Any value can be a PICS label; ASP.NET does not validate the label. ", "The maximum length of the string is 255 characters. ", "For more information about PICS standards and syntax, see the <see cref=\"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=37125\">World Wide Web Consortium</see> Web site.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Appends a HTTP PICS-Label header to the output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"value\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The string to add to the PICS-Label header.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Redirect\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Redirect (string url);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"url\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Calling <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Redirect(System.", "String)\" /> is equivalent to calling <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Redirect(System.", "String,System.", "Boolean)\" /> with the second parameter set to true.</para>\n <para>\n <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Redirect(System.", "String)\" /> calls <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "End\" /> which throws a <see cref=\"T:System.", "Threading.", "ThreadAbortException\" /> exception upon completion. ", "This exception has a detrimental effect on Web application performance. ", "Therefore, we recommend that instead of this overload you use the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Redirect(System.", "String,System.", "Boolean)\" /> overload and pass false for the <paramref name=\"endResponse\" /> parameter, and then call the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "CompleteRequest\" /> method. ", "For more information, see the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "End\" /> method.</para>\n <block subset=\"none\" type=\"note\">\n <para>For mobile pages only, if your application relies on cookieless sessions, or might receive requests from mobile devices that require cookieless sessions, using a tilde (~) in a path can result in creating a new session and potentially losing session data. ", "To set a property on a mobile control with a path such as \"~/path\", resolve the path using <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "UI.MobileControls.", "MobileControl.", "ResolveUrl(System.", "String)\" /> \"~/path\" before assigning it to the property.</para>\n </block>\n <para>ASP.NET performs the redirection by returning a 302 HTTP status code. ", "An alternative way to transfer control to another page is the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpServerUtility.", "Transfer\" /> method. ", "The <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpServerUtility.", "Transfer\" /> method is typically more efficient because it does not cause a round trip to the client. ", "For more information, see <format type=\"text/html\"><a href=\"daef3f43-e018-43aa-b43c-46b27bac599e\">How to: Redirect Users to Another Page</a></format>.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Redirects a request to a new URL and specifies the new URL.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"url\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The target location. ", "</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Redirect\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Redirect (string url, bool endResponse);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"url\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"endResponse\" Type=\"System.", "Boolean\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>An absolute URL (for example, http://www.contoso.com/default.aspx) or a relative URL (for example, Default.aspx) can be specified for the target location but some browsers may reject a relative URL.</para>\n <para>When you use this method in a page handler to terminate a request for one page and start a new request for another page, set <paramref name=\"endResponse\" /> to false and then call the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpApplication.", "CompleteRequest\" /> method. ", "If you specify true for the <paramref name=\"endResponse\" /> parameter, this method calls the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "End\" /> method for the original request, which throws a <see cref=\"T:System.", "Threading.", "ThreadAbortException\" /> exception when it completes. ", "This exception has a detrimental effect on Web application performance, which is why passing false for the <paramref name=\"endResponse\" /> parameter is recommended. ", "For more information, see the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "End\" /> method.</para>\n <block subset=\"none\" type=\"note\">\n <para>For mobile pages, if your application relies on cookieless sessions, or might receive requests from mobile devices that require cookieless sessions, using a tilde (~) in a path can create a new session and potentially lose session data. ", "To set a property on a mobile control with a path such as \"~/path\", resolve the path using <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "UI.MobileControls.", "MobileControl.", "ResolveUrl(System.", "String)\" /> \"~/path\" before assigning it to the property.</para>\n </block>\n <para>ASP.NET performs the redirection by returning a 302 HTTP status code. ", "An alternative way to transfer control to another page is the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpServerUtility.", "Transfer\" /> method. ", "The <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpServerUtility.", "Transfer\" /> method is typically more efficient because it does not cause a round trip to the client. ", "For more information, see <format type=\"text/html\"><a href=\"daef3f43-e018-43aa-b43c-46b27bac599e\">How to: Redirect Users to Another Page</a></format>.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Redirects a client to a new URL. ", "Specifies the new URL and whether execution of the current page should terminate.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"url\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The location of the target. ", "</param>\n <param name=\"endResponse\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />Indicates whether execution of the current page should terminate. ", "</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"RedirectLocation\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public string RedirectLocation { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "String</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Docs>\n <value>The redirect</value>\n <remarks>\n <para>\nThis is a low-level request, for the Location header to be complete you must also update the StatusCode to one of the valid redirection codes (3xx). ", " See the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Redirect(string)\" /> and <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Redirect(string,bool)\" /> methods for a high-level interface to redirection.", "\n</para>\n <para>\nIf set this property controls whether the header \"Location\" in the HTTP headers is set. ", " If the value is <see langword=\"null\" /> the header is not sent, any other values will cause the \"Location\" header to be sent.", "\n</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets the value of the Http Location header.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"RemoveOutputCacheItem\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public static void RemoveOutputCacheItem (string path);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"path\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Call this method to remove output-cache items that are associated with the default output-cache provider. ", "Call the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "RemoveOutputCacheItem(System.", "String,System.", "String)\" /> method to remove output-cache items that are associated with custom output-cache providers that are specified in the Web site configuration file.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Removes from the cache all cached items that are associated with the default output-cache provider. ", "This method is static.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"path\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The virtual absolute path to the items that are removed from the cache.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"SetCookie\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void SetCookie (System.", "Web.", "HttpCookie cookie);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"cookie\" Type=\"System.", "Web.", "HttpCookie\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>The cookie is added to the list of cookies that will be sent back to the HTTP client.</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Updates an existing cookie in the cookie collection.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"cookie\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The cookie in the collection to be updated.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Status\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public string Status { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "String</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>The current HTTP status.</value>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>\n <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "Status\" /> has been deprecated in favor of <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "StatusDescription\" /> and is provided only for compatibility with earlier versions of ASP. ", "With ASP.NET, use <see cref=\"P:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "StatusDescription\" /> instead.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Sets the Status line that is returned to the client.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"StatusCode\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public int StatusCode { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Int32</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>The current status code. ", "Defaults to 200.</value>\n <remarks>This property controls the HTTP status code that is sent back to the HTTP client.", "\n\n<para>\nIf the setter method is called after the headers have been set, an <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpException\" /> will be thrown.", "\n</para><para>\n The following is a list of the RFC defined status codes:\n</para><list type=\"table\"><listheader><term>HTTP Status Code</term><description>Status Description</description></listheader><item><term>100</term><description>Continue</description></item><item><term>101</term><description>Switching Protocols</description></item><item><term>200</term><description>OK</description></item><item><term>201</term><description>Created</description></item><item><term>202</term><description>Accepted</description></item><item><term>203</term><description>Non-Authoritative Information</description></item><item><term>204</term><description>No Content</description></item><item><term>205</term><description>Reset Content</description></item><item><term>206</term><description>Partial Content</description></item><item><term>300</term><description>Multiple Choices</description></item><item><term>301</term><description>Moved Permanently</description></item><item><term>302</term><description>Found</description></item><item><term>303</term><description>See Other</description></item><item><term>304</term><description>Not Modified</description></item><item><term>305</term><description>Use Proxy</description></item><item><term>307</term><description>Temporary Redirect</description></item><item><term>400</term><description>Bad Request</description></item><item><term>401</term><description>Unauthorized</description></item><item><term>402</term><description>Payment Required</description></item><item><term>403</term><description>Forbidden</description></item><item><term>404</term><description>Not Found</description></item><item><term>405</term><description>Method Not Allowed</description></item><item><term>406</term><description>Not Acceptable</description></item><item><term>407</term><description>Proxy Authentication Required</description></item><item><term>408</term><description>Request Time-out</description></item><item><term>409</term><description>Conflict</description></item><item><term>410</term><description>Gone</description></item><item><term>411</term><description>Length Required</description></item><item><term>412</term><description>Precondition Failed</description></item><item><term>413</term><description>Request Entity Too Large</description></item><item><term>414</term><description>Request-URI Too Large</description></item><item><term>415</term><description>Unsupported Media Type</description></item><item><term>416</term><description>Requested range not satisfiable</description></item><item><term>417</term><description>Expectation Failed</description></item><item><term>500</term><description>Internal Server Error</description></item><item><term>501</term><description>Not Implemented</description></item><item><term>502</term><description>Bad Gateway</description></item><item><term>503</term><description>Service Unavailable</description></item><item><term>504</term><description>Gateway Time-out</description></item><item><term>505</term><description>HTTP Version not supported</description></item></list></remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets the HTTP status code of the output returned to the client.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"StatusDescription\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public string StatusDescription { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "String</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>The current status description that will be returned to the client.</value>\n <remarks>The status description is described in RFC 2616, section 6.1.1\n\n<para>\n The following is a list of the RFC defined status codes:\n</para><list type=\"table\"><listheader><term>HTTP Status Code</term><description>Status Description</description></listheader><item><term>100</term><description>Continue</description></item><item><term>101</term><description>Switching Protocols</description></item><item><term>200</term><description>OK</description></item><item><term>201</term><description>Created</description></item><item><term>202</term><description>Accepted</description></item><item><term>203</term><description>Non-Authoritative Information</description></item><item><term>204</term><description>No Content</description></item><item><term>205</term><description>Reset Content</description></item><item><term>206</term><description>Partial Content</description></item><item><term>300</term><description>Multiple Choices</description></item><item><term>301</term><description>Moved Permanently</description></item><item><term>302</term><description>Found</description></item><item><term>303</term><description>See Other</description></item><item><term>304</term><description>Not Modified</description></item><item><term>305</term><description>Use Proxy</description></item><item><term>307</term><description>Temporary Redirect</description></item><item><term>400</term><description>Bad Request</description></item><item><term>401</term><description>Unauthorized</description></item><item><term>402</term><description>Payment Required</description></item><item><term>403</term><description>Forbidden</description></item><item><term>404</term><description>Not Found</description></item><item><term>405</term><description>Method Not Allowed</description></item><item><term>406</term><description>Not Acceptable</description></item><item><term>407</term><description>Proxy Authentication Required</description></item><item><term>408</term><description>Request Time-out</description></item><item><term>409</term><description>Conflict</description></item><item><term>410</term><description>Gone</description></item><item><term>411</term><description>Length Required</description></item><item><term>412</term><description>Precondition Failed</description></item><item><term>413</term><description>Request Entity Too Large</description></item><item><term>414</term><description>Request-URI Too Large</description></item><item><term>415</term><description>Unsupported Media Type</description></item><item><term>416</term><description>Requested range not satisfiable</description></item><item><term>417</term><description>Expectation Failed</description></item><item><term>500</term><description>Internal Server Error</description></item><item><term>501</term><description>Not Implemented</description></item><item><term>502</term><description>Bad Gateway</description></item><item><term>503</term><description>Service Unavailable</description></item><item><term>504</term><description>Gateway Time-out</description></item><item><term>505</term><description>HTTP Version not supported</description></item></list></remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets the HTTP status string of the output returned to the client.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"SuppressContent\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public bool SuppressContent { set; get; }\" />\n <MemberType>Property</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Boolean</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <value>Whether content is currently being supressed (boolean).</value>\n <remarks>If the value is set to true no output will be produced. ", " The value can be altered any number of times, it is only consulted at the last stage of processing the request.</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Gets or sets a value indicating whether to send HTTP content to the client.</para>\n </summary>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"TransmitFile\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void TransmitFile (string filename);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"filename\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>To be added.</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes the specified file directly to an HTTP response output stream, without buffering it in memory.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"filename\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The name of the file to write to the HTTP output.</param>\n </Docs>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Write\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Write (char ch);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"ch\" Type=\"System.", "Char\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks />\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes a character to an HTTP response output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"ch\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The character to write to the HTTP output stream.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Write\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Write (object obj);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"obj\" Type=\"System.", "Object\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>This will invoke <see cref=\"M:System.", "Object.", "ToString()\" /> method and then write the result to the output stream using the current encoding.</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes an <see cref=\"T:System.", "Object\" /> to an HTTP response stream.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"obj\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The <see cref=\"T:System.", "Object\" /> to write to the HTTP output stream.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Write\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Write (string s);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"s\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Dynamically generated HTML pages can introduce security risks if input received from Web clients is not validated either when it is received from a client or when it is transmitted back to a client. ", "Malicious script that is embedded in input submitted to a Web site and later written back out to a client can appear to be originating from a trusted source. ", "This security risk is referred to as a cross-site scripting attack. ", "You should always validate data that is received from a client when it will be transmitted from your site to client browsers.</para>\n <para>Moreover, whenever you write out as HTML any data that was received as input, you should encode it using a technique such as <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpServerUtility.", "HtmlEncode(System.", "String)\" /> or <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpServerUtility.", "UrlEncode(System.", "String)\" /> to prevent malicious script from executing. ", "This technique is useful for data that was not validated when it was received.</para>\n <para>When you encode or filter data, you must specify a character set for your Web pages so that your filter can identify and remove any byte sequences that do not belong to that set (such as nonalphanumeric sequences) and could potentially have malicious script embedded in them.</para>\n <para>For more information about cross-site scripting attacks, see article Q252985, \"How to Prevent Cross-Site Scripting Security Issues\" on the <see cref=\"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=37115\">Microsoft Knowledge Base</see> Web site.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes a string to an HTTP response output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"s\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The string to write to the HTTP output stream.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"Write\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void Write (char[] buffer, int index, int count);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"buffer\" Type=\"System.", "Char[]\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"index\" Type=\"System.", "Int32\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"count\" Type=\"System.", "Int32\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>This writes the specified number of bytes to the HTTP output stream. ", " If either int arguments are negative or if the operation would overflow the buffer an exception is thrown.</remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes an array of characters to an HTTP response output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"buffer\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The character array to write.</param>\n <param name=\"index\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The position in the character array where writing starts.</param>\n <param name=\"count\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The number of characters to write, beginning at <paramref name=\"index\" />.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"WriteFile\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void WriteFile (string filename);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"filename\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>When this method is used with large files, calling the method might throw an exception. ", "The size of the file that can be used with this method depends on the hardware configuration of the Web server. ", "For more information, see article 812406, \"PRB: Response.", "WriteFile Cannot Download a Large File\" on the <see cref=\"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=149903\">Microsoft Knowledge Base</see> Web site.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes the contents of the specified file directly to an HTTP response output stream as a file block.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"filename\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The name of the file to write to the HTTP output.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"WriteFile\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void WriteFile (string filename, bool readIntoMemory);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"filename\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"readIntoMemory\" Type=\"System.", "Boolean\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>When this method is used with large files, calling the method might throw an exception. ", "The size of the file that can be used with this method depends on the hardware configuration of the Web server. ", "For more information, see article 812406, \"PRB: Response.", "WriteFile Cannot Download a Large File\" on the <see cref=\"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=149903\">Microsoft Knowledge Base</see> Web site.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes the contents of the specified file directly to an HTTP response output stream as a memory block.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"filename\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The name of the file to write into a memory block.</param>\n <param name=\"readIntoMemory\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />Indicates whether the file will be written into a memory block.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"WriteFile\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void WriteFile (IntPtr fileHandle, long offset, long size);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"fileHandle\" Type=\"System.", "IntPtr\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"offset\" Type=\"System.", "Int64\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"size\" Type=\"System.", "Int64\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>When this method is used with large files, calling the method might throw an exception. ", "The size of the file that can be used with this method depends on the hardware configuration of the Web server. ", "For more information, see article 812406, \"PRB: Response.", "WriteFile Cannot Download a Large File\" on the <see cref=\"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=149903\">Microsoft Knowledge Base</see> Web site.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes the specified file directly to an HTTP response output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"fileHandle\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The file handle of the file to write to the HTTP output stream.</param>\n <param name=\"offset\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The byte position in the file where writing will start.</param>\n <param name=\"size\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The number of bytes to write to the output stream.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"WriteFile\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void WriteFile (string filename, long offset, long size);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"filename\" Type=\"System.", "String\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"offset\" Type=\"System.", "Int64\" />\n <Parameter Name=\"size\" Type=\"System.", "Int64\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>When this method is used with large files, calling the method might throw an exception. ", "The size of the file that can be used with this method depends on the hardware configuration of the Web server. ", "For more information, see article 812406, \"PRB: Response.", "WriteFile Cannot Download a Large File\" on the <see cref=\"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=149903\">Microsoft Knowledge Base</see> Web site.</para>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Writes the specified file directly to an HTTP response output stream.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"filename\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The name of the file to write to the HTTP output stream.</param>\n <param name=\"offset\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The byte position in the file where writing will start.</param>\n <param name=\"size\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The number of bytes to write to the output stream.</param>\n </Docs>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n </Member>\n <Member MemberName=\"WriteSubstitution\">\n <MemberSignature Language=\"C#\" Value=\"public void WriteSubstitution (System.", "Web.", "HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback callback);\" />\n <MemberType>Method</MemberType>\n <AssemblyInfo>\n <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>\n </AssemblyInfo>\n <ReturnValue>\n <ReturnType>System.", "Void</ReturnType>\n </ReturnValue>\n <Parameters>\n <Parameter Name=\"callback\" Type=\"System.", "Web.", "HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback\" />\n </Parameters>\n <Docs>\n <remarks>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>You can use the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "WriteSubstitution(System.", "Web.", "HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback)\" /> method for post-cache substitution in your output-cached pages. ", "By passing an <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpContext\" /> object to a callback method with a prescribed <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback\" /> signature, you can replace output cached content at any given location in the page cache. ", "To initiate the replacement, call the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "WriteSubstitution(System.", "Web.", "HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback)\" /> method, passing it the callback method, which must be thread safe and can be either of the following: </para>\n <list type=\"bullet\">\n <item>\n <para>A static method on the container page or user control.</para>\n </item>\n <item>\n <para>A static or instance method on another arbitrary object.</para>\n </item>\n </list>\n <para>On the first request to the page, the <see cref=\"M:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponse.", "WriteSubstitution(System.", "Web.", "HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback)\" /> calls the <see cref=\"T:System.", "Web.", "HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback\" /> delegate to produce the output. ", "Then, it adds a substitution buffer to the response, which retains the delegate to call on future requests. ", "Finally, it degrades client-side cacheability from public to server-only, ensuring future requests to the page re-invoke the delegate by not caching on the client.</para>\n <block subset=\"none\" type=\"note\">\n <para>Post-cache substitution is not supported for a cached user control where output caching is applied at the user control level. ", "This is also known as fragment caching. ", "For more information, see <format type=\"text/html\"><a href=\"cdd8e523-7305-4685-a456-c5be1de1367e\">Caching Portions of an ASP.NET Page</a></format>.</para>\n </block>\n </remarks>\n <summary>\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />\n <para>Allows insertion of response substitution blocks into the response, which allows dynamic generation of specified response regions for output cached responses.</para>\n </summary>\n <param name=\"callback\">\n <attribution license=\"cc4\" from=\"Microsoft\" modified=\"false\" />The method, user control, or object to substitute.</param>\n </Docs>\n </Member>\n </Members>\n</Type>" ]
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0.0008152459631673992, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.001704474096186459, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0010291320504620671, 0.0007049603154882789, 0.0007477026665583253, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0008123363950289786, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0007401705370284617, 0.0012518424773588777, 0.0007477026665583253, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0008091369527392089, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0017932378686964512, 0.0010793256806209683, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006934544071555138, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006437561823986471, 0.0006421966245397925, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0007320455042645335, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0007124022231437266, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0008847091812640429, 0.000828893855214119, 0.0007514742901548743, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0007916262256912887, 0.0007514742901548743, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0009144956711679697, 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0.0011673388071358204, 0.0008676481666043401, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.000718069146387279, 0.000730194675270468, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.000718069146387279, 0.0008643446490168571, 0.0007880255579948425, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.00085021200357005, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006757761584594846, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.000885083107277751, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0007074737804941833, 0.0006322109838947654, 0.0007804979686625302, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0008169639040715992, 0.0007344717159867287, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006934544071555138, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006757761584594846, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.000885083107277751, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006827061297371984, 0.0007804979686625302, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0008047777228057384, 0.00231737969443202, 0.0010222410783171654, 0.0007426065858453512, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.001837518298998475, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0014952401397749782, 0.0008066545124165714, 0.0007187671144492924, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0007683075964450836, 0.0006862191949039698, 0.0014383983798325062, 0.0006862191949039698, 0.0007192207267507911, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0009947010548785329, 0.0006862191949039698, 0.0007867901585996151, 0.0006862191949039698, 0.0008509957697242498, 0.0006862191949039698, 0.0007617532974109054, 0.0006862191949039698, 0.0007698205299675465, 0.0006862191949039698, 0.0009449261124245822, 0.000640304118860513, 0.0006862191949039698, 0.0009958473965525627, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0009802053682506084, 0.0007599566015414894, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0007214424549601972, 0.0007020452758297324, 0.0007477026665583253, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006988201639614999, 0.0006862191949039698, 0.0007462878129445016, 0.0010187929728999734, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006910372176207602, 0.0006061259773559868, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006941052852198482, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0009883020538836718, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0008836847846396267, 0.0007620850810781121, 0.0006669971626251936, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0006454330286942422, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0008836847846396267, 0.0005583607126027346, 0.0007836814620532095, 0.0011231364915147424, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0008655285346321762, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.000749458558857441, 0.0010221671545878053, 0.000712656183168292, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0007281055441126227, 0.0007481633801944554, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0006991681875661016, 0.0010418703313916922, 0.0010222410783171654, 0.0006472526001743972, 0.0008772705914452672, 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0.0011673388071358204, 0.0009058538125827909, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0008710917318239808, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0011673388071358204, 0.0009058538125827909, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0012653394369408488, 0.0009733768529258668, 0.0009134732536040246, 0.000631794158834964, 0.0008116021635942161, 0.010336455889046192, 0.0006901302258484066 ]
[ "Direct observation of polyelectrolyte brushes under wet and dry conditions by atmospheric scanning electron microscopy.", "\nPolyelectrolyte brushes are polyelectrolyte polymers with one end fixed to a substrate. ", "In this study, direct nano-scale visualization of polyelectrolyte brushes was carried out under 'aqueous conditions' by atmospheric scanning electron microscopy. ", "The thickness of the polyelectrolyte brush layer was measured under both dry and aqueous conditions, experimentally confirming the swollen state of the brushes. ", "These experimental findings qualitatively agreed with the results from previous neutron reflectivity experiments using similar polyelectrolyte brushes. ", "Such direct visualization of polymer brushes in real space opens up a new route for better understanding their surface properties, such as friction, adhesion and wettability." ]
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[ "This is an overview of how I believe a real software project lifecycle can and should be managed when the tools at your disposal include a GitHub repository and a CI server. ", "The explanation favors Jenkins but shouldn’t be exclusive to it.", "\n\nIt was originally written for work to finally get down in writing my opinions on project code, build and release management for the project I’ve suddenly started leading. ", "I’m sharing it here because I believe these guidelines to be more generally applicable to any project that actually makes releases and has more than a single team member.", "\n\nIn an effort to reduce the number of pain and contention points during development as well as being able to maintain a high velocity without reducing the ability to experiment the following process should be applied to development of a given project. ", "This applies for any developer providing code to the project: internal, external, senior or junior.", "\n\nThe process is always up for discussion and is not a dictated commandment, but a description of what seems to be a good idea over time. ", "If in the process of applying the process something becomes clearly a bad idea we should try to figure out why and how to prevent it rather than pushing harder on enforcing process. ", "Don’t be that guy, or that other guy and we’ll be ok.", "\n\nOverview\n\nThe following assumptions should hold true at all times for the state of the repository and supporting tools.", "\n\nProduction code is always a git-tag ‘ed promoted Jenkins build\n\nAny code running in the production environment must have arrived there from a successful build from Jenkins that has been promoted to production using the Promoted Builds Jenkins plugin. ", "Evidence for exception to this principle should be of similar quality as that one would expect for a serial murder defense.", "\n\norigin/master is always in good shape\n\nThe upstream master branch should reflect the latest, well-tested, peer-reviewed state of the repository. ", "It doesn’t have to always reflect the tree in production, but anything in the master branch should certainly be destined there. ", "The features should be well tested and serve as a reliable starting point for new work.", "\n\nAny merge that causes master to fail the test suite should be reverted immediately to the last passing state and work to resolve the problem should happen elsewhere.", "\n\nEvery line of code is peer reviewed\n\nNothing should ever get merged into a mainline branch of the repo until at least two people have seen the code: The original author and a team member.", "\n\nAny code that wants to be included in the mainline of the project should be introduced to the project by the author as a pull request. ", "It doesn’t matter if the request comes from a branch within the repository or a fork of the same as long as the branch is rebased on the current branch the request targets. ", "It should be the responsibility of the author of the branch to keep the branch rebased if its integration target moves during development. ", "The final resulting merge should appear as forced merge commit on an otherwise fast-forward merge.", "\n\nPull requests should never be merged by the same person that authored them, and should always be done with the press of the green merge button on GitHub. ", "If no one is available for review and :+1: please chase someone down rather than bending this rule. ", "This one practice pays massive dividends.", "\n\nEvery pull request passes the test suite\n\nBefore any pull request to the project can be merged a comment should be added to the pull request with a link to the latest Jenkins build of the branch under review. ", "Those merging the request should actively seek out such a link, even if one is known to exist and refuse to merge requests that omit it until one is available and present in the conversation thread.", "\n\nThis practice forces the author to assert through an unfeeling machine that the code presented for review and inclusion passes not only the full test suite of the application, but also the tests it included as part of development. ", "The presence of this step also tends to eliminate seemingly simple changes with unforeseen consequences.", "\n\nThe convention the author wishes to introduce for including such comments in a pull request is:\n\nWhich renders using Emoji as a link to the build between two shiny sparkling thingies, which pretty much makes everyone happy. ", "This also allows the shorthand conversational notation of “Sparkles” or “Sparkles build” for builds that pass the test suite, making everyone feel silly about themselves.", "\n\nEverything that was ever a conversation is documented\n\nIf for any reason you need to offer an explanation, a walk through or a conversation about a topic relating to the development, deployment, operation or maintenance of the project you should instead of offering it directly take the time to write it down as a wiki page and link that instead.", "\n\nThis not only makes sure that the things we explain get written down for later, they can also serve as roadmaps or design documents for things still in development or earlier.", "\n\nSince the internet is big and space is largely free documentation should not be reserved for special occasions. ", "It should be written for design discussions, external and internal APIs, proposals, suggestions or even tangentially related ramblings. ", "If it seems relevant, it should be linked together into groups of pages for easier navigation, like some sort of manual.", "\n\nNo new features without tests\n\nIf you write something that wasn’t there before, no one will believe you until you have tests proving that it works. ", "When used in concert with the other guidelines this should also make sure that your feature works and does so well by the time it’s integrated.", "\n\nFailure to do this should be easy to notice in peer review. ", "If the feature is not only new, but also interesting it should also come with documentation.", "\n\nOn pull requests\n\nPull requests are the starting point of conversations about a set of changes. ", "They are not demands, edicts, sticky notes or contracts. ", "As such they can and should be opened whenever a conversation about a set of changes needs to take place. ", "That is to say, they should not be a tool reserved for finished code waiting integration, they serve as an excellent platform to get feedback on code in progress or in question and should be used liberally.", "\n\nGiven that definition, the opening of a pull request should be given the same attention as a potential conversation with an audience. ", "Don’t just accept the default copy inserted into the request based on your HEAD . ", "Give the pull request a title that describes the code it carries and use the description field to explain the intent and approach of the changeset as well as any tradeoffs that may not be evident. ", "Try to make the reviewers job easier rather than expecting them to divine details and direction of the change from the diff. ", "It’ll save everyone time and sanity.", "\n\nOn Hotfixes\n\nBy the nature of the event, a Hotfix is something that is both urgent and completely unplanned so suggestion of a concrete process for dealing with them is quite ambitious and one won’t be attempted. ", "Instead, these are some suggestions for how to find some generally relevant information and a best-case path for making an urgent code change, deploying it, and still managing to review and safely integrate it back into the codebase without generating a great deal of extra state, disruption and contention.", "\n\nDetermine which build is running in the affected environment by seeking the last promoted build in the CI environment. ", "This should be linked with a specific build and an associated git commit. ", "This would be a good place to branch from in the repository to implement the change with minimal impact.", "\n\nYou can do this by executing the following in the repository root.", "\n\n$ git branch hotfix-description $COMMIT_SHA_FROM_CI_BUILD\n\nThe changes can then be made on the branch hotfix-description and pushed upstream as usual, triggering a CI build that can then be promoted to the required environment and deployed. ", "If favorable, the same build can endure multiple, sequential promotions to be deployed first for internal testing in lower-risk sandbox or staging environments.", "\n\nWhen the build carrying the hotfix is promoted and deployed to the desired environment and is tested to be a satisfactory solution to the hotfix condition, reintegration work can take place at a more relaxed pace without any incurred interruption to any other ongoing development work.", "\n\nThe hotfix-description branch can either be directly rebased on an upstream branch such as origin/master and replaced, left as-is, or copied to another upstream head. ", "The resulting branch can then be submitted as a pull request for inclusion in the main line of code and a proper release can be made in the future, replacing the promoted hotfix build from earlier, but including the changes with proper review.", "\n\nAt least, as they say, that’s what is supposed to happen. ", "In these cases, more so than most, defer to common sense, good judgement and experience.", "\n\nTL;DR Checklist" ]
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[ "\"All right, everybody get down!\" \"", "I said get down!\" \"", "Not worth the 12 quid an hour, old timer.\" \"", "Move it!\" \"", "Go!\" \"", "Move it!\" \"", "Open the door!\" \"", "Nobody move!\" \"", "Everybody out!\" \"", "Now!\" \"", "Move!\" \"", "Move!\" \"", "Move!\" \"", "You, get on the ground!\" \"", "All of you on the ground!\" \"", "Ladies and gentleman, you're New Yorkers.\" \"", "You know how this works.\" \"", "Two minutes!\" \"", "It's a beautiful sight.\" \"", "Yes, it is.\" \"", "Beautiful.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "2x02 Incognito\" \"Time to go.\" \"", "I'm out of here.\" \"", "Your job was to kill both of them.\" \"", "He'll be dead in five minutes.\" \"", "I did my job.\" \"", "You better make sure 'cause he's seen our faces.\" \"", "Do him.\" \"", "I don't know;\" \"You were here before I was...\" \"Cappuccino with soy, I ordered that.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "No, it was a short doppio with four full pumps of hazelnut.\" \"", "Four full pumps.\" \"", "I-it's Mary-Anne, right?\" \"", "It's Anne-Marie.\" \"", "I-I had a regular mocha with whipped cream... for Lance?\" \" ", "Just a second.\" \" ", "Excuse me!\" \" ", "This isn't soy.\" \" ", "Oh, sorry.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "Hey, Deedie, what's the problem?\" \"", "My pen stopped writing.\" \"", "Is my drink ready?\" \"\"", "Luca\"?\" \"", "I can't remember the orders.\" \" ", "I got it.\" \"", "Are you ready?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Gordon back here, he's having a triple espresso, easy foam.\" \"", "Tammy-Lynn is having a green tea latte with soy.\" \"", "We got a regular mocha with whipped cream for Lance.\" \"", "Luca is having an unsweetened jumbo iced coffee.\" \"", "And Anne-Marie back here, she's having a short doppio with four pumps of hazelnut.\" \"", "That's four full pumps.\" \"", "And I'm gonna have four shots of espresso over ice with five sugars.\" \"", "Thank you!\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "Can you make mine first?\" \" ", "I'm kind of in a hurry.\" \" ", "Oh, yes.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "I'm ten minutes away.\" \"", "Iced quad espresso, five sugars.\" \"", "Okay, bye.\" \" ", "Breakfast of champions.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \"", "Aw!\" \"", "Yes, yes.\" \"", "All right, triple espresso, easy foam, coming up.\" \"", "They got five million in cash from the Four Aces Casino in Toronto, close to eight million in German bearer bonds from a bank in San Francisco, and a half a ton of rhino horns from a warehouse in Pretoria.\" \"", "You know, contrary to popular belief, rhino horn is actually not an aphrodisiac.\" \"", "In case anyone was wondering.\" \"", "Well, now I'm wondering.\" \"", "We're talking three of the richest heists of the past decade, all conceived by the same mastermind.\" \"", "Kilborn... the man, the myth, the legend.\" \"", "Mostly the myth, since nobody's seen this guy.\" \"", "Maybe he's not real.\" \"", "Maybe he's a ghost.\" \"", "Ghosts don't end up at the top of the FBI's most wanted list.\" \"", "Kilborn runs his jobs from behind the scenes.\" \"", "He never gets his hands dirty.\" \"", "That's why nobody knows his identity.\" \"", "Nobody alive knows his identity.\" \"", "The RCMP busted a member of Kilborn's crew in Toronto.\" \"", "Guy confirmed he was on the team, that's all.\" \"", "Got shivved in prison two days later.\" \"", "Kilborn kills to stay invisible.\" \"", "We got chatter that says Kilborn's next score is here in Manhattan.\" \"", "He may be on the FBI's most wanted list, but he's on our turf.\" \"", "So we make sure this is his last job.\" \"", "What's the target?\" \"", "That's your job to find out.\" \"", "Without knowing what he looks like or what he's after.\" \"", "Eliot, we're good but not that good.\" \"", "I'm that good.\" \"", "I might be able to help you out.\" \"", "Eve Steele.\" \"", "She looks different in every photo.\" \"", "Yeah, it's part of her M.O. she's wanted out west for a series of heists, all pretty flashy, in more ways than one.\" \"", "She pulled this job in Phoenix, six weeks ago.\" \"", "Eve's a chemical expert...\" \"She used thermite on the armored car.\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "You gotta admire her tradecraft.\" \"", "You and ATF both.\" \"", "They passed along a tip to us that Eve's working for Kilborn.\" \"", "This is the hottest lead anyone's ever had on him.\" \"", "Eve arrives by bus today.\" \"", "You'll be there to grab her...\" \"discreetly.\" \"", "Last call for boarding bus number...\" \"She's probably changed her appearance.\" \"", "No match so far.\" \"", "Jay, you got any more photos for us?\" \"", "Uploading now.\" \"", "You know, Carrie, she kind of looks like you.\" \"", "Though Eve's auricles are asymmetric.\" \"", "You been admiring my auricles, Jay?\" \"", "Well, that's nice to know.\" \"", "You noticed my eyes.\" \"", "Auricles are earlobes.\" \"", "You forget to turn your memory on this morning?\" \"", "I remember everything, Jay, I don't know everything.\" \"", "Although now I know you like my earlobes, which is kind of kinky.\" \"", "I got her, Al.\" \"", "Sending Jay a photo.\" \" ", "Firm identity.\" \" ", "Got it.\" \"", "Running identity match.\" \"", "Confirm.\" \"", "Target is Eve Steele.\" \"", "You're up.\" \"", "Hey, there.\" \"", "You look like you're new in town.\" \"", "How about I be your tour guide, huh?\" \" ", "Back off, jackass.\" \" ", "Aw, come on...\" \"Hey, Eve.\" \"", "I think you've made a mistake.\" \"", "Mm...\" \"I've seen your work, Eve.\" \"", "That armored truck job could send you away for a long time.\" \"", "I liked you better as a sleazebag.\" \"", "Play ball with us and we can help you cut a deal in Arizona.\" \"", "So... what brings you to New York?\" \"", "I'm big into architecture.\" \"", "Frank Gehry mostly.\" \"", "Things that man can do with a box.\" \"", "I doubt he can do much with the box you're gonna end up in.\" \"", "You'll do a lot less time, Eve, if you just tell us about Kilborn.\" \"", "What's a Kilborn?\" \"", "Now, let's talk a little bit about Arizona.\" \"", "We're cooked if she lawyers up.\" \"", "She's not gonna do that.\" \"", "She asks for a lawyer,\" \"Kilborn knows she's talking to us and he kills her.\" \"", "Eve's only goal right now is staying alive.\" \"", "Well, nothing in Eve's bag links to nefarious activity.\" \"", "No weapons or information on where she's going.\" \"", "Anything on her phone?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No calls or texts to any numbers in the greater New York area.\" \"", "And no e-mails connecting\" \" to anything here.\" \" ", "Well, she's here for Kilborn.\" \"", "There has to be evidence connecting them.\" \"", "Okay, at the bus station, Eve moved a box off of a red bag.\" \"", "Now, I thought she was just looking for her luggage, but why move the box when Eve's bag is black?\" \"", "A message.\" \"", "There was a name and a number.\" \"", "I got it.\" \"", "You got what?\" \"", "A message from Kilborn.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Burnsy's upset we're not hitting it off.\" \"", "Oh, yeah?\" \"", "Well, I should cheer him up.\" \"", "Take him to this little party\" \"I'm going to at the Alcazar Hotel, room 3382, at 5:00 P.M.\" \"Doesn't sound like fun.\" \"", "Oh, the fun part is when I arrest everyone in that room and tell them it was because of you.\" \"", "He'll kill me.\" \"", "Who?\" \"", "Kilborn.\" \"", "That name didn't mean anything to you a minute ago.\" \"", "Look, Eve, we're going to the Alcazar Hotel with or without your cooperation.\" \"", "We have ways of protecting you.\" \"", "From Kilborn?\" \"", "Don't flatter yourself.\" \"", "Prison, Witness Protection, a monastery in Tibet, he will find me.\" \"", "Well, then I guess your only hope of staying alive is to help us catch him before he catches you.\" \"", "I don't know much.\" \"", "Honest.\" \"", "Have you worked for him before?\" \"", "I've never met him.\" \"", "He's a real cryptic kind of guy.\" \"", "But you knew enough to get instructions at the bus depot, right?\" \"", "That message directs me to the first meet-up.\" \"", "Kilborn only gives crumbs of information through the job.\" \"", "You never get the whole pie.\" \"", "When were you supposed to meet him?\" \"", "I don't think he shows till we divvy up the score.\" \"", "Oh, that way, no one can finger him if the job goes South.\" \"", "You get any other instructions?\" \"", "Just not to share any personal information with any of the other crew members.\" \"", "You can't rat out the others 'cause none of you know each other's identity.\" \"", "Smart.\" \"", "Or not so smart.\" \"", "Undercover?\" \"", "You can't go undercover.\" \"", "We don't even know who you'll be working with.\" \"", "That's the point.\" \"", "Nobody on Kilborn's crew knows each other.\" \"", "I show up at that hotel room, I'm Eve.\" \"", "That's risky, even for us.\" \"", "Okay, Al, you know I can do this.\" \"", "I can.\" \"", "Tell me I'm wrong.\" \"", "I hope you're not wrong.\" \"", "I hired you to be right.\" \"", "I'm going undercover on Kilborn's crew... as Eve.\" \"", "Who says, exactly?\" \"", "We say.\" \"", "Listen,\" \"Kilborn's crew is made up completely of strangers.\" \"", "I show up at that hotel room, I am Eve.\" \"", "Yeah, but what about Kilborn?\" \"", "He'll know...\" \"He hired her... you'll be dead the minute you show up.\" \"", "No, no... all of our intel says\" \"Kilborn doesn't show up until the payoff.\" \"", "I can handle myself.\" \"", "I can.\" \"", "Besides, I even look...\" \"kind of like Eve.\" \"", "Eliot, you want Kilborn, this is the best way.\" \"", "So, you agree?\" \"", "No, I don't.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "You don't look like Eve.\" \" ", "You're much better-looking.\" \" ", "Aw...\" \"Here's how it goes down.\" \"", "Eve's due at the Alcazar in two hours.\" \"", "We play it one step at a time.\" \"", "Carrie doesn't go deeper till we know she's in the clear.\" \"", "Anything hinky, we're done.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "But I want eyes on her at all times.\" \"", "Put your team together.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "You know who we're dealing with.\" \"", "Anything goes wrong, you won't see it coming.\" \"", "That's what I have you for.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "How's it going?\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Oh, just learning everything\" \" I can about Eve.\" \" ", "Hmm.\" \"", "On a personal and molecular level, I see.\" \"", "Oh, that?\" \"", "Yeah, well, apparently she was a chemical engineering major in college.\" \"", "Wow, you're a pretty quick study.\" \"", "It kind of comes with the... the territory.\" \"", "So you just...\" \"You look at it, and-and...\" \"And, what, it just goes right in?\" \"", "Yeah, that's pretty...\" \"that's pretty much it.\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "I can't even remember what my daughter wants for dinner tonight.\" \"", "Hey, listen, there's some stuff, uh...\" \"That we heard about Kilborn at the bureau.\" \"", "Some things he did to people who crossed him.\" \"", "Just be careful, okay?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "This is for you.\" \"", "A barrette?\" \"", "That's not my style.\" \"", "It's Eve's style.\" \"", "Okay, but no one wears barrettes anymore.\" \"", "Jay loaded a transmitter in there... it's got GPS, too...\" \"So we can follow and listen in on all you're doing.\" \" ", "You sure you want to do this?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "I've always been good at role-playing, in case you forgot.\" \"", "Believe me, I've tried to.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "You make a very sexy pirate.\" \"", "Hey, guys.\" \"", "They're in place at Alcazar.\" \"", "Anything feels off, we pull you out.\" \"", "No need to be a hero.\" \"", "Since when have I ever tried to be a hero?\" \"", "Is this is a \"You show me yours and I'll show you mine\"\" \"kind of thing?\" \"", "'Cause if it is, you're gonna be waiting a long time, but I bet you're used to that, aren't you?\" \"", "Who the hell are you?\" \"", "I can't tell you that.\" \"", "Don't you know the rules?\" \"", "Put that away.\" \"", "Pardon the discourteous welcome.\" \"", "We weren't expecting someone so refined.\" \"", "Mm.\" \"", "What's a-a five-letter word for \"trout basket\" starting with a...\" \"Whoa, um...\" \"Y-you're a...\" \"Y-you're a... sh-she's...\" \"What's the matter?\" \"", "Is it the first time in a hotel room with a woman?\" \"", "It's, um, a pleasure to meet you.\" \" ", "I'm...\" \" No names.\" \"", "I'm not dying 'cause of your disregard for Mr. Kilborn's rules.\" \"", "I don't like this.\" \"", "Those guys are armed and volatile.\" \"", "She's doing great.\" \"", "How's the tracking from her barrette?\" \"", "It's a strong signal.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Uh, so, I-I hacked into the hotel's system, and, uh, all minibar charges are going to room 1243.\" \"", "But, get this...\" \"There is no room 1243.\" \"", "So what are we supposed to do, huh?\" \"", "Sit and wait?\" \"", "Do you roll over as well?\" \"", "And what are you?\" \"", "Like, the team masseuse or something?\" \"", "In your dreams.\" \"", "He's an irascible fellow, isn't he?\" \"", "Though I, too, am curious about your bona fides.\" \"", "Well, I'm the chemist.\" \"", "I mix things and cause mayhem.\" \" ", "Really?\" \" ", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "Why don't you come over here and mix me a drink then, chemist.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "I'll make you a drink.\" \"", "What's your poison?\" \"", "Ah!\" \"", "Dinner.\" \"", "He's probably delivering instructions of some kind.\" \"", "Kilborn knows his crew's assembled.\" \"", "Well, he must be watching the hotel.\" \"", "Get me photos of everyone in the lobby.\" \"", "He's got to be nearby.\" \"", "Copy that.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Friends?\" \"", "Play it.\" \"", "Who made you boss?\" \"", "Uh, right.\" \"", "Welcome.\" \"", "Great adventure and wealth await the four of you.\" \"", "But only if you do exactly as I say.\" \"", "You know what will happen to you if you don't.\" \"", "Your anonymity protects you, so I've assigned you aliases.\" \"", "They are, based on your order of arrival:\" \"Arnold, Willis,\" \"Philip and Pearl.\" \"", "Really? \"", "Arnold\"?\" \"", "You'll find boxes under the trolley containing all you need for now.\" \"", "A word of advice:\" \"Keep your identities close.\" \"", "They're your best friends.\" \"", "How'd he know we were all here?\" \" ", "Because he's watching us.\" \" ", "Apparently he's been watching Diff'rent Strokes, too.\" \"\"", "All further instructions will come\" \"\"on these phones.\" \"", "Next communication in the morning.\"\" \"", "I suggest we all head to our rooms and lay low for the evening.\" \"", "Well, you can come bunk with me if you care to, sweetheart.\" \"", "Let me clarify what I do, Willis.\" \"", "I create explosives, corrosive substances, poisons.\" \"", "Chloral hydrate.\" \"", "Even the smallest amount will create seizures, hallucinations, loss of bowel control.\" \"", "Four drops will kill you.\" \"", "I put two in your drink.\" \"", "Or maybe it was three.\" \"", "Here...\" \"let me do you a favor.\" \"", "This is the number for poison control.\" \"", "You don't look so good, buddy.\" \"", "Give me the number.\" \"", "Give me the number.\" \"", "Give me the number!\" \"", "I didn't poison you, numbnuts.\" \"", "Don't mess with me again.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "I'm going to bed now.\" \"", "Pearl...\" \"Is a bad-ass.\" \"", "Yes, Mr. Arnold, she most certainly is.\" \"", "I'm in.\" \"", "Morning, Jay.\" \"", "All's quiet at the Alcazar.\" \"", "You look into the hotel rooms?\" \"", "Booked by a dummy corporation out of the Caymans.\" \"", "I was, however, able to match the I.D.s of these three from stills Murray pulled at the hotel security cameras.\" \"", "Let me introduce you to Clay Stites, aka Philip.\" \"", "Born in Brixton, England, in and out of Europe's finest prisons.\" \"", "He enjoys booze, assault and armed robbery.\" \"", "His experience will probably make him team leader.\" \"", "Next up is Willis, real name Andy Fotre;\" \"Former army ranger.\" \"", "Dishonorably discharged five years ago for selling steroids.\" \"", "He has a long sheet, mostly for home invasion and assault.\" \"", "Total loose Cannon.\" \"", "And this guy?\" \"", "Tucker Griffin.\" \"", "We know him as Arnold.\" \"", "Has a lot of charges for online fraud and hacking.\" \"", "NSA investigated him for penetrating department of defense files, but couldn't get anything to stick.\" \"", "Tech kid's a whiz, but he's pretty green.\" \"", "Carrie will pick up on that and try to work him.\" \" ", "Keep digging.\" \" ", "You got it.\" \"", "All right, so I send the gas through the vents, we clear out the cash and we split.\" \"", "In and out in four Mikes.\" \"", "Any sign of heat... beat cop, police cruiser, unmarked car...\" \"We take hostages.\" \"", "A little collateral damage never hurt anybody.\" \"", "Well, hopefully it doesn't come to that.\" \"", "You lose your nerve in there, and I will put a bullet in you.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "We're all pros here, Willis.\" \"", "Arnold just wants to make sure the job goes right.\" \"", "One of us will receive our escape plan right before we hit the bank.\" \"", "Another one will learn our rendezvous point with Kilborn after we do the job.\" \"", "Why can't we just get all the info now?\" \"", "Because if I had all the info,\" \"I'd kill you three and keep the money.\" \"", "Everyone lay low until tomorrow.\" \"", "Don't forget your goodie bags.\" \"", "Get some rest.\" \"", "All right... bring your A-games tomorrow, huh?\" \"", "Yes... we have...\" \"Here.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Well, this is, uh...\" \"this is a prototype.\" \"", "How'd he get this?\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "Hey, that's, uh, sinister-looking.\" \"", "Please don't use it on me.\" \"", "I make no promises.\" \"", "Arnold, are you sure you're not in over your hacker head with all of this?\" \"", "I'm kind of nervous, yeah.\" \"", "Uh, this is, uh, my first time committing a crime away from my computer.\" \"", "Well, how'd you get on Kilborn's radar?\" \"", "Uh, hacked the wrong offshore account.\" \" ", "Mm!\" \" ", "Just my luck.\" \"", "Hey, um...\" \"How 'bout we look out for each other?\" \" ", "Willis and Philip give me the creeps.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "They kind of give me the creeps, too.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Carrie says the target's a Hudson Mutual branch on Chambers Street tomorrow afternoon.\" \"", "When does Kilborn show?\" \"", "He's got to get his money at some point.\" \"", "We're tracking Carrie.\" \"", "She'll lead us to him after they rob the bank.\" \"", "What about the customers and the employees in the bank?\" \"", "We can't risk civilians.\" \"", "Only NYPD plainclothes will be in there.\" \"", "This thing goes bad, the mayor's gonna have me overseeing parking meters in Staten Island.\" \"", "It goes right, you collar Kilborn.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Hey, Al, I got his finger.\" \"", "Whose finger?\" \"", "Kilborn's finger.\" \"", "At least I think it's his finger.\" \" ", "Um, you know...\" \" Okay, Jay,\" \" take a breath.\" \" ", "Right, right, right.\" \"", "So, I created a little random data program and looked into collateral crimes around the time of known Kilborn jobs...\" \"You know, stolen vehicles, unexplained homicides... anyways, came up with this.\" \" ", "A finger.\" \" ", "Kilborn's finger.\" \"", "Maybe.\" \"", "I found this dead guy, Bob Archer, who was involved in one of Kilborn's first jobs.\" \"", "This picture was taken off of archer's cell phone six hours after the port heist in San Pedro.\" \"", "It's possible Kilborn's blocking the photo.\" \"", "And now you want me to send out a finest message for a finger?\" \"", "Now I want to give you the finger... print.\" \"", "See, got this killer new software that can generate prints from photos.\" \"", "If we can match it to a print in the system, we got him.\" \"", "I like it, Jay.\" \"", "Keep at it.\" \"", "Look at this.\" \"", "Well, Serpico in the flesh.\" \" ", "You sure it's safe to meet?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "I took the N train to Times Square, picked up the A at Port Authority and took the 7 to the M3 bus and back down here...\" \"Mata Hari couldn't have followed me.\" \"", "You're enjoying this a little too much.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Well, a little bit.\" \"\"", "Upon my secure hour thy Uncle stole, with juice from cursed Hebenon in a vial, and in the porches of my ear did pour, the leperous distilment.\"\" \"", "Hamlet.\" \"", "Act 1, scene 5?\" \" ", "I was Ophelia in school.\" \" ", "Bet you got raves.\" \"", "Oh, speaking of poison, the gas you got from Kilborn, fentanyl.\" \"", "The gas that killed all those people in the Moscow theater.\" \"", "Oh, my God.\" \"", "So I replaced the fentanyl with halothane.\" \"", "It's a much lower level toxin, and it should knock the guards out.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Remember, Jay's got you on audio the whole time from your wire, and Murray will be right behind you in a follow car.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Kilborn is way too smart for that.\" \"", "You got to keep her back, as far back as possible.\" \"", "She can follow me on GPS, okay?\" \"", "Like I said, anything feels bad,\" \"I'm calling it.\" \"", "We'll pull you out.\" \"", "Al, you...\" \"you're my hero.\" \"", "I'm gonna put that on a T-shirt.\" \"", "The fact that the two of you are still not doing it is beyond me.\" \"", "Gents and fair lady, our chariot.\" \"", "Sounds like they're getting into a transport.\" \"", "I've got 'em on the move.\" \"", "Where are you, Al?\" \"", "They're rolling.\" \"", "Okay, I'm in the park across from the bank.\" \"", "Keep me posted.\" \"", "They're on their way.\" \"", "Aren't you afraid some witness is gonna... remember your hair?\" \"", "Watching out for me.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Give me that.\" \"", "Kilborn said no personal items during the job.\" \"", "This?\" \" ", "It's a barrette, Willis.\" \" ", "I don't care.\" \"", "Oh, no.\" \"", "This falls out, it's got your DNA all over it.\" \"", "And I am not going down 'cause you can't follow instructions.\" \"", "I've lost her.\" \"", "No audio.\" \"", "Murray?\" \"", "Tracking's gone.\" \"", "I don't have her.\" \"", "No one wears barrettes anymore anyway, right?\" \"", "We're set in the bank.\" \"", "Okay, listen to me.\" \"", "Nobody's a hero today.\" \"", "The faster we let his crew finish the job,\" \"The closer we are to getting Kilborn and getting Carrie out of harm's way.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "What do you mean the wire's gone?\" \"", "Willis tossed it.\" \"", "I've got no GPS signal.\" \"", "Hold on.\" \"", "It's Jay.\" \"", "Jay, talk to me.\" \"", "We got to find that van.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Hold on, hold on.\" \"", "I got something.\" \"", "Uh, Carrie very wisely gave me the number to her burner cell.\" \"", "If I can just find it.\" \"", "Hold on.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Come to Jay.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Yes, they're at 9th and 26th, heading downtown.\" \"", "I'm on my way.\" \"", "All right, they're about ten blocks ahead of me.\" \"", "I'm guessing ETA at the bank about ten minutes.\" \"", "Okay, stay with them.\" \"", "We're ready.\" \"", "Hope nobody wants to phone their mums.\" \"", "I'm jamming everything within 50 feet of the van.\" \"", "Kilborn wants to make sure our cells aren't traced.\" \"", "Um...\" \"I'm-I'm not feeling good about this.\" \"", "I'd be worried if you were, Mr. Arnold.\" \"", "What the hell just happened?\" \" ", "What?\" \"", "What is it?\" \" ", "I don't know.\" \"", "We just lost the trace on Carrie's burner.\" \"", "I had her on Varick, then she just vanished.\" \"", "Murray, you have a visual?\" \"", "Negative.\" \"", "Okay, if she was just on Varick, they got to be here any minute.\" \"", "We play it according to plan.\" \"", "Remember, no interference.\" \"", "Let 'em in, let 'em out.\" \"", "Wh-what are we doing?\" \"", "Are we turning around?\" \"", "Following Mr. Kilborn's instructions.\" \"", "He changed the target.\" \"", "What?\" \"!\" \"", "That's tactical suicide.\" \"", "The location he gave us yesterday was bogus.\" \"", "We'll execute the same plan.\" \"", "Okay, um... n-no.\" \"", "I'm-I'm not going along with this.\" \"", "You most certainly will go along with it, Mr. Arnold.\" \"", "Only the utility closet and counting room specs are different.\" \"", "You'll find new schematics under the passenger seat, so I suggest you study up.\" \"", "By the way, payday just got bigger.\" \"", "$8 million.\" \"", "Nice day to rob a bank.\" \"", "They should've been here by now.\" \"", "It's almost 4:50.\" \"", "The bank closes in ten minutes.\" \"", "Something's wrong.\" \"", "Jay, any luck?\" \"", "Nothing yet.\" \"", "I'm working on it.\" \"", "I'll find her, I'll find her.\" \"", "I think he switched targets on us.\" \"", "All right, Jay, get helicopters, traffic cops...\" \"Anyone with a badge...\" \"Looking for that van.\" \"", "They're about to hit something.\" \"", "Al, I hate to say it,\" \" but if Kilborn did change targets...\" \" I know.\" \"", "It means Carrie may have been made.\" \"", "What the hell?\" \"", "Burns says we lost them?\" \"", "Not to worry, boss.\" \"", "And we have no idea what bank they're about to hit?\" \" ", "Like I said...\" \" Jay, this is not worry you are hearing in my voice.\" \"", "This is a very powerful\" \" and very justified anxiety.\" \" ", "Like I said, you shouldn't worry because remember when I asked you to call in that favor for that cell phone/wi-fi grid from homeland?\" \"", "If I recall correctly, it involved getting the deputy director four very exclusive dinner reservations.\" \"", "Well, it's a good thing we got it.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "You tracking a cyber attack?\" \"", "Not exactly.\" \"", "In this case,\" \"I'm tracking the sudden loss of cell phone service.\" \"", "You see that string of black pearls, boss?\" \"", "Each pearl represents an area of lost cell coverage.\" \"", "Which means?\" \"", "Which means reception's being knocked out sequentially across Houston, and I think Kilborn's doing it.\" \"", "So we follow the outages and we follow the van.\" \"", "Whew.\" \"", "Nice.\" \"", "So... do I get a dinner reservation?\" \"", "Oh, you...\" \"You get a...\" \"You get a protein bar.\" \" ", "Enjoy it.\" \" ", "Nice.\" \"", "Yeah, thanks.\" \"", "All right, tech boy, you're up.\" \"", "Wish me luck.\" \"", "Luck.\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "Everybody get down!\" \"", "Not worth the 12 quid an hour, old timer.\" \"", "Move it!\" \"", "Go!\" \"", "Move it!\" \"", "Get down!\" \"", "Go!\" \"", "Move it!\" \"", "Open the door!\" \"", "I said get down!\" \"", "Nobody move!\" \"", "Everybody out now!\" \"", "Move, move, move!\" \"", "You, get on the ground!\" \"", "All of you on the ground!\" \"", "Ladies and gentlemen, you're New Yorkers.\" \"", "You know how this works.\" \"", "Now, I wish you no harm.\" \"", "But my associate here is salivating at the thought of butchering every last one of you.\" \"", "So nobody do anything dodgy.\" \"", "All right, toss all your phones.\" \"", "Every phone on the ground now!\" \"", "Now, we'd like a word with the bank manager.\" \"", "You, come.\" \"", "Okay, the outages stop heading downtown on Broadway around Broome Street.\" \"", "Check for reports of suspicious activity at any banks in the area.\" \"", "Copy that.\" \"", "Open the door.\" \"", "You sure you know which one it is?\" \"", "If memory serves.\" \"", "Here.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Gas is moving.\" \"", "Two minutes!\" \"", "Time to get rich.\" \"", "Here.\" \"", "No reports of silent alarms or suspicious activity anywhere.\" \"", "I mean, I got a carbon monoxide alarm at a bank over on Centre, but that's it.\" \"", "What's that last one?\" \"", "Uh, some carbon monoxide detector going haywire.\" \"", "Where's the branch?\" \"", "On Centre between Broome and Grand.\" \"", "Carrie knows these sensors route through EMS and police channels.\" \"", "Get that out to units.\" \"", "She's sending up a flare.\" \"", "Time to go.\" \"", "I'm out of here!\" \"", "Your job was to kill both of them.\" \"", "He'll be dead in five minutes.\" \"", "I did my job.\" \"", "You better make sure, 'cause he's seen our faces.\" \"", "Do him.\" \"", "It's gonna be all right.\" \"", "Pearl, let's go!\" \"", "Let's go!\" \"", "We got what we came for.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "Arnold!\" \"", "That was amateur hour with the gas.\" \"", "You took care of that guard,\" \" yeah?\" \" ", "What do you think?\" \"", "Oh, come on, man.\" \"", "She blew his head off!\" \"", "What are we doing?\" \"", "We are ditching.\" \"", "Kilborn's orders.\" \"", "We leave everything but the money.\" \"", "Come on, come on, move, move!\" \"", "All the money from banks damaged by hurricane Sandy was kept here.\" \"", "They cleared it out.\" \"", "Took off in a delivery van.\" \"", "Nobody got plates.\" \"", "What direction was it heading?\" \"", "We're still questioning witnesses.\" \"", "Al, you there?\" \"", "Forensics just matched a fingerprint off of Kilborn's photo.\" \"", "Uploading to you simultaneously.\" \"", "Holy...\" \"Al, you seeing this?\" \"", "Arnold's Kilborn.\" \"", "Hey, unis found the van in an alley a few blocks away, torched.\" \"", "The burner cells were inside.\" \"", "No street cams.\" \"", "Of course not.\" \"", "So we have no idea what direction they're headed?\" \"", "Nope.\" \"", "Excuse me?\" \"", "Excuse me... can we get our phones back?\" \"", "I need to tell my ride to Fire Island\" \" you're making me late.\" \" ", "Sorry, ma'am.\" \"", "We have to keep them for evidence.\" \"", "Everybody come claim your cell phones!\" \"", "Come on, come and get them.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Come get them.\" \"", "I just hope Carrie's as clever as I think she is.\" \"", "My cell phone is not here.\" \" ", "Your phone's not here?\" \" ", "No.\" \" ", "None of these cell phones is your phone?\" \" ", "No!\" \"", "Come here, come here.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Carrie took her phone.\" \"", "Have Jay track it.\" \"", "Get me the location.\" \"", "I'm going after Carrie.\" \"", "Come on, let's go.\" \"", "So who knows where the meet-up is?\" \"", "It's not far.\" \"", "Let's load up and shove off.\" \"", "There.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "So, Kilborn has one more demand.\" \"", "We toss our weapons before we meet him.\" \"", "I know, I know.\" \"", "Paranoia, right?\" \"", "There is no way I'm going in there unstrapped.\" \"", "He can't be serious.\" \"", "Listen, we-we've got the leverage here.\" \"", "We've got Kilborn's money.\" \"", "I'm not giving up my gun.\" \"", "I think tossing our pieces for a few million bucks is fair.\" \"", "How do we know he's not carrying?\" \"", "Yeah, that's right.\" \"", "What's a five-letter word for \"trout basket\"\" \"starting with a...\" \"That doesn't sound right.\" \"", "I-I hear you, fellas.\" \"", "But let's not make Kilborn upset.\" \"", "Angry beasts tend to bite.\" \"", "Five-letter word for \"trout basket\"\" \"starting with a...\" \"Whoa, um, uh, you're-you're a...\" \"We got what we came for.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "Okay, look, look.\" \"", "No one will work for Kilborn again if he waxes us.\" \"", "Hey, we'll be fine.\" \"", "Whoa.\" \"", "Don't...\" \"Give up your weapons.\" \"", "Arnold is a cop.\" \"", "Hey, don't mess around, Pearl!\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"", "No, there is no way that this wuss is five-oh.\" \"", "I'm telling you, he's a cop.\" \"", "That is crazy.\" \"", "I am not a cop.\" \"", "I am the hacker.\" \"", "Okay, for all we know\" \"Pearl's the cop.\" \"", "I covered for her earlier.\" \"", "She didn't...\" \"shoot that guard.\" \"", "You weren't expecting me to give a loaded gun to a cop, now, were you?\" \"", "That's why you wouldn't let me shoot the guard.\" \"", "I would have realized they were blanks.\" \"", "I would've realized that you made me, huh?\" \"", "I designed those rounds myself, by the way.\" \"", "It sure was sweet of you to save me from that bullet.\" \"", "I'll be sure to tell your bosses that you deserve a medal.\" \"", "Posthumously, of course.\" \"", "And you could spare the guard 'cause he never saw your face.\" \"", "You came back with your mask on.\" \"", "Bravo, Carrie.\" \"", "I wasn't expecting you to put all that together.\" \"", "But you didn't expect me to make you in the hotel, now, did you?\" \"", "We didn't know you'd be on the team.\" \"", "I'm always on the team.\" \"", "And at that point, it was either walk away or improvise.\" \"", "And using you to fool the cops was way too much fun to pass up.\" \"", "So what am I now?\" \"", "Just, um... insurance?\" \"", "For your getaway?\" \"", "In the very unlikely case that your friends show up.\" \"", "Of course...\" \"I can kill you right now.\" \"", "Creel.\" \"", "Excuse me?\" \"", "A five-letter word for \"trout basket.\"\" \"", "Cute.\" \"", "Now get over there...\" \"Throw your gun down, Kilborn!\" \"", "Let us drive out of here or I smoke her!\" \"", "And what are you, like, the team masseuse or something?\" \"", "Why don't you come over here and mix me a drink, chemist?\" \"", "Seriously, she is dead in three seconds if you don't...\" \"Son of a...!\" \"", "Aah!\" \"", "Son of a...\" \"Ah, I was wondering when you were gonna show up.\" \"", "Had a bank robbery to look into.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Plus there's a phone thief on the loose.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "I should've killed you when I had the chance.\" \"", "You know, Arnold the terrified nerd kind of worked for me.\" \"", "Arnold the master criminal, not so much.\" \"", "All right, let's go.\" \"", "It's gonna be nice having Carrie Wells back.\" \"", "Oh, I don't know.\" \"", "I'm gonna kind of miss Pearl.\" \"", "Bad girls have all the fun.\" \"", "I knew you'd enjoy being on the other side of a heist for once.\" \"", "For once?\" \"", "Think this is the first bank I've robbed?\" \"", "Give me a date, just a date.\" \" ", "So you can look it up?\" \" ", "So I can arrest you.\" \"", "I dare ya.\" \"", "You know when you dare me, you always end up buying me a drink.\" \"", "You want a drink?\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "Why didn't you say so?\" \"", "I'll buy you a...\" \"I'll buy you two.\"" ]
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0.0006543207564391196, 0.0007149261073209345, 0.04360575973987579, 0.0028070947155356407, 0.7385172843933105, 0.15455882251262665, 0.005439796019345522, 0.0007469356060028076, 0.0006563443457707763, 0.0007908642874099314, 0.0009190842392854393, 0.06586048007011414, 0.15573526918888092, 0.0007415140280500054, 0.0009620260680094361, 0.0011170118814334273, 0.0006591316778212786, 0.0735899955034256, 0.329638808965683, 0.15628698468208313, 0.003970853053033352, 0.0006624902598559856, 0.0007255669333972037, 0.0027372983749955893 ]
[ "Pages\n\nSaturday, April 28, 2012\n\nA - Z: Yertle the Turtle\n\nYertle the Turtle was one of my favorite Dr.Seuss stories when I was a kid.", "\n\nI had many Dr. Seuss books and I liked them all.", "\nI like his art style, his strange and funky creations, and the messages of the stories are good.", "\n\nDr.Seuss wrote Yertle the Turtle in 1958, and didn't try to hide the fact that Yertle was based on Hitler.", "\nOn the face of it, Yertle is a ruler of a small pond of turtles, who sits on a rock and gets it into his head that what defines his realm and power is the range of his vision. ", "So he stands on a turtle, then another, and so on until they're all stacked as high as they can go. ", "And of course you know what happens next.", "\n\nThe message is a good one to realize early in life: the pursuit of power for the sake of power is idiotic, and to achieve it by abusing others is not only cruel, but doomed to failure.", "\n\nI'll call this theYertle-drive.", "\n\nThe story works well as a metaphor for Hitler, but also for so many other rulers, whether political or in various other realms: business, economics, or even just social circles. ", "It strikes me that this could easily model the Soviet Union, Napoleonic France, The British Empire, The Roman Empire, American Imperialism, Microsoft, J.D.Rockefeller, Walmart, The Mafia, Rupert Murdoch... list could go on.", "\n\nI've mentioned before that I'm not very competitive. ", "I'm also not very ambitious in that 'Boss Coffee' sort of way. ", "So I have to admit I really don't understand this drive, and maybe it colors my judgement of it. ", "The pursuit of power for the sake of power strikes me as insane. ", "I do mean that clinically: not of sane mind.", "\nI think something is broken in some people, I really do.", "\nAn attribute that has a function, but is broken and can't be shut off.", "\n\nIt makes me think of that I Love Lucy episode, where the conveyor belt keeps going faster and faster.", "\nIt is supposed to work, but something is wrong and it's going to be a disaster.", "\n\nWhy are some people broken in this way?", "\n\nI guess for Napoleon, England wouldn't let him be, so he had to keep going back to war, but to invade Russia like that? ", "Madness. ", "And after being deposed he came back for another go. ", "Something is off.", "\n\nThe Roman Empire did the same thing, just more successfully. ", "Why weren't they content to stay in Italy? ", "There wasn't a good reason to attack Carthage, but they did and it almost broke them.. then Greece, Gaul, many times to butt their head against Parthia... for what? ", "is the accumulation of power so intoxicating?", "\nAnd internally, to take more and more land away from the self-sufficient farmer just so the rich patrician class could get ever more wealthy, for what? ", "Just for status? ", "Just to have more for the sake of more?", "\nEven when it corrodes their country, impoverishes their citizens and establishes the most egregious slave state there ever was?", "\n\nIn the late 1800's in the US the rich were getting richer and the poor poorer at a rate never before seen in the country but it still left these robber barons unsatisfied: they wanted more. ", "Even at the cost of horrendous child labor, industrial accidents, environmental poisoning and abject poverty for the working class.", "\nWhen people tried to resist and organize against it they were beaten, killed and arrested.", "\n\nAnd this is the 'free enterprise' and deregulation model many now support going back to, and for the same reasons as they did then: the lust for power and prestige.", "\n\nLook at Rupert Murdoch. ", "He doesn't just look like Yertle, he is a lot like Yertle.", "\n\nI have to wonder... don't people ever get to a point where they are so old and have so much money that they feel it's time to coast in peace toward death? ", "This man is really fracking old! ", "And he's even more rich, but he keeps going, destroying lives as he trail-blazes ahead toward... more of the same? ", "For what?", "\nThis is INSANE.", "\n\nA special kind of insane. ", "It has got to be a form of sociopathy.", "\nA sociopath is a person that is incapable of empathy, can not understand a definition of right or wrong outside of \"what I want or don't want.\" ", "Sociopath seems to fit the bill for the Yertle-drive.", "\n\nIt's estimated that about 4% of the population are sociopaths, but I've heard estimates that in positions of power in business and government that goes up to 20 to 25%. ", "I'd guess that's a conservative estimate.", "\n\nMaybe if our society focused more on goals that benefited people and society in general instead of unquestioning pursuit of 'winning' as defined by being the wealthiest and most powerful we wouldn't suffer from this so much.", "\n\nOf course, there is a bright side to this...\n\nIn the story of Yertle the Turtle, the power rests on those abused, like Mack, at the bottom, and all it took was a burp to bring it all down.", "\n\nIt might be considered rude, but don't be afraid to burp if you need to.", "\n\nYertle the Turtle: Enjoy!", "\n\n____________________________________________________________________\n\nThis has been an A-Z Challenge post. ", "For the month of April there will be an update for each letter within the theme of: Things that influence and inspire me, or the converse: things which I find distressing or make me want to rail at the world.", "Some of these will pertain to the miniatures hobby, but many will venture off to atypical territory for the duration of the challenge, then it will be back to normal with mostly minis and an occasional blithering.", "You can find out more about the A-Z challenge my clicking the logo at the top left of the page.", "\n\n4\ncomments:\n\nFerret only you would catch the striking similarity between Yertle the Turtle and Murdoch! ", "I don't understand the drive for power either and maybe you're right, maybe it is some as yet unclassified form of insanity. ", "Sociopath may be pretty close given the lack of humanity inherent in these people.", "\n\nIt's too early for me to think heavy thoughts, but not too early to play with my yo-yo in my yard while I yell yackity-yack don't talk back. (", "That's 5 Y's for you today).", "\n\nAnne: thanks, those are some of my favorites too. ", "The gators probably are my favorite team I've done, I'm a big fan of the swampy creatures- really enjoy painting that style. ", "I do use an airbrush sometimes. ", "I used an airbrush for a most of the work on the vehicles for the Frau Totenkinder army, and if you find the 'Draniki': Lizardmen of Venus, I did most of that work with an airbrush too. ", "I tend to only use it for doing several vehicles at once, or for some large batches of minis- like the Lizardmen, I started painting a group of about 50, so it was a good way to lay down the base color, and the first three green tones, even the 'stripe pattern'. ", "But it's not worth the trouble for me if not doing a lot of minis- the gators for instance, similar idea as the lizardmen but when doing just 16 or so at a time, easier to just use a paintbrush." ]
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[ 0.001545017585158348, 0.0007304640603251755, 0.000594558659940958, 0.003120604669675231, 0.003219499019905925, 0.001013079541735351, 0.0013243795838207006, 0.11973703652620316, 0.002905393484979868, 0.0007693141815252602, 0.0008192350505851209, 0.0007692438666708767, 0.0006821842398494482, 0.0006504487828351557, 0.03285040706396103, 0.0009714766056276858, 0.0005749549600295722, 0.0066225286573171616, 0.0006232422310858965, 0.032491929829120636, 0.0007725886534899473, 0.003139783861115575, 0.25494980812072754, 0.0006799510447308421, 0.001258545322343707, 0.0006475907866843045, 0.0009667510748840868, 0.012284928001463413, 0.0008883185801096261, 0.0011759541230276227, 0.0008828578284010291, 0.0008497106609866023, 0.12467608600854874, 0.001199582708068192, 0.03374455124139786, 0.05563145875930786, 0.0006906352355144918, 0.0017702474724501371, 0.23759892582893372, 0.0826372280716896, 0.8923824429512024, 0.009022103622555733, 0.0007768539362587035, 0.30064958333969116, 0.13995981216430664, 0.001332475570961833, 0.29464319348335266, 0.1267809122800827, 0.003746128873899579, 0.0006181852659210563, 0.0007671592757105827, 0.003182481974363327, 0.008646797388792038, 0.008969205431640148, 0.0021591789554804564, 0.0005333445151336491, 0.0006842228467576206, 0.000659508106764406, 0.0030120897572487593, 0.0012135386932641268, 0.02008286491036415, 0.1287056803703308, 0.0017025246052071452, 0.000626786146312952, 0.0007346659549511969, 0.0005872927140444517, 0.0006747893057763577, 0.0005730794509872794, 0.0007090379949659109 ]
[ "The Golden State Warriors will begin their journey and attempt to repeat on October 27, 2015 against their first-round opponents, the New Orleans Pelicans. ", "On that night, they will raise their championship banner and receive their rings too.", "\n\n-== 8 Moves That Paved Way for Warriors’ NBA Title ==-\n\nThe Warriors have selected a company in California to create their masterpiece. ", "Jason of Beverly Hills got the nod and will produce the rings for the Warriors organization. ", "This won’t be the company’s first time producing championship rings. ", "In 2009 and 2010, Jason of Beverly Hills produced rings for the Los Angeles Lakers.", "\n\nThe company has an impressive resume of clients. ", "While the fans are excited to see the final product, imagine the anxiety of the players. ", "With training camp around the corner and the season kicking off in about five weeks, the mission is almost here again.", "\n\nFor more information, refer to the press release below:" ]
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[ 0.0012227281695231795, 0.0010932101868093014, 0.0005967709003016353, 0.0005808494170196354, 0.0008937806123867631, 0.0006263690302148461, 0.0005531974602490664, 0.000558246043510735, 0.0006494883564300835, 0.000579380604904145 ]
[ "SERS-fluorescence joint spectral encoding using organic-metal-QD hybrid nanoparticles with a huge encoding capacity for high-throughput biodetection: putting theory into practice.", "\nA new concept of optical encoding approach, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-fluorescence joint spectral encoding method (SFJSE), was demonstrated by using organic-metal-quantum dot (QD) hybrid nanoparticles (OMQ NPs) with a nanolayered structure. ", "This method has two distinct characteristics, which make it more feasible to achieve enormous codes in practice, compared with a sole fluorescence- or SERS-based encoding protocol. ", "One of the two characteristics is to use the joint SERS and fluorescence spectra as the encoding elements instead of an individual optical signal, resulting in a broadened optical spectrum range for efficient encoding. ", "The other is to assemble SERS reporters and fluorescent agents onto different layers of OMQ NPs, leading to an easier fabrication protocol when a large number of agents need to be involved into encoding carriers. ", "By conjugating different antibodies to OMQ NPs with varied codes, the potential application of such an encoding system in high-throughput detection has been investigated by multiplex sandwich immunoassays. ", "The high specificity and sensitivity of the assays suggest that the SFJSE method could be developed as a powerful encoding tool for high-throughput bioanalysis with the use of OMQ NPs." ]
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[ 0.0005968292243778706, 0.0005904196877963841, 0.0005885103018954396, 0.0005891144392080605, 0.0005836891941726208, 0.0005962728173471987, 0.0005645600613206625 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDrupal field with mp3 files in - play as playlist with titles\n\nI have a custom 'Player' node type in Drupal with a CCK file field allowing multiple mp3 files to be uploaded (3 in this instance). ", "Currently I have SWFTools installed and most of the players that supports. ", "So far I have been using FlowPlayer3 for it, which does everything I want except display the track names. ", "I've tried most of the other players and they don't seem to do it either.", "\nI do have the getID3 module & associated files installed before anyone asks...\nAny idea how I can get all these things to work together?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn the end, I just used the MP3 player module and got each one to display separately instead of as a playlist... not really what I wanted, but it was the best I could do...\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007285129395313561, 0.0008010401506908238, 0.0005706550437025726, 0.0005983998416922987, 0.0005896247457712889, 0.0006817533285357058 ]
[ "/*\nCopyright The Kubernetes Authors.", "\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.", "\n*/\n\n// Code generated by informer-gen. ", "DO NOT EDIT.", "\n\npackage v1beta1\n\nimport (\n\ttime \"time\"\n\n\tcoordinationv1beta1 \"k8s.io/api/coordination/v1beta1\"\n\tv1 \"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1\"\n\truntime \"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime\"\n\twatch \"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch\"\n\tinternalinterfaces \"k8s.io/client-go/informers/internalinterfaces\"\n\tkubernetes \"k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes\"\n\tv1beta1 \"k8s.io/client-go/listers/coordination/v1beta1\"\n\tcache \"k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache\"\n)\n\n// LeaseInformer provides access to a shared informer and lister for\n// Leases.", "\ntype LeaseInformer interface {\n\tInformer() cache.", "SharedIndexInformer\n\tLister() v1beta1.LeaseLister\n}\n\ntype leaseInformer struct {\n\tfactory internalinterfaces.", "SharedInformerFactory\n\ttweakListOptions internalinterfaces.", "TweakListOptionsFunc\n\tnamespace string\n}\n\n// NewLeaseInformer constructs a new informer for Lease type.", "\n// Always prefer using an informer factory to get a shared informer instead of getting an independent\n// one. ", "This reduces memory footprint and number of connections to the server.", "\nfunc NewLeaseInformer(client kubernetes.", "Interface, namespace string, resyncPeriod time.", "Duration, indexers cache.", "Indexers) cache.", "SharedIndexInformer {\n\treturn NewFilteredLeaseInformer(client, namespace, resyncPeriod, indexers, nil)\n}\n\n// NewFilteredLeaseInformer constructs a new informer for Lease type.", "\n// Always prefer using an informer factory to get a shared informer instead of getting an independent\n// one. ", "This reduces memory footprint and number of connections to the server.", "\nfunc NewFilteredLeaseInformer(client kubernetes.", "Interface, namespace string, resyncPeriod time.", "Duration, indexers cache.", "Indexers, tweakListOptions internalinterfaces.", "TweakListOptionsFunc) cache.", "SharedIndexInformer {\n\treturn cache.", "NewSharedIndexInformer(\n\t\t&cache.", "ListWatch{\n\t\t\tListFunc: func(options v1.ListOptions) (runtime.", "Object, error) {\n\t\t\t\tif tweakListOptions !", "= nil {\n\t\t\t\t\ttweakListOptions(&options)\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treturn client.", "CoordinationV1beta1().Leases(namespace).List(options)\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tWatchFunc: func(options v1.ListOptions) (watch.", "Interface, error) {\n\t\t\t\tif tweakListOptions !", "= nil {\n\t\t\t\t\ttweakListOptions(&options)\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treturn client.", "CoordinationV1beta1().Leases(namespace).Watch(options)\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\t&coordinationv1beta1.Lease{},\n\t\tresyncPeriod,\n\t\tindexers,\n\t)\n}\n\nfunc (f *leaseInformer) defaultInformer(client kubernetes.", "Interface, resyncPeriod time.", "Duration) cache.", "SharedIndexInformer {\n\treturn NewFilteredLeaseInformer(client, f.namespace, resyncPeriod, cache.", "Indexers{cache.", "NamespaceIndex: cache.", "MetaNamespaceIndexFunc}, f.tweakListOptions)\n}\n\nfunc (f *leaseInformer) Informer() cache.", "SharedIndexInformer {\n\treturn f.factory.", "InformerFor(&coordinationv1beta1.Lease{}, f.defaultInformer)\n}\n\nfunc (f *leaseInformer) Lister() v1beta1.LeaseLister {\n\treturn v1beta1.NewLeaseLister(f.", "Informer().GetIndexer())\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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