Shanon: Bt what did he do?! Sid: Kinda long story... Shanon: Got time ;) Oliver: It started in the morning. He was all furious and red in the face. Victor: Bt not like he was drunk or hung over. Just mad. Sid: And his eyes... He was like on a killer-spree! Shanon: Start's off like a horror story! Sid: Kinda is. Oliver: Lol Victor: So, he came to school and picked a fight with the security guy. Shanon: Mr. Mathews? He's always so nice! Hope nothing happened to him? Sid: He's fine. Don't worry. Shanon: What did they argue about? Oliver: No one rly knows. Something about the wife. Shanon: Who cheated on who? ;) Victor: How did u know? Shanon: Girls know such things! Oh, and I'm also talking to Nicole OTP.
He has a fight with a school security guard, Mr. Mathews. Shanon guesses it was about cheating.
Cindy: <file_photo> Naomi: Wowwwwww! for the party? Cindy: yes Naomi: you look great! Christy: nice dress Cindy: Im not sure to be honest Cindy: Isnt it too short? Cindy: <file_photo> Christy: looks perfect Christy: you have nice legs, show them! Naomi: totally agree Naomi: and the color's great, red really suits your dark hair Cindy: Thanks ladies Cindy: and what shoes do you think? Stilettos or ballerinas? Christy: Stilettos! Come on! Christy: dont even dare to think of ballerinas! Cindy: OK :D Naomi: I agree Naomi: with stilettos you look very sexy Cindy: thanks Ladies! Naomi: Good luck and have fun! :* Cindy: Thanks! :* Christy: :*
Cindy sends Christy and Naomi a picture of herself dressed for the party. Naomi and Christy think Cindy looks great. They advise Cindy to wear stilettos instead of ballerinas.
Michael: Hey honey, would you mind taking our dog to the vet today? Michael: something came up and I can't make it Therese: Oh yeah, no problem :) Michael: You're the best!
Therese will take the dog to the vet, as Micheal can't make it.
Melissa: What size are you? Alex: I'm S/M Melissa: It's OK! Perfect! Alex: :) Melissa: Could u come tomorrow at 12:45, to Academy. Please call me when ur there. Alex: Sure, what kind of clothes is this? This is for your exams, right? I will wear nude underwear, is it OK? Melissa: I pay 100, is it OK for U? it is only one hour and u just need to stand and present the collection. Alex: (Y) Melissa: <file_photo> This is for my graduation project Alex: I am happy to help Melissa: Thank u! Do u have maybe other friends who could help?. I'd need 2 more people. Alex: I think I've got someone who could help. She is the same shape as me, I'll ask her. what about hair&make up? Melissa: don't need too much make-up, I'll do the hair, OK? Alex: Cool
Alex will present Melissa's collection tomorrow at 12:45. It's for her graduation project. She shouldn't wear too much make-up and Melissa will do the hair.
Erin: I've just gone into your room and it is absolutely disgusting! John: Mum! Erin: Don't mum me! It is my house and I am not putting up with it being a pig sty! John: Yeah, but... Erin: You're grounded unless you clean it up tonight. Pronto! John: But I'm over at Alex's place tonight! Erin: I don't care! You heard me! John: OK! I heard you. Erin: Well? John: I'll do it tonight. I promise!
John's room is messy. Erin demands that John clean it up tonight or he'll be grounded. John is going to Alex's place tonight, but agrees to clean the room.
Mike: How's California? :) Ana: So far so good! I went to my first science event at Berkeley yesterday! Mike: Wow :D how was it? Ana: fantastic! I finally feel a sense of purpose of some sort. Just have to find a way to make it work in the long run... Mike: I'm sure you will. Where are you staying? Ana: Miracle Mile. by the Grove Mike: Cool! How's that article coming along? Ana: Oh, it's fine, I just need to obtain references for my masters application so I figured it might help... Mike: I see. It's really great that you're so driven! Ana: I try :) Mike: So what are you gonna study? Ana: Psychology next year, hopefully. I still need to find another professor to write me a recommendation though. Mike: Well, I'm sure you will. I remember doing that neuroscience course with you, you were the favourite of all the lecturers :) Ana: I guess... it's easy to be good when you're passionate about something. I'm actually planning to focus on cognitive psychology. Mike: Have you read "How the mind works" by Pinker? Ana: I have, he has a great understanding of evolutionary psychology, such a fantastic mind. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to go to his lecture... Mike: and he's definitely less annoying than Chomsky! Ana: That's true... Especially since Chomsky's gone so political
Ana is at Berkley in California. She's staying at Miracle Mile. She wants to study cognitive psychology and needs a professor to support her application. She admires Pinker. Neither her nor Mike are fans or Chomsky.
Eve: Hey, you asked me to recommend some probiotics Eve: <photo> Eve: I use these Eve: or <photo> Maya: Great, thanks a lot, Eve Sonia: Yes, thank you Sonia: How long do I need to take them? Eve: about 3 months Eve: a real immune boost, believe me Sonia: Ok, can you order one the cheaper one for me? Eve: I am going to order tomorrow so you still have time to think about it Maya: I will, thanks Eve: I'll speak to you tomorrow :)
Eve recommneds Maya and Sonia her probiotics. They need to be taken for 3 months. Eve will be ordering them tomorrow.
Rebecca: <file_photo> Rebecca: I finally ate this candy today when I got really stressed out from my work. ┐('~`;)┌ Rebecca: It was nice, thank you. ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ Abigile: I know!! Didn’t it taste sharp? Some people don’t like it for that reason. Rebecca: ( ^^)( ^^) Abigile: When are you coming again? Abigile: I already found some nice restaurants. It would be really awesome if you join with me. Abigile:( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )
Rebecca are candy today. Abigile found some restaurants for her and Rebecca to eat at.
Carter: a pretty good standup this weekend Talbot: oh cool im in. where Carter: at Chariot's. Sat and Sun Talbot: i can do Sat not sure about Fri Barton: dunno how you like standup Ulf: i dont even understand half of it lol Barton: yeah Ulf you make me laugh more than these pranksters Carter: why? some of them are really clever and all Talbot: Carts right. just depends what you like Barton: perhaps ur right. Ulf: german standup. that would be funny Carter: well frankly i cant imagine that Talbot: yeah me neither Barton: anyway im not going. ulf lets meet up and drink some beer Ulf: sounds really interesting Carter: good so we all get what we like Talbot: hell yeah. what time shows end? Carter: l8. prbbly midnite or l8r Talbot: too late to joins the boys ye? Carter: well see mate well see
Carter and Talbot are going to see some standup on Saturday. Ulf and Barton don't like it, so they're meeting for a beer instead.
Caroline: I don't feel like going out tonight Victoria: ok, let's meet some other day;) Caroline: Sunday? Victoria: hmm.. I'll call u once I get to know my schedule,ok? Caroline: kk no stress;-)
Caroline doesn't feel like going out tonight. Victoria will check her schedule and confirm whether they can meet on Sunday.
Karen: Is there a band downtown this weekend? Rick: No idea. I can call if you want. Karen: Sure! See if they have a schedule on their website. Rick: I don't see one but maybe they Tweet it? Karen: Never seen them Tweet at all. Rick: Okay, let me call. Karen: Thanks. Let me know.
Rick will check for Karen if there is a band playing downtown this weekend.
Betty: Are you going to the Chistnas Party? Freda: No, I don't think so - it's too cold! Betty: What's that got to do with it? Freda: It's cold so I would rather stay inside!! HAHA!! Betty: Go on, you should come. It will be fun! Freda: I am not keen on most of the people at work so why spend time with them when I don't have to!! Betty: Because it would be fun! Freda: Really! Betty: Yes outside work people are different! Freda: There may not be any tickets left Betty: There are!! I checked Betty: Shall I get you one? Freda: I have nothing to wear! Betty: Yes you have!! Go on buy a ticket - it will be fun! Freda: Ok, you have persuaded me! Let's hope you are right! Betty: Yeah!!!!
Freda is going to the Christmas Party.
Tim: Happy birthday mate! Jim: Thanks. :-) Jim: You coming to the party? Tim: I'd love to but I have responsibilities.. Meh! Jim: Stuck babysitting your little sister again? Tim: How did you guess? LOL Jim: Cause you're always bailing out on events lately and it is always your little sister... Tim: Hehe... Tim: If I don't babysit her my parents will kill me. Jim: How old is she again? 12? Tim: 13 Jim: Old enough to stay home alone then. Tim: That's not what my folks think or say. Jim: But your folks are dicks. Tim: Yeah I know. I can't wait to finally have enough cash to move out of home. Jim: Do it! Jim: It's not easy but at least you have your freedom. Tim: I don't have the money though. Jim: You can always move in with us.
It's Jim's birthday. Tim is not coming to the party as he has to babysit hist 13-year-old little sister. Tim is missing events lately, because he has to do this. Tim's parents don't think Tim's sister is old enough to stay home alone. Tim would move out, but doesn't have the money.
Sara: Hej Debs, how's life? Deborah: can't complain, you? :) Sara: good good Deborah: when are we gonna meet up? Sara: soon I hope! Deborah: you free next week? Sara: I'm in Rome, business trip Deborah: Woah, business trip to Rome, sounds exciting Sara: not really :( I spend most of my time in stuffy conference rooms when I go abroad workwise Deborah: still, try to take a stroll at night Sara: I will, I haven't been to Rome in 10 years Deborah: :) Sara: but the week after that? Deborah: Deal!
Sara is in Rome for a business trip next week. She will meet Deborah in 2 weeks.
Julia: What are you and Patrick up to tonight? Maria: I have this wonderful plan to go to bed at 9 Julia: Seriously? Maria: Why? Julia: It's Halloween! It's girls dressing dirty not worrying about it and boys looking good in Han Solo costumes Maria: 9 still sounds good Julia: Loser. Maria: <3
Maria and Patrick are going to bed at 9. It's Halloween.
Hazel: hey Jason: Hi Hazel Jason: I texted Marc Jason: he is going to replace you today Hazel: Aw thanks a lot for your help Hazel: I have to go see my mother today Jason: That's fine Jason: Let us know if you're going to be on Tuesday so that I can find a replacement for you Hazel: Thank you Hazel: I will probably let you know by tomorrow 3pm Jason: No worries Jason: Take care Hazel: Thank you!
Jason has texted Marc, who is going to replace Hazel today, as she has to go see her mother. By tomorrow 3 p.m. she will let Jason know if she's going to come on Tuesday.
Jim: Hello, Ronnie. How can I help you? Ronnie: Hi! I need some help with my phone. Jim: Sure thing. What seems to be the matter? Ronnie: Well, the battery drain is really bad. Jim: Can you describe the issue further? Ronnie: For the first 2 weeks it was fine but now the batter doesn't last for more than 4 hours on full charge. Jim: OK. Can you send me the battery usage data? Ronnie: Sure. <file_photo> Jim: I see you're using antivirus software? Ronnie: Yeah. Installed it some time ago. Jim: Have you tried changing its settings? Ronnie: How? Jim: Go into Settings, Device maintenance, Apps, Antivirus and settings. Check frequency settings. Ronnie: It's on high. Jim: That's probably the issue. Try changing it to lower settings. This should help. Ronnie: Thank you! Jim: No problem, you're welcome. Can I assist you any further? Ronnie: No, thank you.
The battery drain in Ronnie's phone is bad. Jim advises to change frequency settings to lower.
Amy: <file_photo> Amy: look what I did :((( Katie: OMG how?? Julia: :O Julia: shit! Amy: I was just carrying it to the bedroom and I slipped and... :((( Katie: noooo Katie: does it still work though? Amy: doesn't turn on :(( Katie: shit... Julia: RIP macbook pro 05.10.2015-09.10.2015 Amy: ... Julia: sorry :< Julia: looks really destroyed :( Katie: yeah... Amy: thanks :(((
Amy accidentally destroyed her new MacBook.
Will: i'm trying to study for my exam but i can't pay attention Judy: why? Will: my roommate is playing music, the dog next door won't stop barking Will: my phone keeps on ringing Will: I have a stomachache Will: shall i continue? Judy: why don't you come to my place to study? Judy: i'm going out and this place is unbelievable quiet Will: i'm taking you up on the offer Judy: you'll be able to concentrate :-) Will: thanks so much!
Will's trying to study but it's impossible. His roommate is playing music, the dog next door is barking, his phone keeps ringing and he has a stomachache. Judy's place is quiet and, as she's going out, she offers Will to come there to study. He accepts.
Patrick: Hey Deb, I'm gonna be late, sorry! :( Debra: No, not again! :( Debra: <file_gif> Patrick: there's nothing I can do, see u in the evening Debra: <file_gif>
Patrick will be late for a meeting with Debra. He is often late for their meetings.
Chris: Have you seen the 100? Dorothy: Nope, what is it? Chris: It's a postapocaliptic TV series. Dorothy: I haven't even heard about it, is it any good? Chris: You bet! I love it! Dorothy: Oh, maybe I'll try it then. Is it on netflix? Chris: Yep. It's the same director as Gossip Girl and Vampire Diaries. Dorothy: Oh, then I'll definitely watch it!
Chris loves "The 100" but Dorothy has not seen it yet. "The 100" is a postapocaliptic TV series made by "Vampire Diaries" and "Gossip Girl" director. Dorothy will watch it.
Imelda: Do you think they will ever figure out who wrote that nasty note on the office fridge? Deacon: I think they will. You don't think a company this size doesn't have some cameras around, do you? Imelda: I never thought of that. Deacon: Yeah, besides, having a fridge thief is bad for morale. Imelda: People will just start going out for lunch more, not leaving things here, if it's going to get stolen anyway. Deacon: Yes, or get their own mini fridge for their desk and use company electricity to run it 24/7. Imelda: Good point. Deacon: I feel like management will deal with this somehow. Meanwhile, I'm marking my food. Imelda: Not sure that will do any good! Deacon: It's something, especially if they get caught with a container that doesn't have their name on it! Imelda: They will just empty it out quick so they don't get caught. Deacon: True. Maybe we should try a trap! Some ex-lax brownies to out the thief! Imelda: Don't like that, it's mean. Deacon: So is stealing someones lunch!
Someone is stealing food from the common fridge. Deacon believes the management is going to solve the problem and started marking his food as a precaution.
Nick: Death on two legs George: What? Nick: You're tearing me apart George: What are you talking about? Nick: Death on two legs George: ... Nick: You've never had a heart George: Googled it up, it's a Queen song. So what? Nick: You're a bloody bastard :P George: Oh, bugger off, mate Nick: I'm the one who was supposed to hit on Tatiana last night George: Well, sorry, things turned out the way they turned out :P Nick: Sod off :P George: Right, have a nice day Timothy: Why are you guys writing this crap on our group chat? Nick: Oh George: XD Nick: Sorry, Tim
Nick is angry with George as George picked up Tatiana last night.
Ryan: I lost my new gloves Jeremy: Er, what? Ryan: I bought a new pair of gloves today but then I went to the ATM outside my bank, put the gloves on it and then forgot to take them Jeremy: Wtf Ryan: I went back to the bank later but they were no longer there, I guess someone's hands were cold and he or she took them Jeremy: Was the bank still open? Ryan: Nope, it was closed Jeremy: Why don't you go there again tomorrow? Maybe one of the clerks found them after work and put them somewhere safe inside the bank Ryan: I hadn't thought of that, thanks! I'll try Jeremy: No problem
Ryan lost his gloves at an ATM. When he returned for them, they were gone. Jeremy suggested that a bank employee may have found them.
June: How was the party? Chris: What party? June: Halloween party at Luke's! Chris: Ur not here? June: Hasn't it ended yet? Chris: Shit! That's not my bed! June: Lol. Must've been hell of a party then ;) Chris: Jeez, I don't recognize Luke's house June: Was it rly that bad? Chris: I mean I LITERALLY don't recognize his house. Different ppl in the pictures. June: Where the hell are u? Chris: Idk. Try to find out. W8. June: So? Any luck? Chris: Yup. Needed to catch my breath. June: Y? Chris: Turned out I was sleeping in the neighbour's house and they have a really huge dog! June: Rotfl. How did u manage that? Chris: Got wasted. Don't remember much. Remember a bird though. June: What bird? Like a hummingbird? Chris: Bird like a girl. I remember her coming with me, but that's it. June: Maybe she wasn't that drunk and left? Chris: Or the dog ate her. It's like a horse! June: Ur exaggerating! Chris: <file_photo> Orly? June: That's one big dog! Chris: I know! I barely made out alive! June: Well, probably shouldn't have been trespassing ;) Chris: How do u know I was trespassing? June: Well, the neighbours didn't invite u to their house and asked u to sleep there, did they? Chris: Probably not.
Chris attended a Halloween party at Luke's. He has just woken up in the neighbour's house. Chris probably trespassed on their property.
Jennifer: Are you invited to Patty's birthday party? Jessica: YAA Jennifer: OMG awesome! We'll have so much fun! Jessica: Wanna buy a gift together? Jennifer: Let's go shopping tomorrow I want it to be something out of ordinary 😊 Jessica: I'm free after 5 Jennifer: Let's first get a coffe and brainstorm Jessica: At Mandy's at 6? Jennifer: As always 😗
Jennifer and Jessica are both going to Patty's birthday party. They will meet at 6 at Mandy's tomorrow to buy a gift together.
Carlos: PICK UP YOUR PHONE!!! Tim: Geez! What's wrong?! Carlos: Pick up! we HAVE to talk!
Carlos needs to talk to Tim on the phone.
Jason: What time are we departing tomorrow? Miriam: 8 am Abigail: Yes!
Jason, Miriam and Abigail are departing at 8 am tomorrow.
Henry: Are you coming to the pub with us tonight? Dorothy: Where are you going? Henry: don't know, i'll ask Henry: Apparently the Irish pub. Dorothy: meh Henry: C'mon, it's gonna be fun! Henry: And if u don't like the pub, I can suggest some other place to the guys? Dorothy: I don't know Henry: Where'd u like to go? Dorothy: don't know. Don't want to go out at all... Henry: Okey, fine. If u change your mind, u know where to fine us. Okey? Dorothy: fine
Henry is going to the Irish pub with others tonight. Dorothy doesn't want to go out.
John: I've got next Monday off, and that would mean I can come up on Sunday evening if that's any good for you. That might change but fingers crossed it stays that way Wendy: I was just thinking about you.. sat on my swing chair in the garden thinking you would really enjoy an evening here with a few bottles of wine and a decent steak on the barbi so yes Sunday would be great I can take Monday off as well xxx John: If I wasn't working tomorrow I would be on my way now, I haven't had a good steak for a long time x x Wendy: Me either... well you know its open invite here xx
John most probably won't be working next Monday, so he can come to Wendy's place Sunday evening. Wendy can also take Monday off in that case.
Christian: Pizza tonight? Robert: NICE!! Christian: Hawaii? Robert: always!
Christian and Robert will have hawaiian pizza tonight.
Pearl: That's it! I'm buying a new car! Doug: It's about time. Pearl: My old hooptie is done for.
Pearl is buying a new car.
Darcey: Can you tell I didn't have anything to eat today? I'm so skinny! Ethan: I wish you wouldn't do that. You're going to pass out! Darcey: I will not! I have fat to live on. Ethan: You realize you're just making your body go into starvation? You'll just store more fat. Darcey: That's not true! Ethan: It is. I read it. Darcey: I lost 5 whole pounds last week. So there! Ethan: It may work temporarily but it isn't safe. Darcey: I might go Keto. But it sounds gross. Ethan: Better than starving yourself. Darcey: Maybe. Ethan: I'm not kidding, you're just going to make it worse. Darcey: I will not! Ethan: Fine. I hate arguing with you. Darcey: Coward! Ethan: I think you look good the way you are. You are not fat! Darcey: Thanks, but I am fat! Ethan: You are so frustrating! Darcey: And fat! LOL! Ethan: Not fat!
Darcey is trying to lose weight and he didn't eat anything today. Ethan is concerned about him starving.
Nick: check this out!! Nick: <file_photo> Mark: Cool! How did you get it?? Nick: It's my b-day present from Ann Mark: She must love you like crazy :D Nick: nice, huh? Mark: Will you take me for a ride?? Nick: sure :D Nick: <file_gif> Mark: I'm so jealous, man!!
Nick got a cool birthday present from Ann. He will take Mark for a ride.
Ken: Do you use endomondo? Martha: Yeah, everyday, you installed too? :) Ken: I did, I started running and wanted to track my progress Martha: And? Ken: It doesn't work properly I think or maybe there's something wrong with my phone. Ken: I went for a jog, turned it on and I'm sure I wasn't running for more than an hour. I checked it for my results and it was off Martha: Hm, weird... Ken: I know, I wasn't using my phone at all, just had it with me while I was jogging Martha: Did you have any notification? Ken: No, the battery was almost depleted though Martha: Eh, it happens in certain models, unfortunately. It works fine with mine, but my friend had a similar issue. Maybe your phone's battery or processor, I don't really know, is too weak for it Ken: Maybe, but that's weird, it's just a fitness app
Ken has installed an app for running but it is not working properly on his phone.
Richard: Wow, exchange babies for dance... definitely broody ))) Danie: Babies have always been at the top spot, just need to find/create the right circumstance for that to occur... Dancing is easier to organise lol Richard: I've no doubt! - if you're fussy on the father :p Irene: Babies are great!!!! Listen to your body...maybe it is time to start thinking about becoming a mama Danie: Not quite that simple lol. Laura: I know that feeling. I tried for 7 years to have Gabriel. If I had not been with kwadwo I would have done ivf with a donor. Time is precious when it comes to fertility. Laura: hope you get what you want soon Irene: Danie it never is Danie: Street Thank you 😘
It took Laura 7 years to get pregnant with Gabriel.
Alice: So... You seen the first episode of the new season of House of Cards? Bob: It's out already? Alice: OMG, you didn't know?? Come on, Bob! Bob: Been kinda busy with school lately Alice: Man, that sucks... Actually me too, but you know me LOL Bob: Alice... Alice: I mean, we work so hard all the time already Bob: Don't you have exams coming up soon? Alice: Yeah but! Uhh, I don't wanna think about that! Bob: Right, sorry Alice: It's fine, let's just talk about something else Bob: Sure, let's. Was the episode good? Alice: It wasn't bad, but... Bob: No spoilers! Alice: Oh jeez, you know I wouldn't spoil it for you!
Bob hasn't seen new "House of Cards" episode, because he is busy with school.
Dee: Finish at 5.30pm r u on your own shall I pop round for coffee xxx Caron: Hiya yes if you like.. mum may turn up while your here xx but we are going to take the boys out for dinner later.. come with us if you like.. but yes a coffee is good xx Dee: Your alright I'll catch up with you another time if your going out no worries xxx Caron: Ok hun xx Dee: Hi Caron I've got raeya tonight so won't be over sorry I should of text you earlier xx Caron: Don't worry I'm painting xx Dee: 😁😁👍 Dee: Morning was going to pop round for coffee b4 I clean my nans house if your in xxx Caron: Of course I'm in lol Dee: 👍👍 Dee: I'm coming over straight from work what's for tea lol xxx Caron: We'll get takeout xx Dee: 👍👍👍 Dee: Make a decision for me do you want to go out if so chelt or glos no probs if you don't I need you to say yes or no xxxxx Caron: Dressy or casual? Caron: Lennon will look in on dog.. I will come home tho... just waiting to see if he will bring me over Dee: Ok smart casual wearing culottes and top Sandals xx Caron: Ok I'll let u know what time I'll be over Caron: I'll be over 8 ish x Dee: 👍👍
Dee is trying to visit Caron, but due unfavorable circumstances both of them decide not to do it several times. Finally, they decide to go out dressed in a smart casual way. Caron will be at Dee's place around 8.
George: I'm going to the sauna Barbie: I just came back Tom: Are there many people? Barbie: I was there alone :-)
Barbie just came back from the sauna. She was there alone. George is going there now.
Logan: did you hear Derek has a new girlfriend?? Gilbert: wtf man I'm shook Gilbert: did you see her? is she pretty? Logan: yea Logan: I mean yes to both Gilbert: dang Gilbert: didn't expect that at all Gilbert: wasn't he heartbroken after Jill dumped him 1 month ago? Logan: I was surprised too, feels kinda fast haha Gilbert: guess he started dating her on the rebound Logan: with a girl like this, I'm p sure he'll forget Jill soon, I mean lbr she was kinda a bitch lol? Gilbert: yeah...... I'm surprised he didn't chuck her first, oh well
Derek was dumped by his girlfriend Jill one month ago and now he has a new pretty girlfriend.
Gil: movie saturday morning? Eva: yessss Gil: which one? you're the one with the app Eva: lazy guy Gil: darling i love u Eva: Dragons 3 or Creed 2? Gil: you choose Gil: my dad wants to invite us for lunch Eva: how scaring! Gil: he's cool Eva: but i'm stressed Gil: i was too when i met your mum Eva: did you? too funny! Eva: and your mum? Gil: she's nice too Eva: no, i mean she'll come also? Gil: yes but don't panic. I'm here Eva: sure.. lol
Gil and Eva are going to see a movie on Saturday morning. Gil's dad invites them for lunch. Gil's mum will be there too. Eva is stressed.
Paula: Fuck this shit! Stan: What's wrong? Paula: I really want to get home Paula: And I'm stuck in this fucking traffic jam Paula: Because some idiot in BMW in a car faster than his brain just drove right into a tree Paula: And the whole road is blocked. Paula: I will never get out ;( Stan: Chill out. You have no power here. Sometimes you have to just embrace hard reality and just get through it. Stan: When you get home, the warm dinner will wait for you in company of our 2 furry life companions. Paula: You can give them food, so they won't moan at you. Stan: Noo. We will all wait for you. Stan: They are used to the fact, that they get food, when You get home from work. They don't use the clock. Paula: I'm afraid that I will be at home in more than 1 hour. Stan: Easy. Just make sure that You don't cause accident. Paula: For now, I can't even drive 3 meters so unless I go and hit my head against a car it won't happen :( Stan: Calm down, play some nice track or audiobook and just get through it. Stan: We're all waiting for you :) Paula: Thanks <3
Paula is stuck in the traffic jam. Stan tries to comfort her. Paula asks Stan to feed the pets, but he refuses. Paula will get home in more than an hour.
Amka: Have you ever been to Erasmus? Amka: and how are you spending Halloween? Mick: I've never done any student exchanges before. Mick: That sounds like a lot of fun. Mick: It's good you're doing a lot of this. Mick: T'll make your CV 10x better. Mick: Im'm gonna go to da club with my friends for Halloween loool Amka: I propably won't dress up. Mick: There was a plan for me to go to London for Halloween Mick: with my grandparents Mick: But my grandma is having some health issues Mick: and the plan does'nt exist anymore Amka: :( Amka: Aaahhh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she's feeling better <file_gif> Amka: What are your plans now? Amka: Just gonna stay in? Mick: Yeah Mick: nothing special <file_gif> Amka: Fair enough I never used to do anything for Halloween. Mick: in Poland we actually don't celebrate Halloween and don't do all this dressing up, pumpking curving and so on. Mick: on November 1st we just go to the cementary with our families and after that spend time together. Amka: I like it.
Mick's never done any student exchange before, but Amka did. Mick had a plan to go to London for Halloween, but he's not going because of his grandma's health problems. Amka will stay in as well. Mick tells Amka about Halloween in Poland.
Kate: Charger anyone? URGENT Jim: iPhone? Kate: No Sara: I have one with normal usb Sara: meet u in the kitchen
Sara will lend Kate a charger.
Peter: What are you taking? Nathan: Oh, I've got some old backpack that isn't too bad Nathan: it's a lowe alpine so they have a life long warranty Peter: It's the same with Gregory Peter: high five! Nathan: <file_gif> Peter: Oh, I can't wait!! Nathan: Yeah, me neither... Nathan: <file_gif>
Nathan is taking a lowe alpine.
Ivy: Hey guys. How did it go? William: Hey Ivy! Quite well I must say. William: But I don’t want to speak for the others! Ted: Hey Ivy! 🤗 Yeah, it was good. I wasn’t expecting so much relevant info actually Ivy: Lol Raul: Ha ha ha. Yer, It was cool. I got excited about some info and published it on Twitter. Virtually no RTs but still… it will be there awaiting some interest from future generations 😂 Ivy: Oh lol, wait, I’ll retweet everything asap Raul: Ha ha please do 🙏 William: To be fair I quite liked the idea of live tweeting. It might work better on bigger events but it was a good start. So thanks for that Raul Raul: The pleasure is mine 💙 Raul: It’s actually fun to learn how to use Twitter, which I’d probs never do if not for the committee work Ivy: 🤣 Good for you Raul: 🤡 William: On a different note, I have no idea what the guy from Queen Mary was doing there. His stuff seemed to be SO unrelated to the subject… Raul: Live tweeting made me focus on what he was saying so I can tell you there were a few bits of info that he gave that were relevant (in my view) Raul: But what happens is that their collection is very specific, so if you’re not working on the few subjects they specialise in, they’re basically useless William: Ahhh ok. You’re right!
William, Ted and Raul really liked the event. There was a lot of relevant info. Raul was live tweeting. Ivy's going to retweet everything.
Laurent: Should we go through Marseille or directly to Nice? Simon: we don't have time for the city Jean: yes, let's go to nice, I'll follow you
Laurent, Simon and Jean will go directly to Nice.
Jessica: I had a fight with Mark :/ Fiona: Oh dear... again? Jessica: Can I stay at your place? I don't want to go back to the flat Fiona: Are you outside?! John: That must have been a true drama that you ended up on a street Jessica: I couldn't bear to look at him Fiona: My sister's staying with me today so I'm afraid I don't have a spare bed Fiona: I'm sorry love :( unless you want to sleep on a sofa Jessica: I don't mind really, I just don't want to go back John: Nonsense, you won't be sleeping on a sofa. I have a spare bed Jessica: thank you so much Johnnie! <3 John: Do you have anything with you? Jessica: No, I stormed out, wasn't thinking about taking anything... Jessica: He's probably seeing that bitch again, what was I supposed to do? John: ok, ok no questions asked Fiona: Thanks John, my sister's leaving tomorrow so you can come tomorrow Jess
Jessica had a fight with Mark. Fiona does not have a spare bed for her because her sister is staying with her. Jessica will sleep at John's place.
Sam: I have a real writers block with these dialogues. Warren: Yeah. They're not easy. Sam: Maybe not so much that they're hard, cause they're not. Sam: But having to think up 50 dialogues per week is difficult. Sam: I mean how many times can you think up new situations before you start repeating yourself? Warren: True. I kinda ran out of ideas after the 7th one. Sam: My ones just keep on getting more and bizarre. Warren: Maybe that's what they expect you to do. Sam: write bizarre dialogues or repeat myself? Warren: Both I guess. Warren: The brief didn't really specify other than 'everyday dialogues' whatever that's supposed to mean. Sam: But 'every day conversation' is going to be different for everyone. Sam: It would depend on their background, age, life situation etc. Warren: Maybe you're overthinking it... Sam: Probably. Sam: People keep on saying that I overthink everything. Sam: But I think what they really mean is that they don't think and don't like if someone else does it. Warren: LOL... Like I said you're overthinking! Sam: You're probably right. Better get back to writing. Only have another 5 to go for this week's quota. Warren: Good luck! :-)
Sam and Warren find it difficult to write 50 dialogues per week.
Rhys: the function saving the pic..(~_~)(~_~)(~_~) Rhys: how can I save the pic from others?( ̄ー ̄) Ronald: What? Ronald: Saving what? Ronald: <file_photo> Ronald: Like this? Rhys: yeah like that, saving our conversations as photo file.( ̄ー ̄) Ronald: What is the model number of your mobile? Ronald: It differs a bit to keep the screen shots from brand to brand how to. Rhys: its samsung Galaxy S9. (´・ω・`) Ronald: You have such a good model but don't use it even half of the what it can do for you. Wait.
Rhys asked Ronald how he can save a screenshot of a conversation in his Samsung Galaxy S9.
Lilly: HII does David wear a medium still? like for a hoodie lol. starting to look for Christmas Susanna: hey sorry! I forgot to write you back! Edd id say small oh man Christmas its to soon! haha Lilly: its ok! ugh I know its coming up so fast lol Susanna: I haven't even thought about it but it will be here tomorrow haha Lilly: right! Susanna: tho when I come back for Christmas I wanna get a tattoo Lilly: OMG YES what ya want? Susanna: I want a elephant but very simple Lilly: ohh right you told me this, I love it where? Susanna: on my back but more on my shoulder Lilly: OMG yes I love, thats where my wave is but a little higher Susanna: yeah I think its cute too! I think its a nice spot Lilly: depends on how big too Susanna: right and I want it on the smaller side, so not so big
Susanna will get an elephant tattoo on her shoulder when she comes back.
Sienna: what's the code again? Jasmine: 4543 Sienna: I'll remember it someday... Jasmine: I'll probably move to another place by then :P Sienna: very funny ;)
Jasmine reminds Sienna what the door code is again.
Matt: Do you want to go for date? Agnes: Wow! You caught me out with this question Matt. Matt: Why? Agnes: I simply didn't expect this from you. Matt: Well, expect the unexpected. Agnes: Can I think about it? Matt: What is there to think about? Agnes: Well, I don't really know you. Matt: This is the perfect time to get to know eachother Agnes: Well that's true. Matt: So let's go to the Georgian restaurant in Kazimierz. Agnes: Now your convincing me. Matt: Cool, saturday at 6pm? Agnes: That's fine. Matt: I can pick you up on the way to the restaurant. Agnes: That's really kind of you. Matt: No problem. Agnes: See you on saturday. Matt: Yes, looking forward to it. Agnes: Me too.
Matt invited Agnes for a date on Saturday evening. They are going to Georgian restaurant. He's picking her up.
Ingmar: hi guys I'll be visiting London this week so please give me some recommendations on restaurants and places that locals like Kevin: I'm not going out much but my favorite place is Dino's pizza place at Bottom Alley 50 Miranda: Soho is great but it's expensive as fuck Xiao: Mimi Creperie is mindblowing, especially if you love French sweets Ingmar: cool thx
Ingmar's coming to London and asks for recommendations. Kevin recommends him Dino's pizza, Xiao Mimi Creperie.
Lexie: look up Lexie: Diana Diana: ? Lexie: LOOK UP
Lexie wants Diana to look up.
Andrea: Are you enjoying Florence? Annette: Very much, so beautiful. Annette: <file_photo> Andrea: cute! Tim: We like it here very much, we're even considering to stay a few days longer to see the countryside Andrea: You're more than welcome! Tim: But what about your flatmates? Andrea: They won't come back before 25 of May, so the room is free Tim: Perfect! Andrea: What have you seen today? Annette: Boboli Gardens and Palazzo Pitti, now we're heading to the Uffizi Gallery Andrea: Very good, but be ready to stay a few hours in a queue Annette: What? Andrea: Unfortunately, it's normal in high season Annette: terrible Andrea: If you want to stay longer anyway, it can be better to go there early on Tuesday. Then it can be much easier to get inside Annette: So maybe we will do that... Andrea: now you can join me and go to Santa Croce, it's a beautiful monastery and there is a concert tonight Annette: Sounds good! Andrea: Could you be at 6pm at Santa Croce Square? Annette: Yes! Andrea: ok, so let's meet there!
Annette and Tim could stay in Florence longer than planned. They can stay at Andrea's because his room-mate is away. They are meeting Andrea at Santa Croce square at 6 pm. They will visit the monastery and attend a concert together.
Mom: Hi, Betty, how are you? Betty: Hi, everything's fine and you? Mom: me too Mom: You could call Grandpa from time to time, you know Mom: He's always asking about you. Betty: I know, Mom, it's just I've been so busy. Mom: we're all busy. You don't have to talk long, just check in. Betty: OK, I will. Betty: ;*
Mom wants Betty to call the grandfather from time to time.
Reese: have you been on facebook lately? Nora: not really Nora: why do you ask? Reese: michael keeps posting these political comments Reese: and they are just crazy, some of the almost hateful Nora: that doesn't sound like michael Reese: i know!!! Reese: i'm getting sick of it and i was wondering if i should unfriend him Reese: i want your advice Nora: is it relly that bad? Reese: it is, he'll just pick up fights with random people in the comments section Reese: and his status updates are almost erratic Nora: you're in a tough position Nora: you've known the man since you were children and you've always been close Reese: and we share great memories!!! Reese: but this is not the michael I know Nora: would you consider this is personally affecting your life? Reese: i wouldn't go that far, but i'm amazed by his erratic behaviour Nora: if it's not affecting you personally, then maybe you should not unfriend him Nora: maybe he's just going through a politicate active phase and it'll go away Reese: you're right you're right Reese: he tends to get passionate about things and then abandon them Nora: YES! he has done that before Nora: as i said, don't unfriend him and just wait for him to cool down Reese: thanks for your advice!!
Michael publishes on Facebook terrible political comments and fights with people in comments. Reese has known him since they were little. She will not unfriend him, following Nora's advice.
Violet: have u heard that Mr. Atkinson is in the hospital? Carter: srsly? Carter: what happened? Violet: they suspect a heartstroke Carter: whoa, that's serious Carter: but he seemed so fine when I talked to him yesterday Carter: he was always well shaped and so on Violet: I know, I also find it hard to believe! Carter: perhaps we should send some flowers to the hospital? Violet: we should do it on behalf of the whole team I believe Carter: that's a good idea Violet: I'll fix that Carter: <file_gif> Violet: <file_gif>
Mr. Atkinson is in hospital. They suspect he had a heartstroke. Violet will send flowers to the hospital on behalf of the whole team.
Chad: Are you ready for the exam? Heather: not really Chad: what happened? Heather: my sister had an accident :( Chad: I'm so sorry
Heather's sister had an accident.
Aida: Hey Mom Lydia: Hi sweetie <3 Aida: Did you want whipping cream or sour cream? I forgot XD Lydia: What do you think will taste better on pie? ;) Aida: ok, ok, whipping cream, got it :)
Aida will buy whipping cream on Lydia's request.
Bob: Hi, Madeleine. Madeleine: Hi, Bob, haven't heard from you in a while. Bob: I know, I've been travellng. Madeleine: Really? Where've you been? Bob: Here and there. Mostly Africa. Madeleine: Now, that sounds interesting. Madeleine: And exotic:) Bob: Yeah. Got plenty of stories to tell. Madeleine: You do? Bob: Yep. And I am wondering. Madeleine: Wondering or wandering? Bob: Funny;0. I'm wondering if you'd want to hear a good story? Madeleine: What you suggest? Bob: Dinner my place tomorrow? Madeleine: I don't know. Bob: The story is gonna be good=) Madeleine: It better. Pick me up after work. Bob: I'll be there:)
Bob has been traveling to Africa recently. He will meet with Madeleine for dinner tomorrow to tell her an interesting story.
Fabio: Hello everyone Louis: Hi Chuck: Hi man Fabio: <file_video> Carla: Hi Fabio: Check out this video Chuck: Ok Louis: Oh, I think I know it Carla: Hahaha, I didn't know it but it's good Chuck: I'll watch it later because I'm at work now, that is it about? Carla: It's about the way kids are brought up today, you know, it's all about safety and comfort, while our generation grew up in a wholly different manner Chuck: Ah, it's one of those videos, ok Carla: The "life used to be more authentic" thing, but this one is actually really fun Chuck: Ok, will watch it Fabio: I hope you do ;) Louis: Please do XD
Fabio shares a video which presents the way kids are brought up today in a safe and comfortable way. Carla points out it was different in their generation.
Hank: do you have a football?? Shaw: yes, actually i was just coming to play with you guys Hank: great come on we're waiting Shaw: yea be there in a sec..
Shaw's on his way to play football with Hank who's already waiting.
Rafal: Hello there Rafal: I have enclosed a grammar test and a business vocabulary worksheet Pat: Thank you, Rafal John: What's the deadline? Rafal: Next Monday John: Great, thanks!
Rafal has sent others a grammar test and a business vocabulary worksheet. The deadline is next Monday.
Jake: How's Dublin? Mike: it's been raining the entire time... Dora: Yeah, but it's supposed to be nice tomorrow so we're planning to walk around Jake: that sucks! why don't you just go bar hopping then? Mike: there aren't any bars here Jake: there's no way there are no bars in Dublin! Dora: yeah, we're in a weird part of the city, nothing is walking distance really Jake: sorry to hear guys :( but there's gotta be something, any escape rooms? the guiness factory? some whsiky tastings? don't have to go hiking, jut drinking! Dora: we've been pretty much tanked since we got here because of that ridiculous weather, what can you do... Mike: we re going to the concert tomorrow but that's inside too, i guess we won't get to see any of actual Dublin Jake: but I'm sure you're having fun anyway, right? Dora: haha, yeah we are! we might do the escape room later tonight, just gotta sober up a bit haha
Mike and Dora went to Dublin. It's raining all the time. They might do the escape room later tonight. They're going to the concert tomorrow.
Jim: Hi guys Derek: Hi Andy: Hi, man Jim: Have you watched Infinity War already? Andy: Sure, incredible movie Derek: I agree, fantastic
"Infinity War" is a great film.
Teresa: I'm not sure what has happened in my life Teresa: But If today's Me would travel back in time to my 18 year old self and told her that in 10 years I would have such a great home, loving boyfriend, two giant mainecoon cats and well paid job, I'm sure she wouldn't believe me. Sarah: Hahaha. Sarah: Life can be full of surprises. Sarah: I'm happy for you sis. Sarah: Joy of life is one of the most satisfying things you can ever feel. Sarah: Be thankful for that situation and appreciate it. Many don't have this privilige of being happy. Teresa: Yeah I know. This joy is giving me motivation to be a better person. I love it. Sarah: Glad to hear that.
Teresa enjoys her life and wants to be a better person. Sarah is happy for her sister Teresa.
Kate: I talked to my boss today Tom: and? Kate: I changed my working hours to 11-19! Kate: Finally I can sleep :D Tom: Great! Tom: Can u talk to my boss as well? :D Kate: haha, I can try, you know I'm sometimes very convincing... Tom: no doubt :D Tom: let's celebrate it then! Kate: any idea? Tom: tonite, Viva Italia, 9pm Kate: hmm.. yummy.. Kate: I'm in! Tom: cu :* Kate: :*
Kate talked to her boss today and changed her working hours to 11-19. She will celebrate it with Tom tonight at Viva Italia at 9 p.m.
Art: Did you follow the G20? Robert: unfortunately yes Alexis: in times like these I'm painfully remained that this guy is an embarrassment not just in the US Art: but you gotta admit that he's fun xD Robert: He's the president, he's supposed to be not fun Art: but he is and this is the least we can get out of this nightmarish presidency Art: you saw his face when Putin and MBS did the buddy handshake? Alexis: or that time he left the president of Argentina standing there alone. Art: every time he goes abroad there are those priceless moments :D Alexis: at least you are thinking this way, I'm dying inside Robert: I envy your optimism my friend. Art: It's not optimism it's more like... apocalyptic humor :P Robert: Either way, lend me some of it. Alexis: me too Art: You guys should just watch more late night shows that's the recipe.
Discussing the G20 forum Art claims to have fun out of the situations the US President finds himself in. Robert and Alexis don't share Art's attitude and are embarrassed by the president's behaviours.
Martha: Hello, Jill. Jill: Hi, Martha. Martha: I hear you are into orchids? Jill: I've got a few. Why? Martha: I got an orchid for my birthday. Martha: What do I do? Jill: Don't panic:) I'll email you some links in a moment:)
Martha got an orchid for her birthday. Jill will e-mail her some links.
Madison: Hey Will, what are you and Trina doing on Saturday? William: We wanted to go for a walk and see the illumination Madison: Oooh, it's this Saturday?? William: Yes, wanna come too? Madison: I was just about to propose a movie night but we could do both William: Sounds great, double date? Madison: Triple date, Josh and Hannah are free too, is that all right? William: Sure, the more the merrier :) Madison: What time do you wanna meet? William: 5? It's dark at 4 already but 5 might be better Madison: Great I will let everyone know William: <file_photo> Madison: woow, is that from last year? William: Yep. I love the illumination
William and Trina are going to see the illumination on Saturday. Madison will join them with a partner and so will Josh and Hannah. They will meet at 5.
Edward: how’s your back today? Max: it seems to get worse! Edward: what did your doctor say? Max: not much.. less sitting at your desk, more walking and swimming, when in pain take painkillers Edward: have you tried that? Max: it seems useless to me! i won’t stop working at my desk, i hate walking and i can’t swim! Edward: but you can’t keep taking painkillers constantly! You have to do something! Most physical activities will do! Max: i guess you’re right! Edward: why don’t you try cycling? It is supposed to be good for back pain. Max: yeah, i’ll give it a go. Thanks!
Max's back pain is getting worse. He will not follow doctor's advice to sit less at his desk, walk more or take up swimming. He will keep taking painkillers. He might take up cycling, however.
Henrik: guess what your mother textd me Emily: i don't trust that woman lol Emily: what did she send you???? Henrik: PICTURES OF YOU AS A CHILD!!! Henrik: HAHAHAHAHAHA Henrik: that's an evil laugh btw Emily: oh no oh no oh no oh no Emily: pleaseeeeeeee don't send them to anyone else Emily: please don't!!!! Henrik: hahhaha don't worry about it Henrik: you were adorable… what happened to you? Emily: oh shut up
Emily's mother sent old pictures of Emily to Henrik.
Gabi: I saw on FB that you got accepted Gabi: Congratulations!!! Anne: Thanks. I’m glad it’s over. I can celebrate now ☺
Anne got accepted.
John: Hi honey how are you now? Mary: not much different.. John: i m so sorry i had to leave you in this condition? Mary: No its ok i know it was urgent John: did you eat something stale? Mary: no... John: then whats the reason of throwing up? Mary: Dont know. John: take appointment i will come back by 1 pm and we will go than Mary: No... i think its something else.. John: what? is all ok? Mary: yes.. just John: just what baby? its nothing serious right? Mary: oh no... i think i am.. i dont know if i should tell you here John: comeon tell me .... i am so worried Mary: i think i am pregnant... but i am not sure John: WHAT?? like in real Mary: i told you i am not sure.. John: i am coming in half an hour stay ready we are going to see doctor. i cant wait :Smile: Mary: dont be so excited i can get a test strip and check.... John: No i want doctor to give me the newsss 100% assurity. Mary: lol your crazy John: yes i am get ready noww.. Mary: ok
Mary thinks she's pregnant. John wants to take her to the doctor's to confirm it.
Luke: <file_other> Peggy: I know! I read about that! Luke: wanna swing by? Peggy: it's so sad :( Luke: yeah I kinda feel the need to be there Luke: you wanna go Peggy: not sure Peggy: I don't know if I can take it Luke: your choice Luke: If you wanna go I can take you Peggy: ok Luke: Ill go after work Luke: around 6pm Peggy: ok I'll let you know
Luke feels he needs to be there and will go after work around 6 pm. Peggy feels sad about it and doesn't know if she can take it. She will let him know if she wants him to take her with him.
Michael: Do you know what Old Johnson told us to do ten exercices for homework ? Melissa: Old Johnson, the history teacher ? Michael: Yes. Ten exercices to do until tomorrow. Can you imagine ? Melissa: Actually it's quite rude Michael: It's the worst teacher I've ever had. I hate him! Melissa: Do you want me to kill him ? Michael: Melissa ? What are you talking about ?? Melissa: Just kidding. Lol
Michael and Melissa are upset about the large amount of homework exercises they have to do for their history class.
Leroy: I heard from Jake you have a problem with your desktop Emmy: Yeah... Leroy: What's the matter? Emmy: It keeps freezing a lot, it didn't used to happen. Emmy: I mean it's still pretty new. 3 years old? Leroy: That's not too much for a desktop, but maybe it needs some hardware upgrade Leroy: Or maybe there's some unnecessary clutter Leroy: Have you tried deleting temp files and defragmenting your drives? Emmy: Uh... I'm not sure how to do that... Leroy: I see Leroy: We should try that first, if you're unsure, I could do this for you Leroy: Can you download TeamViewer? Emmy: What's that? Leroy: <file_other> Leroy: It's a program that would let me do things on your computer remotely with your permission Emmy: Ohhhh Leroy: Since you said you weren't sure how to go about it, I could help make your PC cleaner and you can observe Leroy: It's not difficult and you could do it yourself later Leroy: It's good to keep your computer clean, it helps it run more smoothly Emmy: Okay, I'm downloading it Emmy: I'll let you know when I've installed it Leroy: Great Leroy: If this doesn't help, it could be some virus or spyware slowing your PC down... but hopefully not Leroy: But we'll scan for them later too Leroy: And if your desktop still runs slowly then, we'll look into replacing some components - maybe you need more RAM Emmy: All right Emmy: Unlike me, you really know what you're doing, haha Emmy: Thanks for trying to help me. The installation is done now, by the way. Leroy: Perfect. Now open it and tell me the details you see on the screen so we can get started Emmy: Just give me a sec
Leroy is offering Emma his help with her computer because it has been acting up recently.
Sam: Guys, IT workers Sam: I need you help Tom: Anything broken again? Sam: no, I want to buy a new laptop, I was considering changing my 3-year-old MacBook Pro to a MacBook Air Tom: why? quite a strange change Sam: I don't need all the fancy options of it, I'm not an IT worker, I don't make animations nor I compose music Sam: So most of the powerful stuff inside it remains unused Sam: it's wasteful Tom: So what do you use your laptop for? Sam: I'm writing my PhD dissertation on it, I have quite many pictures, but that's all Zoe: hmm, it seems to me that what you need is a light computer with a good battery (that can keep up to 12 hours) and a lot of memory Sam: that would be perfect Zoe: ok, so in this case changing to a MacBook Air wouldn't be a bad idea Sam: exactly, that's what I thought, I don't need an expensive computer that has some amazing abilities that I'll never use Zoe: ok, get yourself one then, there is a new version of it Zoe: I think they launched it in November Sam: ok! Zoe: and if you want to buy it in the US, remember that there are a few states that don't have the sales tax Sam: which states? Zoe: I think on the East coast it's Delaware and New Hampshire, but google it Zoe: so if you're in Boston for example, you can always safe a bit by going to NH Sam: ok! Thanks for your help!
Zoe recommends Sam buying MacBook Air in a state with no sales tax.
Kyla: Dear Mr Robinson, I'm so sorry that this is late but here is my science project. I hope it meets all the criteria. Wilson: Thank you, Kyla. Better late than never, I suppose. And have a lovely break. Kyla: Thanks sir and you too.
Kyla sends Wilson her late science project.
Amelia: Hi! What are you dressing up as for the party? Olivia: hey!! not sure yet, there's still time :d Amelia: Well, yeah, but do you have any ideas? Olivia: umm I was thinking a fairy or a witch? or sth else, dunno rly XD Amelia: Lol. Okay, but don't leave it until the last minute again :D. Amelia: It would really suck if you ended up with no costume again. Olivia: noo not gonna happen this time, i really want it to be cool actually Olivia: actually, are you free tomorrow? maybe you wanna go shopping with me and we'll figure sth out? :D Amelia: Actually I am :P. Okay, 6pm at your place? Olivia: great!!! :*:* see you!!! <3 Amelia: See you <3.
Olivia is dressing up as a fairy or a witch or something else. Olivia didn't have a costume last time. Amelia is seeing Olivia at 6 pm at Olivia's to go shopping. Olivia and Amelia will figure her costume out together.
Robert: If you don't have time to cook, just boy some snacks. Rachel: That won't be necessary. I'll bring homemade cookies 😉 Robert: OK, in that case I am the one who's going to the store 😀 Rachel: Get me a pack of onion crisps please.
Rachel will bring some homemade cookies. Robert will go to the store, he'll buy onion crisps for Rachel.
Bob: Hi, any news from Jackie? Tabby: Yes, she said she's in Seattle. Bob: Wait, what? Isn't she supposed to be in Portland? Tabby: It looks like her new boyfriend had to go there for some family business and she joined him. They'll be staying there for about a week. Bob: A new boyfriend? Oh, well, I hope she's find the right guy this time. What's his name? Tabby: Ethan, he's a software engineer or something like that. Bob: Wow! Now that's a real job, hah. Tabby: Come on, Dad... Bob: Just kidding, sweetheart, I know she's a great painter. Send her a big hug from Grandpa Bob. Tabby: All righty! See you, Dad! Bob: Good night, Tabby.
Jackie will stay with her new boyfriend Ethan in Seattle for about a week.
Jordan: Idk. :( help! Michelle: So, let's start with what you'll be wearing. Any ideas? Lee: Remember that qt blouse you got for your b-day? Jordan: Yeah. The one with flowers? Lee: No, the one with all the colours of the rainbow! Jordan: Right! That one! Gr8 idea! Michelle: Trousers? Jordan: Probably. I don't want to be flashing my undies if we're going parachute jumping! :P Lee: Rotfl Michelle: Lol which ones? Jordan: Beige? I think they'd go nicely with the blouse. Lee: Agree. Michelle: Me too. Lee: Shoes? Michelle: I think white sneakers. Lee: Nah. Too boring. I agree with the sneakers though. What colours do you have? Jordan: Navy, grass-green, white, egg-white, purple and burgundy. Michelle: purple or burgundy. Lee: Purple or green. Michelle: Take photos in all combinations and we'll decide :) Jordan: Gr8 idea! <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> Michelle: I think purple goes best with the outfit. Lee: So do I. Jordan: Jewellery? Michelle: Something not too flashy. Rather discreet. Lee: Maybe that necklace I gave you for your b-day? Michelle: And the small earrings from me! :) Lee: Show us! Jordan: <file_photo> Michelle: Perfect!
Jordan will wear the blouse she got for her birthday, the beige trousers, purple sneakers, the necklace Lee gave her for birthday and the small earrings from Michelle.
Rachael: Evening! Paul: All set for the meteor shower tonight? Rachael: Yep, managed to see three last night :) Rachael: I quite like to sit out and satellite spot, do yo have much light pollution? Paul: It's not too bad here, just waiting for sunlight to go.... Paul: Would have never put u down as as a night sky watcher! Rachael: There are lots of things that you wouldn't have put me down for :P Rachael: It's still quite light here too. We're both pooped but it's too good an opportunity to waste sleeping. Paul: Jeez..... Paul: tis only 10pm! Rachael: Yep....that's toddlerhood for you <emoticon_stuck_out_tongue> not complaining. Rachael: I hate parents who whine that it's oh so hard all the time! Paul: That i can understand. I take my brothers minions every other weekend and it takes a week to recover! Rachael: Have you seen anything yet? Rachael: I saw two but had to come in to sort the kid. Rachael: Just waiting for him to fall back into a coma so i can go out again! Paul: Saw one but its clouding over here so don't have much clear sky Paul: :( Rachael: The cloud really cleared up. Saw lots <emoticon_:smiley:>
Rachael and Paul are watching the meteor shower tonight. Rachael doesn't want to complain about having a kid, but Paul understands it.
Betty: <file_other> Betty: Maybe you should think over you diet :D: Steven: It seems like you can't do anything nowadays Steven: Everything we have contact with causes cancer :( Steven: Here's my opinion - life causes death Betty: Seriously you shouldn't ignore this! Steven: Come on. If you want to avoid cancer causing things, you should move to the jungle on a different planet and wear a space suit. Steven: On this list you sent there is UV radiation causing cancer. Steven: Meaning that literally the daylight can make you sick. Betty: It's about long-term exposure. Steven: Yup. Generally spending time outside in summer gives you cancer. Betty: Don't neglect scientific reasearch. Steven: I'm not. But I just think life is too short to get paranoid over everything Steven: I fully support fighting with smoking in public places, convincing people to quit smoking, start diverse diet and avoid unhealthy food. Steven: But I'm honestly surprised that scientist devote so much time to analyze what and how causes cancer, and there is still no certain cure for it. Steven: The more we study world, the more substances we analyze, and the more we analyze the more conclusions we have. Steven: So in near future we might learn that literally everything causes cancer because that's how the world was programmed Betty: I'm no radical paranoic Steve I'm just saying, that if you don't have to expose yourself to additional risk, then don't do it.
Betty warned Steven about some cancer-causing part of his diet. He refuses to avoid it.
Samantha: So did you get that job you wanted? Aubrey: Uhh, don't even ask Aubrey: I did get it but I had to quit after 2 weeks and look for another one Samantha: What? Why? Aubrey: They had unreasonable expectations >_> Aubrey: Wanted us to do way more than the contract said Aubrey: A lot of people just went along with it but I couldn't handle it Samantha: Oh wow, that sucks :/ I'm sorry to hear that Aubrey: There was also that guy Jason, he seemed kind of creepy to me, so I don't really regret it Aubrey: Luckily mum managed to get me a job through one of her friends since she knew how much I wanted to earn some money this summer, haha Samantha: :) Samantha: I guess things worked out in the end, then! Will you be working there until the end of holiday? Aubrey: Mm, I'll finish one week before that, so there'll still be some time to rest, woohoo Samantha: Wanna come to our summer house for a couple od days? Aubrey: I wouldn't wanna trouble you? Samantha: Not at all! :D
Aubrey had to quit the new job after 2 weeks due to unreasonable expectations and she doesn't regret it. Her mum helped her get a summer job and she'll finish it one week before the end of holiday. Aubrey will come over to Samantha's summer house for a couple of days.
Timmy: Bt aren't the guest lists like closed already? Gemma: The guest list is never closed :) Timmy: Y? Gemma: Believe me! I'm a girl and I know such things! Timmy: Ah, so that's secret girl knowledge? Gemma: Betcha!
Guest list is never closed. Gemma knows that because she is a girl.
Caleb: How are you guys? Jeniffer: very good, thanks Brooke: yes, it's very exciting here Caleb: where are you exactly? Jeniffer: Now in New York! Caleb: how cool! Caleb: what have you seen so far? Jeniffer: We've been to Connecticut and Massachusetts Jeniffer: But NYC is the best Brooke: you forgot about Rhode Island Jeniffer: right, such an important state! :P Brooke: ;) Caleb: you see, I knew you would like it Caleb: what do you like the most? Jeniffer: diversity! Jeniffer: something we don't have in Europe to that extend Jeniffer: you're walking down a street and you hear 15 different languages Brooke: and everything is exaggerated Brooke: too big, greater than needed, it's quite fascinating Brooke: food, buildings, cars, everything Caleb: I'm glad you enjoy it girls! Brooke: :*
Jeniffer and Brooke're in New York now. They've been also to Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The thing Jeniffer likes the most in America is diversity while in Brooke's opinion it's urban splendor.
Alina: Has anybody seen Jason recently? George: nope, since he changed his job, I've had no news from him Mary: neither I Alina: very strange... Tom: Have you noticed he left the group some weeks ago? Alina: I did, but I though he just didn't want to read what's going on in the office Alina: I could understand it Mary: sure, also we write here a lot of general bullshit Alina: mostly mean gossips :P George: so maybe just write him a private message Alina: I wrote him on Friday, he hasn't responded since Alina: I don't understand what's going on Mary: hard to say really Mary: seems he doesn't want to be in touch...
Alina, George, Mary and Tom haven't heard from Jason since he changed his job. Jason left also their group some weeks ago. He hasn't responded to the private message Alina wrote him on Friday.
Justin: <file_photo> Justin: look how sweet they look now Brenda: Whaaat? I'can't believe it! Justin: they just stopped fighting at some point Brenda: I'm in shock! I see Mr Whiskers is pretty happy <3 Justin: He looks calm now indeed! Brenda: we need to take him to the vet on Monday Justin: did you book the appointment? Brenda: yes, 4.30 p.m.
Brenda and Justin will take their cat to the vet on Monday at 4.30 p.m.
Tom: Hey, you ready? I'm almost here Jim: Sure, just need to put my shoes on :) Tom: Ok, so wait for me downstairs in 5 minutes, the parking here is terrible :) Jim: Yeah, I know, that's why I have a bike :) Tom: Smartass :P
Tom is almost there. Jim is ready, he'll put the shoes on and wait downstairs in 5 minutes.
Kim: I need to change my cats food Renee: why? Kim: he stopped eating Renee: serius? Kim: yep, I think he had enough Renee: that is possible? It's a cat Kim: I think it is, he's eating other stuff Renee: <lol>
Kim's cat stopped eating, so she needs to change its food.
Gill: When are you going to do your first marathon? Tracey: No idea, but it's high time to start thinking about it Tracey: If I wanted to run in the marathon, I'd have to train a lot Gill: A friend of mine ran in the marathon without a proper preparation and he fainted during the run. Gill: You need to be extra careful Tracey: There are instances like that and they happen very often Gill: But in my opinion it's all worth trying Tracey: Agree
Tracey wants to run a marathon but she needs a proper preparation first.
Kate: <file_photo> Kate: <file_photo> Silvia: <3 Kate: my size not available now :( :( :( Silvia: some other shop? Kate: nope. I'm afraid it's an old model Silvia: try on ebay Kate: I will Kate: no results :/ Silvia: I'm still looking for my black melissas... Kate: didn't you find them? last year? Silvia: I did! and I lost them in Morocco, remember? Silvia: I would buy 10 pairs now and wear them for the rest of my life Kate: hahaha totally understand
Kate wants to buy some new Melissa shoes, but her size is not available anywhere. She lost her old pair in Morocco.
Linda: Babes... you were looking gorgeous last night. Sarah: Thanks love you were looking lovely too. Linda: babe i was totally in love with your lip color.. which one was it? Sarah: it was mac i dont remember the shade i will see and let you know. Linda: oh dont worry when ever you get time just take a picture and send me. Sarah: Sure. Linda: can i ask you something? if you dont mind. Sarah: go ahead Linda: it has only 2 months to your marriage.. why harry doesnt accompany you in family events? is everything ok? Sarah: yes every thing is alright... Linda: you can tell me, may be i can help. Sarah: its just that we have different choices opinions likes and dislike Linda: so? Sarah: so we arent really getting along well... Linda: this is so sad! but you knew him for 3 years... and you guys were madly in love :( i dont believe this. Sarah: we always had different personalities, it was i dont know what that kept us in love ... which i dont think is there anymore.. Linda: oh ho! dont say that... it has only been 2 months.. dont take decision give your relationship some time. Sarah: Decision? its been a month we havnt seen each other... Linda: what? are you serious... guys have gone crazy.... i am going to speak to him .. i dont believe this .. this is crazy man Sarah: Linda... i told you everything but i want you to stay away from it. dont mind.. but i havnt allowed anyone to speak between us, we will sort out Linda: but its just that i care for you... Sarah: i understand but please i dont mean to offend you. Linda: ok but i wish everything gets sorted and you guys live together happily and i am sorry for whatever your going through.. Sarah: oh dont worry i am perfectly fine. Linda: love u babe Sarah: love u tooo
Linda loves Sarah's lipstick. Sarah doesn't get along well with her fiancé, and she thinks she's not in love anymore. Sarah doesn't want Linda to interfere in her relationship.
Mary: Do you know where Lisa went? Adam: I think she's in the cinema with John Mary: Oh shit! Mary: She took my keys!
Lisa went to the cinema with John. She took Mary's keys.
Martha: Have your cats done any damage to your house? Natalie: Well... Natalie: They scratched our chairs so much the material looks devastated :( Natalie: And the love biting cables Natalie: They managed to bite through my MacBook charger, and my boyfriend's phone charger twice. Martha: Haha. I haven't heard about cats eating cables. Natalie: Well. You have now :) Natalie: But since my boyfriend crafted them a big scratching pole, they stopped scratching chairs which is nice. Martha: Good!
Natalie's cats have scratched the chairs in her house and bitten through phone and MacBook chargers. Her boyfriend crafted them a scratching pole to prevent them from damaging things in the house.
Anastasia: Can we eat a little alter today? Harmony: why? Anastasia: I need to finish sth Anastasia: only 30 min later Harmony: :'( Harmony: if must :D Harmony: <file_gif> Anastasia: :D thx
Anastasia asks Harmony to have a meal a bit later today.