congratulation Leonard you passed my secret loyalty test the truth is I was never having an affair with the cafeteria lady there is only one woman who gets to touch my no-no parts and she's right here
Gratulerer, du bestod lojalitetstesten. Jeg hadde ingen affære. Bare en kvinne får røre ved mine "nei-nei"- deler, og hun star her.
um perhaps because you're her mother and she didn't want to disappoint you
Kanskje hun ikke ville skuffe deg.
I don't know about you but I don't really like magic
Jeg liker ikke tryllekunster.
okey you're skydiving down you're almost to the ground now when you land you gonna wanna okey you're dead
Ok, du er nesten nede på bakken. Når du lander skal du… Ok, du døde.
please it would mean a lot
Vær så snill.
I'm supposed to be bonding with him you have your own father in-law leave mine alone
La svigerfaren min være.
fine how about we split up but we stay in constant communication with each other
Ja vel, vi deler oss opp men holder kontakt.
I'd love to see your trick daddy
Veldig gjerne.
hey Raj you're gonna be fine just break out some of your kama sutra moves
Bare ta fram noen "Kama Sutra"-knep.
you could say that about anything it's just a cemetery it's just a haunted house it's just a portal to hell heh
Det kan man si om alt. "Det er bare et hjemsøkt hus." "Bar en portal til helvete."
well Raj and I were chasing them down like you asked us to and then we came across a russian paper that seems to disprove super asymmetry
Raj og jeg har sjekket dem opp. Vi fant en russisk artikkel som virker å motbevise superasymmetri.
so now I have to sit on the floor? I's my house why can't Sheldon sit on the floor?
Kan ikke Sheldon sitte på gulvet?
oh I'm definitely showing it to them
Jo, utvilsomt.
totally understandable I'll ask again what do you mean don't beat myself up?
Forståelig. Hva mener du med "ikke vær så hard mot deg selv?
this is the list of the papers we need to pull why don't we split up you take half I take half
Her er artiklene vi må finne. Vi kan ta halvparten hver.
so you've been using Sheldon as an excuse to get out of seeing your mother?
Har du brukt Sheldon som unnskyldning?
because I told her why you need a cup of coffee? Wake up
Fordi jeg sa det! Våkn opp.
oh Amy they're important to you and you're important to me (.) therefore according to the transitive property they're important to me
De er viktige for deg, og du for meg. Dermed er de viktige for meg.
I'd like to stay if you don't mind
Jeg vil gjerne bli.
he's your best friend in the whole world
Han er bestevennen din.
m: sometimes I get leg cramps it's my cover story
Det hender jeg får krampe I beina.
it's just a practise tape from when I was trying to become a member of The Magic Castle
Øving for The Magic Castle.
well if it helps I was really nervous my first time with Bernie
Jeg var kjempenervøs med Bernie.
hey Denise is Stuart here?
Er Stuart her?
you know what we wrote this paper together I think we should decide together that they go at an appendix at the end
Vi skreiv artikkelen sammen, så vi bør bestemme det sammen. At vi setter dem i et billag.
well grieving is a prosess every culture has it's own ritualts and traditions to facilitate mourning the acient Egyptians had their mumification the Tibetans had their sky funeral
Enhver kultur har sine ritualer for bearbeidelse av sorg. De gamle egypterne hadde mumifisering, tibetanerne…
watch your mouth your mom may be watching
Pass munnen din!
kinda rolls right of the tongue doesn't it?
Det bare sklir av tungen.
that's busy-work can't you just get a grad-student to do it?
Kan dere ikke hyre en doktorand?
arh damn it why can't I hit anybody?
Hvorfor treffer jeg ingen?
yeah a that's not true that's just something Sheldon made up to test us
Det er ikke sant, Sheldon fant det på for å teste oss.
I respect that and I'm glad I helped lead you to this moment
Jeg er glad jeg kunne hjelpe deg til å innse det.
it's okay you'll get it here let me show you again
Det går fint. Jeg viser deg det en gang til.
oh I never went through with it I watched the tape and realised I wasn't good enough (.) you know that trick where you saw a manikin in half?
Jeg innså at jeg ikke holdt mål. Du vet når man sager en dukke i to?
well Howard lured your dad away with magic so now I'm bonding with your mom
Howard lurte vekk faren din, så jeg knytter bånd med din mor.
well I am a little hurt that you weren't gonna tell me my husband were having an affair I thought we were friends
Jeg er litt såret over at du ikke skulle si det til meg.
you you guys can't just give up eh individually you are the smartest people I know together you can do anything
Dere kan ikke bare gi opp. Sammen klarer dere hva som helst.
no I I found a paper that proves their theory wrong I mean they thought this was gonna be their Nobel Price it's gonna break his heart
Nei, jeg fant en artikkel som motbeviser teorien deres. -Han kommer til å bli helt knust.
I don't know it's pretty creepy down here maybe we should stay together?
Det er skummelt her. Vi holder sammen.
well I would love to help you out dear but I'm very busy at the moment perhaps we can schedule a time next week?
Jeg er opptatt. Kan vi sette opp en avtale for neste uke?
oh hey I just need to give Sheldon some bad news and I really don't want to
Jeg må gi Sheldon dårlige nyheter.
I ordered some coffee for us
Jeg bestilte kaffe.
Beverly thought it could help? We should try it
Da bør vi prøve!
no trust me it's not I went to prom with a hickey and a black eye (.) come on knock on the door you can do this
Jeg hadde bade sugemerke og blåveis. Bank på døren.
I'm with Sheldon we worked our buts off on this paper and it was all for nothing and if you think some pep-talk can fix that then you don't understand how much this meant to us
Vi jobbet stumpen av oss forgjeves. Tror dere at snakk hjelper, innser dere ikke hva det betydde for oss.
your magic tricks from the garage your wands your top hat with a stuffed mouse inside
Tryllerekvisittene dine. Staver, flosshatten med en utstoppet mus oppi…
a grad-student? I am not trusting our unpublished paper to some millennial
Jeg gir ikke vår upubliserte artikkel til en millennial.
ah no time to talk about that now all your action-figures are on fire Harrison Ford's in the lobby come quick
Vi rekker ikke å prate om det nå. Harrison Ford er i lobbyen, kom fort!
Amy and I are married and I never talk to her family
Jeg snakker aldri med Amys familie.
well it was cited in this paper over here so I thought we should check it out
Den ble sitert i denne artikkelen.
because I couldn't talk and ran in the bathroom to slug back a bottle of champagne when I pretended to pee?
Fordi jeg helte i meg champagne på do mens jeg lot som jeg tisset?
oh just one question while we're doing it can I leave my shirt on?
Ett spørsmål, bare. Kan jeg ha på meg skjorten?
my point is we both have our little eccentricities
Vi har begge våre små særegenheter.
I thought so too but my mom thought it might work
Mor mente at det kunne hjelpe.
no you know what it doesn't matter nothing matters
Intet har noen mening likevel.
Sheldon? What's going on? Where is Larry?
Sheldon? Hvor er Larry?
don't beat yourself up it's a hard game
Det er et vanskelig spill.
thank god it was not a lady I'd just be getting out of jail
I så fall ville jeg sonet til nå.
oh my god oh my god she just texted she's on her way up
Herregud, hun er på vei opp!
pretty good I'm just looking through the effect of high energy muons on proton pions scattering at the national accelerator ((inhales in asthma inhaler)) laboratory
Jeg sjekker effekten av myoner på pioneer i det nasjonale akselerator… laboratoriet.